HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-16 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2003 A CLOSER LOOK • Cloud still hangs over Newport City Council While matters surrounding Councilman Dick Nichols have been settled for now, the effects are yet to be seen. June Cau1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The Newport Beach Qty Council has just survived its worst civil war In years. The behavior of one of their own, Olclc. Nichols. was so objectionable 10 some of his colleagues IN BUSINESS New center caters to the hungry The third neighborhood shopping center that the Irvine Co . has opened in the past year includes eight eateries. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The Irvine Co. has opened its third neighborhood re- tail center in the city in less than a year. the latest dominated by an anay of res- taurants. Company officials expect the Bluffs Shopping Center. which officially INSIDE For more buslneu news, see Page A2 opened May 27, to draw customers from surrounding neighbor- hoods to its eclectic blend of quick. casual eateries and retail shops. Three-fourths of the center, or eight of the 12 new shops. are eateries. "We think this will be a terrific and complimentary addition to our ponfo- Uo," said Jennifer Hleger, a company spokeswoman. "The center is brand new. and already, we're seeing a lot of people decide to go there and enjoy those restaurants." The Bluffs. at Bison Avenue and Mac- Arthur Boulevard, just off the Corona del Mar Freeway, Is now halfway open. Daphne's Greek Caf~ christened the center, opening its doors a day early, on May 26. On the official opening day, Pei Wei Asian Diner, Baja Fresh, PastaBravo, Quizno's Sub and SW Nails & Spa were operating. By the end of the month. Celebrity Oeaners and T-Mobile are expected to open. that they had a formal item put on their coun- cil agenda The question it ad- dressed: Should Nich- ols be slapped on the wrist or even censured for suggesting that a Planning Commission Dick Nichols decision had been in- fluenced by a bribe? They even considered creating some type of code of conduct. In the end, after the verbal spankings were over, they decided against any of these measures. But questions remain aboul the aftermath. Will Nichols and his colleagues be able to mend fences and move on? Will they find a common ground for conducting the business of the city. And, perhaps most salient. will Nichols continue to appear at and spealc. at Planning Cornmissjon meet- ings? "Yes.· Nichols said Friday in response to the last question. "But not for a while. Not until things die down." All six of Nichols' council colleagues commented on his fateful comment 10 planning commissioners at their May 22 meeting: "It doesn't look good. It looks lilce you're taking money for this one." The councilmen's comments ran the gamut from the gentle disapproval of Don Webb to the aJJ-out questiorung of Nichols' Green.l.tght backers by Tod Ridgeway. Gary Proctor questioned Nichols' ability to grasp the issue at hand. John Heffernan, the other Green- light-backed councilman, took the op- portunity to d1Stance himself from Nichols. Gary Adam-. introduced a whole new area of concern opened by Nichols' practice of addre~ing the Planning Commission from the podium as a member of the public. State open-meeting laws forbid a ma- 1onty or the coun<:tl from ~mbllng out.!>1de or nouced pubbc forum'> to dls- cu~ m.mer!> or City busme<». So if one council member auends or partmpates in a Plannmg Corruru<>Ston meeung. no more than two other!> can do so Therefore. any counctl member who pamc1pates m a Plannmg Corruruss1on meeung t!i bru.1cally usmg up hi .. or her colleague .. · nght to do the ..ame. The only equitable 1hmg for counctl mem- bers to do, '" to clll '>tay away. Adams said. See COUNCIL. Pa1e A4 Hog in the spotlight Enthusiasts of the iconic motorcycles fl ock to the Newport Dunes for a two-day exhibition Coral Wilson Daily Pilot T here's a bun m the an. the ground begin~ to \1brate, and 1hen. ltke thunder and a Oash or lightning. a Harley Davidson goes by -it's that disnnct roaring. rumbling. wake-you·up-m·the-middle-of-the-rught sound," said Howard KeUy. edJtor of Hot Bike and Street Olopper magazine'>. Swann.. of motorcycl~ hit the roads or Newpon Beach for the Harley·Da\1dson We.-,1 Coast Super Show at Newpon Dune .. Rt~on Saturday and Sundav The two-day event presenred by the Dune<. in conjuncuon with Ho1 Bile. Street Olopper and Hot Rod Bikes magannes brought m thousands of people to c,how off their bikes. to get some ideas for custol'TUZl11g the hogs m their garages or iust to spend Father's Day in style. The inaugural event pro.,,ed to be huge!) successful. with 150 vendors and about 8.000 visitors. KeUy said ·Whatever you are pa.s.!>1onate about -cars. boats or motorcycles -you thmk it is as good as it can be until you see a new idea." he said. The average enthusiast invests S 10,000 to ~-...~~ ~teHn1-tn<~!Allmelrr-Y\lasEHit:IShlr-wtH-~--1f--~ S 15,000 in customizing their bikes. he saJd. A open up. In the fall. three more eateries will open, including Carl's Jr .. Islands Restaurant and Panera Bread. The Bluffs came ln across the street from Newpon North Center, which in- cludes only a handful of eateries, in. eluding Marco Polo Restaurante and SM HUNGRY, Ptee M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ Drive caNfulfy through the morning fog. The IUn wftt be eb"G ~lly. S.hpA2 SPORTS CdM reeldel1t Scoa De-At Md flllher, Gordon. won bd\ tide In• row" Nldol'91 fllltMWeon..,,,. ~Sundey • .. ~- PHOTOS BY MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT #:Jove, Robert Juarez of Bell walks along side his son, Robert Jr .. who's riding his mint.Harley, through the Harley-Oavidson West Coast Super Show Sunday morning.Left, Vista residents John Kachelmeier, left, and Matthew Moreno. right, check out a supercharged custom Harley. THINKING ALLOWED mo to he said. "One in 30 motorcycles are stock. unmodified,· he said, porn ting to a sea of See HARLEY. Pa1e M Two Father's Day brunches and a roast Yi 0 UR ,. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SEAN HlllER/DMY PILOT Joe Lestino of Costa Mesa, a Vanguard University student. works on his quads at Natural Healttl Sports Therapy in Newport Beach. Worked to the core Health clinic uses high-tech machines to produce a tough, focused workout. vertical leap or quickness to starts at race time. The QuJck'IWitch system, as it is known, is a network. of four high-tech work.out machines connected to a computer monitoring device. The multi-chest, leg extension curl, total hip and glute hamstring machines are strung together during hour-long sessions that provide a grueling and in tense work.out. explosiveness and power, said Lestino, a Costa Mesa student and therapist al the clink. P•ul Clinton Daily Pilot A s a college basketball player, Mark Roche always looked for ways to get stronger, quicker and more agile. Lifting free weight~ gave him strength, but always made his muscles sore. Plyometrics, the form of German gymnastics tha1 includes tossing a medicine ball, gave him agility. but didn't help him with his vertical leap. Once Roche discovered a line of computerized training equipment that helps athletes improve their strength and endurance by working specific Hcore· muM:les. he found his niche in the training industry. He also found machines that translate to better skills on a field, hardwood floor or baseball diamond. #You're not going to have that soreness that you have in reguJar weightlifting.· Roche said about the machines. "Our job is to make people heller ... and move them on their way." Roche now owns and runs the Natural Health Sports Therapy clinic, at 290 I W Coast Highway in Newport Beach, where he offers this training method to any athlete hoping 10 add inches to a Roche provides 22 sessions over a 10-~ period for $550, or about $27 per visit. A trainer monitors the action. Rotating from machine to machine at noontime last week. Joe Leslino huffed and puffed after a shortened session. The body's "fast twitch" m uscles are targeted in the woricouts to build ,, "It works your power muscles,· Leslino said. "It's a good supplement to your workout." Roche opened his first Newport Beach clinic in 1989 nestled in a building on Mariner's Mile, across the street from his Natural I lealth clinic. In 1993, he moved 10 his present location. Roche's clinic is the only one in Newpon-Mesa that offers the Quick'IWitch machines. Roche, 44, lives in Huntington Beach. • Got an interesting t1db1t or story idea about a local business? E-mail 11 to Daily Pilot business rePorter Paul Clinton at paul.clinton@lst1mes.com. BUSINESS CALENDAR networtting lundMon meetingt Wedneldeya from 11:45 a.m . to 1 p.m. at the ea.ta Mesa CountJY C1ub. The cost is $14. The club i• at 1701 Gotf Couree Drive, Coste Mesa. (714) ... 9090. Oub 1300 ,,,_..from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdav• in Sgt. Pepperonl'a meeting room, 2300 Bristol St., Newport Beach. Call to make ,....,..,etiona. (949) 646-1274. • 6-d .,.INESI CAlENDAR Items to the Daily Plot. 330 W. Bay St., CQSta Mesa, CA 92627; by .-fMH to m/U.6wanaonlllatlmn.com; by fax to (M) .._..170; or by calling (!MS) 674-4298. lndude the time, date and location of the event. •Will•• contact phone number. A complete llllln8 la~ et www.dailypilotcom. Theeo.t. Mete~ °TGMtlRllll l'S Club meeta from noon to 1 p.m. WedrwedlVI at the Orange County Department of Educdon, 200 Kalmus Drive, CosteMea. M1adnga.,. open to •nvc;me who wants to imprc11119 hie or her pubic speaking akilts. C714) 4"-8783. ConlWhon News assistant. (949) 574-4298 coral. wilM>ntllarifflfl&com TheMeeal\11111ngen ......... ,.a...11n Coeta Meee meets at 7 p.m. T~ at Mesa Verde United Methockt Churctl, 1701 W. Bak« St. Costa M.u. (714) ~. Box 1560, Costa Mese, CA 92626. Copyright: No n8W1I storiea, Illustrations, editorial matter or THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE A mistake made every day Every day. Everyday. Every single day I come across English mistakes made by professional communicators - business people getting paid to convey ideas effectively and professionaJly. With the exception of rap musicians, pretty much everyone benefits from speaking and writing well But for business people -from the highes1-level executive to entry-level support staff -a good grru.p or the language can be ..----------. crilical. For one thing, in business, image is everything. But, more Important, good grammar lets a speaker or wri1er get ideas acros~ clearly and with effect. Officially, that's the reason I'm kicking off this new column. MThe JUNE Business of Language." CASAGRANDE Off the record, though, I <;hould admil tha1 grammar and spelling boo-boos make me nuts. I can't help it. At one point, probably as a copy editor for Business Wire, I crossed the thin red line between casuaJ observer oflhe language to red-faced, card-carrying sergeant in 1he Grammar Gestapo. ti's a bad auitude 10 have. By copping an altitude of supenori1y when i1 comes to grammar, you're basically inv11ing humiliation. The best experts on the language are too <,mart to play smarty pants because they know that il's impossible to know everything. TI1e skilled copy editors al the Pilot and even the Los Angeles Times make miMakes from lime to time. I lumility ti. the only way to go. That said. don't be !.iurprised if at some point in the future I get knocked on my fanny. either by making an egregious mis1ak.e or by having my name on a column with someone else'<; glaring grammar gaffe. It's pretty much inevitable that I'll have to eat some crow. Nonetheless. alternating weeks with Paul Ointon's "Wall Street Wes1 Column," l'U 1ry to shed some light on my grammar gripe • du jour. For example, every day versu!> everyday, which I'll get to in a moment. I'm no expert. I'm nol even the most qualified peri.on on the Pilot '>laff to teath this stuff. I ju'it hope to be able to present some othe1W1se dry and tedious material in a way that makes ii fun, in1eresting and. most of all. usefuJ for bul>iness writers. Today's sermon is for the ad wizard who- plastered the nation with billboards (is my militant snootiness showing?) announcing that their flagship burger is ju'>t 99 cents "everyday." This is a really common mis1ake -I see it everywhere -but it's an ea..\y one to avoid. "Everyday" is only used when it's a modifier, which in most cases means it's an adjective. Your company mtg.ht have "everyday low prices" or "everyday vaJues: but it's two words when you're referring lo the days themselves. Thus, you have ·1ow prices every day," "values every day." Without even delving into the subtleties of modifiers and things like hyphenation, you can always gel it right by simply asking yourself, "Am I using it as an adjective?" Your business correspondence will shine. and you'll soon know the anguish I feel every time I drive past these blasted billboards. •Have a question about business writing or grammar? Write June Casagrande at june.cssagrande@latimes.com. SURF AND SUN Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisementa herein can be WEATHER FORECAST The wind will drop by about 5 Sean Hitler, Don t.eecti. reproduced without wntten Kent Treptow permission of copyright owner. knots et night The morning will be cloudy VOL .. 97, NO. 167 READERS HOTUNE HOW TO REACH US with areas of fog, the kind of SURF TliOMAS H. JOHNSON NeW1I Editors (9491 842-6086 Circuaetlon fog that makes for visibility of Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Record your comments about the The Tlmea Orange County lea than a quarter of a mile. It The northwest swell will TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz, Dally Pilot or news tips. (800) 252-9141 should be mostly sunny In the Increase today, bringing cheat-Editor Daniel Stevens Add .... Adwfti""9 afternoon, wlttl highs between and head-high• to west-facing JV('J'( OETTING NEWS STAFF Our addreu Is 330 W. Bay St., Cost.a Clwlfled 19491 842-5678 A~s~r Mesa, CA 92627. Office hourt are Dllpley UM9) 842~21 nand87degreea. breaks. Crime °:::r ~rter, Monday -Friday, 8:30 e.m. • 5 p.m. EdltiotW The cloudl end fog return et A IOUth swell II due Promotion. Director (949) 571M22 ~ New9 .night. after poeaibfy loftering at Tuesday, but the front edge d#pa.bharathtllafl,.,,..,com It le die Pilot's policy to promptly (9'9) 842-6880 the beech ell day. Lows will be coutd emve by midday todey. EDmNOSTAff June~· correct all 8"'0f'I of aot.t.nce. 8pcMte 19@) 57-M223 between 66 end 63 degrees. Thit aw.II may offer OYemeeds Pl-.. call (9491 764-4324. New't .. (9491 84&--t 170 1..1.Cllhn Newport ~rt er, 8pcMte .. (941) 860-0170 lnfomwtbt: once it rutty~ going. If the M=ng Ecf'IU>r, (949) 57-M232 FY1 f-tMll: dallypilot.IM/fM8.oom www.nws.nc»a.flOV ~ whktt will still be (9'9 574-4233 JuM.cnllflfB~Olatlnw.oom The Newport Beac:NCoeta M ... M.in °""9 • around, doeln't hamper It. •.J.uhn• 14rtlme9.oom '9u1Clnton Deify Piiot (USPS-U4-800) le ...... 0Moe( ... llM2~21 BOATING FORECAST Wltllrqualty: .......... Politic:e, busineu end envtrorvnent ~fdl9or. publlehed dally. In Newpon 8eedl hlll-,_ (948) 131·71H www.Airfrlder.org (941 184-4324 repol'lel, llM9) ~ end eo.ta Meea, subecrlptlone are Venable winds at 10 knots or }MnM,,,.,..l«Jrn..oom peul.cllnton fllatlme..com eveilab141 ontv by subecrlbing to The ..... ,. expec:ted for the day. TIDES flllllwdo..wt Lolta..,_ Tlmel Ortnge County (800) IP.I with 2-foot W8Y.e on • Sportt~ Columnltt, culture reportM, 262-9141. In.,...~ of northw9lt .... of 3 to 6 fwt. lime ......,. ~ • ..,_,com (948) 574-427! Newport~ and Coeca ~. T1*'e ~be.,._ of fog In the &:66a.m. ·t6 .... tow ..... ,,, ..... /ol1t11.MfpM'•IBfimea.oom -~to die O.lly "'°'.,. "'°"*'O and after midn6ght. 12:«>p.m. 3.lfMthlgh M ow.ctor / N9wl 0.. ChW, ~......,.. .VII..,._ only by flrwt ... m.11 fot ~ byllmel Community A emal cnft 9dYleory wlll be 4:&1p.m. 2A31"ttow CMIPMZ.ae eo.. MMe repofW, (Ml) 574-4221 ao .,. month (Pl'ioel lriclklde ... NeM •• dlvlllon of the Loi~ In d9Ct ,..._out. MiYbe 11:14p.m. 8.lS .... high -~·,.,.,,_com ~MWmMt•lMlmea com ~--andlooaltllliW.) nm.. ~ bec:M• of the nofthWMt .... MIC' .. a...c.... P09TMAST'ER: Send...,.. "*° Editor, Wind .. 11to2& ltnoll. The WATER TEMPERATURE • ..... ,.. .• Educ9tlon ~. (Ml)574-4291 ct,.,.. to The N9WPOft 02003 Tim. CN. All 1'19hta we'41wllbe 1 to4fMlone ~MMe Delly""'°" '-0 , .. 119d, • ...... moinnttlAldtlwt.com ohrl$11nt1 C«rlllo•l«lmee com ~.w.lofltol~ 12-- .. L '· Monday, June 16, 2003 Al Council likely to· OK budget Constrained by state's financiaJ crisis, city leadell6 are expected to approve a cautious, $11 2-million budget. Lolita Harper Da ily Pilot COSTA MESA -City leaders are expected to approve a cau· tious budget tonight under 01e weight of stale financial woes that will ultimately faJJ on locals' shoulders. City officials have proposed a $112-rnillion budget for fiscal year 2003-04, which is up nearly $I 0 million from lru;t year's ap- proved budget. Marlc Puckett, the city's direc· tor of finance, saJd the budget laltes into account the rising costs of providing basic services. AJthough the amount may be higher, the budget is considered "Oat," he said. The prelimmary budget allows the city to maintain programs and services at existing levels. 11 estimates the city will take in about S38 million in sales tax and about $15 million in property tax. The city gained a boost in its property tax from last year be- caw.e of the addition of IKEA. in the Home Ranch development, officlals said. Property taxes in general have been increasing. A study session and com.mu· mty budget workshop were beld lru.t wee.It to answer questions about the budgeL At the study session, Councilman Allan Man· soor asked city staff to evaluate further the money being spent on the mobile recreation unit. the mobile skate parlc, recreation programs for children. the West · side police substation, the city's anti-drug program -also known rui [}\Rf -and the city's contri· bution to the Orange County Hu- man Relations Commission. Mayor Gary Monahan also called attention 10 fees the coun- cil pay'> to various regional or· gani.t.ations and council mem· BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS OCC to offer 46 online classes in th e fall Orange Coast College will of- fer 46 online Internet clas!>es next fall. Already. many of OCCi. faJI classes are 100% on· line, with other:. ri:quiring one or more on-campus meetingi.. Online classes are completed within 1hc sam e timeframe ai. on-campui. clai>ses, but '>ave the student commuting lime. fhc only requirement is that the 'ilude111 ha~ acces., to the: lnternt•l from hl\/her Pentium da''> PC or Mac with a 28.8 '>pet·d modem, an up-10-da1e hrowwr ... ud1 "'' lnternel l.x plort'r 5 0 or h1Kher or Nel'>Capt· C.ommumcatur 4 7, and an e· mail UClOUnl 'lome uf the <,ub1ec1c, avail ahle a' online cla ...... es arc ac roun1ing. allied health. bu'>I · ne.,s. Lompull'r mforma11on c;y..rern... r ompu1er \cit·nce, compu1cri1t'd offin• tcchnol- O)..'). I nglt~h. food dnd nuln!lon dnd nrn,1c I ht'\l' tour'>l''> are worth one half 10 four unil!> of GETTING INVOLVED • GEmNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis For information on adding your organ1zat1on to this list. call (949) 574-4298 NEWPORT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM The Newpon Harbor Nauttcal Museum offers a number of volunteer opportunities in the g1h shop, as docents or receptionists, with clencal work and with fund-raising events Training 1s provided (949) 675-8915, Ext 107. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of general volunteer help (949) 642·9990 NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation is looking for volunteers to help with fund-raising efforts, speaking opportunities. public events and occasional office work. (949) 631-4143. credit each. "Studenti. who are disci- plined find the Internet a great way to taJce classes," said Par· nian Barvarz. a computer infor- mation systems instructor. "It's very helpful for online students to have t11eir own computer. but not essential. If need be, students may use the comput· ers and software available on campus in OCCs John Clark Computer center." Fall registration begins Mon· day, July 14, and classes beKin Monday, Aug. 25. Class sched ulec; are available online at www.oranecoastcollege.com. A printed version will be availabh: June 23 at the OCC.. Adm1111 ... 1ra lion Office. lbe office is open tlm '>ummer from 8 a.m to 6 p.m. Monday through rhur' day: The wllege i'> clo'>ed 1 ri days. For more rt'g1s1rauon in formauon. call (714) 4J2 • ">072. Johns Hopkins honor~ local students Fifteen I larbor Day ~1 hcwl '>ludent' were recogn11cd by NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER A variety of jobs need to be tackled, including set construction, ushering, mailings and assorted technical duties Sdleduling 1s flexible, with a two· to 20..hour commitment per month. The N6'JVJ)Ort Theatre Arts Center is at 2501 Cliff Drive. (949) 631-0288. OASIS SENIOR CENTER Meals on Wheels volunteers are needed to distribute prepared dishes to homebound seniors in the Newport Beach area The delivery time is between 11 :30 a.m. and 1 p.m. daily. The center also needs volunteer nurses for its semi-monthly blood pressure screenings. The center offers this service between 9 and 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Volunteers should commit two hours once a month or volunteer on a substitute basis. The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. OPERA PACIAC The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, a support group for Opera Pacific, Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every MonJ.y tf Tiuul.y 6-9pm Steaks • Statood • CocktaHs / ,,, Ht·,,,, 111tu11n t ,,// ('}.f')) h·•'· -,, .•• the lohm I lopk.ins University Center for falented Youth for their academic excellence on Sunday. May 18, in a ceremony al the University of Southern California. Nine students in grade~ five and l>ix and :.ix Stu· dent'> from grade!. '>even and eight were hnnored. rhe Mudentc; were: Hrian Bar· wick, Laguna Heach; Blaine Bo· lus, Newport Coa:.t; Geoffrey Rurn'o. Corona Oel Mar; Ken · ncth C :oopl'r, Nt•wport Coa!>I; Daml·lla (,oodman, Newport Beach, I a 1th ( rrciner. Newport Heath. I ukc· (,rt-int.'r, Newport Hc.ith, I llllm.1'> I lutchmson. Corona Dl'I Mar. flnan Licorish, Com11.i !kl Mar: Mtthael Mc· Kenn.i, '-l·wporl Beach, Richard Penfil \,1•wpon Bt-aLh. Otase Ho">, Nt•wpon Coa'>t. Bayle 'lm11h. Ir. ine, Alex. ~w1gen. Nt'wpurt Heath, and Nicoll' \.\agrll'r, :-..t·wporl Heach. I hl· C I'\ 1dc1111fit:, America's lop 'tudc111., 111 grade'> two 1hro11~h c•1gh1 and provide., pro· gram'>, '>cr.1u•.,, and rP'>OUrces to lu·lp 1lwrn nrnkc lhl' mo'il of 1hc•1r ahthllc'> has act1vit1es fo r volunteers. (71 4) 540 6000 OPERATION CLEAN SLATE Operallon Clean Slate. a Costa Mesa-based organization for graffiti prevention, needs volunteers to paint out graffiti and other duties. Michael Howard, (714) 435-0745 OCC NAUTICAL LIBRARY Orange Coast College's Sdlool of Sailing and Seamanship needs book donations for its Nautical Library The Sdlool of Sailing and Seamanship 1s at 1801 W Coast Highway, Newpon Beach (949) 645·9412 ORANGE COAST INTERFAITH SHELTER The largest family shelter in the county needs volunteers for its children's programs. It especially desires tutors and those who can take part in activities after 6 p.m. Tutors will work wrth groups of children or ind1v1dually, helping children in their academic problem areas. Volunteers will also act as a big brother or big sister during the summer. Jaime Mayo, (949) 631 7213. FYI •WHAT: Costa Mesa City Council meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5223 bers' individual expencUture.. The council has ta.ken a con'>t:r· vatlve stance on allocations for the tr-dining of staffers, Monahan said, and the cow1cil should fol· low suit by limiting the amount of money spent on some semi· nars. The community budge1 t.es sion on Tuesday was sparsely at· tended, but proVlded an inuma1e setting to discuss, 111 de1ail, van· ous portions of the budget. S(>t.rrs t '\'EsT~\1ENT REA.LTY l<.RJSTEN M. Sous • Llccn.sed Rtal f.m1c Agent • Mttting "'1 of your &al f.sr4u n.ettis. ERJc A. Sous • CFP • 17 pars ~t • St.oda & Bonds • Mutual Fund.J • Annui Es111u Ii' &timnmt Planning • l11111:st111mt &i mg • Sm'1J/ MilJJl,c Marktt Companies CaU for a frtt co~ckioo at your home or u.riness 949-723-) t . -C--l\Mllt ...,_.., __ __ 11'1&-CffU...IMlto-loa -•IQ• __ ..,_._ ... _ ... -..UO U'C A RT IN MOTIF I NDULGE Y OUR P ALE-.TTES Featured artis t RPIJ ls il''s work rapture' 111.; 11mq111· wft>ry.1rr tat1oni; of still life, landsrapt', m11!>1r 1111J 11tlll-rl'prt',c11tatw11a/ ul1!>trurh. His background mclwles a rt1Tt'1 r 111 111tf11,fnal, mtaior, and ent11rom1w11tul "'""'.'(''· Isip: Discover the Oavor ol u·kbratt-d Ima . ..irt , • .., l>t'light 1n oomplimentary samplc·s of \.1 011r., <. i..I nan mJ<>l1·rp1cce~. d qJa.,., of aromatic. wine, dnd relax 10 lht' '>11und ... 111 d t.J,.,1t...d qu1tJri-.: Sarnr thl.' rnt~mc, adm1n· !he tirl1,tn Art Exhibit & Reception Wednesday June 18th, 5-6 pm. Complimentary validated parking Art Exh1b1ts \\Ill con tinue throucitt ">tph:mbc·r 1. ~111n Please call Motif at 94q 234 ruo for lurther inl11rma11,m I/'·.,"""~ I J lr1 June 25 July 2 ---Ted Bai..cr 0 .. dc: la \'Oil' \1n1111r• /1 fl, llt /1 /: I \ ' Home to a certain world www.streclsmb.co• \.11 ,, ' •. I II 1\1 I I ' ~ ..... 'l"()HI\ I 1~1oJl1,1'\ 11""-H 'llA.,(';lf I •• •Quality SaTK:e··· •••N'agbdy Entma.inmea~ I,,,,.,, 1 r \ ,,,, \, • c 41,t 1 \ t. ··• ' . 1835 Newport lllwd. <Harbor at 19th, near Maytag store> COsta Mesa C949• 734-2020 ;~f~d ~Off MSlt .tt~ NlflAVMI •7.600 ' M Monday, June 16, 2003 PU.BLIC SAFETY . POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • EHt 11th StrMt: A man was arrested on suspicion of urinating in public In the 170 block at 12:26 a.m. Friday. • Newport Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public in the 1800 block at 1:30 a.m. Sunday. • Ogle Street: A woman was arrested on suspicion of being in the partc after dark in the 300 block at 9:13 p.m. Friday. • South Coast Drive: A woman was a rrested on suspicion of petty theft in the 900 block at 5:45 p.m. Friday, • West Baker Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of burglary in the 700 block at 2:50 a.m. Friday. • West 19th Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of resisting an officer in the 500 block at 6:25 p.m. Friday. COUNCIL Continued from Al STANDING BY HIS WORDS There are other considera- tions. For example. if a council member takes a position on a re- que'>l m front of the Planning Commission. and then that item 1-. talled up for reconsideration by the council, could that coun - nl member give a fair. impartial hearing in the council proceed· ing-.? rhe very issue that prompted Nichols' faux pas has been called up for council reconsideration - hy Nichols himself. City Anomey Bob Burnham said Fnday that he is reviewing legal guidelines to determine whether Nichols should partici- pa1e in the discussion or the vote He said he would not have a recommendation until after further legal research. Nichols has apologized nu- merous times for his phrase, ex- plaining that he meant it as a metaphor and not as a leglllmate allegation. He doesn't believe that anyone on the Planning ( ommi'>s1on accepted a bribe to deny a reque!.I for a height vari· ance on a private home on Bal· boa 1 .. 1and's South Ocean Front. ht' <;aid. Bui he Mands by his position that the Planning Commission wa~ wrong to deny the request. D1e O\o\'Oer of the home wanted to expand the size of an elevator entrance on the roof of her home lrom a 25 o,quare feet 127 square feet and add a bathroom. City v-dnance rules don't allow for .,uch exception~ to area heigh1 linw... Nichols thinks they '>hould. because the structure would not significantly affect views or lhe overall aesthetics of thl' neighborhood. "Though I sure don't think that th1i, ha!> all been a good thing. I don't want to say thal we go1 a win out of this," Nichols said. "Rut has1cally. nmv. the council is wtlling to try to work with me, and I think we can eliminate • w..t 11th Street: A man WH arrested on an outside warrant In the 600 blodt at 12:06 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eastbklff Oltve: A petty theft was reported In the 2600 block at 8:01 a.m. Sunday. • Jamboree Road and North Bristol Street: A person was reported throwing an object from a vehicle at 1 :44 a.m. Sunday. • Orchid and 4th avenuH: Suspicious circumstances were reported at 1 :28 a.m. Sunday. • S•n Joaquin Hilts Road: A vehicle burglary was repo rted in the 2600 block at 8:53 a.m. Sunday. • West Coast Highway: A vehicle theft was reported In the 3400 blodc at 2:20 a .m. Sunday. •30th Street: An injured animal was reJ)C!rted In the 200 block at 8:23 a.m. Sunday. 'It's over as far as I'm concerned.' Steve Brombera Newport Beach mayor some of the problems in the .oon· ing causing me the most dis- tress." MORE TROUBLE IN THE FUTIJRE? Mayor Steve Bromberg dis· agrees with Nichols' prediction of this silver tining. . "I can't really agree with that, because Mr. Nichols' under- standing of the variance and modification p rocedure is inac- curate.~ Bromberg said. Ml-Je's on the WTong track. He doesn't understand what a variance is, what a modification ii.. A lot of us have cried to explain it to him." If that's true, it's possible that there are more flubs in Nichols' future. Brom berg said that, if past problems repeat themselves, the council may have to take formal action. ln the meantime, though. Bromberg said he would rather emphasize the positive points about Tuesday's council talks, which ended with a unanimous vote to drop the matter. Mil's over as far as I'm con· cemed," Bromberg said. ''I'm proud of the counc.il and each council memb er for taking the high road in handling this very difficult and delicate issue with the highest level of professional· ism. ''I'm glad we waited two week.<i. Emotions were running high in the council meeung be- fore that and, if we'd have talked about it then, it might not have turned out as well," he said "I hope something good comes out of ii, and that good would be a better understanding on the part of Mr. Nichols as to how the process works." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande a latimes com. Come see the new EverWood' CountrySide blinds fro m Huncer Douglas Overlapping slats create a beautiful board-on-board d esign And the 'step-up· look adds depth. dimension and character 10 any room And EverWOod CountrySlde will not warp crack. peel or fade Even In humid areas or direa sunli~t. Come see these beautiful blinds today. th 111 IHIC• lillfffN /Mll6'•J ...... , .......... . ,,,.,,, ,,,_, ....... , •... ~ALDEN'S Flrior ( U'tlJl'..c, A'" 0.IUll'l WlMlCl'I' CIMllN<.\ 1663 ~nt~ Com Meta 949+46 4138 HUNGRY Continued from Al Cllampagnes Market. Both centers should work tn concert, since a handful of hous· ing communities have sprung up over the past )'e¥. said Robert Best, a Costa Mesa shopping center developer. "One of the reasons why is that the Irvine Ranch is generally under-retailed," Best Said. "What they've done is concentrated a lot of restaurants. There's a lot of demand for that. I think it's well thought out and will work.~ The Bluffs should also attract lunchtime crowds from Newport Center, University Research Parle and UC lrvine. Hleger said. The center comes less than a year after the Irvine Co. o pened Crysta] Cove Promenade and Newport Coast Shopping Center, two other neighborhood centers in Newport Beach, in October. The company has been re- vamping Fashion Island since the fall. As part of the renova· tions. an old-fashioned carousel will be added. uwe are very pleased with the strong performance of our port· folio," Hieger said . Mnaffic at our centers is up, and we continue to welcome new stores. (lOe new centers) are examples of our confidence in the market." ln some ways, the Bluffs re- presen ts the latest evolution Of shopping center design fro m the Irvine Co. Architects built in a large public courtyard, a grove of 30 olive trees, a circling fountain and even a fireplace. The goal is to make the center ~a warm and inviting place to sit and relax." Hieger wrote in an e-mail. HARLEY Continued from Al more than l ,500 bikes filling the parking lot. "The o thers are all modified, customized, tweaked, adjusted. messed with." By changing the fenders, wheels, exhaust pipes, seats and chrom e finish, the goal is to stand out and be different. KelJy said. But the bikes that win awards have tremendous balance, he said. They are conceptual from beginning to end. Mark UJunior" Skolnick. owner of Lifestyle Cycles in Anaheim. mad e a grand entrance riding alongside about 300 of his customers. The group stormed into town together for the show. ALLOWED Continued from Al a.m. or after 1 p.m. (For those of you d evoid of a sense of humor. I remind you these are jokes. There Is no City Hall conspiracy. Stop flipping through yot.lr rolodex for the attorney's number.) Snowden's best friends called him warm -whk h they defin ed as ~not so hot." They marveled at Ellen Snowden for staying married to the man for 32 years. They said Sn owden could never be described as mediocre because mediocre people are AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meaa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike;swanson@latimt1s.com; by fex to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A oomplete listing la available at www.dailypilot.com. TUESDAY "hng Shui fof' a HMllng Home• la a free seminar held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reaervations, call (800) 595-6667. The Newport 8Md'I Chlmber of Commeroe hosts ita Newport Bu&lneas Referral Breakfast for Junt at the Pacific Cfub, 4110 Mac:Arthur Blvd., at 7:30 a.m. Attendees wlll leam about a marttetlng program In which guests of the Marriott's Newport Co.at Villas are 1'9ferred to Ioctl bualneaea. The coat Is S17 for members With • ,...rvltlon, and $22 at the door. For more lnformetlon, call (9'9) 729-4411. WEDNESDAY Phi .......... 0..,.. County 1n:hlvil\ will dlacuae ~ 11 In the •t'dli'-" they ,..,_to c.. Mlu'I Nleofy .. 7 p.m. ll .. ~ ........... ~, 1170 Anet*fn l#e., Cofllll Mwi. For more lnformdon, eel~- 831-6111 or HMll cin/Wtoty ....... com. OadyP11ot PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT The Bluffs shopping center in Newport Beach is open while finishing touches are being made. 'What they've done is concentrated a lot of restaurants. There's a lot of demand for that. I think it's well thought out and will work.' Robert Best a Costa Mesa shopping center developer uThe Bluffs was designed to mirror a Mediterranean hilltop town,• she added. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and pohtlcs. He may be reached at (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.cJinton.§'lat1mes.com. The fascination with motorcycles is exclusive to no one, he said . His clientele is made up of physicians. lawyers. students and entrepreneurs. *It is who you want to be and who you want to become." he said. MA bike helps fulfi ll dreams. Buying a bike is very personal." The bike he is building for mortgage banker Jeff Pittman of Newport Beach is nearly complete, he said. It will be a long. low chopper. painted with lime green metal flake and covered in spikes. Pittman said. Wife Sarah Pittman said she no lon ger rides because of a bad experience involving a motorcycle accident. Pushing their 4-month-old baby in a stroller, she said that with children comes responsibility. always at their best. Montebello Police Cl1ief Steve Simonian, a childhood friend. commended the city for commending Snowden. Too often people wait until somebody dies to say nice things about them and thank them for their accomplishments. Steve said. Not this time. UThis time we're honoring Dave before he accomplished a damn thing." he joked. Each roast was followed by a heartfelt hug. If nastiness is a testimony of friendship. Dave Snowden has the best friends in the world. ln all seriousness. Sn<M\Jen thanked the community, saymg the Coast Unitarian Universalist Church on human relations featuring an introduction by Rusty Kennedy of the Orange County Human Relations Council. ·with the t ounty of Orange Budget Cuts. Where Is the Human Relations Council Now?· it asks. The program goes from 12:30 to 1 :30 p.m. and ooatl $7.50 per per$0n, including lunch, or $10 without a reservation. The reception is at 11 :46 a.m .. and the luncheon at noon. For reservations. call (949) 660-8665, ext. 3, by 5 p.m. June 17. The Newport H..t>or Naudcal Museum, worttlng In conjunction with the Newport Library, will present a series of story time events on the Texu Dede at the museum for children between 3 and 6 from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. There will also be a crafts project for children and parents. Admisalon la free and apaa. i1 limited. For Information or reservatlona, call (949) 673-7883. The a.. s.rtlor Center wtll ho9t a twilight dinner and ahow With a performance from ·Sunshine Bova: fNtunnv the .-v1udevllle team of Joe Schuleln and S.m Youndhlna. Tidwta .,.. •v•it1ble for S7 tit the cenmr, 800 M•rguetit9 Ave. In Coro~ dtl M•r. For lnformltfon, etll (949) ~32 .... numtAY ••• 1h lltMAplt ltl••• Sodley well.,,...,. .,, lnWNI eclualllow.., progrem Cllted ·a CuidedO CllnlOo ... hdefoelt Mutipte: 1 lpilliltl"'P11'ld110 .,,_...on-..._.of mw ...... ldlroell. Ml:IOp.m. To A view of the Bluffs Shopping Center from the centers tower She is hoping her son takes up golf in~tead. Other falh ers came pushing stroUers. New 10 the role. 8111 Cusimano of I luntington Beach said he didn't know what else to do on FaLher's Oay except spend time with hi'i 6-monlh·old daughter, ~1and1lyn. He 1s JUSt wattmg until hii. daughter 1i. old enough to go riding wilh him. he aid. "She will ride as soon as she can walk. I'll tell you that." he said. "Born to ride .. The event by the water i5 one that he said he hope'> will continue for years to come. wiLhout much ha<,c;le from police. "The bikes are loud and fast, and the image i'> n ot the ~tyle of Newport Beach ," he c;aid. ·But everyone l<i the same. l:.ven with tattoos and piercing'>, tl\ey are "relation.ship-. fhel built were part and p.irtial to all (hlSI success. He alM> explamed his affimty for cowboys. Cowboys. Wee Lawmen. know the difference between nght and wrong. "There 1s no gray." he said. He exprei.sed confidence in his succes'>Or and commended his police staff. "They are beyond belief - outstanding,· he said. Ellen Snowden, near tears. thanked the audience for their suppon and commended her husband. "It was alwayi. more than a job. it wac; a pa~t0n.· she said. Snowden <ia1d he would wake up the next day shll reeling from connect, go to www.nationalmssociety.org, select "Living with MS" and then select "Webc8S1s and Conferences:' The Newport BHdl Charnt>.r of Commerce will announce Scott Paulsen for the 2003 Citizen of the Year Award for the city of Newport Beach. Paulsen will be honored at the chamber's annual chairman's reception and citizen of the year prese ntation. This year's event takes place at 5 p.m. at the Balboa Bay Club and Resort, 1221 W. Coas1 Highway. The cost 11 $30 per person, which covers hora d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400. FRIOAY Newport Ounee RMort'1 •Movies on the Beach" aeries offers "Parent Trep" starting at dusk on . the Nowport and. Parking costs S8 per car. Campfires Will alao be available for •'mores. The resort la at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more Information, call (949) 729-0UNE. SAT\JROAY la com.• "*'*-of the Hblplce Plefemtd Ch~ tum and m•• 1 dltr.rence Jn the lives of termln1lly Ill peopte and their f1mm .. at • votuntMr Ofientetlon. TM tNm i. ...acrng caring P90Pll to .... petlents tnd t.mlH• wtth noMMdlcll ,,.,., euc:tt .. provldfng reeplte for the ~m.ry ce~ver. rMdlng to~. peylng wetldy 9odlJ vWee lf"Ct runnfng en...-. ~ .... "'°~'° .... wW\ Giie. dudee. Cll (714) ..-00 for more lnfonNidon. f,; all herl' 10 have fun and enjoy 1he '>Un'\hme." I larley Davtd'>on riders agreed rhat 11\ relax.mg, therapeutic. a '>tre<i'i· reliever. ~1oi.t .. aid the) love riding for the '>enst' of freedom 1t bnngs ~It\ JU"t the feeling.· fjnda Mendota '><lid ~It clear<, m v head. Ir\ empowering, · -.omcthing I can look forward 10 whenever I am having a hard time and feel I 00~ better." A'> rider aftl'r nder tried to explain the ob'>C'>'iion. Kelly put 11 ~1mpl) -llarley\ are cool "Wht'rt you pull up to a traffk light. and they lool at you and you look at them. you art' alwa~ the rnoler per<,on • he said • CORAL WILSON 1s the news assistant and mav be reached at 1949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at coral wilson n lat1mes.com the celebrallon. only to he brought bacl 10 real.ti)• come \1onday. Lei\ ho~ hi~ Father'., Day wa.<, a t:Onllnuation of the \-\eekend full of pant.es - celebraung h1-. alcompltshmeni... a-. a father of two sons . peaking of cl'iebrauom. l have to run. I L.now this ~ after Lht.' fact, but I hope all the dads out thert' had a'> much fun ~ my li ttle family i' about to have. nme to go. • LOUTA HARPER wntes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the ar1s She may be reached at (9491 574-4275 or bye mail at lo/1ta harper n la11mes com. ·01vorce: A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced o r getting divorced. will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m at 180 Newport Center Drive. For more Information. call 644-6435 The Newport H•l'bor lAlwn Bowling Club will host Visitors Day on the comer of San Joaquin and Crown Drive in Corona del Mar, featuring free lessons and · snacks from 10 a.m . to 1 p.m. For more information, call (949) 640-6049. A Compo1ttlon In Drawing Workshop will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. at Coastline Community College, 1631 Sunflower BIVd .• B15, South Coast Village Plaza. The workshop emphasizes com~itlon covering all the baalca of drawing. Regiatratlon b $45, due by June 18. For more Information, call (949) 640-1727. N4rwport Dunee Aetott'a ·~ on the Beac:tt,. Mrit• offers •Hercules" lt•rting etpuak on the Newport sand. Parting cocta S8 pet car. C.mpftrea wllt aa.o be avallabtt for a'moru. The ret0n Is -11131 Bade B1y Drive. For more lnfonnetlon, ctll (949) 729-0UNE .• JUNE23 a......1 Ind otdet' .. Invited to reglsW fot 1 vaM\y of aummw IQUetlc Clmpe offwed bV Newport I-"~ ~ Thecempe run through Augutt. whh nunwoua morning end ....... IOCN' opdoN evelW>le. from •Wtng end Tennis cemp• 10 •SUffc.mp!' c.er (M) ... TOWN.hleAI Dady Piiot TOWN Continued from A4 644-3161 for more informetlon, or register on line at www.city.Mwpor1·beach.C8.us. .....,. of lh -0-will be Ible to sign up for Newport Beach Public Library reading programs designed to encourage an Interest in books over the lazy days of summer. For toddlers through sixth-graders, "It's a Jungle Out There" will Include a read·to·m e club for children not yet reading on their own and a readers club for independent readers. Special programs and prize drawings w ill add to the fun. Visit any Newport B~ach Public Library to sign up or call (949) 717-3816. The CosU Mesa S9nlors CentM will hold a flea market from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the center's parking lot, 695 W. 19th St. Spaces cost $10 for members. $20 for nonmembers. Reservations are required. For more information, call (949 645-2356. Meture drivers can sh1rpen their skills in an eight·hour AARP driver safety class held during two sessions from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. June 23 and 24 at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Cluses are limited to 30 students and cost $10. Advanced registration required. For more information, call (7141657-3340. Join the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce in welcoming Ryan Hoag. NFL draft pide number 262. Though he was the last pidc in the NFL. he'll be treated as No 1 at the infamous Mr. Irrelevant Arrival Party The Commodores Club of the Newport Beacn Chamber of Commerce will host the party to k1dcoff the 28th annual Irrelevant Week at the Newport Dunes Waturfront Resort. 1131 Bade Bay Drive, at 5:30 p.m The cost 1s $10, including live entertainment, a no-host bar and culinary treats For more information. call (9491 729-4412. JUNE 24 A ff'le Mminlf on 1ttent1on defic.it disorder will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-6667 JUNE 25 "Wellness end HHllng" Is 1 free seminar to be held from 6·30 to 8.30 p.m at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St , Costa Mesa To make reservations, call (8001 595·6667 A series of drhVing end peinring workshops featunng landscapes and seascapes at Newport Beach locations will begin today and continue for s111 weeks from 10 a.m. to 12.30 pm The first session will meet at Mariner's Park, ad1acent to Manner's Library. 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beacti. lnd1v1dual instruction by artist M1m1 Sharon will be offered to beginning and advanced students For more information, call 19491644-3151. JUNE 26 •Ave Keys to Vlbrent Living• is• free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservattons. call (8001 595-6667 JUNE 27 Newport Dunes Resort'• •Moviff on the Beach" series offers "Legally Blonde" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores The resort 1s at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information. call (9491 729-0UNE. JUNE 28 Cblasic boats race from the dodc of Newport Harbor M uaeum while events take place in and around the museum from 10 a.m . to 10 p.m. at the Heritage Regatta and Seaport Festival. Classic woodies, surfing exhibits. boat building, model building, food and music wlll be on hand at no OOlt to attendees. The Seaport Festival will take place all day at the museum and will Include a luau dinner and awards show. For more lnformatlqn, call (949) · 673·7863. N9wpot1 OUnea AWM't'1 "Moviel on the Beach• aeries offers •eeauty and the Beest" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Pertdng costs S8 per car. Campfires wot also be avall1ble for s'mores. The ruort la at 1131 Bed: Bay Drive. Fot more · information, call (949) 729-0UNE. JULY4 l1M Amerian ~Yacht Club wtll hoct the 48th Fourth of Juty Bolt Perede. featuring IOldt of dedctd out yec:hta pertdlng elong ~ water1 of Newport Bay ciarting at 1 p.m. ~ .,.. 30 bolt C9t9gOriM .tlglble for 91oWrdt. For mote lntormttlon • • cell (M8) 973-SM& JUI.YI ...., .. .,_._ ._. ...... ·MoiWW on the~· ...-OfM'I ·~Hood•~ at ct.Jiit on fte Hen.,ort IMd. Ptltdne co.- S8 per car. Campfires wlll also be available for s'morea. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-DUNE. ONGOING VoluntHr driven ire needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through HMobile Meals," sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Newport Dunff Resort's "Movies on the Beach" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two·hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4 Parking is $8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. A variety of private, semi·priv1te and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High Sctiool. Options include one-on-one Instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, teens end 1dults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beacti Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12 Fees vary Call (949)644-3151 or v1s1t the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information Professional end licensed soccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call 1949) 395-5103 Jewish Family Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high sctiool students that meets Mondays from 3·30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For Information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre·re91strat1on 1s required. The First Page -Fine Children's Books, at 270 E 17th St. No 10 in Costa Mesa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fndays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10;30 a m , Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645·5437. "Abstnlc1 Worb on Canv1s ind Pape(.' an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newport Beach Central Library through June 30. The exhibit will feature selectrons from Rosener's "Washed Away" series. created by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it away to suggest the passage of time. For more infonnation. call (949) 717·3816. Award-winning wo~s by Orange County artists working in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beacti City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more information. call (949) 717-3870. 81yside Restaurent in Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For m ore information, call (949) 721·1222. H your orchid la too big for tt1 pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your pl1nt during their free orchid·pottlng seminar 11 2 p.m. every S.turday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Bircti St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for Information. Dl1cov1r th• 1ecm1 of C1rbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Altdwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m . Parking is $4. Call (714) 996·5252 for more information. Team Survivor, 1 nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts "Walk and Tai~" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free. anl!f all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens are invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center 1s at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information. call (714) 327-7560 The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at8 l5 a m and 7 p m everyday For more information, call (949) 650· 1332 The Newport Beach Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p m on Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beacti For more information. call 1949) 650-1332 The Assn. of Business Services hosts a networking meeting that deals wrth education connections from 6 to 8·30 p.m on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St , Costa Mesa For m ore information. call (949) 805·0011. ·01vorce. A New Beginning; a w orkshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, 1s held from 10 am to 12 30 p.m at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month Cost is $40. For more 1nforma1ton call 644 6435 The Newport BHch Public library hosts an hour of stones and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays The library is at 420 Marigold Ave For more information, call (949) 717-3800. Free tours of the Orenge County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, badestage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call 1714) 556-ARTS. ext 833 The Newport B .. ch Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer tha" five years. For more infonnation, call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers·newportlHlach. org. • s,mi-Pri"""' for M1,, d-Wontnt • Ovt'r 80 Piu" of Ef11ipantt • PriJ111tt Pit.us St1ulio •SPINNING Th,.ttr • I 6 F11!l 1i11u PtrsOHtll r,..; •Co,,.,,,,;,,,, P111lti111 • Yot•• T11i Chi, S""ttll ~ • Sup. p.,,,,,. P""'I • C11rtll. • Show"'• Su•• d-TftWlt • D11y Sµ • Atwl""'"'"'/M.,11111 O.als Senior Ca~ holds 1 p•ncake breakfast from 7'30 to 10 a.m. on the seoond Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage. coffee and orange 1u1ce for $3, S 1 for ctiildren. The center " at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar For more information, call (9491 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents HWorkshop Wednesdays: A Hands on Cooking Class Program ~ hosted by chef Alexx Guevara The class is held from 6 to 7'.30 p m Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St .. Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is $30 To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga end rhythm, "Yogarhythm1cs" combines yoga, dance and fun The class 1s held from 4 30 to 5 45 p m Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111 Costd Mesa. For m ore information, Cdll (714) 754-7399 The Newport H1rbor Nautical Museum offers the exh1b1t H Joe Duncan Gleason Rediscovering California's Marine Art Ma&ter" through Sept. 30 The museum is at 151 E Pa'c1flc Coast Highway, Newport Beac.h Fret• admission For more information. call (9491 673 7863 Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner ar~ 1nv1ted to participate in a d1scuss1on group at the Jewish Family Serv11.e of Orange County rJ!t1ce Thi· group is geared toward dealtny with issues between 1ntPrld1th couples, such as rJ1s.inq r.h1lc.Jren observing hol1d;;ys svrnbols 1n the hom e and rel;;1tonsh11'.JS with extended families Thf> cos• for three sessions 1s $45 per couple Prereg1strat1on 1s rf:quirf>d Coll to schedule date and time Th ... office 1s at 250 E 8dl<er St Suite G, Costa Mesa 1714 445 4950 Women 50 and older can 1oin 1 discussion group c.oordtndt'!d by Jewish Family Serv1c~s re address issues such os dn.<1t-tv depression relat10,.,sh1µs loneliness and family The group meets from 10 to 11 30 d m Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E Baker St . Suite G Costd Mesa Prereg1strat1on requ1r1:d 1714) 445-4950 Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dw inrlltng stode Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries Balboa. Mariners or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet neJCt to the Fnends Book Store at 1000 Avocado Ave Newport Beach All hardcover and paperbade donations with the exception of magazines and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible !949 759 9667 The Braille lns1rtute offers free computer classes to people wtth fading v1s1on who have d1tt1culty seeing the computer screen The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar otters six sessions Calf to sign up for classes. (7141 821 5000 A spiritual care class meets at 7:15 pm. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Beacti. Call to reserve a seat (9491 263-1462 The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networt.mg lunctieon meetings Wednesda\ s from 11:45 am to 1 p m at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa M esa (714) 885-9090 A brein tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of-each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital. 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beacti Free Registration not required The group 1s designed to help patients and their families underatend and cope with the Illness (949) 574·6232 St. Andrew's Presbyterien Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6·30 to 8 p m Sundays in D1erenfield Hall Cat 600 St Andrews Road. Newport Beacti (949) 574-2236 The Jewish Femlly S•rvice of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish family Service office at 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G. Costa Mesa. $10 per person. per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950 The Jewiah Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their d"l1ldren The group meets from 10 to 11·30 a m Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St • Su11e G, Costa M esa The group will cover managing dnger. anJC1ety and peer pressure children t!xperience Prereg1strat1on required (714 1 445 4950 Monday Jur 16 7003 A5 The Cotta MeH S9nlor Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mase Music Makers from 7 30 to 10 30 p m every Tuesday night at 695 W 19th St Costa Mesa $4 \9491 548-3884 Jewish Fem1ly Service of Or1n9• County sponsors an ongomg healtng support grouJJ for the ctlronicallv 111 Tht-i:iurlJo'>e is t provide participants Nttlt em ot10ndl and i.pmtuol sriµpun to manage 1lln!lt.S drt<l •ts consequ1mces Tht-yroup '""t!t di 7 p m ThursddY'> dt tt1• Jewish Family S1irv1c.0 off1r 1• 1:11 250 E. Baker St . Costi'l M··~" Anenddnc.e 1s free but reg1strat1on 1s r1::ouir•"l I 14 445 4950 Scrabble Club No 3!)0 meeu from 6 to 10 p rn Tt urs. Jd"(S d' Bordi>rs. Boolts Music & C 1fe .ii South CodSt Plotd 333J B• Ctr St 1n Casto Mesd S.S r.ew tilavers dre welc.omt: 949 206 ~e22 The Com end Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p rri M 1 , • ••it Oasis Senior Centt.r r J .. ..-. members mtf>rl''itf!c1 r 1ra1l r g buying and ">ellt11g s•.,•rit.Js and c.01ns arc be mu scu ~111 10 JO"' these tnformdl mer· 1ng Th•·re are no fees r1::qu1n·r1 !)J9 644 3244 Yield On Principal oj Yo111· l 2 lVlc> c : l :> FDIC IN SURJ-..1:> FIDELITY l'\l IUIJ IH 1111\t (949) 588 ::;-I Whether You Buy or Lease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! ......- • • . ' \',k • 314" COLDES MAPLE DE'"' SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET $4l!~fL • ln~Wltd "'1th Pad $ 1 6 9 • "11nimum 6(1 \lnl• ~q. ft. Travertine 18 ,. :a: 18 ....................... '4.29 ... " Ceramic Tlle ....•.......•..•.. 1nau•ll•4 rrnm s4.99 ••" Laminate Wood ..•.......... hutalla4 '"'"' s4.99 .-. " <,upp//,,. and Tool!f For thr "l>o fl >nur'frfrvr• •- ... ,, prl<r~lproduct_c ror., limited''"''· ha!J,.j on "' "''"" '''" 1374 Loian An., Suite P •COSTA MESA ~ ,.,.., (888) ~~1~A-777 ;\~*-; '10~ It"" •• 5"' • ..,.. ...... ~ ~ UT. 10 AM t. I "' tCLOSD SIOOM.J'I .... _. '---..:.z;..=-..;.:;;.- S1zzlmg Fajitas Strolling Manachts • Marganta & Cerveza Bar ... , . .,. ... /-· e Enchiladas • Taquttos \b ' • • Tac0$ • Tamales \ • Guacamole • Salsa ~ Call YQUr nearest location for pick up I qo1t•11ms , ,. .... ...,... Ca~e~.ng (949) 645-0209 N.wport Beach (Mft67Mll1 • -' QUOTE OF THE DAY "I like excitement. I don't like vanilla. I like spice." Jeny Brooks, 62-year-old trlathlete M Monday, Jlrle 16, 2003 :Change :familiar to Tars Though personnel in flux, Brinkley keeps Sailors on spring practice routine. Steve Vlr1en • Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH - On paper, the Newport Harbor High football team will be very different from last year. Yet, during spring football prac- tices, everything seemingly appears to be the same. Much like most spring practices led by Coach Jeff Brinkley, the Sailors attack late May and early June as if it were late August and early September. "We practice just like we are in sea- son." Brinkley said. "The first week con- sists of an inlrOduction. but. after that, we spend a couple of days on league opponents, just like we were about to play them." 'Iiadition is an important attribute to express to the Sailors, who will be young this season, Brinkley said. The less com- plex, the better the opportunity there is to learn. "It's an important time for us right now to learn the next step in the sys- tem,· Brinkley said. ~It's different to stand in the background and play on the lower levels and then, all of a sud- den, you're thrown lnto the varsity level and everything Is moving quicker." The action will most likely be quicker for Casey Peters, who will be a junior in the fall Peters is expected to take over at quarterback. since Michael McDonald. a 2003 graduate. plans to be a walk-on at USC. Peters was the starting quarter- back for Newport's league champion junior varsity team last year. One of his most notable targets will be returning starter Spencer linlc. who will also be a junior in the fall "We expect another great year from CUnkJ: Brinkley said "He turned into a great receiver for us. He's also a really good punt-return specialist" Brinkley said there are 92 freshmen and juniors enrolled in the spring prac- tices. There are four returning starters on offense and two on defense, Brinkley said. On defense, senior-to-be Man Enci- . nias will move from linebacker to defen- sive back because, Brinkley said, "that will take the pounding off him." Enci- See SAILORS, Pace A8 Spo'1a EclllDt Rldwd Dunn; (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL ORANGE EMPIRE CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS MIC C. DUlftil/DM.Y "-OT The 2003 Oranp Coast Colep women's tennis tum was the din d ._ ftlld In .. °""II= Calflrtnca Iii IPfinl. _...the conf1,.nce till. Plctand, from left. Rlchlel Sesun, Leah Becker, Mlchele Wlnlld, ColCh JlnlCe Mnn, Niison, Kii ~. Ind SlbrN Tlnll'Nll. EYEOPENER ·Daily~Pikt • Sportl .... "'-~ .. ......... Jin 23 llonorM LAWRIE CUNNINGHAM Dally Pilot Ab<:Ne, ball carrier Anthony Santos, right, appears to be hemmed in by an oncoming def ender during defensive drills at a recent Newport Harbor High spring football practice. At left, Sailors coach Jeff Brinkley, preparing for his 18th season at the helm, uses a diagram to instruct players. The Sailors, coming off a 7-4 season that ended wrth a surpn sing first-round loss in the CIF Southern Section DMsion VI playoffs, wrapped up spnng drins Fnday. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAJtY PILOT TENNIS Davises' dynasty rolling on Dynamic duo wins fourth straight national senior father-son doubles crown Sunday at NBTC. NEWPORT BEACH -Corona dd Mar resJdent Scott Davis and his father. Gor- don Devis, made blatory SUnday by claiming an unprecedented fourth con - sea.dtve aenlor dlvllloo dde at the ninth annual United States Thon.la Auodadon nadooaJ father and IOD doublet tennis dwnplomb.lpe at Newport Bead\ Thn- n.laOuh Scott and Gordon. an End.no resi- dent. defeated Joe and Joe Zerboni, from Sen Diego County, M, 6-2, ln the tide match. It WU the fourth lttl.labt·Mt win In u many tournament matchea for the Davttee. wbo entered u the No. 1 Med. 1be 7.elt>onll Went eeeded No. 2 ln the lmlor dh.111on, In wbk:b latben can be no,.,..._ cl.a 80. Gordon oms aWanled Scott a~­ IDID T-tblrt lfts Cbe ~ but Scott. NBTCt dlawc:tot' ol .... lmmectY.tety Ntumld the lhkt to bk did • a Al· leillll .. 'lllM t Dally Piiot SPORTS SENIOR SPOTLIGHT DON EA~H DAIL~ PILOT Jerry Brooks Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot T here as a six-inch scar on Jerry Brooks' nght knee. That scar, strange as it might seem. brought him peace of mind. That '>Car is the symbol of his character. You can't keep Jerry Brooks down. Ten monlhs ago, Brooks, a Newpon Beach resident, went through totaJ knee replarement surgery. There's metal beneath 1hat scar. h's called oxidized zirconium. But that doesn't quite explain the reason Brooks, who at age 62, conunues to compete in tnathlons. Actually, for Brooks, competiuon has been his drug of choice, the best remedy fo r reviving his new knee. ·1 think I'm a junkee: Brooks said, referring to his need for competition. "I've always had, not chaos. but excitement in my life. I like excitement. I don't Wee vanilla. I like spice.· Brooks completed his first triat.hJon since the knee surgery on May 18. He finished sixth ln the men's 60·64 age group ln the Kring and Clung Newport Beach Triat.hJon. The knee held up just fine through I hour. 34 minutes and 31 seconds of running three miles. cycling 13 miles and swimming a half mile. He then finished 10th in the Carlsbad Triathlon in I :49 June This 62-year-old Newport Beach triathlete refµses to let knee replacement slow him down. 8. Befo re the year ends, he wants to compete in al least four more triathlons. "Somebody said to m e the other day. 'You're going to wear that !knee replacement) out,' " Brooks said. "I said, 'That's what it's for.' I ctidn't buy it so I could sit down. I'm going to wear this damn thing out. If I wear it out 20 years from now, the technology will be so advanced it will be amazing what they can do." Brooks. who is training for the Paafic Coast Spnnt Ttiat.hJon at Crystal Cove July 20. works as a reaJ estate broker by day. But in the early hours of the morning. he immerses himself in his obsession. He waltes up at 4:30 a.m . to bey)n working out. Some days he will bike. Other days he will run. That scar motivates him. Because of the surgery. Brooks, takes nothing for granted. Even work. One of his goals during his morning training sessions is to be dressed for his job by 9 a.m. And when he's done with work. usually at 5 p.m .. he will swim for about two hours. If he's lucky, some days he wiU run during his lunch break. ·1 like to run when it's hot.· Brooks said. His rypicaJ week includes, 25 miles of running, 8.000 yards of swimming and about 25 miles of cycling. Basically. his triathlon training is a second job. It entails 25-30 hours a week. For the most part, he has been keeping this schedule for the past 25 years. However, his early confrontations with daily workouts did oot go well. There was a time Brooks would hunch over. cough and whimper after running for only a quarter of a mile. However, within three years. he could complete 20-mile runs. • 1 uaded in bad obsessions for good obsessions.· ~d Brooks. who has been living in Newpon Beach since 1975. ·1 put my energy into good obsessions like getting obsessed Wlth running.· In 1995. Brooks reached the high point of his training and mathlon experience. He completed the Kona lronman, known as the Super Bowl of triat.hJons. It is a full lronman - 1.2-miJe swim, 56-mlle bike and 13.1-mile run -as opposed to a sprint triat.hJon, which he most often competes ln now. 1Wo years after the Kona. COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL Johnson interviews with USC Mike Johnson, a UC Irvine assistant men's basketball coach, said he interviewed with Coach Henry Bibby and USC for the Tu>jans' vacant assistant coaching position last week. Johnson also said former NBA player Reggie Theus in· tervlewed for the Job last week. Johnson. who was named as asmstant men's basketball coach at ua in June 2002, served as associate head coach at c.ai· State Northridge from 1992 through 2001. He expects to learn USCs decision by the end of the week. • In other ua basketball news, the Anteaters have two scholarships available for the upcoming sea.son. It is ru· ~.:19515 mored that they are recruiting Sean Phaler. a former Villa Park High standout who Is also actively being recruited by USC among other schools. Phaler. a 6-foot·9 loiward, had planned to go to UCLA. but new coach Ben Howland no:portedly encouraged him to enroll at a different college. Brooks was run over by a Volkswagon van whale ndang has b1Jc:e near the Back Bay I le suffered a broken leg, badly bruised ribs and a concu,,aon But. within a year, he wo~ back on his bake. Brooks' moxie comes from his need for competition, which was imensified during his coUege years when he played football for the Navy. Yet, that was when he first injured his knee. Brooks, who played both receiver and defensive end. tore ligaments in his right knee. Ever since, his knee slowly deteriorated. Ten years ago. doctors told him he needed knee replacement. But Brooks ignored the advice for fear that it would end his abillry to compete ln triathlons. Yet, the pain in his knee became so excruciating. he began to have trouble just walking. That's when he spoke with several doctors about knee replacement surgery. He found what he wanted when he met Or. Mark Newman, who introduced Brooks to oxidized zircon ium. Newman now has a picture of Brooks on dii.play in his office. In the picture, Brooks is crossing the finish line of the Newport Beach Triathlon. "I'm getting a lot of enjoyment an seeing has success." Newman said. ·1 remember him telling me that he intended to get back to running. He was detemu~d. I was a little skeptical. He'<, the first patient that I had that went back to triat.hJons. • After the surgery. Brooks rehabilitated wtth Or. Steve Hutchins. Brooks said he experienced the worst pain in his life during the first three weeks of recovery. But he carried on. "I had no doubts that he would be able to do triat.hJons: Hutchins said. "Now that he's doing triat.hJons. It's phenomenal.· The plucky Brooks, who was a police officer for five years before going Into real estate, now has a new goal in mlnd. "When I rum 65, I want to go back and do the Kona lronman,· he said. ... • Monday, June 16, 2003 A7 Ill Daily A Pilot Ill Spotts Hall of Fame Celebrating tlw 1nillf·ru1iw11 JOSIAH FREDRIKSEN Newport Harbor Former Tars quarterback doesn't miss game, but cherishes lasting memories. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot L ife without football is peaceful, seemingly simple for Josiah Fredriksen. He spends his days work.mg as a carpenter, customizing houses and boats. He is single. His athleticism is fulfilled in surfing. He tries to get in the water at least once a week. There was a 11me when football was a pan of Fredn~en's everyday life. For two years at Josiah Coach Jeffl Brinkley and I ldnd of put the play together an the huddle • Fredrihen 1mprcw1!>ed on the winning play, , leading to the touchdown pa5s to I.a Bas .. The Sailors lost an the Ur D1V1!>1on V title game to Santa Margarita !\lewport had JU!>I IWO 10 .. .,e .. that season -both to a ~anta Margama '>quad quarterbacked by future I fe1.,man lrophy v.anner La"or1 Palmer - IHll r rt·drak.,en rt'llll'OllH p, the camar.1dl'ne tht' 010\I Newport Harbor Frednksen "Thl' group or guy., dnd the fun ''e had tOJ.(l'ther that''' hdt '>lit k.., IJUI thl· mo\t for me · I rl•dnl...,t·n High. frednksen was the starting quanerback, the darector of prolific offenses in 1995 and 1996. He made his dreams come true while causing nightmares for opposing defenses. ·At that time, football W<l!> an important thing.· said Frednksen. 24, who lives in Newport Beach. ·1 d on't really miss football now. I JUSt mfas being with the group of guys. I don't actuaUy miss the span itself. but I do think about it once in a while. I go back and watch Newport football now. I still thmk about it sometimes.· Frednlcsen guided the Sailors to the CIF Division V title game in 1996. During that season. he threw for 29 touchdowns to just su interceptions. He compiled 2.142 yards on 157-of-260 passing. Aside from the statistics. Fredriksen's most memorable highlight came from when the Sailors upset Servite, 23-16. ln the Division V semifinal. "We won the game in the last minute." Fredriksen said. "I threw a touchdown pass for the go-ahead score to Brad La Bass. It was exciting. said I ahu learm·d comm11men1. hard worl.. and a good work t•tJm I 5.t1ll tf1 to keep an touch wllh a few guy'> from tht· football team Ourang ihe tall of 14% football wa., the t t•nter ol Fredralto,en\ lllt "The wholt• wt·t•I.. '"ould be exc111ng," ht·dnk..,en said. "fnday night'> \l\OUld be excaun~ DunnK the week. each prattltc. 11 JU'>t got more and mort-exc111ng leading up to the game After high !>Chool Frednk.o;en v.ent to Orange Coast College I le dad not play football. mo.,tlv because he developed tend1m11s an ha<, nght (throwing) elbo"" "Ju<,t an high 'ilChool football wa.'> bag," ... ud Fredriksen, the late<,! Daalv Pilot Hall of fame honoree "I was 1uo,t the high o,chool quarterbat k It's not a huge part of mv hfe. I'm not a hag pro football fan I watch more college football It\ cool to watch and see the player' I u~ed to play agatn<.t or With • Last year. on occa!>aon. Frednksen v.atched lJ~(. spearheaded hy ha<, former prep quartcrback.ing nval Palmer SOFTBALL Vanguard camp upcoming Vanguard Universiry will host it:s first summer softball camp, June 23 through 27. from 8:30 to 3 p.m. at the campus softball field. The five·day camp for girls ages 9-18 is directed by Vanguard assistant coach Sony Mitchell with the assistance of Uon play- ers.. Momlng instruction will fea. tutt bitting, baserunning, pitch- ing and defense. After lunch. 1nsparaoonal t~ will be followed by games or game·like situations. The cost is S 1 75 for one player or S 150 per ~n for groups of three or more. There att dis- counts for daughters of Van· guard faculty. staff and alumni. The fee includ£>S a T-shin. lunch on campus and an lndMduaJ photo. For lnformatlon, phone (714) 966-5"474 l'fewll.ljl!xplom-XLT :Tow Pac. '1Ula • Al Monday. June 16, 2003 SPORT S Daily Pilot SAILORS Continued from A6 nias ii also projected to be the team's starting tailback, the posi- tion vacated by school career rushing yaroage leader Dartan- gan Johnson, who will play for Santa Ana College in the fall. Pullback Peter Hoyt. who will also be a seniq.r in the fall, will be working in the backfield with En- cinias. Newport's youth movement makes the spring practices all the more critical. uwe jwt have to get ourselves ready to keep improving through the preseason." Brinkley said. "We're going to need some time to improve." The Sailors ended their spring practice sessions Friday. HONORS Anteaters singled out DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Projected starting quarterback Casey Peters works on technique during spring drills. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete ofthe Week series . jl MARK C. DUSTIN I OAJLY PILOT CdM resident Scott Davis, who teamed with father Gordon to win fourth straight senior division title, rips a backhand Sunday at NBTC. Eight UC Irvine women's stu- dent-athletes have been named to the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Indoor Track & Field All-Academic team for the 2003 season. TENNIS Continued from A6 ther's Day gift. In the super seniors division (fathers no younger than 70). three-time champion Larry Heubner from Fresno. playing with son Jim from Q ovis, de· feated Ron and Dave Tonidan· del. 6-7, 6-4. 6-4. in an extremely competitive final. Larry teamed with Jim to win the super seniors crown in 200 I. then paired with son John to win last year's tournament. Teddy and Aleco Preovolos from Larkspur. Calif. defeated Jack and Darrin Heinz from Ohio, 3-6. 6-2. 6-3. in the senior division third-place match. The Preovolos duo upset No. 4- seeded Ernest and Chris Schoop in the quarterfinals. before fall · ing to the Davises. 6·2, 6·3, in the semifinals. Robert and Matt Quall from Merced won the fifth-place match in the seniors division. rallying to defeat Floridians Frank and Sean Froehling, 1-6, 7-5, 7-6, Sunday. In the super seniors division, third place went to John and Chris Dundas by defauJt John is from San Marino and Olris from Torrance. Fred and Adam Pessi. the No. 2 seed from Washington, defeated Gene and Guy Nash, from Palm Desert and Temecula. respec- tively, 6-2, 7-5. to claim fifth place in the super seniors divi· sion. Tournament Director Norma Veal praised all the competitors for their competitive zeal and sportsmanship and said the 10th annual event is scheduJed for Fa- ther's Day weekend 2004 at NBTC LISTA NATIONAL S£NlOR FATHER AND SON DOOOlES cHAMPIONSRIPS Senior division (fathers 60 Ind older) Anal Gordon and son Scott Davis def. Joe and Joe Zerboni, 6-4, 6-2. Thlntplace Teddy and Aleco Preovolos def. Jadt and Darrin Heinz, 3-6, 6-2, 6·3. Fifth place Roben and Matt Quall def. Frank end Sean Froehling, 1-6, 7-5, 7-6. Super senior division (fathers 70 and older) A nal Larry and son Jim Heubner def. Ron and Dave Tonid andel, 6-7, 6-4, 6-4. Third pface John and Chris Dindas w on by default over Tom and Tim Burke. rlfth place Fred end Adam Passi def. Gene and Guy Nash, 6-2, 7-5. The Anteaters chose are Lau- ren Adams, Amanda Armstrong, Wendy Olan, Erin Curtis. An- gela Lotito, Cathy Picha, Lina Pimentel and Annmarie Turpin. The honorees needed to meet the criteria of a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade-point aver· age. must be at least a sopho- more academically, must have completed one full academic year al the member institution prior to the season for which the award is being received, and must have competed in at least 50% of the institution's com· pelitive events. TODAY 18 -Nedim Pajevic Newpon Harbor Boys basketball, 2003 18 · Kris Cooper Corona del M ar Football. 2003 18 -Adam Donovan Costa Mesa W restling, 2003 DEEP SEA SUNDAY'S COUNTS Newport Landing • 8 boats, 288 anglers. 6 yellowtall. 3 white sea bass, 112 barracuda. 229 calico bass, 24 sand bass, 1 halibut, 4 sheephead, 21 perch. Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 ~~~~~~~~- PUIUC NOTICI IMTATION TO m cense(s) I, CS l ,C60 lid l>ocJior 1115, llough Carpentry, LlcHH(s) I , CS Elementary School, 4343 via UPS. an add1t1onal P1cllw1ck Circle. fiun· separate non-refundable Noltce 1s hereby 111ven that the Ocean View School 01stnct of Oranee County, Caldorn1a, herernafter referred lo as "DISTRICT". wilt receive sealed btds up to but not later than 2:00 f..m. on ht doy of Ju r· 2003, at the Distric Admm1strat1on Offices. 17200 Pinehurst, Bide. 8, Huntonet on Beach. CA 92647 At this ltme, date and place, bods woll be pubhcly opened and read aloud for the following. l1n11ton Beach. CA check, payable to Dou· 92649 elas E. Barnhart, Inc on In dccordance with the prov1s1ons of Caltfornu1 Public Contract Code §3300. the District requires that Bidders possess the appropriate clas51f1cat1on(s) of Cahforma Contractors License at the lime that the Contract for the Work is awarded Ap· propriate ltcenses are noted after the Bid Palkaee l1tle$ above, and more I han one lo~ense may be required Thts l1$I 1n 110 way retoeves the Contractor from futftllment of any tee al requtr ement or locenslne necessary for performance of hos worll Bid. plans. and con· the amount of S75.00 trac t documents are per set for shipping and available for a refund-handling. will be re· ohle deposit ol SIOO 00 quired HAUOURVIEW ElEMENTAllY SCHOOC MODlllNIZA TION rROJECT llD01:0304. per set, poyoble to Pursuant to Calofornia OClAH VIEW SCHOOL Labor Code §1773, the DISTlllCT, company or Director ot the Depart· cashiers checks only (no ment ol lndust .. al personal checks or cash Retallons of the State ol will be accepted) at Cahfornra has deter- Dou11.las E Barnhart. mined the 11.eneratly Inc .. Conshucloon Man preva1long rates ot per aeer. 4343 P1ckw1ck diem wage& tor the C 11 c I e, Hun Ion 11 ton localtty tn which the Beach, C.A and at Work 1s to be performed I0760 Thnr nmml Road. Copies of the.se deter- San D•egn CA 92127. m1nat1on ~. entitled (858)38~ 8700 or at the "PREVAILING WAGE 1ob walk ~" J,,ne 17. SCAL£" are ma1nta1ned 2003 Brdde" vmhong to al the Dostrod ofloce and pick up dti<urnenl~ ~hall are available dl th~ lld Pod.age # 3, Coricrete, llcense{1) B, Ca notify John ll~rooardv l ol lnwing webs ot~ Non-mondotory JOb walk wilt be conducted on June 17. 2003 at 9·00 am al Harbour Voew Douglas [ Barnhdll In. WWW dor ca aov It shall lid Pockoge II 4, Suvdyrpl Stttl. LI- 18581 !>11 ?010 f,,, be m~ndatvry upon the bidders woshona 1Jldro•. In I wcces\ful b1doer to be forwdJ<t•d t .. lll•'fn whom the c.ontract 1s llOTKf TO COMTIACTORS WUNG FOR ll>S School D1slrtcl. COAST COMMUNIT"Y COLLEGE DISTlltCT Bod Oeadhl\I! July 30 2003 at 2·00 p m Place of Bid Receipt Office of Oirecto1 of Purchasing Coast Communoty Cotteae Oostroct Bldg ·o·. 1370 Adams Avenue. Costa Meu CA 9?626 Pro1ect ldent1f1cat1on Name Or a nae Coast Colleae Sat lone Center Sea Wall and Cap Repair , 81d No 1857 Place 81ds are on fole dnd available at Offite of the Physical Fac1ht1es Coordinator. Ardith Richey Cuasl Community Cotteee Doslroct, 1370 Adams Ave , Bldg "O", Costa Mesa CA (714) 438·4673 Web Site www cccd edu/faethlle!. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV(N that the above named Sch<>ol 01str1cl of Oranae County, Caltforn1a. acting by and lhrouah its Governine Board, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT" will r ece1ve up to, but not later than the above stated time, sealed bids lor the award of a contract tor the protect described as Repair Sea Wall and Cap at Orange Coast Cotte11.e Sa1hng Center • There will be a I wenty·f 1ve ($25) dollar non-refundable payment requored for each set of bid documents Ch~cks should be made payable to Coast Community Colleee Doslroct 81ds !>hall be r eceoved m the place 1denltf1ed above, and those bods shall be opened and publtcly read aloud at the above stated time and place In accordance with the prov1s1ons of Calttorn1a Public Con Ir act Code Section 3300, the Dtslm:I requ1res that the bidder possess the following class1f1cet1on of conlratlor's license al the time that the contract 1s awerded; PUBLISH. June 9. 2003 and June 16. 2003 WALK THROUGH. Watkthrouah Is Not Required ~ Date. June 24, 2003 at 9:00 a.m .. Oranee Coast Colleee Saoltne Center. 1801 Pac1f1c Coast Highway, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Call 714-438-4646 for map BID DATE: July 30. 2003 at:?'()() pm BOARD DATE: August 20. 2003 No payment shall be made for worll or matertal under the con tr act unten and until the Regis Ir ar of Con tr actors verifies to the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR was properly ltcensed at the time the contract was awarded Any CONTRACTOR not 10 l1Censed IS sub1ect to penalties under the law. If the t~ense classlhcation specified here1n1bove is that of a "speciality contractor· as defined tn Sect.on 70!>8 of the California Business and Professions Code, the spec1altty contractor ewerded the Cont11ct for this Work shall itself construct a majority of the Work, in accordance with the provisions of C11ifornla Business and Professions Code ~ction 7059. All Work must be completed within 120 consecuhve days. Time is of the enence. F allure to complete the Work w1thon the time set forth herein will result in the Imposition of ltqu1dated damaees for uch day of delay. In the amount set forth tn the "Information for Bidders.• Each bid must conform and be rMponsiv• to the contract documents. Each bidder shall submit, on the form furnished with the contract documents a list of the proposed subcontractors on th1S project u required by th~ Subleltlna and Subcontractlne Fair Pr1tllces Act. Government Code SKhon 4100et Hq. fach Bid shall be accompanied by a certrfied or cashier's check or bid bond In an amount not less then ten percent ( 10'-) of the total bid price, payable to the District as a 11.uarantee that the bidder. II Its proposal is accepted, shall promptly execute the AerHment. furnish a satisfactory Faithful Perlormance Bond in an amount not less thin one huni:lred percent (lOOS) of the total bid price, furnish • P1yment Bond In 1n 1mount not teu thin one hundred percent (10011.) of the total bid price, •nd furnish c:tttlf~tes 1v1denclna that the required lnsurenc:e Is in affect in tile amounts set forth In the aenerat conditions. In the event of f1llurt to enter Into the conlt1et i nd execute the required documents, such bid Heurity wlll be fofftlted. The Faithful Performance Bond shall remeln In full fotce and effect throu11h the llJ•rtntff pertod 11 specified in th• a•nertl conditions. The DISTRICT reserves the rlahl to 11ject 1ny ot 111 bids or to w1lv1 any lrrt&ularllin or Informalities In eny bids or In the blddma. Al required by Secti°" 1773 of the C1tlfornl1 Labof Code, the Ohc:tor of tht Oepertment of lndustrl1t Rtletlon• of tht Stilt of Caltfornl1 bes clet1rmlned the aenef'elly preveillna ratu of w1a .. in the locality In which tltt Work i$ to bt · pvformed. Coples of thtse w•c• rate delermln1tlonr., tf'lllUtd PREVAILING WACE SCALE. ere m1lnhrfned 11 the OISTRICT offlc. IOclttd 1t: 1370 Ad1ms Ave., C41t1 Mtu, CA 92626: Physk:ll Facllltlea Plennlnc. ind ere 1v1tl•br. to eny Interested plrty upon ttquut. flit Contrtc:tor 111111 ~st • copy of this document at each job site. The Conltactor t nd 1ny subcontractor undtr It •li•ll pay not 1111 thin 11141 apec:tfi.ct pr•V•illnl rat• of W•IU to •II worker a employed In tht tHwtlon of tli• Contr1et. l'c> lliddtf m1y wlthduw •ny bid for a period of silty (60) d1ya afttr ..... Mlt Ml for the o,>tnln, Of bkl1. A ptyment bond 1h1ll bt required Pfior to uec:utloft of tht cot1t11ct tl'ld lftall bt 111 lhe form M l forth in the contrect docuMtntt. PIKSUll!t to S.Ctlon 22300 of the Public Contn't Codt, the C:Ofll!ICl wlil COftttln provlllot11 pttmlltlna the 1ucc•aful bldcl« to substitute aecurltlts for a11y mo11i.t wtthhtld by tht Olslr~t to enauu perfounenu u1Hftf tht contract. l.eefl bkl tllbmltlld In '~" to lhlos Hot.kt tllttl contain, u • bid ltllin, ldltqu1la "'-tma, lhoflrtc. 1t1d bftclflc, ot equiwllent-ltlocl, fOf ~ "ot.ct•.,..,. 9"' ....._ lfl trtnchn.w _... 111e.vttloft. "'*" lflall confor111 to.._..._ uf9tf cwdtrs. lsuu ... ~~.,._•,V~N.••,Ga ,...,, c..t( I ltt~llhlftct Mlislitd ....,_,. lelich Coe .. MeM O.lt)l r11ot Jun. t, 18, 2003 M73Z l dWao ded. and upon any wbco11tractor fisted. to pdy not less than the applicable, prevaolone waee rate for the classofocaloon ol labor pr ovtded by theu re specl1ve workers 1n prosecutwn and e1ecu lion of the Work The Ocean Voew School Otstroct has 1mt1aled and will enforce a Labor Compliance Pr oar am This p101ect ilo funded In whole or on part wo th State bond funds, and, therefore, the District and/or 115 des1enee will be op er atone a labor compliance proaram on this pro1ecl pursuant lo Labor Code section 1771 7 Each Bod Proposal &hall be accompanied by Std Security or Bod Bond than TEN rlllCE NT (10%) of the mo1mum amount ol the Bid Proposal. inclusive of any add11tve Alternate Bid ltem(s). Any bidder shall not withdraw bid propo~at for • period of nonety (90) days after the openine of bids. Each Bid must con form and be responsive only to the bid docu· men!& and aareement in lb enUrety. as provided by the Otstr ICI. The District reserves the riaht lo reject any or alt blds or to waive 1ny irreeutarities or lnfor· m1llties In any bids or In the blddine process. J-s 11. T-ater, ltf. D., District Sup.,1,.. tettHnt, Oce• View Sct...I Dl1trlct Publlshed Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Daily Pilot June 9. 16, 2003 M731 ISCIJ1'2 llO'flCI Of .... TOAIJllnR ESJAllOf: LOUISl~ • LOIS IWOtl* ~ WUd.A21'"4 To 111 htlt't, benefl· clerles, cr1dlton , con Unaent crtdltora, encl persona who may oth· lfWlst be ll'lttff1tt4 Ir! tht win tlf estate, or bot h, of: LOUIS N • SPl£LBEJGER 1kl LOUIS NAPOLE ON Sl"IELBERG· ER A PETITION F Oft PRO· BAT£ hH bMfl tu.cl by 00fll1 LOUISE GAV~ In ttlll S..-rlot Colltt of Ct llf0f11i.. Colillty of OftMGr. Tttf 'CTITION roit rltOIATl "••tsll oo.tlS lOUISl OAYPOt ............. ,......... r•tsss' ........ minister lhe estate of the decedent IHE PETITION requests the decedent's Will and cod1c1is. 1f any, be admitted to probate The Will end any cod1c1ts are available tor examma· loon on the lole kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Adm1n1s· trallon of Estates Act. (Thos Authority will allow the personal represen tat1ve to take many actmns without obt•on· Ina court approval Before taktn& certain very important actoons, however. the personal representative woll be required to 111ve notice to mteruted persons unlns they have waived notic~ or consented to tho proposed action ) Th~ independent ad monostratoon authonty will be 11ranted unless an tnleruted person totes an ob1ectoon to the pet1t1on and shows eood cause why the court should not II' ant the authonty A HEARING on the petition will be held on JULY 3. 2003 at I 45 pm 1nOept L73 located at 341 The Coty Drove South. Ora nee. CA 92868 If YOU OBJECT to the erant1ne of the pelltton you should appear at the heari1111 and state your ob1ectoons or fole wrotten ob1echons with the court before the hear1n11 Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDI TOR. or cont1neenl you must Ille your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within lour months from the date of the first issuance of letters as provided tn Probate Code section 9100 The ltme for lolone claims will not upire before four months from the horlna date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person m· terested in the estate, you may Ille with the court 1 Request for Special Notice (form DE· 154) of the filma of an Inventory end appraisal of 9'tete assets or of any petition or 1ccount as provided In Prob1te Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is av1ilable from the court ct1rk Attorney for Ptlttioner· Mich-I Y. Yelt-r, 114> (CSI• OS47H) SONC-....Dr., Newrert IHch, CA t2U0-2120 Publlahed Newport 8e1ch-Cost1 Meu Oarly Piiot June IJ, 13, 16, 2003 Mf733 the above·named Oece· dent. Lnh Schwaner. that all persons having claims aeaonst the Decedent are requ1red to tote them with the Superior Court of Calo· forn1a, County of Or- ange, Lamoreau• Justoce Center. at 341 The City Drive, Orange, Ca It I or ma 92868. and mail or deliver a copy lo Linda Roeers. Trustee of The Leah Schwaner Trust dated October 28. 1997 of which the Decedent was the seltlor, at t/o Stephen M Maero Attorney at law. 18002 Irvine Boulevard, Suite I~. Tushn, Catofornoa 92780, w1thm the tater of four ( 4) months after lune 16. 2003. or 1t not1re is mailed or personally delivered to you thirty (30) days alter the dale !hos notice 1s mailed or per !.Onally delivered lo you. or you must petition to file a tale claim as pr tov1ded 1n Calofor noa Probate Code section 19103 A claom form may be obtained from the court clerk For your protec toon. you are encouraaed to hie your cl~1m by cer tofoed mail wtlh return receipt requested Dated June 7, 2003 Stephen M . Magro, Attorney ol low /S/ Stephen M. Mo-r.o, Altotney for Undo 09en, Tru1tee of The leoh Schwaner Tru1t doted October 28, 1997 Addreu1 18002 lrvlne l oulevard, julte IOS, Tustin, Collfonlla 92780 PubltShed Newpor t Beach Costa Mes• Oaoly Pilot June 16. 20. 23. St!ll y our Car in Claaaifit!d ! RdttlMS.-.. ._.s......, The following p~rsons are dome busonen as MATERIAL. 839 Govtrnor Street, Costa Mesa. Cato for ma 92627 Clayton Webster. 839 Governor Street Costa Mesa, Ca It for nta 92627 Thos business is con· ducted by an md1v1dual Have you s lar led dome business yet? Nu Clayton Webster This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oran11.e County on 05/19/03 20036945117 Daoly Piiot June 2 9. 16. 23. 2003 M726 llOTICI Of MUC SAU Of Liie PIOPBTY Notice °' hereby eiven that a closed bid publtc auction will be held on June 30. 2003 ,it 11.00 o'clock AM at Mono U St or aee II. 1111 Camel· back Street, Newport Beach, County of Or itnae. Cahforn11 Mini U Storaae II woll sell to satisfy the loen on the followone miscellaneous household and 11ener at property stored at 1111 Camelbac k Street, Newport Beach, CA 92660. by the followonii persons The mventoroes tis ted below were no· lated by the tenants at the time of rental Mint U Sloraee II makes no representation or war· r anly that the unots contain said mventortes A4-047 Jeffrey A Moore ·Busmen records 11411:? Rose Ma11e Woodly Misc House hold A3028 Charlea Brown Purchases must be made with cash and paid for at the lime of purcbastt Np one under the aae of 18 os allowed to attend the ule lhe landlord reser•n the rrthl to bod at the sate All purchased eoocb are sold ·as os" and must be removed by 5 00 pm on the day follow1n11. the sale Buyers mu't pro v1de a current, or 1e1nal or a photocopy ol thoor 0<1atnat res•le permit al the tome of sale on lteu of sate.s tu This \ale 1s subtecl to pnor cancellahon on the event of sdtlement between landlord and obl11111ted party Published Newpor t Beach-Costa Mesa Daily Pilot June 16 23.:lOOJ M735 NOTKI Of MUC SAU Of llJID PIOPBTY Notice ts hereby 11ven that a closed bid pubhc aucloon woll be held on June 30, 2003 al 10 o'clock A M at Monl U Storaae. 1177 Camel back Street. Newport Beach, County of Or 1nee. C•hfornt• M1n1 U Storaee woll sell to satisfy the hen on the lollow1ng miscellaneous household and 11.eneral property stored al 1177 Camelback Street, Newpor t Buch, CA 9266<> by the follow1n11. persons The inventories listed below were no· t1ted by the tenants at the time of rental M1n1 U Stor aee makes no repruentat1on or war r anly that the unth contain satd mventoroes B25 I 4-Gr ee Smith, (Misc Household, Per· sonal Effects) 82723·Vernon Brous. (Personal Etfech) Purchases must be m1 e w1 cas an p11 for at the lime of purchase No one under the 1ae of 18 1s allowed STARTING ANEW to attend the sale The landlord reurves tilt roeht to bid at the sale Alt purchased eoods are sold "as,,· and must be removed by !> 00 p m on the day fottow1n1 the sale Buyers must Pro· v1de • current. ori111nal or a photocopy of lhe11 oroeonal resale per mot at the hme of sale 1n lteu of nlH tu This sale 1s sub1ec I to pnor cancellallon m the event of settlement between landlord and obh111ted party Published Newport Beach Costa Mesa Daily Polot June 16 23. 2003 M734 C1TY Of .-wrolJ IUOI N011CI IMTll6 9"S Seated bid~ may be received at the ott1ce of the City Clerk. 3300 Newport Boulevard, P 0 Bo ' 1768 Newpo1 t Beach. CA 92658·891!> unttl 11 ·00 a rn on the 8th day of July 2003 at which time such bods shall be opened and read tor UDO ISLE HIDGl aErAlll AND WATEll MAIN llULACIMENT Title of '•ofect Contr•rl No. 3538 $510,000 E"tlnffr'• lstlmote BIDDER'S LIST AVAIL· ABLE ON CITY WEBSIH http II w ww co t y newporl buch c1 us/pbwb1dltst/ default asp Approved by !SI Stephen G Bedum Public Works D1rector Prospective bidders may obtarn one H I ol bid documents for a cost of $20 00 et the othce 0 Department. 3300 New· port Boulevard, Newport 8e1ch, CA 92663. BUSINESSf~ • • • • • • • • • • • Conl11clor Locenu Ctau1f1cat1ons<sl re· quired for lh•s protf!CI "A" f or tur I her on tor ma loon call Lloyd Dalton Pr o1ec t Manaeer at (949) 644· 3328 Published Newport Beach Costa Mesa Daily Polot lune 16 2003 M737 RdttiM"9iltss ... s ...... The followone persons are dome busmen as JOHNSON'S BACKHOE SERVICE. 949 (;over noo St Costa Me!.a, CA 92627 Davin Johnson 949 Gove1 nor St Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Thll bu11neu 1s ~on ducteo by an 1nd1v1dual Han you started doing busontss yet? No Oavtn Johnson Thos •lalement wu toled woth the County Clerk ol Or anee County on~/21/03 2003694S417 D•oly Pilot May 26 June 2. 9. 16. 2003 M723 Fldtlltus"9iltss Mmes..... The followme person• are dolnlf. busoness n NU·N·El CONSTRUCTION CO • :?507 £ Ball Rd . Anaheim. Calof ornia 92806 D•noel Nunez Mendoza. 1160:? Carmenotil Rd •C Wh1tt1er Cal1forn1a 90605 This business is con ducted by an 1nd1v1duat HllVe you started dolna business yet? No Daniel Nune1 Mendoza This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County The Legal Departmmt at tht Dait, Pi/.ot is pkaHti to announce a new service now available to new businesses. wt-will now SEARCH the name for you at no extra t:hargt, anti saw you the time and the trip to tht Court House in Santa Ana. Thm, of count, afar the search is compkud tPt will fik your fictitious business ntlmt statemmt with tht Coun#y Clerlt, publish on.et a Wttlt for four weeks as wqui"d by '4w anti then file your p roof of publkation wilh tlH County Clerlt. Ple4.Se itOp by "'fii4 JO"" jimti4us businm ltlltmrmt at the Daily Pi/.ot. 330 W. &y St, U>su MDJL If you cannot stop by. plnut c110 us at (!)49) 642-432111ru/ ~ wiO 1'Ndtt 11rrrmgmunts for JO" to hOu.lk this proc«iMrr by mAiL .lf ru sht>uki h11ve ""lfartlm-tp«Stiom, pk4.St caO us""" we wiO IH ""'"than gWJ "' IUSUt you. GooJ /wit in 1""' MW businm! .. Daily~Pilot ,. Poli cy Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any clas!>ified advertisement. Plea:.e report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accept!> no liability for any error in an advertisement for which 1t may be responsible except for the co ·t ol the space actuaJly occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. AllNOUllCIMENTS [~J & MISC. 1010-1110 ~ GARAGE SALE 1489 El] BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305·2490 How to Place A ___ Deadlin es--- CLASSIFIEIAD Monday ..................... rnday 5:00pm Tuesday ................. Monday 5·00pm By Fax (949) 6 l 1-6594 r l'lu"' u11. lud< >•IW .. ..,,,.. aill.I "'"""' numh"' lll><l "'r'll <all \.nu h.k ~ .,.. tlh .a p1'1u: ~uotC' I matAllDISE NISAU . lfAL ESTATE FOR SALE Telephone 8 JOam-5.00pm Mnnday-Fnday ~ 3010-3940 m soos-5a5o By Phone (949) 642-5678 llours By Mail/In P•·r son: '30 Wc\t Bay Street C o'ta Mc,a. C'A 92627 Al "lcwpon Blvd & Hay ~I Wedne-.day ............. Tue~day 5:00pm Thur'>day . . ..... Wcdnc ... day 5.00pm Fnda> ............... Thur..,da> 5:00pm Saturday... ............... h1dJ> HX>pm Wall-In X 10.im ~ OOpm MondJ\ F-rtdJ) Sunda} ................. f-nd.i) 5 OOpm Index m 7402·7466 ~ 8005·8510 ~J 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Wee k For Only $32 per week (4wcek minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Collectibles/ Memcnbllla Misc. &Illness I Pet Adoptions 3660 1160 Servfces 2340 Germon Sh.plterds •II ~sron :,/J r 5400 RURAL PROPERTY *Newly Remodeled• '"tit "l.!d f one)~ '~tf1,i". t11 bedc.h tp .! t .tr ..,J, ~. BkJ ~':I 4U> 11•11 Corona del Mar 1 I r 11-;:-walk-.. b•och, ni,M & r.11~hl 1 I ·t ''"' • Sil~ mv t=aMesa Ocean v iew Ju rT•.., h I t ll' 'f tir I ~ ~ •• T_O_P_S_S_4_a_l_C_ott_DS_ll_C l"rfvot• Duck H11nt1n9 cnlor\ dll '"" for "11 lzL.< f i.. "/)\ & OO· Clult •PPll•• I hr from adopl1u11 lu Qu.thf1td IHI Meo. ~ lubr MlV Nt wpo11t Br•<h (H~I hom~.., www 2\ft'\4.ue '"~ ORANGE FOR SALE ~UNTY --~~~- Swinny Stvd10 , 1 ~ ''"' • 111 WA~~ l lit d II 11ftJ .1 , I , t J t 1 , ~ ' l1f "" lj4lj l J l~'J \. '1'...0 !tit• ,.1 t ',:J -"1/1. S'ACIOUS 1 Ir • 4 l'I• • Wl I ! t °' k n uJt •J ••.t• •un, .... J 713 ~ l!t .fld ""' ,,...,1 <"'11.'t' ~ol1 -.... .• (,.I $7llJ no lo.An I• IA• l'l 11-' \/OfJ no 14 I l,/'J 11' u .. '>ts ' ;4 M1k• 9•9 6•'• /'i0'> l•nl hunhn7. •d1atMI to or 114 II) ~91S Balboa bland Ranchestfannsl Country Propet1y 5915 \ti/ vnur ( or rn < iaHtfird ' \#-~/I 'our ( ur 1n < "'"'/'"'' ' OU> nMl SAIJNG st9'S i... J<AJ1 hulr ir " ulfu Al ·~piu-.c.I m-~ ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 '1•1t wal•ilowl 1 rfu1t uwrtt>r•tup 1nteu••.t & •l>t>"" llS ... rr• ol land & Hl•P• ovt"mt'nl •. • yuu' own < dmp c umpuund w \tru1 Cutt •nd 2 lr•11.,,~ Wond•ilul Fri n1eht HH(} \ &. wont I •<line c!u11ng du~k .• ,..t~on • many e 1 tr as• ld1·dl f'>r :.> Ir .-nd~ .,, f•lht1 & Hon Call Mike at 110 '>41 08!>4 HOME FURNISHINGS All •••I e\f,11~ •dvcr '''"'It 111 lhi. MW\l'•Pr• 1• 11b1P< t lo th• I trltr .ii I•" 11011\in~ 111 I ol 1%11 fumfturt 3435 t ~in•nd•d wtlllh ------- m•k r\ 11 1tlt~•I to Anti""• ref1,.1,1t..i & ·•d~••h•• 111y pr•fr1 IHW f11rnlt111e. ltak '11<~ Jim1l•l1uro or rnff Uble Hlahl SJ!IO 1f1•,1 rino111 .. t~'" bd~•d nn It.ill •>Ifie~ de•" matket 111 • 11101 rrhP.11•11 ..,., tahl• s.175 early Amer h•nd11 .,. r .. nllhdl '.tdlU\ l<•n 'ht-llY hul<h SI~ ~' ''"'"''"'' UflltO ''' .. n t.hrld • whit~ dre\'\rf 1111! 11hon lo "'"'~' •nt SI '>Cl •l•nd1n1 th•rry '\U h p,, '"',."' t: lurut• 'i'dn•ty m1unt Sl&_tiO 11d'\ t111no1d1\Utm1n•t1on 1 1w1n lr•1npton bf"r1 Th1\ neww~11r1 will """'"' 11t .. Sl200. old nul tt.o 1w111.:_t1 "'-''pt u•iii l,.•lht'r p11nc.1plt"'~ 1ny "dverll\rm•nl hor <h•n Sl'>O tht11ywuud •••I •\Ill• wh•• It 1· 1n • hr•I SIOO 7 Bttch '"''•'"'" f tin 1 ... Our b.'riloollo w nl'l'I i-:1> 'lea1 rt • de r \ •,. 11 • r • by <te'+ ffl 6!I>'! 949-4J3.6331 :~~~rn~~~.:·;~~d•ll:~~1:, Hlfh If,.. hlal• Sole 11•w ·P•1••r "• lu•l•bl• New...,.1 l ch. f ten<h nn .tn ••ru•I "''''"''""''Y tnu< he\ w1ngbiilc k IJ.a~i\ th tit\ VttlA\ ldfTIP bttr lu 1 omptain ut di\ lovt •r•I\ Ir hr & dr cr1m1n.lhon t•ll Hllll toll tommy Bahama fu1m hee •I I llO(l 424 8'190 tu•~ dr•\den bronle\ Audlons T1ff.,ly l•m1l\, l1tho' 1483 dKWtte. elt 114 751 ll>40 ;=:=:=::::::::::;:;:=:, MOY9tG IEST QUAUTY t WANTED Vwruot.11e R.tttan. ~. sterq iewe"Y nWHI('>, ANTIOUES Yt1w~ new flO<ll lrl.td "l W1.) 111& &. 1l' fat Sony TV Mt-SSS-5020 ()Id., Style F11rniture PIANOS i Coli.rt1blft • ..,_........_ •• r.............., .... .,.. • ""-" • (,,.,_ •• '4~ $$ CASH PAID S$ WE llUY ESTATt.8 •• ~ ... ....iiy ...... ... AITllf' ; ~~~~~~~.~~,, ,, •r" r •~ ' 4.,• ., ., ... j '. • ~-- 1505 JEWB.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS C~I Celn Need• Old Coins• Gold s1lvtr ~Y watches MllJQoes coflechbln 949 642 9448 3565 AIOUT UICUIC WHIRCHAlaS New no ~toyou rltlPlie Med1c11e accepted ~.Id Power c:Nn ( 5COO!er s.tyte) 'We beet you rWitf' C.tl 7 days (800) 835 3155 (CAL-scAN) SPORTING GOODS/ CAMPING/ EXERCISE EQUIP Exercise Equipment 3760 W-to buy T ........ nu & M'f ~ WArc Iii pay .. i.-1te M.i• 1-(l.~ S700 =~752 lill MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merdlandise 3855 C...J. r91jhlen, Ul~>P"ll"d boa' of I \h111 lld&\ 4 t~ar d•Wldy t abl~' Cail 949-S 1 S-2305 Business Oppor1unities Businesses and Franchises 3905 AMlltlCA'S HOTTlST Mf'Ottl\NTY. ll( JI t AA SlOOL'i I !0>879'.191'> Own YntH (hJIJIO ~,,,..,. Turnkey h1>m S4'>':IOCI I CAL •SCAN I ACCIP'TWtG CAUS 7 DAYS •• Pw.i !JO'• '"""1im• twe 114 ll >-n Pd 11 ...... 'benetit~ l(X) 878 5485 Al111001>c.tfllet1t ll(;A!ro (CAI •g .>Jol I lSTAIUSHID - SUCO:s.sFUl BUSINCSS(S for ~le on l'.•Udl Why wall lo 1el•• lo ~ve. W<ll~ and play '" fM1 MW-' v..,,,. lmJOgS lit WWW ~ twoluinbuai com 866-883 lD> (CAL 0SCAN) AISOlUTl GOlDMINll 60 veodin& m1chmn with eaultenl louhons al tor SIO,'RI ID).~ FOaGn THI STOU MUJCOI ~ """*»' needs onl1 00@ r1ound level pa1 lnf!r on truly p1om1!Unff product hnrs S~ y s the hm1I Se11ous l•ll 949 l95 S824 mteltn& •PP01nlmtnl only Open Mt & s... 1-4. 306 '-"' (;Q1.'iolt dupir. ?br • •llM 21>'1 fJonl hoo'4' & 181118• rent•I SI 49'> 000 1g1 O•v•d Prlflll' 949-118 I~ Balboa Peninsula Ou111•-Trtp6e• r~a<ly to •t'fTVKIPt or rf'l>ulld 'PM""" R 2 kit look\ UVel thlo ~ d~ p.trl< by the B.tb.1<1 Pu s I .H.'> .cm Jm1 J.Koti.. ~SOC1<1led Rt!atty 949-47l-S463 S03 lllat loy. Corrmer~Q\ le!> mw1d roM1tt. ~ to I un /on~ mull \ell' S699 OOJ Bkr 949-?b I 9444 Corona dll Mar hi CM Of ~-1 ~ ~~1mtn~\ Htl Custom pool 'C>' & G.t1dlt1 to the> llol v~wlfli <leek an llw U!lPft ~ Vl\ld\ ( a le<l'llVe ~ of l(Y3nft• """'* & inn ol lov• SI 9'JO 000 Judy l'.u&.lr 81.r 94q U6 '676 •A c--... 'I c-- '-""'--·"'"'• to 8..: C..••on• •nd lookout potnl 48r 4 ~· bl ind rtf' .. t tr.lom hnm<' flffl'fec! lt S7 9!!0.000 rOASH INI Rt Al IY 949 1~90111 -.....c.-i...u-~ ,......,. ........... ''"the ~eiilllefl. Jbr dm,/wc.otlwut 1m eatu II: ~11m wllp at. &alt fl'U' ded. poolo., 'i(>OH $/9J,OOJ iJdy Kol;w' Blu 949-37to-SS76 s1v•o....twt1m. ?I CHlf!llm Or Jet J 58a Sl.!m.<m Vwt""' Tour rl*)C com -e11-949 637 am 20 AClll ltAHCHES S9995 ~-8onmone: 11 P~, lee~\ $9'.> down $99 monthly C 10'\. ?16 mootM> Ro<ldl. ~vPyed rri;e ~ptc.l .. es "'" QOA~fy111g Glut loc.ahon ~•Cf!!ienl llmlnfl Suns.et RllOC.l>es I ~ ~9444 ICM "SCAN) $39S ACal/160 ACUS S69S ACal/40 ACalS Prtmt! r anc h ;au u ge in NW Ar11ona El no 11uallfy1ng tow down te11M' Arl1acrnt to golf tour._,. • nmmunity t'tft h"l111t< Route b6 Cdll tud•y' B1uok' Re•lty 866 JOO 5263 (CAL •SCAN) MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING MobileMarlltadured Homes 5993 l8.IOMT SltOl£S OPOI HOOSl ssa sncw °" TlllAmA I WO aor &f!Ou' new dbl w•d~ mobtl~ homt-•. ~ .. , R•led S ~l•r p.1rk Only S625 \p•c 1 ent prl\ "" wunt Int Mob1~ Humes Dor ec I A•k for l/1cll>< Id 562 225 0999 MISCEUMEOUS REHTALS RenbllTo Shire 6030 CdM Shore w /fe-t. ,..wty built 4/M JtH 2b.1. •tf'Y mo<lern Pnvalt Br s on mutt1 Me, Jtd Br for ofc to slv &If , n/smll ~vatl 7 /18 714 749 6345 RoomstorRm 6040 Run your ad in the ,..., ..... µ_. N1 N Be h beautiful new custom ewport ac - home 1n Clifih<I~ full ;~}:, ;4 ,~'~i Costa Mesa Daily RCSIOENT1Au£NTAl.S Pi lot and the ORANGE 7400 Huntington Beach COUNTY --t-----------t1-tnt~~tffli~t-t~ VIEW I NT HNA TIONs --st--'•'-.-oo_o ___ N-.-.-,-., t Balboa btlnd IW ISTATI or po5I Cent c ... 4e h1chfy a-... & a-tic reach over 100,000 your PfOperty free lhe op111aded with f0<eve1 2ar n.. cottaae Pillo, hollH I tool for reel ~ CIO'#n ~ d short h F th· estate on lhe market ~ pMll. CtUnlOC ~et~ or949-~:s, omes. ax us IS I;. l<tAIJ)o' ~I' 1 ';444 D YES, SEU. MY CAR Name I Otv I 41 I Phooe I Clall cads o M6 Gw.r. DAM X http //hellop•&es com/ta tie. lirMslone ~tro w/cut 1 2 J 9 2 7 2 I J 9 7 out w.t.er1..a ict. Keith • y-'t La 29' 21•• form w1'th your cred 1't I (CAl •SCAN) lanon 9'9 433 7963 w/d, ht Hm cell, tp. Yta---Make------Moda-----frnt pabo, Sl990/mo 818-0blbl.lm a SlnQemenll 903 4415.949650 2546 card# or mail with a 1 Yrtr 3'or a..., lows ~x. COSTA MBA GMDIJt STYU office 200~ 00 Ind As low as SI~ Lot\ ~?. st,,:ny~= :,'!~.~~!: check today! I a e ~ a .._.ts-a s.... ADcJI o..:..... O v-11 a...._,.._ 0 1-~ rr"-'1:1-----a -r... a ,,_,__a _ea-,. 0 4 ~ 0 Powar~0 ........ f()p 0 6 SC.-0 .w.fl,t s....i 0 Wiie wi.- ..... c.. Blmde.. lq haw .--ed lo Motown CM Mlle Vwdl S1* stree~ Rewlrd 7l4-Uf>.l9?2 3110 of per1q n4-5«).:m> •t Ille end of street Great ..,...,..,_ """" 7""' """"' =l=~~ ::.~;:·,;.;:;.~ Run for a week! If C 1111~0 en..~ D Nlo/-O t--Cc-O ~r...--$:;>() '°' 4 hlleS $2 HCh 100.-ma& tCm'INS. CATS. DOCS fll'*' orHS1e -••r•retwor\.ora ~ f llhroll l!!llfld J) DAV t6l lM GlJNW(TEl ~ZZ19 ..... , tor momml clA/ -.. ~ M).5.'D-0411 , • ..,.._sis... ..... ~ 71U..S21t SELL your stuff through classified! Iba, fp, share laundry $1800/mo •11tr WO, aar a1•. lictit .. bril!IL Sl400/mo • • .._. must Me, tll redone. 'htreWO l~ $25CXVlno,, ~ your car does not sell, we 'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20·. 0 FcA ,._., a ~"°°' a~ ... .._ 110C11t10Nll hne L ---------- Daily A Pilot If ' • ,., t 1 .. " INDEPENDENT A GOOD AD! Call (949) 642-5678 , PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters. N(~HfHfAltt •f~t.A ~ /\ Daily Pilot Classified Community Ma rketplace 2br I bJ be<IU IMIOd tlrnl nu lute. pnVllr~ Pvt/cpel Nr r-park I~ n/pet Sl2'JO 9't9 646 'li94 l>UAl MASTDI 2+2 HT ()t( BH 111 Range/ovr>l1/dw Upstn \ cov I>'~. waltt trdSh 1od Sll25 AVM .IUl y $500 ~ $500 pet HAUotl VIUAGl Harbor Blvd @ MefTWMC Way ( 7T4) '>4!>-044.i' E'.W. 213< I & hot.M\ ,_~ y,.d liM w/d ~ some Nllb ndl1 $1W> & SIJSOm 9'9-719-0/~ ('Ade 3~ 28o. newly redr.ne, dll'l rnum ei)<aee. lenced yar~. •vat! 111 ~ S2DJrn 1ndct. 11th 2451 Sa<lt.a An.l ge~~ Huntington Beach COMMUTE USS RELAX MOit£ Contllcl rent.al IM1& Apart ment lmfonmt""1 Cenllf I 16Z>-8 .... H.nard and Mo.ii, htne. c.. 9'2614 1 ... ~2690 ,..,....,,.,,.....,. Bridge QI • Noc \l\llncnblt, you llold. •QJttU l?IU 0 50 •ttU Panncr opens lhe blddina with one heart. What do you rei.-purid? A· Your hllnd micht laU no triclc • Mam but I~ likely to drhY« Line II a~ cootract. lf tticn: w~ a giw--anlec lhat the auction would end at a low lc~el in s "you would cer- lainly one spade. Bui any l'C,x>llllC y you could uiggu vigor-ou~ ICtioo rrorn plll1ner lfwl lhA1 m1gh1 pruv.-U IJCO)i\IC. P~ Q l • A~ South, vulncrnhlc, you hold; 10'6 Q • QJ 8H The biddw11 ~ orocecc.lcJ. NORTII f.AS'f' SOlfJll W~T •• 2" 1 Whut llCllOD Ju you tm•/ A • You h:ivt \Ill higb~ard poin~. two of which arc wasted. However. <''pt.'fit:nce .Jiu1"' ltwl ii 1) unpnlf- nablc 10 Jl3" when you have four- canl ~uppon for partner'& nWJUf \Ult. Ruio;ic m 1wo ~pnde~. Q J ·A;, South, \/Ulnmililc, )'OU hokJ· • AJ 1065 K 7 J A 10 7 • 115 'Ille biddfog has proc~d· NORTH Wl\S'f SOUTH I• ,_ I• 1"'1" .... 7 Whal Jo )OU hid now? A • If you do ntll have \Ol1lC non- 1uinp fon:111g bu.I 31aiJabk 111 lh•~ ~•I· uatiun, the ..:hoke i' lx.'lwccn a jump m three no trump or a raio;c 1111wo 1n the "'11llC Mlll.ln However, \hook! Nonb have lhrtt-<:W ~pack wppon, the ~uit contr.K.'t might be better. lllo<;c who play tl1a1 the new minor \U1t is forcing and promi!>Cll noch1ng in the hiJ 'U•t (an hid two 1hdmnntl~ and "WI IU hear 1f paruier .:an nu"' ,paclc-., antcnding to rell"Cal to 1'"0 no 11\Jmp 1f noth1nf_ i,:ood h;1ppcn1. Q 4 • Neither 1 ulocr.1hk. you IM1ld. •5 9 A o JU.l •AQU70 Your rl,N-hlnd opponenc opena lhe bidding with tlvcC d1all10ftds. Whal action oo you 111kc? A • The trouble with pus!na ls that, no matla' how lhc aucuon continues, you will never be able to convince pattnct that lhc l\llnd bclonlfS in clubA c11Cn Ir he h<>lcb no mon: thnn a ll~lcwo boool. Bkl four clubs. With so many diamond losers. that 111.1Jon ii risky, bu1 a PISS u even 111on· i;o. Q 5 • Ncithi-r vulnerable, II.\ South )'W hold: • 105 4 A K 9'5Jl 7 •IDS The b1dd1ng Im~ pmu.•e.ded. NORTII EAbT SOlfnt WE.\T I• I 7 Wlwt du you bid 11ow·1 A • 'lllcre i>. nu n:a..on to go ~Tilly with thl\ holding by malong \(){llC dranwik: jump 111 hc;ut_, and fun.mg panncr to j!UC\\ with hllle lnowl· edge: of what you :iuually hold. Ta~c II ea~y and re<ipood one hean. You (an alway' JUffifl in hearu. flllt'r to ~"' nocllin¥ but hc'4ft.\ with hllk m \lcfcn~ OObldc lilt b1J !>Uit Q 6 • B111h vuhll'•dhh:, a.' South you hokJ: •AKZ KJ6H Alt65 •7 Tht' bidding hlu l)f\Jl'Cii:Jed: SOl rrll w~-r NOKI H t.Ab I I i....... I• Pti>I 2 Pb. 3• f'll. .. ? What do you hid "'l"' • A • ~1ncc three cluO-. " forcing. 11 " t'a.'y to bid a la.ty thri:c !!pOOcl>. I lowcver. t.hal ini!Vll l(IUnd 111 pun- ncr JI 1f ~ou rue \unpl) talinj! prel trcncc with a minimum Clpl'mng lllJ. and perh~. unly two tnimJh. v.hen th:il " far from the ca.\C Jump II• four \patk~ 10 hl{lhha}ll both lhc: 'trcni;th of your trum~ and the shortage 111 clu~ l111t yor1t. from tho 21R YEAalY RlNTAlS -"' 2&, new IJWi'> tblr. Newp0tl Buch Penin new bily ws1Cbw\ & inses Sl400 $1950/mo agt $1 500/mo 714 969 4756 949-673-7900 Oceanft I br I bi! ron00 nc• I ~ Pw oomm pool '!)a wd fl IPt. mder!Jd pl<e. 'fl Sl8ll ~lllXl Newpoft Beadl 21r 210, 'le fllr aite. nur fas hion Island $2050 mo Prudential C• Rulty 949 721 0132 (01tlal11ff 3br 2ba Ul>O YlAlll y UASE town home. 2 tar aar age, & UDO SUMMllt HOMlS community pool Aat Sill GRUl«>Y Rf Al. TORS $2300mo 949·613 1800 949-675 "" llACON IAY flAY AlONT 71r I.Sia, walk lo upsl11ts ?br I Sba Ip. heath, 4245 H1lari•. near II". wd hkup yr lse Ho•& ear. w/d hkup>. S2600/mo 949 673 8411 S 1395/rno !149 &45 3683 A STW , .. S 1095/Me '/• Off tt.. ht -·-I°' 6mo leaw Newly remodf:ted w/new appls. ca.pet & cera111oc hie W/O 111WI! @ unrt O/W & hie 28t Sl445 C•I Lora 94~ m 4 nt 114 63J 7"RJ ~ doe!. Lorge 1~ It.a -11 on quiet Penln111fo point. No 1lftoldn9/poh. s 1450 949-293-4631 o....1. ............... Jba home. 2+<... &ilf pr IY JMl.lo. comm pool YI l!e ~ _, row 96646,flC73 Yeorty Iorgo 3t.r 2i.. house. 3 doors lo bueh New ~•tfpet & paint Sl9!>0/mo 714 !'>45·8628 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! * HWHM-/Mp.* ........ fllllilnAI Per lls/Cl1r1c1l/Poalel/ f~ola S.WC+ ~ eo-. Cetl M-f 91m·~T I...,..._ 8119111123 (CAI,.·~> NOta nm Front o.a NW!I Aidt wW lrWI ICll)ly In person, 19151 Newpott 81 Costa ...... 9&650-2999 ......... ANkt_,, Ilea holn, w• trein, 8'NI position for dudent. NB .,... Cal ~3127 mss FOUMAM wll1tlld in Smith River, CA on h Rectwood co.st Sta unit community. B-frt pacil. 1&11. M.f ~ E-mail resume t o schil · todl@~ta com Cell Sieve 707 487-7100 (<:Al~) Pubhsbir•e 'lOMOTIONS DIPAltTMINT Cammuntty ~s 11 Oranee County _.s r utt Tme person lo 11twvew and WT 1te stones, parbcl pate 111 commoorty events, create 1111d P9U1te paau and 1o«Uons Eacellenl communicabon VJll5. worll wel with the public. Know AP Style, QuarllXPfes.s. Phot:oshop, MubAd Ct• at°', Proficient on MAC and PC. CCI desian e •penence preferred Prootreacw. teL Drue "° eerW18/pllyslcat leqtA'ed £0l ruenent benel•t ~ Cmaol resume. WfrlJoe samples and ublry requ1r1rnents t o l.lna.jo11115on@lallme$.com lefoll-~ OM- .... " CM tM.s hnly enthus•a511C ,,~ ~ no 'idled. aclVanrMTl!fll oc:ipty lOf Mf-650.2243 Seuetory PT@ NPB l~arninr centtr ~ Iller• m1m1 of phone~ ~011espondenh. !>t hed uhn& •nd bookkttp1n11 Compelltive uf11ry. fie• hrs C.tll 949 /"/O 1450 CALI lout«> Now hwnw '1wp out&oone peocilc! lo travel ent.e US rope wnq top iciort. last-I & news pubhcallons bpem.e f>.'KI tatnne Wfth base au•• an tee Daily weel<Jy monthly bonuws Tratn & hOtet prO'llded with retwn 11., eiaan teed c.111 s. JI/I @ $X> 282-0381 Cal loday·slart tomorrow (CAl •&SCAN) ]lir I 5ba twnmi rw Ho.le I hsp p;Jllo, comm ~ 'Pi' r.i p;1111vi;., & c.ar-pet. 'I c ear $1 l'SO 96 29J.46.11 I cl~•n & maintain la•l• hnme' Cook d11ve •II duhM. elderly & th1ld c•re u p 323·937 9038 Ernploymm 8500 Automobiles -Everyday is a great day in Classified! In CLASSlflED (949) 642-5678 I ,_ ._. --' &/• AlllJmadve -man•&ed a bu~ co --------~ ycu ~ & ..,_.,.. A11dl '00 A6 Hk ml, lo 1_., "" b.n> n4-?.i88.ll' full I act w1rr. metallic Be a part of it, place your ad today! (94-9) 642-5678 SEU you• unw•nted 11ems thtuuah cl•u1l1cd drk blue/arty Ith•. CO. mnrf. \Uperb cond Sl9.995 v•874241 Bkr 949-Sl6·19U www . ...,....i.•- HOME, HEALTH Ate BuSIESS ........ rtmu•-.. • ~~!~ tX0876t 0~ JimOlllon St NIWPC>n AUTOWotlT f4t·S74-IMO ••• 'Ol 740i 26ii "''· full f.ct IHI'! -4'nlnco/ oatm .. 1 llhr. nmv1t1Uon, •u!*'b 11111 n•w cond $4111 vt02047111Mncln& IVail 8~ 949·586·1888 -·~-i•ii'i760U 11 ml. a bladl beauty, f01Wl256 Olr ... Ry•n ludders IHWPOflT AUTOSPottT 949-57'-HOO c..,111., •to s.4.,. Do.le. St. -lb 98,600 ml SWvQd by l'Qbors c.dltlk. 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Compet1hve Inter tor/ta I l •648228 Call Jay 949 6!JO 5066 UIHIOW MAllfT ASPHAlT ,AVING, SlAl COATING, SHIPING, Quahty work. h! dTwle c &c ,._.n~ "'"mini SIWll NeDIMIOJAmG ..J:;}U5-US2 &iUSOiiAU PlUMBtR lf!>06586. free Est! Sm '"*'- OCTfCU Diie. n4 m.91!i0 ............ .......... Keep.,, Doll a Cilia 111 lll* °"" ..... (148tl31~1 .....~ ......... .oolll ow. ........... ..,_ 60k ml, bl1cl1/1117 lltlr. mnrf. CO. fabulous cond throuahout $5995 vlnl457219 Bkr 949-516·1111 ___ .....,,,,_ ,HIW,SAUTO fSMUSUOO siv• w/er•Y leather. pramoum wheels ( 19390) $27,911> 01 rw..o.. , ..... ,,,, only 18K mt, ttltt: P•· for ~nee wheels (19394) INQUIRE I 00 VWCo6rlo T nple bill, value plus (19434) $15.911> 00 J.,.-S Twe low miles. perlecl. (19111) $25.911> 01Aawo n3.1 moorw ool, lrnldedl (19'55) $24,980 oo•MWXS ..... ~ s.lver w/Blllek ( I 944JC) S38 980 OOMUU10 Sliver w/Bladr lealhef. premlom whcet5 (19392) S32.980 OOU.....LS Blac:t. W/bel&'l moc.fl roof, chromed wheels (193811) Sl5.9@0. ., ••w 74()1 ~ 81M;t./8ladl WMI <!lily Loaded (19318) $26 98> " Leiw rs ""' Whtie w/tan p<em wheels a be<luly <194AO> Sll'B> f6M.--lnU10 w..- Whlle w/grey. teal~ ~hrome wt~b (194291 S27 980 949-574-7777 ~Al/TO ............. -.. S11i.or11 '99 lm,reao l 5RS black buuty k..oed mr-1. 411 RS ~ $10.500 714 751 7464 , ..... , .... ~"02 !>,(DJ ,,... Iii. )".'low ~ whh. ~ '* lllY #fllblll Ot Rya>luddln NF#POll'T MIT05f'Ofi Mt-574-5600 , ..... ,~ ......... "02 !J.CXXl .... i., .,.,... y.:low wf1I!!. ~ '* lllw flfBJll Ot Ryo111 l.udd!n NIW9'0IT MITOSl'OSJ 949-S74-S600 ~ '03 ............. IOn~racwyfr~ "D)l':IJ 0. .Im o.ori St NIW9'0IT Allf090ST 949-S74-S600 Votlltwot•n '00 leetle 2111-m1 sp•rklinR bld~k u•lmul aulo. moonrl CO pw pl. •lloy whli.. h~~ MW vin-.100'>!> s 11 99!> lin ' WUll"ly 0111. Bkr 949 '>86 1888 w-.oc:pai.t.c~ vw GoH Gt '90 ~ \hC k .n •KOl'd\ trllll "1;ipr a. hlipJ*9\ 1!>1'.ll~ Sf900'obo 949 706 J999 Mo .. 1• ,.., & Spa Svc. Weellly StiYIC:I , ( qutp· menl Repairs. lnlurtd CAii '49·2'2-717J CAIMFoaCAU WI NllD YOU!t CM ,MD fotl otl NOT PHaU'S AUTO ASIC fott MAlCOUI 949-514-7717 CASH Foti CAltS WI NllD \'OU!t CM 'AID fott OI NOT ,IMLUP$ AUTO ASll fOl MAlCOLM 949-574-7771 MCJTOR HOMES MalorHoma· Renl 1355 3on MOTott HOMI fOR RENT. LIKE HEW C CLASS/SLIDE OUT 949 515-2305 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ lMJNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 93 FT SU~ AVAIL.AIU IN NIWf'OllT HACH $2500LIASE '49·SOO-IOOS s11, '"..,. ,. •ott i...t. Iott.---· Awo.11 now. Cott fH dotolh. 949-327-1117 1990 Ith o .. Hy lloc:tr le. good cond1ton $10.500 96. m 1461 flJb. "bl ?J":>l CUSS/Ff ED It's the solu- tion you're searching/ or- whether you 're seeking a home, apart- ment, pet or new occupaJion!