HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-26 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. . .. .· . • .. : : . .'\ . • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, MAY 26, 2003 KENT TREPTOW I OAJLY PILOT Nico BeU1ard, 5, gets an assist from his father, Juan Carlos, while bodyboarding at Corona del Mar State Beach on Sunday. The two came down from Loma Linda to enjoy the day at the beach despite a thick marine layer that kept many beachgoers away. No lines at the beach Turnout at Newport beaches is light for a three-day weekend -less than a third ofthe·100,ooo found at sunnier times. Coral Wilson Daily Pilot K ites were Oying. bodytx>arders were in the water, and kids were digging in the sand. It was a nonnal Memorial Day weekend scene at the beach Sunday afternoon -ex.cepl there were a lot fewer people. Under a cloudy sky, some beachgoers bad even pulled jeans and sweatshirts over their swimsuits. HCallfomians are fair-weather people,H Phil Brothers said. ·rr they see a cloud out there in the sky. they stay inside.· Even a storm wouldn't stop Brothers from enjoying his ocean swim At 57-years-old, he said it is a great way to stay in shape. Lifeguard Capt. Jim Turner estimated a sparse crowd of 18,000 at the beach Saturday and 28,000 on Sunday, very small for a three-day weekend. If it had been a hot. sunny day. the number could have reached 100,000. he said. In the morning. some watch towers were canceled and lifeguards were ~igned. Turner said. The weather was cool and comfortable and the surf was calm, but lifeguards still had to keep a close walch for inexperienced swimmers and visitors from out of town. he said_ "There is the first experience in the waves and surf for everyone at some time,· he said_ "There are no signs that say 'Rookie.'~ While there were no major incidents at the beach Sunday. some lifeguards took preventive action by warning people about the small rip currents up and IN BUSINESS HOUOAY CLOSURES These will be closed and out of service today to observe Memorial Day: • Costa Mesa City Hall • Newpon Beadl City Hall • Newpon-Mesa Unified Sdlool Ois1rict • County offices • U.S. Postal Service •Banks • Tf'ash services down the beaches. he said. Every swimmer needs be cautious of the rip current, which was Lhe reason for 90% of the 5,000 rescues last year, he said. See BEACH, Pace A4 · vals welcome IKEA' s influence I:·:· ::~ea furnishing store owners say the IKEA : !.{Jpening this week in Costa Mesa will bring I :!b10re customers to town and foster a to take shoppers from ttlm_ "In reality, it works just the op- posite: Garrett said. •1t will bring more business to the area· INSl>E , !:AneficiaJ competition. I • • I .... ... , ...... .... •: .. ~ Cllnton tent drawing card for a new crop : ~Pilot of shoppers looking for chairs. • !•:. bookcases, tables and other Genett sells upper-end oak dressers. upholstered sofas and other higher-end furniture. Gar· rett and others pointed to IJCFJ\:s niche in the home furnishings auutec -modem-style furni- ture at affordable prices. For more businea news, see Page2 made items. "We're in a very different mar- ket,· Guenther said. ·Good de- sign is a complement regannes., of the price range: A CLOSER LOOK Triangle Square advertises quietly Management isn't pushing farmers' market and other efforts to draw customers to ai ling shopping center. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA -Three posters on the third level of the troubled Tnangle Square announce 1t<; new game plan to boost foot 1raflk weekend community acUV1U~. The problems 1s, nobody ,., <tround to read them An afternoon walk o n the upper level of Triangle Square 1s a lonely one The thmJ level is nearly desened. not only or pa- trons but store-; 10 patronl7e I .arge wh11e sheets or butcher paper hoe most or the storefront.-.. A handful of <;tore<., including the popuJar Yard Hou~. ~ike Town and Lhe Gap. remain in the troubled center. which opened 11 years ago in an effon to revital- ize Costa Mesa's downtown. For years. of ficials have Lned to give the center a new lease on life. even though many bu-.iness es were canceling theirs . That revitaJi7..ation effon has picked up in recent months. Now before city leaden. is a planned condominium complex for 190 I Newpon Blvd. being toute<l as cen- tral to bringing life to the area. Other talb about how to imprCNe the downtown area and neighboring Westside remain front- line issues for a number of aty commit- tees. The center's most recent anempt.<. to at tract customers are an upconung arost exhibit June 7 and a fanner'!> marlcet the second Saturday of every month. No news release was ever senr about the upcoming actiV1Ues. and repeated calls to Triangle Square Management for more infonnaoon went unreturned. lhree messages left for center owner Kenny Won, at CGM Management in Temple City, were not answered. A recording on the general line for Tn· angle Square describes the June 7 event as an "anist drcle exhjbit: sponsored by center retailer Color Me Mine. A cheerful female voice describes local arti~t work See TRIANGLE, Pace M •:-.Q'>STA MESA -Saying they items. :~rearaslphonlngofcustom-John Garrett. whose H.J. Gar-:=~ng of local home fur. rett Furniture bas been at Its •• stores are welcoming Harbor Boulevard location since Eric Guenther, the director of design at Glabman's PumJture & Interior Deslgn. said bis store specialius In higher-end. hand- John Gannon. who served as the store manager of a la·Z-Boy Pumlture Calleries across the KENT TREPTOW /DN..V PLOT The new IKEA will offer the company's usual variety of stylish the llCEA at Home Ranch as a po-196.3, said he doesn't expect llCP.A : Daily Pilot .AT A GLANCE ON TIE_.: www.~com WEATHER S.. IKEA. P.,• M furnishings, such as those found in this children's bedroom set. THINKING ALLOWED They came from the Inland Valley M emodal Day~ The ~that unolBciaDy ushers In ~ ol bJll8lnl at the be9d! and ca~ waw.. The ICart of IWlU1lC!t mo brings people from other puts of toWll to the peradbe we cd home. Locals claim they can lpOt the ouclklett. They are the oom we.rtna IOCbmd ..... ..,_ oa cbl beech or ........... Of t?'aa.coolen. wn2 • r U I I&\. cwsplrr ........ W _.._....._.'. ...., .......... rs1, • .-.. ........ ,.'I illllOillaMiia lacc•J• ID NsWpail ... , smdt Wllk:la ................. ...., .. ...... ............ -.-...... _ code). Whether ID jell ar ~thetamil thrown around looeely •by locUI. A guy who aecabumped.aa ~b8rmllbe ,...~.,bato ..... ~ ......... ................ LOLITA lhllanrt' 4cmllllt HAIPElt saw. ........... . . ....... ..... ~ .. """'' ........ ... cit?.,..• Qlr 1111-.. azllrld .._. .. .._IP I ..... l • I M ft AZ Monday, Mly 26, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT A child's garden of books Christy Coyne wants her new bookstore to be a community center for kids. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot C hristy Coyne expects her children's bookstore. the First Page, to offer a window to the world. It's a place where parents can find Maya Angelou's "Kofi and His Magic," the story of a young Ashan.ti boy's life in his West African village. You'll also see the hard-to'-find •aendrillon," a Caribbean Cinderella tale. Vuginia Walton Pilegard's "The Warlord's Beads" tells the story of the discovery of the abacus in ancient Olina. lt's effusive iDustrations radiate in deep blues, earthy greens and crimson reds. ·1 want it to be like a community center to enrich our kids," Coyne said. •EVerybody has their own way [of doing that!. Mine is through books." All the boob at First Page sit on their shelves with their covers facing outward, olfering a rainbow of illustrations that grab the eye. The Costa Mesa shop, which is at 270 E. 17th St., will offer 2,500 titles at any one time for readers age 18 and under. Coyne will rotate her inventory so she stays up to date. Unlike other children's bookstores. Coyne said. the First Page focuses on quality. Award-winning boob, off-the-beaten-path titles and popular series such as "Harry Potter" will fill her large shop. Reading, Coyne says. is the ultimate family activity. "Oli.ldren who are read to early do better in school.• Coyne said. "It really fosters family unity if you sit down and read book with your children.· Coyne hosted a grand opening at First Page on April 26, a Saturday. Her shop replaced SanBar Pets, which moved to another location in the 17th Street Promenade shopping center. Coyne, 35, ls a local girl. She graduated from Corona del Mar High School and eventually moved to Contra Costa County to take a job in the di.strict attorney's office. After meeting her husband, Coyne moved back to Southern California to KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Christy Coyne owns the First Page, a children's bookstore in Costa Mesa. practice special education law. She has two children of her own. a 2-and 4-year-old. She got the idea for First Page when she took her children to another children's bookstore. ·1 was going to the bookstores to find them books,• Coyne said. "I couldn't find a place that had good books and was child-friendly." First Page is laid out with a combination of playhouse and classroom motifs. Three blackboards hang from an area above the register. A line of words painted on the Ooor snakes from front to back.. Colorful building-block sears are clustered around tables in the back fo r the story time sessions that are held at 10:30 am. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Stories are also read at l 0:30 a.m. Saturday. "I designed it perfectly for a 2-year-old: Coyne said, referring to her children. "My little market testers came and tested it out." BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS visionf, Resources Connection hopes to continue building an independent inter- national alternative for professional level services that the big audit firms may be re- stricted to provide,· Murray said. finding a nic he with mid· and upper-level commercial buyers, Newport Beach- based Water Pile Technologies Inc. an- nounced Wednesday. Costa Mesa auditor eyeing B:nst & Young offices Costa Mesa auditor Resources Conoec- doo Inc. baa eotaed final taib to acquire Emit Ir Young's Netberia.Qdt subsidiary, the company aonounc:ed Wednesday. Resources Connection, founded in 1996 by a breakaway group from Deloitte & Touche, is a professional services firm that provides auditing, accounting, finance. human resources, information technology and other services. Water Pi.k's Laars Pennant and Laars Rheos boilers, which were both Intro- duced over the past year. were cited by the company. The boilers are used in commercial buildings. Water Pile has manufactured gas-fired water-heating products for more than SO years. The company also manufactures automatic toothbrushes, showerbeads, faucet filters and pool heaters. Shares of REC.N closed Friday at $20.95. which was up 30 cent.a. or 1.45%, on he day. Resowces c.oonec:don apect.s to com- plete the purcbae of Emst It Young's six Nelherlands oftlcee by June 30 for an un- dilcloeed sum. Qllef Executive Donald Murray said. "With the opportUntty to acquire [the di- Water Pik succeeding with commercial boilers A new line of commercial boilers are Shares of PIK closed Friday at $6.22 for a loss of 22 cents, or 2.2%, from the day before. Daily A Pilot ConlWhon Box 1660, ea.ta M .... CA 92626. Newt ...i.tant, (!MS) 574-4298 Copyright No news storlee, coral. w#/lontllati,.,,.. .. com illustr11tlons, editorial matter or PHO'TOGRAPHERS advertlaementa herein can be Seen Hiller, Don Leactt, reproduced without written Kent Treptow permlaion of copyright owner. VOL 17, NO. 14a READERS HO'T\.WE HOWlO REACH US 'ntOMAI H. JOHNION NewefdlD9 (9491 842-«>86 Clrcullldon Publleher GIN AJeunder, Lori Anderton, Record vour commenta •bout the The Tlmes 0,.nge County TONYDOOaO Oeniel Hunt. '"-ut S.itowltz. Diiiy Pilot or MW1 tlj)9. (800) 252-91•1 Editor Oenlel Stevene Addi.-~ ... .Alf1'( Ui I I ING Our edd'9A is 330 W. 8-v St., Costa Ct T r"Jed (Ml) &12-M78 ~Dlr**>r NEWSSTNF MeN. CA 92827. Of'rlce hours are ~(9'9)&42-4321 LAHAl•C* cnm.'=r~. Mondey-Fridey, 8:30 e.m. -5 p.m. r....... ~-°"*' (949157 eon.tloM Hewe d#pa.bhllmh•l«J,,,_com It ,. the Pilon poUcy '° promptly (948) &42-aelO IDfTiNG ..... --=·· con'9Ct Ill """ of eubstanc:ec. ...,., ... )574-4223 ,,..... a.It C..1Mo-432•. .....,.., .. )&4&-4170 UC. Newpon f'llPC)rt9r. .,.,.. ,.. , .. , 8&0-0170 =r~· (M)57"4232 .. Ju~•~oom rn ....... t»l'"""".l«J"*.com s.J. ,...,._,oom The Newport ~a Mete -.a... .... c..... Diiiy flllot Cl*'l-MoMOOl ii ...... a... (141) &12~21 ............ P'otftim, bu.ine.e end envltonment ~~ publlltled-. in NMpon IMc:tl ........ ( ... ) 131-7128 tepOfter, ( .. ) 7"M330 lndc:Ol9..._, 1 t crlpeiot••,. ~ ,,-1.dlnfon•,..,_,com ...... , .......... bfnttolhe ,......_ LallaHaper ,..,,. °'9"9t COiimlr ,., In fpofla~ Columnlrc. ~ ,...,,,.,, 212..Wt In._..,. ot ~•a.rw.oom , .. ,J74..U71 ~~-eo.c. ...... lolb.,..,,,.,.11111,,..oom ..... " ..... eu~todle DlltyPHotwe M.,.,_.1,._Dlal CNlf. ~-.. -.v.n.ble °""" ~ ..... miMI for flublahlid ~:nm. Cofrimunfty .. DMD c... ..... "'*"'· ... 574-<4221 $30 P* "'°""'· 1'*-lndude ... ...... dWfialon ofdle L.09~ -......... .,,,, .,,...,...,..,.,.,.,com ..,...... ---locel ._., Tim. --MllD * a k&ac.6 ~ .......... .......... l!dUOlllOn ,.....,, .., DMa9 ~ '°,,. ..... 'POft OZOOI 1'"* CH. NA "8t* .. ,.._ ..... ""'"' ...... com .......,. . ........,, .. ~ M9MQalv 'Moc. P.O. ·-~ t ' , Diiiy Pilot BEST BUYS Not a mixed bag of appeal P adna Boutique .--------. NO-FRI.LS~ CARE offers a fun and funky mix of apparel, jewelry and accessories carefully selected by owner and jewelry designer Jenny Johnson. She's known for her vintage pendants with semi-precious stones. The shabby cottage behind Washington Mutual Bank at East 1be only skin care line I'D use, Debl'a, now bas a retail store at South Coast Plaza. I couldn't live without ~e d'FJegance Repalrateu.r. Panthenol Protein Moisturizing Face Crum. Ultra Fadal Moisturizer and GREER Up Baim No. 1. K.iehl's WYLDER started out 1n 1ss1 as an apothecary In New York's F.ast Village. It offers a blend of preserved formulations fromphannaceutlcal.herbal and medicinal backsJounds. K.iehl's is lcnown for Its no-frills pack.aging and for a no-advertising policy to keep tht> cost down and focus on making the best products. K.iehl's generously offers samples so customers can test products. and it offers a 100% money bad guarantee on all pun:hases. IGehl's offers lines for body. hair, men's. sun prolection. alcohol-free fragrances, babies and children, lips and even grooming products for horses and ponies. Open from 10 am. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 am. to 8 p.m Satwday; and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 2, Macy's wing. across from Gucci. (714) 427-0998. 17th Street and Orange Avenue is a showcase of designer clothing, shoes, bathing suits, anliques and baby items. Local art includes tropical and beach paintings and tiles by Susan McKlbbin; vintage fabric pillows by Leslie of Nill.i 1\vigs; custom florals by M. desigtu; art on fabric handbags by Alexander Muller; jewetr1 designs by Cynthia Morehouse; photo cards and photo-print T-shirts by MJchelle James; and band-illustrated note cards by Girl Friday Studios. Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday; from boon to 5 p.m. Friday. and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 178 WelJs Place in Costa Mesa. (949) 548-1930. ROUND AHO ROUND IT GOES Opening this summer at Jluh1on llland is a new Mediterranean-theme carousel in the courtyard outside Robinsons-May. The carousel features fanciful animals created from molds of original antique woodcarvings. Venetian scenes and alternating races of a male gondolier and a female in a Carnevale costume. Carousels traditionally feature male faces; this ls only one of two carousels lcnown in the wortd wilh female faces. Gustav Denttel, a famous carousel maker. created most of the carvings. Thirty-eight feet in diameter, the carousel will be illuminated at night by 1.200 white Ughrs. Other outdoor enhancements at Fashion Island will be new plants and trees, outdoor furniture. signs and lighting. VANS, OU>-SCHOOL STYLE Varr'll Tennis Shoes has received lim1ted edition Oassic Old Skools and Slip-Ons in crazy color combinations. The shoes can only be spedaJ ordered in the store and then sent to your home. Color rombinations include black/pink. charcoal/black and royal purple/black. and there are 14 others. Available in boys/men's and women's sizes. Ladies interested in Van's Oassics can wear the boys' /men's sizes. There is a 1.5 dillerence between boys/men's and women's sizes. If you are a women's 8.5, then you would be a boys 7.0. A women's size JO would be a men's 8.5. Open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. 1666 Newport Blvd. in Newport Beach. (949) 642-5753. MORE THAN A MAKEOVER Stl1a has an upcoming makeover event on Friday from noon to 7:30 p.m.. StiJa's global makeup artist Bren Borman can select colors especially appealing for you. A Stila artist will help you with the cosmetics. This Stila Boutique dalms to offer the world's first cosmetic vending machines. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday. from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 am. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. l.evef 2. across from ICE Accessories. Book your appointment by cal.ling (714) 540-4960. A MARKETPLACE Of PROOUCTS Don't miss the 'new Pannen Market happening the second Satwday of every month. The next Farmer's Markel is from 11 a m . to 4 p.m. June 14. Coinciding with the outdoor marketplace will be specials by participating merchants. liiangle Square's tenants include Niketown. Vtrgln Mega.store. the Gap, Barnes & Noble. Color Me Mine, Nordic Track. GNC f.dwards Theater. Upper Crust Pi7.za. Bon Bon Sdcky Fingers, FUGU, Vardbouse, Zen Sushi. Humphrey Yogart and the Ooset. 1870 Harbor BMl in Costa Mesa. www. trianglesqua~.oom. . • BEST BUVS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send Information to Greer Wylder et greerwyldertly•hoo.oom; et 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meta, CA 92627; or by fax et 1949) 646-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST northw.t swell of 7 feet. later 8 feet. P8tC:het of der'9e fog can Low douds and petdly fog be found out here 8t night too. l9b'Ut. leeving the ll.ln almost unoppoted In the afternoon. SURF Highs will be in the 70L Night wffl ... areas of tow The nofthw.t sw.11 wilt be doudl end fog. Lowa wilt be more C01lllltllnt ~it w. b9tv.een 56 end 82 deg! .... . Sunct.y, but the~ won't ......... a: be Wt'( lerger -ltltl ~-end www.nws.nou.gov ~-W..C-f8dng tnllb. BOATING FORECAST A IOUthwe.t Mill due Tuwt.y h8e the..,._...., for The wtnd9 wffl be light end ~end bigger once h v•Nble In the foggy morning, rMCNe ... rnaidmwn. w1•1~1t 10to 15knolllnthe w..r...-r. deer dltmoon. The WllYM wll www.llUrfrlder.org be 2 fMt or emeller on 1 Wiit ' .... ofltolfwL ,.....of TIDES ... der"9 fog mow In .. night. Tie on your w~ on ,.._ ........ the°'*' ....... ..,.,I)' tf 1:1Za.m. ,, ...... 7:77a.m. 3.10'-hloh couce.vs.n .... The..,,.u_...,. 1:15p.m. ,_,, .... ................ 7l44p.m. l.11 .... hlGh llnoea. w.t ..... out bVh llllnd.~..,,. ... WATU~nMI . tl'Nll cnit . lheM\191 wtlbeJIDl,.ona 111••-' • I Datly Piiot Monday, May 26, 2003 A3 A community keystone I IL\1PI 111.1.'S --1< l ( I .... ~ ( \ I< I' I I " Short and sweet, the Balboa Island Parade celebrates its 10th anniversary this June. June Caaa1r1nde Daily Pilot BALOOA ISLAND -The Rose Parade? That's fine for the rest of the country. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? Sure, that one's OK. 100. But on Bal· boa Island, no parade is more beloved than the annual Balboa Island Parade. ~It's a celebration of the Bal- boa Island communjty," said CraJg Page, chairman of next weekend's parade. "Everyone's involved, everyone comes out, everyone supports it." The fanfare is so huge that 11'1> easy to forget that, in one way, the parade is tiny: It's only 2'h blocks long, beginning at lhe Balboa Island Bridge and pro- ceeding along Marine Avenue 10 the fire station. Bui wha1ever you do. don't confuse it with any other pa rade. Ncilher the i.ombcr re- membrance of a Veteran's Day parade nor the irrevere nl •Hyle of Pasadena's Ooo-Da Parade 1s an apl parallel. "Don't confuse ii with ~ome­ thing like the Doo-Oa Parade." Page said. "That's no1 what 11\ about. ... It\ about BaJboa b · land. "The nice thing abou1 Balboa island 1s there 1., no cla-,s or ca.,te sy'>tem, • he 'kud "rhere are people with a lot of money. and 1here are people with no money. and they aJI dre'>'> and GETTING INVOLVED • GEmNG INVOLYED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For informatJon on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 5744298. SENIOR MEALS AND SERVICES INC. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound senior citizens residing in Costa Mesa who are not able to prepare their awn meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them. Volunteers are asked to donate at least one hour per week for a siJC-month penod Substitute drivers are also needed to fill m for regular drivers. (714) 840-6611 or (714) 891-0804. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serving People in Need, also know as SPIN, 1s looking for volunteers to help prepare sact meals for the homeless, assemble hygiene kits, distribute meals and pict up food for preparation. SPIN provides move-in costs for housing, case management and support services to families leaving shelters. SPIN workers also serve as family advisors or mentors and conducu workshops on budgeting and more. Visit SPIN at 2900 Bristol St, Suite H-106, Costa M esa. (714) 751-1101. SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC -The clinic, which provides emergency services to the needy in Orange County. is looking for volunteers to deliver and pidt up food from local restaurants and grocery stores, help with medical and dental staff, data entry, aasist with food sorting and distribution. to help at the front dftk and some other duties. The group aJso needs translators. flLE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT After they jumped from the '56 Chevy, Victor Saavedra flings partner Anita Cesena over his shoulder as tt\e two swing dance along the Marine Avenue parade route on Balboa Island 1n 2001 . FYI •WHAT: Balboa Island Parade •WHEN: 10 a.m. June 1; parade ends at about 11 a.m.; live music continues until about 12:30 p.m. •WHERE: Marine Avenue beginning at the Balboa Island Bridge • PAAKJNG: There's usually no parking anywhere on the island after 9 a.m. Parking is available on Bayside Drive on the mainland for visitors willing to walk across the bridge to the island. •COST: Free act the same. That's wha1 brings them together and makes this ~uch a success." rhe parade. now celebrating its 10-year anniversary. will take place at I 0 a.m . June I. Antique cars. Ooats, live mu- '1c and. as always. the island's own Keystone Kops will high- light the even1. The En'>1gn Jun- ior I ligh Marching Band, the Orange County Fire Authonty Pipes and Drum Corps, from St. (949) 642-3451, ext. 257. SHERMAN LIBRARY &GARDENS You could assist with the garden, work in the gift and tea shop or become a docent guide for children and adults at Corona del Mar's botanical garden and historical research library. Stefanie Kristiansen. (949) 673-2261. SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER The Small Business Assistance Center of Orange Coast College needs volunteers to advise small business owners in finance, accounting, law, marketing. sales. human resources and other areas. (714) 432·5916. SOMEONE CARES SOUP KITCHEN Someone Cares Soup Kitchen needs food servers and volunteers for kitchen duties. The organization is at 720 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 548-8861. SOUTH COAST LITERACY COUNC1l Volunteer tutors are needed to meet a greater demand for literacy and English as a second language classes. Students are taught English reading, writing aod speaking skills at their own level in small groups or one on one. There are centers all over Orange County. Once trained. tutors may choose the center at which they want to teach. Mary Fitzgerald. (949) 458-8664 SPEAK UP NEWPORT A nonprofit organization that promotes the social welfare by educating the public and improving local government In Newport Bead\ holds monthly meetings the second Wednetday of each month at the Newpott Beach Tennis Club. A. reception begins at 5:30 p.m .. and meetings John Vianney (}lapel Oloir. and surf band the Surfaris will pro- vide live entertfilnmenL Mayor Steve Bromberg and Fire Cl"aief Tim Riley will rederu- cate the fire station. whose creation I 0 years ago inspired the first Balboa l~land Parade. "The parade's a hoo1 and a half." said Bromberg, who's also one of 1he Key'>IOne Kops. "ti's the uhimau:• community event." begin at 6 p m Free. Annual membership dues are $20. Send chedc to "Speak Up Newport." P.O. Box 2594, Newport Beach, 92663. (949) 673-1191. SITTCHES FROM THE HEART Made up of a group of women from Southern California who love to knit and crochet, the nonprofit corporation is looking for volunteers to knit and crochet hats, booties and blankets for premature babies and babies in need. The items are donated to hospitals across the country. Patterns are available, and donated yam 1s appreciated. Kathy Silverton, (310) 472-6903. SWEET ADEUNES OF ORANGE COUNTY The singing group invites women who like to sing to join them Tuesday nights for four-part harmony, or Barbershop-style singing. (949) 495-5685. TEU·A·FRIEND Orange County cancer groups seek volunteers to encourage women to have mammograms. Participants will take part in a one-on-one program of education and encouragement specifically related to mammograms and early breast cancer detection. The Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation, (714) 957-9157. UNDERGROUND The Underground program. a function of Child's Paoe. provides social activities and interaction for adolescents. Volunteers are needed in many areas. (949) 548-8849. Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Service••• •••Nigbdy Eourtainmeor"M Pilot . . . . I or u, ... , ,.,,lln/U Lull (949) 646-7944 I C.95 Ir" inc AH: .. Cmu Mn .ii 11--.:, .. • ,~ \t.. 'w tt-\ "' • a. n _,. .. • t II =======================Since 1971 =============== ve Factory Direct Showrooms \) ~ IDBiJJ@/JJJJ/J!j ~~\fj) Reupholstery ~\::::!.,) & Slip Covers fo r Existing Sofas "$1 Lowest Prices in Town THOUSANDS OF FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME CRAZY PRICES THESE MEW FABRICS "Better Sleep Through Science. " WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE. Tht soft lic*fs d vpi.· window~ rtO# ('omt in tfne MW rlbria 1Nt~to~. COfftt * lhllft ~ Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT M Monday, May 26, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • IMtol StrNt: Vandalism wae reported In the 3400 blodt at 8:53 a .m. Thursday. • 8roedwlry StrMt: A man was arres1ed on 1uspicion of being drunk In public in the 300 blodt at 12:30 a.m. Saturday. • Newport Boulevard: A man waa arrested on auaplcion of having an open container In a public park in the 1800 blodt at 5:05 p.m. Friday. • 8anbl Ane Awnue: Petty theft was reported In the 1600 blodt at 3:48 a.m. Thursday. • Town Cent9r Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 600 blodt at 9:16 a.m. Thursday. • w..t Baker S1rMt: Grand theft was reported in the TRIANGLE Continued from Al on display and helpful <.lemon· strations and techniques by the professionals from the shop. Color Me Mine owner Laurel Adamson, who bought the Costa Mesa i.tore not too long ago. said she wasn't exactly sure of her role in the event. "I can't underi.tand why ICGM management ha!>) not rt" turned your call ," Adam!>on said. "I haven't finali/.ed my plans yet. and al> far as the l'en- ter is concerned, I know they are trying to bring people io." Adaml>On said her vurtiu11 ol the artist showca.,e ~ill be mainly pain1ing d emonstra- tions for children. Most likely, her staff will tcal·h children how to paint tlwir own rendition of Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night." "IL is a kid-oriented program, but the outcome is very impre'>· sive." Adamson said. "Al> for ai. what the rest of the center is doing, I don't know." EMPTY STORE FRONTS While am;hored by big-name sto res Nike Town, Barnes & No- ble and Virgin Megastore. Tri- angle ~uare has l>Lru ggled 10 retain tenan~ since it opened in 199.!. It ha., undergone nu merous change'> in manage· ment and marketing staff Anchor More North Face did not renew its contract and left the center. The 4.200-<;quare- foot space it occupied in the building's basemt'nt remaim vacant. • Residents have complained about poor parking, c,afety and bad directional l>igns through· out the years. After years of fail- ure, public and private officials place the blam e squarely on poor management. "Peri.anally, I am not quite sure what is going down ov1.1 !her " aid Planning Cumnai sioner Bill Perkini.. who h.,, tried to remain involved 1n th~ center's revitali7,ation. "I call down then· and don't ger retur 11 phone calls. I go down 1hNe, ALLOWED Cootinued from Al "We aJJ have friends from there." "It's more talked up than anything," Ellii. said. Or is it? Newport Beach ureguard John Moore said there Is "ahsolutcly" a difference between locals and the 909ers. But he sees It from a safety pcrspectjvc. "It all comes down 111 being water-oriented," Moore ..aid. "lbe more you are around It. the safer you are, the better understanding you have or the environment you are in." ()(course, the lifeguard" watch, protect and treat all beachgoers the same. but there ls a differen~ ln "how they cnme in. what they bring and the amowll of Ume they su1y." Moore saJd . "They've just drlwn an h our and a hair. they didn't Ju.st walk. ou:llide, see the cloud and go back lnto lx.-d." hf' N-Old. ~ey are here for the day.· Newport Beach employs ht guys who used to Jive In the 909. Moore said, and they are aJI pt. "They realty appreciate wh11 dMly ha~ In ftout ()f them. ""6d1 • lac ol pewlc crugtu tab for.,..... .. ~ aid. ~ .IMilicb •'""' Gillil,.._Ullicl IO IM I.be SID 11iw610 IDOUriMln town olQJ "l•HlawnlbOmaln ................ ~ .............. ........ ,. ............. ., 1000 blodt at 12:62 p.m. Thuractay. NEWPORT BEACH • Avoc:ado Aril9nue: Indecent expoauns waa reported In the 1600 blodt at 11:10 a.m. Sunday. • Channel Place: Disturbance from a party was reported in the 4400 blodt at 4:51 a.m. Sunday. • OcurJ BouJevard; Vandalism was reported In the 1700 blodt at 10:29 a.m. Sunday. • 1"9 Avenue: A waternewer problem was reported In the 200 blodt at 8:43 a.m. Sunday: • Jamboree Road: Petty the1t was reported in the 1100 blodt at 11:14 p.m. Saturday. • Port Ramagate Ptac:.: Prowler noises were reported in the 1900 blodt at 1 :50 a.m. Sunday. and they won't meet with me. I think there n eeds to be more cooperation from the manage- ment and those interested in the community and the city." Perkins did not know about the farmer's market or weekend events. Gloria Zigner, a longtim e public relations and marketing expert. said she is not aware of the intricacies of the center's marketing strategies, but of- fered a few general suggestions. "They need to get their ten ants in sync, so that everybody is on the same page and knows their indiVldual Lhallen gt:," /.igner said. Zigner recommended using the popularity o f the YclJ'd House as a spring board for similar entertainment activ- ities. A LACK OF WORK Permjts for a restaur .1111 and bar on the third level were pulled by Won last year. City of- ficials approved an alcohol li- cense for Fugu, to go into the !.pace left by Sfuzzi. The same white paper that lines the fronts of other empty storci. covers that empty restaurant ~pace. and the Pilot could find no evi- dence of a work crew 011 ~ile. The status of the venue 1s un- known. ~1 just thought it wa:> taJdng an awfully long time." '>aid Perry Valantine. Costa MeS<t's director of planning. Regardless of other market ing strategies, Zigner ">aid rt 1:. crucial that management 11ot shut out the community and rts media. Center officials n eed 10 repair their relationship with resident!> and policy makers to make the center remotely suc· cessful. ~They need to lay their cards on the table,~ Zigner said. "Service is important, Jll<.l they need to make them fl'cl like a parl of the community. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesday:. and Fr rdays and covers cullure and the arts She may be reached JI (9491 574 4275 or bye mail al loli1a.harper@latimes.co111. I hl're ii. a one·digit difference in the area co<.les. but a vast dtl'fcrence in attitudes. ·1 respect the ocean, but they dump (stuff) out of their cars when they leave." Juarez said. "It's not their home, so they are not as respectful." Fullerton resident Aaron Michael doesn't consider himself an outsider. He defends the local's beef with out-of-townerr-i. "People come down here and think they can get all crazy." Michael said. "Where else are they supposed to go7" Ws frie nd Andrew Delgado asked. "They don't wanna be stua in the city. They wanna go to the beach.· "Yeah, but they can't ju t come down and party and fight and lm .. ~l everything," Michael said. "Well, yeah. there tw to be a respect ractor. ~ Delgado apd. Rudy and Maria Ysais aid they have nothl11K but respect for the beach. nae RJver\ide fanuly uaveled alrno5t an hour for a gtoomy -but still ft.an -day In Newpon. They ooly come down a (cw times a year, Rudy YllBls said •tt'I Mbmorial Day w..-ekend, and r wa.nted to go to the beach. but there ls no sun,· he Aid 1be couple said they were Ignorant ot any an.Imo lty towald lnlanders. "Art. you eerious," Maria d. wttb • puzzkd look 011 bet fate. ~ ac: haw never fell IL• BEACH Continued from Al "lt ls a small rtYer of brown. choppy water that 6ows out to ~" Tumer sakt. "People should swim sideways. parallel to the shore until they get out." even on a oormal weekend, lifeguard Nolan Bobrotr saJd. Corona del Mar State beech Is usually packed with lot more people. By noon, he estimated the crowd w.is only at about 500. He said he was keeping an eye on the JOCks just off shore because even the gentle waves were strong enough to push someone into them. While some local residents were scared off by the douds, Loy Irvine said it was so hot where she lives in the high desert near Victorville and Barstow that she came to the beach with her family to cool oil ~We kn~ IL \\Oula be cloudy, .. she said. "We wanted it to be cool." The weather was perfect. said Lydia Martinez of San Bernardino County. She came to enjoy the day at the beach with her family, but Monday would be spent cleaning up and getting IKEA Continued from Al street from the IKEA at the Tus- tin Marketplace, is now man- ager at the Harbor Boulevard La-Z-Boy store. Many of his custom ers in Tustin also f>ho pped IKhA, h t: !>aid. Ille l w.1111 IKF.A store closed Sunday an µrt:p.uation for the Costa Mc!>.i !>lure·s Wednesday opening. By building a store at Home Rcuich. l>J:A ll> Cl.pt:l..lt:d lO AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@fatimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A ...vn1µlctu lrstrng I!. available at ,.,, ,\ cia1/yp1/ot.com. TUESDAY The Corona de4 Mat High Sc:noof band will perform with the Dallas Brass at Caq.>C>nt.: Center at Long Beach State JI I p.m The Dallas Brass appedr!. with .. ymphony orctiestras nat1c..nw1de. including the Cincinnall Poµ:.. the New Yort Pops and lht.. Philly Pops. To buy tickets, call (t>62) 98:>-7000, or for more information call (714) 567-8352. WEDNESDAY The Council on Aging -Orange County is offering fr:.ee training to recognize financial a buse and safeguard ilQclinst victimization with a two-hour .>ui.i>ion called #Who Can You Trust?" The session runs from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Oasis Senior Center, 800 Mar.guerite.Ave..- Corona del Mar. For reservations, call (949) 644-3244. THURSDAY Op, the original CaNfomie ~ brand, and Projakter: Action SportS Cinema .mnounoe the opening of the Op Summer Surf Series at the Lido Theater at 9 p.m., with a 5Creening of the original 35-millimeter print of John Milius' 1960s surf epic •Big Wednesday:' For more information, call (949) 722-2219. ~Justice LoulM Arbour of Canada's Supreme Court will present -Waging War Lawfully: Who Will Enforce the Law7" at UC Irvine'• 12th annual Julius Margolis lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Social Science lecture Hall 100. Arbour will discuu the use of national and International courts for prosecuting war cnmes, crimes aga111 .. t humanrty and genocide. Admission ia free .• For more fnformatlon. call (949) 824-6410. ~ CMstlen Schoof'• Middlt School Thea1re Group Will preMnt ·Mary Poppfn.-at 7 p.m. Mey 29 and 30. Tlitt9 ere $4, free for c:hitdren younger than 5. The echool ls et 300 Fltdler Ave .. eo.t. Melt. Cell (714) 437· 1700, ext. 188 for tlct.tl or lnforrnetion. SATURDAY The~ tredltlont of~. frlnot and Mtxlco wm be ~Id. two-drf . intemlllfonaf Mtfv.a 11t the Newpott Bud\ CentrM Library. Cultu,. 9owf1of .. 1911.,. lnvittd to the.,..~ ~entedb'fttte~a..cn Sitter City Aan. For more lnformttton. c:.111 'Me) 717-3870. IUNDM' .............. ......, ..... 9c.llbo ...... .......... .-1a1e1plecia .. 1111.m , ..... ...,_~ fof nfomliidaft, ctli CL 7n..1m KEHT TREPTOW I OAA.Y PILOT Jason Mayo of Tustin had plenty of room to rock climb at Corona del Mar State Beach on Sunday as cloudy and cool conditions kept the usual holiday beach crowds away. ready to go back to woit. she said "It's relaxing. lt keeps the kids busy and it's just fun.• Valerie Monplaisir said She came to the Newpon Pier to escape the heat in Palm Sprin~, she said. Jim Lyons of Fontana said he was enjoying the day off work to spend time with his son and daughter. But he said he didn't stimulate a so-called "restau- rant row" in Costa Mesa. Situ· ated at the northern end. llCEA will be at one end of a s tring of stores running south on Har· bor, including a Wickes Furni- ture. Home furnishings stores also dot the South Coast Metro landscape. In addition to Roche Bobois. South Coast Plaza ac- counts for 28 retallers in that secwr. The plaza's western wing, along Bear Street, in- cludes Crate & Barrell. Macy's Home Furniture Sto re and Pot- tery Barn. St. Michael end All~ Episcopal Church presents ·Jan Vespers for the Soul" at 5 p.m. It's the final free concert in the 2002-03 Friends of Music First Sundays at Five series. The ctiurcti is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. for information, call (949) 644-0463. AIDS W.lk Orange County will hold its opening ceremonies at 9 a.m . and will begin at 9'.30 a.m at the UC Irvine Administration Loop and Chancellor's Rose Garden. Participants will walk to raise funds for HIV/AIDS prevention and support services. To form a walk team or support the event, call (949) 955-1400 or visit www.sidswalk.org/oc. TM Profnsional Once N81WOftr will host the fourth annual "Celebrating Young Talent" at 5:30 p.m. in the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tickets are $10 for general admisaion and $26 for VIP seats. Free ticbts are available for select community-based organizations. For more information o r tic.ttets, call (800) 323-0267. The Fish Fry Beby Comest will be held in Costa Mesa's Downtown Community Center in Lions Part. Judging begins at 1 p.m., with stage announcements at 2 p.m . Baby registration and information forms are available at Cal's Camera and State Farm Insurance in Costa Mesa. Registration is $5. Forms must be mailed by May 23 or faxed to (714) 436--0191. For more information. call (714) 549-4961. JUNE3 P.tC. Odle of the Amelbn Feng Shui Institute will explain how elemental remedies are implemented to complement your d6oor at a 7 p.m. seminar et Visions & Dreama in Costa Mesa. Reservations are required. For more information. call (626) 288-1669. JUNE 4 The"** of the Newport 8eacti 'Ut>rary wih host • complimentary brunch end annual meeting for memberl et 10-.30 a.m. In the Frienda Meeting Room at the Ceotnl Ubrary, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, euthor of more than 70 boots, wffl be the .... Reeetvltions are required and must be made by Mey 28. C.11 (714) 698-6278. .AN5 Eclllr ...... 0..-...,,...n W'MI recum to the Newport BMch ~ Ubtlry at 7 p.m. to ~•The Crime Nov.I• Culturat SCudy;" The belt·•elllng """°' Wtl ~ ·Suger Skull:' ' ""MW ftCMl. Ind how Nr ~~Mdto WftdnO .... c.-c.., 711-381. ~ mont inforrNllGn. ........ uu ......... ..................... .,...., tom •to 1 p.m. ......... = ............. ........... eo. ..... .............. ~ ftlllilloA .. ULI~ • ... ,_....... l'UMllC8h dare join them as they played in the w.tter. "I'm too chick.en. It's too cold,• he said "When l ~ their age. I used to do it" Many adults set up tents. put out towels and set up elaborate picnics In the sand as their children kept busy. unbothered by the cold water. "Oh. a big one, yeah!" David Zarate. 10, called out to bis Debra Gunn Downing. a spokeswoman for the shopping center. agreed that the IKEA should keep retailers on their toes. "Compelltion is good," Gunn Downing said. •11 makes all the players ~tronger." When llCEA executives began planning the new store in August 1999, they looked for a site in a centralized location. Costa Mesa offered a high-vis· 1bility property along the San Diego 1-rt~eway with better ac- cess for shoppers, said Jose ph Roth, the company's public af. make free-will donations at the door and participate in an auction with sev~ral drawings for prizes from locol businesses. Call (949) 650-3461 for more information. JUNE6 UC Irvine Aru8ridge prnem. Wor1d Osnoe Day, featuring Orange County elementary sdlool students perfonning folk dances from Mexican, Vietnamese, European and Native American cultures. The noon event et Aldrich Part on the UCI campus is free. For information. call (949) 824-8942. JUNE 7 Macy's South Coast Ptaz.e end Teen People magazine wtll host a Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featuring the latest loob from Roxy, Hur1ey. O'Neill, Billabong and more at 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coast Plaza's women's store. For more rnformation, call (714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. Someone ea .... Soup Kitdlen will celebrate its 17th anniversary in memory of Cpl. Jose Angel Garibay from 6 to 9 p.m. at 720 West 19th St in Costa Mesa. The Flag Day dinner/auciion will feature Chef Leon Mathews. Ticketei 1.ost $45. Allp~ will support the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen Hunger Relief and Tutoring Programs. Make reservations by May 27. Call (949) 548-8861. For undefwrlting opportunities, call (714) 801-2354. Join 5uwt Goldltlil1. OM of the authors of ·Healthy Dining in Orange County;" for a session about healthy cuisine at your favorite restaurants in the Bloomlngdale'1 Home Store In Newport Beach from 11:30 e.m. to 1 p.m. The $16 admission incJuda a algned copy of "Healthy Dining in Orange County:' Space is limited, and tldcet1 must be purchased by June 1. Call (949) 729-6854 for more Information. The Adema Sc:noof Country FMr will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2860 Country Club Drlve. The fair will have a silent auction, e 60-foot inflatable obat.ade counie, a 30-foot inftatable sJide, a dunk tanlt. numerous games. prtzet. food, drinb, e bake safe, a OJ, e guMt band end more. Call 0,14) 424-7935 for more Information. JUNE I The Orange County Women'e Chon.I• P'9Mf'1t Its 2003 spMg progrem. ·0n tN• leiand: at Newpott Hlft>or Luther8n Chutctl. The COOOlft of ~mueicbeglNI Id 7 p.m. and wit lndude 1he ct.on. clrect9d by E1'Q Ru~ end ·Men In 11aque: In lftMMble dl**9 by JoeePtt Hulztl. Tidl.9ea .,.. •12 and.., bl pwd....d In advence'81(a.)481-IMO. ....................... lrWl!lld to..,._ Summer Knowa:' • hi mUlkMe. 3 p.m. •the , ... 'poft ..... c..il Ubiiiy. Mignot ... ,... Md. 8'lllll .................. Pf09'8"'oftht .. (e~ .................... fll Olflh<Mri.JolMI ~ ~ Fotmore~ °"' ,.., Dartt Plot friends ftom under a rock near the je«y at tbe Coo>na de.I Mar State Be.ldl. "lt's • big, ISMt aah. He's owr here. He'I under the tire." As Zarate WU jumplng back and forth on the rodal. a amaDer aab escaped from the Inside the boy's wet. sandy ba.seball cap. 1.arate looked up to watch lt slip out. aawt.lng sideways ovet the rocks and back onto the sand. That's OK. he sald. He wu going to let It go anyway. It was 8-year-old Roea.lva Figueroa's I 0th time at the beach. She built walls of sand with her friends, napping a puddle of water which she called a pool The children would all lay inside of it. she said. as soon as they were done with construction. Whlle enjoying her time ln the sun and water and the extra day off from school. she said she had just started learning the multiplication tables and has serious business to get back to at home. ·rrwe don't go to school. how are we going to learnr she asked •CORAL WI.SON Is the news assistant and may be reached at (9491 57~298 or by e-mail at coral. wi/$0fl latirrHtS.com. fairs director. Other IKEAs have wound up generating more business for surrounding shops, Roth said. WMany other businesses ben· efit from us being nearby," Roth said. "Just like gas stations. o nce you get people focused on home furnishings. there's a -whole untapped purchasing potential there." • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, bus111ess end politics. He may be reactied et 194SI 764-4330 or by e-mail at pau/ clinron a /a11mes.com. 717-3816. JUNE 13 Inv.mun Forum Pl"'Mnb • seminar on "Intellectual Property law" by Edward Sdlletter, patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m. in Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall. Registration and networking begin at 7 p.m. The cost ia $5 for members. $15 for nonmembers. Call (714) 540-2491 for information. JUNE 14 Full $pec:1run1 ~ hae pertneNd with New Directions for Women to host "Celebrating Whc»enesa." a yoga and healing arts fntlval benefiting women and children served by the nonprofit New Directions for Women. Admission is tree, and donations are accepted. The full-day event will be at F\111 Spectrum Yoga in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 956-1965. JUNE 18 Phil Brigendl, Onnge County archivis1, will discuss what is in the archives as they relate to Costa Mesa'• history at 7 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Historical Society, 1870 Anaheim Ave .. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 631-6918 or visit www.amhistpreu.com. JUNE 19 TM Nnlonel Multiple Sdetotk Society will present an Internet educational program called •El Cuidado C11nico de la Etderosia Muttiple; a Spanlsh-.peaklng broadcast on cUnlcal care of multiple sclerosis, at 5:30 p.m. To connect. qo to www.naaonalmssociety.org, seled ·uving with MS· and then select •Webcasts and Conferences; JUNE23 Chlchn I and older ... 1rwtt.c1 to register for a variety of summer aquatic campe offered by Newport B~ Recteetion Services. The camps run through August, with numeroua morning and eftemoon e>ptions evalleble, from "Selling and Tennla Camp• to •Surf Camp:' Call (9'9) 644-3161 for more lnfonnadon. Of register ontlne et www.city.~.a.us. ONGOiiG W-...clrtwera .......... hMp delMw nutr1doutty Pf'IPlf9d me* to hom9bound. fnlif or eldeftydienta ~of ehopplng or cooldng for thtm..,.,,.. through •MotJae MeeM;~by ~~Inc. Ind tto.u ~.Call,..,....,for more lnfonn9tion. ~-....... -now,....,fof..,... recc..rklnlll ~..._ ~ dW'OU9h N9wpottawt. ,.....,, SeMDla. a... begin"""' 12. ,._ vtrf. Celt ,.., ......,,,,, °' *M the ....,.,., ....,_ Arlo'llllon Ind Senior~. JIOO Nirc ipOlt IMlbmote~ TOWN Continued from A4 ~.small group and large group tra n ng. For more Information. call (949) 39S-6103. ~ Femly s.vtce .. ipOf'laoring a teen support group for high IChool etudent. that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School In Costa Mesa. For lnformatlon or to register. call (714) 445-495Q. Pre-regl11ration Is required. The Flnt,.. -Ane ChMdren'1 Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Co11a M esa. offers free story time Mondeys, Wednelday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thurldays from 4 to 6 p.m . For more information, call (949) 645-6431 •AbstNct Worb on Canvu and Pape(.' an e>ehlblt of art by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newport Beach Central Library through June 30. The e>Chibit will feature selections from Rosener's •washed Away• series, q-eated by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and medium1 onto an original painting and washing It away to suggest the passage of time. For more Information. call (949) 717-3816. Alwatd-winnlng WOflc9 by Orange County artists working In an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27. for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artiltl Exhibition. For more Information, call (949) 717-3870. Rev•batioo 19 now OP9f' for runners and walkers of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic 5K Race & two-mile Fun Walk on June 1 Pre-fegistration fees are $22 for the runlw91k and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration on the day of the race Is $30 for the run/Walle. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. ~Restaurant In Newport Beac.ti offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $16 per person. featuring five new wines each week. For more Information. call (949) 721-1222. If your on::hid Is too big for lb pot. Green Systems International will show you how to re--pot your plant during their free ordlld-potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plent aate la held from 9 a.m. to 4' p.m . at the 20362 Bird\ St. fadllty. Cell (949) 766-1211 for lnfOt'matlon. Diecovw the MCrwta ~ c.bon Canyon Regional Park u you walk through grovea of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (7141 996-5262 for more Information. TNm Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to e>eercise, hosts "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m . the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodeas store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For m ore information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, awa~ess. faith and empowerment The group meet.s M ondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information. call (949) 721-8079. Teens are invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m . Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport BNd't W.rlting Qub meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 1 p.m . everyday. For more information. call (949) 650-1332. The Newport BNd't Cab Decorating Club meets from 1 to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information. call (949) 650-1332. The Aun. of Busineu Servtces hosts a netwolting meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m . on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 805-0011. •Divorce: A New Beginning: a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divoroed. is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. The N.wport ..... Pubic Ubtery holta an hour of storiM and crafts for children In lc:Jndergarten through the aecond g'9de et the Corona del Mar ~from 3 to 4' p.m . Tueec:tays. The library 11 at 420 Marigold Ave. For more Information, call (949) 717..s&OO. FNe tours of the Or...-County Performing Arts Center take gueett to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge. ba<*stage and on 118ge at 10:30 a.m . every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by apeclal arTangement For more lnformatJon, call (714) 656-ARTS. e>Ct. 833. The Newport 8-dl Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of f1\/ery month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information. call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org. a.. Senior Cent9f holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Br~kfast Includes pancakes. sausage. coffee and orange juloe for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del M ar. For more information, call (9491 644-3244. Miiey'• South Coast P1au presents "Workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays-at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost. including materials. is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075 Yoga and rhythm, •Yogartiythmics" combines yoga. dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 6:45 p.m . Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Surte 111. Costa Mesa. For more information. call (714) 754-7399. ·earthquau. -Not If. But When· will be re-broadcast through April 12 on Adelphia and Co>e cable systems for Newport Beach. The show has been edited to 30 minutes and runs Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m .• Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 1 p.m . The Newpof1 Harbor Nautical Museum offers the e>ehibit "Your Maje81y. There Is No Second: The America's Cup 1851-2003" through April 30. The museum is Let them know how proud you are! A special page will publish Ill the Daily Pilot on Friday, June 20 to honor our graduates. For your daughter, son. friend or speoal someone be a part of this tribute for only S40.00 (2x2 ad). Fill in the form below and mail it to us with their photo. Be sure te>-put the name .md address on the back of the photo and we'll return 1t to you . Gr<1duate's lnfonNtion: Graduate's Name.-------------- School Name: ______________ _ A.bout the waduare Hobbies. interests or future pl<ms tL1m1ted to 40 word mas.JReJ Submitted by: Name:---------Phone:------Address: ________________ _ Credit Card No.:--------Exp.: __ Signature for credit card:----------- (If you pref~. rou may enclo5e H D check m.Kk p.Jyable to ·oaity Pilot "I Mail this form with phoro to. 2()()9 t;ucu "1 DAILY ,.LOT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 9262t ONcJ/inei fdcHy. June IJfb at 161 E. Pacific Coast HlgtnQy, Newpo11 Beach. Free admlwion. For more information, call (949) 673-7883. lntiarWth couplea whh one Jewish partner are invit.ed to participate in a discusalon group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with isaues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays, sym bols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $46 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to sd'ledule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older c.811 join • discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety. depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of 1he Newport Beech Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodt Books may be left at any of the three brandl libraries - Balboa, M ariners. or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet ne>Ct to-the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newpon Beach. All hardcover and paperbadc donations. with the e>eception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are ta>e deductible. (949) 769-9667. The Braille Institute ofhn hM computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar. offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000 A spiritual cant dus mMts at 7:15 p.m . Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking lundleon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m . to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor aupport group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Canoer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, N9WJ>On Beach Free Registration not required. The group la ~gned to help patienu and their families understand and cope With the illness. (949) 574-6232 St. Andr9w's Presbyterian Churc:tt hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m Sundays in Dierenfield Hall Cat 600 St Andrews Road. Newpon Beadl. (949) 674-2236 The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a disoussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 1 p.m. two Tuesdays a month Mooday, May 26, 1003 ~ al the Jewish F1m1ty Setvtee office at 250 E Baker St .. Sune G Costa Mesa S10 per person. per session Prereg15trett0n required (714) 44f>..4950 The Jewiah Famity ~of Orange County hH a weekly parenting ~upport group. Parents learn strategies for successful IJarenting and tor cteahng with the feelings end behavior of their children The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m Mondays at the Jewish Family Service offtee at 250 E. Baker St. Suite G. Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger. anxiety and peer pressure children experience Preregistration requ1red. (714) 445 4950 ''Your Newport-Mesa Flooring Experts!" ~~J E!!iitA J£. LEAJRJP,ET ..... ···~·~ ~ 314° GOLDE!'> ~Lf m ''I SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET $ I. 99 • ln~wled with PM! S } 69 ~ sq. ft . • \11n1mum 60 vanh i.q. ft. 1-------------'------~--~ ~ Tra"ertlne 18 .. JI 18n ....•................ 1 4.29 ... ri. Ceraaalc Ttle ••.•..••..•.•.•... 1 ..... 11.d r ...... 14.99 ·•·" Laminate Wood •............ ln•••ll•4 tro .. 14.99 .... " S upp/I'" unJ luol.• ror th4' -1h1 II •our~.,1r.·r•!'0 All priC"ftslproducl• ror u /hnltttd Ii""" h1ue•d nn a1~1/ublllt11 1374 Loian Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA ~.---~ (888) MESA-777 .~ \!·1 • J ~I C1;:Jn1 li l JM)N,,rn •• .u. i. s,.,. •.,. • ....-.A ~ ~,.. • I SAL 10 AJI i. I "' ICLOSU M-'f>A) I .,..... U. Tu: From: Subject All lrd. 4th, Sch and &th grade boy~ and girl" Pilot Cup Soccer Tournament Headquartc~ Piloc Cup Soccer tournament. Ma) 28"'-lum: I · It's time to sign up fur the mu<.il CM.:iting '\lX.1.:cr tt1um.m1l·n1 l'f tl1\' \1..~r The Fourth Annual Pilot Cup!!! The Pilot Cup is a one week soccer tournament .... hi1..h m\lil\t..'' .ill l'11hlt, .ind 1•11L1tc schools in the Newport Bcach-Co-.ta Mc'a arcd II .... ,11 tx li1..ld \l.1\ ~~ lu11L 1 '" ''-'1.: which school has the best un:er team an the fvlll1Y.1ng J" 1 ... 1un • J"' and 4• grade boys; 3"' and 4 grade girl' 5• and&• grade boys; 5"' and 6 grade girh Wmners will receive commernomt1ve dV.Jrd~ V.'inning ''-hl1'.•I' \.'611 HH'IH' 1h1..· nt•ht 10 'hl>\\ off the Pilot Cup Perpetual Troph} Awani fur one \c~ir So go to the principal'i. office or the athletil.~ offo .. t.• n~ht 11(1v. <mJ !-lfn ur tc..1 rcpn:"l'IH H>Ur school in the most exciting ~occcr event uf the )C.!I l he.. i>du1 l up 200) All participants receive a t-shirt. This tournament •~ -.pon..,vn:<l h' 1hc I >.u" P1lu1 .md \outh Services Association. There is a $5 contribution to c..:c..1\•cr the c..;l''' ,,1 tlw t ,11111 Don't miss out on this chance to play soccer for your '>Chool and v.m the..· n~h1 1u the P1l,11 Cup Perpetual Trophy as the best soccer school in town. Yes. we do ne<.xl L<~h'"~ for more inform•tion, contact your child's school. r--------------------------------------------------------J41} • ClJp Name: ________________ _ BoyO Shirt Size: Small O Girl Medium Large .School:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­• 'Grade:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ -k's. okay for my son/daughter to sign up · for tit• Pilot Cup ~--------------------------------~~-------~---------------· ' • QUOTE OF THE DAY "We have a society that is more about instant gratification, but you have to grind it out." Ktt Bauwmeitter, Dally PHot Hall of F amer M Monday, May 26, 2003 . HONORS Coast OEC's finest OCC earns conferen ce supremacy award for fourth straight year. For the fourth year in a row and the 22nd time in 26 years, Orange Coast College has earned the Orange Empire Conference Sports Supremacy Award for overall excellence in athletic achieve· ment. Six conference championships helped contribute to the honor. John Knox. head coach for both men's and women's traclc and field and cross country teams, led the Bucs to four of the six titles with Dave Salo and Don Watson teaming up to lead the women's swimming team to a conference and state championship. Knox, along with assistant Dave Fier, guided the women's cross country team to a state crown as well. Janice Maran's women's tennis team went undefeated in the OEC to claim its second conference title in three seasons. The women's swimming and basket- ball teams each claimed state champi- onships with distance runner Michelle lcban defending her titles in the 5.000 and I 0,000 meters at the trctck and field championships earlier chis month. She set a meet record in winning the I 0,000 in 35.49.24, more than 28 seconds in front of the second-place finisher. In the fall, lcban won every cross country race she entered but one. cap- ping the season with a state title in 17:56. The sophomore was named con- ference MVP in both cross country and track and field and also earned OEC Runner of the Year honors. She col- lected five state titles LO her two years at Coast. Sherry Tsai set a state and national community coUege record in the JOO- yard backstroke with a time of 54.92 at the state meet while Art Diaz ran the I 0,000 in 31 :25.58 to claim the race at the state championships. Tsai, a freshman, also earned confer- ence MVP accolades along with goal- tender Heather Oeyden, who helped the women's water polo team to a 29-9 fin. lsh, good for fifth in California. Sophomore point guard Nancy Hat- sushi capped her Coast career with state tournament MVP honors, as OCC won Its first state championship in March. Coach Mike Thornton was named Southern Region ~ach ~f the Year. leap of 49 feet. 3 inches in the triple jump at the state meet. while placing sixth in the 110 high hurdles in 14.82. Earlier this season, Briggs, the OEC champion in the h.igh hurdles and the triple jump. set the school record in the 110 hurdles (14.2). The OCC Athlete of the Year placed second in the OEC in the long jump and was on the Pirates' 400 relay team that was the conference runner-up. Coast had two teams place second in state (men's cross country and women's volleyball) while the men's voUeyball, men's swimming and women's track and field teams each finished third in Cali- fornia The women's water polo and soc- cer teams each placed fifth In the state. Women's soccer coach Barbara Bond also earned Regional Coach of the Year accolades. Coast's dance and cheerieading teams each won national championships. Sports Editor Rlchlrd Dunn: !949) 5744223 • Spotts Fu; (949) 650-0170 2003 ROY EMERSON ADOPTION GUILD CLASSIC Above, Brett Hansen-Oent of Newport Beach returns a shot against Jeff Thomsen of Newport Beach in a men's open singles match m Saturday's Round of 32 at the 42nd annual Roy Emersoo Adoption Guild Classic tennis tournament at Balboa Bay Club Racquet Club. Below, Thomsen, the Newport Harbor High boys coach, strains to get his racquet on the ball rn the match won by Hansen-Oent, 6-2, 6-2. For results from Saturday's tournament acbon, including opening rounds in singles and doubles at several locations, please see Page A7. PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY Pl.OT YOUTH BRIEFS EYE OPENER .I>aity~Pib. Saanl .... "',... ' -,.,......u... ......... Mle2honOrM JERRY DeBUSK FROM THE SIDELINES DailY Pilot Fog no obstacle for Bucs Traveling by air often ruined football team's best-laid plans. A s noted in past columns. commercial flights were not uncommon for junior college football squads during the 1940s and '50s, since they helped promote interest and excitement in recruiting programs for nonconference contests. Orange Coast CoUege, which started in 1948 under head coach Ray Rosso, who had previously led Chaffey College to a Junior Rose Bowl triumph over Cameron, Okla.. wound up with a number of unexpected are crave! happenings. One, he recalls sharpty to chis day, DON w.u me 1949 ctash CANTRELL against Marin College In Kentfield, acros.i. I.he bay from San Francisco. The timing was off from the beginning as Rosso recalled the Oight · out of Los Angeles was postponed due to fog. Hence, he said, they had to stay in Los Angeles overnight. -We left the next morning, definitely thinking we would malte the I p.m. kiclcotr,· Rosso said. ·eut as we approached the Bay Area. we could not land because of the fog. We circled about one-half hour and we were then informed that we could land at an alternate airport at Half Moon Bay, south of 'Frisco.' " The coach said. ·Wen. all on board. including Dr. Peterson. OCC president. and all the coaches and wives were shoclced because we knew we could not make the scheduled time. Plus. we had a very early brealcfast and had planned for a pregame meal, which would not be possible. "So. we made arrangements for a bus to be ready and waiting at Half Moon Bay. Then, we set up a plan for the players to get their basic equipment on in the bus. Additionally. we had various quiclc munchable energy bars made ready to be picked up. We ad.vised Marin we would be ready to play about one-half hour late. "What ensued was a wild. crazy bus Golden Gate Bridge and right to the stadium. The players completed their dres&ng on the bus and got on the field for their wannup. The team was ready to play. ·So. without food and sleep, and with much anxiety, we nonetheless played and won a very memorable game and returned in a very happy atmosphere, to say the least. •fl'hisl somewhat proves or disproves all the carefully planned pregarne so traditional. What really mattered was the mental attitude of playing the game. Mental attitude and desire were the prime motivators, traditional preparation not withstanding. ••• Friends indicate a memorial is being See CANT'MU. Pqe A7 Adams, Massingill power River Dogs to victory Brett Admm hit h1a Ont home run of the year and JM:bon .......... tripled twice for the Newport Harbor River Oop In their 9-5 vfctory over the Co- rooa del Mar Angels in Pony bueball acdon- Newport ICOred six times in the fourth Inn.Ing to 1tab the big lead. A4Mrri lhot wu a two-run blast over the •-arnter·fteJd fence. MUltngill a. au aiplet tn h1I 1ut two pines ... -~ llBJa In that 1pu1. l0dud-... ... ...... the Anpla. ' ........... W9nt 3 lot 3 wttb twO ..... md • double WbOe °"' wtnlde ldllld. m RBI llJd a atple. Adami ln- lllllCI wldl IWD R811 M Clm Olli ........ ... ..., ....... , d,,...... ' each had one hJt. Massingill and Hapke each threw three innings, w1 th Hapke tallying the win in relief. They combined for four atrlk.eouts and all~ only two runs between them. Winkle pitched one inning to record the save. The win made the ~r Dogs 2-0-1 ln a thtee-game span. In other Pony play: • Iha' Doll 10, Newport Nnoi' ......... 0 lbe p.me featured 25 hJr. and 16 WIJb In only tx inn1np. Maufngtll went 2 lor 4 with th.tee RBll wOe ~ and Jlapb Neb knocked ln two runa. Both H&pke and Thagard went 3 for 4 with two singles and a double. Hapke scored twice aJong with Kough, who walked three times. Matt 8rt.lnt walked twice ln three at- bata and 1COred one run whOe nm Hllh wu hJt by a pttch and ecored once. Wlnkle, Adams and Chrisda.nlen each etnped. S,.... 8mld\, Thlprd and WlnkeU combined on the mound. ...... Dolli 4. Newport ...... Sn.,,.., . Nldmi 1bdd struck out the lut IWO baa.n wlcb the bMes loldld to end • SMpplr nly In m. boaotn ot Che .... emb ...... to pr911n1 cbe *1oi'y. :i1-'d pitched two ..... .... ninS' as Massingill tagged out two run- ners trying to ~re. Drew Manta pitched aJx lnnlnp ror the Snappers, allowing only three ruoa. Vincent N9wlom went 2 for 3 with a runacored. Smith tallied three ltrlboutt In three lnnlnga for the Rtwr Doll whUe 1ba· p.rd ldded two tnnlnp. Smith Milt 2 for 8 With two RBlt and Hapke Ibo 10t two htta In three lt-bm. H.llh went 2 for 2 while Adema knocbd. htt. AYSO Region 97 sigq-ups Newporf-Mell AYSO a.son 97 la hOldl.. fall IOC(llf ........... at Ill Daily A Pilot Ill ' Sports Hall of Fame Ce lebrating th<' rnillenniurn Kirk Bauermeister Costa Mesa FootbaJI intensified Mesa administrator's passion for athletics at his old alma mater. Steve Vtr1en Daily Pilot M ost people who know Kirk Bauermeister ~iate him with baseball. I lowever. football j, Lhl' spon Lhat truly symboli7..e-. Bauermci!>ter, a key figure 111 Costa Mesa I ligh'!> athletic program and, now, administration. For Baue rmei'iler, football brought a grearer o,ense of teamwork.. I le rook pnde 1n being able 10 contribute 10 lht' '>quad in any way he rnuld. 1-ven though he wa~ S· foot. IOO pounds, he wru. one or the Mus tang!>' mo.,t important blocker<. In lhe I 970c;, Bauermeister wa., perfect for Lhe ovenhrow block, a method of clearing the path by going a1 the opponenl's legs. "I w-.i_<; abll' to run s1ra.ight through Lhcm, since I was so <;mall." K1r1< baseball, and the relationships I've made. Most of the people I know have a background in athletics." When Bauermei'ller was a '>ophomore, he met the late PauJ I roxel, a former coach at 1 .... tanc1a and later an assistant under Bauermeister at Mesa. Back Lhen, BauermetSter played quarterback for the Mustangs' -.ophomure team, which was badly beaten by fatancia. BJuermeister spent moM or the ~ame t!nduring r,acks, aches and bru1-.es 1 roxel, who was Lhe I .stancia var-;ity quanerback. watched. After Lhc game, rruxd waJked over lo the -.mall c;ophomore from Costa Me<>a and commended him fo r his efTo n . So. a friendship began. Bauenne1ster s:.ud. Bauermeister Hanle'>, '>uch as Lhe o ne again1>1 l:.stancia, helped Bauermeister form a greater respect for hi-. teammates. The chaUenge-. aJw created team chem1Mry and '>lrong character, IWO or the many v-.U ues BauermeiMer inc;tilled "Even though people equate me with b~balL I !.tick with footbaJI. I LhinJc with foo1baJJ there io, more of a bunker mentality. Th ere b a certain degree of rec;pec1 that comes from mak.mg it thmugh the seru.on with Lhose teammatei-. In my sophomore year, we were 0-10 and we were blocking fcx.lder for the v-cm.ity ream. It was really good becau~ you had 10 go out and put your days in at practice and the payoff~ gerting to play a game. We have a society tha1 I'> more about instant gratification, but you have to grind ii out." During his first two years at Costa Mesa, roorbaJJ and baske1ball, which was his favorite. helped Bauermeister become a better baseball player Baseball, which was actuaJly h1i. least favorite, was the sport in which Bauermeister found the most success. I le played on the varsity learn for three years, including 1978, when the Mustangs won Lhe South Coa~I League championship. Soon after high school. uerme1s er ame the school's baseball team and later the alhJetic director. Baseball has been important, but there's more to Bauermeister's life than balls, bats and a djamond. • AlhJetks 111 generaJ have been important.~ Bauermeisrer said. •Mos1 of the good things that have happened in my lire have been from football and CANTRELL Continued from A6 planned in late May for BlU JOussman, a 1948-49 Newpon Harbor High student body presJdent and a scbOQI reconl·breaker in the 440--yard duh ln 1949. He died of lung 111 Lht! w untle!>S athlelt!S that went Lhrough his ba.-.eball progrnm. ··1 w-ci.!>n't a big-league, t hampionsh1p-1ype coach." B.merme1ster c;rud. ·1 wanted them to go out and play hard every play and Lhe wins and lo'>Ses would take care or themselves. Wilh the parents, I rt·al iled I was taking care of their greatesl a..set. their pride a nd 1oy. I took that very ..enously." A!> a basebaJI player. Bauermeister ..aid playing on a league championship ream was memorable. Ye t, he mainJy rememben. a error he commined that led to a 2· I lo~ to M1SS1on Viejo. But Lhat was the type of !>iluauon Bauermeister drew strength from. Besidec;, Mesa defealed Mlc;sion Viejo later in the season for the league title. nuoughoul his years of playing and coaching. Hauermeister said he held a respect toward the game and placed sportsmanship as a high Mesa's ~istanl principaJ, he misses baseball, though he still help!> out when he can, even with the Mustangs' freshman football team. Bauermeister, the latesl Daily rilol 1 lall of Fame honoree, lives in Costa Mesa with his wife, Denise. They have two daughters, KarU , 12, and Kelsi, .11. cancer May 5. JOussman, 71, who later became a busin~ partner with Oon Bren of the Don Bren Co., was highly successful in Irvine reaJ estate over the years. f-le also created a stylish horse-breeding farm in Woodland Hills and fared well racing them. However, he recently sold the horses. ~=·~°'d~ ~~_.ti~ TOTALSAVMI *8.BOO SPO R TS Monday. May 2b 200J A7 2003 ROY EMERSON ADOPTION GUILD CLASSIC A Top-seeded Bryan Ju1nio nps a tw<rhanded backhand dunng his 6. 5 singles match against l 0th-seeded Tony Bui an Sunday morning SATURDAY RESULTS Men lln•I •• Open Roundof 54 Vlad1slav M olenda def S1efan Johansson. 6-2, 6 3, Bill Casas def Marco D1Addez10. 6 2 6 2. Scon Crn:tilow def Oung Nquyen, 7 5 6 4 Oann Banistone def Andy Nguyen 6-4, 1 6, 6-3. Arash Bormand def Peter Feovenyessy, 6 3. 6 1 Kf'v•n Pollodc def Brode Heunann. 6 3 6 4 Christian Hand def Jason M ossombekker. 6 4. 6 1, Brandon Fallon def Geoffrey Gehrke, 6 1, 6 2 Bren Van Longe def Sandy Edison. 6-0, 6 0. Sosa Amadon def Ryan Sogelke, 6 1, 6-2, W11old Cudny Clef Rob Horsch. 6-3 6 2. Ross Loel def Chns Johnson, 6-0 6-1 Roundof32 Bryan Juonoo def Howard D<ill, 6 O 6 0, Tony Bu1an def. Ton Dong, 6 4, 6 3, Ryan Moore def Cordell Ezorons, 6-4, 6-3, Vladislav Molenda def Billy M cOua1d, 6-J), 6-3; Oren Motevassel def Bill Casas, 6-3. 6-2. Dann Ban1stone def. Scon Cndllow 6-4 3 6, 7 5, Andrew Cheney def Arash Bormand, 6-2 6-1, Jade L1 ctef Kl!\lon Pollodc, 6 4, 6 1, Brandon Fallon def Chnsuan Hand.A 6. 6 2. 6 2 Bren Van Longe def Mark Keil, 6-1 , 6 1, W1told Cudny def Sosa Amad1n, 7 6 (6), 6 3, 7 5, Rylan R1.i:za def Ross Loci, 6 4, 7 6, Bnan Banostone def Jon Flagg 6-3, 6-0, Jason Cook def Mark Murphy 6 2 0 6, Manhew BaPr def Kevon Armstrong 7 6, 6 1 Bren Hansen Oent def. Jeff Thom!tcn. 6 2 6-2 Doulll•• 3.S ·Round of 16 D Christy D Herrera def D Benken D Glass, 6-4 6 0 J Mang G Wey def D Moder R Sparno 7 5. 6 J S Caothoen-J Ngo def J Jennings P W1lhams, 6 2, 6-4, L. Alva-C Moore def T Glassen A Siam. 6 3. 6 J, E I R. Cheek def A Ge1 ele B Kaplan, 6 2, 6-2 4.0 Round of 31 E Low man D Re<;Jd1e def J Grav S Watson, 6 3 6-7, 6-1. M Shows M Smith def A Hampton F Seaberg. 6-4, 6 4. J Diep V Tran def J Bennaton S Logan, 6-3. 6 1, G Co• D Howey def W Jones J Thompson. 6-0, 6-2 4.5 Round of 31 K Hansen L Hieu def B Bezme D Espinoza, 2 6, 6-2, 6-4, M Capuano-M. M rller def C Cuuck R Vadl, 6-2. 7-5; S Blair C Gleller def T Hanltn D Meier, 6-1, 6-3. R Ford R Moore def E. Rud1s1ll J Whitfield, 6-2, 6-2; D. Salene-B Smith def C Crowner-C. Wilson, 6-7, 6-1, 6-4; J Nguyen·P Weber def. D. Captn t Rodgers, 6-3, 6-1, T. Duddy·J Gray def W. Mltchell·C. Nedeau. 6 I, 6-1, R Alvaredo-R. Covey ctof 7 Hyblkmann-B Salisbury, 6 3, 7 6171 5.0 Rouftdof32 G Diaz-S. Ho-def F. C.ruana R Nichols, 6-2, 6-7 (S), 6-3; B Crook C Cyga def C Lun•r(J M M ockler 6 2, 6 3. B Pan>ntl< B Vdlparo•~o C11•f C Ulscallas S Vaughn 6 J 6 2 P Fond'! L Fracdlow rlef R Rool T TeaC11er 6 4 7 5. T Bryan R He>CtP.11 def R Jensen E Lar5en 4 6 6 2 6 4 M Cadolh V v .. 1r arr.r•I def B Bruno K Santer 6 J. & 4 SS Round of 16 P Hdm11ton P H<1m1llon def C Gallegos S Johnson 6 2 4 6 6 4 L Oav1d!>On P WP<nPrnd• dPI F Moms T Morro<; & 4 4 6 6 2 J Hardon M Hdrdin 11,,f G Ht .iclding D Pryor 6 J 6 J T Hym,m D JunP.au dPf B C.trlton R M,mton 1 b f4 . 6 2. D Brow n D Groi.<.om def H Man1ne1 L Rodrogwu. 4 6, 6 2. 7 5 60 Round of 16 D Borllm.tn C DPlanev dPI E Davod~n K Kr•a.nev 7 5 5 7 6 J T Marcoline M H.;nsen def C Jensen S Rodr1guel 6 1 6 4 0 Bae1 J Cross def M Murpny R Nieto, 6 2, 6 2, R Finlay J Strother def J Flagg T Leonerd, 7 6 12) 6 4, J Fears J Fnarr. def S Alleborn R Nelson, 4 6, 6 4 6 1 J Nguyan D Now ick def Ctms Kearney. withdraw J Frantz A Kranson def L Dropsy R Langley. 6 4 6 4 D Mann B Matek dr>f M Hammr•r C Moma 6 2 6 4 JS llr 0vllf Round of 16 E Davidson R Nelson def M Broggs G WtJ\her. default. P Davidson B Howie def B F1~1nger K Miles 6 0 6 2 Women ''"''·· Open Round o f 16 Erica Sauer del Elo1abeth Fems, 6 3. 6 0, S1ephano,.. Lansdorp def Amv Tranctcono 6 4 6 4 Lauren Pascoe def Chro.,ren BanPlt. 6 4 6 2 Cristina V1s1co d!'f TJylynn Snyder ti 2. 6 1 uuren Jones dof Jul•P Gates. 6 2, 6 7 (J), 6 2 Double• 35 A Bidwell K Panerson def J Evans J P11sker b I 6 4 C Chung L HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebr atmg the Dally Pilot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 20 Casey Peterson Orange Coast College Women's volleybell. 2002 Segald def G Hdllum M Yutdn• 6 4 6 2, E Snow P Wr·s1on dd D Lowman 0 Reddoe b 7 6 2. G Carlon M Roshdn dd H Sd1la11ye S Young 6-1 6 4 D Sullivan D Sampson dflf L Joplin C Rosf!. 6 1 6 2 V Le N Truong dt;f K Costa D M anenson. 6 3 6 1 J Be<1Ch I( F1IP'> def M Fredrick R Kurakazu 6 '} 6 0 H Freehn S Younu d••f G Hdhn J Zuleger J 6. 7 6 ~I. 7 6 f21 S Ayres M Hol1mann d•·f D Lee C M .. cM1ll1n 6 2 6 2 E Flern1nq M M ota def 0 ShenJn l W11~.nson 76 61 67151 &3 A Tsugaw.;J Mdthe•s def H Kao A Tsugaw a h ; 75 40 Round of 32 R Faul A McDondtd dllf M Burk.-A Rosquez Tomasyan, 7 5 16141 D Howard N Wagy dr!I V PdsCOP 0 Terry, 6-2 6 4 C Davis L Vieira def S Broadlev S Frank ().J 4 6 6-3 P Lambert R Weaver def C Searle D Valhn·Corona. 7 615), 2 6 b-3. B Lee-Kwan D Zamora def J Alhone C Hoyt, 6-1, 6 4, J Baynes J Brow n def N Fussell S M illigan. 6 4 . 6 2, 0 M iles D Ror1ck def J Andrus-D Sogafos. 6-3, 6 4 4S Roufld of 31 C Morgenstern K Sanders oel L Gr.ivesen S Sad'lse 6 4 6 2 G Klodte N Wilson def J H1ll!'r 8 Wolhams 6-2, 6 1. R Brown D Williams def B Parson:. S Purcell 6 2. 6-1 . K O'El1scu T Oates def K Alexander P Parsons, 6 O 6 4 C Dolan C Shaffer drl W Marganla E Sprus1on, 6-1 6 0, M Conter S St Oair def V Hams L Sokos 6-3. 7 5 E Coe-M Danse def N Jennings K Skarvan 6 4, 6 J. G Bancroh S Hagstrom def L Ba1hn !Barrl-C Krapek, 7 6 (5) 6 4, L McNabb N R1etveld def M McCain J Meece 5 7 6 4, 6-1 , D Komb•o C Ruggoo def C Moore G Ross. 6 3. 6 2 so Round of 16 L Conez S Sten1el .Jef R Stetson S Sutherland . 4 6 6-2. 6 J B Hoffman M Van L1nge def M Ogden B Oliver 6 4 7 6 ISl R Glenn-v Peterson oel s Ftog11es o Parente, 7-6 14), 6 4. L Hawks-A •2aa~~ I AT ml IWE PlfMIT Wtlt1••r c1PI C N"""' )ti 7&141 G ,or11·~5 ~ 1 L.i<IP.11 1' WitY'''''.,., 1111•,. .... N Honda B J Jhn~I 1 "I • Pdrto.;rn C ~h ,,~ • • .: s 516 0 Rovr• I '' • 1 I( Alldr;rson J B1 ,.,, 11 , t io 1 Prr:wtinodk T Wootl fi l 1, ;> J GltJc;qow B ThomsCJ1 11 f If'. Mahan T Ree·,,.. '.> 7 i-, 1 h J CCJll 1 N ls<>r '"' C :.. it• IJ Gr.;r.1a t 4 6 3 T Wo•I• v l d•·f 0 Coll•ri:. L C•.r,os 4 • E Hl'ndroc>~ '• H I rJ,.f J ' Jt> .. f, 4 7 5 ,._ M ..... r 6 R •• rlr•f D Bvlsm" R Mor Ir,. 2 6. 6 4 Mixed doubles 35 R1~ur,J I ~ s Ayres M c .. st.;r ~ 1• I M··" I p M11rrill & 1 6 2 L C<HIO•• • J Wt!• "" def R Cheek D L•·• '> 7 10 F, • 1 t 171. T Kodera S Mako 11'1 D Gramer E Zuct11 & 2 I> 1 D B.,~,,, I' Sdntopadre dPf M Pd•4t. S inuny & 4 JO retired S Bl•m1strrJ1'1 M Hollmann def S Cc.ho•r. M rr1 rJrod f> 0. 6 4 K M c0ondlr1 S P1nt1cl r:1 .. • E Blodt J Ri.ed 6 4 1 b .., ..! i;; Nguven T flly·~vc-n 11r•I '1.1 ·~ • 15-t·n A S1an1 6 4 6 1 L Kl1•1n K <;.,r:1·r <1..t G Bartone C Nelso" b ~ 7 IJ 1 L DeV1ll1ng I<. Romt1ro '1• ' 11, fllguypn H Tran 6 4 o 4 4 0 Rou"cl .1f J: B u 1m J Pham tlPf J B· ''·'' F"tmd 6 1 b 3 0 M olt.., B Roro ClPf S F.trr A JdCObS 6 1 4 •• t> 4 4 5 Round •f '. B Goodman T lsodd •lt·I R Alvarado J Casl)(•r fl 4 7 t ol R Cov1•v K Spear opt R Dav•~ G RCJ:.S & 7161 6 4, 6 2. J Gro:1v J Mt''"" lef S VP•qara N Woh.un I) 1 4 6 4 b J C Taylor A Wt·ui. <Jt·f T Lu 1<1~ A Giddings 6 J 6 2 P H, I•''-"" M N11ss def C D.iv•~ M .,.,q~horn rlt>fdult so Roun lul 't\ B Malloy_H_M_a_lluv t••t A'tht·r L Ard1er 6 2. 6 2 •a IDIE • 11raua uca•m CIEll1' SJ,(XX) loctory ttOcH ~ i2 A9Q c"'1ome< rotll ~ S.S 49Q ~ IOo & k.-ci.oe OI '-e ~ No *"'"' dlpot; ·~ed 39 <XX> lolol .... I* I.mt ..., 2°' ps ... tiw.,Jt... Al M~. May 26. 2003 -------l.1111.... -lJpl... .. Upllallcll •m IM'lle& 19S Notice Is hereby &iven that the Board of l'rust..s of I.he C.Out Co'mmunlty Cotl•a• District of Orenae County, Cetifornla, will r-lve soled bldJ Ill) to but no l•l•r lh•n Z:OO j>.m~~ednesd•y. June '-lW.S, .it the Pur· ch-.ln1 Dep.11 tment of the Distrlc;t located at l370 Adams Avenue. Bide, D. Costa Men, CaNfornil1, lll which lime bids wltl be pubhcly qc>e11ed end rnd for· COl.LlCTING4ND DtPOSINe or souo W4STt WITH UP TO fOUR (4) 1 t MCNfTH IHMWAL OPTIONS; COAST COMMUNITY COl.LlOI DISTillCT All bids are to be In accordance with the Bid Documents which are now on file and may be secured In the office of the Director of Pur· c.ha)lna ut tha Dl~trlct. No bkldet' may with· dnw his bid for a period of tidy (60) d1ys after the d1te set for the openln1 U-eof. The 8o¥d of Trustees reserves tl'll Pfivlleae of r eJectlna aiiy and 111 bids or to w1lve eny lneau· larltles or lnformlllllu In eny bl4 or In the :t'~ /S 10911 W. D IS, V.recter ef P11rcll••l•1, <•est c ........ , <•"••• Dlwtrlct A4wenhe• Mery 19 & Mey2',200J °""' --4, 200J -2.00, .•. tl4Ne.1 IH6 Published Newport Beach-Co~ta Mesa Dally PHot May 19 . 26. 2003 M715 Policy ,.... ..... ... s...... The followlnc peraons •re dolna buslnen as: GREENWORKS LANO· SCAPE & MAlNT£NANO£. 321 Avou do St. #0, Coita Me$a, CA 92627 Carmen Alcar11 Yanez Be.rnal, 321 Avoc•do St. fD, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Jou Jesus Y•11u Bernal. 321 AvC>Cedo St. fD. Cost• Mesa, CA 92627 Thls business is coo· ducted by: husband and wife Have you st1rted dolna business yet? Yes. 4/1/ 2003 Carmen Alcaraz Yanez This statement wu flied with the County Clerk of Or•nee County on04/28/03 20016942564 D11ly Pilot May 12. 19, 26, June 2, 2003 M710 .......... ... s...... The followlnc penons are dolnf buslnns as: MASTER' PIANOS RES· TORAllO~, 2020 L Howell Ave. Anaheim. California n806 Alej1ndro Mar tin Terque. 1146 Bloisom Hill Orlva. Corona, California 92880 This business ls con ducted by: tn indMdu'll Have you 'tarted dolna busi11e» yet? Yes 04/01/03 Alei.ndro M Tar1111e This statumenl was filed with lht County Clerk of Or anae County on 05/15/03 20016944160 Dally Pilot May 19. 26. June 2. 9, 2003 M7l8 lh• followlna persons .,. doina buslnau u : Mind/Body Connection, 19732 MacArthur Blvd. Suite 140. lrvlne, Celi· fornl'l 92612 I~ Grou1> Inc., (Ca). 19732 MacArthur Blvd Suite 140. Irvine, Call· fornl' 92612 This business Is con· ducted by: a corporation Han yov stllfl•d dolna business yet! No JSR Group, Inc .. Irene S. Rocha. President fl\ls st•tement was tiled with the Cuunty Clerk ol Orance County on 05/07/03 2003694'7 .. Daily Piiot May 12 19, 26. June 2. l003 Mill fldllias .... "-*'-' Mesa V«clll E .. t ~t IJ0114. CHta Men, CA 92626 . Mich••I A. Grissom, 2715 Mesa Verela Eut Aot. IDJ 1'. Coat. Miu, CA92626 St19t1anle l . Griuom, 2775 Mau Verde Aot. 0114, Cotta MHa. CA 92626 Thia bualnen Is con· ducted by: husbend •nd wife H•v• you st•ted dolna buslneu yet? No Mlctlael A. Grissom This statement was hied with the County Clerk of Q19nce County on 05/01/03 200169410U Delly Pilot M•y 5. 12. 19, 26, 2003 M705 ........... ......... The followlna persons ere dolna bualness as: 1.tEC.INTEANATIONAl, 660 W. 17th St. 137, Cptla Mey CAl2fi2Z How to Place A Joler l une , 2130 Pomona An.. Costa Miu, CA 9'2627 Emm• luna, 2130 Pomona Ave.. Coste Mlaa,CA92627 Thll bualnna Is COfl· ducted by: hutband and wlf• Have you alerted dolna butlntu pt? No J1vltr lune This statement was flt.d With the County Clerk of 011111• County on04/30/03 JOOSH4"9S Dally Pilot Mey s. 12. 19, 26, 2003 M706 ..a Of AMICAlllll TO S81*-1CIMIMIS .. ., .. twlnll .. ,,,. To W~om It May Concern: The He""(s) of the Appllc•nl(a) Is/ are: LIONS OEN INC Th• applicants llstad above l(e applylna to tbe Oteatlmanl ot 2MO LagalM*n .2940 L .. llaaell M AlcohoUci Bever•a• Control to H ll alcohollc hnraan 1t: 1314 BISON AVE STE T, fllE:wPO«l BEACH, CA tt6IO Type of llcensa(s) Applled fot: '1 · ON· SAlE BEER AND WINE · EA TING Pt.ACE Pubtlalled Nowpor t Beech·Cost1 MeSll Oaily Pilot Mey 26, June 2. 9, 2003 M724 ........... ... s....... The followlna persons are dolna buslnen n : JOHNSON'S BACKHOE SERVICE, 949 Governor St., Cosu Mesa. CA 92627 Oavrn Johnson. 949 Governor St.. Cos ta Mesa, CA 92627 This businus Is con· dl.lcted by: en lndMdual Htve you started dolna business yell No Dnln Johnson Thia st111m101 wu lilecl w1lh H111 Cou11ty Clerk of Uun1111 County Oil 05/21/03 toOMN.5417 Da ily Pilot May ?ti, June 2, 9. 16, 2003 Mn3 The followlna persons are dolna bU.ln111> 11: NU·N·EZ CONSTRUC:lhlN CO .. 2507 E. Bell l<d .. Anaheim. Celrtor 1111 92806 Daniel Nunez·Mendoza. 11602 Carmenita Rd. #C, Whittier. Cahforn11 90606 This business Is con· ducted by: 1n individuel Have you st.,-led dolna buslnou yet? No Daniel Nunet·Mendoza This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 04/28/()3 200S6t4t51t Dally Pilot May 26. June 2. 9, 16, 2003 M722 ........... ........ Th• followfft& P•ttOfl• er• doln11 butiMu H: St•r Motor Cafe, 3l00 Airway Av•. Ste •116. Coste Mtu, CA 92626 R•mona Jaques. 8332 R ts id an cl!t,_.!f • wport 8each,CA !f~ rhis bu$IHU Is con· ducted by: en lndlvld11al ttav• you sterted dolna buslnns yet7 Yu, 4/1/03 Ramon-Jtque.1 This ~11t1ment wu liled with tl'le Couf'lly Clerk of Ounae County on 05/15/()3 200SH44140 Daily Pilot May 19. 26. June 2, 9, 2003 M717 ---Deadlines -- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. 1be publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liabili1y for any error in an advertisemenl for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. • • CLASSIFIEIAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 63 1-6594 (Pl<:a.o,c inclU<k yow nan~ antl • phone number and wc"ll call you bad. with • pncc quOlc J By Phone (949) 642-5678 II ours By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3 :OOpm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Walk-ln 8:30arn-5:00pm Monday· Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1770 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL PACJfKVl(W Bay vrew Terrace lol f 370. p11vale pai ty S7000/obo 714·772-3441 2305-2490 Found 1510 FOUND CEU PHONE IALIOA PENIN 949-675-3391 General JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Collecllbles/ Memorabilia 1160 Announcements 1610 <-·' '''" "-'" Old Corns! Gold, silver, ,ewK-y. watches. antique!. collect1bles 949-642-9448 TOP SS 4 ltECOllOS nc .Mzz. °"5sr:, E~ ~ & Ws .6l Allee, 5'*t. lube illlT4lS Mille 949-645· 7505 ENTERTAINMENT Cllendarof • Ewnts 1310 fOUAl tlOUSltG OPPOIMIYY 1111 real estate adver · hsm& m lhos newwaper is subject to the federal f a1r Housinc Act ot 1968 a s amended whic h makes 1l 1lleeal t o advertise "liny prefe · ence, llmrlltion or d1scrommat1on based on race. color, rel!iion, sei. handicap, familial status or national oriein, or an rnlentlon lo make any such PftfMenc;e, lrm1ta· lion or disenminatron • Thi$ newspaper will not knowrncly accept any adverhsemenl for real estate which 1s 1n violatron of the law Our readers are hereby informed that all dwell· ines advertis.d In this newspaper are available on en equal 0P90ttunity basis. To complain of dis cnmmatJon, call HUD toll· lree at l ·8()().424·8590. I Alclalll 1413 May the sacred hea1t of Jesus be adored & glorified now & forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us Saint Jude worker of miracle~ pray for us ... ANNOUNCIMENT• .. Hhie for 2003 Postal Pos1h1111s, Fedetal Hire S2B. 5Qlty rill benefit!ll*d 17asq and \I~ No e~ neu=iry. l-8Tl·J29. 5268 Erl 131 (CAL -scAN) MODUS MUOIO temale 100+-M5QJ(ID ICP11N5, CA TS. DOCS pllOlm Oil • .., www.a ••Mlll!twor11.or& ~ Fasl-ot Island :ll DAY I-EM. 1li GUNW<f£F ~2279 fE WAY 10' mormlil C3t/ g::t .. IUtlMs.. 95533-0411 Dogs 3615 18+ for websrte <level· 0......,. Al(( '* .... Q11ment~i!,-~w1m· ~ bladt-& )'e41ow· ware Paicl n slgnmenu EnPsh cuaranteed Champ 714-839·7SSO lines sfoo 562 965 0102 FINAHCIAlJ PROFESSIONAL SERVm $$CASH$$ Immediate Cash lci structured settlemcnls, annuities. real estate. notn. private mortpee notes, accident c1ses and 1nsurdnce payouts (Im) ]94.7310 SCAL-scAN) 3660 Ge.-Slteph.r4• all colors, all sizes for adoption to qu11ified homes w-.RSfescue.ora °' 714·773-5915. MISCEU.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE J-STHl IUllDtNGS 28130 wes SS.900. sell Sl.890 36•48 was $14.900, sell $5,950 48d00 WIS $26,900, se11$12.900 C•fl Now• Tom 800-392-7806 3010-3940 soos-saso STAllT A SUCClSSIUl home BllSIOeM th.ti mall!!$ mnney "' tJie fl'st month! $S.CJX>. S20.CXXI per month 1~287-0.n> l1No nwn1I• recorded message (CAL•SCAN) ACCJPTlNG CAUS 7 DAYS • • Postal posi bonslliedei al hre S14Jn+.tir I Pd ll<WllOK/bendlts 8X> 878-5485. Anoouncement #CA92Cl (CAL •<sCM) ESTABLISHED S UCClSSFUL BUSI· NESSES lor sale on Kauai. Why wait to retire to love, work and play 1n p•r•dlse? View lrstrna• al www business broker •kaua1 com (CAL•SCAN) fOltGIT THl STOCK MAUfTl~.--b needs only 011e 1tround level par Iner on truly prommna product lines Sky's the hm1t. Serrous call 9 49 295 5824 eelrna. f.PPOrntment only Wf MADl S 136,237 last month eolfll&. Vaca· tion;o&, worilin& only when we wanted. We can posrtrvely te"4:11 you to do the same Recewon proof lntK~ed7 66()..867-UJI 9 (C'.M. •SCAN) AJSOlUTE GOlOMINll 60 vendma m1cl11nes with excellent locations al tor Sl0,9'.i> ~~ Olcllbl.em 4540 IAYflONT lXICUTIVE offrce suite 2 oltk:es. reception & storaae. Loe rn COM 949-718·9500 UJTS/ACRF.AGE Larae aarden w•aon, doa house. double stroller 949·515-9312 HOME'SFOR SALE ORANGE 5400 : .. CASH PAID$$ ............. --• WE llUY ES'TATU • ........._,.......,.Mnb ,.,.. FMANCW SECRETS Of tlM~We411tttyl TM Tec hnrqun tht the wealthy use 8llef)lday to lncree their wealth. If you truly desire to ac:hive fln1nclal ncu11ty·You must have lllCsl 1-877-891 · 3260 SZ0 V/MC/OISC by Patrlck LeMleus. author of lnalment Basics. Free w (CAL •SCAN) -COUNTY corJSIGW.mJTS WttmJ'OOl Washtr/Or'fll, lartt Cl· pacify, •Int cond. $300/ for both. 949-642 1811 AlfT/ PMfllliS - _St_S_..OOO __ C_a_sh_Gr_•n-b ......... II GlWWflEEDf M CalibY9 ,......,. e.i QUalfy! u. '/(1411 money fol ldiool. ~. pwsonilf • *· Doft't miss outl Cal l..ax).363-5122 eat 01& (CAI.~) Index Vlo••• G•/ore/ .fir 4.Sla, Ocean vie~ and 111eent1elt v.,~ of Bull Gully Open flOor p/¥1, bnglll dnd ltaht 3 le dec.h. er amte wvntcrs. m11r~ fin agts Hasi.ana • 185 and Hady Chahine • 108. 310 376·8871 -...... er ... r abulom location nn IM flf eP.flbell! b den/worllout room. ulla lg fiv/rm w/l"p. ac. eate guarded, pools, spa's & tennis Sl .950.00>. Judy Kolar. l!llr 949-376·5!>76 o •COMING SOON• • C:-tom C.0.-.. Mw c.,.,._...,._._ COASTUNE llllAlTY 949-759.0171 CotaDeCm PRIME lSTATES PATillCK TENORf NATIONWIDE USA 949-856-9 705 -y atucl!J.enore...com Laguna Beach RURAL PROPERlY FOR SALE Randmtf8mll Cony Propefty 5'15 AltllOMA 1151 IUllGMI. 36 acres · $24,900. Borders Slate Land. 8eaubllJI ranch in w..r.s/ rleptaff area. perfect 6,100 dlmela. Spectacular mounlalf1 v~ Allordll>le t111anana. A2lR l frT7 · 'lJJ2. 5263. (CAI.. •SCAN) SOUTHHN SlllU'S I.AMO Bara11n. 20 acres · $49,900. Priced tor qoicll $Ille. E•c:elenl location. -'-lloa .-ld ·~ E 1ce11Mt CJllP(lr1JJnity. dont miss out! Frnancln& avlbble Cal 1.-...UZ· ~-(C'.M. -sew RESORT/ VAr.ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE !~~urCH~m?a!~~~~~! ~it ~INNlllMIMNISW&lilliiil •. Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Only $32 per week (4week minimum) (41111 Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 c-y • ·-)'fiy, stow. fr1t, nice dlQ. MW awpei/ ,... ()est twmm pallO, oorrm ~ 1 !iba PiJflo. rxdl 21r 11• ~-Newly !fllil, nu l*1l '*tlarp '2 c remodeled .-& ado Pl a&t Str.io '}f).293-46.Jl HOME SWHf HOMll ....-WI Nlrtopor1. beyond char ">11111. 48r. Oen. 38a. -... e1ar and @lq)anSNe lffnoced pdem wtv-s., paint, lpr sp. w/cl-l'lkUIK, $1650/mo 949-719-0748 111cl Sl200mo no/pets '*-*""'" bdl 7l4-m llil'M 71J ~ :& 2Ba. $01 Udo Ide budl cothea. pvt ray. --------1 csport. $23CXVmo. Clean WATEI fttOHT lerce '2br & Ready! 9'19-251-9e44 lbe dupfu. froa. no •-super clean fur n 2br 2ba (2 ms11 SUiia w/pvt dedls) '-" hotm 4 i.s trom bch. ~ no pet no smoke. l ca pr S2'J95rn SD NarCllllU5 1~7-4677 trl11tt Sir 2 .51• House. Newly remodeled. Fp, A/C, whirlpool tub, SJJOO/mo 949~ 8361 CGlt:IMlll fvtr(4 .,._ ,_ Tr~ Sq ' 55 fwy. Cozy. qi.eat. smoke. Avail Now S28!>0/ mo. 949-631-7998 ~on S.--P-. ,._ carpet, very dean. ful llit, utb j)lld, n/vrlAt I pets Sll95m ~.n31 UDO YIAlll Y UASI BILL GRUNDY REAL IORS 949-675-6" 1 .............. Peninsula Studro Apart mants n.,1 AJtt S700· $950 949·671· 7800 "1d j)llllo. *"8!. llll "'*· Hr I.SI•, walk to no pet $750 949-642·2818 buch. 4245 H1la11a near SSOOO/mo yearly •Cl. O.mcf Pince 949-71S I~ Newport Coast Mo41ter•--...... 1'9 c_,,-To.........._ oceari view JI>< Jba ZBr 28a w/m•~te< ~1ttina 2 ar earace. $4250/mo room, pooVIKuw/tennis 114·S44-6S27 Sl950/mo 714 402 1846 SalDAna IAYVl(W HllGHTS 20101 Cypress St. 2br. ofc. 2ba, new kit, w/d. $225(ll'n act. Clwtsty ~ 500 3648 llACON IAY /MY ~ upst.ws 2br l.Sba Ip, gar. wd hkup yr lse S2600/mo 949 673 8411 ........................ 3ba home. 2+car 1•. "'"' P<ttio. comm pool Yr lie 12!2> _,, ,._ ~ N-S-tlo C.0.t .... H Gated 2 bedroom + den. everyth1n1 newl Pool S2000(mo 949-497 5883 RmllW....,.. WAHTTOIENT COSTA MUA. NI, NPI 111t 11A HAVE A DOG. S 1000/MO. llFS. CAaOl 949-574-42 .. Edllallon 2 ,..._....luNngSHM oo pnme Lit&'Jfld Beiodl ocean Vlf!W •flllaie sir eel Conceplu"l plans by rom NltOI l0t 2 homes illll>fOl 2500sf each. Huae value "' land. Build both homes ~ve 1n uoe, se• the othel Current 48t home ~ x ll1COOW! C .ny blllld on flat lots! CaH l i< Comerford @Coldwell Banke< f0t more de~ on laod. 949- 464-;tll4. S 116SO,OOO oa.t Pnlpedy -..... le-l ...... ,.,.. w/b1lco11y, en. water Hoea. pr. w/d hkups. $1400/mo. 949·645·3683 Comp renov 3br 2b• • 700sf loft, ') I& dt!C k\, 'l encl per kin& +I walk to bch $2950 949-675-4630 ~--noilN l\ftiild tni FIOridi liidl· Newport Beach llWfOIT If.AO! Of8JS1112-5 &IOI l-5 1221mUlelD.14 Kidt1!Waded2lr 2ba condo. Westciff we.a. $39.3,Cal By Own6' ~2962 ATTltt DlsaJ L0YUtS JUUi VAM WB8I DYSOM&D\'SC* -.sT ... USS Tf!O.ZTS-nSf - & trash p1id. No pets, ltPt ,....._. 2br $925/mo 949·650-3735 ye11ty rent.fa aat $1400 ......... ~~. bealtilut1 rwnodli9d. F p, w/d tale>. le pr, hie pvt y.ct, pet 111111-$1700rn l yr lie. 949-631·1131 Bob E side, 3br 2b• remod au.. '2 Cl car. wd tin, fp, lendsc yd w/fountaln & l~f.lenet. ~ a.t*1ac 2ifl¥mo 'J!J1 s.-nn pt 949-442-7246 1950/mo. 949~73·7800 949-673-7800 HAii Off ht MO ltlNT For move-., ble 1 w/12 mo lena. New remodel, Cepe Cod st,4e comm. w/new dishwasher & refr1aeral01. carpet & ccnri: tie. WW. /dr/«. lnslclt @ • l.8r $1096. 2Br SI~. c.11 lora (949) 646-2224 or 714-633-7592 ....... Vlow ..... 48r 2Ba. fam rm, -~ sdlls, shops. l lnt loc. $3'.JlOn1 • 948-759-5011 U4e o., lite Woter 3Br 2B•. ear • spa w/d. bull! ms. sm pet ok Huce deck f acln& the chann~I. Po•s. shp 6mo leai.e 1 yr S3500m aet Sheny@ Cannery, 949 7:13-5830/888· 969-9667 In, June 16· 18, Hy1tt Orlando Ot'lrlcl •nd Khools will Interview teachers. Cal ID).&32 2435 or www.Teachin f'lorida.oom (CAL~ Wedding Ex SHO 9?eac£ !7<eader.r in x:eap~rl :JJeacb, Corona clef~, '.XeDJporl Coasl,. G la !lll:esa. uf onlhis C?''f.Y<Jo/. 'S 1:teldl ,--..-..~---------~-=--~--------------'~/ ,, EARN $3-611+ per week pot1nt11t. No commute Fun. Leaitim•t• bU\I naas. Home bl\ed F eacinatln1 l)foclucl B• COIChlblt Not Ml M Th• 11rlous only 800 704·2286 (CAL •SCAN) Dlf'taa OWNa OPa- An.. tilve your own tnldl? ~ tor lrlde pelldlince? l endsl.tr hn .,. ~--"' lO ~ you_ successful' CALL LNl>STAA a.~ JIM (C'.Al..-sc:M) Drtww. cY-OperailMn) $1000 slaJt on bonus ~ twve • lot Oarwd, CA Trmnil. Ar~ E•PI~ l.-I lD>~ 034J Ref f lOI (Email recrut -.~•melln com) -"1/fTd/Y (CAL •SCM) DllVUS: HAMS+ ~[qr~ Sc*! "*' pd homr tlnws. ~ p.l'f bentfrts pack ace pa IC! ~ C:WS A all. l2 yrs old. pd wt 11111 J!D..9732 (CAI.~) DllVa OWNa OPOI AT«a Have -,cu own budl1 Loclq 1or 11"" ~ndence' l•nd~tar M$ Ille lools/lr eldll to nuke you ~g"1 I IDHll 7898 (CAL -scAN) flDllAl IMrlOYMlNl Now Hu11. £ntry Pl of..,, tlOfW lewtl Sl~SllVYr • ~Iraq.~ '*>wt For tnto on ~ posit.tons I lD> ~ ~4 E1L 47'Sl (CAI.. •SCANJ 5-w J.a. · Deckhafld C •P on f1sh1ne y1chh B~ 1n Newpo<I Beach Fu rcune lo 96«iO!BB OWIUI Ol'llAlOI TIAMSI Q)t. w/l'Qa ~I & Oo.it>lin r 9(1 T er nW\dl T enw\11 Orop/Hooll, Hirt on Bonin. HWi Wes IO> 909 5664 ea t 210 (CM,•SCNO OWMll Of'llATOI TIAMSI CX>t. w'lW ~I & Double;. r eq l tw IT-.al T tr mn111 Orop!Huoll Hor• on Bot>u5. ¥ Milr\ fOJ 909 5664 eJI ?10 (CAL '"SCAN> OWMU O PllAlOa na.ISI CVt w liu Mot & ~ req TermlNI Ter.....W OrOJ>.IHooli Ito on &nn. tll&fl Wn m 909 5664 ul ?10 (CM, -sc.t.M) READ£RS C1llforn111 law re quires that conlr•c tora IM111J fC)bs lh1I totel $500 or more (f.lbor Of mttet•~) be hcenHd by the Contnctors Stele Ucenw Board State tew •ISO ltqtJlfH lh•I conlreclor~ include their llcense numbet' on II ICl-tisonc. You can chec., the sl•tln of your licensed contrac tor et www cslb u .aov or 800·321 ·CSlB Unh unsed conlr•cto•s te"tnc 1obs that total Ins than $500 must atate It! tlMw 1dV1rtlHments thet they 1te not licensed br. the ContradOfs S le Llceilw 8-d • ,.., .. 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Na11onal Mortgage WWI. at our downtown Lono Beacn rocatton As a ~red 111011p1t lfll411 we otter 1mmedia1e 1n·tlouse underwrttino and an mcredlble processing team that allows our loans to close w1t111n 3 days Hands on direct tram1110 wltll the latest 1n lllOltoaQe technology allollls our sales team to earn laroe monthlY checks by lurm~ more loans with a tun spectrum of piOducts lhill lllCI~ Pll!Tlt sut>-1mme and FHA' Loan oll1rns With 2• yurs e1per1ence will hnd oor ~nagement path an eAcep11ona1 Ol>OOftllORy Call 1-866·262-8344 or Fu your resume to 704-871-1427 Au41 '01 n 2 ... c....,. 215HP Qu•hv JOI. mo full t.n t wdrr 6\pd \uptrb '"'I 1mm.trhd Ilk• n~w rnnd $27 99':> •itOl 36~3 h'11nc1ng .. nit Bkr 949 ~ 1888 -.• .,.-1.co"' luld1. '9 7 P°'" AHnu• 6()1. • mo \liver er ev llhr lully lo•dtd buu loful 01111n•I LOfld $7995 11642.J76 ~r 949 "86 1888 www~- C..-.. c...-o..e.' .. 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CO ~l~,~~J I AT ntSPRn {lc.1318) • OTHER AT SIMlAR SAmGSI • l[T'S MOTIJl' lfS FUN ******** S.S FRUWAY @ flltrl.R SNjl A ANA AUTO MALL (UI) 123-9808 Cadllle< '02 OeYllle S#d.tn 1911. m1 whole v•lm••I llhr CO On Id• v• I J/94 J $25 99'.> '""' S?Ok hn & w.ir•nly AVAii Bk• 949 586 1888 www.o~abl.com CAD SIVILU '9 71 5K molu d~rk rtd Cd SIOOOprovale pdoly 949 6/ J ?f>.)6 Bridge !Yu, CHAALES GOREN OMARSHAAIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Al\HWU." JU WF.F.Kl .V fUUl>Wo QUI/ Q l • Vulnmtblc, you hold •KQ762 A9S2 7 •Jl1 Pat1ner op!n w bo<klini with 11n1: llO lr\lmp Wha.J do )00 ~I A -Re~' of methods. "lll1 with a !l1;1ym.in two duh<., planninr to rw'iC 110)' ll\llJOf \Ull l\'."pllf~..C h) purtncr to 11amc Should ponncr deny a lllilJOf h) htddll\g twit d1a mooJ-. JU mp '" three li(1*la nc .111 to .J1uw )OOr fi\c ''l&lll \Ult and game jPolnl! \"ILICll Q 2 • Vul111:rnblc, yoo hold •KQJ72 AOJS ¥3 •K7 ~artncr opt:n' thl: bw.khnl( "'11h 0111.• dub 'W hilt Jo \UU n:;,pond ' A • You lw•c mott than enou11h I• 1 ln\l\I on jl.illk' wiJ ,,.un ,, po ""hk 11 you'"" h11..ilc a Iii You n<cd mom 1111mc'll1!.Jlc the fl'""lltltl10:' \ll Jon'1 \lt'.tl yuor own h1dJ111y rnnm by Jump \111l11n11 hl 1,..11 'p;tde' Rc\pon<l one spade:. "'hi.h '' un.;ooJ11111nJll)' ltlfl.1118 art<l a .... Jot plil'lncr\ unlon~d nalul"lll rch1J Q J · Nc111'11.r ~ulnc:rJhk '" \t1111h yvu hultf •\KM.I 7Jl 'IS • KH.12 Ill.· ho<l<lml' h.L\ pro. t•cdt'\J 'owr11 .. ,.,r .. ocrn1 \H . .,, I ~ I • ,.._..,, 4 , ... ,, I Wh,11 a..111111 '"' Y••I t.11.1' I A -hJ<g~t .. bout pl>int u1U11t Nt1rth 'houlJ h.iH· .11 ll'J..'1 t'1ghl Lnd' "•th 1.. .. 111' J\ lnlllll"o ,j\ "t'll ·" J l1111v nc..r .. olul \Ull SIJm " nul 11ut 111 1h.- quc,uun "')OU JI~ .... unh ... 100\c.: <i1111.-e \'.UC h1<1Jtn1_1 )llUI \trun).' 'j\okk' "..._u<knt prone the 11111\ -.al\lhlc .... 111.1 "tu lUC h1J th.: ~lilt' uf duh' H1J lih' duh, .iml -..-.· Ii thilt dc:hj!hl\ pJnnc:r HrJn' h1 the 11.J). "the J~rn:J tru1np ""' "" 111" -cqucnu· () ~ • ttoth 1 uln • .-r Jilk '" .,. ~•th 1 "U hulJ 1l1c buJJtllll' h.J\ fJHA'l:Cdcd M>l.'TH W~'T 'l<>MTH EA!>'T •• .... 2 .... ! WhJt JO )1111 hiJ 00\lw I A • No ~11n rw'I.' really !Ille• th" hand JU\111.c: c1c11 1I ynu play LllJI LI~ t,..c~hcJJ1 rc,p110-.: <tCl&ICJ a ~ lt.nc Bt<l ;our guuJ duh \Ult fiN. lhcn JU mp nu ..c hart' 11 yow near turn 1u 1_1cc "'""'' bnch tht' "~nj!th iillll 'hape ol )our hand Q 5 · :-lc'lthi.•r 'ulncr Jbk:. J• '><llltlt \•ill h11ltl J.,. Ilk' h"IJ1n!• hJ' pr••.t'\•Jnl 'OKl H J. ''' ~>I Ill " • .,,-I• l'-2• P-21' I 1-W.' ? Wh..1 Ll11 "•ll h1J ...... I \ -Y111J h.t\\' llnuteJ \•lllr twnJ tu. Jt """I •1 Ill pt••nr' "'llh )tlllr fu,t 10:\JM•ll...: HI 1•Jftr11:r h \11111 .. lltnl! hlf j!JJJX ~ll 1 J 11\J.AltnUffi. \UU 'h' 11JIJ .i.."·pr. hut Jo w b) rJt\lng tu Um:.·"" trun1p Yuur nu..c '™'"'cd thrr.: 'P·"I'·' '4\ .1 1ump 111 foor 'P·""'' '-1"1ld po1n11-..· f1"1r·1..1rJ 'ur- pnn tof p.lntK•r ' 'u11 (} 6 • lit~h 'ulncr .. tok J\ '>outh )llll "''"' •'-(Jl'll 1\117 '#5'. \111 2 I h1 lo11IJ111r h,1, Jlrt"-1·1'tlc1l '0~111 l.\\l 'Olllll\\t.,I' I l'ie" I • p.._ .. , l .... " .. \,\ h.tl J \l"'J h1J rH•V. I \ • '• •ll ".HJ! lo h. .ti kJ'l in ~ ,lffl<, hut '"u \ ~UIUtil 1,. 'tHC \tf (llht•f th..· k\l.l llf '""" 111 -.111d1 , •• u -..1111 ... plJ~ f., l'I\~ r.1111lt:I J l 0 hJllH Ill ... mrk•< 11 .. · Jc .... npunn ul h" l1111J lllL' h1.l lltr" dull\ IA:pl'nJmr • •1 <k\1'1111111>< 111 plJn Ill'"''"' l•"-11 ht'.in '"Pl"'" JI \HUI Lh1rJ tum 9004 I ~omotive _ 9004 Chnrolel '9 S Coprh• Je_,. '00 ~ 0--'*- Automotive Automotive 9004 Mo1da '99 M l ota Ct1nv 4'>"'-rfH .iutr, \1lv,.., tar t ·P pw i•I J Lla,~ic l~k 1111 , l~•n on 111 yl l wd 16~ "'tu 11 & uul i:o11.1~· I Sb/IJO 'Ill \II~~· I?•~· 1111 (949) S41 101 1 •lluo ldbul•1u· 11~· "' w AC J 11pttfl1 hli~ np,. liblday, M1Y 26. 2003 M TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 51 'o.I eo:"::',,.. e1 Gu91oia 82 Wei groomed 83~oiw·· btllN 640Hwa...-~T~ enc-• • • Bed Melne ...,,.. DOWN 1 MllMls a note 2C~OI ·1~· !FW..~ 4 P91!y(lf I o..ghltn !i Coieo......, 6 P.ndat lot1'e 7 POll"'Y 8 Lann I Vllfl'I o Co!lcc Of dot I 0 0.1191Clpeo • I A~llOt•8'1 OUI •)Caqt 4 Pi1.n "'' ~"'IJ~ol "G8nc1h1 n Sm., IOC> 2~ 'Nr1111< -""' ?6 Sflr Of'• t>IJUlit' 27 W•lh 10 Ptmt 28 lllunoet ?9 North OP.ti41 oey 10 Slngmg dllomu-. 31 R4ICeoeci 33 P•w• t..N. 34 "So wt •• -J~ Inc;.~ 38 C:• •-.O.• •b<Jo 38 StrOl'IJ !lo5' kc 41 Co l<>r•JlO 4? W110 ltfltt1tt 4" Cl\ OOQO bM4iOllJe• •~Ao.yon 41> !!Otf>f 'Y 1-47 'Jo•e1onutu9 49 Sublcll !>, 8llJ "'" -~«A ~ Cb;~ f•C)tll ~ .. ~ .. u.<.;u"llt;f• '>4 Pro•Jt''f" S5 i\0<14s • •• "*• • "'"..., 1 1.11ov ~lfl.iif\lt '-'; c,r.,.i °' s too JOltD AIROSlAa '9 5 JI. dU '> pa" CJ'>k llll -. tr <IS A I 11111111 S 1900 1149 722 fl/<Jl UOOlttl l't d C 11nd i1 t• .H w _, ,..,,1 •• r,/l?I l ll 1/, !11 rn 0 Unwn quahf1Pd W.,..., 4 fi llf'ff lltoloet .... 1 ·•ll'll4JS!•~J 1111~"' '"~ & """ .rnty Automotive 9004 lll'TnUl\IHil cs olVd1l 8~r 94'1 '1llh I~ nut~ • BOATS ford 't.S Mu•lang C unvrrt1blf' 1Htp'·1n.tl nwnn .,111J l di SI 'I 99'> .. 1 .. , 'J49 11 'f .H.M J Joguor '01 XJR 2 1k mi, ID n.-1adt11u1 full t.1<1 w.irr W1n<h.-.t~• ~lvt 949 586 1181 www.ocpabl.com ...... -.s Gow.cl a-.....- 1 """' ,,.. Vil ... wt....i .-ow tow pr.,: t IJ Ml';'l• $74'1' ~'l 144 416;1 '-P W""fJ-'00 4.0 5parf R1-d 4 ..... c.-Al www.ocpobl.com 1 MercedH 310Sl '12 MJSCEU.ANEOUS Meu.dn -..... 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S I01o v??I If> S4 I 000 4 '> APR fin •• "' bto!.~r ~UBI ._u:pbu_m Jaguar '99 XJI Vanden l'las 40il mo 11111 l.t<I w.tor whit~ oatm••I llllr CO buutolul hht n•w oroe cund vl!/0142 ll8 500 8111 949 '>'lfj 1881! www.acpaW.c..., Jaguor '90 llJt. 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JI \erv1ce '" lhe \lal• C.-.kforn•• ~[ l mp'f' ••n UDO l5U DOClt 1~, " r ~ c.it now IU) no 1411 .., b<>-MT1 uridtt lltt 8969•101 Cc.Ai 0 Sl.AN t .O'I ·• low 1A·.!W l>'IW" I ~7 J-16/1 9t'+ 'fOM 14 HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS Iii M ~ ..... - EFFICENT AIR SYSTEMS C·20520089 (714) -.2001 HI Mi-t• NI (Mt) 720-0717 1M's o1 1111111ati0fll lia 1113 FURllACE SALE R • R f'\tf'lllCe & Many Code UPOrldes 75.• ITU FfOlll $1511 t•.•ITVft911$1111 Plus City petmltt & codellPQfDls 964·2007 FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES I INSPECTION 35% ON ~ ...... ~ I di llf=&Jssl ""IS1IMA1I • rrn!llHf"' c .'\ r. r·r • , f ~ , ' 1 81)1) )J'J :!,<.;l l#H Ml & IUSINESS lf"AIU Up1rades Rep.ur5 of Con1puter, Network\ £nn1n&'\IWethnd' Competitive prov'\ fOf quakly se•vK. 949-U6-117S 714-926-4221 l ricli Ii.di. St-lll• Conatte, Patio Orow-w•y rweptc:. BBQ Refs ~Yrs Cap letry 714 551 7594 ~ MHD MOltl IOOM't HlDlllONS & ROOlEtlNG l•577982 949.709 !)642 0.-.IWbNnt (; YOUINOMI IM ... OVlMlMl ... OJl<T? 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Publtc Utthhe\ Commission requwo th•I 111 used household 1oods movers print lhetr PUC C•I 1 numbtf. ltrnos and chtuffeurs prtnl their T C f> numt>.r tn 111 ad•et hsements If you have •ny questlOfls •bout th• le1aht y of • mover limo or chaufle111. c•I PUelK UTIUTKS <OMaess.oee 111..-.1 Jey•-'• Palfft"'t I oo Outhly Comp•lrt1v• tntet00<1llt L"6482l8 C•ll J11 949 650 ~ 1.AtNIOW <llQI MMf1 Paonttnc ~·t. Houw. ~ Qu•ltly iob' f rtt nt1<™l• lf569897 714 636 8888 ASrttAl.l PAVING, SW COAllMO, Sfl.,IM(;, Quality WOfk ......... c & c "'1:l n48D-VJ9 ,..,..., •Cl-Of MllTJ!le-1 SCWCR .cTIINC UEClROMC SI.AB LEM DHECTlON Friendly S..rvtee 949 -67S -9J04 wwwt1~1•.a.n l•1~- DOUBLE-DOWN SELLATHON Get o-v·A.P.R.* For BO Mns .• •1000 Double-Down Match· · on approved credit, instead of rebate on 2003 Explorer 4-Dr/ 2-Dr Sport, Focus, Expedition, Ranger, Taurus, Windstar, Excursion ceicclodesa11D1ese1andsVT) 1Yewll1AJRangerf#•Ill4 l"\IJl.,/1 ,1,1/l/.,l (/I Sales Price: Ford Rebate: AJr Qlllld.3.a t'6,a apeed. ... wlteel AJIS bnl.ket,lllmalnum wlteds.173~/ I a NJ.f'crra/n tlra,col« l&eyed lHllrlpen. ta&ed •x.t hood D.D. Mate~.:_· ~~~jl!Jl::~~~~ llD lllOJl91XI) l«ll 141 I If) W'5WJ(f) 1Ali81661 (l{)IASIWll (!) W.u91!/ N "' 180313'1 et Cost /Yew f(1AJ Focus SE : Automatic Trans 1'0111 1' 111'11011 ., , I IOl>H 111< /\., ICanoU entry.air c:oad,MmllaUJ wl»eds. A/if/f'flf 6tereo CD/IV~ (IJ ll0'/571)(1) 1}1)]9SIJ (l>ll0"1S81)(111111112S) !IO IUSOSOI (41 llASIZJJ (IUZM914} 1Yewll1AjFJ50 XL:Long Bed Alr cond,AJll/m stereo~. ... :ZL V6,.S speed,8' bed !ID 1"93U7Ji/O 11193187XID 1119JJln llJ 1ariwxD m9r9JJ 111> 18191fil) (ll)t8J'l64J (/Dt!IQl9) /Yew rl1A] Mustang: Leather $15,975 Dfl?lnJ Automatic Lnl~. VB.power drfver-11 Sales Price: • $18,97 5 .seat.ABS bl'alia,ln Dll!llJ (6) D&c CD. (I;' d R b t pwr wlndOW!l/dr IOC#u,t/11.,av&e,aJr I Of' e a e: _SAnIIIli cond,rear $poUer.lllumlnum wbeels _...;.......:=--T'!"T· ~-. Ill 13Sll94XD 131~ "'"''''".:::~~.~ Net $1r ~ ~~ Cost ~:'JIO JU6t Antved: Mltcb I ad SlftRCllARCJED Cobn · 'Jbey're llot ~ We're Deal'n * * * Sellathon SPECIALS*** /Yew 1'W Explorer Sport:2 Door ~:s,::r:;:,~: $1~ Automatlctnln$A.OLSOnc V6.alrcoad, • D.D. Match6: MldliiJ power wlndow$/door lodu,$leteo CD Net $1 ~ IVJC 11118991.Wi.IJ"958ll • Cost a,~~ 0 /Yew l'W Explorer XLS : 4 .. ooor ~~~':/:er::,~: S2!.1!~ Automatic UMl$.alr cond,pwr wlndow$/door. D. D. Match6: MJUdd 1oca.pr1v11ey glas!1,$leteo CD and c:a.uetU • . Net '1 ~975 11J 1Nl95".~J) ,Ml1116~o ,~,, •A61f'iB>f) ,~ Cost I,. /Yew (W Pl 50 Supercab:Heritage Edition ~~~~s:e':a~~.. $2:.!f,r,~ 2-Toae.be111Jner,power sut,(6) D&c CD. • .t.6L VB.automatic tran$,XLT trlm.power Net 21975 windows/door locb,Ult.CIUDe · · Co t ilJ tSJDf JJllD H10181)D 1«1Dlllll1 S 1 Tow plig,automatk tra/1$,pwr wind/lodc5, Ult,crulM.alr cond,fold /lat ~rd row ~t Sale11 Price: $27. 975 Ford Rebate: Mmta D. D. Match6: MllJHiJ Net 'f>~~ Cost ,1,4',4710 1'ew (1)] EXCURSIOIY:&Jdie Bauer ~~:s;:;::;,~~.. $3fi£r,~ Rar DVD Entertainment Syst.an,beated • D.D. Match6: Wi.1'1'11) front KaU,tow pltg, t' 10,automatlc trana . Net 3.l 9'75 ilJ IAl6JIS Cost , ·You MUST qualify with and finance ~lli Ford M!Xor Credit to gd $1000 Double Down-Match. * * 0°/o Af R financing for 36 roonth.5 ~ 36 pa'Jltlen~ of $27. 77 ~~I OOJ txlmMd. * 0°/o APR financing for 60 month.5 ~ 60 pa'J111ell~ of $16.67 per$ I OOJ lxlrrowerl. [X)wn ~nt, rash, or lrale, ~ from I°' to 35%, ·~on )OOf IM1! rredi~ ~ dderrnined ~ ford Mttor Credit. lndi~dual circwmtanCfS ma'j allow for a higher or lower down payment. Some customers may not qualify. Applies to new vehicles only. Residency rec;trictions apply. Expires clooe of business 5/26/03. /Yew (1~ F 150 XLT Supercab /Yew (1~ F 150 XLT SVPERCB.EW ·11 HP/ I llC II< I'\<, In DIUh (6) Dll!IC CD.remote entry, pwr wlndow•/dOOI' lodfa.tll.t..cnilae, lllr cond,,lllwn wbee&,t?.IJIJ/70R· I 6 tlres,A.ppearance l"aclulge iO lllOV154K0 #W8l!OXI> Mll&JI KO 18 I JS49) Sales Price: ford Rebate: $20,935 •nnnJ II> 181JSA6XI> 1815496) ID ~KO IWllllll (ID IASaSU) llHMS5!11!/ $12955 Net . - Cost 1 /Yew k•~J Explorer XLT : 4 .. voor Sales Price: '25,/i 7 5 HI \I< l 1t/ /Hiii .,, \I Powa dl'Wer'• .-t.n:atote eo1:1y. ford Rebate · pwr wlnd/dOOI' loclal;tllt.au1-e.lllT • cond,-tomatlc u... .•. 0£ sane V6, D.D. Mate~: .5Ureo CD •ad C1111M:t.- (I01MSllJll)1~1~ ~ :~~ ~t21,975 it!JllMllMtttl /I) K.A8lSlfl/I) K.l9Z20J trJ HI05JS41(1) IA9l11C! "' ICM.Jl1J (l)K6ZSIJ5J (l)ICWOJ} Sales Price: 0'.24A7S f'ord Rebate: ~ Dil--VnJ !Yew '03 EXPEDITION: Lcl<li < · n<1ut. '1 I' /H .. ,, II• I /)/ .. ( ( /) Sales Price: ford Rebate: D.D. MatcftA: On Approwd Qedlt. rtnandng rates vary depending on credit worthiness of customer as ddmnln=ord CmJit. Some · Cl.IStorMrs wtll not qUallfy. nus government fees and taxtA, any finance charges, any dealer document pre charge, and any emission lt3tlng charge. 'Ibis ad excludt3 au lemes, retail purchase only, subject to prior sale. ~ clo9e of bmlneu 5/26/03. - ........