HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-15 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS & CURIOSITIES 'IT' hasn 't change a thing, yet I finally saw one. It was just the other day. I was In my motorcar, on Bayside Drive, heading towd.Cd the Isle of Balboa There it was, on the opposite side of the street. heading towardme - gliding along without a care. just as advertised. Was it a bird? Was it a plane? Was it a Vespa? No. It was a "Segway .• Ring a bell? PETER Try this: the BUFFA "Segway Human Transponer. ·Still nothing? Come with me now to a time long ago. December 2001. Futunst and inventor Dean Kamen i!1 about to unveil his much touted -and boy ls that an understatement -Segway Human ll"ansponer on ABCs "Good Morning America • For more than a year. Kamen had teased and tantalized the world's media with top secret demonstrations and carefully planned news leab about a new invention or his called, simply enough. ·n:" Dean Kamen may be an uwentor, but he ls no mad scientist He can get all the anention he wants, whenever he wants it, thank you. His previous inventions Included a ponable insulin pump-and a briefcase·siz.ed dialysis machine -both considered medical breakthroughs -and a high-tech wheelchair called "iBot" that could climb stairs. Uckety-split The chosen few who were given a peek at ·IT" were all techno-heavyweights like Apple's Steve Jobs, and Bob Metcalf. a computer engineer who. unlike Al Gore. really did hetp create the Internet They were generally tight·Hpped. but they all dropped tantalmng hints that "IT" could revolutionlu the way we work and play and live. "I've seen it and it is ... more lmponant than pantyhose and more lmponant than the Internet.. said Metcalf. l-'m..not wre abo• •t the... pantyhose. but when the media picks up statements like those about a new product. your publicist raises his arms toward the heavens and says, "Thke me now, Lord." On the morning or the grand unveiling on "Good Morning • S.. COMMENTS, Pase M INSIDE THE PILOT FATHER'S DAY IS TODAY N#d • lat-minur. gift ldH for your dMr old dMJ? ,.,.,.. .. .,,,.,. ld#a: The Oetfy Ptlot'a newest Sundey eddhion hie eome h91pful hlnta on p6ddng the l1gtrt de, • welt • tipl on how to de It jUlt right. • S.INllGHt,...M S UNDAY EDITION Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 JUNE 15, 2003 Sima Abelowitz hugs Dr. Lawrence Werlln while her husband Steven and son Ethan, 2, greet Wer1in's wife Sally as they gather for dinner at the Abelowrtz's Newport Coast home. SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT SUNDAY STORY Newport Beach doctor, the ''father of fertility" in Orange County, has h elped plenty of men become dads when parenthood Looked imposs ible. Fruitful practice Lolita Harper Daily Pilot P apa is sull a R. olhng S111ne On any given day. in the office of feruhty !>peciclh!>I Lawrence Werh n. there 1<.. an aura of happiness. hope and overall sarisfacoon. It's onJy rock 'n' roll, but he seems to like 11. "You wallc in -he tak~ appointments as early a.c; 6:30 a.m -w you wallc in the morning and you have the Rolling Stones going and it io, a happy environment,· said Sima Abelowitz. a longtime pauent "'fl\ al ways the Rolling Stone<>. I le love.. the Rolling Stones." Werlin's musical taSles are JU'>l a '>mall example or what makes him a wonderful doctor, she added. I le ic, very positive, very upbeat. very friendly and funny. He always has a mile on h1~ foce and a joke to teU. Werlin. of Newpon Beach. 1s noi JU'>t an excellent doctor, he also ha'> an excellent person, she said. "He is like your buddy not rour doctor," Abelowil7 said. Not that infertility IS a laughable maner, but his relaxed nature put<, hi'> clients a1 ease and reassuw. them the11 experience is going to be an encouraging one, she scud. "He says. 'lt"s OK. You are going to ge1 pregnant,'" Sima Abelowil7 said. ··1 re 1-. always so positive and that is very imponant in fertility." That altitude comes from Werlin loving what he does. I le loves being J father and is thrilled 10 help other people reali7,e that dream. "First of all it is a joy. from my perspective, to be a parent." Werlin said. "Everyday I thank God for my wife·~ and my three beautiful children. To be able to help a couple to realire that goal is by far the most satisfying thing m medicine for me." PERSONAL CARE -l---..u.cuw...ua:Lil'.li;J;J_!_ he I pin.& couples for years. long enough to be dubbed the "father of fertility" in Orange County His history includes years or groundbreaking studies in the field and Werlin was one or the first doctors to bring infertility treatments to Orange County. ln 1986, Wertin founded Hoag S.. PRACTICE, P11e A4 KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Ptl.OT Lawrence B. Werlin, is a fertrhty spec1ahst who has helped countless families have children and has three of hrs own. Pictured, from left, are Or. Werlin and hrs wrfe. Sally, and hrs three children: Rachel, 24; Evan, 17; and Emma. 16. LETTERS TO DAD We love our dad Jim P'adden be- cause be brin~ 100 oranges to us. He gives us lou of hugs and kisses. He plays baseball with us and teaches us how to sud CHARLIE, 5, TRUDY, 4, N«)L£AH, l For more F9thef's Day letters end photo., ... Peges AS-I TOP STORY Sun, pomp and smiles for UCI grads SPORTS UCI students bid farewell during several graduations Saturday. More than 5,000 receive diplomas this year. More than 5,000 graduates received a degree Satunlay, marting nearly a l °" increase compared to last year's graduat· ins~ Among those graduating w - dents. 853 recei\ied their m • tet's degree or doctorates while the vast majoril); 4,098 tu· denta. recdvtd thetr blchelor'a degree. "It represents another IC· complishment for me," said 23· UC IRVJNS -They couldn't year-old Erin Gofl8. who re. haw uked for a more beeudf\11 ~ her mutrr'I of ans ln dly. tNCh1ng. ·a wanted to go Into lhe IOI\ WU ~ a tight teechJnl beal!M lt eeemt lib a brea.i WU blOwlril and tbty very~ snt-ion ... It Mt"e surrouncted by ramay anc1 meu.nc.t -. rm twl>P1 and Mends appliudjni theif elb'9. my~~· Christin• C1rrlllo OallyP1lot ~weft the io03 ........ Cere11i0illlt ...... Clllty ._ elm I& UC lrYtne'I 38d\ COl'llllMNWW&t c:eremoNll. ............ M l A2 51.wlday, June 15, 2003 .....__..EK IN REVIE ' COSTA MESA Costa Mesa considers $112-rnillion budget The City Council spent Monday staring at a S 111.8-milllon budget for the 2003-04 fiscal year. The preliminary budget allows the city to maintain programs and services at existing levels. The city expects to take in about $38 million in saJes tax and about S 15 in propeny tax during the year. Councilman Allan Ma.nSoor questioned some or the citys proposed spending. including money o n the Westside Police station that he said only operates during business hours and not during peak crime h ours. Roger Mende-L, 17, received the Honorary Jose Angel Garibay Scholarship, awarded by the Orange County I lispanic Educational Endowment Fw1d, and will receive S 1,000 toward hi:. university srudies. The Newport I !arbor I Ugh senior and Costa M~ resident said it is an honor he will not take lightJy. Garibay. a Newpon I !arbor grad, and six o thers from his base were kiUed March £J near Nasiriyah, Iraq, after tmcountering an ambush by enemy troop:., official'> reported. I le was the firi.t of two Qr,mge Counry casualties reported in the war. • DEIROAE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman a latimes.com. NEWPORT BEACH City nol counting on El Toro airport yet While governmental and nongovernmental organizations wage an ink war, Newpon Beach residents are a little more reserved about what may or may not be a revival of the pro-El Toro airport cause. Residents are split on whether the city of Los Angeles has a right to push for decisions outside its jurisdiction. Earlier this month, a letter swfaced in which LA. Mayor James K. Hahn secretly asked the federal government if Los Angeles World Airports, the agency that runs Loi. Angeles International Airport. could run an airport at El Toro. Despite Los Angeles' potential influence. the Navy ls proceeding with plans to unload the buJk of the base's 4,700 acres in an online auction in the fall. When contacted Friday, LL Cmdr. Pauline Storum. a Navy spokeswoman in Washington, O.C, said the agency isn~ planning to call off that auction. The Navy. through the Department of Defense, has hired real estate marketer Colllers Seeley to publicize the sale and oversee the bidding. The company launched a Web site at www.l1eritagefields.com that contains infonnation about the auction process. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airporl. She may be reached at (949) 574-423£ or by e-mail at june.c:asagrandi>@latime.~.com. BUSINESS Airline turns down John Wayne Airport A Olicago-based discount airline has backed out of a bid to offer Oights out or Orange C..ounty, prompting airpon managers to seek a replacement carrier. In a Tuesday leuer, ATA Airlines declined an offer to set up shop at John Wayne Airport. After ATJ\s decision, airpon managers turned to MJdwest Express. a regional airline based in Milwaukee. Freed has tentatively offered two dajJy lights lo MJdwest Express. which would Oy to Kansas City. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment. business and polttlcs. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'SOMETIMES, STAYING AFLOAT CAN BE TOUGH' S(AN HILLER I DALY PILOT Breaking news can come in the fonn of almost any situation. In the Newport-Mesa area. the biggest news story of the day couJd be the surf or, like this week's photo, a boat sinking. salvage the boat. lbere isn't that much to see though. The most interesting ~happens below the !>Urface, where divers use inflatable devices to raise the i..unken !>hip. Maybe if I had a wateT camera and wet.sujt handy. I could have captured the drama belmy in the murlcy watcl"> of Newpon I larbor. Although the s.ituation is a serious one, especially for the owner of the vessel seeing a boat sink is interesting. People from all over the island came to watch workers try and -Sean I lilll'r. staff photographer EDUCATION Lincoln Flementary students sport togas Greek Day returned to Lincoln Elementary School in Corona d el Mar on Wednesday, representing the culmination of the sixth-graders' yearlong studies on ancient civilizations. The festivities, which involved 95 students dressed ln togas, included Olympic games and Greek food being served by Lheir parents. Associate Professor Linda Barron in the UC Irvine Graduate School of Management conducted a study that lried lo explain why women ask. for less money than men during salary negotiations. The study revealed that women entering the work force generally ask for lower initial salaries than men and attributed much of that behavior lo women's different beliefs about worth. entitlement and proving oneself. An Orange Coast CoUege fund-raiser brought in $63,000, whkh will help save 21 of the paul.c/inton<9'1atimes.com. ENVIRONMENT Cottages get go-ahead from Coastal Commission The California Coastal Commission granted an approval weanesaay lo restore the historic cottages at Crystal Cove State Parle and tum them over to the public for overnight rentals. Tue commission, during a marathon meeting Wednesday in Long Beach, signed off on a plan that has been subject of much debate since it was unveiled in 200 l. California State Parks will restore the deteriorating cabins and plans to offer DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Sixth-grade puptls at Lincoln Elementary are about to get pulled across ttle finish line as ttiey battle in tug-0f-war durmg Greek Day festivities. coUeges cl~. They had been cut because or the slate's budget crisis. Pomona. Whlttier and Wilson Elementary Schools received more than 2.000 books over the past few weeks as part of the Los Angeles limes' "Reading by 9" program. The program. sponsored by the Daily Pilot and the three Newpon Beach 20 ac; affordable rentals, eight for park staff, five for educational uses and three for concession stands. •PAUL a.JNTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.cJinton 1il/atimes.com PUBLIC SAFETY Gang sweep nets handguns and four arrests A muJti-agency gang task force combed Costa Mesa's Westside early Wednesday morning in a search for gang members aUegedly involved in two shootings and a stabbing. police Rotary Oubs. provided recreational reading books for kindergarten through third-grade students at the three elementary schools. • CHRISTINE CARR1U.O 0011ers education and may be reached at (949) 574 4268 or by e-mail at christme.ca"il/o (!Jlfatimes.com. official~ said. Offi cers did not find the people they were looking for. but arrested four others on different charges. and found three handguns in two homes. Costa Mesa Police Lt. Dale Birney said One boy was arrested on suspicion of violating p robation, and another for egedty1nterfer1ng wtth the omcers' ability to perform their duty, Birney said. David Antonio Mendez. 18, and a girl were arrested on suspicion of interfering. The girt also had an outstanding warrant, Birney said • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be re&dled at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bhararh@latimes.com. Dally Pilot NOTABLE QUOTABLES HI want to compliment tlie staff wt have llere that makes the council -and this council member - look a lot better and smarter than we rmJly are.. .. -Ouk Sled. Costa Mesa councilman. on how imp~ he was with what he called the best budget he has seen in his more than two-year council tenure •Everybody wants a piece of the clittSe. We're doing our best, but we're sdl/ going to feel the hurt." -Steve Bromberg. Newport Beach mayor. on the city's tight economic times 'We believe Ille IU'U' tenanl ntWJs to be a destination cJienl. Smaller. fast food restaurr.mts don't seem to irort. People nttd to go there on purpose. not just b«ause they have some dme, but to a pl.aa where tliey want to bring tlieir families." -David Yoon, general manager or 1Hangle Square, on the latest efforts to revive the downtown Costa Mesa shopping center "Many othPr petJple have rerogniz.ed Roger's strength. I haJJe rwo younger boys and I hope they follow llis example. I pray that many others tum out like my SOTL Willi tlie graa of Cod. tlieycaTL" -Rog8lo Mendez. a Costa Mesa resident. on his son. Roger. who is the first recipient of a scholarship created 10 honor fallen Costa Mesa Marine Jose Garibay "It goes up and down, like a roller roaster." -llrn Schmnum. Costa Mesa gang detall sergeant. on gang crime that h.ad been somewhat dormant until a couple of months ago ~rm conftlct«I.. For a lot of reasons, an fl Thro airport irould be good for u.s...lju.s.uJon'L UKllll il in my back~" -Gerry Ro., a Newport Coast resident. saying what residents think about an El Toro airport DailyAPilot ConlWltaon Box 1560, Costa M8N, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News attistant. (9491574-4298 Copyright: No news atones. coret.wfl.on latimes.com illustrations. editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein can be WEATHER FORECAST ume direction et 6 to 7 feet. Seen Hlllef, Don Leedl, reproduced without written ic.rt Treptow permlsaion of copyright owner lat• this evening 1he wind will Don't~ morning doudl notdl up to 15-26knotund1he VOL. 97, NO. 166 READERS HOT\JNE HOW lO REACH US end fog wtl bum off whh tome wavee wilt rite• foot or eo. THOMAS H. JOHNSON News Edllora (949) 842-6086 CimMdon lingering tog nwthe ~ PubfletW Gine ~.Lori Andlnon, Record your comments about the The nmea Orange County In the 8fttemoon. fOi the~ SURF TONYDODIRO Denial Hunt. Peul SeitoWIU.. Daily Piiot or news tips. (800) 252·91•1 peft, elCPld eunny --whh Editor Dan1ef s...wn. Addr.-~ highe ti.twMn the ~Jo. South-facing brNb .,.. A1fl1f OE I llNQ NEWSSTNf Our eddnMSa 19 330 W Bay St, Costa ~ (949) 842 5678 ~~':r Mesa, CA 92827. Of'1oe hours ere Djlptey 1949) 6'2...:121 end k1wer IOL McMIOs at the seeing dlelt-to ehoutdefLhJgh Crlme°::r~. Mond.ty -Friday, &30 a.m . -6 p.m. Edttoliel bud1ee. Tonight. led for Htl. Standout wpotl, Promodons~ (IM8) 61 Cowecdot• News 8fW of fog with loc:et vflibitfty eepedefty tn ~ o.c. dHf».blwdt.,.,,,.,.oom It la the Pi1ot•1 policy to promptly (949) 6'2·5680 .... th.,. Of'9 qualW mlt. IMing 80me Mea Nnnfng held IDfT1NG ST.Affl ...... =··· COfT'9Ct an errors of sui.tance. 8pcNts (9'8) 57...U23 Lows from the upper 60a to high. W9lt .... tNwka .,.. LI;~ PleeM call (9481 7e4-<&324. News Fu (941) ~170 mkMIOa. NMing --to d..s high, ~ f9PC)ft91. 8pcNta Fu (949) 560-0170 ~· M8)574-4m FYI e.m.a: d•l/ypllot•l•tl,,,.,.com lnlonNrtlon: ctu• llllPC)l!Ur9 .... ~ •:.J.-.n• ,.,,,,,..,oom Ju,,..~·~ The Newport BeachlCOlta M ... MMIOMoe www.nws.no.a.(IOV btgoet. ..... CllltM Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) 19 ........_ Otlla. UM9l 842...:121 w....-v: ........ ....., ~. bulfnela Md erwtrontMnt Clly!dMor, published dally. In Newport Beech ........... ,.. (949) 631-7128 BOATING FORECAST ~llUrtrlder.Olfl (Mt'9M3)t ~. (N8) 1liM330 and Costa Mesa, aubecrfptiona ere ,.,.,..,,.., • ..,_com Pll'Jt dmtotl• ,.,,,,,_com available only by 1t1bectlblng to The Cloee to the lhON wtndl wfll TIDES ............. a..111...,. Tlrnee Ora099 County (800) IJ.w.e be variable 9t 10 llrMJCI wtlt'I d"=' Cotumnllit; ~ nlpOft9r. 252-lllAt In~ out9lde of wind w.we 2 .... « ... end n.e ....... ,..,11'M211 Newport 8Md\ •nd CoMe Mela. twttte from ... nolftsut lt4 t:Oea.m. ·Ulfwlllow .... ,.,,_.,_,_oom tubtcripttona to the Delly Piiot .... to5fMcMt11e001 .. ~of n'4iee.m. Ulf9Mhlgh ...... " ..... 4.'0lp.m. 2..DtllltlcM 4MJlet>M only by firtt 0.. mall for PubffeMd by Tlme1 Community the...,... OWii!lgM .. fog --~ COila Mele~ (Ml 5U..t221 S30 per monctl. (P'l1cet fnoNde .. I 10:27p.m. 8.77tlllthlgh ,_...,...,.,,,,,._oom t»lrth.~•111t1rrw..com flPC)llclble ..... •nd local tada.) New.. • dlvlaJon of the Lo Anoefee buMdlng In ..... Ouc .... .... lllC ... Tlmee loot for .. "'°"' ... ..... ldllicw. ~e... PO~: Send llddr-. ncM1h\w9t to be .,__..., 10 WATER TEMPERATURE , ....... ~lofl ,..,,.,, (Ml) 57oU298 ~to The HMpoft C\2003 TI"*' CH. All nghta end 20 Mott ... Wll'l.a. 210 ...... ,.. .............. .., ~•w.m..c:iom ~Mme DaJly Piiot, PO. ....... iioed JtMCendlWilllffont ... Od1ly Pilot Sur~y. Jone 15. 2003 A3 LOOKING BACK The fugitive made the name for h im self NeWporl: e>each PoUce Department Teen Academy ~ 1• ~ • ..iir.,"-.... ,....1 ..... ;z-f rA Like him or not, Sid Soffer, living now in Las Vegas, is among Newport-Mesa's most colorful characters. Lollta Harper Daily Pilot W ha1 happened Lo the outspoken, defiant, yet charming. Sid Soffer? Soffer, who has dubbed himself, "The Fugitive," lives in Las Vegas and continues to avoid a jail sentence s1emming from building code violations. Many may remember $offer's make-shift car lot. His popular Meak house. His aversion to city codes. He was a candid man A blunt speaker. I le did no1 mince words. He did not <;Lay quiet. Soffer, who had alwa~ Uved near the beach, said he mio;ses Newpon -Me!><l. "I have noticed that there I!> very, very Uttle ocean hreeze in Veg&. practically none." Sofler ..aid. "There 1s 1us1 something lacking here." n1e fugitive, who hru. persistently fough1 to clear h1!> name. said he plan'> to be home .,oon. 11~ in the middle of the legal prolev, 10 prove there are Costa Me~ planning document.'> that prove ht<, e\.idence of innocence \oOer da1m<, the cit\ ha-. le pl that t•\'ldem e h um lum ( II\ offiut1h c:l;um 11 dOC''>n't ('X1'1. n10se tn 1he lu10w. '>llll ket·p 1n touch w11h ~oiler. who JJwa}"> ha' an earfuJ about tl1e lat~I cit}' hi under I hear from him all the 11me ... '><.lid Lo'>ta Me'><t Mayor {,ary ~lona.han Monahan de'>cnht:d '>offer in one word: "ramankerou. .... " "Ill• !>poke oul Jbout t'\ erything, .. Monahan ~d. ·· 1 fl•member h1111 at a ml'elmg "l'anng an elcn "ik.u.,h Monahan ·1-,h1rt after I "'"' already on the councLI.'' Monahan "a' the manager JI Sid's old c;teak hou!tt.' on Newport Boulevard -before openmg h1'> own pub -am.I '><lid he learned more from the d1..agreeahle man about the re<>taurant bU'>lll~ than anyone Although "iofler BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Van guard pre. ident honored with award Vanguard University, in Co'ita Mesa. has honored 1hc1r prC!>I · dent, Murray Dempster, with the F.tlucs In America Awurd for ethical excellence 1n the Orange t..ounty business community at a reception that was held on June 10 in Newport Beach. The awardi. were presented by the Passkeys Foundation and Olapman Untverc;ity's Leather- by Center fo r Entrepreneurship and Businesc; Fth1cs. Past re· cipient!> include l l 1ornas E. Yon. pres ident of South County Bank; Sonance. an archnectura.I audio business in San Oe· men1e; Insight Health Services I IF l\lPI llLL'S --H l ( I" ~ ( \I{ I' I I " . had already retreated to Sin Cty, Monahan ran the steakhouse following Soffer's instructions. Costa Mesa resident Cass Spence. who works as a Newport Beach code enforcement officer, said he had the pleasure of knowing Soffer professionally. Although Spence represented the type of intrusive government Soffer hated, he never took it out on him personally. Oddly enough, the two men got along. Spence said. He is one of a kind, he said. "Sid was very hands on and knowledgeable, he's been doing this for 40 years and succeeding." Monahan said. "He would explain thin~ and make you think. He always played the devil's advocate.· Although he may not reside m the boundarie:. of Newpon ·Mesa, Soffer conunu~ to inflict a littJe pain on its officia.I~ The fugitive routinely reads the Pilot on the Internet and writes letter!> to the editor and City I lalJ. Soffer weighs in on variou!> topic!>, such as second-s1ory additiom. and the 19th Street frans1lionaJ area. He a.lso continues 10 fight his conviction. In December 2002, Soffer wrote then Mayor Karen Robinson alleging most of Co!>ta :\le<,a's city code'>. including the one he wa.., convicted of \.1olating. were 1101 law becau<,e lht'y \\ere not properly "'enacted" .is reqwred m the state l on ... u1uuon. ··~ ~1dne) I.ester ~ffer wru. t harged and convtc1ed of \IOlatmg eo ... La \1esa Muruc1paJ Code'> which •..vere not law, lha1 mean'> 1ha1 informauon shaJJ be gi\en tu the rriaJ court \\1th the reque<,t the comriction be overturned a'> bemg void fo r lack of tl1e court having 1un!.dicuon," he wrote !-.ti.II fighung. '>till Oeeing, Soffer ,., a reun:umng part of ;\;ewport~~lesa history. • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays Do you know of a person, place or event that deserves a historical Look Back? Let us know. Contact James Meier by fax at t949) 646-4170, e-mail at 1ames.me1er a la11mes com or m ail him at c.o Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St . Costa Mesa. CA92627 C .orp in l.aJce Fore .. t, and Aller gan. Inc in ln1ne The cer- emony '~a!> ho!>ted b} best-sell- mg author and syndicated radio talk '>hrJ\\ host Dennis Prager -Kris 0 IJ01111e/I ,,.. ~ Put a bug in 1 ~'-' someo ne's J ear Call the Daily Pilot r r i::,; A ;;. ,. Sid Soffer, dubbed "The Fugrtive," lrves in Las Vegas and continues to avoid a 1a1I sentence stemming from building code v1olat1ons •Using the Latest Copying Technology • 600dpl Xerox Digital Output • Quality Color Copies .39~ • B&W Coples Small and Large Volume • Laminating • Folding • Cutting • Stapling • Binding • Rubber Stamps ~ BLUEPRINTING • Large Vellums • Cad Plotting • Lg. Bond Copies E-mail your plot files to us at lagunaprint@earth link.net Pick up & Delivery • Fast Quality Service Proud/~ Sen.!ing You Since 1984 7/,· .7l1v•1 /,.,,,/r l/,~/,/,/,1. i,,./ft1ltf'/1., /n 1 ~014 Open Saturdays LagunaPrint l :iS N. 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Bucket of Ribs s2s96 . ~""" •:m m;nn PlgPU HogPU !>5g95 lnfroducirai "U"-Que Paks •c..11 OUR ~ H TOOi p;lL ..S Jn'rt dlt lirt:• l. .. At' J"'-j.J-.IJ... f ...... •• • •a &..,. '"'""' r\it,.•u~rf,... 1t ''~ •H: ,., .... ..,~ .... )' ...,. ri•'t' ,, • .,... ..,, ...... ..,, • V Pl.a \o"t4t..""' }UN \''" ..... ' V HCJC! .. ,-~ • 1 ,,~ .:u, s, ... 1: Porkrr ,.,.,ft. .. ,,,_ \., .....,, .. Meat Chene- ~ ,. lN-lh ti f ~-..,._, .... ,_.... I I litf' ,'°" r•J.. k&t-. '\•kkl~ ,_.,.,1 ,,.... 1 J,.,, ll'1 ,,l ~· Stdcs [IUQ[Y, • .,,( ... _ ..... ··~ \1.,..,/w<' •c.1~•' f"1;11 °'>lhl (.,., h\T !}dlJ .... ORANGE COUNTY f7 J4 ) 740-7878 tlclc•t-•N' (71 4} 7.55 -0236 GRO P 1ALf Ir ~PE RFORMING ARTS CENTER (7U } .556-2787 INFOPM~TION (71') .5.56-2746 TTY M Sunday, June 15, 2003 SOLIS [NVESTMENT REALTY .KRJSTEN M. Sous • Liooucd Real F..stace Agent • Mtltinf, tJJ of 1""' RN/~ MOis. ERJc A. Sous • c • 17 ~an i & &tuls • Mlll'Uld FwuJs • Annw Esuu Retirmintl Pflmning • lnvatmmt &I mg • ~· UnnJNlnks Call for a co • n at your home or 949-723-11 . __ .. _........, __ ...,... lrilA.-. Cfl' U.M11M7Ct .... 111 Wtla • ..__°""9.....,_.._., Ill ---·WC 9·t9-(H(l-.:;009 lmlt#lmts todJms: 4fi"'1 wl of toN, irritatUm, llmt, sc11nni. JiscolowuiDn, etc. , : •i 1\ ... r '1111 I\ • , . '· · • , \' ,I ' fl l,j k I • f !\,. l1 I' I I SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan in seconds! 50% OFF: 1st Session $15 VaJue I I I ' Expires 7/01/03 I .. ____________ ,,,, CA/J toUy to schttUJe '°"' ""'"'"'""' i (949) 719-2896 27 44 F.ast <:oast Higllwa,, ,, •second Boo( Corona dd Mar, CA 92625 O!Mln. ,.. SbMf atl sr.w,.,.,.;, ·~!'~!!e 1.1,,g11:,:.:.1so1ARIAN ~ALA~ DEHSE PWSBCAIPIT •t....W•N $J89 ........ ,.,. ... ft. 'ftoaNt..,.• 18" a 18" -· .. ·--·-.. ••••• 'ti .. ft. Cm ,, ftle ........... __ •• ....._.._ I • ..ft. I· hn'e.,... ............. ......,.._• • .. .... .......... ,..... lttrllw •o. Ir~ .. Ml ,.,,. • "-'-' ..... ~ --""""'""· • ., ...... -.. ..... p. COl'IA ~ (888) MESA-777 CUTI) PUBLIC SAfETY ().rjacking SUS~ arrested in Irvine Police arrelted • Z&:. • yev-old man on ..,..,. don of attempted car· jacking againlt two ~­ port Beach i:esidenta and vandalism Friday morn· tng. The Irvine Police De· partmeot aneated David Kyung Moon Clloo at about 11:51 a.m. Friday, after he allegedly com- mitted two attempted carjackings in the Mothe(a Market parking lot at the interaecdon of Jamboree Road and Mi- chelson in Irvine, police. said. OailyNot The incidents allegedly occurred alter Clloo re- fused to pay the parking attendant and drove through two gates before trying to Oee on Coot. Po- lice said that witnesses then saw him approach a 30·year~old man driving a Lexus and, holding a knife, demanded that the man give hlm his car. lbe driver, a Newport Beach resident, backed up his car and drove off. wit- nesses said. SEAN HILLER I DAILY Pll.OT Steven Abelowitz, left, son Ethan, 2, and wife Sima are grateful to Dr. Werlin, for helping them get pregnant with Ethan, as well as their newest edition, who's on the way. PRACTICE IS. . Not until he visited Wertin, that thwart a succes.sfuJ pregnancy. By testing the ch romosomes Following that incident, Oloo allegedly ap- proached a 60-yeac-old woman, a resJdent of Newport Coast, and, still holding a knife, threat- ened her life and de- manded she give him the keys Lo her Lexus, police said. The woman then locked h er doors and at- temp ted to Oee as Oloo allegedly began kicking her fender and slashing it with his knife before two officers arrested him. Officers booked Choo Into the Orange County jail. Passengers halted after security breach John Wayne Airport had a temporary security breech Saturday after- noon, after an individual managed to walk around the screening terminal At about 1:47 p.m. Sat- urday, Orange County Sheriff's Department offi- cers and airport officials shut down the airpon un- til the security breech was resolved Planes were temporarily grounded and passengers were de- planed and re-screened before IDghts resumed. AJrport officials de- clined to comment on the incident. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA West 18th 9trMt A commercial burglery wea reported in the 500 blodt Continued from Al Hospital's Fertility Services Center and directed that program for I 0 years. He is now the founder and director of Coastal Fertility Medical Center in Irvine and Aliso Viejo. liying to get pregnant after one or more doctors may have deemed it improbable is an "emotional roller coaster,· Werlin said, one filled with anxiety and emotional highs and lows. Those lows can get more overwhelming each time an a11emp1 10 ger pregnant falls. The key to helping people through those times, he said. is to treat them as people, not clients. "I look at each patient as an individual." Werlin said. "Just like you deal with everyday people. This is not just a patient who has infertility, this is a person who has many other things going on. My job is 10 appreciate that there are other scresses in their life that play a role and try very hard to be sensitive to those issues.· "This all comes·naturally to him," said colleague Susan Bloom. And fatherhood comes naturally to Newport Coast resident Sleven Abelowi12. his wife, Sima. said "Ethan just adores his dad." Sima Abelowitz !laid. "He plays with him all the time. Over the weekend they are ~ buddiec>-• This Father's Day, Steven Abelowitz has a new reason to celebrate. His wife is six months pregnant with their second child, in large pan thanks to Werlin, the couple said. · Abelowitz has a distinct perspective on parenting and medicine because he is a pediatrician. For years, he has seen a good percentage of the children in Newport Beach, but did not have any of his own. He knows the proper nutrition, growth rate, healthy weights. what to do for a fever, a rash, a cough or the snlftles but could not admjnister that knowledge at home. et 6:29 e.m. Wednesday. COMMENTS Av9ftu• of th• Alta: An euto theft wes reported in Continued from Al the 3400 blodt et 3:10 p.m. Wednetdey. America." the latest cool tool ~ _..........,.___.1 .. tmet:--...Aufuior~ge'""'«y..._ __ _,,d.,,,,ubbed"""" -~y -because ii waa reported at South was supposed to be a "segue" Coast PIUI In the 3300 between how we used to Uve and blodt at 7 p.m. Thurtday. how we would live from that day 1fi1to1 9tNet: A forward. forever and ever. dftturbance wH reported Diane Sawyer and Charles in tN 1.-,0 blodc at 10:07 Gi~n gamely donned their helmets, mounted their Segways. p.m. Wedneadey. and toodled around for a minute C..... 8tNet: A veh~ or two. Diane did well Olarlie did burgfary w.1 reported In less well "This ls the world's first the 800 blodt at 11:'1o a.m. self-balancing human Wednetdlry. transporter," said Kamen. "You Nl\WORT llACH ............. ..-A hh.4incf.fUn W '911DNd In tM JOO bloc* M 1:11 p.m.~. llil"'C...l ... sua; • ...., ................. lftlhe 2100 blodl. 4:31 , ..... ~ Wlllaa..a ........ *1d1lrnswrspaltedlft IM 2IOO blodl ec Ml p.m. n.1e19y. .......... Yandallem _....,... ....... ,. blO* ec 12:11,.._ ~­.............. -.......... . ......... stand on this Segway Human Transporter and you think forward and then you go forwanl If you think backward. you go badcwani." That's a little CM?r the top, but not by much. The 65-pound battery-powered Segway is a rather simple-looldn8 one-person scooter that scoots along at about 12 miles an hour. The rider stands oo a platform mounted on two rubber wheeJs and controls the show with a T-shaped handle bat The ultra·high-tech pan. though. is t.ba1 the Segway\ intemal computer is controlling the lhow • much as the rider. "111t aenaon~ meuure the riden oenter-of 1J8Yfty 100 timel a eeoond and ampond to the a.lbdelt~lhffti-~ down or~ upon dsmnd. n.t\ the ·ttmt bwml. lhi* bectwmd" CXJll .... L ()IC. h. But aen .-10 the lmpoi'bUll ICutl 06d II~ the wOdd or nod ~J mMled a me.cq, I~ l**eo. ,.,,. ..... .,_, dl•mnamo.a "*' ... "SW -.-.......... Q ....... . lq,lqdme. "I'm seeing things I used to see first. doctors can fertiUz.e a in other children in my own child woman with an egg that is more and it makes life, and practicing likely to result In pregnancy. as a pediatrician, even more Werlin said. Results of the study enjoyable," Steven Abelowitz showed the highest succe~ rates said. In women who suffered from Sima Abelowitz became repeated pregnancy loss. he said. pregnant both times by in vitro "This will absolutely change fertilization, a process that !the practice of infertility)." involves removing eggs from a Werlin said. "This is the flrst woman, fertilizing them in the randomized IMudyl that has ever laboratory and then oansferring been done in the world to the fertilized eggs, or zygotes. compare whether PGO •'> into the uterus a few days later. successful." Once successfully implanted, the ABLE TO CELEBRATE pregnancy proceeds as ir nonnally would. "We got pregnant on the fm;1 time, both Limes..· Sima Abelowitz said. ROUGH TIMES For o ther couples, the process is more complicated. Werlin said, with a variety of dilferenr options and variables contributing to the success. II can be a nerve-racking process but when couples are successful, almost all those emotions seem to pale in comparison ro the elation of being pregnant. he said. "The important thing to remember is whatever options I offer. it is ultimately, their cho ice," Werlin said. ·1 make recommendations but the choice of their fi nal plan is always in their hands. It may be different from what I think is the besl choice but that is their option." Werlin con tinues his pioneering ways by announcing the results of his study on Preimplementation Genetic Diagnosis (more commonly referred to as PGD). The genetic testing procedure has received nalional medical attention and offers hope to women who have suffered recurrent pregnancy loss. he said. National medical journal FenWty and Sterility will publish Werlln's results in the August edition. Stated simply. PGD allows d octors to check the nine chromosomes in which abnormalities are most likely to But from the start. traffic engineers and urban planners had their doubts about the Segway as the next big thing on the highways and byways. In big-dty downtowns. amid an ocean of cabs and cars and buses and a few thousand pedesttians, the Segway riders of the world better be able LO "think forward and think badcward. real fast. In the bwbs, however, the problems are obvious. Distances are too great. speeds are too fast and you and your Segway. higb·tech as it is, may make it around the block or down the street -but not to Vtlla Pait. But are we here to be total party poopers and naysayers? I say we are not. The Segway is an loaedibae technoJogy and a Wdnadng window OD the future, and it's already prOYed to be dam~ in cena.in ~ -like mega-~ airports, postal centers, corporate and industrial campuses. That bappen.1 a Jot with new bigb-recb stua: Once aD the hype about "chanfJng the world• and •a rewlutlon In~ dies down. the good ones suMw! and really do~ one or~ dUnp In ways we never~ So If' you're out there and you were rJpping along Bayside Drive about 6 p.m. on )Jne 5 oo a Segway, lpelk upl Ye.rs from~ when chwnda~me~ mound ll:e you cm ..,. -•... and It d.,., Wkb me. • \tayad. ..... .,. • ..,.. .... lt•bmiwec.rit Mlill~ .. ooUmNN ....,... ... ,.., ........ ~ e-fTWll • ·-com. While Werlin is proud of his accomplishm ents. he know. tw. research is not a cure-all. People need 10 understand there is no one therapy that 1s good for everybody. he said. The technology stiU ha. .. limits. a.s 11 can only te~I nine chromosome .. -there are 14 others that go unchecked, he i.aid. A father, doctor and memtwr of the Newpon · Mec,a community, Werlin ..aid he will continue the rewarding Joh of helping people realiw one of life's greatest joy>: parent.hood. And for many Father's Days to come, many who thought they never would be able to celebrate will receive card . tit''> and loud. Hawaiian shin.._ "ft has definitely enriched our lives seeing life as it I'> through the eyes of a child.· Steven Abelowit7 said. "It puts thing'> m a whole different perspective. Thingc; we ~ to lake for granted we don't anymore. "Without his help this very likely would have nl'Vl'r been possible and we are very thankful and grareful. • • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reacned at (949) 574-4275 or bye·mall at loflta.harper a'/at1mes.com Dally Piiot Sunday June 15. 2003 A5 INSIGHT la thet9 •topic you'd like to ... expk>red on thl9 pege7 Contact Joae J. Santos with questions, comments or ideas. He can be reached at (949) 574-4224 or 1ose.santos e/at1mes.com Forget what day it is ? It's not too late to get Dad that age-old Father's Day gift, the tie A selection of bes from Ounhlll Jose J. Santos Dally Pilot Hawaiian shins and beach shons may be the fashion norm for hip Dads on the weekends. but what happens when it's time to go back to the grind Monday morning? Dad needs to look his best for the boss. Now's the perfect day to help him ou1 by giving him a Father's Day gift that completes that smart suit of his. "Every well-dressed man should wear a tie," Margaret Kirkby, store manager of Dunhill at South C.oast Plaza said. Dunhill offers fine men's apparel. including a broad selection of ties. Casual Fridays have rubbed off on the other days of the week. Kirkby said. But she's noticed a trend shift lately. "Formality has come back inco the workplace," Kirkby said. If you've forgotten to get your father a gift today, don't freL There's still time to rush to the closest clothing store to get him a sharp- looking accessory. "You don't have to worry whether it fits or if it's the right smell. lies are an easy gift to give," Kirkby said. Even if you're in a rush, here's some things to look out for when you're picking out the right tie. QUAUTYCUT A nice heavy fabric is the first mark of a quality lie. lies are made by hand, by machine or a combination of both. No maner how ir's made, a quality Lie is usually crafted from three pieces of cloth instead of two, Kirkby said. It is cut on the blll•. which means the fabric of the ue ts CUI diagonally. You can check if a cie has been cu1 on the bias by either looking for the diagonal cuts on the back of the tie or lening the tie hang in the air. lies Lha1 have been cu1 ttus way will hang straigh1 down. If a tie hasn't been cut on the bias, it will begin to curl or rotate when you hold ii up, Kirkby said KEEP THE SHAPE IN-TACK Another sign ofa quality tie ts the •/jp knot. You will find the knot. a small piece of thread. on the back of the tie where the The slip knot. pieces of cloth meet to form an upside- down V. Thjs thin piece of thread runs the length of the fabric. "lf the slipknot breaks, you'll find your The bar tack oewon't hold 01LS shape." Kirkby ~d If you look directly above the sl.tp knot on each end of the cie. you will see a small stitch called the bar t.IH:k The tight thread 1s there as ye1 another means of helping the tie maintam ILS hape. AMIBLUE? You can weigh your opuons carefully when picking a color. but there really isn't too much of a science to tt. "It really IS a matter of pel"'lonal prefer- ence. Some men are a lot more adventure- some in dressing than others: Kirkby said. So if you've got a Dad with a lot of pizazz and who doesn'1 mind a wise comment or rwo, go ahead and buy him that pink tie with little race can.. Bur if your father's taste runs closer to that of the other Joes in the neighborhood, you're probably safe going with a light blue tie. That particular shade of blue tends 10 go well against most men's skin tones, and nicely complements the standard swt colors of brown, black and gray. Kirkby said. ntCKAl«J~ The widch of most oes are the same. But if you're crying to figure out if ttucker is bener than thinner. you should take mto consideration the type of shirts your father likes to wear and the type ofkno1 he likes to tie. There are a couple of basic ways 10 tie a tie (for more information, see below), and the size of a tie's knot should be in proponion 10 the collar of the shin a man's wearing. Kirkby said. There are two rypes of The spread collar collars: the spread coll•r and the nr•ight coll•r. The spread collar is shon m length, and ttsends are far apart. The straight collar is narrow The straight collar and its ends poinr downward. If your Dad likes spread collar dre\s shirts. you should probably get a thicker tic because he will need a big knot to fill the space between the collar. If your Dad IS more a straigh1 -c0Uar-kind-of-guy. lhinner is better for the small space alloned for the de knot. TYING rT UP • LUCKY NUMBER: If money isn't a concern, and you're in the mar1cet for the highest quality tie, Kir1cby recommends buying your pop a ..ven-lold da Its name is self-el(J)lanatory: the tie cloth is folded seven times on top of itself. The price tag 1s high because these ties tend to be hand· crafted. Dunhill's seven-fold ues vary 1n price, but rf you want one, plan on spending between $100 and $150 • FAUX PAS ALERT: Bow ties are also an option. but most men shy away from them because they aren't real clear on how to tie them, Kir1cby said. If your Dad wants to wear a bow tie, make sure he knows what he's doing. It's somewhat of a faux pas not to tie your own bow. Discouraging him from wearing that fake bow tie is definitely a good idea. • FAUX PAS ALERT, PART DEUX: While the subject of faux pas is on the table, wearing a tie with just a dress shirt and slacks Isn't considered proper. A well· dressed gentleman should always wear his tie with a suit or a sports coat, Kir1cby said. Etiquette's etiquette. so now you know • SALES SPIKE: Don't feel like a tie isn't that creative a purchase. You aren't alone. Kiricbv notes that sales go up at Dunhill 20 to 30% every year around Father's Day. Polo shirts are also popular sellers this time of year. KNOTS FOR THE NOVICE h's embarrassing, we know, but now's your chance to enroll in Tie Tying 101. nes can be somewhat of a mystery 10 !he uninJtiated. If no one shows you how to use it, a de can cause countless moments of frustration. If you're buying a de as a gift. there's no doubt !he person you're giving ii to knows what 10 do. But what about you? Do you know how to uamfonn Iha! long piece a cloth into a fancy·schmancy fashion accessory1 Read on if you don't. Always remember: Big side on the right. THE FOUR·IN·HAND KNOT The standard knot. used moltly for straight collar shirts. • Put the tie around your .... fltece 1M fet end farther down tNn the thin end. Croes 1M t.t end owr tn.thlnend. • Wrap the fat end in beck of end und« the thin end. • Continue to wrep the t.t end .-ound the tie. THE WINDSOR KNOT A large knot suited for 1 lpfNCI collar lhlrt. • Now the tr1ctY '*" "" "" -end'**.., end under tt.1Nn tnd '° .. ..._ M wWt .,.1 OK. now pul .... tnd ..... rflhl .. ~ ........ you • Now the fun pert. Puff the flit end up through the loop becwMn the tie end your ahlrt. Note • knot le ...Ung to fonn. Hold the knot looeety, then - • Pull the t.t end through the knot end tighten It to your liking. Mab sure It looblharp. Pieces of cloth start I popping up around. ttle MCks of people in different ancient civilim- tlons. Some historians think the Egyptians started the trend to Indicate high social status, otheni think ChlMM eoldiers were the first. and some point to Roman neckwear as the modem tie's WICeStor. Look up the word cravat in the dictionary. Note · Ulat it's derived from the word *Croat. w a person from.the Eastern EuropHn counuy Croatia. In the early 1600s, Croatian soldiers Involved in the Thirty /ear's War visited France at the request of Louis XN. The Croatians were J¥earing decorative neck- ·" erchlefs. Louis XIV ' notiQed this and sta.rted a trend In his counuv. The cnrvat enjoys gre.t popularity ecross Europe over the next couple of • e»nturies, evolving into a variety of different shapes. sizes and tsxtur&S. The craze spreads across the ;:"'Atl8ntic and nourishes in ~~;;-~ .the coloni•. and eventu- lly the whole U.S. of A. Tie Line A quick glance at the history of the neck tie Tie by DJnh1ll. purple wrtll pastel navy stripes handmade 1n Italy $155 M Sunday, June 15, 2003 bella bella SALON -or--OFFl!RINQ Gfeot length heir ntenslons I Memo Ufe Str~emg ~ SALON HOUIS I Mllndar'~ 9'~'6.IQ>.rn. • CIOleO lnlav 2121 e .. coast HIQhwov SI.it• 204 Corona def Mor CA 92625 949 7234048 GIVE HIM THE PRESIDENTAL TREATMENT THIS FATHER 'S DAY. WINDOW OFFI CE &54 ~•'o Awnue N.wport 9-Gh. CA For ~on•· (€Me) 160-6686 SEAN HILLER I DAILY Pll OT Kurt Kikuchi, a dance major waves to the crowd as the graduation ceremony for the Claire Trevor School of Arts gets underway at UCl's Bren Center on Saturday afternoon. GRADS Continued from Al at 9 a.m. Saturday morning. with The Henry Samueli School of En· gineering and School of Social Ecology and as late as 7 p.m. for the Graduate School of Manage· ment. The university held six differ- ent commencement ceremonies the graduates. It's a big day for them ... that's the most impor· Lant thing." With a day filled with com- mencement ceremonies at the universicy, families and friends flooded the campus to see their loved ones walk. CO l~NER OFFI CE ~--IAS_' --_L~CffJTQ. I at the Bren Events Center and AJ. drich Park to accommodate the high number of graduates and spectators. But despite the uni- versity's efforts. some of Ure spectators found it difficult to be a part of the ceremony. "It is very exciting." said Per· nWa Brandt. who was attending two ceremonies for family. ·r think it's a fabuJous thing and I know they're going to do won- derfuJ things with their lives." The moment their com- mencement ended and the de- grees for their pru.1 efforts were received. many of the graduates couJdn't help but look ahead to their futures. OVAL OFFICE • FIESTAS .\ Ful Service eatenng Sizzling Fajitas Strolling Mariachis Margarita & Cerveza Bar ~ ,_,,..,. ... /-. • Enchiladas • Taquitos \,t> • • Tacos • Tamales \ Call your nearest location for pick up ~ Allen Hfo1onds Style~ from business to casual, sizes 5-16 and w1dlh.s AAA-~LI Truly the w1de~1 selecllon available. And "llh our RccrafimgJI. process, they'll be comfortable for the re~t of the year S1op in and see the latest styles. • Guacamole • Salsa ~ (•-.L_ .............. • 6 .., 10 to 100 P.opl• a ~-Catering ~ . ' .~ (949) 645-0209 -,. Costa Mesa Newport Beach Costa Mesa (949) 646-1142 (949) 67U851 (949) 644-8226 Corona dcl Mar Pla?a : 836 Avocado Avenue I Newport Beach N<•ar Bnstol Farms . . .' . . . ". . . . . . . . . ' ART IN MOTIF IND ULGE YOUR PAL ETTES Featured artist Rey Isip's work captures his unique int~retations of sHll life, landscape, music and non-rrpresentational abstracts. His bttekgro11nd includes a career in i1Ulustrial, interior, and nroironmnrtal design. Discover the flavor of celebrated local artists. Delight in complimentary samples of Motirs culinary masterpieces, a glass of aromatic wine, and relax to the sounds of a classical guitarist. Savor the cuisine, admirethe artistry .. Art Exhibit & Reception Wednesday June 18th, 5-6 pm. Complimentary validated parking Art Exhibits will continue through September 3, 2003 Please call Motif at 949-234-3320 for further information. Uftt"'l"'I loalJ Amit: June 25 July 2 -Ted Baker Dale LaVoie 8 TFIE S'f. REGIS Mmaarrh Rroch H1t1ort Spo Home to a certain world DON'T GET WRAPPED IN THIS By Dave WO"t We don't !1tt th1' pncuct \ct)' 0(1(0 these da~ but ll an'ie' when interest raltS nsc and n ~ rnon: damcult for OO)CI\ to qualify fOf home 1oan_., Ii'~ called a ·wr.ip ~ loalHir an All Inclusive Trus1 Deed IAITDl A seller may offer to wucturc scllcr fUW1C1ng 1n such a way that lus or her loan wraps around lhc CJUStmg home loan. Thus. you mili a monthly payment to lhc seller, and 111 lhc seller's obhga11on then to make lhc payment to lhc wlktisting loan with 1 major lender. The seller, by lhc way. 1) getting a bctta return this way that he or she would by simply-ilndcrscorc that word, "simply"-wrying a second mortgage f Of lhc buyer. The nbv10Us problem is INt 111 A rm isn · 1 s11nple at all. It is difflcull IO follow. and i ( the seller doesft't bocher to make lhc nccemry payments on lhc underlying loan. the OO)U may DO( find out until lhc home IS in foreclosure. The point to ht made here trwccnds lhc wue of AITDs. •ludl v.e ooly nrdy run ICrO&.\ II is lhi · Home financing 1s an atrcmely heh and Vlricd field today. Then 1rc htmlly bundrcds o( different loan PfOITlll\S, and lhougb it may be daunting 11 (ll'SI 10 try IO undenlancf IDOi( o( lhcm, II IS well wonh !he effort. 8ccue "r really doo't need IO play mky pmce w1tti home financini uy loQgcr, There in lolll out dlctt thll will lllOll tilldy Ml • ii 11 was aa&ed fOf you. Aid II it doal 'l. lhae IR vny ltmple..,. "can often take-aommna lhrolth teller flll&llClng-to put fOFther tr-=tioft lhat watt utl'Cllldy wfl for cmyonc Involved. for ll6biMoc juat call me II 949-S33· 1200 or 'lblt my wcblka II da~ or ondc:d'oldMllll. Drtw w.,., '-' ...,. ""'• "-*' ;,, ~ 8-JJ siNt I!>n lilM ii wit'1 C...,, N""1"" ~~. "It's so crowded we had trou- ble seeing the stage." said Jason Batton, who was there to see his niece graduate. "It's nice to see so many people here to support AFTER HOURS • Sobmit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.da1Jyp1/ot.com. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL BE NERT The Mickey Jones Foundation for Children is having its fourth annual benefit for Children's Hospital Orange County, including a CHOC Ride and Blues Festival, at 9:30 a.m. June 22 at Hidden Valley Park in Irvine. Information: (714) 962-6718. MUSIC BARITONE CONCERT The performance by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning American operatic baritone Sanford Sylvan has been rescheduled to 4 p.m June 22 in Founders Hall. Tdets cost S60 and are on sale at the Center box office, by calling (714) 5~ARTS or by visiting www.ocpsc.org. The Center is al 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa. JAZZ'mlO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m . Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians indude guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St, Newport Bead\. Free. 19491675-nso. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota end David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo. play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 "It was a nice ceremony," said 23-year-old Francine 1 lagen. who earned her master's of art.l. in leaching. "Now, I need a job." p.m. Fridays and Saturdays end al 7 p.m. Sundays end Mondays Diana D11n 1oins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights Greg Morgan. Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant 1s al 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beacti. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The bend performs from 7 to 10 p.m Wednesday end Thursday. from 8:30 p.m to 12.30 a.m. Fnday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bead\. Free. (949) 642 3431 MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant 1s now offering live music from 9 p .m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday fo r brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's 1s at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FlAMENCO Tate 5. a funk. rode and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs dassical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 875-1922. SATURDAY NtGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone See HOURS, Paa• A7 Come see die new EverWooc:r CountrySide bllnds from Hunter Dougtas. Overlapping slats create a beautiful board-on·board design. And the ·step-up· look adds depth. dlmensfon and character to any room. And Ever'M>od CountryStde wlll noc warp. crad\. peel or tade. Even In humid ateas"' dlrea ....,..,.. eome see these beautiful blinds lOday. ••••n•••lbt.l .. ... ,.f ''"' ..... .,,,. Daily Piiot CHECK IT OUT Books for helping fat her know best F or all the dads being feted today, dozens of new books provide male-lailored dlversion. &pecially timely is Frank and John Schaeffer's "Xeeplng PaJth: A Father-Son Story About loYeand the UnJted States Marine KEEP ING TH Corpe." Wnrten in alternating voices by 18-year-old John and his novelist dad. the memotr is a nveting lake on one family's affiliation with the nulilary. From dealing with wony and ')eparation to sorting out i~ues of class. duty and paLriousm. there's much 10 absorb about lra.ru.ilioning from high school 10 bool camp in Lhis moving chronicle. Military service may have ~ven the late Olick O'Neill a '>enl>e of determination, but it was suppon for his youngest '>on's dream that gave baseball one of 1ts most intense playen.. Io exp re~ appreciation for his lalher"s devotion, Yankee favonte Paul O"Ne1ll penned "Me and My Dad." Unltke most <;pons memoir'>. ~one play<; more on the hean than the field , with ..enumentc!.l recoUecuons on HOURS Continued from A6 Bridge Band play rod< and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'THE GOOD DOCTOR' Neil Simon's "The Good Doctor# 1s celebrating its 30th anniversary at Corona del Mar High School Theatre, 2101 EaS1bluff Drive. Newport Beach at 8 p.m. June 27 and 28 and at 1 :30 p.m June 29. family bonds grounded ln a love for sports. Somewhat more conflicted was Sherwin Nuland's reladonship with his father, a struggling Jewish immigrant who battled poverty, tragedy and illness in a land where opportunity seemed elusive. Recounted in "lost In America," Nuland's story tells of his volatile father's harsh life in the Bronx. where he faced the death of his wife and first child, and the near-fatal illness of another son. For expectant dads, OBIGYN Glade Curtis teamed with Judith Schuler to write "Your Pregnancy for the Father-to-Be." With tips on everything from ways to support a pregnant partner to the financial realities of parenthood. Lhis is a useful compendium for men embarking on the nine-month journey leading up to fatherhood. Those entrenched in the mnks may enjoy new fiction from old favorites. Likely lo appeal to all with an interest m Laming of the West 1s Lany McMurtry's 1'h~ Wandering Hill,'' the second Tidcets coS1 $11 for adults, S9 for seniors and students. This play 1s appropriate for teens and adults For more information, call (949) 644-3151. 'THE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's firS1 full-length play, "The Drawer Boy; one of nme magazine's BeS1 Plays of 2001 , will continue through June 29 at Segerstrom Stage. Tidcets range from $19 to $54. For tldcets, call (714) 708-5555. '42ND STREIT The 2001 Tony Award Winner, Drama Desk Award and Ou1er Critics Circle Award "42nd Street# will be performed at the Orange volume in a projected four-part series. ln inleractions with historical characters the likes of Kit Carson and Jtm Bridger, the aristocratic Benybender clan face hardships of the mountain man era in the newest McMurtry saga Dad will need aU his wits about him to follow the complexities of "l'be SlnJster Pig," the latest gem from Tony Hillerman. In the sixleenth instaUment starring Navajo cops Joe Leaphom and Jim Chee, the mystery master melds first-rate detective work. comic romance, tribal custom and desen atmosphere m a plot launched by the myMerious shooting of a CIA agent. When the coals are cooled and the ties are set a...ide. th1c; ')aga about drug~. greed and power l!i i.ure to keep the man of the houlle engaged. • CHECK IT OUT 1s written by the staff of the Newport Beacn Public Library This week's column is by Melissa Adams tn collaboration with Sus•e Lamb All mies may be reserved from home or office computers by accessmg the catalog at www newportbeachl1brary org County Performing Arts Center through June 22. Tldcets are $322 to $66. They are on sale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. 'AIDA' Elton John and Tim Rice's "Aida ff 1s coming to the Orange County Performing Arts Center's SegerS1rom Hall July 2 through 13. Tidcets are $27.50 to $64.50 and can be purchased at the center's box office or online at www.ocpac.org. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. OCPAC is located at 600 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa. J'( o w S t r 11 1 n !J 'B r e a k f a s t , L u 11 c Ii (~ 'D 1 n n e r !Locals Favoritd Smee 1995 o,~ Sunday, June 15. 2003 A7 fami\~ needed For more 1nformat1on on bringing >Yarmth into your heart dnd the rieart of a ch 1d 01 .• FREE Seminar Thursday, June 26 from 7-9 PM at the Aliso Creek Inn RSVP to Adoption Option\. Inc. 4025 Camino Del Rio South. Surte 300. San Doeqo CA 92108 877-542-7772 -~~T-IONS,r< AN ' u ~...... '· f·· t • SUMMER EVENTS @ NHNM Story Tune Al "'RAllS (M Saturday, June 28 The major festival event of the summer! Exhibits, music, food, schooners. woodies, model builders and much more! Bring the whole family 10:00AM -4:00PM FREE ADMISSION Luau Dinner 6:00PM ($20) Sponsored by Woooen hull Ya .ht Ctub Manners Insurance Car11s1e Ct:1c1tswortn Architects Inc Slater Builders in._ Turner Construction Co Cuesta Construction Co Robmson Hill Archttec1ure Inc Dunes Resort Sea Magazine and Go Boating AIS Mar•ne ConstructlOfl Swift Slop The Newport JayCees Wed's, Sta.rtl.n9 .June 18 Stories, music, crafts for kids 3-6 years old (parent must attend) 10:30-11 :30AM Call 949-673-7863 for reservations and schedule - FllEE Produced 1n COOjUnctlOl1 With the Newpon Bead1 Pubhc Library Sat-Sun . .Jutyl 2-13 Come build a 9' boat with your team. We supply all the material and instruction! You build the boat and get to keep it. Prizes for best construction, best paint job and many others. (only $75 complete) Fun project for the family. 9:00AM • S:OOPM Sat & Sun ................. to see pictures and register. Sponsored by: The CWlnery RMtaurant ~ - --~ Al~. Jllle 15, 2003 ln this new world of uncertainty and fear, I recently began thinking of a time ln my Ule that I felt completely secure. Funny that the memory most vivid was during a rafting trip with my dad on the raging Kem River. Although safety measures such as life jackets were in place, the river was always unpredictable. I was probably fifteen or so at the time and did not appreciate the potential dangers involved wtth white-water rafting. No sooner did I siart becoming confident and comfortable in the raft and in my paddling skills than we hit a rock and ftipped over. Even with my lifejacket, I was quickly submersed beneath the cold murky water. I hardly bad time to think of what to do next, when out of nowhere I felt the strong arm of my dad around my chest pulling me from the chllly river. In that instant, fully aware of the peril surrounding my present situation, I felt completely safe and secure. With my dad holding me tight, I knew everything would be fine. It was. Each night, as I rock my year old son Benjamin to sleep, I wrap my arms around him, hoping he too will find security in daddy's arms. There is no better feeling. 1 lappy Father's Day, Dad! ETHAN GOLDSTEIN South.field, Mich. CARL OSSIPOPF F is for Faithful and Family and Fri ends. A is for Adventures, the fun never ends. T is for Trust. you're our Teacher and never wrong. H is for Happiness, our love for you stays strong. E is for Everlasting, the memories and jokes we play. R is for Remembering to wish you the BFSf FATHER'S Q\Y! With all our love. NICK, KATHERINE AND ALEXA Dad's name is Brian Becker Son's name is Alex My daddy is the bestest dad in the whole world. He malces me laugh and toot more than anyone else can. My favorite things to do with him are play cars, go to the beach and look for pooka holes and chase the birds, watch "Sponge Bob" and "The Simpsons" and lay in the hammock and tell silly stories. I love you Daddy. Happy Father's Day. Love. ALEX Happy Father's Day 2003, 1 larlan Duane Williams aka: Harlie, Buddy, Willie, Daddy, Papetta you are the greatest daddy in the world!!! You are always loving. caring. honest, thoughtfuJ. generous, dependable, trustworthy, and protective. In other words, you are a genuine friend and to know you is to love you!!! I thank god for blessing my life. your loving daughter, .JUl.WtM JEAN SCHEAFER Dad, You care about me so much You also have a loving touch When I see you mowing the lawn, It makes me want to run with you at dawn You ar&a greatfather~dear old dad, You also are so TOTALLY RAD! Love, LAURA (JON, TOO) Dear Dad, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Father's Da~ ln raising my own children I remember you, and all you've done for me. Sometimes I compare myself as a mother to how you were as a father, and I come up short. There are so many things you did for me that remain in my memory and in my heart ... many of them things that I've not offered to my own children. Now would be a good time to thank you for all of that. Thank you for giving me a love of books and literature ... it was lib giving me access to the whole world of thought and ideas and beauty. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful example of principled living, and how to live the honest. atraJgbt-forward Ule. Thank you for abowtng me that there are so many dUrerent ways of th1nktng about and doing thlnp ... It .. not neceM&I')' to Umlt oneself to the vlewl and acdoN of one penon or ooe culture. Thank you for IMnl me the oce111 ••• the bolts In, the harbon, cbe .... llCl'OM lbe Adlndc. a home '*"the tea. ' Tu our dad, Len Moskovits, J Jove my dad very mudl because he's really funny. be plays with me, he ii helpful, and because he ii just plain wonderful. I am also lucky because I always get to see him after school when most kids don't He is the best dad jn the Milky Way galaxy! ALLIE MOSKOV1TS My dad is the greatest because be helps me with everything. He helps me in baseball by playing catch and takes me to Thank you for Nassau and Seattle and London. Thank you for the Grand Canyon and the Panama Canal. Thank you for the mountains, the lalces and the streams. Thank you for teaching me archery and algebra, and for the darkroom ln the garage. Thank you for all the time you've spent with my children, and for the wonderful experiences and memories you've gfven to them. Thank you for ma.king me proud, over and over again. 0( course there's ao much more, but you get the idea J love you, Our dad ll the bett dad everfl He makes pancabl for ua cve,ry Sunday momlng. He W.es U4 to the beach and pulla u1 on our boogte bovd. He plays LETTERS TO DAD THE KAWAKAMI FAMILY Thia Fatben Day, my family and I would lb to tab a minute to tell my dad bow fabulous and -appreciated he Is. My dad. Kyle Kawakami. is the best dad ever. He puts his family first and Is always eager for adventure! My dad alwa~ makes time in ~busy schedule for us. FU'St. be coaches my soccer team and my sister's soccer team. My dad bas never. ever missed a single school or family function. He evel1 pmtidpeled in OUl echoOl'a Colonial o.y where he md to dreee up like someone rrom colonlal times. He takes UI 00 great vacations from Parts to Hawail tool He's also always there to "capture the moment" with bis digital camera. Wlth him. we are guaranreed to have a good dme! WE LOVB IDUll\D!!! l.DYe, CHERR1U. MADISON, ,,., TAYLOR KAWAKAMI RENE RIMLINGER hitting and pitching lessons. He helps me with my homework when I have a problem that stumps me. He helps me stay upbeat My dad teaches me. He has taught me everything from geography to algebra. Most importantly, be loves me. Even when he is disappointed in something I've done, I still know that be loves me and would do anything for me. Thank you dad for being the great dad that you are. Happy Father's Day! DANNY MOSKOVITS Happy Fathe(s Day Thank you for making us laugh and knowing just what to say. Thank you for your tickles, bike ddes. surf safaris and swimming fun! We think your the greatest under the sun! THE RASK FAMILY "Oieerios man~ and lets us ride on his back. even though we know it hurts him. We know we drive him crazy, but he still loves us up to the moon. For aU he does we love him forever and ever!! Happy Father's Day. Love, TYLER AND JORDAN F1SKJN -- me on my birthday or brag about how smart I am. My dad rocks! He's the best. Happy Pather's Day! Love, HANNAH ROSE SOLOW lbday is your day, let's go have fun. We'd like to treat to a sped.al day In the sun! We· love you Dad! Happy Father's Day! Love. DearDad. Thanks for being with us for our 13 years and helping us get over all our fears. You have spent time helping us with homework even though you had your own wort. You aie so funny you make us laugh. but you a1ao mah sure we doourmath. Since basketball was yow expertise, you coached through are our dad and we're proud of who you are, and you given us opportunldes to goveryfar. WekMyou, KEVINNfD ERIK RASK, 13 Bianca, Mari and Valerie Avila. You are the best husband, friend, partner and father any girl could only wish lo have. You have worked so hard and for so long to build this wonderful life we now share with our beautiful daughter. I know It wasn't easy getting here, however, you dtd It and I couldn't be any more proud of you then I am right now. Thank you for making dreams come true. Dalti Pilot He give& the BIGGEST and BFST squeezes! Our dad ls the best. Better, better than the rest Thank you for always being there. It shows that you really do care. We wish you a Happy Father"s Day, May only the best oome your way. Love, · HARRISON AND REBECCA We love our dad, Tod Ridgeway. He malces us laugh a lot, and always has a smile. He makes the time to come to our games, help us with projects, and to listen to us when we just want to talk. He takes us skiing. golfing, bike riding and fishing. "Happy Father's Day, Dad. Ufe with you is a lot of fun!• KYLE, 13, SCOTT, 10, ANO MADISON,8 I love my daddy (Oiris Vigil) because he loves me. He plays basketball and soccer with me. He is going to have a great Father's Day. You are a great daddy. Love, Dear daddy (Chris Vigil), I love you. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for me and with me. Playing basketball, special vacations, playing tag. rides on the skooch etc. Happy Father's DaY. Love. HANNAH My dad is the greatest. Because he likes camping and doing things tha t other dads don't do. That is why I think my dad is the greatest. TANNER DWAN Our d addy, Jim Egan, is great because he's not all the way grown up. Daddy plays with us a lot and talces us to the park.. lie.reads us Mories from books. and he can also tell us stories without a book. Daddy plays music on his guitar for us. He works hard but always has time to cuddle with us. We are so happy to have our Daddy. KATIE EGAN, 3, ANO JOHNNY EGAN, 17 MONTHS Our father. Orris Light, Is like a great big teddy bear I le takes us just abo ut everywhere Omrch Swimming Tennis I lor-.eback riding Angel's game Work I le is a great dad and friend And we will love him to the end. Your loving daughters. CHRISTINE AND SARAH LIGHT We want to thanlc our dad for being such an awesome father. Throughout the years, he has demonstrated his love to w. through his constant suppo rt. encou ragement, and instruction. Our dad knows how to comfort and he knows how to have fun. Fun times include traveling around the world, siding every winter. and sharing stories and laughter that last a lifetime. Since this is the day to honor and celebrate this amazing man, we want to take-this opportunity-.w~y.. ·Happy Fa_ther's Day. Dad!: MICHEllE AHO JENNIFER WAY Dear Daddy, Did you know that YOU are the greatest dad in the whole wide world? Yep, that's right! And here is why we think so: You work very, very hard to provide a wonderful and exciting life for you family. You've taught us to never doubt ourselves and to always put forth our best effort. You give the biggest and best hugs in the world. You never yell as loud as mommy does. You have given us an appreciation for all kinds of music. How many 18·, 14· and 9-year-olds do you know who know all the >Wrds to Frank Slnatra'a peatest bis? (We know you are working on Holly.) You are the peacemaker in our ho\llMI when all la chaotic. Some people hate their parents. They can't stand being with their dad. It's just too embarrassing! Though sometimes my dad Is embarrasslng, I still love him. He does everything for me. He fixes my computer, drtvea me to Fuhlon Island, helps me with homework. and much more. I don't know what I would do without him. One day I'll be thankful for everything he did for me. l'U wish that he would still make everyone on the troUey in San fra.ndaco sing to Our dad, Sergio, ls the best dad ever. He hu always been there for us and ls always involved in all three of our lives. We have tons of great memories with our dad including trips on Indian Princesaes, Father· Daughter dancea at school, daddy being our soccer coach, Angels, takers, and Ducks games. aurftng trips to exotic places like PlJI and Ball. ski trips to M~oth, Big Bear, and Aspen, and tom of other ad~turoua expertencea with our heroic dad. Oeddy la lib our bli brother and we love hlm for that We love you frOm here to lnftnlcy ••• ow three glrlt. I love you, SHELLY You love us more each day, no matter how much we drive youcruy. f Our o d, Richard Brown. ls quite the man! He Ls the BIGGEST Yankee fan. Born a Brom Bomber. He ls quite a channer. Unaelfhh and devoted, tfJ1 heait II atw.ya loeded. OW did b9 UI IO pee-. We love you ao much daddy and hope you haw a Happy Father'• Dayf!1 Hup and .ICliMI. , KAM IOfES, ICATE CMD, .MCK ATTaCK MO HOUY JIM '1ME IUUTY QUllW LEI IERS Continued from AB To our wonderful Grandpa ~en and Papa Butler: We Kanen kids have so much to be giateful for, especially when It com es to our family. We are so blessed to have two very devoted, giving, and fun loving grandfathers Wee you. You both always have a fantastic story or joke to share, and as we've grown you have taught us life's little lessons along the way. Spending tlme with you both ls always a treat, and we can never get enough hugs and kisses from our papas. We all Jove you so much and hope you have a Happy Father's Day!!! Love, KARA, KATIE, JACK ANO HOUY Robert Penner: Our dad ls awesome! On of his best qualities ls that he's the funniest guy around! His sense of humor cracks everyone up. He can make a dreary dark room instantly light up with laughter. He also has a great deal of love to share, and is incredibly sweet, generous, and caring. His thoughtful and wise words guide us through life and make us the people we are today. Our dad has an extremely positive attitude about life. He's always there to support us in everything we do; our No. I fan! Our lives are so wonderful because of the joy our dad brings into them. He has a unique character and special spark that make him the best dad in the world! Dad, stay just the way you are because we love you! Happy Father's Day! Love Always, AMY AND DAVID My dad is special to me because he teaches me how to work on motorcycles. cars. and other stuff. We have a lot in commo n such as going to Lake Havasu, drive motorbikes, and talking about the same things. He spends a lot of time with me and helps me when I need help the most He sacrifices his time out of his day to spend time with me, or what we call "Quality Tune" together. He is the best dad in the whole world. Love, JOHNNY MATUUCH Our dad carries the family duties proudly and h_appily shoulders the responsibility of raising us kids In a loving home. He never complains about the pressure we put on him to do fun things. DANIEUE AND LARSON HARLEY My dad is a special person. LETTERS TO DAD THE DECINCES FAMILY I love you Daddy because you are so much fun to play with, and I love to go on dates with you to the movies and Disneyland. You are a great Dad and we love you so much! DELANEY DECINCES, 3, ANO RJLEY KATE OECINCES, 9 MONTHS JEFF LOCKE THE ULRIKSEN FAMILY Dear Daddy. 1hanb for giving me sweet treats, rides on the skate board and lots of love! Happy Father's Day. Love, THE GRANOFF FAMILY He takes me on all kinds of exciting adventures -just him and I! My dad makes me laugh and he spoils me. He makes me breakfast everyday. I love my dad because he's my dad. I'm very lucky to have a dad like this. I thank God for giving me a dad like this. Thanks dad for being you and loving me so much. Hap py Father's Day1 KAAI KlMISU, 9 , To list all of the things that make our Daddy so special would fill up this page of the newspaper. We think th! BEST thing about him ls that he makes •our" world a safe, lo~g and VERY PUN place to be! Thank you Daddy for all that you do for us. Thank you God, for our Daddy. EMILY ANO SARAH COLBAUGH O\DDY'S GIRLS: My two daughters are very lucky young women because my husband is their Dad!! He ls there for them with guidance and care and humor -be makes even the dJcleat •teenage anpt" lssuea funny; b.llartous at times. Thank you Dirt for gMng me and our gl.ds a wonderful life - we I~ you so much. Happy Father's~ THE .. YOUR LFE Dearo.ddy, You are the Belt Daddy in the whole wodd because ..• You play on the floor wtth me every day when you get home from work. you ling me fUnny aonp la your aWy bJ"1 wlce, you never cornplaln when Mommy uka you to cbanp, feed or bathe me, and mott.l:y became you lo'9 me and Mommy IOOO much. Happy ~ ........ °"' 1--. takes me fishing and helps me with my homework. He is great. ANDREW BOUKATHER JEFF MOORAD: We think our Dad is the greatest because ... He wrestles with us on the carpet He practices baseball with us He throws us in the pool He takes us bowling He lets us play at hia oftlce (sometimes.'> He pushes us on the awlngs He lets us •drive· hia car arowid the cul-de-a.ac He takes us to buebaU games (and we get to atay ~and meet playen!) He tucb us in at night We really low you Dad! Hap[1.)'_ Father'a D:f:t1 JUl'TWt, I , CHR1Stt7, NII> 3 OeuOld, 1hanb 10 mud'I for lftiytbtng. I haw a lot of fu_n Wbeti 1 am with you. You do to laudl far me.1...U, appndllte ... Hlliw ......... DaJt I lbink ,__ ........ .,oat ....... lACtWtY,5 Love. reading; BECKY GULA, 10 loves to go swimming with Dear Dad, I love you because you do a lot for us and love us. l IOYe to go baclcpack:ing together. Next when we went skiing you let me go on the runs by my.elf. You also play Risk with me. That's why I Jove you. Love. MAmtEW GULA. 12 J have the beat daddy ln the world. He cuddles wtth me all of the time. He c:aliDI me down when 1 am uptet Md he riiMe1 me lat.qltl a lot. He ram me to spedaJ .,.._. Ub ~ fain and Gib ftyl. We try ftl')' hard to not ea.t Junk. I jUlt love my daddy. MIDSPJ\IN We lave our Old becau.e be: us; loves to be with our family; loves to make us laugh and takes time to listen to us; is always there for us; and most of all we love our dad because he is the greatest dad. EaY ANO CAROUHE Happy Father's Day Daddy Our Dad Is the best Dad In the world because he alwaya 1pend1 a lot of Ume with ua. He takes ua surfing, camp lnt and plaJ1 lot1 of aporu with ua. He alwayi mu" me laQllL We tov. blin to 10 O much. · ,._.. ,_ mw NOM<* IO\W to tW UI out for douibnUU on tbe M!K·endt: )OYet to tab UI tO Oludty , 1 haw the be.t dad In ~ 0..... ODCll a Wlllll: ..W. Ht doll the tun~ .... • .... W.,1DSl ...._. ......... ,.. .. w.~ Law. .................... ·-·-· When I think of a person who 1 respect most in my life. the first person that comes to mind in my Dad. He is always there for me when I need him, and I love him for that. I hope someday I can be as successful as my father. I love you Davo. Happy Father's Day. Love, Dad. I wish every child could be so lucky to have such a loving. ~ Intelligent, witty. and fun father a.s you! You are truly a ·dream father" and I love you aomuchl Lave. NaEA P.S. Ale there anymore 1'.111 llke you out theref I want my chUdren (someday) to be' u h.1clr;y at me! Stmay, June 15, 2003 Al BILL COOKE: Dear Dad, I just wanted to thank you for being such a great Dad to me all of my 38 ye~. You have always believed ln me and stood behind me through thick and thin. My love for you will never die. Not in this lifetime nor the ones beyond. You are the best uandfather anyone can ask for. We are all truly blessed to have such a wonderful soul in our lives. Thanh, Dad! And thank you for being you. xoxo KJMMARIE JIMMY HORVAT: Dear Daddy, Since you waJted SO years to have me. I wanted to teU you that it was wonh the wan! Look at how good we are together You make me so proud to be your little girl I want to tell the whole world how wonderful you are. Thanks for betng the best Daddy Happy Father's Day! ' All my love. IRELAND MARJE To Ken Hubbs, Dear Dad. You are great, funny and nice. You are also very kind and you have a great personality. I liked when we were in Monument Valley and you said our minivan was a "Jeep Tour." Love, EMILY HUBBS, 8 Dear Dad. I love you ver)' much. You help me Wlth my homework and everything else I need You dnve me to school whenever I'm Late to the bus. Paying b1JJs isn't exactly easy, but you manage to do 11. Thank.s for everything Love. JAKE HOBBS. 12 My daddy. Rob Rask, 1s the most loving daddy m the world He spends lob of ume with me He kisses my piggy toes, which makes me laugh He tucks me in and reads me stones. Our special treat is going to Starbucks on the ~eekend for "whiffed cream" with a spoon I love my daddy very much Love, ULU RASK Our dad . Daddy B. always there for us with lovmg words of encouragement, praise and just the right dose of disc1plme' Thank you dad, BIUY. HOUY AND GLENNA ANDERSON Our dad 1s probably the best dad in the world. We love him because he gives us what we need and he supports us in every way. He always makes us feel good about ourselves, 1f something bad happens he manages to put a mile on our face~. He always makes us laugh and he will always be there for us. We love you. HILARY AND EMILY HEJNKE AMMARBOl:n.E--- Dear Daddy. We love you so much and are glad you are our dad. Thank you for supporting us and working so hard for us. We love you very much! Happy Father's Day! Love. SHANNON • ..ae.LE, e._y N«J MOM PMSONS For 6 )'QR my dad bas walked me to school almoet evecy day. 5'm, I'm used to It. but when I really think It aver. beina a dad sure ii a tough job. Yft.h, t know you're the man of the houM. bUt you baw a lot of ~ f!ftry UttJe thing be doa" ror b1a ~ I'm ft'rY tbantfu1 I haw a dad who IOYel me• much aa I kM him. Lem. IC)flt•IOLOW,10 My dad plays With me and my sister. ~ aD my frienda every day. I loft ban IO Ylt)' iDuCb. o.irded. I lowe JOG IO IDUda, tlMIDb fat ..... UICUG)wbilli.b'll ......... .... DOfta IHOUS P.'MIAll ~6bd,7.SbL~home, pwdlly over-Wltw.M rooms ._. WllW ,,..._ • Dock for 2 JtlChcs. Nice prtwa loadon. ......,..Rwt CASTAWA'IS St.its, ... ......... -.S llnd Eutem ~ c:hann llOl>dw ... M9""4.t060 Ginni Johneon 949.717.4705 aA&.aOA P8NINSULA SHt,lff Great .,.-one blodc to ta.ct.. J bd. 2 bL up Ind lbd. I bL down. l Cll' ......... ' UDO ISU $1,Hl,IM FllbuloUI l bd. J bL rwnocW on CMr*-d lot. Nodq Wt undone! Dlrq .,_ opens CIO i.p sunny pedo wkh ... 949.711.11JJ NOllTH TUSTIN tfft,IM 5 bd. .. bL pool home wldt ... ~ Picf 11lowllly deco.ad . ...., be sold furNlhed. " M9.711.171J Tfttl .. 949.711.lnl t4t.71L172l .. Daly Plot • ~ 8ALW NNINSULA St.Jff, ... .... ,.,.... Point home, .steps CIO llnd. latp l bd.) bL home wtch ....,. famlty room. 9AIT9LWP SI ,Ill, ... a.oa Wind WllWfront. New remodel .. bd. l lllL plus boat dodc.. • • . . . QUOIE OF 1IE DAY "That's the most fun 1 ever had in a baseball game." Ry•n Rhod9t, Corona del Mar senior standout Datly Pilot Sports Editor Rlchwd Dunn: (94915744223 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 NEWPORT HARBOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION June 16 honorM JOSIAH FREDRJKSEN Sunday, June 15, 2003 11 Giants push Dodgers to deck in playoff game SEAN HILLER/DAILY PILOT Kyle Lawrence of the Dodgers is safe under the tag of the Giants' Bret Olinger on Saturday at Mariners Park in NHBA Bronco action. The Giants won, 4-3. THE BIG EASY The To w er will stay ... thankfully I f you W'dllled tO SUnl II all Up with one word, thl' buaword would ~urely be "Wow.· J,ike nothing before in the l\l'wport Me!Ml 01!.trict, Newpon I !arbor I ligh's campus ii. in a transition of upheav-J..I that wiU la.o.t for a long time to come. And it U. beginning now as the Oass of '03 prepares 10 lift off I !arbor's familiar tower. which looms above the Sailors' campus, with some tnticipated shoring up, as weU as the athletic complexes. appear to be about the only items that will be left intact following major reconstruction. Wh)'l As many are aware, it's son of like hawshank.A ROGE R six-inch ·piclc·ax" could talce it all CARLSON down in no time, let alone the potential for earthquakes. Bronco Giants win sixth in a row to force winner-take-all title game today at Mariners Park. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BfACH -James Cun- ningham knocked in the last run in both the first and seventh innings Satur· day. each on lifted lobs over the heads of Dodger infielders. They weren't the sharpest of hits, but they found a spot on the outfield grass each time, helping key the Giants' 4·3 victory over the visit· ing Dodgers in Newport Harbor Base· ball Association Bronco (11·12-year- olds) playoff action at Mariners Park. With Jacob McCann standing at third with no outs and the Dodger infielders playing near or on the grass, Cunning· ham lifted a 2-2 pitch over the short· stop's head, which sent the Giants' crowd to its feet. "The guy was throwing slow, so r waited on it and hit it,· Cunningham said. 0 1 practice my form and d on't worry too much about getting out· With Cunningham's game-winning single. the Giants forced another game today at noon at Mariners Park to deter· mine the Bronco dJvision champion· ship. "He has been our hiner all year, hit· ting over .500," Giants' Manager Peter Grace said of Cunningham. ·He has contributed all season." Cunningham also performed well on the mound, striking out two in two in· nings of scoreless relief. He threw 18 pitches in retinng the side in both the fifth and sixth innings. when both teams' bats went silent. ROWING After the Giants took a 3· I lead after the second ll\Iling. neither team acored any runs until the seventh, when the Dodgers (11-10-2. 4·1 Ill the playoffs) scored twice to tie the M:ore. 3·3. Zack Gagnon reached on a bloop sin· gle to center to leadofJ the seventh and moved to second on a wtld pitch. First baseman Nick Svendsen then ripped an RBI-single down the left-field line to plate Gagnon. Svendsen Mole both sec- ond and third before M:onng the tying run on Dtllan Freiberg'i. pop Oy. which eluded the outstretched ~ of the Gi· ants' second baseman as he retreated into the outfield. Svendsen, the Dodg· en,' No. I hurler who has not pitched in the playoffs because of 1endinJtjs m his nght i.houlder. ali.o scored the Dodgers' injtiaJ run Ill the top of the firM on a sin· gle to center by Kyle Lawrence. See BASEBALL, P•1• 83 Perhaps the easiest vision is that the front comer of the main buildJng (the auditorium and tower) will remain, but all of the rest of the main buildings will be replaced with a similar style to maintain the integrity of the early ·30s when it all began. Newport Aquatic Center crew members hne up with the team banner at the U.S. national junior rowing championships last week m Cmcmnat1. Ohio. Some 55 portable dassroom.s, about 19 laccommodating the Sf1ence field) for the next 18 months of so. and the remaining 36 portables fOr four to six years. are going to fill uv an area which accommodated the j~or varsity baseball and softball fields. along with additional turf in and around the varsity baseball and ~ftball 6elds. From the backside of the pool to the 15th Street parking lot it's going to be Ponable Rats. The grading was, in progress on Friqay, some b~a.sphaJt and a fire road will follow, ipen they'll install the 55 ponables to accommodate most of SH CARLSON, P•1• 82 NAC shines at nationals Qualifying rowers from the Newpon Aquatic U!nter's junior crew team bat· tled the elements and the opposioon at the U.S. Rowing Youth Invitational Regatta at Lake Harsha in East Fork State Parle last week outside Cincin- nati, Ohio. The five boats had to conquer weather condJtions including rain. wind and bright sunshine. Heavy crosswinds made it particularly diffi· cuJt for the bow seal rowers of the Dillman wins bronze in varsity single and helps men's quad finish fifth in the nation. the finals the next day. where they fin- ished fifth in the nation with a time of 6:41.54. The men's double, featunng Mor· gan Sabo and Blake Foster, took sec· ond place in their race with a time of 7:16.51, earning them eighth place in the nation. sculling boats to steer a straight course. Competing against over 70 high school-age rowing teams from all over the nation, the NAC made an im· pressive showing on the 2,000-meter course (approximately lY. miles). Brandon Dillman, in the men's var· sity single event, took home the bronze medal, finishing in 7:40.46. Dillman also helped the NAC mms quad finish fifth. Dillman, at the stroke seat. along with, scullers Greg Somers (bow seat), Oarlte Brooks (two) and Greg Schnelder (three) dominated their race with a first-place finish Saturday, qualifying them for ·rm extremely happy with the way the team performed: sald Rachel See NAC, Pqe 83 CATCHING UP WITH Ken Millard He was Estancia's baseball coach during its heyday, and he's still in the game. I ... 82 Sonday, Ml8 15, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL F.OR THE RECORD Emotional end for Corona deI Mar's Emme, Rhodes at Showcase game Steve Vlr1en Dally Pilot IRVINE -The game went beyond the score for Corona de! Mar High Coach John Emme and senior Ryan Rhodes Saturday at Wtndrow Park. ln the South County Showcase of Players. Etrune dedicated Rhodes' perform- ance to his father, who passed away last week. Rhodes played nine positions for the Pacific Coast League. which lost to the Sea View League seniors, I 0-0, in an 8Y,-inning game. "My father passed away last week and I knew it was going to be my first Father's Day without him," Emme said. "I wdnted to think of something that I could do to honor him. I knew that Ryan's father passed away several r.ean; ago. I talked to Ryan and told him, let's do this.. I le was really excited about it. !Rhodes playing nine posi- LionsJ was special for a whole bunch of people. lllis was ju.st a real special day." Rhodes, whose constant encourage- ment motivated his teammates throughout the season, shared a hug with Emme in the bonom of the eighth inning. when Emme made a pitching change and brought Rhodes to the mound from right field. Rhodes recorded the final out for the PCL MIUad, inducing a waundout LO cap hb impirational performance. ·· rhat's the most fun I ever had in a CARLSON Continued from Bl the anticipated enrollment of 2.400 when school resumes in September. SEAN HILLER /DAILY PILOT Woodbridge's Mark Hoyer ( 14) of the Sea View League is safe at second base as Corona del Mar's Ryan Rhodes (6) of the Pacific Coast League prepares for the catch and tag Saturday at Windrow Park in Irvine. baseball game." said Rhodes, whose leadership was instrumental in the Sea Kings' PCL championship thi!> season. ·1 owe it all to (Emmel who gave me the opportunity. It was a great honor. I am nothing but happy. 1t's one of those points in my life I wiU he able to al- ways look back on." ln the bottom of the first, Rhodes started his day behind the plate. catch- ing pitches from his older brother Nick Rhodes. Nick Rhodes, who will play for Cypress next year. pitched one score- less iruUng. allowing one hit. while striking out one. Ryan Rhodes, who will attend Mary- mount College in Palos Veqles in the fall, went to third base in the second inning. played shortstop in the third. second base in the fourth, first base in the fifth, left field in the sixth and cen- ter field ln the seventh. Newport Harbor senJor R.J. Muller, who will play l'or OJesta College next year, manned second base during the final four inning.'> for the victorious Sea View League squad. CdM senior Grif- fin Dunzer, who might attempt to be a walk-on for Olapman next year, pitched a scoreless fourth inning and struck out one. Nick~ a CdM senior bound for Irvine Valley College, was the PCl.S designated hitter who went 0 for 3. Karpe also competed in the po.it.game home run derby. Each league had two players in the home run derby and they competed in two rounds.. ~ did not advance past the first round CdM senior Keith Long. who will play for Orange Coast College next year, did not play because he fractured his finger during the Orange County AU-Star game Monday. However. Long was still dressed in his uniform and supported his CdM leammates. "For me, this was one of the most special groups. of seniors and five them got to be here." Emme said. COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD Turpin finishes 2 1st in NCAA tourney UC Irvine junior, who tore her left ACL two years ago, completed heptathlon Saturday at Sacramento State. SACRAMENTO -UC Irvine junior Annmarie Turpin finished 21st out or21 competitors in the heptathJoo at the NCAA track and field champi- onships that concluded Saturday on the Sacra- mento State campus. Turpin, who tore her left anterior cruciate ligament two years ago, had a total of 4,928 points over the seven events at the A.G. Spanos Sports Complex. I lyleas Fountain of Georgia won the competition with 5,999 points. Wash- ington State's FJJannee Richardson was second with 5.839 and Idaho's Angela Whyte WdS third with 5,745. In Saturday's three events, Turpin. the Big West champion in the heptathlon. re(:orded marks of 17 feet. 2Y. inches in the long jump and 118·6 in the javelin throw. then she finished with a time of 2:24.53 in the 800 meters. Dunlap wijl host a public meeting at 6:30 p.m. as the tower and auditorium, won't begin untU the money has been raised. But they have to get the students out before the money will come for the rest or the project . The Ciry of Newport Beach has already shown its willingneM to help when and where it can, which is a bonus. walls that you're touring Turkey? Don't hold your breath. They'll empty out the main building (Hob1ns Hall), with the excepdon of the administrative area. for the long run. Dodge I fall and Beek Hall will be the first to be tom down and redone. Robm'> Hall will follaw, in about two year .... For instance, the relnforcement of the tower and modemi7.ation of Loats Hall [the auditorium) are separate issues and must be funded from other sources. But as I understand it, the tower is not coming down. The plan is to eventually replace all of the classrooms and library in the main building, as well as the administrative area, to reinforce the tower and modemi7,e the auditorium. The original concept to refurbish evolved into replacement i.imply because it would cost more to refurbish than to replace. I know this. Because the State's involved, apparently. I'm nervous about the whole thing. And for the next two or three freshman cl~. I guess it'll be Portable Prep for the duration. • •• As for the junior varsity seasons in baseball and softball, and soccer, as well, in tenns of practice. suffice to say the Sailors' athletic department is already scrambling. Otances are baseball. softball and soccer will be running about in several directions for some time. not only in direction and distance factors. but in lime slots.. The Sailors are hopeful that Ensign lntermediate (basebaB) and Bob Henry Park (softball) will be in the mix. ••• ln the big picture. the Newpon-Mesa Distnct has about.:.ix major projects that need to be addres.5ed. and if they manage even the first four it will be a miracle. '111e Sailors' gym hru. become No. 5 on the priority lb1. The quel>tion. of'(;our..e. ts who get.s the bill when the ceiling falls in the middle or the fast break? Hey, see you next Sunday. It\ a complicated issue and hopefully some of the clouds will be lifted Monday night at Heritage Hall when Committee Otairman Bill Work on the main buildmg. as well Remember all the talk about Ralph K. Reed Gymnasium being refitted. refurbished o r redone in order to avoid the feeling when you're within those ---- •ROGER CARLSON rs the former SPorts edrtor for the Daily Pilot. His column appears on Sundays. He can be' reached by e-mail at rOf}ersnddorothea aJmsn.com. ~ llenUI Lynch Daily A Pilot WELLS FARGO RUTAN &TUCKER, .. '' .... ' ..... ' ..... S.U AM Country Cub· Men's Oub . ,.._ ..... _ ..... .m Dally Pilot SPORTS . Sunday' June 15. 2003 13 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TENNIS Davis, Zerboni families clash for father-son title USTA NBTC director tries to clinch a third straight title with father Gordon today. NEWPORT Bf.ACH for the socond year in a row, father Gor· don and M>n Scott Davt!> will be playing Joe and Mm Joe Zerboni for the senior division champi· onship of the ninth annual United States Tennis As.<.oc:iatiun national father and son double~ championship~ at Ncwpon Beach Tennis Oub. The top-seed Oavi'> tluo stormed ro ioday'!> 12 lO p.m. Ii nal agamst the ~cond·'>eedcd ttam with rwo victones 1n straight !>ets ~turday '>coll 1s NBTCs director uf tennis and J Corona del Mar re!.ideni. The Davises have won tht-l~t two senior division titles. which in dude fathers a~ec, fiO and older In the !>Uper '>emor d1vi\1on (fathers ages 70 and older). rt• USTA NATIONAL SENIOR FATHER ANO SON DOUBLES CHAMPIONSHIPS Senior division Fathers 60 and older Quartefflnal1 Gordon (fatherl and son Scon !Corona del Mar) def Robert aM Man Quall, 7--6(7),6-1. Theodore and Aloco Preovolos def Ernest and Chru; Schoop, 7 6 141. 6-1 Jadt and Dctrnn Heinz def Wilham and Eric Simonton 6 4, 6 3. Joe and Joe Zerboni del Frank and Sean Froehhng. 6 2 6 3 Semlflnals Davis def Preovolos, 6-2. 6 3 Zerbon1 def Froehlmg, 6 2. 6 3 ruming 2002 champion Larry I luC'bner along with -.cm Jim from Nonhern <A11fom1a wtll fau• the third·seedt.'<.I duo of Hon and Dave fonidandel from 'lard so1a. Fla., and Sea1tle beginning at I o·:m a.m. Larry and hn1 wun Lht· 111le togl'ther 111 LOOJ Oh10's Jack and Damn I le1111 will play for third plan· agrun.,t Theodore and Aleco Pn_.uvolo., he ginning at 9 a.m. 111 the '4.'lllor d1 -------- Super Mnk>r divt.ion Fathers 70 and older OuarWrlinaJs LcHry and Jorn Huebner def GenP and Gvy Nash 5 7. 7 6 151 6 4 Jotor1 dnd Chris Dundas def Jorn and Jorn Senles 6 4, 6 4, Ron and Dave Tonodandel def Stan and Geoff Griffin 6 2 6 2, Tom and Tim Burke def Ph1l1p and Craig Flexo, 6 4 6 2 Semifinals HuPbner del Dundas. 7 5. 6-3 Ton1dandf'I de! Burke. 6 1 6 3 V1.,1tm while loin and lim Burke Imm \1111nt">l1lJ wtll face John dild Chn., l.>undd.<.. from~ Ma· nno and Jurrdl1lt'. rt.">f'X'(.tJVely. hm Jlld hm 'ie1tle .. (1...aguna \,1guel and l..i Lanada1 wtll play 111 lhl' '>t•mifinah of tht' conbola· uon hr at ket 111 the '>Uper ..enwr d1v1<oion for a '>hot di fifth pldle I he '>t'rllllinJI., of both divi\lon' v.'l.IJ bl·l{ln Jl Y d m w11h the fi nah JI noon NATIONAL ~H\OR FAniER c. SON TENNIS 2003 LITTLE LEAGUE ALL-STAR ROSTERS Newport BMd\ Nationlil Little League Major All·St•rs Hunter Alder, Angels Michael Bloom, Cardinals Fletdler Della Grona, Diamondbecb Scott Ely, Angels EDITOR'S NOTE: Newport Beach resident George Peters. a career cartoonist who 1s partially retired and made his li ving mostly 1n advenising. makes his debut today in these pages as the Daily Pilot sports cartoon 1st. combat artist for Stars and Stripes 1n Korea. He has worked fo r the B1rm1ngham Eccentric in Birmingham, Mich., and Beacon Journal in Dana Point Peters has also done support work for books. Max Frisbie, Braves Bradley Hess, Dodgers Steven Manning, 0.b&cb Camden Nicholson. Braves Jame. Petrilli, C.rdinal1 Scott Thomsen, Angels Andrew Watt. Dodgers Reed Zadlman, C.rdlnalt Peters, whose work has appeared in Look magazine, sketched pieces as a Peters' artistry will appear on occasion in the Daily Pilot. Manager. John Della Grona Coadle8: Jim Manning, Greg Ely Newport BMd\ American Uttle League Major All-Stars Michael Bon:tlafd. Reda John Doering, Marinert Nid! Freeman, Mariners NAC Continued from Bl Roc;e, the men'<; lt'am coach ... We are a young b'Toup, and tht'> weekend \Cl'> u~ up nict'ly for great sut·ce~ nt'XI year ... In the women\ d1vi<,1on. the wumen\ eight. took '>t.•cond 111 their ran•, qualifying them for the final.-.. when they finished with a time of 6:51 27 m a t1gh1 MILLARD Continued from B 1 SEAN HHHI /DAILY PILOT D1!1tan Freiberg of the Dodgers tries to tag out the Giants' James Cunningham in a rundown early in Saturday's NHBA Bronco game at Mariners Park. Cunningham was safe at third base. With clifficuluc-; fielding enough players for lower ll'Vel teams along wilh struggl~ raising money to fund the f.aglet.. BASEBALL Continued from B 1 ·1 never imagined we would ~t this far without (5vendM?nl pitching." Dodger Manager Bob Svendsen said. "We haw a lot of players who are underrated and playing well. We are peaJcing al _ the right time.· The Dodgers entered Satur day's game having won four in a row after entering the playoffs as the 10th seed. The Giants (15-10. 6· 1) have now won six in a mw since dropping their first playoff game. The teams split their pre· vious two regular-season meet· ings. •We are scrappy,· Grace srud. "We've either been tied or be· hind in so many games and had to come back. It was a very de· fensive game. Their pitchers dJd a good job of stifling our hitters." •9995 &UP l..awremt' <;etllt•d down aft<'r allowing a run in the fir'>t and pitched two .. coreles.c; innmg ... c;1rikJng out threl' in all I n•1berg relieved l.awrcnn· and ust·d 30 pilche<. to retire the o;ide 1n order in thl.' founh. fifrh <Uld .,1x1h in nings. Giants' pitcher., were· equally impressive. Starter lack c.ratc al lowed one run in two i11ni ngr;, striking out two while Erit 1 lol land re fred six ofM:>Vell.MrC:um piti;hcd the seventh, c;trik.ing out one and inducing a groundball, all with the go ahead run at third. MCC-.. ann. who led rhc G1anto; with four <;tolen bases. knocked in leadoff hirter Jake C.aughill when the Dodger second base· m an dropped a groundball in the first inning. In the third, Hol· land scored on a wild pitch with Jake Dawson at the plate. The Giants stole eight bases while the Dodgers swiped six.. 4TIAES OfflrwMon -.ot .. 1Ml7M11 111/1CMUI 111170Rt4 "Ba'>e!>tealtng in this league 1s program. Millanl ...Ud 11 wru. time key . . we ju::.t couldn't get guys for him to leave the Co!>ta Mesa on ba-.e except the ftr.>t and last campu<. and coach elsewhere. mrnngc;," Svendsen said. Having formed fnendship-; with Caughill and the Dodgers' rurrent Woodbndge coaches Bob Handall 1 lau!>e were the only Hint and Bruce Ickes. Millard. a player. to reach base on a waUc. na!JVe or Ol.icago, decided to take while only < :unningham and a chance wt th th<' Wamor.. I It' 'ivend~n had multi-hit gam~ has mad<.' the ad1ustmen1 jw.t Each went 2 for :1. fine. G1an1s' second baseman Mi· "(Rini) and I used 10 be arth chael (;ar;caddcn. I lolland and enemies, but now we've become Scan Mangano-singled for the-fneOOs,~ Millard &aid. Giants while th<· Dodgers' David From the time he grew up Blake-P'".mac; singled into shallow playing the game with hL'> right to leadoff the second. budclies in Chicago to spending a Blake· Panas, playing at third year in the min on. with the White base. went to his right to spear a Sox. Millard has kept bao;eba.U at hard-hit groundball and threw the forefronL ou t the runner to end the third. The man who spent two yean. Brett Olinger, Eric Olebil and in the U.S. Navy and who has Cody I lalter each went to bat bache4or's and master's degrees twice for the Giants while Na-in physical education than Tegel. Garrett Koch, Ryan remembered the freedom and Hatcher, Bryce Fuller and TeUa challenges of trying lo find a 6eld l\pollnaris added the Dodgers' to play on in the hlue-roUar attack. section of the city. Motorc,.ft9 011 and Fl Her Ch•nge M ichael Katz, Red Sox Jerry Kazmierczak, Giants Evan McNemey, Reds Man Moms, Yankeet M1tctl Sandt, Red Sox M e1Tott Scott, Red Sox Ryan Spitzer, Red Sox Sean Toltuyama, Reda Timmy Winning, Reds Manager: Tim Scon Coach· Torrl Sands Newport BMd\ l..ittSe League AAA All-Star Team Brooks Brady, Reds Clark Cashion, Braves Bnan Ford, Angels Chns Freeman, Manners IMa,orsl Mltcti Gardner. Mariners Emery Molnar, Gianta Eric Moms, Yankees 1Majof'11 Will Morrow, Reds (Ma1or1I Weston Nielsen, Red Sox (Maiors) race. pla1.111g them .,,xth m tht' nauon. llw :"><AC trt'w, roMng 111 their hoat. ··1h1· <,pint of ·oi: Ill· eluded· )t'an (,edde., !bow -.ea11. Ml'red1th Irby flWOl. t-.ma Van Sll'l'n" (lhrce). Jill Aui'>lln !four). l.aune Dabney ffhcl, Je<.S1c-a I ri11 ('>1x). ':Iara WJlke., f4'evenJ, I .:.thcr Lofgren IMrokcl and cox..,wam l.c:1ure11 l.om1an. In the women\ quad t'\l'nl. rowing in 1he1r boat, "'thl' 'x:a I yon,·· scullt:r., <Jane ~kKay Chow .,t'at). Annl' Kirrher lt\1<0 • lltree or four lt1d'> leaml'tl to play ba....ehall by being with each otht'r o,hamng ball., and h.Jtung to one another." MtllJnl recalled .• nw ne1ghhorhood bu'in~ would .,ponwr u' '>{) we could res<:'rve tht· field'> \\'(' had to scrounge, hu1 that w.1., the way life WJ'>." Mtllanl, who oct.t<,1onally suh<\u1u1e trachc.. 111 the· ln1ne Unified School Di.,trlC"t, "rode the coartails" of a dost' fnend who urged him ICI fOCU'> on the g-amc "I put every moment into being a crappy ball player.· Millanl !>aid with a chuck.Ii! A laugh that followed with many more .. 1one4' and memon~. of wtuch Mtllard maintained his modesty. Preaton A155ef. Yankees Blake Thomsen, Angels (Ma~sl Nathan Wagner, Red Sox Manager Dan Fold Coactiea EmefY Molnar, Aidt Risser Newport BMd\ Uttle L.ague AAA Tournaf116flt Team Brennan Anderson. Braves Austin Blodgett. Manners Sam Cublero, A's Grant Dav11. Giants J D Dawn, Reds Graeme Fraser, Yank- Sandon Gnffin, 0-bacb Cort Hastings. D·badts Austin Jones. Giants Brent Lawson. Red Sox Andrew Macnosk1t1, Mariners Zach M urtaugh, Reds Manager Duane HllSbngs Coaches Scott Jones, Marie Murtaugh \tnra < .rubh 1 1hrl'~·1 and Da11a I lunt l'>trole pl.iced e1~th v.1th J time of i'. lh 48 .. Our '>quad of girl'>. both the quad anti tht· l.'l~t. o,howed 1m menc.l' pa-..<o11m and m1ens1ty." '><lltl < 11mrv ~hawr. c oath of the v.omt·n., 1eam rhe1r conunu- 011~ hc1rd worl paa.1 uff ·· l.J<,l Wl"ekl·nd\ l·H·nt ends one ol "lev. port Rov. mg "'"O · ua11on-.. be!>I '>t'J'>On., in 11<, I fl yl'ar lmtury ol high .,diool row mg HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebr atJng the Dally P*>rs Athlete of the Weelt senes TOOAY 21 -Chris W1mm!'r Orangt• Coas1 Mens M>CCflr 00 SAT\JROAY 17 -Alfonso Pineda Costa Mesa Boys soccer 2002 FREE 100 POINT SAFETY INSPECTION ",.. ....... ,_, ........ ..... '°"' ......... ow illll • .. .... ............................ lOHmJ v.tued ........ a.. O.el11'9Np Up to 1iv. queru of Moton:nfr Oii. lu.. Ind dlaOOMI .... ••tta. s.. ~ '°" OttlMI.. on., valld wttn coupon. ex.-. 813(W3., far .... °"" 'Miid ... coupon. ---iiii-iiiiill &pm ..... . • .. • - Policy llow to Place A ___ Deadlines----. Rates and deadlioes are subject to change. without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please rcpon any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error tn an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the co!.t of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASS IFIEAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5 :OOpm ANNOUNCIMINTS [qj & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINAN CAL 2 Prime Ad4olnl"1J lots PACIFIC VIEW (Ocun View) $6,500/ea obo 949-673-9201 Collectibles/ Memcnbllla 1160 TOP SS 4 lllCORDS nc .Im. <lill.'slc. 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Looks 0\19' the • -1*11 by h 8alloe Pilr SI .Jl6DX> Jim Jlcobs, ~ted Relly ...... ,~ 3010-3940 ~ SOOS·SISO 0,.... Sat & s... 1-4. 20 I Ith St. Newly remodeled Io IPlt• iPlti)I non conforn11ne w/Cl<'un Jnd b")I view>. S 1.195.CXXl Jim fa~obs. Assoc1~ted Realty 949 673 3663 S03 lad ...,. 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Joni .lkobs 9119 67 l l66J NIW ON THl MA.Un 0..-Sot 1-4 One fer4 114. 3 Vlnt099 Ur '>br ~bl ? t i•r SI .79'! 000 By Owner 714 J57 5450 ........ ~ l ~twy. - ..ecluded cul de !Mk' &f'm un lg lol 1n gua<ded MU H<lrdwood llilors c.ustom ltgt11Nl&. booll ">lw!lves. wet bill' ') r p \ tuslorn o,pa ntt mnler cenboil ll• Ir anQU~ iarden p<1lt0\ S8S9 Ql) di'-949 ~ 9314 •A Gwouuwww .... tg C.W t.<atMn...\troN to Bie Cornna and loolioot poont 48t 4 ~a brand new tll'>tom home Otteted at $2,950,000 COASTLINE RE.Al TY 949 759 0177 JaomN "-"~ luyl .......... ........,..onlhe 1Jeellbelt h . ~ rm, eaba Iii! Irv/rm w/li>, ac. e.rte euarded. pools, ~·, S7".J9.CXXl b:ty 1((8. 8ht 949-37~SS7• CAMIO HIGHLANDS 4626 (....,._..Dr. OrlH SAT 11-3 SUN II 4 4br 'l. 5ba smale story < orner lot J pvt btach SI ,()'j() 000 By Ow11er 'lllMl ISTATIS PATalCIC TINOlll NA TIONW10t USA 949-IS6-970S www patnc-tenon com E 9* :tir 7 .5b11 condll. 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'-'IJflA ~ 5tw 3 Sb. on col de sac: Offt1ed •I Sl.095,<XX> by The Sutton Gtoup Cllll Donna $4nton at 714-tKll 1671 IOI ac>P1 Vrrual lour .dsut17=1M.com MOllLE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING ...,SMOllSOfll HOft-Sft<Ml OI lWIAmll nm I 7402-7466 ~ Under the Service Directory Banner IOOS·ISlO ¢) Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 1tooo-97SO For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S RfSIOCNTIAl RrnT Al S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island 6-d. bdiNw ...,,._.. llome 2Br 2Ba 'l tar 11ar aite 2 buc hu ArC av11117/I 714·998 l/>;8 I Ir Spacious lvne r rn, lplc. hrd wd llr5, k1t/dm area. shared n/•mk/pet SIOOOmo 949 645 5430 0-....... & 11-k 21r I .Sia, walk lo 21r 21o 'ott•er Pillo heath 4245 ll1la11a neiir w/d lone 0t \h0tl tr.m ttoaa e•r w/d llkup1. Owne< Ail 949 466 44'.>/ S 139S mo 949 645 J68J * Yeorty Lt 21r 210, WI d ho be.am t~ll Ip lrnt pottlO $1990 mo 8111 903 441!1 949 6'JO 7!>46 y riy ,.,, ,..,., IO.-~A ert M w/d bar tp '1"1' tc. bay 11/Pfl\/\mke ..,,.,~ now $2~ 949 773 ~ 9fo•t lay lrent apt :?br Iba, Ip 'hate laundt y Sl8001mo •1"• WO earaee. lrght • b11¥hl Sl400/mo • 2t.r i.-.. must 'ee all redone ~h1re WO I P'9 'lplllll! S2!'JOO.mo ~ ~ BalbOI Penllmlla ~ w-1 2l3t 18.t r-int. le pr lild>t llri110ll. quret. SI ?!lOm ~ Daw! Pronoe 949 l 18-1~ 31r, 21a, wo1a. ,. lac:h, hay. quiet. 1111 patio. no/1.mk/pel snoorn yrl1 ')49. ?63-1911l. pm 6!JO 89911 *Newly lle,..edeled * J&. JB• Condo St~ to beach, Ip 1 t dr ~·· Slmno BM 949 400 0471 ·~,. l.inr hOmr. rTW'lf ocn YU\ trom mastft. 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C7T4)~ f' 2Br 18.t ~ ..aly•d. pr, w/d ~ some tlllPls flldd $110> & UJ50m !M9 71!MJ748 F..... a 2h. r-4y redone, don room. ear• lwlCed Y•lb. WM 1n Uy szmn lndcb ulb 2451 s.11.1 Ana. 96-6CZ~ A STUl Ila S109S/Mw '/• Off ,.. ht -._, '"' 6mo leaw Newly ••modeled w new ~ tMl"'I & ceramic hit WI{) wKode @ unit DJW & lrllf ?Br Sl44'.> C~fl l ora CJ.19 646 2224 or 714 63J 7592. No OOtp &.«,. I ltr 1 bo unit en ~let ,_IHula point. No 1•oliln9/,•t•. SI 4SO 949-293-4631 ._, .., Pvt IB!dl ,_ Hll1lOI -28r 18a. 200ll ID bay ~ New/apVpnt Sl700m l!>e 949 718 1400 2tJr I 5bl twmrn .. "°"" ~. Pf'bO. ~ ~ 54» nu ~ & urp.,t '1tp $1~9&~1 .. c...,.. 2tJr lba ConOO l~f. fsepk, 2 pal!O\ newly decor a led, w/d n5lde SllfOn 714 DI 4941 I 2001f 21r 21a 1n BeaGon 81y full kttthen lrv!Oll room belcnoy \lf!P\ t<> buch, park, 1""'1•'>. I Y""' ~ Sl~tmo 949 566 9988 "• c-.y-, • ..,...._ 28' 28a w/m.aster ~Urnt room. P<>OViacuw/lenrm Sl950/mo 714 "1'J 1846 2111 YIAlllY ltlNTAlS Newport Beach Pt'n1n $1400 $195-0/mo ail 949-473-7100 '°Y'idp <-do 2131 18.t, 1>ewly remodeled. r f). 1111 p w/d."'-~ s:xron 9e96h!MOO 21r 21a, 2, 11ar •ar near r 1sh1on Island $2050/mo Pr udenl1al Ca Rulty 949 721 0132 E••'"'"" Jbr 'lb• lownho-2 car ~'"'&~ commun1ly pool ARI S2J00mo 949 673 7800 IUCON IAY /IAY AllDNT up\taors 2br I Sbll Ip, ear. wd hkup yr lse S2600/mo 949 673 1M 11 ~-............ Jba home. 2>ar ~. prrv paoo, comm poo1 YI ~ Si&'!> ..,.. ,..,,. 9l86463C13 Y eorty lert• 31tr fie houu. 3 do0<s to beach New Cil!pel & pJ1nt $1950/mo Til.!>(S.8678 IAYfllONT ,. 2'"'$3200/_,.., 06-212-173.S '26-2'7 ... 2'2 IWfJS TOWN HOME BAY VIEW 38R-+ F'R LARCE "E" PLAN CUSTOM UPGRADED EX.PANl5EO S3800mo N.-i.e P-ts-le.tty 94' ... 22-6419 I-1-r Ch•m1n11 3br, 'l' ,,.,_, him rm, paliO, new l>M\Vcrpt, nolsmll $4IX)l)n yrly ~73-0061 ,........., Sflt 4&. den . 3ba, ·-· pool, .. yatd $4300/mo. B«b:t<a San reiiret, Rltr 949-644 019!> CLASSIFIED * H-,•m-/Mgr. * I lle<1n & m.trnl.ton lar~e homps Coo~ drrv• ~II TIU-111,S Apr.'· S•tt•n ssros1 ,•o.., ... tlOl•'v• cnnwn• lo•""""' I'd ~ly Fl/PT E •ptt prefd R>·tm!\ wek.omtid 2!i ye41 Ct> HB ~!Clc.tii a. l~t.rwtc l ow onrrwrt c.I I -3» lbJ. «XX> • 74MIOO 111111~• eld,.rly & c;.hold Aulofnobffes 9000 c ar~ e•e J?J 9J/ 9038 Employment 8500 Automoti¥e - i......, '---' &/w manA&ed ~ bu,•nns co ~s,ou~&~ Int Ila'! ta£.., 714/5S8Jli' A S4000 to saooo WPellly Po1 .. n1tat I rom Home ~.,..In 11<>1 Ml.M c;.11H 24 7 I 800 &.M !>128 n /PT ,,_ D.Js Night ~ Wiii 11..., ~In pefWlfl 19">1 Newport Blvd Co<.t• Ml>~ 949 fi60 2999 Medkal .... Asskt~ lie• IWlOf\ wcll lra111 gieat po'lltl<lrt tr;• ~lude"t HU ..,~a Call 94964b 3177 -~ .......... / (-'"I S8 50 $16 50 Comm & aori.~ GciM llrly I I & l'l I'> Yu1 old Co I un [nwommt P..c! ~ly 714 37JSS4o;Rub Pubhshme 'llOMOTIONS DIPAlfMINT Commurocty ,__,co OI ~ County 'leeM full lime j)Cf\()11 10 HllefVll?W M'ld w1rt" storoe-.. PM""' pate •I tortMllCHffly ~. UM\1' <IN! Plf~tatl! P38" ;ind ""'tlOll\ £ ·c~nt ton•r•imuotcon ~rlk wort. wet w111l 11.-pobltc llnnw AP Slyle. OoarkXPrns PhotW!op MiJltJ Ad <Ae 11t01, PToht.rml on MN.' and l'C CCI dn1iin 1ape11ant.e pref4frl!d Ploolle*'a t~t Diue V'lwrw'll/ii.,...... recJWed [()( C Htlk:nt t>«nehl ~ [n..,JI t""'"1e, Wl'lt'"I ~ Mid Slltiry rrquirem~nts t o llna phmon@latflle\ COO'! Re\l~ur.nl At lled Ro .. ln ... T ... Dlffor-te I• YOUI ,-- Wt rt ()pen1n1Soon1p I •"'Ion Island Mall' Aa you 1 team pl;,yer th.at Audi ·oo A6 3ali rol, full fM I "'"" m•l11ll1t drk blu" t • tf 11111 CD rnnr I. ""l>t• ti l und S 19 99'> v•874l41 flkr 949.su-1au _____ .,...,_,_ len eyArn .. • '02 Bl•tk bla1 k el•11•nl U08/61 Olr J1mD1llon Sr NfWPOllT AUTOSPOaT 949 S74-UOO IMW '01 74011 76°11 m1 lull h 1 I W•rr nrninrn, oalmfl11I lthr naY1g.1\1011 \uper b hill' new cnnd S4 I k v#Oi.'0411 hnanune avail 8k1 CM9 586 1888 -........ (_ IMW 'Ol 760u-- l I mo ~ blH k beauty •OK I O?'>h Dir Ry.4n I udd'"" NIWPOIT AUTOSPOIT 949-574-5600 Co4lllec 'tciS°ede" 0. .... St. Marth 98 600 m1 ~v• NI by NM>on c.c1111..... Wh1te/8l.ack lop. loCJll\ hkP d (Of'lvetlible Pr em•um l\udKI System AM/FM/CO [ o.cellent t ond 8ouet11 llt!W u • $399!>/obo 9496466110 SU ,.1lv•1 ·1r•~ lthr CO chrm whls 2old pt.,~. lull l<11:t llkl' new SZ0,995 v•S96741 lm•nc•ne •va1I 8kr 949 '>86 1888 w-.Mp ..... - -,.rr .. 1F1c .... . whole, red luther bade es & mvre J 000 miles 1120496 Oh Ry.in Ludders NEW,OllT AUTOSPOllT t49-S74 -HOO '·"-''' c.,. •. w'11t1. red leather, bada es & mOfe J,000 mrles •120496 Otr Ryan Ludden NIWPOU AUfOSPOIT Ut-.574-HOO i...-l.S400 '90 It' !!<ti tondtbClfl, O<lil'\lll ll- 9511 11'11, 5"'er. mid l>lul: booil. S8!Dl 949 67<;, 5066 ...... '99 M teto Conv 4'>" mo 4ulo s•lvf'r l11n lop pw f)I A1C co sup~r b l•k l llf'W tond v•ll974J Sil C)q',) lin•nc1n11 & w•rr~nl• llUll 8kr 949 586 I llSfS w-.~1.c- Mef'<•dH ClSOO '2002 B"lh.tnt S1lvtr 11 K rr11 M,,., ••Ill S7S,OOO. 949-H7-H03 MercedH '00 1320 16k dttu•I m1 lull factory wllrr. tur quor\~ blue/Un lthr moonrohl CD, chrome whl\ nne of the lowrst mile Mer cedes of the rut 1n C.allt v•5S7291 S28.99'> tmancroc •va1I BIH 949 S86 1888 -·~-<-MOCED(S 2IO '7• Ollt uwner, au records w•ll krpl & c~an 14!>1. ml $1490 949-640 6188 ~ 4SOSl1 '7S s.-. ~.It. a.c t<f\ Im, bhKll int, SI 90() ( ~ al\ed $4CXX> ) l!OOd c.ond 949 689 84J2 Mere• ... • 'II 560 Sl wh1I• Ian 1mmac n'fll. ""' lf'l!t. ,_ d l>-c> fhllla Sl4JlD 1l4 r..1 ~ 01 .......... '9• ... .,. 60i. m1 bl•c" it"'Y llhr mnrl CO fabulOU\ lOnll 1111 ••U llh 0 u I S ~9<j'> vinO 'i/219 8kr 94t-S16-18H W--~···- PHIWPS AUTO •s••zsuoo >'1¥er W/lf •Y leather pr emcom whttb ( 193901 S21.9KJ 0,,,...., ...... ,.. only UIM 11'11, HRC Per lor rnance wheels ( 19394) IN()UIRI. I 00 VWC*N r I tploe b .. , V elue p\11' (194341 SI., 980 ooi..,..s rw- 1ow m1tn, perlect (19111) $15.91ll 01Acww n,.1 moc>IYOOI. lolded' (l 9455) 124. 980 oo .... wx.s ... ..., s.i-.. ~ ( I 944JC) S.Jll.B OOMUt'10 s.i-w/SlllU le.all• premium wneeb ( 1919?) $32,980 OOu..6.U Blildl W/bl!lcl mooo roof, dwomed ~ (1931111) Sl!>,91ll ,. .... w1•~ BlaO./Blac:k, w11m1nt1. loaded (19318) $1{,!B) HU-fSMIO W1111• w/"1rn prem wheth .• beauty (19't0) 113,980 .......... ,.,. w.-~ W/.-Y, IHtlw, dlron~ TODAY 'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS TWO IOl'(HU• MW dbl wide mob1M fl<lmH 'ec ptlld S •t.r pttk Onl. 1626 tpac rtllf pth ok won I IHt Mobll• Homea Owect AM '°' YklOt&. ............ llllts to han fun' At Red Roh1n we want you lo have fun at WOfk. 1n fact. we 1n"•ll w .. ·,. now s111k1na 1ner1•t1C, ••Plrtenced tflam membaul (19429) 127,llO t4•~S74J177 ~A&ITO -MU.12~ ..., WWHOm l-=l~~tat .. ""' sure.a:o ~S..1-5 &C2 . 225-0999 ( (OMMUTILISS lllA.ll MOii Cortca1 rtnlll lww Aplrt rnent flrnformltioft c... l~llllilrwrcl lrld MIM.W..,C.ftl4 ........ ·-~·e .... __ Iii ...w 111!.Al l'OltS ......., ..... , It 's tht solu- tion you 're searching/or· whtthtr you're seeking a laomt, apart· lltllt, pet or UGDon! frlOW HIRIHC Senen Blfltndeu Host Stall Cnoh O•sll Wa,her\ Apply In C*Wfl, lues·Sal 10. 119 911/ "-wport Ctnlff Or ._ h o.n. ' NcJtlet Cll •1594Z27 b ... ..... CAIQl1lnty .,..,,. -Rlllll ~cnm ' ,, .. · - CASH FOii CAIS WI MUD YOUI CAA PAID Foa Oii NOT ~AUTO AS& FOi MALCOLM •••·174-7777 MOTOR HOMES --Homa-,... 9355 JOIT MOTOR ltOMl F()fl RCNT Uk£ NI w C CLASS/SUI>( OU I 949 515 ZJOS 9515 Bridge "''....., ~ Ultt.. Bv CHARLES GOREN new b.ict.• 111 w. ,_ with OMAR SHARIF p1101 & t111w0;m, se1c1om and TANNAH HIRSCH uad S9K 562 592 1796 BOATS SUPS/ MOORltGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE NO'Oll.NC TO l>ISCARD 9680 Sl'IHC a S ep JS w.o1 r-11y •-• for Rocl"t/Ctculng S.11 lmlent .. y Ind; ....... ~.&• llectrenlu (War /Doiplli/'M) Dle .. 1 ,,.,ane ~w. s3-uoo i..-.. Mowing •A7S 21 SOft bodt. lid """""'Ii\ """' h~nbut ,.ntr ttn• ,. •Ht mdm <h""'"'' '1 S OOJwlJO \149 783 169bM•ll WEST • 912 NORTH •K54 J ~:3 •AKQ9 F.AST ID ll 7 J l\Q762 • QJ IOI K64 J9 •J 6 J2 ·~ SO Tit • A6 AJ9l K 1011 • 10 II 7 S OJCnt FAST t• .... JN1 ,_ 93 n SU, AVAILAlll Of1o:ntn~· k'.td Six 01 IN HlW,ORT llAClt S2SOOUASI 949-SOO IOOS Sllp for up to 60ft boat. lalboa urea. Avail now. Call for detail .. 949 322 11 11 1990 lift Dvffy Ueclrlc, goutf 1 qnd1ton SI (t ',()() 'J49 fTI 141) I , .... f,/ ?/'>! h I\ '"rprl"O{I httv. Cft!X.11\C JU\1 L.1.Jtrn~ J v.mncr L.tfl ~ llCl'l'·s ,JO ~\J111pk 111 11.hal cun h.1pPCn l'hc ;iU<.U1111 wa• rouunc Wnh a h.1lun<itJ hm1d opf>')\llt' " minimum ·~""'I! h1J. then: w:i' no n:a."-111 for '\rrn h 111 It••~ fnr '111 I I 1.11<.I-lOOlraCl. "' t~ IJI~ Lil thn.'t: Oet 11\.lmp WW. IUl•tllLtltl ...... ,, hi " IO\I> J1.m11•nd II) Ille jack J Jl.f ~ 1ni;. 1mJ 11 -.cenl<tl th.11 Ille fak of lhc ooatnw.1 lullJCd CM lhe heart fillO.llC. Dcci.ct Cf'Ol.scd to dummy wuh lhc queen ot clubs Ind led the quect1 o( hearts. covaed by the king and won with !be ICC. What seemed hkc 11 rourine con1n11:1 suddenly became COfnplc>. when declarer nclll led 11 club w thr kina imd West dis- carded a low hc4ll1 h 1t11&111 w:cm that a 11~'>C for !he ten of liearu wa' thr best ~ for nuie 111ckl., bur declan:r decided there wu oo rush tu comm11 IO that line. In~ declarer played off dummy\ rcmauung tugh club. and West bad a dJ-.cardmg problem A diamond "'ou kJ be-patting v.1 lh a wi nnc:r and to ungu.ud !ht ten of hcaru seemed unr~c~ly noJ.)' 11 11\IA.cd pcrfc:ci- ly \Jlc w 1h-.card a ,padc, but the defender w;i~ soon d1"1bui.ed of that idea. Rcadtn!! the d1\lflbuuon perfectly. Sl)Uth ca!>hcd thr .11ce Jlld king ot 'pillk'. then led u d1Jrlllllld 10 the ten Jnd J*'L \A.c..t V.J.'> .ihlc 10 Lake four dw nvnd 1.nd.!>, but JI the end had to leaJ a he.ut 1ntu South'' J 9 teoacc tn give declarer n11x ln~k' In rctr•J'>p!Xl. ii might have been w1-.cr for Wl!'t lo d1-..:wd a \CCC'>od hc411 on the: third h111h dub amJ keep lhr~ 'p.i.k\ WoukJ d«larer ha~e re.al !ht· po-.moo Jlld pl.i)~ 10 drop rht'. lt'n "' he.in'' We will ne•cr 1-ll(l\lo STARTING ANEW B USINESSffi ••••••••••• The Legal Depa rtmrm '" tht' !JaJ/y Pdor is pl.eased to announce a new uroice now available to neu• bzuinesus. We will now ~t:A RC/ I the name for you ar no extra charge, and save you the time and the trip ro the ( ourt House in Santa Arr11. Th en, of coune, aftn the search is completed we will file your fictitious business name statement with the County Clerk, publish once a .week fo r four weeks flJ requ ired by law and then file your proof of publicauon u•ith the County Clerk. Please srop by to file your fim11ous busiMss statement at the Daily l'.i/ot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. !(you cannot srop by, please call us at (949) 642-4321 and wt will make tlrrangemems fo r you to handk this procedure by mail. If you should have any fitrther quemons, please call us and we will be more than glad to amst you_ Good luck in your new business! C•llfornta law re quwes lhal con Ir llC tors ll1lune iobs 1n.t total $500 or mote (labof ot materoals) be licen-M by llM Contractors S late l icense Board Sl•t• law abo requwes 11\at conltacl0<s Include ttMtr lic»RM number on 811 ad1rert1Sina v ou can check the status of your licensed contr•ctor 11 WWW cslb ca IOY 01 IOO·l2l·CSl B Unll cenaed contractors taltfnc Jobs that total In s than S~ muat state In their 1dverllaem•nl1 lh1t llMJ are 1101 llct nHd by t11e Contractot• State llcerlM Board • .......... car,et Repair/Sala o CAJl'lT U.'lT l rlclt l lo<lt St-e Tiie Repans, P.tlch1ne lnslall Coocrete Pallo. Onveway Cou1teou' i1ny ~rre. t<>bs I lf@f>k BBQ Reh Z!>V1s Wholesale' 949 •9? 0?05 £ •o 1euy 114 !)!)7-/594 Cleaning ....... ca.-Qu•ltly HouH ch1an1n1t. Alford &bl• ••In , 20-+YIS Cap r,. E.stmMe 11c&.a11 al ~s.vlces n.e ce ... _tM ... Cemenlworh. 8uclt., l tle & More Reliable Ho jOb loo 'mall 714-615·9062 NHD MOii ROOM? ~' ROrOlElHl l •S77982 949·709-5642 ~ Publlsf91ng YOUIHOlll IMl'IOVIMIMT ...OJICll Call a plumber. p•inler, h•ndyman. or any of the trHt services listed lier• in our -vice cllfect0fy1 TH(SC. LOCAL SVC P£0f'l[ CAN ~LP YOU TODAY! WfTTMOln DIYWAll. AH phHH srn/lrt )oba. CUMt ~1. fllr, fr" at. L~71"39-1 .. 7 BdtCll"'*" LKf'"'9 CCMITU<TOI NII lltl 1Dcl -,, ..,,.., "-"'· rMIOdll, '*"· -.---Mi- EJecb1cal SIMca ,._.rice chic Lice.med Eleclrical Conbactor Small 1<>bs star line at S7t.95 &..,. SpecllllUrnc 1n Rl.lllOde.lin& & a U home wirNI& needs, Comm/1ndu1VRes 1-aoo-tt7-10CMI l•m9M CUSTOM OIAlM TU lnstallltJon. •• csamc. lnllrtlle, stone.._. 1t7J L'6120M Wf 71"12-9961 :::::=. l.-T..,...lrtf ... , ~ ....... ........ & ln1llllttloll. 25 Yrs •ll llCllMur• ... !Ma 4AJ Sunday, June I 5, 2003 BS TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE I ACROSS 1~tes IS Hem and haw 84 SPfing growth f17 8luee 5ll9I' DOWN 1 Kllt lnwrv 2Dng 74 Cleani 1 CCU1ter 76 Ack>< Wiiiem - 78 RadM Images 11 Loobd lhe joint over tlSTwrw:e Bonnie - 88 Gauige job 88 ChMtnut or bay ~ °'9gulllng 3 Zodiac ec.let 4 Bebe. Wl 79 Not plCkjed 81 Bool!~ad 21 Loogeaa French rMJf 22 Virtuous 94 Knocks again6t 95 Emptlnt melodrama 5 Peasant 82 TlUll* ' fTllfld 83Smokftham 23 Striped stone 6 Blockade 24 C1as&ic Tierney role 25 Hearth i.ftoy9( 97" -t>Mf1 hadr 98Cook lad 99 G9U.IPI 7 Kind of diSOOt.u 8 Hitch --W1lti 84 Water1tly 85 Aic::hltt a..~ ti W1111 88 F"jnidum ti Al'KYJi< - 87 Part ol RFD 2IS Light pancakes 'Z'f Gem 28 Actor WfJlren 291RS month 30 Howt 32 In J)fogress 34 Ullmann ol cinema 3e One. for P.erre 37 Mefl 39 Canylng a weapon 4 1 Le1 43 Halts 45 Home appliance 47 Did a fall chore 49 Whodunrt suspects 51 Keepsake 54 Put 1n crops 55 Wallet stuffer 56 'King -· 60 Col'rects 61 Worked a c1a1m 62 Errand runner-; ~ Recline 65 Close-mouthed 66 ForeshaoowOd 67 Eats tas1 68 Tag 1rilo 70 Unit ol energy 71 Vistas 73 Natrow beds 74 Forgoes 75 Changed hrur coior 77 Secondl'land 78 Ice masses 79 Heanfelt 80 Fro s hOr'1e 8? POST S"ll"l e WO<d 83 Grove 1'8 100 Pilot 101 Co<duroy rib& 1 03 A 11-pufpotie truck 104 M1n1ature tree I 06 Hai m1191v1ngi 107 Arr·uMt I 08 NoWl I elclelil I 10 PhotlfllClan deity I 1 I Poker need 112 ~ gla&&ware t 13Snarl I 15 Jaizy Lena - 11 6 Colle 11val I I 7 Menu h5tllg I 20 LflltmolJf I 22 Trial figure 124 Woodlands grazer 128 Sturg90!1 delicacy t 29 Mountain curve 131 Rusi or patif'a 133 T anltfed 135 -Uu ( Tao author) 136 Or1111:1 011ward 138 Soviet Umon founoer 140 Moon goddess 142 Gr9611 alphabet tJndot 144 A he• sta1 145 111 between t46CJricel 14 7 HilrOO s Ion 148 0 tJ ar t~metic:: 149 Sll"aM towris 150 A i..cnooner has tv.o 15 1 No· ·oucl'1ng 9 Aykroyd O! Rather 10 Essay byline t I 'Nhee!led 12 Anaent (hyph J 13 Took c111& of (2 wds ) 14 Riviera summer 15 Vale t6 Stlofe bwd 17 Bond rating 18 Swai l.aMe" C061l.rneS 19 Peace goddess 20 Refuges 3 1 Screams and Stl<>uts 33 Feigned 35 More s 1WE!fY 38 B<own ooogomls 40 Loa•ers Q Faint smc::llS 44 SoltCll 46 t'lca Em1>1re locale 48 Deeply 1mprossed 50 r .... 111ghts 5 I Sorto<J 90CKS 52 Common abr8Sllle 53 Road sign 54 Put up c1apooards 55 MCJl"'l ano Pop 57 Reh<;'l •riv tem 58 More agreeable 59 Bords inar h()'lk 51 Dollars '1l'ld ::ents 62 Pagoda foatures 63 B<ldgc <;act ens 66As>a 1 67 De1t !'>lf~nng 69 Kllc'lan gadgP.l 7'? ice aM dlCP 73 Roo Vogcfables I? 11 14 I~ 88 HtdOK>u'i. 90 Edmon•o·1 pu1..ktitt11 91 Ward oil 92CozyaMK 94 Vo c.anK.. rue~ 95 S &0 I J I 1,_11> 9€ T.-1.1nt. 9G W11d ,.. 1..trdo 100 Hwstiµ .. , t 102 K1mµ :1w .. y fru111 105 aa~r t..uut.I t~ 106Got al<Ay 107 Bus E\alo1 1os e~e1. 111 -dill J.11 llJ 112 Tu .. ~ 00'1!1 114 Lur<.1'60 115 Wb • µ.., 111;. I' r~ ct o.sl1'1f• I I 7 N:>vl:I it.I 1 y 11a r.,, · 1; .. ...,1 .. I tG 1..u~,_, n 121 Ttro"' ..i c;1rt~ '"' 123 P·0!1· fr,, v• t 125 V dl a 126 Avid lc'.7 S..i •Jd, Clf!I..,, t 1(.P~E:(;llJ i!L • 132 Re1.hv,.~ (.I ..... _,.,. 134 Judi ffi,J .. t J7 1-ieinlSIT'ii " 'J t 39 0-¥tt1.• •HI 14 1 --1111\1 1.iJGi'.>\• c.r-r-r l~ Hau ring Pal~ng JUNK TO TH( DUMPlll 714 968 1882 rr.ir.ar BrD.llD AVAii ARI [ 100AV1 ~.U:..-/UA 949 6/3 !>!>66 'llA.OO'fJCANCE House Cleaning • Rmdiiml • (jmtmJ No Job Too Small Daye Hamilton 949-322-8292 DANA'S HOU5l Q.IANNG r .. opedi'I S8W.t ffr 15' ~ r"""'-l lCt!!llW!d 114-342-0656 Moving & S!oratt l lST MOVOIS SSS/Mr. SerW11 M C"-lnstnd n63844 SX>-246-2378 ~!1971 c.el PUBLIC NOTICE The C•l1f Pubhc Ullltlles Commtn ion requ•es lhat all uud hous ehold 1 aads mo•en print their P U C Cal T numb.,, limos and chaufltu" p11nt 10111 1 C P number 111 •II tdnr tbemmls If yOll have an, quesllons allcMll the l11allt1 o f • mower limo or ch1uft1vr cen l'WUC ununn COMMKSM>N IOO 17 _..., Ch_,.-........ ---:llYr<.~e-.p Crut PrM.~' Cuaranle~ wor~ 1 ree HI l •31!>60? 71• ',SS l!l:M I J90 294S '-Y•-'• l'ebotlat lop Qu~ltly Co!ft9ehli.e lnlern.1< 'E~l L•648ZZ8 CaUJay 949·650:5066 RAINIOW ca<U MMIJ P111nt1na Int/UL Housel'cJI Quahly iot>' f'1tt esllmille l •569897 71c& 6J6 8888 ASPHALT PAVING, SIAl COATING, STall'ING, Quality w0<k, lrw esllmrD c 'c e:iee 11~7"B PllmlNnt SIWll AlelUll<lu. (Ht) MS-2SJ2 , •&~•""._" ot MllTJ IM~llO'O S£W[R JC TTINC. ELECTRONIC ~lAB LEAK DETECTION I 11et>dt1 Ser wt< t t4t -•7S -t J 04 -~r.om l•n:l49f IMurl'O PlUM8£R L~ f , .. Est! Sm ,._,., OC IT CU Dae n 4-Zf>.91 !rO NICISI l'W 11 .. G R~a•IS ' Remodel111c FREE £STIMAT£ Lf687398 714 969 1090 Pool Slrvlcl M-4< I' ... & • Svc. w..a1, Servtee [QU19 menl Repa•s tnw red C .. t4t-H2-717J TREES