HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-10 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotS erving th e Ne wp ort-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY,JUNEl0,2003 City presents $112-inillion budget The City Council uses Monday study session to ques tion police substation's effectiveness, as well as council spending. budge1 for 2003·04, ran smooth· ly. wilh a variety of compliments noaling across the ~mall confer· ence room. Councilman Clim Slt'el '><lid he wru. impressed Wlth "the be'>t" budgel he h~ seen 1n ht~ more than two years on the co11nc1l quesuon!> they wanled answered before making a finaJ dec1 .. 1on on Monday. QUESTION Should the Westside police substation ~ open •t night7 Call our Readers Hotline al (949) 642-6086 or ? Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Money isn't necessarily the root of all evil. fhal is, the topic of money at the City Council study session Mon· day didn't spark any malevolent comments or gesrures. The entire meeling, held to address various aspects or the proposed $1l1.8·mWion city The preliminary budge1 allows the city 1 o maintain programs and ~ervices at existing levels. It esLimates the city will lake in about $38 million in sales laX and about $15 million in prop- eny 1ax. "I want lo <:ompltment the staff we have h ere that mJkt'\ tht' council -and 1h1., mum ii member -look a 101 hellt•r and smarter than we really are " Councilman Allan Mam.oar had the moM concern., with the proposed budget and a!>kt:d ciry '>taff to further evaJuatt' the money bemg '>penl on 1he mu htle recreauon un11. the moh1le • send e-mail to da1/yp1/ot w/atimes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only Despite lild.ng the prt'ltmmary draft, council member'> .. 1111 had See BUDGET, Page A4 ROOFTOP READING DON LEACH I OAJLY Ptl 01 Eastbluff Principal Charlene Metoyer greets kids from her rooftop perch, where she had to remain for the day after the student body met a challenge to read a million pages by the end of school year. Not only did the kids meet the mark, they surpassed rt with 1,522,648 page s read. In return , Moyer had to sit on the roof and read them stories throughout the day. Another of the conditions was that she had to sing three Disney songs dunng recess. THE VE RDICT From the operating table to college A s a child. I suffered from hay fever. At one point, I look a banery of tests to find ou t what I was allergic to. The results suggested I should go li ve at the North Pole because I was allergic to just about everythJng but froun water. To this day. I never venture from the h ouse without a handkerchief in my pocket because I never know when a snee71ng attack will strike. I once grew a beard, and that was one of the reasons I finally shaved iL The other was that everyone grimaced when they caught sight of me. More serious to my health, a1 least as a child. were my tonsils and adenoids. I spent a lot of time in bed with throa I and sinus infections. Finally, it was detennined thal the offending organs hould be removed. ROBERT GARDNER I wenl in for the surgery, was pu t under -they used ether in those d ays -bu t unfortunately, the anesthesiologist. or whatever that position was termed al that time, misjudged the amounl. and I came out of the ether cloud way too soon. I announced my return to consciousness by some healthy wails. At that poin t my mother put her hand firmly on my wrist and said, ·Robert, Gardners never cry.• With that. my tears stopped. and I haven't cried since. As you might gather, my mother wa.~ a strong-minded woman. How she and my father ever got together is a puzzle. I guess opposites really do altract. because they couldn't have been more different. My fat.her was a man's man. Water on the way to empty reservoir Irvine Ranch Water District officials will fill the San Joaquin Reservoir with reclaimed water used for irrigatio n. June Ceaa1r•nd• DaityPilot NEWPORT BBACH -The lo ng· empty San Joaquin Relerwlr will soon be ftlled wtth ~ wa· ter, omclals aald. • The City CouDdJ wW gee an u,,. date today from the lrvlne Ranch water OUCrk.1 on plans to me the reeerwtr to ltore redalmed water. •0ne at the b'8 concema la lbat. compmed to I blue wallS vieW. tb9 .. pretty poor ~. aUd Councilman John Heffernan, who ~ested an update on the dis· trlct's plan. In summtt 2000, the lMne R.an~ \Yater Oistr1ct propoted US· ing the ~. empty since the •rt)' 1990s, to score Its auph.11 re- dalmed wale' c:turtng lhe ~ win· ter monrha, when demand is low. The d&crict wJla leCWrned water. which le treated wutewater. for IJ- ripdon. 1bougb mvlronmentablcl blw a nwnber ol concsn1 about cbl INSIDE For more Newport Be.ch Cttv Council news, see Pege AS project. dty stall' supports It. "We're ln favor of the plan ~­ cause It gtvea niakienta their nice wa,ter view on what ls now an empty pit in the ground and tJeo because It helps the lrrine Ranch Water Dlstrld bet1s ... and manage their m:ell rea.kned WI• ta.. Alllttant City MaiMjer ~ Kilf-'d. The Harbor ~ Newpon Ridge and Newpon R.ldle ,_,., .............. i happiesl when hunung or hilting or even fighting. At one point, he went from town to town as a bare knuckles fighter. His idea of an ideal job was som ethlng that kept him out of doors and on the move. When he was young he was a lumberjaclc .. noted for laldng the riskiest jobs -topping trees and breaking up logjams.. He was also a cowboy in the twilight of the Wild West. bul those weren't the best jobs for a family man. so he eventually ended up as a carpenter. He always lived up to his SH VERotCT. Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWEB: WW.~COOI WEATHER Ha tf'VOM eMn the eun1 Expec.1doudlendMgN,..,7Q. S.PlpA2 SPORTS OCCmen't .. end Wd .,.....~ ....... ~ NalC....,._..d ... ...... ........ ' Cycle show may get go-ahead Newport officiab reach comp romise that a ll ows Newport Dunes to host a mocorcycle exhibition. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NF\o\-'l'OIU BL'\C.11 A motr>rl'Vdl' \how tha1 almo .. 1 wac,. lht·n .ilrno'>t w,lc,rt't. nuw might he. The City Lounnl will urn .. 1der lo111J41t whether to grant a pNmll that l It\ "tafl membt•r. rt'voked after the~ learned that tlu!> wt.-t.-kend\ motorcyde expo <11 the New pon Oune!> wouJd mclude d h1Jum -.how,· high·,pced motorcycle evt.-nl'> and other e\elll'> c11y staff womed could t:recttt' 1101\t' dlld other nui.sanct.., In an 11th-hour auempt tu reJch a rnm prom1~. city staff announced \ltonda\ that they had come up wnh •.omt: tond1tmn!> thal would protecl neighbor\ and '>till let the ~h<.M go on ·1 think\.'\'(' have rnrnl' up Wlth a -.en~ of condition\ that w1ll bt· Jcceplablt' to ~t-ry one involved." C1ry \lanager llorner Hludctu -.aid Monday "I thml all .,1dt;". are gotnf.( to bt> protected - C11y officials were rno-.1 lOncemC'd Wlth nOl<.e. affecting ~1denls of Dover ~hore\ and !>ea Island They abo womed aboul dt'>rupung local wtldltfe hab11a1.,, Bludau ..aid. To cover thO'>l' ba'l..,, 'tall ~ Jddmg condition~ to the event permit that ensure exten-.1w ..ecun1y i" on '>lie and tha1 the Back Bay lraib are kepi off hm11' 111 motor cycles ·The b1kin1 'ho"" wct<,n't going to happen anyway. Newpon Dune' Wa1erfront Re\On See CYCL£, Pa1e A4 BUSINESS Life a little le ss sweet after closure The Sweet Life, which ha d b een at Fashion Isla nd for more than 20 years, has closed its b akery d oors. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -0wnen of tht popular bakery the Sweet Ufe are looking fur a place to reopen their shop about a weelc after dosing their doon at Fashion Is· land. The search began after the lMne Co. asked owners Dwayne and Nancy Kllbey to relocate to make room for a theme ra- taurant by ~on teC to open this faJL "We would haw stJl)"!d there ro~ ti they tMtdn't asbd US lO move,• Nancy rJrtt. 9'!f said Monday. "ft a \'a)' w M"'"'M location. and we ~ lft*I businc9 there. Theft wam't another adt.ai. k>ca· don (ln Pubion Wand) •• tbe new full rmm.arant. wNCh hu alrady ~ ..... ~ bi the third eld8y for lhe l'bolna. AriL-beiled • ltouMmB .......... "' NMrlpoti' lwb. Tbe COG'flW•i llllD w I I ca cm .. .__.,,,...M f A2. Tuesday, ble 10, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Something to write home about The Daily Pilot went to Newport Elementary School in Newport Beach to ask first-graders, 'What was your favorite thing to write about?' "1 thinkit'l> ea~)' to write mysteries because there's all these questions." KYLE HURST, 6 Ncwpon Beach "I wrote about the filanic because I like \hip'> a lot." BROOKS O'HEA, 7 Newpon Reach "I wrote a biography because I wanted to talk about my mum." ELIZABETli MUENCHOW, 7 Ncwpon Heach -11 wa.<i really mtcre<itmg when I hit a tnple in the l~t inning wnh two strike!. and two out.s. I wn<i exciled to write ahout that." RYAN SCHROTH, 8 Newpon Beach "I wrote ahout my week with Luke. !my best friend!. hecause I thought it was ftm lhat T got to spend the whole week wilh him." SKYLER OKARSSON, 7 Newpon Beach -Interviews and photos compiled by Ozristine Carrillo Dady Pilot ON CAMPUS .. IN THE CLASSROOM Author, author First-graders at Newport Elementary go well beyond the fundamentals of reading and writing. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot M any student~ entering first grade strug- gle with turning individual words into sentences. As the year goes by. they struggle turning those sen1ences into paragraphs. For lhe nearly 20 students in Laura P-Mker's fi rst· grade class at Newport Elementary School, the chal· lenge has been much more. TI1ey musl each be· come a full-Oedged author by the end of the year. Last week. they did. And Parker held an authors' tea to celebrate their achievement. "They're really F~cited about their published pieces,· ~1d Parker. who has been hosting authors' tea in her da~room for three years. " lbe kid<i love it, and it's fun to see 1heir progress.· Although many of them djd find the writing proc· ess daunting at first, they quickJy acclimated them· selves to II and adopted dJl authorial voice. "It was a little hard because some things I didn'1 know," f.<lid 7-year·old Brooks O'J-Jea, who wrote about the litanic. "My teacher helped me." TI1cir lessons didn't end with writing. ·me~ fin.1- graders also had to work on their presentation and public speaking skills so they could read lheir works in front of an audience: their parents. "It'~ sud\ a great tradition." said Gail O'Hea. Brooks' mother. "I think the more you challenge these kids, the m ore they're going to give.· For the'>e first-graders, it gave them a chance to share their stories and show off their writing prow· ess. "I wa.., really excited to write abou1,,.my story," said 8-year-old Ryan Schroth, who wrotl about a triple he h.it during a baseball game. "I thought my story was son of exciting." Expressing a plethora of interests with their prose. the students presented a wide variety of works. ln fiction and nonficuon. maga7ines and newspapers. and m ysteries and histories, each of them demon- Slrated their interests creatively. They began wilh an Idea They brainsto rmed their topic.'>. ·rncy wrote rough drafts, which were edited and re-written, and then dabbled in illustrat- ing. Their boo~ were bound and published by their teacher. Ibey became authors. "We really walk them through the project and take them through all the stages.· Parker said. "What we're trying lo do 1s help them under<itand the wnting process .... I think this makes it more meaningful for them.· •IN THE CLASSROOM 1s a weekly feature in which Dally Pilot education writer Christine Camilo v1s1ts a campus in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about her experience SCHOOL LUNCH MENU The Newport-Mesa Unified School District ofters menu choices each day at elementary schools. Studentil may moose a veg--etiifan entree. The sefection may lndude a salad, sandwich or hot entree. School lundle9 are $2 each. Here's what'a being eerved this week: TODAY Munchable l..AJnch Salad with fruit yogurt com dogs or veggie com dogs, potato smiles, fruit tumover, choice of mllk ·• ~ -' - Sf.AN DUI Rl Nt IC !All Y Pll I First-grader Emilie 81egun explains her story to her friends at Newport Beach Elementary School Each student wrote his or her own story and read it to classmates and parents. WEDNESDAY Oriental chicken salad with fresh whole-grain roll or cheese burger, lettuce •nd pktlea, banana, c:hok:e of milk THURSDAY Mundlable Lunch Saled or two beef or veggie soft taco., lettuce, sat .. •nd cheese, raisins, fresh baked cookie,~ of mUlt FRIDAY *Munchable l..AJnd\ Salad or d'lidten nuggets wtth dipping sauce, jlcam• aticb with ranch dip, fruit juice bar, choice of milk MONDAY Munchable l..AJnch Salad or bean and cheese burrito, MUOned com, ctioioe of fruit, cholcie of milk The Monchable Lunch Salad contains tossed greens. cheny tomatoes,. CreC:kers and proteln sources sudl as cheeee. 9Uf'lflowet aeeds. fruit yogurt and honey-roasted ~(~butter on seMc:ted days). No dtlld Is dl«:rlminat«I lll}llinst b«.au!l'I of r~, -. Color, nlltlonal origin, age or di.ability. If it Is b~ • dtlld h•• been dilCrimfnat«I against. write lmm1 «12 ty to the Sect.tary of Agriculture, ~r,DC20250. Daily A Pilot Cor.IWilson News assi1tant, (949) 574-4298 coral.wllsonjiffatim1JS.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leecti, Kent Treptow Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Copyright: No new1 ltonea, illustrations. ed1torlal manor or actvertiaements herein can be reproduced without wntten perm11sion of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF VOL. 97, NO. 161 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publi1her TONYDOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director NewsEdlton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt, Paul Saitow1tz, Daniel Steven1 NEWS STAFF OeeoeBhemh Crime and couri. reporter, (9491 574-4226 dtlefM.bharath llllim..com JuMC••••• Newport BNch reporter, (949) 574-4232 June.cnagre/'IM#Jlat""-.com PIM.II Cllnton Folitlc:., bulineu end environment report8f', 19491 ~ paul.cllnton l•tlfNt.com Lollte .....,. Columnist. culture report.,-, (948) 174-U7! lollra.l'IM't*e lMlm-.com Ollrdle ... WfftM ~ Meu l'epOIW, (141) 574-U21 ~.~•-'"*-"°'" ~c...-. E~ ~. (Mtl 17.M2Cl8 ~llo.Attim-.tom READERS HOTUNE (9491 642-6086 Record your comments about tho Daily Pilot or newt tips. Addr9ss Our addres1 i1 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Otflce hours are Monday· Friday. 8:30 • m. 5 p.m CofNctb.- h 11 the Pilot'• pqlicv to promptly COfTect ell em>ra of substance. ,.,.... call 194917'&M324 FYI The Newpon ~ M ... O.ily Pilot (USPS-1""800) la published ~lly. In Newport Beech end Coeta MeN, eubllcrlptiona ere avelleble only by subecriblng to The Time1 Orange Coumy (800) 252-9141. In,,... Outaide of Newpon 8Ndl end Coeta Mtu, IUbtcripdonl to the Delly Pilot er. tvelt.,.. ontv by ,.,. daM m.il fot S30 per monrh.. (f'Ticm Include ell eppbb6e..,.. end loQI cu. I fOSTMASTU; Send edd ..... m.ngee to The~ IMdVColte Meu Delly Ptlot. P.O. HOW TO REACH US Cltculltion The Times Orange County (8001252-9141 Advertising C1aasffled (9491642·5678 Ditpley (949) 642-4321 Edltorief News (949) 842-5680 SpotU (949) 574-4223 News Fu (IM9) 846-4170 Sf)Oft9 Fu (94$1850-0170 E-mell: iUflypllote latlmn.com MMtOfftce 9Ullnw <>Moe (949) 642-4321 ....... Fu (949) 831-7128 Publlahed by Tlmee Community News. • divitlon of the Lot Angel• T1mea. C2003 Tlmee CN. All righta r-...rvect. Gloomy conditions continue, with earty morning drizzle and another mostly cloudy day. Highs will near and fall shy of 70. Lowa will hover around 60. Areaa of fog will be found both earty and late. Wednelday and Thu~ look very slmHar at this point lnfonNrttoft: www.nws.nou.gov BOATING FORECAST The wtnda wtll blow 6 to 10 knots In the Inner weters today, with 2·foot wtlVel •nd. welt swell of 2 fMt. Tonight, the awett wtll become IOUthwMIM1y •nd wtll build to .t>otlt, .... Out ''"'*·the wtnda wUt llto blow 6 to 10 knots, wtth 2-foot w.we and 1 mbfed not1hwelt Mel of 3 .... and eoumw.t IWlll of 5 .... The NfM wtft bl found tonight. It'll be another wonderful day to skip out to the beaches, with the southwest swell providing head-highs and several overhead sets. Southwest energy will Increase on WedneM:tay, producing chest-to head-highs. The better beaches can expect overheads. On Thursday, more chest· to head-highs will arrive, and standout spota will continue seeing ovemeads. W..qualtty: www . .urfrlder.orp TIDES T1me &48•.m. 12:22p.m S:.&8p.m. 1:53•.m. Height 3. 78 feet high 1.03'-low 6.91 '"' high -0.09 feet low WATER TEMPERATURE • 83degi'Ma .1 .1 I Dally Pilot Cox proposal would change White House succession Bill would increase power o f Homeland Security by adding depa rtment secreta ry to the line o f those who wo uld replace preside nt in time of crisis. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot VIVt> a SUCCe<."i ruJ terroni.t attack on the nation\ ledder- sh1p." The leg1!.la <>ecrelary of C,t.itl' t.oh11 1'11\.\t•ll, I rea:.ury Seuetdry loh11 \1111w, l.>efon'>e W<:retary l>cmJld Rurn~fold aJld Atlomt·y l,1•11t·r.tl John N.htroh A' '>t'l n·IJr} cil I lom~land ~tunt y. H1dgt· would follow A'huort NEWPOH I M 1-.SA A bill in the ground rules for who would replace the president in the event or his death or mab1Jj1y to Chrts Cox lion, known a' 11.R. 2319, would alter scv· eraJ proccdurei. '" the govern 111 May 2002, C,pt'akt·r 111.1,1 t•r t and then-Minon1y I e.u.lt·r llu h ard (,ephardt (I> Mo I app1111111•d Cox, the t.:ha1rmc111 of tl1t• 11111111· land ~<.urlly u1111111111t·1· • .111d the other:. tu Lht· ~orlw1g g11111p troduccd by Hep. elm, Cox and othen. would .1dd more dout 10 the Dcpartllll'lll ol 1 lonwl.ind Security by pulling Iii. dirt·ctor in line for 'lurcl'~\1011 to the prci.1· dcncy. I .aM week, Cox and i.cvcn other 1 loui.c membcri. 111 J work tng group 1111roc.Juccd an amend ment to 1Jw l'rt .. ~ide1111al Succe'> i.1on Act of l!.147, whu.h proVJdci. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Most JWA statistic~ ri~e for month of May John Wayne Airpon pmtl'd 111 trCU.'>t''> 111 1110:.t .. 1ati,1k' lw May. AJr taxi operation., po,ted J whopping I 4H.7'K1 lilt rt'<L'>e. inil1· tary 6pcratu111.., ro'>t' 17.(ill(., air cargu 1onr1<1gl' " up !l 6%, .trn.I f>•L"-'>Cng<•r t raflic 'bowed a I% i 11 crca'>C. (,ountenn~ ru111111erual gen eral avmtwn Jt'livity. tamer ll1Wll 01wrntion' 1mc.J t111.t1 .11ruar1 op er.it10 11' 'howt·d d1·1 rt•a'>t..., of I I I 'I(,, h L'lit, .11111 '!'',., rt''>Pt't'llvcly 11ll''>t.' fi)..'lJrl'' Jft' I ,J1 ul,11t'tJ by t:mn1><1n .. 1111 Ill lt•vt·I-. rt'l orded Ill \l,1y.!OO.! Boat am:tion ra1'c' mo ney. \UVC\ cla\~C\ \pon'>ort•d b y the OranKt.' ( OJ'I (.olll'gt• \t hool or \a1l111g .ind \t•.mi.t11,h1p a nd allrnlling nt·arly 400 rwople, the annual hoat <1ut lm11 1.111tJ mann'c··gectr 'ale 011 '-.11111rd.1~ r.11.,t·d 1w1.1rly $fll.000 10 n•,tori· t l.i-.'>t'' t'lirn1 11.1ll'O ht•1 ,111,1• of h11dgt0I t 111' "1111' y1·.ir\ '>tilt• wtll Jllow II"> 111 put .ll 1 l.1"t"' IJ.11 I... 111111 our "huul 'ldlcdult'o p11,111vl'I)' 1111 pilt ling 1111m· th.111 1100 'otll de11i..," ()( < h1u11c.J.1111111 Um·t IOr l>ougl.1' ( .. H1·111w11 \illd Ill .1 pn'" rl'll',l\t' "I ht'\l' .irt• LI d,,.,w, 1h.i1 \.\llhoul th(' ho.ii -..ii(', would no1 hit\\' lwt'n ol · ll'rl'd - i.ervc. lhe bill, which makes a num ber of o ther minor t:hangei. lo the a1.:1, came out of 1aJkb 011 how the government would fun1.:tio11 1( Was hington, D.L was hit in an attadc sim ilar lo that of Sept. 11 . '"Ilic working group drafted this bill after a yearlong '>ludy," Cox l>aid in a statemen1. .. lhi!> clarification of pre1>idc11liaJ '>UC Ct''-'>100 is cn11raJ 1r Wl' are IO \Uf Anyone w1'>hing to donc.11t· llt.'m'> for nexl yedr\ '>ale 1111.1y do '>0 by calling OU..'!> \d10ol of \ailing and ~eaman .. h1 p JI (Y4!:ll 645-9412. Race For th e Cure ~eek~ volunteers 1 he Su.,an (, Komt•11 Brt'J't L.inter l-'ounda1io11, lll'l'd' about 2,000 volunteer'> lor tilt' l'Xpet·ted 30,000 part1npant' of 12th annual Orange <.ounl} 'ii\ Han! for the <..un., '-.ept. .!H event at ~a!>hion hland. f-untJ!> rai'>ed henefil K111111•11\ brca'>I health tart' program' 111 (>range Lounty, a' well i.I' 11.1 t1011al breal>t ·I' .inn•r rc,e.irt h 1.J!>l year. lht· rJtl' ra1..,l'tl SI I million. of \.\hllh 7'l'"· 'tJH'll 111 (Jrangt· <.ounl} 111 .. upporl out rt'Jt h program' Onl' 111 1·v1·r. 'l'H 011 \\.lllllt'll 111 OrJngt' C m111t\ \\ 111 lw tJ1Jg 110,cd w11h. brl'J'>l t <111u·r tlur 111g her h fct 1mt'. 1-.onwn I \t't u 11\.-l' D1rt•t'lor ~lmlltJ ~1l l>,11fr 1,,11<..1 111 d pre" rl'lt'J'e ·I Ill' r<itl' proHde-. .111 opportunll'f fur all lutc.11 re-.1t.le11l'o 111 gl'I 111 vohet.I anti 111.skt· <1 1nc<111mgful rontnbutm11 l>t:dll'alt•d 'olt•ly 111 r,11.,111g 111on e} to light brt'd'I I Jiil t'r, the rat'e 1., thl' IMgl''I 11-. t•\'t•nt 111 ( .ahfon111.1. Voluntl'l'" Mt· nl'eded for prl'regi..t r.1t1011 t'\l'lll'>, \drtlJll'> \"l'l'l...1;'11tJ PO'>I 11011,, tl1·n 1 al 'upport. t 1111111111 lt'l mC'mbcr po'>lt1on,, rt'W'tr.1 111111 , lt:JJll'> and '>J>Oll'>t1r-.h1p' I or more 111forma11011 ur I u rnlu11t1•er. t .tll I; 14 l 'l'l 7 1l I 'i7 or \ l'>lt till' \\t•h \Ill' <tl U'll'U' ()((fl • .\n ni Pr111a/t' for /I-fen Cr Women 111ctll woukl fune1to11 more MllOOlhly Ill the l'VClll of an al lack, Cox ha:. :.aid. Mo-.1 notably, tht· bill would i11'>tall H1dgt· al> the l'l~hth per '>on 111 hne 10 -.1H cced Rw.h. Vit c l're.,1tJe11t Dk k <lwncy would Ill' ltr..1 111 lme to .,ut'ceed Hu,h, Ulen ">r>t•dker Denni' I la-.tt·rc Ill Ill J. St·111.11e Prc'>1den1 Pro lem ll-d 'llt'\t'll'> (H Afa.,ka), IN t'f I I IJ /fl Ncwpon Beach mayor wi ll dt"'ICU ~~ annexation \\t•tl1w-.dJ> \ mernher.,hip 11w1·1111g 111 ~p1•11~ I Ip \;pwporl \\ 111 1·x,11111nl· ,111111•xa11<111 antJ l'lw t:OlllllUttee llll lwlt·d llt'f" Martm I ro~t (IJ 11».;1•./ l<1l111 Shcdegg (I( An1.1, B11.11 1 ll,urtl ID-Wash.) and \hl'tl.1 lo11 "-'"II Lee ( [) lexc.1'>l. l11e bill would ,1!-.0 1 It,._., Ir 1up hole' that 1 uuld ,11111\\ 1111w1r11\ party leader.. 111 1.1~1 ,,,,., 111p JlO'>h. 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IW lll#rHti•IU CdJ (949) 646-7944 1695 lninc Aft., Co.ta Mt"u ,°'-' • .,,,., ..... s. .._ \ •. .., • .,.. • •-JI I' • ••.• AodeCiJ> Ill,..,, PLUSH CARPET • IMulkd 1<1th Pad $169 • 'lm1mum 6'1 \"anb sq. ft. l'ravertine 18" x 18" ..................... s4.29 .., n Ceramic Tile .................. 1 ... ,.11.d rnuo s4.99 .., "· Lan'llnate Wood ............. lna••ll~d from s4 .99 ..,. fl 't1~pp/if'l!> urrd 1uols ror th,~ ··1J11 It >t1ur.,.••lf1•r ... .'' \II pric '~"'lprudurt ... h~r u lin1i1t_·J l11t1•• hu••·J '"' u1·u1/uhi"t11 13 74 Logan Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA fie-.-. -r -:J (888) MESA-777 ~ ···· ·i· tfi:n :n ; \t ) i J .,.o,,.ru 10 "-"' 1• s l"I • ...,.. • ...,-. i ", .. ,\ ~T 10 \.'It• 2 P'I tCLOSCD Sl~D4\"l _.. a. -• PowerShot C:i3 • 0 11t'r HO l'urt'I of Fquipmnlt Eu y prev1•"'• and fast prints with Canon photo v•••••· 4.0 M•sapiael r-esolvhon • Pri1•au f>tlaus Studio • SJ>/NNING Theater ' • 16 Full Time J>uso11al Trainer1 • Clnld Cart' Bam 110011 M · S111 • • ron1•l'nien1 f>arlttng • )'og.a. F.a1 C/11, Strnch closus • up. f>oiuu Pump. Cardio •Showers, uam Cr Towels •Day Spa • AcupuncturdMass111,e 949760-5054 www shape-up com • www fitnessconalpfl. 210 I Eo~I Poet he Coen! Hwy, Corona o.l li>o, CA ~ PEi!6T1:CVAL~ ~ A Uruque Shopping Adventure. .. OC F AIRsEXPO 1 .-. COST A M£SA BB Fatr Dr. Bldg. #10 JUNE 12-14 • ""'"t r,t.,,1' J1tt-1t•1 t••1" 'w', ".,.., t ,40·1r ltv 1 • lJp t• J~iJI) • 1. fJO r.f, 1r '"'''" • r • ,, 1, •L 11' '' \r'f\,Jll .t\ .. 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M Tuesday, June 10, 2003 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Missing yacht club worker found A 43-year-old Newpon I larbor Yacht Oub worker with Alzheimer's disease who was reponed missing Prlday morning was found Friday night in Fullerton, sald Kim Bailey of the Ab.heimer's Assn. Of Orange County. Bailey said a Fullerton Po· lice officer found Guadalupe lhJjillo Acevedo, a custodian at the yacht club. "He's doing good and is getting some rest,~ she sald. Acevedo didn't return to rus home in Tustin after leaving the yacht club at about mid· night Thursday. His wlfe re- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • f9der'8I Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1900 blodc at 9".59 a.m. Sunday. • Gerfield and Paularino avenues: Vandalism was reponed at 10:37 a.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard and Sunflower Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries at 11 :25 a. m. Sunday. • Mesi Drive: A hit-and-run was reponed in the 200 blodc at 8:24- a.m . Sunday. •Mission Drive: Vandalism was reponed in the 900 block at 8:44 a.m. Sunday Melber You Buy or Lease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! PUBLIC SAFETY poned him missing Friday morning. Bailey said Acevedo was not wearing a Safe Return bracelet, a program that helps identify, locate and safely return Alzheimer's pa- tients who wander. She said those interested in enrolling in the program. which also offers scholarships, may call (800) 660-1993. Newport firefighter still in the hospital A Newport Beach fire· fighter-paramedic was still in the hospital Monday after suffering minor injuries while fighting a fire Sunday morning in Corona del Mar, officials said. Ed W~k was helping the rest of his unit control a • Newport Boulevard: An assault was reported in the 2600 blodc at 2:38 a.m. Sunday. • 17th Place: A home burglary was reported in the 300 block at 3:39 a.m. Sunday. • West 19th S1reet and Harbor Boulevard: A hit-and·run was reported at 6:49 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH •Channel Place: A hit-and-ruo was reported in the 4000 blodc at 10:09 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Center Drive: Petty theft was reported in the 600 blodc at 3:44 p.m. Sunday • Opet Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was "Over 50 Years of Fine Q11ality'' AJI Types of Window Treatments • VaJances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • VerticaJs • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimentary Comultation in Your Homt 2o•x, :-f 1.t1Hll ,\. ...,,ln1nl 1.11>11,, Q FF \\1tl1 il11' .1.i iii lu11l 1-i:, ~IHI~ ?/~~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Co~ta Mesa ~:ii~ (949)642-8400 ~~·~.:~-:~.:. ' blaze at a home undergoing renovations in the l 00 block of Shorecliff at about 7:15 a.m. He trled to enter the building through a second- floor balcony and fell right through to the first floor. Wick was blinded by the thick black smoke coming from the first floor of the home and couldn't see where he was going, Boston sald. He was taken to West- ern Medical Trauma Center in Santa Ana, where he was said to be in stable condj- tion. Officials said he is being kept under observation and is going through tests to make sure he hasn't sus- tained internal injuries. The structure was unoccupied. and no one el!.e was hurt in the incident. reponed m the 100 blodc at 3:38 p.m. Sunday. • Riwr AV90Ue: Annoying phone cans were reported in the 4900 blodc at 10:21 p.m. Sunday. • San Miguef Drive: Trespassing was reponed in the 1600 blodc at 5:50 p.m. Sunday. • Vasta Drive: A traffic accident involving injuries was reponed in the 2500 block at 2:29 p.m . Sunday. • Whi18sands Drive: Battery was reported in the 100 blodc at 11:41 a.m. Sunday. • 21st Place and West Ocean Front A physical fight was reponed at 3:35 a.m. Sunday. SWEET Continued from Al Coru.t I lighway and Gulfstream in the Corona del Mar Plaza. The res1aurant will also replace a ... mall an gallery that brieOy ~t next lo lhe Sweet [jfe. across from Neiman Marcus. Both dosed around June I. "That location is ideal for a fuJJ -;it-down restaurdnt," Irvine Co. spok.e.,woman Jennifer Hieger ')(ljd. "It's adjacent to the parking 101 and ii provides visibility from the road that circles Fashion Is- land." II will add another restaurant to the nonhem outJying secoon of Newport Center. known more tor its office buildings. Tuno Mare i'> also just off Lhe "ring VERDICT Contmued from Al re\ponsibilities as a father, but looking back., I don't le.now how much satisfaction either his work or hi!. family provided. Likl' other families, we were hard hit by the Depression. ~me public works programc; were eventually in~tjtuted to help the millions of unemployed. but not only did Gardners not cry. they rudn't 1ake charity. A.\ a carpenter, my father managed to find odd jobs that kepi us going. not easy when we had another mouth to feed. Grandmother I lamilton had 1 ome to Uve with us. fo say I disliked my grandmother would be an understatement. My mother and I were very close. and I didn't like this old woman upsetting our comfy relationship. I also didn~ like her manners. She looked on chiJdren as UnJe better than slaves and was constantly demanding I fetch things for her on the double. She once threw a cup of tea al me - the cup as well as the tea - because I didn't move fast enough to suit her. The final blow was when she persuaded my mother that they could add to the family income by making qullts to sell. A harmless enough idea except - and I'm !\ure she did this malicio~y -she BUDGET Continued from Al skate park. recn!ation programs for children, the Westside police substation, the city's and-dzus program -also known as O\RB -and the city's contribution to the Orange County Human Re- lations Commission. Mansoor, an Orange County Sheriff's deputy, questioned the effecdveness of the Westside substation, whlch is only open during business hours and not during peak crime hours. "What do we get from that other than [public relatjonsW Mansoor said. Mansoor, participating in hls first budget session since being elected in November, said he (lid not oppose any of the programs mentioned, but wanted clarifi- cation of their popularity and success throughout the commu- nity. Jiecause the budget is so tight and money must be aJJo- cated in tenns of priority. Man· soor asked that those programs be justified. CYCLE Continued from Al GeneraJ Manager Andrew Theo- dorou said. "We're a family park," Theo- dorou said. "We were never go- ing to lei that be part or the plan.~ On April 15, the city approved the request from the Dunes and show organizer Primedia to put on what Theodorou described as van exhibilion, not a raJJy. as some members of the commu- road," as it is known. For Nancy Kirksey, who lives in I luntington Beach. leaving a spot at Fashion lsJand she had occu- pied since 1981 caused M>me consternation. The bakery and caf~ had be- come a popular place to pick up sandwiches, a cup of soup. cook- ies or other sweet-tooth fixes. fresh baked goods were pre- pared daily and served over a lunch counter. Kirksey. her husband and in- vestor Michael Gray wilJ con- tinue running Sweet Life Enter- prises, an Irvine-based manufacturer or frozen pre-por- 1foned cookie dough. "It wru. uruque. It was differ- ent," Kirksey said. "Our stuff was always fresh. It was always good." Kirksey said she has discussed commandeered my bedroom as a workroom, forcing me to sleep in the garage. It was not hard to be a Gardner when she died. We had markets in those days, of course, but they were nothing like the supermarkets of today. My mother, like many of her peers, did a lot of canning and particularly a lot of baking. It seems to me we had pie every night, and I remember that after I married, my wife spent many hours with my mother in the kitchen, crying to learn to roll a pie crust. My mother would put out a little ball of dough. With a few qwck flicks of the rolling pin she produced a perfect circle. Katie would put out a linJe ball of dough. and with a few quick lliclcs she made something that looked like an amoeba. A few more flicks. and the amoebas divided. I switched to ice cream for dessert. My mother had resolved at a very early point in my life that I would graduate from coUege. My father didn't particularly care. He couldn't wait to get out of school and its confinements., so when my mother brought the subject up, he would shrug indifferently. He didn~ see why I shouldn't be a carpenter like him. At least, that's the way he felt until he asked me to help him with o job. I was in high school at the time. He was putting on a new roof for a neighbor. I remember how cleanly he could hammer a OBITUARY RutbOWCU :bhnson He pointed out $40,000 the dty wu spending for day cam.p trips to Disneyland and •imilar amusement apota. "A little lncreaae in the fees, and they pay for themselves.~ Mansoor said. Mayor Gary Monahan also called anendon to various fees the council pays to regional or - ganizadons and council mem - bers' LndivtduaJ expenditures.. The council has taken a conser· vat.Ive stance on money allo· cated for the training or staffers. Monahan said, and the council should follow sult by limiting the large amounts of money spent on some seminars. Mansoor, Steel and Council- woman Libby Cowan argued that the seminars were essential in the learning process and cau- tioned against cutting thal fund- ing too severely. "I agree. bul I just want to make sure they are actually training expenses.• Monahan said. Cowan suggested that the city hold on to $1 million in revenue that has not been allocated until officials see how the state nity perceived." But soon after, city staff said, they thought they had reason to question that. "During the month of May, staff received information that the event included a 'bikini show' or 'trophy girl contest,' 'freestyle jumpers' and a 'dyno- cam' -equipment that allows a motorcycle owner to determine the horsepower generated by the vehicle at very hlgh [revolu- tions per mmuteJ,. Recreation and Senior Services Director Marie Knighl wrote in a report to the City Council. several other locations with the lrvine Co. to reopen the Sweet llfe. The company has offered several options, but ICirlcsey said she has rejected them because they don't give her the same vis- ibility. "We did not intend to renew her lease at that location,• Hieger said. "We would still li.k.e to be able to find them a location in Fashion Island.~ The Irvine Co. has lost two ten- an1s at its Harbor View Shopping Center. as weU. Joe's Place, a pizza shop, and women's cloth· ing store Sarah Peck dosed about rwo weeks ago. Hieger said. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment. business and politics. He mev be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.cJinton latimBS.com. nail. A tap lo set it, a blow to drive it -a straight nail every time. He set me to hammering. bur after watchjng me cripple a dozen nails, he pulled me off that task and had me carrying things for him. That went aJJ righl until I somehow slipped and fell off the roof. At that point, he looked at my mother and said, •1 think you're right. He should go to college.• • R08ERT GAADNE1' is a Corona del Mar resident and a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. budget •ahabe OUl. • Coundlman Mike Scbeaftt had quesdona on l.naurance costs. saying the dty'a eadmated tnaeaae teemed very low com· pared to atatewide trends. Scheafer, an tnswance agent, joked that that's good new1 for some and bad news for others. Preparadon for the budget process atarted in October 2002, and the different departments were required to tum ln their budget requests by January. In May, the proposed budget was distributed. Monday's study session was· held to answer prellm1nary questions. A pubUc budget workshop wilJ be offered al 6 p.m. today Ln the small confer- ence room on the first floor. The Oty Council ts scheduled to make a ftnaJ decision about the budget at Its Monday meet- ing. • LOllTA HAAP£R writes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays and covers rulture end the arta. She may be reeched et (9491 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolira.harper@latimes.com. Staff revoked the permit. The event's planners ap- pealed. and the city manager's office came up with the safe- guards that seemed to satisfy' the parties involved. Tbeodorou said he wctS pleased with the compromise. Bludau predicted that the coun- cil would approve the permit re quest tonight. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be readled at 19491 574-4232 or by e-m11I at june.casagrande lat1mes.com Paul F. Dishner, M.D., 78, died June 7, 2003, In Kingsport. TN. He had a pffvate practice In Costa Mesa and S«Ved as cflntcal professor of medicine at UC-lrv\ne. He was co-chair of the Infectious DiMUe Depar1ment. head of Internal Medicine, and chief of staff of the Orange County Medical Center. Contrlbutions may be made to Three Bells United Methodist Church, Duffie6d, VA. °' the University of Virginia at Wile. Hamtett- Oobson ii S«Vlng the Dishner t.ntty. Kahn, Dorothy E. (79), a homemaker from Newport Beach passed away June 9, 2003. St.. waa preceded fn death by her husband. Raymond T. Kahn. SuMv~ lndude her alster, Marian , sons; Rodenck Phflllp (Teresa), (Shirley) end Mitchell (Becky) and grandchildren, Katefyn, MollyL . Kttsten, Alhon, Hanna, uetanle and Hayden. Dorothy had an edventureeome spfrtt. a wonckw1UI Mf'IM of humor and a zest for life. Memofial aeMc:e 12:00 p.m. on Wedneeday, June 11 , 2003 at Pacfftc View Memorial Chapel In Corona det Mar. In Ueu of flowers, famlty requests donation• be made in Dorothy's name to: AeNib8ttaUon Center of Southern C.itfomta. 1800 E. La Veta, Orange, CA. An1lngements by Pactftc View Mortu.y (949) 644-2700. .... Daly Pilot ON THE AGENDA Here are some item~ the Newport Beach City Council will consider tonight. COUNCIL MEMBER CONDUCT Two items on tonight's agenda call Lnto question the conduct of Councilman Dick Nichols. NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW some councU members, planning commissioners and City Atty. Bob Bwnham said they believe that Nichols' comment might warrant action -including censwe or creating a code of conduct for elected officials. Then the council will consider whether a single council member should be allowed to call up Planning Commission decisions for the council to reconsider them. Mayor Steve Bromberg requested Lhe agenda item in response what he sees as Nichols' overuse of the privilege. WHAT TO EXPECT FYI •WHAT: Newport Beach City Council meeting •WHEN: 7 p.m. today • WHERE: Council chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Complete agendaa and staff reports are available at www.city.newport-beach.ca.us; (949) 644-3000 ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH environmental report on the renovationa, which include 35,000 square feet or new buildings and an underground parking garage. WHAT TO EXPECT Tonight's consent calendar item. though a precwsor to controversy. could still go smoothly. Once the envitonmental report is completed, the matter will end up in public heatings at the Planning Commission, where neighbor'>' concerns about the size and specifications of the project could come to the surface. CITY BUDGET T~sday June 10. 2003 A5 t to the propo\ed city budget. the extensive spendjng plan will get its fit!>! go-round in a regular council meeting. rhe council will hold a public heanng on the 2003 04 budget and, when members of the pubhc have all had their ~ay. the counciJ will come up with a checld1st of chang~ to the S 156 m11lton '>pending plan WHAT TO EXPECT The coming year\ budge1 1' .. 1atu<. quo no new tcipllal improvement projects, no 'tKnllit.011 cutbacks. Therefore, ii\ likely that the no-frills spendin)( pl,111 ~on't ueate 100 many oppor1unt11t•' fur di-.agreement First, the council wiU consider what to do about Nich ols' suggestion that a Planning Commlssion decision was so out of whack that it appeared someone had been bribed. Nichols said later that he did not believe anyone had been bribed; he had only made the suggestion k> illustrate his point about the proceedings. But Though there's no telling where the discussion wiJJ lead, you can bet that it will be interesting. The f1rs1 step in what could be a long process to approve extensive renovations at the chwch at 600 St. Andrews Road. The council will vote on a contract with Keeton Kreitzer Consulting of Tustin to draw up an After several study ses'>tonc, devoted < 11111111/l'll by /ww < ,1is<1gra11dt' AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Meaa. CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@lstimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TOOAY The Aan. of Buaineu s.w:. will have its monthly dinner meeting from 6 to 9 p.m. in Costa Mesa. Ari Galper will speak on Reverse Selling. $18 for member, $28 for nonmembers. Call (562) 494-8124 or (949) 805-0011 for directions and other information. WEDNESDAY Jeanne Alnt fTom the AJ:zhelm.,'a Assn. will present "Focusing on Memory Loss· from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church, 1269 Victoria St.. Costa Mesa. The RESERVOIR Conbnued from A 1 communities all have view<> uver1ooking the reservoir. ·me idea to use the reservoir as a storage facility is a resporu.e 10 the district's earlier plan 10 dl<; charge the exces.s reclaimed WJ· ter mlo the bay. Bui Bob c:austin. founder of ooVlronmentaJ group Defend lhe Bay. 'iaid that this will only lw a temporary solution. : "When they increase their wa presentation will address various causes of memory loas and diagnosis and treatment. For more information, call (949) 646-4652. Van Can Restauf'8nt, 1500 Adams Ave. In Costa Mesa. will have its grand opening from 6 to 8 p.m., featuring cooking by TV chef Martin Yan. The restaurant will donate all of the proceeds from $10 admission tidceta to Share Our Selves, a private nonprofit agency serving low-income Orange County residents. For more information, call (949) 642-3451, e><t. 262. The Balboa Bay Republican Women Federa1ed will hold its "Scholarship Awards· winners luncheon 8111 a.m. at the Bahia Connthian Club on Bayside Drive. For more information. call (949) 515-86n. Th• Wildftow9' Walk will meet llt 9 a.m. at El Moro for a five-mile hike at Crystal Cove. Parking costs $5. Wear boots and bring water. Call (949) 497-7647 for more information. 1er production from 15 mLlho n gallons a day 10 27 muhon or :m million. as i!-. pro1ec1ed, 'A'e'IJ bt- right back. where we ,m· now." c:au'>lin said. The group pu.,hed Ull'>UCrt"'>\· fully to impo<;e 1lw condi11on that the district rnuJc.l u\C the reservoit only if they awee 10 never discharge the reclaimed water in10 the hay Defend the Bay wa' <,Utn:'>-'>· fut, though, m ll<o fight against u..e of chJorine gas at the facility The district has agreed 10 uc;e a less volatile form of chlorine 10 trea1 the water in'>tead of tram. THURSDAY A fTM bone cMnslty ICl'Mnlng will be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's Maritet, 226 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 631-4741. Shape up or trim down for swimsuit season at "Shape Up for Summer;' 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Personal trainer and certified nutrition specialist J.J. Flizanes will present the free program. covering exercise and n41ritlon tips of optimal fitness. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. Book-4oving mothers and daughters are Invited to the final session of the Mother-Daughter Book Club's season 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The dub is open to gir1s in fifth through seventh grades and their moms or significant female grown-ups. Register at the Central Library Children's Desk or call (9491717-3800 and choose option five. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. FRJDAY Inventors FoNm preMnta a porting the chJonne gas through res1denual areas and '>tore it at the reservoit for use. as it had planned. "We're pleru.ed about that." <..austin said. Districl officials said they have not de1ermined when they plan seminar on ·intellectual Property Law" by Edward Sctllatter. patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m. in Orange Coast College's Scienoe Lecrure Hall. Registration and network.Ing begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. Call (714) 540-2491 for information. SATURDAY Ful Spednam \ibge has partNred with New Directions for Women to host "Celebrating Wholeness;" a yoga and healing arts festival benefiting women and children served by the nonprofit New Directions for Women. Admission is free, and donations are accepted. The full-day event will be a1 Foll Spectrum Yoga in Newport Beach. For more information. call (949) 955-1966. Clyatal Cove State Partc will ofter a badtcountry hike at 9 a.m .. a historic district walk at 10 a.m. and a sunset/moonlight walk at 7:30 p.m .. which requires reservations. For reservations or more information, call (949) See TOWN, Paee A7 to fill the reservoit. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beactt and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactled at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.casagrande a. /atimes.com. Produce • Seafood • Deli Sn-vm: t~ Communuy far JO ~aN 'Treat your 'Dad to one of his favorites ... • Frtsh T flrkty • Fi/kt Roast • Limb Llf • HOI • Pri111t Rib • UmbRact ·~ • StttfftJ Guru Hms • N. Y. Strip • Port Gvwn Roast • p,,; TmJrrlmt • s.Jmon • &neltss Pm Roast • Swordfish • StuffiJ Port Chops ;\l'rJ )om1· 1d1·1n) ( 11// u~l ·/C't' will puss orr ·DaJ' · f 1111ontt5 In a /furry' LEMON HERB ROASTED CHICKEN Need a side dish? r .. 1u Baked Pou1ocs (,arl1c \.ta.shed routocs \u!Jopcd routoa Wild RllC tuffinKl .wd 'laul.O ( .Jlll alwul.' ERESH SEAfOOO • S< ALI OPS •SHRIMP •SWORDFISH •LOBSTER DJi.nyJ IMily I M Tuesday, June 10, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -t..ltlln: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa MN&, CA 92627 • Ruden Hotine: Call (949) 642-6086 fax: Se~ ~o 1949~ 646:4170 E-tNil:Send to dailypllot@latim~.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoteS). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all subm1wons for clanty and length. READERS RESPOND Debate on El Toro takes off again AT ISSUE: Is there still a chance for an airport at El Toro? N ewpon Beach and Costa Mesa need to make a quick. accurate assessment of Los Angeles· intentions. The lime to suppon a commerciaJ airport at El Toro was no later than two years ago. Why was Los Angeles silent then? Every argument it uses now concerning El Toro would apply to John Wayne Airpon. If it can't overturn what Orange County voters have decided with it's la~t -minute ploy, it may redirect ll~ money, energy and influence to expanding any regionaJ airpon . including John Wayne. NED MCCUNE Costa Mesa I believe the re 1~ ~till a chance for a commercial airport at the dosed El Toro Marine Air Base because: I . The settlement agreement in the litigation of the Airport Working Group and others against the Navy's plan~ in federaJ coun has not yet been completed, and the federaJ jud~e has '>lated that the settlement agreement when completed must be made available for review and comment by interested partie!. al a public hearing before he will sanction the setllement agreement. 2. The responsibiULy has not been determined as to who will clean up the site, including the soil (contaminated with hydrocarbon based weed-killer) supponing the runways. and the working group has ~lated that this respo nsibility must be included by the Navy in the settlement agreement and i.anctioned by the judge in federal court. 3. El lbro Airport remain!> importanr 10 this county and the nation for purposes of nationaJ security and our economy. 4. The majority of resident~ in Orange County are beginning to understand the importance or having El Toro Airport and they passed Measure 8 at the November 2002 election by a super-majority of60% supporting the officiaJ propohents' argument (Included with the Registrar's sample ballot) that the federaJ government should lease the existing Runway 16L-34R at the closed RI Toro to the Los Angeles World Airports to operate it as a national ajrport to bypaMJh~remictions of Measure W and help pay for cleanup of the contamination. 5. It ls the Last site in this region with an adequate noise-tolerant buffer rone for an airport. Once gone, we lose an important opportunity to solve this region's air transportation growth problems. CHARLES GRIFFIN Newport Beach • Yes, yes let's keep it allve. We need an airport there. DONNA ALBERTSEN Newport Beach Hooray to the visionary leaders in the clty or Los Angeles who have the vtslon and courage to explore using the Conner Bl Toro Marine Air Bue aa one of our regional airpotll. AB former execudve director of the El 'Ibro Local Redevelopment Authority, and having penooally woited on El Toro Airport planning for more than five yea.rs. I would lib to briefly point ot.tt some \lefY comperun, arguments for supporting th.11 lnitlatfve. Bl ~ro Airport represent.a 1 aafe. convmlent, low•cott opdon for Southern c.Mfomla that '*' be operatlOMI In temporary flcdid8 Wtcbin 12 to 18 moot.ha ifter ~ lbe greert lilhL 1tilr9 OD11dnuet to be dllriand for atr'ca&*itytn SOuthem CaHtomla. At tong 8iach ~ aod John WSYD• Airport. u c:amen a:dmy :~aloti.1be bDplCU&tBl llbn> arr ~e. lbent an ' virtually no homes within the existing 14,000-acre noise buffer w ne that surround the 4,700-acre site. El Toro is bordered by four highways and Amlrak -very easy ground access already in place. Operating El Toro ~ a commerciaJ airpon would improve air quality and traffic in the region due to the decrease in diesel trucks carrying air cargo to and from LAX each day. Airport development cost!> will be lower than usual since there is no land 10 purchase (already owned by the fed s) and the runways are aJready built. The Federal Aviation Administration has aJready approved safe aircraft arrivaJ and departure procedures for El Toro Airpon . It can be designed and built as a state-of-the an airpon with all the late!>t in aviation security. ILc; close proximity lo Camp Pendleton makes it a great back-up military airfield. I applaud L.A. Mayor James I lahn, LA Airport Commt!>Sion President Ted Stein, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Rep. John Mica and Supervisor Cllarles Smith, aJI of whom understand the enormous aviation value El Toro represents to our region in the decades to come. Let's show full support to our elected officials for this bold move. They will need It With certainty, El Toro Airport opponents will be ruthless, merciless and well fu nded in their opposition. GARY SIMON I luntington Beach fhe chance~ for El Toro are good. And it is good fo r: Orange County, South California, for employment and fu ture generations, and for the economy. You can't stop the progre~!>. MARIA AND DANIEL BARRERA Newpon Beach Your Saturday article "LA. jump-starts El Toro banle" describes clearly the issues at the former El Toro Marine Air Base to re-open the airport as a commerciaJ airpon. The article quotes both Tom Naughton, a volunteer and president of rhe Airport Working Group. and Mimi Walters, chairwoman of the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority, the South County anti-airport group, and a paid public relations consultant The Southern California region is deficient in alrports;,. without El Toro there will be a 16% sbon!all ln airport capacity by 2025. Orange County especially is lacking in airports and now exports 12 million passengers a year to LAX. LA Mayor James Hahn ls presenting a solution to this lack or airport capacity by offering Los Angeles World Airports as the operator of the El Toro commercial airport. That group already successfully manages four airports: LAX. Palmdale, Van Nuys and Ontario. Rep. Ouis Cox's statement that there will be "a creation of the eecorut largest municipal park ln the nadon• t.s d.lslngenuous. The "Great Parle. has now been reduced to little more than 300 acrea, and the land la contaminated by toxic wastes. There ls a federal court case challenging the amount of cleanup necessary, so that even the emtence of a future park ls in jeopardy. The Southern California region needa the El Thro airport to meet the demands of future growth of the economy. st9LEY A. CONGER Corona del Mar Betng a Navy pilot, I consider El Thro one of the greatest a1rporU that I heve used. Our !rleftdt and Repa. Chrll Cox and Dena Rohrbacher · • thoukl ha~ taken th.la aedoul matter to hlPt Jevela lofl8 Igo to avoid SOuth County lntenuptions. Common senae dJctat~ the need. MAILBAG l\f NT Tiff Pf< 'N A Manners attacker gets by the defense. left. in the tt11rd-and fourth-grade boys' final of the Daily Pilot Cup Thanks to paper for sponsoring Pilot Cup I wanted to write to you to thank your paper for ~ponsoring the Daily Pilot Cup soccer tournament. It has been a great pleasure to play soccer wilh my friends from school. Soccer is one of my favorite sports. I live in a different city than where I go to c;chool, so this is the first ume I have been able lo play with my school friends. I play for the Harbor View fifth-and sixth-grade boys' team. Your paper wrote about our team winning 5-l on the fir;t day of the tournament. The mo rning tlw paper came out, our principal introduced the whole team al our morning na.g deck.. She picked three judges who pretended to be the "American Idol· soccer judges. We had a "Randy." ·p·.iula" and even a person with a Bnll'>h accent who played -~irnon. • It w~ really fun to have the whole school cheer for our team. Thanks again for sponsoring the tournament and your excellent coverage of all the youth and high school sports. PETERINOUYE Costa Mesa Nichols speaks his mind, as he should I was pondering the irony of Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols' comment regarding the city's Planning Commission's excessive scrutiny of a resident's building project. It became controversiaJ, not necessarily due to its intended truth, but to the poor choice of words in Nichols' delivery. On the other hand, more politically correct council memberi. probably know of problem!. wi thin d ty government, bur dwoo;c to "kcc'p them under the carpet" rather than dean huu~e. Why? I suppo~e mo'>I people are more concerned with tJ1e1r own career'> and are unwrlhng 10 make enemies. I admire people '>uch a'> former Newpon -Mesa Unified School Dl'>trtct lrustee Wendy Let.'ce and Nit.hob. who bring problems 10 the pubht.\ attention while knowing they will be attacked by the e-,1ahlbhmen1 for doing ~o. I don't alway!. aKree with them on every isi.ue. but I respect their un'>elfish holdnes,. They are among the very few who are willing to ignore the '>afety of ·politically c.:om:ct" '>peech and 'iUbjects and thus allow the public food for tho ught I mu<;t admit that each or the above elected officiaJs has opened my eyes and has actuaJly caused me to change m y opiRion due to the expo'>ure and rhe o;ubsequent debate that ensued from their comment~. Thanks to the Daily Pilot for covering these issues. We alJ kept informed. ANN LMNGSTON Newport Beach Nichols says what average residents think Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols is justifiably disgusted with the city government's inequity and continued "n itpicking" of residents in the process of building or remodeling their homes. That ls great news. We finally have an elected government official who is an advocate for the people rather than one who continually ddt·nd .. dh'>urd den!>IOll'> made by "Ci ty f l,111 " • The Planning <:111111111,,1011 l'>n't the fi rl>t that N1d10I'> ha'> 411t''>t1oncd (the D1~1ingu1'>hed ..,pcah•r.., ~ene:.' inequity 111 '>l'lt'l llng guL''>l' u1mes to mmdl. and I hop<• 11 I'> not the ld-'>I. I have no dnuht that "\tl hol'> wiJJ be fo rced 10 endun• lht.• \Hath uf tho~e he crittcihtl'S hetau'e tht'y art.• pnlmcatly well-connected e~oll,t '> who are unact:u ... tomed to .. uu11ny by their peer<,. flt'> l'ffor1, w11l 1101 he nwt wllh ~elf-examination 1111 P'"'1hlt· accuracy, but w11h .i 'iron~ pt•r..,onal anack instead. However, then• art• m.111y of u' average resident~ who .irt· deh~hred to finaJly have a "voice· £'1 h111n~ our own 1houghts and conclu..,1011'>. It .., refreshing. BETIY BLACKMAN Nl'\"po n Rt-ach Smith righ t on the ball in latest column Steve Smith if) o;o accurarc. I le wrote Saturday. ·when you're a kid on the playing field . real life ls suspended for two hours." Those two hours are al o ·real life.· All the drama. hopes. fear~. conquest!>, lossec; and absorbing fun of a life are encapsulated In those two short hours. One can scarcely wait for the next opportunity to live again with your teammates, and the memories linger for a UfeUme. I congra tulate Steve Smith and anyone else who makes Uttle League baseball possible and fun for kids. DAV10 STUER Costa Mesa COMMUN11Y COMMENTARY Council should be careful wflen throwing ston~s - TOWN Continued from A5 497-7647. Moth«'• M.tbt will hold a "Spring Cleaning" clearance sale from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Taste demos will be offered from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The store Is at 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (949) 631-4741. SUNDAY Triangle SquaN will host a farmers' market featuring live entertainment and several booths boasting great deals in addition to storefront specials. The market will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call (949) 722-1600, ext. 25. JUNE 17 "Feng Shul for a Healing Home" is a free seminar held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa M esa To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. JUNE 18 Phil Brigandi, Orange County ardlivist, will discuss what 1s in the archives as they relate to Costa Mesa's history at 7 p.m at the Costa Mesa Historical Society, 1870 Anaheim Ave .. Costa Mesa For more information, call (949) 631-5918 or e-mail cmhistory1<il/anset.com The Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council will present a round table discussion at Orange Coast Unitarian Un1versahst Church on human relations featuring an introduction by Rusty Kennedy of the Orange County Human Relations Council "With the County of Orange Budget Cuts, Where Is the Human Relations Council Now? .. 11 asks The program goes from 12 30 to 1 30 p.m . and costs $7 50 per person, inctud1ng luncn. or SlO without a reservation The reception ii at 11 :45 a m , and the luncheon at noon. For reservations, call (9491 660 8665. ext 3. by 5 p m June 17 The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, working in con1unct1on wllh the Newport Library. will present a series of story time events on the Texas Dede at the museum for cn1ldren between 3 and 6 from 10:30 to 11:30 am There will also be a crafts pro1ect for cnlldren and parents Admission 1s free and space is limited For 1nformat1on or reservations. call (9491673·7863 The Oasis Senior C.nter will host a twilight dinner and show with a Youndhans. rldtets are available for $7 at the center, 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. For information, call (949) 644-3244. JUNE 19 The National Multiple Sclerosis Society will present an Internet educational program called "El Cuidado Clinioo de la Esclerosis Multiple," a Spanish-speaking broadcast on clinical care of multiple sclerosis, at 5:30 p.m. To connect, go to www.nationalmssociety.org, select "Living with MS" and then select "Webcasts and Conferences:· JUNE 21 Become a member of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminally ill people and their families at a volunteer onentation. The team is seeking caring people to assist patients and families wtth nonmedical needs, such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, reading to patients, paying weekly social visits and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for more information. "Divo~: A New Beginning; a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Drive. For more information, call 644-6435. The Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club will host Visitors Day on the comer of San Joaquin and Crown Drive in Corona del Mar, featunng free lessons and snadcs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call (949) ~9. A Composition In Dnrwing Workshop will be held from 1 to 5 p m at Coastline Community College 1631 Sunflower Blvd , Bl5, South Coast Village Plaza The workshop emphasizes compos1t1on covering all the basics of drawing. Reg1strat1on 1s $45, due by June 18. For more information. call (949) 640· 1727. JUNE 23 Children 5 and older are invited to register for a variety of summer aquatic camps offered by Newport Beacn Recreation Services. The camps run through August. with numerous morning and afternoon options available, from ·Sailing and Tennis Camp" to ~surf Camp:· Call (949) 644-3151 for more information, or register onhne at www.c1ty.newport·beach.ca.us performance from "Sunshin~ • The Costa Mesa Seniors Center Boys; featuring the ex·vaudev1lle will hold a nea market from 8 a m. team of Joe Sdlulem and Sam to l p.m. at the center's parking FIT FOR LIFE Join the Un iversity Athletic C lub Enjoy Fitness as a Part of Your Lifestyle LATEST IN W EIGHT TRAINING/CARDIO FITNE.SS EQUIPMENT COMPLIMENTARY f1TNESS-~ RACQUETBALL -SQUASH -HANDBALL -BASl<ETBALL JR. OLYMPIC SWIMMING POOL -RESTAURANT -LOUNGE CALL FOR A COMPLIMENTARY G UEST P ASS AND T OUR • \ UNIVERS ITY ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752-7903 1701 Quail Street, Newport Beach lot. 695 W. 19t:h St Spaces cost $10 for members, $20 for nonmembe••· Reservations are required. For more information. call (949 645-2356. MatuN driven c.n sharpen theit skills in an eight-hour AARP driver safety class held during two ieasions from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. June 23 and 24 at Presbyterian Churcn of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students and cost $10. Advanced registration required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340. JUNE 24 A frM Hminar on attention deficit disorder will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 695-6667. JUNE 25 ·w..1ness and HNling• it a frM seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at M other's Market, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. JUNE 26 "Five Key1 to Vibrant Living• ii a free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa M esa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. JUNE 28 Classic boats race from the dock of Newport Harbor Museum while events take place in and around the museum from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m . at the Heritage Regatta and Seaport Festival. aassic woodies, surfing exhibits, boat building, model building, food and music will be on hand at no cost to attendees. The Seaport Festival will take place all day at the museum and W1ll 1nclude a luau dinner and awards show. For more mformat1on, call (949) 673-7863. JULY4 The American Legion Yacht Club will host the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade. featuring loads of dedced out yacnts parading along the waters of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m . There are 30 boat categones eligible for awards For more information. call (949) 673·3546 ONGOING Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutrillously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through ·Mobile Meals." sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital Call (949) 645-8050 for more information --~ Tue!>ddy, June 10, 2003 A7 AR T IN MOTi F I NDU LG I; Y OUR PAL ETTES Tlris a•Pt>l.. '!o t•Ylril1it touts local artist Ray frie!o:. l/i<o acrylic 11#J,tr11ct piues have a distinct indiuidua/1/y that l1a., .'<11rni>red him s ucuss here and abroad. horn the Collection of Ray Friesz: . t .. & Disc.uvt.:r tht· fl Jrnr ol c.elebrated local artists Delight tn complimcntar\ ... ample•<, of Mo11r ... tUlinan mcJsterp1t·ces a glass of aromat1<. \'-IOL'. Jnd n·lax to thl' ... ound.., of d tla<,<,1t al quitari<,t \ ' I p ('J f Sc.i\ 01 I h t• <. u1'>1nc.·. Jdm1 re th<.' arll'>tf\ Art l:.xhibit & Heception Wcdne<:.day June 4th. 5-6 pm < omplimentary \alidated parl..ing 11 1, \ \I ' I i' '1111 .!. 14 I I I ww 11 I II I ·~ ~1111 l '11 'Ill~ inf11rm 1!1• 1 .1 hut June 18 H;_i\ Isip I lome to a certain world Call 949.234.3320 www.stregismb.com II• ... \ . 4 I • ... c, • 1'J ., •. Hi •\1i I '\'l;I I I • -· ....-........... ~ .. -·---·-........... ~ ...... ..-...... __ .. ._: ....... QUOTE OF THE DAY "I was already sitting on fourth place, so I said to myself, 'Let's see what I can do.' " KH.an Brtua, OCC track and field standout Al Tuesday, .ble 10, 2003 Spofta Editor Rlchlnl Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Spofta Fu: (9491650-0170 MARKC DUSTIN/DM.YPILOT Keinan Briggs ace jumper and hurdler maintains hopes of competing in the Olympics. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot E ver since he stepped on a track his freshman year at VaJencia High in Placentia, Keinan Briggs was hooked. The Orange Coast College track and field sensation was already ingrained in baskecball and football, but wanted to give track a shot ·11 was something I never thought about doing." Bri~ said ·1 had watched (track! in the Olympics and wanted to try something different I thought it was something I couJd be good at and wanted to take that chance and see what I couJd do with it• At 19, Briggs, the Orange Empire Conference MaJe Athlete of the Year, rode his legs and the rest of his body all the way to the state meet May 16-17 at Otabot College in Oakland. Briggs finished fourth in the triple jump with a leap of 49 feet, 3 inches and took sixth in the 110-meter high hurdles (14.62) to help Coast place eighth among 40 teams with 33 points. An injured tendon in his right leg hampered Briggs during the 2002 Southern California finals, where he finished fourth in the triple jump and missed qualifying for the state meet. ·1 knew where I should have been (in 20021 and that made me realize even more that injuries can happen," Briggs sai~. "You can be fine one day and the next day, be out of the sport. It makes me appreciate being healthy and HONORS Anteaters ·acclaimed A total of 22 UC Ir- vine student-athletes earned Academic AD- Big Welt C.Ooferenoe booora for the spring sports of men's and women's tennis. men's and women's golf. men's and women's track and fte1d and basebalL UO'• honorees are men'• tennJs player Wkwesi Williams. WOl'(len's tennia plllyen 11ffany Oiang and Amy 'lkandd- 00. meo'I golfer Mfb Lavery, women'• golfs QmuUng Lovejoy, men'• ttKk It 6ekl athletes Bnndon ~ Jules C.. WlO, Vik.m Jennatian. WUHam llng- 1.ewls, John 9ldn. Joo Stewart, Santoeb Swamldasa, Jeremy Tuna and OamJl lb7Jer, women's track and field athletes Erin Qll'1ia, Angela Lotito, Cathy Pldla and Annmarie Turpin. and bMeball pla)WI Pllul Pm1Cb. M.k:hael ~ Pb81Hpoll ind Gna Wlllll. l!llCb boooree mM!•ll'9d at letlillt • l.l amllldYe _.,... • ....,Di ~1t1d ID mare dml 5°" ~the telm.. compeddOft. Sladllx-albletel IDUlt...., riidlwphomcn ....... 1bii ,.,,...... -.... 201 .... Wlil ~ boftcMw. ..... ..., in- dudld .... tpOC1 of .... being able to compete." Though Bnggs acknowtedges he was a little disappointed with his finish at the state meet thJs season, 2003 brought him several accomplishment5. The Fullerton resident set school records in the 110 hurdles ( 14.2) and triple jump (50-3) this season en route to leading Coast to an OF.C title. Briggs' 50-3 mark in the triple jump earned him third place at the Southern California finaJs and was a personaJ best. J le soared 49-6Y. to claim the conference triple jump crown along with a first place in the 110 hurdles (14.71) at the OEC championships. ·My first jump was 49-7~. an inch off the school record," Briggs recalled about the So Cal meet, where competitors are allowed three jumps compared to six at the state meet. ·usually, I like to get my best jumps out of the way. In my head, I knew I couJd to it. but my body seemed like it wasn't ready to accept jumping 50-3. ·11 was the last jump, so I decided I was going to have some fun. I was already sitting on fourth place, so I said to myself, 'Let's ~ what I can do.' " In addidon to the triple jump and hurctles. Bri~ also competed in the high jump. long jump and ran on Coast's 400 relay team throughout the season leading to the state meet. After playing on Coast's baskecball team for the 2001-02 season, Briggs decided to devote more time to track. Often Briggs gets to the track an hour before anyone else and leaves after everyone is gone. •He is the type of kid to stay and train reaJ hard," John Knox. Coast's track See BRIGGS, Paa• AlO PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS EYEOPENER Daily~· June 16 honoree JOSIAH EREDRIKSEN FROM THE SIDELINES Playing with the big boys Player shortage during WWII forced Tars coach to seek reinforcements. 0 ne can always find interest and amusement talking with a football player from a prep level 60 to 70 years ago. especially when the spokesman has also served as a scholarly university professor for years. One who qualifies in that light is a one-time running guard for the 1941 Harbor High grid team and who later became a highly regarded dean of communications at Syracuse University known as Edward C Stephens. Although he retired in recent years, Stephens. who DON has wrinen six CANTRELL books. still writes occasional arucles for the New Yo rk Tunes. A critical lade of varsity gridders in spring of 1941 prompted a desperate coach named Wendell Pickens to pay a vitaJ visit to the middleweight team (calJed Bees), since the varsity could onty field 13 players. That would only allow 11 on the field and two on the bench. Pickens may have figured Newport wouJd not last the season uni~ there was sufficient strength on the bench. He finally came across four outstanding Bees and accepted the chaJlenge of fielding an outfit with 17 players. ReOectlng bade during the sea.c,on. county coaches and s portswriter.. were impressed to find three of the four Ree~ playing first string on the var..1ty. Stephens, who became a running guard for a powerful 215-pound fullback named I larold Sheflin . did n ot have big size. but he had speed and detemtination. Stephens said, • I had always been a little mystified about how I ended up playing on the varsity team. I had been, a Bee team player, which I enjoyed. but one day was invited to try out for the varsity team, which featured genuine heroes like the Sheflins [Harold and Billi and others. ·1 told myself then that Coach Pickens must have seen some talent penetrating discernment" In time, after reading some Pilot articles, •1 reallied the great motivation for his dose look at the Bee players was See SIDELINES, Pa1e A9 • ~ ... "" ... .. Estancia's Korn egay Co-MVP He is joined by nine a dditional locals on a ll -league squad. E;.st anc1a I llW'l 111111or Jo'h .._ur negay. who helpt><.I h:ctd 1ht.• Eagles to their fir.,1 le:i~ll' tllle in 19 boys volJeybaU w a.,crn,, ha, been named (,oldt•n We'>I League Co·Mo.,1 Valuable Player by the d rcu11\ lOdthe" Joining Kornt.•);ay on the first team are Estan eia teammates KrU HartwelJ, lrevor I lolmeti and Scoll Sankey, as well as Costa Mesa's Garrell Wa.lther;. Brad Larsen and Je~ I lellm1ch represent fatanda on the l>eC· ond team, while Danny Krilcor· ian. Gabriel C.on1.ale1 and Ryan Bagwell are !>econd-team honor· ees from Costa Mesa. Kornegay, a 6-foot-4 oppo,ite, helped Coach Tracey I leims' Eagles po'>I an 11 -I league re- cord. good for a share of the crown with Ocean View. A domi- nant hitter, as well ao; a talented passer and '>Crver. Kornegay's all-6l'Ound gd.Ine propelled the F.agles to the CIF Southern Sec- tion Division Ill o;emifinals. He shared MVP laurel'> with Ocean View senior Ju!>lln Roth I 2 unio r uutMde hitter, Holmes, a 5-10 sopho- more setter, and Sankey, a 6-5 junior middle blocker. add to a ta.lented nucleus that will a.II re- turn next spring. Wa.lthers, a 6-2 sophomore middle blocker, developed into Mesa's leading weapon. Larsen was a 6-1 junior out- side hitter and Hellmkh a 6-0 senior mJddle blocker. Krikorian was a 6-0 senior outside hitter, Bagwell a 6-0 freshman opposite and Gonza- lez a 6-3 sophomore middle blocker. S PORT S HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL SEAN Mill ER I DAILY PILOT Estancia junior Josh Komegay's hitting ability is just one reason he is Golden West League C~. • Tire Aot•tlon •nd Brake luesday-. June 10. 2003 At Newport Harbor H1gh's Athena Vasquez ( 7) at left. and Costa Mesa's Ann Mane Topps above are scheduled to cap tlie1r d1stingu1shed prep careers in the Orange County All Star Softball Game, tonigh at i:.. 45 at Barber Park in lrvmP SIDE LINES Continued from A8 lw. '>hortag1· ol \dr'>ll\o pl.iwr-. ht'L«1u'e of lht• "'"' \11\WJ\. he madt.• llll' .ind. no douht, <Hher-., lt•el ,Uffil tt'IH to thl' challenge .ind 11 wa' an l'xhtlara11ng l''l(pt·m·nn· for me to pl;iy wi1h 1ho'>l' who were 'o muth hP1ter lhan I wa-.. hut who were -.o m'p1ra11ona.I .t., teammdtl'' thdt I wa<, ahlt• fin.illy tn pla\ at 1he1r levt'l t•nough 10 earn nw pl<H P 1111 lht ll'<llll .. I hl' tl'.1m fini-.lw<l 1h1• 't'a"m \\ 11h .1 I .!. !. retord .rnd ')hl'fl1 n wa' 11.111wd thml lt'm \JI.( II lor ')oulht•rn CaJ1fon11d. ')lcflhl·m '-ltd • I n·rrwrnlwr lht• long bu' nde' to a\\a} g<1m1•., .md the 'Pini of 1.1111.u.ull'rlt' .1mong th<· pl.i\ t'r' I rt.'nwmber d1mbmg on tht• hu., aft er" rc.t.llv J\'-ful gc1nw "ht·n I had pl.iyt•d onl~ d '>hort 1m11· and pl.ived poorl} < h<1rhl· ll10111r,on wa., ,1111ng 011 tlw 1>11, <1nd he ... mtled .u1d '><ltJ. ·c .ood gaml'. I cJdie. Jlld hl· '''f'lllt'<l \llll t•n· .ind I n·nwmber th1nkrng hov. nict• tha1 wa' I 1ned alwa y' to find '>Urnethmg t•nrourag111g 10 -.ay IO 1l1C"l' who tlt'l'dt•d 11, following h" t'"<Jmple "fhu,. wr leaml'd \\orthv..h1te nilt•\ lor tht• rnnduct of life from our pel'r'> "' \H•ll J'-1he co.1d1e<.. hut c11l of rour-.e. undl·r lht'1r lc•ader,h1p .. , lrke<l l1•ar111ng thl· rl.i\., It wa.., a my .. 111 ,ti t•\pt•nt•m <' nn fir-.t t'XP<'nt.'IH t'. prnb.1bl\, Ill tht• 8289 :0:~ lhl'' ol lht• ,1lhlr,11 I Ill l<Hllllll thl' 1 om n·tt· I n•1111·111h1·r ''lll'n I '"t·d 1111 tll llw dl'l1·11'1\t' pla,-.. "' ""1.11t•\1·r \11111 .11111 \\l1t•11 \fill Ir\ llJ flh'lJrl' lllll '' h,11 tilt• •1lill'r 'ldl' 1' g11111g to do\\ h1•11 1h1•\ nm th1·1r pl.1\ .ind 1,11.1· d1·fi-n"'' P'"11111n' .11111rd111gh "I \\OUid ,1.t11d fdl 111g Ill\ tt·..im .ind gl\ c· .1 h.111d "gn.11 .111d, I think 1 .11111111 ,1 ft•v. rryp111 phra-.t'-. .111d '"'would .111 'h1h 11110 d p.ir111 ul.ir oll1·1"t' In lht• huddlt•. 1ht• lJU.1rt1·rh,11 l. v.ould "1\ J ft.,., \vmh \\ h11 h 111e..u11 mort• tompt1•x 111.tllt'U\t'r' tht fl \\I' \\OtJJcl ,Iii trol 0111 ,md t.111· 1lw 1·n1•m\ .i11d \\h1·n 1lw h.ill \\J' ,11,1p1wd "'' .ill krlt'\\ \\ h.11 111 do \h ld\llrllt' \\,I'> \'l.llt'rt I 'll'ppnl h.11 I. lrom 1lw l11w .md turn1•<l ;met ran w,f\ 111 th1 ottwr ,11Je 11111·.id 1lw hlo1 I.mg lc1r 1lw g11\ in I tw h,11 l.hl'ld \\hot .irrlt'd tlw h.111 I hl..1·d 1h1· n1n11m~ .ind !hi' hloc l.111g I 11 11111'1 ol .111 I hi.I'd f\1•111g .1hlt \\llh honor, to 'tt·p h.it I.. .ind 11·1 1h1• hugt• OJlJltl'lllg g11.trd gt I hll h\ '011who<h t•lw '' h1·11 lu t ,11m· through I hl pl.11 1 "ht•rt lw h.1d been pr.1t 111111g tnrng 111 lrn·.11. Ill\ arm I ool..111g h.1d. .. "•i·plll'm ... 1111 "I don't n·11wmlwr 1hi11 w1· h<td pl.i\ hool..,, lll'I lht• 1 0.11 h dnd )11, l111le hide l..hottrd tlwrt· 111 1lw lod.l'r room ,mt! I ho'l' < m ll''> ,111d \',ind hilt'' .md .1rrr"'' <1nd m.i' tw -.011w 1111mt·ographt'!I f)H'll'' of p<11wr no\\ .ind tlwn to ht· 1n·.i1t·d w11h thl' Wl rt't'.'i .11 < ordt•d .1111m11 'l'Ut'I' AlO Tuesday, »le 10, 2003 SPORTS Dady Pilot BRIGGS Continued from A2, and cross country coach said. "He has a lot of doors open for him." Even before he entered Coast, Briggs ran hurdJes and competed in all the jumping events as a prep. 1)\e hurdles raise his blood pressure the most. "One slight mistake can affect the whole race," he said. Briggs remembers his first trade event-the 110 hurdles while a freshman at Valencia. The Daily Pilot College Alhlete of the Month plans to conLJnue training throughout the summer In hopes of qualifying for the Olympic trials, whicb precede the 2004 Summer Games In Athens, Greece. ~one standard Is 52-6, • Briggs said about the mark needed in the triple jump. "I feel comfortable with the criple jump, but still have a Jot of work to do with the hurdJes as far as my footwork. and technique Is concerned." Coaches from four-year universities such as Michigan State, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona, CaJ State Fullerton, Cal State Los Angeles and "The guy next to me knocked over the first two hurdles and I couldn't finish the race," Briggs said. "J was racing with the varsity guys. I think I won a relay event the next week racing with the frosh-soph team." A similar scenario happened to Briggs at this year's state meet. Adams State in Colorado, have alJ expressed interest in Briggs. who plans on redshirting next year at Coast. I le said he wilJ take classes a t OCC through spring 2004 in hopes of gelling an associates degree. "The guys next to m e were hitting the hurdles and the last two (hurdJes) moved back toward me," Briggs recalled. "Runners were complaining because the lanes were a bit s maJler in width than usuaJ. With hurdles, it is a different race. Anything can happen." The Home Depot Track and Field Invitational. held June I at the new $150-million Home Depot Center in Carson on the campus of Cal State Dominguez Hills, featured some of the sport's stars such as sprinters Maurice Green and Ana Guevara. Briggs did not a ttend , but sees himself comp eting on a similar stage. Briggs maintains a similar training regimen to las1 year, working with Coast jumps coach Alan I lodgert and Eri ch Moreno in the hurdles. "I had to work, but I know I will be running there 'iomeday." Briggs said. "llunmng 1>ro track is my goal." BRIEFLY Baseball camps at Newport Harbor Newport I !arbor I ligh base- ball coach Joel Oe!>guin and Orange Coa!>t College Coach John Ahobdll will offer two ..,ummcr baseball campi-. for player!\ agei. 5 through 14, be· ginning June 23 at the Newport I !arbor vars ity diamond . The firM fi ve-day camp fea· lures ini.truction in throwing, ca1ching and hitting, as well ai. additional s1rategies of the game. from 9 a.m. to noon. Reg1<;1ration before Saturday 1'> $1 25 for memberc, of the Newport I !arbor Baseball Asso· t iation and $140 for non-mem · heri.. rhc day of the camp, fees a re $150 for NllHA member!. and $165 for non-memben>. rhe second five-day camp is !->Chcduled July 28 through Aug. I (,Jmper!) will receive l'·!)hirti. and pri1e:., and snackl> will he .. erved daily. Camper'> are asked 10 provid e their own wa· ter. For information, phone (949) 45 I ·2228 or visil 11•111w. 11ew- por1baseball.org. Football coaches sought • YOUTH P0(1TMLL; New- port-Mesa Jr. All American Football organizers are looking for volunteers with football coaching experience to lead at all c;ix age divisions of the full· con1ac1 league. Defen!i1ve and offensive coordina1ors, along with head coaches and as'"' ants. are being sought. Teams usually prac1ice four days a week from 5:45 to 7:45 p.m. in August at Lorona dcl Mar High and three day'> a week (Tuec;day lhrough Thursday) at the 'iame lime a1 1he Bon11a <...reek fields from ~eplember 1hrough mid-November. Players range in age!. from 7 14 and compete under Lil· Southern Section ruh•..,. Interested appliranl\ can phone Jim McGee, chap1er president, at (~4~) 640 0500 or e-mail h11n at nmjaaf@mcgce&as,oc1a1t·• .. net. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Piiot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 23 · Steve Ouggllr Orange Coast Water polo. 2000 Let them know how proud you are! A :.pN 1al p.ige will publish in the Daily Pilot on r riday, June 20 to honor our graduate!> For your d.iughter, son, friend or spt•c1.1I somt'one be ,1 µ.1rt ol this tnhut<' for only $40.00 12x2 ad) Fill in the form bC'luw dnd m.itl 11 to us with tl1C'ir photo. Be sure to put the nJme and address on thl' hack oi the photo .ind we'll return 11 to you Graduate's lnfonnation: Submitted by: Graduat<•'s Name· ____ _ ~c hool N.1me Al><.>ut tlw w.1dt1.1te: I lobbtf'~. 111trrt••t' or 111111r1 • fll11m 1L111111ed to .JIJ ~ .. mr/ m,.,,,,~1·1 Address.------------------ Credit Card No.:---------[xp.: __ Signature for credit card:------------ 111 Y'HJ prpfrv you mc1y enclcxe $40 ch<>ck mc1de p.1yc1/Jle to ·n.11/) 1'1101 ~, Mail this form with r>hoto to 2()()3~" DAILY PILOT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 4 Pilot YOUTH BASEBALL Pitching keys D-backs' narrow win over Giants Snakes' McClanahan and Montague combine to produce eight strikeouts. The Diamondbacks settJed down after allowing three flfst- inning runs to the Giants and prevailed, 4-3, in Costa Mesa Na- tional Little League Majors divi- sion action. Troy McOanahan came on in relief of staner Gavin Montague 10 post five Mrikcouts in the final three innings for the D-backs. Montague struck. out ihrec in three innings. The 0 -back. defense held off the Giants. Ryan Oiumey made a running catch of a fly balJ to right field and threw out a run- ner trying advance 10 Lh1rd base on the play. men. Joshua Emo eaughl a ball in left field for an out in the sixLh and McOanahan finished the i11111ng with two s1rikeou1s. McClanahan and l'.rno each singled twice and scored a run while Montague had a hil and abo scored a run Andrew Roth doubled and scorl.'d w11h Otase Harrison and Sean Anderson each 1aJlymg hll'> In Minor A pl.1y • D-back.<. 2, Padres O Steven 1 llJdcbrand gJw up only one walk and 1hr1•t• hih over live '>l·orele..,., inning., for dw I>· h<tt·b. I le 'lruck out five and rau'>t'd tht· 1•adrt•.., IO '>trand three ninner' at 1h11d Al lhl' plate. I lil - debraml wt.•111 I. for 2 w11h a dou- hle. Defensively, Angel Beas. Justin Batangan. OuistJan Aguliar and Connor GllJJgan hatlt(.'Cl up their pilchcr with .. ohd play.. in the outfield and inliC'ld. Josh Domlngue-.i and Shane Butler !>hart•d catching duties. Tony Campo and Buller led the offen'>e, l'al h lallying two hits, while Dom1nglll'7 tripled. Marc DePren7.a .111d Diego Diaz each singled • 0 -bacb 6, Angels 6 Campo aJJd lil'a., rt•adwd on ba..<,e hits, setting the stage for Dominguez, who worked the count lo 1-2 before sending the next pitch over the center-field fence for his first hom e run of the season to lie the game in lhe bottom of the ">ixth innjng. The game wru. c<1llt•d due IO darlcne5.\. Ba.Langan. I lildebrand and Butler rounded out the 01Ieni.1ve at Lack. with hiL'>. Alex Krohnfeldt pitched t\ .. o innings with no waJks and four strikeouts while DeFrcnza went three innings in relief. Beaf) clo:.ed out the sixth. Jesus Rodriguez and Aguilar provided strong suppon while Diaz made a running calch in deep left field. In Cosw Mesa American Uule League play: •Mariners 5, White Sox 4 'fyler Sheffner !.cored the win· ning run in 1he bottom of lht' 1>1.xth inning to give the Mariners the win. Sheffner was ali.o the winning pitcher. Nathan Olson scored the ty111g run. P.J. Maloney pi1ched four strong inning:., while Obon. ShclTner. J.T. Mcl.uclcy, Martin M)'S'L)'llSkl, James Lewis. Mat- thew Mello and Dakota Gilbert ead1 colle<:tt•d hi!\. Austin McArdJe .111d Tommy Werdel l'at h 11111 lwd \H·ll for tht• Whttl' \o>.. wl11ll' Trace Curet. Jack Jeffries •ind Jordan Myers 1111 .,,11!.'ly tor llll' Whi1t· ~ox. • Marincn. 5, RockJes 4 Matthew Logue 'l ruc~ out '>cven 111 lour 11111ing' Ill n·c ord lhl' Wiil Malom·y al'>o p11chc<l wt:ll tor the '><lvt' Kyte Peterson. Ma loney. Myvyn,k1 and Md.1.JC~\ each go1 hit' for 1he Mariner' Austin Knoll, ~falonev. Peter ... on Jnd Myvyn.,ld 'lO~l·d run' for lht• M.tnlll'f'> In I Mm l>i v1 .. io11 l'l.1..,.- • Pirates I 5, Meb 13 Int• l'iralt'' lwld on .i rallv ln the Mt•t' twhind thrt·t· 1rnr ... from Ryan West WMliam Reed arnl Erk Pfaul7 t'.tt h \ .. en1 1 for I \'\tlh two IUlh \\h1le Cassie Ste- venson anti Jake Mone each had . . three hit!. in three at-bals. Stevenson, while pitchang. got" the defensive momentum going in the third inning by catching a line drive and throwing to first 10 double a rurmer off the hag. Stone recorded an unassisted double play in the fourth. catch ing a pop Oy and lagging a run- m•r who had ventured off M>l ond. Harrison Stem contnbuted three -.trong innin~ al catcher wl11le Lhe Ml'I!> batted around in Lht.• fifth. Bradley Wilson slammed a 1ri rlc anti Brandon DleckhotT. Mott Thomas and Ray Ba.rids 1·acl1 ,ingled 1wice in the inning. In Newpon I !arbor Ba\eball ~o<.1a11on P111to play· • 11it.• N.trO' (age'i 7 ·ti) Cll)Oyt'd Lheir bt'.,I oflell'tiVt' out put of 1he -.eai.011. Blake Pender. Conner Moore, Michael Reo and Jaclc: Ortlieb eaclt had multiple hiLc,, ind11di11~ a grand ,lam by Unlieb. Om.se Whiting, Wyatt Muller and T.J. Sleln.ko aJI made strong play ... '1 lw P·adrl''> also ... huw{·d oflen \IV<' pm.,('r with Jaclc: Thompson. Tommy Henn~sey and Mephen Kim pu\wnng hit'>. Kim ,J.,o '>IOOd (Jlll t!l'fl•n'l\'d) •Tim Mc<.etrick droH· thl' h.dl 111 d1·1·p 11gh1 n·n~r lil'ltl for ,1 do11l>l1· 111w of h1-. tlm·1· hth for llit• lt1•d \l1\ .1gJ1m1 lht' Hlue Jay' Bryan Shollin d11d Qu.incl llolgate 1·<11 h had thrl't.' ltit!'> 10 dnH' 111 run,, wlulc Martin Jr. Najera .tllll Andrew <llase l'•tt h lalltl'd I hrt'l' hll' .1pll't t.' Austin ~mllh, Ouke Mor.ti~ .111d ~pencer Buchanan pl.1yC'cl \•wll lor I h1 ltl'd \ii~ 111 ~I.II hlllt' l'ltlh pl.I\ • llw 11.trl>ur V11'\\ < ub'> l'llCll'd till' 'l"<"Oll 'tlrllll~\-Ill llull.1111 I lllJ, I it•ld. Nolan McCarthy and Cole Martin t'oll h 'Jlilfkt'd r;illy 1·11d Ill~ dd1•11<,l\l' phty'> 111 lhl' tl11rd 111111ng. ~l11lt· OiarUe Griffln and Jack Mervla IC'd 1he "on11g 1 h<1rg1· II\ g01ng ~ for I \\ llh l\\ll tlouhl1•, 1·.11 h ~Llp~l lollcaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM..._Lep=l=Notices=~2MO~~lep~I N4;;Dtica~;._~2MO~ Lepl NaGc:a r ADVllTl5(IOO fOI • llWPOIT lfAOI Subjllc l lo cnndlloon\ P•esu obtiO by th~ uod•r\ll{Md \e~led bod\ 1111 " CJJl COdlCIAaA Lu11111 Sum <.ontr•t l ••••"voted h11 the lolluw11111 Work SUMllAl'f STUDINT HlAl TH CINTll SllSMIC IM,IOVIMlNlS i~ 1~ ._.._ 'IOJlCT NO. 9912ta .....-.... ...,... --, UNIVUtSITY Of CALlfOINIA, llW INl ~ s.a.. UIO...._ taVINl, CAllrOINIA 92697 _, r- DISCRlf'TION Of WOa ll: J..10, 2003 The propc"ect prnl"ll ton\l\I' of th• '~""'" r"trnlot nt the Student CURRENT BUSINESS ll~•llh Ce"t•r bu1ld1ng •nd •II "" IO•nt.11 Wlll~ lo RAUi ... n·. tu lh• W()fk /()()"! 04 euocr I RE •rt• prov1d1n1 IM!O\\My 11101~, 111111 "'"' •e,toriog wuok ... ~~\ end VII w Rr Vil W Of hnlshe\ lo P'' e .. ~11n11 tm1d11to11' tu 1111 \dll\I•• 11011 ol th• llni•r"oly l>I PAHIMI N IS BUO replt\<lnlelovu The wurlo. rnt••h tht 11111 ... .,,,~ Cf TS (4 10 P M ) • Construd n~w \IA lwo ~AV t11n1 ••lo 111 loll t•.huh rrlt) woll\ PURllC H(ARINCS • Pro vide new found~t111n\ 11twu11 .. ,,,,.,,,. r ISCAl Y[AR 200J 04 • Pro voOo new uter101 \lrrl, 1.11., '"' 11111 0111 nt J.tl•ne wall •n• hlJI\ PRCJl'OSCO B UOCC l ,1th• hl&h roof"' lhP lobby .... ltf Al<IN(; • Provide new 111tt1111r uul uf 11IJ111• ~h·tl ~. ""''' '"' '"•' ltllj! I uurrl'I• AIHll'flON or I HI tnd m•\Ulll Y W411~ •louw fLut ~11dltm, ANNUAi Af'PROPRIA I ION • Ptov•de v11rt0u\ 41 Lt•\ 1blv m11uovt 111t·oh HH lwtm•• , ... w h11nd11 40 t otu.tttle tamµ. ~Udr d1 ""hi. It •·t'-.Lwtlutl( ~tll~t mount••d ti,111dH • .tJ> \1~:0.1gc 41nd p<trktna \lalh ''""'"II • Abatement of ltMd dnd •'t1tJ\ln• flt.ti 1•. ~"' titu1t.-r.-fJ ,1un11v. tJHl\h u1 t1on luctdentat wotk •nt hu'"'' rtJ<fhH~it drt11ul1tum .rntJ ,.,.th hlflP, .iod rn'\t<HlflK, content~ .ind archtt~• tur di luwJ1t••1 to lht•tl ur i~1nal , und1t1,,n, ft .tl~u lm..ludcl remo~IOi? an;J tllJlcHtn~ or ,,., .... 1lm;~ n11 t f11411u di ttnd t>hH ttu di (lurh . coudu1h oud ~~')t~rn\ d '''•JUUt•d l1J i:dln ftl t.c~-.. .u1d vt rtmn1 WOik '900 to tht '-othc;farl101t •Jt lh., llm~ .. , .. ,tv ftJ1rt'\ ... nlJh'¥~·. lh• f •llm~l~d l:on•truclmn L"'' "I tlw.11111,.., t "l l I?/ h()() IX> YK>Of R QUAI It ICATIONS f't1111,. h11M,., · Whu tJ01 ttut mt=f"t th~ •4U tltflt dtl UI\ IU th• ronlt•t. t Uocu1t1ent• n1.ty r\(tl t •• ,.,,~,..,,. ..... tw ,ud Pt11T•t" H1dd,., •halt ~ubmtt th"lf Qu.thttt tl1u11) ''" ttu lutfH ,,, uv1dPd b'f' u • ..-tJr11vt·P1.1ty ·~ •n •tl•,hm~nl lu the fhd I"' 111 81dd1ng Oocunoo:nh will ti~ d••l<l•M• 111 !l11Jlft• ''" Tue•doy, June l , 200J a nd will ht' t\\Ued •! t.UN•,11111111 If fl Hf f'~llGHAf'lllf '> lf\11 11117 J'ullm•n Str Pl l Ln\t,, M•\ • I II 9/1>/f, f'h""" •I / I-\ 1 /'•I ?f.1111 A mandatnry Prr fitd t;ouf .. , .. ,u .. uul m.;11J.tffJt., f'f~ Htd Jt1t1 w .• 11o. Wiii be ~ondutt~d on w ..... doy. Jun• 11, 2003, to.v.1111unv. pr1111111llv •I 4100 f'.M. Pdrllt111.inh '""II uwel ,,1 fll \11,fll & c IJN'.!f!lll ll!JN 'r f!Vtr I', lJmvcf "lY ut C•ltto11u.J It"''"' rJlfJJ f .tl1f•lftll11 Av1•11ut1 \uJt1· /'lt) >tllhv1t11 & Wtt&ht CoofNt!Ot~ R•>Vm hvuw C ·•hf••tr111t 'Ut.1"1/ 14':>0 <Corner o t Calttorn1tt Avrnu .. -t111f H1'''" Avto:nu~ / ATIENDANCI At THI Pll llD CONFlRl NCI ANO PIH-llD JOB W ALK IS MANDATOIY. THE MU TING Will CLOU At 4:0S P. M . ANY CONlaACJOas AUJVIHG Afl(R THIS TIM( Will NOT 8( lllGIBU TO PAITICIPAtl IN THE llD PROCl\S A\ A PllMl CONTRACTOR. Unly b1~d..,., who par It• 1µ.•t• 111 h lh ttu ,,,, .. ,,.,.1 • . .uu.1 tlw J .t, W.al~ In thtilt ~nllt•ly w1tl h,.. ,jllt , .. 1 t 1•1 ·•11 lh• h 11t I • l>'"''.. 1nlr-4• tor for turthtt 1nform..tt1~ 11 •·• t 11 t 'r,1n11Mf•t1lt111 t., '' • '' f\r.tl'f t u ... •,.n J I t•n•.tr11t 11011 \,..,.., .. ..,~ fJ ,v,.t t, ,f (~hi,,, t .,.u~ .-1t 1 .. 1..-pltuur 11umb~r <94'11 ~74 I '17 / Sealed ltldt w fll not be occepted ofter 2 00 PM., MONDAY, JUNl :ZJ, 2003, of: 81d b~' , I 11tl , 111111' u ..• " ll. I •I ltw 10111 ., "" ~-. Umvf't'".1ly "' r .. t.fonu.i ""'"' •, 'fll 1htt1tf11' A..-H1u• 1wlt 1'10 """'(# Calll<•tlll<I 'J/b'J/ 74'>() Seoled Bid• w fll be opened a l 2:0S P.M .. M ONDAY, JUHi 23, 2003, at: ll .. \.fltO & fun•ftUI IHHI ·, .. ,.., .. I· 11111"°1·1 11'f ut ( ttlllotr11,1 hVt11f" •i/()1 CaM<•r1t1.-""'.-nu,. '.1111r1 ,l•,n ',1dhv w " W11i1:hl t nnlt, ''"' r H111111• It vuu l•l1h11111.; 'J/L~/ .'l\',Cl 141\'Ji l'l/4 1.n !Cl ~11j ';r-1 Ultly 'II lh1 11111111111 111 ll} f H11 I 11H1& •II ! ft,t•_.1 ~ 111 1 11 l111J111y Allt"flhtlf' .h~tll d 11nrti1.1111 • 1 11 tiuJ )J,, fin Ht•t U 1111 ,tnll h .. on fh,., "•d 111 ••tloo· u 10h111th t ,,.,, , ,.,,,., , .. h·f1t11 t 111 fh,. I .1hto1n1' t .,,. uf llf'1l I'"' .. ,,.,,. • '"" '•"'• lfu '"' 1 ,. lu fluJO•·• Ull1 1t 1h "' ,, .. fut 1011 t 1 t • • u ... t t, t tluw lhr H••fhll\t '~''''" ..... , ,, ,.,,,,., ••• fll ,. ' t ''" IO ,.,. l<•tJ4t• I r1. t .. ,., fll 4f11it lu l-• •'f ,,ff 'If 1•1 ••.: Wlt·ttt 1 .. h 11It1 Ir 1t.qf1 I tl•t V'I , .. ''" \.Ult•'''"' f11dd• f A II I I l11U1 ..,.,,, I,,. r thft1fllU P.urth.ti fiof • ftt .,, t I ul ''' 11 I f lt•f H•d llClNSI CLASSlflCA TION c, ...... ,.,,H111l,11n.,i 1 "r''' 1 , llClNSf COOl(S), I' Itel kft.INI .111!Hf1tf111vff',ll1tJf •Altllll<f\1111 M« 1«H f'11h1J1.tt1•1t N• wprn I f!P~h h I « Lt Mr ,,, I JMl'f' l'1l11t h11w ~ ICJ /t lf1 t f 14~ SEU SEU SEU (CAHN) LIMIT CONflNUEO BUSINf SS CITY HAU r AC II, Ill( S SCH( MA llC Dl SIGN APPHOVAI or l'ROf l s S IO NAl S I RVICC S AC R£l Ml NI WllH CRlf f IN 110 1 UINCS, lNCORPORA IEO (contd h um Study Senion ol 4/08/01 & '>l?l/03) CURHI NI OUSINC SS PROl I SSIONAI SlR VIC(S ACRHMCNI ANO e uoc r 1 AOIUSTME HT FOR CC NC RAL PLAN UPOAl[ ANO ENVIRON MlNTAI IMPAC.I RE PORI T~\ddy. June 10, 2003 All -------2640 Lepl Notices 2MO llpl Naaca 2MI REPORT fROM Cll'f AnORN[Y UN lCSll MO NV c1vr N 8Y 41nd w..tl tu.• t~'aUt:.\I 111 ll1t nund1" '1nt111•ltun ~.uitc·n {,,,t..,t tA 92841 0£<,fCN & CONSll<Ul 1•qu11 u>e11h .rt fullfl ft,e .o~wh b~11111 w td flON l.lRVILCS. U11tVl'I Ill Ill~ 8 1dtl11111 o.,. 11 "'" &ell• tally cHo \(.lll>cd CO UNCii Ml MRI I< NICHOL'> A I I Ill PlAHNING COMMISSION MIE JING Of MAY n 2003 \1ty ,,f ( •hfr,r,u.-If v1n~ m fl n t \ .H1 d t •• s.;" 1 ,.,, f urruturtt fl A t w tt•. '>?<JI l.•ltfnrn1• Awenu~ J•l•UlllllJI W•V~ 1<I•· •I •11111pn1~ror loot' ~11ud '"•u•tr l''X> ''"'"'.. tA fht> IC'H •tmil of lht' Wutk will. tr,.d., ni.ine 11''1\" 'l~li'l/ /4'.0 c 9411 • M/4 I It~ '"" •,•.lul IC1111f•1 h11ld 111t~i. t lt'•'••httl<I ftldO Hot line : (9 49) woll 11• 1~11U11•tl '" 11 ... 1mv111••1t••1tl ~II CITY COUNr'll ANI> PLANNING C.OMMIS~llJN CAL l S r OR Hf VII W e24 11 17 1111 l11ll11wmK ,IAI• 111 tr .. n · ••• .1,1r 1111 n111, Lh~l.ti-.\ lur A "°" ( AflfutfH4 (unfr•t tot !I. t1nd hlt"tl\t'\ t11d u1 Pubh•t•~d New11u1 I Beach Co•I• M~.,,. r•fvfttl•·ble fee 'Niii t_,. l1tt-1t\t' •uHt"Ot ti th• ventrAy ,,I "i ft.n ~ UJ h.10t' ,,. 11111 .. d m Jh.-. t11u.w1I t1111r ,,f 'ohnu nHt ut Jud 41r 101 .1 .. i1 .;11 600 •.• Sl'l 00 p .. , .... ,,. tht H11J N f"WP•Jt l ,,.,., .. , IJ1 o .1ly Polul lune 10 200) 1141, f 11t1ltn1 [),., •llllrllh LICl NSl fll t:wJll<I I th•• II (.A I tu ,~~ "'~ 1., 11• 111.itl~ Cl.ASSlfKATION1 'J/b60 AOvansuuiT Rll 11» .., .... ,~I '" ft,, w .. ,t:flh ( ... ""'•' Hu1ld11.a fht' t,,un· 4lt I\ ,n of ff,, Ur,..,,.,• 11 r 111 1 ''"" llll I''' te:oiJtood h '-'' ow.um Sub1.,c t tu 1 ond11t11n' I•"'""",· UClNSl CODl1 in•led •' 1111 ''"" • '' prescr 1bed b t th~ un ,,."1 ... J I 1d N•ll 1111t tu-Ii Nf'.,., '>l•r I 1 1 ,,_ •"d der s1grH~d ~t~•tltt.1 tJ1d• ,., .. , 1,.11 ft.,.t 2 :00 CJtlttt fl•·•1•·• t ,..,,., tftt "'" •••t1111 .,,..., .,,. f1.th for a l UllllJ '•llffl l.1111 p M •• fRIOA 1. JUN( 20 . II cider Quo llflcolfon• ... Ju11• '" •!Ml I folloWlllk Wur~ IJ1J "tu•1ly '" II• mltted ot time of bid 1~" '" I'""""·' lll\1 trarl ar~ 111vot•tl ln1 1111 2003. I <olled lo r te be &ub-flt• l.r1JI~ .th •' uli INfRASYRUCTUR( rn ''u"' 1,1 111 ,f th.... inC'kld•, l:tul at• not t11tm t ""'"'.., 1 .1 1 1.tt,.. PROJ(Cl I l .,,.,,, ,11111 f 1 ' u,,. I n•<•'lt.orlly limited to;; ,,., t11 11 httW ~f NU SUITE •EMOO(l h 1U u c •llll•·•fl' ....... 1 h tt .. y.. ., .. ,... IH ,,,, ' It" I h .. ' ,,,,,.. tt1r1 11M• .... MULTl-S"CIALTY , • I 11111111• '""'llJll I II• I""'' I•'"' 11•11 y PaOJfCT NO. 994S 10 Uut I ti,. .111 ... t / ,. • u111~ 11111h r th.. ,..,.,.. ""'"'"' •• t ft,,. ''"'"' ~ f\'tft· whum 110 PACKAGE. 4 lt11 • l l' '''" h .u •. ,. Hiii ~ •"'""''"' , '"" •' I 1111111· ,,. .. , ,, 11\t UNIVf ~\I f'f Of '" II•• k .. 1 111 .. 1Jl11•1 th lul \ I 1• •OH lu1 .t New St0t h oew, lOlO ~lffOkNIA IRV1N( ••tH11tt ... f1 ''''"'' / ""°'"' n11111111u11 11t 'J ' 11't1t1 1 W . I th Stte•t Sutt• MEOICAI <:LNllH 1~, 1t•lu1H1 11 lho •u\ y•~f\ I'""' It 111• 20 3, lo& A,.9•1••. CA COUNTY ur ORANf,( itl.I "". I ,._ I r .... ,, lm11111tflllt) dtll' , ,, ih1 9000S .j " ... '11 .. t .. r ALlftJRNIA ••1f)•t111u..-• ..ic 11 n 111 ,.,.,, lht-11.,.11 ru•.,.~1 1,, f•l•r, bT u1 ,.OJlCT DlSC•IPTION: 1·r~,11111 '" ~~t•,fy 1h1\ r••J•"'' rrt111 ,, 1,d1 1,, lo••r fh1~ fltf"tjrr1 wilt ,.,.H A If! rn1t .. t ,, f Jn A11t 1tw11t .h tll t,. ii H • I' i'Otl "''' ' 1 tf;• r;v•te-'> 941 A'Jf 1n odtr• ltt,.. ""'1 ,,,,.,ut,, \•''"' tyJ,•,. fHfW" t ''" l1u'..ffl,.. 1', h•t.,,, u,, f'a.v1tmu Ill (1i1J1lf11n~· /~J IM y p, •. Ht1J l1tl1 W 1llioo tlu ' '"'' 1 1 .th •I-ti• , • d 1 t to t..f~iilt~ two 'Udt" ''"' will h• , ,111'1u1 IHd 1'11! I lh• 1 .. ut1.u I 11 I ,u tur uruloav .,1·rvu 1·• .u11t WfDHl SDAV. JUN( 11, I ••'"V'•t1~ ., ''"'1111111111 t i Oflf!' for m~t1u .tl .,u1.,11 ti 200 3. l1.-1t'""'""" 1•·ft•1t·11••·· 11•1 '"'"' \.J.H~Cldftll''\ lhf' '",urv,..,' ._,,1101p11, ,, 9:00 A.M . 1 \1m1I o '° 111~_... dl1•t ''' a nd Medltdl '.C1to11.41hf' r· ., .. , ,,,.wt .h.,u llH It f11 ttw "''•Jtt't I c1io1l' th.tt 1 11" .. ""1 . .i •H Mf r11 A1 '.LN "·""• t, .... , , •• ~· • ot.cupy lht 'i•U• ,,.11 Ilk Jr}J lt1• f1tr ,,,.,,.,.. 1•1mp1 .. 1 ... t ,,, tf,, dl\O bt' di t un111111•i 1h it Bwl 1 n, • i 1\11'1 , •Um tr ".._ w 1th10 th.. ,,.nu"tt 1ft d f14 "'•, A t '"/,JI "''"' ltU kt 1.t N I Ill \p.Jce fh~ ft·U11w.•l11Jf 114'1 ,., 1 ti u llNIJI H ., ' JI will tmpr• vr '\I•~ • •okNtA ttt flt.1 .. fh_, ...... '" fl I M .• , /IJ(_jj 111<.lud• •PJ.t'l•olm .. tilt ATTfNOANCf At THI 1'111111 ''' r1 .... "• \IA new IJ' 1H e1lu1 • PRl 1110 COHFlRlNCf H••• hr r.•lA M• • , , worn> ·'IJ"l"""'•I"< 11 AN 0 PR I Bl 0 JO 8 I' ti I tu• • e-.m "'""" ·JI••• I 01 WALi( IS MANDATORY i<J111 rlon1cal and •111111111 11 • fOR All PRIM ( CON 11 llwe wp1J111t ''•" ''"' TRACTORS. THI MHT w•1l11i1t an1l 1.i ~11111111 ING Will ClOSl AT ar~a\ Wo1 k w111 111• hut• 9:0S A.NI ANY CON dcl'fl•Jhlouri • ·!11 •·r lty TRACTORS AllRIVING h .. tHdou' 111.1111111 AfHR THIS JIM( Will abMem~11t 1·11·• '" 11 NOT Bl H IGflll JO ~IVl\f 111~ ,,1.,.,. l•I• PAR TICIPATf IN TH( haow No.103118S.l NOTI<l T 0 Clil>rl O«S Of IW SAU (U<C5.<. •lOS) "" r II I >ffl 1.111 N 11111 ',~. '•• . #lflj. "''' 'I 11 tit 1141, 1110• I ' ~, 1l••f I Aw,.fll),. "JJ ~.""'"'ti w.. ..... "-*"-" lht lollow1n11 per ~on• •1 ~ do1nc buslrn!n •• All•~d Judamenl lle<Ov t1 y SIS W 19th Street '·'"'• M~!W Caltl1>1 "'' Y'ltlll H1t k OOk•r 19?/ ll•tltur Hlwd •II'> r '"'• M~~4 r..111 ... n•• •ut,/1 Htt\ llu~•ne\'!t t'!t l.t>n 1hu trd bt •n u"11w1du•I tt•vf' y1..y ~t.utcd C)Olftl t111\tn~· .. , yet, Nu ku . ri~~~e1 Jiit' l•lt"Olt"Ut WA\ l1l•1I "''"' th• County I lo-r> ,, IJr•n~c I uunty qftfJ'_, 1l/fJj 200lU4~2SS IJ•1ly f'1lul )un~ IO I/ '4 luly I ((JO l 1151 fiditioM ..., "-S...... rttt. 1.__.111 wm.:: "f"f\fJft\ .t " ;j 1l11if bu\-tnr<>\ •\ (;~·.•tn .. R, A11<.1• .IO 14 ,,. It N 1y I •P\Jfttl 11•4• 1· (/I. <:!l'fi'll J.' 1 II"' Ahli:,. Ml~Clfl 10'4 c. .. ,,. W•1 l• ...... li~4Ch CA 'Jlf>'>I I tu tJu~mP'J,~ 1•., • un 11111 t.-11 r.,., ,,. mdt-tt<Ju•f •i•v ... you t.tdrh~d t1mn• 1111•.m.-,1,, .,,., 1 y,.._ f, , .. , IM h·fdnut: Ah• •d M.t\•J" ft11~ ~t .. ,,...,, ... ,,, ,,.,. ftl•cJ •• u. lt1• ~ ,~,~ ,f "'"',"" ()<, 17 C)j ?0036944369 •·'• p,, .t Ju<~ lO I/ 4 u•r I lOOJ fl4k rldiliM~ "-S....... n .. t 1h.1wma p~r _.fJrt\ ... , , 1J111n¥ lJu\•Ut''."> .,., • 1111 't 11lfl"! Gt U"lff' i lOt Yc11rM I 1nda 81wd •1">4 t ull~rtl)n n. 'J?8H h·nn1fpr M k"''""'' I JUI Yurt,., l mdo Bl•d •l'.4 Full .. rtan t/I lll!I! flJI'\. IJU\1nf'-'\1 I\ -'fl phurtt! O,tl• 11•1 810 PROClSS AS A 11lumllln~ 11~1~1 •·J• "'., PRIM( CONTRACTOR. ca~.,.wur" int1 "''''"' ti-J • 1 f ii; Uu• 1,.'1 t y "' 1nl'l•vlfh.1.4 tf•v• f •tar lt"t! 1mn, pdtf h1flt ,,, t "' "• f 1h1.,hr,. acuu,tu di t~\lltft-nt flf '''''• ant1 pd1nl l STIMAllO CONSTRUCTION COS! S 1,0 SS,000.00 Note: P rime Bldd•r • • wh o do not m•et the qu ollficolfont In the Bidding Do<umenh moy not be el19ibfe fo1 oward. B1dd111,1 01 u1m 11 11 ti bf' .tv:~1f .• r.i .. 1 ' TUIS QAl. l uru ~. 200:1. tJu '' r-,, t, ~· h ''" ttr M f1.• ru1t1tt ,,, ,,., • .,,,. Al .. 1 .. , ... 0, ""''' ...... '(W ?l I)• 20036941794 " .. Poli(·,· [ VISA J I lo\\· to PlaeP A Dradlint·~ ----. . Kate' an<l tk .1<lltnc' an: 'uh1c1. l 10 chan~c v. 11h11u1 nut11.1.· 1 hi.' puhlt,hn n•,ervc' the rt!!ht 111 1.1.·11,11r. re t.l,1"1fy. revt'"-' or rc1cu .ul\ \.1.1,,11 11.·t.l och en l\ernenl Pk«L'l' rq><1r1 an) 1:rrnr that ma} hc in your da"1l1cd ad tmme<l1atcl}. The Dail} Pilot .:ll1.cph no hab1h1y for illl) error m .m advenr~mcnt fur which rt ma) hc rc,pon\lhlc cxci:pt for 1he 1.mt o l the ::.pale auually <x:cup1ed h) the 1.•rror C:red11 c.:an only he allo w e d tor 1h1.• ltro .. 1 in-.enmn. ANNOUHQMINTS ~ & MISC. 10 ICH 770 GARAGE ~ SALE 1419 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL '•<lfk v iew Me-lol ,ork, Vloto Del Mor i.t -I 4t Sell $6500 t4t-S48.054S Colltctlblal Menlcnbllla 1160 TOf' ss • ucoaos nc 111%. Omr.. Ct 50s & 81\ a M«. ~ 1u11e ....,.. M1lia 949 64!> 1!>05 CllO ..... w.. St9'S b YIJI' home ('I aflice. ,.. ,_,.,. pras Cal 0984.Q)46 COOOJOBS, RELIABLE SERVICES, INTERESTING THIN CS TO BUY, IT'S All HERE EVERYDAY IN • CLASSIFIED.I (919) 642·5671 ENTERTAINMENT Cllendarof Events 1310 IQUAl HOUSll6 OfPOIMm All ... 1 •"•'• lldVtlf '"'"' 1n this newspape1 1~ •ubre< I lo lh• f cdf!nl fe11 ~sine Act ot 1968 e s •ni tnd•d w hrch ma~es 11 llle1•I l o adver h~ ·anr preter enc e , hm1 tat1o n 01 dtsc<11m1n1tron b ned on 1ece, color. rtllclon, su , h1nd1up, l1mlli1f sl1t1.11 0< nellonal 0tl1ln, 0< an Intention to ma-• anv such pttference, llmlle tlOn 0t dl"rtmln•tlon • This newspepe1 will nol -now111rty 1cctpt '"' 1dvtfltwmenl I« real tslele which " In vlolatt011 of IM lew ~ 111d11s e11 he11by 1nf0tlftl4 11u11 en dwtft inp IHf'f« Us.cl In lhl fltW'Cl•l)el ... ·~•ll•llN on 1n eqvel ~luntlJ bull. To C01119leln ot dlt· ctlnlln•tion, eel HUO toll frH et I llOO 424.8590 r CLASSIFrn iAD , __ lh Fax I '>1'1•1 h \I f)'\1)~ ,. '"'"'" \ "" " .. , .. ..,._, l'hi'IK umnty' 10.I ~ 11" .111 , " • .. ~...,.,,,.a p•h w11·•" kkphonc.: X 10.im '\ OOpm Monday F-nday mowDSE [~] fOI SAU 3010-3940 lh· .\lai 1/1 n Pt·r!'lon: B-r Phoru· ,.;~Q) ~:: 'it>1\ l "' \\.nl B.n '>lh'l'I ( 1"1 I \1 ''j ( ·\ 11:!_t1::7 \I '"'' """ Hh ,j ·' H,I\ '>I II our~ \!.,oil In'< 111,1111 -:; OOp111 \le 111.J.C\ I I 1111\ Index ~ Jii!l 7402-7466 ~1ond.:1\ • h1<la) S OOpm Mund.1~ ~HX>pm l.i.n urd,1' l·nd.:1) \-()Opm h 1d.:1) 5.00pm IW ESTATE ~l:;:n Under th e Service Directory Banner ~R SALE soos-saso II>' .. ' -. . . . ... 1¢ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per w eek (4wcck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 • ' I ...,,so Auctions 1483 BUSINESS ~~§§§~ SERVICES 3460 Pit Adotltlons JEWEl.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS AC Cll'11NG CN.!S 7 DAYS •• P.....tlll J>IN tu>-W><.i two• S141D•lt' Pd II"""''& bt:noof1l\ Ill) Alli 'i4ll'i AnllC'•rnctirTIPnl Older Styt. Fumrtute PWIOS a CollectiblM ·-·-·~· ..... ·"""'·'..,..,...,,.. S$ CA&t4 PAK> M ... ,... ............ WEBUYOTATQ ·~........,.­ U191" I-CONSIGr~MENTS 1 , . . I na ........ ._-.,CA11?17 -·'-''' I I 1411 8oslnm Conlubnll 2315 ..... .._, in --your own ~' Thri.-. of c CIMfldinl' Need "-' C<1I I 8ll6 2!>7 6175 1or al .,,,,.. tMlr.-:='! neeca. HOME FURNISHINGS (eftl C9'11 N-<lk Old Cuonsl Cold, stlver, ie-•'Y· w1ta-, entiques col!Khbles 949-642·9448 OFACE AJRNfTURf/ BUSES EQUNMT Fiinllll 3.t35 MldlalWtnlll Aiolti.,. reflftw..4 & ~ ................ TH k --------- coff table (8111) $350, AtOUl ILICTllC t11ll ottl e dffk/lll•rllet WMlllCMAlll New no l•blt $47~, eerly AIMf coat It> 'fOll II ...... loft ch«ry IWt dl $1500, Medlc11e eccepted child's wl\lte dfHHf WIA"'*'•I Ind "--S150. at•..._ tMfry cNn (,_,.., R)41) 'WI weflltJ 11tlrtot Sl50, r•b tr• 'fOll ~ Cllfl 1 twlft llllftllOft bed daJ' (800) 8JS 31$5 furn.a M• 11ioo. old (CAl~ 01-/k1lltt1 pllMlp .. s "-311' cllt11 $150, c9*rlW004 -cltnt 1100, 2 lk«lt .... .............. 9"~~· MfA ,_ ......... .... ............ v .. L.-W ...... eM cmc=• r-~ ................. wuu G.,_ SJt.,.tlerd• •Ill colo1 ~. all s•ll\ 1111 1dopt1on lo Qu1l1h~d hom~ WWW ll~•sccu~ Oii! Of 714 773 !>915 ll(Alf?\J c~ •SCAN) ~ NAc'i& '> SOOA \'f'nl.Jin~ m.u htnf'~ • . .inly Sb'>CJ() 1 PQllll •·1 I 888 279 9216 f Oa Gn THI STOCK MAllCOI ~t1 ,_., SPORT1N6 GOODS/ rAMPING,I EXERCISE EQUIP • nrf'd'\ 1nty •nr ~' -.unJ l•••I l'llln~r 111 lluly fmc:lm pruml\utC pt••du"t hnt·i c--..... 3~ Sky~ th• llm11 S•rouu• M119.,.,,..,. ,,_ c.•11 9.t9 79'> S874 -W..---.. --...,--1,.......-meplm l ~ppn1ntmenl na & Wll Ml:rt ~ to onlr 1191 '-prca Ml• pra -MSOWTl;;;;;.=="'GOl=LD;;~llll::;:l9;;;;1E- Wl S!!1dJ 949-152 llXI 60 ...... _.... .... -.............. .... .. ,.. $ ,,tH. I002:94 .. 2 °"...... -.air~ -SHIRi 1111 m Alnttlm I .-...,. ~..0.-11;;1 ,....._ .......... on the 1'7Mtllloft h dit<\~ 1m ••Ila Iii Irv tnl w 'Ip IW llAI~ l.'l•VIW! pool-. ~' SR'IOl.I ltdy ll<""r At.I .. t..J7t-SS76 ~~~~ ,............._.on tt.. 0 edJt"4l .b i)'f\ Warli.oul Int ••If• lfi! h lttl w1p ... pt~ •••dtld pool!. °""'' SM IXX> ...,, ~ 1-.. .... 37 ... SS16 • •COMING SOOM • • 2Cw_C_ .. Mw C el & IL!lm I COASTlJN( llAl.TY t4t-7St-0177 l.-lt~?/?+Ok. & 2/ I u,op.r I ~ ~NTIA(. RENT A.LS ViK.oWtl Awl Sflfll.l)) on•~E 7G 9t9 2!() 812.8 :t,i\ f>wner I """'1 Tadn Rind! COUNTY 1VSl'llll Hal.S f M1unr c:uUof1'I homl' I •r ¥• d libr.,,, beo;ouCJlul ~JIPI' 'icJr 351N Oil 1\Jfdfowt Oltl'lred al SI I CC. <Ul by °"' SonDn r"""' c..,. ~ 'l<A1on .. 1141111 16n 1or g RESORT/ VACATIOM PROPERTY FOR SALE Balboa YU& y l8'. *" ~ ,, a• .._ l.....ty i.om.. I 1tiv lo !tie '-:ti Aw ....... ,_ S)il(l)'mo ~llilllly !M!Mll9""200 • y_.., ~. n.. ., d 111 h .. 111 all, fp h"I patio $1990/-llt 903 441!1 949 650 2!546 s. hy .,.... ""' .... 211• llPP"f cNplea, 1 c• p •r k1n1. la i;11d le e IJ2!>0 mo 949-673-Gl .... ,., '[ 'J<each 42, (}()() 43 40 t (k) COUlll't ..... lnl"'11daleCI 45 MOfV9 <40 PitctlbtC pans 47 Olge • IUnnel •ll~tune 51 "Mr 12 wds I 52 8M1'V Ind Aoteln 54 Sombrero 55 K/1111\ of note 5 7 A.-na cell IS 7?eader.s in Xell!J>~rl 7Jeach, Corona def Jll:ar, 'Xemporl Coasl, Co la !J!Cesa. ul on /his ole.yql./r s field / r howcase 7t6/icdh'on ?Jal': 'f/une 2S, 2(J()J <:?Pace 7>eadfine: $une I <1, 200J 7fdoerloriaf7Jeadfine: f/une 16, 200.J ANNIE (94 ) 574-414<) Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH A REAL TWO-WAY FlNESSE North deal\ NORTII 1'81'ied. Wcs1 led the queen of s!*k•. woo in dummy perfocce. To guard 11gllJ11)t •padc foc-cei.. cloc:larcf led a low heart ond fineJ sed the nlne Wew1 co1JOlenld neatly by allowing lhc nine to win the tnd Declarer conunucd with a ll\lmp to the lini. but La.l t'\ club di.S- eard Wb a fatal blow Sooth lried IO ret:mcr by coming IO 11.Uld 'A'llh I.he ntlle! of club.. and rolling Ii 'padc oo Ult' table. then re-enicred lhc cloi.ed hand wilh the Jad. of club\ 10 CllSb the w.:t" of hearh and then •urrenJcr a trick 10 the ~ueen. •A ·~ K6 3 ~J8 52 •AK Q 167 SOUTH • 86SJ F.A.'tT • K97 2 " K 18 9 7 4 • 642 .., AJ 109 7 6 •J 95 Tilt-dctcrxlcri made no mt"n~c. The b1dc.hng NOR'rn ~I Oley c.ishod two 'pade trid ... and a duunood for duwn one SOllTii "EST I• ,._. I ,._ 2 .._ 2 .._ J . l"wi.\ .. . Pas. Pim PM!. Opening (.:ad Queen of• Sonl<: tinc:'-.c~ .:an be taken either wa¥ II j, rare lu lint! a ca.-.t where ii t• n~ht lu iake a fine.._-.c: both w11y\1 1.)c,p11c lhc wcal.ne" ol the d111 mond Wll. lhc hcOJl fil made ti COf reel for Ncxth tu mlic u rr' enc bid m that '>U 11 on the ..a.·ontl munJ -m the modem '1yle that t~ forcing lo two no llUmp •>r ~ of opl"ller°• lir..1-b1d 'u11. South n:hiJ hcaru in ~how al lcu't u fi, c·C:Jrd •U•L then proo:eeJcd hl game when l"orth The deal wa;~ u da_"ic. lc,~on for dcdarer -ne~cr l/U\I your oppo- nent\ E'en w1lh a 4-I trump •i>lit. the com.roct couJd 001 he dcfeaicd a.• long w. Sooth m.im1a1111.<d trump ,·un- trol. Aflc:r the niot of llUmJl' win' the ~'<md tnd •. clcchm~r d1ould contin- ue lhc JOCI. of heart.'. Wld. when We~• tollnws. run 111 II 11 ln<,e' 10 the 4ueen. ~re " 'llll a INmp on the t.ihle tu L't>Olrvl 'Plkk'' A club " an COii) l>Jcl IO hanJ to d111w ~ OUI· \Landini: ll\lmp. and lk·dan:r collcclli one \pJdc, four heJm anJ fhc du~ 111 am1mmum. A' the: curd\ he. the "''110J lme~ 'A'tn,, ,o ck,o,;IJrcr l:an p1el. ur trump\ iutd nm ll ub~. mnl.11111 I trirk.~. Neat i.-.ty Gcrted c-.-.lty llr I .. Af>t. w/pvl &"' Irie, w•ll lu Tn Squ.tte SS~/mo Wale• /I rash p;tKI Ktetn Manairemenl 877-/04 8649 l 11 9200 DUAi. MASUR 2+2 PO Oii Bit on Ranec/oven/dw Upslaors cov pr kit waler I ltash pd $1325 AVAIL .llJl y ~ d@P $!J(X) pel HAUOll V&.lAGl HMbof Blvd (@ M.of'r"'""' Way (714) !>45 CWll 1·.u. 2Bt IB• ...,.,...,,. avail y•d. &•· w/d ~. SOll'tt: ~ KlCld $1600 & SI~ 949 /19-0748 Huntington Bead! 21 r free Flrtt Montt. Rent -Optlonol. Private pat10s fplr fargf' umt 7Ba ~l<yltrihl l•"•Re Sl7SO nm Clo\~ to 4~ & Beach fllvd Mu\I be qu•hlted 714 841 3633 21r wpand level. no one above you wd matntatned l/ tple> WI Newpoo I Hecel'ols. er.anrlt counleu water Mld ba./l 1oc:ld $1475/mo Aet 714-H7-J993 2br I 5ba lwrlm rr Hoa& ~. pabu. comm pooV "'!)a. nu p.tOnt/lie & c.pet. 2 c p SI 7!iO 949 2!D 4631 21R YlAJll Y RENTALS Newport Buch P~nin Sl400 Sl9SO mo a11t 949-673-7100 UYVllW HEIGHTS l'C>IOI Cwf">~ St ?bf. ofc, 2b;a ""w k1I w/d S2250m a~ Clv ~ty 949 ~ J648 f;;1blu ff lb~ townht"lOlf" 7 .. ar aarage, tommun1ty pnnl Agl S730001u 949 67J 7800 Gated,,., ....... ~ Jb" "°""' 2•<.41 11"' 111iv paw uinm pool Yr k S2!2i /Mii row 9'9&1'> 8'73 Ye«ly lorg• :Jbr 2bo hou,~. 3 dun1' lo b~alh New ldrpcl & p.i1nt Ju•t yords from the Sm<l/mo /14 !'>JIS 8628 ...f 2f:ll lll:'W ptf~J fUA • 41 Jbr 3bo • d~n new bily ~ &. 6~111ts d t fl $1500/mo 71 4 969 4756 ~e':;,.. v=w~o ~ ~ Ooeanft lo I bll 00000 ner t pr SJil(Dno 'l4!M£6 I IK} fe P11:t conwn pool. \Pit. wd Ill t.11111. t.llld811 d I*& 'f Sl8'.DW67J.11D> Newport Bach LIDO YlAltl Y UASI & UDO SUMMl• HOMES Bill CRIJNOY Rf Al. TORS 949-67S-4161 Newpo< I Boch Pentn~ui. SlUOIO APARIMENIS available art $750 S9!iO 949 673 7800 28 r 1.Slo, w•lk to beath 4Z45 lilla11• nrar Hod& K•• w d 111\ups. SI J~/mo IJ49 64'1 3683 HAlf Off hi MO ltlNT r .. ~"' 1u,,.. I w 12 mo tui.e ,...,., 1 t'fTlOdtl ~ Cod slyto; wmm. w n~w dt\hwHh~r & rtlr 111er ato• • a1 P<'I & cer •O'lOl ,., w,,..,,,,.,, 1'1ryt!Jt. m.tdto (a> ...,, 1e. s1~ 2B< st~5 ea• LOI• <949> 6116 2224 or 714 6J3 7592 CLEAN OUT YOURHOUS~ WITHA GARAGE SAll! Wl (949)642-5678 Employmeftt 8500 0 •ANNOUNC£MINl0 • Huong lor 2003/Postal ~lll•jO\ r ~<!Po al ht< e. SJ4 80 5.l600•/hr full ~~l1lv1><1KI Ir a10H11! ~nd ViK<!loOll'> No • • 11 ""' I · 811 32'9 '>768 ot IJI (CAI. •SCAH1 ~&k;.~ s""'°" ,.. .. ,_. oc wl)l,rl • ra Pf!f <km 0t Pl ~· ""'"' Mu-..t ~now Qcltcl<.bool" well f<e-.umt lo 1 •• 9'19 "42 7349 ur yll 9"9 442 7 J.'IJ""------.,.... ..... __, &/• manaeed " bu,.m~\\ c..o WIM 'f04A ~ & ~ lo <Ul l.uA n4 l'i88Jl2 "DIUVDtS • MAY I HUcl< · INC CO ~ 'f"'1I road to wu.r.•' v .. nc. II W""t"'" 800~47'11b'J 0717 •R.,..f1t •• 48 • t .. lt"' fU) '>47 9169 .J?M D;,dlc.aled tettm r urr. tlwflfl'f uc)t_lf .a lot ' wttnttd www mdylrink1ng com (CAI. •SCAN> DltlVlltS WANHD N.:~I £ Hunl~oo B<h Sel vo1u own 'th~duff'' l'Mf "' full tomr lvA1lablr $1'> • tlAy full lomf' c All SAA ()()t WORI< c~ <44'1' (u:> -u 0 I um HoME, HEALJH AND SUSINESS ~ ....... "NO Callforn1a law re qu111tS that con1rac· tors takma 1obs lh•t 101,1 S!JOO 01 more (labor or meltrlt>f\) be licensed by the Contractors St•le l ICtnse Board Stele law al'Ml requorM that contractors mcfude U-ltunse numt>er on 111 ~fltlWll You can check the status o f your flcenud conl 1actor et www cslb ca gov or 800 321 CSt B Uoh censed contractors talo.ina 1obs that total fen than s~ must sl•te on the11 ednrt1uments that they are not hcensed by the Cont11ctors Stllle lice~ Boerd " Clanlng s.,-..,., cs.-Quaflty Hous.e cfean1nc, AllMd ab~ rate~. 20•Yn [Jp f t'fle &.bmMe 714-11:11.fH>J Compllflr SeMces COMPUTER HELP! . ""* .. Gral9 ...... .. ,. ........ • K•lllt °" ·~ •WS!Pllgl~·· ·~Modllft ·Ob~ • (),Jrlf'Allo. "'-.... • ~CO'r!W l'\ld9IH!jp UC .....,.~. 10Yr1~£.op. 714-612-2786 COMP SQUAD INC. u )'Ollf computtt "-' Jwi l1u your...., 1hcy runt' upt We v1rw 1nitrM1 duntr hadt: • ipy worm 1roian and ~I thmu . dean all dnvn and -r d.iu We un transftr da12 to your new wmputcr We let up nnworkt btg &lid uruJJ r 1mn.lb c.blc/D~UINI up Modem• Complm amalJ businoi wnous. w; "'""' fr,... ,,,,, ,,,,, &VMJS:. UP IS NQE 1USI SSO,ft 949-3~290S ur"" l#HOMI & •U51#1S5 Ul'AIU U1>a•ades. Repairs ol Computer. Nelwo•ks E venon&s/Wtt'kt'nds Compet1llvt PftCes for qualtty serv1c 949-U6· 1I75 714-926-4 228 Concnte & Masonry l rlcl1 l'9d1 St-• TIS. Conoele. l'alto OrM!Wlly Fnpk. BBQ Refs ?5Yrs hp ferry 714 557 7594 flM Ceitt°"" M• Cemenlwork, Brick. Tile & More Reh1bl4t. No job toosmall 714·6159062 Drywall Services Bedrtcal Services Smoll Joll bper11 Duncan (let.trK. :iovr-.. f xp l OUl/QulCk RHPOn'le Set vu/Remodel\ L'275870 949 660 7042 AMerlca I rlc l•cen\ed lltctr1U1f Conluc.tor Small 1obs i t1rttn111 $79.95 & "P· Spec1alizma In R~modelona &. •II home wirtn1 needl, Comm/lndu,t/Res 1 -800~897-1~ U182'.>S9 UClNSlD COtUaACTGa No~ too vn. NI •-' Rep111. remodel. fens. ,., MW SVC !M9 645 Je56 Roonng/Tlle QISTOM OIATM lU lnsbllobon, .... -.nc. NHD MOU aoGM? nwl*. sAotte. ._.. 197S AOOrTDCS & AEMOOE1J«; U6120M 1"I 714-611·9961 Lt 577982 949-709·5642 YGUaNOlll •NOYIMJ.MT ,_en can • ptumlltf. palllter. "-1\~mtn, or •ny of the put Mf'Vtcu losltd htfe In om servtc:a directory! THESE LOCAL SVC l'EOPLE CAN H£LP YOUTOO~YI LEAiY ....... ftapasltd Repoulm & tMtallatlon TILE DEAN M9 673 8065 714-MM526 71.4-883-2031 &.,.Doan SIK'l"f C •-·Up Get your y11rd lonluna lbbeslblhl'!illf1'111'W Yitrd de<JO i,v.. 'Plll<b ~14JSMld~ wed.Md & eve quotes Xtro H-4 SerYlcH 714-4V-«MO Tree Service, Yard Cleanup, Maintenanct Spr1nkle1 Repair Haulona (949} 650-8711 Fill lW Sf'IOAUST. All twei ol rq>en £lee Ir ical, pfUmbtna. doors Wllil.lw hlll4r.n. *' & morr 24hr/7d1ys. 714 366 1881 GEBALlmll AIWNIENANCE .. ~ •Urnmaail o Job 1bo Small o. .. Bamlltoa M9-l22-8292 • Handyman/ Home Repair -....~ ,..,.. Cir ~nlr v • Plumbing 01 ywall • Slue.lo P .11nt1na. l 1lc &. moo • ro.. Ye"" [ •penence' JI 714-969-5776 HANDYMAN All 1 yp~s 01 Work Inside 01 Out ~aM Jeff or Denn" 714 427 0040 Jeuey~-·1 H...,e llepolr Specloll•t Inferior &.£ 1 le11or Repairs 714 501 6466 106/4183 ltOllNSON COMPANY IYtc.lw!n\ W& Balhr~ Mark 949 6!>0 9525 THI HANDYMAN All work cuaranteed PiJmtq. I lec:tucal, Doan. r IMh eare t11:. 9&~ Hauling JUN• TO THI DUMPlll /14 968 18112 AVAILABLE TOOAY1 949 673 5566 ._.. .• , ..... a.... Sw.Qualtty~ 0 C 24Yn Rtl'• 949 548 0054 949 637 4113 DMA"'S NOUll CllANNG [!.rop91 Sitnim b I~ ~r--1..ar.d 714-.MJ..065' •MOMAJOMY• Any Type, lt•l Prleet, Re= Olt. Ou•hly Work • , JoM ll™l ./64.l OAlDINtHO AHtSTANT Sllw. Pert time From 8am·l2 noon MON·FRI Sherman Gardens in COM. CtH 949·673 2261 Pubh$hlna rltOMOTIONS DlPUTMINT CorMullty ""~ In ar-. County Ful Time penoo to interww and Wflh lllrils, plfbci- patt lfl c;ommuMy -1~ cre~bl llld paeinate Pacn and uctioM. f. actflltnt corMlllt1'Calton skilb. ~ wd with tht puOlc Know N' Style, QuarkXJ>reu. Photos/lop, Muth Ad Cre atot. PYoltalf'lt on MAC and PC CCI des11n ea per 1ence prelerred Proolr•dlna ltil Drue :.a-...oe/ph~ r~ed. EOE. £ ~ceflenl benefit padulao. Ern.lll resume . w11tm11 111tmple'\ al\d salary requirements t o lana j!)hmot1@lahmes com JOIN OIJa TEAM and milk• • drfftnnce In the Catiforn13 Ault'f N.ttOONI Cuard you c.611 pt money fOf cole&e and tal- b atfW11 C.. I ID>CO CUAAD. (CAL •SCAN) 1 ... tS.y Arnog• '02 Bl"" Ill•< k tle11,Ant #X08/61 Oh 1tm011fow Sr NEWPORT AUTOSPORT 949 S74-S600 IMW 'OJ 760ll 11 m1 .; bllr k b~a11ty 101\ 101'>6 Uh Rydn I udd"" NlWPOlT AUYOSl'ORT 949-574-5600 IMW Z3 '97 '°""· 44k MIUAI mt '> '(~ lfldill" dark blue, 1.._;,1 Ian nil be<Juhlul .,,~ u11nw~~cl <.ood. Sl4 9'b vlfll!fl/41 949 576 8888 8Ju c~ ·02--o-.v-111-. Sed•11 1911 "" white o•tme .. 1 llhr CO On•t•I vllJ7!j4 I $74 9'!'> '.Ve S20ll 1111 & w.11r•nty avail H~r 949 '>fl6 1888 WWW.O<fH1 .. l.C- ferrotl f 1 Coup;:-- wh1le n·cl lulhP• bad~ es &. """~ 1 OUO mole\ •170496 I/Ir Hy.in l uddrr \ NlWl'OllT AUTOSPORT 94t-S74-St.OO f....-1 '02 3&0 fl StMdw Yrllow t•n 1nl f,00 mo 11716/'/ ()h lohn li,111 NlWPOltT AUTOSl'ORT 949 S74 5600 f9".-i '94 ,.. • ........,.., lb fUJ "'""" n_., ll()9R U I Ulr ~lhn l~lll NEWP<Mtl AUTOSl'Oltl 949-S74 S600 f..-4 • .,,, ... CPI 'H V6, 2611 rnl. fully loacUd xlnt cond, oram owntf. sa.000949 nJ 6306 ...,._ S..Type 4.2 VI '01, 15., m1, white. 111ttmtel IVw. ed. dtromt wn.15.. 6 ti-' ..rto Save l~. SJ9,995 Vlfl "65955 949-586 1888 Bllr Maa.4a 't9 Mlata Conv 45k ml auto, silver. tan lop. pw. pl, A/C. CO. \uperb hke new ~ond v#ll9743 $12.995 llnancina &. w•rranly av11l Bkr 949 586 1888 www.oq>Ml.c- Merce4eo '00 lJ20 161. <1dual mt, lull laclo1y warr lurquo15e blue/O•lme<1f lthr mounruol, CO chroma whls, one ol the lowest mile Mercedes of the yeer '" Cahf vt!l!>/291 $29,995 lrnancrnii avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -w.ocpob.c°"' MercedH '03Sl 500 Black still"' the wr appe• 1480480!l6 Dir John tlalf NIWPOllT AUTOSPOltT 949·574-5600 Por'«h• '0 2 Twin Turl.o unu\uaf while bl lthr Top. 4000 miles l686006 Dir NIWroaT AUTOSPORT 949-574 5600 Subaru '99 lmprno 2 !>RS blM k b~auty ~ rnorf ill RS 0(1flOrt5 SIO 500 714 1'>1 74M PNIUJHAUJO fSl .. lSUOO liwr W/lf•Y INther, premium~ (19390) S27.9fl) 01,_...,..,..,.. only 181< mi. HR£ P•· IOf nwonce whMl:s. ( 193!M) INQtHJ oovwc ....... Tr tP1e bll vll!IM plus (19434) SJ!i,980 'I• •MW lfOI s.'-t ofle own.-, local New· port s.clan, er.at r eCOf ds, chromed wtlts (19l40) $22.B 00 .-.-s ,,,.. low mtles. periect (19171) $25.B 'l•t.•wG5 Ctv omed wheels. low tnllc-... SUllfOOf (19418) $23 !Ill) 02A<WO n J.2 moonrool loaded• (194551 $24.., OO•MWXf ••• Sport s.tve. w IBLKlo. <1944)() $38,B OJ #""--H2 Bla<;h W/l.llll lolded, a heauty (191641 J $4!>,98> OOM•ZIJ20 Silvr. w/111.iclo. leall1et I>'' mourn w'-b Cl';;J<JlJ SJ2.980 949-574 7777 l'HA.LWS AUTO ................... v • .,.....·001 .. 2811 mt, 1parlllln1 black/ oalmnl, euto. moonrf, CO, pw, pl, •lloy whl1, hk• new, wtn'470055 $11,99!1 ftn " werrenty 11vtll, Bkr 949·!i86· 1888 ·-·-r,•..c-vw .... '90 Stpd stick, all records . .- ftlpe & ••ilj)UI*»\ elCTill s 1900/obo 949-7()6.. 3999 AUTOfOIES, MISCEWNEOUS WIMld -~~=-=~ a w.·y ferr pnc:e tor 'f0'6 Cir Vao OI Ind paid b or not Call Dick Rey <@ tomato A&lto S... 1n. 431 1931 or 714-3.1728 CASH fOa CAltS WI NHD YOUa CAil PAID foa oa NOT PHIWPSAUTO AH roa MALCOLM 949-574-7717 BOATS Power Bolts 9515 .... Sdoedl D.ctric 18ft boat. new ltailer •nd ball"~ llfHI coodlr-. S8ZOO 949 723-0nf> '00 18 Dedrk 00..t I owne< dodled by Balboa l\land Must -i s I / .CXX>lobo C)ot9 l(l;.2063 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. N!Wl~JRf 6£Ar It • ( (J'.TA Ml'>A Daily Pilot ford "6S M1 .. 1on9 (.onv,., t1bl,. 11rt11nal own•r '"'"' 'ar S 19 995 uliu !WJ 7 l'I 7'.M l Classified Community Marketplace Moving & Storave PalMlng llST MOVlllS SSS/Hr. Ch-1'• ...... 7Nr. t>t> Serww,., r~ Insured t.1ul Pr Ke• (,u;tr ~nlttd 116.Jl4.4 8)) 1t6-l'.s18 wnr ~ I rt~ ~'I I t i/'lfi01 32J.6.l) 9911 01!1 /14 '> l8 I '> l4 I l90 794 '> PUBLIC NOTICE lhe Cal1t Public lllohlte• Comm1S"on require•, lhdl .. 11 1"f'd hou•~hnltl 11nnd\ rnovtl\ f1Jtnl lh~u P U f C.tl I number llmo\ •nd th•1tfll'urs print thf'H I C P number 1n ell edver · lrnm~nh It ,ou have any quullons 1bout the te11lity ol a mov", flmo or chauffeur. cell PUIUC UTM."11S COMMISSION IOO 877-a867 SEU ,. ... ........ Joyoon'• l'olntln9 Top Qu1f1ly Campellllvl' lnh:r!o1/l~t lf648Z28 r..11 l•y 94!1 6!>0 5066 UINIOW caaJ MMNT Pa1nhn& lnVe•I ttiuw.,Apl Qu•ht y f(lbl r r f'e n1""ale L•569897 714 6Jb 8888 AS,HAlT PAVING. 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