HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-22 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot;. ... COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Before you go tossing your cap D ean McGillicuddy. distinguished faculty. proud parents and. of course, graduates: Once again. it is time in Newport-Mesa Land for the commencem ent speech that wiU never be given. from the commencem ent speaker who will never be asked 1 o give II. You. my antsy lirtle graduaung friend-,, have worked hard to claim your seat here today. And if you haven'1 claimed 1t ye1. PETER 1us1 '>II down BUFFA anywhere. you're buggm' me. If onJy you could -.ee yourselves as we see you at this moment ... weanng a dre~ and a goofy square har with a limp yeUow porn-porn dangling from ir -you'd want to crawl in a hole. You arc about to cross one m ore of life'i. thresholds, and the questions that you desperately wan1 answered are the same questions that faced your parenrs, your grandparents, your great-grandparents, your great -great -grandparents. your great·great·great·grandparent'>, and your coU!iin. These are the questions that matter -the questions about life, love, living and liposuction. I I ere. m one. seemingly interminable speech. is everything you need lo kno\\. l.J!>ten tarefully Thjs 1s important Bert and E:.mie on Sesame Streer were named after Bert the cop and F.rnie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's ·It's a WonderfuJ Life." hank Faylen played Ernie and Ward Bond played Burt. Bond appeared in a slew of westems. but was best know as "Major Adams" on the 1950s series. "Wagon Train: Maine is the onJy state whose name has 1ust one syllable "Dreamt" is the onJy English word that ends in "mt: And - write this down -tremendous, horrendous. stupendous and ha.zarclous are the only four English words that end in "dous: When he first heard the government was corning after him for income tax Invasion. AJ Capone otrered an interesting legal theory: "The income tax law is a lot of bunk. The Set COMMENTS, Pa11 A4 INSIDE THE PILOT INSIGHT Tanning in the sun is dangerous. and with this June gloom, hardly poaibte. And out how to get tNlt tan independent of weather Ind skin damage. ... hgeA5 COMMUNnY FORUM John H~ talks about hla first w..et .. Costa Mell Polfce chief for thit ~·oaA. ALIO: More letten on Counc:Mmen Oidt Nichota. ... ,.... SUNDAY EDITION Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 JUNE 22, 2003 SUNDAY STORY ome Marine Lance Cpl. Ian Voss, who served in Iraq, returns to Newport-Mesa and a joyful family MARKC OUSTIN/IW..YPl.OT Lance Cpl. Ian Voss, an M 1 Al tank driver, wa s one of the first Marines in Baghdad when U.S. forces took control of the city. While inside Saddam's palace, he took the Iraqi flag he's holdilg for a war trophy. At top, Voss, center, points his gun toward the head of the faHen statue of Saddam Hussein in Bahgdad. Inset, while in Iraq, Voss was able to get his hands on a box of Nicaraguan cigars with Uday Saddam Hussein's name on the label. TOP STORY Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot A II 1.111 \ '"' l JO t"ilt lht' ... t' t.ld\' .trl 11.111.111.i., dllt.l t h~·t .. •l' I hl· nd1 red 111t•a1 1ht1t he lo\l«l 111 dl•\our dll\ time of da\. 't't:lll' <1 l1ttlt· lm1 htt1n no" And lw La111 .,lt't'fl o n tht' '>hl't'h and ptllo"' on h" ht>d , ht·Lau ..... 1lw~ suddt>nh 'l'elll w11 .,ott Jlld t u'l111J11\ After '>t>. month' 111 J ho,ttlt' d ...... ni far a~a" '6.hl'n: lw Jtt-1.t'tl'lt'....., pack.aged mt•al.,, t.1u~ht CJt nap' .ind sat all t.ld) .md 111ght 111 tht' min bt·lf\ ol a lank not mud1 b1ggt'r thdn 1ht· love'>l'dt in hi'> ll\1ng room, the 20-year· old U.~. Manne lance corporal I'> e~ingbad. tnlO thl' hit' ofluxun he happil}' .:Uld willmgjy ldt behind. VO'>'> joIDed tht· lJ S Mannt: Corp'> J..\ d reserve thrt'e month!> before Sep1 11 200 I rht' Lorona dl'I 'Id! I llgh graduate lldd ah"a}'\ wanrt'd ro '>t'ne hi' countn "l\ept 11 .i.nd t>\er.1h111g 1ha1 happened JU't made me \\ant to dn 11 all the mort.' ... he 'clld It'._, har I '' .111• 10 do for the re<.t of m.,. hft> Vo'>\ wac, dt>pluyed 10 tht' l\lldt.lle East on Jan 26 I le retumed home l'-"O weeks ago. Vo,., plan' ro ri.>enh't wllh the Marine Corp" 015played m ht" room at ht'> latlwr., Eastbluff homt' no" are war ...i1U\l'nlr'> Vos'> brou~t bat l lnerr's tht> Iraqi fla~ tha1 once fll·v. cttop one of ~ddam Hussem'!> opult.'nl marble palales In his wallet art' .i couple Iraqi currenn note<> with Hu\..-.c.>m' picture on them. 'Thi'> 1., a 250 dmar bill,· Vosi; said ·it~ worth S80 before tht' war :"CM it'!> worth nothm~ I le said Iraqi J)<'ople. who lm~ the streets and welcomed him and other · Mannes mro liaghdad, handed tht> money ro them a.' '>OUvemrs. "The lraqt'> were 'uth rnte, fnendl\ people.· he !>aid NO EASY ROAD Vo~ also '>hot 36 roll., of film I le tool c;everal picture' of Hussein·~ palaces. '6.iuch had been tlanened by SN HOME, Pa11 M Child celebrates health with a fair SPORTS Sege Hil Schoof 1 Zech Ftiedric:he, a footbeH end bH 1bll "8ncblt. la hofiored • the ec:hoof'• Mele AINMe of ihe v .. , for 2002-03. ... ,... ... To thank supporters, family of 2-year-old cancer survivor takes over Heller Park with clowns and rides . Lollta Harper Diiiy Pilot Cancer survivor Jonathan Taggart, 2. takesande on hts uncle Kevil Taggart's shodders "°""" HelerP.-k in Cost.a Mesa. t v AZ Soodly, Jooe 22, 2003 EDUCATION Six Newport-Mesa schools bid farewell to seniors Thursday was a day of commencement for students at six schools in the Newport-Mesa Unlfted School District. Estancia. Costa Mesa. Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools, as well as Back Bay and Monte Vista alternative schools, honored their students at graduation ceremonies held throughout the day. Vivian Llu and Jon Wolfe, both 16 years old, scored perfect 1600s on their SATs. The two students just finished their junior year at Corona del Mar High School. They are the o~y two students In the Newport-Mesa Unified School District to achieve this feat this year, but they are not the only students in the Newport-Mesa community. Katrina Redelsheimer. who just finished her junior year at Sage Hill School in Newport Coast, also earned a 1600 score this year. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.carrillo@lstimes.com. BUSINESS Omelette Parlor will go on breaking eggs The Omelette Parlor, which appeared doomed to be ousted from its shopping center location, got an I I th-hour reprieve as landlords reversed a decision to kick out the popular eatery to make way for renovations of the 17th Street shopping center. Vons Companies Inc. agreed to put Adkins on a month-to-month lease and to renovate the center with the Omelene Parlor as part of the plan. In opening its third neighborhood retail center in Newpon Beach in less than a year, the company has also taken a bite out of hunger. The Bluffs Shopping Center, which opened May 27, includes eight eateries mixed in with retail shops. •PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (9491764-4330 orby e-mail 81 paul.clinton@lstimas.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Crime drops in most areas; decreases 5% overall Costa Mesa saw a significant decrease in crime in most categories ln 2002 from the previous year, according to the FBJ's Uniform Crime Report released Monday. All violent crime was down -rape was down 50%, incidents of robbery plummeted 37%. and aggravated assaults dropped 30%. The only category that saw a sUght increase was thefts, up by 1%. But other property crimes were down. Burglaries dropped 8%, and auto thefts, which had increased dramatically In 2001, were down 13%. In other news, Costa Mesa's new police chief, John D. Hensley. started Monday. Former Chief David Snowden retired Friday, June 13. His retirement party last Saturday was attended by more than 500 people. County officials have unveiled a series of projects to make John Wayne Airport safer and more pleasant. Supervisor Jim Silva said that the improvements will add to the airport's image as a safe and friendly place. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at dtJBps.bharsth@latimes.com. ____ EK IN REVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'HAPPY TO BE OF SERVICE' it really was. After shoodn8 12 graduations, it is dl1Drult to ftnd that one unique picture that capnues the excitement and energy of commeocemenl Dally Pilot photographer Kent 'Ikeptow's shot of Rosa FJJedge giving Katie Robinson a pigyback ride does just that. Teachers hugging students, students bugging fellow classmates and the occasional burst of tears are a dime a dozen. So the objective is to scan the crowd In search of something a UttJe out of the ordinary. When Kent saw the piggyback ride he knew he captured something a little different. But be didn't realize how special of a moment After getting feedback on our choice to run thJs picture as our cover for the graduation issue we were informed by a family friend of~ Elledge bow meaningful this photograph was. She said that it wa.s a pleasure to see him smile and enjoy himself aft.er having made it through a rough year. in which he lost his mother to breast cancer. It may be coincidence. intuition or just plain luck. but · when Kent snapped that frame. be became a witness to one of life's true momeot.s.. NEWPORT BEACH Comment prompts calls for Nichols' resignation Several council members are calling for the resignation of Coundlm.an Dick Nichols, whose comments about Mexicans on Corona del Mar State Beach have drawn national media attention. Nichols has said that his comment was taken out of context because it was singled out of a long telephone interview that touched on dozens of aspects of Corona del Mar State beach improvements. However, Nichols defended the comment itself. -The Photo Staff The Irvine Co. unveiled plans for a sprawling luxury resort sunounding the Pelican Hill Golf Course. The resort will include guest rooms, residence inns, a spa and a new golf clubhouse. Fl.£ PHOTO I DAILY Pl.OT Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols has again drawn the ire of readers by his comments. moorings. Racks for storing dinghies could soon be installed at several public beaches and piers. The city's Harbor Commission Is diswssing whether the racks could provide relief to boC\ters who bold permits to berth their boats at off-shore The Newpon Harbor Nautical Museum was overrun with some tiny pirates as more than a do1,en youngsters gathered for the first •Story nme at Pirate's Cove .• The tory-telling and sing-along events, presented jointly wuh the COSTA MESA Council adopts budget with one $3,800 change The City Council adopted a $112-million budget for the 2003-04 fiscal year, after making one adjustment. The council decided not to give $3,800 to the Orange County Human Relations Cornminee and instead direct that money to grad nJght event celebrations ln next year's budget. Skate park fans are chafing at the Planning Commission's decision to delay action on a slcateboard park as part of the TeWtnkle Master Plan. The commission approved parts of the plan on June 9, but continued the library and the Oasis SenJor Center. will be ongoing. •JUNECASAGRANDEcovwa Newport Beadl and John Wayne Alrport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or bV e-mail at june.casagrandtttl/trtimes.com. skate park discussion while It explores o ther sites. such as Costa Mesa High School. and to give Bark Park users a chance to weigh in. Bark Park fans are eyeing one of the sites for an expansion. • DEJRDAE NEWMAN cover• Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491574-4221 or bye-mail at deirdre.newman@latimas.com. NOTABLE QUO TABLES 'Witli grass, we usually get Mexicans coming in th8re early in th8 morning, and they claim it as theirs, and it becomes their personal. private grounds aU day. .. -Dick Nichols. Newport Beach councilman, on bis reason for not supponing turf grass at Big Corona State Beach ·1f Mr. Nichols' comments about specific minorities reflect the way he troly feels, he should consider resigning as councilman. because that's rwt truly rep~ntalive of the best interests of this community." -Stew Bromberg. Newport Beach mayor. on the day after Nichols made his commem 'We had started mforcf!ment actions in that area by the start of {last{~ And we were abli? to have an impact and bring down the number of crimes." -Dale Birney. Costa Mesa Police lieutenant. on how Costa Mesa crime statistics revealed a 5% drop in crime in 2002 ·1 would rwt ever support a d«reose in funding for Mobile &creation or {the/ day camp to go to the po/la or cO<k enfom!ment. ~ recreation programs we have play a rok in the quality of life and safety of persons and property. It's unm«Uumble -an incredibly pure form of prevention that's so important to the community." -Ubby Cowan. Costa Mesa councilwoman, on Councilman Allan Mansoor's suggestion to reduce funding for the program that vis.its various neighborhoods that don't have a lot of access to open space "My thn!$ sons went through the ™RE program, and I'm glad they haven't given into any temptaticns. If OTU! kid stays off drugs, /the program} has doM its job. - -M1b Scbafu. Costa Mesa councilman. on Mansoor's suggestion to reduce °'1tE funding DailyAPilot Coflll~ Box 1660, to.1a M..a, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News auiatant. (M9lli74--Q98 l:opyrfght: No newa stories, con/. wllMJllOtatlrM&COm ill'*111tlona, editorial matter or l'tt0100RAPHERS advertisemema herein can be WEATHER FORECAST northwest swell of 6 to 8 fMt. Sean Hllter, Don LAech. reproduced without writt9n K9rlt~ permluion of copyright owner. The w.vee get• foot larger at Ooudl and s>etd'V fog wt• nfght. For fog, ... above. VOL.17, NO. 173 READERS HOTUNE HOW lO REACH US be Joined thl• motNng bV THOMAS H. JCMaON Ntlwa~ (9491642...eoee Circulation . drizzle. SURF Publieh« Gina Alexander, Lori Andenon, Record your oommenta •bout the The Tlmea Orange County The t'9lt of the dly lt11,... lONYDOOao 0.Jliel Hunt. Paul Saltowltz. O.lly Piiot or newa tlpe. (800) 252-9141 be doudy. You take what you The IOUthwest swell peelca Edleor . Daniel Stevene Addr.-AdvertWng can get. Highs will be between today, offwing c:hest-hJgh aurf. JUrNOl11Ni Our llddreu i. 330 W. Bay St., Costa a...m.ct (9'9) 642-5878 Adve~ DiNclot' NEWSSTAW Meu, CA 92e27. Office houra are Dillpley (949) M 2...a21 84and10 cteg....._ That bec::tground nofthv.-t LANA••a.. Crime °:.:f9 ~r. Mond-v -Friday, 8:30 e.m. -s p.m. Edtlorlal And tonight? Qouda. Lowa .well wtH mNn wellt-Nght. Promotione DINc:tor UNI)~ Coowdoi• Ntlwa wt• be b9Meen 51end8Z m8Ybe 8 d\elt-Ngt\ M two, at d#l».blMmh•l«l,,,,...com It le the Piiot'• policy to prompdy (9'9) 642·5e80 degf'Me. WMt·fedng bfMb. EDfTlNQ..,, .-.=w• OOfT9Ct ell em>ra of eut.tenoe. .... (149) 574-4222 ...._Olli: Mondev. be the..,,,. ....... cell (M9) 7&M324.. Ntlwa fa 1948) Me-4170 u:r..,, Newport repon.r, lpcwtl,.. (949) 880-0170 WWW.IMll.noM.gotll but for ahouldlf.Ngha at Ee (1411174'232 FVI E-.1: da/lyp/1«9/atf,.,,...com IOUth-t.cing brNb. /ulJ!a 'WI ' •••""""--com lM Newpoft ~ Meu ..._Ollee BOATING FORECAST ... .-,: •• j. ......,,. .... c:-.... Deity "'°' (UVS.14WOO) , • lwllnw Olloe (IMS) M2...a21 ~•midw.CH"O ............ ~---and~ ~ .... pu~ dlllly, In Newport 8Mdl • ...,_ '911(IMS)831·7128 Ught wtnde throughout the ...... ...... , .. , 1""'330 and C:O.. MMe, IUMcripdone ere day on the Inner \WtWa. wtth TIDES ,llrnM,,,...~ ptMll.JIHon•,.,.,_,com ~eiMlble ant'( bv tubecriblng IO The 2-foot Mvee on • weet MWll of TllM ........ ........... .......... T1met Otenge Counly (900) IJws 4 fHt ~tome llnglrtng Spollllc9or; ~ ...... ,.,.,..., .. un. 3.AOMthlgh ~~ m...1•1.1n ... OIAllde of IOUth lwMt mixed 1n. IV night, ... l'JM21S HIMPOtt IMdl Ind c... Mele. that 80\lth ..... "'°'*'be 10:lla.m. 1.22Wtlow '°9eJ..9-~,.,_,oom .... .,.. to tM Oelty Piiot ..... oon-. The dly "boobrMMd by l:Mp.m • 4..71 .... hlgh Alf Director, ..... o.t °"""' ~· I ~onty by ...... melt for • Publehed b'I Tim. Community foG. 12-Ma.m. 1.13Wtlow IMIPMDI c.. .... ,...., .... PM221 ao..., mon1t1 . ,,.,_.Include .a Newt. • cMvlelon or the Lo. Angel .. A am8I cnft ecMeoty wtl M }oeeMl.-.... UW.C!Om ~·---ciom ~ .... .,,.. 1oo11--.1 T1met. .....,MIC1z• Jntff9elontheouw ...... WATER a I • I Cllil9lt l"OSTMMT'Elt Send...,.. Pf-. ..... The~ wkMt •• 1510 (..., .. ,. E~ NPOftlr, .. ..,,._... .,..to,,.,..... 02003 Times CH. Alt "8f'lm 20 llr'°'8 throughout"" dly, TEMPERATURE ....... nt«la ....... ~ ~•--.oom ~ ..... Dal¥"'°'-'-0. ........ wfth 2 to J fll:»Ot W1YW on I ..... ' • Dally Piiot LOOKING BACK __ More than JOO y ears_·_ of Dory Fishing Founding the beach market was as simple as a fisherman's pulling his boat onto the sand. Krl1 O'Donnell Daily Pilot I n 1689, the beach cooperative known as the Dory Fishing Aeet was founded in Newport Beach at what was then called McFadden's Wharf. It occurred when a dory man pulled his boat onto the sand and opened the Dory Fisherman's Market. Thus began a tradition that continues today aJongmde Newport Pier. f lt was during the 1890s that the wstom arose of having the dory men's wives sell the freshly caught fish. The first booths were beneath the wharf. Later, the women began to use the boats as shops -a tradition that continues today. 1n 1939. the remnants of a hurricane necessitated the rebuilding of the pier, as 500 feet of it was swept away. Today's municipal pier was built the year after the disaster. PHOTOS COURTESY Of NEWPORT HAR80f< NAUflCAL MIJ~fUM People buy fish from the dory fleet near the Newport Pier in an undated photo. With the exception of a mandated interruption of business in World War 11. dory fishers have continuously launched from the base of Newport Pier. The Dory Fleet fished off shore and on shore. Originally. oars were used to breach the breakers -overturned boats were commonplace. Once through the breakers. small sails were used to extend their reach out to sea as it was a long haul to the fishing beds. Fishing lines were. and still are. rigged according to the fish they want to catch. The original dories were about the same size and shape as they are today. but they were conon and treated with Tan Bask to keep marine growth from roning them Onshore Santa Ana Wlllds often impeded the return IJ"ip for the rowmg Oeet Today. oars have given way to outboard motors. 1n 1967. according to the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, the Newport Beach City Council recognized the Dory Aeet as the last such co·op in the U.S. The City Council deemed that the fish market property should be preserved and given a sense of permanency. At a cost of thousands of dollars, the city constructed a protective screen of pilin~ around the marketplace. thereby securing the property and enhancing the wharf-like appearance of the area 1n 1969, the Newpon Beach Historical Society dedicated the Dory Fleet and Fish Mark.et as historical landmarlcs. Therefore, it transpired that sons followed their fathers, who had followed their fathers. • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays. Do you know of a person. place or event that deserves a historical Look Badt7 Let us know. Contact James Meier by fax at 194916464170; &-mail et JBmflS.meierl§lstime.s.com; or mail him at c:Jo Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. SOL!S [::\'VEST.\1EXT & 1REALTY KRISTIN M. Sous• Llcaued Real Estate Agent • Metting "'1 of your Real EstllU neuis. ERlc A. Sous CFP • 17 Yt-an ~t • St«lts & &nJs • MutwJ Futuls • Anmntia • Ett4u & Rrtimnmt P"1nning • lnvatmmt &miring • Sm4JJ Mit/Jk M1l1'ltd Uimpania Postcard dated from the late 1 960s shows dories near the Newport Pier. Pitch • In ' ~== l . ::: " Help keep our city clean! bella bella Sunday. .A#le 22. 2003 A3 -.. --OFFERI NQ Greot Lengtn hair eltltll"llli0r"6 I Allemo lJte Slrog 11en1ng Svstem SALON HOUIS I Menn, ~ ~ lCXl,., ~"' • ...ICllCI 5'rol>. I "172 I E COOi! ~ 5ufle 204 COIOOO Oel Mo r A O'Joi!> ~ ....... - - - - --!.) 949 723 4048 SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan in seconds! · 50% OFF: 1st Session $15 VaJue I I I • Expires 7 /01 /03 I .. ___________ ,, Coine shop at the oldest flooring s tore in Southern California. Family Owned Since I 879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET Id ONE Karastan • Lees • Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairbome And Much More 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714 ) 7 51 -2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Lon Beach and Los An el£s ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER SEGERSTROM HALL (7 14) 740-7878 ffau.t ft' .,., (7U) 755-0236 GROUP SALES BOX OFFICE 10AM-6PM WWW.OCPAC.ORG (7U) 556-2787 INFORMATION (7U) 556-27A6 ITT "A SENSATION! JUST SIT BACK AND LET THE JOY SWEfP _ovm~-----...c M Sunday, June 22, 2003 A'c SETUP SOFTWARE ~ makes connecting lost 8. eosy! FIVE email boxes, Webmail, Instant Messaging and more! U11ll•!ttcl Access • Sign Up Online www.local net.com 949-642-4645 Whetller You Buv or Le••-You·n Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! COl'lamM • ..._l1Ml111tA c:ommerdll~.­NPO'tldln ........ 5:2A p.m. .,,..,.._, .... 8119111: Grwld bft w reported In the 2900 btoct at ~18 p.m. 'Thurld9y. • ....... llrMI: A vehlde burglary w repo"9d In the 300 bloct. 3:33 p.m. Thurldty. • ,..,.,._, ..... P9lty theft from I vehlde WM reported In the M>O bloct at 10:64 p.m. lhundly. • a.-.-....: Aft IUto theft WM reported In the 3100 bk>dt It 7:44 p.m. Thursdey. • Hlllmleon StlNt: An a ... uft waa reported In the 500 blodt It 4:44 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • ~ StrMI: A vehlde burglary wu reported In the 3800 blodt et 7:28 a.m. Friday. • Dowr DtM; A vehlde- burglery waa reported In the 700 blodt at 4:30 p.m. Thursday. • MacArthur Boulevard and &st Coast Hlghwey. A hit-and-run was ntported a1 12:01 a.m. Friday. • San Miguel Drive: A commercial burglary waa reponed in the 300 blodt at 1 :32 p.m. Thursday. • Sheringtoft PIMe: An auto theft waa reported in the 1700 blodt at 9:59 p.m . Thursday. • 44th StrNt: A home burglary was reported In the 200 block at 5:26 p.m. Thur.day. Cool Calypso Wee n taturtne Llws lelantA Mueic 6u11d Your Own Bloody Mary &ar Special 5reakfaet addttlone to Lunch Menu aMA~~nue H.wport hacst,. CA For Reeel'VJrtk>ne -(&49) 760·&686 COURTESY OF IAN VOSS Voss drove an Ml Al tank for the Marines. Here, he is sitting up on top of his tank in Kuwait while waiting to be deployed. HOME Continued from Al rnl.ssilea. "That was so good to see," he 'said. Voss was shocked and amaz.ed by the ornate, solid marble structwes.. "They made the White House look like a shack." he said. "There was no grass ot anything. Just blocks and blocks of pure marble." Voss and other Marines in his company took an unguided tour of Hussein's sister's palace. They got to the basement at some point and saw bottles of Cllanel No. 5, silverware, several fur coats and cans of caviar. "It was even more unreal when we went into his daughter's room." he said. "There were actually Brittany Spears posters on the walls. That waswelrd." The road to Baghdad and their victory lap around the missile-ravaged city did not come easily. Voss said. Voss' battalion lost six Marines, including one when a tank in his company accidentally overru.med, killing COMMENTS Continued from Al government can't collect legal •axes from illegal money." On Oct 17.1931,AICaponewas sentenced to 11 years in federal prison for income tax evasion. Thirty-five percent of people who use personal ads to find dates are already married. It's impossible to lick your elbow. Tty it. What the heck do the lyrics in Don McLean's "Bye Bye. Miss American Pie" really mean? Pay anention. because this is hard, unlike your dasses -and for the last time. you in the back. put away the canned string. Don't make me come down there. "American Pie" was the name of the small plane in which Buddy Holly died on February 3, 1959, along with Richie Valens C"l.a Bamba") and the Big Bopper, whose real name was J.P. Richardson. McLean considered that date "the day the music died." To honor the legendary trio, he turned the tide of Buddy Holly's biggest hit - "That11 Be HEALTH Continued from Al ln February. Jonathan went in for a routine cancer scan, and the doctors announced it was gone. The family's elation was cut short that night. when Jonathan suf- fered cardiac arrest. With the help of Lop medical profes&onals. loYecj ones and falth. Jonathan was able to return home March I . 1be la.st cancer scan ln May fOWld no traces of cancer. "He ls a little mlrade. • the morber said. The little wonder was busy Sat- GETTING -1NW>t • GETllNG INVOLVED runa periodically In the Delly Pilot on a rotating bull. For infonnation on adding your orgeniz.ltion to thia llat, call (949) 67<M298. JUNIOR LEMil IE OF OMNGE COUNTY h orgenlz.ltk>n of women, commhted to promoting vofunteerism, developing the potentill of women •nd lmptOVing communltiM through the wof1t end ieeder9hlp of trelntld vofunteert, la eeeldng ntfW membwt. UM8) 281.o821 KAllD~ HO.at8WCll ~ .. Neded toep9nd four houri.,... ... ~ P•t •ordl*'l.,.....for '*"°'"'*•lil""91n ~--..... ........ ,., ____ uam• r• 'Mnuua .. .....,• .... ~~WI' r•'91t ... J1me1 om.;" I PW fiVe Marines. "One other man was shot." he said. "He took two rtfte rounds in his chest" It's bard to lose a brother, but they bad to move on, Voss said. "We were in the middle of a war," he said. "We had to put that behind us and keep pushing." But he added, that they had memorial services for the fallen Marines after they got back home. Being in the war made him think about the smaller things in life. Voss said. "They were things I wished I had done before leaving,· he said with a smile. "Things like riding a boat in Newport Harbor. I left two days before I got my boating license.• He will take that test next month. A CHANGED MAN Voss said h e was touched by his Eastbluff neighbors who sent him cards and care packages. "I was surprised," he said. "We didn't even know them that well. And when I came back. I saw all these yellow ribbons. Until now. I didn't even know what yellow ribbons stood for.· the Day" -into the line "This'll be the day that I die." The rest of the lyrics are not nearly as romantic. but they are very, very clever. Don McLean grew up and sowed his wild oats (It means "partied") in New Rochelle. which is in Westchester County just north of New York Oty, a few minutes from Scarsdale, which ls where my daughter lives. Does that have anything to do with Don Mclean? It does noL Mclean and his buddies used to party (it means "sowed their wild oats") at a bar called the Levee in New Rochelle. and they were not amused when the place closed down one day without warning. Thus, "Drove my Olevy to the Levee. but the Levee was dry." Get it? It was a bar, but it dosed, so it was dry? And all this time, your parents thought he was saying, "Drove my Olevy to the levee. but the levee was dry." which no one could ever figure out l.oolcing for a new hangout, McLean and his pals found a bar they liked in the next town - wday afternoon playing with friends, sitting ln the fire truck. riding his brand new Power Wheels car. being carried by his dad. laughing at his uncle Kevin Taggan and hugging his mom. Jonathan. dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and blue cargo shorts. was fascinated with the moon bounces.. He even found time to have a little sibling tiff with his SLS- ter Hayley. Corona del Mar resident and "wish granter" Debbie Logan watched ber little pal run around with his friends and family - somedling be had not been able to do when she first met him. she said. staff and docents with hiker registration end general public o'1ent.ation. (949) -..0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shlnti, en organization that worb with pertOnl with HIV or AIDS, la seeking caring volunteers to aNist with running the front offtce, dettwring mNft, providing tnnaportltlon and providing comptlmentary therapies aud'I • mnuge, acupuncture •nd dliroprac:tJc care. Uaa Toghl1, (949) 484-1448. UFEL.ftE l.NM ta lib ~Ill 9dulta r.ty on the N.wport ~ cenwfor r9lldentlel houelng. It needs pcofwlONI fu~ to wppott end,,,........ thle reeource. UN-M'IT~llM ~ """° '°"" .. WOftt with ........... n.ededet the Lw ... c... P*1Aan In C...~FOrmore lnlDfmlllon. Cell., •1-3272. His father, Bruce Voss, said having Ian back was "the best Father's Day gift any dad could ask for." He knows his son wants to join the Marine Corps for life and that it ls going to be bard for him to accept, he said "But my dad was a colonel in the Marine Corps, and so was my uncle," Bruce Voss sak.t with a laugh. "So I guess it skipped a generation. This is Ian's passion." He said his son seems a changed man after his return from the Persian Gulf. "He's way more mature." said the proud dad. "He's very calm. He realizes he did the right thing and he believes in what he did. He's the only 20-year-old I know who knows what he wants to do with his life." Ian's mother. Marsha Steinbrenner. who lives in Newpon Coast. said she feels "joy and reJier at his return. "When we picked him up in the rniddJe of the night at lWentynine Palms, he just jumped off the bus with a big smile,· she said. "I was standing there with my little. homemade sign and he just walked up to me and asked what all the fuss Rye. New York -where my wife and I just happened to be a couple of weeks ago. and where I spent much of my misspent youth, at Playland amusement park on Rye Beach. So wha1 does that have to do with Mclean? Nothing. But while your parents thought he was saying, "Them good or boys were drinking whiskey and rye." what he was really saying was, "Them good ol' boys were drinking whiskey in Rye." How clever is that? Did you learn anything this useful in the four to eight years of whatever it is you've been doing here? I say you did not. Here's something you might actually remember. but I doubt IL Remember the movie "Big" with Tom Hanks? He's a kid who can't wait to grow up? He makes a wish at a cheesy forrune telling machine on an amusement park boardwalk? His wish comes true? Anyone? Hello? Anyway. that's the boardwalk at Playland in Rye. Let's see. What else? I've told you about a hundred times, don't buy discowit coupon books. You'll never. ever Logan. a volunteer for the Make A Wtsh Foundation. said she first met Jonathan ln March. when he was so weak he could hardly walk. Jn April, she granted his wish to go LO Disneyland, Logan said. "It is so great to see him talk now and smile and laugh." Logan said. The thank ~u bash also an- nounced the upcoming fund- raiset, •Drive Fore the Cure and SK Walk." set to take ~ Nov. 1 at Pelican Hill Golf Oub and Nov. 2 for a walk at Fashion Island. As part of the promotion, ac- tres.s Marilu Henner joined the festivities with her two SON, Joey and Nicholas. input, tidce1ing. filing and handling phones. (714) 5~. YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting e1fect on a young person'• life. Studentt 10 to 18 years okhre matched with mentors to Improve their sdlool perlorm•nce and self-esteem while devetoping positive peer •nd adutt relltloNhlpa. (714) 649-9622, e>et. 36. MOll.E MEALS Volunteer drtwra .,.. needed to help detl\191' nutJttiou8ty prepat9d mNll to hon*>ound, tr.II 0t tldltty c:Nents 1nclpetlle of thopping •nd cooldng for thtmMfvee. For mON lnfonnltlon, ctll (949) 8'6-8080. \ was about. That's just the kind of person he is." A CLOSE BROTHERHOOD Voss will go to college and get to ride a boat ln Newport Harbor as soon as he gets his license. He works as a deckhand for the Fun Zone Boat Co .. but he ls trying out for a reserve police officer job at Newpon Beach Police Depanment But, in his bean. he is and will always be a Marine. Voss said. "I want to be the best Marine I can possibly be," he said. Marines havt: a close brotherhood and a connection that's hard to describe, Voss said. "We didn't have enough food or the best equipment." he said. "But we were the first ones in Baghdad. We took Bashdad. When you're in that kind of a situation, you have to work as one. And that's exactly what the Marines did.· Voss said he believes in what he fought for. "I think it was on the radio that I heard a description of Saddam's torture chambers and what happened there.· he said. "I've been there and I know what I did was right. The Iraqis needed to be free." use them. And never. ever buy anything over the phone. I can't stress this enough. To me, the two biggest problems we face today are international terro.Um and telemarketing. Some nights. it's a tossup. I guess that's about IL I'm almost out of time. There are other questions. no less imponant. that you'll have 10 figure out yourself. Why can't you ticlde yourself? Can you go through the 10 Items or less line with a doren ~? Speaking of 10s. why do they only put up pictures of the "10 Most Wanted" in the Post Office? Are we supposed to write to them? lf winners never qwt and quitters never win, who came up with "Quit while you're ahead"? I have no more to tell you. I wish you well, and the girl In Row 12 who is still trying to lick her elbow-you can stop now. I gotta go. • PETER BUFFA la a former Co11a Mesa mayor. Hie column runs Sundays. He may be readled by e-mail at Prr84<!Jaol.com. "l am always willing to get In- volved with kids and health.,. Henner said. "This Is a wonderful organization. An A-plus charity." Newport Beach busines.vnan Tony Arcurlo, who helped organ- ize the party and fund-raber. said he met the 1ltggarts through tm daughter's socx:er league. ·irs a heartbreaker." Arcurio said. "It really is. This kid deserves everythlng. This is tm party.. • LOUTA HARPfR writ• columns Mondsy9, Wedneedeys and Fridays and OOV9fS culture and the aita. She may be reached 8t (949) 574-4276 Of' by.-mell et lollta.harptKt#/6tlm«1.com. Mor edulta who went to Improve their reading and writing akJll1. (949) 717-3874. OPOA PAaflC h ()pete Pacific Guild AJlllflCl8, • support group for Opera P.clftc, haa actlvitiea for volunteers.. (714) ~. 110 SIC)edWey. eo.ta Meea ea-e1eo f Sunday' June 22. 2003 A5 INSIGHT la ttt.... •topic you'd like to ... elq)lored on this JM1997 Contact Jose J. Santos with questions, comments or ideas. He can be reactied at (949) 574-4224 or jose.santos a1/at1mes com 'You can still get that look you want, but do it out of a bottle. You should.be outdoors, but you don't have to be in the sun.' DR. LYN'4 DMNO, Newport Beach demlatolog1st bronze glow in the summertime without any help from the sun KNOW YOtM WAY MOUN> 11tE aoac Every home shouJd have ample supply of sunscreen. especially if your family is in I.he sun a lot. But even if you regularly use sun block. be sure that you know the ins and outs of bow it's most effective. "People usually don't put enough on," Dimino said. "They don't reapply, they don't put it on accu- rately.• • Make sure the sun block has a high SPP number (Dimino rec- ommends 30 SPF at least) and is water- proof. •If you're a 150- pound man, you need to use at least on~ ounce of swiscreen every 80 minutes. Dimino said. You should apply the sunscreen before leaving the house. because it takes between 15 to 30 mJnutes for it to start to work. • lfyou're going to be out in the sun all day, make sure to reapply your sunscreen. Tab a break. seek some shade and let the sun.screen start to work alter you put more on. •You have a naturally darlt hue, so wming isn't an issue. right? Oi.mJno said &be sees the effects of sun exposure on every shade of Uin. "Everybody pays the piper sometime,• she said • NOPEMNi 'fry to avoid direct SW\Ught during the 5Wl's peak hours. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dimino 1uaest1 there's plenty of time in the morning to check out the waves, and there's ue J more than enough time to get that late afternoon jog ln if you need to be outdoors. If you venture out during peak hours. wear a bat. sun-pro- tective clothing and enough sunscreen to protect your skin. Dimino said START YOUNG Qilldren at risk for melanoma. a skin cancer Dimino classi· fies as "a disease of young people." is one of her btsgest concerns. She is seeing more and more patients coming in wtth early signs of the disease lt caught early. melanoma can be stopped. Any abnor· mality on the skin that is uymmetrical, bas iJTegu1a.r borders, changes shape and is multicolored might be melanoma. The key ls education. making sure children feel com- pletely at ease with sun protection. "Hkids learn at a young age to put on unsaeen, then as teens, they won't balk at It." Dimino saJd. "It'll be ju.st second nature to we it as an adult.· ~CT YOURSEl.J: • People around the gtobe have Meri guarding themselves against the sun for centuries. Dimino points to Mexican sombreros. Cllinese straw hats and the belid- to-t.oe cloth.log of the Middle East u cultunl ways people have helped keep the rays awll)'. •Getting a skin caooer acreenJng once a yur is a good idea for California residents. Pree tests are usually offered annually at mo.t hospitals. Dimino said. Al.PHABB SOU~ Defining acronyms related to tanning WAANDUVB forms of ultraviolet radiation that are shorter in wavelength than regular hght rays. Two types of ultraviolet rays make it to the Earth's surface. ultnMolet A and ultraviolet B. UVB rays have long been associated with sunburn. and UVA rays pass deeper into the skin. SPF sun protection factor. A rating system for sun protection products. If the SPF is high, the product will increase your p<o- tection against ultraviolet light Here's a Ye'Y general way to look at the ratings: • 10 «lower-low SPf • • 10 to 20 -medium SPF • 20 to 40 -high SPf • 40 « higher-very high SPf DHA dihydroxyacetone. the most common active ingredient in most sunless tanning products. DHA is a colorless sugar that ~when it comes in contact wrth dead cells on the top level of skin. That reaction produces a color change. which replicates the look of a golden brOWQ sun tan. For more inbmation. ct-* out www.sunproteefion.otg SEEK HELP FROM A PROFESSIONAL M S&#lday, June 22, 2003 MUNICIPAL BONDS ONE OF • New offerings available •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds RB C Dain Rauscher 10 Set an Appointment, Please Call LANTZ E. BELL Branch Manager 610 Newporr Center Drive, Suite 900 Newpon Beach. CA 92660 (949) 72<>-8901 lantz.bell@rbcdain.com ALDEN'S -- -- - !ON-, __ ------____________ ; DRAPERY Cl.EAJ\111\1& AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NECE!iBARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas fabric Window Co\ll!rlng• Including : • Luminette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette• window shadings • Vignette• window shadings • Ouette• honeycomb shades • Mmenia™ Collection • Jubilance™ roman shades •Applause• honeycomb shades • Serenette™ Softfold™ shadings World's Best ON•SITEno Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND D RAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, \ ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, /)11,111111 ,,,,,, "'"''" ,. c.,,,,, ,. /fl'1/ ' o\.,\TIIAs _L~CHITO. FIESTAS \ • ~ Pw•rTrapToGo /·· •Enchiladas • Taquitos \b •Tacos • Tamales \ • Guacamole • Salsa ~~ Call your nearest location for pick up _, f 0 to f 00 '-opt. ~1 Catering fl.• II .. ~ (949> 64s-0209 . 1, 'osta Mesa Newport Beach Costa Mesa (949) 6'6-1142 (949) 675-6851 (949) 644-8226 . . . . .. . . . . CHECK IT OUT Great reasons for kids to W Ith toys. food coupons and other prizes waicing, there's no reason for lclds to monkey around this summer. They can go ape over boob In the Newpon Beach Public Library's 2003 chlldren's summer reading program. •it's a Jungle Out There." Theres no dearth of new titles to inspire toddlers through sixth-graders who sign up at any library anytime between June 23 and Aug. 16. Some of the most popular lncJude updates to series by award-winning authors. For preteens lured by the underworld, Darren Shan continues his "Cirque du Freak" saga with "Trials of Death." Set in a shadowy unjverse leading to a I fall of Death, this thriller will enthrall readers who've ONGOING • Send ONGOING items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to miktuwanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing i1 available at www.dailypllot.com. VoluntHr driven are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals~ sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 646--8050 for more information. Five new wtne. wtll be MfWd on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. Newport Dun .. Reaort'1 "Movies on the Beach" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, Including a two-hour barbecue before the movies suin at dusk. Guests are Invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening In June and July except July 4. Partcing is $8 per car. For more Information, call (949) 729-DUNE. A variety of pttveW, aeml~ and group swim leuon1 will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-<>n-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and level1. For seulon dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3161, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. devoured previous offerfn8s in Sban'a Dracula-inspired chronicles. The stabs bep getting higher ln Lemony Snlclcets' •Sertes of Unfortunate Events.• In "!be c.amtvoroua Carnival.'' the ninth of a proposed 13 outinp, the unlucky Baudelaire orphans find themselves In the trunk of Count Olaf's getaway car on the way to a carnival. where they dress as freaks to escape a bogus murder charge. Suddenly, rhey're in more trouble .. \ ' ..... ,,, -. ' .. (~ than ever, in a ell.ft.hanger that will appeal to adults as well as kids. More down-to-eanh trauma will draw eight-to 12-year-olds into "Wenny Hu Wlnp." In Janet Carey's newest heart-render, 11-year-old Will is recuperating from an accident in Children, teens and edutb can now register for summer recreatlonal boating ctaaaes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Cfauea begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or vlalt the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Servlcea a 3300 Newport Blvd.' for more Information. Profa11IOMI end llcenMd eoccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-6103. Jewtsh Famlty 8eMce ta sponsoring i teen support group for high ediool students that meeta Mondays from 3:30 to 6 p.m. st Tarblrt VTonth Upper School In ea.ta Meaa. For lnfonnation or to register, call (714) 44&4950. Pr.registration 11 required. The Ant,. -Rne Chlchn'a Booka, st 270 E. 17th St, No. 10 in Costa Meu, offers free story time Mondaya, Wedn~y, Fridaya and Saturdaya from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tueadays and Thuradaya from 4 to 6 p.m. For more information, call (949) 646-5437. ·Ab9t:rect Woltca on Cenva1 and Pape(,' an exhibit of art by Janet Roaener, will be on dlaplay at the Newport Bead'l Central Library through June 30. The exhibit wlll feature aefecdona from Roaener'I "Waahed Away" aenea, created by dripping, aplattenng or pouring addltlonal paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it 8WflY to tuggeat the passage of time. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. AWllf'd.wfnnlng wortt1 by Orange County artllta working In an array of two-dlmenalonal media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artllta Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717·3870. Bay.Ide Aeatau,.nt In Newport Beach offer1 wine taltlng every Thursday night for $1 6 per person, featuring five new wines fa mi\ which hJs Uttle sister was lcilled. Even lf they haven't faced such serious loss, children will find much to learn about grief and guilt ln the poignant story. Love and loss are similar themes in "Sweet By and By," Patricia Hennes' intergenerational yam set in Tennessee during World War n. Orphaned at age 2, 11-year-old Blessing lives with her aging grandmotheL While she doesn't want to think about life without Monnie, her grandmother wants to prepare her for the inevitable, which will include choosing a new home. For lighter diversion, readers can rely on Alice Hoffman to deliver a tale of enchanunent in "Aquamarlne." ln their last summer together, Hailey and Oaire discover a ctisgruntJed each week. For more Information, call (949) 721-1222. N your orchid la too big for it. pot, Green Syatems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant tale Is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St facility. Call (949) 766-1211 for information. Dlecover th• NCrett of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you· walk through groves of beautiful Cot1tal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5262 for more Information. TNm Survivor. a nonprofl1 organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month In front of NIKEgodesa store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after et Atrium court. It Is free, and all fitne11 levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275--3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awarene11. faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more inform ation, call (949) 721-8079. THn• are lnvhed to drop by the city of Costa Meta Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Mondey through Friday for indoor and outdoor aportl and activities. The center 11at1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information. call (714) 327-7660. The Newpor1 S..ch Walking Club meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m . and 7 p.m. everyday. For m ore Information, call (949) 650-1332. Th• Newport S..ch Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to mermaJd Into the pool at their favorite beach tuingout While they'd Like to re'rum her to the sea. the stubborn fish-woman refuses to leave without meeting the handsome boy who runs the gift shop. Krlstiana Gregory takes a more historical approach to storytelling in "FJeanor. Crown Jewel of AquJta1ne." ln the newest entry In the Royal Diaries series, a disobedient 13-year-old flowers into the queen of France when she marries and assumes her royal duties at the tender age of 14. In a fictional diary that reveals much about life In the 12th century. young readers may find much to be grateful for In modem times, in addition to great books to inspire summer reading. • CHECK rT OUT is written by the 1uiff of the Newport Beech Public Library. Thia week'• column la by Mellisa Adams in collaboration with Bonnie Mcl.lten. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by acce11lng the catalog at www.newportbffchlibr•ry.org. 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Aun. of Buslneu Servk" ho1t1 a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, ~II (949) 805-0011. ·01vorce: A New Beginning; a workahop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, 11 held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost Is $40. For more information, call 644-6436. The N.wport Beech Public Library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for children In kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona def Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesday•. The library 11 at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3800. Free toura of th• Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dreulng room s, performer's lounge, badtltage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement . For more Information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833. The Newport Beech Newcomen Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month . The organization 11 open to all women residents In Newport Beam who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomera-newpoftbeadl. orp. Oatis hnlor c.nter holda a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the 1econd Saturday of every month. Breakfast Includes pancakes, aau11ge, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 SM ONGOING, Pac• A7 .needed For mofe lnformlrtton on bMglng wlm'lth lnW ~ heaft Ind the hurt fJI a chlld. join u~ Nlls..llw ~Julle -fNM7 ..... It tn. Allto~ Inn RSVP to Adopdon Opdont.. Inc. «>25 ~ Dlt MO *.tit\ W. JOO. SM Citgo, CA tl10I 177~7772 ONGOING Continued from A6 for children. The oenter 11 et 800 Marguerite. Coron• del Mar. For more Information, cell (949) 644-3244. Mec:y'1 South Coat Plue present.a ·wo..Uhop Wednesdays: A Hands·on C~ing Claaa Program· hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class ls held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost. including materials, Is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. 't'bge and rhythm, •vogarhythmics• combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m . Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. The Newport Hatbor Nautical Mus.eum offers the exhibit ·Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Marine Art Master; through Sept. 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more information, call (949) 673·7863. lntef'bfth coupa.. with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration 1s required. Call to schedule date and lime. The office 1s at 250 E Baker St .. Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 4454950. Women 50 end oJder can join a discoss1on group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression. relat1onsh1ps, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St , Suite G, Costa Mesa Preregistration required. (714) 44f>..4950. Friends of the Newpof1 e..cti Public library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodt. Books may be left at any of the three branch ltbraries - Balboa, Manners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Fnends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Be&ch. M hardcover and papert>adt donations, with the exception of magazines and law books. will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The Braille lnsttiute off9fs frM computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821 -5000. A spirttuel care class m..u at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Costa Mese Chembet of Commerce hosts netwooong luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Coontry Club The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain 1Umor suppof1 group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The groop is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illneu. (949) 57~. St. Anchw'• ~ Ch&H'd\ hosts a mental lllneu support groop from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfleld Hall C at The Jewish FamUy s.vlce of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish FamHy SeMce of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Th• Costa Mesa Senior Cent8r has bal.,oom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Famitv,S...Vic:. of Oninge County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and rts consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is tree, but registration 1s required. (714) 445-4950. • Scrabble aub No. 350 m..U from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. m Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206·9822. The Coin end Sump Club mHts from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to 1om these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644·3244. Jewish flmity Service otr.rs ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief. receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m . Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free, but advance registration is required. (714) 4454950. Jewish flmlty S8t'Vice of Or11nge County provides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m . Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St .. Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required. (714) 44~950. Two-hour kayak tours wtth 1 trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive, Newport Beach. S20, or $10 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturaliata •nd Friend• members. (949) 729-1160. A yop and dance daa• i. held from 4:30 to 6:45 p.m . Tuetdays at the Center for Spf rttual Oiecovery, 2860 Mesa Verde Drive Ee1t, Suite 111. Costa aa. 714 764~7399. The Rev. Connie Rydunen lead.a a diacuaaion group using the book "Conversation• with God• from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2860 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 754-7399. M•rshell's TH Kwon Do In Costa Mesa offers free self-defense classes to air1ine pilots and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St., Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. A Dealing with Divorce support group ia offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (71 4) 445-4950. The See Scouts' 1hlp Del Mer 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. Oasis Senior Center otr.n ongoing assistance, counseling and referTal services for seniors (949) 644-3244 The Costa M818 Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to jom its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669 Arthritis Foundation instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m . Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. (71 4) 513·5641. The Newport Beech Newcomers Club meets at 10 a.m. the ttlird Wednesday of each month. The organization 1s open to all women residents of Newpon Beach who have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For more information. call (949) 645-9922 or v1s1t the Web site newcomers·newportbeach.org. The Thursdey Morning Women's Club, a 40-year-old friendship club, IS seeking new members. The club, which includes golf, bridge, walking and gourmet sections, meets at 11 a.m . on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The luncheon is $23 and includes entertainment. The hotel Is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842·5863. The Newport Beech Walking Club meet• at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The Ameriun legion meets st 7 p.m . the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, which deal wtth veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard is at 2851 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 546-2m; or Bill Mimiaga, (949) 650-0894. rvin9 ?.3reali/ast, ..lu flcli ~ 'Dinntr ILonls fuorltel Sina 1995 ials SCRAMBLE Do you have the right investments in place to meet the financial chall enges ahead? Al Edward Jone!>, our hu~ine'>l> •~ to help people lind solution~ for their long-Lenn financial ">C\:Unty If you would like a frC('. review of your portfoho or any of your other inve,tmt:nL'> lo ..ee if they are appmpnate for your long term goal\, ph:a~ 'all or stop by today L.Ull~UI rlfJ09..' 314" COLDEN AAJ>t.£ SOLID HARDWOOD $41!~fL OPHER SH.Au.OM 240 Newpot1 Center Dr • 11 < Newpclfl Beactl Ca 92660 ~91 717. 7662 www ~wud,onea •Om --i<P<. Edward Jones ~ ~ 1-Siacet371 \4f»4, .. lrri.. ot:\'>[ PLUSH CARPET • lns111led with Pad $ } 6 9 • .'linimum 60 ya.rds sq. ft. Travertine 18 .. s J 8., ••••..••••••.•.••.••• s4.29 ... r.. CeraJDlc Tiie •••••••••••••••••• •••tall~.t fro• 14. 99 ..,. I\. Laminate Wood .••••••••.•.• hutall~.t fro• 14 . 99 ..,. n. Supp/I•• and T<><>I• r,,,. ""' -oo II Yours.-1r,,...1- All prlc,•lprodurls For a "'"""' "''"'· IX16H on atJOlfohll/111. Sunday. June 22. 2003 AJ BRIDGING THE TIME GAP By Daw ~nt Y 11u · \ c wnllcn up a purchai.e con1.rau on a new humc and qualified for lht. needed finaoc1ng The only hlmg · up -polcn11ally. J 11e') 1mrc>1Un1 •>O.: h th.11 your eJt"llntf home \IJll h.t\n I \Oltl Jml )'OU can't do~ on the purcha!.c llf the OC\I, home 14 llh<IUI the pruccc<h Imm J ,aJe What lo d o I The .u!!>Wcr ·~n I C.C.), \IOCC II 1mohc~ a hu ol a g.unhle ITI>c allema11ve. lhou~h. I\ lo IO!IC the home you dec1deJ to buy J So )OU taH. Lo your lenckr about bndgc loam and :-.cc 11 they m1gh114orl.. tor you Gener.di) !he lcodcr frum whom you ·~ ..eel.mg lrnaocmg for the pwc.:hJ.-.c of )OUT nc:w home "'111 aho pro\ Uk ~hort tenn finanl IOI! for the: tlo"' n payment on \our nc~ home: Generally. tno ~nu won I ha"'c 10 male an)' pa~ mc:nt\ un th.it 'hon term flnam.in11 until your e\"llng home ..ell\ But you ma)' enJ up m.tlmg p;t"'mcnl' 110 \UUf C:\l\llnl! 11'\l.IO[(<illl' .&.\ v.dl a,_, the rnon~a!'c w11h whu.h )llU re: I IO..tll<..101! !ht-flC\lo purlh.L-.c He \Ur<'. tu IJll l11n!' .ind hJTd wuh \11Ur real C:\LJI<'. Jlf"lc:"mn..tl ,houkl the 4uc\tmn nl U\IO~ J hnJl!c lc>.111 JIN! \he or her c.:an pr<1\1Je In\ aluahle IO\lghL\ IOUt h11\lo long II ,, hlch IO Lake Im )'CIUr home tu -.cll and "'hat the ~'' ..tntl ,afc:,l optmn\ faung ~nu ma\ h< ·r" hnJ •>UI ~nur 11p1111n' l all me JI IJ49 '\ ~ 1 I ~Oii ur '"" tn\ l4ch~1IC) oil J.a,cwoni.i-' lllltl 11r \tne!lurdro.td lUOI /Jar•t' U'otrg h111 burr •rlimg homri m Nrwpon Bt'arh 111ur 191<'111nd 1J u•11h C MJI \ru'Port Proprrruv< o/du.,.I/ &11/rn Saturday, June 28 • lO:OOAM..():OOPM A full day qf fun, events, music and food FEATURING Classic Schooners • Model bulJden •Craft programs for Kids ... painting. milk canon boat races and more! • AntJque cars I woodies • The Mant1me Modelers with RIC boats • Antique Boats •The Riverside Wood Chippers Wlll be carving and give lessons • The International Knot Tying Guild will offer knot tying lessons • Tbe hdfk Maritime Institute will offer rides on their l 650's replica of a long boat used by tall ships to ferry crew and cargo • The Newport Loag Board Surfing Oub wlll have boards and vinta e items for sale • The N r1 Outrigger Canoe Club wi 11 be g:Mng canoe pa ang essons • oe a samp e o e aJtu oa w -----~• PLUS ... muy other lnteratiDg ud fun nbJbtts Don't miss the LUAU ---and awards presentation: Ttmc: Dinner 6pm • Menu: BBQ • Awards: 7pm • L1vc mmic fcarunng "On the Eda'e" Cost $20 per pcraon -reservations rccom.mcoded please call 949-673-7863 Bring the whole family FE *I M•ISlll• To enter the rrgatta pleas~ go to "ww.nJinm.org or call the mus~ ~ by. WOOd9r'I tM Yeche CllW, Mel1inlr'8 """""°9, Cattille Coetawori1 ~ Inc ..... Buldett Inc.. Tumet Conllruc:tiOn Co .• 0.-Conl9udlan Co. ADbllllOn Hi1 ~,.. Inc •• °""* FWOO. Sea Mllgaztne end Go 80ellng. AIS ~ ~ h4ft Sip, ,,. Newpolt JeyCMt. I M Stmay, .Jooe 22, 2003 Ditty Pilot FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -lAttilra: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reeden Hottlne: Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu: Send to (9491 646-4170 E-mal:S.nd to dailypilotl/llafimn.oom •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Piiot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIALS It's time for Dick Nichols-to go D ick Nichols just doesn't get it That is why it is time for him to go. The rookie Newpon Beach City C.Ouncilman has once again embarrassed his city and his constituents with a shoot-from-the hip comment. the latest of which implies he has a problem with people of Mexican descent using the state beach at C.Orona del Mar. Nichols has shown no remorse for the comment. contending he was quoted out of context But when asked about his opposition to expanding the grass areas of the beach, this was his response: UWith grass. we usually get Mexicans coming in there early in the morning, and they claim it as theirs, and it becomes their personal, private ground all day." His explanation the next day was chis: UWhy don't you go down there and take a survey and see what fraction of the people on the weekends are from where? You're gomg to see a predominance of people that don't live in the area My statement was honest. It doesn't say I'm discnminating against them. Where the heU am I m any way discriminating or being a bigot by making a statement that is blatantly true?" There is a rule in the journalism business, which can also be applied to this situation, that gender, race Qr nationality of an individual or individuals doei.n't belong in a ~tory unless it is pertinent. To do otherwise jU.!>I feeds mto racial stereotypes and fans the Oames of intolerance and hatred. So Nichols must be asked the question. lf he doesn't have a problem with Mexicans, as he and his wife have contended, why did he bring up Mexicans in the first place? ' Why rud he not merely say "people" tend to use the grass all day'? Why is he opposed to expanding the grass area, if he has no problem with people of Mexican descent? The only aruwer we can surmise LS because Nichols mdeed intended to make a pomt about nauonality. that it wa.s pertment 10 his pomt. That ~ why 11 LS Lime for hLm to go. Nichols 1s ~peaking of a state beach, one that 1s paid for by the taxpayers of Calif orrua. not just Dick Nichols and hjs foUower5. It 1s neither hi'> business nor his place to attempt to deny or question others. whether they are from C.Orona del Mar or Corona, 10 use that state land. That is why it i!> time for him to go. There il> no place on the Newport Beach City C.Ouncil, or any other city council for that matter, for someone who categorizes or points out the faults or stereotypes of an entire group of people based on their nationality. There is no place on the council for someone who doesn~ represent all of his constituents, whatever their creed or color or nationality. That is why it is time for him to go. In his short time on the council, Nichols has already made hJs share of questionable comments. Just Last month. he came under fire for implying at a Planning C.Ommission meeting that the commissioners were beirtg paid off. "It sure doesn't look good. It looks like you're taking money fo r this one," Nichols told commissioners. Just before last fall's election, Nichols, then a candidate, was criticized by at lea.st one local business leader for pointing out in a televised council meeting that a motorist involved in a traffic altercation was a "Mexican." Nichols later 5aid he did not know the nationality of the man and told our reporter he was concerned about illegal inunigrants getting special rights. Again. he had no knowledge of the immigration status of the man in question. ·1 have no reason to beljeve he wa.s illegal," Nichols said 10 our reponer. "I was just pointing out that he ~ Hispanic." Again we have to ask the que~tion, why does he need to point out someone's ethnicity except to funher hunful stereotypt>s? That is why it is time for hLm 10 go. Flnally, we believe that tho!>e who supported and campaigned for Dick Nichols l~t fall need to be held accountable, namely the leaderslup ol the slow-growth movement GreenlighL Greenlight leaders solicited Nichols and placed him on a slate that included Madeline Arakalian. Richard Taylor and Allan Beek. who said this wed. that he counseled the GreenUght leadership against backing Nichols. In the name of their cause, Greenlighter~ stood ann-m-am1 \.\ith a man who now publidy em~~ them. Those very same leader.. now need to join Mayor Steve Bromberg and other member~ of the City C.Ouncil and publicly rebuke Nichols for his inM!ru.1tive and irLappropriate remarks. They need to give Dick Nichols one simple message: It b time for him io go. So long , cowboy M uch can be said about retired C.Osta Mesa Police Chief Dave Snowden, who Brushed tus 37-year career -including 16 yean> leading the C.0'lta Mesa force - earlier tlus month. Much can be s.aid, but still it will only touch the surface of what he has meant to the community. He was compassionate. He cared about the residents. He comfoned those in need He made C.Osta Mesa safer. He made the police department more responsive. He made this a better place to live. There was ample proof of the community's affection for Snowden at his Western-themed retirement party a week ago (Snowden's a huge cowboy fan). More than 500 people showed up to wish him well, including people he woriced with throughout his career. His warm words for those gathered, as well as the words of his wife, Ellyn, sh~ how richJy that affection is shared and returned. This past week. there also was new evidence of the wonderful job he did as dilef. Crime dropped In the city by 5% in 2002, Wfth theft the only category that rose. Rape and murder were L"l.11 m half. Robberies feU from 155 to 98. and al>Saults dropped from 203 to I 56. Slnce 1999. aime rates have been <;teady or dropped. Thoc;e downward numbe~ demonstrate the L1ty's contmued success fighting crimei. of all sorts. Snowden deserves much credjt for that succe<>s. as do the men and women who wort for C.Osta Mesa's Police DepartmenL AJJ of them work hard. All of them are dedjcated. And it shows. But it is not just for what he rud while wearing his badge that Snowden will be remembered. His volunteer worlc. notably at Hoag l lospital, was unparalleled, hjs giving spirit unmatched. So as Snowden leaves, perhaps the simplest. but sdll best thing that can be said is that C.Osta Mesa is on the righl ttack. He leaves the city better than when he arrived. fur that. the chief d~ the community's lasting thanJcs. Snowden has wa.lbd off in to the unset. But the shadow he casts will linger for many years. THE LAST WORD OCC weathers a storm 0 range Coast College continues to navigate the rough waters or lhe st.alb'• budget crisis wtrh the ~ ol en old mariner. :rbe IChoot .. lu c 1UCCeas came with tbj ..... SCbOOl Of~ and se.inlill*P't boel ..cdon Md marine gar tale. The t¥ent i'&IMCI $63.587, mouth to return 21 coune iecilons co the acbiduJe: The COllfl'e had N d to cut them beciuM of the Welt ftll budF It W8$ such a succes that the state hu even lauded the Idea. And we're more than happy to jump aboard wtt.h our own ap pl.auae and point out who the real wtnnera are: the students who Will now pt to tllc.e those cluaet. 1bere remain, or course, stonn)' lhe&d, Wf lh course cutbacb lilt becween 500 and 1,000 elute . Bui lift.le by UttJ , some C&lm la com.Ing 10 occ. BOLTON READERS RESPOND More debate about Nichols AT ISSUE: Should Councilman Dick Nich ols resign his seat afte r his comments about Mexicans o n Corona d el Ma r State Beach? It seems Dick Nichoh. suffe~ from terminal "foot in mouth" disease. Hjs ''taken out of context" excuse doei.n't fly. This man is not a worthy council representative and he should be expelled from the Newport Beach City Council. Ver another apology and statement of remorse should not be accepted. This latest offering i'> inexcusable. and there are many capable, caring and intelligent people out there who can better represent w. CAROLYN FTTZ-GIBBON Newport Beach I find it humorous that there I'> such an uproar over Councilman Dick Nichols' statement. The truth is that he said what many in Newport and Costa Mesa hold in their very hearts. I know many will disagree wi th me, but the number of extreme conservatives in Orange Cou nty is frightening. Although most are ~man enough to hold back their tongue, the occasional slip occurs now and then, so that we can recognize their true agenda. If public opinion forces Councilman Nichols to resign. he can move to Costa Mesa and get support from the some of the core Co'lta Mesa "improvers" -his ideology seems to fit perfectly with thi<, group. FRED MEYERS Costa Mesa While what Dick Nichols said about certain groups of people monopolizing portions of the grass area at Corona del Mar State Beach may be true, that does not excuse his obvious ethnic bias in the term inology that he used to describe these people. He says that he is a victim of political correctness. Well, I want to ask him the fo Uowing question: Is the problem with access to the grass area that some groups of people, maybe selfishly. monopolize the area, or Is It that groups of Mexican-looking people are the ones doing it? If you are not bigoted. then why did you make a point of mentioning the ethnicity of the group? Would you have mentioned the group's ethnicity if they happened to be white, Anglo-Saxon Oiristians? As a City Council member. I would hope that you would learn IO think about how you are going to <,ay omething before opening your mouth. You represent all of the c1111ens of Newport Beach. which includes ome of Laun American de!>cent. They roo pa}' taxes and buy things tn Newport Beach and have a right to be treated with respect, no matter where they or their parents were born PAULKEUY Costa Mesa I have hved here since the early 1970s, came down in the ·sos and '60 in the 11ummer, and if you don't k.now the trnth when it hits you in the face, you need to come up out of your holes. I '>topped going to the beach J 5 years ago because of the Mexicans. The "Coast Guard" beach was the only one left, and they infested that, too. Mayor Steve Bromberg. these are the people Mexico does not want and 1s glad 10 rid lhemselves of: poor, low class, unproductive. uninspired. uneducated. Two out or live of them don't have high school educations. and probably, four out of five are illegal. At the beach. they are rude, yelling at each other in order to be heard over their radios playing Mexican music at top volume, aggressive and totally without manners. Go down there yourself if you do not believe this statement. They do not speak English, the language of this country. The money they make here. usually as "leafblowers," goes right back to Mexico. ff you want Nichols to resign because he speaks the truth, your marked fright ln the face of facts and your Inability to act on behalf of your constituents against the remorseless degradation of our lives here, suggests you are the one to resign. UNN AITKEN Corona del Mar Exposed first as a paranoid Babbit and now-w1lh his unbelie\'able ~U&gt''>llOn'> lor segregating our beal'.'hec. "'".in unapologetic rau.,t, Dick :\1d1ol-. 1s the dead muu::.e 011 tht' e ll\ ., kitchen noor. I le i.hould. met.iphoncall)•. fall on his sword and re'>ign .... paring U'> thf" hassle and cxpe11'1~ of pryin~ him out of office w11h a recall. For who now 1r1 ht' con'>l ituem·y -other than a few cr,1nh hkl' h1mo;elf -or in the coum·11 chamber" would take him seriously? Who \.\Ould 11.,um w h1'> propo..al'> or con.,1der hi'> opinions? With whom could he .mangt' pohucal .ilhance' ,md conduct the people'!. hu\ine.,.,1 He 1s alone. pohucaJly rwull'red and pubhdy scorned And 1r he believe!> "lighung" thew th.uge'" '>Omeho" noble and ..idnurablt'. ht· I'> al'>o deluded It\ lJmt' for 1h1'> bigoted troglodytl' to !>lep down LARRY PLAIT Nt'wport Beach I lad I wanted 10 inlihratf' the C1teenligh1 group and .. abotal(e their good work, I i:ould no1 have done better than to Cjmpaign for the election of Dick Nichols. BILL BENNETT '.'l:t•wport Reach \\'hat a thoroughly outrageou.., and shameful '>tatement hy Councilmdn Dick Nichol,, made even more 'ihameful when he tried 10 defend the ~tatement the following day Thi'> bnngs to rntnd the bigoted statement made by a member ol the Greenlight Committee that approvaJ of the Balboa Bay Oub''i application for cxpamion would bring in Mouts1der:.." (Nichols was, of course, endorsed by thb same committee.) I'm proud to be an American, but I'm al>hamed of being represented by such a bigot. DONALD RAMSAY Newport Beach Dick Nic hols absolu tely should resign from the Newport Beach City Council. His ignorant. insensitive and offensive comments prove that he is a bigot and there should be no place for hJm In any public office. t le Is an embarrassment to the community. CHERYL MOYER CO ta Mesa HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES COAST COMMUNITY COU£GE DISTRICT District Otfl~: 1370 Adema Ave., Costa Meae, CA 92628, (714) 432·5898 a.anc.lor. Wllllam M. Vega Boerd! Pmldtnt P.ul Berger, Vice PY.tldtnt Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry P•tteraon end Watt•r G. Howald; student ltUltM 0.Nt S~lly NEWPORT-MESA UNFED SCHOOL DllTNCT District Office: 2986-A Beer St., Costa Meta, CA12e26, f714) ~ ............ "°**' llfbcM -....: PrilldllCMefthl AUQr, ~ ~~--.a.. .... Stokes. Devld Broolca, Tom Egatl, Judy Frtnoo and Unda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATE> WATER DISTRICT 1966 Ptec.ntla Ave., Costa Me ... CA 92827. (948) 831-1200 8oerct. Pr.Jdent Jim Atkinson, Vice ~Mike HMt.v, 1hJdv Ohllg·Hall, Fred Boc*mlHer and Peul E.Sh~ COSTA IEIA SMITMY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200, Cciiel ~CA t2t28-1200, (714J 7M IOU '-* ........ ltMine Sd\lfw,""" ~.An ,.,Y, Gregv.tM!~ end Oln W:M ... .,.,. - ORANGE COUNTY BOARD Of SlRIMSORI H•fl of AdmJnlatratlon, 10 Civic Ctnter PINAi, Santa Ana, CA 92701 •Jim Sltvt, 2nd District (Cotta Meu, Newport Belch), (714) 834-3220 •Thomae WIJaon, 6th Dlstrict (Newport Coastl, (714) 834-3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR •f elt Ori'4., Cotta M ... , CA 92828, (714) 708-AAIA ~ ~_. Aub9n A. Smith, "'°' Preeklent PMrlda ~ • ~ Smllh, Emlty Seflbd, P9ggy Heidi,,,.,,.~ Dtbar9h c.ron.. ~A; "'v• Ffri ..... BIO Age:47 ~EISegundo Education: Master's in public administration from Pacific Southern University Previous Police Oep.rtmenta: Barstow. Manhattan Beach and Cypress Family: Wife Jody and doga Cooper and Casey Hobbia: Reading history books, traveling. collecting Native American art; spends other free time woricing on cabin he'• had In Pine Mountain for six years. JOB HAZARDS 'Well, I've typically said that police chiefs take too much credit when crime goes down and get too much blame when it increases. A NEW APPROACH 'I remember what it was like back when I was an officer. You didn't go to the chief's office unless y ou were in trouble.' I t must be the first rule politicians learn when they assume office: When in the hot seat, blame the media. Just say you were misquoted or speaking off the record, or my peraonaJ favorite, taken out of context. F 0 RU M Sunday, June 22, 2003 At Testing the waters A change of guard took place last week at the Costa Mesa Police Department Longtime Police Chief Dave Snowden finally arrived at his Jong-planned retirement Taking hb place is the city's fourth police chief in its SO-year history. John Hemley, who last served as Cypress' police chief, took over on Monday. He is sizing up the department and looks forward to making any needed changes. On Thursday, City F.ditor James Meier' met the new chief in his still-empty office at the Police Department Hensley saJd he looks forward to meeting with his fellow officers and the community. On Thursday. he discussed the latest crime statistics. his past and his future in Costa Mesa. You arrMd at an lnterating tlme. FBI stad5dcs show that atme was down 54'. In 2002, but ln the last oouple of months, there has been an inaeMe In violent gang ecdvtty. Them obviously IOrneth.lng to be plemecl about. but them mo reason for concern. What are your thoughts on that! Well. J 've typically said that police chiefs take too much credit when crime goes down and get too much blame when It increases. Al this point. I'm a bi t concerned about the violent crime inaease. I Costa Mesa Police Chief John Hen sley just arrived. He looks forward to discussing the iss ues and m eeting residents haven't had the oppo11Untl)' to reaUy explore what might be the root cau">t .... I haven't sat down with lhe gang unit to find out what they <;uspet.1 might be the issues. I have said for lhe last three or lour years that crime could not conunue to drop as 11 had through the late ·90s and into the early millennium. I kept saymg year after year. its going 10 plateau at some point and ·11\re're going to -.ee l>Ome mcrease. I think we're seemg that nO\' \nd there's a number of factors that are conoibuung to that. The economy ~n·t helping. The mdi\.1duals who are in their cnme prone years. wtuch typically are I 7 to 25. they're sort of pealo.ng nght now, ~ you'll ~ that land of a thing I don't know much about what"s gomg on with releases and so on Imm JaU. but I will tell you that I do knO\\ that a lot ol the individuals we're dealmg Y.1th tha1 are involved in the "iolent cnme an' on parole or probation and I ~u-;pcct three ~tnk~ hru. helped us a lot mer the rear.. What we need to do now i.!> find out who's involved in these violent <tel'> and then put them in Jail. I su~pc.~1 mo.,t of them will be getting dose to tho'><· three strikes. The bottom line is that we haw to get to the bottom of what'~ happening O\er on the west end in terms of robbem"'>, assault with deadly weapons and so on, and see if we can come up with a plan to addres.s that What are your priorities at this point? My pnorin~ art' to get to know the indiVlduah m Ille organii.ation and at City Hall and then to get out into the community. For the last several days. I've been focus1.ng my anention on wallang around and meeung people where they work because they're not gomg to come m here. I remember what 11 was like bad when I was an officer. You didn't go to the duef\ office unless you \<Vere 111 trouble. What would you say are yow strmgt.t1' M a pollce dUell I thmk rm a hard worker. I get things done. I have a reputaoon as be111g a fixer. I can identify probleim and I have been successful with coming up <ooluuons 10 fix them And while I don't like public spealang for tJ1e -.a.ke of giving speeches, I think rm a relatively good communicator when I! com<."'> to meeting with fol.Jes. pankularly one on one and in '>mall group"> Tell me about 10me of your proudest law enforcement aa::ompUshments. In Cypre». when I got there. thev talked about community poliong. but they didn't do it. And over the five yea.rs FROM THE NEWSROOM Well, thatS what he said that I \\~ thert' \\t' fulh; m• orporatt.'d 11 a., an organv..anon I u'>ed to hear a lot of complamL'\ m the community about not see111g police officer.. "l\e h\t'd he~ 30 year. and have never '>ft'n a lOp on my Stn't'I. \\.'hat I'm real!) happy about '" vnu don't hear those thing., any longer becau~e wt developed the '>Y'>lt~m Y.here the officers were ru.!>igned the same beat day 1n and day out And LI someone called the police department to complam, they tall..ed to the beat officer one on one A lot of people in the pa!>t called the chief\ office. "\.\ell, I don't know what'> going on Ln that particular neighborhood • So we didn t get those calls the la!>! couple of )''ear' Other things I m proud of 1!> the Volunteer In Policing -the \'JP program -and the cmuns academ). a very succes<>ful one What's your ftm week been like so far? You scdd you had met quite a rnv people. B~)'. ;..ft'eung a 101 of pt.'Ople I've been a.slang a 101 of que-.uom about hO\\ the orgam1.a11on run'>. I've been taking note'> about what people believe are the i~ue<> in the organ17.auon At --0me point m ume, I'll be putung together. along \'I.1th mv staff, an anion plan to addrt><,." th~ l'>.'>Uf'>, he<.ause I believe hea\lh. m examining tJ1e organlI.allon and making 1mpr0\ements where I can find them. ~1 far I 'e found th1-. a WI) sohd orgaruza non hut there are thing-. that are going to need some fine tuning I believe thats m~ role presumed at the time that Johnson was going to run for reelection. During the speech, Johnson spoke of a number of weighty Issues, Vietnam, civil rights. his Great Society prognu:n& But at the end of the speech. be left the crowd with this little bomblhell; The story was about the rising costs of repairs linked to the Americam for Disabilities Act. a federal law that requires cities to make their facilities accessible to the disabled. just a couple days later from Schuller. Here's how the lener began: TEll rT TO THE EDITOR ·in last Tuesday's Daily Pilot appeared an out-of-context quote attributed to me which needs to be corrected." The latter is what we are hearing these days from the relgnlng king of Ill bot teats. Newport 8e&ch CounC:llman Dk* Nlchala. TONY DOD ERO When Casagrande finished with her interview of Nichols, shequJckly summoned her editors to disa.wwhat bad transpired. She told us about the quote and of "I wW not seek my patty's nomination for president or tfie United States.. Out-of-context quote? What context could he have meant it, I thougbtf The 1tory ~ about the cost of upgrading city facilides. lndudinc volleybell courts.~ out 'of c;ontrol and th.la Is what be told me. Nlchola, If you haven't heard. told our Newpon Bea.ch Qty Hall reporter hme c...,ande that he oppoled expandfna the gru1 areas at Corona del Mar State 8acb because •MeJicans• ahow up and take rNet the turf. the rest ol tbe interview. So what do )'OU tb1n.k became the big newl atory ln the JMpers the next day? The ocher Important pjeca ol the apeech were Mrdly remer:nbeftd. I interviewed then-Newpon Beach Building Director Ray Schuller at length for the story, and be said that the cfty had two years to make basketball and voUeybalJ courts and other city parks accessible to dilabled people. Then he said he thouabt the law was going loo rar and he gave me this quote to amplify I always knew SdwDer to be a nice. gmdemanly tort. ao I c:aDecf bim and Uked him what Tony Dodero is the editor He welcomn your comments on news coverage, photog,..phy °' other ~-....11 you have a m_.eige or a letter to the ecilor, C8fl his direct line et •t Pt-4Zl5t ortheP11• ,...._at ea--.~ It b'f ..m.11 to ... daaoe1811is I lffiCK ........... 11 llR.Of tend it bv mel '°., w. Bav $\..~Meet. CA. 92821 Nlchola II now cllJmlng the quote Wll out ot context becaUM be had been talkins about Ill 10rta of problems he had with the IClte beach upgndel. not juat the •Mmcan..• But Nlchola knows it wu oot out of concea. it wu lknPl.Y the btallt btt Of newt of out "ot evsytblns ... bid co~ 1'hat'I bow we dlfemUM --~------· pitlL ......... auuaff mil..-• cldlildlllll a.• .. It WU preUy unanimoua that the most newsworthy bit of lnformadoo the bad Wll that. alttinl coundlmao WU tlp"#ing out tplnlt a group of people (Mexk:am) ullaa tbe bw:b. 'lbar'a what we went wtlb. Ind we and by that cledllon no matter how many timel Nk:holl aaya lt w.a out of contat. Granted. ll ......,, ba~ Men out ol teqUaa Ind one peit of ~ ..... be dllculMd that ~ but not out ot coorm. That. bawa ... II bow Dl'WI II ~ ..... wtlh JOU. bit Of )':;... .. " £1' 0 ra , _.._.__GI .............. ~_......, ~ ~bid to maklna us the IClplp9l. The oat dme you lMm a Nicbak mpport9r.., lbit be Ii Jutt a mn.l~up guy who tpeab .. rnlnd and la honest. think about this: If' hl't IUCb a atand-up guy. why It be blamlna our nponer tor bit outlandflb IC&tementl and not,.. taldoc the bWM b1mMift That's wt.at reel land-up guys do. 1NI al ...... medh time ... ..,, ......... ... •"'~'-•-r•-•o '-""• .... ·-· .. """"'-...a., .... th.at • "Where does lt say that a guy in a whee1cbalr has to play volleyball? Some o( this tufl ~ts ridicuJous. I'm not sure they'll ever ~ l the volleyball courts}, but that's whit the a.ct says.'" I knew then Schuller'• quote WU going to be incendiary, but he was a city otndaJ speaJdna to a reporter about a news ICOfY. Then oo need that I could ,.. to tuprCO&t h fttUnp. Sd1l. my editor at the time pre.d.kted that Schuler would .... beat for t.beca---Ind ....... ............ °"' ... ...................... ) wuup. . He told me that mdeed the quote WM coma but thaJ be bad wdttm the a.a. became he and the dty wen comlnc under ftn from tbe public becauae or bis comments. So theft you have It Polltlc::a 101. When )'OU ~taking too much beat, there la always an tu)' ecapeco9t. Blame • reponer. ••• I ..,aid eo tMe • momeat to ......... Q ... .............. _. we••• •.. IMda •• Olltllil I I t•t.400.UlO HMZUL $1,nl,• Nicely appoil iced luxury home In prime cul-de- sat location. t49.759.l7St UDOISLR Sl,Jtl .... Fllbuloul l bd. 3 b&. rwnodel on ovwslzed lot. ~Wt undone! Oinlr'I .,.. opens co ... IUMy pedo wtch .,,.. t4t.711.l7Jl t4t.717A7'4 CORONA DIL MAit $1,64t, ... Great lot. Ocean views ... bd. 3 ba. Pool and spa. Ideal location. 94t.75t.J714 M>NITA CANYON $1, I 4t,tM Hodel !*'fect extra '-19 comer loc ~ pwk. ~pool Ind spa. OHi llOlm "°"° $1,tM.• Exceptional eu1tom Summetiw>use Plan 3. 8-ut.INI upsrades. SueYounc t4t.759.370I NIWPOllT COAST $1,491,0ff Qrisinally • model home with $220,000 In upcrades. '4 bd. l .S ba. with ofllke/den plus l car prqe. MYSHOA,q $1.!fl, ... Tr'Mldonal 8ayshore S bd. l.5 b&. 8-d\ doM. k.modeled. t•t.719.37•1 AUalJtGINI $1,441, ... Pristine fwnly home o«.rq cky ll&tlCI Ind mountain ¥fews. ........... 9060 Ride Lm•• t4t.7St.J71t CORONA DIL MAR Sl,111, ... 3 bd. 3.5 b&. Corona Del Mll'Vlllce. Souch of Coast t ...,way. Buy chis beaudful home furnished. NmwPOlt'T COAST tNt,111 bqi ... kDcury condo....,,.... Md ........ prMte pMio Ind bllcol ..... .,,.. .,.., c::w,on -MM. -.. • . . . . .. . . .. -. " , . ,, J' ..... 1 QUOTE OF THE DAY "I know I'm a girl and they probably think that I 'm weird or that I can't play." -----t---Shelb y Dftnera, CMALL Minor B · Anaels catcher Angels act as streak-busters CMNLL major Dodgers' run of 18 in a row ends Saturday with loss in TOC quarterfinal. Bryce Alderton Dally Pilot HUNTINGION BF.AOJ -little did the Costa Meta NatiONI majon dM· sion ~n and their IDIDlger. Kim Pedenon, expect the streak to end th.ls way. On an l8·pme winn1og •trelk. the Dodgen entered Saturday mornmp District 62 lbumament ol Chunplont quanednal ipinlt the Selvlew Mpla rldJns tuab. but ~ wel9 mocbd off coune Ind out ol the IYlllt by the team in ~ 10-1, .. LtBlld Put. "We-411i•llawabld-.bail lpottl Editor Richard DuM: (9491 5 744223 • $pof"ta Fu: (949) 650-0170 COSTA MESA LITTLE LEAGUE EYEOPENER Daily~llli • SpodllWtl .... , ................ ..._._ Sunday, June 22. 2003 11 CATCHING . UP WITH SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Joan Carlisle retired this month from teachmg and coachmg at Estancia High School after 37 years. Joan Carlisle EagJe teacher and coach bids adieu after 37 years. Bryce Alderto n Daily P~ot S peaking on her last day at Estanaa High as a teacher and coach after 37 year; at the school. Joan Carlisle didn't show any signs she was shedding a tear or stumbling through words like a person is when emotions can take over. Of course, no one knows what she feels inside except her, but she answered each of my questions politely and with professionallsm. prcMding proof she holds the Eagle red and gold dear to her bean. The 60-year-old Costa Mesa resJdent thought about retiring as a physical education teacher and aad: and 6eld coach after next year, but the desire to spend more time with humand Dave. a former Estancia basketball coach. and enjoy time fistung this naoon's waters tugged at Carlisle's heart and she decided to call it qwts. "I'm excited, yet sad because thJ.s 1s where I grew up." Carlisle said Thursday as she deaned out her office and gave the last exams to students prior to graduation ceremonies held later that day. "Supel'VlSing graduation will be my last duty. I told the kids. 'I will be graduating with you.'" The former 81fls track and field head coach -who reured from that position before last spnng -and cross country assistant leaves Monday wtth DaVld. driving to vi.sit tus family in Kenruclcy It is all pan of the cross-country road tnps the c.artisles have taken the past 20 years. •Just ~ me a lake with a boat In the water and rm happy,. Joan said when a.Ued if there was a specific route they take. Any mownain bike will do. away from the bustle of city life. "lt is a nice break from the zoo and c.osta Mesa is a mo." she said with a SM CARLISLE, P .. e 82 Nick Oliver, left, and Alex Grosek of the Costa Mesa National l ittle League major Dodgers go for apopup Saturday in the District 62 Dodgers rally for Victor-~ T oumament of Champions quarterfinals at Le8ard Park in Huntilgton Beach, where the SeavM!w Angels defeated the Dodeers, 1().1. Trujillo p itches three no-hit innings and knocks in winning run Saturday with hit in bottom of the sixth. Steve Vlf'l•ft [)lily Pilot HUN'I1NGTON BP.ACH -'IWo afm. pie WOidt .._ wlwnet to bow the Cotta Mela Nadooal little Le8l'M Ml· nor B Dodgen were teellng after their breathtaking. come-from-behind S-4 victory °""' the Pt.rat-. •BeaDy good,• Nld Vlc:tor lhljWo In reference to how he felt after deUYer· Ing the pme-wtn.nlnc blt In the bot· tom of the llldh lri a quanatml of the OJltrtct 12 ~t ol a.am. "'°"' ......... Nat~ 1be ~· ct ... wtn lldftnced .._ _, .. I Win+ Wbida 1ril be cra.=-•11s~...-ati... ~--•oltbe*b-- I IZ ~. Jt"9 22, 2003 SPORTS _:,_ ___ __:.~--THcBIG ~SY A matter of finding the way for Irrelevant Week XXVIII T ~slots for When the lea Qip Classic approaches, I'll be thi.nldog about Marianne Tuwersey, and when Corona del Mar and Newport Hamor are ~up for their Battle of the Bay, well. need I go on? Thia week the IUbjed is b:relevant ~ but I find myself unprepmid. Wl8ble. WlWilllng. jult plain unned. The normal prooedure with In*Yant ~xxvm·s Heim>an-Lowsman Banquet at the Anaheim Marriott the focal point. is to find some interesting and humorous facts to lead up to 1bumday's bjg showcase. Tbal's when Mr. lnelevant XXVID, Ryan Hoag. who WU choeen last in the National fOOcbalJ League ooDege draft in AprO by the powerful Oakland Raiders, and Heisman Th>phy winner Carson PcPmer. who was picked first by the lowly CJncinnat.i Beng;lis. will be toasted, perhaps with a little roast on the edges, by a blue-ribbon crowd ·or aue fans of the game. If I were up to it. maybe I could get some inside infonnation on how lo become a better quanerback with the use of Palmetsnewlimedea:roruc game which is supposed to produce a whole new generation of tittle Carson Palmers running around the footbafl field Or maybe I could dream up a scenario where Palmer and Hoag run into each other on the field w.hen Oakland hosts Cincinnati Sept 14 in the second week of the upcoming NFL season. Something like Hoag. the product of Gustavius Adolphus College. with four touchdown receptions in the Raiders' opener. opposing foanerUSC star Palmer. who Is still trying to understand the introduction page in the Bengals' ..____.__ __ __, pla)boolt? ROGER ~1 CARLSON someoneat Hoag Presbyterian Memorial Hospital to adopt Ryan, so he would really be a local Or maybe I could run down the list of former USC quarterbaclcs who will be in attendance lo honor Palmer and recount some of their endeavors. such as my aB-time favorite, Craig Fertig, who endeared himseJf forever when he led a surge to lift the Th>jans to a memorable 20-17 victory over Notre Dame in 1964. He's now Estancia High's footbaJJ coach and is unbeaten (0-0). Maybe I could seek out USC football coach Pete Carroll and find out if he's aware he has a walk-on from Newpon Harbor (MichaeJ McDonald} who is destined to become the second walk-on starter at ~rback from Davidson Field, following one of the great 'IIojan stories, written by Gordon Adams. Perhaps I could ramble on about Carson Palmer Day in Orange Cowtty on Thursday. That's what the county's board of supervisors say. Maybe 1 could just fill the· column with a lot of basic information. that the banquet is 7 p.m. after a coc1c!ai1 bout that you can still find an open seat if you call Ken Purcell at (714) 800-3152. and that all proceeds benefit the Classified ads work for GET lr POIN 11111111 1 •v~~ THE Daily Pilot Om.nge Cowtty Youth Sports Foundation and the Olildnm's Spedal Olympics. There are a slug of other "heavyweights" to consider, such as Peter Ueberroth or Ben Davidson. and many others who will be a part of the celebradon. I guess J could talk about Palmer and his endeavors when a quarterback at Santa Malprita Hi8h. when be rumed in danJ!ng perfo~ against Newport HaJbor and Corona del Mar high schoob, making him public enemy No. I in the Back Ba}'i or when he led the lrojans LO glory in the Orange Bowl. ~him Superman status. I suppose I could recount some of the many very funny~ chat have occurred over the years in an event that has really put Newport Beach on the map in NFL gatherings under the har!d of ltreleYflllt Week founder Paul Salata. a once-up<)n-a-time USC receiver who went on to the NFL and has become the poster boy in the field of masters of ceremonies. I collld do aD these thing5, I suppose, If my heart was in It SadJy, it is not For I find myself still numbed by the recent passing of Beverly Salata. the sweet wife of Paul for 52 years and beautiful mother of Melanie. The show goes on. you blow Promises were made and real Th>jans continue the ma.n::h. 1 ~ Salata & Co. has obl.igatiol'l.$ to fulfiD and Thursday night's show will most~ be presented with the ~mary Oak. It's always a night of positives and merriment But for the first time, Irrelevant Week auJy is irrelevant. for myself. and I think. many others. That's because that familiar twinkle in Salatas eyes, this time. will surely be glazed over with teardrops. •ROGER CARLSON is the former sports editor fa< the Daily Pilot. His column appears on Sundays. He can be reached by &-mail 8t rogeranddorothea@msn.com Heisman meets Lowsman J OCYSF Sports Banquet Date: Thursday, June 26, 2003 Venue: Anaheim Marriott Hotel 700 West Convention Way Cocktails -6 p.m. Dinner -7 p.m. Carson Palmer First selection in 2003 NFL Draft 2002 Heisman Trophy Winner OCYSF Sportsman of the Year Ryan Hoag Anal selection in 2003 NFL Draft 2003 Lowsman Trophy Winner Mr. Irrelevant XXV/11 ................•••...........•••..•..••..................................................... . . ~ Come join honorary co-chairmen Paul Tagliabue, Don Kennedy, : Tony Moiso and Pete Carroll for the' first ever Heisman Lowsman : Banquet. . . . Head Table will include former Heisman Trophy winners, HaJI of Famers, Raiders, Trojans and Paul Salata as Master of Ceremonies. . . ........•.••..••.••..•.•........•...•.............•....•••.•.••••...••.....•....•............ Ladies and gentJemerl weloome. No autographs please. Corpcnte Teblel: $2,500 (includes preferred seating, one (1) seat at private VIP luncheon at The Ritz Restaurant with Pete Carroll and access to pre-event Celebrity Lounge.) T..,._:S1,500 tndtvtduel 11cbt(•): $150 Note: Ail tables seat 10. Make checka payable to: OCYS. Mall to: Ken Purcell, First Ametican lltte, 1 Fnt Am.ncan Way, Santa Ana, CA 9'Z707. For more Information, vtslt www.ocysf.org or contact Ken Purcell et (714) 800-3152 or e-mail at ocylfOoox.net. M ptOoe«JI b«Wlt loClll Qlnolt CocM7t}' kkb lll1d youth IPO'fl ptOf/falm. www.ocyst.Otp F«JIM-.J 1M LD. Nuirtlw: 23-711'1333 YOUTH TENNIS Hank Lloyd's junior boys and gir1s tennis team, competing in the USTA C.ompetition Training Center, won the Southern California championship last week at the Claremont Club. Lloyd, who operates the Costa Mesa Tennis Center. has been the USTA's area training coach for several years. COSTA MESA LITTLE LEAGUE Angels ' Detmers one tough girl Minor B team loses, 12-3, but 9-year-old catcher shows moxie by overcoming pain. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot "... Win or lose, I will always do my best.. -PlnaJ portion of Utde League pledge HUNTINGTON BEACH -In the top of the fifth inrtlng. wit.h two out,· the Costa Mesa Ameri- can l..inle League Angels of the minor B division lraiJed, 11 ·0, Saturday. The Angels had aJ. lowed nine runs to the Ocean View Tigers in the top or the fifth. The game was virtually over. But that was or no concern 10 Shelby Detmers, a t1lcher for the An- gels. Detmers, the only girl in the game, took a pitch to her left forearm and lay on her back in pain. Her coach came to her aid and asked her if she wanted to keep on playing. She could have easily went to the bench. But she rosetoherfeetal}dcontinuedto play. Aside from the score. Oetmers had other reasons to remain in the game, a District 62 Touma· ment of Olampions quarterfinal at the Huntington Valley Uttle League .fields. "I know I'm a girl and thi:y probably think that I'm weird or that I can't play.· said Detmers, a 9·year-old and one of rwo girls in the CMAU ·minor B division (ages 6-10). "I like howing them I'm tough. I want to show them I can play better than they can.· On the very next pitch after Detmers overcame the pain, the throw was wild and the Tigers sent their runner from third to home plate. The runner slid safe. but Detmers came quite close to tagging the boy OUL Detmers' courage appeared to have inspired her teammates. When the top of the fifth ended, the Tigers led, 12-0. If the Angels did not score in the bot- tom of the fifth. they would lose by the mercy rule. But the Angels M:ored three runs. avoiding the shutout and ending their season with a 12-3 loss in the full six in- nin~. "She's a courageous linle ball player.· Angels Manager Tim Watkins said of Detmers. "She kind of keeps the whole team fo. cused when she's the catcher. She also works very hard in l?rac· tJce. She's a real team player. I just loved coaching her.· Before the bottom of the fifth. Watkins told his players not to quit and to avoid the mercy-rule loss. "Pretry much aJJ season. we showed that we never quit," Wat - kins said. "I knew we could score. The Angels always hang tough. I was really proud." -And so another Little League season ended. Young players learned more Lessons. In their fi. naJ game. the Angels learned they need to take advantage of opponumties. They left eight baserunners stranded including rwo in scoring position in the third and founh inning.s. I fowever, the Angels al'iO dis- played one of aJJ coachel>0 hopes. DEEP.SEA Saturday's counts Newpmt•• 6iig 9 boaQ. 225 -.rs. 2 ~. 13 wbJte sea ..... ~. bancuda. 428 cillcO tilii:; 148 Mnd ........... 29 ... ~ ...... .,blue ...... .. ,,...... cro.wr_ They played some of their best baseball toward the end of t.he seasoo. In fact. the Angels played their best game when they de· feated the Robinwood Cardinals, I 0-0. by mercy rule after five in nings Monday night. Brandon Bonghanoy cootributed. "grea1 piLching. • Watkins said. as dJ<I Logan Benter. Brooks Wathm., Zach Wade illld ldren Luna deliv· ered key hits. When the Angels were facing elimination by mercy·rule shu1 out against the Tigers, Evan ea..,. troverde. Kenrick Juarez and f v erett Brown scored runs to extend the game to six inning ... Castroverde led off the fifth in njng with a walk. He advanced to i.econd on a wild pitch. Juawz collected an RBI single after hii. base·hit went past the shonstop. . Juarez advanced 10 second, 10 third and then slid home on passed balls. Brown. who reach- ed on a walk, advanced to sec- ond and third on passed balls, and 'scored on a throwing erTor by the Tigers pitcher. The Tigers opened the game with three runs to help them sel~ advance to the semifinals Monday. HAPPY BIRTH DAY Celebrabng the Dally Pt/ors Athlete of the Week series TODAY 20-Loyd Wright Newport H•rbof Boys YOlleyb.11, ·01. '02 20 -Aahley Nelaon Or•nu-Cout Women'• batlt.tt>all, '02 Women'• tennis. '02 'There were no sports for girls when I was growing up, so I did swim shows throughout college. I staned to work with [tr4ck and cross country/ during P.E. classes, running and doing relays, and just went into it.· -Jo.n Cartlsle, retired Estancia teacher and coach CARLISLE Continued from B 1 Her girls teams went to the CIF State trade and field finals in 1988 and '89. For 13 years, she assisted OlarUe Appell during the cross country season When spring roUed around, Carlisle specifically taught sprinters and triple jumpers while Appell guided the distance runners during the track season But Carl.bJe dJd more than just coach. She WU the best at organizing according LO Appell. "Her commitment to the k\ds was amaz.ing" Appell said. •11 we would finish pnictice tatty, we wouldn't have to wony about pe.perwott ... dea8nl with eUgtbiltty illtJOI 11 an example. She WU always ahead o( the next ~you were ~to ask. The IC:hool will mila a Yer)' good educator." CadWe. who earned her muten in P.R. from loQg Beach Stale, WM the ~woman ~in the depanment at l:tlt.andi the pMt 11 ,_., tMr tmci bins Ad-.x DINCtor .................. ~ CIUllle .. lbliU!d ~~ ....... .. ... ID lillril bs ,_. olP.F.; lnilliiit al Chi ... .. ., two dwyclow a.-1•11 lht b9d foW m11e1-... ... flll lhe WM In c:hlitf allw. "P. dlllilil ~ ,...._.. _......, _____ . ...,,......-·-....... . that much." she said. "Kids learn the importance or being active. Some either lllcc it or hate It, but they aJJ have to get through it.· Carlisle admits she is not a runner. Walking and cheering on at.hJetes uJlS her just fine. She threw out the names Uz HuJpe. Araceli Morales and Darla Burkhart as F.stancta athletes she wl1l remember along with Century and Sea View League championships in track in 1976 and 79, respectively. Carlisle saw the maturation of many athletes from their freshmen through senior yean. "Tu see kids In ninth grade who have never lea~ OY"er a hurdle, or done a triple jump, to continue thar tradt careers in coUep makes teaching a lot more lntemclng." Carlisle said. It Uled to be when she and David planned their trip acros& the U.S. they would have to Mt o return date II It came too doee to ec:hool •tarting 1n tho rao. •it will be weird, 1 don't know bow I'm Pr'fl to feel." Cadille ..act when albd whit II It going to bl lb wlthOut..,.... to return to tMCh ind ea.d\ 11t 8ICllnda In the U. '!'J bMM I ~ blw ... bid! tam the ...... A ao..1nct d111ntilc wcadon ....... ' ~ ~ --. - .t I •• I ' t • I I .. ... DODGERS Continued from Bl still hoped it wouldn·t come today and in this fashion." Peder..on said. "[The Angels'! pitching held us down and they made some great plays." The Angels ( 19 3) -champions of their ma- jors division -gave the Oodgers (23-3), aJso champions of lhetr league, fits at the pla1e with starting pitcher Oiris Czemiachowski and re- liever Kyle Boswell. F.ach threw three innings with Czerniachowsk.i changing speed<i at will, rnusmg many Dodgers 10 swing al balls out of the '>trike :r.one. while Ro.,- well fired fastball after fastball. SPORTS Stildly. June 22. 2003 83 The Dodger;, who relied on their abiliry to score runs this se~on. Pedetsun said. managed onJy one run Saturd.ty with two h11s. They cut the Angel ll•ad to 4-1 m the bo11om of the fifth when l'rank f>t-Noewer, the Dodgers' starting pitcher. went 10 fir.I after being hit with a pitch on the inside of hts right knee with one out. I le shook off the pam and advanced to sec- ond on an l:n c Mickel~on !>mgle and took third when the righ1 fielder hoo1ed the ball. With Eric McCool batting. Mickel\On took ofT for second 10 draw a throw from the ca1cher DeNoewer im- mediatety raced toward the plate to score. gel Manager Oiris Miller. "IOirisf has .t good changeup, a curter away and a fa'>lball." Miller '>did. "He ~eeps the ball down 10 get gruundball'>. which keeps the big guys from hitting home runs. (Catcher Ryan Miller! keeps !the pitcher!>I in the ball game. which makt!l> all the difference." ,..,.. TO') 8 ( ') T£ V[ M, ~All;~ Above, Mike Morley (20) of the Costa Mesa National Lrttte League ma1or Dodgers steps DeNoewer '>truck out fo ur m five inning!> while allowing four runs on five hit'>. on third base before the throw to Seav1ew Angels third baseman Aaron Birk Below. Dean Wall of the Seav1ew Angels shdes safely to third ahead of the throw to Cody Green of the Costa Mesa National Dodgers Top left. Costa Mesa National Dodgers Manager Kim Pederson tnes to rally his team against the Seav1ew Angels in District 62 Tournament of Champions Quarterfinal play Saturday. The Angels won. l 0.1 Any momentum the Dodgers might have gained in the fiftJi wa' quickly squa...hed by six runs in the Angel sixtJ1 . keyed by 1wo RBis each from Roswell and Dean Wall. The Angels slam- med six of 1he1r 11 hit'> in the sixth. giving the Dodger<i a ta!>te of their own medicine, "We prided our'>clve' on hitting all year. but just didn't have it today,'' Ped erson said. "The first time the kids went to bar we 1alked aboul not fishing for low pitchc-,. The kid~ haven't seen sliders thrown in the din like that hefore. I don't blame them !for !>wingin~. I wouJdn'I be able to (hold backl either." D.emiach~k.i. the Angel!>' left-handed ace. according to Manager 01ri<, Mtller, struck out 'tx an three mnm~ while allowing no waJks and one hit. Boswell gave up onJy one hit as well while walking only two Slarting catcht r Mike Morley singled up the middle with one out m the second. took second on a passed ball and stole third. But 0.emiachowski struck out the final two batters 10 avoid any dam- age. Josh Rydmg w-alked. stole second standing up and took tlurd on a fielders choice in the fourth. But another strikeout ended the lhreaL ·we couJdn't get the h11 with 1wo out.s today and that is what we've done so well throughout the sea5<.>n." said Pederson, in his seventh and fi - nal year coaching in the league. He will manage the major all-c;tars when play begins JuJy 7. The key to Czemiachowski's and Boswell's success on the mound Saturday is twofold, according to An- "I coached IDeNoewerl .,mce Minor B." Peder- son ..aid. "lie pitched great today. If the defense would have made a few more plays, we would have held I the Ange hi even more." With the TOC o;em1finaJs .,Jated for Monday. Pederson wanted the option of u'>111g either 12- year-old!> Cody (jrcen and/or Nick Peden.on - 1he la11cr unbea1en a<i the Dodgers' closer. Green pitched in1<> the fifth and Pe<lcr'>on fini!>hed the 7-4 Dodger win Monday over the Co~ta Me~ American Uttle League Yankees. DeNoewer, also a 12-year-old, round!> out the Dodger rotation. "Uttlc League rules !>late that 12-year-olds can only patch 12 inning'> 111 a week," Kim Pederson !>aJd. ·11 make<, II hard Ito <.chedule pitcher!>I when yu\J play lhree gam~ m a week." (llris Miller added. The Oodgers eluded further lJ'Ouble in the Ma after the Angel<i had already taken a 2-0 lead With Dan G1ven.c; batting. Mori<.")' caught the ptlch and fired to J>eder,on covenng <,erond as Aaron Birk went halfway up the <,a;ond-base line. Pederson flipped to Ryding at fir.t and the pickle was on. llydmg relayt'd to third ba.<.eman ( .reen and he then 10~ IC> Nick Ohver, who made the tag. In the sixth. Alex C1ro'iek. play111g in cenler field. ran forward lo make a .. tiding grab of a shallow popup. Bryan Maurer fiiw.hed the game on the mound for the Dodger!> while Mall Tellt'l> and Coleman HroW11 each had one plate appear- ance. Brown made a running catch in left field in 1he fir'>I. YOUTH BRIEFLY Mesa's Millian earns MVP Pony baseball team beats Cypress, 5-4. Andy 0.WIM>n drove in the game-winning run and Justin Reye8 pitched the seventh inning for the save to give the Costa Mesa 13-year-old Pony basebaJl team a 5-4 victory over host Cypress in the Cypress Pre All-Star tournament Friday. Andrew Nila started for Mesa end was relieved by Andrew Mll- Uan. who earned the win and was later named the game's Most Valu- able Player by tournament offi- cials. Juan Gm.man. Bryan Bennett. Luke Boulger. Reyes. Millian and Niles each made strong defensive plays while Reyes led the way on offense with two hits. two runs scored and one RBI. Bennett. Millian, PhlllJp Weber and Nick OIPletro also contrib· uted to the offensive attack. Red Wings come up short •ROLLER HOCKEY: Rusty Sa- ry's goaJ with n1ne seconds left in regulation tied the game. but the Red Wings eventuaJly fell to the Kings In overtime. 4-3, for the fifth-grade Boys and Girls Q ub of the Harbor· Area roUer hockey championship. Logan Newett stopped 22 shots sgges &UP 4TIAES °"" ....... ...... 111/7M11 1lll'rOAU 1..,,..14 and the Red Wings were led by another goal from Sary and one from J.P. Muller. The Kings defealed the Red Wings. 7-1, in earlier tC'umamenl action. The Red Wings reached the fi - naJ with two wins over the Blues. Sary scored twice and was aided in the goal column by1tan1JOn Rolfea. Muller and Jared Cassidy in a 5-0 ftrst·round victory over the Blues. The defense of Corbin Kay and Hannah Toohey helped Newell earn the shutout The Red Wings then defeated the Blues, 6-2. with goaJ.s from Sa- ry 8.lld Cassidy. Moto~ 011 •ncl Fitter c ....... DODGERS Continued from Bl p11ch. rru11llo rnme to tht.• plate witJ1 great confidence. ·1 was saying to myself. 'I wanl 1h1s h11,' and. 'We're go- ing to Wln.'" fru1illo wd. Trujillo, a 10-year-old, struck out five of the 11 batters he faced in the game's first three innings. I le probably would have struck out the ti· rrat batter he faced. but h~ got- the runner out at firs t with a pick-ofT play to end the top of the third. Trujillo, who went 2 for 2. scored cwo runs and was hit by a pitch, had two strikes to Jared Martinez. 1\"ujillo saw the Pirates' runner, Bobby Pa- cho, off first base and threw lht.' ball to hi'> teammate rdd1e H1soso. who recorded an a'>l>L\t af1er his lhrow to Kannon ~lone. The Dodgers shortstop. Kannon Stone. tagged Pacho out. Dunng ha!> post game 'pcech. Kirk Slone had a diffi - cuJt lune de<:1ding who should be awarded 1he game baJI. • 1 WlSh I couJd cut this baJI up and give ii to severaJ of you." Kirk Ston e told his team. "I h ave to give it to Victor. Vic- tor really shul th.ts 1eam down." For-the-fifsH.ime this sea son, Trujillo did not allow a hi1 during tJuee innings. A5 Tru - jillo took care of business o n the mound. the Dodgers built a 3-0 lead. Carlyle and Trujillo scored in the first inning after Jake Spielberger's weU-placed bunt ingje. The bunt led to a 1hrowmg error. "unn~ C .. irlyl" and fru11llo Brodie P11:rc(' 'rured for the Dodger; .?0 4 l in 1he 1hard I le wa'> h11 b\ the pill h IO reach ba'>f' Ill' JdvanLed 10 wt ond and third o n wild p11d1e., Then (..drlylt l nO{ k1.·d him in after h.-. hard h11 Rfoundb.ill pa!>t 'el·ond ba'e The Pirate., 11; i1 Jnswert>d with three run<i in 1he fourth They went ahead. 4 J. after scoring a run m the fifth Rut Kannon Stone would not Let the P1rate'i co~ again Slone, who~~n "·.,_.,.,..,_4U~~~~..;.a Wlth the base-; loadt>d. '>truck out six In 2¥, mmngs to coUect the win. I le recorded three strikeouts in hi'> scoreless sixth inning. Bisoso and I Ian Anderle finished with one hit each, contributing lo the Dodgers' slX. The Pirates had two hits. If JOU would .......... UOw ..... ,... Giii' ......... Ylelt ...... .. ,,.. ................ ft. 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I' p, pool tenn°' La balcony. no pet yur len• $1 ll!IOm Act 94~ 233·!>371 "• c...,_ ,._.._ 28r 28a w/master Mtuna room, pool/,.cuul/tennis $19'JO/mo 71 • 402 1846 Sr. SS+ If. 1• ... ""' 2H YIAlllY UNlAU bale, A/C, d/w, 111 pvt lwn. Newport Beech Pen1n rw Pllfl< street pr1c,.. ~ $1400 $1950/mo •at SS5(lm + lU 9f9.854.3246 t49-673-7IOO ~ G.te4 Cu:stullty 1• flo ..,.. w/pvt pr tr., wa" to Tr1-Squ1re $895/mo Water/tr.uh Plod Kleon ~•cement 877 704·8649 £ •I 9'100 •• Dud ---t+-2/ m Oil Bit 11 Raf1i'l/ovev' dw, lJpstan cov prk&, wnr/b'.nh pd ·$1325 AvrA My $500 dlc>-l500 pet MMIOaYUAGf Harbor Blvd @ Mirr im.c Way I 1T4) 545-0442 1200.f, 21r 210 m Beacon Bay, lul M. LR belt. ~ ID ~..,,.., s1mn yr1y 9&566 !11111 ...,......,. ~ 2& 2Ba ~ r~. Fp. 111 pr, w/d ~ (\/'pets/~ S20Xlni 919-6.f!>.948:> CotMlo llvft. ArH L& 2Br 2Ba dtn 2 P•llO\. canyon •••w r p ? car att a•t tomm pool "o pets Sl?OOm 671 Vista Bonita 949 644 1367 or 949 5J3 7400 2br 1119 new~ Y•d Ip I off llfect l*1w'c. pid tridt req. Sl450 t49-722-M44 Sir 2.Sl o, Nl'Cresl, lmmac marble wall b> l sl4e 2br 2 5be twnhm. belch, dbl fllW • pooV\ennlS IC' wd I t aar • I c S2500rno !M9-~7. carport Pool ' spa roa aENT IN IWfFS $1600 949 675 7183 Popular [ Pl•n JB1 f'.W. 2lll 1841 housa 2' Ba • F 1m1ly Room IVlll yatd pr W/d ~ $300() 'mo 949 6'4-4909 some _,.. ondd $157S & Sl£Mm 949-719-0748 COMMUTIUSS HlAX Motl( Contact renbll ~ "*1· ment lmtonn•tion Cents 1762!>-8 11 liarv•d afld MKI, lrwle. C. 9't614 1166.-2MO ru:tlllllMllt- alLUMOal Contxt rllltll lw1I Ai-1 · ment lrnbmetlon CentJW 1762!>-8 111 Hlrnrd Md Mmul. hft.. c. 9't614 I IM .002"1 ......... ,_ Tttrttffeck ,....._ 2 masters, 2.&Ba. OR. l'R. patio, 2·c ,., , w/d, ftl&, pool S2l50m ~ U.te Oto The Weier 38r 2Ba 1.ar •'P• w/d butll ons. sm pet ok Hu11 deck tac1na the channel Pon shp·6mo lent I yf S3200m •at Sherry@ Cannery. 949· 72J 5830/888 969 9667 IAY•aoNT ,., no snoot-.,.t., U6-212-f7SS .,._,.7 ... 2'2 Sir U-.. 2c pr, 14.IXXI sf lot. nr comm pool & part.. Halt>or Vltws Homes .... S3lXlm ~159 Monthly Rental Avlll Slllt· .b1e 4lr 21>3 11'1! on Penri ,.. ..,.., nice ""' 111111 PSOO~Clart -•fl I , .... I ._ I lllllltMll\ lllt• ....... eo. ........ ...... ...., I t tllW u.. • .,. ll)IJ7.IOJI IANIUNG .. .,.,../T .. In-Slot BlllrlCh ~) l.OQ1ion f oothlll Rar>dl 23,n~e•P Promoe.,tllC(JWe new «Cb a-.i-~ .... '-: 562-907-2287 .... @I .... .,., ..... lOf/Mf!/!/V I )1911 '-__, &/w m1n11ed • busoneu. co -"s ~ .. ' allitll!S lo hi!> rUl II.a 714 2!B8ll2 A $4000 te SIOOO Wukty Potent11I rrom Home No saln, not Ml.M c.all 24rl I 800-694 5128 LOAN onKDS n tab mmc. co ~ 5 lop We. pecic* B1C SS fte < tw rm ~· •• 11 .. 242 1618 MOUGAGI IUSINISS 1s 1>oom1n1 need help Good money potenh1I T ra1nln1 provided Full/ PT F •• r1>ume to 714-276-140. NI(( Now .. ,,.,.. l'T Bartender & Wait Stall Apply tn person •lier 2 OOpm Monday f rtd•y 1600 I. C ... t Hwy NI Pubhsh1n1 l'aOMOTIONS Dll'.UTMINT Commun<ty new:.pape<\ •• Or ante Couoty well• r u" Tme '*''°" to 111te-v-Mld write storin !>Mlle• pate on commumty t'Yttll' cr ... ir and paeiNlt ~ and -tlOn\ [ ICe~I ~~wor~ _. wrth ltMo pubk "'""'" AP Style> QuartUIPrn~ PhotW!op Multi AD Ct e ator Prnfot~t on MAC and PC. CCI des•an e1per1tnce prel11r1ed ProolTucJ.nc lest Orut >cr9lfnl/phy5'Cai reQIJll ed [()£ r •cellent benefit ~ Em..t resume WT!lq ymplon an0 ulary requirements to i.-f)!w!!OO@ll..._ com a.toll-"""' 0..--. '" CM 11!111ks lrW1dly ~ shop -t 11e, Idled. edv~t OllPtY tolMM~nu Sevtloo c ... t f'teae '' look in a for Security Ofloc:trs to 101n our team' Xlnt customer servKe 'lull~ •nd • clean bk1rrtd/drov1n1 record are 1 must S8 SO+/hr (OOE) • 1101 benel1!~' Apply In P•"o" •I 3333 8'ostol SI Coste Mesa CA SELL your stuff through classified! Allmmoblles 9000 A1141 '00 A6 Siio. ml, lull f•<I warr met.tll1c dok blur &rty llhr CO mnrt 'uperb Cf>l1<1 $19 99!> ••814741 B~r .... s ...... W-.ec,..t.ol.<OM IMW '9S S:ZSI -t•, bla< k I own tr n11 ... 'unrnnf •673677 S749'i W<wMncom 94~7871 IMW •• 9 7 3 s ll l t!iillhet 1Ultrt•fll 1t-r' l h in t4~1':> •8Ei54'i'.I """""""''''""" ~M6 nra IMW '91 Zl Conv 2.8 , ...... ,, 360 c-.. •. I Hed t•n All ophon\ • 11807/ Jvhn H(W,Oltl AUTOSl'Oat t4t-S74-S600 & yl ••d l•n lthr '>•Pd 114 Jerrod• I" •teclo.I bf'•Ut l!P, r ,,,."' tond M,1ny tOh>r ~ -Rf'd 1181 '>'1 I S 18 9'1'> t 1 .,hilt yellnw blatk Call n•"' '"' & w•rr •111 y a w.11 Jom S. Jolin Ryan & l 1m Bko 14'l r;&, 1888 HI Wl'OIT AUTOSl'Oat WWW ••pot.I.com 949-S74-S400 IMW '00 Z3 3Slo m l. ferre.I '0 2 360 Spl4.,., WIHt• b••il• t. • & int bl•t k bl.t<.k All option• lull "''" hf¥hly u1>11f ;oded • 1 l llOO llm Sl!l 9'J!I ~~ f,/'J .l888 Nl Wl'Oltl AUTOSl'Oltl Codlllot '90 S.den ~574·S•OO Oovllle St. Morlh 98600 I Ford '6S M11sten9 m1 ~· •• "" l•y Nabo<', Cunv~r ttbl~ or 111n•I C•t11llM Wl11t• lll.ld• tc.p I u.,n., ~<ihd <..tr Sl9 99!1 '°''" ,..... • L I lt'111t>ll Ubt• q4q } 19 294) l'romNm Avello Syot_,, • • ~ ~ lS AM'"" re l><e•1~ .. 1 '"""" 9 7 _ .. 414 "'ut • •Int cond ion 1 Ii utlfit ·~A .t1 r 0 '"''Y' l 3°" mi S1'-ltt "!>-<l4"! 641> J,l/O Sf,90() 949-S00-9'3 I Co4111ot '90 S•do" , ~ o....-. St. Mwlt"l 911600 l•"1" 9 s Tr..,..r u •. mi ,.,.,"~ .. " hy ~df)Or\ 4.4 1rum•.t throuahout C dd•ll•• W•11tp Ill..,• toe> w~r Y fll<.t 93?989 S7895 If);>~· 1111• ~ "'"""'''"~ l """'"'"0""°"' 949-646 7822 P,.n1•1n1 Amit<> !>y~I"'' J..-'03 S-T-,.. 4.2 AM fM l ll Enrll•11t Vt. I!>~ m1 wh•t• < """ B• •iht "...., "' •t-•I lttw CO ..ivome 5,•J () ti. ... 'I Mt, t,// I -I', 6 ~ .auto ~ Codlllot '02 Sevltle SLS .. ,1._. .. , ~'"'Y 1.,, er ',, 'l wh .:;oh• v~~ t1J , •• t lo~· "'" $10 m v•'l'lh 141 llnan""I •va•I ll~I 949 'ifj(j 1888 __'!!_WW .ocpobl .com I 'ill S 18 'H> verrt:!H.:6 '11<j SR& 18118 Bk r www.etpol.to111 JAGUAa '6S XU c_,. rtd/tan 721< m1 1 ebuilt e• c ellent ~?'l ~ 949 644 041 J IMW '0 1 74011 lloc\ CHEVY UHOl ll '02 $PIHi Plil: l1h n•w llK 'T1 II ••tr..-On St.. •6'>/6J2 U4 99'> 5,g 111 fl. t -~ PW1 W<W.-JlllUWTI ~fl'{l'} ,,,MJ S.'b~f19<1'J f£>6!!0 Jeot>'94~a-a.. ~ 'lwd co ~ d!erl _, nu SIB.:IS ~15'158 N<wMowm ~18Z1 IMW ·01 74011 ?fill m• 11111 I.to wur 01n1nco oatmeal lthr na••i•loon \uperb like "ew cond SAik vt020471 linancma •vall Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.oqoel.c- Ded9e '98 D11ron9• 1"fo 't7 o.-u..I a....- '' 4 WP•• d .. n VB VS (..4 fthr CO rrww1 black •IM\892 S t0 49'"> .,.Y '""' •rllm S99!lJ ""w•11tut.1~n C}4':Jf>46 7822 WCWMllOCtlm ~782'2 OSed9e '99 Intrepid l••111 '90 lS 400 Rtd V& CO super omma( chrume wllls <Iran vtr y n•c~ •S357~ llhr looks & droves lllie WCWIUtocom ~646-71122 ne• $7.600949-l!IO 5202 ------------------- TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS STARTING ANEW B USINESS?f. -- • • • • • • • • • • • , c111mp11n• cold/tan ltllr. CO, 1old pk11. u,erb, 0111 cond Jl0,995 vl267512 It neMlnJc IVI~ Bkr 949 516-l!Bll -ocpebo com UXUSlX470'H 81AtCll, l11thtr. loaded, xtnt eond. 6 CD player. $32,000 714 .336.13~ a-"' D JOO 4X4, Pl mm.c. lh. '-tad ....... ,.~ .... $15,SX) --5211.! ···4· .•. •···· Conv '5k mo, •uto tllver. tin lop. pw, pl. A/C. CO. superb hke new cond. vlll 9743 Sii .995 fin1ncln1 & warranty •vall Bkr. 949-~ 1888 -.ecpetltl.- Mil •11 3MSl auto. 2-tops, Mipet clean, V8 chrome wi-ts. "623872 -*.com 9&646-7822 ........... C1'0 ltrlw, mnrt, immac, SIC* nlCle, #617317 $10.995 '#CW8Uto.a>m ~ 7822 ...... Itta 'H ltol 2.3, ppous car lltir 9'211 mnrf. $5995 ~ --*>.com !M9 646 7822 ........ ...,JOO( runs xfnt, black lthr • di•mond •892740 $5995 wcwaito.com ~ 7822 Metee4M 1-'73 :rao SEL Runs 11ood. auto. fun ck 101995J $2995 WCWIUlo.c:cm !M9 646 7822 .... , ••• cuoo '2002 B11lh•nt Stiver I IK m1 Mwt aelll 575,000. ....... , ••• 03 ....... ..,D20 8M>ll buul. an opt, none "~" ,_ map M. Sl2.5W ~9e64&-MO Merced•• '00 l320 1611 .ctu~t mo lull factory warr tur nuoii.t blue/Ian fthr mnonro I CD. chrome whl\ ont ol t"9 lowut mol• M., ct6H of the ytdl on Cahf vl5572'91 S28 9'Y.i f1nanc1n1 avill Bkr 949 586 1888 -·•• ..... com MOClDIS 210 '1t. ''"~ owner. all rec<>rd\ ,.,,. kept & ci.an 1•51< m• St490 949 640 6388 •ucrors 210 .,. '"'i owner all reco1d\ wPll h pt & clean, 145k "" Sl490 949 640 6388 Mer<e4.a 'II 5'0 Sl whrte/1811 lmmat n1U. llft .... -.. ti>. ~ SJADD 714151 l'E:A .. HJlU" AUTO fSMllSUOo \dvto .. er .iy loo4111et 1>1t1m"'m wl11:rl\ ( 19:91) $ll.91l.l Ol f'oruJ.. r.,,.. 11,. only I SK nu. HRE Ptr fotrNnte whet:li. (19394) lNOUIRI I 00 lof1t-XKI '°"" 8-Jtrful 'rll•y .. .,,Ml!/ (194/61 U4 91SO 00 1.,,,., s , .,,. low mil• l••rlH t ( 19171 J \/') 91!0 01 At11ro rt :J.1 moomout l11~d•d' II 945~ I Sl 4 9llO OOIMWXS ••• Sperr Solvtr " Bl1 ~ (19443() s J8 980 0 I Aud/ A• 011atro Only I 4K "" llh1 mounruut (194781 /f, '!HO 00 tlntoln t S Bl.ck w b••k• moo"rr,ol 'hr Jmro WhPPf\ (193811 Sl~<.i!JO fl IMW 1401 Sedan Bl•<~ Bfk W•rr•nty l ·•dtd 119JllJr Stb 111i0 91 tu111 ES 300 Wh1h• w ltitll ~H .. ,.. whft I•. d h'"dul; 1)9440 SI 1 '-l!W fl ,,..,,., •• IJ10 w.,_ Whot•., i••'I lp.tth er "tu""'' wt111•flll• r 19479) l I 9RO 949.514 1111 ,.HllllPS AUTO phlltlp1011to.com S11boru '99 lmprue 7'.>H~ r~~." f,.l! r, ~1 mrwf • "''~" SIO ',110 14 l'>t /4b1 Toyoto '94 Corolla lE 40._, m • t~1 ti m1 l f'f\Uft •''''''" !Vllfl'f •ut· fl!. '°1"' Y..l+ih: ittrf int bt•ol "•· •rw or1J •1•7S52'l H'rJ'> B•u••• 949 SU llH -w.acpolol.c..., Volli1wa9•n '00 le•tt• 28~ mo 'P•• ~''"W b14tk o"'lmul •utn moonrt CD P"' 111 11111 f whl\ l•k• new von•4/00'>S S 11 99'> ton & .. ~,, •nty 0~11 B•• '14'l '>111> I BBS www.ecpabl ,.,,. By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH Pl.AV OR OF.FEND? l·d-t Wc,1 wl~rnble. South deal~. 11-0RTit •AK !OJ 2 "6 4 2 6.a •52 \\ , .... ~, • 6" J IO 11 A9 J •AQ97J ~m~rH •YI! KQ97 KQJ 5 • KJ 6 l-.A1' I • ~J75 • J JO 11 7 2 • 108 .. lbc lmkh1111 "->lrfll \\ ·~, NUH'l H Jo..A!.I l:"IT P'"6 ? l'iL-.. p..., ~ 2• Pll!>• 4 r- ~nm~ h:.iJ J01.k of ')tell) the drJ¥rJm .iho\c then lk.. tdc \\1 iolJ ) uu ralhcr pl.i) "' 11.: k'llJ fuur he.in' o.1ftcr th< lea.I 111 th.: J"'-k 111 trump'' Ille Jll.tton ""' ''mpk cnuu~h •\ltet ')uulh ' I ~-17 uoc-nu·trump opcntn~. 1'urrh u-.co.l Su1ym .. n to i. ... nc th.-hc:•n lit .ind rui-.ed tu e_!1.HU•,: \upp.1'< \OU d,·o.J "' o.ldc:nJ .111.t lc.i.l 1ti.: I·'• ( ••t lw.in-°'-"-lJrer ><tn, on h.uiJ "tth tli.: l.ml! ca.•he, tlo .. ljlk't•n .mJ th1:11 pl.t)'' ott ~ "'-< .tno.l I.Jn!! ul 'P"o.lc' \third ,pa.k "ruflcll on hJnd Jnd )'"' "'crrulT You c~11 "tlh ll1e 111nc: vf 1hamund' tu ttw ,,,,I. 111 tn Ilk' d1.11111•1o.l l llntJ11u.it1un '"1th !h,· J•~ .int.I r11turn .1 o.l1J1111mJ De. IJll!r ruff\ on the tuhlc nlll• J opade in hillll.I tu i.ct up 1 IOQj card and di~ " dub '"' the rcmainin1 tuah dt"mund Af~r Lont:eding a dub. dcdw-cr ...:cin:• the ltit ty,o rn,k, <Hl thl: ho.in.I '"llh the remwn rne ll\lmp .wJ h1ph •p.i<k m:Wng luuroJJ (11\cn <lclli<tcr' le"·than opll· 111um hnc. lhuol:h. Jun' t tot'. 111 u hurry 1t1 t'le<..t tu dc~d.ire, ln,teu<l. lulluw !he ddcn"' ">Cle1.te<l by Karen \.1,{ .tllum. When ikcl .. n-r rulled the thtr<l 'Pai.Jc. '~'11:;1J 111 merrutlin~ 'h' clcctco.l 10 o.lt\Cutd a club l>t.:l.ucr '0.1k.hcd to the I.Jn& ot d1a· rnolkh. '"hKh '"'1) ,dluwcd lO w111. .mJ <..01ttmUrtl '"1th the 4uecn. lo-.mg 111 the .KC 'o'" \\c~t returned bu f\'.t1tJonon11 trump. pu111nlo! de<. lurer m Ju111111) South "a' !aced wnh • HolN>n'~ dlC•tC<" A 'pade c~tt would allow 1:..1.i 1u 11. m .ind lead a dub throuih the I.mg A club v.oul<l o.11lov. We~t lO "''" .md return J J111mond . .md the <ldi!Tl<kn 140UkJ '>1111 hJ\C ty,11 tn,I., .omtn¥ l)u,.n one ctlhcr '"ay 'ittll ht<ter umtnjo! would hd~e .illo'"ed \ooth to P't'' .111 Suppc:l'>C the: km{! of d1.tmorKh " loo •< lfu:k l14u, lotlluv.cd h) the 4uccn \houkl \\c\t dud. In with the ·''" 111 dtu· tn•111<.b, "'b.tt 1.Jll \\nt Ju' If the ddcnJer c!lth 111 Hh .i ,p.Wc:. o.lrtlarer "'"' '""'"-"' h• hJnJ 14llh the queen ••I hc'.111, JnJ J1 .... ..r11' 1 duh on the I• k 11l 1ltJ•t1<lf"I-IJ1111111·~ "c:ntcr.·J '"1th •• htgh ,p.a1.. .11\J ti ,paJc l' rutkJ If \\c,t "'.:nuff, Jalan:r lo~ no ,µJJe tnd, II WcM rt:fu-e' 111 rull S"ulh k,.o.J, J trump !O .lu111n1~" .11.e Jrld -um:lllkr..; 'pat.le ·~ .. 111.1llc• "hdl. the dckndcr. can 1 .. i,., ·~· 111111<· th.m three tncl.!. l 8AY ISlAND COVf oreo, I Jt1 ~ •. 111 ,... t•d '''" •fll .. , .. tit" ~';f MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes - Rent 9355 JOFT MOTOR HOMl fOR RENT llKl NE w C CLASS SL IOE OUT 949 !>I'> 730!. BOATS PowerBoatJ '87 I01ton Whaler S11per Sport limited, I Sfl 10-(1 Y iWTlith.I , no 11"*" n or1 Ela~ Is Yi2IX> ,.,.~ ';M'3 724 1810 ~94967J1'.llll '1l'! ,, 11 "'~ ,,, j 1'14.! sm ... • I SOft IOAT & MOOltlNG ,. .. •t• Dee .,.hip VW ., ... onet GlS V6 NlW .. OllT HACH seall1 Rec:tPllOfMI fu• 'Mil .ailo mrwr ,.._., "4l" 535,000 Coll Clwcli ~*'~Con Ut.on 'bZlHJ SIO """· txtVictor•!M9 57A 1711 .....--.rt~wm <;i<Jf,4C, .,8Z2 I 949-645-0334 Nl~n-'tS ,.ethFlnder New & UHd 1-11 4x4. tmmac. Whtie V6 AUTOMOBILES Marina D•l lley •011 ....... sc.•nL • I IOAT SHOW Junt 2'6th ~~ ~~ 7822 MISCEUAHEOUS ?9th 11101 b4V>lf>I ow. •• i.ii. .,, Au, ... a Wa....,. 6lJ. ITll, blad 11ey llhr llllllU tnnrl CO f1bulou\ c no 11trou111ou 1 S'>99'> ,_., o,...e.d ~ ~1""457219 B~r °""" «> .,._.. ,.p1 ... Pl)' I 3 I ?fl 80\tnn Wh1ler 40 hp Y1m•ll• sidt 1 vnsul• SJ.COO ub" 714 81'> 90'>7 t4t-516-1 Ill ~ ·~t t.w pru k• f<'All -.e<.......... r..M VA'\ • lrl• lo peel "" BOATS SUPS/ I ,. •iv• ( ··• (J. ~ fU.y (QJ MOORINGS/ OIA: '1 '94 AcM..... s ''"'"'t' "'''" ,.,...., 114 Blue. auto. CD cle•n <1.!7 19Jl , 114 t.,., t'.::I\ 1 LAUNCHING/ •025771 S l99S wcw..it.t "°"' 949~ lllZ2 CASH JOit CAltS STORAGE Wl HUD YOUlt CAii "•racho 'OJ Twin Turbo blac~ hp I• I ••1 huh V•I02556 l•m SI NIW,.O«T AUTOS"OllT t4t-574-5'00 Callforn1• law re quires thal contrac· ton tlllt•nt )Obs that total $500 or more (18bcw or mater1af1) be lictnsad by the Contracto" State Llc:anse Board State llw also rtQUlrtS that contrectorl Include their lluf!M numbef Oii al ld\l•t 111111 YOU can clMdt the status of your ltcenaed contrector al www caJb ca low or 800-321 ·CSL . Unll· censed contractors tal!ln olll that 0 .... must stet• In their edverU1tmtnh that they are not Ucenud l>y tllt Cont11cton State llceme a-.: t'f8111 ftt••••llll ,..,... •• ws Mdllft / llllll / "9lllOClll ~:=== AlrCI ......... .. AID JOit 011 NOT ,.HllU .. S AUTO ASK JOit MAlCOLM 949-574 7777 c.,et Rlpltr,tales ~CAJl,IT">CAl,.IT~ Repa111. P•tch1n1. Install Courteou1 •"Y s11e jobs Wlloleulel 949 492 0205 Clnnlng ~ ,.__ Qu•ltly House clean1n1. Afford able 1•111 2G+Yrl Elp Fre EsM'IN 714-691.ai67 . ....,,., .... Uw•dt•. RtllhlWI of Comput.,, Htlw0tk1 £ Vtftlnp/Wttitench Co~lib" prkff fOf quellty MfVIC ..._._._ ....... _, "' --.~ Jl'-flt-4111 93 FT Sl"' AVAllAIU IN NlW .. OltT HACH $2500 UASl 949·500 tOOS 0 G YOUlt HOMI IM,IOVEMENT ,.ltOJlCT'J C1ll • plum~r pa1nltr hind~man or any of !ht 1rut H,..,,ICH h'ted htrt '" ou1 u rvoce dl<ectoryt THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY' wmHOJn OUWAU All pftests sm11r1 tobs CUAJll 20yrs ,.,, frte c L«XXXI> 714-65-1447 FIND ~ Caul •C..WS Bedrtcal SeMca --~"· ectrlc I 1cenM1d El1ct11c:1t Con Ir aclDf Small JObS 1111 llnl al $79.U&11p. Speua1tw11 on Remodthnc a. all homt •rtrtng needs Comm lndu1VRe' 1 -l~H7-1001 l •711295'1 OJSTOM OllAlM TU lmtaltbon. Wt. c:er.....:. mtllttll, Mone.~ 1975 #612044 -" 714-612 9961 LIMY sa-.... Replnd Rqrout1n & l111taltaho11 TllE 0£AN 949 673 80&5 7~ 714.-MB-3:01 SELL your stuff through classified! 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGE/LA COUNTIES Professional, Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADDmONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Balh Speciali ts a CONSTRUCTION Lklsm82 (Mt) .,.,.5"2 9AlDIN. THI DlfflllNCI HTWIUI llAUTifUl & IJCOUISffl". 94f·S•S..U24 ,,... sw.tc•, Ylf 6 Clunup, M.itlt•n1nc., Sprrn~ltf lltpelf. tte11h119 (t4f)HIM111 ACROSS 1 Copy a drawing 6 f .. y VICIOfteS 11 WQfk hatd 16 tnd11ra cager 21 $pral Of COii 22 A•anta eamoua 23$quandet 2• Mu11y 2SWWll ~ M 8'11ctl (hyp~ I 26 Cabinet post 21 Make dtflerer·i 28 Panacno ?9 Dawson of footbal 30 Shower 73 Etton essncss 74 Dano·es f'> FeH llOwor 76 Owygen aro 07one 19 Reed oo Heal'lY laughs ai C 111 ano ra:s 8!> Artt-1.;• -01 tern1s SG~Wltf\18 81 Jeooatdy'. re&r. 88 G cM.lual y (3 wd~) 89 H111t1 IO• rftOfllo<llU 90 Slrtµ c l wood 91 Bt18Ch i.oa11t1ng9r 92 1a 11mta• DOWN 1 u" me -d mym 2 ~utitly 3 Unaccompanteo 4 KGB r.ounterpwt S Radlc&f 6 Kordled IMjlU'l 7 Arabta'I SN gull B Tt r0<.g 9 Ht1ctd'illc1y 10 Dc1•ne1,,r.u., coti111n& 1 I R.tzy I? Poet W• .,,..,.n , '.l Ga dock c;cm"O 14 Was "'""°I'd (t> wos ) t'lGre111 '"IJr S(#lday, .loot 22, 2003 a 69 Tug snarply 70 Sor fry pans 1 1~,...anaa a d8"C8 73Ap.ece 74 Energy sou•ce 75 'llcx Sho "Y 7t, '-' 1Ke' 1 prc•r. 77 ~:>"gWfCtt• st>~ 16 t:Sal<e 09~' 79 S111:.i• er 8'J ENiug '"' d 01 '<llU(ICJ ;w1 82 \111 ... toca tN~•ltCJ• 63 ~8•" to•v t 1or1<. 0..: rlouse I rno,.,15 -------- 32 Beanstal"' n-e""'" 3• Urgert 93 de cologoe 'l4 St•e t 96 H~l"tland Slooe 97 1r.1ano caJ>'a 16 C 8'\Sf(,C,.. "'1Urt1 11 De'l'leanor ilf Of> l"'ll ""'';! 87 Cft'1'1PU!\ '""" 36 Copper or su 11.or 38 Pl' .:tieal ,oke 39 Soldenng 100 40 Truehean ot the corrocs 4 1 II 11 responder 42 Onlar10 r ver 43 Walden Pond ctwetter 45 Srop A8Go forma 49 Watm spelt SO Smalt poo• 54 rmerglng magma ~t> Z0<11ac sign S6 Fe1· sorry aoou: 57 Toole tne ne1.., 58 ·-you tor rea? 59 -·Amettean 60 Movie 6 t Cotton PIA 98 \4-:"illly 5 Pfttt"e' 'J'J Sports 1n1ury •()() flequreo 101 f-ool1sn oena11t0r 102 Mountain hons '03 In a catty way •05 Sugar UfT1P5 '061' ay on wordi. • 07 Ccllcund riaru 'Y • • O Astro~a1.;t - IVfT'StrO'lg Park1rg lot sign· • 12 S,,okc or roro '16 F•Otg"l capac•r e" , 'fl Pnp ,ngo• Pa •IA , 1\j JJ"10 ';>(.) Uallas cager "<!' t.•e• st-es ·n :;,opoy as a racctrad HJ Psych c !:.agar 19 Las 5e"Ollla.s 20 I 2Ckle·OOA t!e<TIS 31 Yea-s ,. F•ance 33 Aa d11ar~ 'l'lo-se 35Ct.;m& ly 37 Grand Canyon b gt 1 JBSt·ut 39 --'" <Jtlil1 42 Group oi INec "3 Quaker prcro1.;• ~ T·e Y'l'l'"'IO'' H.J'l:ers 8w1h0• 4!) 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Qmaaaal 0 Job 7bo Small De.e Bamlltoa 949-312""292 c,._ ...... r>ryw.11 1141pilr, lnt,/{•t P1lntine Free l st11n1te C.A lloO ,.._,,....,. ... "' Sl'KWJSl. All types of ....,.n Elec· trat. ~ ...._ Wiiier ....-rs. ... ' mat• 2Atr/7days 714.-3&6-1•1 c 2 .. '~ C.pentrr • 'lllmOltll Dtyw .. • Stucco ,..,....n.'"*' al). y..,. b .. IMt .. • ,. ..... 477• • 28 E tu (t1ypr l ?9 Ct.prey re;a. Vtl6 • 30 "1ak11 aws l 17 NhoOu• ,. lllfov• 1 '8 Vt<l11c1st yu t 11 ~ 31::>~-,u '• l ,J? Vl CCtJ Ill tooogy IOf>•" 1 ::: eta "T\;ir.1al ar- • 3' F orcc pi-edatcr 1t> C•11t pcpocr a p 3J Facul')' 'leads '14 ?..~ pta,oe ·3~ f'otkeo CUI 66 f.Aoe•owrh es !57 lle COO.JS 7 f!"C r:r"1~"""'9"• Handyman/ Home Repair JeueyAb~ant'• Hant• ltepolr Spo<lallat lnt~oor I. £ • ltrtOf Repa11' 114 501 &466 l..dl&"llD ltOllNSON COM, ANY K«dltm Wah. 8.ttl'ooms M1rk 949 650 9525 THI HANDYMAN ~II work euar antted P\Jmbtne. Electrical. Doors. Forwstl carp* 9&~ Haullng JUNK TO THI OUMPlll 714-968 1882 AVAllABLE TODAY' 949 673 5566 Oo\HA'5 MOUSI alM9IG Ell'oi-t SeMte fw 15 ~'*-Ut:wisal 7t4-M2.-S. IHT MOYllS $JS/Mr. ~MC.-tn.nt n&JM4 ~2311 32U.»WI cal Moving & Stotlge PUBLIC NOTICE Tiit Calo! Pubtte UtohhH Cnmm1suon rrqurr~\ lltat •If used hou1rhold aoods move" p11nt thelf PU C Cal I numbe1 lomo\ and c h•uHeu" print their T C P number 1n all advu tts emenh If yuu have any quullo"s 1bout lhr le11loty of • mover ltmo o r chauffeur c•ll PUIUC UTIUTIU COMMtSSK>N aoo 111...a .. 1 0--,'• ._.... 'llYrs .. Great l'roccl Cuaranleed work FrH nt LIJ75602 714.~ 15.JA 7-J90.2!M5 ... ,.._ .. , ..... Top Quehty Competftlvt lntart01/hl ll648228 c.11 ... , 949 650·5066 IAINIOW mlaa IWICT l"tHlltJnc~l ~-­Quality IHI Fr .......... l~9197 714 6J6 -...... ~, Pfumblng ... •Of\4~0f Ml'TJ9an91!<1 SEWC A JC TTtNC ll[CTRONIC SLAB l( AA DC 1E c no~ f roendly ~rv1u PoolSeMee Meulc "••I & Spo Sv~. We•~ly :>tn1rct (qUtp me"t Rtf)llf\ Insured Cell '49-292-7173 www~airn & Repairs Anadent t 4 t -• 1 5 • t J O 4 It_.. lleeftnti Reroo~ •• 1!12.&vn w•f'O Corrm Snee 1937 L"45 Clonlt ,.lumlll"I New 96644 5840 714-668-JIJli a. R1mod1hn1t. Gas Lone. ~' Rtplj)e '"1 Alls l •516783 9•9 61!> !>035 ..oNUT & ltlASOMUU Pl ut.48E R L •506586 frw Est! Sm r~ OCTTCU Diie 114 23>9150 ... ms1 P'\UMHIG Repeln & Remodthl'll FREE ESTIMATE L#687398 714 969 1090