HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-20 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 2003 Irvine Co. to unveil luxury resort plans Area around Pelican Hills Golf Course would offer 204 guest rooms and 52 vacation homes under proposal to be released today. June Casa1rande Dady Pilot NEWPORT COAST -A luxury resort with 204 guest rooms in 40 bungalows, 52 vacation homes, 68 shared-ownership villas, a spa and a new golf club house Is planned on about 92 acres around the Pelican Hill Golf Course. can Hill rewrt designed to c:api ta.lize on and reinforce thl' Orange County coast a'> a rei.ort destination. "Pelican I fill ii. probably one or the mo\t perfect M!lling!> in the mun try for th.I!> type or resort, .. '>illd l'nc Preve11e, prei.ident or the Irvine Co r~ort properties. Huildmg.-. will be in the Span- •'>h Hevival Mylt: or homes and t•-.1ate'> built in ')anta Barbara and LO\ Angele'> in the 19205 and al'><> embodied by the Bel -Air re- '>ort 111 IAl'> Angele'>. '>aid Hobert 1· lhott, Irvine Lo \enior vice prl'~llknt of urhan planning and Jc.,.gn. experience that CafJfomia I'> fa. mous for." Irvine Co. execut.ivci. ':>aid that they hope to break ground by late next year and open the firi.t phase of the pro1ect by early 2006. Irvine Co. officials wiU unveil plans today for the upscale Peli- The announcement come'> on the heels or several rei.on open ings along the coast, inclutlmg the new Balboa Bay Club and Hc- '>Ort, the Montage Resort and Spa in Laguna Beach, the St. Rl•i.,ri., Monarch Beach resort in Dana Point and the I lyall Regency I luntington Beach Re:.ort & Spa. "()Ur whok fanta~y b to be abll' to rl'crl'atc the Old Califor- 111a cxpcriene<:." Elliott said. "I hat clt•wint, but ca .. ual beach The company 1i. unvc1Jmg the plans today and will i.end out in formational brochure!> to many residents of Newport Coa.'>t, m- cluding the adjacent Pelican Crei.t and Pelican I lill develop- mencs. A seriel> or community meetings on the project will probably begin in July. COURT£ SY Of THE IRVINE CO See RESORT, Paee A4 An arti st's rendering of the courtyard entrance at Pehcan Hill Inn. A LITTLE HELP GETTING THERE KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor High School's Ross Elledge gives fellow graduate KatJe Robinson a piggyback nde as they march on to the field to receive their diplomas during graduation on Thursday. For more graduabon celebrabons. see Pages A6-Al 2. Sk ate p ark friends nervous about Te Winkle delay Nichols,. words no surprise to Greenlight Slow-growth stalwart Al lan Beek says he urged committee not to back Nichols for City Council. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NFWPORT BF.AC.II Member. or Greenlight\ old guard .ur d1v1dt'd on h~ Councilman D1lk Nichol'> LOmments about MeXJcam might affect their cause but they agree that \;1c:hob comm ent W&. at ~t. umvtSe •\nd they rt' nor .. urpnsed cha1 Nichols \>\-Ould makr '-Uth a com ment "Dick Nichol'> I'> my rnt'nd I al.Imm.~· tus hont"ity and h1' abihry II\ unfortuna1e that he pul'> h1-. foot in tm mouth.· '>did Allan fk>e~ who authored 1he ongmaJ GrecnJ1gh1 1rnua11ve and who, hkt-Nichol'>, ran on a C...rt-cnhght ticket in the la.'' Cuy Council elt.'CUon HI 've had two meeungs with him to 1eU hun to choo~e ht\ wore!:. more Dick Nichols carefully I had urged (.,reenltght not 10 c,eek Dick Nil hob' cand1daC'\ fhcy didn't IJ!> ten.· Beek added Lhcll opponent'> or the C..reenl1ght pnnc1ple'i of hm1tmg growth and traffic rrught use the N1thol'> mndent to their advantage. Former Mayor 1-vetyn I fart, aho o ne or the original GreenJight proponents. said that "llichols' comment do~ not and should not reflect on Greenltght's core is sues. "I have no idea where he'41 corrung from Planning Commission thin as a frayed piece of grip tape af. been pressing for a partc for about 10 the master plan at its Apnl 14 meet-with these comment~· llart said. "Dick ter another delay of plans for TeWin-years. expressed frustration at the de-ing. At chat time, commission mem-Nichols does not represent Greenltgtu leaves location of skate k.Je Park. lay. bers requested more information and when he's talking. and this is ceruunly not facility undecided. Bark On JUne 9, the Planning Commis· "We've been playing this location continued the discussion to June 9. a Greenlight issue. . . Greenlight is about slon approved parts of the TeWlnkJe game forever," said Jim Gray. the The plan is a road map to help guide traffic and malcing sure that our street ~-R1ri---'LM~k_users are_ inter sted ul the commission leader of the skate partc advocates. the future of the citys most heavily tern worts. Any council member that has inoneofthesites. ~~~~co;;:n~tin;;;ued;J~addisculli·~M:kio~n~o~n~th~e~s~kai1~e~-~"l~t'~s~g~e1ffiun[nig~nfaii1ffiiio~us-fi?-.reffffi~~;-~~p;~~~-=~...::.::::_...::.::::.:::_~~_;;~;;;;:~~'t...;.bik;;~~;:J:i;~~~~~~ board partc for a variety of reasons, In · plallning commissioners need to go The plan proposes a 20,000-square-ported, and I would hope that~ continue Deirdre Newman d uding giving fans of the Bark Park. to a skate partc and see bow they work foot skateboard parlc at Davis El-to.· Daily Pilot who covet another site close to the and where they are. They haven't ru· ementary School. But to install it Fonner Mayor Jean Wan declined to dog-friendly area, a chance to weigh lned any neighborhoods. as far as I there would require eliminating the comment. CoSTA MESA -The patience of in on the discussion. know." skate park supporters is wearing as Skateboard park fans, who have The commi~ion first considered THINKING ALLOWED Nichols is right: I 'm M exican and I like the beach W hat ls the big deal here? Newpon Beach c.ouncilman Ok:k .Nicholl WU just telliog lhe truth. right? Mexic:an.s like to picnic on the beech. ' I know I do. I usually don't wear my state-laaued Mexican armband. so I am not aunt how .tomebody could teU that by Just 'loc>lcmg at me, but then mlllt be one's skin color. Why, that would just be Ignorant. I'm sure the ooundlman asked each penon his or her ethnic heritage before coming to a coodusJon. I can just see it now. Nichol • the &lendly man that be ls. would of course feel comfortable walking rtght up to e group of peopte relaxing at the same beach he~ and sparking up a convenadoit. tome od)tf WllY- ff Nicholl .met they were HARPER Mellcanl, ~MUM be. I mean. ·rn. my name la Dick. Nfca to meet you. You're Medc&n. rfght7" Whet kind ol poltddan would beod the 1cNthf A blghly edumled. 8'teeellf\d man IUCh • ~wouldn't due ..... aicb. ...... llablmerlt*nply 00 tbe ... ol Nichols ls I retired mgjneer. a ~·Ilion that demands lp«i.Oc data. eact fllur'fll and predle lnJorroadon. He mow. .a coo weU that One minor rnllallailellon "'1ultl ln a lerioUI w I wanted to ask Nichols what facts and evidence &ed him to lbe educated concluaion that a group of people hangjng out on the grassy areas ~ my paJsanos (countrymen) -but he nevM called me back. H1s wife. Sandy Nichols, wrote In a letter 10 the editor that she bu inltructed her husband not to talk to the Pilot. But Sandy, I am just trying to get a rational explanation (or thia. 1bere muat be one. Help me help you. 1 spob wttb a 6()-,)"Jll-dd Corona del Mar man who~ Ntddl. The man Mid he dkl not want his Olllne In print becaulo me "wodd " a cruy p19ce· end he feeled malladon. 1be Corona del SM SKATE, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: --.~com WEATHER tiS& Ooudl Md drizzle.,. on tod9V'I menu. Expect high& to ,.. ju8t lhv of 10. S.P119AJ SPORTI COSTAMAZING Costa Mesa~ 1b 50th anmverury thla yut. WtJy do you live ln eo.t. Mesa 1 What alba.11id you to the dey, Md~ do you ..,;oy m09t •bout it1 The Oeitv PMOc..,,.. eo know Mdwtl Nnyout ...... later ihle month. the dty begk'9 to Cellbf•"' ~ enn.'wtwy. TM._.,,. for..._ la JuM10. Send~ ...... .. COllltfMlll .. Dllf .... . w.a..k.C.-..._CA 12827; ......... ..... f P&alftOfllil toc-J ...... 110. E....-. la ,. .... ... ' J A2 Friday, June 20, 2003 OONLEACH/OAJLY PILOT Judilyn Ashley of the Newport Beach Public Library read s *One-Eyed Jake" during Story Time at Pirate's Cove. Walking the plank June Casaerande Da1lyP1lot T here are scary pirates and then tht.'re are really scary pirates. And One-f:.yed Jake is definitely in the latter category. if the awe-struck littJe faces at Story Time al Pirate'~ Cove are any indicalion. More than a dozen children. most of them preschool-age. gathered on Wednesday at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum for the first Scory Time at Pirate's Cove, a series of pirate stories and songs presented by I.he mw.eum, the Newport Beach Public Ubrary and with help from the OaslS Senior Center. "One-Fyed Jack was a very bad pirate." WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT 1s published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the infonnetion to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (9491 646-4170; or by e-mail to dsilypilot@lat1mes.com. CRUISES Electric Boat Tours often twc>-hour CNises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service Is available. Pidc·up from restaura nts with docks is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wsttsonthehsrbor.com. Th• Newport landing Belle is available for weddings and receptions. codctail and sightseeing cruises. and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours. plus $150 for eadi additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. runs a 45-minute cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) and e 90-minute cruise (8dult5. $8; children, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults. S6; children. $ 1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Catalina PaSMnger SeJVice runs 46-minui. harbor cruises (adults. $6; children. $1) and 90-minute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone eve_ry 30. Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers reading time for young children on Wednesday mornings warned storytclJer ludllyn A11hley. a library !>laff member. Properly cautioned. the children brnced themselv~ for the story, '"One Eyed Jake'' by Pat Hutchins. As the Mory unfolded. the robbing Jake the pirate continued to rob other boats. But in the end, his own greed Wd.!> his undoing. Hl1> boat sank under the weight of all the jewels he stole. on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. Cruise the harbor aboard the Electn, a 100-foot Classic Fantail vessel. Cha11ers with catering are available for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A thnMH:Ourse dinner and danci09 while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Events. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. The fee is $59.95 per person on Fridays and S64 on Saturdays. Brunch cruises alllO are available. (949) 631-2469. The Catalina Ayer departs from Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m daily and returns from · Catalina Island at 4·30 p.m. $36 round-trip for adults; $20 round-trip for children Reservations are recommended (949) 673-5245. Homblower offers weekend dinner dance and Sunday champagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and parrlpered service. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Suite 101 , Newport Beach. (949) 631-2469. Th• Adventures at Saa Yacht Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $20, includes cruise, parking, cookies and sodas. ·Reservations required. (949) 650-2412. FISHING Ashley was half of the storytelling team. She and Oasis Senior Center representative Darlene Williams. both decked out in pirate attire. took turns telling stories and leading songs such as MBlow the Man Down.· MYo. ho. blow the man downr the children sang along. Story rune at Pirates Cove is one of a number of new programs at the museum desjgned to highlight the area's nautical heritage. Story Time is designed for children 3 lo 6. It wilJ take place twice a month on Wednesday mornings from I 0'.30 to 11 :30 a.m. Reservations are required. The cost Is free. For more i.nfonnation or reservations, call (949) 673-7863. a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Get to the Newport Pier ••liY to watch the dory fishing fleet return with the fresh catch of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at McFadden Square, an open-air market. Ashing supplies and boat charten (Ol*1 party and private) are .available at Davey's Locker, 400 Main St., Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport landing Sportfishing, 309 Palms, Suite F. Newport Beach (949) 675-0550. Day end night fishing charten for groups or singles are available at Bongos Sportfishing on Balboa Penins~la. (949) 673·2810. KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA lmua Outrigger C.noe Club invites adventure-minded adults to canoe Newport Harbor Hawaiian style. No expenence required -they'll teach you all you need to know. Dress for the beach and bnng a towel every Saturday at 10 a.m. at North Star Beach, 1 White Cliffs Drive, Newport Beach. For more information, call (714)432-1236. Beginning sea kayaking, rolling dinic:s and private lessons are offered at Paddle Power, 1500 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Kayak and sea ski rentals also are available. (949) 675-1215. Two-hour kayak tours begin at 10 a.m. Sundays from Newport Dune.. The cost is $20 for adults and $15 for children. Kayak rentals and classes also are available. (949) Daily A Pilot Cor81 Wiison Nows assistant. 19491 574-4298 coral wilson latlmes com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leedl, Kent Treptow Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Copyright: No new1 1tone1, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner VOL 97, NO. 171 THOMAS H JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOERO EdrtOf JUDY OETT1NO ~~r Promollonl Director Newsfdlton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt, Paul S.1tow1tz, Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAff' Crime~~ '9p0ftef, (949) 614-42~ dHpa.bharathOlatlrrw oom Jul'9C....W• Newport Beech reporter, (949) 514-4232 /urHt.caugranc» 6-tlrr""·com ,...Clntol1 Polltica, business and environment reponar, (Ml 794-4330 paul.dintontlt.tf,,,...com Lolea ..... Columnltt. culture report.er, (Mt)~ lollfll.hMper 11111,,,_com .,..... ...... Com M.., ~. CMl57.._..221 <»lrd,..~•~com Cbte•aC..-. fcM:lllaon ,...,_, CMl 11 .... ....... .,. ..... ,_ciom READERS HOTLINE (949) 64HI086 Record yoor comments about tlwJ Deily Pilot or news tips. ~ Our lddr•• it 330 W B1y St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Office hours &re Mondly · Friday, 8:30 a.m 5 p.m. CotTK1loM It 11 the Plloe's Polley to promptly correct 111 error• of subltaoca. Pl88M Cltll (949) ~ .. FYI The Newport BoedVCotta Meta Deily Pilot (USPS-1444j()()) 11 pobll1had deify. In Newport 8eldl and Cote. Mesa. sublcfiptlona 1,. avell1bla only by 1Ubac:nblng to The TltNt Ora~ Coumy 18001 252•9141. In Mat outtlde of N4rwpon Beech end Cott.a Maea. eut.flpCJona to the Dally Pilot 1'9 1v1111~ only by flm ctau maH for S30 per month (Pfie:et lndude 1H lppfiQble ..-. Ind loc»I taxaa) POSTMAS'TtA Send tddr9al dlengea IO ,The Htwport ~ MeN ~f'Qoc. PO. , HOW TO REACH US Clrcul.ttlon The Tlmet Or81'1ge County (800) 252·9141 Ad"'1islnt Ctesalfled (949) 642-5678 Display (9'9) 642-021 Edltorief Newt (948) &42-5e80 ~ (949) 574-023 Newt FU (9'8) ~170 8pofts fall (949) &50-0170 E-mal: d•ll'fP//or l•tlma.com Meln<>Moa lullneea °"°' (9'9) S.2~21 ....... ,,.. (!M9) 631·7128 Pubhlhed t>r Tirnea Community Newt. a dw1.ion of the Loe Angel .. Timee. ~ TllNll CN. All rights ~ THE HARBOR COLUMN Accident is important reminder to be safe Ahoy. N'u:eto be baclc in my home port of Newport Harbor this week. and I really enjoyed skippering a private yacht last night around our harbor after being on the open ocean and visiting a half a dozen ports. of the sea. It is the captain's decision. This is a wake-up call for not only the professionals and paying passengers. but also for the reaeational boatm. as well I can not empha.si7.e MIKE enough -know WHITEHEAD before you go. Can this happen Next week. I am scheduled to deliver another yacht from here to Emeryville in ~ San Francisco Bay, and again assisting me will be C.apt Cllandler Bell of Bongos Sportfishing. Yet. the probability of postponing the voyage is high because of the 6-to IO·foot-high swells from Point Conception north to the Golden Gate Bridge. At the same time as lam planning rhis voyage, I am very saddened to read about the capsizing of the charter ~I Taki Tooo in high sea.S while leaving llllamook Bay, Ore. last Saturday. Most of you by now have heard about the fatal fishing trip. What a terrible accident to kick off the boating season, but also what a wake-up caD to boaters and to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Coast Guard reports lists that the J 9n 32~foot vessel was last inspected on March 13, 2003 (Activity No. 1742449), and certi6ed for charter after satisfying eight deficiencies noted from a previous inspection on March 13, 2000. by Coast Guard Marine Safety Office in Portland A typical charter vessel is required LO be regularly inspected and certified bl[ the Coast Guard to cany more than six ~The TuJci T0oo was cenified Lo cany more than six into coastal waters and at the time of the capsizing had 19 souls onboard. Mournfully, only eight people survived after the skipper ventured out in small craft warnings with t 0-foot seas breaking over the entrance's sand bar and some estimates of IS-footers. I do not want to question. by all reports, the experienced captain's decision, but in my opinion, that is a small boat to go out in those reported conditions. especially with that many people on board. Why he turned north to be broached by the seas remains a question. Did he lose an engine. or was It a rogue wave? I know firsthand the ramifications of canceling a trip not only from the lost earnings. but from the upset ~who mostly do not understand the power here at Newport Harbor? You bet! WouJd I venture out in 10-foot seas in a 321Hoot boat1 No way. and the only time I experience those seas or bigger is when I cross the Pacific or on a voyage up the coast, where condidons can change lnstantJy while I reroute for the nearest safe harbor. I am noticing Newport's jetty entrance's sweO conditions worsen with the building sand bar. ln the past few years. Morro Bay and Oceanside. known for their treacherow sand bars. were dredged. and I have personally seen the improved conditions entering those harbors. The bars create unpredictable conditions with breald..ng seas that can catch even the most experienced off guard. So. if the nDamook Bay's sand bar had been dredged. would this accident have happened. and is a similar accident awaiting Newport? I t.hlnk that this should be a wake-up call Loo to Washington, D.C. and locally to all the governmental agencies responsible for Newpon Harbor. The county of Orange and the city of Newport Beach both need to llU]J up the heat on the ~ administration and the u.s. Anny O>rps or Engineers. who have drastically reduced and in some cases eliminated dredging funds for small harbors and inlets. Additionally, we all need to take a band in maintaining the safety of ow navigable waterways. The lmponant tip of the week is that the only fuel dodt in Morro Bay that sold gasoline has dosed. Now, only diesel is available until later this summer -maybe This creates a major problem for gas-powe~ boats heading nonh as the distance between Santa Barbara's fuel dock and Santa Cruz's fuel dock is too far for most gas boats. and no Pon San Luis dock sells ~either. Safe voyages. • "9CE WKTBtEAD is the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marin&-related thoughts end ltOfY suggestion• by e-mail to Mike@Boaft>ouHTY.com or visit BoafhocJHTV.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The sun just doesn't try hard enough. h didn't on Thursday, end It won't today, either. Expect morning drizzte end overall doudinesa, with highs thy of 70 and lows in the upper 50s. s.turday will be almllair urty, but we should hive aome sunshfM In the eftemoon, wtth ~ '*"' 70. ~ www.nws.ncMa.gov BOATING FORECAST The windl wtll blow 6 to 10 knob In the Inner WllterS todey, wtth 2·foot W8'-'" end .... IWllll of. to 6,.., The .... wlfl ~down. foot .. Mining. Out flll1her, the -notth\:•••'Y wtnde wffl blow 15 to 21 lr:nota, wtlt\ 3-to 4-foot w.waend•~--of •to•.._~._. ....... IWll wtl draplbcMlletaa&. SURF The eouthwest ~I wUI continue to bedt down todey, with motdy waist-highs end the occaalonel dlest-high. Some IOU1hwelt ewetl will ~us up• tad on Setur~. We should ... tome c:Mlt~ wttl'I ahou~ The .... pMb Sunday. with c:helit-Nghl end men ~ Mondey lhould max out at C'Mc:t.t. w...-.-v: ~AUrfrider.Of11 TIDES ,...... 1:1ta.tn; 4:31 p.m. 10:Cllp.m. 3:11a.m. ' . -. . \~ Daily Pilot Officials say added measures, such as checking large bags, are just part of what needs to be done in post-Sept. 11 world. policy. he added. The beefed-up security is abo because the fair is running one more week this year. Abo providing becurity at the Fair are Costa Mesa Police and the Orange Counry Sheriff's De- partment. Last year, because of increased security, arrests were down 25% from 200 I, officials sajd, DHp•Bhu•th Daily Pilot FAJRGROUNOS -The Fair Board on Thursday unanimoLI!>ly approved a new policy that will require public safety officials to c'1eck bigger bags that people bring to the Orange Counry Fair. Official!> will inspect bigger p1,1rses. backpacks, fanny packs, diaper bag1., brief cases, stroller and wagons, Fair administrators i.aid. The new policy aims to make the event 'K!fo and secure, ..aid Centerline engineering in OCTA's budget Of 1he $787.4 million .ip proved for the O rangt' Count} Tran'>portation Authority·., 2003-04 li!>cal year. $9.6 million wa!> allocuted for the engineer ing of the Centerline light rail pro1ect. Deterred from the budget wa'> a bu'> rapid tran'>il route along I !arbor Boulevard It will be com1d ered in another budget cydt: c11 J ddte w bl' dl' ll·rn11ned ace offer~ summer \eaman hip course~ C>t C\ Sc.hoot of Sailing and \eaman ... h1r t'> offering an in- termec.11.ite I 1du 14 tla-.'>. fhe lOUrw. \\h1ch will review ba~tc '.>l..Jll ., .rnd fotu-. on relining ltel111 and '>all mm work, '>hould be taken after the com pll·111m ol 1lw mtrnduuory llJU l'>l' P.ir11t1p.inh mt1y tho.,e bl'- IWl't'n ~aturday or Sunday cla'>'>l''> bt•ginn1ng July I ':I and :.!O, both tc1~1ng platt' from 1.45 to S.JO p.m ·1 ht' dJ!i!> i~ a pnnwr for the 1ntroductmn IO "ilm•ld, cla'>">t.'~ ·1 he CO'>t I'> $115. 1 he 1ntroc.Juct1011 to !>l11cld., l la.,.,, offt•rt•d from July 28 IO Tl.. Ac:upunclur« WorL• I ,, •• '~ • I I. I''. ' ..... '"' j I •• I II •111111. •1 1•1 _,.,I l IU'I U .. u I •' '"" I \, No m.ttle• whdt ;.ou •e doing V"U' no'™'town nf'W">JM~' /FITS D ·1 P'l IN... at y 1 ot David Brokaw, public safety chief for the Fairgrounds. "In the long run. It's going to save time for our patrons.fl he said. "Last year, we had an inci- den ts where an unattended baclcpack caused a whole area to be closed off for a while." This year, all such baggage will be ticketed to Indicate that they have been checked. thereby avoiding such inconvenience'>. Brokaw said. The Fair has increased it!> pub- lic safery budget this year by 49% because of the new ~ecumy Brokaw said he does not an- ticipate major delay-. bccau!>e of the inspection. "If people don't want their backpacks checked, they should not bring them," he !.aid. "If they don't really need them, 11·., jll51 ea!>ier 10 leave 1hem m the car." Brokaw '>3Jd hi'> department I!> e4u1ppt>d 10 '>lcp up '>laffing BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS \ug. I. t'> .i trano,1t1on cour'>e bl'lween o,mall boat'> and kt•el bo.it~ .!.7 to 30 feel. Topic..,\\ 111 1mlude skippering, '><11l111g 1h~·ory, docking. reefing. knots, n ght -of-way rule.,, 1.ulmg and Jibing. ancJ '>.tll' h.mdhng of a larger boat rh1'> ,., also a noncredit lour!le. ·1 hl' CO'>t l!i $120. An outboard maintenance workshop will take place on July 19 from I to 4 p.m. Seminar leader Mile Oark. a fauory trained repajrman. will addre'>'> common problem'> and maJong repatr'> \\hile under way loptt'> <,uch a.., "Maximi1111g Outboc:1rd I tfe ... "l he 1mportanLe of Lor reel Fuel \1txture'> .. <1nd "Mal 111g the Righi Dec1'>1o n-. \hoUI Purtha'>mg a :-.e\" Ou1board'" wtJI be d1 .. cu .. .,ed. rtw CO'>t • ., SJO per per'>on or S55 per lou- ple For mfonnatmn on Jll) of tht:'>t' cour"e'. call ':14Y b lfl- 94 l l South Coast Pl aLa holding hotel exhibit South Coast Plaza ic. pre'>t.'111 ing "Riviera Of The Pacific." an exhibit showca .. ing four lu>.ur, re'>ort<, on the Ornngc Coa~t. 111 11'> Jewel Court. I he t'\t'nt, wh1rh ronunue'> 1hrough June 29. o ffer., a loo~ at 1he Balboa Bay Uub and Re'>ort. the ~1on1.igl' Ht·,or1 Jnd SpJ m I agun,1 Hl'ach. llw St Hegl'> ~lonJll h Hl'dlh 111 DanJ Point cllld the 11111 ( arhc111 in l.dguna :'\1g11t·I I hl' l'H·nt "'tll l lllm11M1e Ill a d1,1\\lllg 1111 ''•'}'111 tlw four ho· tel-. Mi ·sion furniture education event I urn1-.h111g' D1rec1 1~ ho~11ng a mt'>">IOn furnuurt• cducdtton l'\l'llt from 10 ii m Ill 'i rm lum· .!ti. I ht: l wn1 a1111' to educate u11t'>llllH:r'> .ihout 4u.ihl} lurn1- tun· .111d \\hat IU loo~ for \\hen h u) in~ It I hi: t'\t'lll \\1ll lea1ure J \lorn'>< h • .11r hu1ld111g demon- '>trJlton .ind .1 drJ\\111~ rn wm 11 l-ur111 .. h111g'> l>trt:lt \\ h1i;h o rl'ned fl\t' ) t'dr'> .1go ., ... I 'J)9 II arbor Bh d . ( u-.1.1 \lt.'~.1 I-or morl' inform.won (',111 'HY 515 4 l'iO Concert will benefit college-bound ..,tudent Hich ~ht'rnMn and ~ riend'> .in· holding J g.tl<1 1. onrert to hl'tll'ltt thl' Orangl' ( oun1y ()11ld Abu.,e Prt·\ l'ntton Lenter 1 oJVl'' & l·t'>he' 'ilhcil.ir'>hip tor Im' t Ill ornt• u1llt>ge bound '' u · dl'nt'> c:11 H p.m \c:11urcJ.i) \t '.\h Cool Calypso Weekends at Tommy Bahama' Tropical Cafe Open Sat & Sun at 10:00 a.m. featuring Live leland Muelc 5ulld Your Own 51oody Mary 5ar Special Breakfast additions to Lunch Menu 854 Avocado A~nue Newport 6ai,;h, CA For ~eervatione • (949) 760-8686 • Stmi-Privt11t for Mtn 0.. Womm • Ovtr 80 Pitas of Equipmtnt • Privott Pi/11111 Stutlio •SPINNING Tht111tr • Convntitnt P11rltint • Yo,p. T11i Chi. Strtuh cliuu1 • Sup. Powtr Pump , C11r4io • Showtrs, S1111"' 0.. Towtu • D11y Sp11 • Acup1111cturt/M1111111t 949760·5054 www.shope-up.CC)rl'I • www.Rtnetd" 2101 !o" Pocific Coos• Hwy, Corona o.I PLU when needed to deal with mllb sive crowds expected dunng the weekends and for the concem a1 the Pacific Amprutheater. "It's not as if the Fatr wanu. to spend a1l Lhis money to gjve the appearance of security,· he ~d. "We're doing lhil> becau.,e we want to make it l>afer for our pa trons." Fair Board member Emily San ford said the new polky i'> a '>ign of the times. "It's only practical in tciday\ world," she said. ''I'm ~ure vb1 tors to the Fair will be under !>tanding as long as we don'1 '>Ur prise them and pu1 up '>Olllt: s1gnage in the pMkmg loh '>O they know they can ledw tht:tr bags in the car." chael & All Angel., UlUrt h • ., ~pon!loring and pro\ 1d1ng .i venue for the event Sherman. re'>1den1 c:1rmt Jl the Village Inn fo r .!'; year., also compose., for the v1dl'o <1nd film mdu'>tr) Arll'>h Dreem, Michael Ph11l1p'>. 'i.1 rnantha Smith. "Tina \\d.,on and Diana D'ltn \o\tll Jhn be present. The sugge'>ted dona lion is SIS for ac.Juh'> and Sl<l for !>eniors and childr£.>n I lor<, d'oeuvres, refre'>hmenl'> and child care will be pmvtc.ll'd I or more mformatwn. lall IY l~li 119·1730 Orange County Fair '\eeks rock memorabilia The 200'.l Orange ( ount) l.itr 1~ pre~ent111g !ht· ·orangl' Groove," d ne'' e\htbtt leatlH mg Orange Count}.., lontnbu lions to rock mU">tC' lrom pn· -.urfto pO!it-punk. The fair 1., lookrng for ilrll facts such a~ phOIO'>, po.,ler'> and old tn'trurnen1~ tha1 relatl' 10 Orange Count~ c:1rt1'>I'>, venue'> and lrt'>trumen1 maker' Information and artilacl'. fl' lated ro les~er·known band., are also wekome. For more mformatmn, l .tll Joan Hamill al ! 71 4 I 708 15.!0 or e-mail her at 1lu11111/lrum }air.com rr1(Joy, June 20, 2003 A3 WHY NOT TRY ••• lam1mad1 R1vloU'1, Fr ... Piiia, Fr11b Steaks, Veal llaraala I 11111! Includes Choice al Soap or lllld BEST SANDWICHES IN TOWN! Lunch Served From llam Ontll 4pm NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA OUTDOOR PATIO IN HARBOR CENTER Mon-Thurs '· am-9 30pm 2300 Harbor Blvd., Suite K-1 Fri -Sat 11am-10 OOpm Costa Mesa CLOSED SUNDAYS (S4g) 722_ 7566 CILDUTll& rl YUiii ..______.. _ _.__ ____ __. -~ 3/l l.OLOF\ 'l\PLE Ol\..,t. SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET 54~~,t. • ln .. 11ll~d 1<1t11 PM! $1 69 • \11n1mum fiO yard~ 1q. ft. Travertine 18" x 18" ..................... '4.29 ... " Ceramic Tile .................. ln•••ll•d r"'m 14.99 ... n Laminate Wood ··-·--··-·-·-lnua11 .. d from '4.99 .., n ")upp/i._~, Untl ruot .... /or,,.._; ••t,>o II )f)UT'Yfl'lfr,.~"l·'- . All prk•·~lpr't><lur/« r,, ... a lin1tll'd lint<'. boH•d ,,,, u1•ul/ublllt11. 1374 Loian Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA ~· .... _ ; .... ,~ - Five Things You Need To Know IF YOU ARE CONSIDERINC CREMATl()N Nol 111/ sen11lt {1rot>11len 1111 t~u.11 .\ lo1~1 '•P• , 11 • , :1 11 1 i /11 •n• ' ) , ic 1. r./ ttu 11'1 l1dtp u irt end \tr1111.r 111'1('11 yt111 ,hvlhl ,1 /;1/11 Ii \I" '' 1 °'1••', 1 /11 ••.in I '•'''"'''""• '°'WHERE WILL THF C Rl:MATIOI' PRO< ....... TAl\.F. PLAC F~ Many crematton prov1dt·r-uul1::e lhe "LT'. ll. L' 111 1h1rd part\ Ln:matont."'> \X'nh Pac1k View f\kmonal J>arl-and \\'e.,tmin ... tcr \krnc1nal !'ark hoth D1i.enitv Memonal ~erv1ce Provider\ vour 111\ ltl one rcnlJin' '>t·c.urdv 111 our Lart until the cremation ta!..~, rlaLe al 11111 ucm.rton 1Jl1'>1tl' '°'WHAT PROCEOURF!I ARE IN PLAC r To E, ... URE I R FCEIVf MY LOVED ONE'S R EMAINS~ AJI Dignity r-..temonal ~<..e Prc)\'tdtl'-uuli:t· thl '>tnL1t"t 1ndtMJ"\. -.tandard<. and encourage 1dentthcat1on 'K'\4.'1111-( pnur t< 1 lilt' l.Tt:mauon prtic...t">'> ( >ur '>tali c.an review 1dent1hcat1on prcx.cdun." w11h '' 1u '°'CAN I HAVE A M EMORIAL <;F.RVI< n f\.\any cremation provider'> ofltr l1ttlt J'>'-l'•lJn<.c 1n ht .. lp1n~ plan a ~<:rv1C.e of Remembrance If you dt''-trt: our u1un.,t'l11rc.. "'di help tailor a memonal service that meets your .. petilK need ... Jnd \\ ... he., • WHAT ARE My BURIAL OPTION~~ Whether you select '>Cattenn~ or interment in one of our heaut1ful nature gardens, we offer a <.ompletc arrav of o ption<. tailored to meet -ll---- your ind1v1dual need'> I • CAN I PREPLAN MY SERVICE? Planning a cremation service can tal..c <..are of the detail!> It also relieves loved o nes of the WOil)' of making a'sumpt1ons about the dec:easeds Wt'>h~ LET US BE YOUR TRUSTED ADVl OR. Contact our canng counselors to d1~c;s cremation arran~cments or to learn more about pre-planning programc. If you call now, you will receive a free Personal Planning Cu1dt> PAOFlC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK AND M Om.IARY CORONA DEL MAR 949.644.2700 WESTMINSTER. MEMORIAL PARX W ESTMINSTD 714.893.l.flt • 800.977.1175 Otll'I Rowe. liCilnMd CetMl*Y 8"*8t f01030 . F0117'9 . I ' ' '1 ' • ,, ' • I ! 'I' • • A2 Friday, June 20, 2003 DON LEACH I OAJL Y PtLOl Judilyn Ashley of the Newport Beach Public Library reads Mone-Eyed Jake" during Story Time at Pirate's Cove. Walking the plank June Casaerande Daily Pilot T here are i:.cary pirates and then there are really scary piral~ And One-Eyed Jak.e is defuUteJy in the lauer category, if 1.he awe-!.truck little faces al Story Time at Pirate's C,ove are any indication. More than a dozen children, most of l.hem preschool-age. gathered on Wednesday at the Newport J larhor Nautical Museum for the first Story Time at Pirate's Cove, a series of pirate stories and songs p~nted by the m~um, the Newport Reach Public Library and with help from the Oasis Senior Center. "One-P.yed Jack was a very bad pirate," WHAT'S AFLOAT • WHATS ARDAT 1s published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the Information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailvpilot iil/at1mes.com. CRUISES EJec:tric Boat Tours often two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel o r off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pidc-up from restaurants with doc.ks Is also available Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wartsontheharbor.com. The Newport landing ~le is evailable for weddings and receptions, codoail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. runs a 46-minute CNise (adults, S6; children, $1) and a 90-minute cruise (adults, $8; children, $1 ) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults, S6; children, $1 ) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters a re available. (949) 673-0240. Cat.Una Pauenger 541t'Vice runs 45-minute harbor cruises (adult!;, $6; children. $1 ) and 90-mlnute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m . dally and Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers reading time for young children on Wednesday mornings warned storyteller Judalyn A'>hJey, a library staff memher. Properly rnutioned, the children braced thernselve-. for the '>tory, "One+yed Jake" by P-.it I lutcruns. As the ">lory unfolded. the rubbing Jake the pirate continued to rob other boats. But in the end, his own gret.'CI WclS his undoing. Hi~ boat sank under the weight of aJJ the jewelc; he '>tole. on the hour until 7 p m. (949) 673-5245. Cruise the harbor aboard the Electn, a lO<Hoot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 145 passengers (949) 723-1069. A three-course dinner •nd dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p .m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. The fee is $59.95 per person on Fridays and S64 on Saturdays. Brunch cruises also are available. (949) 631·2469. The Catalina Ayer departs from Ba Ibo• Pavilion at 9 a.m daily and returns from · Catalina Island at 4:30 pm $36 round-trip for adults; $20 round·trip for children Reservations are recommended (9491 673-5245. Homblower offers wH kend dinner dance and Sunday champagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate 1magmative cuisine and pampered service. 2431 W Coast Highway, Suite 101 , Newpon Beach. (949) 631-2469. The Adventures at Sea Yacht Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $20, includes cruise, parting, cookies and sodas. ·Reservations required. (949) 65()..241 2. FISHING Ashing daues leave Balboa Pavilion at 6 Ashley was haJf of the storytelling team. She and Oasis Senior Center representative Darlene Williams, both decked out in pirate attire, Look turns telling stories and leading so~ such as "Blow the Man Down.· "Yo, ho, blow Lhe man down!· the children sang along. Story Time at Pirate's Cove is one of a number of new programs at the museum designed to highlight the area's nautical heritage. Story ·nme is d esigned for children 3 to 6. It will take plare twice a month on Wednesday mornings from 10:30 to II :30 a.m. Reservatioru. are required. The cost is free. For more infonnation or reservations. caJJ (949) 673-7863. a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays.$125.(949)673-2810 Get to the Newport Pier Nrfy to watch the dory fishing fleet return with the fresh catch of the day. Rsh are prepared for sale at McFadden Square, an open-air martcet. Fishing supplies and boat charters (open party and private) are available at Davey's Loehr, 400 Main St., Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportfishing, 309 Palms, Suite F. Newport Beach (949) 675--0550. Day and night fishing charters for groups or singles are available at Bongos Sportfishing on Balboa Penins~la. (9491673-2810 KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA lmu• Outrigger Canoe Club invites adventure-minded adults to canoe Newpon Harbor Hawaiian style. No eicpenence required -they'll teadl you all you need to know. Dress for the beach and bring a towel every Saturday at 10 a.m. at North Star Beach, 1 White Cliffs Drive, Newport Beach For more information, call (714~2-1 236 Beginning , .. kayaking, rolling dlnica and private lessons are offered at Puddle Power, 1500 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Kayak and sea ski rentals also are available. (949) 675-1215. Two-hour kayak tours t>.gln at 10 a.m. Sundays from Newport Dunes. The cost is $20 for adults and $15 for children. Kayak rentals and classes also are available. (949) 729-11 50. Daily A Pilot ConllWllson News assistant, (949) 574-4298 coral wlllOn(~/stimes com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leactt, Kent Treptaw Boie 1560, Costa Meta, CA 92626. Copyright. No news stories, illustrations, oditonal matter or actvert•aemena herein can be reproduced without written permisalon of copyright owrier ( I VOL 97, NO. 171 THOMAS H. JOHHSOH Pubhsher TONYDOOEAO Ecfrtor JUDY OETTING ~ .. ~r Promotion. Director New.Edfton Gina Aleunder, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz. Daniel Stevena NEWSSTAff Cnme ~~reporter, C!MSI 57<M226 deep#l.bhllrath lltlm..oom JuMC...O,..• Newport 8eadt reporter, (949) 57 ...... 232 )uM.cnagran<»Ofatim.1.com PIMll Clntofl Politioa, t>u.lneu end environment reporter, (MG) *""330 paul,cl/nron l«lmn.com LoMa ....... Columnitt. cuhure reporter, , ... , 61<M2'75 lollr•./wper•1t111,,..,com ~ ........... eo.a M..a ...,,..., IMl 67~1 ~fl#Mlmlln•IMif'rw.com aw--.c..-. Ectuc:.tion ""'°'*· ( ... 17'.._ ....... ..,.. ....... ... REAOEAS HOT\JHE (949) 642-eoe6 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot M nowt 11ps. ~ Our addresa is 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92827. Office hours are Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m 5 p.m Con'Kdolia It II the Pilot's policy IO promptly OOITect all errors of aublltance Pl .... c:.11 (949) ~. FYI The Newport e..c:n.ico.t• Met11 Dally Pilot (USPS.144-8001 11 published dally. In Newport Beec::tl and Costa Mesa, sublcr1ptiona 11,.. avalleble only by eubacnblng to The Tlmu Orange Councy (800) 252 .. 1'1. In 8'9 .. olltllde of ~ Betch •nd Cotti M ... aubtcflpclone to the Dally PilOt M 1V1Mi.~ only by flf'lt ctau mail f0t 0> per nionth. (ftr1we Include all 1Pf)flcableat.11e •nd local taxte.) POST'MASTER: Stnd ~ c:Nno-tO Thi NeWPOn ~°"' MeN Detty Ptio.. PO.. r HOW TO REACH US Cltculatk>n The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Ad'lertking Clulifled (9491 642 5678 Display (9491642-4321 Edltorief News (!Ml) 842·6680 SpofU (9'8) 57<M223 News Fu (M9) ~t70 Spotts,... (949) 850-0170 E·meM: dal/ypllottll•tl,.,,..,com MeinOMoe ...... ()Moe (949) 642-4321 ............. (949) 631·7128 Publllhed by TIMM Community N9W9, a dMalon of the Loe Mgti.s Tlmea. ~Tl"* CN All flghtt '9MtWd Daily Pilo THE HARBOR COLUMN Accident is important reminder to be safe Ahoy. .....-------. of the sea It Is the Nice to be back in my home port of Newport Harbor this week. and I really enjoyed skippering a private yacht last night around our harbor after being on the open ocean and visiting a half a doren ports. captain's dec:l.s.lon. This ~ a wake-up call for not only the professionals and paying ~but also for the reaeational boaters. as well. I can not emphasiu MIKE enough -know WHITEHEAD before you go. Can this happen Next week. I am scheduled Lo deliver another yacht from here to Emeryville In East San Francisco Bay, and again assisting me will be Capt Olandler Bell of Bongos Sportfishing. Yet, the probability of postponing the voyage is high because or the 6-to 10-foot-high swells from Point Conception north to the Golden Gate Bridge. At the same time as I am planning this voyage. I am very saddened to read about the capsiring of the charter vessel Taki Tooo in high sea.S while leaving Tillamook Bay, Ore. last Saturday. Most of you by now have heard about the fatal fishing trip. What a terrible accident to kick off the boating season. bu.t also what a wak.e·up call to boaters and to the U.S. Anny Corps of F.ngineers. Coast Guard reports lists that the 1977 32~foot vessel was last inspected on March 13, 2003 (,\ctivity No. 1742449), and certified for charter after samfying eight deficiencies noted from a previous inspection on March 13, 2003, by~ Guard Marine Safety Office in Portland. A typical charter vessel is required to be regularly inspected and certified ~ the Coast Guard to carry more than six passengers. The TuJd Tooo wa.s certified to carry m ore than six Into coastal waters and at the time of the capsizing had 19 souls on board Mournfully. only eight people survived after the skipper ventured out in small craft warnings with 10-foot seas breaking over the en trancell sand bar and some estimates of IS-footers. I do not want to question. by all reports, the experienced captain's decision, but in my opinion. that is a smaJJ boat to go out in those reported conditions. especiaJJy with that many people on board. Why he turned north Lo be broached by the seas remains a question. Did he lose an engine. or was it a rogue wave? I know firsthand the ramifications of canceling a trip not only from Lhe lost earnings. but from the upset passengers, who mostly do not understand the power here at Newport Harl:>or1 You bet.I Would I venture out in JO-foot seas in a 32~-foot boat1 No way, and the only time I experience those seas or bigger ls when I cross the Pacific or on a voyage up the coast. where condltions can change Instantly while I reroute for the nearest safe harbor. I am noticing Newport's jetty entrance's swell condltions worsen with the building sand bar. ln the past few years, Morro Bay and Oceanside. known for their treachero~ sand ban>, were dredged. and I have personally seen the improved conditions entering those ha.rbors. The bars create unpredictable conditions with breaking seas that can cat.ch even the most experienced off guard. So. if the 11llamook Bay's sand bar had been dredged. would this accident have happened. and is a similar accident awaiting Newport? I th.ink that this should be a wake-up call too to Washington. O.C. and locally Lo all the · governmental agencies responsible for Newport Harbor. The county of Orange and the city of Newport Beach both need to nap up the heat on the BtAh administtadon and the U.S. Anny Corps of ~eeB. who have drasdcaDy reduced and in some cases eliminated dredging funds for small harbors and inlets. Additionally, we all need to take a band in maintaining the safety of our navigable waterway& The irnponant tip of the week ls that the only fuel dock in Morro Bay that sold gasoline has closed. Now, only dlesel is available until later this swruner -maybe. nus creates a major problem for gas-powered boats heading north as the distance between Santa Barbara's fuel dock and Santa Cruz's fuel dock. is too far for mo.st gas boats. and no Port San Luis dock sells gas. either. Safe voyages. • IWKE WKTBtEAD it the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and s1ory sogge8tions bv e-mail to M ikel!JBoafhouH Tit.com or vi.it Boathouse Tit.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The aun Just doesn't try hard enough. It didn't on Thuraday, and It won't today, either. Expect morning drizz.te and overall cloudiness, with hight lhy of70 and lows in the upper 60s. Saturday will be limllar earty, but we lhould hlYI IOme sunshine In the afternoon. with h6gtw ,...., 70. WDnnlltlon: www.nws.noaa.tp!I BOATING FORECAST The wlode wtll blow 6to10 knots in the Inner WNrl today, with 2·foot W8WI end. welt lwttl of 4 to 5 .... The ewefl wtl beet down • fooc Chit ~-Out flthf, b -~wfndlwltl blow 15 to 2& lcnoel, ~ ,. to 4-fool M\191end. ~ IW9I of ftoltMLlhll ......... M'll wtl .. "'°"" 1 IDol. SURF TIDES T1Me 8:1ta..m. 4:31 p.m. 10;09p.m. 3:11a.m. ' j· . . ' .J OadyPtlot Securit to be ram ed u Officials say added measures, such as checking large bags, are just part of what needs to be done in post-Sept. 11 world. policy, he added. The beefed-up secunty 1s also becaw.e the fair ib running one more week this year. Also providing i.ecun ry at the l'alr are Costa Me~ Police and the Orange Counry Sheriff's De· panment. Last year. becau!>f.' of Increased i.ecunty. arrests were down 25% from 200 I, officials said Oeepa Bharath D~1lyP1lot FAJRGROUNOS -The Falr BQard on Thursday unanimously approved a new policy that will require public safety officials to check. bigger bag~ that people bring to the Onmge County Fair. Official!. will inspect bigger pl,\r~e1., backpack..,, fanny paclcs, diaper bag•,. brief caM?s, stroUer and wagons. Fair administrators &aid. The new policy aims lo make the event !>ale and secure, :.aid CcnterLine engineering in OCTA's budget Of the $787.4 million .ip· proved for the Orange Count~ fmn!>porta tion Au thorny\ 2003·04 fi!>cal year. $9.6 million wa<, alloca1ed fo r the engineer· ing of the CenterUne light rail pruJl'l'I. Dderrt•d from the budget wa .. a bu!> rapid 1ran!>il route along I !arbor Boulevard. It will be con.,1dercd 1n anoLher l>llll>:t·t qtle at .i ddlt: 10 bt: dt:· 1cr111111ed OCC offer .... summer ... eaman~hip course~ < H C ., ">drnol of '>d1hng and "c•11n<tll'>htp I\ olft-rmg an in 11·111lt'dta1c I 1d11 1.i dd'>'>. The ( our\t• wl11d1 \\ 111 H'\ IC\\ ba!>ll ,lJ11, ,ind Im u' on rehn111~ helm .md '>all mm \\ork.. 'hould be lJ.kl•n altt•r the com· plt·1111n ol 1hc in1rodut wry l IJUr'll' l1,ir11upa11h may l ho'>t: be lwt•t•n '>a1urd,1y 01 Sunday tla"e' beg11111111ti: Jul; 19 and LO. bu1h 1a~in14 plate from 1.41 Jo '.l . .10 p Ill I h1., tla'>'> t'> a prinwr for 1lw 1ntrudlll 1ion lu 'ih1l'lth lla'"l''> I he lO\t "$115 I he 1ntrodut11on 10 \h1eld., t Iii'' offt-rt.'d from Jul~ :rn 111 T ... -'c:upunctur., Worlae ,, , ' ' • 11. , .• ',, !otll I \11,1 1, • 11 "' 11 • I 'I t'I ! .; I I I 0•1 U ,, ,. I 1 • .... ,. I \, ,.4· rl'\dttef wh.;t yo'' rr d o1ru_J your tiomrtrJiiNn n~'Pf'' ~~ DailyPilot David Brokaw, public safery chief for the Fairgrounds. "ln the long run, it's going to save time for our patrons," he said. "Last year. we had an inci- dents where an unattended backpack caused a whole area to be closed off for a while." This year, all such baggage will be ticketed to indicate that they have been checked, thereby avoiding such inconvenience'>, Brokaw said. The fair has increased ii'> pub· lie '>afety budget this year by 49% became of the ne\\ '>ecunty Brokaw ..aid he does nut an- uc1pate major delay~ becau!>e of the inspection. "If people don't want their backpaclc.s checked, they should not bring them, .. he '>aid. "If t.hey don'1 really nt:l'd thl'rn, it\ JUM ea<,1er to leave them in the car." Hrok.tw '><lid hi'> department ii. equipped to '>tcp up '>lc1ffing BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS \ug I. 1'-" tran~111011 cour-.e lw1wecn !>mall boah and hl'I bu.ti'> 27 10 JO fet:t. lop1c\ will 111<.ludc c,kippering, '>atllng tlil·ury, docking, rcl'ling, I.nuts, right-of-way rult:'>, Li.It k.1ng and Jibing, and .,aft• handling of a larger boat I ht' I'> aho a noncredit cour..e. lht· cost ii. S 120. An outboard ma1ntenamt· workshop will take place on July 19 from I to 4 p.m. Seminar leader Mike Clark. a factory· tramed repairman. will addrc,., common problems dnd mak.rng repair'> ~\h1le under way lop1t '> <;uch a., "~1aximiT.ing Ou1bnard I 1fe. • "I he 1mportame of C or rect Fuel Mixture'> .tnd ~1.1k. mg the lhgh1 Oen\lon-. \h11111 Purtha'>ing d :-..e\\ Ou1boanJ will be discu., .. ed Tht· t '"' I'> SJO per person or SSS per mu pie t'or 1nfurrnJ.t10n 011 an> of the'e <.our'>e,, call "14"1 nl'i !Mil South Coa~t Phua holding hotel exhibit ~outh C..oa'>t l'la;ra 1., pre<.en1 - ing "Riviera Ot Tht: Pacific," an t'Xhibit :.howca1.1ng four luxury re'>ori.. on the CJran..:e ( oa ... 1, 111 11'> Jewel Coun f he event, \\,hll h 1.0 llllllUl'' through June 2q, offt•r<, a look. .it the Balboa Bay Uub and fll''>Url . tlw ~lo111age Ht''>CHI and ">pa 111 I J.~un.1 Beath, lhl' ">L Hegl'> ~1onard1 lkt1l h 111 Dt111d Point .111d lht· H111 ( t1rhon m l.al{Und :'...1gul·I 1111' l'\C'lll \\Ill llJIOJIO<Jlt' Ill d dr,t\.,lllJ.: for '>I J y\ in the [our ho- lt'I' Mi ssion furniture ed ucation event I u11w,l11n14'> Dtrt:u " ho<,ttng i.l 1n1"urn furn11un· educ<Jtlon t•\cnt frum 10 J 111 IO 5 p m him• .!H I lw l'\l'lll a11n ... to t•ducate uni,111111.·r... about 4ualit) furn1· 111r1.· .ind \\,hill tu louk. for \\hen bu\ 1ng 11 l lw e\l'IH \\Ill feature .1 \lorn' C 11.J1r huildmg demon '>tr.111011 .ind .i dr<Jw111g 10 win 11 I urn1'>l1111J.:' D1n·1.1 \\ h 1( h opent:d llH· \l'df' <igo. 1.., al I "1'19 11.irbor Hh d c u-.1.1 \lt''-d I-or llHHt' 1nform.tllrn1 c .tll 'l.t!:il 115 ·M 50 Concert will benefi t coll egc"bound ~tudent~ H1lh '-,ht•m1,111 Jnc.I I riend., .trl' h11ltllng o.1 gal,1 uinuo>rt to lwnef11 llw 01.111gt· Coun 1 \ (]11ld \hu't: l'reH·n11011 Lent1.·r I oa\l'" & I l'ht'' ~dwlar'lh1p for Im' 1m ornt• u 11l1.·g1.· bound '>Ill dtlll\ ,11 Hp rn ">.t lurdJ\ '-,J \It- Cool Calypso Weekends at Tommy Bahama• Tropical Cafe Open Sat & Sun at 10:00 a.m. featuring Live leland Music Build Your Own Bloody Mary Bar Special Breakfast addttione to Lunch Menu 85-4 Avoc.ado Avenwt Newport &e•ch, CA For l'Yteervat.lone • (949) 760·8686 •Semi-Private for Mtn 0--Wo,,u11 • Ovtr 80 Pitas of Equipme"t • Priv111t Pi!Atn Studio •SPINNING Tl1t11ttr • 16 Full Ti,,u Ptrson11/ Tr•in1r1 • Chi/ti Cart 811m · noon M • S..1. • Convnsitrfl P11rltint • Yo111 . T11i Chi. Stretch cLu1n •Sup. Power Pump. C11rJio • Showtrs, Stt'"" 0--Tow1u • D•y Spa • Acup1"uturtlM1111111• 949760-5054 www.shope-up.com • www.~IMIKICMlll 2101 Eoll Pacific Coast Hwy, COC'OnO Dll IN f ri<ldy, June 20. 2003 A3 at Fair when needed 10 deal with mCU>- sive crowds expected during the weekends and for the conceru at the Pacific Amptuthea1er. ·11's not as if the Fw want'> to spend all tlus money to 19ve the appearance of securiry," he Ml.Id. "We're dotng this because we want to make II safer for our pa tJOns." Fair Board member Emily San ford said t.he new pohcy ,., a -.ign of the times. ~It's only pracucal 111 today\ world," she said. 'Tm '>lire Vl'>i tors to the Fair will be under standing as long a'> we don't ... ur prise them and put up '>Orne signage in the parking lcm '>CJ they know they c.:an leaH· 1lw1r bags in the c.:ar ... chael & All Angel' < Jum h I'> '>poni.oring and pro\ 1d1ng cl venue for the eve111 Sherman. re'>tdent Jrll'>I a1 1he Vi llage Inn for .ri ~t'ar' also composes for lhl' v1dt·o and film indu,tr~ Arl1\l'> Dreem. Michael l'h1ll1p.... ),1 mantha Smith, I 111.i \\'11,on and Diana [)'Itri v. ill .il'>o he present. The !>ugge,11.·d dona 11on is $15 for aduh'> ;ind SIO tor senior'> and rhtldren I lor'I d'oeuvre'>, refre'>hnHml\ and child care will he prm 1d1.•d I or more 1nform.t11on. l J ll l<j4YJ 719-17.iO Orange County Fair ~eeks rock memorah11ta The LOO.I Orang(· <.ounl\ I Jlr i-. pre'>entrng the C Jrange <.,roove," <J ne" t•"lh1b11 lt•t11ur 111g Orange Count\' un11nbu uons to rock mu.,1c from prt· '>llrf to po'>t·punk. The fair t'> look..111~ Jur <trll facts '>Uch a .. photo'>. pu'>tl'r'> .ind old ll1">trunH:n1., th<tl relt1te to Orange Couni~ ar11-.1<>, \ enue<; and 111<.lnirnt·nt ma~t'r'>. lnformauun and arllli!t I\ rt· lated to le'>'>t'r·k..no\\n hand'> Jre aho welcome r ur more informatwn. t i.tll Joan llamLll al 1714) 708 l :>LO or e-mc1tl her at 1/uunill«'<n j m r.cn111 NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA ••• Homemade R1vlaU'1, Frllll FIU, Fruh Steaks, Veal llarllla 8 ... , lnclud11 Choice al Soap or 111111 BEST SANDWICHES IN TOWN! Lunch Saned From llam DnW 4pm NICK'S RISTOUNTE & PIZZERIA OUTDOOR PATIO IN HARBOR CENTER Mon-Thurs 1 ~ am-9 30om 2300 Harbor Blvd., Surte K· 1 F n -Sat ' 1am·'0 OOpm Costa Mesa CLOSED SUNDAYS (949) 722_ 7566 CILDUTll& 37 YEUI ~------___. :l/1 (,OJ UF\ \f\1'1 f Of \"I~ SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~ft. •In wlcd 1<1lh PM! $1 69 • \l1nimum ~fJ '~rd~ 1q. ft. Travertine 18" x J 8 ....................... s4.29 ... n . Ceramic Tile ...•...••.•.••..•. ln•••ll.,d from 54.99 ... n Lamlnate Wood ............. ln•••ll .. d from s4.99 ... n 'uppl"•' u1ul /1u.1/., /or 1h1 ••f>o It )11ur,'l•'/Ft•r .. .' .. All prfr••,,./prmlu<-t' f,,,. u l1mi1Pd limv, '"'"'d "" ut•ullahlllt11. 1374 Lo•an Ave., Suite F • COSTA M.ESA ',.., t...i•-. ••'.• Five Things You Need To Know IF YOU ARE CON IDERINC CREMATION N (ll ,i// ~m·11.e f•nwi./e,\ 111c t.111.1/ \l.1lt 1111 1 '•' •. , " /1'! t !lt•n· )~·r1 r, ,· 1nrit•1 l1ctlcr ~11re ,11"1 \trl'l•C u•hc11 Yllll d1ot'1'! .1 / J1,/1:1!) 'l·n •11. '"' I'• ·•,fir I'• ,ro11.1t 111 ~WHER E WILL THE KF-~t ATIO.' Pl{<H p,., T<\"F PL\( f'." t'--\any cremation pmv1dc..·r. util1 ::c the 'l'" 1u·, CJI th1 rJ pal'l\ u t-mat<1n<.·, \X'1th PacifK View t--kmunal Parl.. and ~ c..·,tniin ... tn \ k nic 1nal l'ark hoth D1~nnv 1emonal ~erv1Le Prov1dc1' 'our 1, "td one rt'nn1n' '-l'l.Ufl'I\ 1n our 1..Jr<.' until the <.rcmat10 n take\ plau• Jl our Ul'n1Jl!1r\ 1rn..itc ~WHAT PROC.ED URE ARE ..... PLA( I l () E ....... URE I Rt ( EIVf MY LOVED O NF1 R EMA IN"'." All D1g111tv 1emonal ~rvic.e l'm,·1d<.'1' ut1li:l' tli<. '-lnc.1<.-..1 1ndu-.tl'\ '>tandard, and encourage 1dent1ficat10n \ lt."Wtng pnor to tht l fl'lllJl111n prt K..t">\ ( )ur .. talf <.Jn review 1dcnt1hcatton prc:x.~d.t1rt" ''1th ,·oo ~CAN 1 HAVE A M EMORIAL <:,ER\'f( F~ Many cremation provider. ollt r l1ttk a ...... 1..ianLt 1n hel p in)«! plan a '->c.:"' 1c.:t.' of Remembrance If you de.,1re o w l1JU1hclnr. w ill heir tailor a mcmo nal c;erv1ce that meetc; vour '>peuf K nn·d ... rnd '',,he' ~WHAT ARE MY BURIAL OPTION'-? Whether you select scattenn~ or 1ntcnnent 111 one o l o ur heaut1h..tl nature gardens. we o ffer a completl' arrav ol optio n<. tailored to meet your individual needs • CAN I PREPLAN MY SERVICE? Planning a cremation service can takt: care of the detail., It al~o relieve~ loved ones of the worry of making a .. <.umpt1onc, about the dcc...ea)ed., w1she l£T US BE YOUR TRUSTED ADVI OR. Contact our canng counsdors to discuss cremation arranjilementc; or to learn more about pre·plannmg program., If you call now, you will receive a free Personal Pbnnin~ Cu1de PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK AND M01rruARY CORONA DEL MAR 9•9.64.f.:2700 WESTMIN~TER M EMORlAl PARK W ESTMINSTER 714.893.24lt • 800.877.117S O I I • 1 I, o • ,. '• '• I 1 ' ' ' J M Friday, June 20, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • w..t .._, StrMt end Coolldge Avenue: A hlt~and-Nn was reported at 7:31 •.m. Wednesday. • Cabrillo StrMt A vehicle burglary waa reported in the 100 blodc at 10:06 a.m. Wednesday. • Cibola Avenue: Indecent exposure was reported in the 2700 block at 2:45 p.m. Wednesday. • Falrvhtw Ro8d: Vandalism w•areported inthe2600 block at 12:26 p.m. Wednesday. • Golf eou .... Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 1700 block at 8:41 a.m. Wednesday. • Harbof Boulevard: A commercial burglary was reported In the 2900 block at 8:28 a.m. Wednesday. •Princeton Drive: Petty theft was reported in the 400 block at 12:12 p.m. Wednesday. • Rtllc8m Pl•ce: Vandalism was reported In the 300 blodc at 5:46 p.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Campus Drtw: A commercial burglary was reported In the 3700 blodc at 12:21 p.m. Wednesday. • Conb Dttve: A garage burglary was reported In the 100 blodc at 8:38 a.m. Wednesday. • J emborH RHd •nd 81Y91de Drtve: A traffic accident involving Injuries was reported at 9:11 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Center Drive East: Petty theft was reported in the 600 blodc at 11 :22 p.m. Wednesday. • Mac:Arttlur Boulevard •nd Bonit8 Canyon Drive: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 7:37 a.m. Wednesday. • 40th Street: A loud party was reported in the 400 blodc at 9:32 p.m. Wednesday. Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GREGOR IE 'S G-7 t'~·--5~ fl-... ;f. . --. .-- I \ -.. FREE EPICUREN GIFT! 5 terrific products in a handy plastic pouch · yours FREE with any Epicuren Disco~ry purchase of $75 or more Offer ends &~{)3, while tUCfJ/1es llSI Spa Gregorie s Hours Monday! lam 9pm Toesday·Sunday 9am·9pm 200 Newport Center Drive. Suite 100 Newport Beach. Calrforn1a 92660 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM (949) 644-6672 ALDEN'S ~-DN-!ilTE ] -------------------___ __/ DRAPERY CLEANIN& AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NECBWARY I Certified Ta Clean All Hunter Dougla• Fabric Window Covering• Including: • luminette Privacy Shetff • Silhouettt' window wdings • Vignette window shadings • Duette• honeycomb shades • Malenia™ Collection • JubilanceTM ronwuhades •Applause honeycomb shades • SerenetteTM Softfoldl'll shadinp World'a Best ON .. ITE"' Drapn,. Cleanln8 .,.stem ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPEIUP.S 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa . 949~ 4838. 714-968-8180 I RESORT Continued from Al The project area was annexed to the city of Newport Beach in January 2002 along with the rest or Newport Coast, but falls under county jurisdiction according 10 agreements between the city and county. NICHOLS Continued from Al Meanwhile, Tom Fuentes, the leader or the Orange County Re- publican Party, has joined·the list or local political leaders de- nouncing Nichols' comments about Mexicans and calling for action. "This is a tragjc and appalling circumstance." said Fuentes, chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County ... I be- lieve U\dt an apology is in order and that if a suitable apology is not immediately rendered. I sus- pect that the direction of the gentleman's colleagues will move forward among the people of Newport Beach." Some of Nichols' colleagues have called for him to resign h~ council position as a result of the comment. The party branch is not in the position w strip Nichols of any privileges because, though Nich- ols has a long hi'\lory of activism within the Republican Party. the party does not endorse candi- dates or office holder., m non· SKATE Continued from Al track area. whith ha:. rai,ed red flags among -;ome commi'>s1on- ers. "I 100% support a skatehoard park in our commuml), but don't think we should be eliminating actively u-;ed reLrcauonaJ areas," Commic;sioncr Katrina Foley said. "There's lot of are~ that an· not actively used areas." Some of the ~taff at Davi'> School and some Newport-Mesa Unified school bo.1rd member~ also have expre'ise<.l reservations about the site, which I'> leacUng city !>taff to con'>ider removing it as an opuon. sa.id Stew I layman. the city'<, thrector of admimsua- tive SCl'VICe., "We haven't completelv \\/Tit· ten 11 off, but it i'> begmrnng 10 get more remote · I layman said ALLOWED Continued from A 1 Mar re.c;1den1 ..aid ;\;1Lhols was being mischarJcteri1cd a!> a racist simply becau~e he ~ hone'>t. l here wa~ nothing derogatory in Nichol\ l.Om menl'>, he <,ard. "If anything, what he 1s doing r<; '>aying that Big Corona 1s clogged with thspanics on weekends and people don't wam rn go there hecau-;e il is too crowded," he sau.I. "If you can't characten7R a hunch of people for what thev are, then what hab thi'> country come to?" What i'> II that I am mis.sing? I decided to go down and get a doscr lool myself. <By stepping foot on the property, I know that at least one Mexican 1s there. but I'm allergic to gra:..'> -or at least to the reclaimed water used to water 11 •• but I d igress.) Dunng my trip Wednesday. I AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., ta-Mesa,...CA.92627; by e-mail to milre.swanson@larimes.oom; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY N.wport Oun" Resot1'1 •Movies on the Beadl" series offers ·Parent Trap" starting at dusk on the Newport aand. Parlcing costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be evallable for 1'morea. The resort 11 at1131 Back Bay Drive. For more Information, call (9491 729-0UNE. SATIJROAY 8eoofM •member of th• Hospice Preferred Choice team end make a difference In the llvet o1 terminally Ill people and their families at • voluntfft orientetion. Tht tMm la seeking etrlng peopt. to •Nist patlenu and flmilin with nonmedletl neec:t., 1ucta H providing reapite for the prfmery caregiver, reading IO pedtn1I. ~ wM:ly todel Wits end running effendi.. ,., Company representatives said that they plan to apply to the county for the inldal penn1ts this swnmer. The project consists or ·SIO bull that sit at a lower e evation the Pelican Crest development just nonb or the resort. Irvine Co. officials say that they don't expect the project to create significant traffic. Most users will access the property from New· port Coast Drive, they said Nonethele$8, commwtlty meetings on the project are ex· pected to cover issues such as traffic and water quality. ent re m u from the managed-growth Greenllght camp. seems sure to follow tbe release of the project's details. Councilman Tud Ridgeway. who learned about some of the 'I believe that an apology is in order and that if a suitable apology is not immediately rendered, I suspect that the direction of the gentleman's colleagues will move forward among the people of Newport Beach.' Tom Fuentes leader of the Orange County Republican Party partisan elections, Fuentes said. Fuentes added that Nichob' comment does not reflect the position of the party. »There is nothing that is parti- san about this kind of contro- versy," Fuentes said, adding that he had three Mexican grand· parents and that he owns several hom es in Newport Beach. ·it is an unbelievable comment by an individual, but the pany has no relationship to thii. controversy whatsoever." Mayor Steve Bromberg and other Newport Beach council- ·men are calling for Nichols' re:.- ignation in wake of a i.tatement Nichols made in a Daily Pilot telephone interview on l\Jesday. While discussmg various as- pects of propo!>ed improvemenu. at Corona del Mar c;tate Beach. Another 'illC being con<,rdered a-. part ol thl· master plan would pldce the skateboard park e~t of Jumpero Onw along Arlington Avenue. But Bark Park users have been eyemg lhat .,wath and ha- ven't had a chJnce to voic:e their op1ruon to the Parle:. and Re· creauon Lomm1<,s1on yet, Plan- ning 01rur Bruce c.arhch .,aid. So the Planning Commi'>'>!On '>ent that 11em back lO the park.'> com- m1ss1oner, for their recommen- dation. Anolher idea to put the park at Costa Me~ l l1gh School - .,urfaced two to three monthc; ago. although tJrnt would not be part of the TeWinkle Park Master Plan. Hayman c;aid The c;chool d1stnct wants to comider the plan in more detail before a !>pecrfil '>lie al the school 1s annnunced. I layman added l .ai.t 'O\ ember, the parlcs commisstoner; endorsed a re- sav. all kmd!> of people out on the gT"ru>'>Y area, s1t1Jng on the sand, unloadJng their cars in the parking lot, walking thetr dug~ or simply en1oymg Lhe view from along the ridge. What I failed to notice wao; the Mexican flag '>tuck an the ground. where tho'>e pesky picnickers have staked their "claim" to the land. TI1cre were two flags on the property. but as far as I can wll. on e was Old Glory and the other wac; tl1e state flag. Perhaps Nichol'> was confusing the gri1.zly bear on the state flag with '>Omething of l.allno d~cent. It is brown. After all. isn't '>kin color the only clue he ha<. that any person on the beach may or may not be MeXJcan? Perhaps there 1s a secret engineenng formula for recogniz.ing national.Jty that I never learned. I was never very good at physics, and there was no math requirement for journalism majors at USC I Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Cell (714) 980-0900 for more Information. Nichols said he opposed ex- panding grassy areas there be· cause ·with grass. we usually get Mexicans coming in there early in the morning. and they claim it as theirs. and it becomes their personal. private grounds all day." Nichols claims that this com- ment was taken out of context. He maintains chat it is a defen· sible statement Coro na del Mar State Beach is a public beach owned by the state and managed and main- tained by the city. Beek, Wan and Hart were among the original proponents of the Greenllght i.rtltiative, which voters approved in No· vember 2000. The i.rtltlative re- quires voter approval of projects that significantly exceed general creation master plan that listed a skate parlt as the No. 1 recrea- uonaJ need in the city. They also created a Skateboard Parle Plan- ning Team to conduct more re- search. Both moves heartened !>kateboard park hopefuls. That:S why the Planning Com- m1ss1on's latest move was espe- cially disheartening. Gray said. "It went through the whole recreauonal master plan process, aJ1d now it seems like its not really a priority,· Gray said. "It may be a priority to the kids on the slreel, but not the city, be- cause they could have done <,omelhing a lot faster.· Commissioners reiterated that they still consider a skateboard parlt in or around TeWank..le Parle to be a priority. "lt'c; still on the master plan, we've jus1 continued it so we can get the best place for it: Plan- ning Commissioner Joel Faris said. mu'll have missed something. It must be the same formula Nichols used during a candidate forum on Sept. 25 to describe Lhe children of Whittier rlementary as "illegal aliens.» Remember the West Newport Beach A!.sn. candidate forum - weeks before the election? Nichols was asked about the d evelopment at Banning Ranch and offered a very simple explanation of why the land ha.s not been developed. The Newport-Mesa Unified School District would not approve another school in that area. he said, which would force children 10 attend Whittier Elementary. »Most of Whinier is illegal aliens, M Nichols said. There must be a neon sign somewhere proclaiming that. ls that the school's mono? Oh, no, I know. illegal immigrants are always going around proclaiming their illicit status- espedally to RepubUcan politicians. They must have walked rlght up to Nichols and more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. resort's plans several months ago. Mid the resort would "make 4l C'4ta look like a Howard John sons.• Newport Beech and John Wayne Airport. She mey be reached at (949) 5744232 or by •mail at june.ca1agrande latlmM.com. •PAUL CUNTON contributed to th11 story. plan guideUnes. After passage of the measure. Beek distanced himself from the cause because he felt Its worlc was done. Others continued un- der the name of the GreenUgh1 Committee a.s a citizen group 10 oppose some developments and other factors that affect traffic. Beek rejoined the cause in No· vember 2002 as part of a slate of council candidates. Of the four Greenllght candidates in the 2002 election, Nichols was tlie only one to win a council seat Phil Arst acts as spokesman for the group. Arst has denounced the comment. In his time on the council, Nichols has drawn criticism 4'eV· eraJ times for poorly chosen words. Last month, he sugg~1ed that a Planning Commission de cision was so wrong that it ap peared someone had t.alcen a bribe. WI can't say I'm surprised thii. happened," Hart said. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadl and John Wayne Airport. She may be readied at 1949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.casagrande Ii latimes.com In addition to postponmg a decas1on on the slcate pari., thl· commLSSion also conunued a\. uon on a commun1ty center llMt would cater 10 teens, which L' being considered in tandem with the skateboard park.. and on a half-coun basketball coun. II recommended elurunanng a pe· destrian bndge over Jun1pero Drive and removing one of thref' proposed tot lots. Once the entire master plan ~ approved by the City Council, an divldual items will not conw baclc for more pubbc discuMton . The date when the Planning Commi~ion will reconsidPr the skateboard park. barlt parlt. com- munity center and basketball court ha.s not been determined yet. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be re.ctied at 19491 574-4221 or by •·mail at dtllrdre tlf1Wm41t1 l1r1mM..com told him so lust lake the p1cruckers. OK. I am merely going to give up on acquiring the identification slcilJs that Nichols has been bl~d with. I will have just have 10 bve my ltfe getting to know people, asking them questions and gathering particulars before I form an opinion. Th.is whole thing leaves me with two nagging questions: I. Why are people surprised at Nichol's comments now, when he publicly d isplayed this uncanny skill before the election? 2. What is wrong with Mexicans at the beach? Answers to these questions would clear things up a lot. Muchas graclas, senor. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondav-. w.c:tnetdays and Fridays and oovers culture and the arts She may be readled at (949) 574-4275 or by&-mailat loliu.h•rper l•timM.com. Presbyteri•n Churd\ of the Covenant In Com Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 studentt and MONDAY oost $10. Advanced registration •Dtvo~: A New Beginning; • Children 6 •nd older are lnvtt.d to required. For more Information, workshopformenandwo~m7e~n"';-;;-~1.XllLLZJ-'~rifo~r~a~v~•~ri~~o~f~a~um~m~e~r~_.:::ca~ll:..!..'...(714~-3340. ~~ divorced or getting divorced, will aquatic camps o1fered by __ ._ be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Newport Beach Recreation Join the Newport BMCh at 180 Newport Center Drive. For Servtoes. The camps run through Chamber of Commerce In more information, call 644-6436. August, with numerous morning W9tcomlng Ryan Hoag, NFl draft The Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Cl ub will host Visitora Day on the oomer of San Joaquin and Crown Drive in Corone del Mar, featuring free lessons and snacb from 10 1.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call (949) 640-6049. A Compolldon In Orwwlng Worbhop will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. It Coastline Community College, 1631 Sunflower Blvd., B16, South Coast Vill•g• Plaza. The worbhop empheclzet oompotltlon covttlng 111 the baalCI of drawing. Registration 11 $45, due by June 18. For more Jnfofm1Uon, call (949) 840-1m N9wport Ounee Awm'• •Movtte' on the Beech• Mrit1 offers ·Hercul .. " starting et dutk on tht Newport Nnd. Patting com S8 per car. Cempftl'M wfll 1lt0 bt avellablt for a' ITlC>fM. The l'9eOf1 ii at 1131 &-* Bay Otlv.. For and afternoon options available, pkt No. 262. Though he wa1 the from •Sailing •nd Tennl1 Camp• last~ In the NFL. he'll be treated to "Surf Camp:" Cell (949) M No. 1 at the Infamous Mr. 644-3151 for more Information. or lrre&evant Anivll Party. 'The register onllna at Commodor. Club of the Newpoft www.city.~rt-boadi.ca.U& Buctt Chamber of Commerce will Readenof .. eoeawtlb9ableto sign up for Newport Beadl Public Ubr1ry l'Mdlng progt1ma designed to encourage an Interest In boob <Net the lazy daya of summer. For toddlers through sixth-graders, • tra • Jungle Out There• wtll lndU<M a reacMo-me club for chlldren not vet reeding on their own end 1 rMders dub tot lndtptndent readera. Sptclel progr11m1 Ind ptUe drawfngt wllf edd to tht fun. VWt 8fTV Newpott Beech Public Ubrlry to tfgn up or etll (949) 711-3818. Metllndltwr9wt...,_..., atdll• In 1n "OM-hour MAP drfwr M1wCv deM held cMtno two~ from 12'.30 to 4::30 p..m. June 23 and 24 It , " hott the petty to lddcoff the 2!ftt'I ; •nnual Irrelevant w..tc It the • Newport Oun. WawfTont Retof\ 1131 Bee* Bay Oftve, It 6:30 p.m . I The ooct It $10, Including Mve entefteinrnent. 8 ~ ber •nd I cullnerytruta. For more lnfonnltlon, Cl41(IM9)72!M412. The .......... ...,.....,. 8CMlCllf Olin~ wit Nft 1hrough June 26 It I Uncdn Elementlry ~In Corona dtt Mer from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Boys end Gktt eo-6 t+ 18oenjoinfor1 minimum : dondon of ~I* ...... /lilt I ptoceldt wtll go~ NI I lrd' : tor Dud"""'9 MlllOl lllr Ov•Ofhl. The dlnlc. be oonduclld bv I I numW of Englleh PfOfl l l 10i.i 10a. leglndl.. for more .. .,.,.,......, Oii M _., ioai,y Pilot .. . . t • . .. Friday, June 20, 2003 AS . . . ( I I When you donate a piece of usable furniture at IKEA this weekend only, you will save: . { '20 off a '100 purchase $100 off a $500 purchase . . • •200 off a '1000 purchase M f nday, June 20, 2003 Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR HIGH SCHOOL An en a • eg1nn1ng Corona del Mar graduates an 'enthusiastic' and 'cohesive' group Christine Carrillo Darty Pilot A ndy Pillsbury's family Hew in from Ecuador to see the momentous event It was a celebration of the young man's acruevement and the main reason for th~ir first trip back to the United States in 10 years. The 18-year-old was graduating from Corona del Mar High School, alongside about 272 of his fellow classmates. His family couldn't be happier about it. "We're just so proud of him, and I'm so glad," Andy's mother, Patricia Pillsbury. said as she fough1 back tears. "It's a really great school. ... Ir's given us a 101 of memories." The memories the graduates have created over the years, many of them since they started their Corona del Mar High careers in seventh grade, were all many of them could think about The same weni for the school administrators. "This group (of seniors) was so enthusiastic and such a cohesive group, they really worked well together,· said Brooke Booth, junior high principal at Corona del Mar High. "Its exciting. and a little melancholy, because some of them have been here for a lot of years. ... It's hard letting them go.· Wearing designer sunglasses to give a little style to their blue cap and gowns and big smiles across their races .. these teens couldn't hold back thetr excitement "It hasn't really hil us yet ... but it's really exciting,· said 18-year-old Lauren Jacobson, who stood among a group of her closest friends. ·[My friends) are the people that I'm going to remember forever. weve really grown up together .• While many of them have begun to feel ambivalent about the steps that lie ahead, they felt equally ambivalent about leaving their high school past behind. "I'm anxious because I'm going to be an adult for the first time," said 17-year-old nistin Monroe, who will be anending Loyola Marymount in the fall "But with every end, there's a new beginning." Top left, Corona del Mar seniors celebrate after graduating Thursday. Above, Alex Kuang bear hugs Brian Page after graduabon ceremonies. At left, Jrlhan Ukroprna's mom Joyce, left, her brother Max and dad, Rob, wave a cut-out picture of her as they ham rt up for the camera. PHOTOS Bf SEANH1LlEP OAJLY PtLOI CORONA DEL MAR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Marl< Anthony Ward Aguilar Patrick Cunmngham Ahearn Faisal Sa1f Ahmad Stephen Thomas Alison Claire Allen Kevon Christopher Amendt Stephanie Lynn Anderson Stephanie Rae Amen Charlie Bretl Auerbach S1ddarth Varun Arya Ebba Charlotta Cec1ha Baa th Alexandra Bahram1 Kelsey Jane Belden Brent Sam1 Boller Gray Sarni Beller Michelle Marie Belli Christopher Jon Bello Jon Nelson Berg Brittany L. Berges Lauren Chri111ne Biggs Brett Joshua Brewe< Brian Jullu1 Brinkerhoff Clay Wilham Bouaema Jordan PetBf' Broekelschen Katherine Emily Bryant M eaghan Patricia Bunney Michelle Nicole Burgner Brittney Anne Bowfu1 Damelle Renee Carlson Joseph Dieter Carr Bradford D. Chamber1in Bryan Justin Cherney Austin M1dleal Chaae Christopher R. Chi Cara Ann Childr9SS Mark Anthony Cianciulli Kimber1y Han-Yan Chow Rosano Chozas Laurel Christian Clark Chelsea Yolanda Claure Jonathan Scott Clements Jr Brian Phillip Cohn Melanie Kathryn Cole Kns Cooper Matthew Cooper Edward Randolph Crodtetl Matthew Dunbar Cubeiro Rebecca Jane Cummins Keelan Ansley Cuyler Chad Edward Czisny John M ichael Daley Aaron James Danks Matthew John D'Agostino Damian Theodore OeBlia Taylor Anne Oedcer Blake Alexander Dillion Aryn Lee Dimas Daniela Kruel DiGiecomo David Gangl DIRocco Jason Gangl DiRocco Adam Benjamin Dorl Arthur Jonathan Dorr Griffin Soon Dunzer Stacy Lynn Edlund Kevin Soon Eilenberg Brandon Eben El Haj Ryan Marc Far1ey To1h O'Brien Farrell llndny Victoria Fisher Ashley Lauren Flaum Alhe Nicole Fhnt Timothy Robert Frohling Gregory Steven Gabriel Raeleen Nichole Galvan Martin Andrew Callister Glyer Jessica Anne Gondela Erin Michelle Gough Daniel Timothy Gushue Anthony Jay Haase Autumn Lee Haile Bryan Lauritzen Hall Benjamin Paul Halladay Eric Thomaa Halvorsen Jennifer Noelle Hanley Jessica Mifflin Harkins Raymond Thomas Harper Spencer Ian Harris Tristan Drew Harris Gelert Kri1tl an Hart John Patrick Hayes Morgan Alhley Hayes Melissa Christine Henderson Christine Kathleen Hewtco Andrew Joaech Hinger Warren Garret! Hodtinson Leah M ichal Hollar Kate Lauren Hover Jennifer Jean Howell Chri1t1ne Huang Jonathan Millard Hubbard Brittany Mane Hyter Ken lctu Ito David Jonathan Jadcson Lauren Hailey Jacobson Paige Anderson Janes Brianna Marre Jones Errc Alexander Weaver Jones Aaron A ntonio Karras Ah Kattan Joseph Leon Kazar Brandon Douglas Keedy Greg David Keene Matthew Solomon Khosh Jason Joseph Kidush1m Anne Marie Kmg Kelhann Frances Klein Kelli Diane Kime Joe Masajl l(lunder Lucien Theodore t<notter IV Navpreet Singh Kohli Bradley Edward Kroopf Alexander P t<uang Brandon Scott l(urtz Brian Thomas laPerle Alexandra Elena Lapuz Heather Marie Larson Joanna Mane Lewis Charles Shin Lin Cristina Danielle Lindner Matthew Safa Untschinger Lauren Elizabeth Loe Lauren Brooke Loeb Keith Wendell Long Jennifer June Long Lauren Ellzabeth Lorman Robert Reed Luce Diana Nicole Luna Nicholas Hart Lunon Alben B1ch Luu Blake Chnstopher Lyon Lauren Suzanna Machask1 Rachel Ann Malkin Amanda Paige Malouf Kevm Wilham Mancillas Jonathan David Mandala John Devlin Mann M ichael W1ll1am Manmng Ryan Christopher Marshell Brett Richard Matsen Blake William Ma)CWell Ahvia M iller M azura Heather Ann McDonald M ichael Joseph McGlynn Laura Edna McGovern Lauren Anne McHalo James Gunnar McClellan Jacqueline Suzanne M cCoy Carrie Lynn Mcllwam Vicken Alam Meqan111n Emily Beth Milder Jonathan Paul Miller John Taylor Money Tristm Elizabeth Monroe Ryan James Moore Drew Christopher Morgan Ehsha Brooke Morgan Matthew Chnst1ansen Moms Ariane Cec1ha Moshayed1 lily Mozayem Danielle Mane Murphy Sophie Irene Myers Carson Jong Woo Nam Matthew Scott Newcomb Jennifer Michelle Newfield l(ev1n D Nguyen Matthew Michael N1cnols Jeffrey John Ogorek Aryna Oliae1 Emma Camille Olson Madison Ashley Otterbein Raymond Peter Pac1m Tiffany Mane Pagano Brian Schilling Page Brittany Anne Page Anne Pembroke Pamter Man Amorette Parks Amy Marie Perez Maurice St Andrew Pillsbury Travis Lawson Pirdy Krisztina Pomper Cameron Rick Posp1s1I Hilary Christine Powers Landon Wayne Prame Melissa Nicole Pratt t<evin Patrick Oumlan Michelle Kathryn Ouye Kenneth Charles Rawlins Knsta Lynn Redmond Jefferson Randolph Reed Nicholas Alexander Rhodes Ryan Andrew Rhodes Jessica Renee Rhomberg Giancarlo Alonzo Rivera Sarah Everett Robbins Matthew Arthur Robins Tamara Marnie Rosten M 1dlael Peter Rud1nica GRAD NIGHT COMMITrEE CHAIRS Ashley Lynn Russell lsse1 Christopher Sa1da Steven James Savage John Dana Schneider Anna Alexandra Schwartz Kyle Alan Schwartz Walter Lawrence Sebring Anne Louise Sewell Brandon Shane Shenck·Odom Lauren Wynnetl Shepherdson Jayson Allin Skalla Courtney Ann Smith Gary Patrick Smith Danielle Michelle Snider Garrett Douglas Snyder Taylynn Michel Snyder Evan C Sonntag David M ichael Stein Philip Patrick Stemler Raymond Winters Stodcst1ll Clayton Jeffrey Stone James Richard Strack M arguerrte Anne Suou1 Nlcholaa John Charles Sutherlin Crctofer Miguel Tamant Ryan Christopher Tamez Chnst1na Neagoe-Taylor Vy Thuy Trinh Knst1na Ann TuGC1 Kevin Patrick Tulley Ch1a-L1ng Tung Daniel Joseph Turner Amy Marcella Tyson J1lhan Louise Caldwell Ukrop1na Chenet Taylor Ullman Katherine Joy Vetc8ra M ichael John Waleclta Bryan Joseph Wars11W M atthew Aaron Warsaw Jennifer Sue An Way W1ll1am Davison Weidner Barton Wilham Welch Katie Elizabeth West .Alexander Curley Wh11es1des Jeffrey Ryan W1cken Aaron Glenn Wilks Brede Jame• W1lham1 Albert Jay Winberg Laura Elizabeth Wong Jennifer Wai Vee Woo Carole Ann Wright Philip Ham1on Wright Amanda Kate Wuebben Jane Je en Vang Breeana Tai Vee Anne Kieger Velaey Shaw n Jacob Votmeu1 Megan Jewel Elizabeth Young Miles Ellis Yourman Jimmy Vu Constance Kahlee Yuen Brandon JOf\athan Zarian Ryan Date Zide Brandy Randy Ziegler Jeffrey Philip Zimmerman Alina Mane Zoelle A special thank you to the following committee chairs for making Grad Night such a success! Chairman Ellyne Warsaw. Diane Hockinson. Jane Tucci. Marguerite Hinger. Cathy Kroopf. Kim Yourman. Stacy Stone. Jerrilynn Kline. Carol Warsaw. Karen Yelsey. Janrce Newfield. Julie Hill. Karen Hinton. Cindy Otlhon. Georgia Swell. Loretta Zim.merman. Terri Milder, Sharon Turner. Deb Pirdy. Polly Stemler. Nancy Brundage. Sandy Daley and Leslie Bowlus. GRAD NIGHT COMMITrEE 2003 · We appreciare the support that the following individuals, businesses, and families have given to Corona del Mar High School Grad Night 2003. Their generous donauons of lime, money and gifts helped our graduates enjoy a safe and memorable graduation celebration. These businesses have continued to support CDM HS and we urge the community to show its appriciation for their support. Brt"rlOI ftmtt;- C rc.111~e Cumne Tilt I owry Family Woody\ Wlll'f Re<1Llll1Wlt P1v1ll10n' Storti Unait:I Salon Wm. Luli,.,wn Filll Pontait~ NllJOn.tl Foocball A Trader JOC\ 11 Cl)"lll ~c C2 Rcprogr1pt11c' lfurte1 International SICll-lrt urfbolrd Subtle Tones Mist11I Res11u111111 COMMUNITY SPONSORS °"F"" 's Island Avlla's El ~hJto Rest1urllll Bnidford Rmainance Ponn11t• Bella Bella S1Joo ~~ Curvn Fitnca Sagc R~ M111 Nedi Mll&ic SNJio UDOFis Chnstorllcr & C'o 2 ~Ion' Gold Coa_\t Lm10U\111t tbu1t P1l.t~ Skin .t Body by Son11 Teddy Bean & TtaeUp'I Owmm1 Card• Nordsuom McDonald's Whal'' Cooting Bistro N11p11 Dnnkms W~ WFD Fuml$htn Quatnnc F11m11ure ~ PcNll\al Qcf S~. Corona dtl Mai' The AV11a Aun1ly Md&ltuca il,1tural H\Wllt' l'TOJ\k.I\ Be1eh Acee\> W'IClltnChruuel.IGll.adi Cln11.1p. In.. Ciat) '\It Compiny J.C. Int 8.-y CC*! Hair Studio Hombto."" Cn11~) Mlwll Bccf INDIVIDUAL PATRONS ~ l Mn. Sltphcn AllCltlldl Mt, • Mn Bl'ldford &o--llD ~a t.tn o.y Ouldrtu Ml. l Mn EdWlfd Cnrlctt Mr. l Mn. Glry Dorf Mt A Douf Gmdtl1 Mt .t M11 Roben Hendrickson Mr. R Kam .t J. Rlcl!tet Mr . .t Mrw Omtc:, Loe Mr . .t M11. Jim Mannma Mr. P1ul Miller Mt .t MN Lany Newftcld Ms • .t M11. 8111 l>owen Mt • .t Mn. 01rhtophcr Sav.,e Mt . .t Mn Jim Sm.llh Mr . .t Mn. Riel Smick Mt .t Mn Rob U\mplna Mt. A Mn Kc:~111 Wifb Mr . .t Mn Gita 7Jtll'.llm!WI M• SllwwOm M• AMJaa Mt .t Mn Rk.tllrd Stltllq M OU...Mn Mr. A Mn A-wl Cnrlta 'ir C kvo'Cll .t Mr-I Baadi Mr & Mn Did. ~er Mt. M.ir\ and Mrs. Hld·l.a Ou Dr . .t Mrs Robert Cuyler Mr DonlldOm Mr . .t Mr-. Fltdenck Bloom Mr . .t Mrs. Tom lk.,k.o M &uwi VIII Clm Mr .t Mri Roben Loe Mr . .t Mn. Boh Mmhall Mr. It. Ml'll l1vu Mone~ Mr. t Ml\ Mike <>Jorck Mr . .t Mn. Brian Pniu Dr. & Mn Alwl Sctt....u Mr • .t Mn. Clary mnh ~. M~a Suom Mt A MN Da~ l!llmln Mr .t Mn Jeff Dodd Mr .t Mn Kai 7,oellt Mi Suilll Frna Mr .t Mn ~Id Kl'llnn Mr a Ml\. 0., S)hala Mr lllCI Mn lty hcW Mtbtin~ t, Al1Tl711lg Spat• Tiit Ne-.pon Workou1 Cuumg f.dge ~Im Iron Oar.m111 Wortcou1 Pink~ PaJ1\Jde) Tctllld Cab mncoo~ The Bedvvc Balboe Beac:h Compillly Cll1fomlt Pwa Kuchen Cal'> Cnen and Video Mr .t Mn l>n-ld Beth •Ml & Mn MIC'hlld 8~ t.1'. S111111 CIMlrlulll Mt .t Mn PllnCk Di018aimo Mt . .t Mn Oarth f11111 Mr .t Mn Tom lb!~ Mr & Mrt. lim HoYCf Mr. & MR T 01111S Kroop( Mr .t Mn Moes Luna Mr a Mn. Rilbtft McCoy Mr. l Mn. Mldwl Dodd Mr. A Mn. Otis i,. Mr. a Mn Donald Robblna Mr A Mn. WtN.1 Sdinna lD Mn lOllt ltwl Mr Utn T1111 Taylor lN • ~. Robat W.Uw Mt.A Ytbcy M L)llda~I M Krist .. I Mr • Mn , .. Midrt Mt lllOll ... ' Daily Piiot Friday, June 20 2003 A7 COSTA MESA HIGH SCHOOL Richard Ngo acknowledges the crowd as he enters Costa Mesa High School graduation ceremonies Thursday evening at Orange Coast College's Le Bard Stadium A part goes with them • • , • t Above, Betty Benavides sprinkles cont ett1 onto her brother Nelson's head at the conclusion of Costa Mesa High School's graduation ceremonies. At nght, graduate Keanie Northrop wears leis of orchids and dollar bills at the conclusion of commencement ceremonies. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK OAAYPllOT :f~=~•bo ynAd1m1 rfy Alna Athley Bray-Simpson Scott Brophy To1h11 Bryant Jnt1ca Bunnell heri Anderaon ~onyl Anderson 3'1goberto Aragon ,..iatie Arblno 16.rahl Armenta EliuC.mpoa Joeeph Carboni Andrew C.rich Udlacem.no SulmaCeron Mary Chetlmar :::i. In Baeza tten Bagwell Behen• ronlca Behen• ndr9W Barlow neth Barlow ndeBlmN ly Bamoe..cobel' 8lutl9ta a.ttran n 8enevldea k:hole Bene* In Bhargava 8harvlV• llder ... ..... Vi Thlen Chu Ahmed Cianeroa AlmaColln Daniel Collin C.UrCol"l'M David Correa lulaDemezo Sheron Day Jonatvn De Dlot Annde>M De La Cruz Devin Denmen Chl Doen StevenDoelT Adam Donovan C.raDoone Charlee Edman .io.y EdMfdl ......... Cos ta Mesa High School bids farewell to 226 graduates and a 35-year teacher Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot E Ihm Rutlcr" moving on. IJke the 226 Lo'>ta ~ll·~a I ltgh School graduate<; !>he spoke to dunng the commencement ceremony c11 Orange Coast CoUege on rhur'iday evening. .,he \\13'> leaving lhe campu!> bt•h1nd. but not her memone'> AJlhough Butler wac; leavmg her high ..,chool teaching career behmcl. "he d1dn t plan on lt'a\1ng her former '>tudent'> off tlw hook tor one more le'>son She \\ctn1t•d to gwe them le~on.., for thl' hfe that he ahead " I he\ are I 00'\i re'>ponMble for wha1 the) do, feel and c;ay Their h\'e'> are all in their own hands I thtnk 1hat'c; lhe greatest thing you can learn in high '>Chool." '>did f:llen ButJer, who has 1augh1 a1 the high school for 35 year ... lhe graduate!>. either 'Tm really going to mi,., 11 • the daily rouune " .... ud 18-vear-old Odvtd Pl•uir.iro \\ho began Im C o..,la :'-h•..,a I l1gh career a'> a '>t'\t~n1h grader"' year., ago. "It\ been rll) hnml' for '>O manv \'l'ar' ~h lm•n<h• are here. I m realh going 10 nw,.., II." Although thl'lr commentl'menl Kclfllt'rl'd '>llllll' sadne.,., among tht'rn. ll represented a "•gmficant segment of th£• pronmtng rod<h ahead 'Tm \'erv proud 17 ~ t•.tr·old Anlhom ~mh1·1 .... ml ahnut ht' academic Jthtt'H'nwnt \II ol tht!> hard \\Ori.. ,,,1, for !Ill' future to coml' \Vilh the '>tUdt•nt" "" t'Xllll'd to ha\e reached th1' potnt 111 lheir young h\e<o. their f.1m11te ... couldn't help but ..,h<lfl' in tlw1r joy. For Butler. Jeaving Costa Mesa I ligh behind her won't be easy. uThese kids are awesome." she said. "!They're! what I'm going to mi.,. ... • Leaving the high school behind isn't going to be easy for "lt'c; an accomph..,htnl'nt ..,hl'" been working toward for 12 years." <>aid 15-year old Clm'>lllhl Hong, whose 19-year-old aunt. Kim Nguyen, wa.., among lhe graduates. • foday is tht' culmination of all lhat h.ud work. We're all redU}' happ)'" Friends and family enthusiastically cheer Costa Mesa High School seniors during graduation ceremonies COSTA MESA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Laura Fale Corey H1rtdl Alison Lefebvre John Ngo R1dtel Reevee Al• Tel'lnant Shenna Field Kim Hoang Veronica Lepper R1cti1rd Ngo Katy Ren1sh Katie TOOrtneu Matt Flores Britany Holhnt Angelina Lerma David Nguyen Steven Raves Ann Mane TOPP' Tabitha Forte linduy Hopkins Silvia Leyva Do Nguyen Jest1C1 Reza luaG Torr• JeueFranco Tanya Hor•lelt Lindsay Lievanoa Hong Nguyen Ashley Robinson Murdodt Tracy Dustin Fnsted Nyd1• Hou<* Enc Lilly Kim Thuy Nguyen Janet Rodnguez Brenda Tran Alejandra Gallardo JeM1c. Howard C.lfelMMr Umbering Nh1nNguyen Melinde Rodnguez Phuong Tran Adam Gat"C$1 AINle Huftlne Christian Lopez Rocky Nguyen Robert Rodnguez Truong Tran Adriana Garcia Nlthen Hunter Geneview Lord Thi Nguyen Eric* RoJN Tu Quynh Tran Blanca Garcia C.rl0t lbat"f11 Arwtvluu Tram-Anh Nguyen LesterRoao U....,. Tran Cinthia Garcia Timothy Iller Whitney L¥nott AdemN1h Anthony Sanchez JennyTnnh Derek Garcia Victoria lrwln Anh Mal Keanie Nonhrup S~Sand'lel K1manh Truong Jovanny Garcia Brad ltdllnger Sanjeev Manh11 Jon Ochoa C.hnde Sandoval MenyTungkl Noemi Garcia P9dro IN'9 Armando Marquina Juan Ochoa ArMmo St. Jo Santot StevenUmarw Alllaon Gravit Omar beta Perla Marroquin Cristian Otmot Aehley~ Georve Vargaa Lynduy Gravit Jennifer Jordan Mcc.H Ma,.hall Ivan Onofre ~s.r.fin Lui~ Paul Martin Laure Elena Orotc:o Amella Vtllanueove Jacquelyn GnNney Syed Khelld Neet0t Mettlnez Karen Pec:heoo BrilnM SetT Toan IJo Corey GroQloe Sung Kim Dendy Meuludl.nto Clndy'-ng Oystal~ Th.c>Vu Meuhew Grubiaktt lMley Klnc:llde Am9d Mehboob JefTl4lt Pauleen Z..Siddlqul rruno"" JoMf\ Guernllo Allron King Edger Medoza Thomlllf'ayne NtdtwtSlm C'hfttdM WlgtOner Anlbell Gutierrez W.rdl Klro-Klro l.yndMy Miller o.vid 1'9corero . Mic:hMI Simonott JeiredWIOfW Fnndco Gutien'ez Jr. Samuel~ Curti. M1nw.rd Wtndy'9ng Brandon Slenev 1'yt9r w.tdron Jimmy He Denlel Knllorlen UndNy Montoye ZildPePIC Mel .... Sol Derrelw.N Ryen ~nctv Cynthl8 L19una JedeMou Enrique l'Wal• Jofve Sotorzano lefetlWllof\ Jaeon~rdy ~Lenderoe G_...Murillo M1nh·Thy PNtrn s.rw.~ Der'*~ Hilll'Y twvent Denlee L.anderot Rhondl N.« Alen fl'Miedl ~ .. ~ Jolhue-....d ~H-v """" a...,.. ................ laHryNMI! ~~ Nloole ... lwlilwl ...... ~ .. ..... ~.....,_ J \ Al F nday, June 20, 2003 ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL Not just graduation day Estancia High students relish the completion of high school, a success especially sweet for some Deep• Bh•r•th Daily Pilot T ania Lazcano had streaked her hair red and wore bright, red Upstick. She even sported a little red jewel on her pierced nose. Oearly, the 17-year-old mo m was excited to be wearing the red gown that had almost eluded her. Lazcano was forced to go to continuation school two years ago when she had her daughter. "They make them wear purple gowns there," Lazcano said. "But r decided in my senior year that I wanted to graduate from Estancia. And I wanted the red gown." It meant working as a preschool teacher for her ROP class and doing homework between diaper changes and feeds. But Lazcano did it On Thursday afternoon. she lined up with her classmates, beaming. as she waited to walJc on to the grassy stadium grounds where a high school diploma and cheers from friend!> and family awaited her. "It's not just my graduation day," Lazcano said. "My daughter is graduating with me, too. I told myself I was going to do this so my daughter can have a better life." She plans to become a presch ool teacher and enroll at Orange Coast College. The day signified a new begirining and a landmark of sorts for the young people. For Mobsen Nassrri. it felt like "leaving a little boat and ta.Icing a big ship." "It's a whole new life from here on," said Nasseri, who is all set to pursue a bachelor's in biological sciences at UC Riverside. It's also the first time he'd be away from home, he said. "It's exciting," Nassrri said. For paren ts, It was a day to bask in the glory of their children's achievements. Tirn and Jan Huislcing were celebrating their daughter Carmen's graduation. "She was in speciaJ ed," Jan Huislcing said. "Getting up and going to school every day was a chaJlenge for her. It hasn't been easy. It's a speciaJ day for her and for us." Daniel Rivera said he hopes his daughter's graduation will inspire her to aim higher in life. "This is what opens the door to her future," he said. "lf you don't have education, you don't have anything." Estancia sociaJ studies teacher Dave Knott, who has taught in the school for 37 years, said teachers are always worried about whether their kids are prepared to face the world. Thatsaid,he added,not a thing has changed about this day in all these years. "The whole world may have changed," Knott said. "But graduation day is just the same. And kids are still kids." Cherrish Lefeau, middle, Veronica Maae, right, and other family members cheer for graduate Ruttue Vaotuua. Above, honor graduate Michael Armstrong. among a sea of cnmson red Estancia graduates. prepares to play the Star Spangled Banner for f amity and f nends dunng the commencement ceremony At left, honor student Krystal Farthing, left. makes sure her cap 1s on str a1ght while fellow honor student Karleen Curran laughs with her moments before receiving their diplomas. PHQ10S hr OON l[ACH OMYf'll(JI ESTANCIA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Amanda Kimberly Abbott Lauren Ashley Calderon Jacquelin Espmoza Jess Chartes Hellmich Billy Adahd Mei1a Daniel O"°fre Joseph Scon Rios Mehna Rose Sveinson Fullah Mohamed Abdullah Alma Elizabeth Campos Hazetle Anne Eapmtu Steine Tyler Hermann Luis Manuel Mendola Cindy Amanlys Oporto Karta Barragan Rios Alaina Marie Sweeney Ana Knslene Acosta Giovanni Campos Noe Gustavo Estrada Joseph Anthony Sonia Mercado Gerardo Orozco Karina Vanessa Rivera Mansela Vasquez Tamalat11 Siltva Gabnela Acosta Victor Carmona Sheree' Noel Estrella Hernandez Adriana Mariela Meza Marco Antonio Orozco Bnceyda Robles Skipper James Todd Jessie Elizabeth Adams Katherine Cardenas Krystal Fay Farthing Laura Herrera Javier Millan HOC1or Daniel Ortiz Clanvel Rodnguez Ale1andro Rodolfo Tones Jesus Aguilar Carranza Jayme Alexandra Fay Cody Allen HC!iS Caroltna Maria Molina David Marshall Ott Eva Johana Rodnguez Kelly Ina Trenin Elsa Maricela Aguilera Kyle Anthony Casillas Jessica Renee Fernandez Christopher Kim Hilborn Mano Mondragon Genevieve Mon1Que Patron Humberto RodnguP.z Louis Masso Valdes Jr Ricardo Aguilera Jason Matthew Cassidy Abelardo Abel Flores Ryan Daniel Hill Edson Morales Guadalupe Perez Paz Lucy Franchesca Rodriguei Ludivina Valdez Beder Aguirre Diary C. Castil Lucia Adriana Flores Carmen M ane Hu1sk1ng Francisco Javier Morales Diana Edith Pena Pablo Rodnguez Diana Vales Sarah Ahmed Marla Guadalupe Ceja Kaci Elaine Foster Anthony Vincent lppohto Jeeandy Morales Marcus Perez Humberto Ro1as Donald Alan Van Blancom Celicla Danielle Alaniz Santiago Chagoya Carlos Eduardo Franco Abdul Sh1raaz Ka1yum Danielle Amanda Moran Mayra Ale1andra Perez Noemi Rosa Romero Aaron Henry Van Geem Axel Ely Alplrez Ruth E. Chavef"o Lindsay Allison Freeman l.Jh1m Samantha Matthew Brandon Morell Chnstopher Robert Perktns Christopher Michael Ruthie Josephine Vaotuua Erik Albert Andersen Francisco Javier Chavez Frank Robert Gamboa Keenawinna Laura Elizabeth Morton Jennifer Joy Phillips Ronquillo Ananth Rat Varma Michael Richard Armstrong Rosaline Cisneros Abelina Garcia Ramz1 Khoury lrshaad Mohammed Karla Lizette Lopez Pineda Noe Rosales Karen Alma Roaa Velazquel Sergio Arreola Brian Lee Clark Ana Elizabeth Garcia V111ian Lee Real Laopantrak Mumtaz Celeste Josseltne Ptneda Diana Rosete Hugo Rodolfo Vivar Amy M iriam Ashoori Renee Nunez Cloud Brenda Yovana Garcia Dustinne Ann Lau Ricardo Avila Tyler Thomas Comer Jonny Joel Garcia Tania Lazcano David Munllo Neha Isabel Pineda Guadalupe Rosete Rosete Sergio Vivar Manuel Ayapantecatl Ashley Nicole Cooley Marla Esperanza Garcia Robert Jeffrey Lenhart Wendy Patricia Murillo Kyle Barrett Pond Amytia Antoinette Shawna Lee Walker Alberto Barajat Shane Everett Cox Dianne Gaytan Anthony Tyler Lenke Tonya Jo Narvaez Maxme Joyce Postel Sab1n·Reed Lindsay Eileen Walsh Samantha Marie Bardell Victor Cruz Tori Blake Gkod Larry Joe Lindquist Mohsen Nassin Judith Elizabeth Quezada Michael Gregory Selmans Kenneth John Wilson Adriana Basur10 Pedro Cubias Fidel Gomez Sean David Lodtley Eh Navarrete Kel11in Quijada Azucena Mana Sanchez Ryan David Wilson Roger N. Bolanos K.ar1een Marie CurTan Gricelda Gomez Beatriz A Luna Juan Carlos Navarrete Nereyda Nunez Quintana Getzamany Sanchez Jermaine Heluh Young Lewis Seeley Bradshaw Marco Antonio Maricela Gonzalez Sergio A. Madrigal Erin Catherine Neilson Benrto Ramirez Maria Elena Sanchez Carmen Let1c1a Zalpa Andrew Preston Brown DelosAngeles Nathan Aaron Goodrich Froilan A. Mariano Katharine Halleen Nelson Javier Ramirez Mana Elena Sanchez Guillermo Francisco Ryan Christopher Brown Adelina Patricia DelaCruz Tisha Shannay Gray Jasmine Dawn Mon•Que Oscar Nieves Mana Teresa Ramos Raffaele Sansone Zepeda Jessica Cameron Butler Alba Nidia Denova Jeremy R. Guillen Marquez Zachary William Novak Gwendolyn Anne Reeves Ernesto Silva Sean Michael Zich Xochitl Marte Byfield Carlos 0111aldo Diaz Fabrizio Gutierrez Jessica Marttnez Richard o·Brecht Stephanie Ann Reid Gladys Joy Somera T1mZ1mmer Christopher Cacho Glenda Vianey Duarte Walter Gutierrez Clairisa Joyce Maygren Yesenia Ocon Jennifer Barren Reightley Chester Paul Soto Matthew Alexander Rodrigo Duarte Brittany Caryn Hanson Sierra Nicole McGh1e Elvia Guadalupe Ollvas Clavtorr Michael Riggins Kendl AIOndra Sotomayor Cachola Karina Escalera Scott Palmer Harris Katie Lynn Mclane Enka Aida Olmedo Carlos David R101 Trav11 James Stolp Estancia Wgh School's Grad Night 2003 AMERICAN EAGLE DONOR GOLDEN EAGLE DONOB SILVER EAGLE DONOR City of Co8la Mesa Leiner Health Products, ILC Theodore Robins Ford ZE EAGLED Fletcher Jones Motorcars • Gan.W Lamber• lngardia BrO.. Produce • Norms -Costa Mesa Standard Pacific Homet1 • Star Re..a E.aa&e (Jay & John ) • Vicki E. Okamoto, D.D.S., M.S. Piecemakers Country Store • Kevin C. Uye8Ull, D/O.S. • Todd M. W. ow, D.M.D., M.S. • Larry & Laurie Weichman GENERAL DONORS GENERAL DONORS Arden 8 . Armoi.re Aquarium of the Pacific Back Bay Rowing A: Bunning Oub Restaurant Beacon Bay Auto Wubea Bi8 5 Sportin8 Good. 'l1'e Biiie Beet Blaewaaer GrtD Boomen -Palau Pan Bowen Mmeam of Calta:raJ Art c.melot GoUW.d Cat•lm• FWa Khehea ( Catalina Flyer Conroy'• Flowen of Costa Meea EVEN Silten Flnban Italian Kitchen Growen Ranch Hore But Hollywood Video Borohlower Din1ng lntne Laoee Kiwanil Club of Coela M e1a L.A. County M1Ue11111 of' Art Magic Mountain Mr. J-•• Gringo Grill \ Mi Cua Mimi'• Cafe Modern Arnutiement Movieland Wax Mu.eum Newport Landi~ Newport Rib NO i E, NOi E NOISE -CMta Mesa -In Memory of Dee Dee Ramone 0.-&n« County Fair A: Expotlition Clr' Orange County Mo um of Art Plum'• afi ReM>rt Wat.,nporte Ripley'• Bt-Ueve It or ot Mueeum Rockreation Ruby'• R tau.rant -COtJta Meu an Diego Golb See'• Candy SkMh Monahan '1 Souplantadon ulhero run. Gottland tarbadu 'lllJy'• Yardhou.e Univ naJ audio. VWa ova Wild Rhen Wa~f1NU4t Dally Pilot-Friday Jta'le 20 2003 At NEWPORT HARBOR Jumping into another arena Newport Harbor High graduates leap school hurdles to land with a whole new set ahead of them Above, biology teacher Barbara Barry. center. cong ratulates Tiff any Liu and Daniel Adams as they walk up to the stage to receive their diplomas during the graduation cerem ony at Newport Harbor High School on Thursday. Top right, a graduate tells the world her feelings with this message on her cap during graduation. At right, graduate Roger Mendez gets a hug from his former English teacher, Cindy Courcier. P11Q'OS Bt I([.; TJ:i(P~ <N DA LY P•LC T Jake Allen Abrams Blake Elliott Adams Daniel Lawrence Adams Katheryn Leigh Adnoff An11tas11 Bev Aguilar Roxuu1 Manxse Alfaro Trevor Ali Luisa J11min Alvarado Sean Alexander Ambrose Jeu1ca Annette Amzoll Alexandra Mane Voorhies AnderHn Bnan Scott Anderson Calvin Nels Anderson William Charles Andereon Brenton Boyle Armstrong Jovita Arroyo Ctina1opherJ)ala.8adorak_ M aria Luisa Balcazar Julian Bandllla Cristina Marie Bart>altl Whitney Ann Barfield V1C1ori1 Justine Barneson iltm• Steven Barrett 8ry1n Un.I Barron lrtbny Rose Barto Jules Richard Bates MatY Erin Bethen f(arla Marla Bautista ftyen Denni• Bean l•llfv Marie S.1rden MichHI John Bed! ~1rv-ret Ann 8"be M egen Marie Beelon f rlne VlnMN Bell Donelcf Clinton Bellowl II fabeydy Belmon• ~ne Ellubeth Bemav ftacy Michele Bertovich JhotNI John BlaMll ~lta A. Blalk trtn Alhleiv Bt.ka Olene Nome Booth hut MldlMI BoothneV ~hley O.nlelle Botta ;Jonatf\an Dani.I Bowden UU'91'1 Elizabeth l:':ld\MI t::='hwnef =l'obeft~ ~~ Jrlltlne '~ •nouo Cleft Deret lf'OC)b k '!Wtot lrowMan k.ellie ANton Brownell ~ IMdl Brummett Jr Amanda Iona Buckman Cara Kristina Buffahn1 Amy Lorin Burhngham Bradley Richard Bybee Gregory H1gg1nson Byers Colin Patrick Callahan Beatnce Lopez Camberos Merco An1on10 Camberos Chasen Alexander Cameron Juhanne Catherine Cameron Amanda Ehzabeth Campbell Magaly Cano Jet1u1 Anuro Cardona Hu.90 Cesar Cardozo Jordan Christine Carm&dl Brandon Matthew Carr Noemi Carrazco Thom11 Raymond Carroll Meghan Mane Castillo Fernando Reza Castorena Jose Alfredo Ceja Julio Albeno Ceja Emily Megan Celek Kiraten Nicole Chamber1ain Aubrey Elizabeth Chapin Le Chen Tylor Benjamin Chern&dl Juatln Sean Chrl1tenten Kyle Kroman Christensen David Bren1 Chrlltianaen Stephanie Diane Cirelli Natalie Jane Citro Angela Sydney Clark Maggie DunaYlf Cohen Andr9W Scott Cole Oelhlelt Jamee Cotlln1 Carloa Eduardo Coppini M1rt111 Ol1.n1 Cornejo Julio Cnar Coronet Luc:a1 Con11 Sabrina Francee Couch 0.vld 8Not COMn Chloe KathlMn ~ ShelbV EllM Critt> Alfredo Ctu& Jennif9t Antolntb o.rn. valerie ~ Dey SMene Mn De watt Plfter Jernee Def Pona Imelda Berenice 0. La Torre lrUOI Allen Olaa lrtndotl ....,. Dmmeii ~GrsvDI~ " Lolita Harpe r Daily Pilot T he '>tudems of Ne.,.,'Port Harbor H1gh's cla5!> of 200J gre.,., aruoous lO accept their diplomas and bid a b111er'>weet tarewelJ LO their alma mater a'> they ~t in their row., on Da\1dson Field. Principal ~11chael Vo~en admowledged lhe parents and the out'>tanding teaching '>taff for their role., in the student::.' -;ucce'>'ie'> -accomplt!>hmentS that reach far beyond highly puhhcved athleuc ach1t:\'ements. I ft prai..ed the hundreds of mdJVJdual tnumph-. that too~ place on I.hat campus throughout the year "\ewport Harbor ha::. become a remarkable m\lltuuon." Vo<,..en '>aid "We are truly blev.ed." Anthony Nichols and James Richardson were on hand to pay a '>pec1al tribute to '>emor M1lhael Bnan Richardson ...;1chol'>. Rtchard .. on and two other 19-year-olds were '>hlftless at the graduauon ceremony. with large black letters spelling out M-1-K-r across their stomachs. They couldn't get enough people for Michael, lhe foursome said. The graduate'<:. older brother. James Rlchardson. who descnbed hunself as notonous. had very brotherl'l-advtce for Mike "Seriouo;ly. learn from my mistake">. and do really welJ. • he said "I !e's going to be great. He really 1s going to be great. You'll see Valed1ctonan Stephen harma said he would '>pare rus classmates the U!>ual "sappy chches and overused expr~1ons" all too typical of graduation ceremonies. Instead. he would recount a story from 'We have one race behind us and another one just starting. I'm sure we will all get lost again .... We have to keep running and always find your way back on course and finish.' Valedictorian Stephen Sharma 1n his commencement speech hi'> lre-.hma.n )blI a.nd "maybe e\el\·one here will connect with 11 too Sharma told the storv of his fir<.1 crO.,'>·COuntrv race~ m wtuch he realved '>Ome~here on the course lhat he .,.,<ti lost. He was -.earchmg for a way to go. trying to find other runners. but found himself alone and off course "I 1ust ran. Sharma said · I moved m a new d1rec11on awav from where I \.~a., to '>Omewhere ne.,., Time c;pent iil \ev.'Porl Harbor .,.,ru. similar lO a race. one he can ..ay he finished, but not without a fair share of hurdles. "We have one race behind us and anolher one JUSt starung. • Sharma said "I'm sure we will all get lost again. . We have to keep runnmg and always find your way bade on course and fim~h • Once finished. members of the class of 2003 will not be remembered for theu high pa)'lng 1obs or staru.s on the soCloeconornic ladder. Vo~en '-aid They wilJ be remembered for the le.ind of mother, father. daughter. w.ter. brother and friend they were "For sunply bemg there for someone else • Vossen said. "this 1s h~ you v.111 be remembered • NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Orhan D1zdarev1c Cheryl Elaine Dobson Rebecca Ayre Doughty Ian Andrew Douglas Albert Shalom Oouk Lauren Kimberly Oralee Manza L1zbet Duane Kathleen Comins Dunn Chn1ttn Monique Early Veren1ce Echeverria Chelsea Corinne Edmonston Cristina Broo k Ehrhorn Ross Jordan Elledge Brighton Joel Ellhhorpe Jonathan Enciso David Francia Erickson Juhan E1plnoza CaiillnElizabeffl Farren AIYH Lenore Fehman Delanle Ann Ferguson Erik William FelT'll Kelly Marie F1tzs1mmons M1rg1rst Lac:ey Fitzsimmons T1ryn Lynn Fl1m1on Gloria Oelor11 Flel1hman Katherine Jane Flores Robert Clark Fonda Elliot J1me1 Fo1ter Ella FouK Jonna Caroline Fredrlksen Aldon Robert Frost Chmtina Marie F\Jlce Rachel Et.na Furman Alexander Hart Furrt Felipe Lopw Garcia Robert Garcia Simone Kritten Gerta Pllblo Eloy Gayoao Jean Nicol Geddes NethanMI Mlf'C a.ier Whitney Lvtine George Phlllp Evan Genlrd Alexander EJllot Giannini Nlchola Ttytor GlaMlc ~ Alvert Oolbedt Adrien ..,.,., Gonzalel Mae GoNalea Jamie Oonbllet TMllbGoodt Even luttoft Qotdon Jaeon~OtMn Mlfthe llena Gut!Mu °*Yt Chriltlne Hell "°°"' .. Henley ( .... Dey~ .Joetlull Mld"9I H..on Spencer Ian Harris Rhen Alan Hansfield Annmarie Christine Harvey Aryan Afsaneh Hawkins Danielle Eltse Haxby Brita Jael Hazelqu1st Ryan Richard Heenan Leanne Lucia Hendnlc.s Cory Anthony Hernandez Elda Hernandez Ja•r Hernandez Juan Carlos Hernandez Marco Antonio Hernandez Jr Morgan Paul Htll Kimberly Ann Htllon Bryan Alan Hodlwald Charles Alden Hoc*enbury ~(1uefnt Lavonne LouiH Hover Sara Ehzabeth Huey Carly Enca Hunter Robert Ford Hurley Chelae1 Marie Hul"leler Kimberly Ann Isbell Robert JamH Jecahn 01mari1 G1briel1 Jac:obo Sandra Jelmee Elizabeth Nichole Jenica Jacob Daniel Jesaon Laura Patricia Jimenez Oartangan Dupree Johnaon Jacqueline IM Johnaton Laurie Lee Jonea Amil Kadle Kara t.¥nne Kanan Hillaly Anne Karge.a Katherine o.nene ICalzyntkl All Kaa.tn Nicholal E rill Kelty Kathleen Ellzablth ic.r.tner Leu,.,, Burdett KrNJn Nelhat Aezakhah Khadem Jonathon Aldwrd Khatlblou KelMv Joenne Knight ~Jamee Kn09t ...... Aahley !Codi ~ EllnOltth Kone .i.nnlfer MICN!e KrtnW o.nw w.yne ~ • Oenielte la Lene ~8'd8Me~ MWNle HoltoM'( lAngbd ,.. (lialblet'I LaNtne Marlle Denlelte "*' - Justin Richard Lctw Kendra Anne Lila~ Brandon Thomas lee Jeffrey AndrAw Lernm Nicole Denise Leve,Que Tiffany Ann Linsday Krostoan Daniel L•tdifteld Tiffany Lee Liu Esther Ruth LofgrfH'I Gabriela Lopez K1llarney Canion Loufek Whitney Loufek Dustin Rae Love He111her Lynn Love Amy Danice Lowry Counenay Steffan Lugo Jason Tyler Lund Liang Luo Brandon Mldiaet Lutfy Danielle Chnstme Lycnt Sara Mane Lyon• Katrina Therese Je11nne um Maagad Nicole Ehzabeth Mackey Nicholas James Maddy John Peter Madison Zarah Bess Mahl11r Tiffany Rose Manderono Rhett Edward Manning Tyler Vaughn Marsdon Brandon Donald Marshell Edward Thoma• Martindale Marcos Eduardo Martinelli Kyte Huth Manhewe Kriltin Ellublth McClune Mic:hael Pltul McDonald Chelete Blair McGregor Meagan Loul11 McHone Krista Ahlnette Mcintosh ~ Ywonlce McKenzie HMthef Ann McKlbbln N9thln Kenneth Mcl.lln Nichelle l..Mh MoRorle Mandy Leanne ~Ina tc.ttln Andrea MMhtn $m.Melendu Roger Eduardo Mendel Kimberly ff1no11 Meyer Seen PrMley Meyef'I Maiy Ellllblth Millet Michael AlthYr MoMmolM:V Klme.tv Mena Moo,. Opel "'°°" Moore 'n'M~Moor. Ertb~ Johnny~ MortnO Drilld ~ Monnlro ~·· Katherine Francoise Morisseau Kyhe Ann Moms Michael Enc M ossman Shlhen Mouradyan Roben David Mowry Richard James Muller Jose Luos Munoz Tyson Valderrama Munllo Jennifer Nicole Murphy Lauren Ashley Myers Jennifer Anne Nahon Ana Gabriela Nava Edaena Negrete Shannon Lynn Nehls David Timothy Neira Ryan Scott Newell Stephen Michael Newman 81'18A Th&111 Ngvyen Kalen Chnst1ne Nix Danton Robeno Noriega-Goodwin Garrett Thomas 0 Connor Ka111 ROH Odell Adam Christopher Ohllg Yerenls Annette Oiv.t't Mayra Ale1andrt Orozco Claudie Onega M argaret Patricia Onh Josefina Pacheco Preston Chari• Paoe Nedlm Pajevlc Ehzabeth Marie Pappa• Jennifer Rebecca Part Lucu Philip Pllrller Athley Kristen Pllrole Jultin Brady Purt Havlev Reid '91 l"IOI JoM Armando fWw l(rysial PaJg. "-"Y Pwter PllUI P9tefW MllV Ann Kim Hahn Pham Pttrldt Donald '"*9111 Zuly Marine Pineda Antonio C.... Pll\on Estell ~ Piiion Rld\atd w.ton P'bhtmenn ic.nneth A. Pond* Oevtd Maxw911 ~ Mlc:haelJohn ~ GIOf'9I MecMtlut....., fl/ J9btn Lo Pound -....,,.n Lee ftowell u.ncn 1Wni1'9 Kell DlenM,..,,... Allt9on Metil~ AlytM~"-N Julie Ann Renfro Michael Bryan Richardson Michelle Leigh Rigdon Geoffrey Brvan Roll Jair Roos Raelyn Nicole R1tct11e Bren Preston Robinson Katherine Marv Robinson Kathryn Eltzabeth Robison John David Rogers Jonathan Christian Rol1he1m Savannah Rae Romero Chad Joseph Rorden Yoyel JadCte Rosales Meltssa Mary Ross Ryan James Rowe Nicholas Alexander Sacco Sean Alldqow S-k)!l>On Cana Manso! Sanctiez Jamea Dexter Sanchez Wilham Urquiza Sanchel Juan Car1ol Santana Scoct Santana Ancha lr9ne Sams Jennifer Elizabeth Scharte Corey Mld\MI Schiller undaey Nicole Sch11ier Gavin Tvt« Schmidt Suzanne M ichelle Sdtwelcbrt M tc:nael Emmanuel Scott Serif Segura Stefany Gu9dalupe Sennello Joee ~ Serpea ~Shanna Taryn Laigh ~ Ian Mld\NI ShlYlty Sky Cemeroft Siegel Robect Ro.a Sindelr Ill Henfy Aleclondef Sipoe SblpMn J9M Sblw\ .Jr. Kll'llbeft; Marie Sledell Chenerlle Ruth 5'edio9 Andt'1W~ .. Mdrwi ~ Stnldl 1loY o.nw lf'¥dlt INMl'Mllo.,.,_ 'ltlstndr Altl111ndl8"d\ SollDb; =..MlsteSoft ,,., Solli Mlf*Undley .... ,_......,,,.,~ K.-.~-·­Ail*t~---~ ..... llr'Md Brent Don Dale Summers David Wilham Sumner Mao T111rna Elizabeth Gail Takata T1MTtleb< Jay Michael Thompson Rac:tlHI Chnstina Thomson Savau Toct11kubo Paul David Toman Mtdlael Ian Toole Alex11 Natahe Torres Ivan Bryan Torres Ryan Scott Torrey Alhaon Christine Tnnen Brittany Dawn Tnpp Bren Charlec Troncale Karla Trujillo Chelsea Nicole Turner Jon.tlhan Yisuc Twena Cand~ Mane Tyler Adam John Uhl Ryan Chnstopher Underwood A* Joel Urtuauastegu1 Guedalupe valenc&a H1ytey .JMI V.Mlno Juane Marcela Varga• Athena Pemela ValQuez Meh111 Mane Vega SI rah E lizlbeth Yeitctt Maritta R Villa AlyM Devin VUltM Heelhef '*'" Wl9de 5eef\ Mid*91 Watsh JuJla Nadine Wabr9 ...... Anne~ Amanda c.hettne W9td Eritl CMltl9n ~ Donetd Arltt:Jlftf ~ Ill ~,.,.,,., Wiiiner Svnnne El&i.bldl Wlllt'I AoOeft .......,_ Ww'be a.n. Sclllll ~ Ertoe ~ lMdfner Anne Ui.tlbldl ww- MMINw lootce~ ___ ,.,.,,. lf-l1t1 ....... U...,JQWtk Urs, II •VIDIO be o..illlltt ...... 'Mail .. -. ............. illd c..r o..e1c1-... ~~ ...... Wlyrte.._M ~PWMllJ °"" All9I n.. ,. ... AlO Friday, June 20, 2003 -----=----------------------------------- - --------------=------------------~------------------------------- Chris Zietz Newport Harbor High School Chris, we know char you lov.: mwic and one day hope ro own a recording studio and produce mwic. We have enjoyed your four years and arc v.:ry proud of your accomplishments. Love, Mom and Dad Allison Kathleen Sanders Juan Diego c.atholic High Sc.boot Salt Lake City, Utah Enjoys running. skiing & cooking and will be ancnding Univcrsiry of San Diego in Lhe fall. Graduated with Academic Honors. Congrarubcions Allison, we arc so vuy proud of you. Good luck at College in the fall. Garrett Whitfield Newport Harbor High School Congratulations! Your hard work and discipline have positioned you toward an cxciung college apericncc. We arc so proud of your chancter and what you 1mpan upon others. Wishing you a lifetime of achievement and happma.s Love Alw;ays. Dad, Mom and Scan Diana Sheahan California State Uoimsity, San Bernardioo Dear Diana, You have always been conscicn11ous, crcauvc, and sensitive. These qualiucs will make you a wonderful teacher. We arc very proud of you. You still arc the "Idea.I child"! Love, Mom, Chuck & S.u..h Clark D. Brooks Newport Harbor High School Gradu . .rnng wnh honors from the DaVinc1 Academy .md a CSF Scholu. An Award for 2003. Has rowed 2 yrs. for cht' NAC <.ft'W team and mroaled. An Eagle Scout. ht' s planning to row noa year for the Univcrsiry of Boston. Kimi Hilton Newport Harbor High School Kimi. Congrarulacions -You did it, you survived We arc so proud of you. Go forward now and l1v(' your drcam.s. We love you. Mom. Dad, Danny and Grandma & Grandpa Carver D. Young Newport Harbor High School Carver - You arc truly a joy! Best of luck m all you do. w(' love you! Dad, Mom, Charlouc. Ian & Roya Jennie Holmes California State Uniftl'lity, Chico Congrarubtions for aU your hard woric and acc.omplishmuiu thcx past 4 years. Earned a B.S. in Sociology. Jen is interested in pursuing a graduate dcgrtt and teac.hmg ~cnua.l. lntCJ'QU include volkyba.11 coaching and playing! •,Mom, DJ<!. & Tm- John Money Cotofla dd Mu ffjgh School RL-ttlwd appe>inonent to w US Naval Academy. All league, All.OP waru polo playtt, and 4-.,ar vusiry letterman in IWim.ming. f.agle Scout. Played IUC>phooc in pn and concm bends. ASB officer. Physics bc»t finalist. •isbjng him •ucxm Ill Ann.tpolis. Blake Dillion Corona dcl Mar High School Some of the best years of our lives, with t'VCn better ones to come. We know you wiJJ have a trcmcndow time and enjoy great success at USC. Be smart I be we, Slay balanced and savor your college days. Cara Childress Corona dcl Mar High School Pr«iow Cara, Our luminow sur. Yo1u artLStic talents bccomt' creative ventures and you have shown a flair for cheater. Acadcmtc achic:vcmcnts and community st"rvicc wrrc outstanding. Your future looks bright; we arc fuJI of pride. Love, Mom and Dad Nathan McLain Newport Harbor High School Will attend Humboldt State in the fall. Loves the ocean. Chuck Foskett RCC Firefighter Academy Dear Chuc.k, Over 1he past months you have worked hard and havr acc:omplllihcd your goal you will mJkc J grt'at fircm.in. You rC'.idily aCCt't'pt challenge~ .ind have pride 111 your chosen proft"SS1on. lovC', 01.lll.i, Mom Sheah.in, and Sarah Keith Long Corona del Mar High School The honors you rC"CC1vcd this spnng · AJI Sur I" Team Baseball, Top 30 Athletes of Nt>Wpon lkac.h. plw a.II the bascba.11 tcaml football 1eam awards -arc awesome. But most of all, Wt' arc proud of the fine young nun you have become. Good luck at ASU or Cal Smc Fullenon (whichever you decide) and may aJJ your dreams come true Love, Mom & Dad, Kim and Chrissy Weston Pohlmann Newport Harbor High School Wes! You arc a great person and I know you'll be grca1 in whatever you ~t ro be. You have accomplished so muc.h. Thank you for lmmg me be a pm of your life I'll love you .aJways and for('Vcr Love, CJ;ure Bear Stacy Lynn Edlund Corona del Mar High School Co-captain varsiry chttrlcadcn. Pad1 Ccrufied D1vt'r, Varsity Swim Team, lifeguard. Many parts in school plays. Great student, American Ml'n$:11, modc:I & actress. Pursuing degree in Communicauons/Bwincss. Your intelligence, dedication, humor, & great arrirudc will take you everywhere! Christina Hewko Corona del Mar High School Congratulations on all your accomplishmcnrs a1 Corona dcl Mar High. We will mjss seeing you in the Daily Pilot Spons P..ge on your wonderful water polo career. I-lave a grca1 time ancnding Stanford college on your full scholarship. You really deserve alJ the best for your bard work. Love, Gail & Rene Rigaud Donald A Wattson III "Trey'' Newport Harbor High School Trey is an avid racing sailor. He w.u awarded his Blade Belt m Ka.rate in Chm.1 m 200 I and continues to instruct Ka.rate Plans to ;ittc~nd Unjvemry of Washington in the fall and u .i wonderful grandchild. Jennifer K. Taillon Santa Clara University Jcnmft'r gradua1cs magna cum laude w11h • Bachelor of Sc1t'nce in Commerce (mukcung/nudio ans/gr;iphte dC1tgn). Honors: Valcd1ctory candidate, Bwm~ Dean'\ lhol.u. Prc)1den11al Scholar: Bet.a Gamma Ocha, Nauonal Soc1ery of Collcg1a1c Schol.u~ ~he plans to punuc her c:.irttr goals in tht' Bay .uca Jennifer Hanley Corona dcl Mac High School Jc:nn1f(r ~ prn1J(n1 of Orlh~1~. the Corona Jd M.ar Oa1Kr Te;im liht' wai. on<' of Ncwpor1's Audcm1t All !\t.lf\. Jcnmft'r will be ancnding Uli( in 1hr fall We .lr<' so very proud of her. I U\C Mom & l>.1d Ryan Caughren Mariners Christian Ryan Con.:r . .11ul.111om on vour graJu..111on I .im so 1h.111kJul 111 h.1\C bct'n .a put of vour life You ..1rc .ln t'Xtrcmclv g1ficd \'<lung rn.in cap.a.blc of domi: grc..1t things w11h vour lire I ..1m hugc:I\ proud of vou Clayton Stone I ovc fonv Corona dcl Mac High School Cla)'lon. Congr.l1ula11om and wckomc to the Tro1.ln F..1m1ly U~C u lu .. ky to h.avc a pc.-rwn sulh Jl you .u rcnJmg their wonderful un1vcmty Good lulk w11h your future: plam We: know rou w1ll 1to far hmdlv. Bri;in, U71, Chn111nc Ma..kcnu & K.111 Burkr Hilary Christine Havens Costa Mesa High School Valcdictonan, Nauonal Merit Scholar, Published rwo original math 1hcorcms, Girls Tennis l~ Captain and Golden Wc1t lc;iguc champion, Ncwpon El(mcntary math team coach, Academic D«athalon first in counry. Loves Russian liirrature and piano playing. Plans 10 srudy math at Harvard. Danielle Christine Lyons Newpon Harbor High School Ncwpon JI arbor Academic Ach~mcnt Student of the Year Finalist, Da Vina Aa<kmy. Golden Sme Schow. Oursu.nding NHHS Voe.al Music Award, Pacific Chorale Chorus, Phillwmonic Socany Scholarship. ~mor'1 Scholarship. Congntulations on all of your achicvcmcnu and best of luclc at Cal. Poly. Ryan Borland <AMry ChapcJ With~. Yow Family ~ Scour, Tradt. Crot1 Country, ~tcd uncle, apeclal brother, lovin& '°"· What an honor tt hu been watcbjna you grow up to hem~ a f)O'ftrful nuin of Cod. Enjoy the joumq He taka you on. ~. Kyk, LI.a. Nau.lie & Brooke ot ' ' - r - I . . Oat Pilot --=------~----------------~ ~ Jennifer C. Shively Lutheran High of Orange Jennifer is graduating as a three-year senior with honors and a GPA of 4.2. She belongs co 1he Kq Club and a Junior Volunteer ai Hoag Hospital. Future :upirations arc 10 ;mend medical school and pracucc: as a ptd1amcian. Heather Wade Newport Harbor High School Theres nothing my granddaugh1er can'1 accomplish once her mind tS made up. Gr;iduaung with honors, assistance league .rnd church involvement 1s 1w1 a start Pepptrdinc: Umvermy will be lucky to have: her We arc: all re<tl proud of her. Gr;,im Hilary Karges Newport Harbor High School H1lar\, "I w.inr to grow up 10 be Jilli like you .ind I WMit 10 be your flower girl " l.ooJ luck .u college: " \hckc:ni1e t..idd1\ Peter Reed Mater Dei High School A)B Comm1monc:r, C.impu~ Minl\1rv Reuc:.it D1rc:ctor. 4 ve.;in Vollc:\•b.i.11. 3 yc:.ir\ Dr.im.i md Plar, C.ind1J.i1c: Mr ,\.fon.rLh. 1us1 a Grc:.11 Kid & Wonderful \on!' Zachary Ian Granoff Newport Flementary f n1on surfing, swimming, 1 b.ill, .rnd computers He: pl.ins 10 be a doctor or a rock s1.u .ind LS lookmg IOl"'Jrd 10 1urning <> .ind losing more 1cc1h Congntulauons un your kmderganen gr.idu.iuon' ~1n thH be the fim of 11UJ1Y gr;iduauons Phil Stemler Corona del Mar High School Var)1tY 'i.ulmg Team, Capuin Vumy 'xxcer go.il1c, !\IVP senior yeu .ill le.iguc: Rc'1p1en1 Golden Smc Audc:mic b cellc:nce Awards in Math. Engl ish .ind 'Kienle C.i.11f Governor Schol.inh1p Aw.mh N.monal Mem Schol.ir Finalm 'IX-'111 be auc:ndmg Yale Un1vermy 5a1lmg Van•rr B for them Alyssa Lyn Reehl Newport Harbor High School We're so proud of all your accomplishmenu. Your vocal career and dcdicauon to studies has brought you 10 UCSB to follow in your sister's foomeps. It's now ume for you 10 rn;uk your own p;uh. Love, Mom, Dad, Celina, Brianna Devin Nichole Denman Costa Mesa High School ln1crcsu include Socar. VoUcybaJI, Painung and Photography. Plans 10 attend CaJ Poly San Luis Obispo to study arclutcaurc and traveling abroad 10 finish her educarion. MaryBathen Newport Harbor High School ~ LOW, MOft\ ac o.t. Hadwr, Hollis. c.oa.n. Noele. Con.or le ..... Chad E. Czisny -17 Years Old. Corona dcl Mar High School Chad started on me FrOOt/Soph Tr;ick ollld C rem Country Teams. He qualified for 1hc Cal S1.i1c Scbobnhip Federation, John Hopkms CfY . .ind rccci~ an Academic Excdlrncc Awvd w11h High Honors m me GS Eum. Hr has bttn an Boy Scours for 12 yrs. becoming,. Life Scout as ;,i Junior and finulung Eagk Scout .u 1 !>cmor He has been acaptcd in10 me EJccmul f.nginccnng Dqx. at Cal Poly San Luu Ob1sp<> wd the Dqx of Engmccnng at USC for fall 2003 Kelli Kline Corona dcl Mar High School We arc so proud of you and your incredible accompltshmcn1)1 Congrarula.tions on your gr.iduauun' You have brigh1encd our laves w11h your bcauuful smile and love of life (,ood luck at U.S C. Follow your dream\' I ove, Mom. D .. d. Jamie and K.icic Danielle A. Moran Estancia High School Congra1ulauom D.imdle on vour 4 ,·c.ir honor s1udenr award 'IX-'c .ur \o proud of vou Best of luck .ind \U,ct'\\ •t L'n1\Chll\ of Cal Sutc Long Bc .. ,h nnt \C'Jr \Xe luH' yuu, l>Jd \ 10111 .ind ( ulin Warren Garrett Hockinson Corona dcl Mar High School \X'arren, C-0ngmulmom' Our love .. nd support will follow vou on vour nex1 Jdventurt En1ov 1he~ momenu 111 your Irle .ind explore wh;u the world h.u m oiler Define your go.ih and en1oy 1hc ride I ove. 'IX-blcv. \X'h11nn Mom .ind (),.J Jillian Ukropina Corona dd Mar High School Jillian has sailed 1hrough high school nun.iging co keep lite m ptrfe<.t bal.10<.e a heftv dose of fun , .1 comm11menr 10 ch.u1r\', and keeping her head 10 the grindstone to achieve ac.idem1c excellence She's off to the Un1vers1rv of Sou1hcrn ~1forn1a 10 punue her m1erC1I) m Journ.il1sm. Congr.uub.uom. f1ll1.in' 1.ovc the Fam Ross Sinclair Newport Harbor High School Rou. Good luck an collegc and you re onc of 1he best friends I ever had " Delanie Fergwon Newport Harbor High School Your fam1 I>· 1s proud of your accomplishment in the last 4 years. Your detc:rminauon in .ill you do makC'\ you an oumanding nar. co become 1he teacher you wan1 10 be Hobbies, spom. coaching, skiing. volun1ecrmg. Love. Mom. Dad, Holly & Jc:rcmy Congratulations Pilot Friday, June 20 2003 All 1 Eric Halvorsen Corona del Mar Au1vC' 1n ( DM cro~1 cou111rv. Ir.Ilk, concc:n band .ind 1.11.1 cn)('mblc f:.n1oy) gulf Will be .111cnd1ng L'n1vermy of R.cdl . .md) tn the fall ~ r1c, we .ire very proud ol you' Your humor c•1uro11(e .ind honc)!V will 1.ikc vuu lo1r ( 1ood luc k' Travis Pirdy Corona del Mar High School ( oni:r.11ul.111om h11nC" \X'c Im r \'OU & .ire '" pruuJ ul 'uu' Michelle Nicole Burgner Corona dcl Mar High School \,olJ °'lc.il Bc:•rcr ( .il.11m11o1 '><.hnl.i.,1ic f cderJ11un JI t •<•fl \,,.Jc:n11< Leucr ( u f ounder \Xc,1,1Je l1ro1e.i [Jiu l..od1:e '1,hul.ir>h1p B.Jl,., .. Rcpuhl1c.11 \X'omen "'-h• lo1r>h1p '. "'"'\ \ ollC'dl.111 \ \B Acll\ltlc' ( • llllllf)\1uricr \11c11Jini: Lnl\ ·r11•\ •II< .i11lor111. I 11> \nl!d~ Brandon J. Zarian Corona dcl Mar High School RrJnJun like, to pl .. , '""er Jnd he .,.. ,11 be .111c:nJ1ni: LC I 11 ,t.iJ, H1ll):rnct1,, r ni:ir1ccrtni: \X C .ire-\en prouJ 11! \'OU tor !!l\lll!! UI \'UUI )!ft JI j!rJJt'\ "'C' 1(1\C' \'OU anJ I kn,..,. 1ou "" ,.,June \Ill•<'" in \11ur late I u'c [),J \11ir11 ~ l.c .. t Clayton Stone Corona dcl Mar High School \X'e .ire all '' proud .inJ honorc-J to be .a p.i.n ot vour l.am1h Bc't ol nrn 1h1ni: tor 1·our turure \\.c lo1e \ou' Char )010 Bob Auni 'lue L.'ndc Jim Jim lue. -\u ni \1nJ1. L ncle Bill .ind J.i,k Karina I. Tirado Orange Coast College C..radu.11cd lrom (.)( ( '-cu \CU \he II be .aucndmg C. \L'LB v.hcrc \he will ltuJv economv 'ohc: like\ gomJ? to 1he tlc.ach Mid cnJO\\ phot~r:iph\ & lr'1\din~ "'llh lncn~ & l;im1h 'the 1\ .1 l(Ood 'tudenl .and wc .ire proud ol her Jon Nelson Berg Corona dcl Mar High School Th.ank mu ui m' h m1h tuchcr\. Bov \Lout leadC'f\ crt" < o.a.;hcs. and ('\<en·onc who h.is helped mt .inJ ~u1<lcJ me over the veu\ I will be mrndmiz l '( l.A 1n the fall Brandon Tyler Umpbcll <Aoyoo High Sdiool Congrarulanons Brandon We all knew vou coulid do n R.cadi for yow diums ~ you will sUCXftd Best wuha for a b~t 8c ruccasful fururr You ha~ mack our mnrr f.un1ly YCry proud, Herr'• to you. Brando' ~ Grand.pa Ted, Gn.ndma Kadiy. Daw. Aunt 1ina. Jaclyn tic Teddy WUbur Edmund Channels A feat of perseverance Back Bay and Monte Vista high schools celebrate their graduates on Thursday Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot D aniel Recoder chose to attend Back Bay High School so he could continue working 28 hours a week at Pet Center. His woclc ethic paid off Thursday when he became one of 21 Back Bay graduates to received their diplomas. The 20-year-old donned a i.carlet cap and gown for the graduation ceremony at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center. I !is father looked on proudly. "Being his father, it's great to know my son did it," Miguel Vasquez said. Back Bay and Monte Vista - alternative schools in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District that share the same campus in Costa Mesa -are safe havens from the often turbulent world of high school. Students who don't feel comfortable or don't succeed at traditional hjgh schools find refuge among the smaller classes, individual attention and Oexible academic programs at these two schools. For these students, graduation takes on a deeper significance than at u-aditional high schools. Newport-Mesa Unified lh.lstee David Brooks said. Graduate Mariana Azevedo acknowledges applause as she receives her diploma. alternative high school after his mother's death sent him reeling when he was 14. He persevered academically and ended up achieving his goal of becoming a police officer. "Stay focused." Stam urged. "Nobody will prevent you from your goals except yourself. Set goals -short term and long-term." The ceremony allowed one student to show off his musical talent. Aaron Danks, one of 54 Monte Vista High graduates, played a riveting piece on his electric guitar. He wiJI attend he Berk.lee School of Music in Boston next year. Recoder also took the initiative during the ceremony to read a letter titled "Never Lose Hope" that he wrote thanking those who had supported htm in high school. ·This is exciting because each one has a story and a struggle," Brooks said. ·To see they've gotten through and have met all their requjrements, truly. they have earned iL" Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Tim Stam shared his story of attending an "flt thanked) people who have been around me and have been there through my life the whole time, helping me make the right choice," Recoder said. f'H11lQS BY Kf NT IREPTOW /DAil Y PILOT Student Aaron Danks performs on his gurtar during the Back Bay High School and Monte Vista High School graduation ceremony at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center on Thursday. BACK BAY HIGH SCHOOL AND MONTE VISTA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES CALIFORNIA HIGH SCHOOL PROFlCIENCY EXAMINATION BACK BAY Cory Peterson MONTEV1STA Amber1e1gh Dancy Christine Chalawat Paul Quintanilla Katryna Angle Aaron Danks Jessyca Clendenin Daniel Recorder Mariana Azevedo Ashley Dimond Jake Ourtln Candice Simmons Brittany Ballif Katrina Duesterhaus R.J. Julian James Swartz Forrest Bennett Jennifer Enciso Luis M arcial Jeff Van Billiard Laura Bladt Jaime Eraso Joshua M edeiros Bryan Vasquez Ashley Boni Thomas Fenn Christian Miranda Kimberly Viles McCall Bryant Travis Fredendt Evan Mitchell Bram Walsh Elizabeth Butman Enc Frey Jessica Na1arro Janay Winters Brad C-Ook Damien Geller Arthur Perez Brittany White Mariela Curiel Jessica Glazer OUR CUSTOMERS SAY . SOUTH COAST PLAZA IS DIFFERENT F I NO Y O UR IN D IV ID UA L I TY A UNIQUE COLLECTION OF STORES FOR CHILDREN'S FAS HIONS. ACCESSORIES. AND GIFTS INCLUDING ROXY • 0 IL IL Y • POTIERY BARN KIDS • BURBERRY TALBOTS KIDS • KIEHL'S SINCE 1851 • BOOK SOUP CLAIRE 1S ACCESSORIES • GAPKIDS • DISNEY STORE BABYGAP • FRIENDS • GYMBOREE • BORDERS BOOKS CHRISTIAN DIOR • TIFFANY & CO. • PUZZLE ZOO BEACH ACCESS • SANRIO • STRIDE RITE • LIMITED TOO JACADI • BEACH ACCESS GIRLS • DAVID YURMAN PARTIAL LISTING Quality it1 ~01 l ll (. ( l \ ~ I i' I \ I \ SAN OIEOO FWY (405) AT BRISTOL ST .. COSTA MESA 800. 7 8 2 .8888 WWW.SOUTHCOASTPLAZA.COM 2 2 Claudia Guerra Stephen McNnil Tara Simmons Anthony Agosta Stoph11n1e Cernek Chanel Crouwell Heather Curt11 Alexandra Elhon Cody Holst Lauren Laudusky Cameron l.es1er Shawn Murray Catherine Netter Tina Perlman Breanne Jordan Jose MOJld Mary Sulltvan Nicholas Karpe Sebasll8n Ml'na Mary Sulllovan Nathan Kelly Michael Mino Thomas Tupman Michael Kitto Nicole Molnar Michelle VanFleet Ian Lehr Damdt Morrrll Miguel Uriqueza Garren Lewan Matthew Nichols Dom1ntque V1g11 Ryan locker Loreal Puh111 Amanda W1ll1dmson Noc:holas Lunon Cammie Quinn PavelW1ll1s Matthew Mandell Gabnella Ros1mdt1hl Lonee Wilson Kelly McCaner Salome Szecsw Brdndon Ziegler Lily Vasquez Orange County Museum of Art Presents ~.,ummer Jazz ~.,eries The Orange County Museum of Art is delighted to offer a series of jazz concerts this summer. Participants are invited to enjoy live jazz. the beautiful art on exhibition, and fine food and drink. Come join us in our relaxing sculpture garden for some hot jazz and cool art. Tom Hynes, jazz musician and educator, is coordinating the artists and music that will be presented on each evening. Tom is an accomplished jazz guitarist who has a Master of Arts in music from California State University, Los Angeles. June 20 Jennifer Hall Quintet: Tribute to Gerry Mulligan With her crack quintet, baritone saxophone ace Jennifer Hall pays tribute to fellow baritonist Gerry Mulligan, whose combo with trum- peter Chet Baker defined the "West Coast Cool" jau of the 1950s. July 25 Cathy Segal-Garcia One of the smoothest and most sophisticated vocalists in today's jazz scene, Boston-bred Cathy Segal-Garcia has moved to Los Angeles, where she works with some of the finest jazz musicians from both coasts. Aug 22 The Tom Hynes Quintet Director of the OCMA Summer Jau Series, Tom Hynes brings his own hot quintet to the museum, featuring a sax and trombone front line performing his delightful, eclectic compositions. Admission to the ind ivi dual jazz performances is S 15 for the general public and S 10 for museum members, students, and seniors. Series tickets are available at S40 for the general public and S25 for members, students, and seniors. Prices include admission to the exhibitions on view at the museum. Jazz evenings at the museum are from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. For more information and to reserve tickets, please call Tim Tompkins at (949) 759-1122, ext. 206. The museum is located at 850 San Clemente Drive in Newport Beach. 2 2 a 3 2 72 FRIDAY Sounds from the grill. The Bluewater Grill offers 11110 music Friday and Saturday nights Greg M organ, Nidt Peper and Kelly Gord1en (known as MPG) perform classic rock, A&B and swrny at 8 30 p.m Fridays. Mal'lltn Gregory and MPG perform classic rod<, swrng and A&B at 8:30 p m Saturdays The restaurant is at 630 Lido Parle Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675 3474 SATURDAY Their own way. Experimental roc:.lc band lnnaway will return to Detrort Bar with a set of dark, omtnou~ pop !.ongs Also playing that night w ill be Western and Mad Mdn M oon fhe door!> will open at 9 p.m. The cost is $5. Detroit Bar "at 843 W 19th Street m Costa Mesa. For rnformatton. call 19491 b42 0600 SUNDAY Dance performance Classical Danw Center. with locations rn Newport Beach and Tustrn, will celebrate us 10th anniversary with its 10th annual student performance through Monday T1dtets cost $15 50 Dancers from <1ye 3 to adult w ill showcase various dance styles ballet. 1du. tap lyrical, and HOURS hip hop l1"111ne Barclay Theatre is at 4242 Campu~ Drive T1d<ets (949J 854-4646 Oa1lyP11-0t The Dorothy Collins Quintet performed as part of the Orange County Museum of Art's summer iazz series last year. The group will return ttus summer. Hot jazz in the summertime Lolita Harper Da1lyP1lot A 1nr tapping. finger .,napping. swanky kind of good 11mt• 1s taling placl' at the Orange County Muc;eum of Art'i tonight The mu.,eum luch off II'> "llot Jan. Cool Art" 'ienes tonight. where people are invited to come hear live music 111 the sculpture garden. 'iultry ja7.7 tunes dnfting along on the ocean bree1es. Newpon-Me~ residents will also be treated to fine food and drinks. museum spokesman Bnan Langston c;aid. "It just makes for a beautiful evening sitting out in the sculptun: garden listening to live jazz." Langston 'iaid . ·something about the effect of live jazz music that really makes you feel good.·· Tom I lyncs. a ja.7,7 mu~tc1an and educator. coordinated this The Orange County Museum of Art will host three jazz concerts in the coming months. '>Ummcr'-; concert 'l'rtl"-. tak111g ume out from the< llru'> <.ollegt· and the ldyllwild Art' Academy\ '>Urnmer ja7.7 program .... Hynes is an accomph'>hl'll 1aa guitarist. His profec;'i1onal cred1h include performing with thl• Pacifil· Syn1 phony. Frederica von Stade and the 1996 tour for the State Department's Jazz Ambai.!.ador:-. program. Langston 'aid. Hyne's will bring hi'> own l'clccttt· composition to the 'ierie'>. ai. hi'> quintet will play the final concert in August. As the stresses of the workweek sink tonight with the 'icttmg 'iun. the Jennifer 1 lall Quintet will 1wrlorm a tnhute 10 (;em ~1ulhgan - "With her track quintet. baritone '>axophone ace Jennifer I lall pay'> tribute to fellow ha ritoni'>t <..erry Mulligan. who.,e combo with .trumpeter Olet Baker defined the · Wl''>t Coast Cool' 1azz of the 1950s." l.<1ng5ton wrote in a promotional release. 1 he '>eries continues throughout the !>ummcr, with performances in July .rnd August. Vocali'it Cathy SegaJ-Garcia will ~hare her sultry. !>moolh sound on July l5 I he Boston artist bnngs her l·ast < oast roots to the Pacific. combimng the styles of the two BEST BITES FYI •WHAT Hot Jau, Cool An summer concen series •WHEN: 5 30 to 8 p m today July 25 and Aug 22 •WHERE: Orange County Museum of An. 850 San Clemente Drive, Newpon Beach • COST: lnd1v1dual performances are $15 for the general public, $10 for museum members. student and semors, Series tickets are S40 for general pubhc and $25 for members. students and seniors. • INFORMA TlON: (9491 759-1122. e>et .206 region'>. Admission to the June and JuJy rnnccrts also include access to the Nathan Oliviera exhibit and the mu'ieum's permanent collections. The Tom Hynes Quar1et, with Its <;ax and trombone front line. will perform Aug. 22. El Matador has been doing Mexican right since 1966 By GrHr Wylder S andwiched between a GlobaJ Titt hop and Cal-Camera on Newport Boulevard ails the locally belowid el Matador ""taurant. Mer much hard wotk and detennloatton. Marcial Gallanto. an lmmigrant from 7,.acat.eca& • Mexico. opened El Matador here ln 1966. Today. Gellardo tW wotk:s one or two days I week, his fWO IOO.S. Mardal Jr. and ee.r. nM'\ the ....-.nt ~The b"'1 cWcor- .. piDat.M. sombreros, strands of red and white lighta, bright pink walls. tun:1uolse ~n ceUJng, small red-leather booths -doesn't draw In customers. They com e for the consistendy good Mexican food and frleodty aervkle. There'• a full bar, wtth Ix wrietle or fruit owprltas (SS) and four specialty margarltas that will pl all. lf you don't mind paylng mucbo dlnero for drtnb. try the m.lD on.ire Grand Mamier ~nltnlire ~ta ($14.95), or bOllonl.lre Gl'a'nd ~~tri119 lillr&arita -\ ($19.95). both with choices of premium tequilas: Jose Cuervo ltadlcionaJ, Don Julio Silver, Patron Silver. Tequila Nacional or Milagro Silver. The ovcrstud three-page menu has~ you'd want at a Meldcan rataurant....:. guacamole. sou~ Mexioe.n combination plates, enchlladas, burritos. taquitos. te>itadu, IOpaA. a1adt, pouluy and lftfood. Thtre' ~.bola amJguf to (yo~r than 12) places for $6.5o to 6.95 Melic:an ~ii Mtwd all EL MATADOR • WHEM: 1788 Newport Blvd. In Costa Mna • tt0U"8: From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday • INFORMATK-. IM9) 946-0314 day, lncludttll the~ an mmudo ($5.95), I beany toUp made wtth tripe. cam ri n. ftd c:Nlee. hominy and ($5.95) and .... .. ..r .... Al4 ' f, Odt Jurii-20 ?0<J3 Al 3 INTERMISSION Peck was a link to the 'golden age' W 1th Lhl· pa'>'>lll~ of (,regory Petk. Hollywood., ro'>ter of h\.1ng legend'> 1-. 1uc;t about exhc1u'>tt'd Peck wa., om· of tht· la.'>t hnk.'> to the mOVIC'> -goldl'll dgl· uf Lht' 1940<. dlld 50-.. wi1en II'> '>tdf'> wt·n· lar~l·r th.m hfo e11 led!>l 111 tlw l'\-t''> of their fam l It• wa.'> e1lw cUI actor of enonnuu' 1.Jt•nt and ran~t' une who wa' rwver tontent playing '>td.lwart. 111lOrrupuble hl'Hlt'' l'XI 1u ... 1H·I~ l le hved lung l'OCIUg.h to '>t'{' hi'> AIUlU' htt h charallt.'r from I%[.," lo t.:111 a l\!oclungb1rd nanll'd llW top nHJ\1l' hl'ro of all time in a teleVl'>t'd '>[Wna.I that airt:'d JU'>I a week before h1-.. deaLh I le llluld well have finished fir'>t 111 the vllla1n lateKorv for h~ depiction of ev1l 1ntarnJll' in " lht• Boy'> horn Bra/.ll ·· Thal honor wt·nt IO Anthony I lopluo.,· I lannibal Lecter 111 • !lit ~tlen< t• of 1h1· Lamb., • Gregory Pl'l k occup11:d .i ran· ple1teau among lhL· l lullywuod ~eJt'>. 11nt' on which perfonner-. ex1'>l('ti b\ \1rtUe of thetr abtluy .. not their notont'I\ Th1' lt'\.d of greatn~ tempered IJ) modt''>l) Wcl.<, '>hared by a vel) ft'w actor'>. mo .. 1 of ~hom Jam~ ~l~an. llenl) runda Jack l~mmon ha\.e !.mce !>huffied off tht~ mortal m il It dJdn·t hurt. of cour.e thal Pt'd wa.'> the physical epitome o f a rn0\1e '>tc:tI when he began his carrer 111 the mid 1940'> m 'ul h diverse assignment' a'> -~llbound" and "Duelm the Sun But II wa'> ·~ent.lemen .. Agreement-111 1947 that t ht'>t'led hJ, tJnage 111to the coni.c 1ow.nf"..'> of movie fan., and dealt a swift blow to anu-Sem111!>rn m Amen ca Peck\ career noumht'<.I with '>uch movie<> as " Roman I lollday. • "lllt' Man in Lhe c,ray Flannel Suit." "Moby Dick." -on the See INTERMISSION. Paee Al4 THEATER '42nd Street' still kicking at Center By Tom Titus Remember when Warner Baxter told Ruby Keeler "You're going out there a youngster. but you·ve got to come baclc a star"? If you don't recall the ongina.1 moment. it'c; understandable. That ltne wa.., first uttered 70 years ago. not long after the movies had learned to tall It was. of course. from • 42nd Street.· one of the pioneers in tht mamage be~ttn cmema and musical theater. wtuch boosted the career of its young d.ittc1or. a fellow named Busby Berkeky. not to mention the fortunes of the warner Bros. studio. Those d.ay5 are gone. but cerounly not £orgottm. u attested to by t.M well-deseM!d popularity of the new st.,e version of • 42nd Streec.. playing al the Oranp County Pafonning Ans Center tbroµgh Sunday. The how may be a tenior dtiz.en. but tt still has a good bit or lddt to it And ·kick· ii the operat:ive word. from the moment the curtain opem. leuin&tY just a few feet at ftnt. to reYMI about a hundred dandng feet. aD ~In joyous W\iton. Otrector Mu\ Bllambl&. recreating dinctor/c:bol«>tP..,._ GCMir Chu.npbli ~ from the ·-pnmjere (cbe ibOw't ......... wnn.n .... after it Wiii etched Into dDema ~ .... ~the Pfodocdoo Into ........ prec:Won•pecUdtNpe .... ltGoml dnc:tor Jullllii Minh II...._ .. ... Al4 f'nday, Jone 20, 2003 SOLIS INVESTMENT & REALTY STIN M. Sous • Licensed Rt.al Estate Agent • Mtttint "'1 of JDUr Rm/ E.st4u ntttls. ERie A Sous CFP • 17 Yllm ~ • St«la cf Bonds • M"""'1 FunJs • Annwti# • EstAt.1 0-&tirmlmt PIAnnint • l11vatmmt &mlti111 • SwwlJ M#JJM M11.rltn C.Om/'111f#s ( .ill frn .1 I 1 n lOll\t1 h.llio1• .11 \lllll 1111111\: or hw.inc·" . 9-t9--25 116-. -C*llllll111911t·....-.-----11'CL -.~L1& .. 1wc.o.,. .. _,a·--......,--...._-wa. wc .• @JlllllJ1IRJ1tiJJ • CONSIGN• DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Accessories For Your Home Small Rlack Desk .................................................... $100- Game Table .............................................................. $150" Gla~C.:hrome C.:offee Table .................................... $150" Pair of Black Leath er/( "hrome Barstools ............. SJ 75 .. Country French Wing Chair .................................. $25~ Round Pine Table w/Leaf ....................................... $263°' Sect ion al Sora .......................................................... $995• 369 E. 17th Street #I 0. Costa Mesa~ l c11..i1etl bchmJ Plum·, Patio Phone(949)764-1746 II our' \ion-Fn I 0 OOam-) 3-0pm. Sat I O·OOam-5 OOpm. Sun I 0 OO:un-4 OOpm nve MUsiv ~n The wateR ~-LAS_' -- _L:WCHJTQ, FIESTAS \ F• Service Catering Sizzling Fajitas Strolling Mariachis • Margarita & Cerveza Bar Pw•rTrars•Go • Enchiladas • Taquitos •Tacos •Tamales • Guacamole • Salsa Call your nearest location for pick up .. , ........ . 10to100P.ople osta Mesa (949) 646-1142 Newport Beach (9.t9) 675-6151 ' ' HAPP EN ING S Daily Pilot • THEATER Harbor High scores with two shows By Tom Titus G oing out with a bang - or at least out of the Rob- ert Went:z Auditorium, which will be tom down and re- built later thil. year -Newport I larbor I ligh School's drama de· partment picked up 27 awards at this year's Music and Art Com mendatjon for Youth cer- emonies. "The Music Man" and "Into the Woods" reaped an impres- sive share of the MACY hard- ware at the 33rd annual presen- talions. capturing the Masterpiece and Spotlight tro- phies for e~ceptional achieve- ment. l'.dfah Mahler was voted best !>Upporting actre~ for the entire MACY program -which en- compaS!>ed 26 schools -for her performance in "Into the Wood!>," and also won a "bright s pot" award for "The Music Man." Kate Guesman picked up "highest achievement" honors INTERMISSION Continued from Al 3 Beach," '"The Gunc; of Navaronc" and "Cape Fear" before .. Mockingbird" came along and thrust him onto Q.,car\ \lage. But perhaps his mo\t important work came in the I ffi'O' an the guise of two hic;tomal figure<> -Douglas MarJ\rthur in "MacArthur· and lu'>ef Mengt•lt-111 ··I he Boys I rom lir.v1l." In thl' latter mov1e, he 111 \tarred w11h Laurence Olivier -wh o played a fiendl\h Nvi in ·Marathon Man." but was a Nazi hunter th1' time -!>quarmg off with -THEATER Continued from Al 3 in hii. "Pre lly l.ady." Updated? No way. This is ba..,.cally the :.ame "42nd Street" that Berkeley put on the screen in 1933. with all its corny cliches intact. But they're treated lovingly. almo'>t reverentially, as the currenc company turns back thl.' dock to Depre-.sion mode dfld $4 50 tickets. Sure, it's a muwum p1ete, bur 11·~ '>till a pl(•a\urr to VJ\11. Ille star turn 111 this version 'omewha1 mirrors reality LHhenne Wreford played an ;monymouc, chorus girl in the nng1(lal lOO I ">how that earned ,1 lony award a'> best revival, bur now she"s tappin~ her way into the h1,tory book!. as 1he perlc:y Pcru,ry Sawyer. fresh off the hu'> from AJlentown, Pa .. who .,ave., che <;how when the '>Car (Blair Ho'>'>) break.., her BEST Continued from A 13 .uul egg' (SR.951 I-or tho-;e who inexplkably hctve to order chcewburger" and ht•mh fne<. at a Mexican n·,taurant, there are tho~. too. Appe tv.cr<; co<;t SS.85 10 S9.95. Mexi can combinations rnst $1195 to $1 5.95. I lighly recommended i:. a howl of con'>ome de polio ($4.95). a pure chicken broth-ba.c.cd :.oup that's spicy; for her work. in both produc- dons. Other "highest achievement• winners were Ryan Bean, Brigh- ton FJlithorpe. Phil Gerard and Sarah Lyons for "Into the Woods" and MJchael McLean for "Music Man." 1be ensem- bles of both shows also earned this recognition. Honored for "outstanding achievement" were Jose Ceja, Sky Segal and HUary Vallejo for "Into the Woods" and lames Barrett for "Music Man." Achievem ent awardl> went to Lyons for MThe Music Man" and Shan Aletaha for. "Woods." Completing the Harbor High clean up were special recogni- tion honors for Ellithorpe, Jer- fery Fichtner, Phil Gemrd. An- drew Gruver, Roben Kratth, David McMahan and Jeremy McCarthy for "Music Man" and Jennifer Sak.iok.a for "Into the Woods." Estancia H igh School's pro· duction o( wsugar" resulted in Peck's Mengele in a memorable climactic scene in which the latter character becam e dog c how for a pack of Doberm ans. It may have been a s upreme fabrication, but it's still a throat catcher to watch. Uke most great movie a ctors. Peck began his career on the stage. A native of La Jolla, he helped found the La Jolla Playhouse with fellow rising starl> Dorothy McGuire and Mel Ferrer. and continued to !>uppon that theater even into his declining year-;. I fi<; last major movie role cam e a dozen years ago as the president of a . takeover-targeted WJre and cable company in "Other People's Money.· ankle -actualJy with a little accidental help from her replacement. Rail thin, with hardly enough meat on her bones to cast a shadow, Wreford di11plays a n enormous wealth o f e nef'l{Y with her flying feet and infectious smiJe. Her spotlighted production numbers late tr1 the sh ow abound with style and showmanship. and it's a true shock to see her take an early curtain call (she's trurd in the show's pecking o rder. even though !>he's the true '>Htr) l"op-biJJed Patrick Ryan Sullivan. however. 1s outstandmg as director Marsh, rendering his mo.,tJy cliched dialogue wtth to ngue firmly implanted tr1 cheek. hut wtth supreme authority. 111e prima donna leading lady is pleac,1ngly interpreted by Ro!>!>, who:.e vocaJ prowe-.s i-; sufficient to explam wh y her charactc•r 11> !>O revered, even though :.he can'c dance well enuugh to carry a the grilled .. tmm p sof1 shell taco<; With liberal slices or avocado. tomatoes and '>our cream; grilled chicken i.oft '>hell tacos with pinto beans on request. guacamole and etJantro Starving'? Order No 23. tacch al pa'\tor ($ 12.95) -your choice of top sirloin steak. chicken or pork in two delicious taco wtlh choice of refried or pinto beam and guacamole. Or uy fajitas a la Mexicana. marinated tender strips of beef, ducken or porlc: with JUiienne bell peppers and onions. Served with avocado relish. rice, beans and tortillas. .......................... '--1. on!J $ Au•IM• 11 .. lh ii the SutW .. Olly Ill • -I I . - www.b1nlh1na.com ltew,ort leach 4250 llrcla ltrHt (141) ISMIU • ·outstanding achievement" awards for Joseph Scott Rios, Aaron van Geem and Kenny Wilson, along with the school's orchestra. Art "achievement" trophy went to Lauren Mahan. Also cited from Estancia were Tonya Narvaez and Timothy Zimmer for "~pedal recognition" and Andre Casey and Mike Sal - mans for "bright spot" honors. Corona del Mar High School earned the MACY Commedia Dell' Arte trophy for its version of wThe Pirates of Penzance," while Marty Glyer, Alessandra Hass, rhe ensemble and the orchestra all were accorded "highest achievement" honors. Awards for "outstcµldi ng achievement" went to "Pirates" cast members Brian Engmann, Amanda Malou and Bryan White. Ben Halladay was given an "achievement" trophy, while Maggie Donnelly, Rachel Mal- kin, Evan Sonntag and Carole Ann Wright earned "special rec- ognition" mention and Tom Few actors have had Gregory Peck\ effect o n a udience!>, and fewer yet are still around to accept our veneration. Richard Widmark a nd Olarlton Heston fit that description, but their 11umber continue., IO dimini!>h. Th ey !>JY that death!> of famous people happen in threes. so arter Gregory Peele and David Hrinkley departed within hour'> or each other, I wa\ waiting for thac third '>hoe to drop. Thil> week. 11 did. We lost one of the greatec;t !>tage actors or all time when I lume Cronyn .. uccumbed JUSt a month short uf ht'> 92nd birthday. Cronyn left behind a '>how. l'actt Mariano swipes whatever portions of the show 1ha1 haven't been nailed down by the prin cipals as the petite but rwrky Maggie Jones, writer and comic lead for "Pretty Lady" and rem iniscent o f Thelma Rjtter in a do1.en such character role!>. Frank Root is a perfect foil for her and Alana l)alvatore (dubbed ·Anytime Anme"J. with whom he share., 1he golden oldie number "Shuffle Off to .Buffalo.· And oldie' don't come any mon• gulden than "Lullaby of Broadway."' here employed by Mar:.h and the company to lure che fired chonm· back 1n1<1 the• fold and mto stardom~ It\ 011e of tho.,e moment'> when you can JU!.t let your\elf fall prt·y w the vintage stereotypes o f i.howbi1 hecau'>e n's donl' su mJgmfil cntly Hobert ~pnng, 111 tht" role cn:accd on '>crl'en hy Dick Powell, ha'> lei.s to do than hii. h e.,h tonHJa.., dups and om· of che lle<il homemade <;a)Qs 1n town rnme with all meals. You'IJ rll've r leav(' here hun~. gencrnu., ponions, buc you could miss des~rt. TI1c fre-.hJy made nan can ~u ou1, and c,omeumes ice cream and '.>herbet aren't available. Luckily for you. there\ a Cold Stone Creamery aero.,., the stret't. • •• Hed Hobin, a casual dinmg re\taurant i.peciaJizing in gourmet burger and spiri~. plans to open at Pashion Island Harper and David Jackson shared "bright spot" nodce. The MACYs were organized ln 1971 by Lee and John Oilldr~. who were accorded a standing ovalion at this year's event. The MACY awards show is "a celebration of the talent, hard work, dedication, energy and boundJess enthusiasm of every- one who has participated in the wonderful musicaJ theater pro- ductions of our schools," the Olildresses stated. In a rare occurrence, the cer- emony's top award, the MACY. was captured in a tie by two schools producing the same musical. "Les Mjserables. w Dana Hills I ligh School and Aliso Niguel High School hit the jackpot with their productions in the first year in which "Les Miz" was available to amateur groups. • TOM TTTUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot His reviews appear Saturdays. distinguished '>tage and screen career, much of it intertwined with his wife, Jessica Tandy, who preceded him in death in 1994. Their c;hining hour togethe r wa~ *The Gin Game," performed on Broadway and televised by PRS to share with all audiences. In the 1970s, Cronyn played Captain Queeg in *The Caine Mutiny l.ourt·Mart1al," whicb I reviewed a t the Ahmanson Theater in l.o\ Angeles. I le m1gh1 have been, at that time, a bit long in the tooth for that role. but he was brilliant. nevertheless. Losing I lume Cronyn and Gregory Peck In the same week leaves a gaping hole in our !>tage and screen industry. FYI •WHAT: •42nd Street• • WHERE: Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa •WHEN: 8 p.m . Tuesdays through Fridays; 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdays; and 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sundays; until June 22 •COST: $27.50 to $64.50 •CALL: (7141556-2122 predece'>!>o r. but he doei. 11 grandJy. pamng wtth first Ross and then Wreford and vaguely romancmg the 1ngenue. Dexter Jones I'> a Sharp, Oa'ihy dance capt am S<> come and meet tho'>e da.r1cmg fet•t . .ind \ee how nimbk• a 70 year-old can be nw .. how I'> Ill an "extended " (for thl' Center) nm, through ~unday. • TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot His reviews appear Saturdays in early July. l·.stahlished in 1969, Red Robin L-; known for its exteru.ive (more than 221 gounnet burger\. aJl-you-can·eat steak fnes and '>1gnature Mad Mucology dnnks. ..erved in friendly atmosphere. Burger. can be ordered with beef. chicken. veggie, fish. pot roast or turlcey. Toppings includt' grilled pineapple, guacamole, green chilie , honey m~tarci. barl>ccue sauce, fries onion strdW'), saut~ed mushrooms and more. Other items include <;a.Jads. soups. appetizers. entr~ and desserts. Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET ti;;. ONE Karastan • Lees• Mannington Mohawk• Liz Clairborne I , And Much More \ f.-QUOT.£ OF THE DAY "Bottom line, defense wins. We made the error.\ and they didn 't." John Salyer, CMALL Minor B Yankees Manager Dally Pilot Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 EYE OPENER r nmt1 D-aily A Pi k>t -~ Spot1ai ff.all off UIM' ------ June 23 tionoi ee LAWRIE CUNNrOiAM f"rtddy June 20. 20C3 Al5 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL COSTA MESA LITTLE LEAGUE Pirates put Padres away Huntington Valley champs score seven runs in the fifth and eliminate lo cal Pa dres from TOC. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot ·11U'\ 11\:(, I 0\: Br.AC I I -< ommg m l .!.-12. ltim Hum'> \\la!> et '>ldlll ahout hi\ Padre'> laking '>econd plaet• 111 the Co..,ta ~le'><! :'\a11onal IJttle League ... ma1or'i di- \L'>IOn :.laking It 10 the D1..,tnc1 62 Tour· nameni of (Jlampaom \'a" dJ1 added pre'>enl !xi when the llunungton \aJle~ P1ra1e-. .,cored '>evt·n time<; 111 the ho11om ot the , fifth 111111ng to mercy the Padre'>. 10-0. in c.1 fir.,a-rountl matchup \\edne<,dav a1 the llunungton \ allt') lJnle 1.eah'Lat:• field., Hum., dtdn t ... hm' mud1 d1...appoint 111l'llt "I heard the Pirate'> were a wugh team to pla~ '>O we JU'>t wanted to pla\ a great game ,u1d ''e were lhnlled to do tha1 ... Bum'> '>Cud \\e onlv ha\e four 12-vear old .... lour rt·turnmg ·pla\er-. all togelher '>U \\t' '>hould be a real ... trong team next \ear." lhe P·adre..,, ''ho fiamhed '>econd to tlw l)odgt•r.. 111 1he rl'l{Ular <;ea'>on lal ketl t:or1 ... ...,1en1 pllLhmg throughou1 the '>l'a\lm . Hum'> '>aid fhe Pirates I H-1 . rcrnrded thetr ... 1x1h '>hut out of tht' .,ea.!>011 and eventuall} adJUMed to the breaking baJls and off·..,reed pitche'> thrown b\ Padre~ hurler-. and '>howed "h} they \,ere the league t:hamp1on~. llm I hggin' and :\1tk \la1..1une com - bmed to hnrn till' P·adn--. 1 o Jti..t three ht ts while stnkmg out I!. 1 llggm., 'tilrtt'd and fanned the \ldt• 111 hoth 1lw lir..i dnd -.econd mmng~ I le fint~ht'd \\1th t'IWlt '>tnkeouts m lhre!' inning-. .. We have laved on our p111 l1111g all year, lhat 1<; what d1t talt'' '' h.11 h.1prt>m for us." Pinlle'> \larldger ''l ~ \l.v./one '>did Danny 0 'e1I \nthom ll"ll!'1 dnd 8illy D1C.u-aJam11 ad\ anted the lunhe<.t for the Padre-. 011 the hc1...,t· l'illh' to St>C- ond O''\eil. '>eleued IO the ll1Jlor' all ''ar lt•am la'>I \\eekend '>mgled ,,,·1u.· for the Padre.. while lelle1 1alhed a tut in the third He advam Pd IO ..,t'nind •)11 J \'1ld pitch ~fore I l1gg1n-. -.1rucl out till' next haller to end Lilt' 1nmng. frailing, i () Ill the fifth llll' 1';1tlre~ had lhelf be-.t 'wnnK chantt• \'1th nm ner'> at ftr-.t and wt:ond and ont· Hll I >1 (,ir'ci.lamo v. alkt'l! 10 leadut1 tlll' 11111111~ and 1"0 battt•r., latt·r. C) '\eal giillo•d ,1 __ -.inker tl1at \\J\ dn inch from t<iud11ng the dlft over lht· r11ther-. head .rnd 11111J Ct'nter field Hui \l<V.7one re'p"ndt:d h\ '>Lnl..ing out lht· ne\t t\\O h111t-r., t'Jl !l on curve baJJ... tha1 found 1lll' !IUl'>lth-•JI the plate The gutt\ pnchmg pt•rlormanu· translated to the 1'1ra1t--. h,tlf 111 tlw fihh \\hen 10 men tame to tlw pl.11, \\'alks tO three of the fir-.1 1•1111 f'mHi- balter'> '>et the '>lc1ge tor RI( hard I t•\ 11 '>On'> '>tngle 11110 the gap 111 nght 1 t'nter field that plated t\\O run-. < >n till' rH.'\t play. Padre fir<,t ha.<,emdn < .1,u1 Pc1ul !:>tebbms fieldt•d cl hounnng b.dl and See PIRATES. Pa&e A16 Dodgers coast VARI' " .,., A.''"' Corona del Mar High Junior standout Josh Bradbury, delivering a pitch in Pac1f1c Coast League action against Laguna Beach. wa s selected first-team All-CIF 01v1s1on IV for the Sea Kings, batting 438 with 10 home runs and 28 RBis . Bradbury, Long All-CIF Sea King s tars recognized by Division IV coaches. Corona del Mar 1 llg.h 1u111cir Jo-.h Bradbul). the Ncwpon -~le'>a Player of the Year and Pacific Loast I eague Mo t Valuable Player, top'i two Sea Kings named AJl-CJ F Southern Section Division IV by 'iection baseball coach- es. Bradbury. who blasted 10 home runs, drove 111 28 and hit 438 10 help tlk <;ea King ... win the PU and advam e to the Cir Divi.,1on I\' 4uartt:rlinals. i'> a lir'>t team pick Bradbury abo \\as 4-2 with a 3.44 f HA a\ a pitcher, striking out 4 1 in 39 inning~. Senior Keith Long, lhe Sea King•,' '>horl<,lop lhe la st four season'>. i' a <.econd team honoree after hitting 156 with one home run, 19 RBis and scoring l5 runs. I le repre!'>en1ed CdM 111 the Or.111ge County All \1ar (,amt' .md plam 10 Lonunut• hi... tareer at Orange C:oa .. 1 College. La Quanta I ligh senior Ian \1ewan. '>elected I01h overall by 1he Colorado Rocloe'i 111 1he recent fir-.t-year-pla\er draft. ts the Player of lht• Year aher helping lead the AzteL., to the Oavi'>lon IV Litle. I.a Quinta defeated Cd~I. 4-0. in om• quanerlinaJ May 30. La Qu1111a head man D,l\e Demare'>I IS the DIVl'ilOn IV Coach or lhe Year HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Plenty of inner competition for Mustangs Defending Golden West League champions have many players vyi ng for starting positions. Steve Vlr1en Daity Pilot CX>STA MESA -'Jbroughout the otr- sea90n and especially during apring prac- • dee. Co6fa Mesa High football coach Dave Perkins bas been doing his t>e,,t 10 keep the dreade4 ·c-word away from his p&ayera. He wants the Mustanp to avoid a:>m~ • Peddns' strategy hall come QWla natu· ·~ 11 the M\JllqlL dmndq c.twilP· ons of the Gokle"I West LeegUr. ~ been dew.iopq pc)Aftive competition ID'kJnC each oda Al. I reAJlt. ~has ~ much confidence for the upoom· qtell<n I • "We hid. pt .prinl. .. Pwtdnl ... o( practices which ended June 13. "We're going to be every bit as good as last year, and I think we will be better. We have a great deal of kid and good oompedtion. There ls a lot of compeotion at every spot.· The MustanS'i feature eigtu returning starters on defense and seven n!tum.l.ng tatters on offense. but the starting posi- tions are not set ln stone. · The Mesa playm have been further motivated M lhey prepare for a scrim- mage and the pre-league season. The Mustangs wW play ln a three--team scrlm-maae with CabriDo of Long Beach and Tuldn Fridly Sepe. 5 " 1\altin. The ~ an! ..., drawtos Cltnl admlaline .. dtey eye their .-on opener, which will be apiNt Corona de1 Mat. • "We I the ~ to the kids that they need to get ~ and they bl~ l • really responded.· Perktm !Klld Perkins spoke with an enth~ tone when discussing the incoming sophomores and juniors. The Costa Mesa jwllor varsity and freshman teams each won the Golden West League title last year. Perkins also talked about 1u1 addition lO his backfield: Quahc Vargas. a 5- foot-11. 2.30-pound running back who transferred from a school in JCansas. Per- kins said Vargu has been cloc:Ud around 4.7lnthe1(>-yard dash. The Mesa back- field aho Includes Omar Rulr.. who wiD be a senior. Junior co-be Bruce Wilkerson. a trans· fer from l..oara. sophomore to-be Ryan Frenc:.b. l8't yean junior-varsity quaner-'**" Md~~ Whe>Wtl be I~ MYe been~ for lhi-ms q~poltdon. ~ ..., ~ pmcdce Included 78 ~and rwo new COid* J.-Sa- ._....,..._,. All to first-round win Costa Mesa National Minor B team provides Karlson with send-off. Steve Vir&en Daily Pilot 1 IU~TJ'\(; !'ON BF.Al II -!lie Lo'>la \11:sa :>\auonal IJltle League Dodger-. ga' e catcher Andrew Mrl'-On the ulu- mate gomg a\\ay preseni \Vedne'iday at I .cBard Park m I lunungton Beach. The Minor B Dodger-. defeated the Costa r-.lesa American Yankee'>, 16-2. m the fiN round of lhe Olstnct 62 fouma ment of Champions. Karl<,on played his la'>t game for the Uodgen. bernuse he 1s going on a farruly vacation to New York.. After lhe game. Karlson. the Dodgers' starting ca1cher. hugged hi\ coaches and Manager Klfk <,tone we·re going to m~ you. buddy." ~lone told Karlson. "It was so much fun watching you am prove thb season." Karlson wa'i one of severaJ Dodgers who contributed to the victory that was called after live innings. He scored one run, delivered an RBI and went 2 for 2 \ .. 1th a walk r he I lodgt'r'> thl' liN plJCl' team 111 C.M'\11 ~lmor H 'tored tour nms in lhe fir-.t 1nn1ng. fn11r 1n tht' 1h1rd two tn the fourth and then ,111ntht•r "' 111 the fifth I he fifth mn1nK t1•,m1red three straJght double' b\ \!all < ,1rl\ le Kannon lone and \'tctor rru11ll11 Despite the heh\ offen'>I\ t· pt rlnrm ance, Kirk ~lOne wa' mo-.1 1mpre.,..,ed with the Dod~er., delt•n,t· ''hit h cau~ parent-. of the plawr.. 10 cht·t:r loudJ} espectci.lh aht'r thret plci\' I he !'\oimor B d1w;1on mdude., H Io war- olds. yet the Dodge" werl' def\111g the11 age. ln the bottom ol tlw fir.,t 111111ng '>hortstop Kannon <.,1one m.1de d nice Latch on a htgh fh ball. l:-dd1e 81-.<1<,0 dad the same from third ba<,e an the luunh mmng. and 111 the third. R1lt•\ \tack gloved a fly ball an rig.hi field "We made some great defen.,1ve plar>." Ktrk. <.,tone '>c.l.Jd "It "a' unt>eht'\ able. Our defense ha-. been the ht•.,t m the ICMNl.U. When we mal..e plav.., hke the ones we did. that takes lhe air out of them · The Yankt>e<>. who finished '>econd in See OOOGERS, P11e Al6 Costa Mesa·s Luis Gonzalez zeros in on a pass dur111g recent spring practice. Coadl Dave Perkins' Mustangs will be the def ending Golden West l eague ChamptOOS when they open the season in September. IClNl lflD' IUW I DMYPl.OT Al$ Friday, June 20, 2003 HONORS UC Irvine earns national acclaim The UC lMne Alhletic Depart- ment captured three mark.et1ng awards al the National Aswcia- don of Collegiate Marketing Ad- ministrators Convention al Disney \\brld tn Orlando, Aa.. June 13-16. The UC Irvine Spons Maiteting staff gamered awards for: Best Sponsorship floUow-Up Report (tied with Aorida State). Best Sin- gle-Day Altendanoe Promotion for Basket.ba11 (with a budget under $50,000), and Besl Aclfvadon Pro- gram with a Sponsor (budget un- der $50,000). DODGERS Continued from Al 5 the CMAll. commmed several errors. Their pilchers. Ryan Web- er, Josh Rivera and Jaylon Peery. combined for six strikeouts, yet allowed 13 walks and hi1 two batters, as the Dodgers took ad- vantage. "Execution," Yankees Manager John Salyer said in reference to what wins baseball games at the Minor B level. •Bon om line, de- fense wins. We made the errors and they didn't." Weber pitched a scoreless in- ning in the second, providing the Yankees with an opportunity to get back in the game. They were down 4-1. after Peery scored a run in the first inning. He reach- ed on a walk and advanced to second and third on passed PIRATES Continued from Al 5 1ouched the bag for the force out With nm I Liggins racing home, Stebbins threw to catcher Bobby Lenke, who tried 10 apply the tag, but the sliding runner jarred the ball loose. Levinson alertly fol- lowed Higgin.o. on the play and to score the fifth run of the inning. Brian Schwi.irtZ and Sam I luni followed with sharp singles and both scored la1er in the inning. Mazzone knew ii Wei..'> only a matter of ume before his learn would figure out the Padre pi1ch· ers. "We were keyed for fast pitch- ing initially, c;o we were so far ahead of the ball at firs1," Maz· wne said. "I 1old them 10 ge1 up 10 the box. pick a focal point and swing." liiner.. I -5 and 7-9 all scored runs for the Pirates, displaying their offensive balance. Stebbins, Jam~ Wanbaugh, and Kevin Thomas each reached base on walks 10 account for the rest of the Padres offense. The Padres' defenc;e kept them close to the Pirates early on. With first and third and two outs, a Pi- rates' runner strayed halfwdy down the lh.ird·base line following a wild pitch. Lenke retrieved the ball and chased the retreating runner toward the bag before throwing to Tell& at third to begin a pickle. Tellez and Lenke would MUSTANGS Continued from A 15 polu. the forrner Pro-Bowl offen· sM! lineman for the San Francisco '49ers. will be the offensive line and strength and conditioning W1111ll111r You BUrarLease .. You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! HAPPY BIRTHDAY i I 1 i I TODAY 21 -April Ross Newport Harbor Track, volleyball, 1996-99 18-Carsten Ball Corone del Mar Boye tennis, '02 20 -Robby Rossy Orange Coast Men's soccer, '02 balls. Michael Block produced an R81 groundout 10 prevent 1he shutout. Kyte Benter, who played sec- ond base for the Yankees. also scored in the bottom of the third after he came across the plate on a delayed steal. For the Dodgers, Carlyle. Kan· non Stone. Nicky Roca. and Hans Anderle scored IWo runs each, while Trujillo, Juan Valdez, Karl- son, Bisoso, Erin Kinkade, Stack and Brandon Haas added one run apiece. As a result. each player on the team scored. Trujillo, a left-hander, pitched the only perfect inning of the game in the fourth. He struck out two batters, and in between the two punch-outs, Bisoso made his aforementioned ca1ch. Biso- so s1arted as pitcher for the Dodgers and delivered three strikeouts. Anderle pitched the third and had one strikeout throw to one another once more in the pursuit before Michael Pierce caughl a throw and blocked the plate 10 tag lhe runner. In the third. O'Neil -the pitcher - threw to Stebbins for a force at first and then Stebbins immedi- ately fired to Lenke, who tagged ou1 the sliding runner at home. Pierce the Padres' starter Wednesday, allowed IWo runs on one hit in a littJe more than IWO innings for the Padres while O"Neil came on for 2Y, innings of relief. O'Neil was followed by Ryan Bums in the bollom of the fifth. "I needed a pitcher lo fmish oul the game," Bums said when asked about his pi1dung stralegy. ·1 reali7~ all the gas was gone and knew Ryan would throw !>lrik.es. fThe Pirates) Pira1es just put the ball in play where we weren'1. Righi now, he can't wait to get a Slurpee." The season extended longer than Bums thought when he drafted players in January. ·1 drafted early. Wdllting to have a solid team for next year. n he said. "I go1 12 kids that like 10 play together. Thal is key because they will spend the next 1wo years of !heir Lives 1ogether. I was never concerned with wins and losses. I'm a big believer in team· work and sportsmanship. I was pleased to be a part of (TOCJ and have no shame." Daniel Derieg. Jesse Fox and Michael Clester all saw action Wednesday. coach. His son, l..ulce. 15 a lineman for the Mustangs. Tom Bakhvin. the former Mesa head coach. is back wilh the Mu.s· tangs. Baldwin, the defensive co- ordinator at Calvary Olapel last year. will be the quarterbac.lc and outside linebacker coach for C,osta Mesa AJC.. AIM#. CAlS.. l~ WHEllS.. SPUl FOLD. llAlllATS.mv 2 J IHGN ~.f~ ~I Off~ :It~ muwm ·~.llOD S PORT S SOUTH COAST SWIM CONFERENCE MEET NO. 1 HMbor View .. La• Fcw.t Sarurd•y's rttsutr.. Gilts • end young« 2S "--1. Torl £ngllsh. H.n-v-. 20.89; 2. Katie Craig, HV, 21. 10; 3. Ashley Ro!-v, like Folft1No.2, 22.18; 4. tc.lley King, HV, 25.n ; 5. l<ellie Modungo, Lf-2, 27.47; 6. Kayle Aiocl, Lf-2, 34.83. 29 bedi-1. Ciera Ni<*el, l.f-2, 24.53; 2. Emily Medtler, HV, 25.27; 3. Kltle Craig, HV, 25.49; 4. Lauten O'Sullivan, Lf-2, 29.72; 5. Charlotte Valentin, HV, 29.98; 8. Kellie Modungo, Lf-2, 36.39. 21 bNMt-1. Emily Meddet, HV, 26.49; 2. Tori Engli1h, HV, 29.83; 3' Keele Kllne. HV, 32.52; 4. Alh!-v Riiey, Lf-2, 38.89; 5. K.aoav Avelos, l.J',2, 42.84; 6. Kayla Riocl, Lf-2, 44.73. 25 tty-1. Emily Mec*let, HV, 23.98; 2. Katie Craig, HV, 25.82; 3. Charlotte Velentln, HV, 28.20; 4. Alh!-v Riley, Lf-2, 30.23; 5. Ciera Nldlel, Lf-2, 34.65; 6. ~Avalos, Lf-2, 41.32. 100 ,,_ Nlay-1. HV, 1 :41.35, IK.elley King, Julie Hohl, Charlotte Vetent1ne, Ton Englllhl 2. HV, 2:08.87. !Skyler Crenlhaw, Sidney Gracie, Stephenie McPhlllipa, Annie Reedl; 3. HV, 2·20.39; CGeby Orr, Kelly Owen, NiCOle Lart0n, MNgan Goodlngl 4. Lf-2. 2:21 20, CICrfl• Ried, Ashley Ouontilone, Kellie Modungo, Cier11 Nldlell 5 Lf-2, 2 34.90 ll.auten O'Sulltven. Kylee Wren, ~ Cltfford, Laurel Vouelefl. 100 medley tebry-1. HV, 1:39.07, !Katie Craig. Emily Medller, Kelley King, Tori Engltsh) 2. HV, 1:69.32 (l(ecie Kline, Julia Hohl, c:Nrlotte Valentine, Annie Reed) 3. Lf.2, 2:10.66. (Leuren O'Sullivan, Kayle Ricci, Ashley Riley, Kellie Modungol. 7..fl 25fret-1 JulHPouch, HV, 15.98; 2. Alltson Skaggs, Lf-2. 16.33; 3. Gaby Carpenter, HV, 17.62; 4. Kendell Thrall. Lf-2, 18.65; 5. Ellen Naruse, HV. 19.55; 6. Kelley Peten•on, Lf-2, 20.49. 50 frM-1. Delaney Poudl, HV, 35.83; 2. Allison Skaggs, LF-2, 38.50; 3. Shannon Gnlfin, HV, 42.43; 4. Madison Bragg, lf.2, 43.65; 5. Kelley Pe1erson, Lf-2, 46.99; 6 Victoria Abbott, HV, 5700. 2S ~ 1 Sh1nnon Griffin, HV, 21 81 . 2 Ellen Naruse, HV, 22.44; 3. Monica Ven1unn1, HV 23 02; 4 Kendall Turell, Lf-2, 23 09, 5 Delaney Riley, Lf-2. 25 15, 6 Broanne Vlec:h , LF-2. 25 53 25 bnlalt -1 Jules Pouch, HV. 23 10, 2 Madison Bragg, Lf-2, 23.51; 3 Monica Ventunm, HV, 24.11, 4. Gaby Carpen1er, HV. 26 75, 5. Brianne Vlech. Lf.2, 2789 25 tty-1 Delaney Pouch, HV, 18 12, 2 Allison Skaggs. Lf-2, 18.15, 3. Monica Venturini, HV, 21.53; 4. Ellen N11ruse, HV, 22 17, 5. Kera Kwan, Lf-2, 23 87, 6 Devan Ellison, Lake ForeS1 No 1,12933. 100 fret tebry-1. HV, 1.11.56, (Shannon Gnffin, Jules Pouch. Gaby Carpenter, Delaney Poudll 2 LF-2. 1.20 84 !Kendall Thrall, Kelley Peterson. Madison Bragg, Kera Kwan); 3 LF-2, 1 ·27.69 CLoren Hershoc:k, Delaney Riley, Amend• Alexander, Devin Elhsonl; 4. HV, 1 :28 78 (M&dtenlle Carpenler, Samenthe Coffman, Courtney Wilson, Madison Helyl; 5 LF-2, 130.55;6. HV, 1:39.32, !Emily Turner, Emily Klrsch, Regan O'Hare, Delaney Owenl. 100 medley tebry-1 Lf-2, 1:24.23 (l(endatl Thr1ll. Medoson Bragg, Allison Skaggs, Kelley Peterson! 1 HV. 1 24.23. !Shannon Griffin. Delaney Pouch, Monica Venturini, Jules Pouch!, 3 HV, 1 30.24: IM!ldenz1e Carpente, Gaby Carpenter, Ellen Naruse, Mectoson Hef\11,4 Lf-2, 13693, 5 lf.2, 1 50.81, 6. HV, 1:59.90. (Devpn Tudo:er, Vict0na Abbott, Sam'lintha Coffman, Amy Tutton). 9-10 50 frM-1 Miilrgot Money, HV, 32.30, 2 Cethenne Aguilar, l.f-2, 32.57: 3 Brooke Wnghl, Lf-2, 36.44, 4. Allison Ganen. HV, 37.50, 5.Samantha Sonnenf, Lf-2, 3758: 6 Kathryn Conner. HV. 37n 50 ~ -1 Sarah Craig, HV, 39.04. 2 Brooke Wright, Lf-2, 40.50; 3. Anne Ventunm, HV, 42.50; 4. Pauline Men.. Lf-2, 44.69; 5 Karen Henry, LF-2, 45.52; 6. Allison Garrett, HV, 47.n 50 bnlan-1. Anni Venturini, HV, 45.49; 2. Kathryn Conner. HV, 45.58; 3. Niko Zak. HV, 45.69; 4 Emily Peterson, Lf.2, 45 90; 5 Clance Aguilar, LF-2. 45.99. 6. Nicole Doney. Lf-2. 49 35 50 tty-1. Margot Money, HV, 15.41: 2. Catherine Agu11.,, Lf-2. 15.71, 3. Serah Cr111g, HV, 18 07, 4 Kathryn Connet, HV, 16 93; 5 Pauline Merz. Lf-2, 19.36, 6 Samantha Sonnenf, LF-2, 21 59 100 IM-1 Margo• Money, HV, 1 23 76, 2 Clance Aguilar. Lf-2. 1 30.37, 3 Cetherone Aguiler, LF-2. 1.31 06: 4 Sereh Craig, HV, 1:32.16: 5 Pauline Merz, Lf-2, 1 35.49; 6 Anna Ventuflnt, HV, 1 37. 76. 200 "-Nlay-1. Lf-2, 2:27.32 (Emily Peterson, Nicole Dof'sey, Clance Aguiler, Brooke Wrigh1); 2. HV, 2 26 74 CAlloaon GefT'91l, Stephanie Seamen, N1k1 Zak. Lindsey lulk-e); 3 Lf-2. 2:36.44 (Karen Henry, Taylor Adair, Rebecca Rahn, Justine Threlll 200 mechy Nlay-1. HV, 1 09.36 ISareh CTalg, NllCI Z.~. Margot Monvv. Kathryn Connerl 2. Lf-2, 1:0984 (Brooke Wright, Emily Peterson, Catherine Aguiler, Samantha Sonnenfeldl: 3. Lf-2. 1·17.40 (KAlren Henry, Nicole Dorsey, Pauline Men, Rebeooa Rehn I 4. HV, 1 :19.07 (Lindsey Luke, Megen Griffin, Hannah Rome, Alllton Garrett). 5. Lf-2, 1:A1.82. 11-12 liOfree-1. Heather Ven Hiel, HV, 28.88; 2. Alllton Peoner, HV. 30.17; 3. Arny Marchi, Lf-2. 31.83; 4. EhM AbetU, Lf.2, 31.93; 6. Mk:tlelle Zudter, HV, 32.07; 8. Emily Waten, Lf-2, 32.43. Margot Money took first in the 9-and 1 ().year-old gins 100 IM. 50 bec:t-1. Kelli Feeley, HV, 3723, 2. Chet ... Giger, HV, 37.53, 3 Michelle Zucter. HV, 37.91; 4 Elu1e AbllrtA, LF-2, 38.86; 5. Amy Mardlo, Lf-2, 38 93, 6 Undsay Holbrook. Lf-2, 4742 50 brMst-1. Mehua Hohl, HV, 40.54; 2. Sarah Marton, LF-2. 40 73, 3 Briana Mc C1uskey, LF-2. 40 94, 4 Jeony M1111in. HV, 4195, 5 Britteny Rovzar. HV, 43.77; 6 Emily Waters. Lf-2, 44.09. 50 fly-1. Heather Van Hoel. HV, 34.59, 2. Chelsea Giger, HV. 34 72, J Jenny Martin, HV. 37.07; 4 Sarah Martin, Lf-2, 39.68; 5. Brooke Ellison, LF-2, 40.33; 6. Melanie McDonald, Lf-2, 42.81. 100 IM-1. Heother Van Hlel, HV, 1:16.29; 2. Melissa Hohl, HV, 1·20.91 , J. K.elll Feeley. HV, 1:22.81; 4. Amy Merctoi, Lf. 2, 1:25.71; 5 Brooke Ellison, Lf-2, 1:32.29, 6. Sh11nno11 Kalsow, l.J',2. 1 :32 67. 200frM ,....,_ 1 HV, 2 09 16 CMeliue Hohl. Allison Peotter, ChPlso.i Giger, Kelli Feeley). 2 lf-2. 2 16 13 !Brooke Ellison. Elise Aberta. Ke m•Pdy W.t.ers, Melanie McDondldl. 3 HV, 2:21.00 !Bnttany Rcwzar, Bl.1ke Gardner, Annie King. Kathryn MctCennon),4 LF-2,22187 5 l,2 2:5729 200 mechy ,.fay 1 HV "1 19 63 Cl<elh Feeley. Mel1sr.a Hohl tht>I'-<'" G•ger, Heather Van Hoell, 2 Lf 2, 2:31. 13 (Arny Merch1. Bnan11 Mc Cluakey, Broolte £111son. Ml'lan1e McOonaldl; 3 HV, 2 3194 (Annt{' k1111.J Jenny Martin. Mckenn<t Ce1skey Michelle Zu<*erl. 4 HV 2 41 17 IK11to• Duddy, Brittany Rov1ar Am<1nc.1.i Nidlel. Taylor Best> 5 lf 2. 2 59 48 13-14 100"9e-1 Tracey Foss Lf :>1 1·00 03. 2 Renee Cornwell L~ 2, 1·06.19; 3 Juho SotJnur. LF 2 IOU IH 4 Sarah Hutchison. HV. 1 07 ll !. ttJll•v Pm:btt, HV, 1 1719 SO bad!-1. Kalle lndvo~. HV. 37 2!J 2. Tracey Foss, Lf-1 I, 32 87, 3 .Andtt•jl Kalsow, LF-2, 35.21, 4 Kime Pulerson LF-2, 35.89; 5. Hatev Prodr.en, HV 42 44 50 bf'Hst-1. Katie Wals.h. U0.:1 36.78; 2. Jennifer Mueller U 'J 31) 4 7 3 Broene Galloway, HV, 39 77, 4 Shannon Ren,. LF-2. 39 82 '> Blok•• Gardner, HV. 46 23 SO tty-1 K.atJe lndv1' HV 29 78. 2 A1ldn119 K.ai9ow, lf-2. JO 83 3 Juf N• Segner, Ll'-2. 33 17, 4 Omstto<1 Oot~'\- 1..f.2, 34.19; 5 Bnana Galloway KV, J4 53 100 IM-1 Kalle lndv1~ IW 1 08 18 2. Andrae K.alsow, LF 2 I 10 51 3 Kristen Henry, LF 2. 1 19 !>4 4 Rl'llN Cornwell. l.f-2 1 19 83 5 All1•.a11 Peotter. HV, 1 21 59 200"9e,....,-1 LF2 1 5767 (Juhe Segner. Kuslen H• nrv Rnt>f'« Cornwell, TrllCOy Fon1. 2 HV 2 07 82 (Briana Galloway Haley Pr1c.*Pll r dloU lndv1k, Jenny Martini. 3 LF 2 2 05 61 (Katie Walsh, Jennifer Mu11llo·1 Shannon Reru, Sar1h Mdrnnll'tl 200 medley ,.fay 1 LF J 2 08 J2 !Tracey Foss, Katie Walr.h. Anrlr.,,1 Kalsow . Julie SeiJnert 2 l f '1 7 1'1 02 (Kalle Peterson, Jenn1lor Mu~ llo•r, Kristen Henry, RenPe Corowt!IH 3 ~W 2:22.57 (Haley Pndr.elt. 9,..,,,,, Galloway, Sarah Hutcho~un. Bl.~~· Gardner I, 4 LF 2, 2 25 87 15-18 100 "-8-1 V1v1an Liac.t. HV. 5A 41i 2. Tracy Kubas, HV. 1 01 63. 3 1<.111o,1v11 Tttus LF-2. 1 03 92, 4 M111t\\a DiGtegofl, Lf-2, I 05 30, 5 JOrHIJ Bumen, lf-2 1 06 33, 6 K.i11 .. l<.uliJ' HV, 10889 50 t..di-1 Ashley Chtl1t1lh11 H\I, 29 45. 2 Ashley Hyter HV, 35 54 3 Kelly Henry. LF 2. 35 63. 4 JtiAnn .. Moller. LF-2, 35 88 5 Amv Z11r.hr H\I 36 14. 6 Midlellf' Meek. LF 2 38 97 50 breut-1 Brandy Bclllddruk Lf-2, 36.29, 2 KflStt'n Good...,on. LF l 3710, 3 Megan Dugglebv LF 2 3743 4.Whotney Caskey, HV. 4-0 12 5 Bl1111 Conatentono. HV, 42 35 50fly-1 AmyZudr.lH HV 3397 2 Kety Henry. LF 2, 33 98. 3 Wh11r11•v Caskey, HV, 34 17. 4 kat11lyn Totu~ Lf-2, 34.43, 5 Meggie ~etson. HV 34.46; 6 Jenna Burnett Lf'.2. 36 88 100 IM-1 Brandy Bendilruk, Lf. 2 1:15.14, 2 Amy Zudttt, HV 1 16 14 3 Katy Heruy, lF-2, l-18 2 I. 4 JfJAnM Miller. LF-2. 1 18 99. 5 Mauo111 Net~on, HV, 1 22.60; 6 Britteny ~lyho. HV 1:27.37 200 fret retay-1. LF-2, I 58 52, (Jenna Burnett, Brandy Bandaruk, JoAnna Miller, Katelyn T1lu$), 2 llV, 2:09.37 lluhley Hyter, Brittany Hyter. Meggie Nelson, Wh11ney Caskey). 3 lf-2, 2:10.05 (Michelle Meek, Megan Walsh, Brenda McGhee. Brittany Orahood). 200 medley relay-1 LF 'J, ') 0722 !Megan Duggleby, Brandy Ban<laruk, Katelyn Titus . .ktnna Burnenl. 2 HV, 2 0733 (Ashley Chandler, Blaire Constantinou, Whitney Caskey, Vivian L1110), 3 Lf-2, 2:16.00 (Erin Renz, Kristen Goodwin, Kelly Thomas, Mel1ua 0.Gregorio) 4. HV, 2:21.50 (Meggie Nelson, Kiitie Kubas, Amv Zucbr, Trecy IWbMI. ~ 6 and younger 25 ITM-1 Brett Sdl1sler, HV, 20.68; 2 Hoyt Crenoe, HV. 21.52; 3. Cameron Hook, HV. 22.98: 4. Reed Zeveranlck. LF-2, 24.21; 5. Perter Core, l.f-2, 27.28; 6. M1dleel Podeltll. Lf-2, 35.14. 25 bad!-1. R1dty Z..k, HV, 26.13; 2. Jusun Henson, HV, 28.79; 3. Rion Parenten, Lf-2. 33.98; 4. Austin Percy, HV, 36.69; 5. Mld'teel Podost.e, Lf-2, 52 93: 6. Brvce McDonald, LF-2. 10438 25 bfust-1. Ridty Z..k, HV, 25.n ; i Chc1rlle Coffman, HV, 32.40; 3. Bratt Schisler, HV, 33.75; 4.Reed Zllversnidc, LF-2, 35.35, 5 Bryce McOonald, lf.2, S7 13. 6 Brandon Matthews, l.f-2, 1 0919 25 fty-1 Cameron Hook. HV, 30.93; 2 Reed Zaversmdc. Lf-2. 31 17. 3 Hugh Crance. HV, 31 68. 4. Pait.er Core. Lf-2. 43 45, 5 StllpMn Von Der Ahv HV. 45 50 6 Evan Abarte. l.f-2. 4!138 100 f1" retay -1 HV, 1 ·33 34 (Ridty Zilk Camero n Hook, Hoyt Crance, Bren Sdl11ter), 2 lf-2, 2·21n IParlcer Core Roon Perenten. Michael Podesl•, J11son Chamnt1ul 3 LF-2, 3. 14.07 IAushn Warren, Bryce McDonald, f van Abe rte, Mason Watersl. 100 medley ,.faoy-1 HV. 1.42.49 ICumeron Hook. Rtdcy Zak. Hoyt f odnce. Brett Sd111ler). 2 HV, 2 10.64 t Jus11n Henson. Gnffin Hornby, Hugh Crc1nce. Ashton Ja1ome), 3. Lf-2. 2 31 32 (Roon Parenten, Reed Zdv(.tr5nodt. Parlcer Core, Mtdleel Pudcstc1 t 7-8 25 fTee -1 Jake Wyett. HV. 16.77. 2 Chnsttan Ampe. Lf-11. 17.20: 3. Christopher Von Der Ahe, HV, 18.55: 4. Rood Medtler, HV, 18.74, 5. Jacob Dentoco, Lf'.2, 20 01, 6 Kyle McDonald, LF"Z,2228 50 fret-1 Jake Wyatt, HV, 39.00; 2. Ryan Grolftn, HV, 40 44; 3 Chnsttan Ampe, l f'. 2. 41 68, 4 Tyler Mcf'tull~. H\I. '4 85 5, Jacob Den11C1. L.f..2, 47'17. 6 Kyle McDonald LF-2. 5183. 25 badt-1 Ryan Griffin. HV. 22 49: 1 Will G1ov1naao. lf.2, 23.94; 3. Stevl'n O'Sullivan, LF-2 , 24.40: 4 Reid Medder HV. 24 83, 5 Cody Thompson. LF-2, 24 84, 6 ChnS1opher Von ~r Ahe. HV, 25 52 25 breast -1 Chnstopher Von Der Ahe. HV 24 09, 2 Joey Martino, HV. 15 53. 3 Davos Case, HV. 26.32. 4 Cod-, Thompson, LF-2, 26.53, 5 Tylef R1char<:1 Lf-2 28 43; 6. Zechery Orrcinl1<1. LF-2, 31.92. • 25 fly 1 Ry•n Griffin. HV, 20.17. 2. Jake Wyc1n, HV. 2117, 3 Chn111an Ampe, LF 2, 22.57, 4 DaVJs Case, HV, 71 88. 5 Well G1ovin1zzo, LF-2, 23.52; 6 Michael Oten1coff, Lf-2, 26.23. 100 fret tebry-1. HV. 1:14.28 CRaod M6d<ler, Tyler McPholhps, Caswell On, Jake Wyctttzt: 2 HV. 1 .23.94 (0avis Cai.tt. Liam Karas. James Velenllne. talc Scti1slerl. 3. LF-2, 1:25.93 (Jacob Ot'nl1c1 Cody Thompson. Kyle McDonald Michael Otemcotf'I, 4 HV, 1 31 75 CCharl1e Rodo~y. Zachery Bc1lden M<1ll Bearer, Clay Woodwardl: 5 LF 2.13190,6 LF·2, 1:39.15. 100 medtey relaoy -1. HV. 1:21 29 (Ry~n Groffin, Christopher Von Der Ahl' Reid M!ldtler, Jake Wyant, 2 l F 2, 1 3:1 38 ISleven O'Sulhven, Cody Thompson Christian Ampe. Kyle McDonald I, 3 HV. 1 35 96 CJames Valentine. Joey Martino, Tyl..- McPh1ll1ps. Caswell Orrl. 4. LF-2, 1 3707 5 LF-2, 1 46.49 9-10 50 fret-1 Russell Renteria, Lf-2, :>9 66, 2 Ganen Larson, HV, 32 40; 3 Bruce Bearer. HV 34 53; 4. Dustin Onan11a, Lf 2. 35 33, 5 Adam Bragg. LF 2. 35 53, 6 Brennan Anderson, HV. 35 87 50 badt-1 Andrew Hoff, Lf-2. D9r,~MllttMWEng'listr,HV;-42~ l Ryan Derby, Lf-2, 43.56: 4. Daniel Hohl HV, 43.58; S. Randy Trimmer, LF 2 44 11; 6.Chop Zudcer, HV, 44.59. 50 breast -1. RuMell Renteria. Lf-2, 39 22. 2 Garrett Larson. HV. 40.41; 3. Taylor Melllnger. LF-2, 45.37: 4. Bruce Be1uor, HV, 46 17; 5. Chip Zu<*er, HV, 49.56, 6 Christopher Trimm, Lf-2, 5086 50 l'ly-1. Russell Rentetia, LF-1, 15 63, 2. Brennen Andertor1, HV. 18 84. 3 Jake B11nderuk. HV. 19.37; 4. Daniel Hohl, HV, 19.57; 5 Dustin Orrantte, Lf-2, 20 15; 6. Max Ranltin, lf.2. 23.50. 100 IM-t Aodr-Hotf', lf.2 1, 1:18.12; 2. 9yan Derby, lf-2, 1:34.80. 3 Mu CarJ)erlter, HV, 1:34.18. 4. Chip Z~. HV, 1 :39.59; 5. Dennis Price 10 lf-2 1:4 1.32. 200"-.....,-1. L.F-2, 2.20.30 (Andrew Hoff, Ryan Derby, Adam Bragg, Dultln Orrantlal; 2. HV, 2:21 87 IBrvc. Bearer, Chip Zudr.ar, Brennan Anderaon, Garrett Laraonl; 3. lf.2. 2:33.55 (Randy Trimmer, Dennis Pooe, Zadlary Gugett, Taylor Melhngerl. 4 HY, 2:34.89 (Spencer Haty, Nicholae Belden, Jake Bandaruk, Trevor Mc:.Ghie); 5. HV 2:39.10 (Matthew Englleh, Joshua Giger, Derek Salvino. Max Carpenter); 8. Lf-2. 2:.0.53 ISpencar Core, Ryen Hardy, Denlel Nelaon, Christopher lrimmerl. 200 ntechy tebry-1. Lf-2, 1 :07.60 ~nd..w Hoff', Taylor Mellinger, Ruuell Renteria, Dustin Orrentlal; 2. HV, 1 :10.14 CMatttww English. Garrett l.ar900, Daniel Hohl, Brvc;e Bearer); 3 HV, 1:16.25 (Brerinen Anderton, Chop Zuct¥, Ja«e Bandaruk, Max ~l; 4. lf'-2, 1:18.59 IRv•n Derby, Chrl$tophe<' Trimmer, Adam Bragg, Randy Trimmer); 5. HV, 1 19 66 IJoehue Giger, Ryan Gooding, Nldtoln Balden, Bryce luhlonl. Lf-2, 1':2l31. 11-12 1iO ,,_ _ 1. David Gu ibord, HV. 30.87; 2. Toby VIiiaiva, l.f-2, 30.97; 3. Je1fr.y Chung, Lf-2, 32 43; 4. Tyler Hafy, HV, 32 72; 5 Ryan Gllldyctl, HV, 33.32; 8. Brodl9 Pe1eraon, lf-2, 33.99 !IO bedi-1. Toby Villalva, l.f-2, 36.75; 2. David Guobord, HV, 36 75, 3 Justin Pepe, HV. 37.65; 4 Brod111 P9terson, LF-2, 40.13: 5 Mila Craig, l.f-2, 41.99; e. Derek Salvino, HV. 5111 50 llf'Mlot-1. Cameron Henry, Lf-2, 39.34; 2. Kevin Cox, HV, 42.17; 3 Tyler Haly, HV, 42.83; 4. Jeffrey Chung, Lf-2, ~.33; 5. Cotton Fox, Lf-2, 47.n. !IO fly-1. Cameron Henry, Lf-2, 31.22; 2. Kevin Cox, HV, 34.24; 3. Jurtm Pape. HV, 36.09; 4. Trey Titus, Lf-2, -43.83; 5. Cameron Nelaon, Lf-2, 43.96 100 IM-1. Cameron Henry, Lf-2, 1: 1629. 2. Jult.ln Papa, HV, 1 ·24.44; 3 Alec Wilson. HV, 125.37,4 Cameron Nelson. lf-2, 1·29 08. 5 Teddy Benderuk, HV, 1 29 13; 6 Logan Ra1Ah, Lf-2, 13995 200 fret tebry-1 HV. 2 06 27 (1<.evon Cox, Tyler Haly, Alec Wiison. D11v1d Gulbord), 2 Lf-2. 2·13.89 (Toby Villalva, Cameron Nelson, Jeffrey Chung. Jeff Modungol 3 LF-2 2 24 81, (Moles Craig L099n Raum, Tray T11u1 Shaun Murphy), 4 HV 2 26 20 !Teddy Bandaruk. Hugh Ru1Mll, Pelrodl Sdloenberg. Ryan Gledychl 200 m«hy tebry-1 HV, 2 21 74 (Jultln Pepe. Tyler Haty Kevin Cox David Guobord) 2 LF 2 2 23 40 ITohy Villalva, Cameron Nelson. Ce meron Henry, Brodie Pe1ereonl. 3 LF 2 2.40.0f(Miles Craig, Colton Fox Jeftrev Chung, Jeff Modungol 4 HV. 2:48 43 (Ryan Gledych, Pstndc Sdloenti.rg, Aler; Wilson Teddy Bandarukl, 5 0 Lf-2, 2 56 83 100 fret-1 Tom Money, HV, 56 43 2. Daryn Holl. LF-2 . 1 02 61, 3 Ryan ICenl. HV. 1.03 64. 4 Trevor Abbey, Lf-2. 1:03.82. 5 Steven Donohue. lF-:1. 1 03.97, 6. Brian Peotter. HV. 1 06.38 13-14 50 bed -I Ryan Huhman. HV, 33 52: 2 Aaron Hoff, LF-2. 33 85. 3 Kale McCartney, lf-2. 34 21, 4 Kyle McGhle. HV. 35 76, 5 Adam Bendarult l.f-2, 38.Al, 6. Scott F-eeley. HV. 42 23 50 i.-t-1 Daryn Holl. Lf-2 36 86 2 Anthony Manalle. HV. 3737. 3 Trevor Abbey, Lf-2, 3755, 4 Clay Ruuell, HV, 3794, 5 KAiie Mc Certnoy. lf.2. 3B 11 , 6 Mike Brusoc, HV, 38 12 50tty-I Enk Sugg, lf-2, 28 50 "1 Tom Money. HV 29 03. 3 Neel Duggleby, Lf-2, 32 61. 4 Ryan Huhman. HV. 32 75. 5 Ryan Kenl. HV 33 18. 6 Adam Bandaruk. LF 2. 34 14 lOOIM -1DarynHoll.Lf-2.I1771 2 Enk Sugg, lf-2 . 1 13 54 3 Ryan Ruuell, Lf-2, 1 18 84, 4 Brian Peoner HV, 120 23 200 fret Nlay-1 Lf. 2, 1 52 76 I Kalt! Mc Canney, Neal Duggleby, Arutm Bandarull. Steven Oonohuet. 2 HV, 1·58.39 IRyen Hultman , Clay Ruuell, Mike Bru1ic, Ryan Kentl 200 medley tebry 1 LF-2. 2 04 92 (Trevor Abbey. Daryn Holl. Erolt Sugg. Steven Donohue I. 2. HV, 2 14 07 !Kyle McGh1e. Clay Rustell, Ryan Kent, Broen Peonel. 3 Lf-2, 2 14 90 I Ryan Ru Hell, Kale McCartney Adam Bendaruk, Neel Duggleby), 4 HV, 2:38 19 IScon Feeley, An1hony Marralle, Tra1111 P11oken Mike Bru11c) 15-18 100 frM-1 Nici Folhs, LF-2, 53 99, 2 MIS.. Sonnenfeld . Lf-2, 54 60, 3 Blalte Schoenberg, HV, 5731. 4 Tyler Kent, HV, 59 54. 5 Michael Amren. Lf-2. 59 88, 6 Tyler Schoenberg. HV 1.03 91 50 bade-1 Bryan But>ag1ar HV, 26 84; 2 Miles Sonnenfeld Lf-2 2733 3 Kevin Mc Kenna, Lf-2, JO 50 4 Tom Renden. lf'-2, 31 24 50 bt9nt 1 Brvan Buheg11r. HV, 3136; 2 Welker Russell. HV. 32 90 3 Grant Mueller, Lf-2. 33.11. 4 Chnstophef Crewf, HV, 33 33, 5 Collin Derby, l.f-2, 34.92, 6 Kevon Mc Kenna. Lf-2, 35.69 50 fly-1 Ni<* Chamber•. l f-2, 26.19: 2. Miles Sonnenteld, LF-2, 28.28; 3 Blake Sdloenberg. HV, 30 03, r.Tim Refla.lf;L~2.~l'vter Kent., HV, 32 19. 100 IM-1. Bryan Buhag111r, HV, 1:01.87; 2. Kevin Mc Kenna, LF·2, 1:06.38; 3 Grant Mueller, LF·2, 1:08.99; 4. Tim Renden, LF·2, 1:0$.28. 200 m«hy tebry 1. Lf-2. 1 52 19 !Miies Sonnenfeld. Kevin Mc Kenna. Nldl Chamber1, Nldc f-ollltl; 2 HV. 1:63.llO CBryan Buhaglar, Wallter Ru .... I, Rvan Ca1Mrty, Christopher Crewfordl; 3. Lf-2. 1 ·~ 80 (Tim Renden, Grant Mueller. M~I Am,_n, TJ Fuent .. I: 4 Lf..2, 2 10 57 =Upl==llal=d=ll=-= LlplMoaca SELL your stuff through classi fied! NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SAl.E T S No 104367 4-06 APN 041M 15-02 TRA 07-0CJ1 Loan No 35465962 REF S'9wll9, Geofge M IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPEATI OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF musT. DA TED Sept.mW 05, 2001. UNt.ESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOlD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EJU>LANA TION Of THE NATURE Of THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOUlD CONT ACT A LAWYER. On June 26 2003. at 10 ooam c.1 Wesiem Reoonveyanoe COfpcratlOn as d\J1y aopoonted tnJstee undef Ind ru'11Uant to Deed ot Trvst recorded September 17. 2001, il5 Inst No 200 t 0655583 ot Olllaal Aecofas 1n Ille Olflce ol ll'lfl COunfy Rea>toer ot °' anoe Councy, State ol CPtoma. execvtea by Geotoe M Ste-1ens and Ractlel Mgela St8't80S Hu~ And wie "5 JoonC Tenants, ..a Ml at P1.tJ1oc auci>on to ~t btdOef tt..· ;::wll, caati.er's d'8CX drawn on a Slate ot naboNI baril, I cneck drawn by a state or teoe<al etedlt ureon ot a ctiectc drawn by a st.ate ot te<lefat savings and IOan a550Cla!IOO, Sl\/WlQll at.SO..J.. :.on. ot savrogs baril soeofieCI lr'I Sedloll 5102 ol tne F'1naroa1 COde and autr..onzed to oo l>\.lslnesS 1n !hrs stall' In tNt front ol 1"8 FlaQpoles a I IN t.UJf\ Encranoe lve:a to tne "'-lba CMC Cerlel ~1~11 E Chepman Avenue, P1Acenlla, Cal!fotna al n<,111. llOe and 1nte1est COflll9y9d to and now held by rt undef said Deed ol T rvst rn the ptopetty Sl!Valed 1n said County and State *'-'" .. I ....... ........... The tl)llow1n1 pe,son hi\ •h•11don8d the u\e ut lhe r tcllUou• Busl nn\ Nllme I he llouse of Atl. ?68 Hanover C.o\t1 ~,. CA 92626 , lht r tlllllQU\ Busmen name 1 ete,,ed to •bove wn tiled •n o,an1~ County on l 14' 07 rtl( NO ?OO?f>89!>!>/l Steph •n•e S t ollu 1166? llt•>0~hu"t Sl Hunllnwton Butt• CA 92646 Mu hell• l B~nncll /611 ltanovtr Or C.o•ta Me\A t o\ 9?6i'b t hi\ bu'"''" t\ ton llut lr ct lly a11 un111cor l)Ht f \tid O\\U\.Ldttuu uthe• thdn • lldtlnc• •h•v Sh1111'tllr S t ulleo Mot hell• Benne ti lh" \l.tt•noettt wa\ hied With the !.nunly Cltr~ ol O••nK• C uuttty un O'I 14 OJ 2003694461) OA1ly P1lr1t M•y lO lune 6 I J i'O /OOJ r.QI! s.I JM llW91fe4 lttm th MSJ w.yl Ploce 1 Cloulfie4 e4 tt4tyl 1•01u2-ma ---- dHcnbed u Coo\ptetely descnl>ed In sarO Cleed ol trust The neet acttesa and ocner common deslQNbOn. d any ot ltle lffl propeny ~ ilt>CW8 IS l>U"P0'1ed IO l>8 503 East Bay Avenue Newport Beacrl CA 92661 1208 The ~ Trustee dlscla.ms any hal>llfty tor any 1noorrectnesa ol tne street addrHs and olnef common de~nat10n, If any. shOwn herein SatO s.ile will t>e made, l>IJt Wllhovl oovenant or warranty eicptess or •mplie<l r991tdlng b1le posses$'°'1. oonOtlon Of encumbrances 1ndU<11ng iees cnaroes and e~tlSeS ol tile TtUstee and ol the tnJst!I a aated by 5'KI Deed ot Trust to pay tne remaonng poncip.il sums ol the nolO(S) SOCUH!<I by sad Deed ol T rvst to """ $44 7. 348 86 With 1nt81KI lhefeon from Dec:8l'rtler o 1 . 2002 at 10 ~ per annum as pt0\11<18<1 If\ Slld nol8( S) pll4 oos1S and any 80\l IOCM Wilt! lf\l81esl ESTIMA TEO TOT Al DEBT $476.503 00 The benehoatY unoer 5aJCI Deed ot 1' NII 1-e!Olore •IC8CUte<I and delfve<ed IO lt1e underlqled a wrmen Oeclara!IOO ot Default Ind Demand lor Sale and a wntten Not1C8 of Oelaun and EleCllon to $e41 The ~caused said Nola ot Oefaun and Election 10 Sel to be rec:oioeo rn tl'le counfy ~e 11'8 !N I prooerty IS tocaled FOf sales onlotmatioo Mot).fn 90Qam to 4 00pm (B19) 590 1221 Cal Wes11em Aeoonveyarce Corpot'lllOI\, !>25 East Ma111 Strfft. P O Boa 22004, El C.,on. Ca 92022·9004 Dated May 29. 2003 T!'\JStee Sale Olftcer Rhe>nda L Rone (R-96371 ~3. 06/ 1 :w3. Q6l2o.'l)3) a. llpl Malca STAll Of C.uomA llNl'IBOf ~llAnoets WOllllS' COIPlllSATIOI APftAlS llOMD WlOM MOTICI Of lAWUT WUI le. POI 2S4--411 lo OEFLNOAIO, lllf GAl.l Y UNINSUACO l M PLOYC R AVISO A ad le u tan demandendo le C<iltte puede o pedH un• deu"on que le efe<te sin Que u le n c.eche • memos que <td actue pronlCI le. la "&u1enl• 1nfotm11c1on DEF £NDANT Wllh•m J M<Mahon, DD S , lJ.477 Newport Av e , # A, lu~tin. CA 92180 (/14) ~44 ~88J APP i I CAN1<S) P•lr"!a (&an NOTKIS I) A law\u1t , the •I ta<hed Apphc.ahon for o\d1u01t1t1on of Claim h•\ been filed with the W<lr ~<r • Compenutton Api>"ah Bnatd 1£11MI you a \ t he named detend•nl by the 1bove named appltc<1nt(s) You m •y i eek the ad•••~ of an •lto1ne~ 1n any matteo conneded with th1\ tawi u1t •nd \uch dtlornev ~hould b~ uinwll~d promptly so th~t yuu1 response may b e llled ~nd entertel 1n ,, timely fd \h1on II you do not know •n at1u111ey you may c•ll an dltu1ney rtlerenct \er YK.t' 01 ii l•&•I aid 111111 ~ cue ttlfphont dore1 tooyJ Vuu nl4JY 4fh.o r~QUf''t A\\t•.t anct 1nfurm~t1on ftorn .-11 fnformdhon .and A""tan<t Olflce1 ot th• 0,.1\1on o t Wnrktt\ fMlee 5* No F~ l Oin No ~ Tille Older No cncl26112·20 APN 93).$4- 0I!& Hc*9 at Trus•'s Salt YOi.I illll 11 DlltaiJI II"* I 0.0 at T Ml DallO 1112112001. Lit'*I ycu lake llCtm 10 pl1*l:.1 f0.11 piqierty C mly be SCJICI • I o.ciic .. l ycu._,.,~at "' lllkn ot .... ptOCllldngl agaRI \'CU ycu SIQ;d ~ 111wyt1 On 1nflf11J a 1~00 AM Lar>cllmlnca OdVI s.-eon..,., a Calrtonu ~ ill "' u, iWO"'ll8d INMee ..... nl ru-11 10 o.s al !Ml rlQClflled an "°""'1lllt 30, 2001 • ntMW'll No 20010l!&l7811 at ~ ~11r.o.:.a1 .. Rer:ionMr at Orqe (;Qny, ~ ----by o.w GCJnbl I ~ 11191, a llMOr. 11 ~ at JIO E Diii!. ~d .. ~al Tf\91 ot JKl E Oii IRllr ...,,.. ..., ~ 17 t 112. • lllNflclrt ... .... IM* MIOn 10 .... ~ tllOlllf lot C9l (plylllle • .,,. ot -.. Wiii _..., ot .. I.hied 51.1111 by calh, I CelW I CNQ ChWI by I ,._ OI NllOllll bwa, I cl'«* drlWll IJy I 111111 01 ........ ad lnOll, OI I Cl.a: ~ IJy I 11118 (/( ...,.. IM'IQll rel kw!~.~ motlllerl, OI U1'1'Q1 tsa 91**d II ICtCrl 5102 al Ill F.rwoll c--rel dvlzed 10 ct> e..-... .. ,.. .., • k\fltfllrtalN .... ,.._..., .. 10 .. "'-U ()o;oc C.. ~·~I I E Ollp!wt ,._. Plaw'lla, CA. .. ,.., ... rel inllW'llt OCJ'!ftyeO 10 .., ,..,. held by • ll1dlr Slld 0.0 tJ T NII 111 r. piqierty ....., " sarcl Coln). c.toml ~ 11'8 llrlCS ,..,.,, As more ~ Compensation (see t1lephone dlfeclO!y) 2) An Answer lo tti. Apphcehon must be ht.d and Mtved within su d•Y' of the service of lhe Apphc•tion putSuant to Appeals Bo:trd <UIH. thetefo,., you' wr lllen response must be hied With the App .. b Bo.,d promptly, a le lier or phone c•ll will not protect yo u1 1nterut\ 3) Vou will be •et ved wtlh • Nottceh) o t Hea11n1 •nd musl •P pear at all hea"n&• °' conferencH Altet \Uch hea11n11 .. en absent yo ur "ppe•u •nce • decmon m11 be made and an lltWilttd o t com pensallon benefrh rnay 1u ue a1amst you The •ward could rewtt 111 the t•• nrshment nt your wages, taking of you1 money or 111opt'1ly or other rehet II the Appe•I• 8ui111d makes an •w••d "i'"n't you your house o' o ther dwetltna 01 other poop fl ty mdy bt ti!ktn tu \•ltsly lhdl dWAld tn .. non 1udrc1al \Ale w1t11 no u emphun\ hum t •e t.uhon A hen may •lsn be 1mpu,ed upon yuur ptuverty without luflh.r hunn& .ind b~ltire the ls~udnlc of on •w•t d 4 ) You rnust notoly the Appeals Bo" d "' the proper· i!ddren tno thr \~HYile of of1t<••I nohct• •nd P"P"" •nd nut1fy tht Appeal' Bo•rd ol any chan11n on th•t itddrt\S TAI(( ACTION NOW TO PROTECT YOUR INJ(HSTSt luued by WORl\E RS ~ l'I Mid Oeed al T t\.l9l 1he piqierty ,_91cn, delcltled IS bll'llJ IOIO .... The llretl --Ind °'* c:OlmW)n ~.',,,.,,,of .. 19111 piqierty ~ lllOile IS IUPC'1ld to be I 19 3611 St. Newport 8-11 CA 1298.1 The IRllr1q*I T~ cilclalT8 ""1 bblily lot llfl/ ICOll ICll as tJ rlt piqierty aclr)'es1 rc1 aaw COtmlOll ~ ' ""· !lf'Otorl "'"'" Slld ,. ... be ..... Illa ...,.. COl'eNtll OI WWTW'lly ~ Qt implled, "CllldrlQ .... ~(/(~ to P9Y ... ..-.no pllndpll 11111 of h noll(s) MClnd tJW Ulll Oeed al T 11S1. wlit ...... IW'8all. • P'O¥ICllld " Slld noll(IJ, Ofta, i "'t "'°*' .. terms al ,.. Oeed tJ '11111. 8!llrNlllll '-· ctllf9lll ..., eicper-ee at "' rl.9lee rd al h INllS C'9lll!O Ill' S11C1 oeeo of IMI. 11>-oW'I $72.309 '5 !EsWNledl k:avtfO l1leresl nl ~ .,. .... d ""'· ... n;i..,. ..... l)V 10 Slit The ~ ll"der Slid Oeed tJ Tn.i hefelOlae CIXilCUl.ed VCl oellveredtoh~a MiGs1 oecl¥ollOll at Oeld rel ~ lat Mill ff I """"" NolC.e of OltaA rod EllOatl to Sell n. IRlenlpd ~ rd '*** " OllaJt .., ~ 10 Ml IO be r1ICOtOed °" 11 h Coln) wf*9"',. ~ e toc.o .., fT'C)l9 l'a'I "'" monh ,_ lllliOllO WU IUCll ~ o.cl: ~ ' 2003 l.Jrd.-nentl Oda..t s.-~ g E.-:IA'¥e Orde. S.. 100 rmna. CA eu (714) 424- 4..al Siie Lrc (7U) 5 73- 11186 By Kin M "*'° Si ~e Olicet P196949 &13. &'20. 0&'27/2003 COMP[NSATIDN AP PCAlS BOARD. Name •nd AddtHs of Appeals B o "d WORKER S' COMP[ NS ATIDN AP - Pl Al S llOARD. 43~ W M1u 1on Blvd , 1100. Pomona CA 91766 COMf'l£1ED BY N•me •nd AddrU• of Apph t •nt'• Atl0<ney, Repre Hnt.ollwe (Of Apphont 1t •Cl•nc without Allor ney/Aepr nenl•l •n ) l aw Otf1us ut Ketth A Su1u1t. P 0 Boa 7188 Pomon•. CA 9 1769 2188 (909) J97 1400 N0 1tC( 10 IH( PERSON Sl HVf I) You •re Hrved d\ •n 111d1v1du:tl dt!len dint Publl\he d N~wpor t But h Co•t• Mesa D•1ly Pllol June 13 20, 21. July 4, 700 ! f 430 SUUOllS (aTACDI MIQll) NOllC[ 10 DEHN OANI (Avow • Acusa do) HOAN C LAN IRUIJNG. ;in 1nd•••du•I <1nd Ooma bu,mt u n llOAN(.. l AN MUSIC DOI S l t<l 70 YOU ARC BEINC SU£0 BY PlAINflH CA Ud t• u t.t dtm•nd ando) MINH QUANG NGUYI N a~• I AM GIA MINlt Ynu Mv• lO CALI N OAR DAYS •lle1 th•~ sununun~ 1s served on yCIU to fol~ • typew11tt•n rt\pon'e •t th•~ lour t A letlt• "' phone c;oll will not vrotec t yo11 yuu1 I YP<'Wlltlen "' \pun\t mu\t bf' 1n proper le&dl lurm 1f yuu want the iuurl to hedr your' a\~ II ynu do nnt ltlf! your Jf''\POO\~ un time 'fOU mdy hae lhe ca\.e dnd yvur WdW"'· money M•d 111up~rty mdy Li• l •ken without furth .. r warrnng f1,1m lltt •nurt lhP•• •r• uth., te11al tfQllltf'ment" You may w•nt t<; co\11 "" •ttorney 11~ht awdy II you do out kriuw on •ttc,tnry 1ou m•y <•II .rn •tt<lrn~t f fll"rr•f \f"f'llCf: or .J 11'~•1 dtd 10fl1t • I h\ltd tn th~ ph1J1i. book J Oopuo de qu~ Ir t"nht"~Ut'n .. \1-t llldt 1un 1ul11\ 1dl u\tNt lt~nr un 11l•1t1 d" JO OIAS <Al ( NOAHtO:, PM• p1 P~~n l~r una 1e~pu.,.,t_. ,., u 1ta d maQum• en P~td ((lrtt Und ldt ltt o und ll•m•d~ ltl~lnn•t• nn It ofrtc.~r .t '-" nttcc.mn •.v rt\UU,.,f' P't.rtld • m•qo1n4 t1,.ne-Qu~ cumplu (.l)n la'\. ffu 1f'}dt rd•d~\ l•~dlH d(><loptd d.ti '' lJ .. t,.d QUi~ft •_JUf" la ,,,,,., ,.._. Ut hf" 'U CUii S1 U'\lt!d "' pt~\1!11ld \U t~\PU•'"\fA a he:mpo purdr "'"' dr' .-1 t d.,'> v tf' CHl .. d••n •JUlldf 'f;.U '\4f1UIV ')U dHWfU y ulfd\ t u·~•\d~ -.u pr np1edad '.In ... ttl' 11 •dtt 1t1nJ1I !HU ,,., ... rl .. , .. tllfff' C 1 •~t,.n oho\ requr•.1 IU\ '""""'' f'u~de qu• u\ttd qu1u .t lt.trrtar ~ un of t!M coort I\ (fl nombu )' dueccron de ta ~o,te '"' SUPlAIOR COUHI Ill IHI !HAit Of <Al I f 0$1NtA •eP<nenl•tove will be S TIH £ 1 Nf Wr'Olt I 'equ1nd to 11ve notte" 8EACH (AllfORNIA tu 1nleresltd per MJO\ 92660 Th• •otl•'""'"'-~ .. , rt11 ,,,,. dwnc bu\"'* Aniclo\ 1.,m•t• ( ""' V.tt1y 1!1 H•m11H1fl I t(J Ir """ r A 'li'b I II ror the Co\111 ty ro t Orana~. C•nll•I lu••"~ Center 100 crvte c.,,.,~, o .. ~. West S•nla A1t• I o\ 9710? 0838 •ny 1nte1n te<f 11•1ty 111 thew •UthtHllt d •acrot •u11eved ut th•t dn1 '"'" mily tole • notou of apveat In the Ptannma Cnmm1~\lon wttn • t1t11tK tee ol SlS/~ 00 '" delr1y th~ rusl nt th~ appul procedur• lhe Pt411111ne 011ed1" • the f'•on11t <UPIOOJ Ol'l) is u hrdul•d 101 1 ev1ew by !he Plfnn1n1 Oepartmeot ul lht t 1ty ol Ne wpotl lluL11 -•• efte• Tueolloy, July I. 200S. Wntltu 'um nu uh or 1n"ut '"'•led lo the po 01e< I ~hr1ultl b~ "'"""11~0 to the f'l•11 "'"¥ O<v•rln•tnt ltv Muud•y Juno 3 0 , 2003, on orde1 tu b1 I 11ll".1r1 .. ,.,tj lfl th~ "''"" ninii? U1r .. ctor \ dee f\lt)n If itlJIHOVbd At thP f 1mt" .,t tr '"""" 111,. .;pp., ... ! 1J,.t 111tJ ut 14 d•~._ will ~· ttin "Ofll Uldt d tit our•"' #htt tt t 1mt dll t rnlt1e,ted P•' 1 r or th~,, •uthufl/~d •tf'nt ti t.'f•'"'ved uf thdl t1tl1'\1t1n ffid f f1lt a flttlu.. ul o'1J.lhtl t J Ou f'I •tH1m~ f omm1\\lfJJ1 w1Ch .t ltt1rtti: unto\ t11ey h.v• waived lh<t owh I•> Li• s.<•td nott<. • or t.on~nteil tu ••• lk" 11btld 111 l•"~• •I Ill• proP-OMid •ct1on > n 0 1111 . tu1111t111• ,_ I h• tndep•ndenl •d I qu11101111t tnv~ntor y m1nl\t••l•on autho11ty ¥llt1dwtll l•11•11t•. In• will lie &••nlt d unlen Ill""'"' nl > \11pp1t,' ... • ..... , n ted pef\Ull •lid 11tht1 • VH\Utrl•bt~ .. ftlt· •" ullte<h<rn lo th• 'lln11 "'*'' , u•.tunu' •>uvth"t 11 t; •' I,., nuh • A. f uu· ti u• twu lu µehtum •nd \how' tioort ''"' 11td· .111nd 1 ... 1,.vhu11,. " A. , ,, tt.tUllt•OtM • tOl 1,.,,,~ <.A ~/f,11( 1 he n•m• •d<f• ~\' and lelephunt< nu0tli•1 ul pl.;uihfl's •tturney or pl.,ntolt without dn allot ney " c (I 11u1111.i1 t I• d1tcu.1c,10 "I ti nume• ,, de telefnn•J di-I •b"a•d· del dem•nd•nl• '' d~t dem•nd•ntt 1111• "" lien• dbfJ1tadO C'.) c "'"'1 why Uh t.UUf t I f' I\ •r•\1 "''" lu1 1lr~ ~huuld not 1r•nt 11,. •I •';01 81R1 t~ '>IHI Ir •utl1u1111 Nl Wf'ORI Ill Al.H I Al A Ht Aki NC u11 tit" If ORNIA 'Ubl,IJ J,ftht1vrt w1tl lie held 11n Jh,. ht.t\1llC\,) 11.t111• Jiit Y 10 2003 •I I 45 u'<'t.I lit "" •II~• .. 1 i. p m t n IJC' p I I I l tlt•I Im •It''' " I t l•h•l•d •I .141 !ht (tty ! IU~tVI l'HAHMAI 1 011•e !.uuth Ur •Oil• CA 11 ...... ,. '"'''''' d•lt 9/ll68 lht bulk ·•I+ 1• llll l ' Ir YIJU OBJCCT to th• l'O(Jj .,1 1111 ••"", f t(fAltfH1~ Of lh~ pet1h CJH ( hh "kll f1flr ( 11111µ41r1~ l1h .... I 11 P I 11 "'•• ''fl#, I' 100,1>948011 u• •!I ( t• Htl 1 Law Olhte\ 111 Hu• l'hu f ruonR Sidi~ U.or Nn 1!>6411 you ~hould rtppea1 dit thf" /CXJ "'• f luw•·r .t •llJI l'""' 1'11 i 11,,, i'O }I 10?:>1 :-il•ler A•tuur Suit e 201 f uunt~"' Valley, CA 91/0ll he.ron~ •nof st•tr yvu• Io\ llnv•I~\ I A •JC'll I • ., ' \ l l /!Ml I '\•II, Tel <7141963 7 IJS DATl1 (fecho) Slr' 06, 2002 ALAN SLATH, Cieri. (Act-le), l.y ANGILA ICHOX. D•tw'Y (Oele90do) Pubf!Shtd N'"''"" t Bei!th Co\l.l Mt •d !JJol 1 P1lol lun• 6 I I 10 11 ?OOJ 14n No tu ,a I'\ h,.t rt t 11w~r1 lh~•• M H i. k11L11t ptrJPf''IY l Wrttt h.t ft~qvf"~trJ Mmhtu. 111011 of lht lt1t1111~. th rJ111 ,,., r tu permit '""' utct11&11r1 I a1ch1t~1 tur 11 11•d r ~11 tim••-, t h .. t ,..,1 .,.,_I th .. p~1 mlll~d h••~ltt 1111 10rw t..On\h ur tum w1U1 , 111 I• t' ul ~7'> 00 Iv 1ld1 •Y ttu 1 u• I -.t tt1r dJ>~t'dl pt111 fl'tfutl"' I HI f11r th,.r "'''" m A ob1etHrm\ fH '''" wt1tteo lh•\ tJul~ ,It• • r1t,1et t1on\ Wtlh lht! t.f;Uft ~UhlfH I fit ( Allf t II t bf tuft. tht-hl'•ftf1~ Y1 .. ur IJn1t.1f tn 'riff•fll• f I I I ~u>oe•• •nl.~ m•y b•· m ' o.-•t• h• tt l. 1 n1, ? ,..,.,,on ru b f 101.r 11 dt1 'U n~y ,. 1'1 II YOU AW( A t.HtOt I'•' n .. ,11, wit•" IOH ''' • uut1n1L~nt j la1m mAJ t,,. 'M·d • red1t1>1 •11 111~ le• ••Yd 11 1 liAl.~trk 1o •• ~uv mu-.t hit 1'*'" l l.t1m T 1t1t t n.,, . .,,.,. /00 with th~ u1ud Jr1(J fl"l&tll f luwt f t ••9'• 6 1u11y 111 th.,. Vf'!'r\unAI ~"~"' .. \ CA 1t1rJ; I ff"J'.i'"''-'nt..tl•Yfl <tC·&>11111t,.tt t ., f"' t,.. t t ~ I . , tty tt~P 1 r1urt ~1th1n f11w , tl0/0i.4U .<Ml1 month\ h om tht" d_.h ••t And lhr td"' I d "' 1 1,J, lht' 11,'lt l"l\tJdttff! nf f1l111~ l ldlffl. \hdh t • lt'tlt!t • ••\ µr t-ttdt:"tl u1 JUI Y P. ;>00 ~ 'lif'"' ~ Pr11b41ti C11dt---\+'I'"'" 111 .. bu\1nt-\ ,,,.., ' t ,,, ~100 lri .. 1•m .. f.1, tt1•t1• ttu• -.4lt rt~h· 41• 111. 1 r I.um, will nt.1f P• ,,u ~ 1b11vr t;~f,., t; '''"' rtujnth ff 1m () ,,..,11 MA. t "' /1"1111 th• ,, .... ., •. ,,., .... '" • ., I•/ GlNl \ tSUHO .tlJ ·•• f' tJI hrd ffJU MAY l •AM•N[ tho P~• 1, , I Mt ~,.pt t1y lht' 1 qt I I J.l'11r t hmr '( ISC 13207 JOI A•• d IJ••. '" '" I N'. .... 14 1 NOTICE Of M'ftnl\M , ... , t'\lt'11 111 lhf" ,.. t tr+· . J"UllfUft l'Ht "' '" tolt i1t11t1 Uu· TO A.DMllSTll lo;U• I , k1 o.fUO'·,I lb fSTAn Of: ""~' ·~' N""' • ''"'"'OE ' 1' 4 1 r1t lt1t him( of itH IIJHITH W£TT\1I 1111..,ntw 1 Hid -tl)~t '' 41 '°'"'tu tht-.i .. vtltt~otht·llt flf ,.,,.,, .. d'.\t:h 11r r)f ,land.rd\ ol Ow I~ I USlllO.A219706 I ~ 13112 Slftb)I ((UT Of Tlft sun Of Wl<lltNIA coum Of OIAJIGE, WIORIAUX JUSllCI CDml n1~trh' I hjlo U'\t' l•ttfm;f Hl'f prHfll;fl .,, ., •• •H1n1 •"Phf rth••tl ,. ; ""'"1 ... 1 T. •II 111 H. f;1 rwf· ,,. ... vr ,,vuSH1 tn p, r1h.tt• ht .allow utct1h1111~. tn I '-i.11 ,,. '' thl•H' Hll f .,tt ,., tt1111 l l">U /1 111 -.•·111 fl•iSjf ' ,,.,. kt·t~1;• \I I ' rµ•·1 ,.,1 tn the Matter of tHf •lt~t 4t111n• '" ' .111~·1.. t .. , •. m tlt'h't ttt •Y I th 1'1if1 111 ,. t '' tt I' tl/.tlldhl~ l (AH \CH WAH IR I am1ly d 1•n·I 1u~ t t.,,' ~,,. ,. 1... "'"'''" 1,-41 1, fr '"' tht" , ,.,,1 .,. 11 t k TRUS J, dat•d Octob•t e-•• t-~41\ &.Jl lJI rt1~b11 tt1• ..,, , •' r'i.f t~ ,, Attottt•y' fot 71, 1997, created lty ~fCJ')\ ~qu.u,. t u I hr • I ,. th t ~ t ~ Nt 'tit '•tltlonet : l•ah Schworie, De r e 1111 '\huclurr· tn \tft -NI Tll f k lryCHt J. Thomo~ dent 1 hP" t· •1 tu• hu1MUh ;. t~f tlllON f fJR t·ftO 6230 Wiishire llYc:I , Co'• No All 0166 '. t """u ~ ., 20034948530 ... ••\Ill en1r '•'fir· ., fhtJ ,,.,, (-\/•ti ht ·-·o I ... t t., Ste 13S Gene tal Jv,.9'dlttlon ~::~·,,:''• A~Nt Wll ltl l< "lh• lotAngolo•,CA90048 (r'•obataCotKl)NOTICE , •• ,. •Ill·"''"'' t nut 1t •I t·1 t,h hPott ,...,."NV', 1 TO CRlDITOltS ,,. ,1 •.tr •-H 1,." -.d ti''"', t '"''"1 ,f l)k H .. 1 ,-1 1 1 .f, M,. .,, n.,111 Prott. (ode § 190SO ., .... 1 1 , ft11 1t1 vrl11~·''" "' I II AN .I t'1I t hntf /U lb I N nl1(,. I t ,., • ' 1 ' "" I '" ' I N ,. ... A 11.trO\ nt 1ht H 1lt11tl•' , ... Pf r1r1t1N Jt;f( '00~ I lhi4~ ,,,,. 11•t1t111 I ~ >(,,,I., ' • "'l~ lht JUnJ1,.rty 1•. lru 1lt1td r f'RUAAH '"'QU~\l' ANN( I ___ 1 t•mlm"tt1I r f•1J1fo1 .>I I fh;• t,..~"'"•~rll ,.,. '"th• R 1 [lt•.flto I 'WI Ill I fl ,,. ~p, ...... 1.n llOTlCITOCID>ITOISOf !ht •blOV. ... nu•d Utt.. • 'N1 ,.,.. h.~ count Pru1 .. u:1ty h11.tl11t ti '4\ P"' 11.91 ,,..,lft" '""'' .... c.ur denl lt:.ih •,c..tiw-trttf , .... ,,,. .. I r ... ,,. HJJ Bav.,•·h· f41~o ,. .,.,,.,. r '"'"'"''-'f'' th.. """>Ni& th~t •II P• t\.cin· t11111v11111 '>'> 1 11 Th" '" ., .. I h.1· """" I .-1.-1~ .. 1 lh• (lH •. ,~ .. , I /Urt 6104 LIOS u C.C.) ' I•"' '~,.,,, t ti • ft!Vlt'Wt-11 tOd dP-tf"'trf11nt·d fHf f'f HTICJN , .. )U" t ,,,..~ ,. I • u .. , .. d,.t1I Hf"' ft'llJll!f,...I t, 7oo3694ss11 Ill b f' tlf"I(' f dlf JUlh11rit, It; ,, h1 •lll-.ttt ba-twWer.so.ot-IH l•I• ,,,,.,,, ,,,,.,, tr,. •11" J I I 4 I'' fll•ttn&,JI 11*'1,.t th~ r~ I"'' 1•t1•r' .,,,j,, lht ........ t• h,.,,,.' "'"' »l.!(•M•. t IUl1 • c.1 •td ·~U1ft-m,.11t\ ii tti..-1 \II 111·1 .. , • nrt.,nt f\ lf'f•tm• r.-ht•1t\. tu ... -...rn.r f11tn1d ( our•t., I Ot ~ .... H lorn!.t f n,..uoou,,..nt .. I fl Jl111n I I \I •'r A.1 I n4tT\f'11 S,.llt• thAt tt t>uU• 41t1(r l 11110r,.atJ1 hi\ltft ()ujhh A ' unct• I t IA''\ I • lt11• A11U1•tt ilt ..,111 ~H 1• ~•It" i\ _.t1ou• tu i:;,e-m•d~ f '"' ltr tt 441 tt..,. C1lv -~ l ({ 11·.1111~• F ,er 1ht' th• '-''fl) n.tl '""l ,~,_,.n ol tht' "~\f'I'\ df"~Utb• cJ p,..,,.. (tfttnii'.,f' ( •ht·,,,flhJI A ln1M1 h .. U•H~ ft' I •trvr I I , .. ~.. ""·'"• '1t•·.,,, Y?~b~ Jnd m"'' Of I rt~ M d 1I1 '1 ,., t1on\ ""thtml bl.un flit "1mt~ jnd b~•'lt 0 .. 1.,,r r ' C.l•l'Y ·~ l•nd• t MU/tXl' ,_,,,. wtl fit' in~ l'Ju•f J._,r• "'' ru· i1ddtt" ..... ~ •• t tht ..,,.:rr• lru\t,_,.. t lh,.. h~ld by th• M01tltlt1 • I ll•lort' ''~'"~ • etldtn <;rllrl di~ Wtld<d•d to• I l•<1h "1"¥1'"' 1111•,t t1on' r •Jmrrntlt·1-ti 3:00 ,,,r,. imt•1i''""' ·• hnn' Ml'i w l'lth c;tt .. rl •'tO I 1t1trd (h tut•"' 'P 1'4'tl p.m. on Wednetdoy. hn,,.. .. v.,., en ... p .. , .. 1nc1I N"'w'_., rt ~,.. 4 h t A "' wfufh Uu ~•,..r•d•·•H Jvfy 2, '2003, lft lt11 r1·1-.111· 41·11t 1t1..... will ht 'l/bhi ""'•' • "" •·tU•' ~I ( •h' 11tUnr1I f,hAmh"'r 11t1uu•·,1 f, f·1v1 1u.f1"1· Hu 1.u .. 1l111n 1n f ,,,, \tt'Pht'n ~ Mot~"' ,, r ii; It.di HH I"' nit-ft"",, p•' H1 f\.Hf1td ' fh1• «'"'"''I Alturn .. ,. •• I 'tllr I~!.> N,.wi111•I t~•1Ul .. voc1 All i;nlt<•\ 1tuy 11 1" .. ""'~'"'°<1 t •,.iutt\if" ,1u1,,., t th"' hvlflt ft uh v .. 1(J "vt~• 111tr11 \trr1 4,ir·1~v11 _,,11 1 nt .... ,1, 1riri\t"!ll•11 t \t>llf't t' "'"'f" _. Ap,,.,,,. It.fl t,,. Im 1ht 1tn1.,. bt· ht-.trtJ Alf1I 11! ''" I tti• ,., ., t ~'1 u I ,, ; A 11\ff"i'.1 by th• 't'llt"I ..... nu Ai1Uu11 11 I ·~··I '~1,nd,.raf' '' "'1 ti lfl ~1 lh• tH)• 1 f'm1t r1t ~ct All• lh,.., ltu",'"" ... " ""'""'' t1mr ft '""' d• 111,..nt1 m.,.,,h ,11 ,., .tnrt d0'1tf""\P'.\ 0 .. ,.r1 tit •boc•do 1nmf#J, .. 1 ... m .. nt .. !'a,1 no ton<><,. d th•~ l•'••I"' t .,~ 1 uul t '" th,,. ~f'tlt't ,,,, lh1r fhtt"• un ~hua..•"'' puedfi' n'\i:ty r,,.. l1011f,.t1 ''' '"•.u1, ft'-tf\ t.tlut• •t,F •1alt· 11.trn u .1 un '\f'f vM .,, O,. •JOlit th 1"' ,,. ""'' 'I )\J 0 ' i.•u h II• I w •\ \rnt fir ,,., .. ,,.nt ... d~ •bQ~:.rlo\ '\.11R1f' '" ti\,. r.u rd tl flt"l1t1 •n ••' ,,.,,,,,.,.,.d t • th,. Hu1,,,., (·,. uni1 ot1und J~ 4t~tJd4 ltit! puld•l t .... ., '"i "HI''" #ht utl .,,. •9Jos•.) Ant1,.lwr .. nd lq,.tl 'vp,\ rl dur• ,.,, .. , dt"\I, t,,.,1"' thi). riot•<• I 'h•mld ft'll ~· .. n• th .. c;,,, .. , l .. •••#fJIJrt r.ih t] .... ..,,. ... ,t I tf"t .. tnn,cnJ ur 111 111111''",.'' '11"' ,111lhut1lt I t11,,11.t4:fl1ll4 rnu•t CASl NUMIU!: '·'"''",~"' • •l•lo.-.-il I /\ ltf Af.lll'il, ''" 11,. I lh• n•n•<\ ~nd t•u• 1 I •I• " • (NvMetodelCa~o) fti;o lit., •'1 111 'H1•' tu ,,rt1ti•1fl will f1• h4IJ •1rt flt•) J1Jdr,.\.'\f'\ cl tht 111 ( '''t11 ll•~ I' 02((14343 1 lit• p11bl11 h•Hllll( lhr I llll 1 /I', 'tl(H ti I ~~ tl"Y''' H• S-.11•"' I loOt '' lot•I 2003f>94S/Ot JUDGIJAM (SM. -llJl)f?AllJ'""•1d<ifl4 d .. r-,,m 1H ,,,.,,, 1/t'lf\••Ht11f,ff"1t ?04 1Q ct;11m ttrn n•-r ,,. ,,, '~, llOO•S Dlr T4 C12 wdt bt'~1rt ,..,,,, tt1.tl ,,., ;rett iitt 1.41 ltu '''' , "It' Ir .... , t.;h.it I ''bl"m' '' 11 ''" ttu• ~"' • I Tht u•mc a nd addrf)) d~.~_f dUflflt' whidt fmu· llr1vr 5.,, 'I• fu to.:_•• l A V¥ ttt• I At.jl HI ,,.,i., t '' ¥ 111' 1nnt., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~==~=====;; 't.">-'fJ'. H11 J' ... ,.I\. t'J tH \t•ld ''"" f''' t1r ,.,.. ,._,, ,~.-( ~ 1r Y<tlJ fJl41(1 I tv lht 1r .. Jt' t1l •d m .:,.n~1,.f 1 f "'"" , 11,r l.1w1 it OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE SPECIAL JOINT PUBLIC HEARING THE COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILL HOLD A SPECIAL JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A REHEARING OF THE 1901 NEWPORT PLAZA RESIDENCES PROJECT LOCATED AT 1901 NEWPORT BOULEVARD IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL (PDC) ZONE. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: FINAL EIR NO. 1050. THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED: for Dave Eadie, Rutter Development, authorized agent for property owner Kennedy/Rutter Development, for a 161-unit residential condominium project, as follows: 1) Certification of Final EIR No. 1050. 2) General Plan Amendment (GP-02-04) and TitJe 13 amendments for a site-specific floor area ratio (FAR) for the commercial component (0.35 FAR allowed; 0.70 FAR proposed), for ----U-~ille:Sl)~Cilnficg_gd~ens· for the residential component (20 du/ac allowed; 45 du/ac proposed), and for the proposed 5-leve par mg s rue ure app 1 stories proposed). 3) Final Master Plan approval (PA-02-11) for the proposed mixed-use project and variance from residential parking requirements (456 residential parking spaces required; 415 residential parking spaces proposed). 4) lnclusionary Housing Plan for the 1901 Newport Plaza Residences project. 5) Amendment to the 1999-2004 Implementation Plan for the Downtown Redevelopment Plan to include lncluslonary Housing Provisions [Redevelopment Agency action item). This public hearing for the joint session will be held as follows: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Monday, July 7, 2003 8:30 p.m. or •• soon •• poulble thereafter City Councll Chambera n Fair Drtve, Costa Mesa Public comments in either oraJ or wrttten fonn may be presented during the public hearing. For further infonnatk>n, telephone (714) 764-5245, or vtslt the Development Services Department, Second Floor of City Hall, n FaJr Ortve, Costa Mesa. Callfoma For questions related to Redevelopment, telephone (714) 754--5635, or visit the Redevelopment Agency, Rfth Floor of City Hall. The office is open 8:00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. Monday through Friday. IF THE AFOREMENTIONEO ACTION IS CHALLENGED IN COURT, the challenge may be limited to only ttioee ial\ie8 ral9ed at the public hearing descrl>ed in the notice, or In wrttten correspondence delJwntd to the City Council at, or prior to. the pubHo hearl~. OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE ,,, u1t111,.• t th,. J_1,.f1t1 n ,.. f IJrl)1turf" f1tt1Jr .. \ •1' fr f "'.ti .._ft Vt•il h 111'1 ,,,,,,. U '4!1 tf1,. •QU•l-~llH'flf ir~ ~h d nft1I r t1.,:f ff''l••'"' •1,. tnn;: tnd ''"',... ., •HI 1mt•'""""1,.nt• ""J'~ ll•l,..J •ht 'UI , r !"' t 1 n' r t , "'''"""'' .. _,,, .. ,."'"'"' 1 uht"' t t Ste,hen M Mogro. ,,,,,,.., '•''° .....,1lh tr,.. ,., t •\\•• ""''"' 1 »"••'\ •1 '"'~ AttiHft•Y at law htl ·t• llu ht u1n" ,. •u' 11 1ifu tl,,r.(t'il)t"'\ '''-n~ /S/ Steph•·ft M Mo ~ ~.,J •J.•J•t ,,,.n ,. ni '• Lr 111 u •""' uy ,,. huH1 ,Jnd r•. Attorftey for llnd.o 1u•1' 1n 1 1 tiy t •U' ,1 n'"'"' ~''"''' 11~_.d m R09er'~ frv•t•• of th• .u,,111 .. ., "' th,. leoh Schwoft•,. Tru'it 11 11111 Alli I\ l 111 lJI <lot.d October 2 8 , 1 1111< II '"""• ... , 1997 Add••••· 18002 ', rthhtf IJf Hit 1ft-1ft • rt f t\I W1llu• h rel •t lrvtne low .. var4, Svit• "'"• mu'.t flh· your t t Hiii l ·n~· Ht>.l( h l A ':Kl80b 1 OS, T'ntln, (oflfo.-nea I with ltt1 lUUtt oud 111.ul Th+ bu'J.1n,.,, nitrn" I 92710 .• • •l'Y tu t11r 111•1 · nt1•I u t·tl by thr Sell~r 41 P v ~I 1 h • 1 N • " ,,.,,, ..... ,.nt.u1v .. AJ.'l('H"l1nfflf1 thAil Is, Al1r1n 1~ ()wrnn \ Rr .. u h ( l.t M1 ._. [; 111~ flt ffu '-' Uff ft thtn tnuf (I J1 u ,Ob ~lr1rP 6;>() r1lut IUfH \t1 ''t TI• nlh\ Ir im th• dat• ol lhr 11111> •l'•lr<1 ·J•I• i'O!li Ml ~ Pu t,"t l\~u •n< r vt th,. tJ ,1~ , •'• ' July "l ~ L..-.!.-.--. 1,.ltt-t\ t\. '''U\'ld,.j1 1n /fXtJ 4t ftu tf, t 11 """'991~ f·, •t .,,. l t1h \r cl mn l..-...... , 111.--... ~ .. nv --S~ 'llOO ftt., 11111.,. f•, f1ltl" Aun "',,h,..,,.,, t4unh lht t lntlll '"• 1,r, '. .. , i•1n1\ will not r.tpu,. tt1A'1 J>t4)'>1 V11n "·Hm.tn ,.,,, <h_uo.,;: '"'~"""' h,.f 1trf1tHm,,th\hnm Avf'nut •IOO 1,·11ntl t/r. ,.1 Nf *""'' M •"* ,_ tt\f" h"'.;""' ft ''' nn1u "'" qx, 11 I PtumbH,i t t N"""'l' , t ibove t h1., buO \it II" '' M,.,,. Ptumb1'1~ H,.:.,tti~· ,, .. ~ I YllU MAY F XAMINI lhr \Ub1ttl t' r,1o101n1• ~ All Cund1t1o1n1n. t1lft lif"()f hy th,.' 11ur t ti Untfotm l omm"''' 1•1 Nf'wvoit P.f"At,. ~·h.mt you are• P~"·"' m Cr•rfr Srtlr"n610/7 tn~ dJ N•wl'"'I 9,,. ,, tn •,trd •n lh• f\IAIP II ~o \Ubl"' t th .. namP Ptumt>in~ H••I"'•' &. "" vu11 m•y hlr wrth tti. •nd •ddreH ol th* Condl\"'"'"i -i ~""""'' <uurt a Requt \I 101 pr 1u1n with ,.horn Ptumbon~ fl Nrwport '.llt • ••t Nnloc• clnrm D£ <111"'\ mn be t.led " cu.st f'hHlll""I l 1'>~1 "' lht t1l1n2 "' An L.owytr\ Tolle Com1Mnv Nr wpo• I M• • tinmf mventui y •nd 1po111\•I Attn K.othlten Hun I\ lnspe< toon <.crrvtcr tq ot •(!Alt I\' ti• m vi n11n 18!!'>1 Vnn K~rm•n N•wp<>tt M~• llf.1htv 1ny p•Mtnn 11 •«ount A••nur •100 lrvont t A (;~t• ,,.,_41 Plum~in,; 11 I n ptuvtdrd 1n P1ub.,lt 92!>1:? .tnd the Int d•y c C.\I• ,,.,~1 Atf,,.d.<tbl• Code v tnln I~) A lo• fohnc cl••m• ~h•lt bt fu, ~11,1,. l•-tuii • Arque\t tor ">pr<r~I July 8 2003 "hKh 1\ llrH h l ""~ ,,.ol<I " h om thr<o111t c~r~ •II r, ' I 1 ' 0. ~· ·' f"HflJ' '"' 1' 1 c:,..,,. "• u.. """' VJ#f't I A '•/t.'.t Ouu• it , tt•h h ,, lliq 5.•htk. ••II~ A ~ \ .... l 11 q .. "' C.l•r Vt"" " ""11}1 t Aj;llO .1uolcll lit t • "" \rot1 Att-y.f.,. ,otltt-.-. thf u~ d•ted \~c1hed itbov• O•led ~v 16 1003 Co\l• M~-. C 1l1lu•n1A 11 .. , Y '"\IA• h1J 1' ·llU q1{,;>1 bt1\ttlf\\ Y•I ' TO "i i1 He .. -v ... .._ & Au• clote1, Jlllyt1 Hou · VHdOOl1 h~.. 130 1 o • .,. Str .. t. Ste. •10. Newport leech. CA 92 .. 0 P11blt\hed Ntwpo't But h Co~ta Meu June 20 26 27 200J HMJ8 tsc lS1 46 MOTICI Of Pm110I TOAIM na mATIOf: fUllJ.CMll WllO.AJ17* S-'-tl ................... . • ( .. lf ...... lo ·~--,, ... IY: /5/ (~ Se-""-'· ''""'°"" IY1 /S/ ,_..._ So- ce-.(, 5.crotery P ubttsll•d Ne wpo•t Buell Co~l• Mesa D•1ly p tlot )u,,. 20 2003 CHS 551576 F440 llOllQ TO CBTGIS Of •Wl (Sl<S. 61M, 6105 1.c.c.) &ow .. J..,...116 Nolt« ~ ~1 It'""' to crtldlton ot the w1tt11n n•m4!d ,...., thtl a bua '•le I• •bo;it to ti. made of Ille HMh ~t.c:rlo.d bf' tow I ht n-> et1d b<Kt ""' IMldrenn ~ tllt ""'°' et t lAMf S f UNO AJllO Cll.A f UJINO. I 0211 SHUWOOO ClfltCll YLLA l'Altll., CAllrO'tlllA WIOI Tiie leullOfl rn Cth l•rnl• •f tM cfltel HKmift •fhcll of th otl.r It. SAM( AS MIOVl "'llU9119y ttla ...... e•otti.~M-11114 _..,._ UIM ., ........ WtttMttww ,..,.. ......... .... Md! ..,.. .... ., ............. .,., ere AV'l.ON· ......... l"H.UllACY • -1 AYM.Oft ILVll .. lOS ,.,.ll&, ~OIMA DU 11le ........ ..., _ ... __ .. .. .. .. . • D•tt 81H~ 1'1'11 0.l Anohiem Ave tn~t• f>ou&I•' li•tl ltlNO Mf H . C•lrh\fn•• '12!.71 !hi' \loltl•lll•nl ..,., !l\4' h~•n~" "' '"" t1lrd wrlh thr r .... ,,,h due ltd hy an 1nd1vld u•I I C.ku loi "' 01 •11w• t;u11nh Hht yCMI stwl.l!d dmni• n~ C)'. lf'. Ill businn• yet' Yr' toOJ•••• 1'• 7/14/111 Oa,., l'1t 11 M .. , 'lO hit" O.•• 111.ct.. 6 1 J ?O '.'(lO) 1 • 1 r Th11 st•ttinenl "'" lttff ••th the Countt Cleft.. ol O! •111• County on <Ii 17 '1)J tGOU•US2S Deity r'ilot June 20 ?I .rutr •. 11. 200J H i.J ........ .. , ...... ............. ' l"" l•"o•1n1 per•ni1• e•o ..,,,. bu\I~'-' •• rt Sn11p '>11nonc ""vi<• M9 Wnt l'lt" Slt •t Sut1e I Ne~t ~••cl• c ........... 91f.6..• .le\0!1 Thcnne\ flt~ 11dtnn 149 Wnt 1"11 St, N•wpo1t I n t l\ Cutt«nle 8"fil.J , .... ~ ... ," <• duct• by 1114ttw I ... ,,..,...,...,, ... .,,. lhdHMU "''' ,.._ "-"'•• " " ··-0111 '~tlttNnl WI ,..., """ '"' cwoct, Cler• Of Ot•n .. Covtlty o.Oll lMll -••aJM 0...., ....... .._ ,..,, ...,. H.JIOU • ' • • • All Friday, June 20, 2003 llpllallla -Llplllallc.a ........... ... s..... The followl111 perM>nl art dol111 business u Newport Cus tom Wood· worklnf, l&JS Whittiar Ave • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Horman Er le Johnson, 251 Walnut SI , Cost• Mes.. CA 92617 John F trr110lo, 5811 lancefitld Or., Huntlna ton 811ch, CA 92649 This buslntu 11 con ducted by a 11ntr al partnership Have you started do1na business yet? Yu Norman£. Johnson This st1temenl was flied with th• County Clerk of Oren&• County on 06/17/03 20036941420 Dally Pilot June 20. 27. July 4, 11, 2003 F4S4 ........... ... s....... Th• foflow1na persons are dolna bu$1nHS u Allison Olmstead Public Relations. 270 Kno• Place. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Sally Peckenpauah. 2502 Un1vers1ty Dr , ~.;&got! Beech CA Alhson Olmstead. 270 Kno• Place, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This business 1s con ducted by • &•ner al partnership Heve you started do1na business yet? Yes 2/03 Sally Peckenp1u1h This statement w.s !tied w1lh the County Clerk of Oranee County on 05/23/03 2003'94S69S Daily Pilot May 30, June 6, 13,20,2003 f"404 ActttlM l4lsiMss ... s........ The followina persons are doma business as S•mitr Enterpmes, 2163 National Ave Costa Meu. CA 92627 Sudoun Al B1y1l1 2 163 N<1t1onal Ave Costa Mesa CA 92627 Barbitra Al Baya11, 2163 Na11on1I Ave Costa MeH CA 92627 This buw1ess ducted by· huuand .and Wlft Have you st.rttd 001na bu.ineu yet? No Sudoun Al 8ay11t lh11 stateme nt was 11'-d with the County CIMk of Orana• County on 0$/15/03 20036944745 Dally Piiot June 6, 13, 20.27.2003 f"413 fht followina persons 111 dolne business as· Advanced Movers Ser· vice. 278 Bucknell Ro•d. Costa Men. CA 92626 Michael James Brown, 278 Bucknell Road, Costa Men, CA 92626 Jana Brown, 278 Bucknell Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This businen 1s con· ducted by. a eeneral partnership Have you s tarted do1n1 bu$1neu yet' Yes 7 24 00 Michael J Brown Th" s tatement was filed wllh the County Clert. of Or a nae County on 06111103 2003'947775 011ly P1lol June 13, 20, 27. July 4 2003 F437 FldltiM llrsMs ,._s....., The followina person\ ere doma business as Royal Khyber. 1621 w Sunflower Ave •053. S1nt1 Ana. CA 92704 Royal Khyber ! nter prises. Inc . (CA) 1621 W Sunflower Ave •053. Santa Ana CA 92704 This business 1s con ducted by " corpo1 at1on Have you started do1na business yet? Yo, 121 04/1998 Royal Khyber Enter· prises. Int , Urb1I Puri. CFO This slalement was tiled wllh lht County Clerk of Orange County on 06/17/03 20036941531 Daily Pilot June 20 27, July 4 11 2003 F45S Policy ~ Rates and deadlines are subject to change without nouce. The publisher reserves the nght to cen<;or. reclassify, revise or reject any classified adven iscment. Please report any error !hat may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no hab1hty for any error in an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible except for the co .. 1 of the space actually occupied b} the error. Credit can only be allo"e<l for the first inseruon. AllllOUNCIMINTS [~J & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Colledlblal Memcnbllla 1160 UlD TIU SAlllG SHfS lor 1our home or office At resonable prices Call 909 984 0046 EHlmAINMENT Caltndlrof Evenll 1310 EQUM llOUSllG OPPOIMITY All real estate edver ltslns In thrJ newspeper rs subject Lo the Feder al fair HouSH!& Act of 1968 es ame11ded which 111alln II 1lle1et lo advertlae "eny l)ftftt enc e, hmll •lton 01 dlacrlmlutr0n based on tllU, colof, rell1lon. sn. hendk8'. l1m11111 1l•tus Ot national orlcJfl, or •n lirttantlori to mHt '"V audl prahlfanca. l1mlta tloll or d1terimrnellofl • llllt MW"'~' "'Ill 11ot flno11l111ty •cc.pt 1ny edvert!Hment for r•I HI.Ila wfllCh ~ In violltlo11 of the law Our rud1re .re llerelly In for 1W*1 Ulat 8'.I dw1H i11p ~11t!Nd In llli• "'"'..,... •re anlltllft Oft "' ...,,t OCll>Otlu.Uly bnls. f o compleln of die· a~.ce• HW tott ff• .. I IDO O• 8590 • 1419 230S·2490 Auctions r C~~'~I.~.~~.~N.~~1 '\,,1, I'll 11' I ,,.,,.,,'.Ill I,,, ' ''"'"''"''. \ II .i•, '/. ~MM922e SOUTHC8AST AUCTI N 2212 ......... ... AM.CAN1t1 _a,._Ut>t COltOIU DU MU •Ufl·l2• '19-621C-...V ... S fMl&YA .. i -.-.... ~.., Wwe.._./Yer4 '-'• Setur4ey l•M·11een, S,Or Una aoocb, clolhln&. toys & IMt1I 930 Wnl 16th SI • Coste Meu , crou tlrUl ,,.onrovtt C..teMMeSAfl•2 • 1140c.r-a.... Houlltmld--. ..... ----.~ofrica ~~=--..... C.••• .. .. .......... M-111 ... , ...... = .... ,......_ .. ~ ....... eke. ....,.., ·v ' nc.. ..... ... s...... The lollow1n1 pe11ons are do1111 busmeu 11· a) Car~t Protection Systems b) C P S . ~2 Sanllaao Dr .. Huntinrton Beach. CA 92646 JSR £na1nee11n11 llC.(CA) 90'2 San11110 Or , Hunttniton Buch CA92646 This business 1s con ducted by a Limited Liabllity Co. Have you st1rled doina business yet? No JSR £n11neerin1 l l C Stephen W Beraaren, Pres. nus statement was filed with lhe County Clerk of Oranae County on 06/17/03 20036941439 Daily P1lol June 20. 27. July 4. 11. 2003 f"445 fktltlM luslMss Mmes..... The followma persons are doina busmeu H a) 1 he Cop1e1 Solutions, b ) Amer1can Home loans. c) Calllor n111 Morlait&e l ender' 537 Newport Center Or Sle 5-46. Newport Buch CA 92660 Cina M Kam1nsk1 30 Palalrne •JI l Irvine. CA 92612 This bus111ess 1s con dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started doona business yet' Yes. Ian 2003 Cma Kam1nsk1 This statement wu hied w1lh the County Clerk of Oranie County on 05/02/03 20036943191 Daily Pilot May 30. June 6, 13, 20,2003 F409 fidltilul lusintss NameStat.....t The follow1n1 per sons are do1n1 bus1neu •s Mo thers Boot camp 21622 Marguerite Pkwy Suite 144. Mission VreJO Calilorma 92692 Helen Hunter Neubert. 21622 Marauerite Pkwy Suite 144. M1ss1on Vreio Cahlor n•a 92697 Blanca River a 92!> Beaonia Avenue Costa Meu Cahlo1n1• 92626 This busmeu rs con 2MO L•I Naacea dueled by • par lnM•hlP 1•n•111 MOOO Of AlfUCATIOM TO S81 AlCOMOUC IMIA&ES O.tf ...... .., •• S-!J.03 Have you alarted doina bU51ftHI )'ti? Ho Helen Hunltf Neubert This 1l1ltmenl wu hltd with the County Cler~ of Or an11 County on 05/16/03 200SH44'40 Daily Pilot June 13. 20. 21 July 4, 2003 r 432 The lollow1n11 P•"ons are doln& business H V M Services. 2178 Canyon Ome, Unit R. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Andrew T Van Reenen, 2178 Canyon Drive. Unit R. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Jose B Marquez. ~15 S Oemlna, Sanl• Ana, CA 92704 1 his bUSIOIU IS con dueled by a aen~r al partnership H•ve you started doine bus1nes' yet? No Andrew r Van Reenen lh1\ statement wu filed with the County Clerk of 01 a nae County on 06103/03 2003046146 Daily P1lol lune 6 13 20 n 2003 r 415 FktitlM luslMss N.ts ..... The tollow1na pel\ons are dn1ne business 1s SubWdY •30811 6386 Sanla An~ Canyon Ar.,heim 9280/ O WA Enterprises Int ICA) 6957 E Mt>O•tu PMkway 01 anae CA 92867 I his bus1nes~ JS cnn d1u tPd by a corpor at1on H•ve you s tarled do1111i bu\ineu yet' No OWA (nleqH•>e> Int . Wilma J A11u111e. V P ;Controller I h1s \latement was flied with the Cou111y Clerk ol 01 an2e County on 06f17103 20036941419 Oarly Pilot June ?O n July 4 • 1 ?003 r 4~/ fo Whom It May Concern The Name(s) of the Apphcant(s) ts/ 1rt NA flVC FOODS COSTA MESA LlC The apphcanu listed abov1 o1re apply1n11 to the Oep.,tment of Alcoholic Bevent&• Control to sell alcoholtt beveraaes at 2937 Bmtol Street •E 100. Cost1 Mesa. CA 92626 Type of l1ctnse(sl apphed 10< On Sale Beer & W1ne·£atme Place Published Newpoll Beach·Cosla Mesa Dally Pllol June 6. 13. 20. 2003 F427 SUMIMY Of ltOPOSED OIDIWKf CITY Of COSTA MESA ORDINANCE 03 6 1s stheduled lo be in full lorce and elfett 30 days from 11S .adoption on June 16 2003 and was adopted by the followme roll call vole COUNCIL MlMllR S: AYES: Monohan1 Cowon, Scheofer. NOlS: Steel, M ons oor. AISENf: No .. e. OROINANCC 03 6 re 1 .. 1n to the reaulallon ol Shoppina Carls TH[ FULL lEXT c>I the or dinanc~ may be re.id m the City Cieri< s Ulf•t• 17 I"" 011.e Costa Mod JULIE FOLCl lC, Deputy City Clerk Publnhed Newport Beach-Costa Meu Daily 1'1101 f11ne .i>O. 2003 r 442 SUMMAIY Of PROPOSED O«OIWICI CITY Of COSTA MESA ORDINANCE 03 7 is schtduled lo bw in full force .. nd elfecl JO days fl om •h adopt""' on June t6 ?001 and wa' adupted by the fnllow1nK roll c~ll vnte COUNCIL M lMIERS: AY ES: Monoho11, Steel, Cow · on, Mon•-r. Scheofer. NOlS: None. AISlNf: No .. e. OROINANCF OJ 7 re lites to the Rt&ulaUon of Al W1M Employtn. TtlC FULL TlXT of the 0tdlnanca 1111y ba rt1d in the Clly Cletk'a Olli«, 77 fa1r Drive Costa Mesa JUUi fOlCtl, D.,.ty City CMrii Publ1•h•d Newport Buch Costa MeH Daily Pilot June 20, 2003 F 441 Re-......_ ...s....... The followl111 persons are do1n1 bust111n u Space lotto, 117 Bay· side Pl .. Corona del M11, CA 92625 MIChael Dennis Belardo, I I 7 Bayside Pl • Coron• del Mar' CA 92625 Th15 business 1s con ducted by: an lnd!Vldual Have you started do1na business y111 No Michael Dennis Bellard1 This sldlement was hied with the County Clerk ol Or a nee County on 06/17/03 20036941436 Daily Pilot June 20. "l7 July 4. 11 2003 f"447 fktitlMl lwMHs MmtS"'-tlt The followina per sons are dome business as Tinsel loh. 1940 Oritnee Avenue Cos11 Mesa CA 92627 Consuelo I To11 es 1940 Or•nce Averiue Costa Mesa CA 92627 Thi\ bus111es• 1) cun duded by an md1w1duaf Have you slarted eo1n1 business yet' No Consuelo I To11 es 1 Connie) This sl•lernent W•\ llled wolh lh~ C.:uuntv Llerk of Orange County on 061 I 7 /0.1 20036948435 Daily Pilot June 20. 27 July 4 11. 2003 F 448 SELL your stuff through classified! llow to Place A ........... ... s...... 1 he follow1n1 penons are dolna bualnns as •> Clobalm11lca, b) l tltspan Crusade rs Hom• C1re Strv1cH. 1057 Tulare Or , Costa MeP.CA92626 Brenda J Powery \057 Tulare Or . Costa MtH, CA 92626 This business Is con ducted by an 1nd1vldu•I Have you started dolnc business yet? No Brenda J Powery This stalerntnl was llltd with the County Cl11k of Orenae County on 05/23/03 20036945699 Daily Piiot M1y 30, June 6, 13, 20, 2003 F400 fidttlM luslMss N.tS..._, The followine per son\ art doln11 buslneu n Advanced Yllhls. ~15 C1l1hn1 Or . Newport Beath. CA 92663 Dennis A Oberst. 51 !> Catalina Or Newpor I Buch CA 9<'663 Th" busmen " con ducted by an ind1v1dual Hav• you \tar led dom1t bu\1nes\ yet, No Dennis A Oberst fh1s slaltment wn filed with the County Clerk ol Or•n&e County on 05 '29 03 20036946272 Daily Pilot June 6 13 20 27 2003 f4t4 fktltlM a.ss N...Stat....t lhe followine person) are do1n1 busmen as Get f 8'1 del1vPr v and 111tkup se1 vu es ?7671 Areyll M1ss1on V1e10 CA 92691 (1anl1Ho Acund, 27671 Aravll Ml\s1011 V1P1n CA 9?691 l his bu<1ne\S 1s con duCl~d hy an 1nd1v1dual llave you sto\rted dn1n11 buttness yet7 No r rantlSCO Acuna This sldtemenl wn M~o with lh• County Cler~ ot Oranat County on 06 11 03 20036941434 011ly P1lol Junr lO. 27 July 4 I I 2003 r 449 AdttlM .... ... -.... Thi followin1 p1r$0n6 are dol111 b1111n1u as· F °' YoUf Health, 2.33 Knoll l tke, Minton Vleio. CA 92692 llnd1 Cwol R1nn1. 233 Knoll l•li.e. M1ss1on v .. io. CA 92692 This business 1s con· ducted by· an 1nd1vtdu1I Have you 1larl1d dolna bus1neu yet? Yo 5127/2003 Linda Renna This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orana• County on 06/12/03 20036947951 Dally Pilot June 20. 27. July 4, 11, 2003 r 458 FktttlM.._s N.ts..._.. fhe followtntr persons are dome buslnen u . Aqu1cent11c. 2203 Bal boa Bvld . Newport Beach, CA 92663 Janice L. Lawson. 919 Bayside Or •N·6 New- port Beach. CA 92660 I his bus1nns 1s con dueled by tn ind1v1dual Have you star led dome business yet1 No Janice l Lawson fh1s statement wn tiled with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 0'>/21 OJ 2003694$440 D•1ly Pilot May 30 lune 6 13. 20 1003 f 407 f1ctlttM llWness "-™'-' lhe lollowina persons •r • doma bu)men •$ So Cal Speciahsl$ 1108 Buck1neham Or Apt · 0 Costa Mesa CA 92626 Jamn 81 ain Gros wold. 1108 Buckinaham Or Apt 0, Co$l<I Mna. CA 926<'6 I his bus1oess 11 con dut led by an 1nd1v1dual tlave you sla• led doing bUSlll•S' y•t? Yes. 01 13 03 James Bia in Gr "wold lh1s sl1lemenl was filed with the County Clerk ot Orange County on Cl'> 16103 20036944999 Daily Pilot Mar JO June 6. 13 20. 2003 f405 Re-. ..... ... s...... Thi follow1111 persons ire dolna buSlnen n Mar1n1 Resue Consult ants . II 18 Tuoro Newport Beech CA 92657 Steven Grahm W1111y, 18 Tnoro. Newport Buch, CA 9265/ This bu11nau 1s con ducted by 1n lnd1v1du1I Hne you slatted dome business yet 1 Ho Steven C. W1aely This sl1t1m1nt wH filed with the County Clerk ot Or .a nae County on 06/17/03 20036941421 Otily Pilot June 2'0, 27 July 4. 11, 2003 f 444 f1ctlttM ltlslMss .... s ...... Tile followlne person~ are doln& business n The House of Art, 88 Fan Dive, Costa Me)a CA 92626 David P11rick Bennet! 268 Hanover Drive Costa Meu CA 92676 flus businen is con dueled by an 1nd1V1du•I Have you star led do1n1 bus1ntu yeP Yes !I 11 03 David P Bennett This sl1ternent w,u filed with the Cnunlv Clerk ut Or .anee CQ11oly on05/l4103 20036944614 011ly Pilot May 30 Junt 6 13 20.2003 f406 RctlttM ltlslMss .... s ........ The follow1n1 per son\ arr do•na busmen a\ Pat Moore Ruovery S ervic es, 11 20 W Warner Ave S•nla Ana CA 92704 Thomas Pl111i1p AIMI 190'i W Hall Ave Santa Ana CA 97704 I hos business 1• ton du< ted by an 1nd1v1du1i li~ve you sta1 led doing busrness yet' No Thum.as P Alan This slatem~nl w.- lil<!cl with th~ t.nunly Cler~ of 01 ance rnuntv on 06 03 03 20036946860 Dady Pilot fktllM ..... ... s...... The tottow1n1 per \On1o 111 c1o1n1 bualnen 1t Arborfor1•. 23196 vi.a Sin Martine AhMI VlllO CA92656 Mark Adam Senetsky 23396 V11 S111 Marline Allso v .. IO. CA 926~ Th11o busmeu IS con· dueled by an 1nd1vldu11 Have you sl'1 ted do•na bustnen yet? Yu 6 12 03 M1rk A S.ntfsky lhlS st1ternent wu flied with the County Clttk of Oranae County on 06/17/03 20036941432 Dally Pilot June 20, 27 July 4, 11 2003 r 4!11 fidttlM "1MK1 .... s ......... The followlna person• .are dom& busi111'' •S Healthy Body ' Soul, 1980 M.tin SI hvine, CA 9?614 I d1tn lam11a Reid 171 23rd Street Un11 B Cost• Mn• CA 92627 Thi\ buS1nen I) con ducted by an ond1v1du1t Hive yuu started duinc business yet' No £ d1th Tamar a Reid lh1s \lalemenl w•• hied w1lh the Cuunly Clert. ul Or1n~e Cuunly on 0!>'23 03 20036945700 o .. 1y Pilot May 30 June 6 13 20 2003 f 401 FlctltlM ..... ie..s...... Th• lullow1nc person• •rt du•nc bui1neu ., Pin CI 1 11 C nrMnri RanchO Sant• Mar11r1ta r.-92688 f d11borz Ha1111•li• 2 EI Corazon, Ro1n<hu S•nl• M•11ariln CA9?688 This hu\1nn) ,. rnn due ted by .,, •nd1v1<1ual lbve vou stdrltd olo•n~ bu\1ne\\ yet> Vo 4 I OJ F •rrbll• t Ha1111•b• fh" sllltrntnt w .... f1lt <I w1lh Ille Countv Cltr~ of Or1n~e r ounlv un06 1703 2003690433 011ly P1lol Jun~ "/O 11 July 4 11 ;>O<Jl f4~1 ___ Deadline~ --- CLASSIFrnAD Monday............... . .. Fnd .. 1> 5:00pm Tue!tday ................. Monda> 5:00pm Bv Fax (9491 631 6594 111C".&\C 1rKludc \our n.an .. mt I~"""' numf>cr •rtJ "~ II u ll \ 1 ~ ..... • "'llh .a puu· 'Yi'"-''' lh· Phone 1949164:?-567k II ours BY .\lail/ln Pe rson: l lO \\c,t Bay Strccl C o,1a Me\a, CA 9:?627 Al Ncwpon 81\d & BJ~ \1 Wednc~day ............ Tuc!,day '>.OOpm Thu~da} ........ Wednc,da) ) OOpm Fnda) .................... Thur,da) 5.00pm Saturda) ................... Fnday lOOpm Tdephone X \Oam 'i OOpm Monda> FrtdJ} \\.all..·ln !I 10am-'i IXlpm MonJ.1) Fnd,I\ Sunda) .................... F·mJJ)' 1.CXlpm AL ESTATE RSAU ~ 3010-3940 rm] SOOS·SISO APARTMENT SAU •UST MOVE I I I l~htt• Dr N...,_.IH<hCA CH. t• .......... ,. •100 Set,_. t "' ,. __ • 2pM '""""" 21"4 1-. 11- CoffH tbl. l1mp1, slim mirror. 1ilk pl•nl,, foot 1toota, conip11ter dulls (Z) l•l•r•l/ltltet t11u (2), ndlo/CO pl1y11, rovnd wood teble, llmc:k l111tch. booll/w•ll unit, P''lurts, end lt1ble, chlnt:l furniture, WHI• b11hts, boolls, blender. tc>8't.,. cc>ffH Pol. pot holder a. Chl!l/dlt> lt ay ~ llc>1clef Videos. CD's, "'9¥1 CO contalntfl pfubc a 1>8t*. &r•ll·bad bo~. ICttMa, clotllln1 MtOtl4cf l>lff-. nrloll'I •• l•Mlofl cotds, ttavel lltp, a•d9n !lose. cotlae mup. 1u0fle4 pertt "'*'• btdt111 mooor and chut of dl'tw•ts. Z «11d tlllMts w/lefnps, Z pllo11• (I) prln< , (I) w/r. let IO. tfl'tflt!l'IC1 hovee 1\&llt w1'tttll' ... , 4 .... ef twWI allelb (!Wlw to fit nt'W tw111 ..tc C. 1112 It lndrx IEAl.ESTAn lllllAlS HOMESFOASAI.£ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY llllOl,__11 °" .. 1914 i-rtiM 3Br !et ~ wt•v•lor pool. buutllll ~. LA w~..W.vfGcit c.. ,,,_.,. --~ "" °""' IMNn ~ 9000-9750 NIWPO«t HUOHTS OPIN SAT-SUN t -4 31201tM4St !lbr 4b• J c; a•r. "'" lam rm, 3 frplu, land 'ceped Y••dt with 111111 f1ll1, clOH lo llHCh l!'tnlte lute. ahow i>y •Ppt Sl,495.000 8y owner 949~? 3902 Of ctll 9'~5<»1641 SELL your stuff tfr'oU&h classified I Under the Sc n ·ice Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 It. Oer1•-•I 2b1 2ba w/l1b111y Ntw window~ doors new •Ol>I• lt1 ured w1lls/c1111 crown moutd1n1 dn11nan hie parquet floortn1 and mo11 •Ill 9'9 S84 5811 s .... o-........,_ 21 Caltltnl Or lBtl 581 SI .500 <XX> Vnu.t Tour rPIOC com #:' ~l7-<ml MOBllf HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mobill/Mlllldldlrld Hama HIS ...... " MON-SftCIMOll .... TWO 10t1•ous 111w dbl 111dt mo ltofll ate pltd & t11r p.wll Only 182' 1P1C I allt peh oil wont Int Mff1le H "''' Dvact A.all for Vtdo111 Kt ._.., o.t..t < _..., 1• fh Afr'. w/11¥1 pr fr11. .,.. to lrl Squ.re $895/mo Waler/trnh paid Klllll ._.~.t m 704-8649 Eat 9'2CXI ai. ltlill tW# ~ ..._ ~· IBr lB.t Yn Ip. I off ft'_. .,_ ......... ~ II*' oedt rtQ. .,... -w/ *1w. .... Sl4.'l0 M .. 722 ........ d/w, pat io ctrpel. SI~ ~ 9667J.Jl!i9 I sl4e Zbr 2 sci. h•nhm. Turtlereclc Twnhm 2 mulers. 2 ~B.a OR FR. P•llo, 2 c II". w/d. lrfl. pool S2150m 949 858 fl1l4 NtwpOft Bndl UDO YIAJll Y UAH & UDO SUMMla MOMU Bl.l GRUNDY MAI. TORS t4t-67S-41tt ac "'d. I c 111 • I c * Ye•ly Lt 21r 2h, uirporl Pool a ''" w/d. hi bt1m cetl, fp, Sl&oo 949-67~ 7133 lrnl pello. S1990/mo 818-18r 181. S14SO(mo 14' 903 '415, 949-650-2546 ,. ... 2llf 18' "°'*' v• , .... ~. w/d, e("f ley f'9flt ~t 2br Iba, tp, 11800/mo •lltf WO. 1u•1•. 11&111 • bfl-"I Sl400/mo • tltir h4fH mual He. elf ttdone I .,-~ ~ ~,.~ .... , .... 11 tlV .. ~d. pr, w/d,...... r,np ..,.m.. lllll'bff1 -... ~ 11~ ' .wsa" 94t-!>C» 1161 SIQ!Om W..'11!M>748 --r-----------;:;:;r;A:\i;c~----------rr:~~~~~ .............. lli&iiiliiiilmlmiiiiiiiiii5f1;rD;;;---iiMtiiii;:;i;;'--""iiiiT' .. ;;;i;;;'"--~f;riday;·Jlft 20.2003 TODAY'S Bridge ----•-,...... ... ........... • ..., ....... 'CROSSWO _ fffnwtft <...-, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii Peraclle 'OJ Twh1 HIN 1355 All .. _ RP PUZZLE By CHARLES GOREN w:!t~ ~·i!•j.=·m~~~ll PMWUUTO T,~!°· ~~f~~· ~~'$: son MOTOlt HOtll with OMAR SHARIF •120496 011 MIWPOltT AUTOWOllT FOR REIO LIKE H[W G.te4 ,_ ........ IBt • den. ••• to buch fp poof, tennis, I 1 bale ony, no pet, year lene s llJ!>Om A&1 949 733 '>lll u ... o.. ,,.. wot ... JBr 18a c•• •'fl• w/d built 1n~ 'm pet Ok ll\Jfle dee k f•l •nc the channel Pon \hp 6mo leue Iyo SJ<'OOm a2t She11 y @> Cannery. 949 723 :>S:lll/888 969 9667 •It c-.,-Tew..a.-28t 28a W/~lt'I MllJoc Jlr 2-.s.., 2t. p 14 (XX) room, pool/JllCUlll/leflnis II lot. rw c:onwn pool & S1950r'mo 114 4lfl lllot6 Pll'll.. Hir1Q Yews Hames 2H YlAAl Y UNTAlS •ea S3mn ~159 Newp0< t BeKh Pemn ManlH)I RMUI ~ ~- S 1400-S I 9!>0/mo •Ill ~ 4br 211i 1M or1 PefWI t49-67J-7100 Porit Vf!fY no 11.n ct 1200.f, 21t 21a Ill Beacorl Bay fl.-lul. LR. ~ ~ to bW!wllllen Sl!ron prly ~566 'Diii o-.1, ............. .Iba ~ 1-pt '"' pallO comm pool Yt lilt $2815 ...,. now 966l>M73 fOlll llllNf IN llUHS Popular ( Pl•n 38r. 1'/it!a • ~•m•ly Room $JOOO/mo 949 644 4909 "I'«> 0 C1hforn11 la w tt quwes tMI contrK tors tak1n1 ,obs lhtl total SSOO or mote (labor or matetoals) be tlctnsff by Ille ContraclOI' State licenu 8011d Slat• law aho requir~s that contractor' 1nc:lud• lhell' hcen~ number on aff •dvtt I ISllll You can theck the 'tatu' ol your lltenud cont ra c t or t i www cslb ca 1ov or lr-1111 censed conh1c tors tak1n1 1ob s th1I tol1I lass than S500 must stet• 1n the11 1dvert111menls lh•t they tr• n ot llc:ensed by the Conlt1c lors St.le L1cenM Boetd: ,, ... AlnlaOlll ,.,..... lltmOIS IUldwl I WI I Alrnodll ~--•bt.am w.,... ....... AlrC..11t11• Me.IMYAC Air Conclttloll1nt I HH lllll S.vice l lll08660 949. !IOO 9005 ...., A-IMMOYMAN lnsl•"• tttJIC• c.eMnets W.WW'*o~ ..... °"' 7l...W.12!111 c:.,.tA; ,,. .. <O-CMNl'l't~· It ............... ... =:i=·= S8l nm ~,., 46.J) Clare llUHS TOWN HOME BAYVllW38R•f R l ARGl TPlAN CUSTOM UPGRA0£0 CXPAHOCO S3800mo H-•• P...t... 111..tty t4t4J2-64H Tatln 14711 .,..._,., Or. idl!;ij touhoo '" I uwn ~ quorit cul die sac neal to IMfll awx IJ(l(ll. le !><'bu w ~ Y•d 2Sr I 2Ba IR. DA Oii! S16!JOI mo C..I 8nb /14 /:1>6'19 bmsf@msn tom ~y c.a.-Quality Houn elun1n1 Afford able rate,. 20• Yr\ [ap f1• E.slmN 714 891 fHj/ ec.ni-r SIMces 11 12 SELL your stuff through classified! •• YOUlllHOMl IMPlllOVlMINT PlllOJlCY'P Call a plumber painter handyman Of •nY of the f[fHI H<VICH hst@d here in our Hrvtee duectOfyt THESE LOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU fOOAYI and TANNAH HIRSCH Ryen l110<Ws fS /UZ stSOO ... t-S74·5'00 C ClASS/SllOC 001 NIWPCMIT AUTOSl'Olrf .,_ w/prt ...._, 9ol9 !ii!> 210& t4t-S74-HOO lllf-.,._. Teyete 'f4 C-... U '17 leete" W6.eler (19.JIJO) SZ7.9IO 4<>11 1n1 •clual m1. S.-Stt-1 u-tt .... East-West vulnrnble. Swth deals. ferenu:. llia1 bouaht lhr rontr~t Unfonun:uel)', ~JUth s-vc aid .00 comfon 10 the enemy by underplay· 1ng the hand f--1 '02 J60 " s.w- Y 1lluw, tan int 600 "'' •127672 Olf l elsU<e W111ld owner, l!ill. 10., 'l'.nlltw no 01,..,....,. ,_.. 1" auto 11'1 pw, whtt•1111ty .. -.A-.._ ~, .,_....__ .. NORTH •A JOJ ., 43 .J 9 7 4 • 109 8 7 6 John Hall NIWPOlllT AUYOSPOlllT Ut-574-5600 QN'( 18K m( HR£ P•· I ~ I I 11 d ·-"" -.,_.... '"' lormanc:e ~ in 7u.!:: ' •~w con . RX>~ ~724-lllJO v• ""'"I $4:r.>a Bto,e• ................ ,.. """' (19394) INQUIRE! t4t-S16· 1111 -'7V• ""~ 00 ...,_XU c-www.eqtaltl.~ SOft IOA Y & MOC>tUNG BullbfUI ,,.., ~ Twt. ,..._ ........ '02 NIWPOltY HACH WP.ST •KQ985 u · £AST •7 63 We~• led the kma ot ~padt:b and, with the difilTIOnd finc\-.c \tanng ..loclattr m the faa:. South loi.1 no umc m ¥Vll\I do ,,.,n tv defe1t1 lk\:L&rcr lUllbbcd !hi: w..c vf ~ .ti tnd: tinc.kd a d1.unood 10 the QUCt"n, .,.,hteh lo'lt and C\'Cruual I)' coo..:alr:J " M.~und dwnond and 1 tnd. IJ\ c..:h blJtclc SU II -do,,.,n one 14 ,.,,..... 1.. 1tedtl M1ny ~OIOrl -Red, whit•. yellow, black C.I Jim St lolln, lty1111 ' Tim NlWPotlT AUfOSPOllT (19476) '44.980 S.llXI "*' _, 'f"AM S>ts4:o:4~~~ ,..,.. ""*' ~ i. .. OO J...,., S '"• 1685371 0. New & U .... •-• low n11ln perfect. Av•• LJ,dd,,r• ••'-Oel ley K 10 5 52 J 8Jl t0-574 5600 (19\/1) S?S 980 ~ MIT090a'T I OAY SHOW June ?6th • K4l SOUTH • J 4 •AQJ J ferrarl '02 160 S .. 4-. bl•th/bl11c~ All oC>llons. #l?/?00 Tim NIWPOlllT AUTOSPottT 94'-574-5600 OZAcurert,.Z t4t 574-5'00 19th tJI01 b4!>'ll'JI fv gu1111111tee 10 tnC:k), South mll'>t duck the ~nin.a •PJdc lead m dummy and JCllt..,,>n the JllCI. o f '~' lr\lm lulnd, Sooner or later S(luth w1U g.ili1 thr lead. <ind C<ll1 then lllkc t)1'; -.inning lincuc • '.padc to t)1'; k:n -mt! d1~an.I .i diamond 111,cr on the: 1111.c of \f>Jdc\ The: defender-. get only one tnck m c.och \UH except uumP" moonrool loaded' ,..., ,...._ ~ '02 1 ·1 1 ;>tt Hu~ton Whal~• ( 1945!> > S?4 980 S.<XX> ll*6 t.., ydlow 40 np Y •mall• \Ide :; AK Q 1098 7 >AQ6 OO•MWXS ~ whli.. ~. lill lttv '"'""It '34<XJ1ubu f•f s,..,, #Qf)371 Dt / 14 BIS ~7 •S for il '6 S M ... ta"• Conver I obit or 1s1n1l uwntr soltd c•• $19.995 abo !M9 /19 7943 Sliver w/Bl1ck Rvilll I udder~ ( 19443C/ S38 980 ~7~ The btd1.hng 0 I AuJ I Af Oeetre Only 141< m1 llht Y\ller '03 1114 ... •. moontuol IO"*" f.-;tort fr~ SOUTH W&\"T NOKlli £AS"J I 16 Pms 26 4"; .... .... ,_ ---- Opcnmg ~ad Kmg of • /\' the cards he. the •OOtr..CI can 11()1 be ddClltcd, even 1 r w~ find, .u'I opening dub lilllvu and l·a't ~h1IL' to a diamond at tnd. two No fl\altcr .,.,h1ch diamond Ea_,t ic..J, lledJl'('r C30 "'m "'1th the 111..'C.. dr11w 11Un1f>' .md Wn lead the JtiCI.. uf ,p..dc,. duel.mi when \\c..i tu\ Cf'> 10 PfO• !Jc ~ lilt.er r~ nf th.: ten l111n 't7 111 .... e LS 4a4 11ulo •lnl cond. CO. •llOy\ I JOI\ m1. $6'l00 90-500-tU 1 fll:D1l":l) 1194781 26 980 Im 06Jr1 SI 00 tlnc•ln U ~ MITOSPOaT Somcumc~ o lill<.'~!le 1i. Joor only chllocc: for the COOIJ'llCL 0 1 )'OU find the winning line~...: here and (!Cl home 111 four ~•rh ' Bl•< k w/be11it M9-574-5'00 rnuonruof. chtomed .,.heel~ (1938111 S1 '>980 With c1ght-plu' playing tnd' Soul)t ~ c'trwnJ} c:nt.ilk.'Cf to 1ump tu four hcllft) O\'cr Ult-enemy 1111cr l1u1tu •ts ,,..,... ll4. 414 11n1na1 tluouahout vNy lllll 119J2989 $7895 -w.iuw u;n1 949 64(,.1822 ~ '03 S-Yype 4.2 VI, I Sk mt white o.illll"al lltw CO ctvon. ~. f> '4"d auto S.W 151\ S.18 'HI v11n~ 949 'l8b 1888 Bkr " •• w "'°' s..-. Bl•t.k 1e1• warranty I O.tded 119llRI Vb 980 JOBS OFFERED •H __ , • .,. .• I clean & ma1nt•in larae homu Cook d11..: all du11ei elderly & child ure o p 323 937 9038 Employment 8500 I yaw'-__,&/• manaRed • bus1n~'· co _..,, ~ ....... ab<tties lo f\11 tam /14-Zi6&1l' HOTU n /PT f1onl ~ Noilll Audrl .... bHI ~ "' per"'" 19!> 1 Hewp<\r1 Bl !:Ml• Mr'\d 9<19 650 2999 HICC Hew hlrl"f Pl B••lendl"I & Wail Sllllf Apply 111 pel\on ttfte1 7 ()()pm Monday I rtday 1600 l. Ceott Hwy NI Pubh\hm11 PlllOMOTIONS DlPAlllTMlNT CommiJn<ty ~' In Or.,.,. County iftll' F u11 rme ~non lo 1ntcrw:w <tnd wule ''°' lf':S parbc1 pate 1n commurnty eveolt• aentt and p.tj(lllJte P"i:"" dfld --1Klflll r aU!llelll tnmmun•uhoo ,1un-.. W<wk well With the pobior !("°"' N' Style Qu"'"ltP• "'~ Ptlot~ Multi Ad C..e atro Profa.<t<1t un MAC a nd PC rn d•"gn es peroen~,. p1.tt'rr ed Prooll•<kiinr.; tnl Drue '°~!Jh'l'\ll.tl ~t!d [0£ £ Hrllrnl bt'nelrl p.od"i'? lm • .i "'~1111e. WTit1ne ""~ .i1td "''"Y r e11uir~m,.n l \ I n ~rflnt.M_@.lal~ ''"" s-tt. <-•t Plo•o " loo~in~ l<ir Sttu"IY Oflitel' to 1uin uur team' ~Int 'u'tomer ,e,Vlt f ··~•It\ and• elf.an bhtirnd d11v11111 r .. curd 41 e" mu\I SS!SO• ht (00£) • •Int b!'nl'lth' A!>ply tn pe,,on al .HU Buslol St CO'lt.I ~ CA rl<• cttlc Lteensed [lech icel Cun It acto1 Small f0b5 sterllnc at S7t.t5 & wp. $pe(inl111n111n Remodehn1 & all home '*" 1n1 needs. Comm/lndu\l/Ru 1-aoG-lt7-loot l • l'fl2<X'I 9004 IMW '03 760ll 11 n11, a blal k bedt•ly •Ol<.10256 Oh Ryan l uddtl' NlWPOttT AUTOSPORT t4t·S74-S600 IMW '91 U c..,. 2.8 6 ryl •~d ton llh1 '>W<l beaut l1k1· lltw lufld •81'>7ll SIR 99'> tr nanc 1nw & w .. 11 dnly "'••I Bkr 'WI '>86 11!88 www.ocpabl.com Codllla c '90 Seda" 0-tle St. Morin "8 bOO mi V.v•t:d ht Ndb<"s c..dll.k Whit• w ... ~ ''"' took' ~ d 1 1w1-1wltt>te ,., ........ Ao.Illa s.,., ..... AM fM I (J t ••ell•nt Cond llnuvtit ,,..., ar S2">CX), ubo 114'.l 1>'16 6770 www.ocpel.com JAGUAR '6 5 XU Coupe r•dll•n 7'lk mt. ••built e•tellent S?9 'JOO 949 644 041 3 ,..,. "11 w..... a..r.be \111 4a4 ntw co mnrf v"' y 11at 11 l'l /W-0 $9995 ""-Wdllhl <Uln 949 646 7f!l2 La ....... ~(p Ill Bl J,Cffl n*> A Beauty •AOI l/ O- f<y..r1 I uddln MWPClll1 MIJOSPO«T 949 S74-S600 ~-... ~(fl Bl Ell HtfJ "*' A Be.aufy •AUil/ 0- RyMl ltllkkn NlWPO«T AUTOSl'Ofl'T 949 ·574-5600 a ..... mob'I 9000 Codllloc "90 Sedon NllU I es Devlle St. Mwtt1 ~600 l e a u• '94 lS400 n11 ""'"" •<I hy Nabor' 9004 CadtM .. Wlult Six~ lup --------"-' lolo.t 4 Cllflv.,.libk< A .. d1 ·oo •• Jiit mt, "'~"''""' "°""' Sy-,tem lull f4ct wa11 melAlht AM f M r D c,. ell•nl drk blue t•~Y lthr to , ,,,..tJ Buu~111 ne., tiW mntl \UPfl b Lond '7'i00/f.bo• ~91>46-6710 Sl9.99':> ••874241 Blu 1-----949-596-1 aaa ca.t1noc ·02 Sevllle SlS -w.ocpobel.cam ~·l•e• R• I' y II ht ro 1 tt ... mv.ta;n .. 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Whtlt w ·a:rey lnlh er 1 h1 <iml' wheels ( 194?<1 "' 980 ... 514 -7777 ,HIWPS AUYO phllllf"-9•.c.M Merced•• ClSOO '2002 Br.llw11 S.lvet I IK mt. Must ••Ml S7S,OOO. 94t·U7·1603 Merceile• '00 1320 I b~ •• tu•I m1 full fd, tt>ty w.,,, turQuo,..., blu• tan llh1 rnoonront CD t hfumf" whl• ... nne of lh' luwnl n11lt Mer ""dt•j ut lht-ve.-u m C•hl ••'>'>7291 S18 99S lrn•nun~ .0••11 B ... r 949 '> 8 6 I 8 I! 8 WWW .OCfl'OtJ.c- M(lll((0lS 210 '76 ur11 nwner •II 1 ttt o<ds well kepi & t lun 14Sk m1 $1490 949 640 6388 Mercede1 'II 560 Sl ... htl• t .1n 1mmat n-l:U. nm WlliC. ,_ <tdt ~ d,,,re., Sl41lD n4 ~I i:ll64 NI Aute Deoler1hlp .... ~i..· R.-. ej)llon"t f0< ........... ~""1l.Con 1 .. 1 v ..... ,.., 94~ s14-nn Nluon '9 S Pathfind.,. 4,4 •mnl•C wh1lr V6. ..., ; n1u •O 11299 SS495 ""w.iultu .. om 949-646 1822 hlttl.k 1 o wnf"f OH .. 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PUBLIC NOTICE lht Cdllf Publ1t Ut1ht1u Cumm1u1un requlf n that 111 used houuhold l[OOds mov•• \ pt 101 I heir P U C r.at I numbet hmO\ •nd thautf,ur\ print th•n 1 C P llumbet '" •II advH h\etnenh II JOU have eny qu•~IK>n\ •bout the le111tt y of a mov er limo o• ch•uffeur. call PUIUC UTIUTllS COMMIS~N IOO 177-U67 Volkaw.,ert '00 l eetle 28h m1 ~parkhn1 bl•,k1 o•tmeitl auto nuKrnrl CO pw pl •lloy whl\ hkt' nl'w v•na4 /00!>; SI I 99"> Ion & wllH•nlt av.it B~r 9-i9 S86 1888 --~·-·~ VW Gelf Gl 'to ~d ~llt.k •II record• 11• ~'"~ ~--•.rl $1 !I001obu 949 /00 J999 VW '91 Pct1sat GlS V6 Wilt Alllo ITwrl r.,,. "'4J5 cle.tn It'~ SIO 99!> wcwaulo ct.m 'Jll9.046.1821 Wanted J-'Y Oper.-1 o.at.r 0ve 40 .,..,., upl _. IMt a very f.w i-•~ ~" 'f'JU Cilt Villll r, blrl f)al<I kl or 1...i c.. 00 Rey @ TllrMo Ao.Jto ~ 7~ 43/ 1931 r. /14-328 ~ CASH FOlll CA.RS Wl HUD YOUa CAlt ,AIO fOlll 0111 NOT ,HIWPSAUTO ASIC fOlll MAlCOlM 94t-S74-7777 -I °'"'''l{)n()f ._.BT J B.inQ<"l SEWlR ll TllNG ll l C IRONIC SLAB I fAK Of llCllON r 11endlj ~rY1te t4t ·6 7S t304 -~.mm 1 •1U•'1~r'f'd Onslc ........... New & R~mndfhnr, G~ line Cop~t Rl'Pipe ,,.,, All:. l •'> 16/81949 675 !tOl!I HOHISl & 111tASC*A1U PLUMB[ R L l'506S86 lrfO l~•Smr~ OCll CU Ol5c. 114 ?~9l!JO "1l0Sl PlUMlllMG n.M .S8MQS 1v1aYYHING& ANYTHING IN A GAHIN. JUNK YO THl DUMPlll 11 4 968 1882 AVAILABU IOOAY' 949 67 S'S66 Hom Qanlng Pllnllng Repa"' & RMl(lde~n1 fRCE ESTIMATE Slrt, ' ..... ....... ll687398 71• 969 1090 SELL your stuff th'ough classified! THI OIUIHNU llTWl1• llAUTlfUI. & IXQUISITl- 94t-S 1 S4U4 OMA'S HOUR QUHleG l l60PMI s.w::e lar 15 ~ rdllrenta. l.Jcensed 714442.o6S6 Custom Hand Painted lihllt5 I h on . P.nq. Ntktlor .... ~.-.. a.-.'• ..... l/Yrs tip Great l"nc11 Cu. enteed work f r" est L'375602 714 Sll-1 ~ 1 3'»2945 Jer-a'•' ..... Top Quehty. Conlpettbv1 lnteo or/t.•l LIM8228 Cati J.1 949 650-5066 S t C S S' lde .. ,_tty ._ ....... c.1 ... 1tn. .... Mii f,.,,_,.,.y 1,.d , ..... ...,.& ... lle<1renle1 ~/o.ptflof'MF) Oletel '••pan• • ~W.-$32,.500 ~ BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 NHO 4S' SUP '" Newpen l eech IS b•""" "' "'~'"' t. po.... 114 1-,f.C, 'l9'¥l 9J fl SUP AVAllAIU IN Hl WPOttT llACH S2SOO UASE t 4 9·SOO IOOS IAY ISlAH!> COVI weo, I )fl 11'.0"' unl<n11l1 I l<=nclh 40..,1 & s.if, <lot'• 922 nn or ~9 613 194 l Mosaic '""' & Sf.a S•c . Wr•t..ly ~•vtt,. t qttf{' mf'nl N"P•"' tn• ur~c1 c.e1u9 2t 2 7 t 73 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGEILA COUNTIES Professional, Honest. Fair and Reliable ---ROOM ADDmONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kjtcben A Bllh SpeciaJj a CONSTRucnON Uct5/JMJ (M9)7195'U ,. ...... .~.=.: .. t l5lll•1Mt• m1 ..... a rs ·~ A20 fridlv, .bie 20, 2003 .. . LINCOLN - Plut p-leea MCI tuca. MY Orw>ee c~ eny dealer docu~ pttp11n11100 charJlc, and any .,,.., .... .., I<'>'"'& <har&c RJ-.BATI IN I II U OI O'I I INANl'IN<1 UP TU W MO\ ON Al'l'ROVI I) (."Rf'J>IT 1 At This Net Cost (J34890) l'Slll p.-foea llld 1.UCai M)' ,.,.,,,_ dlartcs. .... y dea)n docwncnc ptqWlllKJn "-haLrfc'. and any ~1111''""' lr'llnl du111c RI HATI· IN I II l 0 1 0'1 l-INAM IMi UP TTJ (JO MO\ ON Al'l'MOVI I> t RF-DIT I At This Net Cost IJW806) 1 At This Savings (6118799) g!=)~.~!. ................................................................................ •1111 -~(~~-~~~~~F~ll~r~ ............................................................... •7 810 ~~)~~~~~ ~~~se, All/Fll C.U ............ : ............... • 1 a I 4 I I ~~~.POL, 11tt, Cruise ......................... -.................. • 11I410 ~?~~!~ ~ .. ~~~~ .. ~.~~ ................................. • 1 •• 710 ~~)~~~~~.~~~ ............ -····-------• 1 a, 41 I ~N~~~.!.O=A!..-.~LAlldl4-•18,100 MERCURY Pltlf pnnnwnr fees and ~ any r-..-., '"""'"'· eny <killer du.:umcnt pnop•rauoo <tu.rg.c. anti any cm .. uoo ~I <harac Rl:OATI IN I II U OI O'+ 11 ANUN<iUPTOWMO:- } At T his Savings (Jl8130) l"4il '°"~ ,...,.. ...... . • ..,.. ....y finanu: •11.atJc• ""> dealer U."-umml prtpanoll•WI ,.....,.,.. and an~ cm1«1tW1 ""''"ll <harttc Ml OATI l'I I II l OI \Pf< IAI I CIW RATI 11,AM l"I, I At This Net Cost ~1~~!!~~2~~~~~~ ..... •1a,111 ~1!5s~;2~~. ~Roof, CD,~ ................... ~ .. ·-·-··········· 11I8 81 ~1;~~~~~=~~!... SowMl·-·····-----·········11. I II ~~~)~ ~. -All, Tlh Crulot ...................... _ ............. •11, 8 8 I ~~G~~~~~ ~CD, Slllrp ... -............................ •141881 ~~)~~ ... ~~~~~~~~····-··-·· .. ·····-......................... •14. I 81 . ~~-=~~.!.~~~.-~~~-·-··--·-·-.. --........... _ •11. I 81