HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-06 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2003 Nichols' comments may not be protected Councilman 'clearly' implied bribery in remarks at a Planning Commission meeting, city attorney writes in a report to the Newport Beach City Council. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot "Council member Nichols' remarks clear- ly implied that Com- missioner ll.arryl Tucker's apparent o p- position to this appli· cation was based on the receipt of money since, in the mind of Burnham wrote. QUESTION Should the Newport Beach City Council sanction Counctlman Didc Nichols7 Call our Readers Hotlmt: di (949) 642 6086 or send ? • NEWPORT Bf.ACH -C1ty Council- man Did Nichols' comments at a Plan- ning Commission meeting last month did imply that a planning commissioner had accepted a bribe, and such com- ments may not be protected speech. City Atty. Bob Burnham ha.-. said. cide whether Nichols cro!.!.>cd the line when he told one or more planning commissioner. at a public: meeting, Mil looks like you're taJdng money for this one." Dick Nichols Mr. Nichols. approval Nichols has publicly apologiwd fur his choice of words and stated that he did not believe anyone had been bribed. In explaining lus commenL-.. Nichols said that he had been con· cemed that the commission's decision might create the perception of wrong· domg. Ml am sorry that my remaru ma}- have implied improper behavior," Ntch ob wrote in a letter published in the P1 lot. "I truly do not believe any planning commissioner 1s being bribed." e-mail to da1/yp1/ot a /at1mes com Pledsu spell your name and include your hometown and phone number for 11ertfica11on µurposes only \\t• lta\t' loumJ 1111 t ,,,, thJt ... u~t·'>t'> a p11hl11 1•111plt1H'l' "' p11l1lu <1lfil l<ll h..i' J rtKlll 1<1 tt•,uf~ fal.,.•1\ or 111 rl'tlJe,., t11-. Burnham left it to the council to de- Burnham\ repon on Nichols' com- ments, which the counnl will consider at its Tuesday meeting. did include a number of opinions and comments that could foreshadow -.enous conse- quences for N1c:hols. of the application was a 'no-brainer.' The comment regarding 'taJdng money' came after statements suggesting that those who are 'politi- cally attuned' receive more favorable treatment than those who are not." But Nichols' explanauon might h.iH' landed him in even hotter wa1er See NICHOLS. Page A4 DON lEACH OAJLV PILOT Lmdsay Rteker, p(mc1pal for a day at Kaiser Elementary, types at the desk of Stacy Holmes. left, principal on a more permanent basis. Someone else in charge For one d ay, Kaiser Elementary fifth -gfader Lindsay Ricker learns what being a principal is all about Christine Carrillo OarlyPrlot S ome of Undsay Ricker's cl~mates looked to her for special favors and a UuJe leniency'1ere and there. but this I I -year-old wasn'1 about to misuse her principal powers. On Thursday, the Kaiser Elementary fifth-grader served as principal for the day. a job she won at a school auction. While her dudes dldnl include handling the disciplinary wues Kaiser's fuJJ -time principal Stacy Holmes has to deal with, they did include some of the perks. the foremost her bemg referred to as "principaJ." "I thought 11 wouJd be fun getting to be a principaJ and getting to be in charge," (jndsay said. "It was fun. I got to help the teachers and the people in the office ... and I got business cards with my name on them." Und.ciay's principaJ duties began with a morning ceremony in front of the entire Costa Mesa school. where she was inducted as principal-for-a -day. She then traveled to the Newport-Mesa Unified School District offices to meet SupL Robert Barbot and other district officials. Carrying on long-walking tradition at the Scenic 5K Eva Parsons, 94, who has kept in shape since the 1930s, will take on the Corona del Mar Scenic SK for the third time. June C•1•1rande OlityPik>t OORONA DEL MAR -&Ya Panont rememben aerdllna wUh bet MWlbor Gladys m ctW Mrty t930L gaining weight. we kept ow weight as ft WU all our lives." About 70 years later, she's still active and still ftL The 94·}Ul'·old C.Orona del Mar taident will be the oldest partlci· pant in thia year's C.Orona del Mar Sce- nic SK. "tt beaudfuJ," saJd Plrlons, who walb, f'lther than runs. ln the SK race. *lt'a ao wonderful to be able to waJk and feel ftte." Snetoured the -.ch ooTs Meru.urt A construction. handed out awards to varioW) teachers and assbted with memos and e-mails. all the while learning things not often learned in class.. Mil's been a lot of fun." llolmes said. "I hope, and not jU5t for Llnd!>ay, that It stimulates [the srudentsl to think a littJe bit more aboul a life in public education ... Although Undsay claims to be an aspiring pediatrician and doesn't see herself pursuing a career in educauon. administration or otherwise. she did end the Trees will soon return to peninsula Second phac,e of \!1 ai n Street improvements h nea rl y done. Newport Beach i<) awai ti ng funding for the next round . June Casagrande Daily Pilot \;F\~ POFU Hl.t\1 11 llll' 1 "' \>\ill \>\ r.ip up 1lw $.l.8-mtlhon '>n()nd ph..i..,t· 111 H..t.lho.i \ 1ll,1g1• 1rnproveme1w, 1h1'> month, 1111 h1tl1nl{ rl·pl.11 111g the \tarn \treet lieu-. iree .... hut 11 '' '>1111 ",111111~ for funtlmg for lht' llt"<'I round ril "'url "><>metune .imund \\etlm·,J.i\ \•.i1r~ l'r ... \\Ill firw.h up mo'>I ol tlw '1tle'<l.alk rt•,url.1111114 .tlo111o: Mam Street and at11att'nt '>IH't'h I he next '<I.eek. wort..er-. -wtll pla.nt t ! 'or.ti See TREES. Page A4 THINKING ALLOW.ED But her sheets are so cheap 0 n tht• \l.irtha ':,tl'\\art \\t'h 'Ile the popular homemakt•r t'\tr;mn.linam· anm11111c:e' her new "\1,tr-. .ind \lnfll''> fo r Summer" ltm• LOLITA HARPER \\ell. ti .. Oil ldi..l• J\\d\ till' \tar'> \OU lllJ\ haH' an tdt.'.i I ofi; h JI llo Ul \lore for th master t r.1fter If you haven 1 heard h\ now, ',fC'W<tn the woman who mddr J lt\.Hl>( telhnK v.omen tht·\ rnuldn't h\.e v.1thou1 pn">'-rti pam\ prorecl'> -wa-. tndtcted Wedne<iday on ..everal count' of ~'Cuntl~ fraud consp1ran 111 obc;truct rusoce and makmg fa]<;{' <,ta1ement'> accon:hng to published repon., Thi:.' lJ .., <)t.>t."Urllle'> l·.x.change C..ornml~'>IOn aho filed a cl\.11 !>Utt See ALLOWED. Paa• A4 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER fi!;8> It .... • bl1 demp egain S..PlpA2. F1SH FRY n..~ ,...s:nooo. ._.._AS SPORTS ·stw Wlnted to pt her ~bid: If. let bavlnj chDdNn, and .. would Ger• die ....... • ...... tMd; "Wblle ocber ledlel In dw n 'lb-"'«bood Apt 1NI 11 hnons' third time en.U. the Corona del MU rKe. which taba pa..~ She waJb tn the nice tn whk:b moet olben • ninnlns beca9t tn ~ for ten1on to J\.lll wait. she ._ICINIC,,._.M 8' fWUM"11U"OT Evt P1nCni. whoWIUn95 • Jiiii 28. .. lillk lnllll Yllf'I ConNdll Mir Scllic 51< rlCe. T1lil. bl .. Md,.. ...... ' A2 F r'1dly, June 6, 2003 ON THE Building the docks of the bay Two Costa Mesa brothers who grew up in Newport Beach have remained close through their business. Deep1 Bh1r1th Daily Pilot T he Swift brothers love the water. So they built their UWs and careers around iL Pete and Tum SWift are partners in their 20-year-old family business Swift Slip. a Costa Mesa company that builds doclc.s, catering mostly to Newport Beach's boating community. The company also has projects in cities from San Diego to Marina Del Rey, and even in areas near the Colorado River, but their bread-and-buner business comes from local residents, Tom Swift said. "That's what we specialize in," he said. "When someone buys a house in Newport with a boat slip, they come to us for designing and engineering a brand new dock." The docks are moslly made of a wood base, although they have built a few cement docks and others using synthetic material, Swift said. The docks are prefabricated and constructed at the company's yard on Placentia Avenue and then taken to the home and installed. Swift said he has a crew of eight people doing the construction work. The company has also constructed mannas for clients such as the Islandia Hyan in San Diego and locally for the Chart House restaurant and what was formerly Bistro 201. The biggest project cost $168.000. but they have worked on jobs as small as $4,000, he said. The 1ob's main challenge Is not the construction . but the process of getting pennits frnm several agencies. Normally, they deal with agencies such as the city. California Department of Fish and Game, the California Coastal Commission and the Army Corps of Engineers. "A lot has changed over the last few years," Swift said. "There's a bigger emphasis now on quality control and water quality ... The best part of the job. he says. is being by the water. "My brother and I grew up In Newport Beach.· Swift !Hlid. "We have great clients. Many of them have done weU for themselves, and it's interesting to hear their stories." WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHAT'S AFlOAT is pubOshed periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by &·mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Or11nge Coast College 11 on.ring new credit and noncredit sailing claues this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast SEAN OUfRENE I DAILY PILOT Peter and Tom Swift, owners of Swift Slrp m Costa Mesa. stand on a gangway they designed for the docks m Lido Island. while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina WaterSports at the Balboa Fun Zooe. you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft. jump the ocean swells in a Sea..<Joo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail fl ight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Elec:tric: boat rentals are wattabfe by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boatl are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental IS $75. (949) 645-6812. • Pedal boats, electric boat.a, boogie board1, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729·1150. --~rgttwav;Newport Bndr.1949)-645"9412 or visit occsailing.com. Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the waterirrmanyWCJVS'WTttr single and double kayaks. electric boats. 14-holder sailboats. pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats. providing group activity for corporations, birthdays. nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt packages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available et an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673·7200. Gondola tours are offered by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses. a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine rs also avallabfe. {949t 675· 1212. , Sailing Fuclnation offers dauea In boating safety and sailing year-round for persona with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1878. Or11nge County employen c:an bttng their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 157 TliOMAS H. JOHNION ..... Edllof'I Publisher Gloe Alexander, Lori AnderM>n, TONYDOOEM> Daniel Hunt. Paul Seltowitr. Editor Daniel Stevena JUDY 0£TT1NQ NEWSITAff Advert12. Director Crime~~. LANA NSON Promotiont Dlr9Clor (949)67 d#pll,bhant/l•,.r1,,,...com EDmHOtlrAR ..... ~. &J.C. Newpon r9P011ef, ~;}JEdltor, 1Ml57~ ~m /ulWl.-..Q,.,,..,.,,mfll.QOm 1.J.c.hnO t.11,,,.. com .... CIMolt JemeeMller Politics, bualne. and environment City Edltof. (!M8J 7&M32A rtpOrt9', (948) 1&M330 /a,,,.,,,,.,.,.,,.,__oom p.u1.c11mone111t1m-..oom ....... u... L.-.. .... Spoftl~ Columni.. eutture rtpOrttr. (IM8) --57~ rldtKcl.duM• JoMJ. ~· ...... '°'" MDl'9Ctor/ ...... " *' (Nt) COltl Mlet "'POf*, (Mt) 57 .... 221 ~· ~NWmen•,.,,_,oom ..... c::tw ...... c.. Phocof Eduicetion '9POf1*, (t.&9) !17.W298 (Ml ---·'""""*· ,. ...,,,.a.rillo•¥tf,,,.. com Gondola Adventures/Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne 1s $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pickup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coaat Charters in Udo Manna Vlllage offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persona. (949) 675-4704. Cor1I Wiison Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92628. News aui1tan1, (949) 574-4298 Copyright: No news 1torfe1, cor11/.wil1on lil/11t1mes.com illustrations. editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertlsementa herein can be Sean Hiller. Don l..eadl. reproduced without written Kent Treptow permruion of copyright owner. READERS HOTUNE HOW TO REACH UI (9491~2.-6086 Clrculatioft Record your commenta about the The Times OBnge County Deily Pilot or newt tJps. (800) 262-9141 AddreM ~ne Our 1ddrM1 11 330 W. S.y St.. Costa C~ UM9) 8"'2-WI M ... , CA 92627 Office hours are Dllpley (949) 842"'321 Monday · Friday, 8:30 1 m. · 5 p.m. Edttoftal Conecdot• Newt It it the Piloc'a poltey to promptly (!Mi) 842""80 cortect an Mor. of 1t.1bstanc.. ~("'8)574-4223 PIMM c.11 (Ml 76M324. Newt Fu CMI MM170 FV1 ............. llG-0170 l...fMlt ~·1-t/,.,,...com Th• Newpon ~ M..a Mmallee Dally Piiot (Uln-144-800) II ..... a.. (9411842-4321 pubtiah41d dllly. In NfWPOlt ltNdl ... 1 .... ,.,. , .... , 131-7126 end Colt.I M..a, tubecrlptlonl ,,. avallabi. only by "'*'lblng to The Tlmee Onlnge County 18001 l•J 2&2·114t In.,... °"'9lde of NeW;oft ~end Cotta Mela, IU~• IO the 04ilty fl'llot tre ev....,. ontvbv ""' clete tNll for flubltthed bv Tlmee Community S30 per month. (Pl'ic.e 1"'1ude 10 Hewe. 1 dM on of t.M Loe Angel" eppllctbtt at.at• tnd loc»I taA ... 1 TllNI. POSTMASTER: Slt'ld *'<ftMI chine-to The Newport ~ M.-Delly Pilot. P.O. e2003 Tlmet CN. All rlghi. r..et\19d. v ., Dally Pilot THE HARBOR COLUMN Another boat delivery 'round Point Conception A boy. now the most successful fishing racUo show In Southern California. On Saturday morning. I will Oy north to the San Francisco Bay area for a yacht delivery from Ballena Isle Marina In Alameda to Anacapa Isle Marina in the Channel Islands MIKE WHITEHEAD Martin "Marty" Milner joins Pete as co-host, and most of you probably reco,gnize Marty's name from his SO years as an actor. The ruts series Harbor, Oxnard. I will be joined on this delivery by Capt OiandJa' Bell, an experienced captain with Bongos Sportfishing and the advertising director for my radio show. The weather forecasts look passable, with the San Francisco buoy reporting swells smaller than 5 feet, and once again. this voyage will require rounding Point Conception, but this time traveling downhill. We anticipate an early morning fuel stop at Morro Bay. That usually means navigating the harbor entrance In the morning darkness and fog. Last week. I mentioned entering Morro Bay in the fog and the two methods I use when it ls f'oggy. We plan on arriving at Channels Islands Harbor on Sunday evening. The very next morning. I will step aboard a mega·yacbt destined for SeattJe. I will join two other captains, Butch kobell1 and Mitch 1'.t8er, on a l JS-foot Codecasa from San Diego to Lab Union in Seattle. We a.re seriously tracking the weather very dosely up the coast to Point Ftattery, where you tum due east into the water of Juan de Fuca between Washington and Canada In next week's column. I will tell you about the yacbt and share a few of the trip's high.lights.. HOOt<E.D ON FlSHfNG Also on Saturday morning. the very popular fishing radio show ·Let's Talk Hookup" will broadcast live l'rom Anglers Center's fishing expo and parking lot sale in Newport Beach. You will have the opportunity to meet the radio show's co-hosts. ~ Gray and Marty Mllner, during their live broadcast on San Diego's XERB. "the Mighty" 1090 AM. from 7 to 9am. Pete. the show's creator, was m the radio professiofl before the fishing show for more than a decade as the sales manager for KKOSIKCEO racUo in San Diego. Pete is an avid angler of more than 30 years, so he decided to combine his enthusiasm for fishing with his racUo expertise by starting "Let's Talk Hook-up," which is "Route 66" and "Adam 12" were his most su ccessful shows. He has also been in films, on Broadway and is stiU invited for guest appearances on iv. Marty is also an expert and avid fisherman, including Oy fishing. He travels the world to find that perfect bite. I met Pete and Marty years ago at their srucUos when I was filming their show for a segment In my boating lV show. Not long ago they were fishing on one of Bongo's boats that Chandler ca plained for their fishing trip. ·we had a nice trip wtth Cllandler -fishing was good. catching was slow," Pete wrote In an e-mail to me. "The Anglers Center live remote is a great event -good seminars and lots of great tackle deals.· Angler Center's Dean Plant told me, "This is our third season opener event and looks like it will be the best yet. The top raffle priz.e is a trip to Buena Vista Beach Resort.· Also. the Anglers Center's Season Opener Fishing Tackle Expo and Seminar Day will have more than 25 manufacturers set up in the parking lot with their displays. Plant has scheduled several seminars. including on proper rigging tecbniques. Baja travel and stand -up fish fighting techniques. These semin~ will be given by fishing experts Dmnll Braid. Jonathan Roldan. BmTy BJtgbtmburg and IClt Mc:Near. Anglers Center is at 419 Old Newpon Blvd. in Newpon Beach. For more information, call (949) 642-6662 or visit www.anglerscenrer.com. You can rune In to Pete and Marty every Saturday and Sunday on the 50.000-watt "Mighty 1090" and on the Web at www.hookup690.com. While you are enjoying the festivities, remember ~or us who will cruise on the Pacific Ocean. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHITEHEAD 11 the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and manna-related thoughts and story suggestions by e·ma1I to Mllce@BosthouseTY.com or visit BoathouBBTY.com SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF The wind1hield wipers will Most IOUth-faclng br .. ks get more UM today, especially wUI '"waist-high• today, but th .. momlng. We're in fore the better apotl can ex~ cfoudy day, complete with c:helt-higha end a few morning fog end drtzzte, until thouldet-hlgha. 111'9 afternoon. At that point. Se'turdey loob limller. the tun m1y peek through fore By late Sunday, we 1hould hour or to. High& near 70. ... tome dleat· to Lowa In the upper 60a. ahouldef.hlgha throughout Thia ~end wOI ~very Newpon, but standout lpOtl llmlter, wtth eo.ca Meu high& lhould get....,.,., hee~ In the lower 70e end coeatal Monday lhould ~even Newport In the lower to bder 11 the ,,.xt awejl 11 fllllng mld-eOI. In. Wonnetlon: w...~ www.nws.nON.QOV www . .urfrltJ.r.org BOATING FORECAST TIDES The W9ltetty wlndt wlll Time ~ 9:0la.m. 0.08fMclow blow 10 to 1& tnota In the lnMr W9t9rS thll lftlmoon, with ~p.m. 1711-Ngh 2..foot W9Ytia end. Well lwell aotp.m. 3.01filitlow of2k 2:aa.m. 4.34'-thlgh °"' ...... ~ wlnde wlft blow 10 knotl, ~ 24oot WATER TEMPERATURE W9We end I not1h\Jelt lwell of 3fMt. a.., .. PHOTO( t; f ~I£ Vf Md kANK >f11 { i"ll I f riday. .Jooe 6, 2003 Al Newport e,each P oUce Department Teen Academy ~ 14 1 '-adotolJiot "-!I.ad fiitt. Gc!..IW Juue 20th Augu~ 14th Law Cnforcement Careen; ·Pol.tee Ride Along • Caru ne D?moru:lrahon ·Shoot.mg RAAge Helicopter Den1on~rabon c~ MW n.m; b\'efl.lr~r troni 1><t1 ~ l!J YOO Pm StUdentS can earn UP t0 rJ hOUrs Of commuoitY Service Cred~ ~tc>uNTRYhFA1R1 This Saturday, June 7 lO:OOam -4:00pm 2850 Clubhouse Road in Mesa Verde • Carnival Gomes & Prizes Newport Beach Realtor Michael Thornton displays chips of wood from John Wayne's demolished home that he will sell with cards • Huge Silent Auction with over 75 Gift Baskets and Auction ttems ! Chips off the ol' Duke Sole, Cotton Candy, ; ~ "~ • Hotdogs, Tacos, Bake @ Snow Cones & Churros! (l 1J_ Realto r Mi chael Thornton sells pi eces of John Wayne ' demolished home for $20. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot T he I >ukl•\ I n·mh wa1erfmnt l hJlt·.111 " g<Jlll' But Nt"Y. pon l\t-Jt h Reahor \11dW1el l110m1011 h.t' ntaUl' '>Urt' th.ti p1l'U"> ul John \\'ayrw\ home. wh1< h -.1<>11d maJl">llt<Uly on H.sy-J1or'l' I >nw 1111t1l la1t· ia,1 )'t'.tr, .in• '"II ,1hw ll1omton walkt-U amund lilt• i. I05·'l!Uan•·fool homt• lhl' ti.iv II~ IJWTll'r.. Hui >en cJlld lit-wily < .oht'n. c.ll-moh!'.ht-U 11 10 hlllltl llmr pmJXN.'tl IWO -.wry. 12.437 'l!lUJrt•·foot hornl' l11omton -..ml ht> "rt"-t-ut-U " wood fmm lht' tl<'mohi,lwd ltornt· ll'tat v.-.t., lwadt"<l to 1he dum1l'.11·r. dt•Jnc.>d 11 up. mt II mto ht1l1· \(jUJn"' .uul r11011nh'<l th1·rn un .i t ard v.11h a p1t:tun· of tlw hornl' ,mtl a par.q~raph \UffiJllalVmg II\ 11L'>tury. llw card'>. wtudi be-JI .i ~ardlllN' of .iuml'nUt11). an· n<M on \die for S 19.~5 <1 ptl't.t' "Anybo<ly could\c done whJt I chd," lnomton ..aid "But 111 thl· t•nd. I JU.'>t W"dllle<l tu do '>0111t•l11u1K tu ""1\t' aml -.tun· an 1111p11na11t pan ol our lw,wry ·· t It· "'1Jd the Ian' lovt• ml' t.tn:h wil11 a pll'l'l' uf me hornt' whl·n.· John Way111: hve<l for I h year.. I It' "'>aid tu have made 22 lilm,, 111dutl111~ h1'> tN:ar·wmlltnK .. I nit' c .nt.'' wlwn he lived there I le .llt;ei h,uJ a pnv.ite dock at ht' home \\1wn· lw rnoon"Cl Im rm ht Wilt.I (10<N.' l11t nl.111 "· ... 1111 hug1· ll 1um11111 -...ut.I John \Vaytll' ''a lwro, 1'\1·11 Chips of wood taken from John Wayne 's Newport Beach home 111M, w.ir. aitt'I tu., llt·Jth. ht· "'1Jd "Ill'·, t•wrytJ11n~ 1\Jm•mJ ... 1,u1d' lor tht n1~L'<.I t11tl1v1c.luaJ1,m. llw Wile.I \\t..,t P1:oplt· arl' gomg t r.vv ovc.'I th" -.111IT" I le.' ... ud lw l'>.pt'<. l\ to .,di thou-..uuh ul tht"-t' 1-anh. but th;it .!!l'1', or mayh1.• mon:• ol tht' pnllt't.'t.b v.111 ~>to< h<U1lll''" 1nduc.J1ng thl· John \\';ivnt ( ..irll"t'r ( 111111 lltl' hou<,t• \Vd' ,1 :\t'\\pon lk·.i1 h l.mtlm.1rit .111d ff arn ... 1 850 pounds eaten at Fish Fry Lions Club officials are pleased with the $27,000 rai<,ing by the reincarnated Costa Mesa event. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot <OS.IA Ml O..,A I 1.,h lover-. Omked to th1.• I "h l ry l,1.,1 Wl'l'k end and gobbled up Ifill pound-. of Alt1\kan rnd, r.arl..tng up $27 ,000 for till I 11111' < Juh I ht· .u11ount \•.,1' thrt•t• llllll'' murt· than t luh olfi< i.th hJd prt• the led -o\l'rall. v.t:n· kind ot 'tolt'd .thout Lhl' \'\hole thtn~ .inll l\'t"rl'1 lcmktng forward Ill Lt)l' tu lure o f IL, ...atd Mile "ichl'Jkr. Co<,tJ ~11''><1 orv counuhnan ,md !Jon.-. Club pn•.,uknt. who '>erved J\ tht• C'Vl'11t\ l IMtrman After \l'ttlinK a law-.ull lhat '>helved the Fl\h l·ry tor two year-.. ii <>caletl h.1t•k ver-.11111 wa ... held al !Jon" P·.trk over lht' weekend. TI1e la'it H<>h I ry be- fore the lapse. held at Orange Coa.-.t College. raised about $35.000, Schcakr said. ·n1e money fund1' tlw ~d10oli. and o rgani7.atio n) .-.udt ru. UttJe League. The event rckmdled a i.pirit of community, .-.aid Kirk Bauer- mei!>lcr, assistJJlt high chool principaJ for Cosla Mesa I ligh School. who w rved as Scheafer's I l l \1Pl f l l I.\ --l~l '·.',',I \l~1'I '', r, . right h.u1d ni.111 Junng llll' l'\l'lll II n•.ilh \\d' ,1 good lllllt'. lilt• o111 old f.i,l11111ll'd t 11111111111111\ gt•t 111gi 1111" B.111t m1t'l\tN ,,ml ·· t\ 101 ul pcoplt• ~ot IO -.i·c pl'opll' th1·\ h.11111'1 't'l'll 111 .i I l'ttll\ long 11m1.· ·· I lw 'i7 \t'ar old 1.·wn t 11111111· tll·n·cl .llln cJ \\Oman daimf'd 'ht• hurt hl'r .111klt• .11 lhl' 2000 1 ... 11 I r, \\hl'n 'ht· <,lt>pped off" 111rh .11 C )( L 11w civil law'>Ull w.i' ,t lfh·c.J out of court la't May tor ~·w.ooo 0..,1 fw.if1•r d1Jn' haw lltl' ,11 ll:lldt111Cl' I 1'\Ulh yet 1111 Lill', \ t•.ir., t'\l'llt hu 1 -.Jld I toll'> lluh nwmhcr' '>l'r\l'J up i.U I Y fhh cttnnu .... um1pJi. ti lo 1,300 111 ,!()()() < 011111 1lrna11 \11,m Milll'>O<>r -.toµpc.·d h} 0..,1111dJy I tltuughl II w ·J<, goud \1Jll ... oor '><lid ··1 topefully. 11 v.111 ht· t•ven h1gxc·r and hl"uer 11ext V<'•tr R..tlll'rllll'l'>ll'r. whu wt·nt 10 hi\ liNt l·r-.h I ry 111 I <K'14, when hl· \\J\ I ..... ud hl• lll't.llllt' 1m oh nl w11h tht· I Jon' < .luh ,1 \ t·.ir t1go 111 ht>lp rt•\ 1vt: tlw I 1'h I r\ Du1111g thl· t'\t·111 B.111t·r11w1' lt·r 1hanh·d CJ1t1.·11dt·1•, lor 111111 -.upport Jnd ,l\lt'tl tlwm \\h.11 the.•\' lhought ol 1lw t'\1•111 111tl \\h.tl 1lwy would hl-1• to ""I' 111 futurt• yt•ar., .. , tril'd lo t<•ll r•·11pl1· llw I.ht I !\It I rv you \·w111 111 \\.i'> 111• l uhnina11on of ill 'rl'·" '· .111d Wl''ll \lov. ly hr111g b.tt l I Ill thmg' th.11 1woplt v.Jnt." B.iut·r llll't'>tt'r '>dtd Nt'xt yt•.tr, tht• I 11111\ <1uh \\Ill tr) to '>Ohut inort hooth., 1111111 t omm11n1t\ KWllfl' ,111d 1·\p.111d the l .trill\ ell lo tllduc.Je "lllh adult rldt•~, .. O..,dll'<tll'I "t1ld I lllkr 1. hanKt'' m.1} umw .1b11111 \\ht 11 tht• duh hold' .1 1111·1•1111g 111 All).'\J't to dt...c ll\\ tin 11111" ,11111 C Oil\ OI mt'> ye or<, t'\l'lll flt" -.,11c.J Nt•xt year. thl I i-.h I ry \\ 111 takl' plate aga111 oH•r t\\o d,l\,, 111Mead of the trad1tum.1I 1hrn dct)">. tht• wt•ekt:'nd ilftrr l\h'11111 riaJ Day. Dl!!JIC ' PWSBCAIPIT •lubM•N$189 • Mw-... 141· ft. 1\o'aftl'da.• 18". 18" ·············-······ ·1:11-"' Ce.....tlc 'Ille .................. ........, ._.. 1 • ... -. Laalaate .................. ......, ,_..._ • • .. --.. .,,_,,,, .. ·-~~HM •o. It ~1- A6 "'~ "". ,.,.,..,, ~ • ...., _ -··~ llTt ..... AN., ..... p • COITA ~ (888) MESA-777 ~lc::::lf cesn, ................ ......... ~_, FYI For more mformdt1•111 <.cJll 0 14) 967-1003 or VISll www t.Jukeshome com .it tr.it 111111, hut ''"l' 11111 1"11"1 I 111 \:t'\\l>llrt lk.1d), l11,1ur11.1l r•-,.:1,1r\ ll11in111111 ... ml 1111"' 'r111-...., \\l'llt 11\ tli1· t 1·ld1r1J\ l111lllt '. h11p111g Ill o ,111 h .1gl11111•"'11l l11t • I >11k1 · \11 11 1 lw.ird 111.11 11 111(111 \\ 1\111• h.1pp11wd 1 1 I>< 'J.111tl111g 11ut,11h . lwd ,,,1\1· •1111111 tlw toun"'' lw -..11d lhomton -..11d 111 JI.,., It.I'-.1 h'\\ hm fr.... lnirn till' 11111111· .111d hopt.., llr ,di tlttN' p11'1 I'\ l'\lhl'-1\l'h IP lx·nl'lit 1 lt,1111w' In tlt1 htw1111111g h1· """ 111' lhought .1hrnll 1.1~111g llu \\111i.l .iml 111.U...11v , 111111 It r 111 111111 \\.1\lll' 111111 11 B111l111 >-:).1111d1"11tl1d111 1li1 !111' lll1Jflll1Jll -..111 ! fl fl'oH h•'\ llltllo I>" 1plc 1111' \ I\ • Live Band, Coke Wolk. ~ Inflatable Slide, Obstacle Course, DJ, Entertainment,-= Raffle, Drawing, & More!! <r"- We would like to thank the following sponsors for their contributions! Orange Coost Dodge • Jon Gray, I.any & Loune Weicttmon Reanon. Farr's Ho1mM. Coldwel 8onkef ·Pat OcMs. Scott's Seofood, Coldwel Banker · Jennifer Pritchett, Golden Spoon. f'trSf Teom Realtors · Gwen Miller, Sa Rogs MogK Moun1otn, Weis Forgo Bonk • Acico Shulman. Charo Chlden. AdYer'ltUre 16 ·The Comp, Costo Mesa Country dub, lily's, Cyde Werits -TreYC>f Jones. Heodline Hair, OUllno's Subs. Libxdis. Submanno, Wolf Gong Puck Resfouront, Albemoo's, Rolph's • Gory Swan, Weekend Traffic. Eagle Rider, Rowiforesf Cafe, Gino's Pina. The Sn.!I Family. Rainbow Magnetics. inc_, Los Caballeros Tenms Club, MO's Sports GnM, t-mA Swim School, Jennifer A Oeilet • Personal Trainer. RESTOR ·Physical Therapy, Henry's Mcnetploce, CheYy's, ll'Wle Ranch Mortlet, Gina's Pina, Yardhouse Restouront. Newport Rib Company, Soge. Roy's Hawaiian Fusion Cuisine, Zax's Restouront. Island's Restaurant, Wesfln Sotlltl Coost Plato. The Clubhouse Restouront, Hi-rimes. Troder Joe's, Meso \letde Coon1Ty Club • Rondy Mefets, Metro Cor Wostl, Aoy If Again Spotts, Sfolt>ud(s, Polly's Pies, Coco's, Souplui 1totion. Shiriey's Bogek. G6orio Odynals, Von's, lJso Albert Studios, Critical Opel otions, Inc. Miles lnYestigotlons. Inc, Gino's Pino ot Costo Mesa, ~ 8o1et Foldoric.o, ()fgcncs ot Oz and Los Cabaleros R.acquet Spotts Club, Haus of Pino. Aetcher Jones ~ Benz. A spec>d thank Y01J to our commmee and volun1een tor their coumtess hours of wcw1c• Saturday, June 7th 10-6 COAST PET SUPPLY 880 N. Coast Hwy. 497.-6580 FREE ID Tag We carry a full inventory of accessories & natural pet food s and nutritional Eng ray'""' 'C'\J on Premises ~Pires 6 '03 supplemen ts ----T ortcrs Best 1 Cat Litter 1 I Buy 1. 71b size and get the 2nd FREE Coupon ttvu 6 JO 03 Midwest 1 Pet Beds & : Dog Crates I 25%0FF : I We Feature these Products! Dancing Paws I I I I I I I Natural Balance ~ I I I • Science Diet • Diamond Weflness • Norure" Rr-rpe • (orndoe/f e!idoe • Colifomlo Noturol • Eukeoubo • Noturol Bolonce • lnnoYO • Nutro • Soltd Gold • Sieve's Real Food I Vitamins & Nutritional I Dog and Cot 1 I Supplements I Food I : 25% OFF : 25°A. OFF : I __ ~ ""'~ I _ Cowpgrl fw\j ..! ~ _ .J • M Friday, June 6, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Avenue of the Arts: A vehicle burglary wu repe>ned IQ the 3400 block at 7:03 p.m . Tuesday. • Avoado Strwt: Vandalism was reported In he 300 blodt at 7:S7 p.m. Tuesday. • Bn.tof StrMt: A commercial burglary was reported In the 3300 blodc at 5:24 p.m. Tuesday. • Dane RcM!d: Possession of drugs was reported In the 4200 blodt at 6:S5 p.m. Tuesday. • Hamltton Strwt: An auault was reported in the 600 blodc at 6 p.m. Tuesday. • Harbor Bou'9vard: Graffiti was reported in the 1900 blodc et 9:62 p.m. Tuesday. • M.N Verd• Drive Eatt: Possession of weapons was reported in the 1600 blodc at 4:55 p.m. Tuesday. • Superiot Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries wasreportedlnthel600 NICHOLS Continued from Al regard of the truth. Council member Nichols admittedly had no factual basis to support his comment regarding 'taldng money for tlus one,'" Burnham noted. ln a phone interview on Thurt.day, Nichols stood by his belief that the Planning Com· mission decision that prompted tili comments wa., off base. "Whal lhey did doesn't make any sense: Nichols said Nichols' comments took place as the Planning Commission was considenng allowing a vanance for a Balboa Island home 10 build a larger addition on its roof than wning ruJes normally al- low. Nichols thought 1he request CHARGE Continued from Al day with a gained appreciation for the work educators and administrators d o. For Hohn~. that was one of the goaJ for the day. . "I trunk any opportunity that a student has to get a sense of real life and some in ight intu any profession is l>pecial, • Holmes said. "This i5 that kind of experience." The shon day of hadowmg. which has gone on at lhe school for years, also gives students a bener underi.tanding of what their pnncipal actually dues all SCENIC Continued from Al sajd, Parsons abo walkt.'CI the race in iooo and 200 l, but skipped la.st year becau!oe of a respiratory in· fection The SK t"Vent, now in its 22nd year, has become dil institution in Corona del Mar. Billing itself as the preUlest race aroWld, the course winds th.rough some of the mo~ scenic '>pots in Corona del Mar. Race events begin on the bluffs at Corona deJ Mctr Bcat.h and, af. tet coming almost full orcle, nm- ners and walkers aniw at RPstau· ranr Row. where a M'n~ of booth.c. off er some of the ~1 di~lc:, local restaurants have to offer. Partici- pants enjoy all the tood they can handle for free. In addltion to the SK run, the event also indudel> a 2 mile w4'.lk and a I K "Oolphln Dash~ for kids. Funds raised from the entries and sponsoni suppon youth program.'! of the d ty of Newport Ueach and blodt at 6:47 p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Cotporste Plua: Forg&fY wat reported in the 100 blodc at 12:11 p.m. Wednesday. • Jede Awnue: A hlt·and-run wat reported In the 100 blodc at 11 :38 a.m. Wednesday. • Marllol: A vehlcle burglary was reported In the 100 blodt at 4:46 a.m. Wednesday. • Old Newport Bout.wrd: A commercial burglary was reported jn the 400 blodc at 1 :36 p.m. Wednesday. • Partc Newport Drtve: Annoying phone calls were reported In the 100 blodt at 2:64 p.m. Wednesday. • Via Genoa: A boat theft was reported In the 100 blodc at 3:S3 p.m. Wednesday. • Via Udo Drtve: Indecent exposure was reported in the 3400 blodt at 9:46 a.m. Wednesday. • Westcliff Drtv9: Petty theft was reported in the 1800 blodc at 2:40 p.m. Wednesday. should be granted because the finished home would have af- fected the neighbors far less than lhe building that had been there before. Planning commissioners unanimously rejected the vari- ance request on lhe basis that it was too far outside city guide- lines. At their meeting on Tuesday, the council will consider whether Nichols' comments amounted to an unfounded im- plication of wrongdoing. They will also consider whether to cre- ate a resolution to "disapprove" of Nichols' commems and whether to create a code of con- duct to govern council members' behavior. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpart Beadl and John Wayne Arrpart. She may be readled al (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com day. "I think it's a very good viewpoint that they get: said Bena San Miguel, who has worked in the Kaiser office for lhe past nine years. ·A lot of I the students! think llhe principal! just sits in his office all day. With this. they get to see lhat he has to go to the classrooms and the dlsuict and has to deal with all the issues corning in with the kids. It's a lot more than they think.. And. in Lindsay's opinion. a lot more than they'd want to handJe. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reactied al (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at dlristme.carrillo@lat1mes.com FYI • WHAT: Corona del Mar Scenic SK • •WHEN: Saturday. Registration begins at 6 a.m. Warm-up is at 7:30. The first event, the men's SK race, starts a1 7:5S. •WHERE: Ocean Boulevard at Heliotrope in Corona del Mar. Parking is free in the Corona def Mar State Beaeti parking lot. • INFORMATION: Visit www.sctive.com or call (9491 644-31S5. also help fund Corona de! Mar beautification For people such as Pan.<ms. il's a grear way to continue a lifelong tradition of staying in shape. "Everyone laughs at me because they think I'm such an active old lady." Parsons said ~But 1 just love it. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead"t and John Wttyne Airport. She may be readied at (949) 574-4232 or by &-mail st june.C8sagrsnde@lstimes.com. TREES ' Continued from Al gum trees along Main Street from Pier Plaza to the Balboa Pavillon. The trees will replace the 24 Ocus trees whose re- moval lut fall was the final word In a long·runnlng battle over whether to keep the trees. The coral gum trees, which the city bought about a yeat ago and have been growing In their boxes ever slnce, are now be- tween 8 and 8~ feet tall and span about 4 feet. "We're told that once they're in the ground, we'll probably see a growth spurt really so op," ALLOWED Continued from Al against her for allegedly trading on an insider tip. As the stories go, in December 2001, Stewart sold 4,000 shares of irnOone - headed by her close friend San Walcsal -the day before.Walcsal delivered bad news lhat caused stocks to drop dramatically. Stewart maintains her innocence and said on a specially designated Web site that her sale was lhe result of p revious conversations with her s1ock broker aboul the price. said Bob Stein, the eltf'• prlncl· pal engineer on the renova· tiOM. 1be cJty and the Penlnaula Point Homeowners Assn. have sele<:ted a desJgn for the deco· radve Oower pots that will line Main Street. Those 32·lnch· high flower pots, aJong with or- namental benches, will prob· ably be installed ln sJ.x to eight wee.ks. Repaving of the streets and sidewalks Include blue and white wave-panem lithocrete along Oceanfront and In cro55- walks on Main, Palm and Wash- ington streets. "Things are really looking nice down there already," said Steve Badum, public works di- said people had been talking about It all day. "People tell me. 'No, you can't take her stuff off me shelves,' but then there are those who never bought her stuff in the first place.· said Pauline, who declined to give her last name. Something about her uber·proper persona, her penchant for cake decorating and cookie cutting makes her unlikable to some. "She's just too perfect," Pauline said. Those looking for a naw have certainly found one. "We lucked out, I guess," K·Mart shopper Eva Seraphin said. "I thought to myself, 'Should I [go shopping] next week when she is really in trouble?' J would wait, but I wanted pillows." Seraphin is not necessarily a "The government's anempt to criminalize these actions makes no sense to me," Stewart wrote on www.martltacalks.com. a Web site designated to tell her side of the scandal and thank her supporters. Although her magazine has reportedly lost 20% of its advertisers, her stock was up Thursday. At the Costa Mesa K-Man, which is having a sale on ttems from the Martha Stewan Everyday Home Collection, the charges were lhe center of conversation. • Martha Stewart hater. she is just not a fan. She sees the 61 -year·old blond on food shows while nipping through the channels, she said, but hru. never stopped long enough to take any of her culinary suggestions to heart. K·Mart employee Pauline, who was busy rel>tocking the shelves with window coverings. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mrke.swanson@lstimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the tr me, date and location of the event, es well aa a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dsilypilotcom. TODAY UC Irvine ArtsBridge preMntl Wor1d Dance Day, featuring Orange County elementary school students performing folk dances from Mexican, Vietnamese, European and Native American cultures. The noon event at Aldrich Park on the UCI campus is free. For Information, call (949) 824-8942. SATURDAY "I have two kids and a dissertation to worry about. I don't have time." Seraphin said. She and her two children were taking advantage of the 20% discount to buy a Icing-sized sheet 10 "make a will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2850 Country Club Drive. The fair will have a silent auction, a 50-foot inflatable obstacle course, a 30-foot inflatable slide, a dunk tank, numerous games, prizes, food, drinks, a bake sale, a OJ, a guest band and more. Call (7141424-7935 for more information Become 1 mem t>.r.of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminally ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team is seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmedical needs, such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, reading to patients, paying weekly social visits and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (7 14) 980-0900 for more information. St. Micheal and All Angela Episcopal Church will present a seminar that poses the question, "Does Biblical Interpretation Contribute to the Plight of the Holy Land Christians?" at 9 a.m. The dlurch is at the corner of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona def Mar. For more information, can (9491 644-0403. SUNDAY rector for tbe clti. Put of pbue three wUJ be funded by the Oranp County Sanitation Otatrict because the di lrict plans to tear up a pot• don or Balboa Boulevard to re- moving an aging eewer pump station underground at A Street. The dlatrlct wtl1 ln.ltall an above-ground atadon a t tbe northeast comtr ot that lnter· section -a roughly 25·foot by 25·foot facility topped with a tower that reaches about 26 Ceet high. A4 part of that process, the district will pay for about $225,000 of the estimated · $250,000 cost to repave that section of Balboa Boulevard. That work Is expected to begin In February. huge tent ln the living room." (Not one of the home decorating schemes on Stewart's official Web site.) A Newpon Beach woman who declined to give her name said she was lorn between principle and Stewart's darling cherry curtains. "I do have issues about supporting her, but I happen to like her things,· she said. •took at these. They're discounted, and I like the colors. I think to myself, 'How long would it take me to sew these?' and it just makes sense.· The woman, who describes herself as a "die-hard honesty person" said she ls not sure what to believe about the homemaker extraordinaire. "It sounds a lot like she was not honest," she said. "I have several friends who are also unclear, but their husbands won't even let them whisper the MS name in the house.· Why do you think. lhat is? "She was a woman with power, a female cutting in on the business world," the woman aid. "To some men, that creates a problem.• The Newport Beach woman touched on a sentiment that Stewan's lawyers have already pointed out. On the Martha Tai.ks Web site, a statement from Stewart's attorneys is also Share Our Selves, a private nonprofit agency serving low-income Orange County residents. For more information, call (949) 642-3451, ext. 262. The 81lboa Bey Republlcan Women Federated will hold its "Sc:holarship Awards" winners luncheon at 11 a.m. at the Bahia Corinthian Club on Bayside Drive. For more Information. call (9491515-8671 The Wlldftowe,.Walk will meet at 9 a.m. at El Moro for a five-mile hike at Crystal Cove. Parting costs SS. Wear boots and bring water. Call (949) 497-7647 for more information. THURSDAY A frH bone den.hy 1UHnlng will be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's Market, 22S E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. JUNE 13 lnverrton F-on.im p,..enta 1 seminar on "Intellectual Property Law" by Edward Schlatter, patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m. in Orange Coast College's Science Lectur9 Hall. Registration and networ1tlng begin at 7 p.m. The cost is S5 for members, $1 S for nonmember•. Call (71 4) 540-2491 for information JUNE 14 1be remainder of pbue three bu yet to be funded. Std wtJ.1 request the $1.S m1Woo be paid for out of the city'• 2004·05 budget. That wort. when and ll it's handed , wW lnclude atreet and stdewa.lk renovadona oo Palm Street and Wuh.l.ogton Street north of BaJboa Boule- vard and on Bay Aven ue. Including the S3.8-mil1Jotl • phase one that wu completed la.st year, _the coat of village irn· provementa will come to about $8.1 million. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beaoh and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 674-4232 or by e-mell at ]une.cetagrandeOlatlmes.com. posted. The stalement aslt.s why the government waited so long to charge Stewart and If It was motivated by her celebrity status. ·1s it because she is a woman who has successfully competed in a man's bwlness world by virtue of her talent, hard work and demanding standards?" the statement asks. Mis It because the govemmen1 would like to be able to define securities fraud as whatever It wants It to be? Or ls It because the Department of JustJce ls attempting to divert the public's attention from Its failure to charge the polidcally connected managers of Enron and WorldCom who may have fleeced the public out of billions of dollars?" Costa Mesa resident and shopper Lisa Simpson saJd she wasn't overly concerned with the answers to those questions. She took a very practical position on lhe controversy and continued to stock her cart with everyday sheets. ·Who can pass up deals like this?" Simpson said. •LOUT.A HARPER wntes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She mav be reactied at 1949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harperl§lat1me1.com Wholeness; a yoga and healing arta festival benefiting women and children served by the nonprofit New Directions for Women. Admission It free, and donation• are accepted. The full-day event will be at Full Spectrum Yoga In Newport Beach. For more informetion. call (949) 95S· 196S. Cfyatal Cow Stat. Paric wlll offw a bedccountty hike at 9 a.m .. a historic diltrict walk at 10 a.m. and a auntetlmoonllght walk at 7:30 p.m .• whktl requires reservations. • For reservations Of' more information. call (949) 497-7647 Mother's Marbt wilt hold a "Spring Cleaning• clearance sale from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Taate demos wtll be offered from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. JUNE 17 •ftng Shut for 1 H .. llng Home• Is a free seminer held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 226 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. To mek.e reservations. call (800) S9~. JUNE 18 The 22nd annual Corona def Mar Scenic SK Race & Two-Mlle Fun Walk begin et 7:SS a.m. That's when the men's SK race begins. The women'• SK starts at 8:20 a.m. The fun walk starts at 8:45 a.m. The 1 K Kid's Dolphin Dash starts at 9 a.m. Registration fees on raoe day are $30 for the run/Walk and S12 for the Dolph In Dash. Registration will be held at OASIS Senior Center on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday before the race. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3161 to register. Lovera of live vocal musk.,. invited to "The Summer Knows;" a free musicale at 3 p .m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Mignonne Profant and e guest pianist will present th,e final program of the library's musicale series. featuring tunes of Gershwin, Joblm and LeGrand. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. • Full Spectrum Yoga hH partnered with New Directions for Women to host "Celebrating Phll Bripndl, Ora~ County •rc:hivlst. will discuss what la In the arc:hivea es they relate to Costa Mesa's hmory at 7 p.m. et the Coate Meta Historical Society, 1870 Anaheim Ave., Cotta Meta. For more Information, call (949) 631·5918 ore-ma il cmhlatory@lanaet.com. Macy's South Cout Plaza and Teen People magazine will host a Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featuring the latest looks from ROJcy, Hurley, O'Neill, Billabong and more at 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coast Plaza's women's store. For more information, call (714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. Someone Caret Soup Khchen will celebrate Its 17th annlverury In memory of Cpl. Jose Angel G1rlbay from 6 to 9 p.m. at 720 West 19th St. in Costa Meaa. The Flag Dey dinner/auction wlll feature Chef Leon Mathews. Tldcett 001t $45. All proceeds will support the Someone Caret Soup Kitchen Hunger Relief and Tutoring Programs. Make reaervatlona by May 27. Call (949) 648-8861. For underwriting opportunltlea, call (714) 801·2354. Join SuHn Goldstein, OM of tM authon of "Healthy Dining In Orange County: for • NUlon about hN lthy cul,.nt tt your f1110rht rttiaurtntt In tilt Btoomlngdtle'a Home Stort In Newport~ from 11:30 a.m . to 1 p.m . The$15 adma.lon lnc:tudtt • "9~ COf1V of '"Htlhhv Dln'ng In Ot•noe County: Spece It limited, Ind dc*.-mwt be~ by JUne 1. t;i1t (Mt) 72H&M for mote lnfOttMdon. ... The Orange County Women'• Chorus present lta 2003 spring program, "On this Island; at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The concert of island·themed music begin• at 7 p.m. and will include the c:horu1 directed by Ellze Rubenstein and "Men In Bisque," an ensemble directed by Joaeph Huaztl. Tickets are $121nd can be purchased In advance at (949) 451-8590. WEDNESDAY JeenM Atnt from the Alzhefmtr't Aun. wlll prestnt "Focus ing on ~ory l6N" from 6!30 to 7:30 p.m. •t th• Orenge Coatt Unitarian UnWtrulltt Churcti, 12159 Vlctorit St., Costa MNa. The prM~tlon wlll 1ddrott varfoua ceu ... of mem ory lou and dlagnoeia and tr11tment. For more lnformatfon, call (949) $4M662. -..ean.........,..1• Adema //Ne. In COltl MIN, wtll hwe ttt grtnd opening from e to 8 p.m .. faturlng eooldng by TV dWlf Manin Yin. The l'eltlurant \NII doNt9 .n of the pl'ooaedl tromS10 edn'lllel°" ..._to GEURS, MARY HELEN Huntington Beach, CA Ca'"omia r.ldent M9fY Helen Geura 49 died May 30th at Huntington Beach CA. A private Nrvlce wu held Thuraday June 5th In Huntington Beech and a fwnlly vtaltatlon WM held at Brown Colonilll Funeral Home In s.nta Ana. Cllfornl9 . Mary Geu,. waa born Juty 2. 1963 to Ben and Jan• Geun of MMkato, MIMMOta. A Qrllduate of Mllnkato State Unlveratty Nurelng Sohool. She WM a ~ nu,... at An8hefm Memott.I HoapfW In C..lfomla. Her hobble• Included waJklng, cooking and aro.eword • punt ... Mary en~~ wllka by the ocw on her favortte bMdt In : Maty la IU.-vtved by four bf'othen. Robert of It Paul, ! MN, John and his wtre, ,._ of Norttt U.llcllo. .Im 0... : and Gennie Jewett of MlnlcllD, MN ind ........ and hie : wh, NIMtt9, of Bloomlltgtan MN; and twO .... .._. : OMn wt her hulMnd Jimmy,...,. al '=MN $ and M• git Oeur9 and her hulblnd Jimmy I 'ft Of Sallda, CO and tlv9 nleoli; 1'tw9i9 Ind Gina ca.n Md ~. ----Julia Qua. 8tMt WM prwoeded In .... '! .. S--• Bin llftd ... Oe&irl and'* inllrll ...... Ei1 .... t. Daily Pl1ot ·~ Fnday, JIN 6. 2003 A! F ·ORUM , HOW 10 GET PUIUIHED -LMllfs: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Co9ta Mesa. CA 92827 • R111Ws Hadne: Call (IM8) 642-6088 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 e..m.l:Send to daitypilotOl•tl"*-com •All COrTetpC>ndence mutt Include full name, hometown and phone num ber (for verification puf'p()Me). Th• Piiot '9Mf'Vet the right to edit all aubmi.ions tor clerity end tlngth COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Plan for City Hall is in the details MAILBAG JWA can't handle more flights He's not truly GreenJight. He seems to be stuck in hib thinking. His thinking does not reflect the thlnldng of the whole of Corona del Mar except for maybe a block or two. He does not represent Corona de! Mar I appreciate the Daily Pilot's Interest in covering the story about needed City Hall facillties In Newport Beach and would like to take th1s opportunJty to clarify a few points In the article c·No decision on new City Hall.· May 29) as well as offer a few corrections.. First, I agree that the question Is ~too tough to answer in one night• and would like to point out that the first council presentation of the needs assessment results was made April 8 at a public study session. This was the culmination of work put out to bid by the city late in 2001 and conducted in 2002. At that meeting. Griffin Structures Inc. presented findings that had been submined In several documenu. in the course of their work. and which included an analysis of our City Hall facilities relative to various standards. a computation and assessment or our City Hall needs. a conceprual design of various aJtemacives by which the neecb could be met, and prelimmary project cost estimates for these alternatives. Among the alternatives that were presented was an array of choices by wtuch various parts of the existing City Hall might be retained. as well as an alternative that provided all new facilities on the existing site. Among the findings that Griffin presented are the following: City HaJI and the fire station adjacent to it are setSmically deficient. Further, the fire station should meet even higher standards as an "essential facillty, • which It categorically TOD RIDGEWAY does not. Even the "newest" staffed building on the site (housing Planning. Building and Public Works departments and built almost20 years ago) has no elevators. is mechanically inefficient and has notable seismic deficiencies compared to current codes. The layout and function of the whole complex is inefficient and crowded. both for public visitors and for city staff. Operations, recruitment and effectiveness are adversely Impacted by the configuration. Some buildings (such as the MaJn Building. built in 1945) are narrO'N and split inefficiently with a corridor running down the middle. Americans with Disabilities Act violauons are widespread. with no bwlding complying with the act's requirements. The dated mechanical ~terns and the energy consumption of the facilities are inefficient and costly. both to operate and to maintain. Each alternative that retained some of the existing buildings scored poorer on an evaluation matrix than the alternative for new construction, particularly a.$ to ma.Icing room for adequate parking. improving total efficiency of the buildings and improving safety and security. Council asked several questions of city staff and of Griffin al the April 18 public session, and these were responded 10 In detail and presented at the regular council session of May 27, to which your article refers. As you note, the new facility would provide an opponunity for workplace efficiencies, which the existing buildings do not. lf capitalized, these improvements represent savings of about S2 million annually, cummtJy lost to inefficiency and inadequacies of the existing structures. Energy and maintenance cost reductions funher are computed to save about $125,000 per year, comparing the proposed facility with the existing one. Further. the plan allows for a parking structure to be built that contains about I 00 stalls more than the complex Itself requires (for a total of 350 sorely needed parlclng spaces). and th1s would add revenues of about $300,000 annually (not $300 as misprinted in the article), less some costs for fee collection and conuoL The net income would amortize the cost of the parking structure in 1ts 10th year. leaWlg future mcome to further pay down the cost of other parts of the project. However, I do not believe that a park.mg fee should be charged for people conducting business at City Hall. This income and other cost benefits of the new facility were not deducted from the preliminary project costs presented by Griffin, which includes not only City Hall, but also the large parking structure, a new fire ~talion and the option of a Community Meeting Room/Emergency Operations Center. Construction of some components might be phased. and this analysis wouJd by part of the next phase of work. With Let them know how proud you are! A special page will publish in the Daily Pilot on Friday, June 20 to honor our graduates. For your daughter, son, friend or special someone be a part of this tribute for only $40.00 (2x2 ad). Fill m the form below and mail 1t to us with their photo. Be sure to put the name and address on the back of the photo and we'll return 1t to you. Graduate's Information: Submitted by: Graduate's Name: ------------- School Name:~------~-----~ ~bout the 1trt1dut1te Hobbies. intereru or future plans L1m11ed to 4() word meS5iJRel Address: _______________ _ Credit Card No.:---------Exp .. __ Signature for credit card:----------- <If you ~fer. you may enclose S40 chKk made payabl~ to "Daily Pilot.") Mail this form with pho(o to: 2()()9 t;.."4" DAILY PILOT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 the needs assessment and alternatives portion completed, It is a natural and evolutionary next step to have the consultants further develop the recommended approach and provide the city with more accwate costs. cost-saving recommendations and related implications.. We should take a measured and lnctemental approach to looking at what these implications are, and the schematic design phase does exactly this. without any funher commitment regarding construction, or of more detailed architectural work. We also can begin to look at the relationship with the commercial neighbors to see if the city can benefit from squaring-off the site or other adjustments, which would emerge in the schematic design analysis. such as development of a larger public square. I am firmly of a belief that the City Hall should remain at its present location, which has served the city well for many years. We have provided other public facilities in other sections of the city (such as the new police building and various libraries) and are planning others in the Newport Coast area in accord with the negotiated annexation agreement. Our traditions are lmportant. and this location for City Hall in "old Newport Beach· is part of this. But these traditions should not funher encumber the city by continuing to operate out of inadequate, inefficient and costly working space. • TOO RlOGEWAY is mayor pro tempore of Newpoi'l Beech. John Wayne Airport can't handle the airlines and flights they currently have. Aie any airlines presently at John Wayne giving up slots or gates? Fourteen aircraft spend 15 10 30 minutes walling to take off at 7 a.m. each morning except Sunday, when It's 8 a.m. Aircraft can spend as much as 20 minutes waiting for a gate to clear at night while other aircraft get moved to remote park.Ing. John Wayne has inadequate taxiways for the volume of traffic it presently has, not to mention gate space. Five more flights doesn't sound like much on the surface. but what goes on In the background makes it huge. I truly wondeT where the county is going to squeeze in these flights and who is going to be inconvenienced by the add.iuon of these flights. Maybe the Pilot should dig deeper into ttus story. JOHN WARREN Costa Mesa Nichols not right as councilman I don't believe Dick Nichols is the right person to be the Corona del Mar councilman. One example. He Wll.$ agamst the preservaoon of the Port Theatre. He wanted it moved to the Corona del Mar post office. Does that make sense? And I think maybe we should uy to limit him in another way. VIRGINIA KEMPl.E.R Corona del Mar Nichols apology is enough Dick Nichols has apologized for his statement. By sancuoning him m some way. it sounds like you are getting mto that "sous-mentallry" that we have been talking about that g1ves Newport Beach a bad reputation. The man apologized. that's sufficient Let's look at the Planning Commission and make sure they do give honest and equaJ treatment to each rei;ident rather than look to sanction someone who questions their past decisions. MARY LAVELLE Corona del Mar KIEHL'S SINCE 1851 • APPL E • LOUIS VUITTON ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA • B ANG & OLUFSEN BURBERRY • LORO PIANA • GIORGIO ARMANI BOSS HUGO BOSS • PORSCHE DESIGN • CARTIER JOHN LOBB • MONTBLANC • RAND M C NALLY SALVATORE FERRAGAMO • TIMBERLAND DOONEY & BOURKE • T IFFANY & CO . • COAC H GUCCI • TOURNEAU WATCH GEAR PARTlAL USTINO Quality it SAN DIEGO FWY (406) AT BRISTOL ST., COSTA MESA 100.712.1111 www.aOUTHCOA8TP~.OOM • 72 HOURS FRIDAY Mullc Pleyen. Players restaurant 11 now offering ll11e mutlc from 9 p.m. to mldn~ every Friday night. Playert 11 at 512 W. 19th St, Costa Meea. No cover charge. (949) 846-5616. M Friday, JUle 6, 2003 .. ·I SATURDAY Detroit eoul. 00 Soul will bring ltt eight-piece eoul artenal to Detroit Bar et 843 W. 19th St. In Costa Meta. Special gueet OJ• will tpln throughout the evening. The band will play two •eta of music. Information: (949) 642-0600. ~. SUNDAY In the 'Drewer.' Michael Healey'• flrtt full-length play, "The Drawer Boy; one of Time magazine'• Beet Plays of 2001, will continue through June 29 at Segerltrom Hill, 600 Town Center Drive. Tlctete cost S19 to $54. For tictett. call (7141708-5555. EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK Daily Prlot Don't think twice, hes all right B ob Dylan is coming 10 the Orange County Fairl On July 27, you will have a chance 10 see the man from Duluth. Minn. live and in person. The great enigma slangin' his guitar with wind-blown hair and a gravel-soaked voice. Arguably the greatest singer/songwn1er of all time will be gracing our netl of the woods, although no1 everyone feels the same way about h1m that I do. Many can't get past his voice. he has no range. he's not a very good guitar player. oftentimes he rambles ad nauseum aboul laying next to dead PAUL :;:,':.!se~rd other SAITOWITZ imagery-driven PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I OM. Y PILOT Zarah Mahler, Ryan Bean and Sara Lyons listen to the school band rehearse as they refl~ct on the last production at the Robert Wentz Theater. nonsense. All this is true. It's also true thal he's been a vital force in music for 40 years. and has had his .songs covered by everyone from Jim1 Hendnx to Guns N' Roses. He has thts song on his "J-reewheehn" album that just kills me It's called "Girl from the North County.· and no matter where I amorwhal I One last time The Robert Wentz Theater in the Norman Loats Auditorium at Newport Harbor High School will close after 73 years FYI lollta Harp•r Daily Pilot I t outlived petticoats. bell bottoms, skinny ties, baggy pants and the grunge look. It spaded a love of theater in many of Newport-Mesa's most talented and enthusiastlc actors. It is the Robert Wentz Theater. in the Norman Loats Auditorium at Newport Harbor High School, and it will have Its final curtain call Monday. The 73-year-old theater, which is shared by all schools in the Newport-Mesa Unified School • District, will be tom down to improve safety: Gall Brower-Nedler, drama instructor at Newport Harbor High School. sald the theater would not be safe in an earthquake and needed to be rebuilt. "The doors are going to be shut, and that is going to be It for five years,· Bower-Nedler sald. "We are really sad.· Before the theater goes dark. the Newport-Mesa drama comrnunJty will host one final event the Ughts Out Tribute. Theater enthusiasts who have perfonned, taught or attended shows in the famed theater are invit~ •WHAT: Lights Out tribute performance •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Monday • WHERE: Robert Wentz Theater in the Norman Loats Auditorium. Newport Harbor High School •COST: $10 per person, admission free for children youngerthan 12 · •INFORMATION: (949) 515-6341 lo one last evening in the Robert Wentz Theater. Bower-Nedler said she expects about 500 people who wish to pay tribute to the wonderfuJ talents who have graced the stage. ·All these wonderfuJ people have come through our theater and done these amazing things,· the 18-year veteran said. The Lights Out performance has been "thrown together" because school officials just received word It would be torn down. The theater was built in the 1930s and sat 2,000 people. ln 1979, it was made a "more intimate" 700-seat house. Brower-NedJer said. Many have encouraged her to gel the theater Sara Lyons looks at Newport Harbor High School See TIME, Pai• A9 dance production photos from the 1930s. BEST BITES A taste of Japan in Newport Beach ly GrHr Wylder 9 30 Su9lhi (the name inspired by the rettaurant'1 address on the Coast Highway) ls a ftedgling rt!Staurant in the former Galeoe Cal~ apot, aaosa from the revamped Balboa Bay Oub. lt appeared out of nowhere in early April and it becoming one of Newport's best Jlpeneee restaurants. Leonde1J has more time for his salad dressing now that he has three partners. 1Wo of his partners are married to each other -one ls a au.VU chef and the other 1ct1 u a waitress. · lt'l a llllall, inviting minimally decorated reetaurant with enough room for about lb tablel and a sushi 6ar. 0-.... 1re greered by a Japanese gong ~behind the suabJ bar, and by a · •inlbalmasu, • or Mlcome. au.. fel an "arlgatou." or tblnb. wbm lentng. 930SUSHt 930 W. Coeat Highway. Open for lunch end dinner (949) 645-6500 FAVORITE ALBUMS: 1. -Freewheelrn•• 2. -Highway 61 • 3. -Another Srde· 4. -Blonde on Blonde· 5. -Blood on the Tracks· 6. -rime Out of Mind" am domg, I just want to cry every time I hear it. It reduces me to a ball of emotion. The lyrics remind me of the first girl I really loved. They describe her better than I ever could. My pops loves him, too. When I was 8, I saw him dancing around the living room and singing along to "Positively Fourth Street· Al that point, I realized two things: I. Bob Dylan was pretty cool. 2. My dad definitely spent his fair share of time stepping out of the bounds of society in his youth. Yeah, hJs voice has never been technically sound -especially as hel gotten older. It sounds like a blown mu.mer on a Harley Davidson mixed with a guy gargling sand, but l love It. There's a feeling and emotion ln there that Is far more important than being able to sing like Celine Dion. This is all subjective, of course. 1'ry laying in the dark with the headphones on and listening Intently to every word of •Moonshiner" without getting the chills.. If you try Gldeot Cd't former proprietor, Andrei Leondefr, Uo co-own.a 930 Sullm. Leoode« doled down the OdOlll reuunnt when hJa line of c:;.-. mllo-blleed 111.t ctn.lnc took 04 J1 now eeli 800,000 boftlie monthly ............ WOdd. lnduh loicdy lD pa hME•rrt ...... W.IDd Sealing chok:ea range from the IUShJ bar, the tndoor or tiny outdoor tabla (for .umrner) or the popular shllJe .... Oil the floor. leondeft l9YI the loor llbll cm -.a. bUI ~ ~It. The menu oft'era many old favorites found at most Japanese restauranta: lerlyaki chicken, sushi. tempura and suhimL The more adventurous ltem1 are th~ cold and hot appedt.en, yumnty tuna wlth .Uced cucumber topped with aplcy tuna, tmeh egg, cilantro and aesame leeda; ftsb jedcy; renkoo chips, wbkb are vtsuaDy ltWlrUng lotus root wheels sliced thln. 61ed and tOpped With abredded llAN~/ClM.Y ... llTU, ,... Al Saki, Jipinese nee wine, is a flVOrite It 930 Sushi In~ Belc:ft. .. H A PP EN I NGS REEL CRITICS Don't look for 'Italian Job '; find 'Nemo' instead 'ltalian Job' lat.:king style an<l plot ''The hahan Jo b" ht•g111'> with the heist of a multlmllllon dollar, gold ba r laden sufc front a !wavily gunrtle<..I paln1.10 in RICHARD BRUNETIE Vt·111ct· i\ltt·r lht· '>llh'>l'll IH~fl l :rnd n•qt11 'itt t' hi~h 'iflCt'd t IHl'>l' \l.Cfl l' Il l thi ... ta,t·, 111 hoal., tluough 1tw l anal' or Ve111u• Jlld .1111·1 .1 1l1111hh· ( 111 ...... Ill th1· 1t,1h.111 "'"' "" ,, t11 .... 11•d 111t·111IH'r of lht• g.111g 111 lfllt'\ l''• II l ha11g1•' Vl'lllll'\ Jlltl f)I'( 111111'\ ,J Ct'Vt'llJtl.' hflll Ill 111'> 1\11g1'11·' l ltort• ii \\Ill I h111.1\ Ill .111•1ll11·r 1 ha\t' 'll'fll'. tf11 , 111111· 111 '"1'1'11 hargt•d .111d 11111cl1f11·tl \111 11 ( tlllfll'" I ht· 111111 1rn·, t111t•t r1 .. 111· 1111· lt.·c·l of 1111· I.ill· I 'JhO\ and l'.11 I\ /(I, trillll' I :qll'r gt'llll' f.t~I' "( h 1•,1 11\ I lc-v1·n," o11101h1·1 1 ap1·1 111ovit• 1l0111a kt'. "Joh"" .1 11•111.1kt· 11f .1111·.trl11·1 111111, th1· h'I \1•1,11111 '''" r111g Mtt h.11·1 l ;11111• a'< hatl11• <.111.1 k1•1. tlll' 111.111" hl'111111I th1· 1111l1 11 .11111 It ,11 l1•r 111tht•1 1111w t rt'" I It" 111111· 1111· llltl\ll' 111111 ... "i\l.11~11· \1,11 ~ \\,1hll1t I)! Ill lftt• 11111' 11111• \, 111 "I lt·H'll, 1h1 rt '' .111 1l1li· I .1,t 11f ''"''Ill' Joh \\,tf1llw11: ( !1.111111• I lw1 1111 I 1h,,11d N11111111. \1•1h I 1111·11 ,111d J,1,1111 \l,1lft,t111 I flt, I II'\\ 1111111•'\I' ".1111•1 11•1111 1111\ "' t h.11.1111·1 .... 111tl l1k1· .Ill\ 1 lllllt' 11111\ ll' h.1 .. 'i'\l'llll \\-Ith llt lt•11· ... 11111: 1111 k11.11111•, (1· g. It II I .11. I f.t11d,01111· ll11h , \\11·11t It.\~ 11111\ 111•1 •'. I'll I \\11111· tlw 11·111.1kt• of "I lt•1.1·11' \\lllk' \1111 l11td ,llf,...l.1111 I' Ill 1tw 1l1.11.i111·r' .11111 tlw ... 1vl1' of 1111 1111g111.il lilrrl " 1 l1-.1rly t'\1tlt-11t 1111' tt·111.1~1· "J111> 11.1' 111 •11 111•1 tl11• ''}It· 11111 '111 Jlll"lll: Ill I fto\l'I pf11I 11~"1' II\ t l'"•tl\ t11 rt•l f'l\'1' fll)!ft fll cll'I' lr11111 Ill(' I hough I h.t\t' 111 '·'' 1 t .11 1 llilllk uf Wllf'I' \'-•I'<" Ill 'IH'llll .1 1 t111plt• ltttlll\ 1h.111 l11ok111g .11 1111°11111, 1111 .1 'I .11t or l'.1\ I 1111 l'lll t '.' ll.11g.1111 M.11t111°t'. "\\',11t lnr C .1l1lt· or 1 \ ~Ill\ 11· uf tht• Wt·t·k. I giH· I ht· lt.1h.111 Joh . r<1tt·d I'(, I i 1111 \-1t1lt 111 t• .111\l l.111g11.1gt'. ii Jlt'l\1111.il 1.11111i: 111 • \ \ .111 for l .1hl1• •RICHARD BRUNEnE 1!. rt Ct1!.l.1 Mo&.1 IPSHJPnt Mark Wahlberg stars in "The Italian Job." a remake of a 1969 action-adventure film. 'Firn.l ino Nemo' j.., a t:: 1 ew~11t.Ji np, expedition S 1t1111g 111 it darkt•11c·d 1t11 .. 1t1·r \t11rn1111d1·d hy tlw 1.1111t''11f 'mall. 'lfllll tit\ l l11hl11·11 am.I llit'tr 1.11111 I 11.1 ... ll'd p.ir1•11i-.. I \\lllHl1•11·tf ti f 111d111g \lt'lllCI JENNIFER K MAHAL \'1-llllfd lt,tVl' olll} ll1111g Ill II I 11 r mt• .111 .tltm,-.1 W .. 111gl1· \\illlllilll \\ 11 It 1111 k 111, I 1111·.111 '"'.ire 'fll',I~ Ill)' .1h11111 I >1,11t'} lwu• till' p1·11pk \\ '"' g.t\l' "' l lllC\} t.iJk111g g.1rgoyk' i11 I Ill' 1111111 ltl1:11k111 Notrl' 11.11111 tlld .1111111~111g l<tlk111g ll.1111." 111 1111· I mpt·rnr\ 1\.t·w I 1fl111\l' \\11t1Jd t,tlklllg fl\h he 11111dl flt'lll'I / I lw11 tltt' 1111J\ 1t• lwg;111 .111d 111.1111 1111· •I\ 111the11 ... 1 Ill 1111111111•, 11 l1111k ·namln"J and I 11·11w111lw ll'd that 1111'\ wa' nor 111,1 .1 I >"11t'\ f"i1111 I hio, '"a' I ll'>IH'\ ,11111111~,lf. ,1 I Olllft.111} 111.11 lo11111~1l11 "' toy \tor\"·\ 1111).!' I tit' ,11111 .!llCI I '1.1·r, 1111t· \11111'11'1' 1111 lly 1h1· e11d ol tlw lil111. I k111·"" I h" 111m11·" .tl"11l1111 ·1\ \-.111 tit llH' ~11 fu ll ·prkt• 111 let. St.•t Ill till' on•an rwar /\u'>lrnl ra. 'T illding Nt'mo" ''a 'tory of fatlwr'> jlld '>Oil'>. of the powt·r uf fr 1t•r11.hh1 p lo kl'ep U'> go111g jlld ol thl' ft.·ar' J>drent!> have for th('tr t.hrh.lrc•n. Maritn !Allwrt llrook.'>). an ur.111gt• .111d wh1tt' do\\11fhh. I'> ovt·q1r11tc<.11n· ul ht'> '"n, Nl'mO (l\lt•\,tJHkr < .ouldl. who hjc; a "Jud .. }" 1111 '>t11allt·r than the otht·r or1t· I l,1ving lo'>t hi'> wtft.• .111d otll<'r rh1ldrt•11. M.11l1n ,., .1lrt11d to lt.•t '\l1•1110 oul ol ht'> '>lght II ' ci ft•.tr With dl'>J'>troU'\ 11111,<•411t.•nu·'· ,,., !'l.t.•mu. 1n an l'llurt 111 prml' lw I'> not hi.. f,1lhN, 'Wlflh llJO t fU'l' to J Ito.ti .111d '' u1plurt•d hy .1 'tuba d1v111g dt•11t1't I or tht· rt''l of rlw movw. Maritn w:m ht.•' for h" only '1111. 1·11h,11ng till' hl'lp of Dory t I llt•n l kC 11•1wr<0'>). ,1 l>lut' fi,h with .. hurt ll'rtn 11wrrwry lo,., who t.111 rl'.ld Bl'fort: tltt' film t•nd,, tf11, duo t.mglt''> w11h v1:gt•tctr1.1n '>hark,, till' djllgt•r.. of tht• Ul'l'fl· a pa ... ,et of '>t'.l turth.•' Jilli t·ven a whale Hrookb 1' "'ondt·rful ,,., the lllllld \t.irltn, who full'" ht'> fr.tr' a .. ht• '>Wlfll'> th1• '>l'J. flt' 111Jt'U' Jll't the nght h.tlJnt e of drr humor .md dt"•P.ttr. 1.1rry111g thl' uud1rn1 <' aJong 111 111, fru,trJt101l .ind hope A' (,11, till' H'lt•ra n "'"" tne' 111 IH'lp N1·mu l''tJJH' from the dl'lltl'I' fi,h t,ink, \\.1llt•m THE ATER Dafoe de<,erw' not1 l t.' M.1ylw 11°!> because he\ pl.tyt·d ''' many bad KUY'· •H n1t1ylw 11 was juo;t the way 1'1xJr animated thl' 1 h.irat·wr. hut you never quilt' km·w wh11 h '>tde Daf<Jl'\ Cit \\-J\ on "lemo·., or h,... o\\ 11 The real '>l<tr of 1lw '>C'J '' J)('(,cni:re., a' Dory. ',he ,,l .. 11., many a '>I t'tll' with 'Wl't'I humor and ""'ght \ht•., thl· rhdrarter Jlld th<· \otc l' 1h.11 'tav" with \'OU aftn )1111 H' ll'lt thc. theatt·r I he a111111.1t111111' 'uperh. wllh an J111.11111g alll'llltoll to detail nghl do\\ 11 I ht· d1H1·n·11u· Ill \\3ll'r ljlt.1111}' lll'tWt'l'll lfll' 't'J and 1ht• lt,h 1.111~ \t.1y u11t1I thl' t·nd of 1lw 1 red11' I-or 1hml' wi th '111.111 L l11ldrl'n, you 'hould k1uw. thal th1~ film ha'> 'oml' rt·;1lly 'l ·"Y mo111t•nh. 1 ilc1· .. H.irnh1. .. 11 llJll'll'> with tht• lo" of a p.irt·n1 t\nd Lhcre <He 111m·, "'hen h,1d th111g' happen 111 way' thJI tyle'> rn1gh1 finll lrightful Hu t overall. "1-inding Nt"mo" "a great ft1m1ly film and a film t1h11ut family Take your dad, their dad and the kid<, fo r rather\ Day II\ worth not walling un1il video or J>\11> "rinding Nemo" 1' ra1ed c, for generaJ adm1.,,1on • JENNIFER IC MAHAL IS lhP former features editor of the Daily Piiot UC/ petj(Jrn,1ers let 'Hair' down in robust revival By Tom Titus S 111111 '••V.t' Ollll' ,,ud. 1f yrru t .111 11•1111•111lwr 1 lw I "Hill\, you \\t'll'11°1 tl'.Llly tht·ri· ,\nd u•r1.1111ly tho" 1 h.11.1111·" il1·p1111·d 111 tlw 1111 k 1111"11 .11 "I lJ tr . " I lit'} rt· .. 1111 .Utllll Ill 111 t lw 2 ht u·111 ur) \\ oultl rl·1 ,1ll thc l.111t•r yt'•"" 111111<11 tleladt· throuxh .1 hMy, 1t.tlluu1111~t·1111 hlur lt ''l takC'll .l!i yc•.tr'>. hul lH lrv111t• ha' fi 11ally g1w11 tl11' "1.rihal rut.k mw.11.11" i" 11w111t•111 i 11 I he \1111. "ic1111t•wha I j11vt•11ile hy 111d.1y'-; ,t.1nd:mh ("lk 11t," for 1·xu111ph•J, "I l:ur" rrcvcrtlwl('~S f111 11·tim" .t'\ a high voltage retro<ipccllvr of un em when antiwar 1>mtc1tll'" hacJ a wstccJ .Interest lt1 lhl'ir t.·a usc -u11like those today who oppose U.S. lnvplve me11t in Iraq, It was their own heado; that might be hlown off in Vietnam. Today' youthful audience qafe111 view the scenes <ePfcting the burning of draft with a bemused shrug. ~ In 19681 sclectlve service WM a pectcr hovering over an •n.llre generation. Its response ., II no, we won't go") w~ mpUfied and set to a vibrant *tin .:II lr." : At UCl. director Keith Fowler \\ho cl111•, 11•1111•1111>1·1 1111· I 11110' .11111 '·"' 1111 1111g111al H111-11l\\,1\' pl11d11tt1011 h1111g., 1111, II''''" I 1111l111111.111u11al (>I.I h.11 ~lo 1111· '""" .1 'llprC'llll'ly I II• I)'• II• I "' ur '111d1•11i... -..p1llt11v .ill 11\1•1 1lw ,1,1g1• of the 1 I.mt In· 111 I Ii• .11n .11ul 11ftt•n 111t1 tht· .1111ltt•1111• '"well II' tftl' t 11\l'lllhll' t'Xlllt'llll'flt. t hor1•11gr;1 pl wtl h}' );111 it e t 1t1ddt• l'f.1,t1110. that give., t l.1ir" ''" 111111agt0U'> appeal - 1 t•11.1111ly 11111 it'> plot, '>l e td uly t 1t.·a1t·d hy l11•rott1l' HaRni and la111t'' H,1d11, which t·xisi... unly 111 lu1tlt1•r the l.tU'e of(;att l\lal'I h'111w1-.. 11n1.,i1. hert' l.111hfull y tll.'l iverl'd hy De nni-; ( a...i1·lla11n at the helm of a 't've11 · piete combo. All of thi' off-the~wall activity 1 rn11spire.., 0 11 an ini;pircd 11111kyard ..,cit ing designed by LimJsay c-;assaway. which offers prole'>t picture!, from the 1960s ernhln10ned 0 11 a pair of l>ed.,heet ~reem 10 set the proper pre-show mood. ,.,ctors al o mingle with the patrons before the aclion begins, one petite blond offering to paint peace 'ligns 011 playgoers' arms Oun• the show gels under way. only a few actors in the splendidly driJled ensemble take lenter tage. 1 he key figure 111 O aude (lyler Stamets), who\ Jll'I go1te11 111' "grl'etmg'" from lJndt• Sant .111d '' u·lchra11ng hi\ t."t n1gh1 of fn•e1Ju111 \\-Ith tht• tribe .. ~lamt'l' t:unvcy' 111!> .1ppr<•hl•n.,1vt' t onfu..,on about h" fut urc '>ktllfull\ Man111 ( 1iann1111 a' th(' rult'r uf the tnhe. tht• l omhative Berger. " ,1 J')O\H'rl ul stag(' prc.-.enre, bending other:. to ht'i will. Bn·11 lerc'\a tears up 1he <;tage as Woof. a 'ltraight felJow with the hot!> for Mick Jagger. I hC' haunting melodie:. that emerged from thc <,how to infect America\ con~ciousnes!> -"Ea~y lo be I lard,* "Good Morning Star~hlne" -are delivered with an abundance of heart hy Teal Wicks, who also 'liv .les as Berger's girlfrie nd, defying his bequest to share her charms with Claude on his last night home. Beyond these f....., actors. only Sean Murtaugh -in "Dame t!dna· drag as a visitor called Big Mruna -makes any kind of Individual impression. But the ensemble of 34 perfonners c~ates a powerful force, particularly whlle delivering the all-out clo Ing number •t..et the Sun Shine Jn.· Most Impressive in the UCI productJon ls an extended sequence representing Oaude's FYI •WHAT. "Hair· •WHERE· Claire Trevor Theater UC Irvine •WHEN: Closing performances al 8 p m today and Friday and at 2 p.m Saturday and 8 pm •COST:S15 S1 2or S10 • CAU: (949) 824 2787 haJlucinat1on pl.Kiili( him on the front hne<, of Viet nJ m and center !ttage for the tarnag<' I h1!t is en~emble prewntat1011 at Its most effell1Vl' There t!t, of rnur,t'. the requisite nudity (both male and female) that broke ground tn 1968 for the anything goe!> attitude of today\ theater (and spiked the Broad way <ohow\ box office numbers). It's fairly tasteful by modem sta ndard" Most of the actors remain cl othed throughout. with Jenny and Megan Owing.,· hippie costumes fmnly establishing the era. The ·Age of Aquarius" L'i back after a long absence. and UCI 's pulsating production of "llalr" provides it with an uncanny lmmediacy. •TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot Hi• reviews eppear S.turday1. hiday, ble &. 2003 A1 ) Stock Market's Up. Stock Market's Down. An you tired of dllt awUc; ~1 bduvtelf J ct.c muktP If you ~ "ya" chcn c.oftl< ha~ 'railii:fut tridi &ic·, Laro ti. w pwan1tt ~ with no rule IO your capu ... f bic A. Solu 1J" CttCJJXd l'iuDcial Planntt (Cf Pl wtdi I .. yon ape~nu. CbtM i-.111 "°"" be bM hdped hu dimtt IJIVUC l~U money wu.efy IO ~ CU ~ill nicbL For more Wo,..aoo and a FREE Home dr ~ Coomlu.tion Cali 949-723-1167. "J(M/1 flM1"Nr OM, Mltl' "1st "'OfU"J /(iJ, ml1'1Nr tl/llO, MIJtT fo'T.rt "'" flMltlHr 0111° "'""~Buff~ h"A -CIPl1<,.1a-1c.o. ...... -111•'-"n _____ 1oc --l#'t VIL-1A NOVA . ~ . - /1a/1a11 < u1 1 1t1 ~ Twilight Dining on the ~ter Entrees frorn $7.95 Served until 6pm (except Sarurdays) Homemade Pasta Fresh ~eafood Veal ipecialties For Reservations 949-642-7880 3 13 1 W Coast Highway "' @JUITllTWA1u11 ·~ CONSIGN •DESIGN Qua/it_v 1-'urni,hings & Accruoril'S For four Homt Bamboo End Table ................................... w .......... -SlW Round <;la\ Chrome CofTet Tab le ....................... 15o-' Small (;ame Table ................................................... 150"" \\'in~ Chair.............................................................. 200"' Leather Sura ............................................................ Sl.\S- Pine Tile· Topped Table \\ 14 Chair-, ....................... S250"' Hutch ........................................................................ $275 .. < 'henille Sectional Sofa ........................................... $995• 369 E. 17th Street # 10. Co!oota Me~a. I 11\.JICJ t-i.:h10.t Plum ' P""" Phone(949)764-1746 Hoor' \1,'" ht to OO'am ' ~ S.i1 tom~.m ' OOpnt Sun 10 OOanH OOpm ~Lt\s _L~CHITO. FIESTAS \ Ful Service CAeck4 Sizzling Fajitas Strolling Mariachis • Margarita & Cerveza Bar Pwltlt•t1•• Ca~ (949) 209 N~BNch (Mt) 611-6111 ' A8 Friday, June 6. 2003 AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete llst Is available at www.dailypilotcom. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S HOSPfTAL BENEFIT The Mickey Jones Foundation for Children Is having its fourth annual benefit for Children's Hospital Orange County, Including a CHOC Ride and Blues Festival at 9:30 a.m. June 22 at Hidden Valley Parle in Irvine. Information: (714) 962-6718. MUSIC BARITONE CONCERT The performance by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning American operatic bantone Sanford Sylvan has been rescheduled to 4 p.m. June 22 in Founders Hall. Tickets cost S60 and are on sale at the Center box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or by visiting www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa. PACIFIC SYMPHONY'S JAZZ CLUB Jim Self, principal tuba player in the Pacific Symphony Orchestra, and the Pete Christlieb Quintet will perform a special engagement at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Saturday in Founders Hall. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased at the center box office or on line at www.ocpac.org. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. The Orange County Performing Arts Center is at 600 Town Cente; Drive. Costa Mesa JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a 1azz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. #Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free (949) 675-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZ2. Welter Lakota and David Alcantar. the New Yor1c Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m Sundays and Mondays Diana D1tri JOtns the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information 1949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live . music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rock. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform clRssic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (9491 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . Fnday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m . to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 612 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's Is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rock and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&S Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'THE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's first full-length play, "The Drawer Boy; one of Time magazine's Best Plays of 2001, will continue through June 29 at Segerstrom Stage. T1ck~ts range from $19 to $54. For tickets, call (714) 708-5555. 'FLORENCE, DAVID AND ARr South Coast Repertory's Young Conservatory performers the Teen Players will present Greg Atkins' "Florence, David and Art:• a play about high school art students in Italy The production will be staged Thursday thro ugh Sunday in SCR's NiGholas Studio SCA is at 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information. (714) 708-5500 '42ND STREEr The 2001 Tony Award Winner Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award M42nd Street» will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center Wednesday through June 22 Tickets are $322 to $66. Tney are on sale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa ART GUY FERRER EXHIBIT "Alchem1a,n paintings and sculptures by Guy Ferrer. opens from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on June 7 at the Shed. The opening Is at 3000 Newport Blvd. Information: (949) 723-3406. 'BONJOUR LES ARTISTES' Twenty-eight artists will take part m the second "Bon1our les Artistes; which will take place from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 14 at the Sutton Place in Newport Beach. Artists from Costa M esa, Newport Beach and other parts of Orange County will be showing. Admission and parlcing is free. The Sutton Place 1s at 4500 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Beach. Information: (9491 851 -1838. 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J. Salamon will unveil his series of 36 portraits of people within the Orange County art scene that are making a difference in its evolution. The exhibition will run through June 15 at the Blue Square Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd , Newport Beach. Information: 1949) 548-1101. DANCE BARCLAY CLASSICAL DANCE CENTER Classical Dance Center, with locations in Newport Beach and Come see 1he new Everwood• CoumrySide blinds from Hunter Douglas. Overlapping slats create a beautirul board-on-board design And the ·s1ep-up' look adds depch. dimension and characcer 10 any room And EverWood CountrySlde will not warp. crack. peel or fade. Even In rumld areas or direct sunlight. Come M•• see these beau11ru1 blinds 1oday ll&J,,.'Jfill ..... , .......... . .... " ,,,,., •....•. , ... f o·i. "Alit>O n....i C'..c 16'3 ,,.ctntla, Cotti Mesa ,., ... 413' ( HAPP EN I NGS SYLVAN SINGS Grammy and Emmy award-wmrnng American operatic baritone Sanford Sylvan has rescheduled his Orange County Performing Arts Center debut The recrtal, which was originally planned for March 16, will be performed Sunday, June 22, at 4 p.m. in Founders Hall, 600 Town Center DrNe. Sylvan's appearance 1s part of the Center's Voices 1n Song Serres. New tickets will be issued for the June performance. For mformation. call (71 4) 556-2746 Tustin, will celebrate its 10th anniversary with its 10th annual student performance through June 16 Tickets cost S1 5 50. Dancers from age 3 to adult will showcase various dance styles: ballet. iazz. tap, lyrical, and hip-hop. Irvine Barclay Theatre 1s at 4242 Campus Drive. Tickets: (9491854-4646 'AIDA' Elton John and Tim Rice's HA1da"' 1s coming to the Orange County Performing Arts Center s Segerstrom Hall July 2 through 13 T1ck8ts are S2750 to S64 50 and can be purchased al the center's box office of onlme at www ocpac. org Information: (714) 556 ARTS. OCPAC is located at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m at the Avant Garde Ballroom m Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are w elcome dnd no partners are needed For more 1nformat1on, v1s1t ocswmg.com or call 1909) 656·6119 ARGENTINE TANGO Tango danr.mg is offered frem 8 pm to 12:30 a.m the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McChntock Way, Costa Mesa (714) 6418688 KIDS SOUNDS OF SUMMER Mignonne Profant and a guest pianist will present the final program of the Newport Beach Central Library's 2002-03 musicale senes at 3 p.m. Sunday. The free musicale, "The Summer Knows;• will feature a stroll through the tunes of Gershwin, Jobim and LeGrand. Prof ant 1s an actress, singer and dancer who specializes in French songs and music of the 1940s. The library 1s at 1000 Avocado Ave For more information, call 949-717-3816 STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m M ondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (9491 646-8845. PJS AND BOOKS A children's story time 1s presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time 1s held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10·15 a m Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING · SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. :~~ @j~ Flora l & Gifts 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10.S •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street 113, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) M onday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10·$15. (949) 642·3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m to 3:30 p m every Sunday at 2735 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15 (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chicken parm1g1ana and calamari p1cante at reduced prices. 1s offered from c; to 6 p m weekdays and from 4 to 6 p m Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant. 3131 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach 19491 642-7880 WlNE TASTINGS Hi Time Wine Cellars offers w ine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p m Fridays and from 1 ·30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463 SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring 1nternat1onal st1afood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites 1s held from 10;30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sunon Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd • Newport Beach. S30; S40 wtth champagne. ~949) 476-2001 CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St., Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is KIM YOUNG (949) 929~00 '1 SPECIALIZING IN: cut, color, up-do, Wf:ddings, di extension. Dally Pttot presented deily at the Atrium's Alrporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2nO. 81STR0201 Jan Is played et 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m . Sundayaat Blt1ro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music la performed after 9 p .m. Thursdays, and pop and rock Is presented after 9 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace. 1773 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5550. DURTY NEUY'S Live music la performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave., Costa M esa. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music ia performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 759-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Rock Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640·8844. THE HARP INN Live music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (9491 646-8855. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmichael's, 3950 Campus Dnve, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM En1oy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suite D, Newport Beach. 1949) 723-0595. MARGARITAVILLE Live music is performed at Margantav1lle, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m . daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music 1s performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Mamon Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULDOON'S Muldoon's IS an lnsh pub at 202 Newport Center Dnve, Fashion Island. Newport Beach (949) 640-4110 OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and hght rock acts perform Fridays and Saturdays~t Newport Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing. 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 676-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its two-piece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 756-0121. TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night 1s held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. (714) 435-93&7. VILLANOVA Rich Fauno plays at the piano bar at 9 p.m . Sundays through Wednesdays and the three-piece jazz and blues band Misbehavln' plays at 9 p.m . Thursdays through Saturdays at Villa Nova. 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. ( H A PP E N I N GS r rlday. Jooe &, 2003 A9 THEATER 'Drawer Boy' rich in comedy, d rama at SCR By Tom Titus s ometimes, the most unpretentious Ideas prove • the most pro found. Who w ould imagine, for instance, that a play about two reclusive •C&nadJan farmers and a young city-b red actor would be among the most enriching even ts of the en dre season? Mich ael Healey 's "The Drawer Boy,w which closes out the season at South Coast Rep enory. Is a very welco me surprise. It Is a t once a rouslng)y funny play a nd an exceptionally involving exercise, and th e territory it traverses Is far from familiar once the -fish-o ut-of-water" plot is exhausted. To begin with, lhe Drawer Boy is n ot a kid who sleep!> in a TIME Continued from AG declared a historic landmark Ml it can be saved. Rut the theater still wouldn't be safe 10 perform In, she said. "We would rather bt· in 11 than looking at it, so we are happy to have it rebuilt," Bowcr-NedJer said. BITES Continued from A6 ~ Co-owner Debomh Sddo, an Ausual1an nauve, ~ummemh her favorite. the green m~I appeti7..er for $3 65 Baked mw.....t'b are served in a nch, 'Picy -.auce. lhey're a nice contra:.t with the delicious. slightly sweet mu..,.-.el'>. Sado won~ share the secret i.ngredjents in the • o,pedaJ mayonnaise." II could be rnyenne pepper or W'd.'>abi. A'>parolgl.l~ malo (S3.95J b gnlled and wrapped in bacon. a perfect comb umlion. Rolls are also crealM:-and fresh. The crunchy roU tcm purc1 !>hrlrnp wilh avocado. smelt t.'glC>. tempura crumb'i and a ~t sauce -i,o thick ii could have been molasses -L<; ideal for tempura ICNer.l.. The beauufully presented 930 '>pccaal roll 11& an arustic leaf caMng on the Side or the cucumber. The exceptional roil ~cucumber. ~k.ed salmon. ONGOING EVENTS VoluntMr ~.,.need.ct tX> help deliver nutritiously preiuired meals to homebound. frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals,w sponsored by ASH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. A ven.ty of prlwte, ~ _a nd _group swam lessons will be offered this summer al t e Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on -one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for a ll ages and levels. Fo r session dates, times and costs. call (949) 644-3151 , or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 New port Blvd. ~ . ....,.and 9dutb C9n naw register tor summer recreational boating ciaases ott.red through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes • begin July 12. Feet v1ry. Call • 1949) 644--3161 , o r visit tti. • Newport Beactt Recreation and • ~lor SeMces a 3300 Newport Btlld. for more Information. bureau , as might be imagined . The word wdrawer" here defines an artist, one of two World War 11 buddies who operate a farm in rural Canada -the other being the Fann Boy. It is 1972, and chis agricultural operation has been going on since 1942, when Angus (Jimmie Ray Weeks) got his b rains fried In an explosion in England. robbing him of short-term memory. The Fann Boy, Morgan {Hal Landon Jr.). bears some guilt for Angus' condition and has cared for him ever since, running the farm while Angus -who's a mathematical Rain Man -does the bookkeeping. Things are fine until Miles (J. Todd Adams) arrives seeking material for a theater project. City boys in the country, and The new theater will have about 500 sea~ and a bigger stage. Brower-Nedler said the scaled-back venue is ample for this day and age. "ln the old days. theacer was so popular. but now wilh all the movies," she said, trailing off. "Generally, 500 ~pretty good aJld even better for earthqualce safety." Despite the popularity of blockbusters such as "The crab. avocado and smelt eggs.. Th e mier.;ized salmon skin ...alad ~ exreUem. served with cn-.py salmon skin uver mixed greens with gobo. an orange p1dled rooL Sesame seeds and !>J>COUts top the <;a.lad, along with shavmg or bonito and a miso-ba:.ed house dra'>ing ($7.95). 1-.ntree"> c-dll even plca-.e th<r.K" who won't touch fl.'>h There·~ a tcriyaki rib eye steak. very spit)' ~c chiden, teriyaki chick.en and gyu·niku maki. which i.' ~pardgl.LS. carrot. Ion~ be-c:tru. ru1d oruon wrapped in a thin -;lice of rib eye steak and lop ped with ~peaal l>auce. NJc for the !>pedal dt">.'>erts not found on the menu. Ch~e. made by chef Andrei, is alway-; a favorite. a.'> well ru. lhe tiramisu. rhe tempura ice cream. which is a !iCOop of tempura fried green tea 1t-e cream served in a hollow orange and driz.zJed with dalt chocolate. is swprisingty good - perfect for sharing. The modu ire cream -uy mango or green tea Professional and li<*lsed soce« trainers wrth the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. Jewbh Family Service is sponsoring a teen support g roup for high school students that meets Mo ndays from 3:30 to 5 p .m . at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For info rmation or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration 1s required. The First Page -Ane Child,.,,'1 at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays,VYednesday.Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information. call (949) 645-5437. •Abstnct Worb on C.nvu and Paper; an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newport Beach Central Library throug h June 30. The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener'• "Washed Away" series. created by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original iuiinting and washing it away to suggest the iui&S8ge of time. For more infonnation, call (949) 717-3816. ~ woft.I b¥ Orange County artists worting In an •ITIY '01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 Sport,.~car Clffilled ll l523~1 '00 PONTIAC MONTANA co.~,,oup 121.tn •8.976 'OOFORO FOCUS SE Very clean. •8.976 """''" 1286 1081 '9.976 vice versa. are gold mines for ch eap la ughs, and Healey·~ script h as Its share before turning to m o re weighty m atters. Such as the two wom en the feUows almost married back in the 1940s who, though not de picted, are central to the story line. Whe n Miles mixes these elem ents -which he's gleaned surreptitiously -into his farm Ufe project, and displays it to the two old farmers at a rehearsal, the cow p atties hit the fan, at least where Morgan is concerned. But it seems to be therapeutic for Angus, so Miles is reluctantly allowed to stay, pavin g the way for an even more startling discovery. AU three actors excel under Martin Benson's superb direction, b ut it's Weeks' addled Matrix," many locals still have a <;<>ft spot for "real acting: "If she could talk. she would tell you wonderful stories about the students who have graced her !>tage. • Martha Glaskow wrote in an e-mail, explaining the significance of the theater. "She would tell you about the teth ies who work tirelessly to create the sets, the light shows land! wire the actors for sowid. Sh e would especially tell you -l!i the nght size for a dessert - not too filling. Don't mind the '>larch content -they're small . k>r a good deal. order lhe combmaoon plate.. rliey come with rru.so soup, nee and <;aJad. l.um;h plat~ '>lart at S7 25. dinner plat~ at $9.95 There i.<; also 5ak.e. wines. beer, <,<xJa.,, JUI«' dlld intere.tmg coffee c.JnnJc.., that m uld bed~ lik.e rafl' ~. a m id cappuccino with vamJla Ile cream, topped with whipped crea m and chocolate Appetizer. co~t S3 to S9.95. Main c·our,e:o; cost $7 95 to SI 7.95. 930 Sushi is open for lunch from 11 :.10 am. to 2 p.m. and for dinn er from 5 to 9 p.m. Monday to Thur,.day. lt'c; open an hour later for dinner on Fridays and Satun.la)"). and open during regular dinner hours only on ~day. TI1e re.taurant ~ at 930 W Coast 1 liy)lway in Newport Reach. Call C949) 645-6500 ••• Laltfonua Jwce Cafe opened of two-damensaonal media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition . Fo r more information, call (9491717·3870. Bayside Resuurant in Newport Beacti offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person. featuring five new wines each week. For more information. call (949) 721-1222. tf your ordlkS is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant du ring their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every u ay. an sa e 1s held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Oiscowr the MCNta of Cafbon Canyon Regional Pane as you walk through groves of beautiful CoaS1al Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor, a nonptOftt organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts wVYalk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second a nd fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch eftet' at Atrium court. h 19 free, end ell fitnMs levefs ere wek:ome. for more Angus who, p redictably, I!. the most memorable. Wee~ poruays his mentaJ inep11111J l' brilliantly, particularly in the pJay's later scene<; when frustration sets in and he m u\t confront Morgan 1n a balllt' o f wills he has n o hope of winning. Landon, an SCH lound111g artist who com m and\ a ..,ta~e with eco nom y of 'ipcech or movemeni, is perft-ctly cast a' the no-nonsense Mo rgan . who nevertheless misses no opportunity to up'>el A11gu-. 111 discomfit the vii.iting Mlle., I II\ rock-solid demeanor play\ beautifully again!>! the ottwr two characte rs' failing'> The thealncaJJy trained Miles, woefully out of hi\ elem ent on J farm. rtlCl\l'' c1 richly effective ponrJyal Imm about the hard·work111g c.Jrnm.1 teach ers who give '>O ma11y talented ~tudcnts th t' opportunity to 'how u-. 1tw1r stuff.· The Ugtw. Out m butt· will start at 6:30 p.m . wi1h a d e-,.,t•rt reception. The perlu rnHllll t' will be a t 7 p.m . Ticket\ arC' 'S I ll p1•1 person and chddrt·n und!'r I.' are admilled fo r frl't: For m ore infonn.1111111, 1 .111 (949) 5 l5-fi34 I last month at 1-.a'>lbluff V1llJ.~l' Center in Newport Bt·<ac h It 111T1·r-. healthful breakf.a'>t. lu111 h. ,n,u 1..,,, dinner and even dt ..... -..·n' 111 "'''""' hunger qul(ld). k>r breakfa'it. thl'n' Jil' ln-...h squee-zed fnnt or veget;ihlt· dnnl' Kellogg\ Rredlda-.1 Hlt·mJ... !)u.1~1·r Oats Breakfa<;t Hlt•nd,, ln-..h fn111, baked gooc.J .. or hrt>aU.1'1 ~moothie-.. ru1d iiJ\..-;1y-. 'lit'( 1.111, Veld.rich Coflt.'<' dnnl' hir 1w·.il' on the go. then-illl' alrnrr-t 10 clas.sic blenili. act' blend.,, lt'.1 blend!>. fre-.h fruit. hot ... 111001'111 .... sea.Mmal drink.'> aJ1d 01lwr ..,llJt i..,, Fresh. pre·wrdppt.'<1 foo<h 1m ludc• crisp salad.<;, he-c1Jthful -..111d Wll t It" aJld hot soup. California lu1n· ( .ctfe I'> orwn from 6:30 a m. to 8 p.m c.Ja1ly It.., in the fastbluff Village ( .entt·r di VtSta del Oro and VL .. ta dd '-l«il. otJ F.astbluff.(949) 640-0030. •BEST BrTES appears Fnddys $1-nd tnformatt<>n to Greer Wylder at greerwylder a yahoo com: at 330 w Bay St. Costa Mesa CA 92627 or by fax at 1949) 646-4170 information, call (9491 275 3888 Newport Community Counseling c.enter offers a way to stop the cyde of domestic~ through the support group In SA FE. Hands SA F.E. stands f()( safety. awareness. faith and empowerment The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m Free. For more mfomiatl()(I, call (949) n H!079 r .. ns .,.. invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p m Monday through F11day for indoor and outdoor sports and act1v1t1es The center as at 1860 Anaheim Ave For m ore information. call (7 14) The Newport Buch Walking Club meets at the comer of Supeno r a nd Hospilal Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a m and 7 p m everyday For more mformauon. call (949) 650-1332 Th• Newport BMCh C.ke Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road an Newport Beach. For more information, call (9491 650 1332. The Assn. of Business Sefvicn hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month al the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bri11ol St , Costa Mesa. For mo f9 lnfomllltk>n, call (9491805-0011. CH~CK O~T THIS HOT O(AU ~ · 1991 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE '01 JEEP CHEROKEE All. auto •o 1 CHEVROlET 2500 HID PICKlW Sllverodo. '97 FORD AEROSTAR XU' Auto, Poww Group, low Miles (269190) t ~~ 115,976 outo, o/c l2 l8183) •16,976 AAAo.olc. looo.d • IA920581 116,976 $J2~976 Ac.Jam,, who persist& Wlth ~ FYI rm&&1on despite the mjury and •WHAT: wThe Drawe r Boy• embarraM.men t uwolved. 11 is •WHERE. South Coast hi'> pcrrept1on that leads to the Repertory Segerstrom Stayes. ul11ma1e di~covery of the truth hehind the rural pair's strange 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa lives. •WHEN: 8 p.m . Tuesdays <;en i'> notable for tts !>Cenic through Fndays; 2 30 and 8 p m t•xcellt>nce, but Jam e!> Youmans' fJrm lflll'rior and exterior b a Saturdays, and 2:30 and 7 30 p.m. Sundays until June 29 µartirnlar triumph . The sening, • COST: $27 to $54 lhouKh fragmented , abou nd s in •INFORMATION: (714) 708 5555 atmosphere. down to the t1me-di1>1 re'>sed wood in the ~CR 1!> clo''"K 11111 "' 111 ... 1 kitch en cahinet~. !>eason in II\ glt·c1111111i.: rww fh1s ruraJ realism 1s rheater complex w11h 111w 111 11' u m11nued in Sylvia Rognstad's fine~t produuwn' 111 "l ht• u11pretentiou1> LO')tuming. John Drawer Boy " I lt.•;1lt•v .., dr.1111a111 PhiJip Martin\ lightiog and Karl comed y ')lick., 111 1lw nlh hh • I rc'<lrik Lundeberg'i. tender good farm woking m u!>tcal trans111o n'> l:ven Lhe Canadian "oot~" and waboo ts" • TOM mus reviews local thficfll'I fctll n aturally. than~ 10 dialect for the Daily Pilot H1' reviewt. loat•h Joel (,olde<,' traimng. appear Saturdays NOTEBOOK l 1me .. I hl') Art· \ <l 1J11g111 IHI • lhe I imt·' I ht•\ \n· Continued from AG A 0 1ang111," 10 1111 old 111111•r" tdkl' IHI \llll find mg 111\l' .u Id dream' an llv ... 111d 11v1 1111 1111'> <tnd don't gel the th1U~. .WO I " "I .l>Vl' .rnd llwft. Ill' you'rl' no one I want 10 -,pend 1wver lo\t h a' uh1ht\ "'""II 11p 11me wuh. huv. Wl' drt' Jll kl'lin).( 111 jll'>I .i ~ty dad alway'> e.xplam ed few word._. lhl' \Ol< ,. • h.11•Kt''. l>ylt1n tu m l' hy ..aymg, "It'<, not .bur that d11e.,,n'1 nu .. 111 tlw how Ill'.'~ ..aying 11. it\ \\hat he\ ~nunwn1 dm·' '><IVlllK I rom lht· intro,pe<:tlve. yet •PAUL SArTOWTTZ •'> .1 l•1u"jj' Kluh,11 Jf>pl'al of 1964 \ The be mg NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA WHY NOT TRY ••• Btlmemade Ravioli's, Fresh ftsh, Fresh Steaks, Veal M o e! BEST MUSSELS IN TOWN! NICK'S RISTOllllTE & PIZZERIA OUTDOOR PATIO IN HARBOR C ENTER Mon-Thurs 11 am-9:30pm 2300 Harbor Blvd., Sorte K-1 Fn -Sat 1 1 am-10 00pm Costa Mesa CLOSED SUNDAYS (S4g) 722_ 7566 Cll.Dlftllll S7 YIAIS .....__---=--'------__.. (N~~ING) ~1...,1 RE S TA UR A N T A Toast To "Dad" t • C h amp agne and B eer Father's Day Br~nch Buffet Only --- • (AA' Bt.-ned1ct & Omelette Bar • ',mol t•d Sausages & Side Di">ht?S • .. re!>h 5eatood & Pasta • Baron of Beef Carving Station • BBQ Entree Selections • fresh Fruit & Salad Bar • Gounnet Desserts & Crepe:!. 9:00am • 3:00pm Adul ts $23.95 Children $11 .95 Children 5 Call Today For Reservation Waterfront Seatin,.; Availab le! &: under FREE! Plus tu and gntuity '01 TOYOTA Enjoy Our Beautiful Outt.lde Patio 949-675-23 73 503 E. E<!gewater • Balboa Newport-Landing.com 'OOMERCURY '99 FORD COROLLA MOUNTAINEER TAURUS "SHO l.al+. CO charioet A.Ao ok Vary d.on deon cltfitf..d (540070( U..C8A~ 123106 11 '1l976 S)4.976 114.976 "990EVY '01 FORD '01 FORD SUBUDAN F150 XCA& EXCURSION "".::-· XlT.low~ l-.d leaet.. cet'tlh•d Wtl (23•373• 84!~ IA7 1602. 111.976 •11.976 '25.91 • ' rt • : ~ . . . QUOTE OF THE DAY "These kids have faced challenges the lost two weeks and -they refuse to lose." Jim Lftlon, NBLL triple-A Red Sox man.ager AlO Friday, June 6, 2003 Sporb Editor Rlc:Mrd Dint: (949) 5744223 • Spotts Fax: (949) 650-0170 NEWPORT BEACH LITTLE LEAGUE PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY Pl~OT Paxton O'Brien of the Diamondbacks slides safely into home plate before Red Sox catc her Jake Starnes can field the ball in the NBLL triple-A title game. ·Red Sox rally for triple-A title Nine runs in sixth inning seals 14 -5 win over Diamondbacks in championship game. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Dominic Disano put his hands Oat on the grass, extended his legs and be- gan doing push-ups Wednesday afternoon, though not for any physical fitness test Another exam took place at Boras Field on the campus of Uncoln Elementary -the Newpon Beach Uttle League triple-A championship game -won by Disano's Red Sox, 14-S, over the lop- seeded Diamondbacks. The Red Sox, ranked third out of the 12 teams heading into the postseason tournament, came back from a 4-0 deficit to plate 14 runs in the final three innings. clinching the championship and a spot ln the District SS Tournament of Olampions for Manager Jim Lawson. The D-backs (19-S-2) came into Thursday's game undefeated (3-0) in the playoffs, while the Red Sox needed to beat the Yankees on Monday in the final game of the loser's bracket to advance to the tide game. ~These kids have faced challenges the last two weeks and they refuse to lose," Lawson said. "They have learned how to control their emotions and channel it on the field. They stayed focused and left nothing out there." The concentration Lawson spoke of showed in the Red Sox's t.!!Jlely hitting, alert baserunning and ~-free defense. They committed only one error. The 0-backs committed five errors, helping to add fuel to the Red SOx fire, D-backs' Manager Duane Hastings said. "The whole game was unearned,• Hastings said. Baserunner Brandon Loo (17) of the Red Sox reaches first sat ely as the Diamondbacks' Brian Smith goes to pick up the ball Wednesday. .. Nothing seemed to go right [The Red Sox) scored five runs without hitting the ball out of the infield. We didn't make the plays on defense." Leading, 4-0, the 0 -backs encountered rough seas in the top of the fourth inning when the Red Sox plated five runs. Spencer Haly, playing for the first time ln two weeks after fracturing his right elbow, led off and reached first after he was hit by a pitch. Brent Lawson, Nathan Wagner, Jake Starnes, Alexander Morrison and Zachary Morrison all reached on in- field singles with Haly, Lawson, Starnes, Morrison and Dylan Varner all scoring. Lawson, who went 2 for 4 with four RBis and two runs sc~red while pitching the first three innings, hit a grounder that deflected off of D-back starter Sandoo Griffin's shoe and caromed into shallow right field. An errant throw past the third baseman allowed Haly to advance to third and when a sub- sequent throw got past the catcher. HaJy attempted to score, which he did, but he had to make sure. At the urging of his brother, 'fyler, Spencer HaJy -already near the backstop -ran back to touch the plate. "l thought I touched it, but my brother yelled, 'You missed the plate.'" Haly recalled, holding his championship trophy. Haly caught the fty ball off the bat of Olandler Mitchell fo r the final out, send- ing the Red Sox and their fans into jubilation after the D-backs scored one run in the sixth. The D-backs rattled off three runs to open up a three-run lead in the top of the first with Cort Has- tings, Paxton O'Brien and Ben Greiner all scoring. Greiner reached base twice and hit a bloop single that fell just in front of the charging right fielder to plate O'Brien, who beat out a grounder to third fo r an infield hit. With two out in the third, O'Brien singled to cen- ter to plate Hastings, who scored three runs and added a single. That was all the runs the D-backs would get until the final inning and the game in firm control for the Red Sox. who scored nine runs ln the top of the sixth in sending 13 batters to the plate. Three walks and five hits produced the Red Sox' attack. with Lawson blasting a three-run double over the left fielder's head to clear the bases. Lawson, who struck out three ln three innings as the starter, scored in the inning along with Donald Dalton. Wagner, Alexander Morrison, Wagner, Brandon Loo, Conor Kort, Disano and Haly. Brian Smith, Edward Burgner, Zach Haber, Rod- ney Keller and Austin Barvin each got two plate ap- pearances Thursday. With the win, the Red Sox also advance to the roe; which begins this weekend. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Orange County Female Athlete of the Year award winner, shunned by Stanford, has posted the nation's best mark in the high jump this season. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot ~(Florea!) said that I wouldn't be recetving a scholarship from them until my junior year because l bad to prove that I could compete [In the high jump) in the Pac-10," Sharon Day said Thursday. -My parents can't afford to send me there. It was a disappointment. but if he was going to be that way I didn't want to be coached by someone like that" ·Florea! did not return phone~ NORWAIX -Sharon Day. the Costa left 1but9day. Melll eerUor Ital', WM named the Qrar,ge The c.aJ Poly Mus1angl gave Day a fUll County Female Athlete of the Year last acholanhip in track and field. She wOl week. wblch put Into perapectNe a sea· also be a walk-on for the c.a1 Poly ton chat Ml tnduded awards, champt-women's soccer team. on8hJpa and even a bit of redemption ln For Costa Mesa, Day won Golden aiprd to her reauidng sltuadon with West Leque t1des 1n the high jump. the SClu6wd ~ 100 meters. the 200 and u the anchor of 1hl CanlmJ WM one of Day's top the 1;6()(} relay. ddcm 11D ........... her .nck and &eld In ApdL ~ ·a four·dme OF «-. IM Slmbd'I bl bec:8DI Cll Soudmn Seam dNWon·dde W-. ~Sm Lde °'*PO .. pin. In......,. dMnld 8 ... 2 b:bll. whktl fl ...... Dtilfl ...... ~ lilied sr.nlord dmQ -... llllOfl Ind It broU lbe net int a.Id wdaae beid coidl. °"'9 County and OF Soudmn Sec-~ ...... f lbe c.dbl would bne don recordL ~ che 200.1 Mllllll ........ ..., .,, ~ who bed been In Meets hif\ jump cbunp6on. wtl •· malllCI wllla .......... °'**-2002. tempt to cWend be:r ...., dde "' Chi • 1 Costa Mesa Hgh's Sharon Day clears 6 feet in the high ~asshewlns the Orqe C<Urty ~ships and sets the meet record. Her 6-2 effort is the best mat1< in the nation this YUi mld she1 GCJn1)ete at the state meet todlrj at Cerritos. STEVE McCIWI</ OM.YPl.OT •• EYE OPENER • Daily.4'Pirot II S...IWol,_. -l'iwn.r.. Wt ..... !Um · June 9 honorH HUGH FOSTER Daly Pilot HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Bound for state Estancia's Rojas, Novak, Mesa's Day and CdM's St. Geme will compete today. Steve Vlr1•n Daily Pilot NORWALK -For four Newport-Mesa District athletes, Cerritos College has be· come more of a second home the past two weekends. The quartet will attempt to use their familiarity with Falcon Stadium to· day at the CIFState preliminaries at Cerri- tos College. The stadium opens at 1 p.m. Estancia High senior Zack Novak will compete in the high jump at 4 p.m. and Costa Mesa senior Sharon Day will attempt to defend her state title in the girls high jump at 6:30. Corona del Mar freshman Anne St Geme will run in the 1,600 meters ln the first of two heats at 5:.24 p.m. Senior Humberto Rojas, Pstancia's record holder in the 1,600, returns to the CIF state prelirns and will be in the first of two heats at 5:38 p.m. The top nine ln each event will qualify for Saturday's championships, also at Cer- ritos College. Novak, the Golden West League and CIF Southern Section Division Ill champion ln the boys high jump, has a personal record of 6 feet, 6 inches. Last week. Novak clear- ed 6-3 on his first attempt to become the fifth and final qualifier for the state pre- Ums. Estancia will also be represented by Ro- jas, who solidified himself as one of the premier runners in the section after com- pleting a personal-and school-record 4:12.73 to finish third at the Masters Meet last week. On the girls side, St. Geme has a 5:00.44 seeded time, yet her personal record is 5:00.JO. Day, who owns the nation's best mad 1n the jump this season after clearing 6-2 at the Trabuco Hills Invitational April S, will be the last local athlete competing today. Day, a four-time CIF Southern Section di- vision-title winner, won a Masters Meet ti- tle after clearing S-10 last week. ROWING NAC sends six teams to nationals .. National championships this weekend in Cincinnati. Newport Aquatic Center's junior crew team clinched six berths ln the national championships to be held Saturday and Sunday in Onclnnati. At. the Southwest Regional Rowing Ownpionships at Lake Natoma May l O- U, the women's varsity eight boat of P.s- ther Lofgren, Sara Wales, Jessica Fritz, Lau- rie Dabney, Jill Austin, Erica Van Steenis, Meredith llby, Jean Geddes and coxswaln Lauren Lorman posted a time of seven minutes, 5.50 seconds to earn a spot in the national championships. Joining them will be the women's varsity double (Irby and Geddes at 8:38.61), the women's vanity quad of Lofgren, Fritz, Dana Hunt and Anne Klrcber (7:'3.80), the men's vanity quad of Brandon Dlllman, Greg Somera, Greg Schnelder and Graham Brant·Za· wadUd (6:54.80), the men's varsity double of Morpn Slbo and Blab Potter (7:40.38) and Diilman In the men's varsity lingle ICU11 (8:09.50). 1be NAC women, coached by Clu1sty Sha*, took ftrst-place bonora for the ftllt time In the center's history. The men, COIChed by Rliche1 Role and Paul Prto- lelu, pa.ced thltd CMnll. In lndMdull fMIDtt. NAC brought home a toClll of• &Oki. elltit lllYer and. bronrie medU. MkbMl Dabmy and xmn Song won a gold an the men'I pa1r with a 1:ae.10 wbUe Ken Ito. Matt 8'emomma. Mk:blel Mat-. dWWI and Aaron Co.hen poeced • 7:23.az to ClptUl9 8nt place In the men'a lnta'· medlml8 qmd. 1Wo ... wom.m .... ham dlBn- ed .......... ltillltj:-Idea 'Ya ......... ~ ...... °"*': C1allm ~ Mia tao IDd 1-.ay • Lucll, ..... br Ann81ao.tl!J lnlbd In : 7:21.G? ................... ...,, : • ........... All ! • NAC Continued from Al 0 McKenna, Anna Oatman, lzalwl la Elkis, Karie l)e( kcr. < lll'l-.t·a Annaya, Marlo Sciarm diltJ Kmta Redman, w11h rnx.,wdlfl C.mh• Dobson. also placed <iernnd. "Ille women\ fn•,hman t·1~ht team of Bahremdnd, I ll1,, Grubb, Luca!>, Oatmc.1n. <11el..cc.1 Annaya, Marcy licaumonl and Campbell docked J 7 4·~ 80 111 place -.econd In a ti¢lt ran:, till' wo mt•n\ Lightweight e1W1t tl'.tm of O ain • McKay, Haelyn Drury. Auo;un. la mie Bara11a, Maudt-Mort'hec.1 rt, Beaumont. Anni<' Puneou' .md Campbell, with rnx'>wa111 fl'11111 fer Gue~. came in third in i'::IB.Oll. McKay, I lunt, IGrsten Lontmo. Bait. Mitra Grubb. Anne Kircht'r, VaJe and Drury, with c;ul.:''>.'> a.\ coxswain, eamed a hron1.c 10 the women\ eight wi1h d 7"5.lBO. Hron1e mt:dalht' on the men's 'olde me lutled the nuvill' eight team of Ian S11eve. Byan St1eve. Hohm Thmley, ( .ohen, Lnl.. Oat mdn. Jo'>h Vann, ln.·y l.awrcn1, I )lad \\avell i.U1d <.:OX.\wam l:ri.ka C 1amb11l (6:51.47). The men'r, no\1ce coxed quad team of Mark Monh 1ro. Ogn1e n i'jvo1novic. Ian "ilJe\'e, Tony Trt'vmo and CO'(· 'W'.tin l>dvt<l Donald plaletl thm.I Ill fl 16 19. In .,...unw n\ -,culling events. Ml Kay firn \ht>d thud 111 U1e var '>II\ 'm~lt• (!1:2J. I 8) ..... 1111e the 111· The Newport Aquatic Center women's varsity QUad earned gold medals at the Southwest Regional Junior Rowing Champ1onsh1ps in Sacramento. Standing, from left, are Coach Christy Shaver, Esther Lofgren, Anne Kircher, Dana Hunt and Jessica Fritz. The Newport Aquatic Center men's varsity quad took gold at the Southwest Regional Junior Rowing Championships. They are headed to the nabonals this weekend. Standing, from left, are Coach Paul Pnoleau, Greg Schneider, Graham Brant-Zawadzki, Greg Somers, Brandon Dillman and Coach Rachel Rose. termediate quad team of Conti- no, (.jrubb, Amanda Molinaro and Aubrey Farmer clocked an 8:07.7, to take firM in open water. ·me novice quad team of Vale. Van Steeni'>. Bait. McKenna and Overby .it rnxswain placed sec- ond (8· 19 77). rl1e wonwn\ four of Contino, 1 lunt. c.nihh and IGrcher, coxed by Kmtt-n <..olhn-.. placed ~econd Ill 8.1.l.22 while the women's four of Lofgwn. \\>ale-.. rnt7 and Dab- ney, wuh cox.,waJn Lorman, won 1hc brorv.c with .i 7:53.80. me rt.-worlal champio~hJpS conw .. 1l'd of 24 d10trent rowing dub-. rnmpl'ltnR over the two day... NA( captured the prest1giou., C...allfom1a (.,up lrophy m ApnJ for thl· fir:-.t umt• 'mt:t: I ~7. HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL Mohs Memorial event features local standouts HUNTINGTON Bf'.ACH Newport Harbor High'b Mike Toole and Kristin McOune, a& well as Corona del Mar's Eric: Jones and Oaire Allen will be among severnl athJeteb compel· ir1g in today's Dave Mohi. Memo- rial Orange County Volleyball AU-Star matches at E<Hson I Ugh. The Dave Mohs Memorial All Star event, in its 27th year, begins with the girls match at 6 p.m. and the boys match will follow at approximately 7:30. Tid:el prices are S6 for adults and SJ for Mu dents and children. McCJune, a 6-foot ::1 middle block.er bound for Pepperdml' Uruver'>iry, and Allen, a 6-1 out· sjJe hitter headed for UC Irvine. wiU be on the South tt'am. fhe North <iCfuad featur~ Ckean View·~ Jenny Kuehn, who h'>ll> Orange Coast C..oUt'gl' a.'> her school of choice nt'xt i.ea.-.on. In 1he boys match. Toole. a 6 foot o utside hitter bound for Ca.I Poly San Luis Obt!>po, will play for the Nonh team, which ah o features UCI incommg fre.,hmen la)">on lablom>lcy of f!-.perant.<t and Bren Reid of l·.<lhon Jones, tht' 6·6 middle blot kt'r headed to ~tanford. will rt'· present CdM 1Jn tht "41u1h MjUad. BASEBALL Phillies ink UCI's Klemm UC lrvi.ne senior outfielder Chris KJemm signed with the Philadelphia Phillies as a free agent Wednesday. Klemm was the club'<; leading hiner With fi6 h1t\ and a .:J 1q bat· HONORS Wagner selected as All-Ameri can UC lrvme fresh man \l.trl.. ung averagt', fimc,hmg the regu- lar seru.on li ed for '>l'rnnd on the cluh with 11 double., and ledding the Big Wec;t Conforente with "ix lnples. I le aho hit five home runs. fnday, ~ 6. 2003 All SCHEDULE TOOAY T,,_.endfWd High ldlool boys and g1r11 - Costa Mesa's Sharon Day, CdM's Anne St Geme and Estancta's Zade Novak and Humberto Ro1as at CIF Staie prehmtnanu at Cerritos College; fteld events at 2 p m . running events at 4 30 p.m __ J FOOTBALL Jackso n sign s I he M1arm I )oJphm., '>Jgnt·d <Jm, lt1d.~011. ,, fornwr Orn.nge C1Jd.'>I Colle-gt· ,1,m<lout. 111 c.1 1v.u yl'a.r tun1rart lut·'tt.IJ\. Jad c..'>on, d .,...1d1· rt·lt't\t•r h<i-. pla>ed for tht' p.1,t lour \('d"""' lor U\l' I 0'> An gt· It''> \\ t-ngl'r... uf the Arena I 001ball l ..t><tl,'\Jl I le ama'>~ .!55 recepuom for 4,992 Y'dflh and 11 1uu1 h down'> rh1-. pa-.1 <,('c.l.'1111. JJl k..-.011 llt' came the lt'J){llt'.., O llt-m 1vt• l'ldycr of 1he Yt"ar .1ht>r l t1mp1hng 117 recept11m'> I i 17 }-ilfd'I .1111.l ·lfi wuchdown ... After '1arn11g o.11 C )( <. JJ< 1._..,1111 wa!>i a t~o·year lt·11errniilt .11 Wa.,hmg111n \tall' 1 1 ~ '"li'l dur mg which llmt· ht· t aught M Pd''>t'' for 1.14.., yard'>. Wagner wru. awarded a spot on the Collegiate ~ball l.ou1s.,.11le Slugger 1-reshman All ·Amt•m an baseball team Thur'"..<ld} Wagner earned the honor J~ a multiple-position athJ t-te after playing firM base and catcher I le ftn1shed the sea!><m a.., 1he 1eam leader in douhle:. II '"II .ind BBi., (31). 1JO'JO l?C':l'r lt'O'• "'" 1:? J;,r, ._ ... ,..,. ·~ 9') S' 4;;: • 'l• ~ t .,.,,.. T ._ ~~"°::........: ,•,~·~fio'; !"'>J.N~:-~"'·~~... c""'-..,....~ m•u-.... COSTA.U TAKI SS FWY lllY f AJI H. TO HAllOI ,.ft ptl('~ ·~ L Jt .. 'Y •t1•r•rr{;,f"t• ,,._.. "') .. 0 '"Jr..,_ ,..,, 1 Jr•r ., It J 1 )f•']/4ff "Y. ,..,.,,..., Ct"tiOO'l'J•<.1"1 ,~,~ )~ oo, i:-,,.. l1'f~ 'f'"',.... ,,.-: ..4i t •r ~ t.JI "'\IGJ LegalNotices 2640 Legat Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal N~ces 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Leoal Notices 2640 Leoal Notices ====== NOTICE Of' APPUCA-NOTICE Of' APPUCA· SUMMONS T10N TION (OTACIOUJDICW) TO SEU ALCOHOUC TO SELL ALCOHOUC NU llCI fO 01 I I N llEV£RAOES "~EV~FiGEsa ........ I nANT cA .. ,,, 4 A<u\• Date Of F'lllnQ Apc>it v.le "' ~"""°' du I HOA Nr. I AN cabOn Mly 1~. 20o3 C.llO<l Mly 30. 3 fRUONf.. •n mdMdual To Whom 11 May To Whom It May cnd doing bu\Ollt''" H ~n ~n OC N ' n..... .., __ , ) ""' ......, l ,_ ..,...,._,'I) o4 in@ 11 AN l A MU.,ll. ,.,. ,_,.,,,1 .,. u.... '"'" ._,..., lllJI S 1 I<' 70 Applleanl(a) IS/ere I Apploeilnt(I ) 1$/ate Yt •U ART SUNC'. SUI o WEST COAST 1-foNY NO w es1 COAST HIGH· RY Pt AINTlr I ONE INC WAY NO TWO INC Ti.~ i.»d The 8'11)1icat'1Ul itSl9d 1 A tld If 0\1.t <l~mand llJO\le 4119 applyWIO IO abOYe 119 applylng IO ~'"''' 1 MINH QUANG ll'e ~ OI Ala>-h Oepartment ol AI00- 1 NC:UYI N .. ~ ' I /IM GIA l10loc ContrOI hole e.-aoe Control MlNll 10 ... aloohollC l>e\>ef. IO Ml llCOtlOitc bt"tef. Y • u ha." JO l Ill ( N eoes at 2'901 w ., •l 2901 w OAk OAYS .. ,,., ,,,,, COAST KWY STE 290 COAST ~y STE 270 unim""' '' \"'v~tt •in NEWPORT BEACH. CA NEWPORT BEAOi G.A l"U to l11e a typ.,woolll'n 92863 92Mi3 , ""'P"f\'!.f' di tht'\ t °'" l Type al lcenae(a) Type al heense(sl A It-lier or phonl' ,.,11 Apploecl IOf '7 ON· ~ lor 47 ON· ''"" nnt prot-· I ynu SALE GENERAi.. EAT SALE GENERAL EAT I""' IY1Jt'w1111 .. n '~ ING Pl.ACE ING PLACE 'P' ""' mu\I Ii" 111 Santa Alla s.iru"""' P•··~···r lt-ii:•I t1irm •I you Newpot1 Beach.CO.ta N~ Beach.Coat.a Wdlll th" tourt to htar Me.a ()afy Mela Ol~)I yrHtr I .l\t CN6800o&4 7135-KA ~y CN6Bl 161 6676-AI< Jun II yuu dn nul folr yUUI 23.30. Jun 6, 2003 6, 13,20, 2003 •-·.P""'" <>" l•me ynu may lo'>t lht r '"~ and s Ll , your stuff ~ classified I SELL your stuff ttlotWt classified! vnu' waae~. mon,.y .Jnd 11111perly may bt takl'n w1thoul lu•th~• w''""'K loom th~ couo I I htr,. dr" oolh•r legal '"qom,.menh You may want lo call an dlt& n"y "ifhl •way II ynu d" nol know an attorney yuu m•y c~ll an dtlurnf'y rttfrual "rrv1(.e or • l•a~I ••d olf•c.~ < "'l•d '" lht: phont bon~ l Oe\puu de que It ~nlreauen f"ta colacoon 111d1<1AI U\ted '"'n" un pluu dt JO DIAS CAI. E NOARIOS pllt ll prt\l'n laf uni ri-\OUfl"'St• e\ t'Jtt.l d' m•Qmna rn e'\t.t tf)rfp Une l••I• o una ll1mada l•lelnno<a no I• ot"""' A prolf<Clnn 'u '"'PU•'ld •Hrota a maqouna lo•ne qu• tumphr con las formal 1flad"' l•t•lt• •pr11p1a d3\ " u•led qu•er• Que I• corl• C\tuc~• •u Cll50 St t1'1ed no prl'senu \ll rupuuta a hempo pu•de rerdtt el raso, y le pueden qu1tar s u s•la110. su donero y olrH co~asde •u propoedad ''" noso adoct0nal por part• de la eofle { •O\ten olro' tCQUISI· tos le11o1\es Puede que usled quoera Uamar 1 un aboeado 1nmedu1t• menle S1 no conoc:-t • un 1bo&ado. pu•cl• lfamar a un ~rvklO de r tfenncll de •bo&•dos o • uni oftetna de 1yud.1 tec1I ("ea el 11otedQft0 telelonlco) CA.SI NUMll•• ~ • ...ic-> 02((104' ~JAMnM. .. OOCS DP'T. CI I file MIM ancl edclrftS of Ille CO\lft Is ([I nomlH • 't clw ecelc>n cle la cort• H ) SUJ>lAIOA COURT or THC $TAfC Of CAll rc>ANIA fo1 the Co11nly of Oran ... Ct!ntrel Ju It« Ctn I If 100 CtVIC Ctfll•• OrW• Wt\I, Sa11ta Ana, CA 12702·0838 Tbt n1me, addteul 1ndl.-..Ot1el'tllmbtt o pl.alntlf fa altOfllllf, Of pl1lnlttr w1tllo11t t11 attcw~y Is· (Cl nombre. II dlf8"IOll 'I el 1111"*'0 ....... ,.llO .... ftopclo .. ·-!!din\ 0 Ml dtlllllldHtt QUt 110 1 ............ , ... ~ •• Hoe"""' ,,,,...., Stets ...... '*n lOUl Statw A-. S••lt 1Gl..t-.! ••11tel11 'hilly, CA w.ti. Tel 1714)96J lH'> OAll: {h cho) SlP 06, 2002 ALAN SLA na. c1 •• 1o (Act-le), l.y ANGlU ICNOX, D•puty(D•t.,ocle) Pubh•hed Newpnrl BuLh Co,la ~ .. Daily Pilot lunt r. I.I 10 21 ?003 '''l? SUUOIS (OTAOOll AJDKIAl) NOTIC£ TO DC H N DANT tAVO\U • Atuu du1 BE NJAMIN YUE N ~I .ti YllU ARI 81 IN!; SU( 0 BY Pl AJNflf I c II tJd I~ t\la demand dndo> lllU KIM f'HAN Y1ou h••t lO CAL( N OAR DA 1S .ift,., lh" -..umrnnn\ '' \f'rvec1 nn y11u tn Ill~ o1 lyp,.w11tten re•ponu •I lhl\ u1url A l•tter oo ph••n• r .u will not prot~• t v<>u your type wr•ltfn ·~ spn11\e mu\f ht 1n proper le1al form 11 yuu wJnt the coui I to 1101 yuu• t d\e If you do nol lole you• rt\ponae un f1n1e yuu m•Y IO\C lhe lf\C, •nd your w•&n monry And prnpl'I ly may be la~en without h11lhe. warn1n1 t1om the •<>Ull TherP 1rr olher l~&•I rPquortmenh You mdy want lo c•ll 1n a llornty rocflt 1way If YfKI do nol ~nnw an etlornt y you may call an eltorn~y reftrt•I \CIVICt or • ler,al aid ofhu (h\ttd on lhe phont boM.) Despues de quf 1~ entrecuen esta cotacoon 1ud1c11I usted Ilene un pla70 de JO DIAS CAI ENOARIOS pan prt\tn l•r una re'lpuul• n c11la a m1qurnc en UI• COile Una cer u o una tlamada lelefnnoc • no le oheceu protecc oon w ru puesta e ac11t1 a maquln1 t•ene que cumphr con IH formal 1oades legeles apr OP•• du s1 usted qulere que la corte tscud11 \U CH O Si usted no prn enta SU rtlPUP\tl I llempo. puede perd11< el cno y le pueden qu1t1t 'u ularlo, su dlntto y olrH cosesde su PfOpledad Sin IYISO 1d1tionll pof p., le de 11 cotle [aisltn otros requls1 IOI les•le' Puecle que usttd quwa llamet a un abo11do 1nmtcl1elt rnet1lt SI no COllOCe a u11 tbo1aclo, pudt Hamar a un Hf lfleio de rtftrtncla • •bet.00. o a umt oflellla de 1y"'8 ...... (lfll .. cltrtetOlllO telefOllKO) usa ... •n. c---..a<-> N<CHIM Neelneoul91. YMMSNll. SI. ..-T.CU Ille na-111d .,_,n ol Ille ~~t It (fl nombf• y dlirtecton de la COllf n) $U,.Ut0fl COOltT Of CAllfOflNI.'. COONfY Of OllA NGl . CC NTlt~l IU$~ ClN'fU, 700 CMc Clf!ttf Otlll• w .. t. S•11lt Alie. CA tt702 The """'· •Hr• l •flcl ........,,. 11Umlllr " pitlfltlff• •ttorner. • 11tal11t1ff w1tll•11t 111 lttClflMY .. (Cl ....... ta *'"* , .. --· .................. "'.._ ........ ... dtllltlld•lllt ... .. tl•llt .......... , 1l\IONG a AUDaATCl • 'f 1!16411 Ttl 1714) 961 7.B!i lOl?t Sl•te1 Avenue S111t,. 20l. f ounlMll V.•ll•y I A 9?/08 OATll (f•cho) Jll 10 200J AlAN SLATIR, Cl•rk (Act-I•). l.y ElllillTH GA.M- 10 A . o., .. ,., (D• ....... ) l'ubl°'hrd Nt wpnrt B~nh C.o\tt Mt~• Daily Pilot M•y 2J lO Jun• 6 JJ 100J r 392 MWOOll lhe Co\la Mt~ /on1n11 Ac:tmon1slral01 woll 1tn~1 • deu\lon un lhun4ay, '""• It. 2003 or .on •uun d\ pu"•ble lli.oe •lier on tht folkJwtnR It Pm\ I M1n<W Con<11toonal U't Perm11 LA 03 Z8 for Htnry Hodn& aulho11ted •II""' l0t lohn Parkyn '" d .. ldlt lo om •h•red P"'~•n1 •t quoremenl\ due to off s~t hours of op~••flon lo e\labh,.h a bAr ttnd•na \lhOOI (no dkohol on pre.nose~) lo.cled •t 27')0 Harbor Anulev11d •All on • Cl 1one C nvoronmental d~IPrm1n1t1on uempt 2 Mon0< Oo1an Revoew ZA OJ 31 101 Phtllop BP '1n •lt 1ulho11zed •cent IOf Jom and Donna c.'""n '°' • 976 ,q It '"' ond \IOf y Addition lo a \lnclt lamtly rn 1 dent t 1n con1unct1on with •n u emploon lrom m1n1mum &•••Ct depth r.quoremtnh (10 rt QUU •<I 16 provided) loc.at•d 1t '1107 Wn t· mon\ltr Annue on en RI 1one l nw•tonmental de ltrmin1lo0<1 u empt 3 MtnOf Dnfin Revoew I A OJ 34 101 Cllro\ r ner~tfl a u thoro1t d 8&enl for Bob Voeel for 1 387 \q ft s econd ''°' y 11dd1Uon to 1 !Ml&le family 1n1cknce. located al 1087 Glen Corcle on an R2 MO zone [nwt ronment1I dete•m•n•· loon uempt 4 Mln0< Ou1an Revoew lA OJ 42 for Cu los Con eles. fOf • 6JO sq fl second :1tor y add1tlon to • son1le·lam1ly rH•· dence louted •I 2016 Meyer Place 1n •n A2· MO IOf'le Cnvlfonmental determonahon ••-pl 5 Minor 0nCn An-7 A 03 45 for Oawtd Hohmann. Atcll1tect. for • 1,611 sq ft 1ec0ftd storr addrtJoll lo a .......,... f1mlly rnldefKt, loai.d 11 ll07 CtSlet AV111ue tn en ltl ,_ £11•lron- ment1I det .. mit1ehon HllnPI & M-Dacll A-w lA Q3...46 tor Aokrt A. Vin. .. -' lot .,. .. emption from open pMl.if\C "'8(e ftQUH mtntT. due 0 .......,.,. blCk·llP dlthllCI (2 .,.n tpetaa rtq11tt td, I Oflefl fCllCe propoMCI) Ill COftJUMliOft wltfl Utt Mlclltloft el a 1*1100111 to a .i11a1t ''"""' rti•· dell I , located 11 279 Ctctl l''Kt 111 111 Al fOfll. (ftlflfOllmtnl•I ., .. .-.11t11 e••""' f'ubll1lltd No1por t I~ Cettt MtM O.ity ,.lloUwe I, 200.J r Ul ... cm. ·-· ....... ••LtQ _ .. , ... .................... '9cniMlnflf ...... .................... ... $ Utjf $ ul th• a••el\ dHtrobed below The Name<•> dnd bu"ne" addr•\•I•••• ol the \eller a•• AM IAY l NllRPRISf INC 'JJ6'J Al ION PKW Y •M IRVINf CA Thi. I<><.• hon on Call lo•n•a of the chief e••<-ul••e nftoc• of fh• \ell•r '' '>36!> AL TON PKWY •M tRVIN( CA A• h•led by lhi. •i.lk-1 •II other bus1neu namo and addrnses used by lhi. wller w1lhon ll>r..e yu" belor<> Ille d•lto \uth h\I wa\ uni or dehvtted tn th• buy•• a1e NON[ The n•m"t \l and bu\one\\ addre\\ of th~ buy•• Ar• S\Jll HUI l\IM and SAM KIM 'J 16'' Al ION PKWY •M IRVI NI CA r h• a<\el\ to b• ,nld arr desr.11bed on gentral n r urn1tu1 ~ '" fuoe\ •Qu•pment gnodw1tl lo adename lea.thnld 1mproven1ent anc:t '"''' e\t and covenant nol fn compete a nd •i loc~ttd al 536!> Al TON PKWY •M. IRVIN[. CA The Bu\lne\\ n••"• u.ec:t by the \eller •I lh1t loc alton\ '' AL I ON SQUARE BEN & JERRY ICC CRE~ & FROZEN YOGURT The anbcopaled d•I• Jf the bulk ulf! '' lun• 74 2003 at ttit ottin nf tln1l•d r SCfOW Co lUO W1l,hore Blvd 960() IO\ Angeles CA 9()()10 The bulk n le " \Ub ~ct to Cahf0<n1a Uno form Commerco•I Codi' S.chon 6106 'l If \0 subiect th• na- and addre$s ol the person wolh whom ci.oms may be loled '' EUNICE KIM SR CS CROW OfflCER. Unoted Escr ow Co J t•O Wll~hore Blvd , 1600, Lo~ An&elu, CA 90010 anc:t tlM IHI day IOI f1hng cl11ms shall be June 23 2003 whteh 11 lht> bu,.ness day befo<e I~ ult date specol 1ed above /S/ SUll HUI llM /S/SAMllM Publtsh•d Newport Beach·Costa Meu Oaoly Pilot June 6, 2003 CHS-M6004 f 423 l'ub!K hurinp will be held by the Costa Maw Plannlnc CommosslOft at Crty .._II, 17 hw Ortve Costa Mesa. Caltf0<n1a. 11 6•30 p.m , Oii II M>On u ~ lllereafler on •••tl•J, J••• IS, tMJ, re11rdit11 th• folio•"'S 9'>91ic:•t~ I Cet1dtUOt11I U11 ,.ermlt ,.,, 03 17 lo• Ja-~ • .ulhoflzlld ....,.. '°' c.,1 St"'•"' to lll»lirJI I hllftd CM ..... llld dtlellifll IMlslMu lncludtflc out dMt WO(l, IOOIH 11 1111 s..,1« ""-m I filC &OM [11,,irOll 11H111lal detwmtt11t1011 •••"'l>t 2 Condlt1011al Un Permit ,.A-0319 tor I 811te1•nn-.y. ntftc> 11led . ll9ftt f0t ltuuell ~ .... llfl. ,_ oft tllt 111r111111 et Ille c •Ptll#I ~l!IC \tfllC• lur• --Illy °'11119 Ct1111ty f 11111H11d1 --.... OJ-.. c...ty fllr ....... ..., , ......... .... ....... ), ......... .,, ""'-I n•u •• Ill roe .... 1 .......... .. ... t Ng ••= " ............. ... al .. £'? ,.,., w \ fe\1dent1af toh pll1\ orit' •ummun IOI '" lduhldll' d JH PVoOU\1¥ olpt)ll•Hd , ummnn 1ntf're\I d-.el npm~nt '"' ~•~d at ?49') 74q? M'1nat n f ~" d< .. An•I 1/1 hlonlf' V"t~ Av•nu,. 1n .in R7 M() tvnt En•11unml'nl•I d'"l~rmin~t1un r•ttmvl If .tny nl lht 1>t"trdm11 a1 hon' a1• •h•lleo~ed 1n rou• t th• rhall"ne• m 1y bf' hm1t~d l1J ont,, th,°'>'" t),"U~) \lirneone '41\f''\ at Ill• publll h~•ron~ dt-~u1tJpd IO ttw nutu.f' ot 1n wr 1tttn cr-rr,. \j)(1ndrna d,.h••"" tn th.-Pl4nn1n~ ( nmmr\~ft1n ill u• J>ftuf tCJ_ U•f' JJUbl•t htJ''"K I Fol lur "'"' onlo)f "•• t1n11 1ln ttlt' ~hov• Appl .. ~l•nn' t•ltt.>h•>n• c /14) /'>4 '>74'> "' •••• ,, th• """ • ol '"" PIA11 n1n~ Oov"'"" R11nm 700 11 f Aor Orov• fn1ol• M~~d Co11it,,rn1• Publl\hPd Nrwpfll I R•.lo h !,n,11 M t\A ll~•ly P1101 Junr 6 7003 f 4m ff'Jdm~ l irrn d by lhe Jr 11'.l9 '•/!J 1d•1 it)C,1i lulluw111~ rull t •II vol~ flf•WIJ ''' R·•• ~ I A COU NCtl MlMllU: I 'Jlf,l,j AYlSo M°"ot.Ofl, St••I, '' rl1•1 f.•nt1"1 M< ·~ 1 C•won, Mon•oor , I 10/0 1,.11 .. 1 .. u ,.,~ Sci..ofer. NOlS: N°"o C "''' Ml'\d 11 1-1.·1, •/ AISINT: None. lti1, Du\ir e...-1•. '' llH I UI I 11) I ol I r •)U l•t:I by •" "'"" II utdm .. n1t-f'Li'f t,, ,, ti llUIAltd .. ,., 1 it•• II '" lht •ly r.h1 ~ ''tt"", 1 ··tt•r• tt1.11 a P-'''"'''\t11c, } } ~ ,fH (Jf l'I.. 't I • .,'#"° V )Ii,, Hfr:(t tlllHI Mfti.... t U\UIP~\, '"") N 1 JUUl fOlCllC, l•lt•~y M••q1~n Dopvty City Cl•r~ Ill' ;t •lrmrnt ,. 1 f'ubl h,.d N .. .,01 1 t ft1t"1 w1tt Hit-( 'nt Bt it h Lu• 14 Mc _. 0.Jrlv h .. r~ t llfd •' 1 •• Polool lun~ b /fl()J F 41 'i on O'J l l IJ SUUAIY Of PIOfOSl1) OIDIWICI OlY Of COSTA IESA IOHfl1 NANfl l •• I , t1._.1t11h~1.J I t_,,. .n tull f,,,,.-.tnJ t ff• t sO ,, ty\ 2003694S701 0 .111'f f--'t '~ ... • It :>O ~)fl< I 2003(1946271 ... '• uf\ly If h 1 I l .1 AIZ fnday, June 6, 2003 -------LeplNolm -........... 2141 ......... -Uplllatica -Upl.... 2141 U.1 Maa. 2MO Ulll ..... Ac-...._ 92612 MIM ..... r1111 bus•nus is con· "-S....... d1Kted by an 1nd1v1dual ......... The loHowina ~•ons Have you started dotn1 are doln1 bus111en es: busllleas y1t1 Vea. Jan. Simar CnttfPflSH, 2163 2003 N1t1on1I Ave • Costa Gin• Ktrtilnskl Mist, CA 92627 Tlus st1tement w11 S1,,doun Al Bayall, hied with th.I County Z 163 N1tlon1I Ave • Clerk ol Or1n11 County Cosl• Mesi. CA 92621 on 05/0VOJ Bub1ra Al Bay•U. "l00Ht<Utt1 Zl63 N1t1on•I Ave., D11ly Polol ~Y JO. June Cost• Mau. CA 92627 6, 13, 20, 2003 f409 Th\$ busrneu is con ducted by hu5band and ~ -....S wile "-S..... Have you st1rted dotna bullness ytt1 No Sudoun Al B1yalt This statement was hied with lhe County Cleo k ol 01 •n&e County on 0!>/15/03 20036944745 Daily Pilot June 6, 13, 20,27,2003 F413 fiditlM Wiess .... s ...... !he lollowona persons .ire doona buslfless as .i) The Coprer Solutions b) American Home l oans i;) Caflforn1• Mort111ae Lendl"rs ~7 Newport Center Or Ste !>46, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Gina M Kl1111111sk1. 30 Palatine i3l 7, Irvine, CA 1 he toll0-win1 persons ue do1na buslntu ai· Rehable Movin1 Co • 20J5 Placentia Ave •C I, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Paul Euaene H•1rlma11, 20591 Goshawk Lan~. Hunhnalon Beath, CA 92646-5525 This business is con dueled by an ond1vldual Have you st., led c1o1na busmen yet? Vas. 6/15/93 Paul lu(lene H1rr1m1n This statement wn hied with th' County Clerk of Oranee County on 05/14/03 20036944671 Pubhshtd Newport Beath Costa Mesa D11ly Pilot May 16 23. 30, June 6, 2003 F383 Polky Tiie follow1n1 1111sons are dolo1 bus 1111& " A11tomotiv1 Mt1kllln1 hpttts, 2727 Nawport Blvd 1203, Newport Beach. CA 92663 Best Results Inc (CA), '1727 Newport Blvd •230. Newport Buch. CA 92663 Thts busi111Ss Is COii ducted by; a corporation .._ve you started d01n1 business yel7 Yes. 5/12/2003 Best Results Inc • Robert Whetzel, President This st1teme11t V(H filed with the County Clerk of Or1n1e County on 05/13/0J 20036944526 f'ubllshed Newport Boch-Costa MHa Dally Pilot May 16, 23. JO. June 6, 2003 F381 ffdllM ..... ... s....... The lollowona person' are dOHll business as V M Services 2178 Canyon Drive. Umt R Costa Meu. CA 92627 Andrew l Van Rtenen, 2178 Canyon Onve. Ur11t R. Costa Meu, CA 92627 Jose B Marguez, 515 S. Oemtna. S111t1 Ane, CA92704 Thb bu11ness Is con· ducted by. a aener al putnershlp Have you started doln1 business yell No And1tw T Van Reenen lhls statem•nl was ltled with the County Clt1k of Orana• County Ofl 06/03/03 200JH4H4' Dilly Pilot June 6. 13. 20. 27. 2003 f415 eeona Clf AnWmt TO S81 ALCOHOLIC llYllAGlS hletffllta..••· S.2MS ro Whom II May Concern. The Nime(s) ol tho Apphcanl(s) ls/ ~re NATIVE FOODS COS IAMESALLC The applicants listed above 11e apply1na to the Dep•rlmenl of Alcoholic Bever •a• Control lo sell alcohohc baveuae~ at 2937 Br1stol Street #E 100, Co,ta Mesa CA 92626 I ype of hcense(s) .1pphed for On Silla Beer & Wine Ealln& Place Published Newport Beach Costa Mesa Daily Pilot June 6, 13. 20. 2003 f427 5'MMY Clf flGfOSll a•.,llCI an Of COSTA llSA OROINANCt 03 4 15 1ch1dulec:t to be In 11111 fore. ind ellecl 30 d1y1 lor its adoption on June '/, 2003, Ind WH 1dopted by the lollowlna roll c•ll vote· COUNCll MIMIUS1 AYIS1 ..... h... c.w .... M•,.•••r. Schiefer. NOJS1 st .. r. A.ISINT1 N-. Otd1nanc1 OJ 4 relates to review requouments lor eccessory apart men ts THE FULL TCXT of the ordona11ce may be read In the Coty Clerk'~ Office. 71 r&lr Orove, Co~ta Mesa JUUi POLCIK, Deputy City Clartt Published Newport Buch Costa Mes. Daily Pilot Jone 6, 2003 r 416 AdltiMt.i.ss "-S....... the follow1na ptrsons are do1n1 busooeu as ANTHONY'S PAJN llNG & DESIGN, ?948 H Gr ace Ln.. Co~I• Meu. Ca 92626 Anthony D Covwaton Dr Viejo. CA 92692 Thlt buSlf'ltst b COil ducted by· en lndlvldual H1v1 you r.tarttct doina busl11ess y1t1 No Anthony llm1 This stetement was tiled with th• County Clerk of o,.nae County on 05/02/03 200S6t4S1H D~ily Piiot May 8. 15, 22. 29. 2003, amended publlcatoon June 6. 2003 TH.403 The lollowon& persons are do1n1 buJ1ness as a) Glob1lmaalca. b) Lifespan Crus•de11 Home Care Services, 1057 lulare Or , Cost• M11u. CA 92626 Brenda J Powery, 10!>7 Tulare D• , Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This busmen Is con dueled by •n 1nd1111dual Hav~ you slarlPd doina business yet' No Brenda I Powerv This slalemenl was hied with the County Clerk ol Oran&' County on 05/23/03 20036945699 Daily Pilot May 30. June 6. 13.20.2003 f400 How to Place A MIM ..... "-S..... The f0How1n1 ptfsons are doon1 business H ' JrS r undlna. 138 B 47th Street. ~twpprt BHch, CA 92663 John frederlck Saun ders, 138 B 47th Str11t. Newport Buch, CA 92663 rh1s bus1n1u 1s con· ducted by. an ind1v1du1I HAive you started dolns busln.ss yell No John Saunclefs This statement was 11 .. d w1lh the County C .. rk of Or1n1e County on04/29/03 20016942101 Daily Pilot May 23 JO. June 6, 13, 2003 f 397 ActlliM~ "-S....... The lollowlne person~ a1e doina business as Aquacentric, 2203 Bal bo1 Bvld.. Newpor I Buch. CA 92663 J,'"1ct L. Lawson. 919 8ay~1de Or •N·6. New port Beach, CA 92660 1 hos business •s con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual llave you started doing business yet, No Janice L. Lawson This allltemenl was CLASS IFIEIAD foled will! Iii. County Clerk of Of1n11 County on O'Jfll/03 200JH4S440 Daily Piiot M1y 30, lune 6, u . 20. 2003 r 407 The followlna plfsons •re doitta b1111nen as: So Cal Specltlists, 1108 Buclunaham Dr Aot · D. Coste MtSI, CA 92626 James 8rern CtlSwold, 1108 Buckln1h1m Dr ~260. Cost• Mesa. CA This bu1>1n111 11 c.oo ducted by an ond1v1dual Have you started doma busontH yet1 Yes, 01/ IJ/OJ James 81 dill Gris wold This statement was fifed with the County Clerk of Oran&e County on~/16/03 2003'944999 Diiiy Pilot May JO. lune 6. 13 20 2003 f405 FldttiM llfsiam "-S....... Co1t1 Mtu, CA 92626 This bu,.ness Is ton d~led by an lndMdu1J tt..vw you ''"ltd dol111 bu~oneu yet? Yes. 5 l l 03 David P Bennett This 1Ut1m1nt w11 fifed with the County Clerk of Or11111• Cou11ty on 05/14/03 200Ht446H D"ly Pilot M1y 30. June 6, 13, 20. 2003 F406 ............ "-S..... The followlna persons are do1n1 bus1nus H P1I Moore Recove1 y Servicu. 1120 W Wainer Ave , Santa An1, CA 92704 Thomas Phtlhp Alen, 190!> W llall Ave • SAnla Ana. CA 92104 Thi~ busonus 11 LOil ducted by .tn ond1v1du•I Have you ~tar led dom1 business yet7 No Thomn P Alan Th•~ ~taleontnt w" hied with tht> Cuu111y Cler" ol 01<1nQt County un 06103103 20036946160 Daily Pilot Jun' b l J, 20.27,2003 f41? S.tl your Car /11 C.'lanlfl•d I .. Tllll followin• pMSOrt• .,. dotna business •~ Hultlly Body & Soul, 1980 Main SI, Irvine. CA 92614 Edith Tamar• Reid. 171 .23rd Street, Unit 8 Costa Mesi, CA 92627 This businns os con- ducted by: 1n indlv1du1I Have you started dom1 business yet? f'fo Edith Tam<111 Retd Tiits 1t1temenl wo hied with ttoe County c11111 of Onna• County on05/23/03 200J6t4S700 01lfy Pilot M11y 30. June 6, 13, 20. 2003 F401 PUTAFIW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 ___ l)(•adlines --- Moml.iy .................... Friday 5:00pm Tuc~OJ} ................ Monday 5:00pm Rate-; and deadline~ arc subject to change without notice The publt.,hcr rc-.crvc' the nght to ~cnsor. n:cl:l!>. 1ty. rC\ l\c or reject any cla.,)tfied .idvcnl\ement. Plca:.e rcpon any error th.ii ma) be in your dru."l>tficd ad 11nnll·d1atcly. The Daily Pilot accepts nn liability for any error tn an advcni...cmcnt for which 11 may be rc.,po1Nbh: c>.ccpl for the t.O\l of the. 'pace actlWll) occupied hy the error. Credit t..in onl) bu allow'-·d tor the fir'>l 111\cnton Uv Fax (94Q) 611 -65'>4 By Phoru· t1f-19) l>i2-'i67X By ~lail/ln Per~ou : HO we~• Bay ~IJCCI Cmia Mc"'· C/\ 92627 /\t Ncwpon Blvd. & lia\ "it Wednc.,d.I\ ......... Tue~day 5:00pm Thur..,day. . Wcdnc..,day 5:00pm f Pk.t\C Ilk ltu.k ~om nJ111t· .tn.:J plumt• numb...·1 .uw_I 'W\' 11 t. .tll 'tOO ., ..... L \#llh J tttiu· ~1uutt' • klcphonc M.30am ' (1(~1111 Mond.t)·f'ndJ) . llour s lndrx Walk-In X "l.u11 'i OOpm r..111ndJ\ I mla) Frida} ................ Thur..,day 5:00pm ~aturd~l) .. . ......... Fnda} 3:00pm ~um.la> . ........ . J-r1dJ} 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS [~I & MISC. 1010-1110 ' ~ RWESTAn RENTALS ~ 7402-7466 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL l'oclfl< view Mernorlol l'arlt, Vista Del M ar lot• 149 Sell S6SOO 949 S41 OS4S PACIFIC VllW ll"y v1t·w ft'lf."1~ t I 1f ~/0 I.Ht • '" 1Mrty S/000 ...... Iii\ Ir 1441 114 //4PN>• '1 Prime Adjoining Loh f'Ant II VII W 1111 .,,111 V11•wJ S/ ~J Pa '49 613 9201 Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TOI' SS 4 fl(COIU>S n c t>-l l< • 11 '0-. & ID< f< A"" ~"'' llrbl> ·lnlfJ'o M • t4'1 M'> /'oU'> EQIW ltOUSlfG OPPOITUllTl /Ill " •I ... I ti, ~" .. " 11° ut .. Ill fhl". llP#\.pdpt"t t ·.11l1j1t I lu lht: F ~der •I I "" 111111~1111: ACI of I 9b8 .1~ ''"'' nt11•d wh1~h "' 1kf'• '' 1llec .. 1 10 1rtv•111 • ~ny I",.,,., ,.fl, ft ltrnt1'1tton or f1P~r nnurt.ttmu bcl!i.f'ld nn r,u t 1 ufuf lt!h&Mln \f:1 h.t11<11, "II l"n11hdl \l41U~ ,, n•hf1n . .tl ''"i'" " An mt~nt1nn ''' m..tto· JtO'f urh JH,.t,.r,.n1,. t11wt.1 Imo c.ir d1'.'.t uount11t1on I h1~ ttt-"W• 'Mf\fl'r 'Niii nut knuwlO"fy cHU!pt .toy ddvtr h\t·mtnt f11r u•,tf to~tdtt-wtm h J'\ m "'"'"'""' of thr l.tw Our r~.lcff'J\ HP hf'rrhv 1nlnrm@d lhnl ~11 t1wrll lllR~ 1ldVtr t1·.1•d In I ho~ rww\pi4p• r ill• tYi'lldblf" un 11n 1 Qll •I "1'(1<11 tumly hd") In cr.n1pl.tin 111 dos u1m1nal1<1n c aH UUO toff lrl'• •• l ·800 4?4 8'>90 Auctions WANTED ..... 1C.DNSIGNMEftt-~ . . .. ~ 1419 $1 2305-2490 I Garage/ Yard Sales Garage/ 1489 Yard Sales 1489 PREMIERE GARAGE SALE IRVINE TERRACE, CORONA DEL MAR 18111 ANNUAL COMMUNITY S Saturday, June 7th, &om 7:30am -1:00 pm. Come to PCH and Irvine Terrace Drive (between Jambor« and MacArthur). Pidi up a map with a list of addresses. Sponsored by Marian Phillippi Prudential California Real ry (949) 24&-6628 C...-o.I Mar SAT 1-2 •{C..-ShwM)• tr:lll ()111j!t101 Rll lorn ¥1 1l<llh•1J' 1.111.-... 'hrkllf'fr. ~f"lll'. "11 COSTA M lSA fin.ii '~IJ>lffl' & ~M •l&• •~le All '""'I ~"' IO(h nl brd11t1 new buok\ & luv' f.lull1111~ • / 8 w .. nwn'i II ~ r l11ldrrn Sar 1 t2 • 273 I'.._ St Co1la Muo SAT I 2, 4 21 lry•on Sprln9•, ''"' 1111,.·. • olll'~ lot.I" """""" .~.u .... ojltlCt<.-. 'J bl! YlttalTl cJ ..... , """' ~ .... ..,1 PllUld lo ~ tM/S... 1:30 11111<.1• h•n household furn I wmt r r<Jk} cloth1t111 & mN 2476 Santo Ano Ava, Lost 1505 LOST Co<Jutoef kf•v. whrt1• yellow 0<an~ c1 .. ,,1..,. woff Whl'lllf> NAme Sk11lfl'\ Hew Md 949 ?37 !>999 lOS T DIAMOND lllNG @ llnaP. H<1 pilaf r undr ~···· @ I d #Ald\ lhe•lher 1n wunt~n' rrsltnoon lt£WAllD Ill 949-673 3703 3010-3940 • rmm aoos-as10 [¢1 ) soos-saso 9000-97SO Found 1510 I Furniture 3435 PetAdoptions 3660 FOUND PUPPY SOf A Germ-Shepherd• •II cul•.>r dtl tttt t ,, 4duptuio tu •iu tt1t cf homt~ www C\ltw.1w '''' 01 114 II l ~91'l CALl YO DlSCRlll T-Hide a ·bed 949·1 U -2323 fill( BUSINESS SERVICES Business Consultants 2315 lrttwestecl "' uw111ng ynut f)Wll h.,...._\, rho1k0li: of ~ap.1od1nc' NH<! ~11,;;i1 I 866 "67 bl 1"> 1 .. d • .,.,... btNI~ u'""'111111· ·~ ART/ PAINTINGS 3060 l'Htl OllC( PAINTINGS All Nrwpnr t Hllrbm" \lMr\ JO)( 40 t11f lb X ?4 w r IX)( ?4 we 1-100-133-9115 949-64S·9127 3460 MISCELLANEOUS JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS MERCHANDISE coo1t coin "•••" -Miscellaneous u1d cnw r r,,,,,, \1lv1·r Merchandise l"Weky, w•l1 llf'<. .11111111,... • olfO'I llfll,. 'l<i'J ()4/ '1448 3855 L~ra .. urdtn w.1~11n Cats 3610 du" 111111~" L1•1ut.h \trolle• 94'1 '>I'> 9311 l 00+ ll1SClJO) IOTTtNS, U\IS IJIJ(., 1.ilw•1., •• 1or .. WW¥t ... ,~ .............. l lfli M•>t .. r, I a-J1n1 ~J.wwl () OAY t<l4 IH GllAAM TH <)4<j 644 u l'J f1lll SPAY l<0 """'""" t<tl gp! .. kll111t ~!>0°'11 3 -ST((l IUllOINGS U1 I" 10 111 40• !,II '>0, 100 't.11.J IU lfr• I OllN' f.411 IJ•l••er1 Ru118001 4'1'1 llf.tl Under the Service Directory Banner Reac h 80,000 H omes Each Weck For Only $32 pe r week (4wcck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 '.1i .. Business Oppommitles Businesses and Franchises ORANGE 3905 COUNTY 5400 OPEN SUN l'l 4 30 JlHY JASMIN( CRHIC " I • r ''t. 'I t "" . .. ... . . ·~· . •' ........ H '°'" ""~· JI .,.., •••'f '-tN t1U•!i I\ .... I NfW.,...,. ~ ...... I" 1h•1 & v -..~• IV !L><lltrJJ ,,_ Sl>'i"1•1JJ -ti. Sl 11/illrl I .,.,.,,, f'l •I 'Hft1 ''Wl VI 01 C' ro•Gn THI sTou BalboaPeninsula MA•KETI ,.......,,11 fMdu I ,., 1 I\ uuly ,,,.,, ~f4•Urn:1 If v.,,I pdr lllt:r 1H1 Ir ult p111•HI in~ pru'11J1 t IHh ,. ,.., ..... , .... 1 t ,,, "'-'. \o v th .. lrm1I \ennu\ I '" 'H'I 29'> SI!?~ m1·t·lor1p, JlljJOtnlm<•nl unl1 AISOlUTl GOlDMINlt (,0 v•11d1nr mach·n~' with t"Ju.:lteut ltu • .-1huu-.. • ~1 SI099'.i !0>214 ti&' Offices b Lease 4540 c-. Mwo Gardon Sty4a llllu· lOl ':O~J UU oro.J A:. k-.n SI bl t Ill'< nt j.1<11~•111114 ~) l:t.6 S03 l•t lay. •••l•fl"" I 1 O, •• •1'11N1X//l 11 trM0 11 ,,.,..,,, 1 "'"" -.. OPEN SUN t • I 1"1 /ur" 11111 1 •rll' I 2UO SlAVl(W I • • COMING SOON• • 2 c ....... c-del Marc~. wr-1 uu kit• •1114 ,..,, 9444 A ,__,.,Ing c...-.- Corona del Mar I Lo<otlon ••• I 0111·• 11~· (" COASTUNE HAI.TY 949 759-0177 OPDI SAT-SUM 1-4 6 IS WJCA TIOUVL A Diamond an tt.e Oc•-Side of l'CH •Pd••~ If' U11 '-1hll .: fll• ~·aoLR rR ·~a.·•'' ••• ···"-' l'hl 'I , i:-• ..... \"-'"rm lit .... ·;tJ'>l!I bl.JJ '''°·' uwt lo.t.1411 l •1111 <'\Hr " ~ • 1 11 .liao lthtt" Offwed at $2,9SO,OOO COASlUNI RUlTY 949 1S9 0177 Newport Beach llv• In Newport leo~h I "' $I fo'1 1i111 Ill' Antd I\ t-.;• 11r 'f!lllJtlP mnb1lf' humf"\ •l Wat ... rtrnnt ........... C...-~ lk.y1 h~1 ~h •y YIP1' I "'Y ~ lac:ohon'l ,. u.-' t1•11 mm.: LAI.Miid "''' ~_,,_. •• ltn wO••~ P I• h .. m. Ip ll yr I~ " .• ' Ioli'" .. Ii• I ' ii m~ I dll r. llAI"' t •h 11 wrio-t 1">1 11. "" Ol'(N SUNDAY ~ Sl'IJ!JU bl'( 11111,w 1 .. ,... 114 6 24 1362 Bio• 949 l16 SS76 HOME FURNISHINGS • wm .w 11tttm s2s.o. llcd, tiger slriptd. 714-631-S210 Dogs 3615 Furniture 3435 t.AIUDO• ,U,S OfA --------CHF CHAMPION llNlS, TV C.W..., uJS1001 ~ p1 .. 11n11m bh•n•I• J80() STARTING fb.74 1d out ~ • 676 l'>'l 111!'>4 ~ & 'l it_ .. s-.. lit. Lon ~ J78.6!67 l'IB('f! '.l'CIUr ad 1roi11'> ! l '>4'» (•42-$6714 SEU ANEW W edd in g ExpePfs B USINESSffi SHOW~ASE Pilot f •• • • • • • • • • • The Legal Dtpartmmt at the Dnily Pilot is pkaud to amio1111ce a 1wu srrvice now availabk to new businesses. wt will now SEA RCH tht 1u1me far you at no extra ch11rge. and save you the time and the trip to tht Court Ho11Jt in Santa Ana. Then. of course, after the starch is compltttd we will flit your fictitious business nttme statement with the County Cltrlt, publish once a weelt for fo ur wulcs as required by law and thm file your proof of pub/icatUm with the County Ckrlt. Pltast stop by to jilt your fictitious bu.siness statnnmt at tht Daily Pilot, 330 W. &y St, Costa Mesa. If you cannot stop by. pli'ase call us at (919) 642-4321 and we will maltt a"a"Kemmts for you to handk this proudurr by mail If you should have any further qutstilms, pltase caU us and tJ)( wiU be mort than gl.tuJ to llJSist you. Good luclt in yo11r ntw bminess! Pilot I f - Y eefy Jlr 2" low• dUpie• 11 .. t I.II. w/d II# Ip, sltpt to b•y 11/petVs~ tYM now S2400/mo 949 723 *2 S. ley ,,..,, yrly 4br 2b• UpjMr duplu l Cir parlllna, l•und fac $321)()/mo 949·673·4062 21r I .Sia, w11i. to bHch, 424'S H1l1rl• nur Hoas &•r w/d hllup1, $1395/mo 949 645·3613 f rt0ay June 6, 2003 All •A~ Newpen ......... rllldilnal 4br (5411 8'/pme fnVOffice ..,.!HS) 5 5ba located Oii • QUift r.or-lot HAlf Off I at 11110 alMT F ot _., AHl8 l w/l.2 mo le-. New rtfnOdel c. Cod •lyte l:OllVTI, w/new dlshw11h1r a refr11111tor, cerpel & CM8mlc tile. WW./ary., ifllidlt @ ilj)I.. 18' 11095 28r Sl~ c.a Len (949) 646 2224 or 714-633 7592 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Cust om fe•lur es ttwoi.Wiout Sl .599,CXXI <OAmNMALTY DF-'IPERATE STRAITS, Df.SPERATI; Mf<.ASl'U~ PAIVIOUI PU'UU &Ol.VEO t4t-75Mt77 Balboa Peninsula 31r, Jla, S"fler 1tla1p ,,... remod 'ondo Steps lo bath, •••. 2 t4ll i•. S3mno Bill 9't'HOO 0471 NI/ Sir 2.Slo, family home, m111HlC.Hn v-ffom master 'llite. •v•• now $!lCXXl/mo ~ly agt Day~ 949 673 3899 Corona dtl Mar lrl1ht 21r, Ila, deck wsh di yer \unny lDrner un11 Sl3SO mo 121 Martue11tc 949 7'1 04SS llr lie, wal" to i.-h. h1h1 'b11a/ll no pet\, lea'9 Sl39'; mo tnclds utls 949 7?0 I~!> ..... 1111¥ ..... '-11 -Hsbor .. ;;s. I.Bl. 2Dlll lo !Ny, ..... New/t'rpVpM SI 700!\i 1se 949-718 1400 2br I 5lll1I twmm rw Ho1i1 lbp, PllbD. c:omm pooV 5'111 00 Pllll/lllll ' car'Plt 2 c p SI r.lO 9"9-293-4Eill Ilg '--2br 2bt <:ondo, l~s(. hreplc, 2 INlllO$, newly decorated w/d nldl Sll!6n 71~394-a I 211t YIULY AlNTAlS Newport Beach Pen11t Sl'IJO Sl950/mo •1t 949-613-7100 lft Cany.,, Tewwh..,,o 26r 18.t w master ~tl'"i room pool iacuut/t.,.,nl\ Sl9'.IO/l\'IO 714 t102 1846 71< 2lo Canela, den 2c pr 2,petios. CM!yon ,,_ •va~ July S21501m C.M Robert@ 949644 1367 VIia Paint e1ubtMldlna lOO<lo w!'l ma\lH$ on tiOlf coun.e. walk lD B.ack Bav. B I & F I Ava1t July I Sl200m "" 949 } 18-15.32 ......_..,..,&~w~ Su,,..rt """'-· .. porl 11• Perdlem ot PT fie• hours Must know Qudboob wel Resume to 111 ~ 73ot'J or ca• 949-442. 7JXl Ncllbcr vulnerable. Soulh deab. WFGT •6 2 "K 964 J 10 9 7 • K 97 NORTH • K 9 4 Q I0 5 63 •AQJ104 EAST • 10 53 A J2 A 8 S 2 • 116 s so rH •AQJ87 II 7 3 KQ4 • 3 2 Opcnrng le;id J;id. ol Ir > vu .are nol pn:p.irc:J to talc an l'IC<:d'l<>OllJ O\~. llfld~.: I\ not the P,Jme for )'~l\A Tllcre '' no ploce for ··,Jte. r.11~r lh,m '>Ofl)00 "'the ltrn.l!!e Wble. Whether you play 1-.1>-vvcH~nt TU ?Bit vn bellCh LOtt9 pvt lndry I carpol't, 12D>1mo Clean ' Ready• 949 2!'>1 ~ l9. llr Hau .. S2300m ' llr Aflt Sl'iOOm Open llou\e $11 ' Sun I 4 m Gokllnoo 949640-41.1' ly OU•, .. ew h(Jmt h~ht au y 2b• 2b• P•t10\ nu •mok pct Quiet ne•l(h S24SO mo 949 121 1279 i.... .. 31r 21• < , mini •ce-view, lrplc 2l~r 1ar n 'P~ll ltau S249'> mo 949 /20 1!>6!> 1-'\()<K IOU\ ?II< 21>.i. 'l Ip cwnlTy kit S28X>,mo Harbor Realty 94~673-4AOO • 119 Marta irilhi ,., 21/tlo .,..;;. • loft Newly rrmudfled IAYVllW HEIGHTS 20101 Cypress St 2br ufl '1>a new kit w1d S22'JOrn 41 Ch11sly 949 500 364H 9004 Automotive TaUSTUSAU llG HACH HOUSE 4H 2.51A • SHt,900 AGINT 949-219-2559 Tustin Randi lutblvff lbr lb• tow11home 2 c ... !!•• aa~ community po,,1 A~I S2300m" 949 673 7800 Fp, IVC wh11lpuol tub lt 31.t lba • •l•·11 1•.r t '"' IT .ummtt no S3300. mo 949 40J 8 . .161 wd IKHn .~., I ''""' ~·1 •~·N""1 rno1\t have I relh.ld W-. lo l>MtJI ? 1 •• 1n<!1 /14 J<'~ 4549 Costa Mesa P SJ200rno 9'$466 l fk, J I> 1, I I" .. ..___ I '"' 1, -lay Vt.w Jbr + ra PROMOTIONS -Oll'AITMINT ~ Ir_.~ "'-·~ I •ri• f plan <.U\f,,n ,. ,11 "<'W\IJ~\'" cft t.in """~ $!!){) Ui UPi••cl•d f)t> t """"" "'"• ,,..s ~ .... T\JST1N Ha.LS 1 •btJIOtr. C lbC! '.'.l A.9' IL• Sc.·~"*· S3800rT I••~ I>"'""' lo mlerview t1r>tom rom. l•~ yl!fd 94"1-'>411 7471 C..tt U. Nor•I•• 1'a .. l1an Realty "~' Nrrt• ~,.,,,.... p.vt.-i· 900() ..,,...,, '-'.itrful ~ I ~Gert c--i... 949•632-6489 ,,,,. ~, .. mmo1n1ty •v•n" Automobiles 'lilt 3~ "" "' ~ ....._ -···-"·• ff B OliwllCI at SI 14'>()')) by llr lo Af>t .., I"'' •d' la•tt.lu SJR 4 ' IJ1" •••I<' ••Kl P~•'""'" IMI!•' !he $utt.oll CrOU!' C.,11 l•'ll w•I~ t11 111 O>qu••t HM "'~ .. P''"' '• •""1 tn<l ,... '""" f •c•H•nt AIJtOmotJVtl 9004 DooNo Sutton •t 114 8JI S8~'> "''' Wat .. trd\h S4.l00 mu B••b•I• "'" • •ll•111un11•hon '>11111\ W•lfk 1---------1677 lor =!fl paid l'.~to M~ndt1•ment reg:•t Rltr 949 644 01'1'> j Nt·ll "'"' tfll-l>Vblit ~........ IMW Zl '97 <on¥. 4-'ll I l'HllUl'S AUTO t• •MW 3131 '"'"'· iutl\e< lllPllOI t,_ I olf' (193301 Stk HJ 00 IMW M lleoJ.r., Conv bla• ~ w I:' •Y premium wr.ttl<. (19388) ~'!!'HJ 95 Mil SUOO \ilv•r w IU Ay I~• 111'-r pr em1uru wh• ,.,. (19l90t ,,, 'ff'• 01 Pandt. r....i.o Tip only 181'..,.. 111'{ P • form.ant .. Nt-...-1~ (193941 'II<, ) "' 00 VWCobrio I 1.pir bto Yd .. ~I' 1!94i41 s ...... 9a •MW 1401 Hdiin one owrw-1 ~ • u N'""' POf1 5ed,;n ,,..,, r"'atd~ duorr..,d Hhl\ t 19340) '-?/'JI() Merced•• '88 Suba111 '99 -i;;prn• /"if(~ b.i • h~dul 1 l..J<)'J ..,.~, .ol R' 'V'•'l'> SlO ·.oo I 4 ,.,, 141)4 TflVfJIA 1UQ;i ~UJUOIA L 11111t .. d 4.tJ "',..~' fully 1',;idf'tl 4t.11Jtl m1 1.Jt!d ""'1 S.•1 rl]1 ')19/Ul ~ Volli.1wo9en 'Oo 8Htle k't mi ,, jf ~ IHl,• Lid k ~'n • 111t , ,, t I () " i ,, f Nhi\ .. ,,. ,, .. .;. ",,.,jJOCJ'°.J ... S Ji' I o• r • www o<pob• com VW Goff Gl '90 ' •• .. ..., f 1· ~ •h , "'"""' ... SI~ '"· I~ 4/l 'J-i?'ti AUTOMOBILES. MISCEU.ANEOUS Wanted 9045 -871 104 8&49 I •I 9?00 Tustl AP ,lvlt l)u~1klU'1~s •clu.il mo S ~ed ln<lti<• Mlll,_CI I aueous (' 21r Ila duplta n P1••1 ·J•'l.I Mutt• Ad u• dark blu• lli!11l l•n ont I ~ Operu1..1 ~ ~ bt:.tutrluty 1em.-•it4l-d r11 N0<1h ll·• r1~l,.<e01 .,, MAI IJ<'.iulltul "''~ onni.r~td (1..,., 4£1 1wr •P' ..,.. IJdt 00 JogolOF s '~ low molt!~ 1•Hl~d 1191711 $2'>'JH() RENTALS w d hhc> I ~., hu!.~ I Tintln Hiii• 1111 I CCI design '"''° $14 99'> v011':>9741 9• L..rtn GS 1 .-, 1,. .•• r 1,.. ;'1'• 11"'1 Y•d lie! r,.., SllO'm llf>•u •'•'•"• ''' •'° ,.,,, .. ~"'~ lJ••lert•d ')49'>1b88RR R~r Chtl><N'J """"~'·· . .,, ., '"' • ''"' ~1 '°' -RenQ--l·T·o·Share------~~·1=6~.~:1~~~ ·;~.7~.;"~~::· .. ,.'.· ~r;~;:.:'~~r .. '7:~: ~:::~•··,~02.,,.0.~~~:: !194~''". ''s·',IW' • ~: ·~.CA>~~ q ._, fl•( l ••ll~ntbenrt.t 11 fOO •!l•l~·~iZ:'ll Ne___. l c.h lacli. I lot.at.on SAii <.t'I' f .;1 4 A1'(1rQ• '•~.Jti.I I ' I m.ot '"""""' ·•Im~• thr nil•r 'b,-h ... -.· · , room• .M,:;r v«bil tour nl ct. ..._., r• "" "'" 1 S. ;-. 00 I" • 1 ·• • • IJ794 l Sl4 'J'J<, ...... 01 fo<tl r-•wd CASH FOi CilS .. • c • •• home t..w1 ut t ""t•1• ''"'~~ aod ...ai.v~ S~ fin & .. ari•nty only 4'.lf i. Wl HUD YOUR CAR lb\;'"" lllm pro/ sr.Qno you .,, ""'" RemaJt Clara f ., ' r ll "'' •" • n t \ t ' ... aol B~• 949 '>86 11188 119184-h 4J PAIO FOR OR NOT ... BOAT REPAJRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE ,., r.'·~·, i' ;,,. ... 1,.411 "'J o Pteu.ire ~ 'lot<: IS' -Ar"t_,, H C" ·wt~-tl • HnJ1r11o. ~' ocm, ~ I •11 ..... , ,~ 9"'J·•e t • "•:t ~:1eo.•) .. , 5t...t!r.C. .. l" .n "~ ..,. IJ,.i'' ,,.,. f'\1 ~· ra t.s "l 1' ..1•. ot_f ·~''ii ,.,.. .. , ~ 2S £" ... oc a k: .. " .ll ~a>es ai'l~r1 l T~1~--'-'•""-: )":! ~" ",,.,,_~ .,. ....... :i.c c..o,~c1 \ll41~ uhh 949 ~3 ~ :'~ :::u:;a:r a; 949-29 S-9988 t .rw ,,,,,,..._,(v~bmes Ulm w-·•<pabl.c..,, l'HllUl'S AUTO R UUlll -----01 ......... rt J.2 ASIC FOR MALCOLM 93 ff Slll' AVAllAlll Roomsfof enl -lb IN!~ 28Jlnd ~ I Rental1Wanted 788a ClASSlf l(D roao AlaOSTAR ''IS mnomn ... I •>1drrl' 949·S74-7777 IN NEWPORT llACH c..t I.,..,., lib·, ""'I '' dlf '> 11.1 ' 'l'>~ m1 11945~1 $l4 'J81°l S2SOO llASI l'.W. CM fwnhm art P"' rntr< 0-21 44 to lrl~n •• Rupon1lble, mot.,r• H iio A I '""d' U900 949 SOO-tOOS •IT\lbl dlrln, pr w•d female ....... r•nlal In 949 n2 8297 99 MBl CLK310 BOATS -I IV~ .... prf(d Huntington Beach COUA MISA. HI, Nl'I It's the solut1'on ford """''•"II CPl '98 blad• bl<I' k l•••h•• -------I IOAT ~ NOW AVAi. S1tO»+ 'IAA 96646..oli 21r ,,.. ""' Month llR llA HAVl A DOG. VG 7f..• "" lull I ,, •• ,,~<! ' chr ... med ....... , Power Boats 9515 ;:-:.; • :::;,,, ~:y:~ a-1 • Optl..,,al f'llvft~ SI 000/MO. RIJS. 1 • lnl 1 r ~ "'I"' "''•n•• t19lJl 1 S.'fl iA!I RESIOENTIAlAENTAl.S pahot fpl< t•r~r unit CAaOl949-S74-4241 • h S8 00C'~4'1/l\fijllf, •u Sct.od. EIKlri< liltt ~•-•kl 'l49-67s-&M7 ORANGE 7400 28a ~~, .. ,,., "A••er WANTID room rent•• you researc mg ........ S-Type 4.2 VI 949-574 7777 ' 41 .... lid•~! .. 1 COUNTY Sl 2~ mr. Clov tn 40'> w ~ ltt •ldlc>lrldel~ '03, 151 ''" wh1tr PH&lWS AllTO L'11••.. ••••I "'l' & Buell Blvd Mu~I Lr ~ ""'" Wllll rder for-whether <>•lmt-•r Ith< d '" ,,,~ .............. o.<-. s>'"1 94'1 /'i . .,. quahlH'd 714 8'7 lf>l I ""'""· $400rr19i&EfrO "JEb1 ..-i, .;......i ...,,., ~""I '00 1&11 Dvffy ~ Balboa ~ lbr lti. CMO ...... HOUS( sm1• AVAIL I~ SJ99':1'-"" >n')'ff:.'> .... • ... .. ,. ••• I t•t --------1 tti P• romrr ~··~ ·~ CM NP£> hihl ma1nt• you re seeking a "49 '>86 1888 Blor I 1 ' 1 '' d '""' '-"• YIAalY .&•deo.256. wd n•..,. Jlldtor,1Ni'. n•n<e &.1ep•11P•1tr• -., w......, '00 4.0 Mor<ocln '00 l320 l rJ t "149 /U,"Yl 21. pr. ""ll!e folfflOly llorM '§I SliOl 9'9-61~ Ml• } ,. ':>9?·4949 h t ...., fuocJ • -ct at I '"k .. I u• " '"" Sailboats 9520 I Oi>or to the IJ"Kh M-.uf8each ome, apartmen 1 CD lwrel lt4J ~It tnp ~ '"'"'¥ wart lur~u '' • Av<&Nblenow S34CXllmo """'"'"'" SELL mo SIS!nl 94'J6N>85'Jl 1 blu• u 4tJn•4J 11111 llda 14 , •1615, 1964. M~•attdRuttv lfDOYlillYUASl t Mazda •99 M lato moonrool CO lhlu"" ;v, d 1111•• •udd•r aa'h ~ 4200 & uoo SUMMlR HOMIS I your stuff pe or new CrJnv 4'>k ml autn I whl\ 1)0~ .,, Iii. , .... ._, '""' •11•" "U'"i I OJll Bait.... &.f nd Bill GRUNOY RtAI IURS I \llvN lJn top pw pl mile Mertedr• ul the I,•·•~• t. tr"'~' f.,p ond tuWtal 949-675-6161 through occupahonl. A C CO \UP4-tb l1h new yu r 111 r alif ••'>'>//'II SI SOO W, 87!> '>768 IAST IAY JaONT Newpott Buth Pen11l\ut• U tond ••I 1'174 l Sl2 ~ S79 99') fiMnun~ ·••' Harbo< 20 •l-1 - APflbrlb.t f,,.pl1<• STUOIO APARfM(NTS Classified! lln•nunc ' w•rrant1 1 B ~r 94 9 586 lFl~li Nowllecttlu,llnu, \llare l•und•y Sl800 m" 1va1i.bte •rt Sl!IO $9'>0 •• .,1 Bkr 949 586 IW -.ocpab.com S 17,000 abo t4t-673-4062 949 6/S 1800 w-.o< .. abl.<om 949.233.7753 ~~_( .• : , .. ~ HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS ~-- PUTAHW WORDS TO WORKfOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 ... ,..,, .... ...... ,., ., ', ,.~ ". ~.>.•"" I)} (~rt ..., ,.,.. '" ~ r1 dllfllf .. ~'I' ' "' ...... !.Jl~"· Y' ;~;';FI.:.' ""'"""'"" t'~ ·~~8!>$ '1 A 1C>,..4tl'~ .-~···· .. _, t • '• ~·HIJ1 SJ t"!~ :a\ {Ai;. .. ..,.~ T. !11 ... ~. , ¥' n~... ' ....... ,...~ ERVICE for all your needs... & Celtlorn1a law re quires that cO<ttr .ec tors lak1na ,obs !hat tol•I S500 or more (lebor or mat1t11ls) be ftcenwd by the Contrac tor~ State Ucenie Bo••d St.tie lew alw requtrts that cont11clors include then hcenw number on all advert~ You C¥t cl!Kk the st•lu' o f your llcennd contra c tor at www calb ca 1ov or 800 321 CSLB Unli n.nud 'on tr ac lots taUn1 toba t h1t total Ins than SSOO must 11111 tn theor advtr tlaements that thty ire not hcenstd br. the Contr acto" S le llc•nst &o.r d • fMnlNe tn-..s lllldltn I BMh I tt.nodrtl ~•uw;•us.cxm ~ ':'1;:!:«'. 96645932'> c.,. A -1 HANDYMAN ln1t1ll, rtfece cablnels ~ ......,._Dows n4-W72!5B .w ......... Cu1I0111 8ullt-IM, Crown ~llC'· 8tM Boards ll577'12 .. Hot ~2 0.,.. Arp 1lnt•11 o a.tt•<MnTo "-s>•lr•. l'atclllfll, ll'ISt•ll Oovrt.oua. '"',.,.JM• Wllol ..... I ..,_492 020I SAVE 35%0N Carpet • Furniture f~C~ BROTHERS CARPET SERVICE 800-559-7181 COlllllM Sltvlca COMP SQUAD INC. h )'OUT compurtr •IC!" 1 jllf( ltkt )WI UI, rht-y need IUllC upt \lt'c ITl1'IO' YWl IDlcmtl clUtt<f hack • lfl)' • worm no1.an ind all thrcau clean Ill dmu .and .-n dati w, can mnmr d;au to )"001 MW lO\)lfllllCI \lt'c ltf up ~oflu big and small. lir~lls C..bk/O)LJOW.up Modcmi. C.Omplnc 1mall bwuitss taVtca. \ft,,.., #,.., flf',.., (11111 ~'" ~~JS NOW MI 150,00 9'9·394-2905 I.JC , .. "' INH & IUSINISS ltll'AJltS Up111adn, Repairs of Compute< Networks £ ventnr~/Weellend' Competitive p11,es lor quality it< v1t 949-136-1175 714 -926-4 221 Concrete & Masonry lrldl Ii.di Steno Tiie Concrete P.itllo. O."'eway r weplc B8Q Rtrs 1!>Yr~ Eap rwy 714 S57 7594 The Cement M- c~mentwork BrlCll, 1111 ' More Reliable No 1nb too small 714 6lli 9062 ConstrvdnlConlr NIED 11oa1 aOOllll? 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Quality work hr !Yin• • l J.(&j ku 714 531 1643 c ' c e.g,.11 7148)3-U"JQ Moving & Storage Plumbing 11n MOVlas SSS/Hr. I S(Wll <;.orw" All c~ lnsilecl ,_,.., .. "u-ll~l&\4 !0>246 237'8 ----3716.l> 9971 ~ ~~(.,.,,t4~t_.)~6..,.4,,,S.,.,-2"'S""5""'2:=-r PUBLIC NOTICE HOMUT & i uSONAiil Pl UM81 R l •~586 F1• Call Sm 1tp111ri.. OCTFCU O.C 714 ~ 9150 lol6.14183 I aOllNSON COlllll'ANY llllclwts, Wl!IA Battwnorr& Mark 949 650 9!>1!> Th,. Calli Public Ut1l11te Cornm1u1on r•u•m• th•I •II und hOU\•hnld aoods mover" 0111\I the11 PU C (al l number hmo' ~nd d ,.utteur\ print then TCP numbtt '" all adver t1,emPnh II you have an) QIH',t>Ons about t.h• 111al1ty of a m ovtr, limo or lhaulteur ull THtMMDYllllAN All worll aua,.nteed ~ EIK'lral. Doon.. Fnstl c:p *-9&2111811> Hiiiing JUMIC TO THI DUM,111 714-968-1882 AYAILABLC TOOAYI 949-~73·5566 ,UIUC UTILITIES COMMtSSK>N 100 117-&167 ..... lttf ... UIUlAIMI ••Dote a c... 111"-*0MI ...... (MJtl31-:li771 Plumbing T • loco I' ""' or I-...,. ' ,1 -48T lo SI WI R If lll"IG [l( C: HIONIC <.t Ali ll ~K D£fE1 TlrlN J ' .. "' ,. 949 67S 9304 "1t#/'Yl!t,.....~~ •• .t: c, .. PoolSeMce Ma•al< l'ool & Spo SYc WPrkl~ S.rv• • ! l••·P "1POI RPµ11r' ln'\1Hf"l'j Cati 949 29 2 1173 Piombino "8 l•ro o1 R-n &. ·~·(.......I (949) 548..()769 .............. .,f"I. rt SEU your stuff ~ classified! 'v •;, .. LINCOLN • MERCURY Plua 1ov__.i (;:ea Mid l&MS, my fillllllCe charges. any dc•ler cloaunent preparalmn chwtlc. md any cm"""" l<•llllJ chargt" RI HATI 11' I 11 l OJ WI l IAI LOW RA11 11'-A1'<. INO 2 At This Net Cost "\.Uo,fM:)) ()2-14.1('11 Pio• ,cw~ rec.. llld -eoy ONlK't chu@~. any dealtt document prcpat111ion , h•r11c. and "'1) <ml'>IOfl 1c,11n1 d>.ttf< kl BA"rl I' I IH CJI en I """ '". 0' \l'l'KO\ I I> t"RI orr 2 At This Savings 1)0171111J07i.()71 Pfi. ~ fca mid ia~ lfty llnancc ~ 111y lkaltt ~m prcparauon d1ar11c. ond an) cm"""" le,llnJ charge RI· RATI IN I II l OI O'• 11'1/\1'(. "(, ().._ 1\PrROVI IH RI l>rT 1 At This Net Cost 1(171~1 1 At This Net Cost 160711621 .. ,iif a-chatFt. any de.Jer ~ fl"l'par&llun dW'J<. ond any ctTIJHIOn ICS11n11 •h•rs• RI 8 1\TI• IN IJJ·U OP 'WH IAI I OW KATI 11"'11\'-CINO 1 At This Net Cost 1Mf>4CJ(l1 USED CARS 96 FORD CROWN VIC LX (209621) Xlnt Condition, Full Power *7880 01 FORD EXPLORER SPORT 2WD (4MOX821) Only 20K Mile, Clean, One Owner, Auto, CD, Full Power *t a,888 02 FORD MUSTANG CONVT. (179515) Auto, Leather, CD, Full Power, Showroom Fresh *t 8 1 888 02 DODGE DAKOTA QUAD CAB (S25539) VS, Auto, Full Power 00 LINCOLN TOWNCAR (903336) 32K Mile, Mint Condition, Moonroof, Chromes, Loaded 01 LINCOLN LS (601455) Sport Pkg , Moon Roof, CD, Loaded 02 LINCOLN SIG TOWN CAR (665897) Leather, CD Sta~ker, Showroom Fresh 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD (J24487) Certified, One Owner, Low Miies, CD, Ghrome1, Sharp