HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-26 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newp o rt-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,JUNE26,2003 Marketplace may take bid State suggests Orange County Fair Board re-consider competitor of longtime swap meet operator. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot the requirementc;. Since the state's opinion 1~ purely a recommendation, fel Phil officials hope 11 won't cauM> fair board officials to change their mind. '>houJd have played by lhe same rules." fhe document Amencan fatled to indude wouJd have shown that the company's board of directors had approved the proposal and the corporaoon would abide by lhe terms in the proposal. Teller said. FU PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Various vendors' boottis at ttie O.C. Marketplace, which is at ttie Orange County Fairgrounds. COSTA MESA -The Orange County Fair Board may reopen the bidding process for the Orange County Marketplace to a competitor of Tel Phil Enter- prises, which has run the swap meet at the fairgrounds for 34 years. On Tuesday, the board will dis- cuss a recommendation from the state Department of GeneraJ Services. which suggested the board should still consider a bid from American Parle. N' Swap. even though it was missing a mandatory document. The fair board originally rec- ommended that the award go to Tel Phil, since its proposal met all .. We've been succe .. sful for 34 years because we pay a lot of at· tention to detail and we were pretty melhodical and meucu- lous in the way we responded, President Jeff Teller said •\Ve can't understand why a bidder would omit such a cnucal docu menL We feel we had to play by the rules and the other bidder A spokesperson for American said lhe onuss1on was a simple oversight since the company )Ubm1ts hundreds of bid propos- al'> a year, and the company See BID, P•1e M Woman fights off assailant Suspect fo ll ows victim into garage before attempted robbery is thwarted. Deep• Bhu•th Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -A 40-year-old woman assaulted by a man in her garage Wednesday afternoon fought off the in· truder and warded off a possible robbery. officials said. The Incident Is the third in a rash of similar Incidents in Newport Beach, all tar- geting women entering their homes and wearing expensive jewelry. Sgt. Steve Shul- man said. The victim In Wednesday's incident was returning from a shopping trip In Irvine to her home in the 700 block of Narcissus Av· COST OF LIVING Water district raises rates Higher costs and restrictions on pumping prompts 6% increase. Deirdre Newm•n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Residents can expect to pay $1.4-4 more a month on their water bills after the Mesa Consolidated Water District approved a 6CJ(i rate Increase. The board unanimously approved the rate hike, whJch wW start Tuesday. • The reason for the bike is simple -wa- Jer costs have increased, board PresJdent Jlm Atkinson said. • "A few~ ago, we rearranged our bill- ing structure so that we could ldentify SM WATER, P .. e M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ww.d!IMJlotcom WEATHER~ Cloudl end fog. Then. tun. Then, doudl end fog. S..hpA2 SPO~TS The<:-. .... N..a.I u.. ....... Minor. Dodger'I ...... o.tC:l82 TourniftWll'1'0...1•11. ... ,....1 POOCH SMOOCH SEAN HILLER I DAil Y Pll 0 T Tasha Brauer of Las Vegas smooches with her dog Guss on a visit to Newport Beach with husband Bill. Effort to recall Nichols on hold .till next meeting Movement leaders say city councilman's comment about Mexicans at Corona del Mar State Beach shouJd fuel the year-old effort. June CaHarende Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The leader of a movement to recall Councilman Dick Nichols sald that he'll wah until the next council meeting to give Nlch· ols a chance to defend himself. but at the same time. Uoyd Ikerd said he 1s preparing for the most likely scenario. "We're going to give him an oppor· tunity to do whatever he's going to do. Were going to wait two ~b until the next council meeting,· saJd lkerd, the area businessman who ls leading the recall effon. "ln the meantime, we're going to be laying the ground· wort. getting organiud. • The same basic rules that govern the recall effort aplnst Gov. Gray Da- vts apply at the local level. It starts with a petition to put the matter on a ballot The state elections code re- quires that. for a city the size of New- port Beacb.. the signatures of 1 SCJ(i of the city's registered voters are needed to put the maner on the ballot lf enough signawres are verified. two questions will be posed to voters on the same ballot: Do you want to recall Nichols, and who should be elected to replace him? Ikerd said that he is preparing the petition documents and organizing supporters to gather signatures.. "We're not sure yet how or where we will be gathering signatures.· lkerd sald. •1t depends on what type of or- ganizations get involved.· AU six of NJchols' council col· leagues said that be should step dawn from the council after Nichols said in a phone interview that he opposes ex- panding grass areas on Corona del INSIDE For more Newport Beach City Council news. see Page A3 Mar State Beach because. •wtth grass. we usually get Mexicans coming in there early in the morning, and they claim 1t as theirs, and it becomes their personal. private grounds all day.· The council does not have the power to oust one of their own. 'They do. however. plan to have a formal discussion on the remark at their next council meeting and consider whether to remove Nichols from bis THE BELL CURVE At least Nichols is consistent we~ tbememben Of the coundl lndMdullly mne up Dick Nlcbok in lbMndL In faimili. NIC:holt heel • tc>Bd medlcal re.on ... not~ thae. AIAire., tac. bk~ la not one Of a. tbDncoa-.llL Some ..... ol ... commeDll: CouncllDID Doil ....... dmNc:lm._.. 'us wllalDd9iCI .. 3J .. ........ _ ........ .... o1.._ .. _....,. GllyProaarellli:,,. ... --..... ·- THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Rohrabacher introduces health care bill CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES .. , Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Rep. Dana Rohrabacher says a bill he introduced would make health care •more affordable, increase the privacy surrounding health care records and speed up the availabillty of crucial medical treatments." He dropped the health ca.re reform bill -known as the Medical Independence, Privacy and Innovation Act -on Friday. The bill would implement a number of changes. including creadng tax-exempt medical checking accounts, making insurance payments tax deducdble, requiring patient consent to release reoonls and modifying drug-approval procedures. •This legislation combines a creadve mix of market-oriented reforms that will encourage independence and, hence, wise penonal medical can: choices," Rohrabacber said during a speech on the House floor. Costa Mesa's congressman also threw a birthday bash this weekend. Rohrabacher held the party in Surf City at the home of political allies and friends Scott Baugh, a former assemblyman representing that city, and his wife, Wendy. A host of Republicans attended the party and several bands cranked up the music. Jeffrey 'Skunk' Baxter, an original member of the Dooble Brothers, played at the event, which ran from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday. A few surf bands also played. Rohrabacher, who turned 56 years old, doubled the event as a $200-a-head fund-raiser. Simon lends support to Van Tran Assembly candidate Van Tran won a double-edged-sword endorsement earlier this month when gubernatorial nominee BW Simon lent his suppon. Simon, who lost to Gov. Gray Davia in November, is supporting the conservative Tran to replace Assemblyman Ken Maddox and represent Costa Mesa. Tran, an attorney, sits on the Garden Grove City Council. He made history in November 2000 by becoming the first Asian American to bold elected office in Orange County. •Californians need Van Tran in the Legislature to continue the fight agalnst Gray Davis and the free-spending Sacramento liberals,• Simon said. "Van Tran is a proven fiscal conservative and a champion of small business.• Rohrabacher has also endorsed Tran for the seat. Garden Grove Councilman Mark Leya is also running for the GOP nomination. Cox tours Long Beach ports Homeland Security Cllainnan abd Rep. <lu1a C.ox led a delegation of House members on a tour of the Los AngeJes and Long Beach ports on Saturday. Cox. who represents Newport Beach, and the delegation took a helicopter tour of the ports and then discussed the importance of security at Southern California's largest trading bub. ANTI-CLIMAX MARt( C. DUSTIN I OMV PILOT Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols was absent from Tuesday night's meeting in the wake of a controversial comment he made about Mexicans at Corona del Mar State Beach. the Palm Restaurant in downtown Los Angeles. •Momentum ls building.• Cristich said in a statement ·0ur fund-raising schedule is strong. and our support ls building daily.· CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa MeN, CA 92828, (714) 764-6223 Meyor: Gary Monahan Coun11: Ubbv Cowan, Allan Manaoor, Mike Schelfer end Chris Steel cnv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Seidt Chy Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beedl, CA 92883, (949) 844 3309 Ml¥or: Stew Bromberg Coundl: Gary Adame, John Heffernan, Dick Nldlols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1966 P1ecentia Aw., Cost.a Meu, CA 92827, (948~ 831-1200 ao.d: Prelldent Jim Addneon, Vice Preeident Mike Healey, TNdy Ohllg-Hall, Fred Bockmiller and Paul E. Shoenberger ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR Boetd: President Ruben A. Smith, Vice President Patricla Velasquez, Randy Smith, Emily Sanford, Peggy Haldi, Jamee Barktt, Deborah Carone, Leslie A. Ray and Frank Barbaro STATE SENATE Roa Johnaon (R), 35th District, 18562 MacArthur Blvd .• Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (949) 833-0180; fax: (949) 833-0696; PreM Secretary Pat Joyce, (916)323-1200 STATE COASTAL CO-.SSK>N 45 Fremont St, Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 904-5200; regional office In Long Beach, (310) 690-5071 GOVERNOR Gray Davis (D), St.a1e Capi1ol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 445-2841 ; fax: (916) 44&4633 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • Chm Cox (R), 47th District. 1 Newport Place, Suite 420, Newport Beac:h, CA 92660, (949) 756-2244; or 2402 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 226..fi611; fax (949) 251-9309 (represents most of Newport Beach) E-mail: dlri.topher.coxi§mail.houu.gov • Dana Rohrabadler (R), 46th District, 101 Main St, Suite 3C, Huntington Beach, CA 92648, (714) 960-6483; or 2338 Raybum Building, Washington. D.C. 20515, (202) 225-2•'15; fax: (714) 960-7806 (Represents Cost.a Mesa and West Newport) E-mail: dana@mail.house.(IOv U.S. SENATE • Barbara Boxer (0), 112 Hart Sana1e Building, Sui1e 112, Washington, O.C. 20510, (202) 224-3563; Cristich fund-ra,ising is on a roll Assembly candidate cn.tt Crtatldl'I fund~raistng effort has hit full-tilt nine months before she'll face three other candidates lo the March 2004 primary. Cristich will have held three events ln a week after today. Starting off her whirlwind week, Cristlch held a reception at the Balboa Bay Qub & Resort last Thursday. Former Assemblywoman Marilyn Brewer, who held the seat Cristich is seeking, and former state Sen. Marian Bergeson attended. Cristlch also had a reception at the Northern Trust Banlt in Fashion Island on Monday. Cristicb ls running against Republican activist Cltuck DeVore, former Newport Beach City Council candidate Marianne Zlppl and Irvine businessman Don Wagner to replace John Campbell, who i.s running for state Senate. or 2260 E. Imperial Highway, Suite 646, • El Segundo, CA 90245, (213) 894-5000 E-mail: unator@boxer.senate.gov Her third event is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. today at Daily A Pilot YOL 17, NO. 177 ntOMAI H. JOHNION ,.... ..... ~ Gina Alexandef, Lort Anderton, TONYDOOIRO Daniel Hum. Paul SeltOWitz, Editor DenlelS~ J4J/l1'( Ol I ' .... NIWllTAff ~.a&':" Promotiot• Oirec:eor cnrne°:f'~. (941) -..bhMdt.,_,,__com IDfTWGRW ..... =·· l.J. Oii-. Newpof'I repotW, ~· UMll 574--U32 /41n&c..,,,••·~ tJ.t»htte ,.,.,.._oom ..... CllMIR ...... ..., ~ ~tnderMrol.,,. ~~ ,.,,.,, , .. , 714-433() ~·Wnw.oom l»Ul.dlntott•.,,,,_oom ......,.,... .......... .... Ec*or, Cotumnlet. oufture ""°""' ,,,,_~•com t•PMm .-.J. ..... bfllt.-.--.~ M ~1--DllllO.W, .......... fo#==:.oom COICt Mile ftlPO'llr, ~ 174-4221 ... .., II: .,,._,....,.. • ..,,,,_com CIPll1C.. ~·. !......,,. ""*"'· CMt PM• ...._,,.., ... ~-.oom ................. .,,,, AUGUST 14: Marianne Zlppl for Aatem!>fv,wfU hold a fund-raising rec:.ption "°"' e to 8 p.m. 8t the home of Cdlv end Tom Kroop In Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 844-709' 11: The Republican Party of ()rWlge County Cenlrel Commitlee wt9I hold. general meeting et 7 p.m. et the South Coat Plea w..drt Hot9I et •Anton I ConllWlhon Box 1560, eo.ta Mesa, CA 92828. News a1111tem. (949) 57-M298 Copyright No news atone., coral.wi/.anel•time..com lllustratlont, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertleementa herein can be Sean Hiller, Don Leacti. reproduced without writt9n Kant Trepcow permlHlon of copyright owner. READERS HOTlJNE HOW TO REACH US (949)642~ Clrculetlon Record your oommenta about the The Times o,..nge County Dally Pilot or news tips. (800) 252-9141 ~ ~ Our addr ... It 330 W. Bay St., Cotta a..lfted (949)842-6f78 Mesa, CA 92627. Offlce hourt are Ditipley (949) M2..s21 Monday • Friday, 8;30 a.m. • 5 p.m Edltoriel Con9CtkMw Newt It i. the Pilot'• pollcy to promptly (949) 642-5680 corrtet all errort of .u~noe. 8potta (948) 574-4223 PleaH cell (949) 764-4324. Newt Fex UM91 Ml-4170 8pofta,.. (948) 860-0170 m E-meM: dallypl1ot•'-tf,,,_oom TheNewport ~Mau Mein<>-. °"iv~ (USPS-144-800) ls ...... 0-.(1411842~1 published delly, in Newport 8-d'I ...... ,.. (Ml) 831-7129 end co.c. MeN, tubecrlpdont are ~only by tubecnblng to The Tl,,_ Or.nge County (8001 -252 .. 141. In ,,... ouWde of Newpon IMd! end eo.e Mete. liubec:r1ptionl to 1he 0.lty Piiot IN well.._ only b'( """ deiA men b PubfleMd et Timee Com~ S30 per month. IPrlcet Include ett Newt •• dt Ion of tt,e Loe~ applic.i. ltMI •nd locef .....,, Tlmee. POSTMASTER: s.nd addf'Me C"-nges to The N9wport ~ MMI Deily f'iloC. P.0 Cl2001 Tlmee CH. AJI t1ghta ,.....11'9d • Dianne F1tinrtetn (0), 331 Hart Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3841; or 1111 Sant.a Monica Blvd, Suite 915, Los Angele1, CA 90026, (310) 914-7300 : E-mail: unatortlfeln.tein.Mnata.gov • PRESl>ENT George W. Bush (R), White Houte, 1600 Penneytvanla Ave., Washington, O.C.20500 Hotflne: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 E-mail: prnldent@whitehou.e.gov Fax: (202) 456-2461 VICE PRESIDENT Dick Cheney (R), Capi1ol Building, Suite 212, Washington, O.C. 20600 E-mell: v#oe.,,,...;dant•whitahouN.gov Fax: (202) 456-2A61 .· . . . . .• ·: . :: • . . • • • r-~-::::==~~-=-=~=====-~~==~------~~~~---, ...... SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST wfll become north 8t 4 to 6 feet and~ et 2 to 3 fMt. Patchy morning doude end fog clear to the buctMJe In the SURF aft9moon, but move beck Intend In the evening. The eouth swell beglne the Highs will be b91wMn 78 day off9t1ng heed-high weves, Ind ,1 deg,._, lows wlft be .. It hal been, but thet ahould betwMn 58 end 9' dlgr .... be CNW by the end of the d9y. .. .......... On Fridey end Setufd9y, the WWWJM&ftt»a,(JO'll aouctwwwt degradea. SUI!, thet'1 ct.it-end BOATING FORECAST ~ht on Fndey • Thert'll M no Nlt.f from I w..t ..,_blow IC Ito 15 ~.,...,,...,.next knocl on the,.,,_....,., The ~ hbMondey. MY9I wil M 2 fMt on I "*9d WllW..,-Y: ... , -ncdhllllt et 4 ... end www.wrlWdw.OfV IOUth et 3 fMt. At night. the wlnda die down •nd the TIDES not1tww 1 •1 m oompo.llnt ol 'T1lllle ........ the .... t-eocl!NI ••• m. ~I.ft\; 0.1tfllttow ~-==t:: ... t:Ma.m. U2flithlgh .................. 1:21p.m. 2.11•1ow W8V91wltbe2fMllllO•• 7:14p.m. l.71tlilhlgh mblild Mil -....... .. • 4 to•••IOUlh•2to3 WATIR TEllPDAT\ltE fMt. TheWlrMMclldDMtout ""'·too, lndh ........... . • . .. .. • '• ·. .. .. .. .· .. I Dally Ptlot Home Costa Mesa holds strong while Newport prices fall back to March level. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPOR'J -Ml:SA -Coming off one of the hottesc months for residential real estate, the mid- level home in Orange County feU in value somewhat in May, a re- gional real estate group reported Wednesday The value of a median homt' in the counry came in ac $389,000, whu.h wa-, a 14.9% Ill· crease from a year ago, but a 13.2% drop from April. The data is contained in a survey issued by the California Reallors Assn. that anaJyad home sales in May. Home values could fall back to earth a bit, an economist with the group said, ~ interest rates begin to rise and the number of home !>ales falls. "When rates start to go up, I do think you are going to see the housing market pull back a bit, H '>aid Leslie Appleton-Young. the group's chief economist and vice president. "You've had a housing market that's been (strong) for five years now." Locally, the median price of homes in Costa Mesa and New- port Beach have fluctuated In the past two months. More af- fordable Costa Mesa has retained Its strength better that its afflu ent neighbor. In May. the mid-level Co'>ta Mesa ro e to its highest level this year, hitting $430,000 from $359,500 a year ago. That wa<. a 19.6% increase. The median home came in at $400,000 in April and $402,000 in March. In Newport Beach, the median price in May feU bade to tts March level, after a superlat1ve April. The mid-level home hll $720,000 during the month, up 15.7% from the $622,500 of a year ago. I lowever, the mid-level home had men to $81 b.2~>0 111 April alter httllng 57 I 5.000 in March Newpon Bt'ach mirrored J broader count}""' 1dt:' l1t.'r1<l 111 median prttc'>. Jn Orc.111~t· County, the nml lt:'\cl h1J11w htt $389,000 111 ~fay <1 14,ll ll. 111 crea'>e from tlw ~ ux.>oo" \l'<tr ago. Orangt• C 01111ty\ 1111d ll•wl home rm kt·ted 111 \prtl co $448.4 IO from tht ~ IX0.000 lt•H•I in March Orangt• ( uwtty ,1111 rtt.111" a strong c.1ppe.il bt·tau'e 111 11' coastal c ltmt''> .• 11flu1·11• 1 .111d 111 some arc.1'>, \ alut HOrangc ( ou11ty h,,.., .1 101 g11 ing (or ti," Applc11111 \11ung .... ud "It ha!> a \Pl) lugh qu.tl11,· ul lilt• NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some decision'> coming out of rue .. day\ CH\ Council meeting BEACH IMPROVEMENTS 111e que'>Llon of how 1u improve Coronel del Mar ~1.ite Reach got po~tponed to the next counctl meetmg. <. tt) .\landger 11omer Bludau a'~ed that the ttem be continued to a later meeong so ~omt· 1nformatu111 could be added to the '>taff report. ac; reque'>Ccd by Councilman Don V.cbb, and al'>o to !>eparate the matter of beach 1mprm-ement.'> rrom the ht'Jted tontext of fue'>dd)., rnunnl meeting A good portion of the meeting wa.., dcrnted to council members' comment., about a racially charged ~tatemenc by Councllman D1t~ Nichols. Nichols' wmmcnt had bet'n rn reference to lht' Lorona del \lar beach amproH•mt•nL'> CIRAULO RESIDENCE A couple who hopt'd offiuab would m.tkt• an excepuon to con.,trucuon KlJideltne., got a lot of sympathv from rnum:LI members. but they did not get their wish lo'>eph and C.arole Ciraulo had dlready gotten a no from the Planning Commi~5ron for their request to keep intact a 127-i.quare-foot slr\Jcture on the roof of their home. As the council reconsidered the Planrung Commission vote, the couple's attorney said that the conLractor did unauthorized work while the family was out of town. The family had approval to but.Id a 25-square-foot t'le\'ator shaft on top of their roof B) the time they got home. the contractor had installed the lramework for a 127-square-foot room that included a fireplace and a bathroom, which is ou1s1de of city code:.. Council member:. offered their rnndolence~ for the family's 'ttuauon, but said that their hand' wert.' ued by city ordinances: The Mructure cannot be permitted. WHAT IT MEANS The family will have to tear down the '>lructure, which they 'dV wtll cau5e permanent damage and leak.age to their new home. WHAT THEY SAID "Your dispute is with the rnntractor, not with u'i," Mayor \ccve Bromberg !>aid. APPOINTMENTS Council members made their picks for members to M.•rvc on six boards and comm1si.1oni., including the Planning Commission. Planning Comm1~10ner Earl McD.u11el W<l!> appotnted tci a St'Cond term. which w1U end in 2007 Barry Eaton will al'>O sll on lhc · commis:.1on in 2007. JclTrt'} Cole will fill the vacancy left by Anne Gilford, who h~ had to 'tt•p down before the end ot her term. Cole will .,ene unltl the end of her tenn next yt'ar . .it which ume he could lw reappomted The dty'!. new member of the P'c1Jks, Beaches and lkcreauon Comm1'>5ion b Steven Ho'xln'>ky: Donald Lawrenz wa'> reappointed to the I larbnr Comm1'>'>!0n, Jame'> Dunl.ip \\.!'> reappomted cu the c 1\'11"*"1te Win the Best Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRAND PRIZE Srt on the players· bench dunno the match and meet nstno tenms star Mana Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportumty on Wednesday, July 16 when the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St. Louis Aces at the Palisades Tenn rs Club. from 7-1 O p m This lucky reader will also recetve Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorabtha 1• PLACE One Lucky Reader w111 wtn 2 spots tn the Players Pro Am Cltnrc on Fnday, July 18 from 5-6·30 p.m. at Palisades Tennis Club. taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday. July 16 match from 7-1 O p m GRAND PRIZE alld 1" PLAcE W11111rRs will be anounced dunno half-time on July 16 flVf Lucn WloERS will each receive 2 tickets to either the JuJy 16 (vs. St. Louis Aces), July 20 (vs. Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs. Kansas City Explorers) matches All matches start at 7 p.m. It's easy to enter. Fill out the entry form below and mail 1t to the Darty Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received by Fnday, July 11 at 5 p.m. Or bnng rt by the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa dunno regular business hours. Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. No purchase is necessary. Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified prior to the July 16 match f'"""""'5 and thftr rllitMs of lhl CRH'; Piiot. ~Community l#ws Lot AnoMs Rma nJ 1nbtNt16omplttr 11t #lf/fotblt- Pk:tured below: Brian MacPhle NEXT MEETING •WHEN. 7 p m July 8 • WHERE: Ci ty Counc 1 Chambers at City Hall '3300 Newpor1 Blvd Newµo11 Bt!il:h • INFO: Full agenda!. and staH repons are available ~H!JEHdl days before each meP11ny <1t www city newpurr b1:acn to.Ju~ For 1nformatwn 1.all 19491 644 3000 Hoard. \\t'ttch Hrooi..., 1' th• 1 It\' nC\'-t.''>t \rt' <.on1r111..,,11.111 r ,1111.l i...aren l .l.trk .ind 1':.11 hl1 • 1 Peter,on 1\lll "''"' 1111 t!r• IJhrary Bo.ud .,1 1111,lt l'' WHAT THEY SAID "\\(• h HI,, Ill .. 1 1 pl11.1111 ... II you d1d111 111,1kt 1 1111, 1111tt• Hrumht·11'. ,,ml f> 111tJH'11 pcr'>orl.11 Ir. .1g.i 11 Thursday, June 26, 2003 A3 Everything at your doorstep. And now time to enJoy It. Isn't It Um. to commute leu end enJoY life more? N-)'OCJ cen do just tl!At We offer ucephon1l 1per1,,,.nt commun•U.S In com•nient <Kenge County lontions • Close to -ryth1n9 you w1nt shopp1119, employment, end plll1ls • Your choice of out$Und•ng 1men1UH like resort-st~ •w•mm"'9 pools 1nd $pH, bu51nH5 end fttneu c.enten. Spott5 coun•. too. Ce>nt1et rental living Apartment lnfor~tlon Center Today 17625-8 H1rv1rd, corner of Harvard ind M11n, Irvine, CA 92614 1.866.400.2691 rental-l.1ving.com ALDEN'S g ~iiiiiiiiiiiii~ DRAPERY CLEA!\111\16 Al\IO MORE I NO TAKE DOWN OR REMOVING NECE!i!iARY I Certified To Clean All Hunt:er Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Pri\aC) Sheers • Silhouette window shadi ngs • \ ignette windo\\ shadings • Duette hone't'comb shades • Millenia "Collection • JubilanceT\1 roman hades • Appl au e honeycomb shad es • Serenette -" Soft fold r" shad in~ World's Best ON-SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 71 4-968-8180 Hu1/1/11u1 .\ ''''/ttlt<1t111n I llf u .... 11r11 ""'' '71-'I\ II, • .,,,,, •• l'l'1/ M Ttusday, JLwie 26, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS C.Osta Mesa man charged with fraud Federal authorities In Los Angeles have charged five people, including a 34-year- old Costa Mesa man, with wire fraud for allegedly helping people obtain loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration, officials said Wednesday. The U.S. attorney's office has also charged 13 people of obtaining more than $10 million in fraudulent loans POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Avlemore Temce: Annoying phone calls were reported In the 1100 blodc at 7:38 a.m. Monday. • Wm Baker and Bristol streets: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 12:27 p.m. Monday. • Bristol Street: Possession of drug paraphernalia was reported in the 3000 block at 2:29 a.m. Monday. • Nutmeg Place: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1500 blodc at 12:23 p.m. Monday. • Pepper Tl'ff Lane: Petty theft was reported in the 2900 blodc at 9:15 a.m. Monday. • Placentia Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 2000 block at 9:31 a.m. Monday. • Thurin Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2000 block at 1 :36 p.m. Monday. • West Wilson Street: Grand [!]~Dunn-Well 1820 l.1orYCMI Avt. Co'1I Mela CA 112627 c.pma~ ~~~FU.P Robert Dunn Watw~~ Tel: IMl.&U.9373 c.-t~ 714..54e.3434 ...... o.-.tM ... °"" ,. '9. 9.5 ,.&:fm1 No u.il<.ord . ,..._ A'k SETUI' SOFTWARE ~ mom connecti~ lost & eosv' FIVE email boxes, Webmail, Instant Messaging ond more! Unllm!ttd Access • Sign Up OnllM www.locolnet.com 949-642-4645 insured by the U.S. Depart- ment of Housing and Ur- ban Developmmt, officials said. Prosecutors allege that Marcelo GtgJ.lo of Costa Mesa and four others who were real estate and mort- gage prof~ionals provided clienis with false employ- ment documents they had purchased from Maggie Cuevas, a forger who plead- ed guilty to fraud on Aug. 9. If convicted. GJglJo faces a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison. He and other defendants are expected 10 be ar- raigned next month. theft was reported in the 500 block at 8:40 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Avenlda Cumbre: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 300 block at 9:32 a.m. Tuesday. • Cape Danbury. Petty theft was reported in the 100 block at 12:40 a.m. Tuesday. • East Coast Highway: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 3000 block at 8:48 p.m. Tuesday. • JamborM Roed: A commercial burglary was reported in the 1100 block at 7:49 a.m. Tuesday. • Lido Partc Ortve: Grand theft was reported in the 600 blodc at 5:05 p.m. Tuesday. • SNshore Drfve: Petty theft was reported in the 3600 block at 7:42 a.m. Tuesday. • 16th S1Tfft An auto theft was reported in the 2100 block at 10:16 a.m. Tuesday. • 23rd Street and West Ocean Front A hit-and-run was reported at 7:14 p.m. Tuesday. Put a few words to work for y.ou. Call the Daily Pilot Giving peace of mind during time away ... . , watch over vacationers' homes. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Bob Kost has been a volunteer with the Newport Beach Police De- partment for four years. But never ln all these years has he heard so many thank yous and kind words of appre- ciation, he said. Kost and several other Police Depamnent volunteers are get- ting trained in doing home in- spections or "vacation checks" that were originally done by sworn police officers. It is a service the department provides to community members who aslc: poUce to keep an eye on BID Continued from Al faxed it over as soon as 1he er· ror was brought to its anen- tion. "Obviously, we think the bid we submitted for 1he Orange County Marketplace is a very competitive bid, and our hope all along is they would make some judgment call that the bid should be (considered).· ASSAILANT Continued from Al enue at about 3:30 p.m., he said. "She pulled into her garage and the garage door was dos· ing." Shulman said. MBut then it suddenly started going back up. and the man entered the garage and punched her in the face." He said officials don't know if the man demanded anything from the woman, but that she started retaliating right away. A weapon was "not seen." he said. "Bui apparently she fought pretty well," Shulman said. The man then ran out of the garage and fled the area either by car or by foot. he said. The woman suffered minor injuries WATER Continued from A 1 those water supply costs and let people know when those costs in. creased and then pcLss that cost along,· Atkinson said. The district is facing a double whanuny of increased costs. One is the result of a decision by the Orange County Water Dis- trict thal reduced the amount of water the Mesa district could CURVE Continued from Al their homes when they are out of town. Officers, on a daily basis, would check the perimeter of the home and make sure every- thing was as it should be. But of late. volunteers are per- forming that task and it has worked very weU for the depart· ment, Sgt. Steve Shulman said. "Somedmes, officers were not able to do it because of time constraints," he said. .. And in these tough economic times, when many departments are facing job cuts, this is a very valuable program that has helped us increase our level of service to the community." All volunteers undergo train· said Wendy Watkins. vice president of corporate com- munications. "And the reason it was pulled out of the run- ning was because a very minor piece of paperwork was miss· ing." Fafr President Becky Bailey- Findley said the fair board has a few options Tuesday: accept· Ing the state's opinion, reject· ing it or rejecting it in part. When the board recom· m ended awarding lhe bid to Tel Phil, American protested and went 10 the hospital for a check up. he said. Shulman said the attacker probably physically pushed the garage door up or must have ac- tivated a child safety sensor that automatically opened up the door for him. He said it LS likely that the man followed her home. Shulman said that although the woman managed to fight off her attack.er, it is not the recom- mended reaction in such a situa- tion. "Generally speaking. we wouldn't suggest pun:ing up a fight. because you never know how the other person is going to react," Shulman said. "You never know what's going to happen." A similar incident happened on June 10, when an 85-year-old woman was pushed to the pump out of the groundwater ba· sin. The district can only pwnp 66%. compared to 75% in the past. At the 53.me time. the county dismct raised the rare for the wa- ter the Mesa cfistnct can pump, Atlcinson said. The Metropoliran Water Distnct has also rdised its rates for the im· ported waler the Mesa district has to buy. Atkinson added. The 6% increase comes on the heels of an 11 % rate hike last fall. Atlcinson ~d the 11 % increase should have been instituted a year This is his truth -and the only truth. in his view. That's why he is bewildered at the reaction to his comments - and that's why I don't think he'll believer in the lst Amendment. resign. but this also requires in his reasoning processes, he's account.ability, especially in an simply telling the truth. And one elected official Apologies aren~ doesn't back down from that enough to excuse intolerance." place. Summed up Jobn Heffernan: Which leads to this question: "What Nichols said was just plain Are we demanding hi!. head on a rad.al -and just plain wrong." planer because of the views he Then all ix council members holds or because he exp~ present urged the empty chair to them7 Or to narrow the question resign and left no doubt they a bit. because he exp~ them would support a recall If he didn't with such a total lack of later, amid a handful of public sophistication or awaren~ of comments, local resident Uoyd political realities that he can no Ikerd said he had been prepared longer function usefully in a to start a recall movement ever governing body? And not only since Nichols opposed a new that is also making the city look public school because It would bad in the process? attract too many Mexicans. And Most of the castigation heaped two representatives of l.Atino on Nichols is allegedly because of organimtions complimented the his views. It would be foolish to council for its stand on NlchoJs suggest that those views aren't for when they go on these in· spectlons, Shulman said. "But they are not geared for en!on:ement, • he said. •So lf they see anything suspicious, they back off and call a uni- formed officer." The program has also saved a lot of time for sworn officers and has helped them focus on other issues, Shulman said. "Particularly In summer time, we have an Increase in residen· tial burgJarles and thefts be- cause people are away from their home . " he said. Kost said he believes the serv· ice is an asset to the community. "The thing that amazes resi- dents most ls when we do the check and then call them about it," he said. "They just don't ex- pect that They're just ecstatic with the Department of Gen· eral Services. Three weeks ago. Tel Phil filed a temporary restraining ord er lo keep the bid proposals under wraps until the fair board made its final decision. The Superior Court granted 1he order, said Stewart Such· man, allorney for Tel Phil. TeUer stressed that Tel Phil En1erprises is family-owned and family-operated, in con- tras! to American. wruch is a Buffalo. N.Y -based subsidiary ground and robbed in her Dover Shores home right after she had parked her car in her garage. That incident was much hke another robbery that occurred on Lido Isle on May 15. ln that case, a 55-year-old woman was hn on the head with an unknown object and robbed m her drive- way after reruming from a shop- ping trip. The intruder in both cases took expensive jewelry from the women. All three incidents hap· pened in the afternoon. Shulman said similar incidents have been reported in Hunting· ton Beach. Newpon Beach police are work.Ing with investigators from that city to solve the case. Meanwhile, he said. residents must take precautions to protect themselvel> from such anacks. and a half to !WO years sooner. "We held uff on raising the rate. a while because we were hoping Y.'e would see M>me improved concfitions on the basin." Atlc:in· son SaJd ~Plus, we were hoping that the lnewl colored water treat· ment facility coming on line would help U'> control the costs a little mort>." Atkinson praised the district staff for marntairung the general and adnunistrative costs at or be· low prevtous yea.rs' costs. In adcfiuon 10 approving the commissioners were on the take. I passed it off in this space a few weeks ago as what rrught have been a temporary seizure of srupidiry. No more. He at least had che good sense lo apologize -son of -for that gaffe. This time. hes defending an almost otlhand lapse into rarum that tells us he nor only cfidn't learn anything from the planning commission episode but these lapses are endemic to his mind seL It is pretty dear now that Nichols will never see people setting up shop on the grass above Corona del Mar beach. He will only see "Mexicans." Or "outsiders." Volunteen us get a list o( homes'1hat they go aver to in·' spect, Kost said. •we check the front and back, windows and doora and aee lf' anything's amiss," be said. "If we ftnd newspapers lying around, we pick them up and stash them some place they, can't be seen.• Kost said Jhe program has, also done great things for the Police Department's Image in- the communJty. "It shows we're not just hand- ing out tickets and punishing people," he said. "We're also helping them.• FYI: If you'd like your home in- spected when you're away, call the Newport Beach Police De- partment at (949) 644·3717. of one of the country's largest private corporatio ns. "The Marketplace is TeJ Phil's main business." Teller said . "We're a local business and we took a lot of care in malc:ing sure we gave (the pro- posal) a completely detailed response. This is ow core busi- ness. It's not a sideline.• •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail al deirdre. newm•n@l•tim111.com. "Don't wear expensive jewelry in public if it's avoidable," Shul- man said. "Be aware if someone is following you. If you think someone is following you. drive to the police depanment, or call police with the license plate number of the vehicJe that's fol· lowing you." The attack.er is only described as a man wearing a black jacket and same color shin and hat. Those with infonnation about any of the incidents are asked to call the Newport Beach Police Detective Division at (949) 644·: 3790. • DEEPA BHARATM covers public safety and courts. She may be reached 81 (9491 574-4226 Of by e-mail et dHpa.bharath fll11t1mttS com. rate increase Tuesday. the Mesa board saved $12,000 from its budget by removing $5,000 for a- workshop fadllr.ator and $7,000 . for chair upholstery. sald Coleen Scarmina.ch.. district administra-~ live services manager. Atlcinson said he expeas chere will be more increases in water costs. • DER>AE NEWMAN coveB Costa Meu and may be rea<Nd et (949) 5744221 ()( by &-metl et cH11rdre.newman@latimes.com. Or the good guys. If !hey get there first. And that these truths are buried much too deeply in h.la psyche to change. • U there is a lesson here. it must be the"challenge to look into our own psyches and see what lurks there. Living in c.aJifomia's Least DMne Oty puts us at special risk. lf ~ are sticking labels on the wodd that define groups rather than individuals, Wt! need to profit from the public exx>rdsm of Dick Nichols. • JOSEPti N. BEU. is • resident of • : Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thurldeys. ---+----.--=========----==========~ .... ar"Ad~then ~ &!»----Msb.al8d aromKHhese .. pal't5-0rHh~ members to go the nexl step and Internet and at bars and dinner suppon drivers' license$ for •the parties and while waiting on the immigrants who cut your gr-;m. first tee. Yes. and in the care for your children -and like backwaters of the Costa Mesa aty to enjoy public beaohes with their CoundL too. families." For the most part. they aren't So It went Mayor Stew ~ publidy. But Nichols Bromberg promised a new was elected by a majority of his oonfrontation in two weeks. comtituents, and I find it hard to hopefully with the guest Of honoT believe that the views he bas ~t. Presumabl)\ we wW all e:xpres1ed u a councilman have return. oome as a complete surprise to Sitting through all thll. drlfting his ~pporters. For widdy in and out. 1 studied the empty dilrerent reaaons, Nk:hols bad to dllllr and tJied to CX>nstruct the be the most m-~ penon who lit.I there. And It c:andkfate {or public o16oe since oc:curred to me that the one Bill Simon. pc'edom1nam quality Nichols hat When Nlchob .ugested projected thnJuabout aQ the Newport Beach planning MgbtnJog be'• attracted 11 bit ~ Hia tJ'OllodYte ~ ol the WOl1d about hbn .. n!8eaed to vtm..ly ~ polldOri he t...., _ from .. ~d llbOirt Wt~.dom6r-· the public lbary'I..,..., podium. to the~ aoob ........ the .,,..,. c::omndllion. to the "Meldcinl" ~ O\'er .. t*Ch He -the WOfid In ""Y elem' hl.:b .nd WhDi. AROUND TOWN na. 92627; by •mall tQ mlke.ftVl~Mllat/mu.com; by fax to (949) ~170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the tl<n•· date and location of the event. H well ea a contact phone nt.mber. A complete lilting ia l!•llable at www.dailypllot.com. JUNE 21 •five K.v• to Vlb,.nt living• ... free seminar to be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Marlcet, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. Enjoy an Mey of culinary 1,eclaltles from South Coaat Plaza restaurants and tastings from premium wineries and breweries at the Summer Food and Wine Festival at the plaza's Crete and Barrel from 6 to 9 p.m. Every S40 advance ticht will benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County and Someone Cares Soup Kltctten. Tickets are $50 at the door. For more Information, call (71 41 435-2160. Comerica Bank's Technology and Life Sciences Division invites the public to a breakfast disoussion, "What's Your Brand, How Do You Protect It, and How Do You Avoid Getting Sued7" from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Center Club. 650 Town Center Drive, in Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (3101231-5610 JUNE 27 N.wport Oun" Resort's ·Movies on the Beactt• series offers "legally Blonde• starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort ia at 1131 Back Bay Dnve For more Information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JUNE 28 Th-. wit.I be a n.. marbt In the parking lot at the Costa Mesa Senior Center at 695 W. 19th St. 11 will run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission 11 free. For Information. call (949) 645-2356. Clauic boat9 rKe from the dodc of Newport Harbor Museum while events take place in and around the museum from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Heritage Regatta and Seaport Festival. Classic woodies, sorfing exhibits, boat building, model building. food and music will be on hand at no cost to attendees. The Seaport Festival will take piece all day at ttie museum and will include a IU8u dinner and awards show. For more Information, call (949) 673-7863. N9wpoft Dunes Resort's •Movies on the Beactt• aenes offers "Beauty and the Beast" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available NICHOLS Continued from A 1 comminee appoinanents. More than half oft.he council have said that they would support a citi.7..en recall. "I'm embarrassed to have 10 make excuses for him to my con- stituents,· Councilman Don Webb said at Tuesday's council meeting, ·1 ask him 10 resign and, if he doesn't. I ask citiuns 10 recall him.· This support for a citiun re- for •'mores. The nta011laat1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more Information, call (949) 729-0UNE. agn Invited to the Oa1i1 HNlth Fair from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m . at the Corona del Mar Senior Center, 800 Marguertte Ave. Free testa will be available for blood preuure, vision, hearing. body fat. pulmonary lung function, podiatry, dermatology, and physical therapy and cttlropractlc needs. Other tests will be offered for a $20 to S45 fee. For more information, call (949) 718-1821. The Costa M ... Senlora Cent« will hold a flea market from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the center's parking lot, 695 W. 19th St Spaces cost $10 for members, $20 for nonmembers. Reservations are required. For more information, call (949 645-2356. MUlennlum Medical Spe In Newport Beadl is hosting an all-day complimentary 30-mlnute makeover event. The spa will provide eactt customer with education on skin care and mineral makeup. The "Mineral Make-t1p" event wlll be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only. Call (949) 863-1667 for an appointment JUNE29 The flrat o,.nge County dr.gon boat race and friendship breakfast potludc sponsored by the Orange County Chinese Cultural Club will be held from 8 a.m. to noon at the Newport Aquatic Center, 1 Whitecliffg Drive, Newport Beactt. CA 92660. Registration begins at 6:30 a.m . For event rules. regulations and volunteer information. call (714) 535-2708. JUNE 30 Children entering first through sucth grades are invited to "Storytelling Safari " at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beactt Central Library. The program will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 2 at Manners branctt and at 10:30 a.m. July 3 at the Balboa branctt. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 1 • BHch Uindac:apn Sr Rowen• will be on display at Newport Beactt City Hall through Sept. 30. The exhibit features digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzicka and colorful umbrella beactt scenes by Carole Boller. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY2 Children entering flnt through siXlh grades are invited to "Storytelling Safari" aJ 3 p.m . at the Mariners Branch Public Library. The program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 3 at the Balboa Branch. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. call, echoed by t.he majomy of t.he council. came even before fkerd announced that his recall plan was in place. Ikerd reported at Tuesday's council meeting that he had taken out papers to recall Nichols after he witnessed Nichols making another com- ment about Mexicans earlier this year. Members of the government affairs comm.inee of the Newport Beach Cllamber of Commerce were discussing in one of their monthly meetings the idea whet.her a high school should be built in concert with a housing JULY3 CNldnn ......... tint thtough llJC1h gr11dea ere Invited to •storvteUlng Safari• at at 10:30 Ubrary. For more lnformat1on, call (949) 717-3816. JULY4 The American Legion Yacht Club wlll host the48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of de<:ked out yacttta parading along the water• of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categories eligible for awards. For more information, call (949) 673-3540. Formet state Sen. Marian Bergeaon will be grand marshal at the 30th annual Independence Day Celebration at Mari ners Park. Riding in a hay wagon, Bergeson will lead bike riders and walkers of all ages, who will begin assembling for the patriotic parade at 9:30 a.m . at M ariners Drive and Commodore Road. Mariners Park is on Dover Drive at Irvine Avenue. For more information. call (9491644-3151. JULY5 Newport Oun .. Resort'• "Movies on the Beact.H series offers "Robin Hood" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort Is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729·DUNE. Newcomen to the digit.al universe are invited to #Tools and Tricb: Internet 101; a free Internet workshop, at 10 a.m. at the Newport Besen Central Library. The beginning-level overview will be repeated at 9 a.m. July 19 at the Balboa branctt. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. JULY9 ht S.. Introductions Invites the public to an exclusive evening to meet some of Orange County's most eligible singles at its "Where the Elite Meet" mixer from 6 to 9 p.m. at Brio Restaurant in Corona del Mar. The coS1 1s $75 per person. Wear codctail attire. For reservations. call (949) 233-6405 before July 2. JULY 19 Newcomen to the digit.al universe are invited to "Tools and Tridcs: Internet 101." a free Internet workshop, at 9 a.m. at the Balboa brand'l of the Newpor1 Beactt Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. ONGOING Teena are invtt.d to drop by the c.ity of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The center 1s at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560 The Newport Beach Walking Club development in the Banning Ranch area. Ikerd announced to the council on Tuesday that, at that meeting attended by about 30 or 40 chamber members. Nichols said that he opposed the school idea because the school would have a large ffMexican" enrollment. Nichols has said he will not re- sign his po l and that he will fight any effort to oust tum. Ikerd said that, in light of several of Nichols' comments about Mexi- cans. he suspects a recall vote would be successful. "I think that if we can get the meets at the corner of Superior and Hoapital Road 1n Newport Beadut 9:15 am. and 7 pm everyday. For more 1nform1tt1on, The N.wport BHch Cake Decorating Club m eets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road m Newport Bead'l. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Assn. of Business Services hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8.30 p m on the second Tuesday of every month at the Ho liday Inn e1t 3131 Bristol St., Costa M esa For more information, call (949) 805-0011. "Divorce: A New Beginning,# a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced. is held from 10 a.m to 12 30 p.m at 180 Newport Center DrrvP. on the third Saturday of every month. Cost 1s S40 For morP. information call 644 6435 The Newport Beach Public Library hosts an hour <.if stom s and crafts for children in kindergarten through tlw !>f"c.onrl grade at the Corona dt I Mc:ir branch from 3 to 4 p "' Tuesdays. The library is JI 420 Mangold Ave. For morn information. call 19491 717 3800 . Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center t<1ke guests to the dressing rooms performer's lounge backstage and on stage at 10 30 d m every Wednesday and Saturddy ilt 600 Town Center Dnve Cost.1 Mcs::i Group tours can bP held by special arrangemP.nl ~or more information. call 1714 556 ARTS eXl 833 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general neeting )n the third Wednesday of every month The organization 1s open to all women residents m Newpon Beach who have lived in the area fewer than f1v ... years For more information call 1949) 645-9922, or VISll newcomers-newµont1each org Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from I 30 to 10 a.m. on the second Sdt,Jrday of every month Breakfast includes panca~es. SdusagP coffee and orange 1u1cP for $3. S 1 for children The CP.ntcr •Sat 800 Marguerite. Corona del Mar For more information call 949) 644-3244 Macy's South Coast Plaza presents Workshop Wednesdays· A Hands on Cooking Class Program hosted by dlef Alexx Guevara The class is held from 6 to 7 30 p m Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St Costa Mesa The cost 1nclud1ng matenals. is $30 To rest?rve a spot, call (8181994 5075 signature<,. thl' l h.inu:-. ,11 t• \ t•r\, very high that \Ott:'r'> \\f!UIJ rl'tJIJ hjm," Ikerd '><IJ{l \\.t'dnt•.,d..iy There are 'i.' .1>40 rl·g"ll'rl'd vo ter-. in :'lie\,lltlrt Bt'Jl h d n.•p resentallH' from 1ht· l ounl\ \ registrar of \'!ll(.'r<, '>did 1 hl' rt'll tion would nt't'd -:-.806 \t•nllt'd signaturec; in put 1 rt'l all \Oii' on t.he ballot •JUNE CASAGRANDE over-. Newpor1 Bead'! and Jchr> WaynP Airport She may t>e rpacnP<l at (9491574-4232 or bv e·mdtl at 1une.casagrande a la11mes coni Thors.d.ty, June 26. 2003 A5 You Can Buy A Luxury Beach Community Home For the Same Payment You Have Now NEWPORT BEACH, CA A Free 24-hour Consumer Awarene..\s Hotline has been established to help famiJies that want to move lO beach communities buy 1heir dream homes for no more chan chey are paying for their current home~. For more information call the Con.sumer Aware n es ) H odine anytime, 24 houn per day, to hea r the free, prerernrded meHage, ac 949-222-6611 'l hi) free sen.ice I ) ~pomored by Coro n a d e I M ar Properties. brokers. ADVEFIT1SEMEt H Page Private School §r~m/908 ,. 111111/.i ( 'llOH. (' 4w urd ~i 1111wr f11r 11< ... 1 l'rnutr 1' l~·mc•nw1 i 'H /1011/! A brand new campus with 95 years of experience. 'tumJMr and Fall Earoll~at aow in ~Sdwol twgln A ugu~ I Ith. P< · & \1Jl < omµuh'r I .th' -,1atl'-of-Lhl-art-l ihran ·~cil'nn· I ah ~rn;sll ( la'' ""t"' •Prh alt-~" immm~ Pool • ~tron~ ( urrit ulum .. lndh idual \ttt>ntion .. Afl(·r ~dwol Pr"~ram .. *Field I riJh SPECIAL SALE Long Plan k Wood Flooring OAK e TEAK • ROSEWOOD IJt , ... , PLUSH CARPET •.... w1..i ... ,., ''•d S J 69 • "lilumvm 60 ,•nf• • .,. ft Tra.m.lne 18" :a 18" .................................. 14.29 "' " Cnaalc 11Jc ............................... INq fJo4 flo-e• 14,99 "'" L&m.l.Jlate Wood .......................... i..1aiw tr.. 14.99 ... " Supp/i's ond Tools for tM ·0o It YoUNrlfrrs'" All pritt1/prod11cts for 11 limitrd tim,. l>osrd on 111"1i111b1ltt11 1374 toian Ave., SuJte F •COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 .. Moo-Fri. 10 to 5 -Sat 10 te 3 Costa Mesa High School-Grad Night 2003 A special thank you to the 2003 Grad Night Committee: Lauri Millward, Lori Denman, Jody Wagner, Ann Bray, Leslie Marshall, Rick Dc.n.mao, Buban Abbott, Amelia Stokes, Lisa Tennant, Bernadene Dean, Carol Bagwell, Irene Lafebvre, Megan Lord, Sandy Ooett, Sheryl Slaney, l.aW"a Carich, Dana Greaney. We appftciate the •upport that the following buaineaa, fam.illa ud &iends ~ve given to Costa Mesa Hi'h School Grad Night 2003. Their gcocrom donatioru helped om graduates enjoy a ta& a.od mem.o.ra.ble graduation cdebration. We urge the community to show its appreciation for their suppon. Jac.lc-ln-Thie-Box ---~an=-flQTh-g- Jean Waltrn Jdf &'. Tnay LaVl.I Jury's Famow Dd1 John Baney John L. Blom Kdly Ewing Kim Hoang Kim Hoplciru Kl.OS 9S.5 K.rispy Krmtie LA. Fimaa Larry &'. UUl'tt Wnduiun Lwri &'. llidwd Millward Luan Mete« Linda~ Los ~ Loe • Raciquct Oub Maiyf.mer M.-6c Kea Loni Mcrcadea Bcm ol'Ltcun• Nipcl MCllaMuJBa ~ Yenlc C-.uy Oob Mc,.,.... MUiallCh M-.'aM.- Mowi"-d Wu MU.Mum Mr. 6c Mn. Jim Scou NcwOeiil M llusday, line 26. 2003 FORUM • . • HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Ldllrs: Meil to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Delly Pilot. 330 W. Bey St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Ae1den Hotline: Cell (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646;4170 E-ftMll:Send to dailypilottllatlma.oom •All conespondence must Include full name, hometown end phone number (for verification porposes). The Pilot reservea the right to edit ell submission• for clarity and length. EDITORIAL Student editors earn the watchdog award A t Orange Coast College, sometimes the administrators can learn lessons. And, yeah. sometimes the students are their teachers. Case in point: OCCs school newspaper, the Coast Report, questioned the privacy of the student government's budget · committee meetings, pointing out that the Brown Act should apply to them. The state's Brown Act, adopted in 1953, basically requires that boards and other public agencies take actions in view of the public. After all, it is the public's interest. Exceptions include personnel mane rs. The student budget committee at the college held three closed-door meetings in April and May to decide how to give more than $700,000 to various organizations on campus. The money was obviousJy the public's business. The Coast Report, led by Editor-in-Otlef Mike Billings and Copy Editor Matt Ballinger. discovered that these meetings existed, wrote an article about the private meetings and then demanded in an editorial that the illegal meetings become public. School administrators suspected that the Coast Report had an ulterior motive in mind when it questioned the meetings. The newspaper stood to take a cut. OCC President Gene Farrell said. But really, the administrators should have performed their research before convicting the inquisitive students. It rums out that, indeed, the Brown Act applies to the student government and its budget committee. Farrell also gave another reason for the closed meetings. He said the college wanted to protect the students on the committee Mbecause we don't want our students exposed publicly by anyone in those deliberations." Elected student governments everywhere really need to learn that once they become elected, they fall under the public's eye. They will be watched, they will be applauded and they will be criticized. Thar's politics. You win some and you lose some. Students, too, need to learn th.is. And the earlier the better so that they decide then and there if they want to enter the outside world of politics. The editors at the Coast Repo~ stuck to their instincts and did what they knew to be right. It's a shame the administrators didn't applaud them for considering the Brown Act's reach and instead found a way to rum the focus onto them. The Coast Report passes Journalism Law 101. Perhaps others need to enroll in the course. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY MAILBAG FILE PHOTO I OAJL V PtLOT Sean Barrango fastens the one of 12 outer scenery panels to the new carousel being put together in the Carousel Courtyard outside Robinsons-May at Fashion Island. A carousel by any other name is a merry-go-round The New Arrival photo on the front page today W& great, and I didn't realize that Fashion Island was adding a Carousel Court. It made me wonder how many of your readers know the difference between a carousel and a merry-go-round. A carou!>el has all horses that move up and down. A merry-go-round has stationary seats as weU as a variety of other arumaJs. It will be interested to see the unveiling and whelhcr or not the Island will have a uue "Carousel Court.· TREB HEINING Newport Beach Destruction of open space is open to debate I thought Greenlight was about traffic. Greenlight Spokesman Phil Arst !Community Commentary, June 19) wants to be the savior of our ·precious· recreationaJ and environmental open space.· The precious space Arst refers to is the eyesore American Legion boat storage lot. Las Arenas Park, the tennis couns and the beach -all of which will be enhanced by the Regent Hotel project, not lost. The Regenl project will also replace the tired Community Center. Benefits of the Regent project far outweigh the drawbacks. OAV10 BARTli Corona del Mar READERS RESPOND Feeling budget strains Taking the heat from outside the kitchen AT ISSUE: Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols ' comment about Mexicans on grass areas above Corona del Mar State Beach. talk about how progressive you are. And how about stop treating Costa Mesa as the other side of the tracks for Newport Beach? The reason you don't have a bad pan of town is because you're . using Costa Mesa as your bad pan of town. Since Costa Mesa is a separate city, you get the benefits of having a place to pul everything you don't want whUe not having to pay the monetary and social costs. . ---~ A s the unfortunate saga of Councilman Nichols continues. I can't help but wonder what his ardent supporters are thinlclng right now. If I was one of them, which I am definitely not. I think I wouJd be tempted to pass hlm a note at the next council meeting: "Dick.~ "Shhh! Stop saying that stuffi Obviously we don't want 'those people' running around in our fair city anymore than you do. We knew how you felt before you were elected. That's why we supponed you and voted you In. Oh sure, it's fine for them to cut our lawns. trim our hedges and wash our cars. but we certainly don't want them bringing their ldds here, hanging out on our beaches, and maybe even mixing with our kids!" "But Dick. don't you know you're not supposed to say those thJngs in public? We brought you in to be a stealth candidate, like a Trojan Horse. Use phrases like, 'I thJnk we need to reconsider thi5 from a budget standpoint.' or 'It's a great Idea. but I'm concerned about the possible impact it might have on the envtronmentl' These are code words Dick. and you better learn them quick!" ·After all, If the Trojan Horse had giant signs on it saying 'Caution -Greek soldiers Inside' It wouldn't have worked very well, would lt1" lmprobable1 Maybe. But nowadays. perception truly ls reallty. If Dick Nlcbola ii all~ to remain in our city government wlth no obvious effort by elther our council or our dtir.ens to remove him or have him atep down, then that could very posalbly be bow all ot ue who Uve here would be~ And u aomeone who beJievei -lib most people I know In Newport Beach -that the mequre of a penon should be tbdr integrity, their abllides. thelr desire for a better Ufe for their families. and not their Uneqoe, tb&t would be YlfY aid Indeed. Newpon Beach To all the hypocrites In 92.22% white. 4. 71 % Hispanic Newport Beach who are outraged. outraged. I say, that council member Nichols pointed out. In his own way. that the dollar curtain between illegal alien infested Costa Mesa (56.8% white. 31.8% Hispanic) and Newport Beach is fraying. how about putting your city where your big mouths are by buJJding affordable housing for "immigrant families" in Newpon Beach instead of onJy building affordable housing for senior citizens. And while you're at it. how about buUding and funding your own (illegal alien) Job Center instead of using the one that the citizens of Costa Mesa have to fund to the rune or around $130,000 per year. Records I've seen indicate that about 50% of the people hiring day workers at Costa Mesa's job center are from Newport. And if you really, really want to be progressive. how about opening some charities in your city to help the poor immigrants who will llve in the affordable housing you'll want to build for them. And, then put some factoriea on your view bluffs. When yclu do that, I'm sure some Costa Mesa citizens will come to your City Council meetings. just u some Newporters come to Coata Mesa Ctty Council meetings, and say that the industrial bulldlnp on your bluffs are great for your city. You may also enjoy the aame type or lndUltrlal poUudon that ls 6lllng Calta Meta'• air with canoer-cauaing agenca. I'll watt to aee 1M lettm from thote of you who have been ~Nicholl to eee If you'll tab the above auaesdona on bow to make Newpon 8Mch m~ dJvene ao you can lhow how propeMIYe you are. l won\ hold my bl'Mlh. l don't iftUy want NeWpOrt ee.dl to haft the mne typet ot ri we hl\49 ln Colla ~.die phony M.H.MtUARO Costa Mesa Late last month. the Daily Pilo1 published my letter in which I was critical of Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols for hls reported gaffe before the Planning Commission. Since tha1 letter, Councilman Nichols has committed a more egregious faux pas, which has whipped up a firestorm of controversy not only in our little neck or the woods, but nationwide, as well. I've read all the articles, commentaries, editorials and • letters to the edJtor appearing ih the local pres.s, many or which call for him to step down. I agnie with those who express dlsbelii.f that a highly educated man could have lived on this planet for the past half century and still be so out of touch the realities and sensitivities of the times ln which we live. Those who dwell on the tmplled bigotry of his most recent comment are missing the real point, I think. Regardless of whether Nichols bu acted like • Neanderthal throwback or not. the l.ISue here ts ht. lack of JudgmenL When be wu elec:ted, the dtiz.ena of Newport Bach undoubtedly expected a man ot ht. )'earl. experience and IUca.I to be able to Uaten to arpunenOI. Ulell ieauea and -beMd on l1lt Intellect and Ufe aptnencea - mab IOC)d Judllnenta 00 tbelr. behalf. Thia It when he bu let t them down. Ril9prdlell of I wbtcber' be..,.,... to be I f LadnopbObe or noc. bill lack of judpnmt JI dw ....... and k .. ' thlt kd of J•~t dial lho"4I c:oet hbn b6t poetdon on me QO' CoundL • _.,WIST OllllllMi . I • .oa.iy Piiot _\ 'tl..~{:i~$ . l~ured ·Bonded ~~ ~ Member Pet Sitters International Pet Sitting Less Streu For Pets Peace of Mind For You (949} 631-5771 "Pets are my passion" www.Anlmal.Amour.com Melange, Etc., Inc. FINE CONSIGNMENTS Offering an e( le< tit mix oi furn1shingi;, a( c essories, collectible<t and one ot a kind treasure . ALWAYS ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS 1 564 Nf.>\o\ port Blvd ( "'''' \\t.._,, C A 'I .!ll.!7 Tel f949J h5«Vii00 Balboa Peninsula Commercial retail space , $2,700 per mo. gross, next to Balboa Theater. Vacant. For More Information & Other Listings Please Call 949.675.8120 FURNITURE .......... .. .......... ACCESSORIES ANTIQUES ............. . ............... JEWELRY Safe for Infants • Children • Pets Deodorizes, Biodegradable. Clean , fresh carpets, dried in minutesl Brick, Block, Stone, Tile, Patios, Driveways, BBQ Terry 714.557.7594 Jeff & Lyleen Ewing Coast Newport Coldwell Banker 949.759.3796 For All Your Real Estate Needs Sellers, List Your Home For Only 1°/o!!* r l'lll\ ~ ~ lu K1.-rr' Rrokrr I ~' I CH ~I \J•r \huur I hi•'' 45 Day Written Guarantee Kenny the Printer (John Wayne Airport Area) LOW, LOW, PRICES! 949.250.3212 <e5-ilvet <e5-roon NannlJ Aaenca (714) 469 -3087 •A Perfect Match For Your Family• QUATRINE washabl e furniture •x CUSTOM fURNITURE FOH YOl'R 110 '11 3636 l!l\S1" t<l-"T Hll.11WM 9'19 7lj 74j i One Week Free (For new members only) WWW .sirnplyshapefyfifneu.QOf'l'I (949) 646-6789 370 I E. l 7il S.,..., C:O.O M.ci, CA 926'0 MANAGER SUPERIOR OFFta ' 396 SUPERIOR A VENUE NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA 92663 949.642.9511 e FAX 949.548.4978 Thursday, June 26. 2003 A7 CREATE I T Cer01n1cs and Crafts ~tudio hill \l:n l•t H r Jlllll \I 1al10 1nd11J111~ lot\(jUC ~rccn,..Jrt' \Uf'J'hf"\ hrtr11{ ( IJ,'<) mduJmi; p.un1111~ w11l1 ~J/(\ .111J .t.r,11,) ~j,.,j p.un1111i: JnJ ,1u111p1r1i: ~1J, l...r1,1l1111IJmi: NORRAll ANDl-.R..~l N O~'tl( I /1u r brr11 111 l1UJ111m /r•' /11 r yMr• / un1/rill>O• /111 1liuub tl•ur1ltr "11111 110 I -A Wc•I lbJ.cr \1., ( "'"' 'view. (.A 'J.!6211 7 14-641-8124 ''!. Foor"' £s:n SOLUTleNS 1835 Blvd. tHart>or at 19th, near Ma st0<eJ CosU MtW 19491 734-2020 L. ·• ·< Jsland :flooring Hardwood · Stone · Ceramic Tile Carpet · Vinyl Carolyn Carr 118 Agate Ave Balboa !$land, CA 92662 9..C9-675-3456 FAX 949-675 4348 @~ ( 111111 .... Cell 949-422-8570 You Don 't Know What You 're Missing! I .u1 '' ..1 rnr11 r .1. rt ... ~~ ut. t ,, _ _ r pr.1 .. I h.C'd ·•' I 'll\td !..tr ht, \.Cl\.llU"lU u~ l'ln \h .ti th• 1.o; ,r I tarupt-.111 I" 1 11 'J'( 1 ii ,; .uid t1l.11\h.Ull"'ll I ut 'prt·c.. ''Hlll '1.11 ' If 11,1 l \le .ut h.nt or .1 n. ,, r1i.• 't .• 1 (.o m e Visit l n ni Th~ Magil" /0 1uh 25 Yt"ars f.xprri~nr.- 7 14-540-2218 1 500 Adams Ave # 103 • Costa M~a Be Hclpp\ Vvith 'vour HAIR I Jm in .1 11n1C/11<· f1<1'tl11 m ''' m.ike your d.iy. ( )\f _1) \t j'\,, II t'\ .11t-• ., If Ha;r ( olor \ f J 1 C u' P'" "''' ·"~ RosEYs AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY full Service Colli1ion Center [lJ lnturance Approved Shop ROSEY'S AUTOIOOY • * .,, 121 Industrial Way • Co'1a Meta , • To · advertise· in our next A-Z Page, Contact (949) 642-567 I. ( Al llusday. June 26, 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD Crean clambake kicks of summer the right way E normous balloon art sculptures swam in the pool of the Hyatt Newporter. Balloon palm trees. jumping dolphins and more set the festive tone for the sixth annual Crean Lobster aambalc.e to benefit the kids assisted by ...----,,,,...----.. the Clilldren's Bureau. It w.as an evening of summer fun without the sun. Hundreds of locals dressed in B.W. COOK tropical Beth Shlelda, MJaay Stem and Maureen 7.ehnter worked the al fresco setting, selling raffle tickets and making sure all were enjoying the affair. A successful live auction led by masterful master of ceremonies F.d Arnold or KOCE-TV brought in even more money for the kids. adding to significant underwriting from Jim and Patti Edwarda, Stan Hanson and corporate sponsors including Disneyland, Tommy Bahama, Comerica Bank, Emulex, Union Bank, BMC Software, AcrA Aerospace, Sodexho and Washington Mutual. tones converged on the resort as the music of a steel drum band blended with icy mai tai cocktails. It was a recipe for a s ummer blast that raised big doUars to make a big difference for kids lost in a world that can be as cold and tough and miserable in unimaginable ways. By the end of the evening, the 350 guests helped raise more than $100,000 for the Olildren's Bureau, Orange County Olapter. The organization, an offshoot of the L.A. Clilldren's Bureau, serves more than 2.600 at-risk. families each year, 96% of whom are below the U.S. poverty level. Pictured at the record-breaking Crean's Lobster Clambake fund-raiser are event Chair Eve Komyei, Ed Arnold of KOCE-lV and Lula and: . Marion Halfacre of Traditional Jewelers Fash ion Island. Olairs Lana O.andler, Peggy Goldwater Oay and Eve Kornyel worked to make a difference for the children under the banner of charitable involvement set by the super-generous Donna and John Crean. The crowd sat poolside on this balmy Saturday evening as succulent lobster dinners were served with all the trimmings. Spotted in the crowd were Crystal and Kelly Crean, Don Crevier. Glenn Ellla, Ron and Bet ty Dominguez, Laurie and Mike Mendenhall, Denice and Brian Mock, Debbie and Tom Newmeyer, Unda and Rosa Peters, KathJe and John Porter. Harriet and Sandy Sandhu, Ann and Dick Slm, NIU and Jeff Stevens and Betty Belden-Palmer and her exquis ite daughter Cindy, who runs an antique business in Old Town Orange. Event committee members Sharl Clko, Sarah Corrigan, Yolanda de la Paz, Margaret KJrby, Barbara Magness. Darby Manclark, Royal Radke, •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. Enjoying the evening are Lana Chandler, charity founders John and Donna Crean, and Peggy Goldwater Clay. Attending the Crean's Clambake are Connie and Mike GokJwater J and Jillyn and Ted Verdon. White Front Pharmacy I ,f 1 ,'\I :' /111 , f ' , J 11 •••••••• FotoART" '''''''' h -A g,..,,a._. ~ Carth • Boo/ts • S"nJrin All 11Uln'IDIU Plmu kc#J'wl _____ ...,_ Unique Personalized Gifts for every occasion Visit our VVeb Site at www fotoart.com FotoArt Key Chain Sale Order your FotoArt Key Chains by June 30, 2003 and get 50% off our regular price of S 14 95 (No hm•t on quantmet) Open Join us torl1~}' to ht'gin ... 11 lf{etimc of ht•!011Ki11g! And oot Y.trf Conoreoation Shir Ha·Ma'alot is one of the wannest. friendliest. and most innovative Reform congregations m Oranoe County. Get to know us and our , <fynamK: Rabbi Rdlard Steinberg and feet ~ht at home lfltef1aith families welcome. · JuM Z7th: &30pm WIM & ~ R.aptlon 7:30pm 'F1id:aJ ~ Uw' Musbl Snb July 4th: HOpm Milt .t Corara Oii JM> Badl &<lOprn 'Bactl' Stiatmt s.w. July Ith: 7:30pm SNbbat Strvlcl July 18th: 6:30pm Tot 5NbtMtt 7:30pm SNbbat Sevtc1 CONG .. tGATION Sl1tr HA-MA'.Jot 949-857-2226 801 Baker Stree~ Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol prlCeO Thlo--__..,.,.., Mondey Tint f llMy 9AMI05P"4 Satufday 1 DAM 10 4PM Ot by 9PPC*1lmenl ~eow... ,., s.-... COiia Mna C.A 92$27 ~o IM9 &46-3ees 362 Mlchtlson Drive. lrvlnt. CA 92612 (714) 540-2882 ·-,... __ .,., __ _ ..,..,..i-. ._ F_ ~•8/»03 0 200l F""""'1 IN: ThisWeek@UCI Presentations June 27 Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Institute. Open House Celebration and Dedication of the Dr. Bruce Achauer Library. I p.m., UCI Manchester Pavilion, Orange. Free June 28 Extension. Digital Arts Saturday Showcase. Hear how animated Web marketing presentations are changing an industry. 12:30 p.m., 110-1 I I University Extension C. Free Digital Arts Programs Orientation. Receive information about the Digital Arts certificate . . including Design of Print Media, Interactive Desiw. and 30 Art. 2p.m.,I10-J 11 University Extension C. Fr~ July 1 Human Resources. Job Seekers' Workshop. Tips on resume writing, interviewing techniques and other job starch resources. Noon, Human ~urces Office. Free, registration required Center for the Neurobiology of Learning & Memory. Perc.eptual Learning. With Dr. Km Nakayama, Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, Harvard University. Noon, DaJe Melbourne Herklotz Conference Center, CNLM. Frtt \' • : · · ·· wwwshmtEmplEorg · · · -----------------------------------------------------------------· The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls• Ceramics Wood • Laminates .. CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff CALL NOW ... 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture • Draperies. Shades, & 6edspreads • • • • . • • .. • • • I L I f .E & L E I S U R E BEST BUYS I AtkinsonS o A tldneon'I Meda =-edln you won't see anywhere else. Designers available include Loro Plani, Marni, Prada Sport, Dries Van Noten, Dosa. Olloe, I lelmur Lang, Michael Kors. Celine and Peter Cohen. A'Maree's carries jewelry from 1947, offers casual and ft.he traditional men's apparel. A storewide 309fi off sale ls ln progress. Open from ~~ a.m to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday at 3430 Via Udo ln fl{ewport Beach. Wormation: (949) 673-0653. GREER WYLDER LA. -based Cathy Waterman and other popular designers. They have shoes. bag!>, belts A JASTY WAY TO HELP • South <:out Plaza will host an Incredible swnrner Pood and Wine Peadval today from 6 to 9 p)n. The 11th annual event ~funds for Orange County's needy by supporting the Second ... vest Pood Bank of Orange CQu.nty and Someone Cares s.,ap Kitchen. Each $40 ticket ~ buy more than 1,000 meals or feed a family of four fo r three months. An expected t .soo g9ests will enjoy culinary specialties from South Coast Plaz.a restaurants. They'D also enjoy premium wines, microbrews and live music. Crate and BarreJ/Macy's Home Store Wing at South Coast Plaza lnformation: (71 4) 435-2160. ELEGANT MERCHANDISE IN A SUMMER SALE A'Maree'a much anticipated summer sale starts Sanirday. The store is closed Friday to prepare for the sale. A'Maree's is a n1Ddem elegant boutique, for women who love clothes. Fash.ions are hand selected by owners and sisters Dawn Klohs and Den.lie Schaeffer. They buy in,NewYork and Europe four ti.mes a year and are slcilled at choos1ng fabuJous merchandjse AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (9491 574-4295. A complete 1151 is av1llable at www.dailypilotoom. MUSIC STAR-SPANGLED SALUTE The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orchestra is having its ·star Spangled Salute• at 8 p.m. July 4 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Conducto r Richard Kaufman will lead the Pacific Symphony in a concert that includes firewo rks and J ohn Philip Sousa marches. The event is a musical extravaganza of Broadway showstoppers and all-American fanfare. •Phantom of the Opera• stars Davis Gaines and Terri Bibb w ill be offering their talents. Tidcets are $19 to S86 to order call (71 4) 755-5799. BOLERO ANO RHN>SOOY Maestro Cart St Ch1lr and the Pfeifle Symphony. with guest pOlnist Valentina Lisitu, will eicpk>re the vibrant rhythms of Spain In a concert called •Bolero and Rhapsody• at 8 p.m . July 19 aithe Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tldceta coS1 $19 to $85. To order, call (714) 755-5799. JAZZ.TRIO GUifstream Restaurant In Newport Beadl presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday a• regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Hourt are 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 Jo 10 p.m. Monday through ~nesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Caf6 presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. ·wanted• muak:ian. Include guitar i:>'ayera, b ... i:>'ayera. slngers, drummers, kevb<>ardists and others at 100 Main St, Newport Beech. Free. and accessories. Open from I 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday at 1649 WeMcliff Drive in Newport Beach. (949) 642-4423. SIDEWALK FUN AT WESTCUFF Westcllff Plaza's summer '>1dewallc saJe happeni; Sarurday from I 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be o;aJes at participating stores, entertainment, children's craf1s and face painting. Merchants include Anthony's Shoe Repair. Three Friends, WestclllJ Plaza Oeaners, Champagne Prmch Bakery Cal~. Kayaks Surf Shop, Robert and Taylor Salon, Matthew Taylor's, Pick Up St.ix. Images Hallmark. PastaBravo, Ralphs Fresh Fare, Mall Boxes Etc .. Draper's and Damon's, BJue Mambo, c:alJfornJa Style Home Collections, Crown Aa Hardware, Helen Grace Olocola tes and AJghr Centre. We~tcliff Plaza at 17th Street and Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach. MEET YOUR SURFING NEEDS Smee the 1970<.., the Green Room ha~ been a popular local ~urf !>hop. Surfboard<,, '>k.ateboards, wet!>uit!i, apparel and acceJ>!>Ories are their specialty. I ligh-quality o;urfhoard brand'> .ivailable include I L. 19491675-nso. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar. the New York Jau Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays Diana Oltn joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights Greg Morgan. N1de Peper and Kelly Gord1en (known as MPG, perform classic rode. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The reS1aurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive. Newport Beach Free. (9491 675-J.474 MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a .m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 W. CoaS1 Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m . to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players 1s at 512 W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Res1aurant In Newport Beach presents Jesse on the ux on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The progr•m features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony'• ls at 161 E. Coast Highway. (949) 873-3425. POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk. re><* end Morown I 20% off : Breal(fast : wr..n ,_ p •mt tJlg clif ...... Chn& Tfwndq 7cma-JJ am . ' zne mens a arel H.l.C., Lo t, Roberts. and PaJaoa boards custom shaped for the Green Room in Hawail. Consignment boards are accepted. There are racks full of used boards. The shop has an extensive ~lection of skateboards and a few longboards from fluid. Apparel brands available include Black Flys, Planet F.arth, Lost, E.S.P., 11.1.L. Rletfield, Reef and the incre~mgly popular Sullen. Wei.Suits. Wtdals and sunglasses are available. Loo. Open from 10 am. LO 7 p.m Monday to rnday; and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 6480 S. Coast I Ughway in Newpon Beach. Information: (949) 548-994-ll or www.greenroomsurj com. PLEINTO SEE A plem afr an exhihll 1i. shown through July 11 at the Robert Mondavt Food and Wlne Center in CoMa Me-;a. More than I 00 pamungs wtll be presented by the Southern C'alifom1a Plem Air Painter<; A!.'>n. The exh1b1t featurei. recent painting-. of location!. through Southern California by members. Open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.rn. Monday to hiday. 1570 ~enic Ave (off I !arbor Bouievard, berween Sunllower Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard) in < osta M~ lnforma11on: !714J 97<.t-4510 or u1111111..mcalpa(la.iom. CORNELL DESIGNS HALF OFF April Com eU kick.., nff It'> end of the 'l'd'>On '>alt' on '>prlll~ :!003 collec11on., toda-. Vt>rmom bci...ed Apnl Cornell de'>1~n., '"' own apparel and hnen-.. ")ale merchandi'>e reduced up to 5U'l.I .. Open from I 0 a.Ill to 9 p m ~1onday to act. performs at 9 p m Saturdays al Carmelo's R1S1orante. 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Solo guita rist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m Tuesdays and Sundays. Free (949) 675-1922 SATURDAY NIGHT R&.B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bri~ge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacAnhur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Free (9491476-2001. STAGE IMAGINATION ANO DREAMS ·1maginat1on and Dreams - Musicals in Motion· by the Irvine Academy of Performing Arts is being presented at the Barclay Theatre on Sunday. It's an annual dance concert featuring studen1s from the Irvine Academy of Performing Arts The performances will include ballet, 1azz, lyrical. hip-hop, and tap dance styles. Dancers are 4 and older. Tidee1s are $16 Information: (9491854-4646 The theater is at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine 'THE GOOD DOCTOR' Neil Simon's "The Good Doctor# 1s celebrating its 30th anniversary at Corona del Mar High School Theatre, 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and al 1:30 p.m. Sunday Tideets cost $11 for adults, $9 for seniors and students. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more at the same performance. This play is appropriate for teens and adults. For more information. call (9491 644-3151. 'THE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's first full-length play, "The Drawer Boy; one of Time magazine's Best Play• of 2001, will continue through Sunday at Segeratrom Stage. Tickets r•nge from $19 to $64. For tickets. call (714) 7()8..5656. Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Near Ponery Barn at Fashion Island. (949) 721-9061. LEGALLY STYUN' MAKE UP Sephora hosts a Sllla makeup event in conjunction with the opening of I.he movie "l..ega!Jy Blonde 2. • Silla CosmetJci. founder Jeanine Lobell helped turn Reese Witherspoon into Elle Woods for the movie. '>ttla\ makeup artist<. can '>how you how to recreate Elle's look with products found exclusively here. Reservations are recommended Open from IO a.m to 9 p.m Monday to Friday; from I 0 a m 10 8 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 am. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Sephora at South Coast Plaza Level One, near Carousel Court (714) 429-9130. THE FAMILY BARBER Need a reliable barber? '>top by the Miller Barber Family Barber Shop. It special1,1,e' 111 men's and boys' hrurcut'>. A caring, friendly staff will treat you well and you'll be pleased with their work. Wallt-im are welcome, but it\ be:.t 10 make an appointment. Discount'> are available for seruol"i and children 10 and yow1ger Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tue-.da~ to Friday; from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m . Saturday; and from I 0 a.m to 4 p.m . Sunday <ll 111 Aroadwav le<bt of Ne\\:pon Roulevard acros!> from Jnangk ~UJie) in Costa Mesa 1949 64b-I 173. •BEST BUYS appears Thursdays Send information to Greer Wytder at greerwylder a yahoo.com, at 330 W Bay St .. Costa Mesa CA 92627 or by fax at 1949) 6464170 'AIDA' Elton John and Tim Rice's •Aida" is coming to the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall Wednesday through July 13 Tideets are $27.50 to $64.50 and can be purchased at the center's box office of online at www.ocpac.org Information: (714) 556-ARTS. OCPAC 1s located at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. ART 'WENDY SUSSMAN: LOOKING BACK'. A reception for the exhibit "Wendy Sussman: Looking Bade" will be from 6 to 9 p.m. today at Square Blue Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd Sussrnan's widower. writer Juan Rodnguez. will be at a reception. Also expected is artist John Sproul and the director of the Gallery Paule Anglim, Ed Gilbert. Information· (949) 548· 1101 , or visit www squareblueart.com. DANCE SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more 1nformat1on. visit ocswmg com, or call 19091 656-6119 ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintodc Way, Costa Mesa (714) 641-8688 POETRY PERFORMANCE POETRY AND UVEMUSIC The Gypsy Oen and Cafe at 2930 SH HOURS, Pac• AlO New at Newport Dune's Resort BIBBECIJE UNDER *THE nm* !'ou ~ tM ..uNe and ,,.. dtJd. -pnwfU tlw 888 ortJI CUMI U... ... dWa ~. $7.95 • Nt-r' ~ ....... aJ"°9I ...,. ........ Oft tM....,., ... ,.,.. ............. ··-~-.. .. -........... Thursday, June 26, 2003 At Fun, Feminint Styles for All Shapes & Sizes of Beautiful Women. 369 E. 17th St., #21, Costa Mesa 19491 642-5459 l:.xpire<i 07 04/0 3 427 E. l 7TH STRffT . (OST.\ \iES.\ I 1949) 646-1440 \1( l\-f H! 7:00--0:00 . S.\T 7:00-5:00 I Cl ll\f [l \t \IJ.\i AJO Tlusday, June 26, 2003 LIFE & LE I SURE ~ G' ~Sr)..) ,. , 949-631 -77 40 441 Old Ntwpon Blwl. Ne.--pon Beach (Neu Hoeg ll0tpiial) C4FEHOURS: M(llt-S.m 9am-4pm CzNlkl 10 Chdnikliers, Uud 6 &rr Boob, C1mom Pirt11rf Framing. Furnitllrr Rrstom1io11 llM mMch morr I !Locals favorl tel Smee 1995 NO PLACE Ll~ME Lively libations for .-~ •.r• .... .:J _____ ....,... summer enterta ining . ' ... ' '.' a summer cocktail party. Roy's Hawaiian Mardnl Serves slx 9 ounces vodka 3 ounces vanilla vodka B eo and I went to a fund-raiser in May that was held at Roy's restaurant in Fashion Island. The cause was the Harbor High Culinary Arts program, so a three-course meal at an award-winning restaurant seemed appropriate. The food was fabulous, and the service was exceUent The entire event was outstanding. I ounce coconut nun l2 1-inch chunks fresh pineapple Combine alcohol and KAREN WIGHT half of the pineapple chunks and refrigerate One of the many impressive details was the drink they were serving. Generally, I'm not a fancy cocktail kind of gal. but these drinks in mini-martini glasses garnished with fresh pineapple were too cute to pass up. They were the specialty of the house and appropriately called Roy's I lawailan Martini. They didn't even taste like they had alcohol in them. which is probably a bad thing, but they were so good that the next day I got on the computer and surfed the Web looking for the recipe. I found it. Of course, I do not have any of the ingredients you need to make them. but one of these days. I'm going 10 make a trip to a specialty liquor store and rectify 1hat. This drink would be the perfect addition to HOURS Conbnued from A9 Bristol St in Costa Mesa is offering a series of performance' poetry and live music. At 8 p.m. July 8, Poets Michael Paul and Mike Sprake will perform, with music by Micnael Ubaldini, on July 8. July 9 at 8 p.m. Poets Lee Mallory and Season Cole will perform, with music by Courtney Montgomery, on July 9. The free events will be at 8 p.m . Information: (714) 549-7012. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited 10 participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS ANO BOOKS A children's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children'• story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-8 South Coast Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A cnildren's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St .. Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DfNNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 6:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. 1WIUGHT DINftG A twilight dining menu, featuring overnight. Before serving, discard the pineapple and serve with a fresh pineapple garnish. While I was searching for the Roy's recipe, I found a few other drinks that I've ordered in restaurants, but have oever made at home. Some of them take a li1Lle effort. and they all sound fattening, buc every once in a while. its fun co make something out of the ordinary when you're entertaining. Ramos Fizz Single serving Juice of ~ lemon y, tablespoon confectioners i.ugar I egg white, whipped I jigger dry gin I dash orange juice I tablespoon sweet cream dishes such as chicken parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1:30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at -Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. $30; $40 with cnampagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Sarurdays at Atta Coffee House, 506 31st St, Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily at the Atrium's Alrporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2no. BISTRO 201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. DfN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rode Is presented after 9 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1n3 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-6550. DURTY NEUY'S Live music Is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2916 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 957·1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 759-0808. Shake with ice and add' carbonated water to taste. _, , ' " Nutty.Angel Single serving 1 ounce vodka ' fl 1 ounce Frangellco l ounce Bailey's ~ ounce dark creme de cacao Shake with ice and dust with nutmeg LoDf Island Iced Tea Single serving I ounce vodka I ounce gin l ounce light rum I ounce tequila I ounce lemon juice I teaspoon confectioners sugar 4 ounces cola Mlx and serve with ice AduJt Hot Olocolate Serves six ~ cup chocolate chips 3 cups milk I cup Half & Half I feat ingredients, and then add: ~cup sugar ~cuprum ~ cup almond liqueur Top with whipped cream. • KAREN WIGHT is a Newport Beach resident. Her column runs Thursdays. Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Rode Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. (949) 64&-8855. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmicnael's, 3950 Campus Dnve, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CtGAR ROOM ,. Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Udo, Suite D. Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595. .. MARGARfTAV1LLE Live music is performed at Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music is perfonned Mondays through Saturdays at the Marriott Hotel. 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULDOON'S ,· ,. I • ·' .. .. Muldoon'• ia an Irish pub at 202 • t Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and light rode acts .... perform Fridays and Saturdays at ~ Newport Landing's Oyster Bar "".• Lounge at the Balboa Feny ': Landing. 503 E. Edgewater Ave. • • (949) 876-2373. • TEE ON ntURSOAY The Tee Room presents its .. two-piece band every Thurtday _ , between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 • ~ • Irvine Ave., Newport Beac:.ti. (949) , : 766-0121. ' TOTAU.Y COFFEE ' . Open mike night ia held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1625 Mesa Verde Drive ·• East, Cost.a Mesa. {714) '59367. ONGOING EVENTS ..........,...,.,. .. needed to help deflver nutrhlouaty prepared meate to homebound, frail or ef<JettV df«lts ncepebfe of et10pPing or oooldng for dlemMtYet through ·Mobile Meeaa; lpONOred by ASK-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Holphal. C.11 (949) 645-8060 for more lnfonnation. Alie MW wtr... wtl be Mfwd on Bayaide Rat.urant'a terrace ovec1ooldng Newport Harbor f1VetV Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The coat la $15 per person. For more Information, call (949) 721-1222. N9wport DuMI Reeort'a ·Movies on the Beach• will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, Including a two-hour barbecue before the m<Mes start at du'sk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuta of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will ba shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening In June and July except July 4. Parting Is $8 per car. For more Information, call (9491 729-0UNE. A V8Mty of prime, MmJ..privfte and group swim lessons will be offered this sommer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del M ar High Sdlool. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151 , or register in person at Newpon Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newpon Blvd. atildren, tMna and 9dutb can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newpon Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newpon Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. ProflaioNI and licenMd 1oc:cer trainers with the NI-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) ~ 103. .Mwtsh Famlty 5«vice is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meei. Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The First P9ge -AM QUkhn's Boob. at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time YOUR DFNfAL HF.Ail1I ,. Moodayt,Wedne9day,Frldeya and s.turdeya from 8'.30 to 10-.30 a.m., Tue9deya and Thuredeya from 4 to 6 p.m. For more Information, call (949) 846-6437. •Ab9tnct Wo*a an C..... and ~ 1111 eidfibit otmtl>y Jlnil - Roeener, will be on claplay et the Newport Beedl Centr.a Library through June 30. The exhibit will feature eelec:tiona from Rotener'a .Washed Away" aeriee, creeted by dripping, splattering or pouring additional peint and mediums onto an original painting and washing It trway to suggest the paaaage of time. For mote informetlon, call (949) 717-3816. ~WOftiaby Orange County artists worting In an array of two-dimensional media will be on diaplay at Newpon Beach City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beach offers wrne tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (9491721-1222. If your on:hld ii too big for lb pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m . every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756--1211 for information. Discover the MCreb of C.rbon Canyon Regional Part as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is S4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. TNm Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise. hosts ·walk and Talk" at 10 a.m . the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store In Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. S.A.F.E . stands for safety. awareness. faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information. call (949) 721-8079. r P LIFE cl LEISURE Ttusday, June 26. 2003 All " Momma John Jennifer Brenda We bftong to tbe Lifetime Lifetime DOo/o world's /arpst /k>Orl1W mall group -t»OJJ. Warranty Warranty FREE We are tbe blggnt Carpet . Ceramic flooring dMlns tndJvldually OwMd $199 $ 99 No and operat«I. ·4,000 STOR.B :~~!J •Ji Questions BVYENG POWER Lifetime Asked NOBODY anywhere 1;Warranty Warranty 60 day e.xcbange. can beat our selectton, Laminate Wood If you dQn 't /flee It, prica or service. we wlU replace It You're paying too $ much If you're not FREE buying from us. FULL SERVICE C111ter Ttps • Sh1ten • Cer111ic • St111 • Gruite • Woo~ Refi1i1h ONE STOP SHOP Wido1t Ceveri1 1 • Clea1i1 Car et & U holste • Pai1ti11 -l1teritr & Exterior 405 Costa Mesa "Vine <949> &50·787& (949> B!B·Ot•t t 24 E. t 7th t "l"l"l"I Main •a• MON-f RI 10·6 • SATURDAY 10·4 TM ~ f!.f • .,. "' & l ilt M~St l * i >< a: w Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the hand of Pri\'ate '1ortga~e Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home fmancing. Our .unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the G~ 877-227~329 Bruda M.....- complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • lilterest-only loans Kim Pwtlr-Drr lllt 9'9-2.S3-4236 PriV• ..... 8lnbr <;_, Pwker 949-253-42.21 CCMM»ec:doM M• aer AlO Thursday, June 26, 2003 -L I FE & LE IS URE NO PLACE LIKE HOME ..... .... CAFE HOURS: M-S.,, 911m-4pm Ciutom PinHrr Framint, FurnitHrt ~rtoration 11NI mHCh morr ! U,ncals Favorite! Since 1995 a summer cocktail pany. RoY• Hawallan Martin.I Serves six 9 ounces vodka 3 ounces vanilla vodka B en and I went Lo a fund-raiser in May that was held at Roy's restaurant in FashJon Island. The cause was the Harbor High Culinary Arts program, so a three-course meal at an award-winning restaurant seemed appropriate. The food Wcl.S fabulous, and the service was excellent The entire event was outstanding. 1 ounce coconut rum 12 I-inch chunks fresh pineapple Combine alcohol and KAREN WIGHT half of the pineapple chunks and refrigerate overnight. Before serving, discard the pineapple and serve with a fresh pineapple garnish. One of the many impressive details was the drink they were serving. Generally, I'm not a fancy cocktail kind of gal, but these drinlcs in mini-manini glasses garnished with fresh pineapple were too cute to pass up. They were the specialty of the house and appropriately called Roy's Hawaiian Martini. They didn't even taste like they had alcohol in them, which is probably a bad thJng. but they were so good that the next day I got o n the computer and surfed the Web looking for the recipe. I found it. Of course, I do not have any of the ingredients you need to make them, but one of these days, I'm going to make a trip to a specialty liquor store and rectify that. This drink would be the perfect addition to HOURS Continued from A9 Bristol Sl in Costa Mesa is offering a series of performance poetry and live music. At 8 p .m . July 8, Poets Michael Paul and M ike Sprake will perform, with music by Michael Ubaldini, on July 8. July 9 at 8 p.m . Poets Lee M allory and Season Cole will perform, with music by Courtney Montgomery, on July 9. The free events will be at 8 p.m . Information: (714) 549-7012. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invrted to participate in songs and finger·puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Patt Ave. (949) 646-8845. P JS ANO BOOKS A children's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may w ear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEUER A children's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe. 901-B South Coast Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St .. Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432·7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:16 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$16. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican otter• Sunday brunch from 10 a.m . to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coal1 Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$16. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring While I was searching for the Roy's recipe, I found a few other drinks that I've ordered in restaurants, but have never made at home. Some of them take a l.i'ltle effort. and they all sound fattening. but every once in a while, it's fun to make somethJng out of the ordinary when you're entertaining. Ramosfbz Single serving Juice of ~ lemon !h tablespoon confectioners sugar I egg white, whJpped I jigger dry gin I dash orange juke I tablespoon sweet cream dishes such as chi<*en parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at ·Sutton Ptace Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. $30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS Al.TA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Atta Coffee House, 506 31st St, Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily at the Atrium's Alrporter Club, 18700 M acArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2no. BISTRO 201 Jan is played at 8 p .m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 631-1651. DIN DIN AT BNMOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m . Thursdays, and pop and rode Is presented after 9 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace. 1773 Newport Btvd .. Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5550. OURTY NEUY'S Live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's. 2915 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 957-1961. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 759-0808. . .. • • __ ........ _ ....... ,.:~· -.. • l- , '" '\ Shake with ice and add' carbonated water to taste. . ,. NuttyA.npl Single serving I ounce vodka . " l ounce FrangeUco I ounce Bailey's ~ ounce datt creme de cacao Shake with ice and dust with nutmeg Long Island kJed lea Single serving l ounce vodka l ounce gin I ounce Ught rum l ounce tequila I ounce lemon juice I teaspoon confectioners sugar 4 ounces cola Mix and serve with ice Adult Hot <lM>colate Serves sh ~cup chocolate chJps 3 cups milk J cup Half & Half Heat ingredients, and then add: ~cup sugar ~cup rum ~cup almond liqueur Top with whipped cream. • KAREN WIGHT is a Newpon Beadl resident. Her column runs Thuridays. Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Rode Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music Is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855 HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmic:hael's, 3950 Campos Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM I . •' .. .. .. . . . Enjoy a smoke with your drink at - Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suite 0 , Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595. .· MARGAIUTAVIUE Live music is performed at Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m . daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the M arriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MUU>OON'S Muldoon's ls an Irish pub at 202 • Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4110. . . ,. • ·" • • ... OYSTER BAR LOUNGE • ~ Local pop and light rodt acts -:; perform Fridays end Saturdays at " Newport Landing's Oyster Bar -- lounge at the Balboa Feny ~ Landing, 603 E. Edgew8ter Ave. • (949) 676-2373. • TEE ON lltURSOAY The Tee Room pntaents its .,.. two-piece band every Thursday _ , between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 • .. • Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (94§) 766-0121. TOTAU..Y COFF'E£ Open mike night Is held from tt30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursdays at Totally ' Coffee, 1526 Mesa Verde Drive ·• East, Costa Mesa. (714) 435-9367. .• ONGOING -EVENT.S -_,. ............... need9dto help deliver nutri1iouaty prepared ~to homebound, frail or elderly dlents lnc:apeble of lhopping or cook1ng for themaelvee through "Mobile Meals: eponsored by ASH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 64s.8050 for more Information. FM MW wtr... wll be MrYad on BaV9ide Restauranfs terrace ovettooklng Newport Harbor wery Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost Is $15 per person. Fot more Information, call (949) 721-1222. N9wpot1 Durtee Reeort't "Movies on the Bead'I" will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, incfuding a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are Invited to bring their favorite cots of meat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.96 per person. The films will be shown on a large ecreen In the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and Juty except July 4. Parting Is $8 per car. For more lnfonnation. call (949) 729-0UNE. A v.t.ty of priwta, sem~ and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del M ar High Sdlool. Options lncfude one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs. call (949) 644-3151 , or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Chllchn, teens and adults can now register for summer recreational boating claues offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3161, or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. ~I and licenMd socc:« trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more infonnation, call (949) 395-5103. J9wish Famlty Service Is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m . at Tarbut VTorah Upper Sdlool In Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pr~registration is required. The First Page -Fine Chilchn's Books. at 270 E. 17th St. No. 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays, Wedneeday, Fridays end Setur«Mya from 9:30 to 10:30 •.m. .. T~~ Thuradeys- from 4 to 6 p.m. For more Information, cell (949) 646-5437. "Abstnct Woltcs Oft Cenwa Md Paper:' en exhibit of art by Janet Roeener, wiU be on cltpley .t the Newport~ eemr.i Ubrary through June 30. The eJChlblt will feature aelections from Roeener's "Washed Away" .... cnMrted by dripping, splattering ()( pouring edditlonal paint and medk.tms onto en original painting and washing It tlWtJV to~ the passage of time. For mote lnfonnatlon, call (949) 717-3816. Awwd-winnlng WOtt. by Orange County artists womng in an array of two-dlmenslonel media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artista Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717·3870. Beyslde Resteurant In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $16 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721·1222. If your orchid ls too b6g for tb pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m . every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discovet the seem. of Carbon Canyon Regional Part as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parting is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts ·walk and Talk. at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free. and all fitness levels are welcome. For more infonnation. call (949) 27S.3888. Newport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. S.AF.E. stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets M ondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 721-8079. LIPE cl LEISURE Tlusday, bit 26, 2003 All ~ John "Jennifer Gus Brenda .. belong to tbe Lifetime Lifetime lOOo/o world~ latpst J1oorbll mall group • Ct>OJJ. Warranty Warranty FREE fi are tbe biggest Carpet Ceramic Jloorlng Mains lndlvtdually """""' $199 99 No and ojJen:lt«l. '!!-, Questions ·4,000 S7'0.RB Bl/YING POWBR Lifetime Lifetime Asked NOBODY anywhere r.Warranty Warranty 60 day exchange. can beat our selection, l.aminate Wood If you don't like It, prlca or serolce. we UJllJ replaa It You·~ paying too 99 mucb If you're not FREE buyl_ng from us. FULL SERVICE C111ter Tips • Sh1wers • Cera•ic • St11e • Gruite • Wot~ Refi•ish ONE STOP SHOP Widow Coveri1 s • Cleui• Car et & U holste • Pai.ti• -l1teritr & hteritr 405 Costa Mesa "Vine (949) 850·7878 <9•9> 858·0,., t24 E. t7th ,,,,,Main •a• MOM-FRI 10·6 • SATURDAY 10·4 Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the hand~ of Private \1ortga~e Bankin~. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the G~ 871-227-6329 Brudl M.....- complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • litterest-only loans ..,._ ~,., ' . ~-~ .----~ '"' A. • A... -- A12 Thursday, Jooe 26, 2003 ... ;. LIFE & LEISURE .. Daily Pilot ' TRAVEl TALES Cruise around the world gives appreciation for home· Starting from England, the Heavies see ports in the Indian and Pacific oceans. By Marjorie RHVI• I twas an unseasonable 85 degrees at the Los Angeles airport when my husband Dean and I boarded American Airlines for Heathrow, London to embuk on a wodd cruise aboard the ship Oriana. Imagine our dismay as we landed ln a blinding snowstorm with all of our arrival arrangements ln utter confusion. After a lengthy unplanned taxi ride to Southampton, we boarded the Oriana. which would be our home for the next 71 days. The Oriana is a beautiful, comfortable ship, very British, of course, so quite formal. The comfort and well being of the 1,600 passengers were paramount to the captain and crew. After a chilly beginning. we soon reached warm waters and enjoyed calm seas and summer weather for the rest of the journey down the west coast of Europe. Africa and around the Cape of Good Hope. We proceeded up the east coast to Kenya and the Seychelles, across the lndian Ocean to lndonesia (Penang. Kuala Lumpur and Singapore), to Australia. Tasmania and New Zealand, and into the Pacific Ocean to Tahiti, Bora Bora. Hawaii and San Francisco, where we reluctantly disembarked for a short Oight home on March 19. The ship would continue on to Acapulco, through the Panama Canal, before returning to Southampton. There were many wonderful days at sea with unlimited activities to suit everyone's taste -lectures, bridge and dance Dean Reavie in front of the twin towers of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. lessons, movies, a great gym. an Internet room and casino, to name just a few. There was a marvelous library, if anyone had time to read. Most of the passengers. being British, were eager to soak up the endless sunshine, resulting in painful looking sunburns. The evening musical programs and stage shows were very professional and entertaining. Of course, eating was nonstop. Crossing the equator requires permission from King Neptune, and this ceremony creates a lot of fun for the passengers and crew. As we actually crossed the equator on three different occasions, we experienced this nonsense three times. We visited 22 different and • interesting ports. Among our favorites were Walvis Bay, Namibia. Cape Town. Durban. the Seychelles, Perth, Burnie, Sydney, Marlborough Sound, Auckland and Morea Our arrival in Auckland coincided with the conclusion of the Americas Cup races, so the port was still bustling. Dean, who enjoys sailing, had the exciting experience of a sail on one of the 12-meter boats that had been the contender in the 1995 Cup race. so this was the highlight of his cruise. Arriving in Honolulu, and five days later in San Francisco, made us realize that no matter how many beautiful countries and cities we visited, we are very privileged and content to live in Newport Beach. A$1AREE~ SUmmer ' Sale Above, Marjorie Reavie on the French Polynesian Island of Moorea. At left, Marione Reavie on a boat wrth the skyline of Sydney, Australia m the background. It's Time for Our Annual . Sizzlin' Summer Sidewalk Sale~ ............................ ....., .......... WES TC LIFF 17TH STRffT AT llVINE AVENUE •-... _. =t!;MZ $FF • .~!~!~~!!.~!..~~~~~ .... -.-· .. -· .. -·-· .... -.. GROCERY, DRUG & HAJIDWME lolphs Fresh f•t ..... '46-1411 Sn-oft'"" ......... '42-2211 Crna Act Horft.1 ... '42-1133 APP MEL (h_,,,11 .......... MS·'731 Drtper's & 0-0.'s .... '46·SS21 Ktylb s.f ~ ..... '31·2''6 T1nt kW ........ S-41-tUl SPECIAl.JY GIFTS & HOME otCOR Callfn. Styte ....... S41.Uff lllllf'S iw..R ...... '31 ·IUI Mlltliew . t.yt.'s ..... '42-7311 Posto lravo ......•.. 541-3-406 Pick Up Stlx •........ 6S0·714t ltlphs Frtsli Fst ..... 646-1411 StarWs Ctffw ...... 650.03'9 HEALTH & BEAUTY llH ............. 646-574' w.t & ~ w.. .... 646-71'7 • SERVICES w.rs si.t ...... .54MOS3 ~ ... tf ........... 764-1600 f¥t C.. ......... S74-74SO " ....... Etc .••••••• 631·S400 w.t&~W. .... 646-7191 SW Oii ........... '4S.St61 ._.,._a.-i ...... um · . ~ . -. , ------. • .. t • •1 ""Chis is an everybody team ... Stone, costa Mesa Nattona1 LL Dodaers Manaaer Sports Editor Rlctlard Dunn: (9491574-4223 • Sports Fax: (9491650-01 70 HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL EYEOriiER June 30 "°"°'" PHIL BROWN Thursday, June 26. 2003 11 Presenting the best of Newport-Mesa for 2003, as selected by the Daily Pilot .. STORY BY BARRY FAULKNER • PHOTO BY KENT TREPTOW • PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY STEVE McCRANK here will be !K> classified ads and no h'llp-wanted signs posted, but the graduation last week of six high school softball standouts has created plenty of openings for next season's Daily Pilot All-Newport-Mesa Dream Team. The aass of 2003 has indeed been a fixture on the annual selections, with six girls being recognized a combined 19 times during their stay at Newpon -Mesa schools. ••• This year's I I-player squad includes three four-time honorees and two former Newport-Mesa Player of the Year recipients. But the dominant campaign turned m by Costa Mesa High seruor Ann Marie Topps will add a third Player of the Year to the list, after earning the honor to go with her third straight Dream Team designation. Topps. bound for the University of Oregon. also insured her name wouJd fill the C:Osta Mesa record book. posting 'lingle-season and career nwnbers that may not be approached, despite only three seasons with the varsity. A shortstop who led Mesa to its first league championship by capturing the Golden West League crown, hit .507 with 11 home runs and 41 RBis. Her 37 hits also included six doubles and five triples and she stole 14 bases in 16 attempts. en route to scoring a team-best 26 runs. All of those totals were, well, "Topps" among Newport-Mesa players in 2003 and her 11 home runs were the most by any player in Orange County. A three-time All-CIF Southern Section and first-team all-league performer, Topps. the Golden West League C:O-MVP this season. played in a county all-star game to cap a can:er of prolific proportions.. After playing on the Jun.ior vars1ry as a freshman, Topps amassed 19 home runs. 89 RBis. 19 doubles, eight triples. 65 runs and 39 stolen bases in three mt>morable varsity campaigns. She also wem 106 for 231 to post a .429 career batting average. And then there is the added contribution of her defense. as well as the energetic leadership she provided her team. Mesa Coach Rick Buonarigo said Topps was incredible to watch and her career homer and RBI totals are school records. as are her single-season standards posted this spring In the same two categories. Joining Topps In the decorated ~ of 2003 are four-time Dream Team picks Alissa Zoelle and Amy l)'son from Corona del Mar. as well as Athena Vasquez from Newport Harbor. Zoelle, bound for Fresno State, was Newport-Mesa Player of the Year as a sophomore. last year's Newport-Mesa Player of the Year, Sff DREAM TEAM, Pqe 82 COSTA MESA NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE . thunder • f • !I c I • ' i ~Whis • enn .. .. n , The 2003 Daily Pilot softball Dream Team features, front row from left to right. Catherine Dailey of Sage Hill, Amy Tyson of Corona del Mar, Athena Vasquez of Newport Harbor, Munel Mason of Estancia and Alissa Zoelle of Corona del Mar Back row from left, Jane-E Yamamoto of Costa Me sa, Ashley Gleason of Newport Harbor. Player of the Year Ann Mane Topps of ' Costa Mesa. Kim Moore of Newport Harbor. Kelly Topps of Costa Mesa and Jade Moss of Costa Mesa GOLF Junior golf • I " • i • • for summer ' Heisman set to meet Lowsman Richard Dunn OaiJyPilot Mr. Irrelevant xxvm, Ryan Hoag of Gustavus Adolphus Col- lege in St Peter, Minn., lcnew Jr. relevant Week was Mlegit," but he "wasn~ quite sure if it was roasti- ng or toasting" that was going on to celebrate and ~ dead- last pick in the NFL draft "I th.ink they're genuine when you talk to people and they say they're really wanting you to suc- ceed,· added Hoag. who will be roasted and toasted tonight In I.he headliner event of Irrelevant Week. I.he annual banquet to honor Mr. lrreleval)t Hoag will be presented I.he coveted Low· sman liophy by Irrelevant Week founder Paul Salata tonight at 7 o'clock at the Anabelm Marrion. The trophy depicts a player dropping a football. This year's gala for the NFLS last-man picked will also feature Heisman Trophy winner Quson Palmer of use Salata's beloved alma mater. Many star-studded characters will be in attendance, including those famous names ln the sports wodd at the front table who will give their "advice" to the newest member of the club. The event Is hosted by the Orange County Youlh Sports Foundation. JUNIOR TENNIS Top seeds move on The fields for the IOlst annual Southern California Tennis Asso- ciation junior sectional champi- onships shrunk in half Wednes- day, with one local lop seed advancing and two local doubles teams sen! packing by the lop seeds in their respective divisions. Top-seeded Nelly Radeva of Costa Mesa cruised lo a victo'j' in girls 12s, defeating Colene Agla · nyan, 6-0, 6-1. Newport Beach's Jillian Braverman was also victori- o~ in l4s. defeating Corona del Mar's Alexandria Walters, 6-1, 6-1. Brittany Holland, of Corona del Mar. didn't have the same success. She fell, 7-5. 6-l to Celia Durlcin to drop into the loser's bracket of the girls .1& competition. There were four singles march- es Wednesday invoMng boys wilh local ties and the results were spliL Kaes Van't Hof earned himself a date with the No. 3 seed in 18s by knocking off Stanley Sarapanich, 7-5, 7-6. Three others were in- volved in the I& competition. but only one made it to the round of 16. That was sixlh-seed C'.arsten Ball of Newport Beach who de- feated Trevor Dobson, 7-5, 6-2, to advance. Falling into the consola- tion bracket were Costa Mesa's Wes Burrows. who fell, 3-6, 6-1. 6-2, to Mike Gunnan. and New- port Beach's Robert Khoury, who dropped a 6-3. 6-0 decision to Shan Sondhu. Sondhu also had a hand in knocking Newport Beachs Tyler Deck out of the doubles competi- tion. Shan and Raji Sondhu de- GOLF Continued from Bl again Aug. 5· 7 at the same time. The three-day camp costs Sl45. which includes range balls. Level two is for Intermediate golfers ages 7 and older. The camp runs July 22-24 from 9 feated Deck and partner BJake Meister. 6-3, 6-3. After Vao't Hof emerged victori- ous in bis singles match. he went directly into doubles competition and was upset by C.ale Planck and Jonathan 1\"aganih. 7-6, 6-1. Van't Hof and panner Ola.Se Mueller were the sixth seed but couldn't reach the quanerfinals. 1Wo other doubles teams with local ties succwnbed to No. 1 seeds. Charlie Fanner of Newpon Beach and Corona del Mar's Rob- ert KOury fell to top-seeded Gary Sacks and Brandon Wai, 6-1. 6-4. in the boys I Bs. while Newport Coasts Juliet Mutzke and partner Alex Jurewitz couldn't overcome the top seed in the girls I Ss. losing to Danon Beany and Jessica Ngy- uen, 6-2, 6-1. Action resumes today in both the main draw and the consola- tion brackets. Van't Hof takes on third-seeded Gary Sacks in the boys I & singles at ll:30 am. at Los Caballeros Sports Village in Fountain Valley. In boys I 6s singles. Ball will battle Alex Krueger-Wyman of Pasadena at 11 am.. Burrows and Khoury will par- ticipate in the consolation bracket of the l6s at 9:30 am. On the girls side, Radeva meets Haley Dtxo n in the I 2s al 3:30 p.m. Bravennan will face the 14s No. l seed Leyla Entekhabi. also al 3:30. In consolation matches. Hol- land plays in the l& at 12:30 p.m.. and Walters will play at the same time in the I 4s. am. to 3 p.m. and again Aug. 12-14 from 9 a.m. to noon. aass size is limited and S225 includes a nine· hole scramble on the final day or each session. Those players who have completed level two or have an established United States Golf Association handicap are eligible to compete in level three, which concenttates on refining the LEARN fO PLAY GOLF BtiGINNER TO PROFESSIONAL JOHNOmGA • PGA cnfied Wing Professicml • Co-Founder• Byron Golf • IMntar of the ·~· Puttilg ~ Dmte 714-540-7 SOO ext. 3 ""' Mesa Golf & Cody°" 1101. Golf eon om., coa. Mill SPORTS fore the game, Stone noticed Carlyle was hitting his spots. while wanning up. MH.e was popping the glove,· Stone said. Carlyle sald he became ex- cited when Stone turned to him to pitch the final three innings. "I was ready,~ Carlyle sald. The Dodgers have turned to Kannon Stone to close the game during the tournament, yet Car- lyle had the rhythm. "The way he was throwing. it was great to leave him out there," the manager said. c.arlyle. who also coottibuted one run. one hit and one RBI, allowed one run and two hits. He pitched two perfect innings in the fourth and the sixth. 1bird baseman Nlcky Roce fielded a ground ball for the fi- nal out, as his accurate throw reached first baseman Hans An- derle, setting off a celebration . that was enjoyed by the Dodgers and the families from the Cosa Mesa National UnJe League. "I'm so proud of every single one of you." KJrk Stone told his players afterward. "This is not a one-person team. It's not a two- person team. This is an every- body team." · After Stone's speech, the play- ers huddled and broke away, while shouting. ffGo big blue!" The Dodgers outhit the Tig- ers. 8-5. Jake Spielberger went 2 for 3 with cwo RBis. wbile Car- lyle, Eddie Bisoso. Riley Stack. PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Victor Tru~llo, above, delivers a pitch for the Costa Mesa Dodgers. Below, Costa Mesa's Hans Anderle slides safely into second as shortstop Matt Butler reaches for the throw. Erin Kincaid, Kannon Stone and Anderle also added one rut each. Stack. the Dodg.ers No. 9 hitter, provided a double to start the fourth inning, and Kincaid, the No. 10 hiner. followed with a single. Juan Valdez. who collected an RBI and one run, Brodie Pierce, who played in the outfield, and Brandon Haas. who Grew two walks, also keyed the win for the Dodgers. Kirk Stone said his team's de· fenae was also lmportanL -handed itcher Victor Truj o. o e ve e game·wtMlng RBI single ln the bottom of the sixth In the Dodg- en' 5--4 quarterfinal win Satur- day. struck out six in the first three Innings. He held the Tigers scoreles.. In the first and th.lrd. MWhat really got us here wasn't our hitting." saJd the manager wbo was assisted by Jim Carlyle and Hans Anderle. "Mentally and defensively we are so sound. This team is prob- ably the smartest in the league. 'That's why we are here. And, be- cause we played as a family." The Dodgers opened the tournament with a 16-2 win over the Co!ta Mesa American .Yankees June 19. That was the last game for Andr~w Karlson. who left for a famil y vacation to New York. Xirk Stone cred- ited Karlson for his contribu- tions. Karlson was one of sev- eral playen who improved throughout the season. Trujillo, who once walked nine batters In one of the firs r games of the season , led tht Dodgers to their quarterfi nal victory over the Robinwood Pi- rates. He recorded three no-hit innings. Valdez connected for a grand slam and Trujillo produced a rwo-run blast in the Dodger .. · 13·10 victory over the Ocean View Rangers Monday. The Dodgers entered the tour nament as the CMNLL'.s No. I seed p.fter winning a playoff over the Giants. who lost to the Tig ers in the other semtfinaJ 4 l Monday DREAM TEAM Continued from B 1 was a plus for CdM and her bat control in the No. 2 spol was a boon to lhe offense. She was firs1-team All-PCL 1hh i.eason. after earning firsHeam All-Cl!: Division IV laurels and second-team All-PCL recognition as a Junior. She was second-team All-PCL as a sophomore. firs1·tean1 All-Golden Wes! League ctf1er earning second-team AIJ-PCI. honor. a5 a ~ophomore. senior Kim Moore from Newpon Harbor, is now a two-time Dream Team performer, as is Co ta Mesa senior Jade Moss. Costa Mesa junior Jane-E Yamamoto, as well as Newpon Harbor sophomore Ashley Gleason. are additional repeat Dream Team selections. Tyson and Zoelle were co-captains for CdM. which won a thtrd-place playoff game to make the CIF playoffs. M<>~. a center fielder. hit .351with14 steals and 20 rum in the leadoff spot. 1 ler speed helped her produce 26 hits. as well a' run down fly balls mos1 center fielders would field on a hop She w·a<. second·leam all-league thlS season and was a fu<.1-1eam all-leaguer as a sophomore First-time honorees Kelly Topps. a sophomore from Costa Mesa, Muriel Mason. a freshman from F..stancia, and Catherine Dailey. a freshman from Sage Hill School, provide the promise of Dream Team continuity in the coming years. Vasquez. who will play c0Ueg1ate softball at Wisconsin. also paruc1pa1ed m a county all-star game after adding sterling defense a1 shonstop for the Sailors. Offensive statistio. were not available for 2003. bu1 Va.M1UCZ hit a combined .330 her fm.t three varsity seasons. She was firs t-team AU-Sea View League her Jast two season!>, after earning ~nd-team honors&.!> a ~phomore. Kelly Topps. Ann Mane's s1s1er. h11 .lJJ wil11 two homers and 18 RBis. The fir..t -1eam All-Golden West standout played first base for the Mustang.\. who finished I 7 · 11 after a CIF Division Ill first-round los., to Redondo. The younger lbpps had 26 hlls. 13 runs. four doubles and three triple'> and also wa., successful on 9 of 10 stolen-base attempts Zoelle. the Sea Kings' primary pitcher. was also the CIF playoff Leam's biggest offeni.1ve threat. She hit .500 with 30 hits. one home run and nine RBis. In the cucie, she was 8·6 with a 1.66 ERA. For her four-year career, she hit .471 (112 for 238) wtth five homers. 55 runs and more than 35 RBis (RBI numbers were nol available for her junior season). Moore. the Tars' main pitcher, tut .4 I 7 in league, en route to i.econd-team All-Sea View honors. She wru. a fir..t-1eam all-league pick as a junior. when !>he earned the top Newpon-Mesa indjvidual honor after poc,Ling an 11 -7 pitching record with a 1.35 ERA. Gleason, the Tan.' third baseman, tut .311 after posting a .400 average outside of Sea View League competiuon. Further slats were Wtavailable. Mason wa.c, a unanUT1ous first-team All-Golden West League pick after impressing in her varsity debut for Coach Marc Rod1g. She was 6-5 as the F.awes' primary pitcher and also hil .260. She won 30 of 50 pitching decisions for l11e Sea Kings. who were eliminated from their third straight postseason with a loss in the Division IV wild-card round lo finish I 0· 11. Zoelle was a four-time All -Pacific Coast League performer. l}'son. a catcher who also saw time in center field. hit .307 and scored 17 rum for the Sea Kings. Her defense behind the plare Moore. a second-team all-league pick this ~ason. plans 10 continue her career at Santa Ana College next year. Yamamoto played st'Cond base and also helped ou1 in the circle for the Muo;tangs_ She hit .333 with nine RBis and srole 16 bases in 19 anempts. en route 10 sconng 17 runs. She was 6-3 with a 1.42 ERA as a pitcher, compiling 49 t• UUltngs. She was Dailey helped Sage 1 lilJ. m onlr itc, -.econd varsity sea.son. advance to the Cll· playoffi. for the first ume. She hit a team-leading 377 with 23 lllt.i., 13 RBis. 15 runs and 12 stolen ba5es. In the circle. she produced a 6-6 record with a 2 18 ERA. allowing J~t 58 hit'> m 74 mrungs. She was named second-team All-Academy League. player's game through practice drills and individual attention daily after lunch. Oass size is also limited and the camp costs $245, which includes playing on I.he course each day along with a nine-hole playing lesson the first two days. The session will run. Aug. 19-12 from 9 am. to 3 p.m. Student-to-teacher ratio is expected to be 6-or 7-to· I. Those interested can contact head professional John Leonard at (949) 852-8689. Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub's summer program is geared toward beginning and intermediate golfers. who will receive instrucdon on set up. grip, swing fundamentals. chipping, pitching. sand play, putting and knowiedge of the rules, etiquette and golf vocabulary. Four sessions given by head the following dates: June 24-27, July 8-11. July 22·25 and Aug. 5-8. 8esjnners wW receive instruction from 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. while more advanced golfers wm play from l 0 a.m. to 11 a.m.. except Fridays. Cost per session ls $95. For more information and to obtain an entry forrn, contact Booth at (714) 540-7500. ext. 151. Pelican Hill Golf Oub has limited room fo r its camps. which feature two levels of instruction. There are still openings for level-one camps the week of July I 4-17. Aug. 4-7 and Aug. 18-24. Level two focuses on more in-depth attention to the fundamentals. with players' being able to record their swings using a video camera for later analysis. Limited spots are available for level-two camps the weeks of July 21-24 and Aug. 11 -14. Each session costs $275. ••• Santa Ana Country Oub's final four for its men's club championship is set Gregg Hemphill, the two-time defending champion. defeated John Gilchrist, 2 up. while Boyd Martin, a five-time winner, bettered Duane Hastings, 3 a.nd 2. Matt Smith defeated Olris Veitch, 3 and 2, while Bill Welch beat Dave Leahnertz.. 2 and l. I lemphill and Martin will l>quare off in one 18·hole i.emifinaJ when play begins hiday al 11 :JO a.m. with Smith lacing Welch in the other match. Fnday's winners wiU advance to face each other in the 36-hole ftnaJ Saturday, beginning at 7:30 a.m. The men's club champion from Santa Ana CC will join Big Canyon's Wtll lipton. Mesa Verde Country Oub's Steve Rhorer and Newport Beach Country Qub's Jeff Bloom as utle-holders from courses in this newspaper's circulation. All four amateur club champions (or another dues-paying member), along with a fuil-time staff member from each venue, are invited 10 play in the founh annual Jones Cup, scheduled Aug. I at Mesa Verde. The Jones partners format witl1 two foursomes teeing off back-lo-back.. Paul Hahn. head professional at NBCC.. said Tuesday that Bruce Bearer will join him in the Jones Cup instead of Bloom, who will be on vacation. DEEP SEA Wednesday's counts Newport Landing 7 boats. 150 angleri.. 2 yellowtail, I 8 white 11ea bass, 16 barracuda. I sargo, 507 calico bass. 19 sand bass. 8 perch, 6 yellowfin croaker, l triggerfish. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebraDflR the Daily Pllo(s Athlete of the Week senes TI>OAY 22 -Adam Heartaon Newpon Harbor Bov-volleyball, ·99 WE 1VE BEEN SERVICING FORD S • l\LfVIOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING TH EM! Your New port • Mesa Community Ford Dealer Motorcraft9 OH end Fiiter Change ~to ttYt quart. of Motorcratte oil. iaut and dllOC>MI fMe extra. See o.r;:.Jp for detallL ()fret vllld with ooupon. CVJOI03. Front End & Brake lnapectlon _lilli.;;..__MClllcm____ ~ .... cnYOf ch"&a Is fnctuct.d with r1ttna P•Yrntnt r!.....~ .... ~--==--~~'EA'i~~·~~~2!::::--~f-.'~"'91HlWll'llldt COWITY, on th• Propoul lorm, CA&fCllA ,h .. h P I lhrou&h P 9a -na--provided In the cont11tt -.. , .. __ , doc:um1nh, •nd shill be NOTICC IS HEREBY tccomp1nl1d by 1 cer (llVCN th1t Hlltd pro ltlted 01 cnhttr's 'hecil poult fo1 furnlsh1n1 111 01 • btd bond f0< not lebor. m1t1111ls, equip· len thin IO'lo ol lhe ment, lrtnsportJtion ind amount ol lhe11 btcl, '"'" other IKllilies 15 made p1y1ble lu the City mey be required tor ol Costa Miu No fUtNISH ANO lNSTAU P•oPoul 'hall b1 con SUN ICtHMS AT THI s1C1111d unltn 1ccom 'OUCI fACIUTY, 99 p1n1ed by 'uth ~•shiers fAlt OtlVl -CITY 1.hetk tuh or bidder s ,.OJICT NO. 03-14, bund will be received by the No t11d ~h•ll be ton City of Coat• Meu 11 s1der1d unleu rt " m•d• th• Office of the Crty on a blink propoul Clerk, 71 f a11 Drive. lorm lurnished by the Cotta Mesa, Calilorn11. City of Costa Meu ind until lht hour ol 10100 '' made tn .ccord.ince 1.111., TuHcloy, July 1, with lht p1ovts1ons ol 200J, al which lime the Propoul 11quire they will b1 opened ments publicly and 111d aloud £1th b1dd11 mu'I have th th• Council Chamber' • Clan "B" (Bu1ld1n1> Suled Pfopouls shall httn11 and •ho bt b111 the title ol the prequahlted n requ11ed work and name of the by law btdder but no othu A Contr1ctC1r '"'"I • d1s11n11u1shtnc marks u1t1 or d•U1filal1on Any bid 1tce1vtd ilter not shown on the the scheduled closine C1n1111 P11vaihn& Wa1e lime fo1 the rectipt of Oelerm1n111on• m1y be bids shalt be roturned to required to pay the w111e bidder unopened. It shall r •I• ol lh~I u all or be tht sole responsibility cl1n1liLal1on most ol the bidder to see that cloHIY related to 11 n hu btd 11ceived in \hown 1n the G1ne11I proper t•-Oelerm1nalion. ellective A ul ot Bid Oocu •l lht llnit ul the c1ll menls may be obtained for bids •I the Olftce of lht City Tht Con Ir ••101 shall Encineer n fair o.... LOmply w1lh the prov1 Costa MeSI, Cahtorn11 s1ons of Stct1011 1110 to upon ne11refun4t1t.le 1780 1nLlus1ve ol the ,...,.....,, ef $ t 0.00. All C1hlor n11 Labo• Cuele ... clltl-.1 chett• ef the prev•1hn& r•te •nd $4.00 must be included "ale ol w111e\ e\lab 11 handled b~ matl Bid hshtd by lht City ol Oocumenh ind other Co\11 Mtu wh1th are contrltl documenb may on Ille with the City 1lso be uam1ntd al the Cler~ ol lh• Ctly ol Ofhce of the City Clerh Costa Miu. and shall ol lht Clly ol Costa lurletl ptnalttes pre Mtu Bid Documents Hrtbed lh1re1n for wtll not be malled unlus noncomplrantt of u1d th• 1dd11ton1I $t 00 Code cht< re 1\ 1nlluded wtlh The City Coune11 of lht payment City ol Cost• Mesa Each b•d ill•ll be m•de rnervo the na11t to on the Proposal form retetl •ny and ur 111 shuh P I throueh P 91 btds provided tn the conlrul do<umtnts 1nd shall be 1ccomp1ni1d by a ce• t1t1ed pr c uhier s check or 1 bid bond lor not In\ th•n 10'\ ot the amuunt ol their h10 rnddt P.Jtable to the City uf l'O\liil Men No PIOPU\.OI \hall Ile cun \ldtrtd unles\ iiltcom pan11d by \uch cuhier • 1 lltc • ~oh or bidder • liund JUUi fOlCut, D9fM1ty City Oetk, City ef c .. 1., M .. ., 01l1d June 9 2003 NOTE M1nd1tory 1ob wall• lhrouih "requ11ed ~t•rtine •I th• Cust• Mu4 City H•lt lobby 17 r a" Orivt <in I uud.ty Jutte ?• 7003 iill 1 l 00 am Published l'lewport Bu•h (.o't• Meu Daily P1k>l lunt l':I 16 ?003 lh~l8 No b•d snall be con \1dt1tcl yniU\ ti S mad~ on • blank propout SSC 13207 form lurn1\hed by lht MOOOOf PUITlOM C1t1 ol Cusl• Moa .tnd TO,,. .. _ .... 1\ m•dt 1n •cc.ord1ncf .,...,na with Ill~ p1cim1on• uf ISTAU Of: lht Pr opoul requ11e •-Wl'TTln mtnh NlllSln nu 11u1 I .th bidder mu\I h•ve US( llO. A21'706 • C11.s ·B· llcenu To •II heir. bcnet• <General Bu1ld1nrv or ·c uirio «•dito" ton 11 1Gl•11na ConlriilL lln1ttnt <ltdilo" and tor' •nd •l•O be person\ who m•y otll prr11u•hl1ed u required er,.,~ be •nltrnltd 10 by I•"' lht wilt ur esl•lt or A Cuntriilclor u"lll • both u l KENNETH 11111 or dau f1callon WC TILER no t sho•n o n lht A PETITION FOR PRO C1n•r•I Prev11hn1 Waae 'f:!Al( has l>etn filed b:f Oe1erm1111t1ons mat bt' ANNE Wl ITLER 1n tht rtquued lo pay Ille w•ae S11pe1101 Court of C1l1 ••It ot lhal uall or lorn•• Cuunty ol OR l 11 \ sd it 1110 n most ANGE douly rtlated lo 11 n I Hl Pl 11 llON r OR \hown '" the Gener~! PROBAll requests ANNf Otlerminal1ons elltcliv• W£ TTLCR be •ppointed •I IM time ol the ,all "' personal represenli· tor bids 11vr to 1dmrn1Sler th• Tiie Conhaclor •hall otite ol tht deudent Lomply wrth the prov• THE PE HTION requuh stons ol Section 1770 to authortly 10 •dminister 1780 mtlu11ve. 01 the the utale under the C1ht0<n1• l•bor Code tndtp1nd1n1 Adm1nis tht prev11l1n& r iiltt and tr 1000 of [stiles Act scalt of w•an nlab (Thtl Authority will •llow hlhtd by the Ctly ol lht pt"rson•I repteSA!n Costa MHa which ire l•tiYt 10 Ilk• m•nv on file •t1lh the Ctly •ll•Ons without ubt11n C.lerk ul th• City ol rna court approval Costa Mua •nd shiilll Before t•~•na certain torl•1I pen1i11es pr• very tmportant •t llons Hl•btd lllerein for however Ille perional 11011tompli1nce nl u1d repuunlalt•t will be fodt . requ11ed to 11ve notrce The C1ly Council ol the 10 interested per\on\ Ctly ol Costa Men unleu they have waived ""' vn the lliht to notice or consenttd lo re1ect any 1no or all the proposed action ) bid\ Tiit independent 1d JUUi fOlCllt, ministration 1utllo11ty o.,..ty City Cl.rk, Wiii be 11r1nted unless City e(Cetl• MH.e an 1nl111\ltd person O•ltd Nne 9 2003 hln an obiect1on to lht NOT£ Mandalorr 1ob pelllion ind show\ aood w11~ throua11 tS required c.ust why Ille court s1111in1 II lht Costa should not arant lht MtH City Hill lobby 71 aulhollly r "r Ome on Tuesday A HEARING on the lune 24 2003, al 10 00 pihhon will 1>1 h1ld on am JULY 2•. ?003 at I 45 Published f'lewpo1t pm in Dept L73 Buch Cost• Men 0111y locitid 11 ltl The City Pilot June 19 26, 2003 Orlvt South 011n11. CA Tll519 92868 --------If YOU OBJCCT to the cnY Of irtnltna ol th• pelttton COSTAllSA you 1hould appear 11 the ~ COlfTY horina ind \lite your ' ob1ecllons °' hie wrttltn CA&ICllA obiecttons wtlh the court llOOO IM1'9$ .S btlor• the h1111n1 Your NOTICE IS HEREBY ippear1nce may bt tn pt! un 01 by your IOtvtN lhat s11led pro attorney pouts for fu1ntsh1nt 111 1r YOU ARC A CREDI· labor. m1ttrt1ls, equip TOR or c;onl•naent ment lr•nspoft•tlon ind c;:redttOf ot tht dtttntd. such other facllthts u you mu't 1111 your cl11m m1y be required tor wtlh tht courl and mttl CONST•UCtlON Of 1 copy to the perM>lltl MATDIAl llN COVltS r•asent1llv1 1ppotnttd AT THI COSTA MdA lly the court w1thtn lour (OltOIATtoff YA•O. montlls from 1119 dale of ,J10 'lACINTIA AVI-the ft1\I issuance ol NUl • CITY ,.OJICT ltlttU u provided In NO. OJ-.. , Wiii bt Probtll Code stclton rece1v1d by the City of 9100 lht tune for Mina Costa Mttl 11 UM Ofhc• cli tm' will not upwt of the City Clefk. 11 f 111 klOft four month\ lrom Ortve, Coste Men. thl htlfllll delt nottcea C111fornl•. unttl the hour •bowl of 10.00 ..... TNt· YOU MAY lXAMI~ the ...,, My I, 2001, at fife lltpt "'the court. If whkh time they wtH bt you are • per•on Ill· .,.ne0 publicly and rod ttrHltd 111 Iha est•lt, aloud In tlM Council you may Ille with ti!• c:tl1mti..s Sttltd pro· court • R1quest for ,OUll shall bNf the Sptclll Notice (IOI m Ol '4i. of tht -otk end I~) of tt11 f11tn1 of an Hml of tllt bl4dtr but lnvtnlMJ end •W•lsal ne otti.r di•llnculsh1nc ot etUt• 1utt1 Of of 11\ttk• Any bid r.c:.,wtd 1ny petition or l(count efttr 1111 itlltdultd u PfOYidH In ,.robttt ctHlftl ti-for Ille CoA Mellon 1~ A receipt ol bia w• lie hqvut for $ptel1I rth11n•• l• b idder Hotk• torl'll tt 1nl\tbte ,~ ltthllllttlle trot11tfl1 courtcMtll IOlt rte90f!*'lltt' of the • ..........,. ._ btddlr .. ,.. tll•t 1111 ,........,. ~r.tctlwd In Pf_., ...... v..-& .,.,,, llm... JlllJll M•11-VM4••• A wt of 1111 Ooc11 h~·· 11t1 In• • -ntt -1 be ob'91Mc1 ltn••• lte, 67t, 1t t~ OffiCI of 1"-Cltt •-..rt 1--.. CA !.,..,_. 71 ,.., °''"· ..... c..ta -...... Cellfou1la. '"bll•ll•d .... ,.,t ...... '"'.... lhteh Cu ....... ,..,.. .. ....... All 20 ... v . 20CJ nwJI ....... . ............... .u .. • lf~.,,..-.M ... ,._ .~:c::...-:: • J • . ................... -· • ~ef•atrc.-1_ -... Cltr .. c.---..................... ;-;.;,::rn lo 111 lltlfs, bentfl· c11rl" cr1d1t0< • (c>ll,.. 1n tn credo on, and p1r11on5 who m1y olh trwtst bt 1nl11111td In the will or estat1, 01 both. of FRANK J. CAMl'A A Pf HTION FOR PRO BAT[ hH bttn ftl1d by MARIA CAMPA In lht SuPlft01 Court ol C111 t0<n11. County of OR ANOE THE PETITION f OR PROBATE requests JAY IER CAMPA be 1ppo1nltd n P•"onal repruenll live to 1dm1n1sl1r the utate of the deced1nl THE PETITION llQUHh authority to admtn,.ter the ut1te undtr tht Independent Admlnts !ration of blatn Act (This Aulhortly wlll allow the pttsonal 11preHn lallve to take many achon\ without obtain rna court approval Before llktnK cer l11n very 1mporlanl acltons however, l/le personal represenlaltve wtll be 1equ1r•d lo fl'"' noltce to 1nterest1d p11son1 unless they have w11veO notice or consenl1d to the proposed action ) Tht independent ad min1strat1on autho11ty will be &ran led unless an 1nteruted person tiles an ob11Ct1on to the pet11ton and \hows iOOd cause why the cour I should not 11ranl lht •utll<inty A HC ARING oo lht peltlton will be h1ld on JULY 10. 2003 at I 45 " m 1n Oepl L 73 louted at J.41 The City 011ve South Orani• CA 92868 IF YOU OB IE Cl to the aral'!ltn& of tt11 petition, you should appear at the hunne and stile r.our ob1ec1tons or Ille written obJtct10ns with the court before the hu11n1 You1 appearance m1y be In person or by your allorney IF YOU ARE A CREDI TOR or cont1n111nl creditor ol the decuud you must lilt your claim wrtll the court 1nd m11t 1 copy lo the pt1sono1I repreunlaltve 1ppomted by the cour I wtlhtn lour month\ Ii om lhr d•I• ol the f11st 1s\Uance ol letter\ as provided tn Probate Codt secflon 9100 The time lor lll1n11 c1 .. ms will not up11e t>elure lou1 months lrom Ill• hur •ni dilt nofl<td above YOU MAY EXAMINE. lht lilt kept by th• •our I II you •te a ptt\on '" l~rt\ttd 1n lht ntalt 1ou may Iii• w1lh Ille cour I • Requnl for Spt.ial Notice (lo1m Ol 154) ol the 11111111 ol an inventur y and appr 11\ll ol estate aueh or ol any pet1t1011 or •c•ount as provided 1n P1ubott Cudt section 1250 A Rtqu•st t1,r SC1tt1al Nofllt form '' 1v11tablt lrom the courl cler• An<M"n•y• for ,.1111-.. lryOJ11 J. TIMmt11 6230 Wtl1hlre llv4., Ste. llS lot A1'19elo1, CA 900tl Published Newpor t Buch Co,ta Mesa Oa•li Pilot hmc lO 4'6 27 2993 f Tl1 j49 llOOO Of MUC SAU Of AWDOm PlOP£ITY Notrce IS htrtbY C•Vtn th•t lht undtr s1ened tlltends to sell th• personal properly dt sc11bed below to enlorct a li.n imposed on u1d properly under 1111 C1hfor n11 Self Ser V•tt Stora&t F actllly Act 1Bus & Prot Codt ull 700 71716> Tiie underst11ned will sell al public sale by competitive b1dd1n11 on tllt 713 ·03. al I 0 30 AM on the premises where said properly has been slortd and whtcll art loc1ted et 17th Street Seit Stora&• 670 W 17th SI C t Cosl1 Mua. County of Oran1e State of C11tlorn1• Unth 1nd tenants hslld b1low Contents rnclude per sonal items household 1oods mach•ne tools & misc items •133 W•lltam Brothen landlord reservn lh• ri&ht to bid 1t the Hit Purchases must be paid lor at the lime ol purchne 111 cnh only All purchased ltams sold ·n 1$0• and must b1 removed at th• time ol sate Sile subiect lo canull11ton tn the 1wen1 ol selllement between owner and obh1at1d party O'B111n s Auclt0n Serwtee, 909·681 t i IJ B/N 1'6&37300ol9 Publlsh1d Ntwpor I Buen-Cost• Mtu Ottly Pilot June 19, 26. 2003 ThS17 S......tf "' f 1 " , .... , ~ ..... ... Th• lollow1n1 p11wn has abandoned the uu of the F tCh\lous Bus• nus N•mt Ttl• & C1rp11 Unlimited 16317 H.,bor Blvd , rount11n V1ltey, CA 92708 The f telrtt0us Buslnest ntmt 11ferrtc1 to ebovt wH ltlld 1n Or 1n1• County on 9/'20199. Fil.£ NOi~ AlAR CORP (CA), 16317 H11bor Blvd., Fo11ntaln Valley. CA 91108 lhl1 b111inen •• ~on ducted by. • c0tp0tatlon ALAR CORP. Allt11 81)10011. CtO Thi •t•l•llltM ..... ltlt4 with tlM County Cl«~ of Of •ftl• Coucitr 4HI O!l/2110l ...,., .. , .. O•lty Ptlot JtlM 5, ll. 19, lt; lOOl , ... ,, .......... ........... Thi fOllo•lllt l*•n• ... d.oirit blmlnea• .. ' I) Sou"-" CellfOfllit Art l"rojecb "" hlll· ~t0111 b) Tiit $Nd Af'tltJICI, 21$1 (H' Coett "-Y~ c:.~ ... Mer,CAWZS ~ ..... Ceo· '~"' .. c. (CA), -llllt c.... """~ C.1111 Ml .. ,, CA ma ................... Wlr:•OWfWl•1 ............. 9 9 .., • No DtnhQlm.Jfftwi . CAii_ llmPotary, Inc, Otane Nelson V.P. Seer Thts sllltm•nt wn flied with the Co11nly Clerk ot Oren&• County Ofl 06/20/03 IOOJH4111t 01lly Piiot June 26, July 3, 10, 17,2003 ThS38 fktllM ..... ... s...... The followina penon' 111 dome bu11neu IS 1) Cytech lnt11n1t1on11 b) Cyt1ch USA 180 Newpor I Center 011ve . Newport Beach, CA 92660 Z•ld A Aslarabad1, 180 N1wpo1t Center 011ve, Newport Beach CA 92660 HnHn RISSOUh 180 N1wpotl C1nler 011ve Newpor I Be.ch CA 92660 Thrs busmess '' con ducted by 1 11ener1I p11tnersh19 Have you star ltd do1n1 busineu vet7 No laid A Astarabad1 Tilts statement wo hied with the County Clark ol Oran&e County on 06/13/03 20036941033 011ly Pilot June 19. 26. July 3, 10 2003 Th524 s ......... Ah 11• •tflhltf Adltlels ..._ .... The lollow1n1 person h11 abandoned lht u\t ot !tie r IClihPUS Bu~· ness N•me Best Olf1ce lnst1lla1tons. Inc /OBA At Your Service Oehnry, Inc . 2138 S Wr1cht SI , Santiil Ana, CA 9270!> Thi F lctlhous Bus101n name 11ler11d to above wu tiled 1n Oranae County on 2/23/01. FllE NO 2001685609o4 Al Your Service Oe ltvuy Service Inc CCAJ 2138 S W111ht SI S1nl1 Ana CA 9270!> l hll business ts con ducted by 1 co1poral1on Al Your Service 01 l1v11y Inc Lau11e H1mpton, Prn1denl lhl\ \t1lemtnl wn lited with the County Clerk ol Oran&e Counly on06 17/03 20016948400 011ly Prlol June ?6 luly l 10 11 1003 ln5JJ flc1itlM l4rsiness .... s ........ lhe follow1n11 per\on• •rt dotni busmes\ '' Pncadou B1Stro 3J2S Newport Blwd Newpor I Buch CA 92660 Oan1el S •dh oum li•nntdy 195tl Va\1lt Circle Hunl1ngl(ln Buch CA 92646 Jaquelin• Kan•w•I• I 9S4 I Va\1te Ctrt.le Huntinaton Bt'ach CA 9?f.•6 H1yland r uentts 1416 17th S11 .. 1 Apt H Manhalt•n Bt4th CA ~766 Th1\ l>u\1nn s 1\ con duded by • i•neral partner\h•P Ha.t you \tarted do•na l>u\intn yet' Vos 1991! lbyl1no r uentes This statement wu filed with the County Clerlt ol Oranae County on 06, lJ/03 20036948032 011ly Pilot June 19 26 July 3 10 2003 Th523 s ....... " I I dtfUsul FldtlMs lmieu ..... Tht tollow1ne per sons have abandoned the u~et of lhe r •ct•troos Bus• nus Name •l Tile & Carpet Unhm1led bl C•rptl & Ttle Unhm1ltd 16317 Harbor Blvd Fountain Valley CA 92108 1 he r 1c1tt1ous Busmen nam• referred 10 above was tiled 1n Or an11e County on 10 I 98 FILE NO 19986771368 Asante B•yroolt 170S S Mii11n Street Santa An1 CA 92707 All«n B1yroot1 I IOS S Main Strut Santa Ana CA 92707 Th11 business is con ducted by co partners Allen Bayroolt This statement was hied with the County Cltrk ol 011n11• County on <Y.1/28103 20036946120 011ly Pilot June 5 12. 19 26 1003 Tht80 FldltiM ..... ... s...-.. The follow•na persons 111 dOtnl bus1neu H Sporh fuel 011t11bulm1. 27202 R1110, M1u1on Vteto. CA 92692 811nt W F11nk, 27202 R11t0. MisslOn Vteto. CA 92692 ltnda A Frenk. ?7202 R11to, Minion VlelO, CA 92692 This buJtneu ts con du,l•d by • eener at p11tneulllp Have you started dolna b1n1ness yet' VU 9 I 2002 Uncle A Fr •Ilk Tl\t1 slfltement was filed w1tll the County Clerk of Oun1• County Oii 06/03/03 teiOHMt7H Dilly 'llot JI.In• ;. .• I], 19, ltl, 2003 ·- The followtn1 penoru 111 do1n1 bu•tnu• o . •) TO• & C"pet Un· ltmtttd, b) C11pet & file Un1tm1t1d, 16.317 H11b0t Blvd., Fount1ln V1lley. CA92708 MTAMKT Corp (CA) 16317 H11bor Blvd , f ount11n V•ll•Y CA 92708 This business ts con due ltd by 1 corpor alton Hav1 you st•rled do1n1 bustnus yet> Yu ~/16/03 MlAMKl C0<p. Mark Anderson P1es1d111t !1>15 st1tement wu l1l1d with lh• County Clerk ol Oran111 Count1 on 05/28/03 20016946121 011ly Pilot lune 5 12 19.26.2003 Tl\481 fldltiM ...... •s....... The lollow1nc persons are do•na buStness IS llelsey M111ne Services 16291 W11k1k1 lane, Huntmaton Buch. CA 926•9 Oan West, 166S A PlaLenlii Ave . Costa Meu. CA 92627 01n• Wnt, l665 A Placentia Ave Cost.a Me\1 CA 92627 Th11 bu,inen 1s Lon dueled by husband ind wile Hne you sl11 ted dotna bustneu yet• No Oan Wnl 1nd Oma Wot Tll1s sldlemenl was l1l1d w1lh the County Cl11k ol Oran11e County un 05130103 20036946440 Oatly Pilot June S. 12. 19,26, 2003 TH472 FldtllM lllslntsJ •s...... The lo11ow1n1 pel\ons 111 dotn& buslnH\ u OIVERSOISCOUNT COM, 30308 E sper1nu Suitt A Rancho Sant• Mar 1111la, CA 92688 SCUBA COM LLC ICA) 30308 E \Pera nu Suite A Rancllo Sant• Mar 111r1ta CA 92688 Th11 bu\tness ts con ducted by L•m1ted l11b1hly C1> Havr vvu ll•t ted <10•01 busmen 1et1 Vos 06101 11990 SCUBA COM I l L Mehnd• Herndun M.111 a&ina Member This $tltement wo tiled with the r "unty Cltr~ ol Oranat County on 06 03 Ol 200J694676S 011ly Pilot June ) 12 19 i.'6 2003 Th49i! FictttiM~ Mme s,._. Tiie lollow1n& per \ons •• t doin& bu\1nen n HUT 21 660 W 1711> Slrtel -o 21 l<J\I• Mtse CA 9'2627 I ht I url (;ompany lnL t CA I I /SO Wll11t1tr Avenue •8~ Cost• Me\1 CA 92627 lh1\ bus1ntn '' con ou l•d 01 • LO• pouhon Ha•t yuu sl11led dC11nt 1>us1nt\\ ttl' No Th• 1 url Comp•ny Im II ene Youn& VP Secretary This st11emtnl was lilf!d with the County Cle1k ol Or anae County on 06 06/03 200S6U7177 D•rlv Ptlot June 12 19 26 luly J 2003 Th502 fldttlM .... Mmes.... lne lollow•na pe15ons are do•ne bus1nen n R & T l ustnc & [qu1pmenl 8182 Mun sltr Or Hun11n1ton Buch CA 926A6 Rof'.htlle Roller 8182 Munster Or Huntinaton Beath CA 92~6 Tim Roller 8182 Munster Or Hunltn&ton Beach CA9:<'~6 This bu"nt\S 1\ con· dutted by • i'""•I partnership H<1•1 you sl11 led doina busmen 1et, No Rochellet Roller lhlS st1hmen1 wu filed with lht County Clerk of Ora nee County on 06106103 200J694711S Daily Prlol June 12. 19 26. July 3, 2003 Tht97 FlctltlM ..... .s ...... The lollowin1 person' are doma bu11nesi n C1ut1n11 H11lthy R1l1 1tonsh1ps 2834 Irvine Ave Newport BHch CA 92660 Or Joseph Pascele. MF T Inc. (CA) 2134 Irvine Ave . Newport Buch CA 92660 This bustness is con· dueled by 1 c0<por1tlon Havt you st11ted do1n1 bu•lnos ,et? Yes, 11/ 2001 Or JoHph Pasc•I•. M F l . Inc . Or . Jo.1ph r P11ul1, Prntdtnt This sl8tem1nl wH lil•d with tht Count) Cl•r k of Or•nce County on 06113/03 ,OOHHIOU Oatly Ptlot June 19, 26 July l , 10, 2003 Th526 .......... ... s...... Thi folto"ln1 1M1n•ns •rt do1n1 bual~ H 1) Coat1 MeN NeWf)Olt R1ft1 A•\OCt•tlon, b) Cose. Meu NRA. c) CMNRA, MSW. 19tll St, Cost• M .. 1. CA 92627 Cost• fthu Newpott RIO. Aasoc11tt0n (CA), ~ W llth St Coate Mesa, CA 92917 Tlllt bilSlnns la COii Mta4 •r • •PofttlOI Kn11 J'04t atartM lioilw ~.-tTYh. l .. Cotta ._. HeWW*t Rifle AUK .. tloft, WIJl'I A MorN, rr .. w.nt TIN& lt•'-1 ... ftled wttfl UM c:..lltr Clerll ot Ot•• Co4tftty =-~ ... .,... ...... & "-~2003 T!t!71 ......... .. ..... TMW.willil,_.._ ............. °"911 ....... 1111 Wwll I Al ,...., C.... .._,CA~ u.. ....... l111 •• 0 0 c.... ............., ...... ___ ,...,a._7 .,. ' t 7 ta n nd Thi$ buSH11H 11 co ducted by. hulb•nd • Wtl• nc Hne you st11 l1d dot bus•nl\s yet? No Lauren Lohm1n & F rte Lohman H Thts statement w llltd with 1111 Coun Cl11k ol Or•n11 Coun ly ty on 06/13/03 200S6941041 011ly Pilot Jun• 19 26 July 3 10. 2003 Th!> Z8 ns •s at te CA ii • CA er orl n nd ma t~r .. l y ly 12. 93 ns ·~ •d CA II \II 2 na n 1na as nty nly uly The tollow1n1 per sun\ 1tre do1na bu\lntu " llclverlis1n11 Recruitment Spec11ltsh 16700 Se Quoia SI . Fountain Valley CA 92708 Kathleen Nom111• 16700 Sequoia St founfl•n Valley CA 92108 Tllis busmen is con ducted by l1m1ltd l11b1hty Co H1•e you st•rted do1na busmen yet' Yo I I 03 llathlun Nomu11 lh1\ \talemenl wn ltted with lhe County Clerk ol 011n11e County on <Y.>/J0/03 20036946412 0•1ly Pilot Jun~ ~ 12 19 26, 2003 THt69 RctllM ... 1 ... s........ The follow1na persons 111 do1n1 b11s1n1n as Simply Sl!aptly 310 B E 17th Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Edward luk1 f rusi mons, 1650 P111< New port •218, Ntwpo11 B11ch, CA 92660 M1chel1ne Anne McC1nn 16SO Park Newpo1t •218. Newport Buch CA92660 This busmen is con ducted by a 1ene11I p11tn11sllip H•vt yo11 startld clorne 1>ua1n1u yet1 Ho [dwerd Luke F1U\t mons Tl1'S slfllemenl was !tied with th• County Cllfk of ~a County on 06/ toOl .. 47'71 Dally rilot J11n1 12. 19, 26, July 3, 2003 THt99 Re-.. .... ... s...... l.1111 Oii -i);,,~ Pl J I , 17, lhe lo llow1t11 p11sons a business es wood, 537 New nt1r Or •338 I Buch CA 111 dotn Chubb~ port • N1wpor 92660 Ron H11bor Newpor 91660 Robtrt 2551 c St,nal Ht hts Ii dUlltd partners Havey business Ron H• Th IS tiled WI Cler1' ol on 06 13 200369 011ly Ptl July 3 I The to .,, do• Cre11tinc 11onsh1p Ave flle 92660 Joseph E Sliiltc C 28J4 Ir pC11tBea lhis b du,ted Hhe y bus•ne 7 2001 JO\ellh l\Ule Joup11 Pres1den lh1s llled WI Clerk ol on 0611 200369 Oatly Pt July 3 I The I are dot Orun~en tr1t-c; Fk1ltlM INless NmtS""-1 Tht lollowin11 person\ are dome busmen IS Your Home Pro P11nt1n1. 575 W 19th St Apt 205 Costa Mui CA 92627 John W1yne Russell 575 W 19th SI Aili 205 Costa Mesa CA 92627 Th1\ bus1ntu is con dueled by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you started do1na bu\lneu ytt7 Yes 6 6 03 John W1ynie Russell This statement wu Med with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 06/10/03 200J6947UJ 011ly Pilot June 12, 19 26 July 3. 2003 Tll510 The follow1n1 persons 111 do1n1 business IS Tht ltnt Connection 2t90 Newport Blvd Coste Mesa Callforn11 92627 Automot1w1 Connec uons Inc.., (CA) 2'90 N1wpo11 Blvd.. Costa Mesa C•ltforn11 92627 This business is co"· ducted by a COfpot 1tt0n Hnt you sl1rled doln1 bustnus yet 1 Yn 8110 1998 Automotrvt Connt c· ltons Inc .hm E Ko, Prnldent lhts statement WH hied with "'9 Cou11ty C•IL ot ~ountyon t0016f4N•I Delly Pilot Jllna M . Jul~ 3. 10. 17,2003 Th!l35 T ~e lolh1w1na per sons ~., do1n1 business as Cal1lorn1• Cummun1ly Colltee B~11m 1nton Coaches Auoc11t1on 26()8.4 V11 Per a M11>1on V1t10 Cll 92691 Allan HoO&er t 26084 V11 Pera M1S\1on V&e/O CA92691 Th1t1 business is con dueled by an un•f'COI poraled 1uoc\at1on olhar than • par tnersh1p Hive you '111 ted do1n11 bu11nus vtt' No All•n Hoda•rt Th11 'taltmenl wu filed wtlh the County Clerk of Or anae County on 05/30/03 200H94'4J6 Daily Pilot June 5 12 19 26 2003 THt73 The lollow1n1 persons art dotnl busineu as JTC Screen Graphtes 1835 Whltlltr Awe •M Costa Meta CA 92'27 Chrtt Olo11. 177 [ 18th St 18, Cott.I Mui CA92627 l rff•n1 Sh1ualm.ns.y. 4120 N S.nta Ctcill• St . Orana•. CA 9286S lamte Sha111hn1uy tl20 N S.nt1 Ctcth• St .. Oran1e CA 9286!1 1 hts buSlntn 1s con d11cted by 1 K•M<•I P•rln«1.l11p Hnt you 1t1r·ted dotnl bu.ineu pt• NO T1ffen1 Sll11111>rwny This slflltme.nl wn t ... d wrltl lllt County Cler' of Ora1111 County on O!A/27/0J IOOI H4St74 Dilly Pilot June ~. l2. 19.2S.~ lh471 1 he lollow1n& 1>tr s on\ art do1n1 bus•nt \\ ~s Tilt P1dden Crouo I 7r7 Tur~ptn w., NtWUht Buch Cl\ 92660 Marena Paoder I 01 1 ~' r .to•n wa., N.,.....,, ,, , Buell CA 9:?660 Th1\ businn\ I\ ( ,, dueled by •n 111d1•1du•• H .. e ~ou \lar ltd do'"' bus•nes\ yet' No M11tn1 P1ddtn this •l•lemtnl wa tiled v.1th lht Cnunh Clerk ol Oranae (uur•ty on 06 O.S OJ 200.36946762 011ly PtlOI lunt ~ 11 19 16 2003 fH•90 hi\ \t.atl'llTlf' t t,l,_d "'ttn t"'"' I l Ir,~ o• Utant(P I ''"Of, 03 0 · 200l6907S3 tl•liy P,1.,1 l'J ?t. LOO• Trt> t t¥ ""' "1t-•-. ,, .. 11 • , bu~n,..,•, \ ~~I on;t .At10U•t '' r ~ .. W1llf' S'l•'tm M•. b491 ~•ti•• A,,.,., unit A ~ '/V•~llT> ~Sitt A '126ls3 J4TI•\ s . .,, ... > I •l' M1~s1on 51 Su P •>•d~··~ Cll 91030 T h1~ bu\lnf'\._ 1\ .:hu .. tf!'d bv •t• HH.11-w du• Ht1vt: .,01 \t.H~fd ().Jin, bu\1l'IC-\.\ .tt't' •r \ I~' l•mts s.,., .. ~ \ !Ito\ st1l•m•nt A A> I t"' Wtft'I '"'" ( .,,~ t )r•rir .16 Jt ,3 70036947 tao . u .. C. • 1, P ~I unt J, ;'! F uly i 'OC • "!!()I FktitiM IWitess MllllS....... Th .. tc.Uowm41 vet \t rt\ ••e do1n11 tiu~inns H MYI• ' A\\0( ,.,.. IR~ I t I "' Str.~I !.1 .. t• ll'Jl SantA Aru CA '127~ A"d t• C Muz1 .!7' 18 Homestuo Ro•tl aau n1 ~·11ue Cl\ .. l1>77 T~1\ bu\ r\,\ • lo :Jue t,..d t>, 1n ·10 ·..-•Ch.IA Hnt you h••~d d nc bLl\H"le\S yf't the tollow1ne per,un\ Vn l 12 98 II• d.i1nc bus1nf\\ I\ Anortw C Mul• lni11d s Shoppt ?3.367 lhl\ sl•tMmPnt "~' V11 San Martine llh"' filed with th• t:ou111v Vieto C" 9:.>6':>6 Cieri< of Oran&~ r·ounty lnerid M•nd .. 111 2Hii2 on 06 23 03 Vra Sin M11hnt Al•S•l 20036949144 Y1ej0 CA 926!>6 01111 ,.tlot June M )Illy TlllS bu"ntn IS LOI\ J 10 17 200J T .. ~ °J,t ducltd by 1n 1nd1v1du•1 I Have you sl11teO clO•n& busrnns yet' No F--.. ..... lnif1dM1ndttto ._s.......t Thts \lalemenl wn hied with lhe Cuunly Clerk ol Or enc• C'ovnty on 06 10.'03 200J6947Ul 011ly Pilot >un• 11 19 26. July J ~3 Th!> It Th• folluwrnc p•rsons •r• do•nc bu"""" 1\ Ht•port Mtt' Aol>h1n,t R•e>•" l06l Hayn Ave Co,11 Mut CA 92626 IOlln S.ak aslLt 3063 Hayn An Costa M.,. CA 92616 Tltl\ busmns rs •0" ducted br an 1ndlwldu11 Hev' you started 6offll bus.nftl y1l1 v.,,(Xt 19 IM Jolln $111t'llte Tlhl stat•mtn1 •H hied wtth Ille County CletlL ot Ort11tt C-ty .on°"'2010J toek ..... , O•llJ 'dot N114 a , .luty ) 10 l7. 1003 Tt6lt Th• follow•ne 1>9'\t.n\ 11e do1n1 buStntu I\ Taylor P11nt M1ne11• m~nt 1406 Ytv1.an 111\t Ntwport B•ac ll CA 92660 Lynn leylot Bruwn ltQ6 ll1vt1n l•"~-~w port 9Hch CA 9AOU Thi\ business 11 ton dlK ltd by .en tnd1wtd111I Ha"" yuu ""''° door bus•nen yet' Lynn Taylof Browt1 Tll1\ \late-nt •H llled wtlh lht Ccn1lllt C iefk of °'•"II• Cou"'' on QC IOIOJ t00J6 ... 7s.40 o • .., '•IOI JUl>I IZ, 19 16 July l 2003 ~7 i _,..;:;._ _____ _ l .J.Ll. ___ .:,..!~~~7-=:t·=t~~~~~~~~~;-~;.-~1 Upllllm .......... ........... °''"" Ave .• C·l, Costa Thia bllslness Is eon Twrr M. Jollnson ===~-== iiill ... .......... ... s..... 2141 Ulll ....... ..... ..... ... s...... l"'lne· CA Nt0Z • " ' I , . ... ~ ... ~ Mesa.CA92'21 ducted by; en lndivld\!11 --Joen Mtrle Otdlleld. Have you started dolfll Th• loUowl114 Pf"on• The loltowlna persons 2674 Or1n11 Ave., C· l, business yet? No an dolna business H IKe dolna bus)ntn n : Costa Meta, CA 92627 Richard Holman Juice It Upl. 14031 Po11y Pals, 3286 Turlock This buslnen Is COii This sh1tement was Jeffrey "Old, Irvine, CA Dr., Costa Mts•. CA dueled by. an Individual filed with the County 92620 92626 Have you slerted dolna Clerk of Oran&• County California Mee C10111>. Slltlla Ann rerau,SOO, bus1nns ytt7 YK 2/03 on 05/14/03 lnc.,(CA) 11140 Whlllltf 3286 Tutlocll Ot .. Cost• Joan Mtrle Oldfield to0Ut446f6 Blvd., Whrttltr, CA 90606 Mesa. CA 92626 This s~ttment was Deity Piiot June 12. 19 . This bus•n9" ii con· This busmen Is con rited with the County 26. July 3, 2003 TllS16 ctucttd by: • corpor at Ion dueled by: an lndivlduel Clerk ol Of en1• County H111t you started doln1 H•ve you sl•rled dolna on 06/13/03 business yet? No business yet? Yes 20036t4IOH C11ifornla Juice Group, 1989 D•lly Pllol June 19. 26, lnc.,P1yush R. Bh•1•t. Shell• ferauson July 3. 10. 2003 Th522 Prnldtnt Thts statement wu Thts statement wn hied wolh the County hied with the County Clerk of Ouna• County Clerk of Oranae County on 06/10/03 on06/06/03 200S6t47SSt 200S6t47'16 Diuly Pilot June 12 19. Delly Piiot June 12. 19, 26. July 3, 2003 Th506 26, July 3, 2003 TH-498 fk1liM ..... Ac-....... •s....... ... S..... lhe to11owin1 persons The lollowin& persons are dom1 business as -ie doma businen .as. Madison Landscape Coconut Spa, 4-45 Soulh Das11n. S Cameton C11 .• Coast Hl&hway, L11una Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 BHch, CA 92651 Susan Irene Hupp, 5 C a I h • r 1 n • J e ~ n Cameron Ctr r nolh1ll W1lk1nson, 105 C~d•t Ranch, CA 92610 W•y, La1un• Beec.h CA This busmen •s con-92651 dueled by an 1nd1v1dual This business ts con Have you sl,trled doma ducted by an md1v1du81 busineu tel? No Have you started dolna Susan Irene 11upp bus1neu yet? Yes 04/01/ lh1s statement wa~ 2003 flied w1lh lhfl County C•lhe11ne W1lki11son Clerk ol Oranae County Thts statement was on 06/03/03 rited with the County 200S6946761 Clerk ol Oran1e County Daily Pilot June 5, 12. on 05/19/03 19. 26, 2003 1h487 200SH4SOS3 ffditiM hsiiless Daily Pilot June !>. 12. 19, 26, 2003 TH484 •s.....t Place your ad today! (949) 8'2-6878 Policy ~ ..... "-S....... The tollowm1 persons are dolna business u . Medow, 307 15th St Iii. Huntlnaton Beach, CA 92648 MichHI Ben de Wit. 'J07 15th St 116, Hun hn&lon Beech, CA 92648 This bu11ness Ito con ducted by 1n 1ndlvldual H8ve you started dohlll business yet? Yes 4/1/03 MIChHI de Wtl This slalemenl was toled with the County Cieri< of Oranee County on 06/20/03 200369411t0 Daily Pilot June 26, July 3, 10. 17. 2003 Th543 Fldltlels ltls6less "-S....... The lollow1ng persons are dOtnK business as OCC, 5050 Yorkslw e Duve. Cy pr eu. Cahfot nia 90630 Rocherd Vernon Hol man 5050 Yorksh11e Drive Cyptess. Cahlor n1a 90630 ,.... ..... "-S...... The lollowtn1 persons are do1na business es l•m1ddon Consultetion Co 19431 Rue De Yalorc 1211. foolhtlJ Ranch. CA 92610 2312 hehl Dallal T1m•ddon. 19431 Rue De V1lort 12 I[, f oothlll Rench. CA 92610-2312 This business 15 con dueled by an 1nd1vldual Have you started doma business yet? No heh1 Dallal Tam1ddon This statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Or •nee County on 05/JO/OJ 200SH46441 Daily Pilot June S, 12. 19, 26, 2003 1H•67 RctltlM....., Mmes..t...t The lollowong persons are do1n1 business as Johnl>On Bros Des1en C. Conshuctoon, 2139 Aster Place. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Terry Michael Johnson. 2139 Asltt Place. Costa Mese, CA 92627 lh1s business ts con· dueled by an ond1v1dual Hne you started doin1 business yet? No This at•t•menl wes hied with Iha CCK1nty Cieri! ol Oran1• Countr on 06/10/03 200S6t475U Dally Pilot June 12, 19. 26, July 3, 2003 Th515 .......... ... s..... The followln1 ptrsona ere dolna buslnna u : Car•a• Floor Solution, Inc .. 131 H Tustin Ave. 1206, lustm, CA 92780 Cer •P floor Solution. (CA) 131 N Justin Ave 1205. Tuslln. CA 92780 This business " con· ducted by • corpor1tion Have you started doin& business yet1 No Garall• floot Solution. James Nethan McOon- nelJ. President This statement was to4ed w1lh lhe County Clerk ot Orana• County on 05/30/03 2003H464S9 Dally Pilot June !>. 12. 19, 26, 2003 IH468 RctlliM ..... "-S....... The follow1n1 persons are dome business n : Peuwmkle Pren, 202• Beryl Lene, Newport Beach. CA 92660 Michele Ranlitn 2024 Beryl Lane. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Thts buslnHs is con dueled by. an 1nd1v1du<1I Have you star led doona business yet1 No Michele Rankin This slaltmenl wn Wed with the County Clerk of Or•nae County on 05(30/0J 5. l2. TH466 The totlOwlna persons •re doln1 bualneu H . Modds, 131 E. 11th St. Suite 122. Costa Meta, CA92627 lera Ntmec:, 131 E. 18111 St. Suite 122, Cost• Mesa,CA92627 Thia busintss ls con ducltd by 1n indivlduel H•v• you stllt1ed doln& buStness yet7 No LIK•N•mec This st1tement was toled with the County Clerk of Oranae Cou11ty on O!l/30/03 200SH4U26 D•lly Piiot June S. 12. 19, 26, 2003 TH475 RdlllM ..... "-S...... fhe lollowln& persons are dom& business 1s· 1) The AV Den b) The Audio Video Oen, 2060 Pl1cenll• •C2. Cost1 Men. CA 92627 Det lk C09l1n W1ne1•r. 7741 ISth St. •B, Wes I minster, CA 92683 Thls business Is con dueled by. an 1nd1vldual Have you started do1n1 business yet? No Oeflk W1ne1ar This sl•lement was filed with the County Clerk ot Oranee County on 06/13/03 20036'48040 Daily Pilot June 19, 26, July 3, 10. 2003 ThS27 Sdl 7011r Car In Ckus/fl#d I How to Place A Th• followln1 ptnons '" doln& buslneu u : Action l•l•nt Wut Man•a•m•nt, 1670 Santa AM Ave . Costa Mes., CA 92627 Ancel• Cr1lfith, 240 16tll Pl. 18. Costa Mesa, CA92627 This business Is con· ducted by: en lndlvlduel Htvt you 1hrted dolna bu1ln.ss yet? No Meet. C11tt1lh This statement wu hlfd with the County Clerk ot Orena• County on 06/20/03 200st94Nt2 Dally Pilot Jun• 2ti. July 3. 10. 17.2003 Ths.40 ,.... ..... ... s...... The followln1 pa.sons are doln& business u · Pho Vletm•n•se Noodles, 12012 Knott Ave IC, Ce1den Grove. Caltforn11 92804 Lan N1oc: Luu. !1525 W HlpJ1nd St , Santa Ma. C•lifornia 91704 This bustness ts con dueled by· an individual Have you alerted dome business yet? No Len Naoc Luu This statement was toled with the County Clerk ot Drane• County on05/20/03 200SH4SUS Dally Pilol June 19, 26. July 3. 10, 2003 Th530 The lollowln& ptrsons •r• dolna busln111 as. Ana•I Pet Groomfn1 Gallery. 1280 E. Yorb• Und• Blvd., Plecenha, CA91870 Merla Del Cermtn Rodrlauel, 901 S. Bewlty St .. S.nta Ana. CA 9V04 Thi• buslnesa Is con ducted by; 1n lndlviduel Have you 1t1rttd dOine business yet? No Maro1 Del Carmen RodrtCUH This sl•lement wu hied with the County Clerk of 0. anre County on 05/JO/OJ 200Ht4U1S Daily Piiot Jone 5. 12. 19, 26. 2003 TH470 RdllM .... "-*'-' The tollowma persons •re doln& business as. Hunlinaton Beach W11e less. 9606 H•mllton Ave '102, Hunhn1ton Beach CA9~ Thomn Ph•m 14802 Newport An •16A. ·Tushn. CA 92780 This business 1s con dueled by In md1v1du1I l-tave you started do1n1 business yet? Yes •·I 03 Thomas Ph•m Thos slitlement wn hied with the County Clerk of Ounae County on 06/03/03 200369467'7 Daily P1lol June !>, 12 19. 26, 2003 Th488 P~yourad lod,_yl (949> 641-567" The lollowina pttwns are dolnt buslnHs 11: Slone1len•Pr09ertiH, 14 Stonesten, Aliso Viejo, CA9?656 David Jtmn Olson, 14 ~~n. Albo Vleio • This busineu Is con ducted by: •n lndMduel Hive you stuted dolfl1 b11slness ytl? Ho Devid J Olson This stetement WH f11td w1lh the County Cle1k of Oranae County on 06/10/03 2003't47SU Dilly Piiot June 12. 19, 26. July 3. 2003 lh!)()!I Adl!IM ...... ... s...... Ille followln1 per.on• .,. do1na business es CMS Consultona. 2016 Beechwood Ave , ful lerlon, CA 92835 Mich.el Ray Sm11h1tne. 2016 Beechwood Ave , r ullerton. CA 92835 This business n con dueled by an md1v1duel Have you slat led doma business yet? Yu 2/19/03 Michael Ray Sm1tn11na This s l•lemenl wn hied with the County Clerk ol Oranee County on 06/20/03 200J6t41U4 Oillly Pilot Jon~ 26. July 3. 10. 17. 2003 lhS36 RctltlMlaeu --~ Connie L Glbl>oM. l l Modesto, ln in•, CA 9260l This bualne•• ts con· dueled b~: en lndlvldu•I H1vt you •tarted 4'olnt bu1ln111J ~t?._H.ci __ .1. Connie l GIOOOIR This 1t1temel'lt WH llltd with tht Co.int y Clerk of Oralll' Covnly on 05/30/03 200'6946412 Oail1 Piiot Jun• 5, 12, 19,zg,2003 TH474 fldlllM ..... "-S..... The tollow1n1 J>l'M>ns aro doin1 business es. Owner's Contrntlna Services. 2110 Newport Blvd tl Cost• Mesa. Cf. 92627 Donald R Werd. 2110 Newport Blvd •l. Coste Mesai. Cf. 92627 This buslneu is con due led by. an Individual Have you •larled doone business yet7 No Oonald R Ward lh1s sl.ttement wts hied with lhe County Cletfl ot 0<1n1• County on 06/10/03 200S6t47U2 Dally Piiot June 12. 19. 26. July 3. 2003 Th!llJ SELL your stuff through classified! ---Deadlines --- Rates and deadline!> are subject to change without nouce. The publisher reserves the righ1 to censor, rccl~sify, revise or reject any classified advertisemenl. Please repon any error that may be in your clas!>ified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no ltabili1y for any error an an advertisement for whkh i\ may be responsible except for the cost of the i.pace actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insert.ion. CLASSIFIEJAD -[ii] Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ANNOUIKOONTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ,..... ""-........ Dotible Ct ave nit loc Must set Worth $151<, 'lei for SltVobo 949-93!). Xl9 l SI .... • Let-P1cllic Yoew $JOOo 818·986 7322 Lv m'll Colltctlbles/ 1419 2305-2490 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furnltln PlANOSl~ ·-·--·-·-·00--."- $$ Ct.SH PAID $$ .,..peaor.,....,ho..- MIMorlbilla 1160 W£ BUY ESTATU --------• lln'Ndlete 1-.d!y- TOI' SS 4 RICOROS nc .. PAY -• FAITDI"' .Ila. 0-C. Elc. 50s .. 8h .Bl Nbc. 5'*t. tube lfT1l" Mtlle 949·645 7!>05 fOOAl ltOU5llG OfPOlnlllT All rul esl•te •dver l"rna 1n this neW!lpeper ti subject lo the f edenl f '" Hou:.in& Act of 1968 1s emended which m•kes 11 1ll•c•I In edverhse "•ny prefer ence, llm1tet1on or dncrtmtnation based on rece, colot. reltC10n. su, hendkep, famlltal status or nallon•I or1cln. or 1n intention to mike eny such P'•fetenc•. 1tm1t1 lion or dtscrtmi.,11tion • This newspaper will not llnow1nafy eccepl any 1dvef'tlsement tor reel n t1t1 which Is In vtoltltion ol the 11w OU( reeders er e lltreby lftf0tmed thet all dwttt lnp adftf I !Jed lr1 this ~ .,, 1veilnle on '" equal oppcwlunilr bnls To compleln of dtl" t;rlmlnellon. eel HOO toll· ff'H al 1,8()0.424.&590 TelUsa...t YOll ~ . . ' . " j l ,, ·~·' ,, ., I : i ~ l .~ ,' ----;;;~ so~g~T 22'2k ... k ..... Ma.CAltl01 &ui--Jtd & Lu.w CA '* '"""'"°''* llACH not1MAaOlttsU • v..an. Mmie/ ..... _I ltlftle• flit, sAt, suJI, 1·f . ,.:::,:...., .... _ . _... '"''' •11t•r••••••11t ctr, ............. - By Fax ( 949) 631-6594 1l'lu ..... mduJc )uur namr ArWI rl•"'"' numt>co ;nJ ,.c·11, .. 11 ~'"'I~•~ "'llh • l'fl<C 4u•Wr I Tclephon~ 8 30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday l ESTATE RSAU lillll'' ••• I I ··r SOOS·SISO ~ -•"" t ~ - By Phone (~9) 642-5678 Hours Index & By Mail/In Person: HO Wc!>I Bay Street Costa Mc~a. CA 92627 At Ncwpon Blvd. & Bay St Walk-In 8 30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Wednesday ............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thur,day ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturda} ................... Fnday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm L'nd c r the Scn·icc Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week ' 'I For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 S., Jane 28 ~::. ··--· .... Body Mind & Splrtt Psychic • HNllna Arts Fair w..._ a Dr,w, both new. Must M1Uof1C tor UlO for botll. C.I 949 640..t617 or~ .. ..,_~.all colors, all •l1tt for edoplion to qualllled ~ WWWltftlClolllGrl 111 11• n3 st1s GrMOf °""9• l blodl lo l>Uch. lbr lb. UllPW lbr I bl lower Jeer aar, $'969,00> ... 9419-57 .. 3598 Corona dtl Mir ,.. °"' Of ~ 58r plus borM rm 11 SpyOess 1111 Custom oool. "" ' C.Zdlo lo the II ~ deck on the upper lewl -i.as E•lensrte use ot arentte, marble & lob ol love $1 .'YJ0,000 Judy Kolar. 8llr 96376 5576 Mewl Mwte 1..-wy, w:kldod cut-de ·sac """ on '8 lot 11 I\* ded •• Hill dwood floors, custom ltd>1J<111. booll ~. wet bitr. 2 fp's, custom spa on '""'... cen11 al .... trenqutl prden p•tm $839,00> llll 9&ffl.93lA +A Ca a:e,r c.-L«ella to Be Coront and loollolll point 48r 4 58• breod new custom home. Ott•ed •t $2.950.000 COASlllNE REAi.. TY 949 7'S901n < ... •-<w_.._. •• C-4e.W-. 1ourme1 kltdlen. wrouiht •on. cmtom tile Ind cab iMIJy front 11 a 3br 2ba home C. r-II e 2br 21>1 COAST\M ltf.Mn Mt•7st4177 s NOUlD 9eS12-6'89 OPIN SUN 1-S W1'ILWf 'o4LW t«M LMlllSt I S1ory on ii lot 4lR • FR rtm>dll .. ,.. $1.189,IXX) 11.UFf'S JllDMIOM TO\JAltoMIS Topbay-oonw pnyWt lot 9'ICI llM OMJres """ PE.llX>ffE. 1-v••i.-~.~ ....... ..,.. .... on~~ rnodll per1act SD JXXJ FU I S1ory end int 2br~ s.t 1~ Uve i. Newpert 1-"i tor $165,000 De Anla B•ysode Y1ll•1• mobile homes. 13 Walerlront, b•cllb•y view. Cory, ch11m1n1. C1b1n1 mo- bile home. Ip. 23 yr 1st $2237/mo Cell Coll•&• Homes Of'1N SUHDAT l-4flet 7 l4-624-IS'2 • p&wa•hlci.C.- custom ~ W!lh '*'Y°" & ocun -Offered al $6,500.000 <-•tllfte ..., t4t-7S9-4177 AESIOCNTW. RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Bllboa IUand UTTU Ill.AND 2w 2a.. 3 doors lrom beach 1/04 Peri. Ave $1600/mo 949 6S0·32•7 ~ • a-, paoo. lrl& $1650/mo 2'or 1~ new Cfl>l PM'!I lndry, $l«Xl/ mo ~nl9 Yrt, •a-, lows ~1. p1 ktt. w/d. ti.. Ip s1"'5 to bey, 11/~ av.A now Sl400m 949 72J.5802 ....... ,. .,_, apt 2bt Iba. Ip, $1800/mo •lw WO. I"'~· l11ht • bfl&ht $14 /mo • 2w .._. must see. ell redone l Pf• .-. $2500,'mo 1-t 9'l!Mi73..Qi2 Bafbol ,,...11 .... ...., ._ ......... ~, lBa Condo St.pJ to ~adl. fp. 2 ur ,.,, lllXllno .. 9&«»()171 en.., .. llr •••• We Ill •• Medi, "fl' & brfl)ll, no pet.. ,.. llll!im lndd utts ave11 now 949 720· 1!165 0..-.... "°""· llcttt. alfy, 211f 2b0ut1tloa. no ="t t nellh $2 /mo. M9·/60 8217 c. ... 1• ....... l Iii ID 1-dl.-'~*""'-~ ail -~ *°"'-£..ltllSlMb= --2'!C21 (t.. 1~ ......... fp, ,.,, w/d MlllOt, ffCHlt J::t ~•\IP•h/~ -· Ml ·7137 ~fi.-M( ., ·--:·~· .,... lr • /fllO, Wattt/treill ;;': .... ... ... _ .. '°'.... (It WlllO .......... ~ .... Mk ... , ..... • ., ......... •J: • •o..I --2+2/ "1 Oil 811 ., ff-.. fM!!I\/ ............ ~2br 218 2 bl.s to bdl -.0.. dw Up51ars ca. Pf"&. pool. ..... c:rtl., ~ w-~Mll pd. $1:2> AVl/I S2100'n 966e6-R6 Uf S!llXl d!lp-WI) pet HABOa Vl1AGf J l r 2.SI•, NPCre&I, H.wt>or Blvd m MerrmK lmmac, marble. wdl lo Wey (7 4) ~-O&Q bNch. dbl pr~ S2!JOOono 923-085 7 Ml-' ...... Pl!"OU' 2& ..................... 2 56e ,._.. HUGl Jc lltt pr tp K.. W/O, •dnr Jbt home. 2-our .. pnv l1dd S3l'oOrno ...., ~ patio, comm jlO(ll 'It • 811 706-8649 Eal~ Jl17S •-~ ttuNlngfon 8eldl '1M ........ fP8CQA end unit. 14111redlld ,,_... lbr 2 !lb•. arHnllelt loc. ~ ll:J' I.be mndQ neYt sz..mn 1111 949-11~2'" ttl Pier comm pool ~ wd., .... ~I*&. fOll UNT IN llUffS ~$UD>~ Popular [ Plan 381, 2' /.th • r emtly Room ~Badl S3000/mo 949 64-4 4909 » Ul9, 2c fll'. IA/:xtJ COMMUTlllSS RRAXMOlll sr lot rw comm pool & Cont.ctrtnUll~ ... ~ Hsbor Views Hoines merrt lmlormltlon c.... ... SlDln'i 94!MilB-41~ 1762!> B .. Hlmrd and ~bdi!IM..,.... Mlln. --.. Ct '.12614 Honw 29r &.. 2UM:; 1IM400-2"1 rn --. M: . , ........ .-c 998-17'58 n-. 345-5713 UOO YlUl Y llASI MD11Wy RlnDI ,,,,, SIP & UDO su.M81 NOMIS .u. • 2tle lw on f"wwl 81.l Cf!UN)Y REALTORS f'al'll Vwy NCI bn IO Mt-67S..161 $35a>~O.. UOO ISU bayfr onl bid&, o..n..arvw tc atud10 w/slove a 1111 }.175 Condo °'4*• $1195 incl rs· w•l•r, .. ~ 3-IYI, petio, II*. eleclrlc. 94 -675 0120 upcJd kit. Iris. tnlrblt, .. ... 3912 RMI A"-a.cs. • STUf. t• 51otsC:: 71 .. 7'!11 'Zm .... 2S) '!•Off .... h t -X> l'taperty ...... Inc. fot &mo .... ~ r~ W/MW-:: llUffS TOMI NO•I car,rit C. cetamlc: . BAY Yl[W 38R + ffl W inside <§> unit.. D/W LAACE "[" PLAN a fl'~ Sl"5 Call CUSTOM UPGRADCO Lor• 2224 ot 714-OP ANO( 0 $3IOOrl'lo 6J3. 7!192 No ..... .._.....,..,_ . ....., t4t-U2~ lBt lie, $1450/lno. 146 vm. ,..,.. Drtw. w/d. I!:;. IC9"t. 8atbar• ~5CJO.l9111 t...p 11lir , .......... ::', ...... ,..... • ···••:1ae ... .......... .., QUllOUJ YOllllOUSI ............. '". utll~ Stow a "• SI "'Z"' ... WRllA 94MC2· u •nrnR ...... N ..... _ UWISMB ............. ·=.-..... ~ w Sl IM ... 11 ... I VllAIMIMt.-n.' ~~ (M~M2-5'78 ......... ~ = ..... ,,.. VR, .. .,. ... ..... , ..... ' ~ ......... .. ·1 ~ ..__ ...... ._ .................... ------=---........ ll~MMI0-,1 . ==--'' I • " 1-, I .. J08S OFFERED * Hev.ome,./M9r. * I clean &. maon t•in Iara• homes Cook d11v~ all dull•~ elderly &. l h•ld Cllt U p J2J 9J7 90J8 ....-~u....... '"'''-Avel!OM. "' c.M. fem.le honnt &. CM"'I S2IXl ~ly• r--n & 1-fd 714 8J9 47SI Sil VIII Sl'OOH NANHY AGlNCY (714) Ut-J017 ~-~ Employment 8500 ADM ... ASStSTAHT SfNI ~ CMtl!I dtv mant '"'" on p~, .. ~ Uordl.i ~ Harbuor ~ Ml upd l#i*llled, self mohv•ted w1d1vtdual h t.elleftl Oto! •nd Wflltf'fl ik* Mu~t be ~I consuenlltAA &. 1 t4o.ll>le Ct• 1tq d Rn po11,1bte 1nclud4! AA/AP photu CcCIPYWlll. Nin&. vtndut s wpp1m Mid ldtptloot r •. resome ~ wlMy hN••v '° M2-SH...OJO. • ,_ ............ &/• lll•flectd • buSl!leu, eo. .... "°" ... & ..,... Ill .. M bl.9 7l48a1» • SIWllt' lor ctlildttns clolh1n1, worll from homt Mo1n1 or arllld· moms w/tbt touch •ncoura_.o 714-5CJl..9&48 SUO-SSOO a wffll Win tralfl lo wor~ at homt1 htlpln1 lh• us eownnwit f• HUO/fHA MC1rtc. Relllnds no eap nee:. Cll loll tru l ·866·537 ·2906 MICC Mow ltlrffll ,y 811tender & Wait Staff. Apply In per son after 2:00pm Mond1y · Friday "00 I . (Hit Hwy .... Publish Ina ,_OMOTIOMS DlrAllTMINT Communrty ~s "' Or.irwe County seetls Ful rme penon to 1111erv- •od WTllt \loftM. pal 110- pate "' commumty evenb, c.roat. and Pljllllate ~ ~nd MCllOO'l [x~etlent l;Olnmu~uon slllb work wet wrtll tM public Know AP Styi( QuMkXPr~ Pilot~ Molli Ad Cle llor Prohu:nt on MAC •nd Pl CCI duoan ••Ptflen<e prelerred Prootre~ 1~1 Orua "-'--18-'JJh'f'UI r "'6ed [0£ [ a1.etlenl benefit i-~ En..., te\utl"' ... ~ .. ~ .sod ~IM"y 1euu11emen1, t o IMw ~@lill~c.om Sovth Ceo•! 'loLO 1s luok1n11 lc.o1 St1.u11ly Off1, ~r ~ lo 1om ou1 ltam1 ~1111 <U\fumer '"'••<• •k•ll~ <1nd • clo n bkitnd drov1n11 retvrd •"t • rnu\I ~ 50~/hr tOO[ I • a Int bu11et1ts' Apply m 11~r\11n di 3333 l!t1•tol St lu\l• MMll. CA .FIND an apar tment through classified PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find servKes f rorn electronics ar d plumbers, to landscapers and patnters Daily Pilot < l,l'>">tfieci Commun11y Markr·tplate '"HO RS Cthlor "'' law "' quirts that con tr ll< too tak1n1 tob\ that tulat $500 ()( mtHr (labu< uc m•le<11ls) bo hcenMtd by tho Contr1ctors SUie l 1CenM Boar• Slate lllw el.so reQuorn that contr1cton inc ludt thH loc:enso numbef on all edvetll~I You can check the \tatu1 of your lice nsed cont 11 c t o r al WW W cslb ca I OY or 800 321 CSL B Unit cenud con tr u tors lallln& tub' thllt lolal len tl>•n $500 must \late 1n the11 adver llnm•nts I hat thoy a11 not llcensed by the Con tr ac lot' State lictnM Board " MMDMI A1•1•1lq •c.•11141111 A&UNMVAC AH COlldlho~nc Cat1* Rlpalri11Jes CA.ll'IT" CAtlrlT<=r Ntp•w s P1tchon1 lnsUll Courleou\ •ny "" tobs Wholeylel 949 492 020S Cleaning S., .... y Cl•-Quality Hou11 clun1n1 AflOfd able r•les ~Yrs lap r ... cs1JrNCa 114-891.fli61 & He11llftl Sef VICt -l "°9MO Mf.500-900S • --------:...., ..... .. - Au41 '00 A6 Jail •I, lull tact war1 m•l•lflc drlo, btue/erey llhr. CO, mnrf superb cond, Sl9 795 vt87424 1 Bllr Ut-SH-1811 W-.M ....... ~- IMW 'tS SUI ..te, bluk I own11 n1co. sunroof "623627 S7495 "'OtUO LOm 96Gl6-1822 IMW ·97 1211 c-v. •utu /Sii mo metlllhc drk blue 1rey fthr labulou> cond th•ouato out vlS9261 Sl6.995 fin &. w•rr o "I Bkr' 949 ')86 1888 WWW oq>abl COin IMW '01 74011 lloc.11 ipor I pll&. hke new, -6!>7632 $34 ,995 WC'l'lilUIO com 949-616-1822 IMW '19 7lSll Lt.ilhe1 sunroof very clun S4995 #86!>459 wcWillltacom ~7822 IMW 'ti 23 Coftv 2.8 6 c yl 1 •d t•n llhr !isvd, bcdut 111.e new 'ond •81'>171 SIS 99!> f1 n•"<•nw & w.ur .. nly ... ~ - ., ,,.,.... , ... "' Mt lll'.1111, ._Per· ,.,_...._ (l 931M) INQUll£ I .,.._nu ,,_-ocrf, io.-.. (lMll) GUIO -~ ... llledl w,._. ,._.. roof, dwomecl wtlell$ (193111) 115.W .,.,.,..0.-.. oiM/ 141( .... lutlw, mDel'l'90f ( 19478) 126,9llO NII • ..,._, While w/Ckr; leether, tllf-~ ( l!M21) $27,980 .. .,,,.,. •• c- 321< '""'-• ctwome whMll, beouttful (194961) SJ7 9llO ......... uoo Chef=/8~ leather prom.um wi.m.-ool (19512C) S299llO 01 ••• 140I B*llw,._. only 31K~ (I 9485C) S44 ..-.i •1'-LS 400~ s.i-w/Grr; luthtor moon! oof •• be.wly ( 194!>31) S2? !81 O~~Z01 ,__,,. Solv• w/911d\. I k tn1 hardtop and ROI ee<>o\ (19!m) IHQUIR[ oor.-.t1w1M.,...s Silwr w/Bi.c.. la ml,.,tti.p. ( I 9ot'JOC, SJ9. 9lkl t4t-S74>-1177 Ptt&W'IAUTO ........... Bll.r 949 !>86 1888 Do410 'ti Durong• www.oc-r6'1.c..., 4,4 $Up«• 'tun. V8 bl•< i. • 148892 SIO 49!> Wl.Wal.IW tom 949 646 7ffll Bnd.04i Bv CHARLES OOAEN wkh OMAR SHARfF Ind TANNAH HtRSCH l.XTRlt\t£ AVOIDANCE Ela-WC* V\li.mblc. yea hold: WEST NOllml 6AIC 6 'Y'J3 o AJ874 • KJ6 •OJ 10172 o A Q 109 7 6 ) 9 •Vold SOl!fH •4 KS 632 • AQ 10917 J The btlld1ng wt.ST NORTH I• INT 4 Pim .... ,._ ~rung tc.t<l· Queen of• I ~".e c.la}).~1 is chfficul110 ~11.1tch un )'out TV lie! and DOC find an cx~mc \O!TlClhing or other~ Patlaps 11.C •houJd CJl.ICDd that idea to the bridge wblc. Taki= d!is de.ti Swth did weU w pcnht to fi\C: clubs r•ther lhan four no tnlmp -11 heart lead. )hould ~I have found u. ,. uu kl lw -c: bc41en the contrllet by thl'\'C tn1:k,, hut any other lead would allow declarer to romp home with ten Not that five clubs was a ~~er. e~en looting 11 all four Ww lc:U the lfUCCn of )patb, illlllJ 11 9004 Automotive looked lb 1r I.he chance, ol rnDlllJ 11 lnCU ltt~ IJibL SlllCc WC!lt .ilmc_~t urely be1d the 11ee of hearb. and probebly the (j\IC!ICll a. "'ell II loollcd ~if declllfcr 11.oold ha\c «> f1nd We~• with c1lhcr both I.he lung and 1:1ueen or diamond\ or 1 dool!lc1nn or \Ingle· ton king. to enable dcdarcr to ~ up the diamond su11 witlxJUt lctuog fa,1 gain the leatl Dccla~1 would lclld a low diwnontl from h.md and. unlc" th< king 11ppo:u.rcJ. n-c with lhc: 111.c und, artcr il1...:111\1111K u di:uoond on a h111h \plldc 1c1um d tl1.inlfn.l. hupm~ W.:-t "'lllllcJ IW\C Ill"'"' On ti,.. Jt.11.tmn. 1,_1u1h coft'euh <.oollu<kc.I that "'~ ,111 unhlrl) po.,i bil11\ .ind Jllc:r 111ud1 1hwllht loon<l the "'mn111~ h11c II lfl'<•hW "'lwi "'c ha\t! tluhhcJ "'c\ltl'.lllt' JHMddno.-c ' - JI rn,k 1111<" o..kd.i1cr .ilh""ed We<>1, Que.!n ''' 'flJde' tu "'Ill the tn~k' II m.u..-, n .. J1tkr•·na:c '1<111> mi, c.ll:l<n...: pru..«th I.ct ''"i>PO'C "r't 1.0lltlllUC\ '"Hh J 'flJJc Dcd<oIO:r "''"' JnJ •.t'hc' Jumm~ \ rcm.11n1n~ spM<k h1111111 J1-.c .. rtl1ng '"'" du rnvod\ trum tw11J Ilic Jee ,,1 cL .. mc>O<h I\ ~•,ht-J .111J J d1,m1ond 1 n.ilfc:d h111h .mt! tlw tabk ' three trump cntnC\ Jll" 11'4.'ll '"-.ct ur J Ion~ wwnond .mJ tl1 ..... 1J .. hcan "" '"' 1 lth J1•monJ Tl1e Jctcndcr' w~c onl) 1111c: ind. . ., .... h 111 'fXl<lt-' .inJ bc..n' By ~ ll>J) tllll \()ii l'lOlllC th.11 four 'flJo..k' " nwkJI>><· ·" luni,> .. , c.lcddrcr dl\lfll'' lhJI 1hc n111c 111 'fl.Kk' '' .;n cnlr~ 111 h11n~ tn llw hcdl1 'Utl' 9004 Automotive 9004 1 • ...-.. 't5 ,,_,.... Lui. .__..tom: '98 c.230 MfRCIDU 2ao '76 0111 4&4, 1nim•t tlvouahoul ltrtv, mnrf. 1mmdt ~ uwn•• ,11 •ttord\. w~ll va<y nice.~ $7895 nice, '61/317 Sl099'l ~ept & ilt•n. 14'>~ m1 l«WllUto..c:iarn 9'!M46-782'2 wcwaAD.Qlft1 9&646-7822 Sl490 9'9 640 6 l88 _._ '03 S-Type 4..2 Vf, I ~k m1 white uotmeotl lthr CO chrome wtleels 6 ~ MJto s.wc 151( SJB.995 v#fn55955 9 4 9 586 1888 Bkr .., __ .,, ... , .... ,.__... Iona '93 190( 2 3. '°' aeous t•• tthr 92k mnd S5995 •S48'154 wcwauto c.om 9'19-64b-/!V/ M•rcedea 'II 560 SL wh1h t•r1 1mrn~u evu.A. n_1r 4 .P '""" "• k4> •1•m.-S1'.ll.O /14 1'>1 i'l64 Mer-'-lom:'l9 l00l runs ;.Int bl•ck tttu " Niuo" '9 S Pathfinder d1•mond •892740 s~~., '·4 omm.i ""''~ 116 wcw.Kaotnm ~1;4i>/8; ••• 1 no • •t I lffl SS49'i Ttusday, June 26. 2003 H TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS Sp• Oll9r e G11W. 10 -..oo.gay '' H•llf'botn , ~ l'"octionat p;a-.on 1b P·C'*t'la- 17 So lltMilllr 18 Her.z nva '"~~ 20 ~p "°""Y 21 G....e loedoaCk .>'J StlOCll 25 S••t"t se<isc 2ti GU<! llOIOe• 211 A IUllg 'J'llll 'l' Brown ea 37 T'iiJO "ll1 Long torrt>wr '.lQ B>rdl'eede< ¥tS1k)( 40 Hee wme· a;iy (;> ,.,,. 43 t alt. lot one ........ l1i11un1r195 es -..vy ncincom 46 Seteii/T's aro snouts 4 7 q?():> • __. .. 48 Boo and 'lo$S 'Ill ?"°· ·c ~' ()oi(e r II"'~ 5"1 ..cngr a 'IOI: CJlb ~ E•llC'IY•e ...,. 14 ,, DOWN 1 H IC"l 2 A«;11ne 'ILZ•I• I ThNt•••W~ltJ 4 Dirty PC>loh<" ) H•" aye II l:lll>U< n()le 01 · A> 1 c..,,, 8 T11' ~o ... ers 'I Sl'o•s•-oi•·Y l 0 Oua1i1.1t· ·.:i.;lf n s 1 1 Gci ,, O«:t 1; lla•Olll'~ 1 ~Mc. m ... ll f.I"'' "l'2 "kl j:l'OC.JC"'J:it'S 24 Soog 01 Pf 2!I Olite ptOl-.i ?7 -"\lite 28 Bal ~· 1a"" .>. l..tn PJT" 1'Y 3" f!eh8wl> l'e;u.,~a•, J, Lit •o P&·r~ ").4 a.,..,. • JI' ~~,, ... , fl M ro 38 .... 'UC).(;. .Ill Oopl> ~ "·~·· 4 t P'Y" ..:IOlt DI!': ... , ':Jl •. , .,._.,.. IR~ ~ 47 St-.-it:> •hyr,'I HI A l•ftt ~f .. «tJ ,,, ... r ~ "'-•°' • ~2 --er.. QCJJ!. :.3 .OPll. • i;..t "'',..A "'" 'IC'lci ... t'•!le• '"...,,• y; ~·t*ona bOy ,7 "'t.i::to a-:ross >II -"''" ·w1t .. •.it :o..,.~ol ""'~}r • _c;.1. ;If.A ' ~· ~ ~ (1"11"• luld< '95 lle90l Gron4 Spurt ld• uu11• 3 8 V6 591. mo mtl•lt" l>lut ~r ., 1111 lullr lv•dcd ""¥ UWfl~I '\UIJtf b hkt n ... tunO •1'>"1911 S~9'l!> B•• .,.'l '>86 1888 .... 't6 GnNi a......-M "'NI ull <jll'J f>46 /~1 Dodt• 'tt 1 .. 1re,1.t 116 2'wd CO 114* tJNn Mer<Mn lenz '73 210 Ned V6 CO sup.r -Y ~ '69'l5 ~1!>468 SU Aun\ ~ou<I •ulo lu" OWomoboM "'' AdMYo S .P t.IHn Yett mu •SJ!i7~ .. <wAJlu com ~78Zl ca• •0! 99'.>.l S7'J J'> e•u• •ul 1J It " we wMo L()jfl 96Gl6-7irl2 J_,. ,91 Gr...4 O...-alt.. wtwauto ., "4'_j f,4b f1U. • 0 1 I S I 'l '1 < V8 4a4 ltl1f en nWYf Muce.t .. ·oo en ...... ~ •. -.i'1~Ah /)f./J AUTOMOBILES Yety n.c.e •7279lD S9395 ll1>m11•cS'\<or ~d•• ~ 'eruhe 'Ol Twin ' -,_,,.,, ••t J'4> Coupe, f I Aed/l•n All Ojillun' C odilloc '90 Se4on Oe..-.. St. Morita ~ 600 m. S.0.•• rll by N•C.of\ C •dlll.k Wh•I• Bl..O top luol. \ hfor • < Uftn~ I Ible ,,.........,......,syo•-. AM FM (.CJ E «•lltnl < U.ld 8uuithl ll~W (41 V'iOO ob<> 949 6..-i 600 • 118072 J<ihn NfW,OaT AUT05'04tT 94t-574-56M IW(w...,luwm ~1822 mo lull I• I ..... tit••• lu•b b •·I l·t •• I ·•y MISCEU.AHEOUS BOATS I Cadlllo< '90 Se.ton D""ith St. Morin ~ 600 I "" ~' •• !'<I by Ndbl>r' t 'd1Hd< Wh•I• Hlittk IOI> ~ vk\ '-"'" rt \ Ufl\lt"t tlbit- p, ... llllUlll AudtU Sv\letft AM FM t.(J I , -.ll•nt u>O<J 80Y"1'1t flCYlf 1..df Sl'>OO u1>o 94'1 646 6//0 Co<fflloc ·o I S.vllt. SlS ~•Iver 111 ey lthr; CO, chfm whl.s aotd pto.1 lull fact, llkf ne.. S 18 99!> v•5967• I lon•n in& aw.,I Bii.• <).t9 ~ 1888 ~-o<fM*l.c.,,. 14 , ... ,er1 .... •1.clil Many 'olo" -Red whit• yellow blatk Cal Jim Sr .IOhn Ryan & I 1m IUWPOllT AUTO"Oat 94t 574-UOO ferrorl '02 J60 Spicier, blatk bl••k All uphon' •117200 l1m NlW'°llT AUT05,0llT 949-514·5•00 Leav• '94 lS400 Cha mp•ene aotd tan •t hr co s old pk& 'uper b 0111 tond SIO 79!> •'267512 II n•nltnj i•llll Bt.r 949 ',86 1888 W-Ot.l*lt Lotfl leaua '•O LS 400 1mm.c throme .. hi' lthr look\ & dnve\ 111.~ ll~W $69!>() 949 J50 'j2Q2 UXUS LU70 '91 BIAl~ l~dth~t lu•d~d a Int <C.Ond 6 CO 11l•ye1 ,.,, '6S MV&tone $3? 000 714 336 13!>4 Cunverl•ltle orl11n•I t..-'t9rtXI004JC4, u .. ner, \Olld Cllf $19 995 Pd 11111'\« Ith hei!!ed obo 949 719 2943 w~ '-a radl tow !ill&. HOffOA OX 'ts ~eetC~ti-51 ... .a... 949-17 I IS• s 14 !DJ 96 Lil> 52IJZ ClflVY T AHOI LT '02 l.vn 't7 llH.e lS llK ,,. ... u&oa Ott sm. 414 auto alltt cond 58 111 71. 10w -psi CD. 1tloys IJOll mt ~....s S26.!m949 ~O 1'900 t4t-SOO·t631 Mo a4o '9t M lo t o Con• 45k m1 auto "lv.1 '"" I~ P• pl IVC CO \Upefb lolo,e new c<ind vlfl 19743 SI I !ff.> l onan(ln& ' wa11•nty nail Bkt 9'9 ~ 1888 --~;_,_ , & IUSl#ISS .,,AlttS UptflOH Aepa.·s of Compute< Net-lo.s £venm1VWeellends Compet1llvt puces '°' qullhty urvoc: t4t-IH-1I7S 714-926-4221 concm.' llasGnry t rldi tlod: St-Tito Concrttla, Pabo. ~1 F ireplc:. BBQ Ref' 25Yrs Cap Tlf'ry 114-!157-759' .... (Ofllte9t ·-Cemtnlwor~. Bric:ll, Tiie & Mort. Rehablt. lfo job loo am.ill. 714 615 90$2 YOUllHOMI IMnc>VIMINT f'tlOJtCTl C.lll~lftbot, p11111er. h•odymtn, or 111~ of tlM erett ..,.,cet lh!M i.t 911 ______ ,. lHCSf lOCAl ftt l"lOf't.£ CM HllP YOUT ...., 1v1antnHa ANYTHl•elMA ........ , ............ (1 lllwml...,... ... __ o•tm~•l llhr '\Uf 101 t tr .. ,t• "•I ~.• f.1 mi ' p B beHulollu I ... llP .. NlW,OllT AUTOS,OllT Wanted 9Gt5 ower oats 9515 co9nd v87.,/9l 171• 949 S74 S.00 1 --------l111dnc111a: ••d•I B•r 94~ I New &. u .. .t looh 586-Ullll W#W 0<.p.tb! """ I Sultoru ''' tm,rero I ksnly Op.nihd 0.-Mod "o Del Rey ''>II'> bl"'• 1,. •uly Uv<t 40 /t"-"'\ t •P' wtl pay IOAT SHOW 111 •• f,tt M ........ ClSOO '2002 •...cltd '"~' .. fr. • .t. ..... Vffy 1 ... , ..... "" 'fQlll 29111 110 b4' "l'>I B1>lh•11t S•l•t• I Ill "" I "u '>OO 11~ /'I 7464 .... Van ,.. true), p.iod fr.' Mu•I Hiii 515,000. "' n,t t.dl Do Rey (Q) '00 lift Duffy Elec1ri< 94•·117 -1601 Toyolo '94 Co•olla Lf Tt"1Wl!i Auto S.ile!. 714 t.<:iat I uwneo du< •"'1 loy Merm.ti. ~ l320 !lko~ 4(1h m1 ,,. 11 -• mo 4:J1 l~l '* 714 J28 322.8 8<111.><M t\lancJ MU\t ,., bcdut •II oµt nunP n~ u .--map SlltC. $ ll!(ll .............. ....,,.,_~~ I cl\U•• w .. , ·t • "'"e' Sl.,'JO(J <.ibo 94~7Cb 10&3 1utu 1a 11w "''"" ert~ CASH fOR CARS 1111. b• •ut ""' """' 'und Wf HUD YOUR CAR Jr7.,.,l91 S4'1Y~ 8rokt1 PAID fOR OR NOT Mercodu '00 1320 •4'-516 1181 PHILLl,S AUTO !6k •' 1ua1 mo lull www.ocpobl.<om I ASIC FOR MALCOLM BOAT REPAJRS/ SERVICES factory wd11 tu1quul\• --949-S74-7777 Ii•••••••• blue Ian tlh• '"'"'""'"I Vollu wo9en ·oo •••tie CO d11umt wllk 011t ''' Ilk'" \P•••hnL blic~ ·-------BOATS SLIPS/ tht low•st nnlt M•' dlm•.il •ul ' '"''unrl MOTOR HOMES MOORINGS/ ctdu ut lht yu1 111 I t D ..,,. pl •11• Y Nhl' c.111 •• .,.,,29, S?ll 9<J'> hh nrw •"'"410055 LAUNCHING/ hn11>e1nt ••••I a~. 949 "I '1'J'l Ion ' wa!l•nly I MotofHomes. ., 8 6 I II II II .... , "" ~"' '.>IJfi 1888 Rent 9355 STORAGE -. ..qoolio.com www oc-pobl c~ 9680 MOCIDH 280 '16 ""• owner all fPCO• ds w~ll kept &. dean I~ "'' $1490 949 640 6l88 VW 'ti hoot GLS V• 30fT MOTOll HOMI 93 n SU, AVAii.AiU IN NfW,ORT llACH S2SOO LIAS( 94t-500· IOOS Vdll .w. nn-t ~ S<Cl"' FOR RENT Lii(£ NEW <Ir.on ·~ SIO 9'b C ClA'>S SLIDE OUl ...., ...... 1,num 94'1 b4t> 7822 94 9 SI 5 2 30S HandymalV Home Repair , ........ i..-·. "°"'• 11....,1, S,eclollat Int•""' & E "er 101 A.pain 714 !JOI 64b& ~41BJ ROllNSON COM,ANY Kltodlr6 Wall.~ lllllf k 949 650 9525 THI HANDYMAN All wOf~ 1u1• anlee<I l'\lmlq. [lldral On..o F "5h arp a ~2'M-811> Huling JUNIC TO THI DUM"ll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TODAY! 949 sn 5S66 NNA'S HOUSf a.UHM; £...-~ Sana fer I!> ~1 ...... u-.d 714-S42-4656 IUT MOYOS SSS/Mr. s.ww,. c... lllu9d n6*4 m•z:w :m.o>'lflll«*I Moving & Stonge PUBLIC NOTICE Tht c.111 Public Ullhho Comm1~soon tequor~ lh•I •II US<!d huu>th d ~oods mover~ print thf'tr P U (; Cal I numbe• hmos •nO ch•ut1eu•s p11nl ll!cu T C P num~• in •It •d•tr loum~nh II you hoe •n1 qunlkln\ •bout the l•&•lll y ol • movrr t1mo or chauffeu• tall 'UIU< UTIUTllS COMMISSION IDO 177-8 .. 7 I Plumbing mm AllD DWI ClW9IG (94t) '4S-23S 2 T • L.._ , ""' •• '0 ., ''" "" ~'! ~EWER t£TllNC ELECTRONIC Sl"B lEAt< 0[ HCTION f llfndl, St rVICI 949 -67 5 -9104 -~com La "S2A91 M ,rl(I I Cloulc """°'Mott Nt * & Aemodelone Gn L•nt Coppe1 Repoe>c fony ,._ I •!>16/83 949 67!1 !>Ol!> HOHIST & llUSOMAIU PLUMBER l •!i06586 frer Est1 Sm repM"" Sitt, & ..... ,._, OCTfCU Dis<. 714 m 9150 Custom Hand Painted 'lllCISI 'lUMllNG ,,_.. & fau ~ Rtpa11s &. Aemodellnt1 ArtJK tor 1.-e Q.681-(B)i r RH lSllMATE (......_'• ....... 27'Vls l!IP L•687J98 714 969 1090 Greaf Prleef Cuw111teed n....1 o-..i..... worll Frff at L•l75602 rvut O'St'f- 714 538-1534 7 390-2945 • ... ,, , ... a s,. he. a'S CUST«Wa ,AINT'M Weetly Servoc:e Equip Prof'I. clun. quality .ari. melll Repan l1t1urtd l11ter1ot/eat elld dods. Cal t4t-2t2-717, L•703468 9'9 631 4610 '-Y-'•' ..... T09 Qu1kty Compet,tn.e lnleuor/ht l#M8221 Call Jlly 949 650 5066 UMOWa.al~ '-llnl~t. .._.,,-~ Quelity !Ob' rr" eabmet l'569897 714 ~ BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 SL" NUDlD ~ fl t \1 , ' A ,, •' ~ .. .,,J fl .... ,, 'f _.,, .. 721 9l'IJ .. J) "ll S.'ft' PUT A FEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 Tltl Sfa91nll ~ .. "''"''" W• llpapf Rll1ft0v II l -s11241 !M9JM)1111 your slUff ttrqh classified! Dally Pilot J SEEKm:=-~OFIND FIND THESE WORDS IN THE PUZZLE 6ELOW. 111 .... C llC Cll.B.A.M LAVKND~R HIDDEN BL\11' ~Ea.ALO P\JC& BkON<tK GOL.D aB:O C llAR'rllBU8 O lt.EEN TURQUOISE PICT U R E TM• ~~ ltllAO Utr DOWN ANO ACtt:CHl#I. s c H A R T R u s E A H D E M . E R A L D M A B x A N s R A E B R 0 N z E T y v R v T R c R E A M E u ~ji ·~-~ --·~ r ... c R N M p R 0 I N G u E 0 0 E G 0 L D R -~-----~ T u R Q u 0 I s E E J s y B L A c K R E D E F T B p u c E M What kind of dinosaur did the prehistoric cowboy ride? l2ol I 21I11 I s I 1 I 22 I s I 12 I 20 I 14 I 11I14 I 12 I Color in each space that contains a letter. I Swimming for all ages 5 & up. Includes adults. Serving the community for 30 years. For Info. (949)595·8824 1902·11 McGAw •• ..,,,NC. C..Un>OW<LA ne 1 • ( .. 9) 250-11 ff WWW noc>UN-.:& COM OCJlt TltAl/VlfVO SCJCCBSS HAS a/Slltv FIIATCJltl!D /,.. •hllii' ... S3!ll!I EiFii 1-w=:-........... - Sauet~ s~ ST. JOACHIM CATHOLIC SCHOOL • Pre-Kindergarten to 8TH gra~e • Qualified, credentialed teachers • School accredited by WAS C • On-site extended day care available 1964 ORANGE AVENUE, COSTA MESA (949) 574-7411 Contact: Cathy Dressler I ELEMENTARY • MIDDLE SCHOOL 6 5 •• 7 • 8 • . .-. 910 13 11• • 12 14 • • 15 .4 3 •2 • 1 . ,,.~ 17 Start Here • 16 PLAYMATES PRESCHOOL Since 1964 <;., ,~· . OF COSTA MESA -St PARK PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL Kindergarten through mkkle ~ • Developtne!1fal and Earty Childhood Education Programs For 2 Yrs. thru Pre-K &latJlitled In "" Principal Suzanne Lamond. M.A. Ed. REAOtNGll.ANGUAGE ARTS PROGRAM EMPHASIZING PHONICS STRUCTURED FOR HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS ONE & TWO·YEAR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM. Limited Openings EXTENDED CURRICULUM TEACHERS FOR: • Computer Education • ~nish • Swiryuning (pool on premi•) • P.E. • Nt • MuStC ln .. met Connection in Com~ Lab and Classrooms. Classroom comP.Ufwt & COfnP.U1W lob on premises. Reader, Referen<e & Audio Visual Ubra:s premises. CM.ntioled e.aChen. Smal single-grade clones. Sibling discounts. Cant Before & Aftw School. 6:30AM-6 P Non-Academic Summer Comp 261 Monte Vista Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ~wit!,.,...._..,.._. 949-645-5171 www.PartcPIMN.com Register Now For NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL PRESCHOOL A licensed preschool for 3 & 4 year olds Kindergarten Readiness Emphasized 8:15 -11:15 Monday -Thursday Begins September 15 $575.00 for 18 Weeks Call .WanCla Shelton (714) 848-1500 . =~-= ~~r:rrten • Potty Training Available Full ~ & Momi'1SI Half-Day Sessions Monday thru Friday 6:30am-6:00pm Director: Arlene Shapiro (714) 540-1919 Stale~. 300600796 795 Paularino Ave. • Costa Mesa located Between Bristol & Bear St. Affiliated with Park Private School Full. Time • Part Tune 7 :00 am to 6:00 pm AMI Alftllated Ages2 to 8 .. Bradt Bzav llJonteuorl 398 ~Dr .• Costl Mela (949) 548-3771 • ·-