HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-14 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotS erving the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 SATURDAY,JUNE14,2003 Chief's last day is an anniversary Costa Mesa Police Chief Dave Snowden, 37 years to the day he became a cop, finishes his career with a day of golf and goodbyes. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Otlef Dave Snowden's last day at work turned out to be a collage of laughter, tears, h~. memories, musin~ and a little bit of irony. It was exactly 37 years ago. on June 13, that Costa Mesa's chlef started his career as a young offi- cer at the Montebello Police De· partment Snowden, who called It a ca- reer Friday after serving as the city's chief of police for 16 years. said he hadn't tHought about the coincidence until Friday morn- ing when he went golfing with a few of his buddies. MThese were the guys who went to the academy with me.· he said. "And it wasn't until one of them mentioned the date to me that I realized how amazing it was.· Snowden said that during the many goodbyes and thank-yous, he has been th.inking a lot about the two helicopter pilots who lost their lives in a 1987 crash. 1Wo Costa Mesa policemen and a civilian riding along were killed when their helicopter collided midair over Irvine with a New- port Beach police helicopter as they were pursuing a burglary suspect. Every day, it serves as a sad re- minder for him about the dan- gers of the job he and his officers love so much, Snowden said. MI always think about my pi- lots,· he said. MI think about how some officers get out of the busi- ness. And today, I feel so fortu· nate to be able to end my career safe and sound." But Friday proved to be quite delightful for the chlef. His as- sistant and a few others took him out to a farewell lunch at the Yard House, and his boss, Ciry Manager Allan Roeder, paid him a visit in his office. On Thursday. Snowden was SHOWOFFS "surprised . by his colleagues at the Airborne Law Enforcement unit, whlch operates the police helicopters for Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. The agency was born of a collaborative effort be- tween the two c1ti~. an accom- plishment Snowden and tus Newport Beach counterpan, Bob McDoneU, are proud of. r (PHOTO OAI v P -.vi Fnday was Dave Snowden's last day as chief of the Costa Mesa See CHIEF, Pa&e M Pohce Department. He had been chief for 16 years McDoneU presented Snowden with a plaque wi th the two cities' badges on it. Snowden said he was thrilled with the presenta· tion. Even more exhilarating was the announcement by ABLE offi- cers that they are going 10 dedi- cate the unit's newest helicopter to the retiring chlef MThat was so ernooonal,M Navy can't sink El Toro hopes Despite Navy assurances that base will be sold, city leaders don 't dismiss L.A. plan for airport. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT MESA -l...ocaJ of- fictals rernarn guardedly opll miciuc about an LA. bid to re~­ urrect an rurpon plan for the dosed 1:1 Toro Manne Corps Air Base, although offietals with the U.S Navy ~y they still plan 10 sell the land off. Mlt"s w-.i.11 and see at lht., pomt." Costa ~te!>CI Mayor Gar) Monahan ..aJd 1-nda} ML.A-., got more clout in Washington D.C.J thdJ1 Orange County I'm sure llrvme Mayor! l..tlT) Agran t<>n't too happ) about 11 I .arher th1., month J lt>tter .. urfated in whirh I .A Mavor Jarnt"> K I lahn c;euetJy J.'>k.ed the federal govemmen1 1f Lo' Angele' World Alrpom. the agency that run., Lo~ Angele'> lnternauonal Airport. could run .m a1rpon at l-.1 Toro f>e'>plle l.o'> Angele•; pott:nual mOut>me the Navy 1s procttd mg with plan., to unload the bulk of the base's ~ 700 acre-. during dJl onhne auction in the faJI. When rnntacted Fnday. I 1 t.rndr Pauline <\torum. a Navy r,pokeswoman in Washington 0 (., Sa.id the agenq isn't plan ntng to call off that auruon • rhe 11.;a\'V plans to continue \\1th Its plam to dis po'><' of the propertv JI f-1 foro b\ public -.ale 'itorum \'\Tme in dJ1 e mail See EL TORO. Pa&e A4 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT FAM ILY TIME Under partly sunny skies and on peaky chest· to shoulder-high waves, about 45 of the best aerial surfers competed Friday morning for $12.000 in the Body Glove Airshow finals at 54th Street in Newport Beach. Above, Newport's Josh Hoyer files over the top of a 54th Street wall. Right, Jeremiah Depesa almost lands a difficult aerial maneuver. ln the annual contest. some of the best surfers in the world try to launch -~~~~~~~;1Jj~~'. off-the-waYes-int&-the-a.lr and -ideally -back on their feet. The contest format rewards those who can pull off the most difllcult and dramatic aerial maneuvers. instead of a traditional perfonnance. The air show waa the third event on the schedule for the aerial surfers. It began Thursday and ended Friday. Police catch molestation suspect 79-year-old man accused of touching two children younger than 14. Costa Mesa sisters inappropriately in the Pauley WU the lfw.ln boy· friend of the Ilda' pldmotber, early 1990s is arrested in Massachusetts. ea.ta Meta Lt. 1bm Qril uid. It la not known tf the lkterl DMp•IMrldh Pauley = in lewd a>ll· IMd wtth cbetr pandmocher or DtityPilot duct wttb olftdtk Mid. ~Wilted. Alta 111 ~ ollcer1 8'mey ..ad oMcert do oot OOSTA MESA -Police In obcalned a wurant for Pauley, know when Pauley IDCJftd out ~UMUI Ul19lted a 79-who Wiii ~ In Contuk. of ..... but that the emlll ICU YMl"'old man on Monday on Mall., OoMa Mel& Pollee Lt. did hllpperl tn ColCa Meea. IUllpldoo of ~ Diie 1MrMy lilld. BlrnDble JIO.. ......, .. ::J held In toucNna two ColCa Mela ... ..... .,....~In Or-.~ In ..... of 12-1::: ....... Mid. bM boma He w.IMd alndi· s 100,000 bll. ....... wbo ... 5 daa ---.. IO <'Allh· -7,.rl old When police..., .. CJD~..., mil. ........... CDWf'I public the atme oCaind. ..... ,,.. ~Couaty dllcrkt .-yenc1-.. .. 11'9¥ be Ottoblr t•l wl Odoblr ·-.......... '-dwpl ,...,_. •C ... PM22I or~ ~'.;':.~~ ...., wllti .. llloay coUDCI ~-ol,...... .... _.., .... .,...... .............. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlHEWD: www.~am WEATHER «2@ The tun~ IDlowtht doudl llgek\ todly. ... ,...A2 PLAYING IALl ,., ......... -........ .., .... ~Md motW,,...... nlought. ....... A2 Still a place in th e world for fathers teach kids how to h11 a bru.eball. paint a wall or change the 0tl in a car Morns can watch wrec;Olng. drink beer ~~~o fic;tung all day. M aybe Jodie 1-oster and Rosie O'Donnell are nght Maybe dads arenl needed 10 make up a happy fazmly. Maybe II JUSt takes the lond of money they have to buy the support you need to take care of a ~dortwo. STEVE Moms can teach kJd how to cook and clean and help them with their homework. And they can yeU at them when it doe n't gttdone After all, what do SMITH dads really contribute to a family besides a paycheck? Not much , when you really thlnlt about it. And what they do contribute, moms could easily do instead. Moms can SPORTS Stanford.bound Erfc Jones It Playw of Che V..r on the 0.Qy Pllot'I Aff-. ...... Clt)Oft-Meu boys'~ Orum lMm. S..Plpll BOOKS FOR All ..,,.. .. S."-'AIO There is, m fact, not a smgle thing you can mention that dad'I contnbute to the COSTAMAZING Colt.I~ ceW>mlla b 50th anniYWMtY thia 't99f· wtrf do you hilt'" COiia Mell? WNt do you ... *"' "dtV7The Olly PMot ............. ,..,, ,..,.._. ............ E-mel your ..... tD dltt• PC I 11 cmtcwlD """tD ..... ,10. E~ la Wauld be sw•vwd wt'9n91_.... • Al ~ • .b'le 14, 2003 Dally Pdot BOOMERS & BEYOND THE OLDER CROWD How their gardens grow Noel Hackworth, left, congratulates Matt Kaiser, weafing suspenders, after Kaiser made a tough play look easy. By M1ll1H Adams M oat of their kids are grown and have ldds of their own. Yet their nurturing ln.stincts are 5tiD bard at wort. cultivating beets, com, beans. lettuce, tomatoes and onions. 'Ibeie are showy: of artichokes, cabbages the size of balls and ·In it for the game carrots that could double u baseball bats in Oasia' Elgin Hall Gardens. In 15-by-15· foot plota with purely aesthetic yields, gladiolus, roees and zlnniu bloom alongside the profusion of salad ~ Set behind the Corona del Mar senior center on a sun-kissed third of an acre, the 11-year-old Oasis garden ls the bountiful enterprise of some 70 gardeners in their golden years. While everyone lucky enough to have a piece of the action is responsible for hJs or her own parcel, there's an informal neighborhood watch system in place. •If someone has too many weeds. they'll get a letter," says Doug Coulter. a six-year Oasis Garden Oub veteran who has served as Its presJdent for the past five. Propelled into Its ran.ks by hJs wife. who objected to the 15 pots in their yard, the Big Canyon resident has collected eight Orange County Fair ribbons for his green thumb. Over the years. hJs prize-winning harvests have included a IO-pound beet, as well as succulent squash and rutabagas. Biggest Is not always best, Coulter affirms, pointing to rows of organic products within the garden's 57 plots. TendJng to some is Mary Rouse. whose magnificent yields rise from the soil without the aJd of man-made toxins. Rouse is among many Oasis gardeners with staunch concern for the environment Such concern supports the recycling of virtually all-natural waste from the garden. Oippi.ngs are shredded, mixed with wood chips and bone meal, and tranSfonned into natural compost at an on-site operation that serves as a civic model. Hardy Bob Robinson volunteers for more energy-intensive duties, including rototilling the soil. While he's a relative newcomer to gardening, the Harbor View resident boasts about 10 different vegetables he grew last sum.mer that filled his family's produce needs for three months. "I gave away 250 cucumbers to friends at church,· he reveals. Fellow gardener Jim Terry, now in his 90s, spills the beans about similar generosity, having supplied neighbors with com, beets, zucchln1 and other produce for the past six years. Beyond the goodwill, there's enmity- for bugs, squirrels and rabbits that forage amid the carrots and potatoes for tasty meals. Once a month. Oasis gardeners gather to discuss how to thwart ·their scavenging, as well as how to best coax produce, herbs and Dowers from the earth. Horticulturalists from Armstrong Garden Centers, Rogers Gardens and Home Depot frequently provide wise counsel. Suzie Harrison .Daily Pilot A new softball league creates a 'field of dreams' for men 65 and older B atter up, it's time to get going around the bases for some summer fun and camaraderie on the baseball field. The smell of fresh cut grass and the feeling of being a youth again is a mitt away for any interested male 65 and older who wants to play in a league in Newport Beach. Paul Gerst. 76, of Newpon Beach, the organizer and commissioner. is looking for some men who want to get in on the fun of playing senior softball. "The players range in age from 65 to 80," Gerst said. "Right now, we have about 45 guys signed up, and 33 guys showed up this morning. We're hoping to get four teams of 12 or 13 guys." He said he wants about 60 players who will show up despite having grandchildren that show up to play. Some of the players have been playing most of their lives. Gerst told a story about player Matt Smith rounding the bases. ·He runs like a streak," Gerst said. ·The reason he wears suspenders is that once while playing In a tournament, he got a hit and his pants fell down between first and second base. Now he wears them all the time.· Tauno Kolvisto, 71 . said he's played in another league for 15 years. It's good fun and camaraderie, he said. ·A Jot of guys are very good players,• Gerst said. ·Some on the Old Timers team play In tournaments in Las Vegas and other places.• Fundamentally, he saJd they are guys who love baseball. He said the teams will be put together fairly because they want everyone to play-and they don't want to load up just one team with all the superstars. "It's 12-inch softball slow-pitch," Gerst saJd. "Senior softball has different rules because there can't be any physical contact presumably." Gerst started playing five or six years ago in a league In Anaheim because that was the closest place to play. "I was sitting on the docks by my boat, and a guy complained he wrecked his knee playing ball," Gerst said. An interest in growing things Is the only requirement for attending these meetings. In addition to gardening tips, those who frequent them are likely to harvest a bounty of friendship with like-minded senJors. That's how he got involved to start -when the opportunity to play In his own back yard came, he jumped at the chance, as did a bunch of the other players. Playing In Newport is superior, with nice grass and brick dust by the plates, he saJd - other towns have fields oraust. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Outfielder Mike Lombardi snares a pop fly for the final out of the inning at Bonita Park. game. at-bat." • MELISSA ADAMS it the Newport Beadl recreation end senior aervioet coordinator. 0Hlt Senior Center i1 • hub for older adults IOCiel end Information aervioe1. at 5th Street and Nerciuu1 Avenue In Corona del Mer. For more information about the center end ltl ectlvltle1, pleau call (949) 644-3244. ·This is like playing In heaven," Gerst said. The games are at 10 a.m. every Monday at Bonita Park In Newport Beach, whkh is at the intersection of University and La Vida. Gerst said just show up to Join. The cost ls $10 to join a team with the season lasting 16 games with nine innings to a game. June 16 will be the third ·A friend of mine told me about It -It's my first game out here." Noel Hackworth, 69. said. •1t's interesting that everyone comes from different backgrounds and would never have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. The bad thing is that we're only as good as our last Gerst said that there aren't a lot of things an old guy can do besides swing dance and ta.king pictures with their grandchildren -except play senior softball. "This is our personal field of dreams," Gerst said. DailyAPilot C:O.WWllon Box 1660, Cotta Meta, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN Newt eulttant. (9481 674-4298 Copyright. No news atoriea, oont.wil«>nOlltirMe.com illu1trationt, editorial matter or ~ advertisements herein can be WEATHER FORECAST swell will build • little by Seen Hiller, Don 1..-dl, reproduced without written K.errt Trepcow permittion of copyright owner. nightfall. There will still be a lot of VOL 97, NO. 115 READEM HOn.N HOW TO MACH US clouds,, but the aun should be SURF THOMA.I H. JOHNION N.w9EdleDrt (948)M2~ ClrculetJon mlldOQ an appearance In the Publllher Gina Aleunder, Loft Andef9on, Record your com"*1U •bout the TlMt Timea Ontnge County afternoon. An ln-betwMn day ••the TONYDOOaO Daniel Hunt, hul S.ltowttz. Delly PiloC Of newt tlpe. (800) 262-9141 Temperatures should riae southwest swell drops more Editor O.nlel Stevene ~ Adv8'1111119 from the low 608 In the and the next northwest 11 stlll JUt:1f OE I I ING NEWISTAff Our eddf'98e la 330 W. e.y SL, Com ca..elfted (949) 842-6878 morning to mid-end even In transit. ~~' Meta. CA m27. Ofrlce hcx.lrt .,. Dhlpl8y (9491842-4321 cnm.°::r~. Monday • Frlday, 1:30 e.m. • 5 p.m. Edhorlel upper 70. In the afternoon. The The middle of next week Promodone Director (M IS? C....l .. DM News wind might get a lltde gusty in holds potaible head-high eurf. ~,,,__et.d,,,_oom It le the Plior. policy to pn>mptty (9481642-6680 the aftemoon, ee wetl. If It oomee In enough from the BJmlllO ITAW ...... =·· oon9Ct ell emHW of eubetance. 8pof'9 (948) &74-4223 Sunday might actually be eatt. there I• a ctiance the Point P'-call UM91784-4324. News,.. (949) CM&-4170 Ll.C. Nlwpott NPQttllr, 8pot'9,.. (9481850-0170 aunny. will go off. M=::i.=r, (Ml 174-4232 m &mell: dallypltot•l•rlm.•.com lnfomweon: Of COUrN, you and IM5 jtlrw.c.taftMdte,.,,,,,_,com The Newport a..ctVCoet.t ,,. ... Mellt<Mllle WWW.nM.noN.(IOV everybody .... will know that a,J.<:11hne .,,.._com ... CIMlft Dally Pllot (USPS-144400) le ......... <Miiie (9411 Ml-4321 .. queltty: .......... 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Christine Carrlllo Daily Pilot WFSI'SIDE -6lementary school students at three Costa Mesa schools will certainJy stay on top of the latest Stuart Uttle adventure or Curious George predicament than.ks to the book-buying efforts of the Newport-Mesa community. Over the last four years, the "Fountain for Youth" pro- gram, sponsored by three Newport Beach Rotary Oubs and the Daily PUot1 has put more tban 17.000 books into the hands of students at Whit- tier, Pomona and Wilson el· ementary schools, said Roger McGonegaJ, president of the Rotary O ub. of Newport-Bal- boa. This year, the three schools received about 2.000 books und, ovt:r the past week. each of the schools held receptions to thank the donors for thelr efforts. "What we're seeing is that kids are just reading all the time," said Candy Sperling, principal at Wilson. "These lclds are reading ... and this gives them another opportu- nity for reading. and even reading at accelerated levels." The program is part of the "Reading by 9" campaign, sponsored by the Los Angeles Ti.mes, which focuses on im- proving students' literacy skills at a young age. For the Rotarians, volun- teers and donors who partici- pated in the program, the goal is to help students thrive in the classroom . "The classrooms are much more dynamic than when I .BURT,S BEES. • ShaWig Bmsh or •ShavingMwE Natural bristles aeote slwing "'tim. ceramic shavir¥J mug perfed$ acr:omrrK>dates Bay Rum Shwing Soap. REG. '8.00 went to school and there's quJte a buzz going on ,• said Bruce Garllch, a Costa Mesa planning commilsioner and three-year votunteer at Wil- son. "Lt's such a pleasure to see these kids get excited about reading. This program ls wonderful because It's iu own reward." For some of the people in- volved In this program, seeing the appreciative response from the children It aims to .. help reinforces the • impor- tance of their efforts. Those efforts have not gone unnoticed by the student& they're aimed at 'Tm very grateful they're donating some books for us. That's very nice of them.~ said I I -year-old Xochilt Aragon. sludent council president at Wilson. "Their future relies on us, and they're helping-us to have a better furure and get- ting us lo be better a t reading and they're setting goals for us.'' r -----' I K ~i·~h i : . -. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I -There's no such thing as a healthy tan. That's the message Dr. Nancy Silverberg would mos1 like to get across as the summer sea- son begins and Newport-Mesa residents start hilting the beach, riding the wave~ or sel· ting sail. As skin cancer awarenel>S month began Thursday, Silver- berg, a Newport Beach derma- lologist and staff doctor at Hoag Hospital, 1s 1rying to get the word out abour how ou1- door enthusiasts can reduce their risk for this potentially deadly dise~e. The cardinal rule, '>he !.aid, h to protect your '>kin while you're in the sun. "There's no such thing a'> a heal thy tan, .. Silverberg '>aid "I see all kind~ of patients who take their health very seriously. who ear righl and exerct!>e, but who '>till tan. When you do 1har. you're expo!">111g yourself 10 a known carcinogen." Skin cancer is U'>ually caused by expo!>ure 10 the '>Un II\ 1he most common form of tan< er and ii'!> dra'>llcally on the me More than 1.2 n111l1011 Amen cans this year will be d1agno.,cll with skin ca11cer. Most cascs are nut ltle threat en111g. Only 4% of 'kin C<iilter cases are of rhe deadly mda· noma variety. Ba.,al l·ell cancer accounts for about 80% ot ca'>e., and, though nonll'lhal, can be disfiguring. ~quamou., n:ll rnn cer~ account for dhoul I 6% and can metac;1a'>1l'e 111111 111ort' Udo gerou'> form-.. Alinul>t all '>~In t .im t·r., dt<' treatable b't '>llrgcr v ii 1.,1ugh1 111 lime. ~ilvtrberg t'> .i1111J11g tht· dermarolog1'1" traJJwd 111 \l111J, '>urge!)'. a prott'dUrt' t•1 rert111\t• ba.,al cell amJ .,qu.111111u' 1 I'll canu:r'>. Thl' prca·edun· 11w'> ,, Uut prevention iii still the be!>! med1c111e. Silverberg ~Jd. Cover up with dothing and wear hats when gorng out 111 the .. un Alway!> ui.e a powerful '>un~cret'n. she said. arid be aware of any changes to the '>km. Examine mole!> careful: If a rnolt' I!> asyrnmetncal, 1f it'> edge'> are ragged or blurred. lf 11 ha .. more rhan one color or i.,ha dc, or 11 l~ bigger than a penul t'ra!>er, 11 wuld be m.d1g nan I "The '>mgle mo'>t 1mporrant 1h111g .., pro1ecuon from the '>Un, .. Silverberg -.aid. "I don'1 tell pcuple they can't do the thtng'> tht'y lih 10 do, with lhe po..,'ihle extepllf111 ol 'iUnb,Jlh· tng "A lr11 of my pa11ents are bod!Cf'> and golfer., and lenm'> plJ}'t'r'>. .. '>he 'llld .. r h<i'>t 1h1ng'> are part of wha1 make-. ltfP h rinh IJ\ tng But ~ciu land< tlil'm 111 .i ~man ~a} .. Continental NON-FAT .~Ofleth U'l • Go lean Crunch YOGURT .~ • Go lean Slimmin' •Seven In The $ Morning A '6.58 VALUE 16 Flavors to Choose •Regular •Lactose Free REG. 99' GR££N MOL'NTAJN GRINGO GRf.£~ MOL.~T:\IN (,Rl.\'(r<J ~1 '\ t ~.-. \ ~.-~~"$?J..b.l$J 'l'1>s !1ll :u sav! (l l ~ _51.oO • Mild • Medium •Hot •Chili ·~ $ REG. 14.29 .JJJ..!j) ~ Save on Price, Not on Tast.e! REG . .,.99 .BURT,S BEES . After 8sf.a':11 Balm Blend of herbs, spices & essential oils MOIS11.JRIZE & TONE SKIN REG. 512.00 • ~fixed Beny. ~ • Blade Cherry • Papaya Delight • Cranbeny Delight • Prune • ~ • ~Pineapple $~ REG. 52.29 ..-.-32 ;_~ :•BURT'S BEES . Foot Care Kit Includes a nahmll pumice stone, ax:onut foot creme and a pair of Bee-utiful cotton socks! REG. 510.00 • Many Books ONLY $1.00 each • Selected Books Discounted 50% • ALL Books Discounted 10% • Fabulous Discounted Housewares & Gifts •• • • $5.00 T-shirts & Candle Holder Lamps $1.00 ''Good Luck Bamboo'' Pot Containen 50% Discount on all French 72" Table Cloths fro• Provence, Hawaiian . Baby Qullb & Much More! Wlaec• Mother's COsta Mesa Store ODly 225 E, 17th Street (949) 631-4741 M Sat\Jfday, J\rle 14, 2003 Mysterious incident leaves police, parents concerned Newport officials are investigating a report that a man stopped his car arid asked a 9-year-old boy for help. But there are few details to go on beyond its similarity to the Samantha Runnion case from a year ago. Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Pohce say they don\ lcnow what to make of a report tha t a man stopped his car in a Dover Shores neighborhood and asked a 9· year-old boy to help him look for his dog. LL John Klein said the mcident was reported on Monday in the 1900 block o f Holiday Road. "The child went back in his house and did not respond," he said. "And that was the right thing for the boy to do." Klein said the man was repo rt· edly in his 60s. wi th white hair. He was driving a dark-colored car. No further description is available, he said. "We don't know what the mo- tive is in this case," Klein said. ··we've had no other similar cases in our city, no victims: He said the incident may have scared people because of its ee· rie similarity to che Samantha Runnion case last year, in which a Stanton girl was kidnapped from her home, assaulted and murdered. ln that case, the sus- pect is said to have snatched her away from outside ber apart· ment complex after asJdng if she would help look for his dog. Klein saJd Newport Beach de- tectives are talking to police ofti- cers in other cities to find out II they have had similar incidents in their cities. He said the de- partment did not see the need to warn the public or cause pdnic before anything had been estab- lished. ~ln any situation. its impor- tant for parents to have the stranger-danger talk with their kids," Klein said. "They should lcnow never to stop and talk to a stranger." Neighbor Marena Padden said she and other parents are "very concerned." "Our kids play outside all the time,· she said. "This is scary for us." Padden said she believes the poUce must have infonned par· ents in the area. "This is a real threat," she said. "This could have been a failed attempt." PUBLIC SAFETY Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • HEALTH 14/nluy \m, ~ I y5- ~~ ~S r"J__, ,. , 949-631-77 40 .. 1 Old Ntwpon Blvd.• Newpon Beach (Near Ho.g Hospital) POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • South Coast Drive: A felony hit-and-run was reported in the 1500 block at 2:05 p.m . Thursday. • Hert>or Boulevard: A grand theft w as reported in the 3000 block at 8:23 p.m. Thursday. AUIHIP4Tltmzlml CUISI P4E Tuesd ays Pasta , irrhts ,., ,, .... '"''~ u, 1:1.99 MEPHISTOM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES ( ,·;,,,, ,;,,. ( ;;f i o( Co111/r>rt.' . . . Father's J)ay, June I:; 1727 Wtstclff Drive, Ne leadt • 949-642-FER SPECIALIZING IN NEWPORT'S ARCHITECTURALLY DISTINCTIVE ESTATES & WATERFRONT HOMES KNOWLEDGE: 43 YEAR Newl'oRT ~ RESl:lENT EXPERIENCE: 14 VEAAS UCENSED IN RE.AL ESTATE CEO GLOBAl AACHITECT\JAA. DESIGN ARl.4 MANAGING DIRECTOR CAP1TAL SUISSE PROPERTY DIVISION PROFESSIONAL: ~AssoclATION OF REALTORS ~ INSTTTVTE OF AAcHTccrs NACC -CAl.mMA~Q: TtEYEAA llllllllter Yau llJDrlllll .. You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! STEPHEN R. SUTHERLAND CONSULTING REALTOR ~ Prudential C.lifomi1 llulty R EPRESENTING DISCErlNING nu•Uh & SEU Ell~ CAL• NOW roR A NO·CO' r MMU<S t fl/At UMION 949-278-3052 • Pllularfno Awnue: A trespasser was reported in the 100 block at 9:16 a.m. Thursday.· • Pomone Avenue: Gra(ld theft was reported in the 1600 block at 8:26 a.m. Thursday. • Wellace Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1900 block at 10:41 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Cliff Drtv.: Battery was reported in the 2000 block et 9:01 a.m . Thursday. • Cout Hlghwey end Acac:ie Av.nu•: A hit-and-run was reported at 8:48 e.m. Thursday . • Dolphin Striker W.V: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 4200 block at 12:08 p.m. Thursday. • Encore Court: An auto theft was reported in the 100 block at 7:39 a.m. Thursday. • H.ilotroP9 Av.nue: A loud party was reported In the 400 block at 12:03 a.m. Thursday. • Hoeg Drtw: Petty theft was reported in the 100 blodt at 9: 13 a.m. Thursday. • ~ Plac. end West <>c.an fTOnt: Petty theft was reported at 8:37 a.m. Thursday. • Placentia Av.nue: An auto theft was reported in the 1500 block at 12:01 p.m . Thursday. CHIEF Continued from Al Snowden said. "It's such an honor." Snowden will also celebrate the bittersweet occasion with colleagues. friends and commu- nity members during a party at the Costa Mesa Hilton on Satu.r· day night. That the chief will be gone hasn't "quite sunk in," Lt. Les Gogerty said. "Here's been here 16 years," he said. "He's done a lot of great things for the community and the department and he's touched a lot of people. And personally, he promoted me to sergeant and lieutenant. He pinned those badges on me." Gogerty said he is happy for Snowden, who "won't have to worry anymore about anything here." "But until he walks out that door, It's not really going to hit me," he said. Gogerty said he, like others in the department, is eager to meet the new chief John Hensley, who now heads the Cypress Police Department. Hensley is set to take over Monday. "With any change, there's arud- ety and excitement," Gogerty said. "I'm looking forward to meeting and working with the new chief." • D£EPA BHAAAnt cover• public .. fety and courta. SM mey be rHCtt9d at (9491574-4226 or by .-mall at dMpa.bha,.th•IMlm...oom. • PLUG IN Plug Into the Pilot Clas.sffled section to flnd seMc.es from electronla end plumbm, to landsalpers and pain~. Daily Pilot FAMILY Continued from Al but that's probably 1t -unJess you take the thne to look up some of the data. The source la "One-Parent OetJPllot upbringing of a child that Families and Their Oilldren: moms can~ do Instead. The School's Most Significant So if men are lneleva.nt. Minority.• It's a study wby celebrate them Sunday conducted by the Consortium on Fathe(s Day? What's the for the Study of School Needs of 54nkileb4'-J• big deal? OJ<. so dad had to Oilldren from One Parent ==~ contribute to the process of Families, co-sponsored by the ·making the baby-but that's National Assn. of Elementary GMCGll CDGata .. .. it. Moms can take lt from School Principals and the held.__ .. ... there, can't they? lnsdtute for Development of VleW MlmolW ..... w.. eoona died TburldaYOf ~ been·Whai.a.waa Besides, looking at all of the -Educadonal Activities, a Fathe(s Day ads, you're likely division of the Olarles F. to get the lmpresslon that Kettering Foundation, in 1980. dads are extremely superficial. Although the data is 23 years $5. Sbe la 8iaMwd by da~Saadr& Den1te and JeDM: aoa John; fOUr The experts, killl.ng trees with old, It still applies. The data their junk mail, have found that "Oilldren with determined what dad wants fathers at home tend to do most ls: better in school, are Jess prone ~-1hree a) New watch to depression and are more b) Some new clothes successful ln relationships. great·~ c) The latest electronk Need more current gizmo Information? ln 1990, the U.S. I:k>wnie lllvidsOO Muir ID d) More channels on his Census revealed that, ·Father cable 1V absence contributes to crime Besides being incredibly and delinquency. Violent P.rtvate .mc.. wm be Mid tor 33·~ Newport Beech reaident Downie Davidloo Muir DI. Mr. Muir died Friday ol pneumonla. He wu 83. He it 1urvtved by wfle Joanna Muir; and aom James, Thomas and DownJe IY. base, men, not women. as criminals are overwhelmingiy plenty o( people have pointed males who grew up without out, are responsible for nearly fathers." all that has gone wrong See, that's the trouble with around the world since certifiable, documented studies humans first appeared. Our and the hard data they produce. testosterone has been blamed It ge ts really hard 10 use for all the wars and most of r~otional arguments to the rest o( our suffering. support the case that a home is When I thin.le of my own just as good or beuer without father, I recall a man who dad. provided, o f course, that worked hard, but he smoked dad is not abusive. •The Delly Pilot wek:om9I obhulri• for ,...ident• or fOl'fMr rt11ld9nta of C:O.. M-.. end Newport~. H you went to Mlfe en obhuery prlni.d In UM PllOt. Ille your mortuary to We UI the lntonn.flon 8t 1948) MM170 or call tM newwoom .i (SMI) ~ cigars and drank a lot. On So maybe there's something weekends. he loved to watch to thJs dad thing after all baseball on TY. I don't recall Maybe what dads contribute to him ever hitting me, bur I do raising a child may look recall him once chasing me superficial on the s urface, but is around the house with his belt really built inlo the foundation in his hand. of a family. It's just not easily wlbe belt" was a focal point visible until much later in a of a classic comedy routine by child's life. Bill Cosby. And if you haven't So. dads, despite the whim s heard, WTo Russell, My of a few famous but not Brother, with Whom I Slept,· important people. it looks like do yourself a favor and get a you'U have some job security fo r copy at once. a while and that maybe you do The entire album is deserve a special day. hilarious, but the last 20 I'll cen ainly be thinlcing minutes of the story of one about it while l smoke my cigar night in his bedroom with his during the Angel game Sunday. brother is history. lt is very Happy Father's Day. PIERCE BROTHERS BELL BROADWAY Mortuary * Chapel Cremation nearly an exact recount of any number of nights I had ln a bedroom with my brother, Stuar1. As Cosby notes, any kid knows that when mom asks you to do something such as go to sleep, you have another 5 or 10 minutes to keep fooling around. But when dad says it, it's lights out. OK. so maybe dads are good to have around as an enforcer, EL TORO Continued from Al The Navy, via the Depan· ment of Defense. has hired real estate marketer Colliers Seeley to publicize the sale and over- see the bidding. The company launched a Web site al www.heritagefields.com that contains information about the auction process. South County leaders dis· missed the possibility of an El Toro airport that they helped defeat in 2002 when county· wide voters overwhelmingJy approved Measure W. That lni· tiative rewned the base to pave the way for a central county park that includes commercial elements. Members of the El Toro Re- use Planning Authority, a coali · tion of South County cities that opposed the airport. said the LA proposal has a slim chance. ·Theres no momentum for this other than people on the sidelines who are trying to blow life into a dead ftre.'' group spokeswoman Meg Waters said. Newport· Mesa's con~- sional delegation is divided on the issue. Rep. Dana Rohra- bacher still supports an airport for the base. whlle Rep. Ouis Cox supports the sale. ln Newport Beach. a town traditionally at the front of the line to support an El Toro air- port. oftidals haven't made up their minds about whether to support the bid by Los Angeles. Mayor Steve Bromberg aald he bas not been contacted by LA leaders. "lt'a a very new luue that was just put In &ont of Los Angelet and Orange County," Bromberg said. "Wbetber this hu the maJdnga to go forward. I don't blow." Councilman Guy Proctor took a laa optimiatic vlew. Ke MJd the dedllon Rlltl In the handl of the Na~ •1n cenm ot the LA. pro- PoNJ, I don't ~ any prob· lema wtth It." Proctor Mid. •At this point ln time, lt'I not an II• IUe for \II. ••• I'm operadng UD• der the view that when (the Navy ~l 'read my ...... they rDelO h. ..... CUNnJN CIOWf"I Che ..w.imenc. ......... PQlllcjij. He~ be,...... .. I..,.,.. 1111' or bit .-fMI 11 ,.,,._.,,, ................ • STEVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him 011 the Daily Pilot hotline at (9491642-6086. 1 1 O Broadway, Costa Mesa 842-9150 Walter Lowell (Bud) Van Ornum Born March 29,1912, St. Paul, Mn. died June 10,2003 Ufe doesn't get much better than this. Bud came out west from Minnesota In 1933 with two buddies In a modef A Ford, rented a place In Manhattan Beach and called It "Sandy Shanty". They had a very "understanding• landlord. He met his wtfe Jean Oeten In 1939, dated and fefl In love. Bud enffsted In the Ai,;i In Januaty 1942 and followed General MacArthur around during WWII. Bud and Jean married October 19, 1945, lived In Manhattan Beach, and bought the first of many "service stations". He worked hard through the years, raised two kids wtth Jean, schooled hlmtetf In Real ~st.ate and decided to retire In Newport Beach. Wetl... not really ... He bought a hambu~ stand from a guy narMd &Up on 15th Street and started COOklng. That WU In '68. It WU very successful... probably due to the fact he gave all the •leftovers" to the suffers and wancferers at the end of the day. He eotd Skips In 1978 ( We think It may have Interfered wtth hll gotf game.) He wu a rare one, alright He had a kJnd and gen«e>us heat1 and a wicked sense of humor right up to his paulng. He had good words for peopfe. He loved his family, the beach and gotf • Bud was a member of the Amencan ~. Post 291 In Newport, WWII Veterans of the South Paclftc, oa8's In Corona ~ Mar, and other organlzatjons. He wtH be sorely missed by family and friends... He ls IUMved by his wtfe anc:f best frtencl, JMn, daught&f', Ria, son, John Walter, gnlnddaughtera, t.aLena and Shefsee.. and great grandchildren Ava Rave and Caden (Buddy) Lowell. A memot1al gathet1ng will be hekf In M11y Juty 8nd hl9 ashes will be ac:attered at ...... wh«e he can keep an fl'f• on us. The family asb that any donaUons be made to your favOftte local charity ••. or extend a helolna hand to someone ••. uy aome good worda. Bud would like th8t. Ae wu a good ~ Vlolet Gwynfth Swanson Violet Gwynfth Swanson was bom March 11, 1918, In Brentford, South Dakota. She paased away In her eleep June 5, 2003 In Newport Beach. She and her beloved husband, Lealle Mandu1 Swanson, were married In 1939. They have r9tlded In Newport beaoh for 40 yea,.. Dear mother to their two ohlldr9n, daughter, Anita Swanson Aono (Allan), of OanvMle, Cal= end ton, LAlh R. SW9nl0n (c.otyn of Coata Meaa. Orandchlldren - H .. ther Orr Undatrom (Scott); Brit, Brad, Ryan (Martin-> Rouo and Mindy Rouo Ga.mt (N....,,; oon. Swan90n ~ (JWldv}; Rod SW..on ~and T~ ~ Ctmpbell (M.tt)."'There .. ~greet~·. 8ft8na, t.aur.n and Annika Undatrom, SOpNa, Lela and 8Mt'8 Ownl; hbutlan Roaao; Jordan and Rytee ~ Hudeon SwW*>n; NMe F~ 1:-.'"Y· Serenity and Felda ~. The~ tour of v~'• eigtrt llblnge.,. ....._ OoNtta Berto Scoacilna (Ken) and Lor9l9I a.tO Mlnkter (DMof) Md bn?tMra Ylitren and Dean Bef1o ~ Md theti ..,,._, In Wuhlngton etate. V1olet ha meny more ~ rellltlwL e.fof'9 moving to Newport BMcft, Violet Md Mt hu9bend, LAIHe, w..-. IOng tin'9 ~of Olendllle ~ _,.,, V1otet led a member,~ Iona at8ndlng, of~~ She wee • votuntMr .t Olenc1llle Memort9I Hoepl"9I ..a did other chMty wen. She .... member of V'9 HMr ~ TocMy c...a V'9 Oulld Of HMr Cent•. Pftor' to hit lhe WM ectlW In the PTA Md wee a Olrt Scout IMdlr. Durlftg her llfeUme the had enjoyed knttttng. MWlng, ~ tMtdge. lntlt1or deoondMig Mr hofne and ..... ~ tW Wnly WM of m09t lrnPorta. toe to ..... wtllle IMna In CJlandale • and lMle beeonoad to o.kmont ~Qui>, NW moving to NM4)0rt ~became~~"= ..., Country ~~ .J:;::' ::...· ....... ·-=re=-:: .. be dMrty m'iMd ~her_,.,.,.. frtlndi. ,,...... ~ p~~.= 17,',IOCll, ........ *-......... cr9111 _ _...,.._ iii-ea: Plllllo *"' ~ c.d-:_ • • ~... ~llllolla&&I ~--In \Wll4e,..... ID: tt.1ir OU...· IOI -Dll lllr •••:·.,rrlfr -.cAn•·tUOt ..,..... .. Daily Pilot WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHArS AR.OAT la published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, aubrnlt the information to tha Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)64&4170;or bye-mall to dallypllot<!Jlatimes.com. BOAT RENTALS With MMna WattrSports at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay In your choice of power and sail watercraft. jump the ocean swells In a Sea-doo jetboat. put you sport-fishing Bk.Ills to the test In a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above It all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. BalbcMI Boat R.ntals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats. 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays. nonprofit organiz.ations and group outings. The hunt padcages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673·7200. Electric boat rentals are available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Pedal boats. electric boats. boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts. catamarans. beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours are ohred by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adventures/Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne Is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pidcup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) '575-4984. Irvine Coat Chartlrl In Udo Marina Village ·offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance often dally tours of Newport Harbor during hmch and dinner. Call (949) '575-4730. The tours go out of Udo Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES E.lec:trlc Boat Tours on.r. two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($76 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pidc-up from restaurants with dodcs is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landing Belle Is available for weddinga and reoeptiona, codrtall and aightaeeing cruises. and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. fun Zone lloet Co. nma • 45-mlnute ONiM (adults, $6; children. $1) end• 90-minute cruise (adult.a, $8: dllldren, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 60-mlnute showboat sunset cruise (adult.a, $6; dlRdren. $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private bed: $1300 : Includes dresser. & mirror charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Catalina PuNnger Serva Nrw 45-minute harbor cruises (adults, $6; children. $1) and oo.mtnute cruises (adults, $8; children. $1), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. dally and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) '573-5245. CNiae the haibor aboard the Electra, a 100-foot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A three-course dinner and dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. The fee is $59.95 per person' on Fridays and $64 on Saturdays. Brunch cruises also are available. (949) 631 -2469. The Catalina Ayer departs from Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m. daily and returns from Catalina Island at 4:30 p.m. $36 round-trip for adults; $20 round-trip for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673·5245. Hornblower often weekend dinner dance and Sunday champagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and pampered service. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Suite 101, Newport Beach. (949) 631-2469. The Adventures at Sea Yacht Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $20, includes cruise, parking, cookies and sodas. Reservations required. (949) 650-2412. ASHING Ashing classes leave Balboa Pavilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Get to the Newport Pier earty to watch the dory fishing fleet return with the fresh catch of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at M cFadden Square, an open-air market. eff Ewing & Lyleen Ewing SPRl NG IS HERE: TIME TO SELL? Like Sprmg nower~. u whole new crup of homcbuyers emerge' every year and a.' a re"ult of re<:ord low inlen:'I r.ite~ 1hi~ l>ll"' year, even more m1en:stcd buyer• arc m the marke1pl111:e. LoJns are more affnrdabk . crca11ng more lll\/e\tmcnt IX'"'ib1ht1c~ for ":cood hume' buyer>. and trade-up or ~ale tlnw11 huycr., whu.:h in tum fn:c' up more ,tW'ler home' for fi"I 11111e buycn.. (ienerally. the udvanlage goe• to the -.<lier m th•• ye .. r·, markt:I w11h mun'. buyen. than there are huu">e' available for 'ale I Im• ever, when more home' tx-.:urnc available. the crnnpe111ion hctwe,·11 -.ellef\ innca.-.<:' und 111vc' buyer' more 10 tompare Md •hOOM' from. Buyer' may be le" 1ntere,1cd 111 c..omprom151ng their 'JU t fie need' l ur a house md 111.iy tal.e longer 10 look a10und at other hou-c\ that arc fnr 'ale lief ore comm1111ng to J pun:ha'-1!. More •0111pc1111011 1\11 't ncce".uily a problem provnl1ng the marl.ct j, rnov111g JI a ltvcly rate "'" )"ur real C\latc .1gcnt to JH<1v1tle ~ou "'"h ll\llng and -...le, tlJttl Y11u lan find 11ut huw m.mv huntc' 'lnttlar lO your' have con;e on the marl.ct and huve ,old n:<.crllly 11) U\lll!I the'<'. rc"•utlC,, )llU c:an -.cc how 1111111 h.1u..c' h.1vc hccn 'lllmg un the rn.trkct he lore -..:I hug anti hn"' mull1 thn .tre ...:lhng lur l'h" v.111 µtVl' \1111J1100J 1Jea of how lunr 11"'111 t.11..c tu'"" )Our""'" home a11tl "'"·•t your a\l.11111 price 'h11uld Ix· '->teen dnd Jufl hdvc 31 lOll\CC:UllVC )'CJr\ of n:al C\late c:~,xnente in Newpon Beach For proressional St!rvice or advice with all your real estalt nttds call tht F:wlngs al Coast Sewporl-Coldwell Banker al (949) 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Property's #1 Team For 2001 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday c!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails •"*Quality Service.,.• ... Nighdy Eotutai.omco~·· f'o1· Rnt'1 N1li11w ( :,,// (949) 646-7944 IC195 Irvin.: ,\,e .. Cmu Mrs;i fl n•• r f" .-nrJ \lo• \,, f1uta ').:. WJ • R.u 1\ Of'C"b If 1 Vt canon eos ELrl1V7 $al1Wday, June 14, 2003 A! canon BINOCULARS 18x50 IS / 15x50 IS All WEATHER GARYS ~,.,-~o/r'.H'n SEMI-ANNUAL 30% to 60% Off! Shoes, Hand Bags & Accessories Cole Haan • Donald J Pliner • Stuart Weitzman • AquataJia Goffredo Fantini • Marc Jaoobs • Materia Prima • ca.Mn Klein • Pollini Espace by Robert Clergt'tie • Reramosca • And Many More .... Sale Today! Thru Sunday. June 22 •••• 7.~ •• 780 PAeMION 18LAND • N•WPORT ••AOH TH• 8MOPe AT M1ee10N Vl•.IO • ........... . M Saturday, June 14, 2003 Mysterious incident leaves police, parents concerned Newport officials are investigating a report that a man stopped his car and asked a 9-year-old boy for help. But there are few details to go on beyond its similarity to the Samantha Runnion case from a year ago. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot I NEWPORT BFACH -Police say they don't know what to make of a report that a man stopped his car in a Dover Shores neighborhood and asked a 9· year·old boy to help him look for his dog. Lt. John Klein said the mcident was reported on Monday in the 1900 block of Holiday Road. "The child wenc back in his house and did nol respond," he said "And that was the right thing for the boy to do.· Klein said the man was report· edly in his 60s, with white hair. He was driving a dark-colored car. No further description is available. he said. "We don't know what the mo· tlve is in th.is case,· Klein said. "We've had no other similar cases in our cicy, no victims." He said the incident may have scared people because of its ee· rie similarity to the Samantha Runnion case last year. in which a Stanton girl was kidnapped from her home, assaulted and murdered. In that case, the sus· pect 1s said to have snatched her away from outside her apart- ment complex after asking lf she would help look for his dog. Klein sa.ld Newport Beach de- tectives are talking to police offi· cers in other cities to find out if they have had similar incidents in their cities. He said the de- partment did not see the need to warn the public or cause pan.le before anything had been estab- lished. "ln any situation.• Its impor· tant for parents to have the stranger-danger talk with their lcids," Klein said. "They should know never to stop and talk to a stranger." Neighbor Marena Padden said she and other parents are "very concerned." "Our kids play outside all the time," she said. "This is scary for us .. •· Padden said she believes the police must have informed par- ents in the area. "Thls is a real threat," she said. "This could have been a failed attempt." PUBLIC SAFETY Rabbitt Insurance Agency AlTT'O •HOMEOWNERS • lif.ALTif Sllll11/11y Sin,, I YS - ~~ ~Sr)J 949-631-7740' 441 Old ~ BIW.. • Newport Bcadi (Near Hoag H~pital) POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • South Coast Drive: A felony hit·and-run was reported in the 1500 block at 2:05 p.m. Thursday. • Harbor Boulevard: A grand theft was reported in the 3000 block at 8:23 p.m. Thursday. •'N~Ristorante AU I HI NTIC lllZlml CUl!>IN E 'fuesdavs Pa~ta l\Ji!!hts I f~ If. ... At f'" ""' $1 :3.99 714 :r;:J·.>:i9..:;9_...:;_.. ___ ...:...;..:~ ? ,!I' v P• • ..,. pp • 9!!!f! Tu~y l~'l:lvtll So11d•x 561 CtN 11-R A V1', #37 H UNTINGTON 8£AcH CA 9U.7 ''" ,,,,.,, ,,, f/ld 11 .. ,,., 1 ,11, ,,., "'" ""'~ r .,., 1 MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES r,·;,,,, ,;,,. (;!/i <~(C'o11~/(>rt.' Father\ Day, June I ::; 1727 West<iff Drive, Ne leach· 949-642-FEET SPECIALIZING IN NEWPORT'S ARCHITECTURALLY DISTINCTIVE ESTATES & WATERFRONT HOMES KNOWLEDGE: 43 YEAA NEWPORT BeAC>i RESIOENT EXPERIENCE: 14YEARSUCENSED 1111 RE:Al ESTATE CEO GLOBAL~ DESIGN AfM MANAGING DIRECT~ CAPITAL SUISSE PROPERTY DIVISION PROFESSIONAL; CAlJFoANIA AssoclATl()ll OF A~TOAS ~ INSTITVTE OF AfomcTs NRCC · ~~():: THEYEAA 1111111119r You llJDrLlllL You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! STEPHEN A. SUTHERLAND CONSULTING REALTOR i> Prudential Califonlit Rethy R EP'1ESENTING OISCERN/N(, DUYERS & ~Ell ER' C.41t Now ron A 11o·Cn\1 MARKf r ('VAlUAJJON 9 4 9-2 78-3052 • Paularfno Avenue: A trespasser was reported in the 100 bled( 81 9:16 a.m. Thursday.· • Pomone Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 1600 bled( at 8:26 a.m. Thursday. • Walla~ Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1900 block at 10:41 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Cliff Drive: Battery was reported In the 2000 block at 9:01 a.m. Thursday. • Coast Hlghw.y •nd Ac:aa. Avenue: A hit·and·run was reported at 8:48 a.m. Thursday. • Dolphln Strtlwr Wsy: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 4200 block at 12:08 p.m . Thursday. • Encore Court An auto theft was reported in the 100 block 817:39 a.m. Thursday. • Hetlotrope Avenue: A loud party was reported in the 400 bled( et 12:03 a.m. Thursday. • Hoag Drtve: Petty theft was reported In the 100 bled( at 9:13 a.m. Thursday. • Mcfedden Ptece end w..t OcNn Front: Petty theft was reported at 8:37 a.m. Thursday. • Plecentla Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 1500 block at 12:01 p.m. Thursday. CHIEF Continued from Al Snowden said. "It's such an honor." Snowden will also celebrate the bittersweet occasion with colleagues, friends and commu· nity members during a party at the Costa Mesa Hilton on Satur· day night. That the chlef will be gone hasn't "quite sunk in,• Lt. Les Gogerty said. •Here's been here 16 years," he said. "He's done a Jot of great thin~ for the community and the department and he's touched a lot of people. And personally, he promoted me to sergeant and lieutenant. He pinned those badges on me." Gogerty said he is happy for Snowden, who "won't have to worry anymore about anything here.• "But until he walks out that door, it's not really going to hlt me," hesaJd Gogerty said he, Uke others in the department, is eager to meet the new chief John Hensley, who now heads the Cypress Police Department. Hensley Is set to take over Monday. "With any change, there's anxi- ety and excitement," Gogerty said. ~rm looking forward to meeting and working with the new ch.ief." • ~ IHARATii covers public eetety and courta. She may be reectted at (9491674-4226 or by Hn•ll•t dH(».bh11,.th ti t11tl,,,...com, . PLUG IN Plug Into the Pilot C lasslfled section to find seMces from tltctronlcs and plumbers, to llndsc.apm •nd painters. FAMILY Continued from Al upbringing of a chOd that moms can't do instead. So If men are lJTelevant, why celebrate them Sunday on Father'• Day? What's the big deal? OK. so dad bad to contribute to the process of ·making the baby-but that's it Moma can take It from there, can't they? Besides, looking at all of the Father's Day ads, you're likely to get the impression that dads are extremely superficial. The experts, killing trees with their junk mail, have determined what dad wants most is: a) New watch b) Some new clothes c) The latest electronic gizmo d) More channels on his cable1V Besides ~ing incredibly base, men, not women, as plenty of people have pointed out, are responsible for nearly all that has gone wrong around the world since humans first appeared. Our testosterone has been blamed for all the wars and most of the rest of our suffering. When I think of my own father, I recall a man who worked hard, but he smoked cigars and drank a lot. On weekends, he loved to watch baseball on 'IV J don't recall him ever hitting me, but I do recall him once chasing me around the house with his belt in his hand "The belt" was a focal point of a classic comedy routine by Bill Cosby. And if you haven't heard. "To Russell, My Brother. with Whom I Slept,· do yourself a favor and get a copy at once. The entire album is hilarious, but the last 20 minutes of the story of one night in his bedroom with his brother is history. It is very nearly an exact recount of any number of nights I had In a bedroom with my brother, Stuart. As Cosby notes. any kid knows that when mom asks you to do something such as go to sleep, you have another 5 or IO minutes to keep fooling around. But when dad says it. irs lights out. OK. so maybe dads are good to have around as an enforcer, EL TORO Continued from Al The Navy, via the Depan · ment of Defense. has hired real estate marketer Colliers Seeley to publiciu the sale and over· see the bidding. The company launched a Web site at www.herltagefields.com that contains information about the auction process. South County leaders dis- missed the possibility of an El Turo airpon that they helped defeat in 2002 when county· wide voters overwhelmingly approved Measure W. That inJ- tiative rewned the base to pave the way for a central county park that includes commercial elements. Members of the El Toro Re- use Planning Authority, a coali· tion of South County cities that opposed the airport. saJd the LA proposal has a slim chance. •There's no momenrum for this other than people on the sidelines who are trying to blow life into a dead fire." group spokeswoman Meg Waters said. Newport-Mesa's congres- sional delegation is divided on the issue. Rep. Dana Rohra· bacher still supports an airport for the base, while Rep. Ouis Cox supports the sale. In Newport Be4ch. a town traditiooally at the front of the line to support an El Thro air· port, oflicials haven't made up their minds about whet.her to su.pport the bid by Los Angeles. Mayor Steve Bromberg 18ld he bas not been contacted by L.A. leaders. "lt'a a very new issue that was just put in front of Loi Angeles and Orange County.• Bromberg said. "Whether this bu the makings to go forward. I don't know." Coundlman Gery Proc:tor took a leM opdmlatic view. Ke aaid the dedalon re.ta In the handa of Che~ "In tenna al the LA pro· poea11 I don't haw any prob· lemt with It.• Proctor Mid. "At this point in dine, lt'a not an It· tue for us. •.. I'm ope:radft8 un· der the view that when (the Navy ~I 'reed my ltpt,' they mmnlt. • MUI. aJNTON CIOWr't.,. enwtrw .............. . .,.,.... ... ,,_,_,...... .. c••••·~~· ~~ but that's probably it -unlesa you take the time to look up some or the data. The source is "One-Parent Familles and Their O\lldren: The School'a Most Significant Minority.• It's a study conducted by the Consortium for the Study of School Needs of Oilldren from One Parent Families. co·sponsored by the National Assn. of Blementary School Principals and the Institute for Development of Educational Activities. a division of the Oiarles E Kettering Foundation, in 1980. Although the data is 23 years old, it still applles. The data found that ~Oilldren with fathers at borne tend to do better in school, are less prone to depression and are more successful in relationships. Need more current information? In 1990, the U.S. Census revealed that, "Father absence contributes to crime and delinquency. Violent criminals are overwhelmingly males who grew up without father6. • See. that's the trouble with certifiable, documented studies and the hard data they produce. It gets really hard to we emotional arguments to support the case that a home is just as good or better without dad, provided, of course, that dad ls not abusive. So maybe there's something to this dad thing after all. Maybe what dads contribute to raising a child may look superficial on the surface, but is really built into the foundation of a family. It's just not easily visible until much later in a child's life. So. dads, despite the whims of a few famous but not important people. It looks like you'U have some job security for a wtule and that maybe you do deserve a special day. l'U certainJy be thinking about it while r smoke my cigar during the Angel game Sunday. Happy Father's Day. • STEVE SMrTH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. sa.-...... ,. ==~ GlllCMCoana ..... hlld...., .... VleW MemaNI IWlr. Mt. COoalZ dlW llwlwdayof~ beutr.JiuN. Sbt WU 85. She la aunMd ~ ==..S:eoa John; bat grandChfldieo: and three ~·~ Downie lllvidsOO Muir ID Prtvate letVtcel WOl be held for SS·r-r Newport Beach raident Dawn.le O.vidaon Muir m. Mr. Muir died Friday of pneumonla. He wu 83. He Is aurvhed by wile Joanna Mu.Ir. and tons James, Thomas and Downie IV. • The Delly Piiot · welcomn obkuarl• for resid4"rtt or former resident& of Cotta M..ai and~,, St•. If vou went to heYe an ob~ry printed In 1M Pilot. "6c your mottuary to faJc UI the lnfonMtlon et (948) M-4170 or c;ttl ttt. newwoom et (Mii 7M-432.4. PIERCE IROTHERS BEU BROADWAY Mortuary * Chapel Cremation 1 10 Broadway, Cos1a Mesa 842-0150 Walter Lowell (Bud) Van Ornum Born March 29,1 912, St. Paul, Mn. died June 10,2003 Life doesn't get much better than this. Bud came out west from Minnesota In 1933 with two buddies In a model A Ford, ...med a place in Manhattan Beach and called It "Sandy Shanty". They had a very •understand!~" landlord. He met his wtfe Jean Oetera In 1939, dated and fell in love. Bud enlisted In the kmY In January 1942 and followed General MacArthur around dunng WWII. Bud and Jean manied October 19, 1945, lived In Manhattan Beach, and bought the first of many "service stations". He w<>fked hard through the years. raised two kids wtth Jean, schooled htmMff In Real Estate and decided to retire In Newport Beach. Well... not really ... He bought a hamburger stand from a guy nam9d Skip on 15th Street and started cooking. That was In '68. It wu very successful ... probably due to the fact he gave all the "leftovers• to the surfers and wanderers at the end of the day. He told Skips In 1978 ( We think It may have Interfered wtth his gotf game.) He was a rare one, alright. He had a kind and generous heart and a wicked sense of humor right up to his paning. He had good worda for people. He loved his family, the beach and gotf . Bud was a member of the American Legion, Post "291 In Newport. WWII Veterans of the South Paclftc, Oula In Corona Del Mar. and other organizations. He wtfl be sorety mtsaed by famlty and friends... He la aurvived by his wtfe ancf bea1 Mend, JMn, daughter, R1a, son, John Walter, granddaughters, LaLena and ~ and great.~-Ava -Raye and Ctlden (Buddy) Lowell. A memorial ~ wtl be hekf In ecuty July ind his ashes w111 be acattered at sea. .. where he can keep an eye on us. The family &SQ that any donations be made to your favorite local chartty ••• or extend a helping hand to aomeone ••• say aome good words. Bud would like th8t. Ae was a good guy. • . ~ .~.-I\ ,~1·-,' .. :). ' ' ,.. " . . ._ ' I/ . L:. ~ Vlolet Gwynfth Swanson Violet Gwynfth Swanson was born March 11, 1918, In BrentfOfd, South Dakota. She passed away In her sleep June 5, 2003h In Newport Beach. She and er beloved husband, Leslle Mandus Swanson, were married In 1939. They have resided In Newport beach for 40 yeara. Dear mother to their two chlldr9n, daughter, Anita Swanson Roaao (Al~ of Danvttle, Callfomla. Md son, R. SwMtOn (~) of Costa Mesa. Grandchrtdren • Heather Orr Lindstrom (Scott): Brtt, Bred, Ryan (Martin-> Roa90 and Mindy Rouo Gaemt (NUMt); Dort• Swanson W19hmyer _{RandyJ; Rod Sw-.on (Andree) mid Twnmy Fonte- C.rnpbefl ~.'There.,.~ grellt gnindc:tti•1 • Bt1ana. Lauren and Annlke Undlbom, ~ Lella Md SUha Gwnl; S.Outlan Ros90; Jordan and RyfM Wtahmyer, Hudeon Swanson; NMe F~ ~. s.r.ntty and F.-. Cernpbel. The IU!Yfvtng four of VICMf'a eight ..,... .,.. ....,... Doretta Berto Scogglnt (Ken) and Lorelei a.tO Mlntder (DMol) llnd bn>theta werr.n anct o..,, a.no (s.ly) wt .,.. _... 1n Wuhlngton etate. V1o1et hu many mofW 1UrVMng ~ a.fore moving to Newport BMch, Violet llnd her hult>Md, l.Mlfe, were long time ,.._,ta of Glendlile, CtlltforM wt*9 Violet ..... member, In long ~. of o.kmont u.aue. She wa a volunteer at oe.ncw. MemoNI ~ _-did other cttMty WOfk. She WM• membw of the HW founcllllion, Today c9led the Guffd Of Haar Cent«. Prtor '° that ........ aottW In the PTA and WM a Gift Scout leader. During her tttettme the had enjoyed knttttng, MWtng, ~ ~. lnwtor deoorattng tW 1'orne 8nd ......... 'tg ... flimly ... of moat l"'POIUlioe to ... While Mna In CJW4af1 • end LMlla belonged to Oakmont C°"'*Y 'c.ub. Mir mowtng to ... wport hY becmM ~ _d ~ lwltt ~ Olae ..... ~.,.. _ ........ d .. ....._ .... "" huaband Md~ on.a.. ... Md.~ llOOd .. ... .. be~ mtll1d.,, .. ....., .• fl1lndi. "" .......... 1112~.hN11,aoGI. ....... Vllw ... .... ,. • .. ...... """~ °':::. ..... .. c .......... ... ... dlo:a19 .. .. ..... In \1aW'a ,.... -.... OaMli> ... -.,.. ..... ...... ·~II d'I Ill CAeiila • "'°' f .Jll IDtl. .. WHArs AFLOAT • Wl1ATS AR.OAT la published periodlcalty. If you are planning a nautlc81 event, submit the Information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Co11a Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or bye-mall to dallypllot@lstlmes.com. BOAT RENTALS With MMn. w.t.sporta et the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells In a Sea-doo Jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fulty equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary Ice and beverages are Included with all electric boat rentals. Balboe Boat Rent.ala can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt packages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673· 7200. Electric: boat rentaJs are available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645~12. Pedal bollb, el4tc:tric boats. boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours are offered by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola AdventurH/Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pickup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. trvm. Coat Chmera In Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance offws daity tours of Newport Harbor during lt1nch and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of Lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES Bectrtc Boat Tours offws two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($76 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pick-up from restaurants with docks is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291·1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landing Belle Is available for weddings and receptions, codctail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours, plus $160 for eech additional hour. (949) 361-3640. fvn lone I09t Co. NM a 4&minute cNlee (adults, $6; children, $1) and I SO-minute cruise (adult.a, $8; children, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. deity. A 80-rninute showboat It.Inset cruise (eduJts, $6; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. deity. Private bed: $1300 : Includes dresser, & mirror charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Catalina ,....,..,., hrvk:e NM 45-minute harbor cruises (adulta, $6; children, $1) and 00-minute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. daily a1'd on the hour until 1 p.m. (949) 673-5245. Cruise the harbor aboard the Electra. a 100-foot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A thr'ff-COUl'M dinner and dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. The fee is $59.95 per person on Fridays and $64 on Saturdays. Brunch cruises also are available. (949) 631-2469. The Catalina Flyer departs hom Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m. daily and returns from Catalina Island at 4:30 p.m. $36 round-trip for adults; $20 round-trip for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-5245. Hornblower offers weekend dinner dance and Sunday champagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and pampered service. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Suite 101, Newport Beach. (949) 631-2469. The Adventures et Sea V.ctit Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor frbm 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $20, includes cruise. parking, cookies and sodas. Reservations required. (949) 650-2412. ASHING Ashing classes leave Balboa Pavilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Get to the Newport Pier earty to watch the dory fishing fleet return with the fresh catch of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at McFadden Square, an open-air market. eff Ewing & Lyleen Ewing SPRING IS HERE: TIME TO SELL? Lil.e Sprmg flower~. u whole new crop of homebuycf'i emerge~ every year and a' a re•uh of record low intereM rare, th1i. pru.t year, even more interested buyer. arc in lhe mark.ctplocc. Loans are more affordable. cn::aung more rnve,tmcnt p<hi.ib1ht1c~ for -.ccond hnme~ buyer~ and trade-up or -.calc-dow11 buyer.., which m tum free' up more ,,tancr home' for fir,r tune buycn.. (icncrally, the advantage goe• IU the -.cllcr m thh yClir·, market with mnrc buyer, than thcrc a.re hou\e\ ava1lahlc tor ..ale Howcver. when murc home' hc<.;om" av:ulat>le. the compc1111on bet ween -.cller\ mcrea.-.c' and 1uvc\ huyer-. more 10 compare and choo.,._. Imm Buyer' may he le-.., intcre,tcd 111 compromi\lng their 'pec11ic nee<h for J hou•c and m.iy ral.e lunjj!cr tn look around at olher houo,e, lhar arc for "3k hdor" u1mm1111ng 10 c1 purcha;,c Mon: l·rnnpct1tmn 1sn '1 OC\C"anly a prc1hlcm providing th.: 11tJrl.e1 " moving al u livt'ly rare. A'!.. \our real e".m: J!_!Crll w pnJ\ hk )OU \\llh lhllO)l .ind 'ale' Julll Y uu can rind nur how m.in)' h1m1c' '111111..r IO your' have come on rhc 111Jrl..c1 anti hJvc 'old rccenll) B} ui.mg lhe-.c n:~our.c,, )'OU <.c111 -.ec how long hou-.c' h,1ve hcen '1111n1t on the rnarkcl hctorc '<'lhng and how muc;h lltc) .ire ..clling tor fhh .... 111 )!l\IC ) llU J )!CIOJ tdt!.i nf huw lun).' 11 "ill 1.11..c to ..._.II ) our own home and v. h.11 )1•11r a'!.. mg price \h11uld ti<- Lyleen Jnd Ji: ff have .~I COll\CCUllVI! )'CJr\ of real C)l31c ex~nc:nce in Newpon Beach. For professional servict or advice with all )our real estate needs call the Ewings at Coast Ntwport-Coldwell Banker at (9491 759-3796. The Ewing.s Ate Coast Newport Property's #1 Team Fo r 2001 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday e!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood• Cocktails •••Quality Service ... 00Nighdy Entcnaiommt ... • For Rrur1•t1titms C,,// (949) 646-7944 169Ci lnfoc the .• \,mu ,\te~.i I), .. ._,~ vt\"ii \tu• \.c fr..,•\.\()• R.u "f)rn '' ' \0 canon EOS i:LR1V7 Saturday. Mie 14, 2003 A5 . .. ~. &if hiat can on i 950 Piiati,,... SALE PRICED canon BINOCULARS 18x50IS/15x50 IS AUWEAntEA GARYS ~y ~OKKPI' SE M I-ANNUAL 30 % to 60 % Off! Shoes , Hand Bags & Accesso rie s Cole Haan • OonaJd J ptiner • Stuart Weitzman • Aquatalia Goffredo Fantini • Marc Jacobs • Materia Prima • CaMn Klein • Potlinl Espace by Robert Clergtlrie • Aeramooca • And Many More •... Sale Today ! Thru Sunday. June 22 •••.7•t.•7ao PAeHIOll leL&llD • 118WllOllT ••&OH TH• eHOlle AT Mleeto• VllMO • ........... . .. Al Sat\Kday, June 14, 2003 Oaity Pilot FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -l.u.ra: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costt Meta, CA 92627 •RH den Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 Eofmll:Send to d11ilypllot@l11timos.com • All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. READERS RESPOND How friendly are these· skies? AT ISSUE: The likelihood that plan s by Los Angeles to try to take over El Toro and run it as an airport will succeed. Thanks to the city of L.A. for having the vision lo make El Toro an inttmational airport! Without thr airport, Orange County will remain an economic backwater as far as international status is concerned. J he opposition to the airport is l'S'lentially led by the Irvine Co., which looks forward to building thousands uf h omes 011 the .,ite. The time has conie to prove thnt the Irvine Co. no longer co11trols Orange < ounty. ED HEPNER Coruna del Mar I el's put tire air p1111 where it alrl'ady i-.. t\ few building<>. and we aie up and 1 u1111ing. J11l111 W:i)'11e expansion in 2005 \\ill 1111ly ha1111 an already gro~\ing problem, jt'opardizing our '>dlllulc; i11 lht' event of a mishap. n lorn liad the airport and the community grew up uuund it. mainly a\oiding the traffic area wit Ir "lhools and communities. I efs be hea1d over the Irvine J nd J\.fisc;ifm Viejo communities amt put the airport where it belu11gc; and 'ilop <ipt•ndi11g unnecMc:nry fundc; for clean·up and planning which is far more expensive 111 the co1111nunity. I suppu1 t tire El for o Airport project I 00%. JOHN SAYLOR Newport Beach While the rn1111ty of Orange, including our own Supervisor James Silva, continues to tout the benefits of John Wayne Airport and increasing the number of nights and carriers at the airport, they have failed to pick up the latest statistic ranking John Wayne Airport at No. l . In the recent report by the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Runway Safety, it ranked the safety of airports. The administration assigns airport safety rankings based on the number of" incursions• compared to the number of overall flights. Yes, you guessed it, John Wayne is the least safe airport. The national average comes in around 0.6 to 0. 7 incursions per 100,000 operations. John Wayne was ranked "least safe.· John Wayne's rating was an astounding l.81 rating. beating out its nearest competitor, in St. Louis. John Wayne even beat out lAX and San Francisco. It makes no sense to increase the flights or the number of carriers servicing John Wayne until and such time as the safety of the airport is addressed. THOMAS C. EDWARDS Newport Beach I would like lo go on record in favor of the El Toro Airport. We need another airport, as John Wayne is already at its capacity. It makes sense to utilize El Toro as an airport. FRED W. ARNOLD Costa Mesa I am caJling to voice my opinion that we need an airport at El Toro. There are too many noise issues right here for us with the John Wayne Airport's proposed expansion. And I believe that El Toro would bring In more jobs, more revenue and be a much better situated ajrport for all the air traffic that will be coming in and out of Orange County in the very not too near future. ANDREA FINE Newport Beach I have to say without El Toro in the mix of Orange County's future, we are going to wind up 30 million passengers roughly short in a not·too-distant future. El Toro is essential to Orange County's economic growth and transportatron needs. VIRGIL GALEY Newport Beach I was never able to determine if Orange County really needed another airporJ, but I seem to recalJ that if it does, El Toro had a reasonable buffer zone, whiJe John Wayne doesn't, and a lot o f homes and businesses wouJd have to be destroyed to expand John Wayne. An airport might flt better at El Toro. but that Is If we truJy need one. So if we do, then I hope that there is still a chance for an airport at El Toro. ROBINLEmER Costa Mesa In Honor of Sean Fenton New Football Scoreboard at CDM WE ARE WELCOMING ANY DONATIONS TO ASSIST WITH THE COST OF TH E NEW SCOREBOARD. DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND ALL DONORS WIL L BE HONORED IN THE 2003 FOOTBALL PROGRAM. ANY DONATIONS OVER $500 WILL HAVE THE NAMES OF THE DONORS INSCRIBED ON THE BACK OF THE SCOREBOARD. PLEASE MAKE DONATIONS PAYABLE TO COM FOOTBALL AND MAIL TO: BRENT OGDEN, JR. 1909 YACHT ENCHANTRESS NEWPORT BEACH, CA l2llO THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! Yes, I think there still is a chance for a commercial airport at El Toro. I just· don't understand why the south Orange County residems think it's OK for commercial aircraft to Oy over people's homes in Los Angeles and Newport Beach, but 001 their own. The vast majority of south Orange County residents knew !here were rnilllary jels landing and taking off at El Toro. When my husband's grandparents built our home in Newport Beach back in 1964, John Wayne/Orange County airport was a small, recreationaJ airfield. As south Orange County continues to grow, LAX and John Wayne will be expected to increase flights. while an expansive airfield in south Orange County that has been there since World War II is going to become housing and a park. Orange County officials seem to have put blinders on. 1 hey aren't looking out ror the . well-bemg of Orange County and Sou thern California as a whole. I really hope the federal government intervenes and El Toro becomes the commercial airport. Orange County is growing, not shrinking. but has anyone in south Orange County noticed? TERESA MINKE Newport Beach We have seen all the dirty politics played by our politicians who promised a great park, but are trying to sell most of the land to land developers. The cost to cleanse the land at El Toro of dangerous pollution would cost billion of dollars and It Is not practical. A greal park would benefil the residents of Irvine mostly while a great airport would benefit all of Southern CaJifornia. I think LA. Mayor James Hahn realizes this, and we should too. KINGSTON WITCHEZ Newport Beach Yes. we definitely need a bigger a irport. With the size and importance of Orange County, we can't get by with that tiny, one-lane John Wayne. We must get a new one. ANNE HAYDEN Newport Beach I think there should be an airport at El Toro, I hope there's a chance. l think it's unfair that South County that generates all the airport use expects every other community to absorb their net'd. MARGARET RYCKOFF Corona del Mar I am laJling to support Mayor I lahn in the LI loro airport battle. I agree wrth Mr. Hahn VIRGINIA BRALEY Newport Beach I think we need the airport, definitely. Put me down as a yec;. DOROTHY M. JOYCE Newport Beach Unfortunately, I don't think there is a chance. and they frightened everybody to death when they put it to the vote, used scare tactics to get people to vote their way, and unfortuna1ely, this ls the result. BOB HOFFMAN Newport Beach I am for the El Toro air base to be built and I don't see why anybody Is against it, because we certainly need another airport to bring aJI kinds of jobs and everything in this area. To build up the economy, we need more aiq>ort facilities, and John Wayne can't handle it all. ANTHONY SANSONE Newport Beach I would certainly be I 00% for it and would vote for it. GLORIA STANTON Corona de! Mar I think it's great that the LA. mayor wants to readdress the Fl loro Marine Air Base for an airport. I think there should be an airport there. I think that it makes a lot of sense and I think South County residents should puJI their own weight In airport needs. They continu e to dole, yet they don't want to have any of the sacrifices and they think tha1 it's fair that Newport Beach i'> the only ciry in the county that ha., a detrimental effect of the airport. You know what, I live under the night path, it's not that bad. And I think everyone should have some participation, or else they should use L.A. aad San Diego and not use John Wayne. SUSAN CALL Newport Beach Factory Direct Showrooms Reupholstery & Slip Covers for Existing Sofas Lowest Prices in Town THOUSANDS OF FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME CRAZY PRICES Dally Piiot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUNO TOWN item a to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latlmn.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, aa well aa a contact phone number. A complete Hating la available at www.dallypltot.com. TODAY The Callfomla Science Acedemy, the first Islamic high school in Orange County, la having an annual fundraising dinner with guest speakers, a reception and a silent auction at 6:30 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel. 4545 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. $40. To register and for more information. call (714) 531-2011. Full Spectrum Yoga has partnered with New Directions for Women to host *Celebrating Wholeness.· a yoga and healing arts festival benefiting women and children served by the nonprofit New Directions for Women. Admission is free, and donations are accepted. The full-day event will be at Full Spectrum Yoga in Newport Beach. For more information. call (949) 955-1965. Crystal Cove State Park will offer a badecountry hike at 9 a.m .. a historic district walk at 10 a.m. and a sunset/moonlight walk at 7:30 p.m .. which requires reservations. For reservations or more information, call (949) 497-7641 Mother's Market will hold a "Spnng Cleaning· clearance sale from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Taste demos will be offered from 11 a.m to 3 p.m . The store 1s at 225 E 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For more information. call (9491631-4741 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beacn · senes offers *Anastasia· starting at dusk on the Newport sand Parking costs $8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort 1s at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. SUNDAY Triangle Square w ill host a farmers' market featuring live entertainment and several booths boasting great deals in addition to storefront specials. The market will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m . For more information, call (949) 722·1600. ex1 25 TUESDAY "Feng Shul for a HNling Home• 1s a free seminar held from 6:30 to 7 30 p m. at Mother's Market, 225 E 17th St • Costa Mesa To make reservauons, call (800) 595-6667 The Newport Beach ChamtMr of Commerce hosts 1U1 Newpon Business Referral Breakfast for June at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd . at 7:30 a.m Attendees will learn about a marketing program in which guests of the Marriott's Newport Coast Villas are referred to local businesses. The cost 1s $17 for members with a reservation. and $22 at the door. For more information, call (949) 729-4411. WEDNESDAY Phil Brigand!, On1nge County arcnivist, Wiii dilCllSS what is in the arcnives as they relate to Costa Mesa's history at 7 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Historical Society. 1870 Anaheim Ave .. Costa Mesa For more information. call (9491 631·5918 ore-mall cmh1story a lan~t com. The N.wport Mesa Irvine rOtJnd table dilCllssion at Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church on human relations featuring an introduction by Rusty Kennedy of the Orange County Human Relation• Council. "With the County of Orange Budget Cute, Where la the Human RelatioN Council Now?" it aw. The J)fogram goes from 12:30 to 1 :30 p.m. and com $7.60 per person, Including luncti, or $10 without a reservation. The reception ia at 11:45 a.m .. and the lunctieon at noon. For reservations, call (949) 660-8665, ext. 3, by 5 p.m. June 11 The N.wport Harbor Nautical Museum, w orldng In conjunction with the Newport Library, will present a series of story time events on the Texas Dede at the museum for children between 3 and 6 from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. There will also be a crafts project for chlldren and parents. Admission is free and space 1s limited. For information or reservations, call (9491673-7863. The O.ait Senior eem.r wlU host a twilight dinner and show wi1h a performance from "Sunshine Boys; featuring the ex-vaudeville team of Joe Schulein and Sam Youndhans. Tideets are available for S7 at the center, 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For information, call (949) 644-3244. THURSDAY The National Multiple Sclerotla Society will present an Internet educational program called "El Cuidado Clinico de la Escleros1s Multiple,w a Spanish-speaking broadcast on clinical care of multiple sclerosis, at 5:30 p.m. To connect, go to www.nationalmssociety.org, select "Living with MSH and then select "Webcasts and Conferences:' The N.wport Beach Chamber of Commerce will announce Scott Paulsen for the 2003 Citizen of the Year Award for the city of Newport Beach. Paulsen will be honored at the cnamber's annual cnairman's reception and citizen of the year presentation. This year's event takes place at 5 p.m. at the Balboa Bay Club and Resort. 1221 W. Coast Highway. The cost is $30 per person, which covers hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400. FRIDAY Newport Dunes Resort's *Movies on the BeacnH series offers "Parent Trap• starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Par1<ing costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-DUNE. JUNE 21 Become a memt>.r of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminally ill people and their families at a volunteer onentat1on. The team 1s seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmedical needs, such as providing respi1e for the primary caregiver, reading to patients, paying weekly social visits and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for more information. *Divorce: A New Beginning; a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. For more information, call 644-&435. The Newport Ha~ L8wn Bowling Club will host Visitors Day on the comer of San Joaquin and Crown Drive in Corona del Mar. featuring free lessons and snadts from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call (9491 64().$4~. A Composition In Or.wing Workshop will be held from 1 to 5 p.m . at Coastline Community College, 1631 Sunflower Blvd., Come ~ the new EverWoocr CountryS de blinds from Humer Oougtas Overlapping slats create a beautl(ul board-on-board design. And the 'step•up· look adds dept". dlmenston •1•m11ea end chatacter to any room. And EverVb>d countrySkte will noc warp, crack., peel ot fade. Even In humJd areas or dlrea mWtt Come see these beaudtul blinds today. , .....•..•......• WlttH frf•I •-• tff °" B16, South Coast Village Plaza. The workshop emphasize• composition covering all the baak:t o1 drawing. Registration ia $45, due by June 18. For more information, call (949) 640-1721 Newport Dun.a RMOrt'a "Movies on the Beach" series offers "Heroolea• starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking coat• $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. JUNE 23 Chlldren 5 and older are Invited to register for a variety of summer aquatic camps offered by Newport Beach Recreation Services. The camps run through August. with numerous morning and aftemoon options available, from "Sailing and Tennis CampH to ·surf Camp.· Call (949) 644-3151 for more information, or register online at www.c1ty.newport-beach.ca us. Reedert of all ages wlll be able to sign up for Newport Beach Public Library reading programs designed to encourage an interest See TOWN, Paee A8 Saturday. June 14. 2003 A7 ~ P"E~T.:C-VAL~ -er A Unique Shopping Adventure. .. ) OC F AIR&EXPO :. COST A MESA BB Fa.tr Dr. Bldg. -IO JUNE 12-14 l' .vv~~ l9t IV~ IW ~ !lflVI! ~y ~ID Cnflft V11 )t-~ ht I frai -.... -... .. ' Q ~ f"'• • -• -• --... ---• -"",; ~ ~ -• ~ ....................... ~ ............................... Baby Backs----................... ~~ .............. and Lots of Other Good Stull "Give Dad (and your Grad) the Perf eet BBQ!" ---~~--~ _.._..;:,._~~~~~~~-- 1 'm ooeking him • U-Que Pak - Buck.et of Ribs ~2896 lntr.,fueint "U"-Que Paks •c..11 OUI fNd 111 YOt..'l ¢0-. and JH 'rt tllt Hr,.•• f.arj\t -Out"""'""•~ ·-C Ji.JI~, ......... n-1 3rt•"' 'w'Y•"rt"' ~~lD.-rrr.~ :h.,_.,... rs • ..... r-.-1..._,. ~,,11 ttnr!d •..fY'\hrt"..-. ~ ~,. ,, Pie: ~~h>jj(h.JN \~tf '-tl' V JioC...,-1-• .t. l•u,.. l\h ..,. .. , u PortLu-h-'-./. 1:JI '"... ~ ........ Meat Cboka. 'i,' >bJl•.ilv1 ~ Cll '20~111-,., r u ~ h•'" lui. '4-. ~ I'd Rb. ~ l"' ~ ... 1l h 1 ~ Sida: !1'Ql:Y.n..~ ·...nr~lf•.r.\' .... f~~~~~Clllll Al $atutday, JIN 14, 2003 llerrlll Lynch, ••lomon amlth ••mey, Mo'9• at8nley •nd other ltroken19• tlnna •9reed to •1.4 allllon .. ttl•m•nt. aovem111ent •ttomey have called their conduct, -the l•111••t fnlud ever perpetu•ted on the lnveatlng publlc." 8-If you have /oat money or had your ,.,,,.ment aav/ngs dev••t•ted due to •toclcbrokfH'S lnveat1n11 your herd ••med saving• Into m lcy or unaultabl• lnv .. tments, you m•y be •bl• to recover r •tock m•rk•t 1oa ... I can't believe ..... . It's M)7 Honte Landscaping or re-landscaping is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. FLOWERDALE can make your landscape dreams come true, and increase your home's value, too! Come in today and discover the people who can mah a difference to you and your garden. ®~~ COMPLETE LANDSCAPING 46 YFARS EXP. KAY MATsON, AA C.C.N.P. Land.scape Designer License No. 308553 SANTA ANA • 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 COSTA MESA • 2700 Brmol Ave (714) 754-6661 TERRY MElKI.E C.C.N.P. Land.scape Designer H.J. Garrett Furniture Fine Furniture Since 1960 flOW availablt Full Design Consulting Service 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Quality Service Value Open Mon. thru Sat. 10 10 6, Sun. 12 10 5 ;. .. ~~~MIKE'$ ~~e°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring ~arpet fv..o •2u Featuring A LL OC No Glue Installation Wood Flooring Refinishing & N e w sq ft Installed Berber Carpet f\l--otJ'. s 1 69 Insta lled Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic fV..otJ. $1 50 • Vlnyl Flooring ft otJ.$1 ff f~ aq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s1Jte4a- DESIGN CENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!" fURNITURE REUPHOLSTEIJ • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture · Draperies. Shades, & BedSpreads I I '' 'r 1: • ...... ,,' I'' •. , 'I Ir l' • • • ' l • • , , ' I "i' { 1 )_ :'(J() d-t_ (.-t TOWN Continued from A7 In boob over the lazy daya of summer. For toddlers through lbcth-grlders, •tr1 a Jungle Out There• will Include a read·to-me club for mlldren not yet reeding on their own and a readers dub for Independent readers. Special program• and prize drawing• will add to the fun. Vl1lt any Newport Bnm Public Library to 1lgn up or call (949) 717-3816. The Com M ... Seniors Center will hold a flea market from 8 a.m- to 1 p.m. at the center'• partclng lot, 695 W. 19th St. Spaces cost $10 for members, $20 for nonmembers. Reservations Are required. For more Information, call (949 645-2356. Mature drtvera e11n sharpen their skills in an eight-hour AARP driver safety class held during two sessions from 12:30 to 4:30 p_m. June 23 and 24 at Presbyterian Chu rm of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students ind cost $10-Advanced registration requited. For more Information, call (714) 557-3340. Join th• N9wport e .. ch Chamber of Commerce in welcoming Ryan Hoag. NFL draft pidc number 262. Though he was the last pide in the NFL. he'll be treated as No. 1 at the infamous Mr. Irrelevant Anival Party. The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the party to kldcoff the 28th annual Irrelevant Week at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. 1131 Bade Bay Drive, at 5:30 p.m. The cost is $10, including live entertainment. a no-host bar and culinary treats. For more information, call (949) 729-4412. JUNE 24 A free seminar on .u.ntion deficit disorder will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. JUNE 25 "Wellness ind Healing• Is a frH seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p_m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. A Mries of drawing and painting workshops featuring landscapes and seascapes at Newport Beam locations will begin today and continue tor six weeks from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p_m _ The first session will meet at Mariner's Park, adjacent to Mariner's Library. 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. Individual instruction by artist Mimi Sharon will be offered to beginning and advanced students. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. JUNE 26 "Ave Keys to Vibnlnt Living" is a free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St .• Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. JUNE27 Newport Dun .. R•sort'1 "Movies on the Beam# series offers •Legally Blonde" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Par1clng costs S8 per ca r. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort Is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. JUNE 28 Clauic boats~ from th9 dock of Newport Harbor Museum whlle ewna take place In and around the mueeum from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Heritage Regetta and S..port FeetlvaL Cl"8ic woodi.t, surfing e>ehtblta, boet bulldlng, model bulldlng, food and muaic wtll be on hand at no cost to attend .... The Seaport Fettlval will take place all day at the mu19\lm and will Include a luau dinner and awardt ahow. For more Information, call (949) 673-7883. Newport Dunee A..ort'a "Movlee on the Beam" series offer• "Beauty and the Beast" starting at dusk on the Newport aand. Parking costs $8 per car. C:.mpflrea will also be avallable for 1'morea. The resort Is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (9491 729-DUNE. JULY4 The Amerkan Legion Yltcht Club will host the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of dedced out yam ta parading along the waters of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categories eligible for awards. For more information, call (949) 673-3546. JULY5 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beam# series offers "Robin Hood" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort Is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. ONGOING Volunt.., drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals; sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. N9wport Dunes A.sort's #Movies on the Beach# will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large SCFeen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parking is $8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. A v.riety of priVllta, semi-privet. and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs. call (949) 644-3151 , or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, teen• and 1dulb can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151 , orvlsltthe Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. Pn>f9ulon1I and fic:enMd 80CCer trainers with the All-England Soocer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. Daily Pilot ~'9n"9y ...... eponeorlng •teen aupport group for high IChool ltUdentl that rneet9 Mondev9 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. 1t Tatbut V'Torah Upper SdM>ol In Cost• M .... For Information or to register, call (714) 446-4960. Pre-registration 11 required. The Ant ...... -RM ChNdren'1 Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 In Costa MNa, offera free 11ory time Mondaya, Wednnday, Friday• and Saturday• from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tueadaya and Thursday• from 4 to 6 p.m. For more Information, call (949) 645-6437. "Abttnct WOfb on Cenvu and Pape(," an exhibit of an by Janet Rosener, will be on dleplay et the Newport Beach Central Library through June 30-The exhibit will feature selections from RoMner's "Washed Away" 181'1et, created by dripping, eplatterlng or pouring ad<frtional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it eway to suggest the passage of time. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. Aw1rd-wlnnlng wortc1 by Orange County artists working in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27. for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artl1ts Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. B1y1lde Re1taurent In N•wport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721 -1222. If your orchid Is too big for its pot. Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orm1d-pott1ng seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m_ at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the 1Kf'et1 of C•rbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking 1s $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts "Walk and Talk# at 10 a.m the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It 1s free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information. call (949) 275-3888. N•wport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens are Invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport BHch W1lklng Club meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY The effect of fathers on all of us ' 'J wt'" an etUthJy fallwr bWWI wMl" bat Jbr"" dtJldmU ~ • ., doa God ttlU '""' t:Oitlldmuion lhl partfcuJtir n.as of hu h"'"°" frunlly, and mtt0 thmi out of his wont#rftd ltorTlk>ua." -J.K. MACLEAN There wmi allo many times when either one phoned and asked specU!caIJy for Jon. Once tcelly called and said, "Mom. please have dad call as soon as he can. l want to talk to him about a paper I'm writing. He'll know just how to help me think it through." bullMll trip to Che Mktwest. He re-routed Im RMWD 8lgtll to be could pet. JCely wt'9ft ebe landed In Sin frand8co. Unlortunately, clever plans often go awry. Mer an hour of tean:b1ng the alrpon, Jon called me and learned that Kelly's ft.lgbt wu stuck ln Panama. He'd been so excited about seeing her and .knew what It would haw doQ.e for her to get his hup and ld88el. I know many amaztng fathers, including my own. I've written about b1m before, and I 'O write about b1m ln the future. He never ceases to amaze me with hJs unconditional love, prayer power, genero1lty, trength and wisdom ln every way. His faith ts deep and dearly a part of his everyday life, as is his great sense or humor and never ending penonality. It's always a treat to be with him. Another awesome Catber is my husband, Jon. Jon continues ro be an inaecUble father to our daughters K.efJy and Amy. He talked to each of them regularly as they grew ln my bulging belly. He smiled and cried tears of joy when each was bom. Jon was involved in Sunday school. school, sports and countless other activities with our girls. CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON Jon later called and took as long as Kelly needed to discuss the paper in progreu. Amy dJd the same thing. and it d.Jdn~ bun my reeUn~ because there are times and topics that need their dad's perspective. Jon has gone to great lengths tu snow his love to our daughtem. God has gone to the ultimate length to prove his love for all or us. . Whether you bad a good relationship with your father, you can always have a wonderful relationship with your Heavenly Fathtt. God knows your past. present and future and he knows your needs. He offers foqpven~ unconditional love. hope, second chancerJ and much. much more. He has other gifts for you In hls storehouse that are yours for the asklng. It is, however, up to you to ask. Communicating with them ls certainly easier now with cell phones and e-mails, but there were times when they went to faraway places where they couldn~ communicate with us at all. And you can quote me on that. We were especially comfoned to hear from our girls whenever they traveled. During their college ~ars there were many times when KeUy or Amy called home to ouch us both al the same time. When Kelly was a college freshman, she took a spring break. uip with her church to assiM a small church in the Ecuadorean Andes. We went JO days without hearing from her, whlch was 1us1 about our limiL On the same day Kelly W-dS scheduled to return tu San Francisco, Jon was on a • a NDV TRANE CHRISTESON is a NewPort Beactt resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be readied via e-mail at cindy@onthegrow.com or througll the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newp<>rt Beadl, CA 92658. FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS host a Tree of Life Award dmner for adults whose ct11tdren or at the center The formal includes in honor of state Sen Joseph spouses suffer from alcohol and two penods of meditation wllh AN EVENING OF MUSIC Dunn. who represents the 34th drug addiction The group wilt some instruction on how to AND SONG District in Orange County on meet from 7 to 8.30 p m med11ate, a talk and a discussion There will be an ·evening of June 22 Dinner wilt be preceded TuPsdays at 250 E Baker St , (949) 219· 1408. Music and Song· at S1 Michael & by a codcta1I reception. T1dcets Su11e G 1n Costa Mesa All Angels Episcopal Church a1 8 cost $250 to $500. For Information 17141445-4950 WEEKLY EVENTS pm June 21. featuring Ride information, call (7141 957-4540 Pre reg1s1ra11on 1s required Sherman of the Village Inn. PREVENTATIVE HEALTH BAHAI FIRESIDES SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN Balboa Island, and the Doo Wop The Jewish Family Service offers Quintet Dreem and dancmg to the SCREENINGS Members of the Baha1 fa11h hold a support group for women older •Qld1es but Goodies.· Hors St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal informal public discussions on than 50 lo address issues such as d'oeuvres and refreshments will Church and Cathedral Health spmlual 1op1cs a1 7·30 p m every anxiety at 10 a.m on the second be served. Child care will be Services will offer preven11ve Friday and al 11 30 the last and fourth Monday or each available. The suggested health screenings in the church's Sunday of the month. The talks donation 1s $15 per person, $10 pansh hall at 3233 Pacific View include brunch or dinner. Also, month at 250 E Baker St .. Costa for seniors and children. St Drive, Corona del Mar, beginning interfaith devotional meetings Mesa. Preregistration required Michael & All Angels Episcopal at 9 a.m. Thursday. CHS will offer will be held the last Saturday (714) 445-4950. Church is al the comer of Pacific eight tests: heart screening, stroke evening of the month. Call for NEW GROUPS View Drive and Marguerite screening, abdominal aortic locations (949) 759-0999 for Avenue in Corona del Mar. For aneurysm, pulmonary function Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Jewish Family Service of Orange more information, Call (949) ankle brachia! index, glaucoma Sunday meeting, and (949) County has formed a 644-0463. screening, diabetes and 646·6328 for Saturday devotional bereavement support group thal cholesterol. and blood pressure meets at 10 a m Tuesdays and a HOMEBUILDERS FAMILY and pulse. Costs for a single ZEN 101 Challenge of Change support FELLOWSHIP screening test begin at $30, the The Zen Center of Orange County group that meets at 10 a.m St. Andrew's Presbytenan Churcti entire set of screening tests. offers an Introduction to Zen Thursdays. Both groups meet at in Newport Beac:tl and 1ts including oonsult.ation wrth Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the Temple Judea m Laguna Hills. Homebuilders Family N!llowsh1p immediate written results. costs first Sunday of every month at 24512 Moulton Par1cway. The $150. For more information or for service is also forming a will host a fiv&-week senes to an appointment, call (800) 120 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. $50. strengthen mamages. It Wiii be (949) 722-7818. parenting support group to meet presented by psychologist John nQ-0240. St Mictlael & All Angels the first and third Mondays of Fry The senes will be held 1n Episcopal Churcti 1s at the oomer of A SPIRJTUAL JOURNEY each month at 10 a m. al the Pacific Vievv Dnve and Marguente A 26-lesson study on the hfe of Jewish Federation Campus. 250 Dterenfield Hall A at 10 15 a m Avenue in Corona del Mar each Sunday 1n June. Fry's Jesus Christ 111led •Journey 10 E. Baker St .• Suite G, Costa M esa presentation 1s based in part on lhe 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' the Cross· 1s taught at 9:45 am. Preregistration required (714) researcti of John Gattman, who ·christ1an Meditation 101 -Sundays dunng the 445-4950. has followed more than 2,000 Learning to Find God in a Busy Homebu1lder's Bible Class at couples for close to 25 years m his Liberty Bapt1s1 Church. The study GAY jlESBIAN researcti on mamage. The series 1s Wor1d • will be offered at 7 p.m parallels the four Gospels to SUPPORT GROUP tor couples of all ages and at all Wednesday at St. Michael & All present the story of Christ. The The Jewish Family Service of Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 stages of marriage. For more Pacific View Drive. Information church is at 1000 Bison Ave .. Orange County plans to present information and reservations. (949) 644-0463. Newport Beach. Free. (949) a discussion group for parents of oontact Patti in the Families and 760-5444. Jewish gays and lesbians 1f Singles office at (949) 574-2222. WORKSHOPS DREAM ON enough people are interested. (714) 445-4950. SPtRfTUAL PARENTING The Adult Faith Formation at Our The Rev. Gail M. Albert from the PARENTING GROUP Lady Queen of Angels Church in MYSTICAL AND SPIRITUAL Child-Centered Church will presenl Jewish Family Service of Orange Newport Beach holds a dream The Mystical Spirirualist Church a fi~ senes on •How Can County is forming a parenting analysis group from l to 4 p.m. of South Orange County holds We as Parents Form Deeper and group to help parents to Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. Sunday services every week at More Meaningful Spiritual Bonds understand and deal with the Newport Bead\. (949) 219-1408. 10 a.m . at 2482 Newport Blvd .. with Our Children r The feelings and behavior of their Costa Mesa. Suite 3. A spiritual discussion group Wiii meet from 7 children. The group will meet MEDITATION LESSONS healing service starts at 9:30 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays. June 30 to from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and A free ·1ectio divlna• meditation a.m . (949) 581·2290. July 28, at the Bonita Creek Park third Mondays of the month at group meeting 1s held at 7:10 a.m. Community Building, University the center, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of RE-ME.MBERING GROUP and LaVlda streets. in Newport G in Costa Mesa. Information-Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Our Lady Queen of Angels holds Beac:tl. A love offering is requested. (714) 445-4950 Pre-reg1strat1on 1s Newport Beach. Lectlo is a style a re-membering group al 6: 15 No baby-sitting provided. Call (949) required. of meditation that includes using p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 640-7343 for more information and THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO Scripture or a special reading as a Mar Vista Drive. Newport Beach. registration. stimulus. The Christian The parish center is at 2046 Mar RECOVERY Meditation Group meets from TREE Of UFE AWARD DINNER Jewish Family Service is offering 7:30 to 9 p.m . on ttie first and The Jewish National Fund will a support and discussion group third Wednesdays of ea<:ti month See FAITH, Paa• AlO Saturday June 14, 2003 At 314• COLOE"'l MAPLE OE"""-SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSff CARPET s4~~ft.. • hu~ with Pld $ J 69 • 'tinimum 60 yards •Q. ft. 'lraverl.lne 18 .. • 18 ....................... '4 .29 .. " CeramJc Tiie .................. 1 ..... 11 .... ,...,. 14.99 ... " LaniJnate Wood ............. U..talle4 r .... 1 4 .99 ... " Supplltta and Too/3 ror thr -1>0 It >ourY1dr..rr. '" All prlc.•lproduct.s For u limited tl1tttt, baattd on 111•utlubll1t11. 1374 Loian Ave., Su ite F • COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 16ln1 MO!'i..f'IU. 18 .ul It 5 ,.,. • "'lllP -....... SAT. 10 .ul I• 2 PM (CLOSED SUNDAY) _.. ._ .... - Take advantage of the lowest interest rates in years! Call coday for de rail ~! Ampac Lt:nding Inc. (n4) 847-3360 En29 a5k for Mike Fox 30 year conforming Home Loan 4.750% APR 5.156% 30 year Jumbo Home Loan 5.125% APR 5.203% Rares ellecl•ve & t 3 03 .:ind ;irt ~Oft • t • 1•1<.;• Mttiouf noto<.f" Loari •eQu...,t ;irp '> 1t11L""' tr, unoerwr·t~, s :.tPP't)Y.::ll UCPn!.ed c , 'ht A ...,,~ • of Rea Eslatl' Rt>.;I E~late Broi..,1 • 88 • \'. h.a1 11 n•u ,uJdcnh ncn kd .... 11111 f..11111 of l"n~ 1rrm .Ir• lt11v. v.111ild \PH p.1\ 1111 11 ' \\ h.a1 ~111d ••I ·•p111•n' '"'uld \1111 haH ' \her .i,.:r fl'> ~ltm"l 1uut 11f .i nu' O(•t·J Jn,v.n -. i.11hv-. qut-.11110' v.h1lh l' 'A h\'"" nrnl lunit·lrnn <.111 ln,ur.ari.r frum \tJ.lt I Jrm •'II ,,in hdpp1111r1 1 \11111 l1lc "'\llll('lr1•111 lht ui-.1\ ,,f n rrnJrd cMt II• 11 .. rn mm< .. h .. u1 11 t.11~ 1 • HH.H OC'll(hh11rh1111d """'"'I .inn \r t \\ 1 I\ I \\I ti"' )1 II I I\ I Sttvro Hill. ~1u11 I ti ••'\ l't1~IM '''', ,..,, I ,.,. "" • '"''''' ~,,,. ' ._, .. "' ""' ti ' I\ LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, """ .... STATE FARM IS THERE. A ..... _\ ·~-,_-,...._,"'"'-"--~-c.,.. .. ..._...,...,,._, ............. ,,. ... .....,. .... ,..~.k ll#: .. ,.,,,....,,, •• _,.,....,... .. .....,""' I NII• ,,.iv ,,,_,.,. ..... ...., ... w , .. .,. .. ,,.., ''--.......... ""--............ ill ...,, ,.. ._.,... ... \II ... ~~'""'"'. ~ """ ..... ~.-.1 .... .,,,..,.. '"'"'J'~ ( ("' Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? • 011er 80 Piu'' of£,,.,;,,,.,., • p,.;,,.,, Piu11n S11ulio • SPINN/ft{G Tlu.tur • ChilJ C.tr, 8,,,,,. ,,o .. M • • c .. ,,,,.;,,., p,,,..,,,, . Y.,.. r.; Chi, Stnuh ~,,,,,,, • St'f, P•wr P11m1. C•rtli• • Sh•1111r1, Su•• 0-TotHu • D•1 S111 • A~•11111<1•rr/M11.J1•1• Did your srockbroker recommend 'itocks b~ed upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' recommcndattons? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on basdt'.' ., criteria, and fail to disc.lose a conflict of inreresr for the anaJyst and the firm? Did you sufttr losse~ bclSCd upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a c01Se for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker m:ommcnd unsuiablc, high risk stoeks? Did your broker ove.r.concmtratc your portfolio in technology nodes? Your loucs arc often recoverable and you may be cnrided co punitive d2.1na&cs . We spccialiu in n:prcscnting individual investors. Please c.all us for a I-REE consul ration. ·No R.emftiY -No Fee ' • A10 Saturdly, June 1'. 2003 ··· ENTERTAINING You're Invited! SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 1A c-.Jty Wad" It fnilt -' Wrilf Mn Grist llf in-' sm."' The RAIY Pr~ Sunyon Rector 3209 V10 Lido =5-som 7 30 om Troditionol 9 om Conlemporor; 9om Church Schocil 1 lom Oiorismotic and Wednesday Noon I' I< I '>In I I I< I \ '\ ST. MARK PR~BYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 DAN SK. Make it easy. A f.nnxrrgunrm of rh< Anr;lu.in lomm11mon 8'!/W/Sf; OL'R MITH LDl?NG < HRJ\f AND ~FRI/\'(, OUR CW.fMl 'Nlrt' I hr R,._ d l' .. rtr I ), I l1vno, Rr.tor \l':-.l l.\Y\<'I H-lll'l I 8 •m · Huh r.11.h~mr 'J •m ~11ndJ\ \chool/AJulc B1hk ,,uJy Ill •m Chor.I Lulh.m•r 1•;1 R\l 111 r.ARf 41 ill.All/ f \II l!Hli'1lll!\\((1\f\ll \Ii " R111rttetl111 Beath 12S9 Vietori• Street Costa Meu , CA 92627 Sunday evening service at 7:00 PM Rei. Barlt1r1 H1y11tt Teleph1111 (714) S39-n27 E•ail RBMCC@ui1t11il.Ht 'wflt'\ •In rht Thl\'f l11IJ <.c-.rrt ot rht llnl) Sp1n1 ~ ·THE CONTINUING FULi.NF.SS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" '1A.N~W'S Uohn I S:l·l I) """""""' ,;;;-;;-, ~turday. jlllK 14, 200J. S:JO P.M. Svnday,jliM IS, 200), l:J() 8c 11>:1 ~ A.M. W~ay Nigh1 8tblt SclMlt 7:00 P.M. IKnKs front N~ H8rbor High School u trvwoc Pd ISth) 600 )I Alldrewt R•ttld. N"'P'"" "°'h, C-.1lofnrNa 9166.J.Hl.S l'4,l 6Jl·2tut0 t-MAIL tn~wnd'""spm 1q WFB www..standl\"WSPftS org Our Lady Queen of Angels A + •A God-antcrcd parish mmmunicy. i.nsttucted by the Word of God and rtncwcd by the Sacramc.nu• 2046 Mar Vlsta Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rtv. Monsignor Williain P. Mc.Laughlin Pastor unJRGlES: Saturday, 5 p.m. (Cantor), SundaJ, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (C.Onr.anporary) 10:00 (Choir), 1 l :30 Lm. (Cancor) and 5:00 p.m. (C.OOr.an~) FAITH Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET t&r. ONE Karastan • Lees • Manning~on Mohawk • Liz Clairborne And Much More 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long Beach and Los Angeles WORSHIP DIRECTORY \II lllOl>l"i I Newport Ceottr United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen C.oots, Pa.nor 1601 Marguemc Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Sam Quiet Worship Sn-via /Oam Wonhip and ClnUm1's Sunday School Yo111h muting weekly I l I 111 H \ '- Newport H•rbor Lutheran Church jE .• LC..A.) 798 DoV9f' Dr. Newport Beach Yradtuonal Lutberan P .. tor Chartea Endter Worship hrvlc• wtth Holy Communion Sunday 9:15 •m (949) 848-3831 MESA VERDE UNrrED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Or Richard George Rev Steph;ame Tooo Senior Mmrster YoU1h Minister Chritc Church By the Sea Un11C"d Mr1hod1•1 1400 W Ralbna Hl•d Nl'Wpon lk•lh K ~~ &.m ~' "und.I• \.h.•~ R llJ ill 10 • m 'lhr.!ur ...JI n1kln:N "'ncl.i' ~ The: Rn. Dr. George: R Cri§p, Putor (949)673-3805 ! But Because We Want To. Wonhip 10:00 A.M HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Olsclplea of Christ) 2401 lmn• Ave. Newport IHCll, CA (949) 645-5781 Millllltr. Of. Dwla SMft • ~-~· .. \,f'llo• •• < I 11~ I "i I I \ '-. \ < 11 '-. < I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 VICI Udo NGwpol1 Becx:h 673-1340 or 673-6150 Church 10 am & 5 pm Sunday School l O am ~~7l0pn ~..-... . --. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Poafic: ~ Dr Newport Beach 6442617 or 675-4661 Chwdl 10am SUnday School 10 am Wecbdlf Mlltl1gl 7 lO lllll t 1•wnwmt 12ncan Cott thy lturden upon the Lord, ond he shall euttoin theet- '1Mllma 55:22 (lo l) WORSHIP DIRECTORY Paltliabct Eftl'f s.tmday i.n the Daily APilo~ CALL ~9.574.4249 Dady Piiot IN THEORY The effect of not being forthright In light of the New York Times incident invoJving dishonesty by reporter Jayson Blair, what are the moral consequences of deception? What's wonderful is that everyone ls so shocked, that the fallout is so sweeping. Put this in perspective: A generation ago. they wouJd have swept the whole thing under the carpet. You and I wouldn't have a clue. Not so long ago, the withholding and faJsilicatiun of information lay al the basis of society. It was taken for granted, considered a necessity. The modern ethic began when the likei. of Abraham and Moses challenged that system -and the cause has been i.truggling ever since. It'<> taken this long to arrive al a generation that truly believes in truth as a universal. ">acrosanct property. Kudo!> to the New York Times for its courage to be up front. RABBI RElNEN MINTZ, Olabad Jewish Center Newpon Beach I lonesty and righteousness arc fundam entals of the Islamic faith. One's falth is not cum pie le until he incorpo rates honesty and truth in his daily life. The I llh i.ucce~or to Prophet Mohammad '>ayi.. "Wickednesi. and evil were put inside a house, and the key to the door was rendered to be deception • Another saying from the sixth \UCCe~sor of the Prophet state<;, "If one wants to examine the FAITH Continued from A9 Vista Drive, Newport Besen. (949) 548-3844. BREAKFAST FELLOWSHIP St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds 11s Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MENS FELLOWSHIP BREAK.FAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St Andrew's Presbyterian Olurch meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays in Oierenfield Hall, 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach. All men of the church and community ere welcome to attend. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631-2880. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such as life passages and changes. body Images, family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445--C950, ext. 114. HELPING ntE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is aponaoring a discussion group focusing on the iaauea end concern• f.c:ed by edutt children taking care of their efderty J>9'91'1t$. The group wtll be offered Tuesday. The oft'lcea are It 250 E. Baker St, Sutt. G, Coct.a Mesa. Preregistrltion I• required. $10. (714) 445-4960. INTBtf'AITH COlRES GROUP Jewteh Femilv s.w. ii fomq. dllCI llliof'I group for lnWfllth couptea whM one pemw la JewWi to apelk lbout-.... d8diligan~~. Cell for*'* end .... Jewlleh Femlv Setvlce le 111 2!IO E. Beker St.. Wte G. Com Meu. PNftQllllldcw\" l9qUlred. (714) .. 18&0. level or the faJth of a person, one must not look at how he offers his prayers and fastlngs. Instead, one must look at Ills honesty and truthfulness. The consequences or deception have a terrible Impact on the person himself, his family, and his community. IMAM MOUSTAFA AL.-QAZWIHI, Islamic Educational Center of Orange County The moral consequence of deception is the loss or real truth. When ·we deceive ourselves ... the truth Is not in us .... • so we learn in 1 John 1:8. as used four times in the Book of Common Prayer, 1979 (pages 38, 76. 320. 362) of the Episcopal Olurch. When we do less than we are able, we become less than we can be . When we are untrue, we lose bits and piece'> of our reaJ ltelf; the more we d eceive, the less we become who we are crea1ed to be. "The wages of sin ts death .. ·(Romans 6:23a) i'i anoth er way our scriptures teach tht<; truth: "death" means becoming less and less human. A'> a mtn1'>ter on the campus of the UC Berkeley for 15 years. chealing 1s the "decep11on • I have encountered mo'it frequentlf All Muden1s learn how 10 define "cheating~ and regularly become aware of ever-new wayi. to cheal. Good students know that such decepuon cheat'> themselves. To chose cheating m eans loss of underc;tanding. losi. of knowledge. los-. of learning, lolts o f wisdom. Our choices shape us. I.ice; guard and invade secrecy: secrecy allows lies to accumula1e and lO deceive: deception dis1orti., perverts and obliterate<; real truth. When we chose 10 be lei.s than wh o we a re in1ended to be. we lo-.e! THE VERY REV. CANON PETER 0. HAYNES, St Micha~! & All Angels Episcopal Pansh OlUrch, Corona del Mar the agency o ffices, 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Free (714) 445-4950 BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange Coonty will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all stages of loss at 7 p.m. Tuesdays 8t the Jewish Family Service. 250 E. Bakef St . Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445--495(). FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach holds weekly Friday night services at 8 p.m . with a fell owship hour end refreshments afterward at 2401 Irvine Ave .• Newport Beach. (949) 548-6900. DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP The'1ewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults dealing with the aftermath of divorce at 7 p.m . Wednesdays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Meea. Call for p®es. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP St. Merit Preabyterlan Church hosts a faith-based, nonsectarian abuM aupport group from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Mondays at the church, 2100 Mar Vista Ave., Newpon Beach. $5 or donation•. (949) nl-8079. 'JESUS r. 8l.UE JEANS' The Rev. Geil Miler holdl 1 daa baaed on Laurie Belt't Janee• book .. Jesus in Blue Jeana" from 5 to 6 p.m. Tu.days. The daa wffl COOlider the W9yS ..... would deal INtih prectic81, .verydey d\allenge9. The dau meetl It New Thought Community Church, 1929 Tustin Ave., Cost.a Mell. (949) 546-3199. MEN'S FB.l.OWS.. GROUP Pre1byterl1n Church of the Covenant'• men'• fellowship group mMta from 8 to 9 1.m. Wedneect.'(9 et the VIiiage Fermer rnteurent, ecrou from South Coaat Plea In Coat• M .... (714) 667·3!MO. • 11 your chur<f\ or plaoe of worship pl•nnlng • IPed•I event? If'°· Mind the l'/ped lnform.tJon tt ..... two ... b9forw the t¥em tO the .. o.lty N0c. 330 W. lay St.,~ i Meee, CA 92827, ltl9!1tion· l9ltUf SettowtQ. reNg6oft editor.; fu to ,..~110. Daily Pilot Satllfday. June 14. 2003 All COMMUNITY & CLUBS Rotary searches for peace scholars White Front Pharmacy I • r 11 I' f ,• ,' ', • ' ' 1 • Convenient, foll sn-vice pharmacy with low prlce1 R otary lntemational is offering 70 scholar hips worth up to $50,000 to mid-career proressionals Interested in obtaining a 11\al>ter's degree in peace and conflict resolution at one of seven prestigious universities ln suc different countries. "Potential candidates for this scholarship include Individuals who work for non-government organizations involved ln human rights, disaster reUef, aid distriburlon. environmental advocacy, refugee issues and other issues related lo peace ;md international cooperation," ~id MkhaeJ Abdalla. chainnan of the Peace Scholar Commi11ee for Rotary District 5320. whit.:h includes 50 Rotary Ouhi. in Orange County and Southern I<>'> Angeles <;aunty. Candidates can alMJ be men and women working for governm ent agencies. ~udi il'> departmenlS or state, foreign ministries, diplomatic wrp~. or other groups of civil ~ervant'>, .i.~ weU as international vo lunteer agencie~ an d mediation. arbitration and dhpute resolution groups. "SuccessfuJ cand1datec, in tlw first class ol scholars indudl' journalists, ecologic;!<;, a peace consultant. and a graduate student studying nuclear wac;te management and prohfemtm11 issue<;, among otJ1er'i ... Af>dJ..lla added. To learn more about tlu'i scholar;hip, go to the notary lntemaLionaJ Web '>tie. UlWlt~rowryorg, thd. Oil "HI Program•: and then the hnk "Program~ of the Rotary Foundalion." Under LdUlJt11111.ll Programs. open "Rotary \Vor kl Peace Scholar.hip~' TI1ere, you wiU bt.> ahle to learn more about the '>d1ulJr,l11p, v1t•w the bios of succec;..,ful (;ciJ1didate'> and download an apphlallu11 form. AbdaUa indicate<; inform ation on lhe '>cholar~hip i~ available from any 011c uf till' 50 Rotary O ubs in DL<.trict 5320 or by calling the d1i.trirt offiu! at GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298 ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host a German student and earn up to $1 ,000 toward a number of travel-abroad programs Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. JIM DE BOOM (949) 660-0001 . SIX O'CLOCKERS 'lb e 13aJboa Bay OubSlx O'clock.ers, a loosely knit group of men who gather daily in the BBCs men·., spa for coffee. cardo;, c;ome exercise. showerc; and c;haves. attended Beverty Salata's memorial service at St. t\ndrew.. Presbyterian Olurch on I 11dJy, May 30, tu support their Koud friend. Paul Salata ll1e Hl'V. Jolm Hutlman prc~idrd over Lhe servke, \\l11d1 Wa'i allended by nearly 800 family alld friend~ of lleverl)' and l'aul. I ha11k.1; tu the leaderi.hip ur 111t·111l>t:r MarshaJI Stuart, the ~1x ( l't lockt'n. have donated mOfe tlt.111 \1.000 that wiU be given tu \pt'l ml Ol)'"'l"L" i11 Beverly\ II ll'llllJI y. GOLF UPDATE y.,..,, I tlitl play 18 hole'> of KOii Ill ti tl' < ;ood Sht'phcrd C111111111111iti!'\ c;ol f Oa<><>il hl'ld at I oi, ( .uplll''> Cou111ry Ouh in illll'll•I i'arlc. 011 \11111da). Newport BeJth psydmtlll'rapi<it Rick Nyberg hu'>tl'll FJllot Salner or \ ... pen l-durn1io11 c.roup, ringer Mike Walsh of RN.I Supply and 111~'-l'lf Wl're one of 33 team., to 1·1110} J tlJ)' golf, 1fo111er .111d .tlllllllll\, \\lull• I tliu11·1 hit .111}111w on tlw lOlll'>l' I hatl <1 l uupll' or bJd dmt"> u1111l I ..,ettled dm,11. On uur fiic,t tee, 1 lut the bctll 111111 thc golf I JJ I Jlld Oil ii.. holllH t', It l.111dl'll at tl1e \\Omen\ tee. 1\ le\\ hok·' later. Wl' Lame to Uw hole m-011e paI i for tl1e Ill'\\ \tt•rhng 11:\1\V, \\hc11 my dl\111 from Ill) w.ing knolkC'd mv hall oil I he lt't', cau!>mg a lot ol i.111~~hter ,1mong my ldluw golfrl">. t\ly ~anw did rmk up cl' till' d.1y \\l'llt 011. Jlld \\l' had J 11111 tlllH' 1ogt'thl'r .. md 111e1 a m1111bl'r ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER lite Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn., whidi helps 1ndiv1duals who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. needs volunteers. (7141375 1922 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods sul.h as clothing, furniture, 1ewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the so1,;1ety's researdi, education and of the clients of Good Shepherd who were staffing tables along tJ1e w ur)C, w1d handing out soft drink:,, brownies and hugs. At the tournament dinner, Pam McCrea. d tief executive of < iood Shepherd Communities. kept her comment~ short and ao:,ked the audience to join her, if tJ1ey km.>w It, in saying the reason why (;Clod Shephcrt.I Communities exist l lwy said in unison: "Helping people with developmental di..abiliti~ live life to the fullest, with dignity." A powerful '>tatement, a c,u1.:cessfuJ program. one well worth supporting. MONTHLY CHAMBER LUNCHEON llw <,mall, but nughty Corona dPI ~tar C lmml>er of Commerce will 111t.'Ct Jt the live Crowns Hl..,taurn1ll 011 lu~day for the 1110111hly lum lwon. Nt•t\\IH~Jllg w1U begin at 11 :30 J 111 o.11111 him h at noon. Guests .1rt· wl'll 1m1l'. I or more 111lor111at1un. taU the chamber at l'I I'll h 7:1·4050. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SERVICE CLUBS Bonnie Borden, academic Jdvic,or to Dana I lilJs 1 ligh ~t hool. and Olana Remlng. of < t•11tr.il E<.now. Joined the I \t ho.111gt' <Jul> uf Orange Coast. WORTH REPEATING I ro111 "lliought for the Day" by G~ KeUey of the Newport Mesa In 1111· l11tl'rfa11h C .ouncLI I ht• JIUl'JlO'>l' or hfe I'> to t11 ... i o\ 1·1 your gift lhe meaning ol hh· '' to g1vl' 11 away' David Vlscott SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK nJESl1'\Y 7 IO a m .. Ill!.' 40-im•mber Nl'wport Bc<ilh ~unnw Hotary C luh , .. i11111c·et al I 1ve Crowii~ I lll'll '/J<ll ti 1Pt1d1.11111 ri.semtll ry. orgl i 111 ll'.\ "1111) b· 10 p.m : I he Loe, ta Me'a Nt·wport I larhor I ion!'. Uub , .. ,11 11wt·t al tht• Lo\la 1\-k'.>a patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same locallon (949) 640-4777. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The diapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media in disaster and emergency s11ua11ons. Lynn Howes, (7141 481 5376 Cl1ara11c1 Salee 11~5BOFF Table Lamps, Floor Lam_ps, Cflandsllers_, Ti!fany_ Lamps, Bathroom For lb• 8111 F1tt1,,, L1ght1ng, Torch1ers R1111111 ,,,., rour L•m,_ ... lo lb1 Lamps Factory Outlet Expn. 17424 •••ch Blvd. (•I Sl11tt1r) 1 ~ ml/es So. of lht1 406 Fwy. Huntington Beach 714 847-8100 ign Up Now For Summer Surf Cam www.kanoaaquatics.com (310) 374-1994 Kanoa Summer Surf~ Cainps At The Huntington State Beach (Newl.nd & fJCH) • Birthday & Corporate Parties • Ages 5 -15 • Surfboard & Wetsuit Rentals • Private Surfing Lessons Cl•••• SWt June 23"° (~Min's Cta1111; Sufldly Women'ta&SMS) r-n1 1r '." W 1'('k S1"-,'-•1 1•1•. 1 W "•'k ~1"-.',11111·, l\1;.111 1t·1,. Country Oub. WEDNESDAY 7: 15 am.: The 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Club (www.southcoastmetro rotary.a~; and th e Newport Harbor Kiwanis c.lub will mc..~t at the University Athletic Uub. Noon: The 40· member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yai.:ht Oub for a program by the Friend~ of t.hl' Sea Uons. 6 p.m.: The 60-member notary Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia Connthian Yacht Oub for Craft Talks by David Geske and Jlm de Boom ( www. newport -lxllboo o'IP 6:30 p.m. The 20-plu.'> meml>t'r Costa Mesa-Orange Lo1;ta Brealcfast Uon.s Oub will ha\ c J ladies' night social and dub officer inc;tallation dinnt'r at Mimi's Caf~. TifURSDAY Noon: The SO-member C.ui,ta Mesa Kiwanis Oub will met•t at the Holiday Inn; the 50-mcmb<:r Newport Beach-Corona drl Mar Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club for a program by Ed Uoyd on "Mission of the U <:,. t\.l.D .. (wwwkiwanis.orr;clu/JI costamesa); the 80·memlwr Exchange Oub of Nl'\1.opur1 Harbor will meet at thl· '\le" pon I !arbor NauucaJ MU\{>lllll ror tlll' pobce officer'> of thl' \t'<H presentation coord111att'd 11\ < luh President R.k:k Harrh : ,111d 1lw 100-member Newpon lnuw Rotary Oub v.111 meet "' tlw t\trium I lotel for a prograrn on "One Legacy -Organ Donations" I u1w11• 111m1t1ry· o~ • COMMUNITY & CLUBS is published every Saturday in the Daily Pilot Send your service clubs meeting information by fax to 19491 660-8667. by e·ma1t 10 1deboom a aol.com. or by mail to 2082 S.E. Bristol St .. Suite 201. Newpon Beacti, CA 92660-1740 ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. Many shelters kill pregnant cats upon arrival Dogs and cats are also available for adoption.(9491 759-3646 or www.animalnetworlc org ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunteers looking for varying levels of involvement are needed to help the organization with its See INVOLVED, Pa1e Al2 Diabetes Aware ..... Free blOod sugar testing ano consuh.ing featuring Dave Taylor The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from l_ l :OOam Until 4:00pm Cards • Boolu • Sundries Ali Insurance Plaru Accept~d 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Cha in Link Fence Insta llations • Cha in Link Fence Repairs Servin9 Oran9e CountlJ • Beach Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 l1cen~e #313311 UFE HOL'RS \Inn-Sun 9am-4pm r J..,,11uf1,.... f rd c-R"'' B""lt ' u1tnm r 1<11tl'Y ''""''"t f untlfu-r Rr1tnro1t10,, .1111/ "'"rlt "''"~ RO\f' HOl 'R5 FIGGE .. P H 0 T 0 G R A P H Y f°U"St Signatutt Store to Open in Southern California • We focus on the family and fan! \toi..r ~fl'al is accompa"'ied ~):' " l\otnt'wiC\de soi..p of fht> day or aisp caesa"' salad, choice of tfaageh-Dazs Ice creamo,. sorb..t~iM-Yel'a9e. .. Loc4te.d ii\ the JQ .. wpo..+ s .. .:.d\ . ~,.....,.. Hot~I ~ T,. .... 1. Oc.b VcJ~4:1 S.Wf POl°klng 90Q ~pot'f Cc..1 .. ,. D..;v~· NnoJporl a .. "r-h 949-729-3565 ~IAs _L:B@CHITO. • FIEsrAS .\ F• Seftice Cateting Sizzling Fajitas Strolling Mariachis Margarita & Cerveza Bar ~ Pw1r1tars•Go ~ • Enchiladas • Taquit-05' • Tacos •Tamales • Guacamole • Salsa ............ INVOLVED Continued from Al 1 goal of helping chlkhn In the community. (949) M6-8929. ASSN.RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group aponsora and aupporta outreach community service programa, audl aa the tw>fnele" sanctuary. Volunteers are needed. (71.4) 640-5803. BESTBUOOES The nonprofit organization Is looking for volunteers 18 and older to provide companionship for adult• with developmental disabllltie1. As a "Citizen Buddv:' volunteera will visit with a buddy twice a month and call or e-mail them once a week. The organization also has an &-Buddies program that fonns friendships entirely CNer the Internet Volunteers tor that program mutt be at least 12 years old. (714) 646-1826or www.bntbuddlu.org. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Orange County Council Include fund-raising, program development and training to existing troops and padcs. (714) 546-4990. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts worbhop teachers. Call for locations. (949) 642-2245. BRAIUE INSTTIUTE•s ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers with a basic knowledge of Windows 95198, M icrosoft Word and a willingness to team the adaptive equipment used by its students to panidpate in various activities at the Oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar. Volunteers will Mor legally blind adult students usiog computers and other adaptive technology. Mary Johnson, (714) 821-5000, ext. 2113. . COMPANION HOSPtCE The Hospice is now recruiting volunteers to become a friend for someone who needs that extra special caring at the end-of-life. Become a member of a team whose goal ls to promote quality of life and comfort measures. Each applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation and training. For more Information, call (714) 560-81n or e-mail volunteent§Companion Hospice.com. COMMUNITY ANIMAL NETWORK The networtc needs volunteers to I help control the rising population of wild cats in local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them bade to the property where they were found. The goal of the program is to save the lives of stray cats. (949) 759-3646. COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The society preserves and promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the arc.hives, library, museum, docent and public outreach programs. (949) 631-5918. COSTA MESA UTERACY GOUNCL ~-~::~~~; ?&.t I! ... (949) 645-0209 -~ The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer Mora to teach Engliah aa a aecond language. People who want to team English as a second language are also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 43&-3310 or (714) ~3445. COSTA MESA MS SELF.ffElP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society haa started a new self-help group In Cotta Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with minimal 1ymptom1 of multiple acleroals, or both. The group ~osta Mesa Newport Beach Costa Mesa (949) 646-1142 (9•9) 675-6851 (949) 644-8226 . . . . . . . / . • • • ' l . • •••••••• FotoART •••••••• Father's Day is this Sunday June 15th Last Minute Personalized Gifts for Dads • and Grand..Oads tool Choose from-Vld our 'Neb Site at www.fofoltt.com Personalized Mugs Laser Engraved Frames Mouse Pads and much much r.nON! Order by Friday, Plolc Up ~ Btfng thft tM.1 Wlh you for 15.00 off your order. Open Mondly Thfu Fncs.y tAM to FM ~y 10AM to 4PM -----------__ ,._ .., .. __ ··--. --------------._ .......... Of bV tppOll llrnlf't meets It 11 a.m. the eecond Tuesday of 9VetV month. (949) 860-7659. COSTA MESA POI.JC£ DEPMTMENT Seniors 56 and older ere Invited to ~P 1teff the w.tslde substa1ion. Volunteers ere asked to wortc two fouHl<>ur daytime ahffta per week. They woutd be responsible for •n.wering phones, bicycle regiatnrtJon, fingerprinting, data entry and assisting with other citywide projecta. Seniors who can apeak Spanish and Engl(sh ere allO needed. Call for an appllcatJon. Fred Gaedcler, (714) 754--6208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose aenlor aervicee facility et the comer of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue eeeb volunteers who can greet members and the public at the front desk and volunteers for the Resource Depertment with Excel computer experience and sharp t8'ephone skills. The Senior MeaJs program also needs people to deliver meals to homea. (949) 645-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center Is looking for new board members. The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers who will participate in monthly meetings, occasional committee meetings and speclal projects. Candidates should have connections In Costa Mesa and surrounding communities and an interest In serving the community by helping seniors. (949) 645-2356, ext. 16. COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned children. Volunteers wort one on one with a child for three hours a week. (714) 663-9034. CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit organization Is seeking volunteers for its expanding trauma response program. Some volunteers assist law enforcement, firefighters and other emergency-type responders by providing emotional first aid and suppon to injured or traumatized people. Other volunteers provide dispatch and office support. No experience is necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 588-1414. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreach assistants are needed to help en a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteera and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. EASTER SEALS Easter Seals needs volunteers for ongoing clerical work. programs for children with disabilities and special events. (714) 834-1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors learn about their environment. (949) 64&-8489. FAMILIES-COSTA MESA This team of community-based organizations, which wortcs to provide youth and families with counseling, family aupport, health education, mentoring, Moring, after-sdlool activities .and..kinsblp_seMces.-Medl volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. ASH -MOBI.£ MEALS Call (949) 642~ to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those In need. Both always seek volunteer aaslatance in a variety of areas. (949) 646-8050. FRIENDS OF THE BAU.ET MONTMARTRE The Frienda need volunteert who want to help talented local dancers perform In profeuional thNtera. For 30 yeers, the organWitlon ha• provided the community wtth quellty Ruun ballet training. To hetp youth ctevetop strong diecipHne skills, build high Mff..ateem and achieve dteam1 of being a profeulonel dancer, call (714) 241-7424. FNEN>8 Of THE COSTA MESA L8WIES The Friends Is e support group for the three libraries In Costa Mela. To join, help with fundraJaing evenu and help promote library program• and services In our community, call (714) 566-4396. FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH lJ8RARY The boobt<>n9 needa donation• for book sales. Good quality children'• and nonfiction books are especially needed. They may be left at any of the bra~ libraries -Balboa, Mariners or Corona del Mar -or in the apecf al book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the used book store, which is inside the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends of the Library and are asked to wortc one three-hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. GIRL SCOUTS Glr1 Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special committees and give lectures, demonstrations or classes. (71 4) 979-7900. GIRLSINC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enrichment opponunities for giris and boys. (949) 646-7181. HOSPfCE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the lives of terminally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assist them with nonmedlcal needs sudi as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly social visits. The organization is also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office duties. Training Is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTlONS The organization shelters, counsels and educates abused women and diildren. It is looking for volunteers. (949) 737·5242, ext. 24. JEWISH FAlllt.Y SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Project Caring, which provides socialization and cultural experiences to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers "adopt" a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting badtground cfledc. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and suppon to the Jewish terminally Ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with chronic illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SE.RVICES VoktntHf~ four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communiti91 near ~unteers' homes. (562) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteera are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Part staft and James Dilley Preserve ataff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that wortcs with peraons with HIV or AIDS, 11 aeekJng caring volunteer9 to Nelst wfd'I running .. the front office, delivering m..,., provkflng ~end providing compllmen1afV therepM ~ .. rnMMge, ecupuncture end c:Nroptac:dc care. Uu Toghla, (949) 494-14". LFEUNE LMNG C£NTEJtS Mentaly Ill adults rely on the Newport Bwt'I center for residential houling. It needa profealonal funckaieen to aupport and mllntaln tt"9 resource. LW4ft'TCENTER Volunteers who love to wortc with cau and kitten• are needed at the Luv-a-Pet Center at PetlMart In Costa Meaa. For more lnfonnatJon. call (949) 461-3272. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY • I The performing arta organization needs volunteers for computer input. tkteting, fillng and handling phones. (714) 556-6262. 3 J MENTOR PROGRAM -' YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting • •' effect on a youfli person's life. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched.with mentors to improve their ldiool · ·, performance and self-esteem while developing poaitlve peer and adult refetlonshipa. (714) 549-9622, ext 35. MOBILE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderty ctlenu incapable of shopping and cooking for themselves. For more infonnation, call (949) 645-8060. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident chamber <>nNtstra needs volunteers for tneting, ushering, phones, mailing and help with receptions. Nominees are also being sought for the board of •, directors. (949) ~2950. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for women with alcohol or other dlemical dependencies seek.a volunteera. (949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m . and 6 p.m .; or Joy, (949) 548-8764. NEWPORT BAY NAl\JRAUST The Upper Newport Bay Nature ! Preserve 11 looking for volunteers • to assist with naturalist-led toura i• and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. The interpretive center la at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. (714) 973-6829. : NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE MO VISITORS BUREAU The bureau is dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential visitora. Volunteers with i ~ j ~ 3 J extensive knowledg. of Newport 11 Beadl are needed. (949) 722-1611. ! > NEWPORT BEACH UBRARY ! UTERACV' PROGRAM • The program seek.I volunteers to j tutor adults who want to improve i their reading and writing skills. , Volunteers will be certified during ; training worbhopa the Central ' Library. (949) 717-3874. ~ NEWPORT BEACH PU8UC U8RARY FOUNDATION The libntry foundation needs extra hands to perfonn clerical duties, such as filing, organizing and stuffing envelopes, at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado _Ave.{949) 717-3890. NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport , , • • • • • l Beach Recital Series Guild needs volunteers to auiat In fostering music appreciation so cluaical musk will ~re. (949) 644-4208. • NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COWMY The compeny needs volunteel'a to help wtth COltUme design, aewfng, make-op tipplladjon, "' CONtn.lction, tedlnic8I help, publicity, st.age management end badcatage aupervieion. (949) 769-1048 or LKS.f•aot.com. MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Leal BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT SOCIETY 5.rtUfday, ~ 14, 2003 AU l THE CROWD A little spirit from Art Linkletter A rt Unldetter, 91 , came to town to honor John ffuffmen, senior minister of St. Andrews Presbyterian (]lurch, Newport Beach. It was the annual Salvation Army awards dinner, held at the Hyatt Regency, Irvine, bestowing upon Huffman the --~-~ Spirit Award, which Is the highest honor given by the Salvation Army. Past recipients or the Spirit Award are Newport's B. W. COOK Donna Crean. C.Ongressman Clu1I Cox. Betty Beldon Palmer, Peter and Mary Muth and Dmd and Judy Thrahlr.. Huffman, a highly respected member of the Newport-Mesa community, joins a distinguished roster of citizenry sharing a common belief in ~isting their fellow man -with a moral base found in strong religious faith. Unldetter was the perfect ho~t and guest speaker for the affair. He addressed the crowd from the heart. speaking for 45 minutes without notes. Sharing his personal experiences, induding the death or his own daughter at age I 8 from a drug overdose, l.inklener made tus own ~ion helping others very dear. In addition to the I luffman award. the Salvation Army honored Chuck Potter, former president of F11St Amencan ltust. with its William Booth Award, and Ona Walls received the Volunteer or the Year Award. ••• The American Jewish Comminee. Orange County Cllapter, held a dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel. Newport Beach. to present the 2003 National Human Relations Award to prominent local businessman Bnd A. Montee. chairman and CEO of New C-entwy Mortgage C.Orporatioo. The dinner attracted Intellectual community leaders including Jone IWrce, dean of the UC Irvine Graduate School of Management, 1bom.m Pbelpa. senior partner at the law firm Manatt, Phelps and Phillips, David Krtmlty, partner at O'Melveny and Myers, and C.Ongresswoman Loretta Sulchez. They came to honor Morrice, who, in addition to his national business reputation, is a leader on many fronts of social activism. working tirelessly for such organizations as Habitat for Humanity and the Volunteer C-enter. The highlight of the evening at the Four Seasons was the keynote address by state Sen. Joeepb L Dwm. discussing the state of racial and religious relations in America and around the world today. The American Jewish C.Ommittee, founded in 1906, promotes human rights, advocates public policy positions rooted in American democratic values and brings together individuals and organizations representing our national diversity. E. Scott Menter is president of the Orange C.Ounty Olapter. Others supporting the efforts of the committee are Arnold and Ruth Feuerstein of Lido Isle, Mike and Nancy Meyer'. Henry and Susan Semur.H, MltcbeO and JU Waler, Sy and 4'nn ~and Susan Glas . • THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. RosEY's AuloBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Ful Senb Collision Centw Insurance Appro...d Shop (949) 642-4522 IOSIY'S AUTOIOOY 121.,.......Way ea.Melo §()LIS [N'VESTMENT REA LTY KRISTEN M. Sous' Licaued ~ Esw.cAgmt • M~ .JI ef J"Ur Ru/ Est4U JWJ.s. ERie A. Sous~ ' oJ 1,_, ' ~!:' • M.-1 FvnJ, · ~, •An &.IL ~: Planf!'_~_,,u. '\mvatmmt • VTm,.-- c.an for a n at your home or 949-723-1 . ----....... -.. ..-.... A.-..0.~\Nl(A ..... _ • .___,...,.. ______ _ GIVE HIM THE PRESIDENT AL TREATMENT THIS FATHER'S DAY. WINDOW OFFI CE CoftlM del Mir Pma I 136 AvOmdo A.eme I Ne.,,art Beacb N#r IJrldol FlllfWU • Above, Brad A. Morrice, named humanitarian of the year by the American Jewish Commrttee. Orange County Chapter. ioms state Sen. Joseph Dunn and Richard Golhs. Left. Sp1nt Award rec1p1ent John Huffman and presenter Art Lmkletter at the Salvation Army's annual awards dmner 250/o -10010 OFF SELECTED STOCK rt Blvd. <Harbor at 19th near Ma a store> Costa Mesa (949) 734-2020 • I . A14 Saturday, June 14, 2003 .. SO C IETY SAVE 25-500/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory www.patiomfg.com CUSTOM HBO'S The cate is full of surprises, not ham. Oow ~ou and ~ou.r lunch buddies can stor. b~ The flone~Ba.ked Cafe f or a SUPJ>M.si.n~l~ w t.de a.rra~ of det:wwus , ma.de from sCNt.t:ch, lunch ~lllftatl.ons. T ~ ou.r flone~ffaJ.\ed eht.cken eoraon Bteu, Beef WeUw~n, or ~orX F"Ulen. with Fresh Btackbe~ ~Caie-Ore.+~ 4 fresh , c.ri.sp~ ffia~r Ch~ Sdlad. Anti., if brea.l\last; i.s ~ ~OW' Lt.ki.n8' we ser\1e i.t a ll da~ Lons. With chot.e.es Li.Ke our l~t and fl~ flone!1Bake d Omelettata w1Xh Tu.rKe~, Avocad o and Swiss Cheese or sc.rumptl-ous Snffed French Toa.st. So nertti.me ~ou do Lunch, d o iti.n ~le a.tThe flone~BaKed Cafe ... w h ere ~ou7ll fl.nd over s~ d e l l.ewus things-For lun~h, bes l.aes our am.a~n8 ham. Come s ee us toda~. We 7r e ~t next d oor to that famous ham store. Open Monday -Wednesday aa.m.-6:30 pm THE HONE V BA Thursday -Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin 13771NewportAve..#13 Phone : 714-731~16 ru :714-731-4907 tb1tinyton Beach 19022 Beach Blw1. #C Phone: 71~174 fa 714-378-1216 An American n m buslne.\s since 1953. 0111 f<m11/v ~erl'ing yoro ju1111/r p1r 50 years ----~----~ -~---~--- Momma John We belong to tbe world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. ~ are tbe biggest flooring dealers Individually owned and operated. NOBODY anywhere can beat our selection, prices or servtce. You 're paying too mucb lfyou'rY 1IOI """'-"'from Ill. Jennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet $199 Lifetime Warranty Laminate $299 .. -·-:~ r.._') Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $199 Lifetime Warranty Wood ~~1 'ii I ...... .... Brenda 1 00% F REE 60 day exchange. If you don't ltlte It, we will repkU:e It FREE FULL SERVICE C111ter T1p1 • Sh1wer1 • Cera•i• • St111 • 8r11it1 • W"' Refiais~ ONE STOP SHOP Wi•'•• Ctftril •• Cle11i1 c. •t & u ~.,... • P1i1ti1 ·l1ttritr & Exterier 40 Costa Mesa lrvln• , ... , .... ,.,. , ... , •••.• ,., 1•• •· 17tll '''''Main •a• IOl-ftl t -S IOM-fll t0-6 • SATURDAY t0-4 IATUHM'I I HllDAYS t0-4 CLOSED SUMtAV HHllflS IV APPOIMTllMT ~;;::;~~~..;~ ..... ~ .. ~~~lndi\'rinum '·· Dally Pilot I ENGAGEMENTS I Allison Kova cs and Brad Pence Kovacs-Pence Mr. And Mrs. Donald Kovacs or San Diego announce lhe en- gagemenl o f their d aughter. Allison Kovacs or San francisco. co Brad Pence of San Francisco. The bride -elect graduated from Poway I ligh School .md UC.. Santa Barbara. The fu ture bridegroom , !>on of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Pence of :\ew port Beach, graduated from Newport Ha rbor High Sthool and UC Santa Barbara. A ~ept. 13 wedding 1s planned in Newport Bedch Bryan Godber and Suzanne Fraser Fraser-Godber Peter and Jenine Fraser of Alamo, Calif. announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Suzanne Fraser of Newport Reat h. co Aryan Godber of Newpon Beach. The bride-elect graduated fro m Monte Vista I ligh !:>chool and the University of Southern California. The future bridegroo m, son of Richard and Mary (.,odher of Newport Beach, graduated from Corona del Mar High School and the Umversity of Southern California. An Aug. 9 wedding is planned at Lafayette Orinda Pre.,hytenan Oiurch in W ayette, Calif. • WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays For a form please call Coral Wilson at (9491 574-4298. AFTER HOURS • SUbmlt AFTER HOURS ltema to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Col1a Mesa, CA 92827; by fax to (949) ~170; or by celling (949) 574-4295. A complete lilt I• .v1ll1bla at www.dallypllot.com. SPECIAL cta.OR£N'S HOSPITAL .-RT Th• Ml<*ey Jone• Foundation for Children la having its fourth annual benefit for Children'• HotPf1•1 Orange County, lndudlng a CHOC Ride and Blues Feetlval, at 9:30 a.m. June 22 at Hidden Valley Park in Irvine. Information: (714) 962-6718. MUSIC BARITONE CONCERT The perfomuince by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning American operatic baritone Sanford Sylvan has been reld'teduled to 4 p.m. June 22 in Foundera Hall. Tldcets cost $60 and are on sale at the Center box office, by calling (714) 555-ARTS or by visiting www.ocpac.org. The Center Is at 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa. JAX/.TRK> Gulfatream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jau trio Sunday through Wednesday 81 regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newpon Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newpon Beach. Free. (949) 675· 7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND .JAZZ Wa lter Lakota and David Alcantar. the New York Jau Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway m Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri Joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRJU The Bluewater Grill offers ltve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg M organ, N1de Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Frld1y1. M1rv1n Gregory 1nd MPG will perform classic rode, awing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturday1. The restaurant is at 830 Lido Park ' Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT 1ltE PEUCAH The Rulty Pelican offera the mu1ic of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sund1y. The band perform• from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thurlday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The reltaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant ls now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 612 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5616. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jeue on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona def Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'THE GOOD DOCTOR' Neil Simon's "The Good Doctor· is celebrating its 30th anniversary at Corona def Mar High School Theatre. 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newpon Beach at 8 p.m. June 27 and 28 and at 1 .30 p.m June 29 Tickets cost $11 for adults. $9 for seniors and students. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more at the same performance. This play Is appropriate for teens and adults. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. 'THE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's first full-length play, •The Drlwer Boy:' one of Time maguJne'a a.et Pfeya of 2001, wm continue through June 29 at Segemrom Stage. Tl<*eta r1nge from $19 to SM. For tl<*e19, cell (714) 7~566. '421C> snt£Er The 2001 Tony Award Winner, Drema DMlc AWlrd ind Out•r Crftlca Circle Award •42nd Street" wfll be performed at the Orange County Performing Atta Center through June 22. Tl<*ets are $322 to $86. They are on ule at the Center box office or by calllng (714) 668-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. The Center It at 600 Town Center Drive, Cotta Meu. 'AJDA' Elton John and Tim Rice'• "Alda" Is coming to the Orange County Performing Arta Center'• Segeratrom Hall July 2 through 13. Ti<*ets are $27.60 to $64.60 and can be purchased at the center'• box office of onllne at www.ocpac.org. lnformetlon: (714) 655-ARTS. OCPAC 11 located at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. ART 'BONJOUR LES ARTISTES' Twenty-eight artllU will take part in the second "Bonjour lei Artistes," which will take place from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. today at the Sutton Place In Newport Beach. Artists from Cotta Me1a, Newport Beach and other parts of Orange County will be showing. Admission an.d parking is free. The Sutton Place Is at 4500 MacArthur Blvd. In Newport Beach. Information: (949) 851-1838. 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J. Salamon will unveil his series of 36 portraits of people within the Orange County art scene who are making a difference in iU evolution. The exhibition will run through Sunday at the Blue Square Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Information: (949) 548-1101. 'WENDY SUSSMAN: LOOKING BACK' The exhibit "Wendy Sussman: Looking Bade" will open June 21 at Square Blue Gallery, 366 Old Newport Blvd. Su11man'1 widower, writer Juan Rodriguez, will be at a reception from 6 to 9 p.m. June 28 . Also expected la anist John Sproul and the director of the Gallery Paule An(llim, Ed Giibert. Information: (949) 548-1101, or vi1it www.squareblueart.com. Mention this ad and receive one of the follow· $1 Off blende d coffee drinks $1 Off Frozen Yogurt FREE Pasta Salad w/ purchase of sandwich ~dly. !N 14, 2003 All I ' • 2002 Ferrari 360 FI Spider Black/Black 3K Miies Tubl Plu1 Many More Optlon1! $235,000 2002 Ferrari 360 FI Spider Red/Blade 2K Mlle• Absolutely Stunnlnaf $233,$00 2000 Ferrari 360 FI Modena White/led JK Miles $155,500 2002 Lamborghini Murdelago Black/llack lK Miles U~Hunyl Only $149,500 . QUOTE OF THE DAY "{Clearing) 6·8 i.s not going to be hard. I promise you that." Zack Novak, Estancia Hi&h hi&hjumper Daily Piot HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER Sailor on ' big stage Burlingham to play in McDonald's All·American game in Charleston, S.C. Newport Harbor High senior Amy Burlingham. a rwo-time Parade Maga- 7.lne All-American, will play in the McDonald's All-American girls soccer game Sunday at Blackbaud Stadium in Olarleston, S.C Burllngha.m. bound for the University of Texas, was selected from a pool of more than 1,000 play- ers by the National Soccer C.oaches As.so· ciadon of America She is among eight who will represent Southern California. As a Mc~nalds All-American team member, Burlingham will compete with the top 25 female high Arny Burlingham school senior soccer p£ayers in the nation. The game starts at 2 p.m PSI: "We are extremely honored that Amy will be among the eight Southland players on the McDonald's All-Ameri- can high school soccer team,· said Neal Ruby. president of the McDonald's Operators' Association of Southern California. ~These great players are poised to shape the future of soccer in this country.· WATER POLO Standouts catch on Former Baclc Bay rivals and future UCLA women's water polo teammates, Jenna Murphy and Brittney Bowlus have been named to the U.S. youth na- tional team. Murphy, a Newpon Harbor High sen- ior. made the team for the second straight year after tryouts conducted in Boca Rotan. Fla. during the Memorial Day weekend. Bowtus, who as a senior guided Corona del Mar to its second straight ClF division titJe th.is past sea· son, was also selected at the tryout that included roughly 150 girls. The UCl.A duo. along with 25 other athletes. will compete in various touma· ments throughout the summer. The youth team is the third team fielded by USA Water Polo. behind the senior na- tional team and the junior nadonal team John Mann, a CdM senior boWld for UC Berkeley, ls on the men's junior na- tional team, for which Newport Harbor boys coach Juon L¥nch ls an assistant coach. Ointon Jorth and Nathan Castil- lo of the Newport Water Polo Founda- tion are members of the national devel- opment squad for players under ap l3. Sports Editor Richard Dwtn: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 "'~''' EYEOPENER IAily~· SporW Hal~,_ ,....,._,..,.,.,_ Juoe 16 hooorff JOSIAH FREDRIKSEH Saturday, June 14. 2003 11 The Daily P1lofs Dream Team for high school boys volleyball is (top row, from leftJ Josh Kornegay o' ::::s arr,c Greg Gebne ot Corona del Mar, Jamie De1fenbach of Newport Harbor. Enc Jones of Corona del Mar Ke 1in Joyce of Sa.2e H • (bottom roN. trom left) Mike Toole of Newport Harbor. Ke vin Welch of Corona de l Mar, Kris Hartwell of Estanc a and Bart V\e1ch of Corona de l ,1ar. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLL EY B ALL Presenting the best of Newprt·Mesa for 2003, as selecced by the Daily Pi lot STORY BY BARRY FAULKNER • PHOT O BY SEAN HILLER eyond taJent and geographic prox:imiry, there is another common theme binding the boys volleyball standouts on the Daily Pilot's All-Newport-Mesa Dream Team. And, perhaps, no one symbolizes this theme of coming into one's own as much as Corona del Mar High senior Eric Jones, who is the Player of the Year. ••• Th.is time last season. Jones. a 6-foot-7 middle bloclcer, was preparing to play his first club season. after failing to make the All-Paci.fie Coast League team in his first year on the varsity. After opening eyes in the club campaign, however, he entered bis senior season with a volleyball scholarship to Stanford already locked up. After overcoming an ankle injury that sidelined him the first handful of matches. Jones went on to lead the Sea King' to the Pacific Coast League titJe and a benh m the CIF Southern Section Division II quarterfinals. He shared Most Valuable Player honors ui the PCL and represented the Sea Kings in the Orange County AlJ-Suu match. Joining Jones on this year's nine-player squad are breakthrough performers Josh Kornegay and Kris Hartwell from Estancia. the CdM trio of Greg Gabriel. Bart Welch and Kevin Welch, as well as Newport Harbor's Mike Toole and Sage Hill School's Kevin Joyte Newport Harbor junior Jamie Diefenbach. the lone repeat honoree who recovered from reconstructive knee surgery in the fall to establish himself as one of the leading nuddle blockers in Orange County. rounds out the squad Kornegay,_ a 6-4 Junior opposite. capuuned Coach Tracey Heims' Eagles, who claimed a share of the Golden West League crown. the school's first league titJe since 1984. The Eagles, who went 0-10 in Pacific Coast League play In 2002. lost a five-game thriller in the CIF Division Ill semifinals to finish 29· ll. A powerful hitter who has honed his all-around game in club competition. Kornegay was Co-M\'P Ill the Golden \\est League. Heims also praised Kornega}''i serving. leadership and passing ability as keys to the team's success. Hartwell. a 6-21uruor outside hitter. was ano ther consistent catafy<;t for the Ea~es A fLr<;t-team All-Golden \\eM performer. tus above-average leaping abiltl)• helped him provide hitting punch. even from the back row. Ln addioon. his passing "kill" and court sense made him a conMant thorn m opposuig team's effons to subdue Estancia. With Kornegay and Hartwell leading the way. the Eagles won 1 I of 12 league matches. Gabriel. a 6-1 senior setter. emerged from a supporting role in 2002 to tngger Coach Steve Conti's attack. Transformed by physical maturanon in the offseason. Gabnel used tu.s improved physique, burgeorung confidence and developing skills to provide a rock of stability m aliiieUp oese1 oy mJury Gabnel"s constancy helped him share league MVP honors wtth Jones. Bart Welch. a 6-0 outside hitter. was among the many Sea Kmgs to banle in1ury thls spring. An ankle sprain sidelined tum for a sizable portion of the schedule. but he See DREAM TEAM. Pac• IM DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Zack Novak Estancia high jumper came into his own, leading to a sixth-place finish at the CIF state championships. I Luxury Imports & Exotic Sports . Cars . . I invite you to take a test drive tOday!" .~1J~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ·consignments Welcome * ASE Certified Technicians * Cash Paid for Your Car * Warranty Included * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates (on Most Vehicles) e MERCEDES 98 323. CONY t18,980 00 C230 (19•2K)Silvt1 wt1ll!Gray.19KM.1ts foo\IOl!Or\I)' $23,980 86 928S t11 ,980 I <•9:i.x>11 Very Cleon Lrr lnr .1J 9 7 E320 $23 980 c192~> Olk w~O" nr Auto Low Miles .1J c19•2'l> Smolle Sdvt1 ~ Wiid Moorv90f , 97 328i CONY ·c•9•.m Whnew.'Ton ~11Pk9 $20,980 j 9S SL500 c19390>Sii-;&1 w/Groy Prem Wheels $27,980 67 SPEEDSTER REPLICA 19'2XS .er .. '*<l ..owM.i.s $16,980 99 328iS (19•70)RedwDodl Sunroof ~luney $21 980 . 9989 CE3LK23°2WOGN (l 9'29 }\lh-ew{itoyl.Jlv ~'lr'Ns ~2297•998080 00 DOX5TER (l~a« ... wG'O, ·~ $32,980 ' . c1'1»2> Dlk/61k Great Value' .1J , 97 328i CQNV 1mm Whue wlTon Leamer Auto $22, 980 199 E320 (19~> Wh11t w/Soddle l.Jhr PrfHT' Whls $29, 980 99 996 CPE c1921t.1 P.ed "'a:~ U!\r 18' Whls-~uryt $43, 980 , 00 E3 20 (19392) Silver w/91k Moonroof & Dose $32, 980 99 911 CONY $49 980 98 7401 c19J40)0ne0wne1 ChromeWhfs Must See $22 980 I 01 CLK 430 t37 980 <186441>~1Ver lf'o!hel-G.oury ' ' c191•~1 ) B!k w·'BI~ lftv Moonrool Phone .1J , l 00 323i c1~mqWhrre -Nilan LeoiherMoonroof $2S,980 02 E320 c 19•~>Sllver w/Gtoy. 28KMites Moonroof $37,980 01 TURDO 1'19~,,rip Orir, •8K~ VouMIJ\1~l)i.sOM1 INQUIRE · 99 SL500 c19.m> wtl11e w1G1oy SlolTflorileo $39, 980 01 911 COUPE . • INQUlftr'.' 98 7401, ('.26 980 99 0 $ (19•2.CJ .io CYI 191( ~I A.,.t~ nc, (19~1eiGtwo1k cemfled $.,,26,,980 SL50 (19"2>r"'pi.Sll!OOIU0vVomeSWl\s veryc~n 42,980 I EXOTICS 00 328i c193enhe1w1Grof Prem Sponr ... 9 00 S28i (19363)B• wG U>w~ies Spo" P.em Pkg $31, 980 l 00 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAAEDO (t~JlowMltS $14,980 64 MERCEDB 230SL1&66:1)*e Ths P.o·e Deoury• P.ed $18, 980 00 74o'L t'.38 980 00 FORD EXPLORER (l9~)~ewlon.Clton $1S,980 99 DODGE VIPER D'J10 $50 80 I 119:>76) Fooory WorTonry 39K mr .1J , OO NISSAN XTERRA Cl9mJMOn; >.cceoones $16, 980 : " c2mci Dlock/Ton 14K Ml , 9 00 XS 4.4 (19'5X)PremSpon Loaded $38,980 99 DODGE DURANGO <•~>~ ()l~fl'ts!o.o~ $16,980 01 DODGE VIPER GTS (19405oP.ed-!>ittth~1lUwesomt1$62,980 00 MS c194.l1QGfodl w1ltocil Lrtv One Ow~r $53,980 99 FORD EXPEDITION1> --{#J, i,. ~~ $19,980 $ 03 DODGE VIPER c19m()~ b OrtJl( ""~ INQUIRE! 98 DODGE DUMNGO (tml)~C8r.~ ~,i.. O U~ 19, 980 01 MS c19471QD' w~ltv. 0r.y HK Mies houtiM $INQUIRE 99 UNCQlN HAVIGAJORc,.,1mi81odtw~ fooOlon. $23,980 01 FtP.WJ MODENA SPIDEPIC•'*>~looded We.INQUIRE! ' ' Daily Pilot ·SPO RTS BRIEFLY -Future Breaker . I br;eaks through ./ U~ed Maria Sharapova. an o~ member of the Newpon ~ Breakers of World Team Thnnls, upset top-seeded FJena Dementieva, 2-6, 6-7 (6-4), 6-2, Friday to reach the semifinals of the DFS Cassie in Birmingham, England It's the first time Sharapova. a 16-year-old Rus.sian, wllJ play in a semifinal at a Women's Tennis As- sodalion tour event Sharapova. who wllJ represent the Breakers when the World Tham Tennis begins next month, has defeated three seeds in as many days at the DFS Classic, a tuneup for Wimbledon. Ranked No. 139 ln the WTA. Sharapova squares off against Ja- pan's Shlnobu Asagoe ln one semifinal today. The final is sched- uled for Sunday. UCI's Turpin sits 24th •TRACIC AND PIELD: UC Ir- vine junior Annmarie Turpin is 24th among 27 competitors af. ter the first day of the heptath- lon at the NCAA track and field championships at Sacramento State. Turpin, the Big West Confer- ence heptahlon champion, had a totaJ of 2.946 points Friday. Georgia's Hyleas Fountain leads with 3,684 points. In Friday's events, Turpin re- corded times of 14.86 in the 100-meter hurdles and 26.51 in the 200 m eters. She aJso cleared 5 feet, 3Y. inches in the high jump and put the s hot 35·0~. The even concludes today with compecilion ln the long jump, javelin throw and 800 m eters. Joyce repeats honor • VOLLEYBAU.: Sage Hill School junior Kevin Joyce, a 6- foot-3 outside hitter. leads three Lightning players included in the boys volleyball coaches' All - Academy League selections. Joyce is a repeat first-team pick, while juniors Macsun Frederick and Julian Smith· Newman are second-team hon- orees. Joyce was the leading hit- ter for Coach Merja Connolly- Freund, while Smith-Newman, NOVAK Continued from B 1 Novalc. the Daily Pilot Alhlete of the Week. attained his personal best at just the right time during the past month, though he probably could have cleared 6-6 earlier in the year. Throughout the uaclc and field regular season, it seemed Novak was searching for a challenge. He easily won the Golden West League title with a 6-4 clearance, yet he could have won at 6-0. During dual meets. Estancia boys coach Steve Crenshaw motivate NovaJc. who developed a friendly competition with teammates who shared the captain's role with Joyce, triggered the attack at setter. Frederick helped the Lightning contend for a CIF Southern Section playoff berth, though it wound up fourth and missed the postseason. The Lightning tripled Its lea.gue vic- tories from the 2002 season, go- ing 6-8 againsf Academy foes. Lightning recognized • SOPTBALL: Sage Hill School sophomore Jessica To· rino tops a list of five Lightning softball players named AlJ- Academy League by the circuit's coaches. Torino, Sage Hill's lone first- team selection, had six stolen bases, six RBis and scored eight runs in 10 league games to help the Llghcning finish third and reach the CIF Southern Section Division V playoffs. Coach Jim Percival's squad Is represented on the second team by junior Katrina Redel- sheimer, sophomore AJexa Shi- tamshj, as well as freshmen Catherine Bailey and Meagan McCullough. Redelsheimer had team highs against league competition in balling average (.303), hits ( 10) and runs (nme), while aJso chipping in 14 stolen bases and five RBis. She was aJso the Lightning's No. 2 pitcher. Dailey. the No. I pitcher, was 3-3 in league with a sterling 1.26 ERA. She aJso had seven RBis and 11 steals against Acad- emy competition. Shitanishi hit .296 in league with a team-be t 19 steaJs. while McCuJJo ugh posted a .273 average with seven RBis and eight steaJs against league foes. Region 97 signups set • AYSO: The finaJ registration day for AYSO Region 97 fall soc· cer leagues is scheduled Tues- day in Mariners School's multi- purpose room from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Interested players born be- fore Feb. I, 1999, through age 18, are eligible to sign up. New players to the region. or those who were not registered last year, must brlng birth certlfl- cates. First-time players born on or before JuJy 31, 1995, will participate ln a slcills evaluation by one of four coaches. Early registration fees are: $85 for the first player in a family, $75 for a second player and $65 for each additional competitor. After Tuesday, registration will cost $125 per player. There are no re- funds once a player is placed on a team. Several volunteer positions need to be filled. The AYSO Re- gion 97 office is located at P.O. Box 1848, Newport Beach, 92659. Interested players can contact the registration line at (949} 642-6296. Gold crush unbeaten • SOF'fBA.LL: The Pacific Coast Fascpltch softball 8-and· under Gold Crush finished the season 18-0, beating the Red Hot Tamales, 11 ·4, in the cham- pionship game. The Crush jumped to an early lead on the bats of Undsey Su- soUk, Caroline Graham, Lotte Martin, Hattie Marshall and Pippa Saunders. Strong pitch- ing was provided by Martin, Marshall and Allyson Nlabett. Alexandra Brinkman, Baret Yahn and Gretchen Tlngler kept several rallies going for Coach Brian Marshall's team ln 12· and-under action: Rene Mycom had 10 stnkeouts in the championship game for the Bubble Trouble, which won the title. The Bubble Trouble finished 10-6 and won their first two playoff games to advance to the championship bracket. Heather Van HJel and My· corn teamed up in the circle to in the title game, while Lauren Tolfa and Elena Redelshelmer pitched for the opponents. AJI Bubble Trouble players reached base and scored at least one run including Kate Baldonl, Bllzabeth Cramer, Sydney Engel, Allx Fitch, Sarah Folb, Katrina Gaar, Rene My· com , Brooke Petersen. Lauren Pilz, Sasha Pozzuoli. Kellale Soltero and Van Hiel. you that," he said after nearly cleanng 6-8 m the state finals. Confidence can work wonders, ~pecially for Novak. who developed a knack for thriving in big meets the past month. During the basketball season. Coach Ouis Sorce assigned Novak to defend the opponent's top scorer. Perhaps, that's when Novak started to develop his affection for challenges. "It's from just playing sports in general,· Novak explained of bis competitive fire he showed during the CIF meets. "I've just gone through sports with the thought that I need to do my best. That thought to the occasion." Novalc. who will compete at Scott Sankey and Man Cachola. In addition, Qenshaw would tease Novak. telling him he had better work hard or Costa Mesa's Sharon Day would outdo him at the Golden West League finals. Orange Coast College next year, said he intensified his training to prepare for the CIF meets. He became Involved with plyomettics -exercises designed to develop speed and power. ·Zack has always had the talent. bur I don't think be totally realized that." Crenshaw said. ·1 don't think reality sunk in until be won the leque tide. Then he snapped. It leelDed lib the Ugb1 came on.· Novak surprised many opponents when he cleared 6-6 to win the CIP Southern Section DMsion ID title May 24. He even surpriled himsdf. ·1 never thought I could get 6-6,• Novak said after the meet. But. after the state 8nals, Novak wu put the state of shock "(Oeartngl 6-8 ls not going to be hard. I promise F.stancia jumps coach Frough Jahld pointed him ln that direction. Jahid wanted Novak to reach his potential. which continues to grow. "The sky is the limit for him; Jahid said "1 can ace him jumping for a [Ne.Ml Division l school after two years at OCC. He's going to be able to clear 6-10, without a doubt." Noftk plans to enroll in a poUce academy after OCC but he saJd he not pass up a future scholarship offer from a four-year school •I would definJtely tab that," he said. Just another challenge for Novak. ...... ---... Sattwday, JIM 14. 2003 13 ( c_,.---1 ) [l.Jt, •• CEN-rENN•AL SALE <....-Ol"{. P.u k 0 60 AU 111] rl 50 I AU rim Explorer , 14 Saturday, Jooe 14. 2003 DREAM TEAM Continued from Bl virtually willed his way back into the lineup for the postseuon. His bitting hampered by health. his ball-controJ skills and leadership ability earned conaistent pm.lse from Cond, who deemed the senior veteran Invaluable. Kevin Welch. a 6-0 sophomore outside hitter and one of three Welch brothers on the team, utilized a bard-nosed style and rugged competitive nature to offer valuable lnsplration to his older teammates. Intangibles, however, are only part of the package for this powerfully built standout, whose strength, savvy and sincerity about winning should make put him at the center of CdM success the next two years. Uke Bart a second-team All-PCL pick. Kevin Welch was also a Dream Team selection in football as a receiver last fall. Diefenbach, a 6-8 junior. returned at the end of the first round of Sea View League play to help lift the Sa1lors to a aha.re of the League crown and a berth in the CIF Southern Section Division I playo1&. A constant target of opposing blacken. he was still the go· to Harbor hitter. He bad a match-high 2' kills in the 1Us' regular-season-ending four-game ttiumpb over Back Bay rival CdM. He was a first-team all-league choice. Toole, another first-team All-Sea View performer, emerged as a valuable 6-1 senior outside hitter for Coach Dan Glenn's Sailors. His contributions were particularly vital with Diefenbach and sophomore standout Brett Perrine (out for the season with a tom ACL) sidelined. He joined Jones in the Orange County All-Star match. Joyce, a 6-3 junior outside hitter, helped the Lightning contend for a OF playoff berth in their second varsity season. They eventually finished fo urth in the Academy League. A cbJb player with well-rounded slcills, he was the Newpon Coast private school's leading hitter. OSITIVE OCCER LINIC June 23 -26, 2003 Corona Jel Mar 4 day clinic tor boys and girts, age 5-18 Cooctled by lntemaflonal soccer stars All atf'lletel receive an Adidas soccer boll and Jersey To register, call Neil BranJom at: 714.814.2771 100% of the proceeds go to Muscular Dystrophy Research ii· PARENT PR O JECT .. Cbor11y Major Spont0r BREITLING 1884 Clt088WI MD ltACI M• TRADITl~Ali Faahlon laland-Newport Beach 949/721-9010 ~F~.~ ~ ~ .tt~ NITMW. •7,&00 ., .. ··-..... •••-'• ..... ,. SPO R TS Daily Piiot TENNIS PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT 90.year-old Bill Lurie makes volley return in National Senior Father and Son hardcourt tourn ament at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. Davis duo cruises into quarters Gordon Davis·Scott Davis among top seeds to move on at Newport Beach TC event. NEWPORT BEACH -The top-seeded doubles tandem of father Gordon and son Scott Davis (Corona del Mar) defeated Herman and son Mike Ahlers, 6-1, 6-1. Friday to reach the quarterfinals of the senior division in the ninth annual United States Tennis Association national senior father and son doubles championships at the Newport Beach Tennis O ub. The Davises have won the last two father/son tournaments in the senior division (fathers 60 and older) at NBTC. of which Scott is the director. The other three top seeds in the senior division all advanced to today's quarterfinals. which begin as early as 8:30 a.m . In the super '>enior division (fathers 70 and older), the second-seeded team of Fred and son Adam Pessl from Bellevue. Wash .. fell to Tom and son Tun Burke (Maple Grove. Minn.). 5-7, 7-5, 6-3. Newport Beach"s John Peterson and son Eri c lost in straight sets to the Burkes. 6-3. 6-2. in an earlier match Friday. Since the super senior division had 19 teams entered, three doubles duos did not have a bye. Sta n and Jeff Griffin. the fifth-seeded team. as well as the Burkes. won two matches Friday to advance to the today's quarterfi nals. Four other top seeds all advanced to the quarterfinals, including Larry and son John Huebner, who won the title in 2001. Enc Peterson, left, volleys for point as father and Newport Beach re sident . John, backs him up during a 6-3, 6-2 first-round Super Seniors DMsion doubles loss Friday afternoon. USTA NATIONAL SENIOR FATiiER AND SON DOUBLES CHAMPIONSHIPS Round of 16 Senior dMslon lf•rht"• 60 and olde1 J Gordon (falherl and Scott Davia (Corona del Marl def Hennen and Mike Ahlet"s, 6-1, 6-1. Robert and Man Quall def. J1mee end Bred Nelson, 6-0, 6-3. Ernest and Chn1 Schoop def. Alen and Bobby Croll. 3-6, 6-1 7-6 (SI, Theodore and Aleco Proovolos def Chudi and Marie Scnbner, 3 6, 6-3, 6-3; William and Eric Simomon def Gene (Newport Beadll and SlllVtl Nalbanchan (withdrew). Jade end Damn Hemz def Hal Sweney Jr and Hal Swenev IH, 6-1. 6-4; Ff'enk end Sean Froenhng def Jeny and Brien Wayr.e, 6-1, 6-1, Joe and Joe Zert>on1 def Otdt and James Fox. 6-2. 6-0 and Jim Senlet def Jerry end Jamie "-ul. 6-0. 6 3. John end Chns Ound11 def Neil Ind Dennis Roberts, 6-4 6-3. P1r1ter and Kerrv Hell def \lanQ8 and Merk Trueblood, 6-2. 6-4 101110 Stan and Geoff Grithn. 7 6 (21. 6 O. Ron end Dave Tonid1ndel def Don1ld i nd Enc Neuman, 6 2, 6 2. Phlhp and Crelg Fle>co def Lany and MH:nael Sperling. 6-3, 2-6. 7.5, Tom and Tom Burle• def John (Newport Be&ehl and Eric Petar10n. 6-3. 6 2. def Fred and Adam Pesal, 5 7, 7 5, 6 3 Super _,lor dMsion /fathers 10 and old6r} Carl and Bob Lucty def. Wilham 1nd William Lurie Jr .• 6-0. 6-1, lost 10 Lany end Jim Huebner. 6-1, 6-2; Gene and Guy Nash def. R1mon and Ron1ld Myers, 6-1, 6-1, Jim HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Locals in Showcase IRVINE -FJVe serifors wbo helped lead the Corona del Mar High baseball team to the Pacific Coast League championship will play today in the South County Sh owcase of Players, set for 1 p.m. at Windrow Park. Keith Long. a four-year starter at shortstop who competed for the victorious South in Monday's Orange County All -Star Game. will be joined by teammates Griffin Dunzer, Niclc Karp~. Nlclc Rhodes an(i Ryan Rhodes on the PCL team that will play against seniors from the Sea View League, including Newport Har· bor's R.J. Muller, at 1 p.m. Long was a first-team All·PCL choice this spring. while ~. a designated hitter, was a second- tearn all-league choice. Nick Rhodes and Dunzer are pitchers, ·while Ryan Rhodes is an outfielder. Muller played third base this spring for the Sailors. CdM head man John Emme is one of the coaches for the PCL squad, while Newport Harbor's Joel De guln will be a coach for the Sea View unit After the game. an eight-player home run derby will lake place. 1\vo players from each league. including the Century and South Coast. will compete in the home run derby. , I , Deily Pilot _l.111,.;;....._l ll_ll_c• __ M_ Llpl Notices NUCIDllCI hr llllASS .... ---......,,Jmlt, ... °:t,C..,Mf, ........... -r:-c.. W .. t2'1S Ill' Ol IOTIB'S llAOll TIM Cll1. of Newpn1{ ltKh will spon101 1 tnlnln1 eta» for tht Ctftiflc1tlon of d1v1tll to perform Inspection• 101 the praHn<• or •bMnn of 11l111n 11 a projtcl sit• prior to the tnlt11 lion of dreila•na. bulk· hHd or d~k p10Jecb These lnJ,J1ctton1 110 roqul111f by VlllOU\ 111ut1Jdly .-a1nc1e1 p11or to i.Su1nc1 of/11m1h 01ver1 ctrllflt under 11111 proanm may dive fOf p1ojecl proponenh (1nd cherae a fee for Hrvicu) 1nd iubmtl repo1ts slmll11 to thoH 11qu1r1d undt1 the C1uttrp1 ln1lolt1 mon 1to11n1 and 1eport1n1 p•oaram To p11t1c1p1te. drve" are 1equ11ed to have baste PADI or NAUI ct1tlf1c111on and 1 minimum of ~ dovo 0111trs should ~ capablt of low vis1b1hly doves 111 the harbor 1n depth' of 20 IHI Of len The train1na will take 3 10 '> hours depend1n1 on the number of dovtta p11 ti41p1t1n1 and wlll consl1t ol the (I) pru1nt1tlon of 1d11ea honal meteflats on the n1tu11I hlttory, tcotoo • lmpo1t111ce and kltntt f1C1tlot1 of Hl&rus In Newport Bey and (2) in· the water 1nsp1ttlon tralmn1 01v11s wilt become f1tfllh11 With method1 on wllert to opect Hlarns to occur, 111ch as, In the vicinity ol bulkho.is. docks and channels how to tdentlfy probablt lo1.1t1ons ul nlarau btsed on lldu/'Weler v1s1b1hty and h1b1tal types, at1d underw;ater \Ur YIY llthnoquu Plu~e bnna 111 ap prOp111te diVP. IHI lo the tr a1n1n1 5enoon It you have aoy 11uut1ons plea'• call Chila Moller at (949) Ii« 3043 or Tom Ronm1lle1 at (949/ 64A 3041 or e m••I us •I cmlller @ttly newpoll be.tell Cl us t>< troMmoll er (cj)~oty ne wpnr t t>N<ltcau\ Publr\hed Newpur I Buth Co,11 Mn.t Oaoly Pilot Jun• 13 14 2003 FS•429 llOOO Of MUCHWllG c.-.v.-. (PA200~7} NOllCE IS HERlBY Ct\l(N th•t th• Crt~ Coun<tl ot th• Coty of Ntwpo1t Buth wrll hold • public hu11na on lht Policy . 1ppttcatlon of Joseph •net C1role Cu 1ulo property ownt1• fo1 Va111nce No 2003-<lOJ on property located 11 202 S Bay front rtie PIOl)lltr Is ~tltd thl the R· S OIStllct I ht tpphutron requests to permit a 127 1qu11e loot. third 1tv1t p0thon of I stnale f1m1ly ru1denc1 to oceed lht 24 foot blSt heoaht hmlt The \lructu1e p1tuntly uosb •nd wH con st1u1.ted without the benefit of • bu1ldm1 permtt lhe proiect hu l>Hn 11v1ewed. and ho bHn determined that 11 15 cateeor ocally eumpt under the requirements of the Cahfoorua [nvo ronm~nt1I Quality 1'ct under Cius I (l io\ttne r acoloton/ NOTICE IS HEREBY FURlHER GIVEN that s11d pu1>l1c hu11na wilt be held on June 24, 2003, at the hour ol 7r00 p m in the Cuunc1I Chambe" of the New port Buth Crty 11111 3300 Newpoll Boule v.,d Newport Buch Cahforn1a •I wh"h trme and plau •ny and •It person5 ontuested n••y •PPe•• and be ht•r d lhe1eon ti y<>u Lh<allenae 11 .. s pr o,ed "' c<1ur t you m.y be hmtt~d to nr~•nt only thou issues you or someone ehe r "nd at t he publtc htarrn& described on lilts notice or In wtllttn corrt spondenct delivered to the City at, 01 PllOI to, Ill• pubUc httf1n1 For Information cell (949) 64A 3200 /S/LeY-M. Nwt&J.t1, City ti.rk City ef Newpeti 1-ti ,11bll1hed Ntwpor t Buch-Costa Meu Otlly Prtot hint 14. 2003 StA3A an Of 11WP01t 11A01 ieona .vn-. • S111td b.0. may be rect1'Vtd al tti. office ol lht City Cltt". llOO Newport Boulevard, P 0 Bo• 1768, Newpor I 8Hch. CA 92fiSB,8915 until 2 00 p m on the 25th day of J11ne 2003, 11 which ltm. such bid\ 1h1ll bt opened and read lor NIW,Oat IUMINTAlY SCHOOL rLAYGAOUNO lllHAllUT A TION Centrec1 Na. 36 II $77,000 lnth11•r'1 hllmote llDDH'S UST AYAIL- AIU ON CITY WHSITlt http 11-w ctly newpull beach ti us pbwbrdlo\t default op App1ovtd by IS Stephtn G 8adun1 P11bhc Wo• "' 011 ~' tnr Pro\pec11v• btddtr' may obh1n ""' \ti ot bod dllc um•nh tur $10 00 •I tht nlli<e nl the Pubht Wo1~' Or par tmtnt 1.100 Ntwpor I Boutevar d Newpor I Beach CA 92663 -...-------" -... • • •• • ._. ~ # - Contr1ctor l lunu Cl111lf1celtons(') 11 quired tor lh•• p1011ct •A• for furlhtt 1nf0t me· lion call Michul J S1n1c0t1. Pro)aet M1t1· lltf et (949) 64A-33A2 l'11bllah•d Newport BHch Cost• Mna Oatly PtlOI June 14 2003Se432 OIOIWICI ieo. 2003-11 AN ORDINANCE Of THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CtlY Of NEWPORT BEACH CHANGING ANO REDEFINI NG THE BOUNDARIES or COUN CtlMANIC DISTRICTS Sub141ct 01d1n1nce was introduced on the 27th day ol May. 2003 8'1d was adopted on the 10th day of June. 2003 AYIS , COUNCIL IW(lMHllS1 l'llOCTOll, lttOGIWAY, ADAMS, Wlll, NICHOLS , MAYOll lllOMIHG NOIS , COUNCIL MlMHllSr HIFFlllN.AN AISINT COUNCIL MlMllltS1 NONI AIST AIN COUNCIL MlMllltr NONI MAYOR r Steven l r-ber1 CITY CUlllC1 loVOflne M. Horlileu The rnt11e lt•I " •v••l•ble lot review in "" r1ty Cletk s olf1v of lht Clly ot Newport e~ath Published Newport Be.ith Custa Meu Oarly Pilot June 14 2003S•433 The follow1n1 per1on1 a1e doln1 bu"neu u 1) P1thway Publnlllnt b) ALByC C1oup, 1836 Po1t Abbey Plact Newpoll Buch CA 92660 M11i. flemonc 18.16 Pott Abbey Ptace ;~ort Buch CA This bu11neu ts con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual H1v1 you started do•ne 1>u1tnesa yet' No Matk Fltm1ne Thos statemenl wu filed with the County Clerk ot Oranae Cuunty on 06/11/03 200Ht4710J Oaoty Pilot June 14, 21. 28. July 5. 2003 Sa430 RdltlM~s "-StlteMll lhe lollowona per \Oros 11e do1n11 bu\"1US u E•tcul1ve JanrlO"•I Si:rvoce 903 Sptona I od~ Dr Newport Beath CA 92660 Pacolic Natrona! Maon tenance M•n•aement Inc (CA/. 903 Spt1nt1 ltde 01 Newpor I Bear h CA92660 This busrnen os 'on ducted by 1 cOtpo••hon Hhe you sta~ted dorna bu!Mness yet> No P1t1f1C N1t1on•I M11n lenance Mil Mille Ba1r1m1an. President This statement was hied wrth the County I lo\v to Place A -l.lpl Nallcll Cletk of Ortn11 County on OC/12/03 200JH4717t Dally '"°' June 14. 21. 21. Jvly 5, 2003 S14l6 .......... ... s...... Th• follow1111 person\ 111 do1n1 bus1n1u " S1ndstone Hnan1c So lullons 2'22 Elden B I Costa Mua, CA 92627 Sh11on Woody 2522 £Iden B I Coste Mtu CA 92ii21 fetty Stone. 2522 fldtn. 8 I Co\11 Men CA 92ii27 Th" l>u"neu rs ton dueled by to putner s H1v1 you stat ltd doona busmeu yet' No Sh•1on Wo<1dy Tho\ Sl<ilement w~\ ltled with lht Cuunty Clerk 111 O"nl~ Cuunly un 06. t2i03 20036947162 Daily Pilot June 14 71 }8 luly 'J 200.i 'la4JS RctltlM INiess Mmes.._. The lottowrna penons •r • doina busmen as [AM CO 11811 h1shua I 1ne S•nt1 Ana Cato furn11 977'1i l11~• Ann Miles 11811 l<1shua L•nc S"nl• An• c .. totDf n1• 9270'> Robert Molt\ 11871 loshua l•ne s.tnt• Ana C•hl0tn11 92 /0'J lho\ bu\ln",. " con dut led by husband •nd wrle Hnr you star led domx bu••ness yet? No Robttl Mila~ Thos alatemenl was filed wrth th• County Cle1k ol Or•na• County on06M/03 200Ht47060 Daoly '•lot lune 14 21 28 July!>. 2003 S.437 RdlllM ...... ... s....... Can't Jttnt to gtt to all tltou rtpair jobs aro"nd tht lw"rt? Everyday is a great day ~~ in Clas.sifted! Be a part of it, place your ad today! 1949) ~2-5678 .-----Deadlinr~ ----- Ra1e~ and dt:adhne'> arc \UbJe<:I to change wnhout nouce The pubh,her re..erve' 1he ngh1 to cemor. n:t.la,~1f). rev1~e or reject an) cla-.~1fied advcni~mcnt Plca-.e rcpon an} error lha1 ma) be m )Our t.1~ ... 1f1ed ad 1mmediatel). The D.ul) Paldt accept~ no habahty for any error in an a.dvena,emem tor "'hu.:h tt ma) be re~pon ... 1blc except for the co!>t of 1he !>pace actual!) ocLupted by the error Credit CaJ1 uni) be allowcd fur the first tn\cnaon CLASSIFmAD f-nd..i:-c; CIClpm \1ondJ\ <i OClpm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1770 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINAN CW 2 l'rlme Adlolnlnt Lett PACll tC VICW (Ocean V11w) $6,500/11 obo t4t-67J-t20l Collectlbln/ Mtmonllllla AA ml utat.- listn1 1n lh" ne#Spape1 ts sub,.cl to the r tdt••I rair Hous1n1 Act of 1968 as emended which makea ti 1t1111t to 1dver Use • a11p preftf inc• t1m1t1t1on or dr1<11m1n1toon bned on 1ac1 color rellst0n. n• h1ndic1p fam~l•I 1tetus 01 natlOnat 01111n OI en 1nt1ntlon lo m•k• any such pnf11enc1. 1l111rt1 hon or dlsc11m1n1Uon • This new~paptr ••II not tt.nowln1ly acupt any 1dv111tsement for IHI esl•t• whk:h II tn VIOiation of th• law Our re1d11s .,. hereby lnf01m1d th1t 1U dwtll 1n1s advertised In lhl, naw•c>•1>11 are awliltble on an e<iu•I opc>«lunttr b1111 To complain of d•• mminthon. c .. HIJO toll -----1419 230S·2490 frH al l-8Q0.424-1159Q £:1111111.... ,. Allclllll 1411 UIA/"111 UM • .,._,. .C. 1111 rm t.C.. eofll. WANTED ll4lffw 1....,.,. ~ QUES patio furn. ptctur11, .. CMMM.IO .. --·--.. .,.,DTATU ............ .,.....,_ ,,,. Armolrt. mil rot. lun1 mettreu. 1Joupr11111, «es.-w/"*"'1. "°'b -.-..$.w!Wny. =-=== .... CiiiUWI ~--~ :"tn"T!J· w~ & Sall¥ 1Sl1 ,,...,.,.,. "'"' ..... ..., =- B,· Fax (9491 631 6'ilJ~ BY Phon~ 1949) ~~-567f< B,· .\lail/ln Pt.·r~on: Tut:,dJ) " OOpm \\t:dnt: ... d.1~ c; UOpm f'k J. 10..h,,,~ '•"'U t\JO,. w..:J rl•'flC numt>.-1"""' •( 11, '" \ ILi h.9', k_ ..., 1lh t J'fh.C ~U• I I I lours . ( (}\(.J \1<:\J ( "' CJ 2h27 At !\ev. pun Bh d & 8.t) ~t Saturday fckphnn~ K 'Oam 'i OOpm MunJ..t)' J-r1dJ) \A..tl~-ln 8 \Oam 'i <K1pm Mond.iy fr11.la) . J·ndJ)' 1.00pm . l·nti..i:-).OOpm Index m<HANDISE fGI WI I ~ --3010-3940 Al ESTATE R SALE SOOS·SISO BUSINESS SERVICES Business Consultants 2315 r rtvote Ovtlr. "'"'tint av~ •ppro• I br from Newporrl Buch l .cal tent hunl1n1 ad1ac 1n1 to ""' w1t11towl retua• owner,hop 1nt11nt & IPPIOA 375 ICIH of land & 1mprovemenh • you1 own CJmp compound w/,lructure end 2 trailers Wonderful f11 n11hl BBQ't ' Wint lasttnc du11n1 due ~ ... ,on + m1ny •~lrnt lclut for 2 fro1nds 01 fathlf & ion C1ll Miiie at Jl0·5Al·085A HOME FURNISHINGS mLOYM8fT •l&IMllS 3610 I 00.. llfSOJO> IOTTINS, 1,./1. IC:, DOGS photm on llne www~ora Ai:q11Jt:ln\ r .rhon klancl :Ji 1-,.r.v t-tAl rH GIJNWllT[E ~'17J9 ""1 ~AY la mon¥N ca~ &el .. tun.wt\ 949-m-0411 • wm .w 11tt.s m ... W.tiprstr'9t 714-43'-S210 Pet Adoptions 3660 Garlft-St.epllorll1 111 colOr\ alt Stzes tor adoption to qualified hcmai. WWW pltiC.Ul-Ol'J OI 114 113 591!> SPORTING GOODS/ CAMPING/ EXERClSE EQUIP Eurdse Equipment 3760 3435 MISCEl..lANEOUS .. fl!t.., ....... .......... .... -Aa-,-,4'"--,-e,-1,.-,-.h-a_11_a MERCHANDISE now f11r11ttvre. Teak coll table (Bell) SlSO. lttk oHlce cl9'k/marll1t t1bll SA75. urly Amtf tun cherry hutch $1500, child's Whitt d1nur $1!>0 1tandtn1 clttrry nntty m!fror 115<1. llfl5 twin l11tn1ton bed '"""" '"" 11200 old o•ll/ltllhtr prlnclpln ch1w 115<1. ctlerrywood cl!Ht 1100, 2 8ttell .....,. W/Nit i..f't 1llt 9&,,..,~. Nilli:iiM ...... we Ne..,..,t ldt. F1tf'Ch coucllu. wln&b•ck cltaln. Ve1u p1111 II••· lo•• att, " bf • dt Tommr llflem• futlll- ture, dresden, btonzn, T1fla111 tempt, ltthtt. * 14151 ID*> .. -b SHACtC I !> SOOA Vt~1., l'Mdlonu only 1equked I 881279 9226 ,o .. n '"' STOCK MMtcnl~-- nMft 01111 -lfottlHI level pe(ln•r on truly p1om111n1 prodvct Unn. Sllr'• Ott l•notlt S.Wlous tall Ut·2H·U24 mtttlna 1ppo111t1,11nt only lmm 7402·7466 ~ IOOHSJO ~ 9000-97SO HOMES i:oR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Island °""' Sot & s-I -4. 306 c.al clMSIC duc>lr • Zbf• den 2ba liont ~ & tBr IB1 1tnlll $1 495.000 •et David Pr.nee ~718-1!>20 Balboa Peninsula orfN SAT-SUN 2-S 2 157 l. OCEAN llVO Just steps aw11 trom tht Jetty pa1-3br 31>1 Ip lren~h dr\ that owe• loo~ -. ta jn1l0 SI 09!> 000 Aaent 3t0 463 204~ 0 "'*"' Mp••• rtll(ty to 1emodtl or r et>urld ~ R 2 lol looils av« the arass pwi. by !tie Bll>oa l'IW SI ..R> ax> Jim JtcObS M.soc11tt0 Rufty t49-67S..SU3 0,.. Sot & s-1-4. 20 l Ith St. Newly rernodeted Tr.,11~. lecli noo conlonntnc w/ocean •nd 11ey -su~.<m Jom .llcobs, Associattd Rutty 9&673-3663 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ...... u....w-e..yt ,..............,t un~ ~~ b dt!w\ workou1 rm. t•lJa Ill llv rm w Ip <te. e&te eu•dl!cl POOis '4)11·~ SN9 Ol) -'Jdy KOi.tr Bl<t 9A9-J7'-SS76 CAMIO HIGHLANDS 4626 Certlonll Or. Ol'lN SAT 11 ·3 SUN 11 4 4br 2 'lba sin al~ ·.tu• t cornt1 IQt I p•t btath SI ()'>() 000 Bv Owner :;;%"v~":. ~ room to t•l*'d Arei*&,,,..-TRO ~I CLASSIFIED It's the solu· tionyou 're searching/ or· whether you 're seeking a homt, apart· mtnJ,petor new occupation! Irvine """'5 JIB*>OM TOMllOMIS Tapti.y --P"¥1411 ~ end unit Debes l'Wl S749..<XX>FU ~See 1-S NIWPOl'Y NUCNtTS OPt•SAT~1-4 J1te .... " 5l)r ~ 3 c ,., • 911.c l•m 1"', l frpks. lillMI scapod 1erds w1tll w11M 1111. close'° bMch arenite •ttc. IMw 11, -..1.11.495.000 ., ow-949""2·3902 or cttl M""~J DISTRESS SALE Bank Foredosum. Free lin of fo~oswe propcnics. Rtaivea~ computerized pdn(OUI. OrN~wd\.a1-s1+ 111 ....... . l.la?M.tJU B>' fl43 ss••.ooo. N••I'•'' Ceut Cettll• h11111y upended wrth IOl .. e< vtew. crown~ ~ C)ltnl (efltnl( hie. Hml!llnne P"llO w tilt 0111 watwf .. eel l'.f'tltt ltnlOft 949 Ul 1'J&3 Tustin Randi MTWll HU.S t abllblA cl.l51Dm holN. Larae v•d lbsy '-'llflJI llndilUlpt 50r 3 5bt on cul de -. 00.1111 .t SllH>J1» by The s.itflon GrOWCI Cll 0... Sunen al n4-lln tsn tar.._ ~T- Rt:SIOEWIAI.. RENT A.t.S ORANGE 7411 COUNTY a-..... & 11-"t 21r 2 .. ,ntt•a• Paloo w d lof1& or \hof1 le< m Owner Ail 949 ~ 4457 * Yoorty "9 21r 21, w d ht bum c••I tp lrnt patto S1991l mo 818 903 u I "J 9'9 6!>0 ?!>46 y~ --~ io-dpb rt lut w d !NW tp '""" lo l'>ly I\ Pit" sri& """" -$2Q)rn 91$113 !lo& ..... ley IY-apt 2tw Iba, Ip Jh<He teuncll' l llOO "'o •l~t WO fll'•(I 11&11• • !JtC'll 11400,'-• ...... must ... •II,._ U\tt1WO 1.,..-. ~-.990Gl ...... • Sltufdly, ~ t•. 2003 :: CRQSSWQRD PUZZL~ t TODAY'S ' Corona del Mar 713 i-t...,. :& 2Ba. sm bead1 cotbie. pvt tray. I arport. SZDl(mo. Oean & Ready! 9&251·9444 oc-view home ltef'll, ..,y, 21>< Zb• patios. no smoVpet Quiet ne1eh. 52450/mo 949 760 8217 ColtaMea SPACIOUS 2br Iba 4 plu. WO. East Side Costa Men, No pets 949 574 5134 EASTSIDE llr, 1 lo, Cott... private yard w/d no pets $995/mo , ava11 7 /I !162 577 9291 ·--------• 2!lr Ille bea1 remod brand • nu kite, pnll'n ~~ Nr F-par1I I mvbctt 11/pet SlZJO ~9594 • E'... 2Br l&i houses avail yard. as. w/d hlwps, • some 3'lPls lllcld. sum & , SI /50m 949-719-0748 l'.W. ,... ,..., lll!wly redorw. din room aaraer. fenced yards. a\'M 11 lily SZJ»n. 111Ckh uUs. 2451 Sanu ~ 9ot9-642.QJ58 R. RS· California law re· quwes that contrac· ton taluna JQl>s that total S500 or more ' (labor or maleuafs) ' bt i.ctnsed by Ille Contractors State Lanse Board Stale i.w also requites th1t con tr actors 1nclud4I thew liunse numbei on all adverlkinc. You can check the status of your licensed contr1cl11r at www e&lb ca 1ov or 800·321 CSLB Unli· cen1td contractors tal11n1 fobs that ' total less than SSOO must state 1n thew advartlMmants that • they are not hcensed by the Contractors SI.ala UUnse 8-4l" .w .......... • C..tom htlt IM, Crewn • Moldifto, .... 8-da , LIS77tl:l M9-709 5&t2 Huntington Beach COMMUTlUSS RELAX MORE Contxt renbil llw'& ~ 'nlMI lmflll'mabon Center 11625-8 tot H.v9 d a,ld Main. rme, ea 92614 1 ... ~2690 I talM..- 21 .. -21.ntt al Slark & Beach Blvd, Sl485/mo 949 306 9460 Ju•t yartls fr- ...i 2Br. new perllJI lbir. new ~ wnlDws & bh.r's $1500/mo 714 969 4756 Oceanft lbr lbil condo ne~I 1-e f'ir.r, COfTIITI pool, '14l'i, wd 11 unic. .... d pk&. 1t sum 96u.J.11ro COMMUTI USS aUAXMOlE Cont.ad ieMlll Ima ~ ment lmlornvbon Cenla 1762>8 al Harvsd and Milln. Irvine, Ca 92614 1 ... ~2691 ...... M.,._.. UDO YEAltl Y WSE & UDO SUMMD HOMIS BU GRUNOY REAi. TORS 949-67 S-61 '1 ~b!MM..,.._.. Home 2Br 2Ba. 2 car c~raae. 2 beaches. A/C. avail 7/1 714 998 1758 I Ir Spacious lvne rm. lplc. hrd wd firs. kit/din area, shared n/smk/pel SIOOOmo 949 645 5-430 21r 1.Slo, wall>. to beach. 4245 H1lar1a. nur Hoae ear . w/d hkups Sl395/mo 949 645 3683 A STUL IR $1095/Me 1/> Off tile 1st -..... for 6mo lease. Newly remocleled W/MW appls, carpet & ceramc: hie W/O inside @ uml O/W & Irie. 281 $1445 CaH Lora 949-646-2224 or 714 633 7'!Hl. No doe!>· Lort• lbr Ibo """ Oft ttulot Ponlns10la pelfll. No a111oltlfl9/pots. s '450 949-2d-463' ._, .., Pvt i-tl ,_ H.tJCr ~ 2Br UN. a:DI lo ~. ltY'n5. l'bwlapVpnl Sl700m tse 949-718-1400 2!lr l!itla twrhn nr Hma Ho5c> pabo. comn pootl '4Jll, nu pas1IMe & ca-pet. 2 c &1' $1750 9'9-293-4631 .. '-2!lr 2ba Cone*>. l~(. fhplc. 2 pallOS. new4y ct.cortted. w/d lll5idle Slf!S()n 714-J94..4941 1200tf Ur 210 '" Beacon Bay, ful k1tcMo. lrMe room, b*ony. step$ lo beach. p¥k, lennos. I ~ lease Sl9150/mo !lti- 566-99ll8 ~CAUIT-QCMIPn¢t lrldi It.dis-• Tllo R1p11rs. Patchlna. Install Concrete, Patio. Ofrwway Courteous. 1ny size jobs Flreplc, BBQ. Rers 25Yrs Wholesale! 949 492 0205 £ ap Terry 714 557 75~ Cleaning ~.,ca.-Qualtt7 House cle1n1ne. Afford able rates. 20+Yrs Exp F rm Esbm9lit 714-El .fSi1 eon..,Slrwtcll & IUSl#ISS •tr AMS Uperades. Repairs ol Computat, Networh Evenlnes/WHkends Competitive Pf Ices for qu1llty setvk:. t4t ... u -nn 714--tH-.4221 TltoC-ontM- Cemantwork Buck, Illa & More. Reliable. Ho tob too small 714 615 9062 ~ NIED MOU aOOM? AOOfT10NS & IOOlElHl U577982 949· 709 5642 ~Ml- YCJUaNOME IM,.OYUllNT ,.OJECl? Call a plumba<. palnttt. h1ndyman, CK any of tilt &rut s.rvicos listed here In -~dtr91.lofy! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPlE CAN HELP YOOTOOAYI Bridge Q I • Na( wlncnblc. you bold: •I ti A o JUJ •AQtl742 Your ri&ht hand opponent open' lhc bldlJi with three diamonda. wi. IClion "\; yuu lake? • 0 J ... 5 ti .. 7 0 u 3 • 10 2 I Pannet opens the biddina with one bean. Wblt do you "'6p00d? Q 2 -A& South. wlnetabk, you hold: Q 5 • ~•Iha' wlncnble, at South )'OU hold: • It 5' Q AK t U J l o 7 • ttl •JtH Q ttU o Q •QJIU The biddiDJl bu J)JOOCCdcd: NOll11:I EMT' 80t1rH WEST The biddln2 has orocccdcd: NOllTU !AST' souru I• 10 T •• 20 1 Wl\IU action do you take'! What do you bid now? Q 6 -Both vulnerable, as South you hold: Q 3 -N. South, vulnerable, you hold: • A J 10 6 5 ':I K 7 3 o A 10 7 • I 5 •AK 2 o KJ654 O Al86S •7 The bidd1n.t tw oroc:eeded: The b1ddmg has proceeded: NOR'rn Wr.st SOunf WF,,BT .. .... .. .... !i<>unf lVP.S't NOR'llt ~I I .._ I• ,_ l .... ~ .... IHI' PM ! Wh.11 do you bid now'! Wtw1 do you bid oow7 Q 4 ·Neither vulnerable, )OU hold: Look for OllS>Wf'S Ott Monday. •It c.,.y_ T•-i-.• 28r 281 w/mester srttin& room, pool/JacunV\etlnis S\950/mo '714~·1846 21a YIAIU. Y UNTAlS Newport Beach Penin Sl400·Sl950/mo •ti t4t-•7S-7800 ...,,,.... ~ 2.& 2Ba. 1'111...ty~fp,iltl ~~~ 2• 21e, 2c '"*"· nau Faslllon Island. $2050/mo. Prudenllel Ca. RHfty 949-72l.Ol32 '-•'""" lbr 2h townhome, 2 car eat1ee. community pool. Aet S2300mo 949-673-7800 llAOJN IAY/IAY f9CINT upstairs 2br l.5ba Ip, Jar•~ ~ wd hkup yr lse. S260Q/mo 949-073-8411 m; • .....,,...... Jba home. 2-pl, priv pebo. comm pool 'II' lie S0!.111!> ,... now 949668C73 Ye9'1y a-.. 3lw 2t.. house. 3 doors to beach~ Hew carpet & paml. S29!>0/mo 714~5-4!>·8628 IAYFaONT ,. 29o $3200/-.,,..., 626-212-1733 626-297-6262 llUFfS TOWN HOMI BAY VIEW 3BR +FR LARCE TPLAH CUSTOM UPCRAOCO EXPAN0£0 S3800mo Nw.._ P...._ aoofty 94 .... 32 ... 419 9-lay Cl\llfmina Jbr '14/.0.. tam rm. pabO. new pa1r1Vcrpt. no/SIM S4(XDyi yrly 949 673-0061 Ecn SFa 48r, den. 3b,, view. pool, le yard $4300/mo Barbara San· •eget, Rltr. 94~195 Tustin 14711 ~Or. Ideal location 1r1 Tustin ~. quoel cul de-$K neat to pm1l. ~ pool. le p;abo w-"i yard, 2Bt I 2Ba LR. OR. den Sl650,' mo Cal Bob 714-7:11-6419 bmsf@m.sn com Cksti{Wis CONVENIENT wlrdltn JOl' 'rr bUJ!1ti. stlliltg, or put Wini, cltwijitd lw """' '°" lltt4! CUSSJ FIF,J) '"'' 642-5'78 le• rk licensed £1ectrk:al Contractor. Small tobs starl1n1 al $79.9S & .... SfH!c1ahz1n1 1n Remodehnc & all home wlfll'I nnds. Comm/lndust/Res 1-aoG-lt7-10N l•782959 C1ISTOM CllAlM TU lnsUllbon, Ulle. anmlc, ~ stone. r.e.I. 1975 L'612044 Jiff 714-612>9961 Wfi ..... Raprllrtd Rtlfouhn & lnstallabon Till DEAN 949-673-8065 71~ 71+8D-2Dn JOBS OFfERED Damadc Employment -•Hotts-/Mtr·* I clean & ma1nl1m lar11t1 home. Cook, dr1vt, all duties. eldtrly & child care exp 323·937 -9038 Employment 8500 ',., ._ __, &/• manaetd a but1ness. co seeks )IOl.r .. ' lhlltim ~ ,., "" 1am n4-2!'BBll DlllVE•S WANTED Newpoi1 & Hun~ Bell Set yout own sdledulel Patt or full hme available $75•/day lull IJrM Call 888 OOt WORK °' m @ -J>-0.lcom "I" "'°"' Detill ....... Auclt w• It ain llJC)ly 1r1 person 1951 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa 949 650 2999 Moclcd .... Aaaht·" flea hoors, Wiii tr Mi. arut position f0< atudef!L NB .,.. ea• 949 ~ 3121 CM.w.---../ <---. S8.SO.Sl6.50 Comm & lfonuses. c... Hrly n ' PT 25 Y-old Co fun Cnonommt. PMI weaJy 714 373-8545 Rob SELL your stuff through classified! CE.NEUl. IDlll AIWNIENAME • Wlmil •a-crail 0 Job Jbo s..a o. .......... 949-322-8292 ............. .............. ·--·-·-... ,..... .................. s.llls.Moe-RepWI ·~ 949-&42-o424 Publishme NOMOTIONS Dlf'.AllMINT Community ~ 11'1 Dr.,.e County seeks r u1 Timi penoo to lntwview and write stori.. partict- pate in ~ events, creata and peclnlte ...- and MCbons. hcallenl c:onwnunication ..._ wen Ml wilt the pubic. ~ N' Stytt. QuerW'teu. l'hotostql, r.Mb-Ad Cre atar, Ptoliaent on MAC and PC. CCI deslan experience prafarred Ptoofreldio& tesl Or111 sc:r~r~td. EOE. Eace-llent benefit 1*kara. Emllll rtsum1, wriOOa umpla and sallry requirements to lana.pnson@lltimn.com ........ ~ ~ .._ in CM 1111ks hndy tnla.-aE -lllt flp s::had. ........ -Cil)llty lllOI MM50-22AJ s.1o...--...n111r.,. 1mmed1ately No .. P necassaf"y 714-596-5321 or appl~ 1n person 6902 Edrp" Aw, 1U*J!fm lldl Socrotairy PT@ HPB learnma center Corr1itrter literate, m&flll of phonn. correspondents. sched ulina and booklleepine Competitive salllfy. flex hrs ~11949 720-1450 TIU-UPS "'9t. So"w• ~00..Sl~ OS hculy• mrrmo-bonu!i6. Pd Mlkly nJf"T. Eqier puld. Allrrts W'llk:omed. 25 W--Co. H B ~&L..,..._ ~Call~J63. «m·~ ClASSlfllD It's the solution you're searching for ·whether you're seeking a home, apartment pet or new occupation! FIX UP SPICIAUST. AH types ol repair$. Elec trk:al. plumbina. doon. Wlllll!r helllss, 1111 & more 24ttflda~ 714-366 1881 -...~ &~ Carpentry • Ptumb!na Orywal • Stucco Paint-., ri1t ' more 20+-Years bper-t •714-t6t~S776 ~~ ... rnodllla, AlpSa.' CerTJri'Y. MSM ~~ lic:f69632'1 714-962-24JB iiARiiiiii AllTn>aOfWOfll lnMde or Ollt C•ll Jeff or Dennis 714 427 0040 >onaylirm'· "-1 .... S,-W.t lnlorlOf & ExltrlOf Repein 714-50Hl466 w aOllMSOM COMPANY l(it:hlns, Wlls, ...._ Mark 949·&50·9525 ...... IUMI TO THI OU.Pitt 714 968-1182 AVAILABLE lOOAYI 94M7J..S56ti ,..., ILJ ........ AllDmollllls -........ ... A..ill '00 M SA •I, full lact warr, metallic drk blut/&r•Y llhr, CO. mnrf, superb cond. Sl9.995 v'874241 Bkr t4t-SH-1HI -.~c- 1 .. tt.yAt.,....'02 Black/blicll 1Tepnt #X08761 Dir Jim Diiion Sr NEWPOlT AUTOSPOltT 94t-S74-S.OO IMW '01 74011 26k ml. lull lact warr orninco/ 01lma1I llhr, n1vi1atlon, superb hllt new cond S4lk vl020471 fmancin1 avail Bkr 94~586-1888 -.ocpel.<- IMW'OJ 760U 11 ml, • black buuty, IOI( 10256 Dir. Ry1nludden MIWPOlT AUTOSl'OIT t4t-S74-5.00 Ce11llllac •to Sa4o" .,..,.. St. M..ita 98.fD> ml. s.viced by Nabors Cadilllc. White/Bladl lop. loolls like I COflYertible. PY-m Audio Sysb!m AM/FM/CO. Excellent c:oM 8cqtlt new ~ ~. 96646-6110 c...a.c '02 Sovllo SlS allvar /1ra1 llhr. CO ctvm whls. &old pke. lull fact. hke new. S20.995 v~9674l fln1ncme aviul Bkr 949·586-1888 -.~l.c- Ferrari FI Coupe, while, red leather, badg n ' more 3.000 mlles •120496 Dir Ryan Ludders NIWPOU AUTOSPOU Ht-574-5.00 Forrwl FI c..,.., white, red leather. bad& es & more 3.000 m1tn 1120496 Dir Ryan ludder• NlWPOU AUTOSPOltT t4t-574-S600 F......t'02360A~ Yellow. tan mt. 6oO mi 1127672 Dir John Hail NEWPO•T AUTOSPOaT t4t-S74-S600 •••• ·•s Mua101t1 Converttble, or111nal owner iohd c.ar Sl9 995 oho 949-719 2943 For4 Mnt-e CPE '98 V6. 2fik mi. fully loaded •Int cond. orein owner sa.ooo 949 723 6306 ,,._ 'Ol s-T,.,.. 4.2 Vf, 15k m1, white. 0&1nwit Ith-. ro. ctw ome ~. 6 speed il\llo. Save lSK. SJll.996. vi~ 949 586·1888 Bkr •-·•<pol.co"' llM'llllDrlll IHT MOVtaS $SS/Mr. s.w. ,. CMs. lnued. TI631M4 &-.2378 323-6."J).9971 Olll PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Public Utilities Commission requirb that 111 used houuhold aoods movers print ll1t1r P.U.C Cal T number; limos and chauffeurs print lhtlr T.C.P . number In 111 advar· tlsements. If you hive any quutlof'ls 1bout Iha te1allty of • mover, llmo or ch1uff-, call· PUIU< Uf&JTllS CO.MISSION IOO 177_...7 a..• ...... 'IJYrt., Cr11f Price! Guaranteed -II. f rH Hl LIJ75602 714 538 1534 7 390-2945 ,.,....;,, ......... Top ~ality, Co•tfliw Interior /'ht l'641221 C1I Jar Mt--850 508' ............ ff#Zflf09 .. -~ay ltalNr, premium Wheels. (I~) $27,980 ., ,,.,..,. ,..... "' only 1111< '"'· HftC Ptr • forlll8lCI ..... ( 19*) INQUIRl::I OO...W'*- cr=)1111' "4'~ ==~ (19171) $25,91() O:tA&w.RU ,,,_oot, loaded! (19455) S2A,980 OOIMWXS .,, .. ..,, Slvet w/Bladl (1944.le) S38.!8> 00/UZIUtJ Silver w/Bllldl luUier. ptMllunl Wt.ti$ (19392) $32.980 -~ts Bladl w/beea moon rool, dwomed whtelt (193811) Sl5,!8>. HIMW140I~ Bladl/Black. Wllfr1111ty. Loaded: (19318) $26,!8> " W... IS "'° White w/llln prem '#ll!!eh, • betuty (19440) $13.!8> fl/IA~U20 w..-Whlle w/pwy, lulher, ~ ....... (l 9'29) $27,9llO •••• 51 ... 7117 PttaMPSAUTO pl.,H ·- lo•"• 't4 lS400 Ch•mP•&n• 1old/b n ilhr. CD. aold pke. s uperb, "''I cund SI0.995 vt 267512 f1 nanc1n1 1va1I Bkr 949 'j86 1888 WWW ocpabo t.OfTI La.... lS400 '.a ereal condrhon, or~ owner 95li ITlll, s.lvt\f. mid blut! book. S8IKX> 949 6~ 500> Moado '99 M lolo Conv 45k m1. •ulo s•lver Ian top pw pl A, C CO ,uper b hke new co11d v•l l9143 Sii 995 f1nanC1n& ' 101ranty •Va1l 8kr 949 !>86 1888 --ocP4*1.c- Morc..tff ClSOO '2002 Bnlhant S1lve1 I lK m1 .... , .. 111 $15,000. 949-H7-160S Morce4oe '00 U20 16k actual n11 lull f•clo1 y w•11 IU1 quo1•e blue/1111 lthr. m0-0111ool. CO. chrome whls """ of the towe,1 mile Mei cede~ ul lhe yur on Celtf ••'>'>7291 S28 995 fmanu nc a•11I Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ocP4*.c- MBCfDES 2I0176 or11 owner all r etords well l<ept & clun l•~k m1 $1490 949 640 6388 MorCAMIM 450Sn 7S Solvs. ~. at. ac. Mtl/ Im. black tnl. SI 900 ( 8Clllt 111'.ed S4(XXl ) p,oOO cood 9l9 ~843? More ..... 'II 560 SL while/Ian. 1mmac r\'\d. n~,,_,_dq,. ctn:n.,. SWXD 714 i'5l "'64 Su .. or" '9t hepro10 'l 5RS bl8Ch buuty lollded ""1 al RS ~ SlO !>00 /14 /!,I 2464 ASl'MMT PAV1MG, SW COATING, STalPING, Qvalotyworli,._~ c. c '?11171~ ..... • dlVlllOn °' Miil J lanll9ft S£MR JETIING ElfCTROHIC SLAB lCNI OCTECTIOH Frltndly Senk• t4t-675-tJ04 _.........,._ '-wm.-.t1-........... AllllAl ..... ""'-., 0. l c... "'""*Own Home (949) 831-6771 - v;&_. ...... oo ... 1i; 2811 ml, sparkhn& blad/ oatmeal. auto, moonrl. CD. pw, pl. alloy whls, Ilk• new. vmf470055 SI 1,99!> fin ' warranty 1v11I, Bkr 949586·1888 -. .,....,.<_ vw GCiff""Gr'to 5Si>d stick, all records. .,... ... & , ......... , --Sl900/ol>O 949-706-3999 AUTOMORES, MISCW.ANEOUS Wllllld 9045 ~~._... °"9' «> yems elp! w'9 P1Y ll YSy fl9 Pf IOI lor )IOl.r -v .. Of ~ PM! lor Ot not c.t OW* IWy @ Tone ~ Siiis.. 7~ 437-1931 Ot 7l4-J28.32211 CASH fOlt CMS WI NEID YOU. 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