HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-24 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotl .. .. ,. . '· •• •• •• •• .. , ,• Serving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, MAY 24, 2003 Councilman's comments anger City Hall Newport Beach's Dick Nichols gets sco rn from colleagues after suggesting that planning co mmissioners took a bribe. to oppose the commission's de- cisJon to deny a alteration for a South Bayfront home. incongruous with what should be done that it almost leads one to aak lhat question,· Nichols said. ate, and is a slander agaJnst all of the planning commissioners.· QUESTION I ? Should council member9 be altowed I Commissioner fat Selich agreed. June C11a1rand• Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -An un· founded comment by Council· man Dick Nichols that one or more planning commJssioners might have been bribed has pro- voked outrage from commis- ~ioners and colleagues -many of whom say that Nichols was out of line at Thursday's com- mission meeting. "It sure doesn't look good. It looks 1ilc.e you're taldng money for this one,· Nichols told com- missioners. On Friday. he said that he had no evidence of any such wrong- doing. CommJssion Olairrnan Steven Kiser was one of the city leaders outraged by the comment "It was pretty inappropnate," Kiser said Friday. In an e-mail to Nichols. l(jser wrote, "This statement was com- pletely unfounded, inappropri- "I've been in public service a long time and I've never seen a council member speak at a plan- ning commission meeung, • Sel- ich said. "In my opinion, it's to tally inappropriate that he wab to ~k st other city • committee meetings? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-0086 or send e-mail to dailypilot@latimtts.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number. for verification purposes only Nichols spoke at the meeting "I suggested that the Planning Commission decision seemed so See COMMENTS, Pace A4 DON LEACH I DAl.Y PtLOT Lindsay Freeman of Estancia High, far right, shows her $10,000 scholarship to parents Patrick and Sylvia Dunn, and brother Patrick Freeman, middle, during IMne Co.'s 2003 Student leadership Awards at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach. Icing on the cake Christine Carrillo DailyPttot L lndsay Freeman aspire<> to hold a seat one day in the U.S. Senate and ultimately serve as an ambas- sador to a Third-World country. The 18-year-old Harvard-bound senior from Estancia High School has high hopes for her future. and no one doubts she'll try to make them all happen. When she received a $10,000 scholarship from the Irvine Co. on Thursday, much of Orange County became even more con- vinced. "She's fantasdc, and we're just so thrilled.· said Freeman's father, Patrick Dunn. "We just Estancia High senior Llndsay Freeman has $10,000 to put toward h er Harvard education thanks to an Irvine Co. scholarship knew her mind was set and that everything she puts her mind to she (makes happen). Everything she does, she puts her hean and soul into.· The Irvine Co. honored 30 high school sen- iors from 15 schools in the Irvine. Laguna Beach, Newport-Mesa. Orange and Tustin Preparations key for Memorial Day weekend Officials at the beaches and the airport urge care and thought to keep the holiday moving smoothly. IM-aD.PlilM unified school districts who have demon- strated qualities of community leadership . The $2,000 scholarships. which are part of the company's lnvesnng in Education 2003 Awards Program. went to college-bound stu~ dents with a grade polnt average higher tharlt 3.0. Eight of those tudents were selected as semifinalists and received an additional Sl,000. Freeman and Hilary Havens from Costa Mesa High School were among them. Four finalists were selected from che eight and received an addiuonal $7,000 In scholar- ship funm. "It's near impossible to choose. but we put them through a rigorous project." said Dan Sff ICING, Pqe M OCC paper takes on student government Student-run Coas t Re pon details possible violation of state open m eeting laws by budget committee. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot OCC u\MPUS E:arller Uu.s month. the college\ '>tudent newspaper began bombard- ing the ~oc1ated Students of Orange Coast College Budget Comnunee with questions At the heart of these quesuons were allega- uons that the student orgamz.auon Ylolated California's public meeting laws. During an investigation, student jouma1- 1sts at the Coast Repon found that the budget committee held three closed meetlilgs in April and May, dunng which time they formed recommendat.10ns for the associated students' board of crustees on how to allocate more than $700.000 to vanow. campw. or- ganiz.auons. In an arucle in the May 14 i~ue, "Oosed See DEBATE, Pa1e A4 FAMILY TIME Bet on sloth to win every time I f one were to read the Dru.Ir Ptlot's Joseph :-.: Bell, or any of the other predictable respome'i by the left to former secretary of Education and best -selling author Bill Bennetts out-of control • video poL.er ga.mblmg habit. one would thmk that this son of thing STEVE doesn't happen every day. SMITH Sadly. it does. The leaders in our nauon. whether they're public servants or private atlzens, Republicans or SM FA#a.Y, Paa• Al Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.~ WEATHER In cooQog down. S.PlpA2 BACK BAY Alp. Ctwta c. ....... biet ID~ moN n.r.Gf. ..... Al IPOln'I ~ ~-j • j .. I • ~ Al s.udly, May 24. 2003 • THE MORAL OF THE STORY The meaning of Memorial .Day "Many men have served God and muntry well in arms; they have been wJorous In boaJe, magnanimous in victory. padmt In defeat and capture and faithful In daldL .. -SHERWOOD EUOTWIRT T his column appears over the Memorial Day weekend I read that it wa,, ortgf.nally called "Decomtioo Day" and was. and is sdJl. a day to remember those who have died while serving our oountry. Apparently, there are differing stories about its ttue odgio. as well as assorted places that claim to be the bUtbplace. One soura! said "While Wa1edoo, N. 'l was oftidally declared the btrtbplace of Memoda1 Day by CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON President 1.¥nd<>n Johnson in May 1966, it's difBcult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. It is more llke1y that it bad many separate beginninp. .. 1bere was far more information than I could sort through. though it was Interesting to me to read some of the poeay written about Memorial Dey. l didnl know those poets, but one poet I do know has written coundes.s wonderful poems about anythlng and everything. He has also written a great deal of poetry about God. Memorial Day, freedom • and patriotism. and graciously agreed to let me share two of his poems with you His name b Prank Carpenter, and here are the poems, and when he says "Men." be refers to both men and women who have served for our nation: SONG OP FREEDOM Still ringing are the battle aies of freedom from the past Sling out by brave young men who spilled their blood and breathed their last Still waving b the ftag They proudly served and held aloft; Yet. we must be ever wary, Lest our resolve grows dim and soft; Our children need to know the legacy or freedom which ~ theirs; as the gauntlet passes on to them. for they are freedoms heirs; Sons and daughters or a liberty which was born of trial and strife; Paid for dearly by the ooundefiS mm who gave both limb and life; We must keep the fire bumJng, May we never Jet it <lie; So our ch.ildrenS children's children know the sound of freedom's ay; It's not enough to jwt be born here. We have to guard our liberty; And ~ it on so generations In the future will be free. A\TlUOl1SM My patriotism has never been tested. Though I spout its rhetoric with ease; Waging the war of woros from home, Just as courageous as you please; Yet. I am only able to do so, Ala• ase far better men than I Are willing to fight for my fJeedom. Brave men. who couJd very well die In defmse of what I believe in. of our beloved democracy; Thetm b the truest patJiod.gn. lhey are the pride of the land of the free; And knowing that they are out there In that desert. so far away Mak.es me proud to be an American. And more so than ever today. Our beal1felt thanks to the countless numbers of you who served or are still serving and saaifidng for God and country. Many thanks to you. too. Frank, for sharing your beautiful and pa.triode poetty with \.L1. And you can quote me oo that • C'Ml1V TRANE ORST&ON 11 a Newpor1 Beach resident who IP88lal ~to parenting g~ She may be readled via e-mail at clndy@onthftgrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 8140-No. 606, Newport Beedl, CA 92868. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 144 THOMASH.~ Publlahef TONYDCIOERO Editor JVt/'( Ult IINO ~:-= Pl"omotlone Oirec:tor FAITH Jazzing up the usual routine Norm Freeman will perform Jazz Vespers for the Soul at St. Michael and All Angels Church on June 1. By Mlchele M•rr In 1994, Norm Freeman was on the road with Barbara Streisand. a member of the band for her reunion concen tour. When the concert played a local Orange C.Ounty venue, the musicians stayed at the Four Seasons at Fash.ion Island. That's when Freeman foWld St Michael and All Angels Episcopal O:mrch in Corona del Mar. "When I travel, I love to visit churches," be said, recalling bis first visit to the church campus nearly 10 yea.rs ago. .. That was long before I could have imagined I would someday be living in Southern Callfomia." FYI WHAT. Jazz Vespers for the Soul WHEN: Sunday, June 1 et 5 p.m. WHERE: St Michael and All Angels, 3233 Padflc Vlew Drive (at Marguerite), Corona del Mar No: (!MS) 644 0483 COS'r. Free, donetlons accepted Testament canticle, a short lesson, a short responsory, the Magniftcat with antiphons, and prayers. "Jazz vespers is a synthesis of traditions. It blends the age-old liturgy with the unique musical language we call j81.Z. It's spontaneous and collaborative. It gives voice to the bwnan spirit through a musical language that transcends the limits of speech,· Freeman said. The services attract muJtigeneratJonal audiences. and many who attend are not members of the church that hosts a service. People often come with family and friends, and sometimes, they don't expect to enjoy It. But people like It when they give it a chance, Freeman said. •Heads bop. toes tap and bodies sway during the musk.• he said. Not only does Freeman now live in Southern Callfomla, be ls now also an Episcopal priest. In 1994, he ente~ the General Theological Seminary, and during his sn..dles received pastoral training at Bellevue Hospital in New Yolk City. He WU ordained in 1997 and became curate at SL Paul's F.§>iscopal Cliurch in Greenwich, C.Onn. Norm Freeman will play at St. Michael and All Angels Church. nm Getz. minister of music at SL Michael and All Angels in Corona del Mar. says Episcopalians can be a very traditional about their church music. lo Man::b 2000, he had a chance to move his family to Santa Barbara where he is now Vicar of the Cllurch of St Michael and All Angels in Isla VJ.Sta. Episcopal chaplain for the UC Santa Barbara and founder of a ministry called Jazz in the Cllurch. The priest is a Grammy award-winning percussionist. He earned a bachelor's and a master's in music from the JuJliard Sdlool. He played with the New York Philharmonic for almost two decades, working under Leonard Bernstein, Zubin Mehta and Kurt Mazuc. He performed in the orchestras of the Broadway productions of "Grease• and •A Cl>orus Une. • He bas played with Metallica, Paul McCartney, the Moody Blues, Lionel Ritchie, Barry White and Rosemary Oooney. Has been timpani.st for the New York. Pops since the orchestra ~ founded 20 years ago, and he still returns to New York to play five concerts a year und~r the direction of Skit ch Henderson. Next weekend, Freeman will visit SL Michael and All Angels in Corona deJ Mar again, th.ls time to play Jazz Vespers for the Soul. the final concen in the churchs 2002-0.1 Friends of Music rll'St Sundays at Five Series. ~1 fell in love with !this areal before l entered seminary, . while traveling with Barbara Streisand's band and staying at the Four Seasons, fbutl I never could have imagined the jowney that would lead to my upcoming visit. .. he said. Along with Freeman. who will play the vibes, the service will feature three other jazz FAITH CAl.£N>AR SPECIAL EVENTS FUND-RAISER IN VERSE one. St. Andrew's Youth Minmer, Dave Aodmesa will talk on "Parenting Through Love and Logic." Call St. Andrew's et (949) 574-2239, the c::hurdl is at 600 St. Andrew's Road in Newport Beach. artists. pianist Theo Sanders, bassist Putter Smith and drummer KendaO Kay. all wen known for their talent.a and musically creative voices. "("Theyl are among the busiest players on the jau. scene." Freeman said. "They can pick and choose what they waat to do. They espedaDy enjoy playing for the community that gathers in chwcbes for these services." Vespers is one of two customary bows of prayer in the Church. lta roots go bad to the trad!donaJ evening prayers of ancient Israel Once called Lucemarium, in English "lamp-Ugh ting time,· It begins with a prayer of blessing at the rising of the evening star. In the Western Cllurcb. the . presentfonnoftheevening prayer service includes a hymn and by two p~ , a New ·("They ue anl organ-and-choir loving bunch. but once you bear jazz vespers. you're converted," be said. "And I like the little jobs (Nonnl slips In from time to time. like when he plays 'Pennies from Heaven' during the oO:ering. • Freeman's Jazz in the Church ministry and It's Web lite, jazzm;ntstry.org, is meant to be a resource for others who migh1 want to introduce jut vespers to thetr own church communJty, to help them learn from Freeman's experience and the experience of others. "We tty to give it all away." he said. "Juz vespers has a freshnea that is open to God's spirit For me, It's been a wonderful path to deepening my relationship with God. At its best, it's inspired.· ctloirs at 5 p.m. Sunday at 3233 446-4960. PrHegistration is Pacific Vtew Drive. Information: (9491 required. 6440463. 'CHRtsllAN MEDfTATION 101' "Chmtian Meditation 101 - Leaming to And God in a Busy ntRTEEN JEWtSH STEPS TO RECOVERY Singing from their hearts to Corona del Mar, members of the Marshallese Olurdl are raising funds for a c::hurdl van and a SummerYoUtfi Rilly. Tt'ie event wlll be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Community Olurdl Congregational, 611 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar. lnfonnatlon: (949) 717-0610. HEALTH CARE WORKSHOP St. Andrew's f>resbvterian Churdl will present a free workshop on the "Nuts-and Bok& of Heatth C.re Directives and Long-term Care Insurance" from 9 a.m. to noon today at St. Andrew's in Oierenfield Hall. For more information and reservations, call Annie in the congregational care of'lioa at (949) 574-2239. The dlunti Is at 600 St. Andrew's Road in Newport Beach. ~ World" will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St Michael & All Angels Episcopal Churdl at 3233 Pacific View Drive. lnfonnation19491 644-0463. Jewish Family SeMoe is offering a support and disa ISSion group for adults whoee children or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group win meet from 1Jo8;30p.m. T~E. Batter St, Suite G In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 446-4950. Pre-reglstnrtk>n Is required. FREE SEIMAR A80UT ' CtaDREN Home BuUders Family Fellowship wiH preMr'lt a free semif\ar on Sund8y morning for those who heve teenagen. preteens or want to enjoy your c:tiHd when they become FIRST SUNDAYS AT FIVE CONCERT St Midlael & AJI Angels Episcopal Churdl wiU pretent "Happy Voices" with the St Mld\aet's c:tilldren's ConlWlleon News usistant. (!MS) 57""'298 C)O(Wt. •111fl11on•J.tlm-.com PHOTOOMPHIERS Seen Hi ... Don I.Md\. ic.1tT~ READa8 HOTUNE (949) 642-8088 Record your commentt •bout the Dlity Pilot or new1 tJ,,.. ~ Our addteM ta 330 W. Bey St., eo.a Meu, CA 92t27. OMoe hout9 are Mor*¥ • Frtdey, 8:30 a.m. • S p.m • C11n11hr1 It le .. fltloc'I poky to PfOi•......, oon-=r .. .,...of ........ ,....call (Mlt 1M tSM. "' TI..Newpott~Meile Delly rlOl~MWDOJ .. Pl bllzliiid 4111¥. "'Nau ... ..... tnd Clill ...... 1111'8& ., ... .. ............. , ...... n.. nm. Ollliilll C'illllllY ... ........ _ .... ., ............... Cllll""' ••• \211N•to .. DllJ ....... 911911 ... ~ ~ .. c:t.l "'91 for ao '* monlh: <'*-.,... .. ISIS1l111de..,_,..._...._, l'OITMAITBt ........... ....... ,_.....,. ~ ..... ~fllac,,O, Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news siortee. lllustntk>na, edlton.I matter or edYertJMmenla hentln can be reptOduoed without written permiulon of copyright owner. HOW 10 MAaf US Cln:ulmdOft The TI"* Orange County (I00) 262-8141 .:\dt:ad tn1 Q111• 1 d CIM81 M:z.5678 DllpllJ (Ml 842"'321 ....... ... ,..,ea•• __.., ... PMm .................. ,,0 .......... ,~70 ..... ~·""""-·«>m ........ ..... Gmlli , .. , 842"'321 I Ji 111flllil(Ml831 7128 ~ bVTimel Commvnhy Hewe,. cfvtelon of Che Lot~ nm.. aDClll l""-CN. NA rtgMI ·--- WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is forming a parenting group to hetp parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) • 19 your churdl ot place of worship planning 8 special event? If IO, lend the typed infonnation 8t '9IJlt two weeta before the event to the Delly Plloc, 330 W. Bey St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627, attention: Peul Saitowitz. religion editor.; fax to 19491646-4170 or eendHnailto dailypllottllatima.oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The dramatic cool down that came In on Friday will continue today, with early June gtoom that should bum off by earty afternoon. Highs will just top the 70 martc.. Lowa will be In the upper60s. Sundey's looklng similar, though a few degieea warmer . lnfomwtlo .. ; ~.IM&noM.flOV BOATING FORECAST The wlndl wMI blow 10 knoCs In 1he Inner wNr'I eerty, but will pldt up to 15 knols Ihle lftlmoon,., 2.foot ~ endtw.-ttweMof3to4• Out ........ w ••• rtv ...... blow 10 tolO ""°"' whh t· to J.fOGt WW. ..... nCM1h -Mill Of •to 7 -The .... w9 ....... ncdwtu 11 rtv Ind. blow ...,,. ........... ,.'° 21--.wllhi-to...- wwee. SURF 'Dle weekend won't be slzable. At the V9fY best. there may be• f9W cn.t-hlgN. Otherwise, lt'a loc*lng like knee-to Mitt-highs. The next aouthweat twell th.t erriwe Tl..leedey lhould ptOYide c:tie.t· to ~endthe ~held-Nah. More ~wtn rol In on Wldf lltdey, though lhe prime.,.. wtn hev9 ~ w....-,: ~~OIJI TIDES n. l:ase.m. 1~p..m • Htp.m. , ....... .,,..,.. • • Cox bill calls for wetlands aid Second-story deal something of a uccess Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot But Rice Is not entirely happy with the results. bwlrung he1191t of l3 feet. the limit lx>mg l7 fl't!t for i.econd i.to- ne:,. PIUI Cllnton DaUyPilot NEWPoRT-MESA -Rep. Outs C.ox wants more federal oversight of a wetlands mtering project that could signiticandy dean up polluted runoff In San Diego Creek and the Bade Bay. A subcomminee of the House Resources Committee on Thurs- day held a hearing on Cox's bill that could also hook federal funding for the project The Irvine Ranch Water Dls- tJict has proposed. with its natu- ral treattnem system. a network of natural wetlands along San Diego Creek to filter water Oow- lng down the San Diego Creek Watershed from lawns, high· ways and golf courses. Jhe wa- ter usually contains pesticides, oil, grease, animal waste and other substances that degrade water In San Diego Creek. a Back Bay tributary. The bill, called the Irvine Ba- sin Surface and Groundwater Improvement Act. would allow the federal Bureau of Reclama- tion to "as&st in the planning. development and design" of the man-made wetlands. Cox said "Because the Bureau of Recla- mation has extensiYe experience with such projects. its p&l1idpa- tion will be Important In ensur- ing that the project moves for- ward as quickly and cost-effectively as possible," Cox said With the agency involved, project planners could secure federal grant money to pay for 25% of the project's $41-rnillion price tag. Bob Caustin. an environmen- talist who founded Defend the Bay to improve water quality Ill the Back Bay, ~ the Irvine Co. of adding polluted runoff to the watershed with itS 374· home Shady c.anyon project. The company has al.so set aside 175 acres, as part of that proje<.1, for open space. Caustin said the company ha!. a responsibility to develop a bet- ter drainage plan for that and other housing projects in the watershed that stretche. through six cities. including Newport Beach and Irvine. "I'd rather see Congressman Cox work on getting the bay dredged than something that's going to benefit the 1rvine Co., .. Caustin said. "Now, the federal ~mment is subddiziog (Ir- vine Co. Chairman) Don Bren; he's already a billionaire.· An Irvine Co. spokesman sharply refuted Caustin's com- ment "Whatever difference Mr. Caustin has with our company. it's inaccurate, unfair and off- base for him to criticize Congres.gnan Cox for his superb leadership on an issue that will significantly improYe water quality in Newport Bay." Irvine Co. spokesman John Ouisten- sen said. In adrution to the water dis- trict. Newport Beach an~ Orange County officials are of- fering their input on the project "Congressman C.ox should be applauded Cor his support of this project." said Beth Beeman. a spokeswoman for the water dis- trict. wit shows he cares a.bout the quality of water in Newport Bay." COSTA MF.sA -Adding a sec- ond story is not easy these days. lnst.ead of signifying an end to the process. an approval from the wning administrator can set off a frustrating roller coaster of ap- peals culminating in a public hearing before the Qty Council, costing time and money. · This week. for a change. the dispute between two neighbors over privacy was resolved before it got to the council, thanks to Mayor Gary Monahan. The resolution saved both homeowners -John Rice. who was trying to add the second story. and M1ke Soyder. who had the privacy 1.S1tues -more i.tress and left the council llrne to con- sider other issues on the agenda. Being a father of five gave Monahan a seasoned perspective on the issue of privacy, he said wit was pretty obvious that the neighbors just hadn't gonen to- gether and, having several kids of my own. I understood the privacy isrue prerty weU." Monahan said "I though it could be pretty sim- ply solved without a full-blown hearing." "I felt I was acrually being pe- nalized because I was the first house on my block Ito add a bCt:- ond story!,~ ruce said ~Becaw.e I was breaking new ground. I w~ being asked to do different thing> that other people haven't done ... I think that !Monahan wa ... j~t trying to come up with a 'iO· lution that would saw.fy m~ neighbon. Ill the back. and I've paid $3,500 to my neighbor~ lfor privacy)." Snyder was not available tor comment on Friday John ruce. who ltvt"<> al l56 Rose lmte, said he began d~1gn Ing the expanc;1on la..-.t ~1ay and spenr about S 15.000 on the ongi naJ drawin~ Bui CH) pldll1ler... rud not approve. ~ Rice redrt'\\ the plans for another SI 0.000 tu $12,000, he said n1e new design will cost $20.000 lO build and in- clude IC!>S 1.quare footage than the or~al plan'>. he '>Clld. ruce i.aid he and hlo, farruly - which mclude<> ht'> \.\:ue and young scm wantt'Cl 10 expand to make room for hu. father-Ill law and his mother, .. fllo are not in good health, '>hould they net'Cl to move IO rlH> piaru, Lall lur <I On Apnl J, the .zoning adminis- trator approved the exparuJon-A ~k later. the Snyden. appealed Mlk.e and I racy Snyder l>aid they were toru,1dering movmg If the expan'>1on ~ approved \Ince the pn>Jet1 met or ex t et>de<l all aµplJtable rt"l>ldenual gu1tlehne-,, the Plann1111< Corn- rm.,,!>1011 approwd 11. with the pro Vl'>l!Jm 1h.t1 the It.Ile'> U>tfet' to m· '>tall land..capt.· o,c:ree11ing alonK the rear wall to a hetght of 9 to .10 lt"i.•t dlld mtrea.'>t' the wcill height lu 8 h.•t'I a.long tht' ll:'ar propeny liut th.ti \,a.,111 l.'nough for the \nydt·r... ''ho ..... h"I \lo11dlw1 to ilf>f>t:.iJ the l....,Ut' Ill tht' I IJWlciJ I It dtd Hui Ill' cil"4, tm·tl to rt:".Olw 11 hdurt' 11 gol thal l.u \\on.thc1.n ltlt't ''1th the \11yde~ UJld 1alked 111 tlw llltt:' JithltL"Ct, Ml r--1.avlam..l lht•) amwtl .it Ult' 'oluuun of taking t1 'i 111111 !11.,1 WlllUCM l11 uw b.i( Ii. 111 1Jw hou<,t· and ma.Ii.mg 11 ..i .!·11101 \\U1dm' ~111tt' the bot l1Jm of th• v. md1 M "ould lx- h1wwr, 111,1 1\alk111~ ~ the ..... m UIJ\\ \\l1ttl<.l 11CJ1 pr11\1de a ghmp~ 1n111 tht' \mder' hou,c. Rite '>c.lld ~ Chicken & 1Urkeg Franks •Regular •S~ $999 •Spicy REG. '2.99 & 12 az WEmRAE NATURAL HAIN! Al EXIA Bala!tl not Fried (' \ ~t \DI \ \ F \ R \I J --~ Organic Relish Mode wiJh °"1a!rJc Cucumbers =~ $999 REG. '2.99 £ 12.& az. Mustard •StooeGround • Stone Ground • No Salt ::=, s1•• REG. '1 .99 I az. Maiiliiaise • Salfltower .... ·~Litt I:.~ -~roo • REG. '3.49 • '5.59 ~ 24 az. ~ WEsrBw: NATURAL Organic Beans • 8bdr • Red • Soup • Soy Bean • au • Grat N«t.han • Lentil • Salad • Pinto • Kidney •Gert.mo REG. ~.19 Oven Fries Made With fukor1 C<J/d Potatoes Heat & Serve! • 8 Varieties REG. '2.65 $ Ice Cftalll 8' 4 Your Health YOU SAVf $!JO 00" 1 MAXIMUM hGH Release Phgslclan Strength Anti-Aging Catalyst 400MG FARM FRESH PRODUCE Gnen 'lea lsooMG I ~lWamsi ~" SUGG. ~1 .95 100~ Memorial~ Plate! The seasons best1 Sweet com on the cob, baby red potatoes, BBQ Soy burger with the works &: a slice of watermelon. Served with soup or saJad. ...... _ AdheForm B-12 12000 mcgl WI' I $1899 SUGG . .,4.98 -2~ Ma's Old Fashioned Potato Salad A traditiooal oombo ci ~~~wdts; llB. '5.• lb • SUGG "1U9 Natural Dentist Bat.IMoalb a Gum 1herapy =rmr::-~=.:--~-s-1. ·i' Glm:•• Vlta•11h1Water ....... , ........ . Ill:= ....... .. M Sat!.wday, May 24, 2003 8e\'erly Salara;. ~ Linda Ille l'llldent llld wtle DC liftllMnt Week bmder. dAeid FddaJ othelrt fdule. Sbe WU n . Mn. Salata loved to pmforol c:bartty wortc. her daughter. 1_. MeJmle Fltch saJd Frida~ She also Javed football early on. which worbd out well for !'\er future at USC where she met Mt. Sa1a1a. a former USC and NFL wide receivu. Born Nov. 3. 1925, in Los Angdes. Mrs. Salata attended DEBATE Continued from A 1 Meetings Questioned.· the paper -led by Coru.1 Report Copy Edi· tor Matt Ballinger and Editor-in- Olief Milte Billin~ -detailed al- legations from 1st Amendment lawyers that the meetings vio- lated the s tate'i. Rrown Act. •My bigg~t motivation is that this is a law and it seemed like they didn't even care it Web being broken," Ballinger i.aid. The two studenti. said they rl• fused to shy away from what they believed was the respon- i.ibility of rhe coU~e·s student newspaper 10 expose the viola lion. In what would turn into a larger journalistic lesson for them, they pushed and proht-d coUege administralors. student representatives dnd attorneys. They alM> pubh~hed an ed110 rial, ·0pen The Doors," in which they concluded: •Publish an agenda. Open the doo~ Desist from the illegal actions now." For Ballinger and Billings. these efforts are just the start "We're not sure where ii will go from here,tt Billings said. "We're '-t>ek.ing a whole structural change of these mCt'tings. What we're hoping for is that they hold open meetings and they abide by the law.· N. stated in California'i. Brown Act, comminees, "whether per· manenl or te mporary, decision- making or advisory, created by rharter, ordinance, resolution or formal action of a legislative hody" must must conduct busi· ne ~ m a manner that allo~ the puhhl· to participate in the deci· 'iuni. w1d actions taken by that hody. Adherence to the Brown Ac-t includes posting the agendai. bdore meetings and making J\.JtJdble aJI docunwnt' u..ed by --~ . -. --~ . . ---- I ~ I • ' ~ ' l I 1 . . www.cbampla1H111tareatal,com (714) 434-0133 We rent & sell both cars & trucks! 1202 S.E. Bristol Street, Santa Ana Hts., CA 92707 TwENTY LENDERS ONE PHONE CALL ~ The 949.252.8200 ---~ Bill Fallon • Purchase • Refi • Construction 15 years in O.C. MJN)I SOOY & .soft: ...... ,..w. .. Sl,t. ...... j• ,~ • .(.rt ,,.,,. '• ...... ~ a.. c.(l rllililll c.-. si.. ......... -........... "' .... *-'. .... .. _,_ tMtlMMUf tm .... ... ......... , .... ... .... fiiil ' . KENT TREPT<:IN /DAILY Pll.OT Mike Billings, right, editor in chief of the Coast Report at Orange Coast College, with Copy Editor Matt Ballinger in their offices. the committee during the meet· and, they believe. shouldn't be. ings. "We will do whatever we have ·We obviously don't want to to do to exempt (the budget !>hut (the stude nt representa· committee! from the Brown Act.• tivesl out because it's an impor· Farrell said. "The reason is to tant line of communication that protect the students because we we want to keep open." Billings don't want our students exposed i.aid. ~we understand that they're publicly by anyone in those de- tudents and they're learning -liberations. The students can be we are loo. But at the same time. pretty critical and . . . they are that's part of it. listening to the not treated like they are in the public.~ outside world. We don't want Some of the coUege's adminis-these stude nts to take that kind traton. !>ee a less ethical motiva-of criticism. We want to give tJon for the crusade. They sug· them a taste of it. we want them gest the tenacity of these student to grow into it• journalists stemmed from the The Coast Report submitted newspapers' decrease in funding. letters last week to the presiding which the com.mince decided officers. ad.ministration and all dunng one uf 1lS dosed meet· members con~ed demanding ings. rather than a sense of duty they take action within 30 days or to the public. receiving the notice. The admin· ·nie real agenda is that the istration is looking into whether !>tudent newspaper took a cut the associated students' budget from the (Associated Student committee has violated the Body!. and I believe that their Brown Act and plans 10 take real motive is they want to lcnow steps to rectifying that, if that is why, -said Gene FarreU. presi· the case. dent of the coUege. •If we're in Violation of the The budget committee recom· Brown Act. we need to get in mended that the Coast Report compliance with the Brown Act." receive about 75% of what it re· Farrell said. ·1 think. it's a good Ct!ived last year. The paper would experience for (the ~ Report) receive $2,031 instead of $2,708, and I don't think it's a bad experi- dCCOrding to the committee's rec· ence for the student body.· ommendations. Terry Francie, an attorney The paper requested SS,000, with the California 1st Amend· said Kate Mueller, the college's meot Coalition interviewed by dean or students. who oversees the Coast Report. was not avail· the ~ated srudents. able for comment He told the Ille budget committee re -Coast Report, "This is an obvious ceived about 55 requests for case of a committee that needs funds and allocated about 75% of to be open. - what each organization recei\.'ed Whatever the conclusion. Ball· l.L~l yeas-. MueUer added. inger and Billings say this expen· ·There's no vaJue judgment on ence has tested more than their any of those programs.· she said. professional dedication to jour- • I he majority of the programs nalism \H' funded. including the Coast ·1 fed like this was more than Hepon and (the associated stu· a learning experience in journal· ~n1 grmJpsJ.but.some decisions ism for me.~ Billings said. ·There had to be made ... and they're were many restless nights for me. going to fund the p~ that wondering if we were doing the contribute to academic success.· right thing.. 1llis was the first Administrators said the prac· time I've had that feeling.· tices that the committee has fol· lowed over the years, to their • aRST1NE CARRI.LO covers ktaowtedge. do nor violate the education end mrf be readled at Brown Ac1 because the comm.it· (9491574-<&268 or by &-mail at tee 1~f Is not subject to the law dlristine camllo latima.com. ICING Contmued from Al Young. gJOup senior vice presi· dent for the Irvine Co. "These kidJ can't just be smart and so- ciable. they have to have eu.ep- tional skills. too.· freeman wu one of those stu- dents who displayed excepdooal ·rm just thrilled for bel.. Aid Serene Stokes. a uustee with lhe Newport-Mesa Unifi.ed School Jlistrlct. ·1 hope it insplret other )IOUJ en to 5UM for thil. ft all lb )'OU just bow well· rouodcd tow 6tudeocsl are.· Fttt1narl plans on mmlng • double majoc. in intemadooal rmtions arid ~" aa Harvard Univenity. Md tbmb tu the....,.., flblr ~ IDd the teachers she's bad, Freeman is prepared for whatever the fu. tore bolds. "I have a pas.Wn for serving my community and for what I do.. she Aid. This is •;ust lhe stan. I have big plans.. And this scbolarsbip will aid ber In getting theft. ·it's j':"t an loaedible honor that Undsay was Kk c1ed fix. and to know that she was te-- lected a one of lhe t'on!most leaders of that group makes It very spedal." saJd Tom Antal. principal at &canda. •She's just got a lot of Jeadersbip qualltia that make you want to follow her bec:al• •. , jus& ., dam anan.•. PUBL.IC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Adllme-.....: An auto theft wet reported In the 1600 blodt 8t 2:2.4 a.m. Wedneeday. • w.. ...... S'tNllt and r-. ..t.w Aoed: A traffic accident lnvoMng injuries was reported et 8:37 a.m. Wednesday. • COlk LaM: Grand theft was reported In the 3100 blodc et 9:23 1.m. Wednesday. • Halttor loulewrd and Wl9on S1rMt: Pouession of parephemeli• was reported at 2:39 e.m. Wednesday. • Maple Awnue: An assault was reported In the 1900 blodc at 10:02 a.m. Wednesday. • Pwnona Awnue: An auto the1t waa reported in the 1700 blodc at 7:48 a.m. Wednesday. ·~~:A hit-and-run wes reported in the 2900 blodc at 9:26 a.m. Wednesday. • EMt 11th StrMt: Grand WEEKEND Continued from A 1 during the Memorial Day week- end/ he said. ·11·s lmportant to bring sunglasses, big hats and lots of sun screen.• Wenger also cautioned the public about sea Uons that are swimming ashore these days. A toxic algae has been m.Wng them sick. •[f people crowd around them, they11 go back into the water.· he sald. •And we can't help them.· At least two sick sea lions have swam into Newpon's beaches in the WI month. he said Those heading out of town must also prepare to face crowded airport terminals and full flights, said Ann McCarley, John Wayne Airpon spokes- woman. "We expect passenger loads to be to full capacity this year.· she said. •Friday and Tuesday are our busiest days. and mornings are usually busier than the rest of the day: Passengers should allow about 2~ours for pa.ricing and long lines at ticiet counters. security chec.ks and baggage screening. McCarley said Although the Homeland Security Department has issued an orange. or high. ter- rorism alen. the Transportation COMMENTS Continued from Al even there in the first place. not to mention what he said~ While city rules do not forbid such behavior, Oty Any. Bob Burnham said. council members are expected to follow certain rules of decorum. No other sit· ting council member has spoken at a Planning Commission meet- ing. Mayor Steve Bromberg said he was uncertain whether any ac· non against Nichols would be appropriate, but that he hoped the council would look into the issue. • u smaclcs of the perception of trying to influence or intimidate a ~tal body; BrombeJ& said. •1, fur one. think we should lake a look at this.· 1be comment was made as the Planning Commission was considering whether to grant a variance for a home on South Bayfront The homeowner was allowed a ZS.square-foot room to accommodate an elevator on her roof. but wanted pennission to eq>and that to a 127~ foot room with a bathroom. The commission ruled that her re- quest was out of line with city standatds for such variances. Nichols, h<MeYU. thought they lhould pami1 cbe ex- ~ room because It did not ~ to pose any burden on lhe~rhood. •tte doesn't unda5tand vari-ances.. SeUcb aid. Nicholl empbMU.ed tbaa odgt\bor'I ol the Sou&b e.yfront home suppor1ed tbe request. n... bi llld. be did DOt .blow who might blwe wanted co bdbe aw•u · rt "'** l1D ~ tt. Qiigaw*nari Gmy Mains baS hem 0"4 '1d• ~ Ndlola· 1ff amc b1b11tJ to ..._liland couildl ~ ~.., ~ ~ OI aillli wt.. Ndda_IO __ dle,... al caa:I ....... ----..... ~-........... . Adlam ..... Tm ....... le .... ....... . ..... cnarm ••CIOWW9 theft WU reported In the 100 blodt at 9'.36 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Court Awnue: A vehicle burglary wea reported In the 1900 blodt et 9:41 p.m. WedoNday . •lrvtne~A commercial burglary was reported In the 1100 blodc at 6:27 p.m. Wednesday. 4 Saint Andrew9 Aoed: A hit·end-run wat reported In the 600 blodc et 9:12 p.m. Wedneadey. • V.. Mrt o.M: Vandalism we.1 reported In the 300 • blodc at 2:12 p.m. Wedne~y. • Vittll .. Oro end Vl9ta Omeda: An auto theft waa reported at 8:44 p.m. Wednesday. • w..trninstllr Awnue: A traffic accident involving injuries waa reported In the 400 blodc at 8:40 p.m. Wednesday. • 18th StrNt: Petty theft was reported In the 1500 blodc et 12:32 p.m. Wednesday. FYI Tipt to stay Ml• on th• water. •Swim near• lifeguard • Learn to swim, and never swim alone • Don't fight th.e rip current. Swim parallel to the shore until you feel the cu rrent relax, then swim to the shore. •Swim sober •Wear life jackets if you're in a boat • Use surf boards and body boards with leashes At home: • Supervise children and never leave a child alone near water • Fenoe your pool on all four sldea with a barrier at least 5 feet high. • Pool gates must be self-closing and self-latching with the latch placed on the pool side and out of the reach of chlldren • Keep flotation aids on both aides of the pool • Completely remove the cover before allowing children into tM pool Security Administration has not ordered road dOSW"eS around TWA. she said ·eut \N'C're prepared to do rbat if necessary,• McCarley said All four of the airports parlcing stru<> tures will be open .• she said For more mformation, caJS (949) 252-5200 or Vl,.tjt the air- port'c; Web site at www.oa:Ur.rom. Newport ~ and .John Wttyne AJrpott. She may be rea<ned at (9491 574-4232 0< by e-mail at 1une.casagrand6 lat1mn.oom . I DOUBLE-DOWN SELLATHON Get o·/·A.P.R.* For BO Mns .• •1000 Double-Down Match· on approved credit, instead of rebate on 2003 Explorer 4-Dr I 2-Dr Sport, Focus, Expedition, Ranger, Taurus, Windstar, Excursion (excludes all Diesel and SVT) !Yew ((1A] Ranger r#1Itf 4 " "' .. ,, ,,,, ,,, .. , (,, Air cond,.J.OL Y6.a a,,-d.4·wbeel ABS braka.•lum1num wheels,P2.J5/ I a All·Tenaln Ura.color "eTed bumpen. ~·••hood Sales Price: '13,97 5 Ford Rebate: Mnnm D. D. MatcflA ·:_· --'.~~.B:~!!!M~t~,Z~,Z~1~J ID I llOJl921 ID l/llOJ 14 :> 1.mm o 1AS111160 IDIAllBU8 ID IAT'498 •ID 1110J1u1 Net Cost cf Get 0% APR· f0t rmJ Mm. • wnned aalil MD (Dl'im Doublt Doira /lfatdJ from ford flfot« Credit 1Yewll1:&1Focus SE :Automatic Trans 1'0111 H II 1'1UJll .. /IJOOH I CJ( I\ .. Remote may.air cond.alumlnum wb«o. Mf/f7if stereo COhf PJ tJl/01511 '!ll/079SI 'D l/07S81 ID 1/10825 !1 •1~ :D WS•l.J J l.:La..;t4 Sales Price: .. '14,475 Ford Rebate: w.,.·•nm D.D. 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Sales Pnee $27. 975 Ford Rebate. E1!1!1J D D Mate,..,.. **1111111 Net $"> %975 Cost _.J, Sales Pnee· $36,91.~15.11 Ford Reba te IEL~ D D Mate,_,,. __ ~**1=.'='JH:..=I) Net $%•~ Cost Ji,::710 ·You MUST qualifywilli and finance ~illi ford M~or Credit to get $1000 Double Down-Match. * *0°/o APR financing for 36 montffi ~ 36 pa'J111en~ ~ ~2i.ii per SIOOO 0000.ed. *06/o APR financing for 60 monlhs ~ 60 ~n~ ~ ~16.67 per ~IOCKJ med. ~ pasrment cash, or lra'.le, ~ rrorn I~ to 35~, depending on )WT ~n credirwoohin~as d~ermined b) ford ~otor Credil lndffidu~ drcumstances may ~loi. for a higher or lower down payment. Some customers may n!X qu~ify. Applies to new vehicles only. Residency restrictions apply. Expires close of business 5 26 03. /Yew k•A3F150 XLT Supercab ti H>'IUI< IH-\~ .. 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Negm ...... w ...... ~.AU·tJWiAIDf on Approftcl Credit. financing rates vary deJ)'ndlng on credit worthi~ of customer m detennlned by ford Cm:ttt. Some customers w1U not qualify. f'lus government fees and taxes, any nnance charges, any dealer document preparatlon charge, and any eml.Won testing ch~. Thls ad udU<ks all leases, retail purchMe only, subject to prior sale. l!xphes dOK of busine.M 5/26/03. . I . . j I I I ' .[ ... .. j• ,. I· M Saturday, May 24, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PUBUSHED -a...ttwa: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •Riden Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 - E-mail: Send to dailypllot~latimes.com • All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. READERS RESPOND A straight answer on 'Dead Man's Cutve'· AT ISSUE: Should Newport Beach straighten out Irvine Avenue, the site of numerous serious car accidents? I th.ink it could all be corrected by controlling the speed. People just drive too fast on it. I drive it every other day and I am going my 35 to 40 mph, and they go by me like I am standing still. lf you take the curve out. you are going to have a raceway where they go 80 mph. I really think It could be controUed with speed. I endorse Tom Neth's letter to you about Irvine Avenue ("Safety on Irvine Avenue a matter of being safe," May 14). I say ditto to everything he has to say. I have traveled it more than 40 years. since it was built. and I go the speed limit. and everyone goes by me lilce I am sirung still. It is a beautiful drive along Back Bay. and if everyone went the speed limit, there would be no problems. MARCEUE STELLER Costa Mesa I drive that avenue three to five times a day because it Is right in my neighborhood and I th.ink it is sad to say that a road HOW TO CONTACT Ya.fi REPRESENTATIVES crrv OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Gary Monahan Coundl: Libby Cowan, Allan that so many people travel on safely every day is being called something so drastic and dramatic as "Dead Man's Curve." The curve where this last fatality occurred was not the same curve as the fatality of the yoWlg children. I don't know who gave that information, but it is not the same location of the teenagers that were lcilled. I guess I would just like for the other side to be mentioned in this. The Newport Beach police have done a great job of making this road safe and putting in a new light. What people need to do is take responsibility for their driving when they are on a road ln a local neighborhood. RUTH CLEMENCE Costa Mesa I have been craveling on Irvine Avenue for 33 years and I am appalled and upset that people stiU don't understand that there We can't make the world risk-free. And if people expect us to raise taxes to take care of thelr security, I thlnk that is misplaced use of taxpayer's dollars. STAN WINTER Corona del Mar If people drove the speed limit on Irvine Avenue. it probably wouldn't be "Dead Man's Curve.• There is a 35 mph speed limit, . and everyone drives excessive on it. If you go the speed limit. they just flip you off. So maybe more poUce or some speed bumps might help. CAROLYN NEWCOMB Costa Mesa I feel it is not necessary to straighten out that street because people will be driving even faster than they do now. It is very safe at 35 mph. and if it was more posted. I think people would pay more attention to the is a speed limit on Irvine Avenue and that speed limit as 35 mph and when I go 35 mph. I am honked at, I am almost pushed SEAN HILLER I OAJLY P'LOT Andrea Burkhart and daughter Bianca, 3, with their 10-year-Old golden retriever, Nugget, hve on Irvine Avenue, where dangerous road conditions have led to many accidents. speed limit. CAROL HAMILTON Newport Beach to the side sometimes, and everyone speeds around me and speeds in excess of 50 mph. I think all we need to do is put stop signs at every intersection. We do not need to change the shape of the road. It is not Newport Beach city's problem, it is the driver's problem that they Mansoor. Mike Sctieafer and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. CA 92663, (949) 644·3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John are breaking the Jaw. JO BLACK-JACOB Costa Mesa I can live with the S curve. but I can't Uve with no more lights than are on that street. I drive it about six times a month and in the evening I am very aware and Heffernan, Did< Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRJCT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 alert lo the fact that the lighting is very poor and I am very conscious of the deaths there. We've lived here for 35 years. so we know about that place. Put some more lights there. JIM LOUDON Newport Beach Chanc:911or: William M. Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT I definitely do not think they should spend money fa.x:.ing it; It is evolution in action. People that aren't with it enough to learn to slow down on curves. they need to see the consequences that are very real. so maybe it is a good learning experience. District Office: 298S·A Bear St .. Costa M esa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Su~t Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blad<, Cleft Serene Stokes, David Brooks. Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Linda Sneen Take an extra 10°/o off our everyday sale prices! Now through Memorial Day Monday, May 26th! j NAUTICA HOME H.J. GA ETT FURNITURE .A famllV tradtton of provldng l8Mce and value sr.ce 1960 .• 2215 HCllbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)646-0275 l Straightening out the curve? r would say no. FOTERA TOWNSEHO Newport Beach Newport Beach needs to fix the curve? I would say no. DAvtD BRAKESMAN Newport Beach MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ava.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627. (949) 631·1200 Board: President Jim Atkinson, Vice President Mike Healey, Trudy Ohlig·Hall, Fred Bodcmiller and Paul E. Shoenberger MoH ·SAr 10-6 5uNoM 12 .. a ' Delly Pilot COMMUNITY & CLUBS A spec ial Memorial Day th is year T his year's Memorial Day commwlity should not just be another fund-raiaen vacation day. Instead, and event& because or events In 1raq, it lbeBook should be a day of remembering of Golden and honoring those who have Deeds plaque given their lives for our country, that Salata this year and In years gone by. received was Before heading out to the Inscribed in barbecue or the beach on part with "for Monday, attend the 11 a.m. JIM relevant memorial service at Harbor charltable Lawn Memorial Park, 1625 Gisler DE BOOM work and the Ave. in Costa Mesa. or the 11 fun or a..m. memorial service at Pacific irrelevance." Vlew Memorial Park. 3500 Pacific View Drive, Corona del LIONS WIN AWARDS ANO Mar. HONORS Display your American flag The H.arl>or Mesa Lions were proudly on Monday. If you know well represented at the Lions' a veteran of the anned services, Imtrict 4lA convention in call them and say thank you for Oxnard, with 15 members the sacrifice they and their fallen anending. comrades have made. Member Barbara Hayward Wd.S elected district vice SALATA HONORED pres1dent, and the club was Newpon Beach resident and awarded "Visitation Oub of the lrrelevant Week founder Paul Year,• "Padre Awa.rd" and the Salata was honored Thursday by "Oub Spirit Award." the Exchange Oub of Newpon Member Karen Lunaa lj.a.rbor. They presented Salata received the Multiple District with the Book of Golden Deeds Award for Leadership. Member award. Marian Perrin was presented Award chairman Garry with a crystal bowl lnscrlbed TeWlnlde introduced Salata. with her new title of "Director acknow1edging his USC football Emeritus or the Lion's Sight and experience and his professional I fearing Foundation· from football career with the San President Mike Schafet'. Francisco 49ers. the Baltimore District Gov. Ond Overbey Colts, the Pittsburgh Steelers presented member Marianne and the Calgary Canadian Allen with the Harry S. Asian Football League team. Award for her wort with the MRarely do we have an Student Speaker Contest. From opportunity to be so close to the Costa Mesa Newpon Harbor !>Omeote soesea1.· said Dan Lion's Oub. Scheafer received Roged, ~will president and the International President's cl}ief executive. who paid tribute Leadership Award. to Salata as part of the program. Exchange Oub member Dean LION'S FlSH FRY BABY Bottorf played the keyboard and CONTEST SEEKING ENTRIES wrote the lyrics 10 five songs that The Lion's Fish Fry Baby rofed Salata's career in sports, Contest still has openinp for sewer business and as a contestants living in the area. master or ceremonies at The contest will be heJd at the .NEWPORT COAST SHOPPING ·CENTER CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY WITH FUN EVENT Family fun awaits the commu- nity today at Newport Cout Shopping Center, as the center celebrates its first anniversary hosting a Spring Fling fundraiser for Newport Coast Cares. The event. taking place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., will benefit the Corazon de Vida Foundation, an organiz.abon dediaited to raising money for orphanages in Baja. Admission to the Spring Fling is $10 and will include g-.mes and rides for childn!'J'\ of all ages. The event will be similar to the center's popular Halloween CanuvaJ last fall, which it also '.hoeted for Newport C0ut Cam. !'fhat event drew a aowd of 750 and netted $25,000 for the cause. : Activities will include pony :rides and a petting zoo, the world's largest bounce houae, a ''*'t ~. e, rock climbing wall. Wier tag game, sumo wresting game, and much mott. ~t. will be available for~. Newport Coast Catts wu !founded thJ'M year. ago by • tmall and deddtied group of ~ewport Cout fa.In.Wes. Tht :&xouJ> worb ~ to mile •1Upport fof d\.Ucliw\'t ca-and l.-ducate dUJdftn and famWa 'about vohantMr opportunities. : Viaitort to Newport Cout :sa.opp1.q Cntu lhould alto •.eop" --dw neweit ca* llftli ;.toNI. Including Firs! ci... :~ ...... =-.,;:: '-in•=·~ ...... ~ rmac~1nc. ..... ""' Gui ,.,.,,. ...... ~-'-·.,..· ....... lilm\CalfaiNt.. 'A~ ~. ? ........... ., of local schools and youth sports, Fir1t C/u1 Pizu also provides catering and delivery. Dogma l5 another store at Newport Cout Shopping Center. cate~r to those dog lovers who p quality prod· ucts offered along with lriendly, personalized customer service. Dogma carries superior brands of dog food, toys, bona, d og treats, custom and standard collars and bedding, grooming producta, travel aceetlOrlH, training aids, apparel for dop and their owners, as well u gifts for dog Loven. 0 Fish Fry site in Uons Park. Costa llndex.lltm). Mesa on June 1. Judging will be done at 1 p.m. The stage WEDNESMY presentation will be held at 2 7:15 am.: The 20-member p.m. ~uth Coast Metro Rotary Oub For contest details and will meet at the Center Oub application information, please (www.southcoasrmetro call Uon Sandi Scbeafer at (714) rotary.org); and the Newpon 549-4961. Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. UFO DOCUMENTARY Noon: The 40-member DISCUSSION Exchange Oub of the Orange The nonprofit Mutual lJFO Coast will meet at the Bahia Network of Orange County Corinth.Ian Yacht Oub. features Newpon Beach resident 5 p.m.: The 6()-member Rotary Bob Wood, who will show and Oub of Newpon-Balboa will comment on the production of a meet at the new Hyatt Hotel in recently a.ired 1V special calJed Huntington Beach for a "'The Secret" OD Wednesday at vocational visitacion and dinner che Costa Mesa Community ( www. new port -balboa.org). Center, 1845 Park.Ave. "'The real secret is the llflTRSQ\Y remarkable success of the 7 am.: The 20-plus member deception of the public,· Wood Costa Mesa-Orange Costa said. I le will present evidence Breakfast Lions Oub will meer at for the existence of a coven Mimi's for a bw.iness meeting. crash recovery program. For Noon: The SO-member Costa more information, call (714) Mesa Kiwanic; Oub will mee1 a1 520-4lJFO (4836) or visit the the Holiday lnn; the 50-member Web site at www.mufonoc.org. Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub will mee1 ar the WORTH REPEATING Bahia (,orinthian Yacht Ouh Provided by Grq Kelley of the (www.kiwanis.org/club/ Newport Mesa Irvine interfaith costamesa); the 80-member Council: Exchange Oub of Newpon "What most people need 10 Harbor will meet ar the Newport learn in life is how to love people Harbor NauucaJ Muwum for a and use things. instead of using "Ladies Day" program with people and loving things.· -Marie Knight of the Newpon Author unknown Beach Parks and <ieruor <i<:f"\ ic~; and the 100-member SERY1CE CLUB MEETINGS THIS Newpon-lrvine Rotary Oub will WEEK meet at the Atrium 1 lotel to hear Klm Hubbard dJ~w.s the MONn\Y Fmanc1aJ Abuse Speciah!>t learn 6 p.m.: The Harbor Mesa ( www. m rotary. org). Lions Oub will meet at Zub1e's for a business meeting. • COMMUNfTY & CLUBS is publishecl Saturdays in the Daily Pilot. lUESMY Send your seMCe dub's meeting 7:30 a.m.: The 40-member infomwltion bv fax to (949) 600-8667; Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary bv &-mall to fdeboorn o.aot.com 0< bv Oub will meet at Five Crowns mail to~ S.E. Bnstol, Suite 201. ( newportbeachsunriserotary.org NewPort Beach, CA 92660-1740 Saturday, May 24, 2003 A1 JOIN USAS WE CELEBRATE Harbor Lawn · Mt. Olive Cemetery's 49th Annual Memorial Day Service )f Monday, May 26, 2003, llam Keynou Speaker J ames M. Ellis Costa Mesa Fire Chief Featuring Musical Selections by w._ 1 The Orange Empire Men's Chorus 'T Please Join Us To Honor And Pay Tribute To All Who Answered The Call To Arms To Defend Our Beloved Country. IJmeotar Hot and Sodu Provided ~,. Harbor Lawn -Mount Olive 1625 Gisler Avenue • Costa Mesa (714) 540 .. 5554 i I I ' . j I I I ~ ! .. .. • M Sata-d1y, May 24, 2003 FO·RUM HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -Leu.s: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mea, CA 92627 • R11den Hotlne: Call (949) 642~ Fax: Se~ to (949) 64&-4170 - E-mal:Send to dsilypllotOlstlmn.com •All corTes.pondence must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification pt1rpoaes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all subminlons for dartty and length. READERS RESPOND A straight answer on 'Dead Man's Curve' AT ISSUE: Should Newport Beach straighten out Irvine Avenue, the site of numerous serious car accidents? I think i1 could aJJ be corrected by controlling the speed. People just drive too fast on it. I drive it every other day and I am going my 35 to 40 mph, and they go by me lilce I am standing still. If you take the curve out. you are going to have a raceway where they go 60 mph. I really think it could be controlled with speed. I endorse Tom Neth's lener to you about Irvine Avenue (•Safety on Irvine Avenue a matter of being safe," May 14). I say ditto to everything he has to say. I have traveled it more than 40 years, since it was built, and I go the speed limit, and everyone goes by me like I am sining still. It is a beautiful drive along Back Bay. and if everyone went the speed limit, there wouJd be no problems. MARCEU.E STELLER Costa Mesa I drive that avenue three to five times a day because it is right in my neighborhood and I think it is sad to say that a road HOW TO CONTACT Y~ REPRESENTATNES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-6223 Mayor: Gary Monahan Coundl: Libby Cowan, Allan .. that so many people travel on safely every day is being called something so drastic and dramatic as "Dead Man's CUrve." The curve where this last fatality occurred was not the same curve as the fatality of the young children. I don't know who gave that information, but it is not the same location of the teenagers that were killed. I guess I would just lilce for the other side to be mentioned in this. The Newport Beach police have done a great job of making this road safe and putting in a new light What people need to do is take responsibility for their driving when they are on a road in a local neighborhood. RUTH CLEMENCE Costa Mesa I have been traveling on Irvine Avenue for 33 years and I am appalled and upset that people still don't understand that there is a speed limit on Irvine Avenue and that speed limit is 35 mph and when I go 35 mph, I am honked at, I am almost pushed IO the side sometimes, and everyone speeds around me and speeds in excess of 50 mph. I think aJJ we need to do is put stop signs at every intersection. We do not need to change the shape of the road. It is not Newport Beach city's problem, it is the driver's problem that they Mansoor, Mike Sctieafer and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beacti City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beacti, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John SEAN HILLER I DAILY PLOT Andrea Burkhart and daughter Bianca, 3, with their 10.year-old golden retriever, Nugget, live on Irvine Avenue, where dangerous road conditions have led to many accidents. are breaking the law. JO BLACK-JACOB Costa Mesa I can live with the S curve, bur I can't live with no more lights than are on that street. I drive it about six times a month and in the evening I am very aware and Heffernan, Did< Nictiols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432·5898 alert to the fact that the lighting is very poor and I am very conscious of the deaths there. We've lived here for 35 years, so we know about thaCplace. Put some more lights there. JIM LOUDON Newport Beach Ch•nc:ellor: William M. Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT I definitely do not lhlnk they shouJd spend money fixing it: II is evolution in actfon. People that aren't with it enough to learn to slow down on curves, they need to see the consequences that are very real, so maybe ii is a good learning experience. District Office: 2985-A Bear St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Bo•rd: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blad<, Clerk Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Linda Sneen Take an extra 10°/o off our everyday sale prices! Now through Memorial Day Monday, May 26th! j ~,,,,1i1,1~~ "~· -~::.- NAUTICA 17~· :Sliffkuna HOME We can't make the world risk-free. And If people expect us to raise taxe5 to take care of their security. I th.ink that is misplaced use of taxpayer's dollars. STAN WINTER Corona del Mar If people drove the speed limJt on Irvine Avenue, It probably wouJdn't be uoead Man's CUrve." There is a 35 mph speed limit, and everyone drives excessive on it. If you go the speed limit, they just flip you off. So maybe more police or some speed bumps mJght help. CAROLYN NEWCOMB Costa Mesa I feel it is not necessary to straighten out that street because people will be driving even faster than they do now. II is very safe at 35 mph, and if it was more posted, I think people wouJd pay more attention to the speed limit. CAROL HAMILTON Newport Beach Straightening out the curve? r wouJd say no. FOTERA TOWNSENO Newport Beach Newport Beach needs to fix the curve? I wouJd say no. DAVID BRAKESMAN Newport Beach MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. (949) 631-1200 Board: President Jim Atkinson, Vice President Mike Healey, Trudy Ohlig-Hall, Fred Bockm1ller and Paul E. Shoenberger H.J. GARRETT FURNITURE "A famtly tradltton of provtdng s8rvlce ald value since 1960. • 2215 Harbor BIVd., COiia Mesa (949)646-0275 MOH · SAJ 10-6 SuNOAY 12. a COMMUNITY & CLUBS A special Memorial Day this y ear T his year's Memorial Day community should not just be another fund-ra.llera vacation day. Instead, and event.a. because or events in Iraq, It The Book should be a day of remembering of Golden and honoring those who have Deeds plaque given their lives for our country, that Salata th.ls year and in years gone by. received was Before headJng out to the inscribed ln barbecue or the beach on part with "for Monday, attend the 11 am. JIM relevant memorial service at Harbor chart table Lawn Memorial Park. 1625 Gisler DE BOOM work and the Ave. in Costa Mesa, or the 11 fun of a.m. memorial service at Pacific irrelevance.· V,iew Memorial Park. 3500 Pacific View Drive. Corona dcl LIONS WIN AWARDS AHD Mar. HONORS Display your American flag The Harbor Mesa Uons were proudJy on Monday. U you know well represented at the Uons' a veteran of the armed services, District 41A conven tion in call them and say thank you for Oxnard, with 15 members the sacrifice they and their fallen attending. comrades have made. Member Barbara Hayward was elected district vice SALATA HONORED president, and the club was Newpon Beach resident and awarded ·visitation Oub of the lrrelevanl Week founder Paul Year: •Padre Award" and the Salata was honored ThW'Miay by "Oub Spirit Award .• lhe Exchange Oub of Newpon Member ICara1 Lamu ljarbor. They presented Salata received the Multiple District with the Book of Golden Deeds Award for Leadership. Member award. Marian Perrin was presen1ed Award chairman Garry with a crystal bowl inscribed TeWlnlde introduced Salata, with her new tide of "Director acknowledging his use football Emeritus of the Lion's Sight and experience and his professional I !earing Foundation· from football career with the San President Mike Scbeafer. Francisco 49ers. the Balumore District Gov. Quack~ Colts. the Pntsburgh Steelers pr~nted member Marianne and the Calgary Canadjan Allen with the Harry S. Asian 1--ootball League team. Award for her work with the ·Rarely do we have an Student Speaker Contest. From opponunity to be so close to lhe Costa Mesa Newpon Harbor M>meoW! soy ea1." said Dan Hogen . ~odwill prei;idenl and Uon's Oub, Scheafer received the lntematlonal President's cl)ief executive, who paid uibu1e Leadership Award. to Salata as pan of lhe program. Exchange Oub member Dean LION'S ASH FRY BABY Bottorf played the keyboard and CONTEST SEEKING ENTRIES wrote the lyrics 10 five songs that The Lion's Fish Fry Baby reofed Salata's career tn spons, Contest still has openin~ for sewer business and ac; a contestants living in the area. master of ceremonies at The contest will be held at the NEWPORT COAST SHOPPING CENTER CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY WITH FUN EVENT of local schools and youth sports, Flrtt CllUI Pizu also provides catering and delivery. Dogm11 is another store at Newport Cout Shopping Center, catering to those dog lovers who prefer quality prod· ucts offered along with lriendly, personaliud customer aervicr. Dopu carries superior brandt Fish Fry site in Uons Park. Costa Mesa on June 1. Judging will be done at 1 p.m. The st.age presentation will be held at 2 p.m. For contest details and application information, please call Uon SandJ Scheafer at (714) 549-4961. UFO DOCUMENTARY DISCUSSION The nonprofit Mutual UFO Network of Orange County features Newpon Beach resident Bob Wood, who will show and comment on the production of a recently aired TV spedaJ called lhe Secret" on Wednesday at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Park Ave. ·The real secret Is the remark.able success of the deception of the public,· Wood said. He will present evidence for the existence of a coven crash rerovery program. For more information. call (714) 520-4UFO (4836) or visit the Web site at www.mufonoc.org. WORTH REPEATING Provided by Gftg JCelley of lhe Newport Mesa lrvine interfaith Council: ·Wha1 most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things. instead of using people and loving things.· - Author unknown SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK MOND.\Y 6 p.m.: The Harbor Mesa Uons Oub will meel al Zubie'!) for a business meeting. 1UF.SD.\Y 7:30 am.: The 40-member Newpon Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns ( newporrbeachsunriserot.ary.org Family fun awaits the commu- nity today at Newport Coast Shopping Center, as the center celebrates its first anniversary hosting a Spn.ng Fling fundraiser for Newport Coast Cares. The event, taking place from J J a.m. to 4 p.m., will benefit the Corazon de Vida Foundation, an orgaruzation dedicated to ratStng money for orphanages in Baja. Adrruss1on to the Spnng Fling is $10 and will tnelude gamn ·and ridet. for dtlld:ren ofaU ages. The event will be similar to the center's popular Halloween Carruval last fall, which it a.Ito of dog food, to~, bones, dog treats, custom and standard rol.Ws and bedding, grooming produd9, trav~ a~ri8, - training aidJ, apparel for dop and their owners, as well as giftl for dog lovers. Dog~ est1-*1 hum' -~ "'QUllWy doO ._ "0..-. 'homd for Newport Cout Cares. FUm is allo new to the centn. '.That eve:nt drew a aowd of 750 1pedalizi.ng in one-of-a-kind 'anct netted $25,00> for the cautt. arrangements and olfatng the : Activities will include pony higheft quality. fresh 8orala that 'rides and a petting zoo, the are in open dilpla~ for 'world's largest bounce house, a c:uatomen to hand 8elec:t their :g1ant slide, rock climbing wall, own flowers. Rar« can c:ustom-•f.uer tag game, sumo wresting otder U\Y variety ol flower and 'game, and much mo~. ofkn delivery of g1ftl that can be 'Refreshments will be available attached to Bower unnp.menta. for purctwe. Popular gifb to Hnd with ~~ Coast Cam wu ~ta indude •mom.my 'founded three years ago by a and me .. bnaletl that mab •small and dedicalld group ol lde.a1 glfta lor a new mother and :Newport Cout Wnilles. Tht her beby. 'group wOfb tirlletlly ID rm MAN'• ,_,... offen the :support fof c::hildnn'• ca~ and latest SUl'Of'U'\ fuhicJN for leduc.ate children and fa.m.Wa w~ =s:lsWU1 and 'about volunteer opportunltiel. awtl to attire. Thi , V'wton to Newport Cout boutique allo carriel con•po- ;shopplaa Center ahould .i.o ruy ~ ~ bv Paper •atop into-the new t calel Ind Denim II Cloth and ·lavorill ' tora. lndud.ing Ffrst C,._ d..apn IUCtl ., FMtWOOd tPicu, ollmn8 deHdout ptzza Rand\ Md ..... ...,. ,........ with lhi hw-t ~ ......... by wlrlbiitlel ...... ,..., ... In • friilndly. ~ ....... end :1bJ G. philw. Ptaa COi~ Inc. For .-e Information cm ¥'Clllld Flnt a.. f'UM .... NtwptCwlllliw-.C.... ~-'-·~· ........ ill ~ ....... ~Aauppiftl ... _.. ... ,... .. .,, linde:x.IJtm). WEDNFSD.\Y 7: 15 a.m.: The 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub (www.sout lu:oastrmtro rotary.org); and the Newport Harbor Klwanis Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub 5 p.m.: The 60-member Rotary Oub of Newpon-BaJboa will meet at the new Hyatt Hotel in Huntington Beach for a vocational visitation and dinner (www.newpon-balboa.org1. TifURSllo\Y 7 a.m.: The 20-pluo, member Costa Mesa-Oran11:e Costa Breakfast Lio~ Oub will meel al Mimi's for a bw.tness meeting. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Klwanl-. Oub will meet at the Holiday lnn; the SO-member Newpon Beach-Corona de! Mar Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Bahia Corinthjan Yadit Oub (www.kiwanis.org/rlubl costamesa}; the KO· member Exchange Oub of Newpon Harbor wiJI mee1 a1 thl' '\Jewpon Harbor Nautical Mu'>t•um for a "Laclies Day" program with Marie Knight of the Newpon Beach Parks and c;;enior '>t' I'\ ices; and lhe 100-member Newpon-lrvrne Rotary Club will meel at the Atrium I lotel to hear Kirn Hubbard d1scu-.~ the Financial Abuse Speualist feam (www.nirotary.org). • COMMUNITY a. ClUBS IS publtshed Saturdays 1n the Daily Piloc. Send your 98fVICe dub's meetJng information bv fax to (9491 660-8667; bv e-mail to jdeboofn a sol.com O< bv mail to 2002 S.E Bnstol. Surte 201. Newport Beadl, CA 92660-1740. San.day, May 24, 2003 A7 JOIN USAS WE CELEBRATE Ha rbor Lawn -Mt. Olive Cemetery's 49th Annual Memorial Day Service }f Monday, May 26, 2003, llam Keynote Speaker James M. Ellis Costa Mesa Fire Chief Featuring Musical Selections by W., The Orange Empire Men's Chorus ~ Please Join Us To Honor And Pay Tribute To All Who Answered The Call To Arms To Defend Our Beloved Country. Cs@I Harbor Lawn -Mount Olive 1625 Gisler Avenue • Costa Mesa (7 14) 540-5554 1 J . - Al Saturday, May 24, 2003 Rtdl/ln/ltg Floor en Produdl SIN» 1121 PALS (949) 145. 7257 2299 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mtla eff Ewing &. Ly/ten Ewing MAXIMIZE YO UR POWERS OF PERSUASION Yo u have found a house that makes your heart skip a beat-it is in the right location and has all the amenities you want · The price is the only thing that 1s keeping you from making an offer--you feel that it is more than you can afford. How can you maximize the possibility that the owners will accept an offer that is much less than they are asking? • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence Installations • Chain Link Fence Repa irs Serclin9 Ortfn9e CountlJ • Beach Communities Since 1955 The first thing you should do is to make the off er as "clean" as possible by not asking for specia l contingencies. A void making demands on the sellers for minor repairs, such as cutting down the dead tree in the back yard or leaving custom drapes. Be as flexible as possible about scheduling the closing date to fit lhe sellers' moving plans. Finally, you can off er a larger-than-usual deposit to persuade the sellers that you are a serious buyer and to make it harder for them to "jus1 say no". Each situation is different, however, but the simpler the offer, the more likely the sellers are to give it serious consideration. (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 License #313311 Lyleen and Jeff have 31 consecutive years of real estate experience in Newport Beach. For professional service or advice with aJ I your ru l estate needs caU the Ewings at Coast Newport-Coldwell Banker at (949) 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Property's t1 Teem FM 2001 (310) 374-1994 • Certtfted Ocean Ufeguords PnJf9ssional Surf Instruction At The Huntington State Beach (Newland & PCH) • Birthday & Corporate Parties • Ages 5 -15 • Surfboard & Wetsu it Rentals • Private Surfing Lessons Classes Start June 23A0 Four -2 Week Sessions 1 Week Sessions Available (Saturday Men's Classes; Sunday Women's Classes) Ufaguarding Services SONttv Is Our First Concern, Fun Is Our Main Goal Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' reoommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fail to disclose a conflict of interest for the analyst and the firm ? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stodcs? Did your bro~r over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses arc often recoverable and you may be cnridcd to punitive damages. We specialiic in reprctent.ing individual investors. Please call us for a FREE · COOIU.ltaiion . ...... .. , ...... Diiiy Pilot A video i& worth $50,00o·· Newport Coast Elementary is in the running for a cash award for an instruction video put together by one of its teachers. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot It's hard to resist a first-grader as cute as Ryan Cargile. Put him in slacks and a tie. film him demonstrating how easy It use the new vr Serles projector, and you've got a video potentially worth SS0.000. Lainie McGann. a second- grade and technology teach er at Newport Coast Elementary School, knew her short video was a winner when she entered the NEC Corporation Idol Con- test COURTESY OF LAINIE MCGANN Lainie McGann, a second-grade teacher at Newport Coast Elementary School, with the star of her short video, Ryan Cargile, a first-grader at the school. The video is in the running for a $50,000 award. And until June 4, people across the nation can vote to give the filmmalc.ers that $50,000. "We're always looking to gel technology into the classroom,· McGann said. "I believe it in- creases students motivation and participation in their own learn- ing and i1 increases the students interest in the content. It also provides multiple ways for stu· dents to demonstrate what they've learned." On May 19, McGann's video was chos'!n ai. one of the top five fmalislS, putting it in the run- ning for a $50.000 award for maJcing a Video that best dem- onstrates how easy the new pro- FAMILY Continued from Al jector is to use. McGann couldn't think of any other way to do that than to have a first-grader. Ryan. show his peers just how easy it really is. ·1 think everyone here at the school is preny excited,· said Dana Schonwit. a parent of three Newport Coast students and member of the school's Par- ent Teacher Assn. "The teacheri.' participation in crying to get ad clitional funds has almost be come a necessity now, and il'i. neat that they 1ake the initiat1ve. I'm blown away and preny im- pressed. I think It just shows you that we have such qualified teachers in our public school system.· Seeing McGann enter the con- test with such gusto has mspired million. but then said that the behavior was wrong and that he would stop. Ointon. on the other hand. Democrats. have shown over lied repeatedly when caught and and over agam JUSI how eru.y it is broke some senous laws over to take capitalism and freedom and over. for granted. Enron and That Bennen came clean do~ WorldCom, now MCI. easiJy not excuse his behavior and ii come 10 mmd. certainly removes any credibilicy First, lei's dismiss any as someone who shouJd be comparison to what fonner telling others how to live their President Bill Ointon <lid and lives. Bennett's crime. you see. is what former moral leader sloth, which is fast becoming an Bennell has done, as this seems American way of life. to be the showdown for moral Bennen's sloth is astouncling Judgment. ln this challenge. not only because of the s1z.e of Ointon wins the scoundrel his gambling, but becau~ of the contest hands down. astonishing waste of Both men are gulley of severe hard-earned money. I mean. the moral lapses. But in Ointon's guy blew $8 million on video case, he broke the law not once poker. known far and wide as but dozens of times. mostly by one of the house's best sucker obstructing justice. withholding bets. With SB million. any of us evidence and flat out lying couJd have done so much to under oath. These have been help others -and most of us documented in a bipartisan would. But Bennett threw it study. Bennett, on the other down a coin slot. hand is neither a pubUc servant. Joe BeU must have enioyed a liar or a criminal. iudgmg Bennett. After all. Bennen's gambling did not Bennett was a man who judged violate any laws. And if he is to others and was now himself be believed. he never gambled being judged. money he could not afford to But when Bell had a chance to lose. Whlle that does not make tell fonner school board him a crook. It does paint the member Jim Ferryman to qui! picture of a very wealc man. hjs post after Ferryman's drunk But the primary difference driving conviction last year. he between the two men. and passed. choosing instead to act between Bennett and anyone as Ferryman's mouthpiece when t--.l"l<:P-whO has bttn-eaught with-Fe~va-been- their hand that many times on talking to this newspaper and the lever of a video poker apologizing to the parents and machine. ls that Bennett owned students in our district. his errors. When confronted Therein lies the problem with with the evidence of his losses, the moral relativists. Murder Is he <lid not deny it or make not murder if the m urderer was excuses. he said it was true. He raised ln a home that did not <lid qualify it by pointing out mirTOr the Oeavers. that he could afford to lose $8 Degenerate behavior ln the GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNO INWLVED rune periodic:elly m the Dally Piiot on • rotating beal,, For Information on adding your organization to thi1 ll1t. call (949) 574-4298. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Secw .. a guide for hom .... famlNea by helpHlg them Mt goals and malntM\ • beaic budget Bilingual 1ti11 need9d. Ot1entadon and training pt'O\Aded. Thenlaa Rowe. (949) 757-1468. SENOR MEALS AM> SERVICES INC. VoluntMra are needed to deliver nearly everyone at the school and given them hope about the future of its students. "We're very excited about what's goin g on here and we feel real positive about it," said Mo· nique Van-7,.eebroek. principal at Newport C...oast. "Lainie i.5 creative, innovauve. hard work- ing and obviously thinks out of the box as to how we can get some funding for our school so we can be technologically ad vanced and out there in the fu - ture with our k.tds. • McGann's VJdeo is available on the NEC Weh Mte at www.necvi s1wlsystems.com. l lle public will be able to vole on that Web site through June 4. NEL will an nounce lhe winner on June 5 "We need th1i. money, Mc(,ann said. White House and lying under oath is OK as long ru. you're b ig on human rights and the economy is humming along. And driving drunk on the streets of the ci cy and endangering lives along the way is fine as long as you sort of sound Uke you're sorry. even though you're onJy '>Orry you got caught Wrong. It's all bad behavior no mauer who d~ it And as long a:i we continue 10 excuse it by rationalizing it or remaining quiet, it will go on. whether it's a president, a school board member. a Democrat or a Republican. My behef, a'i I've stated before. is not that we judge 100 much, but that we judge 100 littJe. II is prec~ly because we do not speak. up thar we have fallen so far down in our standards. And aJ you need any evidence of our fall . spend some time Joolcing objectively at the content of our media or the behaVJor of our children. Too much bad behavior lS too acceptabJe because we are 100 timid to i.peak up. I can't shake this image of an overweight. red-faced Bill Bennett sitting in a tall swivel chair m front of a video poker machine. a white plastic coin cup in one hand and an "I'm working a hot machine" T-shirt on his back whiJe he steadily gives back. L89L of.his.bets.lo the house. For Pete's sake. Joe. invite Bennett to your next game. • STEVf SMrTH 11 a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (9491642-.6086. meals to homebound senior citizens residing In Costa Meaa who are not able to prepare their own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them. Volunteera are asked to donate at least one hour per week for • six-month period. Substitute driver• are alao needed to fill In for regular drlvera. (714) 840-6611 or (714) 891-0804. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cotta Mesa, CA 92627; by e-matl to mlktuwan•on lat/mes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by celling (949) 674-4298. Include the dme. date and location of the event, 81 well 81 a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TOOAY A book signing end pet"tOnel appearance by author James Baldl for his book ·Prescription for Nutritional Healing" will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS Th• Newport Coest Cares' flm MSpring Fling" fund r&ISer to benefit the Corazon de Vida Foondation. an organization that raises money for children in Ba1a. will be from 11 a.m . to 4 p m in the Newport Coast Shopping Center The event will have games and rides for children. Admission 1s $10. For more 1nformauon, call (949) 476-1144, ext. 358 ThrM ecdalmed authors and scholars will present •African American Speech in Global Culture; exploring the effect of African American speedi on modern conversation, poetry and music. The reception. performance reading and book signing will run from 4 to 9 p m at UC Irvine's Cross Cultural Center and Crystal Covt: Auditorium. For mo re information, call (949) 824 1948 St. Andrew's Presbyteri1n Church will present a free worlcshop 011 the nuts and bolts of healthccHP directives and long term care insurance from 9 a m to noon in Oierenfield Hall at St AndreW5, 600 St Andrew's Road. Newport Beadl For more information or to RSVP. call (9491 574 2239 TUESDAY The Corona del M ar High Sdlool band will perform with the Dallas Brass at Carpenter Center at Long Beadl State at 7 p m The Dallas Brass appears w ith symphony ordlestras na11onw1de, including the Cincinnati Pops. the New York Pop s and the Philly Pops To buy tidlets. call (562) 985 7000, or fo r more information call (714) 557-8352. WEDNESDAY The Council on Aging -Orange 2n ightstands fr ee County Is offering frtte training to recognize ~nancial abote and safeguard against victimization with a two-hour tesalon called MWho Can You Trustr The session runs from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar. For reservations. call (949) 644-3244. ll1URSDAY Op. the original Callfomla lhs1yle brand, and Projekter: Action Sports Cinema announce the opening of the Op Summer Surf Serles at the Lido Theater at 9 p.m., with a screening of the original 35-millimeter print of John M ilius' 1960s surf epic "Big Wednesday." For more information, call (949) 722-2219. Madam Justk:e Louise Arbour of Canada's Supreme Court will present HWaging War Lawfully: Who Will Enforce the Law?" at UC Irvine's 12th annual Julius Margolis Lecture a1 7:30 p.m. in Social Science Lecture Hall 100 Arbour will discuss the use of national and international courts for prosecuting war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide Admission is free. For more inform ation, call (949) 824-6410. Mariners Christian Sdlool's Middle Scnool Theatre Group will present "Mary Poppins" at 7 p.m. May 29 and 30. Tidlets are S4, free for children younger than 5. The sdlool 1s at 300 Fischer Ave., Costa Mesa. Call (714) 437· 1700, ext 188 for tickets or information. MAY 31 The cultural traditions of Japan, France and Mexico will be showcased at a two-day international festival at the Newport Beadl Central Library Culture lovers of all ages are invited to the free events presented by the Newport Beadl Sister City Assn. For more information. call (949) 717·3870 JUNE l The 10th annu1I Balboa Island Parade, MCelebrate Balboa ls4and," will take place at 11 a m .ilong Manne Avenue. For information, call (949) 723-4177 St. Michael and All Angels E p1scopal Church presents "Jau Vespers for the Soul" at 5 p.m It's the final free concert in the 2002-03 Friends of M usic First Sundays at Five series The church is at the comer of Pacific View Drive arid Marguerite Avenue in Corona del M ar. For bed: $1300 ; include dresser, & mirror Information, call (949) 644-0463. AIDS Walk 0...nge County wt1 hold Its opening eeremonia at 9 a.m. and will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the UC Irvine Admlni.iration Loop and Chancellor's Rose Garden. Participants will walk to raise funds for HIV/AIDS prevention and support services. To form a walk team or support the event, call (949) 955-1400 or visit www.aldswalk.org/oc. The Prot.sslou l Oa~ N.twortt will host the fourth annual ·celebrating Young Talent" at 5:30 p.m . In the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tidcets are $10 for general admission and $25 for VIP seats. Free tidcets are available for select community-based organizations. For more information or t1dlets, call (800) 323-0267. The Fish fTy Baby Contest will be held in Costa M esa's Downtown Community Center in Lions Paric Judging begins at 1 p.m., with stage announcements at 2 p.m . Baby reg1strat1on and information forms are available at Cal's Camera and State Farm Insurance in Costa M esa. Registration 1s $5 Forms must be mailed by May 23 or faxed to (714) 435-0191. For more information, call (714) 549-4961. JUNE 3 P.K. Odle of the American Feng Shu1 lnS1itute will explain how elemental remedies are implemented to complement your decor at a 7 p.m seminar at Visions & Dreams in Costa Mesa Reservations are required. For more information, call (6261 288 1669 JUNE4 The Friends of the Newport Beach Library will hoS1 a complimentary brunch and annual meeting for members at 10 30 a.m in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave Local Nancy Robison author of more than 70 books, will be the speaker Reservations are required and must be made by May 28 Call (714) 596-5276 JUNES Edger finalist Denise Hamilton will return to the Newport Beadl Central Library at 7 p m. to present ·rhe Crime Novel as Cultural Study" The beS1·selling author will discuss "Sugar Skull; See TOWN, Page AlO sectional: $950 Saturday, ~ 24, 2003 Al RosEY's AuloBODY Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEDWNER5 • HF.AUli SutbdJf'f Smu 19F You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best ~~ ~Ss-)_, LIFETIME WARRANTY 949-631-Tl 40, .., OY Newport Bhd. •Newport 8adt {Neat HOii Hotph:al) ~if'~ MIKE'$ ~~~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by M esa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush S:•rpet ~\l-0 •2~ sq ft Installed Flooring Featuring ALLOC No Glue lnstal/Jt1on Wood Berber Carpet o~ $169 \·~ Installed Sq ft Flooring Refinishin~ & New Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic "\l-1..)"'" s 1 so sq ft Vinyl Flooring ) ..... , s1 \ \l..I.. • aq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S?lte44 ~ESIGN CENTER #for All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY •Custom -Made Furniture •Slip Covers • Pati o furniture Drape ries. Shades. & Bedspreads Factory & Showroom • 1 l•u~ Hc1rh( lf PJ!vd .. Co5itd Mc~d Call for dn In-Home Desi~n Consultdtion (949) 642-8400 The Un1red Scorcish S ocie t y oFSouche rn CJ/J/cirni.1 Pre .. e nc.s the 7 1st AnnuaJ SCOTTISH FESTIVAL OrangeGAJJllY Fair&~ Urur-• Gsa MtSl May 24 th & 25th, 20 03 9:00 a.m. to S:OO p.m. 0-0., AJ,,,iuion: Adult, SI 1 lWI • ""Kl" 1(1\ & I >-en \tudt1111 S 11 Il l Ch1l<lrrn (l 111 Sl W 1-/)11] AJmiu10.a: ~dull\ S!O IMI . ~nlOn ({,) & <htH\cud(nt\ SI* m Ch1klrrn 11. I !1. SUKI FESTWAL FEATVRES: • ~n1ng & uo~1nic uremot\lt\ with more than 150 bagpipt and drummtr mU\IClilll\ 'Caber fU\~ & ()(~r Sc1J(mh Athlcun'Dart~ •'II' ~d Famuu' 'lcom h lntc:naintr Ale' lkttun 'World Fiddling Champton Ala.sd11r Frtier 'Bad Haggi\ • Tcmpni • Tht \tdlo• Band •f.d Miller uthJohn Taylor • xom>h Fiddlcn •BonJer CollM! Demomtra11on 'Highland Fling (1()(), Highland Dant"tnl 'RO) al ~omsh tooncl') Danccn •(iranada Hills High School Ma.n:hing Band '60 Oan' (find toor Hrn~I •Bnmh Gooch in l..ugf Vendor Arn 'EchnK Scocmh Fooch 'Bnmh Bttr .,,,J ,,,,,,h. "''". ,,,.,#! ALEX BEAlUN & Al.A!IDAIR fRA"eR INC ONUR1 · $1 ~ Clll FRIDAl NIG llT ONLl' • M•r ltrJ •I H:O(I p "'· Hilton, Cmta Mrsa l050 Bri\tol 1rtt1, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 l'or lrr/lif"lr"'fiM < .,11 1310) 370-9887 or tS62198S-1369 '""'""" .\.A.E. 11nJ )..,,J Clw<lu P11y11bl# t• l/.S.S. ,. P••ll-M11rr##I. ,690 E. 7th ~1 .• l.111'1 1Jeoc6, CA 90804 P th Annual s<.<rn tMt FESTIVAi DART rollRNAMEr<T s~.ooo.no <·l ARANTEED PAYOl!T Toumamtnt runs 1n ron1unroon .,jib I.hr Soonish ftstival. Enif)' ftt o( $10.00 includes $2.00 AOO sanctiooing ftt. Entry ftt in addinon co ldmmion ftt fK '"f-1-C11ll Doc Wllgfttt (8 18) 3 S9~8n StN(,U MAlT "!( CYl'C.lt TASTIN(., p,.,J,.1 Bnrt••I• M•J' 1 J.W at Hdcon. Cosu Mts:a 30SO Bristol Sc:tttt. Cola Mesa, CA 92626 Tdru art SZS.00 cd A ,.,,;,,,of 1.-w ./ Sc.114"41'1 ~-;" si•tk ...Jh. Call Of Send a.cu,.,..,., (0 u.s.s. to Betty Ham • tll ti) so}-o4m 11813lunnymtde Sc..1)4 North HoOywood. CA 9160S H llAQOUAJTlilS H OTIL Hikoll. a.. Mm. 3010 "'-' s.., C-Mm. a'"· m *-• '82.IQ prr cislw toer •cwptrmtl. M., II' it ...-r fat m ca M11tt Mtftbcill UMtd ~ SorielY • SmaM ~IL POI l NfOIMAT I ON 1.-Cehie M°ft:,;WJ .-'utt '• v.-..... .,,,,, ......... iilril .. . ,. .......... 55 ... .. ............... AlO Slbl'day, May 24, 2003 MEPHISrGM THE WORlD'S FINEST WMllNG SHOES SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A c....t,,,,.,.,." ~ 111' Ser*I -.~.~-Sftflr' lhe Rev. ~ Bunyan, Rector 3209VIO Udo =~ 7:30 am Troditionol ~:~~ 11 om Choritmatic and Wednesday Noon ST. MARK PRF.sBYTERIAN CHURCH Worship 9:30 A CAnl'tf.rnni qf rht Anxban u 11111111111q11 BVIWING OUR FAIT1f. LOVING CHRJST AND SE.RVING 01/R COMMUNITY The ~'d Pttcr 0. Haynes, Rtctor SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8 am • Holy Eudwut 9 am • Sul\CUy SchooUAduh Bible Scudy I 0 am • O>Oral Eudurut NURSERY CARE AVAIWLE St. John The Divine Episcopal Church Holy Eucharist Sunday Mornings at 8:00 and 10:00, Wednesday Morning at 7:00. 183 Eut Bay Street C.O.ta Maa, CA 92627 949-s.48-2237 "IMPERATIVES FOR PREVA.11..ING PEACE" sr~ (Philippians 3:7-14) hlUYTUIA~ CHu'iiCH ktardey, May l•, 200.), Si.JO P.M. Suday, May .25, 2003, l :JO at 10115 A.M. Wedac9d8y Nipc BibW SNdy ?:00 P.M. + 9A God-ca>cmid parish commwlity, imuuctcd by me Word of God A and renewed br the Sammcnrl Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar VLSta Drive Ncwpon Bcacb, California 92660 (949}6"--0200 Fax (~9) 644·1349 Rt.. MoNipor W'illWn P. Mclaughlin Pastor U11.1RGI.ES: Senudly, 5 p.m. (Cantor), ~ 7-;00 (Qui«), 8:30 (Conttmporuy) 10:00 (~), 11:30 a.m. (Cancdr) ind S-;00 p.m. (Contemporary) Ill \1Pllll I 'S -IU ( I\ :, ( \I\ I' I I \ • • • Newpon Centu United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 1601 Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Bam Quin Worship Sn-vice JOam Worship and Chi/Jrtni Sunday School Youth muting wet!t/y Newport H•rbor Luthenan Church (a.LC.A.) 788 Dov.., Dr. Newpot1 heoh TredltlonalLutb•ren Paltor Charle• Endter "' Worship S.rvlc• wtth Holy Communion Sunday 9:18 am .... ,, ... ,... . ... ~ 12S9 Victoria StrHt Cotta Meu, CA 92627 Su11day •~1111119 H~ioe at 7:00 PM Rew. l1t~1t1 H1y•11 r.1.,~ ... (714) s39.n21 E•ail RBMCC@ui1tui1.Ht TOWN Continued from A9 her new novel, and how Mr Joumallam bac*ground led to writing ftctlon. Call (949) 717-3818 for more Information. PINnt Help USA wll hold en open houM and m.mbera mJxer from 4 to 7 p.m. to lhow the public Its new facility at 330 w..t Bay St, Suite 120 In Cotta M .... The open house wtll feature mualc: performed by Diana D'ltrl and Aidt Sherman. The public can make free-will donations at the door and participate In an auction wfth eeveral drawings for prizM from local bualn ...... Call (949) 650-3461 for more Information. JUNEe UC lrvtne AitlMdge .,....,nta Wor1d Dance Day, featuring Orange County elementary ac:hool studenta performing folk dances ~om Me)(Jcan, Vietnamese, European and NatJve American cultures. The noon event at Aldridl Parle on the UCI campus la free. For Information, call (949) 824-8942. MllSA VllRD• UNJTEO MeTHOC>taT CHURCH 1701 lleklr, C.M. Worahlp & Church School 8.'30 ~ 10:00 a.m. (714)~ Dr RICll&rd Oto<Vt ~ S1lpNnll Toon SenlO< Mlnlslef YOllttl Mlnlltlr Cb.Nt CJua.rdl By the Sea United Methoditt 1400 W. Balboa Blvd., NfWJ>Ort Beach u 5 Liii • A411h Soinday School I )0 k 10 ...... • t:'onlwp &lid Cl*ilm 5iMir Sdooal The R.rw. Or. ~rp ll cnp, ,._, ~9)67)-)IC)j ~--- HAAIOR CHRllTIAN CHURCH (Dltclpln of Cfutat) 2401 lm•An. N..,.rtllldl,CA (141) Ml-1781 .-.....: Dr. 0.-~ FIRST CHURCH OF SECOND CHRIST.SCIEN'I1ST CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Udo 3100 Padtlc Vllw Or. Newpc:n 8eoc:h Nftpcxt Bladl 673-1340 or 673-6150 644-2617 ex 67&4661 OIUrdl 10am&5pn. Owrdl lOmn SUnday Sc:tm 10 am ~ Sc:boai 10 am ~. ~' 30pn 'Mlea...,, ....... 7., .. • ,. Wlllllildlrf 12- -Thy ... 11n ... 111 .,. ~.,... h 1ln 111 •111M111l .......... ,0 ....., ........ Pa I u11 tlcl JUNl7 ...., ........ COllt .......... 1Mn P9QP1e magatne wHf holt a Summer Surf and 8wtm Felhlon Show fNturtng the latiaet loob from Roxy, Hur19V, O'Neill, . BllW>ong and more at 2 p.m. In Macy's South Coelt Pfau'I women'l ttor9. For more Information, call (714) 56&0611, ext.4231. Someone c... ... Klllherl will Cll.t>rate hi 171h annlverury In memory of Cpt Joee Angel Garta,.y from 8 to 9 p.m. at 720 Welt 19th St In Cotta M .... The Flag Dey dinner/auction wtll t.ature Chef Leon Mathews. llcbts coat $116. All proceedt wtll support the Someone Caree Soup Kitchen Hunger FWlef and Tutoring Programa. Ma.ka reeervationt by May 27. Call (949) 648-8881. For underwrltlng opportunltlea, call (714) 801-2354. Join 8uW'I OoldaWn, one of the authors of "Htalthy Dining In Orange Count(," for a ....ion about hNlthy cuisine at your favorite reetaurant8 In the Bloomlngdale'a Home Store in Newport BNdl from 11 :30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The $16 admlMion Includes a signed copy of "Healthy Dining In Orange County:" Space la limited, and tickets mutt be purchased by June 1. Call (949) 729-6864 for more Information. The Ad9ms School Country Fair will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2860 Country Club Drive. The fair will have a allent 1uc:tlon, a 50-foot Inflatable obstacle course, a »foot Inflatable allde, a dunk tank. numerous gamea, prizes, food, drinks, a bake Nie, s OJ, a guat band and more. Call (714) 424-7935 for more information. JUNEI The Onnge County Women'• Chorus present Its 2003 spring program, "On this Island," at NewportH1rborlutheran Church. The oonoert of Island-themed music begins at 7 p.m . and will Include the dlorus directed by Ellzl Rubenstein and "Men In Blaque; an ensemble directed by Joseph Huazti. Tidteta are $12 and can be purchased In advance at (949) 461-8590. Lown of he voal ""'* aN Invited to "The Summer Knows," a free musicale at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beadl Cantrel Library. M ignonne Proflnt and • guest pianist will preMnt the flnal program of the llbrary'a muakale aerlM, featuring tunes of Gershwin, Joblm and LeGrand. For more Information, call (949) 717-3818. JUNE 13 hw9morl Fon.tm pr111nta a aemlnar on "lntellec:tu1I Property law" by Edward Sdll1tttr, patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m. In Orange Coast College's Science Lec:ture Hall. Registration and n9'W<>rlclng begin 9t 7 p.m. The C09t It $6 for membera, $16 for nonmembers. Call (714) 640-2491 for Information. JUNE 14 M 8pemum \o'oge hal peltMNd with Naw Direction• for Women to host "Calebr1tlng Wholene11,• 1 yoga and htallng arts fntlval benefiting women and dllldren served by th• nonproflt New Dlrec:tlona for Women. AdmlMlon la frM, 1nd donations 11"1 ~pted. The full-day avant wlll be 1t Full Spectrum Yoga In Newport BHdl. For more lnform1tlon, call (949) 966-1966. .... 11 . .............. OfoMle County al"dWttt. wtll dl9CUM whit 11 In the ard\lvee .. they relate to Cotta Meee'a Nttory at 7 p.m. at • the CoN M ... Hlltorlcal Soci9ty, 1870 Anaheim Ave., Cotta M .... For more Information, call (949) 831-6918 or vltlt www.•mh,.,,,,.....com. ,J JUNElt .• TheN9doltll......,......,. Society wtll preeent an Internet .. : educ:etlonal program called "El Culdado Cllnlco de la Eaclerosla Multiple: a Spanlah.apeaklng • broadcast on cllnlCll care of multiple aclerosla, at 6:30 p.m . To connect. go td www.n1tJontlmNOCiety.org. select "Living with Ms• and then select "Webc:aata and Conferencea:" JUNE23 Children I and older are lnvftild tp register for a variety of summer 1qu1tlc camps offered by Newport Beadl Recreation • Servlcea. The camps run through August. with numerous morning and afternoon optlona available, from "Salling ind Tennis Camp• • to ·surf Camp:' Call (949) 844-3161 for more lnformatJon, or register onllne 1t www.clty.Mwport-budl.ca.us. ONGOING VoklntMr dnwrs.,.. needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients Incapable of shopping o r cooking for themselves through ·Mobile Meals; apon.ored by ASH-Harbor ArN Inc. and Hoag Hoapital. Call (949) 64s.ao50 for more Information. Children, tMna and edutta can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beadl Recreation Services. Clasaes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more Information. ~land~aoccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for on.-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information. call (949) 395-6103. Jewilh Famlfy a.me. la sponsoring 1 teen support group for high ac:hool atudenta that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper Sdlool In Costa Meaa. For lnform1tlon or to register, call (71 4) 446-4950. Pre-registration Is required. The First P8te -Rn1 ChlldNn'a Books, at 270 E. 17th St, No. 10 In Colts Meta, offers free ttory time Mondaya,Wedneaday,Fridaya and Saturd1ya from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursday• from 4 to 6 p.m. For more Information, call (949) 646-5437. •Abmect ~on carwa. and Pape(,' an exhibit of art by Janet Rolener, wlll be on dl8play at the Newport Beedl Central Library through June 30. The exhibit wlll fea1ure 111ec:dona from Roaener'a : "Washed /iwrt(" aeries, created by dripping, aplatterlng or pouring lddltlonal paint and mediums onto 1n orlglnal painting and washing It rNey to IUggett the paaaage of time. For more lnformd<>n, call (949) 717-3818. SM TOWN, Paa• Al 1: FURNITURE NATION 3 DAY SILE M PIY Y• ll'ES Tiii Ill .. Ila, 1111. • 111124. Z5. 28 TOWN Continued from AlO ~ woril1 by Orange County artiltl wortclng in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27. for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For m ore information, call (949) 717-3870. Registntlon ii now open for runners and walkers of all ages f0< the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & two-mile Fun Walk on June 7. Pre-registration fees are $22 for the run/walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registra1ion on the day of the race is $30 for the run/walk. Separate races tor men and women are limited to UiOO runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For m ore information, call (949) 721-1222 tf your orctikl 11 too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free ordlid·potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Dlacover the secret• of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a m Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts ·walk and Talk~ at 10 a m the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free. and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information. call (9491 275·3888 Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the suppon group In S.A.F.E Hands. S.A.FE stands for safety, awareness. faith and empowerment. The group m eets M ondays from 6.30 to 8 p.m . Free. For m ore DREXEL CENTURY BERNHARDT HENREOON UP TO information, call (949) 721-8079. Teena •re Invited to drop by the city of Costa M Ha Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. M onday through Friday for Indoor and outdqor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327·7560. The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beadl at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 65(}.1332. The Newport Beech Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Supenor and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (9491650-1332. The Assn. of Bu1inff1 Services hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3 131 Bristol St .. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (9491 805-0011. "Divorce: A New Beginning,• a workshop for men and w omen divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month Cost is $40 For more information, call 644·6435 The Newport Beach Public library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del M ar branch from 3 to 4 p m Tuesdays The library 1s at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (9491 717-3800. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Ans Center take yursts to the dressing rooms, performers lounge, badcstage and on stage at 10 30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information. call (7141556 ARTS, ext 833 The Newport Beach New comers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922. or VISlt newcomers-newportbeach.org. OHi• Senior Center hold• a pancake breakfaat from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfaat includes pancakes, sauaage, coffee and orange juice for SJ, $1 for dllldren. The center Is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Macy'• South CoHt Plaza presents ~workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program• hosted by dlef Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa M esa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot. call (818) 994·5075. Yoga and rhythm, "Yogarhythmics~ combines yoga. dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111 , Costa M esa. For m ore information, cal~ (7141754-7399. "Earthquekes -Not tt, But When" will be re·broadcast through April 12 on Adelphia and Cox cable systems for Newport Beach. The show has been edited to 30 minutes and runs Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m ., Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. The Newport Harbor Nautici.I Museum offers the exhibit ·vour M a1esty, There Is No Second: The America's Cup 1851·200r through April 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more information, call (9491 673-7863. Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service o f Orange County office. The group 1s geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples. such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to schedule date and time The office 1s at 250 E. Baker St , Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11·30 a.m Mondays at the agency offices, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friend• of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries -Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beadl. All hardcover and paperbadc donations, with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible (949) 759-9667. The Breille lns1itute offers free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 M arguerite Ave .. Corona del M ar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for claues. (7141821·5000. A spiritual care class meet s at 7:15 p.m Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263· 1462 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11.45 am to 1 p.m at the Costa Mesa Country Club The cost 1s $14 The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885·9090 A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Dnve, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness (9491 574 6232. St. Andntw 's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6·30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in D1erenfield Hall Cat 600 St Andrews Road. Newport Beach (949) 574-2236 The Jew ish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa S10 per person, per session. Preregistration required (714) 445·4950 SW.day, May 24. 2003 All 4'4-e.cce ~ R P s t u u ra nt -"\_ -----EttlbllShed In 1962------ Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails •••Quality Service• .. •••N'agbdy Entcnaiomcnr"•• /(11· H,st>r1•1Jtio111 ('nil (949) 646-7944 16'JS Ir, in' AH·., Cuu;i \fru I Jwatr -...,...4 """ .... 1 ... \. ti • l.1 • "?<' ., • • ulllN#IJml 0rJtr tt,.,, Ftmily'1 Famlt c..Jia &rly! ·Dou RmslaN P<rrAro SAW> .. VEGGlf KABo~ • MotiS cou SJAJV • PAPAYA CmtLs Fl.sH KA.Boes • 8AaJN MAc.uoNI SALAD • SAHrA MA1UA Ta.I TIPS • 7.EsrY PASTA SAi.AD • Tf®1U Onus 0naa:.Ns ~..MFmh&Jud-~ Nttd a Silk Dish TrllJ On~ of ulatino's Favoritn SHOWN: ~a BMm PomoE.' Fin. STAA CRF.AMw PL'AC H GoLDF.' CIUA.\IW COR.' FruHLY SnAMrn w111 n CoR.' GARLIC. MA!.IHJ> POl;A.101:.5 Co11rcl1t"l't'I Collec/1011 811 Henredo11 LEXINGTON MARGE CARSON RALPH LAUREN &MORE! · Store~lde Brand NaJD.e Savings Everything For Your Home -Bedrooms, Dining & Living Rooms, So/ as, Occasional Pieces & Much More From Our Most Prestigious Collections TAKE AN EXTRA 20~ o~ . I J ! J -I i . A12 s.uday, May 24, 2003 00 A big-ticket suininer at the fair Bob Dylan, Steely Dan, anc;l Crosby, Stills and Nash, among others will play the Pacific Amphitheatre. are part of the line up. as is Alanis Morissette, Melissa Etheridge and Joan Osborne. Cake, Devo and 3 U will appeaJ to a younger audience. By Suzie Harrison F ireworks will be lighting up Costa Mesa's nights long after the Fourth of July, with the Pacific Amphitheater's sizzling schedule of summer concerts. and h ad a run until 1995. Its reopening is part of a master planning process, OC Fair general manager Becky Bailey-Findley said. •There's a lot of great acts with a brand new launch of the final series, which will be announced next week," deputy general manager Steve Beazley said. "Expect some really big surprises. The biggest are yet to come." The Pacific Amphitheatre, which is part of the Orange County Fair, ls opening after an eight-year hiatus. The venue first opened July 29, 1983, "We're reintroducing the amphitheater back to the fair." Bailey-Findley said. "It's part of our programming, offering fun s tuff for the community.• Bob Dylan, Crosby, Stills and Nash, Steely Dan and the Doobie Brothers Getting Dylan to agree to perform was a big deaJ. See FAIR, Paa• Al 7 S£AN HUER I DAILY PILOT Marika Becz as Mary Shelley and Noel lribe as the creature rehearse a scene from "Reading Frankenstein" at UC Irvine on Wednesday night. A multimedia take on 'FRAN --..-........NSTEIN' Coral Wiison Daily Pilot F ranlenstein came from the dead and was created in a novel, but the monster has taken on a new life. The imaginary story raised questions In the 19th century that have remained topics of legitimate scientific and artistic discussion. Even more so today, modem technological and medical brealcthroughs have expanded the possibilities for artificial life. "It lends itself to questions about aeadon and scientific p<>Mlbililies." saJd Annie Loui, associate professor of drama. •1t Is a story worth retelling because it shows huma n nature. And human nature stays the UC/ presents update of Mary Shelley's scary story same, the desire to create and manifest new life." The multimedia performance, "Reading Frankenstein," is a two-year collaboration of UC lrvine professors Loui and Antoinette La.Farge, a&istant professor of digital media. James Fallon, professor of anatomy and neurobiology, Incorporated elements of scientific realism as the science advisor. "'I like where art and science and the brain come together," Pallon saJd. •tt ls a collaboration of basic science, clinical science. all the way to artistic performance." Computer codlng and laboratory · data from the UC Irvine brain imaging center are projected on the stage, suggesting sdentlfic truth. Stem oell and genetic code research have neuroscientists trying to recreate the brain, he said • AJJ the ethical and personal questions are stlU vaJld," Fallon said. "It hit a nerve, and not just a Hollywood nerve. It resonates in scientists 10 this day." While hundreds of people came together for the production, only one actress appears on stage, Low said. The other performer is a virtual creature, a ppearing through reaJJ.tjme video and live voice processing technology. Scientist Mary Shelley. played by actress Marib Bea.. is haunted by the novel she is reading. "Frankenstein," while resoMng a failed computer experiment In her laboratory. Unes of reality are crossed and come into question. ·Reading can tab you to new places -literally, Jt is scientlllcaDy proven,· she said. -ihe text OD the page turns lnto imagery in your head." SM TAKE, P .. e A17 Bob Dytan wilbe - playing at the Orange County Fair on July 27. THEATER Weekend overflowing with theater must-sees By Tom Titus B ack in the days when I labored on the Daily Pilot's copy desk. there was a fellow copy editor who used to coin words, such as "blivey." A blivey. he explained, would be 50 pounds of something (I'll leave it to you to identify the substance) in a 25-pound bag. I'm reminded of that observation as I scan next week's calendar. Beginning Tuesday and continuing through Sunday, there Is, indeed. a blivey of activity-no fewer than nine events that require my presence. It's a pity that cloning hasn't been perfected. There are no theatrical openings this week. nor were there any last week. But, as someone once commented, ii never rains. bu1 ii pours. Sure enough, the greasepaint will hl1 the fan next week as "Cats" arrives al the Orange County Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, followed swiftly by •Hair· a t UC Irvine. "Once on This Island" at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. "Camping With Henry and Tom· at the Newpon Theater Arts Cente r (all Friday) and "The Drawer Boy" at South Coast Repertory (Saturday). And, oh yes. the Laguna Playhouse will be raising its curtain on ·nie Secret Order,· which I'm obliged to visit on behalf of the Daily Pilot's sister paper, the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot. Apart from all that, my son Tim is picking up his master's at CaJ State Long Beach, and guess when the university ch ose to administer It -that's right, Friday night. There's a parry for him the next evening. and there's no way I'd miss either event. Normally under such circumstances, I'd put off one or twO shows until Sunday -but that's when the local high schools will be lining up to vie for the Music & Art Commendation for Youth awards for outstanding musical theater, and I've been asked again to be a judge. So it seems as If the Newport and Costa Mesa shows must wait a week to be evaluated. That's a shame, since ·1s1and~ and ·eamplng" are new arrivals oD the local • scene and hence are unfamiliar offerings. The flnt ls a musical fantasy based on a Polyneslan legend, and the • Henry and Tom of the latter show's title . bear the last names of Ford and F.diJon. Both should be well worth a look. SM THEATER. Pall• A17 . DATEBOOK Saturday, May 24, 2003 All THE CROWD National Charity League honors mothers and daughters ''B eUe de Jow. • the 17th annual mother-daughter ruhion show and luncheon produced by National Oiarity League Juniors, Newport Oiapter, attracted more than 500 women and children to the Palm Garden of Newport's tony Four Seasons Hotel. Centerpieces of fondant iced cakes set on clear domed pedestals wrapped with ribbons and gerberas set the feminine tone of the day. A palette or pink. black and white transformed the garden room. giving the party a very upscale feel. StiU B. W. COOK another color embelhshed the already lavish tables: robin egg blue -Tiffany blue, to be exact -in the form of boxes tied in white ribbons and containing crystal votive candles. the party favors for each guest. As in years past, the NCL Juniors' event had a wonderful silent auction and basket drawing. Themed ba-.keh 1h1'> year were created around such notable names as Roxy. Barbie and American Girl. A children's tent was erected on the hotel lawn and filled With al] the fun things -cotton candy. popcorn and fresh lemonade. As an aside. the latest rad m table decor at A-hst L.A. and Orange County parues are cakes made of spun cotton candy in exouc navors (sour apple and pink passion fruit) with lighted candles in the center. Modeling fashion., from South Coast Plaza were local sixth-graders who wi ll be graduating from the NU. Juniors and moving on to the Newport Oiapter of National Cllarity League. The young ladies joined their mother'> Mary Buckingham. Mia Butera, Nicole Cook, Carly Cotton. Laney Tucker. Event chairs for the National Charity League Juniors "Belle de Jour~ luncheon are Whrtney Mace and Holly Anderson. Caroline Kelter. Kelly Moorhead. Mary Lynn Pyle and Shelby Searles. to name a few, on the runway. The most successful event raised $90.000 benefiting three NCL Juniors charities -the lligh Hopes Head Injury Program, the Harry and Grace !>teele Children's Center and the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. 01a1red by WhJtney Mace and Holly Anderson. the NCI Ju111or'> luncheon was 'iupportt.'d by Kathy Keller. preo;1den1 of NCL Junior'> and her daughter Carollne. Klm Welner. Shelly Belllngs. Leslie Pershon. Lynn Pyle. Toni Hiiton and Betsy Van't Hof. • THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays MEMORIAL DAY IS A GREAT TIME TO THINK SUMMER! And what a great time to _ bring the trop1lal look and feel mro your home. You can now s1art or add 1he'>e '>pt:l1al cc1 hng fan~ 10 your home de~1gn w11h our Mcmonal Day SJle We a.'>kcd and got from our vcndorlo some 11:mfic pnce break\ 10 get th1' \ummer off 10 a grca1 'IJrt Come m and ~c over 200 s1a1c-of-1he-art ceiling fans. You 'll ... cc lots and lots of tropllal and C'\Olll fan~ along with many other ~l)les. MIRAMAR™ ... "'S1tt LAITIMl,_.$1q_ ~..:Cl!?) YN 0-. of Mlllp .... ,..... ... ·22" .... • Ullllllt-WTllllY ...... ...... ttNOllMI .... ....... , ......... Caroline Kelter and her mother. Kathy, president of the National Charity League Juniors Sixth-grader Kelly Moorehead and her mom, Ann. were models at the fashion luncheon. • Brad BUl'lirJgham aod UsaVigit Vigil- Burlingham Helen and John Vigil of Lakewood announce the engagement of thelr daughter, Usa Vigil of Los Angeles, to Brad Burlingham or Lo Angeles. The bride-elect graduated from St. Joseph High In Lakewood and UC Santa Barbara. The future bridegroom, son of Judy and Bob Burlmgham. of Costa Mesa. graduated from Mammoth Lakes High and the University of Southern California. An Oct. 18 wedding ts planned in Palm Springs. • WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run S1turdeys For e form, pleue call Coral Wil10n at (9491 574-4298 ===============Since 1971 =============== Factory Direct Showrooms \) ~ WlfifJffiJYJIA!J ~\§) Reupholstery & Slip Covers for Existing Sofas Lowest Prices in Town THOUSANDS OF FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME CRAZY PRICES · .. · .. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to • tn. Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, C<*a Meta, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 648-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4296. A complete list Is 1vallable 1t www.dallypllotoom. I I . aa regular entertainment st 860 Avocado Ave., Newport Beech. • ~ Hours •re 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday• 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through :c ~ Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM ... I The Studio Cafe preaents , , ~it==:~· MUSIC Monday Night Jama from 7 to 11 · • p.m. every week. "Wanted• muafdant lndude guitar playen.; ,; ba .. players. singers. dnmunera,-' keyboardiaU and others et 100 Momma J ohn We belong to tbe world's /Qrgest flooring retail group -e<><>p. We are the biggest jloorlng dealers Individually ~d and operated NOBODY anywhere can beat our selection, prices or service. ,• ii ~ Jennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet $199 . Lifetime Warranty 1:, Laminate Gus Lifetime .warranty •. Ceramic ' . ' • )I;) • ~~ 1;, Lifetime .Warranty . ~ Wood You'repaylngtoo $299 $299 much If you're not ,,: ~ buying from us. .. r- Brenda Q'i:iestions Asked 60 day exchange. q you don't like ft, we will replace It FREE FULL SERVICE Co11ter Tops • Showers • Cera•ie • Stou • GrH ite • Wood Refi11ish ONE STOP SHOP Wi11dow Coveri11 s • Cle111 i11 Cu et & U holste • P1inti11 -lllterior & Exterior 405 Costa Mesa Irvine n. <9•9> &50·7&7& (949> 818•Dt4t ~f'&o~i~" t 2• E. t 7th t 7777 Main ..... Main s1 '; * :; ~ €-~ ~ ~ 2 MON-FRI 9·S INTERNATIONAL FES11VAL The cultural tntdltlona of Japan. France and Mexico will be showcased at a two-day International Festival on Saturday, May 31, and Sunday, June 1, at the Newport Beach Central Library. A concert by the Primavera Orchestra. conducted by Peter Fournier, will launch the festivities. Inspired by the cultures of Newport Beach sl.ster cities Okazaki. Japan, Antibes, France and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, the event will offer karate demonstrations and Japanese calligraphy, Mexican art.a and crafts and French herb gardening. The event Is presented by the Newport Beach Sister City Assn .• supported In part by a grant from the Newport Beach Arts Commission. The Newport Beach Central Library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information. call (949) 717·3870. FOREVER BRAHMS The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Cari St Clair, welcomes pianist Christopher 0' Alley, a Van Cliburn medalist, for its season finale at 8 p.m. June 4 and 5. The program Includes Brahms' ·symphony No. 1 • in C minor; the Prelude to Act Ill of ·Lohengrin• by Wagner; and Chopin's ·Andante Spianato• and •Grande Polonaise Brillante• tn E-flat major. The concert will be given in Segerstrom Hall. A preview will be given an hour before. Tickets cost $19 to $59. For tickets, call (71 4) 755-5799. PACIAC SYMPHONY'S JAZZ CLUB Jim Self, principal tuba player for the Pacific Symphony Orchestra. and the Pate Christlieb Quintet will perform a special engagement at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. June 7 in Founders Hall. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased at the Center box office or online at www.ocpac.org. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. The Orange County Performing Arts Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday Main St, Newport Beech. t=ree. L (949) 675-7760. '" MMMA 6$ WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yortt Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 261 E. CoaS1 Highway In Newport et&. : p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m . Sundays and Mondayt. Diana Oftrl joint the duo on vocala on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9600 MUSIC AT THE GRILL The 81uewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nlct Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic roct. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform claS$ic roct. swing and , R&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The restaurant Is at 630 Lido Partt Drive. Newport Beadi. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from , 1 Wednesday through Sunday. The • band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from . 8:30 p.m. to 12;30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT PlAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players Is at 512 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa. No cover chaf99. (949) 646-5615. WE£KEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beadi presents JesM on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK ANO Fl.AMENCO Tate 5. a funk. r<><* and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Satu~ at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. • Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. • ~ • --VOIL emert-!IDterior;s Huge selections on new home · furnishings that just arrived, top manufacturers' <liscounts and much more! IN STORE UP TO 71% OFF ••• Malaca Bamboo Bed and Nrght Stands in Stock and on Sale. •All SU.. are FJNAI, and In .. AS IS" condldOn • . Present this ad during our Warehouse Sale and save an additional 5°/o OFF any one stock von Hemert Italian Import,· accessory or lamp. This SX olw' ippllet CDWWdi OM iWn per cuatemer: (Wld .... I 6ch dW\I June lnd.1003) .. .. HOURS Continued from Al 4 Solo gultarllt Ken Sandera perform• clanlcal flamenco tunet 1t 7:30 p.m. TuMdaya end SundltYI. Free. (949) 676-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT RU Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rod: and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdeya at Sutton Place Hotel .. Trianon lounge, 4600 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) ,76-2001. STAGE MACHOMER The lrvlne Barclay Theatre will be bringing badt "MacHomer: The Simpson• Do Macbeth" at 8 p.m. through today. TI<*eta are $32 and $26. The Barclay Is at 4242 Campua Drive In Irvine. Tldteta: (949) 854-4646. ONE·ACT PLAY FEST A dozen one-act plays, many of them original, will be performed through Sunday in Orange Coast College'• annual Spring On-Act Play F-estlval. The plays will be staged In OCC's Orama lab Studio. Curtain time is 8 p.m. W9Qneeday through Saturday and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tidtets are S6 and $7. Information: (714) 432-6640, ext.1. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. BEING DEAF IN AMERICA Casey Weber is directing his own play, "My World and Yours," about being deaf in America. The plsy draws on personal experience. The show runs through Sunday with curtain time set for 8 p.m. every day except 2 and 7 p.m . Sunday. It will be performed at Orange Coast Community College's Drama Lab StOdlo. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432-6880. 'THE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's first full-length play, "The Drawer Boy; one of nme magazine's Best Plays of 2001 , will continue through June 29 ~ Segerstrom Stage. Tidtet.s range from $19 to $54. For tidtets, call (714) 708-5555. 'CATS' "Cats; the longest running musical In history, will return to Orange County to the Orange County Performing Am Center on Wednesday and continue through June 1 in Segeratrom Hall. Tidteta coat $19.60 to $64.60. They are on aale at the Center box otTIQe or by calling (714) 566-ARTS or www.QCJ»C.orp. The Center i. at 600 Town Drive, Costa Mau. 'flORENC£, DAVID AHO ART" South Coalt Repertory'• Young Conservatory performer• the Teen Players wUI present Greg Atklns' "Aorence, David and Art," a play about high school art 1tudent1 in Italy. The production . will be staged May 31, June 1 and June 6 through June 8 In SCR'a Nldlolaa Studio. SCR Is at 665 Town Center Drive. Costa Meaa. Information: (714) 708-5500 '42NO STREET' The 2001 Tony Award Winner, Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award "42nd Street" will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center June 11 through June 22. Tldtets are $322 to $66. They are on sale at the Center bo>C oftlce or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.orp. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. ART 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J. Salamon will unveil his series of 36 portraits of people within the Orange County art scene that are making a difference in its evolution. The e>Chibition will run through June 15 at the Blue Square Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Information: (949) 548-1101. DANCE SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed For more information, v1srt ocswing.com or call (909) 6~119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Enjoy Savings of 15-50lfFF Hurry in for best selection! Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything ctt below warehquse prices! New merchandise arrives daily! Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT DATEBOOK SAINTS AND SINNERS The Harmonia Baroque Players will present "Saints and Sinners!" at 4 p.m. Sunday, June 1, at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, 798 Dover Drive. The program will fea~re guest soprano Maurita Phillips-Thornburgh, with Ma.nka Frankl on rec~rder, Devin Frytin on cello, Man Ha.1g on baroque v1ohn, Richard Glenn on lute, baroque guitar and recorder, Jeff Lavner on harpsichord and Paul Sherman on baroque oboe. For information call (71 4) 97(}8545, I Danscene Studio. 2980 McClintodt Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. KIDS SOUNDS Of SUMMER Mignonne Profant and a guest pianist will present the final program of the Newport Beach Central Library's 2002-03 musicale series at 3 p.m. June 8. The free musicale, ~The Summer Knows.w will feature a stroll through the tunes of Gershwin, Jobim and LeGrand. Profant is an actress, singer and dancer who specializes in French songs and music of the 1940s. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call 949-717-3816. STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m . Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. See HOURS, Pa1e Al 6 S V\V\se+ ~ D et.i 9 h+s • CALI!~~? NI W,OfU •IACH enjoy a deliciold meal featt.~in9 o~~ slow f'Oasted Pt4ime Rib. \!'ol<I' meal is aC'co•"'pal"lied by a ko.,.,emadt• So'-'p of fht> day 0 1' Cl"iSp Cae.90,. sala<f, choice of H aa9e"'-Da2s ice c l'eam °' ~..b.+a~d ~ve ,.a9t>. .$_1_8_.Q ~~ --ialllJl--f!!'P LOGOled '" ~ N>#wporl s .. urh Mo,.,.;ott +-tot.el otv:l i:~Ml11 Cl .. b V~alad ~f Po..lclnq 900 ~po ... ~ ...... nm ... N1t.wpc..+ a.,,,,.h 949-729-3565 Nt!..rday, MfY 24, 2003 A15 White Front Pharmacy U.rth • Boolu • S1'tulril1 All l nnr11r1ee Pll11u keepktl 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 THESE NEW FABRICS WI LL APPE AL TO EVERYONE. EVEN HUSBANDS . ~ALDEN'S f h"ll;)k Cl1\.IJ I' "-'II C. ~ 1,1 \l ''"' l'I' C li 1663 PLicenti<a, Costi Me-Y 949-646-4838 ·--....... ..,...._,,_0..-._ The soft rolds of Vptte' Window ~p now come in three r.ew fibncs that &ppUl to~· COO'!e 1ee them te><Uy . ' ........... . ....... ., ... , .. , ..• ,,,,, ,,,., , .... ,,,,. )? . • • • . ~ @Jl1111JllRJ1Ju11 • CONSIGN• DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Acctssoms For Your Homt Pair of lron and Glass End Tablei .................. ~ ... SlSr Black Game Table ................................................... $195" Table and 4 Slip Covered Chairs ........................... $197" Small Rattan Game Table w/2 Chairs ................... $200- Pair of Slip CO\'ered Chairs ................................... $350- Leather Sofa ............................................................ $356• Pine Hutch ............................................................... $596• Green Chenille SectionaJ ........................................ $995" 369 E. 17th Street# l 0, Costa Mesa, Located behind Plum's Pauo Phone (949)764-1746 Hours: Moo-Fn 10:00am-5:30pn. Sal IOfilvn..S:OOpm. Sun IO:OOam-4~ All 24, 2003 -Did You Know? mm we are a full seMce nut5el)' wih qualified Caibnia Certified Nursety Professionals and landscape I desipts. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come In today to 7'1wJfle Nurseries and let us show you how: NURS&RIES, INC. __ _ COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2700 Bristol St. 2800 N . Tustin Ave. TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO · (714) 754-6661 (714) 633-9200 Manlpr . flowerdale Nunery -Colta Mesa Master Nursery J>rofessional CX>MPUTE LANDSCAPING • 45 YfARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE ti 308553 - -- ---- --- A~emi 1 .n.11nua Sale 20-50% Off! Spring & Summer Shoes and Accessories Save now ... wear now! The latest European influenced designs • Scsto Meucci • •~of Florence • Van PJi Sizes 412 In' width super..,., to wide HOURS Continued from Al 5 PJSMOBOC*S A c:ftildren'a story time la preeented at 7 p.m . Mondeya end at 10-.30 e.m. Saturdays et the Newport 8eec:h c.ntr.i Ubrary, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may weer pajamas to the evening eesslons. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEUER A c:ftildren'a atory time la held at 10:46 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellera at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A c:ftildren'a story time ia held at 101.m. Wedneadaysend 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Bordera Boob & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offera Sunset DiMerS from 4 to 5:16 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bead\. $10-$15. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. fl\/ery Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. lWIUGKT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chicbn parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, ls offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Ho1el, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. $30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTACOffEE Musical acts perfonn at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St., Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2770. BISTR0201 Jazz Is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949)631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rode is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at e m errace--;l773 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5650. DURTY NEUY'S Live music Is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. AIDA COURTESY Of OC PERFORMING ARTS CENTER The cast has been announced for Elton John and Tim Rice's "Aida,• Disney's Tony Award-winning musical love story, which comes to the Orange County Pert orming Arts Center for the first time July 2 through 13. The newest blockbuster musical from Disney Theatrical Productions stars Paulette Ivory as the Nubian princess Alda, Jeremy Kushrner as Egyptian Captain Radames, Lisa Brescia as the Egypban princess Amnens and Mickey Dolenz as loser, father of Radames. Tickets are $27.50, $34.50, $44.50. $51 .50, $57.50 and $64.50. For information. call (714) 556-2746. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 759-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Live music Is performed Sundays at Hard Rode Caf6, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. THEHARPlNN live music Is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmichael's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Udo Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suite D, Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595. MARGARfTAVILLE Live music is performed at M argaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway.NewportBeach.194-91 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music is performed M ondays through Saturdays at the Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULOOON'S Muldoon's is an lnsh pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Beach. (9491 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and light rode acts perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 676-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its two-piece band fl\/ery Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 756-0121. TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night is held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. (714) 436-9367 VILLANOVA Ridl Fauno plays at the piano bar at 9 p.m. Sundays through Wednesdays and the three-piece jazz and blues band Misbehavm' pfays at 9 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Villa Nova, 3131 W. Coe.st Highway, Newpoft Bead\. (949) 642·7880. ( FAIR •ConthJed from Al2 "Bob Dylan, that was bard. So many people want him, to be able to land hlm 11 big, anchoring to the whole summer," Beazley saJd. Another coup 11 that Steely •Dan will play Its opening leg of •Its tour at the amphitheater. ' "Ira the1r Orat concert In :eoata Mesa, It should draw a : big buzz,· Beazley said. Crosby, Stills and Nash had , played the venue before. The amphitheater used to draw such big names as Madonna, Sting and Uza Minelli. The fair will be sharing some of the aame acts wtth other venues like the Greek Theater and Universal Amphitheater. "We started formulating the 'strategy before January,• Balley-Findley sald. "Everyone has their own wish list, and we strive seriously for a diverse progiam.• Other draws Include Juan' Gabriel and Amy Grant, who is playing with Michael W. Smith. "There are 10 different ,genres of music to speak to everybody,· Beazley said. . ·Amy Grant Is only playing two THEATER Continued from Al 2 "Cats,· of course, has been around the block -and the Center -a few times. but it's been several eons since we've been treated to a production of ·Hair," the late-l 960s "tribaJ love rock musical" that. in its original Broadway run, marked the genesis of a professional career for former Orange Coast College actress Diane Hall (the last name on her Oscar ls "Keaton"). "The Drawer Boy,· CanadJan playwright Michael HeaJey's firs t full -length play. bas won the 1999 Dora Award for best new play. a 2000 Olalmers Canadian Playwriting Award and the 1999 Governor General's Literary Award. It focuses on an urban actor TAKE Continued from Al 2 A story In a book can produce the same neurological response as the event itself, Loui said. "You read and you go into the book.· Lafarge said. "You are the hero. the villain and all the characters.· Reality is a construction of the brain that dumps sensory input and, at the same time, interpolates other information. Lafarge sald. "What is left is what we think of as reality." she sald. But scientific experimentation with genetic engineering and the creation of artificial life raise very real ethical debates and could have long-term ramifications that need to be handled responsibly, she said. Frankenstein is a lonely creature who is shunned and excluded for his otherness. she said. In this century, science offers mothers the possfbWdes of detecting deformides, disease <and eventually even usliness so l!lat certain kinds of people may pot be born in the future, she Mid. "What we caJJ monsters and unacceptable is often a dates this year, the 'Thday Show' and here. W~re really fortunate in that re1pe<;1." Balley-Findley said that they plan on selling out every night. "We knew we needed to book 21 nights, a little something for everyone," Balley-Findley said. ·we wanted to make sure that there ls tomethlng great every nlght of the fair. The theater seats 8,500. Every ticket Includes admission into the fair:. "Even our terrace seats are close to the stage," Beazley said. They have yet to announce opening night, but have hinted that she ls a certain jazz singer. So far, the biggest seller ls CrQJby, Stills and Nash, with Boston. Steely Dao and 311 among the top sales. The fair has expanded from 17 to 21 days. "There's nothing better than being outside on a summer night and seeing a concert under the stars in Orange County," Beazley said. Tickets are available at the Orange County Fair Box office on Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. For tickets, call (714) 740-2000 or Tick.etmaster or go online tQ www.ocfair.com. gathering dramatic ideas from two Ontario farmers. SCR's production will be Its debut in our area. As for the MACYs, that's an event that's hard to top for pure youthful taJeot and ensemble energy. Our local schools - Estancia, Costa Mesa, Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar - will be competing for top honors at Fullerton's Plummer Auditorium with scenes from their latest musical productions against high school shows from all over Orange County. The program is normaJJy presented the afternoon of Broadway's Tony Awards. but this time it's a week early. The organizers probably figured I didn't have much else going on next weekend anyway. • TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. FYI "Reeding Frankenstein" will be performed et 8 p.m. TuMday through June 1 and at 2 p.m. Mey 31 and June 1. After the 8 p.m. Friday performance, science advisor James Fallon and collaborating animator Cheryl Cotman will discuss how brain imaging and science contributed to the piece. A hands-on demonstration will follow the May 31 matinee. There is not admission charge, but space is limited. For more information, call (949) 824-6206. reflection of fears and weaknesses in a culture,· she saJd. "Every generation has its own group of beings who are not accepted." Modem technology offers new possibilities for artists ancf scientists, WfUch "Read.Ing Frankenstein" tackles head on. The production is a culminadon of 10 years of experimentation for Loui. combining animation and projection with live performances. For a neuroscientist. Fallon said. It is the best of times. "I rather enjoy the discussion," be sald. "It lets you know th.at you are living in a dynamic dvilizadon and exciting times. .. ''Your NftDllOrl-Nuo Flooring Bxp.rt:ar' SAVE 25-50o/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory www.patiomfg.com CUSTOM BBQ'S The HoneyBaked Cafe 5 full of surprises, not ham. now ~OU and !JOUP Lunch buddies can stor b~ The +lone~Ba.ked Cafe f OJ> a s??.:risl.n$fl!:J wide arra:'J of deli.c~~J ~de from sera~ Lunch t;em_ptatl.ons. T ~ our +lone dked ehidt.en Corclon Bleu, De6f WeUmgt<>n, or ~ork VU.lets Wt.th Fresh Bta~ber>i;J ~ ie. Or e+~ a fresh, eri.sp~ ~r ~ 841..ad. Ana, 'f breaXPast" l.s t;o ~our l~in:J, we serve i.t all da~ 'Lon~ WI.th chot.ees liXe our ~and flu~ +lone!JBa.ked Omeletta:ta Wt.th T urKe~h Avocado and Swi:.ss eheese or scrumptl.ous Stl.lffed French Toast So ne:rtti..rne !JOU do lunch, do i.ti.n ~le atThe +lone:'JBa.ked Cafe ... where ~ou'U find ovel'" ~ deli.ei.ous thi.nS8-Por lunch, besi.aes our am.a~3 ham. C.Ome see us tA:><l.4~. Welre ~t n~ door ro that: famous ham store. 0pen Mooday • Weaiesday Sa.m.-6:30 IX1l THE HON EV BA Thursday -Satuniay 8 a.m. -9 p.m. Sulday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin 13771NtwportAMe.#13 Phone: n4-731-6616 fix :714-731-t907 tU6~ Badt 19022 Badl lhl. #C Phone: 714-963-6174 fix n4-m1216 2001 Lambotplnl Murdelqo ll8dclll8dc , ...... ............ Hurry! Only S14f .soo 2002 fetrart l60 Spider Ft , .... " ... 612 Mlet $2JS,000 1991 ,..,,... sso ........... lladlllllldt "' .... O.OITM,_ld ...,._ ...,, -- CW, SIS7,511 ~ .. ~... . . ... QUOTE OF THE DAY "We played like we practiced all week." John Emme, Corona del Mar basebaH coach EYEOPENER • Daily~Piki Spans lido/Fame ~··· "' ....... _ M•J 26 honotee KIRK BAUERMEISTER lpol1s Ecleor RicMrd Dunw. (94915744223 • $pcN1a Fax: 1949) 650-0170 Saturday May 24. 2003 81 Sea Kings flex muscle CdM explodes for season-high 19 runs to back Madelin's dominant pitching in CIF opener. Barry Faulkner Da1fyP1lot CORONA DEL MAR -lne I lesperia I ligh Scorpions come from a desert lo- cale. but there may not be too many en- vironments more sweltering than the site they drove nearly l 00 miles to play their CIF Southern Section Division IV first -round baseball playoff game Fri- day. Oh sure, the CdM 1 ligh dtamond is frequently visited by off!.hore breezes. But the blazing bat!. bemg swung by the Sea Kings have been enough. of late. to ~orch at least oppo'iing pitching. The Sea Kings' 19-3 victory, which ended a three-game postseason lo">ing '>trea.lc. p rovided ample prpof of the hosts' ·ping" pr~ They bel.)hed 19 hits against four Scorpion hurlers 10 ad- vance to Tuesday's second round against Temple City. The 'ille of Tues- day's game will be deterrmned by a coin flip today. ·Loolo.ng at our f P..dcific Coast l.eaguel ~tats. v.e averaged SCOREBOARD more than eight rum (111 15 games). • so I don't know if it'!. ~ much that we're hot, a!> 11 is we can just ftat hit.~ said c..dM Coach John f..J]lme He.peria 3 after watching hi~ CdM 19 squad post iu. highest single· . game scoring out- put of the se~n Its previous best was a 15-1 trouncing of l.aguna Be3ch. ~We played like we practiced all week,. Errune said "I don't know if I've ever been able to say our hitting was doaunant. but we put 18 runs on the board against our front-line pitching in our incrasquad scrimmage Tuesday. So. I had a sneaky suspicion we'd come out and hit well today.· The PCL champions ( 18-7) didn't wall long -exactly three pitche<.. in fac1 - to start the '>ConnK parade ~rnor Kl'1th Long doubled over the nght fielder's nead on the second pttch from Hespena Staner Danny c;c hubt-n. tht•n Jo~h Brad- bury dolled the fir-.t p11rh he c;a" into the right field tonll'r for Jn RRI double See SEA KINGS, Paee 83 HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL Costa Mesa's Paulina Rodriguez SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Estancia Higtis Uatlasl<opp (13} turns to teammates Trevor Holmes (3), center, and Josh Kornegay. back, to celebrate a point in Friday night's CIF Division Ill boys volleyball match at home against Whittier. The Eagles swept in three games. makes a diving catch in left field for the third out to EAGLES RISING end an inning in the Mustangs' CIF loss to visiting Redondo. Estancia advances to CIF Division III semifinals with sweep over Whittier. Melanle Neff Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -It must have been the headbands. The F.stancia boys voUeyball team came out in Game 3 all wearing head- bands with their own handwritten slo· gana on them. The Eagles quickly rtpped off sewn straight points to open the game and went on to sweep Whit· tJer, 15-6, 15·8, 15-7 ln a quarterfinal match or the OF Southern Section Di· vtaion ID boys volleyball playoffs. "That WU all Josh ('Kornegay),• f.s. tanda Coach 'J}"acey Heims said. •He always comes up with something new every game to get the team pwnped up.• DON LEACH/ DAILY PILOT iil&.!~dltQiaZf:.tf!~~!!.Z!!!!f!!!J:Zm!l2liiil~ Not that the SCOAEBOMD r.agles needed any extra help. With Whittier having only one real weapon in captain Mike Hemande7~ it was just a matter of keeping tlirn on a loll hy Sankey. who had five in the game. In Game 2. f_c;tancia completely eliminated Hernandez from the equa- tion, and although numerous side outs and unforced errors kept the game go- ing, the Eagles were always in control. Whittier got within three points at 9 -6. but Je\-'l Hellmich. one of only two sen- ior.. on the Eagles squad, served up three straight points to gjve nis team a 12-6 lead_ Mustangs f all short Whittier 0 quiet for the Eagles Estancia 3 to succeed. Hernandez took control in Game I and quickly rattled off three quick kills. as the Cardinals took a 3-2 lead. But with the exception or a 2-1 lead in Game 2. that would be the only time Whittler held an advantage. F.stancia tied It. 3·3, on an unforced error and then pulled away on five straight service points by Scott Sankey. including two aces, taking an 11 ·4 lead. Whittier battled off' three game points before the Eagles took a one-game lead I lemandez had just one kill in Game 2. "He was their only player.~ Kornegay said. ·w e shut rum down and then the rest of their team lost ie After sprinting out to a 7 -0 lead in Game 3, Hernandez tried regain con· trol of his team. but several calls by of- ficials upset him and be spent the rest of the game glaring at the head referee Costa Mesa held to just one hit in first round of CIF Division III playoffs. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot COSfA MESA -The Costa Mesa High softball team fell one shy of its goals this season after losing to Re- dondo. 4-2. Friday in the first round of the CIF Southern Section Division lll playoffs. The Mustmg5 (17 -ll) had two goals this season -to win a.gue and win a OF game on their new softbal 6eld. They ac- aimpti.shed the first pl ht' ~ tone DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Hayley Peirsol Newport Harbor swim standout isn't looking past her senior year, while seizing the moment in CIF finals. the Golden West League title. the pro- grams fir>t. But they wen' unable 10 come up W1lh the second. ball field th.ts year to win league and Redondo 4 have a OF game Costa Mesa 2 here,• Costa Mesa Coach Rick Buona- rigo said. "We just fell a little short. but we fell to a very good team.· Seahawks pitcher Mandy Valadez See MUSTANGS, Paa1 l3 • ' Luxucy Ilnports & Exoti~ Sports Cars 1.~~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included *. Consignments Welcome * Cash Paid for Your Car (on MostVehida) * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates BMW 98 3 23i CONY 11mo1> Very Oeon. Ltr. Int. $18, 980 89 300SE 1191970Ynoke Silver. Perfecr Records $8, 980 97 328i CONY cmmWhttewrronLeoltlel.Aulo $22,980 99 CLK320 t.299ao . (l~)DlklDlk. Greol Voluel " I • 98 7 40i <•934C>0ne 0woet. 0vome WNs. Must See $ 22, 980 OO E320 t.32,980 (19392) StlYer wllllk. Moo«oot & Bose (1 00 323i (192NQWte wfTon. ~Moooroot $25,980 98 7 t. 01 CLK 430 c191~1,llllwlllai. LrlY Moonool. Phone $37,980 40i (193•e>DIWDt'k Cemf\ed (126, 980 99 328i CONY <•m!l)Olcd. ~uto.... . ........... $26~980 99 SL50Q 11~1>Whilew/Groy Srormoriled $39, 980 00 3 28i (19387)5ilver w/Glaf. Ptem Spon Pkg .. ... $ 26, 980 00 S430 <1~1>lllodvtllodl. Pelfea Condinon $46, 980 98 7 4Qi (le7~)"1il& w/IJTon. lJtv, Moonroof $27, 980 00 5500 (193t'2)DIWk. Lowenhardt Whls. Nov Sys $'49, 980 00 MROADSJtRCONV c19W)l<lwl~BeolrlACond $28,980 01 SL50Q 11933'>S.lver~lvef.10KMI $56,980 PORSCHE 86 9285 c1me)Dlk wfTon Int,~. low Miles .. $11, 980 98 BOXSTER ''"",Slvefw/Dlk. MlnfCondillon ...... $23,980 01 BO XSTER (1916') You "'1sl See 1Ns Oeol.fy. WrrfY $32, 980 00 BOXSTER c1~>Block wf1Jlor rip . . $32, 980 99 996 CPE (19216)'-edw/DlklJtv w~ $43,980 99 911 COUPE <•~>Exnemefy 0eon. 0ne 0wner $44,980 99 911 CONY (1MU1)Silvef, Leolhe<_. Deoury $49,980 99 911 COUPE o~~Npr lldl~ ~wticnAl!o'4$52,980 99 911 CONY (l~)Trlple Olk Ori)' 10KMI $59,980 00 5 2 8i (19383)61! wfall. Low MJes Span lt!etn. Pkg $ 31 , 980 0 1 S5 5 ( 19.oec) Skf w'Groy 5pt Only 19K /!\Jes Awt'SOl"le $ 7 4, 980 00 74oil t.38 980 01 TURBO <•~•>rip CW/ t~Mi. Youu~ThlsCJriell INQUIRE (19076)fOCfOly Wonooty. ~~mi '1 , EX 0' I cs s u vs " JAGUAR 64 MERCEDfS 230SL (t~)SeelhisP.oreOeovty!Red $19,980 00 JEEPGMNDOiEROKEElAREDO (,..,..,Low~ $14,980 00 JAGUAR S..TYPE (19'71 )1mmoculofeSedon $25,980 93 FERRARI MONDIAL II (l93:13)fi Shifter $49,980 00 NISSAN XTERM (194")"'4nyAa.tssorits $16,980 00 JAGUAR S.. TYPE <•93••>Blue. Qo.ly 211< Miles $25, 980 89 FERRARI TmAROSSA <193·uqP.ed. 0ne Local 0wnerl$69, 980 99 UNCru NAVIGATOR ,,..,.n1111wl(hmWsx.o0eon $21, 980 00 JAGUAR S..TYPE <•vm>5ilveo'Ueom. t5Kli'Jts $28,980 01 FERRARI MODENA SPIDER (19*)5Mf ra.011rs! INQUIRE! 98 RANGE ROVER 11M>1()SMcllko.m ~,.. $25,980 I----l--tl\jH/¥.~~M>-nanYl~-Mlft-f111Ct;-\1aiilOlft $45,9801~.J-RU~l'\-I ..... ~----11~11UWIL:-l-O 1 CH~,.j..l.L ..._...llMUIUU.....WS:W..-...~r.ww..• SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Lightning playoff run halted ACfON -The Sage Hill School baseball team started fast, but flZZled out in a t 4-2 loss ln the first round of the CIP Southern Section Division V playoffs at Vasquez I Ugh. The Ughtning (14-9), which topped La Verne Lutheran in Tuesday's wild-card round for the two-year-old varsity pro- gram's first postseason victory, had unbeaten Vasquez senior starter &!die Cook on the ropes In the opening inning. nm Wilkins led off with a walk. Jordan Salinger singled and senior Zach Friedrichs singled to drive in WUkins. Matt Loper wa&ed to Joad the bases with no outs, but Cook. who improved to 9-0 with the complete-game effort. fanned the next three to wodt out of the jam. Cook. botmd for O\apDWl University, had eight strikeouts and allowed six hits. M He was the best pitcher we faced all year," Sage Hill assistant coach Steve Washek said. Vasquez tied it in the second, but Sage regained the lead with a run in the third on Loper's RBI triple. Five unearned runs, however, put the Mustangs ahead for good In the thtrd, as they improved their record to 18-3. Senior catcher Vince Ortb: belted two solo homem and the~ bad three round-trippers among !heir seYe11 exna-base hit& QFDMlloflV Am round v.-c1·.~~2 Sage Hill '°1 ~n"T · 2 e 2 Veequ.z 015 233 x • i. 13 t loper. Selinger (4). Peckard (6) end Kornswelt; Cook end Ortiz. W -Cook. 9-0. L • Loper, 6-2. 2B • Wilk.Int (SH), Kelsey (V), Vitti (V). 3B • Vitti (V), McCamey (V), Loper (SHI. HR • Ortiz (V) 2, ICelaey (V). DON LEACH I DAii. V PILOT Costa Mesa third baseman Ale Gallardo tags out Redondo's Nicole Bronstein in CIF playoffs Friday. MUSTANGS Conbnued from B 1 ond, but Ann Mane fopp'> missed Jade Moss' relay and both runntr.. were safe Strner .-,cored on a deep fly to center field and Thom'>On came around on an RBI single by Tes.'> Solar.k.J. Butler also stranded seven Hedondo baserunners and struck out six. After Weiner's first-pitch home run to lead off the founh. Re· dondo tried to pick up more runs in the fifth. With runners on first and third and two outs, Sarah Tahajian drilled a line SEA KINGS Continued from B 1 dnve to left field. Rodriguez ran an and made a spectacular ctiving catch to end the threat and keep the ~arne close at. 3-I. Costa Mel>a puUed to within one run in the bottom of the fifth on Ma.i's run, but Redondo picked up an mc;urance run In the sixth. With two outs, Alex Merrell doubled to center 6eld and ad- vanced to third on a wild pitch. MilJer slammed another double into renter, scoring Merrell Miller made the third out trying to ex- tend her double ll'lto a triple. "I knew it was going to be a do~ game. 2-1, 1-0, something like that,· Buonarigo said. "It was tough when we felJ behind, but mund-lrippers. The three homers brought CdM's total this season to 26, af. ter it hit just seven last spring. The Sea Kings had seven extra· and a I O lead. Bradbury went to base hits against the Mojave 1hird on a groundout, then River League co-champions (14- liCOrcd on a wiJd pitch, before 10). Ten CdM players contributed 'Schuben retired the side without hit'> and nine scored runs. With further damage. the game firmJy in and. F.mme Semor d~ignated hitter Nick went to the bench, sending 18 ~. d1d most of the damage in different hitters to the plate. the second, after liespena scored The first five hatters in CdM's to halve the deficit. Karpe, whose starting lineup went a combined late·sea.'Km power surge has aJ. 12 for 16 with 12 RBis. lowed him to join Bradbury and Bradbury went 3 for 3 with we still came back. We haven't been shutout all year." It was the fifth win in six games for the Seahawks. who will now play Western In the second round Tuesday. Western was a 4-0 win· ner Oller Schurr. Brystol Sims and Stolarski were each 2 for 4 with an RBI for Redondo. Thomsen was 2 for 4 with a run scored. Clf DMlion II Am round Redondo 4, eo.t. Mesa 2 Score by lnnlnga Redondo 002 101 "fl • 10 1 Mesa 000010 1 212 Valadez end Sims, Butler and Miller. W -Valadez. L· Buller, 11·5 28-Merrell IA), Bronstein (A) HR - Weiner (A) 23 hitters he faced. he surren- dered just four hits in five com- manding innings to improve to 6-2. He threw an economical 53 pitches, 41 for strikes. before giv- ing way to Nick Rhodes in the sixth. "Macklin was superb,· Emme said. "lf he keeps the ball down in the zone and throws first-pitch strikes. he can beat anyone." Rhodes worked a perfect in- ning. before fellow senior Griffin Dunzer finished up, surrendering just one hit and an unearned run in the seventh. ngarnon~grmneam'!rstdt:aJl'lS"CJf-fottr-RBb--en-d-t:l~H\1BSi-K&~~~~~-,_.l'ICl;~a-~~~ swing. came to the plate with the was 3 for 4 with three runs and bases loaded. after l lesperia four RBis, junior first baseman Coach Shannon I lanscn lifted Barren Sprowl was 3 for 4 with Schubert, a senior lefty, for junior two runs and one RBI, Macklin right-hander Ryan Ferrer. Karpe went I for 2 with three RBis and Jifted what appeared to be a lazy two runs. and Long was 2 for 3 fty ball to right field. But it carried with two runs. ewer the fence for a grand slam Junior catcher Danny Marin- a.od the Sea Kin~. duly Inspired, Finn was 2 for 3 with a triple and proaieded to make lt a blowout. scored twic.e, while junlor Ryan •1 figured I at least had an RBI Kelly came off the bench to pro· fwltb a sacrifice Oyt: ~ said duce a two-run double. of bis fifth homer or the season. Junior 1Yler Lentz also came "1 guess he got into it a little off the bench to whack an RBI more than everyone thought." single, while ~ Ryan fmme said or the first of three Lance and Brian Bechelll also CdM di.ngers. Junior pitcher Todd took advantage of beint called M8cklin drove a three-run shot up !tom the lower levels by deliv- • IDIO che rl&bt~6eld jet ering bits in thetr only plate ap-~ In the fourth indng and pearances. Bradbury launched a two-run Meanwhile. Maddin was blast well beyond the left-field showing the Hesperia pitchera :llnoe ln the fifth to bring his sea-how it should be done. Dellver- .tot.aJ to a team-leading nine lng 6.rst-pitdl strikes to 17 of the Ant round CdM11,lleepelta3 Hesperia~~~ 3 II 1 CdM ~1 411 • '9 19 e Sctiubert. Ferrer (2), Vlnrmoma 141. Feris ISi end Reyet. Maddin, N. Rhodes (6). ()ulll9( (7) end Marin-Ann, Kelley (6). W • Maddin. ~2. L · Sctiubert. 5-3. 28 ·Long (CdM), Bradbury (CdM), Burnt (H), Kelley (CdM), Sen (H). 38 • Marin-Ann (CdM). HR • Kerpt (CdM), Mactiin (CdM), Bntdbory ICdM). , I M Saturday,~ 24, 2003 SPORTS Dail'/ Pilot ESTANCIA ContimJed from B 1 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL and shaking bis head, The Cardinals never got closer than five points in the game. While the Cardinal8 had only one weapon, No. 3·seed &tancla bad an ar· senal. Junior outside. hitter Kris Hartwell doml· nated Whittier's front line, placing his kills at will. He finished with a match-high 22, to go along with lhree aces. Kornegay and San· key each chipped In with 12 kills. Brad Lar· sen added seven kills. 10 digs and three aces. Home not so sweet for CdM Sophomore sener lfevor Holmes was all. over the court, dishing out 44 assists and scooping up a match-high 11 digs. His game was so impressive for the Eagles, even the officials commented to Heims at the end of the match what a strong game he played. That bodes well for 'Heims in the future. But for right oow she is concentrating on her young team who is making their first appearance in the plllyoffs in nine years and is headed to the semifinals where they wiJ) play San Gabriel, ah 11-15, 15-8, 15-1, 15-12 winner over Oxnard. San Gabriel upset sec- ond-seeded Downey In the second round Friday night. The alternate site will be de- termined for Wednesday's semifinal Venerable charity has increased prize money, despite the lackluster economy. Melani• Neff OailyPttot The priz.e money 1s blaer and so is the taJent at this year's 42nd annual Ray P.me:rson Ad.option Guild Classic Tennis Tournament. which begins this weekend at the Newport Beach Tennis Oub and other dubs around the area. Arcadia's size, skill tower over Sea Kings in CIF Division II quarterfinal setback. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DFL MAR -The celling on Corona del Mar Higb's gym could hardly stop visiting Arcadia High boys volleyball hit- ters from racking up frequent flier SEAN ijlllER I DAILY Pl.OT miles Friday night in a CIF Estancia's Kris Hartwell, left, sends a shot past Whittier's Manny Cardenas Friday night. Southern Section Division n quarterllnal. Seniors Brad Jenkins and Rich- ard Wright commanded the net, each tallying 14 kills for the sev- enth-seeded Apaches in a 15-12, 15-7, 15-8 victory over the sec- ond-seeded Sea Kings. who were a step slower and lacked the swagger and confidence the co- champions of the Pacific League displayed with six senior starters. player to Southern Califorma. Bryan Juinio, who is the top seed in the men's open division, Juinio, who is a pro at the Cop- per River Country Oub in Fresno. is coming off an . ap- pearance in the men's •open fi- nals of the Ojai Tournament, as well as a title at the Rio Del Oro Open. Al Ojai. Juinio, who played at Fresno State, was edged out by second-seeded Adriano Biasel- la. 5-7, 7-5, 6-4. At the Rio Del Oro Open. Juinio won tl1e crown with a 6-2. 6-2 victory over Joshua Prager. Juinio ho.Ids the all-time re- cord at fresno Slate for wins to singles with 105. He will open play ap1nst Howard Dell of San Oemente at 11:30 am. Saturday 8l the Newport Beach Tennis CJab. Joining Juinio in the men's open is No. 2 seed Brett Han- sen-Dent of Newport Beach. Hansen-Dent is currently in his second season as an as.sistant coach for the .USC men's tennis PJOfPCU11. A former Tu>jan him· self, Hansen-Dent helped the team capture the 1994 national champlonship. In. bis first sea- '°n u a coach, he helped guide the team to the 2002 nationaJ championship. Hansen-Dent, a graduate of Newport Harbor High, played ~rtd 1taa:n Tenni.'I for the Idaho Sneakers for two---. and theo pJayed on the pro IOUI' from 1996-98, befon reddmg.t.- ter a knee injury. Hansen-Deni Wiii -play doubles. ~wbbNIS­ ton's Ryan Moore, anocbei USC grad. The doo Is seeded third ln the men's open doubles. Moore is seeded 6fth in slogles. Returning to try and defend his men's open doubles tide it Corona del Mar's Scott Davis, who also wo the mixed open doubles title last ~ Davis will again partner with David Pate in the open division. The top-seeded duo recdwd a first-round bye and Will open play on MemodaJ Day. Davis opted out of mixed doubles this season and wiD in- stead team up with Robert Van't Hof in the men's 35 aod <M!!I' doubles where they are ~ third. Piet Aldrich of La Jolla and Jim Pugh of Mantuittan Beach are the No. l seed. In the women's open singlet division, Kim Nguyen of the Fountain Valley Tunnil Oub Is the top seed and Eliubeth Ex- on of Irvine Js seeded leCOOd. .Rounds through the quarter· finals will be held this weekend at the Newport Beach 1am.ia Oub. the 8aJboa Bay Oub Racquet Oub, Palisade$ Tenn.le Oub and the Racquet Oub of lrvine. "Their seniors showed they did not want their season to end [Fri- day night)." CdM Coach Steve Conti said CdM's playoff run, which in- • eluded a 15-5, 15-5, 15-2 second- rowid conquest over visiting Arrowhead Ouistian after a first· round bye, ends prematurely. The Sea tangs (19-12), champions of the Pacific Coast League, will not make at least the semifinals for the first time in six seasons. "It is always hard 10 win the last match of the year and only so few teams out of hundreds are able to do it,· Conti said. "We have a bad taste in our mouths because we did not play to our potential and display the great volleyball needed lo advance to the semifinals.· Arcadia's size and athletic abil- ity towered over CdM, which found itself sluggish to dog the middle, where Wright. Jenkins & Co. repeatedly found holes 10 s!am kills from the outside. "We knew what they were go- ing to do, we just couldn't stop them most of the time." CdM senior setter Greg Gabriel said Gabriel tallied 33 assists, trying as best he could along with team- mates to position themselves on defense. "They are big. physical guys that run into the block each time," Gabriel said. "They just withered away at us and we couldn't fight back.· Gabriel helped Stanford-bound senior middle blocker Eric Jones notch a team-high 13 kills fol- lowed by five from senior captain Bart Welch. Five of Jones' kills came in HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Game 1 as SCOREBCWI> CdM built leads of 7-1 and 12-7 before Arca- dia went on an 8-0 run to close OUI the game. Arcadia 3 The Sea CdM 0 Kings com· mined six unforced er- rors in that span a.11d couldn't break through the wall fonued at the net by Arcadia. :.µccifically senior AJan Morris. who dug two balls and added a stuff block in the aforementioned rally. "We hit balls cros.<. coun and into their blocks,• Cond said. "Usually. we want our guys to hit down the lines. They had two blocks near the end of the first game and then the 11ex1 few swings we got tcntaove and doubt crept in. (Arcadia! played wtth a sense of purpose and we made them bigger belit-vcrs out of themselves.· Arcadias comeback took the life out of the CdM crowd, which filled all but one bleacher section on the home side, and instead gave its f9'1owing many moment~ to cheer. "We came in here as underdo~ and people thought they would kick our butts." !WI.id Wright, who stands 6-feet ·4 and played wide receiver on the luotball team. "In that first game, wt decided to pw.h. play hard dlld never give up and we continued that tht whule match." CdM never led in the second and third gam~. geltin~ a!. do'>t' as one polm ~vcn u111c~ 111 (,.une 2 and within two poi11l!. twke u1 Game J. Arcadia strell.:hed a S·J lead in Game J lo a 9·3 adva111age 0 11 seven unforced errors by the Sea Kings. Conti experimented with dif ferent lineups throughout the match. trying lo find any :.em· blance of consistency. Senior. Oay Stone. Brian Brinlerhoff. and Brandon Sherick-Odom. along with sophomore Austin Brawner, all saw time on the floor with junior Dominic Rubino, Tom Welch, Kevin Welch aud senior Mil~ Youn11an. Yourman .md KcVlfl Welch t!ach slammed four kilb while Brinkerhoff added threl' followed by two apiece from Shenck· Odom and Tom Welch. Han Welch helped k.eep mlli~ going with a team-leading 12 digi. along with nine apieu · by Your man and Kevin Wt!lcn. Kevin. Yourman aJtd Jon~ cctdl tallied two !>Olo ~luff blut:h Southern SeG-ti011 finals a w-ait 1-9-klcal-athletes Newport-Mesa will be well-represented today at the big meet at Cerritos College. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot NORWAl.JC -It seems OK to be focused on your own accom- plishments for most of the New- port-Mesa District athletes who will be competing in the ClF Southern Section finals at Cerri- tos College. "I" won't be such a selfish word for them today. The CIF finals will begin with the boys pole vault. which fea- tures Corona del Mar High PEIRSOL Continued from B 1 ' Carpe diem. Her busy club and sophomore Andrew Wong. at 10:30 a.m All other field events begin at 11 a.m and running events start at I p.tp. The top nine in each event, re- gardless of division, will advance to the Masters Meet Friday at 3:30 p.m. at Cerritos College. Ten local athletes will be com· peting in individual events, in- cluding Costa Mesa senior Sharon Day, who will be at- tempting to win her fourth stral,ght CIF tide in the girls higb jwnp, this time in Division m. Day, who ls the top seed in the high jump (5 feet, 4 inches}, will also compete in the 200 meters, after qualifying eighth (25.83) last week at Veterans Stadium. Day set the Orange County re-. cord in the high jump with a 6-2 clearance at the Trabuco Hills in- vitational April 5. She will also run anchor for Mesa's 1,600 relay team, which qualified eighth (4:02.5 1) and also includes Rhondi Naff, Toshia Bryant and Stacy Krikorian. Day, who will play soccer in the fall and compete in lrad and field next year at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, won't be the only JocaJ girl taking on three events today. in Division II, Newport Harbor senior Amy Burlingham will attempt to lower her per- sonal record in the 400, and she will also run anchor in the 400 and l ,600 relays. Bwtingbam, bound for the University of Teias on a soccer Plaza. Her closest competitor was Adrienne Binder of San Marcos. The two are friends and both will be competing for the University of Auburn next year. scholar"Ship, ran a personal-best 58.19 to qualify fourth in the 400. She was also Important to the Sailors' season-best times in the 400 and 1,600 relays, which fea- ture the same four in both events, including Elda Heman- de7., Kiley Hall and Amy 10.ippert The four girls qualified first in the 1,600 wlay, 6.nisb.ing in 3:58.81. The Newport quartet qualified eighth in the 400 relay (49.83). In Division ill, Corona del Mar will be in the 1,600 relay re- presented by Melissa Swigert. KeUy Morgan, Sara Oaster and lindsey Manning. They finished ahead of Costa Mesa last week. qualifying fourth in 4:02.27. The girls 3,200 will also in- elude two athletes from different schools. Costa Mesa junior Ouistine Bjelland qualified eighth in 11 :29.99 last week. while CdM senior 8edcy Cum- mins qualified ninth ( 11 :32.91 ) . As opposed to all other events. the top 12, regardless of division, in the 3,200 will advance to the Masters Meet. CdM will also feature fresh- man Anne St. Geme, who is set to make her debut in the 800 and 1,600. She finished third in the CIF preliminaries in 5: 11.5, and her personal record is a 5:07. She qualified eighth in the 800 (2:20.99). For Costa Mesa. freshman Jas- min Day will also make her first appearance ln the CIF 6nala. She you don't have a reason to be there. I'm thankful that I can have fun out there because If I didn't have that fun, I don't think I would be where I am rlghtnow." internadonal swim schedule prevtnted her Crom swimming In every high school meet, but when she did, she cortoibuted to the Sailors in a btgway. "By her being there the rett of the girls had the sense that they would be OK," Newpon Harbor Coach ~n LaMont NJ.d. "lMt week. she wu peat. She won two CIF dtlel. Going lnto tbl year, we nettr won an in the 200 free. Peirsol out-touched Binder by a little more than a second, as the Newport Harbor sen ior fln1&bed in 1:49.82 to win the CIP title. PeinoJ won the 500 free ln 4:45.57. She also helped the Sailors secure MCOnd pW:e in the 400 free, leadiog to Newport'I leCOnd-place finish In ClP DtvWon J. The high school season ended for relrsol, but she still continues to trilin. She will represent the U.S. in the PJNA World Otamplonahips July 20·27 In Barcelona, Spain. AfteT that, she will prepare for college llfe and then soon the Olympic triah wlll come. Pelrsol, a distance-Cteestyle swimmer, trains with the Irvine Novaquaucs.Shea'Nfrn•!our mornings a week end ftve nJcbtl a week, averaging roulh)y 12,000 yUda of rree"ylc •trokn t6roU&bout the I : day. The life of a d1'tance f.reetryler la dlffenmt than mott twtmmen. There's training that requlr'e91 tpeda1 passion (or awfmmlng. Peinol a1ao cmtited her success in swtrnmJ,ng to her oldeT brother, Aaron. the wodd·record holder ln the 200-meter bacbtroke and 2002 Olympic silver meda.Uat. "He bu pla)'N a bll part.• Pelnol Mid. •1 teen what be hu done. h'• cool to have that ln the family. But, actually swimmlng it not really • bi,g thina lo our bouae. We try not to talk about It too much. When w. do talk about ... It'• jUlt ......, lbout ~and lo hear about hl• ~We don't want IO get too woibd ~ ..,._ twhnmlnl. We don\ want to Ill llretllftal or too Def'V'OUe. • , lndMdual event in ClF. The flrst event wu the (200-yard Ctttttyle) and she won right off the bat:" Pdnol. me .o.JJ)' POOt Adalete ot the Werk. bad tome ema ~n to toUc:h the wall ftnt May 18 • lelmoat .,I . •1 really didn't tw1m ln that many lb.IF IChoolJ meets. but thl• teuon WU ma0y fun," Peinol lald. •Jt WU j .... raJ lun because for some of us thts wu our lut ye11 and all of ua we.re jolt havtns a good dme. fl wu full a good ~u. Wlnnlu.tJ two Udel and lbe team ftiilihlQI eecond WU a~ w.liY tO e.ad dJe lellOO • ·1 thlnk h takes a cena1ri kind ol dJsd pllne 10 gel ht lhere nity and stay laa.-r lhan Q\ ·f)une elte." Peir&ol &aid • lbe rno-.l import.ant fhloa ii lo haw fun. I thltt~ if you don't have 6.IG Sbe1J ddiak abaul .... °'11Dp1Ci Wben the &ilM eo-. i will compete in the high jump. in which she had a 5-2 clearance last week. On the boys side, &.tancia sen ior Humberto Rojas, a sldle final- ist last year, will compete in the 800 and 1,600. He is seeded sec- ond in both, as ht· achieved I :55.52 in lhe 800 and 4: 19.97 in the l,600. Estancia senior Zack Novak. a first-time CIF finals qualifier, will also represent lLe Eagles. He will be in the high jump. He tied for the first seed with a 6·2 clear- ance. For CdM, junior Uuis Ring- strom will compete in the 200. The Pacific Coast League cham- pion qualified sixth in 22.58 last week. Policy How to Place A --Deadline~ -- Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to cenl>or. reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please repon any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no Liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the coi.t of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEIAD Monda} ................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday .................. Monday 5:00pm By Fax (~9) 631 -6594 I Pk•>< mdu.Jc )•>UI IW11C wld phont nurnbtr .nd '"t II <•II )OU b.o<~ -.uh. pmt ljUO\( I By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Muil/ln Person: 330 West Bay Street Co)ta Me)a, CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd & Bay St Wedm:~day ............ l ut:.,da} 5:00pm Thur'iday ......... Wedne-.dJ} 5 OOpm Fnd<t} ............... T hur .. da} " OOpm Sarnrda> . ·--. --·--·-.. 1-mfo> ~ OOpm Tdtphoni: 8 30am-5 OOpm Monday-Fnday Walk-In M '0-titli-5 ()()pm Monda~ Friday Sunda> .. __ ..... fnd..i~ C\ OOpm lNNOUNaMIHTS ~· & MISC. • 3010-3940 GARAGE SALE ~ 1419 ~ L ESTATE BUSINESS & R SALE soos-saso FINANCIAL 2305·2490 Index ~-- I I: : ' ... , .... , . ...~ -- ~. J.ili1 7402·7466 ~ IOOS-8510 ~ 9000-97SO Uncl c:r the Service: Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 l.Jpl Noaca 2640 Legal Notices 2640 I Estate Sales 1486 1 HOME MUC*>TKI g~'o1'~~" Yr\ r:;;:c,°t!:,"~ ~ FURNISHINGS CJTYOf 0 .. 1dBn~ HXXl~lin&~ndb~\ -------- LOTS/ACREAGE Miscellaneous 4730 EAST SIDE OPEN SUH 1-4 282 l UY St 3111 21A Bt•u tu\tom rt"rnodt'I ur1 a 1.1u1et !>t SI H O<.JO BV OW~I RI Ok APPl lrJ VI[ w c All Mo na•I Moontaln I Cost! Mesa ProtJerty 5965 fvn(4 ~ ,_ rr...,.. .-;;;;; ____ iiiii Sci & Y.i t'N'y' V..Zy ;iuoel v...--.. <><-Views /ts '>ts, .... , t .... tr-J f' .....v- Sl!6.. ,,_,, ..s; 1,11>, 1 ' t" II \ fJ ,. • 4 .. i .. 1 fltd ,. t s' 1 1! f ~ 4-t-~ j.(. llAllTW\Jl YUC.A ,.., I'*' '>kl~ ~ Kilu llWPOITIUCJt rn.. •t•tement .... , Awf. 949-650-6357 Furniture 3435 n... #--111"--1.--1.L.. l1l~d with lhr Cuunly lar1e 1arden wacon dOi houu double ~h<>ller 949 !>IS 9312 <.Alf U<""""' & c "" Pf'! Sl'iO <;t9 M7 281!! ...... ...,p,.,°""-1 .... H.irt<• ~>-.:Br \boo ."JAi t... n., 1 .. ·~ -ltA .,~ SI /~111<.c '14~ ?l~ 14:..(J Hert-v-..... 4b :>Ii• 1111' n ,....~ Cllll".t _J ~:CJ\,, rt 1S fl• .. • tot<; "71 ~II ~o .. rheWa~ .. ,,~_,"'_ Cler~ of Or i nat C<>unt~ SOI AVOCADO, CDM llrt •r4 ""'* <tts;o ..l1Jdrnl Qty .. ..,.,..... on 04 JI! OJ SATIAM-2,M ~ "1.w & n~t .t.;nd 9~9 780 lbH r-tMdo '9-l lor I llo AfJt. 11' t;,tl "' -~\ W11fe-t & t1 --~ P••O ~ p~1~ S9l'l mu '14'1 bSO J/ J!> ----•----...L.J..-.& 2003•941 500 ,IUSAll: f'loqra\e c~t ''er"" ,,___.,...,_.., O•oly Pilot Mat 11 14 flllDAY S'M-9,M ,~do-<>. ~~~JOO Cota De Cm 3...,, b. '"i. . .. "" Jf ....,.,.... JI June 7 2003 Sd456 Garage/ P'WlmeG COIUUSSIOel Actit1M 1wsiitu Yard Sates 1489 AGaDA .... s..i...e f111ot Movln9 Sale Antequ ... ~ w~\httf dr r,., P•lo•J lurn1tu1t dbl hto1 & qu~•n \l bed ii\Ulf .......... J..5'-~,... I SUBJCCl Juhn Walter Vel1rOo (PA?OOl 048) 3809 Channel Platt SUMMARY Reque\t • v .... nce to the muo mum 1J1ow1ble lluor tr•• and m1n1mum requ1ted open spl(e f0< th• con,trur lion ol • 988 \q fl re~•denct on • I OJA sq ft lot lhe apph<.•hon 1lso requuh • Mod1ltc.,hon Per nut to •llow th• PIOPOHd rn•dence tn enuo1th ,.1th1n tht lront \lcM and ru• nib•'"' APPltCA TION VA2003 002 •nd M0200J 01'; C[QA CO MPLIANCE Thi\ pro1ccl hn been reviewed •nd 11 hn been determined th•I 11 " c1 teaofl<•lly eaempt under lht rtquortmt nh ol tht Cahlorn11 lnvi ronmental Qu1hty Act under Clan J IN~w Conslrutlton 01 Con ,..r\lon ot Small Sir ut turn) 2 SUBJECT R & 0 Sandwich Bar (PA200J 106). 555 lhwpo1 I Center Dflvt I ht lollc.wine per Vln\ ''' do1n11 bU,IM\\ ~' Sa11ton f'llO 7119 l fl3ll Rd A11•ht1m C•loluo noa 9261>3 Mon1<0 Phan l '>?9 S Ctd11 St Santa Ana C1l1for 111a 92 JO I hi\ b•mnn\ " c nn ducted by •n 1nd1•1dual H•vt you \tarted duonjl l lub\ 11 .. u\ehc.ld 1ltm' 1?4 l.otlon\ B•lbo• 1\land 949 123 4071 C-delM..-/Sd ..... ~h•n •.II.tr\ 'lo!Cbonal L~ ttJI & mr•~' I 22• s-...t Driw bu\onn\ yet' No •Hut • Gora9• Sole• Manota Ph•n S•t 8 noun J428 uH•n Tlt1\ \l•temtnl .. u Blvd Curon• del M•r (11, foltd woth th• County I Nan ouu• & O• un lll•d ~~~ ~~ i~•nlt County COSTA MISA SAM'll 2003'941111 SAUi Hu11.e 1nvt ntn•y ol O"IY Pilot M•y 11 24 1ruton,i 1 ards \talion 31 lunt 7 2001 $4457 ary i tem' iulh ul , r1bbor <••It 1ltm\ Ac1iMe llliltu collect ble' booh ' "-s..-f mort Grut pro n buy• S..t Sun 8 I J98 E lht St cane-.t 1ht 1~ Tht lollow1njl per sun• •rt doin1 bu\1ntu "' ARARAT IOBACCO l /04!> Mtdall1on Avr 4111 43 lustm C1hfo• n1a 91780 Edear Kocha 11•n 11045 Medallion Ave Apt 43 lu\ltn Callfor no• 97/llO lhl\ bu\1nr\\ 1\ ton dueled by 1n 1nd1v1du•I H••• you stlfttd doma busonn• ytt' No Edaar Koch111an Thrs \htemenl wn filed wottl the County Cieri< ol Or 1n1e County on 04 24/0J 2003042209 011ly P1lol M•y 24. 31 June 7, 14. 2003 Sa460 GarG90 Sole Sotur4oy 8 JOam l 1 undlt bed 2 lw•n m8tlro·.n tloth I ma \hUO bvo~\ ' more 1119 Alt• Vo\11 Ort .. Newport B•at ~ HI/Sot 1o-2p lnleflnt ~-acc""'°'Y & lu•n "le' Alt gr•ent< y tablt .ctn\Ofle\ new \UI• sofa ta~ ~on~. i.rrll>\. etc IS22 <__,. L-M 1505 LOST C«:it.allel 1o7ty wtwte yellow orange chtel>.s will whno~ N1me Sl\lltln Rew11d 949 132 !>999 SUMMAJIY R1Qunt f0t a Use Perm1l pu1iu1nt to the Alcuhol1< Be•er •&• Outlet Ord1n•nt e (ABO) to 1uthot1tt the ult of •ltoholic bever •an for on "tt con sumpt1on 11 8 propo,ed Cemetlly Lall.Oyptl LOST l•~ nval Vl.lped dlilm:lrld lrum r~ Balloil B1y Club ~n lluu~t f/lfWNllD 714-964 S862 rot1ur1nt to be lo<1ted w1th1n fnh1on Island APPLICATION Uu Permit No UP2003 017 CEQA CO MPLIANCE ,Actfl< VllW 81y vH!w I'" ice lot I 370 priv•I" party $7000 'obo 714 772 3441 Hus pro,.ct hu been Col1. .... au.i-t reviewed and 1l hu !VloiUunMt ~ ..... _d that It MlmonblUI 1510 ,OUND CIU,KONl IAUOA,.NIN 94~N-J'9t ti c•l•&o<IUlly o empt under the requiremenh '°' $$ 4 UCOltDS nc General ot the C11tforn11 [nv1 • llzz. ~Cit.. 50s & fDs ._....._...._ 1610 tonmental Qu11Jty Act tll NI«. 5'*t tube MY115 ,...._.~,,.., .. uncle• c11n I (M1n0t Mille 949 645 7505 11ter1llon of n 1st1n1 IQUAlllOUSllG sttuctures) P11bl1sh1d Newport OfPOIJWlif 811ch Costa Mn • Oallf All rul nt•I• adver Pilot M1y 24, 2003 S1458 ttirnc 1n this n~nnpaper MAMlnfOl-ut 11 ,ub19c1 to th• f 1cl1t•I ~· ""'"'-' f11r Housmc Act ot 1968 Or 1n1e County S1nl tetion o .. 111ct (OCSO or the D11tr1ct) of Ounce County, Callfor nt1, wilt receive sealed propouls unlJI June 10, 2003, 2'.<lO pm. Proposals must bl received 1l OCSO's Admtnl1tr1ljon lobby 0t f urchu lna Division Office, by the dale and 1111141 herein 1bov1 set fntlh, 10844 Ellis Ave nut , Founl•in Valley C1Ulornl192708 7018 llQUIST fOll PIO-f'OSAL C-NI f'tiyttc.i 0c-..,e.tc ·-· .... & ...... ·•-"411 A.&.wtk ...... Cw- r ... ,...,.,. WICJfKATIOel MO. 1-tOOJ~ IU Propon l1 Mut t be aubnutttd on llll foflll •"""'8d by ocso Ill 1cco1denca with ell provision• tf lilt tptcl llc1Uon1 $tleelhc1ho11t. PIOPOH I btenh . •ml f\Kttw lftfOfll\ltlOn "''' Ill obtllnt4 11 the ebove ....... ,,..,_. (714) lllH All. 'tillllltlltd Newport 8ach Cost• Mia• Delly ,llot MO 24, 2003 SIA59 ......... ........ The fotloWff'll& ptrtons et• doln1 llvliMt• ''" Mlllentu"' ,.,od1111h . 20271 i=•t otnl L• • aoa. .._ Oft h1K1t, Ctllfo<11~ Onld 11011, 20211 IHl=llll I.II 1102. ... ,., ..... c• ..... ~ 1«11. JGl11 =I iwl I.II tlOI, a.ell c: .... ,.. ftllil ..... llc~ ....... ~­.. ,,,,, ...... r as amended which makes It 1llea•I to adverltn ·any 1>1eler 1nc1 hm1tat1on or d1sci1m1n1tion bued on race, color. retialon. sea, handic•P, lam1l11I sl1tus o< n1tlon1I Ofliln Of' an Intention to mllle any s111:h preference, limit•· lion Of' discrimination • This n1wsp1per will not i.now1n1ly 1tcePI 1ny 1dwert1sement tor rHI ut1t1 which ls 1n viol1li0n ol the l1w Our rudt n 111 hereby 1nfo<m1d th•I 1H dwell· 1111' 1ctvlf't111d kl this Mwipep« are 1vlll1ble on an equ•I opportunity b11is To complain of cltt ~boll. ~II HUO toll- fr'9111-800-424+8590 1'83 COAST 'fount fOOTIAUCW .... ,. XlllSTAIS,......, ....... f ,. C..t C...ity""" J..2UnJ..27 ... , .... (tllllct: (..ti .... 714-U2-S113 ftt$17S M1y the stead heart of Jesus be adored & ctorilied now & louver Sacnd hurl of Juu1 pr1y for us S11nt Jude wnti.er of mlf1clts Pf•Y fOf us "M.ff'HY BC er .....,. <..itio ,.,.."-...._.. .._.., dbl nwru eu ' brl•'Or•llt ~i 'l'<l Sll'XJ 949-463-1146 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coatt Coln Hood1 Old Coin•' Gold \1lvt1 1twtlfy W•tt hn anti~• rnlleL11blto\ 949 647 9448 Cats 3610 PRIME lSTATlS HQ.4E h.1H.:.Al.E PATRIClt TIHOll MISCELLANEOUS ('side 21< I la d\.tpot:• ORANGE 5400 NATIOHWIDl USA I RENTALS ~lltult '•""""'..., fp 949-I S• 9705 w 11 til.w 1, iia< llv~ COUNTY I """w p•t11c~ttn"r' ""' --------p\/I fare! pei ""'ii l l/f.(n Newport Beach I Rental To Sltare 6030 i i f' iy <;4~631 i rn a ... r :;;.\,J;. ,.~ ~ ;-14. Balboa Peninsula l .. od• 1ri1 zr,d '""'"a R--w..I 311r 2.Sllo <OOlf!rrCl'.Jf .wy toume on mo t' St P..O frent.h Beau 1 rr11tn1f'r ~ hme\lone th> c>,, ... ,. 2' .. Mle kit. bediMUI I l'<IW w YWI (IWl1 !Tl!<! SI ~CXXl 419'1%H lm On buutlM JBt l "8a home w1~lr•al"' p<.uj bl:4ut~ul ~'' LR I ... 'Nlwttwdlrf ._,, uf Guld NfWPOlT llACH CM Room for re nt h-. 1 ifdr """ fir' Ip w 0 k t• h "' "' nr, ''"" l.tnd\c yd w fvunr ·••n & OPOISUN 2-S I ~t f~r•11•~' 11< 40'> OCC ~.,dtner ;:µel ,..., "'"""-P"'' t•nn• l MON 1 S ib7'>r11 • ~ 714 '>49 .!137 SZ:lli'mo 201 ~ Pl J SJ:f.il-. , •. ,, i.. '" 1278 RIJTlAHO RD 4 .. 1'¥W!y rl'OflxllMe<l 11-1tl!d 949-642-724' I Av4~ '1 l S '14'1 ';J, <H9' · # '""'Iii bl "'~ ,l';to. ?Int Huntln"'""Bea·" , 119 Co11y-;;-n Townhom• High~ upgraded 2br 2ba ru-n ,11 d<!Wl'>· tf:nf1oe. <I1l.. """' 1.11 79, .,fl• ... "'• .1~r '"' ,, (Ol\do Westclitt area SllXl I~ I C,.,I lor ""'' 28r I la Apt . ~ewly rc.vm "' ul 1•· uni •• r•. 114 !>.A) &10 AvH '> 31 iemudeled """ & ~I Sl9'l0 "'" 114 41!, 1"4t> S393.WJ 81 01''1Ef --ll.f9400 io.c1 Storage~arage inti Sl200mo no pet\ ~ ~ ~,, '8• ,.. "'" ~ IJJ1 714 <:a> 1684 <Pw'lj "'"' ....... • ,,. 'ipo<lauo a--aay 1-, tu11 h..ttt r H1 ~ , ~ ~ .. ,. l~t °""'tne S.-C..0000> ---•ill Dayn.1 949.f>JJ ~ A aousm s• s1o Space FM Rent 6060 lrvtne , .... f't. "''il'\<11 ~Ot1•i4' ~JU' h ~ l'I•• JJI.•• ?I>< Iba lR upd.>ttd hit-<! no~n <••""•' ,.,. i ~11 PY1 !root palou h \IMWV' -111 ' IAYVllW HlfGHTS 1>1 1Ua20 WI t21 Rl<.I ,... bigot bf a110 .,._ 2., 1 llo ....... '< t • I 2br Z5ba w d 1toe. ldt 1;.,,...,.. ., J '~"° \.i 111 'llT• .,o 21. •" ii" ,_, 1.1tots. r11 "•• "' I '41 """" f h I ' HOMl SWUl HOMll •'''" ""-A1.Jill , ... Y'llftd 'ti .._ t\fff .. lro j{_1a Ntf""' .... hf •Ott ,. J"•IH"\IV.,. ff'1ld(t°'f1 i:ltldt't'\ 'ft ltil'tW-. S."1ti)) "'' (t-dflf .. ~, ) hkl , ...... ~ ~ /11$ l';J(i Newport Coast Modlterra11ea11 fl.tn, f''ft 1PH' r' ' • ,., ..... i.S 71 4 544 •121 Santa Ana H•a• s-th (-•' Plote th r .. 1. J .. • ..... n 1 f ~~ ~lllt>er1 .. t..m I 00.-ltlSCUCD> ICJTTINS. &a• ,.,...,, I t. k>I un l utlneVy & , .,, • ll ffl \1JJ tAT~ DOCS~ Qn in. St $97S OCO •al O•yna Mdwd Bto"""' c;,......,tirit SfiJ "'' ... "" "" ~dlt 1 u.~r ~ 500 lb48 S21'll mo 911'). JI'& 1197 7102 •V '" "~'~" OtAANGE·~~ Re: j-Jtoo _Ll_do_lsl_e ___ _ UYVllW HUGHTS }OJOI '-'I'll'.... I v f ?bot ,,_..... ... t ,. , s..,. ... t ,.•• ,tn1n~ t'W "" l J ;4'~ 4'i '1'.ki ,. ..... ....,~.... 'M967l .l899 l'Wtlly 96r.ll-Oln ~"'"" r '"5IWJll 11a>d :11 503 ._ 1ay. Cotrrr"" _.,. ()AV l(N IH GUAANflU r~ mu~ 10fW'€. OPEN SUH 2-S 96644-2219 cluu t u fun lont & MOH l ·S Al& SPAY lot nurnw -.it. $799 OCO SI.I 949 Z.l 94.44 gt .a 1utttn. 94'JSJJOOI r...-• .1-IM Dogs 3615 ""'"''°uc ar I 721 RUTLAND RO. •4 H•1hly upgrad~d 2b 2b1 condo llehond Wul hf! Gor,._. A.JC( !.*oder ~~&ydow ( n~o ii:UM .tnteed Clwrrc> tine S700 562 96S 0102 Pet Adoptions 3660 Germon Sh•tth•rdt •II <UIOI\ ~II Silt\ for •doploon to quahf1td home\ WWW IU~\4,.UI! Of~ or /14 /lJ !>91!> MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE Mlsclllaneous Merchandise 3855 WANHD JUANHI SWOltDS ANO atlATID ITEMS .... , ... 1731 3905 nNAN<IAl srcms or !tie s..,_, Weottltyl Ten Techniques the the -ithy U\e ri«ydity lo lnef .. .,,.. W9.it:h Ii you ltuly dH.fe to achlve hn1nc11I securrty You mltSt h111e Lili!.! I 877 891 3260 S20 V/MC/OISC by Patrick ltM*ik, author of "-tmlnl B•ics Fr .. S/H (CAI. "SCAN) STAH A SU<CISSfUl home BllMlOSS lhal m•es mc>n11y 111 the f1r,1 monlhl S!>.~S20.0CO I* month I -8» '6,7 OOCfl two lfW1IJU recorded mt\Slll (CAL •SCAN) •oaon THI STOCIC MAHITI ~,_.., ntld\ only one 11ouncl level p1rtntr on truly prom111n1 product llnn Sky'1 IM limit. Serious call 949 295 5124 mt ttln& appointme nt only WI MADI $1J4,U7 1111 lllOnth ~ V.al tiolq. ~only ""*' we wentad We c•n poa.tMly IMdl ~ lo do the -lt.-.on jll'ool tnlw..-cJf ~111 ~l 9 (CAL•SCNt) - OP9I SAT-U 1--4 6IS CAINATIOUVl AOlo-dontho Ocoon Side of ""· Spacoou• 3br 2 5ba ii .nta Ip 111 l.R FR ~·tebr~--2 c p .,_ S!m.999 949-!J81-6/37 New Usttna 5& pM bonus rm 1n Sp~ Hiii Cu\lom pool. ~pa ~ Gaztbu to lhe la view1na dedl on tllt upper llM!'I •~las l atenvo<e use of i' 1note mMblf> ' lo~ of lo•• SI 950.000 Judy l(()IM 8kt 949 376 5576 VI•,..• Golorel 41r 4.Slo, Ocean •H!"" and pttnbett vieW\ of But. C ulty Open lloof pt an bf "111 •nd lijf\l 3 Ta deck\ IJr •nrtP COUnttrs m1<ble th arts Hauan.a 118!> .tfWl Hady Qi""'1t a 108 JJ().376-8871 ...... fabotou.. IOc.lllon on Ill!' ~ttnbelt' lbr ~ 'worllout room. ''IT• II llv rm w;fp ac, a•te-au-ded pooh ~·s ' I~. Sl.950.ax> l"'Y Kolw 8lu 949-376 5576 Ottliii SUM 1-4 OtAVO<ADO 21a Office ,.,,.., w/.c-vlowl lt pvt y4. Alli Ker ... Merll- evlc.h 11'-405-1 HJ ComMaa 1 ~17 BAKER Sl MESA VERDE CC srnale lam home Spic ltvrm Upar •des lovely back- yard 2 c 1ar cntner tot $450.000 Lor• Vance R11lt0< Ut-671-4062 S393.000 By Ownrr 949 400 '!%7. 'l.IMl l STATlS f'ATalCI TINOIU HATIOHWIOl USA 949-856-9705 www pltflL i..t,..nnrf' \..t>m Newport Coast OfllH SAT 1-S 23 f trr and 2'1 lw CJ.l&'d flill~ corm> 4br or 3 • ul!«... Vrt:""' 11' Saditebadl & fly ~ ~oltqJ~ f'IATNJM ,.....,as ~Mela" 9&71S315b RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE A TTit: OlUaT LOVll.S JUUi VAN WllalN DYSON & DYSON MJO-Sl 6-SUS 1M>-21S.-.'195' DISTRESS SALE Bank Foreclosures. Free list of fo reclosure prop rties. Receive a free, compuccrized princouc. O~omelnf'o.org l1rec recorcW ··-r; l.800.704..9J.U ID I l.U RJ-JMAX ~ FIRST TIME BUYERS Wiry Rate WMa Yoo C&n On! Free Computerized fut of homes available with oo money down, undu S 1600/ mo1uh. COUNTY WATlR FRONT drat lt. I b.t dupl~ • '"ii n" ~moll• A•aol lfow l .?8;() 'li h!r<tr -'4<; "' ~ ~ IAY /SAY-fioHT UP''"'" .b ISt• .. Rentals Wanted 7880 WANT TO al Ht cosrA MU A, HI "" IH llA HAY( A DOG 51000/MO RHS CAROi t4' S74 4241 Balboa Island STUDIO A'1, < .un and cut" with k1tct1en I blur ~ Ill bP~th S7~n 011 utol ln ltiol 6.lll I 2t.r I Ito, built mi. wtl trplc p11 kon1 la ,toraee loll No Ptl smk SllDJ, ""' r:r is. 9&673.(671 Balboa Peninsula 713 ~ Et l'Bi 'llTI ~.ll h c.ottap pvt tndry I '""'l>0'1 s:zmmo c.i ''llud'f'~~ leev supe• dr•n lur n lb• lbl 12 ITU Wiles .. pvl dt<;lu/ -ho.M 4 bli.> """I bl.II. ~ no Ii-I no vnlM I car p S' l!lim fJO.J Nar..-a 1.-...u1.-11 ----lrl1h• llr 2 .Sle House Nr•ly remodeled Fp A C. whulpool tub, SlJOO/mo 949-'63·8.361 mo 949 631 7998 IAYraONT TR,,UX ,... ..d • '" 1• " U. Ho SJ200v,-yrty S2WO m \14~ b 'J l>&L 1-1 '-' ._. '*""" Uft.-282-733 Oded, "' ...... ...... ,pd z. _, ~ 'fll •2•-29 7-62•2 Jb<1I -• " i" ..... lM Ti ..... '""" u-.. ~ Newport Beach S...... nn 8.llbod P~n new c•i>el vet y ciean full krt utls p.ttd R;smlor P<'t • $895m 949 fill 773 l llDO YIHlY UAS( l:lll l GRUNDY RlAL TORS 949-&7S-•1'l H•wporf l•o<h Ptnon~ul• Studio Apart m Pn h •• 111 A&t S 700 S950 949 bl 3 7800 21r l.Slo, war~ lo beaLh 424S Hol•roa nedr Ho•& i41 w d ti~ up\ Sl400 mo 949 64'> 3683 "'' '•nl111ulo lb• yut11 rentals •&t 1 1400 1950 mo 949 6/l /800 949 6n 7800 KAU Orf ht MO IUHT f0< """'""' Aint I w 12 mo iui.e r.t.. r em<idel c.. Cod \tylt """" w/ntw d"llwnh~r & reft11ier.11tor <•rptt & c•amK I*. Www drfft .,_. @ 11111 I& JJ095 2Br SI~ Cal lora 1'M91 6ot6 2224 or 7 t 4. C33-7W1. ~ l•/lle Londu -~ petlo. 3 b1>$ "°'"Ill!' r:-:ti, cv(d ~ comm pool. tlnnll ' tlY"' Sl«lrn sem furn 61~-3248 al -~ pallQ ,.,....,.. I"•. •• "' ' •..,..1 l'>Crl ~4.~'l:fl7 ~i'NMmw~• PLUG IN Plug into the P1l01 Clas~1f1ed r,ect1or •o find services 1ron: eteetrorncs dnd plumbers o landscaper<; d' o pd1riter~ Daily Pilot Cl.1<,<,1f1Pd ( or111nun1ty M <trk rtpl.H•• :7<each 4 , 000 :Readers in 'Xea:P~rl 73each, Corona defJJIAr, 'YU!aJporl Coa sl, C'!lla !J/(esa. u/on /his ~'Jle'J:Jf I ... 24, 2003 ~lltornn tsw-fT' QUWes lh.t contrK· tors tall1nc ~ that total S500 or more (llbor or m1ler1als) be licensed by the Contractors Slate license Boerd Stale law elso ftQUtrH lh1t conlrectors Include thl!r ltcense number on 111 .0--tisint, Y ov can checi. the status of your llcennd c ontr1ctor at www.cslb.ee aov or 800·321·CSl8. Unh· censed cont11ctors llllln1 jobs th1I tot1I less than $500 must slate In their 1dverllaemenls thet they .,, not licensed by the Conlr1clors St•le Ucenso Boord.~ M••& A1111ahll .. F~ln'mDIS Ka:Nn / Bllltl / !Wnodel Mmilraflilww•bwn '9IP5 ~ lMIMie912'5 CIJJ"*Y Em,laymn l5GO .,,._..(T-~ SlOOO scri on boritA. We have a lol OxNlld. CA Terminal Atmelnl Express Lines l -8XM2.8-0343. Rllt UOI (Email. recrul· 1n1@11r~com) -m/fTd/tt (CAL~) 12 13 DIMI: OWMD Of'B. ATORi Have ~ own Ind? L.oallir1a tor ... pendence 1 Landstar he the tootslft!lllM lo m.b you successful! CAll LN«>STAR 888-8]5.3858 (CM.-st:AN) r t r • °" tacW rm 4 rent, HP8. Xlnt CJA)ly. Har stylst/laist pas ..,... Cilr1ls~~· S-Jet. -Oecllhend Exp. on flshma y1chts. Based in Newport Beach. r .. ,...,..,~ OWNll OPllATOI TlAMSI rot. w/Hll-Mal & Doubles req_ l•mtnlf· Terminel Drop/Hook, Hire on Bonus. Hidl Mias. 8lX).. 909·5664 ext 210. (CM.-st:AN) OWMll OPllATOI TlAMSI COL W/Hu·Mlt & Oou116ea req. T.-llW\ll- T.-n*Y! DrlJlllHoc*. Hft on 8-4.JtWI --. 800- 909·5"4 ••t 210. (CM."'SCM) EFFIOENT -Aflll-Ali:.¥Cft:llKll+t- C-20 520089 (714) IM-2007 HI .2 .... NB (Ml) 720-0717 1-. ...... lltlea .... ,. AWCE S•LF R + R Furnace& Many Codi Upglldll 75,• ITU ff'llll $1511 1••1TUrt.$18 Plus City ptnT111S, & codt llPOf1dlS 964·2007 FREE IN·HOME ESTIMATES & INSPECTION C.,..a..111 S IE 35% 011 car::~ zr=: ...... llllmMWI » YIAISID. HIUJTH! pc:, ( /\ld'fT <,fl("./l(f 800 '.> ~9 / 18 I \ Olly~ •lllli•iilli•••••••llll••••••• ~1~1~111~-~·~J-~t _b_t_1_1_1L_1 ____ I 1 tla . -·~~!0~1::!•! Bridge ,9', . ., ...... , &..t ...,_ ....... ~-.....--::::.-.. Convertlblo, orllln•l covery lf 4111 1111, 4yr _ __.. OWMJ, aolid Cll SI ,995 WIH IVlil , dtll meteHic _.~~ obo94971t2943 8'""1t1n ltllf, ho1tod -....._.. ~ Mllll, dutl mnrl, *u ........ '01XM2111 .... trflll orlf tond, prlt04, CO, 111v~1tlofl, full feet non/~. must ue to wwr, Winctlotlor blue, 1pprocl1t0, v'951241 oetmul llhf, chrome Sll,9!115 Bllr 949-515-J• Q I • VWMnlll6e, )'Oii bold: Pwaer ~ the biddlo& with ODii 00 uwnp. Whit do )'Oii relpood7 Q 5 • Neither VUlncrab&e, IS South you hold: Q l . Vulncnblc, you bo&d: •K Q J 7 l o AQ J5 OU •K7 Partnet opcn.'1 the bidding wilh one club. What do you rcapond7 • K 15 o "j o A 7t • Q lU 4 The bidding has proceeded: NORTH EAST SOll1'H WEST •• ... z. .... Q J • Nejlha vulnerable. u South you bold: lNT .... 7 What do you bid now? •AKll <:1 732 o '5 •Kill Q 6 • Bodi YUlottable, as South yoo hold: The biddirul bas orocecded: NOR'lll 2AS'r' SOlT11I WEST • K Q J fl o K I 7 o '5 • A 112 l o ,_ I• ,_ The biddlng bas proc:ccdod: 40 .... ' What ICtion do you tlkt7 NOR111 ~ SOl1TR WEST ·~ ,_ .. .... Q 4 • Boch wlnenble, u South yoo hold: l o ,_ ? Wt.I do you bid oow7 • AQJ6l o Qt5 O' •Alt Ill Ulol. for IUISW(!J"S on Monday. OWMH OPHATOI TIAMSI COl w.Me•..fMI & Doubln req. T•nWnll- T.mn.l DrlJlllHoc*. Hire on Bonus. Hidl Min. ~ 909-5664 eat 210. (CAL•sr.Nf) ~, ....... ~ 1or 1n 11ame & 1n om ......... Must be c.rtifimd. Fu ,_ ~515-5891 Publlshln1 HO MOTIONS DIPAltTMIMl Convnunity fltWIPIPl'S in Orarce County Miiis Ful Time person lo lntwvlew end write storln, ~ pat. In community events. u ute Ind pacjnlte PIC'flS 111d sections. E ac:elent c:ormiunlaltion ... war1I ... with the public. Know N' Style. QuerUPress, f'tlolOlhop, lliUb-Ad Cr• etor, Proficient on JMC ind PC, CCI dn1an uperlence prefer• ed. Proofrudq Lest. One ~reqaa<ed. EOE Eacellenl beneht ~ Ell'IM '-· wnt-. ~ Ind u6ery requirements to rjOhnson@ lltirrm.alm Join UIMrul ftustal "-· a ra11ldlY. u111ndlno Naflonal Mcif1gage Mlmll, at OUI downtown Long Buch location. As a "'9d ...... .....,weofler lmmecfiate 1n·house undefwrlllng and an Incredible processing team that alloWs our loanS to close within 3 days. Hinds on direct llllnlng with the latest In mMgage technology allows our sales tum to um large =t~,~~ ~ al products that and FiUr~ ~ with 2 t years experience w!M lind OUI ~nt path an exceptional opportlnty. c.111.-.212.a.. orfayoar,..• 111~1-1427 & •USHllSS .UAID UP11eda. Rep1irs of Cornpvhlf. N.tworb. tvenlnp/Weibnds Competitive prices for qu1hty-v1e 94t..tJ6.l 17S 714 ... 26-4221 YOUIHOMI tMPiOV .. INT NOJICTl Cell a plumber, pelnllf, hendymon, Of 1ny of th• &rNt services listed here In our MrVlcl directory! THCSl LOCAL SVC 1"£0f>LE CAN HE.LI" YOO TOOAYI WITTMOlfT MYWALl A• pfle-""'1r1 ..... CLIMt 20yra, lelr, lrH llt. l.«ml> 11.....-.1447 Ct l •tC &&a ... R11IEat1te ..... ~ .. .... •SMS CllAl l.OCA11* Esl1blished sub·prime broker /lender In the mwkel for the Iona h1ul We ere looll1na for u 'pd & motivated sub·pume 1rts. with 1 proven track record of orl&i- n1t1n1 end fundln1 loans. We offer • divers marketlna epproecn end en environment desi&ned for success. E·m•ll your r11ume tod1y. lfl@~ All inquiries ere 100~ confident111. SAllS ASSOOA~ /T ~--··~ .. 69(J'l Eclin&W Ave, H.B. or cell 714-596-5321. ,.,, s.1... •••4• Helratyllat, re11tel 1twtMtl __.SUS/wk. ~ ......... 2456 JOIN OUR TEAM and mah a dtffeunce In the C1hforn1e Army National Gu•rd you can a•t money for collece and cereer t,.1nin1. Call I 800 -GO ·GU AR D (CAL •SCAif) JOIN OUR TEAM and mllle a difference In the Cahfornl<i Army National Guerd you can 1et money for colle&e and Ctr H r tr llnlDI Cell l · 800 GO -GUARD (CAL•SCAH) JOIN out TUM Mid ITllllle e ddlwence In the c.llorrw k my Natlonat Cu.d you CM eet money for collp Ind car-trlilrq. Cell 1-SX>-GO· GUARD. (CAL. •SCAN) CJmi/Wil CONVF.NIBNT wWtr "*'" kJiitl,ulliltt, "'jut lootilti, dmi/Wlm ... ,.. .. , CLUS1TIED (~ Ul.5'71 c licensed EIKlncal Contractor Small jobs alartlna al S7t.ts&..,.. 59ocleliztnl ln Remodelfna & •II homl wirlna nHds, Comm/Indus I/Ru 1400..a97-tON • ~· 9 uciisai cOifildoa Ho job llDo tm. ,,. ........ Repelr, remodel, f•ns. ",_ave ~llli6 Aoortnt'Till AllDmalM -a..41 'Ot n r• c_,.. 225HP Quatro lOt. ml lull lul werr, 619d, superb or11 unmarked 11~• new cond, $27,995 Vll01 l6S3 hnancina avid Bk1 949·S86·1888 -.ecpe6>1.c- 1.,1Cil '97 Peri A~ 60ll + m1 silver /1rey lthr, fully lo•ded, bHU· trful onainll cond. $7995 "642376 Slit 9'&586 1888 _..,.,_ c..-..c...e~· 5ll low ml. Sllltr .,..,. tap, 24. lttw Wit, •1111 aind. S3795 949-548-0C25 Ce4ltl•c '02 DeVllle S.d•n 1911 m1, while oalmHI llhr, CO. Onsl1r, v•ll7943 S2S,995 aave SZOll. fin & werranty HOii Bkr 949 586 1888 -.eqoeltl.c- CA.D SIVIUI 'ts 27 SK m1ln, d•rk red ed. $7000 prrnte party 949-673·2636 ctt;:;;;i;t 't 5 c.prk e Clusic 5 mt, dean In & out, pnpd, $6200 ... M~U Al 'ii et. aw. 5 poss, ~ ml, ntrH. A·I cond! S3900 949-722-8297 COMPUTE LAMSCUWtO Dncn. cle1nups, llees. sod, sp<lnklen Maintenance n low as $9/week Licensed 714·222-8425 HICk ~, .... .,.._ l•wns. l1w11 AeraOna. Sprlnlll•n, Tr~ ... Sprlnc Ju111·ups, Repairs & Upcr1dn "H•v• us dolour Dirt WM " 114.'11 s-2na ,,.. t;;k•, Y•d Cleanup, Malnten1ne1. 5'w1nlller Rep•lr, Heutlnc (t49)HO..t7a1 wtlNh, 1•1 MW UVI -• ..--J30k vU1316 141,000, ....,.,._._~ 4.5 Al'J '"' IVlil, bfolllr 5IJI + 91, Sfr ..,., -. ~--...... """' ~.., .... wMq J.,._-., JUI v.-.. 1l11s. b .. 11111ul orl1 .,... 4°" ml, full feel unnwMd -.d. $17,995 wwr. wNtt/ottmul ltlv, Vlf7!M4102 _. lMll. CO, IM1ut1ful lik1 n... 8111. 95Slllll orla co"d 11870142 -•• .. •- $28,500 Bllr 949-586-1888 MH4• •99 M lo t• -•• .. •-Conv. '511 ml. 1uto, ,..,., 'ff JU6 WMte/ 1UV11.1. ltn lop, pw, pl, bl I,.. h hi A/C, cO, &UjHlrb like new 111 mr, c rome w 1' cond, vill11974l $21,995 b11ul orlt cond, fuM ave, flnanclna 1 w•rranty •ppncl1te 111752491 eveil Bkr 94._~1888 $3995 Bkr. 949 586 1888 -.~.<--~.~ ...._... ._ StoSl .. '00 .... a-..-... worth ··~· •In& 6cyl, 2 wd, 364' 1ctu1I Sl!l.m>/ollo Qott cond, ml, sllver/arey Int , arNt car. co. hlw hlrcl- alloy1, fabulous like new tap, 1171( mi. ~939-3091 unm11ked cond, :a..g;s -8¥al v757721 •• ,,..... ••• c2ao firm O.Oown quelified b11ut1ful bl1cll/crHm ~ u ~ llt<Mr fully lolded, shoWfoom. t4t-SH-HH lrVU. Sl<l900 714-151.-. -.ec:~I.<-••n•4 .. •oo IS20 ...._ 'tS..., a-..-16t. actuel 1111, full ......, IKlory ••tr, turqvolse l.Grdl T.11. W 11 ...._. blue/01tmul lthr • drM. lllw Piia. a> ~ moonroof, CD, chrome $7496 9&244-4162 wbls, OM et th• lo•NI -. ._._ ,., 4.0 ~ {ltere .. , of l111 s.wt Rl9d. l ...,. ct .. ,~ m c.nt. ttf55129l d>. h ~ · -. $29,995 tin~ av1tl ,,._·,~-~ Bkt 9 49 586·1888 -~.<- PORSCHE '85 91.1 TARGA White/tan, sharp #160863 $17,900 PORSCHE 188 M4 RedJblacl(. 6-speed #458178 te,995 PORSCHE '94M8CotM. 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Sl4.IDl 1'4-751·3164 CR~IER ~··~ NEW2002 MINI COOPER SlN!OOf, PR£JU PKG 16"mOYS,CO ii~,~ I Al lllSPRn (TCE318) .. ·~ OlliERAT SIMI.AR SAVWGS! • LITS *IT (I!! IT'S f UN •••••••• 55 FRffWAY @ EIMJI SMTA MA AUTO MM1 (lll)HS-• SELL yoUI' stuff h ough classified! PUBLIC NOTICE 1 h• C1hf Public Ulthties Comm~sion teQIHfU th1t '" llMd h ousehold aoods movers p"nt their P UC Cal T number; hmos end ch~Heurs print th1lr TCP. number In '" •dv11• ti..menls. If you have any QI.In lion •bout thl l•&•litr of • movh, llil'I• or ch1uffa11r, oaU: PUILK UTILfnlS <O•MtsSICNI HO 1774U7 '02o.-ettta ......W,&..M ... (OU.St) $15,900 ,,..aurs AUTO ••w•n Conv, Leettw lr!WIOJ, A beeuty (l9llll) SlB.980 OOIMWM .... fW Black w/pay premium wMeb (19388) $28.980 :9..:=-~ utr• clelln (19397) $28.980 01,,_....., .... ,.. Only 181< Mi. HRf. p.,, tof manc. whllllb ( 19.l!M) INQUIRE .. ,.....n IC..,.. ~dNn la<! ""' ful r-th. ratt fil1d (l92SB) Sll.98> HIMW7fOI~ 1 -•ioc.I Nr#port Sed.wl arwt rec:orm chromed whftb ( 19340> S22. 9l!O OOJ..,_ Ua ~ wlbadl 121< molrs per lee.I (19381) ~.911> 'at.xwGS400 Prl!moum wheels CO ~tldl wn<OOI ( 19286) SIB 980 02 t.n1 r~ only 496 moles ( t 9384C) SJ3 911) 00 .,,._ s ,,.,. 1 ?II mt. llhr moon roof ( 19314) $25,911) "MUC1XJ20 black wll>Uc:tl le•lher ctwonwd~ ( 19.DZ) $29. 911) '49-574.-7777 ,141.UrS Mil 0 ,_ --~ UG ASPtw.T PAV1MG, SIAl COATING, SRIPINO, Quality work . ._ ....... c .. c Alf"'l 114-8Jl.<Q59 ,.,.. .... ~~=-=:= • ""' r. prb tor ~ c;w. VIII 01 •Id P9kf tat; "' not Cal Didi ~ ~ lonwlo AlllD w.. 7Rlo UJ.1931 or 714-l2&3'l21 CASH fCMl CMS WI MllD YCMM CAA PAID fOI OI MOT p~AUTO AH fOI MAlCOlM Ht-574-7777 BOATREPAN/ SERVICES --... -.. ---9Af ta n SW AVAllilU: tM •tlWPOaT HACH $2SOOUASf 949-SOO-tOOS - taft •••o -lLICUK DUfFY = h•t d top. "°°° pr..,. ... pMty 949 673 2636 IMllAT 9.-s NOW AVM c.itm-~..:I dlblL WM .nd i-":: n:Ulld. 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