HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-11 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotI .. Church • expansion subject to study St. Andrew's church wants to add 35,000 square feet o f new buildings, including an underground parking lot. June Casa&rande Daily Pilot NEWPOB r RrACI I -In a quiet !>ta.rt to an l'>.\ue likely w tre.,i;endo, the City Council on l'ue'><lay ordered an environmental srudy on extensive renova11cm'> proposed for St. An- dre...,\ Pre.,bytenan Church. C.ounnlm.in Don Webb, whose district in- dude., the churd1 at 600 St. Andrews Road. said the c•nvironmental study will help neigh- bor\ and t lly leader\ make an educated deci- ~1on on the pro1ec:t and 11.!. potential effects. 'llw comrnun11y nt~ed'> to work together. We need to 1ake care of the need'> of people and 1he diurl·h." Webb said fue'>day after· noon "'><> I'm hoping that thl'> environmental proc:e.,., will .11low c11yi.en<, to have mput in the proct·'>'> and 1f mod11ilJt1on'> need to be madl'. we l an malt.• them .md, if not, we can move forward ' llie church I'> rl'qUt'>llng a permit and a general plan amendment 10 add about 35,000 ~quare feet of new build1ngc;. induding a new See STUDY, Pa&e A4 STATE PARKS Commission to consider cottages P roposed pla ns call for 30 public overnight renta ls at Crystal Cove that would become avail able by fa ll 2004. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot LHYSlAI U>VJ -A ... rate coac;tal panel 1s poised to approve the re\toration or historic cottage'> at the \late park for use by the gen- eral pubhc At a meeung today m Long Beach, the Cah· fomia Coru.tal Lornm1ss1on will consider a plan from California State Parks to restore the 46 co1tagei. and offer them 10 the public as af- fordable overrugh1 rentals. Laguna Beach Mayor Toni Iseman, who is also a commissioner, said she has long been a supporter of the plan that· has winded its way through months of public input and discus- sion. The California State Parks Commission approved the pro1ect Feb. 21. "Tilis is an example of caring people work- ing hard to preserve historic. cultural re- sources,· Iseman said. "The area will soon be open to the public See COTTAGES, Pace A4 Serving the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 , 2003 ------------ Dick Matherly changes flowers and a picture at the beginning of each season at F a1rv1ew Park m memory of his hf e's love Constant devotion Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot T he firc,t thing Dick Matherly doe5 when he V\Slts f:airvtew Park every few month'> to honor the love Of h1S llfe\ memory I!> \et the mood After his longtime love died in 1994, Dick Matherly worked with the city of Costa Mesa to plant a tree at Fairview Park . Since then. he visits it every few month~ to remember. ob)t'rt\ \\hH h till hi' 1·n11n· tr,11ll'r But twf<m· tht·\ 111uld r1'.1h1• their dre.irn'> \.\t>r..,1111k 'oUl c:umhetl tu u 11011 l .im t•r u 1 'it>ptemher I 'I~. lie puts a tape \\1th swing music mto a cassette recorder and places 11 on the grass near the memonal tree at the top of the park. Soon the big band sound of "Moon.light Serenade" fill!> the au, not loud enough to drown out the car\ whta.rng along nearby Plaumtia Avenue. but just loud enough to evole hh favonte memory -~\' tng dancing ,,;th Lon Wer<,tluk. I us lips curl mto a <,mi.le "When you get to be ;; H'JJ\ old. memones are the mo'>t unportant thmg there 1s ... Matherly said. "And \\1thou1 memorie!>, you have nothing Matherly met Wersuulc at the El Nido Trculer Park -where \1,1t lwrh '>1111 hH''> -"hen the) h\ ed 011 r1ppoc,11t• t•nd' 111 .t moh1lt' home p.irk Tht•\ l'H'ntualh lwgan Jating and '' 1.·re tog1•1her 1111 I -\ e<lf'> I he\ pl.inned on g1•11111K married \\h1.·111h1.·1r m\11 ~1dc, \\t'rl' all grm' n up and tht•\ could re II re I he\ .11\0 dm:1ml'd abour lra\eling the lOUlllf) to \l'oll hghthou ... t''>. Mather)\ .., fa\unte ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL lne d.t\ th.it .. ht p.1,wd r had 10 go homt• Jilt.I gt't '"'m· .. let·p dnc..I 't11 ht Id 1111 lo nw .11111 \\OUldn t It I i.:o .in<.l th••\ h.11110 pn ht.'r J\\o.1\ \l,1tl.11f\ ... 1111 I \\ ent home. too~ a ..,hO\H'r h111 u1uldn I ... 11•ep ..,,, I \\t'lll h.11 ~ 11 1 tht hci...1>11.1J r ht lllH'>t' ... lid "ll\ ...,a.., \\t!Jllll~ lnr \flt• "ll•· ,,1 1\ 1111 and P•''"eJ 1\,,11 See DEVOTION. Pa&e A4 Disappointment doesn't come to mind • EDITOR'S NOTE: As a special feature, Guy Hebert. a Newport Beach resident and former goalie for the Mighty Ducks, wrote regular diaries about the team and its experiences throughout the Stanley Cup finals. I t was a magical year fo r your Mighty Ducks of Anaheim and in · the end I can find no disappointment. The Ducks lost the winner-lake-all Game 7 in New Jersey 10 the Devils. 3-0, and ended the Ducks' improbable run at earning their first Stanley Cup in franchise history. The Devils continued the home-ice advantage winning streak. GUY HEBERT and for the flr\t time m year'> the home team v.on all seven games or the series. Next time you hear --'"'"'-nne say that it doesn't matter where you finish -as long as vou get into the playoffs you have a chance -well, the Ducks and their fans will know that in the playoffs. there is no place like home. It has been a pleasure to watch these team members and see their commitment to their teammates in order to alh1eve one goal. the C up A' I pla\<>d 111 J >-:1111 to1irn.1111t•r11 for Thert' l'i not only .1 great c:ore group John I l.1111111011 .uid 111' '\l'\\ pon of pla\er!>. but a .. upporung c:a't tha1 \port' \lu,eum "h11 h b' rlw , .... \ ha'> given th1., franchise the depth 11 e'en duld nlll\I Wt ht·t.llN' 11 I''><> has .,orely needed The team ha., a good I \\il' ,1m.11et.I ,11 lu1\\ mam great blend of veteran and rookie pt•ople h11ddll'd .uou111.l 1Ple.v1c,1on'> ul!en1tha1~~-0.....,~...._ __ -UJ...u..JLLJ.Uu...utU.U:~'~ll.4·.>.=·~.u;..i· ..u.u.u.&.... ___ __. develop 1111<> a team to be reclonetl with for years to come This Might) Ducks team has the abtltf)' to put them!>elv~ 11110 the Stanley Cup playoff hunt for yem down the line, and maybe with home-tee advantage they will ra.i'le that Lup over thetr head!' in the Arrowhead Pond m the near future The nde lhat the Ducks have taken me on and all other fans in Orange ( ounry ha5 been addicting. ket·p om• t'\t' on tilt' ganw and the nth er'"' the h\ t• Jlll li011 C .nod '>tulf, John l onner l(tl'.11 Jthlete.., \Uth 3'> Jim herett. I n·tl l\nn. HrooL., Hob111son. Mattl•I I >1onnt• 1u'>I to name a fe\\, all ''.ill hl'd \\1lh entJ1uMa'>m to ""t it tlw boy., couJd do 11 I could on!\ th111l. that th1<, team ha., made hockey fam out of aJJ of U'> Hopeful!\ th1<. will translate See HOCKEY, Pa1e M THINKING ALLOWED Dover Shores woman robbed at her home Hey, that 's not Italian, it's Promelis H e ls a small Italian man, hunched over on a stoop outside of a local market. In his right hand, a small knife. In the left, a raw piece of maple he plans to fashion lnto a rocking horse for one of his many grandchildren baclc in the old country. Although he Is too old to atock the shelves and slice the hfgh·grade meata h.lmselt', he can't tear h1mse1f away from the market. He greeta his customers whh a mile but no words. HAI EnglJah la broken. "Who Is that?• one wh.lsper1 to the other as they walk ln the door. 1lw I.I Mr. Promdl." wants his communJty market to conjure In most people's minds. Promelis (pronounced pro-mee·lees) Westcliff Market In Newpon Beach Is a gourmet shop that specializes ln Cann fresh produce. hand-selected. quality meata. fresh seafood. pouJtry, wlne:a and cheeses. McNemey lnvlte:a his costumers to •apertence 'old wodd' customer aervtoe ln an extraordinary environment• Cuatomet lanette Raymer, who WU ,,..ng ripe, red c:hen1a. l&ld she thought the It.Ori wu named after che owner. LOLITA HARPER That I.I the Image R.J, McNem.ey l&ld he ... ALLOWED, Pip A5 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: WM¥.~com WEATHER ~ Cloud&. Drizzle. Coot And • week until eumt'Mf'. Somethlng'a not quft• right S..P .. 1A2. SPORTS LaWn bowttng Ne efweys *-" big in N9\lpoft Md It condnuee to dwM .. NwJpoft Htrbor L.ewn IOwff.-,.. Club. ...,...,., Police are looking for person who forced 85-year-old woman to the ground and stole her jewelry. 0Hpl lhlr let. Dally Piiot NEWPORT BEAOi -An 85- ynr.oJd woman ttcetwd CUb and bridlel after a man aaac:ted and robbed her In her Dc:Mt Sho home l\Jaday att:es noon, oftkia1a aald. The woman bad Ju11 drtwat into her home In tht' 1300 block of Do"~r Shores at about 2 p.m .• Newport Beach PoU~ Sgt. Stew Shulman said SM puled her car in the garage and attend· Ing to a ~ tb.inp In the ~ when a man anad:lod htt &om behind, he sa d. •He Cotted her to the pound and toot her ~. Shulman sale!. No wapon "" """· but ran:. .. UMd. be mid. 1be WOlftlla, Who WM not ldendfted becll• II I *9 rtm, ..a.Rd up llO the ... ..... ... .a. o ...... . --~----_ _,.,._____ ------------------------ ' A2 Wednesday, June 11, 2003 . ' Dally Pilot LOCALS -ONLY NEIGHBORS Lacey Cedarslrom of Newport Beach accepted the honor of auending the prestigious Lacey Cedarstrom National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine In Los Angeles. The career development program in July is for high school students who show leadership potential and an inlerest in medicine. A scudent at Corona del Mar High. Cedarstrom was nominated based on her high grade point average, volunteer work. award and ac.:twities. She serves as an officer for the city of Newport Beach Youth Council and is a member of the Academic Decathlon Team Jr .... FJana Peters of Corona del Mar received an award for her book • J lard Questions, Simple Answers: A Workbook to Take the Crisis Out of Caregiving." Today's Caregiver maga7lne gave · her the award at the Sharing Wisdom Caregivers Conference 111 I on Lauderdale. Fla ... Preston Altobello of Corona del Wilham Ga Ivery Mar gradualed from the University of San Diego on May 25 with a bachelor's in graphic design ... Wllllam Ga.tvery. Orange Coast College associate professor of welding technology. was honored with a rebri011aJ welding award for teaching, presented by the Aml'rica Welding Society . . Ow C:o!.ta Me'ia 01amber of Lommcrc~ honored Trad Travis of Cu'>la Ml"><l and Jonathan Najman of Lake Forest ~ Orange Coast Colleges male and female 'tudent<; of the year. Oley were honored at the c-hamber'<, l4t.h annual Recognition Breakfa<>t at the Lo<;ta Mesa 1 lillon . . The Orange Coast C.olh•ge's Foundation received a Traci Travts and Johnathan Najman mt" of $140,000 from the estate of former campus librarian George Clarlo, who passed away Dec. 7. The funds will be Scott Florence distributed between the college's Ubrary Endowment Fund and Scholarship Endowment Fund ... Newly appointed Southern CaJifomfa sales manager Scott Florence will lead Tahitian Noni lntemational's first California-based corporate office in Costa Mesa ... Meredith S. Story, daughter of Mr. and M..rs. WlD1am Story of Newpon Beach, earned a bachelor's in sociology from Saint Michael's College in Vermont ... Courtney Ikuta of Newport Beach was among I 00 University of Minnesota students who took their research and public engagement projects lo the universjty president for "Impress the President: A Stude111 Exposition" ... Kerstin Manderson, daughter of Leslie Deladurantey and Mm Manderson of Newpon Beach, received a bachelor\ 111 '>Ocial work from Gordon College in Massachusetts .... Bao Tran of Costa Me~ earned a doctorate of medicin e from Creighton University m Nehra!>lca. • NEIGHBORS spotlights actuevements 1n the community Please direct notewonhy mforma1ion 10 Coral Wilson by fax st (949) 646-4170, or send email 10 coral. w1/son a la times com PET OF THE WEEK Diamond Dltlmond i... a lillle cat loolang for a home. hut he won't go Jn}'\~fwre without his new love, I.aura. "It wa~ love at first sight when I.aura gave him a sweet lick on the no'>t' when introduced." said J>1Anna Pfaff.Manin, founder of the '\cwpon Beach-based <.om mun icy Animal Network. \.\c hope someone wiU come forwt1rd and gjve these two love bird'> a nest.~ Ole two kitten., just met on ~turday during adoption. attracting crowd!> of people who giggled and laughed. she said. fheir newfound love made it hard to separate them, and mosl people wanted to adopl one kHten, not two. Ku<;tom Kittie.., I'> the designed to match up people wuh the ideal adopted ca10.,. "We'll bend over backward to get the right cat for you. your family and lifestyle." Pfaff-Martin said. See other animals available for www.at1imalnetwork.org or . Ruc;so's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m on weekends. Information: (949) 759·3646 or Community Animal Network, P.O. Box 8662. Newport Beach. CA 92658. VOL. 97, N0.162 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDODERO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertising Direc:1or LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director News Editors Gina Alexander, Lori Anderaon, Daniel Hunt, Peul Sai1owit7, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF OeepaBhemh Crime and oouru reponer, (9491 57'-4226 dMtpa bhanth l•t1mes.com June C••1"91~ NGWpOf1 e..ctl reporteJ, (9'9) 57'-4232 june.CllUflrand9•tat1mos.com ..... ~ Poli1ics, busirleM end environment reponer, (9491 ~ pau/ cllnto110l•tlrrn111.oom loltl!HMI* Cotumni.t culture reporter, (949) 57U275 lollr..,..,,_ IMl,.,,....oom o.i...NN!mM Com Mesa l"ePOrt«. (149) j?'-422, ~~•IM/rrwcom aw.......~ Ectuc:.tlon ~.(Mil !17'-4268 t.ttMlttte.calrillo. ,.,;me& ClOITI FOR A GOOD CAUSE Susan Shaw · S u:.Jn ~haw received divinr imp1ratmn in a likely plact'. Well. outc;ide of a likely place. l'wo year. ago, after a1tenc.J1ng church, the Newport Coast rt".1dent walked ou1.,1de and realized her hft> ~1011 ll' a \Olunteer. Epiphany inspires tv heelchair providing show your o.,orrow while you werl' there " In M:Jllle of the more rernolt'. area'> ol Fiji. nwn tamed the wheelthair'> through tall bru..,h to their dt...,l111a11oi1->. Whal '>hr <t.aw \'\13.S a :.1mple wheelchi.Ur that wa.., Ul''>1gned for the IOO-m1~101t disabled poor around the world ult wa5 one of those experience<, lthatl people aJway'> talk about, where I found out what I'm !iuppo:.t>d to do to ~iw h.it k for being blt>s<>t'd," Shaw said. rnuntnl"> '>Ul"h as India. Mexico and 01111..i \ha~ dedded to 1muaJly raLw funds for ·' one contamec to '>end to I 111. She solicited family and friends and talked 10 pt'Ople al trad(' -;hows. dive <>hop-;, n:,ort'> and through her busines'> travel.., ~he ..rud Lhe lund·rai'>mg was C'asier bl'cau-.c ~he lowd the idea that a $40 c.Jona1ion would go d1rrctJy 10 the chair and 11111 bt• -;pent rm anything eL...e lier favorite mernol) 1s dl'li\l'nng .1 chau to a mJn who had a rnntliuo11 ..,inular to c erchraJ pal~· I le had I.wen paralyz.t-d for a lon1i: ume. and tw. fathl'r wouJd carry him to school and to work Then hi ... father took the man\ brother out of ':>Chool to care for him. !:>haw, who founded I >ivegrar. a doth111g company for the '>Cuba divmK mdu!>lry, wru. tramlormed. She decided '>he wanled lo help Don ~rhoendorfer, founder and president of thr I ret> Wheelchair M""1on, m his effort<.,. Bui ... he wanted to '>Ian helping the c.J1...abled poor in an arN1 of the world popular with diver.. -Fiji "I wanted a pure charity," ~haw 'W.lid. "Until thi!> night, thii. hoy carried tum to work every day," Shaw said, referring to the night the family rec-eived a wheekhc1il "Now lu.., hfe h.c. changed. I le hcc. d1gni~ He doesn't have to be earned Like a b.1by. - ff Ille $40 wilJ pay for the chi.Ur and pay for 11 to be shipped anywhere in the world " It took her about a year lo ra1c;c the fund'>. Rut c,he couldn't <;II by idly while 1he chrurs ~t're being delivered to tho..e in nl'l'd In r111 'io, ~ ':>OOn ii.'> the chau ... arrived then•. she hopped on a plane. ~ht' aho convinced Schoendorfcr to accompany her. Shaw\ u111mate goal m Fiji 1s 1u distribute tht· wheelchair; to the outt-r island-; Then 11 \ on 10 1.he rest of tht> South Pacific. <;he declared. ·rm rust going 10 make it happen bt-cau...e I've never found a thanty th<11 can change I people'<:.) live<;'° quickly." Shaw said. "I cho'ic H1i first primarily becauo.,e tht• people I experienced were some of tht• most wonc.Jerful people I t>ver m<'I." Shaw said. '"fhcy're the most giving and grac1011'>" Schoendorfer de..,1gned thl' whet•kha1p, with Lhe attitude that what wa<> really needed wa . .., a '>imple d1air on wheel' that could he made for $40 o r les'>. All 11 took was a p.1110 chair w11h mountam bike tu·e., He <;hip<> conlamer. of 550 whrelcha1" 10 ~haw\ photo albums arc full of people who received the chair'> -vic11m.., of thabett''> and st.roke . ...amt' with blackened Imel''> from crawling for yt•ar; 1uo;1 to get around. Shaw is ra1..,ing fund-. for her next shipment of wheelchalfS to 1-iji. Anyorw who would like 10 donate can raJI !"14')) 644-4910 or e·mail her at mfo@.l)1t't'gearU.'v\.com for more informauon DUI ARR ESTS These people have been arresled on suso1c1on of dflving under the have only befln arrested on suspicion of a Cflme and. as wrth all suspects, are cons1dored rnnocenr until proved guilry. COSTA MESA Sunday • Sandra Lea Ames. 43, C-Osta Mesa ~It Wa!> incredible," ~haw <.,aid "I really had thought I woulc.J fall apan at every home I vi<>ited, but I didn't You rnuldn't 'Charil's Bryan Pdfker, 44, Pomona • Rlgoherto Palacio Silva, 20 Santa Ana Seb.lrdey • Traci Sue Coolidge 39. Cosla •Joseph Alben Nalkara. 31, Ahso Vie10 • NPtzar Teorloro Carrasco, 25. Sanra Ana Fridey • So1cti1 Takag1. 30. Huntington Beach • Karen Louise Benham. 39, Hun11ng1on Beactl •Erin Susan Alana Bond, 21. Irvine • Shabnam Pourhassani, 24, M1as1on V1e10 •Jimmy Khoa Le. 21 SanUJ Ana Thul"lldey • Stephan Dennis Crane. S4. C-OSla Mesa • Leevan K.ahm11, 51, Costa Mesa • Scott Thuat Lau, 26, Fullenon •Jeffrey Charlu Capler. 41, Lake Forest • Leone Morie Lengua, 56, Tustin -.'I/Ory lty fJeirrlw \'eu'UIJ.lll. Photo by 'itf!t't' Mc< ranl NEWPORT BEACH Saturday • Frederidl Alben Orellano, 59 Newpon C-Oast • Kelly David Crawford. 22. Newport Beach Friday • Camille Suzanne Bastedo. 40, Newport Beactl Wednndey •Steven Sean Poling, 23, Laguna Nlguel Co,.I Witeon News ass1stan1, (9491 574-4298 coral w1/son " /at/mos com PHOTOGRAPHERS 8011 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news 1t1or1es. 1tlustra11ons. editorial matter or advenisements herein can be reproduced without wntten perm11s1on ol copyrighl owner SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller. Don leach. Kenl TreplOW READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6066 Record your comments aboul the Daily Pilot or news tips. Addreu Our eddrese 11 330 W Bev St • Com Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours ere Monday Friday. 8 30 a m 5 p.m Conecdone It 11 the Pilot's policy to promptly comld ell errors of eubsrance Please call (9491 ~· FYI The Newport Bead\ICosta Mou Deily Pilot IUSPS-1.._800111 pubClshed daily. In Newpon Beach and Costa MeN, subscriptions are availabte onlv by 1Ubecribln1i1 to The Tlrn414 Orange Coontv (8001 252-9141. In areae outside of Newpon 8-di end Com M .... tubtrcript«one to the Delly PtlOt are evau.ble ontv by firwt ct ... man fO' '30 per month. IPnc... lndude au ~ ltM• end ioc.1 ta.ICM I POSTMASTER Send eddr .. changes to The N9W'J)On ~Mesa O.lly ftllot, PO HOW TO REACH US Clm.tletlon The T1me1 Orange Co\Jnly (800) 252 9141 Adwrtlslng Cleuffied (9491 642 5678 Display (949) 642 4321 Editorial News (949) 642-5680 SporU (9491 574.,.223 News,... (9"9) &46-4170 Spotts fu (9491650·0170 E-mell: dailypilot /atimes com Mein Of6ce ~ OMc:. (9491642-4321 8uslMn Fex (9"91631 7126 Pubhehed by Tlma Community News. • dlvi110f1 of the lot Aogelea Tlmea Cl2003 Times CN All nghU r~. WEATHER FORECAST The sun may peek out at us this eftemoon, but for the most part, we can e)(pect mostly c.loudy conditions, with highs near 70 In Cost.a Mesa end in the mld-«>s In Newport Bead\. Lowa will be In the upper 50s. Expect some earty morning drlzzte. lnfonnat5on: www.nws.noa•.oov BOATlNG FORECAST Th• westerly wlnde .. blow 10 to 15 ""-In the Inner watera thlt aftetooon. wtth 2-foot waves and a m ixed welt swell of 2 feet and IOUth IW9fl of 3 feet. The wtndl will NM lo 10 knots fate tonight. Out f1rthef, the northwelterly winds will bk>w 10 to 16 knots, wfth 2-foot wr..'9$ and a mixed nof1hw9lt swell of 3 feet and IOI.Ith swetl of 3 fML The '8f1l4t will be found thit r.tenlng. SURF Additional southwest energy arrives today, providing us more head-highs at most south-facing beaches. The better locations will encounter waves about 2 to 3 feet overhead. On Thursday, the swell will peak and we'll see more head-highs end overheads. The swell dies out on Friday, but we'll still see some c:hMt-hlghs and the ocx:alional head-high. --qualty: WWW • .Urfrider.Olfl TIDES Time 7:661.m. 1:0ep.m. 7:38p.m. 2:421.m. HelgM 3.81 feet h gh 1.32 feet low 8.43feethlgh -0.85feetlow WATER TEMPERATURE f - Daily Pilot Wednesday, June 11. 2003 A3 Westside report delayed two months Give Us Your Child this Summer. Costa Mesa Council approved an extension for the Community Redevelopment Action Committee to turn in final report by Aug. 30. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot OOSfA MESA -The commit- tee was large. The task was con- siderable. The conclusion will take more time. The City Council. acting as the Reclevelopmen1 Agency, ap- proved a two-month extension Monday for the final report due from the Commumty Redevelop- ment Action Comm1ttee. The re- port -the culmination of an 18- month process to allow various residents to present suggestions for the future of the Westside - was scheduled to be presented a1 the end of lhi.s month. Commi11ee facilltators CiVJc Solutions, which was tu.red 10 guide the comrrultee through the "coru.ensus building" process and forge the final report, a Iced for the additional time to allow comnuuce member.. w be ac- tively involved an the drafting. The facilitators m1tiall y re - quested that the report be due In September, said Mike Robinson, the city's director of redevelop- ment, but council members re- fused to delay the process. "I would like to get this thing wrapped up as soon as possible," Councilwoman Libby Cowan said. The report will end the city's contract with Civic Solutions and the in1tia1 study period. The con- tract, originally set to end June 30, will be extended to Aug. 30, without funher compensation. Comminee member Bill Turph said Civic Solutions created a rough draft of the report, which was then given to a subcomrrut- tee for revision. Once the chang- es are made. it will return to the entire committee for more input for the final draft "In the last three months and three meetings, the committee has made tremendous progress in comparison to the firsl rune months," Turpit said. "It doesn't surprise me at all that we are get- ting an extra two months to fin- ish the report." Mayor Gary Monahan, who has been critical of the Civic So- lutions during the tumultuous study, said the extension was "not acceptable.· Throughout the process, a core group of about a do1.en members of the committee repeatedly com- plained Lhat the methods being used to galn consensus were chUdli.kt', .md Lhat facilitators spoke down to them and wasted time on fruit!~ exercises. ·we are tallcing about a con- suJtmK firm that, from day one, (we've go1ten complamts( that nothlnK h~ been moving, and now we are tallcing about a one- to thrt'e-month delay?" Monahan asked Although the committee was deliberately created to have no council tnput, Monahan inter- vened bnelly to make sure all lhe players were on the same page. Oflic1aJs from Civic Solutions and commmee members were re- minded of Lhe goals of redevelop- ment and what the city actually had the power to accomplish. 'We are talking about a consulting firm that, from day one, [w e've gotten complaints) that nothing has been moving, and now we are talking about a one-to three-month delay?' Gary Monahan Costa Mesa mayor Despite the bumpy ride, many members of the Community Re development Action Comrrnttee were anxious to carry on their meetings and conunue giv111g their input. In May. the council \.Oted to m vile all membel'1> back for an on going study of the city\ redevt'I opment, after Lhe iniual 18-month study 1s complt'ted Cowan said Monday that de lays regarding the final report would hinder Lhe group'> mu men rum. Monahan supported Lhe unanimous vote to extend the deadline. but said he retu'te<., to grant any more time And we'll give you • student • full academic level higher. At Tutoring Clubs of Amt:• o we re ded1cdtPd •tt ensur1r 1 1our ch11d \u'C"''"l'.IS Mo~r .-.p r?d"lt ,.,. n .. fJ sr1..h.::f"'""•S1j'h"'wr flf* ~ .. ,, .. ,...,. ' 1 c.nt,tj,.,., ,. t> ...... , '.-,,.r'4 .,. 'v' ,.~,., AJI In W ith our .. ,clu\ •'=Tutor.A" just 3J. hout'1 GUARANTEED ~~i~;£~F" ;~ Summedtamp · · ~. ~ ~~~de,;. 5P"'' f1ca!ly "1,.~ qnt"d fo• Yvv' <"' a> ,._.Cl \ .,..,,..,., (94 9J 64S ?900 488 Ease l7th Strep• • Custd Mesd .. , • r. P .. • • Tutorin~ub. AC...4-0-- MATH • READING • W RITING • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP Two creeks are added to cleanup list Envi ron menta l Protection Agency lists Bu ck Gull y and Los Trancos creeks as wa terways t hat need a closer look. Pa ul Cli nton Daily Pilot 1\1-WPOfn Bl.AU I -The l:n- \ 1ronmental Prott'tllon Agtnq• added 1wo local creelc.c; w 1ts fod - eraJ Impaired Water Bodi~ l.ist In \:t>Wp<>n Beach. a -;rnng of crt·ek.o. made the list for the firc;t l:Jmt'. lendmg add111onal r~'Ula­ tory !>Crutiny to the area. Buck c,uUv and l.o' Trancos crt'ek.c. both made the h'>t for the fiM time tJ1i.s year Garry Rrown. the execu11ve di - rector of Newport Beach-bru.ed Orange County Coa.,tKeeper. had led the charge to get the creek.<. h,1e<l " llwy toncurred wilh the <.tatt'\ recommenda1ton, which \\'a' our re<:ommendauon, .. Brown said about the creeks. ·we wanted to put some of the creel-. on the 11Sl so we can start clean mg them up." The EPA list which ha.'i a total of 679 CaJifomia waterway<; on 11. requires Lhat more anenuon from local agenaes be d1rected toward their cleanup. Congress created the llsl under secuon 303{d) of Lhe Qean Water Act of 1972. as a way of mandat · ing cleanup of dirty '>trearm. lake<>, watersheds and any oth(>r areas that are used for recrea- oonal purposes. Once listed, lhe waterway<; are 'ubject 10 what are lcno.,..Tl ~ a "total maximum daily load!., .. lht' federal standards that 1Jm1t the amount of a harmful subMance that can be present in Lhe w-c1ter or sedimen1. Local agenc1e!> can face substantial fines if they don't I • Stmi-Privatt for Me11 & Wo mna • Ovu 80 Piun of Equipmml • Pn11a1t Pilatn Studio •SPINNING Tluaur • 16 Full Timt Personal Train,r1 • C'1ild Cart Ba rn ,,oo,, M -S•t. I • Co m •n1unt Par/ring I • Yoga. Tai Chi, Strtt<h r/1111~1 • ttp. Powu Pump. C11rdio • Showtrs, Suam d-Tow~ls •Day Spa • Acupunc111rtlM•11agt adhere w the limit'> Inc disrnvery of a banned pes- 11udt and Polvchlonnated Bi-phen~ 1, in th.ree Hunnngton Bt'ach \\<1H'r....,,ay<> led federal rt•gul.1tor-IO "Pothght them for cleanup Cllt I-PA on Monday Jddi>d I luntmgton I larhour. Ana- ht>1m H.1y <1nd the Bol'><i Ou<:a WetlamJ<. to the hst. Tht' 111y t'> al read) rocusmg so mud1 ol 1)ur a11en11on on Lhe harhor .md Bol\d Ouca," Hun - ltngton fi(•.tLh ( ounc1lwoman Dehbte < ook c,.i1d "\\e need to elt'vatt' thr pubhh under<.tand- ing nf what Wt'.rf' dealtng with." lllf• I PA addE>d the three Surf C 11)' \\'itll•rna)">. mt-rm.Jing the '-llillt' \\,lll'r QuaJuv ConLrol Board"· ~nubhing of them. In aJJ. five ne-... water bod1e' <1tros'> the ,late ""l'fl' added to the li'>t on Monday ··wl' itknufied five more water bod1e~ t11at are polluted and need 10 be on tha t It.St," 'ia.ld Da- vid ~m1t11. an I PA team leader. ' ._: ~ F'E~TX-VAL~ ~ A Uruque Shopping Adventure.. .. 1 OC F AIR&EXPO :. COST A MESA · 88 Fatr Dr. Bldg. --IO JUNE 12-14 ThurQ.&Frt. 9 -9 Sat. 9 -4 Parking&Admiss1on ~ Amencana. rJ JulJ. reel whit. and liUI\ (!)W\~ plww. ~&Ni ~t~~ :rr~ = hledwi. U111~ b Dtf J:'rdi:: 7Jl'!"t ftnd ti.• ~ For' I ~ J>Ptnt :·~ A~tt. •• ~ : 11 d•·llilllll~M I k~~Oillr.ll·fa·l·r.·~a W "We looked at Lhl' ddta and con d uded that there wa., enough evidence to menl the h'>t1.J1g There was a dJsagreemem " Smith said the Lhree water ways . .,..h1ch are connected, 'hO\\ unacceptable level'> nf coppt>r. nickel. and PC R,, a~ .,..ell a., a '>Ubstam.e known a'> d1eldnn, a chlorinated pe<.1tc1de that " 11· legal. Dleldnn, v.h1ch t'> '>lm1lar to DOT. has been found m fhh m sue in the waterwa)''>. )m1th 'kl.Id PCBs. accordmg 10 the I P.\, are mdustnal chem1c..ih that are m1>. tures of organic chem1cah that were used for many indu,tn.ll and commerc1al appltcat1om ltke electncal equipment. paint'>, plasucs and rubber product.,. ~1ore than l.S·bllhon pound-. uf PCBs were produted m Lhe U ':>. before they were banne<l tn 1977. The metals were found tn Bolsa Ol1ca. while the PCBs and dieldnn were found m Anaheim Bay and Huntmgton Harbour :114 LOLUt. \ \t\PL£ DI "I:. SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~ft. • ln~tilltd With Pad $1 69 • '1in1mum t;IJ \'Ulh sq. ft. Travertlne 18" ll 18" ··················-·-1 4.29 ..,. n. Ceramic Tile····----·········· ln•t•ll•d from 14.99 .., n Lamlnate Wood •....•....... lnotallo4 fro m 14.99 ..,. n S uppll•a and Too/.Y ror th<' -v ,, It Yaura•lr .. r•!" All pr/c'11alproduc1!1 ror a llmitttd tim11t, b<J.•<'d on ar•ullahlllt11. 1374 Loian Ave., Salte F •COSTA MESA ' r.:· m. GARYS ~r-,zJ"o##vY SEMI-ANNUAL 30% to 60% Off! Shoes, Hand Bags & Accessories Cole Haan • Donald J Pliner • Stuart Weitzman • Aquatalia Goffredo Fantini • Marc Jacobs • Materia Prima • Calvin Klein • Pollini Espace by Robert Clergerie • Aeramooca • And Many Men .... •••.7•1.•7ao PAeHtON teL&•D • N•W.llORT ••AON TH• eHOlle AT Ml .. ION Vl-..0 • .......... . M Wednesday, June 11 , 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY Man arrested fallowing road rage incident Police say Anaheim resident followed a car, shattered its window and created a hit-and -run on Monday. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NhVVl'ORT BEACH -Po- lice on Monday arrested a 26-year-old Anaheim man on suspicion of attacking a group of young slcateboard- ers and causing a hit-and- run accident while trying to leave the i.cene, officials said. Raymond Lopez Jr. pulled ou1 c1 !>leering wheel locking device and i.hallered the car window or the young men who he said annoyed him minute:-. before the after- noon incident, Newport Reach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman .. aid. I le !.aid the incident started al a commercial building on Main Street in Lrvine when the victims ar- rived with skateboards and Lope1 asked them to leave. "They reportedly said a few words and made some hand ge .. 1ure:-. that infuri- ated ILopezl." Shulman said. So Lope7 go c in his Cllevy pickup truck and followed the vicUm<;' car. Shulman said. with Lope1's rwo brother'> following in an- other car. Lopez ex11ed his car at the intersection of POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Anaheim Avenue: Drinking in public was reported n the 1900 blodc at 9:11 a.m. Sunday. • Church Street: A home burglary was reported in the 1900 blodc at 3:42 p.m. Sunday. • Fiiimore Wey: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3000 block at 1 :38 p.m. Sunday. • Madison Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 3000 block at 2:05 p.m. Sunday •Newport Boulevard: Indecent exposure was reponed m the 3000 block at 6·04 p.m. Sunday • San Diego FTeewey end Fairview Road: A traffic accident was repo ned at 12:53 p m Sunday. • South Coast Drive: Auto theft was reported in the 900 blodc al 11 48 p.m. Sunday. • 17th Street end Senta Ana Avenue: A burglary was OBITUARY Candace Mason About I 00 well-wishers paid their respects to Can- dace Mason. a longtime tennis instructor for the city of Newport Beach's Parks and Recreation De- artment, In a service riJ 26. ason o an illness. She was 44. She is survived by sister Wen- dee; and mother HeJen. MacArthur Boulevard and Jamboree Road in Newport Beach, grabbed his Oub and smashed the passenger side window or the victims' car. ·He did not attack the victims or hit them directly with the device." Shulman said. ·sut the victims suf- fered cuts as a result of the broken glass." Shulman said several wit- nesses saw the incident and called police. Meanwhile. Lopez. while trying to gel away. hit another vehicle and left the scene of the al- leged attack. Police arrested Lopez minutes taler near the intersection of Jambo- ree and Bison Avenue. Shul- man said. He said Newport Beach Police will handle the case because the incidc,nt hap- pened in Newport, al- though it began in Irvine. The incident lasted about 25 minutes. beginning at about 4: 15 p.m. and ending at 4:40 p.m. with Lopez's ar- rest. Lopez is being held in Newport Beach city jail in lieu of a $50.000 bail. He i~ expected to be arraigned to- day at Harbor Justice Cen- ter in Newport Beach. reported at 3:54 a .m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Coast Highway: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3100 block at 9:33 a.m. Monday. • Hoeg Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 100 block at 4:52 p.m. Monday. • MKAlthur Boul.wrd and San Miguel Drive: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 7:51 a.m. Monday. • East Ocean Front An auto theft was reported in the 400 bloct at 8:56 a.m. Monday. • Riverside Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 500 bloct at 10:42 a.m. Monday. • 40th Street Petty theft was reported in the 100 bloct at 8:04 p.m. Monday. • 42nd Street: A garage burglary was reported in the 100 block at 3:48 p.m. Monday. The city bas approved two benches to be built near San Joaquin Pad. where Mason conducted most o( her lessons. • The Daily Piiot welcomes obituaries for residents or former residents of Costa Mesa end Newport Beach. If you want to have an obituary printed in the Pilot. attt your mortuary to fax us the lnfonnation It (949) &46-4170 or call the newsroom It (949) 764-4324. Ne\-/port e>each P oUce Deparbnent Teen Ac:ademy ~·""' 14 ,~ ..... Mwpmt a.ti ~r..w . Jun 26th-Aug1.'at 14th Law Entorceinent Catoom Pol.tee Ride Along ·Canine D~ondration ·Shooting Range UalicoptarDernondratlon O..W'ftmllay Ev-.haa 600 pa QOO pa STUDY Continued from Al indoor youth and family center and an underground parking facility. Olurch representadves de- scribe the changes as a boon to the community for several rea- sons. Athletic activities that now take place ln the parking lot will move indoors. Musical performances that now 1 take place In the fellowship hall will move to the "sound attenuated COlTAGES Cootinued from Al and we can all enjoy this mo- ment frozen in time/ she added. Long valued by its fonner resi- dents as an idyllic refuge from the stresses of modem life. Ccys- tal Cove, for the first time since the Stale purchased the land and conages in 1979, will be offered to anyone who books a room if the commission approves. State Parks officials have been woricing to rum the district over for public use for more than 20 years, but several successful law- suits slowed them. The former cove dwellers successfully fought to stave off eviction until July 200 I, when they left after receiv- ing eviction notices. Parks spokesman Roy Steams i.aid his agency looks forward ro begin restoring the cottages. which would begin in October pending commjssion approval. MWe're hoping that approval goes through and that we get -.tarted on time," Steams said. "f-verybody is ve ry excited to get th LS proiect started." Coastal CorrutUs.sion analyst Anne Blemker. in an April 22 re- port the Daily Pilot obtained, has recommended that commjssion- ers approve the project under several conditions. Stal~ Parb, if the conditions are adopted. would need to bet- ter define rental rates. add a new bluff-top parking lot and ensure the pro tection of coastaJ sage scnJb, a mong other things. DEVOTION Cootinued from Al Matherly buried her ashes by a lake ne-.u-Seattle where she owned property. He and Wer5tiuk's two daughters also planted two trees over the ashes. That inspired Matherly to think about where he could plant a tree for Werstiuk when he re1umcd to Costa Mesa I le didn't have to thinJc too hard becaui.e one of their favori te places was Fairview Park. •tn ri and I w.ed to hang out when there was nothing but underbrush and you had to claw your way through,• Matherly '-Sid. Wcr..tiulc\ daughters -Karen and Cheryl -asked the city majnienance depanment if they c1iuld plant a tree and department officials offered to plant it for them. Matherly said. By the time Matherly returned from Washington in October 1994. the tree had been planted. He brought some Oowers to place around it and a picture of Werstiuk in a frame th.at he placed on the trunk. Unfortunately. that tree didn't last very long and Matherly ~urned the flowers caused the problem. So he starting using fake flowers instead. Every few mon HOCKEY Continued from Al Daily Piiot 'The community needs to work together. We need to take care of the needs of people and the church: produce an environmental re- port to tackle these and other subjects. The church wtll CQVer the up to $92,000 cost for Kee- ton Kreitzer's work. Once .the company has completed the re- port, the public will have a chance to review il and. ulti- mately, weigh in on the chun::h's request at Planning Commis· sion meetings. DonWebb Newport Beach cooocilman gymnasium." And lhe new paddng facility will raise the church's parking capacity from 450 spaces to 600. The church also plans to refurbish its sanc- tuary. The church bas launched a public information campaJgn to educate n eighbors about tl1e changes. 1\.vo community meet· ings on Monday drew a handful of residents concerned about the project. The church has also begun publishing a newsletter to inform neighbors about the plans. Some residents in Oiff Haven and Newport Heights are wor- ried that the renovations could increase traffic and noise. The coW'lcU selected Keeton Kreitz.er Consulting of Tustin to • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach end John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail et june.csssgrsnde~lstlmtu.com. rtl E PHOTO OAJL \ P1l r I The California Coastal Comm1ss1on wtll consider a plan to restore 46 cottages at Crystal Cove. In the first phase of the proj- ect, the state would spend S 12 million to restore and upgrade the bulk of the cottages. which would be available for rental as early as fall 2004. lWo types of rentals would be offered. said Mike Tope. !>uperin· tendent of State P.clfk.s' local dii.· t:rict. Guests could book a cot in a donnicory style cottage for be· tween $25 and S30 a night. Pri- vate cabins would go for be· tween S80 and $150. Under the state's plan. 30 cot 'Sometimes, I come up here and talk to her and walk down to Pacific Coast Highway. I walk about 15 to 20 miles or so.' Dick Matherty changes. Matherly changes the flowers and the picture. Last week. he dlatlged the Oower ensemble from spring to summer. He chose daisies 10 pu1 in the middle. He also put in a different picture of Werstiuk - one in which she is seen leanjng on a boat in Hawaii. After arranging the Oowers. he stepped back to survey the scene. MThat looks pretty good," he said. proudly. He also comes to visit the memorial tree whenever he gets lonely or upset. ·I come here when I get uptight and walk up here,· Matherly said. ·Sometime!>. I come up here and t.alJc to her and walk down to Pacific Coast Highway. I walk about 15 to 20 miles or so.• He said he's grateful th.at the students at F.stancia High School. which is right next to the park. have never desecrated the memorial tages would be set aside for over- night rentaJ; eight would go lo park staff; five wouJd be used for education and an interpretive center; and three would be used as concession stands. Fnvironmentalists who once fought against a private resnn plan for the cove have. for the mos1 part, embraced the !>late\ project. I.aura Davick, an activist and former resident, is among them. 'Tm looking forward to i1 be- ing approved so we can move on tree. there is no indicatio n of who Lhe memorial is for. Sometimet.. pa.sser..by ask Matherly about the tree while he changes the nowers. "Some lady came by jogging one day." Matherly c,rud. "She said. T ve been wondenng about that ltreel for yecm-.. It's beautiful." Karen Wer!>tiuk said Matherly'!> unwavering dedkation to her mother impresses her. •tte'!> been so devoted to her: Werstiuk said. "She got very ill and he was by her side constantly. As devoted a!> he was then, he still is with the tree and he's always keeping it up and it just keeps her memory alive." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman(w/stimes.com. to the fu ture of CJ)"tal t.ovc ... DaVltk -.aid ·1 fully 'uppon the plan. I th111k 11·, a great balance." • PAUL CUNTON covers 1he environment, business and Politics He mav be readied al (9491 764-4330 or bye mail al paut clinton a lt111mes com Wyvonne J. NeweU Bom January 23. 1 m Died June 9, 2003 Long time residen1 of Newport Beach. Was active in developing a hlstOf'Y of the Udo Isle Yacht Club. Enjoyed playing golf with her husband and friends. She owned her own beauty business for over 30 years and was very acttve in real estate sales for many t~ Sefvlce will be held at Salnt Andrews Presbyterian Church, 600 $1. Andrews Road, Newport Beach, Thursday, June 12th at 4:00 pm. She is survived by husband Robert Newell and son &:oater Giii. Ruth Daniell Johnson Ruth Daniell Johnson passed away after an extended Illness early Sunday momTng, i-une 8, 20CY.f, at ffie Vfsta oef Monte Retirement Community In SarJt.a Barbara, California. She was born on the team. and as fans we can March 1, 1912 on a farm In Stanton n1y h th th will b b k. County, Nebraska, the fourth of seven o ope at ey e ac children born to Alvin Rlohardeon As the summer goes by and the Daniell and Lily McFarland Danlefl. players realize what they After graduation from Stanton ~ accomplished and how close School at age seventeen, Ruth ta t into a mad dash for season they really came to winning It lr'I rural, one-room schools for 0 tickets, and don't forget to tell all, it will help motivate them for years. In 1939 she came to Calif~ them Guy sent you . their upcoming sea.son. They to Rve wtth her aunt while 9he attended Long Beach Commut_Vty The only hardware the Ducks will also see a new found respect Coll~e and UCLA earning her B.A. In mathematJca. A~ were able to bring home from from the other team.~. and comp etlng her teaching credeotial, Ruth taught math at Newport Harbor High SchOol, where she met John w. Johneon, New Jersey. which was certainly Anaheim will no longer be an a science teacher, whom the wed In 1948. Ruth tempcnrtty no ~urprise. was the Conn easy target rvtlred In 19'9 to raise their three 90nl. • Smyth Trophy for the playoff I'm sure Bryan Murray. alon& In 1961. Ruth l'9twned to her CatMr aa en educator, t~ MVP. This award went to lhe with his coaching staff and math at Eureka Hid! School and Hurnbotdt State Unfv.-Y mo t d-"rvi g pl-J S ,., will a-ba-L n th" 9Uf'fW1W IChool, encf then returning with her family to Corona dill "'""' n -1~·· · · scou...., re~ ...., 0 "' Mar the t...n--tng year' whent she conttnued t9echi111n at Coat.a Giguere. There 13 no doubt that season and start to look forward ,..,...., ... ~ unt .. without his heroics the Ducks to next VPflr. Th""' will try to see Mna High Sc until l 974-The 1948 ~wpott H..t>or High 1~ -1 School yeatt>ook and the 1974 Cotta Meaa High School would not have gotten to Game what area,, may need Improving, ~~ were both dedicated to htr. 7 of the Qip Finals. It ls a great and whh the NHL draft later thl Ruth belonged to the Deft& Keppa GMYna Sodety, ~ pt>n<>nal achievement and a month they will look to fill some to promote profenlonal and _P.er'IO!!al growth of wo""" refJectlon of how ~ll hJs team of the voids in the futlln'. With educatora Md excalence In teecntng. She~• pNeldent played ln front of him. but J can the teami success. I ftnnly of the ~ County Chapter for two ~· In htr rwtnment ten you that be would trade that belJeft that pl8)'ft'S will now ~= ::!tc~ ~~~ ~t:'t,,~ ~ one In for the Q.lp ln a tee0nd. reach out to the Oucb Md ck>ee to thW two ~ while tt'9y "9W up. J.S. II a leader and a team player lnJtJate talb with the team so Ruth• remembef9d by al her f.,,fy ~*'*'°' u a eMvot9cf and he will have the chanoe to that they can come here and wtfe, mother, grandmoth•, ~ ~ aunt a declcated t.NCher; thJneooce apln for US and play (or this team. free agents and IOIMOM ~ a IUDM MnM of ~ 9nd flYW- prvve that be II twe to gy. will not onty look at the Red ~ dltP081Uon. She i9 N'Vfv«I by htr ~ of neatty For the~ dlii!re ..ty Is Wings or the Stars to ftnd their 55 y ... , John W. JohMon; h« IOM John R. Jd'il*>n 9nd hli oo ~II lhlia dme for charule at the Q.lp. th11Vwi0 now wife MtltY of a.a e.wa, Non1W' John.on _.,., hie wtte Jule -1 of Co.u M ... , and Net.on Johneon and hie wlt9 Martel mem. ComlnjdlltdOlitmd looka.t the hlppiest place on ClilmenMn of New JetMy; tw pldchlchf1 o.1111 Johnldn, =IWIY empty~ II a eer1h as well i know I have• Ccw 17, _.,., Erin Johneon. 14; a ..., Emlv WofMton of ~ feelmg. and as an playerl on my pmona1 wt&b lilt, ~ Robef1 ~ of Of-' Md J'actc o.rMI Of Norfalt. mYHff, my bean gPa eo we'U eee what lrlnsp over NetMlllka: ~~,-..id nephews. ~ out lO ID tht""' but lO ~ the COWM of the ll1JM)tt, but A ~ '-'t.: .. be held llt W*ft..Ryce ....._ • .,.. Thom and Adam Oates ln t.be -t 1h1 ... la th.lat th team .._.. 8erWa, Her..._ w9be'~11t ~ v----.,. County Cem Rwy.,... =P!ot-.......... dotmiol• Ny ~ 1lM* ~ dCM!ano« need much. ~ \d the VIiia dll Ac•...,. CorNftunlly • to wee both~ and F.ojOy the off n aod .,_ e.t.a MueNn at...,.~· "' ~ m die ldllDmot you~~ ~---------~--~~----~------~----~~~------~~'""'"'"""-" ...... _....~----...._~~----------""-------------~-------------------------_.,~---.-------~~..._-----4. Daily Piiot Chancellor given chief executive award Chancellor Will!am M. Vega or the Coast Community College District, which oversees Orange Coast College. received the 2003 Ch!ef Executive Officer of the Year award from the Assn. of Community Colleges, the district announced Monday. Vega, who has served as chan- cellor for 10 years, began his ca· reer with the district 18 years ago. when he served as presi- AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN ttems to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa M esa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com· byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby • calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing 1s available at www da1lyp1lot.com. TODAY Jeanne Aint from the Alzheimer's Assn. will present "Focusing on Memory Loss" from 6:30 to 7 30 p.m. at the Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church. 1259 Victoria St.. Costa Mesa. The presentation wlll address various causes of memory loss and diagnosis and treatment For more 1nformat1on, call (9491 646-4652 V.n Can Rntaurant, 1500 Adams Ave. in Costa Mesa. will have its grand opening from 6 to 8 p.m .. featuring cooking by lV chef M artin Yan The restaurant will donate all of the proceeds from $10 adm1ss1on udlets to Share Our Selves. a private nonprofit agency serving low-income Orange County residents For more information. call 19491 642-3451 , ext 262 Speak Up Newport will hold its monthly general membership meeting at the Newport Beach ALLOWED Conbnued from Al "I thought it wru. the guv's name or something."' .,he '>aid . Lauren Nichol., !no relauon to the Newport Beach rnunc.llman) said the name '>Ounded "like something Jtal!an." ·11 sounds hke a meal, hke an Italian meat,· Nichols <,aid Promeli!> is not a family name, it lS not anything edible and II does oot belong to an old wttlnling man. The name is an acronym. of sorts -a combination of everything the marltet prOV1de · PRU(duce), Ml::.Cat), !de)IJ and S!eafood 1 Oever. huh? While McNerney I'> not Italian. not old (well. he's 55, '>O you be the judge) and speaks English Ouent.Jy. the market embodie~ the spirit of c1 quamt. li11le ~hop. ROBBED Continued from Al pa.ssersby called lht' police, he said. Paramedic..; took her 10 the hospital where she was treated for b~ to her race. Shulman 'Wlld. Tuesday'-; incident wai. ·very similar" to a robbery that oc- curred on Udo L<Je on May 15, MllllerYau BurarL1111 ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS dent. Now, through his work as the chancellor, he serves ru, UH.' district's chief execuuve. The Marie Martin Award 1' awarded every year to a chlet e' ecutive in each of the ~oua lion's five regions. k. the Pantie Region recipient, Vega will now be nominated for the na11onal award. Vega was chosen for h1'> 111a11y accomplishments dunng ht'> tenure as chancellor. Tho<,e in elude his pioneering effort:. ot distance learning and an empha- Tennis Club, 2601 Eastbluff Drive Sna<*s will be served starting at 5:30 p.m .• and the program will begin at 6 p.m. This month's topic is Annexation and Redistricting, which will be presented by Mayor Steve Bromberg. For information, call (949) 729-4404. The Balboa Bay Republican Women Federated will hold its #Scholarship AwardsH winners luncheon at 11 a m. at the Bahia Corinthian Club on Bayside Drive For more information, call (9491 515·8677. The Wildflower Walk will meet at 9 a m. at El Moro for a five-mile hike at Crystal Cove Parking costs $5. Wear boots and bring water. Call (949) 497-7647 for more information. THURSDAY A free bone density screening will be offered from 10 a m to 2 p.m . at Mother's Market 225 E 17th St., Costa Mesa For more information, call (9491631-4741 Shape up or trim down for sw1msu1t season at .. Shape Up for Summer" 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library Personal trainer and cert1f1ed nutrition specialist J J Fhzanes will present the free program covering exercise and nutrition tips of opllmal fitness For more informallon. call 19491 717 3816 Book-loving mother$ and daughters are 1nv1ted to the fm<1I "II reall}' • ., d nt'1ghborh111Jd '>tore.·· 1\-k;\;t>rnl'}' '>did MrNerney. \\ho 1, till" ~mu ,,r g\J} that loob ruu -.1ra1gh1 111 tlw eyt' when ht' <;pt-Jk.' .111d d11t·.,111 ... ugar toal thlll~'· I'>" long lllllt' Ne\"J)On ReaLh rt',tdt'nl Ill' raised hi-, C'htldren herl' cllltl Ill I\\ that they dfe grov.n -\\llh career., of their own - Mcr\emey can focu ... on hi' market and h1.; ">alllt\ ht· 'a1J 1 he father of fi\t' '>pith 1111w bet\veen his Nt'v.-port Ht•Jth home and his hou,t· 111 \\'i<.cunsin. where ht· '>t'l'' d1·t•r Ill tus front yard I le L''>t .1p1·, 111 the ~tidwest for d lllllt' i:elaxauon. A plat f' .... hrn· t.ill mature tret'i. gro1" e\ t'f\ \\ ht•rt· 11101 JU'>I Ill BalbOd \ 1Jl.1gt• .111d ··eagle.; Oy over he au I le 11111w' hac~ 10 Sulllht'rn C alitomtd tu tend his '>hop .md mjo\ thl' beach. "I've got the be,t of both world.;," ~1c1'iernt'\ '"id ">hwman '>aid rhat rohbt.•r. h.1p pened in the afternoon ,l, \\t'll n1t' 55-year-uld WOntdll 111 lh.11 r~ wa.s atlacked dOd rohht•d 111 her dnvewtt} while n·1ur11111g from a "hoppmg tnp !lit ...Uegt:d robber had taken her pt•N111.1l propeny and struck her on 1lw head with an unknovm ohJt'<. I ShuJQlan ..aid dett.'Cll\t"> Jrt' looking into whether the twn 11111 dents are related Robins Ford Discount Off MSRP ~ 500 Rebate . ·S3 000 NIT SAVINGS •7.500 1nc111111.- V1N•1. 3A9t'63, 3Al7716 JAl1730, 3A25117 3A25131 MS On the Use or technology to expand acces':> lO higher educa- tum ,1ud1:n1s Yan Can hosts grand opening this evening < t'lebrily rhef Martin Yan will lw on hand today for the open- mg of ht'> Yan Can restaurant in C U'>td 1'-.tt')a. Proceeds trom the ew111 .... 111 benefit Costa Mesa nonprofit '>hJre Our Selvei.. Yan. best k.nown for his senes of IV woking shows, is opening session of the Mother-Daughter Book Club's season 7 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The club 1s open to girls in fifth through seventh grades and their moms or s1gnif1cant female grown-ups Register at the Central Library Children's Desk or cdll 1949J 717·3800 anll choose option five For more information. call (9491 717 3816 FRIDAY Inventors Forum prffents a seminar on Hlntellectual Property Law ' by Edward Schlatter, patent attorney, at 7 30 p.m in Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall Registration and networking begin at 7 p m The cost 1s $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. Call (714) 540-2491 for information Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on lht' Bedch" series will offer "My Girl" starting at dusk on the Newport !>and Parking is S8 per car Campf1rt:s will also be c1vc11lc1blc for s mores The resort 1s at 113 l Back Bav On ve For mort. informauon Coll 19491 729 DUNE SATURDAY The Calrfom1a Science Academy, ti "f11st lslc1m1c high school in Or.myt:: County will have a f11111l fo1smg d1r10er with guest !>JJP.iik• rs a reception and a silent nuc.11on at 6 30 p m at the R.1ri1sson Hot~I 4545 M<1cArthur Blv 1 Newport B,....ic.h $40 Tc, ri;g1ster and for l 11111 \l'<H old ('l<lllll'lh 'tll' di 1111· 1 111111•1 ol 1111111· \1 l'lllll' a11d \\1•,11 lill I >nw \\hat I i'lh ">lreel 1t1111' 111111 on tht' °\;1•1, p11n 111· 1111 'ldt•I II l\ llflt .1 1m·g.1 'ton" or .i u1w '>lop 'hop 1 lwn· ., ru1 l'romehi, Club nr dr111hlt• l llllp!Hl\ \1<.:'\t'TIW\ """' 11111 't·nd \\t't'lh m,uling .... 111 t.11 t lw dm·, 11111 d<h t'rllw \\111ll 111 llll!lllh I\ lht• he\I .ith t rtlWllll'lll. hi.' ._,11d Id r.11 ht·r t.1~t· till' rnonl.'\ I \\•Hild ... puul 1111 ,, qu.1nl.'r page ,td. ,f '"llll'llllllg. ,ind h'l\t• It Ont 111 tilt 1 .111w'> 1h,11 1' 11nponan1 111 Ill\ t 1i..11111wr' \h 'wrnt'\ ..... c1 "l1111,111g 111, 111,torneri, thJt ti .. '' ill''''l1'1l 111 thl' bt•111·rnwn1 •11tlw'111n111ur11t\ 1\ 1he be't 111.1r~1·11ng pt11 .. 11 nlttlc.1·.., turn li•t I g1111d Ill lwl p UUI \lll'r .tll. 1111' I'>'' l11·n· ht• ra1wd hi\ ho}'· "IH'rt' 1 lwv went to ..i hool and 111o11li· 11wm11ne,, ht• ... ud. I le\ 1111"''1·tl m nrnrl· wav' than om• I 111' 11111• didn't hc1ppt."n in IJdo 1,11· t'\,u th but II ., near IJdo 1,lt· 111 ,,11d . ... 1111h1i.111 .... 1111 fl''idt.'111'-lllll't 1.1~1· f)fl't ollll 1011\ elf though '>Onlt' 111ud1·11h m.1\ lw 1ma101dablt• I 't•npl1 111u .. 1 rnilke .,ure the\ p.1\ .1ttt·n11t111 to their .;urro11nd 111~' .ind n1t1~t· 'urc they re 1101 lw111g l11llm\l'd he ..aid "It ma~ af,11 ht· 11...,•ful 111 l arry -.c>me per "111.11 prolt<t uon 11em' hl.e pep- the first of his quH:k c.Jsudl edt enes that will ser\t~ up hot food cooked In a wok 'an Can 1s Jt 1:;00 Adams Aw \dn has .tl':>o dnt\OUn<:ed plam. to open '>emA ... 1r.tn. d mort' formal restaurant acroo,i, from South C.oa'>t !'laid 1n Augmt. During the kiLkofl t•wnt, from 6 to 8 p.rn today, Yan \'\Ill cut the ribbon on the ne\'. eat ery. A buffet ot frt'')h A'>1J11 cooking will be dvallabte Guests mu'>t pay$ I u w .ttlend. more information, call (714 ) 531-2011. Ft.Ill Spectrum Yoga has partnered with New Directions for Women to host ·celebrating Wholeness;" a yoga and hedlmg arts festival benefiting women and children served by the nonprofit New Directions for Women Admission is fr!le and donations are accepted Th!l full-day event will be at Full Spectrum Yoga in Newport Beach. For more information. call (949) 955· 1965 Crystal Cove State Par1c will offer a badccountry hike c1t 9 a m o historic district walk at 10 c1 m and a sunset/moonl1gh1 walk di 7:30 p m , which requin.:!> reservations. For rest-rvc111ons or more informot1on, call 19491 497-7647 Mother's Mar1cet will hold II "Spring Cleaning cl~arctnc•~ sale from 10 a m to 6 p rn Taste demos will be ottered from 11 a.m lo 3 p m Tht• stc.irP is di 225 E 17th St Costa Mcso; For more mformalton cc1ll ~4!11 631-4741 Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beac:n·· series will otfe1 "'Anastasia starting <11 dusk or> the Newport s<rnd Por~111g 1s St1 per car Campfires will also be available for s mores The resort 1s at 1131 Bad: Bay Driv~ For more 1nformat1on call 1949 729-DUNE I ft, 'lr.ilt•).(\ 'l'l'lll'> 111 111 \\orkin~ ·\11ho11gh till' ''"rt•'•" right aero.,, thl' 'tlt't'I lrnm ,1 m.1J11r grou't) 'lllrl', tlw p.11~111g lot "alway' 11ll1·d ''1th ~It-rt 1•dt·' .ind l..ind Hmt'r' I lNJali\ 'llllp ell H.tlph .. hut I rume hen· lor tlw prodlH t' '.'.1Lh11h 'dtt.l It" JU't lw1t1·r Jlld fre-.ht·r I 111e,m, 11101.. JI 11 Ha} mer .1grc ed .1dd1ng tlMI lht' meal'> Wl're JU'>I a' high 4uc1ht~ 'iht· c1dm11t1·d tht pm n were a hlllt' h1wwr" h111 ... aid 11 wa ... \\Orth 11. I kr '1111 ha' t'\l'll 1oint-d the l'ro111d1' tt·..im. ,1, .1 recent lure 'Rut that'> 1101 \\h\ I .,hop here '>he '>.Ud I h.JH' he1·11 1 0111111g hl'rt· lorl'\ t•r • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mond<1ys, Wedne!>days and Fridays and covers cultur" <1nt1 the .ms She may be reachec1at 19491 574 4275 or bye mail <Jl lo/1ta harper · lar1me~ corn pt-r 'pra\ 111 111 r.timd lmH·hng alone Pohu· Mt' .i .. ~111.: .lll}Olll' '' 1Lh mlormauon .ib<1111 1111 .. trum· Ill LOntdct tht· '\t•\\ pun H1·arh IX' le<.'tt\e l1t\ 1w111 at tH'J 044· ii'!-KJ • DEEPA BHARATH r •llNS pubhc safetv and t urts Shi, ma\I t'l+' read'led at 194'.3 574 4216 or liv e·ma•lat deepa bhararh a /J/imt·~ con1 Yield 011 Principal of Yot'1' 12 1\ll:o CD FDIC INSUR.ED FIDELITY JNSl1R.EO Ot.rO'il rs (949) 588"57 l l \-.111 II< '' ••l llft '04 100.~ Pcn~ltY tor h rh \\'11hJrJ" l\Jn~ '"' \l,I\ H.ntu., I Jntllll(' :'\ut Ot)er To ~ell !>ecuntil"• S 111 0011 I 111111 2 o:. \11111ul l\rHnlJl(l" \ 11:IJ on R~nk', FOIC Jn,urc.1 -.;C\\ t 11 l'ht' I 1,khl\ l J\h I'll mc111 >\1 ln,c:p1111n _'\nnu111c1 Jlso otlcrcd I .. tdtl\ Jn,I 1-1 I'. I Jn11h I \Ull ln,urJn•c "cn1.:c t l.ic#0<..504111 :-.:111 .\It ml'<'r 1>I 1-nkrJI I kJ" 1\ll 111,urJllH l o Jnllun rowta WINOOWSAOCXS CASSETTf/CD NIV ACY Gt.ASS Come see 1he new EverWood' CouniryS1de bllnds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping slats create a beau11ful board·on·board design And 1he scep·up· look adds depth. d1m1:ns1on and cha rat 1cr tr any room And EverWood CoumryS1de will noc warp. crack. peel or fade E.ven 1n humid dreas or direct sunlight Come L--...-.. :.~1f1;!911 see these bt:au11ful blinds toda~ ~ALDEN'S 1 bbJ Placentia. (u,ta "'ew q.iCJ-b~f •• ~11 !Ii ' "'' Newport Bedch (949) 675-6851 Costa Mesd (949) 644-8226 • Corond d•.'I M;ir • NPwport Be.lch • ' ·.' ... Mt>Sd • Sitnl <I Ana • Huntington Park • ''"9 Br-.1< h @j l1ITllTllYIAiJ1 .\;~ .. CONSIGN• DESIGN Quality Furni\hi11KS & Acce"orits For )our ffomt Pair \\ icl.er End Table., ........................................... $90'"' Small Blad. f>e<il.. .................................................... 100'" Round (;la<i<i Chrome ( "ofTee Tablt'...................... 150"" Blacl.. Floral ~\ ing <.hair........................................ 200·· Bamboo c;1a~ Sofa Table ....................................... 250-- Henredon Sofa Table .............................................. 250' Small c;reen Hutch ................................................. S275 a1rli .................................. $JOO- 369 E. 17th Street #I 0, Co ta Mesa. Located hrhlJ'ld Plum ' P .1110 Phone (949)764-1746 Hours. Mon-Fn IO:OOmi-;·~ Sal tO:OOmi-S 00pm Sun 10 • M Wednesday, June 11. 2003 Diiiy Pilot FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -t..tt.r.: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa MeN, CA 92627 • R11illra Hollnr. Cell (949) 6'2-«>86 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 E-mall:&tnd to dai/ypllot@latlmes.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoMe). The Piiot reMtVea the right to edit all aubmlulont for clarity end length. 'Every 15 Minutes' was a team effort for worthy cause On behalf of our family and all the families involved in the outstanding program "Every 15 Minutes" put on at Newpon Harbor High School this month, we. would like to say "thanks" to all who helped put it together. If it saves · just one person's life or makes someone take a second thought about a choice they are making. it was worth everyone's effon in putting on thts awesome program. A grant was provided to touch these young children's lives like you can't believe; it was really hard to not think of it not being real. Officer Martinez and ~ra Kirby deserve a special thanks for all their time and effon in organizing this event, as do the Newpon Beach Police Depanment and Fire Department; Hoag Hospital's doctors. nurses and staff; Pacific View: Judge Karen Robinson; and the Justice Center. All of these people involved went beyond the call of duty tO make it seem so real. They do not have an easy iob, and we should all extend them a huge thanks for the job they do on a daily basis. Marrion Hotel. El Ranchito, Plum's Cafe, G & W Towing California Screen Print, Weastcoast Sound and Zeta Vision should aJso be thanked for thetr generous support in putting on a first-class program. This was a very emotional program and touched so many people. We were luclcy enough to be involved, and I know it has changed all our Lives. Our hearts go out to the parents who really have to go through an event like this and their heartache, which lasts forever. Luckily, we can kiss our son goodnight and tell him we love him. GARY AND SANDI HILL Newpon Beach Fnough is enough already at John Wayne Airport Re: "Should John Wayne Airport welcome more airlines?" Thursday. or course we can't stop the increase of Oights and passengers from John Wayne Airport, thanks to the MAILBAG they shouldn't have It We should use all the same excuses that they used for closing down the John Wayne and moving everything inland. IRENE MCKAY. Newport Beach: . More options at John Wayne · a good thing for consumers I think (having two new airlines at John Wayne Airport l.sl a great Idea. These are both low-fare airlines. Obviously, the more airllnesj especially low-fare airlines, we have, the greater the competition for customers and rates. In this day and age, I thin.le it's a great idea. Besides that, quite Cranlcly, the question is rather unnecessary because we have, fortunately, new flight gap restrictions. So the number of airlines is really inconsequential to the number oflights. In any event, bottom line, I think it's a great idea. AUAN SILCOCK Newport Beach Without Omelette Parlor, forget his support FILE PHOTO/OAll.Y PILOT Tyler Chernack, 18, left, and Enn Blake , 17, comfort each other while visiting a memorial to drunk driving victims. Here we go again, Another huge corporation doesn't think it's getting enough money from a local Costa Mesa business, so out the locals go and in comes another national fast-food chain or the like. Today, h 's Vons that's refusing to renew the lease for the Omelette Parlor, a wonderful place to have breakfast with good food, great atmosphere and cool people, because Vons wants to Mupgrade• the center and make it look like all of the Other standardlz.ed, homogenized, sterillz.ed places that have gradually been replacing Costa Mesa with Everytown. inconsideration of our South County residents and the politicaJ ambitions of a few, but do we really need more airlines? My opinion is a capital no. Living directly under the Oight path of John Wayne Airport, 1 have grudgingly come to accept the fact that it is necessary to wash down my driveway, sidewalls and pat.lo at least every week and also before we have visitor. The fallout of aviation fuel ts really a problem. The deposits from the airplanes cause dirt-like streaks to newly painted homes after a few months. It is difficult enough for the "major· airlines to properly maintain their equipment. What can we expect from those airlines that have less maintenance capitaJ? The gate-sharing problem and flight ingress and egress will only be Increased by the increase of more airlines at John Wayne. As for the no1:.e level. isn't It bad enough that you can tell the time of day by the frequency of plane take-offs? I'd bet that one out of every rwo planes exceeds that "maximum decibel" level regardless of the intentions, good or bad, of the pilots. The only real resolution is to have the n ew airlines land in South · Ora.ogt County, say near the house of Irvine's mayor. IOBYUCK Newport Beach No more airlines are needed at John Wayne Absolutely, we should not welcome any mo re airlines at John Wayne. The people out there didn't deserve to have flights overhead. We should close John Wayne and make a museum out of it, or maybe a traln station, something like that. It goes right over schools: it ls very dangerous. And there ls no reason we should have It when the others feel Vons refused to respond to our concern, or even to the Daily Pilot. I'm not going to shop at Vons any more, and I hope you won't either, so they get the message. Renew the Omelette Parlor lease. and Include the Omelette Parlor in any remodeling plans you have. Or forget Costa Mesa's business. •TOLEOAHO Costa Mesa Let them know how proud you are! A special page will publish in the Daily Pilot on Friday, June 20 to honor our graduates. For your daughter, son, friend or special someone be a part of this tribute for o nly $40.00 (2x2 ad). Fill in the form below and maH it to us with their photo. Be sure to put the name and address on the back of the photo and we'll return it to you. Graduate's Information: Graduate's Name:------------- School Name: _____________ ~ .'.bout the sradu.Jte. Hobbies, interests or future pl.Jns <Limited to 40 word messa~J Submitted by: Address: ________________ _ Credit Card No.:--------Exp.: __ Signature for credit card:----------- (If you prefer, you l'Tldy enc/CM H O check ~payable to "Daily Pilot. "J Mail this ~ with photo to: 2()()9 ,.,,"'4. DAILY PILOT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ....... QUOTE OF TIE DAY "Lawn bowling is the most hospitable and social sport you can play." Mert lsaacman, former U.S. singles champion EYEOPEIEC Dail}'.4Pik>t • ~ILalolf'&nM' ... . .............. June I 6 honoree JOSIAH FREDRIKSEN Daily Pilot Sports Editor Rlchw'd Oum: (949) 574-4223 • Spotts Fax: (949) 650-0170 Wedne!.dcty, June 11 ?003 A7 LAWN BOW ING Newport Beach's lawn bowling club provides veterans, novices a chance to roll on the rink. Bryce Alderton Darty Pilot I magine rolJ ing a three-pound ball you know will curve, but still have to judge its speed and direction without knowing where it will stop. ... Welcome 10 the world of lawn bowting. a game de"elope<l in 13lh-cenlury IJ1gldlld that can be played nght here m Corona del Mar at the Newpon I !arbor I.awn Bowling Club, one of only 100 clubs in lht· lJ <, 10 house the game. The club '' one of nme Orange County lawn bo\.\img facilities and among 32 Soulht'm California bowling dub\ lo<:ated between San Diego dnd ~la Maria. fhc game -played on a rink wtuch meru.ure\ al lca\t 14 feel wide -require!> player" tu roll their "bowls" as clo~ to a -;ingle white ball, called a "1ack. ·A 1eam can consi.-;t of one IO a:. many a-, four player.. and point'> are awarded for whoever roll-. the bowt clo'>CSt to the Jack. Singles and doubt~ roU IWO bowls wtule each player uses three bowls in triples. J2ch competitor rolls two bowls in a game of four... Eight nnk.!. can fit on a green that is dt lel!!>t 120 !>quare feet. Bowls weigh I~ than four pounds with one side \lightJy flattened. eliliting a naturc:IJ curve when it i'> rollt.'<1 on the short grd.'>S. Therein lies the challenge of the game: anempting lO ma'\ter tJ1e bowl's curvature. Mert lsaacman, who has won U.S. singles championships m 1988. 1999 and 2000 and is the only American 10 claim any medaJ in international singles competition. said the game presenlS many challenges nOI easily noticed by the casual observer. ·The faster the green. the longer it takes the ball to rolJ to the target because you have to c:IJlow for more curvature." lsaacman said. ·11 is hard to put it on a jack each ume. The clo'ier you can get on a consi.<;tent basi.'>. the mo~ you are going to win." A bowl can hit the jack. placed at least 69 feet from the edge of the mat where a player stands 10 roll. If the jack falls short or rolls out or bounds, the opposing leam then gets two chances to roll the 1ack to a new location. If the jack rolls out or bounds on the next two tries, it is positioned 6 feel. 6 inches from the dilch, which is behind the mat After each team throws its See GREENS, Pa1e M . HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL Mustangs' Topps shines with stars Costa Mesa slugger delivers RBI single plus savvy baserunning Tuesday night to help all-star team win, 5-0. SteveVlr1•n Daity Pilot IRVINE -Throughout the past two years at Costa Mesa High. senior Ann Marie Topps was known for her hitting. So, perhaps It was Otting that her read-and-react abillty, not only at the plate but along the base paths. helped lead the American team to a 5-0 victory over the National squad Tuesday night In the Orange County Coaches AU-Star softball game at Bar- ber Park. Tupps. who led the Mustanp with 11 home runs and a HJ7 batting svu- 189 th.la put eeason, wmt 1 for 2, whkh tncluded an RBI lingle ln the American'• plYoc.J fow-run tee0nd lnnlna. She allo tc0red • run ri helped her 1-.mmate pbt a hJt bccaute of bet bUeruMlng. For the National team, Newport Harbor senior Alhena Vasquez also displayed seasoned reaction when she slid to glove a groundball while playing second base, whkh led to one of her four assists she made. Va.squez played three lnninp. the fourth through the seventh. The game went nine inning'5 and the Na- tionals could not answer the Ameri- can's four-run second inning. ·This game was a lot of fun.· said Vasquez. who will play for Wisconsin next year. -illere are a lot of girls that I play with or against ln trawl ball. Just being out here was a gJUt honor. even tho~ It gets us losl.ng the game." Topps. bound for the UoMnlty of Oregon, said she also enjoyed henelf du.ring the all-star game. N she was leaving the dugout a coach hugged her. "I'm glad I had the cha.noe to coach you." -.tld PJ Modena Cold1 Stew Hanington. an uelltant on the American squad. Tuppt amiled and said. "Thia WU IO much ft.In." Tuppl drM ln the AmeriQll'I er. tee somwJ... hp M PHOTOSBYK[NT l~PTOW OAILYPILOT Clare Donovan. above. of the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowhng Club Imes up a bowl during the recent Showcase of Lawn Bowling Tournament At left. Mert lsaacman. a member of the national team as well as the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club, rolls a bowl during the tournament. TENNIS Ma son has made her mark S tudenL\ wt•rt: um-.1d1·rl-<l fJJmJy tu Candite Ma-..m .tluirdmg Lo om· "-:ewpun fk'ath rt.">1dt·111 wlm tuol t l.t\"t.., from tlll' < .<l\ld M~ rt....,1dt·n1 dlld l1111g11nw 11·11111' IJ\Struc:tor NanL) \\ 1i.1lt:n '>Wllll).! hl'r r.tl kt•f along with rnuntlt!!.."> ollll'r. under the watthful l'\t..., of Ma.50n, a teruii.\ tnMrut.1or with thl' City or Newpon Reach'<, Parle.-. and Hecreauon Department for .!b year, who dw<l Apnl 15 al1er a bout With an illn{"\.\. ~1ru.on. \'I.ho \'a" -M, !>pent hour. 1eadung tt'nrn-. .11 pnvate dub\ "ul h •L' \;ewpon Heat h .mt.I BRYCE ALDERTON P'alt<.ade-. wtule lom11g rn.im h1111,..., '" the public coun<. at 'kul Jo.tt1111n Pan. I-or the ta .. 1 rwo >E'c.tr. "ht· .11'>(, 11...,tnll ll'tl at Parle Nl"''JXJn She g'J\l' hl'r hie to 1h1 l II\ ·l' t.u L" tenrn.'> g0<."'>, Whalen \JJd ..,lw g.J\ 1 '" many people J swrt 111 tenrn ... 1111 mJtll·r how awful wt· were \ht• h.id .m 1•lt·11w111 about her whl're \ht' 111t1t.l1· 1h1 II"""'' fun and we ctll thought ~' 1· 1 o 11 ltl I 11 t If 11 ball" Ma.'>On, a lt>rml·r < ""'J \ ll-.... re . ..,1d1 ·r ll who i!. !>urvived by her rnotlwr. 111'11 11 and ~ ... 1er. \Vendt-c. IC11J>:l11 1 l.1,"t'' Monda} through \..1turdJ\ Abou1 100 well \'l.11,h1·r-.11111ult·d ,, service for her Apnl 26 The ary\ ?-ciJ'k..., dfld Hl-t rt'<1l11111 Department ha" apprO\t'tl ""' 111•111111.., to be built -eat.h bt•anng .1pl.1q1w111 remembrance of \lc.1...cm JI ..,.111 Joaqwn Part. on lht' ronwr of ...,.., Joaqwn I bib HOdd .ind< nMll I >m1• 111 Newport Heath Whalen, who ha<t lrved 111 '-•'"l"•rt Reach <Jnct.> l<JM. "11J S.!.001 h 1• lit tr r.u'>t.'d so far for tht• hcndu..., ..,Ill' 1, wa.1ung lO he-.tI from tlw nl\ .1hour hn" much the bent.he\ wtll uN 1111,ll fhe mother t.l.iughtt•r douhlt.., d1111 r ,1 Dor'<;t'y and RonOll' .'\d,un.. t'ilrrlt-t! o,econd place out of 12 lt'.tnl' 111 1111 Uruted !>late!> renrrn. A,•,011.tllOrl'> national mother/dau¢m·r indoor champion'>hlJl" a1 Club ( .n't·n ~ lt·ado\'I.' tn Vancouver. \Va...h .. Inda\ 1hnn11.~h Sunddy. Seeded third and plaY1ng 111 1lw1r 11,...,1 national wumdll1t·111 togeltll'r tht' Adame,' won their fiN ,md <oeeond -round n1<1tc.:he-. twfon 1 ommg See TENNIS. Paee A8 GOLDEN WEST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS I .. Al Wechsday, .kMW 11 o 2003 SPORTS YOUTH BASEBALL NHBA Pony team splits Squad wins twice at lrvine tournament. The Newport Harbor Baseball Association's Pony team of 13· and 14-year-olds completed in the Irvine Pony Memorial Day tournament and finished 2·2. Newport defeated Irvine, 11 ·6, and, 11 ·8. Newport scored six runs in the top of the second inning in the 11-6 game to stake a six-run lead. Ben Prader went 3 for 3 with three RBis while Erik Bonn and Brock Schuler each provided solid infield wort. Jacbon M...tngUJ threw out a runner attempting to steal second base. Garn« Gordon went 2 for 3 with two RBis while Peter Hapb, Bonn, Austin Carden, Massingill. Niko Hernandez and Schuler each tallied one RBI apiece. Schuler struck out three in three innings while Cameron OUlle stuck out one in one inning and also picked up the SOFIBALL Continued from A7 run. She sent a groundball over second base and into center field. That scored Mater Dei's Sheree Zaleski After Topps' hit, the National team made a pitch· ing change. Topps advanced to second on 8289~~ I AT ml LEASE PIYIDT save. Ian Abernathy also added an inning on the mound. Jerry Wbttney blasted a double with the bases loaded in the third inning to score two runs and key a six-run outburst by Newport in the 11 ·8 victory. Also adding to the offense was Troy Seeber. who scored twice, went 3 for 4 with a double and knocked in three RBis. Hapke and Carden each walked once and scored two runs while Massingill had two RBJ& Olase, Schuler and Tyler McGW each singled with McGW adding an RBI. Hernandez got the win in relief after going three innings with two strikeouts. Chase started the game and went two innings. Newport allowed only six hits to Whittier, but a sacrifice Cy in the bonom of the seventh inning produced a 5·4 Whinier victory. Massingill and Frazier hit back-to-back home runs in the third inning as Newpon took a a pass ball, and with two out she helped Sonora's Jeanie Baca reach safely after her ground ball 10 National shortstop Kendra Singley of Woodbridge. Topps flinched toward third base and froze Singley. Before Singley could make a decision Baca made it to first and Topps slid back to second. The Ameri· can team followed with two more hits, leading to three runs. 4-3 lead. Carden and Schuler combined to record six strikeouts and induced nine groundball outs. Massingill bad two RBis while Frazier and Bonn each added one. Bonn doubled as did Gordon. Hapke, Whitney, Hernandez and Schuler all aiogled. Newport tc0ted four runs ln the seventh lnnlng. but ttn abort again.st West L.A., 11·7. Massingill ripped a double to righHentm fteld to score two runs ln the seventh. Frazier later followed with a blast over the left ·center field fence to soore two runs. Hapke went 3 for 3 and scored three runs while Whitney added a single and RBI. Gordon and Bonn each bad two hits with Spencer Smith adding a single for Newport. McGill started and struck out one in 3~ innings while Gordon went two innin~ in relief with one strikeout. DEEP SEA Tuesday's counts Newport Lanclnt -3 boats, 41 angle,... 68 calico bass, 60 sand bas.a, 4 sheepshead. 2 sargo, 4 perch, 1 yellowfin croaker. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Long a winner $3 000 focfort '9bate pl\.s S2 '9Q Mlomer cosli equok 15 4Qq pl.;J ta• & ke<iw «),. ~ leo.. ~ No IKIKlly deposit reqund. 3QOOO rotol n.19\ pe< lease te<m 20..,.. n;le rhereof1., ANAHEIM -Corona del Mar High senjor shortstop Keith Long capped bis prep baseball career on a winning note Monday as a member of the South team that defeated the North, 6·5, in the Orange County All·Star Game at La Palma Park. TAKE 55 FWY un FAii DR. TO HARBOR Long, still deciding on his col· legiate future, came off the bench and went 0 for 2. Al pr!C91 exclude government 1-and IO•.S any lonor,ce ~~ ony deolet ~ pt9PQ'oloon charge o..d ony emiwon 191linQ dlorge E•ti«9\ 6/13/03 Legal NOllces 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Ltpl Notices ===== RdttfM tusiltss .... ~ The followona Pe"ons are doing busmen as NORTH STAR TRAOING CO 1001 W 11th St Suite S Cost• Meu CA 92627 Roy G West11ke 1800 Park Newport •202. Newpor I Beach CA 92660 Charlotte Jayne Do ake, 1800 Park Ne wµorl no2 Newport Beach. CA92660 This busonn~ os con dueled by a a en er al par Iner ship Have you sllrted doon& business yet' No Roy G Westlake Thrs statement wn toled wolh lhe County Clerk of Oran11e Counly on~/23/03 20036945734 Daily Pilot May 28, June 4 11 18, 2003 Wl /6 Fictitious lvslitns ,._. S"'-'! fhe following per soni •re doon& busonn\ n Traverseonlo 4~10 Campus Or"e Suite 100 Newport Beach C•lt for no• 92660 Traversronlo In' 4160 S Pt<os Road Suite ?O I as Vian Nevada 891 ll This bu\ones\ t\ 'on ducted by • corporitloon Hav~ you st~rted dnona bu\oness yet' No rravtrst1nto Inc Dave Cornelou\ Seue lary Thi\ st•ltmenl wu foled woth th~ County Cler~ or Oranee County on 06 09 03 20036947420 Oaoly Pilot June 11 111 24. July 2 2003 WlSI> Sri/ your Car In C hJ11111(flt!d ! FldltlM ..... "-S....... I ha followona persons ao e doon11 business u RE M APPRAISAL S(R· VICE 24 232 Tahoe Court, La1una Noauel. C1hfornt1 92677 Rober I Mccosker 24:?32 1 ahot Court Laauna N111uel. C1hfornt1 9?677 Thos business Is con· dueled by an ondlvldual Have you shr led doina busoneu yet' Yes. 01/ 03!03 Robert Mccosker Tt11s statement wu loltd with lhe County Cltr k of Oran11e County on 05130/03 20036946491 Daoly Ptlot June 4, 11 . 18 2!> 1003 Wl82 FktttlMllsiilU "-W.... The lollowone persons M~ do•na busoneu n · fhe Hospital Group , 2621 S Brtstol #307. Sanl• Ana C1l1forn1a 97104 Alan Chatlel Schwarll 1676 Banwooc:t. New· port Buth California 92660 flus buslneu rs con· dueled br. an lndovodu .. Have you &tartad Clotna business yet? No Alan C Schwartz This st.tement was Med with the County Clerk of Ounce County on~/21/0J iOOH94SSIO Dally Pilot ~hy 28. Jun• 4. 1 l.18, 2003 Wl78 ........... ... *'-" The foltowln1 person• are doina business ... MY OAAAGE. 214 Ylralnla Pl1c;41, Coste Mesa, CA 92627 SHn Klomen, 274 Ylr alnla Plac•. Coste Mesa, CA 92627 This business Is con- ducted br: an indlvlduel Have you 1tarted dolllf bualneu y•t7 No SHnKlom1n Thi• t taternent wH flltd with tile County Cl«tl of Orana• County 94105/2.8,l03 MOMt .... u Dell1 _ l'1lot June 4, II. II, ~. 2003 Wll3 ........... ......... fM to11owr111 pwaona lfl doitt1 buMMM M> AClt rlfntts. 1000 Souttt C:out Drh1e Apt. Wl03. Colu ,._,,CA 92828 Af mtndo 01 1111•0 lto~ll•f.1.. 1000 South Cot.st Pf. ~ WlOJ • Cotti-.... CA t2l2I This ~ .. CO*- .... '1: "' lndlvlllull ......... ~ ..... ___ ,_,..., A1111_. G. itorlMI TI* ... ..._. ... ,.. ... "" c.u.ty Cltttl of Or•llfl Cou1ttr onOl;OIJOJ 19Nff471U Delly rt1ot June I ~L l.!J a Jl.11 t 2003 "1•1 SUPmlCOEOf CAllOlll, ccum Cl ar.p 34111ieClylrM*'. ar.p, CA tml, L...-W.C.... PnmOIOf W..J.JM. FOIOWMOf- Ollll to S1toW CAUSI l'Cll CllAllil Of-WI ... A21tsJO TO ALL INTERESTED PERSOfCS· I Petitioner Deborah >oy Baker fll.O • ~titlon wtlh this court for • decrH ch•n1rn1 namu 11 follows· Deborah Joy Bahr to Debo .. h Joy 2 THC COURT OR0£RS lhat 111 persons Inter· esltd on th;s m1tt11 shall appear before this court at the huron1 ond1c1ted below to show cause of any. wlly the petition for china• of name shcuild not be ar anted NOTICE OF HEAR ING Dalt. 7 15 03 Tome 2.00 pm Dept . L73 The address of the court is same u noted above 3 A C491 of ttlls Of der to Show c.use ati.11 be published et IH1t onu Heh w..eek for four 1uccusln wteb prior to the date set for hNr"11 on the ~titlOll In ttle tollowln1 news· paper of 1ener1t cltcu· l•lion, printed In this coun\y: Newport 8Hch/ Costa Men Oally Piiot ht .. JU .. HtoH ...., .. Wf4~. JUMI Of TM SWI· lltoe<4-f l'ubll•h•d "••port SaKh·Co1ta ...... 01111 1'1ot June 11, II. 25, July 2.2003 w1ea ........... ... s...... TM totlowln& ptraon1 1r1 cloln1 buMnal et: a ) N1ti0nwldt Lo1111 6 RHI C.tate b) Yin ""*'" Advettlllna c) Home Saver l oen1, 'I& £. 17111 Streat 1210, Coate Mft.a, CA 92627 Alcherd R•dmond, 2&6S Sant.a Ana An. '3, Costa-.e,CA926%7 Thfa bllllMu II con M1M by. 111 IMMduel """ rw llUtted ... i.v.-..vet?Y ... t• ltldler4 lt ....... ~ .............. flle4 """ .. C...,.ty ClettlolOr.._C-tr ;=r ... = t.'i'::l 11*1~ ..... ....... .............. ........ _ ....... "· IC ........ -Cell-..,_ a...tt.ei•n .... CA .. ci..,11111111 ''"''' l•.,..,llOClll#flt.U. St , ............. ltkh, CA .... ™' ...... " C4HI• ..... ,~ ........ ,J GREENS Continued from A7 bowts. an "end" ls completed and a point is awarded to the team wilh the b<Mi closest to the jack. Each b<Mi belongf.ng to the same team that ii doee' to the jack than the nearest competitors' counts for one additional point A person in charge of daily games or tournaments announces -prior to the st.art of play-how many ·ends" or "polnlS" will constitute a oomplete game. The player or team ~th the most points after the final end .II played. or after the Pf&'td number or points Is reecbed. wins the match. N. tn a& sports. lawn bowling playeD hive positions. In pairs. triplel and fours events. the "skip• is the bowler in charge of his team. He or she is usually the DlOll skilled team member. Other positions ate "vice skip" and "lead." tuacman. 57, lost a bet lawn bowling wlth his father and was determined to improve. "I said. 'Let us make it interesting. I will give you $100 if you win and you only have to give me $10 if 1 win,' • lsaacman recalled telling his father. "He was a very good player. He gave me a 15-point st.art in a game to 21. I didn't score one point and he beat me. 21-15. That made me angry ... I lost $100. • Losing a bet is one of the only ways lawn bowling can get expemive. NHl..BC ls open to the public with green fees set at $1 per a 2~bour round Free Les.sons are staged at l 0 am. every Tuesday and at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. A set of bowls costs about $150 TENNIS Continued from A 7 up short in the ftnal They beat Paula and Suzanne Massie, 6·3, 6-1, in the first round before displacing the second-seeded duo of Julia Salomon and daughter, Melis.c;a Holzinger, 4·6, 6-4, 6-3, in the second round SUe 9.win and daughter Alison prevailed in the final. 7·5, 6-4. By finishing second Don;ey and Bonnie took home a silver ball. awarded to the second-place team at the USIA-sanctioned event. The winning team received a gold ball and the third-place and you only need to weer ftat·soled dlOS. Inldadon fees at the club cost $35 and ID aonual membenhlp wm run $100. "It is the l1lOlt ~ pme invented ~the mind olman, .. Qare Donovan. pretlideot foe the last three years ot the NHI.BC said. "1bere ii a lot ol .uaiegy and ~to lt ..• the tocal package." The "total package" lndudes a sodaJ aspect both lsaacman and Donovan mentioned as why the game bas begun to attract more people or varying ages. "Lawn bowling ls the most hospitable and social sport you can play.· lsaacman said "You don~ have to arrange for a partner, you just go out and play.· lsaacman started playing in 1986 and spent 10 years in Texas before coming to c.alifomia. He trained for the i.-port in South Africa An international flavor will invade Newpon Beach Lawn Bowling Oub Oct 11·l6 for the National Open. Donovan is expecting close to 200 b<Miers from places such as Hong Kong and Canada. "It is the best of the best." duo captured a bronze ball. Bonnie. finishing her junior year at Newport Harbor High. competed on the Sailor girls tennis team la.st fall. ••• With the Southern California junior sectional Lennis championships scheduled to start June 21. Newpon-Mesa should be represented well by at least two budding stars: Costa Mesa's Nelly Radeva and Newpon Beach's Jake Fleming. Radeva, gerting ready to finish her sixth -grade year at Kaiser Elementary. is ranJc.ed No. l in Southern California in girls 12s 1>ingles and fifth in that division in the nation. She won the girls l 4s Donovan '8id about the players competing in the October event "You have to qualify for this." An International bowb federation. headquartered in W>rthing, F.ngland. ~ 42 countries that make up the International W>rld 8owlJng Board. It conducts the world championships every four )1!al'S and the Mia Pacific Ge.mes every two years. U.S. Lawn Bowls Asloc:iation and dub invitational ewnu are conducted oearly f!Vtfy weekmd tn Soutbrm CalifomJa from~ through December. NHL8C tndudel two members who have won U.S. Ungtes ddes eadi ~the last three )Ul'S. Bob Nur>ei~the dwnpkUhtp tut year and in 2001 Maile Bd Quo won it in 1.000. Quo tmmed wUb Dick 'Tuit to dabn the nadoNJ open pairs f1i8bt title In 1988. Quo has been a member since 1986 while Nun& bas been at the dub for 10 years. Just last month NHI..BC hosted its first •Showcase of Lawn Bowling," in which the pubUc watched lntemadonal and U.S. cbampjons compete for awanil. ·11 was the all·star game of lawn bowling." Donovan said. ·Players competing had combined for more than J 00 tides. .. NHlBC will host an open house June 21 from 10 am. to 3 p.m. Donovan, 68, hopes to draw more people toward a sport that he stresses can be played by anyone at any age. "We have had some people move from South Africa who are 10 and 11 years old with a sprlnkllng of English-born members who are in their 3<k Young or old, lawn bowhng I'> alive and well in Newport Beach singles at the Ojai Valley tennis tournament in April and placed first in the girls 12s singles of th e Quiksilver <boys) and Roxy {glrbl juruor Lennis tournament at the Balboa Bay Oub Racquet Oub last month. Flem.mg. an eighth-grader at En.sign. firushed i.econd in the boys 14s stngles at Ojai, and is ranked eighth m Southern California in the same division. He reached the second round of the consolation bracket at l~t year's juruor sectional'>. a month before wmning the ~ 14s singjes title at the Co'>ta M(><;Cl junior tennis dassic. Radeva advanced to the quarterfi.naJ.s of last year's secoona1s as an I I-year-old while reaching the final at Costa Mesa.. 2MO L.I NOllca 2640 Legal NOllces 2MO Legal NOllca 2MO legal Notices 26otO Ac'"'-....., AdttlM.... RdltiM..... fktttlM ~ "-S....... .... s...... .... s...... .... *"-' Have you s larttd dornc bus1nen yet7 Yu 0'.>105/ 2003 Charmarnt Santos 8ur1on10 Thos st.atfmenl w•\ toled with lht County Cluk of Or anae County on 05/12103 20036944'21 The followone persons are doone bus•neu •s Abodt Appr aonl ServK n 986 Baysodt Cove West. Newport Buth C1hfur no• 92660 lhe lollow1n1 persons are do1n1 bu!oonus as loylend Huven 01y· ~.lrt 413 West Cutoe Slreel S an t• An.a C.1llforn11 92707 The follow on& pe"on• are doon& busonen ;u H•nst n Racon1 USA 3726 B S1n11 re Vollaae Or . South Cont Mttro CA 92704 lhe fnllnwona pennn• Uf doonf bu\onn• I\ lnkw•ll' P.aperoe 3Al l £ ot CoHI flo11n .. •y Coron• d"I Mao CA 9?625 D1tlt Pilot June 11, 18, 25, uly 2, 2003 Wl90 A69 ..... ----The follow1na person' are doona busmen as CMS, 300 P1c1f1c Cout Hwy. Suite 100. H11n t1ncton Beach. CA 92648 Oavtd Hoskins, I 709 Mc Clay Street. Sant• Ana C1llforn11 927~ Atpnoa Hosk ons 1109 Mc Clay St Santa Ana Callfornla 927~ This business 1s con dueled by husb1nd ind wife Have you ,tarted doing busonus yeti Yes 06/01/2000 Alph11 Hoskins Tt11s sl•temtnl WH filed wolh the Counly Clerk of Orance Ct>unty on 05/20/03 200U94UH ()ally 1'1lot .... , 21. 21 , lune 4, 11. 2003 W114 llevon 0 Harroson 986 B~yllde Covt West Newport Beach C•h tor nla 92660 Thos bu>iness os con ducted by •n ond1v1du1I Have you sta1ted doina business yet' No Kevon 0 Harrison Thts statement wn filed with tht County Clerk of Or1nae County on 06/09103 200S6947470 011ly Polol Junr 11 11! 25, July 2, 2003 Wl8'l PUTAFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 t,;heryl Caroline Dison 413 Wol Curie Slrtel S1nt1 An1 Californ11 9'2701 This busmen ts con dueled by an 1nd1v1du11 H1v1 you star led doon11 busonns yeP Yn 1?'?1198 Ch eryl Caroline Dison Th" 'l•tement wn loled with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 06 06/03 200H9472H 011ly P•lot June 11 18 24 July 2 2003 W185 Se your unwanted Items t he easywayl Place a Class If led ad today I 4 642-5678 STARTING • ANElV Rachael Roehl 1176 8 Santa re V1ll•1e Do South Cont Metrn f A 92704 Thos bu"neu o' toll dueled by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you 'tarted doing busmen yet? No Rachul Riehl This statement wn ftled with tht County Ch1rk of Oran11e County on 06/06!03 20036941242 D1oly Polol June 11 18 25 July 2 2003 WIM PUTAHW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 BUSINESS?f. • • • • • • • • • • lts'!.•CI l l"•rlrt 7115 ( ro•t Slr,fl f l"rnn• tl•I Mar CA 92675 lh;\ bus1nen o\ tnn clvcted by an 1nt.:11v1du1I Havt you st•• led domg bu.,neH y~I 1 No leU•t • Cdrlcl Th•\ sl~t~rnettt wjt• folec! with the lounty Clerk ol 01 •nwe lnunty on 05 12 03 200J6944197 Daoly Pilot Mat 21 '8 lune 4 11 1003 Wl64 PUTAFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOUI (949) 642-5678 Th~ ~11J Dt'partmmt at the Daily Pilot is pka.ud to announa a new uroiu '"'"' lllldiJ.hk to ruw businnus. ~ wiJJ "4W SEARCH the name for you IU no extra r:harge, ond saw you the time ttnJ tlN trip to th~ Court House in !Mm.ta Ana. Then. of course, afkr the surch is Ctlmj>kttd ~ wi/J fil~ your ficritious busin~ss Nlml rllllnnent with ''" °"'"'Y Cln1t. publish oner" UHek for four wetlu as rt'f"irtd by "8w and then fik yt1Mr proof of publkation with tM O>unl] Cln-lt. PW. stop hy tlJ fi~ l""' fictitious business JtmmJml "' the Dail)' Pi/,ot, 330 W. &y St, °'1141 Mn11. If yo11 mnmJt ttop by. pktut azJJ ut al (949) 642-4321 and UM wJJJ nuh 11mtntmtmts for yqu ro hiuulk this proc~dww by mAll //,.. 1/Jtnt/4 haw ""! fiu-ther q11ations. p~ ClllJ us .NJ UM wiJJ IH ""'rr th.n put Iii "'1ist you. GooJ fMdt in ~r MW lhuinas! Daily .A Pilot Daily Piiot Poli cy Bv Fax (t)4<j>6'1 b"i94 tPk.J't. llK.lutk" \>••or 11.uu .uwt "°'"' 11u111hc1 .u•I '' 11, 111 'ttttJ h.k .. V.llfl J putt ltU"it. ) llow to Place A CLASSIFIEIAD By Phont· (949) 642·567X Bv \lail/111 P t•r :-.on: 11() \.', ,. I Ba) \trc\'I ( "'1.1 .... ,,., ... ( /\ 112627 \t 't·v.1~•rl Ul\'d & fij\ \1 Monda) .'\1111nl.1\.;, OOp111 h1J.t) Rate~ and deadlines are \UbJcct to change without notice. The publisher reserve!> the nght to ccrhor, rccla.\l>ify. revise or rqcct any da.'>s1fied advert1!.cmcnt. Please report any error that may be tn your da!>!>tlicd ad immediately. fhe Daily Pilot a1.:ccpu. no ltaballty tor any error tn an advert1-.cment for which 11 ma} he n:spon'>tblc cxct>pt lur the 1:0-.t ol the space actually 1x:rnp1cd hy thl' error Credit can onl} be alln"'cd lur the fir--i tnM:rtaon Hours f ~.!turd.!~ I 1 tdJ' l 1 t<ipm rdcphonc X 10.im '.'i.OOpm Montl.iy· fntlay \.'. .tlk In x lt1.m1 '\ 11op111 \.1nnJJ~ r mlJ\ ">unJJ\. I 1 Hl.i. ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. ~ 1010-1770 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TO, SS 4 IU(OAOS nc hfl I~• fk /1• /.Ill· l 'I M,... ~, t1,e_.. ,.., ... , M+i... 'J4rf f1.1"-/' 1489 !$ 2305-2490 Auctions 1483 LAND AUCTION 'HO h ""' •~ mu·J lit> J' "' " "' ( I '••.An "'• ..... JfA.lta; Pll•':>•.,-11•,J "'"'"" 1 4 11All'-fttif1' • IU ••NI MERCHANDISE FOR SAi! 1(fu· 3010-3940 . 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I r "' II U d '-11 'lillllfla!lf " I pl HI f i1d1tf'I ftU'OIP'ftf f If f• •I t s,f,ttf" Nhh h I "nl ti• 1n t•f th .. l..t• O• f I t lt'f tf t ht·f I ht 1 f11tf1•1 .1 lh41 .. 11 dwt:ll ii\ otr1V*"' It~,.,, m It'll' , ... ..,.., f 1111•1 U t '"' t1IAtJ1r 1n u1,. ~u 11 1rp flu11 f'f 11 t\1'. 1 I I 111111,111 If di\ 111t11U.tl11.t1 1lf HU[I loll .... , •• 1 1 'llMI 1.·~ k'J'JO Found 1510 fOUND,UPn CAU TO DISCRlll 949 813 2323 BUSINESS SERVlCES Business Consultants 2315 tnf.,Mt.d 1U tMfl"t.t )'fltJf ,.,..,, 1111· m , n1""".,.-,~· ,., ,. q~rtr.,jw1.: ~ 1 , ... ,, r .iff I WI> "i/ 611': •·• ~-t" • "'"'"'""' , ''°"'ttmy OH-¢ Auctions 1483 Misc. Business -==w=A==N=T=E=D~ Services Private Ducli Hunting 2340 ANTI()UES Club ·•I.ii"''' 1 hr '"'"' !l N"W&J•JU t A .. uh t 1l fll Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Collectrblft 1 .. nt h11r1tin~~ rtdt t• '""' to '-l.tlt w.tlt'r lowf tdUif' IJ W1t1·r\h1J1 1ntt-ft .. \I & dp,11 1. ti'> .tt ,,., ol IJnd & 1mpr11-y.-mt nl._ • your JWfl I 1tff1J> l oOJpflU0c1 Anrlqu• r•t•n'•"•d & Miscellaneous new furniture. I••• Me-i..Andi·se . tt 1 .. t .. H1 St' t\;tld trd> ,.11, • I• ' mJt•• I GOVfRNMlNT JOIS tdt J1 ]', • '' "t Art •r 'f'l~lrt..-1 t1f SI I to .. dn t,t.," hut '• S,I' • S4k ,,..,, t u• f' ttd tullJ \ Nh•I,.. tf,_ ,., I,, toti•-c f ul t .. tvlth .._, SI'>'> t 1n~1, • h.-,,, • •i•"'•'f"-,. '"~ ~ .. -•'""' viln1ty n 1rr r ! l'tf .:•fl• I.. • , tlfl mf "''"·''.oo 1'"'8 I ~ I 1.... I 100-{)'. 1 ,,, • K"IJ ' ,, .. ~ , .. 1th•' p• '" f 1 Sl(:·O t,. '' Y'i'ftt ,, 11~· 1 i11-1 I I'•~• 11 h.ir·.JL111i., N fi.t".11 t.....-Jt _,r,)f 9d':I fflt-J>IJ'J ld'J411bill Busineu Opportunities Businesses and SS CASH PAID $$ WE BUY ESTATES w c,t1ul fur~ Artrl ? JEWELRY/ Ir"'~'' w .. nd•rtul '" DIAMONDS/ n111h l eev \ " ... nr ..... I ~>1!11 I f"\1'"1' °"""-" ......, nl1 AAA VCNDING ROUH !fl ... , IJillt•. hon• o .1l>•r rHJI ln..-.1 .!!J • ...... .... ltJl f'(, Jll l ~GOWMINll bO .,..dng ~-wllh .......... ~ .. for S I0,99S. ll00-234-6982 C-M.wo ~S¥e Offiuo l'l»'JOO<f UU nd fl., frlW ,,.. SI '}'y;f lnt!. nl P:I:? 714 S«> :m; 1 '~1 '"1t du'"'11 !lu.~ PRECIOUSMETALS ,f'd' rJ • m,.n.,. ~•lid\' "'~ ., f1·f ,,.~nd\ .. , I l~lhPr & ...,n 1. lll MrH Coo•t Coln Need• •I 110 '>41 nt~.,• Old Coon\1 C Id ~olwrr ,""',.."""'' ,,..,11.,.., °'' , r•.cr~rrRc;;.. f l'lllN M•od.lv Nll( "'..J ORANGE ou~" fh.mgon~ S200 I 5400 ,. .. ,~ r #.<ldw•• 4ntoq.- , .. n .. ~tt-f1 'ti ' .. , ' 11 .ttf!offf f·~ A Wr, 111dhrt1•rft' 111' I f • 11 l.tt .t A ,, .... '<• Jlly 94\H,/ l ff. Corona del Mar OPlN SUN 12 4 30 JlHY JASMIN( CRHK • ..., .. .,,,, .. ,.,,., ,;:,),. It f(1'l-,1''f"'l 1 ••• ~"' .. .., l ., .. , "A ... Jit--d H.trkht tl"•"I ,, .... y i./1-ry ~1W ·UtNf fl.. u w lf1lflf' pc•.t I ... 11 f;.. '$ ... •' S/'t,(J"f l. ; ltNh'f 'r/tj,,,.,, "'" , .. Out Of b uowl I >, ( fdb·bt 1 "" ,.. • ...... "~. I i... • oO ,,,_. ~~ .... P,v~I 'tllrt • t. 1hu u1 • ..., t ~,. ..• , rrutL'-' & Li' ' " .,,. s I t.tJ(J • "'I h w ~uidt ~).I tr'1 4 4: f-IC 'I 'I• tl<rib41 .. ·~· ... •k rm t-dlct • n~ ,.., t, ;Ji(. ~··· "'t.rt \CM "' , ... ..,-4 ir ..,.,.,. .. "' 81.r 949 37f> SSlf> Costa Mesa PRIM( UUHS PATRICK H NORl HA TIONWIDl USA 949·1lS6 970S WWW pctlfllhh:n11rr• Newport Beach PAULSON RlAl TY NOaAUl <!4'11>!; t,Nt'! WTllUfi V'fEW HOMl Llrll'?SI I ~Iv v •V• • ~ .1 4bR • fR r•••••ll ~,,.,.... $1 IH'l1rr 0,-. Sat I S IWFn 3lmllOOfllll TOWMtOMIS lup b.ty vliP'tJrr _,..., """"'tp ~~ ... um o.~ .... r'I." l7.e<Jlt1H!! 0,-. Sat I S Under the Setvice Directory Banner Reach 80,000 H om es Each Weck For Only $32 per week (4wcck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4 245 3120 Brood St l • WI I ... ~ t Id i I I . ,,, "" "' ~ A • '-.•(I ., )ll I I ""'I N(W ON TH( MARIC H Open Sol I 4 On• ford Rd 3 Vin loge I I.I j tf •' ,, ,. , .. , I \ c I 1 S"oda O.ean Hetglm t ., "'"'' \I -IA "'' ti ' ... ... l .. 1 t t I .. PRIM( lSTAHS ,ATRl(K HNORl NAllONWIDl USA 949 llS6 910S . . 1 ... tbluff ~· ..... ,, ., \I /'# ••• I• 1 Otone (oltran• • • Coll for lhtrng• • • Prudentrol Col1f R•ohy 949 836 3710 Newport Coast ,RIMI lSUHS PATRICK HNORl NATIONWIDE USA 9 49 8Sf> 970S lrl'llllf p •flH ~fl Onft RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Ranches,fanns/ CountJy Property 5915 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS Rooms for Rent 600I Prof'l Mole/female I' ORANGE COUNTY Balboa Jf ' I~ t-A •• • 74{)0 I' fl t11 t t• ul, II U .. " , t ,, .. ,, t, A, 11tt1. , " ! i.~• r1 .. f, ·•'• ~ •It I ., j f,,....,f 1 f I Balboa Island • Yeorly lg 28r 28a. "" 1 ' ,,._. f" s .. • .. So 14 '1 ' ~· So loy front , , I t , , • I .. , , \ . ..,. '. Balboa Peninsula l l r 28a Wolli I• bch " .,, \-.. 3Br. l l o. Super 1harp .,. , ... 1 •, .,. I s •••• ™' ,,1 • .. "'' ~ I Corona del Mar O<e on view '' mt-'•~•hi .. , " .,,, 'ti. pJt ,. fl(.! 111 .ti, ii• I Uu•fl n .. 1c.:h ''i1l1I ,, t4'i •'I I '1 Costa Mesa l.ovtrly Gat.d (_,ty llr I 80 Af>t. w '"' ~·" ft W,tlk 111 fr1 .qlM I SX'J'l m• W.11 ... , tr"' h 'hd t't< 1f! M . .trM/tt'""°nt 'Ml 1•'4 ltr>4< I •I ·~W DUAi. MASTER 2•2 PrT AllSZONA Hn IARGAlfl, OtC Hll ~ '""" v• .tw it .• ,. S..''1 trll t "' .. ~,.,, "9"ottt l "', l.ot• "J ' I • SI ~ A\AI f<,. t1!ll~~ I 11• I· lfl W .... ~~ l ' 1'1t• ~ i'>CXJ 1>"1 I •• .11ti ""' I ·•l•t I HAR8ott VllUGl f II•' hnt;tlr rtCtt-'11 .. ul.tf 1, • 1 ~rtr\do 1•101 • ''" -1••~ Afl·t1d.tt• "-,., 14 ~a.,044 I , .,11t, A.All I 11]} X' ('Ude 'kt O,>t,l Al. •VAN1 Newport Beach UDO 'l'lARl Y lfAU .. & UDO SUMMlR l+OM(S .,. . .. " . 78 r "' .. 9 4'1 f>7 S flit> I •I fiJ. "·" ._,. '•' i t • f..1'-f I / '( ,,.,.., I SBo , 1' I . ,. ~ ' · .. .,. . ' lg Jiu ,. . )bo •• jl. ,,i. "' '/bu A STW lBR S IO'IS/Mo /1 Ott rt.. 1\1 mo Ren1 I f f1ttl "c;._.,._ f BlUff\ !OW'' HOM! •I•• ... No•oloo Poul\f.1n Roofty 94'1 f>l• 1>489 ( la1 1/11d1· c 11\\ I \fl '1 7BR YCARl Y llNTAl S 11.>11 rhir '"" " liu11n, 11 lltn~ "ti """l 1 I H,. ~ i i 1 ' 1 '11 I "' 111,1 /1>114an~ tla qfiuJ ha -..ha/ 1.111 n1rd' 949 f>73 7800 (011bluff ' .,. BlACOH BAY /BAY RIONT (/.t\\/ff/[J 11./9 r.4~ ''· "\ '. PLUG IN t1nrj <,er,,r1l • • IP tr r ·~ ar 11 plun ber-, l landi.c m• • anri I I r "t'' --<Dllf'tltble' 9'l9 642 'M-48 e..... Wdh'.'\' ttldlr,tr, COUNTY I·••~ ,..,.., 'IV-... fndU.."'S•l'bi COlORADO AT IT'• ...... , .. ~ r.:..v ..... .,,.._~ '•••r '!lf>t-11.ld Slf;((l & SINm qeq '19'l14P Pl'!,... __ ,... .. ~649-4922-Z: SOUTH COA T AUCTION 2202S..llWllk. s.1,..""""" "'- tt.-rwtyi "-• • Clmili.i., "*'1 • M!-S671 Cats 3610 IOC)+. lll5QJUI ~. tA TS OOGS pht>toe. ••• -.. www~i... ... 11 ~ f Www1 kl.w:t J'I OAY *M. IH GUNWITI I 9t'l-644 71 /9 lr•lfl Hbb ill 4681 CAI •-.t.>."11 'J !. lllAf.I\ & S SOOA Vrndtn~ m.1, htnr' ont, S6'>0!1 r rqu11 NI I 8811 719 9~ If. "'" """' ( ,,, in Cl""'fi'd ' Balboa Peninsula H OKHSOPIH FRIOAY 11·2 21 S7 l. OCEAN l lVD lu\I \ltP\ away Ir rim lhr 14-lty ftitfk Jlw jbe ~ 1r~nrl1dr\111•1 nver look a lg par.o Sl.09!> 000 A2~111 310 463 2045 onC.•-d~ ,.,....,., 8lST I'> • • •only n.-dtl perlo..1 \! 'l '(•I , .... h ..,,. & S'i)I !nl 111 k {•• Nrwly •~.-.... fJ 0,-. s..t S... l S ,..., • .,.,..., f.«<tnt f•••....,, °"""'"'"" In f.t:wld I S..., ~ Mt.,... N.itii-.11 f •N Wldo: 'lS69:tXXt nm IL Id & rlt• ~, r"""" , c l'111Jadec:I CU\l•llll Ii' ~.1 I 111•+. hnnt.ir,o 8'IJ •rw.. ~v~~~~~lt. _... '(Y """' ............ ~ ... ,,....!>if'(_ &h•Ul5 :uc,oo mo 714 'lfi':I 47~ 0..-.l!Tu ~nil,,.,. Daily Pilot S......._CAt2101 ' . '" FR& 'WAY !or ~ l•lt ~ .. Mtet~ 9'!9 Sll-0411 •---·Sd-l•S-.. t:..t1 t l:ffl htt U lh (f',N ~.AN· I (I Pw tomrn llOOI <o.t wd fl .... ,..,.;,,.,,1 ""2 A,:t SllfXl ~ 6H_78..0 __ Call (949) 642-5678 Classified Community Marketplace ' e GET THE P QIN T? Daily Pilot ( ·1a-.-,ilicd ;1d-. "111 L lc11 ... 1111 '. ... TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 60~111d 81 Twtngy ... VOicil S2 SN,onlW R'"9 .., Hlrctv -(r~ 114 Nlrrow~ 658um 88 Fwni!U<9 Duy 81 C;JIVYltiMrs DOWN 1 TuflljJll~H 2 Nol thaughl·OUI J 4tletwre 4 Ou.IC> 5 Bullod 8 Covell)' weapons 7 ·Mafia -· 8 .,.aw11nan IUl:l8r II~ I 0 Rain IOrOS1 t 1 Sho!lly I :;I Moreno CH HayNOOh 13 Oo\Ma!ih 21 Dent ?5 $4l!tlt1 <Jta 25 FlniSl'IOO Ott (:?'NOS) 27 ·-A119 28 Watchband 29 FOff'ler NBAer -Untlela 'lO -sor 3, Harntlal $ loll '32 POl'.e<ge<&I OU 8TS H ~AIR ~· I( LM ST ("] 1·r A I A I H Al l E v E .. ~ EIPl~I~ A E p _, -8~ Ir N •• R Oil ~; I 8 ,e E if !>~ A~~ RA I • F 4 N •· Y• A A ,.. I TK A• f'IA E SS N•N AVE •"' U I ti -cu !e E e l IN SI~ T U l A ss-1:1 I EF IN f "N -L AM l't IN 111,J_ N .~ H ~1! A I ~ ~ I SE ET E AGLE " N en DES s T4TS • E DO ES 33 T earns ol oxen 35 Best medicine 38 Sanl< a ship 'J9 TV tlPOI• 40 llnco!n n4Cl<name 42 flMlr s Cjj<eellrig 43 Go lorWard 45 Over !here 46 Com"*lt 4 7 Sun paebCally 49 PCltldeB ~Ccmraa kin 51 'Top• ol the eal1tl 52 Clay pot 54 QJE91 s QVll!lcrs 56 Stadium cti.ers 56 Mother ol Horus 57 Copemooen f'\if1ve S8 T undta ""'lrl4l8 11 12 13 ~SHOWCMEt. t. 'i?each-121000 t J?eaders in Xeap.orl JJeach, ( i'orona def Jl(a.r, '}fewporl Coasl, '' ~ Gos/a Zsa. ~ · Don 'I miss oul on Ibis chance lo P.ro!1J.ole.yqlJr e \perlise in /his field/ t~ Our 7Je<fr/inY._ <5fioa1case ' 'Pu6ficahon l>ale: ~me! J, !(j(jJ c. )pace Oeadfme: J/une /tf, :!(j{JJ ·~~ 7/J, <?r/fJl'laf l)eadlme «l~ne 16. !()fJ'J ~ It Daily~\ Pilot .\''If ()4J) 574-4]4 :) Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH A FOR AVOIDANCF. Noni! South "UIOCl1lblc. Sooth Lleal~. NORTII • K 104 3 ~J96J • K 10 6 WF$r • 7 5 2 10 H 63 l 4 • ~ 7 s J so rn • Qll6 i\H KS 2 •A QJ4 EA~"f • AJ 9 K 754 A 108 7 • 81 with the llCC. Obviously. there Wll'i no ~1nn 1r dilVOO!llh bmlte J..2 oc, m !ht C\ent of a 4-1 splu. If We-.t held the ~e oc lmgth. The prudent <lcxl11r· er. howen:r. proltCts ~n t the Po'· iblJity of East hohl1ng four dia-" 11111nd' llC<IJW by A I 0 If tnclc.\ arc lo>t 10 the West hand, lhtre h no munediate threal from that quuner \1ncc: the J 'J ol hean' poi.c o double •topper But lth1ng the le.id 10 fu,1 Cllll be haJ.ardou' -II will per· nm 11 lead !hough the J 9 IUld .:ould n:•ult in the l"Ontr.tel'• dcinii.c. !he b11.1J11111. SOl'rtl \H.'i1 'OMrH fAST Al tm:k t\\O dcdarcr en1~..00 to Jummy by leading the four of dub~ tu the ten, then led n lo\\ J1.1111rn\d ln.>111 the wblt'. f:.a.,t nMJld not nllC with tht ace -th.it would ~t up the ~utt for dcdnn:r -'IO h,ld to pla> luY., .md South\ ling Y.On Declarer now had .,..vcn tnd.~ Smee 11 d1.., rnond conunu.ittM Y.ould h.i~<' hJrld· cJ the tuning to thc Jc(cndef'. de.:l.ir er lcJ a cluh tu the ~m~ ;ll1J n:turncd J 'PJ<k Agnm. Eu>t rnuld not \\In proliwbly and dccl.m~r·, yuccn t•••~ the tnc~. At l:ht 11 v..i, '.ik w pl.i} a \CCOOJ d1Jmond <;ut.llh'' CJl"t' V.OI\ reward..'<! "'hen w~,t J1 .... ·.ir<ktl .. 'P.~ on th" tnd. EJ,t ~aptufl'<l thc kna'c -.uh~ J<t: and ~Hn.:J 111 hem\. hut dediller ro-e v. 1th tilt 1"' l . <:J.Jle<I t>UI the l lu"'-Jnd loo~ •• ..a.und duunonJ lor nm.: tnd,, •>ne 'p.idc. t\<n hcJt1'. l\\U Jtamund' artd four duh' I~ ra.;.. l• Pa."' ? PiL .... .INT Pa\' Pa"' PIK~ Op.!mng lrJJ lllrtt ol \ t:ood ht1\llll"•' anJ a j:O<IJ rnn tr.ill ohi:n ha\c a .11111111011 lin~ l 11l.1t11Hl, lo1.Jll1N1 lii.:.1111111 Hcl'l'\ "'hJ1 "'r rne3n I he Jt1<1ton "'"' \tr.u~htfl>r" .1.nl \ftcr South , 11'\. lrulllp openrn~ hrJ. '11nh 1.hc .. ~t'J f•or ii .1-l 'p;irk• fit \IJ th.: 'itJ}lllJO ..,,n,.:11111111. then '1.'.ttli:d 111 duet' nu trump wh.:n norte v..h ltllJlt'd \\;c~I led Ille lhret: of he.in,. •m crloJ hy the queen .111d ~rni: JnJ -.on Employment 8500 BeolJteeper & A.u-'"g Support po11tton. OC a• P<• I "ta PPld•m "' PT flea llOUI\ Mtnl ~now QIJ .. ~hori< w~ R~me In f,,, ~9 447 ]'149 CW I,. ~~ 447 /l..O I you '-_;,.i &/w j m ln·•~•d • bu\1nt·\' co •.....ek\ '!"Ml "'"' & ab*! .... I '" ,. I n.'I bR 714-.-"AR:Jll ~ A CDl 111 ,,~ 1' w•..,,..,, Twhnn PttM:I Httr'f l<IJ"<""""<l Orllll'I\ ...,, L< ... •1 UW'<il\ No f ..... ,,, lrml'Oat• Mooclw al bef'lf'frt.. l 1!00 /RI ?Ilk w K r ~ r n (ai < r \ t t o m !(,Al "$CAN) DRIVUS: HAMS+ WlSTaH [,~,....-~\ S..lid ,,,,..... ~'Ullll IJnmlo I ""4'\ r nn11..,lllt•t pay b~ntfot, pa<~ae~ P••d •·" .ition u,..., " COr. 'l2 ' Y'' old ~"'"' MYR ~ 79.i 9Hl It.Al •S£.M1 DlllVEllS WANTED N•"'1"•1 & tlr1ntmrt·~• 8· I Stl yuu1 ow11 ,, ht"tlult 1 Part u• 11111 trnit ••d•l•~lt' s1•;. d,1y lull tin ... I Lan 888 DUI WURi\. '.!.~~w.-O~ SELL , .. _!!_N/t dasslli.d DttlVllt-C.V-f ,__ port· Te~ms Teilms T earns Vtt need teams for the tong n<1ul Owntt 11ptr at ors. .-pe11enced Clttllf!fS, \Olos. learns aoo Iii adua~ students Ga• I 888 MOOE PAY (I 888 667 372'3> <CAL •SCAN) f'ubh\IUng PROMOYIONS DEPAAfMlNT Ct>mmumty nt~ill'(.1 s tn Or •nae County ~s F uU TNllt' pef50f1 to mtervtEw 111d w.1te it0t res par11c;i- pa1e m Lnmmumty event~. "tat• and p.1piate pag~ and SKllll<I\ [ ·~ellenl tomrnuo11.alton '!.lulls WQlk wtM with Ow publ11. Know AP Stylt' QuMl<XPreu Phnto\llc.p Moll• Ad Crf' .tlor f'rohc~l oo MAC. and PC CCI de\1i;;n t"J~t,r1f!n t' prt"fttrrtcJ P11-.ilrtAdlnl lf">I Orn~ '>Lft:>•ll•tttl'llt" ....... '"'"""..J [ 0[ £ Hrllent benet.I -.k•re I ma~ ,.....,,""' wtt11f1a ~mple-\ Mid ~ry r P ~UHf'mPn t < ,, i.oN l'Jhnson@lat~ C001 Secretory PT@ NPB IP~rn1ng ren1P1 <~"' llter31~ m~ml "' 11honf' ''Ht"'\pr1odPnh srhpd ''""~ an<I bvokhe!Jlfli? I ump• 11t111e ular y llf' • hr\ C•ll 949 no J4'jO ClASSlflfD It's the solution you're searching for-whether you· re seeking a home, apartment. pet or new occupation! Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 Audi '00 A6 311. ml, full t '' t wan rnptathc I dr• l.JIUf' vr•y 11111 r 0 rnnrf c;uo.,rt> nnd Sl9'J9'> v•l!74741 8kr 90.su-1 aaa -w.ocpobol.com Bentley Atnoge '02 Bl•Lk bla1 k ~··~•nl •X08761 Dir hn1 Otllnn Sr NEWPOAf AUTOSPORT 9'9·S74·S600 BMW '01 74011 26~ nu fun fact warr orn!flro U•tmul lthr na••l!•llon supl!r b l1kr new cond S41h v#020471 f•n•nctn~ avail 8kr 949 '>86 1888 www.ocpol.com IMW 'OJ 760ll 11 m1 ll t.luk IJPduly •011.10256 Dlt Ryon Ludder> NEWPORT AUTOSPOllT 9'9·S7'·S600 Coclllloc '02 DeVllle Sedan I 9k m1 whrt., oatmeal lthr CO On•tar vl l)794J $74 99!> \aV~ S?OI< fin & war11n1v I avd1I 8kr 949 ~ 1888 w-.orpobl.com HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ~ .. ~ ' Service Directory Ace-0unting "llHl<f 10 RE4DERS t ~flf1Hn1J law ,,. 1100s. th•t c.ontr•r 101• IJl<111t tob\ lh1t ft t ... 1 SC,00 ht OIOft' ( l"hor Of mJ't.-ntlh• I h• 1tc .. 1• •11 hy the r ~11t1 il tot· St•t,. l 1c ,.,.,,.. 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II 714.968 1882 AVAllABlE TOOAYI 949 673·5!166 Std/ your Car In Cla1111f/led I C..Mlec '02 S.vlle SlS 11lver/1rey lthr, CD, cht m whls, 1old Piii. full t1et, 11111 new, S20.995 d5967'1 hn1nc1na •nil B~r 949·586·1188 ·-· l.ce. fen-... 1'1(~, while, red ltethe1, b1d1 11 a. mOfe 3,000 milts 1120496 Dlt Ryan luddtrs NlW,OltT AUTOSrc>aT t49-S74~S600 fwrwl '02 360 fiSliifllW Yellow, ten rnt, 600 mi •121612 o~ John Hill NEWPOllT AUT05'0aT 949-574-5600 ,.,.,... '" Ma 1w 16.<XX> renue mtles #098333 Oil' John Hall NIWl'OttT AllTOWOltT 949-574-5600 ford '6S Muttong Cunver loble. or1111nal owner. 101td cer Sl9.995 obu 949 719 2943 for4 Mv1tong CPI '91 V6, 26k mo. fully loaded ~Int lOOd. ora1n owner $8.000 949 723 6306 1-'03 Hype 4.2 Vi, I '>h mo wn1te o•lme•I ltllr CO chrome wtreeb.. 6 ~ auto S.vt 151< $18.995 v•m5!1965 949 586 1888 8k1 www.orpof.com 1.a .... ,., MurcWep a? 81 81 J.<XXl n*s A &.luty •Al2137 Ot Rya11 ludd1n N(Wf'OltT AllTOSl'ORT 949.574.S60() le•u• '94 l S 400 Champ•ent eold 1111 lthr CO &1>ld Pk& superb. Olli c ood. ~10.99!1 v•?675l? 11 ndnt1n11 a•~•I 8k1 949 586 1888 W-OlPObl Lorn Mosclo '99 M foto t:onv 4~~ m•. •ulu, \llYef. 1.n t11p IJW µI A/C CO. 'llfl~lb l1kr OfW 'ond v•l 19/4J $12 49'> ltMnun~ & warr dnly ••art Bkr 949 S86 I R88 _-'!!:''W.OCp~ ,HIWl'S AUTO 00 lllAW M ... ,., Conv, b4ICll W/fTIY. ptemltlm wn.m. (l 9381) $28. 9l!O ISIUZSLSOO dver W/fflY leetlw, pr_m..._. 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House Cleaning 1-.1.·. , ..... a-.i..e Svc. Quahly Huuv<.N>•nt0 0 C ?4Yr\ Rtl \ 949 '>48 00!>4 949 6JI 41 1 l DAHA'\ HOOSl Cl.IAHltG c .. _... s."".-k• 15 '(9iW \ rdermce-l.a.er1o,ed 714-342-0656 Masonry ._, JllG MASOHllY * Moving & Storage HST MOV(llS SSS/Hr. Se\'Vlfli /111 Crtm ln\ured 1163844 ID> 746 ?l /8 32J 6» 9971 cl'll PUBLIC NOTICE The Caltl Public Utthhn Comml\\lnn requtrn tnAt 111 tr\td household aoo d' move" pronl therr PUC C•l T number, l11nos 111d ch•ulleurs print lhtlr T C P number tn all adver lls•mtnh If ~nu h1v1 any iuultons •bclut the •1••111 o f 1 mover Irmo or ch•ulttUf call PUIUC UTIUTIU COMMISSION aoo 111-a .. 1 ()pen70.yt Low"-'" 8tor.ge Speolala Sinc.1991 949•64MS45 t:/a .'\.'\ijiPtl • 612-.)6 7H Painting Chung'• ~ V'lr.. e"' Creal P11ce• Cu>r artt•~d #ulk f••t t\I l •J7'>602 114 '>J8 I '>.M J J90 19''> Joy1on'1 'olnllng Top Qu•l•ly C•1mpehl••~ lnl~lllH [ r I l #648118 C•ll J1y 949 650 '>066 llAINIOW Clll<ll MNHT P•1ntrn1 '1Vr~t Hutr.ct/lc>I Qualrly tub' free t~t1male L•!i69897 714 6J6 8888 IUTW,AllTmto. INTERIOR EKTERIOR ~-......... -~ ""A...,. '' ,\fop'~ ~-" ........ ~ ..__,.,~ ·~~~ -·--...... Pet Services "Pet llttl"t. AMllAL AIOH AWHAlT PAVING, HAl COATING. SU9'1NG, Qv•hty wor-hlll ..,..... c .. c,,,.. 71~759 Pllnlblng SlWB MDDWI~ (t4t) U5-US2 SEll your unwanted ll•m• th1ou1h clnslfied I CXlFCU ON. 114 7~ql'<l -PRECISE PLUMllNG Repa11 s & Remodel•na FREE £STIMAl£ l •687.!98 114 %9 JI)<}() PoolSemce Meffk 'Ml & Spe Svc. Wetllly S.1 VICI, £quip menl Rap111s. Insured Collt49·2'2-717J R~ .C. TREES Trl••l1tf, RtMfNI & Y•n Cltil11_,. 714.435.J 7 Sllll'Lk ~ TNl S a1 'lal Spet11fWn1 In Wallp1pr Removal L•~141 949 360 1211 W1ndow Clnnlng •