HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-29 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotI . • r .. • l - ' " • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,MAY29,2003 No decision on new City Hall PHOTOS BY DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT A basket of lights get the attenbon of a youngster and his mom as they shop m the new IKEA store in Costa Mesa City Council will wait until n ext meeting so public can give input on replacing or renovating building. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BtAC:ll -Some envbion a $30-miJJion City Hall complex with a parking structure and public MJUare atmosphere. Othen. say the city should look for Lhe most effi cient way to up- grade the building!> 11 already ha.!> Still other!> ..ay that now I!'> not the ume to make a coMly in- ve<.tm enl. An hour-and-a half d&u~1on on C11y 1 latl 11llprovement<> got t'ffiOlJOnaJ fues.day night, LaW. mg the rnuncil to con tinue the matter until us June 10 meeting PUBLIC SAFETY QUESTION 7 Should N.wport Beed'I build a new City Hall and, if so, • how much of one? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to da1/yp1lor "'/8t1mes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for venfica11on purposes only 01l' , ... .,ue rl'wah:d tht> u1unnl member<;' d1verg111g Vl'>IOll'> for 1.he future "Thu, I!> '>Offielhmg l°m rt.•d.IJ) tom on, Lounnlman Don \.\thb ~d Webb hdd '>uggt..,tt'd look.mg for ... olu11on'> 10 uH·rt mwdmg and <:1ging '>lrutturL''> at tht· l:\.l'>t mg ( .11\ 11.tll Hut Wl'hh . .i loni.: um1: nt\ 1·111plovt·l· ~ho '>J>Nll See CITY, Pa1e A4 Buyer begin IKEA inaugurates its fl agship store in Costa Mesa with about 2,000 customers, 25 wedding renewals and log sawing Pastor pleads not guilty to lewd act Paul Clinton Daily Pilot E arty Wednesday morning. Dave BumeU sleepily pulled himself out of bed and headed to the opening of the llCP.A at Home Ranch. Five hours earlier. IKFA staff had assembled one of their bed fram es for Burnell, the Mt customer tn line. Burnell arrived at the store at 11 a.m. Tuesday, a whole day early. "I've lived hen! 23 years and thought. 'How cool wouJd It be to be the first guy in line:· Burnell said. ·r can alwa~ drive by and !>aY I was the first guy through that door.· IJCF.A Orange County Costa Mel>a, as it is mown, opened Wednesday to a crush of i;hoppen.. ~me 2.000 thronged the store in the morning It took him about three seconds. The 32-year-old Burnell, a Costa Mesa resident. lives in an apartment at Bristol Street and Paularino Avenue. already dose to the new IKEA. When he rolled out of a bed at 5 a.m. Wednesday, though. he was only a few steps from the store. A customer leaves with bags of See BUYER, Pa1e M krtchenware on IKEA's opening day. Pilot Cup begins with 1,800 players Annual soccer tournament is even larger this year, and event officials want to encou rage that trend. Chrl1tfne Carrillo OattyPtlot COSTA MESA -Referees blew their whistles Wednesday after- noon, kicking off the first day of the long-awaited Daily Pilot Cup competition. this tournament play in other -toumaments.-however there are kids in this tournament that have never played soccer be- fore," said IG.rlc Mcintosh. the or- ganizer of the evenL "This tour- nament introduces soccer to a lot of kids ... and the kids get to play with their school chums. so It has a little different atmos· phere (for a tournament! be· cause they're playing for their school " grade srudents and fifth. and sixth-grade students. Including public and private school students from Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. the compe- ot.ion has become a community- wide event that gives srudents a chance to showcase their soccer skills and their school spiriL While students have become quite enthusiastic about the event, teachers and administra- tors have developed a similar af- finity for iL INSIDE For more Pilot Cup coverage, see Sports Pages 82 and 83 hances the lcids' moovauon at their school· Always looking for the educa- tional in school activities. school officials appreciate the bene6ts of their participation. Church official says former St. John the Baptist pastor had problems, but not with children. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot (,()~"TA Mf-~'iA -A Catholic Olurch official on Wedn~ay said she IS not surpnsed that a former Costa Mesa pastor on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to molesting a local teen.ager 25 years ago. Shirl G1acomi. chancellor of the D10<.e<..e of Orangt', ..a1d b8 year-old Dt.0111'> I von.,, who '>t'rved a ... p<:t..,tor of \t John the Bapll5t t.athohc Olun:h on BciUr StTttt for 18 year;, had admined to "improper t>ehaVtOr· with adult'> in the pa ... 1. but nt"\er \Vllh children or youn~ adult .... 1 yon.., had madl' that adm1 ... ..,,on in 1979, when ht' Y-a.'> .i p~ tor at the Lo.,ta 'vll'"-' l lnm h. '>lw '>3Jd. "I le went into rnun-.ehng and evaluation for that," (11acom1 said. "Rut we havt• llt.'Vl'r had l'Vl denre of the behavior ht.> " being charged with· SeePASTOR,Pa1eM About 1,800 students through- out the Newport-Mesa area will head to the Costa Mesa Fann Complex this week to participate ln the soccer tournament that began Wednesday and continues through Sonday, the longest the tournament has been held "[Most) of the kids playing in The Pilot Cup has reached its participation high with 48 boys' and 48 girls' teams ln two sepa· rate dlvisions. third-and fourth- ·it's kind of a way of being in- volved with the kids that allows for a different perspective of both them and me," said Kaiser Elementary School Principal Sta- cey Holmes, the onJy principal who will serve as a coach during the tournament. "I think it en- "f think that sports are a very important pan of a student's overall development." said Ken Killian, principal at Rea Elemen- tary School, a former Pilot Cup champion school. ·1 think the teachers' have nn Interest to work with students in an atmos- phere beyond the cltwroom. I STEVE McCRN« I DAILY Pl.OT Davis defenders swarm over Harbor View dunng boys' fifth and s.. CUP, p ... M . sixth grade action of the Pilot Cup at the Farm Complex. ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL Wait took its toll on IMcks • EDITOWS NOTE.: A. a apecW fMtunt, Guy · ~a Newport Beach reektent and fonner goelle for tM Mighty Oucb, will be writing 1'9gU11r ct.M9 .t>out tM tMm and lta experiencte throughout the playoffs. ._NOCaY,,_M .. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: ww.dal!MJlican WEATHER ~ Early douda. Tempe top IO. S.Plil•A2. DATEBOOK SCA ...... 99lto Pl'".,. i:3.';A14 IPOITI lMConw ada•a-. MMe•-· .. ...,,., ......... 1 THE BELL CURVE Thoughts for Decoration Day and Bob Hopes birthday S ome acaatered ahotl puled from my c:tippina lie wb8e I try to dedde If the new Patrlot'a AJ:;t requirel me to report my oetgbbor down the areet who iln't llylng the Amefbn ~ I mlaled an euy shot at a ~....,the~ e===..=a.: :::r. ...... bt Ila:: Id. liwcl .r.a....-... ........ "' ... ......., .... aallidllwOla-la-• 4'ID pmtod -..... •OICM •an Oitl.Ma 121• cl14l--ID t.am&,....., ; . • A2 Thursday, May 29, 2003 P~LITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE • • - .. Rohrabacher right in the middle POLITICS ASIDE ls it too soon . for primary ·· Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot Rep. Dua RohrabM:ber is doing his J>M1 ~ $lloothJhe wayfor peace in the Middle East. Rohrabacher traveled to the region Sunday as part of a congressional delegation to vocally support President George W. Buab's "road map" for creation of a Palestinian state. Rohrabacher, Rep. Darrell Ilsa CR-Vista) and others are meeting in Jerusalem this week with Israeli and Palestinian leaders. "The level of hope is high and both Israelis and Palestinians seem willing to seize the moment for peace," Rohrabacher said. "In the meantime, I am encouraging everyone I meet with to trust the process and each other." Rohrabacher Is scheduled to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon today. He will tour the West Bank. as well. Costa Mesa's representative should be bade in the U.S. on Friday. Bush's Middle East peace plan calls for peace and a Palestinian state by 2005 as part of an effort to end decades of intransigence on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Bush announced he will meet with Sharon and Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud AbbM as part of a peace summit in the Middle East next week. Bush leaves for the Middle East on Friday. Supervisors support their own in Assembly race County Olairman Tom Wilson has garnered the support of his peers as he seeks a seat in the Assembly. His four fellow supervisors, including Newport-Mesa representative Jim Silva, have thrown their endorsement behind him, Wilson has announced. Wilson, who now represents Newport Coast, is running for the 73rd District seat now held by Patricia Bates. An award with some Hope behind it To honor entertainer icon Bob Hope, Rep. <llrls Cox has ~tf{ ~ ,1Jr " ,., .~ ~/ FILE PHOTO /DAILY PILOT Rep. Dana Rohrabacher at a paddle-out memorial for Steve Webster, victim of the 2002 Bali nightclub attack. introduced a proposal that would create an annual award in his honor. Hope, who starred in numerous Hollywood movies and led USO shows abroad for American servicemen from World War 11 to Desert Storm, celebrates his lOOth birthday today. •As we celebrate Mr. Hope's 100-year birthday, a grateful nation is establishing a legacy in his honor that will last another hundred years," Cox said. "I can think of no more fitting way to repay our debt to a great American patriot." Hope is not expected to" attend any of the birthday celebrations in his honor. He spends much of his time in his Toluca Lakes estate. Cox introduced his bill, H.R. 2087, earlier this month. Sen. Diane Feinstein has dropped in a similar proposal, S. 1150, which woµld face a vote in the upper house. Both proposals would set up the Bob Hope American Patriot Award, which the president will give out each year to a deserving American who "best represents the ideals of freedom, democracy, strength, justice and goodwill." Gunpbell talks workers compensation Assemblyman John Campbell held a town hall meeting on Wednesday with other legislators to discuss workers compensation issues facing local businesses. Campbell, who represents Newport Beach, held the meeting at Otapman University in Orange. At the meeting, Campbell joined Assembly colleagues Patricia Bates CR-Laguna Niguel), Robert Pacheco CR-Industry), Lynn Daucher CR-Brea), Tom Hannan (R-Huntington Beach) and Todd Spitzer (R-Orange}. Campbell criticized the state's workers compensation system for burdening businesses with burgeoning fees. "The swell of increased fees is drowning our California businesses," Campbell said. "We cannot fail our business community." .. 11 a.m. at thew. Colli .. .., Yecht aub.. lnbmldon: (714) EifP.4122 14: The Republlcln Party of Orange County will hold Ila ennuef •Reg Day Seklte to F1'Mdom" dinner. A recepdon le et 8 p.m., end dinner la et 7 p.m. et the Wesdn South COMt fltau Hotel. Information! (71 .. ) 666 •66 11: The Republican Party of Orange County Centr81 Commhtee wll hold I generef meedng .. 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plal w.dn H<*I .. e88Anton Blvd., Cotta Meta. Admi.lon .. free," ... Alpublclne ,,. welcome. (71") &&M5&I. 11: A funckelling '9C9pdon for CNd ~for h.11mbly wt• be held from .. to 8:30 p.m. lnfonnetlon: (948) 717-7756 coverage? D uring the past weeks, the Dally Pilot has covered several political races . in a fair amount of detail: the 70fh Assembly District and the 35th Senate seat. which have primaries next March. and the 2004 race for the c.osta Mesa Oty · Council. AD three have interesting stories: the . 10th is turning on one candidate's 1996 . support of Ptlllldent Olnton; the 35th is a. battle between two assemblymen that has included questions of character; and the . Costa Mesa council. with the replacement of Kainsl Robtnlon and the stepping dowp. of Bric Bewl' from consideration for her . • seat. is a grand setup of ..-------, the city's •trnprover" group going against its. establislunent A few readers, as well as interested parties . among those involved in the races, have thanked the paper for focusing on these political stories so early on -earlier, and S.J. CAHN certainly in tar more detail, than any other • local media have. It is part of the makeup of this paper -; a fortunate one, I argue -that we can publish and focus on stori.es of interest to. our readers that might not get much CQYerage in other media outlets. (This can run both ways of course. While most would argue it is good we can , give day-to-day coverage to the replacement of a Costa Mesa Oty Council. member, some might feel differently aboat stories on ... well. a number come to • ~ mind, and to avoid my voice mail being ' full before I get to work today, I'll leave It to the readers' memories.) · .. At the same time, it strikes me as , possible that we just might be too early on these stories. This thinking is based, in ~ part, on the ftuny of stories surrounding , the debate earlier this month among the , . Democrats running for the presidential .. ~ nomination. • That debate, on a Saturday evening in · • South Carolina, did not get the type of coverage (front page, with sidebars and many, many reporters} it would have a year from now. The Washington Post ran the story on A4. The Los Angeles Tunes ran its previewv of the story on A2 l and its coverage of the debate ran on A26. That story induded this line: ·Although the debate was a premier event on the political calendar, it · wau limited draw beyond the Drayton Hall Theatre, where it was held before an audience made up of supporters of : individual campaigns and political activists in general." Not exactly blockbuster. But when people aren't interested in a story, to a certain extent. tt is hard to make It news. And at this point. people are not interested in who will be the one to challenge Pnaldmt Bulb next fall The questions then before us are whether people are interested in who will.• replace John C-mpbeD in the 70th • Assembly seat; whether Campbell will OYerCOme fellow Assembiyman Ken Mllddox in the race to replace state Sen. Ro. Johmon; and what the makeup of the Costa Mesa Oty Council will be at the end of2004. If you aren't, let me know, and we can tone down the coverage. If you are, also let me know so 111 be reassured that I'm oot alone here. • 8.J. CAHN ia the managing editor. He can b9 ' reached at (9491 574-4233 or bv e-mail at ' •.j.~hn@latimes.com. Daily A Pilot Conll Wlllon Box 1660, Costa MeN, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News a1Slstant, (9491674-4298 Copyright: No news stories, coral.wlltonOl•tlm•.com lllustratlons, editorial matter or P'HOTOOMPHERS advertisements herein can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF Seen Hiller, Don l.eedl, reproduced without written Kent Treptow perml11lon of copyright owner. , lt'a still pnmy warm, end The IOuthwest swefl loeee VOL 97, NO. 149 READfRS HOT1JNE HOW TO REACH US we've ltlll got 10me nagging energy today, but we'll ltlll Me THOMAS H. JOHNSON New. ISdleora 19491 642-«188 Clrculetlon moming doudinea. By eerty ahooktef.. to heed-highs. Publisher Gina Alexender, Lori Anderson, Record your commentl about the The TllTl99 Orange County afternoon, COit.i Mesa lhould Standout apot.a will .... TONYDOOERO Deniel Hunt, Paul S.ltowhz, Dally Pilot or newt tips. (800) 2!52-9141 top 80, end Newport Beech ffJW overheede. Editor Denlel s.v.r.1 Addf'eM Ad"'11111119 ahould reach the mld-70.. Friday wlll p.....m anotMr JUD'( OET1WO NIWSITAFF Our eddreu It 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Clt•lfled (9491842-5878 Lowa will be •bout 80. drop, but we'll attll ... dlelt· to ~~r Mesa. CA 92627. Office houre ere ~ (949) 642-4321 Crime °:er oo$orter, Mondey • Fr1dey, 8:30 e.m. • !5 p.m. EdttotW Friday ahould be similar, thou kW-hight. Promotione Director (a.1)5? COM .. DM Newt while the WMkend loob. tad A etlght lncrMM In ~.bhM9111et.tlnw.oom It la the Piiot'• policy to promptty (9481642-5880 warmer. ~enetWlhotdd con.ct elf.,.,.,,. of eu~. 8potta (949) !574-4223 lnfomll1lonc EDfTING ITAff --=·· Pleeeectlll (Ml~ Newt,. (Ml) ~170 occur on Seturdey, though tt l.J.Cetwl N9wport '9PC)ft9r, 8potta,.. (Ml) 980-0110 WWW.nM.t>Oa.flCN won't pnMde muctt mot'e than : ~l~Edhor, Ml97+4232 c:Nllt-hlght. Expect ( !5 ""4233 Junu•..,,.•"""'-.com m E-mell: dallypllot•'-tf,,,...com BOATING FORECAST ~ltb9a.repota. TM H9wpoft ~ Meu MlllnOllee 1J.t»11n• ,,,,,,,,...oom ... ca... o.ily Piiot (U~ 144-800111 .. .._ Ollle (Ml) 642-4321 --: JemeaMI'-Potfdoa, ~end environment ~Edllof, publlehed dllfy, In Newport 8eec:tt ... .._,.(Ml) 831-7128 The weMer1y wtnde will ~*' ·OIV (M "6424 ....., ... )~ end Co.ta Meet, IUbecttptione el'9 blow 10 to 15 b"1la In the Inner }tltrw.mM1re-...com PflCll·"*"""'•,..,__oom .v.....,.. only bv eubecriblng to The WIW8 todly, wtltt 2.foot TIDES ........... Lelli ..... Tlnw 0..,. County (IOO) Wft99 end. mlQd Wiit ..... :=-.:~ CoturMlll. ..... '9P0'111f, 21241'1. "" ..... OUllld9 of of 3 ,_ and '°""' IWlft of 3 11IM ........ rldwd.dUM•WJtrm.oom C..,PM271 ~ ... Md COiia Meet, .... t:eoe.m. UCfwlhlgh ..... ,,. ...... ~~,.,_oom ......... to the Delly Not.,. Out fl,,.,.,, the --rty 2:3Sp.m. lt1Mllow An°"*''*-0.-a.t. ....... ,...,_ well ..... only"' ..... melt for tS1 p.m, 6;73Mlhlgh f'Ublllhtd~ rm. Commvnlty wkldl. blow llronger, It 10 , .. ,PMD' COiia --....... c.., SH-'221 --monlh. lfll1oee lndudl .. , Hewe, e of the lM Angelee ·to 20 llnCMa. wllh 1· to Moot 4.-ota.m. :O.MMllow ~·,.,,,,,."°"' ..,.....,...,.,, . ........,,, ~--Md---.) '""*· ~end I mex.d W9lt IWll ..... ...: ... as; r 1 OlelllD ~ .... ~ • l"holo EdllOt, of lfWI end'°""' ... of .. WATIR TEMPEIA1'Ull ; ,..,,..... fdllOMIOn ,......,,.., .,..... ....... '°"" ......... fllll.1'tl ... wll-•lld ..... ,,.. ....... , . .,, .,. ....... , ......... ...,,, 111 ahC---~,.. f!(). .. 9" ..... . . I d I I . . Planners keep compatibility, dump harmony for 2nd stories Costa Mesa commission urges the City Co uncil to adopt new home expansion guidelines that sever the two requirements. posed for a tract generally boun- ded by F.Mt 19th Street on the north, Irvine Avenue on the east, ~'t I IJth Street on the south and Tu.stin Avenue on the west Deirdre Newmen Daily Pilot 1 COSTA MESA -"Harmony" and "compatibWty" -the two words that have been known to strike fear in homeowners look- ing to expand -no longer pose a double threat. "Harmony" is out "CompatibWty" survived, but in a dilferent context than be- fore. . 'On Tuesday. the Planning Commission finished its exhaus- tive review of the city's zoning code and design guidelines for home expansions and forwarded them to the City Council for re- view. Changes to the code and the guidelines passed on 4 -0 votes. The changes cover issues such as Door area ratios, second- story construction and design re- view procedures. One of the most significant Changes is the replacement in the wning code used to require "harmony and compatibility" for new development with a new condition that projects meet "design excellence." "Compatibility" still makes it mark. though. after commission- ers reinserted it as a standard in reference to established neigh- borhood., to appease the Mesa Verde commwuty. Previously. WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHArs AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mua, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. I SAILING CLASSES Onnge Coast Cohge .. ofNrina new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks In length. and boat.a range from Udo 14 qinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beactt. (949) 645-9412 or visit O<X::tU1iling.com. s.wng fudnation o«.-a ..... in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Onnge County employers can bring their empk>yees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School [!]~Dunn-Well 1820 Monlowil hit . COlll ....... CA 12627 c.p.a·~ ~~~ Robert Dunn *-/lwnlot~ -.: Me.M8.937a c.pet Rlplh 7t4..Me.Ma4 _ ............. o.. ,.. IUbbitt Insurance Agency AtTJ'O • HOMEOWNERS • HF.Aini .51#1!..11 s,,,,u 1957 oew development had to pass muster with "bannooy" and "compatibility" with existing or antidpated development in the neighborhood. Mesa Verde resident Robin Leffler applauded the move. "I 'thought that was good, very good," Leffler said. "I think lhe lntent is still there with the addi- tion of '<..'Ompatibility.' It gives reference to the neighborhood that the home will be in. That was very imponan1 to us in the Mesa Verde community." Councilman Gary Monahan initiated review of the code and guidelines to make the process clearer and faster. With the changes. the approval process could take as JjnJe a<> a week rather than drag on for eight to 10 weeks. Before Tuesday, the commis- sion had already conducted three smdy sessions and two pubJjc hearing.5 on the changes. The commission's action means that the City Council can con- sider the guidelines al the same time it consider:. a view protec- tion ordinance and an overlay zone in July. The council postponed those items until the changes 10 the code and design guidelin~ were done. fhe overlay zone. with linlits on construction, i!> pro of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marine w.terSports st the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat. put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ioe and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with smgle and double kayaks, electnc boats, 14-holder sailboats. pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, Another change Is the removal of noticing neighbors Cor certain residential remodels. The new process. if the council adopts It. would establish a threshold for Door area ratio and a percentage of second story over the first story. If this threshold is met, Plarming Department staff can approve a project without notify- ing neighbors within 500 feet, as is now required. Commissioners Joel Faris and Katrina Foley said I.hey felt that l'ft>tice should be given to at least the next-door neighbors. But that idea perished on a 2-2 dead- lock. with Commwioner Dennis DeMaio absent. While Foley conceded that the changes make the process more efficient, she wasn't sure if they bridged the chasm between property rights advocates and those who w.int 10 preserve the essence of a neighborhood. *It's been a real struggle be- cause I think there's a tension in the city between those who want 10 have community identities, neighborhood Identities versus those that want to have son of a laissez-faire approach, H Foley 1>a.id. "We look direction from the City Council lo make the proces.s more efficient. I just hope it do~n·1 1urn into having less than exLelle111 proJL"CI!>." birthdays, nonprofit organ1zat1ons and group outings. The hunt padcages include boats. tnv1a questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supphes. The coS1 of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering Is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200 Ei.ctric: boat rentals ere aveilabfe by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggeS1ed. An hour rental 1s $75. (949) 645-6812. FOR THE RECORD A Wednesday story misidentified Tun Crom- weU as a former Costa Mesa planning commis- sioner ("Not a gutter ball yet, -Wednesday). He has not served on that com - mission. ~4'~~) He s t a u rant t~ [ ----EStabllSnecl In 1862 .,.. Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality SaTia0 * 0 •Nigbdy F.atena.inmenr*" / ,., Hr•r• 1•1lltn111 (.-ill (94'>l ll46--'H·i I h')' I n"" \,, . ( '"'·' \lru . . . ' '' ' . . . . . ' ... Trunk Show Sacµrday, May 31st, 1 lam-3pm Featuring BROOKS, the shoes that fit right! Don't mis.s this one day event and your chance to .speak with BROOKS re resentatives! rr--------~ I I li ____ --~ rtvsdly, M11 29, 2003 Al I E v E N T E I GHT INTERIOR DESIGNERS CREATE A COMPLETE HOME WITH EXCITING VIGNETTES Experience inspiration at the South Coast Plaza Home Event. Talented interior designers will create an entire home with unique interiors featuring the best furniture, window treatments. home accessories and garden furnishing s from South Coast Plaza stores. :\" 11 l • FEATURING FURNITURE AND HOME ACCESSORIES FROM: FRETTE • HERMEs • YVES DELORME • TltE SILK TRADING CO. SMITH & HAWKEN • DUPUIS a PO 11 ERV BARN KIDS ROOM & BOARD a RETROSPECT • PORSCHE DESIGN BANG & OLUFSEN a WILLIAMS-SONOMA • MACY'S HOME STORE CHOPARD • LAUQUE • BOMBAY a PUIFORCAT • LUCY ZAHRAN BANANA REPUBLIC • DOONEY & BOURKE • SCANDIA DOWN ~D MCNALLY • BACCARAT • LOUIS WITTON • LOAO PIANA ORREFORS KOSTA BODA a CHRISTOFLE • VIL1.EROY & BOCH CRISTAL SAINT-LOUIS • BAOOKSTONE ON DISPLAY JUNE 5 -a I · PUBLIC SAFETY 2 locals face porn charges after sweep Several law enforcement agencies team to arrest Orange County residents suspected of possessing illegal images of children. Deepa Bharath Daily Piiot Bryce Daniel Klepinger, 27, of Irvine; Johnny Hail, 52, of Mission Viejo; and Luke NEWPORT-MF.SA -1Wo Thomas, 22, of Orange. local men race charges of Possession of child por· po~ing child pomogra-oography carries a maxi· phy after a targeted sweep mum jail sentence of five by federal agents in Orange years in federal prison. County last week. officials Lee said the "sweep" was said. a "creative initiative"' that Samuel l.4me. 68, of Costa involved several law en· Mesa pleaded guilty to or-forcement agencies, in· dering videotapes contain· eluding the FBI, the U.S. at· ing child pornography over tomey's office, the U.S. the mail, Assistant U.S. Atty. Postal Inspection Service, Richard Lee said. the Bureau of Immigration An arrest warrant is also and Customs Enforcement out for 56-year-old Richard and the California Depart· Darrell Lewis of Newport ment of Justice's Bureau of Beach, who "is believed to Investigation. be hospitalized," Lee said. "We put several of these He said FBI agents seized cases togecber and made it about 115 pornographic a sweep to emphasize our images of children from commitment to investigate Lewis' home computer that , iUld prosecute these cases,· he aJJegedly downloaded he Said. from the Internet Possession and distribu· Lane is scheduled to be tion of child pornography arraigned July 7, and Lewis is a federal offense. will likely be arrested after Lee said "technology and he is released from the hos· the Internet have made it p11aJ. Lee said. easier to access and distnb- Arrest warrants are also ute child pornography.· out for Donald C. Armbrus· But aJJ the same. Jaw en· ter. 51 . of Modjeslca Can· forcement agents are also yon; Robert W. Kennedy, 70, well equipped with the of Anaheim; Robert Earl tools to fight these crimes, Rountree, 23, of Orange; be said. and Kevin Hunt, 3 1, of ·A sweep does not mean Stanton. this is the end.· Lee said. Four other men agreed to "We'll continue our com· plead guilty to the charges. rnitment to investigating fhey were Michael Honea. and prosecuting such 52. of 1 luntington Beach; crimes.· POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Adema Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1300 blodc at 12:53 a.m. Tuesday. • Avenue of the Alts: Forgery was reported in the 3400 blodc at 2:09 p.m . Tuesday. • Fairview Road: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2300 blodc at 8:07 a.m. Tuesday. • Palace Avenue: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2000 blodc at 7:20 a.m. Tuesday. • Peterson Place: A vehide burglary was reported in the 2700 blodc at 7:06 a.m. Tuesday. • Pitcairn Drive: A hit-and-run was reported in the 1700 blodc at 7 a.m. Tuesday OBITUARY ~rothy Gerner 111-"~IPJllLl 'S --H 1 < , "' ,\. < \ 1n 11 1 " . . . • Eat 18th StrMt: Petty theft was reported in the 400 blodc at 11:16 a.m. Tuesday. • w.t 19th StrMt: Veridallsm was reported in the 600 btodt at 10:16 a.m . Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • w.t e.a,o. Boul.vmd: A hit-and-run was reported in the 1800 blodc at 9:41 a.m. Tuesday. • Highland Drive: Battery was reported in the 1100 blodc at 6 p.m. Tuesday. • Jambot"M Rold: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1100 bfodc at 1:54 p.m . Tuesday. • Plecerwda Awnue: Petty theft was reported in the 1600 bfodc at 6:20 a.m. Tuesday. • 32nd StrMt: A commercial burglary was reported in the 400 bfodc at 10:18 a.m. Tuesday. DON LEAOi I DAILY Pit.OT People wait in line to enter the IKEA store in Costa Mesa on opening day . One customer who showed up the day before got a bed. BUYER Continued from Al hours after a few zing'ers from TV pmonality Joan Rivers. The festivities also feanmd a traditional Swedish log sawing caemony and 25 couples renewing their wedding vows. Shoppers came from across Southern California to buy tea lights, Billy bookcases. Poang CITY Continued from Al much of his prof~1onal career in City Hall. said he never Ul· tended to push for a complete razing of the existing buildings. "I like old buildings. When I worked here, I wasn't in a box. Nearly every office has a win- dow," Webb said. "I just feel that we might be able to get by with leaving some of the buildingi. here." The councilman's comments came after a lengthy presenta· lion from Griffin Holdings, a consultant hired to assess needs PASTOR Continued from A 1 The church evaluated Lyons and considered him "no risk." she said. The Orange County district attorney's office last month charged Lyons with one count of performing a lewd act with a child and four counts of oral copulation. Costa Mesa Police arrested Lyons on April 25 at his Seal Beach home. Lyons spent all of his years as a priest in Los Angeles and Orange counties, but remained the longest time in the Costa Mesa church -between Octo- ber 1978 and-January 1996. Prosecutors say the victim was about 13 years old in 1979 when the alleged crimes hap· pened. The victim was sent to Lyons for counseling, accord· HOCKEY Continued from Al ourselves and blame the game's loss on having too much time to rest, practice and fucus on what they needed to do in the finals in order to win. there were other factors that lead to the loss. First and foremost was the still and playoff savvy of cbe Devils. This is a veteran team lead by vetenm players such as Martin Brodeur and Scott Stevens, and along with them comes a cast of solid If not spectacular players. Guys like John Madden will continue to give the Ducb fits on the penalty kill unJt and will like evay advantage they can pt to make something happen ollensively when on a defensive role. Guys lib Jamie Langienbrunner will be 10 dote to PauJ Kadya that we wOJ not really be able lO dilcero who is wearing the No. 9 jeney. The Oevi1a showed why they have been to the ftnall thRle out of che .... four,.,s 11\d why ~ bift two Scanley Cup rlnp on their lngers. In d fllineM. the Dmll we... the belt team out OD the Ice and docl*'aied ......... olh llftle. They ... Chia • WOf In 9'11 dne-111111 OC4M•wt ID pul piW Ol'.I lbil pUci • ....... ftli ..... chairs and other popular OCF.A items. Rachel Rogers-Berry, 25. drove from her SiNer Lake apartment to pidc up a few off-white dinner plates. A moye from North Carolina necessitated some home ~ After wandering though the store's~ aisles. Rogers-Beny decided she would come back another day. The c:osta Mesa IXF..A is double the siz.e of its now-dosed Tustin counterpart at City Hail and solutions. The question before the council on Tuesday night was not whether to rebuild City Hail. onJy whether to spend $578,185 to hire Griffin to create scl)ematic designs for a new facility. But that question proved too tough to answer in one night The council agreed to bring the matter back in two weeks after the public has had a chance lo weigh in. Griffin's presentation painted a rosy picture of ways in which a new City Hall could help pay for itself a 15% increase in worker efficiency. valued at about S2 million a year, nearly SI 00,000 a year in energy efficiencies; and ing to a detailed report the dis- trict attorney's office released. The report says the victim told officials that Lyons engaged in sexual acts with him during these counseling s~sions. The report aJso says Lyons molested the victim's brother and that the two men repo rted the alleged crimes to a repre- sentative of the Catholic Omrch in 1995. The victims said they have had at least three meetings with Catholic Oiurch officials. Giacomi said the church did receive the 1995 complaint from the brothers and sent Lyons on an "eight-month treatment and evaluation,• af. ter which he was determined to be ~et-at-risk" to young people or children. Deputy Dist. Atty. Beth Cos· tello, who is prosecuting the case. said normally in such cases there must be proof of turnovers and outnumbered attacb, which made the Ducks the ones needing to make adjustment& The Ducks certainJy were not at their best, but the good news is that they know it lt seems unimaginable to think that having made It to the finals, this team would not be ready to play at the highest level How and why did this happen. and will the team be able to bounc.e back'1 l am sure there have been many coaches who have asked that same question. and one more coach may have just been added to the list. The answer in layman's terms is the braJn simply got in the way. Tho much time to prepaie is what this perfon:nance bolled down to. 10o much time to get the X's and Oa down, getting pumped up. And then the waiting. M the old dicbe goes, buny up and Wilt. Man old coech once aid to my reanunata and l -and I wom~hM---ien .act to lhe QSS plm lbll, Of coune; la ID old bocby ~ d..,.... (t Slmple. Scupld. The Oudl...., biM! ID let I-* to .. lhl llcde cblnca they .......... .,..,..,Ind Wlllfor .... ~ .... ..,. ID til PD!'-no oae-~llllrp b lhl Dudm, -sit a. JI at Srt •th • ,,.,._..., ........... and boasts 9,<XX> products in 300,000 square feet of spare ·1t's pretty O\lel'Whelming. • Rogers-Beny said. "It's a lot to look al" ()then said they played hooky from woric to pick up a colfee table ()I' another inexpensive item. Dennis Ca6ero. "· drove up from his home in Aliso Viejo. ·1 did have to take a day oft" Ca6ero said "I told them 1 was woddng from home.· The day. ~ weU ~ the opening about S300 a year in revenue from the parking structure. The parking structure income would come from charging for off-hours parking. Qty Hall visi · tors wouJd not be charged for parlong. "We can get by with remodel- ing; there's no question about that," Oty Manager Homer Blu· dau said of the entire project. "But about 130,000 people a year visit this complex who aren't city employees. Do they deserve a Ory Hail complex that better serves their needs? We believe they do.· Councilman John Heffernan disagreed. ·1 think government shouldn't ' ... we have never had evidence of the behavior he is being charged with: 51*1 Giacomi chancelor of the Diocese of Orange, on Dents Lyons "substantial sexual conduct.· She said the prosecution in this case had four witnesses other than the victim who have corroborated his account "This is a very strong case,· Costello said. Lyons is free on SI 00.000 bail • DEEPA BHA.RATli covers public safety end courts. She may be reached at (9491 674-4228 or by e-mail et d8ep11.bh11r11th latlme1.com. to be human and seemed to fight the puck on occasion. As for Gigu~'s counterpart. the Devils' Martin Brodeur, he needed little help in rending off the 16 shots, few or quality, he raced in registering the shutout In the matchup or former playeB from the trade, the Devils got what they needed from former Duct Jdf Friesen. His game-winner early in the second period and empcy·netter late in the third capped off a two-goal performance and earned him the game's first star. The Ducb wW cbaJk this one up as a learning experience, put U behind them and tnCM on to the next game. 1'h.ll team only loob at the nm game at hand as the moll important one. c.oach Mb Babcoct Wlllll his team to concamate 00 the preseot. and that wOJ cab cue of the future. Game one jltten ue aone, and here II the l"lfndon tt.t 11 me l"Y' don\ budte down and pl.ly 1be *Y dMIJ bM In 1he ~ --cbeAt fairy tale wm come to 111 abrupt encl Ub .. dalliC Dllney mowfa, )'OU know lbi lkf llCI che guy or Cbe underdoj wine tn cM end. pd ...,.. ............. aree&.....,pd. "Loot .......... refaed MlibcY Dada..., In pme two ........ -.,... ........ ................... .... ......... .,.oa.; weekend. should bring in solid sales, said Joiepll Roth. the Swedish company's direc:lor of pub& affairs. Roth declined to relea.!e specific data. "We're expecting a very busy and successful weekend.. Roth said. • MUl QMTON covers lhe environment. buslne.e and politice. He mav be reedl9d • 19491 764-4330 O< by e-mail llt paul.clinton@llltimes.com. get bigger. It should get smaller.· Heffernan said. •it may be couched ln effideocies, but it will still say to the dtiuns that we want a new, bigger Qty Hall.· Others, said that Oty Hall is "busting at the seams· and that something must be done. if not now. soon. "'We're the most aJDuent city in Orange County, but we have the crummiest, most ratted-out city hall I've seen," Mayor Steve Bromberg said. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beec:tt end John Wayne Airport. She may be r~ et (9491574-4232 or by ....-nail at JUf'IO.~,..ncJ.•lafJma.c:om. CUP Continued from Al think this is a very healthy com- petition. ... It's often mentioned throughout the yeac. • Although not all schools within Newport-Mesa have jumped on the Pilot Cup band- W880"· Mclntosh still bas hope that next year will bring in more students, more teams and more volunteers.. "'We get a tremendous re· sponse from the kids . . . but we're still not getting that enra effon from the parents.· he said. ·1 guarantee you that ki<h want to play; (next yea.rt, M'D just need someone. tQ pump1w.ap." • QtAIS11NE CARRm.LO covers education end may be reached It (9491 574-4268 or by e-meil at christine.c.rrlllo§"'tlm#.com. ' llusday, May 29, 2003 Al the IKJA grand opening by the numbers ·. ·. . ' . . ~ people will be choseit randomly to win their entire ~rchase free every clay through iune 1" ... everybody else will win amazing savings . ADAM choir, beech/birch (199. $69) $ 29 oauST flower box (f99. SJ.i) $9'5 otlUST bench (f99. $39) $C)9S • I' \ ~BLIC SAFETY 2 locals face porn charges after sweep Several law enforcement agencies team to arrest Orange County residents suspected of possessing illegal images of children. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -1\vo local men face charges of possessing child pornogra- phy after a targered sweep by federal agents in Orange County last week, officials said. Samuel l4\ne, 68, of Costa Mesa pleaded guilty 10 or- dering videotapes contain- ing child pornography over the mail, Assistant U.S. Atty. Richard Lee said. An arrest warrant is aJso out for 56-year-old Richard Darrell Lewis of Newpon Beach. who ·is believed to be hospitalized,• Lee said. He said FBI agents seized about 115 pornographic images of children from Lewis' home computer that he allegedly downloaded from the Internet. Lane is scheduled 10 be arraigned July 7. and Lewis will likely be arrested after he is released from the hos- pital, Lee said. Arrest warrants are aJso out for Donald C Armbrus- ter, 5 1, of Modjeska Can· yon; Roben W. Kennedy, 70, of Anaheim; Roben Earl Rountree. 23. of Orange; and Kevin Hunt, 3 I. of Sranron. Four other men agreed to plead guilty to the charges. They were Michael Honea, 52. of Huntington Beach; POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Ad•ms Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1300 blodt at 12:53 a.m. Tuesday. • Avenue of the Arts: Forgery was reported in the 3400 blodt at 2:09 p.m . Tuesday. • Fairview Road: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2300 block at 8:07 a.m. Tuesday. • Palace Avenue: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2000 blodt at 7:20 a.m. Tuesday. • Peterson Place: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2700 blodt at 7:06 a.m. Tuesday. • Pftcaim Drive: A hit-and-run was reported in lhe 1700 blod< at 7 a.m. Tuesday. Bryce Daniel Kleplnger, 27, of Irvine; Johnny Hall. 52, of Mission Viejo; and Luke Thomas, 22, of Orange. Possession of child por- nography carries a maxi- mum jaJJ sentence of five years In federal prison. Lee said the "sweep" was a ·creative initiative" thar involved several law en- forcement agencies, in- cluding the FBI, the U.S. at· tomey's office. the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the California Depart- ment of Justice's Bureau of Investigation. •we put several of these cases together and made It a sweep to emphasize our commitment to investigate and prosecute these cases.· he said. Possession and distribu· tion of child pornography is a federal offense. Lee said "technology and the Internet have made it easjer to access and distrib- ute child porno8J.:3phy." But all the same, law en- forcement agents are also well equipped with the tools to fight these crimes, he said. ·A sweep does not mean this is the end.· Lee said. "We'U continue our com- mitment to investigating and prosecuting such crimes.· • East 18th StrNt: Petty theft was reported in the 400 · blodt at 11:16 a.m. Tuesday. • Wwt 19th Street V~alism was reported in the 600 blodt at 10:16 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACti • West Balboa Boulewrd: A hit-and-run was reported in the 1800 block at 9:41 a.m. Tuesday. • Highland Drive: Battery was reported in the 1100 blodt at 6 p.m. Tuesday. • J.mboree Road: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1100 blodt at 1 :54 p.m. Tuesday. • PtecentY Awnue: Petty theft was reported in the 1500 blodt at 6:20 a.m . Tuesday. • 32nd S1rNt: A commercial burglary was reported in the 400 blodt at 10:18 a.m. Tuesday. OBITUARY la. 6aai .pm bilida ID Cer- ~,.... h aaMd the 'Hiniy Axd .AMmd ix vobl- 111-"\lPI Ill L'S -- " 1 c , " ~-, < \ 1 n · 1 1 " • Mauro said her mocher WllS •too modest" to run for oftlce In city ~ bul tbe san~b.,....b­ mer OOUDdl mmiJen. incUS-q JICk lfmm• md Doml-- nic Rldd. Ma. Geml!f -.., .aM In the~ ....... Ind Qds Saille Ind .... dud.: 9L Jam 1be ..... C'#hf>MC <Judi an .._Slnlll: :'She aocMfed alllir dOchl far the itiladl bl -~ . In Che CllOk. Muo .... Ma~llant.lbj ts Illa MldllS Gemc =~~ .. ':::°..:: ua Abilpllaect-Mldiwll Ui. Ifni';• 9L,.. dl8 ..... CJllic*Oudl. DON l.EACtl I DAllY PILOT People wait in line to enter the IKEA store in Costa ~sa on opening day. One customer who showed up the day before got a bed. BUYER Continued from Al hours after a few zingers from 1V personality Joan Rivers.. The festivities also featured a traditional Swedish log sawing ceremony and 25 couples renewing their wedding vows. Shoppers came from across Southern Gtlifomia to buy tea lights, Billy bookcases. Poang CITY Continued from Al much of his professional career in City Hall, said he never in- tended to push for a complete razing of the existing buildings. ·1 like old buildings. When I worked here, I wasn'J in a box. Nearly every office has a win- dow," Webb said. "I just feel tha1 we might be able to get by with leaving some of the buildings here." The councilman's comments came after a lengthy presenta- tion from Griffin l loldings. a consultant hifed to assess needs PASTOR Continued from Al The church evaluated Lyoni. and conside red him "no ris k." she said. The Orange Counry district attorney's office lasr month charged Lyons with one count of performing a lewd act with a child and four counts of oral copulation. Costa Mesa Police arrested Lyons on April 25 at his Seal Beach home. Lyons spent all of his years as a priest in Los Angeles and Orange counties. but remained the longest time in the Costa Mesa church -between 6 cto- ber 1978 and January 1996. was about 13 years old in 1979 when the alleged crimes hap- pened. The victim was senr to Lyons for counseling, accord- HOCKEY Continued from Al ourselves and blame the game's loss on having too much time to rest, practice and focus on what they needed to do in the finals In order to win, there were other factors that lead to the loss. First and foremost was the skill and playoff savvy of the Devils. This is a veteran team Lead by veteran players such as Martin Brodeur and Scott Stevens, and along with them cornea a cast of solid trhot spectacular players. Guys like John Madden will continue to give the Oucb 6ts on the penalty lcill unit and wtlJ rake every advantage they can get to make something happen otrensive!y when on a defensive role. Guys like Jamie l..angenbrunner wOl be 10 doee to Paul Kariya that we will not tally be able to discern who fa wearing the No. 9 Jersey. The Devils showed why they have been to the ftna1t thfte out ot the lalt four yean and why they haw two sc.nley C.Up rtnp on thetr ftnpn. In .. fa&mell. the Dtvtli wtte lbe belt teem out Oft the lee and dominaled ill lll*CJ OI the ~ 'lblJWllft lhe wwor In .. line ... and UIDCbaed •putpa...,.onlbepalt ...... ftfllllldlD .... , ' chairs and olher popular IXEA items. Rachel Rogers-Beny, 25. drove from her Silver Lake apartment to pick up a few off-white dinner plates. A moYe from North Carolina neces.sitated some home furnishings. After wandering though the store's crowded ~ Rogers-Berty decided she wouJd come bad another day. The Costa Mesa IKEA is double the size of its now-closed Tustin counterpart at City Hall and solutions. The question before the council on Tuesday night was not whether to rebuild City Hall. only whether to spend $578,185 to hire Griffin to create sc~ematic designs for a new facility. But that question proved too tough to answer in one night The council agreed to bring the matter back in two weeks after the public has had a chance to weigh in. Griffin's presenlation painted a rosy picture of ways in which a new City Hall could help pay for itself: a 15% increase in worter efficiency. valued at about $2 million a year, nearly $100,000 a year in energy efficiencies: and ing to a detaiJed report the dis- trict attorney's office released. The report says the victim told officials that Lyons engaged in sexual acts with him during these counseling sessions. The report also s ays Lyons molested the vic tim's brother and that the two men reported the aJleged crimes lo a repre- sentatjve of the Catholic OlUrch in 1995. The victims said they have had al least three meetings with Catholic OlUrch officials. Giacomi said the church did receive the 1995 complaint from the brothers and sent Lyons on an "eight-month treatment and evaJuation: af- ter which be was determined to be ·n~t at risk" to young people Deputy Dist. Atty. Beth Cos- tello, who is prosecuting the case. said normally ln such cases there must be proof of turnovers and outnumbered attacks, whJch made the Ducb the ones needing to make adjustment.s. The Ducks certainly were not at their best, but the good news is that they know it It seems unimaginable to think that having made It to the finals. this team would not be ready to play at the highest level. How and why did this happen. and will the team be able to bounce baclc? I am sure there have been many coaches who have uked that &ame question, and one more coach may have just been added to the Ust The answer ln layman's terms Is the brain simply got ln the way. Too much time to prepare is what this performance bolled down to. Too much time to get the X's and O's down. getting pumped up. And then the waiting. Aa the old clidle goes. huny up and wait. Man old coach once l8id to my teMlmatea and t -and I won\ cMwJte bJI Mine-WI IMkk to the ~plan. 1bla, o( COWM. la an old bocby ad8ee, cA l.teplnj It Simple, SCupld. The DUc:Q limply haw. pt bKk to .... lhe litde ddr'8i dwry blw done IDd bl pedent and ""* for lbelr opport\lnlda ....... .,. ..... ~noooewm pillftiallldr....., IDr tbl Ouc:b, ............... , ...... <Jllpl'l-.,od. ........ and boasts 9.000 products in 308,000 square feet of space. ·it's pretty overwhelming," Rogers-Berry said. "It's a lot to look at" Others said they played hooky from work to pick up a coffee table or another inexpensive Item. Denrus c.atiero. 1:1, droYe up from his home in Aliso Viejo. .. , did have to take a day off: c:afiero said "I told them I was woddng from home.· The day. as well as the opening about $300 a year in revenue from the parldng structure. The parldng structure income would come from charging for off-hours parldng. City Hall visi- tors would not be charged for parking. ·we can get by with remodel· ing; there's no question about that," City Manager Homer BJu- dau said of the entire project. "But about 130,000 people a year visit this complex who aren't city employees. Do they deserve a City Hall complex that better serves thelr needs? We believe they do." Councilman John Heffernan disagreed. • l think government shouldn't '. _. we have never had evidence of the behavior he is being charged with: Shirt Glacomi chancellor of the Diocese of Orange, on Denis Lyons "substantiaJ sexual co nduct.· She saJd the prosecution in this case had four witnesses other than the victlm who have corroborated hli. account. ·This is a very strong case.· Costello sajd. Lyons is free on $100,000 bail. aMARATKcovers public safety and courts. She mav be reached at (949) 674-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes.com. to be human and seemed to fight the puck on occasion. As for Glguere's counterpart. the Devils' Martin Brodeur, he needed little help in fending otf the 16 shots, few or quality. he faced In registering the shutout In the match up of former players from the trade, the Devi.ls got what they needed from former Duck Jeff' Friesen. His game-winner early ln the second period and empty-netter late in the third capped otf a two-goal performance and earned him the game's 6nt star. The Ducks wW chalk tbla one up as a learning experience, put it behind them and m~ on to the next game. Thia team only loo.ks at the next game at hand u the most important one. Coach MJb Babcodc wanta b1s team to coocentrate on the present. and that wOJ tab care of the future. Gema one jkbn are gone. and here ii tho ,...Mmton thilt If the l'IY' don't budde down Ind play the way they h8ve tn cbe prevloul --their fairy tale wOI coroe to an abrupt end. uq • cl8llk: DIMMy rncme.. you know cbe girt pea the guy or the underdos Wint In the end. aooc:t ..,. Wlb Ira .nd lhele llJYI *recm..W,pd. Look ... mor.1'161Md MWacro.dil .... la ..... two -"-ibll-. ,_ laotfar a ...................... .......... .,.Oft. ~.should bring in solid sales. said Joseph Roth. the 5Wedlsh company's director of public aJrairs. Roth declined to release i;ped6c data. "\'k're expecting a very busy and suca!SSful ....-.end.. Roth said. • fWJl QMTON OOl/'8f'I the environment. buslneea •nd politics. He may be reedled 8t (949) 764-4330 ()( by e-mail 8t paul.clinton@latime&oom. get bigger. It should get smaller," Heffernan said. •tt may be couched ln efficiencies, but it will still say to the dt:iz.ms that we want a new, bigger City Hall." Others, said that City Hall is "busting at the seams" and that something must be done. if nor now, soon. "We're the most aftJuent city in Orange County, but we have the crummiest, most ratted-out city haJJ I've seen." Mayor Steve Bromberg said. •JUNE CASAGAANDE covers Newport Bueti end John Wayne Airport. She may be reec:hed at (949) 574-4232 or by •mail at /uM.UUQr•~fllalimn.oom. CUP Conbnued from Al think this is a very healthy com· petition. ... It's often mentioned throughout the year.· Although not all schools within Newport-Mesa have jumped on the Pilot CUp band- wagon, Mcintosh atill has hope that next year will bring in more students. more teams and more volunteers. "We get a tremendous re- sponse from the kids . . . but we're still not getting that extra effort Crom the parents,· be said. "I guarantee you that kids want to play; (next year), we'll just need someone to pump it up." • CHAIS11NE CAARLLO covers education end may be reached et (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail et chrinlne.carrlllotllatl,,,..com. ' . • . Ttusday, May 29, 2003 Al the IKJA grand opening ·by the numbers ... . ~ . fiVe people will be chOsen randomly to win their ~re purchase free every claY throUgh iune 111 ... everybody else will win amcWng savings ADM\c:hoir.~/birdl [i.g. $69) $29 ORUST Rower box [reg. $3l) $t)'S ORUST bench [reg. $39) $CJ9S . . . I , I M Thursday, May 29, 2003 o~ Pilot -FORUM . HOW TO GET' PUBLISHED -UU..: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. aay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNdera Hottfne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu; Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mell:Send to dailVPilot@latlmn.com •All oorTespondence must Include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all aubmlaalona for clarity and length. EDITORIAL A watchful I eye·atOCC A n important story has unfolded on the campus of Orange Coast College. one noteworthy for the community that sends its children to OCC and for the student journalists who uncovered it. Those students, in particular· the editor in chief of the campus newspaper, ·Mike Billings, and its copy editor, Matt Ballinger, decided after weeks of investigation that a student budget committee, charged with doling out more than $700,000 in public funds, had met three times in closed meetings in violation of the state's open-meeting law. • The paper, the Coast Report, detailed these findings in several stories and an editorial, in which the paper called on the committee to open its doors and allow its actions to come under public review. Campus administrators - who suggest that the students' motivation maybe less about journalistic principles and more about. the reduced funding the paper received -said that if the student committee is in Violation of the law, known as the Brown Act, they will open the meetings. They argue, however, that the law does not cover such student groups. "We will do whatever we have to do to exempt (the budget committee) frbm the Brown Act," OCC President Gene FarreU·said. ~The reason is to protect the students because we don't want our students exposed publicly by anyone in those dellberations. The students can be pretty critical. and they are not treated like they are in the outside world. We don't want these students to take that kind of criticism. We want to give them a taste of it. We want them to grow into it." That sentiment is understandable. even laudable. But sentiment cannot supersede law. And judging by the Coast Report's detailed coverage and thJi opinions oflawyers, the Brown Act would apply to the student budget group, which handles public money. The act -named for its sponsor, Assemblyman Ralph M. Brown -became law in 1953. Over the years, court decisions have augmented the law, the Legislature has made its own changes, and major revisions were made in 1994. Its basic premise is simple: "IBJoards and councils and the other public agencies in this state exist to aid in the conduct of the people's business.• the law reads. "I! is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly. "The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants their right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created." That needs to be true, whether in a city haJl or at a meeting of student leaders. lt is imperative that the Newport-Mesa community remember that, and that residents remain vigilanc to any violatipn of the law. Those residents should also be thankful that there are wacchdogs in the community such as Billings and Ballinger. Their work helps us maintain a free and ot>en society and is at the root of what is best and most imponant about journalism. REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK Pa inting from a family brush Paul Clinton Daily Pilot his wife, Dorothy {with various hair colors) as a romantic gesture. L ong Beach may be home, but it has been Newport Beach, at least of late, that has helped me better understand an important element of my family heritage. On May 17, the Newport Harbor NauticaJ Museum PAUL CLINTON Up front, a long case shows Gleason's maritime sketches for a number of national magazines. On a far waU, Gleason's work in Hollywood, as a storyboard and sketch artist, shows that he worked in some 20 films. premiered an exhibit about maritime painter Joe Duncan Gleason. Gleason, who is called a "true renaissance man" on the exhibit's opening placard for his painting, musical gifts and athletic accomplishments, is my great-grandfather. I can say, somewhat uncomfortably, that before this exhibit, only splinters of light had entered the dark cave of my understanding-to borrow from Plato -of this man. I had only seen a handful of his ship paintings on the walls of my grandmother's home. Museum curator Marcus De Olevrieux teases the exhibit - called "Joe Duncan Gleason, Rediscovering Calif omia's Marine Art Master" -by placing a few of Gleason's paintings on the rounded wall leading up to the museum's upstairs hall. They're only nuggets of the gold mine to C'.lOme. A utp dw"Sb the Will>it bears out the hefty openii\g bllling; u Gleason'• multiple aki1ls are revealed. One d.itplay caae, toward the beclc. holds bis 11 national tides on the f1ytng Rinp, photos ot Qeuon and other ethledc memorabO,la. A leCOnd C9M ahowl bla; • cOffimeida1 p.intin81t on I.he ... °'old oranp and lemOit er--. In Which. ht iocorponled But the exhibit's crowning achievement is the range of ship paintings on display. Gleason clearly saw romance in those old clipper ships; he captures them in loving detail and rich colors -experimenting with impressionistic and realistic styles. The heavy brush strokes of "The Argosies of Yesten:iay, ~ from 1930, reminds me of some of Monet's garden paintin.gs. The colors are different, though. "Schooner Malabarl, ~ also from 1930, is Winslow Homer as painted by David Hockney. "The Homeward Bounder,~ painted in 1951 and based on several earlier paintings, highlights Gleason's eye for . nautical detail. . OYeraU. the paintings give a glimpse into an earlier time, when sailing ships were wed for Work (to transport cargo) as well as pleasure (to go out for a sall). It's an exhibit that'a perfect tor the boating community in Newport Beach and should draw aolid crowds until lt doees in September. For more lnfonnadon. call the mueeum at (949) 675·8915. •MUI. CLINTON cowni the enYfronment, bullneM end polltlca. Ht mev be l'9ldltd" 1949) 184 1330 orb¥ ~I et jillUl.dltJfon.l~oom. MAILBAG FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT With the decline in business at Triangle Square shopping center in Costa Mesa, these two have the escalators all to them selves. Triangle Square was doomed from the start No amount of promotion will tum Triangle Square into a successful retail center. This was an ill-conceived project from Day l . All the important details of a retail center were misjudged on this place. On-site parking is difficult; pedestrian access is diffic'illt because Triangle Square is sandwiched between three of the busiest intersections in California; and once there, it is difficult to na\ligate between the different stores and caf~s. But I feel the most imponant thing is the psychological impact or the architecture. This has to be the least inviting building in Southern California. To me. it has the impact of a citadel built to repel attacks from armies, in this case armies of shoppers and diners. At one time, I did make the effort to go there to buy books. Since the Borders store opened across the street. I've not felt any compelling reason to go to Triangle Square or patroni7..e any of the other establishments there. There are simply bener and easier options. 1 ·m sure the Planning Commission and City Council were attracted by the high-density retail environment that promised to bring in needed tax revenue. I have no objection to that concept, but this wasn't the way to go. The sh oppers and diners have voted. Even with quality anchors like Nike, Barnes & Noble and the Virgin Megastore. the level of draw simply isn't worth the hassle. I applaud the Yard House for making a go of ii in this difficult location. but they offer something unique: good food, good atmosphere and hundreds of quality beers. One last nit to pick. r always felt the name Triangle Square was simply a little too cute. J've lived in Costa Mesa since I 954 and if I had to point to one thing and say the city "blew it ," it was in approving this white elephant. This small tract of land at the intersection of two or the busiest streets in California could have been used to place something beautiful and inviting. But no. we're stuck with Triangle Square. ALAN SANDOVAL Costa Mesa Letter touched on part of Memorial Qty thoughts That was a very nice letter from Carl Ossipoff honoring those who have lost their Bves in war ("Memorial Day is not all about sales and sleeping in.• Sunday). Tributes appear and speeches are made and tears are shed at Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. But the real sadness is tha.l we continue to follow the same pattern that affords the occasion. It is clear that the way we think about ourselves and the world does not make for peace. (By "we· I mean all people. no t just Americans). Surely, we must come to an awakening and find a way to live and let live and stop the lc.illing o r we are all doomed. Violence seems to be the ruler of the. day within countries. between countries. in all corners of the earth. Ju~t because it has always been so is not a reason for it to continue. Stop the violence. There has 10 be a way. BmS HARLEY Costa Mesa READERS RESPOND Commissioners have their say AT ISSUE: Should members of city councils be allowed to speak during city commission meetings? Y our question as to ''should council members be allowed to speak at other city committee meetings?" misses the issue. Newpon Beach has many advisory committees; some of which have City Council members on them. Council members routinely attend and participate in these meetings. The Planning Commission alone, of all city commJttees, is a body that is charged with holding public hearings on legislative and quasi-judJcial maners affecting zoning and use of property. Some of these matters go automatically to the City Council for final approval, and others may end up there on appeal by citizens or council members. These matters become highly technical and are governed by complex state and local laws. Because of this, most legislative bodies in California have appointed planning commissions to conduct pubUc hearings on these matters. This lightens the woddoa.d of the city council and allows the city council more time to deal with other municipal matters. For this to work properly, the city council must have faith and confidence in Its planning commJsslon and planning commis&loners. Jn addition, the planning commisaloners need to feel the freedom and ability to evaluate each Issue before them on an independent and tnOuence free basi1. In general, the planning commlaaion tbould refteq the philosophy or the city council, but ihould feel ftee to mike each decision based upon the facts and not upon what tt th.Inks the city council want& Each dedtlon should be a reftec:tion of weighing the fac1U&l lnfonnadon ipinlt city poUdel and awe and 10<*1 r.onlng and planning lawa. Any lnterfeftnce or appem.oce of lntetference ln this procets lsbn= Ara by dry cOUnCil memben Ill .-.... oommlM'Oll public~ can be interpreted as such. Council members testifying at planning commission hearings raises the level of improperness. Furthermore, it questions the ability of the council member to be objective and impartial in ct matter which may be before the city council when the council member has already taken a fonnal position on the matter at a planning commission public hearing. The current Newport Beach Planning Commission has the backbone and integrity not to be influenced by such behavior. However, if this were to become common practice by City Council members. the Planning Commission could become a compromised body which would do Urtle to serve the interests of the citizens of the city. Councilman Olclc Nichols' unfounded suggestion that planning commissioners were Mtaldng money for this one" is almost laughable. However laughable, it cannot go unchalhmged The success of government Is only a strong as the public's confidence in its integrity. To make such an unfounded comment and have it widely reponed in the press only undermines public confidence and further reinforces the feelings that many in our society have toward govemmeot. As such, It is an affront to the current Planning Commtss.lon and does a great disservice to the many hardwor:king and honest city staff and citizen volunteers who give countless hours of their time for the betterment of our city. CoWldlman NichoJs should cease attending a'nd spea.lcfng at Planning Commilsion public hearings and he should publicly apologize to tbe Aannin3 CommlNl.on and the dtir.ens be serws (or hit Improper behavior and unfounded clwf!a. The btll cannot be un"'r\Jl\8. but •udl an apology would pudtUy undo the dun.ge hJs behavior ha done. EDWNI> llUCH Newport Beach Planning Commialoner Newport Beach A clarlftcadon of the queltion la In aider. Sloce eoundl membln cMli ·comm1.,....,.1 beHew the~ .. . should refer to "commissions.'' City commissions do not include council members. The "committees" research. investigate and dJscuss issues facing the city and make recommendations to the city council They do not ma.Ice decisions for the city. On the other hand, commissions do make decisions directly affecting residents. The members of both the committees and commissions are appointed by the city council My response is ,to the question, Should councU members be allowed to speak at commission meetings? Commission meetings are public meetings and must abide by state law (Ralph M. Brown Act) governing public meetings. Since council members do not give up their rights as citizens, they are entitled to speak at these public meetings and cannot be prohJbited from doing so. As City Atty. Burnham states, this Is a matter of decorum, so outright prohibition is not an option. The council could agree that they will avoid such testimony, but I hope they do not. The council appoints commissioners. This could lead people to conclude that commissioners give more deference to a council member than to an aver88e citizen. Thls is both unfair to the commissioners and to the council members. Both have been democratically chosen to do a job, the council by direct selection (vote), and the comm.laaloners lndi.rect.ly by beins appointed by the elected otfldals. It ls un.realilt1c to believe that the two entide. operate ln ltoladon from each other. Aa a mident, I prefer to have council member comment.a on commission bualnett aired In • pubUc forum and to be part or the public recon:L A& a commllek>ner, J lnvlte and encourage comment at comm•eMn meet1np &om Ill memben of the public. lnclucUJll cound1 membea. A penon' reput.ad,oo, aperdle and underMandlng of the attuadon ii what ghw dwn - •t.andln&. not dMlir tide or= • ~ leldlAni_Ccllllllllll* ... ,..... COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP " INSIDE CITY HALL Here are a few of the hems that the Planning Commission discussed 'I\Jesday: MARTIAL ARTS STUDIO The applicant, James Poindexter, requested a permit 10 establish a m artial arts school in an industrial complex at 775 W. 17th St The applicant chose #lfll4MD this site iru.tead of a commercial site because this s11e already has a large open area that would work well for the studio. Staff has determined • that there is enough parking for this use. WHAT HAPPENED The studio wa.., unanimoul>ly approved. CURVE Conbnued from A 1 nephews and niece-. -c1ll buried in Decatur Cemetery, many o f them, including my own two mfant brother!'>, tragically young. II was changed IO Memorial Day to commemorate all veterans. but on a richly green, c;lighlly rolling several acres of land just outside Decatur, 11'5 '>till Decoration Day. loe McCarthy came back into my lire a few weeks ago. McCanhy would have been pleased to see hi!'> name on fron t pages once again. 50 year:. after the salad days when he had been a fi xture there. The current cataly!:>t wa'> the public release of long-sealed transcripts of secret hearing'> McCarthy conducted in the early 1950s. ·me newly relea~ed document<, underscore the enormous damage that can be don e by public official<; uc;ing their office to make reckleso; and unsuppo rted charges against people in the name of p rotecting our safety. The televised McCarthy hearings that ended Wlth auomey Joseph Welch saying. WI lave you no sense of decency. senator?" and McCarthy's censure by Senate coll eagues had an enormous impact on my life. I had quit my only real postwar job a week before the hearings started and spent my first month ru. a freelance writer glued to the 1V set when I .,h ould have been out hustling work. No I lollywood we<,tern ever had a clearer depiction of good guys and bad guys than these hearings. I can still .,ee McCarthy's boy sidekicks. the oily Roy Cohn a nd the smarmy G. David Schine. whispering into the senator's ear while the patrician Welch, his bow tie at half-staff, awaited a new allack on his often bewildered Army d 1ents. I would hope thal McCanhy's WHAT rT MEANS The martial arts studio can open in an induslJiaJ business complex. TOWN CENTER DRIVE MASTER PLAN This is a conceptual plan for the improvement of the portion of Town Center Drive between Parle Center Drive and Avenue of the Arts as a pedestrian-oriented, public plaza linking the major arts venues with the South Coa~t Plaza Town Center Theater Arts District. The plan provides for vehicle drop-off and valet parking areas, a pedestrian crosswalk and a central public plaz.a. A major goal is to create a unified #Arts Campus" through the development ol a significant public space. while maintaining adequate acces.., 10 developments nonh and '>OUth of Town Center Drive. WHAT HAPPENED The commission downfall -caught vividly in a documentary called .. Point of Order .. -is an integral pan of the American history being taught in our public school'>. A'> Sens. Collin., (R-Marne) Jnd l.evin (0 -Mich.) '>did in a preface to the just-released tramcript!'>: "These hearing'> art' a part of our national pa'>l that we can neither afford 10 forger nor permit to recur.· an admonition those who didn't live through this period -and e<,pecially our current attorney general -might con1>1der. There were a lot of mixed reaction., -many of them cynical -to the careful staging of Pre!>ident Bu.,h\ arrival, in full flight gear. on the deck of the aircraft carrier Abraham Uncoln IO uddress servicem en returning from Iraq My reaction turned more IO irony. It c;ent me to a book called "I he Slipstream." a kind of college yearbook put o ut for thl' Naval aviation cadets who fimshed night training and won their wings in 1943 at Corpui> Olrisu, Te~. I'm on page 137. in the graduating class of May 29. 1943 And. sure enough. ju'>t a'> I remembered. three page'i and two weeks later i'> the picture of 16-year-old En!>ign George fl Bu:.h. He went on to n y dive-bombers in combat m the south Pacific. And he really did Oy off the decks of earner-.. which was never considered appropriate to turn into a photo-op while he was president. t-=inally. you will be reading this on Bob Hope's IOOth binhday. I le will probably die some day, but it'!'> hard for tho<te of us who grew up with I lope inextricably in our lives to imagine that happening. I was writing lfoUywood profiles in hi!> waning performance years and had the privilege of spending some time with him. One of the things we did was enjoy a day wandering through the museum of personal artifacts connected to his home and now servin~ sandwicheLand salads catering platters available Purchase Any Whole Sandwich or Salad And Receive A Free drink. Must Present Coupon At Time Of Purchase. Llmit One Per Customer. f.xpl~ 05/31/03. postponed any decil>io11 until July to give the stakeholder:. -Orange County Perform111g Arti> Center and South Coast Repertury more ume to make the plan morc con:.l\lenl wllh their development agreement'>. WHAT IT MEANS 'l11c wmmis..,ion will rnn!>lder the itrm agarn in July. SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT fhll> would inrnrporate the !heater a11d Art' l>1'>trict Plan into the North CoMa Me'>a 'lpenfll Plan I he apphtant ... Jrt' thl• Orangl' C.ounry l't·rlorming Art'> Centl'r. 'louth ( .oa'>I lkpertor\ < .o nunonWealth Paruu•r... .111d C,ou th Coa<,1 l'l.11a 'ltilfT h.t' ht•t·n workmg \\-Ith rlw .iflt•ctl•d landownl·r. over till' pu .. 1 'l'vt'ral month' to dt·fi1w ct11d develop th1• allowing h1111 to u·call the 11n u111 .. 1.111t l''o of t·ach di-.play. I pt1lll•d up 111y 11ott''> lrom thJt J.iy, and ht·rl' <1re a ll'W of the th111g-. ht· told lllt' • ·· 11w gn·.111· .. 1 Imm of l Ollll'll'r 1' lt:JI 1ng dov .. 11 h1glll''' \\ lwn f 1,ilkt'd ahuut I i...t•nhtl\H'r , gul 1. pl'upll• 11-.cd to -.t n·a111 ht'< ,1u ... t· I"·" t.1k111g h 11n d1w.11111th1·11111111H111 llldll a' ii had goH1·r .. NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. June 9 • WHE.RE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (71 4) 754-5245 Theater Arts District Plan. The first draft was submjned in January 2003 and a i>econd draft in March 2003. The plan contains elementi> '>uch a'> public right-of-way improvement'>. private improvements and special evenb. WHAT HAPPENED The commission po<itponed this item for the ~e rea-.on a'> the previous item. WHAT rT MEANS flle commission will consider the item again in July. -Compi/Rd fry /Jetrdn> Newnum health. for physical condi11on and I exerc1!>e every day. I '>lay in 'hape. I could go three rounJ., right now with I lcrmmne liingold." • .. When a na 11on cull'> on u ... for hdp. we mu ... 1 help them . but \.\t' mu ... 1 never agam makl' t lw m1...iake of Vietnam • • .. I lo\'\. 1 Jn you '.I~ thc1t World \\,ir II \\-ii' .i pupuldf war. •·People put a label on you I \\ .. ., only a ha" k ... o far a'> I wanted to see U'-wm and get our ul Vietnam I have 'ieen the rl''oUlt'> or fighting In the 1nte111>1ve care ward<, and rhe h11rn ward'> \\Then you '>mt'll burned Oei>h, a'> I have 1n three \'I.Jr'>, you don't like war an~more. • .111d V1l'llt.1111 \~J'> unpupular7 Wht1t \\.ir < 1111ld ht· popular whl'll k.111, .m· g1·11111g k111ed7" • M1tl IH'll l r-.un. the d111·c ror of 111} fir,1 rrlll\ 1c. took nw to lum h <1nd told mt• that pu rurt'' <trt' a 1111 d1flnl·n1 from tht· ... t.1g1· hl•rauw 111 p1t1ure,, yuu do 1•v1·ryth111g with your t•yt·' '>o ii you w<1t1 h .. I hank-. for lhl· M1·1110111''· .. l'w got noa1111g l'yt·hull .... tll 0\l'r thl· place 11 \ rht• ... u•n1· that kept Int' Ill till' lllllVll'" .. •"I hl•.tr JH'oplt• ,,,y to lilt', You lll'Vt'I -.top' .ind thJt\ not true I'm J 't11 ldl'r for I once asked I lope why he wa-. doing commercials after '>Ul ha long and diMingu1-.ht<.I t arecr. and he -.aid: "When I stop working, I die ... Maybe that will never happen. So. happy birthday. Buh Hope. • JOSEPH N. BELL 1s a resident of Santa Ana Heights His column appears Thursdays Thursday, Mdy 29 2003 A7 ~ In case you haven't noticed the hottest boutique hos hit the ever-popular 17nt street. THIH fllENDS voted #1 boutique in Orange County is now accessible to the savvy Newport and Costa Mesa shopper. Three Friends offers cutting edge fashions, os well os traditional favorites at great prices. Popular labels from Language, Lucky, Hordtoil, Tn1>ol and Live a Little col- ledibles · to name o few. Undeniably the best in customer servi<e · if they don't hove your size they con get it * from' one of their other 3 locations. Anal~ o boutique for all women and every hodge. It's great! It's hot so don't miss out! -Wtttellff Plua · ..... rt l•H~ • t49.S4'.tUt M Thtxsday, May 29, 2003 NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD WRAP-UP INSIDE THE DISTRICT Here are some of the decisions coming out of Tuesday's school board meeting. 2003-04 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT Paul Reed, assistant superintendent of business services for the district, gave a presentation on how Gov. Gray Davis' revisions to the s tate budget, released earlier this month, would affect the district. While the exact effects will remain speculative until the budget gets legislative approval, Newport-Mesa can anticipate a fiscally tight vearahead. t-laving prepared for an cverall Joss of$4.89 million, about $75,000 more than the governor proposed in his May revision, the district's preparations will aid them through the state's budget crisis. To compensate for the loss of state funds, the district will have to reduce extra positions and cut back on infrastructural materials, school maintenance, raises, etc. Reed will present a budget to the school board for approval in about a month. The district's budget will he based on the figures within the May Revise. WHAT HAPPENED The board did not take any action on the presentation, but rud express its rusmay at the fiscal future of education across the state. CIVILITY POLICY Barry Barowitz, direc10r o f seventh through 12th·grade curriculum for the district, presented a new board policy, along with rules and regulations. on civility for approval. The policy. created by a task force of principals, parents and district administrators. defines appropriate and civil behavior on the part of parents, employees and spectators while at school or district events. The policy strives to promote mutual respect, civility and orderly conduct among people within the district and lays out NEXT MEETING •WHAT: School board meeting •WHERE: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa •WHEN: 7 p.m. June 10 •INFORMATION: (714) 424-6000 consequences and procedures for those who display unlawful or uncivil behavior. WHAT WAS SAID • rve longed for a policy like this that stated from the beginning what was and was not acceptable behavior," said Tom Antal, the principal at Estancia High School and one of the members of the policy's task force. "I look forward to a time when this is truly saturated in the community so people understand what is expected of them at a Newport-Mesa event." WHAT HAPPENED The board approved the policy and emphasized the importance of maldng parents and community members aware of it. -Compiled by Q1ristine Carrillo This Week@UCI Arts May 29-June 1 Beall Center for Art & Technology. Reading Fra11kenstein: An lmmersive Theatre Experience. Using layered digital projections, brain imaging and a virtuctl rno~ster interacting with a lrve human actor, the performance examines the ethicaJ reper~1ons of .sCtenufic research from the monster's point of view. 8 p.m., Beall Center. Free, with rel>t'rvation May 30 & 31 UCI Opera. 'de111ity Cmis and Coffee Date. Robin Rulk directs students and members of lhe Southland Opera in the world premieres of one-act operas by graduate composer Jason Barabba and professor Bernard Gilmore, respectively. 8 p.m., Winifred Smilh Hall. $8-$1 2 May 30-June 7 Orama at UCI. Hair. The American tribal love-rock mw.acaJ. 8 p.m. Friday, May 30 and Saturday, May 31; 2 p.m. Sunday, June I; 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 4 through Friday, June 6; 2 & 8 p.m. Saturday, June 7; Claire Trevor Theatre. $10-$15 Presentations May29 International Center for Writing & Translation. African-Ammcan S~ech it1 Cloool Culture. A perform- ance reading and book signing with poet and playwright Sonia Sanche-t. 7 p.m., Crystal Cove Auditorium. Free Center for Global Peace & Conflict Studies. Waging War lawfully: Who Wtll Enforce the law? With Loui.K Arbour, justiu of the Supreme Court of Canada. 7~30 p.m., Social Science L«ture Hall. Frtt June4 University Oub Forum. Comavmg tht PM«: Rcs<1"rres, liwlihoods and Stcurtty i11 Northtffl Pakistan. With Richard Matthtw, associate pTo6 r of international and environmental politics. 11:30 a.m., Univer ity Oub. S?.50, includts lune'h Information: M9.UCl.WEEK (949.124.tJJS) www. .... UCl.edu/dP .5dMillilt ...-, "'~ ,..,..,_.•"""""'"~~..,._.~au. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AdlmaK-6 2860 Ctubhouse Road, Costa M esa Candy Ctoud, (714) 424-7935 Andenen K-8 1900 Port Seaboume, Newport Beach Mary Manos, (949) 616-6935 California K·5 3232 California St., Costa Mese Jane Holm, (714) 424-7940 College Park K·3 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Mesa Carol Lang, (714) 424-7960 o.vis4-6 1050 Arlington Drive, Costa Mesa Cheryl Galloway, (714) 424-7930 Eastbluf'f K-8 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach Charlene M etoyer, (949) 515-5920 Harbor Ya.w K-0 900 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar Mellissia ChriS1ensen, (949) 515-0940 Klilser 3-0 2130 Santa Ana Ave., CoS1a.Mesa Daryle Palmer, (949) 515-6950 Killybrooke K-5 3155 Killybrooke Lane, Costa Mesa Kathy Sandlez, (714) 424-7945 Unc:oln K-8 3101 Pacific View Dnve, Corona del Mar Barbara Haddock, (949) 515-0955 '"' ~ ''Meet.the W-ninwker" ~~29,2003 St()() ,, 8:00 ,. .. Mtte W~ l.tt NaWi,t ud P.nc Dmninget from QllllM'il ViM)'atds of Puo Robles. In Su L.11 ~ C>uniy. Oumcia ai--y .. ) ii 1k ..cXn1 Grcidt WOf'clfor~ l.tt and Elie will lie . ClwmcU v_,_i.v-....-.~.Pinoc Nair. Matoc. c..r...a ~ and ~He ... cfucu. W1M maliiog •a,~ YW)'lllb. Mer:.waK-8 2100 Mariners Drive, Newport Beach Pam Coughlin, (949) 615-6960 Newpott Cout K-8 6655 Ridge Part Road, Newport Coast Monique VanZeeBroedc, (949) 515-6975 Newpoft Elemenury K-8 14th Street and Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach Denise Knutsen, (949) 515-6965 Newport Heights K-0 300 E. 15th St, Newport Beach Judith Chambers, (949) 515-6970 Paularino K-3 1060 Paularino Ave., Costa Mesa Patricia Insley, (714) 424-7950 Pomona K-3 2051 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa Julie McCormick, (949) 615-6980 RN 4-6 601 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa Ken Killian, (949) 515-0905 Sonora K-3 966 Sonora. Costa Mesa Christine Anderson, (714) 424-7955 Victoria K·5 1025 Victoria St., Costa Mesa Judy Laakso. (9491515-6985 Whittier K-3 1800 N. Whittier Ave .. Costa Mesa Sharon Blakely, (949) 515-6990 Wilson K·5 801 Wilson St , Costa Mesa Candy Sperling. (949) 515-6995 Woodland K-2 2026 Garden Lane, Costa Me.a Kathryn Hofer. (949) 515-8945 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS ENign lntilnMdlet9 7..S 2000 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach Mike McGuire, (949) 515-6910 TeWlnlde 6-8 3224 California St., Costa Mesa Jeff Gall, (714) 424-7965 HIGH SCHOOLS Corona def Mar 7-12 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach Sharon Fry, (949) 515-6000 Costa Maa 7-12 2650 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Fred Navarro 9· 12; John Garcia, 7-8, (714) 424-8700 &uncle 9-12 2323 Placentia Ave .• Costa Mesa Tom Antal, (949) 515-6500 Newport Harbor 9-12 600 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach Michael Vossen. (949) 515-6300 Attemative Education Center Badl Bay Cont. High School Monte Visu High School 390 Monte Vista Ave., Costa Mesa Diana Carey, (949) 515-6900 Middle College Hliah School 2701 Fairview Road. Costa M esa Robert Nanney, (714) 432-5732 ADULT EDUCATION Adult School 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa Diana Carey, (949) 515-6996 White Front Pharmacy 'v ·1. "1 I O• .11ltiE' Cu1111f ~ 1• ir ·.' 1 • • I" Cartls • Boolu • S11ndms All Insurance Pl.ans Acu putl 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Brtstol (714) 540-2882 Let them know how proud you are! A special page will publish an the D.llly Pilot on Fmf,,.,., JunC' 10 to honor our graduates. For your daughter, ..on tm•nd or !>pC'< tJI sorrwone b<· a part of 1h1s tribute for only $40.00 (2x2 adJ. r 111 tn the> rnrm helow and mitt! 11 lo us with their photo. Be sure to pul the nam<' and .1cidu">s un rhe b.tek ur the photo and we'll return at to you. Graduate's lnfonnat1on=- Graduate's Nam<'.------=-------- School Name: ___ _ About thew ad11t1I<' · / f11'1bw~ tnlf'rl'\h. or tut11r1• p/.111, IL1m1tNl tn ·W 1\or<I m1•si..11:r1 Submitted by: Name:---------Phone:------Address : _______________ _ Credit Card No.:--------Exp.· __ Signature for credit card:----------- (If you prefer, you may MClose S40 check mack payable to Dt1ify Pilot ~, Mafl·th1s form with photo to· '2()()3~· DAILY PILOT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Df:ifdl!nc. Fn<f,w. hmr I Jth NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some of the decisions coming out or Tuesday's City Council meeting, FOURTH OF JULY The council approved two measures to llmit Fourth of July crime and public drunkenness in West Newport. As it has ..,.~ before. rhe city will reroute traffic during peak Fourth of July hours on portions of Seashore Drive and the I 00 blocks of and alleys between 32nd Street and 54th Street. Balboa Boulevard, Back Bay Drive and Newpon Boulevard. That consent calendar item was approved without d1scu~ion. An Item later on the agenda drew some comments. The Hem was a second reading of an amendment to the city\ alcohol ordinance. The ordinance will now prohibit stores from selJing liquor out of their parking lots or from trucks, tents or booths during the holiday. The rules apply throughout the city. WHAT THEY SAID: "This is not proh1b1uon." Councilman Gary Proctor said. ·nus I'> just proh1bi11ng selling alcohol OUI or 18-wheeler' from \tore parking lo~ It make<. no sense that anyone would oppose this..· MEETING TAPES A long-!>tandmg concern of resident Dolores Otting that residents can't get cassette tapes of Planning Commissjon and council meetings could change. The council agreed with Otting that it's time to look at purchasing equipment that would allow the city to make tapes for residents. The problem is trickier than it sounds, though. Because meetlngs in City Council chambers are recorded through the microphone system for broadcast on cable television, the system is not compatible with machines that use standard -size·audiocassettes. WHAT rT MEANS: It was not an agenda item, so no vote was held. Instead, the council asked staff to report back on the cost or • buying the necessary equipment WHAT THEY SAID: ·1 think we ought to look into some land of system that's compatible,~ Mayor Steve Bromberg said. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Open seats on five city hoards and commissions have drawn a record number of applicants -10 I . Of tho .. e, 31 applications are from residents interested in taking over Shani Agajanian's vacant seat on the Planning Commission Agajanian '>tepped down last week because he was movrng out of town for work rea'>On'>. The council will begin interviewing appucants fo~ all the positions. but cauuoned that 11 will only be able to interview the top NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 7 p.m. June 10 • WHERE: City Council Chambers st City Hell, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: AgendH and staff reports ere evelleble onllne aeverel dey1 before each meeting at www.city.newport-beach.ca. us. For Information, call (949) 644-3000. third from the applications they received. MARINAPARK HOTEL A two·man council committee will help guide staff on dealing with a tricky issue: lease terms for a possible luxury resort on the city's propeny ltl ,MMD at Marlnapark. The committee will consist or Councilman Tod Ridgeway. whose district includes the site, and Councilman John Heffernan, whose position as a Greenllght-endorsed councilman could represent residents concerned about the project. The comminee will consider issues such as whether the state will designate the area as tidelands and how to deal with mobile home park residents who now live at the site. They will also weigh in on hiring consultants to do envtronmental, economic and financial studies of the project. The hotel project is subject to voter approval. No date has been set for the project. -OJmpiled by June Casagrande llenlll Lynch, S•lomon Smith B•mey, Morg• St•nley •nd other brok•r•g• firm• •greed to $1.4 Bllllon Settlement. Govemment •ttomey h•v• c•ll•d their conduct, -the l•rg .. t fr•ud ever perpetu•t•d on th• Investing publlc. • .. If you have lost money or had your retirement savings • devastated due to stockbrokers Investing your hard earned ' savings Into risky or unsuitable Investments, you may~ able to ~over your stock market losses. The Original MIKE'S OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-M8de furniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture • Draperies. Shades. A .Decill>r1*11 Thursday May 29, 2003 Banking Like the Good Ol'days! The rugh-quaJity service of yesteryear is becoming more difficulc co find. Butac family-owned Firsc Bank, we have been providing this level of ~erv1Ce since 1910 and will continue co do so. So join us for a week of fun from June 2nd -June 6th in celebration of our Costa Mesa Grand Opening. Register to Win Grancl Prize Drawing• MONDAY: "FREE Checking" Day Spin to win a prize when you caJk to a Firsc Bank representative about Free Checking!• TUESDAY: "Trust" Day Do you have quescions abouc Trusc accouncs? Vintage <:a!$ wtlt oe on °'~ii.,. A trust artorney will be present co answer aJI your questions. Lunch and door prizes will be provided. Please R~ \'P WEDNESDAY: "Just Say NO to Taxes" Day Would you like co kn ow more abouc alcernaci ve investment)·· and cum:nt nurke1 sicuacions? Join us for a semi nar w gee )'Our questions amwt:rcd. I und1 J.nJ Joor prizes wi ll be provided. Please R.) VP THURSDAY: "Kids" Day A day for you and your kid~. Fim Bank will have J. coloring conce~c, t.Kt: pJintir1~ and KidCare Phoco ID Passpom. In addition, a ~pecial minor ,avinp J.\.o..oum '"II be offered. FRIDAY: "Business Banking" Day Firsc Bank will be offering a bustnes~ seminar. Door pm.c::\ will be prrn llk·J. Please RSVP. For more information, stop by the Costa Mesa office or visit us at www.firstbanks.com. 3001 Harbor Blvd., Ste. C Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-668-3080 • No purch2.SC nc:ccss.arv <...r~nd prtu dr.iwang end\ -I -0 i •• C:C:.rtam producu ofi'c:rc:d in con1unct1un w11h 1hc<c: ~r.1<.'"' ~re: noi I-DIC m'urcJ 111:1 li(UJr•lll<' Ir' tit K., "-1•1 any govc:mmcm agency. ~nd m~) loi.c value: .. llT&UICll a•a1m•NC1 11IZ.•12 IZ. 2•• ~11$79 SHOP l/.jJJ s~ CllGIPICD s15e 1111. ISSllTD Cllll 1ma a ncmam 98 14" lllllOWlS S JIB ""':' ·~ UP TO 50% OFF SELECTED GIFT AND GARDEN PRODUCTS.I And ... don't forget DAD on Father's DO'/ -June 15th. Gonahl hos a great selection of gifts for him/ AlO Thursday, May 29, 2003 Ill . . L,._.""n.•ra.wu. -~" 314" GOLDEN MAPL£ DENSE SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~(L • wtalltd with Pad S J 69 • Minimum 60 yards sq. fL ~wertlne 18" • 18,. ••• : ••••••••••••••••• '4.21 ... n. Cera.Uc nle •••••••••••.•••••• i.......u~4 ,.,.._ '4.9 ... n. J4mlnate Wood ............. ..._. ..... ,._ '4.99 ... n. S uppl/111 ond Tool• tor th11 •Do It Your-.111F--.1• All pr/cc>1/pr-'u~bl !Oro llnrltfKI l/nr11, IHt.slld on •-lhfb/11(1/. 1374 ...... A•e., Salte F • COSTA MESA ~ (888) MESA-777 ·--<ss12> - *NILnl. It All le 5 ne -~-.-Ill Ml. It All .. I nc (CJ.051D Sll!fDAY) Wl&f .. -'dSP -' y · \;:?JlunnwJJuJl y · CONSIGN •DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessories For Your Home Wicker/Glas.s Coffee Table ...................................... $94• Square Drexel Heritage Coffee Tablt..---........ $100- Round White Wicker Table .................................... $140" Small Game Table ................................................... $150" Mahogany Curio Cabinet.. ..................................... $178" Leather Sora ............................................................ $238" Pineffile Topped Table w/4 Chairs ........................ $250" Green Chenille Sectional ........................................ $995" 369 E. 17th Street# I 0, Costa Mes~ Located behind Plum·!. Patio one Hours: Mon-Fn JO:OOam-S:JOpm, Sal IO:OOam-S:OOpm. Sun 10:00am4:00pm of coin-operated equipment to be auctioned off: coin-op arcade *'6o games, Jukeboxes, plnballs, kJddle r#dfs, -.. ,,,. Ill fW ,_ '' b II lfl 00#7 MISS THIS ONCE IN A UFETIME OPPORTUNITY TO START YOUR OWN . ••n•un••nnrr lllllllY llY.3111 • AROUND TOWN • ~ AM>UND TOWN ltemato the Dally Alot, 330 W. Bay St., Cotta MeN, CA 92627; by e-mail • to mika~MOn•latlmn.oom; by fax to (Ml) ~170; or by calling (!MS) 674-4298. lnc:lude the time. date and location of the event, u well•• a contact phone number. A complete llstlng '8 available at www.dallypilotcom. TODAY Op,~ origlnel Callomla lhstyte brand, and Projekter: Action Sports Cinema announce the opening of the Op Summer Surf Serles at the tldo Theater at 9 p.m., with a ecteenlng of the orlglnal 35--milllmeter print of John Miiius' 19608 surf epic ·Big Wednesday.'.' For more lnfonnation, call (949) 722-2219. M.dam Justb Lou-. Albour of can&da's Supreme Court will present ·waging War Lawfully: Who Will Enforce the Law?" at UC Irvine's 12th annual Julius Margolis Lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Social Science Lecture Hall 100. Arbour will discuss the use of national and intematlonal courts for prosecuting war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Admission is free. For more information, call (949) 824-6410. Mariners Christian Sdloors Middle School Theater Class will present "Mary Poppins" at 7 p.m. May 29 and 30. Tickets are $4, free for children younger than 5. The school is at 300 Fischer Ave .• Costa Mesa. Call (71 4) 437-1700, ext. 188 for tickets or information. FRJDAY St. John me Baptist Catholic parish's fourth annual carnival will be held on the church and school grounds et 1015 W. Baker St. through Sunday. Hours are 5 to 10 p.m. today and noon to 10 p.m . Saturday and Sunday. Information: (714) 830-7204 or (714) 825-0520. SATURDAY The cultural traditions of Japan, France and Mexico will be showcased at a two-day international festival at the Newport Beach Central Library. Culture lovers of all ages are invited to the free events presented by the Newport Beactt Sister City Assn. For more infonnation, call (949) 717-3870. SUNDAY The10th•nnua1Balboaltland Parade, "Celebrate Balboa Island." will take place at 11 a.m . along Marine Avenue. For infonnation, call (949) 723-4177. St. Michael and All Angel$ Episcopal Church presents "Jau Vespers for the Soul# at 5 p.m . It's the final free concert in the 2002-03 Friends of Music First Sundays at Five series. The church is at the corner of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue In Corona del Mar. For information, call (949) 644-0463. AIDS Walk Orange County wi1 hold it• <>pening ceremonies at 9 a.m . and will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the UC Irvine Administration Loop and Chancellor's Rose Garden. Participants will walk to raise funds for HIV/AIDS prevention and tupport services. To form a walk team or support the event. call (949) 955-1400 or visit www.sidswalk.org/oc. "Celebrating Young Talent" at 5:30 p.m. In the Robert B. M oore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Ttdcets are $10 for general admission and $25 for VIP seats. Free tickets are available for select community-based organizations. For more information ot tidcets. call (800) 323-0267. The ..... fty lllltireentllC wll be held In Coeta Meu'e Downtown Community Center In Uont Plfit. Judging begint .t 1 p.m., wfth stage ann0unoementa at 2 p.m.· Baby reglstntion and Information forms are available 9t C.l'a Camera and StAlte Farm lnturance In Co.Ill Me.a. Registration Is $6. Forms must be malled by Mey 23 or toed to (714) 435-0191. For more infonnation, call (714) 649-4961. TUESDAY P.K. Odle of the Ameftcan Feng Shui Institute will explaln how elemental remedies are implemented to complement your decor et a 7 p.m . seminar at Visions & Dreama In Costa Mesa. Reservations are required. For more infonnatlon, call (626) 288-1669. WEDNESDAY The Friend9 of the Newport Beach Library will host a complimentary bn.mch and annual meeting for members 81 10:30 a.m . in the Friends Meeting Room 81 the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, author of more than 70 books, will be the speaker. Reservations are required and must be made by May 28. call (714) 596-5276. The N9wport BNCh Junior Chamber of Commerce will present "How to Get the Best Out of Yourself; a presentation on how to reach one's goals, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Coco's Fashion Island. The cost is $10 for nonmembers, free to members. For more infonnation, call Anna Lisa Biason at (949) 645-9897. JUNES Edgar ftMlist Denise Hamlhon will return to the Newport Beach Central Library at 7 p.m. to present •The Crim e Novel as Cultural Study." The be$t-selllng author will discuss "Sugar Skull; her new novel, and how her journalism badground led to writi(lg fiction. Call (949) 711-3816 for more inform81ion. Parent Hetp USA will hotd an open house and members mixer from 4 to 7 p.m. to show the public its new facility at 330 West Bay St., Suite 120 in Costa Mesa. The open house will feature music perfonned by Diana D'ltri and Aidt Shannan. The public can make free.will donations at the door and participate in an auction with several drawings for prizes from local businesses. Call (949) 650-3461 for more lnfonnation. JUN£6 UC trvine Alta8ridge pt aaenta World Dance Day, featuring Orange County elementary school students performing folk dances from Mexican, Vtetnamese, European and Native American cultures. The noon event at Aldrich Part on the UO campus Is free. For information, call (949) 824-8942. JUNE7 Macy'• South Coast ptaza and Teen People magazine will host a Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featuring the latest looks from Roxy, Hurley, O'Neill, Billabong and more at 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coast Pfau'• women's store. For more information, call (714) 656-0611, ext. 4231. &om.or.e Carae Soup KltdMft will oetebrate Its 17th anniversary Garibay from 6 to 9 p.m. 81 720 West 19th St. in Costa Mesa. The Rag Day dinner/auction will feature Chef Leon M athews. Ttdcets cost $45. All proceeds will support the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen Hunger Reli« and Tutoring Programs. Make reservations by May 27. Call (949) 548-8861. For underwriting . Page Private· School A brand new c.mpus with 95yNnl of experience. E'rarafary Sdtooll •PC le Mme CGmsi1t1r La .. •S«ase .,_.....,.......,...,, •Sdeeet t.IJ •s.aa a.. s ... e7rh•te Sw' ... Pool ese:n.. C• 1ktllw •1......,_,A••11r •After Sdielt .......... rnlldntfl opportunities, catl {714) 801-2354. JcMrt luwl CW.lllllln. one of UM authors of •Healthy Dining in Orange County; for a eeaiof'I about healthy culslne 81 your favorite restaurantt In the Bloomlngdale'a Home Store In Newport 8eac:h from t1:30 a.m . to 1 p.m. The$1Sadmlsslon Includes a signed copy of "Heelthy Dining In Orangf1 County:" Space Is limited, and tld(ets must be purchased by June 1. Call (949) 729-6854 for more lnformatJon~ The Adams~ Country Fair will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2850 Country Club Drive. The fair will have a silent auction, a 50-foot inflatable obstacle course, a JG.foot Inflatable slide, a dunk tank, numerous games, prizes, food, drinks, a bake sale, a OJ, a guest band and more. call (714) 424-7935 for more information. Become a member of the Hospice Pteferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminally ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team is seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmedical needs, such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, reading to patients, paying weekly social visits and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for more infonnation. St. MlchMI and All Angel$ Episcopal Church will present a sem inar that poses the question, "Does Biblical Interpretation Contribute to the Plight of the Holy Land Chris1ians?" at 9 a.m. The church is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona def Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-0463. JUNES The Orange County Women's Chorus present rts 2003 spring program, "On this Island." at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The concert of island-themed music begins at 7 p .m . and will include the chorus directed by Eliza Rubenstein and "Men In Blaque; an ensemble directed by Joseph Huazti. TI<*ets are $12 and can be purchased in advance at (949) 451-8590. Loven of live vocal music •re invited to "The Summer Knows;" a free musicale at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beacti Central Library. M ignonne Profant and a guest pianist will present the final program of the library's musicale series. featuring tunes of Gershwin, Jobim and LeGrand. For more infonnation. call (949) 7 17-3816. JUNE 11 Jeanne Aint from the Af:rhMMr'a A.asn. will present "Focusing on Memory Loss" from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria St. Com Mesa. The presentation will addrets various causes of memory loss and diagnosis and treatment For more lnfonnatlon, call (949) 646-4652. The Balboa Bay Republican Women Federated will hold its "Scholarship Awards" winners luncheon at 11 a.m. at the Bahia Corinthian Club on Bayside Drive. For more information, call (949) 515-8677. JUNE 13 lnvanton Forum prasanta a seminar on •intellectual Property Law" by Edward Schlatter, patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m. in Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Halt Registration and networting begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. Call {714) 540-2491 for ...... ......... lnfonnatlon. JUNE 14 ful SpectNm 'tb9ll .... pertnered will New Clfec*>I• b'W:Jman to halt "C.eleb• ig 'Mdel-:. yoga IN~-......... bel..,.ig women IN dti9'I Bved tiv the "°' iproll New Oitediol • b''M:mell. Ali•...,,, la free, IWld donationl ...... w:J The., U-d9y event,,... be at f1'I $pedrum 'wbga in~ Beed\ For monl .. infomlation. call (949) 966-1966. JUNE 18 Piftll Brtoandl, Orange County an:tlMlt. v.tl dila.-what II In the ardWea as they nUl8 to C01ta Mesa's hisllOry et 7 p..m. at the COila Mesa Hiseorical Society, 1870 • • Anaheim Ale.. COila Mau. For more infonnation, call (949) 631-6918 or visit www.amhistprflSs.com. JUNE 19 The National Muttis>M Sderoth Society v.tl Pf988'1l an ln'8met eruc:etional p1ogram caled ·e QJidado c.iioo de la &deioais Multiple~·~ broadcast on dinical an of~ ---8t 500 p.m. To conned. go • to www.nationslmssociety.orp, select ·uving with M S" and then select "Webcasta and Conferences." JUNE21 Become a member of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and meke 8 difference in the lives of termlnally Ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team Is seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmedical needs, such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, reading to patients, paying w eekty social visrts and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (71 4) 980-0900 for more information. JUNE 23 ChildNn 5 and older a,. lnvtt.d to register for a variety of summer aquatic camps offered by NelNport Beach Recreatioo Services. The camps run through August. with numerous morning and afternoon options available. from "Sailing and Tennis camp" to •Surtcamp:" can (949) 644-3151 tor ITlOf9 information. or register online et www.city.newport-beach.ca.us. Vofunteef drivers .,. need.cl to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound,. frail or elderly clients Incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through •Mobile M eats; sponsored by FISH·Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. .. A variety of prfwta, Mm~ ; and group swim lessons wlll be : offered this summer 1t the • Marian Bergeson Aquatic Centat : at Corona del Mar High School. : Options include one-on-one ins1ructlon on Saturdays and• Monday through Thursday • program for all agH and levels. • ! For session dates, time• and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. : .. • Children, tHns and Mtuha can now register for summer •• recreational boating clasaes offered through Newport Be.ch • 1 Recre81ion Services. C1asses begin July 12. Fees vary. Call Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport • Blvd. for more informatio n. Prot.Nlonal and bnMd aocc. . trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available , for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more • information, call (949) 395-5103. : ..... ,......... s,.. .... .... ................. --'-.... ..... "' $ lo I '11• 1*11111111111111 .. ., SOC I ETY Tlusday, May 29, 2003 All 1 THE CROWD Devoted to community I t's a love fest, not merely a fashfon show. The Sisters of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart presented the 25th annJversary celebration of MGentJemen's Haberdashery" at the Hyatt Regency, Irvine. A sold-out ballroom led by honorary co-chairs and longtime supporters Tuny and Melinda Molao brought in heavyweight community support for the sisters and their Heart of Jesus Retreat Center in Santa Ana. The center, wh1ch a project near and dear to the heart of Newport°\ late Gen. Tum Riley and hlS wife. Emma Jane. ~rves children and teem. in Ordnge County. Ille '>1~1er..' 8. W. COOK mission 1s to brmg children cloM!r to a splritual awakening. infu<,mg a morel.I compass in the race of -.erular abu..e all around us. The goal i'> not political Rather, in the arena of a world torn apan by politic'i, power and innuence. the center lb meant a'i a refuge. specifically for children. who may need a peaceful experience morr than adults. Inasmuch a'i the home may not offer the security for children that it perhap'> once did, the s1ster"I want ctuldren to know that love exist<, 111 lhc world. The mission is tied to the theology of the Roman Catholic <llurch. and hecau..e of this. there may be vmr~ of objection. The crowd auendmg the fund rai<,er was ecumentcal garhenng of community leaders and role model-.. including Catholic.\, Prote<.tanl'> and Jews. The adult" were toud1ed by the presence of children who had come to !>ing and distribute hand-made card'> expressing apprcc1a1ton for the SISier." work. The Moiso faJmly wa.'> jomed by a host committee that mcluded Leann Reny. David Celeslln. Keith Eyrich. IUc:hard Hunsaker, Emmy Lou JoDy-Vann, Nicole Lawson. Kitty Leslie, Jim McNaman. Robert O'HUI. Robtn Merchant. James PhllUpe and Nathan Roeenberg. The theme of the event was ~25 Years of Grateful Love. -For the seventh year in a row more than $230,000 was raised. After a group prayer Crom the words of St. Francis of ~isi. luncheon was served, and com1c Sieve Ireland joined Melanie Salata Atdl at the fashion show podium as emcees of the presentation. Ireland is a brilliant wit. capable of poking fun at everything and everyone. He bas the timing of a latter-day Bob Hope and the contemporary view or Jerry Seinfeld. "They told me I could be edgy, -he repeated after lines that cut to the chase on many contemporary issues, including some directJy addressing the Catholic Omrch As the male models paraded the hotel runway, including Antonio Cagnolo, Gilbert Aguirre, Rldwd Reisman, Richard O'Nelll, Robert Bein, Michael Brandman. )Mon Brand.man, Patrick Wayne, Father Stew SaDot and Monsignor Paul Martin, the crowd applauded with gusto for the community support and the message of goodwiU. Others on the runway were Newport's Buck Bean, Denny Bean, Ryan Bean, Donald Kennedy, Parter Kmnedy, Marc Lamkin, Tim Strader. ~Ocha, George O'C.OnneU and Paul Salata. Tony Moiso made a point of paying mbute to late commurnry leaders Tom md Emma Jane Riley, Slsttt Ida Peterfy. who launched the program. and the late Bjorn Sedlenkh, fonnerty with P.0.S.H. Fashion Island. Sedlemch had been a mamstay of the men's fashion event for many years. Sadly, Bewrty Salata was not in anendance this year. joining husband Paul and daughter Melanie in worlcing for the cause. Beverly was W for the 'ihow and passed away last week from cancer. The devoted wife. mother and communiry activist had a heart as big ~the retreat center she supported with her loved ones. • THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. Three generations of Newport gentlemen, Buck Bean, Denny Bean and Ryan Bean. modeling 1n the Gentlemen's Haberdashery fashion show in support of the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center. Robert Best and Paul Salata at the Gentlemen's Haberdashery reception at the Hyatt Regency m Irvine. Patrick Munoz and Father Matt Munoz, grandsons of John Wayne. model at the Gentlemen's Haberdashery fashion show presented by the Sisters of the Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart THESE NEW FABRICS "When you Expect the best• AUTOMOBILES • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE. II I! ..... • f •••••••••••• ... .... .,, .......... • a.defection Gu•r•nteed • Lifecime Labor W•rranty • Pick up & Delivery • Same Dmy Service Deelera Welcome! SERVING O.C. SINCE '1990 MON-SAT SAM &PM 738 \Ms. 17 Street Suite G Costa Mesa CA 92627 Tel (949) 548-4586 •Cell (714) 863-5637 - Lifetime Warranty Carpet $199 lifetime Warranty I.amiaate Co•taMe•a , ... , .... ,.,. , .... 17tll Gus Lifet;me 11 Warranty Ceramic $199 lifetime Warranty Wood 100°/o FREE No Questions ibked ...... t·S ...... tM • tAll9Ar tM ................. .... ... Ull ... lf........ . AlZ Tiuldl!Y, Mly 29, 2003 • DATBBOOK REELCRmcs 'Bruce' is mighty entertaining,~ 'Spellbound' is touching .... n~ Pay Too Much For Your Brakes CALL US •,~t;:'~\~~·'tT ~ ~ ;~ •· 1: ~ PERFORMANCE LTD HA~ROR BLVD 650 5860 ~,-_:-)TA MESA CA 949 .. · '. . •. :.',-._~ -... :. ~ >'/W I'.' PERFORMANCELTD COM GIVE .YOUR DAD THE TIME OF DAY, FATHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, JUNE 15TH. ISN'T IT TIME TO REMEMBER DAD? 'it RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD. ;:ili> JEWELERS 3408· 1 Voo Oporto, Newport 8eodi 9A9-673·9334 Curey all that matters in 'Bruce Almighty' I t appea.t'B only a man as insane and unsatisfied as Bruce Nolan would take on the all-powerful God . Maybe It was because nothing went right. Maybe it was because be had no control over what bappenedin his life. Or maybe it was because he thought everything granted to him in this woddwas unfair. In the comedy ~Bruce SARA SALAM Almighty," this man discovers what he truly needs to be successful and happy ln his life, which becomes a test between emotion and unworldly strength. As It begins. Nolan (Jim Carrey) ls a regular reporter for a 1V station in Buffalo, N.Y. He's one of those guys who tells the funny jokes that make a news production more satisfying to watch. But it always seems that he gets the stupid, morally degrading assignments to foUow up on, such as interviewing the local bakers who broke the record for the largest cookie ever made. One of his goals ln trus business was to be the head man on the 1V news, the anchor. F'mally, he gets his chance to prove himself while doing a piece on the anniversary of Niagara Falls. I le loses his self-restraJnt when he learns that Evan Baxter, one of his rivals, accepts the job as anchor while he is just about to perform his piece. As it happens, Bruce is fired. Here Is where Bruce gets his powers. I am at a loss to understand how he receives his powers; he just stands there while God (Morgan Freeman) gives him a lecture. In any event. Bruce becomes the recipient of these powers because he claims that God makes bad decisions. and he ---------- ' A~emi 1 ru1nua Sale 20-50% Offl Spring &: Sum.met Shoes and Accessories Save now ... wear now! The latest European influenced designs • Scsto Meucci . • Rangonl of Florence •Van FJJ Sizes 4-12 ins widths super-slim to wide - Pit. fashion and friendly scmccl COMING SOON Mari< Wahlberg stars as Charlie Croker in 'The Italian Job.· The film, also starring CharHze Theron, opens Friday. seeing bow hard theee kids tram · and study (some with almost military predsion), lt Is hard to comprehend bow they can withstand the tremendous pressure with so much grace and poise. As one parent wryty puts · It, Mlt's a different fonn of cblld ' abuse." Director Blitz chose his eight subjects well. The fllmmaken obviously developed a great rapport with each child "1d family -their candor about their feellnp and ambitions is fascinating. Half of the film Is devoted to their stories. so that when we see them reach the finals, we are rooting for every one of them to succeed. And each one does. ln his or her own way. One story stands out Angela Arenivar is from a tiny town in Texas. where her father worb 8ll a ranch hand. Her father entered the country illegally'20 years ago and still does not speak a word · or English. For the Arenivars. bet' academic excellence symbolius all the reasons her father came ......__ ___________________ _,~ to America in the first place. The feels he can do a better job. With these powers come responsibilities. but he doesn't anticipate that they would affect him as greatly they do. Because of the unknown risks I hat he takes. he exposes himself to I.he chance of great losses, these being his devoted girlfriend, Grace Connelly (Jennifer Aniston), and his own inner strength. 1lUs film was centered on the hysterics of Caney Not only is he an outstanding comedian. but he conveys the passion of his character very well It's not as though the other characters in the movie didn't make an impression; their efforts jusl weren't as measurable as that of Carrey's. To be honest, the title of thi'> movie should be "The Jim Carrey Show. - In all fairness, the movie was very entertaining. The plot could have been deeper. and the other characters could have had more importance, but overall, it was a good show. •SARA SALAM is a freshman at Corona del Mar High School 'Spellbound' is letter perfect It seems that smart kids are always getting shon shrift in movies. They're portrayed as humorless nerds who are subjected to ridicule or as potential psycho killers. Refre-.hingfy. Jeffrey Blitz's Oscar-nominated documentary ·spellbound· portrays them as neither. ~---~ This remarkable film lets us gel ·up close and personal" with elgh1 extremely bright kids of various ages and SUSANNE backgrounds PEREZ who competed in the 1999 National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C A uniquely American ritual fi.rst held in 1925, the spelling bee starts with 249 contestants. Over an intense two-day period, aJJ but one are eliminated After sight of her father's tears when she wins the qualifying regional competition ls tru)y a touching moment Through skillful edJting. we see just how demanding the spelling bee is. One mistake, and you're out There are no second chances. For some oC the kids, it's a relief that the pressure is off and they can get on with the rest of their lives. For others, the disappoinbnent comes not without some tears. It's great to see that. win or lose. the parents giw their children the wholeheaned low and support they so richly deserve. MSpeUbound· is a terrific movie that I cannot recommend hjghly enough. It has warmth, humor and nail-biting suspense. In these troubled times, when the media is always focused on the negative, it ls.heartening to -: see a reality-based film featurinJ: intelligent people who care - • about dolng their best for • themsetves and for their ~ families. And that Is truly the - American dream. -, - • SUSANNE P£REZ lives in Costa Mesa and is an executive assi9tant for a financial servic:el com~. C ...- • r-----------------------------r.~ LONI BEACH ~ CO/#, STAMP S COLLICTllLIS DH 40th Annual SUMMER Expo MAJ 29-JU#I I, 2003 ... the 1: $4 Mllllon I' King of Slam I 1104 I Dollarl t At the Long Beach Convention Center, 100 South Pine Ave, Long e .. ch, CA 90802 OVER 2,000 DEALERS OF U.S. COINS, FOREIGN &ANCIENT COINS, STAMPS, t PAPER MONEY, POSTCARDS, CIGAR LABEL ART, eBay l JEWELRY, COUECTIBLES .. .ANO MOREi ••mlnarar I N~w EDUCA 1101«£ Elr/:lIBJT S 1tC110N, SPO•eoJtSD BT nm Lo•o B&A.CB Com Cl.n t *• U.S. & World Coln Auctions by INSTMT ~ ADM1ss10N~.oo HERITAGE $$CASH$$~ ~ood For All 4 Days NUM ISMATIC' AUCTIONS BttngYourCoHec:tlbleetottwl HO.JIRI 0Mc1 .. ~et-. a.a._.. Show for Competitive C>fferec I. IThurs -Sat 10 am -6:30 pm from America'• Top Buyen l I Sun 10 am-pm LO#lllACHSHOW.COM AJIUnthl'OneRoofl I· I ei.oo OPP COUPON I ~-----------------------------~ 'Brt a k/aJt, £uncfi 6- t • DATEBOOK Ttusday, May 29, 2003 All I DINING REVIEW Z Tejas is a southwestern delight Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot Z Tejas is an oasis of calm in the bustling South Coast Metro area. The restaurant, at one of the enlnUlces to South Coast Plaza, tfltureS an outdoor patio and mellow music, creating a relaxing atmosphere that makes patrons want to linger over their meals. While the location and ambience are a plus, the Oavorful food is Its most alluring asset "Tuste without borders" is how Z Tejas tout.s it.s cuisine. The in1)uences include from Cajun, Southwest and Mian·inOuenced Pacific Coast. The results are tasty combinatiom that dazzle ypur ta.Ste buds like the Southwestern BBQ spring rolls. filled with smoked duck. roasted sweet com relish. shredded iack c:b.eese and ancho (chile)-honey !Jiubecue sauce. vl'he eclectic menu offers appetizers, entI~e salads, eptrees. Z specialties such as "Yoodoo Tuna" and scrumptious desserts. It also bo~l'> an array af award-winning margaritas. ·'I.Our chef is a master of cqmbining contrasting flavors with a wide range of ingredients,· partner Russ Klop said. "Our chef team i.-. phenomenal. They're coru.tam.ly ~up to me and shoving a spoon in my mouth and ~ying. 'Taste this!'" , The restaurant. which opened <W Sept. 20, 200 I. caters lO shoppers, busin~ people who woric in the high ~ across Bristol and patrons of the Orange Councy Performing Arts Center and South Coast Repertory. "We come here at leru.t once a week," said Usa Bennett<;. who was dining with colleague Arulene McF..nery on Wednesday a1'temoon. Both work across the st.reel. Coming fr1,f,J> . 1ur it• . '1 111, ~9.9s s~ ~ SETUP SOFTWARE ........ makes conll«ftng loss & easy' ~IVE email boxes, Webmail, Instant Messaging and more! lllltllll!ltl bs1 · Sl91 Up 011ine www.locoInet.com 949-642-4645 FYI Z Tejaa 11 at 3333 Bristol St., Suite 1876. For more information, call (714) 979-7469. The sandwich has a unique twist with a blue com tortilla in place of the traditional center toast slice. The sauce is the best part of the sandwich -a sweet, red pepper mayonnaise that complements the other ingredients. City Editor James Meier tried the Sante Fe house enchilada with smoked chicken, jack cheese and red chill sauce. He had various reactions to the degree of spiciness. MARK C DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Grilled shrimp and guacamole tostada bites and Voodoo Tuna appetizers are two of the many favorites on the Z Tejas menu. "The keyword at Z Tejas seems to be spicy,· Meier said. *Everything in the Santa Fe enchilada meal has spice to it. The enchilada iLSelf -chicken its main ingredient -has a delayed spiciness. A nice cola helps cool the spice, as weU. It's a decent enchilada, but nothing too special The rice is great, though. It has just the right amount of spice to make it interesting. The black beans have a slight spice to them, as well, but it doesn't do them any justice." Father's Day Brunch Chef Daniel Jimenez Presents F.ach meal starts with warm cornbread, made with pieces of corn. The bread is SQfter than you'd expect and hard to resiM. especially for the sparrows tha1 hang out on the patio. If you leave the cornbread skillet unattended for too long. the .,parrows wt.I.I swoop in and start mbblmg away-a good thing 1f you are trying to save enough appetite for the rest of the meal Z Tejas offers exotic appetizers such as catfish tortilla rolls and tradmonal ones such as the Four Comers quesadilla, which comes stuffed with smoked chicken, shredded pork or gri.!Jed vegetable. The Southwestern BBQ spring rolls offer a dramatic presentation. The rolls are served upright in the shape of a repee wilh a large com husk in the middle. Surrounding them is a colorful chile-honey barbecue !>auce. The first bite makes the tepee crumble, but the taste exceed'> the aesthetics of the d1.,h The !>Oft smoked duck is t•nhanced by the tangy, sweet ..auce and the light crust. rhe entree salads are hearty poruom. filled with chicken or tiout. The pecan-crusted chicken '>pmach salad 1s good, hut after tht.' duck, the chicken pa.les 1n companson The pecan crust 1s incredibly tasty, though, and a dollop of goat cheese is the glue that blends all the flavor., together. The lunch entiee'> include the 7 burger, house enchiladas, a <;mothered burrito and the blue corn chicken club Sandwich. When you are presented with the dessert menu. you are even more grateful that the sparrows ate some of your cornbread. leaving more room for scrumptious concoctions such as the ancho chili fudge pie, the peanut butter pie and the fresh fruit cobbler. The cobbler is a meal in itself and a masterpiece of a dessen. It comes in a skillet as fajitas do. with the bourbon-ginger caramel sauce sizzling like lava. The sauce sUITounds two hearty scoops of vanilla ice cream with seasonal fruits such as peach and blueberry and cobbler topping mixed throughout. It's the kind of dish that makes you feel Like you're in dessert heaven. Au..e ~ '11!~ ~ ~ .... & 'P~ ~~Sud,~~ ?K.·"···· &~ ()""-' ~ Scb.M (# C. 't:>tft Sc41U ~~7~ &. 7u 'PtWtA. " 'Puuu 'PC4/.c. ~ ,._ ~ ej c. ~A~ Sc4tU" ~ Sc41U. ?lt-t..td ~ 1/e~ltu ~~'P~ ~Sctu ,,.,,,~ & ?N.'""'• Sc1" 1-U.•cUMC{ ~ ~. ~~t>..~Suu.. ~ 7M4t &u.. Sc ... " ~~,.,,~ ~~ (Jkc~4~M A.J ~. ?K.d ?It.wt Servedfrom 9am -3pm $23.95 adults $12.95 children 5-12 Children under 5 EAT FREE Complimentary self parking People painting by Chris Fredy the Magic Balloon Man • 11 am · 3pm For Reservations 949-729-1144 1131 Back Bay Drive • Newport Beach www.newportdunea.com Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the hand~ of Private !Vlortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound soluti9ns for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Branch Manager complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. e Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans K!:t.. 949-253-4354 Privase Monpae Banker •. • A14 Thuf'sdly, May 29, 2003 Enjoy Savings of 15-50~FF Hurry in for best selection! Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything at below warehouse prices! New merchandise arrives daily! •. OATEBOOK THEATER SCR students staging world premiere ByTomTttu1 -"Florence, David & Art." people an opportwlity to better FYI w orid premieres are This play was written by Greg understand themaelYa 88 they •Florence, David & Art" will be Atkins, a published playwright attain dil[erent ~on presented Saturday at 3 and 7 nothing new at South and a teacher at SCR's Theater art and Ufe. p.m., Sunday at 1 and 6 p.m .• Coast Repertory. Every Conservatory for 15 years. The Teen Players -composed June 6 and 7 at 7 p.m . and June second or third production is Woolery will be in the director's of high achool students -is an ·8 at 1 and 6 p.m. In the Nlcholaa being bathed in stage lights for chair for this premiere. ensemble group of serious acting Studio. General admlHlon la $5. the first time, It seems. "Florence, David & Art" students who are selected by More lnfonnatJon can be What's good enough for the centers on a group of Amedcao audition after completing at least obtained by calling the SCR box pros at the theater's Segerstrom students who spend the summer two years of Young Conservatory office at (714) 7<&6555. and Argyros stages is certainly studying art in Florence, Italy, tralnlng. Each member of the good enough for the youngsters where Michelangelo's "David" ls Teen Pia~ will have a role on Playwright Atkins has directed studying their craft at SCR's in residence, hence the play's stage or d the scenes in and perfonned with Young Conservatory. title. "Florence, David & Art." imp~donal groups The Nicholas Studio -the like most teenagers, they have Costa Mesa students in the throughout Southern California renovated Second Stage Crom the their own agendas, with art SCR cast are John Hsiang and and is the author of •IMPROVI," old complex -was inaugurated school at various degrees of Carlos Ibarra. Newport Beach a popular handbook on with the world premiere of importance. Some are never (Jacqueline Legan) and Corona improvisational theater. now in "Orphan Thlin: The Lost without their setch pads. others del Mar <Alexander Scholnick) its fourth printing. Children" by Young would rather shop. And. of are also represented in the show. He was also a consultant on Conservatory director Laurie course, romance blossoms Others in the cast are Lisa the ABC comedy show "Whose Woolery. among some of the students and Ackerman. Diana Alvarez. Une Is 11. Anyway'?" This weekend, the their Italian counterparts. Brittney Chavez, Kelly Bllert. conservaiory's Teen Players take Atkins' play, set against a Nicole Gross, Dylan Johnson, • TOM TITUS reviews local theater their shol with another world background of the great art of Nora Mally, Anna Matthis. Eden for the Daily Pilot Hi1 reviews premiere in the Nicholas Studio Florence, offers the young Routledge and Elise St Oair. appear Thursday• and Saturdays . ... AFTER HOURS FOREVER BRAHM$ trio Sunday through Wednesday me. (949l 67>3474. .. . . The Pacific Symphony On::hestra, as regular entertainment at 850 under the direction of Carl St Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. MUSIC AT ntE PELICAN • Submit AFTER HOURS items to Clair, welcomes pianist Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and The Rusty Pelican offer11 the the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Christopher O' Riley, a Van 6 to 10 p.m. Mol}day through music of Common Ground from Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fa>< to Cliburn medalist, for its season Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. Wednesday through Sunday. The (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) finale at 8 p.m. Thursday and band perfonns from 7 to 10 p.m. 574-4295. A complete list is Friday, June 4 and 5. The WEEKLY JAM Wednesday and Thursday, from available at www.dailypilot.com. program includes Brahms' The Studio Cafe presents Monday 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . Friday and ·symphony No. 1" in C minor; Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. f1l/efY Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. MUSIC the Prelude to Act Ill of week. "Wanted" musicians include Sunday. The restaurant Is at 2735 "Lohengrin" by Wagner; and guitar players. bass players, W. Coast Highway, Newport INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Chopin's "Andante Spianato" and singen, drummen, keyboarcists Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. The cultural traditions of Japan, •Grande Polonaise Brillante" in \ and others at 100 Main St. Nev.,>oft France and Me><lco will be E-flat major. The concert will be Bead\. me. (949l 675-nm. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS showcased at a two-day given in Segerstrom Hall. A Players restaurant is now offering International Festival on M.4MMA GINA WEEKEND JAZl. IRVINE FINE ARTS CENTER 9th A.,nual J•rled ST-lJDIO ARTS FESTIVAL I Saturday. May 3t 9 &m-4 pm Over 100 Artisans Saturday and Sunday at the Newport Beach Central Library. A concert by the Primavera Orchestra, conducted by Peter Fournier, will launch the festivities. Inspired by the cultures of Newport Beach sister cities Okazaki, Japan, Antibes, preview will be given an hour before. Tid<ets cost $19 to $59. For tidtets, call (714) 755-5799. PACIFlC SYMPHONY'S JAZZ CLUB Jim Sett, principal tuba player in the Pacific Symphony Orchestra. live music from 9 p.m. to midnight Walter Lakota and David Alcantbr, every Friday and Saturday. Players the New Yortc Jazz Connection is at 512 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa. Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and WEEKEND MUSIC at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant Diana Ditri joins the duo on in Newport Beach pre54tnts Jeue vocals on Mondays. It's free. on the sax on Friday and and the Pete Christlieb Quintet will France and Cabo San Lucas, perform a special engagement at Information: (949) 673-9500. Saturday evenings and Sunday Mexico, the event will offer 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. June 7 in for brunch. The program features karate demonstrations and Founders Hall. Tldceta are $35 and MUSIC AT THE GRILL all your favorites on the Japanese calligraphy, Me><ican can be purchased at the center box The Bluewater Grill offers live saxophone. Anthony's isat 151 E. arts and crafts and French herb office or online at www.ocpac:.otp. music Friday and Saturday nights. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. gardening. The event is Information: (714) 556-ARTS. The Greg Morgan, Nldc Peper and Kelly presented by the Newport Beach Orange County Performing Arts Gordien (known as MPG) perform SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Sister City Assn., supported in Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, classic rod<. R&B and swing at 8:30 Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone part by a grant from the Newport Costa Mesa. p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and Bridge Band pley rod< and R&B IJt Beach Arts Commission. The MPG will perform classic red. 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Newport Beach Central Library is JAZZTRJO swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Hotel'• Trianon Lounge. 4500 al 1000 Avocado Ave. For more Gulfstream Restaurant in Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. information. call (949) 717-3870. Newport Beach presents a jazz Lido Part Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. •Live Music • Delicious Food • Free Admission • Free Parking To San Otego (949) 724-6880 ',...,,_ s..n Diego Fwt (405) -~ .. w .... www.lrvineFineArts.org 1021 Yale Avenue (in Heritage Park) ~ I _:@ ..... I NVESTING IN EDUCATION , , THE IRVINE COMPANY CONGRATULATES THE F 0 UR STUDENT :~~:,~ry·:~·, .. ,., FINALISTS Pu.<.Y Bui LJNn'W' I 'RUMAN h1.11u"' H1sh -..1"'''' With goals of becoming a surgeon, actor, teacher and judge; these four outstanding high school seniors are now bound for the most prestigious universities across the country to pursue their dreams. Over the past four months they have competed with 26 other outstanding young men and women for a $10,000 scholarship from The Irvine Company's Student f.eadmhip AwaTds Program. The awards program recognizes high school students from 15 high schools in the Irvine. Laguna Beach, Newport-M~ Orange and Tustin school districts who demonstrate outstanding leadership skills and the potential to make a difference in our community. All 30 honorees join an impressive list of 4 70 previous scholanhip recipients who have gone on to achieve their educational and personal goals. The Irvine C..ompany and The Bren Foundation haft made a multi-million dollar commitment to auppon the ou&At.andh• public schools on the Irvine Ranch -IChools that are consistently ranked among the One:sl in lhe nation. We rongratulate all 30 winnen and the fou1 finalists for their outstanding achiftanent. e 1111WOXWW Good ft I • GocsA to.a•• " . ... ~ . • • • - -------. •• QUOTE OF THE DAY EYE OPENER Daily~lfu Spana Ital ti fame Oaiy Piiot "What a great way to start the Daily Pilot Cup." Gunnar Goodln1, Lincoln boys 3-4 coach Spof1s Editor RJdwd Dwvl: (9491574-4223 • Sports Fu: 19491650-0170 tio ...... t.. ... _..,... ...., June 2 honotH JERRY DeBUSK Thursday, May 29, 2003 81 • ' . --~ 42nd annual athletic awards break[ ast • Newport Harbor A rea Chamber of Commerce Amy~ Nemed .... filMJ In It» Cit hilr ;no; ytleflbMI s-tof Pwdmec>-__..,.. An'8ftcln IOCl*'-.n. Wllh•3.86 GM,hwil ~"" lkMr1llly of ,._, MattOJoper r~lyPilot Team football player has a 3.4GPAand lettered'" beabCbell '°' t'NO yeers and football for three. He will attend Ei«>rgelown Umv•sity. KristinMdlune _,.~,_., ._..,,~ .... 4Jll8 ~and ~aU e:!" ShlMt*> ........... (Ft. ..... ~andCE ~IM.ft. .,iar.,.. Paige]anes Playedfoor years of varsity IOOCef'. She was also named first- team all- league for three yea,. andAll-Clf hef junior and tenior V'NW· With . 1 6 GPA.rhe will Mtend USC. ~~ llllrnMCI-' Ind .... ..... .... Gf .. W-NI~ ......... ,.,,... ... .......... .... ,... .. 7aylynn~ T~ .., _.,, .,...,, -~ ,.,.. ..... menw. .,...., C:ilpellr\ and W.lnhlr ... \19& HafdntaU ...... ,...,uc ... ........ In conjunction with the Commodores Oub, the Daily Pilot sends its best to the Blue Chip Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor high sch~I senior athletes at the Hyatt Newporter. ClaireAllen A=:.,w, waenamed to~ Al-ro.., ll8C>- Ofld..48ern 14-<:Sand was MVP of her 1BBrn and leegue. This 3AGPA~ dent will aaend ua in the ta1. Darfangan]ohnson v <*dfirst-"""~ leeguehil~ 1oranc1..- yeer,hewil ....., S...Arta ColllgetD c:onlinue pl8o,1ng foot- bel.Hewl .-Oplaylnt. CX>UnlV Al-Stw gameln"r. Artie Dorr · 'T'lis first~ I All-OF play- er lettered four years in swimming and water polo, was oo-Nfl/P Ill CF his jun- ior year and has a 3.2 GPA. Hewill attend UClA'" the fall NedbnPajeuic CoNNPln hS. V.W&Mgua ..... year int.-...... .,. Jaaiue1bw McOJy w:::a112 -.n,lheMI ..,,Mt/Pin ~two.,.... PINPantw t 11' bl ....... .. ..a and ¥1918 .... fmaCFhllt In~ Shl~-..t UCS..a.t.a. Amanda Qanpbell P: of"" o.itv Plol'•Dr..n T-.nin .... andagol MVPhlr~ loryeer,b -·~of 1oiea..1n golf, bllket· bel and IOft. bel. Thil 133 GPA lllldlnt w4111Mnd 8oltior'I UtMnly. Becky Ounmins ~year letter- in track and cross oountry, she was capblln andMVPd herl8am and had• 4.JGPA The PCl. champi- on in the 3,200 her senior year, she win attend Oet1mouth. Michael,MdJonald Nemed ... ...,, . ....... ...., loty-. .. ~ wmello off91 ... ~ofthe .,..,anc1 s-tofthe DllvPlctl Dr..nTesn. He wll be. Wlllc- on --•USC. Keith lo _ng Brittney Bowlus_ A four-year swwnm1r:ig and three- yearwatsf polo lettef- man.she was All-Clf her soph<>- more, jun- ior and sen- ior year in water polo She Wlff attend lJO.A Ill the fall. Nirole Mackey A= swimming, lhewil com..-ln hw.td ~ Gem.in ~In AuglJlt t.for'8 IGefdngthe Unil.wlicy of ..... Christina Hewko Withal.8 GPA.she wasClf Player of the Year in water polo t'NO.,..,.. in a row. Al9oa standout in swimming. sheWIH attend Stanford. Andrew<:Dk s.Nimmlog MVP wea pert of Newport Hart>ot'1 first Division lchampl- <>nlhip team. He's received a full 9ChoUr- lfliptothe UnMlnity of Utah. Blake Dillion four years 1n cross c:ountJy and tradl.. and played three years of varvty soa:el'. He . was also first team all- Jenna Murphy A:'~ in Wiiier polo, a was~ 1aln ofboch thewmr polo and MfrTI 1llllWns tw ..,.,,.,... ~· 3..6GPA.ahe wilaa.nd UCl.A in the fal. John Mann polo team JUO- ior and senlOf year, thts 3.0 GPA. four- player was *> first- team All-OF and All-PCL twice He Wiii aaendCal Beitelev I . --.... ..... .._ . -... . -... -. SPORTS ~ HIGH SCHOOL BO'tS VOLLEYBALL · Eagles go down in five games I Estancia·s · breakthrough season halted by San Gabriel .in CIF Division III semifinals. · Barry Faulkner DailyPHot WFSl'MlNSTER -ln a CIF Southern Section Divislon Ill semifinal showdown between a pair of boys volleyball programs that have climbed so high this season, it was mandatory some- one let go of the rope. Perhaps, then, it was fitting that a young Estancia High team that did just that was lhe only one of the two teams that will get another crack at reaching the OF title sum.mil Senior-laden San Gabriel (22-6), playing in the program's first semifinal, earned the chance to play in Saturday's title match, with a hard-fought 15-9, 15-11, 5-15, 10-15, 15-13 victory Wednesday at La Quinta High. The Matadors' triumph ruined a pair of courageous comebacks by the Eagles (29-11), who forced a fifth game after falling in the first two, then nearly overcame a 6-0 deficit in rally scoring. And while the Eagle players - only two of whom graduate, in- cluding lone senior starter Jess 1-lellmich -were obviously shaken after coming up two points shy of the program's first A player from defending champion Andersen shoots through Newport Heights defenders to score a goal in a thir<}and f otJrth.grade Pilot Cup game Wednesday at Farm Complex. STEVE McCRANK I DAILYPILOT Defending champions pick up where they left off with 6-0 win over Newport Heights. B?.c• Alderton OatlyPilot • COSTA MPSA -A smWng girl from Newport Heights Elementary Schoof said it best ·0ne girl wu twice as tall as me,• Lagne Moore Mid late in the leCODd half in wbal would tum out to be a 6--0 victory for Anclmwo'a third-and fourth...-&i.ds IOCCer team - the delending cbampkm -over Newport I' WO in Pool A Kdoo Wednelday in the fourth 1D11uaJ Ody Pilot Cup at the Fmn Spana Com~ ADdenen fteldl three teams dUI )WI'. Including the team that 0.1do Venturini coached ~ wbidi bu an fourth pden. N.wport ffel&hta has only lWO iM1h ....... Coach RobO...llkl. AadlrlD ... lpeed and ................ to Nlaplltl' W-wllhs.nh a.ts• ....... llewn wti ............. Lbieey ................. 9dl •• ...af .... GDC& '"'ltti .......... t .............. eo.-al!llJI l 'r __ _. ..... ._,.. .-;••q .......... ... ... ,_,..,, ....... . CIF final SCOfEBOMD appearance ln 19 sea- sons. Coach Thlcey Helms, was quick to put a memo- rable sea- San Gabriel 3 son ln per- Estancia 2 spectlve. 'Tm just really in shock and awe at how far we've come this season," saJd Heims, an Estancia alum who had seen firsthand the program's struggles that began in the latter half of the 1980s and continued through last spring. ''To come from last place in the Pacific Coast League (an 0-10 league record in 2002, before shifting to the Golden West League, where they emerged as co-champions this season) to a possible ClF championship is huge. When the season started, I wasn'~ mentally prepared for this team to be playing In the CIF semifinals. There were times last year when we'd whine over offi- cials' calls, then walk into the comers with our heads down. But this season has been about positive mental toughness. and that's what I was so proud of to- night After losing the first two games, we could have crumbled or we could have stepped up. The fact that we came back, as a unit ... I'm happy enough with that Wmning. after that, would have been just an added bonus. kills) and jwlior Lons Nguym If we had a lot of seniors, I'd be (14) also helped senior setter pretty bummed. But I mow 90% Steve Hoang produce 47 assists. of this team is going to play club Meanwhile, 6-4 Junior oppo- and we're going to come back site Josh Komepy paced the and be better next year. If we can Eagles' attack. amassing 26 kills, show anything close the same four stuff blocks and three ace growth spurt next year we did serves. Junior outside hitter Kris this year ... " H.artwdl added 14 kills, but mid- Growth spurt is not a term as-dle blockers Scott Sankey and sociated with the Matadors, Dallas Kopp became additional whose leading hitter is 5-foot-10, weapons for junior setter 'nevor bespectacled Johnny Fu. Holmes (59 assists), especially af- "We're small and we don't ter Matador blockers had some really look like volleyball play-success outside. ers," San Gabriel Coach Ouis Sankey, a 6·5 junior, produced Kwan saJd. "We have no club 16 kills and five stuff blocb, players, but our kids worlc hard while Kopp, a 6-4 freshman, and they battle. Our job, every added eight kills and three time we step on the court, is to blocks to underscore the type of earn respect" promise Estancia holds for 2004. The Almont League champi-Junior Brad Larsen added four ons, who upset No. 2-seeded kills. while Hellmich had one of Downey in three games in the the Eagles' six aces. Senior Carlos second round, earned plenty of Diaz also played in ttls final prep respect from the No. 3-seeded match, while four freshmen, Eagles. called up from the junior varsity, "We knew they could jump · experienced the emotional in- and we were prepared for that," tensity from the bench. Heims saJd. "But I wasn't real im-San Gabriel scored the first pressed with our blocking. We fiw pofuts of the first two eames. haven't really gotten much r-rac-but Estancia established some tlce against teams that can con-confidence by rolling in the third sistentJy hjt like they did" game, then led throughout the The high-flying Pu. who rou-fourth to send both teams into tinely eJevated his shoulders above their first five-game match of the the top of the net. led the winners season. with 21 kills. about half of which The Matadors reeled off fifth. were deft tips into holes in the de-game leads of 6-0 and 9-3, before fcnse. Pu. who pouaded the kiD the Eagles rallied to within 9-8. that ended the match. a,00 had a F.stancia again closed to within match-high seven st:uffblod:s. 13-12 and 14-13, before Fu But senior Francis Qiu ( 16 closed lhe show. DAILY PILOT CUP GIRLS 3-4 • amp1on s ac WEDNESDAY'S SCORES at Co•ta Mna Farm Complex KaiMf No. 1 5, Pop 0 Andersen 6, Newport Height• 0 Marlnert No. 1 2, Mariners Christian No.12 Newport Elementary No. 1 4, Davia 1 St. John 10, St. Joachim 0 , Htirbor Dey 4, Card4tn Hall 0 Anderaen No. 3 5, Callfomla 1 Olqoe 5, Lincoln 0 1be action for Andersen wu up front. with QaJg Anna Venturini and Caitlin Baker each tallytng uslats. Andenen built • S-0 ad at baJftfme. With the game tn cootroJ tn the l«Ond halt Andersen worked on ball bandltng etms and open1ng the~ lanea. '"They dkf well, Claudio Venturini aaid ••• Daily Pilot Trevor Holmes laments a missed shot during the CIF semifinal game against San Gabriel. At left, Estancia's Josh Kornegay digs during the CIF semifinal game against San Gabriel at La Quinta High School on Wednesday ni~ht. PHOTOS BY KENT TR£PTOW I DAILY PILOT GIRLS 5-6 Gomez leads St. Joachim to win with four goals Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSTA MFSA -Speed was the name of tfte game for the St. Joachim fifth. and sixth-grade gtrls soccer team that outscored California. 4-1. in the second half. Sara Gomez typified lhat speed as she scored four goals. leading the Sea~ to a 5-2 victory over California in Pool B play of the Daily Pilot Cup on Wednesday at the Costa M~ Farm Complex. St. Joachim trailed, 1-0. throughout the first 20 minut~. but Coach Jack Gomez hardly worried. Jack Gomez noticed the Cougars were in a certain defensive set which proved to he perfect for the Sea Kings. St Joachim took advantage just before halftime and with four straight goals in the second half. BrookUrmsonscoredwgive California the 1-0 lead early in the game. Then Sara Gome?~ who pJays for the Wo~ck under-13 club team, scored the first of bet" four goals in what became a familiar scene for the SeaJ(inp-g ona breakaway. St. Joachim took its first lead. 2-1, after Sara Gome-z scored in the 8rst minute of the second half. The Sea Kings then scored three straight goals on breakaways.includingoneby l.Auren DeVoy and the other two by Sara Gomez. who completed a scoring sequence made for a highlight reel that gave St. Joachim a 5-1 lead Sara Gome'L d.rlbbled past two defenders on her way to the net and just before she shot she faked inside and gave a slight tap to the ball to the ou1Side. In the procesa, she went past California's goalkeepet to have a dear shot of the net. and wtth a btt oC noncbalance. kkhd the baD that t'Oled IOrDe five yards and into the goal. California's NultUn Tulbihcbi rounded out the ICOlfng. She ICOfed from 8bcRJt 20 yards out wilh a bending kick that found the net. In ocher girts 5-6 action: WEDNESDAY'S SCORES at Co1ta Mesa Farm Complex Davis No l 6. St John O St. J08Chim 5, Cahfornla 2 Marinefl 2, Harbor Day 2 Pop 5, Kaiser No. 3 l Newport Heights 6, Dav11 No 2 0 •t K111S11r Elementary School 1(;11ser No l l 2, Harbor Vtew No. 1 0 Harbor View No 2 4. Rea No 2 O Carden Hall 2. Lincoln 0 • Devis No. 1 6, St. John 0: Sisters Amy Gentling and Dana Gentling each scored a goal while teammates Courtney Gfterl, Breanna Arellano, Anna Tabeo and A8hJey Rendon added goals for the winners in a Pool G match at the l·ann Complex.. Strong defense provided the shutout. • Carden Hall 2, Uncoln 0: Goalie Oa1re IAyton made a nice save at the end of the match to baclt the goals of Ouisdna 0'1bula and lAIUftll Da ..,ua in a Pool C conte5t at Kaiser. 01busa scored in the 15th minute and Draganza in the seam m nunu e . • Harbor View No. 2 4, Rea No. 2 O: stwye e.tlan scored two goals. while Unduy ZoCOYlch and l..mrm SmlU also scored for Halbor View. • Martnen 2, Harbor o.y 2: Mariners took a 2 --0 halftime lead before Harbor Day ~ponded with two goab before the end of regulation to notch the de. Kelley Hinch and Coleen MeM each tallied one goal for Ma:dners with fJl:albetb F.ddy adding an aasist. u.u.h McLeod secured the net in the first half while Kalley Gl:mt anchored the goal tn the second halt Midfielder Detyn o.vt. controlled the bafi and set up pasaes for Marioen. • Nlwport B U ta 8, Dml No. 2 0: Newpod ffeW\tl ecored ab QC Ill plt in Che ft.m bal{. ..._, vm... the eecood-balf goalie tor Dms, lhut down Newport Helgtlts in the eecond half. Two St. .JoacNm fifth. nt sixth-grade players f SPORTS DAILY PILOT CUP BOYS 3-4 Left, Davis def enders squash a Harbor View player near the front of the goal during boys 5-6 grade. At right, defending champs Rea Elementary challenges Mariners Christian goalte as he scoops the ball during 5-6 grade play Wednesday m the Pilot Cup. STEVE Mc CRANK I DAil Y Ptl OT Kaiser No. 1 edges Irish Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot The Daily Pilot Cup feanns teams that represent elementary schools. Most of the players are friends, yet there is hardly team chemJstry on the 6ekt. oon.sJdenng that they have such a short time to practice with each other. However. Gerardo Jimenez. the coach of the Kaiser No. I third- and fourth-grade boys ioOCCef' team, perhaps found the best way to bring his players together. ~ The Knights. who gathered rhythm from their pas.sing. defeated St. John The Baptist, 4 J . Wednesday in Pool C play at the <..osci Mesa Farm Complex. St. John The Baptist Irish nearly rallied from a 2--0 halftime deficit. but KaJSer held on for the win, thanks to second-half goals by Kevm Cortt!'L and Brice Maruung. "You jUbt cross your 6ngers and hope that they can click." Jimenez wdd of coaching the Knights. ·1 ju.st wanted to make sure that they~alot· Kaiser's passing led to its 1--0 lead 11lree minut~ Ullo U1e game, Lws Torres centered the ball to Joel Vascomcelo~. who scored from about IO y~ out. Later, with two minute. left in Liu: 25-minute first half, Nolan Mena scored. finding ~ hot ~pot m Lile top center poruon of Uic net. I le was 15 yards out and battled the ball away from a number of lruh defmders. Though SL John The Baptist was down. 2-0. it still shot Lile same number of shOL'i, five, as the Knights did in Lile fin.I half. Alex Ouderbrlc scored a hat trick for Lile lrish in Lile second half. I le made good on a penalty Icicle after a hand-ball early in the h<ttl. 1lw11 he scored on a breakav.ay. t) in~ !he ~re. 2-2. But L.onC/ scon.><I ..ind u 11 Knights regained uie l~d Maurung. one of tht 'h11n1· play-en on the 6eld. ctlso low 11J the net for an insurance go.ti with two minut~ left. ~'i than a minute later. Oudcrbrlc St:O~. Jame. Napp rerordt.'O fivl' '>dVL"> as one of three goa11~ for SI loh11 The Baptist. which Wclb l'U8lhcd by Jessica Ganca who playt.O for the school when 11 Ulmpt:te<l 111 Lile Lion' C'.up. which is now the Pilot Olp. ••• In other boys 3-4 action: • Uncoln 2, Andenen 2: In a ~trong showing of school ~pirit. the Lmcoln Leopard\ died Llleir h.llr blue for the event to match their blue shirts. N1dl Gooding and 1QeU Wolker led the offensive attack for Uncoln. each l>C'Oring goals. Nick <Aud. JD Dawn, George Kennedy and Cameron Orr anchored the Lincoln defense. which rebuffed numerous scoring opportunities for Anderson. Zack Socoloeb, Allen Brown. Nick Rk:h, Jonathan Jaffee 3.1 Id Spencer Ouistolf create<l nu111eruu:. ~onng opportumun. ~ Mct,ormadt cUld Kevin Gonllnier played well u1 Koal. l'.tl h m.tkmg nunleruu.-. d.tVUlg )Cl~ Lincoln coach~ Gw-.nar Gooding and John Cwd praised the efforts of both reruns. ·nus wa5 a tn:menlluus Kan1e ""'illl an incredibly high ll'vel of l"Ompetiuon," t.uodmg 'wild. ·At ai1y given ume there were 18 boys on Lile fidd with AlJ Star or BOYS 5-6 Donovan nets hat trick WEDNESDAY'S SCORES at Costs Mess Farm Complex Kaiser No. 1 4, St John 3 Rea No. 1 8, Harbor View 0 Manners 4, Olqoa 4 Harbor Day 10, Adams 0 Mariners Chns11an No 1 9. Kaiser No. 2 0 Andersen 2. Lincoln No. 1 2 Devis 3, Newport Heights 0 Eastbluff 1, Pomona 1 dub-level experience. What a great way to ~tart the Daily Pilot Cup." • Davis 4, Newport Heights 0: ~ fAtrada !>COred IWlCt" With P.J. Maloney and Molrieti A.rlai each adding <>tnglP goals m lra\i.~.' ~utuul wm Ui l'Ool 0 plct) dl the Farm Compla Julio &pinoza added an a'>Slst for Daw.. • Rea No. I 8, Harbor View 0: Martin Gmda. Giiberto Garcia and Arturo Jimene'L calh !>COred two goaJs for victorious Rea No. I in Pool A play at the Farm Complex Diegic> Uma and Marro )bnmrz tallu'<I ont: goal apiece WEDNESDAY'S SCORES at Costa Mosa Farm Complex Harbor View forward scores three goals in pool-play triumph. the first half and spin two .,h ot m the fir~t haJf _ one of Rea No 1 4, Mariners Christian Z defenders on hi~ WdY to I larbor h b three save~ Kaiser No 1 3. Olqoa 2 View's third goal to make 11 .I I Davi~ cut the lead 10 l -1 111 Harbor View 5, Oavis No 1 1 wtth three minutei. remcU11mg Ill the 18th mmute wht•n Wilhe Rea No 2 l, Harbor Dav No 2 1 Bryce Alderton the 25-minute half. 0onoYcll1 LeVaUey took control on a ~ewpon Heights 3. Harbor Oay No l took a lateral inbounds p~ and counterattack and quJcldy at Cosra Mesa High dribbled the ball IO ydftls before dribbled up the field with Jairo Lincoln J, Mannera No 2 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6nrin~gg..tttb~e~baaauU~inurno~rhue~n~g~b~1~sl~d~t~~Ruio~cnonn~o~o~hwisur~ig~hut~l~e~~~fil~le~y'.._.--''~/ia~~er~ia~•Wt,P&p-l Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA-It was as of the net to give Harbor View a passe'1 to Rincon at 10 yards Mariners No., 4, TeWuikle No 2 4 Ump&e as hide. appear. score. 5-1 lead two minutes laler. out and Rincon rifled the shot TeWinkle No 12,0111111 No 2 o For Harbor View FJementary 1bin:I-~ Pavis C .oadl Deena into the right side of the neL School's Sean Donavan. goals Praoco wrapped her hands LeValley and Rincon joined came in threes, helping seal a S-1 around the bade of her neck and F.ric Puente on the forward line victory wer Devis io Pool Col the ~ •Oh no,• when the in the second half. bu1 a staunch boys ftftb-and sfxd:l..grade soccer Inbounds pass fow:1d Donovan. Harbor View defellS(> negated dMMon In lbe four1h annual ~ didn\ have the speec1 to any scoring opponuruty. Dally Piiot Q.ip Wednesday at the bieJ> up with ~. • Ptanco "I wanted us to swt out Rum Sports Coo:pex. said"\\\? started~ back In making sure that we didn't give "When the ball popped out the seoolld half, bu1 albw<i too up any goals." Harbor View toward the middle, I would hide many goal-; In the first half." Coach Sasha Zubatov said. "Our behind a man, make my ll'KM! Michael Katz tallied two goals · goal was to play solid defense and get on the breakaway," for Harbor View with Dillon and get many cow1teranacks. DollCMlD said of his strategy to Norton, Pierce Stemler and Our forwards are real aggressive space himlelt from Davis Tummy Bangert each adding guys that go after It." defenden. gtviDg tm teammatea a a.ssists.. Zubatov Inserted some players cbance to s-. Davis goalkeeper Thny at positions they weren't familiar OonOftD pined control on Cilneros dove to hla right with with in the second half. He one of many counteranacb ln outstfttched arms to 5mea.r a wanted to get as many players · into rhe game as possible. "The second half was a UnJe scary for me,· he said. • Rea No. l 4, M.a.rtnen aut.dan 2: Juan Gomalez scored cwice with Jorge Olhuu and l!dpr Vep each adding singles goals for Rea No. I In Pool A play at the Farm Complex. •Rea No. 2 I, Harbor Day I: Je9ilS Hernandez found the back of the net on a direct kick following a penalty for Rea No. 2 Wednesday ln Pool E play at the Fann Complex. ~ l[V[ Mc CRANK /DAILY P1L0l SCHEDULE TODAY Tenni9 "'141< CIF 5.o.Jll>u'f• St.cl""' O••IS'V< I High ld>ool buy. 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Your Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer Motorcratt- 0 11 .nd Fiiter Cluing• Motorc.,...11911 THEODORE ROBINS FORD ilr ke Wiii MEET or BEAT erl!°:~e Your Beat Deel on NAME BRAND'FIRES s5es ·Front End &Bnake lnapectlon / ... .. lhnday, Miy 29,2003 -------.... -· -.... ---.... -...... -.... ~-.......... ---~--~.-------~~mlO!"-.......... . ........... .. lllll... .. Ulll..... .. .......... -........... .. 1.11111.... .. .......... .. . .. ....... ....... ..._.._ ......... .._.._ ....._.._ cm0t-.&11 ..... .... ........ ........ ......... ........ IOICl ... llS ... s...... TM foMo•NIC PlflOlls ere doill& ~"'" ... flt( UAOCltSttlt' f ARM. 18' Proniontory Drive ~~wp<lft hKfl. StlnfOt'd cr .. n, 783 PToinontory Ofl1r1 W..t. ::M&Ofl lluc h, CA Thia ~uaineu la COii· ductad lly 111 lnd1~el Hewe you atar-tad dolllC ~;t?Yu. St1nlord Cuen Thia stetement """ liled with the Coun(J Clwk at 01101• County Oii 05/13/03 100SH444H Oalty Pilot Mey l5, 22, 29, June 5, 2003 Th426 The follow1n1 persons 111 doina buslous IS ANTHONY'S PAINTING & DESIGN. 2948-H Grace Ln.. Coste Mesa. C• 92626 lhe followlnol ,.,aons TIMI folewNll Ptf... TM foljoWlftl '*'°"°' The foMowin& p•nollt S.•d bids mey IM .,. "1111 1>11$1"* 11· are tlolllf buelMD n : .,. 001111 but!Mta u : .,. dolftl bwlMu u received et the offk:t of Certified Mort1•1• The Oanitt c.c .. 13/ C.,.... S.lft, l17 G 1) Jemte °'tw f'tlotoe tlM City Clerk, DOO fnlnln1. HU irch lnctuatrlel Wey, Cotti Str .. t, NtW90ft BtKh, b) 1310 Collectibles, 670 NtwjllOft 8ot1i.11erd, ,,0. ~~!.!.li~!f.•wpott & .. ch, Mlu,CA92127 CA91tel W. 17th St. C·5, Colt. In 1761, Ntwptrt ..,..!JtMQ 2660 Klatlc Ktn Ille .. DIA Mettlltw flshmen, 117 MtA. CA 92127 a.IC.II, CA t2961 •15 Robert Erick JonH, f"M Gii' ... C.C. (C.ilf.), Q Strut, fftwport J1mH Orew, 1211 until l~OO AM Oii ttlt )07 3Sth St . Newpott 1'36 8ueh lhrd., 9eKh, CA92Ml Hullett Awe., Lons llttl AY of Nnt 2003, tluch, CA 92&6S WutmlMtet, CA tzlll Tiiie bvslnus Is c:on· 8.-ch, CA 90815 et wtlkll tllM lllKh bids Thlt buslneu It COii• This busi-II c:Ort· clue1ed by· 111 Individual Tiiis bull,_. t. con tfl.il N OC*IM 11141 rtN dllct.d by: 111 ~vldllll dlielold lly. • ccwporatloft Hew you &tMtad dolnc Mttd by . ..i lndMckl1I fot Hin you •tarted dolna Hive you atar&ad dolft& ~yet? Ho Have you atwtN dotnc f'UY~-.. bu.li~•yetfY•. ~r•ffHo Mc.ttllewFbhmen buslneu yen Vts, lV ~ATIAll 5-7.o.1 Ktuslc Kan IM., OBA This alalt1M11l wH 02/0'l ..... HMT NOW· Robert JonH The G••· C.C , Owy nltd with tM County .lamo Drew Ma, IOmYA mlll. Thia 1t1tement wM Kat-19, Prtaidtnt Cltfla of Or111p County Thta autement wn Mee <HAMiil PlMI flltd wltll th• County This atatalntllt w11 Oii 05/U/03 filed with tht County f'AMJ, lttle .t "'*4t Clttk of Or111c1 County tit.ct with the County lteM94Mlt Clfill of Ora1111 County ~..,•·HM on 05/09/03 C•k ol Oranp Couoty Dally Pilot ~ Ma1 15, n. on 05/16/03 St H,oot toOH9'4022 on 05/13/03 29, lune S, 2003 · TM32 100SH44HO ........... .-....... O•ily Pilot Mey 15. 22. 100Ht44441 Darty Pilot Mey 22, 29 ,,, ... "".~ .... 29, June 5, l003 Th'21 Delly Piiot Mey 15, U. ........... June 5, 12, 2003 fHU 'II~ ,._ ........... 29,JuntS,2003 TM24 ... S...... ............. -::-.='...._ _.__.... ~ ...... ... ...... ,_ Thi followln1 persona ... S...... Wetb Dar.ctw ... S...... we dolna busl111SS n : Th• followlnc persons Prospective bidders The fol1owln1 persona are clolnc business as: Cat•&t Industries, 131 Industrial W1y, Coste Miu, CA 92627 Th• followift& persona Bia Wive Productions, "' dolna bualnesa 11 may obtain one Mot of .,, dolna buslnua aa: 51} Oaltll1 Ave .. Corona y0111 Gere.ae. 2340 Santa b id docu ments for AAMORCOM, f16 Rem· dtl M1<, CA 92625 Ana Ave. Apt A2, Costa S15.00 et the office ot incton. lmne. CA 92620 Oevid Gamennan, 518 Meta, CA 92627 tile Public: Works Oe- P1trldl C1<I McCul· 0111111 Ave .. Coron• dtl MlchHI Graf, 234-0 pertftMnt, 3300 Newport loch, 16 R1min1ton, Ml<,CA92625 Senta An• Ave .. Aot A2. 8oulev1rd, Newport This business ~ con· ducted by. an 1ndiv1du11 , Hive yov sllrted doina • bustnus yet1 Ho Anthony Lima Gery K1tsaris, 230 E 16th Pl tB, Coste Mua, CA92627 This busmen Is con· ducted by: 111 ind1vldu1I Have you i lerted do111a bustneu yet? Ho Cary K1tsarm Irvine, CA 92620 This business b con· Coste Mt~. CA 92627 Budl, CA 92663 This buslneu is con· ducted by: en indMdu1t Thia business ts con Conlrector llcenae ducted by: 111 Individual Hive you sllrttd doll!& ducted by· en indtvwlual Ct1ulflcatlo11(1) re· Heve you started doln& business yet? Yes, 11 ·6· H•ve you slerted dolna Qllifed for this proltct: business ~t? No 96 business y1t7 Yes, 5/16/ "A" Petrick c. McCulloch Oevld G1merman 03 for further Inform• • • ... • ... This statement wu hied with the County Clerk ol Or•nae County 01105/02/03 20016901 .. This statement wes filed with the County Clerk of Ouna• County 01105/13/03 200SH4'440 This s tmtement w11 This atllement WIS Mlchael Gr1t lion. cell f ona TH, filed with tile County filed with the County This s telement wu Project M1n11er a t Cl•k of Or1n11 County Clerk of Or1nae County filed with lh• County (949) 64-4-3340 onOS/06/03 on05/16/03 Clerk of Orenae County Published Newport Deily_ Polo! May 8, 15, 22.29.2003 T~ 200SH•H&a 20016944921 on 05/20/03 BHch·Co1ll Mtui 011ly Daily Pilot Mey 8, l5, Delly Pilot Mly ~. 29, 200Ut4UOJ Pilot May 29, 2003 fM 59 Daily Piiot May 15, 22. 29. June 5, 2003 TM 29 n, 29. 2003 ™409 June 5, 12. 2003 TH44-4 01111 Piiot May 22, 29, June 5. 12, 2003 TH-455 NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING AND AV AIWIUTY OF NEGA TM DECLARATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HOUSING ELEMENT General Plan Amendment 2003-04 (PA2003-130) and Negative Declaration NOTKE IS HEREIY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing to consider adoption of an updated Housing Element and a negative declaration. Profe<t Desaiptton: General Plan Amendment 2003-04 {PA2003-130). In accordance with the State of California General Plan and Zoning Laws, the City of Newport Beach has prepared a Draft Housing Element. The Element is an update and reforma1 of the existing Housing Element and includes updated Regional Housing Needs Assessment figures as mandated by State law. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The Negative Declaration states that the General Plan Amendment will not result in a significant effect on the environment. It is the present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration. This is not to be construed as either approval or denial by the City of the subject application. The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this documentation. PUBUC RMEW: A thirty day review period is provided to the public. Any comments regarding the document must be received in writing no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday June 30, 2003. The 30-day review and comment period for this Negative Declaration begins on Thursday, May 29, 2003 and ends on Monday, June 30, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. *'-'" .. I 'tlhtl ............. The followl111 person hu abandoned the use ot the F lctitious Busi· nns Hem•· 811 Wive Productions, 518 01hll1 Ave.. Cornn• del Mar. CA 92625 The f oclihous 8 ufooness name referred to abovt was filed on Oran11 County on 11 52001, FILE NO 20016882218 David Gamern11n. 518 Oahha Ave . &efone deJ Mat. CA 92625. Rebecca Stelle 518 Dahlia Ave . Corona def Mar, CA 92625 Th" business. 1s con due.led b1 a 11nenl par tnershtp D•v•d C1111er man This sta tement wu hied with lht County Clerk of Or an1e County on 05/16/03 200369''922 Daily Pilot May 22. 29 June 5, 12. 2003 TM4S fkllM .... .......... The followi111 per,ons are dotn& busu1eu H TIMI French Company, 120 Newport Center Orrve Suite 240. Newpo<t Beach, CA 92660 The le•&hlon French Company (Con.Partner) (CA), 120 Newport Center Or •240 New pelf'! Beech. CA 92660 .. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection between the hours of 7:30 RocPac lnvestmenh (Gen PMtner) (CA), 120 Newport Center Or 1240. Newporl B11cll. CA92660 • a.m. ~d 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California , 92658-8915, (949) 644-3200. Copies are also available at the Newport Beach Central library located at 1000 Avocado, Newport Beach, CA 92660 and the Mariner's Branch library at 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. t• I NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that said public hearing will be held on the 19th day of June 2003, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Bouk!vard, Newport Beach, California, at which time and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information call Senior Planner Tamara J. Campbell, AICP at (949) 644-3200. Patricia LT emple, Secnttwy Ex-Officio, Plonnlng Commission, City of Newport leach. Published Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Daily Pilot May 29, 2003 Th463 . - NOTa OF DMDED PU81.JCATIOM S•U,o•rCor U. Clla.,(/i!d I Ma Plft*ll ID Sdon 3351, RMnut n TWllOll COdl PlnuMI! IO $dons 3381 hOUOh 33116, RMnut Sid TllUllJI Cool, ta nob ol PIMW ID Sell Tp.Oellutled Ploperty ill end for ()qe Coun~. "*-'al caibllle haa 1-1 dMdad llld dlAtbutld ID VlnCUI ,....,..,.,. ol genarll c:irculalon ~ Ill flt oounty I\ porb ol Ile lill llPPYS '" ear:l1 ol tUCll newapapara. NoQ & hMbt OMI" NI !NI proptl1y '-Ind T1T '**Oil .. pell:9lt ~ bebr wl i.. btln dlfaulld "9 or ITIOIW ,...., ,. In .. C9e ol proptl1y Oii wlldl • -ltlllll!Wlll liln 1111 balll ......... ,. ,,.,,. ,.... The p;rtllll Wed -tltcomt .... ID .. tu colltta's pc-. ID ... Oii M 1. 2003, .. f ~1 AM. 111 Qpllllioft d.. The ._ Cllillc:IDl's p:iww ID 111 wl n. 11'11111 111 ~ • ee.. recllMmad or,,.. ditd ID"' .....,... I*" d ,.._........, • pn:Mdld bJ i.r prilr ID 5'00 P.M. Oil June 30, 2003 The 19'1 ID., inllllrNnt plen llmWI* on Jin 30, 2003 lnll. .,. IW -..... bMa M mull Ila p9d 11 fl.I ID pl'l'iM .. ol ~. PIAllt lidon The ""11 ol ~ IUrviwel Ile property becDrq --ID fll po.If ID .. tM • ~ • 5:00 P.M. 111 .. 1111 btM.a city blb9 actull .. ol lhl propetty bJ .. 11111 OOIKb • Pftlia tlOI told ti Oii ldltdlAtd i. U11 rr-, bt,......, t./' .. wtii 11n4_, Plllod. M ~ concnng ~or flt lllill*I ol"' ~ pllfl ol ~ .. bt Vnilllad upofl l9qUllC. by John M. W. libltllctl, 0rqt ~ Tatl-Oalllc:*lt. f 2 CMc C... Ptaz.a. Ream G.6a. 5-ltl Ana. CA 92102 (714) 83'.)t f 1 fllt .... 8111UM. In dclflrs end C*lll. ~ dldlrld ....,...., It .. torll--.. PM*""*'· Tha trlQjllf dl9 11111 idllle lddillr:lllll d9falelll IMM. panlfl.a 9'd IMM 11..e aiaWI tlillCa .... d ...-.. . ~ ... Tiit ....... Pllt1ll Huneer ("PH) . ....,_ ..-SID....._~ ii llil Ill ...... ID flt...._..~~ .. 1111111110t. .. l*X* Oll .. "'IP. I~. 9'dlltltldinMll*llll011 ..... P0'1/lll .. llloct. Tht....nllllPNldMIW ...... al .. ,_.. IUllllllt'8•Y*ll .. Mllllll11'1 .. .....,.. Giii» l'tl)fll!ltTY TAJWUMA. TED If TitE YIM -IOI t'lll TAXO, ._,, z "',.,emu ~OfMAICAL YfM ..... ~IEAOICnY ' -..cm N().11' • AP 4Q..m44. S2I t7 02. OIClM\ MICHi(), t INOIWPlf 1~,,, ..... ,..,d ....... .................... lllMl!llf, ...... ... ;; '· Otlllllt ~ -~ . •• ....... Oflllll CllllW. .. ,,,.. «=--••tt.-.... ...rlMCMOITA~ MlffllOf, . ., ... ---C~l-1.J This bus.ne!\ 1\ con du<tecl by " &•n~al per tner\1119 Have yov sl•rted do1na business yet1 Yes Merell 1989 RocP11: lnvutmenli. (Gen Partner), 1h Peter L f tench Pr ell den I This •l•toment w:u hied with the County Clerk of Or.nee County on 05/13/03 200HU442S Daily Pilot Ma; 15 ?? 29. June S. 2003 Th4~ LlWIOOO PIOP059 2'1m-2004 llNTfOI OCIM YIW sotOOt DlSTllCT The Ocean View School District's propoud bud&el for 200J 2004 will be ava1l1ble for public 1nspect1on •I Oceen View School District, 17200 P1nehynt l•ne, Hunl1n(lon Buch CA 9~7 from June 12. 2003 lo June 17 2003 be1wHn the hours of 8.30 1.m end 4"JO o m The public hHrinc on the propoud budaet for 2003 2004 will be held •I Ocean Votw School Di.ttkl 8d R1n Sida. I\, 11200 Pinehurst line, 11unhnaton Buell CA 9?647 on June 17 2003 117.00p-m. Published Newpo1 t Beech Cost• Mu• Dally Pilot M1y 29. 2003 Th460 The followil\1 P«10111 .,, dOln1 but lnn• t1: OpenCht.cll.co111 125 E Betiw Suite taa, Coate Mt11. CA92626 N«U. Am..-lc111 •Ac- uptanct Corporetlon CC~~· lH [. Bahr. &u'° 115, Costa Meu. CA92'21 Tiiis but•nest It ~ ducted by. I COfpoflUoll Have you started doinl &r,~t1Yu, NOftll Amw!Un ~· ceptanQe Corpor1tlon, MMco J. Rask, Presi dent This st1tem1nt wu flied with the County Cletk of Oran1• County on 05/09/03 IOOM9'4010 Deily Piiot May 15, ZZ. 29, .lunt 5, 2003 Th416 fktlm ..... ... s...... Th• lollow'1111 '*aons 11• doinc businas as. Quest Personal f itness & R1h1b1litltion, 1637 Monrovia, Costa Men, CA 92627 O•niel B. Juda•. 1637 Monrovia, Costa Mesa, CA92627 Myrna Bae• Juda•. 1637 MQOrovia. Coate Mese, CA 92627 Thts bUMMSS tS COii· ducted by: hutob1nd tlfld Wife Have you "-lrted dolna business yet? YH, 1996 Myrna Beet Judi• This st1teme11t wn filed with tlle County Clerk of Ofenp County Oii 05/16/0J JOOUH4tt6 belly Pilot M1y 22. 29. lune 5 12. 2003 rH4J9 ............ ,._s....... The follow1na persons are do1n1 busme.ss es a ) B ASf6A Ll LESSONS COM. bJ SOFTBALL LESSONS COM. 4'80 E Ardmore SI . Anaheim. C•ltfo1n11 92807 35'4 David Edward Keith, 4480 [ Ardmore St Anaheim. Calofurn11 92807 .3544 This busineu 1s con dueled by. an lnd1w1du•I Heve you start11d dofttf bU\1119S$ yet' Ho David E Keith Thll sl1ttem1:nt wa \ hied with the County Cftotll of Oran1e County on 05/08/03 200HtUtJ7 011ty Pilot May n . 19, June S. 11 2003 TH•!i7 ~ ..... ... s....... Tiit lollow'"a P•"''"' 111 doing bus1nus u · P1r1flc Cont tnsurant.e Aeency, Inc., 2700 W Pacrflc Coul Hwy Ste 200, Newport But.h CA 92(i6J Pacific Coul Insur •nee Aeency Inc rCA I 2700 W PK1fic Co••I Hwy Sit 200. Newp•1rl Buch. CA 92663 Thi~ bus.n.ss •> con ducted by a co1ponh<rn Have yoo start•d do1111 bus1n.ss yet' No Pacrf1c Coast lnsu1 ance Acency, Inc nllrey W lone. C(O This st11temenl was hid with the County C~ri. "1>1 Oranc• Cnunly on 05/16/03 1003H4't27 011ly PtlOI Ma~ 22 29 June S 12 2003 TH4., Flctll.-...U ... s...... The lollo•1n1 penons •• e dotna bus111ess H Ta~e Two Consulhnf, 1106 Paloma Or , Hew port Bn<.h. CA n660 I l1zabel h Mary Th<1a•rd. 1706 Paloma 01 Newpor t Beach, CA 92660 Judi 1acob1 f lcm'"&. 1196 Irvine Ave Hew port Beech C" 92'660 1h" business 1s con duded by • 1enenl pertnersh9'1 Have you slat led do•n1 busone-ss yet' No Elu:1beth M Tha;iar d rhos s tatement was loled with the Cnunty Cieri. of 01an1e County on 05/0!t/03 200Mf U020 Daily P'lol Mey 15, 22. 29 June S, 2003 Th420 FIND ·:it=- """ ................. cm• costA• _...,, c.-... ..... NOTICE IS Hf.fll8Y OIV[N tll•l ... ltd pro. posal1 for lurnlJlllna ell l•bol. metlfl•ll. 1411!,>· rntnt. lr•~talloll w 1uch other facllitlet u mey be rlCllllred '°' CAT<M ..... Min ~t001 .. Mes • OTY "4NIC1 H . OS-15, •IM be realYtcl by thl City of Costa Meta •t the Offlct of thl City Cllfk, 71 Fair Otlv•, Co.ti Meu, C.l1fornie until Ille flour of 10.00 •·•·· •-•y, ,_. 9, 2001, at which time U!ey will bt opellld publicly end r,ad •loud In the Council C111mbera. S..led pro· posals lll1H beer the title of lht wcwk 111d nam. ol the bidder but no ottiw dbt~ marb. Arly blcf roctlwed 1ftar the sclltduled ctoslnf tkM for th• rtellp of bids shall be returned to bidder unopened. It shall be the .oM rts901111blllty of the bldd« to Mt that his bid is received In ll'Oc>tl' time. A r.et of Bid Oocu· menll m•y be obtained a t the Offic1 of the City Cn1in-, 77 fatt Dt1ve, Costa Mew. California, upon •••r•f••4eli>I• ,..,..... •• $20.00 ..... ......... ~.f SS.00 must be Included of ti.nd1td by matt Bid Documents end othar c;ontracl documents m•y •lw be eu m111ed et the Office of llle City Cieri. of the City of Cost• Mesa Bid Qpcuments wOI not be mailed unless the 1ddlt lon11 $5.00 char 11• ts Included with peyment (uh bid shall be made on lite Proposal l0tm, tohHU. P l thlouah P·9• PfOv1ded in the contract documenb, 1nd shall be .ccompamed by a cer- trtied or tnhoer $ check 01 il bod bond lor not le~~ th•n 10~ ol the amount of lhelr bid, m<1de payable lo the City ol Co\ta Men No prnjll)sal shall be con· s1dered unteu 1ccom p1n1ed by such cashier'• check cuh, or bidder'\ bond ~o btd shi ll be con "dered unlen 11 '' mede on a blenk p•opoul lcw m tvrn1shed by the Coly ol Cost• Meu and " made in accordance w1lh the 111nv,.1ons of the Propu,.r require· m•nh t:.1ch btddw m11.st hav11 1 Ctau •A• license <Cene,.1 £ na1neerin1) and also be Pfequeltloed u requ11ed by l1w " ContretlOf U$1nl a cr•lt or dos1fic1toon not shown on the Ctne1al Preva1hna W!ae Oeterm•n•toons may 'be iequorcd to pay the wace ••le of lh•t cutt or 'l1u1f1cat1on moil r.lo..ely r~lated lo 11 " '"own on lh• Gener al Oelerm1n1t.on\ elltchve •I lhtt lune of the '-•" tor byh I he <.ontnctcw sh•ll tomply ••lh the p1ov1 \Ions ol Secllon 1170 to 1180. 1ndus•v1. of the Calllornta Labor Code, 11\t' preu1l1n& rale a,nd \Cale ut Wl8H nt•b h~hed by th• Coty ol Co\11 M~u. WhKl't are on Iii• with the City Cle1k of th<: City of Cost• Meu and \han lorletl pen•ll•n pre \Crlbtd I her un lor noncomphence of ~•d Cod• Th~ C11y t.ount•I of the City ol Cosu Mesa • e\tt vu I h• Iii ht to rt1ec I My and/or all l111h • JUUlfOl<*. D•IM'fY City a.rt City 1f C..to Mff<I Dated M1y 19, 2003 Published Newport Beach Costa Me H D11ly Piiot M1y 29 June S. 1003 Th464 ..... .... ... s...... fh• lollowona persoM ar~ do1n1 busoneu as. Trudell Auto Gins & Det•ll Inc . 17281 Nichol\ St Hunllnaton Beach.CA91647 lrudell Auto Cl1n ' Oel11I. Inc , (CA), 111111 N1<.hol• St.. Hunllncton 8Hch. CA 92641 Th" but lneu IS con ducted by 1 corpor 1tlon Have yov stwted dotn& busoneu ;et1 Yes, 1·1·03 Trudell Auto Cius & Oel•ll Inc . Mark Trudell Presodtnl This statement was IUed with tfMI County Clerk of Oun11 County on05/09/03 200Ut440H 011ly Pilot May 15. 22. 29. June 5. 200.J TM23 Mo-t1•1•. Inc • lttry Al IM lrOfll, V ,f' Tltlt 1t1temlllt was flied wltfl UM County Clerll of Or•ns• County On 05/0l,l'Ol ..... ~ 0•11.J Piiot Mey I&. 22~ 29, June 5, 2003 ™l' .......... .......... The ,.,....fl'MM lie doilW ...... ta: Tiit Flra WOOotl Own Plua. •1 Wttt ... ., St. A· 11, Costa MtN. CA92626 Sated Olw.lmlt Hoitt. 2185 "1111 Crt1k Or. A· 218, Costa Mta1, CA 92626 Thb bullnus II con· ducted by: 111 lftdlvlclual Ha1r1you1tartlcl dolftc bualneat yet? Yts, 05· 01.o.1 S..td Ghadlnlr Tiii• 1t1ttm1nl w11 filed with the County Clltk of OrlflC'I County 0005/16/03 290h944H1 Dell)' Piel Mey 2;.J?i A1111 5. u. 2003 ·~ ............ ......... The followlnt person• ,,. dol111 business t1: Sprint Cluners & laundl'y, 103 E. 17th St 110, Coate Mfla, CA 92627 Edwin Andi-Kinds· f•lh«. 24561 Klnp vltw, Letune Niaulf, CA m n This bo11neu 11 con· ducted by· an individual Hive you alwttcl clotna b~111tt1 y•t7 Yes, 7/16/ 90 E dwln Andrew Kinch· t.thlt This st1tt.me11t WU filed with tlM Co1,1ntr Clerk of Or •nee County onOS/16/03 200Ht4't11 Dally Piiot Mey 22. 29. June 5, 12, 2003 TH-442 ~..­... s....- The lollowtf\I pe1sons 11 e dotn& business as The Prosp1ce Croup, 2811 Hazel flee• Cost• Mesa.Ca 92'26 Prospice lnvesh11hons In<. (NV), 2811 H•11I Place, Cost• Meu C.t 92626 This bu)ineu •~ co11 ducted bv a corporation Have you slart9d do•n& busmen yet? No Pr'c>sit1ce lnvut1a•toons Inc , S•muel l Vwl1u1 rel•. President. ClO This fotalemonl wu filed with the County Cler fl of Of 1nee Co..nty on05/20/0J 200JH4UCM Oatly Pilot May 22. 29. June S, 12, 2003 TH4!J6 ,.... ..... ... ....... H•• lotlowona. p11 sons &re do1n1 buslneu u : ocdm direct mail m1r kellna. 3400 S Suun SI , Sanla Ana CA 92704 Or1n1e County Dud M11I Inc (CA). 3400 S Suun SI S~hte Ana, c~ 9?704 This bus1neu " con ducted by a corponhon line you sl1rl1d dotna bustneu yetJ Yes. 1990 Or 1nce County Oor ect M11I. Scott flekher C«i> Secret"' y Thos st1temenl was filed with the Count1 Cieri. of Or1nae County on05/16/03 2003694'916 Deily Pilot M1y n . 29 lune !i, 12, 2003 T~ The lollow'"I Pt• wns are dotnl bostn.ss n Ocun• Sheet Met.ti 322 lwenly f 11sl Slrul •B Hunhneton B .. th Calo lor noa 926>&8 Brian limos H1K11 man. 322 Tw11nty fKSt Street •fl Hunt1nrton Buch C1hlorn1a 92648 This busineu ts con ducted b1 an •ndlvidu•I Hawe you started dotna business yet' No Bn1n Haltffman ThtS statement was hied wrlh the County Cleft. of Orenae County onOS/28/03 200S6t'61S' Daily Ptlol May 29, Ju111 5. 12. 19.2003 lh465 Mlm ..... .......... The lotlowona persons ere dome businea' n a} f lowers by Alt1ls, b) Alu ls florals. 2675 Irvine Ave Ste. K, Clntl Mesa. CA 92627 Ate111 A Snowb•ll. 1870 E 16th St .. Hew· PC>fl B11ch. CA 92663 Th>$ buslnep Is COft dueled by en lncltviduel HIV• you stMttd dolnc bUSllleU yet1 No "Mus A Snowball Thts st1tement wn hied wrth the County Clerli of Or1nae County on OS/09/03 IOOHt44006 Oaily Pilot M1y 15, 22, 29. lune!>. ~ Th418 .................... ... s-.. ... s...... fhe lollowl111 peraon• T'IMt fotlowlnc penons we d01n1 bus'l111n as: ere doin& buslntM 11 Horllon f lnencllf Sltal You111 tdln, 2522 Santa llfd, IUOI Von KM· An1 Ave fA, Coat. men 1~. Irv-. CA lhu, Cabf. 92U7 ~12 Sl!tfyl Mlrie Younc. I 8 ... ..__ • •-·-2522 Senta Ana Ave .. ·"· """11 ., __.. CosteMeM,CAt2627 clttea, Inc., (CA), laJOl .,,.._ b·-'-• ,_ -. Von K1r1111n t 325, •lfD .._ • _,, 1rv1111, CA 92.912 ducted by: 111 IMIYlduat ............ ......... The followtltt ,.,_ .,.. .... ~ea: STYU. 12 FOl'blna Orlwe. lrvloe, CA S121111 ~lpe s. Sn••1111, ZS"l D•1t• OflH. LMe f ar..t, CA tl'830 lMa ~ .. COii· ducttd by! Ill IMMdual Haw '°" ltarted .,..,. buslMu yet? Yu. Aiwil 12. 2003 A!pa S. S.vdhwla Tllls statement w11 flt.ct with tlle Count)' Cllfll of Ounae County on 04/15/03 200S6f410JJ Di lly Pilot Mey 15, 22. 29. June 5, 2003 1M34 ........... .......... T'IMt followlna '* .. Ill .,. dOlfta buSlAeu n. MARCC PAINTING. 121 West 16ttl Strfft, ktw port Beach. CA 92fi6~ Marcelo•A. Caradonna. 14561 Southfield Qr Weslm11'ster. CA. 92683 This business Is con ducted by: 1n indlvidU•I Hive you stlrted'·"lnc b11.11ness ~t? No M1rcekl A Clf adonna Thb sllte~t wu filed wrtlt the County Clerk ol Or •nee County on O!l/02/03 200SHUl&4 Daily P14o' Mey 8. I!> 22.29.1003 TH400 .......... ... s..... The loriow1n1 perwns art do1n1 buslntn u f USION YOGA. 2700 [ Cont Hwy, Suite I Corona Del Mer. CA 92625 Mu well lslu, 720 Gr1ff1th Pl l a1un1 Beech. C• 92651 This business .. CCIII ducted by an 1ndM1du1I Have yoo sl•ted do1n1 business yet1 No M .. welllsltt This \tete,,,.nt wo hied with the County Cle1k of Or1n1e County on 05/02/03 200J6t4JtH 011ly Pl4ot Mar 8. IS, 22 29. 2003 TH-401 .......... ... s..... The follow1nc per son\ ate dolnc butHlnS H 01scovtry tnsc>eetlons 1835 Newport Blvd Ste "109 215. Costa Meu CA92627 Thomas F Hill, 365 Hflmtlton St Unit •I l.)>ata Mesa. CA 92627 This business 11 con ducted by •n ind1v1du11 Hn e yov st.trttd doooc business yet? Ye,., 5/1/ 03 Thomes Hall This sletemenl wu hied w11h the County Clerfl of Onnre ~nly on 05/16/03 200J6t«t1S 0811y Pilot M1y 22, 29, June S. 12, 2003 TH440 The followinc persons are do1n1 business u NA TIVE SU" WOOD WORKS, 2M Monte V11t1 I B. Coste MIH CA 92627 Orm l Allen Cuey, 284 Monte Vista 19. Coste Mesa. CA 92627 This busmen ts con ducted by· an mdivldual H1v1 you s~td doont buslneu yet?"Vn . 5 5 03 David Allen C1wy This st1l1ment wet folld with the County Cieri! of Or1n11 County on ~ ioos.t41SU Olltr Pilot Mey 8, 15, 22. 29, 2003 TH410 .......... .......... The followin& pofSOns lrt dolfll bl!SiMU H R C, AllCHtllCTURAl . 166 Mlcnoll• St., Cost• Ma1.CA92627 Richerd Campbell, 166 Mullolia St . Costa Mat, CAl2627 This b111inou b co,,. ducted by: 111 illdlvtduel Hn. rou st«tad 6oifll bullneuyet?,.. RlcflwlC....,._. l hls 1tat-t "" f!Md wit.h tllt Collflty Clot1I of 0r...,. Covmy 01105/20/03 IMMMSMt D~ Pi.ot llaf Z2.. 2'. Mos. u. 2ll03 m.54 This IKIMl!taa It con-Hevt r011 t•ltcl do"'9 ducted by: e cotporatlon ~yet? Ho ..__ ........__ H t ..... td........, Stllfyl ""'le Youn& - -b111t:.!°:e~ ~ -~.. Tblt 1tJlta-t wu ....... J,8 w. Kotn & Alocl· flt.d with tllt Covnty Tht follo•~:tom ataa, Inc. Sh•t L w, Cltfll of Otan11 County •• _,. b .._ Hotn, s.c:t•t•J on Clel/UIOJ 1J11b ,...._ Group, thta 1t1t-t "" 100Ut44441 Ult U~ 0.lw filed WIUI '"' CotHlty Dally Ptlot May It, n. "°'·~CA tau CW11 of Ore,,ae C-1) ~ &,2003 TMJl CerMll tWoW llnb, c.n O'.t/ZOJO._l --~ ZJI' F11ullla le11e. IMJtMUtt --f•Un.~IZ7IO Oalfr "ltOt ,.., Z2, 2J, ....... fMt MiMea ta COit- Juno S, lZ. lOOl ~ Thi loiowina peraont due._ 'f: 111 ....... ----.... lte dolnc ~ u: "'""WO-.WtM ...... -sn Oroo. 202,1 llu .... ,.u ... ......... lrlfttaton• LA_:t H1111 Cot.-Htt.W Llllks T'IMt folowlnc PttlOll• tiQtOfl hedl. "" t2Mt fllll .... ....._. ... •• ._.... ......_ •: 'fffd l. s.ta, zon1 tM Wlttt t11e eo.ntr Well Strt•l Cap Itel lrt.-lt*lt l~ ~ =ts~ eo-ty =~·°'.:·::..= T~ ..... =·'""' 1e"91CA... ·i _............ ....'ft.:I w .. • 111..t Cat1IW ~'::."' .... ~·· l~ _ •' ......_, !fie • (CA), T • ...-·- 1Yi1 ":Yelttllf• ··~.. ... -'~~ S41111t 4lO b e... CA Tw. elit -1 -..,.,_ _._ ... ............ a.. .. Cir .. c....-'~ ? I. =---'--~· .. ~ . . ........ c..-, .. =- ·:;'=~~= &1•-,J , ... . !!i!!!!r.!!!!!!!!!!!..!!!._....!..~_: "" t If-.."' CP4 ..... ~--~ .... t - I I .. ..... -~lily Piiot .... -Llpl Notlca ----------M leplMolca .... ~ ..... ... s...... TM fotlowln1 persons • ••• dome bu11ntu H SURFSIOE SILVER. 60J t 81tbo1 Blvd IA Balboa, CA 92661 Wlllt•m Anthony Gura•. 194 c St ,.•wthorne, NII 8941!> This buslntu 11 con dueled by ao 1t1d1v1dual Have yOll st11ted do1n11 busintu yttl Y", 4·14-03 Wlllt1m Anthony Geo111e •• Tll11 1t1temenl wn filed with the Cuuoly Clerk of Or1nac County on~/02/03 200SHU117 Diiiy Piiot May 22.29,2003 8, 15. TH391 The lollowona per sons are doina bu&inen " lnletacltve l •11 n1n11 techno1011u, ?09 I e• n letf Ave , Corona del Mat. CA926~ Dean W1ckshum 209 Fern IHI Ave Coron1 def M11 CA 9262S fhos &&wsonen " con ducted bv an 1nd1v1du1I Have you •l•• ted do•ne businen ye 11 No Dean W1ds11um This sl•temenl wn ftled with the Cuunly Clerk of Oranee County 1ln 0!>116/03 200SH4492 9 01tly Pilot M1y 22 ~ June S, 12 2003 TH449 Rdl!IM ...... "-*'-' The tollow1n1 .,.,,ons •11 do1n11 busmeu n Av•lon Home Loan ... 2700 Newp0rt Blvd St 164 Newpofl Buch Ca 92663 Dan S Hayn 2700 Newport lllvd St 164, Newport Buch Ca 92663 ThtS bu\tntu is con duct.d by an tndtv1du1I H•ve you .started do1na bU510t\\ yrt? No Dan S ~tayu This 'thttment w•s hied with the County Cieri. of Or•nie County on ~/02/03 2003690192 Dally Pilot May 8, I!>, 22 29,2003 TH398 Fldttlwslusiitl1 "-S......... The follow1n1 persons art do1na bu\1nns as SUNRISL RC Al I Y & r INANCIAI 8248 [lhot Green Buena P1rk CA 90621 Mr J11t•h Sll1h 8248 Ellwl Cre~n Butn• Par!\ CA 90621 lht\ bU\tne" is con du~ted by •n 1nd1v1dual H1v~ 1uu •l•r ltd dome bu\1neu yPI > No Jaie•h Shah Tho\ \lalemenl was loled with tht County Cle1k ol Oranet County on 0') O? OJ 2003694'193 D•tly Pilot M•y 8 15, 22 29, 2003 TH402 fht folloWilll ptrMIOI .,, dom1 bullneu n lEAN HILL CONSTRUC flON CO , 22052 6ustn lint, Hunllr11ton Buch CA92646 Gal• Wayne H1ll1a, 22052 Su11n Line, Hunt1n1ton Beach CA 92646 This business 11 cgn dueled by an ind1v10u1I Have you started doma busonns yet? No Gayle Wayne Hollis Thts statement was filed with the County Cletk ul 011nee Counly on 05/06/03 200S69US67 Dally Ptlol May 8 I!>, 22. 29, 2003 TH406 FldttiM~ "-S"'-'t The tollow1n& persons are do1na busmen as M5 CNTERPRISES 2504!> la Maneusll l 111un1 N111uet. C•lllo1n11 9261l Mario Nab1. 2W45 La Mll neusta Laeuna N11uet Caltfo1111a 9:?677 This bu•1ness is <un ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you ~tarted dome busmeu yet> Ye~ ()!>, 11 '()J Mano N1b1 Tho~ ~l•lement w•s filed wotll lht County Clerk ul Or a nae County on O'> 13 03 200369444H Daily Pilot May 15 22 29. June 5. 200J Th4Jl ~ .... "-S...... The tollow1n1 pe"ons •re doina busmeu o RELIANCE SALES. 263't •B S•nt.t Ane Au Costa M"•· CA 92627 PC Rehanct Inc (C.:A) 2632 •B Sant• An• Ave Cost• MtH CA 92621 Th" businen 11 con duded by • cotpo11t1on H•ve you s ,., led do1n11 buslneu yet' Yu ~101/2003 PC R•lt•nr..t Int Crhan Oemtrcl, P1u1denl Hu• st•temenl wo tiled with the County Clerk of Oranae County un 05/06/03 200S6'43S82 Daily Pilot May 8 l !> 22. 29. 2003 TH408 flditlM hslntts ... s ...... Th• lollowma verson• "' e doone bu\lneu as Boat Gort~ H6 I ?0th SI 116 Costa Mt.,. CA 97617 N1tole Salltdo H6 E 20th St •6 Cu,l• Mesa CA 92627 Thi\ bus111ts\ !\ ton ducted by •n 1nd1v1du•I Hav~ you ,,.,led dnon~ busmns yet' Yes l 15 OJ N1tol,. S•h 1du This .it.i1 .. m~n1 """' ftlt:d Wtlh Ill• Cut111ly Clerk · ,f Or~"~" r 1uinly on()<, 70 fl! 2003694S292 Rc*IM .... ... s....... fhe follow1n1 petsons 111 dotnll bustneu u MJS -'nat 11tn. 700 loclo P•rk Dr 133. Newport Bu~h CA 92663 Michn< J Sc>enclohnt 700 lido Park Or •33 Newpu• I Benh CA 92663 Th11 11u .. 1neu 1' lOn ducted by •n 1nd1••dual Havt you 'tl••led d<>'n& butonen )'ti? Yts U14f 89 M1cllatl I Spendol1n1 This sl•lemtinl w•S ltled w1lh the County Cletk of Oran11e Cuunty on 05 16103 70036944917 Oatly Pilot May 'l2 29 Ju11e 5, 12, 2003 TH438 Fk11ttcM lusiness -s ........ The follow1n1 P'"°'" are dotnR bustnt•• as Oav• f Pr . 'd11ct1ons 839 Sano•• ild Cnsta Mt-a CA 97676 O•n• O.•vev SJ~ So nvr• Rel Cc.sta Mes• CA 9l6/6 Hu~ Lu ,1nr\\ t!. (On du< ltd 1, f •" ond1111dual H.vt Y• 1u star ltd dotng llu»ne\\ 1eP Ye\ 01, Ol OJ O•n.t O~•tt lhl\ \1.ttem•nl • wn tol'd .. ,11, lh~ County Clerk "' }1 an11e County on 0'> II> 03 20036944928 D•1ly P1ln1 M•t June!> l 2 20(11 ! • 0'9 Oo11lv p,,,,, M•y 22 29 fH450 1 Jun< 5 12 7003 TH448 fhe follow1n1 persons •re dom1 busmen o St Abanobe Reahy 5SO P•ul111no An •NI09 Costa Mes. CA 92626 Ayman r Sudallil !>50 Paulartno A•e •NI09, Costa Me.a C.A 92626 TlllS bUStneU I\ COn dueled by 10 ondi.tdual Have you started dotnl! bu-uneu yet? Yes. 01121,03 AymAn F Suddll• This st•lemenl Wd\ !tied wolh Ille Cuunly Clerk of Or<inee Counly on 05/13103 20036944426 Daily Pilot May I '1 1? 29, June 5, 2003 Tll428 Tile followtni pe1\un' a1 e do one bus1nts\ a\ RS El[CTRlr lOJ! P11kh1ll Dr . Cosio M•\a CA 91621 Stity St1llm•11 IOJ7 Parkhill Or C•J\ld M•"• CA 92627 lht\ bu"1nt~~ ~ 1 _,,, dueled l>y In ord1v1dudl Have you \I.tried "'""~ l>u\ine\\ yet' N Sliicy Shllm•n Th1'\ ~l•terr1t-nt "-d\ ltled with Ille Cvunl t Clerk ot Or an,e uPI t 00~ 06.03 2003"943S93 lh• fotlow1n1 per,.ons are do1n1 bus1nn• n Rnuurce Components Croup 2760 S Harbor Bl•d Suitt 1. S•nt• An1 C1hforn11 92/04 C"'ll l Rodewald 8 Motro B•1 Ortvt Corona Del Mai C.•loforn•• 9/625 Thi\ bul!nH• " ton dulled by an 1nd1•tdu•I II~•• y<Ju st11t1d doma bu\tne\\ yet 1 No tr di~ I Rodewald Thi• sl•lemenl wl\ tiled with th• County C.lt:1 k uf Onttl&fl County un 0~109 OJ 20036944019 0~11y Pilot M.iy l!> 22. 7'l lune 5 2003 TM l 5 lht tollow1nK per\ons •I e duor111 bu>1nns n IJdds and f nd\ Paper JfJ67 t:tub tfouse Rd i\la Meu CA 92626 J11m• B~th Bennett J(J(,l ClutJ Huust Rd 1.o•I• Mtso1 CA 92626 Hn~ t..u1.IOl'S\ 1\ ton duded by •n 1nd1v1du1I ••••~you slarltd doone bus1n~n 1eP No J11me B•nnell Tho\ \late"'enl w•• 1,1,d with lhto County ! IP•~ ,,f ll• dflKt Counly un04"03 20036942126 Odtly P1to1 May 22 29 ?()()j 8 I'> t Daily Pilot M.1y 8 l 5. Hi40/ 22 ?<J ?OOJ Ht405 ------------- Th4"sday, May 29, 2003 85 2MO -l.ttll-.... -----LlplllatiCll - The tollowlfll ~sons are do1n1 lwMneu n St Allanooe F1nanc1al !>SO Paule11no An •NI09 Costa Mesa CA 92626 \11cky Meh1n1 550 Paul.mno Ave •NI09 Costa M11a CA 92626 This buSlntu rs con ducted by en tnd1v1d111I H••• you s1Mt1d doma bu\1nns yet? Yu 01/21/03 Vttky M1h1ny This statement w.es llled wrlh the Counly Clerk of 011n&e County 011 O!'l/13/03 20036944427 Oa11y Pilot May 15 22, 29. lune S 2003 Th427 Adt!IM .... .... s ...... lh' lollowtna persons •• e do•na busontrSs as hid Kenu 31'> fernan· do Balboe CA 92661 Verla r Colt 315 r ern.tndo B~lbo• CA 92661 T hti business " tun dutled by •n 1nd1v1dual H<1vt you st•rltd do1n11 busonns yd7 Yo 1981 lltrl• r Cote Thi\ •l•ltmtnl '"" loltd with lht County Clerk c.I Or•nit County on~ n 03 20036944442 D•tly Pilot May 15 22 29 Jun• 5 2003 ThA30 ........... lmS..... The tollow1111 person• .,, do1n1 buS.lfltU as Information Recashnc SefvleH. 11 Palefmo St L11une N11uel CA 92677 R~t Bruce G•d dens 11 Palefmo St La1una N1aual CA 92677 Tht5 bu"neu 11 con ducted by a """ 11 partnenl"P Hive you \IMled d-01na bu.,neu yet? Yes 3 I!> 03 Rob.,! Br u'e Godd•ns Th" statement wu ltled with the County Clerk ot 011nt1e County on 05/20/03 200S6'4UOO Daily Pilot May 22, 29 June 5, 12, 2003 rH4S2 AdllMhsillSS ... s...... The toOow•n& per sons are dotn& bu"""' u CNS CONSTRUC flON 789 Newton Vi1y Costa I Meu CA92627 Georae N Somal 2229 \/~I• Hue<ta Newpvrl Beach CA 92660 ThtS bu11ne'\s '' Lon du,ted by an 1ndmdu11 Have you sta. teo Olltna busonen yet' Yu 1986 Ceorae S1m11 Tilts st1ttment #IS hied with lht (tJunly Cletlo. ol Or an1t C •unt1 on~.20 03 200S694S29S Oatly Pilot Mat 22. 19 June 5 12 2003 fH45 I Re-.. ..... ,._,........ The followrna 1M•M>11• 11• cto1ns buMnen •• The Wheat C1H' Man 1222 l ondenderr t SI Cc.\ta Mesa CA 92b26 01v1d Allen l c.kerl 122:? lond<>nderry St CoU• Mesa CA 91626 T hos Ou''"'"" 1s c.011 dutttd by •n 111d1v1du•I H••• y<iu sl•r t.d Cl<J•n11 bullnen yet' Yn C I 1188 Oavid A I •~•rt ltto\ sl•temenl w•~ ftlad with lht Cuunty Cl•rk ut Or •nae County on O!> 09 03 2001 .. 44021 011ly Pilot M•y I) 72 29 lune~ 1003 r~44)') Tell Us Abou1 YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSlflED (949) 642-5678 -· 4J Ind ex How to Place A -----Policy·------. ~ .,.,... ~ ..... 15 CLASSIFIEAD Rate\ i1Ild deadlines arc SUbJCCI to change "'tthuut Ollll~e The publ"her re~erve~ the nght 10 censor. recl.s,,tf) re'•~· w r1:1c 1 an) da)~tf1ed adveru:.ement Please report '"'" arm 1ha1 n1.1) be in your cl.is~1fied ad 1mmedJatcl)' The 0.111) Ptl1•1 .... i:p1<. no ltJb1ltt)r for any error man advcn1,emen1 tor v.h11;h It lllJ\ bt: re,pon,1ble eitccpl for !he cost of the 'p.scc .ic1u.sll\ o .... up1ed b; the error Credit can onl) be allowed for the fir,t '""··rtton ,• ... , 8 I '' SERVICE DIRECTORY lh Fax B,· Phonf' 8\' .\lail/ln P t-r!'lon : ., \\ ·-1 BJ\ \tr ~I I ,tJ \k J ( \ i:~~· \I '"lllP' ('! B j \ 8J1 ..,, I lour!oo: Tckph "'' ~'un c flJpm \l.il\JJ\ I nJ.s~ \~.I~ Ir '< ll~Jm ")Jpm \I• •llJJ1 Fnd·~ -----Deadlin e \lond.J~ Tu<!..J.i~ \\-ctlnc-d.J ~ fhur-ilo1' Fnda} ~ OOpm \fonda) S-OOpm T U\'\da) ~ OOpm WednC-.da) ~ fOpm f n,IJ~ \,.rurd.I\ 'iun<b' Tl ur,J .. 1 • • 'l"' I •ulJ\ f 'r" f--r1J.J\ ' (WtpfT General Announcements Garage/ Yard Sala 1489 1610 3460 MISCELLANEOUS JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS HO•.lfsr~ns,; r I Newp<M18each ORANGE 5400 NEWPO«T llACH I Newport Cont · I Of'IN SUN l ·S lrt9ht 38r 2 .S la Houtt ntwly •emodeled, f p A C whirlpool tub S3JOO mo 949 46J 8361 f'ACIFIC VlfW Bay view r ert '"lot • 370 pr1v•lt party S10001obo 714 772 3441 Colledlbln/ Memorabllla 1160 TOf' SS 4 RECORDS £TC tw. ClimiL. E.lt c;o, ' OOs .lt!l NW.. Sc*r llJbe '""C>S Mtke 949 64!> 7SOS OOERTAINMENT Calendar of &Intl 1310 IQCW HOUSlt6 orPOITINTY All rut Ul•lt •d•e• ll\1nc on 11111 ne..-paper 1$ \ub1ecl lo the r edt• ., r ... HOU\•ne All ,,, 1968 H-•\ 1mrndfd tt1n1c h mak~\ •I 111~1•• tu •dvetll\e any poet~r en<e l1m1tat1on or d1scrom1nalwn ba\fd un ... r1ct, color t11f1rtOn \t1 '.'handicap tam1h1I \hlu\ 't-. or nalton1t oroe'" 01 •n 1nltnlton to m•lo.e any such prefelfnte ltmol• loon or dll<rtm1n11ton • > This new\paptr will not know1"&ly •uept •ny 1dve1t1Hment for u•I Olate wht<h 1\ on •' •10l•loon ol Ille law Our • readers are hereby informed that 111 dwell •ncs adv er lt•ed '" th~ • ntW\P•P" are 1•a•l•blt' on an equal opportu111ty basis lo compllun of dt\ '""'"'al-. 'call HUD loll lrtt at I 800 424 SS90 Est*Sala 1418 ',. --.. --,...-&-w--. -.6-1_1_ • Tr adlwwld\ l n YrttJ&!I Rattan.Fllll l(n) ..._ Shrb Nldltas .. H::dl9p ~=-1489 ... Sample Sale Sat 6 f3 I 91m 411m Art hot\ wt•rabli.s. p1em1um 1len111 410 )2nd Str •et Ntwpor! Bch (balk al..,y> ''ti.e IMto" Nel.W.or .... 4 Sale Set. Moy SJ_. _ _,,... l...w..ffDr & .......... (...._,.,., c.ww.1 ......... lost 1505 lOST Coo.<llJal ~.., wtw yf'llow '"~ C~\ w I whf\tle Namt S•ottlo I Rew Hd 9•9 .'32 5999 i lOST DIAMOND RING @ Ho111 flO\p1!4l f undrlt\tr @ £ dwMd\ I h•all1•r 1n womens 1otroom Rf.Wf!PD ~ 673.Pm Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Oldaf Sty!. Furniture PIANOS l Col~ ...... ---"'< .............. • ~....,,. • ~-• C'l*lir• .._.,._..,. $$ CASH PAID $$ ~ONSIGNMENTsl I "'"' .......... ""'• I \ '" t I ', .. I f• I ,', P II '~ f •I ,, 111• ' I'' •'-"41 .. , 11 l • l'ol'. ! ~64M922-SOUTH C8AST AUCTI N M•v 111 .. .a11 ed 11 .. a. 1 nt Jtsu~ t>e dd(Jrttl & ~lottfo•d now & 101 ner Sn1ed he•rl ul le\Us piay for us S..1nt JudP wo1l.er of m111tlts prdy fol us ANAHCWJ PROFESS10NAL SERVICES fmanclal P1aMlnQ 2465 FINANCIAL SlCRlTS Of the Super Weofthyl Te<1 hL~"IQUtS tht tilt wealth, u~ ev" yday to IOlttV lhew Whlth If 100 lruty ll<'-..• to <1j::t\1ve loo•nu al \e< u"tY You mus! hav .. lh<s1 l -877 891 3260 S20 v MC t>tSC by P •Inell LeM.f:u • •Ulhot of lnestment 81S1C~ Frlt' S/H (CAI. •SCANJ APPLIANCES 3050 WHIRlf'OOl WaU!eriOryer. larae t• pac•ly. •Int ~ond, SJ001 tor both 949 6.42 1811 JI.Tl PAINTINGS . 3060 f'Hll OIKE f'AINTINGS All N•WPOl"I Hnbor scenes 30 X 40 011 16 X 2Aw ·c. lOX llw 'c 1-800-IU-9115 HOME FURNISHINGS F1l'l1ibn 3435 'MA'H'f BW' ""' Clb ""5 llkerww tilt~ & boup<Y\l ~ req Sll!IO 949~7746 SEU ,.. .... ....... Cooot Col" Needs Old Cu11u1 Cold ~•lvt• ieweky w•ldin •"l'llU'°" tollec.ltbles 949 &42 9448 PETS/ LIVESTOCK Cats 3610 I~ ltl'SQJCID IC1TTINS, CATlo oor.s pllnC"'"".,. ,,,_~,..K Adopbon\ F W.>n l5IMld J) DAY ~TH CUAAAHTE£ 966'4 zng AIU SPAY "' momnv cal. et .. kAtr&. 9t&~ll Pet Adoptions 3660 Ge,..._ She,herdo 111 colors 111 \llU tor 1dopt1on to qu•ltl1td ho-I WWW ~le\<.U~ "'I or 714 771 !>91~ :J?each 4 , rJ ?'<eaders in 9Ceap~rl :7Jeach, Corona d'ef :JKa.r, XeQ)porl Coasl, G la !l/{e.sa. ulonlhis <?''f:f9'K s 1'Leidl MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 3 ·Sllll IUILOINGS 78• ~ .... S8 900 "'' S l 890 l6148 Wa\ SI' 900 'tll S5.950 41h 100 ...,..~ S26 900 ''"S 1 'l 900 r all Nuw' I""' PJJO J97 78()1; WANTED JAf'AHISl SW ORDS AND RlLATlO ITEMS 949.494.17" Business Opportunitl 9$ Businesses and Frand'llses 3905 , ........... Bit• ....... ... , ....... ""'&«tis s.D. • mo polrnlial lvw overhead offered 11 s:29I II 4-41' 66tl2 W•ntecl on uwnone tour uw11 bu~•'fSS 1 Th1nl11n1t1 'll upandtt•R' l'k"ed help' Cdlt I 866 2°>7-611'; lor a• VWI b~K-' consultlfli ne~\ flNANCIAl SlCttrTS or the Svper Wealthy I 1 '" ltchnoque\ lht lhe wullhy uv •¥Hyday to ont1 l!Y l!lf!t< wulth If you lrulv Jt~Wt to achove fin•n~ IAI !Iott Uf •ty YCIV mu'I hd•C tn~· I 877 891 Jl60 S20 \I MC UtSC br Patrt.i.. leM.eua •ull>•• <1f lnntment lltw F •,.,. S 'H t CAI. •SCAN Sl ART A SUCClSSfUl tic..nr e~ 11 ... t nwiles money m lht Int m<l(llh1 ~.COO. PO OOJ po< montn 1.0.287.(Sb lwo mRl1e recoroed me•\•i' 1CAI. •SCAN) FORGIT THl STOCK MA.RKm ~.­ netd\ only one eround ltvel P•• Iner on truly prom">na product hnes Sky \ lht hmol Se11ous '111 9'-9 2 9!> !>824 mret1n1 appointment only WI MADI S IS6,2S7 I.Isl month e.>lfllli-YKI bornna worlu<111 only when we wented W~ can pcKdlV'°'Y le.ch 10\t lO do the sa1T11 Rl!UWOtl proof lnternted? 600-867.u51 9 (CAL •SCAN) COUNTY I om!SUM2·S &MOM l·S Corona del Mar I 121Ulll\AMO RD. #4 ,._ Ustlng r,a, vtV\ H1~ y upgraded 2br 2ba l•.e aOove the clouds otun v1tws I level hume 2br • den Gated lomm s as1.ooo f'LATINUM f'ROf'llTllS Stefanie Meu•t• 94'·71S-31S6 bonus •m on ~yai.n• Hia I tOOilo Westchf1 ill~ Custom pool •P• & r'lOl nM 8 0 Ga1 .. bn to the Ii. wiewong WJ.J.WJ J #lie! Stv-l"f _ _,, de<.~ on the Ul>I>" lev~I 94~400-2%2 w1nn1n& 8roollf1eld •l\IM> E • tenvv~ uv ii home built •n 2000 3b1 -&r•~fl• ITiilft>i.. ' luu "' • hcpH•lt• '""'-~ l <1tftce Ae>0ro1 3700,f '""' SI 950 000 ludy ~ Be<.l 1 E yth S 1,719,000 Ko<ar Bkr 949 l7'> ;576 1n.o, w«•...n ":'a, 2'e: f'LATINUM ... Of'llTIES STUDto U'T. $19!> 'mo includes ut1htes nur be.ch launelry lat nu pelS 9A9 6" 5642 (' .... 2tJ 1 .. "'4*• beaUtJf1Ay remodeletl f p w dtW<.uplcp,... pvt ywd ptt ne& SI 700m I 'I' a 96631 1131 8oO -1 .,, • ... ,.. '"" lobrar t S1et•n1P Mturer JASMINE CRUK • r~ ~nct P.tNA·'""' •'-' ITom 949 715 31S6 Sl9!lt0 rro ll'dnr wll n;id sto•1 ?br lb• d.-n Roi''~ rh" blutl 1<41 ,.,,_ Yoo O,lN SAT 1-S I n1e vm. 9";2»4£67 Gardener ~ndK1c>ed m u 'I \', I 11 1 \ ..__ 8-.., Hand•< •1JP"d rudv Very "''"' S2 l'JHYJJ •~I ..._.,, 2J Ferrand ,...,....,_, low ma1n1 A\\o• 'J4'1 707 "4NJ 24 IT iiu;ord iiled conm --U-DO--Y-1.Aa--L-Y_L_U_S_I_ ., '"""" PO<ll 't>t 0t ) • nlfu Vll!Wlo at 1 Sill CRUNOY REAL TORS Call tor appl By O"'n'r I A DataSITt Slo S8o ~: .:..::_ 949-67 S •• 16 I 949 640 8117 M.•whr. I\.~ ftoy p01 NTNJM NUriitlti ----------------h•.:h (01lon1• Lurv.ng ~ ...... N•wpen aeodt Jmm1ne CTMll F abu~ '"""._._ wts.df rp a 9'19-715"3156 Peninsula Studio Ap1r1 i'JU'rnt'I ULIWI wstom men!\ avail Aat S700 loullon "" t~ ICf~nlwoll' ~ & mrnSI 193COO S95()9A9-671 7800 3br OM W(>l'hOOI room ~ Brriunon CoasUne RESORT/ "'"a lg '"' rm w r P ~ Re..itv 949 7590tn tAlt 5uardNI pook '>P~ \ VACATION & lt-nn.s. S799.00J ~ Ku4.w Slit 949 376 5576 fuly furnkhed JXX>\I PROPERTY """"' nn a nver~tfd lot ........ .,..,.~ LocalAlfl & Vlllue' Er Sl.HHll) J3t Sl 27'l00J 2Br s 1.ms coo ~ I • 1W""'1 fWd Ca Riiy 949-nt -01 l? with "Ml"' ""'""' 48r fOR SAL£ off• t lB• k gill rR La ---------! .. r.-p aruund Vd•d Mitrble I t!fan1te ''~ inlays flat ,.,....,, pu..m• TV ail St,v• '49-450-NIO Mounlaln Property ~· CAL.If ~' cozy doublt wide mobtle home C~I anytime $591 Kai D-717·2833 Nf'I f'-tft•alo 2bt yurly renr11s •at S lAOO l 9!>0 mo 949 673 7800 949 673 7800 MW Off ht MO RINT r0t ,,,_..,,, lune I w 12 mo !use New remodel ~ Cod style comm w new dishwasher & refneeralor carpel i '* lml(, '* w.-dryw mode (@ apt 181 s l 09!> 281 SJ4l!> Cat Lora 1949) 6'6-2224 Of 7 l 4-633-1'!191 ........... /0.W'fT non1)1'oflt nri; -,...,... tl'lflc.p l&'IGI ~I -•W ~ md • llJIVIA./oNi ,,.... c.r...... t.,Jm< ·!too.• ·~· ,_ ~"'""" Oatabas• m•11otnt1•,,,..nl Ul)r'rlln~ ~ rn<t't ~ 1 pnld l'IUt not ~111111 IA• I~,,_ #ld wlar V r ~ tp'!l!tl•~ 949673 ·~ DltlVDJ O~CR Ol"IR A TOR. H""''., .,~.,.,_ •'Wt 11 ur k' l ""'""" ! • "'°" ~·· l••""-l"' "• 1~ l"'''°' lt~·~nt In mah tC.u sutu»•uf' All LAMlS TAR !IXll lU!> ~ CAI.·~· Of'lH SAT·SUH 1·4 71 S AVOCADO AVI Walk to COM Voll•i• b..achu r asllion l\l1nd Pr"e Raniie $395 000 t S4?'; 000 714 1'}4 9661 Ope" Sat & SUtl 1 2-4 23 Choth°"' Caurt 2BI E.i a... .. ..rt Gem ~w'i>&~wet twr' p.m > "' lounta*I SI ~ax> Iii IWI Wtllfll l)el}Q!9 IQ50 MISCR.LANEOUS RENTALS '-' .., ,..., twmi ,_ o.iwn CT-o,..r.tt-l Hlr1IOr '* 2& Ula. mi I $100'l ... .., bon· 't'ltt lo btly lln"&. ,..... ollt. i-11 Mv< • tu! .) • "" o CA Sl700m tw 949 718 IAOO I Tt"mona Ar......,. [ '"'"'' l tnn I Stl-''.i'!'-03'J 11;• '*' Qest twrtwn P9W •IOI rt.,,., •u•u• oomn 2!ir 15b9 Pl*> ~ "''@",,,..,,. ~oml .,~ ~ nu pwll. 1*Jc.p 2 l m 'f d " r-N. 99"..IJ'I J Laguna Beach 2 ,._..... aww.. sit. on pnme L.-84'1<.h ocean vww ~ slael Conce!>tuoll plan\ by T tm Nocol for 2 bomH. ICJPIO• 2500s1 tld1 HI.tit valoe .. land. Build both homeS llw tn -sell the ottM!r Ctrrent 48t hotnl! uY<I 8' '"'°"1e Euy bvrld on flat tots! C.I la Comerlord @Coldweff Bank• for more dlltllots on lelld 9'9-464-JJI 4-s 1,650.000 NlW ON THI MAHlT o,.." Sat 2·S O"• fer4 R4. S Vlltt ... Or 5br 5ba 2 c 1ar. SI 79!>.000ByOwner lit 357 SA!>O l-1Wuff 58t 281 wl de Ul toc•lton w/pool PtlnCl()lls only pi.ase $67<;11 leashold Doua Bullo!v 81\r 949-7~1704 Hice Ne...,.,., U11t1t Fut Seit As Isl Best offer ov11 S880,000 949 290 9128 t/Owner FIXER UPPER Bargains, these homes need work, lowst prices. Free computerized list. O~tFrecHomelnfo.ora "Ftee reconled meuagc 1.800.704.9343 ID# 1248 Rf./MAXR.cs c.- Bank Fotte:losures. Free lin of fondmun: ,properties. Receive a lift, computuitcd printout. CM..OAl.AOI nouol ONlYI $ 100/-. M9-MS•H47 ............ ,,.... .. _. ..... ~-.... 2<!t !!!!! Ir,!!•!!! f1' ac! SI 1!iO 96 293-4631 .. c-,-2lr 2tJe CMtlr 11»+4< fntpk 2 SNll0 newly dKOflltd w d n11111 Sl85an 714-~l IAYVllW KltGMTS 20101 cww-St. 2br, ok, 2bl ,_ 11.tt, w/d, $2250r'1 fill Clwllty •94<).5(1).36<t9 CMIYUb OWMOI Of'lll· A Ta.. tiaw your ()WO' true>' l~ .. "" .... 1noeptn0r>nce' l itnd\t1• llA ti.e t~ ~· to mal\t '\'Oii !oU<C-tuf l II» 111 18 \CM.·~ s-J.tt Oeckhanll C.p on hsh1n1 Y•< his Based on Newport Buell F o ,..,,,.. ID 9t11Mlif)~ OWNU O,UATOa TIAMSl COi. w/Hu Mii 6 ~ req Twmtnal Ttmlftll Drl!JI,~ Htrt on 8onus. HWi ~ ID> 909 5664 eat 210 (c:Al -stAN) OWNU OPHATOa TIAMSI CU. w/Hm -...1 & ~ ttQ TtrfnlNI T...W.~Hrt Oii ._., ""' ... -tOt ~164 t•I 210 (CM.-scM) • ACROSS t FoMllrwn ,i =the Lln4t' ,.;::. '51~':. 18 Teen wot 17 ·-C.me Jone.• 111 Riiier duck ' Ill OI u1e <II> £•tends ll2 PMl\hunlll lM Add rain wllfChdo9 ie Wotks cla.y ~7 Mesa 31 Uppetl""!t 32 Panol REM 33 Tat>;e 88 SpanlSh 11enttem1W1 39 POltefll 40 Wpedout 41 Y11d 100C 42 RllO 43 Ovat1. plue 44 Was able 10 45 Jo and ee111·s llJ$!9f =~swimmers 61 Netur., r..., 52 Of n.6 ng famflles $4 Evades 59 Peln\!ng ancl dancct eo AM41 82Hltt d~llr 113 SWOfd llclht 64 Chi! 65 Dlllk ee Frisky 67 Holen01 - 68 Y11ne oow·N 1 Oitl11111 2 Fr lllle 3 Falll)(, Old1'yle 4 Seaeagle 6 HlllY lwer ·a =tundl 7 PIJ(juled 8 Arbnsu range II l<8f;ll llNdy 10 Snooze 11 !:_on9ed '°' 12TI.al81 13 Egg prOCIYOOt'S 21 Hot tub 23 Outlet ntler 2S Taxpayer's · dread 27 Oue Of Ont 28 Wook. es 11n excuse 29 Tr angle 1'l 30 Pewler "Employee." ''Empkado. •• "ArbeitT~hmer. •· "Em.plnye." IA., s S 1' al L LA TH L I ~ p PA D ~ E 'n H 1n KA NE AR I l~li; O L s T AN N IC l EAR .. LO • E AR Ill~ I " K El AT E • A B A • E RI E Aa A • so R "' s T • IA L L NE ER •AL Ti! [ UN OE A S E A• QM EDY •• •C Hf • LE AA "[j I E ST ... Ill FR 11 IJ RT:; • I VES BU RY AD IE U• Ml CE UC LA Rt NOS •SE T 8' SE EN 5-29-0IS ~ 200:! u.--9yrdcdl. Ilic componetll 48 Wallle IOpplf\9 34 Botoro 48 use the dOOt 35 Untamed 50 OUllt filllH 311 Slap on hallllly S2 Paps 3 7 Kalis nelgllbor 53 Ta-Ill In Tunn 38 Sperl<• and SS Andrews Of Beatty Wynt111 40 Most m1set1y 56 Astl organ <11 lobeler 891111 57 E_eeay1111 43 AulholUM WleMI 44 "Monkey taoe• 58 Fast jats llUJI 61 Mike an ettott 4S $kJmp)I 4 7 Tlcl<ed 011 Service Dlrec:tory ".NOTICE 10 REAOt:RS: California law re· QUires thal contrac· tors lak 1ne 1ob11 that total $500 or mOf e (!abo< or materials) be he vnHd b~ the Contrac;lors State l lcense Board. State l1w atw requites lhat con tr actors Include lhelf l1eense number on all advertislne You c.an check the status of your licensed contra c tor at WWw.cslb.ca &OV 01 800 321 CSL B. Unli· censed contractors takln1 robs that total leu thin $500 must stile tn their advertisements that they are not licensed by lhe Contractors Slat• L.icenst Board.~ fMn'MltG ln89Cm Kllr:h«t I a.th I Remodel ~tah.;•bsmm dJP'j ~ 91El6«iqprj ~ A· t HANDYMAN IMtall, ref1ce c1blnels. ~~~ ........ Oq 714-546-12!18 . . vCAl.PIT~CMPITO lttp11in. Patchlfl1.1tt.1t•ll Courteous. •n~ ~111 IOb•. WholeNlel 949 .C92 0205 ' EFFICIENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (714) 964-2007 HB 9&2.f900 NB (149) 720·0717 1000·1 ol lnstlllations slnca 1983 FURNACE SALE A+ R Furnace & Many Code Uporades 75,DOO BTU From $1500 1 llO ,000 BTU From $1650 Plus cify permllS, & code upgrades 964·2007 FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES &INSPECTION Clrpet Cleaning SAVE 35%0N ~$'9 Salllf ............. ........, n.fl011MAJI JJYIAISW. BROTHFR'i (J\RPET \ERVICE son s S9 7181 SELL INHO I & IUSINESS lfll'AMS Uparades. Repairs of Computer, Networlls Evenlnp/WHkends Competitive prices for quality servic. 949-136-117 s 714-926-4221 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH NF.AT UNBLOCK blddloa and showed the five.cllld sPlde sulL South e1nnot be blamed (OI' lcllping to three oo trump 1im:e partner 1\11(1 to have some v"'1ues IO EAST com&i~ lhe ien of heans find Bast held up the ace to prevent the queen of hearts from being an entry. Declarer ca.med the k.int 1111tJ ace of diamonds. hoping the jock would fall and the ten would become an tnuy. • A 7 64 <:> A2 0 J 94 •QJ42 When tb8I did llOI happe11, SoUth ran the rest of the dlamoiids. di§C8td- ing 1wo •'padcs from dummy ~ West stuffed the five of spades. a he1111 and 1wo clubs. Now declan:( led the king of spades. and E.asl defended weU by winning with the ace and shifting lo 11 low club. When Soolh withheld dummy's ace. West won wilh the king and rerumed the nine. l>cclarcc c.ontinued beautifully by plnyiog low from dummy. ~ woo with the jack and fell from gr.ice by returning o dub. Declan:r jetlisoo4:cl lhe l{uc:c;ll of spi(b frum hand as lhc table'~ ace won, and the jack and lCll of spade~ were cashed Thal brought declarer·~ Irick to<al to nine in the f onn of ti vc diamonds. lWO I>~ and a Irick each in the other 1wo suilS. EAST SOUTH INT Dbl Paw lNT .... Opening lead: Teo of ~ Shon.a!-;e of enlrics can be 11 major problem. By cnlbting the help of the dcfen~. South found a oeat way to ..otvC' an entry problem on ~deal Md land a game contract that could have been defcaied. East·Wcsl's no-trump range was 12-14 pointi.. West ran from the dou- ble to the five.card major suit. bot North refui.ec.I to be shut out of thc Note tha1. if inslelld of pliying 11 third club, Ew;t were lo ciuh IM ~ or heart~ and cxu with a spade 10 lhc queen. West would M.'<ln: a hean at the end for the i.e1ti11g trick. PttE-SCHOOl TEACHER needed to worl< In well established pre·school. A.pplic•nt need 12 units of ECE And a clear understlndlna of chtld development. f.rper req Great tum of teachers lo wOfk with. 949 673· 8233 c .. tod: Cllrl•!y Prolod Coortllnotor / AdtnM Aasht F ff CA non- profit ora neoch hecutive level admin asshl w/backeJ01md 111 proiocl coord1naoon Must have lint computer, org.atnll3• t!Ollal aod m1~h·lasl\N1" sllills E xper tn WCKd, E reel, PoWf!f P04nl and ACT a plus. 6ustne~ C-...1 work env•oomenl neM bead1. potenti;,I lo telecommute or work trom home wdl be coosidefed. F iu rCMJme and salary history to 949 673 2356 Pubhsh1na rROMOTIONS DEPART MINT ContmtJnfly ~s tn Oraoiie County salts F ul rme pefSOfl lo 1nler-view and wnte stories. partlct pate Ill commurnty ~. create and pall1l3te paaes and secl.JOM. E xcellenl COllllTlUntealion 5ittlls. work wdl With the public:. Know AP Style. QuarkXPrns, Pilot~. MutlJ Ad Cre· ator. Profiaenl on MAC and PC . CCI des1an experience preferred Proolreadlf\e lest Drue seteetwWphY$1Cl11 r~ed EOE E •cetlent benelit ~ [mall resume. wrrllfli samples and salwy requirements t o lana.flhnson@lalme!.com llfTM WIS. Trendy .R doCf*'i store ., L.ae!.m beach IS lwf"C for sales and ,.,.... 6r1fh _. U]. a..MraD fa• 310.371 ·!X>16 Conc:nlle & Muonry lrtdi llodc st-, ... Concrete, Patio, Driveway F1replc, 88Q. Refs. 25Yrs hp. Terry 714.557.7594 ConstructnlCont MUD MORI ROOM? AOOfOONS&~ Lf577982 949·709·5642 Room AOCllflOns Remodel • New Comlrvdion • IV~O-M'*""f TIMf OllGfN YOUIHOMI IMPROVEMINY PROJECT? Call • plumber, painter. handyman. or any of the arut services llsted here in our service directory! THES£ LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HhP YOUTOOAYI Drywall -- WITTHOln DIYWAll All phases sm/lra lobs. CUANI 20yrs, f1if. free est. L4CXXm 714-0)-1447 Eldlclllllvlcll s..IJM~I Dwncan Elec:trtc 20Yn Exp LOCIVQuicll Responae Serviel/RlmOOels l'2751JJO ~7042 Actiuhu llectrlc troublalloollnt ~ .. Mrvica. No jOb too 1rn. Ll51S863 n~I:J> uciJriii COitiidOi No~tootm.M~ Repw. remodel, tans, .. , ,_ IWC ~Jlfi6 JOIN OUR TEAM and make a ditfer ence. In lhe California Army National Guard you can ael money for colleae and c1reer '"'"'"'· Call l · 800 ·GO ·GU ARO (CAL •SCAN) JOIN OUR TEAM and make a difference. In the California Army National Guard you can 11et money for cot1e11e and career training Call l 800 -GO -GUARO (CAL •scAN) JOIN oua TUM and matte a difference. !11 the Californla Nmy NatJonal Guard you C"'1 2e1 money for colle&e and car- lr a1nlfli Cat1 I -~GO· GUARD (CAL •SCAN) TUI-REPS A,tpt.Sotton S9.oo-s'l$.50 11'.AW hol.ny~ comm-i borus111s. Pd wMlly fl /PT £ rper pu:f d Recrres welcomed. 25 ~ Co H.B Honest/Clean .. ~ Enworment. c.t l-8l>-7'6J. 400>• ~cil TeUUsAhout YOUR GARAGE SALE! In . ClASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 EJeclrtcal Services AlltOf'I<• I odrlc Licensed Etectrlcal Contraclor. Small 1obs slarttna al $79.tS &up. Speciafizina in Remodeline a. all home wirine need~. Comm/lndusl/Res 1-100-HZ-1 OJSTOll CMATM lU lnsblltlon. sliltl. ceramil, ma1>1e, stone. bflllll 1975 Ul61.2044 Jeff n~12·9961 WiYsa;w;:sRepwect Recroutin & lnS'llllatlon TILE DEAN 949-673-8065 714-846-8526 714-81n-2031 O.,.Doorl Automobiles - Aaltornatlve 9004 IMW S2SI '90 Gold. low"'''"· runs areal! F utly loaded ~ 000 949-887 · Ull7 IMW l3 '97 -· 4411 actual mt. 5 ~. lf1dleo <Ian. blue, lotdit I.an mt. beautiful or -.i unmow1t.ed cond, $14.99!>. ~lll7S9241. 949-576-8888 81\t ~ c...,. o..;a.• .. ~ low mr. S4lvor vt/bll loi>. 2~. ltlY tnl. a:lnl oond. S3795 949-548-0425 Codlllec '02 DoVllle Sedan I 91t mt, white oatmeal llhr CO. Onstar . v#J37943 S25.99!> save S20k, fin & warranty avail 6kr 949 586 1888 -.ocpol>l.cc- CAD SEVllU '9S 27.51< miles. dark red. ed. $7000 prtvale party 949 673-2636 COMPUTE LANDSCAPING Oeslan. ~teJnups, trees, sod, spdnlllers. Maintenance as low as S9/week. Ucenr.ed 714 222-8425 NK.k ,, .... Gel your yard looklna its best for the Sl.ITmlf. Y•d cllan-t4J'S, ~ ~ and llldsalpq weekend & e1te quotes Xtra HetHt Sonlces 714-4274* l!f'>TllHl • PEl'Alf! II. f!l M00£l INC. mnAl.lmll AIWNllX4M'I . ....., .. ~ 0 Job 10o SMoll 0.-.....oto. ...-.2W29J Dally Pilot ....... •Ada ... .......... - fOID AllOSTAI "tS 1t. •if, 5 pass, 9511 ml, o trH, A·l condl $3900. 949-7U·8297 foril '6S M••t•111 Convertible, orl1ln1l owner, solid ctr Sl9,995 obo 949-719·2943. J..-S-T~ 4.2 YI '0), 15k ml. white, oetmeel lh, ed. chroma ......... 6-tpllld euto. s- l!il<, 139.995. vln-1!156965 9&586-18118 8kr J.,._ 'to XJ6 Wltlte/ blue lthr. chrome whls. bnut otia cond, full svc, epprtclatt vt752491 $3995 Bkr 949-686·1888 -.~.co. ~"tsa.....o.-u. LOtldo 7!tc. V8 II wheel drlw. tow pq, ro. wm $7495. 949-244-4162 ... ~ 'UO 4..0 s.-t Red. • ....,, dr, et. CD, hard top, sGft tgp. 591 n•. $15,!Ul. ~ l-4 Revor 'ti 01•- c;overy LE 47k mi. 4yr warr avatl • drll metallic a• een/tan llhr, heated seats. dual mnrl, beau~ ltful orrg· cond, aaraeed, non/smllr. must see to appreciate, v•95824 I Sl3,99S 6kt 949-586-18118 -.oqiet.c- UXUS JOOSC '92 for est ereen. t~n tlhr seats. CO. Sunroof. All pwr . loaded. 1 lnl cond S9.900 obo 949-721 -5049 Moad• '99 Mlot• ConY. 45k rm. auto. silver, tan top, pw, pt, A/C. CO. superb ltli.e new cond. v•ll9743 $21 ,995 financme & warr anly avail 6kr. 949·586· 1888 -.ocpoltl.c- ........ ._ S60Sl ,.. worth s I 5K, <JSktnC $13.500/obo. Xlnl cond. peat car, CO. haYe IWll- top, 87K ""· 949 9J9. nu MorcodH '96 C210 beaulltul black/cream fully loaded. showroom. IV'out. Slo.!Ul 714 751-2464 MHCEDES 300CD 'IS Rare Co upe Blue/natu ral looks and runs areal! S4500/obo 949 515 5882 MorcodH '00 U20 1611 actual mt, lull factory warr. turquoise blue/oa tmeal lthr'. moonrool, CO, chrome whls, one of the lowMt mite Mercedes of the year in Calif v#557291 S29.995 frnanc1n1 av<11I Bll r 949 586 1888 -.CH: ..... C_ ....... 4SCMQ. 75 Silver, dassll:. at. ac. am/ fm, SUIYOOI, bladl int, S2200 c appr aased S4IXXl ) &ood cond 949-689-8432 MOf'CffM 3a0Sl '12 ha<Cl·lop &nd neM new ~It top, 60k mt new en&, black $5700. ~574·5653 Morcod. UOst '12 h•d·top and near new soft top. 60k ml, new er., black $5700. 949-574-5653 Morco4o• 'II 560 SL white/ten. tmmac ~ nn lf1!lt new ~ t¥>. ~ swm n41Sl·:!lfit COM,'UTr HOME MAl#TE#ANCE No iob too small! E verythinc trom Carper1try to p •lftbr1i f' rH estimate ,.,, ""'"'>' f4'4fS-IU. ffX UP Sf'ICIAUST. All types of repairs [lee· trlcal, pluml>tna, docn, wats hetltllrs. lies a. more 24/lrfldays 714·366-1881 <..-.. ,..,.. Carpentry • Plumbina DfywaM • Stucco Peintina. Tiie a. m«e 20+ Years C.periencel "714··969-5776 l.i:llli7411D ROllNSON COMPANY Kltcheot. Wais. S.UW-ooms Mark . 949-6!">0·9525 THI HANDYMAN All work 1u1r•ntffd ~ Eldbl. Doon, fmmll c:rp .. 9&aM8Ri ........ N• TO THI DUMPlll 71A·968· 1882 AVAILA8LE TOOAYI 949 673-5566 ........ c..tlll 0-.. .... C)ulllty Houac: ....... o.o. 24Yt1. Rat's 949· 548·0054 949·637-4113 CREVIER ,---...... , ~ - NEW2002 MINI COOPER Sllfmf 1 PRDO PKG. , 16' M.LOYSI CO i1~,~ lATTllSPRn (T~l8) .................. OntERAT SMJJiSAVMIS! -·······•····-··· LITS MOT~ rrs FUN ******** 55fflfWAY@ fDaJ! SMTAANA AUTO MAU. (Ill) ID-ta PHIWPSAUTO fllMWJ:IJI conv. leather intetiof beauty! (l!l:ml) $18.980 OOllMW M ....,_, conv. blacti w/pey premtum wheels (193118) $28,980 fSMIZSLSOO sllv9r arey leather. prem wtleelS (19390) • $27,980 0, l'ondto , ..... ,. only I 8K ml. l1RE pet. formanc:e wi-1s ( 19394) INQUIRE I "'"'-Sliver w/B~. Only 1811. Mi, very dean (19413) $55,980 fllMWl«ll~ one ownef . local New· port Sedan, great records chromed wilts (19340) S22,'8> oo~xu Sliver w;Sladl 121< m" per1ecl (19381 ) $45. 91)) tale-GS300 chrome wtm, tow miles. su111oof (19418) S23.91K> 01 lonl T-llnl Only 496 miles (I 9384C) SJJ.'8> 00 J..-s..1.,,. 12'1 Miles W/leather int. tnOOIW ool (19314) SZ>.'8> ffMIZCJ.VZO black W/blaek lthr chromed wh«k ( I ill2) S26,!8l 949-574-7777 PHI.I.PS AllTO ........... ~ Mowtng&Slorlgl HST MOYEltSSSS/~. Servq M eit.s. lrli&a'ed. T163844 tlX). 246 2378 ~9971ciel PUBLIC NOTICE The Caltf. Public Utrllhes Comm111io" requires th•t •II used piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii v ........... .... 2811 ml, 1p11lltill1 blactv' oatmHI, 1111tol moonrf, CO, pw, pl, 1 loy whl:s, lilte ntw. vl470055 $13. 495 fln a w1n1nty iv.II, Btu 949-586·1888 P...,,SAUYO NMW$fll Conv, l..tnw lntarlor, Abeeuty. (193301) $18.980 OOllMWM ......... Biadl W/ffl'/ premium wheels (19.188) $28.!lln 01,._.,., ..... ,_. Only lllK Mi, HRE Per· fotmaooe Wti.ls ( 19394) INQUIRE u,..,..,. SC.,.. B~clean IMI tttv. ful records. rare fllld (19288) $11.980 fl .. WT«ll~ I owner, local Newport Seden, peat r9COf ca, chromed whMls (19340) $22.980 00 J.,._ XICI Sliver W/bllClk, 121( miles, perfect ( 19381) $45,980 fl'4urwGS400 Premium wi-A. CO stitdt sunroof (19286) $18.980 011wr11 ... 1n1 only 496 miles ( 19384C) $33,!Bl 00..,_, S-Typo 1.211 rm. llh<. moon·rool (19314) $25,980 ff Mil CJ.DZO blKll w/btack letttler, chromed whMls ( l 9:ll2) S29.980 t49-S74-7777 ~AUTO ......... _ PHtWPSAUTO fllllMW,131._ lthf tnleriOI beautyl 949-574-7777 Pff&1.PS AUTO ......,._.._. fOYOrA 2007 SlQUOIA L1m1led. 4)(4, "Iver. lully loaded, 9600 m1, pert cond $31 J1:1J 96-632 l5S5 Place your ad t oday! (fM9) 842-5678 -...... ce.. vw ... 'tO S..tpeed stlc:k. ar•t t,-iimporttlon, many txb'l$I $1900/obo 714473-5626 Wllllld IM5 ,... ~.,.. 0-~ )'8mS expl wl P"Y a -v ,.. price for "°"' car. Yin or trudl peid tar or not. Cal Die.ti Rlly @ T Ol'lllllD Auto Sl6ls. m 4.1'7·1931 or 71.4-J28.3228 CASH FOi CMS WI NllD YOUll CAI PAID fOI OI NOT rHUJPSAUTO ASa fotl MALCOLM Ht-574-7777 BOATS Powlrllolll 1515 '00 II~ Duffy 8edrk boat I o-. doc:bd by 8alJoa Island. ~t see! Sl7 ,<XX>/obo. 949-706-2063 150 NIW & USID IOATS 0-P.W IOAY SHOW M..y29-Mlo l , .. ,.... .....,74-2621 Sailboats 9620 o SIONlY SAIOT • COMl"l.fll $750/0IO 714~-21ts BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 93 n SUI' AV Alt.AIU IN NEWPORT llACH $2SOOUASl 949-500-IOOS llh 1910 IUCTRIC DUFFY hd!d top. S9000 private party 949-673-1636 llOAT SW'S HOW AVM Cal b we, locatlon and detaih. Water and ~. nci;ded M9-67S-4847 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilo t C la'>'>1f1ed <;ect1o n to find <>erv1cer, fro rn elec tronic-"' ctnd plumber'>. to landscaper') ctncJ p<11nter~ Daily Pilot ASPMAlf PAV'"G, SI.Al COATING, SfllrtNG, Quality work,,..,,., esim. c .. c ,,,,.. 71~ M...tc Pool & s,.. Svc. Weekly Serv1ee. Equip menl Rep111s. lnsUfed . C .. Ht-292-7173 PltSlr*-R~ household aoods _.~~!!!'U~-mover s prlrif -TlliTr•.i·-f-l!llR.Ll!l11.1t._.ntl!l:ll'-".ll'L...f-l-C~=~ ""' P U C Cel T number; Keep \'N Dogs I Cll:a hmos and chauffeurs In Their Own Home prrnt their T.C .P. (949) 631.~1 number in all adver ~I I llsements If you have any questions about the lecallty of • mover . limo or chauffeur. c.11. PUIU< UTIUYllS COMMISS10N IOO 117-... 7 I Al1"reltl ..... • a.ilrl.dal. r--cW (949) 548-0769 -.w+i1 °""' I .•