HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-01 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotLight rail's 'future' to be decided in Irvine City's resid ents will decide Tuesday if Centerline fits. If not, project may only connect Costa Mesa and Santa Ana . Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA Irvine residenlS could knock 1hcir rny off the propo..,ed hght-rail track.\ when 1hcy go IO 1he vo1111g booth on l\Jt•\day The Centerl.1ne pn>Jl'l I call'> for an 11 .4-mile hglu rnil '>y\lem 10 connect Santa Ana. Co<,ta Mei.a and Irvine Nexl week. lrv111c \ioler-. will face two choice-. on 1he baJl01 Meao;ure A i'i for the hgh1 rail, and Mea..,ure B I\ aga111M 11 If the projcc1 d1e\ m Irvine. 11 will be up IO the Orange County Transportauon Authority hoard 10 decide how to proceed Other Orange Counly dill''> have exprc~cd inlt•rc ... t 111 1ump111g aboard once 1he 111111al lhree-cily rou1e 1 ... up and running. Costa Me..a Cou11c1lwoman Ubby Cowan expn..,-,ed her hope tha1 Irvine vo1cr'i take a long-1erm view of the• pro1ec1 ·1 certainly hope that the Irvine re'i1dent!> look 10 1hc future and understand 1he imponance of th1!> lo tlw counly transportation syi.1em, even though ii may not tool 1mponant IO them today," Cowan ~d. "In the long run m 20 10 30 year.. 11 will he an in1egraJ part of our lransportation sy..1em. • Oppo'>1t1on 10 1he light rail in Irvine Marted in lhe Woodhndgc community. but that area of the project was dele1ed from the route and from 1he city's general plan. The Irvine Ci1y Council s1 1ll approved the Woodbridge residents' propo..al to put an initiative on the baJJ01 wi1hou1 any petition~. said Jeri Stately. lrvine's city clerk. The <.11y Council also puts ll'i own initiative on the baJJol for the projecL 1Wo coaliti on!> have formed In the light rail project. The nonhern coalition involv~ La Habra and Fullerton The western coalition includec; Garden Grove and Huntington Beach. The original 28-mile route was supposed to start in Fullerton. The light ralJ project was tabled in 2001 because of INSIDE nEPLOT LFE& lflSURE Two Corona del Mar High seniors share their love of theater by teeching younger dasamates In the lchool ~oduction of •Alice In Wondertand." S..hgeAI co.ENTS& CURIOSITES P.-Buffa'1 cotumn witl rwcum n.t wiek. SUNDAY EDITION Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 JUNE 1, 2003 SUNDAY STORY Fancies PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Above, Jake Wirtz, 11, a Talbert Middle School student launches a glider wrth the assistance of Harbor Soaring Society member Fred Hesse at f a1rview Park. Top, Ron DePinto, who flew P-51 Mustangs as an Ajr force pilot during World War 11, now earns his wings by flying model planes like the de Havilland Tiger Moth. Glider fliers take to Fairview Park in Costa Mesa to share stories about their hobby and to watch their planes soar Deirdre Newman E very morning. gJiders grace the air above the coastal plants of Fairview Pat\. As the clouds drift by aimlessly. they provide a picturesque backdrop for planes of various colors and sizes. Members of the Harbor Soaring Society have been launching gliders at the Costa Mesa parlc since 1972. Currently, there are about 100 members. While the reasons for gettlng attached'to the hobby are as varied as the planes themselves, a common thread is the tranquil appeal of the h . "The nice thing about electnc planes an gliders -it's a nice. relaxing. peaceful thing 10 do: said Troy Peterson, 27, who flies in the morning and al sunset Society members are Oying high these days after the City Council agreed in December to allow them to continue using Fairview Park and set aside a specific portion for them near f.slancia High School. See FUGHT, Paa• M TOP STORY The Harbor Soaring Society displays a frequency control board at f a1rview Park to keep people and aircrafts safe from confuSIOO and any accidents Fish Fry returns to delight of locals SPORTS The Pilot Cup heetl up In SetUrdeV'• querterfinell to decide who wttl pley in the eocicer tournament'• final round \OCMY 8l the Costa MeM Ferm Complex. ... ,...., Aft~r a two-year absence, the once annuaJ event makes a glorious return, bringing joy to organizers and patrons alike. DHpalhareth OaelyPtlot The puffy, whice clouds in Che blue aky matched the plnk ooc- ton candy ln blp below, and 1ummer ameUed a Joe like fried Osh at Uons Park S.twday afternoon. . The fllh Fry, a 57·yMr-Oki Co8ta Mela tt9dldon lhet Wu ~ta icdon for two )'Mr1. rDllde "' triwnphent retUm SatUrday. 1ben -• .ma Crowd ol coinmunkJ ........,. In lbe al\emoon Ind people win d trickling In. Kids settamed ln glee as they headed atr&Aght for the rld Their ~nll gravi· tated coward the tall that served the delicioua batter·fried Icelandic cod -ol:MoUsly the main attrac:tJon at che cam1vaL Long-time Cotta Mesa ... dents were the ftnt to hit the grounds. ·Oh. 1-w mMaed lt; 1a1et w.nda Baae. •tt'a a .mll·town dalr and tt'I futt die wide am· b6ela thet'a ao mlqUa." For nm s.ndlfef. tn lhe ... fllY ...... M Al SuOday, Jtns I, 2003 . NEWPORT BEACH City Council questions councilman's comments City Councilman Dick Nichols caught ftack (or comments at a recent Planning Commission meeting and he could even end up getting ceMured. Tue councilman had told commissioners that one of their decisions seemed so wrong that it looked lilce someone might have accepted a bribe. Environmentalists and proponents of a senior housing project faced off this week in a battle over Bayview Landing. The Coastal Commission will decide on June 11 whether wetlands plants at the site should spell doom for 150 unJts of senior affordable housing. Old Corona del Mar residents were pleased to team that they remain in one council district. Newport Coast and Newport Ridge however, will be split up between districts 6 and 7. A $30-million state-of-the-ar1 City Kall complex could be on the distant hori7.on, but it will have to clear a lot of hurdles first Council members will consider at their first meeting in June whether to hire a consultant to draw up schematic designs of a possible new building. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@lstimes.com. EDUCATION School board adopts behavior policy for adults The Newport-Mesa Unified School District Board of Trustees approved a new board policy on civility. The policy, created by a task force of principals, parents and district administrators, defines appropriate and civil behavior on the par1 of parents, employees and spectators while at school or district events and Lays out consequences and procedures for those who display unlawful or uncivil behavior. Only the second conductor to lead the Orange Coast College Symphony Orchestra in its 42-year history, AJan Remington, who began teaching at the college in 1977 and took over as conductor or its 6()-piece symphony orchestra in the mid-I 980s, will retire next month. Remington has taught courses ranging from fundamentals of music to orchestra. and has acted as musical director for two or OCCs summer shows, "Pacific Overtures" and "South Pacific.· On Wednesday afternoon, fourth- and fifth -grade srudents at California Elementary School in Costa Mesa participated in their final Neighborhood Conservatory acting class of the year. The students showcased the acting slcills they had acquired from the after school class, funded by the South Coast Repertory, for their parent!> with a performance thal included all of the exercises they had learned. After 18 years, Sister Joanne Oare Gallagher will retire as principal of Our Lady Queen or Angels School in Newport Beach at the end of the year. Looking ahead toward future endeavors in parish work. Gallagher will leave behind a 50-year career in education. Former Co-Principal Eileen Ryan, will take over as principaJ of the school for the upcoming year. and may be reached at (9491574-4268 or by e-mail at chnstine.canillo@lstimes.com. COSTA MESA Commission approves new design guidelines Hannony is out. but compatibility is stlll in the revised zonJng code and residential design guidelines for home ~EKINREVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'HANG/N' OUT IN THE SHADOWS' Silhouettes are a trick of the trade. No matter what the subject is, a silhouette always catch~ the eye. Daily Pilot photographer Kenl Treptow found a nice opportunity 10 use this technique in this week's photo. KENT TREPTOW I DM..Y PILOT busy subject environments, lilce Kent's peach shot Just a shot of the people on the beach would be a scattered and busy pictUre. But. by underexposing the subject, the climber really pops out and the people on the beach become another layer in the photograph. Silhouettes are useful in siruations when the subject can't be identified for whatever reason or when a story calls for a generic type shot that doesn't want to single out one person. They also can be used to help the photographer clean up Whatever the reason the silhouette IS always visually pleasing. RegardJess of the subject matter they always make pretty pictures. BUSINESS Swedish retailer IKEA opens shop in Costa Mesa America's favorite Sweden's furnishings retailer is now calling Costa Mesa home. IKFA Orange County Costa Mesa opened Wednesday with much ballyhoo, which included an appearance by celebrity Joan Rivers, 25 couples renewing their wedding vows, a traditional Swedish log-sawing ceremony, live music and, of course, shopping. The store, which relocated from Tustin to its high-profile location off the San Diego Freeway, is 308,000 square feet and boats some 9,000 products. Swarms of shoppers descended onto the store Wednesday morning. Dave Burnell of Costa Mesa was the first customer. Homeowners received good news, on Tuesday, when a regional real estate trade group announced that the mid-level Orange County home expansions. The Planning Commis.c;ion approved the changes Tuesday after a few months of review. The changes wiU now go to the City Council. covers osta esa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@/at1mes.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Former pastor pleads not guilty to molestation A former Costa Mesa pastor on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to molesting DON LEACH I DAILY Pl.OT A basket of fluorescent lightbulbs grab the attention of a child and his mom as they shop in the new IKEA store in Costa Mesa on Wednesday. had reached $448,41 O in April, a whopping 20.6% increase from the prior year. Low interest rates, sparse housing stock and desirable locations helped drive Costa Mesa and Newport a local teenager 25 years ago. The Orange County district attorney last month charged Denis Lyons, 68, with one count of performing a lewd act with a child and four counts of oral cop uon. esa po ce arrestoo Lyons on April 25 in his Seal Beach home. Lyons spent all of his years as a priest in Los Angeles and Orange counties, but remained the longest time in St John the Baptist Catholic Church on Baker Street -between October 1978 and January 1996. Prosecutors say the victim was about 13 years old in 1979 when the alleged crimes happened. CathoUc Beach home values higher, as well • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at psul.clinton@lstimes.com. Oiurch officials said Lyons had admitled to •improper behavior" with adults In the past, but never with children or young adults. Lyons had made that admission in 1979 when he was a pastor at e s a esa c He was evaluated at the time and determined to be .. not at risk.· officials said. Lyons is free on a $100,000 bail. A pretrial hearing is scheduled for June 24. • ~ BHARAlli covers public aafety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 674-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@larlmn.com. NOTABLE QUO TABLES "{This] is the only communltywide activity that we had and we'll soon ha11e. It's like a reunion. There are many ,.,ple who don't see each othBr at all. except at tlie Fish Fry." -Clu.tck C..Jty. the master of ceremonies for this weekend's Fish Fry, on the event,s worth "111is is something I'm really tom on." -Don Webb, Newport Beach councilman, on how the city should replace its City Hall "111 is tournament introduces soccer to a lot of kids ... and the kids get to play with their school chums, so it has a little different atmosphere [for a tournament/ bealuse they're playing for their school." -Klft Mclnto.h, the o rganizer of the Daily Pilot Cup soccer tournament, on what the event does for the cornmuniry ·rve lived here 23 years and thought, '/low cool would it be co be the first guy in line.' I can always drive by and say I was the first guy through that door." -Dave BurneU, a Costa Mesa resident, on why he waited in Line so long to be the first customer at the city's new IKEA "It's been a real struggle bealwe I think there's a tension in the city between those who want to have community identities, neighborhood identities versui those that want to have son of a laissez-faire approach We took direction from tlu City Council to make the process mere efficient. I just hope it doesn't tum into having less th.an exallent proftt:t.s." -ICatrlna Foley, Costa Mesa planning commissioner, on the cornmi$sion's decision to change home design guidelines so that they drop the harmony factor and keep the compatibility factor DailyAPilot ContlWlhon Box 1560, Co.ta Mesa, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN Newa auiltant, 19491 674-4298 Copyright No news stories, con1/. wil.anOl11timn.o0m illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein can be WEATHER FORECAST atronger at 115 to 20 knots, with Seen Hiller, Don IMch, reproduced without written KentT~ permialon of copyright owner. 1-to 3-foot waves •nd • mixed Expect fog tNs morning to • northwest swell of 6 to 8 feet VOL 97, NO. 152 READERS HOTUNE HOW TO REACH US bum off earty In most p&eces 8nd IOUth awell of 3 feel TltOMAS H. JOttN80N New.Editors (949)6'l2~ Cftuletion end linger In some c:oestal Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Ander90n, Record your comments about the The Times Orange County ...... through the afternoon, SURF TONYDOOERO Oeniel Hunt. PINI Saftowitt. O.lly Pilot or newe tis-(8001252·9141 with otMMtM moldv aunnv Edkcw Oetliel SCIMH1t ~ Ad¥erdliltg with hlgha from the mid-70a to look for aUght lnctMte In JUl1f Ol i 'lllO Our edd,_ It 330 W. Bay St., Coste Q111wi.d (949) 642-5678 ~.a.:~ ,...saw MeN, CA 92627. Of'flce houra .,. Dllpley (949) 842~1 • the low IOI. However, the IOUthwMt energy today wtth • cm.'='9~. Mondey-~v. 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. EdttorW bNchee lhould be. mud\ .. ltMdy flow of cNlt· to Promotionl Dlf9CtO( (M)P Ccwrr.S~• N9w9 10 deg,._ cooler with M ~rengtMtl. dNf».,,,__,, elllfimee.com h It the Pilot'I policy to promptly (1Mt)842-6880 off-ehc>N tw-. Monday Will b9dt down to EDITINOITAff ~~. correct all enora of eubltance. ...... (949) 674-4223 Overnight. loot for the fog to waist-to m.t-h~ ~ &.J. c.hft PIMM call (949) ~ N9w9 Fex (9'9) ~110 roll b9dt In wfth ~ Tueedey't no beaer. M~. (949)574-4232 ...... ,... {949) fl60.-0170 tempentuf'el dipping to 66. The next IWllt iln't due for m ~ cJ.1typ11ote111tJ,,,...oom , .... /llM.~M<»•lllfJmN.com The NewPott ~ Meee ... a.. Mondfy. mote of the..,,.. •nodw~ •J.o.htl• ~com ,...Clnloft .......... .: w.w...-v: ........... Dally Piiot (USPS-1.....aoC>) II ......... Olllee (948) 842-4321 ~=--· Politic:e, bulinela .net environment publlthed deity. In Newpoft ~ lkllll ... ,._ (IM9) 831-7129 WWW,tMe,noH.(JOV WWWMriWdw.Of'D ~.(M9)~ and Com Mete, eubectlpdone era ~~ pwl,dlmonO""'"-oom tv•ll•ble only by tubecribfng to The BOATING FORECAST TIDES ........... ........... llrnee Orange County (IOO) -.... Ecllor, Columnltt. cuflura r9P0'111r. 252-9141. In.,... out9lde of TOWlll'd thl coe1t. wlndl 11IM ....... , ... =~ (M) 574-4275 Newpoft IMd'I end CCMlte Meet, ehcMM bt v9Nbll lt'10 lcnoCI &:t31.m. -4,ltfMllow n :eee.m. 3.32 ......... .... Lea:-• lol#Cl.,,.,.,.."""'*'oom aubacrlptloM to !N Deity "lot .,.. or.._, btcon*'8 10 to 15 M~I o.tCN.f, .,...._. :e• ~ ontv by ftt11C ct... ,,,... fof Publlltled ~Community ...,. from.,. Wlllt.,., 3:13p.m . Z.17Mtlow --~ C... Mmll ,..._,, CMI PM.221 D> I* monttt. (l'ricle ._. 111 ...,... •div of the Loe AneMe d8fnoon. ..... from.,. 10:18p.m. f..83fMlhWt x-....-•...,,.,_oom """'"-,...,.,,.,,•lldnw.oom ~---lndlo08I--.) ,,,,,.., Wllltll3tD&fMt ........ lt .... IM' * Cl I II a c.119 POSTMASTI": lend...,... flholo Ecllor, • .... wllh WIV9I of 2 tMt or WATER TEMPEMllltE ,...,,.,...... Educlllon ,..,._,!Mt~ ~tol'he~ CIZ003 T1mM CN, Alt rigMlt -.OUctMhir,h ~mannt•~ dltfl8le.CMMo0..,_oom ~ --°""'"toe."°' ,...., no1thn 1 "''!t-. wll blow a..,_ Dally Pilot Sunday, June l. 2003 A3 LOOKING BACK Newport's early shipping hero FOR THE RECORD In a Thursday arude r No deasion on new C.ny Hall"), the amount of rev- enue expected from the complex's parlcing '>true ture was incorrect. Ille '>tructure would bring in about $300,000 a year by renting out the I 00 parking spaces over and above the 350 spaces needed for city visitors. People conduwng business at City I laJ I would continue to park there for free. Lolita Harper Daitt Piiot H e bu been called a protector of the city's beauty. A folk hero. A legend. He waa Thomas Rule and hJa tale bu left Its mark In Newport Beach's history. Rule WU the 11gbt band man of Robert McFadden and kept the boob and handled the cargo. according to excerpts from "Newport .Beach. The Plrst C-entury." Newport Beach's poet lawate T. Duncan Stewart memoriallzed the legendary Rule in a poem, ftttlngty dtJed, "The Legend of lhomu Rule." in the second stanza. Stewart describes Rule u "a hero from the Civil War. a Ouisdan man. devout and fair. for strength few men could reach hJs par, f cw weights were more than he could bear." Rule wu immortali1.ed for his courage, as be embodJed that trait to his death. In !act, he died While bravely risking the haz.ardous bay channel ln preparation or the ship. the Newport. . The Newport would come into the harbor faithfully every two weeks, crossmg the sand bar only at Wgh tide, Ellen K. Lee wrote in the first chapter of" Newport Beach, The Fl.rat Century." When the boat was teeming wlth supplies. lighters or barges were floated out to wlload the boat when it was too heavy to enter the bay. On July 26, 1887, Rule drowned while marldng the bay channel for the next arrival of the Newport. ll has been often said that the tragjc drowning of Rule was the last straw In convincing the McFadden brothers to move their shipping wharf from the loner shores of the bay to the oceanfront And so, the construction . Cool Calypso Wee at Tommy Baham Tropica I Cafe Open Sat & Sun at 10:00 a.m. Live leland Muelc 8ulfd Your Own Bloody Mary 6ar 5peofal 5reakfa&t addttion& to Lunch Menu &54 Avocado Avenue Newport 8nc;h, CA For Reeervat.tone -(949) 760-8686 ol the famous McFadden Wharf began. complete with a railway lnland to Santa Ana. end the city's rich enterprise took off. "Rule was known for his courage, his fea ts, his strength. his love of cider and his genial nature," Lee wrote. Webster's New World Dictionary defines a legend as, "a notable person whose deeds or exploits are much talked about In his or her own time." Looking back at Rule, It seems the stalwart reaches the benchmark in Newport Beach. • LOOKING BACK runt Sundays. Do you know of a person, place or event that deserves 1 historical Look Bede? Let us know. Contact James Meier by fax at (9491 646-4170; e-mail at 1ames.meier@latimes.com; or mail him at c/o Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. •Using the Latest Copying Technology • 600dpl Xerox Digital Output • Quality Color Copies .39~ • B&W Copies Small and large Volwne • Lamlnating • Folding • Cutting • Stapling • Blnding • Rubber Stamps ~ BLUEPWNTING • Large Vellums • Cad Plotting • Lg. 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R AIPll L AUR~N H O Ml THREE POTENTIAL TRAPS IN HYBRID WANS By Daw ~nt One.-uf the mos1 popul.ir h11ml" lo~ progr.1nu in rcct~nt yl".irs h;a.\ httn the.-"hybrid loan." a mung.tgl" th:u Uuts OUI "' .l Ute lo ... l"r th.lll Th;ir on -;i cnmp:1rabk. rn!Tt'Ttt fixed-rate 1().l_n .ind ''"Yl 1hc1c for .l few ynn. ;ind 1hl",n 1hl" lo.1n con~ns into .in .ldfU\Ublc Ull" mongagc.-, usually .wi1u•11ng to 1hl" o~·~ar Trl".isury sl"tu111y ()ntc each year. h 's a wonderful lo;in program and has u vcd tbouunds and thowmds of borrowers a good dal of money-bu1 there are thrtt thjngs to warch our for ·~a~ acrually rwo loam combined into one, wnh an au1omuic rollover from rhc shon ~rm fucd-me loan m10 the longcr-tcnn adjustable Look into the fine pnnt. though, to ltt 1f rh~ are any conditH>M on ~ing able co gct that longc.-r·mm adjustable loan au111mwcally-l1kc being disqualified 1f you mili bte ~ems in rhe fim year of the •Though the ARM that you roll int0 afm the miual ~nod With the low fucd rue lw caps on how high n can go. tlM:rc art urually no a,,. on how lugh 11 an go 1n the onc- rime change from fiud-ra~ to ARM. In 0tbu words. you could haYe a s.75,. mr for Ii~ ,an and Ihm, if the initial rate on a 1-yai ARM is then 9.S,., that's wile~ your new loan could mn.. •Look cbdy at the ARM you will end up wim. h may haw a hl&hcr margin than do comparable AAMJ. raulring in a hiabtt lnruat rate fur the rut of the life of the loan. Por mo~ informatJon on real mate rnacun all ~at 949-~33 1200 or visit my wditiia at cbwwol114.com or oMfonfrOed com ' U T E RA N EWPO RT 8 f.ACH 9'49 650 8570 • 0 273 451S • PAU CITY •US 6<49 5540 FUltNITUIU ICDDING IATH TAILCTOP JAUIC WALLCOVlltlNG ltCHllNG HOOltCOVUINC ti' WW. t U fl I A !I 0 M IC 0 t l (Cr I 0 H . C 0 M l•(lUJIVI Ol'IHOHt Of 141 (,Af I UlllA I HC , COU l 11Sf ~O "'' l lA OJ M Slllday I Juoe 1, 2003 bellabella SALON ... .., __ I OFFERING Gleot Length hair extensions I Al!erno Ufe Strolghleolng System . SALON HOURS I MonctlyScMloy9:30o.m-6~.m ·Claled~ 2721 E Coos1 Highway Suite 204 Corona def Mor CA 92625 949 7234048 R , • I ~ I PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER /DAILY PILOT Blair Hamilton, middle, of Irvine and a Harbor Soaring Society member shares a laugh with Ralph Morns, left , of Costa Mesa who's al so a member, and Don Hadden of Canada at Fairview Park. AlsellcWe• ........................ hit~ on& $ 88 Available Niahttv in the Sushi Bar Only llJBHADA. www.benlhana .com JW C.OLl>E' ~PLE Newport Beach 4250 Birch Street (949) 955..0822 --= DENSE --- SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~n. • lnsWled with Pad $ J 69 • Minimum 60 yards aq. ft . Travertine 18 .. :11 18 ....................... 1 4.29 14• n. Ceramic Tile •••••.•.•.•.•••••• ln•t.lled fntm 1 4.99 -.. n. Laminate Wood .•.•.•.•.•.•. lnatalled from 1 4.99 14• rt. Supp/IP,• and Tool.~ ror lh • -o o It You rselrersl,. 1111 prl<·eslpn>d urts li>r a limited llmtt, based on a110llabllll11. 1374 Lo•an Avt., Suite P • COSTA MESA ~ (888) MESA-777 :-~ - (6372) ~ NON.·FlU. 10 .ut lo 5 l'llt -~-...... ' SAY. 10 A.'I to 2 l'M ICLOSlD Stl!QAV) "'611.1 .. - GIVE YOUR DAD THE TIME OF DAY, FATHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, JUNE 1 5 TH. ISN'T IT TIME TO REMEMBER DAO? i' RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD. ; m :~ JEWBLERS FLIGHT Continued from Al LOVE FOR GLIDING Karl Hawley, 59, has been Dying gliders for nine years. I lis interest evolved from the simple, but often ovcrlook1..'CI pleasure of looking up at the sky. When he went to visit a nephew who wortced in a hobby { , \tore, I lawlc.'Y spontaneously picked up a gljder and decided to !.'heck out rairview Park. • lllCre wru., gce-1~ a whole tield of JU'>t glider people." I lawley ..aid. "lhere were 50 people out tlll're " 1-rorn ince~t and expenence. he ha'> btoeornc one of the hceru.('(i duh trniners. ' "If people wall by. I a.Jc them. 1 ·1~ you want to learn how to I fly?"' I lawley c;rud. ~1 have a buddy box -a cable that hooks up to my radio." hir Hon DcPinto, 72, an in1eres1 in ghtlcr.. was a natural pmbtn..,sum from flying real airplam'!> after he lo'>I 'iight in hi.\ right eye. l>cJlinto flew P-St Mu~tang fightr:r.. puring World War II. I le ha'> t.'igh1 planes V-d!)'ing from one motor to four, including a -.mailer l>Ca.le versio11 of a de I laVllland I JI I 82 l"iger Mot11. wlut h he flew in England m the late ·40-, a'> a uamer for the Royal Air Rm:e. I le abo enjoys the bonding among ht.'> fellow glider... · It.., ll.'laxmg for me," De Pinto ~d *It'!> a great '"JY to '>tart the day and lenioy thef camaraderie 230 East 171 St •Costa Mesa (949) 722-7224 www ru~s<mdcopet~ c.om fn 10-6. ~ 10-5 ~ SETUP SOFTWARE ~ makes coonect1ng lost & eosyl FIVE email boxes, Webmoil, Instant Messoging ofld more! Unllmlted Access • Sign Up Oall .. www.localnet.com 949-642-4645 Ross Thomas of Santa Ana, left, and Don Ramsay of Newport Beach look on as an electric plane gains altitude at Fairview Park. of the other 12 to 14 people out here." And 1 lerb Hamber, 45, got hooked on the spon by accident He wanted to get his 14-year-old son offhil. video game console and out into the fresh air. so he got some glider.. for them. After the fin.I day of Oying. hi.'> son was not enthUSC;.-d. YI le said. 'Dad, you '>pend thret.' minutes flying and then a week repairing it You don't know how to Hy. You crdSh it. It may be a good spon for you.'" Hamber !.aid. So Hamber'l> son went back to his video games and Hamber forged ahead with his gliders. ·1 thinJc it's fun." Bamber srud. "You spend ume outside in a pad. a ruce environment, with good people." TME ART OF FLYING TWo kinds of gliders are acceptable to Oy at Fairview P'.rl -electric and sailplane glide,..... 1 lawley is partial to the sailplane gliders. The.c ~ more of a challenge since they require more control, he said. ~The electric lglidersl just go up, punch a hole in the sky and do some aerobatics." I lawley said. "It's boring." Society members use a winch that the society owns to law1ch their motor1es.5 gliden.. lbe winch is made up of two 12·volt batteries running to a 12-volt Ford staner motor with a spool attached. 1he cord runs out 750 feet to a turnaround. then snakes bad and hooks on the bottom of the plane. like a kite. A foot pedal activates the winch. To launch. 1 lawley put his left ann baclc. shouted the word ·launching." put his foot on the pedal and let his glider Oy. It quickly catapulted about 300 feet into the air. He kept control of it with a radio transmitter. Sailplane glider operators are comtantly on the lookout for thermals -bursts of warm air that provide lift to airborne objects -even when they're not Oytng their gliders. Don Ramsay recounted the story of when he and another glider operator were sitting in lawn chairs with their planes on the ground. All of a sudden, a pbstic bag that had been lying on the ground tarted Ooating upward "We immediately launc:hed our planes and followed the bag around.'" Ramsay said. Peterson is partial to electt1c gUders. '"J like electric because they're quiet. convenient. a dean way to 8y. IOrt of a friendly-neighborhood thing," Peterson said. On a recent weekend. Peterson was 8ying one of his elect.rlc gliden. woUing on aerobatics "It'• otMo\Jsly ~but fun to sh.ow off and sometimes people eg you on," ~n iiak! "And the peanut pDery of the other pilots who'll teO you when you dkln~ do something ao smoodl." When Peterson was Dying his glider on a Saturday afternoon, a family on their way to a Mayfair celebration at the school next door was entranced by the plane. As Peterson'1> glider rested on the gras.s. 2V·-year-old Kaveh Moaddeli kept aslcing him when he wru. going to rum ic on. After wc:Uting for some pedestrians to pa.~s. Peterson obliged and turned his plane on. As the propeller whirred into mooon, a startled Kaveh jumped into hi.'i mother's arms. He watcht.-d excitedly as Peten.on executed loops and t~ with his glider. Soon. he and his sister were sitting in their mother''> ann.o;. wau:hmg the red plane streak across the doudy sky. ·I had a hard time getting him in Ito the Mayfair)." mom Kathleen said of her son. • 1 would have had a much easier time if he had 'itayed out here. nu ... i.!> a beautiful plane.· While many of the society member,, try to help out newcomer;, their help I!> not alwa)"i appreoated. ·My favorite story ... Ramsay said. "Someone came out with a slow plane, never M.-en him before. Oub members tried to be helpful I le puffed himself up and said. Tm a lWA pilot. I know how to Oy.' Ten minutes later. he came baclc. his plane in pieces and we never saw him a~." RELATIONSHIPS Many of the more experienced IUer.. take newcomer.. under their win~ As one of the senior members of the society at the time, Ramsay helped train I lawley, who is now the presidenL Ramsay suffered kldney problems and after Oying for ~ years, his health problems kept him away from the ho~ he loved for a decade. Recently, he returned to the part and now I fawley heJps him with flying. *Karls come a long way. I can't tell him what to do," Ram.'><ly joked. Peterson's mentor Oew competitively and encouraged him to test his mettJe by trying out fbr one of the U.S. teams. He rues an F-50 electric glider in pylon racing. He got onto a national team in 1995 and a year later landed in Pr.igue to compete. I Us team won third place. "It was amazing,· Peterson said "It was one of the most incredible experiences. I got to travel aD over the world with what started out as an innocent ~- Peterson's Involvement with the society has also provided a few jobs. most recently with MacGregor Yachts. After seeing Petenon make a presentation to the Oty Council to urge continued use or the park. Roger MacGregor oft'ered Peterson a job ...,.~ '"It~ grea.t. •Peterson said '"l'm guessing lit'• because) you have a common lnterat and you can aee how people wo.t. and their wodc ethic and how they lnleraet with the other peop6e around and their acoomptilhments.. • DelLM P.wWMtM COWl'9 eo.. M.-endm9Ybe~ llt(M8) PM221 (J(br~. dlift1nl.MMmllltl•~ Daily Pilot PUBLIC SAFETY Barbecue, water heater spark fire A Newport Beach man neaped without injuries Saturday an.om· Ing after the propane tank of his barbecue grill caught on fire lo his apartment's balcony, fire officials aa.ld. Flreftghtera re· spooded to the one· alarm fire at 10:50 a.m. after the Newport Beach police helicopter con· firmed that there was a fire ln the balcony of the apartment unJt lo the 2500 block of Baypointe Drive, saJd Donna Bos· ton. spokeswoman for the Newport Beach Fire Department She saJd a spark Crom a water heater in the balcony hit the propane tank causing the flre. "The person had stepped in at the time and ls very lucky he was n't near the tank when it Ignited," Boston said. A fire sprinkler in the balcony also sprayed water helping firefight· ers put out the fire sooner, he said The fire was ln control within 20 minutes Bos· ton said . There was •minimaJ" damage to the balcony and the fire did not spread to nearby units, she said. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • wen Beller Street: A vehicle burglary waa reported In the 600 blodt at 6:41 p.m. Thursday. •wen Bay Street: Annoying phone cells were reported In the 300 blodt at 6:12 p.m. Thursday. • Bf'lstol Street: Grand theft waa reported In the 3300 blodt at 3:18 p.m. Thursday. • fllifview Road: Ponetslon of marijuana waa reported In the 2600 btodt at 4:06 p.m. Thu~ay. • Fordham Ortw: A home burglary WH reported In the 2300 blodt at 2:45 p.m. Thursday. • Park Center Dnw: A vehicle burglary waa reported In the 3200 blodt at 6:47 p.m. Thursday. • Placentia Avenue: Grand theft waa reported In the 2200 blodt at 7:49 p.m. Thursday. • V.luco lane: An auto theft was reported In the 2800 blodt at 2:59 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Corella: A vehlde burglary waa reported In the 1100 blodt at 11:31 a.m. Friday. • JamborM and S.n Joequin Hfftt roedt: A traffic accident Involving injuriea waa reported at 11 :07 a.m. Friday. • Mein Street An auto theft waa reported In the 400 blodt at 7:37 p.m . Thursday. • MecAlthur Bou ..... end S-Mtguel o.tv.: A hlt ... nckun WM f9PO'ted at 10:28 p.m. Thursday. •Onp~A hit-and-run waa reported In the 100 bloc* It 3;12 p.m. Thuraday. • s.n INno: A Y9hlcM burge.,y WM reponed In the 1800 bbt It•:• 1.m. Frtdlly. ..... "'9111: Art IUtO theft w r9lpOftld m 1he 300 btodc "t:o3 1.m. Fttdly. PllllCI IMTllal IEU.lllGIDWAY Mortutity•~ ~ 110 ero.dwmy. Costa MM"a 842-9180 Daily Pilot CHECK IT OUT Quench your thirst for knowledge Want to know •,omething aboul jw.t about everything'? I lead for the Newport Beach Cenlral Uhrary'<; upstain. reference section. where you1J find '>Orne of the best reference i.ource<; publi!>hcd in the l<t!>l year, including many ci1cd as "print favorites" by I jlmuy Journal (April 15. 2003). <.overing hi.\IOry, crimmulogy, geroniology. h1era1urc, p'>ychology. religion .iutl cvcn fac,hion, "Best Reference Soun:es 2002" prtMdl"> .imple ll">tllllOllY th.II onhnc databa'><..., Jfl' nnt likely to -.upplant pnnt rcfcrcnu.~ C >n th1!> year\ hi;I an' <>uch llmety volunw<t as "Encyclopedia ofTerromm" by I larvey K.u.\lmer. onc of the nation\ leadmg expt'll\ on the c,uh1en N>llowmg rnmmcntary th.it traces terron'm from fir.t-tentury Judt·a to 1oday\ < N tnia hm l.aden era. Ku.Jtner targcl\ terroric,t group.,, kt')' eVC'nl!>, peoplt·. ll'nll' and ~ta11 ... 11t.., 111 over 100 in-depth amdt.., ( .nrnmal at liVlty al..o 1<, Ul(' hx u .. 111 the lour volunw "f.ncydopedla of Crime and PunlshrnenL" With nu t1polog1t . .., to l-yodor I .>o ... wye~ky. l"tillor DJvid l.t"\1ft'i(m offerc, m'>ll(hl rntu 1op1a. v-J.rymg fmm 1he • .. ouaJ. ethrtal .md lt"gal 1mpht alum-. of DNA ll..,tmg lo 1den111y tlll'fl dfld cnrm" 111 ryher.pdu· 0 11 a tamer nolt'. lhe tx ... 1 refel't!nte of .!002 l"t 1m lude-. the fo ur-volume "Encyclopedia or Aging," airm"ti al t'Clurnling reader<, aho111 thC' mo'>t ren•111 finding.'> in gl'rontolOh'Y· Of David EkenJt's compilation. Ubmry Joumal note.., "No ntlwr M>urce covcrl> 1his field with '>Ut:h 'iCOJW or authonty" l11dudc<l arc 400-plll\ l'Ollt"is.e <'nine:. ahout Mith l~'>lll.., as nur>mg homes. animal modclc; of aging. the vi~al Jrt!>, ml'ntal health. communlly l>erv11:e... disonJerc, of la1er life, :..enl>'>ry change.. housing, benefit program'>. research 1eduuquc<>, genetics. careers in aging. and n>ti remenl. A differenl consequence of the aging pn>CCSl> Is covered in ''Bncydopedla of &otudon." With over 350 original articles by scientists, biologists and ecologists (lncluding authorities See CHECK, Pa11 A6 • ezsure 'They bring a sort of innocem:e t1ml goodne.\.\ ro rh£1t1ter. They r/011 't have a lot of the dramt1 that com£'.\' alo111< with k ids my "~'·· Stephanie Hutchison, 16, on teaching her young classmates the art of acting Love of the theater Two Corona del Mar High students enjoy sharing their passion for drama with younger classmates. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot M an Partu. know-. how important uw an., are in a young per~on\ l'<luL-ation. While mo'it teenager.. her age are al the mall or the l1tv<1ch, Parks has taken her tune to ht'lp up and coming actor. by d1rectmg ..ew111h and eighth grndt• pupil~ 111 their ~huol\ annual perfonnance, "Ahte 1n Wo nderland," Iler goaJ: to make t.Jm a mt'mornblc and en1oyable part of thetr hve<>. The Mad I faller. the U1e..l11re lat and Alice make thei r debut at C.omn.i del Mar 11.igh <;chool. under thc dirt'(. tum of the -.enior drama ~tudenl. nw 17-year-oltl. who ha!> bet.'n uwolw d 111 theater at Ult' c;chool for 'iix yt'a1', hJ'> laken on thl' la.'>k of '>haring ht•r low for the theater wilh her lower da..,,.,rna11 The theater mentor progr<1m ha' a four-year hil>tory at the high -.chool. Older '>tudent~ are required 10 work with the younger '>IUdents to cuhivate thetr experience in VIMlal Jrl'>. wh ile honing Ll1eir own 'ikill .... ~tephanie I lutdmon. who agn>t:d to help P-.d'i choreograph the pro<luruon, 'Ml.id working wtlh younger '>IUdcrw, .., "refn..~11n14. • • l11t.'y hnng a '>Ort of annott:n< ('.ind goodne....'> to uwatt'r. · the I b }'ear old -.aid. • they don'I h.tvt: a lot of the drJJlla that rnm~ Jlong with lld'i my Jge • Alon~ with the mnoccnn'. lOllll"t t.J1e Senior Man Parks is dtrectmg "Alice in Wonderland" at Corona del Mar High with a :ast of seventh aricJ F-1~1 n ~ · rjr•r 111hercn1 challl'11g1·.., of workmg with 28 children l".irb and I lutthiMJn mu't work IO gl'I tht· group to li,ten allcl umpt·ratl' hut Llwv Me "a great bunch of lrn.h " I lut< h111-.on. v. ho-.e '>Jlt'llalt\ 1-. hip hop t hon::o~aph\ ..aid licr role in llw pl.1~ ha.' J!Jow'l.'J ht:'r tu rt:'V1'11 lwr early tra1rung in the r1a .. c;1r dt1J1ll..,. "I li p hop 1 ... 1.lt:'nwd lrm11 O.ill1·1 .111J ld/.J' -we do a lot ol fil/.J' 111 1111-. pla}. 'ht• '>did · ll1i.., h.L., rl'allv ctllmH-<l mt• lo go b,1d, lo Ill}' mol'> ·· Wlwn 1 llll< hi-.on hl'.ml thl' ht'dl' fur mu ... cal nun1ht-r\ "PJinung the Ro't"' lkJ" .i11J till' wa pJny 'n·m· ddn< 1· 1111JVt'' poppt•d mto ht•1 lw;1d \lw '' rl·.111wd lllgt·thl'r hl'r lll'tltrH tu.ti thon·11graphv. with 11tllt'r mon Ulllught Olli lllOVt''t, lo l rl'dlt• .1 '\ lll'!'gt'lll nu111ht•1 Hd1t•.1r....U' n111 tltr1·c lu1111'. Jun11g \\l11l h P;irl.,, l1·.1d ... 1111 1,,,, rtlld I fl'\\ through tlwu -.p.·ufii r11h•, l'rup' ll"tunw .... hlod .. mg. ""~"!-: .md tl.111n11g lllll't t1ll t1>1111 · 111g1•1lw1 111 •1111· NO PLACE LIKE HOME 111.t-.ll'fpll'l I \\llh i',1 1~-. 111111~' II 1 ... 11111 ... .. \l\l'l)ol'l•tl flt1l1lttr •I '•Id f'.trf..'t pl.Uh 111 11lllllH l1 , II 11·.tl .1l l't'Pllt'ldl111 lla11.1 I .rntl \\lll ht· m.qur 111~· r It• •' • d1n'1. 1111g •LOLITA HARPEfl M rtJ "~ .,\ 1t • Make a commitment to color D o you have !rouble malting a color commitmen1? Du you love 1he look of a red dining room, but you're afmld IU try ii yourself? I'm going to give you a push in the pigment direction -help you ma.Ice a comm11mcn1 and give you sollle colorful l>Uggesdon-. If you're nervous abou1 pa.roting the living room a deep brown, you i.houJd '>tart with something smaller. The powder room or a child' bathroom ,., a safe place 10 slart building confidence. The laundry mom i!'J another good room to try: ii is small. compact, and has plenty of white appliances that act as a foil for dramatic color. Oloose a room thal has good lighting. or replace a ho-hum overhead light with a recessed can or, if your ceiTmgs are high enough, add a chandelier. I'm a sconce girl myself, so if you're up for a trip from the electrician, run to a lighting store and find .1 rool p.m ol '-t'Olll t'' ta kl' ,I cha111 t• on '>Olllt'lh111g Olli etf thc ord11ldr. Nov.. you haH· light. IA't\ 1.1ll .about tolor If you're th111kmg red. Halph l..Jurcn' 1 lunung Coat Red I'> a h'Tt'at color 1111: rnlor "1ust nght KAREN WIGHT R<'<l dot"> requm• .1 few coat!> to gel the depth.~ if you are on the vcri~c of a panic allacl after two coats. calm down. It will ht-O~ < >r U'tt' a darker primer coat, and tht•n you «.in get away with fewer apphcation'- lf you have a 101 of whitt• mold111g' <ha.<ieboanJs. cawmenl!>. crown) or ,1rl' planning on adding molding~. hrowm are de rigueur. Another Ralph I .1Urt'11 color that satisfies UlC' TRAVEL TALES hru'W\11 grc·1•n gold rl'quin•mt•nh ., hurl.tp 11 luok,-. w1·,11 wllh >(Olt.1, ,;re;it \\llh bl,11 k . .ind work' With pla11n11111 < Jt-., llfl\.\ yo u'n, n•,1dy to ~et a httlc hr,1vt•r ,ind muvt• on to tht• h~1ng mom din111g rn111n. fam1I\ room. and ~II< h1·n II \Oii ''-Jill J wJ.rm t olor lh.11 hlt'nd-. with l'H'ry1h111g, I rJ.Jt'l'.., <.rm rtul < 111ld '' t'J'>} on the C'Yl' and hlt•11d' '' nh .tlmu-.1 t1ny rolnr -.dlt'nw If you \\Jill lo get a ht1lt• d.irk1·r. Ill} pl'r't<111al lavonte 1<, 1-r<Vt·c•c, l .1pen ree It IC)ob h.id cm the uilor ""atch, hut 11 hJ!> fll'I 1h1' nght amo11n1 of golcl and grrt.•11 10 W\.C drama Wlthout bemg annoym~ If you're looking for il 1.111pt· gn'<'n gray. l·r.vee\ ~tbu'h ''a w11111er lni" I" a "go anywhere" rnlm c•ven a master hcdroorn I think 11 louh >(ft'JI wHh black and wl ul<' accent~ Rl•Morauon I lanJwarc ha., "omt• wondl'rful paint rnloN. Thl'y haw a 'mall palette. hul t'vl'rythmg they earl"\ I'>,, wmner. l'er.onally. nw favon te "a p.111111,tllt'dl ft'ollll\' .. 111 11 ,., 11•11 gold, .1 hlllt 1.111, rl' 11111 I '" '\" • .11111 tf \1111 lll'l'd IO\\ Hill llfl I 1111 111 f' the• \\,I\ HI W> ll1 ''"r,1111111 .i., Ii 1 buttt•r ~ olor pJllll \\ 1111h~111 '\\I I ''Ith n·tl Jnd hhw .1111•111, II 11 "' J u1m1111111w11t lhJt < rt'.1111\' 111 I• ,1 11 \llU .1rt· J H·llo\\ pt r'"" th" I 1wrkt.1 hJ• t..1.rr1111111l l111 , 11111111 11111 hn~l11 lu1111tun· .11111.111\\1111. 1• 11 111 ... 11' II\.\ II \\h111•, I 11·n111w "·" .1 l.11111111 \!till' I'\ l\(,l't "11<'11 \\lull II .. II I( I hnght "h•lt» hur 11 h.1 .. ,, \ 11-.111 1,, ,1 h dang .mJ 11 d111 '111 ,1•1•111 111 11\1d111 ljlllt kl\ lwt .1l1\t II h,\, .t l.111 ,11111111111 J11);1lH'lll 1111\\'.f Ill f fclWl'\lt'r, \11\11 Ill 111'\C'I .:11 \\f11t 1g '""h hlalk '11u l1t'.1rd 1111·. fll.11 I.. 111.1\1 .1101 "' hl.1tl.. hlllh Ill ... Ill •1111 h11ll'• h ·'· a-. 111 \\all-. 11 111111111111 '\11, I ru 11111 tlc'prl'"t'd I Jll'I hk1· • 111111.1'1 I li.1H' .c See HOME Pace A6 Chile's wine country provides a Napa of years past South Am erican country the perfect place for exploring many unexploited treasures. Oille's wine producing region. the Co1chagua Valley. which is also prolific ln providing the widest array of ~cu.hural bounty. Whal was our week likl'7 F.nvislon much vi lting and soclaJl7jng with leisurely meals or the freshest food and mos1 deUgbtfuJ wi nes with much attention paid to camaraderie and friend hip while a blind eye Is paid to the di!Kipllne of the clock. By Dick C1nnon T hl'I pa5t March, my wife Diane and J visited OlUe and spenl three delJgtuful weeks wfth our wonderful &tends. the Silva Sante-Banez family (KOC3, Oulco. Alberto, 30, Gorv..aJo, 20, Paula, 29, and her S·year-old on Udo). Thia was our Oftb trlp over lhe ~an lo mil thls lncredlble country and lm.met'H' oursetvtl ln the U of thl!11p«lal fu.nOy. OUr relationahlp and bond bepl1 l5 yM.rt ICU when our otdC.t t0n. Jeff-thcil a junior ll Corona dd Mar Htsh Slhool -was an American Field Service exchange student He Uved with the family and attended their local high school. lnc.ldent.ally. their endre family has visited us twice ln Newport Beach where our community, rrtends and netahbors opened their hearts ancf ho~ to them. On lhls latest vtah. we apent the ftnt week wtth the famlty 11 their home lo Pladlll. a lmaU town of&. than 8,000 people about 90 mo. IOUtb of the oatlOn'• ~ Suldqo. Aadll& .. "' lhe bt.ttt of Here in Newport Beach. we haw all bo~t and experienced many of the wines. fruits and veJttablea produced In the rtacWa area when we have ahopped in our upenn~ ts ahd dined In our re taurant. A week ln Placllla and envtrona might be ciompvable to, aay, cxperlft>dng the Nlpa VaDey 75 yeen ago -low key. 8kJW peced wt.th an locn!dJble qullliry ol lite built upon the ..,.,..ty ol the ..-th arid th lowe and aljoyment o( fAlnUy, frietMh and netchbon.. After a great first Wl'Ck In Plac.Ula. we left with the family in two cars and drove 600 mU south to Pueno Monn through lands or breath1aldn bt'auly offerin cont nuous seen or anow-aapped mount&UU and vokai>on, vast ID and nattonal fo The Al may be mmparabl but not more ao 111 efther acope nor grandeuL • M Sunday, June I, 2003 SUN MIST FRY Continued from Al sheer delight or ·bumping into people." Come see the new EverWood0 CountrySrde blinds from Huncer Douglas Overlapping slats create a beautiful board·on·board design And che ·step-up· look adds depth. d1mens1on "You'll wallt in here and you won't see anybody," he said, "and suddenly you'll see some- one you haven't seen in a long, long time." Sandefer said the Fiah Fry Is a precious little tradition for the community. "It's the only local thing we've ever had here," he said. Rick Bell, 45, who bas lived. in the city all hlB life, said he's already savored the Osh. ~I think the fish is a little cold," he said with a laugh. "It needs to be warmer." Bell said he was hoping to run into someone he lcnew too. "This used to be a much big- ger event," he said. "Unfortu- nately It's gotten a lot smaller over the years." The Fish Fry means a lot more to the community than the other bigger events like the Orange County Fair, said Bran· don Nicholas. "This ls so much more per· CHECK Continued from A5 like Stephen Jay Gould and Jane Goodall), Marie Pagel presents a two-volume overview covering life forms, developmental and population biology, social behavior, consciousness, evolution of disease and even art in prehistory. and character co any room And EverWood CouncryS1de will not warp. crack. peel or fade Even in humid areas or direct sunlight Come see rhese beautiful blinds today. For those more interested in Oora than f'auna. MJchael Dirr plants botanic, cultural and landscaping details on over 400 species into "Dtn'I nee. and Sh.rube for Warm (]bnates." After earning acclaim for "Din's Hardy 1tees and Shrubs.• the respected garden authority digs out data about planis that thrive where winter temperanu-es rarely dip below free7lng in his newest illusttated encyclopedia '-••H•4••rlu ••• W'9,,f (oltllf #lff•f l tft• ~ALDEN'S H••ll< I 11 I I'·· A,11( 11\t ~l"l•o.l ( tllllJ .. t,\ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 •••••••• FotoART ~ •••••••• 'four mor•IOf ...... mourn '° •ny ~· 'TIOMOI itlld 15 ~tely ...nc>••IJ'9 760 West 16th Street Building D Costa Mesa. CA 92627 949-645-3686 Father's Day is June 15th Unique Personalized Gifts for Dads and Grand-Dads tool Give Dad a monitor mate this Father's Day. It's the perfect gift for both home and office. _ Other Gift Ideas Include Personalized Mugs Laser Engraved Frames PhotoSculptures Mouse Pads and much much morel And our speciaJ FREE offert Orde< a monitor mate before .Aly 31 , 2003 and receive a FREE computer mouse pad using the same image Visit our VVeb Site at www.fotoart..com Open Monday Thru Friday 9AM to 5PM Sllturctay 1 OAM to <4PM Of by lflPOl'ltmenl ---------- AhSemi 1 nua Sale 20-50% Oftl Spring & Summer Shoes and Accessories ave now ... wear now! The latest European influenced designs • Sesto Meucci • RangonJ of Florence •Van FJI Sizes 4-12 In 5 widths super-slim to wtde Fit, f2s hlon and friendly service! Corona I>el Mar Pkua • 964 Avocado Av~nuc, (comtt of MacAtthur and PCH) • 949-72l·1325 www.OWmlsboel.com -- - - - - - - -- aonal," he said. "It doesn't feel like a commercial event.• Davey Helm of Helm and Son Amusements, the com- pany that was running the car- nival, said he expected the crowd to pick up by Saturday evening. "Th.is ls just a trial run this year," he said . "Next year, It'll be thrice as big. We'll have a lot more rides." The Fish Fry Is returning to Uons Parle after five years. It was held in Orange College be- fore it was canceled two years ago. Helm said the sprawling grounds at Uons Park provide an excellent venue for the fair. "Th.is is closer to the beach, it's safe and secure," he said. "There's also a nice atmos- phere with the trees and grass. It's just good summer fun." The Fish Fry continues to- day from 11 am. to 8 p.m. at Lions Park. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readled at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bhararh@larimes.com. Turning to people and what they've worn from the late nineteenth century to the present. Ann T. Kellogg unveils designers who've transfonned contemporary dress in "In an lnftumdal IWlllon." In 164 listings covering such trend-setters as Giorgio Armani, Ouistian Dior, Gucci, Halston and even Frederick's of Hollywood. find details about those who have most influenced American fashion sense, and how their concepts have reftected societal, political and economic change. • CHEOC fT OUT is written by the staff of the Newport Beadl Pl.ibhc Library. This week's column 1s by Melissa Adams. All titles may be reserved from home or office computer.; by eccessing the catalog at www.newportbeachlibrary.org. TRAVEL Continued from A5 Then from Puerto Monte, we Dew by jet another 600 miles further south to Punta Arenas and the area or Puerto Natalas that abuts the StraJt or Magellan and the Torres de PaJne National Parle. and lies a Uttle to the north of Cape Hom. ThJs vast, unspoiled region of plains, forests, fjords, glaciers and pristine lakes are inhabited by few with nature's condition as pristine today as existed thousands or years ago. This must be one of the most undisturbed areas on earth today and one can only say to experience vasmess on this scale is both exhilarating and HOME Continued from A5 lot of white, I have a lot of black and I have a lot of other stuff thrown in between. When Ben and I got married, our first remodel was the master bathroom that we (yes, we laid the tile) put black. and white tiles in. Sever-al houses later, we're still using black and white. If this is a trend, it's a really long trend. Still nervous? You could start with some accent pillows or rugs, but l'U say you're doing IRVINE Continued from Al jurisdicLional issues. Fullerton Ciry Manager Chris Meyer said that if the project is derailed in Irvine, Fullerton officials would be interested in reconsidering I.hear parucipation. ~1r the central route does not move forward, we would be very interested in once again examining Lhe underlying premises or the northern route to see whether or not it needed to be tweaked or whether or not the proposed plru1 was OK a-. it wa.,," Meyer ..aid. One way 111 RCI from FuJJertun to Sanra Ana is through Anaheim, which wa.c, alsn pan uf the original route and aJo;o pulled out. John Nicoletti, the city's public information manager, said that o;incc a majority of the City Council was elected an humbling, After more than a week spent in the south of Clille, we returned to Placilla for a final round of hugs and tearfuJ goodbyes. Then, via a night in Santiago and a long weekend in Duenas Aires, Argentina. we returned home to our own paradise, Newport Beach, whence we reOected upon our love for our friends and their wonderful way of life and Incredible country. And. once again, we gave thanlcs to the American Field Service student exchange program, where our very s timulating and fulfilling odyssey was born 15 years ago. • DICK CANNON is a resident of Corona del Mar. yourself a disservice. Paint is easy. Paint is bold. Basically. paint is good. And what's the worst thing that can happen? You get to paint some more. And that's not so bad. Pick a room any room and get a few tester quarts. Grab a roll of· blue tape, a tarp, a brush and you·re in business. A fresh coat of paint can change the entire mood of your house. Be bold. Be brave. Be colorful. • KAREN WIGHT 1s 11 Newport Beadl resident. Her column rune Saturdays. November, Lhe new council has not taken a position on the light rail project. Tim Keenan, chaJr of the authority board, !>aid the board hasn't thought too much about what happens if Irvine vorers reject the pro1ect because they are confident 11 wilJ !>Ucceed. "I will say it would make thmgs problematic from 1h1s pomt on if the Irvine voters tum it down." Keenan said WI thank thert'!> enough suppon. • But ju'>t an case, Art Leahy, chief executive of the authority. is preparing some alternatives, Keenan said Some of the options include c;tartmg the light rail with only Sanla Ana and Co-,ta Me..a or i:ontinuing north or Wt'l>I from John Wayne Airport instead of east to Irvine, Keenan said. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reamed at (949) 574-4221 or bye mail 81 deirdre newman a la11mes com :J( o w S t r 11 1 n g 'B r t' a k J 11 !> I , L u n c ft ~ ~ • () r 11 11 e r ., ,,,,, .. ,.,, .. •I...-....... ILocaTs Favorite] Since 1995 Dally Pilot Surldc1y Juoe I, :>OCH A7 Oh, noth ing special. It'll iust change your life at home a little . There is nothing quite like on IKEA store. You just stroll around. Enjoy the variety. Touch and test the quality of the products. And let the furniture inspire you. You'll find plenty of solutions and ideas for your needs at home. And remember, the low prices are for real. Always. When you've found what you like, you get to toke your new furniture home that some day. Pocked Rot, of course. Then, at home, you create your new furniture from the contents of the Rot pock. This is where the little IKEA assembly tool fits in. With just a simple twist, you've started to change your entire home. And a bit of your life. Tnen you con come bock and do it all over again. ~·-·-~~ Inter IKEA Systems 8.V. IKEA Orange County Costa Mesa and IKEA Covina Grand Opening Going on Now ..,.., ~ 5y9t1rnt e.v., OWi'* and frond'4t0r Cl "9 !KEA c:.onc.p, ~ 1. people ol to. Ange&. on ....., ....., ~ ltCEA Orange County Com Meeo! 1'475 ~ C.omt °""" (714) ~·A.532. Houn Mon • Sun 10am . 9pm. !KEA coma 10Frwwuyat1o1ouco 1626) n2 '532 Houn Mon •• Sun JOarn • 9pm I: ' Al SUnday, June 1, 2003 FORUM HOWlOGETPUBUSHED -L.u.ra: Meil to Editoriel Page Editor S.J . Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330W. Bav St., Coate Mese, CA92627 • Ae1den Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (9491648-4170 E-tNl:Send to dailypilot@lstimes.com • All COrY'espondence must Include f\Jll name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Piiot reserves the right to edit all submission• for claritv and length. EDITORIALS A firestorm on Balboa Island A n unexpected firestorm e rupted o n the top of a two-story home at the final Newport Beach Planning Commission meeting in May. During discussion about whether to approve construction on a Balboa Island home that goes above what city code allows, an incredulous City Councilman Dick Nichols stood before the commission and said: "It sure doesn't look good . It looks like you're taking m oney for this one." This statement, that someone might be taking a bribe, understandably upset members of the commission, as weU as others in City HaU and within the city's governm e nt. Nichols' coUeagues on the council are taking it so serio usly that it m ay result in his being sanctioned . These groups are right in being upset, but it is imponant that any anger and most certainly any punishment be handled properly and not ge t lost in related , but ultimately tangential, arguments about Nichols' right to speak his mind or his duty to serve his constituents. This is not a case of freedom of speech or an example of a councilman d oing what was best fo r the community. Nichols has his own o pportunity to speak at council meetings and his own direct line to City Ha ll to work on be half of Newpon Beach re~idents. lt is a case of propriety and civiJity, of a councilman stepping out of bounds and making unfounded a nd unsupported charges in a p ublic setting. Had Nichols had proof of these serious cha rges, the firestorm would be burning elsewhere. But he did not. Jn a le tter to the Daily Pilot aft er the m eeting, Nich ols wrote: "I am new to the city government." At some point, being new is no longer an excuse for such serious missteps. He aJso w rote, "I ran for office to truJy represent the residents. T his requires m a king waves that are unpopular with the entrenched powers-that-be." That certa inly can be the case. But those waves wiU crash into nothing when unleashed in Nichols' way. Sho uld Nichols' be san ctioned? Early evidence seem s to create a case that he should, but like the City CounciJ. resid ents s h ouJd withhold judgment until the city looks into the incident further. On a wider le vel. this incid ent provides Newport Beach with the opportunity to put in place a censure policy in the event anything like it occurs again . Such a policy would ensure that any misdeeds would be handled fairly and impa rtially. Its creation should be part o f the city's discussion. Beach report card • gives some pause 0 range County healthy agency officiaJs tell us thro ughout the winter to stay high a nd dry for about 72 hours after a sto rm. They cou ldn't be more right, according to Santa Monica-based Heal the Bay. The en vironmental group released grades last week for aJI of Southern California's beaches. for the m ost part, Newpo rt Beach fared well -so long as the weather's dry. During and after rainfall, mo-.t beaches everywhere failed. The lone exception in Newport Beach see m s a bit ironic: Muddy Creek Beach received an A+ during the wet season. It appears its name is deceiving. Perhaps Ocar Creek Beach would he m ore appropriate. But aside from that a nomaly. high and dry seem s like good advice. The majority of the city's beache received Fs during the rainy season. Those beaches rising a tad above the failing grade were Corona del Mar. Crystal Cove at Los Trancos Canyon. and 38th Street in the harbor. ·1 he re were few s urprises in the report, but among them was data that reveaJed that the water off the Santa Ana River mouth is safe during the d ry ~eason. Other trouble spots during drie r weather are 38th and 43rd streets in the harbor. ·1 hat's understandable given the m ore stagnate wate r within the harbor. lieaJ the Bay's fi gures have made it obvious that people should flock to mos t of Newport's beaches d uring the dry months, including the warmer m onths that began this month . But Newport Beach officiaJs must continue to work on preventing runoff -whether from inJand cities o r Newport itself -fro m ente ring the ocean. Progress has been made. but the d a ta from the wet months really shows that runoff continues to be a problem . Only Muddy Creek seems to d efy the odds. It's hard to · be lieve the A+ grade for that beach considering that the c reek runs right into it. The results seems a bit muddied . THE LAST WORD IKEA makes its mark I ~ has arrtved. It's hard to But what TKEA will bring to the city and school of Costa Mesa wUJ make ft all worth lr. The Swedi"h funilturc core has prom.l&cd to renovate c.IUsrooms In the ~n·M~ Unified School OiS1rk:t and hu given f, a uranc that at least SI million wtU enter the dty' coffers annually. The flagship store opened Wedriesday to abouc 2,000 customers. Hope they dkln~t biiy ilJI of the 8Wy bookcues arid packages or SWedJsb fish. That' enough to Uve on. BOLTON LETTER TO THE EDITOR End to a story that started here M y story actually begins on Feb. 7, 1974, when my niece, Kristy, was born to Sue and Randy lCarjaJa after 20 long hours of labor and a ditncult birth. Kristy suffered brain damage affecting her coordination and speech. By her first birthday she had yet to take her first steps. After exhausting trips to several doctors and long hours of research, my sister read about the lostlrute For the Achievement of Hu.man Potential in Philadelphia. After a long wait for an opening. Kristy was accepted. She was placed in a special physicaJ therapy program pioneered by the Institute In 1962. The family returned home to Costa Mesa with renewed hope that Kristy would one day walk. They sought help from the Daily Pilot, asking for volunteers in the commuruty who would be willing to donate th,etr time for •patterning" exercises to train her brain and body to function normally. Kristy needed to be panemed l 0 times dally along with other exercises, seven days a week. The Daily Pilot ran the story on Aug. 4, 1978, and again on Nov. 24, 1978. The outpouring ofvolunteen was incredible. Randy said, "We are a family unit here and we are going to stick together until the family is well again." (The family now oon.sisled ot two sons, age 3 and l Y.i • with another son on the way). Guess wliat1 Kristy did learn Councilman had duty to speak his mind Newport Beach Planning Commissioner Ed Selich should probably rethink his position on whether City Council members should be allowed to speak at Planning Commission meetings - either that or resign c·eommissloners have their aay.~ Friday). The Planning Commission is no different than any other committee or staff member within city govemmenL All are ostensibly responsible to the people. As we recalJ, Mayor Steve Bromberg served on the CMJ SerW:e Board of the city for many yean and we would flnd It not Improper for the mayor co give public tndmony or uk quesdona of that body, 1houJd the need arise -or, for that matter, any member of our elected Clly Council. Uch'a finding It an affront to be qu tloned by anyone seemed owrbeartna at beat. We mJlht make n!ference to the city of Lot Angel • where almost on a d&Oy bait coundl members addreaa vlrlol.11 COl1\l'Rllteet and commlletoo.a to walk. After several moves, the JC.arjalas ended up in Colorado because of the services and programs available to the disabled. Kristy attended a regulac school with special classes for the disabled. She was in a horseback riding class for special-needs kids and was a good swimmer because of the strength in her upper body from the patterning exercises. Throughout the years of family oudngs and vacations, Kristy was always a part of the activities. Her brothers were so loving and protective of her. To think one doctor said she should be lnsdtutlonal.ized. Sue and Randy went into real estate so they could work out of their home. Randy handled the business and household chores. Sue took care of Kristy all day, every day. She was relentless in her sean:h for speclaJ programs to heJp her daughter. JCrlsty loved to walk the mall for her daily exercise. With intestinal problems plaguing her throughout her life, it was important that she walk regularty. The merchants all knew her and loved her. She had an lnfecdous laugh and always a smile, greeting everyone she met with a big hug whether she knew you or not Her dentist said she was the only patient that bugged him when she came for checkups. Kristy could ooJy aay a few words hut communicated so much warmth MAILBAG (assigned or not) regarding their actions or Future policy considerations unfettered by the sensltJvity of the appointed members. CouncUman Dick Nichols had every right and perhaps duty to follow hls own conscience and ask whether he needed.to ask to address the long-term needs of the residents of Newport Beach. Selich needs to put his ego aside and get with the program. RON MO NfHA WINSHIP Newport Beach Residents lose out in Costa Mesa -again 1 read with amu~esnenl the artide of May 24 c·Second·atory deal aomethJna or a success") describing how Cotta Me'8 Mayor Gary Monahan came to the tescue to medi.te a deaJ between two neighbors concern a second-tory addition. It .. just one more parado1t ln thl city of paradoxical development decision•. That la, how the ctty can lhoot down one d~opment, Kohl'I. and approve another, 1901 and love to all Sue would ask ber who loved her and Kristy ~uld say ·1esus· very slowly. Sue would ask her where Jesus was and Kristy would point to her heart. Oo May 7, at the age of 29, Kristy suddenly became ill and was rushed to the hospital Wtthln a few hours she was gone. She wu an organ donor but because of the infection within her body from a ruptured intestine, only her corneas could be salvaged for tr.\llsplant. Even after her death Kristy was making a dltTerence. My ister literally lived to take care of Kristy, her little angel. as she calls her. Sue's unwavering faith and strong family des will aee her through this darkness. It ls too soon for her to know what she will do to fill the void left by Kristy'$ absence. I felt I needed to share this remarkable story of a young woman who has touched so many lives in such a short time on thia earth. As the pastor said at her memodal service: "Krlsty knew how to love. She wasn't interated in objects or things, but she loved life and experienced all thaJ she could despite ~r limitadon " Thil family's incredible devodon to one another has been '° upllftiJ\g to me, I Celt l had to abate our atory In hopes that this (Daf help othen facing slmUar advemdes. ~QUl(TMA Pico RJvenl Newport Plua condos (there's that Newport cachet, by the way). Yes, the RJces were definJtely penaJized fo r being the first on their block with a second-story addition even though It ultimately met all the guidelines set forth. On the other hand, if they had been a developer wanting to build four·story condos across the street from one-story houses and for all the rules had to be twisted, they would have had the city lapping at their door. We on Bemard s~et have bad our pleas fall on deal eara. We will receive no mJtlgadon, financial or otherwise (check out the deal some of the residents behind Home Depot received). And Monahan, far from tepplns in to help. bu pushed the condo project all along. We, the resldentl of Bernard Street. have become a aacriftclaJ lamb for the ultimate good of downtown Coata Meta. Flnally, I want to thank Councilman AUeb Manaoor and thote aood dtilem of Cotta Mesa who h&W't! apoken out aplnat thla lrratlonal devetopm~t. 1'1MVIHMf CoMaM-. .......... .,.,. -· .... ,. ----·--,--... ~-----"""' - -.; ~-···--·· ....... ,. ·- . .. BIO Age:79 Occupation: Retired owner of the Golden Shell gift shop Education: V·12 Navy program in engineering fllmity: Wife of 53 years Marge; three boys; two gir1s; five granddlildren; one great.grandchild ~ Little Balboa Island for 36 years ~: Scuba diving; shell collecting; walking; traveling Involvement: Newport Beacn Volunteer Police Officer as part of police chief's community relations staff; delivers the City Council meeting packets to council members GROWN-UP ANTICS 'Well, what we 're really friendly with people and know people across the island. We 're the kind of never grow-up type. We go around and tease kids and have fun with them. For instance, if someone has an electric cart and they leave it the street with the key in it, I'll drive it off Just things like that. Just having fun.' FORUM Stxlday, June 1, 2003 At SEAN HILLER I OM.Y PILOT A continuing tradi tion The brief Balboa Island Parade and one of its stars enters their 10th year celebrating the island and its fire station. T he I 0th annual Balboa Island Parade comes to town at I I a.m. Sunday. The two-block parade, arguably among the shortest in the world, runs down Marine Avenue. The parade celebrates the island, but was held originally to coincide with the dedication of the island's new fire station in June 1994. There are about l 00 entries in the parade's I 0th year. Among the long-standing features are the Keystone Kops. On Friday, City F.ditor James Meier caught up with Ken Undahl, the originaJ Keystone Kop. over at the fire station. UndahJ, known as his fellow Koppers as UJ BaJ Isle Ken, discussed the somewhat young tradition. How did you become lmotved In the Balboa Island Parade? When they started to dedicate the new fire station (in 1994), we round out about it and the fire station was going to have a show of fire engines like a short parade. So we got together and thought. "Gee. it'd be nice if we could join in," so we asked if it was all right and they said yes. So we met over at a house on the little island and planned the first parnde and ii was while silting there - and if you've been involved in community pmjea.s. everybody's talking and you can\ figure out who's '><lytng what and I looked ar my wife and said, "This sounds just like an old Max Senate comedy. All it needs is a Keystone Kop." She said, "Why don' you?" So there we go. lbat's how that came about. (Now Newport Beach Mayor) Steve Bromberg joined me. And then Earl McDaniel joined in a year or so later. I !es on the Planning Commission. fhen we got Mickey Dunlop after he retired. He's a civil service person. So we're aJJ very much involved with citywide activities. So how many Keystone KoJ18 lift ilien todayT Four, we decided that if you get too many, then it's not the novelty anymore. What qualJdes do you need penonally to pull that oft"l Well. what we're really friendly with people and know people acl'OS.\ the island We're the kind of never grow·up type. We go around and tease kids and have fun with them. For in.stance. if someone has an electric cart and they leave it the street with the key in it. 111 dnve it off. Ju.st~ like that. Just FROM THE NEWSROOM having fun And for the lourth ul Jul). Wl' go oH·r to Ca1al1nd amJ do 11 111 thC'1r p.m1d1· We've been then· lour or five u ml"> now. How hu the parade changed over the yearsl Ir\ becornC' mort• well l...1111w11. F.verybody wanh to be in 11 now, '>() thh year. our entnt") are OCJ\.-\1 nvl'r 100 for a two-block parade We have about 4,000 to 5,000 people on the t'>land for 11. Usually people part off the 1'>land So how early do people show up? A.boul 9 a.m.1 ~meumt"> A lor of pt•ople will hnng their chair.. out e1nd w;ut unuJ the parade .,,an., It\ d!wa)" a hapf1) t mM.I We don't have any of the problt'm., that a lot of other parades haw had. We abo retnforcements in help through the Newpon Beach Police Oepi.lrtment, through their Explorer group ;md other volunteer policemen The parade start., general)~ w11h two motorcycle offict•r. corning dow11 owr the bridge. Why ls that how It starts? 'fhey U'>uaJly go down l'arh ... 1dr of the Slret'l lo move rwople bacl... from the parade route JU-'l to let people kno~ 11·, coming. What did the flnt year consist of? WeU, we had Lhe Ftre DepJJ1mcnl and lifeguards, a couple band<,, chlldren -the fir..t year 11 W3..\ aunet.l at having fun with the chtldren. And •,ome of the luca.1 wuup., pul 111 .,maJI llo<1L<, fhell' dft' prvt"-for many thing., 1n the parade llwy changt• frorn ~ar to year Who would you say hu morY fun: the kids or you ~ the Keystone Kop? 11..tugh.,I l11a1\ <1 IO'>.., up. We h.ivt• a 101 of fun and '>Odo lhcy W(• hJve .i lot of fun with the• youn~1cr-. Now, I think the claim Is that this Is the shortest parade in the world. Jw.1 about One year. we called a Marine station and med them if they had a band or -.omethmg to march m the parade. fhey aru.wered bad. "I low long ts the parade?" "lWo blocb. • "\io1 miJe.,1 Are you sure7 I'm sure tI we can't gel gomg m two bloclc..._" so they -.em down a '>mall conungent. It W3..\ a wlor guard Tht'> year's color guard IS the Newpon Beach Police Explorer (olor Guard. They're very good. fhat\ another part of our theme m the parade is patnoltsm. We have Pearl I !arbor ml'Vlvor m the parade this year nwy marched la.<,! year. TI1is year. WC have a Marine sergeant and tus wife ru. gtJl")l~ of honor. I le\ 1us1 a few days bud. from Iraq. Any ftnaJ thoughts? Lome on down and enioy yourself. We have the city offiaal-; and dlgmtaries ndmg on convertible~ m Lhe pamde. We havt> an IJvt.,_ ~aturalJy, we haVl' an F.lvls. Anydownsf (Laughs! U!>. Blair the exception, not the rule to journalism T his will be the last you hear from me on the Jayson Blair scandal Sadly, the name of Jayson Blair has become as recognimble as, I don't know, Chris Steel and Dick Nichols are for making ttange comments Ill council meetings. Blair, if you don't know, ls the New York 1lmel reporter who made up stories and quotes ln his meteoric rise to the top. And as I reported last week. Dilly Pilot ataffen were allo feeling the It.Ing of bJs ICdoOI lib all others In the news profeuion. I Invited "'8den to COIDIDeDl and here'• whit they bad to aay: "What lhould have been the JnOlt troubUfll ispec:t or the NY Tunes llory WU che quettfoo: Why dJdn't aD the people lmoMd tn the fab lloriM apeak up IOOMl'l" aa&d one relder. •hople have doubted the media for )'111'1." he continued. "The allwr~ JOU 8ftl ~for mJabr be lbe l"Mndon that tn the anent Woctd It 11 hlrdef for .,..,... to lie. One art Would be to hn! men b.a.nCe llDOOI "'fGIW\\ ..t tD own up tD our .,.. ......... 111111 *9--........... ....... -= t •For imtance. your (from last week's column) hilarious comment 'there is a common ...._ _ _...... __ ...__. misoon- TONY DODE RO ~don that minorities giet banded jobs they aren't qualified fot' fre(ty funnyt ObYioully mlnortdel are handed Jobe Ibey aren't qudfied for; that II one ol the 1-ocll of the Blair story-be WM only hired becaute he Wiii blKk. I'm otJ tbe IUbject now, but •dfwnlty' hiJing merely ca.a everyone to ueume that mJnoritles were not blftd. 00 medt IO aU mlnorldet. even the quali8ed °'*' are Cainted by the uaanpdon that they dld not earn their potldon." Thk comment tblnl me tor a • couple ol reMOnl. Flnt. IM)'be I milled 11. but rw,... .-my newt~ In whlchNew 11J1tna. .... .,..., ... .................. k 111_...,_ dr..n to him ........ young and brash and had a knack for telling and finding good stories (albeit fictional ones). The reader's comments that •mJnorides are handed Jobe they aren't qua.lilied for" just pnMS my point about misconception and carries on an awful and W-lnfonned stereotype. As an editor who bu hired many joumalistl, minority ot otherwile. I can vouch that incompetence, lib ltl1l and talent. Oowl rampant in every nice and aeed. a.c:t to the ~resp<>,._, Here't another one from a ~t racier: "We tru1t m u our options to .... eoun:ea become nder," the reader wroce. .Since large corpontiona tww tnc:murlna cootrOI owr ftell emaD ~ news toun:e1. and ID<Mlt IOU"* Ougiit end tnWO pay the eame nne. we muat beCome mote aidal- Mepdcll -ol what the med6ii ..... HM~ inotber mllcol: r~ lb ao dlbunk. Mlaf lbll mew die Dllr,.. 11 ..-at ....... Mmlllt 1nlililil O•• :.'t"'-lls' 'r 1t..t lbe,.... ....... Ill lllrD br the Otlcago-based Tribune Co. that somehow we take our man:hi.ng orders from them. That would be news to me and the Pilot staff. We are an autonomous and independent operation. Thus, the reason you will see stories on the same toplc ln The Thnel and the Pilot from time 10 time. 1be dilla'ence is that we write our stories from a Newport-Mesa per'Spt'Cdve and The 11mel writes from a regfonaJ peliipecthe. Al newt and business decWom at the Daily Piloc are mede locally, oot ln Los An&eles or a...,. We certainly doo't CU.CU. •odes among ounretws and nor would we "9' dilc:u9I cMll"lan .... ora.-Ot. Int.ct. the obftcdw In ~ malnla-.n and~ news =-don I know of ls to pr.-and blllanced repal1klg. Tbe...a ..... beilobia ... by= thll 1n .. '° c:: .... '-:!':.=.'::tbe .... .. Ulllllla .......... ap•'iw .. •••w1ncit• ... ...., .............. But. not so this time: ·My sense of the Daily Pilot's culture. starting with editor's from many~ ago and continuing through your own reign is one striving for accuracy, facts. and a minimum of spin." he said. •while f may not aJwa)'5 like~ I mad in the Pilot, it's DeVa' because of a lack of trustwortbin That's ls good to know and thanks to that reader for the vote of con6dence. Now here's the final lab Crom another loyal reeder. .. WU enCouraged by your column today, bcause it told us of J'OW efJons to add t.he Jlylon Blair blue With your IUff.. the e-mail .aid. •t Would hope fNf!fY nt'WS outlet in the COW\try woUld do cbc tlml thin&-bUt doUbt If they did ... I ~the OIOY POoc doeJ. rood job ol--tns l«\.ncy to &s~olche~• tnow dwn hne been atticilml In lhe pllt -prinwily.,, penann1bo ~-am m.n llll,....._.._c:ammelilll ... ... ........ ,.. ...... . ,.... ......... fl ...... .... ................. .. rman•llDIC JIOllllllntD TEll rr 10 THE EDITOR Tony Dodero is the editor. He welcomes your comments on news coverage. photography or ott. ~ ........ " you have• mwege or• lea. to.,.. eclcof, QI his dintet line llt ~ l'JIM2ll ()( theP h1ttaie.111 IQ ...... ...t ltbyHNil to ..,..,,, eek• 11 nor ..,..,._. • ._.o n 11"or Mnd it by mlil '° 330 w. 8ey St..O..~CA.mn • l ma CNnOH a1n.- 0pen House 1.spm Maanlfkent View estate, quality with S bd. suites 7.S ba. family room, library. 949.711.1526 949.644.9060 949.644.9060 NaWPOllT aaACH , ....... ... Expanct.d Broadmoor Plan. 4 bet l ba. l.arp lot. Pool, spa.NC, security~· 949.759.3741 ......................... ·l t49.759.371l alC CAJnOM SU91.lll Iii Can)ion mate lewl. 4 bd. l ba. Custom: Golf course view. t49.759.l1l9 949.717.4750 'ol 949.717.4750 949.717.4764 COllONA DR. W SI.HI .... Speaac:ular home~ rwnocWed in 2003. finl1hini touches beinc c~ ri&t't naw. 949.644.9060 I ~· QUOTE OF THE DAY "I was pray ing the whole time." St8Phllnle ~. girts soccer player GIRLS 5-6 Devoy settles debate St. Joachim advances to semis with 3-2 victory over Harbor View No. 2. Mel1nle Neff Daily Pilot COSTA MFSA -A little bit of controversy arose in a girls fifth. and sixth-grade quarterfinal soccer game in the Daily Pilot Cup Saturday at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. But. in the end, the outcome remained the same, as St Joachim advanced to today's semifinals with a 3-2 victory over Harbor View No. 2. The controversy came about in the beginning of the second half with St. Joachim holding a 2-1 lead. Harbor View's Shaye Bastien took the ball down the sideline from midfield, then curled in toward the goal. She took a shot from the side of the net and the ball skimmed the ground into the goal. Goalkeeper Valentina Buonanoce immediately went to the head official and told hJm the ball had entered the net through a hole. The official then waved off the goal, but, See DEVOY, Pqe 82 GIRLS 3-4 Andersen chalks up goose egg Melanie Neff Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -With most of its players returning from last year's squad, Andersen has had little trouble thus far Ln Its run through the Dally Pilot Cup. The third-and fourth-grade girls soccer team has shut out all three of Its opponents by the same 6-0 score. On Saturday, Our Lady Queen of Angels became the latest victim, losing to Andersen in the quarterfinals at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. However, Queen of Angels managed something against Andersen no other team has done See ANDERSEN, Pqe 14 Spotts Editor Rlchllrd Oum: (949) 574-4223 • Sports FH: (9491650-0170 DAILY PILOT CUP BOYS3-4 PHOTOS BY STrVf M,-r RANl( DA· ( f>i Newport Coast's goalie grabs the ball as a Mariners Christian player attempts a header in a seesaw quarterfinal in boys 34 action Saturday in the Daily Pilot Cup. Below, a Mariners Chrisban player moves the ball on offense. Lime with a little twist Potter's four goals pace OLQOA in 5-2 quarterfinal y.rin over Kaiser. Barry F.ulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Though the thjrd-and fourth-grade boys soccer team from Our Lady Queen of Angels has never won the Daily Pilot Cup. perhaps, now, the competition should begin to fear the Oorescent green. Dressed in loud lime-colored T-shirts, Our Lady roUed past Kaiser No. I by a 5-2 verdict in Sat urday's quarterfinal at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. cracked the sconng column. Nick Poner scored the final four goals to pace the artack. propelling the winners into today's 9:30 a.m. semifinal against Harbor Day. Then, Potter scored !Wice wnhm a om•-m111utr -.ran eight minutes into the contt'l>t. I le fired a 15 yard hullct across the net to lhe far po5t from ahout 15 yard-. out . then juked a defender and cont11111ed on with the ball dO\\ n the Michael Haeri opened the scoring in the first minute for Our Lady Queen of Angels, who led, 4-0. before l(ajser BOYS 5-6 See TWIST, Page B4 ~ights flex in shining armor Kaiser spreads field to roll past TeWinJde, 5-1 , in boys quarterfinals. Barry F1ulkner Daily Pilot cnsTA MESA -The Stars are beginning to align for the Kaiser No. l fifth-and siXth·grade boys soccer team and Coach Leisha Mello said she has the Galaxy to thank. MeDo, who gukied the Knights 10 a 5-1 quartedioal victory O\ler TeWinlde No. 2 in the quarterfinals of the Pilot Cup Saturday at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. said she has used the reigning Major League Soccer champion Los Angeles Galaxy as an example of how to use the entire field to attack opposing defenses. "I tell our guys they ha\!\' to remember the field 1s "1d~." \1ello c;a1d. "Everyone elo;e like-. to tr'O\.\'Cl into the middle of the field, but "e hle to spread the ball out to the 'Id('<,. I teU our guys to watch the (,alaxy do tlw same thmg. When they see tl1em ~ing the ball wide, it helps them reali7..e 11 can work. I'm always yelhng See KNIGHTS, Page B2 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Todd ·Macklin CdM junior hurler found rhythm and zone at the right time, helping lead Sea Kings to first-round CIF playoff win. EYE OPENER ~Jlli Sportl Hll ol ,_ __ , ... ......_ June 2 honotH JERRY DEBUSK Sunday. .J\.fie 1, 2003 11 THE BIG EASY There are highs and then lows I t was a week of h.tghs and lows. First. the highs· Some things do not change. As an ex.ample, the 42nd annual Athleoc Awards Breakfast presented by the Commodores Oub of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce on Thursday at the I lyatt Newporter Hotel. 1 lonored were 15 boys and girls from Corona del Mar High, and 15 from Newport I !arbor, and like clockwork, yet another group of high·ach.tevmg. record-breakmg champions were put on display. What beau t.ifuJ k.ids. Rich Saul. i.ubi.tituting for Irrelevant Week founder Pciul Salata, ROGER once agam '>howed whv ~me refer to CARLSON him ac; "The pin-dropper." a!> he explamed the difference between ·ramow;· and "great.· Th~ champions, their parents and coaches mirrored a prev1ous group of honore~ when the former Los Angeles Rams great did his thing at the awards b realcf ru.t. See CARLSON, Pace B3 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS SnydeF alls in CIF final After an upset victory in semifinals, CdM standout goes down to Calabasas so phomore in finals . Richard Dunn Daily Pilot HU NTINC...ION 81:.ACll -There was morning magic in Garrett Snyder's racket Saturday morning. but once it turned 10 ahemoon, the Corona del Mar I hgh semor c;tandout played a dil'ferent wand and came up shon in the CIF ~uthem Section singles champion- ships Saturday at <;eaQiff Countty Oub After knocking off top-seeded Jeffrey Das of Troy m the c;errufina.ls. 6-3, &-4, Garrett Snyder nyder squared off agamst Calabasas sophomo~ Gary Sacks in the finals. Sacks, relatively unknown heeding into the OF championships. continued • I 12 Stmly. Jooe 1. 2003 BOYS 5-6 ..... SPORTS DAILY PILOT CUP GIRLS 3-4 Top: Ari Arldersen player, left, moves the baU downfiefd io a hurry as Our Lady Queen of Arlgels race to def end in girls 3-4 quarterfinal Pilot Cup action. Left: Ari Arldersen player lines up a shot on the goal as OLQOA defender moves in during girls 3-4 Pilot Cup play. Below: A Harbor Day player moves the ball near the goal against St. John in girls 3-4 quarterfinal in the Pilot Cup on Saturday. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Brahs gets ·some help Kathryn O'Conner's hat triclc h elps Seahawks advance to semifinals today. SteveVlrc•n OailyPilot OOSTA MESA-Ally Brahs and Harbor Day'a third-and fourth-grade glda IOClCel' team continued their scoring onslaught in the Daily Pilot Cup with a 5-2 quarterflnaJ win over St. John the Baptist Saturday at the Costa Mesa Parm Complex. The Harbor Day Seahawks scored thetr five goals in the first half. Brahs, who netted a hat trick Friday, scored two goals, while teammate Kathryn Conner collected a hat trick Saturday. Brahs bas scored nine goals in the Pilot Cup, thus rar. helping DEVOY Continued from B 1 after a protest by Harbor View, decided to award the goal. "It went through the side of the net,• Buonanoce said "'We all saw it It was obvious.· "The other ref said he saw it too,• Lauren Devoy said ln the end, Devoy made sure it didn't matter. With five minutes remaining. she took the ball down the left side, wove through several defenders and converted a perfect left.footed shot from the side of the goal for a 3-2 lead. It was the second goal of the eontest for Devoy. who scored with five minutes left in the first half to gjve St. Joachim a 2-1 lead Sara Gomez got St. Joachim off to a big start when she took the opening kickoff and dribbled all the way into the box before slamming a shot into the comer of the goal with less than 20 seconds expired in the game. Harbor View came right bade and tied the score. 1-1. in the third minute when Linsday Zotovich picked up a miss by the defense at the comer of the goal Harbor Day advance to today's semifinal at 9:30 am. The Seahawb went up, 2-0, after Kathryn Conner scored two goals on breakaways and added another. Then Brahs finalized thescoringforthe winners. Harbor Day also received solid play in the mJdfield from ICaytee O'Connor and goalkeeper Jessica Beyer recorded a sensational save off a penalty kick ln the second half. St. John the Baptist, coached by Angelo Lubino, scored twice in the second half on goals by Megan Crosson. Both goals were assisted by Brooke Lux. Charlotte Gadbois and Sarah Cox also had assists for the Seahawks. while Corinne Damon contributed on defense. MThe defense was superb,· said Harbor Day Co-Coach Jim Conner, who shared duties with Paul O'Connor. SATURDAY'S SCORES at Costa Mesa Farm Complex Quarterfinals St. Joachim 3, Harbor View 2 Carden Hall 3. M ariners 0 OLOOA 3, Andersen 2 box and angled it into the opposite side of the net. St. Joachim controUed the rest of the half, led by Gomez. Devoy and Lainey Prioleau, who combined for nine shots in the first half. Harbor View goalkeeper Kytie Edwards was imp~ lcnoddng down blast after blast by the dominating trio. She finished with nine saves, playing in her first year at keeper, as St. Joachim outshot Harbor VleW, 16-7. Valentina finished with two saves for St. Joachim. ••• ln other girls 5-6 action: • Canlm IWl 3, Mariners 0: ln a quarterli.nal match, Lorm Degnmm. C.aroUne Hmdenbag and Ou1ldna <Yrowa scored as Carden Hall advanced to today's semilinals. Katz is double trouble Harbor View advances with 2-0 win over Newport Heights. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA -It was a picture-perfect pass and a picture-perfect goal that helped secure the victory and advance Harbor View to today quarterfinals of the fifth-and sixth-grade boys ~occer bracket of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. Leading, 1-0, with five minutes remaining, Sean Donovan sailed a crossing pass to a charging Michael Katz, who slammed the ball 1.nto the goal and secured a 2-0 victory for Harbor View over Newport Heights. J(atz scored both goals for Harl>or View. which outshot Newpon Heights. 11-2. ·1 knew Sean would get me the ball,• Katz said. ·1 just wan led lo be there." Harbor View took a 1-0 lead when Paul Zubatov sent the ball to Katz in front of the goal. Kacz spun and shot it past Newport Heights goalkeeper Andy Hayes with five minutes left in the half. While Katz, Zubatov, Dillon Norton and Pierce Stemler controUed the offense for I larbor View, it was the defense that kept them in the game. Goalkeeper Ryan Kontra made a goal-saving taclde in the first half and Tommy Bangert, who played in the goal in the second. pulled down a penalty kick by Jeremy Anish to keep the shutout intact. UThey were very aggressive," Kontra said. James Cunningham, Miles KelJerman. Jamie Heineck. Jamie McKeman, Dean Murdoch and Peter Inouye rotated in and out and defense and did a great job of keeping Newport Heights out of the box and keeping the ball out or Harbor View territory. Harbor View had several scoring opportunJties set up by 6eld, WI t.:k ICl'Oll die ...... lplit two d f ..-dlMlll doWn ... dlMllllllll .... . ,... ............... ... ................... " 2 ba2-0a_,. •• Oll¥ld ~ ......... .... lleclloi'~·· .. ... ... 10.,.. ...... ,.. ilhnt.a._ .. ... --••yxcttr ........... , I ...... ,. MA HF 1 II skillful passing that came up just short. Zubatov saved a ball just before it went out of bounds. chipped it to Katz. who sent it back to Zubatov at the comer of the box. Zubatov launched a shot that skimmed over the top of the goal. Later in the game, Katz went through two defenders, crossed the ball to Norton, but Hayes came out at the last second and tackled the ball away from Norton's reach. Donovan set up Norton again a few minutes later, but Norton couldn't connect on a shot in front of a wide-open goal. MOid you see me blow it?," Norton asked at the end of the game. •That was pretty bad." In the end, the whole team laughed at the missed • opportunJties, happy to be playing today against Kaiser 1 in the semifinals at 11 a.m. at the Fann Complex. •They were the best team we've played," Katz saJd. "We just look forward to our next game." STEVE McCRN« I DAILY Pl.OT TeWinkle, left. and Kaiser players due! in boys 5-6 quarterfinal Pilot Cup action SaUday. Daily Pilot CARLSON Continued from B 1 Had a pin been dropped as he told or the ultimate quest for an athlete, or anyone else for that matter, It would have sounded like a sledgehammer. every student should hear his message. often. Not just the blue chips. The Pilot profiled each or the honored athletes in Thursday's edition, but here they are again, in case you've been on the moon or something the past few days: Corona del Mar's awesome 15 included Oaire Allen, Brittney Bowlus, Man Cooper, Seeley Cummins, Blake Dillion, Artie Dorr, Ouistlna Hewko, Palge Janes. Keith Long. John Mann, Jaclde McCoy, Taytynn Snyder, Genett Snyder, Amy Tyson and Bart Welch. Newpon's best were Amy Burlingham, Amanda Campbell, Andrew Cole, Dartangan Johnsoo, Nicole Mackey, Kristin McCune, Michael McDonald, Jenna Murphy, Nedim Pajevic, Hayley Peirsol, Ross Sinclair, Michael Toole, Athena Vasquez. Nathan Weiner and Annie Wight Over a third, 11 of the 30, were aquatics standouts. ••• At the other end of the spectrum were two lows · the losses of Beverly Salata, P"dul's wife of 52 years; and a former Corona del Mar High boys soccer coach named Bill Ashcroft. Beverly's life was memoriali7.ed at St. Andrew's Presbyterian OlUrch in Newport Beach on Friday with some 900 in attendance. and later celebrated in Newpon <..enter. A native of Los Angeles, 78 and the mother of Melanie (Fitch) and Bradley. she was like all ·moms." the hean of the SPORTS FILE PHOTO Irrelevant Week founder Paul Salata and his late Wife, Beverly, enjoy a moment in San Otego. family. tier pho to wru. adorned with the cardinal and gold of USC and she left with "all her bases covered." ••• Ashcroft. a 92-year-old Coc;ta Mesan and a native of England, died on Wednesday of heart failure, which is ironic inasmud1 ru. he was ·all heart" from day'> ai. a '>Occer, squash and track and field standout. I le initiated club soccer in <...osta Mesa in the early 'ti()<;. coaching the Coast llanger. 10 three straight unbeaten ..ea .. on ... and had coaching .,Ont!> dt UC Irvine. UC Riverside and Corona del Mar High. Once a bobby with the London police and a tramer wnh the Royal Air force, he was often intertwined with Daily PiloJ Sport'> during the heyday of Pilot Sport\ Editor Glenn White (1968-78). White, who could charm the skin ofT a rattJesnalc.e one moment, than write a column so \Cathing that it would malc.e T.J. !>uner!> appear like a career choir boy. WdS devoted to Ashcroft and h1'> ~nse of fair play. So much tha1 White traveled '>Orne 3.000 mile~ from his home in CuautJa. Me)(JCO (~me 70 mtle., MJuthea'>t of MelOco City) IO co .. IJ Me:.a 111 April lo deliver an an11updle<l eulogy. Aftt:r ">Orne conver.;,auon with White (and perhapc; others) A.,hcroft appeared to have risen from 1he death bed with a m1ratulou'> n:covery. but he finally succumbed. White. who read A.,hcroft his eulogy Ill April, re1urn., 10 do it again on Wedne\day at noon a t the Pacific View Mortuary. ••• Finally. it\ June, the month of sorrow. If I had m y way lhl'rt' would be no prom .... diploma., would be mailed out and ewry ... enior. and junior. would be grounded until July 5 There's no1 much dldntl' of tha1. obviou .. ly. \O I \>\Ould 'l·llle for JUSI finding \Olllt' \t.'nl!Jr'> Ill remind 1he1r peer<, lhJt aJthough they thinl they n· indes1rucuble, [a('l'> .ind 111.rurt•., don't bear 11 out Hey' ::,ee you nc~I \untl,1v' 2003 ROY EMERSON ADOPTION GUILD TENNIS CLASSIC Seturdey l'ftUlta Men 6'nglee Open ... 5 ~mlfm•ls JMon Cooit 171 def Brendon Fellon, 6-3, 6-2. Oren MOlevHsel (31 def Bryan Ju1mo ( 1 I. 6-4, S 7, 7 ~41 Doubte. Open-415 ~m1finals S.nrtnone-Ben1stone def Heniandez·Hoffmenn (21. 7 ~61. 6-7(41 6-4. Devis P1te 111 def Letu Men Son Hing, 7~51 7 S J581>d-5Mn1final• Devis Pete (21 def Devldaon Howie 6-2, 6-3. Aldndl Pugh (1 I def Hernandez Men Son Hing 131, I> 3. 6-3 J!I SMnrfinalt Alva-Moore def Flennety f'Mti1 (21. 6-4. 2-6, 6-2. We1n-Wh11e (31 def AnO"fO Beker ( 11 6-3, 3 ~. 6-4 4.0 5-m1f1nals Curet Letllam (31 def Gnogs-Mathenv (21. 6-7. 6-1 6-1, Glazer-Hoffman (SI def Shows Smith 2-6. l';-3, 6-4 45 ~m1fin•I• Duddy Grey def Metcuyeme Wong (3). 7 6. 6-1, Ouealer·Nelaon (11 clef Capuano Miller. 6-3, 6-2 5.0 ~mlfin11/1 Oo1 Linn (21 def Parente-V1lpara1ao, 4-6. 6-2, 6-2; Myers Treger (11 def Zete·Adam1. 6-3, :HI, 6 3. 5.5 Sem1fin11/s Hyman-Juneau def Brown Gnscom, 6-1, $-2; Kelty M1rzole 13) def H1m1hon-JenMn, 7~61. 6-3 1.0 Sem1flnal• Nguyen.Now!dl (31 def Ffentt IVen.on. 6-2. ~. 6-2. Baez Croa (41 def Bonman-Oelaney t 11. 7-6, 2-6. 6-3 Women Singtee Open/U s.mmn11i. en.tlna Vi9'CO (4) def Elizebeth E11on pe ; Erica s.-t, 6-0. 6-2. Doublee " Semlfinat. Comellue-Metheny (4) def. Huyn~ Tr en (8), 2.e, 1-5, 7-6(5), Honreth-Morang ( 11 def. McN.,,_.Sherwold (31, 7-6(61. 6-0 4.0 Semifinal• Hemendez·f'wlrill def. Swert>erg-Young (6), 6-1. 6-1; Howlrd- Wegg def. Feul·McOontkl, 6-0, 6-3. · u SMnlRflM• Ooboe-Natlboff C3l def. Kimbro-ftugglo, ~11 t;.7(6),6-3; Brown-Wtlliemt CJe'I. Morgen- num-~. 6-2, l';-2. 1.0 SMniflnll# Hewb-Wilder def. Burlt...o.vld 121. s99es &UP PHOTOS BY MARK C DUSTIN /DAILY PILOT Top-seeded Bryan Ju1rno concentrates on the ball as he gets ready to make contact on his forehand return. Jum10 faced 10th-seeded Tony Bujan m the Round of 16 in the men's open singles last Sunday at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. Below, Allison Lloyd hits a forehand . 6-2 6-1, Hoffmenn·Ven L1noe def Davis Lemons ( 11, 6-2. 6-4 5.WO 56m1finals Worley Seeman def Canfield Wilson 121. 6-2, 4-6, 6-3, Glngow-Thomson (41 def. Bezmahnov!Ch Anderson. 7 6151 3-6. 7-6(31 Mill8d doUbliel 3.5 Semifinals Nguyen-Nguyen def OeP11ul·Wein 6-7, 6-3, 6-3 121. Alva-T11kahash1 131 def Kinard-~ ( 11. 7·6, 7-5 4.0 Semifinal• Helium-Hallum (4) def Amen-Nehr1ictt·Mlhaloo (21. 7 6(21, 6-3; um-Pham def. Albrecht·Bardna1, 6-3, 6-0. u S.mlfinnl Banc:roft-Eperthener (~I det H1hn- Neotu,,. (2). 6-4, :HI, 6-4. Oobos- Aichardllon 181 def. Covey-Spear. 1';-1. 6-2 l.O Semlflnat. Frec:alosy-Ktdlols def Devie·Ooggrell 4TIRES ........ ..... 1eena1a 111/10R11 1111TOR14 (21. 6-4. 8-7(61. 7~8); l.emon•Velpareiao (5) def. Nicttolt-Sutherlend, 7-6. 8-2. 5.5 s.tnififlM• IMri·RoMt (4) def. Mllltlop-Adame (2), 6-2. 7-6151. Corley-Thomeon t 11 def. Motorcraft9 011 and Fitter Change Bezmelinov1ctt-G1lm11n 2 6, 6-3, 7-6161. 6.0 ~mt finals Finlay-Monk def. Bentzer Abella, 6-3, 6-0. Pooler-Fears def Kr1naon Shapiro (1),6-4, l-6, 75 Sonday, Jooe 1. 2003 .~ NEW 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO \ 8289~-~t ·' r ii r 1~~ I IT ml IDIE PllmT .A ... ·'· n a IEllE • 111 •ua oca•m ~ Sl 000 foctory rebale oM SJ AW a.Slomer 'cnn ~ SS ~w pl.I l()l & llc.n.. 0.. OI i.o. ~No *---y d.po.11 requored JQCXX) total ~let per i.os. '•"' 10t per mole r+.toh• --.. Ill ....... JeepTCHRYSLER CllTI mlA TAIC[ SS IWY -(877) 321-6337 EX" FAii DI. TO MHBOR Al prices e-.dude governmen1 f.., ond to'lft °"Y finol'ICe char~ ony d.ol.. ~ preporO!oon cloge ond ony ~ '""'9 chotge f~., 6/5/00 SIGN-UPS GOING ON NOW! PERFORM AT THE OIUUIGE COOR f Y FAIR aiW .. 11 ... 'H RDCA SUMMER CHEER CAMP Eal.h camp "'tll have the opponunt1y 10 perform ar the 0 C Fair' Each camp include' T-Sh1rt. Short ' C:h \elh: lap.: dam.~ routine\, 4x6 learn pholo. pom ·porn'. 'n.itk' dill.! adml\'IOll 10 1hc 0 ( F<tir \/)( 1 n 11'r111u.J ,1nd 'r' rvfu/ h, I, u A, lhl c "'' t1h1u /•·"''' 1, ,, 'ti/''', Jlkl 1h,crlt~'4r/.1t ,h1 L\ lfv,./,r /lt11Jr U"d \fl\ t II}'/''" \ &J f ,,,.,, \( \ 1n.\/fM1t"' ht r lt"Ulll\ hdH "'''" m111t1pf1 d"'t1rrJ• 11t /,,, cJI J\ ,, t If cl H.111• .Jfu/ tt4J/1 'fkll m(•t litlr,11\ 1/11 ""' htn 1vrf ·tn1 ~n I fi>1 All\ I \f lt1tt• t .im '" J f" .•, .,.J "''it, n. 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FREE 100 POINT SAFETY INSPECTION "JOU would r-, • to kllOW wtwl ,our oer n11de OOMe vlllt •for .. prof111l1Ml•••lnelm tOPtml v.lued Ill ...... See o. ... rahlp for ....... Ofter Wllld wfth coupon. etlw:t. 84 Smday, .Alne l, 2003 SPORTS DAILY PILOT CUP GIRLS 5-6 STEVE McCRANK /DAILY PILOT A player for St. Joachim, left, and Harbor View, right, battle for the ball in girls% quarterfinal action Saturday in the Pilot Cup. Lady Queen of shootouts Dolphins slip past Andersen, 3-2, in best-of-five penalty kicks after 0-0 tie in regulation. Steve Virgen Daily Pilot cosrA MFSA -If the Daily Pilot Cup had an award for Best Game. the girls fifth-and sixth-grade girls soccer quarterfinal match between Our Lady Queen of Angels and Andersen would assuredly be a top nominee. The eventfuJ game ended in a 0-0 tie, which set up a dramatic penalty-kick shootout Saturday at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. Our Lady Queen of ANDERSEN Continued from B 1 Angels won, 3-2, in the best of five shots and advanced to today's semifinal at 9:30 am. With the shootout score tied, 2-2, Our Lady's Stephanie Nealey lined up for the final shot. Nealey, the goalie who recorded two saves in the shootout, found an operung at the bottom left comer and scored. ·r was praying the whole time,· said Nealey, who did not know her shot would be the game-winner. Ml was surprised by that. But I probably would have been even more nervous if I knew that. (When the shot went inf, I screamed so loud. I was so happy." Both teams entered Saturday's game with two shutouts apiece in as many games. During regulation, the Angels outshot in the tournament -a shot attempt. In fact. it took two. Taylor Wong's shot was the only offense Queen of Angels m ustered in the first half, as Andersen controlled the game and kept the ball on offense the entire period. McKenzie Brown scored two goals and Sarah Craig added one, before Anna Venturini tallied the final three of the half for a 6-0 lead. Brown scored the first goal five minutes in when s e n e rou a pac , weaving in and out of defenders. then popped a shot into the upper-right corner of the goal. Ten minutes later, Craig got the ball on a breakaway and, with a defender giving chase, slammed a shot just out of the reach of goalkeeper Natalie Cllase. Andersen. 7-0, including five shots on goal in the second half, but they could not get past goalie Cicily Lewis. "This was a great game,'' Angels Coach John Carvelli said. MThis is why we do this. This tournament is awesome. The people involved, the refs, the coaches, the parents and everybody is so enthusiastic, respectful and polite." A.J. Rome and Amanda Johnson scored goals in the shootout for the Andersen Dolphins. Jackie Smith. Kate Baldoru and Nealey scored for Our Lady Queen of Angels. Lewis recorded one save in the shootout and another shot went wide right for the Angels. Nealey had two saves in the shootout and another shot went wide left for the Dolphins. Lewis finished with eight saves. "I was confident in our girls." Carvelli said. "We have l\ who are capable of scoring in that shootout. fLewisl blocked two of our best players. She played a great game. We dominated that game, but she really stopped us." Lewis made her best save with three minutes left. An Angels' player was about to kick the ball into the net from five yards out, but Lewis slid and covered the ball to end the scoring threat. "We have a great group of girls." Andersen Coach Jeff Rome said. "Some of the girls have been together for seven years. It was son of a great way to go out as a class. Everyone on the team gave it their all• Harbor View, left, and St. Joachim, right, players battle for the ball in girls% grade quarterfinal play of the Pilot Cup Saturday. STEVE McCRANK/ DAILY PILOT Andersen kept up the pressure and, one minute later, Brown scored h er second goal. She stole the ball from a d efender and rut a sbot from just inside the 18-yard box to make it 3-0. play at school together and AYSO. So it's a pretty talented group." SATURDAY'S SCORES Then it was Venturini's tum, a~ she Goallceeper Undsey Luke, who plays for the Slammers, saw her first action of the· tournament when she was forced to make a save on Wong's shot. Queen of Angels' Allyson Bernardy got off another shot in the second half off a pass from Jeni Penunuri, but It hit the side of the net. at Costs Mess Farm Complex Andersen 6, OLQOA O Harbor Day 5, St. John 2 • scored all three goals in the final five minutes of the half, two off assists from Craig and one tlom Anika Gerken. "A lot.of our core group played last year," Andersen Coach Oaudio Venturini said. ·we have some club players and they In the second half, Oaudio Venturini relaxed the offensive pressure and had his team play defense to keep the shutout intact without rubbing It in. Queen of Angels was able to put some pressure on, but Bemardy's shot was the only one of the second half. TWIST by, once again. shooting across team last season. said her team ball just outside the right the goal into the left comer of -played its best game of the goalpost early in the second Continued from Bl the net. tournament Our Lady tied hall With a 4-0 lead and the game Mariners. 4-4, then defeated Nolan Mena was a catalyst apparently In hand, Haeri was Mariners Christian, 1-0, in pool for Kaiser, coached by Gerardo right slde, 6nishlng a long solo dismissed early so he could play. advancing as pool Jimenez. The Knights advanced run with a shot inside the near rush off to his baseball game. champion over Mariners by out of their pool by defeating post. Kaiser then closed to within virtue of one fewer goal SL John the Baptist, 4-3, then Our Lady goalie Parker 4-2 with goals by Aaron allowed. topping SL Joa~ 3-1. Reuter made three saves, Cervantes and Joel Karen Potter concurred, Olris Haas, Jack Presson, including a diving stop late ln Vascomcelos, but Potter booted adding that the players seem to Colin McNemey, Erle ihe ftrst half that preserved a home a direct lcict &om about be moving better as a team at 1.amucien, MJtc:bell Meleski, 3.0 halftime lead. while 25 yank out to finalize the both ends of the field. Brecht Van't Hof, Kent Smith Jonathan Walsh anchored the ecodng for Our Lady Queen of Kevin Cortez made five and Anthony Prandlco aJso back ltne to keep Kaller ~ co-<:oached by the first-half saves for Kaiser, contributed to the victory for contained. mother-daughter tandem of before gJvfng way to Aaron Our Lady Queeo of Ancel& Polter ICOred ap1n eerly in Karen and JeMica Polter. White, who ICOpped three tbe lleCOnd JO.minute t.Jf, Jesa&ca Pbtter, a aophomore abots.. lndudlng a one-handed ••• COf'.l\'erting a c:roa &oni 1-Wri on the M.ter Del ffWt vmlty ·~ in which be defJected the In other 'JOyS 3-4 acdon: f '· , Daily Pilot BOYS 3-4 Dolphins rally for 4-3 victory Mariners Christian's ' three goals in final six minutes key quarterfinal win. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -There was so mucb excitement, even several parents were left drained after an emotional Daily Pilot Cup quarterfinal soccer game between Mariners Ouistian and Newport Coast Saturday at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. The two third· and fourth-grade boys teams battled throughout 50 minutes of well-played soccer. The Mariners Quistian Dolphins overcame a 3-1 deficit, scored three goals in the final six minutes and won, 4-3, to advance to today's semifinals. Steven Miller scored his third goal for the game-winner with one minute remaining. Miller's hat trick was thoroughly impressive, considering Newport Coast had not allowed a goal in its two games prior to Saturday. Mariners 01ristian will face Rea today at 9:30 a.m. for the right to play in the championship at noon. MWhen they went up, 3-1, I thought we were dead and buried," said Mariners Quistian Coach Phil Miller. "I didn't do anything. The players were the ones who turned it on and won this game. That sh ows you what kind of spirit they had. That was one of the most exciting games I've seen in quite awhile." Newport Coast Coach ·net "Ted" Bui also thought the game was exciting and competitive. He said, even though the Coyotes built a I ·O halftime lead, he thought his team was playing catch-up because one of his best players, Quis Freeman. missed the first half. Newport Coast went up. 1-0. with five minutes left in the first half. Connor Gaal struck for a goal after his shot sailed over the goalies' head and outstretched hands. At halftime, the Coyotes hoped for the return of Freeman. who came late from a baseball game. Mere seconds SATURDAY'S SCORES at Costs Mass Farm Complex Quarterfinals Rea 3, Adams 0 OLOOA 5, Kaiser 2 Harbor Day 2, Andersen/Lincoln 1 Mariners Christian 4, Newport Coast 3 before halftim e ended, • Freeman sprinted onto the field, smiling and reveling amid cheers from his teammates. who welcomed him with hugs. Five mjnutes into the second half. Freeman quickly made his presence felt. He scored shortly after Gaal's sideline throw-in near midfield. Freeman used his above-average speed to create a breakaway and finished it. Two minutes later, Steven Miller broke Newport Coast's 131-minute shutout streak after winning a ball 15 feet from the net. I lowever, five minutes later. Freeman scored another goal. giving the Coyotes a 3-1 lead with 13 minutes left. But the Dolphins remained confident because they had more scoring opportunities than Newport Coast. But the Dolphins just weren't finishing. until they went on their three-goal run in the final six minutes. Miler scored from I 0 yards out to draw the Dolphins to within 3-2. Then. with three minutes left, Mariners Cllristian received the benefit of an own goal. as the ball went off a Newport Coast player and into the net. The Dolphins' Oaniel Gills was credited with the goal. In the closing moments of the second half, there were two i.toppages because of Newport Coast injuries. But the Coyotes kept coming. Steven Miller, Timmy Root and Sam BarkJey were responsible for several scoring chances for the Dolphins. while Andrew Bohne and Daniel Tobeny controlled the midfield. Goalie Oark Cashion anchored the defense. David Moore, Cole Gennrich, Michael Bui and Hunter Molnar also contributed for the Coyotes. whose goalkeeper was Scott Youngman. STEVE McCRANI< I DAILY PILOT A player from Kaiser, left, and Our Lady Queen of Angels, right, are not doing the latest dance step. They're keeping their eyes gt ued to the ball in boys 3-4 quarterfinal action Saturday. • Uncoln (No. I) def. • Harbor D9y 2, Uncoln (No. Andenen on penalty-kick lhootout: The teams had l) I : ln a quarterfinal. Harbor Day Jumped out to a quick 2-0 identical pool records, each lead but Uncoln fought back ln ha~ beaten Rea, 6-0, and the second half when Gooding tied n they played each launched a 25-yard shot put other. That set up a the Harbor Day goalie. Uncoln penalty-kick shootout to mounted a furious rally In the determine which team would last few minutes, but Harbor advance to the quarterfinals. Day was able to wtthstand the Uncoln beat Andersen ln the onslaught and preeeM the lhootout when Kiel W.., win. Uncoln coeches am-- Nldt ~ .. Nick Oad and ~and JabD Omd JA Dllwn Md\ drllled their praieed the e«on ol both teams penalty kkb into the back of stad.ng, •0ur ldda fought hard the net. lJn(1o1n goalie Andrww and repreeented Uncoln well. McC.anMdl atopped two We're proud ol them and -Andenen ,lbota to aecure the • wfeh Halbor o.y luck In tbe win. eetnilL. ' ' ,( \ SPORTS GOLF Fund-raiser is driving for children P laying a round of golf with rwo football players quickly proved that a golf ball can be hit much further than my thin frame is able to produce. When Newport Co&t's R.J. Kros and San Diego's Dukie Williams swung their driver1>, a "whoosh" !IO<>n foUowed and the ball would 7jp off the club ao; If it had just been launched with rocket fuel behind it. Watching these soaring drivt'S provided the m01>t entenainment during the Ornnge County Qlapler of OUJdhelp U~ 21 SI annual Celebrity Golf Classic - hosted by fonner Ram1> all-pro center Rich Saul -held May 22 at Pelican Hill Golf Oub in Newport Coast. Williams retired in 1988 after spending seven sea'iOn~ a:. a wide receiver with the llaiders and was part of the silver and black\ Super Bowl champion'ihip team in 1984. The left-hander powered through a golf ball with a torrid tum, blasting his driv1..~ d own the fairway. often catching the down slope to add 20 yardi.. We playt!d a shamble fom1at, which allows team member; 10 MACKLIN Continued from Bl BRYCE ALDERTON place their ball at the spot of the best drive and each play out the hole from there. Net.>dless to say we used WtUiams' and Kros' drives almost three-quarters of the tinle. 'flle cart Wtlliams and I rode in contained an elet.1ronic yard~e guide, which allows you to see how much further you bave to the hole, or how far a drive sailed. One of Kros' drives wound up 294 yards from the tee, a shot that wouJd easily clear my best by 40 yards. And that wouJd be pushing it. Where I lacked in drivi~ distance, I uied 10 make up for in iron play or around the green~ After sending my tee shot on our opening hole in the shotgun format -the par-3 'lixth -into a Wttd-covef('d hillside. I faced an eigh1-foot pun su-dighl dawnhiU. I tapped the ball softly and let it roU into the cup for a birdie for our fivewmr, which also included quaner horse jockey Ciery Boag and Mighty Ducks' radio and televlsion analyst Brian Hayward. That pun quickly erased the memory of the 7-iron I shot over the green moments earlier. Memories will remain in my mind from this day: from Kros and William.'i reliving the rigors of training camp, laughing at the top or their lun~ about the strain their bodies took. to Boag. who sneaked behind and shocked Wtlliams in the back of the neck with a toy "buu...er" the si7.e of a silver doUar. We shot I I -under on the par-71 Ocean North course, not enough 10 win, but a pretty solid round in my book.. A different kind of "shock" ~urrounded me the entire day. from the m oment I anived at the cow-se to the minute I left, I was treated like a celebrity. just like fonner football greais Deacon Jon~ and Vince Ferragamo, or actors Robert I lays and Bob Donner. Event co-chairwomen Olristine Bren and Debra Violette. along with Eileen Saul and countJess volunteers, re~atedly asked if I needed TODDMAOWN llorn: Sept. 17, 1915 Hometown;~ Buch hardly come as a surpn-.e to < .dM LA>at h John Emme. d~n't like a pitch. he'IJ show iL n le mec.:hani~ have been fine. He just had to work on hi'> tenacity and location. I le has done a fant~lk job and he ha'> been great." HettiM: 6-foot·2 Wettlht 165 Spoft: 8He~ll ~ PltchefkencM fl.+def c:o.dl: John Emme F....._fooCStnk ,_..--.: •stwett• anything and feverishty wurkl-d to ensure I had a group to play in. The emphasis of the day's eveots shouJd be placed on the money raised to aid abw;ed children. Eileen SauJ said proceed!. totaled a littJe more than $100,000, similar to last year\ figures. "Way to go" and a "thank yuu" to all who made the tournament possible. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebrafJflg the Dally Pilot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 22 -Martt Meyers Orange Coast Men's basketball, '02 19 -Joe Barber Corona del Mar Bovs tra~. ·02 prepare for the 2003 season. l11ii. year. hl· ha.., been coming into h1'> own He said a lot of tha1 had to do with hi!> game preparation and h1c, teammates. ·Ever since after the Pnde of the Loa-.1 lbumarnenl. he has l:>een throwmg that way every ume out," Emme 'Wild. "I le h.c. gotten 10 the point that we now expect 11 and that\ what every pitcher want.'-· Ma<:klin\ dl"\tre to wm ha1> alc;o been helpful throughout hio; playing da}~ which ~an with only modera1e sucu~ in the Newport Beach IJttJe Le·dgue. .... ....._. _,...-: "Pltdllng. "I've been k~pmg the ball down. 1u.-.1 '>taytng calm and no1 gt.'llmg too ex.clled." Mack.Jin said "If I get too exated. ru try 10 mw;cle the ball If I !>lay calm. my arm '>ldy<. more relaxed." Macklin'!\ progression ru. a pitcher rook dramatic suides when the CdM jwwr ~tarted to calm his competitive !.ptnl. I le ha., al\Y-d)"> wanted to win. He just needed to relax a hu. ~~~~ ] for 4, inducing I J0to hoft'9 M'I with fOUt ltlls (in I 1~1 wtrl llt Llgunl a.adl April 25).. On the day when he starts a game, Mack.Jm devote. sigrufican1 wne to preparation. "Todd has really developed as a pitcher," Emme said ·1 le.new he had great -.tufT. hut there were just a few change.. tha1 he needed to make. We abo lei him commurnu.ste Wlth !catchers Danny Marin-i-:inn and Wt..,.., Presson) and call pitche<.. n1at al'>O hel ped hinl improve. tie has heen a dominant pitdier the past month and a half. • 1 wa!>n't o ne of the better player. m li1tJe league,· Maddin ~d. • 1 didn't come around until later. But, IU1tk League! was fun and a ll'ammg experiepce. • After UttJe League, Mad~lin competed fo r a few travel team.'> and "I try to stay focu'>t'd cm that game throughout till' day." Mack.Jjn '><Ud. "It ..on L::====================~ of hurts my grade-.. n. '"'*In~ He 1tnw five fOUt-hit lmir9 to lmpr°""'9 to 6-2 ~ aho hit I thfw1V\ homer to tMilp SH KJngs trotftOI ~ ••l. In the flnt round of the Of Southern Section o~ rv playoffs May 21. DllJPlll Coll«ror rpotU CMd .,;es "Todd h~ alway:. had a great a1utUlJe." F.mme continued. "I le te nd., to wear Im emotions on his sleeve. Sometiml'S. if he began to gain confidence. Last year, as a sophomore, he i.aw action on the mound m only three mrun~. yet he continued to because I think about the game so much. When I get on the field, I ju'>t try not to get too amped. I.At.I week.. I juM '>di in the comer and took deep breath5.." SNYDER Continued from Bl lus breakthrough -.ea.<.on ~th a b-1, 6· 3 vtctory over Snyder in the utJe malch. "Maybe I left some or lmy game in the semifinal match!. I didn't have the magic in this lfi· nail match." said the Universiry of fexas-bound Snyder. who~ prep career includes one more match -the Clf Division I team championship again!.t ~ta Bai· bara on Wednesday at the Clare· munt Oub. where the Sea King:. wiU try to win tJicir third ..ectiun titlt: in five year!\. "It's been a great individual ca· rcer, I guef>S. I'm looking forw-.ild to WedneM!ay's team champ1on- ~hlp march. and hopefully we'U bring home the bacon," added Snyder, who won ~uthem Sa· llon doubles ulle<. the la5t 1wo '>t'a.l>O ns. Snyder, the No. '1 o;eed. elimi- nated Stanley Sarnpamch from < re<.centa Valley. 6·4. 6-4. in the Hound of 16, then <,wept Brent· wood\ Enc McKean. 6-3. i' ·6 (3) m the quarterfinal'> C..,nytler, who IO'>l to Das in a third '>Cl tiebreaker at the Ojai Valley fenms lournament, up'>t'l the top c;eed in the ..emifinalc, m cunvmcing fa!>htun. ~11day .Junt' I l'OO J 8!> • 11 wa..' a gJ"t'dl ~nubnJ.I, • <.JM toacll fun Mdllg '>Cl.Id "(...im:tt wus l'l'a1ly into 11 II wa.' .s l.u1w-. uc win for tum." In the champton!>hlp mart.h, Sacks w.ed a ~erful forehand to dominate matterh early. wl11l1• Snyder W3.) &till tryulg tu ctdJlbl to hi!. new opponent • I lwt'll au other thing I didn't le.now wha1 lo expe<-1, beca~ I had nt'Ver played l~d.'>I befurc, • \nydt.>r "MIJd. "Garrell didn't hdVt' 11111t• tu fl>; we our a game plan," MclHK '>illd l:arHt'r tJrn, year. '>ad.,, I ti, WUI I the boy~ I lh national utJc di tJ1< Muter.,paw champ1rn1'>hl(l'> 111 I~ Vega.'>. qualified tor a prn challenKer tourmm1ent dn<l fin i~hed 1htrd at tJ1e I ...t.'>tt.'1 fsowl 111 the I&. "My KOci.I at lhl' htwnr1tn~ 11f the year ww. lo \'\ 111 ( II ... "'1< b \ald. "I le.flt'\'\ II \'l.J..'> J lllUrlldllll'lll I'd Wte to wtn, bu1 d'> J '>Opho more you ldJl 1 red.II} n.pt.~1 tJtut There are J lot ul ~ood plJ} e1' who are in 11 Snytlt:r. \'\ 1111 Wd.'> proud ol "" ~m1final win brult· \a\ b '>t'rl.•' for the fir,1 urnc at I. :; 111 thl· -.t·< und -,ct l orntnK 111 1lw nl't 011 Jll O\.erhe.ttl '>rlld.'>h for d -tlJ ~J t•dgl then \'l.1 nntnK on \.st~' lung \.Ill ley. ~d. .. '>. hu~t'VN. hrukl C...n\d1·1 in the next ganw. ~huh 1111 ludnl an t>lu:hc1Ilge of drup ,hot,, 111 ,,. ture thl' thamp1011.,h1p ~u ,, {rraJ,·, \~ ....__";/ SOLIS [..';\"ES'T .'lE~'I' (} R' JI I 1 Stock Market's Up. Stock Market's Down. 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THI S YEAR 'S SU MM ER RESOURCE G UIDE • Weekend Act1v1tie s • How to Get There and Where to Park • Summer Sports & Camps • Fourth of July Along the Coast • Dining Destinations • What's Happening & Where -All Summer Long • Art Festivals • Calendar of Events Don't miss this great opportunity to have your advertisement be seen "ALL H summer long by our readers from Sunset Beach to Laguna Beach I AREAS OF CIRCULA'TION INCLUDE: DAILY PILOT -Friday, June 13. 2003 ewport Beach • Costa Mesa • Corona del Mar • Newport Coast HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thursday, June 19, 2003 Huntington Beach • Huntington Harbour • Sunsec Beach COASTLINE PILOT -Friday, June 20. 2003 \ Laguna Beach Total distribution: 78,000 homes Daily Pilot 949-642-43 21 I. "OUllA I lACIC th flU1fO• h'I• INDEPENDENT COASTLINE PILOT 949 ... 642-432 1 949-494-4 32 1 A special page will publish in th<• Ddily Pilot on Frid.ly, jun .. 20 lo honrn our graduates For your dau~htC'r, son. rnend or spec1dl someonl' bt• ,1 p.1n 01 1hi- tr1bute ior only S40 00 (2x2 .1d1 Fill 1n the form below .md mail 11 to u' w11h 1h1·1< photo. Be sure to put the n.tmP Jnd .1ddres<. on the back ot the· photo ,md \'\(' 11 return 11 to you Graduate's Information: Submi11ed by: C.raducltP ~ N,imt• ~thoolName ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .\hour tflf' ~r.1rluJIP floblJ11'' mlt>""" "' ru1111" p/,,,,, L 1m11P<f tn -'<I '~ord nlf'\..,1i:f Address:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credit Card No.:---------Exp ·-- Signature for credit card: ----------- 1/f wxi prt>fet you may f'nclow S40 c/'w>clc made p.ivable to ·odrl~ P11ol ·1 M.J1I this form with phofo to 2()()3~" D AILY PILOT 330 W. Bay Street •Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Policy How to Place A --Deadlines-- Rates and deadlines are subject ·to -change without notice. lbe publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, -• revise or reject any classified CLASSIFIEIAD -iii Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm advcrtisemenL Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts By Fax (949) 63 1-6594 <Plca.-c include yow tw11JX llnd phone numbtt nl we 'II Q!J you t:i.cl with a pncc quoee.) By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By MaiUin Person: 330 Wcs1 Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd. ~ Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm • no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actuaJJy occupied by the error. Credit can ooJy be aJlowcd for the first insertion. Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Mooday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 1010-1770 230S·2490 . -.--,.. • . . ' ' -. _..._ -.. " l ESTAn R SAll 3010-3940 500S-5150 : Colledlbla/ Memorabilia 1160 Lost 1505 Cab 361Q FO•GIT THE SJOCIC --------------MAUlTI ~ r-*ir lOST DIAMOND RING @ Ho a& Hosp1tlll I undra1ser @ Edwards Theitlher 1n womens restroom REWARD ~ 6'13J703 100+-mcua> KJ'rTDG, needs only one around '°" ss • •rcottDS nc 1m. Cll:lllL. [le. !Os ~ !Ds Ill Altec. sp... hAle MrC>S Mike 949 645 7505 EHTERTAINMENT Calendar of Evenes 1310 (QUAl HOUSltG OPfOl1lllTY JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-o Coln Needs Old Cc1111sr Gold. \!Iver, Jl.'WClry, w"tches an~ collectibles 949 642·9448 CATS. DOCS pllOI05 on-ft level par Iner on lruly www.a•••llfwo'k.orl prom1s1n1 product line~ ~ faslmn lsUnd :.m Slly's the hm1t. Se11ous DAY tU.lli QWW1TU u II 94 9 295 5824 98-644-2279 meetlna i1 ppo1nl me nt fl& SPAY lor ,_,..,.. aiAI •on .. 1x ______ _ gt al ~ 949-533-0411 Riii EsbD PetAdopaons 3660 SeMca CO-She.,Mr<h all colors. all sizes for adoption to qual1t1ed homes WWW 8VHCU8 0<8 O< 714-773-5915. ........ ,0w .... Office .._..._,t MMmtoNG NOf'al'WS All rul estate adver h\ma 1n tho\ newspnper IS \Ubit'U lo th~ ~ edeu1I f dll Huu"na At I ol 1968 a s dmended wt11<h m•kn ot 1lle&"I lo <1dver hs~ "1ny pr eler ent e l1m1tat1on nr d1sc11minat10n baud on race, tolor. teh&1on se•. hand1,llp larwh.il \latus 01 nahonal 01111111 or 10 01tenl1on lo makt' any su'h prele1~"'"· 11m1t;1 hon or d1su 1minahon • Auctions 1483 MISCEUANEOUS ~====:;;;;;;;;;;;:: MERCHANDISE 1470 ,_. 1reo, Sh 200 Nowpert ...... Ca. t4t-71t-4600 WANTED Miscellaneous ANTIQUES Mermandtse I h" n,wspapu will not kno•rnety accept ,.,,y .idver ll\en1t:nl for real uliile whl(.h ·~ in v•olahon of the law Our rt'aders are hereby informed that .ill dwell Inf\ ad•er ttsed 1n lh1s newsp.iprr are available on •n equ•I OPPor tunily bn1s fo complain of dis cr1m1nation <llll MUO toll lree al I 800 424 8590 Estafl Sales 1486 .. ,... & s... 1617 lradewwlO\ ln. Vintaee Rattan F 1r n l<IXl ._wa.-i Older Stylo FurnitJKe PIANOS i C.olledib4es ·~-·-....... . s..--......... o-... ,_~ ... $$ CASH PAID $$ ;:64M922g SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2202So.ll.i.!ll Sellla"-.C.lt2707 9undiPf' I., .,.... ...> •t'tM ~ Nodllles ' ~ Cats 3610 Newpon Itch OdCArt l lh LOST Cocka~ pey, wtirte, Soo ...................... yelluw, °'"~ cheells, wll ocicats@cybefhollone com wlJIS11e Name Sk1tlfu Hurry SSOO 949 646 8473 Rewdlrt 949 232 5999 St!ll :yo ur Car In ClaU /flt!d I Laree earden waaon, do& house, double stroller 949-515 9312 l -snn IUtlDINGS Up to 70'r. off' 40a60. ~dOO. S8xl20 Best Oller! Can Deliver' Roy (800) 499 2760 WANTED JAPANESE SWottDS AND •nAnO IHMS 949-494-17J1 3905 ....., _ _, '" ~ your own buslnes, T~ of u panctlnc7 Need help 1 Cati 1-866-257~175 tor al your busres.s 'ons..lbn& ~ AAA VENDING •oun 8l S46'c lk.ts Prme IQ. cations. 1955() llMsl 25~ down wac. ln}-391).!QI I AISOWTl GOLOMIN(I 60 vend1n1 machine$ with ucellent lout1ons 1111 lor S10.fB5 lnl-ZJ4.6£2 HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Plnimlla 503 ... ..,.. Comnwaa' rllMdnnbll mued ~ dose to fun Zone $799,<IXl 8kr 9&251·9'44 CoronadllMar New u.-. 5Bt plus bonu$rm rt~ .. Custom pool. spa & Gazebo to the I& .__,,,. decll on the upper ie...i VtSUs bl~ UM! Of p anile nlllf tMe & lots of love SI, 950.000 Judy Kobr, Blu 949 J76 5576 JASMINE C•JH Sin& story 2br 2b1 den Roaers Cardener landscaped Handicapped ready Very low ma 1nl .f.ssoc w/tenn1s, pool Call for appl By Owner 949 640 8777 ------------------,_,,.,. er... r abulous ioc.t>on on the areenbeltl 3br <*\/wort.Olli room. u tr1 II !iv/rm w/fp. ac. pie 11\*ded. poots, ~·s & tennes. $799,000 Judy Kolar Btu ~ J76 5576 TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS N.wWmp,,,...... l ocaibof1 & VllJd :& SI :.mJ.1JJ :& Sl.ZJ9.000 2Br sum.ooo BJ ~ Ptud C.Rly 9&nl-Oll2 O"N SAT-SUM 1-4 715 AVOCADO AVI Wall\ to COM Villa1e beaches. F adlion Island Prtce R1n11 $395,000 to S.425,000 714·39&·9661 • •COMING SOON• • C.....C.-4el- c ...... ·~­COASTlM llU&.TY t4t-7St-0177 'llMI ISTATIS ,ATIKI TINOl.I N.ATIOMW1Dt USA 94t-H6-t70S www patr1cllten0f1.com 1515 loll 1516 PERDIDO-Por Favor ayudenos encrontar nuesbo perro de Familia. Perdlclo 4119/03. Hay premio de $400.00 para informacion que nos ayude encontrar Nuesbo pero gutrklol U1m1r 949-842-6453 Lost/Please help us find our lost famlly member. a::ost on 4119'03. There Is a $400.00 reward for lnfOrinltlon lucllng to . Still Missing!! ..., whereabouts. ; HELP!/ Please call : 949-842-6453 - Index \ ~ ' .,,. . . -- '.a,.i ---- llWPOIT IOOt Of8I SAT-Siii 2-S -~"'*rt 122u1nwe ID.,.. Hi&NY waded 21r 2ba condo. Westciff area. $393.lm By Owntt ~'9'2 • lll"1"4sltw C-r-ys fhe ~I of £~ in tht5 ~ 48< 2.5& w/a wtne celllr. llbraty i1nd panot amec v~ ~om !Im bluff tap home. You mus t see th is one .S:Z. 799.<XX> -et . Joan 9e9-707-4440 A aoqsm s. sao Mr.dlus bq fW p6;w\ hl11h ce11rn11~. curv1na ~case, llUb«le F p, I prmet tutdWI. ruslDm ~' more..Sl.l!IJ.ax> MlchMI lln1unan. c.o.sar.. Relit) ~759-0tn """ ,............ DXl5f home on 1 owrwed lot wtU> seer.: -48t, office. 38a. le p<. FR. la wup •ound y•d. Marble. p .-.te. CO!J11S llllllys, 11111 so-pQstM 1V -et Stew t•t .... SO-U10 0.0.. Set & S.. I 2-4 ~JC~C-1 2Br Ea Bdaul Gem MmW wlfp & b*orly Wiii blr. patio w/bria'\. SI /HJIDJ I&!. Bil Wt"1t ~l<l'iO S..,. Te n. .._. and YoU p<MICy • tool One of the larlllf$ lots .. lido s.. :& JM. 11 bldly.9"d. II 2c P $91!>.000 t...ry SctwTwdl ~J.lCXll NfW ON THI MAUET o,_ S•t 2-S Onofor4•4.lVI ...... Or Sbr 5ba. 2 c aar, Sl,795,000 By Owner 71 4 357 !>450 ,.IMI ESTATfS 'AHJCI( TlNO•E NA TM>NWIOE USA t4t..aS6-t70S www palr ldllenote.com ,........., 58r 28a, afiie· sac local1on w/pool Princ:ipeh only please $615" l e•shold Oouc BIAley. Blu !I& nJ>. 110ol ~ ........ <><-V c...,_ -. e 2.158&. ~ 2(XX)sl Not lls1lld 11'1 MlS Undler S900.000 ... Ocxc an ~1996 Dl-.Coltr-. •• C.llforUst,,._ •• ,,,,.._, ... C_.,f 1£-'ty t4t-U•-J7'0 .... o..&-11 l /2. 2/1. rut Sale As 1s1 eat offer over ssi.>.CXJ> 949-81-8128 ~ ~ n.1-20201 ~ Se.&-& f>.5&. 553' st. Sl.8> Mi. Broller !MS-251· 9444 -~.or1 lllCOURT llSJ IUYll •Br 3 58• Twm, 3400 sf, $895.000. •Jt. Onld Pnnc:e 949-718-1520 HUSTllSW ltG 11.ACH HOUSE 4N 2.SIA • SHt,toO AetNT t4t-21t-2SSt .....-eo.. OPEMWM 1-S u .. above tho clouds. ocean views I 1e .. 1 holfte 2br, +-!Mn, Gated comm $851..000 P\ATINUM NOnanff Stefanie Mtwer t4t-71S-llS6 S._...-.-4 wlnnfna IJ'roc*fleld hOmt, built In 2000 3bf + office Allofoa 3700sf. $1,)lt .... Pt.A,... fltMM'llTtlS s .. r.1111 ~ • ., 149-715·31!16 ,_.IHATIS •• nlCll f9IOll UTIOllW• RA ... ~ ..... .,.. W-patrlell-t COIW I RESORT/ VACATION PHOPERIT FOR SALE MISCEllMEOUS RENTALS ==-IAYVllW HltGHTS (6) lOAlO SZOO. (?) l50d $250. pvt prop., lilC .... sow ~~.36a AESIOENTIAl RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY YIMLY 38'+-deft, 2 58.t, 2t pr. Sln8'I family home. I dool' to lht bMc11 Avllllal* now s:MCXVmo Assoalted Realty ~ 21w I .... bu~t·tns, wd, frpk, parlun,. la stor_•ce loft. No peVsrnll. SI 1aV mo('Ylse.~ 8allOI Pllltanll lit 2.,. 2h charmln1. slqis to beach $1590/m. 1544 Mtr1m11 Of 94t-67S-1Ha ~•·. th, w• •• '-de, bay, quiet. ,., • patio, n/SIT\/pet S2JOOm yrly, !MS-26.l-19111. pm ~ 711 a..._. ::mr 2Be. Im badl ~ pvt lndry, 1 carport. SZDVmo. a.rt & R.dy1 9&251.o9444 ~c-...-.. J+.2 "" 2c ... i ~ $'M by 524 S.W.d Rd. Key --to pvt. 1-d\. L'lll~~ A Cvt Afte ........ 1800sf. 2 Mstrs, 2 1/2 baths, FR, 4 patios. Pvt. aar W/O, Pool, Spa. Tennis $2600 M9·723 1141°'310 4n 7930 a-SU99' deen furn 2bf 2b• (2 "'* ... wtpvt dds) town IDm 4 blls hm bd\ ......., noPltno9'1dalcs .. SZ19!irn tm Nlrdllul 1--...s7....,., ''''"' 11, 2 .s1. Holtse, newly remodeled, Fp, A/C, wfllrlpool b.tb. $3300/mo !M!M63-llfil ........... •1••/ ..... S.. "*Y w/llll(h ===== 1 ;u; 2bf 2.Sh twntlm. ec, wd, l c pr + l c cerport. P'ool & 1191 Sl&OO.!Mt-67S.7183 r1Mt., , ...... ...,..,.., ~ Fp, W/d ... lc ...... !Wt rri Pit ""' Slmtl !l._ ~MIJl lab •11o1-.~ ..... hwt~ Slm'mo. .-~ ~ """"' •23Mm1 II lJll lllllt a...c.~~ Home 2Br 2B1, 2 car 11r•1e. 2 bHchn. A/C. ava11 7/17U 998-1758 UOO YIA.llY LJASI Bill CRUNOY RCAt TORS t4t-67S ... 1•1 ........, ..... Penlnwll StudlO Apan men!& nall Act $750 $950 !M9 673 7800 MlY ...... lbr lbl. Bly view, Pril Pt ,..,... M uta incl S1m'mo. Avril lrnmed 9&9.l).5978 .. ,., ....... 21>< yearly rtntels a1t S 1400 1950/mo. !M9 673 7800 949·673 7800 HA&I OFf ht MO llNT fOf fTlO'IH1 June 1 w/12 mo ie.. Hew remodel Cept Cod style comm. w/new dishwasher & refnaentor. carpet & ---Ill Wldtw/dtys, inUdoe @ apt ll!f SUBS 28t SI~ Cal Lon (949) ~Z22• Of 7l4-633-1!192 ._ .., Pvt bmtl - tWbar Illa. 2& ui.. 3Xlll ID~.--.~ Sl700m be 949 718·1400 ,.. ()m lM'lwn petm. amn 2b l.!ibl Pltlo. pod/ 1111.nuPIMl,~2c .. ct SlJ!JO 9&293-€Jl .. c..... 2b' .,. Cord>. lJ:X>+s(. fnpc, 2 patx., newly decOfalad, w/d ll1lllil SJ85Qn 7l4~1 ...... '-" 2Br 2Be. rw#tfJ remod!lllld. r p, .ct ~cl. .... ~ IAYVIEW HltGHTS 20101 Cwireu St. 2b', ok , 2ba, MW kit, w/d. $2250m. Ill Ctwaty ~500 3648 l•••~l111ff 3 br 2ba townhome, 2 c a1r, comm pool. Aat S2JOO t4t-67S-7100 llACON U.Y /IAY ~ upstairs 2br 1 SO• tp, '"·-. wd hllup yr be $2600/mo 949--673-8411 o.M. ...... ....... h home, 2--... priv ptbo, comm pool 'ii' • S2!l15 ..... "°"' ~ LU. 0. T1oe w- 3Br 281. 18'~8 W/d , built Ins. sm pet ok Hup deck facena th• channel Poss slip 6mo lease I yr S3200m •1t Shefry@ Ctnnery. !M9 723. Sdl/1811-961).9667 ...... ""'-.... Gtelt twWb»hood 48f &, FR, lit w/Fp. -~ S1!Dn • 9'9-55011 LWe t.rtr-condo 28t [lepflt and lrrin'wlculale. lflOWed W/aflf1'ow«I Cledll II/pets SJ.900/mo yrty Owner/act 9&718-2nt 0 .. .... SIMOOllS b a.. I& decll. FR. lrOy rm. 2c pt. S4900rn I 'I' lease Av .. &11!> 9'~21&5 a...-I• New,~I Beyond dur fT9'C. 48r ... den. &. wine a.bl. ttnaced prdens w/>mws. Jlal\lmo yny ct. O.wod Prence 9$n 8-152D Remis Wll'llld 7880 •osr-1Wo,lltefw'o ...... _...,_, ..... COSTA MISA. HI, N" 11• 11A HAVE A DOG. $ 1000/MO. UfS. CUOl th-$74-4241 11 'f I I & Af• ~ s.,p...t .......... Uport -Pratdum or PT flea NMn. Must know Quidlboolu well Resume to fu 96<442 T3t9 or QI 949.W 7D>. I,.....__...&/• man.aced a buMneu, co -..yo.. .. , .... ID ,_ NI lam 7142'.B&Jl' HIVOIS WANTID Hwrport ' Hunbf11ton Bd\ Sit your O•n SC:hed\llef Part or tv•·IJme na.lable S7!>+/day lun-hme CaM llllS--OOl-WORK Ill ...., @ -1)-0.{mm S-.. ,.. Deckhand Cap on hstuna yac:ht5_ Based in Newport Beach. Fex ,_,.to~ w,......wi.... ....,ny1 ..... OmlW•Wlyi 1949)642-5671 PAIT-1111 lBUIAIU1ll5 Pet manenl •nd Summer pos1toons 1n the lone 8e•ch Are• Up to $300 per week (depends on up ) Worltr M--n.w.. 4,...~ap.. & Set,t--t,.... Will Ir ••n l11endly r II! spons1btt persons to conl•ct potanttal < u" tomers OVef lht phone ind provide mlOf mal1on 1boul free services that our 1rowm1 mor teaae company ho to oller ( ntoyable no prenurt po11t10n w/erut ulary, bonusM . and future CALI. ~ RESORl:S @ l.afi6.262"8344 ~ fAX RCSlM TO ~1427 Nf-SCHOOl TIACHE• neeckd to worll on well estabhsMd prt school Apphcanl n~ed 12 un1l\ of ECC and a <le•r 11ndeutand1n1 ot •htld development [&per req Crut tum of lu<hen lo wor~ with 949 673 8233 c.-.m Ctwl1ty PubhV11n1 'ROMOTIONS or,UTM(NT Coownurwty ~\ .. 0rllf'I'! County ~s f .. Ttme penon lo ~ and wule Slor!9S !)M1IO !Ml• rt community -15 a ule and ~ P9S and secttons l sce~I communcatton •115 ...,,91 wel wM the publlt. llnnw AP style, QulltkXJ>r~ Pho!OShop. Muth /vj C. e ator, Proficient on MAC and PC. CCI du11n u pertence p11terre d Prooff eadln& test Or ua w~r~ed EOE E .<cellenl ~nef1t pado.llfle Cma4 resume. Wfltll'IC ~ Ind ui.y r eq u111 m en t a l o llla.pnion@ aam-.com EM SM.a. Trendy ~ doClq •• 11'1 ~ .,_,, 1$ i... 1or se nl "W"l Bnlb .,,.._ 871 ~ Q.l 310.311·5616 nu-a"s Appl. Sotton S9 00. Si&50 t)IJf hotrlt< aimm+ bonilie Pd ....,.,. ntf'l h per pl!fo ~ Wlb:lnwS Z> 'fWI Co HB Honest,IC:leln ' Lllflm* EJMonment. Cll 1-a» 163 cm .2~ SELL your unw•nled items lhrouah •lns1lied !J?each 42, I(} Ad>moblles - A.eomodVI .. IMW 5251 '90 Cold, low •Mot, runl 11eall Fully lo•ckd .sxxi CB> 9fi fJil U01 IMW ll 'U -· 4411 a..lllM n• S ~ lndtlO datk ~ lod'fl ,..,.. lf"lt. beaCJtJful or• l.WNr t.ad t ond Sl4.995 vrt7!B241 ~SJ6.8888 e., ----l 111tdL ''6 CO«twy I owner cloth 'le<lls PWT .uh ' -~ ,,,,..., 2911 ~· $4600 714 '.:bl 6187 c..-.c..,..~• ~ kJW mo Sivs w,-tl. top, ? Or, NY ri1 ~~ cond $31'1> 949 548-0425 Cedllloc '02 DeVtHe Sedan 1911 m1. while o•lm .. l lthr, CO, Onslar v•l37943 $24.995 u ve S20ll Im & w1rr inly 0 111 Bkr 949 S86 1888 www.0<,.....l.c- fOH AUOSTA• 'ts at, air 5 pass ~ m1, utrn . A I condl $3900 949 12? 8?91 for4 ·•s ••••••• Conv•rl1bl1 or 111n al owner. solrd car Sl9 995 Obo 949 719 2943 !J?eaders in :JCeapf!rl Yleach, Corona def !!Kar, <.Xewporl Co asl, Co laJKesa. uf on I.his f:!1'£_f9o/. ~1 1efdl :flo(J)Case ne 2.5, 2()()J e 1Jead'line: ne I <1, 2()()J {orial7Jead/ine: June 16, 2()():J 'ly llPilot ANNI • (949) 574-424 I, \ I TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACR088 1 Pry open 8 Lineman's coup , 0 Wine Yelley 1•Dog nails ie~a sylable 21 PIUa 87 This. to Joee 88 Moreno et al. 89 Phnlber'a tool 90Va•area DOWN 1 OuUaw Jamee 2 Trojan War llOfY 3Beh1Mora 78Whinny 79TOl)eka loo. 80 Baobell 8Wlt(d 81 Wlnddir. 83 Ulmoei degree 840u1 ot bed 22 Mad IClentist's a de 23 Condo<'• ,,.., 92 Cloeo-llttlng 93 Germen ertlcie 94Edge put 96 Set or too1s 97 Ash without a hcense 99 Balpwk figure 4 Con9Umef gds 5 To t.tai. 6Ughtlunch 7 Shepatd or Cranston 8Wiac hrs 9Cabt>9kln ~ Blow1orch uaer 86 Stone Age too B9Zlgzag 2• ~a S'lOOze 25 Thin strip 28 Sighteeelng tnp rr Memorizea == 32 F1nlt gear M Some game 38 Porgy'• love 102 Temer of filmdom 104 BNn huH 105 Potsonous 1n111<e 106Male bee 107 MuslCAI combo 108 Runmng mates 1 0 Bloc~headt 11 It's - -(NASA OK) 12 Upswepl hairdo 13 Quiver 11119' 14 Unfeehng 91 Plav'u biles 92 Lin on the beedl 95 Female rllbbll 97 F011c PW1 98 KlutZ'a cry 1000uarry 37 Solivan and Murmw 38Let ra11 11 O Unaerwater &tl<>cMrs 112 Sa~1ng veaaels 114 Good n ~eKICX> 1 15 Win Oll'8f 15 Remd< or Trevino 16 Emir, probably 17 Wound up 1 8 Booome llWll/'8 °' 20 Raced off 101 Motel plus 103 M,mfCkecs 105 Requested 106 Fluffy 107 Walrus tooth 109 lmpon car 111 Senato output 1 13 Potential 39 Uniform trim 41 Owls' queties <)lair 4' Poet's COf'ltracilO'l 45 Made merry •7 Raucous laughs 49 -to sell 52 BkM1 OtJt 53Skewer 55 Funny TV &how 58 Unfounded report 80Newoop 62Preeege M Needle or rlo 86 Hlgtl mountains 68 Acted.Ides 67 Teen'a denla 69 Rocker -Oceetl 71 Judicial order 72 BtOOka or Gibson 73 Had supper 74 G~er 75 Amafllo nllllve n Rollo"'9f Wbf 78Making do 80 lntunales 82 Scritltlle m M Gather logether 86 ltke permed har C•lilorni• lew rt· QUirP th•t conlrec· ton tMllna jobs th.It taut $500 cw more (Wlor Of IT\lterills) ti. bnsed by the Co11t,.cton Stete Lie-8-d. SI.It. llW llllO r eqwru that con ltec:lors include thw liclnM ~ °"·~YO!I c:.1111 chldl the st.bis of 1o ur ltcenHd co11trect o r at www.e&lb.c•.10• or 800·321 ·CSLB. Unll- unHd cont,.ct0<~ talll111 fobs tlllt totel less thi n S500 must state in lllllr 1dvertl11111ents th•l ttley .,., not licensed by tt1t Contr1clor1 St.ea l iceftM 8-d.~ 11 7 Tidy the lawn 119 Poeses9ea 120 Hanging ornamen1 1 ;>1 "'"*t 11 mudpeck 123 Happy event 1~Swetva 126 Aloof 129 Dressmaker's cut 131 Grubby 132 Mu1ele ctir dial 133 Mink or ch1nch~la 138 Gariah light 138 Colo netghbo! 140 Casuet farewell 141 Smoked meals 142 Long emsy strioe 143 Caustic so uuor 145 Slope ft:>Udeted loddlo 147 Authentic 149 Orcnestra memDe< 151 Enticed (2 wds ) 152 Olatney Stone ,ocaie 153 Perry's penner 1 !>4 More hlgh-mtroded 155 Breezy talk 156 Robins' bills 157 Long-tailed animals 158 Tr&tlofia sauce EFFIOENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (714) 114-2007 HI 112.ffM Ml (Mt) 72H717 , .. " .......... lllct11D FURllACE SA1 F R•RFvmaa & Miiiy Coclt Upgradlt 75,• ITU frtll S1* 1•.•rrum..,.. Plus ~ l*Tllhl. & code llPO'ICltl 914 2007 28 9-digil 10 31 Pan of mph 33 w • tlJmilSlhere a'8nce 35 Saerrttsfs question 38 r omin.teUe< 39 Prominenl 008eS 40 Railroad t.rmlnal 42 M1n1-play 44 Pvt ·, 1uperiors 45 Weather warning 46Gloomy 48 Cook slowly 49 Tot'a transpon 50 Oeode. as a jury 5 1 Pu1 tnlo effect S2 Portend 54 Nobelist nun 56 Polit cal cartoons 5 7 ISIS hUsbal'ld 58 Heavy -ba"ld 60 Ladder pen 61 Wife ot Geraint 63 Veto 66 Family connection 66 Mos1 weird 70Wh1m 73 Harrow parts 74 White water cralt 75 EilpioS•ll8 I# :rouble'Tlakar 1 14 Fugue composer 116 6anktupllng 118Food 1 20 Arizona city 122 Comte·booll thud 124 Like e desen 125 Block as a 51ream 126 Jlfy 127 \40f1k& quarters 128 BYmp1un 130 Lucky numbe1 132 Fables 133 AIUrTllnum wrnps 134C~o 135 Typo of rocllot 137 7i ch 1 39 B!llcer'e dozen tn Rcme 141 Sentry's cry 142 Brain pan 144 Chaney of lllmdom 146 \4oon, poetically 148 Pa1eozo1c e g 150 Early 1azz • •llSINISS •U~ UPCr•des, Repairs ol Computer. Net...orks £ veninp/Wedlencb Co~Utiv• prices for Qu•lfty servlc. 949...a..11n ,..._.,._.2n ke licensad EIKtrical ContractOf. Small iobs st.rt1n1 et $79.95&11p. Spec:1elizln1 ln Aemodelin1 It 111 home wlrin& r!Mds, Comnv'lnclust/Res 1-I00-897-100. l l rkll It.di s .... Tiie Co11cnte. f>tlbo, ~ Firepk, 88Q. Ref's 25Yrs [Ip. Twry 714-557-7594 ~ MUD MOU IOCNIJ MlOlmNS & AEJOlEl.f«> l f577982 949-709-5642 o.._Nl 1-l11 YOUllMOMI YlnOYl.MDn FREEllHtOllE UTIUTEI I llllPECTIOM SQOO>INC. b J'OU' Qllllf'Ull' llow1 jia lib ,out CU, dwy NOJlm Call •e."'"'· -·Wt pelnler. ndyiMn, .,,. • inrmlll dunrr • cw 111y of the sru t -m .. 11uec1 her• 1n .... Clllllll 35" 011 ~~$" ... 2 1 ...... ,.. ....... ,. • ' f ~ ·- ~ . I ' ' • ' I I ,"it i I l • , ;·-:t)(l • ) ,, .-, : ':~.ra~7 dma and -dea. We CUI U'IAlltt daQ IO J'OU' new CiOlllflU"J. We .a 111> llftwotb blc atld Wall. R-.llt - Cabk/DSUDW..up Modems-Co.!p&ete M.11 1...--~ .. ,. ,. ., ,,,. Ult "" ~l:tia NCnrUI._ M9·394--290S IJC. l<IOC:. s your stuff ..,.. classifledl -Mrvice dHctoryl THES£ LOCAL SVC P£0Pl£ CAN HELP YOU TOOAYl :::1:. ............. L.-lenw& ... ,.,, wrrfllOlfT HYWM&. ~...-.n.~ All pNMS am/\'J.lob 6 .......... 2!1Yrseap ~·.tr .. IJc;llN.• ... StMa3 et nu»1w a.1111 .... (.....,. ~ o.i!:.m:=:ac. ~.~. ........... ......,.,, l~---••l•h ......... ~ -~l~ l1275170 MMM).)OC2 11•m.a .. UC... CotmllK1'0I ........... ,.,. -~---_..., ~.•••11u11, ...... , .......... ,., .... =.. ....... .............. (!!!] I - Bridge Sy CHARLES GOREN w1th OMAA SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH YOU BE THE JUDGE Nau-\ulnerable. Swlh deal~ l\ORTH INn ralte 10 pmc ~ hl\e been pusilJarumoui in lbe C.uftmt West led the IC\'CO of lpldn. CO';· creel by the ten and ,act and lllkea wilh the ktnl Oecllrer pla)ed the Icing al diamoods. taken by East's acc. and bade came the eap of clubs. Smee there wu no way to oocne IO nine !ricks w11hout IWO in club!.. dedurer look the lille$:.e. West grabbed the king and ~vened to '~· and Ea...i ·, A 9 over the table·, queen assured the dt:fenckn. of four incks in the suit -down 1v.o • Q 104 AKJ9 864 • 5 2 WEST •73 ;;7543 '; 98 7 • K643 .:ASI •A J 986 108 AS32 •87 SOlTrll • K S2 0 62 re: J 10 • A J IU V The bidding What'' your verdict" SOlTJ'H WF..'i"r M UU 11 •..A.'>T It all loob pn:ay normal. hut that l\ DOI the case. South blUlldemJ biidl)' by playUIJ lbc ICO of Specks t'roro dummy Ill trick one! S!JPPOiC declar- er had called for the &able\ queen imttad of the let>. Eu CUil 'NIJI. bul canoot conunut !>Oldt:s w11.bou1 ii'. mg South two tnclcs tn the \U1L l• ,_ I •• lNT '"-J~T Pav. ,_ ,._ Opening lad 'i<1cn 111 • Study the h11kJ1ng and pl11> 111 tlm deal, then decide Did an>unc .:rr in the bidding or plJy" If '"· "'ho'! The auction I\ rouunc Wuh a i.ound opening bid. "'h1~h was improved by the k11..,11tun uJ lhc long of s~ behind the ct\t:rldll. Soum\ hand v.a.1 ea.ti~ "'urth "rebtd of one no uump for North Ill do I~ Be~ defense 1s for EL\l to 'luft to a d uh. but declarer counters by n~ing with the ICC Of clubs and play1J18 the king of diamonds. Thill line lo<ie1 onJ y if WCM ha-. the ece of diamonds and bast the kin& ol clubs. bul lbc auctioo indicates th:IJ E.lst ll I WOO£ favorite 10 hold 1 miuing ace. 1f noc both of the key canb Should the! DOI ~ the ~. ~ wre to congraw~ East for such superl> dt:femc a-4 Rovet' '91 DI•· covery LC 4lk m1 4y1 warr av111I d1~ metalll<. 11reen/t•n llhr. huled seals, dual mnr I btdU ttlul oria tond, ear ae~o. non/smkr, mu~t 1ee to appreciate v•9'.>8741 $13.995 8lu 949 !>86 1888 -.ec.,.l.corn uxus soosc '91 Foiest areen Ian llhr SHU, CD Suntuot •II pwr lo•Oed r lnl cund $9,900 obo 949 171 '>1>49 Mez4o '99 Mloto Conv 45k mo •ulo silver. tan top pw pl A/C. CD supeob hk~ nrw tond v•l 19743 $17 99'> hnanc1ne & w•rr a nly ava1l Bkr 949 !>86 1888 -.•cpobl.<orn MOCIDIS 300CD"""iS Rare Coupe Blue nalu ral looks ano 1un\ great• $4500 obo 949 !I I'> ~;> Morco4oa 'DO l 310 16k a<lual m1 lull factory warr tu1quo1u blue/o •lme.tl llh1 moonroof CD t hrornti whk one of the lownl mrl" Mercede\ ul th• year m C•hl v•!>57t'91 $29.995 hnancin& •v411 Bkr 949 !>86 1888 w-.oqiwab.com Morco ... a 'I I 560 Sl wtute/lln. 1mma~ •~tu, 1\111.,..,_ .. ~ ctrone!.. $14.<lll n~l'JI ~ MllCUllY Grand Mw,.ul• '92 •Int «ind tthr 14711 mt •II pw1 super rel1<1ble New b<akt\ lttt'> b•ll~ry Slo/.)() obo 949 719 l'.>11 SELL your stuff through classified! .... ( u, Get your y•rd lookln& lb best lor the !illml1W Yarddlln~~ ~ .... ..,~ W9lkend & eve QUOlCS Xtre H-4 Sorvlcoa 714-CV .... fJf <,TOR[ • Rf P41R & RI \100ll l"«G COlllUTf """' llAlll'RNAJla No job loo s111.1Nl h•ythlnc lrom ~loPIMbrW rr"u t1111•t• '"":::fl ,.,..,, ... , ,. 'HIWPS AUTO 91 IMW :J2JI Conv leathef lfllenor. A beauty (19llll) $18,980 OO•MW M •--- 8&atk w/p ay ptemtum ~ !19388) $2.8,980 99 """""' .,,.,,,.. 8'4c. k chrome wlleets .,, tu cle~in c 1939/) SZ8 980 0 1 l'ortdte ,....._,. Only 11111 Mo, HR( Ptf l0tmanv wheels 1193941 INQUtfff 66 Ponclt. 926 S C....,. Blad1/clean tan ltlll luM •er.cw<!>., rare hnO 092881 Sll.980 96 IMW NOi S.-. I uwntf luut Newport Seclitn &JUI records t lwomed wheel5 1193401 W .980 OO }oplsXP ~ w blxk 12'( m1~ perlect 1193811 $45,980 9' t.1un GS 400 Pre1mum w'-15, CO '>llKk -.unr ool 092861 $18.980 02 Forti , """' only 496 mtles (! CJ384C) SJ3 980 oo J...-s-r..,.. I 21i mo lthr moon r ool ( 19314> $25,980 '9 MIZOXUO bLxk w 'l>litdl leattw ctwomed wneek I I !002 I St'9.98> 949-574-7777 f'HILll'S AUTO ~ lDl9QID I OllNSOM coarAMY ~wa ~ Mark 949--650-9525 THIHANOYM.Ail All wOfk (Ull'IUllHd ........ Uectrbf. Docn. FMtl c=p lie. 95394 E ..... NM TO , .. DU•lll 714 968-Ulll2 AVAll..ABLE lOOAYl 949-673-~ -'HU..S AUTO ••IMWUfll corw. leather W>lertor beeutyl (193301) $18.!8> OOUIWM ....,_ -.v. ~w/pey ptemium wnem ( 19388) $2.8,!8> H IUZSLSOO Stl'm pey futher premwt-a ( 19390) $27.980 Olf'endw1 ... F\lt only 111( ""· HAE per formance wheels ( 19394) JNQUIR{ I "'"'-SllYtf w/Bladt Only ) II( Mc. wry CINn (19413) $55 980 ff NIW T«ll S.-. one-· local New por1 SldM1 areat records chrom.S ..tlls. (19:),t()) S2'2.B OOJ...-XU s.i-•!SUd 1211 ""· Plrlect (19381) ~.- 91 l•UW GS JOO chrome Wills low mtles, sunroof (19418) $23.!8> 01 '-'I , ..,,,, Only 496 mile!. (I 9384C) $33. 980 OO~S-T"'° 12)( Mole. w 1e;1ther tnt moonr ool ( 19314) 125.980 n /IUZ OXJ20 bl.tdl w"'4adl lttw. '"'°"*' wheels ( I 9.m) $26,980 94 ... 574-7777 f'Hal'5 AUTO ......... '*" H ST MOVllS SSS/Mr. Senq M ca-tn.nd. n 631M4 ~~2378 3ZJ.G>.9971 Cllll PUBLIC NOTICE The Cellf Public Ultl1tles Commission requires tfl•t el UMd household a oods movers print their P U.C Cll T MlmMr. lfmos ind chauffeurs print their l .C P. numtler 111 •• edvw· •-nts If you hne 1ny quallotls Hotit the le1•hly ol • m over , 111110 o r ch.uffwr. cell: ~wramn COIUllS_. .,, ...... , ..... ~­C.tme.••· ..... ,....,, ...... cac-..ne•• • Soodly, .Arie l. 2003 17 ftdl lKIN -~. ~~~~~~ lllCBJNEOU$ CR~YIER --., · .. NEW2002 MINI COOPER Sl.flOOf I PfOUI PKG 16'~0YS.CO m,~ IATntSPlln (0318) • • LITS llll(J!! IT'S FUii ******** 55 FmAY @ EIVall SNff A MA AUTO MAU (lll)IU..9IOI ....... SAUTO n•wn•-lthr ll'lbrll>f buutyl 949-574 7777 P'M&W'S A&ITO $ 0 0 $ scutc1 WM s.t... '9t ~ose 2.5RS, bl•ck buutr lmded, nnf. al RS opt.ora $10.500 714 751 2464 Velk••..-'00 1-tt. 2811 mo. sperkhna bltck/ oatmul. auto. mool\rl, CO pw. pl, alloy whls. like new. vtn'470055 Sl2.995 ltn &. warranty anti Bkr 949-!>86 1888 www~l.c- vw ~ Gl "90 5 ~ sbck al records IJ.C 1111""°'...,,. fTl9'Y enr m.' $1900/obo 714 47) ~ SEU ,.. .... .... Wlllllll IMS .... ~ .... 0-io ~ expl Ml pey 1vwyfwpna1b'rQIAI cs v.... or trua. Pl'd "• or no&. c:.11 Od Mey @ lmnlk> Id.I s.-7P '31-l!Dl or JlA..328 3221 CASH JOI CAltS Wl MlD YOU. CAlt f'AtD fotl Otl MOT ...UU.lf'S AUfO ASIC fOlt MALCOLM 949-574-7777 BOATS Power Boats 9615 ·oo ' "' Duffy lledri< bodt 1 o-d"d•ed hv 8albtMI ~ "'1-l ,... S II (IX> 00tJ 94'1 M /'Of-, I SO NEW & USlD IOATS 0-,...,.. I OAl SHOW Mery 29 "-I hi,,_ 16l>-374 1671 Sallboats 952() Holbor 10 "3 I Nf"W flr-t flti l If•• SI l 000 ,,,,., 949.733 1153 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERV1CES BOATS SUPS/ MOORJNGS/ l.AUNCHJNG/ STORAGE 9680 t3 n Sllf' AVAJL.AaU IN NlWf'OIT llACH $1500 UASl 949-500.IOOS IOi\T Sirs HOW AVAii. Cal lu we kxatJllfl ..oo de!&. w •• -"'-ord*'l 949-675-4147 SELL your stuff through class1f 1edl PLU G IN Plug 1ntrJ thP ?11 Class1f1prj wr 11)r1 iu find SNVICt'' frr_,11 electronio arn1 plumbers. tr, landscap£>r<, ,31111 pa1ntl'r, ...... Daily Pilot Class1f1Pd Community Marketplac~ aPtt Slttl•t• AlllAl UHi Kelli Yow 0oga • cm In,,., Own Hanll (949t &11·5n1 ...... inMmoisco--·-au. 49 M S-USI ··~"' MSTJ-..i SEWER~mNG EUCTROMC SlA8 U M OClCCTIOH Fr~i S.vic• 949·t 1S·t J 04 M...Jc f'eel & Sf!e h< Weellly Se••«~ l ·'l"'• ment Rtiu11r,. In"""" C411 t4t .292-7173 ~ullers a-.w ....... Rt•multflt' & R•p•rr S RllS.clen1ri l Comm s.-1931 l lll!ll'.81 9&6M-5B«l Tl~ll }I)