HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-27 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.... . !"' .. r ,, • ,;. ., ... ----_ _,____~I> - Serving the Newport-Mesa c_o mmunity since 1907 TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2003 Residents seek city help to avoid eviction Costa Mesa Councilwoman Libby Cowan meets with those living in El Nido Trailer Park, but it could be several months too late. Deirdre Newman Daily Piiot COSTA MESA -Dick Mather- ly came to the fJ Nido Trailer Parle in 1977 seeking refuge from a hean-wrenching divorce. He got a job that paid $2.25 an hour and only had 10 shell o ut $80 a month in rent. Five years later, he borrowed enough money to buy a home of his own in the park for $5,000. He ex- pected ii 10 be his last move. build a medical office building on his propeny. I le is ofTenng to pay owners up to $3,000 to move to another park. as well a.'> other options. But residencs such a<. Matherly aren't jumping al the o ffer. They claim i1\ not nearly enough to cover the investment they have made over the year.,. They are talcing their fight to d ty leaders to get what they consider fair market value for their homes. them. While it rrughl be 100 late 10 help them, Cowan was ame- nable to !tlaTtmg Lhe proces!t 10 protect mobile home part fe1>1· dent., facing relocation in the fu- ture BROWN'S PlANS In May 2002. Brown. who aho owm the ad1acent Snug 1 larbor Village frailer Park. applied for a change to the city's general plan w conven the two LraiJer parb into a medmu office building. The council aweed 10 con!tider ll. mer. Brown dJd not return calls for comment Bui Mance White of Government SolutJOn!t, who is worhng with Brown on commu- nity ouLreach. !Ml.Id Brown Ll> sLarting the relocation process before he has approvcll for hLs project 10 give residents enough llme 10 decide where they will reloca1e. Even withou1 plan!> to tum the propeny into a medicaJ office buiJding. Brown would clo~ both parks becaw.e they are so old, White added. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Dick Matherly, a 21-year re sident of the closing El Nido Trailer Park, is fighting for fair market value on his mobile home. Now, Matherly's home is being evicted from the trniJer park after more than two d ecades. Owner Joe Hrown is trying to relocate residents '><> he can On Friday. a few re'>t dent'> of El Nido and Orange Coasl Moh1le Home Lodge met with Counul woman Ubby Cowan to plead for an ordinance to prote<.t He now ha'> submined the ap· plica1ion!:i for Lhe general plan change. a 1.onmg change, a ma<.· tcr plan fur the builcling and a mobLle home conver!tion re- que'>t. < .uy Planner Kim Brandt ..aid The public heanng b ex pl'Ctc'Cl IO talcl' place thi!t '>um And although El Nido 1s re- ferred 10 as a trailer park. it's really a recreation vehicle park. While ..aid. So by law, Brown is not requjred to provide any relo- cation assistance to the rest· See EVICTION, Pase M Commission will consider changes to guidelines Planners will revisit the city's zoning code and design parameters at their meeting. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CO" IA MfS.A After an exhau5tjve review, change.. to the u ty's 1.oning code and design guidelines wiJI be considered again tonight at the Planning Commission meeting. INSIDE For more Planning Commission news. see Page A3 Councilman Gary Monahan was the first to initiale review of the code and guidelines to make the process clearer and faster. The changes cover is- sues Ii.Ice IJoor area rauos. sec- ond·story construction and dl'.,1gn n::view procedures . The changes are holding up the City Loundl\ dt:cision on view protection guidclinei. and an overlay w ne that the council d elayed until Jul y in hope., the changes would be ready for consideration by then. The overlay wne, with limits on construction, is proposed for a tract generally bounded by East 19th Stree1 on the north, Irvine Avenue on .the.east, See DESIGN, Pac• M ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL Ducks, Devils an interesting match up •EDITOR'S NOTE: Aa e apeciel feature, Guy Hebert, a Newport Beach realdent and former goalie for the Mighty Ducb, will be writing regular diariea about the team end it• experience• throughout the playoffs. T he Mighty Ducks have finally found out who their Stanley Olp 6.na1s opponent will be -the Devil The New Jeney Devils to be more accurate. The Devils advanced to the ftnals by beating the Ottawa Senators in aeven games to earn yet another trip to the finals. They wtD be the top seed and wW eotertaJn home ice advantage with game one on 'lbday at the Continental Aid1nes Arena. The Devils wtD bring a playoff savvy veteran team, Jed by defenaemen Scott Stevens, Vedna candidate goaltender Marty Brodeur and pl ICOIWI M:b M Patrlc:k EIMll and Joe ~ In look.Ing at tNa milch._., the Ducb ·WtlJ go ln u the quote underc:lol. which ... HOCGY ...... M PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAA.Y PILOT ltya Moroz, a veteran of Wor1d War II, adjusts a flower on the shirt of his granddaughter, Stacy, 5, during Memorial Day Services. Relllelllbering veterans Hundreds gather at Harbor Lawn Memorial Park and Mt. Olive Cemetery on Monday to honor those who served their country Coral Wiison Dally Pilot M emoriaJ Day is not just about sleeping ln, barbecues and yard sales. patriotism.· Costa Mesa Councilman Allan Mansoor said Monday at the 49th annual Memorial Day Services at Harbor Lawn Memorial Parle and Mt. Olive Cemetery. Hundreds gathered on the vast "It Is a day of reverence, reflection. prayer and Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: www.~ccrn WEATHER MOidy aunny tod*y wtd1 J>9ld'V fog In th9 Nf'tV ~· S.PlpA2 SPORTS ThedMllhlW~-for ,.. Cup ClllelC. Jonie Cui> c.;;;;- See VETERANS, Paa• M SALUTING DADS A80UT FAntEJfS DAY Celebt""8 your 1-ther by sending a brief ptregr-8Ph or two 9bout why your ct.ct la 90 grut. Mong wllh. photo. to th9 O.My Piiot b pubflcatton on~Oey. Send•~ eflllelope If you went the S>h*Nblmld polt.pt...tllc:Miol i. The dMcllne for entrie9 la Junee. Send your ........ '°,...,.,.. O.V. a.Iv PlaC. SIOW. t.y 9t..C..Mil9mi1:~ to ..... 18 lt&a:ntorfu .-.--..no.e...... would be ....... ed..., pa nl. .. ,. THE VERDICT Members of the Orange Empwe Chorus recite the Pledge of Allegiance at Harbor Lawn Memorial Park on Monday. It's too quiet minus snoozing pup M y dog Just bad fUJ'IC!IY-We're not taJklng a minor tweU. She was iiced opeo. ber apaeen mnow.d, and ftFt now. her atOniacb k>oka tiki.eomedUoa °'· fnnkenttetn mlabt have awted wtth a row ot .... boldlDI her AZ Tuesday, May 27, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Ideas for the day they strike it rich The Daily Pilot went to Lincoln Elementary School in Newport Beach to ask fourth-graders, 'What would you do if you found a gold nugget?' "I would break it into pieces and then I would trade it into money and ~~~ling." MCCARTHY, 10 Newport Beach "I would buy a new car, if ii was really big. for my dad or I would trade it in for money and go to the mall." KELSEY RUSTIGIAN, 10 Newport Beach · l would give half to places where things are bad in the world and the other half I would trade in for money and send it to the poor and buy a levitating device." ETHAN BEIGEL, 11 Newport Beach "I'd probably build a house on the beach and split the other half for money to buy a bunch of animals." ANDREW MAC HOSKIE, 10 Newport Beach • Oail'f Pilot ON CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM Nuggets of knowledge Lincoln Elementary School fourth-graders learn about California's Gold Rush and have fun while running away from Gold Grabbin' Gus. ChrlstJne Carrillo Daily Pilot A s Gold Grabbin' Gus chased the money-hungry fourth-graders who scoured the field for gold nuggets Wednesday to fill their personally fashioned satchels, they got a chance to reenact the history they've been learning about for the past month. Adopting the mass hysteria or the gold rush that struck CalifomJa in the mid-19th century, the students at Lincoln Elementary School in Newport Beach showed off their newly acquired social 'The goal is to reenact gold fever.' Cowtneylncle Fourth-grade teacher longer." studies skills. "The goal is to reenact gold fever," said Courtney lngle. one of the fourth-grade teachers. "I think I this reenactment) engrains what they've learned in their memory and it will stay with them The students earned "miner bucks" for their good behavior and participation in the classroom and, once in their hands, they could use them to buy a plot ofland on which to mine for gold. At the same time, students could also lose their miner bucks for bad behavior, which could make them lose out on a chance at the most desirable plot of land and end up in Poverty Hill Mlt's nice for them to be able to do something fun that also reinforces their learning," said Gary Langston. a fourth-grade teacher. For nearly eight years. Gold Rush Day has provided fourth-graders at Lincoln an education filled with fun. Getting lasso lessons, sewing lessons and a chance to see what It's like having co perform manual labor for food, these three fourth-grade classes learned a load of lessons. Adorned in bandannas, c.owboy hats and boot.s, big buckled belts and frilly blouses, students and teachers entered the reenactment event with gusto. Ml think this was a great experience ... It ~ a bunch of fun," sald 11-year-old Ethan BetgeJ. one of the fourth-graders participating in the event "We can see how It was bard work for the miners back then" • IN llfE a.ASSAOOM 11 • weekly feature in which Daily Pilot education writer Christine Camllo vi1itl a campus in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about her experience. KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Dusty Brandon, 10, a fourth-grader at Lincoln Elementary School, waves to friends from atop his trusty mount during Gold Rush Day on Wednesday. Students reenacted gold rush fever. '• ·. · . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,-:--~ the beach and hire Disneyland engineers to build Disneyland in my back yard. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU WEDNESDAY Ham and c::heeM undWic:tl or bean and cheese burrito, pea1, fruit juice bar, choice of milk MONDAY Munc:hable lundl Salad or c:hic*en petty Mndwid\ on • bun, peas. dloioe of fruit, d'Olce of mllk and I'd build a mall in my doset and I'd have do~ cats, monkeys, parakeets, horses and servants." l<JttSTEN COUZENS, 10 Corona del Mar -Interviews and photos compiled by Otrlstine Carrillo Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 147 TMOMAS H. JOHNSON N.w9 EdltcM'I Publish« Girni AlelC8ndef, Lori Andereon, TONY DOOf.RO Daniel Hunt. Paul Seltowltz. Editor Daniel Steven• JUat OETllNQ A~·.~.~s~:r NEWSST'Aff come°::r~. Promotlone Director (949)57 dMp9.blwmh•l«Jmee.com EDfTWO STAff June=•• &J.C.ewt N4Mpot1 ~. '1=rs1 Editor. (949) 1574-4232 ~ /clf».~•llltlnw.com 1J.c.hn• ~com ...... ~ ~ ..... Editor. Pollb. bullne. end environment '!:.,~ NPOftilr, (148) 7&M330 ~ ,..,,_com peul.dlnton•llltlnw..oom ......,°""" Lo9ta ..... ~= ColumnitC. cul\ura ~. IM)5 i'ldWd.duM•wm..com (M)l74415 JaaeJ.. ....... lol#&IWptlr•IMlm#.oom Alt Olf9CtOr / NaM 0.-ChW, ~NaUUM , .. ,PM22' Cotta*-,.,..,, <Ml 574"221 p. . ..-..,.,.,.,,oom ~·~ ..... MIC' .. Cits' H I C..-. PttolO fdllor, Eduolldon ........ CMt 17'-GM .. ,..,. *""-mct:tri•a.om...com ........... ~.,,,, THURSDAY • Mundleble Lu~ Salad or c:heeM pizza, broccoli ~ wtth ranch dip,~ choice of milk The Mundllble l.&.nft 5*j contllinl ~ ~ dleny "°"'**' c:radcer'a wld ~ aourc....,. dw, IUnloww .... fn.itYogl.Wt wld to~··· d peanuta. ,.,... ~ on..iec.d days) FRIDAY •Mundleble lundl SMad or c:hidcen and bean ta.e.da, teauce, ..... end c:Nete. mixed fruit, gntham cnc*9n, dloice of milk CofM WlllQ\I Box 1560, Colta Ma., CA 92626. News ... iltant. l!M9l 1574-4298 Copynght: No newa stories. coral. wil.on•t•ti'"4M.com illustrations. editorial rruitter or PffOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein can be Sean Hillef. Don i.e.cti. reproduced without written Kent Trepcow permiuion of copyright owner. READ£RS HOTUNE HOW TO REACH US (949)642~ Circul•don Record your comment.a about the The Time1 Or•nge County O.lly Pilot or news tlpe. (800) 262-9141 ~ Adwniting Our eddr98 11 330 W. B-v St., Coate Ot1111fted (9491642-6678 Mele, CA 92627. ~ hour1 •re Dilpley (9491 642:4321 Mondey -Frict.y, 8:30 1.m. • IS p.m. EdltofW c .... ...,.. N.w9 It II the Pllot'1 policy to promptly (949) 642.5680 oon-ec:t 111 enora of eubst.lnoe. ..... (949) 1574-4223 "'-call (IM8) 7&M324 News,.. (949) 846-4170 m 8pofta ,.. (IM8) 85().0170 f<fNllt dafl)'pllot•l•tl,,,..,,com The Newport 8eec:NColtl Mela MelltOMoe Deity Piiot (USPS-14WOC>l It ...... _ 0Moe (IM8) 64H321 publlehed d.ily. In-Newport Beed\ .,,,_,.. (949)831-7128 and~ Mela, eubecripdone ere ev•iltlble onty by aubtc:riblng to The Tlmes <nnga County (IOO) 252..e141. In.,.... CM"9lda of Newport~ and Cotta Male, aubtc:ripdone 10 the DellV PilOt 1r1 llVaHabta ody by h ct... melt for fllubllehed by T1rnea Communfty t30 '* moneh. (fl'rioel lnduda ... Newt, I dlvtsion of the l,.o. Anga6ae ........ and1oc:e1--.1 Tlrnte. llOSTMASTEA; Send lddr.-8 ~'°The Nawpoft ~ *-OellV "'°'-P.O. Cl2003 Tlmee CH. Alt riOhai '9tef'Ved. --- No dtlld;. di.crlmlnat«l .,,_JMI '-*•of lie», .uc.. color, MtJon-1 origin, ~ or dlublllty. 1' It Is bellr.ted •dtlld,,..,,..,, ~t-.1~ ...... Im~ to the S«:i.c.y of A(/rlWlfure, ~llQfOn. DC 20260. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST with 1 northwest 1well of &-feet et 10 second• end • Today will be mostty sunny south swell of 3-feet et 18 with the usual petdly fog In the 1econds. morning. High• will be n at the beadles and 91 Inland. SURF Tonight will be mostly clear with petc:hy fog creeping badt A new IOUthwest swell hes In le1e tonight LoWI for the been filling In brtnging surf 10 night will be 69 •1 the beaches the 4 to 6-foot, cn.t-high plue and 84 Inland. range, condftiona lhould be ""°""8tlon: 1,.1r. Ther9'1 • combo of swefll www.nws.no.a.(IOV coming through with Mtl out of the IOUthwnt plddng up BOATING FORECAST tOfND. W....-My: Winds will be out of the www . .urfrlder.orr1 eoutheelt todey at 10 knota or 1 .... becoming IOOthwest TIDES wtnde of 10 to 15 knota In the afternoon wtth wfnd WIVH of 2 T1IM Mlllht '"'°' ..... 2:22Lm. 0.6fMthlgh On the outer water.. wind• 1;19a.m. 3.7Mthlgh wlll be coming from the 1:40p.m. 1.3Mthlgh northwest off San Nlc:holH 8:03p.m. UMthlgh tlland at 10 to 20 knots. Elnwhere wlnct. wttt be WATER TEMPERATURE verl•bt• at 10 knot• or 1111 Ind Wind Wlvet 1 to 3·fMt low80I . . . . . COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are some of the issues the Planning C.Ommisslon will consider today. MARTIAL ARTS STUDIO The applicant requests a permit Lo establish a martial ans school in an existing industrial complex at 775 W. 17th St. The applicant chose this site instead of a commercial site because this site !ilready has a large open area that would wort well for the Mudfo. Staff has determlned that there i!) enough parking for this use. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommenili approval. "I visited the site,· Chairman Rruce Garlich l>Ctid. "It seems to be noncontroversial. I think it will get approved, but we'U have to wait and c;ee." TOWN CENTER DRIVE MASTER PLAN This is a conceptucll plan for the improvement of the portion or I own Center Drive between Park Center Drive and Avenue of the Art!) .is a pedestrian-oriented, public plaza linking the major arts venue-. with the South C.Oast Plv.a 'lbwn Center rheater An !. District. The plan is the result of a design focus group conducted in November 2002. Participants included ma;or stakeholders -Orange C.Ounty Performing Arts Center and South C.Oast Repertory-city staff and a support consultant team. The plan provides for vehicle drop-off and valet parking areas, a pedestrian crosswalk and a centm.I public plaza. A major goal is to create a unified "Arts c.ampus" through the development of a significant public space, while maintaining adequate access to developments north and south of Town Center Drive. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends approval since Lhe improvements have been designed tu provide a major public !)pace without sacrificing acces.<. and drt'Ulat1on requirements. SPECIFIC PLAN CHANGE Thi.'> would incorporate the lbeater and Arts D1i.trict Plan into Lhe North Costa M~ Specific Plan. lhe applicant!. are the Orange County l'erformmg Arts Center, Soulh Coast Repertory. CommonWea.ILh Partners and Soulh Coast Plaza. Staff has been working wilh Lhl· affected landowners over Lhe past ~eveml month!> to define and develop the Theater Arts District Plan. TI1e first dmft wa-. -.ubmitted an January l003 wilh a Give Us Your Child this Summer. ' 1 And we'll give you a student a full academic level higher. FYI •WHAT: Cos1a Mesa Planning Commission meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p.m . today •WHERE: City Hall, 17 Fair Drive •INFO: (714) 754-6245 second draft in March 2003. 'fbe plan contains elements such as public right-of-way improvementi., private improvements and special ewnt .... WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends approval !)incc tl1e plan is required by the three appl1cantl>. development agreemenUi for the ~oull1 Coast Plaza Town Center area. Inc plan would create physical improvement'> and a mar((eting program to improve the identity of this area as a major am venue. But staff does have M>me tontt·rn about proposed improvement'> to Lhl' public right-of-way in terms of implementation and fundmg. WI have some problem!> with the lplanJ: Garlich said "There are ..,oml· things that are missing. !>Orne inconsi!>tencies between what'<; wrim·n in Lhe development agreemenL'> and tlu.· plan ... I don't want to send a pl..!n to tht- counciJ that's in Lhe shape that L.lw. om• '' in right now. I'd rather we try to work uut those issues as best as we can: -Cnmpiled IJy /Jeirdre N1•11111u111 Daily Pilot At Tutoring Club~ of Ameru" wt'rt dtd1catC'd to t'murinq your child succt't'd~ Most important wl' h•·lp \lUdPnt\ dChlf"Vt' t Ill' \t•lf t>stPPm dnd onf1dl'ncc> they nf'f'd to \Urc...-.d All In With our txdusovt Tutor Aid justµ hours. GUARANTEED Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails ... Quality Service .. • •••Nigbdy Entertainment• .. . /Or Rnrrvatio1u u/J (949) 646-7944 1695 Irvine r\,·r., \..ou.i Mcu I},,..., " ,...,,i \lo,. · 'ul f .-~:JO • Au " .,.. a • JU curnculum. WI" il:a crtatf! 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Newport e.od'I 9A9-673·933A s3·4es =~~n•nc• v ..... ·r~o.~.-w-, Pilckag• • luesdcty, May 27, 2003 A3 FIT FOR LIFE Joan the University Athletic Club Enjoy Fitness as a Part of Your Lifestyle LA11 1 "· W E JIJIPMFNT (t;•.1 RAr <J r BA BA • t Tl:IA t fk 0 rH s .. . I n N(f C\ll I OH "(11\ll'll\4£'\f\IH G t 1\1 P\\') ''"TOl .. H UN IVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752-7903 I 70 I Quail Strt:f'I, Nt-wport Beach ( )111 ii) )111/r\ 11/ / 1111 (!1111/1/1( All I ypes ot Window I reatments o \41.!flU\ ~ ( IHllll.l f\O\l\ • Roman \h.idt, • Blind\ • \lrt1c.1I, • \hutll'r' • Bt>l1'prc.id, Complim111tary Consultatwn in Your Homt 20 ° ~ * Labor & Selected Fahrin 0 FF "ith thi~ ad til June 3rd. ~OOj 1/L~ DES IGN CENTER I .11 tun & ":.h11\\ n•1•m \4Y'-I {,1rb11r Blvd, t "'t.J \1 ...... 1 Celestino's qt 1r1l :\ \ 1 E . \ I ~ Produce• Seafood• Deli \rrl'lnx tlie ( 1H11m111111) fnr In ~ar1 Ll MUI\ & GARLIC MARJN-\TI:D CHJCKE;'I;~ $199 lb. CELfSI1N015 fR07.l-N MEATLOAF l11rJu.y •r &~J $299 lh \ail J q11ul: Jmna : f~l llM of •11 LI-MO:\ Hl RH ROAST! 0(HK1\1' f Rl'll Al.ADS To-Go < ,~•11110, L>elt ~P""'' Ro~r Bf.EF SANDWICH •nd II si.tb of llJiaJ $3 99t:a "4rlrn BuflC Im lm1 $399 -J>1ll-of 4 f l{I \II \I_ \H IC 11 l • II \I I I\ I I • "t \I I I , , ., • ' \I • 11 .. • '"'~l\11' .... \\t tlJI ,, ,,,. • I llf(,"' I J,./,,.,.rt'tf I J111/t ------------- ' . M ltiesday, M.>y 27, 2003 PUBtlC SAfETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Memorial Oly madness at beaches Lifeguards were busy on Memorial Day with a crowd of about 60.000 at the beach- es and 45 rescue&. The weekend staned off cloudy and cool on Fri~ay and Saturday, keeplng many people away. But the sun came out about noon on Monday. bringing the crowds with it. "There ate loads of teen- agel'8. lots of families, it's typi· cal for Memorial Day,· Ufe- guard Capt. Jim Turner said Most rescues occwred on the Ralboa beaches between 13th and 17th streets where large crowds fought a stron· gcr current and 3 to 5-foot ..,urf. he said. ~People get caught in the rip current and get pulled far· thcr out to i.ea, ~Turner said Many lifeguards spent Sunday trying to stay warm POLICE Fl~S COSTA MESA • Maple Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public in the 1900 blodc at 2:27 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard end Rochester Street A man was arrested on suspicion of dumpster scavenging at 1:29 a m Saturday. • Pepper Tree Lane: A man was a rrested on suspicion of possessing a controlled substance in the 2900 blodc at 7:30 p m. Saturday. •West 18th Strfft and Anaheim Avenue: A man was arrPsted on suspicion of burglary at 8.50 p.m. Saturday. DESIGN Continued from Al l:.:1'1 1111h ~111·1•11111 rhe M.>uth and ru ... 1111 Awmw on the wesL In April. the commi'iSion sug- ge<>ted a Lhan~e for residential rcmmlt 1 ... that makes the design rcv1t'\\-prou:~ more efficient. but t.lrn•,11'1 111clu<.le a'> much no· tice tor lht· 11t'1ghhorhood. This prou·-. ... 1molve'> establishing a thre..,l111ld fur Ooor area ratio and J pt'fft•nrage of <;econd story over the lir.1 <otory. lf this thresh- old ,., met. Planrtlng Oeparuneni 't.:ilT tan approve a project with· out notifying neighbors within 500 feet. a' ic; now required. Other changes the commis- ~ion will con!)ider tonight include establi.,hing second-story side but on Monday eYe11 the trainees were busy making l'e$CUeS and deliveliog ftrlt aid. he said. "lt wu a gm11 day tor them.. Turner said. Incidents iocluded a awfer who broke his collar bone when be bit the bottom, a 91 l call was made when someone fell in the harbor and at the Balboa Pier, a swimmer hit bis bead when he tumbled in a wave and was taken to Hoag hospital for a precautionary check for spinal cord injury, he said. On the Corona del Mar jetty. se\'eral people started yelling, throwing rocks and w-gently told passing boats to call ~11 when some sea lions crawled up on the rodes. Turner said. The sea lions, which are very capable and agile on rocks. wanted to lay out in the sun But the peopl~ thought they were getting hurt and trying to scare them back into the oc.ean. be said "That's the kind of day we've had,• he said. • W..t 19th Str99t: A man was arrested on suspicion of indecent exposure in the 6oo blodc at 1 :30 p.m. Friday. NEWPORT BEACH •~Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 1800 bloct at 11 :26 a.m. Monday. • Newport Boulftard: Petty the~ was reported in the 2600 blodc at 6:45 p.m. Sunday. • San Joequfn ... RNd.: Grand theft was reported in the 2600 blodc at 9:40 a.m. Monday. • 18th StrMt Animal cruetty was reported in the 1900 bloct at 11:19 a.m. Monday. • ~ StrNt: Vehicle theft was reported in the 100 blodc at 8:20 a.m. Monday. setback: guidelines and adding a statement that second-story, Boor-to-ceiling dimension should be similar to first-story, floor-to-ceiling dimension. The commission bas not reviewed this statement before. but staff recommends this guideline to ensure that second stories do not appear out of proportion or top- heavy in relation to the first story. With three study seMion.s and two public bearings having been conducted on the changes, the commission chairman said he hopes that approval is imminent MI think we've worked out all the kinks," Bruce Garlich said "I don't expect any surprises. - • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimea.com. THESE IEW FURICS Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE . nu HUUIDS . The IOI\ foldf o1 v.-.· windaw ... ft/7# mlM ill*-ftlW '*"' NW"'toft9)CI& eon. ........ EVICTION Contn.ed from Al dents. &be added. "What the Bmwnl are doUia is beyond ~t'• requlred.. White said. RELOCATION COSTS State law requires a local body tueh as a city council to deter· .mine a reaaooable rost for relo- cating mobile home park own- ers. Brown Ls oft:erlng owners three opdoo.s: paying $3,000 to move a aingle·wlde trailer and $6,300 foT double--wtde mobile homes to another pad;; buying the trailers from owners for the same amounts if they do not want to buy another one; and paying owners the same amounts to help with their pur- dlase of a new trailer. ,, Brown established the $3,000 figure because that is "maiket value" for moving a trailer, White said. Mobile home pa.it owner ad- vocate Don Hunter disagrees. Costa Mesa-based Hunter said it costs $10,000 on average for relocation witbJn 50 miles, and that doesn't include landscaping or potential damage. "If somebody can up and move these things for $3,000, they're a miracle worker," Hunter said. "It can't be done." Matherly, 75, said his home is worth a lot more. "With all the good yea.rs and equity I put into It, It's worth a minimum of at least $20,000 to me," Matherly said Residents are also worried that because their mobile homes are so old, they won't be accepted at other parlcs. Hunter is encouraging the residents not to accept Brown's offer and to fight for protection from the council. THE PERSONAL COST How do you put a price on memories, Matherly asb. Moving into El Nido changed Matherly's life for the better. As fate would have it, be moved VEIERANS Continued from Al lawn near v~teran's graves, which were decorated with flags and Oowers, to remember those who fought for their country. A special program of enter- tainment. commemoration and dedication honored those vet- erans, said HaroJd Hohl, com- mander of the Veterans of For- eign Wars post 3536. "It is to honor those who have given so much so we can live in freedom today," he said. The Orange Empire Olorus sang a mix of patriotic songs. A tree was planted as a living me- morial for Costa Mesa Marine Cpl. Jose Angel Garibay who dJed in Iraq on March 23. Hohl unveiled a large statue of an eagle and his plan to create a six-sided memorial to honor each branch or the military service. Floral wreaths were brought forward to honor various or- HOCKEY Continued from Al seems a little silly with their post season success, but It is a poudon they are very comfortable ln nonetheless. The Ducb have set the tone for each round by being able to win the first game of the series' in overtime and not only galning momentum but also home Ice advantage. This matchup has many loteresting twists to it and ..eone more obvious than that of the off-sea.son trade. Both teams needed upgrade$ in cena.l.n areu and a deal wu struck between thete two teams that bu algnificantly altered both the chemistry and skill level for each dub. The Ducb got what they needed An Petr Syton. a apeedy winger with the abWty to ecore goals. By leading the team in mat calecot'Y thia aeuon. be certaJnly paid lmmedlate VERDICT Continued from Al ' 'If somebody can up and move these things for $3,000, they're a miracle worker. It can't be done: Oonttunlilr Mobile home par1< owner advocate lnto a home split down the mid- dle into two separate residence& On the other side was Lori, also recovering from a dtvorce. It took a bot water heater on the blink to bring them together, but they lasted 17 years, until Lori died of cancer. He ls afraid that lf he loses his spot at El Nldo, be will lose the memories of Lori. Adding insult to the injury residents say they feel at being low-balled, 8l'O'Nll gave residents notice be was closing the park during the Oirlstrnas boUday season last year. "It was really a shock. right at the holidays.• Matherly said. While the park is not beach- front property, it is on the border of Newport Beach and in a con- venient location for shopping. Many residents simply don't want to give up the life they have known and that they assumed would be their future. "We all live here because we want to; said Dorothy Harmer, a nine-year resident. ~we're here for a reason." NO LUCK IN COSTA MESA Costa Mesa's zoning code re· quires a public hearing on mo- bile home parlt conversion plans. There have been a few efforts to enact more protections for mobile home parlt residents, said Perry Valantine, assistant development services director. 1\vo were inJtiated by council members, to no avail. Valantine said Another, in 1989, was from the president of Regal F.states Mobile Home Park to establish a specific zoning category for mo- bile home pa.des. That failed. as well The city has never been con· fronted with the clos~ of a mo- bile home part. so there's no ganlzations and represent each war. As the wreaths piled up. 30 in all, the Coast Guard. Air Force, Marines. World War II, Vietnam and Desert Storm were represented. ln the last two years, more tributes have been added to the list for Operation Iraqi Freedom, Peace Keepers and Terrorist Fighters. "With all banJes the cost of victory is high. -said Costa Mesa rue Olief James Ellis. a guest speaker for the event. Operation Iraqi Freedom had claimed the lives or J39 com· batants. and with the death or Garibay the loss of life struck home, he said. Tue tree planted in bis honor would serve as a re· minder for generations to come. "They may not know the name, but they will know it re- presents a hero, brought up right here in Costa Mesa," he said. During the dedication, Cuauhtlicoyotl AJexander Mad· rigal, a friend of the Garibay family, played the Oute and lighted a blend of myrrh. sage dividends for the Ducks and bas remained bot during the playoff run. The Devils received winger Jeff Friesen and defensemen Oleg Tverdovsky in exchange for Sykora. Both have played well for the Devils and Friesen bas bad a strong offensive impact during the year and scored probably hLs biggest goal of his career ln game seven against Ottawa. Friesen scored the game winner with roughly two minutes to play sending his team into a matchup against his former team. As a player It la always gratifying to show your former team that they made a mlstak.e by getting rid or you. Both teams wtll have that extra incentive from Sykora. Friesen and Tverdovsky to show what they have to offer. 1bh la a great ttOry ln1lde the story. I will keep an eye on th.It little Nt:tle anc1 keep you all posted on Its Impact during the ft.na1& stomac:h. frowned. and said, •She's awfully dlbt. • wba_t did he ~fThe 10 pounds hu to go 9001e place. Anyway, I left her there, they dJd X·rafl and lound • mast ln her abdomeli that couJdn' be npltfned away by obealty, and IO lbe went under the mate. lt .., a loftetome coUple of .,.. ........... how laUcb ..,.ceanMlmallabeup. ~when'°" ltw alone. lbllldmyiJllfwww •••1*11 ____ ..... __ ...... ,,., .... ..... ........... .. h ........ , IM I .. ., ......... precedent for El Nido. Valantine said. OntER LOCAL ORDINANCES Other Orange County cities have passed laws to give their mobile home residents more rights than the state requires. Huntington Beach approved a Mobile Home Parle Conversion Ordinance that specifies a mo~ bile home park. zone and in- cludes a relocation assistance plan for mobile home owners. It also has a mobile home advisory board mobile home owners and occupants and residentS at large. ln Laguna Beach, the closing or the Treasure lsland trailer park about 1 O yea.rs ago served as the catalyst for an ordinance. A city council ultima1e1y decides whether the pan can close. ln the case of Treasure IslaDd. the council approved the closure. and the residents received $20,000 to $80,000 for relocation. But the price tag was higher because of the value or the land than the homes, Laguna Beach City Manager Keo Frank said "The big issue is whether the appraiser places any value on the land." Frank said. "The owner or the land will always say that he owns the land and the appraisal should not take into account any value of the land. The owner of the coaches will al· ways say, especially in Laguna Beach. they're entitled to the value of the land .... It ends up being a political decision of the City Council." In Anaheim about 15 yea.rs ago. the City Council took: e:very mobile home parlt in the city and put an overlay zone on it, so that if an owner wants lo de· velop the property for anything except a trailer part. he must go through a public hearing, "It's basically just an effort to and essence in a sacred Mexi- can lndian ceremony. As a former Marine, Madrigal said that presenting such honorary ceremonies is his way of continuing to serve. "For a Marine. it's never over.· he said. ~once a Marine, always a Marine. So here we are. Simona Garibay. Jose's mother, had tears in her eyes. "This day. in and of itself, re- minds me of the first day I was informed of my son·s death, - she said through a translator. "It just makes me relive the mo· ment.- Wilh the world's rapidly changing times, Ellis said it has become his personal quest to keep past veterans in the peo- ple's minds, giving Garibay a hug. "Before we know it, our vet· erans will go on to heaven so we <>hould cherish every moment.· he said. "The biggest thing is just to say thank you.· Many strangers lined up by Garibay to give their regards and pay their respects. The other story is the tale or two brothers, the Niederamyers. Rob of the Ducks and brother Scott of the Devils will be able to live the dream of many siblings. Being able to face off against one another is something special and both guys will have that extra incentive to be better. The only thing that can be better than winning the Cup, is winning it over your brother. Scon already has a lead in the Cup department but this is the chance for Rob and his Ducks to gain ground. The match up between ,these two teams gets more interesting all the time. Just wait for the action on the lee to start. Well. by now the coaches will have their game plans, the players will be focused and it will be time to drop the puck and play for all the marbles. The two teams play a s.imilar style, both defensive minded with the ability to counter an1ck from turnovers. Players to watch In this series atrange not to have two black eyea focused on me with the lnlentlty of a luer. trying to rnanJpW.te treats. And when It wu time for a~ J oouJd juat 10. 1bft'e wu no hundng down the doe, wrettllng the leuh on and pertuedlng tier out the dOor. • ftoally, thougti, the ¥et caOed and ..W lhe could come home. She amWld wtlh an uny of pllaand•~llllol IMauCdoftl. .... Of wbkh emfl' 11'N4 m.t no .... ................ _ID ........ hm ecd*J> a.illf...., ........ .... daslh9f ... d M11Wlth.She get the mobUe home park owner and dewk>per and tenanta to decide tbe mott equitable way to close the put.• tald Greg Hu- lings. zoning dMaioo manager for the clty of AnabeUn. It'• high time for Costa Mesa to show that It respects mobile home tenants and come up with an ordinance of its own. Hunter said. CfTY omcw..s REACT Whllo Cowan was sympathetic to the residents of El Nldo, she., said she dJdn't feel It was fair to Brown to push through an ordi· nance that would affect his properties since he ls in the mid· dJe or the appUcatJon process. "I have a problem changing the process in midstream,• Co- wan said. "I don't think It can ap· ply to this situation because this ball is already moving.~ She said "the soonest the City Council could start considering an ordinance would probably be July. and that would just be to di· rect stafr to look into drafting one. Voting on the ordinance would come later. She w-ged the El Nido resi · dents not to look: to the council for relief, but to make their relo· cation decisions based on their own personal drcwnstances. Matherly left the meeting with Cowan disappointed. ~1 don't know if we made any progress," he said. CONCLUSION Upon returning home. Matherty's spirits were buoyed by the sight of his lighthouses. which fill every nook and cranny of his t,railer and adorn the land- scaping outside. The aftinlty for Lighthouses started when Matherly joined the Merchant Marines at age 15 to 6ght in Worid War JI. The banJe-tested veteran said be will fight to the end. ·1 never lose hope, -Matherly said • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be read'led at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newmanllilatimes.com. Kathleen Hanold of Costa Mesa said her childhood friend recently published a book about his Vietnam experience. Read- ing the book combined with Garibay's death gave her a new appreciation for those who fight for their country. •What these people have been through. I don't think we will ever understand, -she said. Marc Sarbameck: of Costa Mesa said he comes to the serv- ice every Memorial Day. "There is a feeling of patriot is m when you leave here," he said. Sarbameck said he planned to attend several barbecues to see his friends but he would of· fer a toast to veterans and peo- ple in the service. ·it's the American thing to do." he said. ·As long as you re - member it is really about some- thing more than a barbecue." • CORAL WILSON is the news assistant and may be reactled at (949) 574-4298 or by •·mail at coral.wilsonrf!lat1mes com. besides Friesen, Tverdovsky and Sykora are cenainly Jamie Lagenbrunner of the OevilJ and Adam Oates of the Ducb. Tue greatest matchup ls in the pipes between perennial Vezina contender Mary Brodeur and the hottest guy in the hockey world, J.S. Giguere. Both teams will rely on these two talents to win the Cup and this will most lllcely detennlne the Conn Smythe Trophy for the MVP of the playoffs. The winner of this aeries will have the bragging rights of being the best In the National Hockey League and will be able to get their hands on the Cup. The thought of being able to hoist that Cup over one's head and take a sip of bubbty out of It, is almost enough foT me to come out of retiremeoL For any hockey pla~r thJs lJ why you play and for me, I alrudy have my old jeney dusted off and ready to put on when lbe IUJI win the whole tblng. Pour D>Ore wins and COUftdng toward the Holy Grall of hockey. came home and did .tlat she always d0et -Mill to aleep. 1be n4!!:Xt day my da""1ter came ewer. "Look al bow muc:b better Cutle'I doing!" ahe exclaimed. I looked at tho dog. who WU lylna ln the eame •pot lhe'd been lytnc ln for IDOlt of the put ,2t bowt.. •ttow can JOU c.tr ................. .... ~Inc....-. c-.dlldWll.......,. cawail'dlij. .. . ... -.. ~..-.-.----· -----·~_........ Tuesday, May 27, 2003 A5 :the IKEA grand opening by the numbers . .. first 100 adults on may 21• ~ a free POANG chair POlNo ormchoir, birch frOJM olme noturol cushion [$79 \IOlue) FREE everybody else will win amazing savings AKaOIAT Iv unit, birch/beech [reg. $1.t9) $49 1116 c:Md'• tabie [...g. $29.95) $14 95 M Tuesday, May 27, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -l..a.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • RNden Hottln.: Call (949) 642-0086 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 E-matl:Send to dailypilotlllatimes.oom •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submission• for clarity and length.- o INSIDE/OUT On Larry Mantle and navigating other drivers I 've been doing a lot of driving lately, a sad state of affairs given that I posidvely hate to dritie. any moment. You just never know when. Yes, I'm aware that driving is part of the American way of life. And sure, I'd love my slice of the car commercial pie: tearing down that open road with the wind sweeping through my hair, You could be driving past them and suddenly they'll tum left or right in front of yo\L You could be cruising behind them in the slow land and suddenly they'll come to a complete stop, get out and ask you for directions. DAVID SILVA I consider the Granny Bombs among the least offensive bad drivers I encounter for a couple of reasons. One is they're easy to avoid -you just have to give them a wide berth. And the other is that I suspect if I'm lucky enc;>Ugh to live so long, I'll probably drive just as badly. grinning like a maniac as I take in all the gorgeous sights tha1 line the nation's highways. But lei's face ii, this is Southern California. There is no open road. The only wind I feel is the exhaust of the Ryder truck five inches from my driver's side window. The oniy sights I see are the red tail lights of the car in fronl of me. But I'm doing a 101 of driving all the same, and I have 10 admit it's been a bit of a drag. It's been especially tedious given that my car stereo receives only IWo stations: one, public radio; the other, an "alternative music" station. I used 10 really enjoy alternative music, but now that the station I listen to is one of the most popular in the FM market, the music can hardly be called alternative anymore. Now that I'm getting big earfuls of it every morning and evening. I can't help but notice that every song sounds exactly like the song before it, the lyrics all variations on the same theme. Alienated teen meets another alienated teen, whines about his or her parents, then runs off and beab something inlo unconsciousness with a blunt instrument, usually a small hammer. It saddens me 1ha1 public radio i~ hardly better. If alternative radio is all about cheap thrills and misguided aggression, public radio is the antithesis. No thrills al all, but a 1epld, trance-llke placidity, set to gloomy oboes and violins. I swear an announcer dozed off for I 0 minutes one morning while reporting on erosion in the Mississippi Delta. These past couple of weeks have been particularly irksome, as the public stadon I get was in the screechy throes of one of Its regular fund-raising drives. This is the o time the announcers get excited about an ng. t seel'llB public radlo spends half its air time begging you for cash and the other half boring you to tears. Every day for l 0 weekdays. my tuner alternated between Larry Mantle shouting at the top of his lunp that people like me are thieves for not paying for public radio, and some alienated teen beating something into unconsciousness. MThere's no excuse! You've been listening and now you have to pay! Call now! Five! Five! Slxl Nine!" . Beep. "My mamma's on smack and my daddy's in the slammahl Walt a minute, babe. while I go an' get my hammah!" Beep. Accelerating/downshiftlng my way to work. stealing public radio, I've got a lot of time to th.ink about thinp. I th.ink about all the wort that awaits me at the office. I make desperate mental notes to myself to buy some books-on-tape. And to pass the time, I thin.le up names for all lhe bad drivers I encounter In my commute. If I had the time, I could do thJs all day. The numbers of bad drfven In Southern CallfomJa are legion, and trying lo categorlz.e them aD would be like trying to ruuJ1e every grain o( rice In a BenJhana. Ono particularly proWlc group are the Granny Bombt. Thete an! the ddedy drl\1rra cru.lslng aJona 1r1 that cSanaerous tt.ate ~when d\e)'.,.. no Next up on an ascending scale of badness are the Batl-seat Drivers, so-called because they tailgate you so closely they might as well be in your batl seat Actually, I kind of wish they were in my batl seat, because then I could just reach around and slap them. But maybe I'm being insensitive. It's possible the Batl-seat Drivers simply didn't receive enough love and attention as children, and now cruise the nation's roads in search of a little human contact. It tu~ at the heartstrin~, really. Then there are the Rescue Rangers. These are the brave souls you often see suddenly plunge across three or four lanes of traffic and the dirt shoulder in order to catch the offramp they almost missed. I call them the Rescue Rangers because the only reason I can think of for such risky behavior is that they're trying to get to a burning house with a trapped baby inside. Surely, no one would put their lives in such peril for anything less serious. Since I see this stunt pulled almost every day but rarely read about burning houses with trapped babies inside, I have to assume the Rescue Rangers answer a lot of false alarms. I have far less admiradon for the Thousand-year Wonders. These are the nut jobs who, the moment I tum my left turning signal on, take that as their cue to immediatety pas1 me on my left. I flash my right turn signal, and suddenly they're swinging around to my right I've dubbed these idiots the Thousand-Year n ers use to 1,000 I still won't understand them. or course, it's highly doubtful anyone would have to worry about the Thousand-Year Wonders a millennium from now. I'm convinced this lcind of behavior is nature's way of removing the truly stupid from the gene pool. But by far the worst drivers I encounter are the Apollo Astronauts. You've seen them. These are geniuses who suddenly Oy past you at 100 mph, threading their way through traffic without so much as tapping their brakes. They scream around semis, narrowly miss school buses by inches. weave in and out of carpool lanes as if those two sets of double-yellow Unes were nonexistent Indeed, the Apollo Astronauts seem to obey one rule and one rule only: Never brake for anything. And I call them the Apollo Astronauts because, u In the famous moon missions, the &lightest miscalculadon oouJd be disastrous.. Just one unforeseen circumstance -a car changing lanes unexpectedly, I pothole, I blowout -and theae yahool will go -i>lnn1na o! Into outer lpace. Jan-Paul Sutn! ooce wrote that bell la other peop&e. Our wont fates ue reelb:ed lbroulh our lntetKdoal with oCherl. But I'm comtnoed that II s..tn were lltYI today, he would conclude, lnttdd, Chai heO .. other drl\lell. lo"llU It* to ProPertY optnte • motor wblde end Wberi their • DlllW> aia le an tdi.or wtth 11ic:emeta are tabi'I ~ I Cd Tlmilit Community N9wl. He can bt them the Granny lombt ~ 9t (tol) 414-1019, Ot bV beat-. Ml. dWJ Clft IO Oil at ..meit .t dtMd.MM•""""-.com. -.....--."------ MAILBAG FU PHOTO /DM.Y PILOT Fourth of July parties in West Newport cause trustratton for some residents. On the Fourth of Jul y. you can not go home again ln all lhe rhetoric that ha'> gone had. and fonh abou1 the founh of July m West Newport thj., yedr, tht: um• 1l1111g I have never heard mcn11ont'd ,., Lht• impact the closing and fencing of streets ll1 the affecll'd art'<t ha\ on 1 tw owner/resident. My husband and I fall WHkr thi' category, and 1f we choo.,e to le.i\e our home 10 avoid lhe paruc..,, ell .. \\l' rn11 ... 1 leave shortJy after noon 011 lhl' I 11uri h and are unable 10 return 10 our hum1: until the following day. 111 the pti'>l, we have done .,o !>ever.ti tun1:., and hd\ l' had to rent a hotel room t'.tlh lune at our own expense" I do 1tunl 1h" L' against our ovil rights~ law .ib1dmg. taxpaymg propenv owner'- As an owner/re'>tdl'nl. I v.oultl be interested m knowrng v.ha1 g1w., lhe city of Newpon Beach !ht' ngh1 Lo Mop me from re1urnmg home in my car a t any time I ch oo<>e. PATRICIA BABINEAU West Newport Let's make Irvine Avenue signs more visible Why don't we try puttinR the i.peed llmil signs on the pavement instead of the small roadside sign~ on Irvine Avenue? People seem to .. ee 1ho-.e a lor better. JACK PERKINS ( ni.la '\h '>a Tax cuts touted b Re Oin~ Cox arc a misguided \\reek Once again Rep Cnr" < ,,, t.in1u11 help himself (''The P11l1111 al Landscape,· Thur.,da~' I le " JKa111 touung the big he of th" ly111i.:, administrauon. lne prt'\.HJU<., "'•'AAt'1111g 1,1x t 111 duJ 1101h1ng except low 1111 11.1111111 .11101lwr couplt' of 11111111111 111h,, f11nhcr dt·n.He 1he t•u11111111~. 1·nrn h .1 101 of the .i111·.1dv rn h .111d l a11...i• tl'rrifytnR di·lu 11 ... Hui \\I .m• ,t\C:Url'U 1ha1. for ""t', 1111 ... 11111· n·.111~ will nt·ate )Ob!> and hdp .ill 111.u1m·1 of ,1\ 1•ragr Americans. \ 1·.tl1 11gh1 < m d.irt'' 10 claim lhat this l.llt''' 1111 "1ll IH'11t•fi1 \l'llior<,, while 1g1111rir1g 1lw n111111hly doublt· taxation ol 1>.1th1•111 ...,rn 1.11 ...,1•1 un1y benefit~. \m11111· \\ho h,1, fl'ild .mythtng about l'11•"tfr111 llu'h' 1i11Jm·1.J lw,1ory, pnor to'"' ,1pp111111m1·n1 10 llll' prcc;1dcncy, would not trlll>I him to n•commend a ht''' h11\ 111 l.1unJrv tlt·tt·~en1s. much ll''' ,1i.1pt• tlw l'Lt1nom1t dc'>11ny of 1he 11 .... 101 dt•tatlt'\ lo l Ollll I ht• ruhht•r ... 1.1111p llt·publ1c.anc; tn C ongrc'' Ii ~ t· c o)., Jrt• doing the na1mn .1 huge tl"'t•rv11 e and even lhe fatrl\. ohhVJOU' \mem an cir<. torate cannol (.111 to IJkC' 11011c P evc•ntually. Om t• mort' llepuhhrnm are <ihoveling monc} .11 the n chec,1 Amenc.anc, while <.alling 11 the deficit {,ue'>'> who I'> '>addled wuh paying down deficit'>? I h<> bl'le.1guered m1ddle·classe'>. I hop!' that everyone read the t>diturial c ommCnt<, o n this latest lax c.u1 dt·hodc In l hur.,day's Loe; Angele~ l 1mt•i. I)'iclde·down economics did11'l work for America llnder Reagan .111d 1hey moc,t fCrlaml) are not working lor Amt>rira under Bul\h WALLACE WOOD <. osta Mesa Ir nol hen: then JU .... l whe re Joc.'-lht.!. buck ~top? I t1m 1.111111~ 111 rei,pon'>e 10 l'aul lamt'' B.tld\' 1n., C'ommun11y c 11mrnent.1rv 111 thl• fonim ("The buck t1111·"11 ... 111p l11•rt·. ·.\ldy bl II 1s a joke, I'm hop111~ I .im hoping 1he whole 1h1111o:" J 1olt•. ht·l .ill'<' th1' 1<; lhe mentality tha1 we see too often In the Newpon Beach area of "hey. somebody gels hun. I sue somebody else instead of taking responsibility myself." It ha'i got to be a joke. MARY LAVEUE Corona del Mar • EDITOR'S NOTE: Baldwin's commentary was reacting against the •mentality• mentioned above. Many more deserve honor for KdcE success I was surprised that in B.W. Cook's article. "Honoring KOCE's contributions.· only slight reference was made to the presence of Norman Watson in the "distinguished crowd of some 500 citizens· who had come together 10 pay tribute to the 30 years of community services provided by KOCE." Actually, there would have been no public television station bad 1t not been for Watson's vision as chancellor of the Coast Community College District to bring this station into his district's academic fold. Although the KOCE-lV Foundation, along with pledge drives, has provided a sizable portion of is operating budget, by far the greatest money haa come from general funds that have been allocated by the govemlng board of the district. Since the television staiion has been a component part of 1he educational services provided by the district, KOCE-lV has been able to i.urvlve a number of funding crtaea over the years. largely due to the generosity okbe tu-paying public. Cook's article could also have given members of the public thelr juatified recognition for 30 years of thelr contributions. L£F f ERIS LAVRNCAS Costa Mesa LETTER TO THE EDITOR HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES l mprovers improving Costa Mesa? CfTY OF COSTA MESA ~Mell City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Meta, CA 92626. (71•1 754Q23 ~Gery Monahan c..n:I; Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Scheafer and Chris S18el CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NllWpott BNC:h City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beadl, CA ....,, (9491644-3309 ~Steve Bromberg • C!Mtn91; Glry Adams, John Hel'feman, Dick Nidlol1, Garv P~or, Tod Ridgeway Ind Don Webb NEWPORT•SA UNtAEO SCHOOl OtSTRtcT , DlllriCt Otflce: 29186--A 80ar St., Costa Meu, CA 92828. (714) 424-1()()<> ... , 11*4 .. IC; Aobef't Baf'bOt '-'lit: PNtfdef It MMtY AuOf, Vice~ Dane llldt, Oerlt: .....,. Stot .. , o.Vkl Broob, Tom £gen, JU<IV Frtr1C0 and Uftd9 ..... A I though It is unfair to characterize a gioup bued solely on • words and actions of an tndMdua.I member, 1 lelleve moat people (l.ncludklg Lolita I larper) are not wrong In judging the lmproYer's by agendas. · QuJte often, the core members of the lmpnMTI have unashamedly mealed themsetvea to be exbecndy conservadve. ranging from anti-lmmlgradon to homophobic beliefs. I believe most people ftnd It rather dlfllaalt accepting the 1.rue intentions of the lmprowra.. A few weeb aao. an Improver petitioned coundl to add a ~no eoccer" clause to a community pa.rt 5'gn. Ate unbUled resident.a suppose to beUeYe that ttUe lmpn1vier Wll actually looking out fot the belt intermtl ol the clty, or simply trylng to exclude a cerWo nee ftom playlns there? Well, most of ut would blYe io be bllnd noc to recognlz.e the real agenda behmd IOme of the Improver( plans. Perhtps It would be.beuK for the lmpl"Oftl'I to detach themselves tom aome of thei" more...._ rnembm. But then tpln; What anltll ~II 1IOI a Pf,J1l lO better the~, but I ......... to tnmsfonn C.O.ta Mete bito their own m,aP,c W6Dla: If the Improven Wint more .....,.CC."lblJ Med to earn it-embraa.. aU ctu.m. i em I I II o1--. dale, and ICXUality woukl be • ,.,, CDllned ~And rTmembet, lctlona speak louder chin WOidl. JOlllM nLllt c.. ..... .,. QUOTE OF THE DAY "Thu team has jelled like no other," JohnEmrne, CdM High basebaA coach Annual events all set Tea Cup Classic VII, .Jones Cup IV finalize dates at Mesa Verde Country Club ve nue. Rlcherd Dunn Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA -"ll1e venerable Tea Cup Oasslc for women and Jones Cup for men, the Newport-Mesa community golf tournaments that feature club champions from all four private country clubs in this news- paper's circulation. wiJI be held at Mesa Verde Country Oub this !>um· mer. The seventh annual Tea Cup Oas- sic, which spotligh~ I.he four women's club fY1 champions from • WHAT: Tea Cup Big Canyon Coun- Cluslc VII try Oub, N~n • WHEN: Ju~y 25 Beach Country • WHERE· Mesa Oub. Santa Ana Verde CC. Country Oub and •WHAT: Jones Mesa Verde, is Cup IV slated for July 25, • WHEN: Aug. 1 Mesa Verde head • WHERE: Mesa professional Tom Verde CC Sargent said. n1e Jones Cup, a bener ball of partners pro-am with two foursomes teeing off back-to- baclt and two gaJJeries in tow, will be played Aug. I at Mesa Verde, one week after Tt:.I Cup Classic VII. It is I.he first time a club has hosted both events m the same summer. which might set a precedent for the other clubs In 1erms operation, con- venience and timing. Mesa Verde's tum in the rotation to host last year's Tea Cup Oassic was postponed because of a major club- house renovation project. Mesa Verde's new facility opened earlier this year and myriad even~ are planned this summer, including the aforementioned one-day, 18-hole events. Of the amateur players In the Tea Cup Oas.sic and Jones Cup, each club champion Is invited to play. but cer- tainly under no obligation whatso· ever to participate. The midsummer Friday dates for the Tea Cup Oassic ~d Jones Cup are locked Into the club's b usy schedule. It is not manda- tory for a club champion to partici- pate; runners-up (Or another ama· teur suggested by I.he club) will fill In fora playerunable to play. The Tea Cup Oassic was launched by this sports section to determine an overall women's champion In the Newport-Mesa community, foUowing a slew of large margins of victory. It was also created to promote women's golf, bring the golf community closer together and celebrate the area's four women's club champions in a special one-day format. S&nta Ana Country Oub's Mar- ianne Towersey, who captured her 19th club championship this year, Is the defending lea Cup champion. • She has also won four of the last five : Tea Cup dtles. Newport Beach Country Oub's Debbie Albright. I.ht 200 I Tea Cup winner, won her eighth straight • _women's club championship May 15 • when she shot 85-82-80-n-324 to wtn by 11 ahots. JanJce Sauter (335) I and Nancy Curd {338) wef'e Albrlgbt'I clolat competitors. • Mesa Verde .. Akeml IChaiat and Big c.a.oyon'a Sally Holstein alto won dub champlomhlps this spring to auto- matlcaOy qualify for an lnvttadon to .. lea Q.ip Clu8c Vil. ' The Jones Cup. woo the last two yean by !Mg Canyon wUb Director ol Golf Bob LcMfoy playing with una- teur champloN Ron M...,-d lo 2001 and Dinny Lane IMt ,..., WU I lnmcbed ... WS'f to apodlgbt lhe lo- c.l dlrecton ol Flf and ~ proa, .. well u feltwe men .. ch.lb ctMmp4nm in their ..... di)' e.cb ol the four dubl ..,.... .. .. • olcbe }OIMI Olp end .... ... Olp a..ac. wMdl .... Uddll' ....... otm.Pialdllf)olm • ......,Diiiy PIOt OUb OwGP'· ~,.... ............ Sporb Editor Rlchwd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sporb Fu: 1949) 650-0170 GOLF Akemi Khaiat will represent Mesa Verde Country Club, which plays host to this year's Tea Cup Classic on July 25. Tom Sargent, head professional at Mesa Verde Country Club, kisses trophy after winning inaugural Jones Cup. ...... ftiD/faJfl.Of Miu Yarde CcUllry CM>'I NI_, II 1·'*'"' °'"' trst.._ JoneS C.., Miits. 11is ,.en.-ls,.._ 1. . I .. EYEOPENER DaiJy~Pib. Sponl .... "',.... lwtr.u.~•··.....,_ June 2 honotM JERRY OeBUSK Tuesday, May 27, 2003 A7 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL WARNING: PITCHERS BEWARE Big bats lo om today as CdM visits Temple City. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot ltMPU U ry -Official !>Corer' might want to sharpen more than one pencil for today's Cl r Southern Section Division N -.econd round baseball play- • off game between visiting Corona del Mar and Temple City . If recent history '' any 1m.hL.ator. there figures to be plenty of run'> scored m the]: 15 p.m. conte-.t CdM ( 18 8 1 po ted its best ..conng output of the \Ca'>(m m Friday's 19-3 wm over vi-.1ung lle-.peria The Pacific Coa'>t League t hamp1oru. have outscored th(·1r la'>t thre(• oppo- nent!.. 41 -7, and have avern~e<l I I rum per game I.his -..ea'>On The Sea IGngs. whoc;e 19 run .. are the most rn the 89 playoff'> game'> between teams in D1vi<,1ons I through N lhl'> spring. have abo won four 111 a row and seven of their last c1Wit. Temple City ( 17 -b 11. howewr. ha-. outscored its lru.t five opponent'>. b I 0, including a 13-0 fi.-..1-round wm l·nday over Cantwell Sacred I lean of Mary In their current <;even-ganw wmnmg streak. the !lams own an 1\9 4 \<.·oring edge over their victim-.. 11wy have aver aged 8.5 runs thil. seru.on. Coach Barry Bacon\ Ram' won the school's first Rio I londo League 11tlt' m 13 seasons and, like CdM. li<,t tcdJn chemistry among thl' leadm~ l't'a.,on~ for their succ~ CdM Coach John l.mmt' \aid hi' play ers have been <;elf motivated after a I 2 start in the PCL "Thjs team ha!> Jelled hkc no other.· Errune said. ·1 don't need to do a lot of coaching with the-.e guy-.. They know what to do, they're senou' about their baseball and they want to get 11 done • Junior Josh Bradbury (.446, nine home runs and 27 RBis) 1s among those gening it done at the plate for the Sea Kings. Senior Keith Long (.J86 with 19 RBis), senior Nick Karpe (.375. five ho· mers and 22 RBI~). junior fodd Macklin (.314, four homer.. and 21 RBI-.) and jun ior Danny Marin-Finn ( 144 with 12 RBis) are additional offen<,1V(' ...ialwarL<,. Mack.Jin earned Lhc p1tt hmg victory See BASEBALL, Paee A8 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS CdMhome vs. Knights Foothill invades for CJ F Division I quarterfinal. CORONA OE.L MAR -The top- seeded Corona del Mar High boys ten· nis team puts its unbeaten record on the line today when it plays ho6t to Foothill in the quanerfinals of the OF Southern Section Division I playoffs at 2 p.m. Coach Tun Mang's Sea Kings (21·0) have rolled through the first two rounds of the playoffs, topping South Tonance. 15-3, then handling Santa Margarita. 14-t. The Pacific c.oast r.e.gue cham- p.ions are aiminc ror the program' third eectior'I~ lo ft\ie W'llt lhe 10th in lu proud bis· • lOl)t Mane l&ld the Sea Dip wOl be~ by the retUrD ot Cantell w. who niiiled the leCiJIMl- round IDlicb ~...,...al ....... ..... out al town. CdM ... -lld bf ~ ot ,...bourid .... a. . ... ...... ...... _ .. s.a Vllw ...... .... ,... ..... , ........... .... l'Gllf ............ ~ ....... . ......... ..._DIL .IMfltlilmi-mcid•-_..,.._ __ .............. la ....... SPORTS ~;J -= SCHEDULE ~ . BASEBALL Continued from A7 NEW 200 4 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Friday. improving to 6-2 and Jaw, ertng his ERA to 1.71 in 45 in· n1ngs. Senior Nick Rhodes (3,0 with a 1.91 ERA) also shines on the mound for CdM. 8289:-:..-Temple City's starting pitcher could be sophomore Ryan Tucker (9· l with a 1.65 ERA and 91 Strikeout.& in 68 innings) OT senior Derrick Q.tllen (6-1 with a .242ERA). The Rams' leading hitters are senior Scott Smith (.421, four ho, men, 32 RBla), junior Tummy Bullock (.492, 15 RBJs) and senior Mark Payne C.3n. 26 RBis). Tuday's winner advances to Friday's quartert1naJs against either top-seeded La Quinta (26-2) or Malibu (13,9-1). UC .lriiinc Athletics CorporMe Sponsorships Available .,..,_......, .. .., 'zr•n 1 '"', Wue.r,.... u••-rt t.111•:• II• ••1VM11111t•.._. ·••11U1b 11u?L11ta ... ,... ••llil'll .......... ,H'tiDdllllt ...... 0•11?1 .... ... ... UC ... A'lllrtIID7'••11111 ...... ,_ .. , .. " ......... ..... uc ..... ,,...., ... -. ............ .a .... I I I 1•0r-..c.-, ....... -....... •• ..... Mmtt 1t , ... .,.. ..... ._... •11J1H19.....,,._ "a rtlr .., .. , t 111 ......... ,.. .. uc ,.. 2•1_.__. _.,, , .. _ ..... .., ..... '\ ., ... Courtsidc Signagc C1 , 1•1 ....... 11,...•CllJ d9r 0 .tlr .... ta• .... _,.,...,, I tl1J ......... pr1111 ... nvwJ1r1.-1 ca 111 ....... ,, • .,. •II••.-••°*••••~ Baseball Scoreboard Sign age ............... _$1 .... 11 .. ...... ...., ............ -~ .. ~-Pl•tlfra ... •• ., ..... -... <d• •• • wff'•t,l• .. '1•7'11 TCI 1,7 .... lllrklt .. M ........ ... I 7 W forMorebt..._...on, all llWI• Sasald, (t4t) ft4-7117. Daily A Pilot lepl Nallcll 2MO lepl Notlca 2MO Lepl llallca •na e1•110MJ 1.01 ltO TIMI, DATI AND PUCI, HOUCI INSIGtl JNTIRMIDIATI SCHOOl A.lhl~TI-•"" .... o ......... , ,_.,,, ,_., 24tll, 200J, d2r00 r-· A. Pl•ca o Bid R1 celpt· Nurport Min Unrhed Scllool District - PurW.sina. 298S B Bur Street, Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 8 . Project l'flm1 Meuur• "A" Modefn lzalion •nd Interim Ho1111na. Houc1 EnStan lnter11Md1at1 School C Piece Plans ..-1 on fill· NOJICT llAMAO- P 'S .ttke, Mc<.tllf l ell41•1 c-..... 1 .. , 20401 S. W. l lrct. $tn et , Swlte 1001 ••w,.rt l eeclt, <• 92 ... McCe r t lty lttll.41•1 c •• , ...... , ...... r. 'A" Office, 2915,C l eer Street, <•••• •-.c...nu• 1.02 su•MAIY Of WOHa ProJect Description This project conslsla of tlle lt'itrutruclu11 In• 1taUat1011 and coor d1M • llon of I MW potlable UaSSI-and pfluecl moderniutlon ol ... Intermediate tcllool In the Ne"port Mesa Uni fled ''""' 011trlct Spec1flc.UJ. hMltll ' safet1 "mphanu. ACM compliance, b11lldln1 -~· l11Ulfll1 .,,., •••• cln1reo111 l11ter 1011, tee~ 91141 "''" strltdw• ........ Pt~ (ltlfltete: ts. 100,000.00 ......... A flfOTICl 1$ HutHY Glvt" U1irt New!Hlfl ..... U!Mfiff SclleOI Otttrld .... " Hf tlw«Mlllli It'• .,.. ..... ....... r ..... ...... -.... .. _.,.. .. . ............... n•rned Pro,.ct up to, but M n.. W44en wtl not lalM titan the bid f (ach BIOOCR, s1· It• r •II. tt Ir• 4 to deadline mullaneously w1tll the pr•"" e 11 f y . F o r B Bids shill be re· execution of the Con· prequalillution p1ch1· c11ved In the place tract Aereemenl. wlll be es please contact the Identified a bove requ111d to furnish • Project M1n•11r at Whither Of not bids,,. Labor and M1ter11I 1bov1 ~us. opened euclly •I the Perlormann Bond In 1n N. No Tllepllon1 or hme fi xed 1n this notice, amount equ1I lo 100 fecslmlle rNClllne win be no bid wilt be received percent .of the Contr•cl avll&bll to bidden on efter lh1 bid deadline sum end a felthfut the DISTRICT pnmisu C. PLANS AHO SPEC· Perlounance Bond In •n at the U-of bid. IFICATIOHS ARE AVAIL-amount equal lo 100 P11~ll1hed Newport ABLE NOW. The docu· percant of tM Contract Bnch·Cost. Miu 01J1:11 menta m1y be reviewed Sum. S1ld Bonds sllall Piiot Ma:11 20. 27, al the PROJECT MAN· be from an admitted 2003 TI37 AGER 'a office (a .. C1hl0fnl1 Surety saUs· ~ ..... eddress item I below) fKtory to the O.Slllct -Oft CAN 8£ PURCHASED and listed In the r.-.1 ........ FR 0 M: IN Tl I N IT R11ial11, Issued by the llUIPRINf s U l72 OepartnMnt of Tr .. sury The follo"lna person1 c ... 1trt1ctl.. <••••r, and lk1nsed In C•hfor· e<e clolnl business as: ' Slncloa and Company, rwl H , CA. 92606 n.. S.id bonds lll•ll 113~ Newport a1vd. (94'~12,7568 fAX remain In lul fore. and Suite A190·193, Colt. (H f 552,1209 •flee t throu111 lh1 Meu,Californlll92U7 O. 011t11cl wm be 1u1r1ntM pttlod. Karen Brittain, 1135 lnltlat1n1 and enlorclna G. The 8IOO£R 111111 be Newport Blvd. Sult• a Labor Compll•nc1 a lk ensld COfllfactor Alto-193, Colla Mesa, PrOll'em In KC«dence punu11tt to the Business Cellfefnl8 92627 w1lll the provisions and 1nd Profess£onals Code Kent Brittain, 1135 requ111ments ol Auem and be licensed In the NewpOft Blvd. Suite bly 8111 1506 end spplluble clasalflc•Uons 90 1 .. ~ ,.., __ pursu1nt lo C1lllOfnl1 for 1111 tr ... for wtllch Al -· Cotti ,__, labor Code sections the contrKtor Is 0 ··... Calif0tnle 926%7 -.-TIMI bllslfleu Is con· 1770 11 seq 411 cOll· mrttin11 Md. Mlld 111: !Mllltand Md trectou end tllW ap-H TIMI project lln 3S wffe "'icabll subc0ntt11Ctor1 Ols•blld Vel•en Busl-....;.... .,.rtormlnc Oii the prol· nest Enterprise partkl· H.w 10tl atarlAMI '""'• eel site wilt lie requwld palion JUla. buM!eu yet? No te co111ply with th• I. Qvfftions aeout this Ktllt lflt.tHI r1q11 irem1nls of the PROJECT tllo11ld lie Thll ttlteMIMlt ... l•bof Co~ Pro-.Wectld to the PltOJlCT ,_ wtttl ltle C-'Y -•m lncluSl\lt of, llllt MANAG£1t, a.-.t 0r...,. Collllty .. 01106/QllOJ not llmllld to prollldlflc Contect: loMM lllftill, ....... 1 M ttie L.W ~· Tll1pllo11e. 1l4/4M· 0.-V ,... ..., 13 10 Offlcet Of 1111,/tier .... MO, ftrM: lkCer1ltr 27 ..... 3 2lllOI Tllt lr 11ete4 repr-tetW. B.,..._ Co fAll 7MI •' • ' ..... · tM rltfll to conlluct 424-MI. "'*-: 29--• in _. •evc1tt• lnten1ew of the C Bear ......., C.U ....... te eoNltiotls trlfUIMll perf0fml111 ...... Ce ma ,,..__. 'J • .... °" Ula pro .. ct t* .. J. Ne IW ""' • ......,, ..._, w.s 111" .. MM ,.._, •lttlo*"" ..ti llatr .. o L-. S.. C.· hsh --..... ,... ..,. ••••• .... ... tract •• ~ -"" ,. ... ,. ""-houri, 00.-.D*. -.........w.n· ot no 1.-IOMI c .. t to K. • fhe Oh~t ,.. -llOUtlMCTW-., ltlo Ottttiet, Of ..., ef NrW. ttie riaflt .. rejld SC-. ..urt IM Dlstrld't r•tMll My M4' II _... • to ~ .. .. ._.._.,_... • .. ,.. lrr.....,ltioe i. ,. .. ... C bet. .._. MUST ... , Wf "°"1WT .. ,, Ht4 e Ml._.•..._ L. Newport Mtu ""U wwet • ttio ......... UfliflN Seftool Dhtrlct Ill ••-.rt Of = ~-:'.:: ::=. :.;.-::.' .,,..._..._,. 'N •n:tw-: -~ ·-~~--~~~ ___ .....;.i ... -..-........;;;_. NOJICT DISet•TM>Ni WOfk Includes. but 1s no t limited to the lollowlna: Oemotrtion and replace· mini of the eustlna ductwork and duct silencers on roof of Selene• Ubrery. ISTUUTID COftSnucTIOM COST1 $150,000 Note: PrlnM Bidders who do not tNet the quali· flcatlons In the Contritet Documents iney not be lliclbll for •••d. Bldclll1 Documents •• lie evaitable lo Biddef1 on TUISOAY, •AY 27, 200J Ind Will bl lslUecf •t f ac:llltles ManlC'· mint, University of Cakfomla, Irvine, 201 Interim Office Buikli"I (m1illn1 •dclflt1) 19172 J1mbor11 8 oul1111rd (phyalcol •ddrus), Irvine. CA 92'97·5444, (M9) 1124-1404 CIMdls fOf • -r•tw•• •h fff will be required In the •mount of SHM p« set of Blddlna 0ocvm111ts Cfteck1 are lo be made p1yable to "The R ... nt1 of the Unlv111lty of C ... orl'le." s..ted Blch will not be ecceotod lifter: 11'" 9IOCMt Oii .....,..,, .... 11, ... lld Security . "' the a-.t tf lOS •f the L-. '41111 ltte BW. ncl•ll"I 1lter111lM. ltlefl OCIC ...... Y Mdl Bid, Tiie a-oey ...... the IW .... 9'Mll M, ......... .,..... .... ....... ...., .... (H tfefl .. d I• Ille C ........ Cofil .. Cid Pttcodure Section 115.110). A......._, Prelill CeWtererict M4' P'l'o·Bld M Well .. M cori· .... Oft ......... NY,-4, ... .......... ,,....., It . ...... ,~ GOLF Contilued from A7 TODAY ...... . The public 18 invited to gal, lery at either or both events u long as lndJviduals meet the re· quired dress code. Food and beverage carts (with bar) typl' cally ride along with the galler, les. a shaky start on their home coune u Big Canyon cele· brated with another title, Its third in the series. {Big Canyon's Selby Schriber won the lnaugu· ral Tea CUp Caaaic in l 997 .) Laat year might have been the most compelling finish ln Tea Cup Cassie history, as Towersey saved tfer best putt for th~ end, sinking a dramatic 11,foot birdie putt at the par-5 18. It was an uphill, right-to,Jeft breaker with Big Canyon's Olivia Slutzky breathing down her neck whlJe startng at a 4,foot birdie attempt to force a pos· sible playoff. High school • Corooe del Mer It Temple City, CIF Southern 5ectton Division IV pleyoffa, aecood round, 3:15p.m. ,...... High .nool boys. Foodlif18t ~'. del Mar, OF Southern Section Division I quaf1erfinal, 2 p.m . Goff .. Mesa Verde won t11e tnaugu, ra1 Jones CUp ln 2000 at New- port Beach, when Sargent bird· led 18 after a remarkable Oop shot with his ball deeply em· bedded into the thJck rough. High school boys · Estancle (Jasoo Canldy and Marcus Sostak) et ctF Individual Championship Tournament, et Canyon Country Club, Palm Spriogs, 8 e.m. WEDNESDAY ~ Sugent earned local legend status ~ that year, then Lovejoy and Maggard captured Jones CUp II ln a three-hole playoff against Santa Ana. Last year, Lovejoy and Lane won Jones Cup W ln thrtlling fashion.after "I can't believe I bad that (putt) in me. I'm so tired; Tuwersey said after winning Tea CUp Cassie VJ on ,her home course. More thrills are expected this summer. Stay tuned. High school boys · Estancle vs. • Sen Gabriel, CtF Sou1hem Sectloo Division Ill semlfinel, at La Quinta High. 7p.m. THIS YEAR'S SUMMER RESOURCE GUIDE • Weekend Activities • How to Get There and Where to Park • Summer Sports & Camps • Fourth of July Along the Coast • Dining Destinations • What's Happening & Where , All Summer Long • Art Festivals • Calendar of Events Don't miss this great opportunity to have your advertisement be seen "ALL" summer long by our readers from Sunset Beach to Laguna Beach! AREAS OF CIRCU LATIO INCLUDE: DAILY PILOT · Friday, June 13. 2003 Newport Beach •Cosca Mesa •Corona dcl r-.1ar • Newport Coast HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT , Thursday, June 19. 2003 Huntington Beach • Huntington Harbour • Sunset Beach COASTLINE PILOT · Friday. June 20. 2003 Laguna Beach Total distribution: 78,000 homes Daily A Pilot 949-642-4321 HUIOfl1'CTOIO llACM l AGU ,.A ll EA t H . INDEPENDENT 9-49-642-4ll-1 COASTLINE PILOT 949-494-4321 shall meet •I Fat.tllties Man111ment, Interim Office Build1n1. Confer · enc• Room 128, Uni· ver s1ty ol Call I or nia, lrv1n1, (Butldlf\I t 92 Oii HOflll Cemp111 Map), 19172 Jamborff Boule· vard, lrvl.,., CA 92697· 5444, (949) ll4-1404 AnaDMCI AT TNI ,..... (OWlllJKI AND Pll,llD IOI WAUC IS llMl9ATOn' Joa Ml ,_, COll- TIACTOIS. TNI •m, .. Wal GOii AT '°'" All ,,.., cotl-TIACTOllS ~ Ana TM NU Wal NOT II l&-.a TO PAITICIPAR • TNT I• NO<lll Al A PM91 COlfTUCTott. On11 bldd•11 wllo partlclf)ot. In boll\ tM Pr1·Bld Conf1r1nc1 1nd the ~ Well !ft thff onttre11 will be •llowe4 to Md on the Project n ptl"141 controctou . f« lurtll•r lnform1Uo11, COfltllCt hcll1UIS M•n•1•-t. Co11trocts 0 1p1rtment, Att11· 8'1nda R. ttocklfttllllt It (IM9) 824-1404 The aucwuful BldcMr and Its ~tttet«a .... bl r.-ed to folow the 11ondiacrl1W1ln1tiorl rt411lr-nh Mt fortll In the BldclMt Doell· 111enh and lo P•f l:."0.:'9.:.":: "" ......... '*" -'"" ........... .. ll!KW., ..... -· ... . H <HtW'lfy .......... tel I. The Contrector shill have been In bUSlness under ttle ume n.tnM and Callfatnia Contrac· tor's llc1n11 for • minimum of 5 conlinu· out ,_. prior to the bid .... 1nc dell fat this Project. Tllo licellM uMd to iaUafy tlws r equirl· ment stiaU be of tM "'"' type reqund by Ille con If oct. 2. Tiie ConlrKlM shall IHOVlcle 1 m1n1mum of J references for pro11cts slmll1r m scope and size to this ProtKI whk h h•ve been succeuluff1 completed NI IN St.le of C1tifo,,1l1 durlftt th• pHI 3yHfl. TH£ REGENTS OF TliE UNlVERSl'TY Of CALI FORMA May2003 Published N1wpor I 8tKh·Costa Mesa 011ly Piiot M.y 21, June 3. 2003 n40 iii-I.... -Llpl~ \ 2640 llpl Motica ... IUOI an~ ._._., ............. ...,~ .... ,.. llr17,llU CU"Rdct 8 USIH£SS 200JC(M BUOCE f Rf VICW(4 IOP M ) PU8UC tlEAAINCS CODE NIE. HOME NT CA 2 00'9·0 04 ABO Nlf.HOMfNT (PA 200J• 090) AMENOS THE ALCOHOUC BCVC RACC OUTlCT (ABO) ORDI ~~ (CHAPTCR 20 89) TO ~C?HIBIT OH SA.LE AlCOl'IULIC BEVERAGE OUTLETS fROM SCLLINC OR ST.OfflNC ALCOHOLIC BEVE~GES OUTSIDE Of THC UTlRIOR WALLS Of THE CSTABllSll· MCNT. CONTINUED BUSINESS CITY HALL FACILITIE S SCllEMA HC DESIGN APPROVAL or PRorcs SION'AL S E RVI C£ S AGIU.EMEN T WllH GRIFFI N HOLDINGS INCOllPORATED (contd fro01 Study Susion of 4/08/03) CWUttNT BUSINlSS COUNCIL MANIC RC DISTRICTING Published N1wpor I 84-ch Costa Mes. Datly Pilot May 27 200J Tl 39 um:.COUITOf CAllOllA, CCMITTOf SAlmAW DewtMkt, 14455 <Mc DrM, Vldlnlt, CA t2m HILE O f C ASE (~BREVIATEO) IN TH£ I MATTER or DANIELLE ROS( BOYCR AM1n0< A Person who '°'1•11 be decl•red free from thr CUllody and <Orllrul ot her parenh Cll A !ION I RI IOOM FROM PARI NTAI tus TODY ANO CONIROL (ABANOONMl NT Rl AOOl'TION) CASI NUMlll1 VAVSOOI06 TH£ PEOPLr or lH~ STAT( or CAltfORHfA To JOHN I llOYl R •nd lo •II per \un• d.,n11n11 lo bt-lhf' lather "' mother r1t '"'d minor penon above 11•m•rl h om the custody ot ht!f P••enb, " to petmtl the •doptt0n ol said m1110f to 1 •u•lable adopltnt P•renl lh• Court m•y con llnue t~~ P<OCeedmt'· nol to e<eeed th11ty (30) d•Y\ n necen.wy lo •l>llOtnl cuunHI •nd tnab~ coun~I to be <C.me tanuhar with theie proceedtn&\ Ctven under my hond •ntl •••I of the Supe11or tuurt ol the County of S.s11 Bern••d•nu. State ol C•l1ft11ttt~. thl\ 22nd day ol April 2001 f()UN JY Cl (RI< IY /S/ AMY SlUSHllt, Depvtr. Pub 1\hed Nowpor l f!e~<h (.o,I• Me\a Daily Ptlot May 6 I) 10, 'll 7001 rt16 By order ut lh" Court your ••e hrr~by LllNJ and •dvt\ed lh•t yuu may ap11eM b•f,,,., Jhe lud11t1 p,._trltnv.'•n Oepartm•nt t44'J~ t ..,, 011ve V1llnrv1ll• l.A 97 J97 rof lltr tb1>ve --IS(# 13111 entitled tuurt '"' lu11c NOTICltfWlof llAl 20. 100J ... 10 00 o·r.101 k d m "' lhal day PIOPBTY ttPllVAn WE thin and th•,. In '"n" C.S.#A-217321 C.dU'\~ 1t •Oy yno hitYf" why \iild 11•"1111 \h•ottld lll lt. .. c-tef nol be dtd•••tl hr" C6wio,ler .. from lhe UJnhul 11t ht·t ef P••tnt\ dt t11rd1fll' to tltt C...ty OIAllGf peltlt<m on hie.,.,,..,,, I "'h ..n. of Ille btltt tf If lh• c. ..... ,, lort\)•. "'·'' m•wn•w•r...c.NS9 lht tnlt,.q nf th• mrn .. r rllllftU> ",,.,.,_ tl!QUUt\ ht\ h i tu f ( .......... " prolecttun II·~ r uut I N .. 1 t: t' hereby ll?IVf'lt 'ihllllll 111ppomt t uut\\t·I tu u1.,t ttw under\i&,n~d wtll ••1>•1'\enf lh• """"' ,..,I .st p11;dl1 \~It tu Suth t """"•' 1 .. 11 I·• II•• hr~'h•~I and hesl appomttd wh•ll••• ,, fudd.r \ub1ec I lo Ll)n not fhf' 'fllfl(Jf I\ •blr f1J l1tl111tlfff0 uf ~'hd ~UJ>~ afford 1 """' f"f It Y'•u ""' < ourt on °' dflr• <lllP•dt "'"""'I ''"""'I 11h1 9th d•y ul Junr •ncl •rt u•t•hl• lo 4ftu1<1 'Olll 1t th~ ufloce of f coun\tl lhr I •11111 .h.111 Av•ry loa•v MfSlRVf •IJPfllfll I"'"" .1 ,.,, Y•otl MUMf'f f{ & HUGltl 5 1t VHH rt'Qti"''' ·•P1m1111toc1 11 r l&H81 Vun K.otndn 'oun\rl Awe Suit• I~ Irvine Th• ll"'P'•\• uf "'" r A 9lbl i •II lh• 11ghl •tltun 111 ,,., lhe mrn"r lllle •nd tnl••est ol \aid LQn~ec yatcc m •nd tu All PoliC'y . th• cettaln rul pr0991ly $llu•ted In the crly of COSTA ME:SA, County ol OftANGC State ol Calt lorn1a part u.ululy ductlbtd u loltow1 LOT 15 OF TRACI 284!>. AS P£R MAP Rr C~DlO IN BOOK 93 PAGC(S) 4J 44 or MISCELL AHEOUS MAPS. IN IH( outer Of fH( COUNrY RC COHDF R or ,s_.410 COUNTY More commonly known H 2252 CORN(LL DRIVE, COSTA MESA Term• ol the Hie are LOh tn lawful money of the Untied Sl•tes on conftr ma I ton o t ult1, ur 11., 1 ••\h •rul b»lan•e upon wth term~ and L ond11JOn• •~ •• t eptable tu the per \fon.11 r tpt • \tnlal1ve i?.000 lo tie d~po\lled with bid Bub 01 ollt'I \ tu b• 111 wnlmt1 dnd will bt •ett'tveo ill the .ifu1•\•1d olltu •I '"''I 111r" ·•"•' the fu '' publu ~ttnn h.-r,.ot 11tnd beto" d~I~ of \Alt Dote cl1 Moy 19, 2001 Dcntlcl Cohrln G911erty, ......... 1 ••p•e••ftfD llve el the h tote Attwftey(1) al low: (.Avery Cr ory, h ... MlSlltVl MUMPllt & HUGHlS LlP 11811 VON KUMAN AVl., SUIT( ISOO, llVIN(, CA 926 I 2 f'tiblt\hed N•wrror I Kea• h CMI• M•H ll•rly f'olot May 71 lttnt 'I I iOOI IMl4l NOTIClOf Wl In At c u•d•"""" ,,.1th lhf' pr 11v1\tctn\ ,,f St't 1tC..n 71100 tftrnu&h /1116 nt lh•' C•lth1rni. Bu1o1r1t\' •nd Prolcs~mn~ Cud>' ll!!'te being dut' Ml unpaid slOf 11e lae 10< •hlch S•le Harbor S.11 Stoute ts enltlled to .s hen pu• .. u•nl to SM.hon 2110? of ~••d lOde on the rood~ het111n•lter descttbt'd and due not1c• hav1n1 been 11v1n to par lte' ~nu•n lo claim en interut lhere1n ind the tune •pectfted tn \Uth noltc.e for p•yment of such leH h••.nc upued will be sold •I publt~ •Ut hon by K.l . AUCllON SllVICI CSL A222 I AT 1 •142 HA.1101 llVD., SANTA ANA, COUNTY OJ 01- ANGI, STATI Of CAU· JOaNIA, on the 291h d•y ot MAY at 10.30 d Ill r "'ms for lhe sale die la\h only Sale \Ubted tu canttllalton t ~ndlord reserve\ the t tllhl to bod Bt>low 1~ ii 11\t 111 r1ame\ •nd untt numbers The tollow•ne units t onta111 ml" household item\ unles\ crtherwt\I' •l•ltd 4/jC Oll NllA RROWN 4 30 IUl IANNl CHALMERS 8S6 DANIEL OHEON 46JC FRANNY HAil.ti !>14 SNCSCHANA HOLLINGSWORTH 426 Pl\Gl MAR I INC 132 HARHY HOB! RIS 409 MICHACl STHMER 585 RICK & CARA WCBER Publl\hed Nt'•Pu• I Bt'•· h Ctr,I• Me\d O•rly l'tl >I Moy 10 'll 1001 fl 36 an Of llWPOIT IUCM NOOO llMTllG IDS \f'altd hods may be 1eu1v~d at the otllu nf th~ ( 1ly ll~rk j3QO Nrwpor I Buul~var d P 0 Bo• I 761S Ntwpurt Be•lh CA 926!>P 8915 unltl 11 00 a m ----- 12th day of 1u,,.. 200J •t which time 'uch l>td• sh•ll b4! opened and read for CUFF 011'1( PAIK 'LAYGttcM.l .. D HNOVATIOM Tift. ef Prefec1 c-trec1 Ne. u 21 sus,ooo ( ... lltffr' ... , .... ,. ........ c1i.y /S/ ltldtorcl • .._. 1tM,fwSt9j1he11G. loct-, Pvt.He Wwk1 Dlrectw Pro\pecl tve btdde,. may obl•m one set of btd dllcumenh for SI 5 00 al the off tu ol the Public Wo1h De partment, JJOO Newport Boulevard, New110• l Buc.h, CA 9?663 Contrac t or l tr•nu Class1f"at1onl s) r~ qutred for this prntetl "A" For further 111lo•m• lion. «Ill Stephen Luy f'roiect Man .. 11er .ii (949) 644 3330 Published N•wpo1 t eea,h Cost• MPS• [latly Ptlot M•Y 27. 200l Tl4J ISC 13113 IOT1Cl Of rmnotl TO ADlllSTll lSTATIOf: PAllLIUWl .. PAil Ul HUUa WHO. A216Sll Tu all h~tl\ berotlo c1aries crf'd1tors t. cm tm~ent tredtlurs ond persons who may o lh eniw•!.e b~ tntf*t~,t~c.t in lht wtlf or e\laf~ or both. ol f'AIJl l HUMMEL •k• P/\Ul LU HUMMEL A PETITION FOR PRO BAT[ has been hied bx I lo\\' to Plaee A DORE M RHYM£ In the Su~rtOI Coutt ol C•lt l0<n11 County of Oii ANCl IHl Pl llllON f OR PR06A11 reQuest' OORL M RllYMl 01 ap1><>1nted n P@•wnal te1HH1nta live tu adm1n .. te1 ltlf o\l•le ol lh• decedent 1111 Pf TlllON reque•I\ the detedent' Wtll and cnd•Ctls 11 •ny be •dm1tt1d tu 11<ubel• Th11 Will and any 'Odottll .are o.t1l•ble fut e • •mtna "''° 111 lhe file kept by the <Ou• I Ull Pl ftllON requesh •11lho11ty In aOmtr11ster the olalt undet tht lndtperod~nl Adrnlnt\ l• •hon uJ [ \tdlto\ At I ( lht\ l\ufhOflf\' Wiii dllllW the per\011111 ••P•Hen t.il•vt to 1 .. ~, many H l1nn•. w1thoul ohto11n 1111( court dppro••I Btlrrrt l•k1n11 u •tain very unpUI IAnl 1itl lt011\ hc.w@ver th• p••"rnal r•pr•••tnlalHI• wtll I>~ 'tqrnred tu ~·v~ nrJlit t' to mte1tsttd Pt"""' unit.-~\ tht"y hdvt" w•1v~d not1tt-ur c..on\enltO to lht prupu~ed .it t1un l fhe tnd•p•nd~nl .od m1t11\tt 4t1un 4uthor •ty will b• &••nt~cl unfus dn mt .. tt"\l~d otr\,un lilt-\ dll 1,bJ' t..lu,n tu the 1l•ltl111ro •nd .huw\ "uud t•u'• wlt1 lhe tuurt 'hould ,,.,, ~· •nl the auth11ut t A Ill AHING on th• ii~t•I""' •woll l•• held on JIJNE I 1 NH •I I 45 v m 111 lJ.,111 l 7 J lc.o •t•d ti 341 I he !;1ty 011•• ',nu th IJr dll~P CA '171:168 II Ylill (JIJll f I lo th• g1 .mlm~ •>I the pel1t1on yuu \huuld •1>1>e•r •I the Tuesday, May 27, 2003 Al ----------------2Ml Upl MCll - M•ttnt •nd ''''' 1<XI' ob1MIM>11\ Of 1111 written ub,.clwnl ••th the c:our t b<tf0<• th• hwf1n1 You• The follo•inc person• appe•11nce mo be m •• c101n1 bustneu as per son or by 1ou1 Vtttu•I Pe1fechon 2867 •ll0<ney Veluco La ne Costa If YOU ARl A CRl 01 Me~ CA 92626 IOR ur cont1n1ent Jnon R lr•sll 286/ cred1t0< of°" dKeMed 'ielnc:o l •11• Co51• you mu\I hie your clium Meu CA 92626 wtth ti>• court and m••I This businen 1s con • copy to th• penon1I ducted by •n 1ndfvtdu1I 111><1sent.oh .. •Pl>O•nt.d Hive you stMled doon1 by the court wtthtn lour bu\•nH, yeP No month• hum the dille of loon Trull the hot 1siu•nc.e of I hll statement was letlMs .t\ PfOVtded tn ltl•d With I~ County Probate Code uctt0n Clerk of 011nee Countr 9100 The ttme lo• fllm11 on 04/08/03 cl11m• will not e.p11e 20036t40lal belor e lour months tr om Oatly Ptlot M•y 6 13 th• he111n11 d1le noticed 20. 21. 2003 II~ • bove flc:tl"'-t.i.D YOU MAY f XAMINI the ltl• kept by the LOUii If "-S...... you •te a perwn In lh• lollow1n1 per\OM teresled tn th~ ost•te are dome busoneu u yuu m•y Ille wtlh the UNLIMITED GIFTS 1640 tuutl • Request for N•wport Blvd Loi 44 Spectal Noltce llorm Of Costa Me'" CA 92617 1'>4) of tht fthne of an Cvnth1• J~dn S~hrt~~ onvf'ntory and •PPr•l\al er 1640 Ne"p"'I Blvd of utile .t\seh 01 ol Lot 44 C:o•li Mo• CA •ny petthon or •l.<uunl 9/671 "' p1ov1ded 1n Prub•I• This busH1eu " uin Cucle sec ltun 1 Z'>Cl A du• led by an 1ndov1du1I Rrqur\I lot Spec 1al Ha•• you started doinc Nol>e:e Imm " •••1t4bl• bu\lne•s yet> No lrum the <ourt derli. lynln1a )e•n ScnnO•er At10<n•y lo• Pehhunr• fh,. \!alement wu Jelwt A. o-cOfl, U C !tied w1lh the C:ounly SIN SS421 Cl~•~ "' Or:ance r:ourtly U S City 11vcl. WHI, un (J"J 05 03 Ste. 1420, 0r-.-. CA 20036943510 92161-2992 O••ly Pilot M•t ll 70 Publtsned Nf'WPllrl 71 June 3 2003 11.)D Bea'h C.u·.1~ Mt•• Oa1ly Pilot May ll June 2 J 200.! TMl41 Acm.. ..... ......... flM lolowlnc ,,..'IOns •fe doinc buSIMSS H f •wy Sont C1ove, lJOJ YOfb• Llfl41 lllvcl •2!>4 fulluton. CA 92831 1-nnrfer M 8.,,nert 3301 YOflla l tndl Blvd t2S4 I ullerton CA 92831 !ht' b11sm1u 11 ton dut tad b, '" tndtvodual H•¥• you \tatted do•na buitneu yet 1 Ho Jenn1fe1 M 8enn111 lht\ statement •n tiled w1lh the County Clerk ol 01ance County un 04121/03 200S6t4I1t4 011ty t>1lot Mey ZO U June 3 10 2003 I 1 lll ~ ..... ... s...... !he tollowrna 11e1\011\ ••e do•ne busmeu n Partner\ f rn.t<.1al S•r Vt<H 18'J87 Ela.tlh Blvd •118 Hunt1neton Bu h CA 9?b48 Run•ld lohn Robbins 4J R"' ~ y I( null lurn• C•hlor n1• 92612 Thi~ bu\tnt\\ •!ii ton due ltd by •" 1ndu11dutl H•v• you st.tiled d<Jlll;l bus1neu y•t> No Ron•ld lohn Rubout' Tho\ lt•lemenl wn !tied wtth lht County Cle•• ol Or •nee C.uunly on~. 01 '03 200'490072 011ly Pilot Mty 6 13 20 17 200J 1124 ~--Deadlines----. ~ale\ and deadline' arc 'UhJCl.l to ~hange without notu ... c fhc puhh,hcr te...crve .. the nght IO \.en'or rcda"1 I) tevi-.c o r reject an)' da"1l1cd advertisement. Plca-.c n:pon :tn) error that may be 1n your d a,,1f 1cd ad immediately The D:ul)' P1lu1 .tLLCfll' no habihty for an} error in an advena~emcnt for which It may be responsi ble cl'.cepl for Lhe t.0'1 of the space actually tXL'up1cd h) 1hc aror. Cred11 call only be allo\.\cd for 1hc fiN m..ertaon. 1 v1S£J I I l ~I CLASS _IFIEIAD Monda) ...................... Fnday 5,00pm Tue~da) ................. Monda} 5:00pm AllNOUNCIMINTS N & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1419 Il 2305·2490 lh · Fax t 11..i•ii h 11 MlJ4 l'h .1 ~ 11kluJc.: ~1•ur n .. t1th .u11tt l'h\+tM'" 11urt1t' t .uul .,.,. 11, .Ill •II h k ~ Wit llh I l'f1~ t• !fU11lt' • By Pho n t· (lJ"4q I M2 · ~6 7X II o u r s Bv \lai l/111 Person: . ~ ~O Wc,I li;1)' ')1rcc1 Co,tJ Mc,~1. CA 92617 1\1 Nc1.11pon Blvd A. Ray Sr Wedne,day ........... Tuc~day 5:00pm Thun.day ...... , .... Wedne!)day 5 .CXlpm Friday .................... Thur'-<iay S:OOpm Sa1urday ..................... Fnda) ~:OOpm I clcphnnc X 'OJm '\ O<~>m Monda) Fnd.i) \\.il~-ln X '<~.im 5 IMtpm Mond.t) Fnd.i) Sunday .................... Fnday 5·00pm lfAL ESTATE IOR SALE ~ 3010-3940 ~ SOOS·SISO Index IULESTAn lllTAlS f!l!l!t 1!.iil 74'2·7466 IOOS·IS10 9000-9750 Under the Sen·ice D irector~ ftannL·r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 &tlt!Slln 1486 furniture 34.15 Miscellaneous DIP•d ~ct~ Wdl!nt Merchandise AISOlUTI GOlDMiiiiT 60 vendtnl machtnrn w1lh ea< ellent lucahons al h Sl091Hl»7J4.631!? Randla,fanns/ CGUnCry Property 5915 s.,,., 1ho1p -,......, 1br Jb.i condo 8dY voew ''l!P" to b<.h ? l p ~U!Ont llN 949-400-0411 UDO YIAJllY llASl BILL GRUNDY R(Al TORS 949-67S-•i.t '*' Cn!5I ......,...,, P'lllO airtm 2br t,St. P*I. pool. JQUMNOa& : lffOlnmt'f All iHf estate •dver ttWic in th1l newsp1.,.,- 1s sullject to the f edlr •1 Faw Houslnc Act of 1968 •s 1 mended which m•lles 11 11111•1 to •dwlll'tlse '•ny pt1fflf en'-t~ 11m1tat1on or d1~m1n1tt01"1 based on r•oe..,co!Of, relr&•on. su. haodlcep. lamlllal status °' .o•U9n11 onctn. or •n inl4!1t.liin to meflt any wch preference, limit• UoR or d1acnm1nat1on • tl\is ne11np1per wlll not tviowlnaly accept an/ .,tnr tisement f0t rut utat1 whlch 11 In ¥ioltt,.,n of th• lew Ouf red1ir1 ar• hereby tnlilf!Md thet ell d•eU· lnp~Chrertlled in tllb ,,....,,.. ere 1vell1ble on .ii eq.ual OH<Wtunity basis. Te . complalfl of d1s- cr11NMtlllfl, cal HUO Iott fr:i !\ t.aoc>-424-15IO .... 141S Oldtf""' ~ PWtOS •~··· .. .....,_._ • ....., ...... <*oo- .. -CAIM MID .. _____ ,_ •MIYISTATa ........ ~ ....... I.OST C:-All.6i•tll!t lff"I "'* .,..,.. Ot MlCfl <lw9.s ... ~ Name Slltltln Rew11 d 949 132 5999 General AMouncemenb 1610 Mo the ucred heart of JelUS be ldOrfd & atonlted now & forever Sacted hurt of Juu' pray lot u• S•1nt Jude •orlltt ot m11aclu pray for us MOOlU NllOfO lem•le 18+ IOf wetKtlt devel opment, ltn19fte, s•lm· w•r• P11d ass.cnments , 14·839· 7550 2415 rtMAIKW He.ans °' .... ~W~I Ten h ctinlqun the th• wullhy llM -ydly to lrlCr.a tt.... ~ II you truly ..... to adw'I flnanclll secu11ty You ,....... hoMI 11*1 I tJn 191 32IO $2D VJWJOISC by '•trldl L...._,a. IMllflor o1 tt.vn.nt Basa. Fr• !MCCAA.~) APPlWICB .. Wtmf!OOl Wath«/Of1tt. lllf .. Cl pac:lty, 11ftt c:ond, $300/ fOI' both 9'"-647·1111 -,.. ... ,MnWMtl Alt Newj>Oft Htl'bof K enet 30 uo oil. IU 24 w/c, lOX 13 w/c. l ........ J~tlll """" r.hM & ~ stand ~ ,~, •letl'O cabftl dl!!!A ~~Jal 3855 WANTID JAPANESI SW ORDS AND allATID ITIMS 'M.A'HY !lr!Y <a ub f 49 ·4t4· l 711 ~ Ille ,_ !Ill lllill1r!IS'I n.-:~ &box~~req - Sll!lO 949-4U-n 46 Oppcnmltiel 3460 =and JEWB.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS 3905 c ... t c ........... Old Coons• Gold. solver iewetry. •alcnes. anttQUU collecltbles 949 642 9448 OFFICE FURNITURE/ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT A I OUT lllCTltlC WM1110tA.9S PMw no cost to you -lflP*. Medicare accepl•d Wheelcl.-\ .w1d l'cwM' chain (llCoots ~) 'We .,... you ~ Cal 7 days (800) 83S 3155 CCAL=scNf> p JI 11• •••11 -a.rna-11111 3130 •ff·-· ... ......... .... tllO.MllS.lllO ••100 ... m.eoo. .... 12.Dc.INDtrt , ......... ,. CA,..UCCINO ITAUAN CO"H Com11~ny •• P•ndtna D1str1buto1 \ wanted ¥ prnM po lent• Anyone un do 1M• (aprewi It.tu C.tl ID> 813 fJ62S trM!Slmtwll IW(d (CAl ~, flHA .. CIAl SlCltlTS Of tt.1 S..-r W..ttlayl Ten hchntques the the wealthy ~ e¥e<ydlly to tocl-ltlt'll wealth " you truly desa"t to acl'tnle l1n1nclal ,.CulllJ You m!AI have this! 1 gn 891 3260 $20 V/MC11)1SC by P1trtek l eMiev•. 1utll0t ot ~tment BMtes r re« S/H (CAL 0SCANJ f0181T THI STOCI aMllPI....,..._.. nHds only 01141 IJOUnd '"''' "*'''* o" ''"'' PfOlll 1111 pro4uct Nnes Slly's tllt llMlt. S«IOut cell t o ?9'5·5124 111ut1111 •ftpollll111e11t Ol'llr RnlEstJte/ Estate Sales 4260 QR£GON HOME FOR Sale <•n Wrn,lnn) Ooueln County fto\tbur1 •ru lwo•bedroom. one b 1lhroom 1 1 .ere tented $79 000 Owner f1•n•nl1n1 <40 50°' dnwn J Ault\Pll • d1">e@~ol com 541 !>84 'll l'l (CAI "SCAN) IAYfltONT lllCUTIVI otf1u \Ult• 'l otfk:es, receplton & ''°' •11• L oc In COM 949·718-9500 LOTS/ACREAGE S39S ACll/160 ACalS S6 9S ACRi/40 AUIS P11m., ranch acr~•i• 1n NW At tlOOd [ l nu qual1ly1n1 low do ... n term,• Ad1at.e11I tu 1011 Luune community ult h1slo11< Route 66 Call today• Broolls Rulty 866 JOO 5263 (CAl "SCAN) RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Desert Proper1y - ATTMt DfsaT lOVDS JUUi v,,,. WllltlN OYSOM &Dnote .00-STf-S"S TM>-ZTS-HSf ll•rae 11r6en ••eon. I ~ doa hour.a. double , ,..,....,, 1troller 949·!>15 9312 iif.niirjiii~ijijij~ HOMES FOO SAl..f ORANGE 5400 COUNTY ·-•·~ TUUllFA CM.I ~ & COIY double wide mobile twne Celt anytime fiiK tUrt D197·28l3 ConJnl del Mar 1 .... \upe1 clean furn 2b• 7bl t? """ ...... t'\ " P"i1 dodl\ I town ho<N • bb ~om bth dlN•llllly no lld no VA'~ 1 •• ... SV!ll!lnt 003 lu(4'ILIS 1......u1 ... n . 21 r tie Apt. Newly remodeled v; & all* inti $1 700mo nn peh ll-*-l bOl /JC.91nl684 Irvine -------T ...... tnnd rww 7br 1 !JI» w d k ~ loll vnyd:>f.ilt1pno~ $2)~ mu !M931&179'7 Udo Isle WATll fllONT lu&~ Zbr l....W. I+ lllr ti..,... Iba duple• fro& no w b•lcony CO w1t~1 ~molle AVltl Now S2850 & t .. sh P••d No P•h mo 949 6Jl 7998 S92!> mo 9•9 650 J735 ~008..itloaPerwt MW c..-pel -y dun lul ~ lltls l>o)>d. N'llTllU 1 p11s S895m 949 f1J7 n31 Ne.,..,leodt Pemn\ula Studio Apart ments nail Aft $100 ~')49 673 7800 211 LSle, w•lk to buch 4245 Htl•na ne., Hu•& ea• " d hkup\ $1400+~ ~36&3 N, ............ 2 ... vurly rentals •11 $1400 1950 mo 949 673 7800 ')49 6/l /800 HALI Off h t MO ltUfT f 01 rnQft-11'1 June l w '1? mo lo!ase New rMlOdll c_.. Coo ~tylt comm w ne• dtU!wuher & rel1111e•al0< c••Pll & cet~ ble WIJJIW ·~, ._. (@ lll'l IBr Sl09& l& SI~ Caoll L0ta (~) M6-lZ24 Ot 714-63). r.,gz -,., Pll1l. .. tall 1 ' pt .. Sl l"$J 1)6.2'B.t6Jl ~---...,2Bt 7 "" lwlll boltc bNcJI ~ lennt\ No .,.~ SI~ I ye.-~ Av.A 6 15 ~~CJ\1811 ... c...,.. r.-1a ..... 2Bt 281 •. in.lift \ltt'"l room poo4 jlKUnL ten- S 1950 mo 714 401 1846 ........... ~2& 2Ba, ,....., rernodr*!d f p aft .. .. 11 ..... I\ .,""*&. R!XDn ~91Sl IA1V1fW HltGttT\ 20101 Cypr-. SI 2br ~ 1ba -"I. .. d $2?.l()TI act. Ow at-, 949 500 l648 llMDt IAY/IAY ~ ~··.,. lb< l 5ba tp 1ar. wd hllup yr b« $2600/mo 949 673 84 11 e pfs E :l?each , !J<eaders in :>Gzap~rl !JJeach, C orona def !lJCar, '.XeaJporl Goa.sf, G la ~a. Ion /his f:!l'tY9o/. ~11eldl • r Newport Beach DOWN I ~ 2UR>~ ' °""" 4 Mosl9e911' S~oH G Conot' quell 7 "L#l•do-· 8 Musloill wClflt 9 RtmOllCl)Alnt 10 Matti llOlnl!WOflc 1 I Parottky Of IHlidaloo 12 Ru n nylcH1 13 P1-ol lloo'*'O 21 Vaoriln, o O 23 ~ -Barlult 25 Morlks q..allefS 21 SWiii 29 NYC eetcry 30 HandMbar INblAI 31 Gunor s 10 o....t. "" Hoag. ~ Near Sovth c-11 PIG1a 'lba home, 2+cat a;>r. prr. Gdled 2 betlroum • den. pallu. comm pool Yr l!llo ever ythin& new• Puul 35 .will rON ~ S2000/ITIO 949 497 !>883 Comp renov 3br 2ba • lOOsl loll. 2 I& decks 2 encl partuna •I walk lo bch $29'50 949 675 4630 HOMl SWUT HOMll ~in~beyond •Nrm<n&, 48'+ den, Ea WWIC c:elar Mid Ujliln5l'tt tlltfaced prdl!m w/,,_., S5000/mo yearly agt. [);,Yid P11nce 949 7UH 5.21J Newport Coast Medlterrone-<Gfldo ocean view 3br 3ba 7 tar &arage S4250tmo 714-S44-6327 WANT TO •ENT COSTA MESA. HI, NPI II• llA HAVl A DOG. s 1000/Mo. •us. C.AaOL '4•-S74-4248 last '-' t.n. Coleee iirad. 'l7 ~ rental lfU/ CDM/13.ll>oa r r om ) ine 5 In s...it l!'llh ~!l67 t 1hy @~rol~ corn .\rll vour ( 'ar in C:iani,fird ! Everyday ts a great day C in Classified! Be a pan of It, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 62 I rol a cou111n 53 Rode.er Jurl'f LN !>!>Ell se l.lnkup 57 C.rrl9d !18 Lrl<• bltk>I • s9 "Now ~r 60 Floor model 81 Perac11 ... 64~ ~ 11 12 13 Sel yw .. .tt41 item tlit "'Y wtyl Piece 1 Clesslflt4 t4 tt4eyl (949)642-5671 Bridge 9Y CHARLES GOREN wfth OMAR SHARtF and TANNAH HIRSCH PL.AV OR OKFEND? Neither vulnmlblc. Sou1b <lea!). leach the king of diamond • coollnu· ins with die lack und ovCl'1llklna whh 1he queen. 'East can lake the Ille wbenCvu dlt" defender chiocMes and rc\'Crt to 5.Pldcs. but dcclater win , CMSCS IO the K1' or hearts and rakes m 10 Irids with aL'iC. With proper timlna. declarer can actually colloct a ~ ovenrick by iqlltti.llll Wt in heam Md clubs. NOR'nl • 742 1; A6 Q It H J • 763 WFSI' • J 963 ~J 7J £AST •A 10 11 Q 865 2 • 105 , K 10 98 A7 •J982 You wouJd Uk.e co try 10 declare'/ l!.:i\I IDU)I rhc with Ille ace o ( ~pades Ut trick OllC alJd. with the threat Of diamond lrick& Maring the defenders in the face, antmpa 10 k.lU dummy's hean entry by switching to the ten of heans.. Declarer's queen wins. the ace of diltlllO!Xh is fClf'Ced 001 and <lcclar- er Clblly oolleru 11 tricks SOl/TH • KQS \;I QS"4l o KJ •AKQ4 T1lC bidding: SOUTII WJ'Sf NORTII f.A.ST But do not give up 100 qud.ly on lbe defe4~. What if. after winning the ace or ~. fu..i 61\1(1, 10 thc king ot heart_~'! If declarcr wan\ with the ace in dummy. easi need only hold up thc 111.-e of daumooili flK une round and dech1rer 1.·an <'Olnc ID no mott than eight tncb. A.od refu\tni!, to wm the llC1: of hearu i~ no ~r. Aftc:r the king of heart~ hold~. F.asl ~unply continue~ with another heart, removing dummy's only entry. lNT ,_ JNT "-.._ ,_ Opening lead: Three ol • It i' again lime ror you 111 tb.icJe All« ~•udying nil four h:inds "ould you rJIOO play or defend lhn.-c: no trurnp by Sooth after the h:atl of the tJtree of i.pade~ '! South's opening bid of two no trump ~howed a balanced 20-22 point~. North hud e nough to nu-.e to game even without a five-catd ~uit. Suppo!oe you elect to defend. t' ~t rii.e<> with the ooe of 'p:klc' and return' the ~utl Ooclarcr win' and In thc tr.idc Iha' Wc;tic i' known a\ Merrimoc Coup. 11fler the vc~'cl Memmac that w~ -.cuttled by the Americans in Santi.igo llarhll' m .in oLtcmpl 10 houle up the Sparmh fleet Employment 8500 S2.000 S1gn1n& Bonus' SS.500/wk .bued on rec ent earnings• II someone can do 11.. so can you! 2·3 quahl1ed 1 .V. Direct mail & confirmed appointments daily! $1 .000/$2,500 Immediate potential...per weelll No upe11ence necesur y! Call 888 543· 1788 Or1ve • s SW If T TRANSPORTATION rs hrrin11 e1pe11enced & 1nexp1111enced drivers and 0/0 CDl Tra1nin11 available We pay for eaperience, areal bene lits and cons1slent miles 1 866 333 880 I (CAL0 SCAN) OIUVDl: OWNDI Of'fll- A TOR: ~lave your own b1Kk7 t ool\klg '°' ~ pendence 1 l Ml<klar ha<, UM: louls/h e1£1lt lo malle you successlut1 CALL LMOSTAR 888 835 31158 (CAl"SCANI om-. cr-Operation) S l<XXI ~on bontr> We have • lot Oanard CA l"' mwial Annelln l 1press lines I~ Rel 1101 (Email. recrul 1nc@ amieP1n1.com) eoe m/ITdl•i (CAL "SCAN) DRIVERS OWNER OPER A TORS Have your own truck' lonkmg for true 1ndtpendence• Land~tar his the tools/lraeaht tQ make you s uueslul' CALL I 800 949 0066 LANDSTAR CCAL 0 SLAN I ~ OWNa Of'Bl- A TOlt: Havt yoor own b udl 1 t oolur'R for bu" independence' l anchlar ha'i the loolWheiefll 10 n 14ke you WOC1!$$1ul7 I 800 711 7898 (CAL •SCAN) GOVHNMINT JOIS- Witlll~~ Sl32 1 ID $18< per hr PM! tr-.rc. F u1 benefits. No e•perotnee l'lll(. AA*;ahon & eum lllio T gl lnie I 888 77Pr 4'66 •ltJO (CAL •SCAN> Suntmer Jel> Dec~hand E•P· on llsh1n11 yachts Based In Newport BeKh. Fu ,_.,.., lo !M9«D !Bl9 OWNER OPIUTO• UAMSI COL w/Hu Mal & Doub~ req. Terrmnal· Temnal Dr~. Hire on Boom. I fVI ~ II» 909 566• ••l 7 10 (CM.. "SCAN) OWNU OPllATOI TIAMSI CD. w~ Mat & Doubles r eq T f!I mioal T er,,,_,. Dr op/Wook Hire on Bonus. He1 ~ lX:O 909 5664 ur 2 10 (CAI "SCAN) OWNU O PlllATOR TlAMSI CD. w/llaL Mal & Dou~ req TetmlMI· l er m1nal On1pfttook H• e on Boru~. Hllll> ~ ~ 909 ~664 ~·' 2 10 (CAI. "SCAN> Pubhsh1ne PaOMOTIONS DlPAaTMlNT Communrty ~s 11 Orange County w91s f .. I rme "'"on to rntervtl'W and wr1lt stories. part1CJ· p.lte in tummurrrty ever•b. crealtt dlld l)ailf\3te P.1lll'5 3nd '41<.llOl•s f ,utlent uimmunir ahoo 'ik!lk, work wel w1U1 the publtc Know /II' Styk!. Qu1WkXP1e'>S. Phohr.JlUIJ Multi NJ Cr e •IOI Prof1C.1enl oo MAC •nd PC CCI de~•&n e•pe11~nr\' preferred ProoheAdlltlg 1~1 Drue VJ'ee<W1&/phY"taJ f~!'d EOE t.c•Uent beneht pack~ [ma4 r~ wuline ~and ~y' r c q u lf e ments l o ~,...,@~1U.-com NPI Salen 1ue dt Hal,.tylhl, rental •tatl-orv.tl S 12S/wk. Cal K.9 M•-4S0-24S6 JOIN OUR TEAM •nd make a differ enc• In the C1hlorn1a At my N•l1on1I Guard you c3n &el money lo• colleet and career 1ra1n1n11 Cati I· 800 GO GUARD (CAL "SCAN) JOIN OUR rEAM and make a d1tler ence In the CahfMn1a Army National Guotrd yo u can get money lo• totlet~ and cer eer Ir ••nm& Call I 800 CO GUARD (CAL "SCAN) J<MN OUll TUM .md m».e • dllterence h1 the Cllrforn~l Ill my Nalional Guard you Cdn ~I money '°' r~ and car~ tr atnHlll C~M I 1100 l:tl GUARO !CAI. "SCAN) Join UAlversal Flnuclal GrGUJ, a 1ap1dly upand1n.a, .. National MOl1oage WIKER, at OOI downtown Long Beach location As a 'lrtet m°'1p1t lcMltr we otter 1mmecf1ale tn·house underwr1t1ng and an 1ncred1ble processing team tna1 atlows our roans 10 close w1thm 3 days Hands on direct 1ram1ng with Ille latest m mortgage lechnology allows our sales team to earn large monlhly cllecks l>Y Jurmno more loans w11h a tun spectrum ol products that tncitldts pnme sub·pnme and FHA• Loan oll1cers wnh 2 • years expenence Wiii tmd ounna~gemem path an excep11onal Oj)l)O(luruty Call 1-166·2&2·8344 or Fu rour resume to 70&·67H427 Aubnoblles - Avdl '01 TI 2dr Cevpo 225HP, Quatro JOI. rnt lull fact warr 6spd w perb 0 11& unmarked like new tond S? I 99!. vt0136!>J finannn& O••I Bkr 949 586 18811 -·•crb1.c- l ul<k '97 l'•lt Avenue 60k + m1, s1lver/erev llhr, fully loaded. beau lltul original cund, $7995 11642376 Blv 949 586 1888 www.ocpalol._,, CoAoc c...e .,.,,,.._ aa ~ low mr 5'v« w,.,,.. top, 2-dr. llhr Ill •••• cond. $37'.l> l)Qg.548-042'> Cadlllac '02 DeVllle Sedan 1911 m1 whit~ oatmeal lttu. CD. On~••• vf13794J S25.9'Y.> ~••< S20t., !1n & warr •rnly avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ecpobl.CGM CAD SlVlll£ 'U 27 SK miles, dark red. ed. S7000 p11v.le par ly 949·673·2636 l-' •ev.r 'ti o••· cove• y LC 4/k ma, 4yr w11t 111all , drk n1el1llle 1rttn/t1n lthr, hHled Meis, dual mnrl. bnu llful or11 cond, 11ar•11•d, non/amkr. musl see to appreciate, v#958241 $13,995 81u 949 586 1888 www.o<,..l.c- Moa da '99 M loto Conv •5k nu, "ulo. silver, tan top, pw, pt. A/C. CD, 1u11erb hke 11ew cond v• 119743 S21.995 lln1111<1ne & warranty av.ill Bkr !M9 586 1888 -w.ecpobl.<- .... _... ._ S60Sl '16 wurth SlSK. ~ SI 3..500/ubo Xl11t cond, 1:1c<1t t ill a>. have n.trd Inc> 8/K ma 9'9-9»3091 Mer<ede• '96 C280 bedul1ful blatl</crearn lutly loaded. ~howroom, •~IM. SIO.!Dl /14 751 ~ Merc•d.. ·oo l320 lbk dl tu<1I nu, full tnclory warr. lu14uo1se htu~/oJtm eol 11111 . moonr<)OI, CO. chrome whl\, 011~ of lh~ towe\1 mite MMcedr\ ul the vear rn e .. 1r1 ••557291 $2'1 9o/.) lllldfll&ng •v~ll IH r 9 4 q '>86 1888 --.0<pab .• e ... Mer•°"'" 45058 '7S """8 11;i,..,. JI 11<. ''"' hn 'untnol tAAck int Sl1UJ t.tt~•·ll'Wd S4COl I ,,..,., .. .,... 949 689 84J? Mer<•d•• 380Sl '82 l\J1d top 411d nt'dl new '"It l•~I 6lli mi. new t>ng, FoaD AlROSTAR ·•s htock $'l/OO 949 '>14·56'>3 at, air. '> pan, 9'lk nll utras A J cond' Sl900 Meuede1 380Sl '82 949-722 1129/ ln rd lnp md nea< nf'w "'11 111· f.1.111 n• ·-~ng fo,.I '6S Mu •long t.L .. ~S'>7009"9'>74'Jfi~ Conver !Ible 011111n.al owner ~ohd car Sl'1 99'i M•r<•dn '88 S60 SL obo 949 / t9 19-4 J ,...,_ '0 I XJ• 2 Jk Ml, CO. nav1gal1on lull facl w.arr W11"hn ln IJlut o.rtm~dl tlhr d11unlf' whe.t!I~ hkr n~w \,1Y,. $ JOii v7? I 16 S41 000 4 5 APR 1111 ~Vdll IJ1uh 1 915 511) 1$ WWW u""-"11; 11 Jaguar •99 XJ8 Vandon Plat 40ll n11 lull I• I wa1r whit .. {1 ... tm .... ,. ttfu CO t1f".tut1tul 11..,, '" w Ollf tPrU1 vk/lf l 1, S7'1 'JOO Hk1 9'1 ~ '"*• I~ WWW .<><pabi.<om Jagva;'90 llt> Whllo/ IJhw 11111 • tir111t1• _,t11 be,ut Ofli ' UIUf t1111 '<ti dPP•~t1alr v•/'iJ• fl S '199'> U~1 ~'I 'illti llWI ww~.ocpolt.com [ J..,. '00 Grand a-.... blyl l wd lbk .11 111•• I m1 ,11vet •'' t•v 111l <tllv~.,, fdbul111i Mu 111"" unmMkefl r nul1 4 v• 11 wa.1 "vi!'! ,r,11 •1 SI • Ito tum 0 IJuwo r1t1.1M" t1 ·~ivt"' 4 6 Al~ ·~ •••• 949-S8t> llU www.ocpoitl.com J..,. '9S Grand a-..... l llt»• 11" VI! NI wt. di'""' low ~ Ill MNl1 S/6'i ~ 744 41f.7 I .-.. w,.,,.._ '00 4.0 Spart RJ.d. 4 wt• •• ~t r.il. ti;. d ,..., '"" 1o ~· •JI< mi. SJ!>,9(XJ 9'l'I tAh ~.R' wtulr t~n muna' qb.L "" .,...... '1'W .... q. d t1llL .... SMllll /l41'512llli4 NEW 2002 MINI COOPER SUNROOF PREMIUM PKG 16 • .aJ.LOYS CO ~I~,~% I A I I ltS PRU m~11s1 • OfHER AT SIMlAR SA\1NGS1 • Ll rs MOJ(lll ffS rUN . .. . . . . . . ~5fRUWAY @ loo.GLR ~TAANAAUIO MAll · (IU) 823-9IOI - WI PAY CASH Joa ,......, roactllS ~ ~lUY QASSKCM:S ......,, ........... 'OJVWa..1,,.._. '°'"'" (S007SO) SH,.SOO '02~"· l.oolh4I, Ltw .... (OIS932) S 15,.00 '03Fenltt.t.y TN<li Delv...-y .... (N4~,SOO PHIWf'S AUTO 9••MW3Z3l CC>nv le<1llMor Nl(tflOI A bc!•uly (19.il()I) SIS 9IK> 00 •MW M ,,...,_ Bl.Kl&. W/Cf •Y J,Jfemrum ~ ( I 'Hll8 I $78. 9lll 99U... .... ~ 111.Kk chrome whet!k ''"~ c~an 11919/) $Zll,9lll 0 I l'enJ.. ,,..,_ ,. Only I~ Ml. HR( Per lot 11i.1n1.e w'-h ( t 9J94) INQUIRE 16 ,,,,,,. '1• sc..-llLK~ 'Clean L.ln lthr tu~ rfCor~ rilfe hnd (19 '8111 S II 9IK> t1••MWl'40t~ I owner 1nc. .. 1 ~wp0r1 Siocl.ln iteal rt'tor~ lhfomcd wheo:h (19340) S22.'Bl OO~XIC• 'i1lv1·1 w1bki•~ li'll .... ~~ l>trlt:tl < l'l IRI l "1!>.'ll!O ,. UXtn GS fOO f'r t'fl Hllfll whit-Pt-ff) '\t wk \.OntQ11f llWW.1 Siii 'Bi OZF«J r •lrJ ,,,lfy 4C'l' mttr- 11 ':I llW 1 l.H 'HJ 00 Jar-s ,,.,.. I II< "" llh1 ""•HI r not <lq II~ 1 SIS "8l 99 M•l CUCJ20 t..I "~ " Ill•• ~ l•·@ther t hUHtW tJ Wht~ 11<;•t;>1 ~9EW.I 94' S74 7777 P~MJTO .......-...... lllYll I A :>00? \I l)UOIA I 1m1t~d 4X4 "'"~' fully lnd<lt<l 'Jt,Qll m1 pe1 I I Unt.I 1f/ OOJ 9'P') 6.Q H/:J ¥ ................. 2A ml, sp11llltn1 MKk/ oetll'lffl, auto, 111o0nrl1 CO, pw, pl, •lk>i •Jib; like ~w. vf47~ su; 49fi fin & wtff anty 11¥111\ 8'1t 949-586-11188 -·~"- llSCflLWOUI w.-. ii ,... o,..e..I .,.. CMw 4' ~ e.qJI wl f1S'I I Yr'/ fW !)I lea for yoll' CM VIII Of trud1 l)..t b Of nol Cal DD R4I'/ (li> Tomato 111Ao S.. 7R> 4311931 or 714-32s.32'111 CASH fOtt CMS WI NEID YOUa CAI PAID JOit Ott NOT PHIU.WS AUTO ASI fOtt MAlCOUl 949-574-7777 RECREATlONAL VEHICLES REPAIMARTSI SERVICES Mlscef lllllOUI M50 SNOW CAT 01 Trached All Terrain veh1des w•nled Any lype condrtlon H•ve se•"r•I snow cah IOf ule Ir Olll s~.000 finders fen h•l>P~.Y' paid Phi 800 485 7669 (CAL "SCAN) BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9611 93 n SUP AYAIUIU IN NlWP~T ICACH S2SOOLU5l u•-soo-1oos lift 1910 £UCTittC DUFfY h••d IOIJ, $9000 prrvate par I~ 949 6/3 2636 LIDO ml DOCX t~ lu .!411 w 1Je.ln'I unc,_. I lit w .. k>W proflle pawn 949-613 1611 949 'JX>.67 14 ClWOUT YOllHOUSE WITHA GWGESAll! Wl (949)642-5678 ~HoME., HEALTH AND BvsiNESS ~ ~ "NOTICE TO READERS Cahfornaa law re qu11es that conlrac tors tak•ne 1obs that total S500 or mOft (labOf or m•1er1als) hf' licensed by the Contractors Sl ate license Board Stille law also requir~ that con tr t1cto•s include their hcens.e number on all advertrsin1 You can check the st.tus of yo ur lrc ensed contrAc l o r •l www cslb.ca.110• or 800 32 1 CSLB Unlr censed conlnctors l•-1n1 1obs th.ti 10111 less than S500 must slate In lherr advcrtisemenh lhal they ate not hcensed by the Contractors Stile license Board " ,....., Rlllll•••i-. , ........ INT-.s Klldwl I 8lllta I Ranodel ~ lthw•os.am aBl5 '¥"'? 9'lfi69ll5 ClrJll*y • W .. u.lh o Cu.stom Built· Ina. Crown ~.Base 80Mds Lf577tiZ IM9 709 5642 r..,.e,..,,,. Iii l[j EFFICIENT AIR SYSTEMS C·20 520089 (714) 964·2007 Hit 962-6900 NB (949) 720-0717 1000·1 ol lnsllllatlons since 11113 FURllACE SALE R • R furNCe& Many Codt UPQr~ 75,DOO ITU F1om $1500 1 DI.DOD BTU ff'om $1651 Plus city permits & code llPQrlldes 964·2007 FREE IN·HOME ESTIMATES & INSPECTION c.,.. Clal*ll SAVE 35%0N Carpet • Fumitunt 'ilt:.? Slfhhct:::f •M flfffmMAn 23 RAISW. BR OTHER S CAPPlT SERVIU 80 0 S~9 7 18 1 COMP SQUAD INC. Is your cnmpurtt tlow' JUS1 like )'OU' ar, lhey tune Uj» We virul intmiC1 Ju11tr hadt spy WOfl1I llOflll 11\d aD thrnt s cbn all dn-11\d lt'ICOYCI dau. We c:an rr.u'l.fer d.u:.t 10 your nrw wmpum We ft( up nctWOrics btg aoo simll. Fitt'W111J C..ble/D UDw up Molkmt. <..:ompltt« \tnall butina& Kfvica If~ l'llflfl ,. !"" ., ,,,., , tlJf ""' "' ~.tr~­~~~LlS NOW !USI 150.QQ 949-394.2905 l ll.INOC: SEll l#HOME & •USl#ESS •WAMS Upgrades. R@l)airs of Compute!!. Networks E veninp/Weehends Compelrhve p11cu lo.l .qu.aJJ.11...seotJC. 949-U6-1 I 7S 714-926-4221 Inda llodi St-Tiie Concrete, Pabo, DrM!Way f11~. BBQ Refs 25Yrs Eap Terry 7 14 557.7594 ~ IMITOllGIN YOURHOMI IMPIOVIMINT PIOJICY? Cati • plumber. painter, handyman. Of any of the er eat senttCH listed hen rn OW S81¥1Ce direclCKJI TlfESE LOCAL SVC PE Ql>lE CAN HE l P YOU TOOAYI WITIHOln DIYWAll All phases sm/lra jobs. CUANl 20,yrs, fair, fret est. l«m:J> 714-639-1447 ~ IOOMMll!~ ....,., •IWwC'.OI~· ~M.""r I for Ill your needs ... 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M9-3J2.o.8292 Handymar\I Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR & REMODELING COMl'LlrE HOME MAlltrE#A#CE No tob loo sm•lll [verylhm& lrom Cwpenlry lo P3401M1& free est1m1f4' ,.,, ,,.,,r1y fff-Z9S-16H nx UP SPIOAUST. All types ol reparn C 14!t lr ic.1. J)lumbin&. doon . Walitlr heetll'S. tje,, & llUC 24111/7d•Y5 714 366 1881 House Cleaning HouH Cle_f,,,.lq'd Wkly Ht w~ly MonthlJ R•f \ c;1e.I «•Ir'' Imelda 'M9 '>48 4Ml 9'19 7 /3.QDI Masorvy • JaG MASONRY w lllty 1'/TIP, l!~t-f>nct"> Rep.111< Ok, Quality W<lfk •l.lnt9 kM /14 531 l&\3 Moving & Storage HST MOVERS $SS/Hr. SorW1k Al c~ trmJred I 16.JM4 ID}.246-2378 JZ3 6» 9971 cdl PUBLIC NOTICE Th e C1lll Public Ullll11~s Commission rr11unu lh~I d!I used h11u,•h11!d 11oo ds niov~r \ print lhe11 PU C c .. 1 I numbPr, hn10\ and chautleurs print lh~11 I C P numb., in all adver· tlsemenls II you hllve •n1 qut~taons aboul the le111hl y of • mo vu lim o or chaulleur u lt PUIUC UTIUTIIS COMMISSION aoo 111..aH1 0.-.'• ..... 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