HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-23 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot,. Serving the Ne wport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2003 IN BUSINESS Newport-Mesa sizzling with great food Many eateries in the area become the 1in' spots for dining during the summer months. the-counter food to a land of mall food and egg muffins. But a handful of oth~r gour- met breakfast shops have el- bowed their way onto the Itiner- aries of local diners. Zinc Cafe & Manet. which opened in Corona del Mar adjacent to the Quiet Woman last year, has been draw- ing steady crowds for pastries and coffee. cially with a group of cyclists who stop in every Wednesday. "Most of the people who stop here get some pastry, H said An Cook. a cyclist who lives in Co- rona del Mar Village. ·All of thls stuff I never eat.· coffee." Plum's Cafe & Catering. tucked in the back of a mini-mall on 17th Street, also serves breakfast. but has gathered steam for its salads. soups and sandwiches at lunchtime. INSIDE For more business news. see Page A2 NEWPORT-MESA -A breezy breakfast. languorous lunch or delectable dinner isn't far out of reach for appetite-whetted din- Starting off in the early-morn- ing hours, a string of breakfast eateries are making the grade with patrons th.is year. Oliming in, Village resident John Geyer said Zinc has found its niche as an eatery with some buzz. Plum's outdoor patio has been known to draw crowds at I.he noontime hour. day "You have outs1de and LO- stde and tt's greaL • South Coast Plaza eatenes Z Te)a.). wtuch serves Cajun food. and Lawry's Carvery. with tts menu of beef sandwiches. also 1 ers head!~ to this swnmer's hot t spot eatenes. Breakfast diners cited the ever- popular Haute alkes Caffe as a gourmet-breakfast pioneer. Opened in 1991, the Westcliff eatery brought high-quality over- Zinc's vegetarian brealcfast has become a crowd pleaser, espe- "It's new and it's trendy,· Geyer said. HI just come here and sip on "Great food. friendly service,· said Denise McPhee, as she left Plum's at lunchtime on Wednes-See FOOD, Pa1e M I A CLOSER LOOK iTreading lightly at oldest high school , ' I I Co nstruction has begun at several district schools, but S Newport Harbor High LSchool's upgrades to campus can be a touchy subject. Chrl1tlne Curlllo Daily Pilot NEWPORT-Mf..SA -Wllh Measure A con- struction underway at various school sites. each of them experiencing an influx of pon- able housing within the school district. ques- tions for officials are centering on construc- uon at the oldest school. Newpon Harbor Htgh School. Still receiving inquiries abou1 the future of the tugh school's nearly 75-year-old tower and overall fa~de of RoblllS Hall/Loats Theater, district staff members are worldng lo ease community fears by updating resi- dents on the goin~ on at Newpon Harbor. "There's going to be a lot happening at Newpon Harbor High School over the next four to five years.• said Paul Reed, iwistan1 superintendent of business services for the district. "We're on course ... and we will ge1 to the end of this; we will make it better than before." Newport Harbor High will be among the first two high schools -Co ta Mesa High School being the other -within the district to undergo Measure A construction. New- port Harbor is expected to begin its Measure A construction early next year. While nearly every site within I.he district is anxious for construction to begin. the New- port Harbor High community is more con- cerned with the historic and aesthetic nature of its buildings. Their concerns have not gone unnoticed "We've been woddng hard this year and we will continue to work hard,· said David Pe- terson, assistant principal at Newport Harbor who oversees the school's facilities and at- tends all of the site committee meetings. "We want to ensure the history and the tradition and the legacy of Newport HarboL [The school! is Like the centtal point in the com - munJty. -weve got a tremendous amount of public support and a tremendous amount of See SCHOOL, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON11EWE8: ww. ..... com WEATHER ~ June gloom condnuee with morning doudl and fog undl 1he .ttemoon. S..PlpA2. SPORTS 'n.tCMM.l.Mra A Mnwrt ....... -.d nmftio.tata ~of~ ......... .. -I _-,_, -' .... PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pit.OT Chnstopher Bums, 15, stands behind his mother. Melinda. as she reads a letter shortly after her son was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout It runs in the family 15-year-old earns his Eagle Scout on the anniversary of his father's and grandfather's same Scout promotion. Coral Wll1on Daily Piiot G reat things seem to happen to the Burns family of Costa Mesa every 30 years. Ovistopher's grandfather. Gardner Stoddard. became an P.agle Scout in 1943. Ovistopher is also 30 years younger than his 45-year-old parents.. And he is 60 years younger than Stoddard. his 75-year-old grandfalher. It happened as a coincidence, but lt was no small accomplishment. It is a ranking that ls achieved by less than 2% On Sunday, Christopher Michael Bums. 15, became an F.agle Scout. the b.igbest rank given to a Scout. It was 30 years ago in 1973, at the age of 15, that his father, John Bums, was awarded the same honor. And It was 60 years ago that of all boy scouts. John Burns said Christopher's father, John, appear-s in a photo from 1973 when he s.. FAMt.Y, Pq• M became an Eagle Scout, exactty 30 years before his son. THINKING ALLOWED Information key to understanding tolerance not fOQJI on it u a topic of dbc:ualon. Rather. he lddrelled the cweral1 need !or further wodt to tmprowe the way we humans relate to each other and. of coune, called for auppott of the~ Councy Human Reladonl Commilllon. ~ took eome hefty cut1 In cbe county~ pmceM. ~ Jlltt blppened to be In my mind·•• throutb ~ pn11011Cioo. 1be ......_ Pe's".onl Coi•1 ' dm ---32 J'll!llllD., .... -pntudlm md ...... UQ. • ......, ..,....... ......... .,..., .. "~. Wdllyol Pl.-m mo._.._.,..,...., C:iallA:t ....... ... • .., ICbool cun1culwn. The pt '"lb ae bow much mon we haw lo common u human beinp,. ~eakl It WOlb 10 buDd reladombipl and ~be.ad.. Pmooal)y, l ddillt lbi9le ~are p-eat. f am"* a amow pmon ad cbe more I can leun .-. ocbm. the man l leam about...,_._ fll'I own ~Por--.-."­.... tD ............. GplD .. .-. .. aactbeausaf .. p; 411• fltl*-wbolillll..1'* ...... lmcltup.'bamn\ .. .._M ' 11.m cto.iir1' bilfp tbil -...... ... MUl&K.,...M I A2 Monday. Jooe 23, 2003 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT stAN HILl.£R I DAA. V Plt.O T Terese Pearson, daughters Carley and Haley along with dad Tom hold up a yellowtail tuna at their fish maf'1<et, Pearson's Port in Newport Beach. Still reeling 'em in after 31 years Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot P earson's Port, an . unobtrusive Boating shanty, is a seafood retailer that has been around since 1971. The business is a second-generation fresh-fish outlet tha t sells live crabs, seasonal lobster. seasonal yell owtail tuna, sea bass, perch, sheepshead and halibut Family memories and a faithful following keep local seafood retailer in business. wholesale customers. "Sushi bars buy a lot from us,· said Pearson. "But we also have longtime cus\C)mers that come "That was a real black , Oirlstmas, • said Pearson, whose 1 mother, Vi, still worJcs at the store. . "I miss him a lot." Pearson recalled that in the early days. ·we didn't even have walls, just a roof to keep out the rain. We also used to steam crabs and lobsters right here at the window and hand them to the customers, but the (county! Health Depanment made us stop because they said that cooking made us a shanty had broken a~ from down from Pomona and Redlands pilings. floated toward ~e ~ , . tQ p\Altgase sam~;day•eaught ftsh." and was doing circles in the tUmIOg PeariOn said thit bllsineia is still basin . We had to get the boat and great but that newcomers to the tow it back. The channel narrows trade have a tendency to undercut here at the bridge and the outgoing his prices. New laws and tide causes a scrong current Well, restrictions. overseen by the state during a storm, in that strong El Department of Fish and Game. Nino year, it (the shanty! broke have also cut into bis ability to loose and floated away." compete with larger commercial Inside the shanty, next to the firms. shells, starfish, crab claws and other ·rm not a commercial fisherman trophies from the deep. which are who tiarvests 10,000 pounds or "I catch all the fish by rod and reel.• said 41 -year-old owner Tommy Pearson. "I generally go out about I 1 p.m. and stay out until I catch what I need for a couple of days. I never keep any fish longer than three days ... • restaurant and we'd have to put in restrooms and all kinds of stuff.· interwoven into old fishing nets more of fish. shrimp, and shellfish a that drape the walls, are pictures of year; consequently, restrictions are 'There are a lot of memories here," Pearson said. "ln 1983, at about 4 a.m .. we got a call from the Harbor Patrol who told us that our his parents, friends. special events tougher on me. but I hope to keep The business was started by his father, Roy, who died the day before Christmas fo ur years ago. BUSINESS CALENDAR • Send BUSINESS CALENDAR Items to the Deily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to milce.swan«>n@latimu.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-<t298. Include the time. date and location of the event, u well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. ONGOING The Costa Meee ctt.mber of Commen:e hostl networtdng lund'leon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m.to1 p.m. et the COtt8 Mesa Country C1ub. The cost la $14. The club la et 1701 Golf Course Drive, Com Mesa. (714) 885-9090. The Com M ... Communic.tora Toaatma8tarl Club and large catches. fishing for years." Pearson said. Pearson's Port. at 300 E. Coast "We're just a mom-and-pop Highway. maintains many area business.· meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Ora nge County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. Th• Newport Beach DistinguisMd ToHtmaawn Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in Sgt. Pepperoni's mee1ing room, 2300 Bristol St, Newport Beadl. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274- The M ... Meuengera Toastmastars Club 891 In Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St .. Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. · The Zing9f'a Toaa1rnMterl ctub 815F mHb for breakfast on Tueadays from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 3851 S. Bear St .. No. B17. The meeting is free for first-time visitors. For more info rmation, call (714) 241-1109. Th• Newport Center Toutmut9n Ctub 231 mHt.a from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondays at the Irvine Co., 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beedl. (949) 756-1025. Th• Hatborttt. To~ Club meets et 7 a.m. Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E. Coast Highway, Corona def Mar. (949) 293-4830. Udo Isle ToaltmHtan mMt from 8:30 to I p.m. Mondays at Fletd\er Jones Motorcars, 3300 J amboree Road. Newport Beadl. (714) 964-6314. The Coneumer ~ N.twolk mNta et 7 a.m. Fridays In the m8Z'Zanlne et Newport Gateway, 19800 MacArthur etr.id., Newport Beech. Reaervetlona: (714) 550-4785. WALL STREET WEST Superb week for local • companies W all Street's bullishness took a breather this week. as the major equity gauges paused after bumping up against high points that haven't been reached in about a year. Stocks, which have been in full -tilt rally mode since March. slowed Wednesday .-------. after hitting high-water marks on Tuesday. PAUL CLINTON The Standard & Poor's 500 Index reached a one-year high on Tuesday, closing Tuesday at 1,011.66 before closing the week at 995.69. The Dow Jones industrial average hit an 11 -month high Tuesday a1 9,323.02. The technology-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index closed at 1ts highest level since May 2002 at l ,6n. I 4 Wednesday and held mosl of its gains for' the week. Analysts attributed the recent gains to a general optimism that the U.S. economy should recover during the second half of the year. With the excess of bullish sentiment. some analysts took a more skeptical view. Morgan Stanley strategjst Steve Galbraith advised his clients 10 "take some money off the table.· Newport company added to Russell 3000 index A promotion came for Newport Beach's United PanAm Financial Corp . which lists on Nasdaq as UPFC. On Tuesday. the Frank Russell Co. announced it had tentatively added the company to its Russell 3000 index. The widely-watched Russell indexes are used by mutual fund managers as benchmarks for investment strategies. United PanAm is set to be added June 30, when the index is reconstituted. The new Index will then be set for one year. "UPFCs indusion in the preliminary list of companies named to the Russell 3000 Index is, in part. a reflection of our growth and overall strong financial performance,· said Oiairman Guillermo Bron. United PanAm Financial is a specialty finance company that inve ts in retail automobile sales contracts and insurance premium finance contracts. On Wednesday, shares of UPFC soared 11.74% to close at $14.75. Conexant di vision speeds toward public offerin g On Monday. Mindspeed Technologies said its outlook was improving as it moves toward becoming a public company on Friday. The division of Conexant Systems Inc. now antici pates that "revenues will be at the high end of prior expectations· and that it is "continuing to see strengthening customer order patterns.· ln April. Mindspeed stated that it expected its tbird quarter revenues to be up 5% to I 0% over the second quarter's $18.3 million in revenues. Newport Beach chipmaker Conexant Systems Inc. offered shares of Mlndspe~ to existing Conexant shareholders at the close of business Friday. The shares will be trade cm the Amerttll.11 Stock Exchange under the symbol MND. Daily A Pilot Co1'91Wlllon Box 1660, C0tte Mesa, CA 92628 SURF AND SUN News assistant. (949) 1574-4298 Copyright: No news atorlet. coraf.wffton•tatlmn .. com 1"u1tr1tlona, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS ldver11Mmenta herein c.n be WEATHER FORECAST knots with 1· to 3-foot wavea Sean Hiller, Don l..Hdl, reproduced without written Kant TreptOW permi11lon of c:opytlgM owner. and northwest swell• at 7 to 9 June gloom la holding on for feet. VOL 97, N0.173 READERS HOTUNE HOW TO REACH US one more week. at least. Expect the 1imll1r TliOMAS H. JOHNSON Newt Editors 19491 642-6086 ClnMaletlon look for morning cloudt and conditlona Into Tuesday. Publisher Gina Alu1nder, Lori Anderton, Record your commentt 1bout the The TlmH Or1nge County · fog with partial afternoon ~DODERO D1nl1I Hunt, P1ul Saitowitz, Dilly Pilot or news tlpe. (800) 2152-9141 clearing; highs In the upper 80t SURF dltor Danie! Stevena Add ..... Adwiriehtt to low 70I wtth mld-«>t et the JUOV OET11NO NEWSSTAff Our 1ddren 11 330 W. Bay St, Colt.a c ....... (949) 842-M78 beach ... South-facing breakl are Advertl1~r MeN, CA 92827. Office houra i re Dleplty (949) 842-4321 LANA Crime '!:rco~1ter, Mond1y -Fridly, 8:30 1.m. -IS p.m. ldlolW Overnight. expect clouds Melng waflt-to d'lelt-hlgh Promotiont Dll'9Ct0r 19491 1574-42 Conecdona Newt and fog to build beet In with aets, ahoulder high et dHpll.bh•,..thOl•tlm#.com It 11 the Piiot'• policy to promptly (9491842-MaO lows In the mld-60e to 80 ltandoutt on the better aeta. U>mNQ S1'Aff June=f'Mde correct Ill lm>rl of IUbeta~. lpofta(949)574-4223 degreea. Wtet•fac:fng breeka .,.. l.J. Cefln Newport NPC>lter. PIMH c:.11 (949) 7&M32A. Htwe,.. (949) 84M170 Tueaday on Into the Nnnfng war.t high and hlG"-lpot1a,.. (948) MCM>170 ~Ing Editor, (M&) 1574-4232 FYI I-mall: t»l/ypllot•lff",,,_oom weekend ahtpee up to be the wtth c:helt-hlgt\t and higher In 57<M233 /uM.cn.Qr•M»OJat1,,,.._com The Newport 8"c:hlColtl ~ Melft()Mee Nmf. the~ a./.c.hn• ""1rrw.oom ,_..Clmon '"'°"'*'°'a: .,......., 0.tly Piiot (USPS-144-800) le ........... ( .. )142-4131 W...quelty: =~· Politic:., butlneee and environment publlthed dally. In NMport 8Meh ...... ,.... ,_ ( ... ) 8'1·7121 ~.nwt.nOM..gov www..urfrld-.Ol'fl ( 7&M31• reporter, 19491 79oM330 Ind Cotta Mela, 1ubecriptlon1 •re jMr-. "1f/rfw.oom paul,c//nton•,.t1mn.com 9V1lleble only by eubecrlblng to The BOATING FORECAST TIDES NdwdDu.wi a.o.....,., Tlmee Orange County (8001 l1Mt ~.= Cotumnltt. cultur• niporter, 2$2-9141. In.,.... olltllde of In the lnntr w.tef'1, loot for Time ........ ·~ , ... , 174-'2715 Newpof't ltec:ti Ind Coltt ~. -.1'1able wtndt It 10 knots Of 9:131.m. 120fMthigh JolaJ. ...... lollt•.hM1W•""1m-.oom aubecr1ptlone to the o.lly l'llot M i.e. Into the IMa eveNng with 11:31a.m. UOr.tlow M DINCtor I NeWI Deel! Chi.f, ~ ......... t\1911tt>1e on1y by n ... c1 ... me11 tor "'blllhed by nm. Community 2.footMWI and.·~ a27p.m. 5.01 ,... hlOf\ , ... ,17~ eo.t.I M.u ,.,., (Mt) 1574-422t S30 per month. (Moel lndude Ill Newt, a dl\/leion of the Loe AnoelM IWllll 8t 8 Mt In the 9Yenlng 1:33a.m. 1.0lfMtlow jo#.W'tf0f.lllfl1"#.00tn t#lrdfw.MWm.Wl./«#m#.COm epplic.t>te ltat9 end Ioctl tt111e.I Tl,,...., .... Mae•• . CtNtlllM~ l'OSTMASTER: Serld addrMI the awella wtft tNft to the "'°'° (dhof, Educetlon repoMr, (M ) 574-4261 c:h1nget to The NMport not1hwMt 8t' to,. WATER TEMPERATURE ,..., '1liM3lle Out,.,..,, wtndt wtlt bl ~mot:rMt•...,,_oom dtrWIM .C«rillo •l«lmM.oom letd\/Ce«a MeN Deity~ P.O from the not1tm:'9118t 10 to 20 ..... -- J I bai!'J Pilot COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are a rew or the Items the Planning CommiAsion will consider tonight PARKING LOT PERMIT Shaheen Sadeghi, authorized agent for Harold Cozen, Is applying for a permit to pave a vacant property at 708 and 714 Randolph Ave. for use as an off-site parking lot for MThe Lab.~ Sadeghi has been infonnally using the gravel-surfaced Randolph Avenue properties for Lab overflow parking for several years. He now proposes to improve the lot and to credlt these off-site spaces for future uses at the Lab. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff supports the off-site parldng lot because it is next to the site. It will serve and provides pedestrian access without having to cross a street or another property. But staff members are concerned with Sadeghi's proposal to FYI •WHAT: Plennlng Commlulon mMtlng •WHEN: 8:30 p.m . today • WHEM: Chy Hall, n Felr Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-6246 credit this parting toward permanent improvementa at the lab. StaJf recommends approval, subject to conditions. CARWASH PERMIT James Simon, authorized agent for Carl Stevens, ls applying for a permit to establish a hand carwaah and detalllng business, including outdoor wort. at 1619 Superior Ave. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends approval, wbject to conditions. Due to the small me or the property for the type of use proposed. staff members are recommending as a condition of approval that no queuing of customer vehicles occur within the FAIR PARKING PERMIT Becky Ba.Uey-Flndley, authorized agmt for Russell 11emao/P..lperlan. la applying for a permit for off-site parking at the Experian parting structure for use by Orange County Fairpounds patrona during the Orange County Fair, weebnds only, with a ahuttle service included. The parting lot is at 475 Anton Blvd. WHAT TO EXPECT Approval will allow off-site paBiog for the fair at times that will not aJfect employee or visitor parldng for Experian and will reduce tra11ic congestion in the vidnity or the fairgrounds, offidala say. -Compikd by Deirdre Newman Monday, Juit 23, 2003 Al GETTING INVOLVED 92663. (949) 673-1191. Pattems are avalleble, end donated yam la appreciated. Kathy Silverton, (310) 472~. More than 2,000 volunteers are needed. For more lnformetion, call (714) 967-9167 or visit www.oc::tomen.oom. SOLIS IlNVESTME~T & R EALT\'" KRISTIN M. Sous. Licen.ecd ~ F..swr Agent • M«tint all of 1""" RuJ Est4U n«ds. • GETTING INYOUIED runs periodically In the Dally Pilot on a rotating basis. For Information on adding your organlz.ation to this list, call (949) 574-4298. SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC The clinic, which provides emergency services to the needy In Orange County, is looking for volunteers to deliver and pick up food from local restaurants and grocery stores. help with medical and dental staff. data entry, assist with food sorting and distribution, to help at the front detJt and some other duties. The group also needs translators. (949) 642·3451. ext. 257. SHERMAN LIBRARY &GARDENS Voo could uslst with the garden. work In the gift and tea shop or become a docent guide for chlldren and adults at Corona del Mar'a botanical garden and historical research library. Stefanie Kristiansen. (949) 673-2261. IMAU. BUSINESS AS5'STANCE CENTER The Small Business Assistance Center of Orange Coett College n.eds volunteers to advise small bullnea owners in finanoe. ecoountlng, lsw. marketing. sales, human reaources and other ereu. {714) 432-6918. SOMEONE CARES S<Ut KITCHEN Someone Ceres Soup Kitchen needs food servers and volunteers for kitchen duties. The organization 11 at 720 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 648-8881. SOUTH COAST LITERACY COUNCIL Volunteer tutors are needed to meet a greater demend for llterecy end Engll1h as a eecond languege cte ..... Students are taught Engll1h reading, writing •nd epeeklng 1kllls at their own level In small grouJ)9 or one on pne. There en1 centers ell owr Orange Co~mty. Once trained, luton may d\ooM th• center at Whldl they w.nt to teed\. Mary Fftzuereld, (949) '68-8664. 80UTHCOAST REP£RTORY ntEATER The South Cout Repertory ThMter needs volunteere to help with ulhetlng ( ... playa free) end other func:.tlons. (714) 708-6600. ~UPNEWPORT f. nonptOftt orvanliltion that promotM th• 1ocial welfen1 by tducedng the public end Improving local gowmment In Newport Beed'I hokta monthty meetlnga the NCOnd Wldneeday of Nd\ month at the Newport 8ud1 Tennie Club. A tw:eptlon nt at 6:30 p.m., end me.doge ate p.m. Free. Annuel ,.,.~...,ltp ~ .... $20. Send to '"Speelt Up Newpoft." .o. Box 2.t584, Newport Beed'I, STTTCHES FROM THE HE.ART Made up of a group of women from Southern Carlfomia who love to kllit and crochet the nonprofit corporation Is looking for volunteer, to knit and crodlet hats, booties and blankets for premature babies and babies in need. The items are donated to hospitals across the country. SUSAN G. KOIEN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION Volunteers ere needed for a variety of positiona to hejp the Foundation wtth the 12th annual Komen Orange County Race for the Cure. The rece 11 Sept. 28 et Feshion llland In Newport Bead\. FUlllriJtK A LiH Trilnlu To Frank Sinatra E,,ery Mo"""10-T"°""! 6-9Jntt Steaks • Safood • c.odmlill ••"Qaallcy SenM::ie-.. --N.pdy F.ataUhunmr-- /, /1', , / I' 1 •II ( I/ I 1 1) 11>1 ",,, -., , t T' 'I ' If\ \ I " \ 1 o...n, ... ...., .......... _ ·~!!!! lti.iiij@fili SOLA RIAN: eALAE.eJf .. •• COU>GI~ SOLID llADWOOD •••• ..... ft. .,... PUJSB CAIPIT ............ 1•• ........ ...ft. ~"'ttaa 1r11-ia• ••• _ ................ :1~ c....-le ft.le .......................... ._ • • .. .. .......................... , ....... . .. .. = ~,... .,.,,. •o.1t ........... .,.. ... ,,,,_* .... '*"'*"' 11w. N..t-··--,. ·--~. ·--' llt~I . ---·· •·• .. -~-I SWEET ADELINE$ Of ORANGE COUNTY f..Klc A Sous CFP • 17 Yean ~ • StocJes & BonJ.s • M"""'1 Ffl.nds • AnnfUtia • EstaU & Rrtimnmt Plllllnint • lnvatmmt &mltint • Sma/J MU/JU Mllrltn Oimpanies The singing group invites women who like to ling to join them Tuesday nights for four-pan harmony, or Barbershop-style lingfng. (949) 49fH;685. ART IN MOTIF IND ULGE YOUR PALETTES F•tvrul artUt Tu Bak.n's to01* luu bun dacribeJ u "the a.mu of con.uc:te~a symbolic Hiott betwttn tpirit arul Mtvn."' From the Collection of Ted Baker: er the flavor of celebrated local artists. Delight In entary samples of Motirs culinary masterpieces, a gtus atlc wine, and relax to the sounds of a classicat guitarist. Savor the cuisine, admire the artistry. Art Exhibit & Reception Wednesday June 25th, 5-6 pm. Complimentary validated parking Art Bxhlblts will continue through September 3, 2003 call Motif at 949-234-3320 for further information. w Dale LaVoie Elke Sommer ® THE ST. REGIS Monarch &OCJl Raort & Spa Home to a certain world M Monday, June 23, 2003 PUBUC SAF:ETY POl!ICE fllES COSTA MESA • Ad9ma-.....,. andMeltNM' ~rd: A man was arreeted on suspleion of removing a shopping cart at 6:45 p.m. Friday. • G..._ Avenue: A man was arTMted on suspicion of conaptracy In the 1400 blade M 1:80 p.m. Fridlry. • Glaw ~A man "'11• anuted on 8U8p&don of burglary In the 100 blodc 8t 1:50p.m. Ftldly. • ...._~Am,n Ma trr'Mt9d on suepldon of recel\lfng stolen P'OJ*tY In the 2200 blodt -12:46 p.m. Satutdly. • Hert.or loutw8rd: A man was a.....ted on auapidon of rtilisttnu en oftk:er In tt'8 3100 blodt al 1 :50 p.m. Friday. • Newport Boulevard: A man was arrested on SCHOOL Continued from Al public concern. We appreciate the support and will address the concern lo the best way pos- sible.· Robins Hall/Loats Theater buildings. which have-posed the m ost concern, don't fall under the Measure A plan. After a structural engineering study was conducied o n the school's build· ings, most of which were built in 1928, I.he results sh owed tha1 I.hey presented an unacceptable risk if Newport Beach suffered a large "magnitude seismic event.K As a resuh, the board of crust· ees voted to move ahead wilh plans for a new building. The board looked at two op· d ons -one, 10 conduct a partial deconstruction. seismic aug· menta lion and reconstructio n tha1 would cos1 anywhere fro m S20 million to $30 million and, two, 10 build a new strucrure reminiscent of the existing architecture that incorporaies the existing tower and theater facade. TI1e board voted for the second p roposal, which saves the cower and would cos t the discric1 from Sl8 million to $23 million. To mee1 I.he financial de- mands of such a project. school officials will combine allocations from the state as part of Measure A with funds it should receive based on the safety concerns the school faciU1ies present. "This is a dis trict project tha1 has yet to be funded and the school board is in the driver's seat, K Reed said . Still awaiting funding, con · struction for that plan may not be completed for another four to five years. Reed said. Until then, the students and adminislrators will be relocaied in10 a group of ponables that are now being erected. Another major renovation at the high school already under- way is the swimming pool. The pool, similar to Robins Hall/ Loats Theater, presented im· -ALDEN'S eUIPiCion of PQHHai~ I controlled aut.tance In the 2100 blod< 8t 5:15 a.m. Sunday. NEWFIORT BEM>f • Belboe ~and,,. S1Nft A physical fight was reported at 2:34 p.m. Sunday. • Irvine Awnue: A petty theft was 19POrted In the 1000 blodc et 10.13 a.m. Sunday. • lrvtne ~u.: A vehicle theft waa reported In the 1000 bloc* at 6:43 p.m. Saturday. • Newport Boulevard and Hospital Road: A traffic hazard was reported at 8:21 a.m. Sunday. • Potns.ttY Avenuw. Reports of ahota fired In the 200 blodt came In at 12:12 a.m. Sunday. • 31st StrMt: Vandalism was reported in the 400 block at 8:11 a.m. Sunday. 'We want to ensure the history and the tradition and the legacy of Newport Harbor. [The school] is like the central point in the community.' David Peterson Assistant principal at Newport HarbOf High School mediate h ealth and safety con· cerns. Due to its deteriorating condition. the school board rec· ognized the need to address those concerns by voting 10 move forward with immedia1e repairs rather than permanently shu1ting d own the facility untiJ Measure A go t around 10 it. Repairs to the pool fall under priority six of Measure A, and Measure A construction a t the school sites is only expec1ed 10 go through lhe priority four level. Staff still seeks olher sources for funding, since the first h~ of the two-phase pool project will cost the district about $628,000 instead of the previous estimate of $400,000. "The pool is used by hundreds and hundreds of kids, as well as people in the community," Rob- ert Barbot, the district's superin- tendent. said d urln.g a school board meeting in March. MWhen we look a t the other priorities, we think this Is justified." The board agreed and. at the March 11 board m eeting. voted to m ove ahead with repairs. The pool ts used by students at Newport Harbor, as well as the city of Newport Beach and a few other community organiza- tions. The repairs 10 the pool are expected to be completed near Labor Day, well before the school will receive funds for construction o n Robins Hall/ Loats Theate r. The school holds si1e commit· 1ee meetings. which are open to the pubUc, every other Monday. The neX1 m eeting will be held at 7 a.m. on July 14 in Heritage Hall. -------~ ----- 0 N -!i I TE em Sinclair, the president of the very competitively captured palates and lmagina· Commeru. •J>eople are starting to back off Continued from Al (frol'Q] the hJgh-prlced restau- draw steady crowds at lunch-rants." Sinclair said. ln l!astbluff. chef-owner BJcb Mead's Sage bas quietly devel- oped a reputation for top-norch neighborhood dining. The sage plant-colored chairs and "food for the gods available to mere mortals" draw diners, the 2003 Zagat SUrvey reported. cadon, whJch is a short walk. from the Performing Arts Cen· ter. Owner Noel Turner. wbo lives In Newport Coasr. opened I.he restaurant to serve all-naturaJ steaks and seafood, whJch don't include animal antibiotics or honnones. It's the first New Zealand restaurant outside of that country. he says. time. Jeny's Pamous Deli. across Instead. Sinclair sald, they the street, ts a well-established'"" have been seeking out Bunga- favorite. law's extensive wine list and Oys- BRING ON THE NIGHT But nJgbttime ls the rlgbt time for a slew of favorites dotting the Newport-Mesa landscape. In Corona del Mar, summer patrons are expected to seek out popular new spots The Bunga· low and Oysters and even the outdoor patios of ·Gulfstream and Tommy Bahama's. With the weakened economy. even wealthy diners have been shying away from places that cross I.he $70 to $80 level, said FAMILY Continued from Al Especially now, mos1 Boy Scouts 1end to lose interest as they get older, he said. "Ir's an honor," Ouistopher said. "It's a once in a lifetime thing. You can't go back and do it again. I'm glad I got It and I won't regret it." Scouts must move up through the Star and Life ranks. earn 21 merit badges and complete an Eagle Scout project. Christopher of the Newport Beach-based Troop 90 bas already earned 38 merit bad~ and his project included Improvements 10 the Boys and Girls Oub of Costa Mesa where he grew up playing hockey. The smell of fresh paint from the bright blue bleachers still lingered in the air of the club's gymnasium. And the bleachers were immediately put 10 use, filled by family. friends, teachers and fellow scouts who came to honor Olristopher's achievement. While it has become a f.arnily tradition, Ouistopher said be really did it for himself. "ft was part of my goals, something I wanted to get." he said . ·After I got ii, it made me realize I am one of a select few." Stoddard, who was a Boy Scout during World War D. said some things were different I.hen. H1s troop had to do all or their own fundraising and he said he used 10 contribute to war effort by collecting scrap metal for the salvage yards to be made into ahips and other war materials. ALLOWED Continued from Al tllese types of programs inspire vtslons ofJove-fes ts, wftb group-hugs-a-plenty. 1 am not saying that is what they are but some people have tha1 impressio n. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to milce.swanson@latimn.com; bytaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing ia available at www.dallypllotoom. TODAY Children 5 and older are lnvtlled to register for a variety of summer aquatic camps offered by Newport Beach Recreation Services. The camps nm through August, with numerous morning and afternoon options available, from "Sailing and Tennis Camp" to "Surf Camp." Call (949) 644-3161 for more lnfonnatlon, or regi9teF--oollf\4Ht www.clty.newport~ach.ca.us. Readwa ol al --wlll be ... 10 llgn up for Newport 8MCh Publlc Library reading progrema detigned to encourege an httereat In boob over the lazy days of aummer. For toddlers through abcth-gredera, •tt't a Jungle Out There• will Include a reed-to-me dub fof Chlld1'9n not yet rNding on their own and a reederl dub fot Independent t'Nden. Special pn>gr8"'8 end prize drawlnge wtl edd to the fun. Vlalt any N9wport e.ed'\ Pubflc Library to tlgn up or catl (949) 717-3818. Mnn dlf\ww cen ehafpen their' akllla In an eight-hour AAAP drfvw Mfitty dMt t*d durtng two t N ftm 12:3010 4:30 p.m. .u.. 2S ... 24 .. ~Ctudtof1he Covtnant In COM Meu. a ..... .,. limllld to 30 ....... end ..... Mt•• •I' lllon .......,.,. .... ...,.. .. °", -~ISJ.DtO. ters' kung pao caJamart. Both have already begun drawing steady crowds at the cocktail hour. A baseball-cut swordfish smothered in lemon-caper sauce, the Australian lobster and the prime stealts are top Items on the straigh1-ahe;td menu, Bungalow owner Jim Walker saJd. The restaurant counts 180 wines to choose from. NThey make an excellent wine," Walker said about the popular Australian Shiraz. "And STILL FASHIONABLE AT THE !St.ANO Fashion Islands trllecta of the Oleesecake Factory. P.F. Olang's and Callfomia Pizza Kitchen consistently draw strong crowds. For those looking for Ngreat stealts" and a "clubby setting." Zagat reports, t1eming's Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar al Fashion Island could fit the bill. In lhe up-and-com ers cat· egory, Turner New Zealand has MPeople are concerned about their heallh, • Turner said. ln ex· plaining the sudden popularity of his restaurant. "The place iJ> full every night." • PA.UL CUNTON covers the environment, busme11 and politics He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Christopher Bums reteives his pin from his grandfather Gardner Stoddard at the Boys and Girls Club of Costa Mesa on Sunday. Both Stoddard and his son. Christopher's father, are Eagle Scouts. But some things never change. "I'm sure my mother helped will receive a red . white and blue ~The basic life saving and all me save all this junk," he said, knot badge tha1 he can wear the good things you expect tlipplng through an old proudly on tus shirt for the rest acouts to do area all still the scrapbook. of tus life. Wright c;.aid. same,· he said. "'1be boy scouts Stoddard had the hono r of "I lcnow busin essm en who have laws of being patient and placing !he pin on Christopher's have their djplomas on the wall. trustworthy. honesl faithful, shirt for the first time. Memberc; and next to tha1. their Eagle loyal and all I.hose things." of lhe club joined th e ceremony, Scout certificate -it's very Along one end of I.he re miniscing and celling stories, impressive." he said. "r think gymnasium. a display was set comme nding Ouis1opher for his every adult who was a Boy Scout up, marking the farruly's scout character. and dot'$n·1 malct' ii 10 Eagle heritage. Stoddard still had his A.\sistant Scou~ter Adam Scout regrets 11. K scarf wi1h a hand paulled eagle, Wright, 55. of Newpon Beach his 24 merit badges. a compass said becoming an Eagle Scout • CORAL wtLSON 1s the news and a rusty flashlight with red was somethlng he wishes he had assistant and may be reached at and gieen ftlters for Important done when he had the chance. (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at Morse code messages. When Christopher turns 18. he coral.w1lson1Ql/at1mes.com Add 10 it 1he fact chat a growing number of people a re getting sick and tired of "p olitical correctness." Most people are tired of being co ld what to say, when, where. why and to whom they say things to. I would argue that a lo t of people would like 10 feel free 10 speak their minds wtlho u1 gelling a s lap on the wrist and treated aa No. 1 at the Infamous Mr. ln-elevant Anfval Party. The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the party to k.ldwff the 28th annual Irrelevant Week at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. 1131 Back Bay Drive, at 5:30 p.m. The cost is S10, including live entertainment, a no-host bar and culinary treats. For more information, call (949) 729-4412. Th• ln•U11u,.1 Posltiw Soccer Clinic will run through June 26 at Lincoln Elementary School in Corona del Mar from 9 a.m. t.o 12:30 p.m. Boys and girls ages 5 to 18 can join for a minimum donation of $250 per athlete. All proceeds will go toward research for Ouchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The clinic will be conducted by a number of _English. pmfeasionaJ .soccer legends. For more Information, call (949) 640-5530. TUESOAY A frM Mmlnar on .u.rtion deficit disorder will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'a Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reaervatlont. call (800) 596-6667. Adulta i. ........ d In~ M or oppottUnltiel fot N.wpott Be~ Uterecy s.Mcea are lnvtt.d to an orientation from 2 to 4 p.m, 01from8 to 8 p.m. at the Newport 9eed\ Centrtl Ubrary. No experfence la MCeSMry. For more lftformation, call (949) 717~3874. ~ "''.:.1t11I 111 Md ...... "'la1 .... MmNr '°be held"°"' 8:30 to 8:30 p.m. M Malhlr'e MerRt. 225 E. 11th St., CoM8 Mita. To make reMMldont,caR(I00)596-6e87. dirty look from society. The funny thing is. that., wha t these programs are designed to do. They are not organized 10 make everybody love each other. You are not going to walk oul o f a living room dialogue toially excepimg of homosexual11y or inter·racaaJ marnage or "Mexicans " on 1he beach. The Newpon Beach. Individual Instruction by at1ist Mimi Sharon will be offered to beginning end advanced students. For more information. call (949) 644-31 51. Orange Coast Unitarian Univeraalist Church presents "Islam and Women: Fact and Fiction" at 7:30 p.m. at 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. The event It free, and parking is available next to the church. Gaye Tomlinton, a native of Turtcey and sett-described moderate practicing Muslim, will lead the program. For more information, call (94.9) 646-4652. The Newport Bead't Chamber of Commerce will hold a buaineu after-hours mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mimi's Cafe, 1835 Newport Blvd. In Costa Mesa. The mixer is free for membera, $10 for potential membes'a.. Foi more information. call (714) 886-9090. THURSDAY .Aw ~to VilMant LMng· la a free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at Mother~s Market 225 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa. To make reservatlona, call (800) 695-6667. Enjoy an amry of culinary apecieltlea from South Coaa1 Plau restaurants end tasting• from p1'9mlum wineries end breweries at the Summer Food end Wine Fettlval at the plaza's Crate and Btrrel from 8 to 9 p.m. Every $40 edvanoe tldctt wfll benefit the Second Harvat Food Bank of Orange County and Someone Cares Soup Kitchen. Tldc8ta ere $50 at the door. For more Information, cell (714) 436-2180. ~-.....~ .... Life~ Division lnvitN the public to 1 brNltfest dJecuaalon, "WMre 'ttM# ....... How Oo Yau PtOllal It. erid How Do Yau .-aid ~ 8ued1"' from 7:30to~ 1.m. .. the c..... Qub,., Town ~ Dmli, In COICI Miu. For rtMl'vdonl, catl (310, 231-8110 pomt is to learn something new. What you do o r don'1 d o w11h that information ic; up to you. •LOLITA HARPER wntes column!. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts She may be reached at 19491 574-4275 or bye mail at lol1ta.h11rper o /11t1me1.com. "Legally Blonde" starting at dusll on the Newpon sand. Parking costs S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'more5. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive For more information, call (949) 729~DUNE. SATURDAY Claulc boats ,.c:e from the dodt of Newport Harbor Museum while events take plaoe in and around the museum from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Heritage Regatt• and Seaport Festival. Clauic woodies. surfing exhibits, boat building, model building, food and music will be on hand at no cost to attendees. The Seaport Festival will take place all day at the museum and will include a luau dinner and awards show. For more information, call (949) 673-7863. ~ort-Cunee A•ori'a •McMee on the Beach .. aeries offers "Beauty and the Beast,. starting at dusk on the Newpon sand. Parking costs S8 per car. Campfirea will also be available for s'mores. Th• resort ia at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. Health-coMdout c:itlzent of all egea invited to the Oalfa Heahh Felrfrom 8t.m. to 1 p.m. et the Corona del Mar Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. Free tests wflt be available for blood preecure, vision, heennu, body fat, pulmonary lung fl.lnc:tJon, podiatry, dttmatok>gy, and phytlcel thttapy and ctalropnldk: M8ds. Other tMtt will be ofhw9d for a S20 to $45 fee. For more S..TOWN,hpA5 lot Daily Piiot a· JULY2 9'detty cJlents lncepable of ilk Continued from A4 sixth grades are Invited to themaetves through •Mobile n· ·storytelling Safari" at 3 p.m. at Meals:' sponsored by the Mariners 8nnch Public ASH-Harbor Arel Inc. and Hoag es information, call (949) 718-1821. Library. The program wilt be Hospital. Call (949) 645-8060 for le repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 3 at more information. al The Coat. Mesa Senion c.n. the Balboa Branch. For more i't will hold a flea market from 8 a.m . information, call (949) 717·3816. Aw new win• wiU be sernd on or to 1 p.m. at the center's parking Bayside Restaurant's terrace 'W lot, 695 W. 19th St. Spaces cost JULY 3 over1ooklng Newport Harbor of $10 for members, $20 for Child,.,. entering first through every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 nonmembers. Reservations are sixth grades are invited to p.m. The cost Is $15 per person. Ut required. For more information, "Storytellil}g Safari" at at 10:30 For more information, call (949) call (949 645-2356. a.m. at Balboa Branch Public 721-1222. X· Library. For more information, ty SUNDAY call (949) 717-3816. Newport Dunes Resort's .. Movies is Mla.nnlum Medical Spa In on the Beach ff will run every Newport Beach is hosting an JULY4 Friday and Saturday throughout all-day complimentary JO.minute The American l..aglon Yllcht Club the summer, Including a makeover event. The spa will will host the 48th Fourth of July two-hour barbect.le before the s. provide each customer with Boat Parade, featuring loads of movies start at dusk. Guests are education on skin care and dedced out yachts parading along invited to bring their favorite cuts mineral makeup. The "Mineral the waters of Newport Bay of meat The reson will provide Make-up" event will be from 10 starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 the rest for $7.95 per person. The a.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment boat categories eligible for films will be shown on a large only. Call (949) 863·1667 for an awards. For more information. screen in the sand on every appointment. call (949) 673-3546. Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. JUNE 29 JULYS Parking is S8 per car. For more The first 0 1'8nge County dragon Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies information, call (949) 729-DUNE. boat race and friendship on the Beach" series offers breakfast potludc sponsored by "Robin Hood" starting at dusk on A VllMty of privet., Mmi-private the Orange County Chinese the Newport sand. Parking costs and group swim lessons will be Cultural Club will be held from 8 $8 per car. Campfires will also be offered this summer at the a.m. to noon at the Newport available for s'mores. The resort Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center Aquatic Center. 1 Whitecliffs is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For at Corona del Mar High School. Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. more information, call (949) Options include one-on-one Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. 729-DUNE. instruction on Saturdays and a ~ For event rules, regulations and Monday through Thursday volunteer information, call (7 14) Newcomers to the digital program for all ages and levels. 535-2708. universe are invited to "Tools and For session dates, times and Tricks: Internet 101," a free costs. call (949) 644-3151 , or JUNE30 Internet workshop, at 10 a.m. at register in person at Newport Children .mering first through the Newport Beach Central Beach Recreation and Senior 1lxth grades are invited to Library. The beginning-level Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. "Storytelling SafanH at 10:30 am overview will be repeated at 9 at the Newport Beach Central a.m July 19 at the Balboa branch. Chlld,.n, teens and .ciults c.n Library. The program will be For more information, call (949) now register for summer repeated at 3 p.m July 2 at 717-3816. recreational boating classes Manners branch and at 10-30 a.m. offered through Newport Beach July 3 at the Balboa branch For JULY9 Recreation Services. Classes more 1nformauon, call 1949) Jet Set Introductions invites the begin July 12 Fees vary. Call 717-3816. pubhc to an exclusive evening to (949) 644-3151, or visit the meet some of Orange County's Newport Beach Recreation and JULYl most eligible singles at its Senior Services a 3300 Newport •Beech Landscapes & Rowers· "Where the Elrte Meet" mixer Blvd. for more information. will be on display at Newport from 6 to 9 p.m. at Bno Beach City Hall through Sept. 30. Restaurant in Corona del Mar. Profnaional •nd licenMd soccer The cost is $75 per person. Wear trainers with the All-England ~ The exhibit features digitally codctail attire. For reservations, Soccer Academy are available for manipulated aenal photographs call (949) 2~ before July 2. one-on-one, small group and of the Hawa11an islands by Donna large group training. For more Ruz1dca and colorful umbrella JULY 19 information, call (949) 395-5103. beach scenes by Carole Boller Newcomers to the digital For more information, call (949) universe are invited to "Tools and The Am Page -Rn• Children's 717·3816. Tridcs: Internet 101 ; a free Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Internet workshop, at 9 a.m. at Costa Mesa, offers free story time Artistry will combine with the Balboa branch of the Newport Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays passion for a popular sport in Beach Public Library. For more and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10·30 "Tennis in Art; an exhibit of information, call (949) 717-3816. a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays paintings by Jose Mendoza, on from 4 to 5 p.m. For more display in the Newport Beach ONGOING information, call (949) 645-5437. Central Library foyer through Volunteer driven are needed to Aug. 30 For more information, help dehver nutritiously prepared Jewish Family S.Viee is call (949) 717-3816. meals to homebound. frail or sponsoring a teen support group for high sdlool ttudenta that p.m. at Tarbut V'T0tah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For Information or to regis1er, call (714) 445-4960. Pre-registration ia required. "Ab9tnc:t Wottta on Canvas end Paper;' an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newport Beacn Central Library through June 30. The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener's "Washed Away" series, created by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it away to suggest the passage of time. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. Award-winning worb by Orange County anists working in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newpon Beach City Hall through June 27. for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Bayside R..Uul'8nt In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721 -1222. If you~ orchid Is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p m at the 20362 Birch St. facility Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the secrets of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautrful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information Tu m Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise. hosts "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m . the second and fourth Fnday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all frtness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.AF.E. Hands. S.A.F.E Monday t .Aile 23, 2003 A5 11and1 for aaf9'Y. awareness, group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079 Oe.i. s.nJor CenWr holds • THns .,. Invited to drop by the pancake breakfast from 7:30 to city of Costa Mesa Recreation 10 a m on the second Saturday Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday of every month Breakfast through fnday for indoor and includes pancakes, sausage, outdoor sports and activities. coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 The center is at 1860 Anaheim for children The center is at 800 Ave. For more information, call Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For (714) 327-7560. more information. call (949) 644-3244. The Newport Beech Waiki~ Club meets et the comer of M•cy's South Coast Plea Superior and Hospital Road in presents "Workshop Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and Wednesdays A Hands-on 1 p.m. everyday. For more Cooking Class Program" hosted information, call (949) 650·1332. by chef Alexx Guevara The class is held from 6 10 7 30 p m The Newport Beach Cake Wednesdays a1 3333 Bristol St., Decorating Club meets from 7 to Costa Mesa The cost, including 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at materials, Is $30 To reserve a Superior and Hospital Road in spot, call (818) 994 5075 Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650 1332 Yoga •nd rt.ythm, "Yogarhythm1cs" combines The Au n. of Eklsineu Services yoga, dance and fun The cJass 1s hosu a networking meeting that held from 4 30 to S 45 p m deals with education Tuesdays di 2850 Mesa Verde connections from 6 to 8:30 p m Drive Eas1 Suite 111 Costa on the !Mlcons' Tuesday of every Mesa For mor~ information, call month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 (714) 754 7399 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. The Newport Hut>or Neutiul Museum offers the exh1b1t •Joe "Divorce: A New Beginning; • Duncan Gleason Rediscovering workshop for men and women California's Marine An Master; divorced or getting divorced, 1s through Sept 30 The museum held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m is at 1S1 E Pac1f1c Coast at 180 Newport Center Drive on Highway, Newport Beach Free the third Saturday of every adm1s11on For more month. Cost is $40. For more information, call (949) information, call 644-6435 673 7863 The Newport Beach Public lntemlth couples wrth one Library hosts an hour of stones Jewish partner are invited to and crafts for children in part1c1pate 1n a discussion group kindergarten through the at the Jewish Family Service of second grade at the Corona del Orange County office The group Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m 1s geared toward dealing with Tuesdays. The library is at 420 issues between interfaith Mangold Ave. For more couples, such as raising information, call (949) children, observing holidays, 717-3800. symbols in the home and relationships with extended FNe tours of t he Orange County families The cost for three Performing Arts Center take sessions 1s $45 per couple guests to the dressing rooms. Preregistration IS required Call performer's lounge, badtstage to sdledule date and time. The and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every office 1s at 250 E. B~ker St., Suite Wednesday and Saturday at 600 G, Costa Mesa (714) 445-4950. Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by Women SO and older can join a special arrangement. For more discussion group coordinated by information, call (714) 556-ARTS, Jewish Family Services to ext. 833. address issues such as anxiety, depression, rela11onsh1ps. The Newport Beach Newcomers loneliness and family The group Club holds a general meeting on meets from 10 to 11'.30 am the third Wednesday of every Mondays at the agency offices. month. The organization is open 250 E Baker St., Suite G, Costa to all women residents in Mesa. Preregistration required Newport Beach who have lived (7 14) 44!>-4950 City of Newport Be•ch and the Coron• del M•r Chamber of ComMerce Th ank the 2, 400 participants and our Sponsors for their generous support. Event Sponsor Runner's Bib Sponsor Priestly Ch iropractic Group. Inc 2 Mile Walk Sponsor Mariners Escrow Restaurant Row Sponsor Fletcher Jones Motorcars Media Sponsor Dai ly Pilot Awards Sponsor Chip Stassel. State Farm Insurance Entertainment Sponsor W are Dis osal Printing Sponsor Phillips Au to Dolphin Dash Sponsor Tony Florez Photography Supporting Sponsors Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water Fast Frame Corona del Mar Five Crow ns Restaurant P•trons Albertson's • Bant of Al'Mfica • John Blom Custom Photography • Cot~ Rcarty Group • Concept Studio Crown N:.e Haraware · Restaurant Row Participants '11bemon's • lfita'S B Rar Kt*> • Bamboo 8'stJo • 8no • Ciae> coco·s ~ ~ • F~ Crowns Restau"ant Gary's NeW YOik ~ Oft • GIAl"'s Pttza • Thie Healln ErnpotU'n Mlftllet & Grllt • Newport 8eact1Aaza Reil~~ ~·s Coffee and Tea • The a.. WOmin • Rose Ooru:l fUJls Diner • SeaaWs eest COM!e • Xd1oUt Nani-a Biiey Trader Joe's • romny Bahaml's Ttqllcal '* \Mlal's ~ llsU'o and l.cU9 • Zinc'* and a..o QUOTE OF THE DAY "In a sense, I wa.r on sonwthlng duJt wa.r gro L..teC.. ~·•.DltJPlot Hll ... ,. Mondly, .u. 23, 2003 M's lose control, contest The Corona del Mar Hi&h boys voleyball team ran the tlble In 1 O Paciflc Coast Leap matches · this sprtna to clain the lea ue ---~-c . CoechStlve Conti's Sea Ki'las went on to advance to the CF Southern Section DMslon I ~. completq their season with a 19-12 record. J • ........ ......... 0..: (949) 574-4223 • .,...,a: (949)650-0170 COSTA MESA LITTLE LEAGUE PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS EYEOPENER 11 Daily~Pib II llllfll .... Mii 30 honorH PHL BROWN ~e. Costa Mesa American LitUe League Minor A Mariners shortstop P.J. Malony, left, makes the play on the Robinwood Little League Reds' Kevin Graham in District 62 Tournament of Champions action Saturday at LeBard Part< in Huntington Beach. At left, Mariner Tyter Sheffner waits for the throw that was too late to retire Reds' base rumer Kevin Hofcomb at home plate. The Reds scored eight runs In the third inning and won, 10-0, in four innings to eliminate the Mariners. PHOTOS BY~ McCRNt< I DMYPl.OT FROM THE SIDELINES Tars ' reunion taking shape A n enerp.ed au. of 1953 from Newport Harbor High that featured three c:huJJplonablp teum.• LAWRIE CUNNINGHAM Newport Harbor Former tennis standout helped lead Sailors to school's first CrF So uthern Section crown. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot D uring the late 1960i>. when men\ tennir, wa-. on the ri~. Lawne Cunmngham savored every moment and drew inspiration. When the !>port started to become popular. Cunningham did his be1>1 to help Newport I larbor 1 ligh abo take its game to the next level. In his junior year, h(' contributed to the Sailor<,' U I· Southern Section tiLh.•. A.., an important part of tht• Long Gray IJne, Newport's 1%7 boy., tennis coached." Throughout high school, Cunningham, who firs t started playing tennis when he was 12, competed in singles and doubles. His doubles partner was Jim Ogle. After graduating from Newport Harbor, Cunningham moved to the Pacific Northwest and played for one year al Seatlle University. Ultimately, he decided, "it wa<>n't for me." So, he transferred to Orange Coast College. where he again teamed with Ogle in doubles. ( :unningham played for one year at OCC and then went into Lhe Navy reserves. I le crown was the firM Uf team champt0n'>h1p in ..chool history. The Swlor!>' boy-. water polo team won a (.If ta tic an the fall of 1967. ..------~ was stationed in In 1968. Cunningham'!> !>enaor year. the Sailor; reached the Clf utJe match, and lost to Rolling Hills. ·When I started Lawrie Southeast Asia for two years before coming back to the U.S. I le then met up with he. younger brother, Rob, and played for two years at the University of Arizona. playing tennis, it wasn't Cunningham the most popular The Cunmngham brothers went undefeated in doubles for two years in the Western Athletic sport,· Cunningham sa.ad. "If you played tennis, you didn't get much re!>pect. But we were getting good when tennis was hitting its stride. With Uimmy) Connors and !Bjorn) Borg the sport started 10 rise. We were at the forefront of the rise of tennis. In a sense, I was on something that was groundbreaking." Cunningham referred to the CIF title as his ·mam memory." during his high school years. In addition to the impact of that achievement, Coach Wayne Horowf tz was also important 10 Cunningham. The Newport coach served as a great leader for the Sailors, who were undefeated in 1967. "He couldn't play a Uck of tennis, but he was an Inspirational coach, and players liked playing for him," Cunningham said. ·He was the one who kept us together. He showed us what it meant 10 coach without getting in your face. He was very enthusiastic. One of the things I got out of high school was how he Conference. They reached the quarterfinals of the NCAA doubles tournament in 1974, when the duo also won the Adoption Guild doubles title. ·1 won a lot of tournaments in my junior year lat Arizona)," Cunningham said. "Frankly. I don't know where the trophies are at: When Cunningham's tennis-playing days ended, he became the head tennis pro at the Indian Wells Racquet Oub. However. he truly found h1s niche when he went into h1s family business of selling nursery stock and plant material. Since l9n. he and h1s brother and his sister, Sue, have been managing D.L Cunningham Inc. Cunningham, 53, and the latest Daily Pilot Hall of Fame honoree, lives In Laguna Niguel with his wife of 24 years, Connie. They have three children, Ashley, 21. lfevor, 19, and Doug. 16. Ashley and lfevor are attending Arizona. while Doug is competing in swimming and water polo at Aliso Niguel High. TRACK AND FIELD Day finishes second at junior nationals Costa Mesa grad soars 5 feet, 10 inches to claim runner-up laurels. svmoRD -W!rh a clear- ance of 5 feet.. I 0 Inches, the ume height she won her second ltnfgbt CF State dtle ln the girls hi8ti jump two weeb ago. Costa Mela High graduate Sharon Day ftniabed runner-up to Georgia 'lecll'a Olaunte Howard at the USA Junior Outdoor track and 6eld championships Saturday at Stanford University. Howard. a CIF State dtle holder in the event as well, soared 5-11 Y. to earn the victory. Day. who graduated Thunday, competed In the senior nationals Sunday. but did not advance to the flnaJs. With her jump Satur· day, Day quall.6ed for the United States junior nadooal team Chat will compete al the Pan Amert· can Games ln August. her father, Eugene. said SPORTS IRRELEVANT WEEK XXVlll Arrival Party honors Hoag Irrelevant Week festivities begin today in Newport. After being selected No. 262 by the Raiders as the absolute dead- last pick in the 2003 NFL draft, former Gustavus Adolphus Col- lege (Minn.) receiver Ryan Hoag will officially be honored as Mr. lrrel~t xxvm. beginning to- day at the Arrival PatfJ at the N~nDunes. The Arrival Party, lnduding the customary showering of gifts and cheerleader escon, kicks off many of the Irrelevant Week tra· ditlons. Mickey Mouse is also scheduled to join the festivities today, which begin at 5:30 p.m. Hoag will receive the Low- sman Trophy at a banquet Thursday that will also feature Helsman Trophy winner Carson Palmer, picked No. l overall 'by the Bengals out of USC. DEEP SEA IUNOAY'I COUNTS N9wport Unc9ng • 8 boets, 227 •note,.. 7 yellowuil, 2 barrecvda. 179 ullco beA, 116 Nnd ban, 15 theephead, 7 Nrv<>, 34 perctl, 1 yellowfln croaker, 1 blldt Ml ban (retenedl HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratilR the Datt Piaf's Athlete oflhe Wee« series l Ii i f 1 I TODAY 20-Aaron P.lreot Newpor1 Harbor . 21 · Jenna a.no Newpor1 Htlrbor Glrle Wlltllf' poto, 1999 a · Biiiy Muunger CorOf\I del Mar Boys volleyball, 199tr97 e:~---"' TRU CK s 300 0 ~ o -/ .. FOR &O ( VO}d } SALE . ' 'I ' • --' I t' 1 I 1 ,, h 1 '' Mo11day, June 23. 2003 A7 l \I I M ~ • .Jme 23, 2003 S PORTS CANTRELL Continued from AfJ such as Bill Inloes. Pred Netlbltt. Gordon &medltJd and Bob Wett.el. who. in ttme. became a hf8blY regarded volleyball roach at Orange Coast CoDege. to become an assistant pdndpal at Estancia High and sen-ed once uacoadi. In time, Pu&aski. a wnatile atb)iete out of Balboa lsJa.nd. advanced to play quarterback for four years at USC Al. Harboc Higtl. be ranbd high in total gridiron ICOring and fJnllhed his prep career with 102 points runnin& His compledoo rate wus also dose to 50% since his sophomore year. Al bwiris varsity swimmers were puled by numerous stars, including Buddy Coane, Buster Hammond. Graham GibboM. Ha.mbrook and Dennis ~n The Cees were undefeated from 1950 through 1956. Outstanding for C.00.cb Emil Neemes baseball team were Oo the decieaaed class member Uplllalcm 2MI Uplllalkll 2MI UplllelCll -llplllalica ~iiiiiiiii---;min~Q=IM=,..:=.~.:::::i~~i .... ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-, •11MS,~..._2:t0,.alffllM.,lf My,20tl Place of Bid Receipt:,_.... V•y ~ Dhtrlct, 17210 o.l s-. ,_,. V .. y, C_,.f....i. 92709 All bids sh•ll be made and ptesented ooty °" the fotnis ptesenled by lite school d1Stricl IU. wit ... ,..Mfdy .,._., .-r"411 et 2.00 p.-. -.... 2114 4-y .f My, 200S .. tM -.ve ....... , ... tM 1Mr4 ·-· Netea Dlttrkt Offke'• Cleek 11 te ... efflclal cledt .... ,.._ Proiect ldentifieabon Name: School Modernization, Phue I, Tamura £1emenury School, Fulton Middle School, Plavan Elementary School Plana .,. on file •I. &ta--.... C-tn.ctlee c ... CM ,. .... Offtu, '"'• • ...._ Sdteea, 1111 a teee Street, ,_.. v.a.y, c.. n1oa NOTICC IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Covernln1 Board ol the foUAtaln Velley School District, hefe•'l•lter referred to H "DISTRICT", 1s cellina for and will receive M..tti,a. Pr'-e c-tTecten' sealed bids tor the award of con tr act f01 the above Project up to. but not later than, the above·stated time tor Bid Cateaorles listed below. In accordance with the ptovisions of Bu$inen and Profeuions Code Section 7028.15 and Public Conltact C-Ode Seclton 3300, the DISTRICT requirn that the prospective bidders must be properly licenud at the time ol bid Furthermore, the said license must be deemed lo be "on 1ood sland1na·. F ••lure to s•lrsty this requirement shall deem the blddet non·responsrve •nd they will be d1Squalrl1ed The succeuful bidder MUST maintain the license lhrouahoul the duration ot their contract 114 Coteprt I Sape ef Wm Cet..-y· 1 I Ele<tflail, fire AJen., ...i Lew v.tt.,. The DISTRICT will ulllue the followma method lo delerrrun1 the lowest bidder In accord•nce with Public Contract Code section 20103 8· YIS The lowest bid shall be the lowest bid price on the bese contnct without cons1der•IJon ol lhe pt ices 011 the add1t1ve or deductive items NOt The lowest btd shall be the lowest total ol the bod proces on the base con tr act and the lollow1n1 add1hve or deductive rtems NOa The lowed bod shall be the lowest total of the bid prices on the base conlncl and the followona add1t1ve or deductive items taken in order H listed below dependina upon the av11lable lunch for this Proiect NOt The lowest bid shall be determined in • manner that prevents any 1nformetion that would 1denhty any of the bidders from bein1 revuled to the DISTRICT befo«e the rankin& of all bidden trom lownl to hl&J'lul has been determined The procedUfes the OISTillCT will utohze lo conceal lite 1denhty of eny of the bidders will be u follows· Ml1e......_W__..I_ Bids shall be 1ece1v1d 1n the place 1dentlf11d above, and shall be opened and publicly read aloud at Ille above-staled time end plu1. There will be I $150.00 re......W. dt.r.. tor each set of bid documents. No partial sets will be available. There will be a .._~M...t.t.ry Pre-114 c..1-et t.00 ....... J--41oy, .hlM 24, 2003. Pr..,,.cttve ....._.. .a..11 -• tit IM l>htrfd e C-trwt'-M--..r'• f..W effke, 8771 D lep Street, ,_.... V.iley, Ca. t2701. C.-.ct P-Mee M<Clel.t, "'efect ._....., 714..U7-7010, (ce#) 760-l02-6U6 l'rosc>eelivt contract bidders may secure up lo one (I) set ol said documents OMlY from the OISTRIC'T's Construction Manaaer, lridi--.... C-~ Ce., CJI fleW Offlq, 1771 P leee Street, ,_,. V.iley, c .. t27M (714) 147-7010. 04pos1ts will be refundw upon the return of said documents to the Construction Mana1er in 1ood condrtton within l1ve (S) calend., days •fter bids on the pro,ect have been opened A non refundable ma1hn& charae ol S25.00 will be required for each set mailed to C1hfl)fnia cities (out of slate locallons will be hi1her ). Bidders in need of m01e than one set ol bid documents may purchase additional seu (ooly 1f an1lable •I tile CoMtruction Mana1er's field Office) at $SSO,OO eac.b _ • ._....... All bidders 1ntend1n1 to ptck up plans al the Constructton Mana1tr's f"111d Offiu •r• ur1ed lo call In adnnce to 11tfify bid document 11.1tatlab1l1ty Bid documents (with a sample bid form only) will be placed in the Construction Manapr's Olfice Plan Room and 1n the followina plan room f .W. Dode• McGraw· Holl, Inc. Erockson Hell Const1uction Co. Plan Room Plan Room 2L50 Town Center Place. Suite 100 500 C01porale Drive Anaheim CA 92806 Escondido, CA 92029 Phone 11•·937·0831 It t1 ,,.,., iooipwt-1 tt..t pt'..,,.cfht• l'~IMe Cewtrecter .. ,44.n, that choose to use 1 plan room 1n heu of obl•1n1n1 their own complete set ot bid documenls. cont1c:I the Conslruc:lion M1n11u. Erkbon·Hall Con,truct1on Co (71•) 841·1010, •nd request a frM Bid Pac:k•&• This Bid Packaae contains. amone other Important lhin1s. the bid form that MUST be used lo $Ubm1t 1 p11me contractor's bid to the DISTRICT Each bidder shall be 1 locenud contractor pursuant to the Cahfo.n1a Business and Profesuons Code, •nd be licenwd lo perform the work called IOI 1n the conlr act documents file successful b1d6e1 must possess the spec1l1ed contractor's license that 1s vahd and active for uch Bid P.cka&e listed above al the time of subm1ttin11 a bid. Tiie C-'rectof"e Ceflfentle State UtMn _......, ......... <'-"Y etote4 -the ............. pt'..,. .... Subcontractors shall be lkensed pursuant to California law IOI lhe tradn necessary to perform the work called fOI In the contract de><:uments and n specified f0< each Bid Packaee ~c1f,.d above Each bid must strictly conl01m with and be responsive lo the contnct documents H defined in the Ceneral Conditions Tloe DIS'flKT ,...ervee tM rlpt te r•t•<t -y er .a W4. • te ••Iv•_., lrT ...... ltl"., ........... "" "'-y ......... '" ...... ~ Each bidder snall S4lbm1I with his bid, on ll'le form furnished with the contract documents, • llsl of the des11nated s ubcontractors on th•~ Proiect H requ11ed by the Subleltln1 •nd Subcontr1etin1 ra11 Practices Act. California Pubhc Contract Code sections •100 et seQ In acc0<dance with CahfOfnloa Pubh~ Contract C04k section 22300, the DISTRICT will permit the subsloluhon ol ncunhes 10< any moneys withheld by the OISTRICT to ensure performance under lht cootract Al the request and ••pense of the Contractor, ucur1lles equivalent lo the amount w1thlteld shall be deposited with the DISTRICT, or wrtl'I a st.le 01 federally chattered bank as the ucrow aaent. who shall then pay such moneys lo the Contract0< Upon satosfact01y completion of the contract. the securilJeS shall be returned to the CootsaclOI Each bidder's bid must be accompal\led by one ol the fotlow1na IOfrM of bidder'• security (I) cash. (2) • cashier's check m•de payable lo the OtSTRICT, (3) a certified check made payeble to the DISTRICT. or (•) a l»dder's bond ueculed by • Calrforni• admitted smety H defined In Code of Civil Procedure sechon 995.120. made payable lo the DISTRICT In lite f0<m set lorth h1 the contract documents. S4'di ltf'4!.r't M <wlty _, ..... _ _. ............ ·-per<eltt (l«>"ltl .f ..... _._ -' ..t M4 .. • ..--.. tllM tM M4'ff wt• Mtw late * ..,,.._ .. ~.ct, If tM -.. -'-' te well .. IMer, -"' wll ... ,..._ .... r~ P'wfe. •" ._. p~ ...... -4 '---• c~ a. ""8 ...,_. 8' ...._. te -... hlte Ml4 <..tr.ct w ...... -.. _.-y ••IHI Uta, ...... M<Wlty wll ... fwfelte4. The DISTRICT has obtained from the 011ecl0t of the Oep•rtmenl of lltdustrlal Relatlon.s the ieneral preve1hna rate ol per diem w•&H In the loullty In which this" work Is lo be performed tor uch ctafl or type ol worlctr needed to UKUll the contract These per diem r•tes, 1ncludin1 holiday and O¥ertlme work H well a.s employer paymenb fO< heatth and welfare, pet\SM)lt, vacation, and similar purposes, are on ltle at the edmlnlstnO.... office ol Iha DISTRICT. louted as noted above Pursuant lo C1lrlotnl• labOf Code sections 1720 el seq., 11 shall be mandelOIY UPGft the Contractor to whom the contnct 1s awarded, and upon any 1ubconllactor under such Contractor, to pay not less than the said specified rates to •II wort.en employed by them In the eaecution of the contr.c1 No bidder may withdraw •ny bid for • period ol silty (60) calendar da •fter the dat• aet IOI lht openin1 ol bidt s.._ ... ,.,...... ... ,...-........ --.... _. ..... SUllOllS Nb~~~lN· DANT. (Avlso • Acusa do) MICHAEl COROOH, an individual; THE GOffDON FAMILY TRUST; MARTHA Ell2AEBTH CORDON, an individual; and OOES I lhrouah 10, inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTlfF: (A Ud le ISU dem•nd· ando) RUS, MlllBANO & SMITH, A Professional Corpor 1 t Ion You hive 30 CAl.EN· OAR DAYS after this r.ummons 1s sened on you to hie a typewritten response at this court A letter or phone call will not p1otect you, your typewritten re sponse must be 1n p1oper leaal form if you want the court to hear your use. II you do nol hie your response on lime. you may lose the case, and your waaes. money and property may be taken without further warnin1 from the court There are other leeal requoremenls. 'l'ou m1y want to c•ll an attorney 1111hl 1way If you do not know an at101ney, you may call an attorney referral service or a leaal aid office (listed on the phone book) Despues de que le entr11uen esta c1tacion Judlc11I usted tiene un ptazo de 30 DIAS CAI. ENOARIOS para presen tar una respues ta es crilii • maquma en nta corte Una carh o una ll1m1d• telefonica no le otrecer1 proleccion, Ml res puesla esctila a maqu1na litne Qui cumphr con In form•I 1dades le&ales aptop11 du s1 usted quiere que la corte esc uche su c:aso S• usled no p1esenl• su 1espuesta a !tempo, puede perder el caso. y le puedan qu1tar su sallfto, su dinero y oll as cosud1 su propieded sin 1v1so adicional por part• de la corte Ex1sten olros requiSI los lecaln. Puede qu1 inted qu .. ra llamar a un ebo1ado 1nm1d1al•· menle S1 no cone><:e a un abo11do, puede llamar a un serv1clo de referenc1a de aboaados o a uni oficone 6e ayuda le1al (vea el direct01io telefOf'llCO) CAHNUMIU.. ~.WC-) OJCC02719 JUDGI DAVID A. TH- OMPSON Dll'T. <23 The name iind 1ddress of the court is· (Cl nombre y direccion dt la COfll CS) SUPERIOR COURT Of CALIFORNIA, COUNTY Of ORANGE. CE N TRAL JUSTICF CENT£R, 100 CIVIC CE NT(R DRIVE WEST. SANTA ANA, CA 92702 The name. address and teltptlone number ol pla1nt1tt's atlOfney, or pla1nt1fl without •n attorney is: (El nombre, la dlrecclon y el numero de telelono def abocado 611 clemandante. o del demandante que no liefle abopdo, H ) RONALD RUS, ESQ .. ~7369, RUS, MlllBANO & SMITH, A Professional Corporation, 2600 Mlchebon Orlv1, Seventh Floor. Irvine, California 92612,(949) 7~2·7100 DATl: (fecJ..) Fll 07, tOOJ ALAN SUTll, CIMll r:;;:;\avo Hll- NANDlt, De,t1ty (D1h,d1) Publ shed Newport Beach-Costa Meu Daily Piiot June 23, JO, July 1, 14, 2003 M7.U llOOOOf NUCllAm& NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public heuina will be held by the Costa Men City Council °" July 7. 2003, 11 6<)() p m , 1n the Council Chambers of City Hall, 11 f 111 Drive, on the followin111em APPLICATION lrom John Moreharl appulma Iha Plannm& Commis- sion's denial ol ,..ni.-.t Plann1n1 Application PA 03·02 tor Ba11y Wali.er for • relocation permit/master plan/ minor de\illn review lo replace of one of four ta1sll"& resldenltal dwelhna umls wrth the 2 story ·Huser olt Hous e·, d1v1de the p1operty into IN« lots, with variances from opeo space requirements (40'1. requtred, 34'f, to 36'1. provided). parkina requirements ( 14 spaces required, 10 spa ces ptovlded), m1n1mum lot area (12 000 sq tt requited, 3.001. 3.670 & C,895 sq. ft Pfoposed). vehic le b•ck out re· qulrements (25' re qutred, 2•· ptopos.ed). rear setback require· menb (20' requited, 7' proposed), 8nd SltHI h ont•ae requirements. and adm1n1stral1ve ad 1ustment~ from fr ont utback requirem•nts (20' required, 12 5 proposed) and side setbacl< requwements cs· requtred: 3' propoud), and a conditional un permit to ellow shar"' parluna between the proposed lots. located at !>t8 Bernard in an R2·HD ione Environmental Determtn1tJon E umpt IF THE AFOREMEN· TIONED ACTION IS CHALLENGED IN COURT. the challenae may be hmoted to only those luues r11nd et the public heerln& descrobtd 1n lh~ notice. or in written c0<rnpondenc1 delivered lo the City Council at. or prlOI lo, lht public hnrona NOTICE IS FURTH(R GIVEN that at the above lime and piece, all interested persons m1y appear and be heard by the Crty Council on the above Item JUUlfOl<JK, D.,..ty City C1erli Published N•wport Boach·Cosl• Mesa Daily P1lol June 23, 2003 ,..742 ISC1SIH ·--0.0fM nAllOfeu.A (Gm'f Of .... "99All M1ICI Clllll ................ ,". llAH SCHWANU TIUSJ,-.... ~ 21, 1H7, cnt!te4 .. ., LMlli sctiw-. Dec ... ... CHe Ne. A!10166 Oe•erel J•rh4lctle1t (Pr...._ c-t) NOn<I tOCREDfTOU (Pr ... Ce4e § ltoSO) Notice Is hereby &lven to the credlt0<s and contln11nt creditors of th• •bove·named Dec•· ilenl, l .. h Schwaner, that ell persons hevin& clalms •a•lnsl the OeceOflnl •re requind to file them with the Supe110< Court of Call· forn1a. County of Of· ana•. Lamoreau• Justice Center. 11 341 The City 011ve, Oranae. Calilorn•• 92868, aod mail or dehvtr a copy to Linda Roeers, fr us tee of The Leah Schwaner Trust dated October 28, 1991. of which the Decedent was the settlor, 11 c/o Stephen M Ma1ro. Attorney 11 L1w, 18002 lrvma Boulevard. Suite 10!>. Tustin. Cahforn11 92780. within the l•ler ol four (4) months alter June 16. 2003. Of 11 notice 1s m11led or personally dellve<ed lo you, thirty (30) days alter the dale thn nollee ·~ mailed or i>«sonally delivered to you. Of you must pthhon lo file a late claim as 11<ov1ded 1n Caltlorn1a Prob1t1 Code section 19103 A c l11m form may be obtained from the court clerk For your protec hon. you are encou111ed to Ille your claim by certified m11I, with return receipt requested Dated June 7 2003 Steptle• M .. M•f'•· Att-yetl-. /S/ St.,..... M. Me· Att-yf ... u..4e • '""" .... n.. Sc"-Trwt 4ete4 Octe .. er 21, IH7 ....,_, 18002 ............. ._..,s.e •• 105, fwti., c.11 ........ t27IO Publ11hed Newport Beach·Costa Mesa Daily Pilot June 16. 20, 23, 2003 Mf736 IOTICI orr.K WI Of&m....n Nobe• is hereby aivan that a closed bid public auction will be held on June 30. 2003 at 11 00 o'dock AM al Mint U Slor•1• II, 1111 Camel baQI Street Newport Buch, County of Or •nae. C111forn1a Mm1 U Stor aee II will sell lo satisfy the lien on the follow1n1 miscellaneous houuhold and eenetal property stored al 1111 Camelb•ck Street Newpor I Buch, CA 92660, by the lollowin1 persons The 1nvenl0<1es hsted below wer • no lated by the lenanh •I the lime ol rental Mint U SI01aae II mllku no COAST "'I )f ~ llS1IK1 Al¥ll11DaT Rll llGllST All OIAIRATlll l'ref•d• (~ • ..., c-,,....,., Perl-· c-t""1 lfQ ~005-03, Oete 1...-1te41 My 10, 2001, , .... 4.00 p.-.• l'refect &..<....._., Or:rr.!::'9..:.!1.Zp O.W-W"t , ..... s.e...tt lfQ ... ...a.41 _......, c-t c-tty c..l.p Dhlttct, A."9a.,... lldley, Plrtstceil Fed•tte•, 1170 A'-A.-, ...... 0, C..te ..... CA thu Coast Community Colle&• Oislrttl os Mellln1 qualifications lrom interested Ene10 Service Companies (ESCo) cepable of pro¥1dina comptellenstve eneray coosernllon and enero 1et1ted ·cepltal Improvement services The District inv1tn Interested ftrms to submit their qualification$ Id ptovlde servoces u described herein. Qu1llfteallons should be deUvered lo the Oostrict by Alty JO, 2003 The intent of tilts requtil 1s to Identify and select an ESCo to develop 1nd assist the District In 1mplement1nc 1nero sav1n1s proiects. The putpose of the proiect rs to make the OlstrlCt's Colle1es and C.nters "'°'' ener11 1ff1c11nt, reduce ulll1ty and oper•t1n1 costs, and reduce dependence on arid besed power procurement I. SEIVKlS llQUISJID. The Olltrict Is Interested In 1mplemenhn11 a eornpr1Mf\srv1 renp of 1nero Mr¥lce1 end ener11 rel•l•d capital imc>tovements usill1 • pwform•nce-based contract wrth 1uar •nleed savmp or srm1lar type of •PPfOHd •&rMment. This acquisition tool shell requite no cec>lt•I cost to the District . The ._ -vius the Dlslrtel •nvlmnt • o. m ner y conserva IOfl study, an ln·~tt1 Investment ir•de •"-'IY conserntion eudtt, finencl111 options. de$fcn build Clt)lbitltlh, lnst.ta.tiofl l*50nnel, ptoject men11emenl, measurament and verlflntlon capabilillu, en• the necess.ry lralnlna In the OPtrellon of new equipment or 1ysl1m1. The 1011 of the PfOject Includes but Is not lirnlled to s11n1flcantlY recluclna tfllllY consumption nsocltted wllfl the lteatlnc. ventll1t_loft encl elr Aftdltlonlna systems. chilled watet 1yat1ms, hot w1ttt boiler sy1t-. rnedl!Mkal syslema. llcht1n1 systerm. water conwmptlon, end eny ott. -ro Vllnc devices louted 11 Olstnct fecit1tM. Tiie Oi1lrict npects the lollow1111.-vle:n to be provldecl br the ESCo. A. ~..._,_ •--n ...._ ... The ESCo win perfottn 1 Compreht41slve Cnero A111lysl1 of the l>bttlct's feclt1ll1H to deletmme wtH1t polttttiel lnef'IY itvlnis at• 1¥111.tble I . ~ The lSCO sllcwN pro¥1de fK err.np f1nHCift& ol the pro19Ct, but tlle ObtrlCt ''"'" .. the rtcflt to oroYlde ltt ow11 hlfi6i1 °' llMnclnl f« tM projKt C. .......... ....... The UCo lllollld ptO¥lde • complete dlt.lln of ttie •s:tflM Mite led br lite District. t .I •I tld..._ The £SCo win provide 1 •turn ~•f' Installation or Ille Mlec tnttty efficteMy .-y1l11M. Tltlt wift Include p1ocur&tM-nt, lnstaRetklll •nd 111 constructlo11 111tne~ L Cu If rh t:t The UCo w111 pt0¥1de • tOfllmlssAoniftt ot •II syate-to ....,,, proper alltl!Oft 9114 ..,,_11111fK1. •·,,.......The CSCo wll llfo'IWt t1.W-.lna to Oistrkt peuonnet Ofl Pfllt* Ol*•tlot! 11114 1111lflt1M11« °' .... en411trofiited ·~t 1114 ••It-•• •, ....... ..,. v .......... ., Tiit ESCo .n.11 PfO'llde lftOlfltormc enc1 ¥9flfk•tlon of -o MVlllCI tor tM t.lft of Ute "''°'lnMU contrecL II ......... The lSCo 11\al prowldt • wwr1nty for •II i.tatt.cl srst- l . llUCTIGM. Co•at CCO wlli n1lu1t1 'llll"lltted written quallflclt.._ Md pr ..... tfld ln•lt.e .. uco·• tlM OktrlCt dtt1t111ine. .,, h _. McNP QUlllHIM to pertldpete i. oral l11ttNJtwt encl PflRllUtloM. Tiit Olttt1Ct .. e"alllate UM plftlc~MI end Ried tllt Olllt llelt Mift.14 to UM tlhtrlcf• , ... "*""' J.0.-Cll•W..I>. A. .......... c.e. O.t fOf -~ ,,, ............... ,.,...... pr..,....._ It ...tw~ tM r~ of tflt UCo -' .... 110t ._ dl•pe• "'"Y......,.., le tM Otstrlct ·~-· Of,....._. C...... Tiit ttflt.nb of lf'la pra,oul of tllt WC ftrlft wllf INc-~-·-..... tlOM. , .... fllf tele .. _._.. fltfll 19 MC .............. IOfll Ma ~t C~ ...... I I 1st NJ ,...... Iii ca""•allolt Olf • •••._ ,. • .._,..._...,~~F•1111tr...cr it; C ..... o.trid ...,., www.llCd..,.._.it .... ~9om1.- Pll!lilWIM ........ 8ucJI 0.1.t Me.a Oe111 Nit Miii Z), .-BIO'I M1ll repr1sent1lion or wtr· r1nty that the units 'ontein said lnventor .. s. M047 Jeffrey A Moo<1 Business records A4 ll 2 Rost Marie Woodly -Misc. House holcl Purchues must bt m1de with cash end paid for at the time of purchase No one under the •1• of 18 ts 1llowed to attend the sale The landlord reserves the rl&llt lo bid at the Hie All purchased &oods are t.old "as ts• and must be ttmoved by 5:00 p m. on the day followlna the sale Buyers must pto vldl a cu11ent, 01111nal or • photocopy of lhe11 or1111nal resale permit at the time of sale 1n heu of sales IH. This sale is sub1ect lo p11or c1ncetl•llon in the event ol settlement between landlord and obh1ated party Published Newport Beach Costa Me.u D•oly Pllol June 16 . 23,2003 M735 llOOO Cl MUC WI Of Im PIOPllTT Nolie• Is hereby 11un that • closed bid pubhc auction will be held on kine 30, 2003 al 10 o'clock A.M •I Mini U Stor•ce. 1177 Camel back Street Newp0<t Beach. County ol Or 1n1•. C1ilf0<n11 Mini U Stor•a• will sell to uhsty the hen on the followln& miscellaneous household and 1ene1 al PfOperty stored •I 111/ Camelback Street Newport Beach CA 92660 by the foOow1n1 persons The inventoroes hsled below were no lated by tn. lenanh •I lhe lime of rental Mini U Sl01 aae makes no representation or war ranty that the units contain "'d mvenlo,.es B2514·Cre1 Smith (M1~ Hous.thold, Per son•I Ctteds) B2123·Vernon Bnu~. (Personal Ettects) Purchnu must be made wlltt cash •nd paid for 11 the time ol purchase No one 11nder the aa• of 18 IS allowed to attend the sale The landlord reserves the roaht to bid at lh• u le All purchased 1oods Me sold • n IS· and mu\I be rtrno~•d by 5 00 pm on the day followine the sale Buyers mud pro v1de 1 current, of111nal or • phote><:opy ol lhetr or11inal resale permit •I the lime of sale m lteu of seles tu Thi\ ule IS sub1ect lo Pl IOI cancellation 1n the 1v1nt of ""le.ment belwH" landlofd and obha•ted p11ly Published Ne wpor I Beach·Cosu Mesa Daily Piiot Jun• 16, 23 2003 Ml~ llOOOOf NUC.U. NOTICE IS HCREBY GIVCN that a public hnron1 will be held by the Costa Mesa City Council on July 7. 2003. at 6 lO p.m on the Council Chambers ot City Hill n fatr Ot1ve, on the follow1ne Item · APPLICATION lrom Ken Woods and <1pphc1hon lrom Carl and Clfolee Stevens appeahn& the Plan"ln1 Comm1n1on l apptoval of Conditional Use Permit PA OJ 14 IOI Diane Cun1tt, aulhor1ied 111nt for Glenn •nd Leone Bffler tor a doa day care both Inside •nd outside ol an ek1st1na Industrial bu1ld1na. located at 1629 Superior A¥1nue 1n en MC zone. Env11onm•nlal Determi- nation: Exempt If" THC ArOREMEN· TIONED ACTION IS CHALLENGCD IN COURT. the chellene• may be limited lo only those lsJun raised •t the public he.rm& described 1n the nohc1, or 1n written correspondence dellve11d lo the City Coundl at. or pflor to. the public heanna NOTICE IS FURTHER CIVEN lh•l .it the 1bove lime and place all Interested persons may appear and be heard by the <:.ty Council on the above 1t•m. JUUIFOl(la, D.,..ty City (te.ii Publlshed Newpo rt Beach·CMta Mesa 011ly Pilot June ?3 2003 M7U Rdlll9 ..... ... s..... The followinc persons •re doine business n Hookup•• Adventures. ?131 Alb11rou 01 Costa Mes• Cll 92626 Timothy l Starn 2131 Al batrou D• . Costa Me~. CA 92626 Valerlt M Sl<t•n 'l/37 Altletrou Cost. Mesa CA92626 JhtS bus.nus 1s con dueled by husb,nd and wife Have you stulled <1oon1 busmen yet' No f1m Starn This sl•lemenl wu hied with thf! County Cieri. of 0f'n&e Cciunty on 06/20/0J 200SH41171 Daily Pilot June 73, 30. July 7, 14, 2003 M749 Ac-. ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 perwns are do•nc buStneu n (nc01e Crul$t\, 3474 \1111 Oporto Slop 1109, Ntw porl Beach. CA 92663 Creel Allenlte & Pe cffic Yacht Corp (Ol J 3253 Broao Slrul Newpo•I 811<h Cll 92663 This b1.1,111e>\ 1\ ton ducted by a corpor~lton Have you ilarled do1111 business ye11 No Crut llllanl1<. & Pd u fte Ya<.hl Cl)fp Keren Schuit President This s l•lement wu toted with lht Counly Clerk of Oran&• County on 06/20/03 20036tUll2 Daily Pilot June 23. 30 July I 14 1001 M/41 ........... ... s..... The followina ptrsons 1re dolnt bus'"eu as O'Nul Consulhn1. 759 W 19th St B204 Colla Me~. Cahl0fn1a 92627 Velma l ynn Khqer 0 Neal, 7~ W 19th St B204. Costa Mesa Calt· fO<ntlt 92627 This businus I\ con dueled by an 1ndtv1dual Have you Her led doin1 business yeti ,.,0 Velma l 1nn l\roeiit• O'Ntal This stetement wn toled w1lh the County Cltrk ot Or•llK• Cnunty on 06/10/0J 200Ut41t02 011ly Pilot tune 23 10, July 7. I•. 2003 M7•5 Sau@g!I. Dot~ John Sharp. Sh1dey S'nda.lr. ~ Wt and May Standage Also. trene Stewart, W\nston Sulllwn, Ronald Swmon. Peter latwn. Norman Van Hall and .Joan West The yacht dub is localed at 720 W. Bay Ave. in Balboa The no-host codlail event ~ at 5 p.m.. while dinner follows at 6. One early projection Indicates more than 100 people are expected to anmd. ............ ... s....... The lollowlnc penons are doina buslnns n Darlin& Uttle Rucals. 425 Old Newport Blvd Ste D. Newport Buch. CA 92663 Good 001 Univers1ly, LLC (CA>. 425 Old NewpOll Blvd . Ste D, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Th111 bus1neu tS con ducted t>y a l 1m1led L 1ab11tty Co Hnt you started dotn& busmen yet? Yes 1998 Good Doa Un1vers1ty UC Michael Groer M1na1er I h" statement w.- ftled w1lh Ille County Cler II of Ontn&e County an 06/20/03 200S694U76 Daily Pilot June 23. JO. July 1, 14, 2003 Ml!>! fldMM ..... ... s....... The tollow1n1 per '-'In\ ., e doona busonen as W111s lon T11e. 1!>1!>4 Ir •ns1slo• I •ne Hun 1m1ton Buch CA 92649 (MC Ser v1cn Int (CA), 151!>4 lr.1n~°'lu1 I 11ne. 1tvntin1ton Buch CA92649 I h" bu"nen " con duct~d by a corpo1 •hun Have you surted doina businus yet? No EMC Servocu , lo~ l•clynn M l'.au. Pru Thll statement wn tiled with the County Clerk of Ot •nae Cuunly on 06t2010J 200HUIH3 Dally P1lol June 'l3. JO July 1 14 2003 M/S6 ............ ... s...... lh~ 10110 .. ina pt11son\ ue dum& bu••ntt• u Mar1nr Rucue CoMull enh 18 f tW>fU N~w poi 1 C:u ... 1 CA 9?6S/ Stevt'n Graham W11t•lv 18 I u oro Nt'wpor t Buth CA 926S7 Tho• busmen " run dut led by an 1nd1vldu•I llavl' you ''•rted rto1n11 bu\lne•' yell No Sto•n C1ah•1r1 W•11•ly rho\ \lal~m .. nt wn fll<'d with the Cuunly Cheri. ol 01a1111e County Ql106'20113 200HUHIO 0;11ly Pilat June ?3 JO July 7. 14 2003 M748 ,.... ...... ... --.. lhe lollow1ne P*• wns .ue doona bu•mH\ •s MA flRIAI 839 Covf:fnO< Street Co\la Ml'U C11l101 n11 92627 Claylnn Web~let . 839 Governor Street Costa Me~ Cahf11<n1a 9?627 I hi\ bu\lnl'S\ " con ducted by an 1nd1¥Klu1I Hav• you s tar led do1n1 busine\l ytl' Nn Clayt1>n Web\ter I his \lllemenl , .. , filed with lhe County Clerk of Oran1e Cllunly on 0St l9/0J 200S6t0117 Daily Pilot June 2 9. 16. ll 2003 M716 Rt*'-.... ... s....... Th• lollowone pe"ons •re do1n1 bus.neu as Codt 4 Productions 2731 Albetron Cost• Mu• CA92616 Valero• M Starn 'll Jl Alb11ton Costa Mesa, CA92626 Tiu\ bu"nu\ Ii con due ltd by an 1ndwldual Hoe you starltd cloin1 bltSlneu yet1 YH 512!>/03 Vaierte M Starn Ihti st11temcnl wu llled w1lh the County Clert. of Oran1e County on06/20/03 200S6t41177 011ly Pilot June 23. 30. July 7, 14, 2003 M750 ficlle9 ..... ... s....... The lollow1n1 persons "e do1n1 busmen es Networ1l BuS1nui Set vic es. 3253 Broad Street, Newport Beach, CA92663 Karen M. Schuit. 3253 Broad Strut, Newp01t Beach CA 92663 ThtS bustneu IS con- ducted by an incl1v1d11.1I Have you st11rted do<na business yet' Yes 4/91 Karen M. Schuit This statement wu filed with the County Clerlt ol Ounae County on 06/19/03 200Ht4111S Daily Pilot kine 23, 30. klly 7. 14, 2003 M7..0 ..... ..... ... s...... The lollow1n1 persons •re do•n& bus1neu as In The C••ds 526 r mer aid Bay I ••uni Beach California 9?6!>1 Kathleen ( Burns 526 f mer1ld Bay. Laaun• Beach, C•hfo•m• 92651 This busmen ll con dueled by an ond1vldual Have you stll<led dolnc bUSlntSS yet7 No Kathleen f Burns Tlus statement w•~ hied w•lh lhe County Clert.. ol Ounce Coun)1 on06/16/0J 200SH41320 0•1ly Pilot Juno ?l JO. holy 1 14 2001 M741 CWSlflED It's the solution you're sesding for-whether you're seeking a home, ~tment, pet or new n!MtiMI OCwr'""" STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • I Poli<·y How to Place A .-----Dradline~ --- Rates and deadline~ arc ,ubjc<.:t 10 change without no11c.:e. The pubh!>hcr rci,crve!I the ri ght lo cen~or, rcda:.~1fy, revise or reject any da~~1fied advertisement. Plea'c report .m} error that may be in your cla"tf 1c:d ad 1mmedia1el}. The Dally Pilot attt:pl> no liability for an> error 111 an advert1!lement lor ~ hll:h 11 OlJ) he responsible cxtcpl for the <.:mt ul the space actuull)' C.X.l up1ed O) the error. Crcd11 can onl)' tx· .1llu~cd Im the ltN insertion. CLASSIFIE iAD Monday ..................... Fnday StlOpm Tue~day ................. MondJy 'HJOpm By Fax (949) 6J1 -6594 1 l'lc.£"1.C ux. luJ< )l'YI It.Urn. 11k1 jll\<•1< 11urnbl:r •1"11'< II ••II \1t\i bJt..l \liillh" J•nu 4uuh: 1 Tckphoru: H 40.un 'i.OOpm Monddy-Fnday By Phone (949) 642-567t! Hours Ind ex By 'lai I/ In P<·rson: I\() ~C\l B.i} Stn::CI ( t1\tJ Mc:,.i. CA 92627 At '\c"'pon 81\J & A.i) \1 \\Jlk-ln ~ 111.im 'i OOp111 '\tuntl"" fnJJ\ Wedne~day ............ Tuc..,dJ~ 5-C>Opm Thur~day Wcdn.:-.dJ} 5 OOpm Fnday. . ....... .. Thur,JJ\ 5 OUpm SaturdJ). .F-r1JJ~ U)()pm Sunda) ......... .. ..... . rndJ\ 'i :OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS t ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 ·-I ~ .uLISTATE -..s .m GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL tWt; 1489 230S·2490 .. CHAllDISE FOR SAU REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7402·7466 ---J 3010-3940 ~ aoos-as10 soos-saso ~ 9000-97SO Collectlbles/ Memorabilia 1160 ANTIQUES MISCELLANEOUS Altiques fir Sale 3010 MER CHAN OISE 7tw 2ba '"'"'"" ?. ..: • "' v--ttw. ' ... t ... ntly """'°' SI!!/ I • r1nt1 S/'l/• RURAL PROPERTY FORSAlE o oo..al 111oo1 .. 2+2/ l'(T Ok 811 • p.,,,... . cl\N IJp<.1.rr •• w•ll>' lla<.1> µd S fl' A. M1~do.11W ,.., OlD Tllf SWIG SHrs for your hornt ,,, II < At roon•bl~ pr.r• 909 984 004& ----Tor SS 4 U COROS nc .9u. a...,,.. (IC c:tJ., & Ill- .et ~ 5'lill fib-""'~ Mrke 949 64'> J•,o•, EHTERTAJNMENT Cilendarof Events 1310 f QUAl HOOSllG OfPOITUHITY All re•I t\l~h 111•• • t t'\1111 tn th1\ flt''N\I• 1pr-t I\ \Ubfe1 I to th~ I rf1 .. r ti f 011 ltou·.1n~ A1 1 I I 11.>1 i \ d lfl f ft d \: J ""'h I t1 m41Pt c\ 1t 111,..ta.~• f Id wet ll\t dlly Jlf th I en"t l1n:11 ''"'" d1\tt1m1n.i11on t111\f"1J 1111 rac.r tulot tflh,i1on ... h•nchup l•n•th•t •f•h1\ 01 n411H>f'l•f 1.Htt" o• ·'" 61\trnhull lo mttai.r <tlly such preltrtll e '"' 1! 1 t1on 01 di~( r umn•f r fhl\ nr-w,l)•P.,., ""'' not ~now1nilt • trl•t 1n1 idw~rt1\tff'ltnl I r rul ut~f• whH.h t\ n •tul•llon I tht '•"" 1)01 rt-•dcr\ ~ut t'ti• '""' inlnrmtd !h•f •II ~ .... IOI\ "dwf"f t1\f"c1 n th1• n•w\pa"r' ,.,., ,.,,..1faM..- on ttn tQudl '"i· .rtu111t1 bot\ To u1m11l•1n ol 111> u tmrnollon ••11 llUU ICJll free at l 800 4/4 8'>Cj() Auctions 1483 WANTED TIQUES Olcl.r Sty!• Furnrturt PIANOS i CollKtibltt ·~--... ~·. • ' .. .....,....... • J"ll •• $$ CASH PAID SS ,,.,.......... . . ..... WI BUY !STATES """"'6··· •. • , .. " " ~64M922-SOUTH C8AST AUCTI N AHTIOUl SOFA •~.t • .t "ft J ,.,1u M<1h•., y fr l '' ~.,,..,,, I " ~M" SI 1fJ 'J4; '4'~1. 16 HOME FURNISHINGS furniture 3435 Miscellaneous Merchandise -----GOVl RHMlNl JOBS Hn1 "' , II'.,,,,, 1~J I I r dupl .. ., r I> ~d· w d ti~ µ~ •• '' t.Jld dl< ~ l r~f\ \Ooh.; $8S<J m ~41j SlM /f, J/ Wllcltole I'• .1~1 U < II tu I N B . ch s•is pe• " , t .. td ewport ea '' atf'\••'ll f uU .. u~f11 ~ , t·~~"'~ «1 Aj,i ·•'"•t rAULSOH RlALTY & P"•dm ;nt '" ,1-.1n l11ll HOaAL(I ~6..rl648!:f ... ~ , ~ llll 4:'1.ti ·ll'JIJ I rCAI. • .,,,_ANt W TIUlff VWW HOMl Business I l ••'"' f I '·l"V '""" ~·! OVlRSTUfflO CUSTOM 41>11. 111 ''""'""" m•d• 6tt. couch ,. rh / Opportunities .,.., '"'" 11 t1fnro I.,., ., •••• , .. tt t+111 i. I B . ,, ,,. B1... & "'''" I usinesses and JIµ '''"°' '/(tOU 1!1 '" ~ ottLI "''"1t 1 ... , " franchises 3905 1 <1.1~ 1.40 •4~ Home IMt>-<1_, Training •t _,.._. tuC11 Jr.c1 1 M• .. v• .. ,,,, MOVING l lST QUAUTY l•.,V,llt by I• Y'-" ••l"'"'' i lifly tu..rit ludd W [I h•du~ Atn•·'• dfl 111 lt .;ml a.._•,. JN•• -L. hJh ,f 111\~ltl 101 .~J ~ 1 'l"!'N'""Y V 1tt'., t u.J\ r d.-1 f1dl "'ti t_... 949 SJl..-5020 , tHllf '-~ 1 irHlJh,•ft' Ji .. 111ut 11, f11n1n, 1 ,, .. b<Nn'"'., S."1• )fl 14/ ?4!>'> "AA · ANt . 8WffS l lrotlOOM TOWNHOMlS ruu bd• v• w, uu..._'f ~Ivett• ~Jt t11d tKll1 Ill-~~ ... l'l.•t Sl4'JWHll 0,-Sal I S W Unit "S" Pion !(It ott)•..,te: ~ td "•~l>f"f .. f W 1/rr FU ,., 'J c.h11r\ 7 tou1h• ., •• ru~ ':14'l t,1/ '681 VOH I I ~r.-, '°....,'°'"' A I flrl)l•ll'IH ,.._..tlt:<l ~J\1 i,.. .... '>: I •""1...i.d U'>l.u<lt ii. ltJI ~U.CJ tlHI ""'~ ,.,..,, "''"' i iu ,..,.,t a... Sert l·S i.... ,. JI ...... ,.,.. .. ,, ... ._ ______ .. 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coo•I Coin Need• tJld t (Urt'i (.c Id • 11.,rf '1t ..,,.Ir f w.-tld~ dnt1"'ut:"'. ol ~ f ,f,I• '144 f,4/ '14411 Cats 3610 Oclcal Kiiton" ltoPo•cl luc1"1 ,, 11'-e' rttte t'•t1U1 e,old , hw ut1te \.pc I\ 1 ~.ti \lhnl•l(l/et; 909 6tll 6604 t""1'1 y rllto'Wtf"f1 t'Mnll-.• •I• l•.0 r~ ~t.l(h< A; • A.'I ACCO'TING CAUS 7 DAYS •• p, lj IJ'l\l 1.-..-" 1tdiPI r ,.,. S J >fl· tr f 1 """ "!'-.... 1 ... f t 1(/) 8/8 'Ml Ario("'O(• 11 ~•l "'~ r Ao1,•JM lSTAILISHlO succr SSI Ut RIJSlNi ,SI s fnr •.al< on l'•u.t1 Why Wdil tn fehl'r ,,, hvt wurti. dnd pldy Kt IJ•tf "'1<Y 1 V~ W ft<.ltn~ dl W"'W l>U\lllt">\ bfoli.,\lt•u•t ""' !Jil> 8HJ l:nl ttl\I ·~ l\N1 s"'°"" <><-H.lghh, I I r lc .. M Or <&r J'>li.1 Sl~tU> VwttMI I •ut 'f'k" '°"' • ., uwr .... <)4'l bl/ o.m 'RIMI l STATlS rATRICK HNORl NA TIOHWIOl USA 949·1S6·970 S WWW µ4'lflt ktflUUft' L0"1 Ranches.fanns/ Country Property 5915 Sl9S ACH/160 AUlS S69S ACltl/40 ACRlS f>r1m,-r•nc.h acr~•it: in NW A111uru [ l nu n1t1hft1na low d•>wn frfm• 1 Adtdl.tnl to 5olt 1uf\l'. ltJmmun1h ult n1\loH" Routt 6b C•ll l•Jd•t' B•~·'k' Rulty 866 100 '>ltd t CAL• SCAN 1 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS HAltS<MI l/UAG( HMbut B,._O (!JIM<-<• • Wa1 IT4 r !>4'> M l'Mdo lBt Iii~ " r,... .,,a; v• o ~"' " " • • ""' son>o ~ • .,kl Sl51S & Sl65()r, 'i<l'l 714 0/41! Alrt.o1 Now ii'•,.,...,. !k1 l 56~ homt> Ht.K.I. Jt 111 i"' Iµ /1£ w 0 ~ :ir. IOt. kl $/(b')T., "'""" "'·~ 811 /04 ll649 I , 1 -114'> Huntington Beach COMMUTl llSS RUAX MOR£ Cufit..oo..t fl'lldl k.-... Ai;.llf Rental To Share 6030 ment ln1fo110..,, •• I~ , ... 1161'> 8 Jf I lJt "" d .... J N•wporl l rh l od t loy M.tlf1 ~ .... C.. lfil>l4 4br n\~ 2 room\ a•a•I 1..-..-400-2690 ,..,,., V... lttn prof J6J'lrru I •1toa6-li-w•ig..-. \h"r • ultl \ 940 JOO '>6.l!> I --u......ntt lbt lfJd •do r• f te P~ •Hit.. ~a·" \CJot RF~1.~1i:... RE,._.,.A.." ...:t "' "'"1 ur&r...,.i 1.i..: J40() Ail SlfllJ m67J MJ• ORANGE COUNTY Irvine COMMUH USS Rll.AX MORI .._ s....y, 1er 1e.. NewportBeach h'l:h l l'lk W d \lOYI! flli d"' palto carptt llOOYlARlYUASl -._ """' & UDO SUMMlR HOMIS SI,.,.,.,..., yrly 949 673 ~ Bill GRUNDY RtALIQRS I 00+ RfSCUlO ICJTTI:HS, 1..Ar!. lJOG'> pilot"' un lo> www ~tlW'l~'l°'t'N!Yk cw~ M (llMr.. F 3'\hl.ofl "1drld () (JAY l'Oi. TH GUARANT££ 9$'J&M 7Il9 ABSOLUTES c1Ji. DMINE so Down Huud•••h n 1>61 Or'd lid1iv Vfll'ndtn. It~ lir~at lnr ~ 1n l u'td Me•,• I .!D).%<Jl'nj ><11y, a....p-i In lok-48, • Yoorly lg 21r 21o, J '>B• J.400\I .lc . .ir ear w o ht bto1rn tetl Ip WJ~ \XJO .r~<lll O.ivid hnt P•lto Sl99Cl mo 818 Prtn•e 7t4 8t2 '>b68 903 4411"> 949 6~ 2~6 949-67 S-6 I & I UdD Scnda ...., c- r-.ce hvm.-lbll~ l>Lh "'"' I Jbr 2b.i nu Vdld 7< iii" n pm $2600 'Jll'il.OJI 10 tl F110 srAY 1ur "'""'" ... wt ~ .. "'"'°"' '149;lJ-041 I , AISOLUTl GOlOMINll ---• 60 ;endtni mo1• h1ne\ 6 WHI .W lltttla S25• W.tipt• 714-43i-S2 10 3615 IV.CIC v.1.,.,,. l rod, I 'ff!• nld tin al shnts • ~ Good ltome • • 'M9 'l"A-9500 . Pet Adoptions 3660 Gor..,on Shoph ... d1 all colol\ all \ties for 1doptton to quahf•ed home& WWW ille\CUe Oli or 714 773 ~l!J wtlh l!Hdlent 10<.dllon~ .a klr SIO 91.l> ID> Z34 fSil HOMfS FuR SA:.F ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Costa Mesa ralMI ISTATIS rA TRICK TlNOH NATIONWlOl USA 949-156-9705 www p•trr,ktenore ,orn ....... ~E.WtelOI 10.<XX>st ore Jbr Iba W's1de New lrsl1nc $3!19.900 Coldwel a..... DonaW P'Wf. 949-7J3.«l74 Newport Coast rttlMl ISTATlS rATRKK TlNOIU HATlONWIOI USA 949·1S6-970 S www pilrttktenort lOm Sel your unwanted Items the easy wayl Place a Classified ad today I 49 642-5678 Balboa Peninsula •Nowiy .. modol•d* J8t .l8• Cuneio Steps to bt•th Ip 2 ur eu SllXlrnu BM ~ «D-0471 Corona del Mar A SllAI. 1 IR S 109S/Mo '/• Off It.. h i mo •-for Gmo 1~.,..,. N•wly remode~ w """' "'"'' urpet & •t•An11< f If' W 1) Nl\Olk (<1 unot 0 'W & lrt11 281 Sl44'> < tM Lor• 949 b4b lZl• "' /14 6J3 °15'11. No do"lf\ Oce°" view home lt&hl !Br !Ba $1450 mo 146 atr v 2br 2ba patlO~ no V1lo ''""' Drive, ., d \mOk ptl Qutet net&h &•••it a&tnl Barb•ra S24SO mo !M9 760 8217 Swrnd.111 ~9 !l()() 1861 Lwefy o.t.d C--.lty 1Sr flo Attt. w/pvt ear !Tia. wall to T11 Squllfe S895/rno Water lrnh ~Id Klein Man-aemeot 877 704-11649 E•t 9200 Lerr 1 .. r 1i.. unit - ..-il•I renln1ulo pelnl. No '"'elr.l n9/p•l1. S 1450 949-29J -463 I 1.-h aental ye<Nly Avatl lily Isl Bo unrt I& 28r Illa. W/O. le prfla )l)aee SlllXl/mo 949-6!J0.286!> Under the Servi ce Direc tory Banner Rea ch 80,000 Homes Each Weck For Only $32 per week (4week minimum ) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Ila.LA BAUIOA II. t h• 1 ' , ~ ....... ,. ... , .,.s U"'J "I'll I "' • l).th '• . r h ~ ~ ,,,, /fl II'• '-1'< .,,, i ~· 2 .. YlARLY RlNtAU fOR RlNT IN ILUHS 1• ""• t bf"o r Ptmn \ 4 1 ;· .... ··' 949 673 7800 f-~" •• [ f'. b• n1 o-I tr f k 11lfJU m 14; •,44 4'¥.A fl ND D YES, SEU. MY CAR Lo I """_ o "' o ,,, 0 ~IJ ( ~ Oree> PJ:r,pr• fio,as -, Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100.000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card # or mail with a check today! Y'!Jlll---'-.take ~----- Run for a week! If your car does not sell. we 'II run it for 8:e••..-2~=:-g.~:..C,~~ ~ ----a-·._ a _ ... _a_ a·-a--....o ...... . a ,...,_ a ..... ~ .. -... a .... -a ... ---o -...-c-a-. • ..._ o _._,~a...-. o .,,,.,._, .. ._..,,_ Q s...1~ 0 "'"'"°°' 0 ......... , ............... _ _,Dew, ....... 330 W 8-. SI C<Al'lll ..._.CA t;.llJ -111'~642 !le•e ·"-:9011 &J• e6IM another week FREEi All for just $20·. Daily.A Pilot INDEPENDE 'T ' e Call (949) 642-5678 G ET TH E P 0 I NT? D 1 i ly Pi lot • Li"" tt '"' .1 1 " • l 1 .. , · .. ' ,,. . Bridge }!'"'.. .. 't1JF .. Oll!y Pilot .. 71~ 12....,. •S-- 730ool,• Mllllfm 74 ~1 • :D Ill 211 Olllar Niel1I S4 Sn;en -211 ~models se LM111er- 30 Dinner ll""t ~ IOOI 32 SrNd ~ f>7 W«9J 33 Stan blCit lie MeMure .pe.o 34 8'ldl tonel llO LongMI ri1111 37 VllriMke 62 S1W kin dep()lill &3 Lyric poems 40 ,.,,..,.'* &4 Batracks 42 0.0.. in (2 wdl ) dwel -45 Ptn o1 RSVP lie Slnlf'g al<.1U 47 Kind ol llde 67 C.1111r :.o S1o1111u1 52 Honey llCIOty 8Y CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TI> WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q 1 • VuJncrable, you hold: o KQJ7'l o KQJH O I •4 nouump. PlnneJ' opens I.he biddina with one Q 4 • AJ South. vulnerable. you dia.ll'lond. What do )'OU rapood? bold: A . If your flllil 1tmpwion 1 10 jump 10 1wo ipaclcs, bnlsh II aside. Comc.:1 h 10 respond wllb a ~imple one ~pacle That i~ forcing 1111<1. unless partner ruses. jwnp shift in helllb a1 )our nei..l rum to de.scribe 11 powt'rfu I I"' O-\U 1 tcr. Q 2 -Bolll \l\Jlneruble, as South you hold: AKHJ v l5 oKJ J The bidding has proceeded: NORTH F.ASI' SOUTH lo hu 21' l o PU! ? What do you btd now'? A -Milke the i.amc: rebid "'hethcr )OU play '"'CH>>cr-ooe forcing 10 game or not. Jump IO four Sl)adc>. ll your rei.pon-.c:: "'lb u gwnc: fon:e. your jump tn gomc s!Jow, a mlni- mum for thn1 action -the Principle or Fa.~l Am"ul. If the laucr, a ra1..c 10 thltt \~ would be mv11a11on- dl. 00( roo:11111. and you ~ a \l,hll 100 ~lrOng for that. Q J -Nc11Jler \l\Jlncrablr. a' South )'OU hold •A1' o J965 o AKl051 •7 The blddi.n 1W orocecdod: SOUTH \)~1' NORTH EMT I lo l .,._ .. What do you bid now? A • The bidding has improved this hand cnonnou1ly. Bven a Jwnp 10 four hellru Joe) OOl 00 ii JuMJcC. Cue-bid two spade now, then rati.e hearts II your QC.JU turn. Q S • Vulnerable, you hold: o Q 7 ! 4 ~ Q 10 3 2 .; K J 9 o K 7 Your ldt-hund opponen1'5 operung bid of ooe club 1s pasicd round 10 you. What action do you take'? A -We would no1 111"8UC much with a ont·no-trump balAncing bid. show- ing I I· IS poinb. llO'll<C~'CI'. with bolh majOf' qiits and a lhru-canl fragment in the 04.her ITIJnor, we hll'e 11 ~tinct ~fc:rcncc for a rcopenmg weout double. Q ti -As South, vulnerable, you hold •AK J 114 • 10' sll11er/1rey ltltr, CD, chrm ~hl1, aold Pk& Ml fact, hke new, $20,995 'ft596741 fln1nclna avelf Bkr 949·586-1188 -. ..,-.. ,_ CHEVY TAHOl LT '02 111( ni. al IX lras. On Stir, 58 Ir, "' IDw .. psf c:ond. $26.'l00 96-~IO Oed1e 'ti Dwra111• 4x4, super clean. V8, black, #l4889Z $10,495 wcwlUlo com 9119-646-7822 Os.4te '99 bttreptd Red. ve. CD. super clean, vary nice '535725 wcwauto com 949--646-7822 fe,...,.I ••• J60 c..,.., Fl Red/tan Alf options, •118072 John NIWP'OIT AUTOSf'OIT 949-574-5600 14 Perrwl• 111 atedi.I Many colors -Red. white. yellow, black C.11 .Jim Sr , John, R~an & Tim NIWP'OlT AUTOSP'OllT 949-574-5600 fwrorl '02 J60 spitter, blacl\/black All ophons. #127200 Tim NEWP'ottT AUTOSP'OlT 949-574-5'00 •••4• 'ft ••••• Conv. 4Sll ml, outo, 11111•. tan lop, pw, pl, A/C, CD, superb hk• new cond. vtll974J 111,995 llnanclna & w1rra11ty enil Bkr t49 W -1888 ............ <- MU '11 UOll auto, ........... CUI llrlw. mnrf, lmmlC, .... nice, 1617317 Sl0,995 wcwMo..corn 949-646-7822 ...... ._'9S t90l 23, aorpous car, lthr, 92" mnrf, "995 ~ ~-9'&646-78Z2 ............ JOOI runs 1lnt, black, lthr, • dl1mond #892740 $5995 wcwauto.oorn ~'/822 Merce4" 1.-7S 280 SEL Runs &ood. auto. fun car. •0 19953 $2995 wcwauto.com 9&646-78Z2 MercM.. CUOO '2002 Brtmant Sliver. 111< ml. ••• , .... $75,000. t49-887460S ---"9SD30 ~ beaut, all opt, none nicet. ,_ mip -. Sl.2!.00 ~9861>J&2 Mercedes '00 1120 16k actual m1 full factory warr, turquoise blue/Ian llhr, moonrool, CD. chrome whls, one of the lowest mile Mer cedn of the yur 1n Calif. v•5S7291 $28.995 ftn1nc1na av111 Bk1 949 586 ·1888 w-·!CpOb.t•fll ThC bidding has proceeded. SOlfTH WEST NOK'I H hAST I ~ V.'T Pa.s Whal do )'OU bid no"'" The bidding~ proceeded; SOt.mf ~ NORTH £AST I• "-l''T .._. Wh.it do )'OU l'ttd now • MEllCEOES 210 .,. Ort& owner. all records. well lav1u '97 Rodeo LS kept & clHn, 145k m1 ••4 1uto 1tnt cond Sl490. 94g_640•6388 CD. alloys 130to. mt S6900 949-500-9631 Ferd '65 M11stoft9 Convtrltbt1, ori111nal owner. •Oltd car SI 9.99!> obo 9'9 719 2943 U4e On The Water 3Br 281, 1ar+spa. w/d, built-ms, sm pet ok Huie deck fac:ln1 the channel. Pon. sJlp-6mo 1Hse·lyr.SJ200m act. Sherry@ Cannery, 949· 723·58301888-969·9667 ... ~ 2.1: fill, 14,(Xl) JI lot. IT conwn pool &. l)lril. Hmrbor Views Homes .... $DD'r1 9"9-Qll-4159 Mor'lll'ly Rental AVllA Sept- U. 4br 2be tm on P.,., Pol1I IJf!IY f1ICe fl.rn act SJ!D>~Cl.ve T-. 21<' n. condo, ~........, 2c pr, S2SOO/ mo. incld:s utts qt. E lvn 949-466-7536 or Chuclt 9'&9-21:2 «110 . 0 California law re- qulftl thal contr11c:-'°'' takfna )obs th1t totlll $500 or more (labor °' materllls) be ftcer!Md by the Contractors St 1 le l k:ense Board. Stale law also requorfl that contractors include their li«nM number on aH advwtnln& You can check the status of your llcenaed -11 i.rac t or a t www.calb.ca .lov or I00-3~1:csL . Unh- C-*"4 controctora taklna l•bs th1t lolal leu than $500 must state In their 1dvartisemanta th1t they are not licensed by the COftlrtclors Slit• Ucenso Board " .M.,_I ,..,...~ ~/Batfl/ ..... Adll'll~ ll9llB15 ~ 911ffti9325 ,.c ......... AleltHYAC A11 Cond1tlonln& & Heat':, Service ltl08660 9·600-9005 ......... iSat..r~r.: IM Off'U.S ~ ... OIMMll 194115-1!11) A·l.W.YaM ~I•"· ftftct c.ablfteta. ~ ....... o.c 7J4M.72!11 carpet Repair/Sales 1)CAlrlT tl CAlP'IT 1) Repairs Patch1n1 Install Courteous any Sile 1obs WhOleule• 949·•92-0205 Clnnlng s...,.-., 0.-Qo1l1ly Houu claan1n1 Aflord· able ntes. 20+Yn C.p Fr• Esim.te 714-&ll .Qi67 ·~libl9ft ·Olm~ ............... ·...a:,""'-.., UC ~ 10Yrt~ ... 714-612-2786 • fUSMSS ltlrAln Uperoda, flep11t1 of Computer, Nat-ks. E venin:l/Weeklnds Comp• IUv1 price• for ;ual~ sarvlc 944 -t17S 7 .f.H6-4lll C.-1-.Y lrtcll IMeck , .... T .. Cana•, P'atiO, Drlv9wwy flrtok, 88Q fiefs 25Yra Exp T•r1714-557 7594 lt.<-..t•• Cementwork, &rid!, Tile & Mora. Reliable. Ho IOb too tmaA 114.f15·90l2 A • Wilh par!llCr showing ,1 bala"':cd hand of 12 plu~-1 ~ pmn1,. don'1 even think or 'lam Indeed even an 11-lflck conlrOCl " probably out of reach Allhough holdinl! no more than thnx ~anl~ m c:ithef-. the maJOll- A -II 0epcmh on your tneothoili. If ynu play one-ll4l-trump fo.-cmg. you mu\t bid two club~. the che~'' ~-card llUOOf Ir 001. "'1th vour bulam.'Cd mmimum >OU ~houW ~~ l1u1u '95 Trooper Ltd. 4l4 1mm1c throu~houl very ntct "932989 S7895 wcwwto corn ~"lfrl2 '--"03 S-Typo 4.2 vf, l!ik mt wl1tlt oatmeal llh1 CO. c:tvome wi-h. 6 'l9Hd auto Save 1511 S38 995 v•n659ff.> 949 586 1888 Bkr JOBS OFFERED Domatlc Employment 8400 * H..., .. ,,,_/M9r. * I clun &. ma1nta1n tar 111 homu Cook . dr111e. all duties. elderly & child care up. 323-937·9038 Employment 8500 • .,., ._ __, &/• mana1ed a busoneu. co ~ 'f04I sl<Jb & abllitJes " i-.i rui Illa n4-Z58.a:D2 om.,.. swn ~ PORTA TION t~ h111n1 eitperttne:ed ' llltipett enced drtvf!fS and 0/0 COi. Tr•in!Oi avatlable We pay tor uperoence 11.fUI benefits .nd tom6Unt miles I 866-333-8801 (CAL •SCAN) LOAN 0"1<1lS estab mor1pee co seeks 5 top sales peoclle BG $$ flea 1¥ F/PT far r• 714-2CH678 I lGlN YOUl HOMI IMP'lOVIMINT P'lOJECT? Call a plumber, painter. handyman. or any of the llfUI urvtcn ltsted here on our servtct d11ectory1 THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI WITTHOEFT OllYWALl Alf phnn sm/lra 1obs CUANI 20yrs. fair. tree est LAaXXll 714 639-l.U7 s .... 11 Jot. lltportl Duncan E lectnc 2CJYrs hp LocallQuock R~so Servic.,il!emoclet$ L •27!>870 9'9-650-7042 UCINSEO CONTUCTOl Nojobtoo1m.M--1 Rep11r, r~I. fins, spa, ,_ S'IC ~lfi!i6 ~ NICC Now hlrlft9 P'T Bartender & Wait Stalt Apply m person atte1 2 ()()pm Monday fr1day 1600 E. Ceost Hwy NI Pubhsh.na P'ROMOTIONS OEPARTMINT Common1fl newspapers on Or.tnQ~ C.Wnly ~' Ful Time ptt>00 to .nll!inMw and wut~ st Of~ JMrltel pale 1n wmmunrty events, create ind paiiinllte J>alles and secttM\ E •cellent commomc.a1onn !J\llls. wori< -tt wM the publtc Know Al' Style. Quar~XPrns Ptiol.oshop Mull> Ad Cre ator Proftetenl on MAC and PC CCI des1an f!lperoenct preferred ProofrN<llnll test Cl<Ull screenrctphy\al requor ed EOE Elcellent beneftt ~ EINI~ res<Jme wrrllflll sa~ and ~y requlremtnls t o lana IOflnsoo@latimes.com .... ii. ...., OMww -. 11 CM sedo.s friendly ~ she!> asst .flea lChed. adYMIClf'llefll oppty EOl 94MS0-22U SELL your stuff through classified! Bectrtcal Setvlces ._, .. ectrlc ltc:ensad [leclrtc.tl Contractor Small jobs start1na at S79.9S & u,.. Spec1all11n1 in Remodeltni & all home wlnne needs. Comm lndu5t/Ru 1-800-lt7-1008 l'7829S9 FloorinWflle CUSTOM OIATM TU lnstalabon. slat• c.anw:. fl'lllf1>la, stone.~ 1975 U612044 Jf!ff 714-612-'3961 llMY sa.-. R.pwed Reerout1n &. lnstallatK>n TILE DEAN 9'9 673-8065 7 I 4-fl46.a526 714.fl83. :an1 G1r191Doon ------. . . ~ 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNTIES Professional, Honest, Fair and Reliable ROOM ADDmONS REMODElS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Bath Speciali ts C.S CONSTRUCTION Llc#577981 (949) 709-5642 Automobiles 9000 9004 Audi '00 A6 llk ml, lull tact w11r. metalfte drk bluetarey llhr, CD. mnrf 5uperb c.ond Sl9.995 v•87•2'1 Bkr 949-516-1111 --~···- IMW '95 52SI ovte, black I ·owner nice. sunroof •623627 S7•95 wcwMJto com ~'/822 Ganlenlna/ landscaplno 9004 IMW '01 74011 llod1 sport pk1. hke new 1657632 $34.995 WCWllUIO com 949-646-""32 IMW '01 7'011 26k mo full tact warr orni"co oatmeal llhr. ""'"&•lion superb hke new cond S.Ok vl!-020471 ftn1nc111& 1va1I Bkr 949-586· 1888 -w.ocpal.coM JAGUAR '6 5 XU c..,,.e red1hn 721( m1. rebuilt t•t~llenl $29.500 949 644 0413 Jeap'ffw..da-...... Y6 2wd co ~ dun -v ,_ S6'B5 #21 !>458 wcwMo com 9496Jl6.1822 w-.e<p>al.collt ,..,. '97 Gn.od a-.1< .. VS ••4 Ith< CO. mnrf I M W ' I 9 7 J 5 IL v.ry mu • /'l 1'11JJ S999'> leather sunroof very wcwauloU>m ~1822 clHn $4995 •86!>-459 wcwauto com ~ 1822 IMW '91 U Conv 2.1 6 c yl rtd tan llhr 5se>O buul hke new tond •815721 SIS 99!> t1 nant1na & w•rr•nly n•1I B~r 949-!>86 1888 www.ocpolol.cem IMW '00 Z3 lsti ml, wh1te1be11e top & •nl luM warr htlflly upar a~d Sl9,999 949-67!> 3888 Cadllloc '90 Sodo" 0--. 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"94 Adil.... s Blu" a•Jlo CO clun •02!>771 $199!> wcwauto mm ~1822 Old.,...bllo '96 A .. rere 60ll mo bl.ck arev lthr mnrl CD l•bolnu~ cond "" ou ahou t S!>995 vtn••!>7219 Bkr 949-516-1111 www.e<polol.com P'oruhe 'OS Twl11 1 uroo bl•Ck hp l•rtory frnh V• 101!>!16 Jim Sr NEWPORT AUTOSP'OlT 949-574 -5600 Subaru '99 fmprezo l SRS bl.ck buuty lolldfd rrtt1 ., RS ootiom u o 500 714 7!>1 2464 Toyeto '9' Cerelo U 40k mo• "tual mo I el\ II rt Wor Id nwner Aulo p~ pw white ll<ey int buut ltke new <•'nd V•75S291 S•995 Broker 949-516 1111 -- Movtng&Storlgl PUBLIC NOTICE The Caltf Public Ut1ht1es Commosst0n requires th1I all u51d housl'ho lc1 aoods movers pront their P UC Cal T number. ltmos and chaulleurs print the11 T C P number on all adver t1sements If you hive 1ny questions about the le&•hly of a mover , limo or chaulfeUf. calf P'UIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSION 800 8774167 Strip> & .......... Custom H•nd Painted ""* & fat•. p ..... Artist b hn 009 681,_. C'-t'•,... ~ lllP Great Price! 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