HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-07 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. . . . . . - . . . . . • . . . . • • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY,JUNE7,2003 L.A. jump-starts El Toro battle . Revelation that L.A. mayor asked federal government for airport at closed Marine base revives debate thought settled by passage of Measure W last year. June C1111r1nde Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT BF.ACH -After months of ear-splitting silence, the debate over an El Toro airport has suddenly roared back into the spotlight. Local leaders and airport activists were abuzz on Friday with I.he news chat Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn has se- ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL No choice now but to take it to Game7 • EDITOR'S NOTE: As a special feature, Guy Hebert, a Newport Beach resident and former goalie for the Mighty Ducks, will write regular diaries about the team and ita experiences throughout the Stanley Cup finals. T here Is something special about home Ice advantage. Isn't there? I had alluded to that earlier on. during the playoffs, and It has certainly come to light here In the Stanley Cup finals. Bor.h teams have played their best GUY HEBERT games of I.he series at home, and this has resulted In the home team winning all five of I.he games to thJs point You ask how this can be -howcan a team play bener at cretly asked I.he federal government for a green light to open a commercial air· port at the closed El Toro Marine Air Base. "I'm quite pleased wir.h I.he leadershJp Mayor Hahn has shown on Ltus regional issue,· said Tom Naughton, president of I.he Airport Woridng Group. "I Lhlnk. it's long overdue. . . . AWG suppons it l00%." QUESTION Is there still • ch•nc. for •n •ltport at EJ TOf'07 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to ? • dsilypilot@lsames.com. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. The El Toro Reuse Planning Aur.horlty. which sides wir.h Sour.h County residents who wouJd be subject to the noise and or.her downsides of El Toro, spoke out to FIRST CLASS oppo~ Hahn's move. "We are outraged r.ha1 Los Angeles leader. have I.he effrontery to try IO u~urp I.he wiU of Lhe voters and I.he elected officials of neighboring junsdic- uons, • aur.honty Olairwoman ~1in11 Wallen. sa1d in a ~tatement. The push to create a commercial air- pon at 1-.1 Toro to accommoda1e fu1ure air travel demand was effecuvely hailed after voters approved Mea.,ure \\ hv a 2-1 margin in March 2002 In r.ha1 b..Ulu1 voter'> approved what '><>me callt>d the "C..rea1 Par1c·· concept to dec,1gna1e tlw land for a u-.e 01hcr than a-. an airpun ~me ~w I.he vote a'> the final v.ord lO I.he f::J Toro debate 1\ewpon Beach ctnd Costa ~tel>a actl\'L'>LS .t1ooou., 10 keep the idea of an E.J faro a.upon aJ1H• have had trouble findmg ctn dUdiemt· -unuJ now "Absolutely v.e '>Uppon that. but I don't thmk I.here·., anything for u~ to do." ~d Newpon Beach < 11y C.ounnlman Tod H1dgeway '"'ho al'>o -.it'> rm the tnOu en11al C:.Oulhl·rn C .alllorn1<1 .\-,\n ol < oCJ\ • ernmt-111 ... ·in '\ehp11n He<1l h wt• ha'e ..tlwa\'> --.ud thJI \\t' rt' 11111 111 tlw dlfl>ort See EL TORO. Pa&e A4 Council may limit its power to rehear Dick Nichols. who hac; called up several planning deci sion~. is impetus for 2 ac tions on agenda. June Casa&rande Daily Pilot '\F\\'POHl BL.\1 11 -In orw ol f\\lJ ..ic- tmn.., aimet.l JI < ow1tllmJ11 I J1d :'\ll hol'>. the Cm I oum ti h1ll '''""'Jt•r Tut-...dd\ \ .. tier.her 10 limn the p<J\Wr of mdMdudl council mt:'mlx'"' IO rrurnr Jt't t'>1on<, of the PLinnmg < omnll'>'>lUO cUld < 1f\ ,ta.IJ The counul lllJ\\ lhl.' tht• authnnf\ 10 raU an} Plc1nn111g < rm11m~on deo\lon up lu l'e\:on.,1der the 111.lllt'r Tlw !'tannin~ Lornmt.,.,11111 h<c. I.he powt•r ICJ do I.he <;aJTit' \.\1th dt't t'1011' ol thl· \lod1fit au um Lommlllt't' nr de1:1,111n' h\ lht• pldnnm~ See COUNCIL. Paae A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Alzheimer's . . . home than on I.he road when bor.h teams remain constant and only the surroundings have changed? It Is exactly that. The swroundin~ are what makes one team feel comfortable and --it-~~~th~e~orr.h~e~weU.alittleout~o~f==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'.'_~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unfamiliar ice surface. dl.trerent bounces off boards and other little idiosyncrasies add to the change In environment. However, what constitutes the biggest and most affecting change are the fans and I.he role patient mis 1ng -after leaving weFk- they play In the game. No doubt for the Dudes. they entered an arena filled to the brim with veteran playoff fans who knew that their team was absoluteJy desperate to wln Games. Game 51.s historically the winner-take-all game. So as not See HOCKEY, Pa1e M Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ON TIE WEB: ~.~can WEATMER ~ h Juet doeen't 1"' Ille• • WMlcend without eun. Hlghe wlH ~out It ebout 701n~Mne. ... ,...A2 WINNING VIDEO Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot SEAN OUfR[N[ DAILY PILO.i Students of Sage Hill High School's first graduating class walk to their seats as the ceremony begins. '\1-WPURT BLACH -A .U \ear old \it>\o\o'J>Orl I !arbor Yacht Oub worker with -\lzhe1mer'<, c.J1c.ea~ was reportl'd mt~­ mg 1-ndav after he didn't rome home from work on Thursday night Sage Hill School In Newport Coast held Its first graduation ceremony on Friday afternoon. honoring 35 students with high school diplomas. Graduating senior April Kirn of Irvine and junior Paolo Leon of Costa Mesa spoke at the ceremony. Thirty of I.he students graduating from I.he independent high school. which opened in 2000 and bas 350 students, will attend a four-year college or university In I.he fall. GuadaJupe 1 ru1ilJo Acevedo of fusnn, a custodian at the yacht club, left wort at about m1dni¢l1 Thur<;day . ..aid KJm 8aJ· ley. director of education at the Alzhei- mer\ As5n. Of Orange County, where SPORTS ThrM toe.I athletes ldv•nced to todlV't stat• tr-* and fteld ftnals. S..Plp81 . NEW COLUMN ~ Meu S.Olor Cent..- encutlve director Aviva Goelmen ..-about 1he cenw't memben and their eoctv-. ... ,...A2 MISSING ANTIQUES co.-. Plalce condnue ~for ..... goocM. ... ,.... ' FAMILY TIME For the fun of the game I f you've ever put ln some time as a Uttle League or IOCcet coach or a a camp cowuelor or ln some other ahort-term aupervlaory cap8dty, you understand why teacben teach. kidl. WottSng wtth kids and making • dtft'erence ln their ltws la an incredible feellnc. If lt Mn • ct.,., I'm sure It would be oudewed. beCa\lie fl .. IO ~I dodt lbll* I mlde much of• dllraEiM ln the II* al the kidt I c:oedied mMbMlbell~Ourlllt ... -~---- STEVE ...,... you're a parent Rlgbt now. most ldds -not all -are just thrilled to be comped.ng; to be outdoors with no one telling them that ~ ru1n1ng their clot.ha wtth graa stains or th•t they be~ bomewodt to do. When youn a ldd on the playtnj IWd. ... U. la uspende(I for two boun. ~·ow -.n> did not do u Wei .. .,,,.,.. had~ .. dkl ........ c IDOmlNL A lot ol QIM durinC our IUDe a. Moodl'y u 1Wt'tlalltl ...._School ......... ,..,. ... o1 See MISSING, Pqe M • J I . • A2 Saturday, June 7, 2003 Daily Pilot BOQ.MERS & BEYOND KENT TREPTOW DAILY PILOT Steve Johnston, who got involved in radio through the Army, now hosts a radio show aimed at seniors. Making something out of nothing At 13, Steve Johnston started on a journey that has taken him through Army radio and Bible narration. Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot M oving to Newport Beach in 1956, when he was 13, Steve Johnston's future looked bleak: His family wa .. homele!>S for six momhs and then lived in a garage. His father was an aJcohohc. and hi'> mother couldn't drive a car. "I remember when I was m I.be sevemh grade at I lorace Ensign Middle chool and was called into the office. they ~ave me a box of clothe.'\," the 60-year-old Johruton said. "I didn't reah1.e how poor we were. I was weanng holey ieans. the same thing five days in a row ... He said he wa!'I '>0 embarr~~ed, !>O chagrined Lhat he thought at that pomt that no one was gomg to ~top him 10 better his life. Johnston decided he wasn l going to live like that, so he CALENDAR •Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-m ail to mike.6wsnson@/st1mes com, by fax to (949) 646-4170, o r by ca lling (949) 574-4298 Include the time, date and loca,tion of the event, as well as a contact phone num ber. A complete listing Is available at www.dsil ypilot.com. WEDNESDAY JHnne Flint from the Alzheimer's Assn. will present Daily walked to Thompsons Market at 30th Street and Balboa Boulevard. I le was hired as a box boy and cashier at~ 13, and became the manager of the market by the time he~ 16. He paid for his first dentist visit out of his pocket. after 13 years of never havin.g dental care. Working every day and attending Newport Harbor High School. he managed to be a track star and a lead in a play. He gradua ted from Orange Coast College. went to Long Beach and earned a degree in radio. becoming a radio announcer for the U.S. Army in Germany for four years. "I won an Army commendauon an d other awards for radio and producuon!> ... Johnston said. Everything was going weJJ. I le went from a private to an F-6 in hnJe more than two year-. and was called by tht• Pentagon 10 go to I lollywood to do rdd10 and produce some thing'> there for the American Forces Hadio and Television (\ervices. From there. he accompli!.hed many things in his career. including being a radio DJ m Orange County and owning an "Focusing on M emory Loss" from 6 30 to 7·30 p m. at the Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Viciori a St., Costa M esa. The presentation will address various causes of memory loss and diagnosis and treatment For more information, call (949) 646·4652 THURSDAY A frH bone density screening w ill be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mo ther's Market, 225 E 17th St., Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 631-4741. Pilot VOL 97, NO. 158 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publtsher TONYOODEAO Editor JUDY OETTING Advenf11ng OlnlClor LANA JOHNSON PromollOna OlnlCIOf News Editors Gina Alexander, Lon Anderson Paniel Hunt, Paul Saitow1t2. Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Oeepe Bhefattl Crime and ooul1S reponer. (949) 574-4226 c/Hpa.bh11r11th l11tlmH.oom June Caaagrende Newport Boecfl reporter, (IM&) 674-4232 jufHl.C.U(Jrant»Olatlm•.com PaulCMmon Politic., buslneM and anvlronment reporter, (IM&l 784~30 pauf.clln~ fllarlm•.com t.oltt.a ._,_ Columnltt. culture ~. 1949157~& loll~.tt.f'/>ilr#llMtm. oom ~ ........ Cott•~ l'9p0ttlr, (848) !57~21 ~fttlWff'ltln •'-'"*oom a ........ c.... Eduoltion 1'9P0'1S, t ... ) 57"""* dtrl.d,.. c.mno lat/,,,. com advertising agency for 20 years with a hlgh school friend. He now performs Bible narration and other productions. "I staned narrating BibJes in 1981 and do all the National Park driving tapes, such as Yosemite, Yellowstone Park - all the parks," Johnston said. "I dramatize It. put actors in. It's very popular. I just finished 'Shiloh,' a UttJe documentary, · with more than 40 voices from South Coast Repertory and sound effects..• He said be was born working on ideas. "I started with nothing but ideas and built things on air: Johnston said. "The truth is, I always thought of life as an opponunity. If you choose life. you choose opponunity. • Hts philosophy •~ that 11 doesn't matter where one is in life. it's 1rvponan1 to take advantage of oppornmiry. "As you grow older. you need 10 reinforce more and more that there are nothing but opportuniues out there for you." Johnston said. Believing in those words. he start ed a syndicated radio program aimed at baby boo nw !">. JUNE 18 Phil Brigand!, Orange County arch1v1st, will discuss what is 1n the archives as they relate to Costa Mesa's history at 7 p.m. at the Costa Mesa H1storicat Society, 1870 Anaheim Ave . Costa Mesa. For m ore informa1ion, call (949) 631-5918 or send e-m ail to cmh1story a;/snset com JUNE 25 "WellnH1 and Heeling" 11 a free seminar to be held from 6.30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St .• Costa M esa. To make reservation s. - Coral WJl90n News asslatant, (949) 574-4298 cor11/.w1/sont.!! /1111mes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don L.eecn. K.ent T reptOW READE.AS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Record your comments about the Deily Pilol or newt lips. Addr9M Our addreu le 330 W B1v St , Costa Mesa, CA 92827 Office hours are Mond1y Friday, 8·30 1.m. · S p.m. Cotrecdona h 11 the Pilot's policy to promptly correct 111 errora of eubtUlnoa. PleaM cell IMS)~. fY1 TheNewport~IM .. Dally Piiot IUSPS-1""80011• publllhed ~11v.1n Newpolt BMCh and Cota MIN, eubtcrtptlon1 are 1vellabl• only bV eubtcrlblng to The Timee Orange CountV (IOO) 25241141. In arN1 outllde of Newport Baac:h and Cotta M .... l\lbeQipUone '°the O.Uv Piiot are available only by firtt cl1N ~ti for '30 P1f month. (Pnc.a Ind~ •fl eppllcl~ Nte Ind too.I tllCll.) POSTMASTEA: &.id eddt.., cNngee '°The Ntwpon ~MIN Deity~ PO. • "It's a radio program on XM satellite radio called 'Don't Act Your Age.'" Johnston said. "The show is for grown-ups with lots of living to do. It's hosted by Rick Scarry and Martha McFarland." The show features different people -such as "CSI" actor Robert David Hall, who turned his life around later in life - Gild Johnston has a large collection of interviews that he and his buddies did back in the Army in Frankfurt. Germany. ·we had a reunion and • decided to pool our talents. All contribute to chJs program, all did interviews," Johnston said. Janis Joplin, Tiny Tun and Ella Fitzgerald are in their coUection of interviews. They ha ve about 50. Addressing issues that baby boomers and older people face is another important put of the show. "We set up the stage so people can live active, full and rich lives and stay enthusiastic at the same time." Johnston said It's important for him to help people find what they love to do -and have them change their lives to do what they love. call (800) 595-6667 JUNE26 "Five Keys to Vibrant Living" II a free seminar to be heki from 6:30 to 8 p.m at Mother's Mar1cet. 225 E 17ttl St , Costa Mesa. To make reseNations, call (800) ~ JUNE 28 The Co1ta Mau Senior Center will hold a flea martcet from 8 a.m. to 1 p m. at the center'• parking lot, 695 W. 19th St Spaces cost $10 for members, $20 for nonmembers. Reservations are required. For m ore information, call (949 646·2356. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Copyrlgh1: No news stories, 1llustratlons, editorial matter or advertlsemen11 herein can be reproduced without written permi111on of copynght owner HOW TO REACH US Circulation The Times Orange County (8001252-9141 Advertising Qauffied 1949) 642 5878 DltpCay (949) 642-4321 EclftoMI Newt (949) 842-5680 Sports (949) 574-<1223 Newt Fu (949) 848-4170 Sportt ,... (949) 860-0170 E-malJ: d1nypllOtOlatl,,,...com MetnOMee luefneu OW. (MS) 842...U2i lu9'Mee Fu 19'9)'831-7128 Publl•hed by Tim.e Community Newt, • drmlon of the Loe A~I" T1mea. THE OLDER CROWD Costa Mesa Senior Center is a 'treasured heaven' Everyday since my August2000 appointment as executive director of the Costa Mesa Senior Center, I have felt so fortunate to serve in a place that is bright. vibrant and always filled with the chatter and laughter of active people enjoying the AVIVA GOELMAN Don't think the cente(s members don't get around We've taken trips to Otlna. Russia and Canada. the latter to see its beautiful fall colors. ln September, we have a 10-day visit to Japan golden years of their lives. The center truly is one of Costa Mesa's best treasures and Is vital to the fabric of our community. As I get around this city. I find citizens who have lived in our community for many years. Yet many have never heard about us.. The center is a nonprofit governed by a caring and com.mined board of dlrectors. We survive, quite u,eraDy, through corporate ftlnding. grants and personal donations. But these days. funding sources are very scarce. The center offers so many reasons for our community's seniors to be a part of our family. New and wonderful friendships bloom here. There is lively conversation about the issues of the day. It is a place to learn and be entertained. But the center nourishes more than just the spirit. Our members enjoy a hot meal at noon. And if they're homebound, we deliver meals to them. We provide them transportation to their doctor appointments and provide rides to the center so they can enjoy all of our activities. If you poke around the center -and I encourage you to do so -you will witness a hive of activity. Our members socialize while playing bridge. bingo and pinochle. They play pool in our billiard room and talk politics in our beautiful library. Our health-conscious members participate in our many health and weUness programs -from chair exercises. balance and mobility. and Tai OU to yoga, aerobics and jazzercise. And we enrich their minds through classes on cooking, computers. health issues. financial management and even organizing a photo album Equally important, we help them keep in touch with family and friends through e-mail. Where else would you find all of these under the same roof? scheduled. And for the gamers among us, our day-trip and overnight excursions to casinos are wildJy popular. What's remark.able is that our annual membership fee is just SIS. It's a small sum that provides seniors 55 and over with a monthly subscription to the center's newsletter and access to our many special events during the year. These include our Fourth of July celebration. Monte Carlo night, Luau and Step Out For Seniors beach walks. The center's importance to our community was best described by former Daily Pilot columnist and current Costa Mesa P.Mks and Recreation Commissioner Byron de Ara.kal in rus Between the Unes colwnn in June 2001: ·As time has hurtled forward in their lives, they have often found themselves abandoned. without friends or companionship. Our toss-away culture is more content to warehouse them instead of engage them. We're just too busy swilling our lanes and managing our portfolios. All of which LS why the Costa Mesa Senior Center is a beacon in our community." As the director, I have the privilege of being there every day enjoying tbelr stories of yesterday and looking forward to each day as a new adventure. I am not alone in this, as the center has a wonderful caring staff and board of directors. It takes all of us to make this the special place It is. Please stop by and visit or join the seniors for lunch. Get to know our older citizens who have contributed so much to our country and our community. Byron de Arabi saJd it best "We owe those folks..· • AVfVA GOEL.MAN is the executive director of the Costa Mesa Senior Center and will write OQC8tlonal columns about the center, Ill membera and aenior i11uff. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST We'll be ludcy If the sun makes mud\ of a presence thl1 entire weekend. The June gloom continues ita domination eer1y end into the afternoon. Hlgh1 will probe~y stop nur 70, and lows ~P just below 60. We'll encounter some drtzzle In the momlng. Sunday and Monday will be very llmlllr. ..........,: www.nws.~.gov BOATING FORECAST The wfndt wUI btow light It 6 to 10 knott In the Inner w.-. todly, wfth 2--foot W8YM end a wtlt IWllt of 2 .... The .... wlfl buld. foot cNt 9V"*'e-Out ...... the,.. •••• tv ... btow10to11~ with 2.fOGl----end. n0f1h_. ... of, .... The ... Wll bUld. foot tonlgM. SURF The aouthwett swell will produce mostly waist-highs today, though we could see a few c:hett-hlghl. Sunday will ... a alight lncrea• In alze, with dlest· to •houldef'.hlght. On Monday, the next aouthwwt IW9lt arrives. matdng It worth brevtng the 83-deerM w.ter. Heed hight thould be plentiful, though the standout apotl Yt4n ... rneny ~ Wleer~ www . .urlrkl.r."org TIDES 1'lrM 1o:o1 e.m. 1:18p.m . 10'Alp.m. 4.1Xl•.m. ...... 0.11fMlow 4.21 •hi8f\ 2A•tow 14.0tfMthWt . WATU TlllPllAT\111 : j Dally Piiot Saturday. June 1. 2003 A3 I Teacher's idea lands school $50,000 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS the City Council and on pro· posed '>tgnUicant budgetary and sel'Vl ce level changes from the 2002 OJ adopted budget. fhe council will discuss tht proposed budget at 1lb study ses'iion on Mo nday. for more mformaaon. contact Director of hnance Marc Pucken at 17 14) 754·5243. Newport Coast Elementary second-grade teacher who entered video contest is named the winner at a Florida conference. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NEWPOllT COAST -In- spiration s truck Lanie McGann and led her to a $50,000 goldmine. The Newport Coast El- ementary second-grade teacher. who had taken it upon herself to make some money for the school, re- ceived an oversized $50,000 ch eck fhuri.day during a conference in Orlando, rta. McGann, who also acts as a technology teacher at the school, entered the Nl:C Cor- poration Ido l Contest in the hopes of getting more money for the school\ technology program~. "We're a lways looking to get technology iftlo the class· room," she said last month after lindinK out tha1 her video had made it to lhe fi- nals. ~I believe it increases students' motivation and panicipalion in their own learning and it increases the i.tudents' interest In the con- tent. It also provides multiple ways for students to demon- s trate what they've learned." In May, she submitted a video demonstrating the easy use of the new vr Series pro· 1ector. and it w~ selected as one of the top five finalist ... After receiving lhe most votes from an online ballot and a panel of judges, the compa ny chose her video. "We're thrilled, absolutely thrilled, and so very proud of Lanie and her students for the excepuonaJ job they did in terms of producing th1~ video tape." said Susan r>e-. penas, assis tant superinten dent of elementary educatio n (PASTA . !IJUONA) Made in '!!!>' -Organic Pasta for the. Newport-Mesa Uni- fied School District. McGann figured that the eas iest way to show how easy it is to use the projector would be to put It in the hands of a chiJd. She put her faith in the showmanship of firs t-grader Ryan Cargile, who wore a pair of slacks and a tie to evoke an air or profes- s ionalism, and had him dem- onstrate the easy use or the projector to an audience of his peen .. "We are just so proud of him a nd everything he has accomplished with this video,· i.aid Angela Cargile, mother of 6-year-old Ryan. "ll'!\ ju">t so exciting for all of U'>. When I saw the finished product I thought II wa'> cute . . . but who would've ever thought we wo uld win this thing." Now. the challe nge is d e- c1dtnK where the SS0,000 pri:tc will go. "We.• can 1-pend that money quiw ea.,ily," .. aid Monique Van-Zeebroek, principal at Newport Coast. "It's all going to be focused on technology ... to bolster our cl~room computers, add a couple more smart boards. It will go fairly quickly." While the money will help the school upgrade its tech nology. the i.chool's partici pation In the conteM gave it much more than dollar~. Newport Coast reached out to the community for c;up port and encouraged ii 10 get online and vote. fhe commu nity responded. "Our community, here iust at Newport Coa!.t, wa., grea1 , but even in our district, and all the other schools voted," Van-Zeebroek said. "It\ m ore than just our commun11y The community at la rge when they saw somethmg great happening. they ju .. 1 all pitched in and chat\ a n1n• feeling." McGann i'> "1111 1n 1 lom Ja and wiU rcturn to 1hc "l h110I on Monday. Potato Hoag Glncer Center to hold survivor party The • toag Cancer Center will host Its 15th annual Ceiebrarion of Ufe ror 400 local cancer survivor... their families and fnends from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday. The outdoor afternoon celebra· llon will include a magic show, art therapy, entertalnmem and re- rre..tunenu.. ··n1e Magic of Life .. prCMdes an opportunity for cancer survivors to catch up wtth fnends and fel · low survivor... ~rvauom are rt' qut.>sl~ for the free event I-Or tn· formauon. call (949) 642· n87. C.osta Me a to host public budget workshop Costa Me'>a will conduc1 a budget wor~hup for rnmm u · nity m emb er'> at 6 p.m . Iue~day 111 council l hamber'> The c1ry manager and fi nance '>lall will rnnduct a budge1 brcefing fo r re1.1denl-. 10 reVJE'\o\o 1he 200"1-04 J>rOpO'>Cd budget. I he mee ting will folu'> on rhe proposed revt>nue and expendi- lure recommendauon'> mad c to • Chips • Jalapeiio, Tequila ~ and Lime REG. '1 .99 Saz. 100%0rpnic OPl1MUM CERFALS •4'il:l~ii•• CROS11NI BIO Organk Jtallan lndren Continental NON-FAT ~"'#', YOGURT r~ 16 Flavors to Choose • Regular • Lactose Free REG. 99' TO LOU MONASTERY Organic Olive Oil Arthritis Foundation receives $23.000 The Women '1> Aux.ihary of the Arthritis foundation has do· nated S23,000 to the foundation for community 'erv1ce pro gram'> a nd $2,000 to Camp f:i.s . peranza. wtuch I'> for children with arthnll~ The Women\ AuxtltdI)' held an April fund ral'>er ,u tht.o LO'>La Me-.a 1 llhon \.1ore thclll 200 took pan an tht: .. i1en1 c1uu1on, luncheon and fa.,h11111 'how New ~oftball lcague welcomes enior~ f here I<, d lleW '>l'lllOI .. oJtball league in tlw art·.i l11r pla)<'f'> old er than h5 < ... um'' \, 111 be al I U a m. ".1o11day'> al Horntd Cref'k Parl at l..i \'1da dlld Urn · vt:r'>ll) Dm 1: In 'rwport Beach ((I '1g11 up. Lall ''ll'fi 7'>9 5081 • Pame • Spaghetti • Rigatoni • OliYe Oil c.o/d P,aM( &bw .,.,., "':~$~ • Italian Herb • Tumato BuiJ • Fusilli • FarbDe REG. '2.49 • FOlD' 01ll!eSe 9I99 • Spicy Tumato REG. '3.99 25.S OL z 0 LL E R'M labretorles ~mtfleUSA YOU SAVE $12 011 ZANTREX-3 84caps SUGG. '48.tll • Red Pepper • Rosemary REG. '2.99 ;:, -5ml-ml NATROL ~cardio­LIOSCl.lfar sys/em• SUGG. ~9.70 P6aEFA ~,...,,, HonnoneLll. .. SUGG. t19.99 FARM FRESH PRODUCE JASON'S Qldddn Breath Dropl .i.tl•J&.,hl#Mlhl " .. I fr ,,, • """,,.,,,. i..,. ~:;- fll. '1.11 . . M Saturday, June 7, 2003 HOCKEY Continued from Al to confound you with stats about how many teams who lost Game 5 ended up losing the series and the Stanley CUp. I will simply state to you that it is a daunting task to lose this game and win the Q.ap. But this is the year of the Mighty Ducks, and they will have their chance to set loose their fans and their·own wrath upon the visiting Devils for Game 6 today. If all holsis true and the Ducb win because they are at home and have all those intangibles on their side, there will be a winner-take-all Game 7. lbat game will be held In New Jersey-but wait. let's not get too far ahead of ourselves . Game 5 was not exactly what anyone expected -not me, not the players and certainly not the guru of hockey, Barry Melrose. We were all dumbfounded to witness the Ducks jump all over the Devils in the 6rst two FAMILY Continued from Al bases for some of the other kids. But some of the other kids liked the outfield and were happy to get back there. Jared Payzant and Oiristian Mijares. who'd played outfield all season, told me that if they could play anywhere, they'd be in the minutes and take a 1-0 lead and a 6·<> shot advantage ln th.ose first Cew minutes. The Ducks looked like they were poised to keep the momentum rolling, take a 3-2 series lead and wrap up the franchises first Stanley Cup at home in Game 6. Unfortunately for the Ducks, the Devils sprang back to life, tied up the game, took a lead and then lost it to end the first period tied at 2. In that frantic opening period, we all witnessed more scoring chances and more mistakes by both goalies than we have seen all series. As a goalie myself, I could easily recognize that both goalies were not on top of their game and, with quick strikes against them, they were put back on their heels. What th.is means is that their confidence had been shaken and they were now a little tentative in their movements. J.S. Giguere had some bad bounces go against him, but he was not as sharp as he has been. outfield. At our "fun " game, Jordan Young pitched very weU in his debut. not surprising since he is a good all·round athlete. Jordan is responsible for making the single best defensive play I saw anywhere on any team: a backhand grab of a hot ground ball near second base, which he turned and fired to fus t base for the out. Kids coached a1 first and third during that game, too. something I think they may have enjoyed more than the post-game-snack, if such a thing is possible. When all is said and done. there is a m ountain of people to thank. Debra Mijares-Sanchez was so valuable as our team mom. Knowing full well that the post-g«ITle snack is the highlight of the game, Debra dutifully called the parents responsible for bringing the snack to the game to remind them that the kids were counling on 1hem. Whatever fun we had was due in large part to our coaches, Dale Pearlman and Mike Markovsky, who often reminded me without words that it was aJJ jusl a game for kids. Jamie Schoneman was our Come see the new Everwoocr CounarySide blinds from Humer Doug1as. Overlapping slats create a beauciful board-on-board design. And the 'step-up· look adds depth. dimension and character 10 any room. And EverWood CoumrySide will not warp. crack. peel o r fade Even In humid areas or direct sunli~t. Come ~~lle"!ll• see chese beautiful blinds today IWliDlu--IS Mllhw fMJii<lw -.•••u•••1lu.t•• ~ALDENS I U'lOlt COV'F~. A><n a ''ITO'>t WNn< ... OMkfN(;\ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 He normnUy would have adjusted to the bounces off the bad dasher bo~. making himself aware of where the pucks were coming back out from. For the first time, Giguere was faced with some bad bounces instead of some lucky breaks. It was interesting to see how he reacted. At the other end, Martin Brodeur was beaten by his low catching glove hand a few times. It seems to be a weak spot on him at least for now, and the Duclcs have ex.posed bJs vulnerability. Both goalies knew of the immense significance of this game, and the pressure got to them. Th.is may be as harsh as I can be on my union parmers. They both have been terrific ln the playoffs and instrumental in getting their teams where they are today. Without these two goalies playing as well as they have, I would probably have more tee times than I already do. The Devils eventually began to talce over the game and, as in the resident scorekeeper, assisted from time to time by my wife, Cay. I'm sorry that Jamie did not have more opportunities to write bigger numbers in our "runs~ column, but it is what it is. I owe the most thanks to the players on our Minor A Dodger team. Once again, through good and bad times, they transported me back in time to the days when the game was all that mattered. So. to Mike Markovsky, Jordan Young. Riley Schoneman, Andrew Tenno, Courtney Ulrich, Joshua Bowman, Jeremy Pearlman, Justin Butler, Ouistian Mijares and Jared Pap.ant, I say, "Thanlc you." There are a couple of other kids to thank, too. For the past two seac;ons, I've had the great pleasure of coaching Ryan Ouistopher, whose deadly aim from the mound propelJed us to a tournament last year. . This season and last, I gave Ryan more of a burden than a Uttle Leaguer should have. But Hyan never complained. He always came to play and he always gave I 00%. Thanks, Ryan. You will be missed. Good luck next season. The other player is my son, Roy. As the manager's son, he probably was the recipient of more tirades than he was entitled to simply because I made the mistake of taldng out my frustrations on him, because I could. That's not a good enough reason, and to Roy, I say, "I'm sorry." Roy also came to play. The season was not a total loss, for these kids made a difference in my life. Maybe they'll all be teachers when they grow up. • STEVE SMrTH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance wnter. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. MISSING Continued from Al Acevedo gets treatment. Tustin PoUce said Acevedo's wife reported her husband miss- ing at about 9:40 a.m. Friday. Of- ficials said he was last seen leav- ing the yacht club. Bailey said Acevedo may have been confused by a few offramp closures while driving home. NHis wife said she went out looking for him and that be knew how to drive bac.k and forth between work and home only," she said. NThat's a very dangerous situadon." Bailey said Acevedo was un- fortunately not enrolled in the Safe Return Program, a national program that helps identify, lo- cate and safely return patients who wander. "We know that at least 60% of Alzheimer's patients wander once if not multiple times," she said. Balley said studies also show that 469(, of patients may die of hypothermia or dehydra- tion if not found within 24 hours. Unda Scheck. chief operating officer of the association, said It is a more dangerous ltuadon when an aduh gets lost because Nhe doesn't appear lost." "Hel just driving around or paddng his car and waUdng first two games of this series, they became too big and too strong for the Ducb to handle. Don't get me wrong, it was a war out there, with bodies flying everywhere and no lack of intensity. lt boiled down to this: The Devils got too many • · chances and, at least for this game. they bad gotten to Giguere. The great thing about hockey and hockey players ls that once the game is over, you analyze your mlstakes, make your corrections for the next game and move on. With a minimum of one game and a maximum or two games left in this season, you will see the players come out refocused and play like there is no tomorrow. Well, there really is no tomorrow and, as an old saying goes: Don't worry about injuries. You have the whole summer to get better. The Duclcs will be ready to sacrifice everything so they can play In that final game, a Game 7 winner-take-all. COUNCIL Continued from Al director. On Tuesday. the COWlcil could vote to change that so that two or more council members are needed to call up a decision. ·When you call something up before council. basically it's a de novo hearing. You're rehearing the whole thing. It's serious business, you don\ take it lightly.~ Mayor Steve Bromberg said. "My col- league is doing this more often than I've ever seen happen." Bromberg had asked that the matter be put on Tuesday's coun- cil agenda because he beli~ that Nichols has overexercised the privilege. On April 22. the council rea>n- sidered two Planning Commission decisions at Nichols' request On Tuesday, the council will recon- sider the commission's decision on a Balboa Island property. "Whal they're trying to do l,, keep these thing'i from being caDed up.~ Nichols said. The council will also consider what should be done about Nich- ols' comments at a Planning Commis.5ion meeting last month. During a discussion of a pennit request for the home on Balboa Island, Nichols told the commis- sion that the city's decision seemed so wrong that it appeared that someone had been bribed. Nidmls has since clarified that he was referring to public percep- tions created and that he didn't believe that anyone had actually been bribed. A staff report written by the city attorney called the coounent "reckless," and the council might take further action. perhaps draft- ing a resolution denouncing the comment •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beacti and John Wf1Yne Airport. She may be reac:tied at (949) 5744232 or bot' e-mail at 1une.casagrand6@tatimes.com. around," she said. "He probably won't admit he's lost either be- cause he may feel embarrassed about it Thats wh}'...tbis .is a. .cri- sis." Bailey said Acevedo is one of their few patients who has been affected by the disease at a younger age. "Patients like him have been able to retain their driving privi· leges," she said. ·aut in Guada- lupe's case, it was late at night. he was at work. and being ex- hausted probably exacerbated his confusion: Acevedo was driving a white 1990 Toyota Tercel. license plate number 2XYS658. He is 5-foot-5, weighs T53 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a beige shirt with the Newport Harbor Yachl Oub logo and his first name, Guada- lupe, on the front He was also wearing blue Dockers slacks, a dark sweater and brown tennis shoes. Hi.' Callf omla driver's license num- ber is Cl 183087. Anybody who sees or comes into contact with a penon matching Acevedo's description is asked to call 911. • ~ IHARAlM CO\f9f9 pubflc eaftty end courta. Stt. rn-v be ~st (949) 574-4228 or bot' .melt at ~.,,,,.,..,,,.~ PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Adllm•~ An auto theft was reported In the 1300 btodc at 7:58 a.m. Thur9day. • BMtol StrMt: A commercial burglary was reported In th.It 3300 blodc at 3:11 p.m. Thursday. • Harbor Boul9wnl: Vsndallam was reported In the 2700 blodc at 2:16 p.m. Thursday. • McCom1'c:k ,.,.....: Grand theft was reported In the 100 blodc at 1:12 p.m. Thursday. • Monaco ...... end Moma Villte AV9nU« Gra1fitl was reported at 11:59 a.m. Thursday. • PklecrMk Dtlve: An auto theft was reported In the 2800 btodc at 1 :28 a.m. Thursday. • PuUman StrMt: Grand theft BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Hearing postponed for teens accused of rape Anomeys for three Rancho Cucamonga teens accused of gang-raplng an unconscious 16-year-old girl in a Corona del Mar borne last July are set to make preaial motions to have the case dismiMed on July 25. A pretrial hearing for Greg- ory Haidl, Kyte Nachrelner and Keith Spann was scheduled for Friday, but it was postponed to July 25. Orange County Superior Court Judge Everen Dickey ruled in January that the teens must stand trial after he EL TORO Continued from Al development buslnes.s. 1l1i.s is a regional and national growth is- sue and it's not best addressed by cities or initiatives or referen- dums." Neither the city nor the work- ing group has any action planned in the wake of Friday's news. but Naughton predicted that it could mean new momentum for the pro-El Thro movement "The reason I believe it could result in something tangible is because Secretary fNorman) Mineta at the Department of lhlnsportation and the (Federal Aviation Administration) have been talking for many years bac.k in Washington about the need in the entire nation for additional airports and runways.· Naughton said. There was notable opposition to the idea among some of New- port -Mesa's elected officials. Rep. Ouis Cox met with fed· era! officials on Friday and later announced that there didn't seem to be any movement in the federal agencies toward the El Toro proposal. ·After speaking with officials at the Department of Transporta- tion and the Navy, it is clear that the federal government is com- mitted to aeation of the second largest municipal pai:k ln the na- tion,• Newport Beach's Co~­ man said in a statement. "Today. the Department of Thmsporta- tion and the Department of the Navy stated definitively that the was report.-d In the 3100 btodc at 10-.48 a.m. Thursday. • VloeoM 8tiMt Vandalism WU reported In the <t00 bfodc at 11:43 a.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Comwel LMe: Petty theft was reported In the 1800 blodc at 12:65 p.m. Thur9day. • EMtblulf DIM: A burglary was reported In the 2800 blodc at 12:24 p.m. Thursday. •Merine,.,...: A commercial burglary was reported In the 300 blodc at 1:09 p.m. Thuniday . • N9wpolt Center Dltve West: A commercial burglary was reported In the 800 blodc at 2:27 p.m. Thursday. • Riwr Annur. Vandalism was reported In the 4800 blodc at 10:38 a.m. Thursday. watched a 20-minute video- tape the teens· reportedly filmed that captured the inci- dent in lurid detail. The three Inland Valley teens -who were all 17 at the time of the incident -face 24 COWlts. Haidl, son or Orange County Assistant Sheriff Don Haidl, and Nachreiner face enhance- ments for allegedly inflicting great bodily lnjury to the vie· tim and using a deadly weapon -in this case a pool cue -to penetrate her. The trio, student5 at Rane.ho Cucamonga High School, will be tried as adults for the July 6 incident that reportedly hap- pened in Don Haidl's Corona del Mar home. Defense attor- neys have argued that the vic- tim consented to sex. federal government is not con- sidering using the El Toro prop· erty as a commercial airport.· And Supervisor Tom Wtlson, wbo represents Newport Coast along with large swatches of anti- airport South County, released a copy of a letter he sent lo Mineta outlining opposition to Los An· geles taking control of the air· port. "The Orange County Board of Supervisors will not tolerate any attempt by the tjty or Los An- geles to overturn a k>eal land use decision made by the voters of Orange County and endorsed by its political leadership.• Wl.lson wrote. "Orange County's decision is firm and final -El Toro will be transfened to private ownership and dewloped according to the wishes of our citizens for non- avladon uses.· Wl.lson added. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wf1Yne Airport. She may be readled at (949) 574-4232 or bot' &-mall 81 june.casagrandtltlllltimes.com. HYSON, Robert D. :~~.~"=: daughter Jane Robert Plll'ker, 3 ~ 3 great-CT-· bn>th8r . In law, Moeomann, 3 nieces, Ind a grandniece and ~ ~,Vic•• wer• hetd on Monday, June 2, 2003 at Pacific View Mortuary, Corona d•I Mar, CaJtfomla. Donations may be made to a chaltty of your choice.. Luelle Tinsley Burger lllrdt 22, 1915. u.y 31, 2003 LucUe Tinsley Burger peaMd away at her home In Corona del Mat on May 31, 2003 due to compllcationt from a tllll lhe l&lhred In MM:h. Although bom In Mtlywylle, ~ the and her huebMd, ctyde, mewed to Corona def Mer wttti their daughter In 1 tea. Th9y op«ated the Corona del Mar Mobfl Mrvlc• station until ht1 dMth. .. toWd the llMll community and continued to be lrwotved In the eo,ona del Mer CMmber Of Commerce untff her moet recent ...... SM t1 1urvlved by her d11U9ht«, Ctvda Joy ·Btenner, two ~Bfz--h••nl .......... tonln ... 8rett ... llnd grw.t~, :-=. 8ervlcee ... be hetd at the Corona del Mw CommuMy ~-Chutah on Wedi....,,. June 11, Ill~ p.m. 1n ..., or......., oonbtbullone tn ..., '"""°'" INIY be ..m to l'I HotlG Hoepbl founddon, P•ldwe C.. Progrwn, P.O. Box 1800, a.d\ CA 111111100. --_..,._j .. • 3 honored for peace eff arts Two Corona del Mar High students and a s~hool district employee are among those to win annual Am bassador of Peace awards. Cbrlatlne C1rrlllo O~ily Pjlot COSTA MESA -Three New- port-Mesa residents were hon- ored Friday for their efforts to promote peace and encourage oµiers do the same. Pepe Montenegro, outreach youth coordinator for the New- port-Mesa Unified School Dis- trict. and Florencia Krochik, l 7. and Andrea Savopolos, 16, jun- iors at Corona del Mar 1 ligh School, were all cited for com- munity-building effons The recognition came at the seventh annual 2003 Ambassa- dor of Peace Awards luncheon ceremony at the 'I urnap .Ro!>e in Costa Mesa. The Violence Pre- vention Coalition of Orange County recognized sax people for their peace-promo11ng ef- forts. This event ls important be- cause Hwe need to celebrate our work and the people doing that work,· said Mary Leigh Blek, a representative of the coalition. "'We need to celebrate our suc- cesses also by coming together. That way. we can create energy and inspiration for our work in this community." Montenegro received the peace award for his 25 years of dedication to helping others. "I enjoy specifically what I do. . . . Being recognized for tmy work) is awesome, but it's surreal." he said. ·I'm just do- mg what I'm supposed to do. I'm doing my calling.· l hrough his work at the dis- trict, Montenegro works with troubled teens and their fami- lies, handling situations involv- Inf drugs. bullies and gangs. Castellanos said. "When you I'm extremely proud of look at their maturation . hlm, • said Jaime Castellanos, . their passion. you can tell assistant superintendent of they're gifted because you just secondary education for the don't see [tho e qualities) In di.strict. "1 think he's just a won-that age group very often. It lets derfuJ example of what it takes you know that our future's in to do the job he has to do good hands with students like everyday. He's a jewel." that." Many of Montenegro's col-"It's an honor that 1he com- leagues agree. munity as recogni.dng the ef "It's so clear that the kind of forts we're making at our work that he's doing really fits school." Andrea said. this award and what they were "Everything we do with !the looking for," said Diana Hense-clubl we do because we want 10 ly. a counselor coordinator for make a difference." Horentta the district and the woman who added. nominated him for the award. For all ol the rec1p1eni... the "He really has a heart for this recognition they received was and he's realJy affective." more about the work they\e Florencia and Andrea co-done than the people 1hey are founded the high school's Toi-"I respect !all the ret'lpicnbl erance Among People club, a and I'm 1ust glad that we have student organization that aims that same kmd of \Ctn an our to break down the walls of heart." Montenegro <,au.I \.'\e prejudice and discrimination. want people to get along \'\e "I'm incredibly proud of want penple to bt-re,pected. them. and they deserve every whatever color. whatt·ver recogn11ion they've received." class." Stolen antiques investigation goes on Costa Mesa Poli ce have a rrested a s usp ect and recovered items, but their owner still wo nders how the burglary occurred . Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA Ml:SA -Polite are still looking for \evcral an114ue.,, stolen from a locJI '>torage fa . cU1ry more than three mon1hs ago and for suspects an the bur- glary. official<, said The pieces. \ome of them several feet tall, were report· edly removed from two '>etunty locke rs at Shurgard Storage Centers an the 1600 biotic of Newport Boulevard. Police said 1wo of the 1;1oragc unus were broken into some time between .. eb. 26 and Mivch 3. "The padlock!> were brol..en. entry was made and the aru- fact1> were removed," Costa Mesa Police Lt. Dale Barney said. "The loss wa<, extensive." At the time of the incident. the victim reported a loss of more th~ SI00.000. accordmg 10 the police report. Some of 1he ilems have been recovered. Birney said, but he declined to go into details. Police also arrested 43-year- old Joel Wh11ney Gruwell of Co- rona del ~tar an connection w11h the burglary. C..ruwell ha'> been charged Wlth commercaaJ burglary and receiving stolen property 1 he owner of the property. who dad not want to be identi- fi ed. said the stolen artifact'> are mvaluable and very dear to him and his family. "These are all authentic items." he said. "They bear a deep personal significance.·· He said he initially e'>t1ma1ed the value of the stolen goods at more 1han $100,000, but now realizes that they are worth more 1han S750.000. The victim said the ttcms were not m'iured because insurance rates were "prohibitively expensive.· The victim said he and hi!. family lived in Newport Beach for 13 years, but they now live elsewhere in Orange County. One of the •Holen artifacts. a golden Buddha from the 18th century, was acquired by the family on 1he day of his father's funeral, the man said lie '>aid the fateful day he walked 11110 the '>lorage unit as ··burned tn my mtnd .. "There wa., an Italian chest on the right-hand side of the room." he '>atd "There were a couple of boxes of cheap book!>. a chair and a mirror. Other than that. 11 was empty." That room had been filled w11h an array of 11em'>. the vac- um '>aad There were relic~ from the l~t empress of 011na, the Chine'>e Imperial family and the Ming dynasty. he said. There were ornate pieces of period furniture. enamel vases. porcelain jar!.. embroidered robe!>, room-size rug•,. 9-foot altar tables, 5-foot gold pea- cock5 and several piece., of jew- elry. But they were all gone. "lfow they took it. I don't know," the vicum '>aid. ··11 look me two 40-foot truth and ntnt• men to bring an the art rnllcc tion to the Moragc lac1li1y ·· Jn addition. the '>lorage fa cal try had setunty camera' and elevator<, 1ha1 required U>dt•'> 10 be punched an. he ... aid 'ihur gard offic1al., dad not rt'lllrn phone t<Jll' Frida} More 1han 1hc mmwtarv value, the colleu1on ,., ol l'rHJr mou' 'en11men1al and 'p1r11ual value. the' 1c11m said "There \\ere l rucifi>.t·'>. tt·m- ple guard mm. obJt'l i... 111 ... pant- ual and rehg1ou ... rt'\ ela11on' .. he '>atd. \\'e reg.1 rdrd Ollf'>t•h e' a'> curator ... and tart•1aler.., ol the'e art1fal i....' B1rne) '>aid tht• 1mt·.,11g..i11 on 11110 the incident'" cun1111u1ng "There are .. 1111 "t'\eral thtngt• to be looked at, he .. a1<l "I Im ca.,e as unu .. ual JU't betau ... t• of the uni4uenc.,, ot the prnpl'rty that wa-. taken "iuch t'•"'e' h.1vl' a tendency 10 take a late ot their own. In thc'>e ca'>e'>. you JU'>! i.;o where the information take'> you." Satixday, Jwie 7, 2003 A5 /or lleu1 "'''i"'u C11/ (949) 646-7944 Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Service· .. ... Nighdy Entcrtainmcot"00 1695 Irvine A~c .• Cmta \1t).,I l,.,_r ",.....,.!.lo. ~ -\ • • 11.t •.,..ti 1 IO Snnng th~ Comm~mty for JO ~ars LEMON & GARLI C FRUIT SALADS Yi CHICKENS To-Go $1 99 lb. GriU 10 tht Tabu JO mi NEED SOME HELP PLANNING THE SPECIAL GRADUATION DINNER OR GET TOGETHER? Call us & wt will shart somt of our hip uua.s.' TRIED OUR STI'FFED MAUI fL\..\K STIAKS? \fo1r111aud in our ou.,, tat)Ut & 1111.ffed u•tth pmt11ppu c-gr~m on11m $6 99 lb. /l)./IJ "''"-u 1/., rnU Cool rf Swut! tkmno1 Dt/1 Spuwl TURKEY BREAST SANDWlCH anJ a silk of sRLul $2 99a. At/4 11 2 oi.. Dri111t or 11 B1Ult.1 Dmnn in a /1ffi.1 CELf.STINO'S OVEN ROASTED CHICKE.\S $5 99 ea H•• -ilo111Mhll fJw,,J. \uU Jwin I l<I Sii S I \It JI 1() •11\lllll I •'>I \11<11'' •'-\l\111"\, • 'II I{ I\ 11' • '\\ 11 I{ I > 11-., 11 • I t ii : ' I I 11 /Jeli1•ered /J111i}• Frah· HanJ-Chopptd Salsa El Toro Bravo Chips & Tortil.Uu • Homt Styk Tamaks • 32 Varittils efHommuy/t Sawagts • C~tino 's Btefor Turko I~ Wt ro Boar's Hta4 Deli P "<ts 270 East 17th St. • Costa Mesa • (949) 642-7191 . . M Satllrday, June 7, 2003 HOCKEY Continued from Al to confound you with stats about how many teams who lost Game S ended up losing the series and the Stanley Olp, I will simply state to you that it is a daunting task to lose this game and win the Olp. But this is the year of the MJghty Ducks. and they will have their chanc~ to set loose their fans and lheir'OWO wrath upon the visiting Devils for Game 6 today. If all holds true and the Duclcs win because they are at home and have all those intangibles on their side, there will be a winner-take-all Game 7. That game will be held in New Jersey -but wait, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves . Game 5 was not exactly what anyone expected -not me, not the players and certainly not the guru of hockey, Barry Melrose. We were all dumbfounded 10 witness the Duclcs jump all over the Devils in the first two FAMILY Continued from Al bases for some of the other kids. But some of the other kids liked the outfield and were happy to get back there. Jared Payzant and Quistian Mijares, who'd played oucfield all season, told me that if they could play anywhere, they'd be in the minutes and take a 1-0 lead and a 6--0 shot advantage In those first few minutes. The Ducks loo\ed liJce they were poised 10 keep the momentwn rolling. take a 3-2 series lead and wrap up the franchise's 6.rst Stanley Cup at home in Game 6. Unfortunately for the Ducks, the Devils sprang back to life, tied up the game, took a lead and then lost it to end the first period ded at 2. In that frantic opening period, we all witnessed more scoring chances and more mistakes by both goalies than we have seen all series. As a goalie myself, I could easily recognize that both goalies were not on top of their game and, with quick strikes against them, they were put back on their heels. What this means is that !heir confidence had been shale.en and they were now a UttJe tentative in their movements. J.S. Giguere had some bad bounces go against him, but he was not as sharp as he has been. outfield. At our "fun" game, Jordan Young pitched very well in his debut, not surprising since he is a good aU-round athlete. Jordan is responsible for making the single best defensive play J saw anywhere on any team: a backhand grab of a hot ground ball near second base, which he turned and fired to first base for the out. Kids coached at firsc and third during that game, too, something J think they may have enjoyed more than the post-game snack. if such a thing is possible. When all is said and done, there is a mountain of people to thank. Debra Mijares-Sanchez was so valuable as our team mom. Knowing full welJ that the post-game snack is the highlight of the game, Debra dulifuUy called the parents responsible for bringing the snack to the game to remind them that the lcids were couming on them. Whatever fun we had was due in large pan to our coaches, Dale Pearlman and Mike Markovsky. who often reminded me without words that it was aU just a game for kids. Jamie Schoneman wa.., our Come see fhe new EverWood· CountrySide blinds from Huncer Douglas. Overlapping slats crea1e a beautiful board·on·board design. And the 'step-up· look adds dep1h, dimension and charac1er 10 any room. And EverWood CountrySide will not warp. crack. peel or fade. Even in humid areas or direct sunli"t. Come """'""""""' see these beau1iful blinds 1oday ltlllliDlll-• .m.1-1··~,., ...... , .......... . Wl///lrt C"•' .,,., ltlHt ~ALDEN'S f·WOR CnvooNc. A '10 CUOOM Wr.mcW" OJvFR!Nr.> 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesai 949-646-4838 He normally would have adjusted to the bounces off the back dasher boards, making himself aware of where the pucks were corning back out from. For the first tia;ne, Giguere was faced with some bad bounces instead of some lucky breaks. It was interesting to see how he reacted. At the other end, Martin Brodeur was beaten by his Jow catching glove hand a few times. It seems to be a weak spot on him at least for now, and the Ducks have exposed h!s vulnerability. Both goalies knew of the immense significance of this game, and the pressure got to them. This may be as harsh as I can be on my union partners. They both have been terrific in the playoffs and instrumental in getting their teams where they are today. Without these two goaUes playing as well as they have, I would probably have more tee times than I already do. The Devils eventually began to take over the game and, as in the resident scorekeeper, assisted from time to time by my wife, Cay. I'm sorry that Jamie did not have more opportunities to write bigger numbers in our "runs" column, but it is what it is. I owe the most thanks to the players on our Minor A Dodger team. Once again, through good and bad times, they transported me back in time to the days when the game was all that mattered. So, to Mike Markovslcy, Jordan Young, Riley Schoneman, Andrew Tenno, Courtney Ulrich, Joshua Bowman. Jeremy Pearlman, Justin Butler, Olristian Mijares and Jared Pay-tant, I say, .. Thank you." There are a couple of other kids to thank, too. For the past two seasons, I've had !he great pleasure of coaching Ryan Ouistopher, whose deadly aim from the mound propelJed us to a tournament last year. , This season and last, I gave Ryan more of a burden than a Little Leaguer should have. But Ryan never complained. He always came to play and he always gave I 00%. Thanks, Ryan. You will be missed. Good luck next season. The other player i!> my son, Roy. As the manager's son, he probably was the recipient of more tirades than he was entitled to simply because I made the mistake of talc.ing out my frustrations on him, because I could. That's not a good enough reason, and to Roy, I say, "I'm sorry.· Roy also came to play. The season was not a total loss, for these k.ids made a difference in my life. Maybe they'll all be teachers when they grow up. • STEVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. MISSING Continued from Al wife reported her husband miss- ing at about 9:40 a.m. Friday. Of- ficials said he was last seen leav- ing the yacht club. Bailey said Acevedo may have been confused by a few offramp closures while driving home. ~His wife said she went out looking for him and that he knew how to drive back and forth between work and home only," she said. "That's a very dangerous situation." Bailey said Acevedo was un· fortunately not enrolled in the Safe Return Program, a national program that helps identify, lo· cate and safely return patients who wander. "We lcnow that at least 60% of Alzheimer's patients wander once if not multiple times," she said. Bailey said studies also show that 46% of patients may die of hypothermia or dehydra- tion if not found within 24 hours. Unda Scheck. chief operaling officer of the assodadon, said h ls a more dangeroU1 situation when an adult gets lost because "he doesn't appear Iott: "He's just drMng around or parking bis car end walkift8 first two games of this aeries, they became too big and too strong for the Dudes to handle. Don't get me wrong, lt was a war out there, with bodies Dying everywhere and no lack of intensity. rt boiled down to this: The Devils got too many • · chances and, at least for thi.'I game, they had gotten to Giguere. The great thJng about hockey and hockey players is that once the game is over, you analy7.e your mistakes, make your corrections for the next game and move on. With a minimum of one game and a maximum of two games left in this season. you will see the players come out refocused and play like there is no tomorrow. Well, there really is no tomorrow and. as an old saying goes: Don't worry about injuries. You have the whole summer to get better. The Duclcs will be ready to sacrifice everything so they can play in that final game, a Game 7 winner-take-all COUNCIL Continued from Al director. On 1\Jesday. the COWlciJ could vote to change that so that two or more council members are needed to call up a decision. "When you call something up before COWlcil. basically it's a de novo hearing. You're rehearing the whole thing. It's serious business, you don't talc.e it lightly," Mayor Steve Bromberg said. "My col· league is doing this more often than I've ever seen happen." Bromberg had asked that the maner be put on Tuesday's coun· cil agenda because he believes that Nichols has overexercised the privilege. On April 22, the council ream- sidered two Planning C.Ommission decisions at Nichols' request On Tuesday, the COW\cil will recon- sider the commissfon's decision on a Balboa Island property. "What they're trying to do is keep these lhing.5 from being called up," Nichols said The council will also consider what should be done about Nich- ols' comments at a Planning C.Ommission meeting last month. During a d.iscwsion of a perm.it request for the home on Balboa Island, Nichols told the commis- sion that the city's decision seemed so wrong that it appeared that someone had been bnbed. Nichols has since clarified that he was referring to public percep- tions created and that he didn't believe that anyone had actually been bribed. A staff report written by the city attorney called the comment "reckles.<;," and the council mighl take further action, pethaps draft- ing a resolution denouncing the comment. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport She may be reeched at (9491 5744232 or by &mall at june.casagrande@latimes.com. around," she said. "He probably won't admit he's lost either be- cause he may feel embarrassed about it. That's why this is a cri- sis." their few patients who has been affected by the disease at a younger age. HPatients like him have been able to retain their driving privi- leges," she said. "But in Guada- lupe's case, it was late at night, he was at work. and being ex- hausted probably exacerbated his confusion." Acevedo was Wiving a white 1990 Toyota Tercel. license plate number 2XYS658. He is 5-foot-5, weighs I 53 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a beige shin with the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub logo and his first name, Guada- lupe, on che front He was also wearing blue Dockers slacks. a daJ:k sweater and brown tennis shoes. His California driver's license n.wn· Her ls C3 l 83087. Anybody who sees or comes into contact with a person matching Acevedo's de$criptton ls asked to call 911. • OHM lttAMTH QOV«t publlc Nfecv .net c.oun.a. Sh• m-v be reached at (9491514-4226 or by "'""II et dwpa.bhar8th•1-t1,,,...oom, Dally Pilot PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • AUms~ An auto theft waa reported In the 1300 blodc ot 7:68 a.m. Thuraday. • BNtlol 81rMt: A commercial burglary waa reported In the ' 3300 blodc at 3: 11 p.m. Thursday. • Herbor Boulewrd: Vandall.m was reported In the 2700 bloc* at 2:16 p.m. Thursday. • McCormk* Awnue: Grand theft waa reported in the 100 bloc* at 1:12 p.m. Thuraday. • MoMCO TeMce and Mont. Vilta Awnue: Graffiti was reported at 11:69 a.m. Thursday. • fltnea'Nk Drtw: An auto theft was reported in the 2800 bloc* at 1:28 a.m. Thursday. • Pullman Street Grand theft BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Hearing postponed for teens accused of rape Attorneys for three Rancho Cucamonga teens accused of gang-raping an unconscious 16-year-old girl in a C.Orona del Mar home last July are set to make pretrial motions to have the case dismissed on July 25. A pretrial hearing for Greg- ory Haidl, Kyle Nachreiner and Keith Spann was scheduled for Friday, but it was postponed to July 25. Orange C.Ounty Superior C.Ourt Judge Everett Dickey ruled in January that the teens must stand trial after he EL TORO Continued from Al development business. This is a regional and national growth is- sue and it's not best addressed by cities or initiatives or referen- dums: Neither the city nor the work- ing group h.u any action planned in the wake of Friday's news, but Naughton predicted that it could mean new momentum for the pro-El Toro movement. "The reason I believe it could result in something tangjble is because Secretary [Norman! Mineta at the Department of Transportation and the [Federal Aviation Administration) have beenta.lkingformanyyears back in Washington about the need in the entire nation for additional airports and runways.· Naughton said. There was notable Qpposition to the idea among some of New- port-Mesa's elected officials. Rep. Duis Cox met with fed- eral officials on Friday and later announced thaJ there didn't seem to be any movement in the federal agencies toward the El Toro proposal. ·After speaking with officials at the Department of Thlnsporta- tion and the Navy, it ls clear that the federal government is com- mitted to aeation of the second largest munidpaJ park in the na- tion,· Newport Beach's C.O~­ man said in a statemenL "Today, the Department of Ttansporta- WH reported In the 3100 bloc* at 10-A a.m. Thursday. • VlctoM 8trMI: Vandalism wu reported In the 400 blodt at 11:43 a.m. Thurwday. NEWPORT' BEACH • COft'IW9ll ...... : Petty theft W81 reported In the 1600 bloc* at 12:66 p.m. Thurwday. • Eeetblulf DIM: A burglary WU reported In the 2600 bloc* at 12:24 p.m. Thuraday. • MeNle AIMnue: A comm•rclal burglary was reported In the 300 bloc* at 1:09 p.m. Thursday . • Newport Centlar Drtw W..t: A commercial burglary was reported In the 800 bloc* at 2:27 p.m. Thuraday. • Rlwr Annue: Vandalism was reported In the 4800 bloc* at 10:38 a.m. Thursday. watched a 20-minute video- tape the teens· reportedly filmed that captured the inci- dent in lurid detail. The three Inland Valley teens -who were all 17 at the time of the incident -face 24 COWlts. Haldl, son of Orange County Assistant Sheriff Don Haidl, and Nachreiner face enhance- ments for allegedly inflicting great bodily injury to the vic- tim and using a deadly weapon -in this case a pool cue -to penetrate her. The trio, students at Rancho Cucamonga High School, will be tried as adults for the July 6 incident that reportedly hap· pened in Don Haidl's Corona del Mar home. Defense attor- neys have argued that the vic- tim consented to sex. federal government is not con- sidering using the El Toro prop- erty as a commercial airport.· And Supervisor Tom Wtlson. who represents Newport C.Oast along with large swatd\es of anti· airport Soulh C.Ounty. released a copy of a letter he sent to Mineia outl.ini.ng opposition to Los An· geles taking control of the air· port. "The Orange C.Ounty Board of Supervisors will not tolerate any attempt by the city of Los An· geles to overturn a local land use decision made by the voters of Orange County and endorsed by its political leadership.. Wtlson wrote. "Orange County's decision is finn and 6naJ -El Toro will be transferred to private ownership and developed according to the wishes of our citizens for non· aviation uses.· Wa.lson added •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpon Beadl and John Wayne Airport. She may be readied at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at jurHt.CIJNgrandetllatif'fJfi.com. eon n, IUMwd by , Ruth AM, daught• Jane Robert Parker, 3 cnnddaudrtera. 3 gnMlt-~. 'brother In law, Otwtee Molomann, 3 nieces, and a gnindnlece end ~ ;,v,c.. were held on ~ June 2, 2003 at Pacific View Mortuary, Corona Ml Mar, CaJtfomla. Donation& may be made to a charily of your chok:e. Luelle Tinsley Burger Mllrch 22, 1115. lilly 31, 2003 Luci .. T1nMy Burger pMMd away at her home In Corona def M• on May 31, 2003 due to compllcatJont from a t.11 lhe IUftW9d In Mmrch. Although born In Memth. Oldlihoma. lhe and her hulbMd, ~. moved to Cofofla del Mer With their ~ In 1982. They op9nlted the C0t0na def M• Mobil Hnrlce ttatJon unttl hit dMlh. ... kMd the tmaM communtty and continued to be llWOtved In the Corona def Mar Ctwnber of Commerce unttl her mott l9Clf1t Utneu. 8M It IUMved by her daughter, Clyda Joy ·&NnMr, two grlnddaugMn. Blrllbelh hw• and..,.,_ ...... IOfHn lllW 8rett ...... Md.,...~.== ... b9 hlkt at the ~ del Mer C°""""""Y Church on......_ June 11, • 2*» p.m. In llMI of fto•~• In tw ,..,,.. ... m111t110f""-Y,..., b9...,. to tt)e Ho-o HOIPbl P•llhe C.. Pl'DgfWft. P.O. Box 1800, 8-:1\, CA 12e11 ltOO. Dady Pilot 3 honored for peace efforts Two Corona de] Mar High students and a school district employee are among those to win annual Ambassador of Peace awards. Christine Carrillo O~ily Pjlot COSTA MESA -Three New- port-Mesa residents were hon· ored Friday fo r their efforts to promote peace and encourage o~hers do the same. Pepe Montenegro. outreach youth coordinator for the New- port-Mesa Unified School Di&· trlct, and Florencia Krochik, 17, and Andrea Savopolos. 16, iun· lors at Corona del Mar I hgh School, were all cited for com- muniry-building effort . The recognitio n came at the seventh annual 2003 Ambassa· dor of Peace Awards luncheon ceremony at the Turnip .Rose in Costa Mesa. TI1e Violence Pre- vention Coali uon of Orange Counry recogni1.ed '>IX people for their peace· promo1111g ~f- forts. This event ls important be- cause "we need to celebrate our work and the people doing that work,· said Mary Leigh Blek, a representative of the coalition. "We need to celebrate our s ue· cesses also by coming together. That way, we can create e nergy and inspiration for our work in this community." Montenegro received the peace award for his 25 years of dedication to helping o thers. "I enjoy sp ecifically what I do. . . Being recognized for lmy work) is awesome, but it's surreal," he said. ·I'm just do· ing what I'm supposed to do. I'm doing my calling.· Through his work at the dis- trict, Montenegro works with troubled teens and their fami· hes. handling situations involv- Ing drugs, bullies and gangs. Castellanos said. "When you ·rm extremely proud or look at their maturation hlm, • said Jaime Castellanos, . their passion, you can tell assistant superintendent of they're gifted because you 1ust secondary education for the don't see (those qualiues) in district. •1 think he's just a won· that age group very often. It leti. derful example of what It takes you know that our future's in to do the job he has to do good hands with '>tudents like everyday. He's a jewel." that." Many of Montenegro's col· "It's an honor that the com leagues agree. munity i!> recogni1.ing the ef· "It's so clear that the kind of forts we're makmg a1 our work that he's doing really fits school." Andrea '>aid. this award and what they were "Everything we do with lthe looking for," said Diana Hense-club) we do becaui.e we want io ly, a couni.elor coordinator for make a differente." HorE.'nlla the district and the woman who added. nominated him for the award. For all of che rec1pierw, 1he ·He really has a heart for this recognition chey received wal> and he's really affective." more about thE.' work they\e Florencia and Andrea co· done than the people they are founded the high school's Toi· "I respect !all the reup1rn1 .. erance Among People club, a and I'm 1ui.t glad that wr have student organization that aims that same kind of \em in our to break down the walls of heart, .. Montenegro \aid "\\e prejudice and discrirrunation. want people 10 Kel along. We "I'm incredibly proud of want people to he re'>pected. them. and they deserve every wha1ever rnlor \.\hatl'V<:r recognition they've received." class .. Stolen antiques investigation goes on Costa Mesa Police have arrested a suspect and recovered items, but their owner still wonders how the burglary occurred. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot COS1A Ml:~A -Polile Me slill lookmg for !>evcraJ antique!> stolen from a lotal slorage fa - ciliry more than tllfce rnonthc; ago and for '>U'>pec1., 111 the bur glary. offi cials said The p1ec.:es, '>Ome of them several feet taJI. ~ere report· edly removed from t\\O \ec.unt} lockers at Shurgard ~torage Center in the 1600 blotk of Newport Boulevard. Police a.id two of 1h~ !>t0rage units were broken into \Orne time between fcb. 26 and M¥ch 3. "The padlocks were broken. entry was made and the arti· facts were removed... Co<, ta Mesa Police Lt. Dale Birney sald. "The loss wa<, extCnMve ... At 1he ume of the incident. the victim reported a lo!>!> of more than $I 00,000, according 10 the police report. Some of 1he items have been recovered. f:hrney !>aid, but he declined to go into details. Police also arrested 43-year· old Joel \\fhnney Gruwell of Co- rona del Mar in connecuon with the burglary. Gruwell ha!. been charged with commercial burglary and receiving '>tolen property. The O\.., ner of the property. who did no t want to be identi· fied . said the s1olen artifacts are mvaJuable and very dear to tum and his family. "These are all au1hcnt1c 11emc,," he said. "They bear a deep personal significance " He said he initially ec;umated the value of the stolen goodl> at more than $100,000, but now reali1es that they are worth more than $750,000. I he victim said the 11ems were not insured because insurance rates were "proh1biuvely expensive.~ The victim said he and hi!. family lived in Newport Beach for 13 years. but they now live elsewhere in Orange County. One of 1he Molen arlifacts, a golden Buddha from the 18th century. was acquired by the family on the day of h1 c, father's funeral. the man c,a1d He <iaid the fateful day he walked into the c,tornge unit is "burned in my mind .. "There wa'> an Italian chest on the right-hand side of the room,· he .. aid "There were a touple of boxe'> of cheap boo ks. a chair and a mirror. Other than that. 11 was empt} " That room had been filled w11h an array of nem ... the v1c- t1m said. mere were relic!> from the last empress of Olma. the 01inese Imperial family and the Ming dyna'>ty, he !>atd. There were ornate pieces of period furniture. enamel vase:., porcelain 1ars, embroidered robes. room-sin~ rug!>. 9-foot altar tables. 5-foot gold pea- cock.!> and several piece<, of jew- elry. But they were all gone "flow they took it. I don't know," 1he v1c11m '>aid "IL took me two 40-foo t truck' and 1111w men to bring in the art collcc Lion to the storage fac1hty " In add111on. the s1oragc taul 11y had '>ecuruv c.amera' ,ind elevator<, that required rndc'> w be punched 111, he• ... aid 'ihur gard oftiual-; did 11111 rt:turn phone Lall., Frida~ More 1han the nwnelJf\ \alue. the c.olleu1on 1' of t•nor mou.., \en11mental and 'Pl ritual \ alue. 1he \'!Clim '>aid "There \\ere l ruufi"l''> tl'rn pie guardian-., obft'<'t' of '>p1r1L ual and n:hg1ou'> re\Pl<111on' he c,a1d. \\e reg.irded our•wht·'> .:t'> curatur' <11HI litrt'ldkt·r' of the:.e arnfao, Blrne\ '>aid the IJ1\'l''>t1gd1111n into the inddent 1c, rnnt1nu111g "1 hNe are \1111 .. ewral thing'> 10 he luokl'cl at. he '>Jld ... r lw. ca ... e 1-. unu ... ual Jll'l bet au'>e of the uniquem~..,., of lhe propl'rt~ !hat wa .. takl'n ~urh t .l'>~' have a tend~nry to take a hf(• of thl'lr own In the\e ca'>e'" '<OU JU'>t go where 1he mforma11un takl·" vou. Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Quality Service·•• ... Nightly EotcrtainmcnC-.. Saturday, June 7. 2003 A5 for lll'Sf'l l'tltiv111 c~t11 (949) 646-7944 1695 Irvin~ A•e., Cm1a Mc-~;i .......... ~ ..... \ofS-\11•11.. • ., ... ,.,)41 Sni•tnt thl' Community for 30 ~an LEM ON & GARLJC FRUIT SALADS Yi CHICKENS To-Go $1 99 lb. . 99 ~ ~~. (,riff 10 th" Tabu JO mi Cool &Swut! NEED SOME HFLP tlmmo's Dth SptcrAI TURKEY BREAST PLANNING THE SPECIAL SANDWICH GRADUATION DINNER OR am/ a sitl.I' of saUul GET TOGETHER? Call us & we will share $299C:d some of our hip ideas.' "-""II l OL Dri·lt or" 81Ltlt! TRJED O VR STl 'FFED Dmna m a Jiffy' MAUI FL.AS K STEAKS? CEUSTINO 's 0 VL\ \l.in11attd 111 our ou'11 ttrr,alu c ROASTED CHKKLSS stu!Jul U!tth pmrappk C-r;rcrn onion $6 99 lb. $ 5 99 c:a. ,,, II!,.., •... IN~JI ~/,., 11 .111..~k fjt.1tlt \ub llJ0Jin I Kl ~II ~I \I U< JIJ •11\lllll I • ..,, \llllt''i ''\l\!11'- •'ii (l{l\11' • 'i\\ t H<llll'ilt •It II\._, II I< IJl'li1•errd I Jai/y Fresh Hand-Chopped Saba El Toro Bravo Chips & Tortillas • Home Styk Tamales • 32 Varieties 9,/Hommwk Sausages • (ekstino 's &efor Turko Itri Wt Carry Boar's Head Deli Pro Met/ 270 East 17th St.• Costa Mesa• (949) 642-7191 . t M Saturday, June 7, 2003 HOCKEY Continued from Al to confound you with stnts about how many teams who lost Game S ended up losing the series and the Stanley Cup, I will simply state to you that lt is a daunting task to lose this game and win the Cup. But this ii the year of the Mighty Ducks, and they will have their chance to set loose their fans and their·own wrath upon the visiting Devils for Game 6 today. If all holds true and the Ducks win because they are at home and have all those intangibles on their side, there will be a winner-take-all Game 7. That game will be held in New Jersey -but wait, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Game 5 was not exactly what anyone expected -not me, not the players and certainly not the guru of hockey, Barry Melrose. We were all dumbfounded to witness the Ducks jump all over the Devils in the first two FAMILY Continued from Al bases for some of the other kids. But som e of the other kids liked the outfield and were happy to get back there. Jared Payzant and Ouistian Mijares, who'd played outfield all season, told me that if they could play anywhere. they'd be in the minutes and lake a l ·O lead and a &-0 shot advantage in those first few minutes. The Dudes looked UJce they were poised to keep the momentum rolling, take a 3·2 series lead and wrap up the franchise~ first Stanley Cup at home in Game 6. Unfortunately for the Ducks, the Devils sprang baclc to life, tied up the game, took a lead and then lost it to end the first period tied at 2. lh that frantic opening period, we all witnessed more scoring chances and more mistakes by both goalies than we have seen all series. As a goalie myself, I could easily recognize that both goalies were not on top of their game and, with quick strikes against them, they were put back on their heels. What this means is that their confidence had been shaken and they were now a little tentative in their movements. J .S. Giguere had some bad bounces go against him, but he was not as sharp as he has been. oucfield. At our "fun" game, Jordan Young pitched very we!J in his debut, not surprising since he is a good all-round athlete. Jordan is responsible for making the single best defensive play I saw anywhere on any team: a backhan d grab or a ho! ground ball near second base, which he turned and fired to first base for the out. Kids coached at first and third during tha t game, too. something I rhink they may have enjoyed more than rhe post-game snack, if such a thing is possible. When all is said and done. there is a mountain of people to thank. Debra Mijares-Sanchez was so valuable as our team mom. Knowing fu ll well that the post-game snack is the highlighr of the game, Debra dutifully called the parenrs responsible for bringing the snack to the game lo remind them thar rhe kids were counring on them. Wharever fun we had was due in large pan to our coaches, Ohle Pearlman and Mike Markovslcy. who often reminded me without words that it was all just a gam e for kids. Jamie Schoneman was our Come see the new EverWood" Countryside blinds from Hum er Douglas. Overlapping slats create a beautiful board-on -board design. ~nd the 'step-up· look adds deprh, dimension and character to any room. And EverWood CoumrySide will not warp. crack. peel or fade. Even In humid areas or direct sunlight. Come ,_....,...,-, •• see these beautiful blinds today ................ , .. Wltnf Cr"ff .,, •• l tl•Jt ~ALDEN'S Fwo• COVl'llN<, ANn Ct,n1M W11'1nnwf'rl\'l'IUNr.~ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 He normally would have adjusted to the bounces oft' the back dasher boaros. making himself aware of where the pucks were coming back out from. For the first time, Giguere WdS faced with some bad bounces instead or some lucky breaks. It was interesting to see how he reacted. At the other end, Martin Brodeur was beaten by his low catching glove band a few times. It seems to be a weak spot on him at least for now, and the Ducks have exposed his vulnerability. Both goalies knew of the immense significance of this game, and the pressure got to them. This may be as harsh as I can be on my union partners. They both have been terrific in the playoffs and instrumental in getting their teams where they are today. Without these two goalies playing as well as they have, I would probably have more tee times than I already do. The Devils eventually began to take over the game and, as in the resident scorekeeper, assisted from time to time by my wife, Cay. I'm sorry that Jamie did not have more opportunities to write bigger numbers in our "runs" column, but it is what it is. I owe the most thanks to the players on our Minor A Dodger team. Once again, through good and bad times, they transported me back in time to the days when the game was all that ma tiered. So. to Mike Markovsky. Jordan Young. Riley Schoneman, Andrew Tenno. Courtney Ulrich, Joshua Bowman. Jeremy Pearlman, Justin ButJer, Ouistian Mijares and Jared Payza.nt, l say, "Thanlc you." There are a couple of other lcids to thank, 100. For the past rwo seasons. I've had the great pleasure of coaching Ryan Ouistopher, whose deadJy aim from the mound propeUed us to a roumament last year. - This season and last, I gave Ryan more of a burden than a Little Leaguer should have. But Ryan never complained. He always came to play and he always gave I 00%. Thanks. Ryan. You will be missed. Good luck. next season. The other player is my son, Roy. As the manager's son. he probably was the recipient of more tirades than he was entitled to simply because I made the mistake of taldng out my frustrations on him, because I could. That's not a good enough reason, and to Roy. I say, "I'm sorry." Roy aJso came to play. The sea:.on was not a total loss. for these kids made a difference in my life. Maybe they'll all be teachers when they grow up. • STEVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Dally Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. MISSING Continued from Al Acevedo gets treatment. Tus.tiJLPoJice ..said Acevedo's wife reponed her husband miss- ing al about 9:40 a.m. Friday. Of- ficials said he was last seen leav- ing the yacht club. Bailey said Acevedo may have been confused by a few offramp closures while driving home. "I lis wife said she went out looking for him and that he knew how to drive back and forth between work and home only,• she said. "That's a very dangerous situation ... Bailey said Acevedo was un- fortunately not enrolled in the Safe Return Program, a national program that helps identify, lo· cate and safely return patients who wander. "We know that at least 60% of Alzhelmel"s patients wander once if not multiple times," she said. Bailey said studies also show that 46% of patients may die of hypothermia or debydra· tion if not found within 24 hours. Unda Scheck. chief operating officer of the association, said h is a more dangerous sJtu.adon when an adult gets lost because "he doesn't appear lost." "Hea fUJt driving around or parking h1a car and ~g first two games of th1s series, they became 'too bi8 and too strong for the Ducb to handle. Don't get me wrong, it was a war out there, wilh bodies Oying everywhere and no lack of intensify. It boiled down to this: The Devils got too many • · chances and, at least for this game, they bad gotten to Giguere. The great thing about hockey and hockey players is that once the game Is over, you anal)'U' your mistakes, make your corrections for the next game and move on. With a minimum of one game and a maximum of two games left in this season, you will see the players come out refocused and play like there is no tomorrow. Well, there really ls no tomorrow and, as an old saying goes: Don't worry about injuries. You have the whole summer to get better. The Ducks will be ready to sacrifice everything so they can play in that final game, a Game 7 winner-take-all COUNCIL Continued from Al director. On Tuesday. the council could vote to change that so that two or more council members are needed to call up a decision. "When you call something up before coundl, basically it's a de novo hearing. You're rehearing the whole thing. It's serious business. you don~ tak.e it lightly.~ Mayor Steve Bromberg said "My col- league is doing this more often than I've ever seen happen." Bromberg bad asked that the matter be put on Tuesday's coun- cil agenda because he believes that Nichols has overexercised the privilege. On April 22. the council recon- sidered two Planning Commission decisions at Nichols' request. On Tuesday. the council will recon- sider the cotllffiis.gon's decision on a Balboa Island property. ''Whal they're trying to do is keep these things from being called up," Nichols said. The council will also consider what should be done about Nich· ols' comments at a Planning Commis.sioo meeting last month. During a discussion of a pennit request for the home on Balboa Island, Nichols told the commis- sion that the city's decision seemed so wrong that it appeared that someone had been bribed. Nichols has since clarified that he was refening to public percep- tions created and that he didn't believe that anyone had actually been bribed. A staff report writlen 17,1 the city attorney called the comment "reckless." and the council might talce further action. perhaps draft- ing a resolution denmmcing the comment •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadl and John Wayne Airport She may be readied at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.cassgrande@latimes.com. around," she said. "He probably won't admit he's lost either be- cause he may feel embarrassed about iL That's why this is a cri - sis.~ Bailey said Acevedo is one of their few patients who has been affected by the disease at a younger age. "Patients like him have been able to retain their driving privi- leges,· she said. "But in Guada· lupe's case, it was late at night. he was at work. and being ex· hausled probably exacerl>ated bis confusion." Acevedo was driving a white 1990 Toyota Threet, license plate num.ber 2.XYS658. He is 5-foot·S, weighs 153 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a beige shin with the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub logo and his first name. Guada· lupe, on the front He was also wearing blue Dockers slacks. a darlc sweater and brown tennis shoes. His CalifomJa driver's license mun· ljer ts C3 l 83087. Anybody who sees or comes into contact with a person matching Acevedo's description ls asked to call 911. • OHM 8HARA1l4 coven publlc ufety end court&. She may be reached et (949) 574-4226 or by .-meilet dHpll.bh1trafh Olltt.lma.com. Dally Pilot PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Ademt ~An auto theft wa1 reported In the 1300 bloc* at 7:66 a.m. Thursday. • Bltstol StrNt: A commercial burglary was reported In the 3300 blodc at 3:11 p.m. Thursday. • Htllbor Boulewrd: Vandalism was reported In the 2700 blodc at 2:16 p.m. Thursday. • McConnldl Awnue: Grand theft was reported In the 100 blodc at 1:12 p.m. Thursday. • MoMco Tenece end Monte Vista Avenue: Graffiti was reported at 11:59a.m. Thursday. •~Drive: An auto theft was reported In the 2800 blodc at 1:28 a.m. Thursday. • PuUman StrMt: Grand theft BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Hearing postponed for teens accused of rape Attorneys for three Rancho Cucamonga teens accused of gang-raping an unconscious 16-year·old girl in a Corona de! Mar home last July are set to make pretrial motions to have the case dismissed on July 25. A pretrial hearing for Greg· ory Haid.I, Kyle Nachreiner and Keith Spann was scheduled for Friday, but it was postponed to July 25. Orange County Superior Coun Judge Everen Dickey ruled in January that the teens must stand trial after he EL TORO Continued from Al development business. This is a regional and national growth is- sue and it's not best addressed by cities or initiatives or referen· dums." Neither the city nor the work- ing group has any action planned in the wake of Friday's news, but Naughton predicted that it could mean new momentum for the pro-El Toro movement "The reason I believe it could result in something tangible is because Secretary (NonnanJ Mineta at the Department of Transportation and the [Federal Aviation Administration) have been talking for many years back in Washington about the need in the entire nation for additional airports and runways." Naughton said There was notable opposjtion to the idea among some of New- port· Mesa's elected officials. Rep. Ouis Cox met with fed- eral officials on Friday and later announced that there didn' seem to be any movement in the federal agencies toward the El Toro proposal. "After speaking with officials at the Department of Transpona- tion and the Navy, it is dear that the federal government is com- mitted to creation of the second largest municipal part in the na- tion." Newport Beach's Congress- man said in a starement "Today, the Department of Transporta- tion and the Department of the Navy stated definitively that the wa• reported In the 3100 blodt at 10lA8 a.m. Thursday. • VlctoM 81rMt: Vandallam wat reported In the 400 blodt at 11 :43 a.m. Thursday. NEWPOR1 BEACH • Comwel IAne: Petty theft was reported In the 1600 blodt at 12:66 p.m. Thurlday. • &9tblu« o.tve: A burglary was reported In the 2600 blodc et 12:24 p.m. Thursday. ·Merlne~A commen:lal burglary was reported In the 300 blodc at 1 :09 p.m. Thursday. • N9wpot't Centllr Drive West A commercial burglary was reported in the 800 blodc at 2:27 p.m. Thursday. • AJwr Awnue: Vandalism was reported In the 4800 blodt at 10:38 a.m. Thursday. watched a 20-minute video- tape the teens· reportedly filmed that captured the inci- dent in lurid detail. The three Inland Valley teens -who were all 17 at the time of the incident -face 24 counts. Hald.I, son of Orange County Assistant Sheriff Don Haidl, and Nachreiner face enhance· ments for allegedly inllicting great bodily injury to the vic- tim and using a deadly weapon -in this case a pool cue -to penetrate her. The trio, students at Rancho Cucamonga High School, will be tried as adults for the July 6 incident that reportedly hap- pened in Don Haidl's Corona del Mar home. Defense attor- neys have argued that the vic- tim consented to sex. federal government is nol con· s.idering using the El Toro prop- erty as a commercial airport." And Supervisor Tom WtL'iOn, who represents Newpon Coast along with large swatc!les of anti- airport South County, released a copy of a lettei he sent to Mineta outlining opposition to Los An- geles taking control of the air- port "The Orange County Board of Supervisors will not tolerate any attempt by the city of Los An - geles to overturn a local land use decision made 17,1 the voters of Orange County and endorsed by its polltlcal leadership," Wtlson wrote. "Orange County's decision is ftnn and final -El Toro will be transferred to private ownership and developed according to the wishes of our citizens for non- avia1ion uses,· WLl.son added. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beacti and John Wayne Airport. She may be readied at (949) 574-4232 or by &-mail et junt1.caNgr11ntkl@latimes.com. HYSON, Robert 0. PredeceaMd by aon John, survived by wtfe, Ruth Ann. daughter Jane Robert Parl(er, 3 ~ ..... 3 great-~ Oroth8r In law, Moeomann, 3 nieces! and a grandniece ano ~re held on Monday, June 2, 2003 at Pacific View Mortuary, Cofona del Mar, California. Donations may be made to a chaltty of your choice. Luelle Tinsley Burger March 22, 1915 ·May 31 , 2003 Lud .. Tlnaley Burver puled away at '* home In Corona Ml Mar on May 31, 2003 due to compllcatton. from a fall lhe IUtr.'ed In ~. Although born In~.~ the and her tluebM<f, Clyde, moved to Corona Ml Mar wtth !Mir daught« In 1182. They operat.d the Corona del Mar Mobfl MMce station untll hit dMth. She loved the email oommuntty Md continued to be lrwoMd In the Corona del Mat Chamber of ~ unttl her rnoet recent ftlneu. She 11 1urvlved by '* deughter, Clyda Joy . Brenner, two ~ fl!Ubeth .... Md.,..... ...... eon-In ... ~HUtta~~·~dbe ,_, at the del ~ Community Chutdl on~...,,.11,•!:00p.m. In...., of ....... ~ In"" memory "'91 be lent to.,. Ho9Q Hoepittll Foundat(on, P .. llttwe C.. Progrwn1 P.O. Box 1800, ~ 8-ah. CA 82'111 1100. Dally Piiot 3 honored for peace efforts Two Corona del Mar High students and a school district employee are among those to win annual Ambassador of Peace awards. Christine Carrlllo D~1lyPjlot COSTA MESA -rhree New- port-Mesa residents were hon- ored Friday for their efforts to promote peace and encourage o(.hers do the same. Pepe Montenegro, outreach youth coordinator for the New- port-Mesa Unified School Dis- trict, and Florencia Krochik, 17, and Andrea Savopolos, 16, jun- iors at Corona del Mar lhgh School. were all cited for com- munity-bu1ldlng efforts The recognition came al the seventh annual 200J Ambassd- dor of Peace Award-; luncheon ceremony at the Turnip Rose in Costa Mei;a. The Violence Pre vemion Coalition of Orange Counry recogmz.ed '>IX people for their peat:e promoting t.>f forts. This event is important be- cause ~we need to celebrate our work: and the people doing that work," said Mary Leigh Blek, a representative of the coalition. "We need to celebrate our suc- cesses also by coming together. That way, we can create energy and inspiration for our work in this community." Montenegro received the peace award for his 25 years of dedication to helping others. "I enjoy specifically what I do. . . . Being recognized for (my work) is awesome, but it's surreal.· he said. ~rm just do- ing what I'm supposed 10 do. I'm doing my calling." Through his work at the dis- trict, Montenegro works with troubled teens and their fami- lies, handling situations involv- lng drugs, bullies and gangs. Castellanos said. ~When you "I'm extremely proud of look at their ma1ura11on him,• said Jaime Castellanos, . their passion, you can tell assistant superintendent of they're gifted because you JU~t secondary education for the don't see (those qualities) in district. "I think he's just a won-that age group very often. I! lets derfuJ example of what it takes you know that our future's an to do the job he has to do good handi. with students hke everyday. He's a jewel. H that. H Many of Montenegro's col-"It's an honor that the tom leagues agree. muniry 1s recogni1.1ng the ef "It's so clear that the kind of forts we're making al our work that he's doing really fits school," Andrea '>aid. this award and what they were "Everything we do with (1he looking for," said Diana Hense-club) we do becau!.e we wan1 w ly, a counl>elor coordinator for make a difference,' 1-lorenua the district and the woman who added. nominated him for the award. For aU of the rec1p1ent'>, the ~He really has a heart for this recogmuon they received wa'> and he's really affective." more about the wort.. 1he}'vc Florencia and Andrea co-done than the people they are founded the high school's Toi-"I respect (all the rec·1p1enh erance Among People club, a and I'm jui.t glad tha1 we have student organization that aims that same kind of \ein in o ur to break down the walls of heart.·· l\1ontenegro '>aid "'\\e pre1ud1ce and d1scnminauon. want people to get along We "I'm 1ncred1bly proud of want people to be re'>pt:ued, them, and they deserve every whatever color. "'hatc•vcr recogn11ion they've received," class ... Stolen antiques investigation goes on Costa Mesa Po lice have arrested a suspect and recovered items, but their owner still wonders how the burglary occurred. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COS1A MLSA -Poht e are still lookmg for '>l'\cral an114ue:. stolen from ct local '>forage fa . cil11y more than three month~ ago and for '>Uspects in the bur glary. officials said The piece... !.Orne of them several feet tall. "'ere n•port edly removed from l\\O '>CCUnt~ lockers at <,hurgard ~torage Centers in 1hc 1600 blod:· of Newport Boulevard. Police said two of the i.torage uoits were broken into '>Orne time between reb. 26 and M(.\rch 3. "The padlock!> were brol..en, entry wa:. made and the arti· fac:t'> were removed... Costa Mei;a Police 1 t. Dale Birney said. "The loss wa'> extcm1ve .. At the ume of the incident, the VlCllm reported ct lo!.!> of more than Sl00.000. accord111g to the police report. Some of the item-; have been recovered. Birney said. but he declined to go into details. Police also arrested 43-year- old Joel Wh11ney Gruwell of Co- rona del Mar 1n connec:tion w11h the burglary. C..ruwell has been charged with commercial burglary and receiving stolen pro perry. I he O\\ner of the property. who dJd not wan1 to be 1den11- fied. '>aid the stolen artifact' are invaluable and very dear to l11m and hb family. "lhe!>e are all authentic 11em'>." he said. "They bear a deep personal i.ignificance ... He said he initially e-;timated the value of the '>tolen goodi. al more than SI 00,000. but now reali7ei. that they are worth more than $750,000. The victim said the items were not insured because insurance rates were "prohibitively expensive." The victim said he and his family lived in Newpon Beach for 13 yeari.. but they now live elsewhere an Orange Coun1y. One of the stolen artifacts. a golden Buddha from the 18th century, wai. acquired by the family on the day of his father'i. funeral. the man said. I le said the fateful dav he waJked IOI() the storage UOll I!> "burned LO my mind "There wa'> an Italian chest on the right-hand side of the room,H he '>did "There \\ere a couple of boxes of cheap books. a chair and a mirror. Other than that. 11 was empty.· That room had been filled w11h an array of 11em'>. the v1e- 11m '>aid !'here were relln from the last empres'> of 01ina. 1he (hinese Imperial family and the Ming dynac;1y. he '>aid. ·1 here were ornate piece'> of period furniture. enamel va'>e'>, porcelain Jars. embroidered robes, room-size rug,, 9· foot altar tables. 5-foot gold pea- cocks and several pieces of jew- elry. But they were all gone. "llow they took 11 . I don't know," the vtrnm '>aid "II iook me two 40-foot trut:ks and nine men 10 bring in rhc art rnllcc- uon 10 1he !>IUrage facility.· Jn addition. 1he c;1orage lac.ii i1y had '>ecumy rnmera'> .ind elevator'> that required u1de'> 10 be punched 1n. he 'did ">hur gard ofhc1al'> did not rl'lllrn phone rnlh 1-mfa~ '\lore than 1lw nu1ne1.1n \'alue, the c.ollec 11011 1, ol l'IHH mou<, '>en11men1al and 'J>irllual value, the \1Cllm '>aid "There "crt.' t ruu fl\n ll'm pie guardian .... obfl.'l'h 01 -.pint ual and rehg1ou-. rt'\ ela11on-. ' he !>aid \\'e reg.mfrd ot1r.,l'h e' d'> curator-. and cart.>1al.t·r-. of these arnfact'> 81rne~ 'aid 1lw 1nH· ... 11g.itw11 into the incident I'> Lon1111u111g "There are '>1111 \e\'eral 111111~., to he looked at, .. he c;a1d " I Im ca .. e " unu ... ual Jll'>I hera1"t' of the un14uenC'>'> of 1h1: pm1wr1y 1ha1wa'1aken Such La'>f''> have a tendency 10 Lake a ltfe of 1hc1r own In 1he .. e ca ... e .... you 1u.,t go where the 1nforma11on t.1ke'> you." Saturday, June 7, 2003 A5 for R1-.n Mtir1ns (,:Pl/ (949) 646-7944 Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Service ... •••Nightly Entertainment .... 1695 lrvinc A•c .. (i>u;i Mc"" o;....r" "~ \iw w i-~ II• II.. • .,.. • • JO ~n,,ng rht Community for 30 ~an LEMON & GARLIC FRUIT SALADS 'h CHICKENS TO-Go CJriU to tht fabu JO mi NEED SOME HfLP Pl.ANNING THE SPECIAL GRADUATION DlNNER OR GET TOGETHER? Call u.s & wt will share somt of our hip ideas.' TRIED Ot:R STL'FFED MA.VI FLASK STE.\K.S? \fanflattd m our 011•11 trrmiltt C- 1111/Jrd 1Nrh pinti1ppu c,~ grrm onion $6 99 lb. "' t b .... ._ •• 1/v f!1'I . 99 ~ ~~. CAol 6 Swttt! tkmno's Dt/1 Spuwl TURKEY BREAST SANDWICH and a sUh of sa/JuJ $2 99t:a. AJJ 11 l 0%. Dri11lt or fl Bsult! Dinnrr m a Jiffi' CELF.STINO 's OVL' ROASTED CHICK£.'\ 11<1 ~II ~I \I 0111> •II \I llH I •'>I \II 1 II''> • '\I \Ill"- • 'd I R I\ II' • '> \\ < >I{ I >I I '>It • I 1 • I : '> I I I< /),_./;,.,.,.,:d /Jai/y Frtsh Hand-Chopped Salsa El Toro Bravo Chips & Tortillas • Hom~ Style Tamales • 32 Varieties o/Homemade Sausages • Ctlntino's Bufor Turkey fer~ Wt Can)' Boar 's Heaa Deli PTO Um 270 East 17th St. • Costa Mesa • (949) 642-7191 1 Saturday, June 7, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -L..aere: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meaa. CA 92627 •Readers Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-m.ll:Send to dailypilotOlatim•com •All oorreepondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verifk:a11on purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all 1ubmialon1 for clarity and length. ~boa Bay Club is as open as it needs to be I am responding to your question ~at appeared in June Casagrande's recent article regarding the Balboa Bay Oub access for the public (MCoasta.l board questions club's public access," Saturday). Yes, I believe that the Balboa Bay Oub has provided adequate access to the club for the public's use. I note that Edward's Theaters here in Newport Beach provides valet parking. as does John Wayne t\irport. Are these public businesses being restrictive by offering that ,.ervice, which. incidentally. I doubt ls free in either case? I PAUL CHRIST Newport Beach lf there's tipping involved, it isn't free Who in the world thinks that valet parking is free? You would have to be a NeanderthaJ not 10 tip a parking attendant, unless the club clearly stated that they were paying a salary to these young men who work as valets. • UN TALLMAN-NEAL Newport Beach Where is the Costa Mesa coverage? I am calling about my disappointment in my local. hometown newspaper. We had a Fish Fry this weekend. Your coverage. you didn't have coverage, you didn't help to make it berter. Yet. MAILBAG on Sunday morning. I saw a firetruck parade from Balboa Island. You can't do anything on the cover of Costa Mesa's newspaper for Costa Mesa's hometown celebration. You missed the boat. SecondJy, last night at the Costa Mesa City Council, you can write a pretty big article on the shopping cart ordinance, but you missed the huge issue last night at 1901 Newport Blvd. There was no coverage of that. Where was your reporter? The 190 I Is a huge development that is going to effect Costa Mesa. You did not cover it. In my opinion, you let your city down cwice. SANDY JOHNSON Costa Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE: The decision on the condo project at 1901 Newport Blvd. came after the Pilot's deadline. The story on the counciJ deciding to rehear the project ran Wednesday. A welcome face at Superior Court Going to court is unsettling. Traffic violation, jury duty -most visits to court are surely unwelcome. There is however, one person at the Harbor Justice Center in Newport Beach who most certainly deserves an honorable mention for making time spent there a little less truting. Orange County Sheriff's Deputy John Delgadillo, who is responsible for introducing rules and procedures in the court room, is the first person to greet those in attendance each day. Delgadillo emotionally takes the hand of every person. In a nurturing and charismatic way. he lets them mow he is there to help them, he is there to guide them and he is there to make their visit much less threatening than even the fear that can be generated by the silence that permeates the courtroom before rus entrance. Some even manage a smile or a laugh because of his endearing way. No misijnderstanding here: This officer means business and knows the business of the day. But be assured. 1he buzz around the court house and from those who have met him is 1hat we all feel a little bit lucky to have him in our corner. His enthusiasm. patience and assistance are much appreciated. KATHLEEN HANOLD Costa Mesa Newport doesn't need to subsidize housing I have a pretty good income, but I can't afford to live in Newport Beach, so I don't see why there is such a special effort made for low-cost housing. AJI of us have the problem of trying 10 find where we can live in the kind of environment we want Wlth the incomes we have. No. 2. I think the people who take shopping carts from markel should be the ones held responsible. If the cops see them on the streets, they should slop them 1mmed1a1ely and 1icket them. LYNN MERLES Costa Mesa COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Residents who know about Regent plan will support it By Stephen R. Sutherland Tom Billings once again tries to mislead residents when he states that the Regent Newport Beach Resort. planned for the Marina MoblJe Home Park site on the Balboa Peninsula, is the same size of the Balboa Bay Oub. In fact, the Regent will total 100.507 square feet. This includes the new Girl Scout house and the new Community Center that will be built on the site. The Regent will be one-and two-story villa style buildings that will not exceed the height of many of the homes in the area and most of the villas will be lower than surrounding homes. The new and improved Bay Oub is three stories high and close to 250.000 square feet in size. If you add the Bay Club apartments. you grow to five Storie~ and well more than 600,000 square feet. In fact, the Regent is not the same size as the Bay Oub. as Billings claims; 1l 1s su ume'i smaller. Residents of Newport Beach have the right to support or oppose the Regent or any other project. Residents also have the right to be told the truth. but ll seem., Billings does not respect that right. fine ci ty and I agreed that residents should decide a project of this lmportance. Greenlight leaders have stated in the past that they have not taken a position on the Regent Hesort. Greenlighl leader PhlJ Arst wrote a letter to the City Council asking the council to promote hotel development in the city. In his letter he states, Mthe city should encourage retail and hotel development: Even with this, residents should not be surprised if Greenlight finds some reru.on to oppose the Resort. Residents that have driven through this part of the peninsula know that this is currently one of the most run down parts of our city. It is filled with bars. tattoo parlors, body piercing shops and rental units. The site, if made into a park as BWings wants. will be overrun with day tourists that now fill the Newport Pier area (only 200 short yards away) every summer day and leave nothing but trash behind when they leave. Most residents who drive through the Newport Pier parking lot during these periods will pray for a small luxury five-star resort instead of a park that will <,erve as the overflow for the pier crowd. bring more traffic. take up more parking and result only in the leaving of even more trash when they leave. And all of that at the coM of taxpayers throughout this city. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Billings has been a member of the Greenlight Steering Committee. The leader of the committee has said in the past tha1 a good project is one tha1 is low me. low density. low in traffic generation. benefits residents and generates revenue to the c1ry The Regent meets each and every one of those criteria. In fact, the traffic genera11on IS so low, the Regent does not even trigger a Greenlight vote. Is this what the mdJOrity of residents in Newport Beach really want? My early polling of voters indicates that residents who know that the Regent is a small luxury reson with the benefits to the community that have already been '>lated support the resort by a margin of 75%. The majority of those that opposed the resort in the past changed the1s minds when the facts were presented to them COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE Pl STRICT bistrict Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 ~•ncellor: William M. Vega •rd: President Paul Berger, Vice esident Armando Rutz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 SuJ*intendent: Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Bladt. Clerk Serene Stokes. David Brooks. Tom Egan, Judy Franco end Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Dnve, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Parker, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa. Newport Beach The Regent benefits residents in many ways. The project includes a new C.1rl Scout House. new Community Center. new public tennis courts. a major remodel of the American Legion Post 291 for our wterans. and improved water quality for the harbor. AU of this without a dtme out of residents pockets. A vote of residents will take place in November of 2004, not because of Greenlight. but because the leaders of thic; Could thi'> be the reason Billings auemph to mislead residents? Residents should a'ik themselve-.. does Billings fear an informed and educated population? • STEPHEN R SUTHERLAND 1s 11 partner in Regent Newport Beach Huge selection of leathers &.. fabrics to choose from . . . . and yes they all recline H.J. GARRETT FURNITURE .. A farnlty trodttk>n of providing service and value since 1960. • 2215 Harbor.Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)646-0275 -..... ~ .. .... . .. . ....,._. --------- MoN • SAr 10. 6 SUNDAY 12. 6 canon -r:&werShot s 400 DICilTAL EL?H Ef28-105 US M""' I non $499 r:A ;RKT eos $499 Ei'PRINT ELrl1V 7 · r~ first 4 ,,.pixel Oiqital ELPH with • Hipll·speed 7-pomr Wldt-arta AF new 9 AW and 2x optlCal. 3.lx d11Jtli/, •High-speed 4 fps ftlm advance, 114000 6 4x ccmbl/ltd zoom sec top shlfft8r speed •~and stylisll u/lJa th111 compact dlSlf)ll • Compact body wrtll durable metallic top •New tmagmg Promsor improves image cover aJll1 simplified control layout qwtlty and 111creases prouss1ng s/]#d. • The QUlftest EOS ever with exclUSM • ffl/wlcM Movie MO<le l'!COrrJs up to 3 Whisper Orwe"' m111urts (15 fps) cano11 ~rS11otA70 • Upto4«X!& 1Dl cotrdpi ·Philo~ llDwtnow ~ • llLUJlt,,C dlrlct rm1111c1 CWon CM!tlll •f.llf•cnt TAmRon Af28·200mm Super Zoom FU-u~D(f)UCRO EPSON•. Stylus• Photo 824985* ca-non canon cptura 20 u>6o • 16x Gnine cnn0p11ca Zoom SAii z:R 65 ~ ' , SlnUlanlOOS Photo Reoor<ing .,, "'° •o P"P!I •~a i.oe 3.5-LCO Screen PRICED ~ I• ~ • US8 T«mim and AteWlr .. Ttrmlnal • lnek.des OV M•SIOO«'" Sotrne for lnl«net video Chll • 18-22x Optical Zoom • tmaoe Stablllur • Digital Pnoto Mode •Analog to Olgltal Converter •NltUMOde -- . . S70 TOTAi. HIAn• FIOM NIKON ......... lolly $20.............. Nikon N65 Nikon NBD ...,,Mns OUtftt $27995 ltcly. ,,.... outfit s40r· E.rpect mor• from Ellli•"'" •• r•ur plct1H'91 E.lllllanlh lncludts 2H0mm • an.rrtt1at• Nl''-on Af·Niktor lens lncldts: 2&-llOnlm "'' AF-Nikkw lent www.rikonusa.com "Nikon ,_...,. •olllcl on r-.11 purU-trom Apri 1. 2000 tlYoUQl'I .l<ll<I J(i 2000 Aellel• aWY to al F100, NllO and N8000 cern-boOtaa eiln« purcr-.o •-•t"'Y .... _..,..... ........ _MM petl O_f~_o_~_l~~~~~~~ canon LV Mutumedla Protectors ~--- 17-35/IP U 1 80 EC>-lf /i-S Zoom 2USnrn 113 5-4 5G ED-f U-S Zoom t•· 120rml 11 ls-5 iO Zoom 21-lOOlnm L 3.S·S 6G Zoom 21-2011Ml 113.5·5 &D f ZOilfll • Ultra Compact • 2.1 Mega Ptxel • MPEQ Video Saturday, Juoe 7, 2003 A7 GNE DAY DNLYI SAVE BIG AT OUR MAJOR EVENT Y!nlOllL DISCOUNTS Off NON·IDVERTISID ITEIS to OFF Point 'N Slloot cameras to~ OFF SLR camera Lenses •20 OFF SLR cameras Saturday • June 7th Items priced 1n !Hs ad e.tciuded Le1ca and <.onf>tgned items atsr; exctuoed .1~ H;"'t~ ff t'llf•lfj •rlj1 ... t,l"c-, ~ -.. \!°t'"• *Free OIYMPUS 84 MB XD Card D i ~GE ).."'<t MfNO LTA -----. 1 . • Saturday, June 7, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PUIUSHED -~ Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reeden Hotftne: Call (949) 642-ooe6 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-rnelt:s.nd to dal/ypilottllatima.com •All correspondence mutt Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity end length. ' JJaiboa Bay Club is as open as it needs to be L I am responding to your question µiat appeared in June Casagrande's t'eeent article regarding the Balboa Bay Oub access for the public CWCoastal board questions club's public access,~ Saturday). Yes, I believe that the Balboa Bay Oub has provided adequate access to the club for the public's use. I note that Edward's Theaters here in Newport Beach provides valet parking, as does John Wayne l\irport. Are these public businesses being restrictive by offering thac jiervice, which, incidentally, I doubc ls free in either case? I PAUL CHRIST , Newpon Beach lrthere's tipping involved, it isn't free Who in the world thinks that valet parking is free? You would have to be a Neanderthal noc to tip a parking attendant, unlei.s the club clearly slated that they were paying a salary to these young men who work as valets. • LIN TALLMAN-NEAL Newport Beach Where is the Costa Me a coverage? 1 am calling about my disappointment in my local. hometown newspaper. We had a Fish Fry this weekend. Your coverage. you didn't have coverage. you didn't help to ma.Ice it bener. Yet, MAILBAG on Sunday morning, I saw a firetruck parade from Balboa Island. You can't do anything on the cover of Costa Mesa's newspaper for Costa Mesa's hometown celebration. You missed the boat. Secondly, last night at the Costa Mesa City Council, you can write a pretty big article on the shopping cart ordinance, but you missed the huge issue last night at 1901 Newport Blvd. There was no coverage of that. Where was your reporter? The 1901 is a huge development that is going to effect Costa Mesa. You did not cover it. ln my opinion, you let your city down twice. SANDY JOHNSON Costa Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE: The decision on the condo project at 1901 Newport Blvd. came after the Pilot's deadline. The story on the counci) deciding to rehear the project ran Wednesday. A welcome face at Superior Court Going to court is unsettling. Traffic violation, jury duty-most visits to court are surely unwelcome. There is however. one person at the Harbor Justice Center in Newport Beach who most certainly deserves an honorable mention for malcing time spent there a little less taxing. Orange County Sheriff's Deputy John Delgadillo, who is responsible for introducing rules and procedures in the court room, is the first person to greet those in attendance each day. Delgadillo emotionally takes the hand of every person. In a nurturing and charismatic way, he lets them know he is there to help them, he is there to guide them and he is there to ma.Ice their visit much less threatening than even the fear that can be generated by the silence that permeates the courtroom before his entrance. Some even manage a smile or a laugh because of his endearing way. No mis40derstanding here: This officer means business and knows the business of the day. But be assured, the buzz around the court house and from those who have met him is that we all feel a littJe bit luclcy 10 have him in our comer. His enthusiasm, patience and assistance are much appreciated. KATHLEEN HANOLD Costa Mesa Newpon doesn 't need to subsidize housing 1 have a pretty good income. but I can't afford to live in Newport Beach. so I don't see why there is such a special effort made for low-cost housing. All of us have the problem of trying to find where we can live in the kind of environment we want with the incomes we have. No. 2, I think the people who ta.Ice shopping carts from market should be the ones held responsible. If the cops see them on the !>treets, they should stop chem immediately and tickec them. LYNN MERLES Costa Mesa COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Residents who know about Regent plan will support it By Stephen R. Sutherl•nd Tom BillJngs once again tries to mislead residents when he states that the Regent Newport Beach Resort, planned for the Marina Mobile Home Park site on the Balboa Peninsula. is the same size of the Balboa Bay Oub. In fact, the Regent will total 100,507 square feet. This includes the new Girl Scout house and the new Community Center that will be built on the site. The Regent will be one-and two-story villa style buildings that will not exceed the height of many of che homes in the area and most of the villas will be lower than surrounding homes. The new and improved Bay Oub is three stories high and close to 250,000 square feet in size. If you add the Bay Oub apartments, you grow to five stories and well more than 600,000 square feet. In fact, the Regent is noc <he same size as the Bay Oub. as Billings claims; it is si.x tjmes smaller. Residents of Newpon Beach have the right 10 support or oppose the Regen! or any other project. Residents also have the right to be told che truth, but it seems Billings does not respect thac right. fine cicy and 1 agreed that residents should decide a project of this importance. Greenlight leaders have stated in the past that they have not taken a position on the Regent Resort . Greenlight leader Phil Arst wrote a leller to the City Council asking the counciJ to promote hotel development In the city. In his letter he slates. "the city should encourage retail and hotel development." Even with this, residents should not be surprised if Greenllght finds some reason to oppose the Resort. Res idents that have driven through this part of the peninsula know that this is currentJy one of the most run down parts of our city. II is filled with bars, tattoo parlors. body piercing shops and rental units. The site, if made in 10 a park as Billings wants, will be overrun with day tourists thac now fill 1he Newport Pier area (only 200 short yards away) every summer day and leave nothing bu1 trash behind when they leave. Most residents who drive through the Newport Pier parking lot during chese penod!> will pray for a small luxury five-star resort instead or a parlc that wiJI serve as the overnow for 1he pier crowd. bnng more traffic, ta.Ice up more parking and re!>ult only in the leaving of even more tmsh when they leave. And all of that at the cost of taxpayers throughout this City. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Billings has been a member of the Greenlight Steering Committee. The leader of the commiuee has said an the past 1hat a good project ii. one that is low rise. low density, low an traffic generation. benefits residencs and generates revenue to the city. The Regent meets each and every one of those criteria. In fact, the traffic generation is so low, the Regent does not even trigger a Greenlight vote. Is this what the majority of residents in Newpon Beach really wane? My early polling of voters indicates 1ha1 residents who know that the Regent is a small luxury resort with the benefits 10 the community that have already been stated support the resort by a margin of 75%. The majority of those that oppo!>ed the resort in the past changed thei' minds when the fa cts were presented 10 them. COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 ~ncellor: William M . Vega rd: President Paul Berger. Vice sident Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Board: President M artha Fluor, Vice President Dana Black, Cleric Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Parker, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa M esa. Newport Beach The Regent benefits residents in many ways. The project includes a new Girl Scout f louse, new Community Center, new public tennis courts, a major remodel of the American Legion Post 291 for our veterans, and improved water quality for the harbor. AlJ of this without a dime out of residents pockets. A vote of residents will ta.Ice place in November of2004, not because of Greenllght, but because the leaders of this Could this be the reason BilUngs attempts 10 mislead residents? Residents shouJd ask themselves, does BIUings fear an informed and educated population? • STEPHEN R. SUTHERLAND 11 a partner tn Regent Newport Beach Huge selection of leathers~ fabrics to ·choose from . . . . and yes they all recline H.J. GARRETT FURNITURE . ·A famly tradttton of provk:tlng sefVlce and value since 1960. • 2215 Harbor Blvd.,·costa Mesa (949)646-0275 _ .. MoN ·SAT 10. 6 SUNDAY 12. a canon HwerShot s 400 DICilTAL EL?H .. _ l' r. , ~. j ,1 f . EF 28-105 USM Lens ti ' ea:'$ s499 ~~~ ELR1V7 499 •Tlltf11st4,,.pixelO~ELPHwrth • Hip'!·speed 1·pomt Wl<if-area AF new 9 AIAF Ind 2x optJcal, 3.lx digltil. • Higll·speed 4 fps ltlm a<JvaflC8. 114000 6 4x comb//Jtd 100m sec. top shutter speed • Sleek and stylsh ullra lh1n compact deSlgll • Compact txxJy with durable meta/lie top •New lmagino ProctSS1Jr improves Jma08 CfMr and simplified control layout qw/Jty and K1cruses prOC4SSmg spad. • ~ quietest EOS ever with exclus~ • fnh.Jnced MUVle 1.#00B records up to 3 Whisper Orwe™ minut~ (15 tpsJ c.anon ~r5hot:A70 All CANON PHOTO PRINTERS SALE PRICED! ·Al~& A I canOll IMAGE STABILIZER BINOCULARS TAmRon 824995* Af 28·200mm SUper Zoom filMJ ~ JJI (f) IAOIO EPSON•. Stylus• Photo PRINTERS canon canou optura 20 u>60 • 16X GNll c.m OpOca Zoom SALE ZR 6S GB • swrutnoos Photo Recor<lno llDllll'rD _,, '° -T" l"."'P'2 • Ex1ra lsga a.&• Lco Sc:nen r.....,.; ~ I" 1.11..::1 • US8 TS'l'$8 Ind AreWlr .. Termini • tnclud9s OV ~ SoftW<Ye kif lllt.-nel ~ d'8t • 18-22X Optical Zoom • Image Stabilizer • OI~ Photo Mode •Analog to Olgital COtNerttr • """ Modi S70 TOTAl IEIATI' FIOM NIKON ., ......... a>•11111•11LRI Nikon N65 Nikon NBD ...,it..-Outfit $27995 lldy. ,,,... OUtftt s40gss Eipect more from . &plllred ti JIUf pictllfll Exltli.nltl Includes· 2H0mm • -.. '""' Nl'..,on Af·N1kko1 lens lncmdet: 2&-tlOrlm "' Af.fltbt lens www .nlkonusa.com 'Nikon rlbei.e valid on,_~ lrom ~ I, 2003 through .kl>e 30 2000 "'9b9ta ~to Ill F100, N80 end N8000 _.,, .. -ehl>• pur"'-secl -•h1ly ......... ._.._....,_«Mper1 0-l~-o_~_L~~~~~~ canon LV Multimedia Projectors ~-. • Ultra Compact • 2.1 Mega PIXel • MPEOVideo Saturday, June 7, 2003 A7 GNE DAY ONLYI SAVE BIG AT OUR MAJOR EVENT AP!mOUL DISCOUNTS -~ NOl·ADVEITISID mlS to OFF Point 'N Shoot cameras tO" OFF SLR camera Lenses •20 OFF SLR cameras Saturday• June 7th Items pnced In ltlls ad e.<ctuoed Le1ca ano C011Slgned items also exctuded • 8 BX ZOOM 4X Oot1~a 2 2X D,g1tal1 • Focus Area Sefert1nn • 01grtal SJbJe<.t Pr0Jri:11T MA XX UM • 14-u;-t~ ....... .., .~,,. ~t· , . , .. • P:,o-"' S." ~ • WJ•· M•. i1.1 I .,,_ •• , • ..it' • 2t .. ~II 1.,_ • • fipc,l\afQPd0'P S',S(PCT • Pd rn S1i~J Di~GE >..'<t MrNOLTA LTA • Fast 1 8 Le'I~ •LCD Tilt Sol'tr YMPUS StlllUS 400 OLYMPUS'Stlllus300 *Free OLYMPUS 64 MB XD Card • • .. ,, Al Saturday, June 7, 2003 WEEKEND SPECIALS Jack Daniels Steak with Smoked Garlic Buner, Garlic Mashed Potatoes & vegetabless I o es Poached Salmon in Apple Cider with Fresh Ginger Served with Rlce & vegetables S 9 95 (NEW~i!~ING) RE ST AURANT n A Toast To "Dad" µ. ...,,1 Champagne and Beer (; 1 Father's Day Brunch Buffet Only --- • Eggs Benedict & Omelette Bar • Smoked Sausage:. & Side Dishes • Fresh Seafood & Pasta • Baron of Beef C.uving Station • BBQ Entree Selections AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN item• to the D1ily Pilot, 330 W. 81y St., Com Mesa, CA 92827; by e-m1il to mllce.swen.an@latlmn.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well 11 a contact phone number. A complete listing 11 available at www.dai/ypi/otcom. TODAY The 22.nd annual Corona def Mir Scenic 5K Race & l'Wo·Mile Fun Walk begin at 7:55 a.m. That's when the men's 5K rece begins. The women's 5K starts at 8:20 a.m. The fun walk starts at 8:45 a.m. The 1 K Kid's Dolphin Dash starts at 9 a.m. Registration fees on race day are $30 for the run/walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration will be held at OASIS Senior Center on Wednesday, Thursdlty and Friday before the race. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. Macy's South Coast Plaza and Teen People magazine will host a Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featuring the latest looks from Roxy, Hurley, O'Neill, j3illabong and more at 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coast Plaza's women's store. For more information, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. Someone Cares Soup Kitchen will celebrate its 17th anniversary in memory of Cpl. Jose Angel Garibay from 6 to 9 p.m at 720 West 19th St. in Costa Mesa The Flag Day dinner/auction will feature Chef Leon Mathews. Tickets cost $45. All proceeds will support the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen Hunger Relief and Tutoring Programs. Make reservations by May 27. Call (9491 548-8861. For undeiwrit1ng opportunities, call (714) 801 -2354. Join au.an Ooa.t.ln, one of the 1uthot1 of "He1hhy Dining In Or1nge County:' for • ee1tlon 1bout hNlthy cul1lne 1t your flvorite re1t1uranta In the 8loomlngd1le'1 Home Store In Newport BHch from 11:301.m . to 1 p.m. The $151dmlulon include• a signed copy of "Healthy Dining In Orange County." Space 11 limited, and tldcets mult be purchased by June 1. Call (949) 729-6864 for more information. Th• Adami School Country Fair wlU run from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. at 2850 Country Club Drive. The fair will have a silent auction, a 50-foot Inflatable obstacle course, a 30-foot Inflatable slide, a dunk tank, numerous games, prizes, food, drinks, a bake sale, a DJ, a guest band and more. Call (714) 424-7935 for more Information. &.come• member of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference In the lives of terminally ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team is seeking caririg people to assist patients and families with non medical needs, such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, reading to patients, paying weekly social visits and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for more information. St. Michael and All Angela Episcopal Church will present a seminar that poses the question, ff Does Biblical Interpretation Contribute to the Plight of the Holy Land Christians?H at 9 a.m. The church is at the corner of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. For more informetion, call (9491644--0463. Triangle Squere will host an Artists Circle Exhibit from 2 to 6 P·~·· where visitors can view • Fresh Fruit & S.alad Bar •Gourmet Dei.:.erts & Crepes MEPHIST(JM 9:00am • 3:00pm Adults $23.95 Children $11 .95 Children 5 & under FREE! Plu~ t.u: •nd gntu11\ Call Today For Reservahon!> Waterfront Seating Available! THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES Enjoy Our Beautiful Out:.ide Patio 949-675-2373 503 E. Edgewater • Balboa Newport-[anding.com 1727 Westdiff Drive, Ntw TROPICAL CEILING FAN SALE! Wh al a great lime to bring the tropical look and !eel into your home. =-:;:;) You can now lltart or add the'e special l:cll rn g fan l. to your home design wi1h our I rop1cal Ceil mg Fan Sale. We a,i...cJ and gut from our vendors 1,omc tcml ll pm:c break\ to get thi!i l>Ummer oil lo J gn:.tt ,t.tn. Come in and ~e over 200 state- oT-ihe-art ceiling fans.You 'lt:e lot\ and lots of tropical and exotic fans along with many other styles. bed: $1300 : include dresser, & mirror MIRAMAR™ IOUFOe $199 WTIWNICI ~ IWNU <I!!) VOii Choa "Antique Brass« P*-1 &aa NIAMJALIY™ • 'll blade pittl • L.Jeune molOf warramy on helvy duty molot • BeauW Hand.cratlld Bamboo • AViilabll 11'1 3 dlffnnl lnstl8I local 1rtl1ta' wortc1 on dlepl1y ind for aale. leam cre1tlve technique during h1nd1-on wortcshopa for children ind live demon1tr1tlon1 from the experts. For more Information, Clll (949) 722-1600, ext. 25. Stop Polluting Our Newport wtll hold Its annual meeting at the 01111 Senior Center at 9:30 a.m. Brunch will be provided. Speakers Dave Klff and Jade Keating will discuss W1tter quality and the proposed boardwalk at Upper Newport Bay Regional Park.. For more Information, call (949) 548--7646. SUNDAY Love,. of live vocal music are Invited to "The Summer Knows; a free musicale at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Mignonne Prof ant and a guest pianist will present the final program of the library's musicale series, featuring tunes of Gershwin, Jobim and LeGrand. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. The Orange County Women's Chorus present its 2003 spring program, "On this Island,# at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The concert of island-themed music begins at 7 p.m. and will include the chorus directed by Eliza Rubenstein and "Men in Bisque; an ensemble directed by Joseph Huszti. Tickets are $12 and can be purchased in advance at (949) 451-8590. TUESDAY The Aasn. of Business Service will have its monthly dinner meeting from 6 to 9 p.m. in Costa Mesa. Ari Galper will speak on Reverse Selling. $18 for member, $28 for nonmembers. Call (562) 494-8124 or (949) 805-0011 for directions and other information. WEDNESDAY JHnne Alnt from the Whether You Bur or Lease •• You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! Dally Pilot Alzheimer'• Aun. will pr9Hnt "Focuelng on Memory Lo11• from 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. 1t the Or1nge Co11t Unlt1rian Univerull1t Church, 1259 Victoria St, Coat• MHI. The preHnt1tlon will addreaa varlou• cau .. 1 of memory 1011 and dlagno1l1 and treatment. For more Information, call (949) 646-4662. V.n Can Rettaurant, 1500 Adam• Ave. In Cotta Mesa, will have it• grand opening from 6 to 6 p.m., featuring cooking by TV chef Martin Yan. The restaurant will donate all of the proceeds from $10 admiasion ticket• to Share Our Selves, a private nonprofit agency serving low-Income Orange County residents. For more Information, call (949) 642-3451 , ext. 262. The Balboa Bey Republican Women Federated will hold its "Scholarship Awards" winners luncheon at 11 a.m. at the Bahia Corinthian Club on Bayside Drive. For more Information, call (9491515-8677. The Wildflower Walk will mHt at 9 a.m. at El Moro for a five-mile hike at Crystal Cove. Parking costs $5. Wear boots and bring water. Call (949) 497-7647 for more information. THURSDAY A free bone density screening will be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (9491631-4741. Shape up or trim down for swimsuit season at #Shape Up for Summer,# 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Personal trainer and certified nutrition specialist J.J. Flizanes will present the free program, covering exercise and nutrition tips of optimal fitness For more information. call (9491717-3816 See TOWN, Pa1e A9 sectlonal: $950 Oady Pilot TOWN Continued from A8 Boott-tcMng motntfl and daughters are Invited to the final souion of the Mother-Daughter Book Club's season 7 p.m at the Newport Beach Central Library The ciub is open to gir1s in fifth through seventh grades and their moms or significant female grown-ups. Register at the Central Library Children's Desk or call (949) 717-3800 and dloose option five. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. FRIDAY lnwntors Forum presents a seminar on ·intellectual Property Law" by Edward Schlatter, patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m. in Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall. Registration and networ'Kmg begin at 7 p.m. The cost 1s $5 for members, $1 5 for nonmembers. Call (714) 540-2491 fOf mforma11on JUNE 14 Full Spectrum Yoga has partnered with New Directions for Women to host ·celebrating Wholeness,H a yoga and healing arts festival benef1t1ng women and children served by the nonprofit New Directions for Womer. Admission 1s free. and donations are accepted. The full-day event will be at Full Spectrum Yoga m Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 955 1965. Cryst al Cove State Patil will offer a backcountry hike at 9 a m . a historic district walk at 10 a.m . and a sunset/moonlight walk at 7·30 p m . which requires Porcelain Ceramic Tale •4~ u·. u• 11. reservations. For reservations or more information, call (949) 497-7647. Mother's M1rbt will hold 1 "Spring Cleaning• clearance sale from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m . Taste demos will be offered from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The store is at 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. JUNE 15 Triangle Square w ill host 1 farmers' market featuring live entertainment and several booths boasting great deals in addition to storefront specials. The market will be open from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m. For more information, call (949) 722-1600, ext. 25. JUNE 17 "Feng Shui for a Healing Home" is a free seminar held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-6667. JUNE 18 Phil Brigandi, Orange County arch1v1st, will discuss what 1s in the archives as they relate to Costa M esa's history at 7 p m at the Costa Mesa Historical Society, 1870 Anaheim Ave • Costa Mesa For more information, call (949) 631-5918 or e-mail cmhistoryra11ansetcom The Newport M esa Irvine Interfaith Council will present a round table discussion at Orange Coast Unitarian Universallst Church on human relations featuring an See TOWN, Page AlO Hardwood Special ·&~ New Hours Mon-Fri: 911m-6pm Satur"'1y: 9am-5pm SuntiAy: Closed for filmily DllJ '01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 Sporty econo car cert'-* 121.523,l 58.976 '01 JEEP CHEROKEE AW auto 6 '"yftnder 1Sl03271 •15.976 '()()PONTIAC MONTANA co pclW9f' group very ct.On 127A2271 58,976 'O 1 CHEVROlET 2500 HID PICKUP S.lverodo. outo o/c 12181831 116.976 '00 FORD FOCUS SE V~cJ.on. tnusl ... 12861081 S9 .976 White Front Pharmacy . . Dlabete Fn:e blood ~ taei. featuring Dom Tqlor The 2nd and 4th~ of each month from 1 l:OOam until 4:00pm Cards • Books • Sundries AU Insurance Plans Aeupted ~ 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 • Custom Wood Fence In stallation • Custom Wood Gates e Chain Link Fence Installations e Chain Li nk Fence Repairs Serflin9 Oran9e CountlJ • Beach Communities S;nc~ 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 in one store. Shop At Get great gifts at ~ u . with the purchase of any 2 Bob collection knits, receive FREE a Jones players cotton vest. (i•abM of $85.()()) license #3 13311 Auto, Pow« Group. Low Miles (269890) 512,976 • Saturday. June 7, 2003 At E"'1thlnt •t your doorstep. And now time to enjoy It. lln't It tlnM to commute leu 1nd ef!JOY Ute more? Now you c.an do ju.t lhlt. We offer e-xaptloNl 1partment commun1hes In c~t'lt Of'enge C911nty IOQtions: • Close lo eYerythlng you w1nt: shopp1n9, employment, Mid p.1ru • Your<~ of outsandi119 1menlties hke resort-style ~ poots and spas. busloffs 1nd lltnus centers. Sports cOWU.. t... Contact rental living Apartment Information ~ntff Today 17625-B Harvard, comer of Harvard and Main, Irvine, CA 92'14 '01 TOYOTA COROLLA A~o ale. clean l.540670! '11.976 '99CHEVY SUBURaAN '"'oe:-· 123Af73l '11.976 1.866.400.2691 rentat-livln9.com '()()MERCURY MOUNTAINEER v.,.., dean U4C8.t.51 514.976 99 FORD TAURUS ·sHO" Lo COd~ certdi9d 12310011 '14.976 AlO Sltwdly I Jl#l8 7, 2003 -Did You KnowJ "That we are a full servk:e nwsery with qualified c.alifomia Certified Nursery Prof5ionals and landscape desipis. We ~meet al of your gardening needs. Come in today to ;,..r(,k Nurseries and let us show 2700 Bristo! St. (114) 754-6661 you how! ·® SANTA ANA 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (114) 633-9200 TOM TANA.KA, C.C.N.PIO Manlpt' COMft.ETE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPOIENCE LICENSE # J08553 Flowerdale Nunery -C.aD Mesa Master Nursery Professional Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fail to disclose a conflict of interest for the analyse and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were: your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable:, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses arc: often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We specialize in representing individual investors. Please: call us for a FREE consultation. *No Rec:iovery • No Fee Marc I. Zussman, Attorney at Law USC law School Graduate Toll Free :888-663-56611 310-n 2-22so Law Offices of Marc I. Zussman Over 29 years of Law Practice Former Los Angeles Deputy City Anomey 10100 Sanu Morua Blvd, 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 Member of Public Investors Arbitration Bar A.ssoci2rion ' '7'0U ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO EXPERIENCE .I.the exquisite Baroque Music Festival, Corona dcl Mar, now in its 23rd year. For one week in June, the charming seaside comm.unity of Corona dcl Mar presents a series of five concerts of Baroque & nco-Baroquc music performed by d istinguished professionals in unique Festival settings. Baroque Music Festival Coro1to. del Mar Burton Karson. Artistic Director &-Condudor 23rd c_Annual Season+ 22-29 June 2003 Sunday, June 22, 4 100 p.m . et Saint Mlehael A All Angela O.ureh BAROQUE CONCEllTOS Feetival Orchetltn af period iMtrumcntar Burton Karwon, conductor Ellubeth Blumenttock • Joliannc von Binenl, violins Marianne Pfau. o/Jtw, Andraw Atthur, organ ~ /lfl .Boclt anti Hanthl Monday, .lune 23, 8 :00 p.1n. mt Saint MldtMI It All Anae .. Cburc:b ORGAN RP.CITAL Andrew Arthur, Or.,ctft (;,rman _. 61?ghlt Drf10n mosttf'WOrlal 9'm1 97, .lw _,, 4•00 P-llt· at Wet lllc+ee' •All A,.a. 0.vdl n.atlVAL nNALB .amen..._, ~nd,"JOlllph ...... .., A11W11nuu• Jout._n M.o. IMOr': Anlll ......-.. /Jar.,._ ~.. I.°'' I I nra: .............. OIJliliNclol llrfiol" ...... ,,,,,~ lltMtlll ~Ad '11illmlll0(6/19A_,,, ... (6/•A..,)6 ... (6(-»nl( ... ),..;•7 o....-.••••••PI a'eP•11nlOlll,•.0. ... 8j8,0DICAJ~tq COMMUNITIES & CLUBS Rotary continues effort to eliminate polio M ore than 16,000 Rotary members gathered in Brisbane, Au.stralia - including Jamee Panom. disttict governor and member of the Rotary Oub of Newport IJVlne - for Rotary's 94th annual international convention. Bbkhal Rattakul. the president of Rotary International. announced that Rotarians had contributed $88.5 million for the 6naJ push in Rotary's Polio Eradication Campaign. surpassing a goal of $80 million. "1banJcs to the remarkable commJttnent and generosity of Rotary members worldwide. we are closer than ever to wiping out this crippling and deadly disease," Ratt.akul said ~Rotary was the first to have the vision of a polio-free world Tuday. we are just as committed to this legacy, our gift to the children of the world· Locally. the Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa commitLed $11.235 to the campaign. Newport Sunrise $6,000, Newport Irvine $10,000 and South Coast Metro $500. The funds raised this year are in addition to the $500 million Rotary has committed to polio eradication since 1985, when Rotary launched its first fund-raising drive with the goal of $120 million. By the end of that campaign. Rotary more than doubled its goal and created its PolioPlus program -the largest private-sector suppon of a global health initiative ever. In addition. more than one million men and women of Rotary have volunteered their time and personal resources to help immunize more than 2 billion children in 122 countries. A highly infectious disease. polio still affects children mainly younger than 5 in countJies in South Asia and in parts of Africa Polio can cause paralysis and sometimes death. As there is no cure for polio. the best protection is prevention. For as little as 60 cents worth of vaccine. a dlild can be protected against this crippling disease for life. Great strides have been made in polio eradication. ln the 1980s. this aippling disease Infected about 1,000 children every day. In 2002, l,9l9 children contracted polio in seven countries (India. Pakistan, Nigeria. Afghanistan, Niger, Somalia and Egypt), down from the 350,000 cases estimated in 125 countries in 1988. The Americas were declared free from polio in 1994, as wen as the Western Pacific region in 2000. and Europe in 200'2. Once eradicated polio will be the second disease after smallpox ever to be eliminated worldwide. TheGlobel Polio F.radJcadon InitiatJve is spearheaded by theW>rld Health OrgaJm.ation. Rotary lntemational, the U.S. JIM Centers for de BOOM Disease Control and Prevention and UNICPP. HARBOR MESA LIONS INSTALL 2003-04 OFACERS Harbor Mesa Lions will hold the installation of the 2003-04 officers on Satwday at the home of Ann and Mlb Mcilroy. ~ District 4-l.4 Gov. Danny Mayer will officiate as these members are installed: ~ Paib. president; Sandi Scbeafer, lst vice president; Artme Schder. 2nd vice president; Carol Van Hoh. secretary; Gina Stansbury. treasurer; Barbara Hayward. bulletin editor; Loma Young. tail ~er; Oebb6e Jara. lion tamer; Marianne ADm. Bemk:e EDls. Karen Lunal. Ann Mcilroy. Myrta Spmb.8 and Eunice 1bom.->n. directors; and Marlanne SepDa. immediate past presidenL Cocktail how is 6 p.m., dinner is at 7 p.m. The installation program will be held afterward. SAVE AN HOUR A DAY Computer Friends of Oasis is pleased to announce that Tum UnderhJll of Oeative Continuum will return Wednesday for a program titled ·Saving an Hour a Day on Your Computer.· This Lalk should be or interest to computer users who spend any time at all sitting in a chair and viewing a monitor. Yes. computing is Informative and great fun. E-mall is terrific. but woddng with a computer can be addictive. time wasting and body aunching, too. The meeting begins at I p.m. at the Oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar. A coffee and cookie break will take place after Underhill& presentadoo. There is a $3 charge at the door for those who are not members of Computer Friends. No reserwtions are necessary. Call (949) 759-4921 for more informadon. WORTH REPEATING From Thought for the Day by Gl"8 ~of the Newport Mesa lrvine Interfaith Council: 17ie lndividulJJ who does not worlc for tlU! love of worlc but only for money ls not lialy to make money nor find much fun in life.• -OUll'lee M. SchWllb SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK TUESDAY 7:30 a.m.: 1he 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns (newportbtoc:hsunrisetary.. orp/index.htm). 6 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions Oub will· meet at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. WEDNESDAY 7: 15 am.: The 20-member South c.oa.st Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub ( wwwsouthcoastmetro rotary.or,p; and the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-membeT Ex.change Oub of the Orange Coast win meet at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a business meeting. 5 p.m.: The 60-rnember Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia Coiinthian Yacht Oub for a program by I.an)' 1.eDoux on his tall ship experience in the Antarrtic ( wwwnewporr-balboa.orgJ. THURSDAY 7 am. The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Uons Oub will meet at Mimi's for a program by Jbn e.lllnp!r on "White Page Telephone Listing and Tax·P.xempt Contributions.- Noon: 1he SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn; the SO-member Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Bahia Corint.tUan Yacht Oub (wwwkiUKUlis.of'Wclubl costamesa); the BO-member F.xchange Oub of Newpon Hasbor will meet at the Newport • Halbor Nautical Museum for a program by Rubin Smith on AcapuJco. Mexico; and ~ I 00-membet-Newport -Irvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atriwn Hotel for presentation by , S4acey Hunter Sc:bwmtz of Coastline Community College. ~ ( WW1U nirotary.or,p. ·: • C0MMUNrTY. Q.UBS IS publlshed Saturdays in the Daily Pilot Send your lefVioe club's meeting infonnation by fax to (949) 660-6667! e-mail to jdeboom aol.oom <>< by mail to 2082 S.E. Bristol. Suite 201. Newpon Beacti, CA 92660-1740. TOWN Continued from A9 introduction by Rusty Kennedy of the Orange County Human Relations Council. ·with the County of Orange Budget Cuts, Where I• the Human Relations Councll Nowr In-au. The program goes fro m 12:30 to 1 :30 p .m. and costs $7.50 per person, Including lunch. or $10 witho ut a reservation. The reception is at 11 :45 a.m .• and the luncheon at noon. For reservations, call (949) 660-8665, ext. 3, by 5 p.m. June 17. The Newport Harbor Neudc:af Museum, working in conjunction with the Newport Library. wlll 1 present e aeries of story time events on th e Texas Deck at the museum for child ren between 3 a nd 6 fro m 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Th4tre will a lso be a crafts project for childre n and parents. Admlsalon is free and s pec• Is limited. For Information or reservations, call (!M9) 673-7863. CllJlo ,. 0-IJJM. """'d-Rlfllll a...t.. a.,.. p;n,,,, lhllw""' ,.,,,.,.., ... ,.... ........... , .,,, HOUl.S: T...&r , .... JJ- FAITH SaturOoy June 7. 2003 All RELIGION NOTEBOOK Mod and modest on the runway RosEY's Aurosoov .. . ~ You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best T high-high skirts, low-slung pants, lops wilh spaghetti straps and hemlines above the navel - they are today's unnvaJed staples in popular fashion for 1een girls. So It may come as a surprise for some clothing retailers and manufacturers that some girls don't want to wear them -and they are hungry for off-the-rack alternatives. Hundreds of local high school girls, some with their mothers and fathers, have showed up at Nordstrom South Coast Plaza for standing-room-only fashion shows held in its Brass Plum fashion department to offer them more modest. ye1 still stylish, clothing. ·Modesty gives a girl a sense of self-worth and value. You don't have 10 flaunt your body to be popular or 10 61 tn. • !klld 18-year-old Newport Coast teen Jana Crandal. who has auended and modeled in the show!>. The goal of the showi. 1s to provide teen girls with fashion clothing -casual, school. vacation, prom and party wear -that is modest and "chic. not geek.· The outfilS are trendy. l>asSY and fun without showing a 101 of skin. The shows were born out of the frusrration of rwo Mormon moms, Karen Balcer and Carol Starr. whose own 1eenage daughters constantly Mruggled to find suirable clothes, especially prom and t'Vening dresses, to wear. For years, while raising their MICHELE MARR custom made. daughters, Baker and Starr spent untold hours on clothing makeovers, adding sleeves, cleavage· coverage or hem length. Sometimes prom dresses had to be Las! year. when the two mothers decided they were going 10 try to change things, they called Nordstrom. Amy Jones, spokesperson for Nordstrom, says the store is delighted they did. Jones says Nordstrom tries hard to listen 10 its customers, 10 offer something for everyone, and these fashjon shows are jus1 one example of how Nordstrom does tha1. Local leens such as CrandaJ are filled and coached 10 be models for the shows. In March, I fl-year-old Valerie Day and Michelle Deverich modeled in a -.how with Crandal. They sashayed down the runway in playful, casual wear and m formal wear that ranged from sophisticated, diva-chic 10 mgenue. princess-chic "It was a blast," Day said. "II was fun to show you can look good and keep up w11h current [fashion! trends even though you are dressing mode'>lly." Deverich prefers to wear modest clothing partly because it is what her church. the Olurch of Jesus Ouis1 of Latter-day Saints, counsels young women to do, but also because she has found It influences how others treat her. She thinks the word modesty has taken on an unfair connotadon. , "It doesn't mean I have to cover my ankles or not show my arm above the elbow or wear turtlenecks every day,· she said. "For me, it is not wearing clothing that's skin-tight or short shorts, skirts above the knee or sleeveless clothing ... The shows preview a wide range of seasonal looks from select manufacturers such as E1emiry and Sabrina Nicole, including cal'go-utUltarian. Asian-inspired, '80s day-glo, sports-athieisure, romantic-feminine, surf, punk-inspired and menswear-influenced -all fashion-forward. ye1 not too skin-baring. Robin Deverich, Michelle's mother, believes bare. sexually provocative clothing can create an image and send a message that is sometimes unintended. "As a mom. I'm extremely grateful for the shows," said Robin Deverich. Michelle's mother. "There are lolS of other mothers ou1 there who share my frustration !hat there aren't enough modest. trendy clothes in the stores for our teenage daughters.· There are father'>, too. A few days before a spring f~hion l>how in March. W. Bruce Merrlll Lynch, Salomon Smith Barney, Morga Stanley and other brokerage firm• agreed to · $1.4 Bllllon Settlement. Govemment attorney have called their conduct, -the largeat fraud ever pe,Petuated on the lnveatlng publlc. • ... If you have lost money or had your retirement savings devastated due to stockbrokers Investing your hard eamed savings Into risky or unsuitable Investments, you may be able to recover our stock market losses. •••••••• FotoART •••••••• ~ morllOr,.,..,,..... .. ""' ~ l!IOI*' end• COii ;I I f) _..,.. 760 West 16th Street Building D Costa Mesa. CA 92627 949-645·3686 Father's Day is June 15th Unique Personalized Gifts for Dads and Grand-Cads tool Give Dad a monitor mate this Father's Day. It's the perfect gift for both home and office. Other Gift Ideas Include Personalized Mugs Laser Engraved Frames PhotoSculptures Mouse Pads and much much morel And our apeclat FREE orr.r1 Order a monitor mate before ~ 31, 2DX3 and receive a FREE computer mouse pad using the same image Visit our 'Neb Site at www.fotoart.com Open Monday Ttvu Friday 9AM ID 5PM SllllJl'day 10AM to 4PM Ot by appointment Sign Up Now For Summe r Surf Ca m www.kanoaaquatlcs.com (310) 374-1994 Kanoa Suinmer Surf Camps At The Huntington State Beach · (Newllnd & PCH) • Birthday & Corporate Parties • Ages 5 .15 • surfboard & Wetsuit Rentals • Private Surfing Lessons Cla1111 Start June 23flD (Siii dit ...,., Clmll; 8'i*Y Women's Clll1•) r I ; I I r \-./. • k l ~, ' . l ' ' I I • , .. • .. ' I • •' ·, .: I ~ ...... , ... Cameron, the father of two teenager daughters. expressed his preferences for teenage fashion ln six word!>. ·More cloth. Less metal. No ink." ---LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Collision Center Insurance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 ROSIY'S AUTOIOOY 121 Industrial Woy Costa MeSG Cameron, Santa Monica-based author of the book "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter," which became the inspiration for the hit lV sitcom of the '>ame name, added, only slightly tongue-in-cheek, "The purpose of clothing IS to retain body heat -not cause 11 m boy!> " S 0 L.IS J.'\ \' r::~'T ' l [ · "J' (} H CJ Lv P Stock Market's Up. Stock Market's Down. Information on future fashion shows. as welJ as 1nformauon on how to organize a fai.h1on '>how that features trendy and mudesl clothing, is avaJlable from Raker and Starr on the 1111erne1 al www.smallandsimple ""'· Att you med of the llW\Jl dcprc~.;int ~h•Hur of rh< mulm1 If 'ou .um.creel •yn• then come lu't "brcakfu1 with Erit .. l.c~rn how 10 gw.t.1.J1ttt gr""'tb with no mk 10 your up1i.al1 Eril A ~I" "• ( cr11ficd Fin.1.J1,1.l! Pl.inner U·PI with I .. yan elCJ>C'ncncc C.omc U.UU w bCM he lw helped hu ,lu~nu '"'~' I.heir mon~ W1i.cl) w ~ un Jei:p a1 iughr For more inf onnation and a FREE Home or Office ConsuJtation Call 949-723-1167. ••• "lb& 1111,,.brr 01u nn.'tT faff monr, lluk mm1b11 twtl 11ri er /o'7,t1 rulr 1111mbrr ont • Well, Eccles1aste'> J '>ay'>. "lo every thing there 1i. a '>t:ason. As of 1oday. my st-ason writing feature stones for thl'> page ha5 come to an end. :'\ext Saturday will be the Man of -,omething new. ..,.., ~ c..i"•' For me. ii hils heen a wonderfuJ i.eason. and it''> been wonderful becaust' of 1he people I've come to know and work with throughout these seven years. the religious leaders tn this communiry and many of the faithful m their congregauons, m}' readers and my several eduor-. \\ho have taught me '>0 much Thank you ,tll. I Mil ml'>'> you. •MICHELE MARR is a freelance writer and graphic designer ~..,, ... ~ ... r.i.. &~C..~ ...... ..,. .......... n. .... 1,.Slr• ...., ... ... ~c.e.. Vt!Ww/~""'· &;re 6/30/03 We Are Closing Out Our Henre on And Ralph Lauren Galleries, And Must Immediately Sell All Floor Samples From These Most Desirable Collections. Included Are Their Newest Collections. All Items Will Be Sold On A First~ome, First-Served Basis. "°'**'*• f0Ul4111111 .... NIAii .. ,,_ Ill\ HAM_.'-'! W!llT 1AJ (JN THI' WEa' WWW ~...etvmltu~ ,,... ·•111111•-• a ..,.. ..... ••w•.._ ......... ._.. .... _ .. __ ____ ............................ _ ' A.12 Sat.\t'day, June 7, 2003 3/t" COLDEN MAPLE DENSE SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~ft. • Installed with Pad $ J 69 • Minimum 60 ymls sq. ft. Tra•erllne 18" a 18" •••.••.•••••••••••••• s4.29 .... n. Ceramic '111e •••••••••••••••••• i..lalW 1 ..... s 4. 99 -n. Laminate Wood ............. 1 .. taU.<1 ,__ s4.99 .... n. Supp/I•• und Toot.. For th• "Do II YounuU,,./" All prlce.lpl"Oducbl For 11 llmlt.d llm•. H•fti on 1100/hlbl/llfl. 1374 Lo,_ An., Salte F • COSTA MESA a (888) MESA-777 :-,.._ (6372) JION..nL It AM .. 5"' (1Mi]P9111......... - SAt. IOAN •l "'{CLOSDUOAY)~WillM -- SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL "A C-'ty IWutt# It Lfn., 9' S..,,., hm CllriJt n Ud-' s.mw" The Rev Praveen Bonyon, Recto< 3209 Vt0 lido Newport Beoch 949/675-0210 fl 7.30 om Trodihoool 9omCon~ol)'. 9om Church SchoOI l l om Chorismotic ond Wednesday Noon PH I \IH 11 RI\' ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arm' and Open Mmds" Worship 9:30 J1mlN.rtt & h9blurr In \~•por1 Belch ~t~mad&A11¥ Pmfic View~• M.u~eme Coron~ Jd M.u • 644-0463 .4 ( onr;rr,r,.11wn n/ 1/., Anf,lmm I mnmunMn Bl //JJ/\r, Ol'R HfTH 10\/,\C, OIRJST A \'IJ VRI'/,\(, UUR CIHtML'Vln' I Ill Rn iJ l'r1cr I l. H~vno. Rcunr \('-.;f>A) \CmbL'l I· 8 ~m . H.111· r u~h~rnt ') ~m -'w1d~) \t:hc~ol/Adult D1hlr \tuJ) JU ~m -( hor~I bith~mt \I 'R\Fll> r .ARr AVA/I.ABU \ 11 I f{( l11\lll I \ \ 1 o \I\'. l \ 11\ Rtturreetien Beach 12S9 Victoria Street Cotta Mesa, CA 92627 Sunday evening se~iee It 7:00 PM Rev. 81t~tt1 H1y111 Telep~oae (714) S39-n27 E11ail RBMCC@sai1t111il.1et .. THE FULLNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" Dt. johft A Huffnwt, Jr. f"ach11tK (Romans 12:1·2) \'fANDRtW'S '-• \t " ff&IA' (HI t• fl Saninity, JllM 7, 2003, S:JO l'.M. Suncby.J-8, 2003, 8:30 k IO:IS A.M. w,dnadly Nighc Btbk S<!Mly 7:00 P.M. (M:FOM lTom NfWpon Hubo. High Sct.ool et '"°* and 15th) 600 'II Andrt"Nt RNd, ~pon ftt.a.h, C.hfomQ 92"J..SJ2.S (949) 631-1880 E MAIL 1nf~nd~rtt-orw WU www.JUndttwspm org -~ ...... -· ·-. FA 1 TH StAnset Defi9h+s \'.'o"'r-1neol is accott'\pa"'ied b~ a "11tmad"' sm~p of the da~ or a isp cae"tr-8-Qfad, ~olce of Haa9iPn-Daz~• ice Cl'eafl'\ of".,~ d"d~ve .. a9t" NEWPORT BfAOf ~rrt0tf. · HOTEL & TENNIS 01J8 •. Loc.ated 1 .. th.a Nawporl BL<l<"h }.'\a...-lo+t HotLI a..J -r ... ...i. et .. b V&)lidAtad Self PaAc1 .. 9 900 Newf'O'A C.. ... 1,~ D..;.,., N"wpol'i B .. arh 949-729-3565 WORSHIP DIRECTORY \I I lll<ll>l\I Newpon Center United Methodist Church ~v. Cathleen U>ou, Pastor I 60 I Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and ~an Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 . 8am Quirt \Vorship &r11icr /Oam Worship anti Childrrni Sµntlay School Youth muting weekly I l I 111 I~ \ '\. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.LC..A.I 798 Dovw Dr. Newport S..Ch TrwcllUoul Lutheran Pastor ChartH Endter Wonhlp Service with Holy Communion &undlly 8:15 am FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3303 Via Udo Newport 8ea=h 673-1340 or 673-6150 MESA VERDE UNITED MEntOOIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Or Richard Geo<ge Rev S1ephame Toon Senior MlntSler Youth M1mster Christ Church By the Sea Uniu:d Methodist 1400 W. Balboa Blvd .. Nrwporr lk-"h 8 4~ • m Adule~. 'l<bwl 8 JO ti 10 ._., Wonll'l' Uld C)uldttN '-cl.•~ The Rn. Or. GeoTgC R Cri1p, Putor (949)673-3805 HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Olaclplea of Cllrtst) 2401 lrvlne Ave. Newport leach, CA (949) 145-5781 llllltl6er. °'· o.11 SMt1 SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Podflc VV1W Dr Newport Becx:h 644-2617 or 675-4661 ·-.,.--.4~ ... .,_.., .. 1_~. ~~ -Ir'" ~ ._. .. _.._..,, l~l t \ 1 \ ', I \II I ( ) I ll , , . I 'I I • ---.. --... ~· ... ~_....._ ----.....-·-.mi . ' ' Our Lady Queen of Angels A + 'A God-centered inruh communny, lllStructod ht tht Word of God and renewed by the S:icramcnts 2046 Mar Vina Drive Ncwpon Beach, California 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rtv. Monsignor Wtllil.m r~ Mclaughlin Pastor UTURGlES: Saumby, 5 p.m. (Cantor), Suncby, 7:00 (QUjct), 8:30 (Contemporary} 10:00 (Choir), 11 :30 a.m. (Cantor) and 5:00 p.m. (Contemporary) WORSHIP DIRECTORY CAIL 949.~7 4.4249 FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS SE~ AT ST. MCHAELS The Rev. Donald Wagner, director of the Middle East Studie. Center at North Paric University, will give a free aemlner on Chriatians in the Holy Land at 9 a.m. Sunday at St Mldlael and All Angels Eplac:opal Church. The seminar will consider "Who are the Christians In the Holy Land, their historical context their situation today?" and "Is the Bible, and how we read and discuss it. detrlmenftil to these Christians, or can It be empowering?" Wagner will also offer Information on Sabeel, the ecumenical Christian center In Jerusalem. Refreshments will be served. The church is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. for more information, call (949) 644-0463. HOMEBUILDERS FAMILY FEUOWSHIP St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church In Newport Beach and its Homebuilders Family Fellowship will ~ost a five-week series to strengthen marriages. It will be presented by psychologist John Fry. The series will be held in Dierenfield Hall A at 10: 15 a.m. eac:h Sunday in June. Fry's presentation Is based in part on the research of John Gattman, who has followed more than 2.000 couples for close to 25 years in his research on marriage. The series is for couples of all ages and at all stages of marriage. For more information and reservations, contact Patti in the Families and Singles office at (949) 574-2222. SPIRITUAL PARENTING Rev. Gail M. Albert from the Child-Centered Church will present a five-week series on "How Can We as Parents Form Deeper and More Meeningful Spiritual Bonds with Our Childrenr The discussion group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays, June 30 to July 28. at the Bonita Creek Part Community Building, University and L.aVida Street, in Newport Beach. A love offering is requested.No baby-sitting provided. Call (949) 640-7343 for more information and registration. TREE OF LIFE AWARD DINNER The Jewish National Fund will host a Tree of life Award dinner in honor of state Sen. Joseph Dunn, who represents the 34th District in Orange County, on June 22. Dinner will be preceded by a codctail reception. Tickets oost $250 to $500. For information. call (714) 957-4540. RRST SUNDAYS AT FM CONCERT St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church will present •Happy Voices" with the St.. M ichael's children's choirs at 5 p.m. Sunday at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information: (949) 644-0463. 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' "Christian Meditation 101 - Learning to Find God in a Busy World" will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (949) 644-0463. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County Is forming a parenting ~ upto - $500oFf PllSOIAl TUlllll Cen.foed llo•ners and 1 Spec~ progroll\i lot moture odulls, women and NutntlOl1Cll counseling Body 5'ulpllng Pilotes group to help parenta to understand and deel with the feeling• and behavior of th9ir children. The group wm mMt from 10 to 11:301.m. the first end third Mondaye of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration I• required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service la offering a support and dlscunlon group for adults whose children or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group will meet from '7 to 8:30 p.m. • Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. BAHAI RRESIOES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) ~28 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. S50. (949) 722-7818. A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled "Joumey to the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The ctiurcti is at 1000 Bison Ave .• Newport Beacti Free (949) 700.5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free "lectio divine" meditation group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Onve. Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two penods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address Issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thunidays. Both groups meet at S.. FAmt, Pase All G A ~·· FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY Praying in support of a young boy "Our prayers run along one road and God's answers by another, and by and by they meet." -ADONIRAM JUDSON "If we will make use of prayer to call down upon ourselves and others those things, which will glorify the name of God, then we shall see the strongest and boldest promises of the Bible about prayer fulfilled. 711en we shall see such answers to prayer as we had never thought were possible .• -0. HAllESBY There are trials and tragedies in our country and around the world that I try to pray for whenever 1 can. There has been a Lrial and tragedy ln our community that has already been prayed for locally. across the country and around the world, and the family can't thanlc you enough for all the incredible support. They would also appreciate continued prayer. On Saturday, May 24, a precious little boy named Max had a serious fall. Max is 6 years old. and he was happily playing FAITH Continued from Al 2 Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 M oulton Paricway. The service is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of eacn month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPIRITUAL The Mystical Spiritualist Churcti of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week et 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spmtual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 581-2290. RE-MEMBERING GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:15 with hls siblings when he heard some friends in the alley below. He climbed up to the window on the second floor to tallt with them. CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON When the screen he was leaning against gave way, he fell and sustained serious head injuries. Fonunately, a neighbor saw what occurred, and while someone dialed 911, she told Max's father what to do. Paramedics arrived quickly. I-le was taken to Western Medical Hospital where he underwent surgery and has been constantly monitored and worked on ever since. Everybody who has been involved has been awesome, and the support has been and continues to be incredible. Max is sweet and tender, as well as a genlleman, a good htlle p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beacti. The parish center is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beacn. (949) 548·3844. BREAKFAST ~llOWSHIP St. M icnael an All Angels . Episcopal Churcti holds its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of eacti month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfagt of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcti meets from 7 to 8 a.m . Wednesdays in Dierenfield Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beacti. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631·2880. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County oflers a support group for younger women dealing with issues sucti as life passages and cnanges, body images, family, relanonships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. athlete and artist who has a precious love of and belief in God. When Max was about 3 years old, he said grace before a meal that I'll never forget. He began by saying. "Dear Lord," but at the dme it sounded more lilce, "Dear Wode." He continued by saying. "This is Max. and I thank you for today and for all my family and everybody here and for this food. ln Jesus' name, Amen. nus is Max." I watched as he prayed and he kept peeking around the circle to make sure to name everybody who was there. Several months ago. someone asked Max what days of the week he went to school. He smiled and answered, "I go on Monsday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Fursday and Friday." When ask!!d the same question moments later, he said the days perfectly. Since Max's fall, many people have prayed for comfort and healing. as well as for very specific requests. On Tuesday, prayers and God 's answers came together again as they have HELPING THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the issues and concerns faced by adult ctiildren taking care of their elderly parents. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service is forming a discussion group for interfaith couples where one partner is Jewish to speak about issues affecting an interfaith relationship Jewish Family Service is at 260 E. Baker St .• Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. (714) 445-4950. ANXIETY /DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults experiencing anxiety and o r depression at 9 a m Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker Sl, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950 BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange repeatedly in the previow. days. The CT scan on Tuesday showed sufficient progress and gave doctors the ability to remove the pressure-monitoring rod in his brain. They also began reducing the paralysis medication and begin to rem ove Max's ventilator. Everybody's prayers and God's answers continue to meet Max and his family have received tremendous constant care and prayers. Since his accident. Max ha.sn·t been able to verbally communicate, but people have faithfully spoken to God on Max's behalf. Many thanb to all of you and to God for praye~ offered and prayers answered. Please keep praying for Max's full recovery. And you can quote me on that. • CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks fr9<1ue ntly to parenting groups. She may be reac:hed via e-mail at cindy -9-onthegrow com or through the mail at PO Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Beac:h, CA 92658 County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all stages of loss at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St .• Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free (714) 445-4950. FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beacti holds weekly Friday night services at 8 p.m. with a fellowship hour and refreshments afterward at 2401 Irvine Ave., Newport Beacti. (949) 548-6900. DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults deahng with the aftermath of divorce at 7 p.m . Wednesdays at the agency offices. 250 E Baker St., Costa Mesa. Call for prices (714) 445-4950, ext 114 •Is your church or place of worship planning a special event? If so send the typed 1nformat1on at least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bav St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627, attention Paul Sa1tow1tz, religion editor . lax to (9491646-4170 or send e-mail to da1lypilot a lat1mes com Saturday June 7 2003 Al 3 Father's Day Brunch Chef Daniel Jimenez Presents ~ ~ '!€~ w<di '!€~ & 'P~ ~~Ste<d.~~~ &~ 0.uo- ~ 5,it..M ~ 4 "l)dL s-a ~'1€64417~ ~H4' 7u 'Pc.Uc'" 'P~ 'P441:4 ~ ~ ekuu 6' .. ~A~ 5-a'" ~ 5-a. ~~~/.tu ~~'P~ ~~ A~ & ~'il"dlUlf SalU 1~~~ ew.a ~ o-. o~ St4u- ~ 76441 ~.uoc 5cuJa9e A~~&'P~ A~Z>~ l3kc#fl/la9•e A-t ~. ~ ~I Served from 9am -3pm $23.95 adults $12.95 children 5·12 Children under 5 EAT FREE Complimentary self parking People painting by Chris Fredy the Magic Balloon Man • J lam -3pm F o r R eserva tio ns 949-729-1144 1 131 Ba ck Bay Drive• Newport Beach www.n ewportdunes.com Westcliff Plaza h osts annual Summer Sidewalk Sale West cliff Plaza '' 111 1101'1 ll!-i ;u111ual S11mnw r S1<l1·walk SaJ E' on Saturday .J11nP ~8 from 10 a.rn. to .) p.111. "1th Sa\'ing.s for thE' whole fa.rm!). as well a." t>nlt>rta.i1unE'nl. crafts and face parntm~ for the kids The ft.> U\'lt 1t-.., "111 also inc-lude an entt>r-to-ww drawing. m wh1c-h shopper; will haw tlw opport11111t) 1n wrn one' of two $~fl0 ~1f1 certLficates 10 thl• Westcliff Plaz.a store of their c-ho1c-P Fro111 II .1111 111 .~prn k11\.., will 1•nJ11.\ lr1·1· l.u 1• J>.Ullllll~ .uul '<Ut •Lbl1 d1·<·oralP a ..,11111n11•1 ~a.rd1•11 markn. wluli· "ll('pliP'> 1a,.,, TIH' J'OJlllJM li.Uld l?o( kit Sc1t·11t 1~r.... Y.111 a]..,11 t'llll'l"taJ11 \l.'-il<1r-. from 11 <1 111 tu.! p tn Y. llh I h1•11 11pht'<ll '-llrf stvle and h11-. frnrn tlw "i(l's, f>I i·s a.ml 711-. 111111,lo!D -.}111pp1·1'-1,u1 -.1op h) a hor do~ «art a .. .., \H•ll <L" t'l\JO) a ltH'<U or ..,n,u ~ ,u <Ul\ of I ht> l'<L'-llal n·-.t.umuth Hungry shoppers can stop by the hot dog cart. as well as en}oy a meal or snack at restaurants throughout the center lhroUtthout the c-enter, including PCUtla BNWo. Champag~ F"nda Bak~'ll & Cq/'. Pkk V p tl.x, tarbwb, or for a treat. H~~n G~,. Chocolata Customt:'rs ('81' C'Olllplf'tf' e nter-to-win forms tnsid.- a.ny store. W'umers of th. two gift certlfk.at wUJ be notil\ed aft.er the f'Vt!nL w t~wr P1au i., located at lMnc Ave.. and Seventtt:nth In Newport Beach. 'The nu-r ts anchored by • ..,.. and \I-Ge l>rala, with 20 shops, and casual d1nJ.na For 11\0ft tnfonNdol\. t C'ft\ter' ~e • wwwS.0.,~aJa «rail (fM9) 79CMnl8. . SAVE 25-50o/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory www.patiomfg.com CUSTOM BBQ'S The HoneyBaked Cafe is full of surprises, not '*°· flo,,• ~ou a nd ~our lunch buddi-es c.an stop b~ The +fone~BaJ.ted eafe for a surprisi.n~l~ w'-de llPra:y of' de lt.<!i.ous , made from scrateh, lunch tem_ptaU.Ons. Tr~ our +lone~ff~ed Clucl-\.en Coraon' Bleu, Beef Welll.ngton, or J<)orH Fl.ller.s wt.th Fresh BtacJ.tbe,..~ »laze. Or erjo~ a ff'(•t-._h, ~·r•l.sp.~ m~ster• Che.f Salad. Ana, if brerutf'ast" Ls to ~our Lt.Ht.n3, we Ser>'\'e Lt all da~ Lon8. · With chotces ltl-\e o ur Lt~ht and fluff~ -1 lone~BaJl\ed Omelen.ata wl.th TurKe~, >'\voe.ado and s ,vl.ss Cheese or scrumptwus Stuffe d French Toast. 80 n ext time ~OU do Lunc h, do i..t Ln s~le atThe +lone,yBa}i{ed eafe ... whet•(' ~ou'll fi.nd overs~ delwi.ous thi.n? for lunch, bebWet. our runa.ei.n~ ham. Come M'<' us toda~. 'A1e'r•e r\3ht next door~ to th.al famous hrun store. ()pet1Monday·Wednesday8a m -6.30 pm THE HONEY BA ThuNlay -Saturday 8 a.m -9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin Bnl Newport Aye_ # 13 Phone : 714-731.(,616 Fax :714-731-4907 Hllltington Beadl 19022 Beach Blvd. #C. Phone: 714-963-6174 Fax 714-378-1216 Momma J ohn We belong to the world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. We are the biggest flooring dealers individually owned and operated. 4,000STORB BUFIN6 POWER NOBODY t1nywhere c:an beat our selection, prices or strrvice. You'rv! payltig too mucb if you 're 1101 bllyl11g from w . Jennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet $199 , Lifetime Warranty Laminate $299 Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $199 ~ Lifetime Warranty Wood $299 c- Brenda 100% FREE No Questions Asked 60 day exchange. If you do11 'I like It, we will replace It FULL SERVICE Cou1ter Tops • $hewers • Cera111io • St11e • 8r111ite • Weed Refi1ith ONE STOP SHOP Widow Coverl1 • • Clu1i1 Cu et & U heltte • P1i1ti11 -l•terier & Exterior · 405 Costa M••a <•••> eso-7e7e , •••• t7th lrvln• <M9> 818•0tat t 77'1'1 Main ••• •ON -FRI 9·S MON-FRI 10·6 • SATUHAV t0-4 SATURDAYS & SUNtAVS f0·4 CLOUD SUHAY lVlNINH IV APPOINTMENT e1~::;;;~;;;;~;;:=.~ ........ ,. .. ~1~n1t~·~"~•t10n eva1lable •nd rt'lll'l .. imiiiu;;,;m._ ......... iiiliili~lir ;._ ...... .;!::=::;::::;;;;:::::::;:~ AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meaa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilotcom. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S HOSPfTAL BENEFTT The Mickey Jones Foundation for Children is having Its fourth annual benefit for Children's Hospital Orange County, Including a CHOC Aide and Blues Festival at 9:30 a.m. June 22 at Hidden Valley Partc in Irvine. Information: (714) 962-6718. MUSIC BARITONE CONCERT The performance by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning American operatic baritone Sanford Sylvan hes been rescheduled to 4 p.m. June 22 in Founders Hell. Tickets cost $60 end are on sale et the Center box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or by visiting www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa. PACIFIC SYMPHONY'S JAZZ. CLUB Jim Self, principal tuba player in the Pacific Symphony Orchestra, and the Pete Christlieb Quintel will perform a special engagement at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m . today in Founders Hall Tickets are $35 and can be purchased et the center box office or online at www.ocpac.org Information: (714) 556·ARTS. The Orange County Performing Arts Center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a 1au trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave • Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m . Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-01 88. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents M onday Night Jams from 7 to 11 pm every week. ·wanted" musicians include guitar players. bass players. singers. drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Mam St .. Newport Beach Free (949) 675-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gma at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport et 8 p.m . Fridays and , Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and M ondays Diana 01tri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays It's free Information. (9491 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg M organ, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordien (known es MPG) perform classic rock, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m Fridays. · Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock. swrng and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays The restaurant 1s at 630 Lido Park Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474 MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday througH Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 Dally~t p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant ia at 2736 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to m idnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) ~6616. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant In Newport Beach presents Jesse on the aax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 161 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673·3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tete 6. a funk, rock and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Senders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays end Sundays Free (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p .m . Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge. 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'THE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's first full-length play, "The Drawer Boy; one of Time magazine's Best Plays of 2001 , will continue through June 29 at Segerstrom Stage. Tickets range from $19 to $54. For tu:kets. call (714) 708-5555. 'FLORENCE, DAVID AND ART South Coast Repertory's Young Conservatory performers the Teen Players will present Greg Atkins' "Florence, David and Art." a play about high school art students m Italy. The production w ill be staged through Sunday in SCR's Nicholas Studio. SCA 1s at 655 Tow(\ Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: 1714) 708·5500 '42ND STREET The 2001 Tony Award Winner. Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award • 42nd Street~ will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center Wednesday through June 22 Tickets are $322 to $66. They are on sale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa ART GUY FERRER EXHIBIT '"Alchem1a,· paintings and sculptures by Guy Ferrer, opens from 6 30 to 9:30 p.m. today at the Shed. The opening is at 3000 Newport Blvd. Information: (949) 723·3406. 'BONJOUR LES ARTISTES' Twenty-eight artists will take part m the second "Bonjour les Artistes; which will take place from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m . June 14 at the Sutton Place in Newport Beach. Artists from Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and other parts of Orange County will be showing. Admission and parking is free. The Sutton Place is at 4500 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 851 -1838. ' ~-LAS_' --_L~CHJTQ. FIESTAS .\ F• Seftice Caterl .. Sizzling Fajitas Strolling Mariachis t Margarita & Cerveza Bar ~lrTraJl•Go /I • Enchiladas • Taquitos \f) • •Tacos •Tamales .--- • Guacamole • Salsa ' ~ Call your nearest location for pick up (• ~-laecpetRoa.. • • ... 10 to 100 ,,..,. 4 Catering I II • (949) 645-0209 Newport Beach (949) 671-6151 Da1ty Pilot SOCIETY $,!11.Jfdiy Jun,. I 2003 A15 THE CROWD Community comes together for schools A n intimate reception on Udo Isle hosted by the civic-minded Joe and Judy Ro.ener brought together '>Orne 90 local citizens with a common goal: A community-based organization called Communities In Schools -----of Orange County. The group works with public school systems 10 assist disadvan- taged children and works 10 build J B.W. COOK bridge ht 1 Wt'en famJlies and the f'cl11rJ1ton s~tem '>erving the l l11ld lo promote thti. effort, che lt1"l'Oer'> invited pnnc1pah 110111 two c;chooll> 10 address the 1 rm,d. Ken Killion of Rea I lt·111l'ntary and Julie :\fc(,ormJck of Pomona l lerncntary di!>t:u'>sed the dt·\'l'lopment of the various pr o~ram!> in their schools. I ht• committee supervising t lit· local program ic; chaired by \uc Marner, w11h l>upport from Kat hy Johnson, Michael <;lhbons, Barbara Hayes. Mary Blake. Steve Cranford and 1<1·-.•·ner. \11n'> of the orgaru.1a11on 1111 l11de empowering parents 10 I 11 • ume the primary ~point of 111l111t·nre" in their children's 1•11111 .111on. reductng drug use .111 l g.tng invol"ement. and 11n11mg the local !>chool tnto a 1.11111!~ <.:ommunity center. \1"1 .i1tend10g the Udo 1 t·t t'(ll ion were Judge Prances \tunoz. Judge Mary Roblnson, '\1 ·.,port Mayor Steve Bromherg. Martha Aour. Dana Black. David Broou, Unda \neen c1nd former state ..,, 'l n•tary of Education Marlon Bergeson of Corona del Mar. lo lt·.un more about the pP1g1am!> of "Communities in "' hoiOI'>." please call (949) fl~ I 0 ~63 • THE CROWD appears Thursdays 11•1J Saturdays Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Life C-H II• IUlwnivrr .. , DoN'°r LET B l.IYL'llC INR RANU BE ONE TOOi Rabbirc Insurance Agency ~l TO • HO .. tl:0\1t"'<;l It!>• II ~.Alt It \1o1/, • ' ~~ ~ c. \J__, ../,. ,, 949-631-7740 441 Old 'kwpon Bhd. • ~n Bca4,h <Near ltoag Hoopiw1 Sui:>port1rg '.:ornmun1t1~s 1~ ~c.hools of Orarige County are Ste;e Cranford Costa Mesa C.rty Councrlme:in C.hns StPel"-i~eNport Beac.h MC!yor Ste1,e Bromberg former Cosia tAe a Mayor ti aren Robinson. and ho$t Joe ~0Sf'1e• Above. Shown at the Ccmmurn·· .. c, r S-r r'" e Jcr ~ t:Jre A:'!rior Beri;eson former state senator statE-"=>u: •,, t~ 1-.Jer.t 0: Schc~ s and Orange Count'f SLt:Jer111::.or. Al .. ,~> 'f:'hl'l• Ju t> rAcCor•.,, .• principal of Pomona Elementary SL hoc Lett. attending the Lido 151e rer:Pptror '~· rT r-un p r Sc·.oo s were organizers Sue Mamer Mar~ Bia~ e df"l(! ~1c• a• J Fa)r.e ~ uoday pecial ~ 1/2 Prk~ Ttu~!"dcn ... Pa~•a '\ iih f-. s 1 :~.'>q -: 14 :c:~ .>:~1 19 No Corkage Wedne days '-'<id~~ MIKE'$ ~~~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Ov. ncd t-. Opcr,1tC'd b\. Mesa Uphol'>tl'f\. • Laminate Flooring Featuring ALLOC No Glue ln!>t.Jll.1t1nn Wood Flooring Refinishing & New Texture-Plush Carpet \ \l.t.1"'~20 sq ft Installed Berber Carpet \-\1.t.)"" s 1 69 lmtalled sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic \~\.''' $1 so sq ft Vinyl Flooring .......... ,s1u :i..t ,, \ \ sq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S1/te4a ~ESIGN CENTER ~~For All Your Decorating Needs!" t . l l t ' ' r \ S ~ I 11 '\\ r · 1 ' r l' • q i" h-l 2 -( ~-l ( )( ) • All Sat\Kday, June 7, 2003 SOC I ET Y FINAL WEEKEND NATIONAL SALE 12 months, no interest *, no payments rices of the seaso n f eaturin All An so & Anso Caress See our latest fashion s mad e with Anso Ca ress fea turin g Karastan's relaxed look with a color palette that has traditi onal tones and natural berber necks . $24.99 sq. yd . JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE 2927 S. Bmtol ~trcct, Costa Mesa (714) 751 -2324 www.blocscrcarperone.com Since 197 1 oa Eloquen ce Reg Pmc s59 99 ..,~ nl Sale Price $39??,yd. P.1c.klrng N 1..il>or Included (I \Ira t hargc'> ffid) dppl) to labor) ve Factory Direct Showrooms eff Ewing & Lyleen f.\, 111~ REMODELIJ\G: COST VS. RESALE VALUE Wherher you .ire pljfllltn~ Ill '>ell 'oon or ""an11ng ro gl\e your home a fre\h fate 1111 or JU'' add u l111le lu\UI") 10 ~our bathroom. rcmodclmg t'an actual!) add real valul' 10 your home A u ord1ng tu Rernodclmg Maga1111e·, 2001 Remodeling Co't v, Value Rcpon . a rnmo r km hen remodel ""111 recoup j n averjge of 88% of the money you put ou1 when re-.cllmg your home If you have alwu)' wanted that b1tz 'PJ tuh or beautiful Span"h tllmg or dujf 'ink' m \our outd.11nl hathroo~. the repon 'a'' 1ha1 you could get had, .ill average of 8 1 q. of yuur outpat Tho<;e number-. tan t h.tn!!e radically dcpcndmg on thl· area m ""h1th \OU live In .irca' ""hl'r ... re .• 11 l''l.lll' " m1"1 valuahlc: and 1 .... 1 -..;11111).' ,, remodel 1:;111 rel oup ·" mut h a' I ::!W, 1 Surpr..,mgh enough .. 1 111aJor l.11the11 remodel ""111 hrm~ ) ou hat I. the m tht ~alul' In a h1~·hcr end marl.t·r. a m;qnr I. llt hen remodel lan intre.l\l' \our home value b\ .1hou1 \'iO .1 -.quare fool ol more In a market where home pnte' arl' incrca-.ing. remodeling t·an be a vet) 11nponan1 f:K·tor when R h I you think ahou1 '>l'll111g your eup 0 stery home & SI• C C £xj · S f: Jl:1akc 'ure )UU u>n..ult )Our tp OVefS I0f Sting 0 as real e'tatc profe,<;1on.1l to find out lhe Ul\t ver\u' n:,..ile v.1luc Lowut Prices in Town------v---i-ift-W'~~r...:..olo!.!u!.!..r.!!!.u~c.!!-.• _ THOUSANDS O F FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME CRAZY PRICES ( L)leen and J.:tr have ll con,ec'u11vc )Car' of real e'tatc apencnce m Newpon Bc.Kh t•or profes_~iooal service or advice "ilh all your real e~t1te nttd~ call tht' F.wing'i at Conl "l;e" port-Coldwell Ranker at (9-i9) 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coasl Newport Property's #1 Team For 2001 .. Otvty Piiot WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS Erica Deanne Berge and Ryan Thomas Hussey Berge-Hussey Mr. and Mrs. J. Eric Berge of Irvine announce the rngagt·1111•n t of their daughter, Erica Deanne Berge of Corona del M.ir. to Hyan fhurnas Hussey of Corona del Mar. The bride -elect graduated from University lligh School .111d Chapm an University. Sh e also received a degree in mt'rth.11ult-.1· marke ting from the Fashion Ins titute of Design and Merchandising. The future hridegroom, son of Mrs. Kat hy Sowell of E1111nit a'>. graduated from Corona del Mar High and Cal State Long lkarh. A Nov. 8 wedding is planned at Laguna Presby1crian <J1urd1 with a reception at the Ritz Carlton. Kathryn Simmons and Brooks Hoppe Simmons-Hoppe K.ilh ryn Simmons of Newport Beach and Brook' I lopp1· 11f C .oron.1 del Mar exchanged wedding vow!> at Mount nf < >lr\t'' I u1heran <Jrnrch in Mission Vie10 on March 2<! I ht• brick. claughtt'r of Jean and Michael Simmon<; ol I .1w111J I lrllc,, worr .1 ivory du chess silk satin 'itraplc'ls gown by Vc•1 .1 Wang I lt-1 lllJtd of honor was Jennifer Miller, and her bride'im;wlc, Wt'rl' ra I lim Lindse Master<>on, Kri c;ten llc'clfnn. ' h.•Jthc•r "l1mrnon'> and Julie Van Ryne. I he ~room "the son of Carol and Rich llo ppe of C.or111101 tlt'I Mar I Ire; beo;t man was Blair Hoppe, and his groom'lmen ''''rt' Rob Alshuler. John Ho ppe, Patrick Redfern, Jeremy S1eg1•l. John <-i1 rnmon'> and <Jms Sulsby. After thc ceremony was a reception of 200 guc'il'i at tht• 11111 < arlton 111 Laguna Niguel. ----- I he mu pie plan 10 hve in Newport Beach after a wedthng trip lo fah11 1 •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, please calf Coral Wilson at (949) 574-4298. I 2002 2002 Legacy ·sedan I 1 At This Price Model 2AA (213306) Others to choose from: '02 Legacy Sdn #2AB • '02 Legacy Sdn #2AC '02 Legacy Sdn #2AD • '02 Legacy Sdn #2AF 2003 Subaru WRX Sedan 1227hpl 2 At This Price Model 3JC (509115) 635) The Beauty of All-Wheel Driv~ 2003 Su.baru Baja Model 3PA (105873) (l02037) . , 2 At This Price • Standard All Wheel Drive • Fuel Efficiency of 20 City /25 Highway • Standard Roof Rack, Moon roof, and Remote Keyless Entry •World's First Multiple Choice Veh.icle.™ 2003 Subaru WRX "ITTlgon 1 At This Price Model JLC (806295) 2002 Ptnvl J60 • • Sphl ' ..,....1.Mln $U?.IOI •• .. • ......... =ft; ••• #~--~--.... ··~··,. ............... - 2002 Lamborplnl Murcletqo llMWlleCkJllMllH Un~ellftlMe ......,, Oftlr Q4t,IOO 1 1 - QUOTE OF THE DAY . "I )tlM a little nervous with the bases loaded tht first time, but besides that, If elt great." FrHnlM, N8ll Mariners pitcher Sports EAor Rlchlfd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • ...,_fax; 1949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD EYEOPENER .Jun. 9 honol' ee HUGH FOSTER Saturday, bie 7, 2003 Bl ESTANCIA . PRIDE Eagle seniors Novak, Rojas, as well as Costa Mesa star Day, advance to today's state finals. Steve Vlrsen Daily Pilot NORWALK -f.standa High senior Zack Novak. as well as the rest of the Eagles, had an extra reason to cheer af- ter he completed a thrilling perform- ance in the boys high jump in the Clf State preliminaries Friday al Cerritos College. Estancia senior Hwnberto Ro- jas, just as Novak. advanced to the fi- nals, which are today at Cerritos Col- lege. where they will be joined by <:osta Mesa senior Sharon Day, who took one step closer to defending her state title in the high jump. Corona del Mar's Anne St. Geme ended her imp ressive freslunan season after finishing eighth in her heat, and 14th overall in the 1.600 meters (5:06.24). She said she enjoyed the ex- perience and she seemed anxious for next year. · runners. As.a result. he was spiUd on his rigbt shin -a runner kicked him -and be ·also took an elbow to his face. However, Rojas was determined to finish in the top three in his heat. While Rojas was running in the 1,600, Novak. was ma.king his dreams come true in the high jump. Novak. who matched his personal-best and cleared 6 feet, 6 inches, won a jump-<>« against sophomore Danny Wllliams of Fremont for the ninth and final qualifying spoL Longume F..stancia track and field coach and distance-running specialist Olartie Appell said he could not re- member the last time two f.stancia boys advanced to the state finab. STEVE Mcawt< /DM.Y Pit.OT Estancia's Zack Novak cleared &foot-6 in the boys high jump Friday at the CIF State prelims to qualify for today's final s. In the boys 1.600. Rojas qualified sec- ond in his heat, and fourth overall. us- ing what has become his tradernarlc race-ending kick to finish in 4: 15.41. During the final 200 meters. Rojas ap- peared to be boxed in, but he continued to maneuver his way through a pack of With seven qualifying spots filled, Novak. Wtlliams and top-seeded Mat- thew Carter of El Modena competed in a jump-off The height started at 6-8, which Novak and Willi.ams rru.ssed. but Carter cleared. Novak. and Williams then tired 10 clear 6-7. bu1 they both missed. The bar went down to 6-6 and both Jumper-. could no1 clear that But, a1 6 5, Novak pu1 the p~ure on \\'"ill1arn:. by See TRACK. Paee 84 NEWPORT BEACH LITTLE LEAGUE Maf].l}~rs master of Majors --Freeman brothers, Nick and Chris, propel M's in title game over Angels. Bryce Alderton Dally Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -They play golf together, they are best friends, they each coach two sons on Little League teams. The Mariners. coached by Brian Free- man, and Angels, guided by Bart Thom - sen, used different paths to get to the championship game of the Newport Beach Uttle League Majors Division Thursday, but nonetheless met with all the marbles on the line. The Mariners proved up to the challenge. scoring four runs in the first inning, which was more than enough to defeat the Angels, 4-0, at Boras Field on the campw of Uncoln fJementary under cloudy, drizzly skies. &duding the-first -inning, the of- fenses remained cool, but pltcblng for both teams took over for both teams. Thomsen and Freeman rode each of their 12-year-old starters the fuU &ix ln· nlngs, using mound mastery Greg Mad- dux and Randy Johnson would appreci- ate. Nick Freeman got out of ~­ loaded jams in the thlrd. fourth and 5lxtb lnning.1. striking out four while al- lowing only two hits. His counterpart, Hunter Alder, threw exceptionally well after a shaky fi rst Inning, striking out eight and only allowing two hits the fi - nal five innings. Alder used only 13 of his 84 1otaJ pitches to retire the side in order the fi- nal two innings. Freeman 1os'>ed 100 pitches. the maximum allowed by league rules. with the final toss resulting in a Dy out -hit by Alder -to left fielder Michael Hay, giving the Mariners ( 14-10) the tide with their fourth straight victory. "I was just trying to throw strikes and get out of the jam," Freeman said. "I was a little nervous with the bases loaded the first time, but besides that, I felt great." The right-bander struck out the last two batters in the third inning, the first coming when the Angels' Michelle Zucker and Q.T. Mitchell stood at sec- ond and first. respectively. Scott Frazier ~ out a dribbler in front of the-plate for an infield hit to load the bases be- fore Freeman struck out the final hitter on four pitches. "The Angels had a great year ... Nick just threw a special game (Thursday)," Brian freeman said of bis son. •He made the big pitches when he bad to. With N'td: and Hunter ... two 12-year· olds, you want your blgest kids on the mound when the game la on the line. They both were great~ Walks to Armani Ferrante and leadoff hitter Scott Ely, along with Jamie Heinecke reaching base when a throw from the second baseman pulled the first baseman off the bag. loaded the bases once more for the Angels in the final inning, but Freeman got the final OyouL "Hunter hit a nice drive in the last in- ning. but it just wasn't enough," Thom - sen said. "We kept loading the bases where key hits could have been the dif- ference. We battled hard and never gave up." The key hit for the Mariners came off the bat of Nick's 10-year-old brother, Ollis. The third baseman lined the second pitch he saw mere feet inside the left- field line for a three-run double to score John Doering, Parker Werline and Wll· Liam Ham. Doering and Werline both reached with singles. while Harn was safe at first after the Angels (14·8) caught a runner in a pickle along the third-base line, but the Mariner was able to sllde back safely. "It was a high o ne, my favorite kind of pltch." Outs Freeman recalled. •t just turned on It" Chase Ross followed with a line-drive single into center field to plate him. Werline and Cllrls Freeman each bad two hits while Owl Morabito, Chase STEVE Mcaw« I OAl..Y Pl.OT The Marilers celebrate after tttey c6nched the Newport Beach Little l eague Majors Division championship over the Angels, 4-0, on Thursday at Lincoln. Nugent. J.D. Abbott and Lee Cowan all saw action. Alder bad the only other bit for the Angels besides Fnmer -a two-out sin- gle in the fourth Inning. Ely, Scott Thomsen and Blake lbomten all walked while Nick Ftamson. David Wei- land and Craig Jackson each bit the ball. The Angels won their side of the Na- tional Division tournament and fin- ished the regular season in third place. For Thomsen. It was bis third con- secuti~ loss tn a league championship game. By adding strength training to his regimen , CdM GAllllSl'I standout has virtually eliminated any weakness. t • • .I r ~ _. '• • ...., • • • Y ,_, .. •.,... ' • t Luxucy Imports ~ Eiotic Sports <Cars * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included * Consignments Welcome * Ulsh Paid for Your Car (on Most Vchida) · * Competitive Finance &: Lease Rates DMW 98 323i CONV c1<1JJ011VefYOeon. llr Int $18,980 97 328i CONV (1'1'277)1"hifew/Ton~. Au!o $22,980 98 7 4Qj <19040>0nt OWnet O'IOm9 "his. ~SH S 22, 980 00 3 23i c1n79C) "*t wffan. t.ofhef Mooo1oof.. -"· $ 25, 980 . . 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Dally Pilot SPORT S " HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Sailors ' McClune is MVP Her match-high 11 kills help South AH -Stars top North girls Friday night. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot HUNTINGTON Bf.ACH -It has been more than six months since Kristin McOune led the Newport Harbor High girls vol- leybaJJ team to the CIF Southern SectJon Division 11-M championship last faJI. But not long enough tha1 Sail - ors Coach Dan Glenn has for- gon en wha1 1he 6-foot-3 Pep- perdine-bound middle blocker me~1 to his program. While watching McOune on her way 10 posting a match- hlgh 11 kill"> and adding four blocks to help the South defeat the North in the girls half of the Dave Mohs Memorial Orange County All-Star matches Friday at Edison High, Glenn let slip what has been on his mind ever since Mcaune's prep ellgibilicy expired. ·we can't replace that," Glenn said of McOune, after she pep- pered the Nonh with one of her kills. "She's not onJy 6-3, but she's quick." McOune used size and sp eed to help the South win the first two games, 25-19 and 25-22, be- fore the Nonh salvaged a 15-11 win in the mandatory third game. Rally scoring was used throughout the match. McOune had four k.Jlls in the first game, five in the second and two in the third. more than doubling the second-leading South hiner (Teresa Hart from Dana Hills had five kills). Yet McOune was genuinely surprised to be awarded the MVP prize, a new balJ auto- graphed by her teammates. • "l was i.urprist:d. be<.ause there are :.o many great play- ers,· said McUune. who has stayed sharp while compe ting for the Laguna Beach VolleybaJJ Oub. Corona del Mar senior Oaire Allen. a 6-1 ou1s1de hiner bound for UC Irvine, also contributed to the South Victory. finishing wnh two stuff block!>. Ocean View middle blocker Jenny Kuehn. who plans to play for Orange Coast College next year, had three ldIJs for the Nonh. which wa., led by Long Beach Stale-bound \etler Dyanne Lawlor from Esperanza HiKh. Lawlor had nine kills, four ace'> and one Muff block HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Future Anteaters show promi se UCI -bound duo helps North AJl -S tars defeat South boys. Bury Faulkner Daily Pilot HUN-nNc;·roN BIJ\( II -If there wa..o, a collecuve 'ilatemen1 made by the paruc1panl\ in the Dave Moh<o Memorial Orange Counry AJJ. Star boy~ volleyball match Fnday a1 F:.dison 1 ligh. It was tha1 belier things are ahead. h wouJd be dtfficu.l1 to project much wor..e from the more than rwo do7.en 1.>1andouts. about half of whom are bound for D1VJs1on I coUege program'>. A whopp111g 24 combmed servtce errors. numerous h1111ng error... as well a:. 01her '>undry violations. accounted for moc,1 of SNYDER Conbnued from B 1 ·His !terve ~ re all} b11<> compared to la'>t year,· Mang said. He can be a serve-and -volleyer if he wants to be and he has !>O many shol5. he can really mJX players up. I le I!> so smart, too, thar's another advanlal<l' for him He has the 1enm<, brain of a veteran. No1 a lot or kids like to play Garrett" Playing, of course. 1s a beuer word than competing. since Snyder completed his final prep campaign with a 55-0 record an dual matches "That's never happened before," said Mang. who notes about 90% of the fonner the points in the rally !>coring format. eventually won by the Nonh. 25·18, 23-25. 16-14 lne North included Newpon Harbor ..enior Mike Toole, while ~1anford-bound Eric Jones. who had nvo kJUc; and one )tUIT block. represen1ed Corona del Mar on the South. Leading 111l' Nonh. however. Wit!> two pldyep., bound tor IJC Ir- vine and a thtrd player planning on a11ending Orange Coa\I Col lege also '>howed '>Orne prom1'>c. I d1so11 I !Jgh\ Brert Reid, a h-3 'ellcr recruued bv 1he An1ea1ers. made a strong bid for ~M> hon· or-.. which. '>llrpnsmgly. ~enr to 6-foo1 -fl Pepperdine-hound nllll- dle blocker John Parfi11 from Canyon High. \\ho collel ted a modest one luU and r'''o '>tufT block.-.. Reid using a vane1y of '>hots. GARRETT SNYDER llorn: April 25, 198' Honwtown: H•wport leach ~6-foot We19ht 160 Spott: Tennis 9'o$ltlon: No 1 singl., eo.dl: Tim M•n9 Fav.tt. foo« P1UJJ Favorite movie: "Glad11tor• left MMetk wMnt: "Winning the two OF [Southern 5ectionl doublet titles Mld wlnnlng OF ti • tHm ttus yttM (Division 11 and ti 1 sophomore (OivisoonV].• 11'e weelt In nMew: Snyder flnoshed Nnn«-up in singles •t the CIF Southern 5e<tl0f'I lndMdu1I ch•mpi- onshlps and •Ito helped guide CdM to tNi OF Olvblon I title. upped by ~ 1~ win flWf s.nu e.t>a111. shared match high honor:. with ..even luUs. I-le aJ..o had d '>luff biotic. Jay'>on Jablon'>ky. another fu- ture An1ea1er and a 6-5 ou1,1de h111er repre'>entmg E.<.perdlua. d.lso po51ed '>C\ en k.llb. including four in 1he den'>1ve third game Meanwhile, OCC-bound r:ric I il'>lman. a ti I middle for I lu11- 11ni.,'lon Heath I ligh. had d 1>J1r o f lull., and rv.o '>tuff bloc~ for the Nonh. wh1l h abo rece1wd '>IX kill'> lrom I lun11ngton Beach '>en- 1or 11.t'nny ~1arkwardl. I he ~ulh lill leadt'r wa'> 6·5 ~n Uerne111e rrnddle blolker Hruden de Jong, who fin1'>ht:d wi1h five. all in lhe liri.1 game. Afwr the !'\onh pulled away in the fir,t game. no lt!a!O led by rnort' than 1hrt•e pomL'> 1hc re'>I of the rna1Lh, .is both teams '>truggled IO find •• my rhvthm. dl'll'allng ()a,, 11 d.l'>o leh ~nvder untharactens11cally t '>peni for the '1ngle'> final. \o\h1d1 began abou1 one hour after h1!> semifinal triumph "I le only madt' about 10% ol lw. first '>erw!> Im 1he final! and his firs1 !ierve ha:. bel 1n11e a ma1or part of h1) game." ~1ang <:.aJd. There are. arguably. no minor parts 10 Snyder's game. the re~ult of an all-around emphasis in11ia1ed by 1n,1ructor Tim Pawsa1. \'\Ith whom Snyder ha., worked '>Int e age 6. ·~ty whole goal is 10 nut ha\e a \\eakne.,.,." said nyder. known 10 h~ teammates '1!> (.-man. "l 1h1nk I have a two-dimensional game. and nol many kidi. my two-time CIF doubles champion's victories this spring were m singles. age are able 10 come to the ne1 A 10 1 of the guy'> I pla} ltke 10 battle from the baseline I've alway'> been tau!(h1 10 be able 10 battle from the baseline and also a11aclc the net. I thinlc. I'm a1 my be'>t when I'm rnrnmg 10 the net." The Daily Pllot AthJete of the Week helped the Sea Kings secure their third section utJe tn five years with a I 4-4 trouncmg of Santa Barbara in the CIF D1vis1on I final Wednesday at the Oaremonc Oub. It was the storied program's I Olh CrF crown and, Snyder said, supreme consolation to his valiant run to the final of the CIF singles tournament. completed May 3 l. Snyder, attempting to add a CIF singles crown to his aforementioned doubles spoils, defeated top-seeded Jeffrey Das oflroy, 6-3, 6-4. in the semifinals at SeaQiff Country Oub in Huntington Beach. Snyder. the No. 4 seed. then fell. however. to unseeded Calabasas sophomore Gary Sacks. 6-1. 6-3, in the dtle match. The win over Das avenged losing a third-set tiebreaker in the Ojai Valley Tennis lbumament earlier this season. But, with so much focus on Snyder\ best ha., helped CdM bet.Orne the same. The Sea King'> finished 24 0 and. Mang believe'>, Snyder's rnn1nbu1ion can't be overstated. "He Will> the cap1aj11 of uu1 lt:dlll lhl:. year and his whole thing ha<> always been the success of the team, more so than e'en h1~ own uccess." Mang said. "I've used him in single' and doubles and he was always willing to do whatever was best for lhe team.· Snyder said he conMders the Ur team title hts uJlimatc accomplishment this ~eason. But he is also proud of his personal performance. ''I'm very happy with the way I played as an lndividuaJ and I'm glad I wa:. able to help the team be very successful," he swd. Sati.day. June 1. 2003 as SPO R TS Dally Piiot AYSO REGION 57 2003 FALL SOCCER REGISTRATION ,Region 57 1s comprised of the communities of Corona del Mar, Newport Beach east of the bay and Newport Coast. Our program is open to all children who would like to play soccer, however they can be no younger than 4'h or older than 18 by July 31 , 2003. We are currently rvnning registration for the Fall 2003 Season. Registration closes June 30, 2003. To register visit our website at www.ayso57.org All players who did not ploy in Region 57 during the foll 2002 season need to send proof of birth dote. ISN'T IT TIME T O REMEMBER DAD? TRACK Continued from Bl clearing that mark first. Then. WillJams hit the bar on the way up. Less than a minute after Novak woo lhe jump-off, he saw Rojas finish second In the 1,600. Novalc ran over to Rojas and told him. ·we did it." "I have people come up to me and lhey ask me. 'Where's Fstan· da,' " Novak said. "Nobody knows about us, but now they know." Novak's run through the post· season meets has read lilce a storybook. Last year, he didn't panicipate in the postseason af. ter battling through shinsplints to clear just 5-8 at the Pacific Coast League finals. But this year. Novak won the Golden West League title. Then he went on 10 win the CrF Southern Sec- tion Division Ill championship after clearing 6-6. Novak. the 23rd seed of 28 jumpers, also earned the final qualifying spot last week in lhe Masters Meet to advance to today's state prellrni- naries. "It has been a surreal season for him," Estancia jumps coach Frough Jahid said. Day needed but one jump to advance to the state finals. She waited for about 90" minutes, then cleared 5-6 to grab the top qualifying spot. She is favored to win her second st:ra.ight state title today. "I have the abiliry to win it and I hope I do," said Day. who is scheduled to jump at 5:30 p.m. today. Novak will compete at 3 p.m. and Rojas at 4:28. BRIEFLY Above, CdM's Anne St. Geme, center. hangs on to a strong field in the girls 1, 600 meters Friday in the CIF State prelims. Left, Estancia's Humberto Rojas finished second 1n his heat in the boys 1,600 meters, which qualified him for today's finals at Cerritos College. PHOTOS B't' ST(V[ MtCRAA11 DAILY Pl OT i' Uhl returns to coach Mesa softball ROLEX Sharon Uhl. who coached the Costa Me!>a I Ugh var!>ity softball team in 200 I and was head coach at F.stancia from 1994-99, will return to the Costa Mesa helm, Mustangs girls athletic di- rector Pat Leahy announced Fri· day. Uhl replaces Rick Buonarigo, 8289:-r~ I IT Tm lUIE PllmT who resigned after leading Me!><! to the 2003 Golden We-.t League championship, the program·~ first league title. Leahy said Buonarigo. the school's equipment attendant, chm.e to step down rather tl1an start his work day at 6 a.m .. 30 minute~ sooner than hi!. current ~chedule. in order to be free to attend the program's ~ixth-pe­ riod softball cla'>s that begins at 2:30 p.m. Uhl. who teaches jun · ior high physical education at Mesa. coached the Mustangs' junior var'>ity 111 2001 and her fa- miharity wi th the players should help ease the transition. "I know all the kids and they know me." she said. "Most of them were on my JV team when they were freshmen. rm glad to be back m the program. but rm i.ad ll is under these circum- '>tances. • -by Barry Faulkn~r A YSO signups today •SOCCER: The final two reg· 1strat1on days will be held this month for AYSO Regwn 97 fall soccer leagues. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratmg the Daily Priors Athlete of the Week series TODAY 18 Jason J ohnston E11.anc11 8o~tradt 03 24 Zoila Gome1 Co11a Mes. G1r11 cross country 97 23 Car101uon o,.nge CoaSl Mens tr&d< ·01 21 -Ann M111e Ganon Orange Coast Women's tradt. 02 SJ 000 loc1ory rebor. plus S2 49Q ""'°"* cash eqo.ols 15 AW plus •o• & loc-Ole 01 i.c,,. "9'1'ng No MCAl<"Y ~ reqiW9d JQOOO tolol ""'fl'* leoM r..-111. 2()1 per"* rt..olrer Mariners School's multipur- pose _room wiU be the site for both signup days: Today from 8 a.m. to I p.m. and Ju ne 17 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. players to the region. or tho~c that were not registered last year, must bring birth cen 1fi- cates. First·ume players born Ofl or before July 31, 1995, wlll partici pate in a skill!> evaluation by one of four coache~. Detail~: (949) 642-6296 Tlll>f'l\9'.~Al1 f'••,,lon tefen d •N •wport •••o h e 4e/?2 1·•0 1 0 TAKI SS FWY un FAIR DR. TO HillOR si-... o,-,...,_,,--..~c...Nd-0.-­ ..... 0,-,..,_..,....d S..0---~ All ptoc:.s ••ti.id.~,,.,..,.,, IMS and rares ony l1nonc• char~ ony dealer docu!Mn• pt9P01ofton ctiorQ9 or>d ony-t1K11ng chot99 E•por., 6/13/00 Interested players born prior to Feb. I, 1999, through 18 years old are eligible to sign up. New Legal Notices 2MO legal Notices 2640 Llgat Notices 2640 legal Notices · 2640 Llgat Notices 2640 MUCllOOO OTT Of llWPOIT IUOI Otyc..ta..w..ttlie Otytf...,.,W- JJDO...,.,w.-4, ...,.,w ptAW(OlfkSM ARA .......... J.19- , . S~/t,, S.nli a.al4-c• (PA2003 091) 207 £.v.nln1 Canyon SUMMAlYa Appeal of th• approval of Mod1fl cation l"ermlt No 2003· 038 for th• construction of a n•w. slnale ·famlly dwellln1 with an entry • trellis s tructure that will encroach 4 feet Into the 15 ·foot tront yerd setback and • 11cond floor pl1nter box to encroach 2 IH I 6·1nches mto the 15 foot front yard setback APPU<ATIONa Modlft cation P.,mlt Ho 2003- • 038 ' CIQA COMl"LIAMCL Tht:s projKt llu betn r•v1ewed, and It hH • bHn dttefmined that ii • b cat.c«lcalty H9111PI under th• r91111lr•ments of tn. Caltforn1t Cnvt· ron11Mnt1l Quality Act und., Clan 3 (Hew Consltuc:Uon or Con version of Small Sttuc turn ) • 2. SUIJICT1 L....-• ,.._ .. ,._ ~ 1 _. (rAJOOJ..Ottl . . . , .......... .__ :~ 1 SUMMAJY1 Rtctuut 1 lot a Ctn•r•I P11n • ~l t nd Local • CoHl•I l"ro1um to : =-~he 0~·:4 .~'i! 1 lot from lt•t1ll end Str•lu Commercial to • r-f•mtlJ 1t•1ld9nt111 IM • codt Amtndmtnl to clllnp ttie 1onln1 dH l1111llo11 of t ll• tdject propert1 from S.•ctflc "11• No I (~) to S..Cifie l'i1n ... l (lt 2) • AlfUCAllOlll .... ......... I 0 ' ····-··· , .... •C.Htef PHl':i" !CI, ... .. ... , ... Atn-'nt9tlt No. 2003- 00S CIQA COM,UANCL This pro,ect has been reviewed, and ti has be.n determined that 11 rs c1te1ottcally exempt under the requ1re111ents ol the Calif or nra Envi- ronmental Qualtty Act under Class 3 (Rn1dent11I Construe lion '" an Urb•ntZed Area) 1nd Class S (Mmor Aller1t1ons 1n land Use L1mllaltons) Published Ne wport Buch Co1ta Mesa D11ly Pilot June 7. 2003 Sa467 RdltlM...._ ... s...... The followina persons ere doina business as· Mlllenlum Pr,oducts, 20271 Sulpoint ln •102, Hunllnaton Beech, CeltfOl'n11112646 David Beck, 20271 Sulpo1nt ln "J02. Huntin~BHch. Cali ferma~ Reb~c1 Beck. 20271 Sulpoint l n -102 Hunhneton Beach C11t forn11 92646 This busoness is con ducted by husband and wife Have you started dom1 busmess yet? Yes 03/0 1/2003 David Beck nus statement was filed wrth the County Clerk of Onn1e County on 04/18/03 2003694 1500 D11ly Pilot May 17. 24. 31. June 7, 2003 Sa456 MOna llM1llG UGAl AOYllTISllG leS NOTICE INVnlNG llDS lo be received on, or before the hour of 4:00 p m on Wednesday. June 11. 2003. for • --r•or contract coverln1 he publtsh1n1 and pr1nt1n1 of le11I notices, or other matedal re quired to be published 1n t new1p1pu of aenetal c11 c ulat1on publo\hed and WLulated 1n the City of Newpotl Buch for Fiscel Year 2003 04 (July I 7003 June 30 2004) l oV..,n• M. Horklou, • City Clorli City of Now,.-t l each Publ11hed N•wpor t Beach Costa Mesa Daily Pilot May 31 June 7. 2003 S.465 RdffiMW.U ._s......, fhe fellow1n1 persons are do1n1 business u Sa11on Pho, ?It 9 E Ball Rd, Anaheim Callfornia 92663 Moruca Phan, 1529 S Cedar St. Santa An1. C1Uform1 9270 This business ia con· ducted by: an tndrvtdual Have you sterted do1n1 business yet? No Monica Phan Th" slatem•nl was ftled with the County Cltrk al Or1n11 Coyntx STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. . • • • • • on 04/22/03 20036941111 Darty Pilot May 11 24 JI, June 1 2003 Sa4S7 fldlttMt.siittss llmeS........ The follow1n1 persons are dome bus mess u · ARARAT TOBACCO 17045 Med~lllon Ave Apt 43, Tusltn Cahfor ma 92780 Edcer Kocharian t 704S Med,llton Ave Apt 43, Tustin. C1hfor- n11 92780 This b1alnen •~ con dueled by an rndiv1dual Have you started do1n1 business yet? No Ed11r Kocherlan fhls statement was flted wrth the County Clerk of Oran1e County on 04/24/03 20036R2209 Dally Pnor May 24. 31,. June 7. 14. 2003 S1460 TIN Lq;11/ DqNl"""'" •t tlN .0.1/y Pilot is pk tuttl 10 •mrou.fft't' • nnu ""''" '"'"' •v.lubl.t 111 ttftll llwlnUStt. • ~ will now SEARCH tlH """''"for ru •t -ntl'N <IMrp, 11,,J 111w Yfl" tlH ''""'•NI 11H lrijJ 10 tJH C1111n Ho_/,, S4nt11 A1'A. Tht,,, of nH1r1'. 11fm tlN ''"rrh is <"O,,,}'UUtl -wlJJ fiu rtn jktiri.1111.1 ~lnm ftllltU ttllt'1'11#1tJ with th, a,,,,,,, Cl"*· p11b/Jsh o'ftt 11 WMt for fo#r Wttlu.., "'I"'"" '7 iltw 11..J """flu JIO"' ,,_f of p.J>IJ.~tio" with tlH Co11nty C1"1t. Pk.w 1tt>J> "1 ,. fik_1011r fiNirlO*I ~111## ,,_,,.,.,.,,,, 111 11H .0.1() Piiot. 330 W. &,SI. o,,,. Mn11. IJ°r" """-' ,,,,,~ "7. J>WH <r11ll"' 111 (9'19) tU2-0~l "'"'""' fllilJ ,,,,,,., -"6"-''" ftw JI"" u JM,.,/J, "1'1 ~.w "' -1L . . If'°" 1/ww/J INtw 111')' fortl#r ~,.,. ,INN c11/I "' """ ""' will ~ """" 1/NI,, P""' ,. ""'"' r"-G..J &dt ;,, JIO'"' •nu ...,,,,,m f NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND AV AIWIUTY OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HOUSING EUMENT General Plan Amendment 2003-04 (PA2003-130) and Negative Dedaratlon NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commi ssion of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing to consider adoption of an updated Housing Element and a negative declaration. Prol•ct Description: General Plan Amendment 2003-04 (PA2003-130). In accordance with the State of California General Plan and Zoning l aws, the City of Newport Beach has prepared a Draft Housing Element. The Element is an update and reformat of the existing Housing Element and includes updated Regional Housing Needs Assessment figures as mandated by State l aw. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that a Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The Negative Declaration states that the .General Plan Amendment will not result in a significant effect on the environment. It is th e present intention of the City to accept the Negative Declaration. This is not to be construed as either approval or denial by the City of the subject application. The City encourages members of the general public to review and comment on this documentation. PUIUC· RMEW: A thirty day review period is provided to the public. Any comments regarding the document must be received in writing no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday June 30, 2003. The 30-day review and comment peri~d for thi s Negative Declaration begins on Thursday, May 29, 2003 and ends on Monday, June 30, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. Copies of the Negative Declaration and supporting documents are available for public review and inspection between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Planning Department, City of Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, 92658-8915, (949) 644-3200. Copies are also available at the Newport Beach Central Library located at 1000 Avocado, Newport Beach, CA 92660 and the Mariner's Branch Library at 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. NOTICE IS HERllY FURTHER GIVEN that said public hearing will be held on the 19th day of June 2003, at the ho.ur of 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California, at which lime and place any and all persons interested may appear and be heard thereon. If you chaHenee this project in court, you may be limited to raisin& only those Issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to, the public hearing. For information catl Senior Planner Tamara J. Campbell, AICP at (949) 644--3200. Plllrkl9 L , ..... , Secretmy b.otflde, Pia *• (155zlil..-, City ef • .,.,. l1•da. Published Beach·Costl MeSI Dli Pilot June 7 2003 • I Policy I-low to Place A Rates and deadlinel> are subject to change without notice. The publi~her reserve~ the right to censor. reclassify, revise or re1cct any clusi.ified advenisement. Please report any error that may be in your clai.sified ad immediat.ely. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible eitcept for the cost of the space aclually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for 1he fir'>t tn!>Crt1on. CLASS IFrnAD Monday .................... h1day 5 OOpm Tut:'>day . . Mond:.iy 'HlOpm By Fax (949) 6ll 6W4 ll'ICll"' ondud.: )UUI 11•111<' ... 1 phunc numll<r wiJ .,.,. II <•II >"" 0....l v.t1h JI'"" <jU•~•· I Tdcphonc x lOJ111 'i llOpm \tonJ.i't I ml.1) Bv Phont· (<J491642-567K II ours Index H)1 Mail/In Pt.·r~o n: ~ "' Wc,1 B.iy S1rce1 < t"'" Me,a. C/\ 92627 !\1 "lcv. pon HlvcJ & B.i) S1 V..11~ In X 'OJJn 'i OOpm \ t11ntl.1~ I nJJ) Wcdnc,da)' 1 uc,day " OOpm Thur,d:.i} Wcdnc'.'td ay <; ()(Jpm l·ntla)'. .......... fhur,d.t~ <i OOpm ~.tturd<t) ...... ....... h1d.i~ ~ OOpm Sund.t} ... . ... .. . . .. h1da) 5 OOpm ANllOUNCIM£NTS [~: [tfu, IWESTAn ~-' & MISC. 1010-1110 RENTALS GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 'eclllc •l•w Me ..... lol ,-ii, Viste Del M0< i.1 •149 S.11 S6SOO 949 HI OS4S 'AClnC VllW B~y •••* T •t1 .tlf" lul • 110 '" 1 ••t~ Pd•lt SllJO() ••bu 714 1n 1441 11• 774 114'1> 2 'rime Adjoining lets PACI! II. VI( W CO<u n V1rw 1 SI ')()() '" 949-6 73 9201 Collectlbtes/ Memorabllla 1160 '°" ss 4 ltlcoaos nc M. Ow.; £Ii: ']J, & (lJ<. El AllM. "ijJllt h.b> anv- M1kt 949 64~ 1'>0!> ENTERTAINMENT talendarof Events 1310 (QUAl llOUSIMG °"°'1\llTY All ru l f'\l•lf' •ll•f'• """' '" lhl\ """ >4'•11<' I\ \Ubtet t l o lh" I rdf'r•I f ""' tlou''"K At I ol 1968 '' •m,.ndr ,1 whit h m•~e\ ol 1ll~~AI I•• •<h,.111'\t' a.ttt-ltf '"( f '"" ,,.,,, "' dt'U tmlOA h I • • J '' 14<..f 4..UltJf I /.11•11 .t ' h•ndr<..tp I• 1al •l~lu Of' n•tKtn1I ,, "'" ru dn lnlenhon tu m•~t 1ny 'ut h prelertn.. 11111111 hon '" d11o< 1tm1n•lwn • l h" n•W\PdPf'I Wiii not knnw1n2ly .u' •pl any ad•~• h\tment 10< rol •··l•le wh1<h " m v1olal10n nt !hr law 0111 rt ~dtl\ .,u h•ioby mlormed lh.-1 .111 dwf'll Hiil\ .idv~rlo\<'c! 111 lhr< new,paptr .,,. av•1l•bl• on 1n t qu1I OPP"' lun11v bn1\ l u • ompla1n ul d1\ crtmrn.thon <•ft HUD loll tae •t I 800 4?4 8'>90 Tell Us About YOUR GWGESAU! In ClASSIFllD (949) 642-5678 MllCHANDISE I~ FOi SAll 3010-3940 1419 lllil [j] soos-saso 2305-2490 Auctions 1483 1 Gara~ I HOME ;:=w=A===N=T=E=o~ !~~S-,=30 tt. ~1,~ FURNISHINGS ANTinUEs 11 ........ h .. ld lurn '"'""' !;( I""~ l , ~.111111~ & "'" Olct.r Styie Furniture PIANOS & Coll~bl•~ '"-" 2471> s...to Alto Ave. furniture 3435 TV Cabewt, r I • I> , •• 'd s.•• .1 .... ,.... .., •J ...... ,\ ~ ..... s-. 7402-7466 EMPLOYMENT OPPOltUNmES aoos-as10 AUTOMOTIVE & 1 ¢~ TUllSPOITll'ION INCJtlASl YOUtl INCOMl •ntr .... 'f ,.,; ..,. .. ., ... • lt.;nlP t .4J ' t I ~ ,flh f II It 110 11.: f k(f 61 •1.-t #N'N I *I .~.t.J•fjl f• .ff ~ ·~ >®! /114 J J,'4 AISOlUTl GOlDMINll I v,.., J11 , md• h1n"'• ¥t lh,. • .-11~ .1 JI n• 4~• SJ ~,1tJ1/~1~ -) 9000-9750 • • COMING SOON • • 2 ,.,.,_ ,.,._ .... M,.. '°""""""'"'"~ COASTlltfl llWTY 949 7S9..0177 Costa Mesa 38' l'/.SO. •P•• I ,,, ... 1 ~·~I•• So1il JI f • , 11t"flJJI 11•/I ,t Uw '-w1.f1 Und er the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck For Only $32 per week (4wcck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 live '" Newpott leo<h t !Jt,• J!Jf U• ~ Newport Beach FIXER UPPER I '' •• • l•CI"'"'• ll'r II--' ' II 4 , ... ,~ ..,,.,1 {ff "'11 " 'I<" " ....., w .... ' SAKTA ANA SAT SUH lAllla Y MD WI 2521 Saulh ,_ l.t.C.:.. rv ~ J.tocl f .... ~ ... -r.t-1.i l"1l•1 d\air .. L~y, hh11 11Jfl1 Jt-1 t., if1 • ~ IJ-f Olfices tor lease 4540 ht"1'V-Y'AI ~I I .. t •lift• Bargains , the5<: homc:s need \\.Ork, lowcsc pricc..:'I. hcc Lo rupuccri1cd li 5t. " OPlH SUNDAY 1 4pm 714 1>24 131>2 A CXOt.ISITl sar saa $$ CASt+-PAIO SS wt BUY ESTATES µtiff,-"""''~''" &. t"1•'fy ~ h;,;.. & bi • kowfl lCA>l\ ._,. l ht'°)f ft Afl I ~OfA T Oft Hide o bed fRU '491>4S 9121 3460 ,_ M.w Gard.n S¥o 11'1•• ~II 11)1 ltt or A k1w t 11 ,•,,1 1', ol !"'~ ·~· IM '•40 fJA t..t• • t ly' tac1 t.-11 t JMfof•:1firof1 (~f,1f•J1 11• ti it f,....th11 .... •'"'' .m.-.Jtllt"" .,a I i<J • 'l-.l lit.' ~r.J t:fllH (J• Jl44 fo ....-.lt-11 •l PRIM( lSTATlS OrangeCoastfreeHomelnfo.org fn!c recorded message 1.800.704.9343 ID # 1248 •A Sup•rb Newport He•gl>n • , 11 ',If ~, t I fft, I Jo'""' r nt ' C.t , • ,t.-.t J'otl ~.r I I ' .t • M.•M•r "'"""'"'• I\,, ,4.• t> 1' I ,,, fl .... f.# .. ~ ...... • • ... ... "'1l t•• Ar''" -111 .. 11, & '""SI""" -' M, ,...,.,. f'.1••m •. w, .,..,.1 .... k ... ,.n., d'•/'1 •• • t.:te..-8 LAAA.fl I • M1' \. rn • .-ty '""'-114 :'41 ml. JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS MEl Al.S : PA TlllCll TlNORl ORANGE 5400 NATIONWIDf USA 949 llSl>-970S I I \I\\ ll "" •1;hnu1 S.1 ''J'f-i '' COASTUHl llWTY 949 1S9 0177 - c_o_u_NTY _____ , WWW ~Id'"'~'"'"''".""' Coa1t Coln Heeds _______ ..._ ______________________ ......_ ______ _ @ Hu •a 1 ... ,., ... 1 111111 .. .,.. 1 •• 1t1 11v.1 Balboa Peninsula w. d d E lOST DIAMOND lllNG ::649-4922• lost 1505 SOUTH COAST AUCTION r undr ill\ Pf (OJ r t1Wdffh I ~w .. tt y ..;. tft two· 11ttlr1uf"" -t 1 hea!ht• tn womrn I toll•1 lohlr\ 141) h4 '1441! SOJ foot lay. r .. 111T». s.,j l e •. n g x p e p s rt"tronm lllWARD Ill " """1l 1"11•'t ~,.,.. w 949-•11 3103 Cats 3610 1.,.. '"'" '""'' v·11· Found 1510 ,~~,~ .. ~,~n:d:;;;r~,I ~ SHOW~~SE FOUND ,U,,Y .,.,,. ww> ·~•two•k '• -- CAll TO DlSClllll A.l"1•n I rJ••' U•"' '' ,_ .... , tt .. 1-4 • • ... 949-113-2323 [JAY 1-fAl TH «.tJAAAHlll I ....... M ·- C...... Sales 1~" ------w 11iM ,,.,i '1SUIMAOOUVl UWll:I ---BUSINESS RtU WAY I • n••lll•• <A A Dlomond on the Ylnt ... llan-fwn SERVICES •'"' • ...,,. '1'f'.' 11111 Oceoft Side of PCH. 1000 .............. Sliirt. & SpJ· 11 11 r , '>1>.1 """-~""" 8""'(.lwllly n ... :,._. •Wlil.6iillitt1111S2S... j 14·""" Ii.,," IH Ap!>I oni7 \M9 ~ 6.bl ~,,..... 91-.l. ti....~ • .,_..,,~!• l•i.Jl.tr.I •'lot G ti ,._......... 2315 --. . ..,.. '""P-' 2< ... ••'W SY/>IO') Ira _\Nl_IM_IMP-IY____ 71'-'31-5210 Bt<••Y <ffl<i!ll f,l17 Yanl la 1489 ...._..,.., .., ,..,,. ~ ...... own """"°""' rtw•11111 •I Dogs 3615 H£WI P'tlfVATl 1 STotlY -~.Md ( •• do' ..I< >('Hfl n• I k•I 111 ~l.lfird 4feA •• ..,,.,...,.,. ... t"""" ,,.tlf\lcl t 11111 •h111f,.f\. 111'1.tnm l,.;111••1( b<•~ -.h<'.lw-. ""'' hw l rv-. lll'\t•.tn .....,. oH m ,~.tM t ...-nh _.1 nr If •tnQIHI ~df d~fl IJ.tfHJ\ $11'1'ilHI ~1(1 ~9 r.fl 'Jll4 r•~·........,~·c .. , I 86&?.llf>I /'J Ill! >I ynu LAlllADOR 'U'S Of A ~ ~~., ,_.!<. Cl Rf CHAMPION llNlS, -pl1tonum blnn I• \XO(} ART/ t.tr, i•,., ISi!'>~ PAINTINGS 3060 PetAdoptions 3660 Germ°" Shepherds oil COSTA MESA r rn•I umpl~ & 11•••11• \ .. le All mu\I au' 100' ot b1 •nd 11t'W bvu~' & loy\ Clulh111~ '' R wom~os 0 4 1 h1ld1rn ,Hll DllCI 'AINJINGS ... 1 ... ' All ,,., '"' Sat 1 12. 273 p ..... St Ce1ta Mno SAT 1-2, 4 21 lry•-Sprln9s, •ntoqu~\ cOllf'C t1blH, ~~"?.rrtl.­ " f> 8 V.lClUTI dW \ ITN. ll'"~I Prad In .,,. All Nrwpoll lldl bur \Len~~ 30 X 40 011 I b 1 ?4 .. l 18 x 74 ... 1-800-Ul-9185 PREMIERE GARAGE SALE lRVINE TERRACE, CORONA DEL MAR 18™ ANNUAL COMMUNITY Saturday, June 7th, from 7:30am -l :00 pm. Come to PCH and Irvine Terrace Drive (between Jamboree and MacArthur). Pick u.p a map with a list of addttaa. Sponsored by Marian Phillippi Prudential California Realty (949) 248-6628 .-,,111f'1 111n t11 q11.th t1t t1 h11ff1t.•\ 'NWW ~ ,ft'\t 11'" '''5! ,, 714 ,, l '><ll'> MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 OP'lH SUH 12-4 30 JETTY JASMIHl CllUIC ~ -1~v lbr :>b.><ll!n Hni""' G.w<lene' IMlll ·.r"l"'d H,Jr•ll<~ rflacly Vt'J y tow n.....t A,.y"' .. lr'f""' ~Cal 1.. """ By 'Jwnw 949~1 sm O"N SUN 1-4 2UOSfAYllW 3 S TUl IUllDINGS A C.1w1• ... C...- llp l u 10 111 40,t'.11 .....,..._\uoi-roe<1: 1..0 l o,o , 100 '>II • I>()''"'' 1 "'d o1<1d lookout poonl 0 11 .. ,' C:.•n Orlt••11 I 4fl< 4 ~ u 1slum 1-.ome Ruy (800 49<1 /7bAJ Off•ed .. S2.9SO,OOO -COASl\N REAi. TY Business I 949-7st-4177 Opportunities ......,. v-11..w-~ Buslnessa and ,......... ........,.1 "" h .~ b den,'War\oul frandllsa 3905 rm ••In fl w rm wltp .c: ~ cuardlld poo1s fOllGU TH( STOCll 5'>11 \ S799.<XX> .u.ty Kolar MAlllClTI ~t ,_.... fllu 94•-37 ... SS76 nttd\ unly unp 21 uund l•v•I PM lnr1 1 n h uly ..WV.,.. ........... 11r11m""'~ p111cl1u I hn•• I ocAtJon & Vlllur.' Sky ' !hr hm11 '>•rmu\ llt Sl .299.<XX> Ld ll '!49 7'!., ')8 74 J!r $1279.(0) mnlrna •ppc11nlm•nl <!Ir Sl.005.<XX> only 8 I ~ Prud Ca Rily 9'9-171-013? tj(each 4? 000 ~eaders in Xeap9rl JJeach. Corona def J/(ar, ~~ewporl Coasl, Cos/a J/(esa. 7Jon 'I miss oul on lh/s chance lo p_r0!7J.ole.yq_tf_I' e fJerl'Ls e in I.his field/ Our 7fJei/<hny_ Ohoa1case ?ubf/cali"on 7Jale: :lune 25, 200.3 ~ace !Jeadline: Jlune 1 <J 200.3 7/duerloria/ Deadline: J une 16 200.3 Daily Pilot A~~I E (949) 574-4 ' e 4 Call (949) 642-5678 I . DISTRESS SALE Bank Foreclosures. Free list of fo reclosure properties. Receive a free, computerized princout. ra.o~CoastFrccHomclnfo.org l'rec recorded message 1.800.704.9343 ID # 1242 R~JMAX Res deolZen !i7 Spou1, •• e wt.ale 58 'Alk Or -· 59 Pocpourn eo Honor ft o Sl&ple 62 Pll(ldy CTOp 63 Ft!fbet ol "Show Boill" 64 Pralouncl ff1 Once """*' 10 " ..... 0...-• 2/2 + Ofc.. & 2/1 Upper V.cant ~ SRUXXl 949 29).8128 AellQwner TRUSTU SAU llG HACH HOUSl 4H 2.SIA -$"59,900 AGENT 949-2 19-2SS9 JUST USTlD DOVlR SHOllH V1Uaae Twnhm $375,000 agt. 949 642 1872 PRIM( ESTATES PATRICK TlNORE NATIONWIDl USA 949-156-9 705 -w palrtcklenore com Tustin Randi Diane Celtr..,.11 M..,...-1 •di leek lay • • Coll fw Ustlat • •• _.... "~ 2 '°-••1rl I .. ...--~ -eral $1".i)m. Pr11d ... t1o c..111-., &1we lltJl'~949-553-8553 949-IN-J7JO • I 'f carpet Repair/Sales CompullrSemces ~CAlll'n ~CAaPOO l#HOM Rep•n Patctirn1 Install & •US/NESS •Ef'AlllS Cour lrous any ""' 1obs Uper ades. Rep•tr\ of NOTICl 0 RlAOt.RS Whole<ale1 949 492 Ol<¥.> Computer. Networks Californt• law re Computer Services l venmfS/Wee~ends Qtllle~ lhat ronlr•c Competitive puces IOI\ l~1n11 fOb\ lh1I for quality set vie totlll S!lOO or mnre COMPUTER 949-836-1175 (labor or maltrlal\) HELP! 714-926-4 221 be f1t en)11d by the Con Ir a< lo" St•te ..... hlP 1llClftltt lteen~e B1>ard Stale • M .-11am • ofllcl Concnte & Masonry law o1lw reQuiru that ·~·-con tr ~t tor' include ·~ lrlcli llaclt Stone Tiie t~lr hcenw numbef ·~Piut91WG•• Concrete. P<itlo, Driveway on 111 !tdvet 1tJl111 You ·~Mcdlrrl For epic, BBQ. Ref's 25Yri ten Lhcck lhe status •(lib~ E~p. Terry 714 557 7594 of your lil.•nsed • '-ltleo. "'-IA.-: TheC-tM-con crac tor "' ·l!W.'l~iw-.-. Cementworll. Brick. Ttle UC ~ WWW ctlb.CI 1ov or t0Yl9~&p. &. More Rehable. No 1ob 800 3?1 CS! B Unll 7 14-612-2786 loo small. 714 615 9062 ,.n~Pd f on tr•• tnr~ ~ hk1n1 1nbs lh•I lotel lo~ th•n S500 COMP SQUAD INC. mu1I slate '" lh•lr NHD MOil ROOM? edvert1umtnh lhat I.. t'\''111' compu1cr &low> AOOIOOHS &. REt.OE.JNC they 1re not ltunsed Ju_q hkt )'OW =· they ll577982949 709 5642 ~, the Colllractors lt.11\C Uf" \V( C..-"'*-It.It• l ic:enw Board • YlnA • 1maoo duua • lud: 'Pr • worm • uopn and .JI tiunD • cbn .alJ dn11tt and IUU-tt daa We ell\ uarul'n !bu ro )'001 MW computn Wt ttf up 11en....L blg anJ imall hrrwa.lli • (.:.Nd'D'iUOi.1'-11p MockmJ Compktt unall bulins ..M..n. ""'•• .. JP ,,,. ,,. ''"' "',,. ~gw11b111. Ca'llH•"' ,,,,,.u,..,, EClA.l..1S NO\VJUSIS50M rt,.U}tk 9"9-394-290S .,.,,"' '"' ... ", IN '"' Ul. w,._.__.... LIJlila..t/f# ~""' ..... Smlc1 Dlndfq "'",..""' "'""' rtllUlllM • 1'4f)MM671 f -----· --- Bridge 8Y CHARLES OOREN whtt OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WEF.KLY RRIDGE QUIZ Q 1 • Ncilhct vulocr1ble, as South you hold: • Al " Q 10 2 r. J It I 5 4 2 • 9 6 The btddillll. ~ proceeJcd: NORTH F.AST SOUllt W£S1' I• 2· 1 Whm acliQO du you takc't Q 2 • A~ South. vulnernble, you hold· Q S • Nonh-SOUth vulnerable, a.~ South )'t>ll hokt •J9642 • KQJ2 A l04.l •Vokl The bidd1n& has procecOOl • K Q 10 8 2 '7 A K o K 7 • Q 9 5' The bic.Jdin11. ha.~ proceeded: SOlTJll WEST NORTH IWot'T NORTH E.AbT SOUTH W~T •• l ! I• l o 2• l o ? Whal 111:1ioo do you wlc" Whac do you bid now'/ Q 3 • Bolh ~ulncntblc. II.\ ~1Ulh )OU hold Q 6 • A' Soulh. vulncruble, you hold. • A J 10 9 .a 3 A J 6 J • () 11 8 The b1c.1Jing ha_\ proccedt"d • KQ86 AJ A94l •AS.a SOUTll \\'tA•ff MIMTll LWr I• ,._ INI l The btddiog boll; pnxecdcd: \\ t:,',I NOltTil EAST SOUTH ! J Obi .._ ! \\'hll1 ik:llOO do you wlc'' Wtwt do }llU btd oow'> Q 4 ·A' ~1U1h, \Ulncmblc, )OU h11ld /,Ll(IJ. [fir answu~ on Monday Rooms ' -R-~11 L9. I Ir HovH S2J00m "' llllllt -& llr Apt Sl500m Open F.W. CM Twnhm. art pvt House Sat & Sun 1 4. rfl\lba. dllln, pr. w/d. 122 Goldnod 949-6«M 120 ~ ~ Oceon view home. lliht, SIQ)n+. 'hueh airy, 2br 2ba pallos, no RESIDENTIAL AfNT ALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa YlAlll Y JBn cloo. 2 581. 2c £~. Slfllllt tanllly home. I door to the be4<.h Ava!l.lble now S3400/mo As5o<.lllled Realty 949 689 4200 Balboa Island lAST IAY FRONT APl 2br Iba ltrepl•L" '.hare la11nd1y Sl800 mo 949-673-4062 Y..ty 31r 2toa, "1- duple• pa.ii hll w d. bdl Ip ''~ to bay n pc:ls i.mll& avail now S2400tmo 949 723 ~ So loy front yrly 4br 2ba upper duple• t t•r par!.1n11 laund lat SJ?!JO/mo 9'9 6/3 4062 Balboa Peninsula Step\ bch & b1y new P•1nVcar.,.1 2br lb• 1a lo qualllttd per~on 1mmf!d avail Sl!>90 1'>44 MH amar 01 949 61!> 13!>8 31r, 21o, Walli I• t.ch, bay qu1el gnr. PAIHl, n/1m/pf'I S?lOOm yrly. !M9 263 1 <Bl pm 650 l!l'J8 31r, 31a, SUf'•• shorp new rtmod ttiooo SI~ to be<ld1 fweplo., l UI e.-. SJ35()oo Biii 949 "°' ~71 Nl/a.-tM ,... 2.Sh, I .tnuly home mlfll ocun vot:WS "QOl rr®et ~le. .ivatl now S5CXXl1mo ~ . 0 na 949-6/ J. Corona del Mar l rl9ht 21r, I lo, dr< k w\h dryer sunny corner un1I S IJ'>O mo /'l I •1 M1r11u.r1lr 9'9 l?l 04!>!> llr 1h, ~la t.eo<h, h11hl & bri&hl no p~h l•.ne S 119'> mo incld\ utl\ 949 no l !)6!) smok/pel Quiet ne1ah S24!'>0/mo 949 721 1279 Lort• 31r 210 condo, mini oceon "lew, lrpft. 2car lldr. n/pels, lease S2495/mo 949-720 1565 A Cut Above twn.hH l~I 2 M•tr\, 2 1/2 bath\. fR, 4 pal1os Pvl e•r W/O. Pool. Spa len111s S2600 949 723 l /41 or 310 471.7930 1-iful !>j)BCIOU~ 2br 2ba 2 Ip. coontry lut S21KX>/mo HMbot Rutty 949673 4400 dl9 M¥ia lrfthl31r2'/..to ....... • loft Newly remodeled Fp, A. C wh11lpool tub SJJOOtmo 949 46.3 8361 1 .. .-, '-1 mi lo be.ddl •All C8h. SUNe.. "'II. cul 1..n. more S8Jnn ID [ J6ct1 Sl A.9. b Spec.lills! 949 SCS2421 Cal ()I i.-efy Gat.d C-Wiwhy llr ilo Af>t. w/pvt l<'f fro& wot.. lo T" Square S895/mo Waler/tush 11.ud KleH1 Man<1&emenl 811 104 8649 E rt 9200 Huntington Beach 21r free first Month Rent • Optl...t. Prlvale pahos. fplc. Iara• unit 2Ba. skyll!lht. a•raae. $1 ?!>Olmo Clo~, to 40!> & Bealh Blvd Musi be quahfted 714 847 3633 Ju•I yarch frOfft the ..... :!It ,_ P89> tloa. ,_ bey ~ ' bllns $1500/mo 714 969 4756 o.-111 I br 11111 an10 ,_, le Pier. COOWTl pool spa. wd II ml inllrsd ~ Mf!!!O 98fi73.1flX> UDO Ylill.Y llASI & UDO SUMMllt HOM£S Bl.l GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-475-6161 ~bd..M ....... Home 2Br 2B1. 2 car 1•r•Re 'l btat hts A/C av;11I / 1114 998 l/~8 21r I .Sia, walk lo beach, 4245 Hilaria. near Hoa11 aar. w/d hkupsJ $1395/mo 949·645·3683 HAlf Off ht MO llMT For moye-in bl8 1 w/12 rno lease New r.model Cape Cod style COfTVll, w/new dishwasher & refri1eralor. carpet & ceumlC Irle. Winhef/ftys, inside {a> apl ll!f SIO!J5. 2Br Sla!i Cd llll'a (949) 646 2224 or 714--633-7S9'l :za.. w r1 and level. no one llbc>ve you, well ITllWllalned tr 1plo 111 Newport !Wits. ei anote counters. water aod trash lllCld Sl475/mo. fie! 714-997 .3993 ...... ~Pvt beKtl -Harbor l'Je 2Br I.Ba 2lXll Co bey, terns. ~ Sl700m lse 949 718 1400 2br l .5b.1 twmm ~ HDlll Ho!.o. pa1x>, comm porA/ spa_ nu ~ a. arpd. 2 c p $1~949-Z!n4631 Ilg c-2Jlr i'ba Condo. l~ hr~ '1 PllllOS newly decorated w/d Fl'lldtt Sl.2Dn 714 394~1 211 YlAlllY RENTALS Newport Beach Pe nm Sl400-Sl950/mo a11 949-673-7800 119 C-yon Ta-i-..e 28r 28a w/m.nler >tlhna room, pool/)ll<.UUl/tennn. Sl 950/mo 714-402 1846 ,. 2lo C..-, ~. 2c pr, 2 pehos. canyon v-. avail lily. S2 l50lm Call RObert @ 949-644-1367 V9o Point ootstandone condo w/2 ITlll'ilers on !l(ilf couue, wa• lo 8adl B•Y e I & r I AVil~ Ady I l2200TI •at 949-718-1!>3'1 IAYVllW HllGHTS 20101 Cypr~ St 2br otc 2ba. new lut. w/d $225()Tt. ail ChrtSly 949 <-oo ~ fastlll•ff lbr 2ba townhome. 2 ,., 1ar11e tommunily pool Aat S2300mo 949 673 7800 D .. ..,_ •• T......,.l~J Open ._ Sun ~ I 1Mn-2Pm 132 8'ryaest Ct S27'00/mo 714 m IBXl v-1y lorr 3~ 2i.. house 3 doors to buch New carpet a. paint $2950/mo 714 545 8628 713 ~ :& 78.t sm beach col~. pvt lncty. 1 uwport. SZD>lmo Cluii & Rudyl 949 251 9444 Newpcnt Buch Pentnsul.;a Lt Slw st.a + dfll, Destdop Publishing IMlTO GIN YOUI HOMl IMl'IOVlMlNT PROJlCT'l Cell •plumber. P"nltr handymin. or •ny of lhe areal \erv1te\ h\lrd h&re In nur \rrv1re dlrf'cloryl IHlSI I OCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOA'f'I Dtywall SeMca WITTHOln DIYWALl All phases sm/lr~ joOs. CllA~~"· '· r, frN est l 714639-IW Electrical SeMces s.....111 ... 1~1 OullCilll Electrk: n hp LocaVQoidl Response Ser~ l •?75870 IM'}.66() 1042 ~· Licensed Clec:tr1e:1I Contractor S111•ll iobs 1fafttn1 at S7US &:t. Spedafillnt n R•mod4lltn1 & ell home wlf 1111 nwch, Comm/lndust/Mss '-M0-197 -1908 ·~'I lKINHD COHTUCTO. rto••--"" ....... 11...,, fetTICHMI, ·~ :,--l'llC~ FIDortllt1ll OlmJM ClllA1M lll ~.-.ow~ ~---lill91t7 llll.2DM "" 71~ 91151 S ruom APARTMENTS wd,ocean view. totally eva1leble 1at $756-$950 ""'10d. wall ID l,.;f\. 2 c 949 673-7800 ,. mnno !M!Mfi6.1"II AoortnWJlle UMY ~ Repiwed Rt1110<.1hn & lnslaHillOO Ill[ OCAN 949 67J.US 714-846-~ 114-8113-20.31 ="ng L"T'"ni.-tluape Weekly ,,.,..., "' hnmllf & 101i.altallon 2S Yrs up llc~•d 949-548-4363 Tr•• Set"Ylce, Yard Cltenup, Maintenance, Sprlflkler Rep11r. llaulina {t4t}.SO-S7tt * * ~ =~ • loc:3I • Atilllll FRU lSTllMT[S (Jt --..Tao HomeRepaJr RESTORE •REPAIR & REMODEL ING nx UP 5'lCIAUST. All types of rt!palrs Elec trical. p1um1>4nc. doo! '· w..tl!r heetiers, !Jes &. more 241w/7d.1)'l 714 366-1881 HAHDYMAN All Types Of WOfll Inside or Out CeU Jlllf or Dennis 714 421 0040 Jen..,.._ .• .._ • .,.., s,-.i.lht lnlariof & h l•rl« Rtpairs 714-501 ·6466 l..iJllfijlQID IOllNSON COMPANY Mdwll. w.111. ~ _.,,. • 949 650 !1525 """"' Tllltin Nwth Tu•tln Hll• Beeu c1t1hn•. city h11ht views. Sbr Sba houae ~ library. 2 power rms. Approx 5900 51 I ac lot. Tennl& courts Sl ,390,00 ••-•Clora Tu 949-291-9911 le.,.-IW11,11totu~• t-ol• _..._ rentol 111 COSTA MESA, HJ, NPI 111 11A HAVE A DOG. S 1000/MO. lllfS. CAJIOL 94t·S74 .... 241 WAHTlD room rental w~ b rldeper1d111t lllul*d man wittt '*· -$Cn-I ~3662 EmpfoymeN 8500 ~ .... &~ S.,..rt ,.slllen. OC a<rport .,.,, Perdlem or PT Ilea hOI•' Mml know Quccllboolu wel Re\l.ml' lo taa 94'J 442 lJ.49 •• t..111 9t9442 /JXJ 1-6lli...,../A«_l_I P /T IOf Ad Aa~n<.y r:.11 949 756 8501 ur f • • Resu-lo 949 1'16 8SOb I ,_ '-__, iJ• m•naaed • bu~1nes~. co ~ yQo6 .. ' oil*e. 1o n11 1a& n4 ~ DRIVlH WANTlD Newport & llunllfllllnn B<h S..I ynur uwn nh•dulr1 Per I Of full Um• ,.a1l•blt S75 •/day lull lml(! Cdll 888 DOI Wl)RK !!.. "fPY @ wwwo~~ GAIDENING ASSISTANT Sllw. Pdll ltm' From 8dm ll 1won MON FRI St>erman G<irdtn~ 1n COM Call 949 6/l 7761 M...ic ,_,,..., • µrrv";lt Khool. 8 12 :.!. \lr.,c1a ~ ~ voul \A., • n.r;t, Wl.f On.Ile yea 1y minal Pf fldUC'llOll Cal 9'l9-6l!> I 113 SEll your stuff through classified! Houle Cleaning IMW ?3 '97 -· 4411 actual ,,.;, S ~. llldi@o d<lrl\ blue. ~llfll Ian Int, bt!aoltlul ore unnwrked cond, Sl4,99S V1117'l9?41 949 ~/6-8888 Bl<t Cadllloc '02 DeVllle Seddn 1911 "''· white oalmul llhr, CO. 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Sut.aru '99 lml'••H 2 !>RS, blat.11 beauty kodd. ll'n1 al RS ~ SlO ';00 /14 l!>I 24&4 10'1'01A ,'007 SfQUOIA I 1m1l~d 04 s1lnr lully ln.td•d 9600 m1 ""' f tnnd SJ/COJ 9663:? M> v .... :-,....·001-tte ?8" mt '4>11'1111"1 bt.lcll/ Udlmul •ul<J mO<lnrf ro PW pl Jlluy whls ltke ntw v1nU 70055 $1 :11.99'> ftn & w111anty }VAlf Bk1 '}.ef) '>1!6· 18118 w-.ocpoltl.<- DNIA'S HOU5l OlN9tG Chvn9'• ,_..'Om. e>P E .. oi-i Serva ~ 15 Gr••I Price• CuManteed ymr1. c8enca Lnnsed wo1k free "~t t •l/!>602 714-.M2-4656 /14 '118 l!>."M 7 390 2945 Masonry * J•G MASONIY * Any Typ•, Be\I Prir n . Repairs Ok Qu~hly Worf\ •lD&I Jos.e /14 !>.11 164.J Mewing & Storage J~en's Polntln9 I "P Qu•ltty Compelthvt lnlet101/lal I •648228 C•fl Jay 949 650 !>066 llAINIOW ClltQI MMIT f'amlln& Wnl tbis.,/Apt Qu•ht1 iob1 F1er ~hrnata t •~989/ /14 6)6.8888 llST MOVllS SSS/Hr. Paving s..... All~ ~lSlaed __ ;;...... ____ _ Tl63844 llX).?46-?378 ASPHAl.T PAVING, H AL 3236J>9!J71 cd COATING, STllPING, PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Ctltl Publ1t UIUlllH Comml\\tOn r•11u11es tl••I •fl used household 1nod~ moven pt int lheu PU C Ctl T numb,,, !.m0t. end ch1utte1Jrs p1 Int llteir T C P numl>ef 111 all adver Usemenls If you h•ve 1ny quesllOM about tit• 1111111, o l • mower. Irmo or cheulfeur, cell PUIU< VTIUTIH COM MIS MOM 100 177..P67 Quality work. ~.,, lllmlle C &C~71~ Ptumbtng SIWll --~ (9'9} 64S-2SS2 Pllrtlng , Alt1m1f:a • l#MWM ...... Coftv, blidi w/ff ay, pr---- (193118) ~- •s aua-. ..-w/ff•'I•.,_., ..,_....._ ( 19.D>) 121.• ., ,._.,,,. , ... 1'9 llfl!y 181< ml. HRE Per formance~ ( 19394) IHQUIRf 1 oovw~ T rljl4t bll, vatu. pjlis (19434) SlS,980 HMWT40#~ one ownet. local New· port Sedan, p .. I r-ds. chromed whls (19340) 122.980 00 J...-s 1yrte low mlles, perfect. 09171) $25,980 ••a..-as Chromed wMels. low tniles, surwoof (19418) $23.980 OtAa<rwnU moorv oof. loaded! (19455) SZA,980 OO•MWXS ..... ..,, s.lvtr w/Blac* (19M3C) $38.980 03~111 8lack w/ttn. loaded. • beaoty ( 193641) Je.980 00..ZEUO Silver wt911ck leath«. premium wheds (19392) $32.980 949-S74-7777 PHl.&'5 AUTO ~ VW Gell GL '90 !>spd stick, all fe<.0<ds fiJf1111 9-..pe & • di!jA» alD. ~d'a!I $1900/obo 949 106 3999 Sell your Car In Cla"' IJ!•d ! BOATS ........ IS15 'M sdledt IJectrk tit boat. new trailer tnd batt•NIS, .,. .. t concitlOn, ~· 9&723-0726 ._ , ... ~ rn bott ·-·~by 8alloe blind. .u1 -$17:<!!fot!o 9&706-l!W Sallllolll -U4' 14, •t61S, 1964. Wood 1111411/rudcler/dHh trim splft 11t11rn1. Full -& 1t aiMr' Top cond Sl.500 181176-5768 f31 New Oectrlu, li...., $17,000 .... t4t-US-77U BOATRfPAIRSI SERVICES BOA11US/ MOORltGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE U IOAT SW'S NOW AVM Cal for slus. bQllon aod cleCalh Waw tnd ~ 1lft.dlld Mt-67~7 yw....-4111-. .. ..,..,. ..... a...M .. ...,. '42-5471 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f ied section to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Classified Commu111ty Marketplilce loc •cll<MM>nOf llol8TJ-.~ SEW(R JEmHC ELECTRONIC SlAB LEAK DETECTION r riendly Santee 949-675-9 3 04 -~com l •7U•97 IMU...0 PLUMBER ll506586 free bl! Sm reias. OClTCU One. 714-al-9150 PIUCISl riUMllNO Repairs & Remodelln1 FREE ESTIMATE Lf687398 714-969·1090 Pool Service Mesek P..t & Spe Svc. Weekly 'Service, Equip menl Repairs, Insured. Call 949-192-71 TS • VALUE. OIE MORE THiii THAT SHOULDN'T BE OPTIOllAI.. When you compare "apples to apples", it becomes clear that the 2003 Freelander Sis not only the most capable small-midsized SUV, but the best value as well. But don't take our word for it. Take a look at the following chart which should make your buyil:lg decision just a little bit easier. 2003 Land Rover Freelander S LEASE FOR $ 39 months OR +tu MO BUY WITH I On Approved Credit. Plus tax, lie & doc. tee. $2978.49 Total dnv&-<>tf, Includes ftrst payment, $350 security deposit 10K miles APR financing per year/2.0c excess mi. charge. 3 at this payment (1304871262696) (13053l'267886) (130488/265032} 2003 Freelander S 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport4WD • MSRP $25,600 V6 Engine You got it standard, they don't! 4-Speed Automatic transmission 5-Speed Automatic! Even Better! Air Conditioner • Power Pack.age You Bet! 4-Wbeel Anti lock Brakes Safety is never comprimised. Full-time all wheel drive It's a Land Rover, isn't it? CD Player Of course. It's not 1985 anymore! $20,030 Optional • $850 Optional · $825 Optional -S2.325 OpL>onal -$600 Optional -$395 Optioncil -S 125 Traction Control Electronic · we wouldn't go off-road without it Optional · $765** Vehicle Security System 16" Alloy Whee ls Cruise Control Independent Rear Suspension Basic warranty Rust Warranty Adjusted MSRP You can count on it. Cool You've got it for the road trips! Standard 4 years/50,000 miles 6 years/unlimited miles s2s,600 Optional -$520 Optional -$3 10 Optional -$300 Not availible 3 years/36.000 male.., 5 yeat\/I 00.000 mile-. $27,045 This comparison is presented as a guide to assist you in selecting an SW. All exact equivalent ven.cte is not possible. All vehicie lnfonnation has been derived from www.jeep.com, www.landrover.com & www.edmonds.com. Prices shown are MSRP without discount. Whtie every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we are.not responsible tor errors Of omissions. -rractlon contJOI provided through Jeep's Trac-Lock Dlfferenbal Axle. 'Um IMR IS T1I FIST llY THAT IB'IESEIJS A Tll AlTERIAlM TO A WXURY IDB.' AJJTOMOBILE 3-03 4x4, V8, Power Doors, Power Windows, Power Seat. l~~!~'~ sggg+tu t~~!~l-9!m~399+bo 5 at this pay111ent •-4~~u..:i ... ~- '02 DISCOVERY VB, Olltj 9K Miles, Prior Rental 415&'146642 '97 DEFEllR I On~ 45~ Extra Clean 4140/1~ '30,995 '34,995 .... 1•• (Wf B Mies, Nav, Brush Bar, !>aJ Bds Ultinale luxlly SW 414&'431~ 415&'104113 *34,• '67,• 414, Alhlm itle, VI, ,_. Pacbp, nt, Pr•I• lllM, THtJCnlsa Etc. '23.995 I at 11111 '02EXPLRR GLS, Extra Cltal 4181/A1191 . '99RA&ROVER 4.6, VB, Luxuiy, Lam! CERmED 397&42&54 $18,995 . '27 ,. ' ICIVETTE 1•ma n CmM.. 21 Miles ~167 '27,• 9, I j llEW W3 SIM: YUKON XL •9,500 1111111,,. """'· ..... ""' •3,000 Fat:lol'y Rebate ,, 2,HTfllllHAIHS 1~!!!avings . •7,000 ... .,,,. ....... .,,,,,,,,,, •3,000 Fadol1Rebate • .. '; I I I I , ' , ,