HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-24 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TIJESDAY,JUNE24,2003 IRRELEVANT WEEK MARK C DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Mr. Irrelevant Ryan Hoag is escorted to the stage by "nurses" Sam Smith, left, and Danielle Meers. Showered with gifts The 28th annual Irrelevant Week kicked off with the Arrival Party at the Newport Dunes. Rich.rd Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -It started innocently with one man's vision of doing something nice for someone for no reason and has grown into one of Newport Beach's greatest traditions -Irrelevant Week. which celebrates the last college football player selected in the NA. draft. Irrelevant Week XXVlll kicked off Monday night at the Arrival Party at the Newport Dunes. This year's honoree, NCAA Division m Gustavus Adolphus College wide receiver Ryan Hoag. was showered with gifts and proclamations atop a lifeguard tower while surrounded by cheerleaders and blood nurses in short shirts to celebrate the Hoag Hospital theme (no, they were not Hoag Hospital nurses). Picked No. 262 in the NFL draft and absolutely dead last by the Oakland Raiders, Hoag established many records at Gustavus Adolphus as a 6-foot-2, 200-pound wide receiver with great speed (he runs a 4.33 40-yard dash). The Raiders drafted Hoag (no relation to Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital in Newport Beach) after obtaining the pick by trading with the Houston Texans for a selection in next year's draft. Irrelevant Week founder Paul Salata made the announcement on ESPN and added. "We'll have Heisman ltophy winner Carson Palmer and Lowsman lrophy winner Ryan Hoag.· On Thwsday, Palmer and Hoag will appear INSIDE For more Irrelevant Week coverage, aee Sports, Page A7 al the Orange County Youth Sports Foundation Banquet at the Anaheim ManiotL Hoag, who played only one year of high school footbaD and that was as a junior varsity quarterback. grew up in Minneapolis. then spent one year al Wake Forest as a walk-on soccer player. He returned to his roots and enrolled at Gustavus Adolphus in SL Peter, Minn., where he was an All-Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference performer three times. Today, Mr. Irrelevant XXVUJ will make his first-ever trip to the beach and later appear on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. A day at Disneyland. the first Miss Irrelevant Contest. the Heisman/Lowsman Banquet and Ultimate Angels Tailgate Party are also pan of this week's festivities. Assemblylilan takes issue with license fee increase John Campbell plans fight against newly-imposed hike he says is illegal. P1ul Cllnton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Assembly- man John Campbell bas teamed up with a leading tupayer group to roll back Gov. Gray Davis' tripling of the vehicle license fee. Campbell and the Howard Jarvis Thxpayers Assn. have pledged to fight the Davis administration's deci- sion, on Friday, to trigger a clause in a 1998 bill that resulted in a $4-bll- Uon tax increase. Campbell. on Thursday, released an opinion be bad obtained from the state's nonpartisan legislative coun- sel deeming the hike WegaL Qunp- bell. who represents Newport Beach. asked for the opinion In an April 4 letter. "I can't believe the governor and his subordinates d.isrn.issed legisla- tive counsel's opinion and still raised the car tax." Campbell said "By trig- gering this tax. they are only adding more uncertainty to budget negotia- tions and to Wall Streee Attorneys with Howard Jarvis have promised to challenge the move in court. In the opinion. the legislature's le- gal ann said the vehicle tax could only be raised under three condi- tions. State Controller Steve Westly must authoriz.e the move, which can only come if the state "runs out of cash: Campbell said. Also. Westly must re-evaluate the state's fiscal situation each month t6 detennine what rate to use in setting the vehicle fee. In 1998, the leglslature passed a law that changed the way the state collects fees from reglstradon of cars, trucks and other vehicles. SH INCttEASE, P ... M THE VERDICT Nichols says he will not • resign Councilman may miss Tuesday's meeting for health reasons, but does not plan on leaving the dais for good. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Pressing medical problems may keep tum away from Tuesday's meeting. but a raging controversy over a ra- cially charged comment won't keep him off the council. Councilman Dick Nichols on Tuesday said that he does not inLend to resign from the council despite his colleagues' urging in the wale of a comment last week that touched off a firestorm of controversy. A ma1onty of the City Council have stated publicly that Nichols should step down. but they do not have the power lo force him lo do so. City Arty. Bob Burnham explained that the council couJd put an item on a future agenda to censure Nichols or to strip him of h.is com· minee appointments. See NICHOLS, Pase M RENOVATIONS Changes to beach may be headed for back burner Co ntroversy still strong over proposed improvements to Corona del Mar coast. June Ca111rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -As they brace them- selves to hear unpleasant debate on Cowidl- man Dick Nichols' comr.nent about Mexican beachgoers. O ty Coundl members tonlgbl must also grapple with the diftkult issue that INSIDE For a Newport Beach City Council meeting preview, see Page AS sparked Nichols' remark: Corona deJ Mar State Beach improvement.a. ·All of the controwny about Councibnan Nich- ols' statement ls clouding the ls.sue.• Corona deJ Mar resident Lawie I.el· logg wrote to city om.- dais. •0ur beach at Corona del Mar la pre- cious, and more gr'lW. parting or larger buildings will spoil what is there.• The city is proposing about $2 m.illioo In renovations to the beach area. lndudlng two 1.231 -~-foot resttoom buildinp and a Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlHEWEI: www.~com Ba:lboa name was shortchanged by Newport Beach WEATHER ~ lookforthe ~ Junt gloom to Ide* wtth UI thf'ouOhout tM momlng. S..hpA2 FORUM Al TlilSdly, Nie 24, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK What do you get out of reading? The Daily Pilot went to Rea Elementary School to ask students, 'What's the biggest benefit of reading?' .Knowledge, because it educates me. I can learn things out of nonfiction, and that's how it educates m e." LAURA VIUNANA. 12 Costa Mesa "The biggest benefit of reading is howyouget to learn other things that you really don't know. If someone asks you about something, you can learn by reading about it. KARLA VILLEGAS, 12 Costa Mesa "Leaming, because you can learn more stuff about animals, how to build stuff and ancient times. I like reading about animals because I want to be a veterinarian.· • MARCOS HERNANDEZ, 11 Costa Mesa .Leaming how to understand the book and how to read it, because you need to knowhow to read for the future when you get a job." ANTONIO GARCIA, 11 Costa Mesa -when I get a book that looks good and then read it, I learn something, like 'don't do drop' or how to play soccer.• ...uEl ABUNDIS,11 Costa Mesa -Interviews and photos compiled by OirlstiM Carrillo IN THE CLASSROOM .. . .. • A creepy, crawly thanks Rea Elementary students are rewarded for achieving reading goals. Christine C•rrlllo Daily Pilot T hey read. read and read some more, and as a reward, they got exclusive visitation rights with prehistoric pets such as snakes. llza.rds. frogs and scorpions. Unlike some of their fourth-, fifth· and sixth-grade claswnates, their reward lasted a full day. They got to attend all three "Reading Frenzy" events. As a reward for the students' achievements through the Accelerated Reader program, Rea Elementary School in Costa Mesa decided to hold a progressive party to recognize them for their reading efforts. The program "is so Intrinsically motivating for the kids," said Kurt Suhr, assistant principal at Rea. "Reading is one of the greatest things you can give a kid, and (this program) gives them ownership of their reading." Those students who reached one of their three goals during the year got to attend a morning assembly. while those students who achieved two of their three goals got to stay and participate in some afternoon activities. The students who reached all of three of their goals, about 30 students altogether, got spend the whole day reveling in their reading rewards, which included a visit from some cold-blooded friends. The students appreciated the day of recognjtion. "My parents taught me to read more so I have more knowledge and will get a better career," said I I-year-old Marcos Hernandez, a fifth-grader who reached all three of his reading goals. "I think (this party) is good because every reader gets to be recognized for all their hard work." Rea implemented the program four years ago, and the effect it has had on the school and its students has impressed school officials. "We had the Accelerated Reader program for four years, and it works amazingly well," said Jenny Burks, the school's renaissance facilitator in charge or the accelerated programs. "Kids are excited to read and they're reading all the time. It's incredible to see them growing." With library circulation jumping from about 350 books per day to more than 750 books per day. school administrators have seen a strong increase in the reading skills of the nearly 800 students who attend the school. After challenging the students throughout the year, rewarding them for their efforts seemed lilce the best way to end the year. The last day of school was Friday. "Meeting all of your goals is not an easy thing to do." Suhr said. "The goals are very challenging ... so it's great to recognize (the students! for achieving them This is a great way lo end the year." • IN THE ClASSROOM is a weekly feature in wtlidi Daily Pilot education writer Christine Carrillo visits a campus In the Newport-M esa area and writes about her experience. MARKC DUSTIN /DAllYPILOT Wasab1, a friendly water monitor, gives Rea Elementary School fifth.grader Crystel Pelaez a personal greeting during the "Reading Frenzy~ party last week. SUMMER FUN COSTA MESA •A $5 fee will be added to eac:ti program for nonresidents. SUWU1ER CNIP COSTA MESA 2003 The camp, geared toward c:tiildren ages 6 to 12, incfudes various recreational programs, sports, games, arts and crafts and excursions. The camp is held at the Balearic Community Center. It runs Monday through Friday from June 23 through August 22. The 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. session costs $90, and the 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. session costs $110..For more information, call (714) 754-5168. MOBU RECREATION Children age 5 and older can participate In a little mobile recreation this summer. When the trailer rolls into their neighborhood, they can join in on arts and crafts and other o rganized activities. Younger c:tiildren are welcome when accompanied by an adult. The service is free. For more information on time and locations, call (714) 7~158. SUflWER TEEN CAMP Students entering grades seven through nine In fall 2003 can participate in a six-week excursion based camp. The daily excursions will Include trips to local amusement partts, malls, movies and museums. The camp begins July 7 and ends Aug. 15. The camp. which runs from 8 a.m . to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, costs $96 per week. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. KIDS IN THE KrTCHEN Chlldren ages 5 to 11 will have a chance to prepare foods and leam the basics in cooking. The five-week class will teac:ti students how to measure, mix. spread, cut, stir and, most lmportantty, taste. The class is $30 for five weeks. A $10 material tee will also apply. Classes will begin June 25 or July 30. For more information, call (714) 327-7525. PLAYGROUND PROGRAM Children ages 6 to 13 can spend their summer days playing on the playground. participating in craf\S and even going on different excursions .. The free program will run from June 23 to Aug. 22. For more Information on times and locations, call (714) 754-5158. BOYS MO GIRLS CLUB Boys and girts ages 6 to 18 can head over to Eaatslde Costa Mesa for the club's summer program. The program runs Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aside from being able to participate In a variety of the activities at the club, participants also have the option of going on two field trips a week. Participants need to be members of the organization, a $50 annual fee. The summer program is $75 per week and additional fees may appty for field trips. For more information, call (949) 642-9372. GIRLS INC. Girts ages 5 through 12 can participate In a summer program that incorponrtes fun and teaming. The program will • •• incfude worbhops and activities IUCh as • photography, cooking and nutrition, economic literacy, sport.a and various field trips. The program will begin June 23 and end Aug. 29. It will run from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. Registration is $40, and weekly feet are $90 to $100. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 646-7181. . . . . . Daily A Pilot ContWlleon News estittant, (949} 574-4298 coral.wllson•latfmn.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen Hiller, Don l.eedl. Kent Tnipeow Box 1560, Colta Mesa. CA 92626. <:Qpvr!ght: No news stories, Illustrations, editorial matter or ldvertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of popyrlght owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST from the northwest at 10 to 20 knor. with 1· to 3-foot waves end northwest ewells at6to 9feet. YOL. 97,N0.175 Newsfdlas Gtna ~.Lori Andef90n, Dern.I Hunt, ,.., Saltowltz. Dlniel~ NEWISTAff Crtrne'=9C::~. ,....,~ ..,,..bhlntll.latlmee.c:om --= ... Newport ,..,,,.,, (IM8IPM232 )una~••~corn .... ca... flQlltios, buek"9I ~ environrMnt ~,<Ml "4"'330 PflUl-""'*"'•"*"-oom L.-1111 ..... Columnilt. °""'" ,.,., MIPM275 lollM.~oom ~ ... 11• co.ea Meile,.,_., Ml PM221 .,,..._,....,., • ...,_com Ct' 7 I Cllil9l9 E-..-on....-. ... PMm ......,..........,. AfAD£R8 H01\.M (949) 6'2.«*J Rec:ord your comments lboot the o.lly Pilot or MWS tipe. Addr.- Our lddreN 11 330 W. e.y St., Costa Meu, CA 82827. omc. houn1 are MoncMv · Fridrf, 1:30 1.m. • 5 p.m. Cooedoi• It Is the Pllot't pollcy to promptty colNd ell llft'Of'I of eutiet.nce. ,,.... <*I (IM8) 7M-432A.. FYI The Newport~ M4lea Delly Piiot (USf'S. 144«>0) It pubfWled delly. In Newport 8Nc1t1 tnd ~ Mele, eubeoftptlone ere ~Olly' by tubeortblng to The Tlnw 0tange County (IOO) 212.f141. In .... ~ of ~....,lndC.. .... ~•to"-~ l'tlotere twlllllll OftJy bV ... a.. m.11 for DO per monlfl, ~ lnolud9 .. ...... _ tnd loelll W.) POITMMTIA: lend ...... .._..,"" ........ a.ctotC ... Mw~Nol. '-0 HOW TO REACH US Clrculetion The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 AdWftw.19 aurl"ied (949) 6'2·5678 °"'*" (949) 6'2~21 EdlColW ..... (949) 642-5680 &po.tr (9491574-4223 .......... (949) tMe-4170 .......... (949) &!!0-0170 e.m.11: c»llypllot•"'*"-·com ....._<>Moe ........ Ollloe (!Ml) "2-4321 ............. <Met .. ,.,,21 ~by Tlmee Comm4H'ilty ...... .• •vWon Of the Loe~ '""""· OIOOI Tlmee CN. Al ,.,,_ ,_ved. June gloom i1 still dominating the days. Loot for morning clouds and fog with partlal afternoon clearing; highs in the upper 60s to low 70. with m ld-80s at the beech ... Tonight, expect clouds and fog to ctnp badt In, with lows In the mld·50I. It ehould 1t1y thl• way 111 week. lnf9rmetten: www.nws.noH.gov BOATING FORECAST In the Inner weten, expect Winch M •bout 10 llnoct to lest unttl the leti ewnfng with 2·fo0t..,,.. end wettem IW9lla M lfMt. Tonfeht b ...a. wlM eNft to the,.. .......... to. ~~,wtndiwtHbe SURF The 1outh-faclng brHkl should '"waist· to cheat-high Mtl, with th• occ11lon1I shoulder high . At the w .. t-fedng breett the ectlon should be 1 bit better, With welat tnd chett·hlgh Mta 111 day. w.ter~ www.aurfrlder.org T1Me l :Ole.m. 11:31e.m. 8:31 p.m.· 11~43p.n't ........ 3.50 feet high 1.•1"Ctow 5.AtMth'9f't 1.lfMtloW ·--·---~---_,//fl---- Dady Pilot T~sday, Jone 24, 2003 A3 Piece of Kona Lanes to live on American Sign Museum addi(\g closed bowling alley's sign. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -An Ohio siSn museum has given Kona Lanes a second life, agreeing lo preserve the bowling alley's distinctive Too-style sign as a part of iu. col- lection. The American Sign M~um. which ~ based in Cincinnati, Ohio. wiU add the sign to its col· lection of more than 2,500 signi.. photographs and book:. chroni- cling a niche of the country's commercial history. The sign from the bowhng aJ. ley, which closed May 18. was re- moved via crane on Monday. "We have a number of Califor· nia signs from the 1950s, • !>aid Tod Swom1c;1ead. the mu!>Cum's president. "It's our only i.ign that's of th;u type of theme de· l>ign.· On Monday morning. a crnne commisi.ioned by Anaheim- based Demeo Signs, removed the ma!>Sive sign from Its spot al the Mesa Verde Shopping <..enter. ll1e company plans to store the sign for several weeks, until the museum can arrange for a truck 10 sh ip it to Ohio. It will CO'>I aboul s 1,400 to Lraru.port ii IO the mll!>Cum''i warehow.e. Swoml.'llead !>aid. 1 he museum, incorporated as a not for profit group 111 I !l99, as ~110 open m !>pring of 2004. C.J. Segt•f'>lrom and Son-.. who own.'> the cc111cr, donated the '>lgn 10 the mu'>cum The com- pany elected to remove the bowiang ctllt"y IO pave the WdY for retail shop'>. "We knew that there was a FOR THE RECORD A June 21 article, ·To soon to ~ resort, Greenllght says," in- cluded a quote by Green- light spokesman Phil Arst that needs clarification. He said. •t think the city has made the Irvine Co. a sweetheart deal because the Irvine Co. can go through the county and ~ the Greenlight law." In fact. the project is not subject to a Green· Ugbt vote because it was already approved in the city's general plan, not the county's. The ques- tion posed 10 Arst sug- gested that the deaJ with the county was the rea- son a Greenllght vote would not apply. A story that ran in the June 23 Daily Pilot. "Still reeling ·em in after 31 years." identified a fish as a yeUowtail tuna. There iS no such fish. The fish is a yellowtail, not related to the yelJowfin runa. No l'Nltl!f ~t )IOU',. 'f04JI homtlown ntW5PIPfl' RTSIN... Daily Pilot I IL f ftlJ r All ; Pl QI Featuring A live Tribuu To Frank Sinatra Evn-y Monday c!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Quality Service••• •••Nighdy Entertainmenr-•• For Rt'u1 l'llfimu ( 'ull (949) 646-7944 J61J; lr"in<' A\t:., Cmf/I !\fn~ 0..•a " V'ftt4 \4~ \.4 "-' l(l • "-1 " "I""' ., • V'I Newport E:>each .Police Department Teen Academy '•i.•ot; \.. ~ I u a!'.,,j 'of \..,rM' ~ ~ ~ ... t(} J u111-> ~fith Aug w :t 14th . Law I::nforcemenl Careers 'Police 1?1de Along Carune D;rnonslrRuon ·shoot.mg Range The American Sign Museum in Ohio 1s adding the Kona Lanes l 950s-era sign to its collection Helicopter Demonst.ratwn community interest in preserv- ing the sign because of its archi- tectural and nostalgic a ppeal," company spokesman P.dul Free· man !>aid in a statement. "Even though circumstances made it impossible to. leave Kona Lan~ Bowl intact, we are happy that the :.ign wiU he adopted by an agency with the resources to pre M:rve and care for ii." Inc St·gcrstmml> and Me'>a Verde Partner'> jointly own th<• cen1cr where Kona l.an6 opened in 1958. Since 1ha1 time. as the popularity of howhng faded, rrnwd" at the alley grew more and more spar">t'. I hl· alley ha'> heen demoh,hed. Planmng Lomm1'>!>1oner K.ttn- "Over 50 Ytars of fine Quality" All Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Venic.als • Shutters • Bedspreads ComplimmtAry Con.sult11tio11 ;,, Your Home DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd 1 (. o ... ta Me..,a ~~= (949)642-8400 ~~·~.Z.':i"t:!:. ALDEN'S DRAPERY Cl.EANll\l6 AND MORE I NO TA.KE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Oougla!I Fabric Window Co\lerlng!I Including: • Luminette Privacy Shem' • Silhouette• window shad~ • Vignette• window. Ndi~ • Ouette' honeycomb shades • Millenialll Collection • JubilinceTM roman shades • Appbuse' hontycomb shades • Serenette™ SoftFold™ shadings World's Best ON-SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIF.S 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 I ,,,,' I ' ' ,,, • • .r' , , / / ! ,,,, ' '1' ..... ,., I ' ~'I ' • I. na folcy led thl' cllora IO prt· '>Crvt' the '>ig11, whal h " p111 urt•d in the "Hook. of Ilka" J.., an cxurn pie of a Polyne ... aan ldd l0Uow111g World War II. "l·or1unately 'lod wa' ablt· to make 11 happt·n · l·olt'v ,.11t.1 about Sworm'>le.td' .tl l cp1..111lt' of the "'Wl "I ~'a' rt.tlly \\om1·t.l (that it would hl' lo.,tl · Clsui ~ TI1ursd.ily tvttimgs !roru 600 pin 4{{J p10 StlJdentS can earn uP to v tlOurs Of CommunitY Service ered~ ART I N M OTIF I NDULGE Y OUR PALETTES ft'flhm•d 11rtist Ted Baker's work ltas been dt'srribed as "tl11• e.,.,enre of ronnectedness ... a symbol1r balance between spirit and nature." 1-rom the Collect ion of I ed Baker: Discm er tht> navor of celebrated local art1'>ts Oehght in compli mentary c;ample'> of Mot1r'> tuhnary masterpieces. a glass of aromatic \<\lne. and rcla\ to tht· c;ound'> of a cla\1,1cal quitar1c;t Savor tht• rn11,inc. admire the artist!) Art Ex hibit & Reception Wednesday June 25th, 5-6 pm. Complimentary validated parking Art Exhibits will continue through September 3 2003 Please call M otif at 949 234-3320 for further information I t' ,. " I • J• lr11 t I I"""""( lo..-,,J 1 •t : July 2 July 9 --Dale LaVoic Elke Sommer ~ rr11 E ST. REC IS Home to a certain world M Tuesday, June 24, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES ~MESA • Eldll9 ~A tf'8fftc eccldent lfwoMng injuriel WU repof'ted In ..,.2300 bk>dc .. 10:48 •.m. Sunday. ·~....,_.:Anauto theft w .. reported In the 1100 bloc:t et 2:21 e.m. Sunday. Sunday. •EMC 11th 8erMt: A oom~ burglaly WM repof1ed In the 400 bfodc .. 1:43 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Ademe StrMt: A home burglary was reported In the 200 blodt at 1 :27 p.m. Sunday. ' • Hatbor Boulevard! A vehicle burglary wea reported In the 2300bloc:tet10:12 e.m. Sunday. • Cot19 eaa.ta: Vandalism was reported in the 3100 blodt at 8:04 a.m. Sunday. • Mllgnola AIMnue: Vendaliam waa reported In the 300 bk>ck et 9:13 a.m. Sunday. • Newport lloul9wrd: Poueak>n of drugs was reported Jn the 2200 blodt at 4:49 a.m. Sunday. • Or9nge Awnue: A home burglary was reported in the 2600 bloc:t et 2:01 p.m. WIHdb1rY11 llr•llll•- You11 Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! • Harbor Island Dttve: Illegal fireworb were reported in the 100 blodt at 5:55 p.m. Sunday. • SM Migu.1 Driw: A hit-and-run was reported in the 1600 bloc:t at 8:35 p.m. Sunday. •31st Street: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodt at 8:11 a.m. Sunday. SPECIAL S AL E Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD ~ &1e• GOU>BN l'IAl'Ul SOLID llARDWOOD DlltHSE PLUSH CAii.PET $4f!~n. • llUl&IWwlU.PMI S J69 • HJAlmum 60,..,.... •q. n. ""8""'1.ae _18" • 18" .................................. 14.29 ... a. Cen.alc m •........................... _ ............ ,,_ 14.99 .. ft. Laa.lute .... ••••-••••••••••••• ....... ......_. "'-•4.99 ,. IL Supp/1111 ond 1bols r,,,. tlr11 "Do It YouneiflJ'll" All prlcu/produm for o limit«/ tim11, bu«/ on 00ttilttbiliq. l1EIA -1374 Lqan Ave., Suite F • COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 .... &rftnt tlN Um1'1uity for 30 ~lll'f TEQUILA CITRUS u kstiruls F1111UJ111 SALSA ~ CHICKEN FRurr SALA.os CJmmo's S..S.r of l:he Wuk BRATWURST s422,b. GRUN SA.l.A.os To-Go . 99¢ea. CF.usnNo's OVEN ROASTED OfICKENS Woman arrested in connection with armed robberies and is scheduled to be arraigned today at Harbor Justice Center in N'ewport Beach. DHp• Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA M Es.A -Police on Friday arrested a 19-year·old Indiana woman In connecdon with two armed robberies at South Coast Plaza ln February. officials said. Police officers from La Porte, lnd., arrested Sarah Marie Udell after Costa Mesa Police lnvestigators located her in that city after months of detec- tive work, said Sgt. Bob Cisuk. Udell, who used to live in NICHOLS Continued from Al HThat's a.bout all they could do,· Burnham said. The council does not have the power to remove Nichols. News media, protesters and community members opposing and supporting Nichols are ex- pected to show up in force at to- CHANGES Continued from Al 2,225-square-foot building to house concessions. lifeguard and first aid services, and a marine life resources facility with a life- guard observation room on top. Plans also call for expanding the grass area along the length of the beachfront pavement. The lifeguard observation toom has drawn some concern from neighbors. who worry it will be an ugly encroachment on views. "We feel there should be as rew buildings as possible. There is no VERDICT Continued from Al Balboa, not as the name of the city, but at least to raise the recognition factor. This was to change the name of the Irvine Coast C.Ouncry Oub to the Balboa C.Ountry Oub. Someone had researched ii and there wasn't another Balboa C.Ountry O ub in thtrcountry. And so what did we do with this opportunity'? The past repeated it.self. It became the Newport Beach Country Oub. Boring. What's in a name? nist.ram AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mlke.$W8nSOn@latimes.oom; byfax to (949)~170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A compfete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TUESDAY A free temirw on 8u.ntion deficit disorder will be hetd from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. et Mother's Martcet, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. Adults .......... In voeum..r tutor opportunities for Newport Beec::h Literecy Servfcel are invited to an orientation from 2 to 4 p.m . or from 6 to 8 p.m. et the Newport Bead\ Central Library . No e>(perience 11 neceuery. For more Information, cell (949) ,717·3874. WEDNESDAY *Wlli'l1iiiilldttillftg •• e .... aeml09r to be held from 8:30 to ~30 p.m. It Mother'I Mert.e. 226 E.17th St., Costa MeN. To mike reaervatk>na, call (800) 596-ee67. ........ ofdrllwtnlwt,_ ...... ~tbhope feeturing ~ Ind .... ~ et NewpOrt Beed\ ~. b9gln tod9'( and contin~ for tbt WMlal from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The tlf'8t MUiofl wNI meet It M•ftner'a Part. tdl.cent to Mlriner't Ubntry, 2005 OcMtr °'1w, Newport BMch. lndMduel lnetruc:tton bv.,. Mimi Shlron wUI be otfwed to beginning end tdvenctd 9tlJdeMI.. For mort lnformltton, o.111(Ml)844-3151. Tustin, had moved to Indiana about two montba ago, be aa.ld. "But La Porte Police seemed to know who she wu," Ciazek said, "They bad made contact with her a few times. We don't lcnow for what, but they kneW her.· 1\vo men and a woman were arrested and convicted of the crimes In February, he said. Police on Feb. 25, arrested Cllristopher Shannon Marti- nez, 36, Adam Avical Le Blanc, 30, and Robbyn Mae Rickard, 33, all of Santa Ana. who night's meeting, but Nichols might not be there. The 63-year-old Corona del Mar resident has been under medical treatment for a serious infection in his leg that could cause him to stay home, he said. ·1 have a doctor's appoinonent tomorrow and we will see what the doctor says,• Nichols wrote in an e-mail to the Pilot. Nichols has been the subject need for a lifeguard tower or any type," Breakers Drive residents Dr. and Mrs. Jack Larson wrote to the City C.Ouncil. · But Fl re Otlef Tim Riley de· scribes it as "small· and "el- egant" and necessary for bring- ing lifeguard protection services up to the standard of other beaches in the city. ·Al. the lifeguard headquarters at Newport Pier, you can stand in our lifeguard area and with bin- oculars you can see from the Santa Ana River to the Wedge be· cause you've got an elevated view,· Riley said. "We don't have that capability at C.Orona del Mar. "We're not asking for some big tower that protrudes out." he Shandy's father believed it shaped a person's character. Maybe if we had called ourselves Balboa. we'd still be just a raffish little beach town stocked with eccentric characters, and our city wouldn't have the cachet it does today. Maybe. Anyway, I heartily endorse any effort to utillie the name Balboa I also endorse the idea of a cock1a1I included with admission and reconunend that our local museums and gardens take this under consideration. • A08ERT GARONER is a Corona del Mar resident and a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. The Newport Beach awna.. °' Commerce will hold a business after-hours mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mimi's Cafe, 1835 Newport Blvd. in Costa Mesa. The mixer is free for members, $10 for potential members. For more information, call (714) 88!>-9090. ntURSOAY "Aw K-va to Vibrent l.Mng. la a free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother'• Mertet. 226 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. ~.,, arny °' culneiry specialties from South Coaat Plaza rM1auranta and tastings from premium wineries and breweries at the Summer Food and Wine Festival at the P'aza'a Crate and Barrel from 6 to 9 p.m. Every $40 advance tic* .. will benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County end Someone Cares Soup Kitchen. Tic:kets are $50 et the door. For more information. call (714) 43!>-2160. Cometlca ....... Teahitology wt Ufe Sciences DMtk>n Invitee the 1)Ublleto•bteekfut chcuteion, "What's Your Brend, How Do You Protee1 It. end How Do You Avoid Getting Sued?'" from 7:30 to 9'.30 1.m. at the Cent8r Oub, 860 Town Center Drive, In Costa Mee&. For ~.call (310) 231..&eM> F'RIMY NllwportO.... ......... ..,.. on the Bead\• ...-off9r'I •Legaay Blonde" aftlng et dutk on the Newport Nnd. Plwtdng c:otta S8 per car. C.rnpflNI wtll -.0 be .veltable for a'morM. The l'MOft 18 It 1131 Bee* B4IY Drtw. For more lnfonndon. can (9491 729-DUNE. MTIMDAY a.. ................. of N91;vpon Hartlor~ while~ ..... piece In end sound the ......m ~ 10e.m. to10p.m.et._,...._.,..... -••ISi Oft r.111..a. a.lie waallll._.. ......... ........................ ............ °" ....... _ .... • Ju TNll1911rt ,..... ............. . .. m111 ............. . '111tz:=~~~~~ ........................ ,. • 'MOfel;armll'llft. .. .. e w parking lot on Feb. 22 and Feb. 23. The fourth ampect had evaded police until now. On one occasion, offtdall said, Ric~ accosted a woman walking In the Sean parking lot, forcibly took her purse and knocked her down. The victim and another witness ran after Rickard, but Rieb.rd jumped into a car with the rest of her group. Police aaid one among the group pointed a gun at the victim and the wibleas, who then backed off. The second incident hap· pened outside the Nordstrom department store when, om- of nationwide med1a coverage after a comment about Corona del Mar State 8eacb improve- ments and, ln particular, a pro- posal to expand the grass areas at the beach. "With grq we usually get Mexicans coming in there early in the morning and they claim it as theirs and it becomes their personal. private grounds all day.~ Nichols said last week. The comment touc.bed off said. ~rt's a really tastefully done small area that allows us to pro- vide basic lifeguard services." Part of the funding will come from $84 l from the American nader Oil Spill Settlement funds and from a $479 grant from state Propo6ition 12 funds. The re- maining cost of nearly $600,000 could come from the city budget. grants or both. The plan to improve the beach got its start in 1999 when the Oty C.Ouncll determined that the ag- ing structures should be up- graded. Details of the proposed renovations were suggested by city staff and based in part on a public-input process that in- cluded a survey mailed to 1,000 INCREASE Continued from Al Prior to that time, the state col- lected 29' of the ~ value of the vehicle, revenue that was. in turn, handed over to local gov- ernments. The 1998 bill loweled the regbtration fees to 0.679li of the assessed value. resutttng In a rebate to drivers. Included in that bill was a trigger clause that al- apune m playing • gun tucked ln b1a walltband. Police aa.ld the same vehicle and group wer1! invotved in both robberies. Both incidents happened at around 6:45 p.m. over the saJOe weekend, police said. : Udell was extradited from ID· dJana and brought back to California. She la being held in Orange County jail ln Heu or a $25,000 ball. Udell la being chuged wttb two count.a of robbery, an en- hancement for use of a flrearJD and threat to terrorize, ail felo· niea. She la acheduled to be ar- raigned today at Harbor Juati&e Center In Newport Beach. protests. lnduding out.raged op- position from many of his cowi- c:il colleagues. Mayor Steve Brombe!g called on Nichols to resign, but bas said be la not SW"e whether he will suaest an agenda Item to censwe Nicbok •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beecn and John W..,ne Airport. She mey be reactted at (949) 57~ or by e-mail at june.CllUflrandtl@latimn.com. residents in late 2001 . a public woibbop held Man:h I 0 or this )Ur and meetings of the Paib Beaches and Recreation C.Om· mllsion and the Planning C.Om· mission. Corona del Mar State Beach is owned by the state and managed and maintained by the d ty. Be-. tween 800,000 and 1 million peo- ple visited the beach last year, bringing in about $710.000 in parldng and conc.es.sion revenue fortbe d ty. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beech and John W..,ne Airport. She may be rudled at (949) 574-42:32 or by a-mail at june.C6Sllflrandtl@ltrtimn .com. about $200 will see their fee rt.Se to $600. Drivers registering their vehicles in October will be the first to pay the increased fee. On Thursday, Department of Fmance DbMor Steve Peace, sent a letter to the Departme1u: , of Motor VehJcles Wonning the • ~ agency that the crigger had been pulled. Since then. Campbell's office bas been 8ooded with ~mails and calls protesting the move. • • • lows the governor to return the • ~ CUNTON cowr1 the Cee to its pre-1998 level environment. business and politics. In Orange C.Ounty, where the He may be ruched et (9491 average vehicle is valued at 7'64-4330 0< by •meil et $30,000, drivers now paying paul.cJintonfllatimn.com. 673-7863. Newport Dunea Re.ort'e •Movtee on the Beec::h • aeries offers ·eeauty and the eeaat• ttarttng et dullc on the Newport und. Partlng co.ta $8 per car. Campfirea wlll af90 be available for •'mores. The reaort la et 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. ~ddarwof .. ages invited to the Oaaia Health Fair from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m . et the Corona def Mar Senior Canter. 800 Marguerite Ave. Ffee tests will be available fof blood preaure, vilion, hearing, body fat. pulmonary lung function, podiatry, dermatology, 8nd phyaical therapy 8nd c:Nropr8Ctic needl. Other t9m wilt be offend for a $20 to $45 fee. For more Information, call (9'9) 718-1821. The Coeta Mele ..... c.nw will hold• ftH m.ftet from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. It the center'• parldng lot. 696 W. 19th St. 5peces co.t $10 for memben, S20 for nonmembeta. Rteefvetlona ere required. For mOf'8 lnfotmetion. cell (948 &4S-2368. SONDAY TheflrtCO...,..County .... boet,.. tnd frs.ndthlp brMkfMt poduc* apoMOred by the Or-. County aw... CUltut'll Oub •be held from 8 a.m. to noon It 1he N9wport Aqudc c.m.. 1 WhbedHll Drive, N9wport 8Mc:h, CA 92880. A8gilb lllk>n blgltw It UC> a.m. forftW'tl rue..~ and voluntfw infornwdon, cal (714) S.2'108. .... c:NWNll ............ .... tbcth ..._ n lrwleld to ·~,,. SefM• It 10'.30 e.m. It the Nw4MNt .... c.ntrll Ubnlry. The P"9W". be ,..... .. 3 p.m. .My 2 It ~bf'Mdt and et 10:30e.m. .My I It ttw Mbol bfand\. For more WonMdon. ce1.-711a1t. JllYl ........... ., ........ . e:·1r,z:a· ~-........ , I of the Hawaiian 11£anda by Donna : Ruzich and colorful umbrella beach acenea by Carole Boller. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. Artl9try wtl combllie with passion for a popular apart In "Tennla in Alt," an exhibit of paintings by Joie Mendou. on d~ay in the Newport Beach Central Libnuy foyer through Aug. 30. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY2 a.ldMt ...... ftnt through sixth gredM •re invited to •StoryteUing Safari• et 3 p.m . ., the Marinera Br8ndl Public Ubrery. The program will be repMt9d It 10".30 •.m. Jutv 3 81 the Belboa Brandl. For more Information, call (9'9) 717~18. JULY 3 . . • . • • • CIM9" ................. abdh gqdea ere lnvfted to ·Stofytillllng s.t.n• .. 10:30 e.m. , It....,. Brend\ PubHc LJbqfy. : For more lnformetion, atll {941) • 717-3818. : JULY 4-_;_ The Anwtcen l..ellon Yadwt a.. : wttl ho9t the~ Fourth of Jufy : Boat Plnde, fMturing loadl of • dec:*ed out yed\ta paredfng 8long : the....,.. of Newport B.y • ltMting .. , p.m. Ther9 .... 30 : boet~eMglblefor .w.da. For more lnfonnttlon, cell (..., f7S.35ee. JUl.Y 5 . ' Na .. ft0.-"91 .,. ........ ~ on tt.e IMd'I•..,.. oltt'I : •Robtft Hood ....... et.,... .. Newpoft ...s. PMlne ODl9 • ptrClf. ~·....,bit ~for •'morte. The .-cwt llet n111-*1eyonw. For more lrdDmwtlofi. cell (Mil m.DUNE. .. NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW PARK PATROL PROGRAM • WHO: Newport Beach City Council meeting Here are some ltema to be considered •tonight by the Newport Beach Oty Coundl. ·PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION In their study session before the regular meeting, council members wW consider a plan to monitor the use or city parks, to check pennlta and to help deal with problems caused by competition for limited space on city playing fields. The idea is to have unifonned staff members monitoring the use of the city's 38 active parks, fields and other fadllties. The $52,000-a-year cost would be paid for in part by charging $1 an hour for fields to some youth groups that now use them for free. Representatives of some of these groups have told the city that they support this plan. The remainder would be paid for by raising fees for special events permits and for renting and reserving facilities at dty parks. • WHEN: Study session will begin at 4 p.m. today: the regular council meeting will start at 7 p.m . .. • A Balboa Island homeowner whose ~request to add on to the top of her home ~ waa abot down by the Planning Commission wW get a reconsideration by : the council. The issue ts the same one lhat landed Councilman Dick Nichols in •trouble recently after he told Planning Commissioners that their denJal of the 1equest was so wrong that it looked as If ·someone had accepted money. The homeowner had approval to add a _is.square foot elevator shaft on the roof of her South Bay Front home, but dwing --00ostruction. workers expanded it to a 127-square-foot addition that included a ·bathroom. Pianning Corn.rn.i.Mioners ·voted unanimously that this did DOI warrant a variance, but Nichols believes that it should be permined because the end result is much Jess imposing on neighbors' views than the building that the homeowner tore down to build this home. WHAT TO EXPECT A good guess might be a 6-1 vote to _uphold the Planning Commission's WHAT TO EXPECT Because this is only a study session item, no formal action will be taken tonight But if council members like the program. they may ask to have it put on a future council agenda PLANNING COMMISSION CALL-UPS Yet another Item pertaining directly to Nichols was carried over from the last council meeting after that meeting ran • WHERE: Council Chambers at City Hell, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Complete agendaa and 1taff reports are available at www.clty.newport-beach.ca.us; (949) 644-3000 too late. Tonight, council members hope to get time to consider whether they should change ind.Mdual council members' power to revisit Planning Commission decisions. Right now, a single council member can call up any Planning Commission decision as a council agenda item. nullifying the commission's vote. The commission has similar powers to call up decisions of the Modifications Committee. Council members tonight will consider whether to revert to the pre-1997 policy or requiring two or more council members or planning commissioners to call up such decisions. WHAT TO EXPECT It's hard to say how much support this idea will gamer. but Nichols is a likely no vote. -C.Ompiled by June Casagrande BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Fnvironmental group presents awards for awareness The group Stop Polluting Our Newport will present the Frank and Frances Robinson En- viromnental Award. an honor to be pre- sented annually to a Newport Beach com- munity members who have distinguished themsetves through promoting environmen- tal awareness. Th.is year's award will be pre- sented to Fem Pirkle at 10 am., Saturday. al the Bonita Canyon Spons Part. Beach landscape exhibit set for City Hall starting in July The public is invited to view "Beach Landscapes and Flowers,~ an exhibit fea- turing digitally manipulated aerial photo- graphs of the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzicka and colorful umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller. The e.xhibil will be on display from July 1 to Sept. 30 a1 New· port Beach City Hall. For more infonna- tion. phone (949) 717-3870. July 4 trash collection re scheduled Areas of the Newport Beach regularly scheduled for trash collection on Fridays will not have their trash collected on July 4. II will be picked up on July 5. There will also be no street sweeping that day. For Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find seMc:es from electrorncs and ~umbers, to landscapers and painters. ,.----'fl • I\;_ 1( /1•1 ,0 f • \n11111rllo lli-111n1111t Harl BB\ Rr"1111 & H111111m1! 1 Ioli K..s112L11l h1ur Hlury, u1rr l.nll BOl>I L \ ( h1M 111011·· ( lu1111pftJ'llt I n-111 Ii R.1L1·n I 1(1 ( li11m Ju1111" r ll1r ( l11l1h111N (Aoff,.,. IJ,.1111 lie lru l ... 11( w< 11mrr Hul.rn <.11-ru( \ndrr~ I laoiz1·11-D11.1, \I \I 1: H rt ~Tl\ \I at South Coast Plaza more information, phone the General Serv- lces Department from 7 a.m. 10 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at (949) 644-3055. Meeting set for Glstaway Park landscaping The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Com- mission will review and take public 1esn- mony on the proposed native planungs grant. An alternative amendment 10 plant a green area in the center of the park will also be considered. The park is on the cor- ner of Dover Drive and Castaways Lane. The public is invited to attend the meeting a1 7 a.m. on July 7 in the City Council chambers. Daily Pilot I .llt.n •• ( 11nrn \ltw' ', I lnuw °'ltm \lonnn\ n( I lnl'llJ!" \~1111 ('u1·11111 <)lhlll"' ( uffr Ru,aJ Kll\lll'r • UI•' l11tlu111 ( U1•111r \1r elf h&On' Crate and Barrel I Macy's Home Store Wing \\ ahoo\ I 1•h foru 1 olf11111111 Pu< l ( afr I --. ( /1 llf<l'I< r• 8.t!'f'foot ( rllor- Rrenruu llM" Bran,k-r \ llll'\llJ\I 5uf>na \ 1•111 . Bu11ont.l•KI •unn 11wn ( .a111rrT11 C.1U11..,., ull1'!1al ( .ru.1oru ( dlu-. C.kb du Bot~ Fr" Parlrr \\ uirn Fin-~1011t \int\ arcJ fl)i~ Wal 1;;1181"' Gallo of Sonuma l lart \\~ntry Iii· Tun~ \\ inr ( A-lllll' l.indr111011Jt Mac\f WTa) Randi ~1aurin" f.ariit \lumm cu~tt \apa iCTH>'ls llltr\ Prdroortlli \~™-vard Penloldi. , Quad) ~inff} ~bolaheco Robut Mooda~i Pri~11r !:w-l«tion ~f.Mat.t ~ int James :;mu Simi \"ISUI \uwytrd and 11ntry uanCtUan ,..... -~ft; 1:11/t{I~ ~ /tt I/ l .!.(JI .:.l }( ~ i 1J.111. lit '0.11/. >4 Gfeat Cuisine ,._ Premium Wmeries & Brewerie ,._ Live Music from Alturas 1,;/o.(f 1 $40 per person prepaid $50 per person at the door $30 per person for groups of 10 or more /3r(f(l(IU,I * Tbt Aradnny o( Fillf Bttn. •• BJ's Rtstourant & BrtTr"tn 81't'fo'&ktrs . Fiff'i!OM-l 'alku.&u-en 1..o1'Wllflllll!~--maam:mut.t1L_" ~~---Hll­ Kari StrallS8 Bin.rn-Rn rauranr ~1"1X'f1 lkadi Bl't'~ Coolpany Rhyut <.:ydu. Inc. Rook Bottom Brniery Sc.ttlhead ~ COmpan) IOllf Btf-r,i~ Company Tu.still ~1118 Compan> .,)dcr·1 Cidrr •Panaa.l I 1-tin1t ~pon o~ l')! ....., .. VOLVO for life COAST Tuesday, Jllle 24, 2003 A5 I Give Us Your Child And we'll pve you a student a full audemlc level hlper. At Tutoring Clubs of Amenca, we're dedlc.ated to ensuring your child succe~s Most important, we htlp students achieve the self·estttm and r.onf1dence they n~ to succttd A.ti In With our exclusive TutorA1d just 32 hoors. GUAAANTEED. curriculum, we aa create learning Summe mp ea11 today and find programs out more It could ~ s~1f1eally ~ -the most important des19nt"d for your child s nttds summer of your child s life (949) 645-7900 488 East 17th Street • Costa Mesa corM' of 1r11n~ 14.tfl'n~ T~~- MATH • READI NG • WRITING • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP FIT FOR LIFE Join the Un iversity Athletic Club Enjoy Fitness as a Part of Your lifestyle LATEST IN WEIGHT TRAINING/CARDIO FITNESS EQUIPMENT C OMPLIMENTARY FITNESS C OUNSELING RACQUETBALL -SQUASH -HANDBALL -BASKETBALL )R. O LYMPIC SWIMMING POOL -RESTAURANT -LOUNGE CALL FOR A COMPLIMENTARY GUEST P ASS ANO T OUR • UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752-7903 1 701 Quail Street, Newport Beach Tantan1 1"1M} • J'ild Co)ott' '"Jlamrtte \' ,~_,.wd. A'MAREE'S TuWS __________ _ Pk.te Cbarp My 0 AMEX 0 \lSA Q MC llN' Oil Cud ,1a1e -------- Zl,p ___ _ Siie .J"-"9et'ft----llckru 11 9 ----- -----~Y ..,_k•n ac • --- t.pwno. 0..., --------- J - Al Tuesday, June 24, 2003 Dally Pilot FORUM HOW 10 GET PUIUsHED -Letten: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Co9t8 MMe, CA 92827 • R11clen Hodne: Call (949) 642-6086 fex: Send to (949) 648-4170 E-malt:Send to dlll/ypilottll•timH.com •All correspondence mutt Include full name, hometown and phone numbeF (for verification pufPOIM). The Pilot reeervet the right to edit all aubmlasion1 for cfarlty and length. READER'S RESPOND Putting in their two ce.nts reg~ding Nichols At issue: Dick Nichols' comments about expanding the grass areas above th.e beach in Corona del Mar. T he truth is the truth. What Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols said is "blatantly true." One just has to go to Blg Corona on any given week.end to see this. Have we become so fearful of not being "politically correct" that we must avoid the truth? A public beach belongs to all voting, taxpaying citizens.. In my opinion, Steve Smith's comments in his Family Time column are "dramatically pathetic." Is be running for office? TalJc about adding fuel to the fire. I take offense of his reference to Orange County as having been a haven for rich white Republicans. 01ill out Mr. Smith. FRED W. ARNOLD Costa Mesa I always enjoy Steve Smith's articles, so l did not miss his take on my Councilman Nichols's discriminatory comments about the Mexicans la.ki ng over his beach. As a longtime resident of Newport Beach, I am inflamed by this man's attitude and remarks, especially as a representative of our community. These are the kinds of comments and attitude that inspired the Hitlers and the Saddams and many others in our history. I am embarrassed for myself, my friends and neighbors to have him representing us. I applaud Smith's sensitivity. the other council memb ers and the many other citizens that are d~mandi.ng bis removal .from the council immediately an~ let him return to that hole he came from. Please, Smith and your newspaper, the media, the other council members and the public keep intense beat on tpjs guy and have him disappear into oblivion .. Thanks for your work and keep it up. continually be self-educating, to be involved, to be paying attention and investigating; Nichols' remarks reveal a mental wallowing in · preconceived thought indicative of a closed mind. Based on Sandy Nichols' letter-to-the-editor published Sa~y, June 21, Nichols could easily have made his point without ever m entioning "Mexicans" or any other specific group of people. The fact that he targeted Latinos in bis interview with Daily Pilot reporter June Casagrande clearly indicates that Nichols is, at the very least, a somewhat bigoted man. He is obviously ignorant of the ramifications of his speech as an elected representative of Newport Beach as well as not possessing any talent in bow to handle the press and press interviews. This is not a free speech issue but a common sense issue. I am not suggesting he be dishonest regarding his opinions but that he be circumspect; there are ways to phrase unpalatable opinions without being insulting as well as to framing issues for debate. Nichols is apparently incapable of expressing his ideas without ruffling feathers or sinking to the lowest denominator. His actions waste official time needed to attend to City Council business; he should resign by June 30, the end of the city's fiscal year. The umpire has spoken: You're oud JACQUELYN BEAUREGARD DtlJ.Mffl Newport Beach Dick Nichols should not resign because of any bigoted remarks he might have made. After all, he represents a city that lives and breathes bigotry and elitism. Not true? Ask yourself this: What ts the C.S. CHAVEZ purpose of a Newport Beach? Newport Beach The brutal answer: keep the hol polloi and riffraff out. Three strikes, you're ouL One The sudden burst of political thlng Dick Nichols has shown · correctness Oargely due to the us it that he is not a politician. sudden burst of media interest) No real politician would so goes against everything consistently drop verbal Newport Beach stood for JO weapons of mass destruction. days aio -and has all the Flfst, it waa the Distinguished honesty of a bust pad. Speakers Lecture Serles One has to face the truth. presented jointly by the Newport Beach, this city of Newport Beach Public Ubrary multimillion-dollar homes and Newport Beach Public surrounded by water unfit for Library Foundation: Nichols swimming, is in a state of accused the committee that denial. Newspapec columnists produces the series of having a have come out of the woodwork political agenda. 9f only pontificating on the meaning of preaentlng "left-wing" speakers it all. Steve Smith, a "freelance and wanted the coUQcil to writer" even gets the lead in the monitor the committee's Dally Pilot He carries the speaker selection. In the meaning of political correctlless interests of free speech. be was to a new level. I won't bore you resoundingly admonished by with bis silliness. the rest of the Clly Counctl. >.. If )'OU want to be bored you co•chair of the series, I wrote a can read it yourself. Letters to letter-to-the--editor detailing the editor ("Readers Respond" the unbiased speaker selection in the Dally Pilot) are almost• process. unanimous in their demand for Secondly, it was the f'lanning the head of Nichois for his C.Ommisslon, whom he "racial" remarb. Per}\aps the essentially accused of taking writers are Just hedging their bribes when ft came tu bet& in 20 years the last name HENRY osl'ERl&UR Cotta Mesa Yes, dd.s creature that goes by the oame of D<ck Nk:holt should definitely resign. M.NARRO Newport ~tdl MAILBAG FU PHOTO I DAILY P1LOT Roger Mendez built a boat with his classmate Lee Chen for their AP physics class at Newport Harbor High School. Refreshed by zest for learning and knowledge A ft er reading of Roger Mendez's excitement regarding his studies in physics and engineering versus the Westside gang sweep article on the same front page today, I was compelled to stop everything and raise a cheer for a young man's love of learning against numerous odds that so many of never face as we take our "right" to an education for granted. J can just hear teachers everywhere wishing they had classrooms full of students like Roger. Hls appreciation for opportunities his parents never had is palatable as he relates his plans at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and to "fight for the freedom that makes it the greatest nation in the world.• How refreshing to hear appreciation, determination. loyalty and sheer delight of what be can become in the future. His parents have every right to be bursting with pride. For all those who furget that stereotypes and racial profiling are not only dahgerous, but unfair. Roger Mendez is one of many shining lights that keep our country the best place ln the world to live. ROSEANNE EICHENBAUM Costa Mesa Will Pelican Hill Resort effect cost of utilities? In response to the article on the front page of Saturday's paper regarding concerns on Pelican Hill Reson : On the same page is your article about the rising cost of water due to higher demand. Our concern is how will the Pelican Hill Resort effect the costs and supply of our precious utilities. MELODY ANO JOHN PERRY Newport Beach COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Resort's plans don .'t call for taking away recreational and environmental space I n Greenllght leader Phil Arst's Community Commentary of June 19, 2003, be continues the policy of Greenllgbt Member Tum Billings' attempts to mislead residents. First of all the Regent is not taking away recreational and environmental open space. The plans call for inaeased access to the property while at the same time improving the existing reaeational programs offered by the city's Parks and Recreation OepartmenL The Regent not only maintains the public open space and recreational aspects of this site, it improves iL And this wfD be done with private funds, not taxpayers' money. Everything Arst suggest Is to be paid for by you. tbe ree.id.ent, and the taxpayer. All of the improvements included in the Regent plan won't COit residents a dime. This ls a Win for the ~and tor the residents. Ant's da1m that he leldfied at the March u. 2003 Qty Council hearing ln opposition to the Regent Resort is false. The omdal minutes from that hearing state "Phil Arst stated that he is delighted a vote will take place on the project. H Nowhere in the official minutes, contrary to Arst's statement, does he say that he or Greenlight are opposed to the Regent ln fact nowhere in Arst testimony before the council is the word opposed even used once. My past prediction that Greenlight would at some point find some reason to .oppose the Regent has now come true. By the way, at this same City Council meeting my agreement with the city was approved by all seven countil members. Yes, even Greenligbt Councilman Dick Nichols voted in favor of the Regent. Arst's next statement in his commentary is even more unbelievable. He claims residents must vote on t,pe Regent Resort because of the Greenligbt law and not because the city's leaders and I believe residents should decide a matter of this importance. This assertion is easily disproved by simply reviewing Greenlight's own Web site or by reviewing the Greeoligbt law itselt The truth is that the Regent ls IUbject to a Greenlight vote only if it exceeds the traffic limitation laid out by Greenlight and it does noL When Arst declares. Hthere are still judges who can decide the legality of bypassing the Greenligbt law," it seems he is threatening to file a lawsuit against the city lf the residents' vote on the Regent is not to his II.king. This·again will be at a monetary cost to our residents and it is a slap in residents' faces. Arst•then reverts to Hthe old scare them with the turning of the city into another Miami Beach tactic.~ Does he mean this one and two story 110-room luxury resort is going to turn Newport into Miami? This "the sky is falling" farce is going too far. Based on current events, Arst needs to clean up his own Greenligbt house and stop trying to spend taxpayers' money. F.spedally when the Regent Newport Beach Resort provides improved recreational and open space with private money. • STEPHEN R. SUTHERLAND ls 11 Newport Beecti resident and partner of the Regent Newport Beacn Resort -HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES crrv Of COSTA IE~ Co.ta MeM City Hiii, 77 F91r Drive, Costa MeM, CA92928, (714) 751-6223 Meyor: Gary Monahan Council: Ubby Cowen, Allen ManlOOf', Mike Sd'9afer and Chrft St• CITY OF NEWPORT BUCH Newport Bead'I City Hll, llOO Newport Blvd., Newport~. CA92683, (949) 6"-3309 M9wor: Steve Bfom~ Counol: Gary Adema, John Hdwnan, Oki Nlctlott, Gary Proctor, 1bd ftidgewtry end DonWebb DISTRICT District Ofnce: 2985-A Bear St, Cotta Meaa, CA 92626, (714) 424--6000 ........... Mlent: Robert Bac1>ot loefd: PrHldent Martha Fluor, Vice Preeld9nt Dena Blad(. Clerlc Sefene St<>ltn, Otvld Broob, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and UndaSneen . mM CON10UDA1m WATER DISTRICT 198& Plecentle I/Ne., Cotta M ... , CA 92627, (948) 831-1200 lolfd: Ptetic:tMIC Jim Addneon, Vice PNeldent M*9 Hee19V, Trudy Ohlig-Hall, met lodonitler end Pllul E. Shoenberger COITa lmA lllflfMV DllntiCT P.O. loec 1200, COiia Mela. CA t2821-t200, (714)1M-IOG ............. ICArteneSc:Nfw,Jlm ~Anf'my, GNgWoodlfde •nd . 0... .,.."'°" . Elizabeth 0. Parker, member, Trustee Area 5, Cotta Meaa. Newport Bead'I ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPlRVISORs Hall of Administration, 10 Civic eent.r Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 • Jim Sliva, 2nd District (Colla Mete, Newport Bead\), (714) 834-3220 • Thomes Wltaon, 6Ch Olttric:t (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3660 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Dtlvt, COila Mela, CA 92926, (714) 7CJ8..AAIR loMt: ~Ruben A. Smith, Vb Pt..tdent Pwtcil V..11 quez, Randy Sfnhh,; Emitv SMbd. ~Heidi, --llltctt. Debonih Caronl. l..ellle A. ~end frlrik Barbero ITA'lllDMTI "°"Jot...,,. CR), 38Ctl DIMnca. *12 ~11\id., lulll-IMne. CA lml. ... , ........ . ...... s.i:,_,N&J.Dwm.tlt• .. 1• . •• • ... QUOTE OF THE DAY "I'm so proud of him. It's so exciting being here. I feel like we're being treated like movie stars. This is surreal." Cindy Clobff, mother of Mr. Irrelevant, Oaiy Pilot Spom Editor RJctwd Dunn; (949) 574-4223 • Spof1s Fax: (949) 650-0170 IRRELEVANT WEEK ~~~~·Hoag arrives in style • . .. .. .. . ·- Mr. Irrelevant XXVIII is pronounced fit after showing up in ambulance and stretche r, then is showered with gifts. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -When the Heis· man lfophy winner meets the Low- sman lfophy winner Thwsday night for Irrelevant Week, the two former college football players -USC quarterback Carson Palmer and NCAA Division Ill Gustavus Adolphus College wide re- ceiver Ryan Hoag. respectively -might be closer in NFL potential than most people think. Hoag. you see, could fit well in the Oakland Raiders' offense in "about three or fow years,· after the team's cur- rent wide receivers. future Hall of Famers Jerry Rice and Ttm Brown, con- COSTA MESA LITTLE LEAGUE Dodgers will play for title CMNLL Minor B team ·sticks together to top Ocean View Rangers, 13-10. Barry F1ulkner Daily Pilot HUNTINGTON BEACH -Through 25 games and 21 \llctones. the Costa Mesa National Little League Minor B Dodgers have become more than a baseball team. They appear to have bonded as a family, JUSt the way Man- ager Kirk Stone planned aJJ aJong. This much was evident in the com - munaJ hugs shared by players, manager and coaches In the aftermath of Mon- day's dramatic 13-10 victory over the Ocean View Little League Rangers in the semifinaJs of the District 62 Tourna- ment of Olampions at the Seaview Lit- tle League fields at LeBard Park. But It was aJso visible in vinually all six action-packed innings, as the Dodg- ers shrugged off booted ground balls, errant throws. and other lapses that come from players ages 8-1 o. who are still learning the game. While frequent adversity occasionaJJy prompted brief head hanging. and even tears, the Dodgers stayed the course, playing the game and the opponent. in- stead of the victim. ·1 think It's really, really important. es· pedally at this level, to work o n the mental aspect of the game, even more than the physical.· Stone said after hJs team advanced to Wednesday's title game, set for 5 p.m. at the Huntington Valley Uttle League fields against an op- ponent to be determined. "lf kids know in thelr head that they can do it and people ca.re about them, they'll feel good enough about themselves to per· fonn." The Dodgers (21-4), performed re- peatedly in clutch lltuations. both of- fe and dd , to eliminate a Rangers squad onunatJ ts oppolition all aeaaon. Dodger left fielder Juan Valdez was a prominent hero early, tomahawling a hJgb fastball well OYel' the 1-tS·foot fence tn Left for a third-inning grand slam to cap a six·run outbunt that broke a l ·l tie. It was his first hornet of the aeason. Ocean View, the designated home teem. aoored three In the third and three • ln the fowth, both rallies aided by a pair of Oodpr etron. to de the pme and set the stage for a t'aml1lar Dodger hero. Vlctoc 'D'ujWo. who bid die ~ wtnnlng RBI single ln the bottom of the li:ldb ln Saturday's 5-4 quuterftnal win, stepped to the ))We after Kanoon Stone • bid waJUd to le.d oft' lhe ~ fifth. 'nuj01o lifted 1 blut onto the resklendal IU'eel beyond the rtaht-center·fteld ,. ,, Illa for a two·Nn hons dUd ll*bd • f' I four-run ~ 1bi llDcliMt IMMI' ~ nledlilin. ~-...... I.med '°~ 11·10,hMdAnllrMothelblh. ~ .sded three lllOIJI ... .. Che ttartlnC pttcher. ..... out Oft. sider retiring. . "It's a great situation to be in. There are no expectations of starting and I've got two of the best wide receivers to learn from," Hoag said Monday night at the Arrival Pany at the Newpon Dunes. where lrrelevant Week XXVlll was offi- cially kicked off. Amid a Hoag Hospital theme, Mr. Ir- relevant xxvm arrived via ambulance and was escon ed onto the stage on a stretcher by cheerleaders and blond nurses in shon skirts. The honoree climbed atop the lifeguard tower and was subsequently showered with proc- lamations and gifts, including an auto- graphed Randy Moss Vikings jersey, which Mr. Irrelevant tossed aside with tongue in cheek. Actually. Hoag has plE;nty of reason to believe he's the n ext coming of Moss. Mr. irrelevant XXVIll has bee n clocked in the 40-yard dash in 4.33 second~ and is a three-time NCAA Division Ill AJJ - Ame'rican sprinter in track and field. ·1 had a good experience ac miru- camp (with the Raiders)." Hoag said. ·1 never learned so much in such a short period of time. It was physically de- manding. too.• Selected No. 262 in the NFL draft and absolutely dead last by the Oakland Raiders, Hoag is out to prove he can make it, just lilc.e he did at Gustavus Ad- olphus, where he holds numerous school records. "He was tearing up the cornerbaclcs in college . . . he'd jump three feet over them," said his longtime friend, Ryan Volk. who was invited by Mr. Irrelevant to join him this week in Orange County. along with other friends and family, in· eluding his mother, Cindy Oobes. "I'm so proud of him," his mother said. "It's so exciting being here. I feel like we're being treated like movie stars. This is surreaJ." Hoag. who wiJJ make his first-ever lrip to the beach today and tonight ap- pear on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, said See HOAG, Pa1e A8 2003 HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE YEAR SERIES Garrett Snyder led Corona del Mar to Division I tennis title this year, his fourth CIF championship in three years. EYEOPENER Daity.IJ>ib ~Hiio/ ... -... .lllnt 30 honorff PHIL BROWN Tuesday, June 24. 2003 A7 Covered with gifts, Mr. Irrelevant XXVlll Ryan Hoag laughs at the commentary provided by Paul Salata, the founder of Irrelevant Week, at the Arrival Party k1ckmg off the f esbvrtles to honor the last pick 1n the NFL Draft. Hoag, a recerver from DMs1onlll Gustavus Adolphus College, was chosen No. 262 by the Oakland Raider s. while tossing a football up to himself. "4AA~ C OUSTN :lAILY P1,QT JUNIOR TENNIS Four survive Monday 's action Player pool shrinks as the t,op seeds await in the lO l st annual SCTA Junior Section al Championships. While the top ~edc, a ..... cut the round of 32 later this weel. many other young tennis players have begun playmg at the JOlst AnnuaJ Southern Ca.l.tfomia Ten - nis Association Juruor Secuonal Cham p1onships. \Vith boys and girls compeung m su different dtVlsions, the competiuon h~ been fierce with up to 256 players 111 each field and eight locaJ pla} er-. felt the brunt of that compeauon. falhng out of the field Monday. while only four ad- vanced. The draw has already claJmed New pon Beach's Charlie Farmer and iyter Deck m the boys IB·and-under smgle5 competition, while Kae~ Van't Hof awaits a round of 32 match Wednesday ~gainst StanJey Sarapan1ch at 12.30 p.m at Los Caballeros in Fountain Valley. AU three players will aJso compete m the doubles competioon. wh1ch ~ today. Farmer's ma1ch 1s scheduJed for 2 p.m. as is that of Deck. who will team up with Blake Meister. Van't Hof wiJJ pair up with Chase Muller as the sixth-seed m the doubles compeotion, also playing a 2 p.m malch and Costa Mesa's Wes Burrows and team.mate Ryan Sandburg face sec- ond-seeded Jason Mossembekker and Jonathan Sanchez. In boys 16-and·under Ulglts, Carsten Ball of Newpon Beach LS slated for a 9'.30 a.m. match on Wednesday in the round of 32. Among those hoping to join him were his Corona del Mar High teammate Spencer Reitz of Newport Coast. who defeated Kellam Webb. 6-0, 6-4, and Winston Park. 3-6, 6-3, 6...t, ~ fore facing off against Jonathan Green- berg Monday, as well as Burrows, who faced off' against }ustin JCnysh after d~­ feadng Andrew Segal, 6-1. 6-4, Zac 1Ui (retired. illness) and CaMn Chan, 6-3. • t Al ~ • .Alie 24, 2003 HOAG Contn.ed from A7 bia recepdon It Monday's Antval Party was "more ~than I bid fMI" i.mapled. • Among ~· sea of gifts, passed out by Iael- city of Newport Beach. On one end, be could get into Newport Beach; on the other end, be could get out of Oakland. He also ~ved a nadltional Jewelers watch. an autographed football by for- mer Mr. ln'elevant Jim Finn and a Stater Bros. meat cutters µnifonn. Hoag, who has size (6-foot-2, 200 pounds), speed and excellent leapl.ng abWty. appears to be an ideal Mr. Irrelevant with his charm and clia- rl&ma. ·- SPORTS SWIMMING ·Peirsol sets a pair of records AaroaPel.aol RnWwt tbe-n'R Swlm Meet of Champions at the Marguerite Recreation Center in Mlsaion Viejo Sunday by setting his second meet rec:ord of the four-day competition. The 19-year-old Newport Har- b<>r HJgb graduate, who was the NCM swimmer of the year as a freshman at Texas, won the 100- meter backstroke Sunday in a time of 55.27, breaking the for- mer record or 55.34 set by Jeff ~inl982. PeinoL the ~ record hold« in the 200 t.cbttob and a 8'Ms' medaMat in the lllD8 eYa1l 81 the 2002 Olymplc Gernea. mo Id a meet record In that tMnl Hil time c:I I :58. U defratrd the aecond-paa, f1nisber by mote than eeYel) seconds and broke the three-yee.r- old meet record of I :58.95 let by Lenny Krayz.elburg In~ Peirsol'a world-record time In the 200 back.stroke ls 1:55.15. Hoag, who played only one year of high acbool football and that was as a N quarted>ack. pew up in Minneapolis, then spent one year at Wake Forest as a walk-oo soccer player. He returned to b4f roots and enrolled at Gustavus Adolphus tn 5' Peter, Minn., where be was an All-Minnesota Intercollegiate Alhletic Conference perfoaner three times. MARK C. DUSTIN I DALY Pl.OT Six year-old Wlls Johnson of Newport Beach holds up a sign while waiting for Hoag. YOUTH BASEBALL Newport Harbor claims tournament DODGERS Continued from A7 before exiting to retain three in· n.ings of mound eligibility for Wednesday's championsbJp dub. Kannoo Stone, who sfngled in three at-bats and scored twice, while making one sparkling play on a ground ball to shortstop to end the Ocean View ftnt, came on In relief of Edwin Bisoso in the fourth. He fanned four and surrendered just three bftl In the • final 2¥.i innings to earn the vic- tory, sprinting from the mound after striking out the final Ocean View bitter and leaping into the anns of his father, Kirk. who bad sprung from the dugout to greet his victorious team. "I could see him pwnping his fist on the first two strikes to that last hitter, but I was telling him to calm down,~ Klrk Stone said of TENNIS Continued from A 7 falling to Jamie Smith, 3-6, 6-4, 6-1. In the boys 14-and-under competition, eighth-seeded Fa- bian Matthews, third-seeded Jake Fleming and Ry~ Caugh- ren, all of Newport Beach, will begin action in the round of 32 on Wednesday. Corona del Mar's John Leon- ard had a ·chance to join those three after victories over Taylor Bank. 6-1. 6-1, and Julian Ar- nold {withdrew, lnjury). But Leonard couldn't get by Evan Lee Monday, losing. 6-1, 6-0. Costa Mesa's Bradley Fischer and Newport Beach's Andrew Singer each won their first match before losing their sec- ond, while Newport Beach's Henri O:tomeau lost In the first round. Costa Mesa's OJarlie Alva- rado is slated to take part in the boys 12-and-under round of 32 Wednesday. Those with oppor- tunities to join him were Omeed Ghassemi of Corona del + and Daron Arnold of New- port Beach. But both players faltered Monday to drop out of the competition. Others In that age bracket in- his son. "l know. in this game. you never want to celebrate early.• The posrgame celebradof'\ in- cluded awarding home ND balls to Valdez and 'lhtjillo. Kirk Stone also doled out game balls, and fitting praise, to second baseman Erin Curtis, Bisoso, and Kanoon Stone, who now has 3~ innings of pitching left for the title game. Curtis personified the Dodg- ers' resilient attitude by begin· ning a two-run rally that In- flated the Dodger lead to 13-10 in the six1h. Though crestfallen after being replaced defensively in the 6fth. she showed no signs or disappointment by the time she strode to the plate with one out and no one on in the sixth. With Ranger fans hooting af- ter an inning-opening strikeout. seemingly rejuvenated by a three-run fifth to pull within one, Curtis beat out a soft eluded Newport Beach's Ouis Damion and CJ. Oiomeau, both of whom lost in the firs t round. and Connor Curry of Newport Beach, who won, 6-1, 6-1, over Aaron Bellack in the first round, but fell to Ian Brown. 6-1, 6-2, in the second round. In the girls 18-and-under competition, Brittany Holland of Corona del Mar. Vanessa Dunlap of Newport Beach and Diana Khoury of Newport Beach all advanced to the third round Monday. But Holland was the only winner in the third round, post- ing a 6-0, 6~0 victory over Sa.rah Koudouzian. Not as fortunate were Juliet Mut.zke of Newport Coast, who dropped a 6-1, 6·2 verdict to Carla Tamborini. Newport Beach's Amanda Rubenstein and Bonnie Adams, both of whom fell in the second-round after posting first-round vic- tories. Amber Ray of Newport Beach also lost in the first round. Mutzke will return to action today in the doubles competi· tion, teaming with Alex Jure- witz to battle the Newport Beach combo of Dunlap and Khoury. Only one local advanced to Monday in the girls 16-and-un- looper In front of the plate to quiet the Ocean View crowd. One out later. Curtis ad- vanced to second when Matt Carlyle reached on an infield er- ror. Yet another infield error opened the door for both CUrtis and Carlyle to motor home, as Stone'S hard-bit grounder rolled under the shortstop's glove. Car- lyle, who had stolen a run with shrewd tnd aggressive baserun- ning In the third inning, utiliz.ed what Klik Stone sald was the best speed in the league to score all the way from first as the throw from the outfield came slowly into second base. The two-run slxth helped take some pressure off the Dodgers and the younger Stone. who re- tired three straight after issuing a leadoff walk. squelching the Rangers' finaJ rally. c.artyle. who made a big play at short and battled the first three- der division. JUI Damion of Newport Beach faced off against Kristin Strimple after posting consecutive 6-2. 6-0 victories over IChJahan Veth and Blair Brzeslc:I. Strimple got the better of that matchup, 6-3. 7-5. Other competftors in the di· vision included Newport Beach's Carly Adams, Kade McKltterick of Corona del Mar, Jamison Steele of Newport Beach, Brittanny Sturgess, also of Newport Beach and Megan McKay from Newport Beach. Jillian Braverman awaits the round of 32 in the girls 14-and- under main draw, whUe Mi- randa Young and Alexandria Walters had a chance to join her. Walters succeeded in that quest with a 6-1. 7-5 victory over Rachel MiUer Monday. Young feU to Brenda Koffi, 6-1, 6-1. in the girls 12s main draw, top-seed ed Nelly Radeva will begin play Wednesday. Melissa Matsuoka and Hailey Hogan will have the opportunity to join her In the round of 32 should they prevail in matches today. Matsuoka faces Sophie Bur- sulaya after posting a pair of victories and Hogan, also a vic- tor in the first two rounds, matches up with Michelle Dok- ic. plus ~ berund the plate, went l for 3, stole a base and scored twice, while lhJjWo and Bi- soso both went 2 for 3 to account for half of the winners' eight bft.s. Valdez reached b~ in all three plate appearances, while Hans Aderle walked twice and scored both times to aid the Dodger offense. Nicley Roco scored a run for the Dodgers and smothered a hard-bft grounder to second base, then threw to first for the final out of the Ocean View fifth. Roco's assist, as well as an assist at shortstop by Bisoso (who also played well in the outfield) for the second out in the fifth, were singled out by their manager as two crucial defensive plays. Jake Spielberger, Riley Stacie and Brandon Haas. who scored once. all walked to sustain ral- lies, while Brodie Pearce also contributed for the Dodgers. Newport Harbor emerged victo- ~ at the Corona deJ Mar IUJy Ba.1ebaJJ Rlther'5 Day baseball tournament for l._.year-<>kb with a 6-1 victory OYer" the hosts on June 15at~P.ut. Harbor's pilcb.ing. bx;hllting starter Drew Hanis and relievers Janett DanieJ and Nathan Todd. limited Corona del Mar to four hits and struc:k out 12. Oft'ensively. Newport Hatbor scored in five of the sewn inni.nw;. coOecting 10 hits and sttildng out j~ twice. Tum Southern got ~ start- ed for Newport Harbor with a solo home run in the second inning. After Corona del Mar tied the score in the bottom oi the second. Kyle Aohan's base hit scored Hanis for a 2-1 lead. which Newport Har- bor never relinquished. Daniej dn:we in the third nm of the game for Newport Harbor with a double to the fence, then retired the first six batters he faced after relieving Hams on the bill. ~ hits by Starnes Arnold. Hanis and Tudd in the slxlb inning inc:reased the lead lO 5-1. PJ. f.rr. ington finished off the 8COring in the seventh inning when he came home on a hit by Bryce SliDman. ttAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratQl the Dail'/ Pilot's Athlete of1he Week senes 1 I I f TODAY 19 -Amy Bur11ngton Newpon Harbor Gins trade. 2000 Glr1110CCer, 2001, 2002 CMNLL FARM DIVISION CHAMPIONS The Costa Mesa National Little League Rockies captured the 2003 farm championship. Back row. left to right, Coach Randy Wood, team mom Sandra Trujillo, Eric Rasmussen. Armando Tru~llo, Aaron Wood, Coach Greg Spicer and Manager BeeJay Mazur. Front row, left to right, Big AJ Mazur, Chayse Shulman, Garrett Kahre, Adam Dftt. Matt Spicer and Garet Henscheid. Missing from the photo was Jesse Paz. IBllBfOflM SubjKI to conditions prnulbed by the vndenllned, sealed bids f0t a lump Sum ConlrKI ere 1nvrted 10< the loHow•nc W«li , • •• ... .. _ ~. .- -. '•I Llplllaacila • Leplllallta a. l.lp111111m aeo Lep111aaci1a NOnCE OF TFllBl'1!E'I t.\::. ~ llWPOl1llAQI ~...... No. V106, Coste Mesa, Ml.I T.S. No. 2llO). :'!-°", ,_ _ ... t.t........-... CelllOJnl• 92626 -'"' --The Flclltiou\ Bulln•n t731Ma 1Wll °'* No. lllm ~....., AaA~ The followlna persons neme referred to above cmetm L.oln No. llld llW\ ~ ire dolna busln••s 1s·. 111 d 1 o -.......-v-. -In ---..:: &..a-...t~..... WH e n renae ...,,, __ ·-•• ,,_ ._ .....---.-Coasl 1I lnnovttlons. County on 05/05/1997, .... "* I Dlld d ..... AM .. I SW,s.t.1· ... ,_ 1535 Superior Avenue, FILE NO. 19973719870 1nall dmd CW'l7t.:IJDQt ..... Co., I c.lllnlll Suite #31, Newport faribon l1ejinabl, 1000 1."911 ~ • dll\ ID ,.._... Ml24,• Beach. C1J1fornle 92663 S Cont Or .. Vl06, fOIHUl-- CONTINUED BUSll«SS 2003·04 BUDGET ADOP· TION. Ac hon: 1) Strew vote the items Included on the Buda•t Checklist and determine by Individual vote If the Checkllst Items should be included In the 2003·04 budaet: and 2) Adopt Rnolutlon 1doplln11 the City's 2003· 04 Bud1el, as amended by any approved Budaet Checklist Items Published Newport Beech·Cost1 Meu Daily Pilot June 24, 2003 T061 The lollowina per sons are dolna business as Rescuecom. 2618 Bun aalow Place, Corona del Mar, California 92625 Virlutek Computer Services (CA) 2618 Bun11alow Place. Corona del Mar. CA 92625 This bus1neu 1s con· ducted by· a corporation The re11strant com· menced to transact business under the ftel1t1ous bus1neu name or names ltsted above on June 16, 2003 l/1rtutek Computer Services. Alyssa Miiman While. Secretary Thi\ stat~menl was l1led with the County Clerk of Oranae County iln 06/16/03 20036948355 Daily Pilot June 24. July 1. 8. IS. 2003 1062 Superior Avenu•. Sult• #3\, ,.ewport BHch, California 92663 This business 1s con· ducted by· an Individual Have you sterted do1n1 business yet7 No M1rk Evans This statement was filed with the County Clerk of 011nae County on 06/06/03 200SH471SO Dally Pilot June 10. 17. 24. July 1, 2003 Tl47 fldlllMlllsileu ... s....... The followlna persons art clo1na bustnen u : Alhed Judament Recov· ery, 575 W 19th Street. Costa Mesa, California 92627 Rick Dekker I 927 Harbor Blvd . #I 75 Costa Mesa. California 92627 This bus1neu 1s con· ducted by an md1~idu1I Heve you started do1ne business yet> No Rick Dekker This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 05/12/03 2003'944255 Daily Pilot June l 0 l 7. 24. July I 2003 llS I s ....... .t Un• ttflkuf Rdltleus t.siMss ... The f0Uow1n1 person has abandoned the use ol the F 1ct1tiou• Busi ness Name AUTO PARTS PLUS. 1000 S. Coai;t Or 92626 This business Is con· ducted by: an lnd1vldu1I f a11bon Hajln1b1 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ounae County on 06/J 1/03 200S6947Hl Dally Pilot June 17. 24, July I. 8, 2003 T056 Notice Is hereby a1ven that the underslaned will be sold at public /\uctlon on July I, 2003 Star vine Scholar's M1n1·Sto11ae. 1957 Newport Blvd . Coste Mesa. Ca 92627 . (949) 631 3379 <1140/ #4004 Laurel l undqu1st, HouHhold Items •18 Kathy !arnowsk1. Household Items/ B•by aoods •Tom Snyder. Sportina equip/ personal landlord reserves the riaht to bid at ule Cash only Sale 1s subject to canceflat1on in the event of settlement between landlord and obhaated party Starvlna Schol ar's M1no-Sto11ae Published Newport Beach·Costa Meu Daily Ptlot June I 7 24 2003 T059 FldttlMa..ns 11mes ...... The follow1na persons are doma business as Q )([NCC. 18516 Vallarta Drive. Huntmaton Beach, CA 92646 Quana Xuan Nguyen. 185 I 6 Vallar ta Drive, Hunt1n11ton Beach, CA 92646 This buslneu 11 con ductad by: an lndlvldual Have you slat led dolna butlnns yet? No Qu•na Xu1n Nauyen This at1tement was llled with the County Clerk of Or1nae County on 06/11/03 Dally Piiot June 17, 24, July 1, 8. 2003 T055 ,.... ..... ... s...... The followina persons are doina busineu as Auto Parks Plus, 2!>8 Santa Isabel Ave • Costa Mesa, Cahlornia 92627 Mohammad Karvand1. 258 Santa Isabel Ave , Costa Mesa. Ca1tforn1a 92627 Th11 busmeu 1s con· ducted by ;an 1nd1v1dual Have you started doing buS1nen yet? No Mohammad Karvand1 Th11 st~lement was hied with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 06/11/03 20036947680 Daily Pilot June 17 24 July 1. 8. 2003 T05~ FlctttiM ltalltMs .... s...... The lollow1ne persons are doina bu~iness •s Oes1ans By Altc11 3034 Cresta Way. laaun• Beach. CA 926!>1 Jer done Al1c1;a Mason 3034 Cr ts ta Way. L• auna Beach CA 92651 This business 1s con· dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you starte-d do1n11 business yet? Yes 6 1 ~' 98 Jerdone Ahc1.i M,l\un This stalement l"<IS hied with tht County Clerk of Oranae Cn1Jnty on 05112103 20036940 69 Daily Pilot June I 0. 17 24. July 1 2003 T 148 Tuesday, June 24, 2003 At STARTING BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • Thr Legal Drpartmtnt at thr Daily Pi/Qt is pkaud to announce a new Jtr11ur now avai/abk w new busirwm. Wl will now SEARCH thr namr for you at no extra charge. anti save you the (lmt and tht trip to rht Coun House in Santa Ana. Thrn, of course, after rhr uarch is compkttd wt will fik your fictitious bwmm namt statnntnt wuh tht County Cltrk, publish oner a wttk for four wuks as requrrrd by law and then fik your proof of publication with thr County Cink. Pkasr stop by ro fik your fictitious businm sramnmt at the Dady Pilot, 330 W Bay St, Corta Mtsa. If you cannot swp by. pkast call u.s at (949) 6424321 anti wt will makt arrangrmnw for you UJ handlt this procedure by mazl If you should have any fanhrr q~mom, pltasr call us anti wt w1U be more than glad to assist you. Good lurk in your ntw bwinm! Daily L Pilot Policy 1-f o,v to Place A -----Deadlines ---• Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advent!>ement. Please repon any error that may tx: m your cla!>stfied ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advenisement for which It may be respon!>iblc except for the cost of the space actualJy occupied by the error. Credit CjUI only be allowed for the first msertaon. ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Oldet Stvte '""""" PIANOS6~111 . ____ . ..._ ...... _.0-..._ .. CMNMID .. ---·---9UY ..,.ATIS • ..._.... bndlJ-- 230S·2490 FINANCIAL' PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SSCASHSS Immediate Cash lor structured settlemenb. ~. real estate, notes private rnorlpKe notes. awdetlt caua and lnsur•nce payouts. (Im) J'94.. 7310. (CAL~) hiilllll - OvalTWftD CUSTCNI ..... .,. _ _...with 2 ooralud metclllna ch11rS. eaw a whit• chKll, Incl lllltlfte Ctf!VH allp COVtrS. IZOOO Ill, MM40·2All CLASSIFIEJAD Monday ...................... Fnday S:OOpm Tuesday ................... Monda} 5·00pm Bv Fax ( 949) 631 -6594 11-'k...c IJX luck yoor n.ilTl< .&lld ~ numb<T ..nd 11.e·11 -.U ~ou b.ot~ "'Ith• pnlc quorc 1 8)' Phone (949) 642-5671S Hours B,· ~1aH/ln Person: .BO We~t Ba) Stteet (o,t.i Mt·,.i. CA 92627 At N~"'pon Bhd. & Bay St Wedne~da} ............ Tue-.da) 5:00pm Thursda} ........... Wednesday S:UOpm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Frida) \l,alk -ln !! 1(~.i.m-5.fl()pm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Fnci.ry S:OOpm OFFICE FURNmJRfJ BUSINESS EOUIPMEHT MedlcaWeral 3010-3940 r.~, lilil soos-saso AM VlNOING aoun, Ill selhn& units Prime loc;a tlom $9550 Invest 25'\. down WN; In> 396 9311 (CAL "SCAN) AISOlUTl OOlDMINll 60 ve<1diria m1ch1nes '#Ith excellent toe1tions .. lot SI0.9!l> ~~ _Eqll_lpt_m_111_nt __ 3565_ HOMESFORSALE AIOUT HICTlllC ORANGE 5400 WHHlCMAlttS New no c05l to you If elleil>le COUNTY Medicare accepted WhMlctias and Pawet· ~ (scooter style) We 11Mt you rlllfltf ~ 7 days. (800) 835 3155 (CAl-scAN) 3810 Ocl"" IUttM .. Leopard looll·a·likn, rare exotic aold/thocollt. s.pols, rul schmoozen 9'&.681·6664 l Corona del Mar Index m 7402·7466 Under th e Scn ·icc Directory Banner 800S·IS10 - , . ;'.•~·~l' ' ~-.: ).. ' ' &~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 RURAL PROPERTY FORSAlf 900o-97SO • Yeorly lg 21r 210, Costa Maa w/d h1 bum ce1I Ip lrnt p•tio, $1990 mn 818 903· «IS 949·6')0· 2546 llr cluplea, f p 111. w d hkup• front yard deck n/pets smk& $8501 mo 949 378 7637 ~ Cony f'rGl*'tY 5915 Balboa Peninsula lov.ty Gotecl '--"" 11< fl o Apt. W/pvt pr lr!Q, walk lo T11·Square S89!>1mo Water /trash p<11d Kleln Man1f1t11*1I 877 704 86C9 E i I 9200 COLORADO AT IT'• l lST 35 acres only ~Didi front.ep & ~ Newly wl!W* l5 acres '" West Central Cobeclo ~ to Gnind Mesa NatJonal Forest. Wide c:r.ell tone.et. Be -R* & *'"t FNncq Cal l -&03Jl6 (CM.~ RESORT/ VACATION PROPER1Y FORSAlf *Newly llemodeled '* J& 3Ba Condo s~ to beach, Ip, 2 CM 11ar SllX)no 8kr 949--400-0471 Corona del Mar Oc-view homf', light. 111y. 2br 2u pahos no smok/pet Quiet neiah $2450/mo 949· 760·8217 e • °""' --2+2/ "1 Oil Blt-11 Ranea/oveov' ""'· ~ tOV ~ water'1rash pd-Sl32!i Aval. lJly S!'l(Xl~ pet HAMOR Vl.lAGI Harbor Bh11t @ Mtrrmac Way (7r4) 545-0Ml "Employee." ''Empleado. " '~rbeitnehmer. " ''Empl<iye. " Hunltngtan Beach aa.ift lbr U. c:ando rm t fe Pw. comm pool. 503 wd 11 unit. ~~ '*' 'ct sum 96QJ.7!1Xl i.w.-.. . ....,.c-. ~ home, a.s bch Yl1Y :b 2ba. rwce yard 2c ,.. !Vpm. S2BXl ~l 1008 A STU&., .. Sl09S{Mo I /r Off tt. h t -lle9f I« 6mo !use Newly remodele<I w netot appjs catl>f!t & ceor!llC hie W/O tnside @ unit D/W & frtt 28< Sl445 C.N Lora 949-6'46-2224 Of 714. 633 7592 ~ clop W!A~2 ~ 2ba f p ~ rm 11 P11bo comm PCJ04, ten se>a 2.c ptl\&. ... lo bUI llillio'wll pd SJ8!i0 mo 760-m 8107. 9t9-574-92.t3 2111 YIAllY llOHAlS Newpo<t Beach Pen1n s1.ao.s19501mo •ii .. , . .,,.1aoo ...., sa..-mr.: l!1Jr 2r._ 2 '*5 Ill bOI. ISSOC pool, i.w. cr1I. ~ SZl(l)n ~:Jlf6 UDOYWlYLUSI l• .. l k llto •It .. Sir 2.Sle, M .. Cr .. t, & UDO SUMMlll HOMES .,.iet ,_ ........ ,..,..,. BIU CRIJNDYR£ALTORS Ne ••ekltt1/p•h-lrnmK. nwble, ..-II> 949~7S-6161 S 145094'-2U-46~1 bead\. dbl pr. ~ $2!i(X)'no. 9"9-92J.Clr>1 .. ., .. -.. • - T-. 29r 2le condo, ~level, 2c pr, $25(Xll ITIO. lnclds utl$. agt. (lvira 949-466-7536 Of Chuck 9&2lNi070 • H-.-/M,,. * I dean & ma1nta1n Iara• homes. Coolt drive, aH duties, etdefly & chtld care up 323 937·9038 CALI lotM> Now htnn& sNrp ~ people to tr.wl entn US rf4Jre· son~ top !POft, faslMOrl & news publications bpense patd tr •into& with bes. euaranlee Oatly· weekly monthly bonuses. T ratn & hotel prOYlded with return trip euaran· teed. Cal s."' @ llX). 282 0381. Cal todiy·start t.omonow. (CAL •SCAN) -Altamobtlll --=--...,.-----,.-.,..... .,... .... _..&/• .............. lltftft.I man•1ed a business, co. NWlnUUVI - 5eMs )Giii .. & dties -.-.... -,-,OO--A-6-S8-lt-.. -,-, to 11$ n.r1 bus 714-~ full facl warr. metallic •SlWllS for ch1ldrens cloth1n1, worl. from home Moms. Of grand· moms wi the touch ~ouuced 714 508 9648 GASS A CDl 11 ~ ~h ~ T U111on Paid. Hrq E lj)t'rtmeed 0.. !Ven No ()-fldtll ~ No r doM. lrnrneclalll Mldlca beneflb. I 800 7Sl ·277S wcreen@crs t c om (CAL~> lOAM Off1CU1 estllb mir1;lel 00 -.s 5 top .. penp6e 8IC si llel tw r /f'f fax res 714-242-1678 ......... """' federal Job' F orotry/Parl.s/ ~~-~et!/ Police $35K• S11nup Bonus Cal M·f !lam·~ lST l-8XM64-8991 ut 23 (CAI. •SCAN) "NOllCl TO REMXRS· C11lforn1a law re qu•n that Ullllr ~c· tors t1km1 !Obs 11oa1 lotll $500 or more (labor or m~terl,.ls) be licensed by the Contnctors Slate I lcenH Bo•rd State l1w aho requwes tllat contrecl0<s include lherr lic:.eme number 0t1 Ill ildvf'fflslfll. You CJtll check the status of your llcenud Lont raclor at www n ib ca cov or 800 321-CSLB Unll ctnnd contractors l1klna joh that total less than $500 must \late in their 1dverltaemenls that they •re not licensed by lhe Con tr actors Sti le Lteeflse Board." ..... , Rlm1•1llng Alrtan•aftl4111t AUOIHVAC Air CondillOlllnt a Heallna s.nke Ul08&60949 500.9005 drk btue/ar•y 11hr CD. mnrl superb cond, '19.995 vl874241 Bkr 94t-Sl6· IH8 IMW 'ts S2SI -'•· black I owner. noce. sunroof •623627 $7495 wcwaulo com ~'1822 IMW 't7 J211 Cottv. auto, 75k mo, metallic: drl\ blue. arey lthr. fabulou\ cond thr ou&Jl out vl!>9261 $16.995 hn & warr •Vail Bkr 949 !i86-I 888 www oc.pabt com IMW '01 74011 lloclt sport pk1 ltkt new, 1657632 '34.995 ~<Miio com 949 646 7fl22 S.11 ,.. ...... 14 It .. ft. HIJ wtyf Pleet I CJessJft.4. t.Myl 49)642-SUI ear,.. Rlpalr~la i:ra.arn~CAltf'ITo Rep11rs. Patchon1 Install Coutteous '"l Stie job~ Wholesale• 94 492 0205 Cteanlng ---~y Cl•-Qualtty House ctean1111, Afford able rates. 20• Yrs (IP Free f.mneta 714161-6667 Cornpuler Services & IUS#llJI •ll'~S Upar adu, Rep1lrs ol Computer, Networb. ( ven1np/Weetr1ndt c.m.etollvl prlc11 !Ofl!U=Mnk. 94t--1171 714_.16-4111 r 1 •• • -' •1 .. •.·· ... •-. Bridge ...... , ... 2aml,. ,... IUt w•r OfnfflcO/ OJllmffl lthr, llaVIPllOll, ,.,.._,11 I•• new cond 14111 vt'020471 llMl!Clntl ev1il Bllr 949-586-1888 •stUZa.. sh wl• •'f INttw, By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF Md TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S I ~CIUR~O~S~S.a.lW~Ollll.IR .... D~P .. u~z-z .. L .. E - -. .,...,c_ pt91111umlllheelt.. (19390) S27.• 01,..,.. , ... "' onlyt~ TF.b,.VOUR f'l.AY AIQlO.ll...fm !hat eN!oo end with._aal~..L~~lllDllt-.-~~~~-- ••w •at 71SIL Leat1*. $UllfOOI, v~ elfftl, M995 11154?1! wcwakCOlll 9&&96-'1t/22 IMW 'tl uc-2.• , 6 cyl rflf tan ltl\(, Ss4><1. bHut ltb MW cond 1815721 $18,995 " nanci"C • wenMily •'flil Bkr. 949 586-1888 fOf'lllatlC:e ..... (19J!M) IHQtJIREI NORTH •AKIJ t1 Q I02 o A64 •AQ5 onetiCli(11oppcr as well as row lood 56 PoelPONd '*1cs. the Llkcou1 ilil)ublt 1s the bet· 1 • ~ lllb s1 &:: .J...i lll!iW1~~~!llKUW!!1 ttt choice. South lltkl Just eoouab 15 IRS ecll'l't 51 ~ t!llr __ _,,_, __ ••w •oo n "" ••. white/be•&• top & Int. lu~ wwr. ht£hly upcrld4ld $19.999 949 675 3888 1 .. 1tk •ts R..., o.....t Sport Zdr coupe, 3.8 V6 59k mi. met1lhc blue. &rey mt, fully loaded, orlc owner. superb hkt new cond v752971 $5995 Bkr 949-586-1888 -··.c-Co4111oc '90 Se4o" Dw9e St. Mortta 98.600 ml. Semced by Nabots Cadolac: White/Bladt lop, looks •• a con-ttble ,.,............_s.,.._. AM/FM/CO. Excellent cond. Boueht new car. S2SOO/obo. 949-646 sno Co41lloc 'tO Se4on Devtle St. Morita 98.600 ml. Serviced by Nabon Cadillac. Whtle/Blldl lop. looks like • convertible Pretn111111 Audio System AM/FM/CD £ 1cellent cond. Soueltt new CM S2SOO/obo 949 646-6770 Co4111oc '0 2 Sevlll• SLS silver /erey lthr. CO, chrm whls, cold pkc. lull fact, !Ille new, S:>0,995 vf59674l f1nancina avaol Bltr 949·!>86·1888 -.ocpo1i1.c- CHEVY TAHOE LT '02 llK mi. al eatns. On Star. 5.8 Ir. 711 tow i*&. pert oand. S3>,!D) !M9-35&6 l IO Do4e• ••• DY•-•• h4, super clean. VS. black, 1148892 '10.49!1 wcwauto.com 9664& 7fl22 D•4t• 't9 l•trepl4 Red. V6, CO, super clun, very noce '535725 wcwauto com ~78l'l '·"-' '99 s.o <-.... Fl Red/Ian All options. 1118072 John NlWPOltT AUTOSPOltT 94t-S74-S600 14 '·"-'' '" at.01 Many color, -Red, whole, yellow. bl.eek Can Am SI • John, Rylll & Tim NlWPOIT AUTOSPOIT 949-S74-S60Q fen-I '02 S60 s,td.,, black/black All options. •127200 Ttm NEW,OIT AUTOS,OltT t4t-S74-S.OO For4 '6S Muatan9 Convertible, 011aon.il owoer, solid Cdr $19.995 obo949 719 2943 --- ....... xuc- e...w ·~· wsraaty (19476) 144,980 oo'--sr,,.. tow miles, perfect. (19171) $25,980 01Ac-1'J.I mooprool. lo1dedl ( 19455) $24,980 OOIMWXJ ... ,,..,, Sliver w/Btack (19443C) $38,980 01 A.llA<f o-~• Only 14K ml, llhr. moonrool (19478) 26,980 OOUnc-"olS Black w/be1ae moonroof, chromed wheels (193811) $15,980. fl IMW 740# HJ.. Bl•cl\/Blk, warranty, Loaded. (1931S) $26,980 ,, t.•w ES 300 White w/lan pr em whttels. • beauty (19440) $13.980 ••• ,,, ... IJto w..- Whtle w/11ey, lealh· er, chrome wheels. (19429) $27.980 94t-S74-7777 'HIWPSAUTO ,.. .. ,,._,.,(_ --'OS S-Type 4.2 Vf, 15k mt, while, oatmeal lthr. ro. chrome ....... 6-speed auto Save ISK, $38.9915. ~ 949 5S6-1S8S Bkr w-.•cpel.c- JAGUAI '6S XU c...,. •. red/Ian. 72'1 m1, 11butll excellent $19,500 949·644-()41 3 Jeep '96 GnM4 a....bo V6, 2wc1. ro. supei c:1ean. ~ na, ~ ~15458 wcwitllo.com ~78l'l Jeep .. , Gtw.11 a-.lioe vs. 414, Ilk. ro. mnrt, WIY nice. •nl'RO S'99'l5 wcwautn com 949-646-nrz:l leaYa 't4 l S400 Champacne 1otd/lan tthr co. 101d plo.c. superb, 0111 cond. $10,995 ¥1267512 It nancmc nail Bkr 949 586 1888 WWW oc:pabo com l••ua •to l S 400 ommac. chrome whls. lthr. looh & dnves hke new $7,600 949<)50-5202 UXUS LX470 'ti Black. lealher. loaded. a Int cond. 6 CO player. $32,000 714·336-1354 wort.Ina liudl fou jump rcspoose of =) se To 11e to HIM hw spidts. and NOrth had 111 easy 18 ~ 80 TC* lb:lul, M raise to pme. Lonki11g 11 all four 17 ~~1 111 = :=:" WESl' • 92 1;1 AKHl o KJ95 •JI l!!AS'J' • 1065 iv 915 o JO hands. llvcc no In.Imp is 1 ~mpler COOU'llCl. bw neither playet WIS 19 .,..... 82 s-• b~ 11titb X-ray visioo. 20 =Day DOWN Wcs1 ~ the two high hearts 21 V..(.k91 1 I ADr!19 •-a.nd oontinocd wilb a third round, the "**"" 2 SU!pllCI *"' queen wlonini lb you discard a dia-22 Thicke and Aldi 3 Chelllle flefM mood. There is no reason nol lO draw 23 <llAll 4 Sttnple • 107643 l 25 VUI numoet 5 POlh IOOby 11\nnps. Wld fortw1ately they divide :ie Loud 1hud e Me~ J-2, with East having the length. 27 Ant IOllllor 7 John, In Bonn NcJtt, ctih oot the clubs, discarding 30 W9dclng IOCalt 8 C.... aoother diamond from hand ~ Wcat 33 T~ll -8 1nge<1uou1 ~a heart. Wh:U now? :M Madina l*1 10 Pri heitdo West has shown up with five beans 38 HOC i. away 11 ZMl tOf HJI YT Elllatge 12 Unde -rice and l'l\>V c:anb in each black suit. so 311 AarMe -13 11>qu11W nlU'>t tui~c four diamonds. and is Moofe 18 &a:eeo nwrl.cd with the klng for the opcolna 38 J9unl'f ~ !2 wdl > hid. F.a...i d1\lrihu11on is :l-3-1~ Roth 40 In tie IMd n PilQf m ut0r Opening lead: King of ., ""'' and dummy an: down to one 41 OIAll.ut« 24 Sllfllft(hyph I J"-42 snowy bl<d 25 One- TilC number 13 might ho unlud.y for !!OlllC, but 111~ the key LO the win· niog l.inC' on m1111y contracts. How would you play four spade~ after Wei.I, using nvc-card map ~niog bids. c:a...hes the oce and king of be11J1.o. mid oontinlleb with a thin! round. dummy's queen laking the tnd. ~ East follow~? trump and Ihm: diamonds. HOw do 44 ·-hlld 11r ?7 (1111y _._. )'OU conunuc'l 45 Decide,,. a JlWY 211 Tr...., a epain Oddly. the oootract can now be 48 Gab 29 Speoly dalm:dl Leud 11 low diamood from dummy und duct when East pro- du<.'C' lhc ten! If West ovmak~ with the jllck. the defender mlbl lcud 11 Ilia mood away Imm the lung up to your 11ueo:n. If EiN'~ ~n i\ allowcd IO win, the defender mu~ yield a rulT-~luJT And 1( l:'..a.<il follow~ with tl)t Ii vc, II makes no difference which low dta- mond }OU plll) -Eas1 is left v.11.h K J 10 9 and 1.-ag:un endplayed. No mailer wh.11. )'UU ~ unly two bearu Aflcr We,f~ oprmng one-hcurt bid. Non.h had to decide whether to o\cmill one no trump or make a w.J(coot double. Smee 11 onc·oo-trump o~cn:all numully ~bow• 16·18 poolb, , the North lland i• II tnfk and 111.ltiunond • Moa4o 't9 Mloto Conv 45k nu, auto. silver. tan top, pw, pt, A.IC. CO, superb like new cond vi 119743 $11,995 f1nancln& & warranty nail Blu 949·586 1888 -·~··-MIZ '11 HOSl auto. 2·tops, Supt( claan, VS. chtom. wheels. 1623872 WCWllUl.o.com 9&646-7f/22 Morce4o. '-.... OlO llrhr. "'"''· 1mmK, ~ ......... '00 ES20 I 6k actual mt. lull factory warr. lur quo1M1 blue/Ian llhr, muonrool. CO, ch!ome whts. one of the lowest mole Mer cedes of the year 1n Caltf vll!>57291 $28,!w.i financ1ne ave1I Bkr 949 5S6 ISSS -.ecpo6t.c- •maon 2eo .,. 001 owner. •II records, wtll kepi & clean 14511 mo, $1490 949 640 6388 nice, #61/317 $10.995 MOClDlS 210 '76 or11 wc;waulo.oom 96646-7822 owner, 111 rec0<d~. well kept & clean, I 451t m1, $1490.949·640·6388 ~a..t'9S l90l 2.3. aorpous car. lthr. 92k mnrf, $5995 •548954 Merce4oa 'II S60 Sl wcw~oom 9'&646-7822 wh1te/tltn, imm•c MU. nn IJ1lll. ,_ 'ldl kp_ ,.__... .__ ,.9 JOOl cmr-.. Sl.4.llD n4-'->I ~ s .... .,., '9t .... , .... 2 SRS, black beauty. klilded, mnrl, al RS q>tiorls $10,500 714·751·2•64 T •y•ta 't4 cw• U 40k m1. actual, m1, Leisurtt World owner. auto. ps, pw, whtt~crey tnl, beaut ltke new concl V•755291 14995 Broker t4t-SU..llU -....... b- v.-.a-..•'00•••"' ZS.. mt. sparkltnc bl•ck/ oatmeal, auto. moonrf, CO, pw, pl, alloy whls. hke new, vin#470055 $11,995 fon & warranty avail, Bhr 949·586-1888 -w.oc,,.a.1.,_ YW 'ti , .... , GU V6 Vttot. auto. rmrl. 6.11, !04* cleMl 1252266 S 10. !RI wcwaAllo.com 9&Q6.18ZZ runs •Int. black, llhr. a NI A.,10 Deolonhlp diamond •892740 S5995 Sftks Rec:epllonosl fOf llllT'IWMYMI tee wcwaito com 949646 78l'l Mmll'I ~ Con ""1 ~. M~ '-• ,73 280 bet V>Ctor~ 949 574 1n1 MISCa.lNtEOUS SEL Runs aood. auto. fun Niu• '95 '•thfln4er car. •019953 $2995 4•4 1mmac. whole, V6, Wanted wcwMJtooorn 96646-1822 very m<.e IOI 1299 $549S -------- Merce4oa '00 C2J l\ompressor Sedan 21k m1, lull tact warr. black. oatmeal lthr, \unrool. be•uut ltlu 111.e oew co9nd. v8/579? S2lk l1nanctn& avail Bkr 949-58&-1888 WWW oqwbl com wcwauto corn 949 646 7822 ,_., 0,..-.. °"* 0-Cl ~ up! W.-Pi!Y a very raw price for 1<"" ur Vlll or Ind pild for or not. Cal DO Rey @> Tcmtto ~ Sales.. 7~ 437 1931 rx 714-33l2B OW.: U '94Ad!lw9 S Blue. auto. CD. clean. #075711 $1995 wcwauto com 949-64& f822 CASH FOlt CAllS AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES HOMI MOITGAGl LOANS LOMSI tnlefesl rates Al aodll l'fP'!"S No Pl~ perWIJM Bea urvtee m the 'late Cahlornoa ORE Empy.ean f UtJdina, Cal now 8lO nJ)- 8969 (CAL •SCAN) MOTOR HOMES BOATS Powlr Bolts 9515 SOft IOAT & MOOltNG NlWPOltT HACH SJS,000 Col a.di 94t-64S-OU4 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOOllJNGSI LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 taui.. 't7 Rodeo lS 4t 4, auto •Int tond, CD. alloys, 1 JOI. m1. $6900 t4t-SOO-t 6S I tauIY •ts T..-..,.., lt4. 4•4 1mmac llwou&hout vety nice, 11932989 $7895 wcwauto. am 919-64&-7822 t.oa. ~ U SCIO 4lt4, Merce4ea ClSOO '2002 ~ ~:i-~ Broll1ant Stiver Ilk m1 si!>ED> 96-J50.5202 M ... , .. u1 s1s.ooo. OWNftOltlle 't6 AYrOf'o 60lo. mo btuk/arey llhr. mnrl. CD. fabuloU\ cond t hrouehout $5995 v111'457219 Bkr t4t·Sa6-1111 -.oqie6>•.~- WI NUD YOUR CA.I PAID FOlt 01 NOT l"'1ftld'S AUT 0 ASIC fOll laAlCOlM t49-S74-7777 son MOlOlt HOMl FOR RENl LIKE NCW C CLASS/Sll0£ OUT ts n SUP AYAJ&AIU IM NIWPOltT HACH $2SOOWSI 949-500-IOOS ~Publ- llMI 0 lGtN YOUIHOMI IM,aoVlMlNf noncn Call a plumb r. ~ mt er. hand~nuin. ..,, any ot thf c•eat servtces listed here 1n our~• v"e d11ectoryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! OrywallServlces WITIHOln HYWAU AH phases sm/lr 1 tobs Cll.ANt 20yn, fatr. frH est. L«DXI> 7146J'>. l 447 AMerlco trlc licensed Electrlctl Contr1cl0f SmaN jobs slJlrl1n1 et $7t.ts&op. S,,.Clllwna In Remodtl'"C & all llome wlrtna ""4fs, Comm/lnd11St/Res ........ .,_, ... l•7t:l959 sm . EledrtcalSIMces DUTCHMAN WCTIK llCENS(O/INSUREO COMPETITM RATIS Ll759l37 949-:n2-6250 UCINSID CONTRACTOR No lob loo sm M _, Rep1lr. remodel. fl1ns . 'I»• ,_ SY( 949-645-JEli6 Aoortng/Jlle CUSTOM a.ATM TU lnstalabon ...... --· ~.stone htllAo 1975 L"612044 WI 71U1M 961 LIMY sa....n ,._ed :3oulln & lnsl.illlattor1 DEAN 949 673 8065 114~ 714-88J.2DJI GlflllOocn ----· . . . 20 YF.AllS FXPERIENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNTIF.s Professional, Honest, Fair and Reliable ----IWOM ADDmONS REMOD£LS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen & Bi th Specialists a OONSTRUCTION Lld57'7912 (Jff) 709-~2 .......... ~ ... ...... ., ... .03 ---"9S D20 BM* beaut o1tl opt, nooe nice.. ,,.,.. map -. '12.!m ~9666-'/IVl. ,.. nAtAt sawaJ lYlaYTHING& ANYTHING IN A GARDIN. THI DIFFERENCE llTWHN llAUTIFUl &IXQUISm ... t4t-S1S ... 124 Get your y11rd lool11n1 Its bllt lar h summs. Y•d daen-t4". ~ ~arid~ ~ a. -CJ>Otes JltH "-41 SOf'vlcH 714-421 .... ,,.. S.rYh•, v .. d Clt1nup, Maintenance. Sprlnlller Repair, H1ullna (94t) 650·171 I Glla,tlnm '•ruloe 'OS Twl" TUfbo black, ltp factory fresh Vt1025!16 Jtm St Nl WP'OltT AUTOS,OU 949-S74-S600 Gf14Ul. IOlll llWNl»W4CE * Rmlaml. Camaaal o Job Too Small Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 c,-........ Dryw11t Rtl>llor. lnVh t PaKlltt>a r ree ls1HTU1le c.a ijob 714-27044M me UP SPICIAUST. Al types of r 191n l I« tric.t. ~ doors, Wiiier hulln. lil5 & nve 24hr/7days 714 366 1881 ~ &¥s Carpentry • Plumbitla Orywan • Stucw Paonllnc. Tiie & mot• 20<-Year-s Expetiencll ,. 714·•••-sn• ...... c....mr ~ ~~Clrpdy MSM Cor1*ldton 8andl4I Ucl6l96327 714 962 20I HANDY .... All Types 01 WOl'k lnJtde or <Nt Call Jeff Of Dtnnis 714 427 0040 SEU ,.. ... ....., ----~--- ',' ·. . . . 0pen1o.y. LowRat• Stonige Spec:iel1 ~1981 949-645-4545 PUBLIC NOTICE Th e Cell!. I ubh c UlllillM Commission requlru th1t all used household a ,, 1d1 movers prmt th 11 P U C Cal I nlw•ll cf lomos and dlault,uro print their f C 1°. number In •I advlf trwl!Mllts ti you hne any wutio!ls 1.bout the t11altty of • mover, 111110 or chauffeur. call. PUeUC UTIUT•S CM MIS MOM ... .,, ..... , 949 515 2305 1~Mlpwmaill (Mt)M2·S671 _ m'S CUSTOM PMfTING Prort. c:lean, qualrty work tn1eroor/e•t and dock' l•/OJ468 949 631 4610 Joy• .. 'a Polntlnti lop QuAMy, Competil1ve Inter loo/[• t U648221! Cell Jay 949-65(). 5066 sm ,. ... _..;idm64 MONIST & llUONUU PLUMB£ R I '506586 r .... r~srnr~ OClfClJ °"'· 714 2$9150 ,.U,bl I lUMllNG Repairs a. Htiu1odelln1 FR[[ CSflMAlf I 11687398 714 969 1090 RA*IOW cao.r ......r -...~......i- Ptlrltma ~nt. ...._-""' .-.---.-°"="' Frffesbnwte M..ek r..t & S,.. SY<. I 7 7 l4-636-888S Weetlly Servtet, [quip m.....w... menl Repairs, Insured .-.... .,.. Col t49-H2-7171 SIWll .... CUAm& (t4t)64S-US2 IOMSfO<IOf MllTJ lltnG!'f1 SEWER JETTING ELECTRONIC ~B LEAK Ot lf.CTION F minclly Service 94t-67S-tS04 _.........._Allllft l •7Ut911-- - CLWIOUT YOtlHOUSE WITHA GWGESALEI W1 (949) 642-5678 T .. ST ... DI Spo1e.illllzina In Wallpac>r Removal L•588241 949-Jll0· 121 I TelUsAMt YOll GAIAllWEI .. CWSllD 4 642-5671