HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-12 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-M esa community since 1907 THURSDAY,JUNE12,2003 City Council drops Nichols 01atter Other Newport Beach council members questions the behavior of the councilman and the Greenlight Committee that helped elect him. June C1H1r1nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -The gloves came off, but in the end, nobody went for the KO. Councilman Dick Nichols took it on the chin from fellow council members Tuesday as coUeagues railed him for telling planning commissioners last month that "it lookS like you're taJc. ing money for this one." "What bothers me is that you don't get it." Councilman Gary Proctor said. "You don't get the inappropriateness of how you sit on a body that appoints planning commissioners, then you stand up in front of the Planning Com- mission to speak. then you call up their QUESTION Did the City Council mab the right ct.dsk>n ebout Coundlmen Dick Nichols? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send ? • e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. decision~ in front of the council." Councilman John Heffernan said that Nichols' comment was damaging to planning commissioner!>. INSIDE "What you said carries more weight because you're an elected offic1al,tt I lef- feman said. "It's like saying I !WIW you come out of the Four ~a.o,on'> in the morning with a redhead .. For more Newport Beach City Council news, see Page A5 leru.t in '>uppon of dropping the rnauer. Nichols repeated hi!. previou'> apolo- gy. "My simile was totally wrong, Nich- ols said. "I did not mean to impugn anybody's reputatio n. I'm Vel) '>Orry lha1 this happened.• But Nichols didn't stand alone F-Jght residents spoke in his -.uppon. or at "I think you have now made it dear thar Mr "<1chol'> u'>ed poor 1udgment." '>8Jd re .. 1dent Madelene Arakehan a 2002 C11) C ounc1l candidate "Give tum another Lhame 10 go forward and to re al17e what he'<, done • See NICHOlS. Pace A4 State panel adopts plan for Cove cottages State Parks offi cials can begin renting out the histo ric beac hfront ho m es in fall 2004 after resto ring th em . Paul Clinton Daily Pilot CRYSTAI L0\1--The Cahforma Coao,t.U Comm15!.1on unanimously approved a plan on Wednesdav to r~tore the h1stonc but crum- bling, cottages at the state pan for pubht: overnight rentals. The 11 mem~r panel. al a Long Beach meeung, validated a plan that WCI.'> arguahl} two decades in the making. California State Paro drafted 1t.-. firc;t rec;t oranon plan for the cottag~ in 198.? The approvaJ <;t.'t\ up a dual significance for next year a.-. the 2Sth anmver..ary of the \late'!. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH DAILY PIL 0 T Sixth-graders at Lincoln Elementary are about to get pulled across the finish hne m a tug-0f-war during Greek Day fesbvlties. See COVE. Pace A4 It's all Greek to thelll Lincoln Elementary sixth -graders celebrate the Olympic spirit on Wednesday with a big fat Greek Day Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot T he 11th annual Olympic Games returned to Uncoln Elementary School on Wednesday, pitting li'ojans, Ath~nlans and Spartans against one another in a series of competitive games. The games represented a piece of the Costa Mesa sixth-graders' annual Greek Day. For many or the 95 students on Lincoln's field Wednesday afternoon , Greek Day marked a day of fun-filled festivities with an ancien t twist. e stu ents wore togas. at e grapes. played games while being were pampered by servants -also known as their parents. "It's really. really fun just experiencing what the Greeks did," Scott Potter, 12, said. His fellow sixth-graders agreed. "It's really fun to see the competitive spirit going on through all the classes," 12-year-old Jillian Wertheim said. "It's fun because ewT"YOne's supporting everyone else." Contrary 10 popular belief among the students, Greek Day did not simply provide sixth-graders solace from having to toU over classwork. "I think it puts the topping on their studies of Ancient Rome. Greece. Otlna and Egypt.· said Susan Kenney. a parent volunteer for the event. "It puts them into those times. ... It just kind of gives them a sense o ow 1 was. The event represents the culmination of the students' yearlong studies of ancient His toga flying, Gavin Koontz is off as he competes in a relay during sixth-grade See GREEK, P11e M Greek Day festival at Lincoln Elementary. COSTAMAZING COSTA MESA Center looks to become less square Triangle Square vows to overcome its struggles by adding entertainment and a new manage ment team. Lolita Harper Daily P~ot COSTA MESA -This ume. it is going to wort. Triangle Square will make a comeback. officials predict. The concepts are the same. the anchor stores are the same. the location ts the same. THE BELL CURVE Four arrested in gang raid on Westside Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWEB: www.~com Coate Mesa celebrates Its 60th •nnlverury this vear. Be bold in E l To ro support DHpe Bhareth Daily Pilot CX>STA MP.sA -A multi...qency png wk force combed tbe dty'a ~ euty Wedneld8y mom1ng in • lleal'Cb 'for P"I members aJleaedly lmotYed in ,two ahoodnp and a ltlbbfng, police of. ldallMkl. Ollcert did not ftnd the people they Mn ~ for. but arremd bar och· •en ao cMwent c:blrpl wb8e Ille> llnd· Inc tine,.,._ In two bomee. c.-. t.Wa Polee LL ~ 8lm1y Mid. ....... ,...M WEATHER S> Sunlight may epoil us eg91n. Hlghe,,.... n In eo.i. Mesa end In ttM mkMOl In Newport. S..hpA2 SPORTS The ..... r 12-end-under IOlbll flNm from the P9dflc • Ca.t ~...,.In tt9Wp(Mt leed\ It t.eur.d. .. ,...., w~ do vou live In Coste Mesa? What attracted vou to the city, and what do vou enJov mOll ebout It? The O.lly Piiot wanta to know and wtll run your lett9ta later thla month .. the city begins to celebrete its gotden ennlwrury. The deedline fot entriM It June20. Send your i.a.r. to ~ OeltvPllol. 330 W. ley It., CC*I Mele. CA 12G7; ...... IO _,. • f i•COl'tor•to , ...... ,10. E...mal .. ~-red. \ A2 Thursday, .11.rle 12, 2003 • POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Recall drive passe& through Costa.Mesa P1ul Clinton • DaMyPWot The campaign to recall Gov. Gray Davis, which has gatheml steam in the past few weeks, pulled Into C.Osta Mesa on Saturday. Local Republican organizers gathered about 350 signatures at Costa Mesa's Turget GreatJand in about an hour, Jim Bieber said. Bieber, president of the C.OSta Mesa Republican A.s8embty, roped in about 20 volunteers to circulate recall petitions. but said volunteers didn't need to offer much of a sales pitch. "There wasn't a partisan feel to it," Bieber said. "They saw the signs and they were making a beeline to sign.• Groups mounting the Davis recall effort, which is being led by Pepple's Advocate Director Ted c.o.ta and others, need to collect about 900,000 valid signatures by the end of July to place a recall vote on the November ballot The group has said It would try to collect 1.2 million names. Along with the recall, a string of replacement gubernatorial candidates have lined up to place their names on the same ballot C-andidates Include Rep. Danell i.a (R-Vtsta) and state Sen. Tom McOJntock CR-Thousand Oaks). C.OSta Mesa's Adembtyman Ken Maddox. also a co·ch.airman of the Davis Recall C.Ommittee of Orange C.Ounty, attended the recall event "He is universally reviled," Maddox said. "They recogniz.e that it's time to pick a new captain. This ship called c.aliforrua is heading toward an iceberg." Maddox blamed Davis for "a complete lack of leadership" on the state's budget overruns, energy crisis and economic malaise. Issa is hosting a Republican Party. dinner on Satwtlay at the Westin South C.Oast Plaz.a in Costa Mesa that should draw a who's who list. including former gubernatorial candidate BW Simon, Rep. <lu1a Cox. .Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and Newport Beach GOP fund-raiser John Crean. Silva throws backing behind Maddox Supervisor Jim SUva lent his support to Maddox in the 35th Distrlct state Senate race against Assemblyman John Campbell. ·Ken is unquestionably a solid fiscal conservative," Silva said. "Ken has made a career of fighting the excesses of government and businesses throughout Orange County can count on him to continue to fight against increased regulation and higher taxes.~ The two lawmakers have seen eye-to-eye on issues such as the eliminating urban bacterial pollution off the beaches. veterans causes and others, Maddox said. "We just have a long history of community involvement in the Newport Beach area," Maddox said. El Toro politics gets political Orange County Oiairman Tom WU.On wants a regjonal planning group to dump colleague Clluck SmJth from its board. Wtlson. on Monday, submitted a formal request to the Board of Supervisors to consider dumping Smith from the Southern California Assn. of Governments at its June 17 meeting. Wtlson, who represents Newport Coast. proposed replacing Smith with Supervisor Oui• . SEAN DUFRENE I DAILY PILOT Assemblyman Ken Maddox and Kellie Bieber show Garden Grove resident Paul Smith where to sign on a petition to recall Gov. Gray Davis. Norby. Smith has been an avid proponent of an airport at the El Torp Marine Corps Air Station , which county vote rs rejected in March 2002 when they approved Measure W. In the past week. word that LA. airport officials have been pushing to resurrect an airport for El Toro became public. Wtlson said the Los Angeles plan is an encroachment on Orange County decision-making. "Local control was the motivation for county-hood qiore than JOO years ago, and that motivation must c.ontinue to be the lynch p in of out philosophy in 2003. • Wilson said in a statement. ·Given recent statements auributed to Sup ervisor Oiuck Smith regarding the (Los Angeles) proposal for El Toro, which demonstrate a blatant disregard for self-determinatio n. I must turn to my board and ask. they join me in replacing (Smith)." CONTACT YOUR . REPRESENTATIVES . CrTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, COlta Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 764-5223 Mayor: Gary Monahan Coundl: Libby Cowan, Allan Manaoor. Mike Sc:heafer and Chrit Steel CfTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Bead\ City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA , 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Diet Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Ada ma Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 432-5898 Chanc:.llor: William M. Vega Boatd: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT·MESA UNIAED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2986-A Bear St.. COlta Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superim.ndent Robert Barbot Board: Presld,nt Martha Auor, Vice President Dana Bladt. Oert Serene Stokes, David Brooka, Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050, (714) • 966-4000 Elizabeth 0. Parter, member. Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport Beadl ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 • Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach), (7141 834-3220 •Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Ca.ta Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR . . Board: President Ruben A. Smith, • Vice Preeident P.tricfa Velasquez, Randy Smith, Emily Sanford, Pegg¥: Haidl, James Barldl, Deborah Carone, Leslie A. Ray and Frank Barbaro POLITICS ASIDE · S.J. Cahn is on assignment His column will return next week. He can be reached at (949) 574·4233 or by e-mail at s.1.cnhn@latimes.com. POlmCAt CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS Wendy and Scolt hugh In ttUfrtlngton BM~. Information: (714) -.1457 Plaza Hotel. lnformetion: (714) 658-8555 Mondey: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold • general meeting st 7 p.m. It the South Coast Ptua Wettln Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Coste M .... Admiulon la frM, hold a fund-raltfng receptJon from 6 to 7 p.m. Information: (Mt) 717·n65 Marianne ZJppl for~ will hold a campaign ~-off perty from 6:30 to 8 p.m. June 24 at the ctere Lincoln M8neion in Newport Beach. lnformltion: ("8) ~7426 Cttudt O.Vore will hold the ~-off celebrmtion end all Republicans are welcome. (714) for hit state AsMnibly run from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 65&-8555. today at Chinetown In ll'Vlne. More detella to JUNE Wedneect.y: Board of Equallutfon member foflow. Claude Parrish will hold a fund-railing reception .... 0.ne Aohrabecfter'• ~ .....,, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the oMoea or the lnlend fMIUrfng Jdrey ._., ... 8Ut8r of the Ooobie County hokta lta .mu.I •Rmg o.y SetUlil to Group Inc. In Newport Betd't. Information: 1949) JULY t: 0r8f'ge County Young f\epubflCeM will hold e general '""'6ng It 7 p.m. It the w..tln South CONt Pleu Hot81. lnformetlon: prnJdMt•ocyr.OtV or (9itt) 4no.Ml8 11: Merienne ~for AMernbfV WHI hold e fund-railtng Nceptk>n from 8 to I p.m. st the• Brothen and DNn Tomnce of Jen •Deen, will Freedom• dinner. A ,...,.,Je at 8 p.m. end 856-2200 ----~-...~-~x-a-~1r"1G;i;....,..ra-...-... ..... "'"'.---lftftn~nean .. ~r-np:tn:""et thi~-COa~itl Ctf11JctrforA1Hmt>tywnr--home af Edne Deeb In Newpott ~. rnfOnriitiOn:(M} '""'°" -----~~ , ( DailyAPilQt VOL. 97, N0.163 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publllher 10NYDOOERO Editor JOC1( OETT1HO ~~ Promotions Oll'9Ct0f PMwaEdtton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, baniel Hunt. Plul Saltowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Crime °:er c!:~ltar, (&U) 57'""226 o..p..tJM,..th•l.rlmn.com June=r•• Newport reporter, (M) 574-4232 /utW.~•t.tf,,..._oom ..... ~ ~ bualnem and anvironl'Mnt ,.,...,, 19481 ~ f»Uf.cllnton•1-tf,,,..,oom • Loltl.-.., Columnlat. cultuN '9Portw. (M)fM..tm lol,,..,.,,,.,,.,.,.,,,,.,oom .,....,...,,...,. Com Mela ,..,,., ( .. ) 57+4221 o.lldl'9.,,...,,,.,.,,•llldrMa.oom Clwtalli•C.... Edu<:don reponer, (M) 11""'291 ~otmno•,.,,,.,,...com Coral Wilson News anis\ant. (949) 574-4298 c:Orat.wilson@latlmn.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l.eactl, Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE 1949) 642-«>86 Record your comments about the D•lly Pilot or news tips. AddfMI Our lddr ... is 330 W. 81y St, Coste Meu, CA 92627. Office hou,.. ire Monday -Fridly, 8:30 1.m. • 6 p.m. Condona It Is th• Pltora pallcy to promptly correct 111 erro,.. of 1ublt1nce. Pt .... call (949) 764-432._ FYI The Newport BMctVC:ost1 M8N Delly PUot (USPS-144-800111 publi.Md dally. In N9wport BMc:n and ea.ta Mela, 1ubacrlptlona ire IVlll•ble O(\ly by subtcrlblng co Th• Tlmee Orange County (800) 2&2-9141. In.,... outaldl of NMpoft leadl aM ea.~. eubacripelone to the Delly PMoc .,. evallabte onty by flrte ._malt for S30 per month. (Pr1cea lndude all appffcabM ...... ~local tu ... ) POSTMASTER: Send lddNM d'langta to The N.wport I ~ M-.a Deity Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Cotta Mesa. CA 92626 Copvnght No news stories, illustrations, editori1I matler or advertleementa herein can be reproduced without written permlulon of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Circulltlon The Timea Orange County 18001252·91• 1 AdwrttaN19 C&IAffMd {9'91 842·5678 Dl.P.y (9'9) 842-4321 Editorial News (9'9) 6'2·5680 Spona(949)57 ..... 223 News ftlx (~9) &46-4170 ~,.. (9'91 85().()170 E:m.ilt dallypllot•t•tim•.oom MelnC>Mcie ........ C>Mcie (9'9) 842-'321 ......... ,..(9'9)831-712& PubllaMd by Tl'"" Community N.wa, 1 dlv1 Ion of the Loa Angelea Tl,,,... • IC2003 Tlmn CN. All rlghta ,....rvad. · . . . . . SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Just like on Wednesday, we'll start off gloomy, but wlll see pertlal clearing early this afternoon. Hight will just top 70 In COlta Mua and will hover near 67 rn Newport Beach. Friday will be almilar, highs near74. lnbmetlon; www.nws.noaa.(IOV BOATING FORECAST The westerly wtnda wtll b4ow 10to16 knots, with 2·foot waves and • swell of a fMt. Thia evening, the 'Winds will NM to 10 knots, but not much wlH c:Nnge otherwtae. Out fltfther, the northw.-.tv wtnda wm blow ttronger st 16 to 2:6 knola. wtlh 2· to 4-foot W9Y9I end. mbc4ld northwelt IWtfl of 4 fMt Ind aoutti IWtfl of 3 fMt. •Ex.pec:t the eeme tNa tvenlng. • SURF The latest aouthweat swell peeks today, providing ua more head-hlglw and several ovemeeda. The better spots will aee waves 2 to 3 feet ovemeed. We'll see the swell bd down on Fridey, with c:Nlt· to ahoulder-hlgtw expected. Saturday will be almller, but : a tad smaller. We'll ... welat- to dlat-hlghs. The next swell Isn't due for st i...t another~ w..... q&llllty: www . .um1der.0tp TIDES T1me 8:671.m. 1:4tp.m. 1:1ep..m. 3:301.m. WATER TEMltERATURE & • TnurSday, June 12, 2003 A3 Huscroft House can be moved to Westside Costa Mesa planners OK the relocatio n, but its new owner doesn't consider the situation ideal. ' Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA Ml:SA The Planning Commi&ion on Monday unani- mously approved moving Lhe Huscroft I lou!>c to a Westside lo- cation. But John Morchan, owner of 126 Properue:. UL and the tlli.- toric hou:.e. said the comm1s- s1on's unanimous decision 10 de- cline the vanance:. he had requested for parking. i.etback.~ and lot division would kill the enormous potenuaJ 1he cenrury- old house presents to a buyer who may be mtere,ted m fixmg 11 up. The commL'>'>•on on Monddy decided that the I luc.croft I louse could be moved to a \.\e<,ts1de property that Morehan owns di 548 Bernard St. n11i. would spare Lhe 1915 Crafl'.>man !>tyle hou.,e from demolition. which was due since the city had found no buy- ers. In Janwuy, Lhe City Council transferred ownership of the house lo Morehart's company. Morehart said Wednesday 1ha1 although the Huscroft House can be used as a single-family home based on the commissjon's ap- proval, he doesn't believe Lhere will be any takers when rental property surrounds it. "The person who buys it will be forced to take care of the two rental properties on Lhe same lot because the land cannot be di· vided; he said. "We need every- thing to be separate -sewer, parking everything." But that will not be possible because the commission did not grant Lhe variances. Planning Commissioner Bruce Gartich said he believed Lhe van- ances were "not justified." "They weren'l necessary for Lhe house to be moved lo Lhal lo- calion: he said. "It can still be used as a single-family resi- dence." Hul no one would buy ii, Morehan said. "'Real eslate is like a bundle of sucks: he sald. "If you take 11 apan, it loses its aesthetic value, its emotional value.· Morehan said he belleves Lhe Huscroft House~ a "cool house: "But Lhe Planrung Commi.s- SJon wants me to use my money to malce it a condominium,· be saJd. "I don't object to the city controlling its U'>e. Bul I ob1ect to it being attached lo rental unlti. in the back."' llenter1> do no1 unden.1and Lhe value of 'IUCh preciou<. property, Morehart !>aid. '"The hous<.> has great bones, a beautiful skeleton," he said. "It needs Lhe handi. of a special kind of craftsman. It needs pride of ownership." Morehan said he has not de- cided whether to appeal the comm1ss1on's decision to Lhe City Council. He has until 5 p.m. \.tonday The hjs1oric home was built in Santa Ana and moved to Costa Mei>a in 1950. In 1998, Lhe city of Co'>ta Mesa spent $54.000 to move the house from 2529 Santa Ana Ave. 10 feWinkle Park.. Three years later. Lhe council approved 11' re'>toration for use al> a cul- tural museum tn Fauvtew Parle. but later decided to ~u Lhe house and put 11 out to bid At Lhe end of Lhe formdl bidding process, only two bid!. hdd been received, both of whu:.h fell through. Al the end of 2001, Lhe city said it would use the $200.000 desig- nated from the Home Ranch de- velopment agreement to move the historic home to 1--airview Park. but expected the commu nity to match the money I hat did no t happen, md by St>p1e111· ber 2002. the djJapidawd home was headed to demnh11011 r hat was when Morehart cxpre,.,cd interest in mo\ing the hou~c 1u his 12.000-square-foot propen} on the West.!>ide His plan wa:. to demoh'>h one of the two su1gle farmly home-. on Lhe property to replat:e 11 v.11h Lhe Huscroft Hou.,e Planntng Cornm1'>'>1oner t...ltn na Foley '>aid '>he hope'> \lore hart will move the hou'>e ··1 hope the proJl'll can l1dp pen despite the \anance'>.' 'he said. "'The'>e k.ind of Crafhrnan homes are few and far bel\\t'en and must be prewrvcd." Come see the new EverWood• CouncryS1de blinds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping 1llllllJI sljHS create ·, benu11f ul ~ board-on·boc1rd tJt:!>1gn And 1he ·s1ep up look adds depth d1rni:n!>1on and chara< 1er to any room And F.vcrWomJ Cc1un1rySide w1' nor warp crark peel CJr fade hen in humid ari .. 1s .r d1r1;.o;1 sunl1sh1 Come L.;..;.:~""°'~•" see lhe:,c llc.1ut1ful Ol1'ldS 'v<1il\ ~ALDEN'S 1663 Pla<.ent1.i, Co~ta ~e"><l <J49·641>-.i8J8 COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL FINAL MASTER PLAN FOR TEWINKLE PARK couru,, a 20.000-i.quare-fooi permanent ~kale park and a I O.OO<hquare-foot community center: and renovating 1he lake The plan aho propo-.e!> U11provemem., 10 lhc bridge and median on lurupero Drive 1he item w its next mt'eung. Comrrussioner Bruce Garhch '>aid lw '><I\\ several changes tn the ma'>ter plan <llld wa.,n't comfonable making deu"on-. on tho'>e items without looking at llHHl' mformation City 'ltaff rernm111e1 1ded that the Planmng Comm..,.,1on apprt1't' the ma!>ter plan The plan recommend., rnmcrnng 1he e>.J.,11ng ha.-.t•ball :.oflball t0mplex inw a four-field ,oftball onh fac1h1\. pu111ng in ne\\. ten:w.. \ ollt-ybaJI and ha'>letball WHAT HAPPENED The Planning (,omml'>'>IOn conunued BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport bank raises funds through triathlon A Newport Hedch-ba'>td real eslate invcr.tment h<mk fim.,hcd a fund·raising tria1hlon on Fn day Lhat began in Big Bear and ended at Main Beach in l.al(Und Beach Buchanan Street Partneri. Lhen pre5ented a $153,000 check to Lhe United Way at Lhe recep- 111m 111 1 lotel Laguna. LOmpli'>hed Lach member of Lhe 40-per· '>On firm compewd in al lea t a portion ot the 2.4-mile swim tn H1g Bear Lake. the 112-nulc b1kt: nde or the 26 2-mile marathon. Everyone ran the lasl mile. BrunsWlck wa., the fim ol '>IX to dive into H1g Rear Lake a1 6 a 111 and one of five to complete the enurc icy '"1m -\"'1thout we10,u11i.. The Ruchanan ::ineet Founda- uon began three year'> ago to rat'>c fund'> tor cluh.lren\ char- 11i~ near Nev. port and 1wo olher commurutie'> where the com- pany has office" fh.., year's con- tnbu1ions nearly tnpled the first year' take, ~d Randy lla11. di· rector of markeung. "We have struck upon an ex i:ellcnt balance of making a '>ig- nifkant contribution to the local rnmmuni1y while offering our employees an importanl team· hwlding expenence," '>illd Rob· en Rrun.,\\1Ck, pre .. 1Jen1 of Lhe hank 'Tm very proud of what the-.e dedicated people have ac· The United Way will dJo,tnbute Father's Day Brunch Sunday, June 15 10:00 am -2:00 pm Giw good ol' Dad hrs two favorit' things on hrs special day. 9fHI food iOd tlmt 00 !hf golf COUf§f. On our lrlish buffet. !hf wholf family w1H find ltmptlllg stl«tions such as our IJ09Ul1r Ometet StJuon wlwft omfltt:s .,.. IMdf to ordff Thtf,·s also • Cl!Vlng StJtlon fHturing Pnme Rib n GlrilC Fort lOln, SHSOllil fruit "1d salid!. I W · zlo09 ~of unpor1fd Ind domtstlc ~ and llomtmidf blbd gocd and dmens. This yM(s spKlilty entr"' tncludt Orlllgt Hofwrldish Silmon. Gr111ed StNb Ind ~ Chd!n whict'I •tt "' Wl'f 10 rnillt did hlppyl Also lnduded ill tilt bufllt IS our Sfelood Stltion which lndud& hind rolled ~ Slw1mp. Crib Legs. Muntb, end Orsten. tu tilt finllt. 1tlt mcMtlwl- IM\ng o.sert SlallOtl is wrt to wtisfy htm. n.t's f\11111 • spedll bulltt iust lor kkhl Mel don't forgtt to tntlf O.cl In !ht ~ing Conttst. """"'9 CO!ltttt 11 :00 "" I 1 :00 11"1 Indoor Md Outdoor Seetlflf __ ...._ (Ofl~Vllet~ bMllAltloM.,. MttllY ~ndtd. Pw,...,.,....., tk .. ""1 (949) 729-6160 -f>t>I' I)(/ HI UITl// Ii the S 153,000 to lour c hanueo, ~!aria \.\ilrnx. prt·-.1J1;>11t ol Orange County-. lJnnetl \ \ay. -.aid :.he apprec1a1e., But h.u1an Street P-anners· eOort-.. "Their comm1une111 ol unw i1J1d money help'> make a n•,11 difference m 1he hws ol 111..im children." \Vile ox -..ud. Employee'> ral'>ed fund" Lhrough dona11om from clil·ni... members of the financial mm munity, friend<; and fa1mh . and chipping in thett own money -,\fill' '>u·nmu11 Everything at your doorstep. And now time to ertjoy It. lsn 't It time to commute less and enjoy Ute more~ Now you an do )u•t that. We offer HCeptional apartmfllt communrltu "' com.nlent Orange Cwnty locatl- • Close to e".-eryth1r19 you -nt· sltopp1ng. empl~nt, and pafU • Your cholc' o( outstanding lrMnrtlff lib rnort~ IW1\'nf'lrint pools 1nd spas, busines.s and litnea~nters. ~courts tOO. Contact ,..ntal Uving Apartment lnf~rl'Nltlon C.nter T~ 17625-B Harvard, corner of Harnrd and Main. lmne, CA 91'14 1.IU.400..2.691 rent.a\~.com GARYS ~y ,0oHHR SEMI -ANNUAL 30% to 60% Off! Shoes , Hand Bags & Accessories Cole Haan • Donald J Pliner • Stuart Weitzman • AQuatalia Goffredo Fantini • Marc Jacobs • Materia Prima • catvin Klein • Potlini Espace by Robert Clergerie • Reramosca • And Many More .... ••e.7a1.•7ao PA8HION laLAND • N•W~O•T M ThurSday, June 12, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • AMlcM'l loultvard: Grand theft wet repontd In tM 500 btodl ~ 12;54 p.m. Tuesday. •Columbia OriYe: An auio theft was repo11td In the 2500 blade et 6:30 a.m. Tuetdey. • Orenge and Santa ..... awnuee: A traffic accident Involving injuries was reported at 8;04 1.m. Tuetdey. • w..t 1tth StrMt: An auto theft was repol1ed in the 600 blodc at 1 :10 p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH •Galaxy Ortw: A robbery wu reported In the 1300 blade et 2:01 p.m . Tuesday. • Jemboree Roed: A vehicle burglery was reported in the 3300 blodc at 2:56 p.m. Tuesday. • Merguettt. Awnu.: A hit-and-run was reported in the 800 blade at 11 :52 a.m . Tuesday. • Roxbury Road: A burglary was reponed In the 4600 blod< at 3:17 p.m. Tuesday. COVE Contlnued from Al purchase of Crystal Cove from the Irvine Co. in 1979 and the year the bulk of the 46 oottagea wW open for public use. "This is a very stgn.iJkant mile- stone in getting that section of the parlc open to the public,,. said Mike Tope, superintendent of the State Parks' local district. •1t•s good to have a plan that every· body's behind. .. Thar could nor be said in Sep· tember 1997, when the state GREEK Continued from Al signed· a secret deal with Bay Area oonc.esstonaire Michael Freed for a luxury resort at the cove. Using ~ grass- roots tactics. environmentalists mobilized opposition to that plan, which paved the way for the state's repudiation of It In July 2001, families that had lived at the cove since the 1940s left after receiving eviction no· dee& The state then proposed set- dng astde 30 cottages 'for over- night rental. Eight would go to park staff, five would be used for education; and three would house concession stands. The civilizadons. ft aJso gives them an opportunity to test their knowledge of ancient ti.mes. ·Lincoln is a school where we have simulations all the time,· said Judy Taylor. one of the sixth-grade teachers who wore a royal purple toga that a former student designed. "That's what this is. It's a fun time for the lcids to celebrate and be kids." For the students participating in the Greek festivities. their temporary travel to the ancient world should leave them with something memorable. With this event, ·we connect the past to the present and give them a chance to e~erience another culture,· said Nancy Urricariet, one of the three sixth-grade teachers. "Hopefully. they'll walk away happy and having learned a whole bunch." commission approved that pro- posal on an l l-0 vote Wednesday evening. In granting approval. the com- mission also set a string of condJ· tions that State Pa.rb must meet. saJd Anne Blemker, the commis- sion's project analyst. Those are better defined rental rates, a new bluft'·top partcing lot. protection of coastal sage scrub, a bener water-quality management plan and a "mi.¥ of bed types" in the lodgings. Blemker saJd. The state plans to begin otter- ing the cottages for rental lo fall 2004. Dormitory-style cots will go for about $30 per night. while prtvate cottages will rent for be- tween $80 and $150 per ol.gbt. On Wednesday evening, Laura Davick. a Conner Crystal Cove relfdeot and activist, breathed a sigh or relief after several years of activity on the project. Davick said she looks forward to a new pubUc era at the cove. "This historic district will be open to the public." Davick said. "I'm so glad this is behind us.· • PAUL CUNlON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail al paul.clinton@latlmes.com. NICHOLS • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by &·mail at dlristine.earrillo@latimes.com. DON LEACH /OAJLY PILOT Parent Mary Sadler wraps a toga around sixth-grader Elizabeth Marney. Continued from Al The item on the council's agenda was whether the council should take any action either to condemn Nichols' comment, to censure him or to create a code of conduc1 10 govern council members' behaV!or. City Atty. Bob Burnham re- poned to council members that he did believe that Nichols' com- ments amounted to an un- founded implication that some- one had accepted a bribe. But Burnham said his legal research supported Nichols' rights to make such comments at Plan- ning Commission meetings. The discussion also included some criticism for Greenlight, the slow-growth movement in the city. Heffernan. who was elected with the help of the Greenlight Committee. reported that Grttnlight leaders had asked him to defend Nichols, also a Greenlight ·supported councilman. •1 patentJy refused to do SO," Heffernan said. Councilman Tod Ridgeway said that the whole controversy should reflect poorly on the local poliucal group. "The Greenlighl people are the ones who inteniewed him as a candidate, endorsed the candi- date and financed the candi- date: Ridgeway said. "I really question the people who sup· ported him." In the end, as midnight ap- proached. council members agreed that it was time to drop the matter. They voted unani- mously not to take any further action. ·1 am content to end this eve- ning and hope something good comes out of It: Mayor Steve Bromberg said. SQUARE Continued from Al but the players are different, said general manager David Yoon. who represents Triangle Square lnvesunents U.C. "We have a lot of new team members in response to a review by the investor ownership: Yoon said. Triangle Square, which has struggled since its 1992 opening, has hired a new managing com- pany. OlarJes Dunn Real Estate Services, and new leasing agent, Festival Companies, which has succeeded in finding tenants for Costa Mesa Courtyards across Harbor Boulevard. The center also has a new law and accounting firm, Yoon said. The plan now is to attract "destination" restaurants and build the center around a fitness theme, he added. "We believe the new tenant needs to be a destination client," Yoon said. "Smaller, fast food restaurants don't seem to work. People need to go there on pur- CURVE Continued from Al because Hahn pointed to El Toro as the logical place to assume that •fair share" has been wonderfully cacophonous. We sh ould listen. And learn. Here's how the anti-airport folks responded, according to news stories in the Pilot and Los Angeles Tunes. The Orange County Board of Supervisors, by a 3-2 vo te, sent Yield On Principal of Tour 1 2 ~<>CD FDIC INSURED FID E LITY INSlTJlED DEPOSITS (949) 588-5711 - -t\4'.cume a.s t>I 06/04/20M f'cn;aJI) for f.arlv Withdraw· Bank Fees May Rt:duce l:;arningi :-Jm Otter To Sell Secunt1cs · S ~0.000 Limit 2.65~ Annual Pm:enugc Yield on Bank·~ FDIC Jmured New CD Plw Pidcl1ry ~h Payment At lnccp11on Annu1t1c~ also offered • Fidelity and FEI\ Farrul> Estate Insurance ~en ice ( Lic#OCS049) ~ot Member of Federal De it Insurance Co ration. pose, not just because they have some time. but to a place where they want to bring their fami- lies." With longtime tenants Nike Town and General Nutrition Center -bener known as GNC -·and new tenant Nordic Track. officials hope to cater to active customers, providing them with gear and nutritional supple- ments for a variety of different sports. The downtown center. at the major intersection of Newport Boulevard and 19th Street at the end of the Costa Mesa Freeway, has also completed a slight makeover. with oew paint and better signs. Fonner marketing coordinator Cori Abbs and former property manager Tom Estes outlined the same course of action for the center more than a year ago. But all that resulted in were more va- cancies and more internal turn- over. Execution is the difference this time, Yoon said. "We have a stronger decision- making team that can negotiate deals,· Yoon said "Many prior off a lener to U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mlneta telling him to bug out because the county doesn't want an airport at El Toro. Board OlaJnnan Tom Wilson had already sent a letter of his own to Mineta telling him that the Board of Supervisors "will no1 tolerate any attempt by the city of Los Angeles to overturn a local land use decision made by the voters." An Orange County delegation ln Washington pressured Rep. Jane Harman CD-Palos Verdes) into withdrawing an amendment Lo an aviation funding bill that would have required ~sharing the burdens and benefits of air transportation.· Supervisor Bill Campbell described the Hahn move as a ~Hail Mary pass" and called the White House to promise a light agalnst it. And Pastor John Steward. who heads the Oergy for Wholesome Cornmuntdes, called it ·morally wrong" and asked, "When is enough?" -a question I don't recall him posing after voters had twice approved the El Toro airport. That's a cross-section of what their guys are saying. So how about our guys? The ones who believe 6rmly that the El Toro airport is an lncredibJe opportwl.lty, virtually handed to us at a cridcal stage in meeting the air transportation demands of this region? How a.re they responding to this unexpected rising of El Thro from the dead? Only two are quoted In the news stories I've seen. Tom Naughton, president of OBITUARIES Vivian Harriet Kelly Prtvate servlcet will be held for 30-yeer Newpon Beach relldent Vivian Harriet Kelly. Ml. Kelly cUed n..e.day Of mnnl al1.ttel. She WU 85. Ma. ~ 11 IUl'Vlved by ...,....."-...... Goma.I• and Penny ~ three pnd· dilldren; ftYe pt-ganclchll· drift; a.od I bfodv:r. Helen Louise Estus Rinderknecht proposals !brought forth by for- mer property managers CMG) lacked substance, and we couldn't approve them." Stephanie Demartinls. the center's operation manager, plans to work with tenants and the community to make the cen· ter succeed. she said in a release issued to the Pilot. The release said center officials meet with tenants once a month to dis<.."USS events and with city officials at least twice a month. Planning Commissioner Bill Perkins said he met with Demar- tinis about two weeks ago, after months of getting nowhere. The conversation was informative and optimistic. but the proof has yet to be seen, he said. Mayor Gary Monahan men- tioned the troubled center dur- ing Monday's redevelopment agency meeting. Monahan said the city received numerous calls from residents about the city's role in the success of Triangle Square because that portion of the downtown area was redevel· oped through the use of eminent domain. The mayor wanted to clanfy the Airport Working Group. said that he is "quite pleased with the leadership Mayor Hahn has shown on this regional issue· and ~the AWG supports it I 00%." And Newport Beach City Councilman Tod RJdgeway also pledged his support. but added: "l don't thlnk. there's anything for us to do. In Newport Beach. we have always said that we're not in the airport development busine~ ThiS is a regional and national growth issue, and It's not best addressed by citJes or initiatives or referendums.· Now, however you feel about El Thro, you'll have to admlt that these comments don't come very close to the fervor of the anti -airport folks. So J called our guys in the hope of getting a JictJe more fire and clarity. Naughton dJdn't return my calls, but Ridgeway obliged cheerfully. Our conversation was interrupted several times by planes taking off from John Wayne, which lent a UctJe drama to the discussion, at least on my end. l asked, since the El Toro opponents are writing all these letters and making phone calls and sending delegadons to Washington, wouldn't it be a good Idea for the Newport Beach City Council to let the targets of all this attention know that there are some people back here who support the airport and welcome Hahn's action? Ridgeway said: "l see no political advantage In writing such letters. As elected omctaJs. it's important for us Lo maintain the coalition that joined us In the cap fight at John Wayne. Beach resldent Helen LouJse Eatus Rinderknecht wtU be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at St James Episcopal O\urch ln Newport Beach. Mra. Rlnderlcnecht died Monday of natural causes. She wu 90. Mrs. Rinderknecht ls 1urvlved by daughter Beverly Anne Lucas; tp"8nddauahtert Oirlstie u&nne Davis and Julie Mule ~ and one great- grandlon. . Helen OliavieUo Tice Services tor Newj)Ort Beach realdent Helm OilavwOo l\ce wtll be held at (:30 p.m. June 20 11 Shttman Ubruy and Ger- den1 In Corona del Mar. Mn. that although the center was de- veloped through the city's re- development agency. the city did not operate it. "They are a private company and we are just as . . well. yeah. I guess 'disappointed' is the word 1 would use.· Monahan said. ·we a.re just as disappointed with management as the rest of you.· Of course. he IS supportive of turnaround effons and anxiously awaits them, he said later. Those efforts include various community events where cus- tomers are invited to enjoy live music. artist fairs and vendor ex· hi bits. Triangle Square has booked live entertainment. Bands Beg· gan Blues and Sebastian Sidi played throughout the day Satur· day and Sound bcape played Sunday. The center also has a Farmer's Market the ~econd Sat· urday of each month. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (9491 574-4275 or bve·mall at lo/1ta.harper a /ar1mes.com Why would 1 want to challenge that sleeping dog? This is a larger issue ... Does he feel that the residents of Newport Beach are being properly represented by thi~ passive approach to the reopening of the possibility of an airport at El Toro? Ridgeway said: "There are split opinions here on the airport at El Toro. There is a lot of opposition to it, for example, in Newport Coast." Will the Newport Beach City Council al least address tlus issue by seeking some means of representing the pro-airport position in Washington? RJdgeway said: "I don't see any of this coming before the City Council. Our No 1. job is protection of the JWA cap. Stirring the pot would threaten the support for that position.· Given all these cavils, how would he sum up what he sees as, the proper stance of the Newport Beach City Council in response to the Hahn proposal? RJdgeway saJd: "This ls our last hope. but it's the hard way. It's back to repeating the Measure W debate all over again. We're staying the course. but we have to be careful not to be too aggressive. It can't be our fight alone, because we have too much to lose." If any of our City Council members disagree with this assessment, It would be good to hear &om them. They might also like to consider that maxim of the old Green Bay Packers that "the best defense Is a good offense." So far, caution hal pajd off ln a Great Park where an Tice died Sunday after an ex· tended battle wtth cancer. She was 86. Mrs. Tice Is sUJ'Vfved by huaband Cameron: son Gary; daughtcr·ln·law Susan; grand- chJJdren Halley, Kyle, 1)oy and Kare.: and brothers Bob and Bud. • Th• Oellv Pilot welcome• obltuerlff for rtsldtnta or former realdentl of Cottt Mtte end Newport hedt. If you went to heve •n obituary prtnt9d In the f>llot. Mk your mortu•ry co f• ue the lnformet.lon • lMt ...._. 110 0t cell tht MW9fOOm • CMtt 71M324. • Daily Ptlot GANG Continued from Al One boy was arrested on 6U.Spi· don of violating probation, and another was arrested (or allegedly interfering with the oftle65' ability to perfonn their duty, Birney said David Antonio Mendez. 18, and a girl were arrested on 5USJ>ldOn of lnterfering. The gl.rl also had an outstanding warrant. Birney said. About 90 officers from 10 agen - cies launched a massive sweep as they searched three homes in the 300 block of Avocado Avenue, two locations in the 800 block of Cen- ter Street, and homes In the 1900 block of Maple Street. l 000 block of FJ Camino Drive, 700 bJoclc of Shalimar Drive. 600 block of Mis· sion Street and the 700 block of Wtl.son Street. Blmey said. He said the action was in direct response to three incidents in the city's Westside. The first occurred April 15 when a 15-year-old boy was reportedly tabbed by two men while walking in the 1900 block of Wallace Avenue. The teenagers injuries were not life threatening. The second came less than a month later. on May 9, when men wielding guns attacked two men standing in a parking lot of an apartment complex iJ1 the 1900 block of Maple Street Both vic- tims suffered gunshot wounds, but survived. The most recent incident left a 20-year-old with a bullet in his back.. A man reponedly shot the victim when he was waiting with a friend in an alley behind the 800 block of Cemer Street. Birney said in addiuon 10 these. police a.re al.so looking for gang members in connecuon with three separate graffiti modent.S '>ince May I 5. The locations the officers searched on Wednesday were bai.ed on "foUow·up invesuga- uon. • he said. Bimey '>aid 1t is not clear why there has been a udden surge in gang violence. "It'~ hard to teU what sets 11 off." he !><lid "It ~tarts off with some graffiti, which then leads to prob- lems between rival gangs. Usually. one thing leads to another. and it becomes a vicious cycle.· Birney :,aid the city has a gang uJtit that patrob the city seven days a week. al> weU as school re - source officers who raclde the problem 111 the ary'c; i.chools. "It's an ongoing and n~r-end­ mg proc~" he !>Clld. • DEEPA BHARATH covers pubhc safety and coorts She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa bharatl'l .9 lat1mes com airport was twice the choice of voters Meanwtule. we will carry RJdgeway's fighting words on our standard as we do battJe for our last hope. A lot of my neighbors are writing their support to Mayor Hahn with a copy to U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta. Ir that's the way you feel, you might want to do that, too. You might also want to beef up caution with a pinch of passion and a dash of aggression on behalf of the strong wishes of the majority of the electorate in asses.sing City Council candidates at the next municipal election. • JOSEPH N. BEU 11 a res1dem of Santa Ana Heightt. His column appears Thursdays. - Daily Pilot . NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL 1 lere dfe !>ome dt-n'>1on., taming out of ruec;day\ ( uy Council meeting NEW CITY HALL fhl' rounul agrcl•d to '>pend $5 71U Wi to Cnfftn llold111g' to dl•.,1w1 c1 new Cuy l lall complex, but that\ about all rnt'mber!> agret-d on. 1-vcntually. when (,nffin l lollhngc; unw11 .. ll'> ideas to the nty. the rnunc1l will begin the even more d1ffirnh proce'>!> of dendmg whelher and how to make abnut SJO million in nmo\allonc, at the ag111g '>Lrurturc Some counul ml'mher., '><IV they It.kc the idea of '>trapping the C'Xl!>ttng bui.ldmg'> to rt•plact them with a more tffi<.1e111 complex. Other'>, rnu1>1 not.tbl~ longumc uty employee Don Webb. !>ay they'd rather lool.. lor way'> to pre'>el'\e \onw ol tht:' old building!> and tlw1r 111.,tom Lharactcr. Lounnlman John I lelTcrnan .. a1tl that even the tcht of draw111g up plam I'> morf' rnone~ th.i11 the n ty .,hould bt• '>pending IO bad t.'UlllOlllll lllllt' .. WHAT IT MEANS ( 1nffin I foldings will g<tther 111lorrn.111on and dra" up ... pet tfit opuon'> for tht• citv to t 11m1dt>r at a latt>r datl'. WHAT THEY SAJD I h1'" not J hghtht• tnt:d expemhturt· of tl1" rc111m.ir\ lw1d' In urm•., hl..e tht·-.t·. "' lllllt' Ill ht prt1dl'lll < m 111c 1/ma11 Ju/111 111'/jrman ST. ANDREW'S An em·1ronmL·11t<1.I '>tUd) \\Ill < on.,1dcr the l.'fkll'> ot tht: \i,000 '>quan· foot fl'llO\ JllOll plJnm•d .it \t And rt'\\\ Prc!>bvtenan thun.h lht rnunul approq~d <t contrctU \'\ 11h Keeton t....rett/t•r C on<,ultmg to ~ather mformauon on ho" the propo~t'd lhange'> might affect traffic parl...Jng and nol'>t.' WHAT IT MEANS NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Newport Beach City Council •WHEN: 1 p.m. June 25 • WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. •INFO RMATION: Agendas and staff reports are online several days before each meeting at www.c1ty.newport-beach.ca.us. For information, call (949) 644-3000. A'> aJway~. lhe city selects lhe enwonmental c;onsultant, but the applicant. in this case the church. reimburses lhe city for lhe cost. St. Andrew's will pay up to $92.000 for 1he environmental ~Ludy. WHAT THEY SAJD "'This will let us answer lhe community's quel>tions and let them be part of the process. . I lopefully. we can build a consensus." -Councilman Don WelJb BUDGET n1e city'~ $162-r1111l10n spending plan got 1u. firM hearing in a regular council session after starring on lhe agendas of three LOnsecuuve stud}' .,e!.!>1ons. Community and rnuncU member'> \\e1ghed in w1lh lhetr requew:; for extra tundmg for a handful of pet proJl'Cl'>, mcludmg outdoor hghtmg leading lO the ( uy 11.UI parlong let. S Ifill 000 for the < 11rim.i del \l.ir Bu'>tne.,, Improvement 111.,tnct to fund -.tret't unprm·emt'nh on < oa'>I I llgh\'a~ and toilet '>eat., for the W• public t01Jet' tn tht ut) found \\llhou1 -.eat ... in c1 rPcent l ll\ l' nt I) I") WHAT IT MEANS After makmg their reque'>t'>, cmmcU member'> approvetl Jld'>~tng on lhe re\1'>Cd budget lor !111<11 .ipprm,aJ at their June 25 meeung. WHAT THEY SAID .. l.verybody want!! a piece of thf:' chef'c;e \\ere doing our he'>t. but we re sttll going to feel the hun -\fmor Stt'I e Hruml>erg on tile nl) s flgl11econum1c111nes NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD MEETING WRAP-UP INSIDE THE DISTRICT 1 ltrc are '>Ollle of Lhe den~ions rnmtng out of Tuc'iday\ school board meet1n!(. TENTATIVE BUDGET MEETING According IO C .th.forn1a educauon code ... the '>lhool th'>tnct" Board ol I ni!>lee' must hold a pubhl meetmg on lhe budget for the• ,.,,.,~ ~ubsequent fiscal year. Allhough lhe stdle has not approved tts budget. ;\;ewpon-Me'><I Unified Mil present a 1entat1ve ver'iton for the 2003-04 school year at the meeting. During the meeting, Newport-Mesa residents may present their objections to the budget or any of Its items. The board cannot adopt a budget until after the puhUc meeting is held. WHAT HAPPENED The school board approVed the proposal to hold a public meeting presenting the All Funds Tentative Budget. The meeting 1s scheduled for 7:05 p.rn. June 24 al the district o~ces. APIAWARDS- EXPENDITURE PLANS The Governor': Perfonnance At.iard Program provides monetary awards to staff and school site for their a~evements of various targets on the AcademJc Performance NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Newpon-Mesa Unified school board •WHEN: 1 p.m June 24 •WHERE: 2985-A Bear St . Costa Mesa •INFORMATION: (71 4) 424-5000 Index. Funds ha' r been d1stnbuted 10 the ,·anous ~chool Siles based on lhe 2001-02 carry·o\er and the first and second tm.tallments for the 2002·03 fU11ding. Expenditures of lho'ie funds should be decided by a school Sile council and must be approved by the school board. WHAT HAPPENED The board approved lhe expenditure plans for lhe Public Schools Accountability Grant as presented. SUMMER BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE To allow staff and trustees time for vacation during the summer months, ~~:mmended that the board approve a revised summer schedu1e eliminating meeong dates on July 22 and Aug. 12. WHAT HAPPENED The board approved the schedule, allowing for the board president to call additional special meetings. lf needed. -C.Omp/led by (]JristiM Carrillo Wllllher You IUV or Le111- You·11 Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! lt urS<1c11 Juoe 12 2003 A.5 25010 -70°/o OFF SELECTED STOCK store1 Costa Mesa (949) 734-2020 ~--------~Baby Backs -------------~ and Lots of Other Good Stuff "Give Dad (and your Grad) the Perfect BBQ!" ~~~----~"'--~~~~~~~ Bucktt of Ribs 28" ·59ci· ~-~~~~~~~~~ lntrodllei"I "U"-Que Palu "t-' GUI W • TCMJI p;L • 1•'rr dlr ... !" , ~ h ' ... I . . . ... : . . ~ . t:~. • ..... .. . . ,... . ... I I• t •• • I ' . . . ... Ul (boical ___ _._._ .... --·-- A6 Thursday, June 12, 2003 Daily Pilot FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -lAtt9r.: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ANdera HottlM: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send ~o (949) 646:4170 E-mail:.S.nd to dailypilot@lstlmn .com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clanty and length. EDITORIAL SOY loses a worthy leader S ave Our Yo uth lost a large pan o f its heart earlier this month wh en its longtime executive director resigned for a new gig at the Boys and Girls Oub of San Juan Capistrano. Oscar Santoyo ctid everything to insp ire youth at the Costa Mesa nonprofit over the last l 0 years. He urged them to accomplish goals, induding going to college, an d he provid ed them incen tives. MAILBAG Among the m ore well -known incentives he game them was his h air. Every year, Santoyo cold the teens at the center that if they earned higher grad e point averages, he would let them shave and dye his head however they wished. If the Estancia High School graduate s ported a red Mohawk for a week. it was of hjs own doing. But for a good cause. Santoyo, who gave up a career in ractio ro help keep teens off the streets and out of trouble, even tried to join the cast of "Survivor" three years back to prove another point. ·ir I can survive on an island without anything. then !the children! could do anything. They can go to college and ge t jobs." Mike B1lhngs, right, the editor in chief of the Coast Report at Orange Coast College, sits with Copy Edrtor Matt Ballinger Santoyo didn't know h ow swim , b ut vowed to learn if he was ch osen to join the reality show. It turned out that his wife learned she was pregnant around that time. so he opted not to contin ue seeking a place on the show. But again. it proved another great sample of what Santoyo was aU about: leading by example. Another e~teem-booster Santoyo brought to his teens and preteens was an annual softball game between SOY's c rew and members of the Costa Mesa City Council. Each side poked fun at the other. but again, it was aU for a good cause. It served a dual role: ll introduced the youth to the City Council and vice versa. Santoyo gave a decade to SOY, and the group is much better off as a result Save Our Youth now has a ve ry difficult task: filling his large shoes. And finding som eone willing to pan with rus o r her h air. Coast Report staff deserves many thanks I looray for Mike R11lings. Matt BaJlingt.'r and 1he mighty Coa!>t Report c~occ agree-, IO abiue by Brown Act." June SJ. fhe reside nts of Co<, ta Mc..a and the surrounding com murutie"i should extend a heartfelt "thanks" to '>tudent J·.dito r Billing-;, s1udent Copy Editor Hallinger and the faculty adviser, Cathy Werbhn. of 1he ~migh1y" Cua. ... 1 Report newsp aper. Whal a 1errific job of inve.!.tigative report mg. sucking to the facb and foUowmg leads. For more than 29 yea~ (as long as I have been a profe<,sor at Orange Co~I College). I watched, wondered and worried as the c;1uden1 body's budge1 committees allocated hundreds of thousands of dollars at meeting'>. clo<>ed to the public and the o;ruden1 paper, 1he Coast Report. It \Vlli> alwa~ an "obvtou-;" V1ola11on of the Brown Act. faery excuse for lht'> imaginable ha~ been noated by member .. of the admimstratiun. publicly. over the la-.t three dec;ades, 10 JUSlify UW'-C closed budget meetings. None of thc·>1~ excu'>es were plausible, and '>ince we are <;u pposed to lead by t.'Xample. I couJd only wonder what kind of ex<1mple we wert.' ~etllng for 1he '>tudent<. mvolvt'd m student government. Seveml ume5, I spoke ou1 against lhi<. and urged preVJouc; student membe r'> of the Coast Report staff to pursue this horrible skeleton in our colJege closet. Mike and Matt. nice going guy., What courage. Cathy Werblin -you're my personal faculty member of the year. I'm very impres<,ed and proud of you all. DENNIS L. KELLY Prole.,sor. l\1anne ~c1ence Department Orcl11ge ( oast College SteaJing shopping carts ought to be treated like stealin g Who .,hould pa}? It \ the• agc·o ld quei.1ion abo ut the '>hopping cart dilemma. Did I m1<,i, something growing up? I wa., told it wa!i wrong tu steal another pe rson·s property. Yes. I i.a1d i.teal. a5 in take away !!.omething that doesn't belo ng to you. If your fri end lel'I you use hi'> bike. or car or whatever to ru n an errand. when you're done, you return it . You don't keep it o r dump it down the -.treet If you 1us1 ta ke whatever you want of <>omeo ne el.,e\ property and walk off down the '>treet, you are ... 1ealing You're subJt:ct to arre!it a nd fi nes and/or Jail. Then what 1'-1he difference when a shopping cart is removed from 1he property of a s tore or hui.iness area? I'> it not Mealing? At the price of 5hopping cart~. you could alm o.,1 ma ke lhe argume nt 1hat it I'> borderline grand theft. Tht-people that are "The Power'> 1hat lie" seem to fo rget this small fact. 3'> well a'> "ume of the loudei.a proteslers in favor of fi n e'> to the store owners. You all might a-; well he ready to pay a fine anyi ime your car o r bike i'> s1o len and dumped in the otht'r 'oide of town Wliat 1 .. the difference·' The last time I sugge'>led that the people tha1do 1he <;tealing be arrt.''>ted, Jailed and/or fined. Maybe t'Ven m ade 10 go collect '>hopping earl'>. a<, lOmmuntty <,en1ce l.iume blt'ed1ng heart \\Tole 111 and stated tht· m11 ... 1 of the can' are being taken a nd used by tht' poor and homeles~. It would be cruel 10 make lht',l' people pay in any way tor '>leafing. ~tt'aling 1~ what 11 " It I'> nut OK, no mailer what )'Our race or 'm 1al 'olal u., Wh en H happen<;, we all pay. Do you tlunk 1he shopkeeper • ., going 1u eat tho<te fine.,1 "'o I le 1ust had h1~ propt>rly ... 1olen and now he h"" IO pay a fine for it. n1t' City's going (I) fund 'tome Of the pll kup I your money al work). We. the con.,ume r.,, pay. ,,., always. All bt'cau'e no one 1s re'>pum1ble fo r the n ame Nu om· 1hat tt1111mih the n 1mt! i'> made to pa}. faJ.mg a -.ho pp1nf.( t art <t\\J} from the propl'rt}' uf a .,Jwp or .,lore I'> \1111 '>lt'aling Ynu .irt· a thief. I gues'> my part'nh taught m e wrong. It\(}~ tu '>teal. Someone el<te will pay for ll I am not a '>Inn• 0\\ ner I 1ust do11'1 undl'r'>tand \-..hy tht•\ Me made out In lw the had guy m t~m whole argument JEFF BRACEY Newport Rearh •EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer has worked on the Westside since 1975 COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Understanding may be missing a bit at Lower Bayview the Feb. 25 ( Hy Council mee11ng. Unfortuna1ely, the parks commissioners a t the meeting asked for a different parks plan calJing for irrigation and turf grass, and the City Council went along with the request. Re: the Community Comm entary. "Senior housing project is worthy of resident support." by Mayor Steve Bromberg. Sunday. and the Letter to the Editor. also June 8. by Parks Commissioner Debra Allen, regarding Bayview Landing. JAN D. directing the park part VANDERSLOOT of the P.lan to go back I would like to clear up some misunderstandings and clarify the positions of myself. Stop Polluting Our Newport and Earth Resource Foundation in the history of the Bayview Landing project. The Community Commentary by StephanJe Barger o f F.anb Resowce Foundation on June 4 was accurate. Prior to the Feb. 25 City Council meeting. both Stop Polluting Our Newport and the roundaclon wrote letters to Steve Badum. the Newport Beach public worb director. expresal.ng support for the se.n101 housing project and park plan as It wu praented by Newport Beach ataft' at a Park ()eyelopmeot Committee meedoa on Jan. 21. This plan called for the eenJor housing ln ftJ current configuradon and restoradon of nadvt coural tcNb and grusland on the upper part te wfth an ornament.al border along Coa.~ Highway and Jambortt. Thit WU ~icted on a dty·~ed paphJC that WU preeented co the Stop PoDutlng Our Newpon Steerina C.ommlttee and approwd. It WU to the Parks. Reaches and Recreation Commission for more public input and jeopardizing the understandings and representations tha1 led to support of the plan by myself. Stop Polluting Our Newport and the foundation. The reason why I, Stop Polluting Our Newport and the foundation supported the overall project was that it allowed for development of the senior housing project while mitigating for the environmental damage that was created by the plan, nrunely the cutting away of the bluff, lope and natural meadow grassland. Nearly 100% of the landfo nn was gol.ng to be altettd, Knlped, giaded and reshaped, including a four-acre hillside area that was ldentifted u coastal sage scrub in 1992 and contaJnlng the gnatcatcher. a threatcntd ~of bird, and the top seven to 10 feet of the natural coutal bluft' ~the Oun that contained tmaltive native plant aped Stop Polluting Our Newport and the foundaUon supported the plan because the na.turaJ artM would bo replaced and l~ restored wtth nadVe ~ bwoMng no turf Chi bUit.fof the •alf reaNnriilndatJon for ap ar put except rhe ornamental • border and m1mmum gradmg. Newport Beach staff supponcd thii; plan and presented it a., !>UCh at the Feb. 25 City Council meeting. This was a win-win plan. and o;upport for the plan was given by us at the Feb. 25 City Council meeting. It seemed ration al 1hat the sens itive environm enial r~ources that were being removed would be replaced. Native plant restoration provides su perior habitat for wildlife. requires less water than turf grass parks, produces less poUutJon from fertili7..er and pesticides in the runoff into Newport Bay and generally is more compatible with the ecologic resources of Newport Bay, whjch the Bayview Landing lte is adjacent to. What might not be apparent to the casual observer is that the plan proposed for the Lower Bayview Landing lte lnvolving the senior houslng pan of the project is now takin,g away a large portion of the hillside which was. and still is, part of the Upper Bayview landJng site. That ls, the Lower Bayview Landing is now expanded lnto the Upper Bayvtew Landing, requlring a change ln lot llnea lo accommodate the larger tenlor housing project that la now proposed. Originally, the Lower Bayvlew l.nnding wu lated for 120 units. Be<:au.se of the lncrca.iMt Lo 150 units, the project had co take a large bite out of the Upper Bayview Landing hill de. In compendtJo.n, che dty acquired the com r of Badt Bly Oriw .net the entrance to the Dunes to RrJe a detention basin f,r runoft' fnim the housing project and the park. nm. wai. ponrayed as a fair 1rad e. Meanwhile. the las1-minute change In plans for the project occasioned by the Feb. 25 City CounciJ meeting raised concerns that the enVJronmentaJ resource~ of the site would be lost after all. It so happened that a DaiJy PUot reporter asked that I meet him at the site for a photograph because of an article he was writing on the archeological resou rces of the site. During this wet visit, I observed what looked to me like wNlands vegetation on the lower '>ill', ;md I commented a-. '>Ul h. After the meeting that raised the specter of loss of natural resources and abrogation of the understanding underlying the staff report, I revisited the site and confirmed that several areas of the site should q ualify as protected wetlands. On March I 0, as a matter of pu bHc record. I wrote a leuer to the Coastal Comm ission expressing my .concerns about Coastal Act policies regarding wetlands and the other na rural re$0urces of the site, having more than 20 yeara of experience deallngwSlh Coastal AC1 I u lnvoMng resou rc: 1uch as Newport Bay. Bob.a O:tica and th Huntington Beach WetlaJids, among others. 'Jbe wt para.graph or th lecter states: "Thank you for your consideration. I have conslatentty 1Upponed the plan fot seruor atfonlable boustog on ~Bayview~ 1nd the ~iew pll'k on Upper Bayview I.a nding. llowever. the spec1firc; of adherence to ( oac;tal Act policies need further consideration and modification 10 the project a<, I have enumerated above ~ At no time have I expres,ed opposition to the plan for semor affordable hou'\mg on Lower Bayview Landing. I have promoted thii. ~ite for .. enior affordable housing for several years, going back to when tJ1e senior housing was being pushed for the site above the library. I stUJ believe a suitable enior affordable housing project will be built on the Lower Bayview Landing site. However, I did not m anufacture the wetlands. Titey are there and were confirmed by the Coastal Commission staff biologist. They need to be recko ned with and mitigated. 5a1Tle as for the nadve vegetation on !he re5t of the site. The Mem orandum of Understanding was a mutual attempt by myself, the foundation and the city attorney and staff to come to agreement u to howwe could win Coastal Commis5ion approvaJ. despite a Coastal Commission staff recommendadon that the project be denied for five sepante Coaatal Act vtoladons, lncludln.g polict reladng to wetlands, water quality, landfonn altendons, sctnk resources and public access lnduding pedin1 ror me part. Contrary to the mayor'• uae.nloN. the deve.lopm~nt ot the memorandum wu not a q dd pro quo. le a docwnent thtt wu ~at a meeting t11 ty HIJ lm1>M l.hC d t} iltturney. an attorney retained by 1he city. a city <;taff member. '>everal emails at I a.m . and a dl•la1Jed discuo;~ion, paragraph hy paragraph. at a Stop Polluting Our Newport Steering Committee meeting. No one 1old anyone what to do. II was an amk able negotiation involving good faith cfTom by city staff, Stop Po lluting Our Newport and the foundation to reach a consensus to achieve the twin goals of a senior affordable housing project on the site. and a specific natlve plani park re'>toration that would succeed and wouJd be monitored. with parking for the public. · However, to l"Veryone's surprise, the council rejected the memorandum summarily at a special meeting early one Wednesday momjn g. No one knows why the council members were o vehement ln their rejection. Perhap the reasons can be glea ned from the mayor's article. but I'm not sure the mayor thoroughly read the memorandum. The memorandum dealt with both the senior housing element and. the wetlands mitigation on the lower lte, and th~ pa.rte. coastal bluff, gradlng and native plant mltigadons on the upper ite. The memorandum was a blueprint for cooptratlon between the city and Ill rmtdenta ln prepl.l'inf for the Couca1 Umun.IMion. Thli kind• of public/pdvale coopendon II needed and lhould be encourtged al I malttt or good ., governance. : l •.MN YANDIMI OOf h I H9wpori • ~~·· AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St • Costa Mesa. CA 92627, bye mail to m1ke.swanson w/ot1mes com· byfaxto(949)646-4170,orby ' calling (949) 574 4298 lne;lude the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing 1s available at www.dat/yp1/ot com. TODAY A free bone density screening will be offered from 10 a.m 10 2 p .m at M other's Market, 225 E 17th St., Costa M esa. For more information. call (949) 631 4741 Shape up or trim down for sw1msu1t season at "Shape Up for Summer;· 7 p m at the Newport Beach Central library Personal trainer and c;ert1f1ed nutrition spec1ahs1 J.J Flizanes wlll present the free proyram, covering exercise and nutrition tips of optimal fitness For more information. call 19491 717 3816 Book·loving mothers end daughters are invited 10 the final session of the Mother Dauyhter Book Club's season 7 p m at the Newport Beach Central Library The t.lub 1s open 10 girls in fifth throuyh seventh grades and their morns or s1y111hc.<1111 f Pmalr. yrown uµs Aey1stpr <1t the Central Library Cl11ldrr•11's Desk or <.:all (949) 717 3800 and l.hoosc option f1v!' for morn 1nforma11on c.all !9491717 3816 FRIDAY Inventors Forum presents a sommar on "lntr.llr.ctu.il Property Law" by Edw<.trd Srtilan~r patent anorney at 7 30 p rn in Orang" Coast CollPgr. s Sc1r.ne;e Lf'cturP Hall RPg1strat1on ancl nntwor~ing tJegm at 7 p m ThP cost is SS for mPmbers S15 for nonmr>mhers Call (714) 540 2491 for mformat1011 Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beach" ser1Ps offPrs M y Girl# starting at dusk on thP Newport sancl Park111y 1s S8 per • ar Campfires will also b1• wa1labll) for s'mores The resort rs at 1131 Back Bay Dm1e For muro mfurmation, call (949) 779 DUNF SATURDAY The California Science Academy, tho first Islamic high s1..hool 1n Orange County, rs havtng an :mnual fund ra1siny dinner with guest speakers a reception and a silent auctron at 6 30 p m at the Radisson Hotel 4545 MacArthur Blvd Newport Beac.h S40 To register and for more mformation call (714) 531 2011 Full Spectrum Yoga h11 partnered with NPw Directions for Women to host #Celebrating Wholeness~ a yoga and healing arts festival lwnPl1tmg women and children srrved by the nonprofit New D1rec11ons for Women Adm1ss1on •s frre. and donations are accepted Tho full day Pvent will lie at Full Spectrum Yoga in Newport Beach Fur more 111f11rmatron. call (949) 955 1965 Crystal Cove State Park w ill offer a l>ackcounlry hrke at 9 a m , a h1S1oric district walk at 10 a m and a sunset/moonlight walk at 7:30 p m . which requires reservations For reservations or more information. call !949) 497 7647 Mother's M1r1<et will hold a #Spring Cleaning· clearance sale from 10 a m 10 6 p m Taste demos will be offered from 11 a m to 3 p m The store is at 225 E 17th St. Costa Mesa For m ore 1nformat1on call (9491631-4741 Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beach" series offers #Anastasia" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking cost s S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort 1s at 11 31 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729·DUNE. SUNDAY Trtangle Square will host 1 farmers' market featuring live entertainment and several booths boasting great deals In addition to storefront specials. The market will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p m For more information, call (949) 722·1600, ext. 25. TUESDAY ·Feng Shui for a Healing Home· 1s a free seminar held from 6:30 to 7:30 p m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595·6667. The Newport Beech Chamber of Commerce hosts its Newport Business Referral Breakfast for June at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd , at 7:30 a.m. Attendees will learn about a marketing program in whid1 guests of the M arriott's Newport Coast Villas ate referred to local busmesses. The cost rs $17 for members with a reservation, and $22 at the door. For more information, call (949) 729·4411 WEDNESDAY Phil Brigandi, Orange County arch1v1st. will discuss what ism the archives as they relate to Costa Mesa's tustory at 7 p.m at the Costa Mesa Historical Society 1870 Anaheim Ave. Costa Mesa For more information call (9491 631 5918ore·ma1I cmh1story a lanset com The Newport M esa Irvine Interfaith Cuunc1I will prPsent a rourul tdble d1scussron at Oranye Co;,st Urntartan Urnversaltst Churd1 on human rPlat1ons fea1u11ny an mtroduct•on by Rusty Kennedy of the Orange County Human Relations Counc.11 "Wrth lhe County of Oranyr BudgPt Cuts Wh<?rf? Is thP Human Relations Cou11crl Now7" 11 asl<s l he program goes from 12 30 llJ 1 .30 pm cmd costs $750 µer person mclud1ny lunch. or S 10 without a reservation ThP rPcept1on 1s at 11 ·45 a m rlflr1 the lund1eon at noon For rPserva11ons call 1949 660 86f:S r,-xt 3. by 5 p m JunP 17 The Newport Harbor Nautrcal Museum working in con1unct1on wtth the Newport Library will present a series of story time INPnts on the Texas D"dl at the museum fo r children between 3 and 6 from 10·30 to 11 30 a m TlwrP wrll also lie a crafts prowi t for chilrlren and parents Adrnrssron 1s free and spate is l1m1te<.l For 111forma11on or reservations, call 19491673 7863 The Oasis Senior Center will host a twilight dinner and show with a performance from "Sunsh111P Boys:· fpaturing the e>c vaudeville team of Joe Schule1n and Sam Youncfhans T1d<e1s are available for S7 at the center 800 MarquPnte Ave m Ct>rona dr>I Mar For rnlorrnatton. c.all 19491 644 3244 JUNE 19 The National Multiple Sclerosis Society will present an lnternPI educational program callPtl El Curdado Clin1co de la Esclero~1s Multiple." a Spanish speakmg broadcast on clinical care of multiple sclerosis. at 5·30 pm To connect. go to www.na11onalmssoc1ery orq, select "Living wtth Ms·· and then select "Webcasts and Conferences." The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will announce Scott Paulsen for the 2003 Crtrzen of the Vear Award for the city of Newport Beach Paulsen will be honored at the chamber's annual chairman's reception and c1t1zen of the year presentation This year ·s event takes place at 5 p m at the Balboa Bay Club and Resort. 1221 W. Coast Highway The cost 1s $30 per person. which covers hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. For reservations. call (949) 7294400. JUNE 20 Newport Dunes Resort's ·M ovies on the Beach" series offers HParenl Trap" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort 1s at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JUNE 21 Become a member of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminalfy ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team is seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmed1cal needs, such as prov1d1ng respite for the primary caregiver, reading 10 patients, paying weekly social visits and running errands Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (714) 980 0900 for more information ·0 1vorce: A New Beginning; a workshoµ for men and women divorced or gettrng divorced, will be hold from 10 am. 10 12:30 p.m at 180 Newport Center Drive. For more rnformation. call 644·6435. The Newport Harbor Lawn Bowllnij Club will host Visitors Uav on the corner of San Joaqu11l and Crown Drive in Corona def Mar, h!aturing free lessons and snad<s from 10 a.m to 1 p.m For more 111forn1<1t1on, call (949) 640 6049 A Composition In Drewing Workshop will be held from 1 10 5 p m at Coastline Communtty Colleye, 1631 Sunflower Blvd., Bl~ South Coast Village Plaza I he workshop emµhas11es u1rnpos1t1uri coveriny all the basics of drawing Reg1s1ra11on 1s S45 du" l>y June 18 For more inlorrm111011. call (949) 640-1727 Newport Dunes Resort's "M ovies on thl' Bec:1ch" sernJs otters "HNcules' Sldrt111g di dusk on the Ni.;wport <;and Parking costs S8 per <.:ar Camµf11cs will also be Jvarlahlo for s'rnores. The resort 1s at 1131 Bac.k Bay Drive For nit)rP 1nfor m1111tm c.all 1949) 729 UUNf JUNE 23 Children 5 and older are invited to rrr.i1strr for d v.111Pty of summer .iquatir • Jmps offered by Nf•wp' rt Bl"11d1 Recre illOn ~r·rv1r r·~ Tt1P camps run through A11r.i11<;1 with nuniProu<; morntny .11111 """rr "Jn optlOrtS dVallillJle fr1>01 $;.i1h11y ;ind TPmltS c:-vnp" 10 <;wt < .Jmp" C<tll 19491 N1tt ) 1r,1 for more mfor n1a1ron or rµq1Slt'r imllrlf• dl w\W\ t 11y nf'wµort beach ca us Readers of all ages will be able to <;1qn u11 for Newpon 8P.J1..h Publ1e; l rlJrary rf'adrnq proqr<m1s 1h•s1gn1•rl tu enc.our agP an rr111•11•c;I 111 books ovN the lazy d.ivs 11i s111111nPr For toddlPrs tlm111~h <;r,..th graders "It's a Jumilo• U11t There" will mclude a rt' 1d l(J "'"dub for d"lrJrPn not yr·I lf!.irl111q 1J11 lhr>1r own anti a rrar!Pr" i.lub for 111tlepPnrlent rr•;idpro;, Spf't.1al programs and prl!P dr ilWtny'i Wiii add tO the fun V1sr1 ;111y NPwµort Beach Pubhc L1bri'lry lo c;1qn up or rill! 19491 717 '3816 The Costa Mesa Seniors Center will holrl 1 flPil markPt fr•· m 8 am 10 1 p 111 ,11 the centers parking 101 59r W 191h St Spaces cost S 10 for nwmtJers, $20 for nonrlwn1IJr>r<; APsen1a1tons arP '"'llllfPd For more informatron c.1111949 f'4f.r 7356 M ature drivers cen sharpen their skrlls 1n an eight hour AARP dr1llf'r saf Pty class held during two sessions from 12 30 10 4 30 p m Juno 23 and 24 at PrPsbytN1a11 Church of the Coven1111t in Costa Mesa Classes arP ltrn11ed 10 30 stuclents and 1 o<;t $10 Advanced registration lf•quirPd For more inlorma11on. r·Jll (7141 5~7 3340 Join the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce in welcornin~ Ryan Hoag. NFL draft p1cl< n1m1bf'f 262 Though he was thr last µ1dl in the NFL. he'll be trPatcd as No 1 at the infamous Mr Irrelevant Amval Party The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the party to k1dtoff the 28th annual Irrelevant Week at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort, 1131 Baclc Bay Drive, at 5·30 p m . The cost is $10. rnclud1ng live entertainment. a no·host bar and culinary treats. For more information, call (949) 7294412 JUNE 24 A free Hmlnar on attention deficit disorder will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m at Mother's M arket, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa To make reservations, call (800) 595 6667. SH TOWN, P11e A8 Merrill Lynell, Selomon Smith ••mey, Mora• Stenl•r. end other broken.ge flnna agreed to $1.4 8 lllon Settlement. Government attorner. heve called their conduct, Mtll• 1•'8e•t fraud ever perpetueted on the lnveatlng pulillc.• .. If you h•V9 1091 trtOMY "'had your ,.tlremMt ••vi,.. devnt•ted dCM to atocltbmk.,.. lnVMtlng your hard Hntfld uv1np Into rlM-1 or unaulfable lnYN"'*'f9. you may be Mle ID rec:cwW' •tock mMbl loaa•. I IN CHARACTER Above (Jeni'.> JoJn,1. 1 prof P<.>Sor at CJrangi:: l...UdSt CollPgP and r_,rJirlPn WPc..t College. g111P c.1 present~110n ac ()Pn Dwrgtit 0 t 1senhuwer on thµ event~ IP,J Jing t1J (> O<Jy The presentation wa<;, liPld at the Co•,tJ rlles<.1 H1 r,t0rical Soc 1Pty Wednesda; afternoor1 f...t 11gl11. r,1.iff Sgt Wdller [) f.hler c, wa s tht hor" •r µrJ g u,.. <,I cJl Wedi 11·"'.rJay's 0 Day prPSPrll j!1•Jfl .ii tt1P r <•Id l11for ,1 H1sto11( al c CJ'•"'!, Ehler r;. "',• 11P 1 r:if·d 11 t/ 1or1u1 for his c .. r, • r Wo r lrJ v'.<Jr ' r Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Ono ... ,. S...111 el •O~ r.., E--~~ 17 t4) 545-7168 ~J I; , IJct, ,. I ;1 A7 • • • • • • • • FotoART " • • • • • • • • Father's Day is this Sunday June 15th Last Minute Personalized Gifts for Dads -and Grand-Dads too! V1s11 ou l\tb S le at www foroart com Choose from- Personalized Mugs Laser Engraved Frames Mouse Pads and much much more! Order by Friday, Pick Up Saturday Bring this ad with you for $5 00 off your order C;pen Mc>n•laf Tnru Fr-aav 9AV 10 rr: >.~ S.i1uro.iv '0.t.~ lo 4PM 760 VVesl 16th Street Costa Mesa CA 92627 Bu1ld1ng D 94 9-64 5 3686 .,......,,._ ...... -.. -...... .. ...........,... ..... .... T •' .,,.,. "' --..... 9 ........ f" • ... _...,...._. ~ . .,... "'"'•' ........ ". ,..-:. ~~ ... , ... ,. ...... , ............ ,._,_ •XDJ,_.... ....... • Snni-Priv•lt for M'n d-Wo,..n • Ov,r 80 Piu" of E'l"'P''""' • Pri11•tt PiU.tts St111Jto •SPINNING Tlu•ttr • J 6 F111/ r;,,,, p,rsott•I Trwi1t«1 • Chi/J C11rt s.,,.. ,,oo" M • • Co""'";,,., P11rlti"t • Yot•• ui Chi, Smt,J, d1usr1 • Stt/, Powtr P""'I· C.rtli• • Show1r1, Stt•m di-Towl.t •DllJ Sµ • Atwl•llftt11iv/M.,1"I# or t"ry appo.ntmt>nl ' .........._ __ ·----.. -····-· A6 Thursday, June 12, 2003 Daily Pilot FORUM HOW ro GET PUBLISHED -L.tt9rs: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • RNd4trs Hottlne: Call (949) 642~6 Fu: Se~d ~ (949) 6464170 E-mall:S.ndtod11/lypilot@l11timt1s.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIAL SOY loses a worthy leader S ave Our Youth lost a large pan of its heart earlier this month when its longtime executive director resigned for a new gig at the Boys and Girls Oub of San Juan Capistrano. Oscar Santoyo did everything to inspire youth at the Costa Mesa nonprofit over the last l 0 years. He urged them to accotnplish goals. including going to college. and he provided them incentives. MAILBAG Among the more well-known incentives he game them was has hair. Every year, Santoyo told the teens at the center that if they earned higher grade point averages. he would let them shave and dye his head however they wished. If the Estancia High School graduate sported a red Mohawk for a week. it was of hio; own doing. But for a good cause. Santoyo, who gave up a career in radio to help keep teens off the streets and out of trouble. even cried to join the cast of "Survivor" three years back to prove another point. "If I can survive on an island without anything, then !the children! could do anything. They can go to college and get jobs." Mike 81lhngs, right. the editor in chief of the Coast Report at Orange Coast College, sits with Copy Editor Matt Ballinger Santoyo didn't know how swim. but vowed to learn if he was chosen to join the reality show. It turned out that hh wife learned she was pregnant around that ti.me, so he opted not 10 continue seeking a place on the show. Bue again, ic proved another great sample of what Santoyo WdS all about: leading by example. Another esteem-booster Santoyo brought to his teens and preteens was an annual softball game between SOY's crew and members of the Costa Mesa City Council. Each side poked fun at the other, but again, it was all for a good cause. It served a dual role: It introduced the youth to the City Council and vice versa. Santoyo gave a decade to SOY. and the group is much bener off as a result Save Our Youth now has a very difficult task: filling his large shoes. And finding som eone willing to pan with his or her hair. C.Oast Report staff deserves many thanks 1 looray for Mtk.t• Billing~. Man Ballinger and che mighty Coast Repon ("CX.C.. agree'> 10 abide by Brown Acc ... June 51 lne resident'> of Cosca Mel.a and the c;urrounding cornmunitiec; should extend a heartfelt "Lhank.s" 10 '111de111 Editor Billing,, ~tudent Copy l:dicnr Ballinger and the falUlly advtst'r, Cathy Werblin. of the "mighty" Coa't Report newspaper What a terrific job of investigative report111g. sticlong to the fact'\ and followmg leads. For more than 29 yean. (as long as I have been a profe'>sor at Orange Coast College). I wacched, wondered and worried as the c,tudent body's budget committees alJocated hundreds of thousands of dollars at meetings, clo<,ed to Lhe public and the -.cudent parer. che Coac,t Report. IL was alwa}"i an "obvious" vtola11on of the Brown All. Every excu<>e for Lhl'> imaginable ha., been floated by member'> of the admm1stra11on. publicly, over the last chree decades, to Jll'llfy Lhe'>C closed budge! meetings. None of these excul.es were plausible, and !->ince we are '>Upposed to lead by example. I couJd unly wonder what lund of l'\ample we were .. ettmg for the student-; involved m '>tudenc gowrnment Several times. I spoke out against 1h1!> dfld urged previous student memhers of the Coa5t Report staff to pursue Lhis horrihle l.kelecon in our college closet. Mike and Matt. nice going guy'>. Wha t courage. Cathy Wcrblin -you're my personal faculty member of the year. I'm very imprel.set.l and proud of you aJI DENNIS L. KEUY Profc.,.,or. '\tanne Science Departmenl Orange Coast College Stealing shopping carts ought to be treated like stealing Who '>houlcJ pay? 11·~ the agl'·old 4uestion about the shopping cart dilemma. Did I ma'>!> ~omething growing up? I was told ii wru. wrong to sceal another person'!. property Yes. I !>did Stea.I , as in take away someching that doesn't belong to you. If your friend lets you U'>e hi' bike. or car or whatever to run an errand. when you're done. you relurn it . You don't keep it or dump it down the <,lreet If you 1ust take whatever you want of someone elw\ property and wal~ off do .... 'Tl the slreec. you are '>leafing You're '>ubwcc to arre<,t and fines and/or jail. Then what as the difference when a shopping cart is removed from the property of a store or hw.iness area? I ~ it no! '>teaJing? At the pnce of '>hopping cares, you could almo'>t make che argument that 1t 1!i borderhne grand cheft. The people that are "The Pow e" that Be " <>eem to forget thi' small fact , a!> well.a ..... ome of the loudc'>t pro1e-.1er!> in favor of fines to the store owners. You all might as well he ready 10 pay a fin e anytime your car or bike ic; .,tolen and dumped m the other '>Ide of tuwn \VhJI I'> !he difference? The last time I .. u~e.,ted that thl' pt•o pl1.• that do che scealmK be arre.,ted. 1a1led and/or lined Maybe e\en mettle 10 go collelt ... hoppang care ... ,,.., commuruty .. en ltt' <.,ome hleeding heart \Hott• 111 .md .,lated tht• rnu<\I of the tart" are be111~ taken and U'>t'd hy tht• poor and homele,~. It would be crud to ni.1ke I ht•\e people pay in any ,,·ay for '>teahng. 'iteahng ,., what 11 I'> It i<o nut OK. no n1.111t•r whc1t your ra1..·e or '>Ill tal .. tatu.., When ll happem. '' e all pay Do you think the '>hoplceeper 1., Ku1ng to eat tho'e fin e.,1 "u I le JU'>! had hi' propt·ny 'ltolen and now he ha' 10 pay a fine for 11 Jhe ci1y·~ going to ft111d 'ome of the pickup (your money at work) We. the lOn'>umero;, pay. a'> alway'>. All bel au'e no one i'> re.,pon\lhle for the crime ""<>one that lornmlli. the cnme i'> made w pay lakang a .,hoppmK tMI d\\ay lrom the proper!) of a '>ho p or '>IUH' I'> ... 1111 ..,tealtng '"" arc a thief. I gue"' my part· Ill<-taught me wronK 11 \ < JK 1<1 '>leal. Someone <+,c will pay for 11 I am not a 'tore ti\\ ncr I ju-.t don't understand why tlwy arl' made uuc w he 1he bad guy tn !hi'> , .. hole ar~uml'nt JEFF BRACEY '\lewport Beach • EDITOR'S NOTE. The w11ter has worked 011 the Westside s111ce 1975 COMMUNITY COM MENTARY Understanding may be missing a bit at Lower Bay view Re: the Community Commentary: the Feb. 25 City Council meeting. Unfortunately. the parks commissioners at the meeting asked for a different parks plan calling for irrigation and turf grass, and the City Council wen! along with the request, "Senior housing project is worthy of resident support." by Mayor Steve Bromberg. Sunday. and the Letter to the Editor. also June 8, by Parks Commissioner Debra Allen, regarcLing JAN D. directing the park part VANDERSLOOT of the plan 10 go back Bayview landing. I would like to clear up some misunderstandings and clarify the posJtions of myself, Stop Polluting Our Newport and Earth Resource Foundacion in the history of the Bayview Landing project. The Community Commentary by Stephanie Barger or Earth Resowu Foundation on June 4 was accurate. Prior to the Feb. 25 City Coundl meeting, both Stop PoDudng Our Newport and the foundation wrote letters to Steve Badum. the Newpon Beach public worb director, expressJng support for the senior housing project and park plan as It was presented by Newport Beach ata1f at a Park Development Committee rneettna on Jan, 21. ThiJ plan called for the .enlor housing in it:J current configuration and restoration of natiW coastal sqe ecrub and pusland on the upper part te wUh an omammta.I border aJon, Coast Highway and }amborft. This WU depleted on 8 ctty-senerated gaphJc tha.t was preeented LO the Stop Pollulin8 OUr NeWpon Steering Commtrt• and apPJV".'d. It WU to the Parks. Beaches and Recreacion Commission for more public input and jeopardizlng the understandings and representations that led to support of the plan by myself, Stop Polluting Our Newport and the foundation. The reason why I, Stop Polluting Our Newport and the foundation supported the overall project was that it allowed for development of the senior housing project while mitigating for the envlronmentaJ damage that was created by the plan, namely the cutting away of the bluff. slope and natural meadow grassland. Nearty 100% of the landfonn was going to be altered, scraped. graded and reshaped, including a four-acre hill Ide area that was Identified as coastal sage scrub in 1992 and containing the gnatcatcher, a threa1ened species or bird, and the top tevm to 10 rttt or the natural coascaJ blufl' above the Oun t!:\i>rlhelt.tf I idatkin mr app that contained aensJtive native plant species. Stop PoUuting Ow Newpon and the foundadon supported the plan because the natural areu would ~ replaced uld lOO'Wi mtored with nativt> ~ lmoMng no nuf et put Ocept the ornamental border and minimum grading. Newpon Beach staff supported Lhil> plan and presented h a., such at the Feb. 25 City Council meeting. This was a win·win plan, and <;uppon for Lhe plan was given by us ac lhe Feb. 25 City Council meeting. le seemed rational that the sensitive environmental resources that were being removed would be replaced. Native plant restoration provides superior habltac for wildlife, requires less wacer than curl' grass parks. produces le s pollution fro m fertilizers and pesticides in the runoff into Newport Bay and generally is more compatible with the ecologjc resources of Newport Bay, which the Bayview Landing site is adjacent to. What might not be apparent to the casual observer is Lhat che pl an proposed for the Lower Bayview Landing site involving the senior housing part of the project is now taking away a large portion of the hillside whk:h was, and still Is. part of the Upper Bayview Landing site. That l , the Lower Bayview Landing ls now expanded lnto the Upper Bayview Landing. requlrlng a change in lot lloes to accommodate the larger St'nlor housing project that ts now proposed. Originally, the Lower Ba)'V(cw Landing wu lated for 120 unit&. Because of the lncrel\'lt to 150 units, the project had to tab a large bite out ot the Upper Bayview Landing h.Ulslde. ln compensacJon, \he city acqulnd !he comer of Back Bay Drtve and the entrance to the Dun to serve u a dftrntlon bUln r runolr rrom the hou~ing project and the park.. This was ponrayed as a fair trade. Meanwllile. the last-mlnuce change in plam for the project occasioned by the Feb. 25 Ciry Council meeting raised concerns chat the environmental resources of the site would be lose after all. It so happened that a Daily Pilot reporter asked chat I meet him at the site for a photograph becau e of an anicle he was writing on the archeological resources oft he site. During this wee visit, I observed what looked to me like W('tfands vegetation on the lower '>itc .and I commented a' \Ulh. After the meeting that raised the specter of loss of natural resources and abrogation of the understanding underlying the staff report. I revisited the ite and confirmed that several areas or the site should qualify as protected wetlands. On March I 0, as a mauer of public record, I wrote a letter to the Coastal Com.mission expressing my .concerns about Coastal Act policies regarding wetlands and the other natural resources of the site, haVing more than 20 years of experience dealing with Coastal Act Issues lnvoMng msources such as Newport Bay, Bolsa OUc:a and the Hundngton Beach Wetlands. amons others. The last paragraph o/ th.ls letter states: "Thank you ror your conatderauon. r have cons!ltently supported the plan for senJor affordable hou ng on Lower Bayview~ Wld I.ho viuw put on Vppu BayYiew I.anding I lowever. the speofic, of adherence to Coascal Act policies need further consideration and modification to the project a-. I have enumerated abnve." Ac no time have I expres'>ed opposition to the plan for .;emor affordable houo;ing on Lower Bayview Landing I have promoted Lh1s site for senior affordable housing for several years, going back to when the l.enior housing was being pushed for the site above Lhe library. I till believe a suitable senior affordable housing project wiU be buiJt on the Lower Bayview Landing site. However, I did not manufacrure the wetlands. They are Lhere and were confirmed by the Coastal Commission staff biologist. They need Lo be reckoned with and mitigated. same as for the native vegetation on the rest or the 'lite. The Memorandum of Understanding was a mutuaJ attempt by myself. the foundatJon and the city attorney and staff to come to agreement as to how we could win Coastal Comm.Wion approval. de.spite a Coastal Commission staff recommendation that th~ project be denied for Ove sepvate Coastal Act vfolatJons. Including poUde relating to wetlan<U. water quallty, land.form a.lteradona, scenic resources and public access lncluding parldn1 for the park. Conuary to the 1n1yor's aaettJons, the deYe.lopment of the memorandum was not 1 q dd pro quo. IC wu a documtnt that WU d1tcut.ed It 8 meednt .11 U.ty HJB fnvotvh the c.uy allorney. an attorney retamed by the c11y. a city staff member. -.cvcral email'> at I a m. and a detailed di~cu~ion. paragraph hy paragraph. at a Stop Polluting Our Newport Steering <ommiuee meeting. No one told anyone what to do. It was an amicable negotiation involving good faith efTons by c11y staff, Stop Polluting Our Newport and the foundation to reach a consensu'l 10 achieve the cwin goals of a '>enior affordable housing project on the site. and a i.peci6c native plant park restoration that would succeed and would be monitored. with parking for the public. However, to everyone's 'lurprise. the council rejected the memorandum summarily at a special meeting early one Wednesday morning. No one knows why the council members were so vehement in their reje<:tlon. Perhaps the reasons can be gleaned from the mayor's article, but I'm not sure lhe mayor thoroughJy read the memorandum. The memorandum dealt with both the senior ho~lng element and the wetlands mlllgat1ons on the lower site, and the park. coastal bluff, grading and natJve plant mltlgatJons on the upper 11he. lbt memorandum was a blueprtnt for cooperation between tM city and Ill raldenu tn prtpari"I ror the Coastal CommlMion. Thlt kind or pubUc/prfvate cooperadon la : needed and should be .. • tncouraged .. a meuer or gOod • goveman • Oatly Pilot AROUND TOWN • Sand AROUND TOWN item s to the Dally Pilot, 330 W Bay St • Costa Mesa, CA 92627; bye mail to mrke.swanson a lat1mes com; byfaxto (949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574 4298 Include 1he time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact µhone number A complete listing 1s available at www da1/yp1to1 com. TODAY A free bone density screening will be offered from 10 a m. to 2 p m at Mother's Market, 225 E 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 631·4741. Shape up or trim down for swimsuit season at NShape Up for Summer,H 7 p m at the Newport Beach Central Library Personal trainer and cen1f1ed nutrition specialist J J Flizanes will present the free program, covering exercise and nutr111on tips of optimal fitness For more mformation, call 1949) 717 3816 Book-loving mothers and daughters are 1nv1ted to the final session of the Mother Daughter Book Club's season 7 p m at the Newport Beach Central Library The club 1s open to girls 111 fift h through seventh gradf!S and their moms or i:.1gnif1ca111 ft•111alc yrown uµs Reglstrr ar the Central Library Cluldrc,n's Desk or <..all (949) 717 3800 and <..hoose uption five Fo1 morP infor01,111on call (949) 717 3816 FRIDAY Inventors Forum presents a sPmmar on Hlntellectuill Property LawH by Edward Schlaner. patent anorney at 7 30 pm in Orang" Coast CollPge s Sc1en<..P L PCtur1• Hall Reg1<;trat1on ..ind r Ptworlm1g IJegin at 7 p m ThP cost is SS for mi>mbns. $15 fo r nonmPmbers Call 17141540 2491 for information Newport Dunes Reson 's HMovies on the Beach " series offf'rs "M y Girl" start mg at dusk on the Newport sand Park111y is $8 pPr 'ar Campfires will al-;o be wa1lablf' for s'mores The resort •sat 1131 Bac;i( Bay Drivf' For more 1nforrnat1011 (811 (94ql 729 DUNE SATURDAY The California Science Academy, the first Islamic high sd1ool in Orange County ts hav111q "" 1nnual fu11c1 ra1c;1ng d1nnf'.'r w11h yuest speakers. a r!'cept1on and a •;ilent auction at 6 30 p m at the Radisson Hotel 4545 MacArthur Blvd Newpo rt Beach S40 To register And for more 1nforma11on call 17141531 2011 Full Sp«trum Yoga h111 pannered wtth New D1reC11ons for Women to host HCelP.brating Wholeness." .1 yoga and healing arts festival twnrf1t111g women and children i.rrved by the nonprofit New 011N ttons for Women Admission 1c; frf'e. and donations are accepted The full day event will he at Full Spr>ctrum Yoga in Newport Beach For more 111format1on call (949) 955 1965 Crystal Cove State Part! will ofter a badccountry hike a1 9 a m , a historic district walk al 10 11 m and a sunset/moonlight walk at 7 30 p m . wl11ch requires reservations For reservations or more information rall (949) 497 7647 P m For more information, call (949) 722·1600, ext 25 TUESDAY ·Feng Shui for a Healing Home· is a free seminar held from 6:30 to 7.30 p m. at M other's Market, 225 E 17th St., Costa M esa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce hosts its Newport Busmess Referral Breakfast for June at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd .. at 7:30 a.m. Attendees will learn about a marketing program in wh1d1 guests of the Marriott's Newport Coast Villas are referred to local uusmesses The cost is $1 7 for members w ith a reservation, and $22 at the door For more · mformauon, call (949) 729·4411 WEDNESDAY Phil Brigandi, Orange County archivist. w ill discuss w hat 1s in 1he archrves as they relate to Costa Mesa's history at 7 p m at lhe Costa Mesa H1sto 11cal Society, 1870 AnahP1m Ave . Costa Mesa For more 111forma11on call 1949) 631-59H:I or e-mail cmh1story tt fanset com The Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council will present a round table discussion at Oranye Coast U111tanan Urnversalist Church on human relations featuring an 111troduct1on by Ruc;ty Kennedy of lhe Orange County Human Relat1onc; Coun<..tl "With the County of Orange Budw•t Cuts, WherP lo; thP Human RPIA!lons Co11nc1I Now'" 11 asks The program goes from 12 30 I<.> 1 30 pm and costs $750 µer µerson, mcludmg lunch. or S 10 without a reservation Th£' receplton 1s at 11 45 a m .rnrt the luncheon at noon For reservations call !9491 6'10 8EifiS ellt 3 by 5 µ m June 1 7 The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum workmg 111 con1unc11un 1Mth the Newport Library will present a series of story t1mii evPnts on the Texas Deel< at the museum for children IJetween 3 and 6 from 10·30 to 11 30 a m Th .. r•' will also l.Je a c.r 1f1c; pr•Jwrt for ch1lrlren All(1 parents Adrrnss1on is free and sµaui •'> lim11<'d For 111format1un or rPservat1ons call 19491 573 7863 The Oasis Senior Center w ill host a twtl1ght dmner and show with a performance from "Sunsh1nr Boys f Paturmg the ex vaudeville teAm of Joe Schulem and S.im Youndhans T1dcets are available for S7 at the center 800 Marguerite Ave 111 CQrona rlPI Mar For information <..all 19491 644 3244 JUNE 19 The National Mutt1ple Sclerosis Society will present an lnternPt educational program ca lled El Cu1dado Clm1co de la Escleros1s Multiple;' a Spanish speaking broadcast on clinical care of multiple sclerosis. at 5 30 p m To connect. go to www nat1onalmssoc1ety org select "l1v1ng with MS" and then select "Webcasts and Conferences:· canny people to assist pauems and families with nonmed1cal needs, such as providing resptte for the primary caregiver. readmg to patients, paying weekly social v11ita and running errands Volunteers are also needed to assrst with office duties Call (7141 980 0900 for more information. "Divorce: A New Beginning; 11 workshop for men and women divorced or gening divorced, will be held fr om 10 a.m to 12:30 p.m at 180 Newport Center Drive. For more 111formation, call 644·6435. The Newport Harbor Lawn BowlrnlJ Cluu will host V1s1tors Oay on the corner of San Joaqum and Crown Drive in Corona del Mar, featuring free lessons and snacl\s from 10 a m to 1 p.m For more 1nforma11on. call 19491 640 6049 A Composition In Drawing Workshop will be held from 1 to 5 p rn. at Coastline Commurnty College 1631 Sunflower Blvd .. B 1 !'> South Coast Village Plaza the work shop ernµhc1s11es u11npo<,11to11 covering all the has1<:s of drawmg Reg1stra1ton 1s S4!'>. du" by June 18 For more 111forn1a1to11 call (9491640-1727 Newpon Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Be<td'" series offers "Herculus" startmg at dusk on the NPwpurt c;a11d Parking costs S8 per Ci:ll C.i1m1Jf1res will also be ava1lahle fo r s'mores The rnc;on is at 1131 Bad< Bay OrtvP For 111or1> info11nat1on. r.al l 19491 779 CJUNE JUNE 23 Children 5 and older are invited to rt•41<;f Pr f 11 ct vilrlety of summer a11uat1 c amµc; offered by Nf'wpt1r1 Bram Recreatton C:,r•rvir I'<. The camps run thr .>ugh A11q11o;t with numerous rnornmg 1111 I ch,.,'' 11,n oµt1011s ava1hbte fr•m1 uSa11t11q And TPr1111s CdmlJ 1u S1irf Camp Call 1949) r,.i.t '3Ir,1 fw n orn 111forma11on or !PQl'itl'I <J/111111' at www t •IY newµort beaeh ca us Readers of all ages will be able to c;1411 up for Newpo rt 8PatJ1 Public Library r"arltnq proqrdll'S t1r>s1q111·d to encourage .in 111tpr1>c;t 111 books over the lazy 1J 1vs o f c;1m11nor F<.11 todcllPrs th1 u114lt c;1x1h gr.111Pr5. "lt'c; a J11114l1• Oilt There" will include a r" Ht t•• 1111• cluh for t h1ldrP11 not '"'' ,,. '''"'4 011 th1•ir own ,ind a ""'d"'.., t.l•ih for 1ndrprnc1Pnt r,.,uJ1•r" SpPt.lal programs and prt/P rlr.1wtr1gs will arJd to the fun V1s1t ;my NPwport Beach Public L1hrary to c;14n un or c:all 19491 717 3816 The Costa Mesa Seniors Center will hpl1I ii llPa rnan<et from 8 a m tcJ 1 p 111 ,If the center c; parking lot 695 W l!hh St SpacPs cost SIU f(JI members S20 for norm1P.mlJPrs Rf!servAt1ons are rPql111Prl For more 111format1on Ci!ll (q4q fi45 2356 Mature drivers can sharpen their c;~1lls 111 an eight hour AARP c1riv1>r c;dfety class held dur111g two se'>s1ons from 12 30 to 4 30 p n1 June 23 and 24 at PresbytN•an Chu rch of the Covenant tn Costa Mesa Classes drP l1m1ted to 30 students and coc;t $10 Advanced regis1rat1on requ11Pd ror more mformat1on. I IN CHARACTER Above . Denr":. JJ11 1 'J 1 rCJfessor dl Ur dllgt Lua'>t CollegF> a1 d CJrih.Jer1 WPst Cullege, give .:i nresentat1f)r; il~ (if.'11 Owrght D. E 1senhc;wPr r1n he events le 1rlrng to D (J Jy The µresentat1 on wa<., hf'lcJ at 'lie Costa Mt::.J H1'>ICJr1c.c:11 Sor 1Pty WednPsda:, cJfttrnCJor At right '"r 1ff Sgt W:ilter [) lhlr:rs nas 111~ l1ur101e•J ~u.., t di \'1t>dr1f'' day's DOay pP<,Pnt 1t11 r sl lhiJ' osta ti11-' fl H1stom.al S<J , ...... Fhl~r r,, • • .• J ti,, rti"'dcJI <.i' t 101101 f')r his 5"'rJI .. 11 \'\orl1l 1'.ar I " . Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA °"' llec. S.Vlll •I '°' ,., E~~ 111•1 545. 11 &s ~""""'J t 1 A7 •••••••• FotoART . Father's Day is this Sunday June 15th Last Minute Personalized Gifts for Dads ·and Grand-Dads too! The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will announce Scott PaulsP.n for the 2003 C1t11en of the Year Award for the cttv o f Newport Beach Paulsen will be honored at 1he chamber·s annual Choose from-rnll 1714) ri57 3340 V1s1t our l'veh S le at www fotoan com cha1rman·s reception and c1t1zen Join the Newport Beach of the year presentation This Chamber of Commerce in .. person a I iz ed Mugs year's event takes place at 5 Pm welrommg Ryan Hoag, NFL draft r d F Mother'sMariletw1llhold11 atthe Balboa BayCluband pt&number262 Thoughhewas Laser Engrave rames 'Sp ring Cleaning clearance sale Resort 122 1 w Coast Highway the last µ1dc Ill the NFL he II be Mouse Pads from 10 a m to 6 p m l~a_s~1~e,, __ -;T::;h~e~c;:o;'sh't~1s;;S3;'-;r-O-;;;;e;-;r-;;p;-.e;-;;r:--;s;;o;;nr,. w;;-h_1ch_1t111re7a"ttffcdma!'lis11Nnorttlna'tlt7lthne~innf'.tla~mT1omul!'"s_-t--------4"J-------=--:.-=--=--:.-=--.:......--=--=--:.__:__"""7'"" ____ -:----------i----dem os will be offered from 11 covers hors d'oeuvres an a r I a m to 3 p m The store IS at 225 no-host bar. For reservations. call Commodores Club of the and mu ch much m 0 re . E 17th St Costa Mesa For more 19491729-4400 Newport Beach Chamber of 1nformat1on. call (949) 63 1-4741 Commerce will host the party to Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies un the Bea91 H series otters "Anastasi(' starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs S8 per car. Campfires w ill also be available fo r s'mores The resort is at 1131 Badc Bay Drive. For more information, call 1949) 729-DUNE. SUNDAY lliangle Squuw will host a farmers' market featuring hve entertainment and several booths boasting great deals in addition to storefront specials. The market will be open from 11 a.m to 4 JUNE 20 Newport Dunes Re1ort's ·MoviH on the Beach# series offers "Parent Trap" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort 1s at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more Information. call (949) 729-DUNE. JUNE 21 Become • mem ber of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminalfy ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team is seekJng k1dtoff 1he 28th annual Irrelevant Week al the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort, 1131 Badc Bay Drive, at 5·30 p.m The cost is $10. 1nclud111g live entertainment, a no host bar and culinary treats. Fo r more information, call (949) 729-4412 JUNE 24 A free aemin11r on attention deficit disorder will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m at Mother's Market. 225 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667 SH TOWN, P•1• A8 Men111 Lynch, 8alomon Smith 8amey, Morga Stanley •nd other brokerage tlnna agreed to $1.C 81111on Settlement. Govemment attomey have called their conduct, -tit• largeat fraud ever perpetuated on th• lnveatlng public.• .. If you h•V9 l~t moMy or had your 19tJrement ••vlng• dftv••t•r.d du• to •toc~brolr.,. lnve11tlng your hard HrrHHI uvlng• Into rl•ky or u,,.ultitble lnVMtmMfs, you mey be able fO l'KOVW •tacit ,,,,,,.., lo9•• Order by Friday. Pick. Up Sot urdoy Bring thrs ad with you for $5 00 off your order p;>!n ~onday ""ru Fnoav 9A~ 1r •r:v Satu•Oay ·o"~ k 4PM ...,,...... ............ ,,.. •• .,.,. •f' ... ,. ....... , .. ..,, ,. ............ ...-..... ..,, -.. .... ... ~ .,..._,.,._ .. .,,, ...... ~ (.".,.,. .. ~ ·~··'~"" • Sfm1-Prtt••tt for Mtn d-Womn • 011fr 80 Puus of F'f"'/''""" • PriJ111U P1l..tn '""'o •SPINNING Th,•ur • I 6 F11/I r;,,,, P1rson11/ Tr•;,,,,., • Chil.J C•r, 8•"' nou M • • Convnrifnl P11rltint • Yo.r•· T11I Chi, $1,,uh tw1~1 • Sttp. Pot11tr p,,,,,,, C•r"i• • Show"'• Su.,,. tf Tow11' . o., s,. • AC*/t1rutt1rYIM~1•1• or t>y Jppocntmefl! 760 West 16th Street Costa Mesa CA 92627 Bu1ld1ng D 94 9-64 5-3686 ---....... ~ ·-·· ...... .._.. .. __ ... Al Thursday, June 12, 2003 TOWN Continued from A 7 JUNE25 "We41n ... and .._.,ng. ls a free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 226 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 596-6667. A MriM of chwing and painting workshops featuring landacapea and seascapes at Newport Beach locations will begin today and continue for six weeks from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The first session will meet at Mariner's Park. adjacent to Mariner's Library, 2005 Dover Drive. Newport Beach. Individual instruction by artist Mimi Sharon will be offered to beginning end advanced students. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. JUNE 26 "Five Keys to Vibrant Living• Is a free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-6667. JUNE 27 "Legally Blonde# starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires wlll also be avallable for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. JUNE28 Classic boat.I ,..ce hom the de>Q of Newport Harbor Museum whlle events take plaoe In and around the museum from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Heritage Regatta and Seaport Festival. Classic woodies. surfing exhibits. boat building. model building, food and music will be on hand at no cost to attendees. The Seaport Festival will take place all day at the museum and will include a luau dinner and awards show. For more information, call (949) 673-7863. Newport Dunes Resort's •Movies on the Beacn· series offers #Beauty and the Beast# starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bad< Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. Newport Dunes Resort's •Movies JULY 4 on the Beach'" series offers The American Legion Yacht Club Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • Ht.ALTH \h1b1l11)'Smu 195~ ~ Id ~Sr"JJ ,. ' 949-631-7740 441 Old ~n Blvd.• ~n 8cach (Near Hoag Hospital) RtNJeftnmg Floor Care Products Smee 192 l PALS (949)645.7257 2299 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa [!]~Dunn-Well ' -. : ·. . . 1820 MoolO\'la A\18 C0511 Mesa CA 92627 ~ct Upholstwy ':::' ~'7'~':13 Robert Dunn WJIOI' Dam.>711 Ur).ng T•I: 949.548.9373 U.tp;;r Fl9p/tJrs 7 1 4 .548.3434 ~ II Is Olm-1141# It If 0ont R .. Slrlol 1865 White Front Pharmacy c~rv11111 l >r.inc/t < :uuntv fur 3? vear:-. Convmient, full service pharmacy with low prices Diabetes Awareness Free blOod sugar testing and consulting featuring Dave Taffor The 2n4 and 4th Wcdllesday of.each. month from 11 :OOam unril 4:00pm Cards • Books • SunJms Ali lnsuranu Plans Autpud 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 Page Private School .!Jr~u./908 A brand new campus with 95 years of experience. JI a ,.amll.r Cho~c ~w•rd Winner for ~t />rluuc ,.;lemcntary . <'hool! will host the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of dedced out yadlta ~rading along the waters of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categories ellglble for awards. For more Information, call (949) 673-3546. JULYS ~Dun .. R..ort'• ·Movies on the Beacn· serieroffers ·Robin Hood· starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. ONGOING Volunteer drivers are neect.d to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through ·Mobile Meals; sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beacn· will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4 Parking is S8 per car For more information call (949) 729-0UNE A variety of private. semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursdc:1y program for all ages and levels For session dates times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd Children, teens and adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach· Recreation Services Classes begin July 12 Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151 , or v1s1t the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd for more information. Professional and licensed soccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395·5103. Jewish Family Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meets Mondeya from 3:30 to 5 p.m . at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in CoS1a Mesa For information or to register call (714) 445-4950 Pre-registration is required The First Page -Fine Children's Books, at 270 E 17th St, No. 10 In Costa Mesa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 pm. For more information, call 1949) 645-5437 BEST BET ',. .. The Broadway musical ~42nd Street,• winner of the 2001 Tony Award, 1s at the Orange County Performing Arts Center at 600 Town Center Drive through June 22. Tickets. at $32, $36, 549, $53, 562 and 566. are on sale now. For more information, call (714) 556-27 46. If your orchid Is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orcn1d·pon1ng seminar at 2 p m every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a m to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Biren St facil11y. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the secrets of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8·30 a m. Parking 1s S4 Call (714) 996 5252 for more information Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who hove been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts Walk and Talk • at 10 a.m the s1>cond and founh Friday of the month 1n front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court It 1s free. and all f1tneh levels are welcome For more 1nforma11on, call 1949) 275·3888 Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A FE Hands. S.A.F:E. stands for safety awareness. faith and empowerment The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p m. Free. For more 1nformat1on. call (949) 721-8079 Teens ere invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and actlVlttes. The center 1s at 1860 Anaheim Ave For more information, call (714) 327 7560 The Newport Beach Welklng Club meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road 1n Newport Beach at 9 15 a.m. and 7 p m everyday For more information. call t949) 650-1332. Mangold Ave. For more information. call (949) 717-3800. FrH tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. performer's lounge. backstage and on stage at 10.30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (7 14) 556-ARTS, ext. 833 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month The organization 1s open to dll women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years For more tnformatmn. call (949) 645-9922. or visit newcomers·newponbeach.org Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage. coffee and orange 1u1ce for $3, S 1 for children The center 1s at 800 Marguerite Corona del Mar For more information, call (9491 644·3244 Macy's South Coast Plaza presents "Workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class 1s held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St .. Costa Mesa. The cost. including materials. 11 $30 To reserve a spot. call 18181994-5075 Yoga and rtrythm, -vogarhythm1c1H combines yoga. dance and fun The class 1s held from 4·30 to 5.45 p.m Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. For more information, call 1714) 754·7399. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exh1b1t ~Joe The Newport BHch Cake Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of the Newport Beech Public Library Used Book Store , are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa Manners. or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocodo Ave .. Newport Beach All hardcover and paperback donations, with the exception of magazines and law books. will be accepted and are tax deducttble 1949} 759-9667 The Braille Institute ott.rs f,... computer classes to people with lading v1s1on who have difficulty seeing the computer screen The. Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave , Corona del Mar. offers six sessions Call to sign up for classes 1714) 821 -5000 A 1piritual care class meets et 7 15 pm Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave . Su11e 114, Newport Beach Call to reserve a seat (9491 263 1462 .. The Coste Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 ·45 a.m to 1 p m at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost 1s S 14. The club 1s at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa (7 14) 885·9090 A brtln tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive. Newport Beach. Free Reg1strat1on not reQuired The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope wtth the tllness.19491 574-6232 St Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental 1llnen suppon group from 6 30 to 8 •PC & Mac Cumput~r l ..a~ •Abstract Worils on Canvas and Decorattng Club meets from 7 to California's Marine Art Master." p m Sundays in D1erenfield Hell Cat 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach (949) 574-2236. •State-of-t.be-art-Llhrar~ Paper~ an exhibit of art by Janet 9 p.m on Thursday nights at through Sept 30 The museum • clcnce Lab Rosener, will be on display at the Superior and Hospital Road in 1s at 151 E Pacific Coast Newport Beach Central Library Newport Beach For more Highway. Newport Beach Free •small Cla-.s SI/A"! through June 30. The exhibit will information, call (949) 650-1332. admission. For more The Jewish Family Service of •Private Swimming Pool feature selections from Rosener's information, call (949) 673-7863 Orange County sponsors a •Stl'ODJl Curriculum ---t--<r .. uw,T..a:::si:'he:::d;:;-xA::w-::a::-:y?r"-;:se:::n:r.e::s=-. :::cr;:;e:::a'-te:::ri;;-y:--nrinmrn-M-i1trnirtnW111Mit11'nlrtnr.---------------"Fftil!'TT.tt~r7Tl'Tmn-f1Trirm'rtT'-- • 1 ndl vktwtl Attention dripping, splattering or pouring hosts a networking meeting that Interfaith couples with one children and their parents from 6 additional paint and mediums deals with education Jewish partner are invited to to 7 p m two Tuesdays a month •Alter School Programs onto an original painting and connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. part1c1pate 1n a discussion group at the Jewish Famtly Service •Fidd Trips washing it away to suggest the on the second Tuesday of every at the Jewish Family Service of office at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G. Come shop at the oldest flooring store in · Southern California. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET (d;. ONE Karastan • Lees • Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairbome And Much Mort 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.blocscr~tone.com Also fa LOii Belcla iDMl Los Alt passage of time For more month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Orange County office. The group Costa Mesa. S 10 per person, per information, call (949) 717.3816. Bristol St .. Costa Mesa For more 1s geared toward dealing with session. Preregistration Award-winning work• by Orange County artists working in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beech City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Bayside Restaul'llnt In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more Information, call (949) 721-1222. information, call (949) 805·0011. issues between interfaith required. (7 14) 445-4950. ·0 1vorce: A New B99lnnlng; a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 am to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, rall 644-6435. The Newport Beach Public Library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m . Tuesday•. The library Is at 420 couples. such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions Is $45 per couple. Prereglstr&llon is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St .• Suite G. Costa Mesa. (71 4) 445-4950. Women 60 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety. depression, relationships. loneliness and family. The group meet• from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has e weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for succe111ful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service f ffice at 250 E. Baker St., Suite'G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience. See TOWN, P•1• A9 ........ Style is not a si~e .•• It's an attitude! Fun, Feminine Stylts for All Shapes & Situ of.~ Women. 369 E. 17th St., 111, CCllQ Mm (949) 642·S4S9 Dally Piiot ' TOWN Continued from AJ3 Prereglatratlon required. (714) 445-4950. The Costa Mesa S.Ok>r c.nter has ballroom dancing with live muaic from the Costa M esa Muaic M•kera from 7:30 to 10:30 p1m. every Tuesday night at 696 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (9491 548-3884. Jewflh Family Service of 0111nge County sponsors an ongoing heeling support group for the ~ronlcally Ill. The purpose is to provide participants with etnotlonal and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m . Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Costa M esa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. 014) 445-4950. Scnbble Oub No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p.m . Thursdays at Borders Books, M usic & Cafe at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St. in Costa Mesa. SJ. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coln •nd Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. M ondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to 1oin these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. J9wiah Filmlly Service offers ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loa. Group members share experiences. hear how others deal w ith grief. receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss One group meets at 7 p m Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine The second group meets at 10 a.m . Tuesdays at Temple Judea 1n Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p m . Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free. but advance registration is required. (714) 446-4950. J.wish Filmlly Service of Orange County provides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group m eets from 8 to 9:30 p.m . Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Advance reg1strat1on is required. (714) 445-4950. lWo-hour kay9k tours with 1 trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m . Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach S20. or S10 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729-1150. A Vo99 •nd dance dH• is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 M esa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. The Rev. Connie Ryckman leada 1 discussion group using the book •Conversations with God· from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 754-7399. Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (9491 574-0122. A Dealing with Divon:. support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m . Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa M esa. (714) 445-4950. The Se• Scouts' lhlp Del M•r 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base. 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642·6301 or (949) 551-8591. O.sis Senior Cen1er of'f9n ongoing assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to 1oin its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthritis Foundation instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The organization is open to all women residents of Newport Beach who have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922 or v1s1t the Web site newcomers-newportbeach org The Thursd•y Moming Women's Club. a 40-year-old friendship club, 1s seeking new members. The club, which includes golf, bridge, walking and gourmet sections. meets at 11 a m . on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The luncheon 1s S23 and includes entertainment. The hotel is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (7 141 842-5863. The Newport Beach W.lking Club meets at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m . Monday through Saturday, and at 1 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free (949) 650-1332. The American L..gion meeu 1t 7 p.m . the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings. which deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa M esa Air National Guard. The national guard 1s at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 546-27n; or Bill M imiaga, (949) 650-0894. Nigh1ty meetings for those who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered in CoS1a M esa and Newport Beach. (714) 774-9106 or (800) 642-0666. The Newport Sports Muaeum, • nonprofit organization. operates a free museum at 100 N ewport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The museum. which has one of the wor1d's largest collections of sports memorabilia. is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m . to 3 p.m . on Saturday. (949) 721 ·9333 or www.newportsports· museum.org. Saturday from 9 a.m to noon in the school's northwest parting lot, on the corner of Estancia North and Placentia. Newspapers that are bound, loose or bagged are accepted. Cardboard and bound material sudl as phone books and thi<* magazines are not Also, bins are available for drop off every day of the month. All funds raised go to the association. Free. The school is at 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 515-6500. 0.111 Senior Center offers a daily telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also offer ongoing computer classes that teach the basics of Word, Quicken, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Communicators Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive. Costa M esa Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking skills. (71 4) 444 8783 The Newport Beach Dist1ngu1shed Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m . Tuesdays in Sgt Pepperoni's meeting room. 2300 Bristol St .• Newport Beach. Call to make reservations (949) 646-1274. The Jewish Fam ily Service of Orange County holds group meetings for younger women to discuss life passages and changes, body images. family, relationships, communication, intimacy and sexuality. anxiety and loneliness The group meets at 1 pm Tuesdays at the agency office The office 1s at 250 E Baker St . Suite G. Costa Mesa Prereg1strat1on 1s required Marcy M iddler (7141445 4950. ext. 114. The Me~ Messengers Toastmasters Club 691 m CoS1a Mesa meets at 1 pm Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W Baker St, Costa Mei:.a (714) 540-4446. The Zingers Toestmesters Club 615F meets for breakfast on Tuesdays from 1 to 8:30 a m at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 3851 S. Bear #B17. The meeting 1s free for first-time v1s1to rs. For more information. call (}14) 241 1109. The Newport Center Toastmasters Club 231 meets from 1 to 8 30 a.m. Mondays at the Irvine Co • 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach (949) 756-1025 The H.,boriite To•stmasten Club meets at 7 a m Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant. 3446 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. (949) 293-4630 Udo Isle ToastmH ters meet from 6 :30 to 8 p.m . Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach (714) 964-5314. The 0Hil Senior Center offers • shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the center. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Tutoring is ft'llil•bl• for persons who could use help reading English Hourly rates and times are negotiable. (949) 851-1739. O.aia Senior Center of'f9n visual M9rtheR'a TM Kwon Do In Cotta Mesa offers free self-<iefense clauea to air11ne pilots and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. N ational The Estancia High School Parent aid screenings with a Braille --,l"ea"'Cfi.....,e"r-<=s~tu"'d...,e ... n<Yt-t1Au"""'n,...~h""O"'sts_...,a..---111stttute l'9prese11tat1ve,-by- monthly paper drive every appointment. (949) 644-3244. ~_!AS_' --_L~CHITO. FIESfAS .\. Pw •rllwrs •Go Newport Bead\ (M9)67Mll1 Essential w.lght M•n-vement offers interactive and proac11ve weight lou groups. Learn behavior modification and other techniques to control your weight. The cost is $20. Groups meet from 6:30 to B p.m . Wednesdays and Thur$days at 369 San Miguel Drive, Suite 350. Newport Beach (949) 718-9848. Th• Hope Institute, • '*11er for recovery and family education, offers a women's support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at 2900 Bristol St., C·206, Costa Mesa. (714) 432-0020. Oasis Senior Center has a walking group called Walkers Not Rod<ers. which meets once a week to enioy scenic walks in and around the Newport Beach area. (949) 644-3244. Women Helping Women offers a free peer support group for women in trans1t1on from 3.15 to 4:15 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 6:45 to 7 45 d m Monday through Friday in Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center. 800 Marguerite Ave • Corond del M ar (949) 644-3244 The Ho•g Cancer Center offers a yoga class at 10:45 am Tuesday at 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (9491 722 6237. Body Design and United Studios of Self-Defense offers kick boxing classes from 8·30 to 9·30 a m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1000 W Coast Highway, Suite C. Newµort Beach. S8 per class (949) 722-0526. The Alzheimer's Assn and Grief Support Group of Newport Villa WestMlla Rosa co sponsors a free support group meeting for caregivers at 7 p m the fourth Thursday of edch month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted Living 393 Hospital Road, Newport Beach (949) 631-3555 The Al2heimer 's Assn and Me~ Terrace, a residential community for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, offers a free support group for caregivers at 6·30 p m the first Tuesday of each month at Mesa Terrace. 350 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa. (714) 283· 1111 Rebecca Lewis leads an animal bereavement group that specializes 1n the needs of people who have sick or dying pets. It meets at 3 pm. Tuesdays at 3101 W. Coast Highway. Suite 311 Newport Beach. The cost 1s a donation to an animal charity of the attendee's choice Call to make a reservation (949) 721-5750 fT98 t'•i chi class.es •re offered every Friday from 10·30 to 11 30 a m. and free q1 gong classes are offered every Thursday from 10·30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. CoaS1 Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-6237. A six-week educational series for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer or for anyone intereS1ed is being offered in two sessions with various speakers The first session 1s underway The second session will take place April 1, 8. 15, 22 and 29 and May 6 Sessions are from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coasl Highway. Newport Beach Free. Pre-registration 1s required (949) 722-6237. The Facing Forw•rd Bere11Vement Group meets from 6 30 to 8 p m. every Monday at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W Coast ~hway, Newport Beach Free (949) 722-6237 fh1J1Wc1y June 12 t'003 A9 Caine See Our 11 0 ne- Of-A -Kin d" Coo ki e Ba skets & Ca kes For That 110 11e -Of-A-Kin d" Dad or Grad ... Order Ea rly! 427 E. 17TH STREET• COSTA MESA• (949) 646-1440 \10\-FRI 7:00-6:00 • Su 7 :00-~:00 • C10srn ~l'\O.\\ AlO Tlusday, .Mle 12. 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD A spectacular supper at Tiff any S awaits T hey are planning the party of the year. South Coast Repertoty's 40th Anniversary Season Gala ls set · for Sept 20, and the wagons have been-circling for months in preparation for what will possibly be one of the most extravagant social occasions on the California Riviera. The party is being underwritten by TI.ffany & Co., with local .-----~ nJiany execudve Jeff Bennett working closing with society chairs Dee and La.rTy HJgby to create what ls being called B.W. COOK ·supperAt Tiffany," taking it's name from the classic film •ereakfast At llffany's". The Higbys' of Udo lsJe invited 60 of the most powerful and generous philanthropists in Orange County to dinner at the posh new Balboa Bay Oub & Resort. Balboa Bay Oub tenace overlooking the Newport Harbor. After a champagne toast or two, the crowd was ushered into the dining room (or an exceptional three-course dinner that featured a perfect grtlled 6Jetand succulentgrilled shrimp. The dinner was punctuated by a presentation given by the Higbys, with brief comments by others involved in the preparation of the big gala set for September. Dav1d Em.mes, co-founder of South Coast Repertory, was on hand Lo offer a generous thank you to the distinguished crowd. Designers of the upcoming gala shared details that excited the party. MEmpire style crystal chandeliers will flicker above guests enjoying dinner and dancing to the strands of the J. Sterling Orchestra. H SCR's Madeline Porter said HThe party will unfold in a Lent erected at South Coast Plaza adjacent to Tiffany & Co. decorated to reflect the evening's theme, 'Supper At Tiffany,' showcasing a world of elegance and beauty reminiscent of the great society gatherings of New York." ..... Taking over one of the private waterfront dining rooms at the new hotel, a gathering worthy of gossip in the "who's who" circle brought together the Orange Coast's star couple Henry and P.Jhabeth Segetstrom, who had just returned from a sojourn to the Prench Riviera and the Cannes Film FestivaJ. The Segerscroms entertained Hollywood and European royalty on board a chartered mega Some of the committee members working on the SCR fund·raising gala are Bette Altken, Donna Collett. Dee Higby's daughter Jenn.lier Daudennan -daughter-in-law to another prominent Newport couple. Bobble and Jerry Oaudennan -South Coast Plaza's dynamic Debra Gunn Downing. Barbara Glabman, Patrlcla Nefsser, Nancy wall, Kltty Schuler, and Freedom Communication heiress Judy ThreshJe. Paul Folino, Dee Higby, Elaine Weinberg, Julianne Argyros, Catherine Thyen and Ellen Appel Olivier de Vezin toast SCR. yacht In the French harbor. Madam "Ambassadora" Julianne Mgyro9 jened in from Spain where she and husband George Argyrol. the American ambassador there. have reponec!Jy charmed the pan~ off Spanish citizens. European sources have reported that Julianne's fashion sense has influenced the women of Madrid. Many of the lacties belonging to the Spanish social set are dressing like Julianne, including wearing sJacks to occasions that formerly only saw women in dresses. Prominent Paul follno and his pretty blond wife Daranne. SlO·million donors to SCR. hobnobbed with the once·missing PJJen Appel OUvter de Vezln, who returned from her new ctigs in Malibu to join fond friends not seen In Another patron party is scheduled for Aug. 9. hosted by the very philanthropic Joann Leafherby and Greg Bates at . their home in Modjeska Canyon. The pre-partiel> are vehicles that pay tribute and give thankl. to community leaders who have supported SCR for more than 40 years. The hope of the organizers is to raise enough money to finish the capital campaign that was launched in 1998 with the goal of raising $50 million to endow and support SCR So far, $47 million has been raised, with proceeds from "Supper At Ttffany" said to inaugurate the theaters 2003-04 annual fund with potentially the largest donations of the season. • some time. WWlam and Irene Mathews. Martin and Elalne Weinberg. Delayne and Catherine Thym, Twyla and Dick Martin, Donna Phelps. Nola Schneer and Tom and Joyce Tucker graced the powerhouse dinner that began with cocktails and hors d' oeuvres served at sunset on the For information and reservations for HSupper At Tiffany or to assist SCR in reaching its financial high-water mark. please call (714) 708-5504. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. Julianne Argyros, wife of American Ambassador to Spain George Arg.;ros, 1s in from Madrid to support an SCR fund-raising dinner hosted by Newport Beach philanthropist Dee Higby. The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Need$!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies, Shades. & Bedspreads ,. Larry Higby, Elizabeth Segerstrom, Henry Segerstrom. Dee Higby and Jeff Bennett of Tiffany & Co. join forces to underwrite the upcoming 40th anniversary gala for SCR. CAFE HOURS: Mon-S.n1 9mn-4pm C11Jtom P1m.rr Fr11mint, Fitrnihlrr &11or6NOn 11n4 mwh morr 1 . . • LIFE & LEISURE Thursday, June 12. 2003 All I BEST BUYS Cannery Village adds Europe to 31st Street 3 1st Street in one to a diJierent time Cannery Village is wne; Montb1aoc -having its stainless steeJ shaving E..upean Swnmer set Pone.he Design -StNet Fair from IO a.m. the PO Golf CollectJon tc.(~p.m. Saturday. The of drivers, wedges. fe$fve day features an woods, irons and and antiques presented putters, as well as bags, hy4te following gloves, headwear, travel rn&chant.s: Ylttl'a accessories and golf G~, the South or GREER balls; Dooney Ii Ptwace,Cannery Bomb -all leather ~.Alta Colfee WYLDER briefcases, all color boat HCJUte, Cannery Painta SQtdlo. the Paper Hou., Al'den1a CapannelU, Le C.anard. Carole Akins Studlo. IM.ng CtntJona and Donia's Stud.Jo. There's also a large selection of palntings by Cannery Anists. (949) 675-0851. NOT TOO LATE South C.OUt Plaza has great I .ither's Day gift ideas to make ... hopping easier. The Metropolitan Museum or Art - '>pring selection of ties, cuff links dlld card cases; Toumeau - ucnekeeping cuftlinks, set each GETTING INVOLVED • OEmNG INVOLVED runs ~rfodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on eddlng your organization to this h~ call (949) 574-4298. ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host e German student and earn up to $1.000 toward a number of tr.Vel-ebroad programs. Danielle q rpino, (800) 322-HOST. AL.SASSN., ORANGE C~NTY CHAPTER lite Amyotrophic Lateral Sdleros1s Assn., which helps individuals who have the ditorder that is also known as L~ Gehrig's disease, needs voJSlnteers. (714) 376-1922. ALlHEIMER'S ASSN. OPORANGE COUNTY s:rt group leaders, Visiting V wnteers. family resource cdnsultants and office volunteers a" needed. Volunteers may wort • • • i.hoes, wallets; Nordstrom -Tommy Bahama Cayman camp shirt. Tu.mi luggage; David Yurman - stainless steel and silver Thoroughbred 35· millimeter automacic timepiece with black dial; Salvatore Ferragamo - new Ferragarno MSubtiJ" fragrance for dad; Max II Co. - designer prescription eyewear; GJorglo Annanl-leather wallets and accessones; Agnes b. -watches and wallets; Loro Plana -spring 2003 tie collection; Hugo Bosa -I 00% silk Italian ties, short-'>leeve on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter (949) 261·9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods such as clothing. furniture. jewelry, accessories. anhques and collectibles to fund the sooety's research. education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. lo 5 p.m Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 6404777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical fitted shirts; 8roobtone -max lll8.SS88U• reaches deep muscle and tissue layers (or tension relief, Mlkimoto -Tahitian cultured pearl cufllinb, tuxedo stutl set; Wolford -men's soclc collection, elegant. comfortable and a perfect fit; Puzzle 1.oo - collectible figures and chess sets; Bally-briefcases, wallets, key cha.ins and ties; Black, Starr It Proet -llmlted-editJon Blanc Pain watch, handmade cuff links; Plaza cutlery 1nc. - manicure sets; Paradlle ~ C.O. -S.T. Dupont Mlnl-Orpheo ballpoint pen and pencil; Malm -hardwood chess sets and boards SHIRTS FOR DAD The SL Croix Shop at Puh.lon Island offers a Father's Day collection of sportswear. The selection includes lightweight cotton crews and v-neck sweaters; short-sleeve all-conon sport shirts'; shon-sleeve fashion knits; fashion colors in short-sleeve mocks and tees; a treatments free of charge. The required commitment is a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans. (949) 261 ·9446 or scorner:E'cance~org The American Cancer Society is also looking for volunteer speakers for its Speakers Bureau program, which offers a tree service to communities, &dlools and corporations by providing trained speakers to address cancer issues. The organization will train all mterested volunteers at a special session on Dec. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Spectrum Club, 1535 Oeerpart Drive in Fullerton. For reservations. call Florence Dann at (949) 567-0604 by Nov. 22. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart A.asn. is looking for volunteers 10 perform various general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund·raising events through Orange County. -• ThisWeek@UCI Arts 'June 12 & 13 UCI ArtsBrldge. Look Again: Digital Photography by ArtsBridgt Ch1ldrtn. An electronic compilation of locaJ children's interpretations of com- mon vocabulary words through photographs. written work and taped interviews. Noon-5 p.m .. ~all Center for Art & Technology. Free June 12 Film & Video Center. Eyeburations Film FestwaL The second annual collection of short digital video works by Southern California amateur artists, with an emphasis on experimental forms. 7:30 p.m .. Humanities lrutructional Building, Room I 00. Frtt Presentations June 14 Commencement. The Hertry Samueli School of Enginuring, School of Social Ecology. 9 a.m.; School of Biological Sciences. 1 p.m.; School of Social Scimces. 5 p.m. Aldrich Park. Free Commencement. Department of Education. School of Information 6' QJmputer Science, School of Physical Sciena.s, 11 a.m.; Clalrt 1mw School of tht Arts, School of Humaniriu, 3 p.m.; GradWJte School of Mamigtmmt, 1 p.m. Bren Events C.tnter. Prtt June 17 ' Institute for.Software R...-ch. Whm R.eseardt Mem IN RaU World. With A1fftd Sptctor, vice pruident of ~rvic:es and toftwart, lBM. 1:30 p.m., Mc.Donnell Oogglu Rnpnccrlng Auditorium. S l 00 large assortment of shon-sleeve 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today and ital.Ian knits; and fine-tailored Friday. It'• a good rime lO stock OBTAIN HEIRLOOMS Italian trousers.. Open Crom 10 up on kids clothing. At this sale, Graodmll'a C.Ottllp Ane a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; there are mostly girls apparel Hdrtoom Antique. now Crom 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sarurday; available lo sizes 4 10 14. There's occupies the space formerly and Crom 11 a.m. 10 6 p.m . a big selection of stretch terry, occupied by Crofton Antiques, Sunday. Atrium Coun at Fashion velour, aborts, board shons. still under the blue awning. up l&land ln Newport Beach. (949) capria and more. Meuopolitan the street from Trader Joe's 760-8191. Prairie also has stylish boys (toward Pomona Street). Its newport@stcrol.xslwp.com. clothes lo sizes 2 to 16. Good space features new arrivals of quality and great prices. 1685 furniture, silver. crystal. cut FURR-FECT EVENT Babcock No. 8, Costa Mesa. glass, an glass. porcelain. ch.ma Three Dog Bakery and the and decorative arts Upstam. m Newport Bach Animal Sbelttt BREATHE FREE the aroc. there are Depression are hosting a "Purr Therapy Newport Center Orthopedk era and carnival glass. decorauve Adopt A Pet" day from l O a.m. to SurgkaJ Suppl.lee sells respirator arts, books and clu.Jdren's 1tem!I. 3 p.m. Saturday. Co-owner masks that have been and coUectibles. To celebrate tht- Sandy Deem said a1 the last recommended for travelers move. there are reductions on adoption event, 21 dogs and cats visiting countries suuck by the select merchandise throughout found homes. Subsequent SARS epidemic. Type N95 the month Open from l 0 am. adoption days are from 10 a.m. Respirator Mask ls available here to 5 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday to 3 p.m. on Aug. 2, Nov. l and for S3.95 to $4.95. It also has the 670 W. 17th St.. Costa M~ Dec. 6. Corona del Mar Plaza. best selection of surgical (949) 645·9258. (949) 760-()(x;S. supplies in the area Open from 9 a.m. 10 6 p.m. Monday 10 •BEST BUYS appears Mondays STOCK UP ON CLOTHES Friday; and from 9:30 a.m. to l and Fridays Send information to • Metropolitan Prairie, a p.m. Saturday. 400 Newport Greer Wylder at popular kids clothing Center Drive, Suite 104, Newport greerwylder a yahoo com, at 330 W manufacturer, is having one of Beach. (949) 644·0065 or (800) Bay St .. Costa Mesa 92627, or by its bargain warehouse sales from 644·4247. fax at (9491 646-4170 No experience necessary. www.animalnetworlc.org. or big sisters for c:tuldren ages 6 Training will be provided. (949) to 16 from slngle·parent homes 856-3555. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE (714) 544-7n3. Of NEWPORT-MESA AMERICAN HOME HEAllli Volunteers looking for varying BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC HOSPtCE PROGRAM levels of involvement are needed Volunteer opportunrtles for the The American Home Health 10 help the organ12at1on with its Orange Countv Council mclude Hospice Program needs goal of helping children in the fund-ra1smg. program developmem volunteers to give emotional community. (949) 645-0929. and tra1n1ng to existing troops and support to terminaHy ill patients padl.s. (714) 546-4990 and their families in the greater BEST BUDDtES Orange County area. Training is The nonprofit organization is BOYS a. GIRLS CLUBS provided. (714) 550-0800 or (800) looking for volunteers 18 and older OF NEWPORT-MESA 540-2545. 10 provide companionship for The three area clubs need adults with development.al volunteer coaches and arts and AMERICAN RED CROSS, disabilities.ha "Citizen BuddY.' crafts workshop teachers. Call for ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER volunteers will visit with a buddy locations (949) 642-2245 The dlapter needs volunteers to twice a month and call or e-mail address community groups them once a week. The BRAIU£ INSTITllTE'S about Red Cross services and to organization also has an e-8udd1es ORANGE COUNTY CENTER act as liaisons with the media in program that forms fnendships The nonprofit organization 1s disaster and emergency entirely over the Internet looking for volunteers with a situations. Lynn Howes, (714) Volunteers for that program must basic knowledge of Windows 481-5376. be a1least12 years old. (714) 95198, Microsoft Word and a 546-1826 or www.bestbuddies.org. willingness to learn the adaptive ANIMAL NETWORK equipment used by its students to OF ORANGE COUNTY BIG BROlliERS, BIG SISTERS participate in venous activities at Become a bottle-feeder or take in The local chapter is looking for the Oasis Senior Center in Corona pregnant cats at your home. men and women older than 20 del Mar. Volunteers will tutor Many shelters kill pregnant cats who have lived in Orange County legally blind adult students usmg upon arrival. Dogs and cats are for at least six months and have computers and other adaptive also available for adoption.(949) been on the 1ob for at least three technology Mary Johnson, (714) 759-3646or months to serve as big brothers 821·5000. ext 2113. KIEHL'S SINCE 1851 • APPLE • LOUIS VUITTON ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA • BANG & OLUFSEN BURBERRY • LORO PIANA • GIORGIO ARMANI BOSS HUGO BOSS • PORSCHE DESIGN • CARTIER JOHN LOBB • MONTBLANC • RAND MCNALLY SALVATORE FERRAGAMO • TIMBERLAND DOONEY & BOURKE • TIFFANY & CO. • COACH GUCCI • TOURNEAU WATCH GEAR PAFmAL. UST1NQ .. ' Father's Day Brunch Chef Daniel Jimenez Presents ~~"~~~~~&'P~ ~~Sted.~~~ & ~ ()11i1Nf4, ~ S.t.M t# 4 !)at~ ~1!?~7~ &... 7u 'P4414 -. 'Puuie 'P.uec. ~ ~ ~ -I'* eu.-. ,,.f(/u4 ~ ff ~ 5""'". ~~~"" ·~~'P~ ~~=-A.t«:M'e & 5.1,d 1~~~ ~ ~ ~ tJ#Uleae Stcttu ~ 7....e &u. S."44~ ~~&'P~ ""'""ee-t ~ ~-~"''" "'"' ~. ~ ?lt.ul Servedfrom 9am -3pm $23 .96 adults $12.95 c h ild ren 5 -12 Children under 6 EAT FREE Complimentary self p arking Peop le painting by Chris Fredy the Magic Balloon Man • 11 am -3pm For Reservations 949-729-1144 1131 Back Bay Drive• Newport Beach www .newportdunes.com ... -............ _ .. ·-··· ,., .. -·-.............................. ,,..,, ......... , ... .. L IF E & L E IS U R E Dady Pilot TRAVEL TALES Ginger Dunn and a Masai tribesman in Kenya, Africa. Spotting the Big Five and more in, Kenya By Glneer Dunn T he picture many have of Africa, that of the golden savanna dotted with wild game and studded with flat-topped umbreUa acacia trees, is actually the landscape of Kenya. This is the land of the classic safari. The animals roaming freely and abundantly is a scene truly right out of National Geographic. The safari goal IS to see the aig Five: lion. elephant, water buffalo. rhino and leopard. We began at Mount Kenya, the second highest mountain in Africa. It stands on the equator. yet its peak is covered in snow. We stayed at a utrttlops" mountain lodge overlooking a waterhole surrounded by dense rainforest Many animals roam in and out all night. and we were serenaded by trumpeting elephants. · The next drive was toward the Great Rift Valley and Lake Nakuru National Parle. The shallow soda lake boasts the greatest spectacle of thousands of pink flamingos. We finished al a safari tenl camp in Masai Mara, Kenya's most popular game reserve. The Mara is the northern Serengeti Plain and shares rnigratlon with neighboring Tanzania We visited the Masai, the best known African tribe. with its wamor caste and distinctive blood red shoulder cloaks. They live in hu~ made of cow dung and sticks. Although they continue many of their tribal rituals, they are becoming more Westernized. But they remain one of the greatest nomadic trtbes of the modem world. Seeing the Big Five, plus scores of zebra. giraffe. hyena. hippo and so much more wild game, was easy, but travel In the land rover was rough. The roads are the worst encountered anywhere. We traveled long distances Dunn on a Serengeti plain in Kenya. between Mays, but were always greeted at the door with cold drinJcs, hot towels and big smiles. Every day was truly an adventure. with flat tires, being stuck in the mud and a burned out transmission. but it was always "ha.lcuna matata" (no worries). and the adven~ continued in style. The food was delicious and plentiful. Even a bush breakfast out of the land rover wru. served with a tablecloth and china. A hot water bottle was tucked in your bed to soothe the rough day of travel "Jambo" is Swahili for heUo. The Kenyans are some of the friendliest people in the world and always greet you in passing. Even the people out tending their cattle and goats and fetching water and sticks and the children by the road would wave and shout out MJambo." The people outside the city exist on small, five-acre fanns with no electricity or plumbing. After independence from Britain. Kenya has been under a corrupt government for the past 20 yean.. So although the land is rich with coffee, tea and pineapple plantations, the people are very poor. But Kenya just elected a new president. and optimism runs high. My final stop in Nairobi was the memorial park built at the site of the 1998 American Embassy bombing. A handful of Americans and more than 200 innocent Kenyans died as a result of this terrorist act, yet this largely Ouistian country h.arl>ors no prejudice. I went on this trip to see the beautiful animals. but was equally impressed with the heautiful people. • GINGER DUNN ts a Newport Beach resident. •TRAVEL TALES runs on Sundays. Have you, or someone you know. gone : on an interesting vacation recendy? ! Tell us about your adventures In • about 400 word•. accompanied by• ! couple of photo• to chooee from ~ that do not have the Daily Pilot in • them. and send them to Travel Tal91,1• 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or e-mail coral.wllton@latimes.com; or fax to' (949)~170. SIGN-UPS GOING ON NOW! W\N\V nd< .1< h 1·1·r <om (7 1 ·1) 5 '10 -'18 l S - ~ LIFE&: LEISURE NO PLACE LIKE HOME Make a manly meal for Fathers Day Wolfpnp Honey Spareribs Qalnola , i pounds baby back ribs, i n AFTER HOURS • 5ltbmit AFTER HOURS items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. ec.ta M esa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 846-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com SPECIAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 8'NEflT Tffe Mldtey Jones Foundation for Children la having its fourth annual benefrt for Children's Hospital Orange County, including a CHOC Ride and Blues Festival, at 9:30 a.m. June 22 at Hidden Valley Park in Irvine. lnformatlon: (714) 962-6718. MUSIC BARrTOHE CONCERT The performance by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning ,q,nerican operatic baritone Sentord Sylvan has been rttd'leduled to 4 p.m. June 22 in Founders Hell. Tickets cost $60 and are on sale at the Center box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or by visiting www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz tno Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718.0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p m every week #Wanted# musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers. drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Mam St, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760 .. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz ConneC1ion Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 261 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on M ondays. It's free. Before serving, grill the spareribs until they are really brown. Cut the racb into indMdual rtbe and arrange the ribs in an overlapping fashion on a warm platter. Wollpng'I Coleslaw l head green cabbage cut into long, thin strips l medium canot, grated, with excess juice squeezed out 1 cup mayonnaise V. cup red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons toasted caraway seeds Salt and pepper to taste Pinch of sugar Combine ingredients in a large bowl Refrigerate for two hours. Mini Strawberry Swirl Oleesecakes Use 12 l ·cup ramekins or a regular size muffin pan Bakingpanlargeenoughto hold ramekins Strawberry Compote Three l ·pint baskets Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT TliE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidt Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 lido Partc Drive, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 676-3474. MUSIC AT TliE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restauran1 is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St, Coate Mesa. No cover charge. strawberries, bulled and cut Into thick slices Y. cup granulated sugar 1 ~ cinnamon sticks in a medium nonreactive saucepan, combine berries, sugar and cinnamon sdcb. Cook over medium-high heat for about 15 minutes until compote thickens slightly and just coats the back of the spoon. Cool. Sp-. CJ>eeeecah PUllng l ~ pounds cream cheese, room temperature, cut into small pieces l V. cup granulated sugar V. teaspoon salt Y. cup sour cream l tablespoon dark rum 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 3eggs Place the cream cheese. sugar and salt in a large bowl. Use an electric mixer on medium speed and beat until smooth. Turn the speed to high until the mixture is creamy. Add sour cream, rum, lemon juice and vanilla. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND Fl.AMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 676-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT RU Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode end R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacA11hur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'TiiE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's first full-length Continue beating until blended. Add eggs and beat lightly. Position rack in center of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees. Coat the ramekins or muffin pan with vegetable spray. Spoon one tablespoon Strawberry Compote into the bottom of each cup, and then add Spago Oteese<:ake Filling. Arrange ramekins In the large baking pan and fill the baldng pan with hot water, reaching about halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Bake until the cheesecakes begin to pull away from the sides and are almost firm to the touch. 35 to 40 minutes. Remove ramekins. cool and refrigerate. When ready to serve, run a sharp knife around the inside edg! and inven the cake on a serving plate. Garnish with fresh strawberries and serve immediately. • KAREN WIGHT is a Newport Beach resident. Her column runs Thursdays. play, #The Drawer Boy; one of Time magazine's Best Plays of 2001, will continue through June 29 at Segerstrom Stage. Tickets range from $19 to $54. For tickets, call (714) 708-5555. '42NO STREET' The 2001 Tony Award Winner. Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award # 42nd Street• will be perform ed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center through June 22. Tickets are $322 to $66. They are on sale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. 'AJDA' Elton John and nm Rice's #Aida• is coming to the Orange County Perfonning Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall July 2 through 13. nctets are $27.50 to $64.50 and can be purchased at the center's box office of online at www.ocpac.org. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. OCPAC is located at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. See HOURS, Paee Al4 Thursday, June 12, 2003 AU t . KENNY PRIN TER llL\lPllll I 'S -IH . ( I" '"' ( \ I~ I 'I I \ . . . ~ SETUI' SOFTWME ~ mobs connecnng foSI & eosy1 FIVE email boxes, Webmoil, Instant Messaging and more! U•lim!ttd Aims • Sit• Up O.liM www.localnet.com 949-642-4645 Momma We belong to tbe world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. We are the biggest flooring dealers individually owned and operated. 4,000STOBB B UYING POWBB. NOBODY anywhere can beat our selectton, prices or service. You're paying too mucb if you're not buying from us. 1:' # Lifetime 1•Warranty Carpet ~199 Lifetime Warranty Laminate .. ,, LIF E & LE I SU R E -When you Expect the beet" AUTOMOBJLES • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • ~ .............. Lh ..... Lllllw Werr...cy • P1ok up a D......,. • ..._ 0-, 8ertctoe Dee..,..Welaamel SERVING O.C. SINCE 1880 ... MTUMIPM 738 West 17 Street Suite G. Cost8 Mesa, CA 92627 .T .. (848) 548-4588 •Cell (714)'883-5837 Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $199 Lifetime Warranty Wood Brenda 60 ""'1 e:itebange. q you don "I lllle It, we will replace It FULL SERVICE Co11ter Ttpt-• Shtwers • Cer111ic • Stue • GrHite • Woo' Refi•i•h ONE STOP SHOP Window C1veri11 • • CleHi11 Car et & U htltfe • P1i11ti11 -l11teritr & Exterior 405 co•t'll· Mesa , ••• , •!i0-7878 t24 ••. 17th lrvlne (949) 8J8•0t•t t 7777 Main ..... : • MOtf-Ftt f ·S MON -FRI 10-6 • SATURDAY 10-4 SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 10-4 CLOSED SUMOAY EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT .. HOURS Continued from A13 ART 'BONJOUR LES ARTISTES' Twemy-.lght ertfata wltl take part In the MCOnd "Bonjour I" Artl.i .. ; which will take piece from 11 1.m . to 7 p.m. Satu~ et the Sutton Pleoe In Newport Beech. Artlata from Cotta Mele, Newport Beech end other pans of Orange County will be showing. Adml .. lon end par1dng la free. The Sutton Place la at 4600 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 861-1838. •ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J. Salamon will unveil hit 1erles of 36 portralts of people within the Orange County ert scene who ere making a difference In its evolution. The exhibition will run through Sunday et the Blue Square Gallery. 365 Old Newport Blvd., Newport Beech. Information: (949) 548-1101. DANCE BARCLAY CLASSICAL DANC£ CENTER Cleaslcal Dance Center, with locations in Newport Beach and Tustin, will celebrate its 10th anniversary with its 10th annual student performance through Monday. Tidcets cost $15.50. Dancers from age 3 to adult will showcase various dance styles: ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical, and hi~hop. Irvine Barclay Theatre is at 4242 Campus Drive. Tidcets: (949) 854-4646. SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m . at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more Information, visit ocswing.com or call (909) 6~119. ARGEHTlNE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m . to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Danacene Studio. 2980 McClintodc Way. Coste Mesa. (714) 641-8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old ere invited to participate In songs end finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m . Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Pl .. financing need in the hand of P r ivate Mor tgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers-live and work in your oommunity and excel at providing sound soluti fmancing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Braocb Manapr complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans ~ 949-253-4221 c ........ M•pr Daily Pilot ' Mondays et the Costa M ... UbrltY. 1856 P1rtcAve. (949) MM846. PJS NtO BOOKS A children'• story time la preaented at 7 p.m. Mondeye and at 10:30 1.m. Saturdaya et the Newport Betc:h Central Ubrtry,. 1000 Avocedo Ave. Child,.,. mey wear ~jam" to the evening MMiont. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEi.ER A chHdren'a story time la held It 10:'6 1.m . Wednesdays et Bemea & Noble Boobellere at Metro Pointe. 901-B South Coast Drive, Cost• Mese. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME • A children'• story time la held et 10 e.m. Wednesdays and 10:16 1.m. Fridays at Bordert Books & Music et South Coast Plau. 3333 Bear St, Costa Mes.a. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offera Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2736 W. Coast Highway, Newport - Beach. S1C>-S15. (949) 642-343\ SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dl1he1 such as chidcen parmigiana end calamari plcante at reduced prk:es, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m . weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nove Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast ':.. Highway, Newport Beach. (9491. 642-7880. W1NE TASTINGS , Hi· Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m . Fridays end from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 e.m. to 2 p.m . et Sutton Piece Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .• Newport Beach. SJO; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS Al.TA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St. Newport Beach. (949) 675--0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music Is presented daily at the Atrium's Alrporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd .• Irvine. (949) 8J3.2no. BISTitO 201 Jazz la played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 e.m . Sundays at Bistro 201. 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performea after 9 p.m. Thursdays, end pop, and rode la presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din et the Bamboo Terrace, 1 n3 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-5550. OURTY NELLY'S Live m usic ia performed et 9 p.m. Frldlya end Saturdays at Nelly'l. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music la performed Mondays through Saturdey9 et the Four Seaaona Hotel, 890 N.wpot1 Center Drive, N.wport Buch. (949) 769-0808. YOUR DF.N'IAI. HEAll'H . ..... QUOTE OF THE DAY "People watch /Sharon Day] at meets and see how calm she is, but they also see the competitiveness in her." Euaene Day, high jump coach and father • Daily Pilot J •• GOLF Mesa Verde ·to serve as community catalyst I t is shaping up as a busy summer for Mesa Verde Country Oub in Costa Mesa. _ In addition to the Tea Cup Oas .. 'lic and Jones Cup, the private club V<ill play host to a fund-raiser for Costa , ¥esa and Estancia high schools. On Aug. 18, the club will donate its course and much of the tournament costs toward facilities improvements on the two campuses. BRYCE ALDERTON Tournament organizers expect more than 90% of the entry fees will go directly toward the $7-million construction projects, spearheaded by the Costa Mesa Communi1y Athletic Foundation. 'Ille project at Costa Mesa High features a 50-meter pool capable or hosting CIF swim meets and water polo 1,11a1ches, while the vision at Estancia indudei. a 2,500-seat stadium with a tune-lane track and lighted soccer and toothalJ practice areas. rhe golf tournament wtll act ~ the catalyst m lhe initial fund-raising l'ffons. The Tea Cup Oassic is July 25; Jill' Jont.>S Cup b Aug. I. ••• Trailing by one :.ho1 with three holes lo play, Jeff Bloom remained steady and fmished with a two-shot victory for his lir>I Newport Beach Country Oub men's championship Sunday. After two consecutive rounds of80, Bloom knocked off eight shots in the final round to post a 72, beating second-place finisher Bruce Bearer by cwo strokes. Bloom tired rounds of T.i -80-80-72 (305), while Bearer shot 73-73-82-79 (307). Toby Bogard (75·80· 76-n-308) placed third. Paul 1 lahn. head golf professional at NHCC will wait to hear back from Bloom whe1her the newest men's club champion wiJJ compete in the Jones Cup. TI1e Jones Cup pairs the club champion (or ioviled dues-paying amateur) with a full -time staff mem ber from each of the four private clubs CSanta Ana Country Oub, Big Canyon Country Oub, Newpon Beach, Mesa Verde) in thib newspaper's circulation. ll1e tournament features a better-ball of partners format with two foursomes teeing off back-to-back. Big \.anyon's Will ·npton and Mesa Verde'i> Steve Rhorer each claimed their respective dub championships last fall. Santa Ana hosts its cham ionshi five days later this month. ••• Pelican l Lill Golf O ub in Newport Coast will host the 14th annuaJ Olive Crest Golf Tournament Monday to ~enefit disadvantaged children. See GOLF, Pa1e 83 ------- Sports Editor Rich«d Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: 1949) 650-0170 AliApgar Poetdon: Catcher ~Right Fwottt. food: Baked potatoes Fevonte ~: Techno muelc Fevcwtt. movte: "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou7• Shaye Bastien P'oetdon: First base a.tl/lhl"OW9: Left Fevorite food: Pina Favcwtt. -~: Punk music Favorite movie: •Legally Blonde" Karissa Dempsey Poeitlon: Pitcher ~:Right Favorite food: Pasta Favorite m~kl/9t0UP: Nirvana Fevorit• movie: •finding Nemo· Sydney Engel Poeltion: First base a.ta/thf'OW9: Right FevOffte food: Sueh1 Favorite mualc:/vrOup: The White Stripes Favorite movie: •Grease• Robin Gautschi Poehion: Shortstop a.ta/throws: Right Fevorit• food: Mashed potatoes Fevorit• muak:19roup: Pop music Fevorite movie: ·10 Things I Hate About You• Les/.ee Kaczmarek P~: Thtrd base a.ta,'throwa: Right Favorite food: P1z1 a Favorite muak:19roup: Good Charlotte Favorite movie: ·sweet Home Alabama· PACIFIC COAST FASTPITCH SOFTBALL ALL- BOUND T he Pacific Coast Fastpitch Softball 12-and-under All-Stars finish ed 1-2 last weekend in their fust area all - star tournament in Amateur Softball Association action. There are three ASA area tour- naments before possibly advancing to the next level. which would be the district playoffs. followed by state and national championships. The Newport Beach-based all-star team will play in the second of the three area tournaments Friday and Saturday in Vista This is the first year Pacific Coast has played under the auspices of ASA NOT PICTURED Elena Redelsheimer Poetdon: Catcher ~Right Fevottte food: Broccoli casserole F-ottt. rnuek:lgroup: "Queen· F~ movie: "Lilo & Stitch" YOUTH BASEBALL EYEOPENER Dail~POOc· bie 16 honor"H JOSIAH FREDRIKSEN Thur!.day, June 12. 2003 Bl &MMycom Poeltion: Pitcher ~~Right Fevortte food: Mangos Favorite ~oup: Pop mu11G F•vorite rnovte: ·Mou Congeniallty• Brleanna~ Poattion: Catcher a.t.lthrowa: Right Favori1.e food; Spagheno Favorite muskJgroup: Farth Hill F•vorite movie: 'Back to the future 3" Melanie Sitz.er Poehion: F ·~ base Bauilthrow9: Righi F-orit• food: Sushi Favorite ~: ·New Found Glory• Favorite movie: ·Bringing Down the House· AlnySmith P~: P1tcherlshortshop ~owa:Rogl'll F•vorite food; Shrimp fenuccon1 alfredo Favorite muskJgri>up: Simple Plan F•vorite movie: "Bnng It on· ~Usie Soltero Poaltion: Second base a.utthrows: Righi Favorite food; Ice cream F-orit• mt.nlic:lgoroup: "No Doubl" Favorite movi.: ·Hot Choe•· Amy Youngman Poaltlon: Thiro base llatalthrowa: Right F•vorite food: Raumatazi Favorite ,.,.,.1c19roup: ·Good Chartone· Favorite movie: ·oumb and Dumber• Cardinals ' feathers ruffled in showdown Corona del Mar Pony team thwarted by Calvary Chapel, setting up another title chance today at Eastbluff Park. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Luckily for the Corona del Mar Pony Baseball Cardi- nals, there will be another day. That day Is toda , when the Cardinals t e e e at t u st the visiting Gold Eagles of Calvary Chapel, who defeated the hosts, 10-4, on the same field Wednesday. The Gold Eagles, who had lost to the Cardinals, 12-7, earlier in the tournament, gave CdM its first tournament loss, putting the championship for 13-and 14-year- olds on ice until today's 5 p.m . show- down. .. We were not our best today, ft CdM Cuach Howard Kelly said. The Cardinals committed 10 errors, including a few wild throws around the infield that allowed the Eagles to pad their run total. "Our guys were trying harder than ui,ual, pressing too .much on double- play chances when they would bobble balls," Kelly added. The Cardinals held steady with the Eagles as long as they could, scoring two runs in the first inning to cut the lead to 3-2 and trailed, 6-3, heading into e top o e s plated three runs.. The Eagles' Olad Belmont -already at lhlrd -raced to touch the plate after a called third strike got away from the catcher. Once the catcher threw in attempt to throw a runner out at first, Belmont sprinted down the line and slid home safely under the tag. "We had a meltdown today, all teaml> do, ft CdM assistant Steve Thomas said. Thomas' son, Tom, who normally pitches middle relief, started and gave the Cardinals four strong innings Wednesday. He snuck out three and walked only two. Kelsey Oiase, normally a starter, struck out three in his two in- nings and Alex Johnston, pit.ching for the first time this season, fanned two in one inning. O:lase leads the league with 14 home runs. but was subdued in the batter's box -as were many of the Cardinals - combinations of breaking balls and fast· balls to post 13 strikeouts. ·As the visitors, we tried to jump on them early and hold the lead with our (pitching],· Eagles' Coach Rick Dayton said. CdM stranded nine runners while tallying only ~ hits to Calvary's 14 hits. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Sharon Day • Multitalented Mustang soared above her peers all season. en.route to second straight state title. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CdM catcher Hegan Rjley doubled, sin· gled and added an RBI while Johnston doubled rwice and scored a run. Shon- stop Mit·harl Ford smgled and scored in the first while Olase reached on an er- ror and-later !M.'Ored on f>ev1n Kelly's groW1der that ended in two Calvary throwiflg errors. Kelly walked and scored in the fourth on ruJey's double. Tun Leber, Chase Knaup. Scon Eskew an ruck Townsend aJJ saw action Wedllesday. Dayton expect..S to see a different CdM team today. The Cardinals will welcome the return of tnfielder and pitcher Mi-. . ' from St Margaret's School m San Juan CapLStranO Wednesday. "(CdMI is a good team that gets its strongest player (Kordichl back !today), so it wiU be a whole different game.· Dayton said. The Eagles defeated th~ Cardinals by one run during the regular season. • ,• 82 Thursday, June 12, 2003 SPORTS Daily Pilot HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL Topps shares MVP honors Costa Mesa senior headlines 10 locals named All -Golden West League by circuit's coaches. Costa Mesa High senior Ann Marie Topps, who led the Mustangs to lhe program's first league championship, headlines 10 local softball stand- outs named All-Golden West League by lhe cir- cuit's coaches. Topps. a two-time All-CJF shortstop who belted an Orange County-best 11 home runs this season, including six against league pitchers. shared Most Valuable Player honors with Westminster's Linda Kohan. A first-team All·Paciftc Coast League perfonner the last two seasons. Topps is joined on the first team by fellow Mustangs Jane-E Yamamoto, Kelly Topps and Michelle Miller. Freshman Muriel Mason represents Estancia on the first team. The second team includes Mesa's Jade Moss. Uyen Mai. Jenn Jordan and Jackie Butler, as well as Estancia's I lilary Ockey. Yamamoto, •a second-team All-PCL choice last spring. hit .352 in 12 league games with seven RBis and I 0 stolen bases. She is a junior second base- man and pitcher. Kelly Topps. a sophomore first baseman, drove in nine run!> in league, second most on the team behind her older sister Ann Marie's 16. She hit .300 again-;t Golden Wl•st League pitching and stole five bases. Miller, a junior, wai. a defensive wi7..ard behind the plate. She t.hrew out 7 of I 0 runners who tried to steal during leaKtJC play and WdS also proficient al keeping pitches in the dirt in front of her. Mason earned lll'>tinction ~ lhe Eagles' primary pitcher and aJc;o hit .260 in league. She was se- lected, dC'Splle missing the final five league games after being hit tn the head with the ball and suffer- ing a concusc;1on MARK C DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Ann Mane Topps, wflo played in Tuesday nighfs Orange County Coaches Al~Star softball game, was selected the Golden West League c~P. Mo!>!>, a senior center fielder, hit .367 in league with 11 Meab , while Mai. a ::.ophomore outfielder- infielder, hit .250 in league with five steals. Bolh added sterling defense, according to Coach Rick -Buonarigo. Mo~., wa!> fir!>l -tearn All-PCL a-; a sophornort> in 2001. Jordan, a -;rnior de.,ignatcd hiller, balled .333 in league wllh live .,tolrn bases and four HBls. while Butler, a '>ophoniorc pitcher. won 11 of 15 deci- sions overall J'> llH' tt·am·~ primary pitcher. Od..cy, n '>ophornort• who t·aught and also played second ha'>t'. h11 . 107 111 league for Coach Marc Ro- dig's F.agle'> Yvelle rCrn<rlllll'/ lro111 \addleback and Vanessa Zbonl frum Orangl' .ir1• the ll•a1,'lrt• Co-Most Valu- able P11d1l·r., HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Pov drops from South All-Star team COSTA MFA'iA Co-;ta Mesa High senior football '>landout Borotha Pov has chosen nOl to play for the South in the Orange County All-Star football game. scheduled July 11 at Ordflge Coast College. Originally '>electl'd a., a defen- sive lineman. Pov, a 5 foot-I I. 315-pound no-.eguard. was the Golden West League l>ck•11,1vt· Player of Lhe Year afwr helping tlw Mustangs win 1hc lca1,rt11· crown in their inaugrnal < .old1·11 West campaign. Pov has been replaced 011 tlw South roster by Raymond li,1111 no, a 6-2, 285-pound defe11'>!v1· lint>man from Tustin I ligh. · StilJ representing Nt•wpon f\ lt•,a 011 ti 11~ South roi.ter are Ke- ol.1 A\ut>ga from Co<;ta Mesa, I >a11a11ga11 Johrl'>on from New- porl I larhor and Matt Cooper from Curo11a del Mar. l lw South, coached by Los l\1111go-. l ligh head man Roger lakaha'>hi, ic; '>cheduled to begin prarnc111g June 30 at Los Amigos. -lry Rar:ry Faulkner HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER Tars' Hansford resigns Club conflicts prompt resignation after one season. Boys Athletic Director Eric 1Weit announced Wednesday. playoffs. The Sailors are Ulking applica- tions and interested candidates may contact 1Weit at (949) 515- 6308. NEWPORT BPACH -New- port Harbor HJgh boys soccer coach Martyn Hansford has re- signed after one season, Sailors 1Welt said Hansford, a walk· on, stepped down to concentrate on club coaching. He guided the Tars to an 8-7-4 record, Including second place ln the Sea View League and a berth in the OF Southern Section Division U 1Welt said he plans to Inter- view candida tes early next rnonlh. -by Barry Faulkner DAY Continued from Bl might do that day.• • This Day at the office has provided a seemingly endless string of success. since she won the CIF Southern Section Division III high jump crown as freshman. She won her Southern Section dMsion crown all four years and, wilh a successful state titJe defense. became one of only four girls to win IWo s.late high jump championships. The Dally Pilot Athlete of lhe Week also won the Southern Section Masters Meet this spring and set the Orange County and CIF Southern Section record with a leap of 6·2 to win the Trabuco Hills Invitational April 5. The 6-2 clearance is best in the nadon this year. Her individual dominance, including victories in the 100 and 200 meters, the high jump, and as the an{;hor on the winning 1,600 relay. also led the Mustangs to the Golden West League title. A storybook ending would have called for another personal record and, perhaps. a state and national record. But she topped out at 5-10 SatUrday, prompting initial tears of disappointment With a few days of perspective, however, Day had let go of such desi'ondency and was already hard at work toward her next challenge: the USA Junior Outdoor Track and Field Championships, June 21 at Stanford University. . "I'm not really as disappointed any more." Sharon Day said. "I had a great season and I guess I can focus on that." She'll be focused on a higher standard at Stanford, a school at which she dreamed of competing. The CArdlnal, however, failed to come through with a scholarship offer. prompdng her to commit to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. where she will compete in both soccer and rra.clc and field. "The under· 19 national record is 6-4." noted Eugene Day, who believes his daughter, who turned 18 Monday, is fully capable of soaring ever higher. ·All season long. we've worked and worked,· Eugene said. "We set some goals and most of them. we attained. When you stand our high jump pit up, it's 6-6 and we've trained on that. She's jumped high enough to come down on top of the mat. Now, it's just a matter of doing it with a skinny bar up lhere." Though Sharon, the Orange County and Golden West League female Athlete of the Year. points to speed as her leading attribute, Eugene, like Sharon's mother. Yolanda, a former collegiate high jumper, believes it's more about hops. "You have to have the ability to pounce off the pavement and Sharon has that.· Eugene s.aid. "She definitely has some speed, but all the speed in the world won't help you if you can't jump." Eugene, however. acknowledges Sharon's sprinter speed is o ne of several elements - including technique. work ethic and mental toughness -that contribute to her success. "Speed helps .. becau~e the IFosburyl Flop gears around speed and centrifugal force sending you over the bar,· Eugene said. Floating on air is the '>ensation that has made high jump the favorite athle11c pursuit for Sharon, also a decorated volleybaJI and soccer player. "It's just fun to jump high," 'lhe said. WMosl of the time. your jumps happen so quickly. they're a blur. But sometimes. when you do everything righ1, things go in slow motion and you just seem to hang in the air." And what rarefied air 11 hru. been. Le~ them know how proud you are! A special paKC will publish rn the Daily Pilot on Fnday, June 20 to honor our graduates. For your ddugh1er, son, friend or special someone be c1 par1 of this lnbute for only S40 00 (2x2 ad). Frll in the form below and marl 11 10 us with their photo. Be sure to put the name and address on the back o f the photo and we'll return it to you. Graduate's Information: Graduate's Name.-------------- School Name: ___________ ~ About th<> }l(Jdu.Jte I lobb1~. interest> or tuture pf,,,,, fl 1m1tPd to 40 ~ ord mes5i1}lel Submitted by: Address:----------------- Credit Card No.:---------Exp .. __ Signature for credit card:----------- (If you prefer, you may enc/OS(> S40 check made payable to "Dd1/y Pilot ·1 M.Jil this form with photo to: 2()()3 fJM#/4" DAILY Pilar 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Dradlioe: fri<Mr. "4nc l)tb ... SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL . CdM's Jones , Gabriel Co-MVPs Duo tops six Sea Kings recognized by Pacific Coast League coaches with circuit's highest honor. Corona del Mar High seniors Eric Jones and Greg Gabriel, who led the Sea Kings 10 1he Pacific Coast League boys volleyball title and a berth in the CIF Southern Section Division JI quarterfinals, have been named Co- Mosl Valuable Players by league coach - es. CdM seniors Ban Welch and Miles Yourman are first-team honorees. while sophomores Kevin and Tom Welch reprci.enl the Sea .Kings on 1he second ream. Jones, a 6-foot-7 middle blocker bound for Stanford, shook off !he lin- . gering effect of a sprained ankle 10 dominate a1 the nel for Coach Steve Conti"s squad. His presence both as a hiller and blocker is one PCL oppo- nents will scarcely miss next season. Gabriel, a 6 I setter, emerged in his final prep campaign as a consistent tngger man of the attack. Ban Welch, a 6-0 outside hitter. aJ..o dealt wtth ankle problems. bur, when healthy. was !he leading factor in stabi- li~rng 1he Sea Kings· passing. He was also a 1ruMed outside hiller and. Conti said. provided a i.lrong leadershi p pres- ence. Yourman, a 6-2 middle blocker, was a coni.is1en1 factor al the net, while the Welch twins. Kevin and Tom, are key components to a bright future for the CdM program. Kevin Welch. a 6-0 outside hitter. was among the league·s most effective hit- ters and his passing was another staple in the ball-con trol efforts of his team. Tom Welch, a 6-0 sophomore, pro- vided occasionaJ hilting punch and was another strong passer in the back row. The Sea KJngs won all 10 league marches and finished with a 19-12 re- cord for the 'eason. The res! of the first ream was com- prised of A.J. Moskus and CltarUe Nun from University, Matt Anderson and Trey Otapel from Laguna Beach. as well as Shaun King from Calvary Otapel. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL ~Four Sailors voted All -Sea View . : Diefenbach, Toole are first-team honorees for Newport Harbor. Newport Harbor High senior Mike Toole • and junior JamJe Diefenbach, who helped : the Sailors earn a share of the Sea View : League boys voUeyball title. have been : named first-team all-league by Sea View • coaches. : Seniors Nick Glasslc and Nick Kelly re- • present the Sallon on the second team. Thole, a 6-fooH outside h.ltter, was the most consistent hitting threat all season for ; Coach Dan GJenn. while Diefenbach. a 6-8 middle blocker. returned from recoastruc- : live knee surgery to add a strong net pres- • ence for the nus during the league cam- : paign. : Diefenbach was a second-team honoree • In 2002 • Gra.ss°lc. a 6-3 outside hHter, was another : frequent k1l1 contributo r, while Kelly, a 5-10 senior, contributed prlma.rily with ball con- • trol The Sailors, who advanced to the second • round of the OP Southern Section Division : I playoffs, matched the 9· l league ~rd of : Y«>odbrtdge. from wbk:h senior Ryan • • Walthall and iunior John Windt-r Ml' the league's Co·Mo .. 1 Valuable Player. Seniors Mike Moeller and H.J IJIJ<">lrmn rt>- present Woodbridge on the fir.I 1eam 1ha1 also includes Shahir Mru.ri and Adam Albonni Crom Foolhill. Nolan 1 lammon from Aloo Ni guel and Stephen Jeltema from lrvme. Sage Hill trio earn aJl-league hon ors: Joyce is fi rst team •Sage Hill School iunior Kevtn Joyce. a 6-foot·3 outside hatter. leads three Light- ning players included in the boys voUey- ball coaches' AJl-Academy League selec· lions. Joyce is a repeat fir Heam pick, while juniors Macsun Frederick and JuJian Smith·Newman are second -ream honor- ees. Joyce was the leading hitter for Coach Merja ConnoUy-Freund. while Smilh- Newman, who shared the caplain's role with Joyce, triggered the altack at setter. Frederick helped the Lightning contend for a CIF Southern Section playoff berth, though It wound up fourth and missed the postseason. The Lightning tripled Its league victories from the 2002 season, go- ing 6·8 against Academy foes. GOLF Continued from Bl Above, Corona del Mar's Bart Welch makes a pass as Kevin Welch looks on. At left, CdM's Enc Jones (3) prepares for a kill attempt against Northwood. KENT rill Plf N DAllf PtLOt More than 140 golferi. huw t•at h paid S750 to compete. Single~ can register beginning al !1 a.m. the day of the 1oumament. AH proceed!> from the event wiU go to Olive Crest Homes & Service-.. which ha., served children and families for 30 yean.. ... Thrtt Newport-Mesa golfers qualtfied for the 104th Southern California Golf Association amateur championship June 27-29 at Torrey Pines GolfOub in La JoUa. Newport Beach's Steve Conway. a second-ream All-American as a junior on UCLAS men's golf team, shot a 3-under 69 on the par-72 SCGA Golf Course in Murrieta one of the nine qualifying sites. He finished two shots behind Greg Lopez. from San Juan Capistrano. Costa Mesa's Andrew Thomson was one of four golfers 10 tally a 2-under-par 70 on the Cottonwood at Rancho San Diego Golf Oub In El OtJon to quaJjfy ror the championship. Adam Petke, also from Costa Mesa. shot a 73 on the par-72 El Camino Country Oub course in Oceanside to qualify. Newport Beach's Michael Wal.lcer shot a 74 on the par-72 Rio Bravo Country Oub in BaJcersBeld, good for an alternate spot. ·-----------------------------------,----------------------------------------------------= • • -- Thursday, bie 12. 2003 IS [EARN TO PLAY G0LE BEGINNER TO PROFESSIONAt JOHN ORTEGA • PGA CenifW TeodMng Professioeal • (o.Founder -'*i Byron f,off • IMntor of the •Groowething• Putting AW DeWt 714-540-7500 ext. 3 Costa Mesa Goff & Country Oub 1701 Golf Coone 9rive, Cosia Mesa AYSO REGION 57 2003 FALL SOCCER REGISTRATION AYSO Region 57 is comprised of the (! communities of Corona del Mor, Newport Beach east of tht: boy and Newport Coast Our program is open to all chi ldren who would like to ploy soccer, however they con be no younger than 4 '/. or older than 1 8 by July 3 1, 2003. We are currentfy running registration for the Fall 2003 Season. Registration closes June 30, 2003. To register visit our website at www.ayso57.org All players who did not ploy in Region 57 during the foll 2002 season need to send proof of birth dote. ., BREITLING 1884 IN8T1tU•l!NT8 P'O lt .. ltOP'l!8810NAL 8 F•ahlon l•l•nd·Newport B••ch 9491721-9010 www.•ltSITLINO.co• ( -( )/.., 1i1 -,~ 1 ------ I .,.. ., • • • • WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS • ALMOST AS LO NG AS FORD 'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport· Mesa Community Ford Deale r ~ • " t • • • • • • • • • L. , I ) Motorcraft9 Oii Md Fl Her Ch-.. Up to five quat\9 of MotOf'Cratt-oll. Tax" end dfjpc)MI fffl u1ra. s.. ~ fordetetra, Off9rvalld with coupon. t:xpr.&'15t00. $7 995 Ma!tko•rc----THEODORE ROBINS FORD •• w111 MEET or BEAT Service Your Best Deel on NAME BRANDTIRES Motoror11tt-PrefeMd Val~ oad•, front 0t ,...,, on moet c•ra or llght trucks. Exclude• m11ehlnl!'fl rotort or drurna. lrlapect and rot.le four tlrH. TaXt1 extra. Set. ~Jor det.8111. Offer velld wttn coupon. ~ af1 li/W. -· • t -. I 'I. ... • .. ....... 14 Thursday, Jimt 12, 2003 --------Upllllllces !Ml ........... 2MI UplNllCll ~--~~~~~~ M UplllalCll M UplNllCll .. Lltll... 2M Upl .... -Liiii .... 214 ~ ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 11tnona .,. dOlfll b11 ntH u: •) ltma Onw Photos b) ll20CollecbbtH. 670 W 17111 St. C 5. Cos.11 MfH, CA 92627 l•oiu Drew, 1211 II.chit Ave., lone Ouch, CA 90815 Tho\ busmen 11 con ducted by •n 11td1v1clual tt.tve you •terted dolna bu•incn yet? y,,,, l2/ 02/02 Jan1uD••w This staltmenl was hi.cl with the County Clt1tlo. of 01tn1c County 01105/16/03 20016944920 Oally Pilot M1ty 22, 29, June S, 12, 2003 llt4.4 I ,.... ..... ... s...... The followin1 persons are doona business as. f loral Elefanc e by Connie l , I Modesto. h111t, CA 92601 Connie l. G1bbo11s, II Modesto, Irvine. CA 9'2602 Thrs bu,lnen •~ con ducted by: an 111d11t1dual Hav.i you st.irted d01na bus.Inns yet? No Connie l. Gibbons llus statement was hied with the County Clerk of Otanae Cuunty on 05/30/03 20016946432 Dally Polo I June !> I;> 19. 26. 2003 ltt414 fkffllM IMns ... s ....... The followln11 per son~ ere doma bu)onns .. s Owner's Coro ha< Iona Setvicu, 2110 Newpoit Blvd •I. Cost• M~u CA9t'627 Donald R Wdrd. 2110 Newport Blvd #I, (.;osla Mesa. CA 92bl7 This bus1ne\\ t\ con ducted by an 1nd1V1dual Have you sl.arted do•na buslnH~ y~t1 Nu Donald R WJod This st.if Pm• 111 w.t"' hied with lht C.u1111ty Clerk of Oran~~ Cuunl'f on 06/10 03 20036947532 O•oly P1lol June ll 19. ?6. July J, 2003 Th!> t 3 ---RctitiM IWiess ... s,.... lhe lollow1ng per wn\ Mk rtoone busonl's\ as S tone1len l'rup~r tol!\, 14 S toneeten Al1\n Voe10. CA926S6 Oavod J"m•s Ol~m 14 Slonealero. Ah~o Vo~to CA9?656 lh1, busonen 1s 'on ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you ~tarted doing business yet' No D.ivod J Ol~11n Thos st<1trm•11I wa\ Med with th;o I.Aunty Clerk of OtallRt' C11ulll y on 06/10/0J 20036947S42 Daily Pilot lune I l 19. 26 July 3 2003 Th509 Rctltilll INless .... s ...... I he follow1na peo son' •"t' dmna bus1ne\\ a\ Kelsey Ma11ne Ser •KCS 16291 Wd1k1l11 Lane Hunt1n1ton 8,.1th CA 92649 0An We~I Plac erll•~ A~~ M~\" C.A 92671 166'> II ( O\ll' IJ111A w .. st 1665 A Pl.11 ,.nloa Av" . C11,t4 M• 1 CA9t'6l/ ffu.,, t.iu\lnf'•' •'· c 011 <ht< tt'J fly hu\ll~•HI .>nd w1I• H.1vft Y'JU \t..tt 1 .. ct t101ne: bu\ute\" Y'"I ' Nn 0.1n We\I .md Oona Well Tho\ slalr111P11I w.- hl,,l with II•• l:uunty rteo k of Or1nit~ ! n11nty un OS/30/0J 20036946440 Oa1ly Pilot June 5. 12 19 26.2003 TH472 Rditiets "5iiess .... stat..t The followon11 per \On$ art du1n& busono\ as (lu~st Person•! folneu & Rehab1ht~h1111 1637 Mnnrnv1~. t,n•I·' Mt\a (.I\ '1?671 Oan1el B h111(" 161/ Monrovia Cll\I" M~u C.A 92b21 M11n" B•~~ Jud1t• 16.i/ Mon1ov1~ l.o,1a Mf'\A CA 92627 I ht\ b11\1ness 1\ 1 on dud•d by hu~b•nd ~nd wrle Hav~ you st.itted doon& husonPu yet> Ye~. 1996 Myo nA 83L• Jude,e fh1\ \lal~mPnl wa\ illeO with th.. County fl~tk of Oran1t r.11unty on IY.> 16/03 2003H44916 Otuly Pilot M~y 77 ?9, june !>,I?. ?003 IH4)9 --~51156 ClfYOf ll01Q 10 CBrCIS Of costA llSA .UWI OUla<Mn, Ile.<. S.C. 6 Its} C.-. NOTICE IS HEAEIY 101Q ..... GIVEN ttl•I • b11• sele NOTICE IS HfAl 8Y Is about to be m!MM. The GIVEN lh•t Meltd pro· name(•). business ad t>O••ls ror furnlshlna all dieu(n) of the S.it labor. m1lerl1l1, equip· er(s) 111 HOSSCIN VARI ment, ttefttC)Ortallon and and SHAHIN YAAI. 2228 NrWPOAT BLVD • COSTA llleh other fadl1hes ... may IM required for M SA.CA92627 UPLA<IMHt or Oo1n1 B115in111 II CAl'n1NO AT YAU-LUROPE PIZZA All other buslnn CMIS LOCATIONS • CITY n a m 1 ( s ) 1 n d a / PltOlf(l NO. OJ• II, dttU(H) US41d bv the w01 M rKtlvtd by lhe ' City of Coste Mes. at Seller(s) wtlh'" the PHI the Olhce of the City u .. ee y .. rs, as slated Clerk, 77 Falt Ortv1. by the Saller(a), •&/are Coste M111, California NONf I Th• name(s) •nd until the hour of 0.00 1dd<eu of the Buyc~ ·-·· , ...... ,. '""• is/••• ADRIAN Al 24, 200J, al whlCh time and MARIA ELE NA they wlll be optntd RAMIRLZ, 2228 NEW publicly Ind teed aloud In tit• Council Chambers PORT Bl VO • COSTA Sealed ptoposals shall Ml SI\, CA 92627 bea1 the title of the Tht n1etaJ>eln1 sold work end neme of the are pnerlllly de.scribed bidder but no other es All FURNITURE rtllTUR(S, EQUIPMlNT d1slln11u11hln1 marks MACHINERY, 1 EASCHOlO Any b1d received •fter IMPROVCM(HfS, STOCll the scheduled closme time for the receipt of IN TRADE, GOOOWlll bids shell be returned lo ANO BUSINESS NAME end •rt louted at 2228 bidder unopened. II shall be the sole reSl)Onsob1hly NEWPORT BLVD , COSTA of the boddet to S41e thet MCSA CA 92627 hrs bid os received 1n The bulk sale 1s m tended to be consum propet tome mated at the office of A set of Bod Docu· The Escrow For um .• rnd men ts may be obt;alned the .mllcopated sale dat at the Olhce ol the C1ly e Efl&'"Hr 11 F alf Ortve. °' June JO, 200J Costa Mes•. Cahforn1a. lhe bulk 'ale os sub upon ,..,.,.f1111411.,18 ,eel lo Cahfoinia Um poym-t of s 10.00. An loom Commetc1al Code ad4lttenol <hor .. ef Secllon 6106.2 $3.00 must be included YES/NO Y rtie name and .. ddr•• 1f h•ndled by maol. Bid •• s Documenb and other ol lhe petson with whom contract documents may cl,.ms may be Ill.id os also be eum1ned at the lhe [Htow forum 23161 lake Center 0, Office ol the City Cletk Ste J 20. lake F otesl of the City 01 Cost• Mesa. Bod Documents CA 926JO and the lo will not be mailed unless d•le lor f11tn& claims by the addillonal SJ 00 any Ltedolor sh•ll be cha•ae •s included with Ju11t 71 ?003. WhK.h IS P•Yment the busine~ day before E•ch bod shall be made the \die dale specified un the Proposal form. above sht:els P I lhrouati P 9i Oaled 5 21 03 ptovoded 1n the conlt act /SI AORAAH Al<AlA /s/. MAllA EUNA documents. and shall bi! M 11.•omp1n~d by a cet llA IRll 11hed O• cashier's check Published Newpoo I Bed~h Cosla Men Daol u1 ~ bod bond fo1 not leu tt!4n I 0% ol the Polol June 12. 2003 amount ol their bid. CNS !i481S4 Th!i05 made payable to the City of Costa Mesa No ptoposal shall be con s1dered unl.:ss atcom The following pttsons panoed by wch tash1er's ar ~ dnona busonns .s. thee~. cnh, or bidder's In for n1dt1011 Rec.nt1n11 bond s.tvKes 11 Pa14!•mo St No bod shall be con lagun" N11:u,.1. CA 916// s•deted unleu ot ts mede Robert Bo uce Cod on a blank proposal dens. 11 Palermo SI f0<m futnished by the Laguna N1auel, CA 92677 City of Costa MeSI ;rnd Tlus busmen is con os made In ncordance due ltd by a genn al with the prov1st0ns ol partn~rV!op the Ptopoul requite llavp you slatted doing ments busonps\ yeP Yes l I!> Each boddeo must have OJ a Ci.ss ·c 15. license Rober! Bruce C10de11s (rtoo11na Contraclot ), Thos statement wu ano also be prequallloed f1lf'd with the County as required by law C:lerk of Otan1e County A Conttactor usine a nn OS ?O '03 er aft OI classrfocatoon 20036945300 not shown on the Daily Pilot May 22, 29 Cenetal Prev11hng Waee June 5. 12, 2003 TH•52 Dete• monatoons may be n......,_ .........._ required to pay the waee ~-rate ol lhal cralt or "-Stllmllt 4lusif1cat1on most closely ttlated to 1t n shown on the Genetti Oeterm'"illoons effective al lhe lime of the call for bids lht lollowmg person\ dtt' dnonii business .as Juo" II Up•. 14031 Jeffrey koad. ltvone. CA 97670 California J111c1' Group, Inc (CA) 11140 WhlltH!r Blvd Whllt1e1. CA 90606 Thos business os con duc ted by a corpo1atoon Hdve vou started doma bu~tnU\ ytl' No Co1hfmn1• JUKt' G•oup Int Poyush R llhi&at Pre\ld<:nl Tlus statement w1~ l1ltd w1lh the Cuunty Cl~r k nl Or an2e County on 06/06/03 20036947176 Oa11y Pilot lun,. 12 19 26. July 3 2003 TH498 ficfttlMa..m ._s......, I ht fnllowone pt'<sons ~•e dnona buS1neu u Armen G Oesoans. :?&O Newpor I Cente• Dr #t'40, Newpo1t Bulh, CA 92660 Arnoen G11eoi1an De· \11tn lno fCA) :?60 Newputl C•nler Or •240 NPwport Buch CA92660 Thi\ business I\ con dutled by a corpo1at1on Have you 'tatted do'"& bu"ne\s yl't? Ye\ May 12 2003 Armen CroeCJoan Oe sicns, Inc A1men C111on~n. Ptes1dent this stat~menl was l1led woth the County Cieri\ ol Oti1nar County on Ofi/06/01 200Jtt47114 Daily Pilot lune 12, 19, 26, July 3, 200J Th503 I IM Cont• actor shall comply with the ptovo soons of Se<1oon 1170 lo 1780. 1nclus1v1. of the California labor Code, the prevaohna rate and scale of waaes u tab hshed by lhe City of Costa ~u which are un hie woth the C1ly Cl4!rll of lht Coty of Costa Meu. and shall lodeol penalties pre scribed lhere1n l or noncompliance of s.od Code The Coty Council of the City of Costa Men teserves the ri&hl lo 'e1ect any and/or all bods JUUi fOlOIC, D.,..ty City O«\ Cltyef(Mt••- D•ted June 2, 2003 NOTE. M•ndelory ,ob walk·lhroueh rs required slarl'"ll al the Costa Mesa City H•ll lobby. 77 r Ur Or•v•. on Tuesday June 17, 2003. al I 0 00 •m Published Newport Beach Cost• Mesa Daily Pilot Jun• S, 12. 2003 Th477 *'-'" 'ill , ,.,, .... . fktilM ..... ... r he followln1 per son has abendontd the uw of the r o~llhous Busi nus N1mt Tole & Cer pel Unl1m1led. 16J 17 If arbor Olvd.. f ountaon Valley. CA 92708 The f oc:htious Business name relettf1d to above wes hied 1n Orenee County on 9/20199. FILE NO 199968059J2 ALAR CORP (CA), 16JI 1 Hl'bor Blvd Fountain Vallpy CA 92708 Th1S bus'"'" ·~ con ducted by • corpoi •l~n ALAR CORP. Allen Bayrooli. C£0 S......tf M f ttfllletf ............. Tiie followl111 P•UOn• have ab ndolled lbt "'" of llM r tclltiovs Bull· nus Name. •> Tilt l Ca1pet Unllmlled, b ) CarJ>el lo Ille Unlimited, IUl7 Harbor 81vd., f 011ntaln V1lley, CA 92708 The Flcl!Uous 8uslntu n1me relKIH to ebove WH filed In Ortntt County on 10-1·98, FILE NO. 19986771368 Aunt• B1yrootl, 1705 S Mein StrMt, Santa Ana, CA 9'I707 Allen Bayrootl, l705 S. M11n StrHl, Senta Ana, CA 92707 This buS1nus Is con· ducted by. co p11tners Allen Ba yr ooll Tiiis statement was ftled with the County Clerk of Oran1• County on 05/28/03 200'6946120 Dally Pilot June 5, 12. 19,26,2003 Th480 Re-. ..... ... s...... The loUowlna per~ons are doina bu$meu u : Spo<ts Fuel 01strlbutina. 27202 Rea10, Mission V1t10, CA 92692 Brent W frank, 27202 Reaoo, Mission ViefO, CA 92692 Londa A. frank, 27202 Retio. Mission VoefO, CA 92692 fh11 business 1s con· ducted by a aeneral par Iner ship Have you sli11 led do1na bus'"ns yet? Yes 9-1· 2002 Linda A rtank Th11 s tatement was hied with the County Clerk of Or •nae County on 06/03/03 20036946752 Oa1fy Pilot June 5. 12 19,26,200J fh486 RdillMlllflm ... s..e..r The lollow1n11 pe•sons ate do1n11 business as a) Tile & Carpet Un hm1ted, b) C1tpet & Tile Unhm1ted 16317 Harbor Blvd .. fountain Valley, CA 92708 MTAMKT Coop, (CA) 16317 Harbor Blvd , rounh1n Valley, CA 92708 This bus1neu os con ducted by a corporabon Have you started dome business yet? Yes S/16/03 MTAMKT Coip Matli. Anderwn. President This statement WIS filed w1lh the County Clerk of Oranee County on 05/28/03 20036946121 Oa1ly Pilot June S I?. 19,26,2003 fh481 AclitlM ..... -s...... The lollowone pet s.ons are doin& buS1neu as a) BA SE BALL LESSONS COM, b) SOfTBAll LESSONS COM. 448D E Atdmore St , An1he1m. C•hforn11 92807 3!:144 Oavod Edwatd lleolh, 4480 E Atdmore St Anaheim C1lolor n1a 9"807 3544 This busonen 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual tlave you star led doona buun•s\ yet? No Oavod E Keith llHs statement was hied with tbe County Clerk of Orana• County on <Y.>/08/0J 2003694307 Dally Pilot May 7? 29 June S. 12. 2003 TH457 ~ ..... ... s..... lhe lollowinc persons are do'"e business IS OIVERSOISCOU NT COM JOJOll Espeun1a, Suite A, Rancho Santa M•r 111rota. CA 9"688 SCUBA COM llC (CA). 30308 lsperan7.& Suole A. Rancho Santa Mar carota. CA 9t'688 This bu1'Jness 1s con due led by l1m1ted l 1&b1lrty Co Have you star led d0<na busoness ytt1 Yn, 06/01/1990 SCUBA COM lLC. Melinda Hetndon. Man 111n11 Membflt Th11 statement was filed with the Coullly Clerk of Ounee County on 06/03/0J 20036946765 Oaoly Pilot lune S, 12. 19,26,2003 fh492 Adt"-...... ... s..... Co1t.1 Mesa Htwpo1t R1flt Auoclellon (CA), 565 W. 19th St., Coita Mei•, CA 92627 This bu.in.as Is con · dllct•d. 11,: • eotpotatio.I ~vt you stwt.d clohw bu1lnt11 yen r ... 1999 Coit• Mesa Newport Rifle As1oclAltlon, Wayne A. Morse, President Thb stateme.nt wn filed with the COllll\1 Cleflt of Ora,,,. County on05/30/()J IOOMf 46411 Delly Pilot June S, 12, 19, 26. 2003 TH476 Th• followln1 persons ire dolna business as: Boardwalk ApOtllul Set vices, 4J8 Beypolnte, ~ort Buch, CA Shennon Jo.chimstal· er, '38 Baypolnl•, ~~ort Buch. CA Brl1n Joach1mtt1ler, 438 B1ypolnt1. Newport BHch, CA 92660 This busonns Is con· ducted by: husb8nd and wilt Have you 1tatttd dom& busmen yet? Yes 2003 Shennon JoacJumstaler This stetement wn ftled with the County Clerk of Ottne• County on 06/03/03 200Ht467SI Delly Pilot June 5, 12, 19, 26. 2003 Th493 Re-.. ..... ......... The followlne perwns are doina business as Electronic f1nanclal Services, 3300 f1111ne Ave #265, Newport Beach. CA 92660 Key Mortaac• Corpo· 1 atonn (Al). 3300 Irvine Ave Ste 320. Newport Buch. CA 92660 Thos business 1s con- ducted t>y· • c0<p0fatoon H•ve you started doma busone&s yet, Ye\ J/27/03 lley Mortaaee Cotpo r a lion, Mocllael C•• onell. Pres>dtnt This statement wu ltled wrlh the County Clerk ol Orance County on 06/10/03 20036947535 Daily Pilot June 12. 19. 26. My 3, 2003 lhSI I ,... .... ... s...... The lollowona persons 11 e dolnl busintts as Advetlosina Recruolment Spec11hsts. 16700 Se quota St., f ountaon Valley. CA 92708 lla lhleen Nomut1, 16700 Sequoia S t .. r ount1m Valley, CA 92108 I hos business 1s con· dut ltd by lomoted l11b1hly Co Have you slatted dome business yet, Yes. I· l 03 llathleen Nomure lhos statement was hied wtlh ttle County Clerk of Orance County on 05/30/03 20036946412 Daily Pilot June 5, 12 19. 26 2003 1H469 Re-. ..... ... s...... fhe lollow1n1 persons ~r~ do•nc buS1neu '' HoH1nn f1n•nc11I Sttal· eeoes 18301 Von lier m•n •32S, lt~one. CA 9261? 11! W Horn & Asso· c1atu hoc . (CAI. 18301 Von Kfrm•n rt 325 It vine CA 92612 Thos busmen 1s con du,ted by a c0<potat1on Have you started dome bu\lness yet1 No J 8 W Hotn & Asoco· •Its. Inc.. Shero l W Hoin, Seetela•y This statement WIS hlt>d wolh the County Clerk of Oranae County on 0!>/20/0J 200Ht4Sl01 Daily Pilot May 'l2. ?9 June 5, 12. 2003 TH45j fktlllM .... ... s..... .......... ......... The followtna penon1 .,, dolftC ~ es: P1cfl1C Cnut lnlUf'ance Asuc1. Ille., 2700 w Plclfie Cotat Hwy. Ste. ZOO, Htwport 8ffch, CA 92'43 Peclfle Coest ln1ur• ance Apnc:y, Inc. (CA), 2700 W. Pec:ffie Co.st H"'Y· Ste. ZOO, NtWp«t 8etch. CA 92663 This busineu Is con" ducted by: a COfpofatlon ll•v• you 1t1rted doln1 busmen yet? Ho Pacilk Coest Insur •nee Aceney. Inc . Jeffrey w. Lona. CFO This statement wn flied with the County Clerk of Oranct Count>' on OS/lll/03 to0J4t44tl7 Delly Piiot M11 U. 29, June&. 12. ZOOS TH447 fk-.11 ..... ... s....... The followlna peraons ••• doirll business u Or11nktn Unclt lnd11s tries. 30 P1l1tine Suite 3J.4. Irvine. CA 92612 Ryen Moott, 30 Pale· tine 1.334, lrVlnt, CA 92612 Jeremy Johnson. 2514 J W MacAtlhur, Santa An•. CA 92704 This business ls con ducted by: a cenetal par tnershlp Have you started doma business yet? No RyanO Moofe Thrs statement wH flied with the County Cletk of Oren&e County on 06/03/03 200'4946764 Daily Pilot June 5. 12 19, 26, 2003 IH489 ~ ..... ... s...... The tollowina peisons '" do1na bus1neu as Ne. !Step. 434 R1wer$odt Avenue, Newport Buch, CA 92663 ll1therln1 Cleilet. •34 R1wet1ide Ave .. Newport Buch, CA 92663 Chroslophet Cl11ter 434 Riverside Ave . Newport Beach, CA 92663 lhls business rs con· dueled by husband ind Wiit Have you staited dotnl business yet? No ChHslopher Cle1ter This statement was fll1d with the County Clert. ol Or1n1e County on 06/0J/03 200'6946772 Oaoly Pilot June !>, I? 19,26.2003 Th497 ~ ...... ... s....... The l0Kow1a1 person\ '" dolnc business as You• Home Pro Pamhna. 575 W 19th St Apl 205, Coit. Mesa, CA 92627 John Wayne Ruuell, S75 W 191.h St. Apt 20!!. Costa Mes.a, CA 92627 This busonus 1s con dueled by 1n md1v1du1I Hive you sterted dotnl bui1nen yet' Yes. 6 6"03 .lotrn Wayne Russell This statement WIS loled with the County Clerk of Or a nee County on 06/10/03 200Ht47SJ3 Daily Pilot June I? 19 26, July 3, 2003 Th!> I 0 Ac-.. .... -s..... The follow1na person' ate doona buStness u a ) l\1dar1 Inc b) K1du1 Outdoor c) K1d1•a Import, d) Oavod ll•y Collection. 146 E 18th Street, Coil• Meu , CA 92627 lladata lrropofl C. port Inc (CA) 146 l 18th St•ul. Costa Mesa CA 92627 Thos business " con ducted by • corporation ll1ve you slatted do1na busoneu yet, Yu. 12 I 2000 Keda1a Import r •POii Inc., Liu laharoan. Vin President This slalement wn The fotlowin11 persons toled with the County are doma businen H . Cle1k ol Dtanae County Simply Shlll>tly. 370 B on 06/06/03 £ 17th Street, Costa 200Ht41175 Mesa, CA 92627 011ly Pilot June 12. 19. f dward luke r lllSI· 26. July 3, 200J Th•96 mon1, 1660 Perk New· port 1218. Newport-,....... ..... Beach. CA 92660 -S...... Mochetene Anne McCanrnt. Thi lollowonc per sons 1650 Patk Newpo #218, Newpnrt Buth ire doona bus'"en u CA 9?660 Jf>'s Ctepes Al A Co. 179 Thos business 11 co E 171h St 1107. Costa n Meu, CA 92627 ducted by a Per Vesterlund 179 C acnerel pao lnershtp 17th SI • 107 Costa The followin11 person1 Have you slMled doon1 Mew CA 926V •re doina business as bu,lneu yet> No Julous Aodrocuei. 875 HUT -21, 660 W 17th Edward Luke fll1$1· 46lh Ave. San Fran SI reel #Q·21. Coste mons cl&eo. Cl\ 9"121 Mesa. CA 92627 This stetement WH llled This business " con fhe Turi Company. w1l"'lhe County Cle1k ol dueled by in indowodual Inc (CA) 1750 Wh1ttie.r Ottna• County on 06/ Hevt you stMted doinc Avenue •SS, Costa Meu. 06/03 business yet? No CA 92627 200J6947171 Per Vesterlund This business 1s con· Oelly Pilot June 12. 19. This stalemenl wu ducted by· a c1>1poratJon 26, July J, 2003 TH499 filed with the County llan you sterted do'"ll ficMlls..... Clerk of Orana• County bus mess yet 7 No on 06/02/03 The Turf Company, --~ 200Ut466S4 Inc • Irene Youn& VP/ The follow1n1 penons Dall~ Pilot >une S. 12. Secretary •re dOln<fs business II. 19 2003 T•UO'> This statement wlS 5 o ' · '"°' fifed with the County OCC, Yorkshire ~ ...... Clerk of Oranee County Dr1ve, Cyprus, Cahf1>1 on 06,!06/03 n11 906JO ... S....... 200S6t47177 Richard Vernon Hol The lollow1n1 114fson1 Thts slat.,nenl wH filed woth the County Clerk of Ounce County onOS/28/03 200'694'1 It 12 19 men, 5050 Yorhhlrt are doona bUMflHS as Deily l"ilot June • • Ofivt, Cyll'eSS, Caltfor The Fifi Wood Oven M, July 3. 2003 Th502 nla 90630 Plue. 891 West Ballet D11ly Piiot hint 5, I?. 19.26,2003 TH4 79 ............ This busintts b con· St. A·IB, Costa MtH . ... S..... dueled by: an inclivldual CA 92626 The lollowi111 persons bi:!'~!.:~:~ doina ~.!h~= :."~· art dolna btnlnes• u . Rlctlttd ttolman 211. Co1ta Meat. CA A & T leulna • Thlt atete1T1tnt wes 92S26 [qulP"l'fll, 8112 Mull· fli.d wfttl lht Covnty This bu1111tu It con· ''" Ot • Hunt1111ton Cletk of Ot1n11 County ducted by: en 1ndlvldu11 8t11ch. CA 91646 on 05/14/03 t1 ACKhtllt RoHw , 8182 -,.,.......... .,,. Y041 •l•tttd 6olnc .-. ._...... bllllntu Jtt? Yes, ~ Mu111ter Ot .. HunUnrton Dally Pilot JuM 12, It 01 03 8t.ti'!· C: ~ I I U 26. Jui, l . 2003 Th51S Sand ChuJmlf ..-__ ............_ Tllls ataltllltflt wn Muni t« °'...La~~nlinrton ,__ filed wttli th• County 8'Th~· ~ la con ._..._., Clerk o• Ou111• Covnty ducted •r 1 l'Mf•I ni. lollowlna peoont Oii 05/16/03 pelftntf-... dolflC boltlntu I t: te01H44ft I Hew f'O\I rurtect dOlfll ~onut Sfla, 445 ScHith o.111 l"IM . Ma1 22. 29, ~!:r~!.."; ~~. ~i ltCVM .lllnt 5,=lf TH4U flllt tl•teme11t wu C • t" '' •1• h 111 •• I ....... fW w1U1 t... c.unty W1Rllt11<11ft, OS Cedar Ill• • • ~~"'19 C-ty ~l LAIUM htcll CA ........... JUll'47JU 1)11 ......... COii· ~IMn:::::r == fl'llot ._. If , lt ""te4 •1 M ~ fJf tM t lctltlolls •11111• 3,2003 b~~~~ ........... Aftetl ... , ...._ 2003 ,... Cho-.. a.terr, l280 [. y.,.. liftdt ...... .......... C....,llllt •~11 !!!.!J. rt1centla, CA '"' ~ ,.,.... .T1* ·~ w: --111 .--............ It' flN •lttl tt1t CM.,. Tiit rlttlbNI ._.._ •) c..t. ........... cs.ii of Ot ... C...'1 ...... ,...,.. ...... Marina, Newport Beech. CA916Ci0 This bu1lnt1t Is con ducted br. •" lndlvfdual Ttmft'ly Rey Th • atat1rn1nt .,tt tlMd wlttl the COllnty Clttk of Orana• County on 05/30M aoGJ4MH14 Dally Pilot June 5, 12. 19, 26, 2003 TH471 The lollowin11 pe.rsons ere doln1 buslnt11 IS Scoc>t It Out, 923 Sprlna fide Or .. HtwP«t Buch, CA 92660-8210 Harry E. C1lewood Jr., 923 Sprlna Tide Or. Newport Buch CA 92660-8210 Mlr11m II Get.wood, 923 Spr1n1 Tldt Or., Newport Beach, CA 9266().8210 This business is con ducted by. hu$b1nd •nd wife Hive you started dolna bU$1MU Y•l1 Yn Mey 2003 Harry £. C1tewood Jt This atelement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 06/10/03 200S6'47SJ6 Daily Pilot June 12. 19, 26, July 3 2003 TS 12 .......... ... s...... The followm& persons ate doona business as Cahfotn1a Community Collea• Badm1nlon Coaches Assoc11t1011, 26084 Via Pera. M1ss1on VteJO, CA 92691 Allan Hodae•t 26084 VII Pera, Mos~oon V1e10. CA92691 This bus1nttss 1s con ducted by an unincor por1ted 1ssoc1atoon othet than 1 p1ttner ship Heve you \tarted doing bus'"en yell No Allan Hodeert This statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Or1net County on 05/30/0J 200)6946436 011Jy Pilot June !>. I?. 19. 26.2003 TH4/J ,..._....._ ... s...... The lollowonc persons ;ue dome bustnttS u JTC Ser een Gr1ph1cs. 1835 Wh1tl1e1 Ave , •A4, Cost• Mesa CA 92677 Chm Okey I I l t 18th St •B. Costa ~ CA 92627 Tiffany Sh1uahneuy, 4120 N S,int• Cecilla St . Onnee. CA 92865 Jamtt Shauahnessy, 4120 N Senta Cecilla SI Or•nae.CA 92865 This business os con ducted by • 1enet .. 1 partnetshop Hive you star led doma binmess yet' ND T rffany Shauehnnsy This statement was hied woth the Counly Clerk of Ot1n11e County on '1',,/27 /OJ 200J6t4st74 011fy Piiot Junr 5. I? 19, 26. 2003 Th478 Ac-.. ..... ... s..... The follOWlfli per SO!ll ., e do'"I bus'"ess n Sprtnt Cleaners i laundry 103 C 17th St •10, Co"• Mesa, CA 9'1621 Edwm Andrew llonds fathtt, 24561 Kuoesv1.iw, lacuna N11uel. CA 92611 fh1s busonen os con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have rou •tM led do1n1 bu•oness yet 1 Y n 1ti6/ 90 [dw111 A11drtw K111ds lather This stetement wn loled with tht County Clttk of Or •nar f.ounly on 05/16/0J 200'6944911 Deily Potol May 72. 2<3 June ~ 17 ?001 T H441 AdillMa..m ... s...... Tht followma petsons 1rc: do1na busmess n Th11 Pr o•poce Group 2811 Uazel Place Cost• Mesa. Ca 9'1626 Prospoce ln11esto11ations In.. (NV). 2811 H•zel Place, Co\11 Mesa, Ce 92626 Tifis business 1s con dueled by 1 (orporatoon Han you sl1<ted do1ne business yet? No Prosptce lnvuU111toons Inc , Samuel T V1d1ur r et•. Pr es1dent, Cf 0 fhos $latement was ltled with the C11unty Clerk ol o,.n1e County on 05/20/03 200Ht4U04 Dally Pilot May 22, 29, June 5, 12. 2003 TH456 .......... ... s...... fhe lollow1n1 penons .att doona buslnen n ocdm direct milt mat kelina. J.400 S. Su51n St .. Santa An1, CA 92704 Ouna• County 0.,ect Mail. Inc (CA) 3400 S Susan SI , S1r1l1 Ana, CA92704 This businns Is con· ducted by· 1 corpor.1tt0n ... .,. you slatted dolna butlll•n yet7 Yes, 1990 Orena• County OtrKI Mail, Scott fletchat, Corp Ster el ar y Thi> tl•ltment wu filed \lfltll "" county Clerk of Ot•nce County on~/16/03 200'4'4.4'16 OallJ l"olol M_ly Z2. 29, June S, 12, 2003 TH446 ............ ......... The tollowil\a penona "'' dolna bvllnt:H H Shell l11terl)lltts, 1070 l"ttk N•w~1.Ntwpo•t hteft, CA nMU ltob11t Sheil, 1070 Plfll Newoort. Newport 8elch, CA 92"0 11'1111 fanttlno Del SIWll, 1070 l"erk Ntw ~~lktcll,CA T!Mt '""'-Is COii !NdM .. ,. llllMIM end Wlfe ........ •tat t.d dol111 ~,.,,No ltoOlftSMI lMs st1t1"'9nt ..... Med W'tfl UM Cowrty c ... of°'"" Cotfftty •OfllOIOl ... "'"' llttf AauctetiH, •> ·~·:=... •• ft!H NI Or .... c..tA ..._ ~ c> r...ey • ~ 1a.o1.; ru CW9A.•W.~ .,_.,.,... ,_. 1• ti, lllO«WNlll .. Dlilr ,. ... -. l! }..'..t 21. Mrs. lGOI '~ 'd'tt "-lt.M. *> TIMM 1-In ZM1 ne mme1#fWa fOIWIO ... Of Ma.oucllVllMI UClll ..... ~r~ To ~om II M•y Concern· The Nam•(•) ol the Appllc111t( 1) oi/an Al.CAI.A ADRIAN RAMIREZ MARIA CLE NA The •PPllcanls listed above '" •pplyine ll.1 the 01oertmenl of Alcoholic Beveraae Control to sell alcoholoc: beur1ees 11· 2228 NCWPORT BLVD C, COSTA MESA, CA 92627 Trpe of 11cense(s) epp!Htd for. 41 ON SALE BECA AHO WINE · EATING Pl.ACE P11bh•h•d Newport Bt1ch·Cost1 Meu Oerly P1lul June 12, 2003 CNS 5A3177 Th504 Ac-. .... ... s...... The lollowln1 persons are doln& bu1lneu u : Ocean• ShH I Metal. 322 Twenty Flut Street •B. Hunlinfton Bt1ch. Cah I or n 11 9264.B Broan James Halter man, 322 Twanty f11st Street •B. Hunllnaton Beach, CaUlornia 92648 This busmess " con ducted by· an 1nd1v1dual Have you stat'ted do1n1 business yet, No Brian Halletman Hus statement wu fifed with ll1e County Cltrk of Oran1e County un 05/28./03 20036946154 Oaoly Polo! May ?9 June 5, 12, 19,2003 Th465 AdtliMa..m -s..... The tollowonc person\ ate do1n1 bus1neu •s EC OeSl&ns. 706A Awo udo Ave • Cotona del Mar, CA 9262!> [llub1lh Co•dov• 706A Avoc.sdo Ave Corona del M•r CA 92625 This busmeu os c:on ducted by an 1nd1v1dual 118Ve you SIB• led dnm1 buuoen yet? No f hr a beth Cordov3 l h1s slatemtnt was hied wrlh lht County Clerk ol Or •net Coonty on 06/03/03 200 . .)6946755 0•1ly Pilot lune !>, I?. 19 26,2003 lhA94 Rdil.s~ -s..... 1 he fotlow1na p~• sons are doone businn' as STT Croup 20281 8tenhtone ln llun· tonrton Be•ch CA 9:>646 lodd C Smith ?0281 Btenhtone ln Hun tmaton Beach CA 92646 This busonns 1s con ducted by an 1n1l1w1d11fl Have you s~1 ted do1ne bu\lneu yet> No fodd [ Smotn This st1lem1n1 w•' ltled with the t.ounly Cler~ ol 01 an11t County on <Y.>/16103 200J6944914 Oa1ly P110t May 72 29 lune 5 12. 2003 I H43/ ,........._ ... s...... lh, lollowmc pttsons •rt dome busmen n 01stove1 y ln~ptcllons 1815 Newpotl Blvd Ste AI09 215 Cost• Meu CA 92677 Thnmas I liall 36!> ll1m1lton St Uno I I I Cu\I• Mesa CA 9"l6l7 Tiu\ bU\tnn> " con ducted by 1n 1nd1v1dual lfave you stMttd doon~ bU\lnts\ y~t1 Y"' '>/II 0.1 lhom•' 11.-11 Th" slalemt'nl wu ltll'd ••lh tht County Clerk of Or '"I~ tounty on 0'.>/16103 20036944915 Oaoly Polol May ?:? 29 Junr S 12 200J TH«O fidiliM..., "-Stllmllt The lollowona petsons •rt dome business as Natoonal l1bout1><1n & W•ltr Syllems Mf1 . 6491 Maple Ave Unot A ?8 Westm1Ml•1 f.A 92683 James S1m11k1s 1915 Mouoon SI So PaudeM CA91030 Thos busonen is con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Hne you st•• led dome busmen yet> Ye' 19!>5 James S1mak1S This statement was toled woth th<! County Cle<ll of Or1n1e Cou11ty on 06/06/03 20036t47 1IO Daily Pilot June 17, 19, 26, luly J. 2003 Th501 Ac-.. ..... ... s..... The lollow1n1 person$ •• e doina busmen H . Crepev1ne l eeal and r tnl'"Clll. I 7712 Cr1bb l 1ne. Hunllnaton Buch. CA 92647 Steven Raymond Len tkes, 17712 Cribb Lant, Huntinaton Buch, CA 92647 Tlilt bu1lnes1 ts con• ducted by: an individual Haw you •ter tecl do•fll b111ln I yetf No Stntn Lentlltt This lt•t•ment WI' filed with the CovrrtJ Clerk of Orena-County on 06/06/0J 20036947179 Dally Pilot Jun• 12. • 19. 26. July 3, 2003 Tll500 ~ ..... ... s...... Tht followlna persons are dotna bualnau as Pony Pels, 3286 furlocll Of , Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 Sheil• Ann Fer11u1on. 3286 Turlock Dt , Costa Mtu, CA 92626 fh1~ business Is con· ductacl by: en 1ndovklll•I H•v• you slllrttd do•n& buslnus yet? Yes 1989 Sheila r ereuson This stateme11t WH loi.d woth the County Clefk of Ounc• County on 06/10/03 2003H47S3t D11ily Pilot June 12, 19, ?6, July 3. 2003 lh506 F--.. ..... ... s...... The followina persons are doln& business as: Madison landscape Oesian. 5 Cameron Cir , foothill Ranch . CA 92610 Sus.an liene Hupp. 5 Cemeron Crr , r ooth1ll Raroch, CA 92610 This business Is con dueled by en ind1v1du1I Hne you stertld d01na business yet? No Susan Irene Hupp Thos st1temenl was toled woln lhe County Clerk of Oranae County on 06/03/03 200Ht467H Daily Pilot lune 5 It' 19 76,2003 ThA87 fktlt'-s ..... ... s..... The follow1n11 penons are dome busoneu IS I amaddon Consultation Co 19431 Rue De V.alote *Zif.. Foollull Ranch. CA 92610 "312 Ta11h1 o.1i.1 lamaddon 19431 Rue Oe Valott •2tC f oottroll Ranch CA 92610 ?lll I h•s buMnu\ Is con duded by •" 1nd1v1du1I H•ve you stat led do'"I busonen yet' No I •.ih• 0111a1 I 1rnaddon I h" ~laltment WIS hied wtlh the County Cleth of Ounce County on O!>/J0/03 20036946441 Daily Pilot June 5 12 19 ?6 ?003 11*46 7 RctllM ..... ... s..... 1 he followine per M>ns •rt dumc busmen as k1hnwn Bros Oesran & COh\llUCllOn 1139 Aste< PIKt Costa Mesa CA 9'1611 re,,y Michael JohnM>n, 'll 39 Aster Place Co••• Meu CA92627 Thi\ business os con ducted by an 1nd1vtdu1I Uave you Jl11ted doona bu\1n111u yet' No I~" y M John•on This statemenl wo hied w1t1> the County Cler .. of Oranae County on 06/10/03 2003H47S4l Otuly Pilot June It'. 19, l6. luty J. 2003 ThSI !I ........... ... s...... lhe follow1n1 persons are doona busoneu as Cuaae fl0ot Soluloon . Int . I JI N Tustin Ave '205 finhn. CA 92780 Cat11e Floot Solutoon. !CA) 131 N Tushn Ave •?O'> 1 u\l1n, Cll 92780 r111s busineu 1s con dudtd by a cotp0<1Uon Have you st11 lid d0111& business yet' No C11 •&• floor Solution J•mts Nalh•n ~Don nell. Preside nt lho\ statement wn loled with the County Cl•rk of O\.•nec County on 05/lO/OJ 2003694.Ut Oaoly Pilot June 5 12 19.?6.?003 TH468 Rt-.. ..... ... s....... The lollow1nc persons ••• do1n1 bus1nes& as MJS Auocleles, 700 lido Paik Or •33. Newport Beach, CA 92663 M~hHI J. SpendOhnl, 100 Lido Per~ Of •JJ. Newpo• I Beach CA 92663 This busmen I& con ducted by: •n Individual Have you started do4n1 bus-ness yet? Yes, 2/14/ 89 MIChHI J Spendollnl This statement was fllect with tht Counl., Ci.tll of O• ana• County on OS/16/03 200'6'44917 O•lly l"llot Mey 'l2. 29. June S, 12, :?003 TH4J8 STARTING ANEW BUSINESSr. • • • • • • • • • • • " ' ........... ~ .......... Tiii fo. llowlnc I*''°"' '" doMt buslnen •• Seat Gatlt • .JJ& l . ~ St. ... Coste Mew • ..,. m21 Hie• Sllkldo. 3J6 l . 20th St. 16, Cott• Me~•. CA92627 Tiiis bUSllllSS la ~ ducted by en lndMdu•I H•W you st111ted cluhll bmllseUytl?Yes 311611>3 Nicole Salcido This ttetement wn filed with the County Cltrlt. of Dranae County on0S/20/03 200"'4'"2 Daily Pilot Ma)' 12, 20. June 6. 12. 2003 TH4!IO .......... ......... Thi followln1 pe:noaf are doina businn• • Periwinkle Prost, ~ Beryl Lene, Ne•Pcttl Buch. CA 92660 Michele Aenklfl, 7d Beryl Lane, NewpoA Buch, CA 92660 °: This bu•lneu is coi1 dueled by. en lndlYldual Have you stlf led dofnc busintu yet? No MIChtleRankm ThtS atatement w,.. hied with tilt Cou11ty Clerk of Oran1e C111ont? on 05/30/03 200Ht464JAI 01111 Piiot June 5, 12. 19. 26 2003 lll466 .......... ......... The tollowlna per'""' ire do1n1 business as CNS CONSTRUCflOl'f, 789 Newton Wey, c;o,1, Mesa. CA 92627 Ceoia• N. Simat. U'2' Vrsta Huerta. ~wfJotl Buch, CA 92660 Tlus buS1ness " cun· ducted by 1n 1ndrvldu_. H•v• you started d611ot business yet1 Ytt. 1986 Georc• S1m•t Thos sl1tenoe•1t wn fifed woth the Counlf Clerk of Oran1• Cnunly on 05/20/03 200SH4sttS Oeoty Pilot May 'l?, '/'/, June 5, 12. 2003 1H451 ,.... ..... ... s..... Th4 lollow1n1 penon\ art dom& busine~s ""- Moclds. I JI E 18th SL Suite •22. Costa Mo·,,., CA 92627 lata Nemec. Ill r 18ttl SI Sllfte t 'l1 CM.14 Mesa CA 92677 Thi~ busmen rs r "" ducted by an '"chv1du41 Hive you started 11!1111c business yet' No l ata Nemec rhos llaltment wa~ filed with the Cou111, Clerk of Oranae County on <Y.>/30/0l 200S6t464 H Daily Ptlol June ~ 12.. 19. ?'6 :.ioG3 TH4/" ........... ... --.. The follow1n1 pel\Ull.~ are dolna business n Ah1el P11 Croomma G1llefy 1280 r Y0<llA l1nd• Blvd Ph•untia CA 92870 M•tl• Del Catmen Rodr11uei, 901 S 8twl~ St . S.nta Ana. CA 9UIJ lh«S bustntts ~ c- ducted by an 1ndtvH11n1t Hfwt ynu tl.tflld dolfl)t b usoneu '' 17 No M•11• Oel C•r"1tn Ro<1111uez This statement WI\ hied with the CounJy Ckrk of Oranae County on 05/l0/03 200Mt46413 Daily Pilot June 5, IZ, 19. 26, 2003 TH.tl(I --------,. ............ ... s...... The lollow1ne pet.- art do'"I busoneu n Huntineton Buch Witt less, 9606 llamoltnn Ave 110?. Huntonaton Buch CA92646 lhomas f'ham I'"'°? Newport Ave 116A Tushn. CA 92780 fh" buslneu Is cnll ducted by an 1ndlvldu•I Have you ,t.,.ted do•.., bu'"''"' yet7 Yt' 4 I 03 ThomnPhem This 1tat11menl ••l hied with the Coumy Clerk of Or anc• Counfy on06/03/03 200'6946767 0•1ly P°'<Jt June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2003 Th488 TtlUsAholt YOUR 6WGEWll "' CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5671 t • The follow1n1 penon' ere do n1 bu11n9'1 u 91\ Woe Producloon• 51 Oahh• Ave .. Co1on1 dal Mar, CA 92625 Devld 0 11t1e1m1n 518 D1hh1 Ave , Corona d•I Mar, CA 92625 Thia bu11neu I• con ducted by an ono1v1du1I Hive (ou st11 ted do'"I bus1nus yet• Vn 11 6 96 David G1me1m1n Thll statement wn llted woth the County Clerk af 011nae County on 05/16/03 200H944t2S '011ly Pilot May 22. 29, June 5, 12. 2003 1114« lhe fo1tow1n1 persons •rt do1n1 busoneu u Your C11a1a. 2340 Santa Ana Ave Apt A2, Cost• Mau, CA92627 Michael Cr•t 2340 S.tnlil Ana Ave Apt A2 Costa MHa CA 926:?7 lhis buune.u os con· ducted by •n md1v1du1I Have you st.tied do1111 bU\onen yet• Vu 5116/ 03 MILhHIC11t I h" \tdlement was filed with lhe Cuunty Clerk ol 01<1nae Cuunly on 05/20103 200h945303 Daily Pilot May June 5, 12, 2003 Polk\· . The follow1n1 persons are do1111 buslnus as Davey Productions, 839 SonOfl Rd Costa Meu. CA92626 Dana Davey, 839 So non Rd Cosll Meu CA 92626 l hi\ business os con due led by an '"d1v1dual Hne vou st., led do1n11 b~meu yet' Vu 01/ 01/03 Dina Davey lhis statement wa~ foled with the County Clerk of Or an&«' County on 05/16/03 20036944921 Dally Pilot May 22. 29, June 5. 12. 2003 IH448 The foltow1n1 penons are doNll bu11neu H T •ylor Print Mana1e ment. 1406 Vman lane, ~:668orl 8Hch CA Lynn hytor Brown. 1406 Y1v11n l ane, New POii Beach, CA 91660 Th" business Is con ducte.d by. an Individual Hav1 you started do1n1 bus.men yat1 No Lynn r1yl0f Brown This 1tat1ment wu hied with the County Clerk ot 011na• Courity on 06/10/03 200Ht47S40 011ly Piiot June 12. 19. 26, July 3. 2003 fh507 l h• tollow•na p11so11s are do1n1 buaineu u tnter.clln le11n1n1 t1chnolo11es, 209 fern leaf Ave Coron• del M11 CA9~ O.an Wocllstrom 209 r trn luf Avt Cotona de l Mar CA 92625 This business 1s con dueled by 1n 1nd1v1du•I Hive you 1llrled doon11 bUSlfttH yet7 No Oun W1tkstrom Tt11s statement wn hied with thco County Clerk ot Or •nee County on 05/16/0J 20036944'29 Daily Pilot May 22. 29. June 5, 12, 2003 TH449 ........... "-*'-' lhe tollow1n1 petson\ .,, doln& busmen •\ Whole front Ph••m•ty 801 B Ball.er St Co\t1 Meu CA92626 Abdul K Jawad 10 Bell Yost• f •Jolh•ll Rench CA 92ii10 'htS bU\IM"~s I\ r on ducted by •n 1111J1v1du•I Hive you •t11ltcl do1n& busont•• y•P Yt• I I 96 Abdul K J1w1d Thos \tdlemenl Nd\ hied with lhe County Clerk ol Or•n&• Count~ on ~/03/0J 20036946753 Daily Piiot June 19. 26. 2003 lf o ,v to Place A ,...... ...... "-S........ lhe fot1owin1 pef\On\ •• e doma bu""'" n R c ARCHll( CI UR Al lbO M111n<.ol1• St C11•l• Mo• rA9/6'11 J!tr h••d C1mpb1ll lbO M•~nolt1 SI l 1J•h MH t;A 976?/ Uu, bu\1n• \• •\ • un dul trd Oy drt uuJ1v1du,.1 HtlVr you •I•• h:d d1J•n11 tu.n1nr:\· ,.,, 1 N1 lfo hd•tl I dlllllb~ll I hi\ ·.t•t•me11t ~it\ ltl•d w1lh the r ount y C'lto~ 111 IJ••flll• r oupty .,,, 01; to OJ 2003694 s 302 D•1ly F'olot M•y U 19 Jun~'>. 1? /00.1 I H4S4 RdllM-...U "-S..... lhe follow•na per~ns •• • doona business as ln1111d 1 Shoppe 21362 Y1• San M1t11nc Aliso Y11to CA926!>ti ln1111d Mandtlh ?lJ6i.' VII S•n Martone Ahso 11eJ0 (A 926!>6 fh1\ bu\meu I\ <on dulled by an 1nd1"11dual Have you 11•• ted du1na bu\one\s ycot' No In&• 1d M1ndell1 l hos statement wa\ toled with the C:ountt Cler~ of Oranae County vn 06/10/0J 20036947531 D•oly Pilot Junt 1 'l 19 76 July 3 2003 fhS14 Thuriday, June 12, 2003 8' -----------------l.lpl Maacel 2MO f h• lollow1n1 person, f he tollo,,.ina peo suns ue do•n1 busonen n aoe Ouona bus•nol o l1nh Busin••• Gro..p lhe P.Od<rn Gotovll 1101 SJl9 Unoveuoty Drove l1rr•11•n W•Y Now1><-•I I~ Irvine CA 921>12 BHlh CA 'J~ Corbin Harold link\ M111n• f'1dd•11 I IOI ?314 fusth11 l•n• 1.,11p•n W•t N•wll'"' Tustin CA 97/llO Bu to CA 9/WI ftui bu\1n•n~ t\ tun fn1~ bu\lfi•\ " Lon dutl11d by •" 111d1v1du•I dudtd b1 •" II d1w1du•I HIVe yuu •l•lf•d do11111 H••* 1uu \I" le.J Jv•llol Ou\1ne\\ y~t 1 No tm\m•~' f•t' No C<.o•l>•n H•rold l on~ M•••n• I Olla•" fh,\ \t•lf'mttnl ••\I lh1'. \t•lt'fl1"''' w•\ toled with tn• r rJunty l1l•d .. 1th 11.. f ounty Cler~ •11 01•n1t• I uurot1 ( IH~ vi Oo •"•' ( 1u11t1 on0515,0J unObllSOJ 2003•944177 2003••••7•2 04tly Pilot M•y U t'1 Cl•lly F'1lut lu11t ', l l June '> 12 1003 I H( 'lfi I'~ 7!1 lfl(H lt4'JO ....-----Oeadlint\!'I --- CLASSIFIEIAD Tuc'>da) ............ .. .\1onday ................... Fnda: 5.tl<lprn Bv l•""ax (94Cf1 6;\ I 6594 1 f'h.·.a"t: 1nduJc , •• or H •. um .• 111.t rlHo< 11u111t>t:1 JJld ""' It' Jti \HU .,Al, "ilh I f'fl\.f ~Uf'll I Bv Phonl' <949) 642-567R II ours BY \I a i I/In l'l'r~on: 1111 V.c-1 BJ) .)1rc<'I ( ml.i l\k,,1 ( J\ 'l;!o,:7 \1 \o<'"P"" Bl\d & B.i\ ..,, Thur ... c.la~. Wednt'.,J.1~ c; 01111111 Fnda} ......... Thur'>c.l..t) "1111p111 Saturda~ .... J-r1d.1: 'tt<lpm Rate!> and deadline' arc c,ubJCCt to change w11huut noll<;c. The publi,her reserve~ the nght to <.cmor. recla!.:.tf). revise or rcje1.t any 1. la~'.'>tfit:d advertt!>Cmcnl. l'lca~c repon .111) error that may he in your da,~1ficd ad immcd1atdy. The Oatl y Ptlol accept\ no hab1lrt)' Im an) error 1n an ad ven1-,cmcnt tor \l.h11.h 11 may bt· respon'>tble except tor the lO\t ol the !>pace actuall) 11<.·1.up1cd h} the aror. Credit can onl) he Jllm\cJ fur lhc: IJr!>l 1n!>ert1on. Tdcphonc X lO,sn1 'i CX)pm i\1ondJ\ I nd.i~ \\.illo..·ln l'I 111.1111 .:; 1)(1p111 \1om.l.i~ I 1111 .. , Sunda~ ................... fnd..i~ '5 flfli " ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE .) SALE 1489 $1 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305-2490 motANDISE fOI SALE & 3010-3940 m soos-sa5o Ct"*Y ~ j Au.ctlons 1483 i Garage/ 2 ,rt .... AdJ•ln1.,9 Loi. Yard Sales Misc. Business 1489 Services 2340 PAc1nc Vtl w WANTED -2-,-..... -11-.,-l-.t-.. -,-e -s-.. 1-e CO<un Votwl VJ S-00 •·• S•t 6 14 8.i Ip l• ~::._:.::~673-9201 nnuES e•tlh1n1 ... ~·t ~o· u,•,j "'"'-'u-!( I Superior A,• c ..... 1 .. ,..,...,.. Memorabllla 1160 Otd.r Stylo Fumtture Nl/Gieftt c ....... unlty PIANOS & Coll~~s Selol JS• l•m1ht1 TM SS 4 RlCOROS lTC ~omethone tor every11rt aa, C1n1a. Ck '11· & F/I ,.. Set 7-2. ley-1 .. •/"H. Bl Alll!ll ~, 1u0o-, "' SS CASH PAID $$ l ayslde Vllle90. Mokt q49 f,(' .... •, foltew lat-•I OU> nMI SMMG V.S fer yo.It t•.on.-,_. It• ~ Al reuNt>lr p •,.... c...t IJ)9.~ WI BUY ESTATtS c.M.-•-.y ... • • • ..... • Salo-Set ... I.ts of -w furn, cholN, •''-·-?940 ctr Avo. Sto A, BUSINESS SERV1CES ,rlvata Ovcli Hunting Club •fJIJlu• I hr fl >Ill Now11v11t a. d l [I el it:nt hunl•ni ddl4 ~nt tu \1th· N .. tr-tfuwl rtotu111~ ..,,,,., .ti1p ,,,,.,,.,t ' 1ppr"• ! ~ ,,,.\ I IJod & '"'L' .,.n ,., t\ • ,, "' .,.n l idl"fiP lHmlJuunCS ., \II 1 turt •nd l ,,.,.,,_., W onrtflorfot '' ~·,illl llllO ' & wtne ta\11"1 '11H1n;i du ~ ,,. .. ,,,,1 • m.t,,~ t•tr•'' Id•• I r ") l1t~nd~ 01 ••the• & \on Call Mike •I 310 ~I 08S4 HOME ENTERTAINMENT Cllendarof 1310 ;: 649-4922~ so~~8~T Business FURNISHINGS Ewnll lOUAl HOUSltG Off'OIMITY All rul e\l4lt •dvo1 11sme '" lh" lltW\IMPf' ~ \Ubtttll IU lhf 1 edM•I r 411 HOU\•Mll Al I ul I %8 11 •mtnd•d whoo h makr\ ot 111•1111 In ldvfl ll\t any ii• •I•• •nte llmll•t1un ur dt\<rtm1n•lo<.on bntJ on ••<.e tolor t~l•1•un \t ~ h•nd1t1p l•m1h•I •••ha Of n1hnn•I onatn t.>r 1n 11•ttntonn to makt •ny \uch p1tl,,tn1 e lom1t1 ttUn Of O•M-1tnun•twn • Thi\ ntw\P4Pt• will not knowmcly acupl •ny advt• llumtnl tor jul eslalt whoch I\ 1n i11ol•loon nt lht l•w Our, fladtl\ .,. hu tby Informed lh•I •" dwtll Jn&\ •dvtrh>ed 1n 1111\ 11ew\pape1 are •vdlldble -on an eQull oppor tun1ly •f>HIS lo lomplaon of di\ i:r1mm1tl0f\, call HUO toll tree •t I 800 424 M90 .&ills.In 1486 ..... 13 & 14th. Newport ~ Gas lf!s turn. ~ pllte. 1111ens. paontonics. books. 198> Ouffy patlO set. croct.ery. and more! Fri 8 2 16 :.> am & Sat 9 J llXl Y~ Natd. lido ~ Sdl ;,our Car lff Clanlfl#ll ! _eonsu __ ttants ___ 23_15 Furniture 3435 lnf-ed Ill OWOIO£ YUl.H own bu...ness' n11nkff1J! ot 2202S... llWn St. e•~' Neeil help' "'" I '*ii 7':>/-61 ri t111 •• vour Sa-. AM, CA t2707 bu\11~, lM•.uttons ·-\ Auctions 1483 Attend Md Name a price for the Rug of Your Drums at the one and only FINAL AUC1'-ION ~o minimum I No rnaH·' Rugs of NotlOOS in Newport Beach hOS Gone 0oul Business The remaining lCOJs of ORIENTAL a PERSIAN RUGS will be ottered at the pub4lc ouctiOn tor 3 days only 'i.11. I 1111< I I .11 .! I' Ill \1111 . 11111• I ~ .11 .! pm \11111 . 11111, I h .1 1 -pm pievlew enttre Inventory 2 hours before start of each ses.slon Auction w1H be conducted by Mr David Wof1ons Stote-1.Jcensed ouchoneel'. Bond #6101963478 AUCliOn WI~ be held 01 the foonet IOcotiOn of . RUGS of Nations •£:1'~ of tMwport hoch CMl _,_ __ ......... ~.'°'--~-..-.­.... llllll!* ._c Ill oaiae.at "w.eii "9"'ll" ._ - Antique raltnl•hed & new furniture . 1 t•h roll l1bl• !llaht Sl!>O ltd~ ""''t dt\k m~rktl ldblr S41!> uoly An1r1 i.•n ,he••v hutth SI~ <hold\ wtlll• d1ns.1 Sl~O •land1n11 <hfllY unity morror Sl!>O &"I' twon t., ,nlton btd tr~mt\ new Sl?OO old n•k •••ther p11nc1plu th•11 Sl!>O che11¥wood 'ht'I S 100 2 Bttch bow~ "' rU'JI beetll Ml9t <)t9 M-68f8 949 ~ll Hl ... -llt,. htet• Salo No..,,..... l ch. r rtnc h lOUChe\ wonaba<k chan\ Ve11u 11•m• bar love suh tr b1 l do tommy Baham• turn1 lure drodtn bronzes I 1tfany la nips hthO\ dinette, etc 714 JSI 8)4() JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS (oGSI Cetn Need• Old Comsl Cold, solver. tewelry, watches. antiques collectibles 949 642 9448 3610 100. tmQJll) ICITTINS, CATS. OOCS ~on lone www • .,.,.1el'wOl1\ ora AOO!>tlen. F astlOft l!l.lrlCI ;ii °"" ~ ™ ClWWm:I 9&61A-ZZ19 ... WAY lor momn1 C.V ......... 9$.m-0411 ••.w ..... sts... ...... *"" 11usa-nto Ind ex IULESTATE llllAlS Pet Adoptions 3660 German Shepherd• all tulut\ dtl \ll~\ t r •d(lpt. >n tu <1u•lol1ed hum~\ WWW i'S.IP'S.CU~ ufi 01 71• 77.J ~91~ SPORTING GOODS/ CAMPING/ EXERCISE EQUIP Exmise Equipment 3760 w-.. i..iy , .......... nu & """ ~opt Wlllr>g to P.~1 l.w pn t M;i • pru S/'00 = 918-1':>2 llll MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merdlandlse 3855 ( .... rogfstors, ullQl)t'ned bu• o of T •h1rt baas 4 tear display l•ble~ Coll 949-S I S-2305 Business Oppottunltles Buslneaa Ind Fnnd11ses 5 SNACK & S SODA Ytnd1n1 mu h1nn only $6!>00 r equu ed 1-888-?79-~226 fOltGlT THl STOCK MHIUTI ~ fllM*1r nuds only one c•ound lfvtl p1rtner on truly p1om1s1nc product hnts Sky\ tht hm1t Seroous <All 9•9 29S 5824 meet me only appointment INCltLUt YOUll IHCOMl Control your hours! Home Bued Business full It alnona f REE Bookie I www F~rom Hon-. com 8118-704-~4 Olc:es a i..m 4540 c.a.--~ Sfyt. Office 200-!iOOsf Ulll tnd As low a SI .25sf lots of pnrc 114-540-3666 ~ FtV' --~~, 7402•7466 1 ~y S ERVICE DIRECTORY '/ 1 ~ -For All Your Home and.Business Need; - Under the Service Directory Banner IOOS-1510 ,.--;_-I ~ 9000-9750 HQMESF('Q I - ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula IROIURS OPlH FRIDAY 1 t -2 21 S7 l. OCEAN I LYO o,1 ,,.,,, dw•'f ft rr H .. Jell f [lar • )br lb• f~ fr~ntt· 1'~ lh•I wt' I 11> a Ii P•I o SI O't'i l)'X Ao;•nt.JIO 4bJ L04C. O"N SAT -SUN 2 S 2157 l. O<UN llVO Ju~I step• •• .. t h " 11,, Jelly P•'; )b1 Jb• I• hf!n<.h dr~ lhdl ·~•·r lo"' •lg p~I'" S 1 09'> (l()IJ Agtnt HO 4bJ >t'\4" Opaol Sot & s... 1-4. 201 Ith St. N•wl; rernodtled "°""'' "'~~' non·conlorn11nil "' 1x.un I ~ bay v~...., SI 1'.l'J 000 ~m Jacobs A-s0<.1ated Rutty 9t9 673 3663 Corona del Mar Of'lN SUN 12·4 lOJUTY JASMIMl CHUC ~ \tor 1 2b 2ba ll• R<eJr' CM OttvY lanoJ \Qllled ~ ·~...,., Vtry low "'1!lnl I\'.," .. w 1enM pool c.I lvt ,llJl'4 S?'l> 000 By °"""' 94'100 ffT77 fel Ovt Of hc:r-t 'l8t pk.is ~ rm "' Sily&l.I~' fltl C.ntom pont ~ & Gattbo to llw! fl! Vlf'Wlni deck nn tt... UC>CJ" .,.v,.. vstn ( 1 tensrve U'ft nf aranott millblr l IOb "' love SI~ 000 Judy Kolar. 8kr 949 376 Y.;76 Newt l'rtwta 1-.towy, K'Cluo.d tul clto s... iiern on Ii lot "' IUMded a<e~ Hardwood floor\ Cll\lOITI liel't..._ book shclva wt>t bar, 2 fp'' cu~tom o,p.i oft mast et cenlt al a• tr anqull ,.., den P"lk>\ Slfl9.000 act 9$l!J&.9J14 •AC rr ... C-l.oc""---~ltol to Bl& Corona llllCi ~OUI Pol"l 48r 4 58a br Mid Ile"" wstom home Qff9nd at .$2.950.000 • COoUT\.H. REAL TY ~7!190171 Reach 80,000 H omes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ,............ loco!ianl " ""' .,,,.t•f)firf't h .... l 1¥1f\,4.rl '" •tb~i.:-..rn -N~i • ~" ' .,. ,, ! J ..,.. ..,.,, V t•.Ji a.t, 11.i..r P•• 919 37• SS76 CAMlO HIGHLANDS 4•26 Cortland Dr O"NSAlll3 .... l 4 • I ' , , .. , t • --• t ... a t J 1(li !1., I .. n.r Irvine 'Meh'opolltan' 21r 21o fof C" f ~ I ., 1 ',.,,.,, ' ~ii & , ..,,., \; 7!. !JOO r I At .. a. ke~lty '149 J.(t SN' •fl Laguna Beach Tell Us About YOUR GARAGf SAlf ! In ClASSlflfD (949)642-5678 I I I I l I Newport Beach PAULSON RlAl TY HOftMJI "4'J '>f.: ~ WTa.Uff V'IEW HOMl ...... t • ',1 ' . t 4.tP ~ r~r·~ •~ ,..,.. SI l!f< TT 0,-Seit 1-S It.IMS l80*>0M TOWhltOMES 'c..t.... .... ~ -'$ I V'clh• IJ,f ...-• .... ~ ... Pl. .. S74YJ'.J fH o,-Sot 1.s fnd Urtlt ...... """ !111Ulir1~ .,.,-1'1 ~,,....~t~· riJ, 'J !It 0,-Sat-S... 1-S !Story~ ..... • 11¥ Mlf<1 1t<.tnrn lg "" ~O'.Xl fl.Ht Seit 1-S NlWPOltl HEIGHTS O"N SAT -SUN I ·4 3120 lr-d St '>!>• 4ha l 1 i:•• \P•t l•m rm l lrpl.' l•nd \< 1p•d vMd• ""''" .,..ater IAll\ 1<1'@ 1'1 be> h leoutlfvtly ramod 4br i b-1' ma-m•hc "t"""" form-t l.'.l•ntfll fab d•e•ll'T' ~•l<h S1J•• l••rnm 1 .. d1 lo P•I yd Pool bu•ll '" hbQ lam nf!li;:ll A 10• SI }q'> 000 8et1y lo •i!I 94'~7-2660 Bank Foreclosures. Free list of foreclosure propercies. Receive a free , computerized printout. OranacCoastFreeHomelnfo.or:g Fru recorded message 1.800.7M.9343 ID I 1242 RfJMA.\. Rn Ope" Sat J .4 o.,e ford Rd. 3 Vlnta9e D ':lb• ':lb~ ' •"' S! 7'¥-OOC' !'Iv ., ·• 14 )~7 '>4'> S~Helghn. I' ..nt ... A" JE>• j se~ '· .. ·•luJll·AJr '0-11\. (>I' 10'.l .,.,.. ~9 >, 7 t'I (ant.luff Siii '-ttr itl• ~ _,.. •dfl' ... ~jl p, "' f t ....... Sb'Y '"'°"' .i.-[lo) •• f' ~f !<> 94'J I 17 14 Newport Coast Balboa PenlMula llr. 210. Wal~ to lie!. tr I "' ". ~N ~, H ~ ....,. Sir llo \vp•r >harp ·~ . t , • '•':t. S.th• E., •-t • 1-• ~~ NI/._..... , .. IA 'I Corona del Mar ,r· ,,, ,, .. . •' N....,._, C.-t (........ r ' ' '' ~ II v ~·~• tdt 1 .., It •'-'4_" ____ .. _, ____ _ • r,-vtt ,. • #t f "' mc.fl\J~ ~ ... ,,..... V-t''' "'arno ,,. °'"""' ~"' p.11• '1¥ irt nut .,,. .•t~t t.i I ~ 0C0 agl llM!h I ,,.., 9494.i.I 1963 San Clemente San 0...-. bl!a· 11 tloY lllPI"• ''""way le< ~no at ltW' ~no nt ''"'et Grut llTVMlmtnfl li6f'> 000 ~ill l\e<U> LM~ 94q 4l3 796.1 Tustin Ranch MISCEWNEOUS ROOALS Rooms tor Rert 6040 RESIDENTIAi.. AfNT Al..S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island * Y-+, Lt 21• t h , w d h1 bt•m Ct tl tp f!ntpatio Sl990·mo lll 903·4.tlS 9'9 650 2546 s. a.y ,, ... .,,1, 411< 2ba up0er duple• I car park1n1 l1unll la' S325() I mo 9'9-6 73 4()62 Costa Mesa llr ........ ,... I bt-..Yh •• ~ l •V> ~ .. ,, fJJ "'" SI< • I<' l lhlto J A!,> I 1 >1"• '"' ~""'8l4ll ..... , l• S,ACIOUS ''b• It~ 4 vi• • WI• ! ~ I S•'1• • L• Mf'\ct Nuitt "'" ~,. ~· ·· IASTStOI 1 I r, I lo, Cotto9• "' 1v•t" • "'d .., d r L••I' S<jq'> tn •v111 1 • ',t,, ' ., 1.f.'(f! OU.Al MASTER 2+2-,0 Of( Em • r •n,t: "'""' .1v. IP'IA• "' ' • .....,. tr I • p S > AVA!l AJ1 > S'>11'1 • S'llt' p • HAUOlt vtUAGl HM'bot BWd (a _.,,,..,.. WAy ,'Tl W. llU:'" l'.W. 'fil ti.I~ ••"" yMO ,. .. "d hlu,o1.. ..,,... ftOPI'> "" Id s lfD') ' SI l":OTi 'M9 719 07'8 Hunt1nvto11 Bead! UDO YIUl Y UAU & UDO SUMMll HOMU Bl.l CRUNDV REAL TORS Mt-47M l•1 lfewpotl Buch Ptn•fmna S TUOIO APARTMENTS 1va1l•blt 1111 S7~ l9!IO 949 6/l 1800 -lt"'"r_Sci_ac_oou\ h11'& rm. tpk hfll *d tin tut din eru \ha1ed n smtvpet SIOOOmo 'M9 6'S·~l0 ....,.. ~ 2Br ta. ,... unt It pr, 1W11. ..,.... .,._ SlZIOm Dilwl ,.,._. -.na.1 OODAD! Call (949) 642-5678 52 JlrVO ==ed f'MVIOUS PUm..l tolVlD 57 Oki Roman roed 59 Uont bulb tillCf 81 llJ\llNd • 82= es Not 11at1t &4 "WhlT -could ldo'7' 85 Law Pl9V lie W'lcNor sycamolW DOWN I Ral1I t tl)Cll.- 2 Willied GI 3 "Kon·-· 4C-8'L•~ 5 Morelofty 0 Cl-. for matfldorl 7 l<lwl • -*'Ct COUlln 8Ft~ 9 Couple of pime IONepU- 11 PCoNpm11<er 12 Gatp 14 Femou• people 22 8ofore 24 Klnd of 0Urf8!qt 2S "81Yam dwellet 26 Dui:f\ caioni• 27 Kin. nelgrlbor 28 Prowl 'i?each 42, 000 i}(eaders in Xewp9rl JJeach, Corona def J/(ar, '.Xewporl Coasl, Cos/a JJ(esa. 7Jo1J}f'(P,1'ss oul on Ibis chariieJ~ole.y91Jr exper~ ijtfo1s field / Ot,;r . ~ '7s!iowcase 7'u6/iht:tlion 7Jalc: June 25, 200J {jpace 7Jearl/ine: June I cf, 2003 'J/rluerlorral?Jearlline: r1une 16, !003 Daily A Pilot Ai"~lf (949) 574-~249 California lew re· quires that contflC· ton t.Mlin& iobs that total $500 or mott (labor or materials) b• licensed by the Contractors SUte Ucansa Board State law also requires thet contr1ctor$ in.elude their llcenst number on all advertisin&. Vou can check the stetus of your lrctnsed con tractor at www.cslb.ee.1ov or 1100·32l·CSL8. Unli· t ensed contractors llktna fobs that total less than $500 mutt sttte In their edvertlsemenl.s th•I they art nol llcenud by the Contractors State Lic.tlse Bo.rd.w ..... , Rlnlo•ll•ll J_...m llll:hln I Btltl / Rlmoclll Mllola llltt,;111irrua1m t!illlll5 '5ffi 98MUS15 ~ .... """' . CvalMI lullt·IM.1. Crown Moldlnc•. Bu• DOards u 5n912 M~JOt-5642 Carpet Repalr"81a 1><AltPIT ~CAll'IT -Q Repe•n. Patch•na. lndall Courteous. any ~i1e 1obs. Wholesale! 9'9-492 0205 Cleaning S4't1eoky Cleon Quality ~ouse cleanjn&. Mford 1blt rates. 2C>+Yrs hp. free Estirnlrte 714-891-6667 COMPUTER HELP! Mm•O. .... .......... flt•• 'llll IJ uQeltte ·-"-fa~·· ·~"°""' ··~ ·=*-5~-~ --::-1U1 2786 Computer Services IN HOME & IUSINESS REl'AIRS Uparadn. Repatrs ol Computer. Networks. E vemnestWeekends Comp~1t1ve prices for quality urv1c 949-136-' 17 s 714-926-4221 Concma&Masonry lrlclc lloclc St0ito Tllo Concrete. Pat10. Dnveway Flftplc, BBQ Refs Z5Vrs E •P· Terry 714 557 7594 Tho Cement MM Cementwor k. Brick, Tilt & More Rehable No 1ob too small. 714 615·9062 ~ NHD MOH ltOOM? ADOOlONS ' RE.MXlEl.l«l l1577982 949·709·5642 o.._ Plblllhing YOUll HOMI IMPllOVIMlNT PltOJICTt Cell • plumber. p1lnter, lttndymen, 01 •ny of the arHt Hrvku ll~ttd here In O\Jf tervtc• dlrectoryl THESC LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAH 1'1!1.1' VOU TOOAVI WlnHOtn HYWAU All pll1u1 &m/lrl )obi. CllANI 20yr1, ltir, lrM •t. L4(XX).Jl n 401 l .. 7 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAA SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Pl.AYOR DEFEND? &th vulncnable. Eut dealJ1. rumng lhe opening salvo, you lead • heart t0 the queen, wblch Joles IO EIW's ace. Eaiit conli.oue with ~ ace of soedcs and 8llOlbef and declar- er will .6ave to concede another llCll'l Irick .. , well a,s the ace of diamc>fl(I, , Down one. ~'T •72 i'7 J53 <>AJS4 •9876 SOUTH •OJ 10543 "K JO 98 42 'J J Wai.1 a l1lOl'Delll, you cao l"1Pf'Ove on _your Une. At Irick two run the ten of bea.rts. East wins with the tice and revens 10 a club, forcing South to ruff. lf declata' leads a 1111mp to the king. East allows it to win, wins the seoOod iromp with the ace and fon:cs South again with • club wbJJe the bea.rts are still blocked. Declarer ha.~ no plain-suh entry back IO hand to draw the wt iromp, iO trum(> control' shift& to the defenden.. Clearina hCll1U fi~1 is no beau. Eaiit CID win the serond lnlmj>, p». partner on lead wlm the ~ of dWnoods and get • heart ruff roe down one. •Vold The bidding: EAST SOUTH INT l • 3NT 4\? ,_ PMS Opening lead: Nine of• But don't-ide tO dcfeodjust yet. Study lhe Jiagram above. Afltlf the lead of the nine of club~. would you rather plJly or defend four ~'})Ides? We like East's decision IO open one no {IUmp on a band which is e.ssen- 1lally balanced and oontalm the req- uisilL' high carca. West's double of the 1wo-~pade O\crcall Wlb negative, 'howing 'ornc values and oot for pcnllltJes. Thereafter the auction was na1ural. with North taking a prefer- ence to partner's first-bid suit. A.fl.er running the teo of hearu et Irick llNO IO the ace and ruffing the second club. declatct can survive by leadlna the k:it\g of beartsl That 'kills the queen, but South is ahead of the game. The nut bcatt is ruffed high. Whether WI ovemilfs ~ discarm. one Irick in each suit cxccpt clubs is all the defcndcn can eecl Suppo.!>C you ele1.:1 10 declare. Afl.U A complex hand. If East ducks the 1en of hearts al trick two. declarer is 111 the crossroads. A low diamond toward the K Q should prevail. but the defenders might still obuin a fourth Irick if declan:r misstep~. 21r 1.Slo, walk to beach, 4245 Hilaria, near Hoa&. iiar. w/d hkups, $1395/mo 949-645-3683 A STIAl 1111 $ l09S/Mo 1/1 Off the bt -ll..t fOf 6mo lease Newly remodeled w/new appb, carpet & ce<amic Ille. W/D Inside @ unit. D/W & Ina 29, $14'5 Call Lora 949-646-2224 °' 714- 633·7~92. No doe\. '-' lay Pvt ti.ti ,_ HMtxr Isle. :1!lr 1&. 200ft lo bay. bnlls. New/crpt/pnl $1700m lse 949·718·1.acl 2br I .5ba tw"'1m ('I Hoa8 Hosp. pat», comn pooV spa, nu ~ & aw-pet. 2 c p $1~ 949-293-t631 Ilg c..,.,.., 2br 2ba Condo, l:il().s(. hrei>le. 2 patios, newly decorated, w/d rlSOde $1~ 714-~1 l 200.t 21r 210 In Beac.oo Bay, fuU kitchen, IMn& room. balcony, steps to beach, park. tennis. I year lease $1900/mo 949- 566-9988 Ilg Conyo1t Town ....... 2Br 2Ba w/master sitbn& room. pooV1acun1/tennjs $1950/mo 714-402·1846 21R YEUl Y llENTAlS Newport Beach Penln Sl400·$1950/mo aat 949-673-7100 hatt.l uff 3br 2bil townhome. 2 car earaee. community pool A&t S2300mo 949-673· 7800 NACON IAY /IAY MONT upstairs 2br J.Sba Ip. 11ar. wd hkup yr lse $2600/mo. 949-67)..8411 Gated,nrKoog.~ 3ba home, 2+c.llf &¥. prov patio, comm pool, Yr lie sal75.,,..row~ Yearly lor1JO llor 21Ma house. 3 doors to beach New carpet & paint S2950/mo 714·545·8628 lg 31.t 3l>o + den. wd,ocean view, totally remod. Wal\ lo beacl1 2 C Ill" S3200no 949-466-rm llUFFS TOWN HOME BAY VIEW 3BR .. FR l ARGE "£" PLAN CUSTOM UPGRAD(O EXPANDED $3800mo Noroloo Poul•°" ltoolty 949-632-6489 Electrical SeMca Small Jolt bpertl Dunc.an [lectric 20Yrs Exp Local/Quiel< Response Ser vice/Remodels l •27!'>870 949-650-700 Amorlco I octrlc Licensed Electrical Contractor Small 1obs star llna 11 $79.95 & up. Spee11ll1m11n Remodelina & all home w1tm& needs. Comm/lndusVRes t-IOO-t97-1Goa l •78295 UCINSID CONTUCTOlt No J:ll> too sm. M wvicesl Repair, remodel, ftns, g.newsw;~ Aoar1nt'Tilt CUSTOM <lllATM 1U lnslllllttlon, sllta. -amic. ITW1llt. stone. l9'llltl 1t7S U612044 Jeff n~lz.9961 l..ttiMf SR 4Br. den. 3ba. view, pool, I& y.ud. $4300/mo. Barbara San· reg et, Ritt. 949-644 0195 Tustin 147' ' o...tmwth Cir. Kieal location U1 Tuslrn Meadows, quiet cul-de-Ye next to park. assoc pool, le patJo W/li yllfd, 2Bf 1.2811. LR. DR. defl $1650/ mo. call Bob 714-73().6419 bmerf Empla,.nefll 8500 ~ ... & ........ ~ S"Pf'O"'t posltl ... . atrpOrt MU. Perdiem OI PT flel how's. Must know QulCkbooks well Resume to In 949-442·7349 or cal 949-442-7D> I~'-_...&/• man•&ed • busineu. «>. seeAs 11111 ~ & lbilities to!'!!> IU'I ta& 714-~ DlllVlllS WANTED Newport & Huntlnefon Eich Set your own schedule! Part or lull-time available S75+/d•y lulH1me Call 888·DOl·WORK <¥ m @ www.D-O-toorn Outtlde~/ c-sMa S8 50-S16.50 Comm & !Jonuses. CUI< Htly. F'T & Pl. 25 v-old Co fun Envrom«1t P3od wieel<ty 714.373.8545 Rot> lov Terroa i.-.ts'°I" Weekly maint. tree b1mnq & inst.nation. 25 Vn up Lie/insured 94S.548 4363 StwlBf --Up Get your yard looktna lb Im! for lhe _,,,,..,.. Ysd ~ SCJf1l1kllr 11#»-ups and ~ wMllend & eve quotes Xtro Hett4 Sot'Vlcoa 714-427-0040 Troo Sentfce, Yard Clunup, Maintenance, Sprlnkltr Repair. Haulina (t4t) H0-1711 Publishlna PllOMOTtONS DEPART MINT Community newspapen 111 Ofan&e County seeks F vii Time person to 111terv- and write stores. partic1· pate in commlHlity ~ts. create and ~te paaes and sections. Excellent commurncation ~. work well wltli the pUblic Know AP Style, Qua.rkXPreu, PhotOShOp. Mulb·Ad Cre· atOf, Profic:1ent on MAC and PC, CCI dtn•&n experience preferred Proofleadina test Drue screenq/~ req.wed EO£ Excellent benefit packa&e Ema~ resume, wrrtio& samples and salary requHemenls to i.oa.pwon@labrnes.com So6o. Aatodato PT hw1na immediately No exp necessary 714·596·5321 or apply in person 6902 Ed!pAve.~Bch S.crotory PT@ NPB lurnina center. ~ itlrnte, memt of phone~ correspondenu. M:hed ullna and bookkeep1ne Competitive salary. flex hrs Call 949-720-1450 TEU-111,S Atlttt.Sotten $9.00.$16.50 11\W holl'f'r ~ bonuses. Pd we9tly tr ,fl E xper pref d Retrr«> welcomtd. ~ y.-Co. H B ~ & l.ecltJmalr Enwonrn.-.t. Cll 1-8'.X>-~ «XX> ~ 24Mlot> ClASSlfllD Ws the solution you're searching for-whether you're seeking a home, apartment, pet or new occupation! Handyman/ Hoene Repair FIX UP S'ECIA.UST. All typn of •t11airs Elec:· trlcal, plumbtn&, doon. w-.ter i-ters. IM & more Z4hr/7cU!ys ll4·366·188l c..... ,..,.. Carpentry • Plumbinc Drywall • Stucco Pamh'111. Tile & more 2G+ Years hperiencel JI 714-Ht-5176 HANDYMAN All Typo Of Work Inside Of Out. Call Jeff or Denni" 7l4'·427·0040 , .. ..,&-·. H_ 1t.,.1r S..Cle&let lnteflor & Eittflor Repairs 714-501-6466 l.bl614&ID A081NION COMPANY KildMns. Wall$, Blthrooms Merk 949-650-9525 THI HANDYMAN AN worll 111atenteecl Pbntlirw. Eictrlcll, Doon. Fillltl c:p & --- JUNI TO THI DU .. 111 714-M8·1812 AVAll.A8t.£ TOOAVI Mt.17J.5566 WDmaaVI • AMI '00 •• Sile Ml, lull fact warr, metallic drk blue/arey lthr, CO, mnrf, superb cond, $19,995 vl87424 1 Pkr Ut-SH-1111 -.~l.<0111 .... ttey ..._.. '0 2 Black/black eTeaant fX08761 Dir. Jlm01llon Sr NIW,OltT AUTOSPOltT 949-574-5600 IMW 'Ol 74011 26k ml, lull fact warr ornrnco/ oatmeal llhr. n1vl1at1on, superb hke new cond $41k vi020471 linancma avail Bkr 949·586· 1888 -w.ocpol.com IMW'03 760ll ltm1, a black beauty. •OK10256 Dir Ryan Ludders NfWPOllT AUTOS,OllT 949-S74-S600 Coclllloc '02 DoVlllo Sedan 19k m1, white oatmul lthr , CD, Onstar, V#l3794J $24.995 HVll $20k, fin & warranty avail Bkr 949-586-1888 w-.ocpol>l.cem Cnlnoc '02 Sovtllo SlS s1lver/1rey lthr . CD chrm whls, eold pk&. lull fact like flew, $?0,995 11159674 i l1nane1n1 avail Bkr 949 586 1888 www.ocpobl.com forrorl f I c-p•, white. red leather. b3di u & more J 000 miles •120496 Dir Ryan Ludden NlW,OllT AUTOSPOltT 949-574-5600 , ........ '02 360" StKclor 'fellow. tan int. 600 m1 •127672 Olt John Hall NEWPORT AUTOSPOltT 949-574-5600 f«Tcrl '94 Ma ~ 16,<XX> &entte m~ tt098ll3 Oto John Haft NfWPOllT AUTOSPOtt'f 949-574-5600 ford '6S Muttong Conver t1ble. or11t1na l own•r. \Ohd car $19.m obo 9'9· 719·2943 Ferd Muttong CPI ·9a V6. 26k m1. fully loaded •Int cond ora1n owner. $8,000 9'9 713 6306 -..... '03 S-Typo 4.2 Vt, l 5k m1 , white oatmeal tltlt. CD. thtome ~. 6 ~ auto Save ISK. $38,995 vlln65955 949 586 1888 Bkr w-.ocpol.com 1.w ........ ,........02 Bt Bl 3 CXX> n*5 A Beauty •Al2137 ~ Ryan l uddln NIWP'O«T AUTOWORT 949-$74-5600 •••4o ••• • •• ,. Conv. 45k ml, 1ulo, silver, tan top, pw, pl, A/C, CO. superb lllle new cohd. vtll9743 112,495 financing I warr•nty av1ll 8kr. 949·588· l888 w-. ..-1.c- ··"·'.. '00 1120 l8k 1ctual ml, full factO(y wa,,, turquol11 blue/ten lthr, moonroofl CO, chrome whls, one o the loweat milt Mer· cedes of lh• yn1 In Calll. vl557291 $28,995 llnanclna avail Bkr 949· 586 -l888 -.oc,...c_ Merce4es '01 Sl SOO Bl•ck stltt In lht >11tapper 148048056 Dir. John Htll NIWPOltT AUTOSPOl.T t4t-S74·S600 OQ;;;£iie ............ 6°" ml, blacll/er•Y lthr, mnrf, CO, fabulous cond throuehout $5995 vlnlM57219 Bkr. 94t-S'6-1au -. ..-•.c-ro ... cho '02 Twlft T""'9 unusual white, bl ltht, Tip, 4000 miles #686006 Dir NlWf'OllT AUTOWOllT t4t-S74-S600 sultorv ,,, ... , ..... 2.5RS. black beauty. lolded. ITIIY1, al RS options $10,500 714· 751 2464 TwtnT....t.o.-......'02 5.ox> mies. ~. Yf/kfw, Yff/l1# wl1l5. !4dllf, Ille lttr '685.111 °". Ryaii Luddlr$ ~AUJOSPORT ~74-5600 Volkewo .. n '00 loetlo 281. m1, sparkhni black/ oatmeel. auto. moond, CO. pw. pl, alloy whls, hke new vm#4700!>5 $12.795 Im & warranty avail. Bkr 949 ·586·1888 w-.oc;polol.<om VW Goff Gl '90 ~spd stick, ill records, W'!8l shllpe & -• IClOI atD ~ unit S 1900/obo 949 706 3999 SEU your u"wanted items throuih clns1fied '"IUWSAUTO OOMIWM..,._ Conv, blad! w/wav. Pl'•mium wheels. (19388) $28,980 fSMUSUOO silver W/lfl'/ le•ttllt, IJl'emium wheels. ( 19.190) $27,980 0,,..., ..... ,. on!)' lllK ml, HRf Pet· for mance wheels. (19394) INQUIRE! oovwc..,. Triple blk, value plus (19'34) $15,980 HIMWT4111SHM one owner, local New· port Sedan, &!'tat ttc:Of'ds. cllromed wtlls (19340) 122.980 00 J,,.,. s 1)Pe low m'iees, pertect (19l71) $25.980 ••i.-os Chtomed wheels. low miles, sunroof (19418) $23,980 02Ac.-n3..a moonr oof. loaded! (19455) $24.980 OOIMWXS ···~ Silvw w/Black (19443C) S38. 980 03 ,.,_,,_, Ht Blad< w/lan, loaded, a beauty (193641) $45. 98) OOMIZ E.J20 Silvet w/Black leather, premium wheels (19392) t.32.980 949.574.7777 ~AUTO . ............ -.. AllTOMOBUS, MISCBJ.ANEOUS Wanted 9045 Daily PilOt CASH fOl CAIS WI NllD YOUI Ult 'AID rot Olt NOT Ptta.LWS AUTO ASC JOI. MALCOLM t4t·S'4-7777 CASK JOI CA.IS WI NHD YOUll CAA 'AIO fOlt Olt NOT 'HIWl'S AUTO ASK JOI. MALCOlM 949.57 •• 7777 MOTOR HOMES MolDrHomn· Rent 9355 son MOTOR HOMI FOR RENT. LIKE NEW C CLASS/SLIDE OUT 949-515-2305 BOATS 1515 '94 Duffy lledfk 18ft •• new batteries In '02. MW pmt • fiber~. \lltdom used S9K 562·59'2-1796 ... SCiMdt Oec1rk 181t boat. new tniltr ~nd batteries. 1Veal cond1tlon, $8200. 949-723-0726 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ 1.AUNCHINGJ STORAGE 9680 M-lng IAIS 28-SOft boat, 3rd moo<IO& from harbor et1lt ance oo main channel. Sl5.<XX>/ooo 1)49- 283 1696 Matt 93 n SUP AVAllAIU IN NEW,OllT llACH $2500 UASE 9'9-S00-1005 Sllp for up to 60ft boot. lolboo oroo. Avoll now. Coll for clotoltt. 949-322-1t17 lay hloncl Cove oroo, ~ ~ o.lw 13ft bum unhrn1 ltd ~ 40 ~ up! Wiii pay lenlfh. Quiet. sal~. 94!1 a -v hw pnce f0t '/OAI 922 7777 or 949 673 194.$ tat Van 0t trudl pac! for or rot C11 DO. Rey c@ Co I 949) 642·5678 T0tnato Auto Sale5 7Ia Pvt o low word• U7 1931 <¥ 714 328 3228 to worll for °"· PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section t o find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscap ers and painters. ~EWPORT REACH • ( 051/\ ~'1t /\ Daily Pilot lo•"• '94 lS400 Champ,,11:ne e old/tan lth1 CO ROid pkg, \uperb. o r;1: cond. SIO 995 v•267'Sl2 f1 nanc•n& avail Bkr 949 586· 1888 WWW ocpabl com Classifie d C on1n1unity Marke tplace 81ST MOVlltS SSS/Hr. Chvftt'• ........ 'lJVrr. t!lCp SerWia M CltilS lnsu'ed Great Prrce! Guat1ntoed T163844 8»246-ZJ78 work. f ree est L'375602 ~6'.1).9971 cell 714-538 153" 7 390 2945 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Public Utilities Commission requires that all used household eoods movers print tha11 P.U.C. Cal r number; llmO$ and cheufleurs print theH T C P number 1n all adver· tlsements. II you have any questions about the leaallty of a mover, llmo o r chauff1ur, c1H: PU8U< UllUlllS COMMISMON IOO 171-S .. 7 JoyHfl'I ... ...., Top Quality, Competitive Interior/Ext Lf648228 Call Jay 9'9 650·5066 lt.AIN80W Cildl iiiilif Pa1nt1na-i'rt/ut. Houw/Aclt Quallty Jobi Free estimtte Ll569897 714-636·8888 Pnlnt AsrttMT 'A~, SW COATING, STltlPINO, Qutllly WO<k, ... ...,,. £.!' c eig:t 7148JM7!6 Plln*lnQ ... llttttt AlllAl AIOll 1<1111 Yw Doet a c.ta In Tllelr o.i Home (949) ea1-an1 ~.oom HONIST & UASONAIU PLUMBER Lt506!>86 Free Est! Sm repan. OCTfCU Oise. 714-23!>-9150 ... ICJSI 'WMllNO Repairs & Remodelina FREE ESTIMATE L•687398 714-969 1090 PoolSllYla MHefc Poot & Spo Svc. Weellly Service, Equip· ment Repairs, Insured CAlll 94t-2t2-717J ""'*"' Roaftng,4iuttars II_.. llooflna Rer<>0hna & Repair\ Ae~1<1entt~I' Corrm SSJCe 1937 Ul451937 949-644-5840 714 £68 JB6 Wall Coverings Wo ~ ............. ......... Strip, 1nst.11f. ~ 11s & r aua rrw1* peintq wen 9C!Ml8J .fl664 THISTlllPPlai Spec:1al111n1 in Wallpapr Removal l•S88241 949·360·1211 Window Clunlng U4e WIJMtew C ..... I ... ~ M.it. Rlim ' Alllintian. Lbalt "" :E 'frl n~sea.w