HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-02 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the N ewpo rt-Mesa community sin ce 1907 MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2003 A CLOSER LOOK Senior housing dream nears fruition Proj ect proposed for Lower Bayview Landing awaits Coastal Commission nod, though questions from environmentalists have gone unanswered. June Casa1rande Daily Piiot NEWPORT BFACH -Since the late Phil Sansone began the push about I 0 years ago for a senior affordable hous· ing complex at Lower Bayview Landing. THINKING ALLOWED Not as easy as before I t'!> land of like puJJing teeth. And not lhe kind you glue m with some Poly-Fix-It, or whatever. Raising money for a senJors is like pulling reaJ, rooted, non-denture teeth. Costa Mesa Senior Center executive director Aviva Goelman was rer)linded ~----~ oflhat LOLITA HARPER Thursday morning at a very. uh, CO'L'f fund-raising brealcf ast. ·u was nice and Intimate,· Goelman said later lhat afternoon. ·vou know, we are going to have to wort hard. We are going to have to wort really hard to make people rea.Jfae the sen iors need help.· In year's past, lhe breakfast was a big affair, complete with larger than life checks, guest speakers and more food than you'd know what to do wilh -many guests took home leftovers. Dozens of board members. city officiaJs. politicians and seniors crammed into a small room for an awards ceremony to thank Sandy Daniels, representing the Segerstrom family, and the Southern California Auto Oub for very generous donations of S 10,000 and SS.000. respectively. Thursday. considerabty!ess people gathered in a mucn wger room for a very short but sincere presentation. The small showing at lhe breakfast really did make for an intimate setting, as the jokes Oowed easily. this is lhe closest the ciry has ever come to see that dream materiali.7,e. The Irvine Co. has commined the land at the 15·acre site, the ciry has a p- proved the project, a developer is ready lo apply for state funding and the Cicy Council has voted to approve the per· mits. Now. d single Coast.al Commiss10n vote stands as the last hurdJe to building 150 units of affordable housing for sen· iors at the site. Commissioners will con· sider whether the site shouJd be pro· tected ab wetlands, and their deci!>ion couJd make or break the lo ngstandlllg plans. The project now on the verge of ap· proval includes three buildings situated on the lower fi ve acres of the site at Jam· boree Road and Bade Bay Drive. Inc 10 THE WINNING HUG acres un the bluff would be developed ao; a park. If the site gets built, 11 won't be the fir~t !>enior housing complex in the dry or even the first affordable senior how.· ing complex. A I OO·unJt complex on Pa · cific View Dnve operated by the Lu· therclfl Omn:h provide.. affordable housing for seniors. Another complex near the Oa5is Senior Center proVJde'> ho~ing for !>eniors regardles\ uf m come. ·iwo cannibals are eating a clown," Daniels said at the podium, ·and one said to the olher, 'Does this taste funny to you?'" K.ENT TREPTOW /DM..Y Pl.OT Anika Gerken, left, celebrates with Mark Craig and his daughter Sarah as their team, Andersen No. 1, defeated Harbor Day School in the third-and fourth-grade gir1s final of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Sports Complex on Sunday. More Pilot Cup results on Sports, A5. She's here all weeks folks. See ALLOWED, Pa1e M Annual event more than a parade Once small event on Balboa Island has come a long way from a simple birthday party for the community's fire station. Corel Wiison Oaity Pik>t B alboa 1alaod residents were origlna.Dy apJnst plans for a new fire atadon. But, 10 )ftll later, the atatlon hu become an Integral pU't of the netgbborbood and the relklents have twned tc. birthdlly Into an annUal acuae for tun md celebradOn -the Bahe Wind Plnde. about.• said Mel Un.scott. •Nejgbbors getting together to ~ neighbors, the camaraderie, there is nothing lib Balboa Island. .. For 15 years. Mel and Jack Unscott of Newport Bach owned• fast food rataurant at the ferry called 1be QWckie. Residents of the area 11nce· 1968, they said they have Ken many parades and many changes. •tt was smaller with fewer peop&e-. but they were just u enthuMudc,. Mel lJnllCott ml ..,,. day. ... time ... role mOcW f'oc my city. USA• Affordable how.mg for all ages is !>prcad throughout the city. Apanments in the area of 15th '>trcet and Supenor Avenue quahfy d\ Jffordable housing. as do other urnt'> '>pread throughout the ucy "One of the nil e tlun~ about the way ~ewpon Beach doe\ affordable housmg ~that you tan t telJ 1t'., there." said Patti· na ft"mple. 1ht-c11y\ planning dlrector See HOUSING, Paee M IN BUSINESS Home market continues to soar T h ere aren't e n ough homes, Realto rs say, res ulting in h igher prices; lowe r inte rest rates keep buyers interested, though. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Nf:"WPOR I l\tl:.'v\ E-ven w11h tht• rapid appreciation of home vaJuC\ during the pa'>I two yeJr ..... mam local real e<,tate agent., wv they ..trt'n'1 womed about a col lap .... e in pnce., With a nearl} unbt>atJhlt> comb111auon of h1stoncally Im' intere<>t rat~. spa~ housing 'itod and c1 tughl\ de<>1rable area. coa'itaJ Orange < ounC) rnuJd weU be lh<• INSIDE For more business news, see Page A2 envv of the nauon Ruyer-. continue to flock 10 an area that ha' Jvoaded the brunt of the economic slow down, agent' 'WI.id ·we·re kind of in lhe t atb1rd seat." 'Ml.Id Bob lhapman, the geneml manager of Pru denual Cahfom1a ReaJty'" local office "In any real estate market you can find seg· ments of buhble<. The bqwdJry of homes has cau'it'd I the tugher pm·es,.· Newpon Me<.a home-. have been o;elling for '>teadaty higher pnces for at leasl two ye~ On Tue\day. the California As.\n. of Realtors rer onc•d that home'> hit a medJan · 410 in ril in Oran e <ounry The mid level home hit 5816.250 111 Ncwpon Reach and S400.000 in Cn.ta M~. the group 'ia!d Hastoncally. low mlerest rates for mon· gages have been perhaps lhe strongest driver of rapid appreciauon in home val- ues. reaJ e!>late '>Ources said. On Friday, lhe nationaJ average for a 30-year fixed note sat at 5.0.1%, Banlcrate.com reported. A 15- year fixed mo ngage sat at 4.47%. The av- ~e rate for a 5· I adjustable rate mort· gage hit 3.92%. See MARKET, P.ce M Daily Pil ot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www~com WEATltER ~ eo-i.t fog to bum off by aftemOon. S..Pm.,.A2 COSTAIESA ~onCcud"I....-. ........ Al SPORTS On~ Iba communtly 11thlnd 11.,cber once liilln bcbepMadicbat~•· dedklaaft oldie nlW .. "8doll In .... 'lboelwho The couple broulflt .. ~tbetr~tuy poocle, di HI Id up wldl red .. C._,./_,fllOT Lea. Ill ..... Bllbol lsllnd Pndl flllttlW11 Oft S...., .. ...... PllilM is1cln*lrt .. *Mnbylltferookfillll>liw".._ • N0.71Md ......... ~·W--­........ A2 Monday' Jone 2. 2003 Y©UR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Real Estate agent Valerie Torelli helps move boxes and hang pictures for a client in Costa Mesa. Talking real sales Paul Clinton Daily Pilot V a1crie Torelli goes the ex.tm djstance when she lists a house for sale. Turelli, who is arguably Costa Mesa's No. I real estate agent. doesn't shy from packing up duller to open up a kitchen or Hvmg room. buying Oowers and aromauc candJes to spruce up an entryway or even purchasing furniture to upgrade a threadbare Living room. It\ all about the pre<;<>ntation. Torelli ">3}". And n's important enough 10 add a few thousand dollar-; to the ~c price of a home. It usually starts when Torelli sits down with the ..eller for ba5iC tidying-up ac1lviues. "We JUl>t sit together and pick up the house," Torelli i.rud. "It's a bonrung proce&<>. I get to know the client better." Torelli has been selling homes in Costa Mesa since 1984 and can recite chapter and verse about which owners boughl Costa Mesa's No. 1 real estate agent finds success through the small details. specific homes around the city. Last week. Torelli closed escrow on a home in the 2900 block of Mindanao Drive in Mesa Verde for $673.000. She tore out a row of overgrown hedges lining lhe front of the house and planted Oowers. She aJ"° helped owner Windell Stout, 33. clean up a considerable mess mside. "You start living in a house and you don'1 M?e the mess." Stout said. ··me first people that waJJced in bought the house." Oeaning up the mess. Torelli ~d. can add more than I 0% 10 a home's saJes price. A neat house makes a much better impre~ion. "You have five seconds 10 sell the house," ToreUi said. "I need the 'Oh yeah' or the 'Oh wow.'" Torelli, who hll.'> run Mesa Verde-based TorelH Realty since 1986, is coming off an impressive run of sales. ln May, she sold 16 homes. Between Oct. l, 2001 and Sept. 30. 2002. TorelH sold 47 homes, Real Data Strategies inc. has reported. She sold $21 million worth of homes in the same period. Those were both at least 80% more than her nearest competitor, the group reported. Torelli, 49, began her career working in a property management company. To break in to the real estate industry, she produced blad-and-whjte iliers wtth professionally photographed homes. TorelH advised her clients to dismiss her if she rudn't show results witrun one week.. Fewilid. ln 1984, she won a job at Select Properties, a now extant local company. lWo years later. Torelli went out on her own, where she has operated ever since. • Got an interesting tidbit or story idea abollt a local business? E-mail it to Deily Pilot business reporter Paul Clinton at paul.clinton@latimes.com. BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS stores in the country. 150 locations in California. Texas. Mis- souri and Dlinois. Eddie Bauer will close its doors in South Coast PlaZAi The ~p1egel C..roup ha.5 announced it will close tl!t Eddie Bauer store in South Coast Pl37.a. Tht• lllinoi~ based clothing retailer First Bank & Trust to open branch in Costa Mesa today First Bank & Trust m California will open a new branch today m Costa Mesa. Options on Impac Mortgage begin trading on Amex The Amen.can StocJc Exchange began gran op n a<. 'at 11 Wl c ose t e store a ong with 58 others acro~s the country. The m ove is part of the company's reorgani- zation after it declared bankruptcy March 17. scheduled for 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m. The bank will show ofJ a few vintage cars and hold a drawing for a $500 U.S. Savings bond. Beach real estate investment trust lrnpac Mortgage Holdings Inc. The options opened with strike prices of 12Y!, 15 and 17~. Highland Securities Corp. was named as the specialist. A close-out sale began May 23 on the store's merchandise. Spiegel h1red Boston- based Gordon Brothers Group. a retail- consuJting firm. to manage the close-out efforts at all 59 stores. Spiegel will continue to operate 470 The opening day is the kldoff event of a week of promotions and ceremonies that will wrap up Friday. The bank is at 3001 Harbor Blvd. First Bank is one of the largest pri- vately owned banks in the country, with more than $7 bilJion in assets and over lmpac, whose stock also trades o n the Arnex under the symbol IMH. Is a trust that invests primarUy In nonconforming residential mortgage loans and securi- ties backed by these loans. ; Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 153 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYOOOERO Edrtor JUDV OETTING ~~r Promotion$ DlrectM f NewtEdJton Gina Alexender, Lori Anderton, Daniel Hunt, Paul Saltowitt, Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAff Crime '=9 ~rter. (949) 574-4226 d«lpll.blvr•thOletlTN&com ""'-C1119 •Nit Newport S.ach twp0rt.r. (949) 57 ....... 232 junacaugf'llJl<M ti lllr/1'1'1#.oom """' CllMon Poli1k:a, bul1nea1 and anvlron.ment repottef, (Mt) 794-4330 peul.cllnton •ldmel.com ............ Columnhll, cullure ~. , ... 574-427& ~•"111trw.oom DllrMNI ,_ Cott.a Me9I repor1*; (Ml 57~21 t#lrdre. ,,.....,,.,.,.,,,_com a r due.mo Educlidon "'PQfW, (Mii 17"""211 dttlfllitw.t:Mrilo ~ ConlWhon Newt 111iltant. (9491574-4298 coral. wilaontllatlm•com PHOTOGRA.PHE.RS Sean HIU., Don Leecti, KentT~ R£AO£RS HOTUNE (949) 842-«>89 Record your comments about the Delly Pilot 0t news tips. ~ Our llddr9U ii 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mm.. CA 92627. Office hot.Ira are Mc>nc»y • F11d9y, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. COHtlllw• It It tM Piiot'• pollcy to pt'Omptly oorrtct all ~ of eub9t.lnce. Pleeta cell (949) 7&M32A. FYI The Newport~ Me.a Dally Piiot (Usr.l-144-8001 It publltMd da'ty. In N49wport a.ad\ end eo. MeM, eubtcriptlona are IY~ onty by .. blcrlblng to The Tlmtt Orange County (IOOI aa-nn In .,.. OIA9lda of ~'-di end eo. Mela. tubecltpdone to the o.uv "'°' .,. .wtlebte ontv by flf"lll ... mall for Q) P9' month. ('"°'9 lndudt .. I ~-end k>Caf ..... , '°5'TMASTER: ~ addt'eaa ~to The Newpoft ~ Meaa o.itv Pt1oc. P.O Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news ltoriel. illustrationa, editorial metter or edvettiaemenca Mr9in can be reproduced without written permluion of copyright ownef. HOW TO REACH US Clrcutation The TllMI Orenge County (800) 252-9141 Ad"'1Wnt a 1•ifled (9'91 M2·6678 Dllpley 19491 &42..s21 ~ Newt (9'9) 842-6880 ...... (949) 574~223 New8Fu (IM9)Me-4170 ...,.. ,.. (949) e&0-0170 ~ cM{/ypl/ot•l•tlmH.OOm MllM C>Mee ••"'-0Moe (9'9) M2~1 ...... ,.. (9491 &31-1128 Publlthed by Tim. Community ~. • dlvftlon of the Lot Anoe* nm... 02003 Tlmee CH. All "9t* ,.... •. BEST BUYS Get hip with Herman street wear Monday to Friday; IO a.m. to 8 p.m . Saturday; 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday Level 2 a t South Coast Plua. (71 4) 556-7950. www.clwrlesdavid. com. S ince the 1970s, with a flagship store at the Fred SegaJ Center on Melrose, Ron Herman has been sought after for casual. updated street wear from hip to rugh-end designers for women. What you see can sell quickly; Herman buys select pieces from each designer. Casual line5 FASHIONABlE ICE GREER WYLDER ICE Acceaorlet specializes In trendy to classic home and fashion accessories. For the home, there are functional and decorative accessories: high quality Godinger silverplate, Italian pewter. antique silver. vases, fun lamps and animal statues. Best seUers are the extensive selection of picture frames. including high-end enameled jeweled frames by Jay Strongwater and Edgar Berebi. New wine gJasses ($225 10 $250) with stems that can unscrew and used as candle holders are especially pdPular. Fashion accessories include include Seven, Theory, Marc by Marc Jacobs. Jet. Earl Jeans Habitual and Katayone Adeli. High-end lines include Stella McCartney, Olloe, Veroruque, Missoni, Pucci and Jane Mayle. Great swimsuits by Emilio Pucci and sexy lingerie from CosabeUa and La Cosa. Fine and costume jewelry. select handbags and shoes compliments alJ apparel. Sem iannuaJ sales in January and June. Level 2 at Sot.th Coast Plaza. (7 14) 540-9870. watches. reading glasses, Cathy STILL FOR MEN Waterman platinum and Alfred DunhW was a quirky • diamond jewelry; Konstantmo guy. After inheriting rus father's 18k gold and sterling pendants, horse and carriage accessories bracelets, and earrings; company in 1893, he quickly Isabella Fiore beaded turned the company's focus handbags, bright designs in toward the up and com ing leather and fabric. The hottest motor car of 1897. He branded fashion accessory only his company as Ounhill available here: decoupage Snip Motoritles supplying auto and Tuck Opinionated shoes at accessories: goggles. driving S 145. An annual after gloves, caps and shoes. A 1904 Oiristmas sale lasts through London ad of Ounhill's Bobby January. Select trendy items Finders claimed they ·win spol reduced. Open IO a.m. to 9 a policeman at half a mile even p.m. Monday to Friday; I 0 a.m . if disguised as a respectable to 8 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. to man.· Today. Alfred Dunhill's 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 2, near company has evolved as a the Carousel C.ourt at South ·1uxury emporium for men.· Coast Pla1.a. (7 14) 432-7555. DunhJJJ is a modern and contemporary boutique featuring seasonaJ men's wear. leather goods, humidors, lighters, pipes, games, pens. luggage, briefcases. wallets and cardholders. AJso, Dunhill offers a full custom shirt program. It 's having a spring sale; most merchandise is reduced 25% to 30% off. Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday. and 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Level 2 Sales Fifth Avenue wing at South Coast Plaza. (7 14) 641 -052 I. www.dunhill.com. SHOE STYLE Family-owned Clwiea David is known for Its stylish shoes appealing to fashion-conscious women. Owner Diaries Ma.lk.a's daughter, ~~ as Nathalie ., Charles David Collection line -sexier and younger styles. Other Oiarles David lines are European influenced casual to dress shoes, including boots, flats, mules and heels. Most made in Italy. all reasonably priced for style. Highest price shoe is $245. Promotions each month. Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. ROXY OPENS Roxy. Qui.ksUver's happening line for girls. opened its first boutique here at South Coast Plaza. The place to find the entire Roxy collection: denim. sweatshirts, tees. dresses. handbags. hats. slippers, sandals, sunglasses and more. Size ranges for 4-year-olds up to junior 13. A promotional sale on the Boost Mobile phone ($129) by Nextel is popuJar with teens. It comes with 25 prepaid minutes. The cell phones offer pre-paid phone cards, no long-term contracts or agreements. After Oiristmas sale only. most seasonaJ merchandise is sent to outlet stores. Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m . Monday to Friday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m . Saturday; 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 2 at 540-4555. roxysto~quilcsilver.com. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays end Fridays. Send Information to Greer Wylder at greerwyldertlyahoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St., Coate Mesa. CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Look fotWlrd to morning low douda and patdly fog with clearing near the beac:hea In the afternoon. Highs mid-«)s at the beechea and as high aa 80 degrees Inland. Tonight look for low clouds end petd1y fog to tpreed Inland wtth t8f1lp9 dropping down to the mid to upper 60s. Mud\ of the Mme for TIJMdev on Into Thunday. lnlonndot1: www.nws.ncHNt.gov BOATING FORECAST Fog wffl be • hlnchnca on the W9l8f for the urty pert of the week. Tow.td Che coeet loot for wlndl veNblt • 10 b'°'9 or i..whhW8Wl .. 2Mtor.._ end IMll btlltaw 3 end 4 .... end...,.. mucti of Che ... ""OUOh,.., night. Oul lnoS*'--. ..... Wtftdltoltk*up•10to11 knob during day and dying down at night. Wavea at 2 fNt with northwest swells from 8 to 7 feet and southern swells at 2 feet. SURF Today is shaping up to be a better dey than Sunday or 4Mlf'I Saturdey wtth west facing bteelca cne.t· to lhouldeHllgh, south facing brMlca the •me. Tueadey eJq>eCt lweltt to atatt beddng down by the ebmoon. w......-: www . .ul'frid-.Of11 TIDES 11Me 5:621.m. 12!41p.m. 4:23 p.m. 10:60p.m. ........ .OA7fWllow J.23r...hlgh ,_,., .... a.e:tr...hlgh WATER TEMPERATURE .. _. ... f Daily Pilot Monday, Jon!> 2. 2003 Al Council to discuss garden project on Hamilton Plan was approved in 200 I, reconsidered in May and returns for debate tonight. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A commu- nity garden may gel a second lease on life 1onlgh1 when 1he City Council considers whether i I should reconsider its previou'> rejection of lhe plan . The council originall y ap- proved the garden at 523 llam- ihon St. in December 2001 as a way to maintain ope n space. A bid on construction of Lhe garden was set to be automati- cally approved without discus- sion by the councU in May, but Councilman Allan Ma nsoor pulled it for discussion and it ended up wilting from lack of financiaJ support. Councilwoman Li bby Cowan requested a rehearing and will have to present new informa- tion tonight to convince 1he rest of the council 10 recon- sider its decision. The city bough1 the i.lte 1n I 975 with the' idea of U'>ing ii a<, some type of park. In 1999, staff began explorin~ 1he ..itt· fo r construction ol a .,kate- board pa~k. But due to safety concernb from the neighbor- hood. the council opted to look into othe r aJternatives, includ- ing determining if there was any interest from adjacent property owners In purchasing the property. Durin.: the hearings for the skateboard pa rk, it was ulti- mately e!>tablished thal a com- munity garden would be besl '>Uited for lhe site to preserve open -.pace and to alleviate the parking and safety concerns rai'ted by lhe ska1 eboard park. ~orly-two plots were planned ror lhe garden and 40 intere'>led gardener!> had ex- pre\\('d 1ntere'>I in them. Altho~gh $75,000 had al- ready been budgeted In this year's CapitaJ Improvement Program for the garden, Man- soor took issue with the $7 J ,000 bid for construction because of the city'i. current S4 million budget deficit. Man- soor said his mind hasn't changed since then and that there are more appropriate uses for the money. "I think a pockel park would be a possjbility or even com- merciaJ luseJ." Man&oor said. "Either or could work. If ii wa'> sold and used for commercial. that money could go into the park fund, so either way 11 would benefit the parlts." COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL MEETING PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA I lcre arc a few items for t.l1M'.us.">1on at today'., Ci ty Council mee1ing. SHOPPING CART ORDINANCE 1111' i1em wa' conunued from 1he May 5 meeting. The council will con,idrr a law thal mainly caJls for all store'> U'>ing shopping cans to e-.1ablish an elTecuve containment sy'>lem 10 keep the cans on their propen ie... wi th a S 150 fine for each can the city retriev<.~ after Lhe fifth one 111 any 12 month pt.'nod. Ille rntmul wdl aho < on,1der 1wo ahernauves 111 lhl<> propo'i.11. WHAT TO EXPECT \1aff recommend'> the council pi ck one of the ahemattves. "The bottom line 1s 11 ha.'> lo he '>Omt.•thing Wlth <,ome teeth to it" '411tJ ( .uunnlman Allan BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Costa Mesa Pol ice Chi ef receives award LO'>ta Me\d Polite Ouef David Snowden wa'> awarded the Sher- man Blo<.k Law l.nforcemenl Profc'>-'>lonal of the Year Award on May lO. I ht· C .iltfomia Peace OffiLer-. A. ... -.n prt>M>nts the an- nual .iw-dl'd Named allt:r former Lo<i An gel~ Co11n1y C,henfT Sherman Block. the pre'>UgJOlli> award rec - ogn11.e<. C .. aJifornia law enforce- ment profr-.-;ional-. who have di-.ttnglmht.'ll themselves through dc.'<.11cawd c,crvice to their dt'partments. 1ht•1r commu- nity and to their field of work. "nowdcn. who ha'> ... erved as c.o,la Mt"•a\ police d11cf fo r the l<L'>I 16 year .... ..aid lw i!i .. hon· orcd"" by the award Snowden\ lal\I day a:. chief wUI he June 1:1. I le will he '>Ucceeded hy lohn I> llcmh:y, currently Cy- pn.''-"' po ht c• chud Save Our Youth director resigns for new job <><.car Santoyo. director of Save Our You th. has rc'iagned to work for the Roys and Girls Oub of San Juan C.api'>trano. Sant o has been with Lhe Westside Costa Mesa program for aJmo't I 0 years. I le devel- oped many programs like the Lalino Youth Conference, basketball and baseball tourna- ments and an lnnovalive schol- ar&hip program. The organii.ation celebrated ils I 0-year anniversary In April. SOY offers recreationaJ, soclaJ. academic and health and fit- ness activities for youths 11 to t 7. Under Santoyo's leadership, it did It all on a budget of less than $130.000 per year. Concert tickets for county fair are on sale Tickets for concerts by Steely Dan, Juan Gabriel, Marco-Anto- nio Solis, Amy Grant and MJ- chael W. Smith at the Pacific Amphitheatre are oo sale. The amphJtheater will feature 21 shows during the Orange County Pair between July 11 andAug.3. 111 ·\lPI Ill I '\ --IU I·",, ( \l~l'I I\ • .. •• 'f' • Mansoor. "h has to be extremely effective and the burden o;hould not be on the cicy and the co'>t !ihould not be on the c11y. • 1901 NEWPORT Afler two deadlocks. the council will consider again an appeal against its prior approval of high-densicy condominium'> at 1901 Newpon Blvd. fhe project calls for 161 upscale condos 10 be hou-.cd in four. four-story building,, about 50 feet in height, on propeny tl1<1I hosL'i the Spanish rni~ion-<>tyle Newpon Plaza building. The approval was appealed by both Costa Mesa Citizen., for Responsible Gr0W1h and Councilman Allan Manwor, mainly over fears of demit} Ille burden is on them to present new information to jusllfy a rehearing. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff has found that the Tickets are available di .111 Ticketmaster outJet" and onlim• at wwru Tfcketmaster.rom or by phone at (714) 740-2000 or (21.ll 400-3232. They will al'\O be avail · able at the Orange (,ouncy fair h())( office. Concert ticket price-. 111 d ude fair admis.sion. Gale<. opt·n 90 minutes before sh0\\.1lme In fonnation: V~t wwu•ocfrurami.. appellant!> do nol provide any new. relevant evidence. Mansoor d1...agrCC'>. "I think the new information ha., lwen brought forward at the la'>l rouplc of meetings," Maiw1or said. ""Ille problem is \H' ju'>I ended up in a stalemate. I don't think that'!> going 10 happen lthi'> limcl. The matter will he decided tlm Monday ... BUDGET DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES 1111., 111·m wa .. aho conllnued from tlw \l,1) 'i meeting. The c omli111at11111 of fi'>cal impacts rt•,ull111g from 1lw economy. the 't.itt·\ hudge1 Ul'>I'> and rising op1•r,11111g tO'>l'> hJ.., created -.ign1firant pre'>'>Ure'> on re,ouH. e'> a1.711l.1hle to balance the .WOJ 04 hudgel. \\11111• thc-.c pre'>.'>ures created .1 .,honf,tll of ahoul $I 0 million. the 1 11~ manager and ~taff were .ahle 111 v. h11tle the defic11 down to ,1bout S4 million m e c1cy Parent Help USA host open house Thursday Par\•n1 llelp USA will host an ( )pt·n 1 lou'>c and Members M1>.t•r on ·1 hur-.day in its office .11 I Ill \W,t Hay St.. Suite 120. ( o.,IJ ~ll'-.a. 1 lw evc111ng will include a tour of till" m•w r.1uJ11y and an auc- FYI •WHAT: Costa Mesa City Council meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFO: (714) 754-5223 manager and sraff have prepared a list of budget balancing strategies to addre'>s addilional budgetary reduction'> for the next fiscal year a'> they become neces!>31)'. Th~e include an acro~-the-board cul in appropriation request'> and service or program cut'> WHAT TO EXPECT The City Ma11ager and 'taff are looking to the w uncil to provide chrecuon. "No doubt '>Orne dafficull dec1s1ons have lo be made." ManM>or !>aid. "It will he tough no matter how we do 11. - -Cmn111/~d by Veirdre Ne111mn11 Lion. A swing dance cxh1hition will aJso be featured. Proceeds from the event will go toward reopening the group\ food bank. The group is ai.'>O calling for volunteers to serve hor<, d'oeuvres and dinner for the eve- ning. lnformauon: (949) 650 3461 F11r Rnerr•ti•,,,, CtJI (949) 646-7944 Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... QuaJity Service••· •••Nightly Entertainment ... 1695 (,,,inc AYc., C:O.u Men Neid •• ~ ..... s.i .... Sc. If• ... ;..,.." ll Come see 1hc new EverWood' CountryS1de bhnds from Hunter Dougla~ Overlapping slats create :i t>cau11ful board on-board design And the step-up look adds depth d1mens1on and charac1er to any room And EverWood CoumryS1de will no1 warp crack. peel or fade Even 1n humid areas or direct sunhgtu Comt: L~.!.:.~~':!:'~~~7~ see these beauuful blinds today "'"'"' .... ,,., .......... , .. ~ALDEN'S I I"' \ l. ,. ... I •• 166 J Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646·4838 B UTERA N EWPORT BEAC H FIRST ANN UAL TENT SALE 30 -70 % OFF SELE C TED I TEMS • J UNE 3 -7 1745 W l~fCL IFF D RIVE . N EWPORT BlA( II , CAI llOR IA 92660 R 0 A O BY B A KER • H EN RE D 0 N A C QU I I TI 0 N ~ • R A L r 11 l A U R ~ ~ 11 1. l ~ I UT E RA N tW,OllT BUCH 949 6SO IS70 • • PAH CHY 43S 649 SS40 HJl,NITUllt HODING IATH TAIUTOP FAllUC WAU.COVOING LIGHTING HOOllCOVUING • ., • w •• u ' •• "" 0 ". c 0 l t • ( "0 ... c 0 " llCIUltYt OIV H10•IS Of t A I ClAY I UU IA I MC . COU ITll •o ftll l l AOl M MoncSay, .Mle 2, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY I POLICE FILES C08TAME8A • ..._. 8ll'Mt: Aman WM •~on tutploion of burglary In the 3300 blcxt at 2:40 p.m. Saturday. • 8't1to181N9t A woman wu afT'Mted on auaplclon of grand theft exceeding $400 In the 3300 bloc* at 2:06 p.m. Saturday. • Del Mar Awnue and Elden Awnue: A woman was arrested on suspldon of dumpster scavenging at 8:30 a.m. Thursday. •Del Mar~ and Orange Awnue: A man was arrested on ausplcion of fal1e Imprisonment It 10:11 p.m. Saturday. e<&lt,..,.. Annue and Red Hll AIMnue: A man was arrested on suspicion of violation of parole at 1 :30 a.m. Sunday. • Harbot'~ A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public In the 2200 blcxt at 12:05 a.m. MARKET Continued from A 1 Low rates have allowed many renters to step up to a condo· min.ium or small house and still afford the monthly paymenL "(Low rates have provided morel buying power through 6- nancing. • Olapman said. The low rates coupled with a generally weak economy have provided for a real estate envi· rorunent unlike any in the pasl few decades. lnterest rates have not been this low since 1958, Co- rona del Mar Olamber of Com· me.roe President Bill Sinclair said. Economic slowdowns in the late 1970s and 1980s featured high interest rates that effec· tively chilled home buying. Chapman said. Richard Lee, an agent with Coast Newport Properties, has been selling homes for 33 years and said he hasn't seen this fa. vocable a lending environment In more than 40 years. Lee said he bought his first home in the area in 1967 with a 5.75% rate. "It's pretty amazing.· Lee said. "It's been a very strong marltet • Rates have been low. but Sunday. • w.t 1tlt' 81rMt A man waa anested on suspicion of removing a ahopplng cart In the 600blcxtat10:50 a.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • ~ Boultvwd: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 900 blcxt at 10:38 a.m. Sunday. • CaNil StrMt and Carob StrMt: A phyaical fight WH reported at 1:49 a.m. Sunday. • lrvfne ~:Vandalism was reported in the 500 blcxt at 7:34 a.m. Sunday. • Santa 8artt.era Drive: Forgery was reported in the 800 blcxt at 3:09 p.m. Su1Jd1¥, • w.t Coast Hlghwey: Vandalism was reported in the 2700 blcxt at 2 p.m. Sunday. • W9St Cout Highwrf: A physical fight was reported in the 1400 blcxt at 12:42 a.m. Sunday. 'What you have is a $450,000 home sitting next to a home that's worth $600,000. That is a beautiful thing: Valerie Toretti Torelli Realty Orange County's modest eco· nomic slowdown has kept peo· pie actively loolcing for homes. Countywide unemployment rates, for example, still hang at 3.8%, while statewide 6. 7% of workers are jobless. Along with the low rates, real estate agents point to the rela· lively low number of homes and condominiums on the marlceL In Costa Mesa. right now. there are only 60 properties listed on the mark.et, said Valerie Torelli of Torelli Realty. "We don't have enough supply to last three to four weeks,· Torelli said. "What you have is a $450,000 home sitting next to a home that's worth $600,000. That is a beautifuJ thing.· • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, business and poht1cs. He may be reac:tied at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton ~la rimes.com. .55 % Yield On Principal of Tour 1 2 l\1.1.o CI> FDIC INSUR.EI> FIDELITY INSURED DEPOSITS (949) 588-57 l. ]_ Accur.11c a~ ot 05/30/2003 l'en:ilty for Early Withdraw Bank 1-ccs May Reduce Earning~ NOi Oller To Sell Se<.umics · SI0,000 Limit 2.65"' Annual Pcr•cntage Yield on HJ nk·s FOIC Insured New CD Plu~ hdchty C.1~h Payment At lm:eplion Annunie\ al'o offered Hdclny and Ph i'. J-anuly F-~1<11c ln,uram:e Servi..c ( 1..icllOCS0491 Not Member of fc:dc;J it lmurancc Corporation. §OLIS INVESTMENT GJROUP Stock Markd's Up. Stock Macket's Down. Arc J"CMl rimt of* ~:.1111~t bdirnor of die tnadid If J"CMl aJUW'tft'd .. ya .. dim CDfM haw., . &ic", Learn how to pantee growth. widi no Nii to rour Solis ii a Uui6ed R.Dc:ial Pbn.ncr (CFP) with 17 ,an · ~ baa hclfl*l bu dicnu inw:n cheit 1DOC1C1 witdy to WbCQ.1 "IA...m•llun•B ill Tunaoq~~~ Wberer Malt ...... $ HW\',CDM __ ...., ____ ~- -~ .• p.iifi@foiSOLAIUAN. ~AL\t?.2!!2 .. M°G81.119f....... DPSI IOUD llAIDWOOD PUJSB CAIPIT •"•'99 ............... 1•• ... ..... ....... ...ft. ft ............ 18".-.......... _. __ ·11-"' C..-s 't ftle-·----·· .._.... ,,_ t • ,. .._ Ip I ...... ____ ............. -"' ........ ...,, ,..... ---.,,. " .......... .,. Ml ... " ... ,..,,, ~ 6"'flflll- Jlf t .._-., .... r • cma mu HOUSING Continued from Al •1t blends ri8bt tn with the area. No one complains about It• Still. the city is far abort of the state ~uirements for p,roviding homes a.trordable to the average family. Acoording to the state's fonnula. the dry needs about 254 more units. And that number could grow as existing properties opt out of the affordable housing program. The 150 unJt proposed at lower Bayview Landing have gone a long way toward winning the state's approval. Last month, the state Depart· ment of Housing and Commu· niry Development ruled that the dry had taken enough steps towani its affordable housing re- quirement that the department agreed to certify the housing el· ement portion of the city's gen· eral plan. lbat's important ~ ALLOWED Continued from Al Daniels also presented the center a check. from the family for $10,000, same as last year. A representative from the Auto Oub was also there, same as last year, but this year something was missing. OelHeintz, emcee and president of the Senior Center board of directors, was also in a joking mood. ·Anyone else have a check for us,· he said playfully. Goelman said she understands. She knows everyone is under the financial PARADE Continued from Al nail polish. an American flag panemed hat, a scarf and sunglas.ses. The dog is another weU·known resjdent of the island. Mel linscon said. "Th.is is what she likes to do, ff he said. "She liJces to make people happy." Th.is year the parade was dedicated to Sherry Kerns who died Friday, only days before the parade. As co-owner of The Sandpiper for 19 years, Kerns used to donate balloons. take photos and prepare for the parade with a window display. ·She was always smiling no maner what happened. .. saio Betry Gilbert, co-owner of The Sandpiper store. "She knew everyone's name and everyone's dog and cat.· The parade had been a special day for Kerns. he said. ·She was special lo everyone here, especially the fire department guys.· Gilbert said. ·u·s going to be very different without her." As Summer Bress stood on th~ sidelines waiting for her husband and kids to come down the street with their •Kids on Wheels" tloat. she said the parade didn't seem the same without Kerns. "She was one of Balboa Island's most favorite people.· AROUND TOWN • Send AAOUM> TOWN items to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;_by e-mail to milct1.ftWn«m@latlmn.conT, by fa.x to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298.. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TUESDAY P.K. Ocie of the Am..tcan Feng Shul Institute will explain how elemental remedies are Implemented to complement your dbr 9t e 7 p.m. eeminar at Vlalona a Dreama In Costa Meta. ReNrvlltlona are required. For mont lnfonnatlon, call (826) 288-1e68. WEONEIOAY The,... of the fMwpoft Beacti Ubraty wtll host a compHmtntary brundt and "'"'* mMtfng for membets 9t 10:30 a.m. In the Frlendt MNdr'O Room IC the Central Ubnwy, 1000 AWC9do Ave. loCll Neney RoblecM. author of more than 70 boob. will .,. the epeebr. AaeerVilione are requlNd tnd mutt .,. "'"' by Mey 28. c.. (714)51M271. ,...,.,..,. .... ....., CMmW of Co11w1Mtee wtn praeent ·How to G9t the ..... Out of Your..it" • prtMnt.atlon on how to,.,, one't goata. from 7 to 9 p..m ... Coco't FeeNon lalend. The COIC le $10 for nonmembert, he to memt>era. For more lntotmdon, eel Anne Ula lleeoft lit, ... , M5-t897. cause without tate certification, the dry couJd be vulnerable to a lawsuit The Lower Bayview Landing apartment.a would be ava1lablc to Newport Beach res.ldents S5 and older who qualify as very low in· come. Based on last year's In· come lewis. a one-bedroom unit would be available to a taa:nl.ly of two that brought ln no more than $36,300 a year. The rent limit wouJd be $908. For more general purpose$. in Newport Beach, low income means 80% of the average Orange County earnings. For a family of four tn Newport Beach. this means they must earn no more than $60,500, which ls 80% of the countywide average of $75,600. The cloclc is ticking on the project because the deadline for the city to apply for tax credits for the project is July 15. Tux credits will help finance the low· income projection. lf the d ry gun. But when people think about charity, they often think of youn~ters, not elders. "It is getting harder and harder with the seniors,• Goelman said. "I just don't know. I'm going to start having to k.noclc on doors.· Not only has Goelman encountered hurdles in getting private donations, recently it looked as if public money might be in jeopardy. ln April when the Costa Mesa City Council was deliberating which nonprofit organizations would get funding in the form of CommunJry BJock. Development Block Grant - money essentially handed down from the feds to help the community. Bress said. "She was so sweet and kind." The parade had become a big event for Bress whose family who bad won the award three times in the past four years. Kerns had been the onJy vendor on Marine Avenue who Bress could trust enough to reveal each yeac's theme beforehand, she said. Really the family's float is just a decorated WclgOn. but I.heir designs have become more elaborctte over the years. she said. "You don't have to build a float, you can just put on a weird hat and walk.· Bres.5 said. "You don't even need a weird hat, anything goes.· Marine Sgt. Benjamin Scofield. 25, who returned from Kuwait on Tue!.day, was 4Jvited to I.he parade as a sped.al guest by the Newport Harl>or Nauucal Museum. The crowd greeted him with handshakes and gratitude. The Marine. based at Camp Pendleton but originally from Vrrginia, said he was imp~ with his first visit to Balboa Island. "It's incredible,· he said. •1t's just a great feeling. just a great area. People say his on the streets and greet you ln the morning." Once they found out he was a Marine. the welcome was even more heart-felt with big hu~ and hearty welcomes. his wife Mariah added. a class at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona def Mar at 9 a.m. Designs are based on concepts that have evolved over centuries of Japanese history from Chinese and Korean origins.. Registration is $45. Pre-registration Is required. f.or more information, call (949) 673-2261. THURSDAY Edgar ftneht .,...._Hamiton Will return to the Newport Beach Central Library at 7 p.m. to present •'The Crime Novel as Cultural Study:' The best•elling author will dl1CUu •sugar Skull," her new novel, and how her joumallsm baclground led to wrltlng fiction. Call (9'9) 717-3816 for more infonnatlon. ~ tWp USA wtl hold an open houM and membtrt mixer from' to 7 p.m. to show the publlc ht new flldltty et 330 Wect Bey St., Sutt.120 In COltt M .... The open houte will feature muaic performed by Oi*'I D'ttri tnd Aktc Shennan. The pubflc can mete doMtione et the door end ~In an auction wtth MVWal chwtnoe for~ from local bu81n11111 C.11 (948) ~1 for more lnformltton. ~y UC lrwlne~ PNlt Jb Wo'9d o.nc. Dey, fRturing Orenge County ...,.,,.,,..ry 8Cf\OOl 11Udent9 perfonnlng '°'k dlncae from Mexican, Vi.enemtM, EUJOPMn tnd Native~ cu"'1rM. Th4t noon ewnt 9t Aktrid\ Pllrtc on the 00 campue la he. fof' fnfonnldon, cell (948) l24o8M2. IAl'URMY ............... lftof MMy4i ....... c.-. ......... flow~. le the tubjed of 'fMn ~ ~ wMf hole I ml5set that dudline, It will mean that wotk can't start until alter state preva.Wng wage laws lclck tn. That woukhdd about $1 mil· Uon to the project cost, of which the city covers halt Ctry ofticlals had origlnaUy p~cted that they needed c.outaJ Commission approval no later than the commiss.lon's June 11 meeting. The Item Is on that agenda. but now dry officials think It may be better to wait un· ti1 the July 7 meeting. That wouJd give them more time to address the commission's environmentaJ concerns while eklllg under the tax credit application deadline. The project's fate Is uncertain because environmentalists dis· covered plants at the site they say qualify a portion of Lower Bay- view Landing as protected wet· lands. Coastal Commission staff has recommended that commis- sioners deny the city's request for a permit to build the housing complex. based on a survey of A few days before the vote. Councilman Allan Mansoor asked the applying agencies submit the salaries of each executive director. A request that did not go over well with most of the 18 applicants, including Senior Center officials. Most refused to divulge the information, saying it was irrelevant to the type of funding they were asking for. which went toward programs. etc .• not salaries. The board of the Costa Mesa Senior Center voted lo refuse the information. In the end. it didn't hurt their bonom line and the center received its cul of the federal pie. Mansoor acrualJy opposed Antique cars. decorated golf carts. city officials, electric vehicles, a gondola. bands playing live music and old· fashloned fire uucks from neighboring departments drove by. Miniature horses. a pink poodle. lifeguards and loc.aJ performers made the short stroll down the avenue. The Village Inn patio chair driJJ team performed their latest routine. Hula dancers, poodles and children displayed their talents. Bystanders ran into the streets lo collect candy. t·sh.irt.s and other souvenirs. The parade involved 120 entrants. 400 lo 500 marcher,, dozens of volunteers and mo~ than 4,000 people watching on the sidelines. said Craig Page. president of the Balboa Island Improvement Assn. As IO·year-old Samantha Sm.ith was singing for the crowd. Kirk Thomson said such performances are the reasons he brin~ his family. "The kids -that's the best part because they are so cute,· he said. "It's local talent." Merry M~ Taylor said she comes out to see neighbors. ·we always run into people we know.~ she said. ·1 was born here, raised here and I am never leaving." As the parade came to an end. people began to gather al the other end of the street for speeches by the fire department Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featuring the latest looks from Roxy, Hur1ey, O'Neill, Blllabong and more at 2 p.m. in Macy'• South Coast Plaza's womeda store. For nlOf"8 Information, call (714) 656-0611. ext. 4231. Som.one c.... Soup Kitchen will oefebrate its 17th anniversary In memory of Cpt. Jose Angel Garibay from 6 to 9 p.m. at 720 West 19th St. in Costa Mesa. The Flag Day dinner/auction will feature Chef Leon Mathews. Tldtats cost $46. All proceeds will support the Someone Cares Soup Kltc:Mn Hunger Relief and Tutoring Programs. Make reMrvations by May Tl Call (949) 6'8-888t For underwriting opportunltlea, call (71') 801-2364. .... ...., Ooadstlllt. °"-of the authort of •Heatthy Dining in Orange Count(,' for• MSSion about hNtthv cuisine 9t your fewrite rwt.aurent9 In the Bloom!~ Home Store In N9WJ)Oft 8Md'I from 11 :30 e.m. to 1 p.m. The $16 tdmlak>n fndudeil t ~copy of •HNlthv Dining In Orange Coun1Y: Spece fa limited, and tk*ets must be purchned by June 1. C.H (Me) 7~ for mont lnfonnttk>I'\. ,,,. MlfM ldtoOI Country,..., wtH Nn fn>m 101.m. to ' p.m. et 29&0 Country Club Drlw. The fair wiN haYt 1....,.. tuedon, a 5().foot.,,......,,. obit.Ide COUIM, • 30-fooc Inflatable elldt •• ~ .... nun*OUI gemea. pna., food, drtnb, I bite ... I OJ, I g!.-_t bind and more. Cal (71') 42.4-7935 fof mote lnbm9dotL l1nn••MUs .. tf-. HOajfce ,....,,.... ~ *'" lhe site. Prop0nent1 of moving ahead with the project. led by Mayor Steve Bromberg. aay that the wetlands question wu created by environmentalists ln a strug· gle for power OYCr how the ~ on Upper Bayview Landlng Is de- veloped. Both sides aay they're commit· ted to brtngjng more senior af. fordable bowing to the area - they Just disagJee on what must be done to compensate nature for building over the supposed wetlands. "This community has a very serious need for senior housing, ff said Sheila Hatchell. president of the Friends of the Oasis Senior Center. ·1 hope very much this happens soon." • JUNE CASAGAAM>£ covers Newport BNctt and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.cauor•nde latimn.com. the final vote because the city did not give enough to the seniors. With cardiac arrest barely avoided In April and a poor showing at this month's breakfast, Goelman Is looking to the summer to bring in the second half of the center's $100,000 fund· raising goal. "You know me,• Goelman said. "I don't give up. We can't take away from the seniors what they need." • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be readled at 1949) 5744275 or bye-mail at lolira harper a,i/at1mes com AWARDS People'• Chotc.: Personal Assistance League Mayor'• Award: Pear1 Harbor Survivors and Hula Gir1s Grand Marshall'• Award: Emerald Point a.st Music Group: Orange County Fi re Pipe Band a.st Youth: California Girls That Twir1 a.st Kkl1 on Wh..,a: Anaheim Angels ·Best Band: Newport Harbor High School BHt Rost: Balboa Tug Boat Theme Awerd: Volunteer Fire Department BHt Cart Award: John Cleary BHt Antique Car: 1910 Cadillac S,Mrit Award: Village Inn Patio Chair Drill Team and Newpon Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg and the be.t part - the awards. Once again, the Bress family'!. Anaheim Angels Edison field wagon won for Best Kid on Wheels. "The takers couldn't do it bu1 we could,· Nigel, 6, ran to teU lu.<1 father upon hearing the news. • 1 feel awesome,· he said. "Because we just tried our best and we hoped a lot and we worked a loL • • CORAL WILSON is the news &1sistant and may be readled at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at corsf wilson(tilstimes.oom and make a difference in the lives of terminally Ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team is seeking caring people to autst patients and families with nonmedical needs. such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, reading to patients, paying weekly social vlsita and running errands. Volunteert are also needed to aaallt with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for more Information. St. MkhMI and Al Angela Epiacopal Church will pretent a seminar that P<>M• the qufftlon, "Don Biblical Interpretation Contribute to the Plight of the Holy Lend Chriatlana?" at 9 a.m. Th• church I• at the comer of Peoific View Drive and Ma.rguerlte Avenue In Coton• del Mar. f.or more lnfonnation, call (949) 6440463. SUNDAY The~ CountyWomen'• ChoNe preNnt lta 2003 spring pt0gr9m, "On~ Wand: et Newport Harbor l.utheren Churdl. The conc.t of lsl•fld..themed mutk beglne .t 7 p.m. tnd will lndudt the chorue directed by Ellla ~end •Mtn In 91eque: an.,......,,* ~rect.ct by Joeeph HulZti. ~ .,.. $12 tnd °*".,. punNMd In ldvanot et (M) 481:.eMO. lownof .............. lnYtllld to "The Summer 1<now9.• • free mueble .. 3 pm. lit lhe Nel:6'0ft '-" c........ Ubrlrf. .... -'le"*" aind.""" ,.... ... ~ .... prlOIS"" or-....,.,.. ........... --.~ ..... of Geulhwln.......,. end UOrlnd. Parmcn~Clll(Mt ~ ot td >r 1e id ~­ rk t - f. st re od ~ • Jf >r is ) .t s e >r s I I • QUOTE OF THE DAY "These kids /ove to play soccer." Kurt Suhr, Rea boys 5-6 soccer coach EYEOPENER l)diJy .. lfu Spar1a ltd olFUMI \ ~'4 Chr 1t-.W11•'-u June 9 honof ee HUGH FOSTER Oaity Piiot Spo'1a Editor Rlchlwd Durwl: 19491574-4223 • Spo'1a Fax: !9491650-0170 Monday. June 2. 2003 A5 BOYS 5-6 Classy Rea three-peats with shutout, while team is praised for good sportsmanship, as well as ski lls. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The formula is really quite simple for Rea Elementary School's success at the Daily Pilot OJp the last three years: love for soccer and respecting opponents. ·These kids love to play soccer.· Kurt Suhr said before Sunday's championship game pitting Rea's first team against Kaiser's No. I squad in the boys fifth-and-sixth grade soccer division of the fourth annual CT.illy Pilot Cup at the Farm Complex. "It is beautiful soccer to watch.· The Sharks laid claim to Suhr's sentiments with four second-half goals to secure a 5-0 shutout for the school's third consecutive championship in the division. But the manner in whjch the Sharks won was implemented by the coaches from the begj.rullng. Suhr, along with the husband-and-wife team of Gannon and Jenny Burks, began coaching the boys just four weelc:s ago and regularly stressed the value of sportsmanship. At the postgame awards ceremony, See REA. Pqe A7 BOYS 3-4 Mariners Christian blanks OLQOA, 5-0, to win the third-and fourth-grade boys final. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -After a heart-thumping comeback Saturday to avert a quarterfinal loss. the Mariners Ouistian third-and fourth-grade boys soccer team pumped in enough goals Sunday to keep the pulse rate of its parents and other supporters at a lei.surety pace. The Dolphins. who erased a 3-1 deficit in the final six mmutes to defeat Newport Coast, 4-3, in Saturday's quarterfinals. cruised past semi6nal opponent Rea. then Our Lady Queen of Angels in the final, both by 5-0 scores. to claim the championship of the Daily Pilot Cup Sunday at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. •We got a fright !Saturday!.· said Mariners Coach Phil Miller. whose team was never really cballenged Sunday. Steven Miller and Daniel Toberty each scored twice. while Connor Cruse added a goal in the semifinal win, knocking off defending champion Rea No. I. as goalies Preston Risser and Oa.rt Cashion shared duty to record the shutout SM MARINERS, Pqe Al - DAILY P ·ILOT EDITOR'S SCORECARD Spirit filled the air RICHARD DUNN CUP Title bound Rea's Edgar Vega, above, clears the ball as a Kaiser player closes m dunng the boys 5-6 finals of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Sports Complex on Sunday. Rea won, 5-0. Left, a player from Andersen splits a pair of Harbor Day School def enders 111 the girls 3-4 championship match. Andersen went on to def eat Harbor Day for its second straight Pilot Cup title. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW /DAl.Y Pt.OT INSIDE GIRLS 5-6 Second-half flurry helps Carden Hall earn elu sive fifth- and sixth-grad e girls crown Sunday. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot a>5fA MfA\A -5oo.h grade graduation L'> '>till d few day-. awdy, but the veteran nuclew. of the Carden I lall fifth-and sixth-grade gu1l> soccer team picked up d CCM'ted parnng w.ft ~nday at the Co<,ta Mesa ~ Complex. 1 lavtng furtt.-d wtth the champ1omJ11p in its Lhree pl'l'VIOU.S ln~ to the l.>cilly Pilot Cup. Carden I fall defeated Our Lady Queen of Angeb. 4-1. m the atle game The vtctory, which foUowed a 9-I morning ..emifinal tnumph over ~. Joachim. put Ca.rden Hall. which outscored IL'> five opponenb. 30 2. on top of the 23-team field. "This group ha!> been knockmg on the door," said Carden Hall ~tant roach Mike Bemay, who<,e daughter. Julia. a sophomore at Newpon Harbor 11.Jgh, t'> the head coach. "We were second the first two years (as 1hirrl-and fourth-grader..! and we lost m the semifinals la..t year to Kaiser. whith won iL" Carden Hall appeared little 1ntere:!.1ed m a consolauon pri7~ ~year. though Queen of Angeb withstood a con.sisten1 See CARDEN, Pa&e A7 GIRLS 3-4 Dolphins build 3-1 Jead over Harbor Day, then hold on for second straight title. Steve Vir&en Dally Pilot COSU\ MESA -A huge sigh of rehef preceded the yells of celebration for the Andersen No. I thud-and fourth grade girls soccer team The Dolphins successfully defended their Daily Pilot OJp atle. and they definitely earned ttus champ1onshlp after fending off a rambunctious 1 larl:>or Day squad, 3·2. Sunday at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. Ander;en went up. 3-1. wilh 18 rrunutes left after McKenzie Brown's second goal of the game and then had to hold on for the wm. ~larl:>or Day ouL.'4lot Andersen, 4-2. in the final 18 minutes and Kathryn Conner scored with~ minutes left after Cheisea Barth set her up with an accurate lead pass for Conners breakaway. 'lllat was an awesome game.· Andersen Coach Claudio Ventunru satd. • 1 trunk this was the best game or the tournament They had just ~ much chance as winning this as we did At the end. they were coming bad and we were trying to hold them off. We feel very fortunate that we came out ahead and See DOLPHftS, Pace Al Upsets made in Guild finale f M Monday, .Jooe 2, 2003 SPORTS 2003 ROY EMERSON ADOPTION GUILD TENNIS CLASSIC Seventh seed captures men's open singles title Cook defeats Motevassel in straight sets, pockets $3,000 for his effort. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACH -Jason Cook used strong net play and took advantage of numerous un· forced errors by Oren MotevasseJ to upset the No. 3 seed, 6·3, 6-2 in the championship of the men's open singles division at the Roy Emerson Adoption Guild Tennis Oassic on Sunday at the Newport Beach Tennis Oub. 11 was the second upset of the tournament for seventh-seeded Cook, who also upset second· seeded Breit llansen·Dent of Newport Beach in the quarter· finals. "1 t.h ink the seedings were a lit· lie screwed up," Cook. 26, said. Cook. a resident of Brentwood, sald tus toughest match of the tournament came in the second round against Las Vegas' Brian Battistone. Cook prevailed 6-7 (5). 6· 1. 7 ·5. "I le had a jump serve like a volleyball player. I couldn't gel a take on it,· Cook said. •tte !'>hould have beaten me.• Cook. a resident of Brentwood. played three years at UCLA before joining the pro tour. He quit the tour la.c;t year to return to UCLA where he got his degree in sociol· ogy. Now tennis is just for fun and for the extra $3,000 spending cash he picked up for winning Sunday. C.ook. who played in the dou- bles final last year, played a solid all-around game. He picked up 16 of his points off his play at the net. making only three errors when he moved in. He converted 35 of 55 first serves, induding nine aces. six in the second set. Huntington Beach's Motevas· sel. 35, commined 24 unfooced errors, 17 in the second set. Both players held serve in the first set until Cook broke Mote· va5Sel lo go up. 4·2, with a pass- mg shot down the line when Motevassel came into the neL After that Cook held serve and won the fi.rsl set on a backhand into the net by Motevassel. "I have played him quite a few times, so I know his game, H Cook said. "I didn't want 10 get into a long match with him and go 7·6, 7-6, that's what he wants.H There was no fear of that as Cook quickly took control in the second set, breaking Motevassel at 2-1 on two straight errors by Motevas.-.el. Cook had an opportunity to go up 4-1. when he took a 40-30 lead on another Motevassel er- ror, but the Israel native held fast and battled through three deu- ces to take the game on an un- characteristic error by Cook. ·As long as I'm playing a solid game I can make up for my er· rors.· Cook said. Cook broke again to go up 5·2, when Motevassel commined three e rrors. and Cook won the game with a back-handed d1nk volley. one of several dinks he used in the match to unravel Motevassel. MoCevassel refused to give up. though, as the final game lasted 12 serves and induded several long rallies. Cook took the advantage on a volley and won the match on a forehand down the line that Motevassel was unable to return with his two-banded backhand. "This was fun, H Cook said. • 1rs nice to get out and hit real balls every once ln awhile. And It's not bad pay for a couple of week- ench of compedtion.." MARK C. DUSTIN/DAILY Pit.Or Seventh-seeded Jason Cook of Brentwood eyes the ball as he gets ready to smash it over the net. Davis, Pate double trouble Lo~al tandem wins two events Sunday in Adoption Guild finals at Newport Beach Tennis Club. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Before a packed house, defending cham· pions Scott Davis and David Pate made quick work of a couple of youngsters to win their first of two titles on the day at the Roy Emerson Adoption Guild Tennis Oassic on Sunday a1 the New- port Beach Tennis Oub. To·p-seeded Davis and Pate. who also won the men's over·35 doubles competition, look home the open doubles ti tle with a 6·4. 6-3 victory over Brian and Dann Battistone of Las Vegas. 6-4, 6-3. It was a standing-room only crowd a1 center court 10 chet>r on the old-timers, who won the men's 35-and-over title al Wim- bledon last year. Davis, a pro at the Newport Beach Tennis Oub and Pate from Henderson, defeated top-seeded Piet Aldrich of La Jolla and Jim Pugh of Manhattan Beach, 6-1. 6-0 lo make it a clt>an sweep in the tournament. The Bactistone duo advanced to the championship by up~CI· ting second-~eedcd Carsten Hoffman of Newpon £each and his partner Art Hernandez or Huntington Beach m a long 7 ·6 (6), 6-7(4), 6-4 ball.le. The tournament. which ben· efits Holy Family Services, took a break after the men's open sin- gles final to donate a check for $78,000 to the adoption and ro .... ter care facility. "We gave them $10,000 earlier this year.~ tournament co-chair· man Harriet Selna said. "After we get all the bills paid we'll have another check fo r them also." It is the 42nd year of the tour- nament, which began over Me· mortal weekend. Top-seeded Kathy May Fritz and Roz Nldefer of Rancho Santa Fe took home the women's open doubles title over second-seeded nffany Brymer and Carine Ver· muelen or Apple Valley. Fritz and Nide(er made it look easy In the first set. cruising to a MAR1< C DUSTIN /DAILY PILOT Oren Motevassel concentrates on the ball as he prepares to return it during the men's open finals of the Adoption Guild. 6-1 victory, but Brymer and Ver- muelen batlled in the second set before falling. 7-5. In the women's open singles divi'>ion, both of the top seeds defaulted in the semifinals lead· ing 10 a matchup between third- seeded Stephanie Landsdorp of Rolling lliJlo; F,states and Cristina V&io of Long Beach. Landsdorp came out on 1op with a 7·6 (5), 6-3 victory, earn- ing her a $3,000 checlc. The pri7,e money this year was the most 19ven in Lhe tournament's his· tory. with all the open winners receiving the same amount. Landsdorp also competed in the open doubles with partner D11ta Huber of Los Angeles. b\Jt the duo lost. 6-1. 7-5, to Pritz and Nidefer in the semifinals. Several local players claimed lilies over the weekend. SCORECARD Continued from A5 ended Rea's attempt to repeat as champions in Sunday morning's semifinals with a 5-0 win. In the girls fifth· and sixth-grade title contest, ,. powerhouse Carden Hall. which appeared determined from the Third-seeded Tun Wlme of Newport Beach and Rob Wein of Fountain Valley defeated Santa Ana's Luis Alvd and Orange·~ Tom Hoffman. 7-6 (5), 3-6, 6-4 in men's 3.5 doublt.-s final'>. TI1ird·seeded Jimmy Latham and Luis Curet of Co'ita Mesa took the men's 4.0 doubles crown with a quick. 6·4, 6-1 victory over fifth·seeded Michael Glazer and Tom Hoffman of Orange. In men's 4.5 doubles, Robert Duesler of Newport Beach and teammate Jim Nelson of Irvine held ofTom Duddy and Jim Gray of Newport Beach. 10 win 6-4. 7-6 (6). In women's 5.5/6.0 doubles Gail Glasgow of Corona del Mar teamed with Beth Thomson of Scottsdale, Ariz. and quickly put away lhtcy Worley and IJsa See· man, 6-2, 6·2. outset, beat Our Lady Queen of Angels, 4· l. Defending champion Kaiser was knocked off in the semifinals by Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2· l. Andersen's thlrd· and fourth-grade girls team joined Rea's 5-6 boys as repeat champions as Andersen edged Kaiser, 3-2. for all the marbles Sunday. With nearly 100 teams and Daily Pilot 1111 Daily A Pilot 1111 Sports Hall of Frune Celebrating the nill1Pnniun1 JERRY DEBUSK While at Santa Margarita, form er Newport Harbor coach still takes pride in his roots. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot W hen Jerry DeBusk was 31 years old he began lO fulfill a dream, a dream that began at Newport Harbor High. The Sailo~ particularly Athletic Director Jules Gage, gave DeBusk his first high school boys basketball head varsity coaching job. DeBusk: quiclcly took advantage of the opportunity. "I was ecslatic. • DeBlS said of his reaction when he first learned he rereived the job. "lt Wei.$ something I had dreamed about. I was very much aware r::i the tradition that Newport Hart.x>r had I was going to~ a chance lO live out my dream Being able to coach al a ~ school in thal area. thal ~ the ultimate.. were in the Sun..et League. We got 10 the playo~ in my fir>t year. Bui I was just happy to be there an the mix with those coach~ II was really a men1onng tlung for me. "When I tl1ink bad: 10 Newport,H he continued. "I have great memories. l:.nc 1\veit, JefT Brinkley and Dan Glenn, I consider those guys as friend\. '01ose are guys I have known for a long time. We had epic l)(lllles with Corona d1•l Mar. All th~ things are just fanta.'>Lic." DeBusk jll!'>I completed his 11th season as basketball coach at Santa Margarita. where he ha' built and mamtained a win11111g Lrad1t1on. "We have three CJF lllle!> and a '>tale title. DeBusk went on to achieve~ with the Sailors. He guided Newport to league titles. Jerry DeBusk but 11\ ,tJJI ahou1 the playt·~ for me." he !><lid "Ont' or tht• than~ that inaually attrac:wd me w Santa Marganta \\'Cb that 11 remanded mt' of Newpon because of the good people to won. with." but more importanlly to him he fonned relationships and gained valuable experience. "When I think of Newport Harbor I don't think so much or the accomplishments, and yet we did have the accomplishments,H DeBusk said. "I think of the friends I made. Those are the really good things I cared about I don't really reflect on the achievements. One year we were 24-5, but those are the thing; I really don't think about that much. Ir's more about the faculty. the player!) and the parents.· OeBusk's interest in coaching began when he enrolled in a theories of coaching~ that was taught by Jerry Tarkanian and his a.s....c.tant coaches at Long Beach State. Al that time. DeBusk also found a job at Long Beach Poly. "To call that coaching (at Long Reach Poly). is a linle bit of a stretch. H he said. "We prcicticed ouLSlde with very linJe equipmcnL I coached the ·c team, which is the equivalent of the freshman team." After Poly. DeBusk became a teacher at Costa Mesa and was the freshman basketball coach there for two years and the jwlior varsity head man for another ~ ~ns. Then, Gage hired DeBusk al Newport Harbor. For over the next 13 years. DeBuslc wort.ed as the Sailors' varsity hays basJcetbalJ coach. "One of the things that was outstanding for me was the faculty (Newport! had in place and the coaches. like Bill Pimca (football), Bill Barnett (water polo) and Jules Gage." DeBuslc said. "I lere was a young guy with no varsity experience and he gets lo be there. We had good teams. We were~ Al thal time we J ,900 ldds participating in the Pilot Cup, 1 can't imagine a better way for~ boys and girls 10 bond before ending their respective school years and heading off to summer vacation. In a special note to all Pilot Cup coaches. every school roster that was faxed, emailed or mailed to the Daily Pilot sports desk will appear ln publication DeBu..Jc. 58. '>hflW'> no signs of .JOWlllg d<Mn ln fart. he ~Y" ba.'>kethall rernam., hi'> passion. "I think I '111 deranged." Dt•Bu\k !>aid. "I suJI hkc gomg tn pructtrc I Ii.kc going 10 the KYfll tu 1't'I' af we can play Lhc right way and represent ouN+•'l."> properly. I '>IJll like coathinJ(. It\ all about I know how to do halfway decent I"m very proud of beLOK a wudi. II 'iOn of dcfin~ llll'." OeBuslc. who <Lbo teal ht."> at Santa M~ta. '><ltd he ha.., changed ru. a coa<:h and pcr-;on smce the days al Newport I larbor. but h~ focus on hlbtle and a workmanlike a111tude n.•mrun ·1 thin.le '>CJmc ex player. of mme ..m: ~oang to rl•ad thl., and they're gomg 10 thank. 'he wa'>n't so wann and flv.ty bad. tl1t•11." " Dettusk "1ld. "I thank I"m a helter coach now than when I Wd!> younger. I uy 10 in<;tlU a good woO: ethic <md a -.en'>«.' of rc!>pon<iihih1y 10 the team and their ta.!Jt 10 go out and play ~ hard a' they can. 11ie winn111g and loc;ing can take of n~lf. "I think I'm kmd or a no-non.-.en~ ~y:· l>cBu.\k continued. "I want my playcN 10 woO: hard. I "m going 10 set the example for that I Wdlll l11cm tu have fun, too becaw.e I don·1 Wdfll 10 be drill sergeant. But. I'm 001 a salnt: I know that I'm going 10 try to get a lcid lO play as hard as he can. If he wanL'i 10 win and won: and a have good ume an doing c;o, then I'm all for iL let's ~'Ct after it." DeBusk. the latest honoree or the Daily Ptlot JfaU of Fame. lrves in Aliso Viejo with his wife Pam. They have two daugnteN. Ten and Kaylee. and one '!On. Craig. who graduated from Newpon Harbor. and three grandchildren. this week. Today is the deadline for submitting rosters. A big Jhank.s to Mcintosh for malting the Pilot Cup happen. It's am37Jng what an idea can do or how far It can go. lbere are few events on the Daily Pilot sports calendar as unique an environment as Lhe Pilot Cup. Were already planning for next year's fifth annual Cup. ( B;;;d ) Buen a SCORE YOUR BEST DEAL -------p ark 0 60 ,,CH '03 r .\l'l_ORER Cl.rAnANCf -- • Dally Piiot REA Continued from A5 where the first-and second-place teams from all four divisions gathered to receive their medals and the Cup -awarded to each champion from the four divisions -the Kaiser Co-Coach expressed her appreciation for Rea. wWhen they would knock our players down, I could hear them c,ay, ~re you OK." ·· Mello recalled about the Sharks. "I want to I.hank you for your politeness.· "I'm very appreciative they did that,· Gannon Burks ..aid. "We 1aught more than '>OCCer . . respecting the game ..., part of the '>pon.· S P 0 R'T S DAILY PILOT CUP Rea aced both areas Sunday. claiming 1u. fourth coru.ecutive '>hutout in five tournament games. fhe Sharks allowed rwo goals in a 4-2 defeat of Mariners Olristian in the fir.I game of Pool A play Wednesday. Hea defeated PHOTOS BYKENTTH[Pl(1W DAI ( P'l or Kaiser goalkeeper Wes Shaw, right, makes a lunging save on a shot by Rea's Jesus Garcia. center At right, Juan Gonzales, center, of Rea 1s congratulated by his teammates after scoring a goal against Kaiser during the boys 5-6 final of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Farm Sports Complex on Sunday. I larhor Day. 8-0, in a morning ..emifmal Sunday. Kaiser cam e off a one-and-a halfhour double-!>hootout c.ontl!l>t II won again!>! 1 larhor View Sunday mommg. lhe Knit{hl..'> and I larbor View wcrt· tit:d, 1-1. at the l'nd of regulation before Jake Manning •.cored the deci~1ve goal in a 6·5 .,hootout '><"ore. '"W(• playl'd double penalty kick... m lhl' fir..t game and JU'>t rn n out of .,team.·· K.ai'>t'r C .o < ..oach C 11m h1wtll'> '>did. "IHt'a I'> Vl'I) f.i..,1. \.\-ell-codthe<l ind had good p.t.'-'tng " Ilea out..J1o t Kai..er, 20· .J, wllh I l of lho<,e attempt'> coming in 1he St."<·ond half Jorge Oliva., il'<.I Hea with three goals in the ..e<:ond half, rnnc;tantly \trea~ng down the near sideline to rt'<. eive cm~ Oliva., gave Hea a 2·0 lead JO llUllUtl"> llltO the 'it'tOlld haJf when tht' hall rollt'<l to him after .1 prc.·V1C111., <,hot dt'Oected off a Kat'>(•r defender .111d he prumptJv hoott>d the h.dl into the ll'ft .,1de of the rtl'l lng,111 ... utten.'<J to MclJo. ·· 111!?}' t .111 do 1111 .... tht•n• 1~ '>Lill pltmry of CARDEN Continued from A5 fiN h<1LI uffe1N\:l' barmgc, then pullt'<.l l'Ven four minute<. mto the '>t.>t·onc.l .IO·mmute half. But Cruden I tall broke the Ill' fow rrunutl"> idlt'r. anti. with a thrt't'·~•tl Ourry 111 .t 14 nunu1e 'l>an, p •. m.'f.l 1L., way to the award' flrt.><it.>ntation, at which each player re<·e1wd a rhamp1on<J1ip medal "WC' h.1w d lot of good player.. about IO \\ho JI'(' wry '>tro ng and h.iw playt-<l a lot or 'otx:c.:er." Mike lk'may -..11d. "But the 19rl., who haVl' nol pl.tYt'll a lot <ill did what we a!.kt>tl tht•m to do. I think they made tht• d11Tl'rt•nr1•." Kelly Mallhl'W" 01><.>nt'CI the \C. oring Im Lart.lc•n I I all, 01t.:king in ,1 Maggit• Bem.1y comt·r kid: m lht• fifth 11111\Ute. Lan.Jm 1 lall fin•d mne more .,hot., lx•forc halftmlt' to fin.W1 wllh a I Z I <.'dgt• Ill that 1.Jcpanmt•nt hy mtemw ... .,icm But l.)u<.'<'n of Angt•I., l ept tJ1e defiat .U Ont" t-ate l\aldom o,cored on an .L ... \l'il fmrn Man.1 ltna to lie the time." On the ensuing po55ession, Kaiser mjdfielder Bobby Olcvist crossed to Danny Ingalls a<, the duo moved pa'it midfield alongsidt' forward Mario H$,'lleroa with the urging of< hri!> Ingalls, Mello and fans. n1ey wanted the defense to move up tJw field. '"We tried to throw tht'm oO<.idec; and II worked, but 11 Wil'> too late 111 the game." lngalJ-. ..aJd \.\/hen the Shark. .. weren t ~mg calk-d for offa1des. they were leadmg a c:ow1terattack upfield, gJ\.1ng Kaiser goalkeeper Wt'\ Shaw plenty of attention <;haw made 11 -.aves and wru. rudt"d ~ the defense of sweeper 0aV1d Jung along with defender. Druw '>equiera and Scott Hgueroa Olrva5 scored twice mort', onle on a as.sist from Juan Gon.t..iles, who scored 15 minute-. into the '>t'COnd half when hr knocked in a rebound from two yard" out after Hea belted two pnor .,hot~ at Shaw. J~u~ (.arcia, whom wach("t anc.l play~r; refer lo <L'> '"Ou.•wy,"" ran down the opposite wing a'> game and it remained deadloc:k.t.'d for live minutes. before Can.Jen I tall\ I .oren Oraganza cunvenc'll a pa..,_., rrom the wing for a 2 I lrad Maggie Bemay boomed a d1rec-1 free kid: high into the net from about 30 yard:. out 111 the 42nd minute and Dragan/a fina.l.i.lec.l the ~oring four mmute<. later. "Maggie and Qui.Mina cnou'k.I took care of the midc.lle for U'>. · said Mike Bernay, who al'° praised the play of Dragan7.a. whose quiclcness helped her Oliva'i, centering many pa'>'>t'S toward an area about five yards out from the goal..wherc a couple of Shar~ were often lurking Ilea·~ 1:.dgar Vega -.cored tJ1e ftr.,t goal of tht' game 12 minute'> into the conte.,t when ht> u-.ed his right foot to tap in a rebou11d off a -.hot hy Oliv-<1 .... Hea had live .,hot., following Vega"• goal lradmg up lo halftime "'ll'<'r'' lx•.,t -.t onng d!Jlll"t' c;unl' le.,,, U1t'n a minute bdort' h.tlf1111w whl'n 1.>·.mny lngillls led a h1t .. 1k J>d'>I m1dfit.'id .ind l fll'>'>l.'tl 1111lt><lmk1111 lhl' nt•Jr .,1de \ H1•.1 1kft•ndl·r l auw11 I lt'llm k 111 till· comer, bul Ull' t.:mght c-urll'd .around th1• lt'f1 of h1' oppom:nt Jn<I '>t'nt d 'hn1 into the ... uJc 111 lht' lll"t I think '~t.· pl.tvl'll thl' 'illlle wav 111 both halvL".'t, but mon· '>hot\ fl'il for w. 111 tht--.t.>t:ontl h,tlf, ·· <..,uhr '>did "Wt• mam1a1ned IMll u111trnl 1hroughot11 ho1h h,11\1•\ .. h'narniu., deft'll'l' ,11"1 Jdded to llt:a\ '>llLCt.">-\ HrnJngn Buhar.iba, '>\\t'erwr < hl.u I ll'rnand1·1 and -.toprwr Jonathan I raht.•la aJI ht11ll a wall 111 A player from Our Lady Queen of Angels. left. battles for the ball with a Carden Hall player in the girls 5-6 champ1onsh1p match of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Sports Complex on Sunday ~(Nf r~rp11 'I• OAllV Pl Ol opcmte ~aJIL'>t tallt'r tldt·ntlt•r. l>l'fcmivety. till' Carden I l;ill w.ichc~ :..111~1.-<l out ~dill') ~Wl"'<.'nt'Y, (,Illian I logan anJ ~hellJy Wtl11anl!>, who helpt.>tl goahe Oain> Oayton ket•p <)ut'(•n of Angel-. at bay C..amhne I lardenberg. Kimberl} C .om.Imo. Julie 1 la-.\t'n, Julie Kapelke, Kn...11 JJrnll'>. Call \\'illmm.'ion, Jennifer C .almbaugh and l...iuren Wilber al-.o rnntnbuted to Can.Jen 1 laU ., c+iampmn.'ih1p run ()uc."t'n of Angeb Coach John front of goalkeeper., Aran Antunez and Mario <.uarm1VJ. Joel GonzaJ~ anti JO'>l' I lemandez abo led 1hc iqoup of five defender.. "I Hubarnba) 1~ our '>nl.trlt''I player," (.an non Burk\ ..a11I. lhru.uan Cl'ii.,, < 1t'naro Lopt•:r. OuiMophl'r Mcdin.1, I nn4ue Ocampo. and Kt'vm Madnaga gave Hea m,u1v op11on ... dunng 1t'> c hamp111n.,l11p nm "'11-.t·r al"'1 featurt·d ~lall \1l'llo. I >anll'I Nev.er. Cort:\ lkll \\lwt·(,111., J.1\ Ore.la/ .ind \\10 \ h1111J1 \\ hom I .e1-.hJ \ kllo -...ml .,, on·cl •j() !ii of ll1t• 1eJ111\ go.it.. 1l1111ugh11u1 tlw ICJUnldllll'lll 1.a. .. 1 \l'Jr \\t" go• fourth. "'' \\l' arC' ad\·<mung and \\t· n·wrn .111 hu1 t\o\o plaH·r'>. ,,mf \frllo. "1111 u ·ldirated ht:r 17th h1nhd<1\ <..,unda\ · lk,1\ plawr., and 1 oac ht•, t ould .1l'>fJ ll'il'hr.11e <..,u11d.t) 1 lw\ doll'>l'd e.1ch 01lwr \>\>Ith ho11lt-d wawr fnllowmg thl" '1r111rv ··1 am thankful tha1 C1od h.1., given them tlu ... tall'nt and hopefully th<"y tan 1 ap11ah1t· on 1ha11111ht· trnun•." C .. 1nrH111 Burk,.. '>dlc.l < .<lf\elli 1 n'llll1'<I < Amlt·n I l.111 It 11 1he \ 1c1orv h111 \\.!.'> .1l...c1 q111< k to "1lute Im tedln\ eflort 1 lw ·\ngl·I., 1Hll'>t.11n.'f.l 1ht·1r liN lour upponl'nl'>. lh \,to g('I w tlw fmal, 1111 ludmg a .!. I '>t'n11fin,1l "1n 'lu111.lci\ m.er "'U'>t.'r \;o I. t!w ddendmg lhdl11p1on Vah·n 1a\lor ,111d J,11 k1(• '>mllh h.td gtldl'>. tht• former 011 ,111 a""t I~ \lac M>rm<· Jont".. v.folt• \tepharnt• '\t•<ill') 'tood out 111 goal m C)ut'l'll of \ngd., '>t'rn1fin;1I \\1n \lan,mm· Jom..,, i\11~,111 C Jnt•rbem and I n<.1 l't•nunun workt'll h,ml on dt•f1·n'>(' 111 tlw 11tle g;1mt•. 111 wl11d1 \'it ton.1 .._t•111. v. ho o;hart"'Cl goahl' duut.., with Ne..ile) and laylnr .. 1l...c1 .. tood out Ai.Jc.litio11.1l to11tnh11tof'> for l)uel'n of Angel-. \.\-!'rt' ( .. 1hri1•la lt·na. "'1111• < 1rom·nd) kt'. l.iylor ~ ... I. < .. u1111l1· 11..raht'. I lalc-y \\/illart.l, V<1ll'ne 1\Vlld, I .tturt'11 Huie·. (.icqudme I lrhanu-.. M...ry I >eYounK. Bnclgt•t I ox anc.l \nnall'tl' \loo rt• <..arwlh al.,.> ,,1,h1-<l to thanl <1-'-""lant roat hL-.. l'l'pe ll•na dnd 'i<'on Jorh,.,_ nragillll.<t. \l<11tlww ... md I J I ou-..i 'l on:-d two go.it.. l'ac h 111 Can.Jen I laJ(., .,em11in,1I \\.111, whtle 'fame Ren1a~ Hanlt'nl1t'rg and I logan hdd om• ap1t'\ <' COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD UCI's Tozier finishes sixth in 800 at Stanford PAUJ Al:I 0 -UC Irvine sen- ior Darrell To:rfor finished sixth with a time of I :51.33 in the fi. nals or the 800 meters at the NCAA track and field West re- gional championships at Stan· ford University on Saturday. uses Raphael Asafo-Agyei won the event in I :50.05 to lead the five automatic qualifiers for the NCAA championships at Sacra- mento June 11-14. l01jer still has a chance lo also advance to the NCAA meet when at-large berths are awarded next week. Tozier won his preliminary heat in 1:49.72 Friday. Also on Saturday, junior Annmarie Tur- pin finished l 0th in the high jump with a mark or 5 feet. 7Y. Inches. and junior Jenny Uou finished 20th overall in the 3,000 'OOFORD FOCUS SE Very clean. muil ,.. 12861081 'OOMAZDA 626 '01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 Sporty e<:ol'IO (Of. cert11ied 121523AI 59 ,976 Auto, aw, dean 11323661 •10,976 '10.976 o;teeplechase wtth a time of 10:55.9R. ln men' action Friday. senior Santosh ~ finished eighth in the h.igtl jump at &-9Y. inches to tie his personal best Sophomore Scott JarW finished fourth In hls heal of the 400 hurdles In 53116. but did not qualify foe the finak In women'!. competition Fri- day. sophomore Erin Curtis fin - ishc.'<.l 16th in the pole vault at 12-6!1. inches and senior Jessica Stafford finished 19th in the jav- elin thmw with a tOS.'i of 135-8. Sophomore Suzanne Punnort finished fifth in her heat of the 400 hurdles in 1:03.78, and sen- ior Wendy Cl1an placed eighth in her heat of the 800 with a time of 2:10.01. Neither Purmon or Olan advanced to the final 2002 FORD MUST ANG GT CONVERTIBLE Monday June ?, 2003 A7 8 AT Tiii lllSE PA Y1llENT 39 MO. lfAS£ ON APPROVED EICEllDfT CllEmT 25241._ ...... COSTAIDA TUI ssrwr on PAJI .. TO IWtlOI Under 12 (2003-2004 ) '' 1m 1, 1 y1.·.ir n11m-I . l111n11111ni1\ I .1,t .l 1.or' l. .ii d l 'f l I Hll( '\ 1111 \l 1·ro 1i.;r 1111 t. I 'I 111111..'. ~1rl, who• .lrl '•"rt•'"' 1l o •111 r I 1 11 " • 1. • r Wl· '-llt.ll"''tulh, 1111p< •l 111 rli1 1 1•,1~1 '->i ~ l l"f Le •1.C111 ii 1 t 11 •ll!..'.L 'I \, •utl 1 k lj.!Ul' Ill 1h1· 11 Ill• •It \ )o I 11 •I \1 11 2l\.1 2 2,\.'~.r,, .. 1 I _l' 14 ' (. )1 H l\ 1 • .__ )i l ' I: hi fr 111 I l ' 11 • I ( 111 I\ L! ii H • l~·,t Ill tho rt·~11 ll I '( 01' I' •It II I ii r t.I\ l I ,1, \ 1. l1•fllll111 Ill ,I 'II• Ill.I ('<"-II I\ l 1.:rn 1r.•111111.·1ir \\'1. I' tin. 111 1 I~ 1•r 0111 dd M.tr T11. ~11, .. 11hl ll111r .... tl\ ... I l II 11 f•'f••l "-.""'r 11 l I ' .._, I\ l l r (. 1l,1d l It onnl·r ml 1111'· r l ....., '-tll• •11.11 i. .un l.,(lrl ~1.tn: -r llTl\ll I I'•' 1 Pl.l\l'r, memlx-r u 1m nr l ~ ·\ 1111! \'(/,•n wn' Champ1un~h 1r t1..1111 An: )llll R1.·.1J, 'l o •nt.11.1 I ll·.11.l l , 1.tl h Gc:11rgl' E:11..lini.:t1.•n h 1.• m.11 1 ,If cnJmgton@anl u 1m Pr t. .111 h 1m .11 949. 79'5 -4(\."\.°1 C0111€ Join This Great Qroup Of Girls with a Common Passion for T he Game of Soccer. ·96 FORD E150 Hidltop CQnV9f 90l'I .. on IAA3100I •11,976 '01 TOYOTA COROLLA Avlo ale deon 1~'°670! $11.976 '()()MERCURY MOUNTAINEER V y ct.on UAC8.A51 '14.976 '99 FORD TAURUS ~sHo· leother CO ~nger. atrhfi.d 123166 11 001 JEEP CHEROKEE '97 FORD AEROSTAR XLT ~to. o/c. loaded (A920581 81ack beauty, used, certlffed (117323) '01 CHEVROLET 2500 HID POC°' '01 FORD F150 XCA6 XlT low CAWtd.d 1848~ '14.976 A11.cwto, 6 ~ 15103271 •15.976 116.976 S22,976 ~· outo ale 12181831 116.976 . '11.976 M Monday, June 2, 2003 SPO R T S DAILY PILOT CUP DOLPHINS Continued from A5 brou&bt the tide back to Andersen becal.lle we were defending the rup. It wasn't an easy game." The Dllpblns dominated the first 20 minutes of the 25-minute first half and outs.hot Harbor Day, 9-2, before halftime. In the 17th minute, Brown was tripped in the bOx during her' breakaway, setting up a penalty kick. which she made for a 1-0 lead. Then two minutes later, Andersen scored again after Anna Venturini 6nisbed a nice pass from Sarah Craig, putting the Dolphins ahead, 2-1. However, with two minutes left In the bait Kaylee O'Connor scored an ~ed goal for the Seabawb. She broke through Andersen's defense and struck the top, right portion of the net. Less than a minute later, O'Connor nearly soored 8gain on a breakaway, but Andersen goalie Lindsey Luke came up with che save. Severl minutes into che second bait Brown gave the Dolphins the 3-1 lead after some nifty footwork. She dribbled through three defenders to create open space and finished the attack from about l5 feet out catch the ball in midair: Luke was supported by a defense that induded sweeper Hanna Rome, who deared the ball a t opportune moments. "We were coming back." Harbor Day co-coach Jim CoMer said of the second half. "We scored the last goal. which Is a sign of a good team. I was very proud of my girls. [lbe Dolphins are) a very good team and they deserve to win. But, I think we gave them a good game. We gave them a scare." Hal:boc Day goalie Sarah Cox also recorded a few show-stopping saves. She finished with l l saves, induding six in the 6rst half and three in the first 15 minutes. In a three-minute span, she stopped three shots, two of which were one-on-one situations. Andersen entered the championship game having scored 23 goals and allowing just one, which came in the semifinat The Dolphins allowed just two shot attempts in three games. and then defeated Mariners Ouistian, 5-1. in a semifinal Sunday morning. Mariners Ouistian managed to get four shots on goal Jordan Dillion scored two goals for the Dolphins, while Brown and Anna Venturini added one goal each. Luke recorded three saves. Luke. who recorded three saves, produced two crucial stops in the second hall With 15 minutes left, Conner went one-on-one wich Luke. Conner aimed for che lower, right comer. but Luke slid and slapped the ball away. The ball almost rolled into the net, but Luke quickly rose from sliding and extended toward che ground again to rover the ball. "Three of the girls play in club,· Oaudio Venturini said of his Andersen team. "The rest of the girls play in IAYSOJ all-stars, so this a very good group." PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY P1LO T A Manners Christian player, top , fires a shot into oncoming Our lady Queen of Angels players in the boys 3-4 finals of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Sports Complex on Sunday. Below, players from OLQOA and Mariners Christian battle for the ball. MARINERS Continued from A5 With eigjlt minutes remaining. H.arl>or Day. also coached by Paul O'Connor. reached the championship game after winning an exciting i.emifinal. 3-2. over Kaiser No. I. The Sea.ha~ overcame a 2-1 halftime deficit, as Ally Brahs scored with JO minutes left to tie. and with five minutes left. Conner nen ed the game-winner. Brahs assisted on Conner's game-winning goal. Conner also scored in the first half. TI1e whitewash in the citJe game was Mariners' fourth in five games. & the Dolphins ouu.cored their Pilot Cup competition. 30-3. Luke made another highlight-reel-type save. After a Hart>or Day indirect lcick from about 10 yards out, the ball bounced off an Andersen player and appeared to be headed for the net, but Luke left her feet to A player from Harbor Day, left, tries to steal the ball from an Andersen player during the girl s 3-4 chan1>1ooship match of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Sports Complex on Sunday. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT The Dolphins wasted li nJe time in tJ1e final. opening the sconng in the second minute and amassing all its goaJs in the first 20 minutes of the 25-minute fi rst half. Sam Barkley converted an assist from Connor Cruse for the first goal. ru. Cruse directed a feed from the center of the field to Barkley on the left wing. BarXley calmly fired the ball into the net and the rout was on. "I think we just took up where weJcft off !Saturday)," Phil Miller said. "We were very motivated." Timmy Root used his speed to poke the ball past a defender. then follow it into prime scoring territory and convert about 10 yard~ in front of the goal 10 double fut! lc.'ild in the sixth minute. A Steven Miller comer kick. created the third goal for the winners, as Root headed the comer acro1'.'> the goal mouth from the right goalpoi.t and Connor Cooper kicked in the looM> ball near the left post for a Llpl Nollcel 2640 Legal NoGces 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 --------ISClJllJ IOTICI Of PmTal lOAIM Sia ESTAllOf: Pal ... • PAil IB llUllll Wll0.A21'Sll To all hen, 1>4-nth· cillfiH, creclilon con toncent creditors. •nd pWsons who m•y oth w wiM be 1nt11ested on ttHt will Of est1te. or b o th, o f P AUL L HU~l 1k1 PAUL LEE HUMMEL A PETITIOH FOR PRO BATE hH been tiled by DORE 1111 RHYME on the Superior Court of C•h fornla, County of OR ANGE. THE PETITION r OR PR08ATE requests DORE. M. RHYME be appointed u personal repfesent• tive to administer the ut•te of the decedent THE: PETITION requests the decedent's Will and codicils, If eny. be edmltted to probate The Wll end eny codicils llf e 1¥1ilable for • u mon• lion 1n the file kf'pl by the court TH1: Pl TITION reques ts •uthoroly lo admonoslt'f the estate un<lef the lndependenl Adm1n1~ tratlon of £\tales A'I <Tht'.lo Authority will allow the pt'rsonal represen tative to lake m1ny achons without obtain ,,,. ~urt ~P~ Belorr· taluna certain very 1mport1nt actions however, the personal represent;allve will 1>4- requlfed lo 11ve notice to 1nte1 ested per sons unlen they have waived notice or consented to the proposf'd action ) !he independent ad· monos tr 1t1on authoroty woll be &ranted unless an Interested person fries an obffJctlon to the petition and shows &ood cause why the court should not &rant the authority A liEARING on the petition will be held on JONE t9, 2003 at 1:45 pm In Dept. I 73 louted •t ~I The Coty Drove South, Otan,e, CA 92868 . If' YOU 08~CT to the IOTICI Of PmJC- 1irantmg of the pel1l1on Code "clonn l?!>O A you should •PP••• at th• Request for Special hearona: and ~talf' your Notice tor on " •••olable obtf!ctlons Of fole wrollen from the tuur I derk obiectoons with t'"' court Attorney tor Petolooner beloft' the hurrn1e Your J.1Moo A. 0Vtt<..,, APC appur a nee m1y b~ on SIN JS4 21 person or by your JJJ City llvd. Wett. attorney Ste. 1420. Oron9•. CA If YOU ARE A CREDI 92161-2992 TOR or cont1n1•nl Publosh•d Newport co editor ol tft>t-«te<~.ett+tfe<IH!ft~e ~ Oe.i,. you nousl fole youf claom Pilot May 'l7 June 2 J, with the court and mail 2003 IM141 a copy lo lhP ptrsonal representative ap110onted by the cou•l wothon lour "'onths h om the dale of the forsl 1nuance of letters llS prnvoded tn Probate Code section 9100 The tome tor 1111111 cla1mi1 woll not exptre before lou1 months from the hearont date notoc;ed above YOU MAY r)(AMIN( lhe !tie kepi by the court II you are a person on leresled tn the estate, you may fole with the court a Request tor Special Notice (form OE 154) of the ltl1n1 of •n Inventory ;and appraisal or •~late assets or ol any petohon or account as provided on Probate ISC# lll 11 llOTKI" SALE" U PIOPBlT et PllYATI SALE C.. I A-217321 lll .. S.,.WC-1ef ~-.. C...,"o.MGI "' ...... "" ~" flAIKISWAGGOlll, --... NOTICl IS HEREBY CMN th•I a public hunna will be held by the Notice is hereby 111ven th1t the under •laned woll sell at private sale to the hlahest •nd best bidder. sub1ect to con hrm1tlon of H •d Supe rlor Court. on or alter the 9th day of lune, 2003 at the office of ( Avery Crary, M£SHIVC MUMPER & HUGHES LLP , L8881 Von Karm•n Ave .. Suolt 1500. Irvine CA 92612 '" ttHt rlaht, lotle •nd interest of H•d cons.,-,,altt 1n 1nd to 111 the Cet'llln rHI P'Oj)¥ty situated '" the city of COSTA MESA. County of ORAl'tGE, State of C.11 for nl1, par llc:u lar ly descrobed as follows LOl l!t Of TRACT 284!'), AS Pf.R MAP RCCOftOCD IN BOOK 93 PAGE(S) 43· 44 Of MISCELLA.HEOUS MAPS, IN THE OfFICl Of TI< COOHTY RC CORDE R OF' SAID COUllflY. Coal• MeN City CouncH on .kine 16. 2003. at 6 JO p.m , or as soon thereafter H possible, In the Council Chambers or Coty Hall, 77 r.., Oun. on the fofkl..,..I item The 2003-2004 f'r1fcmi11llf)' BucScet for the City of Cost• U.S. will be COMldertcl fOf adoption et th~ rneetona. Thi follow1111 1s • summary of tN ~opoMd allocation of resOllf'cn for fiscal Yur 2003-2004. 200S...2004 ..... HIUMINMY 1uoon $&.t,937,800 8,603,160 1.090.19!1 102.001 792.m 1,811,615 2fl.OOO 160,307 2,190,000 112. 261,250 2,tl9,0!IO z.ne.975 *·™' 1,IJ7,333 3,I07,0A $111.llZ. 1Mt -.-1 "''' M uMl!Md durlnt nonn.I wOtkl~ llo11t1 frOM I • "" to 5 -00 pm . uceipt "°"4eyt, "' the City C.h Offlota. n fa# '" "'** floOf . COtt• ..... iiiijlCi IS r u.tMlt GMN ltlet •t the aMv• !#lie _, !IMC•. .. ..... ,., .... ..., ...,.., alld M llllf-•r I ... City ~ Ofl the ... llllM• comlllClftl, known as'2252 COflHUL DRIVE, COSTA MESA T•m• of the u l• ere cult In la wful tn0n11 of lhl U11lt1d Stain on conflf1111•llon of 1111, °' pwt etill ind ltalan<.1 """ t4IClt • ., ,,. lf14I cellldlUOfts •• ecu'tMlle to Ille '*_.. r•• '811..tilrt $2. 000 to be clepolltlcl ..... w ... "' off.rt •• lie ill Wflllftl •lld ... h flctlHll al Ille •loe....W offi<• .. ••1 II-1ftar Hie f1nt ,.,wlc•flofl llltreof * ......... of 3 Dated1 Moy 19, 200 D•vl .. Cofvln G ... rty ..... _ .... ,.. .. _ . ta- tlve ef the ht .. • Att-y(•) .. l_: E. Avery Crary, h " Ml5H VI MUMP( HUGHISW" • & 18"1 VON KAR Avt., SUfT( 1500. llVINE, CA 9261 2 MAN _,,_ 0.111 P-vbl~ee~ Beach Costll Meu Polol M.1y '27. June ?, 3 ?003 TM 142 .... ",...w. u..rn,.ty " 1ven Notice •~ hereby 1 that the undersoened •I public ;,uction suanl to ch•pler d1v1$10n 8 commen woth section 21700 will pur 10, con a of I he business and less1ons code Of se pro· cl Ion de ol I 988 of lhe CIVIi co The State of Calll and pur5uent lo merclal code, H 7210 (2)' the lollo m1~1111neou1 house and penon•I proper to wot identolled by n and st or aae unit orn1a com· ctoon won a hold ly ame num ber I Oavrs, Kathy, lot Jl2212 ored T 0111 of I lots, st <ti Morns Movin Stor aee. Inc . al loc ol I 1610 Seabo Corel•. Stinton a & •hon ard CA 90680. °''"I' Coun ty Tllla ute will bl on .1111 , lion· ell CA cornpelitiff biddona the 6/15, 2003, 10 A at Joe hdlodl Aue -· 13411 Lelflnaw Roed, Whit tler. . nty 90605, (562) Ml--8602 op said premtteS, coo t• of of Los Ana•ln. St• Callfornla lion· Joe Tadlocll. Aue ew. Ileen• null'lbet SRAO 4-716274 . conduct sell at I l•fflnaw•ll ltoad, Wh lier, C11llfMnl1. Sain U ICI with llmlt flHfVI, the l1nd tUflfvn the r111tt to 11t tht "" f>111 ch must be paid fM •t 139 will 3418 It· il end fO(d bHI •sts tlme of pllfWHlt All chaMd pod•.,.. pur-tc>td, be M., ..... • .. la.. efl4 -st ,_tel ., 3 00 ,. on , ... -., of the Mt ......... cw. t to the Ill, Tllll •• II ll.lbjec """ c.tnt~ In "'"'' of ••111•1111 .......... , ..... -.,, • Stof .... Inc . °"'""pert~ , .... 111i..-.... , ltKft , ........ °"' 3-0 cushion. Roots cro~ from the right tlan.k set up Steven Miller for the fourth goal, then MiUer and Roo1 combined to sel up a booming goal by BarXley. who found the net from 25 y-dl'ds out to finalize the scoring. Andrew Boehm included himself in the offensive barrage with a shot in the second half. while Risser and Cashion combined 10 make two save. and defender Drew DilJer aJso helped tum away Queen of Angels. which defeated I !arbor Day, 4 -3, in Sunday's semifinal to advance to the title game. Queen of Angels' only shots on goal against Mariners came from Jack Presson and Nick Poner. the latter from about 25 yards out that was easily fielded by Risser. Daniel Gills. Derek Dellinger and Brent Lawson also contributed for the champions. who had players from Costa Mesa. Newport Beach. Corona del Mar. Irvine and Laguna Beach, according to their coach. MWe have a really strong group of kids." <;aid Phil Miller. who was eager to thank assistant coaches Doug Root and Steve Gills. as well as team organi7.er Debbie Diller, for their help on tJ1e run to the crown. Queen of Angels. which outscored its first four opponents, 14-9, received strong play all tournament long from Poner. Mi~hael Haeri, goalie Parker Reuter (live saves in the final). Presson. Jonathan Walsh, Eric 7..amucen, Colin McNem ey and Duis 1 laas. Kent Smith. Anthony Francasco, Much Meleski. Brecht Van'I 1 lof and Kevin McGuire were also contributors for Queen of Angels co-coaches Jessica Potter and Karen Potier. lepl Notices 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 Leoal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Polo I lune ? 9 2003 M730 llOTKI Of MUCllAm NOTIC E IS HEREBY lh•I a publK will be held by sta Meu Crly GIVEN huung the Co Council on June 16 630 pm Of erea er as 2003. at as soon pouoble on thr Councol s of Coty llall Duve. on lhr item ChamMr 17 faor follow1n1 PURSU ANl to Afhcle Proposition 4 (led by Propo 11 •nd Senalr the Bf>P!Oprflt XIII B of as amen s1t1on I Boll 88, Irons II mtt tor the Ctty MeH tor the of Co~I• 2003 2 004 frscal yur n calculated lo 092,564.00. OCUMENTATION determinlna th• has bee be $126. THE 0 used on Coty ol talcul11l1 Costa Mesa'• on of the ap· oons hmol for the 2004 llscal year Is propriat 2003 available f 01 mspoc t oon kdllYS In the the Oorector of 77 ••If Drove, on wee Office of rlnance, first F loor. Coste Mesa, the hours of 1nd S.00 pm. onhohd•ys UWfOlC., ~Clty Cletti between 8«JO a.m uc,epl I D Pubhs htd Newport Cost• Mesa Oaily 111 2, 2003 M727 Buch· Prlot .1u llOICIOf NUC-NOTIC E IS HEREBY that • public ••• be held b1 te MeN Crty on June II, 6•30 p"'. In CIV'EN hew Ina the Cos Council 2003, at th• Cou ncil Ch•m!Mf• of . n felt Drlv•. llowlna Item. Cit{ Hd on he lo Al l OCA TION Of lllf rant funds I ter ntd inter m the 2001 l ocal Ofctrnent Block ll£80) In Ille of'31,51IOO. Ht AFOltEMf.N· plu I (tncludin nO fro Lew Enf Gt1nt ( emount 1r T TIONEO ACTION IS NGEO IN COURT, tMlll• Ny be to Oflly tJlow elMd et Ott ....... ~ibt4 llOtlCt, Of Ill C«r-.11R11a1 te tN Cit) CHM LC tM lllllltH !SIMS , ~~ '""* ............ C:C-CI el, tr "''* te, .. ncL :&: ...-S-~no OM• ............... U4 eltu, 11! II• interested persons may appear and bl' heard by lh~ Coty Counlol on the 1bove item JULIE fOLO•, Dlf"'fy City CIMla Published Newport Buch Costa Mesa O.ily Pilot June 'l. 200J M728 Clerk ol Or ante County on 04/28/03 20036942564 0111ly Polol May 12 19. t'6 June 2 2003 M710 llOTICI Of APPW110ll l0 S8l AUOMOUC IMIAG6 Dlh" .. .,, ... llyll,2003 Ac111. ...... "-S...... I he follow1n1 JMrsons •rt doona busoneu as NU N ll CONSIRUCTION CO ~1 l Ball Rd An•h••m Cal1lorn11 92806 llOTICIOf MUCllAm& D•mel Hune1 Mendor• 1160? Carmenota Rd •C ~hr.;nrr-,,;;~;....::..:.www.r~4-<""".u:...-'"""'-'"""""',..._.w..ii..n.au ..... .._.. J:a!d41JUa To Whom It May Concern The Name(s) ol the Apphcanl(s) os are l IONS Of N INC The apphcanh listed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI H that a public hear ona won be held by the Cost• Mo• Coty Council on June 16. 2003, •t 6 JO p m . rn the Council Ch•mbers ol Coty 1'1111, 77 f111 Drove, on the lollow1n1 Item A Rl:SOLUTION reau thor111n1 the Bu11ness Improvement An• as sessment ol two (2'1.) p«cent tor Coty ol Costa Mt» hotels end motels tor Jiscal year 2003 1004 II HIE AfORlMEN· flONL 0 AC !ION IS CHALLENGED IN COURT. the challenc• may be hmoted to only those iuues ralHd at the pubhc h .. rina de.crobed In th• notice, or 1n wrotten correspondence delrve~ to the City Counc:1I at, Of prior to, the public hurtna NOllCC IS rURTHCR GIVEN that at Ille above item end place, a ll l11teruled persons may appear encr be hlwd by the Cotp Council on the ebov1 lt1m. MJIPOlctl, DefMfY City~ Published Newport Beact.-Cost• Mesa Daily Pilot June 2. 2003 M729 ........... ........ The followlnc penon1 ., • dolf\t but.lneu .. GREENWORKS LANO SCAPC & MAINTCHAHCC, 321 Avocedo St. Ill(), Cotta MeN, CA 92627 Cerman Alc•11 Y•net hllal. 321 Avoc•do St. lllO, Coata Mt••· CA t2'27 ,o .. ''*Ill hnu e.11.al, 321 Avoudo st. fO. c.tta MeN, CA t11Z7 l hfl bu ..... ii COii• ., .. ,,."~­... ...... .......... .... ...... r-tf v ... 4117 200J Cat-Mc4we.t YIMI TMe ............ .. llM •!DI .. CMI• Howell Ave Anaheim Cahf0<n1a 92806 Ale1•ndro Matt on Tarque. 1146 Blossom Hill Drive. Coron•. CahlCK nla 92880 lhts bu~oness 1s con· dueled by· an 1nd1v1dual H•ve you s tarted doln1 bu"neu yet? Yes 04/01/03 Alejandro M. T•rque This 5lalement wu hied with the County Clerk of Onnae County on 05/15/03 200JH44HO Daily Pilot May 19, 'l6. June 2. 9, 2003 M718 RcllM ..... ... s...... The followrn1 pefsons are dolna business u . M1nd/8ody ConMCtlon, 19732 MacArthur Blvd Suite 140. Irvine, C.li fornl• 92612 ISR Gf oup Inc.. (Ca). 19732 MacArUtur Blvd. Suitt t40. Irvine, Call· forni.92612 This business 1s con· ducted b'' • corpontlon Have you sl•led doin& business ;.11 Ho ISR Group, Inc., ll'lnt S Rocha,f'~t This statement wes fried wrlh lht County Clerk of Ofana• County on05/07/03 20tMfU7N 01Ry Pilot ... , 12, 19, 26. Jllftl 2. 2003 M71 l t•UsAMll YOUI 6W&ESAUI .. CWSllD 642-5671 the Oepar lmenl ol Alcoholic Bever•ce Control to sell alcoholoc; bever•ires al 1314 BISON AVC s rr I NEWPORT er ACH CA 92660 Type ol locense(s) Appll@d tor 41 ON SALE BEER ANO WINE CA TING,PLACC Published Newpor I Beach Costa MeSI Oaoly Polot May 26. June 2. 9, 2003 M7'l4 ™"'-...... ... s...... The followlna persons are doma busmen u · JOHNSON'S BACKHOE SERVICE. 949 Govetnor St.. Cost• Mesa, CA 92627 Davon Johnson. 949 Governor St . Costa Mesa. CA 926'/7 This business Is con ducted by an 1nd1viclual ttave you st• led doh!a busmns yet' No Onln .lollnSOfl This 1t1tell'lent WH hied w1th lhe County Clert of Or•lllW County on 05/2 l t1>3 200Ht4~1 7 Daily Plk>I M.y 26. Jllne 2, 9, 16, 2003 M713 .......... ......... fhe followl11• persona are c1ot111 buslneu 11. llllA TlRIAl, 139 Ccwernot Slr••t. Costa MHI, CafilMnla 92127 Cltyton Welttltr, 139 o-nor SllHt Costa lllleu, C1'1fo<11le t2827 Thi. bUMllus Is con- ducted by •11 lnclivrcNll Have tOll ltlttM dcllllt .........w-t?llo . Cit ..... l'hl.t •••t-t ... ftW •tttl "" C...nt) Clef• of 0rlflt9 CoM!lty on 05/ltt1>3 .. ...... 11.7 ~--2.~~ Thos busmen '' con ducted by en ond1w1du11 Have you lllf led doona business yet' No Oan1t1I Nuner Mendoza lh1s •lalement wH toled wolh the County Cleik ol Or1n1e County on04/28/03 200J H42Slt Daily Pilot M•y 26, lune 'l. 9, 16. 2003 M7'l2 fldl"-..... "-S...... The follow111a persons are dolna business as. Star Motor C1rs. 3100 Airway Ave. Ste 11111, Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 Ramona Jaques, 833'l Ruidencoa , Newport BHch, CA 92660 This business os con dueled by •n indrvldual ~v• you started dolnc busmen yet1 Yes. 4/1/0J R11110na Jaqun This 1t1t111'18nt was filed with ttHt County Clettl of Or11111 County on~/l!i/03 HOJ6f44140 Daily f'lk>t lllley 19. ZS, Ju111 2, 9, 2003 M717 CUMOUI YOllllOUSE wmtA UIMISMB CAil (M~M2-5'71 Poliry Rates and deadlines arc !.ubject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accept'> no liability for any error m an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible except for the co~t of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. ANNOUHCIMIHTS l9J & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1419 r-sl 2305-2490 eo11ect1b1a1 I Lost 1505 Mtmonbllla 1160 LOST UllM~ rm -;;;;- TOf' S$. llCOltDS (TC yeA'•W 0·~ Lho8' w• .Im. O.:..SO.. Cir.. ~\ & OO\ -u., Name Skittle\ .et. Allee.. Sp., tWr: ..,,~ R•w"' d 949 Z Jl 5999 Mike 949 645 7505 OOERTAINMENT catenctaror &era 1310 EQUAi. HOUSll6 OPPOIMITY All real e\lalt advtr lmn& rn fh1\ n•w•pap•r 1s sub,ed to Che r edet di f di< HOU\llllt Act ol 1968 d \ amendtd wh1l h make\ 11 111~&•1 t o ad•erl1\4' any pr el•r enc~ l1m•lflt1on .or dl\c11mmal!on ba•ed on r.i1..e. Lu4m ff'h&•on \,ra handicap fam1h•I •l•lu\ 0< nal!onal 011cm or an mttnhon tu rnakr dny \UCh Pttt"t'ntt hm1IA lton C)t dt,utminAl1on • lh1.. n<'W'-P•P"' Wiii not ~now1n1tlY "t <'Pl any adttr h\tmenl '"' rul nt•I• which 1• 1n viotahon of th• law Out read•r' are her~by onl0<med that all dwell '"i' 1dnr h\ed 111 I h•'> Of'W~llptr .,, •v.tllabh' on .an tqu•I OPPUf tunrty bast\ lOST DIAMOND RING @> ltuag fto•ptlal f UOdr•l\t'r @ [dw .. rds IOle•lht'r 1r1 wuml'n' rntruom REWAll> 949 67J lJlll 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-•I Coln NH4s Old Corn~• Gold, \llvet feWl'fry W•l~llt!<.. Mllfqut'S 1.otte~trble<. 949 642 9448 3610 Newpwt lch Ckkcrt IUh s.. ioo,-...... ct-..p. ou:ab@1.yberhotllne <om flurry S500 949 646-84/3 I oe>. ltlSOJEO ICJTTlNS, r.ATS. DOGS~ on lrne www~org Ado!Jbol&. r ~ ~"' JJ ~y llM.111 CLWWffi( 9496'4 709 Rt& 'WAT "6 moJ!T'll>.J t.A &Pt .. ~ 949 5.l.J()lll f'h•tt your a d lodll) ~ (94'1) 642-5f>78 How to Place A ~-Deadline · -- CLASSIFrnAD Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tue-.day .................. Monday 5:00pm By Fax By Phone (949) 642-5678 Wedne..,day ............ fue">day 'i :OOpm Thur.,day .......... Wcdnc-.day 5'!)0pm By Mail/In Pe rson: <949) 6.'\ I 6594 fl'kA\o<'. llW..luJc.o )l)\U Hdll~ .Ukl rh<•JO: nurnt.o:r J1ld "'' II , .. 11 HtU hA~ 'A1tht1p••~c-~u0Cr I II ours ''0 We,1 Bay S1ree1 Co\UI Me'>lt, CA 92627 Al Newpon Blvd & Bay St l·nday.. .. ............. Thur-.day 'i OOpm SJturdJy .. ....... .... .. F-nday HX>pm l dcphonc X '\Oam-5·00pm Monday Fnddy Wal~ In I! Hr.un 5 OOpm Monday-Fnday Sunday ................... FndJy 'i OOpm ~ lllGWIDISE FOISAU 3010-3940 ~ AL ESTATE FOR SALE soos-s1so Ind ex ·~ 7402·7466 ~ EMIYllEllT CIPGllmllS IOOS.-1510 ~] 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner , . Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4weck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Newport leoch Pet Adoptions 3660 Business FORGET THI STOCIC MAHlTI ~ ._..- G•.--Shepherd• all color~ •II ~1U\ lo t •dophon lo qu•lrl1~d homes www it"es<.u~ U<R "' 714 773 S915 Opportunities n~td' only one &•ound ~ v.... '"""~·"I loc.ation 00 lhfo ltfl'ffil>f'll' 3bf cietl ..... ,,.,f '"''"' RESORT I 7400 t ' .t l\r.HI f , t A, I $1 I ·r "*'" ORANGE MISCEUAHEOUS MERCHANDISE Miuellaneous Merchandise 3855 lar&t gJrden wagon dog tiouu, double ~holler 949 515 9112 ~n..-let~ you publish 20 c ol•>r lul B~\IY~wf'dll" for only !> l l!fll\ Pf!! d.ly www LOCALBZNC I mm The ~It ul yuo11 kl(.•f b.,,..,.,...~1 1CAJ •SCAN I Two Undai.....t St..t bu1hl111~s latltJ'1 d1retl1 one I"> .().40. bl Mid IWW nevei erect<'d w• \el 1.,, b~laoce owed ~I tod.ty ln).4!>/ ??(A; (CAI. •S(..AN I Boslnessesand l•v•I partner on truly r'.-..Mo. lses J905 I po ""''""II product tones l"TilJIWI S~y the hmol Serious --l o1ll 9 4 q l95 5824 ...._~~ "' """"'11 _!'.' Y••»1 '"""''"t dPpurntnoent own ..,.,-""""'' • '"lllt o I ••pandonf' Hfo"(I l""i ' c"' •"nllilr •••••- 1 !lb ?'ii +>I I"> 1"' "1 Y""' 1..lMtSf-OR 5AlE bu\lnn.o. llMl".ult"l& 11<"-d- ALI. CASH CANOY Hout; ORANGE 5400 IJo yoo •• vn iiul •• •• COUNTY <lay? Y••• '""" Int ti i.Jtldy route Ir• ki<X Cl '"" ch~ <Ind lJt•lr AH l1A Balboa Peninsula $9 99'1 I lrX> ~ VI NI 1 CCAI •SCJIN) ACCIPT1NG CAUS 7 DAYS •• P1•.t.ll P.N b0n5/lt.w.ii tw1· SM lj).tw I'd Ir ll•'llOl'/b<'11t flt< !U). 8/!j '>4lf> Mn<KllH Plllffil • IOOCNIL-t C.AI -J .NI 1 (ST AlllSHlD sucrJ s. '>I IJI HW.INI "'ii ~ l(J( 'Miio< 1•1 1\,\0~1 Why wJrt to rH•" f11 hYt' W<tf'' """ 1>1.iv •• 1M1Mtr..-, Vw-w 11<.ting-. .. , -w 1 ... .., ..... brulu'."f~.m.t• l<lfll 8b6 81U I Ol 1cAJ •~1 AISOlUTl GOlOMINll S03 r.t lay. ton"ml!rtlilV 1 f'\lllential rnu ed /Ofl!Oll, L io"e tu Fun Zone Sffl.cm a.,, 9<'19 251 ~ Corona del Mar .. _ lkring ~ pkr. bonu· rm '" ~YI.~~ ftrt f11•tum pout \pa & C.w·bo In Ille lg view111& dK ~ IJll ltlt' l4ll>'!f ~el vr.l<1\ [ .Ct'O'Wt u-;e of Kt Jrnt~ marblo> & lot~ of Inv• la 9";() 000 J<Jdy K•u Blor 949 J.1&!>!176 3 -STlll IUILOINGS 60 vf"ndrng m•1 hrn"' JASMINE ClllK ""I! \lory lilt ?baden Roge<s Up to 10' 0111 4'0•60 writ. tu •lt~nl lo• .it"'" !>OdOO ~rl ?O Be•f ... ~. SIO'R> IKlJ l l4 ~ Otft<1 Can Othver' s.I JM llllW_._J 1•1_, Roy 1800) 4199 '1/f/1 •1" -· WANTED tliuoiywtyl ~ .. JUANlSf SWORDS CJesslfif4t4tM.y! AND Rll.AllO lllMS 1u•1••2-sm 9"9-"94-1131 ''·'' dfl'nf'r ldnd., ... aped ll•no1rrappf"d rudy Very lnw mdint A\\OC .,. tennr\. pool C•ll lor •PPI fly Ownt'r '149 640 811, ~•'1• lg~. om wl11 "' gale g!JM~ fl')<"'-. 'I>" & tenn<'> s 799 CUl lid r KOl.V 8kt 949 Jlb S'>76 ...... v...,.~ l rulJon & v.,,.. llt s1.m<m & s 1.179 (JJ) 2B< SI O<h (U) 8 J lJhrMO f'rl«l C.. Rfty 9$171 011? • •COMING SOON e • Cw-C.-ct.I Mew c............_. COASTUHl RW TY 9"9-759-0171 Newport Beach A txowsrn Sir Slo ~~11:1b1!Jl.Y1 hrgh Ct'tlrng• 1 olr v1n2 '<talfc..l'if' out\l<lr' I p a goirll'W'I Ml""'1 ~l.dml cabeielr/ & nu e SU9.HXD Michad Br n.nw1 Cuastine Re.a1y 94'; ffl om S.,.. To 11. 11.adt and Y<J" ptl'lr.I()' Im' ~ of !ht largai k1b rn lido 5-ls :& £a lg ~yard. ~ 2r Ill" St>.C:OO lAT't Scmd 9tt'MiJI l<ll! Newpor1 IWglm °' ~~ Cataina _,, 48r 2 NU over 21XX>.I lllol 16fed rn MLS Undl!f l'JOO <XX> "i1 Doug Cliwt. .949.fJ>-19'.l> ...... °"P6e• 3/2. 2/1. VACATION PROPERTY FORSAl.f COUNTY Balboa YINll. y "' ""' •J' Mountain ~ 5965 I b rCM 111 f,.Httfy r• I df_., t u,,. 1 .. ,. 1, TAINS 140 N.. llrlly A .. n. Hl"'1Fl•~~1 NlW MU. ICO MOUN· 1 A. 1.i..1.i. ••" \WJ " $4'l'U) ("'I.""°'" ,,,r.'. 449 li>"l 4.JIY Lind\ ""'1ur• 111" '""'' Bal""'a Pen·1nsula 6.al It tlfov,11J11n Mturf."'1 UV .,.,,_., .,. .... """"" """" 1•...-'" I f<I hi•~ ""'"'· Ad~'Ultll to rldtui.ll h,.. t l .te•·11t '"'"'" "'R 1..dll ltd.tyl ""' wun I L~' 'Nol Prr~btl<. 111 NM ""-I 88829?9711 I~ 0 "./;AN1 llAUTlfUl YU<.ArA CALIF Urnque & ( U/Y OOoblt-Wld<> niui.t1~ homf C.11 •nyhrr11 ~ KMI '¥»-197 ?8!1 MOBIL£ HOMES/ MAHUFACTURED HOUSING 31r, 210, Wafli lo b<h, hd ( IUl.,I r u I>.-.• II ,fn 1'~1 ,-;Cflrr, ~·fl ')19 .~! 118'.J 11m IHJ >'!rJo< 3Br. 310, Svper •horp rww r.-.nP'"1 ''°'" ff11• tu be... h lr"f>lt I " , • S 11)011• • 1-l>r 94'; dll 1 Ill ii Corona del Mar 7 13 t..iup.w ~ 1'... " fJf·,)t ti «ltA.... 11" kkl<' I cwr""1 $;/OJ.,., •It--c. &l<"""Y' '-j!S<; '" .w 1 i...-c.a.-~ ~·1 l1'e L t'* • JH • it""' i.~ 'i/4 .,.....,,._,.cJ "o 11 ..... dlU"., I<> "" ,,........., I ~ s:l«l)n 9<N -f, I q i-, A Cvt Above twnltte Mobile,tbnutactured I '~"I l ''" 11• I b•lh• FR 4 t·~I I ,r Homes 5993 ,. .)t w o f'on• "• • I~"'" S:>60! •4·1 I 114 101110 41//"HO ! I '4'1 ' / < l'9JO .. " m.1,. ... ..-.. i,. 1 ,,. 17 ... "., ~'W ,. , .... 11-t -.,.. I d 'i.t~ wum /. I I ""° h'\fl N j ,h,..f & '' '''t'tt if.,, .trJn-t & 1-t "'"' ·~ W,JC)'t!H , .. ~ti " • ..,,.. (11> •t•l IH< \1119'> 11< SIM., r 111 1rw•1'J4<!1 (.N , n4 •• /14 1, ii l'f{) t4f I'~ I twuhn1 ra.tfrl lf1tll 1b 1 lif)a J1tltll1 ($114 ••·:t •uJ , . .,it , •. vp > L: • ~'1llN1'.jol<t."'Ji4t.ll larridgro """"' 1il .'B.t w·~r (•11'•.tf-4'-d f J.t 4tt •wdtr 1pt•t;1ril.. $.11 tlr ' ·~;,,., j/lli BAYVIEW HllGHTS {It I I ti•~· I 11" ·I 'b.. ..... '" "' ~ '-...,.Jm _,, "'.-;t, <;4<t 'JO• fi41' f O• !bluff tflwnhom.-• I'' 1 .,n1m P• Ar. t St «• 9"9-673 7&00 MACON IA Y /UY AIONT 1p t t1f' 'I I .. ,c;;; f1 /At •d hkJl "(f 1.-.,. Employment 8500 loolili1• & Acaoo ''"'• Support .... 111-(I( l• ,.,._, ,lf f>• Pr lf1dturt1 or f f tWot tv .. _,,. ~f ~n(lW Q\>tl llbo••• wdl RL-...me Ir t.u ~~.Ul 7149 11 A .... 44} , J() • '°' ~ &/• m .. n.-~,.CI • htl• •~,.'\. .., ~ .. "" .... ~ & ~ Ir.I fo-.-, II.II t.n 7141-am 1*'18'/CJ)l w ......__ s 10 coo .n.. ' yUl\I •• r h fl+ •111 TtMn lo compl•tn ol d1\ c11mtn1tion caU HUO loll lree •I I 800 4?4 8!>90 Lost 1505 lost 1505 lost 1505 lost 1505 F ..st 5.JJe ~ kt S.--.1 off.., over S880 <XX> 94'1 2!J) 8128 Ai\. o...- A"-!Mn M....,..,.,... ....... ~ltlyou.-t planning to pur .... IMv • llf'W mMl<rl .... fur ed hrlOW' l dll l1>d.ty lur ltt• ·~~<tt Poi< k I•• I 8X> 142 0060 fhr. l<tM could ..ave yoo Sll01•1 <CAL •SCAN> leov 111·•• h "' fut~ ll'll m 14'} t,/ l 8411 lbr lb• 1 I rrr.tr ..,,,..., I 41 11!nh r<lfll/.ic.h."' I" Rl <mt I~ ..,... lll,,,lln COL Cr old\ "'"'"'"" 11J1 11:n m Auctions 2212 ......... .... AM.CAl210l ~'"'" .... jti,' ... Steal Thlsl-20201 OnHd St.6+& 5 S6a ~ '1 St235 Mii BroMir 949 ~I 9444 www ~e<llly ore BllCOURT llST IUYll 4Br 35Ba Twm 3400 d $895.000 agl D<1vrd Prtnce 949 718 1520 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS w pvt """'·# t1"""1 ,.....,., 4 bl<\ ~uno ht II '°""oil! ... , , •• Pf'f r.1 ·.3'TW'~ l , .... r.ar S:Z7<bor 60.J NJr• ,.,..,.,., t~3S7 .... 77 PERDIDO-Por Favor ayudenos encrontar- nuestro perro de Familia. Perdido 4119/03. Hay premio de $400.00 para informacion que nos ayude encontrar Nuestro TRUSTll SAU llG llACH HOUSl 411 2.SIA -St.59.900 AGENT 9419-219-2559 Rental To Shaf9 6030 Costa Mesa ro uerido ! Lia mar 949-842-6453 Lost/Please help us find .. '/• ...... ~ llJllM, Ill Br w"1 cloJ'\ al MTlllfY,• 1 ........ th S8lJ 1nce1 c.. 1<1r Jllll( 114 ~ 2070 Av.t!I 5 11 orlN SUN I s love above Ille lloud\ 01.un view• I l~•~I home 2br • den G•lttl comm SISl,000 N•w ... rt l <h lod loy 4br hse Z rooms av.11 '1.ATINUM rROrHTllS ~ ll!m 1Tof ~ Stefanie Meurer \ho1<e ultfs 949 553 8S5J 9"9-71S-JI56 our lost family member. RUIW.PROPERTY lost on-4119/U Th.-ere~i~s-1+'1Jfti~ ~ Ccny '"'8rtY 5915 ... w lcKtsldo R-/ .,.,.,, Seo ~try w bdlh ktlLh qu.tonl no .,,., pct $865 mo <.dO C)1q M'l ':ff:*. (' ... 28r llo ...... ~r!'fTl<~fv w d tt.up I• ~"' hur- pvt y.11d pet rw,,: SI /OlT1 I 'fl ts.< ')1196..ll 11!1 B<oti Gated."' .......... 1b.i ........ ' .. " ~"' Pl"' ~~h· ,...,...,.,.. IJ'•~ Yt ., ~'{!...,,... ,.,.. JfJM&81TI ''>'>f or ll!I M tcin1 II.Al •<;t AA EstmSala 1416 a $400.00 reward for information leading to Still Missing!! her whereabouts. HELP!! Please call MIZONA llST MaGAIN. 36 acres S24.900 Borders St•le L.and ~ ratldl rn WAllm/ Flapl•ff area, peflecl 6, l 00 cl9Nte Spectacular ,....,....., ... .. ..,..,. ..... Ocei1nll lbl I be an)'I nr• I I-fl Pw tmTI> POOi 'II"' wd rn unrl tnlwtJd ~ -,;t SlllXl 9&6H 7fJ1J FIND .. M & S..1617 l <1ldeww1ds ln. VlntAICI Rlllt8n r .. n. IOJ> Hawllilan Slwts NQtJes .. Handblp AMBER ALERT/ALERTO! ! 949-842-6453 molA'ltaln -Alkwdable finananc All R 1-877 782 5263. (CAL •SCAN) ~-.-,i 642-5671 • -------Newport Beacti WANTlD wnm t!!nl•I w pr,.,.. lnr lldilpellds~ UDO YIARl Y llASI ~ ,,,,., w1111 rf'tlw Bill GRUNDY RE Al I ORS en<'"' $4001n ~36b2 "'9-675-41" 1 ' e C~ll (9.49) 642-5678 .. :;-~ 48 WC!m'lll llfld minnows 50 Nol apl IO bola 51 01.vnord suits 52 Tel 53 O-:.nes or Runo S4~ 58 Promoted ~ 57 Clea~ water org tSHOWCASEt 7<each 42, 000 t 'i<eader.r in 'X'emp~rl 7Jeach1 Co/YJna def iJ/(ar, 'Xemporl Coasl, Cos/a J/(esa. ;• 'I.Jon 'I miss oul on lh/s c11ance lopfY.>!1).ofe.yqlfr e.xper/iJe in /his jiefd/ • Our w.<ldin!_ cS!iowcase 'Jt6/icalion 1Jale: "Yune !5, !f)():J ~ace /)eadfine: f/une U, lfJO'J 'Jld'uer/or/a/ /Jeadh'ne. /lune 16. :.!()().') Dail y Pilot A....,"'lf (J4J) 574 -4.?4) Bridge Q I • Vulnoenble, you hold: •'5 0 15 OAOHU •11 73 Partner opens the biddil\& with one no INlDP ( lS. 17). Whit do )'OU iespood? A • ~ about coun'tlna pointi. Your hand rates to l)l'Oduce five or· sb tricks for your iklc's ca~ even i/ panncr l:w only a doubleton dia- mond! Play him for three or four tricks outside the diamond suit and that is enough for lhrcc no C1Ump. So hid It. Q 2 • 8olh vulnerable. yoo hold: •AQ I05 .,Q'975 72 •154 P..irtner ope~ ~ bidding with ooc club Whot do you respond? A • When J)Ql1llCI open~ with 1 minor and you hold two or more four-card suits. bid them up-the-line, n:gatdlc~s of &ult quality. Respond one heart. lbat guarantea loc.tting 11 4-4 fit in a l'flllJO' if ooc eltlsts. Q J • A~ South, vulnerable. you hold. • K C. A J S 1 A 10 S 4 2 • A Q The b1ddJ111t h.b pro.:ceded; SOlJIH Wt:.-.'1' NORTH l!A.'>T I .._ I 1'11.w. Wh.it Jo )'IJU bid now'1 A· Ev~n f.k:ing the ~.:111.L'l>l of n:~pon<ling hani.b. tt~n: ~houkl be play for 10 trid.b ut heart~. St1!l't' a JUlllp to Ull'CC hcllll.\ ..,oukl be invita· lionul. OOI forcin11. you mu~t j ump to four heanb. Q 4 • Ncithcl vulncrnblc, ~ SouU1 you hold: •114 AKJ 9 S A98J •7J 11li: lmldini ha\ prou!,~t.led sount WEST NOllT1J EAST lo ,_ l• 1'1111 ' Wbll do )'OU bid now? A • YQU t.ve a perfectly 50Wld openina bid. There Is oo teasoo you should Coaccal the two-suited narure of your hand from partner. Respond two diamoods. lf you do rebid hearts to ~ the QUalitY of lhat suit. ii can ooly result in landing in the wrong lipot since that acuoo almosc always promises a s!Jt-<:ard &uk Q 5 • Neither vulnerable. M Soulh. you hold: •8 4 1;1 AKJ95 O AKJ S 4 7J The bidding bas orocecdcd: S0'111:1 WES't NOll1lt [M,, I •· .... I• .._ ? Whal do you bid now? A · Thc same lfu.1tibutioo and bid· Jmg ai. abo"e· but this time yow hand 1~ a king woogcc. It is not, however. good enough to jump slufL All )OU can do for the moment 1) rebid two diamonds. further achoo will dcpcod oo what pan:ncr Jon flCAL Q 6 ·A\ Soulh. vuJnerable. )OU hold •AQ6.a . 986 6 •AK754 Thc bidding has llC'l)CCleded. SOlTfll WES1 NORTH ~T I• .._ I• !'Mi ? What do you bid now? A · In hUpport of ,pa<lcs, your hand i~ worth !IOmc I 6-I 7 poinu.. making it too \trong for u i.imple ruii;c 10 two ~· We would make an invita- uonul jump rai.o;e to three spade\. If pan:ncr goes to game and i' defeated. we can apologize for not being quite up to ~nuff for lhc jump 1Tb1d PLUG ' IN Plug into the Pi lot C lassified sectio n to find services from electronics and p lumbe rs, to landscapers and painte rs. NfWPORT BEACH •COSTA ME.SA Daily Pilot Classifie d Cnenrn unity M a rke tpla ce HOME, HEALTH AMJ BuslESS ~ ........ ,,,,·~ ·.m· ERVICE tor\ takma ,ob• lh.it total S500 or ltlOfe (l.Jbor Of m•teri•l~J be l1vn~ed by lhl' Conlr.clor\ Slalt Ucen\e Bu•rd Sldtt law ill~ requ11t\ lhat tont1 u lors '"'lude ll~tr llCftnH numbf'f un ..ti adve.lrsma You can che<.1<. lhe 'lalu\ of yuur 111 en~ed conl llHlor 1t t WWW t\lb l.J ltOY or 800 171 CSI B Unh censed contractor\ t•k1na 1obs tha t total less lhan Sf>OO must sletc In their adv er trsements that they are not llcenH d by the Co,.,lnc:lors St .. te license Boatd ' fM'n..a IMTB9Cm Kildlen I BMtl I Rmmodll M*A~ ll'JllB15 ~ 9ef459'0 ....,..., c.,et Cleaning Carpet • Furniture fua Cleaning i?t:Mlldld Salidodion GuarmWecl lnturtd FREE ESTIMA1f 23 YEARS EXP. BROTHER S , CAR PET SERVICE 800-559-7181 OOMP SQUAD INC. h yoor computtt tiow> ,... 1.1.r ~Qr, dlcy runt ups We Ylru\ inicmn duna. ha..lt 'l'Y worm • uo;.n uid aU thrna · dcm all dmn,nd~dalll. Wt an 1nnJln cbu io )'UUr ,_ comp<tm. We 1<1 up nnwotb big and t.Jnall. forwtlll. ( ,,bJt/l>SIJl>ill·llp Modems. Compku fl!llll bu"MU trn~ W,. ftN ,, ,.,, ,, ,,,, ,.,. Jr., ]ff .&t';=JS NOWMJS51.tll 9•9·39~2905 Ill IP<CK I l#HOME & IUSf#ESS U"AMS UPCT•des. Repairs ol Compuler, Networks E venmas/Wc:ekend~ for quah1y servic 949-136-1175 714-92'·4221 COMPUTER HELP! ......... Cl"ll9,... .. ,.., .......... • PC•lllc ·~ •W.OPagt~·· ·~IAOOlrl> •OIDI~ • 1)111111 ~Ad>. I.ult ·~c.n...-~Ho\) UC ........ ~. tO y,,. C:0....-IE.op, 7 11'-612-2786 •~1di tloda st-tti. Concrsle, Patio, DtMtWay flreplc, BBQ Ref's. 25Yrs Exp. Teny 714 5!>7·7594 Smofl JM lllf'9'11 Ouncan llectr1t 'X:Nrs C •p loc:.vQotck R~ Sor voc;e/Rl'mOdefs l~275870 949 650 7042 AMorlc.o( rlc licensed Elec:trlcal Con tr aclllf Small jobs star Im& al $7'.95 &--... Spe"1hzlo1 m Remodelln& & 111 honie w1rine needs, Comm/lndusl/Rts l-IOO-H7-1DOI L0829'19 UCCNHO CONTU<Tott No tob loo "" ,, --' Repair. remodel, fens ,.. -SVC: 95645 J6l56 Floanftt'rll• ~ CUSTOM CJU1M ft.I lnstlWol. UN. cs-'*. fHID Mottl aoo•? mlrl*. Ilona. ..... 1'75 A1DOONS & REMlllEU'«i U'612044 Jdf 7l~l2 9961 l f 577982 949-709-~2 YOUllNOMI IMl'ttOYUHNT "°'"" Call • f)lufnbtf. p8'nlff. h.tndyman, "' any of the srut s.orvicea h•ted heft lo our Mll'VIU dlfctCIOl'yl THESE lOCAl SVC fltOf>LE CAH HClP YOUl OOAYI SEU UMY.__Alpcirtd R91routln & lmtall.Uon TllE DENI 9" 673 8065 71~ n4'53XJI COMl'UTI lANOSCAP'tNG Oesi1111. clHnups, trees, sod, sprrnklets. Maintenance as low H $9/week l1c:ensed 71 4·222-8425 Nldl ,...... , Get your yatd lookina bbelblhesurmw Y•d dNn-t.,s, tpW1kllr h--..allnd~ weekend & eve quotes Xtro H-4 ~lcea 714-427.-0 Trff Sentco, Yatd CIHnup. Melot•n•nce. Spflnlo.lar Rep•lf, H•uhna ('4t)•so..a111 GDDAl.llJUI 6llAINl"ENAPD • wia.I • Qmaadil oJob1bo&Mll ............. ~S2M2'2 RESTOR' • REPAIR & REMOOCl ING COM,,tlrt HOMI MAJllTINA#CI No tob too small! E verylhina from Clrpentry lo P.tntina Free e.sllm1te Coll•-b 949.295. lffl FIX IW Sf'ICIAUST. All types of repeirs Elec· trical. plumbloc. doon, wa hC!lltln, llBs & more 24tw/7~ys 714 366 188l c..1111 ,..,., C.pentry o PkHnbinc llfywal • Stucco P•W1tlf1c. Ttlt & ..-e 20+Ye«s£•~ •714-fft-S776 JUllllfOfNIDUM,111 71HA·lll2 AVAILA8l£ fOOAYI 949 873 5&te NII·• .... l"ttmantnt end Sum- po11tlo111 l11 the lon1 Bue.II Alu Up to S300 pat w.- (ctepencls on np ) w~•-niw., ............ & Set, ·--1,... Wlll trel11 friendly re· 1pon1ibta penon1 to conuct pC)ttntl•I eus· tomar1 over the pllone •nd provide lnform1tlon •bout trH servlc;es lh•I our 1towln1 mort1a11 comp•ny hes to offer En,oyable, no p11uure po1lt1on w/arnt salary. bununs, and future. CN..l ~ RESOlllCES @ I &2fi2 8344 ~FAX RESUME TO 71J!.Ql 14Zl Pal-SCHOOL TIACHla needed to WOik io well estabhshed pte school. Applic1nt need 12 units ol ECE and • clut undeut1nd1na ol ctuld development r •per teQ Cre•t tum of teachers to work with 949 673 8233 c ... 1ect1 Clwl•ty Publtshiot l'aOMOTIONS 0£PUTMfNT Commoody ~~ oo Orente Couoty ~ Full TtnW i:i-wn lo Witerview and wnte slorll!!.. paillei pate Ill rommuorty events cre.lte lfld ~te paees and sections [ u :ellt'flt communoubon !ii...,, wmk well with the pubhc Know AP Styte QuerkXPreu. PholO!ohop, Mulh Ad Ct e a tor, PY oflcaeot oo MAC aod PC, CCI de\1&n u peroence preferred ProohNdtn& 11:11. OtUll s.a ee1111lll/physul r e<IUf ed EOE E~cellent benofll PM'-"aee (matl r~mie, wr1tJ1ie san.-and sawy re11urr1men l \ l o IJn.i jullmon@lataTies.wm MTM SM1S. Trendy JI ~ st.ore 111 Uieuna '-:fl 15 hl'ir11 for ~ ill1d ~ 8nfh """' 811 ClMNE) fH 310 311 56}6 Automobiles 9000 Automative 9004 IMW 5251 '90 Cold. low "'"•~. run• 1•otr fully loaded J6(XX) OOO~UJl/ IMW U '97 ....,, 4411 ilC1l;al .... !> ~ lndlaO d.M.. blue lr&flC 00 lflf buut/1114 Ol C uomMlled cood $14 99S von7S9:141 949-!>/6 8888 BM luldo '9' Cefltury I owner clulh ~b. vwr >ell» & windtJW\ only ?91. rn11n1 S4!)(X) /14 ':61 6181 * JaG MASONaY * Any Type, Besl Pncu Repairs Oii, Qu1hly Work '7JUS .IDM '114 531 7643 MawtngllDage HST MOYOS $SS/Hr. ~vtrw ,. Ciiia losu'ed Tl6.18&4 *»246 2378 323-6» 'HJ I "41 PUBLIC NOTICE The C•llf Public Ulilihes Comminlon requites th1I 111 used ll o u uhold 1ood1 movers print lh•lr PUC C•I l number, limos end ch•ufleurs pr Int lhelt I C P number kl 111 •dvtt trsements. It you h•v• 1ny quest!Olts •bout the ••1•lllr of • mover, 111110 ot (llautteur. cell ~ """''" COMMISSNMt 177..aN7 ........... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii f' .... IAUTO NIMWUll Conv, L•ltler inl«IOI', A beiluty. (193301) $18,B OOIMWM._.w 8*11 w/,,ay pt'emiuni wt.ls (l9llll} $28.8. :9~~ utr1c1Nn (19397) $28.9111 OI,..,_., .... ,. Only 18K Mi, HRC Pw· forn11nce wheels ( 19394) lNQUIRf -.~ ...... .,. sc .... BladVc:IQn l•n lttv. lull records, rwe find (19288) . Sll.9EK> "IMW T40t,....... I OW'*. loal Newport Sfldan. sreat records, chromed w'-ls ( 193*>) S22.9EK> 00 J.r-r XKI Silves w/blKll 1211 miles periec:I (19381 ) $45.9EK> 'II U.on GS 400 Prl'mwm wMt'b. CO slack wnt ool (19286) $18.980 02 ,_, , .. w unly 496 nllll!s (19384C) $33.9EK> oo,.,,._,s-rn-121. mi, iitw. mooo roof (19314) $25,9EK> 9'1MUCUC,10 black w/bl~ leather. chrnmed wi-ts (1930?) S29.9EK> 949-574-7777 l'HaU'SAUTO ~.<om .....U..SAAITO HMW,1M COllV, IMthlf inC.!Of beeuty1 (193301) SIS.980 OOUIWM._...,. COIW, bled& W/lfl'/ prMMuln wheeta (19388) $28.9EK> •s•zsuoo ~ tT•y lealher. 111em whetis ( 19390) $27,9EK> 01,.,.. , .... ,. only 181< 1111, ~lllf. per• formance wlletk (19394) INQOIREI 9,,,,,_ S.tver w/'Black Ooly 18K M1. very cleao (19413) $55,9EK> 91 IMW T40I s."-t one owner. lout New port Sed;.n. 0111t records chromed whk (19340) S72.B oo,....,.xu SI'-w/Slac;ll 1211 mi. pet'fect (19381 ) SM>.• 98 Letw0 GS JOO chrome whk. low ~. '>OIVOOI (19418) S2J 980 O'J ,_., r _./irtl Only496nHle-i. (I 9384C) SJ3.9EK> 00 ....... S-Type 12)( Mile~ w/lf'mlhet ml moonroot ( 19314) S;l',,9EK) 99 Mil ClJU20 blat.k w/blacil llhr chromed wi-1~ 119JO?) S26.9EK> 949.574.7777 l'HaU'S A.UTO ~.com UXUS 300SC '92 c.llDc C....,. Dovll9' 81 rure~I itrc:~n. l•n llllr S:.. low "" s.lller w'bl< \Cdh. CO Sunruul <111 tap ? c;. ll!Y 111t •"'' pwr lo•ded •Int lund wod S319'> 9'19 '>48-042"> S9 900 nbo 9'9 171 '>Oot'I Codllloc '02 DeVllle Sed•n 19" m1 whit" oatmftal lthr CO Un,tar ¥1131941 S14 99'> -..vt' SlQI. Im & w.lrranly av11t Bkr 949 '>86 1888 -.O<f>Obl.c- M oado '99 Mloto Cunv 4'>1<. m1 .iulu s1lvtr Ian lup pw pl AC r·o '"P"1b """new ,nnd v•l 19/43 SI? 99!> lm.eno np & watt ~nfy avail B~r 949 '>8h 1888 w-.oc·pebl.com ro•o APOSTAi! '95 MERCfDIS 300<0 ·as al air !> P<t's 9'>11 mo RarP roup" Hlut' n•lu Hirn A I ~ondl SJ900 r•l lunl<.s and run• aruto 949 722 8197 $4'i00 ubn 949 'i I'> '>887 Merced.. '00 (320 for.ii ••s Mu•t•"t If.II .sllu1I mo lull Converttbl~ original ftntury w.Jrr lorquo••,.. ow,.,er "'"d car Sl9.99'l bluf' nalm~At llhr obo 949 719 ?94J mnnnr oot I () r hmm" --___ Whl\ 0111 ul tht' IOWt'\I ~ S-Type 4.2 VI '01, 151<. m1 white Oill/Mlll lthr <;d lhrOfTIP wlleek, 6 spe*'ll .. uto Save 15K, SJ!l.99'! vlfl m')!g,5 949 586 1888 Biii m1fr Mt>rrrc1t'\ nt lh• yeu on Cahl ••'>57:<'91 S2'l 99'; ltn•n"nll .sull tl l<.1 '149 'i86 181111 ·-·•<P<lt. ...... Mer<edo• 'II s •o SL wl11lt' tan 1mmal t~ ... ¥trwttJ-,., 4.0 on> lftliJI, ,_ <di Q>. ~ Red 4 wN c) •t ·~ Sl4aD nA.1'.>I ]IE4 d> lwd lql volt 1641 '>!ti rn Sl'>.'.iOO 9119 t"'611'7R MlRCURY Gr.,d M°'""'• 9? 1lnt cnnd llhr 147K m• •II pwr \UPt'f ffh.iblt' Nt w bl .. llt'\ IUP\ b<illl'ty Sl9SO obo 94'l rl9 1517 ,tMW'SAUTO NIMW62Jl-lltlr m. lor ti.utyl '49-174-7777 ...WSMITO .... ·-- s.it.w• '9t haprea• 2 5RS, blecl1 beauty, loedtd, nwf, .. RS ap11or11 SI0.500 714 751 2464 ve11i •• .,. .. ·001 .. tt. 2811 ml. 1p•rlo.llna bi.ell/ o•lmHl, auto, moonrf, CO, pw, pl. alloy whl1. like new, vln#470055 $12,995 fin & w•rr•nly •viii. 8kr 949·!>86 1888 -w.oc,.a.1.c- YW Oeff Gl '90 5 ~ 1tkk, en records. e•• transpcnllon, mllflY extrml $1900/obo 714-473-5626 AllTOMOll.ES. MISCEl.lMEOUS Wnad 9IM5 ~ o,..-1 ~ ~ 40 ~ expl wf 1191 • VS) IH prrce lof )'(IUf <:. y_, OI 1nJC11 IJ9ld lot or nol C.. Didi Rey @ I 01N10 Auto Sala. I~ U1 l!llJ DI 714 J28 ,:W.S CASH fOa CAltS wr NUD YOU• <A• l'AID fOtt OtufOT l'HJWl'S AUTO ASll fOa MALCOLM 949.574.7777 BOATS Power Boats 9515 '00 1 lft Duffy doctrk boot I OWfW't, docked by B•lllo<l 1'!4iod Mini \et"1 $1 7 ,<XXl/OOo 949 700 206.l Sailboats 9520 HMb0t 20#31 New llel triu t 111~~ Sl7,000 obo 949-2S3 7753 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 0 fl SUI' AVAtlAIU IN NEWl'ORT HACH $2500 UASE 949-500· 1005 Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classified ad today I 642-5678 l-11 Rover '91 DI•· <OVtrt LE 471<. m1 4yr w•rr av.irt drt. mel<tlli< 11een l•n llhr hut .. d \eilh du•I mnr I buu lllul 01111 'und, ta• ili!td non <W11t.r mu't \U to a ppr eCtille v•9'i8741 Sil 'ff.I Btu "49 S86 1888 .Everyday is a grear day -fl(:"!.,._ in Cl~ifledl --·O<fHI'··- \I'll yo11r (_or in ('/onifit!d ! lnleriot/{ at l •64822S Cllll Jlly 949 650 !I066 UIHIOW ca<11 MAINT Pt1nhn1 Wr!•I. Houw.1.-.ic Qu111ty fOl>I r ree t"SttmatP l •569897 714-636 8888 ASl'HALT PAvtftG, SW COATING, SHIPING, Quality work, ._ elllrt1lfe c &c •n~ Pll "'*" • , .. Sfttl11 " AlllAl AIOIR Keep Yow Doge I Cea In Their Own Home (949) 831-5771 .-.Al......,_..COlll SIMI ... au. {949) HS-Hst iiOiilfl i iWOiiiiii PlUM8£R Lt506l>86. Free [QI Sill rfll)llia. ocrrcu Dile. 714 2l5 9150 SEU ,. ...... .......... Be a part or Ir, place your ad rodayt (9-i9) 642-5678 .... , ...... s.c. Wffllty Sefvka, Equlj>- ment Rtl)alfa, Ins.ired c.l 94t-2H·717l Rodlll'8ullrt