HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-31 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. I . Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2003 PW.HOS BY SEAN Hll.l(~ OAJlf PILOI Manne Staff Sgt. Cass Spence 1s welcomed home by his mother, Corinne. after returning from Iraq early Friday Reunited feels so good Marine Staff Sgt. Cass Spence is reunited with his fam ily after four months in the Middle East Lolita Harper Daily Pilot A l 3.05 a.m. Fn day. 2 year-old Connor Spence was fast asleep m hi\ U)'>ta Me<ia home -his nund wandering wherever toddJer: thoughts travel In Lhe wee houri. of the morning. But 45 mile.. away, at Camp Pendleton Marine Corp' liill.e, one of the hule boy\ dredm\ was coming true. II wa.\ al that moment thal h1' father, Staff 1.i.,11. 01arles ·ca ... .,· ',pence, wa!> marching 1hrough a 1·hecring welcorn· ing commmee after a four· month tour m Lhe Middle East. It WCI!> then that e&,., Sp<>me found he. wife, Carne. in a crowd of rowdy Wt'U· wi!.hers and held her light Aher a long plane tri'p, an hour bus ride and four rnonlfu. of au emotional roller coaster. ~pence let go of the war-lorn Iraqi de!>erl and embraced his family. "I missed you so much: La<>S Spence ~d to h1'> Wife, h olding her clo!>e. After mmutc:'> of a loving embrace. Cal>S Spence greeted the re<>t of tus anxious family. His sister Colette gave him a big hug and palled hlS See REUNITED, Paee A4 Staff Sgt. Cass Spence 1s reunited wrtti wife Came, right, and sister Colette Spence after returning from a fouriTlOflth tour. Coastal board questions club's public access State commission will look in to Balboa Bay Club's valet-onl y parking poli cy. June Casa&rande Daily Pilot NEWPORl B11\C 11 -Valt't parking dol'' not L rcate 1h1· Jund of welrnrning public ac < t''>'> Lhat thl' Balh11J Bay < Jub '>hould promote, d Ccihforn1J Coa\taJ C.ommh'>llH1 offit'1.tl '><iY'> C.omml'>'>llltl rl:'pre'>t'ntall\ e' '>d} they Y.111 \1'>11 lhe JJ.l'>t-reno \.died Ra> <Jub next \Ned . 10 ma.kc \Ure that frt:'C -.elf-parking " e:b1ly acct"'>'>1hle to the pub· lic "I h\loncally, th.-. '" a pm"dlt' dub that now ,., bemg opent.>d up lo the public. me percep- 11011 created by all-v-dlet parki ng QUESTION ? Do you think the Balboa Bay Club has fulfilled rts • requirement of public access? Call our Readers Hotline di (949) 642-6086 or send e m<J1I to da1/yp1/ot , .. lat1mes com Please spell your ndrne and include your hometown and phone: number. for veriflc.at1on purposes only 1' th.11 th1-." c·llllc•r 1·~1 ht"''' or pnvatt·" .... ud l1·ri·'" I 11"111"\, 111, tnll llli.lt1.1gc·r 11t' th• c .1hforr11.1 ( lld'>l.il ( llllllllh ... 11111' "4111111 ( l>J'>l l)htfl!I I ht· t luh h.1.., l1111g <•('t'f,11t·d a ... <111 1·>.1 lu-.1\1• pr1'.1h IJt 1h1. on pubht 1.111d J11 drrdnw· nwnt thdt duln'r , .. right "'11 h thr lOlllllll'>'>lllll .111d "•11111' other • 11fi1 1.11, \\111 II II,,,,, IHlll' lor lht• 1 l111J See ACCESS. Pa&e AlO Appeal against Steel tossed Court rules that appeal of a civi l suit against cou ncilman was fil ed too late. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot CO'>TA MF~\A -A three Judge Appellate < ourt panel on Wedne,day thrl'w out an appeal fil ed by a local man claiming rhat Coun cilman Ouic, ~teel violatl•d the elec· 111>0 code during the ,WOO City ( OLirll 11 l'll'( 111111' In Juh .!00 I, !'lup1·r1or I •11tr1 Judgl' lllll'rr\ 1'.11m l < ol,I\'\ dl'>Oll''l'd ( ll'la \11•,,1 lt''I dt'nl \l1d1t11•I 'vl..ir.1d1k'tl\11 ldW'>Ull llltll JJlt').:t'd .... lt•t•l 1 11111 rn1t1ed kl1111tl'' h\ .11Jm,1ng re"dt·nr Utt h ird :'\11o11 I. 111 '>lgn for 111, \'1.lflo \l.iril\11 1111 :!()()() t•lt•l llllll llllllllll.111011 p.t per' If h<' hJd lwl'n lo1111d lt.1hlt Ill 1h,11 l I\ 11 I J'>l'. 'ilt•t·I \'\lllild have hatl 10 g1\1· up 111, 1111111 nl 't'al Hui t ol,1"' ,,1111 ht• did See APPEAL. Pa&e A4 : A step in their desired direction ~= .. .. Mo re tha n 2,000 OCC students get the ir associate's degrees at commenceme nt ceremony. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot OCC CAMPUS -Mon ica Deam made a choice. At 32 years old, she moved back into her parents' h ouse a nd started going to school full tim e. On Friday, two years later, her dedl· ca1ion paid off. Deam wa\ one or 2.025 '>lu- ln a blue cap and gown, w11h dent'> honored with an a5'>0CI· her head held high and a con-ate 111 anc; degree or certificate s tanl smile on her face. Deam of rnmple11on 1n an OC< voca- was fiJled with pride-fuf--echtev-ttottttl prugrttm t1H~1e-eollege's mg what she had worked SSth commencement ceremony toward for Lhe past 18 year;. h1day evcnmg. She earned her associate in arts ·1 hi'> is JU'>t 'iO wonderful,· degree. <,aid <;amanlha Maderoy, who She was an Orange C..oast Col-drove from Hivcr!>ide Counry to lege graduate. see her godson graduate. "For me. this was a long time "These students are working com ing,• said Deam. who plans toward <,omething .... It's just to transfe r to Cal State Long great to 'itop and recognize Beach in the fall. "lt'H>een very them for thar. • difficult ... but education Is so · While the college recognl1,ed Important.• the studen1s fo r their ·achieve· FAMILY TIME Daily Pilot Children can play on their AT A GLANCE own if given a chance ONnEWEB: www.~com T he scene was kids loved the game WEATHER only a beta te6t and have asked me of a theory that sever'al times to play It Same ofd, same old. I've had for years. but again. It proved me right. I was a few minutes S..PaseA2 everi if only on a late to the last KONALANES ama1l scale. practice, but happy to On ourUttle .ee that coach Mike League team'• Mutovaky had alrudy Demolltfon It the bowtlng pr¥tlce fleld at gotten thlnga elley la Mt for early June. Adami EJemen~ underwa)' Mike S..PlpA3 School lut Th · y, STEVE pUched to the kjds, we played a modlfted SMITH and I dropped fty balla REUNION Yerlk)n o(. pine In left IWcl called "WOik Upt." After about an boUr or w. SMmen who NNed cM Frlefldt Di" and Kathy ~ ldda. It Wiii time &>r a Sb•ipt glllt'9f tod9y. .. ,...,., MJBer ftnt told me about charile· Mlb and I were Joined "work ...... r.w w.b it IDd I tried II right away. ... FM&Y.,...M ment'>. ti also retogn11ed one .,pecif'ic member of the OCC rnmmumty for ht'> ded1cal1on. After \Nork.mg for 28 years at 9<.--£. ~ct l 1m Richey received an ao,,ocidte m arts de- gree, an honorary one Richey, who worked 1n maintenance, was diagnosed with brain can· cer in January and ha!> been ag· gress1vely ftghung ever since. On Friday. he 100 was recog· ni1.ed. From recogn i.7jng past efforts 10 look.mg toward the future. SEAN HUER I DMY Pt.OT Michelle Riel, left, and Amy Phan laugh as ttiey look for people in see STEP, Pqe A4 the crowd at Orange Coast College's commencement ceremony. ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL SPORTS Fans can help the Corona del M ar's besebafl team losea to top-seeded La Quinta, 4-0, In the Of !Atcks win this one DMsion fV semifinals. SeePa&eBl NEWPORT BEACH • e:im:.."S ~At. previous and wereeblem Our Ledy Queen of ........... &IV on theU' momentum. ........ N91.vpoft 8wtl Angels' co-principlll ,....,. end fbmw This now retirea, ewalta ceremony. 5"hpA5 golle for the t.lghey the polar Oppollt Dudas. ..... ,..,.. and it " g\.lt DATE BOOK dltfiee lbo.ltb-.n dfnefdr end ......... ,,. .. ~tyou ~ .. Stinl9¥' dnlim Of. thOOF. l'M38-yeef"oad eummtt O.,Rn*. ....._doWn., ~ .,.;tte 1t Feehlon .... ..,._...., ..._nd wt• lnCIUde T-vtor The MIPj [»::b GUY Ind. WIJ to Ft'** Oeyne, Juk:il NwAon, .. -~\a p HEIERT hothe--.nwe Mo4*. .. Aeeodedon w~• ........ jnd Lover Bov INa ~· hlld led. M lhenwlhca IO _,...All ........... Whit .... need.., be dmwKL .... , ............. ,.. o.dilllilW ..... ....., °' .... ..., ........ ... DUCD.PltltM '"' A2 Satlrday, May 31. 2003 FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY RELIGION NOTEBOOK A glue for Death makes no appointments • "Marri4ge. begins ulfum two people make the cl«u; unqualified promise to be faithful., each to the other, until the end of their days. 11Jal spoken promise makes the differencs. A promise made. a promise witnessed. a promise heard, remembered and tmsted -this l.s t/u gromulwort of marriage. Not emotions. No, not ewm loue. Not physical desires or personal needs or suuality. Not the practical fact of living together. Not even the piercing foresight or some peculiar mimcle of all-seeing God. Rather, a promise, a oow. makes the marriage. for we create. in this promise. a new thing, a change.less stability in an ever-changing world." -WALTER WANGERIN JR. ' 'I wish someone had told me how hard marriage can be." a friend said sadly. "Our only hope now is a good counselor." We talked about the obvious benefit of good counseling. but aJso that God can bring hope and healing to the hurting. Marriage, like.life. is full of challenges and changes. some positive. others painful. Only God is unchanging. and he can be the glue to mend frazzled or even failed relationships. My husband, Jon. and I went to a celebration of another couple's anniversary. "Our frien~ have had an instrumental part in our marriage." the wife said. CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON She explained that some years, she didn't feel like celebrating and sometimes she struggled to find an anniversary carci. "The evening was special because we're doing so much better. thanks to prayer and godly counsel,· she said later. "There are also times J need to be quiet and woc1. on myself." "We wouldn't be where we are today without God. and the accountability. affirmation. encouragement and suppon of close friends and family." her husband said. "I don't know how two people can make it alone. We wanted 10 pay tribute to the people who have helped make our marriage successful. We need and have people who are brutally honest" He also said that it's been good for their children to see them struggle through the hard times and not just give up. I Jusband and wife are excited about their marriage and future. Uist weekend, our daughter Kelly and her husband. Ryan. celebrated their first anniversary. They have a great balance of maturity and purposefulness. as weU as spontaneity and playfulness in their relationship. They actively seek to honor and follow God tn their lives. It's refreshing to watch their marriage off to such a healthy start, and I smUe when I see them holding hands. J also loved observing my grandparent's marriage. They were married almost 60 years when they passed away. just a few mo nths apart from each other. It was always a treat to be with them. and even when they left our house. it was pecial. I'd run to a window to watch as they walked away hand in hand. Whether you are married or single, God loves you and wants to be part of your life and your relationships. He is aJso more than willing to make and keep his vow with you to be your heavenly father and to meet your deepest needs. You can ask him today, and then you too will have anniwnaries to celebrate again and again. and you can Live in love. hand·in·hand with the God of the unive~ And you can quote me on that • OMDf TRANE QRSTESON it e Newpe>l't Beech resident who ac>eaks frequently to perenting groups. She may be readied via e-mail at cindv~onthegrow.com or through the mail et P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, NewPort Beadl, CA 92658. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 151 TMOMAS H. JOHNSOH Newa~ I n the days before Mother's Day, as I wrote about the sadness the day can stir up for many whose mothers have died. there was no way I could have known that death was going to ao.atch two mothers from the lives of women I know before the day was past. Early in the morning. on the day before Mother's Day. I got an e-mail from a woman I know named Patty. In the subject line were these three words: a heavy heart. ~, received a knee·buckling call yesterday telling me that Janie, who I just worked with the night before, bad died 1n her sleep," her message began. Janie. Patty said. was the founder and president of their church's St. Vmcent de Paul Society. She bad a wealth of knowledge but, mo.re than that. she had a hean of gold . When the coffers went empty. Janie reached into her own purse to help those she knew were in need. "She gave and gave and gave." Patty wrote. "What a reminder -a smack upside the head -to do good today. To love today. To laugh today." That afternoon, I got another e·mail from a friend or mine FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS FUND-RAISER IN VERSE Singing from their hearts to Corona del Mar, members of the Marshallese Church are raising funds for a church van and a summer youth rally. The event will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Community Church Congregational, 611 Heliotrope Ave .• Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 717-0610. GUEST SPEAKER AT ST. MARKS The AfN. George Johnaon wlll preach at the 9:30 a.m. worship service and lead the adult forum at 11 a.m. Sunday at St. Mart Presbyterian Church, at 2100 Mar Vista Drive in Newport. For information, call (949) 644 6558. SEMINAR AT ST. r.ICHAELS The Rev. Donald Wagner, director of the Middle EaS1 Studies Center at North Part University. will give a free seminar on Christians in the Holy Land at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 7. at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. The seminar will consider "Who are the Christians In the Holy Land, their historical context. their situation today7" and "Is the Bible, and how we read end discuss it, detrimental to these Christians. or can it be empowering7• Wagner will also offer information on Sabeel, the ecumenical Christian center in . Jerusalem. Refreshments will be served. The churd'I is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-0463. HOMEBUILDERS F~ FEUOWSHIP St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church In Newport Beach and Its Homebuilders Femily t=ellowahlp will host a five-week 1ertee to ltrengthen marriages. It will be presemed by psychologllt John Fry. The series will be held in Dierenfleld Hall A at 10:15 a.m. for five Sundays Cof9I \Weofl MICHELE MARR all she wrote. named Jeanni. As I read it, I could hear her Southern drawl Her words sounded tired and sad. "I wanted to let y'all mow that my mommy unexpectedly passed away this morning," was Death doesn't make appointments. It comes like an intruder. a thief. It has a knack for showing up too early, the way It showed up for the wife of a man my husband worked with a few years ago. He went home early one afternoon because hJs wife, who was home alone with their two young children, wasn't feeling very well He took the children and went for a walk so she could lie down to take a nap. He left her resting on the couch. When he returned, she was dead. Jeanni and Patty got heartfelt condolences from those who received their news. most in June. Fry's presentatlon is based in part on the research of John Gottman. who has followed more than 2,000 couples for close to 25 years in his research on marriage. The series is for couples of all ages and at all stages of marriage. For more information and reservalions, contact Patti in the Families and Singles Office at (949) 574-2222. WINDSONG SOUTltl.ANO CHORALE The Windsong Southland Chorale will perform at St. James Episoopal Church at 4 p.m. Sunday. The text of the ftve.movement piece is drawn from ucred Latin sources, each refening to light. Kaori Cooke will provide the rich organ accompaniment. The church is at 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach. For directions, call the church (949) 675-0210, or visit www.stjamesnewportbeach.orp. SPtRITUAL PARENTING The Rev. Gail M. Albert from the Child-Centered Church will pre.ent a five-week series on "How Can We as Parents Form Deeper and More Meaningful Spiritual Bonds with Our Children?" The discussion group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays, June 30 to July 28, at the Bonita Creek Part Community Building. University and LaVida Street, in Newport Beach. A love offering is requested. No baby-sitting provided. Call (949) 640-7343 for more information and registration. TREE Of LIFE AWARD otNHER The Jewish National Fund will host a Tree of Life Award dinner In honor of state Sen. Joseph D~nn, who represents the 34th District in Orange County, on June 22. Dinner will be preceded by a codctail reception. Tidceta coat $250 to $500. For information, call (714) 957-4640. F1RST SUNDAYS AT FIVE CONCERT r St. Michael 8t All Angels EpilCOpal Church wilr present "Happy Voices" with the St. Michael's children'• choirs at 6 p.m . Sundey at 3233 Box 1560, Costa Meal, CA 92826. News ~nt. (949) 57~ Copyright No newa ltOriel, coral. wll«>nOlatlm..oom illultmione, edite>NI metlef Of ~ ltdvertilefTiel"lta het91n Clln be s..n Hiiier. Don Leedl. ~uced wfthout wrltlen IC8l1t Trwpow permission of copyright owner. READERS HOTUNE HOW TO MACH US (949) 642-«18& ~ Publisher Gina Alexander, Lol1 Andereon, Record your oommenu •bout the The Tlmee Orange County TONYDOOEAO Delly Piiot or newt tips. (800) 252•9141 Daniel Hunt. Paul S.ltowttz, Editor Addfeee ~ .. JUDY OETTlNO Dentel Stevena Our addree.a la 330 w. Bev St.. eo.t.e Cl1 ....... (IM&) 842-6678 A=is~r NEWSSTAff M .... CA 92627. OfrlC9 houra ere ~UNI) 842-4321 cnme°:r~.,, Mondev • Fi1dev. 8:30 1.m. • 5 p.m. EdllirMW Promotions Director (9t9)5' Coe:t 1'0M ..... deel».~th·~ It i. the Pi.loft pollcy to~ (IM8) &&2-Mel> EDn'NJ STAff --~· oon'9Cl 111 errora of IUtlle.lnce. &p.tll(M8)67<M223 s.J. c.tlft ....... call (Mt) ""'432A. ..... ,.. (IM8) Me-4170 ~ rep(HW, .,.... ,... (IMll 8&0-0170 ~l~ttof, (Mt l'14"U32 FYI 5 J3 }uM.~·'-tf,,,_aom ~-fMI: dMtyp;1o1e1M1maoom sJ~hn• ,.tllfHM.oom The Newport~ Mela M.inOllM ..... ca:.. 0.fly Piiot (USPS·144400) le • •n-OllGe (149) 842-4321 .......... l'olltlcl. bu91neee end ll'Wlronment City Edilof', pubflthed dell'(. In Newpon 8eectl ..... Pu(9'8)831-7121 ,.,~ ~.(NI) "'""330 and COtU Met.a,"'~.,. Janw.~~ JRAil.dlnton•~oom ev.11.tMe onty by Mlbecttbing IO The .......,.,... ........... TimN Onlngt County (IOO) 5'>ottl Edict, ~culture ,..,orttw. 212·t141. In .,..OUtllde of (M)DM223 ~·~ CMI~ Ntwpolt 8-dt and COllll Mela, ..-..1. ...... lollra..,_,,.,...,..c:om eubec:ICldOI• to._ o.Mv fll9lot.,.. M Olrtdor ,,_. 0-CNt(. ~ ... _ ~orly ........ m.llfor P'loltlAlhed bY Tlmee Communhy 4MIPMD' eo.u Miu"'*"'· IMI 17"-'221 SIOpermonct\, ,,..._ ~ 1H ....... c#vteion ~the LOI Angtle9 ........ ~ .,,...,....,,,.,,.~ ~--end loCll-.) Tl,,.., .... MIC' ... 0 '. I C:.0. POSTMAST'[R; Send~ Phoeo~. EdladOn ""'°""· -~ .,..,_to The~ ao03 Tl"* CN. AM nghla ,..,.,.. -..,.,.,.,,..,....oom ~ .... ~fl'Moc.'A , ... lt'ld . .-..mocrri • .........., ( especially Jeanni on Mother's Day. "What a sad Mother's Day for those children: one friend wrote to Patty. "I hope they can tab great comfort in the fact that their mom lived u we all should, to make this world somewhat better as we go along." It Is a world of comfort when we lose a loved one to know that they touched people's lives. In good ways, and so made this world better, loo. But what we often want far more is to know that they are. beyond the grave, safe and happy and alive, in a far better place than this. A place. petbaps. like John described in the Blble: "(Godl will live with them and ... he will wipe away an tears from their eyes. There will be no more death. no more grief or crying or pain." Rev. 21 :4 We'd like to think when death comes for us. we, too, will journey there. I remember a conversation I had with my niece K.ellen when she was about 4. While J tucked her into bed one night. she asked me if J believed in God. 1 told her that I did. Then she asked me if I believed in Jesw and if I believed in heaven. Pacific View Drive. Information: (949) 644-0463. 'CHRISTIAN MEDfTATlON 101' ..Christian Meditation 101 - Leaming to Find God in a Busy Wortd• will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday 81 St. Michael 8t All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (949) 644-0463. WORKSHOPS PAREHT1NG GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is forming a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings end behavior of their children. Th8 group will meet from 10 to tt :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in ea.ta Mesa. Information: (714) 446-4950. Pre-registration is required. THltTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Femily Service 11 offering a support and discussion group for adults whose children or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4960. Pre-registration is required. BAHAI FIRESIDES Members of the Bahal faith hold informal public diecuniont on spiritual topics a1 7:30 p.m. tNery Friday and at 11:30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks Include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for location•. (949) 769-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-53«>for Sunday meeting, and (949) ~28 for Saturday devotlonel. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Wotbhop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $60. (9491 722-7818. I could have just told her 1 did, I guess, but instead I asked her about why she was asking me that. So she lold me about ooe morning at breald'ast. when she'd ubd her mother. "Wb.at happens to people when they dier People are buried in the ground and over time, Kellen said her mother told her, they pretty much become like fertlllzer that help the planl8 and the trees and the Oowengrow. Kellen's brow wa.s furrowed, her eyes Intent. She bit her lower Up. "I don't want to do that." ahe said then paused. "I want to live somewhere. Qm't I choosef" Yes, you can," I told her. "Everyone can." And I told her a story that Jesus told about a place many of us call heaven. "There are many rooms ln my Father's house. and I am golng to prepare a place for you. I would not tell you this if it were not so.· he said. John 14:2. Our rooms are ready. All that's left for us to do, I told my niece. ls to follow Jesus there. • MICHELE MARA is a freelance wrrter from Hunllngt.On Beach. She can be reached at michele@soulloodfiles.com. A SPtRrTUAl JOURNEY A 26-fesson study on the life of Jesus Christ tJUed "Journey to the Cross· ia taugh181 9'A5 a.m. Sundays during the Homebullder's Bible C1ass at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays 81 2046 Mar Vtsta Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEOOATION LESSONS A free "lectlo divine" meditation group meeting is held 817:10 e.m. Tuesdays at Our lady Queen of Angela, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectlo is a style of meditetion that includes using Scripture or a special reading as e stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m . on the first and third Wednesdays of each month 81 the center. The format Includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR otOER WOMEN The Jewish Family Servtce offer• a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such 11 amciety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Preregiltration required. (714) 445-4950. • Is your church or piece of worship plannlng a tpeclal event? If so, send the typed information at least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Coste Mesa, CA 92627. attention: Peul Seitowitz, religion editor.; tax to (949) 646-4170 oreend~llto da/lypilot filatlmucom. SURF AND .SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Much like all of Int~ We'lt eee a slight lncteaM In we'll ... morning June gloom southwest energy today, In the form of fog and douds though we'll moatJ\' find waist- that wlll bum off in the eerty to chest-'higha. Head-hight wlll afternoon. Hlgh1 will just rMd\ be found at the stendout spots. 80 In Cottt Mete end ahould On Sunday. "*'-wlll be top 70 1k>ng Newport'9 coast. lnotNr "'°"' bump In elm •Lowa wtll howf around 80. Into th9 cheet·to ~h Sunct.y wQI be eewnt ,.... degrMt Mtmtr. MondllV wAI bedc down to ~ wm.t-to o.t.ftloha, end www.IM'l.noN.f/OV lUeedlV't no bear. The'*' IWll lln't dul for BOATING FORECAST another week. WllW.-llY; Thie 'h ••• '"" wtndl wtU ~.umtdw.ot11 blow 10 to 15 b10ta ln the lnner wmr.. In the~ with TIDES 2-foot W9Y9e Ind• mf.t w.c .... of 2 to 4 fMt Ind '°""' ,,... ........ IWll of 3 fwt. EJCped fog bodt ~am. .aAJ ..... -tvend ..... n:n e.m. a.AO .... ~ Out ...... tM 3:21p.m. 2.31 .... ~ '**'• • ••ltJ· ....... blow 1:1198p.m. U2 .... hlgh ltlcaiger 91 10 ID 20 lira.. wed\ 1·toMooc ~end •"**' WATER TEllPERATillE no.1tl.-.... of Ito .... and .,....llWlllofl ..... Narwhal command changes Lt John Kidwell moves on, leaves Lt James O'Mara in charge of the C.oast Guard cutter. Peul Clinton Daily Pilot OORONA DPL MAR -Lt James O'Mara stepped into a pair ol rather large shoes Priday when he took OYel" command of the Narwhal. the U.S. ~ Q.aard panol boat based here. O'Mara. during a full-dress military ceremony, took over command of the cutter from LL John Kidwell, who leaves after a two-year tour of duty for graduate school at San Di- ego State. "I'm looking forward to continuing the traditions of the rutter Natwhal: O'Mara said Friday. ·John Kidwell is a great guy.· to replace the Point Scuart. Kldwell. 32, immediately won the admiradon of the lo- cal commwlity for his lnfec- tiow smile and down-home Oklahoma attitude. But with the two-year tour under his belt. Kidwell de- cided to seek another chal- lenge. He'll pursue a master's In educational technology. c.oast Guard (.apt John Hobnes lauded Kldwell's ten- ure as the $6-million paool boal's commanding officer. DON LEACH I ONLY Pl.OT Lt. John J. KidweR, right, inspects his crew of the Coast Guard cutter Narwhal for the last time before passing command to Lt James O'Mara, behind Kidwel, in a ceremony at Coast Guard headquarters in Newport Harbor. •John bas done a superb job as commanding officer of this vessel." Holmes said LO the gathered aowd. "He has been the go-to (person) when· ever we needed him." The 24-year-old O'Mara has already made himself at home in Newport Beach. I le now lives in a home on Balboa Penimula He didn't grow up in the city, he said. Kidwell gained notoriety in the local conummity in 200 I when he brought the Nar- whal. which was then a new boat, to its Corona deJ Mar base from a New Orleans shipyard after a grueling 41- day joumey. Kidwell served as the first captain. or ·plank owner: of the 87-foot Narwhal. The Coast Guard selected the ship He starts work as the ship's new commander on Tuesday. (PASTA .?IJtJoNA) ~'Pasta • Pame • Spagtwtti • RiOtDni • FUailli • Farflle REG. '2.49 I I Pasta ""S:uces Safillddy, May 31, 2003 AJ ' Demolition nears for Kona Lanes bowling Deirdre Newman Dally Piiot a:>sTA MESA A 45-year land- mark will i.cxm ~ppear from the city's landscape CJ. SegerMrum & Son.'>, which owns Kona Lam.-;,, plan.'> to dernol· ish the bowling allt.-y with.in the nexl two wee~. compauy '>pok.esman Paul Freeman ..aid l·nday. The alley, whkh do'>Cd May I H, reflects 11ki googie ardutet.1llfe, the quintessenoal "look .u-rm:" styit: that began m Southem (.altJomia in response to the car cuhure dI1d ex- plodes with Polyn~tan flavor. Support for the aging alley swelled in Apnl wtwn the City Council con..<.idcred a Kuhl''> depart- ment store for the area of the Mesa Verde Shopping Ct-n ter where the alley and the now defunt1 hdwan:b movie theater anti ke Capade:. Olalet are. But that did 1101 trdll..Jate into economic '>Uppon fur 1.he alley, which SUMVed tJ1t.' l.i.'>L few year<, only becau...e of rt-nt rnn~'>ion'> from the Seger.tmm_.,, owner Jack. Mann has !>aid For the past lWO ~ Mann bas sokl off tterm such ai. bawting pilw. ~ dnd larger pieces of equip- ment On Monday, Mann will vacaJ.e the property dnd a fence will be in- '>l.alled around u. Freeman said. At the request of Planning Com - 01l'>.'>10ner Kalrula Foley. the Seger- \trom~ will \Civt' and restore the popular Kona l.ane1> sign, Freeman '>ald . .. A lu1 uf f)t'()ple wamed to !>ee the .,,~ -.a~: l·reemdll said. I he ~>en.troms aren\ sure what ll1t luture hold'> for the propeny. .. \.\t: dun'1 have any specific plans nght nuw." I reernan ..aid "We're looking di a nwnber of opuons." I )Unng the d1..cussmns on Kohli.. HldllY rt~1denl'> bemoaned the loss of ..i plact: ll1a1 provided family fun. 'Tnt rt:ally corn:emed with the '><)( ldl 11npac;t of lo'>ing another rec- reauon,tl .irca." < .ht:ryi Kerr '>did ·A bowling allt.-y offer. a M>C.taltzing op- ponunity 11,,yrhulogioilly. 11·~ very 1mporlilllt 1n developing children mlo '>die aduJL-. • • Edrtor Tony Oodero contnbuted to this repan N9me Grain Bread Continental NON-FAT ·~C::, YOGURT ~ 16 JihJors to OIOO!le • Italian Herb • Tumato Buil :==~99 . .99 ..,,... & 25.5GL ~=93~! •Regular • Lactose Free REG.99' WFsrlw: NATURAL Organic Beans • Bila • Red • ~ • Soy Bean • CJJiB • Grat Northern • Lentil •581. Pinto • Kidney •Glibmm REG ..... 19 _. ATKIN'S ADVANTAGE lfllll The Orlitnal Low Carb Lifestyle YOU SAVF UP TO S15 351 ATKINS WW CARR BARS ..... ,,..,,., •S ..... •Coolia .. Ow S• S9 •AlatMila.-·~Cocwud .& ea. SUGG. '2.49 FARM FRESH PRODUCE Spectrun1 Naturals ec:fon r=:l ~SA99 REG.'5.35 .. 14GL . ~Geyser Alpine Spring Water Boaledat..., Somu"~ =::. REG. tsl • Tieu*'--' /tu .t ._,. nMllMld 6f tJw PDA. Tieu ,,.act u nol lntnwlal bJ di•pou. bwt, pMJatJ or C111Y .,,, ,IHcu. • G1W 0..-. ..... . Meets.,..,~ -DllA Ar.PA .... 49 SUGG. ~5.95 ....... ~ H . az. aturt 's Contt L> Vitamin C.1000MG With Ro.whips & BiollaDmoids 5006. '4.99 SI'!! "Spring a.ml':. acan-det • Many Boob Only $1, OVER 120 CERTIFIED ORGANIC PRODUCE ITEMS '1 . Selected T-Slirb Only~ •Slil_.l...,•aaad CiftaMOI! M0111ER'S COSTAm'.SA June 14th. 10. to M Saturday, May 31, 2003 DUCKS Continued from Al mab the adjumnel\lS and proYe to ewryooe. l'llO!itJy themselves, that they can and will respond Belng able to respond to the challenge with this type of pressure and with cbe most COYeted trophy in all of 6J)Orts on the line will showcase the players with the biggest heart. This time of year, every player ls motivated. but the team that wins ls the team that &hows the most heart. Making sacrifices to make sure that the team is successful is the X-factor. and so far it has been the New Jersey Devils who have exhibited this quality. But DucJcs fans, do not despair. Your Mighty Ducks are in a hole. but not out of the race. These guys have shown what they are made of dme and time again. not only in the playoffs, but dwiqg the regular season, as well What the team does need is home-ice advantage. Good t~ are supposed to win games at home, and this is why in hockey, the series are best of seven. The team will look to come bade into its own house and use the energy from irs faithful fans to gain the edge for Game Three. You. the fan8. bne been~ tn the.,.. IUOCt:S8 II home dwing the 2003 playolr run. and the guys wOI oeed to puD that erlr8 energy from~ once 9fn. I can' teD ~how many times when I played that when the game was close or we were SWtiog to lose momentum. the crowd got behind us and we players an fed off the positive energy that you provided. Be there, be loud and be proud of your team, and they will give you the effort on the ice. I have plenty of confidence in both the players and you. the fans. to get this series t:umed around As J sat at the Anowhead Pond watching the game with the faithful. I took notes on what I saw. What struck me was that the · Devils did what they Wclllted to do. They had the right matchups on the ice. and again, the line of Jamie Langenbrunner. John Madden and Jay Pandolfo did a terrific job of neutrnlizing Paul Kariya and limited him to no shots on goal for the second straight game. Scott SteYeO.S, the Devils' captain and leade(. was also on the ice for most of Kariya's shifts and made his physical presence felt on Kariya with several big hits. Want to Relax mid Have More Vllalty? We'll teach you how to relax at will, any time, anywhere Let us show you how you can quickly gain greater health, happiness, peace of mind ... and have a surplus of ene'K)'. Because Yoga Center teachers ~ trained by a yoga master, our classes offer Hatha Yoga stretching exercises taught in an easy. natural way as ~II as deep meditation and other simple techniqu6 for "holding onto~ the peace and ~laxation you get from Hatha Yoga. For one low monthly fee. you may attend as many classes per week as you Ii~. Come join us at the only Yoga Center serving Orange County for<M"r 31 years. Call (949) 646-8281. FREI DEMOHSTRA110NS -10 am & 7:00 pm, Wed., June 4, 2003 April dot-focv• on relaxolion and lllCl'Mllint Y'O'lr -.y ...,,.._ SPECIAL OFFER: Bring In This Ad and get $20 off your fk'st month of classes. ...__________. 445 E. 17th Sl, Cost.a Mesa }"~ ~ &twttn Tust'" and lmrw A- -0 -( 3 hloch eosl of Mother's Ma~ w Krldttn) GIVE YOUR DAD THE TIME OF DAY, FATHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, JUNE 15fH. ISN'T IT TIME TO REMEMBER DAD? 'i RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD. ::i~} JBWlIUBS ..... la-IVro~ ...... t.d. M"7J.93:M Both tr.8JDI bad good energy early on. and the game took oo a nice hiF llpCleC1 tempo. SQrne d'8DmJ foe both teams, but 00 ec:odog W8I produced in the first. 1be leCOOd period began. I¢ Just lib dlal. the Devils SlrUCk on the power plaJ Pabik FJtu pur home a rebound to Che left of Jean-Sebastien Giguere. and the Devils were otr to the raca They began IW8nJlin8 lib bees after hooey and dominated that period. adding another goal by Scott Gomez, and had complete control of tbe game. The third period was much of the same. In my notes. I wrote: "Madden. Ltngenbrunner, Pandolfo. too strong for Anaheim to defend. ttiese guys CONWldy putting pressure on the puck and aeating tumoYel& Getting lots of scoring chances olf these, and now Elias an3 Gomerz startmg to become offemive factors. Jeff Friesen. strong on puck and anacktng net with a purpose. scoring another goal Heavy traffic in from of Giguere. and not getting same support as previous games, and frustration buildJ.ng. Needs to keep composure on the ice to send his teammates a positive message. but as a leader, needs to convey his message loud and dear in the locker room Help take control of the team with bis confidence.~ These are just a few of my notes, but I could not help see that New Jeney was dearly the better team and again dictated what was available to the Duas' o1feiue. Anaheim was foroed to the outside lanes and never mounted enougb pres&ae to pµt Martin Brodeur's shutout streak in doubt The funner Ducks players have certainly had a major impact up to this point. with Friesen sroring three goals and Oleg 1Verdovsky chipping in with two~ The ocher former Duck. big Jim McKenzie. provided a good bard·hittmg game much to the chagrin of the Dudes' defeo.semen. Heart. passion and tenacity are the intangibles that will get the Ducb back in this series. They have displayed them on many oc.casion and will certain1y be evident in Game Three. The Duclcs' backs are up against a wall. but the Devih know that a team in this position is the most dangerous. It should be a great game to watch. and remember, the series is ntMr' over Wltil someone wins that fourth game. Look for the Ducks to bounce bade and make it a long series. FAMILY Continued from Al by Riley Schoneman's dad, Jeff, to make up a three-man team. We played a good crew consisting of Riley, Justin ButJer, Joshua Bowman, C.Ounney Ulrich, Andrew TeMo, Jeremy Pearlman. Mike's son Michael and my son Roy. In the second inning. it was time for the lcids to have someone new pitch. Four kids stood on the mound discussing who should throw to the dads. All four wanted to pitch, but they could not make a decision. After about 30 seconds. they looked at me to make the call. •ti's your team You decide; I said The call came again. "C.Oach. who should pitch?~ Courtney asked. ·it's your team, you decide,· I repeated. ln a matter or moments, they had a pitcher. I've been concerned for a very long time that we are over-regulating ow kids at play. lbat little scene out there at Adams tpld me that lf l bad the opportunity to test my theory on a larger scale, kids would do just fine without adults in many situations of play. One place I'd like to test it is on the baseball diamond. Having Just fin18bed my aeason commitment as an umpire for APPEAL Continued from Al not find any evidence thal Steel had deliberately £alsifled hi.a nomlnatJon papers. The Orange County district attomey alto charged Steel with two felony counts lo May 2001 (or allowing Noack to altp\ for h1a wtf o and for a!gnlng for a le- pUy bllod woman dwina the 1998 coundJ election, which ht tosL SWradek appealed C.olaW'a dedalon, but the Court of Ap- STEP Conti1oed from Al rnany lf'lduattl Mid ~ felt the caetDCMIJ repnilMhld the ... ., . ..... ktndol1'lfleliiodMl'dliJ fotme Id~ REUNITED and me paperwodc before greet-'°' their famllles. At about 12:30 p.m., a caravan of buteS WU spotted on the road rigbt lhirt pocket. whete their 8bove and the sleepy crowd mother hid left a parting gt.ft in awob. Cheers erupted, whJstles JanUU)t and fog hom1 10unded.. The "Is your Bible in thme1" she mob looked anxiously up the ContnJed from Al asked. road for their homebound Ma- He amwered with a knowing rines. nod. Mother Qui.one Spence At 1 a.m., memben of Echo patted her son's middle. which company marched down the had shrunk since she had lut road and into a swarm of revel- seen him. era. "Look at· how sJdnnyr' she Mer the first wave ol tearful said. reunions and excited embraces, "It's called the stras dfet." the reat of the aowd settled back Spence answered. into their lawn chairs for the next 1be civWana ln the Spence company to come through. It family underwent theft own was an hour before tbe second stress while Cass wu away at wave of service men and women war. Night after night for four made its way down and the ex- amious months. Corrine Spence cltement swelled and ceased, prayed for her son. Oiuck again. Spence, bJs father, followed the The crowd waited padently. news closely and read the news-Mothers held sleeping children, paper intently. Sister Colette· brothers rested their weary Spence fought her urge to write heads in their sisters' laps. and her brother a letter -a supersd-time ticked on. tious promise she had made be-After another hour, Cass ·fore be left, meant to brtng him Spence's Golf company marched home safely. Carrie Spence went in. Even after the men were dis- about caring for her newborn missed, it seemed nearly impos- and her household while fielding sible to find C.ass Spence in the questions from CoMor about sea of camouflage. his father's whereabouts. MWhere is be?" Carrie Spence The Spence family began pre-asked. paring for bis arrival when they A minute later, he tapped her beard the good news last week. shoulder, and she turned and Carrie Spence spruced up the melted in his anns. house, having it cleaned and "I am just kind of locked right painted, and stocked the fridge here and I don't want to go any- witb her husband's favorite rood where,~ C.ass Spence said. and drink. After a joyous reunion. C.ass •1 have beer, steak and the re-Spence said he was anxious to mote control just waiting for get home. He and Carrie Spence him,· she said Tuesday. walked to their car, but were Corinne Spence said she was stopped along the way. Various preparing plenty of welcome-Marines called out to their com- bome grub and had pieced to-manding officer, introducing getber her most patriotic outfit C.ass Spence to their parents, to wear at his homecoming. Her wives and children. Mothers ensemble included a red, white hugged him and fathers gave and blue cap and stars and him a hearty handshake, thank· stripes socb. She was welling up Ing him for his service and lead- witb pride about her son's serv-ership overseas. ice. •I told you he'd be back.· Cass ·1 have to tell you, I am so ex-Spence told one man. cited. I am crying with thrill.· Cass Spence put an arm Corinne Spence said. around his wife's shoulders as Days of waiting became hours. they walked and pulled her and the family left for dt.mp closer. Pendleton on Thursday night at "I am so happy to see you.· he 11 p.m. The Spences joined hun-said. dreds of people carrying bal-The young couple headed loons, banners and cameras In a home, where they would join up desolate parking lot on the Ma-with their two small children, rine base at midnight. whom c.ass Spence had not seen Loved ones were told their since the end of January. Marines had Oown into March • 1 can't wait to see C.Onnor's Air Force base and were loaded face when he wakes up and sees onto buses beaded for Camp his dad for the first time." Carrie Pendleton. Once on base, they Spence said. "He is going to be needed to return thelr weapons so excited." the Minor B division in the Costa Mesa National UnJe League, I can safely state that while we claim that we're just out there to play and have fun. the grown-ups often make that impossible. • Left on their own, lcids will call their own balls and strikes and "safes" and ·outs." Will there be disputes? You bet, but there are disputes now -just watch any LinJe League game. The d.ifl'erence is that the most childish behavior on the diamond is exhlblted by adults. The umpiring was clifficult for me because I never got used to seeing the worst come out of grown men and women in front of linJe lcids. In one game. a parent was sining behind the backstop, riding me on too many pitches. J let it go, partJy because I can handle It and partJy because I know this jerk and confronting him would only have been taking bis bail Adults cannot be left completely out of the picture. Safety is very tmponant, and kids don't haVJ! the benefit of ow experience in dangerous situations to know what to do to avoid i.bjury. At Adams last Thursday, for example, some kids were standing behind the batter without equipment and bad to be asked to st.and behind the bac.btop. Growing up in LA. 30 or so years ago, there aeemed to be a lot more options for pJay than peals decided Wednesday that he bad not filed hla appeal in a timely manner. Steel'• auomey, Ron Cordova, aaid SWzadek had 60 days af- ter the dedalon to ftle a notice of «l)peal. but that be cUdn't do ao. The panel of judges, he aald, aJao added I ~pb ln lta ju.ent eaytn1 Ulat even ll the appeal had been ftled in a timely manner. the appeal would have been c:U.sm.lued. Sr.bradelt Mid be wu "ttry dlaappointed" with the dect- alon. "I doo't qree dw I bad ftled there are now. My friends and I had the gym at Fairfax High School to play in on Saturdays.. Just try and find an open, unsupervi.sed gym on a Saturday now. And when we organiz.ed a football game. it was either a two-on-two battle in the street in front of my ho~ or, for larger games. a trip over to the football Beld at Fairfax. This was the big city, and the elementary and junior high schools did not have gr.w, just asphalt. And even though that increased the number or scraped lcnees and elbows -more safety Issues -we wore them as badges or honor. Those little Injuries never stopped us from finishing the game or playing in the next one a few days later. By the way, except for the Saturday basketball sessions. the gates at the schools were locked and we had to climb the chain-link fences to get in. Today in Newport-Mesa. you c.an still climb a fence to get on to a field, but you will risk being asked to show your permit to use It If I'm ever asked for a pennit. I lcnow what I'd like to say, but won't "Pennit'l We don't need oo stinking pennitl" I • STEVE SMITH 11 a Costa Mesa retldent and freelance wtlter. RNder. may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline et 1949) 642-8086. the appeal late.· he said. •aut anyway, that's the court's deci- sion. I beU~ I go& completely stonewalled on this one." Szbradek aaJd he bas about two weeb to ult for a rehearing or file an appeal to the llate Su- preme Coun. But. be added, be ls not likely to pursue either of thote opdona. He aald be adD beUeves that his lawsuit had merit. "Otherwtle. the dlatrict attor- ney wouldn't have flled crtmlnal dwget, • he eakl. Sled W11 no( 11.uabie for com-mma on ~ ContcM llkl ,. ".11ill meam a lot to me and It meem 1 lot to my flmOy. • Deit.m i'akt. "I'm l'Jtt '° adted. I ftna1ly hPe my dearee-" PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Felrview Roed and 8unflow9r Avenue: A hit-and-run WH reported at 11:46 a.m. Thuradey. • H•mltton Stwwt: , Vandallam WH reported In the 400 blodt at 2:03 1.m. Thursday. • Logan Avenue: A vehlcle burglary WH reported In the 1200 blodt at 10:19 a.m. Thuraday. • Maplie AV9nUe: Vandaliam wa1 reported In the 2000 blodt at 12:37 a.m. Thursday. • Pierpont Orfw: Peny theft wa1 reported in the 500 blodt at 7:34 a.m. Thurad1y. • ptnecrMtt Drive: An auto theft waa reported in the 2800 blodt at 8:05 a.m. Thuraday. • Sturgeon Dttw: A vehicle ~ burglary waa reported in the 600 blodt at 9:39 a.m. • Whitt'-Avenue: A commercial burglary was reported in the 1800 blodc at 6:37 a.m. Thuraday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eut Bay Avenue: A physi~I fight wa1 reported in the 600 blodc at 10:43 a.m. Thursday. • Bayview Clrc .. : Petty theft was reported in the 500 blodc at 1 :29 p.m. Thursday. • 88)-wood Drive: Vandalism waa reported in the 100 blodt at 8:50 a.m. Thuraday. • Eatt Edgewat9r Avenue: Grandtheftwa1reportedin the 700 blodt at 12:21 p.m. Thuraday. • Laurent: An auto theft waa reported in the 100 blodt at 11 :07 a.m. Thuraday. • Marine Avenue: Peny th eh was reported in the 200 blodc at 3:37 p.m. Thuraday. • Oc.eancrest: Vandalism was reported in the 100 blodc at 10:09 a.m. Thursday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Two uninjured after harbor barge sinks 1Wo workers escaped without injuries Friday afternoon after the 40-foot barge they were using to lift weights off the moorings in the bay sank. Orange C.Ounty Harbor Patrol ofli· cials said. Ignacio Bera. 37. and Jo- seph Murman, 41, were worting in the J mooring area in the west end of New- port Harbor at about 2:30 p.m. when the barge sank. Sgt John Whicman said. It was unable to take the heaviness of the weights that the workers were pull· ing up from the bottom or the bay, he said. The barge sank and spilled about 30 gallons or diesel fuef into the bay. but that was contained using absorbent pads that soaked up the fuel. he said. Harbor Patrol deputies responded to the call in two fire boats and found the men unin- jured on a nearby dock. Whitman said. ·They were really lucky.· be said. "We went also for- tunate to get there In time to contain the fuel spill.· The barge waa moved to a shipyard later on Friday. Whitman said "Owners of moorings are required to do this mainte- nance wort twic~ a year," be said. ·0ccasJonally. things like this can hap- pen." client .,_ been vtndica1ed. .. •it wu anticlimactic, in a way," he Aid. •1t was alao un- usual for the AppeUate Coun to undencore the WegU:imaey of an appeal by Mytng they would'Ve (thrown out th.e ap- peal) even if ll hid been med on time.. •OHM 8HMATM covers publlic ufety and court.. She m-v be reedMd tt \941) 574-4228 or by •mtllat ..... bha,..U,.,.,,,,,...tiom. .... :=:a ~·~ Qw;1l111n Daily Pilot ST£VE McCRANK/DAllY Pit.OT Our Lady Queen of Angels co-principal Sister Joanne Clare Gallagher is rebnng after 18 years. Longtime educator moves ·on Sister Joanne Clare Gallagh er will retire fro m Our Lady Quee n of Angels School. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot She reralk'<l the day when the lener announting her reurement Crom educ--cJuon went out to tJ1c studt·nt-. \he rcmcrntx•fl'C.I how one of the c,evcnth grade c,1udcn1.., ran up to her. threw lu.s ann.., around her and tx~ed her no1 10 leave. A., ~e .,pok.t•, her eye. filled with tean.. After dedicating 50 year; of her life to L'<lurauon. Sic,1er Joanne Oare Gallagher, rn·prinapal at Our Lady Q\JL't'n of Angele; ~hoot in Newpon Be.1ch. wtll take her leave ""I thtnk tha1 I have acrnrn· plL'ihed a great deal and I am very ple-.t.<ied that I have been able 10 L>ducate . . . our chjJdren. • Gallagher. 71. ~d. "'A.' it get'> doc;er 10 my leaving. I KCI mixed emotions .. but 1t"s 11mc for me lo muvcon." I lclpmg nrganw.• the annual FYI An honorary mass for Gallagher will be held at Our lady Queen of Angels Church at 11 :30 a.m. Sunday. A reception in the hall will be held afterward. eighth-grade Washington, I >.C. tn p that began nearly 18 year. ago and ~tabli.shmg a preschool about 12 years ago, Gallagher ha'> dedicated her.elf 1oward enhdllc tnK the quahty of the '-'=hool with educauon and faith. "Shes jw.t cJ wonderfuJ le.idcr wilh a reaJ londn~ and way of giving 10 the studentS and the par- ents tha1 makes everyone feel IJkP you're a pan of the famjJy. of tht' school." srud P""dtty l~'>On, mother of two \tudent'> at tJ1e <,ehool. For (:;a}Jagher. the time has come for her to move onto an- otJ1cr part of her hfe. whatever lha1 may be. "I'm retiring from cducauon, but rm looking forward to nl'W hori?.on..,," said Gallagher, who plans on taking a year off 10 travel. ·rm realty focused the. year on re· newing myself spiritually, emo oonalJy and physically.· With about 17 ~ of expen- ence in teaching and about 33 years worlcing as an elementary <ichool principal at four schools in CaJjfomia Gallagher has an- swered her call to work with chil- dren. She has enjoyed watching them grow and mature and even ~>emg them come to visi! years later, but she now feels that she need.-. 10 focus on her primary vo- cation, her religious call to serve God. While GalJagher thmks she may even1uaJJy find herself in parish work. -.he admu.s she 1J rru.s.s work- mg at 1he school. Those that work With her will m~ her, too. "It'!> heen good worlcing with \l~ter over the la.st 16 years." said to·pnnetpal Hleen Ryan. who will now taJce over as the schools prin- o pal. "We want to wish her 'M!ll Wllh aJI her future endeavors. l°m certainly looking forward to con- tinujng our vision for the future of providing a fruth-fonnadon lcom· munjtyl and quality ( .atholic edu- cation." A!> the bitter..weet event ap- proach~. Gallagher finds solace in 1.he memories and faith she has in the school "I feel very close 10 the commu- nity and I feel thetr lave and I hope they reel my love." she said * In Honor of Sean Fenton we are Dedicating a New Football Scoreboard at CDM WE ARE WELCOMING ANY DONATIONS TO ASSIST WITH THE COST OF THE NEW SCOREBOARD. DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND ALL DONORS Will BE HONORED IN THE 2003 FOOTBALL PROGRAM. ANY DONATIONS OVER $500 WILL HAVE THE NAMES OF THE DONORS INSCRIBED ON THE BACK OF THE SCOREBOARD. PLEASE MAKE DONATIONS PAYABLE TO COM FOOTBALL AND MAIL TO: BRENT OGDEN, JR. 1909 YACHT ENCHANTRESS NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92680 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! •subject to School Board Approval --• Slturdly. May 31. 2003 Al PACIFIC COAST GIRLS FASTPITCH SOFTBALL Pacific Coast Girls Fastpitch Softball wo.JJ lilte to thanlt this year's League Sponsors for their generous contnbutions. Through their charitabk donations, PCGFS was able to successfully serve hundreds of families from Newport Beach I Irvine I Lagu.na Beach CDM I Costa Mesa I Newport Coast during the 2002-03 focal season. THANK YOU! From the PCGFS Board of Directors, Parents, Coaches, anJ most importantly, the girls who received an enriched playing experience as a direct result of your support. BAUER JAGUAR SOUTHWFST OFFICE PRINTING THE ORIGINAL APARTMENT MAGAZINE DEG INVESTMENTS FLETCHER JONES MOTORCARS GOLD ARROW CAMP OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE 1WR ENTERPRISES FIELDSTONE COMMUNITIES GREENLIGHT FINANCIAL WELLS FARGO WESTPAC INSURANCE EASTLAKE GRAPHICS ROBERT FORBES PAINTER BALBOA VILLIAGE MARKET BRADY, VORWEREK, & RYDER CAMCO PACIFIC CO NSTRUCTION eve INSPECTORS DIVERSIFIED TITEL & FSC ROW FREEDOM FSCROW GUIDANT CORPORATION MERRILL LYNCH METROPRO/HARBOR TOWING MR. OCTOBER FOUNDATION TECHNI-CAST CORPORATION T H E NEFF FAMILY THREADS STUIDIO ORANGE HILL RESTAURANT PADIFIC ORTHOPEDIC, HOWARD MARANS, MD SC RIPT TO SCREEN SKOSH MONAHANS' SPRAKER & SPAKER PRUDENTIAL SECURITIF.S DAVE & KELLY STASSEL TODD~ BAKER, DDS TERI ALLEN LITLE SCREEN PRINTING THE MAHMOOD FAMILY TERRY LEE JEFFREY CRIBBS J. WALLEY PROMARK ADVERl1SING ROBEIO' D. McCARJ'HY THE VALENTINE FAMILY EDWARD Fl10I IRRELEVANT WEEK KAREN MULLER MAllJC CJlETZ 1HE SJ Efo'L FAMILY KARENw.EN PAVIWONS ELISABEm STEINBEllQ MD GUGG STONE.~ MJOIAEL P£IUlY SHOHllEH HOUSHMAHD M Saturday, May 31, 2003 Daity Pilot . FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -t.ett.rs: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Deity Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RHllen Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6)86 Fu: Send tO (949) 646-4170 E-md:Send to dailypilot@latimes.com • All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposet), The Pilot reserves the right to edit all tubmialona for clarity and length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Park issue not one of political suicide I t was my intent to write this letter sooner, but there have been quite a few issues before council lately. In the April 22 Daily Pilot, a letter to the editor ran . concerning the Mathletic fields at TeWlnk.le and California schools and the Jocal residents seeking to ban chiJdren from using them.~ The editor's note indicated the letter was addressed to O:>sta Mesa Qty O:>uncilman Ouis Steel, but I would like to make a few comments. When I ran for office, l met with numerous people in the city to talJc about many city issues. That was part of the core of my campaign -to at least hear out and ad~ any issues of concern to the people in this city. One of the groups of people I met with were the residents on Iowa Street near California and TuWmk.le schools. They expressed concerns about traffic, parking, noise, trash and possible overuse at some fields ALLAN compared to MANSOOR others. I told them I would be willing to look into the issue and felt that was very fair. I must admit, at the time, I did not know the complexity of the issue considering the number of user groups, the city and the school district At no time have I ever beard them or anyone suggest that children should be banned from using the fields. l would also like to clarify that I have never made such a statement If some are calling for an end to the joint-use agreement, I would suggest that we look at ways to improve it. The letter writer went on to say that many of the complaints are unfounded. That may be the case in some circumstances, but as I have looked into the issues. I believe there is room for improvement For example, as I drove down Iowa Street one weekend during the time fields were in use, I did notice what I considered to be quite a bit of trash on the street Now, I am not going to place blame as to how the trash got there, but the fact remains that there was a considerable amount of it, and that is a problem. Perhaps the solution is more trash cans, better locations or more frequent emptying of the cans. We won't know until we are willing to look at the situation. The other things mentioned were traffic, noise, partcing, etc. While the letter writer believes these are unfounded, I take the approach that there is always room for Improvement. He is correct that the recreational venues in our city are inadequate compared to the need. This is all the more reason to look at ways to improve what we have to wort with. Actually, I've gotten calls on the other side of the fence, as well. There a.re regular problems with bow we look at the "mud line" and assess whether the fields are usable. Apparently, we only check a couple of fields to determine the usability of all of them after it rains. I know that sometimes it can be a subjective decision, but I feel there is room for improvement in this area. In the April 26 edition of the Daily Pilot, Steve Smith seems to also be jumping to conclusions. At a recent council meeting, we were going to look at this issue, but appropriately decided to wait until Parts and Recreation had a chance to look at it. Since we were not looking at the issue that night, J intentionally kept my comments brief and expressed simple concern regarding Mproblems with the fieJds. ~ Smith took that to mean I had made up my mind in some way. I guess a better way to have phrased it would have been "issues with the fields." I don't see how you can come to any final conclusJons with only four words. You did not even contact me for clarlficadoo before writing your comments. For the record, l want lo look for solutions to these issues at the coming study session where we will be looking at this. In closing. the letter writer mentioned that "the very thought of telling more than 200 children they cannot participate ... looks an awful lot like political suicide to me." Again, my response is that l don't think anyone is suggesting that, but to refuse to even look at this issue would be political cowardice. • ALI.AN MANSOOR ls a Costa M esa city councilman. MAILBAG Businesses should stop whining On the topic of workers compensation in your Thursday paper ("The Political Landscape"), Assemblymen John CampbeU said: "The sweU of increased fees is drowning our California businesses. We cannot fail our business community." I would like to remind CampbeU that he also represents· individuals in the community who do not own businesses. I would remind CampbeU that area businesses have shown little interest in the welfare of common workers, as is cons tan tJy proved by their resistance to raising the minimum wage, protecting workers injured on the job and promoting universal health care -so it is your job to advocate for those citizens without a political voice or deep pockets. It's time our representatives stopped whining on behalf of business owners -there is no place on Earth more corporate friendly than Orange O:>unty -and stop failing the people with no safety net, no doctors and a very uncertain future. ROBERT FAY Costa Mesa The target is West Newport this July Were we at the same meeting, or did Mayor Steve Bromberg and Councilman Tod Ridgeway succeed in their campaign of disinformation ("Newport Beach City Council Wrap-up," Thursday)? Maybe you just e njoy my letters. The paper reported: "The ordinance will now prohibit •MeelCltolcle• (5) Loulllena ~. (2) 112 ~ 1 ** (13) ~. 4 beef ... 1 112 ....... beef brw.a H.J. Garrett Furniture Full Daign C.Ouulting Scmce Fine Furniture Since 1960 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. duu SaL 10 co 6, Sun. 12 to S MW availabk Quality Service Va.Jue stores from selling liquor out of their parking lots or from trucks, tents or booths during the holiday. The rules apply throughout the city." In reality, the new law actually prohibits stores from selling or storing alcohol outdoors, throughout the Fourth of July. This is an important one, since it is in addition to their previous ordinance that prohibits them from accepting alcohol deliveries on the Fourth of July. So, no alcohol storage, no alcohol deliveries. Do the math. They're stopping just Call for Details .Exa/Jmain Phorogmphy Sina 1947 s hy of prohibition. If their goal is not to ·dry up West Newpon" this Fourth of July, then what is it? BRIAN CLARKSON FreeNewpon.com West Newport Time not right to replace City Hall At this point in time, when kids are getting less in our schools. I feel that we should not do a thing with Newport Beach City Hall until the economy is better. The way things are going with the FIGGE • PROfOOIAPHY -------------- world, we can at this point in time wait for a while. Our past people worked in those buildings for years. So why get so glamorous and wasteful? Way too much going on in government building of overkill in creating something that's not needed at this point. "Woo, it's Newport Beach we need something fancy now." No we don't. Wail for a while for the world to settle down. Think of the kids. JAMES RUIZ Newport Beach Father s Day is June 15th Giw DiU/11 Gift Cmifiuu Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fail to disclose a conflia of interest for the analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of pri ncipal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses arc often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We spccialiu in representing individual investors. Please call us for a PREE consultation. ·No Recoway • No Fee ~I.Zuaman,AuomeyarLaw USC Law School Graduate Toll FM cau&S"h ll0.~2250 Law Offica of Marc I. Zussman Over 29 YQf'I of Law Pnaice Former Los Angela Deputy Cicy Anomey Member cl Public ln.aron Arbiaation Bar Aleociarion • lo 1 oo Santa Morua Blvd., 8m Floor IM Angela. CA 90067 Seamen will reunite to recall Stranger days Former Newport Beach Sea Scouts sailed aboard the motor yacht in the mid-1930s to collect animals for the San Diego Zoo. 0Hpa Bharath Daily Pilot UDO ISLE -It was a voyage that changed many lives. Sixty-five years ago, Allan Fain- barg was a wide-eyed Sea Scout. He was offered food, board and $10 a month to sail aboard the motor ship Stranger for a year to collect exotic an1mals for the San Diego Z.oo. "I begged to get on the sh.Ip,· said Fainbarg. 84, a longtime Udo Is1e resident Today, 30 of the old-timers will meet at Fainbarg's home and reminisce about their days aboard the 221-foor yacht tha1 was a Newport Beach landmark for many yea.rs. They will prob- ably talk about how they roped iguanas or held little sea turtles in their hand during their Galapa- gos Islands adventure. But they will all agree that the months they spent aboard the Stranger provided a voyage of dis- covery and education, and an episode forever gilded in their collective memory. Each Sea Scout on the Stranger became a seaman for life, Fain- barg said "We all stayed close to the wa- ter or had something to do with boats,. be said Among the men lucky enough to be part of the group's 65th re- union today are Uoyd •Swede· Johnson and Vic Alleman. both or ~ Mesa. Alleman hosted the group's 50th reunion. Alleman was 16 and had jwt received his Eagle Scout badge when he traveled on the Stranger ni the Cook Is1ands, Samoa and Tahiti. *It was all one big highlight.· he said ·That trip changed the way I looked at my life. I had goals after that I really started to love the out.doors and have had boats all my life since then.· Johnson Is a retired sailmaUr from the k>ft of Baxler and Cicero. a member of the Balboa Yadu Oub and has been active In set- ting nwts for Olympic yachting and other major regattas. In 1985, Johnson was named Newport Beach Yachtsman of the Year and received the Edward Kennedy Award from the Bahia Corinthian YachtOub. The group will sorely miss one man: Corona del Mar's nautical legend John Blaich died of cancer in March at age 84. Blaich's friends say It was his time aboard the Stranger that made him the seaman tha1 he was. Blaich was a renowned salllng instructor and boating historian. The Stranger was owned by Fred E. Lewis. also the ship's cap- lai.n. He brought the ship 10 Bal- boa in 1935. The Stranger was built in Sweden in 1916 as a four- hatch cargo sh.Ip with IWO welJ- declcs. In 1929, it was purchased by the president of Armour meal packing company, who converted it into a yach1. At that time, it was used for scientific studies in the c:aribbean for National Geo- graphic. Lewis brought lt in 1935 from its New London. Conn., berth. Blaich was one of the 13 Sea Scouts who accompanied Lewis to the Wt Coast to bring the Stranger to Balboa. Lewis was a multimillionaire and one-time owner of the Diamond Bar ranch. He built the well-known brick mansion on the peninsula bay front that later came to be known as the Bartholomae home. Fainbarg also accompanied Lewis on a three-month voyage to Alaska. ·u was an adventure, no doubt: he recalled, glancing fondly at the walrus tusks and other ivory items he had placed o n his home bar counter. "We traded the twks and ivory with the Eskimos for things like combs, hair oil and wrist- watches.· Fainbarg said this IS probably going to be the group's last re- uruon. "It was a special year for us: be said. ·rve enjoyed talking about it. If I live long enough, I'm going to miss the reunions.· School district approves policy to promote civility Newport-Mesa Unified trustees approve a policy on how adults should behave at school events. Christin• Carrillo Daily Pilot P'arenrs beware. Spectators watch out Uncivil behavior at any New- port-Mesa Unified School Di.strict evenis will no k>nger be 1olera1ed. It is now a punishable offense. The districts Board of lhlstees approved a policy at Tuesday's meeting to promote respect. civil- ity and orderly conduct among people within the district and lays out consequences and procedures for those who display Wllawful or unovil behavior. "We wanted a policy that would represent appropriate models and one that would lessen triggers for potential violence." SaJd Barry Ba- rowitz, the director of secondary education and insttuction and leader of the policy's task force. *The idea was to resolve concerns at the source of the incident, al that time and place. ·This isn't a hard and fast rule, but (we wanted) to generally try to resolve the issue in a few days.· Barowitz said "We wanted 10. throughout the policy, make sure we have teeth.· The policy, created by a task force of principals. parents and distria administrators. defines ap- propriate and civil behavior on the pan of parents, employees and spectators while at school or district events. Under the civility policy, uncivil conduct is described as vulgar. obscene, threatening or profane communication directed 1oward another person; gestures in a manner that would put a reason- able person in fear of his or her personal safety or conduct that is lilcefy to interfere with the peace- ful conduct of the activities of the campus or facility, etc.. For nearly a year, the district has worked toward creating a policy that would ~ con- WILL YOU BE ONE OF 'I'HE 70%? Aftu a~ 65, you have more than a 7(», chantt d nttding ~ lond of long-tmn care~ To learn how our Long-Term Care Insurance can hdp you handle the COSlS of cxttndcd care, just talk 10 your neighborhood State farm.,. Agent lis ted below. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE.~ 5tnrn Hill. Agmt t ... 0(1(11>1• J1-fl r a\t I rh \un:t \"n~ l t I (.. otu Mn~ f A ,., Mio 'l~\ LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE•. nan tM• A -s-,__ 1"--'~'-C...,..,. ,...~ ......... - !<...... /,_, 1_, _.: 6*"•"" ....... /0 t..,. r,.. 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CDIM ii\ *91,.,, ~ ht ... to .... ,oiie. c-.... _... cems that many parents and school officials felt many years be· fore. · •1t l'> a sad situation when a par- ent cannot attend a sporting event where their cluld is participating without feeling fearful.· said Jill Money, a parent and member of the task force "It was dear from working with the d.lsoict that the policy Wcl.\ extremely vague and without consequence." lh.&stee Serene Stoic.es agreed "I think it's one of those things we've skined around for years and now we finally have something we can use to do ~mething abour it,· she said "We're wortong with our children and we've got to wori< with our parents in the '>8Ine manner. ·Parent'> are going to have to re- alize that thi!. policy ha!> teeth and that they will havt: due proc~. but we are going to enforce every aspect of this policy.·· !>he said *I've longed for a policy like this that stated from the heginning what ~ and was not acceptable behavior," said Tom Antal. pnnci- pal at Estancia High School and one of the members of the poUcy's task force. ·1 look forward 10 a time when this is truly sarmated in the community so people understand what is expected of them al a Newport-Mesa event" "Those member. of the school commuruty who find themselves ~jected to uncivtl behavior will first be expected to address the is- sue through chrect or assLSted communication with the person involved before seelcing the ~ - ance of a school administrator. af- ter which another anempt will be made. according to the policy. Uthe behavior is severe or per- sistent and violates other school rules. such as the dlsoict'!> policies regardmg sexual or other haral>S- ment. the consequences could be remov-dl from the fdcility or event to criminal charges. Student behavior is addressed under a different board policy. "We are a model for our chil- dren, and we will be a model for other disoicts throughout this !>tale." 'lhl.stee Judy Franco said S8t1rday. May 31, 2003 A7 DRINKWARE Cheers! V,... C-Pt--*• 7fJ76 Pllailii: C-tt..,. •~Bed. CA • l,.,J 4'7-lOI• 1••······· 4,.,u,,~11/ f,U.,,,,. lsJ.mJ o...>nc-yo.-.....----------.... COWOOft ..... Oil.,,....,.., ... "'~ "'""' or. '*' t~ 'l..O Of"' 0... ::= ~ ~ -=.:_~;:;IQ-;r;;..°f*'-~ ....-.. .... -- pend Your Summer at the Eastbluff Boys & Girls Club ... For More Information, Please Call (949) 640-6650 2555 Vista del Oro Newport Beach, Ca 92660 M SW.day, May 31, 2003 COMMUNITY & CLUBS Fish Fry makes its return today L et's welcome back the C.OSta Mesa Newport Harbor lions Oub Fish Pry, which begins today and continues Sunday at Uons Par1t in c.osta Mesa at the comer of Rochester and Park Street. one block off Newport Boulevard. It's a weekend offamlly fun with carnival rides, games of skill, a wide variety of food booths, including fabulous Alaskan cod deep fried in a special secret baner. There will be entertainment, a baby contest and a whole lot So after the morning of $ports or going to church. grab the family and enjoy a 57-year harbor area tradition, the Llons Oub Fish Fry. HEJSMANAND LOWSMAN TO MEET Canon Palmer, Heisman bed $1 300 . Includes dresser. & mirror 2nightstands tree JIM ·oE BOOM Trophy winner, will share the spotlight with Ryanno.g, Lows man Trophy winner, at the Orange C.Ounty Youth Sports Foundation Sports Banquet at the Anaheim Marrion Hotel on June 26 as part of the Irrelevant Week XXVIl1 Celebration. Palmer, the celebrated quarterbaclc out of USC the Heisman Trophy winner and the No. I draft selection by the Cincinnati Bengals, will be toasted along with the last choice, Hoag, Mr. Irrelevant XXVlll. Hoag, a product of S PRI NG Gustavius Adolphus C.OUege in Minnesota, is a wide receiver picked by the Oakland Raiders. Among a star-studded list committed to the aJJair are fonner USC quarterbacks Paul McDonald, Rodney Peete, Craig Perdg. Sean s.J.labury and Gordon Adams, as well as USC coach Pete Carroll, for the first ·ever Heisman·Lowsman banquet Others, among a long list of sports legends, are former baseball commissioner Peter Ubenoth, Ben Davldlon. Sammy Lee, Gary 8eban and master of ceremonies Paul Salata. Individual tickets for the event, which begins with cocktails at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m .. cost $150. Tables of IO cost $1,500, and corporate tables cost $2,500, which includes preferred seating, as well as one R«teflnlng Floor Cars Products SI~ 192 7 PALS(949)645.7257 2299 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa sectional $950 CLEARA NCE SALE (p To 60% OF F· BUY ONE , GE T ONE fl [[' 1ft 1 Li •i1d IU•1 0th 7 14 596 5371 • 6902 EDI NGER AVE • HUN TINGTON BEACH I can't believe ..... . It's My-Ho01e Landscaping or re-landscaping is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. KAY MATSON, A.A. C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer FLOWERDALE can make your landscape dreams come true, and increase your home's vaJue, too! Come in today and discover the people who can make a difference to you and your garden. ®~~ "I COMPLETE LANDSCAPING 46 YEARS EXP.I . License No. 308553 . SANTA ANA • 2800 N. Twun Ave. (714) 633-9200 COSTA MESA • 2700 Bristol Ave. (714 754-6661 llerrlll Lynch, S•lomon Smith B•mey, llorg• St•nley and other brokerage firm• agreed to $1 A •llllon Settlement. Govemment attomey have called their conduct, "the largeat fraud ever perpetu•tecl on the lnveatlng publlc.• .. If you have lost money or had your retirement savings devastated due to stockbrokers Investing your hard earned savings Into rlslcy or unsuitable lnvs.tments, you may be •ble to recover r •tock marlret losses. - TERRY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. Laodacapt Designer MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT seat at a private VIP luncheon at the Ritz Restaurant with Carroll, and access to the pre-event Celebrity Lounge. All proceeds are for the benefit of local Orange C.Ounty youth and youth sports programs. Ladies and gentlemen invited.. No autographs, please. A reservadon form and more information are available by contacting Ken Purcell at (714) 80().3152 or by e-mail at ocysf@cox.neL The Web site is WWIUocys/.org. WATCH OUT ON THE GOLF COURSE The last time I played 18 holes of golf W'clS l O years ago or so with Daily Pilot Publisher Tom Johntlon and then-editor em Lobddl at Unks at Monarch Beach. I gave up the game of golf shortly thereafter when my golf score appeared in a box on the front page of the Daily Pilot along with some interesting comments about my golfing abilities, ~ch were few to none. Thanks to encouragement from the Rev. DennJs Short and feUow Rotarian Wende ll Sawyer. I have been for the past three months playing nine holes of golf every other week or so. lWo weeks ago. I became one with my driver. Still haven't figured out how to use the wedge and putter yet, but wiU get there. And thanks to my friend Richard Nyberg. on Monday. June 9, I wiJI play in a foursome at the fourth annual Good Shepherd Communities Golf Tournament being held at Los Coyotes Country Oub in Buena Pan. Good Shepherd C.Ommunities worics with some 800 people with developmental GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNG INVOlVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCAF, which raises money to Sllpport pediatric cancer research, needs needs volunteers for a varie1y of d uties. (949) 859-6312. TliE PHARMACOLOGY RESEARCH tNSTTTVTE The institute is looking for volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To learn more about the program. call (888) 7744673. PRIME DYNAMICS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beach nonprofit organization for the 99 and vounger Mt. needs volunteers for its programs. (949) 262-7300. PROJECT ACCESS Project Access is a nonprofit disabilities, including 125 in Orange C.Ounty who live in residential homes and supported IJving centers. It's a worthy cause. It's a 10 a.m. check-in and barbe<:ue lunch, and then a noon shotgun start and an awards banquet and dinner at 6 p.m ., along with a silent and Uve auction in the new clubhouse. The cost is $250 per person. The hole-in-one contests feature a Ford expedition and BMW 7A. It will be a day of fun. You can join us on the course by caJJing Joyce Nyberg at (7 14) 593·7988. RETIREMENT PARTY There are still tickets available for Costa Mesa PoUce Chief Dave Snowden's retirement party being held at 6:30 p.m. SanU"day. June 14, at the C.Osta Mesa Hilton. The community will come together to celebrate Snowden's leadership, not only in law enforcement. but also with J loag J lospital, Girls Inc., C.Osta Mesa 900s, Boy Scouts and Exploring, and a dozen other causes. For more information, contact Doneen Westenhaver at (714) 754·511 7. SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK TIJF.SD\Y 7:30 a.m .: The 40-member Newport Reach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crown~ ( nt>wpo rr IH'acl is u n rise ro tnry. ory.j iride:c.l1tm). WEDNESD\Y 7:15 a.m.: The 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Qub I wu1w.sowhcoas1merro rotary.org>. and the Newpon organization that links resident of low-income housing developments with beneficial social services usually through resource centers. Volunteers are needed to tutor children, teach crafts and computer skills at the various centers. Paul Shapiro, (949) 253-3120 ext. 229. PROJECT CUOOlE Project Cuddle. a nonprofit organization, serves the needs of abused, abandoned and drug-exposed children. In addition to office help and once-a-month. 12-hour hotline shifts, volunteers are needed for an auxiliary group, fund-raising committees and to help distribute stkkers to stop babies from being abandoned in trash bins. The organization also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. (714) 432-9681. PROJECT TOGETHER Project Together seeks adult volunteers to establish a trusting, one-to-one relationship with children stressed from family problems and abuse. This component of the Orange Coun1y Health Care Agency's Children's -I ' 1 I ' ' www.cll•mplaa 1alarutal.cam (714) 434-0133 We rent & sell both cars & trucks! 1202 S.E. Brtatol Street, Sant. Anti Hta., CA 92707 cha 2 I.net SPECIALIZING IN NEWPORT'S ARCHITECTURALLY DISTINCTIVE ESTATES & WATERFRONT HOMES KNOWLEDGE: 43 YEM~ BeAC>i FeaNT EXPERIENCE: 14 YEARS l.£'EHSED N ~ESTATE CEO a.aw.~OESDI FRI MANAGING DffcToA CN>rrM. ~ PRoPER1 v OMsloN PROFESSK>HAL.: ~Assocl.\TOI OF REM..TOOS NIETfcJ.H INsmvrE OF ARomcTs f'-RX;-~~(): TlEYEM S,..PH•N R. SUTH•RLAND CONSULTING REALTOR Prudential C.lilonli• .... .., RE Pffl <(,f N fl"IC. 01\( EIH•""'( H1.1\'1n" & \ft ff'"" C ,,, r ,.._, ""' 't~n A f'wt• 1 • • '\'I llllll f • , ~ ,\ j i1 JI. (),,, 9 4 9-27 8-3052 Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange C.Oast will meet at Bahia C.Orinthlan Yacht Oub for Youth of the Year from Dana Hills High School. 5 p.m.: The 6()-member Rotary Oub or Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia C.Orinthian Yacht Qub for a program by Am~dorial Scholar Camrin Chrtstenaen on her studJes in Russia ( www. neivport -balboa. or&'. lliURSll\Y 7 a.m. The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Uons Qub will meet at Mimi's for a quick course on -1 lorse Race HandicappingH by Uon Phil Hughes. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at the J loliday Inn: the SO-member Newpor1 Beach-C.Orona del Mar Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub ( www kiwanis.org!clubl costamesa); the 80-member Exchange Oub of Newport 1 larbor will meet at the Newpon J larbor Nautical Museum for a bu'iine\..<, meeting; and the 100-mcmber Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium I lotel for the prewntatiun of the Newport Beach Pulice D~partment Awan.I.., (wwm nirutary.org>. • COMMUNITY 8t Ct.UBS is published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot Send your service club's meeting 1nforma11on by fax to (9491 660 8667. e mail to 1deboom 4 aol com or by mail to 2082 S E Bristol, Suite 201. Newpon Beach, CA 92660-1740 Mental Health Services offers training and supervision for the program. Many of the children are economically deprived, victims of neglect or both. (714) 850-8444. READINGBY 9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students in kindergarten through the lhird grade. In Costa Mesa· Pomona Elementary School. (949) 515·6980; Whittier Elementary School, (949) 515-6898; Wilson Elementary School, (949) 51!)...6995; and New Shalimar Learning Center, (949) 646-0396, need help for students in read ing, writing and English. Mentor sessions may be scheduled from 8 30 to 11 :30 a.m .. and after school from 3 to 6 p.m ., Monday through Friday. SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Group or family volunteers are needed to adopt a family, sponsor an angel tree, hold a canned food or toy drive, or make a special gift or donation directty to the Salvation Army. (714) 832-7100. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Costa Mesa youth organization is looking for volunteers to help create a positive alternative for people 12 SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business professionals to help small businesses succeed by leading seminars and coaching entrepreneurs online. The corps is a nonprofit charitable organization composed of 11 ,600 volunteer business mentors, both wortcing and retired. who counsel businesses from nearly 400 offices throughout the country. Call (714) 550-7369, and ask for membership. SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serve as a guide for homeless families by helping them set goals and maintain a baalc budget. Bilingual skills needed. Orientation and training provided. Thereaa Rowe. (949) 767·1456. .. .,. ............ . Oai!'i Pilot AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN hems to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson latimtts.com; byfa~to(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, d81e and location of the even1, 81 well 81 a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dsllypilot.com. TODAY Th• cuttural tndltlona of Japan, France and M exico will be showcased at a two-day international festival at the Newport Beach Central library. Culture lovers of all ages are Invited to the free events presented by the Newport Beach Slater City Assn. For more Information, call (949) 717-3870. SUNOAY The 10th annual Balboa Island Parade, "Celebrate Balboa Island," will take place at 11 a.m along Marine Avenue. For information, call (949) 723"4177. St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church presents "Jazz Vespers for the Soul" at 5 p.m. It's the final free concert in the 2002-03 Friends of Music First Sundays at Five series. The church is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. For information, call (949) 644-0463. AIDS Walk Orange County will hold its opening ceremonies at 9 a.m. and will begin at 9:30 a.m . at the UC Irvine Administration Loop and Chancellor's Rose Garden Participants will walk to raise funds for HIV/AIDS prevention and support services. To form a walk team or support the event, call (949) 955-1400 or v1s1t www.a1dswalk.org/oc The Protnaional Da~ Networil will host the fourth annual "Celebrating Young Talent" at 5:30 p.m in the Robert B Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tidtets are $10 for general admission and $25 for VIP seats. Free tidtets are available for select community based organizations. For more information or tickets, call (800) 323-0267. The Ash ff'y Baby Contest Wiii be held in Costa Mesa's Downtown Community Center 1n Lions Park. Judging begins at 1 p.m .. with stage announcements at 2 p.m . Baby reg1strat1on and information forms are available at elf EwinR & Lyleen Ewinx MAKING YOUR H OUSE ACCESSIRl.F. Having your hou'c: on the market invoh c' a certain 1nvas1on of your privacy. and showing 11 to buyer.. w11h some regulanly. While you want to make your home rcasonahly accc'>!>1ble to 1he real estate profc.,.>1onal'> and their pro'>pCCI \, you don't want to run the n'k of stepping out of your -.hower just a!> a Broker 1'> bnnging in buyers. ln many areai. Realtor'> use a handy little tool of the trade called a "lock box". When a property is occupied, the Rcalto~ firi.t call to lei the owner know when they will be coming by. If no one i~ at home, the Realtor can get into the houi.e with a key stored in the lock box. The other extreme of accessibility 1s 10 require a day's notice before a showing, and 10 insi t that your Realtor be pre cnt at each one. This will eliminate a lot of the 1nconvcnicnce to you, but ii may also eliminate a lot of showings of your house. Whatever arrangements you work out, keep in mind that the easier you make it for us to sec and show your home, the easier ii is for us to ICJI it quickly. Lylcen afld Jeff have 31 consecutive yc&l'1 of ru t csttlc expericl\Ce in Ncwpon Beach. For proft11lon1I 1enltt or •••la will• all '°"' real "** _. cal tile Ewl• 1t Coat Nnport..Coldwdl ....... ('49)7~ TM htngl In ea.II NetllPort ... ..,,,..11 ,....,. ... ...... Cat's Camera and State Farm lnsuranoe In Costa Mesa. Registration is $6. Forms must be mailed by May 23 or faxed to (714) 435-0191. For more information, call (714) 549-4961. TUESDAY P.K. Och of the Am9rictin Feng Shui Institute will explain how elemental remedies are implemented to complement your decor al a 7 p.m. seminar at Visions & Dreams in Costa Mesa. Reservations are required. For more information, call (626) 288-1669. WEDNESDAY The Friends of the Newport Beach Library will host a complimentary brunch and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m. in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, author of more than 70 book:s. will be the speaker Reservations are required and must be made by May 28 Call (714) 596-5276. The Newport Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce will present "How to Get the Best Out of Yourself;' a presentation on how to reach one's goals, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Coco's Fashion Island The cost is $10 for nonmembers, free to members. For more information, call Anna Lisa B1ason at (949) 645-9897 lkebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging, 1s the sub1ect of a class at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9 a m. Designs are based on concepts that have evolved over centunes of Japanese h1stor,i from Chinese and Korean origins Registration is $45 Pre-registration is required For more information call 19491 673-2261 TliURSDAY Edgar finalist Denise Hamilton will return to the Newport Beach Central library at 7 p m to present "The Crime Novel as Cultural Study" The best-selling author will discuss "Sugar Skull;' her new novel, and how her 1oumalism background led to writing fiction Call (949) 717·3816 for more information. Parent Help USA will hold an open house and members mixer from 4 to 7 p.m. to show the public 1ts new facility at 330 West Bay St . Suite 120 in Costa Mesa The open house will feature music performed by Diana D'ltn and Rick Sherman The public can make donations at the door and participate in an auction with several drawings for prizes from local businesses. Call (949) 650-3461 for more information. FRIDAY UC Irvine ArtsBridge presents World Dance Day, featuring Orange County elementary school students performing folk dances from Mexican, Vietnamese, European and Native American cultures The noon event at Aldrich Part on the UCI campus is free. For information, call (949) 824-8942 JUNE 7 Macy's South Coast Plaza and Teen People magazine will host a Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featuring the latest looks from Roxy, Hurley, O'Neill. Billabong and moro at 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coast Plaza's women's store For more mformat1on. call (714) 550-0611. ext 4231 Someone <:.res Soup Kitchen will cel&brate tis 17th anniversary 1n memory of Cpl Jose Angel Ganbay from 6 to 9 p m at 720 West 19th St in Costa Mesa The Flag Day dinner/auction will feature Chef Leon Mathews Tickets cost $45 All proceeds will support the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen Hunger Reltef and Tutoring Programs. Make reservattons by May 27. Call (949) 548 8861 For underwriting opportun1t1es. call (714) 801·2354. Join Susan Goldstein, one of the authors of "Healthy Dining in Orange County;• for a session about healthy cuisine at your favorite rPstaurants in the Bloomu11; jale's Home Store in Newport BP.ach from 11 :30 a.m to 1 p.m The S15 admission includes a signed copy of "Healthy Dining in Oranqe County" Space 1s limited and tickets must be purchased by June 1 Call (9491 729 6854 for more information The Adams School Country Fair will run from 10 a m to 4 p m at 2850 Country Club Drive The fair will have a silent auction, a 50 foot inflatable obstacle course. a 30 foot inflatable sltde. a dunk tank, numerous games. prizes. food. drinks, a bake sale, a DJ, a guest band and more Call (714) 424-7935 for more informatton. Become a member of the Hosp1r.c Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminally 111 people and their families at a volunteer ·- orientation. The team la seeking caring people to assist petients and families with nonmedical needs. such as providing respite for the primary caregiver. reading to patients, paying weekly social visits and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to asS1st with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for m ore mforma11on. St. M ichael and All Angels Episcopal Church wlll present a seminar that poses the question, "Does Biblical Interpretation Contribute to the Plight of the Holy Land Christiansr at 9 a.m. The church is at the corner of Pacific View Dnve and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-0463. JUNES The Orange County Women's Chorus present its 2003 spnng program. "On this Island; at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The concen of island-themed music begins at 7 p.m and will include the chorus directed by Eltza Rubenstein and "Men in Blaque; an ensemble directed by Joseph Husztt. Tickets are $12 and can be purchased m ad.iance at (949) 451 ·8590. Lovers of live vocal music are invited to "The Summer Knows; a free musicale at 3 p m. at the Newport Beach Central library. Mignonne Profant and a guest pianist will present the final program of the library's musicale senes, featuring tunes of Gershwin, Job1m and LeGrand For more information, call (949) 717·3816. JUNE 11 Jeanne Aint from the Alzheimer's Assn will present •Focusing on Memory lossH from 6·30 to 7 30 pm at the Orange Coast Unitarian Untversahst Church, 1259 Victoria St • Costa Mesa The presentation will address vanous causes of memory loss and diagnosis and treatment For more information. call (949) 646-4652 Yan Can Restauran1, 1500 Adams Ave. in Costa Mesa, will have 1ts grand opening from 6 to 8 p.m .. featuring cooking by TV chef Martin Yan. The restaurant will donate all of the proceeds from $10 admission rickets to Share Our Selves. a pnvate nonprofit agency serving tow·income Orange County residents. For more 1nforma11on, call (949) 642·3451. ext 262 See TOWN, Pace Al O Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Sen ice••• •••Nighdy Entertainment"•• Saturday, May 31 2003 Al for Rru11'11ti o1u ( 111/ (949) 646-7944 ll>'JS Irvin~ A•c., ( mil \fr,.1 O. ... r n w1""4 \lo9 ~tr.A \ WI• l\•r '' ''f"' · ,. , t(> Celestino's quality MEATS ProcltKl' e Sc.·ctfood e Dl'li Sn-vinx tlN CommunilJ for JO ~11n Lf.MON & GAJUJC FRUIT SALADS $1 99 lb. CELF.STINo's FROZEN MF.AnOAF T ltT'luy or Bttf $2 99 lb. ~from jNtu?i •t ]'T5'/or 2 hn. Vud 11 qu1dr dmnrr? Try OM of our Lf.MON HERB ROASTED CHICK.EN $599 ca. Hot To·C.' To-Go c~kstmoi Dai Spm11J ROAST BEEF SANDWICH .nJ ll ruu of ..1A.d $399 ca. A"4 • 2 o.r.. Dnalt or • 811elt! Just m ''""for summ'1' FROZEN PATnES Turlt:rylBufllhulttn $3 99 Pac.k of 4 I I< I .... 1 I 'I \I I If 11 I •ll\111\li .,,\11•11·, .,. ' ·-11111\ll' 0 -.,\\t•l•'l>i;,1 1 .,.,., ,,: l>..!11·1·n·d /J,11!, Frtsh HanJ-ChopptJ SAisa El Toro Bravo Chips & Torrillas • Horru Styk TamAks • 32 Vamtits o/Hommuuk SttlffPlll • ~tino 's &rj~ I~ w;n; Be_,'s H= :P IK1I 270 East 17th St. • Costa Mesa • (949) 642· 7191 Mon Sal 8 OOAM to 7 OOPM • Sun 9 OOAM to t ooPM B UTERA N EWPORT B EAC H FI RST ANNUAL T ENT SALE 30 -70o/o OFF SELECTED I TEM • j UNE3 -? 17 4 5Wl'll(1111 O RIV[. N lWPORI B£Atll . CALllORNIA 9266 0 M ILllN<.1 R OAD BY B AKLR . H f.NRCOON A CQU 15 11 10N\. R ALP ll L AURlr-. H OMI B A UTE RA N CWPOU Bu c u 949 6SO 8.Si'O • • PAU Ct TY 4 )S 649 5 540 IU•NltUat • OOIN('i aATH tAallTO' .rAHIC WAllCOVUINC LIGHTING noo•tOVUING '#Wll'.IUfflA"O Mt COl ll Ct lON.(OM l'ClUtlYt OIV,,IONJ 0, •41(14' IU111A INC ~Oll •Tl'Y 10 tMl l l•DI ---- AlO Satwday, May 31, 2003 Enji!J Savings of 15-50~FF Hurry in for best selection! Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything at below warehouse prices! New merchandise arrives daily! SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 'A c.....ity Oetltttt9'" i..., -' s.n., Jem Oirfst ., i.n-' sm.-- The Rev ProYeen Bunyan Rector 3209 Vt0 Udo =5~ 7 30 om Troditionol 9 om Coo1empo<0ry 9om Church SchoOI I !om Chonsmatic ond Wednesday Noon l'l<l\ln 111<1\'\ Sr. Mm PllF.sBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Mmds" Worship 9:30 A UlnK'7,a1tan of tk Antfican Ca11111111ruon BU/WING OUR FA1111: WVING OIRJST AND SERVING OUR COMMUNf1Y. The Rcv'J Peter 0. Haynes, Rector SUNDAY SCHEDULI. 8 ~m -Holy l:.uch~ru1 9 am 'Ion.by SchooUAduh Bible Scudy l 0 am • Choral Euchatisl .VURSERY CAR£ AVAILABLE .... . I l'l\1'11'\I ~ ... St. John The Divine Episcopal Church Holy Eucharist Sunday Mornings at 8:00 and 10:00, Wednesday Morning at 7:00. 183 East Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-548-2237 "THE INCOMING OF THE HOLY SPTRrT" (Am 2:37-47) • S.1111cby, M.ty JI, lOOJ, 1:.JO P.M. Dr. Joh• A Hurfnun. Jr. l'retKhmt S•ncby, Jt1M 1, lOOJ, 8;30 & 10:1.S AM. WC'dnaday NisJic Bil* Sc.cly 7,00 P.M. (Kr°'' from Nno-pon llatt-HllJft School ac lniM ..d I.Sci!) 600 ~ AnJ.-.w Romd, ~Batch, C.hfnm.a '166l-SJU ('49)6Jt-28IO f:.-MAll, onffltl.urwfr~.Ofl Wt:.B www.ttandr""'~ Our Lady Queen of Angels A + •A God-ctnrcrcd pariJh community, instructed by the Word of God and ttncwed by the Saaamcntl' 2046 Mar Vist3 Drive Ncwpon Beach, California 92660 (949)644..0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Monsignor Willia.m P. Md a•~n Pastor uruRGlES: Sanudq, S p.m. r.antor), Sunday. 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (COoumporuy) 10:00 (O>oir), 11 :'° a.m. (Cantor) anct S:OO p.m. (Coomnponty) TOWN Continued from A9 The 8elboe Bey Repllalcen Women Federeted will hold lta "Schotel"lhlp Awards• winners luncheon at 11 1.m. at the Bahia Corinthian C1ub on BaysJde Drive. For more information, call (949) 616-8677. The WlldftcMMf Well wtl rM.t at 9 a.m. at El Moro for a fi~mile hike at Crystal Cove. Parting coltl $6. Wear boota and bring water. Call (949) 497-7647 for more Information. JUNE 12 A free bone dentlty ICl'MNng will be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 831-4741. JUNE 13 lnwnton Fon.Im .,....ms a seminar on "Intellectual Property Law" by Edward Schlatter, patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m. in Orange Coa1t College's Sclenoe Lecture Hall. Reglltration and networking begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. Newpon Centu United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots. Pastor 160 I Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 8am QJJitt Wonhip Serviu /Oam Wonhip and Childrm's Sunday School Yourh muting wultly I I I 111 H \ '- Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.LC.A.) 7M 0.-Dt-r Ne._..,. •eeah- Tl]ldltlo.,.l Luthel'JIO ,,_ator Chart.. Endter Worahlp ~with ~Communion Sunday 8:15 llm .... ,, ......•...• 12S9 Vietorie StrHt Coate M111, CA 92627 S•-'•f IVHi•9 .. ,.let et 7:00 PM ·"· l1tlt1t1 •• , ... T1l1pMH (714} SJ9·1727 E1all RIMCCOul1t..il.11t FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTJST 3303 VlaUdo Newport Beach 67J.1340 or 673-6150 Chwd'l 10am l 5 pn. SUnday School 10 am ~, ....... ,30pra ca11 c1141 ~2491 for lnf<>nndon. .utE14 ful Specbum l1D91 ............ with New Directions for Women to h<* •Celebrltfng Wholeneea;" a yoga end hNUng 9fta fMtiwt benefiting women end chffchn Mrved by the nonprofft New Directions for Women. Admluion i1 free, and donl'dont ere accepted. The fuft.day event will be at Full Spectrum Yoga In Newport Beach. For more Information, call (949) 96&-1966. Crystal Cove Stna .... wtl offer a badccountry hike at 9 a.m., a historic district walk at 10 a.m. end a suntetlmoonllght walk at 7:30 p.m., whlcti requires reeervatloN. For retefVationa or more information, call (949) 497-7647. Mother'• Marlcitt wtl hold a "Spring Cleaning" cleera nce sale from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Taite demos will be offered from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call (949) 831-4741. JUNE 17 "Feng Shui for. Healing ttom.,• a free seminar, will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's M.U VllRD• UNrTED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Bak.,, C.M . Worship & Church~ 8:30 8nd 10:00 a.m. (714) 879-8234 Dr AIChard George Rev Stephanie Toon Senior MIOISltr Youth Minister Cbrin Church By tbe Sea Uni1ed Mnhodis1 1400 W. Balboa Blvd .. N~n 8cach 8:4) ...,,,. -Adul1 5-by Sdoool 8.30 &c I 0 ...,.. · Woahip ond Ouldima Su.idly Sdiocil The Rn. Dr. Gcorp R <:Np, PutM (J49)67~3805 Come on Back WonhlJ 11:11 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlac1, ... of Clvtst) 2401 IMM lt#e. ~INd.CA (Ml) 145-5711 llllilllr. Dr • .,.... ..... SECOND F CHRIST, SCIENTJST 3100 Pac:lftc View Dr. Newport Baach ()44.2617 tt 6 75-4661 Chwd\ lOam ~ 5c:hool 10 am WIDIMlaf ,._.. '1 )Cl erll • tJt Wd'wmrJf 1a noan In thee, 0 Loni, • I put ::'l fruits ....... ftftW' .. put .. ~·••n. ....... 1111 bdaci~M*Olldl •'lllRnl<WflQm,Scillllm• I' M•tt9t. 226 E. 17th St, Coste Mela. To mate r-...vatlons, c:.11 (800) 69W86l .utEll .............. OrwlleCowlty a~ will diacua whit la In the ardWee u they relate to eo.t.e MeM'a h6'torf It 7 p.m. It the eo.t.e Meu Historical Society, 1870 Anehelm Ave., Costa M .... For more lnforml'don, call (949) 831-6918 or vlllt www.•mhlstprn&c:om. The Newport Meee lrvtne Interfaith Coundl pretentl a round table dl1CU11ion at Orange Coelt Unltarien Unlverallst Church on human relation• featuring an Introduction by Rusty Kennedy of the Orenge County Human Relations Council. "With the County of Orange Budget arts, where 11 the Human Relations Council now?" it asks. The program goes from 12:30 to 1 :3Gp.m . end coltl $7.50 per pert0n, indudlng lunch, or $10 without a reservation. The reception it at 11:45 a.m., and the luncheon at noon. For reservation1, call (949) 660-8665, ext. 3, by 5 p.m. June 17. JUNE 19 The Ndonal Muftipte Sderoels Society will present an Internet educational program called "El Cuidado C1inlco de la Esclerosls Multiple~ a Spanish-speaking broadcast on alnlcal care of multiple sclerosis, at 5:30 p.m. To connect, go to www.nationalm!ISOCiety.org, select "Living with MS" and then select "Webcasts and Conferences.;" JUNE21 Become a member of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminally ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team is seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmedical needs, suc:ti as providing respite for the primary caregiver. reading to patients, paying weetdy social ACCESS Continued from Al to renew its lease on the state· and city-owned site, the com- mission in 1999 ruled that the club must begin providing some pubUc access. Members of the public should have access to the club land, es· peciaDy the boardwalk behind the historic club, and they should get 30 minutes of free parldng while they're there. Henry said. The dub is permit- ted to have 76 valet-only spaces for its member guests. but ad· equate self-parking spaces must be available to the public. Henry said. Bay Oub Otief Executive Dave Wooten was out of town and could not be reached for com· ment late Friday. Councilman Tod Ridgeway said that a council member had verified that the club was fulfill. vtsb end running err.ndl. VolumMn ..... eleo needed to ..... with offtce dudee. Cell (714) 980-0900 for more infonNrtlon . JUNE23 ~I Md ofdel'.,. Invited to 1'9glst8f for• v•rietv of 1Ummet 9qt.18tk: camps of'fefed by Newport Belld'I RecfMtion Servlon. The camps run through August. with numerou1 mormng and afternoon options evall•ble, from ~Salllng and Tennis Camp" to "Surf camp:" call (949) 644-3161 for more Information, or register onllne at www.city.ntJWPOft-btladl.ca.u .. The Coet9 ... SeNor9 Center will hold a flN market from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the center'• parting lot, 696 W. 19th St. Spaces cost $10 for members, $20 for nonmembera. Reeervation1 are required. For more Information, call (949 64&-2356. JUHE24 A free Mm1ner on au.ntion deficit disorder will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'a Market, 226 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservation•, call (800) 595-6667. JUNE25 ~and Healing," 11 • free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother'• Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservatlona, call (800) 595-6667. JUNE26 "FM Kaiys to Vibrant LMng," a free~. wiM be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother't Market. 225 E. 17th St, Costa Meu. To make 1'888fV8tions, call (800) 696-6661 JULY4 The American Legion Yacht C1ub will host the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of dedced out yacht• pareding along the waters of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There •re 30 boat categories eligible for awards. For more infonnation, call (9491 673·3546. ing its requirement to provide free parking to the public, but only through valet parking. In addition to the air of exclusivity created by valet parking, motor· ists aJso might feel obligated to tip the valets, he said. ''Valet parking has a chilling effect on the public and on pub- lic access,~ Ridgeway said. "I happen to be a full-acceM guy. CoastaJ access and public access is very important throughout the harbor and the city.• The new lease also requires the dub to have signs that clearly announce that the public is wel- come on the property. A Coastal Commission visit to· the club last week showed that the Bay Oub is in compliance with its sign requirement, Henry said. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadl and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at 19491 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.CllSllgrande@latimes.com Father's Day Brunch Chef Daniel Jimenez Pram ts ~ 1f!d ~··""""" ~ ....... ' ~..-.... -..W..C!M ~ ~""" ......,_,..... ..... " .. •• ·~~ t;.dt.il s.t-•• --~ s... e.-.t~-W., ... ,.~ .. ~~--.... ~-1-6'•.,. ~ S,,.. .. --VIC S...-. ..... __, ~"' .,.,.we.. """""' .... ,. Ait ,..,,, ~~ """'~·" • --"··. St.IM ~ ....... , 4"--~~ ... e--.... 0.. °'*"""' s,.,,.. ~~s....s. ... ~ ~., n. .. ,,. ~ ""''"""' ,,,,,,. e4c'ffJfCf• A-" -...C, ..__ 11l!M.I Served.from 9am -Spm $.U.N Cldutc. $12.N ddldNn •12 Clafldrwft .,,..,. ,. MT na eom,,im..ritcuw ..., JNllfdnll ~ ..... ,,.,,.... .. aarc. ,,.,.u..•-..-n ....... 1J-·3JMi Por .. enatlOaa ••• 729-1144 \ Saturday, May 31 2003 All I Musical memories at Fashion Island Taylor Dayne, Juice Newton and the Motels play the shopping center's co ncert series. Pop star of the 1980s Taylor Dayne will open the six-week. series. Dayne rose to the top of the Billboard charts with her first album, which eveniua1Jy went double platinum. Newton has sold IO-m1lhon records worldwide w11h 15 top· I 0 singles on 1he chart.!>. By Suzie Harrison E njoying live music. stars, ' atmosphere and fun, all pack.aged together for free summer enterta.mment mid-week, ls a tradition Newport Beach residents have had since 1967 at Fashion Island's annual summer concert series. Creating memories io; the foundation behind lhe musk they choose for the concert'>. marketing director Shayne Voorheis said. "When we start planning each concert series. it's important 10 pick musk that will creale memories," Voorheis sajd, "Whethet il's classical, jazz, any or the differenl genres -we're seeking 10 create memories for people to enjoy. All spark. a memory lane for different ages." The concert series will begin July 9 and run every Wednesday evening through Aug. 13 at the Bloomingdale's Courtyard. "We always start the first Wednesday after the Fourth of July week.end." Voorheis said. "We view it as the kick off to summer -school is out, everyone JU!>! e njoyed Fourth of July. so it keeps the summer spirit going." "Taylor Dayne is more '80s, upbeat, a lot of energy." Voorheis 'ia1d. "Once you hear her, you'll remember back in the '80s. She's sull popular and puts on a wonderful show. We though! ii would be a good opener, a good star! off." Grammy winner Juice Newton 1s lhe second show. "She's a classic. Everyone remembers her songs 'Queen of Hearts' and 'Angel of the Morning,'" Voorheis said. "It brings back memorie~ of 1hat era. She's a classic." The Motels will play July 23, led by the popular Martha DJv1s "The Motels are upbea1, edgy. new wave-type of music," Voorheis said ·Everyone t:an enjoy listening 10 1hem, snapping their fingers and lapping their we .. with '>Ong'> hh 'Only the Lonely.· You can dance LO that mUl>IC " At many of the comt-rb, people will )land up out or their seat and dance. ~he )a1d "People Wlll be in the ajsle-way'> dancing with friend-.,'' Voorheis 'iatd "They do really get inlo the mul>ic and <:.lart See MEMORIES, Paee Al 5 'There are so many ways yollllX people can get im·olved in the world. You hm·e ro keep hoping and try111g to make the world a better place.· Marie Atilins. vice president of the Newport Beach Sisler City Assn and c0<ha1r of the Ant1bes committee SEANHIL ER DAJLYPIL(\T UCI students Melissa Hernandez. front. Andrea Ramirez . back left, Laura Magallanes and Michelle Sanchez rehearse a Mexican folk dancing routrne. The International Festival wi ll be at the 'Newport Beach Central Lib rary all weekend. Coral Wll1on Daily Pilot ~ t goes bac.k to something former President Dwight Eisenhower said ln the 1950s: lfyou make ends with people from other untries, you won't go to war with em. I The Newport Beach Sister City Assn. grew o ut of that concept, 'Which still holds strong today. The lntemat.Jonal Festival ta.kin~ place today and Sunday at the Newport Beach Central Ubrary is a celebradon or N~rt Beach's ~donthlp wfth Its ·three lster TODAY cities -Okazaki. Japan: Antibes, France; and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. "We think. of this as part of our mission to draw people Into the three cultures and realize the common aspirations of all people." said Karen Evarts, event coordinator and former president of the Sister City Assn. Festivities will include performances by the Primavera Orchestra. Whittler Sc.hoot Dancers, Ballet Montmartre. Ballet Fol.k.lorico, Ta.iko Drummers, karate demonstrations and art, crafts and gardening actfvides throughout the SUNDAY ARTS afternoon. "The emphasis is on youth, .. Evarts said. "Youth getting to know youth from other cultures.· The event has been supported in part by a grant from the Newport Beach Arts Commission and is free to the public. Even the outbreak of the war in Iraq could not break the tenacity of the bond that had formed over the years between the sister cities. Parents became hesJtant about the French student exchange program, and the association faced pressure from members of the community to drop their French sister city, Evarts said. But as with close relatJonshlps between people, she said the cities are commJtted to the relation hip for the long haul. "France and the U.S. have a long rustory Of c;1mLlar values and a lot IS shared by the two countries." said Marie Atkins, vice president of the association and co-chair of the Antibes committee. "The Statue of Liberty is just one example." Evarts said there were similar feelings toward Germany in the 1920 when sauerkraut was called liberty cabbage. "These spats are momentary." she said. "Very soon. freedom fnes will come back as French fries.· Ruben Gerard will sketch caricatures as they do on the streets of France. Anderson Elementary School teacher Gmna Frisbie will teach French art activities. See ARTS, Pqe Al5 FANTASTIC FIVE MONDAY TUESDAY Latin Jazz mus1c1an Poncho Sanchez will perform at Fashion Island on Aug 13 THEATER 'Cats' still a hOwl on return to Center By Tom Titus W hen Andrev. IJoyd \\pbhcr' mu-.1cal Lai..." fir'>t -.a .. , the light or day .!.~war .. di(() lhl'I month. II trumpeted tht• mouo "'\m, and Forewr " Whoe\er thou~1 FYI that one up \\.d~ qu11e the prognosucator After 3.358 performances, the r.s Eliot·in.,p1n·d "Cats became the longe'>t running mw,1cal in the hbtorv of Bnt1sh theater -and u·c; !>UU running. fhe shows Broadway run "only" lac,ted from 1982 to 2000 Over lhe years. WHAT "Cats" WHERE. Orange Counry Performing Ans Center 600 Town Center Drive Cosia M esa WHEN. Closing performances today at 2 and 8 p.m , Sunday at 2 and 7.30 p.m. COST: $19.50 to $54 50 CALL: 171 4) 556-2122 "Cats·· ha'> been a frequent tena111 .tt the Orange County Performing A.rt'!> Center It's back for another week on It.!> lounh local go-round It may be quite famthar by now, but 11 s still a howl Directed and choreographed for the current tour by Richard tafford "ho ., based hJ'> pre<;entauon on the original dtrecuon of Trevor !\unn and choreograph~ of (,1lhan I ynne < ab ha., lo'>t none of 11., hue and probably has added a re,, bells and \\h1stJe., The technological P}'TOtechmcs seem even more advanced th1<, time around The emphasis on th1., partll ular mcarnauon. 11 '>eem ... '" on choreography The opening segment, • JeWcle Song'> for Jelhcle Cats." has been expanded by Nunn and Richard Sulgoe. while a balJeuc segment 111 the second act seems to have tncrea..,ed in elaboration. Basically, "Cats" 1s one big backyard Ed Sullivan '>how (or. perhap , "American Idol." since a "winner" 1s chosen at the cloc;e). Each frisky feline struts his or her o;tuffwith energy and alacrity until "glamour cat" Gri.z.abeUa arrives to blow her competidon (and the audience) away with the how's signature song, "Memory." The inhabuant of thu role. De~ Roscioli. builds her poignant solo Wlth, well. catlike grace. erupting gloriowJy See ntEATtR, Paa• Al4 WEDNESDAY Al2 Satwday, May 31, 2003 SOC I ET Y THE CROWD Hitting the cinema in support of Hoag M lchael Douglas and Albert Brooks did not make the screening or "The In-Laws" last week in Newpon Beach, but the rest or the town turned out in support or Hoag Hospital. It was the annual 552 Oub Movie Screening. More than 1,000 locals went to the movies, raising a record $140,000 for Hoag - specifically earmarked for the Hoag .-------.Women's Pavilion. The new facility is scheduled to open in 2005 adjacent to Hoag Hospital. "Once again, the 8 . W. COOK community has helped make this event a huge success," evenr co-chair Jlm F.dwards said. The Hoag 552 Screening began under Lhe Edwards umbrella years ago, before the sale of the theater chain to Regal Cinema. Nicole Schultz and Scott Lear Schultz-Lear Keith Sean and Kerry Virginia SchuJtz of Newport Beach announce the engagement of their daughter, Nicole PaJge Schultz, to Scott CampbeU Lear. The bride-elect graduated from Newport Harbor High School, Golden West College and Fullerton CoUege. The furure bridegroom, son of Ron and Peggy Lear of Huntington Beach, graduated from Huntington High School and the American Farrier Assn. A July 12 wedding ls planned in Fallbrook, Calif. Edwards' wife, PattJ, and former Costa Mesa Police Oiief Dave Snowden joined in the organizing duties. rallying underwriting support from local citizens Jerry and Maralou Hanington, Wally Schroeder, Janet Demont, Bill Brown, Thomas and ArrabeUe Brown, RJchard and Lynette Berg, Ruth and Arnold Peuersteln, and Rosemary and Bill Brown, to name a few. The Knapps made Hoag's 552 Club movie screening at Edward's Big Newport a family affair. Beth, Jim, a past hosprtal board member, and Sally Knapp enjoyed gourmet tastes from 34 Orange County restaurants and a screening of "The In-laws," starring Michael Douglas and Albert Brooks. The event raised more than $140,000 for Hoag Women's Pavilion. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdavs. For a form, please call Coral Wilson at (949) 574-4298. Corporate underwriting for 1he event came from KIA Motors America, Greater Newpon Physicians and McCarthy Construction. The Sl40,000 raised this year brings the tally for the movie event to more than $800,000 since its debut in 1988. A great part of the success belongs to local restaurants that donated their food, turning the Big Edwards Fashion Island parking lot into a classy state fair atmosphere. Cafe, Panini, Clayton Shurley's Real BBQ, Four Seasons, Muldoon's Irish Pub, Newport Rib Co .. Royal Thai Cuisine. Roy's, Sabatino's Lido Sausage Co. and many more put their best foot forward treating the moviegoers to sunsel supper. As in other years, a live auction got the crowd warmed up for the film, bringing in $13,000 for 1he Hoag Women's Pavilion. The midweek night at the movies brought out local families for an event that could be enjoyed by aU. The film opened nationwide two days later. Before the movie screening of ~The In-Laws," a strolling culinary extravaganza was presented to guests. Britta's • THE CROWD appears Thursdays Mayor Steve Bromberg joined Ronnie and Lloyd Ikerd at Hoag's and Saturdavs. 552 Club movie screening. MEPHISTOM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES (h1er_250 St /es! Cali or11i11's /,11r est . \lephisto I Jc1t!tT 1727 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach• 949-642-FEET ~\~~~ MIKE'I ~~~°cARPET$ O VER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery * Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring s:arpet f~o S2H Featu ring ALLOC No C lue Installation Wood Flooring RefipJshing & N ew a q ft Installed Berber Carpet f~o~ $169 Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Al Y.,,,-LMM l1Ut11W11a Aptt CALL US! Rabbitt Insuran ce Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • liEALTH ~ Id ~S r)_, 949-631-7f 40, 441 Old Ncwpon 81\'Cl • Ncwpon Beach (Near Hoag Hotpiw) CtU"amlc 'f~0~s1 so s Vlnyl Flooring ft 0~•1 ° f~ s q ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s1Jte4a DESIGN CENTER ;;For All Your Decorating Needs!" 'FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY •Custom-Made Furniture •Slip Covers •Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades. & Bedspreads f d l . t 1 'r \. S :---'11 1\,-r1 11 'n i • , · · ', I •'· 11 '' (')-t<Jl(>..Jl-1~()() •••••••• FotoART ~ •••••••• You1 ITIOf'U rnele _.ID a,. mmpW1< mo11•or end•~....,~ 760 West 16th Street l3uilding D Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-645-3686 Longtime Hoag Hospital supporter Ginny Ueberroth 1s joined by her daughter, Ken Ueberroth, at Hoag's 552 Club movie screening. Dai ~ Pilot Father's Day is June 15th Unique Personalized Gifts for Dads and Grand-Dads tool Give Dad a monitor m ate this Father's Day. It's the perfect gift for both home and office. Other Gift Ideas Include Personalized Mugs Laser Engraved Frames PhotoScutptures Mouse Pads and much much morel And our special FREE offer1 Order a monrtor mete befora ~ 31 , 2003 and receive a FREE computer mouse pad using the same image Visit our Web Site at www.fotoart.com Open Mor.day Thni Friday 9AM to SPM Saturday 10.AM to 4PM or by aPl)Otntment AFTER HOURS •Submit AfTa HOUM lttmt to the OeUy Piiot, S30 W. Bay St., Costa MMe, CA 92827; by fax to (949) &*4170; or by celling (949) 674-4216. A compa.te lllt 11 avellebte at www.dellypllotcom. SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL The cultural treditlona of Japan, Fnnoe end Mexico wlll be ahowcaaed et• two-day lnternatlonel ffttlval today end Sunday at the Newport Beach Central Library. A COOClert by the Prlmevere Otdlntra, conducted by Peter Fournier, will launch the ftttMtJ ... lntpfred by the cultures of Newport Beech titter cltiet Obuk.I, Japan, Antlbea, France end Cabo Sen lucat, Mexico, 1he event will offer karate demonat.r8tk>nt end Japanese calligraphy, Me>elcan arts and crafta and French herb gardening. The event I• presented by 1he Newport Beach Sitter City Aan .. aupported in part by a grant from the Newport Beach Art.I Commlaion. The Newport Beach Central Library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717·3870. MUSIC FOREVER BRAHMS The Pacific Symphony Orctiestra, under the direction of Carl St. Clair, welcome• pianist Christopher O' Ailey, a Van Cliburn medalist, for Its season finale at 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, June 4 and 5. The program includes Brahma' Symphony No. 1 In C minor; the Prelude to Act Ill of ·Lohengrin• by Wagner; and Chopin's Andante Splanato and Grande PolonalM Brillante in E·flat major. The concert will be given in Segeratrom Hall. A preview will be given an hour before. Tidcets colt $19 to $59. For tidcet.1, call (714) 76&-5799. BARfTONE CONCERT The performance Grammy and Emmy Award-winning American operatic baritone Sanford Sytvan hu been resdleduled to 4 p.m. June 2.2 in Founder• Hall. Tidcet1 cost $60 and are on sale at the Center box omce. by calling (71 4) 566-ARTS or by visiting www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Drive, Coate Mesa. PJ\CIF1C SYMPHONY'S JAZ2 ewe Jim Sett, principal tuba player in the Peciftc Symphony Orctitttra, and the Pine Christlieb Quintet will perform a special MOVE OVER, VERDI COURTESY OF ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Casting has been announced for Elton John and Tim Rice's ~Aida,· Disney's Tony Award-winning musical love story, which will come to the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the first time July 2 to 13. The newest blockbuster musical from Disney Theatrical Productions stars Paulette Ivory as the Nubian princess Alda, Jeremy Kushnier as the Egyptian Captain Radames, Lisa Brescia as the Egyptian princess Amnens and Mickey Oolenz as loser, father of Radames. Tickets cost $27.50, $34.50, $44.50, $51.50, $57.50 and $64 .50. For information, call (714) 556-2746. engagement at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m . June 7 in Founders Hall. Tidcets are $35 and can be purctiased at the center box office or onhne at www.ocpac.org. lnformat1on: (714) 556-ARTS. The Orange County Performing Arts Center is at 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa. JAZ2.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beacti presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beacti. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 u p.m every week. #Wanted# mus1c1ans include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beacti. Free. (949) 67&-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana D1tn joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673·9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg M organ. Nidc Peper and Kelly Gord1en (known as Huge selections on new home furnishings that just arrived, top manufacturers' discounts and much more! MPG) perform ctaalc rode, A&B and awing at 8:30 p.m. Frldeya. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform cfeuk: rcx*. IWlng and R&8 at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The restau_cant Is at 630 Lido Part --9t1Vi, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 67&-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers tho music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PlAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Sa1urday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover ctiarge. (949) ~5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beacti presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's 1s at 151 E. Coast Highway. (9491 673-3425 POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 67&-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd , Newport Beacti Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'THE DRAWER BOY' Mictiael Healey's first full-length play, #The Drawer Boy; one of Time magazine's Best Plays of 2001, will continue through June 29 at Segerstrom Stage. Tidcets range from $19 to $54. For tidcets, call (714) 708-5555. 'CATS' #Cats,# the longest running musical in history, continues through Sunday in Segerstrom Hall at the Orange County Performing Arts Center T1dcets cost $19.50 to $54.50. They are on sale at the Center box office, by See HOURS, Paee Al4 . ,,,; .... . .. •"' .. Saturday, May 31 , 2003 AU OVER ao mm ® S OLJS 1K'VEST.Y1ENT GROLTP Stock Market's Up. Stock Ma.rbt's Down. Are you tired of~ t behavior ~die~ If you ~ "ya" i.hcn come ha~ Eric", LcarnAIDw co pn.nt.ec gTOWdl, with no risk to your Sofu is 11 Cctti6ed fiuncial Planner (CFP) wim 17 yeara aprnc4:e. ~ J. bctp.I bu dimu 111vu1 their money wisely so~ When: Ta~--,..'"-' r une: 8dO -4'11 Where Coe.o's ICOllUJ'&dt • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Li nk Fence Installations • Chain Link Fence Repairs Ser'1in9 Oran9e Countlj • Beach Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 license #3 13311 Present this ad during our Warehouse Sale and save an additional 5°/o OFF any one stock von Hemert Italian Import, accessory or lamp. . Tl* SI olw ...... ..,._.OM am,.. QllCIOmlt. ('Md "" I 6dl ctwu )N 1ftd. 200)) Sophlsdcated Sectional And CocktaJI In Stock And On Sale I 414 Saturday, May 31, 2003 HOURS Continued from Al 3 catting (714) 656-AATS or by vlliting www.ocp.ac.otp, The Center 11 at 600 Town Drive, C09taMeaa. 'FlORENCE, DAVID AND ART' South Co8't Repertory's Young ~performers the Teen -.J>layera will preNnt Greg Atldna' "Florence, David end Alt" a play aboot high~ art students In Italy. The production will be staged todey end Sunday and Friday through June 8 in SCR's Nlcholaa Studio. SCR it at 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information; (714) 7()8.6600 '42NO STREET' .. ART 'BONJOUR ARTISTES' A group of 21 artl1t9 will t•k• part In th• ncond "Bonjour lea Artistes," which will take place from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 14 at the Sutton Place In Newport Beach. Artl8t1 from Coate Mesa, Newport Beich and other parta of Orange County will be showing. Admlulon and pariclng 11 free. The Sutton Place 11 located at 4500 Mac Arthur In Newport Beacn. Information: (949) 851-1838. 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J . Salamon will unveil hl1 aeries of 36 portrait• of people within the Orange County art scene that are making a difference In Its evolution. The exhibition will run through June 15 at the Blue Square Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd .. Newport Beacn. Information: (949) 548-1101. la coming to the Orang• County Performing Mt Center'I Segemrom Hall July 2 through 13. Tldteta art $27.50 to $84.60 and can be purd\aMd at th• center's box office of onllnt at www.ocpac.otp. Information: (714) 656-ARTS. OCPAC la located at 600 Town Center Drive lnColtl M•a. BARCLAY CLUSICAL DANCE CENTER Claulcal Dance Center, with locations In Newport Beach and Tustin, will celebfate lta 10th anolveraary with Its 10th annual student performance June 2 to June 16. Ticket• coat $16.60. Dancers from age 3 to adult will showcase varloua dance atyles: ballet, jau, tap, lyrical, and hip-hop. Irvine Barclay Theatre Is at 4242 Campus Drive. Tickets: (949) 854-4646. AU lliAT JAZZ HIT THE 'STREET The 2001 Tony Award Winner. Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Clrde Award •42nd Street• will be petformed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center June 11 through June ~. Tld<eta are $322 to $66. They are on sale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 666-ARTS or www.ocpac.orp. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. DANCE 'AIDA' Elton John and Tim Rice's "Alda " UCl's Claire Trevor School of the Arts is presenting "All That Jazz• with guest artist Ernie Andrews at 8 p.m. June 4. Charles Owens will be conducting. Ticket• coat $12. For informatlon go to www.atts.uc/.edu. lrvlne Barclay Theatre is at 4242 Campus Drive. Tickets: (949) 854-4646. The Broadway musical "42nd Street," winner of the 2001 Tony Award, Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Musical Revival, will come to the Orange County Performing Arts Center June 11 to 22. Tickets cost $32, $36, $49, $53, $62 and $66. For information, call (714) 55&2746. RosEY's AuluBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Collision Center lmurance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 White Front Pharmacy .t..,4 •r/rr.c I < )r, J' IC/'· 1 't ,, rf, 11 • •• • t i Cards • Boolts • Sim.Jrie1 AO Insuranu Pl.ans kc.putl 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 we belong to tbe world's largest flooring retail group -c~p. We are the biggest jk>orlng dealers lndtvtdually owned and operated 4,000STORB BUYING POWER NOBODY tmyWbere can beat our. ul«tkm, prices or servl«. Jbu .,. paying IOo tnUCb l.f )'QU '" not "'-'Yt!sg po,,; -,______...__,_.- Lifetime Warranty Carpet "$199 Lifetime Warranty I.aminate $299 SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom In Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, visit ocswing.com or call (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintock Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. POETRY POETRY READING The Gypsy Den at 2930 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa will have an open poetry reading and music by Reign at 8 p.m. June 3. Information: (714) 549-7012 KIDS SOUNDS OF SUMMER Mignonne Profant and a guest pianist will present the flnal program of the Newport Beach Central Library's 2002-03 musicale series at 3 p.m. June 8. The free musicale, "The Summer Knows~ will feature a ltJOll through the tunes of Gershwin, Jobim and LeGrand. Profant is an actress, singer and dancer who specialims in French songs and music 'of the 1940s. The library is at 1000 THEATER Continued from Al 1 upon reaching the ''Touch me" lyric, and earning a sustained ovation. Roscioli has the least Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $199 Avocado Ave. For more Information, call 949-717-3816. STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate In songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS AND BOOKS A children's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Frtle. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEUER A children's story time Is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St .. Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset stage time of any performer. yet she is the most memorable. This is saying quite a bit, since the other feline soloists excel on a more energetic level. particularly Ryan Jackson's acrobatic master of magic. - FULL SERVICE CtHter Ttps • S~••n • Ctrt•I• • St111 • lra1ite • ·w"~ Rell1i1~ ONE STOP SHOP Wi1,ew Ceveri1 1 • Clt11l1 Ctr et & U ~tlltt • Pei1tl1 ·l1terltr & bteritr .as Co•ta Me•a lrvlne , ... , •••. ,.,. , ... , ..... ,., ••••• t7tll ''''' ...... . MOl·fll t -s Mff .fll tt-6 • UJlltM tt-4 IATUltM & HMtAVS 10-4 CLOat HMW ltHl .. S IY APNllfTMHT :===~~;;...~...:...:~~ "**"""' ... Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as ct11cken parmigiana and calaman picante at reduced prices, Is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars otters wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. $30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. Mistofeel~s. and Adam Lendermon's hyperactive Skimbleshanks. the railway cat. And. of course. Gus, the theater cal, puts on a terrific show as he recalls his performing past. I.his ume in the personage of Kevin C.. Wanior, headlining the memory play "Growltiger's La.fit Stand" and fighting ofT Siamese pirates. Mungojerrie (Mario Martinez) and Rumpletea.zer (Katy Burns) perform a smooth duet as the mischievous kitties. Karl Warden is a sly McCavity. the felonious feline, and Staci Rudnitsky lolls around as the pampered. overfed Jennyanydots. Stan Stanley kicks up his paws as the frisky Rum Tum Tugger. Joshua John Edwards' CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St., Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd .. Irvine. (949) 833-2770. BISTR0201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at BiS1ro 201 , 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. DURTY NELLY'S Live music 1s performed at 9 p.m Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 957·1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach. (949) 759-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Rock Cate, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640·8844 troupe as the cats' ancient leader, Old Deuteronomy. Based on "Old Possum's Boole of Practical \..ats, • with music by Webber and lyrics culled from t:.liot's wntin~ by original director Nunn, "Cats" won seven 1983 Tony Awards, including best musical. best book of a musical, best Ugh ling and best costumes. Viewing the show two decades later, it seems as though Lynne was robbed -it also should have been honored for choreography. Since its opening. ·eats• has been presented in 26 countries and more than 300 citjes. It has been translated into 10 languages and has been seen by more than 8,250,000 audience member!;: After over two cades, It's stil •TOM TJTUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. MEMORIES Continued from Al 1 "He has such a foUowing. I think it's a good ending. His conga. percussion and brass sounds will rev up the crowd.• dancing," General seating al the fyplcally a crowd of 4,000 to concerts ls free. In the last few 5,000 gathers. The record years, they have had special VIP attendance was 10,000 at the K.C. sealing that is $20 per person and the Sunshine Band concert ln with tJckets going on sale June 1997. I. One.of the most pop~ar bands "Last year really made an of the 60s, the Association, takes Impression on me," Voorheis stage on JuJy 30 with their classic said. ·A customer came up to hits "Never My Love," "Olerish" me and asked ifil had to end - and "Windy.· because il became such a •(They have) suc~slc hits, naturaJ place to be on no matter what a# you'are, Wednesday nights to meet with somewhere, somehow it touches friends, families and the llves of a lo~ or different age co-workers. What a wonderful groups," Vborheis said. "They are way to celebrate summer nights the uJtimate classic group, under the stars.· whether you beard them In a Voorheis said the concert movie, on your parents radio or in series was originally known as a commercial." the ·Big Brass Band Sound The Association has sold more Concert" and featured than 70 million records, earning bandleader Henry Brandon. six gold albwns and one A lot of the stores and platinum. restaurants will have series Another '80s pop band, Lover tie-Ins and promotions on Boy, will play their favorites Wednesday nights. "Working for the Weekend" and The VIP tickets are available "Tum Me Loose" the next week. at the concierge. The VIP Ooslng the series on Aug. 13 is section has a martini and wine Grammy winner Poncho Sanchez. bar, and food can be bought to "He's a very popular l..atin ja.7.7. go from the local restaurants. musician, weU known in the For information or tickets, music Industry," Voorhei!> said. call 1949) 721-2000. ARTS Continued from Al l The Ballet Montmartre will perform an abbreviated version of "Carnival Venice,· a humorous dance and reading of heU Silverstein's poem "Wild Strawberries,· and a modern dance piece. The dancers are versatile, and 1he performances are varied 10 appeal to different taste!>, bur everything aboul ballet is French, said Stefa Viorica, artistic director. "France IS always In ballet no mall er what.· Viorica said. ··me traming and terminology 1s all French.· Dancers in the Newport-Mesa group have dedicated themselves to training young students and introducing the an of ballet to students in the community through performance. "An can enhance anybody's hfe, and it is imponant to start wilh a child." Viorica said. The relationship with Japan holds <>trong. and students from local schools have been ma.king tnps to Okazaki through the student exchange program since 1982. The Tu.ik.o drummer!> will perform, Japanese calligraphy activities wiU be offered and Paul Godshaw and hls students from the Japan Karatedo Federation will do a Shotokan karate demonstration. Unlike the violent repre!>entation most people -;ee in Lhe movies, the Japanese style of karate is very reOecLive of the culture itself. It ill abou1 respect. dignity and discipline, Godshaw said. "Following the philosophy of self-betterment through physical training makes you mentaUy strong.· he said. "That's pretty much the Japanese way of doing thmgs. • ln teaching the martial art. which is based on good manners and strengthens the body, mind and spirit, Godshaw said he keeps the Japanese his students to go to Japan to experience the cuJture firsthand. Mexican folk dances from the various repns of Mexico will be presented by the Whittier School dancers and the UC Irvine group BaUet Folklorico. M"c:oLDDJW'l..S 80UD llAIDWOOD ..... .. ... ft. FYI Culture lovers of all ages are invited to the International Festival today and Sunday at the Newport Beach Central Library. Today, the Primavera Orchestra will perform from 4 to 5 p.m. On Sunday, the Whittier School dancers will perform at noon. the Ballet Montmartre at 1 p m. and Ballet Folklorico at 3 p.m. A karate demonstration will be given at 3 p.m., and the Ta1ko Drummers will perform at 4 p.m. Other activities will lake place throughout the afternoon. All events are free. The Newport Beach Central Library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information. call (949) 717-3870. "It helps the child learn more about lheir root!> and background, and a culture they can be proud of.· !.aid Martha Blair. teacher al tht' 87% l.a1ino Wh111ier Elementary School in Costa Mesa. Blair leads an after-school program. teaching 6· to 10-year-old students the energetic, fun dances. She -.aid 11 improves their self-esteem. keeps them physically lit and improves their learning. ~It is more beautiful than I can describe,· saki Sharon Blakely, principal of the 11chool. Andrea Ramirez. choreographer of Baller FolkJorico. a small UC lrvim· group of about eight dancer~. said the style of dancing developed from the many cuhur~ that influenced MeXJco. The native population., of the Aztecs and Mixtecs are combined with the Flamenco style of the Spaniards. which 1~ reminiscent of cowboys, bullfighting and the handling of horses. Influences came from the Caribbean and Africa~ well, she said. ·At first. you see the beauuful costumes and footworlc. • Ramirez said. ·eu1 there 1s a lot more that goes beyond that.· There is sboulder shaking, fast footwork. showy skJrts and upbeat energy, she sald. But the reflects that of the festival itself -to educate by performjng. "There are so many ways young people can get invotved in the world,· Atkins said. "You have to keep hoping and trying to make the world a better place.· . ., .................. _. . (888) ... 777 -.-. .•..• ·--~~!!I: The -. - Satutday May 31, 2003 Al5 t SAVE 25-50o/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory www.patiomfg.com CUSTOM BBQ'S Cafe is full of surprises, not ham. n ow ~OU and ~o.ur lunch bud d i.es can stor b~ The i lone~Ba~ed Cafe for a surprl.sl.n~l~ '\O\'Lde a.pra~ of delt.eLOus, m.ad~ from sc.ratch., lw.1ch tem_ptat~ns. T ".'J our +Ion~e:'JB'al\ed Ch~en Cor.Jo~ Bleu, Beef Wellt.ngt<>o, or f<)~r" FU.lets \<\'~th lir<•sh B~~J.Ux-r~ ~t~ze: Or <'~o~ a fres_h, cru;p~ m~ter Ch;-f Salad. :An:i, f bre~Past t.S to ~our ltkrn:.J, "''e S<.>r\.1(? ll all da~ Lons. Wt.th <'hoLCes Lilte our l~ and fluff.J +lone~Baxed OmeL.ettatd \<\'l.th 1i u~~e~, 1\voc<tdo and Swiss Cheese or scrumptwus Stuff"'d Fren<>h Toast. ' So next ti.,m e ~ou do Lun<-h, do l.t Ln s~le a t 'Jlw i l one~Ba]t{ed C.afe ... whN•E> ~ou'll fl.nd overs~ dett;wu~ thl.n8'8 for lunt·h, best.des our• dmt1zin3 ham. C.Ome see us toda~. We r e ~ht next door to th.at famous ham st-Or"<'. 0pen Monday -w~ Sa.m.-6:30 IXll THE ThuMay ·Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. St.rlday 8 a.m.-2 p.m Tustin 13771 Newport /we. # 13 Phone : 71~731~16 Fax :71~731-4907 tldingn1 Beam 19al2 Beam Bhd. #C Phone: 714-963-6174 Fax 71~37S.1216 1998 Ferrari 550 Maranello Black/Black 6K Miies One Of The finest! Only S 157 ,500 2002 Ferrari 360 FI Spider Red/Black lK Miies Abtolutely Stunning! $13J,50CJ ~ •• 2002 Ferrari 360 FI Spider lladc/llack 2K Miies $237,500 2002 Lamborghini Murclelago lladc/llack JK Miies Unbelievable Hurryl Only $249 ,SOO .. ·- J 1 J .. I " . .. , QU01E OF 1HE DAY Daily Pilot "That was a great baseball game." John Emme, Corona del Mar coach Sporta Edltof' RJcbard Dunn: (949) 5 7 44223 • Sporta fax: (949) 650-01 70 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL EYEOPENER nlll~Pib Sporit .... ""'-t:.Mn.lios ... -- June 2 honofff JERRY DEBUSK SatUf'day, May 31, 2003 81 Sea Kings blanked by Aztecs Top-seeded La Quinta eliminates CdM, which envisions big things ahead. Barry Faulkner Daily P.ilot CORONA DEL MAR -The Corona del Mar High baseball team may have taken a gUmpse at its fu. ture Friday afternoon, but the price was seeing its season end in a 4-0 OF Southern Section Division IV quarterfinal loss to visiting La Quinta. The top-seeded Aztecs. staclced with four Divi- sion I college-bound senior standouts, improved to 28-2. Coach Dave Demarest's squad, which opened the season ranked No. 1 in the nation by USA Tuday, is now ranked seventh in one national poll and has won 12 straight, moved on to Tues- day's semifinal, bidding to reach its fifth section title SCOREBOMD game in nine seasons. But the Sea Kings (19-9), who staned onJy one senior in the field Friday, have enough promise to prompt several CdM rooters to dream of big things next spring. ·1 already have," said CdM La Quinta 4 Coach John Emme, when CdM 0 asked after Friday's game if ii was too early to ponder the 2004 possibilities. Emme, however, was quick 10 pay tribute to his i.enior nucleus of shortstop Keith Long. designated hitter Nick Karpe and reserve outfielder Ryan Rhodes, among others. ·0ur seniors really led this team.· Emme said of the Class of 2003, which will most lament the upset that might have been. The Sea Kings trailed, 2-0, when they began a two-out rally in the sixth against unbeaten senior right-hander Ian Kennedy. Kennedy, who im- proved to 38-2 In his varsity career and has not al- lowed an earned run since his firs! appearance of the season, had mowed down 13 straight after stranding two runners in the second inning. But junior first baseman Barrett Sp~ walked and junior left fielder Nick PalchikofJ lined a single to center to ignite the home portion of the crowd of more lhan 300 thar enveloped the baclcstop from SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT A CdM baserunner reacts to being called out at home plate, ending CdM's best scoring threat m the sixth mnmg m Friday's CIF game wrt:h La Quinta. dugour to dugoul and beyond. Sophomore right fielder Wess Presson shot a single into right field and a pinch-runner, chug- ging from second base, tried to score on the play. The relay throw from a charging right fielder, to the first baseman. to the carcher, arrived at the plate a fraction behind the CdM runner. But, electing nor to slide, the runner tripped over the left leg of the catcher, planted directly in front of the plate. Ille contact, and his momentum, launched the CdM runner over the plate and, while trying to crawl back to touch the plate, wab tagged out by the catcher. The play killed the rally, deadened the home trowd and deflated the home dugout. La Quinta then doubled its lead with a two-out. two-run homer run by Brandon Laird in the sev- enth and Kennedy worked a perfect 6naJ frame to lower his ERA to 0.53 this season. The Aztecs have See SEA KINGS, Pac• 83 HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Newport-Mesa quartet advances Estancia's Roj as celebrates birthday with school-record time in the 1,600 meters Friday. Steve Vlrc•n Daily Piiot NORWALK -The athletes of the Newpon-Mesa District went 4 for 4 at the CJF Southern Section Masrers Meet Friday night at Cerritos College. Costa Mesa High senior Sharon Day, who won the high jump (5 feet, lO inches), and Estancia senior Humberto Rojas, who broke his own school record and fin. , m ers : . , as well as Corona del Mar freshman Anne St. Geme, fifth in the l,600, and Estancia senJor Zack Novak, fifth in the high jump. advanced to the CJF Slate • preliminaries June 6 at Cemto'i CoUege. Rojas, Sr. Geme and Novak produced interesting story lines, while Day went about her business and llirted with the national high school record. Rojas celebrated his 19th birthday with a rather brilliant race in the 1,600. He maintained the ninth position out of nine runners throughout the first 800 meters. but then made his move. I le passed four runners before the final 400 and moved to the front of the pack early in the last lap. That's when he started his kiclc. He was in first place for about 150 meters, then shifted to second and eventually third. where he finished. "lbat was a fun race,• Rojas said with have fun and I did. It's my birthday, so I should have fun." F3tanda distance coach OlarUe Ap- -pe11 also celebrated his birthday. The 56- year·old coach was excited, yet con- cerned with Rojas" race. In addition. Ap- peU, lilce Rojas, was imp~ with the nine runners in the 1,600. Eight of them met qualifying standards and advanced to the OF Stare prelims. "I thought it was a little premarure for him 10 stan (the final 400 merersl so quickly,· Appell said. "But that was to his advantage because it caught the other runners off guard. My question is. how much gas did he lose? He says he still feels strong. so we'll see what hap- pens." Roja~· previous best was 4:14.28, set last week in winning the CIF Southern Section Dl'vision Ill title. In the girls l,600, St Geme, pro-.. .. . . • ' Ba564'Q- two runners in the final 200 meters to grab the fifth and final qualifying spot. STEVEMGCRN«/DM.YPl.OT Estancia High's Zack Novak attempts to clear the bar in the high jump at SM TRACK, P11• 84 6-foot-5 in the CIF Masters Meet at Cerrrtos College on Friday night. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Nick Karpe Without a defensive position, CdM 's designated hitter seizes opportunities to contribute with the bat. and biting his nails. •rt has been an adjustment." F.mme said ol the tbift by hit aenior standout. who entered Fdday'I OF Soutbem SectiOft Divlllon IV qumterlloal ~ vWlinl ta Quinta bitting .380 with 8Ye home rum and 22 RB.I&. •Nick la a very emotional kid. But. lt'I a blltalDent to him that be realized be hM to play at a more~ keel.• ~ wbopllm to..,.. bk adlchlnt c::eres Dell yair-. 1rvlM "*7Cul ............. bow to ... wldlu11W.• .. W••1pmy d r &£ rrom • ..... Purtbll. a. ~ellewsl*~i*..- 1 l I . \ I • • Luxury Imports &.Exotic Sports Cars ~-~~--- "Come visit Phillipa Auto and ~ce a level of service and commitment to cscellence that hai made us the #1 in~t .lax11ryand cmtic dealer in Oqmge County. · Since 1984 we have 10ld cnu 20,000 of the &nest automobiles. ' invite you to take a tat drive tOday!" * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included (on Most Vehicles) . '1td/etJt. ~~ * Consignments Welcome * Cash Paid for Your Car * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates DMW MERCEDES PORSCHE 98 323i CQNV c1~1)VeiyOeon. Ur. Int. . $18,980 95 SL5QQ <19390,Sttver w/Groy. Ptem Whffls $27,980 86 9285 <192&&>Glk w/Ton Int Auto Low Miles $11 ,980 97 328• CQNV t22 980 QQ SlK2"lQ t27 980 98 BQXSTER (1119.a))~llver w/Dlk. Mint Condmon $23, 980 I (19277)\Vhlte wfTon Leofher. Auto '1 , v (1ma>Dlk w/Dlk. Gray Im. Sup.tchorg@d '1 ; 98 0 t·22 980 t28,980 01 BQXSTER (l916'>YouMus1SeeThisOeoury Wwy $32,980 7 4 i (19340)0ne Owner. Chrome Whls, Musi ~ '1 , 9 7 S4 20 (1m~nSllver w/ Gray, Lrhr Moonroof '1 t 00 BOXSTER c193'6)ooo w~1np '132,980 00 323i (19279C)Whlr.wfTon Leofhe1Moonroof $25,980 99 CLK320 (1m2)Dlk/Glk GreotVolvel $29 980 99 996 CPE t .ll"l 980 ' (19216)~ wll}lk Lrhr 1&' ~hb·beovtyl '1'+V, 98 7 4Qi (1901a>llllt.IGlk Cfflifltod -$26, 980 QQ E32Q (19092)51/vef w/Dlk. Moolvoof & Bose $32, 980 99 911 COUPE ci93'))ExTfemely Cleon ~e Owne• $44, 980 • 99 328i CQNV (1927))Dlock. Auto $26, 980 01 CLK 430 c191<151)6 w'!lrt< lJhl Moooroof Phor4 $37, 980 99 911 CQNV c1a&u1)S'lve• leoltit'f ·Beauty $49, 980 1 QQ 328i (manSlverw/GroyPtem SportPl<9 $26,980 99 SL5QQ <1m1>Whne w.Groy~ormoilled $39,980 99 911COUPE 19400C'~"ll'~~~ .. ~~·~ic.t $52,980 ' 00 M ROADSTER CONY c193&8)11 .... 1en., oeoAHond $28, 980 00 5430 119361>lliocWGlodt PelfeacoodWI $46,980 1 99 911 CONV ,9.,3,>~e-wllic ~'Y 1&<lil c~ $55,980 00 5281 t"l1,980 01 555 t74 980 99 911 CQNV (1936.i>TnpleOlk Or.ly 10KMi $59,980 (19343)1111 w/Dll. low~ Spoil~ Pkg '1\J c19.iO&C)s.tvei w!Gfoy. 5p1 Only 19K Mo.es Awesome '1 , t 00 911 CONV (19•12)ownik 2uo~•i.s 0eovrt11A $63,980 00 74Qil c19076lFoaoryWorronty. :l~ml ..... '138,980 01 TURBO INQUID~ (1m•> r.p 0-ly 1&K "'' 1ou S.. 'his One" '"' EXOTICS SUVS . I A. u Al (>4 MERCEDES 230SL """''See Thi> 11o .. 0.0""1 l\ed $19, 980 I 00 JEEP GMND CHEROKEE WEDO ..... , ... """ $14, 980 00 JAGUAR S-TYPE (19171)lmmocvl01• Sedan $25, 980 99 DODGE VIPER RT 10 (2737CJDlodYTon. 1•K MJ $50, 980 00 NISSAN XTERRA (l~u)Mortt AcmSOl!ts $16, 980 00 JAGUARS-TYPE (1901.a)Otu.. Only27KMlles .$25,980 01 DODGE VIPER GTS (1940)1)P.f0.kwlllUwesomtl INQUIRE 98 RANGE ROVER (19001()~ OwmWs Mn $25,980 00 JAGUAR XK8 (19381)5Mf. 121( MJles foe. \loaorty . $45, 980 01 FERWJ MODENA SPIDER (19*)h Hict 0 Pis! INQUIRE! 01 CHEVY TAHOE (191461) 17K Miit! Olotno "'1s Oton $ 29, 980 . t Ol!ly Piiot SEA KINGS Conbnue'd from 81 not .1llo\'.lt·d J nm 111 1hn·t• pl.i} off Wlfl\ CdM llldlldgcd fiw hth .igo.1111\t Kenm•dy, \o\ho fan1wd 11111t'. wallia•d orw .ind hll J h.llll'r hm tor Jo-.h Hr<1clh11ry -.111gled .1111J \prowl boundrt.l d h.1d hop "n gJe off the third h.i.,cm.in\ ~10\ l' IO the fir.I Junior Danny M.inn I urn hned a '>tngll• to right in thl' thmJ. heforc Kenr1l•cly, bound for U~<.. '>ellled down in th<' nuddlt· 111 nlngci. ul don't think IKl'lltWdyl ho.1d his dominant fa\tball, h ut he wa., putting the ball whe rl'Vt'r he wanted it." Emme 'wltll Senior Ian S1ewan , ,11101lwr USC rccru11, ltved up 10 hi\ hill · ing ~ a prodtgiOU'> hille r. I le ~nl 3 for 4, int lud111g a home nm rocketed tn'lde thl' nghl fie.Id fouJ polt• IO K•ve 111., tcctm .i I ·O lead in the third. II wa' \le"' art's 16th homer of tlw \t'.1'0 11 and upped Im. wa'iOn UBI totill to 61. '>even off 1 he \t'<·t 11>ll \In gje·sea'iOn record The two homer-.. <L'> \'-di ii' .1 sacrifice Oy by Co\IJ ~k.,.. trnm fer Adam Jorgem on 111 till' '1>.th. helped overcome a .. oltd effort hv , KARPE Continued from 81 from the du~out ha.-. actually made him a mort• cffC'cl1ve hitter. ·1think11 hao, rl'ally helped me learn the game even more.· he 'laid. ·1 watch wi1at pttcher-. throw in different .,itua11on'>-I sjt there and talk w11h lasc;1.,1an1 coach) Jon Piraino and get hi\ opinion on thtng. • S P O RT S Af>ove,La Quinta's Ian Stewart dNes sat ely back to second base asCdM shortstop Kerth Long tries to haul in an errant pickoff throw. CdM's Todd Macklin. left. delNers a prtch 1n Friday's CIF quarterfinals. f H<JIUS EH SEN<tJl,t fR -~-----...----....... .-... c;r, '~1or <.d~I .. 1an111g p11chl·r lodd Macklin. anmher 1un1or "I think lodd made a n.ime for him.,elf today: l·m me '><ml "I le h.t'> the opportumty 10 h<.' rnrn plt•tt'ly dom inant next year · I mme cxpn,...,ed t•xtrl'nw pruk O\er the progre.,., of hi'> learn rh i~ \t'<l4'flrl .. l11a1 wa.<> a greo.1t b,1.,eball gt1111e he -.aJd. "l:ver '>tnce C...t.I ..-.iry < J1apel (a poorly playt•d lo'' lhdl ga\.e the Panfic C .Oa'>I li ·.1g\ll' champion' a I l leag\le NICK KARPE lont: April 10, 1985 HometoWn: Newport Coast Hef9ht: S.foot·9 Wei9ftt: 180 Sport: Baseball PotttJon: Designated tuttef' Coach: John Emme Fevottt. food: O,idten Fevorite movM: "fear and Loathing In laJVegti" ._. ~ "'°"*"= "HitbnQ la solo -UC-off) home tun to bffl Northwood (the diffe<ence In • 6-5 Paofic Coast l..Hgue wfn that dlOChed at i..ut • sNn of tl'le INgue title) • The _.. In rwiew: He~ 3 for 4 with a grW slam and ICOfed Unt runs to help CdM defut VIS!tlng ~ 19-3, in the first round of the °' DMdorl "' ptiljUfts ~· -- n·tordl. lhl·.,e KUY' pl<1~ed lue ch<1rnpm11.,, wllllh .., what they dtd IO<fay." Clf DMsion rv Ouartemnal la Quinta 4. CdM O Sco re by 1nrnnq~ L.; 011in1.1 4 " O CdM l'JOO ooo o o ~ :t K1,nnrn1y <.1t1rl Rand.ill M.;cid1n I'll Rhodf's f7) and M.irin Finn W K11nm~dy 7 0 L Maddin 6 3 28 Stt"INJrt ILOI HR Stt•w art !LOl Ld1rd LOI l>t''>ptll' no long1•r running tht• ga nw from belund Lhe plate. Karpe ha' retained a .,trong lc•adn<,h1p role. l·.mme 'aid. "I It•\ our dugout general." Lmnw '>.ttll "Ill•\ the guy making .. un• ewryone else i., 11\10 lhe game .ind making '>Ure t•veryone .., doing what they're '>U(lpO<,(.•d 10 be dotng. • Karpe. who play-. no other <,pom . ...std he did what he had to 111 lht• off-.ea.'>On to aid tu~ progrt'\\ a' a luller I lb devotion 111 the weight room .iddC'd about 25 pounds of mu'>dt• 10 h1'> 'l foot-9 frame I It• al'>o 111111a1('(j a nutrit1onaJ program that h33 paid dividends. It is more fact than optn1on that Ka~ has been on a tear in recent w~ks In the May 2:1 first-round playoff win over Hesperta-aJone. the Daily ri.lot athlete of the week went 3 for 4, including a grand slam. and scored three runs, to help the Sea Kings post a 19·3 triumph. Emme believes the lack of i.=============.J defen'iive duties hac; helped Dilly Pb Coll«tor fJ)Ol'tr """ -- It was his third home run in four games, making him the No. 2 home-run hitter on the squad, behind junior Joih Bradbury (10). "I'm just really feeling comfortable.at the plate,· sald ~.a left -handed hitter who added to his po tseason binge by going 2 for 4 in Tuesday's second·round win at Temple City. ~hit .355 with one homer and 30 RBis last season, en route to first-team All·Pacific Coast League and All-Newport-Mesa honors after transf errlng from Maler Oei. 9&4 -· ........ keep Karp~ focused on wielding the aluminum. "The term professlonaJ hitter applies to Nick.." Emme said. "At this point. a bat never leaves hls hands when he's on the pmctlcc field.H M ide from his increased attention to pitching patterns and Lrying 10 work the count until he gets an Ideal pitch to hit, Ka~ offen, no explanation for bis recent hot spell. "I don't even want to try and analyze It." he said. "It's like they say. you don't want to fix what isn't broken." • Saturday, May 31, 2003 83 • .... • .. 14 Saturday, May 31, 2003 SPORTS Dally Piiot TRACK Continued from B 1 She was in eighth throughout most of the final lap, but she found extra incentive to pick up speed. M After the third lap. I felt really tired," St. Geme said. "I didn't think I was going to (qualify). I know you're not supposed to think like that. But, on that last curve, my entire family was there. I could hear my mom (Cecil and my dad (Ed) and that motivated me." St. Geme finished in 5:00.44. Her personal record is 5:00.10, which she posted last weekend. Though her times were nearly identical, CdM Coach Bill Sumner thought DAILY PILOT CUP Battle lines Above, Harbor Day's Kathryn Con- ner, middle, passes ball to teammate through two Andersen def enders in girls 34 game. Manners Christian Brittany Langdon, left, and Anneke Pakvasa, right, battle for the ball in girts 5-6 game. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Sign Up Now Fo r Summe r Surf Cam www.kanoaaquatics.com (310) 374-1994 Kanoa Summer Surf Camps At The Huntington State Beach (Newl4l"d & PCH) • Birthday & Corporate Parties • Ages 5 -15 • Surfboard & Wetsuit Rentals • Private Surfing Lessons Cla-Start June 23"° (SIU'day Men's Cl11111; Sunday Women's Classes) Four -2 W0ck S0ss1ons 1 W1·1·k S1 .. ,·,1011"' Av.iil.iblt-:- St Geme ran a different race. "She got real nervous on lap three: Sumner said. MBut she woke up. She realized what we talked about during the drive (to Cerritos CoUegeJ . All she had to do was finish in the top live. But this race was different from all the oth- ers she has seen. It was harder." St. Geme seemed to be inspired by being the only freshman in the race. She said she thrives on the challenge of meeting expectations. "I set my standards high," St. Geme said. Ml've just been doing my best and I'm going to keep do- ing my best. But I'm still getting used to lthe 1,6001." Novak. the Estancia senior who won the Southern Secdon DiVlsion m title in the high jump last week. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRNf< I DAILY Pl.OT At left, Corona del Mar's Anne St. Geme, center, takes off at the start of the CIF Masters Meet 1,600 meters Friday at Cerritos College. Costa Mesa's Sharon Day, above, won the high jump again. Below and left, Estancia's Humberto Rojas, second from right, holds onto the leaders in the boys 1,600 meters Friday. Rojas finished third. has also been gathering more ex- perience in his event. He said he learns something new every week. Novak learned more about consis- tency Friday. He finished fifth to grab the final qualifying spot, clearing 6_-3 on his first attempt. 1Wo other jumpers also cleared 6-3, but they missed on their first attempt Novak nearly cleared 6-5 on his final attempt, but he will have to wait until next week to try to better his personal record of 6-6. ln the girls hjgh jump. Day, a four-time Southern Section divi- sion champion. won the Masters Meet title by clearing 5-10 on her first attempt. Then, she didn't waste any time and asked that the bar be raised to 6-3, which wouJd have tied the national record. She seemed to come closer to clearing the bar with each try. as her third attempt prompted the more audi- ble gasps from the crowd. Day started jumplng at 5-7 and hit the bar on her first attempt, but she cleared it on her second try. After clearing 5-l 0, she waited for advice from her coach and father, Eugene. Ml just looked up at my dad and he said to go for 1he 6-3," said Day, who owns the nation's best mdrk. at 6-2 this season. Day. the defending Mate cham- pion, said she will focus on reach ing the state finals Friday, then concentrate on the nationaJ record Saturday. 2003 ROY EMERSON ADOPTION GUILD TENNIS CLASSIC MARK C DUSTIN/DAILY PILOT Tony Buian, seeded 10th, runs the length of the baseline and barely gets off one of his powerful forehands. Buian faced top-seeded Bryan Juinio in the Round of 16 in the men's open singles. Men Singles ()pent6 5 Quarterfinals Bryan Juinio ( 1 ), Fresno. def Ryan Moore (5), Fullerton, 6-7. 7-5, 3-1, retired; Oren Motevassel (3), Huntington Beach,'def. Ject U (11), Irvine, 6-3, 6-3; Brandon Fallon, San Clemente, def. Rytan Rizza (4), RandlO Palos Verde, 6-7. 7-6, 7-5; Jason Coote (7), Van Nuys, def. Brett Hansen-Dent (2), Newport Beach, 6-3, 6-2. Doublee ()petv'6.6 Ouanorflnal• S. Davlt-0. Pate (1) def. N. Grov81"J. Heine, 6-2, 6-3; J. t.ett.B. Man-Son-Hing def. P. Aldrich-E. Riley, default (Injury); B. Bettlstone-0. Bettlstone def. 8. Hansen-Oent-R. Moore (3), default (Injury); A. Hemandez-C. Hoffmann (2) def. E. Un-A. Stewart. 6-0, 4-6, 6-4. 35 and r:NfJf OuartfHfina/6 P. Aldric:tN. Pugh 11 I def. o. Nowict.J. Regg, 2-6, 6-1, 6-4; A. Hemandez-8. Man-Son-Hing (3) def. e. o.vldaon-ft. Nemon, 6-3, &-0; P. Devkleon-8. Howie def. A. ~­Kell 141, 1-e m. &-3; s. Devi9-0. ,... def. R. ~. Tyr911, 6-2, 6-1. 3.5 ~ R. Am>yo-a. W. (1 I def. o. Olrilty-O. Hen9fl, 6-3, 6-2; 8. Wtin-T. White (3) def. J. Meng-0. ~. 6-3, 6-3; L Alv9-C. Moofe cW. S. Caothlen.J. Ngo, 6-3, 6-0; M. ~. fWll (2) def. &'. Blodc.ft. Cheetc, &.3. 6-2. 4..0 OuMterlfnell M. Gi.ze,. t Hoftmen (6) d9f. R. Aynn.J. Seppq, 6-3. H 7-8; M. Show9-M. Smith cW. M. New9ll-L Sevelt (4), 6-1, 1-1; L Curet.J. LICh¥n (3) def. G. C:O.O. How9y, 6-4, 6-3; A. Grigg9-8. MeNny (2) def. M. Belbef.t Treyb, f.O, 6-2. MONDAY'S RESULTS Biseon-R. Aef*o, 6-3, 6-0. 5.0 Ouartrinals R. Myers-fl Trager ( 1) def M. Ballin-T. Cohen, 6-2, 6-7 (1), 7-5; R. Adems-M. Zairnc def. S. Morton-A. Weed l5l. 6-2. 6-3; 8. Paf"81'1t&.8. Valperalto def. T. Claar·G. Mayer (3), 7-5, 6-2; r.. Doi-T. Linn (2) def. K. l(opp-0. Mayr, 7-6, 6-2. 6.0 Quarterfinals 0 . Bozeman-C. Delaney (1) def. T. Marcoline-M. Hansen, t>-4, 6-3; 0 . Baez". Cross (4) def. R. Finlay-J. Strother, 7-5, 6-3; J. Nguyen-0. Nowlct (3) def. J. Fears-J. Van Unge, M . 6-2; J. Fnlntz-A. Krall90n def. 0. Mann-8. Mat4*, 6-3, 6-2. Women Doubles ()pefY8.6 Ouartwfinat. K. Fritz.ft Nid8fw ( 1 l def. It f>oolef.C. Stnlute, 6-1, t>-4; 0. Huber-S. l..enedofi> (4) def, J. ~ Romero. 7-6, 6-2; J. LyonN. Shapiro (3) def. c. 8al'telt-P. Baf1llll. 6-2. 6-1; t ~ Ylrmuelen (2) def. M. lieut>edN. Weal, M , S-0. 3.5 au.tt.rlJIVls e. ~ Moqng (1) cW. E. ~ 'ltllR>n, S-0, 6-1; c. ~ Sherwold (3) dlf. v. i..N. Truong, U, 6-1, M; I<. Comefiue-t Metheny (4) cW. H. FrtelifH). 'bung, .W, 7-e (2), 7-5; K. Huynh-$. TIWI (6) d9f. P. Frienc>R. Gloedl (2), t..e. &-3. 6-2. 121, 6-2, D K1m~o C Ruggio def N Neptune-L Waogoner 121. 6-3, 4-6, 6-2 Mbced doubles 3.5 Ouartrinall S. Kinard 8. P9e4t ( 1 I def. L Conover.J. Weelca, 6-7. 6-2, 6-0; L AM-K T.Uhaahl 131 def. S. Blomsttom-M. Holzmann, 6-2, 7-5; R Nguyen-T. Nguyen def. T. CotteMi. Gustin, 6-7. 6-1, t>-4; R. OeP8ul-8. ~n (2) def. L Klein-K. Sutter, 1-6, 6-3, 6-3. 4.0 Ouanerfina/$ P. Albrecttt-A. Barclnat def. W. Hom-0. Vallln-O>rona, 6-1, 6-2; 8 . Lam-J. Pham def. J. Brown-L Curet (3), 6-4, 7-6 (5); C. Hallum-Y. Singh (4) def. A. Bowyef-R. Kahn. 6-1, 1-2; M. Amen-Nehrlicn-M. Mihalco (2) def. C. Ruhlen-J. Sekely, 6-3. 6-0. 4.5 CluMferifnM L Doboe-8. Rlchardlon (8) def. G. Chow-5. Chow ( 1 ), 6-1, 6-1; R. CoYev-K. Speer def. 8. eeun.a Morgec.-n, M, M; G. 81ncroft-S. ei-tt.• (4) cW. M. Oddc>-l. \llga. 1• 6-3, ~1; w. Hahn-N. Neptune (2) def. s. o.t..ong.M. Secora, U. M . &-1. 15.0 ~-I<. lAn'lcJN.8. v.lpetWo (5) def. B. ~.Melloy (1), U. 6-2. 7-6; A. Nichol9..s. ~ cW. IC. ~Roof (3), 7-e (5), M; L ~Nichole def.C. ~. ~ 141. 6-1, 7-e (S); A.~ • Doggrell (2) cW. C. • .:1'111 M. -.n I.Inge. 6-4, 4-f, M. u ~ D.~8. T'hoo*Jn(1)deUt. Mot~ Wlrnenw, u. 1-2. 1-Z: J. ~. Glmln def. D. a..A. ~ (3), f..3, 1-2: N. llerf.M. Ao..e '4> ... c. ~ ~. ""'&-2; Oi ~,...,., <2> def. a. t ..... 94. ThOhlPIOf\ 7-6, 'M. u o..w ..... A. ICnftlon.J. "-'" ,,, ...... ... t~N.1-lMlll.~ .......... ~cn.•M. N; D. All ~ .._,dlt J. Ca A ,,L (2),W, M. " Daily Piiot S P O RT S DAILY PILOT CUP BOYS 3-4 Coast Feasts • again Coyotes record second consecutive shutout in pool play to adva n ce to today's quarte rfinals . Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA Mf.sA -With 1he !>pread on the table. Newport Coas1 Elemenlary\ boys third-and fourth-grade <,occer 1eam Continued ilS foasl lhrough the fin.I IWO games of this year'!> Pilo1 Cup. Newport Coas1. nicknamed the "Coyo1es," recorded its !>econd consecu1ive shu1out - a 9-0 deci!.ion over Newporl Heights Friday al the !·arm Complex. Before each Pilot Cu p gam e. team m anager Heidi Neal organt7.es a food connoisseur's dream -a 1able covered wilh ch ips and salsa, pas1a \alad. meal!> and ch eeses and brownies w name JU'>I a few of the m any morsels. The way the Coyotes ran up .rnd down the fi eld Friday, they will need 10 pu1 back all tha1 nourishmenl into their bodi~. Newport scored five goal., on e1gh1 first-half !>hoLS while rallying fo ur on seven a1temp1s in the second half The fir;1 four goals came within 1he ini1tal eight minule&. Oad in red cleaLS, Connor GaaJ took control at midfield and bur\I through the Newpo rt Heights defen\e, cro.,.,mg the ball mto the lefi of the goal from about sue yilld!> out for the 4-0 lead. Gaal wo uld score two goals a.. did Ouis Freeman. who saw some u me in goal in the second half. Newport Coas1 boru.1s a lineup of 20 players while Newport I le1gh1 s h as 12. lnad Richards. a third-gr.1de reacher al Newport I !eights who conducted the ream's firsl practice only Monday, had just I 0 w use in Friday's game. The ones he had, which included defenders Cllance Beauchamp and Oms Whitelegge, along with forward Nathaniel Stien·7,Ucker, regularly slid 10 knock the ball away from an opponent and m ain lam ed pressure. Newpo rt Coas1 just h ad 100 many weapons. Newport Coast's Collin Krum, left, battles Newport Heights defender in boys 3 4 match. ·· 1 hl'i j., tht 111"11 tllrll' pldymg ..,otc t•r fur .1 lot of lhl''it' guy ... " H1l hard .. -.;ml ·· 1 or t lw .,kill lt·wl 1he} 11.1\e, lhl·y pld)t'd v.l'll Coyotl''-C oad1 J 1e1 ll'd Bui 1m·d 10 \low tw, lt'am do"' n. 10 P""' the h.111 .tround Ill the .. ec:ond haH. hul the plJ} er .. 't 111 h,111 ~coring on 1hl'1r mind "No more godl'>." 8u1 repeatc·dl) ..,hmllt•d a~ he held h1' d1pboard Bui, whu~l' ..,on M1diael <ornrl'd a go.ii 111 the c,crnnd half. ha., .,pent the la'>f 'l'\'l'll year' wa1d1111g Lhl''l' k.td' gro'' 011 1lw .,occer field "Some I know from c,rhuul, '>ome I "''"''' from 1he Pilo1 C up," Hui ..aJd "I hey Jn ... p1rited t:h1ldre11." COJ'>I player., had d11 ·;-.a \'<Ttllen 111 pa.in1 on one cheek and dJl "N .. on top of their head'>. I he "Coyote!>" nicf...naml' nmw from 1he many animah t lled around home., and parks in lhe Newport C.oJ.,t area, a group of thrt·t' Ne\o\>port C..0.1'1 1eadwr ... \a1d. FRIDAY'S SC ORES dt Costa Mesa Farm CompleK Kaiser !No 21 9. Lincoln !No 21 l Adams 4 Eastblutt 2 Harbor View 2. Newport Elementary 2 St John 1, St. Joachim l OLOOA 1, Ma11ners Christian O Lincoln (No. 116, Rea (No 2) O Harbor Day 6, Pomona 2 l 11k < •t'llnnc:h, I l1111tn :..10111.tr and lunv \Id oy .tlh.lt'd ... inglt· goal., 111 1lw 'it'l ond · h.ill Jg.itn'>l ton'ilant pn· .... urt• Imm dt•ll'ndt'r le.,.,l' 1 or rt''> \.t'\\JWn I ll'tghi.. gnJlkl·t·rwr f(\an I oof... ''"PPl'd IWO .. hoL<, Ill the tir..t hiilf v.hut' < l1aw KJpana made ont' .. 1op m net 111 the wumd half. \rnlt} Yu11ngman Lontrolled thC' Ne\\ pon Loa'il g11.1l 111 till' fir\I half \\ 11h I ndJy\ w111, Nl'wport C<>.1"11 .., gu,1ra11tl't'd d hc:nh 111 ww q11,irll·rfinal g.11111· Imlay al l l. I() p 111. Keddington enjoys big day for Lincoln Second-grader scores four of his team's 11 goals in big win. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot COSTA M ESA-Carter Keddington may be o nly in se<:on d grade, but he was the big man on the field Friday for Lincoln No. 2's third-and fourth-grade boys soccer team in Pool E of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Co m p lex. Kedd ington, one of four second graders o n the team, scored his team's first four goals and Uncoln, who had a two-man advantage the entire game, went on to defeat Kaiser, 11-1. It was a big boost for Lincoln after getting beat, 7-0. by Mariners on Thursday. looL.. m l'r .111J .. c:ort·d the m•x1 l\\O go.ii' to gt\l' I intoln db~ I le<id 'il'l ond grJdl'r I .It K1,m1 '>l'llf a (Wrf1·l I lrll" ICl l>of...a in till' m1dtlll' tor 111' lir'il goal aml L<11dl·n ">tark cJurnpt·d a Pd'' 10 Ookt1 in front of thl' goal for h1., '><'COllJ trying 111 'hJrt· thl' .... eahh .imong 111., u•am. I rnncin1 aga111 madt• 'unw rnovt''i ro1a11ng h1~ ron,ard .. 10 dt•ft'll,l' '->tJrL... \\llh ,1 dl'il'nder gt\mg rha-;e rmprcd a rerlell '>hot up O\'er goalkl't'(lt'r l<yan Cerrato\ head for Im only goal to rna~e 1he \Core 7 I. Stark then added hi., wrnnd of 1hree as">i<;I<; when he• pa.,.,ed the ball 10 Connor MaJone\'. who '>queet.ed 1h1· b.111 ju't ..,.,.de the poc;t for an 8 I ll'ad Fourth ~rader 'ihane C orwm. playing in ht\ firsl soccer game, !>Cored a goaJ off a uoss from Slark 10 ~1ve I 111coln a 9-I advantage. Matt I rancim and Kiani rounded ou1 l incoln's ~coring. Keddington controlJed the first 15 minutes of the game. 1\vo of his goals came as he took the ball from midfield and dribbled all the way In before scoring. His final goal came o n a break.away. DON LEACH /DAILY PILOl Newport Coasfs Conner Gaal, left, pushes the ball up the field for a score as Newport Heights defender tries to stop him. Cerralo, who go1 p ummeled by '\ho ts the en1ire march. made rwo impreo;!>ive diving saves for Kaher and fim<;hed with 12 JCeddington gave Uncoln a 2·0 lead before Trevor Magana scored the o nly goal o f the match for Kaiser. After Keddington's fourth goal. Coach Alex Franclnl decided that was enough and 'OOFORO FOCUS SE Very deoo. rr.tst .. 1286 1081 'OOMAZDA 626 '01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 •9,976 lwto. otr,d.on 11 323661 •10.976 Spotty econo eo<, c.Ufied 121 523 ~1 110.976 moved Keddrngton 10 defense. but that didn't slop Lincoln's offensive pressure. Second-grad er Andy DOka Lincoln finished the tournam ent 1-1 in pool play. Kaiser went 0-2. CHlCK OUT THIS HOT DlAl! l 2002FORD MUST ANG GT CONVERTIBLE San.day. May 31 200 J es BRIEFLY Snyder advances to CIF semifinals CdM boys ten n is standout will fa ce top seed in tod ay·~ FinaJ Four a t SeaCliff. Lorona dt·I Md! I Ugh '>t'JUur Carrell '>nyder. te<,Ung 1he 'itn gl~ fidd dftl'r daumng UI 'xluthl'rn '-><.'l llOn duublt"> ul.lt.., the la.'>t l\.\<O 'il'd.'iOll\, won IWKt· I nJay to .idV'anLe tu toJa} ., -.enufutal.'> at the \t'lOOn u1divid uaJ tournaml'lll at '>eaOi.ff Coun 1ry CJ11b 111 I lu111111g1on Beath Snyder, thL· No 4 'iecd, cl1rrn 11atcd St,111lt:y !'iurJthtntch from Lrt>\lt'llt<l V.tlll'Y· b 4, b 4, 111 the Bound of 11>. then ,\,1·p1 Hrt'lll\\11C1d., I rll Mt Kt·.ici 11 I 7 b lh I 111 the 11t:hr,.Jl..1·r 1r1 TODAY Tennis SCHEDULE High school boys -Corona del Mar's Garrett Snyder in CIF 111d1v1dual singles champ1onsh1ps semifinals. dt SeaCliff Country Club, 10 30 a m Trade and field College men and women -UC Irvine at NCAA West regional championships ot Stanford 011t· qu<trlt:rflndl I ht: lJlll\l'l'ill'< 111 11••.1 hound '1a11dm11 \~ 111 ''I" " 111 ag.t111'1 lop -.i·t•lled It'll 11.1-. 11 I riiy 111 J 1 o m J 111 .... ·11111" •• .i aJ,o ,11 'H••1< l1ll 1111' li11.cl v. I foll11\.\ l11d,1~ .ti d IJ1111 \ 1111t1C1 gt•fl( 1111 1111 I 11111plt•llllll 11f h <1tl '>l'rlllli11..J UC f \, M.ixam hom11cd • ~AJU :\(,: '>opli1111H111 I 11 rt•ll M.t-'dll ~IJlfl•'I I,, ti tH ln1111· \\11111111.. .11111 ll'Jlll. h<t ... lll'l'CI ., .. 1, .• II I I I •I l',ll lflC I "•"I 11111•11 1111 ~.11 ht H.1c 111~: '"'" 1.1 11111 11 I ll'ofl I( I I c·.1111 ~1.t~.1111 .cl1J11f' ''dlll I 11 111,Jf\' I 1111!. l<11flt1 ,, • lklliill'l~'ll r o•I '\It I ,1111J lw,1d 111,11 lc \11~1· 1'111 I 111'\ \\Ill lw rt I'"'" Ill I' 111 oil fin· 1111 I • (o 1:1110 C.., ti I ''"II l.tlct1ll '-..11rlli \11 t I• I 11f11·i•i.111· '\,1111111 th 111\11 l'o111t• "ol1111,., \111 lo I 1111"1' f't11l1l" ,,1( Ill I 1i1l ~ I < .... =HRYSU:R (877) 321-5337 2524 llARIOR Bl VD. COSTA MESA TAKI 5SFWY unf&11aTONAMGa BREITLING 1884 I N •T ll U MCIN T • 1"0 11 .. llO l"Cl••tO NA L.• HC•cu e..r • TRlnrt 12 l ~~ l f'••hlon l•l•n d -Ne wport Be•c h 9<191721 9010 www Tr•d•ll on•IJeweler• com '96 FORD E150 High lop conV9rt!On YOn IA.t3100I Sll,976 www .• llCITL.INO COM '01 TOYOTA COROLLA Ac.110 olc. man l.5~70I 111.976 '()()MERCURY MOUNTAINEER Very cloon IJ_.C845l S14,976 '99FORD TAURUS ·SHo· L.athet,CO~. cll1tfled 1231661) '01 JEEP CHEROKEE Ar, outo, '97 FORD AEROSTAR XLT ~o.olc.. looded IA920581 Black beauty, used, certified (117323) '01 CHEVROlET 2500 HID PICKUP ~odo '01 FORD F150 XCA8 Xll bw ,,..._ c.rtlf..d 18A8~91 '01 FORD EXCURSION lrnut«t, i.ott. certll..d tA71~21 •14.976 6~ IS1032n •15.976 •16.976 S22,976 auto, o/c 1218183) '16.976 .•18.976 '25.97 1 ' , SPO R TS ------DAILY PILOT CUP ··-----; GIRLS 5-6 -Langdon provides Mariners Christian a lift ' Deverian scores .three goals in team's shutout victory. Melanle Neff Daily Pilot ..... COSTA MESA -What a dilfer- • ence a player makes. • In their first game on Thu™1ay, 'Mariners Christian lost. 7-0, to ' Kaiser's No. l team. • • • On Friday, Brittany Langdon, · who couldn't play Thu™1ay be- : .~ of a basketball commit- _JJ1ent, joined the team and helped guide Mariners Christian to a 6-0 victory over 1 larbor View in a • fifth-and sixth-grade girls soccer game in Pool A of the 0-ctily Pilot · Cup at the O>sta Mesa Fann t.omplex. ' : Langdon, who plays for the ~.lfpack dub socc.er team, scored two goals and dished out : iwo assi.<.ts. Katie Deverlan was ' the bene6dary of both assists and · led the team with three goals. "Having 11.angdon) changes the . ' :_Te Winkle :keeps playoff .hopes alive ~elanie Neff '.l'.>aily Pilot COSTA MESA -After playing lo a 4·4 ue on Wednesday, Te- WinkJe No. 2's fifth -and sixth- ~ade boys soccer team needed a victory to keep its playoff hopes alive in Pool G of the Daily Pilot Cup. -TeWtnkle got more than enough Friday. shutting out Newport I !eights, 6-0. at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. TeWmkJe domina ted the g"d.Ole from the beginning. as "Newport Heights only got the ball across midfield a handful of times. "I jus t found out last Thurs- day that I wac; coaching this team," TeWinkJe Coach Sal Bur- ciaga said. "I don't even know everybody's name on the team.· ,. Even though Burciaga may n ot have known who he was yelli ng at, rhe message got through and the players looked liked they had been playing fo r him fo r weeks. Michael Mc.:Kay had his hands full in the goal for Newport Fleight<;. lie was peppered with i 6 shol5 on the day and was still able to make spectacular saves. But there was only so much he couJd do wboje dynamica of the game.. Mariners Ouistian <:oach Jon De- wrlan sakl. Langdon controlled the entire field for Mariners Ouisdan. help- ing set up plays for her team· mat.es. After the teams went scoreless for the 6nt 15 minutes. battling it out in the mid.fleld, Avery Amies scored the first goal when she pidced up the ball In front of the net and bloclced it past Harbor View's keeper for a 1-0 lead. Minutes later, Langdon. playing sweeper. took the ball at the mid- field and dnMl all the way into the box and blasted a shot the goal- keeper chose to kidt away instead of grabbing. Oeverian was right there for the rebound and slammed it borne for a 2-0 lead. The l.andgon-Deverian con- nection worked again before the half when Uwgdon took the ball down the sideline the length of the field and crossed it to Oever- ian in the middle, who sailed it in for a 3..0 halftime lead Deverian opened the second BOYSS-6 half completing her hat trick. After Langdon aent a long ball down Into the box, there was a saamble for the ball before DanJelle Derman came up with It. She bumped a short pass to Delledan who tapped it into the net for a 4-0 lead. Langdon and Ashley Mitc.heJl dosed out the scoring for Mari- ners Christian, each scoring a goal in the final minutes. Mariners Ouistl.an finished pool play 1-1. Harbor View went 0-2. Defending champion Kaiser, won the pooJ and will play in to- day's quarterlinals. ••• In other girls 5-6 action: • Martnen 10, lCailer' No. 3 0: Sbdby IClng and Coleen Fle8d each scored three goals with Kel- le)' Hinch adding two scores in the shutout in Pool F play at Kai- ser School Friday. J...ann Grupe and Laaren Orttel added single goals for Mari- ners. which advances to a quarter- final game today at 4 p.m. at the OONLEACH /OAll..Y PILOT TeWinkle's Lalo Agu~ar gets ready to boot the ball toward the goal as two Newport Heights defenders give chase Friday. leg. That team is really good." TeWmkle used its speed and effective passing to keep New- pon Heights back on its h eels. Newport got off only one shot in the game. David Vasquez put TeWUlk:.le on the board early when he slammed a shot into the comer just off McKay's fingertips in the first five minutes. A few minutes later, after McKay made a diving save off a TeWtnkle shot, he was unable to get baclc into position and Eduardo Aguilar picked up the rebound and popped it into the net for a 2-0 lead. FRIDAY'S SCORES st Costa MBSB Farm Comp/6" Mariners (No. 1) 11, Kaiser (No. 3) 0 TeWinkle (No. 216. Newport Heights (No. 21 O OLOOA 2, St J ohn O Harbor Day (No. 2) 2. Andersen 0 Eastbluff S, Davis (No. 210 at Costa Mesa High Harbor View 0, St. Joachim 0 Mariners Christian 8, NewPort Elemen1ary 0 Mariners (No. 21 3, Prince of Peace 0 Lincoln 2, Victoria 2 second half, one by Vasquez and one by midfielder Edward Rivas. FRIDAY'S SCORES at Costa Mesa Farm Complex Rea (No. 2) 1, St. John 0 OLOOA 6, Rea (No. 1 l 0 Mariners Chri1tian 5, Harbor Vlew O California 2. Eastbluff 0 Andersen 6, Davis (No. 2) O at KaiHr M ariners 10, Kaiser (No. 3) 0 Harbor Day 2, Prince of Peace 0 Lincoln 5, Kaiser (No. 2) 0 Farm Complex. 0evyn Dlw9 showed StrOng play at the midfield while Q\ar.. latte AuTetl made some stops on defense. • Our Lady Queen of ~ 4, Ree No. 1 0: Valen 19ylor scored two goals, while teammates Kate BaldooJ and Marta 'Ima each had one as OLQOA posted its sec- ond straight shutout in the Pilot Q.ip behind goalies Stephanie Neele)' and Vk:torla KenL Kaeey DeYoung added two as.'lists for OLQOA. while Gabriele Tena and Haley Wiiiard had one each. DON LEACH /DAILY Pll 01 Mariners Chnstian's Danielle Derman, left, and teammate Avery Am1es, right, celebrate a goal m girls 5-6 contest Fnday. Marianne Jones, Megan Otter-while frk:a Penunuri and AnnaJ- betn. Samh CarYelll and Jadde Lse Moore played Wl'll on offense Smith playt.'<.l well on deferu.e. GIRLS 3-4 Brahs' goals bountiful She records hat trick in Harbor Day 's second straight shutout. Bryce Alderton Oa1lyP1lot COSTA MESA lhtrd· grader Ally Brahs said the rea son she picked No. 99 to write on her shirt was becau'ie 99 is "the highest number." fhat and 19 was taken. she added. No m atter the numeral, Brahs added to her PiJor Cup goal-scoring column with three m ore Friday fo r I !arbor Day as it defeated Andersen No. 2, 7 ·O, at the Farm Lom plex to remain undefeated in two games and secure a !>pot in a quarterfinal game today a t I p.m. Brahs scored the lir'lt rhrcc I (arbor Day goals in the fir'>t fo ur minutes Friday. packing up where she left off Wednes day against Carden I fall. .,he scored all four goals in that game. Once 3·0 hit. Harbor Day co-coaches Jim Conner and Paul O'Connor began regular substitutions and the score re- malned that way to haJftime bu'>y Hurlhl·ad m.ide four first-hair .,Jvc'>, u'>ing her big lcic.:k ro return 1lw haJI upfield for Andcf'>t'll forward'> such a., Tobi (,abcr ro lead counlerat tack... Harbor Day\ defcme .. te ppcd up. with Connne Da· mon thwan mg many chances In the w cond half. Damon boored till' hall into the left uf the net on a penally '>hot fo r a 5-0 lead with I b minutes re maining an the 25-mmutt• half. Dam on ..a id 11 was hcr firsr goal .,cored on a penally shot. An Andcr'>en defender w~ called fo r a foul after a collision with a I !arbor Day opponent within the .. ix-yard box, ehc1ting the penalty shot. Katie Burl..c, who comtantly cau.,cd prohlem., fo r Andcr'ien on break' nt>ar rhe '\i dellncc,. added a goal a~ did Kathryn Conner and Kaylee O"Conno r "Kaylee dornsnared lhe mid die and '>a r.U1 Lox was very \teady. • I I arbor Day C .oal h )Im Conner \a1d. 01arlottc Gadbo.., al\o pe netra ted the Ander">en dt•fcn\e lo conunue several \l"onng chances. Ka ylee <J"Lonnor added two al>SiM'> and Burke tall ied one a5sist. FRIDAY'S SCOR ES at Co~u Mesa Farm Comp/BJt Eastbluff 6, Newpon H0tght 1 L.mcoln 6, Newport Elementary (No 210 M anners Chnst1an (No 21 6. SL Joach1mO Newport Coast 9, Pnnce of Peace 1 Harbor Day 7, Andersen (No 21 0 OLOOA S, Kaiser (No 21 0 Newport Elementary !No 11 2, Sr Joachim (No. 21 0 wac, m uch berter than the la-.t game. Catherine Sullivan dribbled through rwo defendC'n. and fired just to the left of thl' goal in the first half for I larhor Day while Nikki Borchard ciddcd 'trong defen!>e /.oya Mohan led the Ander· '>en defen!>e along.,1de ..,tepha~ 11ie Wheeler. In other girl'> J 4 ,1won: •Newport FJemencary No. ~Those guys ldck really hard," &a.id McKay, in the goal for the .• 6rst time. ~, have a marlt on my Jose Reyes foUowed with a goal to give TeWlnk.Je a 3-0 lead and Vasquez scored his second of the day as his team to a 4-0 lead into halftime. McKay was able to hold Te- Wlnkle to just two goals ln the TeWinkle will play Kaiser's No. 3 team today at I 0 a.m. in the final pool-play match at Costa Mesa High. If TeWinkle wins Pool G it will play the win- ner of Pool 8 at 2 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. Harl>or Day blasted 20 c;hot'> on goal, keeping Ande rsen goalkeepers Victoria Burk- head and Hayley Womack ·They are all talented play· er..," Ander..,en Coach Oaudio Venturini s.i1d of Harbo r Da y "We had a rnuple of opportu mues to chaJlenge. I was proud of how we played. It I 2, St. Joachim 0: Kayla Greely and Aleds Jenkins \Cored goals ro r Newport. which improved to l 0 in the Pilot Cup and advanced to the today's quarterfi nals. Newport defeated Davi!> in the opening round, 4 ·I, a'\ Madison WaJsh -.cored two goab. and Prance- sca CappeUI and Mia Van Bergh each added one. rhe defense also played well. led by ~oalie~ Nicole Ve nto and RJck.IArchJe. ____ J CIDllAllUO 200J..10 day of May, 2003 n•llllble for review in llACH MUMIC,,Al llJtS1 MC>Ml ........... N _D .. IN • f .-.... AYIS, COUMOL Mla.. ti. Crty Clerk's offiee of COOi HnMMNe TO AISlN T COUNCl l -~ A ..., ANCI O '"" IHS1 HI FfllMAN, the Crty of N•wpo<t lleulATIOtf Of TOW MIMlllS1 ADAMS --cc~ry couO,NONllW0',o™•Tl PIOClC>a, lfDGIWAY, Buch. ntuc:KS UD OffKIAl AISTAIN COUNCll Th• follow1n1 persons ' YMll-.ilai'-iWrnllml , NICHOLS Published Ne w ort POUCI TOW SUVKl MIMlll1NOftl are dolnJ bu11neu H . !~mu 20 .-nnranor"-'-lhr.e--=•c"'1''=-• J.f.u-k:.-....,c-t-1-VlllH. =-'-'-=-Jhiri.V·. Gl1 --IT' . .~ NOIS, COUNCll MIM-Pilot M1y 31, 2003 S..-&2 Subject ordtn1nce wu Stev" l•-"""I 17045 Medeltlon Ave 0 : THI ."u• .. vrrotT lllSt NONI introduced on the 13th CITY CLHICr Apt 43, Tuatln, CallfOf ~ -·~o:::. T CJPAL AISI NT COUNCIL 08IUJCllO.... day of M1y, 2003, and L-V-M.Hwllku m•92780 •SAU u~s~':lGiT: MlMllJtS1A.DAMS AJ1 otl9tMMa Of THI WH adopted on the 27th The entire teat is £d11r Kochertan. "UCOHOUC l lVIMGIS Al STAIN COUNCIL OTT COUM<a Of THI d•yofMay,2003 1nll1ble f0< rev1n• 1n 1704!> Medallion Ave I CODI AMINDMI NT MIM1ll1 NONI CITY OF NIWPOIT ~YlS, CCMIN<ll MIM-the Coty Clerk's offtee of Apt 43, Tustin Callfor· ..fOOl -20041 MAYOIJ llACH, CALIFOIMIA, illSa HIPJllMAM, Ute City of Newport n1a92780 Subie<l ordin•nte wu St••" lr.....,1 DlllTIMO CHAPTll NOCTCMt, llOOIWAY, 8Hch This bullnus IS con -introduced on the t3lh O TYCLll.tl1 S.U ANO AMIM .... Wiii, MICHOlS , Publlshed Newport dueled b, e n 1nd1vldu•I itay of May 2003 end L-V-M. Hwtden CHAPTD S. IS Of TfTU llAYCMt llOtlllJtG 8Hch Cost• Mna D11ly Have you su rted cloina _,,0 adopted 00 )he 27th The entire lul Is S Of THI MIWPCMtT NOIS, COUNCll MIM-Pilot May 31 , 2003 Sa464 business yet? No , Ec'1e1 Koch•rl1n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LEGALNQDCE NOTICE IS lmREB Y OIVEN TiiA t the City Cowx:tJ ot the City ot Newport s.acb will bold •joint publ~ bearina ~prdin1: (I) Preliminsy Budpt for tbe 2003-04 PilCal Year, pur1U1nt t.o Section 1102 of the Newport Be.ch City Chmter; Ind, (l ) the City'1 Appropriation Umil for the 2003-04 PlllC&f Year, punumtt t.o Anicle 138 of the State Conatitution. NOTICB IS HEREBY OIVBN lliAT II.id public bcarin& will be held on the 10th day of Jane. 2003, ll the hour of 7:00 p.m. In the City HaJJ Council O\amben, 3300 Newport BoWevard, Newport Beach. CA 92663, 11 which lime Ind pl.ca lntmated pnooa may appur llld bo bcwd chereol-i. TOTAL BUDOl!T AU. FUNDS -INCLUDING C.APD' AL IMPROVBMllHTS: ~and Bcndlta Mai.Mentnele IDd Opcnidona Capital Out.lay C..,.taJ lmprove.mc.nc. Debt Service Totalludpt $13.-,130 43,312,7,.. 1.730.29'7 30.840.064 4J70J27 $1!4,5!J,.??2 ! Af'PROPlUA TION LOOI': • A.mde l3B ApproprilliOn fOJ 200'.J-04 Alai v .. TOCA! Appnlprildonl Subject ro Umit u..c v....-UtDIJl • !!,'7'11,1'5 ThlS st•t•ment wn filed with the County Clerk of Ofa nae County on 04/24/03 200U t42209 Daily Pilot May 24, J I, June 7, 14, 2003 Sa460 Rt-.11 ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 ptrsons •H doina bullnus es. Mlll1111um Products, 20271 Sntpolnt Ln 1102, Huntlnston Beach, C1lll0tnia 12646 David Beck, 20271 Sn lpolnt Ln 1102, HuntlnatOll 8N<h, Ceff· '°' nl• 92l4e R.O.Cc• S.Cll, 20211 Su=olnt ln. 1102. Hun on 8uch, Cell '°'"" Thb bu~ .. It con dlictH by hu1f>lnd and .,,. He11t yov 1l811ed dolnt buslMu~? Y", T.!1d Btell Thia 1l1t1111enl ••• flied With I.ht County Clef~ of Of •n•• County on 04/11/0J .. .... , ... 0.llJ Pltot .~!1 17, 24, 31, JiiM 7. ZUQ.J St45i s your stilff ttwouan classifiedl ~.,.200J..t Subiecl 01d1n•nce wn H I S1 N°"I the f.1ty C:lf'rk ' otfl(~ u l AN OI DIHAN<f Of THI 1nt•oduced on th• 13th A I S IN l C 0 UN C IL lht C1t1 .,1 N~"ll"' t CITY COUNCll Of THl d•Y of May ?003. and MlMHIS1 ADAMS Buch CITY Of NI WPOI T was •dopted on the 271h AISTAIN COU NCIL Published Ntwpt11 t ~ d~ of Ma 2003 MIMlllJ NONI Be.1.ll Co\la Mco\a Daily SICTION -jll2Hl.""uH.OIH2~7>i'!Of.4i,>+;iVTir--, --nu·~""'<""'L~M~I.~-_, MAYOl 1 '-'=---t-;Pc=;110=1 May t i . ?003 Sa46 l THI NIWl'Oll H ACH l llS1 HUUINAN, Steve" l re ... ber9 MUNICIPAL CODI l'IOClOI, llDGIWAY, CITYCUH 1 W i i i , NICHOlS , leV-M. Horliteu l'llTAININ G lO MAYOl llOMlllG Tht ~nitre to t '' NllOHIOIHOOD I N-NOH , COUNCfl MIM-1va1labl~ tOf 11v1ew 1n HUCIMINl l lSll Vl STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • S 11/I yn11r Car In Chus(flu/ ! Tht ltgal Dep4rtmmt 111 tht Daily Pi/!Jt is pkRStd to 11nMunu 11 ntw strvict """' 11vai"1bk to ntw busirmsn . wt wiU MW SEARCH 1'" Nlmt for JOU~ no atrl1 rha'ft. 11ntl 141/t !"" tlN tiwu anti 1/,, trip"' tht Y Mrt Houst in ~nlll AM. Thm. of C'()llN, ll/t61"' w rch is rompkttJ 1t1t wiU fik JO"' fim~ bNSinm Mmt JWtmnll with JIN Y MftlJ Cid. publish ont't • wn• for /Oflr wtclts 111 "'l"irrd /,y t.w '""Ihm fil.t "''"proof ef publit'1tion with "" Y U"'J am . Pit.mt 1t0p by to fik!°"' fictitious busintsJ llllltmtnt 11t tht Daily Pilot. JJO W. &y 5'. 0Js111 MtSa. lj~u (Altnot stop b,. pklUl ulJ us IU (949) 6'2..fJ1 I 11ntl w wiU mm 11m1npm11 for~ to h4n/J, mu"°"""' bJ "'4iJ. . 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'ftr ._., ctbl.-" "' rm1um ''~""' 4 IO Jlnd \!reel Nt WIX• I Ii• h I"·"'· .tltey I "Tio• llufh" Nelghltorh-d Sa&. Sot. Moy 31 1o ... -3pm ~O.&~ ... C-.w.1hy c..w-a ....... lost 1505 lOST Lt• karll'l gtf'\I wttrte Yf'llrt W • w ...,.,. I htd\ \ w~I wtlr.I.,. NMnr \kol!IP\ Ro ,.., d q49 2 Jl 5999 lOST DIAMOND RING (fJI 11 o •ii tin' p 1 I• I f und1 •ll\01 (a.> I dw~r d\ fh~•lhtt tn wum~n\ 11'\lrnum R{WAR() 949 61J JJOJ JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS MfTAlS C-•I Celft NHch IJld tom\• Gold ol•rc ,...,~lry w•ld~ dnltQUM \ olif>< lob'" g,tq 647 9441! How to Place A ___ Deadlinrs __ _ CLASS IFIEIAD Monday ..................... r nday 5:00pm Tue~day ................ Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 By Pho ne (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Person: HO Wt:)t Bay Street Co~ta Me\a, CA 92627 Al Ncwpon Blvd & Bay St Wcdne~day .............. I Ul:·,day 5:00pm Thursday ........ Wcdnc\day S:OOpm tPln~ ondudc your""""' and phone number ..-S ,.c II uJI )OU boo.k ""''ha pncc quoct 1 Fnday .............. Thur ... day ):00pm Hours Saturday ........... . J·nda} 1:00pm rnday 5·Cl0pm Telephone 8'.30-.un-H)()pm Monday-Fnday Walk In I< 30am 'i OOpm Monday-Fnd.iy Sunday ............. . Index PESTATE R SALE 31U>·3940 ~ liiil soos-saso Cats 3610 Miscellaneous Real Estala 3855 Services N•wp«t ldi Otk.t IC!h Mtrcflandise S-............ <i-... WANTED ricats@cybl!rholtn. COOi JUAHESI SWORDS Huoy S~ 949 6'16 8473 AND RELATED ITEMS .._...°"' ..... Offke ...... 11 100. Rl5CUlD ICITTINS, r~ rs DOCS pholu\ un Int .,_ ~Mll' .. 1611 -.o.~-. r w... l'.JMtd :II llAY tUI. IH GOAANI rr f 1)49.644. 7119 At& SPAY lor momma uAJ £" .. ~ 94S SD 0411 PetAdoptlons 3660 G••-Sheploerd• all t11llll\ all \II•\ for adnptoon to quahfled homes www gste~ue Oflt •)f 714 773 5915 MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous MIRhancf m 3855 I .trfe garden wacon do& house. double \lrOllPI 949 SIS 93t2 3 -SHU IUllOINGS 78 al0wn $8900 '>ell Sl II'}() 36·"8 was Sl4 900 'ell $., 950 48. too wn Slfl 900 ,e!ISl2 900 C<1ll Now' lom800·392 7806 94'-494-1731 3905 T--a.y Otte ,...,_, .... C... onddne .o<.cb. sn f mu pol~twl low over h4!4d, oHet ed at S25K 714 414 664? ~ .... N1 Owrltfli your own~, rtwwuna of ~ af>ilOdoni, Need ht!\l? C..I I 866 "!!>7 617'.i fol <ti yoi.w bu~ tumult"I neects fO•GET THl STOCIC MARUTI New!u1 r-10 needs only one &round level p;or lnrr on Ir uly PfOm"'"ll IHOduct Ion~\ Sky\ lh~ hmol Sertous c.all 949 79'> ~871. AllMSn<>HG '1tOl'l.l'mS 1470......_ .. , Ste 200 .._...... ...... (&. Ht-711-4600 IAYfRONT EXECUTIVE olhce su1h: Z otfoces r eceplion & 'tora1e l oc tr• COM 949~118·9500 HOMtSFOA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula meelonc •ppoon lment S03 Emf-.,. CnnmerClilll ~ ___ r~ moaed ZOfW11t. 1'KJtW( YOUI INCOME clou t o fun /one Conbol y_. lwlU's' ~ S799.<XXl 81.t 949 251 9441. Sued Bui onus Full \r:ll ym1r Car l t•N>•n2 FRH Boot.le! in Classijil'd ! www ftNnL~rom ~ com 888 104 'll24 Call Classified Today (949) 642-5678 15Cri lost 15Cri PERDIDO-Por Favor ayudenos encrontar nuestro perro de Familia. Perdido 4119/03. Hay premio de $400.00 para informacion que nos ayude encontrar Nuestro pero guerido!Llamar 949-842-6453 Lost/Please help us find our lost family member. Lost on 4119/03. There is a $400.00 reward for information leading to Under the Service Directory Ba nner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week ..... ,so For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Corona del Mat , • b""klte Cent-or 1 •UCOURT HST IUYll I lhlt S.-.1 ·if 1 • .,,y1r ... ~ "' 4Br 3 ',lj. I Nm l400 ,1 qf<;;'')PJ~ :. ...,_ lh""9 SS, plor< !hr '4>M ... ,. 4ijf 7 'i8.t S89'> 000 ail Oavod ORANGE bonus rm., S9r~·' 11111 w a ,...,.. l'fl,y '~""'Y I P11111 r <;49 /18 l~JO 7400 • 2loo •••fJ> ,,..,.._...,.,, rl"ftirl,..JMl l>r61 "" I ID \l"Jl ,. "'"'' ~ nJd '1.-i· .trr> ~,~, Cu\lom pool 'P" & .aoo p.ir>•.tn•• ,...,,. frr.m ---COUNTY G.uebo lo ti>< Ii vll'W°"l; 111" 1Ji.1lf h-"' 1•"11< Yuo Hunting.ton Bead! dee.Jo. the k et mu\ I \, • It•" I TRUST(( SAU on "'""" • $? M<XAJ 1 i..,, llG llACH HOUSl Balboa ......... ~ .......... I ,,~ •••~ "''-' W ,.. '"'' ...,.., ~ \l•O • 1.-I /14 'Jil).~ WIS~ [alensM """ ul ~IOI 444() J, 11 41R 2.SIA -$659.900 ------- 2Jaml• !Nfble & l<•h of AGENl 949-219-2SS9 love SI gr,() 000 Judy A CXQUISl'T( S-. 5ea Kolar 8lv ~ J/f>. !f.>/6 M..-""°" ·-~ f\-v1 ~ New,lort Coasf h•Rh < •·11onr\ <u .. 1n11 ~y *" ,... l'll .• l.f.. i,df ••t.,;.llf tdulli, '"' trt• )dvutl<.111 ... i-h AvaiUIJlt ,.,., $.14()! r• ·~.-.1'ifl lllr 11 ..• .....a.;; •• Ilk I .., '"'"" l)hUI ~ "" ...... ·•lllr~d ~ ¥ \IKU ~f,/~/!DJ 'lMl:.i!SI' ,..mo, f p • &<U'nl"I M1.1'61 u&on1 t.illn1ry & nu eSI 19900J ~ 8rffm.1f'I f.n.l'itlirw- Re.tity <)$ ffl-0 I I I OrEN SUN I ·S I ••r •bo•• lh• cloud\ , ,, _.dn 111ttw\ I levt-1 hum•• /b1 • den Gated lUmm sas1.ooo A.""" wtt-d R•11"v 949 61!9 4i'U• Balboa Island Udolsle JASMINE CRlH ''"II ~•o•r 2b1 2b• den Ro&~" G.ordener land\C aped Hand•UP1>•d ready V~ry low matnl """" w/t.,nnos pool Call for appt Br Own., 949 640 877 I ~ ~m>.t tin<~ ,,., a llVO!r\llt"d lol rLATINUM rROPlRTIES Sl•lanoe Mturer 2b< Ibo, buolt "'' ... 1 tr pit p,u"'1ng fR • tu1 <4'i"' loft Nr. t;~I ""• SI 1!11 rm '(fty .,... ~611-U.ll IAYJRONT TR.,lU llr 21o S3200/-Yriv '26 281 7733 with "'·""" ""'"'"" 4& 949-7 IS -3 I S6 ulht• fl,, J< a.,. f k LI( '26 297 '2'2 ~ Ct..I. I abtolnu\ locabOn 00 the """nbelt' 3br den/wotkool room ea Ila ii hvlrm w'f 11 "' pte guarded pook \l>d' &. I~ S19!1.<m udy Kolat 8lv 949-376 'f.>/6 Meow.,...~ loutJon & v~ :& SI .2'B <XXl Er Sl.279.lXX> ('Br s l.O!li <XXl BJ kin>on Pn.d C.. f111y 967210112 OrEN SAT-SUN 1-4 71 S AVOCADO AVE W•lii lu COM V1lla1t bt<atht\ f "'hoon l\l•nd Prru R•nec SJ'¥.> 000 tu S4 2!>. 000 111. 39'1 '1661 • •COMING SOON• • C--C-4o1Mcs c ..... '""""· COASTUNl IWTY 949-759-4177 llWPOIT llAOI OPBI SAT -SUIU-S -~ ....... d . 1t211111WeD.#4 Higllly iwraded 2br 2bi rondo. Westcklf area S393.IXXl By OwnfJ 9C9-400-'!.£l '"'•'II .vuund '"'" M.l<tllr KJ ,tllflt' I OPP<" onl.ty\ ft.ti '\C.1 M'fl pl<lY•~· IV .tg1 '\Irv• 949~50...alO Open Sot & s.,.. 12-4 23 Chelh°"' Court 21!< '13.l Bduut Gem M.t\llw w/tp & bak.nny wet bill patlO w 1r•"11.Wl $I 00'> cro 1111\ R<I Yo\ "11 __ ~...;..::-ICW S-.. Ton. ...... and 'f046 pr Nlq tAJol (ho ~ h i...,..i lob wi LllllJ Sant 1lr :lla ii bad.y ~d ii "" a.-~.c:ro !any StJYTd 'M9.ftJ I lo.JI NrWON THE MARICH Opon Mt 2·S o.,. fwd Rd. J Vfnt99• 01 .,bl ..,!>, l < ~·· SI 79'> 000 8v Own•• 114 J'>I '>-4'>0 ......... 'i6r l8a 1.111 dt> H I. lot•lonn w pool PronrlfMk only ple.i..,. $67511 l •a\h<Jld Onu11 Boley 8lv ~ ilO I /04 ......,....., ........ 0t.<'dll C..t.+lonit .......... 4ll< ' Ma llV"' i'OOO\f Nol Ir.I~ wi ,,.. S Undel $'.lll.00> aet Ooua CIM k 9o19 6.J6 199!> D1-cc;tt,;;;;--- •• Coll fer lfatlnt• •• Prudentlol Collf Realty 94 9-136 3730 • 3 2, 2 I, f it\I S..le As I~' 8~1 nH!!t o.e• S88'.l 00> 'M9 190 81 ?8 Aili Owrw. st;lf TtllhJ-2020 I ordlill StJ>..& S SS.. 5S34 st SI 7b Mi !If t'Jkfr 949-1':> I 'M4l -~ (II HOMESELLERS Find out what the house down the street sold for. Free, computerized list of area home sales and current Shlnnl"9 oword wonnmg Bo 'lllldoeld hnm .. built m /000 )br " 111111 • Apprr" 3/00<.1 $1,719,000 Balboa Peninsula Newport Bead! -l.19 21r 210 <hrtrnior11 I Gotecl.. bdu.M a.y.i-.. ~tep-, to hto«l• h S 1 "J'-1°1 rn H '"'" 'Hr ?K.1 '} '-"'' l"l44 M1r•mttr Uf •'Mdp 'h .... nht•. A1< 949-67S-13SI •••••I , /14 'I'll! l l~I! rLATINUM PROPIUIES I Jlr. 21.;: Wolli to b<h, UDO YlARlY lUSf Slrfanoe Meurer I h•y quo~I w.. P•I• Hll I 1,flW~t 1 fll Al lfnl> 949 715 Jl'>6 II \m l>"I vn1m ,... 949 67S •161 ~:?f>l l'Hl tJOl lib().Jfff! Newpwt h -h° orlN SAT 1 S I 31r. 310, ~., •ho.p I •non,ul• >lud"' AP•tl l3 Feu•nd ,_ 1emnd on<1o S101~ "'""1' ••·111 ~1 S/~ JI. IY .,.._d ~led QlfMl '" beMt1 hreplt . -c.:ai i'·" S'I' ll.'I ~I J /!IOO 4IJr t;JI l • nHa Virws ol 1.!350tno BM 949 41)') f)I I fUU y RmNl5HED I tlr Tiu ~ ' <1l'f 1112!1 Corona del Mar b•• ...... "•· ' Pl ~ ~ d ""'~ Al rtr "" Sl~JJ "" "•"' PUTNJM HIOKMllS 713 ·~--flt .Jk.t '"' "'""""' '.iol'l'UJ.'1111~ Sid-Meurer ~xn-~ IN' •••• Nrl ,.,.,,...,lo lb• ~ll'>Jl'l6 I <t'p<J<I s;_f)i ... i. .... ''""' ,. l•I •ii Sl4(tl & Re.oOv' O!<i ~ '<444 M m . ..,_ ... ~.J J 'lllil RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FORSAl.f Mountain Property llAUTIFUl YUC.Y'A CAI f Unique & oory double wide molMle hOme Call anytime S5&l KMI '.m-797 2833 MISCBJ.AHEOUS RENTALS RenlalToShart 6030 .. '/• ..... ........., pttd ii 8' ..... dsts.. ... ~· tenno> ~ SllXl l nr&.) Cal for Ollll(. 714 il> 2010 AvM ~JI ~ c.-HlgNlotda Jol ~ 2l ic.ir \ ... dr ~ by '>74 '.'.e.lward k" Kry ¥05.~ In JM bol.l< I l "' $71.(X)Ti ~/'I 'i (. 'J4<j I. lkOO HAlf Off ht MO RENT ... '"'."'"' .... *' , ... , .... _,,~,~ ,.. oJ I ylt ''""" "' n,.w 11 t'w• hf'f ' A Cvt AJ:.ove twltht• f,.,,,,.,.,.,t it t •'P~I & 1800\f 7 M\lr\ I , "''""' '"°' W,..,,.,. •Tytt bdlh\ rf! ~ !JJllo'. P>I .,~,~ (' <1111 l8r Slt1.i> ear W [1 Poul <;p • .~ SIM~ 1_,,1 L1"•19'191 TPnm\ SlWl 'M'l l l 1 Mh ' '4 • 114 blJ 7Cff,J 1741 or 310 477 /'HO i 8-...., f";I ~--;;; leou \uper drdn lu•n tl.tlll<• 1:'.lt< i'l1r: IS. ~ 7br ?ba i;> ,,,.,17 """°' I '" !My llrrr Nrw apVjlnl wpyt doir.11"' I~ 00.u Sl /IXJml"•94'i 7181400 4 ~Iron• btJI ~l'lv NP er ... J twmm i:...tao oo ~ nu •,nd1~ I ,..., uwrn1 i't1' I "tM 1U1JO pool i"!' S27'lJm fllll Narr,,,,.,,,,.. .(... rll< 1"""1 !flt !Ill ~ I l.a&-3S7_..77 ~· ~,, Sl~l'M'!B}..tfill l rl9h1 3 1r 2 Sia Ilg C...,.. "lll fiM f..on« Hnu~ n•wlv r•mnd•if'tl l flo· f It~ 'i' J)llbn<. r p A ( wturlptJHI tut 'l"* ' df'-Of •ted w d UJOO mo '149 4') l 8161 •r.D S1!f0-n 114 91~1 ~ Cend. /Br~ ,........,. ..,... clf'lud r p 1111 sl'UIMO AP1 s~ "'"• • d """ 1\~ include\ u11i110\ 'n':'..1 i;iinn, ~6r..'Jlfrl bexh laundry ,.... 1111 pets 949 644 "64 ~ ..... t.h'4te a-; ..,.-. nll IWI• 6060 .,.._ ~ miry w b4th -.-.-YVl-f_W_H_flG_HT_S _ kflch ..-it no \11'9' P"' (6) t0120 $200 ( n J50sl S8fi6. mn al ~ 'ff-. UYVl(W HEIGHTS .JOIOI rP't'I" SI 2br oft. 'b<I .,..,.. ~'1 .. d SZ2'IOrn "' "' ... .., 9ol9 :.cl} Jr.18 , .. ,bt .. tf 3~ trwllhom• 7 • , .. , "-tlarwhren!allR>llrts.-~~--tHf-~ 1 gr.-$Zi() pvt prop -~. 1mm pool A.rt S710..) • .. 673-7800 PI ease cal I OCOnclintHomeEval.com Free recorded messaae .. "' & s.e. 1611 fradlwntl Ln. Vwit.aee ~F"n. IW>..._, Slwts Ntdl Im & Hlncl>lp AMBER ALERT/ALERTO! ! 949-842-6453 t. 300 • 7=3.!_™.1141 CM-GAaAGlSTottAGE ONLYI $100/-. 94t-44S-3247 up~l••n 2br I '>«>• Ip c..-wd llliup yr Iv S2ti00 mo 949 673 841 I o .. ;.{,.,.._.~ ltMt""""' 'l.-cai .. prN IM'tlO r.omm pool 'II' Ill $2!0--~ I) Call (949) 642-5678 ' e • • ' • I • GET THE PO I NT? Daily Pilot ( 1,,,,111 ci 'd ''" j,. . • . 31, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORQ PUZZLE 11 12 IJ SHOWcASEt 'i<eac:h 42, fY.JO ~ 7<earlers in eap!!rl 7Jeacli, Corona d ef JJ[a.r, Y.ewporl Goa.)/ (las/a l!re.w. 1 ,. 7Jon 'I miss oul on lh.is chance lo p_ro!1Jole .yq<Jr e.\perfise in IJ1is field / • • Our lRJer/diny_ cS!iowcase :Ai6£c4//on 1>al4J Pun" 2Sr zt:JC:J--... ~ace 7>eadline: Pune U , 2003 7/doerlona/7Jeadfine. /lune 16, 2(KJJ I\ """11f (J l ) 5744249 AJr~ EFFICIENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (714) 964-2007 HB 962-6900 NB (949) 720-0717 1 OOO's ot l111tall1tlons since 1983 SA'' R •A Fvmtc1& Many Codt UPOllOIS 75.ooe ITU ffOm moo 100.000 rru From s1550 Plus ch)' permits. & coot upgrec:tes 964~2007 FREE IN·HOME ESTIMATES & INSPECTION Carpet Cleaning SAVE 35%0N ~·F~ t::1 ~Gue=•• ~ FlfffmMAR 23 YIAISW. BROTHERS CARPET SERVI(( 800-SS9 ·7181 OOMP SQUAD rNC. Is yow COlllf'UICl Jn,. • ju11 hkt .wr ur. 1hn nm! lllM upi We: ~m<W VllW -1n1tmn ducw had< -spy worm 1 roj~n 111d all tlua.o dtan all dri"'' and rrc0>tr <b1• W.. an U'llllfcr d.u ro 'f<'4'I new compuur We Sftup~b.md aind. Ftmo&lli • l .able/D IJIMl-up ~ Comrfae ,man bwiJIN IL"M<CI. Wt ~"" te ,.,, or J"' "" ,,.,, 1fllli rON~~~ E UP ECIAl. IS N01V WSI Ho.oo 949-394-2905 U<. e>I Bridge Bv CHAALE8 GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WEEKLY BRIDCE Ql1IZ Q 1 • Vulnerable. you hc>ld: •95 0 15 o AQJ'65•1173 Partner open.~ the biddina wilh one no uump (IS-17). Whnt do yoo respond'! Q 2 • Buth 'ulnerabfe. you hold. • A Q 10 S • Q 9 7 S O 7 2 • ti S 4 Purtoer opcnb the bidding wilh one cluh. Whal do you rc~ix'llCI? Q 3 • Ab South, vulncro1.blc. you hold· • K6 AJ5l AIOS42 •AQ The biddini\ hll.'I pnx.'Cedod: SOUTH Wl':Sr NORTH EAST I ~ Pits.\ I v Pass ? Whal do you h1J now'l Q 4 ·Neither vulnerable. a-. Sooth )llU hold • 84 A K J 95 A98J 4 73 lido On Tho Wotor 3Br 28d, ii~r •spa w/d, built rn$, sm pel o~. Huge deck lacrna the channel Pon •llP 6mo lease I yr S3200m •et Sherry @> C~nner y 949 723 5831)/888 969 9667 ....._V........_C..ut I ~'hood 46r 28.a, f'R, LR w/f p, ,.,., 111eeib:ill SJ35()ti aat 949 7!>9-5011 Udo I~ condo 2Bt. lleaant and Immaculate, ~ W/"IJP'(M)(j UeOI. n/pl!ts SJ.900 mo yrly Ownet I ail 949.118 2 nt The bidding baa proceoded: SOlffH MSI' NORTH to r.. •• ' Whal do you bid now·t Q 5 • Neilhef vulnerable. ti Soulh, you hold: •114 \/AKJ95 OAKH •73 The biilding has proc~: SOU'Tll WFST NORTI I EAST I !'kW I• .._ Wh.lt do you bid now·1 Q 6 • A':. South. wlneniblc. yoo hold. •AQ64 · 986 ·• 6 •AK7.54 The b1ddin~ has orocceded: SOU'Tll wrs1 NOK111 £AST 14 P-I• Pl."IS Wlut tlu )OU bid now? PAIT·11Ml TRUUlllTllG Permanent And Summer pos1t1uns 1n the Lone BeachAru Up lo SJOO per week (depends on eap ) Worlu Mon-Thurs, 4pm-lpm & Set, 9-· lpm. Will tnln friendly re spon~•ble person~ to contact potent111 cus tomers ovPr thf! phone and provide 1nlorn1at1nn llboUI tree urvl~H that our arowtn& mot l11aae comp1ny h•~ to oiler [nioy•ble, no prnsure pos1llon w/greal salary bonu~e~ andlulure Automobiles 9000 IMW S2SI '90 -CREVIE R ~·. ~,--- NEW2002 MINI COOPER SlNlOOf, PRDiUI PKG. 161 '"-OYSr CO i1~,! lATTltSPRn (TC38318) • OMRAT SIV.R SAVflGS! . .. . ~ LITS MOT~! ll'S FUN ******** SSFREEWAY@mm SAHTA NIA AUTO MM.I. (Ul)•tt• PHllU,S AUTO flllMWn,, Conw. Le .. ttier 111te11or, A belllltv ( 193301 ) S18.91ll OOIMWM....,_ Blil4.k W/fl1 It premium ""'-"' (19388) s;>8. !Bl "Uncorh """,.,,... BIM:k d\'OIM~ ••tr-t clun ( 19387) $28.980 01 f'ondt. rll!rbo 1f> Only 181'. Mr HA£ Per IQ1mdnce Wf•eelos ( 19.194, INQUl!lt 16f'ondN 928 sc...- BliKk1ctun tan lthr full rf'<orlt< r.11<t luld ( 19?llll) $1l .91ll ~ .... ~IOUS Jbr ?Ila, I& deck, rR, lndry rm, 2c Kat. S4900m I yr ie..-.e. Ava• 611'> 949 650 2165 CALI HUMAN REso.JlfXS Gold low mllH, run' @I ~"6.:18344 OR fAK &real' fully luaded fin) 91 IMW 71fOI Hclan l OWllM ...... 11 N~WJl'l<f Sectan ltfl""I rl'r o«h, loguno In Nowpntl Beyood tharm•na. 48r+ den )8,, Will(' l ela< terr actd l!M <ll:m. w •iew'> S50X).lmo ytly "iJI. Oavtd Pmtt 949 118 1520 Rentals Wanted 7880 RHf>O"•ll>lo, -turo fomalo noods rontol In COSTA MlSA, HI. NPI IH IUHAVIAOOG. S 1000/MO. RIIS. CUOl 949-S74-4241 To si-. H r+ '--? (6mo+ ') n/imlu , prof!. aff P< rvs, S!iOO C11ll Dan /l4·'Y.>7 l':iJ7 Se your unwanted items the easy way I Place a Classified ad today I 49 642-5678 I & IUSl#ESS •lf'AJU Up&rades. Rep1rn ol Computer, Networks E venin&J>/Week•nds Com1>ellt1we p11ces lot quality sorv~ t4t-U6-117 S 714-926-4221 r Conaete. Patio, Driveway f weplc, BSQ Aers. 2SYrs Eap Terry 714-557-7694 ~ NUO MOa( aoo•? MXWTXlHS & RE~ L•S77932 949 709·5642 Desldatl Plblilhing I YOutl HOMI IMPaOVIMINT ,aOJlCT? C.11 • plumber, paint•, handymen, or any of the areal ser vlcn hatAtd here 1n our service dlractoryl THESE lOC4l SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Employment 8500 W....,_.,./0.WP/T non prok ore neoa. mens al olficr awo;t ~ 11.--'Int ~ .nt orpwAtlanal ~ Casual 1w ..... offia a~e near~ Databa~ man~naemenl P.•pcrieoce a rflll\l ACl prf!fd but not ~'>l.'Ok~ Fa. r~1me iJOd ,.ll;jry rP .,.,,,_,. 9'%1l-7.li6 looltc ,. &~ s.,.....n ~ 111on. oc .wport • .,,,. Pl~ or pf fie I hour S Mu~ luJow Qudtbooks Ml RHUme to In 949-442 7349 or cal 949-442 7DI I ,_ '-_.... &/or manaeed • bu"n"u. co seeks you skAh ' ~ ., ,.., fUl lllm n4~ s....-~ Jolt Oedhand lap on hsll1n1 yachts Ba~d rn Newpofl 8H<0h f ;n re!Ulle ID~ SELL your stuff through classified! Alttorlut ctrlc licensed Elecl<k al Contractor Small 1obs st1rl1n1 ~I $79.9S & up. Spec 1ah1Jn11 1n Remodehna & •II home w11 ina need$, Comm/lndust/Ae~ 1-&00-tt7-I 001 l•7 9 CUSTOM CM.ATM TU lnsbllt&on, .... ~ nwt1e. s1one. htlllt I f1S U612044 lift 71~612 9961 l.UllY ~ed Rqroutln & lnsl•ftation Tll£ DEAN 949·673 8065 71~ 714'883 301 Garage Doot1 -----. . . *AMBUCM* ...... ·GlllO'~ :=:--•LOQI &~ FREE ESTllMTES rrt ..... no 1-Terre•.._.,.ui,e WITTMOUT HYWAU ~mm-..-. ttmq All phasu 1m/lr1 jobs. & Installation. 2!I Yrs up «U.Nl 20yrs, lalr, frM llc/insllftd 949 548 4.J63 est. L~ 714'6.'&1447 U<.rtHID <OfOU<JOll No lot> loo lllft. M .w..i Rtplltr, retno611. fens, •• ,_ l'IC !M!Mi4S-ll'!i6 COMPllTI lANOS<ArtMO Ottl.p , d11nups, llus. IOd. spr lnlllera M1inten1nc1 es IOw •• S9/wntl. llcenwd 714-222-M25 "~ U1!0Ull'd wtie.:I\ Rl S1.M 10 CB:.! 949 887 Ull7 !I 9340 I S22 <J110 ----](8-"'--'-671 l-'471"---- PRl·SCHOOl TlACHIR needPd In wnrk m wPll estdbMh~d prP ~<hool Appltcanl llt'Pd I? un1Ls ol £CE 1nd • clear undfrslandmg nl t h1ld developmenl £ ap!'r r ~Q Creal ltdllt nl l~•dHors to work with <)49 6n 8233 c-toch Chrlaty Proloct Coordinator/ ~ AMHt f/T CArrun proht or& r-"' ( ucu1rve level admen a\\tSI w~oond •• IJ'Ulf\.t coordNbOll Mint have ~Int OOOIPUlt!f. otRatnllA tiooal ,111d multl l.ti.lllfll $klll5 l xper ill W«d. laoe4, P<>Wft Plllnt and AC I a pfm, Busmns Casual W(l<~ env•onment near beKh poten~ to ldecommute or work !Tom ._ ... be conWeil'Cl fa• •esume llOd \al<lr y hlStory to ~613 Z.356 SEll your stuff through classified! .... p Gel your y•rd lookma lb bat Im the ....,_, Yard eta.>~ 11PPalir llre-upl ..., ~ weehod .I. eve QUOll!S Xtra H-4 SonrlcH 714-427-GCMO HomeAeplr l'f-. r1 •llf • P£PAIR & Pt ~lfllJ( 1 l'lf. COM""11 HOMl lllAl#11JIAJKI No !Ob too small! Everylhlna from Carpentry lo PM!tq free ulim•l• Coll.,,,.,,.. "'f·lfS-r111 IMW Zl '9 7 uww. 44k il<.l~ mt 'J 'l(>tt<I lndlgu .S.k bkie ~I tan ml be.\<ltrlul oria uomMkMI tund, Sl4.99'> •rn7~41 94'1 '>lb 8&18 Bkr lulck '9• Century I ownttr. 1.lolh -.eat'. pwr \t'dh & WlnduW'· Unfy 7911 ""~' S4'>00 /14 .,.,, 618/ ~C....Oo.de'&I ~ low mi ~ wl1Jll lop :>.o lthr "" .~ "°"" $3 l9'J C)ol9.""8-0117.> Cadllloc '02 OoVlllo Sedan 191\ m1 while oatnieal llhr CO. Onstar. t1• I 3794J $24 99~ save S20k Im .I. waif anty IVltl B~r 949 !>86 1888 www.-cpaltl.co,. fORD A(ROSTU '9S >ti di< 'J I>"'' ~ m1 r •Ir.,, A I < ond• S !900 949 1?7 ll?'l/ OOJ..-XKI !illv\'r w bl4<.k I"" m•tr j'.ll!ffl'CI ll!IJ8l 1 SA'> 91() 91 Luw GS lfOO p, ~r"""" w11 ........ 1.0 \fdlh 'tHIHP11f (19l!I(,) $18 '8) 01 '°'" , '"'" Mly 4')1) mt ..... ( 193841 , $.I.I 9lll 00 J.t.r-s. ,~ l "-mi II hi munn r oo 1 (19Jl4) vs 'Bl HMIZCUU10 bl<K~ W /blM II lf:dlher lhfOOH'd Wht.'l"h ( 19 '°") $'/q '8) t49-S74-7777 ~AUTO ,...,._.<-. ford '6S Mu1ton9 Jo.it W,...._ '00 U Conver l1ble or •e•nal Sport Red. 4 wf1I "°· al owner. solid ~•r $19,995 Cb. hilrd top, \Oii tq>, S8l obo 949 /19 ?943 n1. Sl~.!IX> 94'}64&8[62 Japim-s-Typo 4.2 va 'OJ, 15k m1 whrle oatmeal lttw td dw ome ~. 6 lol*CI autu ~ 151'. $.J9 .99f> Wiil m5!J955 949 586 1888 8kJ RX Uf' SPICIAUST. All types ol rep~irs Elec t11ul plumboflc. doors ~ '-'."'-~ .I. more 7~//dly<, /14 .l66 1881 Lc:ll&'4UD ROllNSON <OMPANY Krtch91s. Wall, Bathrooms Merk 949 6~0·9!i2!i Hnllng JUNK TO Tff( DUM,111 71• 968 UJ.S:> AVAILA8LC IOOAYI 949 673 ~S66 House Cltanlng ........ c.s ... a-.. M. Quallly Houseei-q O.C 24Yrs Ref's 949· 548 005• 9'9 637 4113 "-'•CJ•-••' .. '' Wkly/81 wkl1/Monthly. Refs CrMI r1tul tmelda 96~ 9&7784137 ...., *' JaG MASONaY 1lr Any Type, But Prices, :.;=Oh, Qu1hly Work .. ,.~~-7643 Movtngl8eDrlgt HST MOVfllS $5S/tk. s.w. Al Cities. lmued n6'fl4.4 a» 246 Z378 ~9'J1Jcel PUBLIC NOTICE The C1hl Publtc Ut1hllu Commrnio" flQUlfU lh•I •II USl'd household 1oods move!\ p11nt thf'tr P.U C Cal I number· Hmos •nd rhBufleur• pr n er numb41r in •II adver hse~nts II you have .,,y queslN>n\ about lht lt&l llt y o f I mover. limo or ch•uffeUt ull ,UaU< UTIUTllS <OM MISSION 100 177-IH7 4DEUl.UJIJUI ...... , ..... AIWNll.NAME •bimllll•~ 0 Job Jbo &n.ll DawRa..UloD M9-U2-8J92 --··· • ,......,, AllTO HIMWllM COIW, ........ lnllriCW beeUtYI (llln>I) fl&• OOIMWll~ COM, bllcl w/vey (t&e>*:' '"':980 fJUZfUOO allver ll1 ey IAther, Pf9111 Wheell (19390) • 127,980 01 ,........ rwt.,.. only lllK ml, URE ptr· form.woe. Wheels ( \ 93!M) IH()UIRtl "'"c-s.Iver w/81.ck. Only lllK Ml, -Y clean (19413) ~.91ll 91 IMW Tftll SH.I one owner, local New port~.crut recorcb chromed whts (I !)3.t()) $22. 980 OOJ...-Xlll Silver w/Blitdo. 1211 mt, perfect (19381) $4!i.980 91t..JCwGS JOO <.hrome wn~. low n11loli, survool (19418) S23.91ll 02 '-" 1-llnl Only 496 mlles (l 9384C) $33,91ll OO~S-Type 12>< Miles w/lealher inl. mooorool (19314) S2'.> 980 ff /HZ CUC.t:IO bQd< w/bl.lclt. It.hf chromed wt.ek (1930?) S26 980 949-574-1717 ~AllTO ....,....,,..c_ l°"d Rovo• '98 DI•· •o•er y l r 47k mt 4yr w .. 11 •~~•I d1 k mPtall•~ t1rttn 1 .. n llhr hraled ~uh dual mnrl be•u ltlul Ulli •Urtd ll•r•&~d non ~mkr m11•I \l'e lo •IJPr ~_..,1~ v •958141 ~13 99'> f!kr '149 'Wl6 1888 www.ocpol.c- UXUS 300SC '92 f urr•'I !Ir ten l•n flhf v•I' tD Sunroof •II 11wr ln•ded alnl <Ond S9 900 obo 949 /?I !>04'1 Maado '99 M let o Conv 4~11 mo aulo "ltltl IJll lr1p pw. pl Aif. ff) -.1111Prb hkP now 1ond v•ll9/4t Sl?.99'> l111.tn1 11111 ' warranty dOll Hllr 'J.49 ~ 1118$1 w-.e<pot.l.c..., MIRClDlS 300<0 ·as R<1rt Coup<' Blue n•tu r al lcouh\ •nd runs ![feat• '4'>00 nbo 949 !l I !>·'>88? Morcodu '00 U20 I 6k .ti I udl m• lull '"'"''Y WMI IUIQUOl'>t t.olu" u •lme•t lthr mhon1 nnl CO (ht umf' whh URI' ol thl' IOWl'SI 1Jt1tt MtrHcH• ul th<' ye.ir m r •hi ••'>!>7291 Sl'.I m ltn•ncm11 <)Vd•I Rkr 9 •9 586 1888 www.ecpot..c- Morc.do• 'I I S60 Sl whrle/l•n. 1mm•l. ~ rva .,.-. "-~ tdl lqJ, <trm e.. '14lll> no31 2*;4 MOCUU' G•-4 Mor'l"'I• ·92 •Int cond lthr 14711 m1 •II pWf super rehable ltew brake$/llfl~alle<J. SI ~/obo 9'9-719-1'11 .,., Slffl•1• AlllAl AIOIR K..., Yow Dogs l C... In Their Own Homa (949) 631-sn1 Plumb Ing S(Wll •DIAllOUl9G ("t) 64S-2SS2 PMl&d'tAUTO ,...wnM-*" ltlti9111r bffutyl Mf,;174-7777 ...... ""° .... ·- ~-,,, ......... 2.5RS, lllack b.,utr. !odd. mrwf • .a RS QPdoM Sl0.500 714·751·248.4 v ........ ·001eett. 281> ml, sparkhn1 blxk/ 01l11'HI, 1ulo, mooNf. CO, pw. pl. a lloy whls. Ilk• new, vlnl470055 $12,995 fin & warranty av1ll, 8kr 949-586-1888 --. ..-•-<- vw a.-Gl "° .s~ stidl .. records,.- """'°'Mlon, nwiy ••---' $1900/obo 714-47J.S626 AUTOMCm.ES. MISCB.lMEOUS CASH FO• CAas WI NHD YOU. Cil rAAO fGa Oii NOT PHIWP1AUTO ASlt fott MAlCOlM t4'-S74-7777 BOATS Power Boats 9515 '00 lift Duffy Soctric bolll I n-dodo.eel by 8.itblM kl<lnd """' -r SI I Wl ubo 949 106 2063 ISO NlW & USO> IOATS Dano P .... IOAT SHOW lll..y ,.._.._ I Toi f,... 166-J74-262S Sallbolts 9520 • SIONIY SAIOT • COMPllTl S7SO/OIO 714-606-2195 Harl>er 20 •31 New {lee Inn , L 1nes. Sil OOO obo 94t-2U-17S3 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVUS BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LMJNCHING/ STORAGE Un SUP AVAkMU IN IUW,OttT II.ACM S2SOOWSI t4t-SOO-IOOS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • • .. ., • • • • • • • . • .. • • • • • • -• • . -• • - • -~ -• --... -., -.. ,,.. • -• ... .. -. -• ,. -.. . -.. .. .. 90AT Sl'5 NOW AVM. : <:Ill b -llutb1 ..., deU& WM .-.d poW8 ... rdldld ....... ,S-4147 MeMI< ,_. & S,. Svc. Weekly Swvke. Equip menl Repairs, Insured c .. 94'-2'2-717' ~ --- -.. .. ,.,. ---.. .. . ----.. -• • . _. ... • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -• • -• .. • • .. • • • • -• • .... VALUE. ONE MORE. THING THAT SHOULDN'T BE OPTIONAL. When you compare "apples to apples", it 00.comes clear that the 2003 Freelander Sis not only the most capable small-midsized SUV, but the best value as well. But don't take our word for it. Take a look at the following chart which should make your buying decision just a little bit easier. 2003 Land Rover Freelander S LEASE FOR $ 39 months OR +tax MO BUY WITH 1 . On Approv. ed Credit. Plus tax, lie & doc. fee. $2978.49 Tot.al drtv.-off, Includes first payment & $350 security deposit. 10K miles APR financing per year/20¢ excess mi. charge. 3 at this payment (130487/262696) (1305331267886) (130488/265032) 2003 Freelander S 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport 4WD MSRP $25,600 V6 Engine You got it standard, they don't! 4-Speed Automatic transmission 5-Speed Automatic! Even Better! Air Conditioner • Power Package You Bet! 4-Wheel Anti lock Brakes Safety is never comprimised. FuU-time all wheel drive It's a Land Rover, isn't it? CD Player Of course. It's not 1985 anymore! $20,030 Optional -$850 OptionaJ -S825 Optional -S2.325 Optional -S600 Optional -$395 Optional -$125 Traction Control Electronic -we wouldn't go off-road without it Optional -$765** Vehicle Security System 16" Alloy Wheels Cruise Control Independent Rear Suspen~ion Basic warranty Rust Warranty Adjusted MSRP You can count on it. Cool You've got it for the road trips! Standard 4 years/50,000 miles 6 years/unlimi~ miles s2s,600 Option al -$520 Optional -S3 I 0 Optional -5300 Not ava1hble 3 yem/36.000 mile\ 5 yem/l 00.000 m1b $27,045 This comparison Is pt9Hnted as a guide to usist you In selecting an SUV. An exact equivalent vehicle Is not possible. All vehicle Information has been derived from www.jeep.com, www.landrover.com & www.edmonds.com Prices shown are MSAP without discount. While every effort haa been made to ensure accuracy, we are not responsible for errors or omissions. ""Traction control provided through Jeep's Trac-Lock Differential Axle. 4x4, VS, Power Doors, Power Windows, Power Seat. !~,~~~~~! s999 1 OK mlles/year, 20 cent.a/mil• over. + tax ~!~~~~~~~~399 per year/20¢ exc:esa ml. charge. NJ expires 06/01/03. + tax 5 at this payment • 48 months 5 at this payment • 39 months '02 FREEWIDER _ VB l e.attier ~Sll!Bools _...._ m VS.AT.AC Pnor~.11K Mdes • I 4119/241211 4153/21:D2 -- '19, 995 $19,995 'GO DISCOVERY II '01 IERCEDES BEil C240 lelthef, va. 0ua1 5111 Roo1s Immaculate. Loaded Cl"R If 41321242046 41ml142m *20,995 '23-,995 '82 DICOVERY VI. 0ntt IC._ Pnor Adi 425&741642 '30,995 W .. 323CI .. r.cwM.. 241( Mies 84072514167 '29,995 PRE·OWIED. SERVICE LOAI CARS 4X4, Automatic, V&, Po 8f Package, Moonroof, Premium Sound, Tiit/Cruise Etc. •23.995 3 at 11111 rice 382940 366803 384378 0 Sltlwday, Mey 31, 2003 EVERY NEW 2«13 GMC YUKON XL $ff $8,000 •• .,,,.. .... ,.,,,,,.,,. $3,000 Factory Rebate Net Savings EVERY lllW 2003 SMC YUKON DENAU & DENAU XL $7,000 ,,.,.,,,..,,..,. ..,,,,. '3,000 Factory Rebate Net Savings NEW 2003 llMt: Ellt/OY XL I NEW 2003 GMC ENVOY .... ,,,......,, -,,,,. ,,,,, ''''''' 1 MILE SOU1H OF 1HE 485 FREEWAY www.nabersautomall.com 11111118• Mort-Sat. 9am to 9pm •Sun. lOam to 6pm ""'1111 else 11 • Mon.-Fri. 7am to 6pm • Sat 8am to Spm .................... •211,707 •5,319 '24,388 •3,000 '500