HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-27 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2003 Ruling ntay 01ean D.A. drops case Supreme Court strikes down law allowing prosecution of old sex crimes. Former Costa Mesa pastor was arrested under law. Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A Supreme Court decision on Thursday to strtke down a California law that allows prosecution of old sex crimes may force the Orange County district attorney's office to drop Its case against a former pastor of a Cosca Mesa chun:h accused of molesting a local boy about 25 years ago. ln a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot retroactively erase stat· utes of limitations, a defeat for prosecutors · trying to pursue people accused of sex abuse, of- ficials said. The law was chal- lenged by Marion Stogner, a 72· year-old man accused of mo- lesting his daughters when they were children. Stogner is among hundreds of people charged under a 1994 California law that changed the statute of limitations for some sex offenses. The decision is "frustrating and disappointing" to prosecu- tors, said Assistant Dist. Atty. Rosanne Froeberg, who super- vises the district attorney's sex- ual assault unit. "But we have to be respectful of the Supreme Court's deci- sion,• she said. Froeberg said her office is double-checking. pulling out old ftles and reviewing cases to find out if any such accused of- fenders have been found guihy in the past and are spending time in prison. wlf SO, we need to put them back through the court process so it can be determined if the Supreme Court's decision tS go· ing to affect their case,· she said. Most of the cases are ·prob- lematic,· especially the one in- volving 68-year-old Denis Lyons, who served as pastor of St. John the Baptist Oturch on Baker Street for 18 ye~. He was ar· rested by Costa Mesa Police on April 25 in his Seal Beach home and charged with one count of performing a lewd and lascivi- ous act against a chlld younger than 16 and four counts of oral copulauon -all felonies. Police said the investigation began in the spring of 2002 when a 38-year-old Costa Mesa man complained that he had been abused by Lyons becween 1979 and 1981 dunng one-on- one counseling sessions. Thursday's decision is defi- nitely "not ~ctirn-friendly." Costa Mesa Det. Sgt. Jack Archer said. .. It hurts vicums:· he said. "But 11\ the law then:., nothing we lan do about it • Depury 01~t Ally Beth c o\ teUo, who is the pro!>t'c. uwr 011 the Lyons c~e. had t-arilt-r .. aid 11 was a .. ~trong cast'" ~uh proof of "subi.tant1al -.t-xual conduct" Archer, whose department in vesugated Lyoni.' ca'>e. said that case is now in the district attor ney's hands. He said that I'> tht" only Costa Mesa case whit h will be affected by the dec1s1on Newpon Beach has no '>uch pendmg ca~s chat could be af fected. Sgt. ~teve Shulman '>aid City Council approves final budget Economic downturn leaves Newport Beach little leeway in spending. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A mo mentous feat went pracucall) unnouced this week as the City Council finaliz.ed and ap· proved the c1ty•s 2003-04 budget '>cru1111111ng lt1\l 1111m11t- ~pending requt:'>t..,, ll'>tt:mng to some alarming <,tatl'illt'> or1 1ncrea'>ing lO'>t'> for rrnployi>e retirement benefit'> and ult1 mately la'>llng a unan1muu-. vote to approve thl' tit)\ tht SI 6l-m1lhon 'opt-nding plan right on tune "There have been '>lX hour' of public dl'iCU'>'>IOn" on 1hi .. so far." Ma\or Steve Bromberg said a'> the counul l'ntered "" final d1'>CU'i'>1on of the mailer on Tuesday night SEAN Hlll£R I DAI.. V Pll.O T Using three heavy load tow trucks , a runaway landscaping truck is pulled from a ravine off Jamboree Road. One tow truck was lifted off the ground while trying to haul the truck out on its own. Long after the network lV crews left Tuesday night"s counctl meeting. cameras full of footage on the controvers} surrounding Councilman Dick Nichols, the council wa~ In respome to a requL''' h .. re~tdl'nt Ron \\ in-.h1p ar till' June 10 council meeting tll} slaff reported th1\ \\.eel.. tha1 the lO'>t ot t-mplowe reure See BUDGET. Paee A4 The worst averted Work truck rolls into ravine, threatening to leak fuel into the bay. DHpa Bhar1th Daily Pflot NEWPORT BF.ACH -A fully loaded gardening truck towing a wood chJpper rolled down and plunged lnto a ra- ~ne lbursday mornin~ threatening to leak fuel into the bay. officials said. No one was hun in the in- cident that occuae:dat about 11 :25 a.m. The Hazardous Materials Team from the Orange County Fire Author· ity contained the leak. pre- venting the fuel from going into the bay, said Donna Bos- ton, spokeswoman for the Newport Beach Fin Depart· menL The truck bad been parked on Jamboree Road while workers were trimming trees and loading branches into the chi/per, she said. It rolled of[ an landed in th" ravine south of F.astbluff, she said. "This was a large truck loaded with a lot of branches, leaves and wood pieces,· Boston said. The truck was parked downhill with the brake on. It probably rolled off the street because it was too heavy, she said. wwe don't know what ex· actly caused it to roll down.· Boston said. The firefighters' immediate con cern was the leaking fuel, she said. WThat truck had 30 gallons and Game was also called out to confirm that no darn· age had been done. It took three large tow trucks to pull out the garden· ing truck from the ravine, Boston said. "Thafs how heavy the truck was: she said. ·ir someone has been in the truck or if someone had been bit, It could have been pretty bad.· of fuel in It, so It had the po-•DEEM BHAAAnt covers ten tJal to be dlsas!!.tr~OUSp, "....:Bo=S:....· _.z.:=b:::l:;;iC:.::sa:::.:f:.::.ety~a:.::,nd::..C::;O-:;.U:;;rt;:•·.:S::..:.he ton said. "It was also very may be reached at 1949 lucky no one got hurt." 574-4226 or by e-mail at The Department of Fish dtH1pa.bh11r11rh§latlme1.com. Residents concerned about string of robbery attempts Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.dallM>lotcan Neighbors of latest victim, who fo ught off the attack, say they all watch out for each other. D••P• lhareth OaityPilot CORONA DEL MM -Retl· dents of a eemte netgbbor· hood In th.It oceen·llde com· muoJty Mid they were ehocbd by an attempc.d robbery amt bappwd. ,_ .... trOm th* ..,,._ A 40-1'11f.oold .,..._ -•· tKbcl wlllft lhe pulliMI IDID her .,... on Wtda••dlJ ......... -=·· ........... lntnidlr .... his attempt to rob her. p0Uce said. 11Ua ii the third lnddent in a sering of aimOar attacb in the city. On June LO, an ~year-old woman wu pulbed to the ground and robbed in the ga· rap of her Dover Shores home, and another 5S·year-old Udo lale woman wu hJt on the bead UJd robbed to her drive· way. All thn!e lnddentt occurred ln the afternoon. All three ~C· dma ... w.rtn& Gpenlhe ~ pollCe eak[ No ... haw been ........ any al .... ... ,.. ,,.. .... tndlllill OCQllNd "' .... .,. lllDct al Nladlall ~ .............. . ............. ..,.., ..... .......... 0 1wt'ts Houses, many with picket fences. line both sides of the street. Police said the victim's chOd was in the car when &be wu at· taclted. Nel&b.bor Stephan.le Wallace Mid she would probably hew put up a fight If ber chlld wu in any kind or danier· •1 can undencu>d why I.he fought back," ft -.Id. •1t WU her matnnal lnStinct to protect berchild.• WellKe Mid lbe beUeWI the lnddtnt .. "unloi1umla, .... clinlntanddlKoi~· •11 mlldeabtl• •c•bal .. blllbl bMk. ........... . lhlnk .. \ ........ ~ ~. counpoua waman for . dl;llnl IMROI Uh, ,.M WEATHER ~ Fog should clNr for sunnv afternoon. S.hpA2 HAPPENINGS Surf attitt 8111 ~ wll be ln ,_ilpGft a..d'l to e6gn Pffr* °' .. WOftc. ... ,.... SPORTS fonwlrUSC~ c...,._ .. ....,.."" ..,. ...... ~ ...... ... ,...All Firework stands herald Fourth Some residents oppose the stands, which raise money for nonprofits. Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -The harbtn· g~ of the Fourth of July h~ve fireworks stands. But even before they open for business. some residents have adamantly opposed 6re· woO.S bemg ')Old m the Cl!} Costa Mesa 1c; one of onh five mies m the count) that .,u11 al· lows the sale of fire\\<Orks ·They're dangerotL'>. the) cause many 101un~ and chtl dren and ammals are <>eare<I tof them! and run a~av: ~d Anne Hogan Shemhevsky. who said she has bttn on a crusade to ellmmate fu?works for the past 15 year> cities to sell fireworks unle<>S offiaals decide otherwise ln 1990, a referen- Al Fridly, .AN 27, 2003 ... ON THE KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Cynthia Lucas, the co-owner of Boat and Breakfl)st, sits at a table for two with boat owner Art Downs on the back of his motor yacht Victoria on Wednesday. Lucas' business operates just like a bed and breakfast except guests stay on luxury yachts. Boating inn style . DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot I t's very much like a bed and brealcfa.st Only. it's on a boat Boat and Breakfast is a concept and a business that has eiisted in Udo Village for about 12 years. The business was started by Vili Boyadjiev in 1991. It was brought over by Todd and Cynthia Lucas in November. The company has several yachts in its 6eets that it sub ~to~mera "The yachts have their indMdual owners.• co-owner Todd Lucas llid. "We let lt out to our customers and then share our profit$ with the yacht owners.· WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT Is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the infonnation to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. BOAT RENTALS Electrtc boet ...m.11 ... ~ by the hour at Ou1'ry Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window endosurea and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. R818rvatlons are suggested. An hour rental la $75. (949)~12. ~ bNta.-.ctrk boeta, boogie boards, kayak.a, inftatable rafts, catamarans, bead\ furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1160. Gondole tourt ... ~by 1he Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost Todd and Cynthia Lucas run their Boat and Breakfast business out of Lido Village As a result customers. for instance, get to spend a night on board a yacht that coots $300,000 or $400,000 for $300 or $400 a night. he said "We can work a variety of packages and deals as part of a customer's stay.· Lucas said People who come to stay on the yachts could opt for cruises to Catalina or around Newport ~ for dinner and gondola rides, or even host parties or small weddin~ on some of the includes a basket of bread, dleese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondolli AdventurMINewpo 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pidcup ia available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Cout Chart8rl In Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 67&4704. Gondo&. Romance offws daity tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 676-4730. The tours go OU1 of Lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beacti. CRUISES hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 par cruise). Round-trip hotel or ofY·the-water restaurant ahutde bigger yachts. 'We could go anywhere from $225 for a nights stay to $5,000 for a cruise on a ll.UW)', $4 million yacht to Catalina. .. Lucas said. They partner with other busin~ on Udo Village such m spas. restaurants and bars to offer customeis additional services. Moo of the yadUs are docked off of Udo Vl1lage. but a couple are dock.ed el9ewhere in Newport Beach. he said. One o( the major challenges service is available. Pidc-up from restaurants with dodts is alto available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport lancing Sele II available for weddings and receptions, codctall and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $600 for the first two hours, plus $150 for eadl additional hour. (949) 361-3640. fun Zone 8oM Co. NM a 45-minute cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) and a 90-mlnute cruise (adults, $8; children, $1 ) departing from Balboa Fun Zone f1118ry 30 minutes from n a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 6().minute showboat sunset crulte (adults, $6; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Catdr18 ,......,., s.vice NRS 45-minute harbor crui ... (adults, $6; children, $1) and 90-mlnute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), f/l/ery 30 mlnutea from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. dally and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-6246. Daily A Pilot eo..IWllon News a•letant. (948) 574-4298 corat.wltson•IMlm..oom PHOTOQMPHER8 Seen Hlllef, Don Leed\ K."lt TtepCIOW VOL 17, N0.171 Nlw9Eaof'I Gina~. LOf1 Anderaon, Denlel Hunt. Paul s.ltowftz. Deniel SteYenl ..WSSTAff Q;me°::r~, (14115? ~•-...com ...... =··· NaWpOtt rspotW, . , .. ,PM232 June,oea., w••"""*·oom .... m.s.. ~ builf'-atld etMronment "'POftllr, IMI) 7MG30 jJM.ollnton • ..........,,. a..1111 ..... Colun'lnl9t, ouftuN nipofW, (141)~ IO#fli.,_,.,.,.,,,_,oom ....... "_ Coa&s MeM ,.,,..,, (Mt 114-4221 ~•.-..1raoom Cl k'& Jc.Im. E.,_iC8ioil ...,..,, (._, ....._ ~ ........... READERS HOTUNE (948) &42-eo&e Record your comments .t>cMlt the Delly Pilot Of news tlpt. MMe9 Our~ 11330 W. Bay St., Costa Mela, CA 92t27. Offtce hours are Mondey • Frld.y, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. Conaall>M 1111 the Piiot'• Polley to promptly COfT9Ct all em>r1 of tubli9nce. Pl...a call (IM8) 78M32A. FYI The Newport~ MeN 0.lly "'°' (USf'S-1.....c>o) i. publllhed dally. In N9wpoft 8eed'I and Cotta Mela, eubl0r1pdonl are avallable only by IUbacrfblng to The l1fMe Oranee County (IOOt 212·91'1. In.,..~ of Newpott ..._ _ eo... Mell. tubaoripdoi11 to ... Deity,.... .,.. ~•Ible Otttif by ..... melt few ao.,., '"°""" ,....._ ~ .. q'c , ... _ _. ... -.) ~ .... ....... ....,...'°.,......,.,. IMlhlCom .... Diiiy Not. '-Cl they face nmniDg the~ is the weather, Lucas said. "But now that summer's here. It's getting pretty busy." be said. Marketing the concept1.0 the public is also tough, Lucas said. "It's diJlicult to make people understand what were about. .. he said "But we're~ to advertise now. So hopefully. we'll have better response.. Lucas said it is a good feeling to be able to give people the opportunity to have a good time and the envtromnent to make happy memodes. "Just lasl Mek. we had two men who proposed to their girlfriends,• be said. "It's nice to be a part of someone's future." CNiM the helbor.,.,.. the Electra, a 1~foot Oasalc Fentail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 146 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A thrM-colne clnner end dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Eventa, 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bead\. The fee ia $69.96 per person on Fridays and $64 on Saturdays.. Brunett cruiaea also are available. (949) 631-2469. The c.lne Ayw> deperta from Balboa Pavilion at 9 Lm. daily and returns from Catalina Island at 4:30 p.m. $36 round-trip for adults; $20 round--trip for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-5246. . Homblau,,.,c6fs·,;r;11la Id dinner dance and Sunday champagne brunch en.tlaea on Newport Harbor that celebrate pampered Ml'Vlce. 2431 W. Cont Highway, Suite 101, Newport Beach. (949) 631-2469. Boi 1560, Costa M .... CA 9262e. Copyright No news storlee, lllustratlonl, editorial maaer or advettlllement9 herein can be reproduced without WT1aM pennlulon of copyrlght owner. HOW 10 MACH US Clr.u.tloft The Timet Orange County (8001252-8141 Adweftlllltt "• ..... (948) &42-N78 Dilt*IY (IM91 &42-4321 ldlOftlt N9wl (948)84.2-MIO ........ (Ml) 574-4223 ..... ,.., ... , ..... 170 ....... ,. (Mt) 890-0170 1""'911: dllllypllot•,,,,,,,__oom , MllltC-.. ........ c-.. (141) 142-4321 ........ Pa(M1)831-712t P'ublsl .. .,..l"'-~ ....... dMafon ofh Loi AngelM Tam.. . 0200altm.O..NA ....... ·--- THE HARBOR COLUMN Some laws just don't consider boating industry E veryone knows that boats and teak wood are synonymous and that you usually Ond teak somewhere on every boaL However, teak may become scarce, accordfns to the National Marine Manufacturers Assn., with the Senate passing legislation that ls now moving quickly through the House. The other night. I dreamt that I was consulting boat owners who had applied for a new vessel eel grass shading permit from the California Coastal Commission. The Commission had to MIKE approve the shadow WHITEHEAD cast under the water from boats before But wait Why does a bill •To sanction the ruling Bwmese military junta, to strengthen Bwma's democratic forces and suppon and recognize the National League of Oe.mocracy as the legitimate representative of the Bwmese people and for other pwpoees• a1fect the boating lndlJltrY'l Aa • aide effect or the legialadon. the U.S. boating lDdustty would be banned from importing Burmese teak, thus making teak smuggling a new black marltet. Tb.Ls could severely effect boating manulactureJ'I and boaters who me this durable wood for Ooorlng, trim wolk. mppon atructwea and many other appllcationa. Unfortunately, most leglalatora and envf.ronment.al.lata do not understand lssues affecting boating. The marine industry and boaters themsdves are also to blame, as they are mainly reactive. rather than active OD the iuues.. A perfect example ln Newport Harbor ls the eel grass problem that haa grown so far out of proportion that I do not see a reasonable solution ln the near future. The Newpon Beach Harbor Commission is very concerned about the unfounded eel grass regulations and they are trying to find a solution. However, I wonder about further eeJ grass regulations if the text of the law Is modified to Include the catch phase "harboring endangered species.· I have mentioned before in many columns that eel grass ls abundant in Newpon Harbor wtth no established baseline of how much is enough. Some locals beliew that the cleaner and clearer the bay water becomes, the more sunlight penetrates down to the harbor's bottom. The sunlight stimulates eel grass growth. Aa a side effect like the teak ban, the growth of eel grass is now affecting boating wlth shoaling. Aa a side note. I have to mention that the Water Quality Committee of Newport Beach, along wtth volunteer events like Oean Harbor Day. have done an excellent job of helping our wateiways. I WO that the da will come owners required to Install akyligbta to lessen the shadlng of the structures upon eel grass. the vessel could dock. Oh yeah, the dream ended when the eel grass grew up and consumed the boats. Those not knowledgeable about boating are quick Lo point the finger at boaters, and this i.a apparent in many news reports. Remember the news reports from the Mono Bay aree that atnce there are dying sea ottera then lt mmt be the boateo nmnlng over the autwes7 Yet. the otten are dying not from boaters but from landlubber'• pet cal'• waste being washed into the lea. Only cats' reces are known to carry oocytel or 7hmplamaa gondJt and Saroocystis newona. These protozoa'a cause brain infections ln sea otters leading to death. We must govern Newport Harbor with balanced solutions that do not mlcroipanage, yet addrea the whole picture, but th1.s is not going to happen without the involvement or the marine industry and end-usen. The tip or the week ii that Catalina lalaQd bas lnstalled a MW dedicated National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminlstratioo weather r:adJo transmitter. Boat.en can DOW receive information about Ottatina and the San Pedro Cbaonel with more up-to-date conditions filling in the void that always existed ln the administration's previous weather broadcasts. A grant from the U.S. Department or Agriculture's Rural Utility Service was approved that pald for the equipment and the transmitter installed in the hills above Avalon. You can receive the new information on weather Channels (162.525 MHz) with your marine band radio or any radio that receives National Oceanic weather channels. The new weather station Is an added bonus to boaters beading over to the island this summer incmuing boater safety. Now. all we need ls Boating weather buoy in the San Pedro Cllannel to view on the Internet for current conditions. • "9CE WttrTB4EAD la the Pilot'• boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related tho~hts and story suggestions by •mall to MfbflBoathouN7V.c:om or vlah Boathouu TV.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Onfy a alight v8riatlon on the forec:Mt tod8y: The morning plltthv fog wMI r9duce YistbHlty to one QUalter of a mh. It'll bum off fot • modV eunnv ~.end return 8t night full force. Highe will be beitMln 75 and• degreet. Lowlwtllbe~-·67end lldegP11a. .............: WWW.,,...,noN.(lt:IV BOATING FORECAST Not much 11¥111 be dlff9r• it on 1he Inner end OU1ef...,. todly. Nothing but YaNbte wtfMle 10 "'°" °' llgtWW end 2~ww.. Onlv the ... Ylftel. On .. 1nn1r-.. ......... ... .................. ................. ... .......... ftlihl. ,.... ....... .. .............. ....., .......... .. OeJ\M fog COV9f'l evecythlng eftermldnlght. SURF The aouttiw.t swett .. rtceelng. but 1her'9 .,. ltMI "-t·end ~to be found. EJCpeCt no t*P from 1 notthwe9t ... 1htt't mGYtng on the Nol1hem CINfomla co.t 10dlly, but •etv to enub Southern Celffomle • lt'I o.t-.~ ... ~The nuttoUthwea .... .,... Mondly. --...-r. ~Otg TIDES n. 3:211.m. 1:111.m. 2::0lp.m. 1:21p.m. WATER TlllFIMW ...... Rehearing limits favored City Council plan to limit overrides of commission de cisions passes first test. June CH•arande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACH -A plan to limit council members' power to override Planning Commis- sion decisJons passed its first test, but at the same time drew some serious concerns. "In my experience, to create a policy or law just to address the actions of one individual is a bad idea." Councilman Gary Ad- ams said. The individual in questi on 1s Councilman Dick Nichols. whose record of revis iting Plan- ning Commission decisions prompted his colleagues to con- sider changing city po licy. A council member can "caJJ up" any decision by the Plan - ning Commission for reconsid - eration by the council. Doing so n ullifies the commission's previ- ous decision and treats the mat- ter as a new hearing. A planning commissioner has the same power to caJI up decisions by the city 's Modifications Com - min ee, a group of staff members who rule on property owners' requests for minor exceptions to city design and building gujde- llnes. After Nichols called up five planning decisions in seven m onths -more than any other 1.i1ting council member -some o f his colleagues suggested changing the rules to require at least two councll members to call u p commission decisions. uThe idea was not to limit the number of call ups," Adams said. ·1 think lhe objective is to limit the number of indiscrimi- nate and foo lish call ups.· Councilman John Heffernan suggested lhat future call-ups should focus only on the spe- cific derails of concern to the councilman who calls them up. That way, he said, staff mem - bers don't have to spend as much time preparing staff re- ports -u you're only contesting three items, to save staff time and money, maybe we should only look at those three items,• Heffernan said. Adams disagreed, arguing that the only way to h ave a fair hearing is to revisit the entire is- sue. The rest of the council sided with Adams, voting 5 to I to bring back the matter at a fu- ture council meeting without Heffeman's provision. The item will probably appear on the next council agenda for a final vote. House of Tiki Warehouse Sale Don't mi ss our One Day Sale of Bamboo and Other Tropical Furn iture! One Day Only! • Saturday June 28th • 9am to Spm Our Wareho sue is IOC4tt d at: 1725 M onrovia, #D., Costa M tsa, CA (949) 642-8454 Fem to be honored with tea tree Environmental group will a\·va rd Fern Pirkl e, who secured Crystal Cove Sta le Park land. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A group of old-guard e nviro nmentalists will honor o ne of their own Sat- urday during a ceremony al a lo- cal park. Fern Pirkl e, who hve1> in Co- rona dcl Mar, said she is hon- ored to be receiving the annual achievement award from Stop Polluu ng Ou r Newpon The group gwe~ out the award each summer to honor the com- munity member "whose accom- phshmen1' in promoting envi - ronmental awareness have d1511 ngu1shed" them ·~he has been a good rn11en ind .1 lt·adt•r," said Allan Beek, a 1iro111 111Pnt lo cal activi~t who sits 1111 thl· group\ board. ·1 he group will honor the 76- ycar-old Pirkle at 11 a.m. Satur- day at the Bonita Canyon Sports !'ark., which is near lhe in1ersec- 11on of rord Road and East New- port llilb Drive ·A Melaleuca tree -more 1 ommonly known as a tea tree -will be planted at the park to honor P1rk.le's more than two decade-; of environmental ac11v- 1'>m. The group 1s g1vmg Pi rkle 11., hank. and Frances Robin'ion 1-nvironmenral Award . chiefly for her role as talisman of f-nends of the Newpo rt Coast. The award 1s named for the well-known Newport Beach couple who led the effort to pre- serve Upper Newport Bay. "I'm 1ust reaJly honored." Pir- kl e said. After graduating from UCLA in the 1950s, Pirkle got a job as a school teacher. While living in Kentucky in the late 1960s, the seeds of her activism were planted. Pirkle served as presi- dent of the League of Women Voters of Louisville and Jeffer- son County from 1967 to 1970. She was aJ1>0 a founding mem- ber of the Kentucky Civil Liber- ties Union. In 1970, she moved to Corona del Mar P1rk.le served as a vice president of the Oran ge Coast League of Women Voter!> and was a founding member of the Orange County Ttansportation D1'>tncl'!t c1t11ens advisory com- mittee. But her biggest accomplish - ment, by her own reckoning. came in the 1980s, when she took on the lrvine Co. Pirlcle filed two lawsuits lhat ultimately forced the Irvine Co. to set aside more than 70 acres fo r open space and sell the land for Crys- tal Cove State Park.. In that way. the planting of a tree is more than appropriate. since the Robinsons also won the preservation of Upper New- port Bay through the couru. "I think it's potentially inter- esting and appropn ate," Pirk.le ~d. "Not many p eople know about that connecuon. • In November, Pirkle'!> group announced they were renanung their group to Friends of the Newport Coast fro m Friends of the Irvine Coast. Bello Notte Linen s -Adult & ~ House Inc. Linens -Adult & Baby Mom Maternity -Woo Diopei Bags furniture Accessories • 2~ Off ·~ Now thru July 81 A ll Sale5 F Food and Wine held for food and soup Festi val a t South Coast Plaza raises funds fo r charities tha t feed the need y. Me rle Hatieberg. 75. started the soup kitchen in 1986 with a ~ingle pot of oup. Her organiza- llon has evolved to feed about 250 people a day. She said she is grateful for the financial sup- port. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MF..!>A -!>outh Coa5t Plv,a ho<;ted a culinary extrava- ganza Thursday with its 11th an n uaJ Food and Wine-Fesuval The festival between Crate & Barrel and Macy's Home Store featured a panoply of culinary nches from restaurant~ <such as Bluewater Grill. Lawry's Carvery and Wolfgang Puck Cafe. The event raise'> funds for rwo GETTING INVOLVED • GETI1NG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basi1. For Information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. PROJECT CUDOLE Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization, serve• the needs of abused, abandoned and d11.1g-exposed dllldren. In addition to office help and once-a-month, 12-hoor hotline shifts, volunteer• are needed for an auxiliary group, fund-raising committees and to help distribute atldcera to stop bable-from being abandoned in trash bins. The organl.ratlon also needs donated i it ma for mothera and babies. (714) 432-9681. PROJECT TOGETHER Project Together leeka adult volunteers to establish a trusting, one·to-one relationship with dlildren atreued from family problems end abuse. This oompontmt of the Orenge County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health SeMc:es of'fera trelnlng end supervflk>n for the progrem. Meny of the c::Nldren are economk:ally deprived, victims of neglect or both. (714) 860-M44. READtNGBYt The mentor reeding progrem leeks "°'untMn to reed to ltUdenta In ldndtrgMen through the third grtde. In Coctl Men: 111 ·\IPllll I .\ --,, I ( I \ ,'\ ' \ I\ I . I I " • • nonprofi t organizauon., -the Second I larvest Food Bank of Orange County and !>omeone Cares Sou p Kitchen in Costa ~fesa. "It's a fun event and raise<> money for an invisible pan of Orange County." ~d Anion Seg- erstrom of South Coast PlaJ..a, who ongmally -;elected the char- llles Segerstrom noted that every doUar rai'ed at lhe fec;tival goe' 10 the nonprufit organ11.a11onc, Pomona Elementary Sdlool, (949) 515-6980; Whittier Elementary Sdlool. (949) 515-6898; Wilson Elementary Sdlool, (949) 515-6995; and New Shalimar Leaming Center, (949) 640-0396. need help for students in reading, writing and English. Mentor sessions may be scheduled from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m .. and after sdlool from 3 to 6 p.m .. Monday through Friday. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Costa Mesa youth organization is looking for volunteers to help create a "It 's wonderful." Hatieberg said "They have been doing 11 for I 1 years. It '>Ure puts a lot of beans in the-pot.· I.Ast year. the soup kitchen re- ceived about $26.000 wtuch was used for general operating ex- penses Th e orgaruzauon ')tarted a fU· 1onng p rogram last year and was able to double the n umber of positive alternative for people 12 to 23. Vo lunteers are needed to help in areas sudl as boxing, sports. health, fitness, aerobics and academic tu1oring. (949) 548-3255. SERV1CE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other busineu professionals to help 1mall buainesse1 succeed by leading seminars and coadung entrepreneurs online. The corps Js a nonprofit dlaritable organlzatioo composed of 11.500 volunteer business mentors. both wo~ng CONSIGN •DESIGN Quality Furnishings cl Acctssorlt1 For Your Holflt Small Black I>e:sk ...................................... -........... -•• $1(M)" Game Thble ..•............. -.......................... _, ........ -•• -•. Sl,50" Pair of Black Leatber/Otrome Bantools---S175" COlintry Fre-ncb Wing CMl.r ............. I II 1111111111111UW' Sectlollll Wa.......................................... . ............ S99S9 Set ol Sb WtchcoCk Chain..--...:. .. ..Jl,ar students it reaches th.is year. II is also considering starting a pro- gram that will help parents assist their children with homework. The festival spread out over all three floors of the Center Coun area. The mellow rhythm of South American music from Al - turas filled the air. Helene DeNoi of Costa Mesa came with a friend who was celebrating her birthday. DeN01 started the everung with a creme bruJee from Oaim Jumper. "I always lilce to support Sec- ond Harvest Food Bank.· DeN01 said. ·it's a fabulous chanty and they do so much good.· and retired, who counsel businesses from nearly 400 offices throughout the country. (714) 550-7369 SENIOR MEALS AND SERV1CES INC. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound senior citizens residing in Costa Mesa who a re not able to prepare their own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meal• for them. Volunteers are asked to donate at least one hour per week for a six-month period. (714) 840-6611 or (714) 891-0804. DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVl!\16 l\IECE!i§ARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacv Sheers • Silhouette window shadings • Vignette windo\\ shading • Duette honeycomb shades • MiUeniaT\t Collection • jubilance™ roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenette N Soft fold™ shadings World's Best ON-SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 l/11111/11111 \ lb•11111,1t11111 l11t IJ11.1l1t11.1111/ .,,.,,,,, • .,.,,,,,. 1•r •. final · clearance! -70%0ftl LADIES' SUMMER SHOES, HANDBAGS & ACCES ORIE Stzes 4 to 12 in a pat selection of widths! CorotMi o.l M-. ~ • '"MoaldoAW. (c:oraa Ol lllltArillllr wt POt) • 9'9'-721-1,25 .,...__. ·e ... am Friday. *-!1, FU PHOTO /OM. Y PILOT Elliott Thacker, left, and Cory Adler arrange shelves at the Newport Harbor hockey fireworks stand last year. FIREWORK Con1mued from Al dum on selling fireworb was put on the ballot. but residents were evenly divided. The measure was purely advisory. and the Clty Council decided not lo take any action because the vote was so close. The city only allows the sale of safe-and-sane fireworks during a three-day window, from July I to 4. Fireworks sales benefit the nonprofit groups that sell them, such as the Lions Oub and the Estancia High School baseball ream. City Councilman Mike Scheaf· er, who is involved with the Lions Oub. said the dub got involved with fireworks sales three years ago when its longtime fund· raiser, the F"ish Fry, was put on ice over a lawsuit "'We needed a project 10 raise funds, and that was an easy one for us to do," Scheafer said. BUDGET Continued from Al ment pack.ages is expected 10 skyrocket. For the com ing fiscal year, the city will pay about $9.5 mil· lion into the Public Employee Retirement System, a state-run fund that pays retJrement ben- efits for many public em- ployees. Next year, the amount that the city must pay into the retirement system will rise to $14 million. In 2005·06, It will likely increase at an even great· er rate. *It's going to hurt. no ques· ti on about it,• City Manager Homer Bludau said Thursday. Because police, fire and other safety employees get benefits about six times that of other city employees, retirement costs for this group represent the bulk of the city's costs. Of the $9.5 million to be spent in the coming year, about $7 mil· lion is for these saf'ety em- ployees. · Because of the continuing economic downturn. the budget is a status quo spending package wtth UttJe room for play and, thtU, Uttle room for debate. A few OnaJ supplemen- tal 1pend.J.ng requesu c~ated only minor controversy among council memben Tuesday. ROBBERY Continued from Al what lhe dJd." Wallace Mid It It natural for people in the nelahborbood who ate uted to Ceellng aafe to develop •a new aenae of inlecu· rfty." "But owt la a unaJ.I, dOM-kntt ndghborbOod, and we look out for each otbet here," she aald. Nancy ~ wbo bM lhed 01'1 chat ttreet fol 62 ,..,... MJd lhe .. lbocbd ~ °" lnddem. bUt 11 ·no1 too wocn.d about It.· -rm .... o1 ..., turraillid- 1Q81 lndJ .. ~ldom, ..... f Scheafer said the club usually took in about $6,000 a year from lhe sales. but that amount was split with whatever other group was·running the booth with the club. Even though the Fish Fry is back. the Uons Oub is sdll sell· ing fireworks. This year, the club is sharing a firewotb stand at 17th Street and Newport Boule· varc:I with the Estancia baseball team. Fire Chief Jim Ellis recom - mends using common sense and caution when setting off fire . works. •Parents should be setting them off, not children," FJ1is said On July 4, the fire crews from each station will be patrolling their areas. They will be on the lookout for illegal fireworb and will also be visiting block parties to create a higher profiJe during the holiday, Ellis said Fire personnel will be collect· ing data for the county on the nwnber of fireworb·related ac- tivities in the city. Bromberg and Councilman Tod Ridgeway hammered out a compromise on how to help out the Corona del Mar Business lmprovement District. Ridge· way said it was inappropriate for the city to pay $6,750 to cover half the cost of printing the business directory. ·1 think underwriting a chamber or commerce is inap· propriate." Bromberg said. After some back and forth, he agreed to ch1p in $5,000 for the annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race and another $10,000 for the annual O:uistmas Walk. Bromberg also agreed to drop the request to help fund the dJ- rectory, but promised to try to commit a little of bis annual discretionary budget funds for the district. "They've done so much for the city, they deserve this," Bromberg said. •it won't be much, but It will be some· thing." Gary Proctor got his wish for funding for two projects in bis district: $60,000 for some dredging in the West Newport waters for envirorunentaJ and navtgatlonaJ improvementa and another $15,000 for the Welt Newport Rejuvenadon Project. Proctor said be hopes the money will aet in motion future beaudficadon projects for the area. sa.ld. •But you can't protect younelf aga1nlt everything.· Leal.le ThJah MJd she saw the entire lnddent unfold Wedn • d81, afternoon. My concern right aw.y wu I! aomeone wu hurt." she Mi.d. •1t WU tWy, espedaDy Jn a netgb· borhood wtth chOdren where we an lib to come Ind &It out- lkle. We have an open aer1M of conamunlty.. AD the Mme, the lilddent wOJ not ttop h« from ae.dfnr her nOinial we, n..h lllid. •rm not J1w1n11n fim berm• of ... •a&1ent,• ebit ....... •Jt'I not ... to Mp me hm COID• lnloualde." --Daitij Pilot NewpOrt man dies on Mt. Whitney Bob Larkin, 64, was returning to camp with his wife when ac<:ident occurred. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot Nixon said. seardJ party to look for Bob Lat· kin. Nixon aald. They couldn't find him, but a lone hiker apot- ted Latkin about 6 a.m. SUnday, he said. In Newport Beach. He was beach volleyball enthusJ.ut. a ski racer and a member of the BaJ. boa Ski and Sports Oub alnce 1984, Hanlon safd. NEWPORT BBACH -A 64- year-old Newport Beach man died Saturday night from inJu· rles he suffered during an accl· dent while climbing Mt. Whit· ney in the Stena Nevada mountains, Inyo County Sher~ iff's Department ofllclals &aid. The couple decided to take a shortcut and slide down in a snow chute because they bad forgotten to take a tluhllgbt and it was getting dark. he said. But the chute picked up speed, and th.ough Jacqui Larkin was able to stop herself from falltng, she saw her husband continue down the slope out of control, Nixon said. · A U.S. Forest Service helicop- ter found Larldn at about 9:•5 Lm. and Oew him out to Lone Pine Airport, he said. Larkin was active ln his New· port Beach community and par· tlclpated in several acdvities, friend Maxine Hanlon said. ~He even volunteered to clean the beaches," she said. "He was In fantastic shape and just a very happy and positive person.• Bob Larkin and his wife, Jae· qui, 70, had reached the moun- tain summit at about 5 p.m. Sat- urday and were getting back to their base camp. Sgt. Randy Jacqui, who had a cut to her bead, managed to inch her way down the ice and get help from hikers, who put together a Larkin also ran a team for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation's Race for the Cure ONGOING EVENTS • Send ONGOING EVENTS items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to milco.swanson~latimn.com; byfaxto(949)648-4170;orby calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing it available at www.dailypilot.com. YoluntMr ~.,.needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared mealt to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or coolcing for themselves through "Mobile Meats: sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more infonnation. 'tbga ct..... wUI be ofJ9'9d Tuesdav-and Thursdaya from noon to 12:40 p.m. at West Newport Communily Center. Registration 11 $64 for one class or $1DO for both day1 a week for Newport Bead'I residents. Others pay an addilional $5. For more infonnatlon. call (949) 644-3161. The men:ttam. of S.lboa VIiiage will hold a seaside Craft Merchant and Fanner'• Market at Peninsula Pa rte near the base of the Balboa pier in Newport Beach every Thursday through Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The martcet will include fresh organic produce, freshly cut flowers and arts and crafts. For.more infonnation, call (7 14) 636-2213. CoN Me.a'•~ DfvWon will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Communhy Center weekdav-from 6 to 8 p.m., Sarurdav-fr9m 11 a .m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundaya from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 6 to 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, games, craft.a, prizes, cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties coat $250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 764-6168. Five new wine. will be Mnled on Bayside Restaurant's terTace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $16 per person. For more lnfonnatlon. call (949) 721-1222. Newport Dunes Reeort't "Movies on the Beach" will run every Friday and Seturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at du16t. Guests are Invited to bring their favorite cuta of meat The resort will provide the rest for $7.96 per person. The filma will be shown on a large screen In the und on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Parking it $8 per car. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. A varhrty of pwMrtie, Mm~ anq group swim leuons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeeon Aquatic Center at Corona ct.I Mer High School. Optlons lncluct. one-o~ne Instruction on Saturdav-and a Monday through Thuradey program for all eges and levels. For ....ion dat9s, time. and com, call (948) 644-3151, or register In l*'IOfl It Newport Beech RecfMllon and Senior SeMces at 3300 N9wport Blvd. Chlcltw\. ..... end adults can now reglttllt for summer rec:reetlonll boed~ dalMI offered through Newport Beech ~ SeMctl. ct ..... begin Jutv 12. Feee vary. Call (949) 8"-3151, orvltlt the Newport Beed'I Recf'Ntlon and SenJor StMcee. 3300 ~rt Blvd. for~ lnfonnetton. School in Costa Meaa. For lnfonnatlon or to register, call (714) ~-Pre-registration it required. The Rrtt Page -Ane Chlkhn'a Booka, at 270 E. 17th St, No. 10 In Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondaya,Wedneaday,Fridaya and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdaya and Thursdaya from 4 to 6 p.m. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 646-6437. •Abltnct Worb on Canvu and Paper," an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on dl-s>lay at the Newport Bead1 Central Library through June 30. The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener'• "Washed Away" aeries, created by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it llWflY to suggest the passage of time. For more infonnation, call (949) 717-3816. AWllrd-winnlng wortca by Orange County artists working in an arTay of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27. for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 717·3870. Baytlde Restaur11nt In Newport Beacti offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $16 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721·1222. tf your orchid is too big for ttt pot, Green Systems lntematiohal will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. every Seturday. A plant aale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 766-1211 for information. Discover the MCnta of C.rbon Canyon Regional Parle: as you walk through grovea of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-6262 for more information. Teem Survivor, 1 nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hoa1s "Walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month In front of NIKEgodeu store In Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fltne11 levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. N.wport Community Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the aupport group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stand• for aafety, awarene11, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondaya from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more tnformattoft, call(~) 721-8079. TMna ere lmm.d to drop by the city of Cott• Me.a Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Mondav through Friday for Indoor and outdoor aporta and activities. The center It at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7660. The~ IMd'I Waiting Club meeta at the comer of Superior end Hospital Road In ~ BNd'l et 9:15 e.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For mont lnformatlon, call (949) 650-1332. The H.l:U'pOf't .... C.lirie DecOratlng Club meett from 7 to I p.m. Thul"lday nights at Superior end Hospital Road In NMport BNch. For more Information, call (949) eM-1332. hAaan.oflueln•• ........ halts• necwottfng meettng that dttl1 wfttl eduoetlon oonnedk>M from 8 to 8:30 p.m. on tht a.cond Tueeday of eYlf'Y monlh .... Holdlv Inn ... ,., lrtinot8L.C...Mlle.Formore lnfotmldon. Clll (M) IOM01t. •oev..c,. ............ . a~ tor"*' end women clYOf'Cltd Of gllllng dM)fC9d, •• '-'d from 10 e.m. to 1J:IO p.m. et 1• Nauport~ Drtwon .. Md ..... °' ewry mioftdt. c. .... '°',,.. # information, caill 644-6436. The Newpof't 8MCtt Public Ubrary hosu an hour of storiet and craft• for children In kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona def Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesday•. The library la et 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717·3800. FrH tourt of the Or11nge County Performing Arts Center take guest• to the dresting rooms, performer'• lounge, badcatage and on stage at 10:30.a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Meaa. Group tours can be held by special arTangement. For more Information. call (714) 658-ARTS, e>C"t. 833. The Newport e..c:h Newcomen Club hold• e general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organltatlon i1 open to all women retidenta in Newport Beach who have lived In the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 646·9922, or v11it newcomers-newportbesch.org. OHi• Senior Cant. holds 1 pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast include• pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center la at 800 Marguerite. Corona del Mar. For more infonnation, call (949) 644-3244. Macy't South Coast Pfau presents ·worbhop Wednesdaya: A Hands-on CookJng Claaa Program· hosted by chef Aleo Guevara. The cl11s is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdaya at 3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, la $30. To reaerve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga end rhythm, "Yogartlythmict" combines yoga, dance and fun. The ciaas i1 held from 4:30 to 6:45 p.m. Tueadays at 2850 Meta Verde Drive Eaat. Suite 111 , Costa Meaa. For more information, call (714) 764-7399. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit "Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediacovering Callfomla'a Marine Art Master;" through Sept 30. The museum ia at 161 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more infonnatlon, call (949) 673-7863. Interfaith couplee wtth one Jewiah partner are Invited to participate In a discoulon group et the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. Tti• group la geared towerd dealing with i11ues between Interfaith couples. auch aa raising children, observing holidays, symbol• in the home and reletlonthlpt with extended famlllea. The cost for three Sfftlona It $45 per couple. PrereglstratJon la required. Call to tchedule date end time. The office fa at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Meta. (714) 4'45-4950. Women 50 and older can )otn a diacuatlon group coordinated by Jewiah Family S.rvfcea to addreu luuea auch H anxiety, depreatlon, relatlonshlpa, loMllnea and ftmlly. The group mfftl from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Monday• at the agency offk:ea, 260 E. Balcer St, Suite G, ea.ta M .... Pttreglstretlon 1'9qufr9d. (714) 44M960. ,.._..of h N.wporta..Cih Public Ubrtry UMd Book Store are uklng for patron• to donate booka to replenleh tht dwtndllng ttodt. Booka may be left at •nv of th• three brand\ llbren.a - Balboa, Mer1ntf'I, or Corona dtl Mar -or In the boot clotet next to tht Ftltndt Boot StoN, at 1000 Awcedo lwe., Newport IMcih.All ~.nd ~donettona, with the mcceptlon of '"'8dnee end a.w boob, wtH be.....,.... Md ere w deductlble. (MO 719-18e1. The .... ...._ ........ oompuW .... to.,..,,,.. .... fedlnil ~ wfM» l'MMdiflcUIY ...... ...,.., ..... n.. OlmlC...etDM111u1tt1e Jacqui Larldn said in a state· ment she issued th.rough Han- lon that her husband wu ·the moat posidve and upbeat lndJ- vidual you can ever meet.• Bob Larldn ls survived by his wife; daughter Sheila Larkin: son Bob Larkin; stepsons Jamesi Greg, Richard and John Paley; three granddaughten; nine step grandchildren; mother Pauline Larldn and brothers Jack. Den· nis and Allan Larkin. The family is still planning services, Hanlon said. Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six aesalona. Call to tlgn up for claues. (714) 821·6000. A tplrttual caN dau meeb et 7:16 p.m. Wednesdaya 113400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a aeat. (949) 263· 1462. The Costa M... Chamb« of Commerce host• networking luncheon meeting• Wedneadaya from 11 :46 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Meaa Country Club. The coat It $14. The club la at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Meaa. (714) 885-9090. A bnln tumor 1upport group meets the flrtt and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. l!rt the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Ho1pital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group it designed to help patient.a and their families understand and cope with the illneu. (949) 674-6232. St. Andrew's ~n Church hoat.t a mental Illness 1upport group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundaya in Dierenfleld Hall C at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County apon1ora a discussion group for adult children and their parenta from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tueadaya a month at the Jewi1h Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Coate Mesa. $10 per peraon, per aeuion. Preregistration required. (714) 446-4950. The J9wtah Family Selva of Orange County haa a weekly parenting support group. Parent.a leam strategies for suc:ceuful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their chlldren. The group meeu from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Monday• at the Jewl1h Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Com Meaa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer preHure chlldren experience. Preregl1tration required. (714 ) 446-4960. The Costa M... Senior c.nw haa ballroom dancing wtth live mu1ic from the Costa Meta Mutic Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) f>C8..38M. Jew'9h Femlty s..vtc. of o,.,.. : County aponsora an ongoing healing aupport group for the chronically ill. The purpo .. la to provide participant.a with emotional and spiritual aupport to manage llln ... and It• • consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdav-et the Jewish Femily S.rvkle office at 260 E. S.ker St., Costa M .... Attendance It free, but registration It required. (714) 44~. 8crabb&e Cklb No. 3IO mNta from 6 to 10 p.m. Thuradaya at Borde,. Booka, Mutlc & Caf6 at South Coast ptaz.a, 3333 BNr St. In Costa MeN. $3. New pleyera are welcome. (949) 208-9822. .. .. JewWlFefnlya.vtoe ... '• ongoing berNvement support groupt for edutt. 1t ell ~of .. lou. Group rnembert there ~ txperiencee, hear how othert ; • deal wtth grief, '9C9fve support •: and INm wtyt to cope wtth :: aad'nea Ind lou. One groYp •• me.a at 7 p.m . TUMdeyt It a.th .. Jacob In lrvlne. The MCOnd , .. groupmeeta11101.m.~· at Temple Judie In l..-guna Hffte. :~ The third group meeta at 1 p.m. Thundaya at the &re c.nc.r In : Anaheim. Ftw, but adWnct reglstrltlon .. ~. (714) .... 0. Oii1Y PilO ' f nday 27, 2003 M FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letten: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Ruden HotfiM: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mall:Send to dallypllot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edrt all subm1u1ons for cJanty and length MAILBAG READERS RESPOND Gm 't we all just get synchroni zed? Although I usually am supportive of solid, planned deveJopments, the one accompanying factor that is d~finitely making our qual11y of htt' worse is traffic. being built by the Irvine Co. without the benefit of a vote of residents while a t the same time opposing the JOO-room Regent resort that builders are voluntarily going to what the people want. Where's Nichols? While Newport Beach's main anertes (Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Boulevard, MacArthur Boulevard and Jamboree Road) are a respectable slx to eight lanes wide, traffic continues to muddJe aJong from stoplight to stoplight. With aJJ of the technology available, why can't the traffk engineers seem 10 get it nght and keep our traffic flowing'? I fail 10 see any succesi.ful traffic signaJ synchroni.zauon to l..eep the main arteries Dowing -espec1aJly during peak periods. The weak attempts at this now severely understates current traffic volume-. and misread traffic pal!erns. Now this should be the true goaJ of GreenJight Do any other drive" ft.'el my pain and frustrauon? STEVE M. STEC Newpon Bl·..i1.h More hotel s mean · more touri st . more has!o,le~ My opinwn dbout d rc.,on near Pelican Hill C,olf Uub I'> I 1h1n L vve already ha\-c t:nough people in 1h1!> area We ha\e enough tourists. The traffic 1s aJread\ -.o bcid you can hc1rc.ll) get from point A to point H. I th1nlc: Lh1.,.., overkill I'm ju'>I 1otally aKa1n ... t bULlding anything mort' up tht're There l'i al ready tom or holt'h arounc.l here that people can U'-e CAROLE DUESLER Newport Aeac. h Are Greenlight's action~ incon. istent '? Hes1denh neec.l 10 quec,uon tht· hypocn'>y of C..ret:nlight td~ng a pos111on on a JL4 room hott'I LARRY MORGAN Newport Beach Do nonprofits need reve nue from fireworks? As usual. the fireworks stands are erected. every year, in Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa is one of the few remaining communitie!> in ~outhern California that allows · 'iafe and sane" fireworks 10 be put into the hands of local resident!> and those who might dnve in from communities that haw more "sane" regulations I he organ11ation!> that operate retail operations out of these '>tands claim locally beneficial nonprofit organizations as the final beneficiary of the funds ra1c,ed from the sale of firework'>. I'm all for 1he nonprofits. I know they have a difficult time raising fund'> I 1u..1 feel that sales of 1m t ndiary device!. 1s not the way to promote community issues lo.,ta ~tc .. a ha' been pre11y lul k) retenll~ '\o home!> burnec.l du\\ n by 111appropna1e U'>e of hrewor~. no one lulled or maimed. Al lea!>t recently I m a' eteran dnd I celebra1e our country's independence. I JU'>I think that the handling of explo~ive and dangerou" device-. I'> hener left to the profe'>s1onah. I he -.how at the Duner, will go un \Ve can all gather there to ct-lehrate the h1rthday of our nalion I'd appreciate the (JI) < ounril outlawing my neighbor<." right to '>et off inct.'ndiary device'> that rmght burn down my hou'>e 111 '>ome '>Ort of ~celehra11on " Other cornmun1tie'> figured 11 OUI ALAN SANDOVAL Costa Mesa AT ISSUE: Should Newport Beach City Councilm an Dick Nichols resign because of comments many find ra cially insensitive? C.,ee. what a surpnse. Diclc: Nichols doesn't )how up for the council meeting. C,01 a note from his doctor? What's next? Tht.' dog ate has homework? His wife writes the Daily Pilot to defend her hubby How cute. I ley. Mr. Nichols. you were t:lec1ed to ... 1.and out in front and repre-.ent the ( 11y of Newpon Beach. Stop hiding behind your wife's skirt and face the music. No one caused this mess other than you. JOHN LARSON Newpon Beach lllt~re 1!> no problem if you criticize while folk.., Uut. 1f yo u say anything agaimt hlatl..s. )e\\S, Launos or Native Amencanc,, you v.ill be severely repnmanc.led :"ichol'> I'> out~poken. -.o he mlhl l'•ther deude to become a poltlln<in or get out STAN LOVE '\ewpon Beach lrcm1L tlldt '>0 often those who are open dnd \'CrbaJ about their vanous rau.U pre1ud1ce'> are le~ harmful 10 the rac1dJ rmnonty in quesuon than the drhet h1gots who <ipread their raciaJ manure from the ~hadows. GARY DRIES Costa Mesa N11:hol~' statements were absolutely tru<.'. they weren't radst. nor any attempt to be racist at aJJ. The truth of the matter i-. that he,., ngl11. And Lhe Mexican pt'opll' that are down there usually do tah over the gra.,., Mea'> Anc.l tf the Mayor \1e\t' Hmrnhl'rg doe.,n't hk.t' that let the truth he told Maybe he '>hould resign ti none ot his colleague~ can rnaJr.e comment'> I know he t'> m th t: pubhl., e~t" hut 11 I'> not ..i rac 10,t sta1tml·n1 111c, a true fat 1 \<>Illa\ he the md\or c,houJd rl''>lgn. fhdl \\ouic.l he a good 1dt.'a JOHN CHARGIN Corona del ~far Du;k '\1dwl' m·t·c.h 10 undl'r'>land that 1he nKht th111g in govt-rnmen1 "to rt''>1g11 II I'> 1101 up to h.-. fet'llng' ur ht'> opinion'> about whar he ... aid. b111 rather, 1lw .,otll'l\ chat ht.' live-. \\ilh And wt· don 1 1olt·rn1t· tho'>e k1nch ot belief<, and 1 lw,1• kJ11d of ral'i'>t !>latement'> 111 th!\ day and age And America ha-. alway-. been a )trong 1.ountr} betclll..,l' \\l' welcome people from all na111111' on <.'anh And \H' n· dl\\d)''> heht•\ t•d 111 the 111d1v1dual 1 hl''>e Ament an \Jluec, c.1re true valUl''> and lam1h value-. and th<.\ .,hould be rhe \aluec, that an· rl'flelll;d in all ol our publit leadt•r' I ha\t' thl' ngh1 111 dl'>tdnte mvwll lro111 1>1d .. ;"1o;1d10I'> Jnd hi, '>lJtcrlH;llh I lHKe thl· u1unul and the 1.lll/Cll\ ol •l'\\ IHHt Ill ill h Ill d• the '>dlnl' FRED REWUNS '\1•\"JWrt Heach It I!> m\ fJf)ln1<111 thr1t l>H ~ :\H hol' '>hould re.,1gn a'> a to111111lman I le h.1 ... becoml' a totC1l e111b.1rr,1"mcnt tn h1' com111uenh I h;l\t' u furthcr qui·.,111111 for hun Ont• ol rm d.1ughll'r 111 l.m' parent<, \\l'rt' born 111 \k>.11 o "iu I a!.'>ume Ill :\1thol ... up1n1011 1hc11 ma~e ... for a Me>.1rnn. I want to k11tJ\\ it 11 ''OK w11h Nichol' 11 I 111\ Ill' her ovt•r 10 Ill\ home, JU'>t ,., long .t\ I don 1 let hl•r go to the beJth TOM LUMSDON l nro11a del !\I.tr Why wouJd l..d11no people not ht· i111owed to '>pend the da} 011 tht c orona dt.'I \far bluff'> with 1lw1r children and friends en1oying tht.' bt.'aul) for which we ve all bet.'n graced? I 1m11c Counnlman "'\1chol'> dlld othl'r'> to JOlll me in learning from a l Ulturt' of man\ loving and hdrd·\\orkmg pt'oplc ol l..i11h and courage \\ould I gJ\e up my wmfon to help n1her'> by bnnging them into my already nm,ded home '>O 1ha1 the} could bt-g)n a better life? \\oulc.l I walk 10 mglH da'>l.es 10 learn a foreign languagt' ci.her d da} ol hard labor and In\\ \\age,~ Do I under-.,1;uH.I thl' hun11lwt1on they ma} reel ti\ the work 1H· give thl·m i.ll1d thf'n 1ell 1hem to '>la\ ofl our beach? Yt.'~ gdng' are a prohlem, '>0 I ~ould hopt' lhl' parl'lll., ot all fdtt''> al rov, :\ewport~ \fr..,d 1,ould unlit' 10 help our ch1ldrt·n ;rnd lt't'll' handle the temp1a1111n' thiil late them ..ii e\ef) turn -wlwther 1he "gdng · hang'> ou1 1n a beau11ful home 111 < rmma del \1ar or an alle\ 111 \\e<.t..1dt· < IJ'>td \1t.''>d \ ldll\ I cl llOll'> II a\ o•h ti here Ill dangerou' t 011d11111n' tr1 rJt't' 1hcir lam1he' 1\ht·rt' !ht'\ t.111 bt· t·dut<ited and gl\t.'ll opponun111t'' lht'} them'ielve-. l ould nt.'\ er t'xper1t'11u· undt.'r a t0rrup1 and Ul1JU'>t governmenr \I\ hope '' th.it m..irl\ <11 our I .<111no' enio~ )1\e'> the gent'rar1<m., hl'lort' tht.'rn could n11t I hope their lh1ldren rt·turn il' prole,-.ional people w11h 1ntt·gr11v and au oun1abd1t\, g1\ mg hdl I. 111 lht' <. ommunll} 1r1 '>pile ul the b1go1n <11 ..,ornc C1nd hccau~e of tht· l..1ndnt'..,.,, generos11v and IO\ e of other-. I hope that in the prott''' lhl'\ do 1101 become -. .. .-hat vou\ t' he1 nml' Counulman '•clwl-. C. VOSSELLER < .o'>td \le-.a Win the Best Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRAHO PRIZE Sit on the players bench during the match and meet rising tennis star Mana Sharapova tor an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday. July 16 whe n the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St Louis Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club. from 7 -1 o p m This lucky reader will also receive Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorab1ha It's Time for Our Annudl Sizzlin' Summer Sidewal~ Sale! 1" PL.ACE ~-Ill One Lucky Reader will win 2 spots in the Players Pro-Am -=:::..-' Chnic on Fnday. July 18 from 5-6 30 p m at Palisades Tennis Club. taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tJckets to the Wednesday. July 16 match from 7-10 p m GIWID PRIZE &n• 1' PLACE WINNERS Wiii be anounced during half-time on July 16 FrvE Luco WINNERS will each receive 2 tickets to either the July 16 (vs St Louis Aces) July 20 (vs Sacramento Caprt.als) or July 25 (vs Kansas City Explorers) matches All matches start at 7 p m It's easy to enter Fill out the entry form below and mail 1t to tne Daily Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received by Friday, July 11 at 5 p.m Or bring 1t by the Dail/ Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa during regular business hours. Monday · Friday, 8:30 a m. to 5 p m No purchase is necessary. Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified prior to the July 16 match. EmployHs and tMtr rel1rtves of thl Oa1/'j Ptlol. Tll'll!S Community Ntws. Los All(Jelts r~ and Tribuflf Comf)lny 1re tnetigfb/f Pictured below: Brian MacPhie lll1'IY FOUi DMY NOT·NEWPOIT IUot •was ON COUil COtmST ~~~~~~~--...;_~~~~~--~~-Dwyllw ,.._ ______ ___:; _____ _ ....-:~--~-~~---:----~--~~- , -~ 01mtory of Storrs GROCERY DRUG & HARDWARE RolpM Frt1h Fare ·sav-on drugs Crown Ate Hardware APPAREL Champagne Draper s & Damon s Kayaks Surl Shop ThrH Frtenck SPECIALTY GIFTS & HOME DECOR California Stylt Images Hallmark Monhew ll'flor's FOOD ChamPDtnt f1tn<h 646 1411 642 2211 642 1133 64S 6731 646 SS21 631 2'96 548-'811 541-11'9 631 .... 642·7311 lab1y Cof6 . . . . '46-0S20 Helel1 Gract Chotolaies 631 .. 7 00 Posit lravo . SU-S404 rKk u, Still . . . . . . •so-714• Ralphs fresh fort .. .64'-1411 S~s Catt. .650·0369 HEALTH & BEAUTY Ihle.... 646 574' .., & llylef w.. ... '4'7197 SERVICES Andlely's S11De t.,air 541-40SJ w tf -·· . . . 7'4 2600 ~ Cetltr1 ••••••• .574-14SO ... "' Etl. •.•••• '31·5'400 ....., ' i.,t. w. ... 64"7197 swoa ...... '4~SMI ._.,._o..n .. .646.mt M Fridly, Jllle 27, 2003 AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Deity Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. Com Mela. CA 92827; by e-mell to mlke.....,,.,,.ei.tJnw.com: by fax to (949) ~170; or by celling (949) 57'""298. lndude the time, date end location of the event H well u a oontact phone number. A complete llatlng la evaflable at www.dallypllotoom. TODAY MMport Ow.. RwNt"a "Movt. on the Bw:h• Mriee offera "legally Blonde• starting at dusk on the Newport und. Parking ooltl $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for a'morea. The resort la at 1131 Bade Bey Drive. For more Information, call (949) 729-DUNE. SAllJRDAY Cla8llc bNta rece from th• dodc al N9wpoft tWbor MUl9Um while eventl take place In and around the muaeum from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Heritage Regatta and Seaport Festival. Claaaic woodies, surfing exNbitl, bo9t bulldlng. model bullclnQ. food and mueic wit be on h8nd et no COit to .. ldees. The 5Mpott Fedwl wll t8ka pllCI ... div. the nqeum end will lndude a luau dlMer and 8Mfdl lhow. For more lnfonNdon. cal (948) 873-7883. Newport DurM9 ReecN1'9 ·Mowm on the lwt'I• seriet offers "Beauty end the e.a.t• starting at dusk on the Newport Nnd. Parking coltl $8 per car. Cempftret will •Ito be evellebfe for •'mores. The resort fa at 1131 Badt Bay Drive. For mont Information, call (949) 729-0UNE. ~ cltbr.ene of el ........ lnvlt.dto the Oasis Heelth Fair from 8 e.m. to 1 p.m. at the Corona del Mar Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. Free tests wlll be evellable for blood pntaaunt, vision, heering, body fat, pulmonary lung function, podiatry, dennatology, and physical therapy and chiropractic needs. Other tests will be offered for a $20 to $46 fee. For more Information, call (949) 718-1821. The Cost8 Mela s.nlon Cent9r will hold a flea market from 8 a.m. to 1 it.m. at the center's parking lot. 6915 W. 19th St. SI** COit S10 for members, $20 fot nonmembers. ~one ere required. For more lnfonnatlon, cell (MS 646-2366. .................. lpe In Newport .... le hosting an all-day compllmenury »minute makeover event. The 8P8 will provide each customer with education on akin care and mineral makeup. The "Mineral Make-up• event will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only. Cell (949) 863-1667 for an appointment. SUNDAY The tint Orange County dr.gon boat,.. and friendship breakfast potludc sponsored by the Orange County Chinese Cultural Club will be held from 8 a.m. to noon at the Newport Aquatic Center, 1 Whitecllffs Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Registration begins at 6:30 a.m. For event rules. regulations and volunteer lnformetlon, call (714) 535-2708. The Costa M ... Beltt Paitt wlH hold lb sixth annual Bath'Stllle Day Dog Wash and Vendor Fair from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wuhea cost $12 for ahorthalred dogs Dad'y Piiot' and $17 for longhalred dogs. The Vendor'I Fair will..,. offer a variety of pet-tefeted product9 and MMCM. • For more Information, e1ll (949) 733-4101. MONDAY ChldNf1 ....... " ftt'lt through abcth , ......... Invited to "Storytelling Sefen• at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The program will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 2 at Marinert branch end et , 10:30 a.m. July 3 at the Balboa branch. For more '•' information, call (949) 717~18. ···' TUESDAY "lleec:h l.aridlc...,_ • Aowent" wtl be on dllpley ' .t Newport Beach City Hall through Sept 30. The exhibit features digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian Islands by Donna . ,. , Ruzldca and colorful umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller. For more Information, call (949) 717-3818. Artistry wffl combine wtth peealon fot • popular sport in "Tennis in Art;' an exhibh of paintings by · ·• S.. TOWN, P•&• A7 ADVERTISEMENT Costa Neuporte: elegant, peaceful senior living If you have spent time looking for a beautiful and peaceful place for one or both of your parents to spend their retirement years, you have probably noticed how difficult it is to find accommodations that meet your expectations. Costa Neuport~, conveniently located in the city of Costa Mesa, is an elegant senior living residence which will surely put your mind at ease. The grand entrance leads to a beautiful great room which opens onto a magnificent courtyard. After enjoying the grounds, return to the elegant dining room for a sumptuous meal. Costa Neuporte also offers transportation to medical appointments, shopping and banking, as well as leisure activities. OJsta Neuporti is located at 2283 Fairoiew Rd., OJsta Mesa. For additional inf<mnation, call (949) 646-6300. Enjoy a Spacious Suite, Sumptuous Dining, Entertainment, Bingo, Crafts, Billiards, Beauty Salon, Transport4tion to Doctor, Shopping, Fun Trips, Friendly c.aring People. 2283 Fairview at Wilson Costa Mesa Minimum age 58 For more information please call: 949/646-6300 or Fax 949/646-7 428 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ... 1~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Senior <:are Community 3901 E. Coast Highway. Corona de/ Mar. California 9Lt.i1; • ( caring Companions At Home Not long ago, assisted Uvtng facilities or .nursing homes were the only choices for · seniors who needed assistance. Today, both seniors and their families are finding in-home caregivers to be far more suitable and affordable for their needs. Caring Cmnpanioos At Home, a home care agency in Newport Beach has had great success in providing caregivers to seniors in need. It provides seniors who don't need constant care, assistance with personal care, meal preparation, medication reminders, light housekeeping, laundry, errands and companionship in their own homes. Owned by Diane Mondini, Caring Companions At Home is a trusted resource for affordable at-home companionship and care giving for seniors. They pride themselves on giving seniors the •personal touch• and maintain an ongoing relationship with both client and companion to ensure that services are meeting individual needs. Caregivers spend a great =NEWPORit= SENIOR VILLAGE A Beautiful Residential Community for Seniors ~ ··\: ' ~· , . ~ : I ' .. • ~,~ \ ~ deal of time with their senior clients and recognize the importance of compatibility between the personalities of both client and companion. Caring Companions At Home, 881 Dover Drive, S~ 260, Newport Beach. CaU (949) 57UJ750. Country Club Convalescent Hospital A family owned and operated care facility since J 973, Country Club Convalescent Hospital Is a modem, private, skilled nursing facilJty with 54 .. •'· Property Feature1 + Gated Community + On-site Laundry Fac1lit1es + Elevator + Recreation Room With TV. Reading And Lounge Areas. Card/Game Tables And Ketchen Facel1t1es beds and single or double · occupancy with a bathroom' and shower in every room. ' + Tastefully LandKaped + Sparkling Pool/Patio/B.B.Q Area + Small Pets Welcome Bright and Charming Studio & Onr Bedroom Pl.ans + Distinctive, Fully Equtpped Kitchen~ + Cable TV Hook Ups + Handsome Berber Carpet + Personal Assistance Alarm System ••• 2080 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 949-642-2018 Residents enjoy excellent food, personalized care and a high staff ratio. We provide quality, home-like care With dignity and respect. CaU(714)549-3061 or visit www.seniorhousing.net/ AD/CountryQubConv. CbuNTRY G_uB CbNVALESCENT fiosPITAL , !Ne. CoullllY Club Cont.~atescentJ-Iospital, Inc., a ,, ~crlPrn, prit:ate, skilkd nursingfacility is Located b ehina d n . <::nnta.t lna Country Club ill the JVewport 1Jeach/r.Back 13uy aroajour 1niks frornJ-loag M ernorialflospital ~sbyterian. Small 54 bedfacility,faniily owned and operat«I. since 1973. Single and double bed occupancy, with bathroom and ahower in wery room. <Beautiful sun-oundings, quiet, peacefu~ excellent food. high staff-ratio. Short and long terms stayR. We are comn1itted to pro&.?iding fine, personal care with wanntlt, dignity and respect in a lwme-like aJ1nosphon!. · 20362 Santa Ana Avenue Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707 (7 14) 549-3061 Callfora tour and l'isit U8 on 1he Web at ' I I 0 1....,M/SJ 3 fr 2 9 a • Daily Piiot • TOWN Continued from A6 Joee Mendoza, on dliplay In the Newport Beech Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. For more infonnetion, Clll (949) 717-3816. WEDNESDAY Ch'*'-'..,..,,. .. tint through Meth gradM ... lnvtt.d to "Storytelling Safari" at 3 p.m. at the Marinara Branch Pubflc Library. The program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 3 at the Balboa Brandl. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. THURSDAY Chlldren em.ttng flm through sbcth grades.,. invited to "Storytelling Safari" at 10:30 a.m. at Balboa Brandl Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. UC !Nine wOI houH a hM yoga ltudles open houH that offers a general Introduction and e>Cplanation of puja and teachfl how basic proceues can trantform your everyday life by placing It In a context of expanding Mlf-awarene ... The cla .. runt from 6;30 to 7:30 p.m. In University Extension A. rooms 101 and 102. For more Information, call (949) 824-6692. JULY4 The Am.an t.gk>n Yacht Club wtll hem the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loads of dedced out yactsta parading along the waters of Newport Bay starting at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categories eligible for awards. For more information, call (949) 673-3546. Fonn• state Sen. Marten 8erge9on will be gl'8nd marshal at the 30th annual Independence Day Celebration at Mariners Park. Aiding in a hay wagon, Bergeson will lead bike riders and walkers of all ages. who will begin auembling for the patriotic parade at 9:30 a.m. at Mariners Drive and Commodore Road. Mariners Park is on Dover Drive at Irvine Avenue. For more information, call (949) 644-3161 JULY5 Newport Dune. Resort's •Movies on th• a.act.• aeries offers •Robin Hood" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking coats $8 per car. Campfires will also b• available for s'morea. The resort Is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-DUNE Newcomen to the dlgltal univ.rs. aN lnvtt.d to "Tools and Trlcka: Internet 101: a free Internet workshop. at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beadl Central Library. The beginning-level overview will be repeated at 9 a.m. July 19 at the Balboa brandl. For more information, call (949) 717·3816 JULYS The city of Newport BHch will preHnt an official proclamation recognizing the 50th anniversary of the 1953 National Jamboree at 7 p.m. The ceremony will be at council chambers at Newport Beadl City Hall. For more information, call (714) 546-4990, ext. 142. Friday, June 27, 2003 A7 JULY9 ~ Set Introductions ltwtt.e the pubflc tD en exclusive evening to meet some of Orange County's most eligible singles at Its "Where the Elite Meet" ml>Cer from 6 to 9 p.m. at Brio Restaurant In Corona del Mar. The colt i• $75 per person. Wear codctall attire. For reservations, call (949) 233-6405 before July 2. "Remlsh Garden Styte 0..lgns· Is the aubject of a floral design class to be taught at Sherman Library and Gardena In Corona del Mar at 9 a.m. All materials are included in the $45 registration fee. Pre-registration is required. For more information, call (949) 673-2261. JULY 11 The Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino counties will honor Congresswomen Loretta and Linda Sanchez wilh the Profile of Courage Award at the Pacific Club in Newport Beadl from 6 to 8 p.m. The evening is titled ·sisterhood 1s Powerful· For more information, call (714) 997-2155 cfemOiLIVI ADVERTISEMENT Silverado : seniors are actively involved in living AtSUverado,yourloved one with Alzheimer's will be actively involved In Uvtng. We (eel strongly that our mission is to provide meaning. purpose and quality In each of our residents' Uves There are many ways that we are able to fulfllJ our mission We have successfully combined a social model of care Integrated with professional nursing services. By including pets, plants and children in our community, we have been able to create a home-like environment. 11uough our activity program.ming, wtuch mcludes one full day each week with a master's level music therapist, we are able to meet the social needs of the folks who Ue with us. In addition to Interactive activities including cooking classes, special entertainment and gardening, our residents enjoy weekly bus trips. We even have a special men's workshop! We provide on-site, 24-hour licensed nurses. including a full-time RN and are able to care for our residents through the progression of their disease Provision of this level of nursing care is unique and has established Silverado as a standout assisted living facility. Please feel free to drop in for a cup of coffee and meet our dog Asher and the rest of the Silverado family. Call (949) 631-2212 for more information. Dignity and a spirit of caring at Crown Cove The atmosphere at the award-winning Crown Cove Senior Care Community is o ne of activity, wannth and camaraderie. Assisted Living and our Journe~ Program (Alzheimer's), which is located separately from our Assisted Living areas m order to provide the optimal environment for all residents. Entertainment, parties and activities keep residents' lives ful6lled and spirited. There are also plenty of areas for quiet contemplation, such as the cozy fireplace in the library, ocean view observation deck, morning room and gardens. The community consists of Independent Living, Crown Ccver Senior Care Commtmity is located at 2901 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. Call (949) 760-2800. · "[used to worry if Mom was taking her medication properly" We often hear the statement above from a concerned son o r daughter of a parent who needs a little help from some of life's day to day activities. If you have some of those same concerns, there is an alternative, Assisted living. Your parent will benefit fro m: • Medicati on mo nitoring. • Assistance with bathing, dressing and grooming. • Scheduled transportation . •Activity programs. . • Three gourmet meals daily. : • Weekly housekeeping. • Studios and one bedroom apartments. • Month-to-month rentals :"I don't worry about mom anymore; shes happy and • ' meeting new fr;ends at Huntington Terrace. untington Terrace was the P'lr/ect answer for us." 1100 FLORIDA STUET UMTING'ION 8&ACH, CA .fMtl (714) 848 8811 U..N..JllilllM Newport Senior Villas, an affordable gated community Conveniently loc.ated m I Costa Mesa, this comfonable and affordable gated community is designed for seniors 62 and better It 1s within walking dmance to shopping and bus lines Newpon Seruor Vtl~ h~ bright and charnung studios and one-bedroom floor plan!> They have fully equspped kitchens, cable TV hookups and personal assistance alarm <;ystem!> Features mclude a recreauon room wnh TV. reading and lounge areas. card/game tables, a k.nchen and on-sne laundfy laahue) Tastefully landKaped, there 1s a sparkling pool. pauo and barbecue area .Vewporl Senwr Villas u located at 2080 .Veu.-pqrt Bhod Costa Mesa for add1tw nal rnjonnatwn call (9491 642-2078 a . anng mpanions Jllt J{ome. Caring Companions At Home is committed to helping seniors remain in their homes by providing them with competent companion/caregivers. Our companion s assist wich: • Personal Care • Dr. 's Appointments • Meals • Companionship, Comfort & Support • Light Housekeeping • Medication Reminders • Shopping & Errands • Hospital Discharge All companions are bonded, insured and highl y quaJified. We offer an affordable solut ion and keep in rouch on a regular basis with both client and companion. 881 Dover Dr., Suite 260, Newport Beach (949) 574-0750 C e lebrating th e Huma n Spirit with Dignity SILVERADO S E N 0 R l v N G Assisted Living A Specialty Care Commur;ity far individua.ls with Memory Impairment, Dementia and Alzheimers • A secure, enriching community with engaging activities, pees, children and walking gardens • Respite and day services available • Full-time RN and 24-hour on-site licensed nursing wirh apcrtisc in Almcimels & Dementia ca.re • Masters lcvd social worker and suppon groups for funilics and loved ones • Highly trained professional and compassionate staff •Hospice sc.rvia:s for end-of-life cm: • Please call fur infomwion or to Schedule a tour, we are~ 24 hoursadq 3SO Wm S., Smn YIM Mw, C4 92627 T~ (949) 631-2212 72 HOURS FRIDAY Rlwr tunes. Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beech presents JeHe on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program fe1tur11 all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's ia at 151 E. Coest Highway. (9491 673-3425. SATURDAY a.Ing Spoonb9ndef. Sen Francisco's I Am Spoonbencler will bring its live show and uber-post punk sounds to the Detroit Bar stage for the first time. Thia four·plece sonic and visual auault comes at you at braak·nedt 1peed. Detroit Bar ia at 843 W. 19th St. For information, call (949) 642-0600 SUNDAY Washing the dogs. The Costa Mesa Bark Perk wilt hold its sixth 1nnu1t Bath'stilte Dly Dog Wath end \lendor Fair. All dog1 are lnvited to come play and then girt 1 wuh end towel dry -$17 for longhalred dogs and $12 for 1horth1lred doga. There will also be dog 1upplles end treats for Nie. The Bark Park Is at the comer of ArtingtOn Street and Newport Boulevard. For Information, c.11 19491733-4101 or visit www.cmbattpart.orp. A8 Friday, June 27, 2003 'That was kind of fa r out, too. My friend walked up to me and said, "You look pretty good for a dead guy." I got to find out what it was like tp be talked about after you're gone.' Artist Biii 01den, on being rumored to be dead ocr. U.ACH DAILY PILOT Artist Bill Ogden created the look of 1970s surfer magazines through his art in ad campaigns and posters on surf culture Scenes of the coast By Lollta Harper Daily Pilot A rtist Bill Ogden bellied up to the bar of the Little Krught in Costa Mesa on Sunday night to relax. have a cocktail and spark up some conversation. Ogden's long gray hair and beard stood out in the middle of the crowded nighttime hangout. and his ~energy" was unparalleled. He is in the area to promote his Southern California tour, in which he will visit Laguna. Newport and Hermosa beaches. He will be at the Thursday at noon to sign prints. Thn percent of all sales will benefit local Surfrlder Foundation chapters. Ogden said he has been enjoying Artist Bill Ogden is known for his paintings depicting the surf culture of California the coastal communities, hitting up the local bars. taken in the scenery and hanging out at the pier. He described himself as "a real pier rat." First published ln 1960. Ogden has been called one of the most influential surf artists of all time. He is very laid back. never uptight and speaks in tenns of good energy and g<>?<1 Vi~ in a phone interview on Wednesday. "I had a good night and a good day. I am not in a bad mood· When establishing a place to shoot the photo for this article he said, "Just think of somewhere trippy." He travels with good friends. all the whUe making new ones. This summer tour brings him back to where it all staned, he said. Ogden lived in San Oemente and then Laguna Beach for about 20 years. He had a booth at the Sawdust Festival ~or the first time in 1968 •. then again T-shirt for the festiw.I in 1997. From the mid I 970s to the early '80s, Ogden Lraveled and painted oils on location in Hawaii, Mexico, BEST BITES Guatemala. f:.J Salvador and Peru. Dunng the '80s. Ogden perfected the "master's techniques.· creating large works on canvas by layering oils. One piece, "The Wizard Merlin," took three years and 30 layers of glaze to complete. I !is an has also been used by companies such as Volcom. Burton and the Triple Crown of Surfing. He created a 20-design signature series for QuiksUver. Outside of the business side of th.in~. Ogden said he has been through i.ome "trippy" experiences. for mstance, there was a rumor going around a while baclc that he "lllat wao; lcind of far out. too," Ogden said "My friend walked up to See SCENES, P111 AlO New tastes at the new Balboa Bay Club By Greer Wylder T be Balboa Bay Oub & Resort just got a $65-mlllion revamp. rt'I now divided into two sections: a bmuy hotel -a member ot Pref erred Hotels & Resort Woddwide -and a members-only dub. It has the same driveway and the Terrace Apartments buildlng. The rest bu completely changed. The reeon now bu an Italian look. apreed.lni ewer 15 waterfront acres. even the msnature entry fountain on the Coal~ hM that Italian ftatr. • Gone ii the dated mdUtecture and faded inlerior. Now. lberW'a • C!*~i.;'9= lroft Ind dllMc cohmmt .. . m.ac EUrope.l fNl And ... .. l floors, woof carpeting and rattan woven furniture are the finishing toucbet that transform the decor. Si.nee 1948, the private waterfront club was a popular dlnlng spot for memben who took advantage of their event& Now, the F1rst Cabin n!StaUtant is open to the public. Jt kept its name. This Am Cabin reftecu the boteli new dkor: pmwllng French windows. earth tonee, mahopny woodJ and rattan WOYeJ) cha.lra. The First Cabin often waterfront d1n1ng for~ hirich and dinner. At the Allt8Ul'UJt ftnd ttJ rhythm. expect cbanael In the menu. .P.UaiM awl Joeef Llieder from die u Coilti Retort • Spa illO • hid apertence at the Rhz~on SlM Hl.L.Ert /rw:t Pl.OT hot9k. 11e ta known tor tm JI Jelly, manaa• of the Fnt Cabin restUlftt at the Balboa Bay Club, cbplays • sianltli't clsh, ~of seli'ed YelOw m ahi tuna seMtd ._IDT,,... AlO With~ wontxm, ~~ rllttl Ind pklded &i'l•with W1$1bi. Dally Pilot EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK The little band that could B aclc on Aug. 26. Costa Mesa's Riley Breckenridge. the drummer for melodic-hardoore band Thrice, graciously answered questions from Los Angeles' KROQ·FM (106.7) morning show. "Kevin and Bean," about the sound and popularity of his band. It rums out the hosts, Kevin Ryder and Gene "Bean" Baxttt, had been handed a Thrice CD by a vacadoning fan a few days earlier during a radio-station event in Las Vegas, and Baxter had tossed it into a pool shortly after PAUL it reached his hand. SAITOWITZ The next day they joked on the air about the band's name and the situation. lllat afternoon, the station was hit with hundreds of calls and e·mails from ire-striclc.en fans. To quickJy fix the situauon and save their hip quotient. the duo invited Breckenridge on the air and agreed to play a song from the band's weU-recelved second album, "The Illusion of Safety." They even joked about the band one day playing the station's modem rock all-star summer show, the "Weenie Roast." After that day last August. the station never mennoned Thrice or played another tune from the band until last month. One afternoon. on his "Catch of che Day" -a new cutting-edge song he offers up to the listeners once a week -afternoon DJ Jed the Fish played Thrice's "All That's Left." the first single off the band's major label debut, "The Artist in the Ambulance." which is slated for a July 22 release. The song first hit the airwaves at 4 p.m., and within five hours it had reached the See NOTEBOOK, Pq1 AlO THEATER Playhouse lineup • ' Four plays are unveiled for the upcoming season at the Civic Playhouse. By Tom Titus . A quartet or plays -two very fam1llar , and two virtually unknown -has been • announced for the 2003·04 season at th ' Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. The new seuon will get under way the night before HaDoween with one of the m09t famoua myttery plays al aD dme. Agatha <llrlade'a "ten Utde Indiana.• In thla clasalc whodunit. • P'CNP ol people are invited to a party on a near-lna<X:elliNe Wand only to faD prey to an Wlleell killerwbo'I rectuctnc lhe head count oot by one. Outatle mysteriel aren't the __. at the playhouee, but the theater hM mounted a satire on them -twtci- tbe form of the nnllk.lll •Sonleblai't Afoot.• ThoM who wnbir ch8t one DOW mD find out 1'Mt wbll the lbOw ~ ·~--Gldil ~ -.lftMllM.U.llaloml ~c6cJ'"Ma ._ .. ............. ,. ......... ( • a a as bifiPllOt H A. P P E N J N G S NOW PLAYING COURTESY OF COLUMBIA P!C TURES Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu get down in director McG's action sequel "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle " REEL CRITICS 'Dumberer' lives up to its name I was at my manager munee job trying to master the phrase ·want fries with that?" and um call comes in. Ii'!> from my editor, spewing the words "Dumb and Dumberer." So there I ~t. Saturday afternoon among a horde of 10· to 14-year-olds. my emouonaJ equals. but my intelJecruaJ superiors, trying In my limited way to figure out how oven stupiclity (1994's "Dumb and Dumber") could begat even more overt stupidity, this week's "Dwnb and Dumberer." Those of us who splash around ln the shallow end of the IQ pool really need to be cautious of intelligence-lowenng drivel like "Dumb and Dumberer. ·We haven't got too many IQ points left to lose. The <lipstick Castor and Pollux twins of Eric Omstian Olsen and Derek Richardson flaruJate their way across the silver screen in a ruck that makes "Dud e, Where's My Car .. seem like an Orson WelJes masterpiece. But they don't pay me the big bucb here at the Pilot to review masterpieces. Nope, if it's dumb, call Don. In "Dumb and Dumberer." we go back to the past to visit the cherished moment when Hany and Lloyd meet each other. Like • anyone really cares. Blowing off several hours of my life, a half day's pay (seven bucks for a matinee? What happened to $3.501), and being more embarra5sed to be seen in a theater slnce being forced to review the Spice Girls movie, I cringed as laughter from the teens around me just reinforced the reality that there's no hope for that generation. Anyhow, Lloyd (Olsen) is a home-schooled loser with an AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Item• to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to J949l ~170; or by calllng (949) 574-4295. A complete list I• available at www.d.tllypllot.com. MUSIC STAlt·SMNGLED SALUTE The Onlnge County P9ctflc Symphony On::heetr9 It havtng ltt ·siar Spengled Satute• at 8 p.m. July• M the v.rizon WI ....... ~· Conductof Richard Kaufman wMt leed the Plldftc: ~ ln a conctl11het lndudet ftfWWOfb end John imaginary friend. and-Harry (Richardson) is a public-schooled loser with imaginary mtelligence. Running into each other on a street corner. leaves part of Harry'!> tooth embedded in Uoyd's forehead. remaindenng them ~ buddies for life. or at least the Jjfe of the film. It's the longest 82 minutes I've ever suffered through. except for the first, last. and middJe 82 minutes of "The Postman." Yeah. yeah, yeah. I know "The Postman" was only I 78 minutes, 11 1ust seemed longer, and after viewing "Dumb and Dumberer." well. my math ain't so good. Lloyd. in his Velour pullover sweaters with animaJs embroidered on them. and Harry. in his day-glo Bude Rogers Jackets bright enough to bring sight to Ray Charles. are truly dumb and dumberer. I doubt the two of them could collecuvely count to three tf you 'poned them the one and the t\\oO. So. Hany is gonna show IJoyd the ropes in high school. After the usual assonment of beaung and abuse by some Brylcreemed buJJies, our pals. along with a passel of their brain-dead brethren. are assigned to a "speciaJ needs~ class. What they specially need is a lobotomy. but then there's really nothing to lobotomize. and who'd wruma waste the needle. This special needs class is actually a scam by the school's principaJ in his SS coat. $2 ue. and 50-cent haircut -and his squeaky voiced kinda-chunky lunch lady turned secretary turned girlfriend -to rip off a SI 00,000 award being giving for having a special needs class. These two Mensa rejects are gonna grab the green, aJong with all the other cash they've Philip Sousa marches. The event is a musical extravaganza of Broadway showstoppers and all-American fanfare. "Phantom of the Opera" stars Davia Gainea and Terri Bibb will be offering their talents. Ticteta are $19 to $85 to order call (714) 756-5799. BOLERO AHO RHAPSODY Maestro Cert St. Clair and the Pacific Symphony, with guest pianfst Valentina Usitaa, will explore the vibrant rflythm1 of Spain In a concert called "Bolero and Rhapaody" at 8 p.m. July 19 at the Verizon Wlrelea Amphitheater. rtdcets eott $19 to S85. To ordef, call (714) 755-5799. JAZZ.TIOO Gulflt1'91m Restaurant In <1w1ped, and go 'nag '>Orne property in Wailalu. mere are a couple problem'>. One hundred large ain't gonna cut 1t in Waikiki. and only those dumb and dumber would want to hw in that hovel. I'd rather be in a trailer on I larbor Roulevard (a future dream) than that rouri<.t pll. Sho 'nuff. the c;cam is cxpo<ied by rhe perky high c;chool new!>paper reporrer. They didn't make rrporter'> like that when I w~ a high school senior. (Of course. I wa'> JS ar the time). The bad guy-; are arrested, the money is saved. Harry and Lloyd . they continue 10 become dumb and dumberer. You and me. the viewers. we remdl.Jl dumb and dumberer. Duuuh • UNCLE DON'S REVIEWS OF Nil REPUT£ run sporadically E-mail him at rea/fybadwrtttng a aolcom 'Hollywood Homicide· is predictable comedy M ildly amusing and <>lighrly goofy. "I lollywood Homicide" is the latest in the long line of JOHN DE PKO cop/buddy pictures cranked out by the m ovie factonec; every year. This time out. Harrison F-ord is GaviJan. the gnzz.led old cop, and Josh Hartnett as La.Iden. hie; young idealistic partner. The moVle open s with the murder of four rappers during a concert at a locaJ nightclub. The two cops are assigned to Newport Beactl presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beactl. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wedneaday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Ca1' prennts Monday Night Jarm from 7 to 11 p.m. flVtry week. "Wantec:r musicians Include guitar players, baa players, singers, drummers. keyboardlsta and othefS at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 876-7760. th~ CJ'>e. and the U'>Udl mix of violence and corned\ inherent 111 these films begin; There are a few sharp tWl'>t'>: (;avilan 1s aho a real ec;1a1e agent ha\1ng an affair \\1th a radio talk '>how psychic C alden teachec, yoga and takes arnng les!>On'i on the '>Ide Th.:re 1:. a parade of oddhall character:. and cameo appearances by Martin Landau, Lou Diamond Phillip'>. Gladys Knight and other!>. The'>e sideshow~ pro,1de .. everal good laughs and !tome snappy dialogue 10 keep thing' 1n1erest1ng. But rest a''>ured. the plot folJows the old screenplay formula !>O clo ely that you know what\ going 10 happen long before 11 appear.. on the screen Of course. the cop buddies bend the rule'> JU'>I enough to get an trouble Mth the bra'>'>. butnotenoughtog~fired Internal Affair'!> officer'> hound our heroes and get in the way as they try 10 solve 1he crime The nasty villains target our heroes with the help of a crooked cop. The mandatory car chac;ec; and foot pur'>utt'> appear on ~chedule No situation i' too Violent or dangerou'i to prevent our heroe!> from cracking 1oke<> in the face of imminent death Sound famtl1ar? It should, because 11'c; aJI been done a hundred 11me!> before All the actors seem 10 be playmg stnctly for laugh'i. and none of them are taluni;: the underlymg murder plot 100 'er1omly Neither '"ill you But you might find a few chucUes amid the fluff •JOHN OEPKO is a Costa Mesa resident and a senior 1n11est1gator for the Orange County public defender's office MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZl. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yott Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It'• free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Blueweter Grill offers Jive music Friday and Satur~y nights. G~ Morgan, Nldc Peper SH HOURS, P ... A.10 SOLIS INVESTME1 IT & REALTY KRISTIN M. Sous • Lictmed Ra1 F.sute Apt • M«tillt JJ tf 1""' /WI~ i«JI. FJuc A. Sous CFP • l TY.wn ~ • s.dti tt 8-Js • M1llWI Frottll •Ala ,,;,, • E#llll 6 Rniftlllllll ~ • bit s • 'r'' 'I • !illlJll M""11 Mt.l.t CM} .. Friday ~ 27, 2003 Al Last Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. 50-75°/o OFF .. We've Raided the BeS1 Closets In Orange County." Quality Consignment Apparel _ CE ~ ~-t:he style; 369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph's) M-F 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 949 642-1844 You Can Buy A Luxury Beach Community Home For the Same Payment You Have Now NEWPORT BEACH, CA A Free 24-hour Consumer Awareness Hotlin e has been established to help families that wam co move to beach communities b uv their dream homes for n~ more than they are paying for their currenc homes. For more information call the Con sumer Awareness H otJine anytime, 24 hours per day, t o hi:.ir the free, prerecorded mc\)agi:, at 949-222-6611 rhi\ free )ervice i~ )pOn\ored by Coro n a d e I M ar Properties. broken. ADVERTISEMEN1 Cool Calypso WeelCends at Tommy Bahamaf; Tropical Cafe Open Sat & Sun at 10:00 a.m. featuring Live l61and Mu6ic 6uild Your Own Bloody Mary Bar Special Breakfast additions to Lunch Menu 854 Avocado Avenue Newport. 6each, CA For Reeervatlone -(949) 760-8686 NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERlA WHY NOT TRY ••• Homemade lalioU'1, Fresh ftsh, Frllh Steaks, Veal Marsala & Mare! lnclad11 Choice of Soup or Salad BEST MUSSELS IN TOWN! Laacb Saned From llam UaW4pm NICK'S lllTOlllTE & PlllDIA OUTDOOR PATIO Mon-Thurs. 11am-9:30pm F n. -Sat 11 am-1 O:OOpm CLOSED SUNDAYS IN HARBOR C ENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd., Suite K-1 Costa Mesa (949) 722-7566 AlO Friday, June 27, 2003 H AP P ENINGS YOUNG MUSICIANS Music students from the studio of Kathryn KJein participated in the Music Teachers Assn. Music Achievement Award Program. The program is designed to help students appreciate music and improve as musicians. Students worked on original compositions, performed recitals, competitions, community outreach venues, researched a number of composers, performers and contemporary group musicians. The students are Sadie Hoeschen, Joan and Janice Hanawi, Orion Wise, Carty Fox, Judi Adams, Alex Schnack, Tina Chang, Phoebe Chang, Claire Fullerton. Anna Pursell. Rachelle Pursell, Mylan Metzger, Connie Evans, Matie Martiney, Shayna Rosen and Kristyanne Crosby. HOURS Segerstrom Ha ll. Ticl<ets cost KIDS Instrumental music is $16.50 to $29.50. For tickets and performed after 9 p.m. Continued from A9 information, call (714) 556-ARTS STARLIGHT STORIES Thursdays. and pop and rock. 11 or visit vitww.ocpac.org. Children 3 to 7 years old are presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Kelly Gordien (known es Segerstrom Hall is at 600 Town invited to participate in songs and Saturdays at Din Din at the MPG) perform classic rod<, R&B Center Drive in Costa Mesa. and finger-puppet plays at 7 Bamboo Terrace, 1773 Newport and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. p.m. Mondays at the Costa Blvd .. Costa Mesa. (949) Marvin Gregory and MPG will 'THE DRAWER BOY' Mesa Library. 1855 Park Ave. 645-5550. perform classic rode, swing and Michael Healey's first full-length (949) 646-8845. R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The play, •The Drawer Boy; one of OURTY NELLY'S restaurant is at 630 lido Park Time magazine's Best Plays of PJS AND BOOKS Live music is performed at 9 Drive, Newport Beach. Free. 2001, will continue through A children's story time is p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at (949) 675-3474. Sunday at Segerstrom Stage. presented at 7 p.m. Mondays Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave .. Costa Ticl<et1 range from $19 to $54. and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at Mesa. (714) 957-1951. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN For tickets, call (71 4) 708-5555. the Newport Beach Central The Rusty Pelican offers the Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL music of Common Ground from CIRQUE ELOIZE Children may wear pajamas to Live music is performed Wednesday lhrough Sunday. Cirque Eloize, part of the new the evening sessions. Free. Mondays through Saturdays at The band performs from 7 to 10 generation of circu.s performers (949) 717-3801. the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, offering innovation, imagination Newport Center Drive, Newport from 8:30 p.m . to 12:30 a.m. and show-s to pping panache, WEEKLY STORYTELLER Beach. (949) 759·0808. Friday and Saturday and from 2 will perfo rm July 11 to 20 at the A children's story time is held at HARD ROCK CAFE to 6 p.m. Sunday. The Barclay Theatre at 4242 Campus 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at restaurant Is at 2735 W. Coast Drive in Irvine. Ticl<ets cost $35, Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Live music is performed Highway, Newport Beach. Free. $15 for children. For tickets and Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Sundays at Hard Roel< Cate, 451 (949) 642-3431. information, call (949) 854-4646. Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) Newport Center Drive, Newport 444-0226. Beach. (949) 640-8844. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS 'AJDA' Players restaurant is now Elton John and Tim Rice's STORY TIME THE HARP INN offering live music from 9 p.m. "Aida" is coming to the Orange A children's story time is held at live music is performed to midnight every Friday and County Performing Arts Center's 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 Thursdays through Saturdays at Saturday. Players is at 512 W. Segerstrom Hall Wednesday a.m . Fridays at Bo rders Books & the Harp Inn. 130 E. 17th St., 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover through July 13. Tickets are Music at South Coast Plaza. Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855. charge. (949) 646-5615. $27.50 to $64.50 and can be 3333 Bear St , Costa Mesa. Free. purchased at the center's box (714) 432-7854. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S WEEKEND MUSIC office of online at Live music is performed Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant www.ocpac.org. Information: DINING/TASTING Wednesdays through Saturdays in Newport Beach presents (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at at Barmichael's, 3950 Campus Jesse on the sax on Friday and 600 Town Center Drive in Costa SUNSET DINNERS Drive, Newport Beach. (949) Saturday evenings and Sunday Mesa. The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset 261-6270. for bru nch. The program Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. features all your favorites on the DANCE Monday through Friday at 2735 LIDO CIGAR ROOM saxophone. Anthony's Is at 161 W. Coasl Highway, Newport Enjoy a smoke with your drink E. Coast Highway. (949) AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE Beach. $10·$15. (949) 642-3431. at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via 673-3425. American Ba llet Theatre Lido, Suite D, Newport Beach. Mlntem atlonal Dance SeriesH is SUNDAY BRUNCH (949) 723-0596. POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO coming to the Orange County The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday Tate 5, a funk, rod< and Motown Performing Art• Center's brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m . MARGARITAVILI..E act, performs at 9 p.m. Segerstrom Hall J uly 22 every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Live music is performed at Saturdays at Carmelo's through 27. Tickets cost $20 to Highway, Newport Beach. Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast sso. tidcets and information, call SS-S15. (949) 642-3431. Highway, Newport Beach. (949) Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 631 -8220. guitarist Ken Sanders performs 600 Town Center Drive in Costa TWILIGHT DINING clauical flamenco tunes at 7:30 Mesa. A twilight dining menu, MARRAKESH p.m. Tue1day1 and Sundays. featuring dishes such as ch1cl<en Authentic Moroccan cuisine and Free. (949) 675--1922. PANDrT BIRJU MAHARAJ AND parmigiana and calamari belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m. co. picante at reduced prices, is daily al Marrakesh, 1976 SATURDAY NIGHT R&.8 One of the world's leading gurus offered from 5 to 6 p.m. Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone in the art of Kathak, Pandit Birju weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m . (949) 645-8384. Bridge Band play rode end R&B Maharaj, brings his company of Sundays at Villa Nova at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton dancers and musicians for a Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast MARRIOTT HOTEL Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, special evening of story and Highway, Newport Beach. (949) Live music is performed 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport spectacle at 8 p.m. July 1 to the 642-7880. Mondays through Saturdays at Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. Irvine Barclay Theatre, at 4242 the Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport Campus Drive in Irvine. Tickets WINE TASTINGS Center Drive, Newport Beach. cost $3$ to $45. For informatiol'). Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers (949) 640-4000. call(949) 854-4646. wine tesllngs from 4:30 to 8 IMAGINATION ANO DREAMS p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 MUU>OON'S ,;Imagination and Dreama -SWING p.m. Saturdays. (949) 660-8463. Muldoon's is an Irish pub at 202 Mualcals In Motion• by the Lesaons a re given every Sunday SUNDAY BRUNCH Newport Center Drive, Fashion Irvine Academy of Perfo rming from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Island, Newport Beach. (949) Arte ls being presented at the Garde Ballroom in Newport A Sunday brunch featuring 6404110. Barclay Theatre on Sunday. It'• Beach by the Orange County International seafood and salad an annual dance concert Swing Dance Club. All ages are buffets, roasts carved to order OYSTER BAR LOUNGE featuring students from the welcome, and no partners a re and breakfast favorites is held Local pop and light rodt acts Irvine Acade my of Perfo rming needed. For more Inform ation, from 10:30 a .m. to 2 p.m . at perform Fridays and Saturday• Art.I. The performances will visit ocawlng.com, or call (909) Sutton Place Hotel, 4600 at Newport Landing'• Oyster B1r include ballet, jazz, lyrical, 666-6119. MacArthur Blvd., Newpon Lounge at the Balboa Feny hip-hop, end tap dance stylea. Beach. $30; $40 with Landing, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. D1ncers are 4 and older. T1dtets MGENTIE TANGO ch1mpagne. (949) 476-2001. (949) 676-2373. are $18. lnfo rmetlon: (949) Tengo dancing la offered from 8 SM 4tM8. The theater la et 4242 p.m. to 12:30 a .m. the first CLUBS TEE ON THURSDAY campus Dtlve In lrvlne. Saturdey of each month I t The Tee Room preHnts Its 'THE GOOD DOCTOW Denacene Studio, 2980 AUACOFfEE two-piece ba nd every Thuradey McCllntodc Wey, Com M .. 1. Mualcal acta perform at 8:30 between 6 and 9 p.m. et 3100 N .. 15'mon'• 'The Good (714) 841.ae88. p.m. Thursdaya through Irvine Ave., Newpo rt Beach. Doctor• ta c:efebf1tJng ftt 30th Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, (949) 756-0121. anntwraary It Coron• del Mer POETRY 606 31 at S t., Newport Beach. Hiott School The1tre, 2101 (949) 676.0233. TOTAU.V COFFE£ Entbluf'I Oft1'9, Newport 8~ Paf~POEIRV~ Ope n mike n ight la held from et I p.m. today end Stturciey LM-.C ATRIUM MARQUIS 8:30 to 10:30 p.m . Thurtdaya at end 9t 1:JO p.m. Sund•y. Tldc•t• The Gypey Den and C11' et 2930 A varfety of llv• music It Totally CoffM, 1525 Meu Verde C09t .,, for ......... for Brlatol St. In Cotta Meta le presented dally lit the Atrium's Drive Etat, Costa Meaa. (714) Nftior11rM:I ......._ Dlecounts offering• ..nee of performance Alrporter Club, 18700 .SS.9387. are MMeble for groupe of 10 or po91ry and llw muelc. At I p.m. M1cArthur Blvd., Irvine. (M9) VUANOVA mo19 MtM Mme petfonnenoe. July 8, Poets MldNtet Plul and 833-2770. TNl~le~for Mike SprMe wtH petform, with Rich Ftuno pteye It the pteno MW1e-.t 8duilii. for more • muelc bV Mk:ttMI Ubeldenl, on •TR0201 . b9r It I p.m. Sundeye thfOU9h ln....,,. .. DR. Olll C•) &M-3111. July I. ,Julf I 81 I p.m. ra... LR Ju:z II~ et I p.m. Frldlya ~-the MeDOry and 8eMon Cote .... linid~et111.m._ .... piece~ ........... bend l*fmm, .... mualc bV SwldiweM ~.llDW. Mlah•u• ,.... •• ,.,... ~ Monll•INlr. on.My Coeill1gttnv,Nebp01t....._ ~=·--~· •• Thi .... _,..... be II I ( .. llt·tl&l ...... '1111 • c:.- ................ c {71't) ........ ,. Newpott llecft. ,.., ... '°'2. 142.,.,. .. l I SCENES Continued from N3 me and said, 'You look pretty good for a~ guy.' I got to find Out what lt WU lib to be taJbd about aft.er you're gone.• Ogden lives in the Santa Rosa Mountalna, lo a little vWage called Pinon Flats. It la not a city, but a community, be stressed. He Uva ln a modest home. typical NOlEBOOK Continued from N3 second slot on the "Furious Five at 9" -the station's countdown of the day's five most requested sonp. 1Wo days later, it hit the top spot, and for two weeks - before Metllllica's gawdawful "St. Anger" hit the airwaves -it held steady as the station's most requested tune. 1Wo weeks ago, the band opened the "Weenie Roast," which featured the Uk.es of the Foo Fighters, the White Stripes and Hot Hot Heat The band was introduced to the sold-out crowd THEATER Continued from M Saturday morning cartoon series of the 1970s. although it's an adult version, to be performed by grown-ups. The central figure is Tom, a jlnery schoolteacher nervous about his first day of teaching, who tries to relax by watching television when various characters representing facets of his personality emerge from the set and show him how to win his students over with imagination and music. Mlt's like a fabulous rock concert with an educational twist,· playhouse board member Steve Endicon said. MEach song is a whole new piece of theater, bringing its infection zest to a cross-generational audience.• Another play that may appear to be kid stuff, but is intended for a more adult audJence, ls Don Nigro's MCinderella Waltz," opening April 8. This is a farcical retelling of the Cinderella story. in which things are not always what they seem. "Some characters are allowed to break out of the fairy tale mold and make choices," Endicott sa.id, MThis Is a grown-up fairy tale that shatters all the myths and leaves the BEST Continued from Af3 combination of French, California and continental cuisines. Traditional ravorites as well as gounnet and health-conscious selections please all breakfast appetites. Old-time favorites bunermilk pancakes (SS), oauneal or Cream of Wheat ($7), e~ Benedict CSll), omelets with brealcf'ast potatoes and fresh salsa CS9.SO to SlO.SO). Adventurous and health-conscious guests can order a BBC fresh health and energy juice (SS.SO); fitness breakfast, fruit or vegetable juke, egg while omelet with Reggiano Parmesan and tomatoes. sliced melon and seven grain toast CS9.SO), cinnamon brioche French toast (SS.SO); and frittatas ($9.50 to $12). Freshly brewed Starbucks Coffee and specialty coffee drln.b are offered. too. The two-page lunch menu has appetizers, soups and salads, sandwiches. extensive en~e salads, and Fi.rat Cabin favorites and apecials. Seafood lovers will appreciate the appetiura - only fish served. Especially deUdous is the Ma.ryiand lump crabmeat wilh avocados, endive and Louis sauce ($12.75). Or try the Napoleon of seared yellow fin ahi tuna served with crisp wonton. mango-papaya relish, piclcJed glnger and wasabl dresalng ($12.50). The rest of the menu offers broad culinary selection. Sandwldlet are most appealing. lhe BBC clubhouse comes wlth apple wood-11n<>ked bacon. routed turby. bee&teak tomatoes and a~os on touted eourdou,h, eerved with fndt aalad and berries ($13.SO). 1be tender New York lteU aandwk:h II ct.led wttb r1'd nnloN. pico de pDo, crunchy onion doll. Frmx:b Mes and ftutt lllld' and btrdll ($18.50). Ala .......... blue cnb calla MftdWk:bll ..... ptledoaa, Nidc bUD wtdi m::;.= tc-d ID illw al Wida. Clll • Cllt:• (117..,. Thi lunch ... aallld ·----=..-.. _...,... __ ....... MWctluot_. .. ,... ...... - Daily Pilot of those built ln the l 940L It wu crafted to h ouse the worbrt of the 74 HJshway, he said. He Ls on tour often, but alwa)'I likes to retum home to his quaint vil1lp ln the mountains. He la not *Y homMkk In Newport Beach. He~ he b'eS it here. "I am really dislPnl lt. to tell you the truth." Ogden sa1d. • I am actually becoming a Newport guy, which is far out• by none other than Kevtn and Bean. who claimed, 'WM been backing them for almost a year now." Thrice will play the main stage on the Vans Warped Thur tbia summer with Rancid. APl and the Used before beading btr to England ln the fall to play the Read.Ing and Leeds festivals with Beck, Metallica and System of a Down. To Kevin and Bean: Never underestimate the Uttie guy. • MUL SAfTOWITZ is the feeturee editor. Hia column 1ppeara Frid-v and he may be reached It (949) 574-4295 or by e-mail It paul.uitowitz@latimes.com. audience with something to think about besides another HoUywood ending." Finally, opening a monthlong engagement next June 3, is the dark musical MCabaret, •set in decadent pre· World War II Berlin and centering around an American writer and an English chanteuse who view the encroaching peril from different perspectives. Most audiences will be familiar with the movie ·eabaret. • which won Uza Minnelli her Oscar. but be assured that the stage version is infinitely superior. The John Kander-Fred Ebb score was a dramatic revelation when it first emerged back in the 1960s. casting the spotlight on the Nazis' rise to power through often highly comedic entertainment. Th.ls is the closing weekend of the Civic Playhouse's production of the musical Monce On This Island." Oosing performances are at 8 p.m. today and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday at the theater, 611 Hamilton St, Costa Mesa. More information about the theater may be obtained by calling the box office ar (949) 650-5269. •TOM TTTVS reviews locel theater for the Daily Ptlot H11 reviews appear Fridays spinach leafs with panko fried shrimp (S18.75). Whipped potatoes or roasted pommes and fresh vegetables accompany First Cabin specials. The pan seared Maryland crab cakes (S22.50) is a good choice, and so is the popular macadamia nut crusted Mahi Mahi with mango, papaya relish and light beurre blanc sauce (Sl8.S0). At dinner, the menu shines with appetizers. soups and salads, pastas. fresh fish and shellfish, prime beef, veal, lamb and poultry. The chilled seafood martini is a perfect blend of lobster, cra.bmeat, prawns avocadoes and mango in a cognac-infused tomato aioli ($14.50) - a wonderful presentation. French onion soup aficionados will go wild for the crock of swee1 onion soup gratinee with ~re croustade ($7). Live Maine lobster is unexpectedly priced at ($39) - it's a bargain here. The roasted premium veal rack chop with Cognac Infused porci.ni-morel sauce was too fatty, but the sauce was delicious. The sau~ breast of chicken in pa.n.ko crust Is rich and sweet. It's filled wilh Parma ham. Boursin cheese and cranberry relish. The First Cabin Is open from 7 atn. to 10 p.m. d aily, with Sunday brunch from 9:30 Lm. to 1:30 p.m. Coconut Grove, offering poolside beverages and snacks, is open from noon to 8 p.m.dalJy. Duke's Place, a full bar and lounge with nightly entertainment and a ae1ect ,. lunch. dinner and desaert menu. is open from noon to ~t Sunday to Thursday and flom · noon to 2 a.m. fdday and ' Saturday, wtth entertainment Monday to Saturday. 'lhe library , Lounp aenes IO&Cb and aftemooa tea~ room eer\lke 2A houn dlllly. Membea odf cln.lna cbolcee ;. are HenrY'l !Mlllo. _... ~ ~ fJom l I un .. to 5 ~ MOlidliJ ' ~~-bnildl If from Io a.m; to 2 p.m....., , 1'1le.., CJub Gitl (~In ' the hotel MCdoQ) IS¥M dlnnS tom 5 to 10 p.m.. cllllJ The ..... llf_Clab. a.an 11 • •m w cm.1....., 1a NWs~ ...... -h' . #Mt ~-·DO if. •"*-t '-.;Sta" ( QUOTE OF THE DAY "This is the most teams we've had. I think we can double ft. We want to do it again in the fall." Owy Almquist, Corona def Mar High wt\lffte ban.tournament organizer Kaes Van't Hof of Newport Beach goes to his backhand against Gary Sacks of Calabasas during their roond of 16 match atthe SCTAjunior sectional championships at Los Caballeros Sports Village on Thursday. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT WHIFFLE BALL Emme's team top s atCdM Whiffle ball tournament director Gary Almquist is hoping he has started a tradition with the Sea Kings that will la st. CORONA DEL MAR -The Corona del Mar High baseball team wasn't the only squad Coach John Emme led to a championship this year He aJso guided hio; wh1ffie·ball team to the championship in the school's end-of-the-year tourncl· ment that included eight teams la'it week. The CdM whiffle-ball tournamt'nt is in its third year and is headed by Gary Almquist. who coaches the wrestling and freshman football teams for the Sea Kings. ·This is the most teams we've had.· Almquist said. ·1 think we can double It. We want to do it again in the fall. We want to have a home run derby and try to have eight student teams and eight adult teams.· Almquist said there were just two teams in the tournament last year This year, there were four squads made up of students and four other teams of CdM teach~rs and coaches. Emm e's team, named, •So Easy.· fea - tured Ryan Curry. the CdM boys basketball coach, and his fiance, Kan Dean, as well as Peter Selby, a sci- ence teacher and CdM's Teacher of the Year, and math teacher James May. Emme did not play In his team's championship game because his fa · ther passed away. An assistant coach for CUrry, Scon Kahawaii, ftlled in for the game. "So Easy," whJch was named by Almquist, who predicted Emme's team would win, defeated a team of players from Mariners ~urch, 11-4~ The designated visiting team opened the game with half of a run lead. The Mariners Oiurch team, called, "Circle the Bases," was coached by Jeff Pries, a former standout ln base· ballat CdM. R.J. Oumburger, who was OD one of the student teams, earned the townament'a MVP award. He had 12 home NN lo 36 at·bat& 'fyter Lents. a Junior on the CdM bMebaD team, produced two grand • llama. The games were played lo the Cd.Mgym. Tbm Welch. a atandout ln football aDd volleyball at CdM, collected de· ftnllve pla~r or the tournament ho~ • d "'Bwr)one had a ~al time, aaJ ~---.. ~--­the eouriiUMnl fudld dtid9I • 1C01 mc ~ire and plarl.i'. ,._ (a JUnJ:c>r on the CdM ...,..... ceunt bit two home run.a In ~ .ca.DJ.cbe 9IJ F.t to bit two bolne runl in one 11_!11111. Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 JUNIOR TENNIS EYE OPENER llfllll DaityA Piklt II Spana Hal flFune r'9 t •t UC Ull' r t.u.-ni1u1 June 30 honOrff PHIL BROWN Friday June 27 2003 All Van't Hof upended CIF Southern Section Division I champion Gary Sacks comes from behind to defeat Newport Beach resident in sectionals. IT'S GOOD To B E SEEDED Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot FOUNTAIN VAUEY -It was m~t likety a bi1 of hyperbole caused by lhe magnitude of the game, but when Kaes Van't Hof dropped the eighth game of lhe third set after having five game point!> against Gary Sacks, he shouted out, "Worst game ever." The win gave Sacks a 5-3 lead in the fi nal set and a second consecutive break on Van't Hof's service, something he had not accomplished previously in lhe match. Saclc.s, the reigning ClF Southern Section Oivi.51on I champion. then dosed out Van't Hof for a 7-6. 2-6. 6-3 victory to advance to the quarterfinals of the boy'> IRRELEVANT WEEK Patrick Laverty Dally Pilot Only the seeded ones remain. For youth tennis playa"S from the Newport-Mesa area lt helped to ~ a seeding Dell to }'OUf name at the 101st annual Southern California Ten- nis Assodatioo junior Rdional cham- pionships Thtnday. Three area playerJ advanced to to- day's quarterfinals and each of them cany a high SH'ding Those that were still in the main draw and didn't cany 18., bracket at the IOlst annudl Southern California Tenrus Assoc1auon 1uruor sec- tional champ1oru.hl~ Saclc.s' victory avenged a lo,., to Van't Hof m la!.t year's tournament. rn 1&... and SEAN HILLER I DAJt.Y PILOT Paul Salata and Mr. Irrelevant Ryan Hoag hold the Lowsman Trophy at Morton's Steakhouse Thursday. Hoag receives Lows man Mr. Irrelevant XXVIII is honored along with Heisman Trophy winner Palmer. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot ANAHEIM -Cast among sum from the world of sports and surrounded by USC pageantry, the usual pomp of Mr. lrrelevant's center stage walked to the beat of a different drum Thursday night at the Irrelevant Week, Is a bronze sculpture that depicts a football player dropping a ball. Each year at the banquet, Mr. Irrelevant receives a replica of the original, which is OD display a.t the University Athletic Oub in Newpon Beach. The Heisman Trophy is awarded in December to college football's top player. Hoag. a former football and lrack Heisman-meets-Lowi.man banquet at the Anaheim Marrion. ln the headline event of Irrelevant Week :xxvm, Ryan Hoag. the former NCAA DMsion m wide receiver, was presented the annual Lowsman Trophy Crom Irrelevant Week founder Paul SaJata. who served as master of ceremonies and chief host of the madcap roast and tout to celebrate the dead-tut plc:k ln the NFL draft In front of a record crowd of more than 1,200. 'There are no expectations of starting and I've got two of the best wide receivers to and field standout at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn., is excired about the opportunity of aacldng the Oakland roster this year and perhaps wol'kjng his way into starting role. He also returns kickoffs and punts. /ea«n fro"': ... I never learned so much in such a short period of timt. It was physically demanding, too.' He said lt's a great ltuation to be in with future Hall of Famen Jeny Rice and Tun Brown to help groom him. ·There are no expecudon.s of Ry.n HN&, Mr. ln'elevant and newest member of the Oakland Raiders tarting uMJ I've got two of the best wide recdven to lnm from." Haq said •• , bad • good aperience lt mifli.amp (with the Raiden). I never teamed to much In uch a lbon period or time. It wu pbJl!cally demanding, too.. Hoq. lelected No. 262 by the Oakland Raidera. wu honored alona with Orange Countian Carson Palmer, the fOnnec USC quartetback and last seuon'• Heisman nophy winner. 11 Wit ibe lrlt time ln lmlevanL Week b.latory that lhe HWnMn and I.mean uopby wlMen ... r.aiild lft lbi .... nmin.' _1111 ....... w .. deidby-..aa-UIC ~Mllldatlbeheed tllble.nd ..... the LMllwl~ ..... wtth HOlil- lbe Lowlcnan~ created In 1171 Zi. .,. ... ~iwuded~bhono•~~~,.,.. Hoe& &-foot·2. 200 ~ pla)'l:d ~OM,_.. ol htiti edlOol fooctMll IDd that -a a JV~ He...-up In Mrlr1 rpolW. cbla .--,_• Wab flol'llC • a Wlllk-on IOCC..W playK HI ...n.ct IO hll roo11 end walld ll ~~ MMle a. --~*•--"-«'rpi~ CuallJlw9 ,..._............ ~ a seed, whJch lnduded three 1oca1a, were knodced Into the comolatioft bracket. while one seeded local wu upset and tent~ as well Top-seeded NeDy Radeva ~ Calta Mesa oondnued to ron in me gi.ds 12&. knod:Jng off Haley Dimn of CA.nyoo Laite 6-2. 6-2. Radeva will meet her first seeded opponent today, No. 8 C...tberine ~P at Los OlbalJeros Sports Village in Fountain 'hDey al 3:30p.m. See SEEDED, Pace A1 2 ..em \'ant Hof. of :\t'\vpon Beach. to the consolauon brad.et where he will face Jonathan Tragardh at 9 JO am.. at Los See TENNIS, Pa1e Al2 FROM THE SIDELINES On the ro ad with Rosso's P ira tes 0 ne or the ma1or changes that amved for CalJ.fomia Junior college football after World War II was widespread planning for long-distance. nonconference gridiron contests. And, Orange Coast CoUege would be in the th1d of 11 after opening us doors in 1948 under gnd duef Ray Rosso :\-!any game-. through the late 1940s and the '50s would be scheduled by commercial planes. but tight budgets sometimes forced coUeges to chaner bl.l) transportanon. The DON school staff a1so had CANTRELL 10 pack food and make a.rrangcments for some sto~ at dlstant hotel'>- "We reall7.ed that financiallv we had to plan swface rran-.ponauon and avrnd the cost of llymg. • Rosso <;aid, reminiscing of one post· Thanksgiving week game in 1950. ·As such. we further agreed to use our own bus and proceed 10 plan accordingly "lbe plan was to supply our own food and feed.mg as weU as planned stops for wortouts and ownughts. It was like trying 10 m~ a military uruL • Rosso spoke of the Oregon Tuch game set for Klamath Falls ln southern Oregon. The two school'l had never played each other before. John Owens. the OCC linemen coach. provided insight during the nip. *Owens. who had grown up in northern California. was the most enthUStaSOC because he was going to plan an ongotng tra\~ lecture of all the history and h.ighligtl~ of the atta. • sakl Rosm. oow an 87-)Ur-old who 1M:a in Newport Beach. With am\.19mlent. though Owens was a lively 5pob!sman. Rosso recaDed that many of the playm; ~ more lndined to ute that lecture time for snoozing. The trip created camaraderie among the pJaym. Rosio said. •Al went wdl on our ftrst segment up the 1 lighwsy 99 vaDey t'OUle.. the ocx: CXMld'l aki. -We worked out tn Mall at • A9iino IWgh dool &kl JDMnudl. ~Ml not.,~ -ttllOWl!l'tld. df 11 fl d. bed c:illred bm Uxhs md al lnallt-..a~..,,· AD11c> came OUl OI the Bly A1fA • q> hc*Conreleu l\llld •UC ,.. I y ID die ....... Ht niidwd .. ~ ....... .. :-. .............. iii .. .. , .. ,. ............. .... 'Rl?•••llliil•._.-. -··· .. _ _,_ 0.-adl."blllld:"Wt ... ... , ....... 0 nat s • A12 F~. June 27, 2003 TENNIS Continued from Al 1 c.aballeros Sports WJage. After dropping the &rst set tiebreabr. Van't Hof roared back In the secood set. tnU:ing Sacks. the &st break for either player in the match, to take a 3-2 advantage eo route to sweeping the final four games of the set. It was an idendcaJ 8111.lation In the thhd set when Van't Hof again took a 3-2 advant.881? by breaking Sacks' seMce. But on the opening point of the next game, Van't Hofs second serw was called out by Sacks. Van't Hof, a senior-to-be at M~ ter Dei, disagreed wtth the call and a minor argument ensued. Saclcs went oh to win the next three points as well and broke Van't Hof for the first time in the match to ewn the thin:l set at 3-3. , s·p 0 R T S "I played a loose game." Van't Hof said "[The callJ didn't really affect me. I missed an easy volley on the point after that and then a couple easy points. I thouglit I blew it on that game." Saas held serve to take a 4-3 lead before a long eighth game that saw the players at deuce six times. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pl.OT Kaes V~n't Hof of Newport Beach returns a serve against Gary Sacks. Van't Hof had a lead in the third set, but dropped his final two service games to fall to the No. 3 seed. Van't Hof bad a 40-15 advantage ln that game and then had consecutive game points after Sacks bad pulled bad: to deuce. But Van't Hof could never put the C.a1abasas resi- dent away. Sacks had as much difficulty himself. He had two break points in a lfrN only to see the match return to deuce both times. After Van't Hof missed out on another game point op- portunity, Sacks finally won consecutive points. the final on coming when Van't Hof sent a shot long over the baseline. "I had so many chances,~ Van't Hof said. SEEDED Continued from Al l Newpon Beach's Jake Aeming. the third seed in boys 14s, was a 6-3, 6-0 winner over Ouistopher Brown. He will face Rancho OJ- camonga's Marte Maninez in the quaner- finals today at 3:30 p.m. Martinez upset the No. 8 seed in the round of 32. Carsten Ball, the sixth-seed in boys 16s. was an easy 6-1. 6-0 victor against Alex Krueger-Wyman of Pasadena. The Newpon But on almost all of those Van' Hof couldn't get his first serve to drop in. wit kind of left me at the end of the third set." Van't Hof said. •it was a little tiring. a lit- tle wear and tear.~ It was also a little frustrating, especially af- ter Van't Hof had bounced back from the first-set tiebreaker J~ in which Sacks won six consecutive points to prevail 7-3. wit was rougli because I didn't lose my serve the whole first set. then I played some bad points in the tiebreaker," Van' Hof said. wl didn't move my feet" Beach resident will face third-seeded Stefan Hardy today at 12:30 p.m. The only upset came when Justin Jenkins of Laguna Niguel knocked off No. 8 Charlie Alvarado, of C.OSta Mesa. 6-3. 4-6, 6-3, in the boys 12s competition. The three unseeded players to fall out of the main draw were all done in by a ranked opponent Kaes Van't Hof lost 7-6, 2-6, 6-3 to No. 3 Gary Sacks in the boys 18s. In the girls 14s, Jillian Braverman fell to No. 1 Leyla P.ntck- habi 6-1, 6-l. Newpon Beach's Ryan Caugb- ren Jost to No. 2 Steve Fomian in boys l 4s, Welcome to the 2003 Pacific CoutTriathlon •Race to Athcll8• Most of Sacks' points in the tiebreaker came on unforced errors on the pan ofVan't Hof. nailing 5-3 in the third set. Van't Hof at· tempted to put together one last rally. He trailed 40-15, giving Sacks two match points. but fought back to deuce. l..1ke the preceding set. Van' Hof gave him- self opponunities, but the results were also the same as he couldn't conven on two break point opportunities. Sacks finished the match with a long rally that ended when Van't Hof hit long. 6-2, 6-2. All three players will participate in the consolation brackets today. Still alive in the consolation brackets in their respective divisions are four players who posted victories Thursday. In boys 16s, Wes Burrows defeated Benja- min Tom, 1-6, 6-2, 6-2, and Roben Khoury wa a 6-3, 7-6 winner over Ouistopher Kear- ny. Brittany Holland advanced in the girls 18s consolation bracket with a 6-0, 6-2 win over Jennifer Segar and Alexandria Walters was a 3-6, 6-4, 6-1 winner over Jordan Dock- endorf in girls 14s. , .. n ,U,.... .. ) ft1t)i ,,.,h 1hr l r'" r R«'a•-"'UI sr.. ·~-rham ........ ,,,\ ....... 11 fr•tut• ·~ ,, I "GO of tfw hnr ~ "" .. ,,...,.. In dv l lrot.nl -n-... tn 1 hh ''""'f1U' '"''m"' r, ...... .,... ... tMt.. .,_,.. .,,...,, PMCrK'. r~ .. -· ~-... """th.-,, •• ,~ ..... , .. _ ... o.t """"" ....... 'Yt-........... .,.., ........ "'~hn-n <'9htnnn. f..,.,,,. ........ ,, , .. f,,. thr -••• • ..-..-,f"nJ. tt.-. .. ,........., a .nn1unuratn r p-.•t:r ••.wr-w-J 1., lu•urf' c tfymr•..,...J ~.lt•M• "•""'• fftllffl "'" P•""· •""t• ut )"4 '"•• .-n4 f'IH• J..w tt..-ft_r .. j,-n•I I h.mr .. w·uhtp tn ,...., Afl'!t O n:lllUp S-.. ,. ••••Mel ww~.c;a~+!m •= /., 611 _,.,. ............. u ............ ..__ --"'-·-·------·--·-----.-. ........... .._. ______ .._ ___ ..., ....... ..... ·-·-........ --..---.---. ....... ._..._ . ..,_ ........... ._ .. ....,._., ...... _,_ .. _ .................. , --·-""-·--·-----------· -·--·l'ftl· .. -...... -............... -• c,.,,, ............ ..,,, ................ ..,,,,,.~ ...... .-• Aeoeiv.d After el20 9dd • 10 Latlt F-· Pll)'rl*'lt M41ike d'9dc M monev ol'dlH to: Pec:Mo eo.11t Tr1a1hlon • • Malt lo · Padlo C-.. Til•Hon 422 Femi.at ,,.,.,,...._, Cororw d9I Mar CA 92925 U Spnnt R•-S86.00 i.-·•-.....,. O •youti Tflathlon" $46 oo c -..,. .,.,,,., U •Pro Raoe" ... 00 7119 (mu.I have USAT or ITU ·pro· card). .u •Twn ~ 11• oo u....,... ~•ta a unc»,. .,.s,oo ,-..,,, ~'-'----------'-----'~----­Sad!,......,,,,........ ........... -Giii¥· ......... form.....-. a..ac ~.,,..,,. u V1P ~Dey realM~ ptdlup 925.00 See_., .... tor ..... Nmme ------------~~----'-------------°"Y-____ .... .___ ~----~ Ptw...c.____, ______ Aga R*» ~--DOe._J__J_ USAT9 ...,... _______ _ A98 Qral4> ,,_ __ ~ 1'IL_ O/dlMdlle I~ ~rM llmM C:P rte T..shlft Sia 8 M L )CL l<nllr __ ,, _____ l.Mo'IT_•_cn .. 'PNel -... •----CiiiUiD-eo.._ __ ..,, _ _., ,...,_ ,~ #0 _..,_ .. __., ________ ,...,""'"*' ___ '01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 Spocty econo cor c.n1fled 121.523~1 •8.976 'OOFORO FOCUS SE Vrydeon. must ... 12861081 19 ,976 '911MW Z3CONV. lowmllel. ,~ .. , •16.976 ' '01 CHEVY CAVALIER Auto. olc. cl.on 1211na 110.976 1999 FORD F150 LIGHTNING PICKUP SENIOR TENNIS Locals rule at nationals HUNTINGTON BF.ACH - More than 200 players from 26 states are competing this week in the national 65 and 70 men's hardcowt tennis championships and the Southern c:allfomia Ten- nis Allodatlon sanctioned men's 60 dlvtslon at the Undborg Racket Club. but the high turn- out hasn't prevmted Newpon- Mesa locals from rising to the top of the heap. Newpon Beach's Bob Ouesler is the No. 2 ranked singles player in the 65 division and part of the No. 1 ranked doubles team in 65 doubles and has reached the quanerfinals in both. In the 70 doubles competition. Dick Doss. also of Newport Beach. and partner John ~ are· the top seed and have ad· vanced to the semifinals with a pair of victories. Others reaching the quaner- 8nals Thursday were Phllllp De- galllande of Costa Mesa and Hamilton Sah ln 60 doubles and Costa Mesa's Bill Harader and partner Chris Bowen, also in 60 doubles. Duesler has posted consecu- tive victories over Joe 1rahan and Elmer Mangrum, the latter the eighth seed in the 65 singles corupetition. Duesler defeated Trahan 6-2, 6-2 Wednesday and downed Mangrwn 6·1. 5-7. 7-5 Thursday. He is set lo face the No. 7 seed Uoyd Goldwater to- day at 11 :30 am. ln 65 doubles, OuesJer and Nelson played their first match Thursday after a first-round bye and cruised past Ron Boone and Don Neu 6-0, 6-4. They will meet No. 5 Henry Lancaster and John Roberts in the quanerfinals to- day at 2:30 p.m. Doss and Prowless also had a first-round bye in 70 doubles. They went to work Wednesday with a 6-1, 6-3 victory over Don- ald Bly and Hollis Smith and made it look easy again Thurs- day with a 6-1. 6-3 over Fred Pes- SIDELINES Continued from Al 1 accommodations as well· Rosso continued his story of the trip with a touch of humor. ·0ur next leg was John Owens' special oration on how the Chinese were imported to build our rail system in the mountain areas and again we could delect a Jot of snoozln.g." Rosso said the team's anivaJ at the Oregon Tuch campus was dampened with rain. "However, we were well greeted and made comfortable. and of course. we were happy to be off the bus." he said. ·The home team players and coaches were very friendly and it was unique to prepare for a game with our attitude that was meant for playing the game for fun.· Rosso also sakl the trip and the game served as learning lessons for his players. "We bad an enjoyable game,· Rosso said. ·sut we missed the n~ intensity to go all out. This ln lt5elf was a lesson in-. scheduling and playing tht game for fun." It Is fair lO say that CXX: was trailing by a narrow margin and at the end of the mud-soaked field But a frosh speecbter from Yuma. Ariz.. streaked out of a spread fonnadon and ran a fair distance for the winning touchdown. His name was Howard Del Miller. The game concluded with a special 1banksgtvins dinner for both teams. "I must say that it left everyt>ne quite comfortable with the si and Nell Roberts. Doss and Prowless are set for a semifinal match against No. 5 seed Roger Hing and Michael O'Hara today at2:30p.m. In 60 doubles, Oegalllande and Sab are on the opposite side of the bracket from Harader and Bowen. In their ftrst matches Thwaday. Degaillande and Sah defeated Mark Dolan.sky and Bob Randolph 0-6. 6-4, 6-• and Harader and Bowen won 6-4, 6-t. Oegalllande and Sah will face Lee Murray and Robert Roy- den, who had a first-round bye, today at 4 p.m. Frank Fulton and Fred Hardy, who also have a first- round bye will play Harader and Bowen. also a1 4 p.m . Harader wasn't as successful in the 60 singles competition. After defeating Rocky Fo rd 7-6, 6-0 Wednesday. Harader fell to We$ Simmons, 6-4, 6-0, Thursday. Earlier ln the week. John Peter- son of Newpon Beach teamed with Berk Eichel to knock of( John Callaghan and Jerry Crimeos in the 70 doubles brack- et But Peterson and Eichel fell to fourth-seeded Cluck Nelson and Bob Isenberg Wednesday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Dally Piiot's Athlete ofthe Week senes j j I I J j ' TODAY 11 -Bedty Cummlna Corona del Mar Girl• cro11-country. 2001 -02 11 -John Mann Corona def Mar Soya water polo, 2002 venture," Rosso said. "I really can't recall personal reactions. but I do know that there is something to playing to win and yet enjoying the game and opponents. • AJI in all, uuersectional competition is well worthwhile at the season's end.· he continued. ·Naturally, if it means winning a bowl-type game. it requires more intensity in all &pee-ts of preparing and playing. But th.is type of game made many on the team closer together and made their relationships with each other and the coaches more meaningful. And, it also gave us a stan for the next yearl" Rosso compared the CXX: trip along with his own experience with road games and realized the positive impact for everyone involved. ~wen. It was not as exciting as flying, but the guys will remember it even better," R~ said ·0n this point, I recall that was true when I played and we had train ttips to Oregon and Washington. And, in the two or three days. we all profited from the experience of being able to know eadl other and enjoying the atmosphere that travel provides In preparing for competition." . •• . 'OO CHEVY Sl OXCA& a.on 'OOCHEVY ASTRO 'OOFORO WINOSTAR lX POW9r 0~. CO, ec:ono trudt (1486'51 •10.976 Power P\g. auto. l~ot •13,976 tAS8 8ot •13.976 ,,,,,,._ .... ..-............~~ -~- ,;...Liiii=---------Legal Notlcet -Llpl Noelcls .......... '-S..... Actl!IM..... Adlll..... PWUC,4me1 Publlc lltatlftp •Ill bt .,~ t~ held by I.he Cotta Mew --.... s....... I ht c.,,. MHa Lom111 Pl1nnlnt Co111mlaa10n ., TM to"ow1n1 Pt'""' The fullowma 11erwns The tollow1n1 i>'"Ont Admtnlilr•IOr wlU re..0-City Hill. 77 fM Orin, ue doin1 business 11 111 doina bu"ntn n '"'' do1111 bustnell as • dnlloon on Tlwn4ey, Costa Mtsa, Caltfornla, ftiial Coat 1013 B 111 Advanurf Y•chts !11!1 Comm<1d1t1u Otrtel. My IO, 200I, Of H at 6.30 pm , Of 11 '°°" '"c;""tle, Costa Men Catalina Or Newpnrt 1621 w s flo A M>On n PQ&slble tti.te Ible tt CA 92827 Buch CA 9?663 •0"-3 s · utn :'" vC•A after. on lht lollow1nJ n po"l llMlr•1• " on " ana ""'· 11-ms M•t1••Y· J•y 14• Ho1n1 M Nauyen Dannis A Ob"" '115 92104 s 2001 di th 1425 E l1 Palme Ave c..iahna Or . ..ewporl A T d I Min0t Ou11n Review f ,._ •1 ''~' nt,! 1 •• '"11" c • n r 1 e" • • 03 ""' tor Dt"ld "t1lh o .. .,. na i,..,.lee ..,n, Anthtlm, CA 92905 Buch CA 9266J Buteau. Inc., (CA) 1611 "' "' • " I M 11 t., p tan 111' business ls con Thi\ bullntH I\ ron W Sunlluwu Avt Eldr1d1•. f11t • 6!12 SQ Amendment PA-03·12 for ducted by en 1nd1v1du1I ttucttd by an mdividuit •D'>J. Stnta An•. CA It second ftoOf addition M p thor d H•v• you started do1n1 Have you ,t.wltd du111w 92104 to 1 \ln&1• t1m1ly 1 es1 arctut f .,*Oa~u As 11'1 1 buslnus yet? No busmen "•17 No Th b dence, localed .at 888 •11•n LtOtd p 1 ~I 1· , is us1nen " con Stn1te Slrfft in an RI • es ar ""''"' P Ho•na M. Naut•n Oenntt A Obent ducted by a corporetron tone Cnv1ronminlel 01ana Hirst, to allow 1 Thlt st1tement WH Th" sl•leme11l wn Have you d1rted dom1 4.060 sq It 1dd1tlon to llltld with tht County tiled with the (;ounly bu\1nen y1t1 No delerrnmallon uempl c;ommerctat bulkli~ Clerk of Or1n1e County Clerk ol Or•nae c.,1,111y A T d 'l. Minor Condlt1on1I 'c I I .. _ O meric an 1 a II\ Uu PMmit /A 03 41 for requHI nc u .... s • . on 06/19/03 on 0!>/?9103 Hut.au. Aron K Puri. Wold Oah Markth, Inc . FAR dev11llon). located 2.,0S•t48711 200'69'6272 l'fO bull10riied •a•nt for 11 ?~ 0111 StrHt In • De1tr Piiot Junt 27 July Dally 1•1101 Junt 6, 1 l lh" >latement w~' c; l ·S 1on1 Environ- '· 1 • 18, 2003 F47J 'l.O. 27, 2003 ___ f414 f1h11t w11h the County co,ta Me,• SQu•••. Uc.;. mental determln1tlon· 0 for outdoor d1Spl1y ot Fktll.a ..... s fktttlow141slnen Cl~rh of r•n110 County pruduce, flowers, ind uempl. on 06/ I 7 /03 planh 31 the mim entr Y 2 Pl1nnm11 Apptlcat1on ie-s...n N..S...._. 20036941530 ul Henry·, Market Place, PA 03 23 tor Nina Tiie followina periona Th~ lollow"'v P~••on\ Daily P1lut lune ?O, 71. located ,.1 3030 •0 Youns aulhorl11d acent tr• do1n1 buslnn~ u are dc11n11 t111•1nes\ "' July 4 I I 2003 f •!>6 Harbor Boulevftrd in • for Bruce Ounseth/ Gr11n DHlll' landscape. UC W••udwmk\ 21202 Cl l On• Environment•! Dr•nc• <Aunty Board 01 431 W. Alton Ave Unit Ad"'"" l •"•tn• Hill• CA F......_-......__. d t I I (ducallon localed at 200 • • ' ,. .. ._. _ e ~•mm• 11111 f aemp l "•lmu' Onn. lor 1 t , Saot1 An1. CA 92107 926'> l "--S,._. J Minor Des.an Jlnlew !"' Rk erdo Arreola 421 Br11n l•v W1lh•"· .._ ZA OJ SO ''" Emmanuel c,ond1llonal use ptrmlt W Alton Ave Unit D n?O? Mamo l a••m• I ht tollow1na per_,,,, Aq tho 1 d uenl o allow off site perli.lnc • 1 b uu•o •u " e 1 • loc•led •I ~""1 Redhill 5'nt1 An1, CA 92101 lltll• r.. A 'li'fi~ 1 •• • 1 uona usiness " f<>r Steph~n W1ndwr to ""' Tt111 business is con lh1\ busin•n '' cun 11 Irvine Sr>•C1alty t•P•nd th• second floor Ap••nue '" an MP and ducted by o1n 1nd1v1du~t duded t.; an irtd1•1du•I 110•P•lal f n 1 f 1 u OI rone rnpec.tively ~, 1 S 1 C 1 r 0 " '' 1 ~ llm• Y 1 1 Environmental delarm1-H1ve you 'tarted do1na H• .. r••u ,1.,11 ,f ''""'II < •vine U'E"• en" dtnu by 110 sq It bu11ness yet1 No bu\1nt•\ y•I' Nu 16JOO S•nd Canyon A•t IO<tlled •I 882 Prospell nation uempt R1<1tdo Atreol• ff114n Jiy w.tll••\ Ste IOO'i lr•ine CA Pl••• '" au Ill zone J Plann1n1 Application Thrs statement wn lhi< ''•lem•nl "·" 'l?Gll! I nv11onment•I dtlt1m1 PA 03 18/PM 03 160 IOf lll•d With , ... County tiled .... h .... Cvuulf MH~ r llndri\un, uetwn ..... mpl Tail .. Assoc11tes Inc I Cieri. of Ot1ntf' County '-'••" of V14"V• r '"ly lb lOO S '"" I A11ynn Av,. 4 Mini)• Ot\•tn llevlfw M1cll1tl Simon, autho· 0110612•/0J un Ob 14 OJ St• HXl'> 1r•1n" l" /A 01 '.>7 '"' Windell and rued •aent for C J 200J•t4t228 20031>9•9229 '~lfil8 K•ren Stuut Iv ••pand Seaerstrom a. Sons/ D•llY Pilot June 21 July D•ily hlul Jo1111 ?I 111111 !hi• 1""'""'$ I\ tnu lht ucund "''"' ul 1 Jeffrey Reen, for 1 '· 11 . 11, 2003 r""" 4 11 II! 7003 f 4/2 ducl•il lty dn indmdu1I smtlt l•nuly I P\ldtsntt .... a nu hom m1n1mum ;;~;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;:;:::=::_L.:::=:.....:..::.::::=.:::::= llAv• you •tarted do•n~ by lf,/ ,0 fl lot1ted lot width requirements 1111\in•o,s y•t'Nn at "ll/J Buulml( in an !120 requ11ed, 110' HOTlCE OF PETI-Qlll'll lhll lu1tionty M.11~ I 11~'1•""" RI ione r,, m onnienlal prOl>Q'9d) •n con1unctt0n l10N TO AOMIHIS-A HEAAINO on tne TIH~ ~1.•tement wn d~lt·•min4llvn •Hmi>I with a parcel map lo Tl.A ESTATE OF pet111on Wiii be netd on l•I• d "'"' '"" Cuuutv Publl\hed N•wµui 1 le&al!le subd1v1S1on of a uvll"P'I r:: uAY OIL J"~7, 2003 al 1 45 PM Cieri. ul 01 •nae C,;ounl~ paJcel. located at 1650 ,. '" "'"19 ., • In No L73 "--led on os,·29 0 l Bu<h C<tst• Mna Dilllly Ad•mi Avenue and 2800 LOH ,...... Prlol lune ll.1003 F476 It 1 TM Qly 0nve 2003694041 __ Meu Verde 011ve Eest Cale No A219679 ()fang., CA 92813-Oa1ly P1101 June 77 luly •n a Cl zone [nviron· To c:· benefi· t!>71 4 II II! ?003 r 417 St!ll ynur Car menlftl determlnahon. dariff, I. oootio-IF YOU 06JECT to -:=:::::;::;;:;::::::;::;;;:::===-L.==;::;;,,;:(=':./u_'_•.:lfl='=''=!== uempt o-11 ~. and per-the o<anllno of IN pe11-• -4 Appeal of Zon1n1 90t1f woo may OINr'Mse lion 'OU ahould TMlet Sale No F0309'Kf de$Ctlbed WI Aid Dead ol "dm1n1strator's denial of ti. lntatMted In in. Wiii II ~ l'leeling Incl~ Loin No Gordon Tille Ofller T'llSI. The prcperty "'"**>rt • m1"or rnndll1onal use ,,, Hiatt, ,,, bolt\, ol your ~ ,,, Ille I No ~-20 APN m9C-~•l*nglolcl .... pernlll l A-02-69 for MYRTLE MAY DILLON wril!eo objecliOrle with 088 Nocjce of Tn.ctees Slit The llfllel id:1191 IRI atw Irwin Schallmen, au· A PETITION FOA h coul1 l*Ore .,_ Yw n "' o.til!Jt .nlel I ~ d119111101', d My. ol tho r1 zed a a en I for PROSATE 1111 bMf1 '-ring y Dead of TrAJ Daled f'9 ,... P'llC*1Y daaclt.d Robert M Brandy, lot • ftl9d Dy Meltlanl Derby ance may ::'in:; 11/27'2001 ~ 'fW U*e 11tJOwt • purportld ID i.. ttl recychna bus1nn s •nd Fulllfton In fie Sl.C*ior or...., you< 111,,,,_. 1CDOn ID D'OtllCI toJI Pflill8'!Y 3llft SL ~ e..:ii. CA to allow \tora1e con Caldomla. w) F YOU · AA E A • nwy be 9(jO au OUCloc 5*f azee3 The ll'ldlr1l9*' ta 1 n ers • t lhe re" of ~ofolORANGE ' CREOITOO ,,, 1 conttn· I you neeo., erpi-..cn d T11.9119 ~My Ublllly the ptoperty loc•led at ...,..,_,., lite~ <I "If;)"').~ kl ll't •COl1d-ol N '146 W 11th Street '" 1n niE PETITION Q"fll cred lOt OI 11-.e aga>r'\$1 '°" "" VOJO ~ aoirm " OClll! MG 1nne C nviron-ntal FOA PAOSATE re-deC•aMd 'IOU must •te cCY'lr• ~~ c, '71003 a;Jml'IOn dllq1lllM • w,, d~lermtn•hun uempt QUMia tNI ~'11 your claotn wth ll\I> ooun 11 1000 m ~· VOOl!I ~ Sitd ,. .. ~ Appul of Zon1n1 ~y Ful*ton be I~ ano rM1I d ~ l'l !he [)<olauft $fr.l.c'"S ~ J 08,...,. cu ""'°-C __.. Adm1n1\lrator s 1pprovat Pointed H perlOflll ~I ·~~senUltive ~ C<lvw*>r' • i:tt or •IMl'tt llCP'9llld 01 of • minor cond1tio"at ,..,,...,..~to•~ aopo1111e<1 ~l ~ COUl1 12Jr ~Eel eruRae "'* ""IJlleO ~ • use permit U. 03 30 for ...., IN est.le DI tt>e W'tl'ln tour l"Q(J0!!1S ffom ...., ~ iO Deec ot !"Al ~ or ~ 1 ••d Stel1ner aulhomed dlCedenl ltWJ dale Of hrs! <MU3nce recotc-' ~ ~ :IO IO pay N ~prroclll a11ent for Paitor Tim THE PETITION of le'le<S IS ptO'llOed in ~· as .ns!'ll'ltf'f i.:> N'I d N nole(I) NOnd Dy C•lek Calvary Clturch ~ tile ~· P'OC>ale Cooe sectJ()(I 20010961769 rJ ~ Qld OMO OI T~ -.11 ~twPCrrl Meu to allow •and oodca, rf 1ny 9100 Tt>e ~tor filonQ RecciCll ~ :-c Ollu rJ t"'e -~ f:l'O'/'O!!drt • rtducllon in parll.1n1 be ldrnlll9d IO probate Cl.JllT'IS wi~ llCll e~ lltocuroer ~ °'¥? v~ · 11 ~ r,. q u" 'm • n h < I 16 lle'Olll foor montf\S !-om C<il~ V""-"l!d Dy l>lw'a S.0 "Cl'llSJ '°"¥as "'Y \PICI'\ rtQUlled 50 The Wiii and any oodiol$ ttie rwtamo dalP notoc.ed G.orOYl a W9f l!IMI IS "* h *"'-OI 1111 De«! of I Jla<"' provided) 1nd for 119 tvlllable fer IXllTll• lbove ll\IS'or ,. •a.or d Jae' E o.t. T'JOI .,.~ '-CNroeS •hortd •cce" acrou ndon "'11'4 lilt kepi by YOU MA Y EXAM lr..S'H tJ ~ [)!oa-a•IO<l of ro ~ ol ~ !Mlle I 711'> Newport Boule· h court tNE tile filfl kept by the TritSI cl Jact f Oa:I .,... ro cl tJte ir..m OU:ed by I "' d with an 1dm1nl\ THE PETITION coul1 11 you are a pefSOO r-.st~ oa•eo Noit~ salCI deeC d ~~ lr•hvt ad1ustmenl to ~-·~ ... 11to ll'llllftt$IM '"the esuue 11 1m ae ~"I .,. S72306 •S · rtdutt front utbaci. .............. u• -r.f\I al_.,," a..cllorl 11) 1Jlt Aa°'lleCl""toesl...O .ic»llOna l•ndhap1na ('l.0 rt· under 1.....,_,,. you may hi• 'W'th '"" .,..... """ 1 nr:•-.~ ..... ~"':r'esta~t-" coul1 a R~~~t lo< ""11't'5' tiooo. lor Cll'\" in:e ' rv .,, The Quired 17 m1n1mum ..,.,..,...,._."' v• OE tpayalllf al Or"'f _, YI'! 1n M 119U'e 0'10' IO salt •lrirtft Vlt toria Street lie.. (Thia l uthOrily 'MM Special NOi.Ce lf()ml 'Jw'.J ~ ol II"! ""'*' ~IQ.it'! l1'oCllr said Oeeo ol po upoud 1 1n con1unclton llow the l»f10"ll rep· 1 S4/ of tf'le ftllng ot .ln Sra't>S by r::aYo 1 ~ s T~I herllotore U«IAld Wld with the remodehnft of ree.ntlM ID tak• many Inventory ano ill)p(aisal d'l80! 0'1W'I by a ~ or ~eo lO II-. lllOel1ll1*I a lhe Ar m•tron& Carden "1IOf-. w+ttlOU1 oblanng of estate U5f!~ Of ol ~ biW. a ctlec' cl<•"" ,..,~ dlditlbclr> of ~ Cr11111 1nclud1n1 con court approvll Belote any petmon O< acoount 'J't ii ~e or lecllr.lf crl'dt ro ~ lor Mle. ro a •lructton of a new 6 . .00 u p!!Mdl!<l tr• Pf'Jbill! """ 0 1 CN>dC !hwn DI' a ~ ~ OI Oel.ir.A1 ro sq ft &"den center = ~",9"1r: COO!! --'"" 1 2~ A st~e or ~ U"""05 1flCl EG<ln IO 5411 The bu1ld1na lociated at 'l.123 Request 10f ~.at llW1 ~. SMr9 ~ Ql.cMO rid Newport Boule•trd 1n a ..,_,fie pertOnel '9P• Notioe l.>m ~ 11-11 llble assooaai 0t !oaW1lll c.-'4ot>c.li 01 o.tUI ro Elctlorl CZ 1ont En•ironmenlal eeraM wll be r~ecl ITom the eoutt ~ IO"'Ofled l'I Mldqt 51o:z ol e. 10 se110 be l'ICOfll9d en, tn '-drlrrm1nallon eumpt b r/Yff nollCI ID 11111r-Anom.y for petitioner Mnlnc:>ll CoCll anc: aRICrllf'd COll'l!y-.. tll,. ll'lll*!Y 6 Mu ter Plan tor ..-ct perlOf19 unlMI MINA N SIRKJN ESQ IO do~ 11 ""5 Nl<!J 'I o IOCl!l«l ...0 mart fWt 1Vee future improvement of ~ MW wllY90 l'IOCIOe STEVEN C GAM· In h ll'CYll ot h iaGPOll • tnO'ls t'llve lflpMd Wrot T o wn C • n t er 0' 1 v' or 0011•11lld to trlll BARDELi.A ESQ tie ,.._. ftlflY -IO .. a.ell ~ ()IMcl »w b•lwHn Park Center ~ ~) Tiw 2()1SIJ VENTURA BLVD ,._..()ioc;C.W.,1~•1 t 20!2) t.M'ldlrTWlc.I 0.. Drive and Avenue of tfte .._..... .. ldmiAatra.-STE201 E ~-. Pllce'Ca, S.-COIWI')' I Ari\ En•1ronmenta t bl luthol'lly wll be W~O HILLS CA CA 71 nctc. 1111 ..s --E .... Qrde Sim 100 determination Final CIR grai1llld un.a 1n W'tl< • 91364 tat'VtyeQ 111 ¥00 ~ "9IQ by ~ lriW'f CA 921 a (7 I 4j '2~ • I 041 .-d '*10f'I filee Ill ~ Such (;()Illa 11'(/11 sa1f 0.S of TM! 11 flt 4A80 5* ~ (714j m 1 SP e C If IC p I a n ~ b b pellljOt'I ~ Oa~y ~ ,......., " ad 1195 By l(,rn M """° St A-ndment SP·03 01 to ll'ld Vows ~ C8llM CNS81883 DILLON .Ml COll'l!y ca&tomia ~ ~ OStc. Pt...a 1nc0fporate th• Thutre wtry tw court~ rioc V ,28 Jul , 2003 tte in,_... As rroe-.-, 613 &?O OMJ/2003 and Alt' O"ll1ct Pt1n .;.;.;.~;..;;;_..;;.;.;;_;.,..;;.;_;;..;;.;;_;.,~~__;;.;...:.;;;;;;._..;_;;_~_;_c_'-'-~J -'--'~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~ OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE SPECIAL JOINT PUBLIC HEARING into the Hortll C:O.ll Men Specific Pt1n F nvltontnt11t.I •tatm1· Mtion; hecnpt. &. Allnt.1.el llavlew ot a:n4 tmtnd-.nt to the Septstrom Ho-ltancll 0.11tlo111nent Acl'Mmtnl (DA-00-01) If any of the pr'"411nc ICtions ... challenpd In coUf I. HM challt11&• may bt limited to only tllo" lssun -ne ralws at th• publtc lle111n1 described In lhtt nohc• or In written corr•· 'ponden« delivered to th• Pt1nnlna Commission 11, or jlftor to, the pubhc hear Ina. For further inform•· tlon o n the 1bove apfticalions, telephone (7 •> 7!>4·52•5. or v111t the offk:·t of the Plan nina Oivtslon, Room 200, 77 F '" Drive. Costa Meu , California Published Newport 8Hch·Cosll Meu 011ly Pilot Jurtt 27, 2003 FUS STA ft fl CAllomA •MrBOf llVS1llM IBA110IS WOBllS' COWllSAlDI AIPWS IOAll SPl<W llOTICI Of &ANT WCM .. POI HMll To 0£FEHOAHT, ILLC GALLY UNINSURED EM PLOVER. AVISO. A ad It ttlan demandando Lt c1rt1 pued• upedir uni dec11ion QUI It 1feclt sin que se le escache a memos QUt ad aclut jlfonlo. Lu la "tuiente informecoon. DEFENOANT. Wtth1m J McM•hon, D 0 S., 13'22 Newport Ave , • A. Tu,tln, CA 92780 (71•> !>4'·!>883 , APPLI CANT(S)· Patricia E11n NOTKIS I) A lawsuit. Ille at lachtd Apphc:1tlon for Ad1udlcahon of Claim hn been hied with the Workets Compensation Appuk Bo1td •cain\t you 1s the named defend1nt by the above· named 1pphcant(s) You mey suk the advice of an attorney 1n any matter connected with this l1wsu1I i nd such attorney should be consulted promptly so that your response m1y be filed and enterrd 1n 1 timely fuluon If you do "ot know •n attorney, you may ult ian att0<n1y reference service or a 11111 11d otfoct Cut telephone d"ectory) You may also requnl ns1slance11nlor m1t1on fr om an lnform1t1on and Au1Slance Of11cer of the 01•111on of Workers Compensatron (see telephone d1tector y) 2) lv1 An\wer to the Applic1llon must be hied and served w1ttun ,,. d•Y' of the ur•1t• <tf the Apphc1llon pur su1nl lo Appeals Board ruin lhtrtfore. your wrotltn response must be filed with the Appuls Bo1rd promptly a letter or phone call will not ptolecl your 1nteresb l) You w~I be served with • lolottc.eO) of He1ttn1 and must ap pea< ,, •ti hnr"1p Of confe,.ncn After such hur1n1, even absent your appear anc• • de<lllOll may be m1d<I Ind an aw1rd of com penS1llon benefits mar THE COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WILL HOLD A SPECIAL JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A REHEARING OF THE 1901 NEWPORT PLAZA RESIDENCES PROJECT LOCATED AT 1901 NEWPORT BOULEVARD IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL (PDC) ZONE. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: FINAL EI R NO. 1050. THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED: For Dave Eadie, Rutter Development, authorized agent for property owner Kennedy/Rutter Development, for a 161-unit residential condominium project, as follows: 1) Certification of Final EIR No. 1050. Frldly, ble 27, 2003 AU ................... ............ _Lalli .... - i1aue 111mst yCMI The IWatd t:dllld rttult In h 11rnl1hment of your wapa, !Mina ot ,o.,. '"OM>' Of pr°"' ty Of other rtllel If ~ Appqls 80Md "',." en eward 111lnst yCMi, your house °' ottw d-lllnc °' othtf Pf,,.. etly "11Y be tabn to satisfy that ••1rd In • non 111docl1I ult. with no uemptlon~ from ue cuttoo A lien m1y 1IM> ti. tmpoud upon r our prOjlttty without futtMt hearln1 end before tht luu1nce of en aw1td ') You mu't notify tht Appnl' Boerd of the proper 1ddrtu for the Mr vtee of olhcl1t notices and papers and notify the Appeals Boetd of •nr ch1n1u in that illddfHS UICI ACTION NOW TO l"aOHCTYOUtl INTlUSTSI IHued by WORKERS' COMPENSATION AP PEALS BOARD, N1mt •nd Add••H of Appt1ls 8011d WORKER S ' CO MPENSATION AP· PEAlS BOARt> "35 W M1n1on Bl•d •100 Pomona, CA 91766 COMPLE lCO BY loleme 1nd Add11n of Appl•· cant • Attorney, Rep" \t!nl•t1ve (01 Applicant 11 1et1n& without Allor ney/Repr euntal10) l1w Ofhces of Keith A Seaaun P O Bo• 2188. Pomon1 CA 91769 2188 (909) 397 7.00 NOTICE 10 THE PERSON SERVED You •rt Mrvtd as en lndmdual tlefen danl Publ11hed Newport Beech Costa Men Daily Pilot June 13, 20, 27, July 4. 2003 f 430 SUlllOllS (OTACIOll MOll NOTICE 10 OCfcH DANT Uw1so • Acusa do ) HO ANG LAH TRUONG •n 1nd1vlduel and do•n1 bu""'" es HOANG l AH MUSIC; DOCS I to 20 YOU ARE BEING SUCO BY PLAlHTIH (A Ud le ut• demand •ndo) MINH QUANG NGUVEN ah LAM GIA MINH You h1vt )() CAUN OAR DAYS •fter th9' \ummon\ '' ur .. d on you to hie • typewn ttefl tt\ponit at th!\ coutt A letter or phone c.all will not protec.t you 1our t ypewt1tten " \ponu must be '" proper •ta•• I<>< m 1! you w1nt lht tour I to hut your use If you do not hie your tuponu on lime you may lose the cne and your w•an. money and 1><operly may be l•k•n without furthet wur11n1 from the court es ll<fl'SOMI rept-nt_a,. tlve '41 .... ts IM .. t•t• of IN lllecMMt TI4I "tTITIOft ,...,.. ... avthotity to ...W.t. the u.l•lt uftder Ult lndtt>tlldent AdMlnh tr1tloll of btetae Act. ( ™' Alltlwtt, wll •low tllt Ptftonal f .. HMn• t1tlvt to llt.e '"'"Y ~tli>llt •ltllovt obtain Ina court appto\111 a.tore taltlna cttt11n Yllf)' lrnpott1nt 1ct1on1, IM>wtvtt. UM penon1I ftClftMlllltlve Wiii be "quited to pvt notice to 1ntttnted penon1 unltu Ulty hen waived notice or COllHnted to tht prOpoMd lctlOfl ) Th• Independent ad· minl,tratlon authortly will ti. er 1nted unleu 1n tntunttd person files an objection to the petition 1nd \how' &ood c1uM why the court ihould not cunt the 1uthorit1. A HEARING on the petition will bt held on JULY 24, 2003 at I 4S pm 1n Dept l73 louted at 341 The City Or1ve South, Orence. CA 92168 IF YOU 08JCCT to the lflnlln& of the pet1t10n, you 11\ould ~ 11 ltle Mat1n1 and stat• your ob)Kllons °' file wrttlen objtetlOM wlttl the court befor • tht Mlrtn1. Your appearance milly be 1n penon or by your attorney IF YOU ARC A CRCOI· TOR ot c;onllncent creditor of the dKened, you must hie your cl11m •Ith th• coUl't and mill a copy to ttM person1I repreMnl1hv• appointed by th• court within lour month' ltom the d1t1 of tll• flt,t lssu1nce of lette" n PfOVlded 1n Probate Code secloon 9100 Tht trme for f111n1 ct11ms wtll not upwe before foUf months ffom th• hHrln1 dale noll<td 11>ovt YOU MAY EXAMIH£ the tile kec>I by 111• court If JOU '" I per son In· larHl•d on the eslltt, you m1y Ille with "'' cour I a Request for Special Noltee (lorm 0£ 1~) of the hlin1 ol an inventory and appra9'AI of t\late 1ueu Of ol any petrtoon or 1c.count H PfOV!Oed '" Probate Coo. socllon 1250 A Request for Specoal Notte• form ts available ltom the court clefk ""_.,.,_ ,.mi-.r. MeH-Y.,4eto & lrl>y, Jlltyt1 Heu-Yer4et1, 11,.., lJOI Dev• Stteet, Ste. •70, New,.ett leecli, CA 92'60 Publ"lud Newport Buch Cost• Men lune ZO. 26. 27. 2003 FTll438 ISC ISi .. *>11CI Of Pl111DI I here are otller ••1•1 requtremenh You may want to call en attorney t1ahl away If you do not know 1n attorney you m•y call an alto• ney 'eferr al \etvKt Of • lea•• aid 0H1ce <hued 1n the phone book) Oupues de Que 1, To 111 Min. btMf1- •ntre1u1n "la crtac1on c1a11u, credrtors, con· 1ud1t11I u'ltd lttnt un ltn,.nt c.redrlO<$. and plazo d<I 30 DIAS CAL i"<SOn\ wtlo may Ott!· tfWIH ti. tt1laresled on lNOARIOS pere presen rtie will Of Hl•tt. or tar une tesp~I• n Crtla a maqu1na en uta both, of FRANK J COflt Cl.WA Una carll o una A PETITION Fat! PRO llamad1 teltlon1ciil no le BATE hn been filed by MARIA CAMPA u1 IN olrectu PfOlectoon 'u Su1>4tt0t CoUft of Cali rul)ut,la ''"1h a f0<n1a, County of OR maQu1n1 t1e ne Qu e ANGE .......... ......... ltlH Envoy Ave Cot Ot11 CA 921111 M1rcelin1 Ancu1e1111 19165 Enwo1 tl •• C0t1111 CA 9l881 This bu1111os 1\ c11n dud ed by huM>end •r>d ••f• Ha•• you \la• led d01n1 llu1111n' y1tl No Rubef! JoM Ro .. , Th1\ uet1m1ot .... filed w1lh lht f.uuril y Cieri! of Or1n1t tount~ on CY.I 11 01 200H9US28 011ly t'1lnl Junt /0 JI July 4 11 ;>OOl r 4'>1 Tilt followlftc pe11on• art doinc ~a H •) Newport Met• l"t111nb1111. b) Hewi-t ..... P'lumtNnc, Ht•lHI• a. All CondrtiOnloll c) Ntwpcwt Beach Plumb ""· d) Newport But:ll Plumb ftC. HeatJn1 a. Air ConditlO<llnc. • ) Newport l'lumbina, I) Newport Coast P lurnb1n1. I ) Newport Men Ho1111 ln,pec;hon Serwice . h) Newport Mesa Rutty, f) Costa Mesa Plumbina. 1> Costa Mesa Attord1ble Beck f10.,. T tsl1n1. k ) Acfll.n les!Nss Beach Cll1ts Mold -~ Tedlnc a. Remediation. Th& 1o11.1w111K l'"''•n\ l 991 Anillhltm Ave • •re dc.in11 liu•ir•r" •• A Co1ta Mesa, California Snap Sicum~ c,.,v11 e 92627 8A9 w .. 1 15tn s11u1 Dave Bli ck 1997 Suite 1 lllew.,,•11 fhctl Anahiem A•• . Costa Cahlornia 9~J Meu. CellfornlA 92627 ll'>On llu•m•' k•t ti Thi\ bu11neu ts con ardson 849 W"I I' 111 ducted by an 1nd1vldual St Nowp,,11 ""ii r H•ve you started doma Cillforni• 9"/f.l.J bu~1neu yet' Yes Th" bu"""' " on 111•tM I dutltd by •n 1nll .. 1Clu•I Dave Bllt:k Havt Y'"' \lai tftl Join, Th!S slalement wn bu\inr\\ ytl 7 "'" hied w1tll Ill• County lawn 1 hCH»A\ 14,, r Cler~ of Oran&• County 1, chon on 06/17/0l 11>,. ,,.,.,.,.,,, .... 200s••.as2s llltd W•th "" r Ut 11 Daily Piiot lune 20 27 Cltt~ ul O• 1 ~· u~·, luly ' 11 2003 f 4!13 on(.(, 17 1 1 CMICaA AllCTIOUI 200Huas u Cla1ly 1'11 I 1n• )0 I NOTICE IS H[R[BV CIV[N lh1t the contenb of th• toltow1nc st0< •i• units will be offered for sale by public auction to the h11fhnt bidder for enforcement of \te••&e hen The eucllon will be held on July t•. 200J at lOOO AM LOCATION A1tPO<t Self Stor11•. l800 C1mpus Drtve, Newport Buch. CA92660 Terms C1111. Airport Seit Stora1e ruervn the 111ht to refuse any bid or cancel auction Name of auctroneer lhe Auction Servic.e, Daniel Jackson. CA BOND t 123'119 The followm1 unrts ••• scheduled for auction WHICH CONlAIN ROCKING CHAIR RUGS CABIN[ I B£0 HOUSE HOLD ITEMS & FURN! TURE & Ml~C BOXES CONTENTS UNKNOWN UNIT • llSS SONORA OE lAHO UNIT • 'l.0% JAMIE l.Al'ATA UNI! • 2239 DAN M DUTRO Published Ne•por t Bt1ch Costa Meu Daily Pilot June 27 luly 4 'l.003 r 469 luly a I I IC I I&• rn .. t )111 '#It ,, :fi"''"''' lff' df1 '~ tJ 1P \ A\ N.,.•Plltl r,u\lvfll '/'il>u~ work1na Ill I' Wt1111.,., Ave C<r-..14 M•··• CA 9?.627 Notn,Art f ru l t,n,,,, ?58 W1lnu1 \I c "~18 MtSI f " 'l/f,? I John I prr <1nlo '>111 I L•nref.flllt1 (If n Jn•1r1, ton Bu<I f.A 'Uf.4'1 fh1\ to'''''P\\ t t 1n ducted i,, • ••'••• •• P•rtnpr\11111 >iav• 'f•11J \tfrlt-d t• 1t1t bu\tnt' :.. .,,., ' v,, N arn1An r •onn,ori Th1\ ,,t,., .. ,,.,.,,, •' ftltd w1lt1 "u: 1Jr '' r '''" • ,,,,...,,. on r)/, n 200)()9000 D~11; .1 .1 I ~~ July & 11 ".t 1 I~• I I ,. •• 4 I I\ •'t \I • _. \ ., Sam•• f 11t•• ..,. •~· ?I' 1 S......lf lllat1on•I ;, •• Mt•• CA ••I I llfU.lf !>u~· 1• .......... ._ ?lid ... •• ~ "•· Cu't" M• '\A A.,.,, 11 The follow•nc per \Ons B., 1 • r , ~ 1 , , , 1 hav1 abandoned the uu 71 f, J ... , 1 n • A,• of the fictitious Bu" Co\U """" -.,._,,,,, neu Name Spyr•lmynd I lh•\ 1."""•"\ , 1 I'> Sund•nce Or New dutltd 1, "v•t· ..,,, •• J pOfl Beach. C•hlorn11 ,.,1, 92663 ..., Hav~ vr-iv ,,,,.,.,. '1 1r.l The f 1Cl1tious Bu,meu I bu"""' f" .., name referred to 1bo.. !>ud""" Al ti• r •t was ft,ed 1n Or1101• Itu!. • Ltt•fTlf""' ,., ,,. County on 06/04/2001 tiltd "'''" ,,.., / ,1, '• FILE NO 20016866789 Cleill. ,11 U•, ,, " 1, Randall Cuatne Mui I on IY> l ~ n 1 tan~ 15 Sundance Ot 200369447'5 Newport Buch C•h Daolf .,,1 .. t 1 ·~· 1 I• for nia 92663 ?O 21 ?<VJ I I 41 i ~rk 0 Suthe<l1nd 1-- 554 Colusa Way l1"" ...........__ •-~-mo<e Caht0t n1a 9'SSO ,._ _,, Th•s btwMn rs con "-~ ducted by • a•ntul Th~ foll ,.,,,, p .. , "' P•rtnerslup Matk 0 Sultlerl•nd This 'tatement wn hied wrlh IM County Clerk of Ou nce Cou11ty on 06'1>6!'03 200J .. 4 721t 011ty Prtot June 13 20 21 July 4. 'l.OOJ r 4lot •'I du•r"IC " "'"''!!.~ 4' Ad••ncl'*:! M .. ,..\ s,.., YIU llk buck • I Ito• Cost• ~S• CA 'I/.;~ M11.h•tl"t J•mt'\ Br w n 278 8 .. c ~11•ll Po .. 1 Co\la ltl•~• C:A '1;'6 f Joni b• • • I P cumphr con las lorm1I THE p[ TITION f DR 1dadn le1•IH apropt1 PRD8ATE nqunu JAV-,._ ...... das " usted Quttfe qua IER CAMPA be appointed '-S...... Burknel " ~d I ••• Mru C" ~2"~ Thi\ bU\l.,,r'\\ f'\ ducted b• • •.• ,..,,., putntrsn•p la corte ncuche 'u u per,onal reprasanl1· The follow1n1 persons c•;o 1 trve lo edm1"'slet tM .,, d01n1 bus1neu n 1 usted no PrtHn 1 tsl1te of the decedent Head Above Wile< Boat su respu9'll 1 tiempo. T)i[ PETITION requats Servicn. 27• Botfly P1 uedt P!'dtr •I tcaso. Y authority to 1dm1nister St .. Lacun• Beach. CA ' pueven quo ar 'u the tsl•I• under ltlt 92651·1.o2 ulerio. SU dinero ~ o_.tru Independent Adm1nls· s..,1 ~ron fllM, 21• cou sdt 'u proptevlv lt1tlon of Estates Act. Beverly St , L11una sin •v11o adicoonal por (Thts Authority w1H allow Be1c.h, CA 926!>1·14'02 P•['t ~·ta ctl• 1 the pttM>nll repttsen CMryl Beth Wallfltr "' e7 ° r~\ ':.qu" l1tlve to like many 6'61 Koowa Rd . West lo' 1•ca " ue QUt actions without obtain· minster. CA. 9?683 Havf you • t•' t•d 'lrnn~ builnt'\4 v•1' •.- 7 ?• 00 Mich•tl J B•uwn lh1s sUlen1•nt wt\ filed will\ ll•t f.nunlv Clerk of !),.,,,. IO•""• on 06 I l 03 200J .. 4111S Diiiy Ptlot Jutl• I I /0 27 )ulv 4 ?001 1411 u't•d QUitn llam!' 1 un Inc court 1pprov1t Thi\ bU11.lneu b con 1bocido inmevllll Before talun1 certain ~.............._ ment• S1 no conoce • due.ltd by • ,....,,, nl-_. un abo11do, puede nry l1T1901tanl ictiOns. partnership .._S...... 111m1r 1 un serv1coo d• however· the 11«'°"11 Hewe Y°" 'tarted doinc - referencll de il>ocadoa ttiprtMntetrve will be buslll«Ss yet1...,, The f 11 w•n« Pt''"'" f de ud tequlted to ""' nollct Cheryl WllJlll "' O·>t• ~ bu"'"'" •• 0 •uni 0 te•n• •r a to 1ntttnted persom This statement wn 11 C••P•I Prot•<l•0 " Ii•: (•ea) el dlltC orio unleu ltley have wlfVed hied with the County Sy\lt"'~ t.1 C P S 'lf).t] 1'' ~~i NUMllli notice or <OllMnled to Clerk of Ouonse County Sanl••r• Of llun••nrtnn (...._ 4411 c ) the P<OCM>-Md 1ctl0fl ) on 06'24/03 Buel\ r." 'I ·MF. • -· The 1nd4pendent •d· 200s•t4t!JO JSR I n £ • "" • • '" r J~~~i\1 M. ministration authority D•~Y Piiot .lune 27 July llC 1CA1 90C1 S4nl•• llH>OtCSOl.PT.CU wlll be pant.cl unless 4, ll, 11 2003 f467 Or H .. r1tncr" R"• h The name and addreu an interested pttson CA 9~ of the court 11 ([I hla en objKtion to tlM ........... Thn bu""'"'' " ,o petltJoft Ind Wwl &004' ..__ b...o.-......o dueled b, • lrm '"II nombu y dlftCCIOO de c.tUM wtly the court - -lllblhly (o la corte H ) allo\tld not 1Y•nl the n... tollow1n1 penons H 1 t...:I,. -4;irtEt-!ln~::tt'iC-f11o.oritrSTIU~Pr=CR~~l-O~R'TT'".;_,.,,r...--rJtt"1"-l-'""'AOIL4Jl--~~~~-4~·~oo.~:.'l.~b~in~ln«S;;;,~'r...;a~s~llUl~·~·· ...... ·"~".t.L!~~···.__~'-r_~~~~~~~~ 2) General Plan Amendment (~·04} and Tltte 13 amendments-fora-~. roRNt.A A HlARING on the a) II JSR Ena•,.;• .. rc l L area ratio (FAR) for the commercial component (0.35 FAR allowed; 0.70 FAR proposed), for For th• County of petition wll..!,_~ hetd on ~~~M!> c~ pst,~n w t1 ... u,-,•I• • ( d / II d 45 du/ d} Or•n.. Centr1I Justlee JUl Y 10, c.,.,.,, et 1.45 •• a site-specific density for the residential component 20 u ac a owe ; ac propose , c.n.., Pm 111 Dept. L73 = LL.!:''l ... ~~~ fii~~t• -.·,~·1'1~nr' h.:~. G I Pl ] (4 t · aJI ed 5 100 C1v1c Center Drive lac.led 11 341 n... City '"" ~ " •• •· and for the proposed 5-level parking structure [applies to enera an -s ones ow ; -wes1. sent• An•. cA 0r1ve Sovt11. 0r.,... CA 97::tfW t1'1tRNAT'°"· ~~~~~:re"'-"""'¥ Stories Proposed) 92702-0838 ~Ou 08J(CT to tt1e Al, INC , (CA) 20430 200JHUU9 • Thi nime. idclfen. 111ntlnt of die petltton, Lon11b1y Or1ve, Yorba 0.1ty Piiot Junt 20. 21 and tetef>hont numbttt of you lhcMlld app.w it tlM Linda, CetlfornM 92117 loly ' 11 7001 r ._., 3) Final Master Plan approval (PA-02-11) for the proposed mixed-use project and varlanoe from residential parking requirements (456 residential parking spaces required; 415 residential part<ing spaces proposed). 4) lncluslonary Housing Plan for the 1901 Newport Plaza Residences project. S) Amendment to the 1999·2004 Implementation Plan for the Downtown Redevelopment Plan to Include lncluslonary Housing Provisions [Redevelopment Agency action Item]. ~is public hearing for the joint sessfon will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, July 7, 2003 TIME: 8:30 p.m. or as aoon •• poulble thereafter PLACE: City Council Chambers n Fair Drive, Costa Meaa ublk: comments In either oral or written fonn may be presented during the public hNring. r further fnformat1on, telephone (714} 754..S245, or vtslt the Development SeNloel •~11Ua.rtment, Second Floor of City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, Callfom&a. For queetionl ted to Redevelopment, tel~ (714) 754-5635, or visit the ~ ~. Floor of City Hall. Th8 offlee Is open 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through, FrtdaY. OFFICIM. P.UBLIC NOTICE )I ' pl1inhff's attorney, Of hettln• end al•t:.,~= Tllis bu.slfleu 11 c;on· pt1tnttff without an obiectloM °' m. ducted by-1 cOfpotltton attorney ~· ([I nomtwa, objections wltti tM court Hive you lfM'ted ~ II dlre«lon y ti numwo befOft the "-...._ y-busllleu yett Ye\, 10/ de telelono del •boc•do •PPMt•ttee '"•' ti. kl 2'/1999 del demandante. o del pe non or 11, your Kll'llO tNTtRlolATIOf'I dem1nd1nt1 qu• 110 •ttOtnt). Al, INC , SMn c Twoa. htnt •bot•do. es) If YOU AM A Clt£OI· l"rtalOMt t.ew Offlcn of Ho• P1IU TO· ti t Thil slt'-l WM Ttuona. State 8., Ho .. or con naen 156411 er._ of h ......,., N9C1 wlttl II• County 10 .... l Slater Avenw, ~ -t fie ,_ ct.1111 CWl of Ofll'\l'I Co41nty " wft.tl ttM ~ Miii ... ... Ol/20J'Ol Suite 102, Founteln 1 CAlllY to .. ...,__, teeHt.eMt Vel1er. CA 9270I o.-., -.... •-11 ...... , ... <71tJ.~1Jl5 ,.,,~.,..nw 4.ll ,_. -. -~1 IATt• -M , IJJ Ille ww1 ..... tow 4, • Ll.2'llOJ rtli 1'Mt MOfttM fl'Olll the 4fltte of -~ ... ~ ..... tM tint --.. --MA• IUTI.. ...._.. lettwt u IW~ i. ........ ~),. ~~ c... ....._ ~·--.. , A•ftlA ••ox, tlOO n.. ..... -... ·--~ ~· I ; 0 J ...._._ ...... ••-~.::-~"--.. ~ f11Jfra11., N••FJi' .._.. _,, ,.... __ ,._.,. ~...... ....., .......... _ ,..,, 1$ .......... ,..._. Jltlle &. ta, 10.. 2 , t11t hMrlll& .... --.. ......_CA DU 2003 FCZZ -:OU-W Y OIM9ll:... ......... c.I Ttr_... tM .... .., tM -1. • & C-tir.n-IH: .. ,.. fft • ,.,.... a.. (CA). 1$ ....._ QIZ, .__... In ... ......_ .... CAlall .,... .... , .. .. ... 1"" .......... ~ uun ............... '7:.-.. .... .......... -=-·· ... ,.. ..... ... , .. ,..,.. .. ......... , ... ..........,_..,...... ~C-.T_... of ...... _. ... & Ct '• ... a.c •• --~ ...... "".::::. : == ,... ,, 1 • .. ~ _.... la A ._, .... OlltlMJ ............... Cllnilill ...... .......... ,..==· lij; .. = ........ ....,.... ....... "' .. ~n.-,,_ t••'-,. UIMISlll .. GAm Al4 Friday, Jooe 27, 2003 -------l.lllllllllcel -l.1111... .. l.1111.... -Lill'.... -~---1.1111 ..... ............ ........ Tiie followjn1 ,,.,ions ate dol"I busln•s ": Royal Khybef. 1621 W Sunflower Av. #OS3, Santa An•. CA 9270' Roytl Khyb« Enlt1· pflstt, Inc , (CA). 1621 W Sunflow• An 11>53, Santa Ana. CA 9270. This buslneu Is con ducted by 1 corpoutlon Have you started dolf!I business yetf Yes. 12/ 04/1998 Royal Khyber Ent11 prises, Inc .. Urbil Purl, CFO This stat•ru•nt wu tiled with the County Clerk of Or1n1• County Oil 06/17/03 20036'41511 Daily Pilot Jun1 20, 27. July 4, 11. 2003 F455 fldttlM .... "-*"-' The followina penoos are do1n1 buslntss IS Mothers Bootctmp, 21622 Mar1uer1te Pkwy Suite 144, Mission Vieto Cahlo1n11 92692 Helen Hunter Neubert, Z1622 Mareue11le Pllwy Su•te 1 U . M•sst0n V1110 Cahforn11 92692 Blanc:• River 1 925 Beaonia Avenue. Costa Mn• Cahlorn11 92626 This business 1s con ducted by 1 aentr al par Iner ship Have you started do1n11 buunns yet' No Helen Hunter Neuber I This statement wu filed with tM Cou11ty Cleftl of Of"•111• County on 05/16/0l 200Mt44t40 Dally l'llot Jlln• 13. 20, V . July 4.2003 F~ ......... ... s....... T~ tollowin1 ptne>ns 1111 doin1 business u. Thi G1t1way Group, 518 CtlMO Hlatll1nds Dr .. Coron• Dtl Mar, CA 92625 Lindi Ritchie, 518 Cameo Hi1t111nd:t Dr .. Corona D1I Mer, CA 92625 Ruu R1tch11, 518 Cameo Hl1hlands Dr .. Corona Del Mer , CA 92625 This business is con· ducted by· co·p1rtners Have you started doine busmen yet1 No L Inda Ritchie Russ Ritchie, Par Iner This statement was ftled with the County Clerk of Or •na• County on 06/24/03 20036949231 Daily Pilot June 27. July 4, l l, 18, 2003 F468 Rdllm .... "-*'-" Th41 followtna pttsons 111 dom1 business as VM Services. 2178 Canyon Drive. Unit R. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Andrew T Van Rtenen, 2178 Canyon D11ve. Unit R. Costa MeH. CA 92627 Jost B M1rqu11, SlS S. Demma. Santa Ana. CA92704 Policy Thts 11\illn•u la con ducttct by: • 1111«11 pwtnersllip Have you ~ dolnc business V•tl Ho Andrew T. Va.n RatMn Tiiis statemtnt wu flltd with lht COl.lllly Ct.Ill of Or1n1• Count~ on 06/0l/()3 200Mt4N46 Daity Pilot Jllnt 6, 13, 20,27,2003 F415 ~ ..... •s...... The followine persons ere doina buslrwiu as. Subway 130811, 6386 Santa Ana Canyon. Anaheim, 92807 D.W.A. Eoterprlau. Inc.. (CA) &957 E. Monaco Perkway, Or •1111. CA92867 This business Is con· ducted by: a corporation Haye you started dome bustneu y1t7 No D.W.A. Enterprises, Inc.. Wilma J. Aauirre. V.P./Controller This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oran1e County on06/l7/03 200S6t414t9 Daily Ptlot June 20, 27. July 4. 11. 2003 F •57 MOOO Of APPWOOM TO SIUlCOllOUC IMIAGlS w ... ,.. .... , .... -.21,2003 To Whom It May Concern The Name(s) of the Apphcanl(s) ts/ are: PALOMO MARIA ELENA Tiit applicent. fisted tbovt •rt 1pplyln1 to th• D1p111 l1111nt of Alcollollc 81nr111 Cofltrol to Mii tlcohollc be-1111 ti 2201 W BALBOA BLVD, NEW· POftT BEACH, CA 92fl83 Type of llcenu(s) Applied f0t• 41 • ON· SALE BEER ANO WINE EATING PLACE. P11bllahtd Newport Btach Costa Men Dally P'llot June 27, July 4, 11, 2003 F478 ......... ... s........ lhe lollow1n1 persona are dolna business 11. Space lotto, 117 Bey side Pl . Coron• del Mar, CA 92625 MlchHI Dennis Bel.,d1, 117 B.aysld• Pl .. Corona del Mar, CA 92626 This business Is con duc;ted by: en iod1vldu11 Have you started dolna business yet? Ho Mlch11I Dennis Blllard1 This stal1ment WIS filed with the County Clerk or Or a nee County on 06/17/()3 200HHl4H D11ly Pilot June 20. 27. July 4, 11. 2003 F447 ffdltlM .... "-S....... The followm1 penons are do1n1 business as Tinsel Tots. 1940 Oranae Avenu1. Costa Mua, CA 92627 Coosutlo I Torres. 1940 Oranee Avenue, CMta Mtt.1 CA 92627 Thia buslntH i. con· ducttcl by: en lnd1vldual Have you 1t1rttel dol111 Have you ala<ttcl dol111 busin!~~ ~·17 YH buslneu yet7 No 5/27/'ZWJ Consuelo I. Torrts Lind• Renne (Connie) Tiiis 1t1tem1nt was Tlll1 statement was filed with Ula County hied with tht Cou11ty Cltfk ot Otani• County Cltfk of Oran11 County on 06/12/03 on 06/17 /()3 20016t47ts I 200Ht410S Oeily Piiot June 20, 27. Delly Pilot June 20, 27,' Nit ~/ee:t F•58 July 4,ll.2003 FUI ..... Th1 h>llowlnc persons tr• dolna buslnen as: Ott Fast delivery end pickup services, 27671 Areyll, Mission VNllO. CA 9Z691 Francisco Acuna, 27671 Ar1yll, Mission VltfO. CA 92691 This business Is con· ducted by: an Individual Have you started do1n1 business yetf No Francisco Acun• This 1talement WIS flied wllh the County Clerk of Oranae County on 06/17 /()3 200HHIU4 Daily P1lol June 20, 27. July4, ll.2003 F449 Rdlll. ... ... s...... The follow1nc 1>11rsons are do1n1 busmen as f or 'Your He1lth, 233 Knoll lake. Mission Vieio. CA 92692 Linda C1tol Renna. 233 Knoll Lalli, M1ss1on V1e10. CA 91692 Thts busmus 1s con ducted by ID jDd1yidu1! ......... The lollowlnc pw1ons 111e doloa bu11lnus es; A OK MUFFLER Of SANTA ANA. 2422 W 17th St . Santa Ana, Ctllfornl• 92706 Robert Brock. 2422 W. 17th St.. Senta Ana, C1lllorni1 92706 lhis bu$ln1ss Is con ducted by: 1n Individual Hav1 you start1d doln1 business yet? Yes, 02/ 01/()3 Robert Brock This slaternenl was filed with the County Clerk of Orana• County on 06/24/00 2003 .. 49192 Daily Pilot June 27. My 4. 11. 18. 2003 r 465 fldltlmlaKs llmeS...... fhe lollowm1 persons are dome buslntn u Marine Rescue Consult ants, II, 18 Tesoro, Newport Buch CA 92657 Steven Graham W111ely, 18 Tesoro, Newport Be-ach, CA 92657 This business is con dyclld by· aD lnd1Y1dual llow to Place A H1111 you s l•ltd dolnc bvslnen y1t? Hq Sttven 0 Wlttly Tiiis sttlttHnl WU hied with the Couftty Cletll of Orin" Co~mty Oft Ol/17 /OJ 200Mt4Mt1 Delly Pilot Junt 20, 27. My ~·1:t:.1a' ... ... s...... The followloa p1uon1 "' dolna busloeu 11: Hu1nqu1, 401 N1wpo1t Ctnl11 Dr Ive. Ntwp0t t Buch. CA 92660 D1nn11 Edwtrd Port· lerl 500 C•an•y Ln. PH{. Newport BHCh, Ctllfor nla 92663 This bu11n1u Is con ducted by: an lndlvldutl Hive you sllrled doma business y1t7 No Dennis Edward P0ttierl ThtS 1tat1m1nt was filed with lhe County Clerk of Oran&• County on 06/23/()3 200S6t4'147 Daily Pilot lun1 27, July 4, 11, 18, 2003 F462 MIM...._ "-*'-' Th1 followtnc persons .,, doinc business n Pat Moore Recovery S ttVICU 1120 w Warntf Ave .. Santa Ana. CA 9270. Thomas Phillip Alan. 1905 W Hall Av• S1nt• Ana. CA92704 fh1s bustneu 1.5 con ducted by· an lndlv1du1I Have you started doona byl!OtJS yet? Ng Thomu '. Alan Thia statement wn hied w1tll the County Clef• of Or1n11 County on06/03l03 200S6tUMO oanr Pilot June 6. 13. 20, 27, 2003 F412 A-.. ..... ... s..... fht followln1 persona •re dolfta bU$ln1n aa: Atborlor1e. 23396 Via San Martine, AllM> Viejo, CA92656 Merk Ad1m S.ntfSlly, 23396 Vlt San Marline, Allao Viejo, CA 92656 TMs buslnen Is con· ducted by: en lndlvldutl Have you sterted doln1 business yet7 Yes 6 12·03 Mark A. Sentfsky This statement WH filed with the County Clerk ot Oran11 County on 06/17/03 200S6Hl412 D11ly Pilot June 20, 27, July 4, ll, 2003 F451 Rdllim ... "-*'-" The lollow1n1 persons are c1oin1 business as Sam11t11n Conslruchon, 410 Hunt1ncton St Unit C Huntmcton Beach. CA 92648 Detn Sam1q1an. 410 Hunllncton St , Unit C, Hunhnaton Boch. CA 92648 Tiiis 1talem1nt was filed with tht Covo\y Cl11k of Or1n11 County on06/24/0J IOOHt4ttol oa11r Pilot 1un1 21. Jutr 4, 1. 18,2003 F470 fk91..W.. ... s...... The totlowln& persons are dolna business 11 Private libel Movie Pl1y11. 411 Snuc Harbor Rd .. Newp0tt Beach, CA 92663 Larry Wtlnste,in, 411 Snuc Harbor Rd.. New· port 8Hch, CA 92663 This business Is con ducted by: an lndivlduel Have you allrted do1nc business y1t? Yu. 6·15 03 L9rry W11nst1ln flus statement wn filed with th• County Clerk of Ouna• County on06/24/00 200Ht4t2ot Dally Pilot June 27. July 4, 11, l!,2003 F•71 ,..... ..... •s...... The lollowina persons are doln1 business IS Pro C.I . 2 El Coruon. Rancho Senta Mar1a11ta, CA92688 Fenborz Hapnab• 2 (I C0tuon, Rancho Senta Mara•rtta, CA 92688 This business 1s con ducted by· a" 1ncllvtdual Hive you started do1n1 business yet1 Yes 4·1·03 f ariborz Haj1111b1 Tbjs .dalcmcnl hied with tht Countr Cleffl of Or•nc• Cont._. on Olll7M 200~t4UH Dally "'°' JulHI 20. 2/, July ... 11. 2003 rno. , flclll9.... ~ , .. .......... The tollow1n1 per-.. 111 601111 busintss as· Ttlklnc Hends Thtr•· peutlc M111111 all'd 8odyw0fk, 120 [ 18th StrHt, Costa Miii. CA .. 92627 • Ctrlos Mt1st1schm1dl, ZJO Broadw1y, Costa Mna. CA 92627 1. This buslneu is con 1 ducted by: 1n 1nd1vld14fl Have you started cloln11 buslnns yet? No Carlos Mnnrachmldt • This st1t1m1nt wn flltd w1th the County Clerk of Or1n1e County • on 06/24/03 200S .. 4t212 D111r P11ot Jun• 21. July •. 1 . 18. 2003 r~ PUT AFEW • WORDS TO WOIKFOR YOUI (949) 642-567& ....---Deadline Rat~' and deadlines arc subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the nght to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any classified advcrti ement Please report any error that ma)' be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepis no ltab1hty for any error in an advenisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insenion. CLASSIFIEIAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 (P)<,a>t' • nt hxk > l'<lr flllm<' .anJ p/k.,... nuinb<'o .uKI -.~ II ,ult ) UU b;x.k ,. Uh• prt.C <jUOIC I Telephone 8:30am-5·00pm Monday-Fnday By Phone (949• 642-5678 Hours Index By Mail/In Per on: 330 WeSt Bay Street Co~ta Me~a. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd & Bay St Walk·ln 8.30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00prQ Sunday ....................... Fnday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. -/ , I ' ~ ... GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ,adflc Yi.w M_.w. Double Ct1ve Xlnl loc. Most sell Worth SI 51<, set lor S8K/obo 949 939-:ml Slllfle wt·P1c1hc View SJOOO 818 986 7322 lv msa CoUedlbletl Memcnbllla 1160 TOP SS 4 RI CORDS nc Jm. 0-.:. Etc. !'Os & Sh .Ill Allee, Sc*r h,Cie ~ Mike 9•9·645 7505 (QUAl HOUSll& omrMITY All real nlalt 1dver lis1n1 1n this newspaper '' sub1ect to the r edtr al F11r Hous1n1 Atl ol 1968 m•kU 11 •lltcal tu ad.,,.rl•">« ·any prefer enc~ llm1tal1on or dlscnm1nallon based on race. color, rth&lon, \U hendlcap, f1m1llal d•lus OI n•llonal 0111111 or an Intention to mike •ny such preference, flm1ta lion or dl\cnmlnAllon • fhrs newlpaper will nol know1naly accept any advertisement for r .. , estate wtllch " m violation of the law Our rtadtl\ 111 tlertby informed that ell dwell '"I' advt1 ll"d tn lh1~ newsp~per er11 •va1h1ble n" an equal OWOflUn1ty bHIS To comple•n of dis cr1rnin•hon, ca• HUO totl fret at I 800 •24 8590 ·-· ....... "---.""'•""" .... .. c...~ .. ......... ....,.. ..... .. 9UY ISTA1D ........... ,,.....,....-. ..... r 2305-2490 l ESTATE RSAU 1489 ~SI! b~4: ~-=II Bc*m. otc ' P8b:> "'"· 'B -s_.--o-Ano--it.--....,.-.-w-.. -, Mtb TV, llfrcl5. Mllytls C--'ty ~ W. W/D, decarlll.or pots. Ive Sat. 8 12 off Sanw Ant plants. • -•••lb & Ave/Pecasus Comput· more 9ot!M94-614' Dlbtlil ers (Mee/PCs) $por hn1 (or-• Doi Mor 2007 T•-h rroco, SAT 1-12 Crystal. china. 1ewelry hnenl 70 yrs of STUHI 1419 IA.LIOA ISlAND 1JO T«WAZ AVI (AWY) SAT 1-J. lots of arllJqutS and collectlOles, oak ttaeef n ( 76H • 32W ~ I Ill) dotlttna & mlK COSTA MISA SINIOR CUITIR o FLEA MAJlltlT o SA Tl-I, 1" tlM 'Of'illttt lot ltttl a I'-. (619 w. lttltSt) ,.,... 21ttl HUNTINOTON HACH 20091 HARIOR fSll <rMaat. A4-•(M...ile fRI, SA , SUJI, 1-t ste .. orc-• w '-""'"' '°"""'· coffte & °""' , .. f •• '"tertolnMent ctr, clothos, loh Misc. aoods. bikes. furniture. wuhers, toys, clothes wedd1n1 decorations cameru, linens. din1n1 sets & morefl! Mufti F9llly We Sat Sam, At Pacrhc Crest Villas V1cto11a/P1mon• (enter Pamona) furnm.t china. cr1$tal $lethn1 silver. baskets & misc new Must saa1hc for SJ50 for botti Ca" 9'9 640-4617 or 949-675-«M4 HOME FURNISHINGS Furnlturt MOYING llTI QUAUTY J ,_..,We s.t & SIM l2 Sony, front 1c»<1 W/D. S.m ~ W/O. liK BBQ. vintaee t'lltan, ,ewtlry. r.hti>-clothes, toys & watdles '49-.SJS...5010 mec: 9632 Ofyf1111C Dr, HB 3010-3940 ··~ liiil soos-saso 3460 MfSCELLAHEOUS MERCHANDISE JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Mtallanlous <-••Col" Ne..ts Merchandise Old Coin•• Cold. SllVff. 3855 jewelry watc;hes, anllQUtS J Al Z Y l l ( C T R f ( cOllectibles 9'9 642 !M"8 WHlllCHAIR. MODH t 100, Liil NEW $2500/ Cati 3610 080 9'9-673-2399 Oclcet IUttons. l eoper d ~ a llktt. rare taotic aokVchocolatt lPQb. rul 'IChmoozers 909-681 6664 ~ RISQllD IOT11NS. CA TS, OOCS pllOlos on--lna WWW ...... """°'11.orc Adopta-.. r ll!hlor1 ..., :JI DAV tt:lit. T}l CUAAAHTtI ~'1Zl9 NI SPAY b morrm1 Clll/ COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LfASE 4502 ............ comnwc• rf'Ulj SC*e. $2700 per mo o~ ne)I to Thelter VICltlt. Ill 'M9-29().812.8 RESIDENTlAL 3855 INCOME ----PROPERTY a.-w.-l>r9pft Mlscelllneous ,,... 4600 21mo. hand rMtcl, must se•. S5!> ( wlll1 Cl&'!' $95 ) I ltM froS, I wtlai frOl- $2{) • or both for ~ !M9 642 5631 0-Stio,Mrtla all colors. 111 sizes for adoption to qualtft.d 11oma ·-cvn<ue.0t1 °' 714.n3 5915 HOMES FOO SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY ......... la "NfNSUlA CONDOS 0.-s.t-s.. 1-4 '•1sawor Ave rROM SU S,000 tU 21TMSl. , .. ..... 4t1J-4'l7 ... ,_ ,..._,, ...... o:..a:" ....... " SJI MOS-1510 9000-9750 Corona del Mar Fel CM Of~ 5Bt plus bonus rm •t Sc>Ylllns Hiii custom PoOI. spa & Gazebo to lhe la v-1111 deck on lht LIPP« ltwf· min EatemNe ua elf 111anrte. rmirble & lots of love $1,950.000. Judy Ko!M. Blv 949 376-561'6 .._. P'YtwM 1-.twy, Y-dlJded cul de·SIC It"' on la lol in &U¥ded Mel Hardwood lloon custom ll&fltine. booll v..Ms. wet bat 2 f p's, custom tpa off moJSler. cen17 al ,. • tranquil prden peUos. Sim.ax> Ill 9"9-7!19-931• lllDUCD>tl ~ 0--. r DAol.ll loc9bonl °" "" ol!l!lnblftlbr ~ room. ealnl -h/rm wl1p. K , dtd. 0AC..1aa ~C.W Lec....__slt to Bil Corona and lookout poHtt. 4Br • 58a bf and new custom home. Offered at S2.950.CXX> COASTLINE R£Al rY 949-759-0IZZ Cwt-<•-41.1 Mor C-4-lnluflt1, aourmet kilchtn. wrou8'1t iron, custom hie •nd cab· 1netry Front 11 • Jbf 2b1 home .. r-t:s • 2br 2bl COASTUNl IWTY t4t-7St..Ol 77 L1 ndcr thc Sen ice Din:cton Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 HOUUI 96-632~ MINSUN 1·5 WT1Ll"' V£W t«:M: l..spR I SIDry on -tot 4tlR • FR remodlll IM rww S 1.189.IXX> a.LWS-.JOM TOWNHOMIS fop bey view -prNN loC end untl Dllcr"• ,,., S7t9.CXll fll 1....., .. 211111 ..... customiw8dell Uve '" Newp«t lt•h f0t SlM.000 De Ania B•yaldt VUl•t• mobllt homo. 113 Wattrfronl, backbty vtew Coty, charm1n1. Cab•n• mo btle home Ip, 23 yr 1st S2237/mo Cell Cotta1e Homes OPIN SUNDAY l ........ 714-6U-1Ht .......... w-i bey Wld bMdl. 2500$f, ~ 2 m.mts, 2 Fp't, AIC. remodilMd kit & bah. ta ~ a t.n rm. &5.000. Ohlllwt Rttl Elbtt Inc. 9&7?.J..(l.)'11 NlWOMTMIMAUlT 0,..5-1-4 O...fW414.IY ....... Df. 5bf liba, 2 Ci car, ll.Z95,0008y Owner 714·357·5't50 .... 0 ............. t\C......Dr .. ,,.. 11.-.exx>. Vlrlulll Tour: rploc.a1111 ttl"""* 94f417.o.D) ,_1n1Ans ,,.lllCI T1tlOlll .,. ......... USA Nt..-M-t7eJ www.P41trlc•le110tt.C0111 •• •• IOIOOl • ... ,.....1'.000 ... ,, .. ,_ ....... ,.....,. ---~ O..oftt. ............ llllStn•°'-......... lBr+ den Drum home wtth PoOI. tpll. BBQ .. pit IPlltO• 4000sf, 10,(XO. IOl SI .166.IXX> act. Law• ltGJO 949 509-89'l3 l'ltMl ISTATIS PATRICK TINOU NATtoNWIDI USA t0-15'-t70S www pat11cktenore com RURAL PROPERTY FORSAl.E $HS ACRI/Ito ACllS S6tS ACRl/40 ACllS Prim• ranch acrHce In NW Arlzon•. El no qualllylnc. low down terms! AdjKtnl to toll courH community, oll historic Route 66. Cltl ~od.tw1 Broob rt.tty 1166- 300·5263 (CAL •SCAN) REIORT/ VAr.ATION PROPER IT FORUl.E It 11 ,,..., - • MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mobl~ Homa 5993 IUOICT SHOlll cnt ltOUSI ..,. SPf<W Oii T111A81A TWO co1c1ous new dbl wide mobile homes H e 1ated 5 star perk Only S625 spac rent pets oll wont last Mobil• Home~ Duct Asll f Ot VICIOt II 562·Z25·0999 MISCWMEOUS RBfTAlS NPB share 2br. 2ba tpt with prof fem . no smll/ 11et $690/mo + 1/2 utll ... dep. !M9-76().3022 AESIOENTIAL FENT ......S OfWIGE 1• coum ..... ... """" .,, 2111' lba, fp, fllOOlmo •llw WD, ttr•I•· li&hl -+ brlcht. 11400/mo • • ...... l'l'IV•t '"· •If redone. 1 ';9~ ~""' .... Ftnl II Hr lie, ...... ..................... ,m,tJea.-.NMIA ............. 1201• ,..~-­.... .,, '...-. Gllllt ...... .... • oc-view hOme heJll 11ry. 2br 2ba p1llO\, no lmok/pet Quiet n•iltt S2450/mo. 949 760 8217 1• .. ,__ 1 rn to i-:11. -' cMI. llDw. .. ail fltl. ,,... ~ ~ E. 16'11 SL ,,., b ~ 96548-2"Zl Cat Oh. llr 4uploa, fp 1ar. w/d hkups, Iron! Jard deck. n/peb/smka. S850t mo 949 378 76l7 ~.:-:=. ':'i'pvt -:1 fr11. w.. to Tn Square $895/mo w.1 .. 11ruh !)Ml Klltn ~I S77 70U&e9 ht 9200 , . .._ a 1a.. teat pr. • pool, CC>Vf"ly•d. lndry ... Y nl I mo luhl4'. 2k, 2 .... Apt. with balcony, 111. w11M I trash paid, no pe\6 $1250/mo 949.550.3735 I , ......... &sp ·~ '"-.... -..... , ........... . ......... ,, .... . S 14SO t4t·Hj"'4611 ....... Nbmji,_ HldlCr ..... 2lr 18t. ;am •111¥. ..... ~ Sl 70Qll IM "'9·71 .. 1400 WLA IMIOA 2,...,.,, a.. f p, lndry '"'· II patio, COllW1I poollten./tpll, 2c ~ walk lo bdl. PIMt pd. SISWmo. 1f».729 8107, 949-<574-9'l43 2ft '(IMLY lllNTALS Hewl>O'l 8Hc:h Penln S 1400-Jt 950/mo •ct '4t-671-7IOO Nawttert <Htt, 2br 211~. 2 c: pr, w•-lo bch, tennl1/pool/1pa, S21Q,Q(mo. 949-707·4408 ....,._ tmlK a.- 319, ..... tD bdl. -pocl# .... er-. iVanN $Zl'" ~ =t-t.Sh. W<A.t, nwtllt, ... to ..... ~ S25mrfto. ~7 ~ ............... .lba llame. 2-fl/II, Pl"' ~ conwn pool 'WI' itt SlJ1' .. rat~ "'-""" ~ and ~.-.n..w.lbr 2 5b•, &rHn.btlt loc $2.900m .. 949-219-24'4 FOil .. NT .. llUffS Po~ E Plan 3Br, 'l'/ + Family Room SlOGQ/ino 949--644-4909 ....... 21: ... 14,(XX) sf ..., fW oomm pool & ~~Views Homes --~~159 41,.. ..... a 111 •Ivel- -'9ril. Offiu or 1ott Apt frnt unit, Cornol rel '1.a. btlYTd. stor1 bld._-!1 __ ,..,, $3200 ~76G.9637 o..e, ........ ..,...,. ~ 2Br 281, 2<ar .. pt! ~ M:. SJ500mo n 4-B>l758 714-:W.-5713 ~ Alentll fwJj s.ie .U.41ir 21111 la on,..., f'ol'll """ ,.. ~ lilt am~a.. 0.11Mllver 3'o J 75 Condo ~· Sl6ill5fno J.M. pMlo .... upllJd lllt. q, IYWt*. ta. pr 3912 R-A.. Cl\lld 7j4-75l·Z78'1 ul 2*> ~ l"nll*1Y Mnct. Inc. ll#'ffS TOWN HOMI ~y VIEW 38R + fR LARGE "(• PlAN CUSTOM UPGRA0£0 EX.PANOED '3800nlo ...... ,_._ • ..tty '49-612 ..... t sow.I. w.,. o-,. ~ 1011 course loc:, 28r. d9n. 281.SSOOO/mo Contee! u clu11vt Act Paul Christ 949 644 7308 , c•ntra c tor a t wwlft.ci1tb.c1 cov or IOCt·321-CSL8 Unit· ctl\Hd contractors ta1tln1 Jobi lh•I totwl lt11 than l500 m11tf, stete In lhalr edY,VliHrntnh that the~ are not llcenstd tly .the Contr acto" s l~Botrd." •'••11 I "'" ...... JOllOFFBID *"-•••!••·· I clun & m1lnl111n lar11 homtt Cook. drive, 1t1 dutoe1, elderly & child care up 323 937-9038 I l'IW ._. _... &/• m11naceo .a businl'u co Slllll$ 'f(Jll ~ .. ~ '° ,.. nit Illa 714ZIS&IJZ •HWW for ch1ldrens cloth1n1 work from home Mom\ or ii and moms w tht to uch encoouied 714 'i08 9b48 S2SO-SSOO a .,eek Will tr11n to work .at horM 11e1p1n1 ir. us ~ ""' HUO/f HA Mortpce Refunds no eap MC Cal toll frtt I 866 S37 2906 NOTU n;n Front OH1o """' Audit wMI tr..,., apply on pereon,191!11 Newport Bl Cost. MeMI C)t9 ·650-?99CJ M11nt1nance H.I . T-•• c1 .. i. h111n1 m1nltnance position FT & PT 949 SU 0050 NICC Now hit.... '1 Barlende1 & Wail ~tatt Apply 1n perwn .aftet 2 ()()pm Monday f11d1y IMO I . C-.t ltwy NI C...-"-""1'1111 ..:rCAWn..:r<AltPIT..:r Repeh. P1tch1n1. Instill Cowtaous •i ltzt iob1 Wllc>Msalel 94 492-0205 a.Mii ~ 0... Quality Houu clHn~n1. Afford· at>lt rtlH. 20+Yrs !El; ,,. Ullnlel 714-891 c...., .... COMPUTER HELP! . ,,,....:.:.-..... .. ,. .... •.C•• ...... Ctttq ..... ,.. ....... ··-~~ ·C-.~ •Cllllllllolllm.1'1-.llUlo ..... =~-"° ........ • c......--. ?IUll-1786 ' ,_,. c .......... Is look1n1 for Stcufitr Officers lo loin our te~ml Xlnt cu1tomt1 service skolb •nd • clHn bk1rnd/drov1n1 record are a must $8 50+/hf (00£) • alnt benefits! APP'1 on person al 3333 Bratol St. Costa Mesa, CA - Av.ti '00 A6 llli "''· lull fact warr melalloc drl< blue/&1IY llhl CO mnrl ~uperb cond s 19 795 ••874241 Bl<r -~MlO .,,.,..,....,.. Ol!!Y I.II( "'· Hiil ,. . ___ .._.. (19394) IQJRI 01 ..... nu moo.woof. lootded! (196) S2A.9a> 00u-6JU Bi.cit w/h4p _. roof clvom9d wt..a. (IQll) Sl5.9a> orA.4M~ only I~ ml. INtner. moonrool (19478) $2.6,18) •11uow...,. Whit• w/Cr•r lllalllef. chromewt.-(19429) $27,18) H--UIC-321( ,.,,._, chrome wtieets, buutiful (194961) $37,9el> H~UOO c.,.. Chlwcoal w/BIKll lutlwpremrum wheek. rnoonroof (l 915 l 2C) S29 9IK) 01 IMW140I Bladl w/81Kk only JIK~ (I 9«JC) $44. 9IK) '17C-wU .fOOS.- Silv• w1Gtey leather ,._00, a buuty (1 !MSJl) S22, !al 03~Z01 c-n. Silver w/81Kk lk m1. h•dtoe> and r.oraeou:i. (I~) INQUIRE 001' .... loatwS S.lvet w/81ad\. 3211 rmles, sharp (I 9490C) SJ9. 9lK) 949-514-7171 ~AUTO .... ........._ lvlda 'ts ..... Gt-4 Sport 2dr cp11pe, 3 8 V6 5911; mi. mellllltc blue. crey Int, fully lo.aded 0111 owner superb hke new cond v752971 $5995 Bkr 949-!186-1888 w-.MfMll.c- Bridge 8v CH4ALE8 GOREN wtth OMAR SHARIF 9nd TANNAH HIRSCH NOR111 • AK J 810752 Jl ., .. SlfOW AND TELL lle\I lo take an: o( lirM 1llC aucuon u '1111&htforwatd Once Sourh ha!. .JlooA.ll • br&b.nuld minimum. then •~ no reuon rcx North to do anytlung ocher w11h hi\ balanced hand and 13 potnl\ lhan 11.> rallie IO ~ no-trvmp iamc WEST EAST West led the founh-~ club. and E.ut rose wilb the .._c lf )OU pla)' by rot.e and return ~ ccn or club,,, declarer wtll cover wu.h the Jack and We1>l, lO ~ulin .t ltnk with p.inMr's hand. will w1thholJ the !.mg. Sound defense, bot hell: da:h1rcr will run ofT the next er&ht tricu and happily ~ur­ rendet the re\l. • 6Jl 9113 54 • 10a15 AKJ • K 7532 SOUTH •Q94 ,, .. 10 7 J •A 10¥ <; AK986 •QJ8 The bidding: . SOUTH W&\T I ..._ INT ..... ......... Opcrung lead: Three of • Rc1um partner's lead. llw rubric hlb been drummed mto u~ Crom the day, "'hen "'e "et"C le.immg bndgc at our mochcts' Uioes. and l\ an crru- ncntl)" '>OUllC.I prux:1ple. Bur OD1X in a 1o>hile ~ 1~ more impurtaOI buJ1- Ea~t mu,1 tell panncr ~bou1 1 poientlally letlud def~ by c.ohm11 the king of ~ ~t tnclr. '"'o ~1nce Eut 1s unll.Uly 10 make a pley lhaJ wiU o.~1\l dedun:r m banding ~ OOllllliCI. We<-1 ..tlould read thl\ t1.!1 <Jiowing A K J '" the ~Ull With th.it UiowlcJge. 11 I\ ea-'} for f..a.,1 lO win tnck rwo "1th the !.tng of clull6 and revert tu a he41l. Jnc.I llll" Jcfel\'>C 1..a..he\ the fiN foe tnd,_., Although 1...o\b1ng the ung (If hcaru ll tnd M-0 doe\O I aJW~) \ prorml>t the J.i..l. .. , "t>ll, "'th rile Q lO '" VICV. on the cable 1:.a,,, ffiU\I b<ivc Iha! holding un th" Jc.ii hnv •ts Troopff ltd. ....... I.a .. t JOCll Sul.or" 'tt l"'''oH 4i4. 1mmac throuahout runs a Int black. llhr. a 7 ':>RS blull beauty, nry nice, "932989 S7895 d•amond •892740 S~~ loadood nwf. II RS (IClllOl1I WCWMJ!ocom 96-646-7822 wcweuto.com 9'9-64&"1Zl $10.SOO 714 751 2464 J.go..-'OJ S-T 'f1M 4. 2 Vf, 1511 m1 white, o.atmeal lllY, CO. chronv wneen. 6 ~ atitu s. ..... I '.ii\. $38.~ ""'"56956 9 49 S86 1888 Bkr WWW .ocp•l.COlft M•-'" '-z '1J 2IO SH Runs eoo<S. auto, tun c II. •O 19953 S2995 wcwauto.com 949-64&7822 Mercodos '00 C2J Kompressor Sedan 71 k m1, lull tact warr black, oatmeal lthr, ~unro°'­bua ut1llu ljke nrw co9nd, v87529Z S2lk f1n1nc1n1 avell Bkr 949- !186-1888 WWW ocplbl.alm J-. ''7 GnRI a...-Merce4" ClSOO '2002 VS. 4•4 lthr, CO, mnrl, B11tlt1nt Solver. llK m1 .,.., noce •rzrrzo ~ _ __,com ~78Z2 Mwt aellt $7S,OOO. Ttyolo ''4 Ccwoll• U 401. mo •clu•I mo l f llUIP World owner auto p\ pw wh1l11arey onl bnul l•~e new <nnd v•7SS291 $499~ 8roker 949-516· 1188 www.oc bl.com v.11iaw'981' ·oo 1 .. t10 78" mo spark1tn1 bl1tk/ oatmeal •uto moonrl CO pw pl •lkly whl\, like new ••n•0005S SI I 995 Ion & wdrunty •••ol Bkr ~9 586 1888 -... l.c- leaua '94 lS400 Champ.acne &oldt tan 11111 co cold pk1 \uprrb 011 1 tond SIO 1% v•?61'>1 ? lo· nanc1n1 l\faol Bkr 9t9- 586 1888 .,_~com '49-117-HOJ VW 'ti ,ftHI GtS V6 ~ "9S D20 Blv'bt. 'M'rl llJ!.O llnf (,). ,... buul. aM opt. non~ n.cer cli!lK'I •2!l.22fi6 SIO 9}) ,_ map ~ Sl2.SXl W<"WMo c.om ~1822 fnday, .Aile 27, 2003 Al& TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE • Upm!Cll 'IOldw ., .. oood order .. Hli•Cll*' -~II'~ IU~attco 71 •• 72W~ 13 CatJlt ct>entlel DOWN l ~n 2T~ oooll • 3 ....... Ill -tit' .. 111.trec:i 5 Top pllOc tl Powet-tra n 7 = llbridg<ICI 8 Cuttwal i ~arewy 10Sw•-r 1' E ""'-' StaSIJC ,, ~ ,.,.,.,. lhypll) 1•~rewn ...,.~ 20~r· ,,p~- pol.mes 28 Llcl 71 Voceloll V~11 29 uxat.on 211~ t4t-Sl6-11H -.ec:poltel.c- Co4dlec •o 1 Sovllle SlS 11lver/1rey llhr CO chrm whls aold e>loi lull fact like new Sl8 995 v•!.967' I fon.an"nl 1v11I Bkr 949 586 1888 leave '90 lS 400 1mm1c chrome whls llnr looks £ dflvn hke new S69SO 949 l50 S202 ~ 9664t>Ml1 AllTOM081l.£S, Mercott.. ·oo u20 MISCEUANEOUS 1611 actual m• lull l•clor y "'.,' lur quo1~ blue1t11n lthr moonroof CO ""ome #his. one of the lowut mil,. Mer ceclu of the yur on C•lof v•557291 S28 995 fonanc1n1 ••a•I Bkr 949 586 1888 Wanted 9045 MOTOR HOMES BOAT REPAIRS/ SBMCES IMW •ts S2SI -10, black I -own11. nice sunroof "673627 $7495 wcwauto awn 96-646-"1Zl -.oqMO!tl.c- CHtVY TAHOl lT ·02 l IK lfl II t~ On Star !18 111, 1" tow oh&. pelf cond S26.9X> 96lrlHil 10 IMW '91 3211 CIMV. •utu 751o. mt mehlhc drk blue arey lthr, l•bulou' concJ throuan out •IS9261 S16.99!i fin £ warr av11I Bkr 949- ~ 1888 w-oc:p.ibt com Dod9• '99 lntr•'" IMW '01 7400 llodi Red V6 CO \uper 'port pk&. like new, clean very nK.t ''>J572!> '657632 $34,99!i wcwwtocom ~ 7fV) wcwau!D.com 91&&t6-18Z? Ford '6 S Mu1tan9 IMW '19 1JSIL Convert ible 01111nal leather ,unroof, very owne1.1ohd c11 $19995 cltan J.4995 •865459 nbo 949-719 29'3 wcwauto..com 96-646-"1Zl IMW 'ti UC--2.1 HONDADX 'H GroetC-4ttt ... $1100/.a... .... ,, •• ' 1 S6 UXUS LX470 'tl Bl11ek leather. loaded •Int cond 6 CO player S32 000 714 336 1354 Mos.ta '99 Mlolo Co n• 45~ mo ~uh> silver. tan top. pw, pl A C CO 'uperb like ntw cond vii 19743 SI 1,99'> f.nanc1n1 £ w1rranty ••••I Bkr 949 !186 1888 -w.~1.c- -w.ocpoi>.com MHCEDES 210 '76 <>rti owner. all records well kepi & d u n 14511 mo $1490 949·640·6388 MHCEDES 210 '76 01111 owner, all records, well kept & clean 1451< mo Sl490 949-640-6388 MercedH 'II 560 SL wn1tei11n. 1mmac f\.'!U. nmpll.,_dqi <trm1!!I. Slc.tm 7141!>1 • ..... ~ I.a 'ft C2lO Nltt-•t s 'trthflndor lllhr, mnrf, 11nmec SUI* 4•4. 1mmac white V6, nice 11617317 SlO.~ very nKe .011299 $5A95 --.1'0 com 94&646-7822 wcwauto.com ~ ri!JZl 6 cyl rtd t.n It/Ir !npd, b<taul ltke new cond •81sn1 SIS 995 f•· n.ana11a & w..-r.anty avail Bhr 949 586 1888 -.~Le- h nu ''1 •-'" LS ........ '-'93 ltclt OUm ti -.. ~ S 4•4 auto alnt cond 2 3. &OtflOUS cw flhr Blue auto. CO, clun CO alloys lJOll mt 92k mnrl, ~ 1548954 • 0 Z S 7 7 I S 1 9 9 5 S6900 Ht-soo~tH I wcwmreo com ~ri!JZl ~ ~7822 ~Slrvlcel °""'" Semca WITTHOln HYWAU All phnes sm/lr. jobs I l <UAJt~rs. ft11 fut est l 71 C-6J9. I CC] & IUSl#ISS •fl'AlltS UPCT•des. Rep11rs of a..tclllervlcll Computer. Networb E ven1nasJWeetiends s-1 .... ~, CompeUtove ptlCH Duncan Elactric rs Ea p tor quality urvoc locaVQuodl R8'1PQftM t4t4U-117S s.vic...11emod* 714-926-422.1 ll275810 !M9-QiG. 70"2 • k Licensed [ltclllc11 Contrador Smell ., $7US &:t; Speclahiin1 n Remodehn1 & ell n.c_, .... llomt w111n1 nttds, Cementworlo.. 811ck. Tiie Comm/1ndu1VRt1 & More. Rehable. No JOb 1-M0-191-1 DOI too smell 714·615-9062 l•7829S9 DUT<ffMAN Ul<TIK llCENSfO/IHSURED COMPETITIVE RATES YOUltMOMI U 759337 M9-322·62!i0 .. HOVIMINT UClNSID COMTitA<TOI PttCUl<Tt No job too In\, M ..w.t Ctll 1 tlvmber. Repair, rel'llOCMI, lens. pelntar. andyman, ... -I'll: M!M63656 or 1ny of the oaat u rvlcts l"ted ti.re In ~ our -vie• directory! THESE lOCAl SYC cuna. C-.'fM .. 1'£0PU CAH tlUP ~ .... ow"'*. YOUTOOAYI "*"'..._ ... ,,,s l'613M4 ,. 71A-612·•1 Cl I ..Cl~-· 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGFJLA COUNTIES ProfessiooaJ. Honest. Fair aod Reliable ROOM ADDmONS RfMODEU CUSJ'OM CA.llNETllY Kitchen &: Bldl SpecialitU a CX>NSl'RUCl10N ~571'G (949)71MM2 LIMY hwon Rll-ed Reeroultn & lmtall1hon Oll OCAH 949 673-806!> 71~ 714-883-2lDl ........ ~ =~ • lOCll ' "91111111 Riff ESTlMAltS ,,. .....,. lMTeffM~ w.1ynwc..--~ & lnstalt•tlon 25 Yrs op llc/insU<ed M9-5Q.4363 . ,.,~ •• , I ' rr mwas IVllYTMHIO & AllYTHUIO IN A OA.HIN. TMI Dl"llllN<I llTWIDt IU.UTlfUl &DQUIATL. t4t0 Slf..1124 R£STOR£ •REPAIR & REMOOEll"G Gt18.U. IEPAll 61WN11'1WD * lailisDI • CilllDoml 0 Job 1bo S""'11 ... 11a-.11 ... 9ff..32U.292 C..-....... Oryw.I It .... , lilltJE1I PIM~ F rw EstirMte c.a Boe 714-U....M ,_., o,.-.t ~ 0-40 ~ ••cl 'Ml l)lly • -1 ,_ prict tor t?46 car Van ,.,, Ind l)tlll:I lor Ot nol c.. °'°' Rey @ T onwta AiJto S.-7 ll 437 1931 I.A 714-328 3:228 CASH FO• CAIS WI NUD YOUR CU ,AJD Fo• o• NOT ,HILU" AUTO ASK fOR MAA.COLM 949-S74-1777 PICK UP TRUCKS RentAme Handyman/ HomeRlpllr HANDYMAN 9070 All Types Of Work lns•clt °'Out Ctn Jeff or Dennis 714 427 0040 JoH•Y ""'-'• .._ . .,,.~, Interior & hle11or Repall\ 114 501-6466 l.d674llD •OllNSON COM, ANY THI HANDYMAN All wOfll. ruar1nteed ~ Elec1rlclf. Ooorl.. f""" carp ... 96 lliMall5 Hllllng JUNll TO THI DUM"ll 714-968-1882 AVAILA8LE TOOAVI 949 673 5566 DMA"'S HOUSI a.... 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I CREDIT 1 At This Payment (134890) 39 IDClld\ ~ leul; ~. llln cl leak SO lleCUrity deposit iequired: plus IJUI and liccruc; 20c per maJc chan~ over 12.000 males per year On Approved Credit ON APPROVED FMCC TIER 0 & I CREDIT 1 At This Payment {148004) fll --CMllOO -fll ...... IPflllcalloD ol SJOOO fllCIOry ,...,.,, includu S4.SO r«urit¥ clqlofit plld tu and license; 20c per mile chanac ovu 10..SOO milQ per yciu. On Approved Cred11. ON APPROVED FMCC TIER 0 &. I CREDIT 4 At This Payment 1677543. 687~98.694021, 699100) MERCURY .... .,_. ,_ Md !Utt, Ill)' r&IWIC<' cbaracs. any dealer docwnenl preparauon dwge. and any cmluion IC5lina charge. REBATE JN LIEU OF ~ FINANCING UPTO 60 MOS. 1 At This Savings (118130) Plul 1ovemmmt fen llDd tau11. MY rlll&l>Ct' cbargc~. any dealtt docvment pn:J>Mllllon chatgc. and any cmus1on IC>lin& cbargc RhBATE IN LIEU 0 1- SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING 1 At This Net Cost (607862) n....oe dwpa. Ill)' .... preparation cbargc. and any cmiuion r=ina charge REBATE IN LIEU OP ~ FlNANONO UP TO 60 MOS. ON APPROVED CREDIT 1 At This Savings (703124) Daily Pilot I :!~~~~~E~u~~T~~~~.~-· ... --....... --··-····-----•7 8l ____ ._!1=~~~~~NT ~-.. _ .. ___ .... * 1814 I I 00 FORD CROWN VICTORIA • (158784/P2696) AC, PW, PL, Tiit, Cruise, AM/FM Cass............................ 1 a , 411 02 MERCURY VILLAGER •t I Ill (J073751P2725) 15K Ille, Top of the llne with luther, CD, showroom fmh..... I 00 GMC JIMMY 4X4 • (174531P2749) Clean, one owner owner, low mlles, leather, CD, full power 1 a , 181 00 FORD EXPEDITION XLT •t & II t (898121/IOl2A) Almil ClstlCO, Ae1r AC, 3rd Slit. Running Bowds, Load..... 1 02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS • (6444&m1) Xlnt value for a full power luxury car wtm lellher, lbs, dull power-... 1 4 1181 ~1!;~~~~=~~!m. Sound ........................... • 11 •••• 98 LINCOLN MARK VIII LSC e (~47) low miles, blade beMy, moonroof, CO, dlromes, "'8'b condition...... t I , 8 81 ~~~,':i ~,_Al~ 1111 cru ................... ·-··--······ *11 18 8 I ! 02 DODGE DAKOTA QUAD CAB • (825531) V8,'Auto, Ful Po.-........... "'"""""'""""""""""""""'""""'"" t I, 710 I - frlday, Jule 27, 2003 11 t Daily Pilot Special Section A littSe gW1 stands with her CfNt on the Babb Fann, wtlich was off Harbor Boulevard in 191 7. At left, 32 horses pulling a combine -the first in Orange County-between Victoria and W~son streets in 1904. Above, Fairview Hot Springs in 1907. At right, Bethel Towers was the tallest building in Orange Coonty when it was built 1n 1968. • emor1es Costa Mesa remembers 50 years of incorporation and the journey from farm community to urban life The cultivation of Costa Mesa In the beginning there were fields and more fie lds, but an Army base and the Segerstroms changed everything Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot C osta Mesa's history can best be described as a tale of rwo cities. Early oa, the town served as the center of a largely agrkultural area. earning the moniker WGoat Hill· Later, as the plowshares gave way to shopping malls. It evolved into a world-class retail destination. INSIDE For more historical photos and a t1meltne of Costa Mesa's history, see Page 82 Its history was not without adversity. The towns that predate Costa Mesa struggled with natural and econorruc disasters, but bounced back. each time. illustrating the residents' resilience. Since Its incorporation 50 years ago, the city has mamtamed a strong econorruc base. allowing It to prosper. It has also anracted a vanety of people, wtuch adds to the nch tapestry of lJfe. ·None of us are really nch. but M do make a decent living, so we all have the same problems and wort together and help people,· said the city's de facto historian, Bob Wilson. See CULJlVATION, Pqe 812 Costa Mesa is the family business Henry Segerstrom says he takes pride in the part his family has played in the development of the city. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T he sweat may be gone from its brow, but the muscle of the Segetstrom £amily continues to shape the history of the city. From toiling in the fields to h~g in the boardroo,ns. Heruy Segerstrom has watched C.OSta Mesa grow from a farm community to the "Oty of the Arts.· Unlike others who have lived in the city since before incorporation, the family patriarch bas the distinction of helping forge the dty's history, not just living through It. Henry Segetatrom was 30 years old when Costa ~esa wu incorporated. Just getting started ln the family buslneu, Segetstrom became a strong component of the dty'a evolution. "Pertonally, I belieYe the most Important decision the Seg<U1iom DON LEACH I OM.Y Pl.OT Henry Segerstrom and his family are an integral part of Costa Mesa history. family ever made wu the decision to annex properties to Colt& Maa rather than Santa Ana.• Segetatrom aa1d. "1hal detennJned the growth potential of Costa Mesa. and from that point on, lt bas been an experience of~ rapid growth and transition from fumblg to devdopment • SM FNA.Y, hp IU ' . • f~. JIN 27, 2003 Costa Mesa From Goat Hill to the City of the Arts 1830s The predecessor to Costa Mesa staned out as "Fairview" 1900s Another predecessor started out as "Harper" 1920 Harper changed its name to Costa Mesa, meaning "coastal tableland" ~· Costa I Golden ~· Mesa Memories The Santa Ana Army Base in the 1940s. A 1933 earthquake damaged buildings on the east side of Newport Boulevard, #downtown• Costa Mesa. Dally Piiot J The opening celebration of South Coast Plaza in March 196 7. J Daily Piiot Costa j Golden Mesa Memories Latino population growing Some find the city has become more friendly toward people of different cultures. lollt• H•rper Oa~yPilot J ust say the city's name, and you'll know that Latino roots are dug deep in its history. Costa Mesa means ~table (or p lateau) by the coast" in Spanish. Mesa Verde (green table) and Mesa del Mar (table by the sea) also boast Spanish names. Latinos, who In 1990 made up 20% of the city's population, made up 31.8% in 2000. according to the 2000 census. Despite the recent boom, the Latino population has a long history tn the city, from its agricultural to industrial era and now to the service and entrepreneurial era. Mitch Barrie. a member of the Costa Mesa Historical Society, has !>aid that many of the Latinos living in the city were farm workers who hved near the farms on the Westside. ·Mexicans have always been here," he said. "This was Mexico, of course. and some of them stayed after California was annexed. In the class pictures of schools on the Westside, you always find Mexican children and also some Japanese children. The (Latinos! are never identified in 1he pictures, though. so people probably didn't mingle much. Many were laborers who worked on farms and didn't make much money. so they weren't able to live in the good parts of town." In 1930. the Monte Vista School opened for Mexicans only. Some believe the separate learning institution was proof of racial 1ens1ons, but others felt it w~ the molt! beneficial for all the children involved Costa Mesa C.rammar School Pri ncipal Dale Evans ·was convinced that the district's Mexican students -the rna1ority of whom were havtng language d1fficullies -would learn more in their own school,· according to "A Slice of Orange· The History of Costa Mesa," by Edriclc Miller. Just around the lime of the city's 1ncorporation, the Supreme Court ruled on Qrown vs. Board of Education. overturning the notion of "separate but equal" facilities for different ethnic groups. The city continued to grow. and the children began learning together. As time went on, Latinos, like others. moved away from agriculture into lndustnal. service and business. Racial tensions were present. but not <.unsuming. and IUce today, different segments of the city chose whether they wished to mtermtngle or not. Longtime resident and activist Paty Madueno -.aid she h~ noticed a po'.>1tive change afler 1980. when she moved here. Paty Madueno 1s a communrty acbvist. "\\/hen I came here, we were people who were afraid to walk on the streets.· she said. "People didn't appreciate seeing us and didn't b.lce for me to speak Spanish. Some people still give me dirty looks becau5e they think I'm saying bad things about them. I guess. "We were still '.>truggling to get a Spanish Mass at St. Joachim Church," she said. "By 1986, we had cwo or three of them. The Latino population gradually increased. and acceptance came gradually as well. Now it's much beuer. It is much different from that ume. Costa Mesa 1s a different city. a friendlier city." In the Late 1990s, many Launo organizations began to form. The Latino Business Council began 1n 1997 with a mission to promote Latino businesses citywide. Since then. it has expanded its focus to build rela11onsh1ps with the City Council and the Costa Mesa community. The Latino Community Network formed in 1999 to get involved m the city's Westside planning effons. · While the Westside is sJm home to the largest percentage of Latinos, those of Latin American decent have found success citywide. Many growing businesses. such as El Chinaco. Taco Mesa and El Matate line 19th Street, while many with Spanish surnames fill the towering offices at law and accounting fums in South Coast Metro. "That's why we like Costa Mesa." Madueno said. "It isn't square; it adapts to the needs of families. A lot of our families. legal or not. are day laborers or low-salary workers. and Costa Mesa has a lot of the busmesses that our families work for." C.iven all indications, the Latino community will conunue to be a big pan of Costa Mesa history. Friday, Jollf 27, 2003 83 1942 The Santa Ana Army Base begim uainmg cadet!> 1946 Lions Club '>tan-. the Fi-.h f rv The Santa Anti \rmv Bc1-.1 is decomm1-..,1om·d 1948 Orange Coa'>t Collt·gt· .,tarll·d First movie theawr. \fr.,,1 l lwatl'r o pens on :\ewport Brlltl1•\ ard 1950 Vanguard Unt\'t'r.,11\ "!H'th 1953 Costa Mesa incorporated. Charles Te\Vinkle '>elected a., first mavor Ftrst C1ty HaJI built The Orange County Performing Arts Center is proud to call Costa Mesa, the City of the Arts, our home. !Bf AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE July22 -27 On Stage This Summer: We look forward to continuing to grow along with you! ORANGE COUNTY PERFOll.MING AllTS CENTER JIGl&ST~OM HALL •fOUNDl&S HALL w.ir..oc--..-..w ,...,~ .,., •• 14 Friday, June 27, 2003 1955 City annexes Orange Coast College and the Orange Co unty Fairgrounds 1957 Second City Hall built 1966 San Diego Freeway built as far as Harbor Boulevard Newport-Mesa Unified School District created The first store at South Coast Plaza, the May Co., opened for business 1967 Third and present City Hall built 1978 South Coast Repertory debuts its first show, "The Time of Your Life," in the Fourth Step Theater Costa I Golden Mesa Memories - Dady Pilot Adapting to the tiilleS City manager and fo rmer police chief explqin how a changing community has m eant changing leadership methods. Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot C iry Manager Allan Roeder sees Costa Mesa as a microcosm of Orange County. It has homes, businesses. corporations and a world-class shopping center "Within its 16 square miles, our little city represenis the county as a whole," Roeder said. But Costa Mesa wasn't always what It is today. Roeder came to the city 30 years ago when he was in college, he said. "It's grown physically since then~· he said. "The demographics have changed dramatically." But what makes Costa Mesa special is that despite its super-quick growth and development, it still attracts those with an affinity to a small-town and community feel, Roeder said. From the city' point of view, gone are the days when it would suffice to commun1La le Retired poli~e chief David Snowden exclusively with elected officials, Roeder srud. "The focus has shifted from officials to the neighborhood level," he said. "And that's because of the growth of community involvement. It's amazing how much we respond Lo individuals in the community. That's a healthy development." City Hall has seen "enormous turnover" throughout the last 20 years and an expansion In the police, recreation, code enforcement and maintenance departments, Roeder said. Roeder has been largely responsible for "building a cohesive, professional management team" in city hall, said recently retired police chief David Snowden. "He also inspired us to do the same in our individual city departments," he said. Snowden said the police departments has been strong since the city's inception. For his part, Snowden said he tried LO "ciV11ianize" several functions in the police department. "I think that made 1hings a lot more efficient because it allowed sworn officers to spend more time on the streets fighting crime," he said. Roeder see., the c ity's future Crty Manager Allan Roeder as getting into areas "that were skipped becau ewe grew so quickly." The city, in the future, needs to develop a stronger identity for itself, he said. "Costa Mesa has been through the awkward teen stage when we felt we didn't fit in," he said. People who live in this city are "independent thinkers." said Roeder. "It's these different kinds of people who lend that vitality to Costa Mesa," he said. "So what's our idenuty? Maybe 1t' multiple identities. \"Jho knows? II simply remains to be een." Karl Ahlf shares his hopes for the future of Costa Mesa W hat do I hke about Costa Mesa? What do. I see in Costa Mesa's future? Costa Mesa is safe and a good city to live in. My family moved to Costa Mesa from Santa Ana in September of 1984. I have been a Costa Me:.an for the past 19 years. I have worked and volunteered at the Yan tom branch of the Boy-. and Girls club for the past '>IX years. Since I ~ 3 years old. I have gone to Newport-Me..a schools. They are: Victoria School -PIP program: College Park fJememary; re-opened Victoria School, Enc;1gn Intermediate School: Corona del Mar High School; Estancia I ligh School -graduauon cl~ of 2002 Ille C11v of Coo;ta Me..a hat. great schoob. fine PolJce and Fire departments and a great City Council. fhc things I would like to !>ee in our city's future are: • lmtall audio '>lgnil.b at crosswalk!> to help blind people safely croso; the '>Lrect. We need to make our street~ safer for everyone who uses them. • Have more recyclJng centers. Teach people how Lo recycle paper. bottle!>, cans and pla.!>tics. Use le...., recycle more. SERVING COSTA MESA Certified to clean all Hunter Douglas fabric window coverings including: • Duette® Honeycomb Shades • Silhouette® Window Shadings • Luminette Privacy Sheers~ •Create more after·'>Chool programs. Kid~ who are m programs are less Likely to get uilo trouble or feel lonely and afraid when their parents are at work. • Put up more red-light cameras at traffic light!. so the police can track speeders who go through red lights. This will help pedcstrianc; and bicycli'>t't by reducing the number of drivers who run red lights and endanger other.. Someday. in the near future. I would like to run for the Costa Mesa Clry Council -again. I would like to wish our ciry of Costa Mesa a happy SOth binhday. Karl H. Ahlf Daily Pilot Costa I Golden Mesa Memories Building the foundation Retired Chief of Police Roger Neth was one of the city's first three police officers. By Ro11r Neth M y family moved to Costa Mesa in 1936. At that time, Costa Mesa boasted a population of less than 2,000 people, which included Santa Ana Heights. The Eastslde was a mix of residential and orange groves while the area north and west of Newpon Boulevard was thinly scattered with homes amid tomato and Uma bean fields. The business community was clustered around the intersecuon of Newport and Harbor boulevards. Newpon Boulevard was a two-way, three-lane highway. Local streets had no curbs or gutters and Broadway was the only improved lllreet. paved with concrete from Newpon Boulevard to Santa Ana Avenue. Entertainment for the youngsters was limited to reading the comic books at Pinlc's Drug Store and playing kick the can and king of the hill after school. Radio programs such as ·Jack Armstrong,~ ·I Love a Mystery,· "One Man's FanuJy" and ·shatter Parker· were the everung programs shared by the entire family. In later years, the Palm drive-in at 19th and Newpon Boulevard was the gathering spot for the lugh school kids. llus site later became the location of Mesa Theater. During World War II, the Santa Ana Army Air Base was in the area roughly covered in the perimeter of Newpon Boulevard, Baker Street. Harbor Boulevard and Bristol Street. This bn~ught the military lntluence very close to home. Many of the cadets stationed at the base returned after the war 10 make Costa Mesa their home, to raise their families and become an integral part of our community. The official law enforcement for all the unincorporated areas of the county at that time was Retired Chief of Pohce Roger Neth was one of the crty's first three police officers. the Orange Counry Shenff"s office. However Newpon To-.vnship Constable Frank "Tmy" Vaughn assumed the rouune police activiues and Judge Ronald Dodge handed our firm but fa.1r 1usuce through the local jusnce court. I attended Mam School at I 9th Stree1 and Newpon Boulevard and Newpon Harbor H.igh School, graduanng in June 1944. After a SUnl in the U.S. Navy. I anended Santa Ana Justice CoUege graduating in 1949. In 1950. I joined the Newpon Beach Police Deparuneni. and with the incorporation of the Costa Mesa m 1953, was fortunate to be one of the firc;t three officer' to be lured for the c1ry'll ne\\ pohce department Art Macken1.1e \\all lured as the city's first Ouef of Police and laid the foundauon for the new department I le stressed professionalism. innovation, lraJiling and education. Those of U'> who foUowed built upon 1hoi.e principle:.. tn the early yedrs of the department, we were blessed with personnel who i.hared that commitment and that dedlcaoon that has conunued throughout the SO years of the depanmenfs history. In the early years we could not blame our failures on our prede<.essors ~ there were none. Credit for •mcce!.S wa'> ourc., as we created ii Bw.lding a polH:e department from scratch 1s a ma1or challenge and our :.uccess would not have been possible w1thou1 the commitment and ded1cauon of all the people past and pre.,en1 that make up the Costa Mesa Police Depanment My 33 year" on the depanment. 22 years ac, chief. were made a 101 easier by the efforts of all of our people. It 1s truly an honor and a pnvtlege to have served with them and will be chenshed all of my life Happy 50th anm\lersary. Cos1a Mesa! Friday, J\.-.e 27, 2003 115 1985 Fairview Park acqwred from county 1986 Orange County Performing Ans Center opens 1991 C1ry's first redevelopment pro1ecc. friangle ~quare opens 1992 Cosca ~1e~a Freeway extf'm1on ribbon cutting m June 1993 Save Our Youth opens on the Westside 1996 Tnnny Broadcasting ~etwork moves co Costa Mesa lb. • Friday, .Jme 27, 2003 1997 Whittier Law School opens 1999 Expansion of South Coast Plaza 2002 First African American becomes mayor (Karen Robinson) 2003 Home Ranch breaks ground with opening of rKEA Fish Fry resumes · Costa I Golden Mesa Memories Hank Panian, OCC faculty member 1956-1990 Daly Pilot One path to a better education Hank Panian of OCC revisits the vote that created the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. By Hank Panlan M y wife. Barbara. and I moved to O>Uege Parle in 1956. We wanted to be close to my wortc as a faculty member at Orange Coast O>llege. Our three children walked to school. from C.OUege Park fJementary, Davis Middle School. Costa Mesa High School and LO Orange Coast. We participated in many activities with the Costa Mesa Recreation Department or with anendance at the Orange County Fair and the annuaJ Liom Oub F"lsh Fry. Costa Mesa has been a great place to raise our children. The year, 1966, emerged as a major turning point in our history. In February, May Co. opened its doors in what later became South Coast P1aza: Sears. Roebuck and Co. followed in NO\ICmber. In March, the city had begun comtrualon of its Qvlc Center on Fair Drive. And, the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce formed the Costa Mesa Historical Society. I lowever, I believe the big ticket item of that year occurred with the merger of three school systems Lo originate the Newport-Mesa Unified School ~ct. a huge benefit for our youth. This decision came with the tussle as you might ~e. Proponents and opponents to unification came out of the woodwortc.. The League of Women Voters held stonny public hearin~ in both Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. 'IWo boon:J members of the Newport Harbor Union H1gh School ~trict. Betty Lilly and Don Dungan. also Costa Mesa's city attorney. pushed han:I for a wyes• YOte. Partisans dedicated to Costa Mesa fJementary and Newport Beach Elementary Districts wged a wno." In between stood many newcomers who had no affiliation with either. Help to tilt the decision came from Carl ~. superintendent of the Costa Mesa fJementary and a majoncy of its board who asked for a wyes• vote even though they knew that unification would terminate their positions. Tremendous credit has to go to The Daily Pilot Reporter Oluck Loos wrote columns that analyzed the IS.Slle. Publisher Walt Burroughs made sure that the Pilot covered the dozens of questions and answers. And. Editor l orn K.eeviJ capped all those efforu. with an editorial tha1 strongly supponed unification. When the smoke had cleared with a majority "yes,w our children in both communities were assured an education ~tern with continuity in policy and practice from first-grade through hlgh school graduation. Orange O>ast College and other branches of higher learning found that characteristic basic to effective education. We parents applauded this improvement The second event reflects the heart and soul of this city. In 1959, Fairview llospital, renamed sinc.:e as Fairview Developmental Center, opened its doors. Fairview gave Costa Mesa a special place where those who coukl nor help themselves had a place of compassion and care. The Foster Grandparent Program there represents those ideals. Beginning with its charter in October, 1972 the Fairview Foster Grandparents provide special seniors help. from feeding to walJdng, for their clients. Nancy Reagan dedicated one chapter In her book about this organization. "Tu Love A Olild." to a O>sta Mesa resident. Audrey ~ 1Wo other late residents, Elsie Demmer. a volunteer, and Marie Maples or the Foster Grandparent Cowldl. came to know each other liM al Fairview before moving on to Senior C.enter work. The gift shop there is named after these two. The last event became known as the Ttees Please Campaign. During l '571 and 1972. a group of 15 cit:U.ens began meeting In the O>sta Mesa City Hall to answer the question about providing more park space for our chiJdren. Ola.ired by Arlene Shafer, probably Costa Mesa's most active official throughout its 50 years. and Vaughan Redding from 0>5ta Mesa Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, this commlttet' came up with the amwer -provide the community with a vote on a $4 million bond is.5\Je to purchase several parcels of land. Bill St Oair. former coundlman. fought the Trees Please bonds. He said this way of acquiring unneeded parks would cost us too much. But, support from envirorunentallst.s put the i$ue oveT the top with better than a 70% ·yes.~ Schafer went on to be a board member of the Planning Commission. spend elgttt yews on the City Council and a stinl as executive director of the chamber. CurrentJy he is on the Costa Mesa Sanitary Dlscrlct Board. Trees Please gave us the many parks and open spaces we enjoy today. WESTSIDE REVITALIZATION ASSOCIATION ·-to Costa Mesa City Councils past and present and our outstanding Police and Fire Departments, and the Newport/Mesa School District, City Staff and Administration, residents and businesses that. have worked together to make Costa Mesa Costamazing. The Westside u i e s ave formed the Westside Revitalization Association to work with the City for another fifty years of progress. Mission Statement As owners of properties and businesses in the industrial area on the Westside of Costa Mesa, we , have banded together as the Westside Revitalization Association (WRA) in order to effect change for the betterment of Westside properties, businesses, infrastructure and the area as a whole. Our mission is: To support revitalization of the Westside through positive participation in owner directed programs and private investment opportunities while preserving our property rights. To collaborate with the City in programs that can result in improvements without subjecting our properties to Redevelopment Agency controls and/or eminent domain. To maintain the industrial zoning that contributes to the overall employment base and economic strength of Costa Mesa and supports the quality of life on the Westside. MIA P.O. Box 11955 Costa Mesa, California 92627 EMAIL: INFO@CMWRA.ORG • 949-363-4500 • Fax: 49-650-4540 1 Daly Pilot Costa I Golden Mesa Memories Friday, June 27, 2003 17 College has grown with Costa Mesa OCC, which started with 3 teachers and 533 st~dents on a n old Army base, is now a leading community coll ege. By Jim C•rnett and Vicki Zlmmerm•n 0. range Coast College officially became a viable institution on Jan. 27, 1947, when local voters approved a baUot me~ure establishing the Orange Coast Junior College District. The first classes were offered on Monday, Sept. 13, 1948. A total of 533 students were attracted to the college that fir..t sem ester. training facility for Army Air Corps cadetS. In the ensuing 55 years, OCC has grown from a collection of wooden barracks buildings to a leader among America's I ,200 community colleges More than a million studen~ have enrolled in credit classes over the pa5t half century. speaken>. World class facilities include OCCs new Arts Center, a state of-the-an Technology Center, the village themed Olildren's Center, Student Center, a renovated Robert 8. Moore Thealle, the c0Uege'11 14,000·square-foot Compuung Center and the Orange Coast <..oUege's !>chool of Sailing and Seamanstup Providing a d1vers11y of offenn~. wtuch showcai.e qualny programs and outstanding faculty and !ltaff, Orange Coast College I') dedicated to the cnv.en!I of Co'ita Mt"><l and beyond and honored to -.erve the c:omrnumty\ needs for lifelong ennchment opponumu~. Students sit m an Orange Coast College classroom in 1948. Thirty-three faculty members taught classes. The new college was on a 243-acre parcel of land carved from a deactivated World War 11 military installation, Santa Ana Army Air Base. The base had served as a pre-flight From classes to cultural events. Orange Coast College provides many opportunities for enrichment to the communny Local residents can en1oy: the coUege's summer •.wim program. the annual Small Bw.ine'>l> Conference and Expo, performing arts: men'!> and wom en's intercollegiate athletic p rogramJ>; an exhibitions and lectures by nationally-known • Jim Carnett 1s the d1r11<:1or of commun11y rela11ons at OCC and V1d(I Zimmerman 1s the school's public 1nforma11on spec1al1st Small town feel with progressive diversity Estancia graduate Linsday Freem a n finds Costa Mesa inviting for a variety of people. I spent m y first day m Co~ta Me-.a on a blke n de with my older brother and I couldn't have ll11agined a bener way to acquaint myself with the ctty We rode all through the bluffs. down to Talbert Prut. along the nverbed and then up to Vtsta P"drlt. where my love affair with Costa M~ began. Standing in the park. at the edge of the city. provided me with a breathtaking view of the Coast. dnve past it everyday dun ng lunchume as I would head down to Carl\ Jr with a car full of frien~ As seasons changed. 'iO did the appearance of the park. I lowever, one thmg would always remain the same. there were always people of aU shape.. colors and st7.es sharing and enjoymg tts beauty The park. to me. represented the best charactensucs of CoMa Mesa. the dt"ers1ty. the tolerance and the closene'>-'> of the community. You could travel around the world I 0.000 um~. but never would you find another place where such d1ver;1ty L-; o;o embraced by the community. the Tllt·O·Whirl and gaping in awe at the world's largest horse at the Orange County Fair. I love that when I run into members of the City Council or school board. they always seem to have rune to stop and chat with me. As a former member of the Advisory Council of Teens for Costa Mesa. I love the city's dedication to improving itself with the help of aU of its residents. even those that maybe play their music too loud or would prefer to rebel against authority rather than cooperate with it Most of aU. I loved anending Costa Mesa's ·Best Kept Secret." Estancia 1 ligh School where I learned more than what was wrinen in our textbooks and where I was given incredible amounts of suppon and encouragement that helped me excel both inside and outside the classroom. I love how Costa Mesa has come ahve in just a short SO years and established it.self as a balanced and diverse community. Since I had just moved here from Chicago. I had never before <;een anything so beauuful and I knew l would never want to live anywhere el..e ever again. Through the yean. my vi.sits to Vista Parle became more frequent."° it's no wonder it quicldy became rny favorite spot 111 Costa Mesa. I would run there with my ~-country team and do stretches while ddrrunng the tOaJ>I or I fmd 11 am37mg that Co<.ra Mesa has integrated a world-class shopping pl37,a mto the c11y whl.le simultaneously mainraming a -;mall-town feel. I love being able to watch the Bolshoi Ballet at the ~uth Coast Repenory fheatre and then return to my home just a few mmutes away, strap on my roller blades and cruise around Tanager P.d.fk. I love bemg able to take clru.ses ar one or the highest-rated conununity colleges m the c.:ountry. Now. as I prepare to head off to the !:a.st Coast for coUege. I can only hope that I will senJe in a community a fraction ru. wonderful and ahve as Costa Mesa SEAN DEF RENE D~llV PILOT Lindsay Freeman srts on her favorite bench at Vista Park rn Costa Mesa. I k1\'e spending my '>Ummer.; ndmg AYRES HOTEL GROUP SALUTES THE CITY OF COSTA M ESA ••• C O NGRATU LATIONS ON 50 YEARS OF PROSPERITY European Hospitality Awaits You in Southern California -....... ~ ... ..... • . , ... -... -.... \j ..... Whether your visit is for business or pleasure. you will find our hotel locations convenient to all your Southern California destinations. Our ho tels aJI share the qrace and charm of Old World European eleqance and yet are unique to themselves ... you'll find richly uphol- stered furnishinqs. imported antiques and splendid worR.s of art throuqhout our properties. And of course. we offer all the Mmust have" amenities for your stay away from home. -,. ,, ~· tf if . ; Pounder Pranll H. Ayre. 1905 ALPINE ANAHEIM ANAHEIM/ORANGE CAR DIFF by the SEA CORONA EAST ., The Ayres Hotel Group has built a lastinq reputation of The Ayres family -1003 hospitality. cleanliness and unsurpassed value for business and leisure travelers ... Experience for your- self the comfort and personal attention found in the o nly family-owned and operated hotel in Costa Mesa. A Collection of Affordable Boutique Hotels 800 423 3992 800 595.5692 800.268 7944 800.322.9993 800.448 8810 AYRES HOTEL GROUP AYRES HOTEtS, INNS & SUITES AYRES COUNTRY INNS • Friday, Jl#le 27, 2003 .. Costa I Golden .. Mesa Memories Central force The Orange County fairgrounds have provided the city with fun, funds and even a bit of controversy. Christin• C•rrlllo Daily Pilot A n Army air base turned fahsrounds, the site of Indian Pow \\bw'S and Scottish Festivals, and ht-"t to numerous gun and . computer shows over the years. the Orange County Fair and Exposidon Center in Costa Mesa has played a varied role in the city's SO-year history. The fairgrounds lured flocks of residents from surrounding cities and counties into Costa Mesa's city limits to attend the annual Orange County Fair that found a pennanent home there in 1950. .. I would like to the think the fair is part of the community development." said Becky Bailey-Flndley, general manager and chief executive for the center. •1 think when you talk about the people Who wort at the fair and kind of embody the spirit of the fair, many of them are resldent.s, but even if some of us don't live here, we still see it as a second home, and it's because of the yean of interaction with the community. .. It still acts as bartering central on the weekends, giving shoppers across Southern California. and sometimes beyond. an outdoor marketplace for nearly anything under the sun. .. I think we've long been known u a great place for the family to spend the day .... W~re almost like an outdoor mall with a heavy emphasis on fun," said Jeff Teller. president of the Orange County Marketplace. which began in 1969. "'We've had a great reladonshJp with the city 'The old-fashioned country fair and venues, livestock shows and rodeos have really been ~ very big part of Costa Mesa, keeping its hometown feel ... .' Ed FllWCltt President of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce for a number of years .... We're lcind of an institution." While the fairgrounds has managed to maintain a positive fiscal effect on the city with such multimillion dollar events as the fair and the marketplace, it has also created its share of controversy. At one tinie, the fairgrounds sparked huge debate over the concert noise that penetrated through residential neighborhoods in the amphitheater's vicinity. That controversy, which resulted in the closure of the Pacific Amphitheater in 1995, may rear its head once again when the amphitheater reopens this summer during the fair. For the most part .• whether positive or negative, the fahsrounds have had quite an effect on the city, as a whole. .. The old-fashioned country fair and venues. livestock shows and rodeos have really been a very big part of Costa Mesa. keeping its hometown feel as opposed to a metropolitan feel," said Ed Fawcett. president of the Costa Mesa Ouunber of Commerce. uCosta Mesa revolves around the fair more than the fair revolves around it It has heen very instrumental in the ... [formation) of the city. I think the fairgrounds will be here for a long time to come." Costa Mesan's Regain Interest In Their Homes After the War B ack In 1944 Mesa Upholstery began constructing upholstered furniture of uncommon quaJiry. World War II was nearing its end which meant that American homemakers had been without new furniture in their homes for several years. With the rca.1ization of this need they proceeded, working with fabrics and materials left the phase of often expressed by the cu~tomcr~ of Mesa Upholstery. Literally thousands of f.abrics including practicaJ synchctics arc grouped together in one of the largest collections in California. Such familiar companies found on display in our showroom arc; Scalamandrc. Brunswig & Fils, Grcdt, Strohcim & Romann . Boris Kroll, Schunw:her, to name only a few of over I 00 fabric houses represented. The fact that "Mesa Upholstery makes Beauuful things Happen" is not an accidcnc not looked upon lightly. "Beautiful things happen" • bccawc of rnpcrb design and craftsmanship with each snd1v1dual piece then becoming a gem in ics genre. "Beautiful things happen" • because of the masterly mix of pancrn and the brilliant melange of color, combined in a triumph of f.abric. -"Beautiful things happen" • because you allcd over from the '30s and Army surplw sources. "Not very imaginative nor creative, but top quality workmanship went into each piece." When the war ended, more fabrics became available in Orange County California began to grow. So did Mesa Upholstery! They moved from the origiMl ahop to new quarters on Newport Blvd., • •ac the edge of town• • added more crafumen to meet the growing demand; and so Mesa Upholstery became established. In 1990 Mesa Upholstery moved to its present location on Harbor Blvd., in Costa Mesa, into MW facilities tocaling 11,000 square feet. Modern equipment, corutandy updated teehniques, old , world akiU. and prograiM managemen t have been combined to make Mesa Upholmry not only the oldest and largat of it.a kind in Southern • c..lifom.ia. but alto the 6nat. It is wdl known that a company is only as good u iu acaft: Maa bu prided itldf in maintaining a hlsh 1eYel of competent, qualified worlumn a.n,d women duouabout the yean: workmen efficient in oocwucdon tuc:h u 8 way ban<,l..cliamond tied 1 apri• biu cut wdtinp. band tufting. etc. Prom the dMlpen to the eeammaa, maoagemcnt to ~ na,ont bu the Mmt potjtive and COftlWCtM atdNde of dedication to quality. nw it how we arc able to Mtiafy hundreds of CWCOlDCn • .,., • .ch ol dM recpiea9 puing ia .. of ~c. pCrl08ll WOik. •A cam &Mou. ..,-, cl wwxpecced cboicc" it Mesa Upholstery. Mesa Upholstery can accommodate creating draperies, custom upholstering, as well as, furniture made to order. In 1998 Mesa Upholstery acquired, M1kls c..rpn. another well established Co1ta Mesa company. They offer quality carpet, wood, tile, 1aminatt at pat pric;es. Mills C.rpn furmcrly on 17th Street, art now on Harbor Blvd., iii the Mesa Upholstery Daign Ccruer. Tluif •ffim •rt Uc•"' •1 I 998 H•rbor IJnlwtW. C11i. Mtu c.Jifomi• j2627. f,,. ...., 949.612.8-100. Fairgoers have a fun time at the Orange County Fair in July 1979. Above, construction of the Orange County Fairgrounds Amphitheater in 1983. At left, calf roping at the fair in 1980. sTAINMASTER Long Plank Wood Flooring XTRA LIFE OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD By Mohawk $19?.~. Installed with deluxe pad Supplies and Too& for th• "Do I t YouneUen/" AU prlculproduca for a limited time, bas ed on aoailllbilltg. 137 4 Loian A•e., Salte F • COSTA MESA ..,. (888) MESA-777 .-. Mon-Fri. IO to 5 • Sat 10 to 3 •. - Mesa joins the City of Costa Mesa in celebrating its SOth Anniversary. Use Water Wisely! Water in the early morning hours. For more information on wise water use for your garden or laWll, visit ..,.,..,.,,.. .. ..,..r.org. Dally Piiot Costa Golden Me sa Memories Friday June 27 2003 Bt Costa Mesa gets busy A handfu l of businesses still remain from the city's early days as an agricultural community Paul Clinton Da1lyP1lot B ack rn 1949. ,-.hen Edward "Buddy· (,ran1 opened the (,ran1 Boy'> at a '>torefronl where lTiangle Squdfe no\' '>tand., Costa Mesa·s do" ntm' n wa~n t much more 1han a -.craggl~ landscape of feed barn'> pharmacies and hard\,<He ~tore'>. (,rani'!> store. then known a-. (,rant", Surplu'>. offered rakes. -.hoveb. bu:vcle., and mixed parnt among the 1 ,00 I thtng'> you can't u~e." a~ wac, the '>tore\ mouo at the ume More 1han fi,e decade'> later, Gram Boy'> ownt'r Handy (,arell explained h1' '>hop., longe\'lty w11h a few -.1mple \\Ord'>. "CO'>la Me-.a I'> a great uty, .. c.arell \atd ... \\'t' reallv ltke the people who are our · mtd· 1960s explosion. wh1c;h wa'> dnven by a populatton !>urge. '>1111 eXJ'>t The rny'; olde'>I '>hop I I V. Wnghl ( o Hardware. opent.'d in 1932 on 1he <,ame lcrnd "'here ii '>II'> 1oday Jeff Wright\ grandfather opt'ned \\rtKht., a' a lumber yard and .. ah c1ge bu.,ine-.., \\ngh1 4 i nm' .. pec1al11e'> 1n 1ndu,mal mach1nen bu1 dot'., ... 1111 pro' 1de -.c1h agt' .,t•n 1c; e' \I~ granddad \.\ould get a ere"' and e11her mo\ e a hou't or the good part-. hack IO the vard to wll." \\right -.au.I .. In 1ho-.e da\·'> the\ reu-.l·d t'\ erytl11ng In 1he l')fi()-. a -.trin~ nf -.twp'> opened along I larbor and :°':t'~port boult•vard., On I I arbor 11 J < 1Mret1 I urn1ture opt•nt·d 111 I Y6.I 11·, '>ttll there Red e Rt•nt.tl'>, '""h 11-. Above, an old view of Harbor Boulevard and H.J. Garrett Furnrture. Below left, an advertisement for South Cost Plaza from the 1960s. Below right, inside the Alpha Beta when Costa Mesa was called Harper tU'>lorner'> fh1ng\ ha\t' changed '>lnte 1ho-.e earl\ da\-.. as the ell\\ 'ilJth h1rthda\ 1.elebrauon '>hnuld ... en e. IO remind IJ..EA '\1ke lei\\ n, largt-t (,n.•Jtland .md 'ome of the other cornmnoal ne\\UJmer' faded yello'' trnJldott~r ... ha1wd mailbox C1nd hlu1'h A frame roof moH·d 111 at 1 ht' unw (,t'neral fra11 ... n11.,.,1on opt•ned up next do111 1 n I ~fill 14700 "'°'° Prfnter luy prwvle .. and fut prints with Canon photo viewe r. • Print photos d1reoctly hom d•gotaJ umera m~ urds~ • Up lo 4800 • 1200 colo1 dpo woth m1eroscopte d~ as small as 2 picololeri. • Bubble Jet ();re-ct pnnl;ng from ~ C•non dogit&I umeras' • Edge·to ~ge true botdetie-.s photos •Up to 18 ppm black/up to 12 ppm color" IOlllu7 11-suawlthi.ap.,....1~wWe-vM~ • Whlspef()riYeT" transport bnlllS near slltnt ~tirlg • Hl&tl·speed film adv&na! • 11 shooting mode1 and 13 custom modrs • F\lly a>mpltlble With I wide range of EOS len~ ~...shot GI 4.0 Me1aplael !'Holutlo n • 41 opl.c•l/J 61 d11111.il zoom lem • New omqong proce-.'°' OtGIC • '2 EOS-b&sed Shooting mod~ p4us n~ Wllk·.tre1 Flex1Zont' AF/AE spot metenng loom P'•vblc~ up to 10• 1.0 Mepplul rMOlutioft • l• optial/4 1• dogiull 12• combined zoom • 9-polnl AJAF and FlexZonl' AF/AE • New lmqtng Proceuor INGIC •nd 1SAPS technology lmproYe lfN«l' quality and ina-~s.ng speed -<Ammal ...... Q.fV .. ..., ,,. Got¥ II• fOS.J..., ITS ,... ... ___ _ , ... II/I# ____ .. Udl&-----..a: --·-----llOH-----.... BJ<.I. \\hen C.oc;til ~1t .. ,J \\a'> begmning 10 ou1gro" ""1magt a' a farmtng hamlet aftt'r \\orld \\ar II bu'>tne'>'> \\ a .. n 1 e~ac1lv booming \e1 a'> 1he 1950~ \\Ort· 1m. 1he root'> ul the Co'>la ~le'>a., \ 1bran1 re1ail ba'>e began IO lake hold Hy the mid 1960,, "nh the utv\ w1den1ng of I liHbor Houlevard. the bun of commerce bt'gan 10 nc,e abO\ e a barely-d1'>t:t>rnable <ltn In l 9fi6. lheodore ··Bob" Robin.. Jr mmed Im Robim Ford dealer-.h1p to 1he rnterseL11on al 11.irbor and Bay ~treet In I 'Jfli the <;,eger<,trom farrnly opened Sou1h Coac;1 Plata. \\ h1ch now pull!'> in SI b1lhon a year tn ~ale~. Onlv a handful of 1he bu<,tnesc;es that predate tht'> < .eneral I r.in,m1,.,1011 O\\ nt·1 Di!.le lannt·r. h2, rt•nwrnlwr' a < O'>lJ \.le'CJ \\llh mon· 1han d fe,, 'at ant lor.. d11111ng tht· land,tapt• \lo-.1 ol llMhor Hnult•\ C1rd ''a' \'<Jtani lannt'r 'i.!ld ,1h1J11t the UI\ befcrn: lht• huildin>t hoom '1hen 1..imt• more traffit whit h m.ilt·' ,, h1g d1fferenu.' fanner' butld111g \\d' uwd bt.'fore he moved in to manufacturt \\ 11.trd 'k1 b11,1h 111 the l<.J51h Cal\ Canwr.1 opt'TH'<I nt•ilf friangle <;quJrt• 111 1%.! l .ti ilnd llelcn '>llllt•\ ... 1111 0"11 th1· bus1 ne" ( al., -.on \.larl. '>t1llt \ no\' the,.,< e pre.,tdent ol .,ii.It•' h;rndlt·' 1he dit\ to d,I\ operauon., l he Cll)-ha'> het.>n ''ell run dunng tht' pa-.t 40 ~ear-.." Sulle-., '>atd "We "l' h.td an innux of ne" bu-.ine,-.e., Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET fdr. ONE ~r "-~~s -~ MOHAWK• LIZ CLAIBORNE and Many More John C. Bloeser holding Manha Adell Bloe.ser (note shonbcd delivery wagon) Photo taken at .507 South Flower Stttet circa 1900. 110 f~. June 27, 2003 .. Costa I Golden Mesa Memories Olly Pilot From tragedy to triumph Costa Mesa sports history is best told as a battle between Mustangs and Eagles. By Ro1er C•rlaon T here waa a heart ln Costa Mesa that was claimed by both Eagles and Mustangs, and to start with the amazlng exploits of the Pegasus requires that one must first look toward the late baseball coach Paul 'I?oxel, whose sheer dedication toward competing at the highest level, gertlng the most from what he had and loving every minute of the hunt, to brlng these two high schools into focus. 'I?oxel, one of the most likable guys you'd ever meet, coached baseball at both schools, for the most part at Estancia and in the end at Costa Mesa. When he died lo 1999, tears Oowed on Fairview Road and Placentia Avenue. For probably the only rime, ever, at a little church on Baker and Fairview, green-clad and red-clad athletes would grieve arm-in-arm. If you want a four-letter summation of the life and times of the Costa Mesa Mustangs and Estancia Eagles, it would be ~nox." There have been some ups and downs, and a touch of Hatfields and McCoys. So I'm not going to talk of Eagles and Mustangs. of who was No. 1, or of a Top 10, or of sheer results, for the most part. Better that you close your eyes and remember a basketball coach in a wheelchair. Costa Mesa's Jason Ferguson ln those tragic days as cancer claimed his 23-year-old body in 1996. Or recall the exploits of baseball stars such as Dan Quisenberry, Rich Amaral, Jeff Gardner, Kyle Wtlson and Brent Mayne. Or of such basketball stars as Steve Van Hom, Ken Bardsley. Ouis Beasley, Bruce Olapman, Matt Fuerbringer, Tom Read, Paul McDaniels, Sam Nelson, the Orgills [Gary and Ray). Pete Neumann, Craig Falconer, Jim Faulkner and Jim McOoskey. Or of such football stars as Benny Ricardo, Pat Sweetland, Jeff Graham, Larry Hall, the Ferrymans Uim and Dick), Matt Johner, Lee Joyce, Vince Klees, Jim McCahill, Steve Kraiss, the Camps [Mike and Tony], Bryan Luxembourger, Dave Gleason, Binh Than, Olarles Olatman, Dan Former Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Carlson Princeotto. Dewayne Crenshaw, Dan Bauer and Bill Lux. Or of such track and field standouts as Bruce Hancock. Alberto Munoz, Eric Dom, Eric Berge and Jim Walters. The girls, you know, didn't really start until the '70s. But did they ever make an impact. How about Olivia DiCamilli, Bonnie Dasse. Koo Kim, Heather Robinson. Jill Black, Julie Collett, Leah Braatz, Shannon Suzuki, Katie Grogan and Kathy Mollica for starters? And, of course, the Capper, Sharon Day. How about the best principal, ever? Robert Francy. Among the many coaches whom I cherished were Larry Sunderman, Ken Millard, Tim O'~rien, Joe Re id, Bill Wetzel, Kirk Bauermeister, Bob Serven, John Camey and Tom Baldwin. Also, from way back, Jules Gage and Emil Neeme. About one-third of the personalities who were named to the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame o n New Year's Day of 2000 are mentioned in this article, which shows just how deep the talent and accomplishments go. So I'm leaving myself wide open. And, of course, there is the matter of major successes in cross country, water polo, soccer, wrestling, volleyball, tennis, golf, swimming, even gymnastics and badminton, which must be considered. But I've done my best to rekindle some memories, which began at Something old Sharon Day has no trouble clearing 5'6~ in CIF high jump competition m May 2003. Estancia when the Eagles opened their first-ever season with a 45-7 loss to Troy at Fullerton High in 1965 with a quanerback named Oluck Perry. And when Costa Mesa. coached by Tom French in 1976. staggered heralded Foothill with a 14-14 tie in a nonleague football game. There was that great 1970 Estancia football team under coach Phil Brown (9-2), which nearly pulled off the upset of the season before falling to the Allen Carter-led Bonita juggernaut in the CIF 3-A Playoffs opener, 15-14, in a muddy quagmire at Orange Coast College. Estancia's only other loss was to eventual undefeated CIF cbampion Edi.son, 14-12. And, of course. Mesa's surge ln football, ignited by Myron Miller ln 1993 (9-3-2). Estancia's great state championship team of 1991 under O'Brien in boys' basketball and Costa Mesa's state finalists in '93 under the hands of girls' basketball coach Lisa McNamara, are probably the two highlights of team play, which come to mind. It all began in 1960 for Costa Mesa lthe principal was Les Miller! and 1965 for Estancia !the principal was Floyd Harryman.I Before that. Newport Harbor High accommodated Costa Mesa's best. And, to this day. Costa Mesa athletes in the neighborhood of 17th Street and Irvine Avenue attend Harbor. Costa Mesa and Estancia. Each has plenty to brag about. What lies ahead? Withou t a doubt. more of the same. •ROGER CARLSON 1s the Daily Pilot Spona Editor Emeritus He writes a column on Sundays. Paul Troxel Country Store ............................... ..... Pieceinakers Leading the West Coast Costa Mesa celebrates 50 yea'YS in places to go and things to do. Something new Introducing Commercial Bank of California, a new business banking alternative for Costa Mesa and Orange County businesses. I Something strong Initial capitalization of $27,350,000 Something personal Where Business is Personal™ Congratulations Costa Mesa! Commercial Bank of California 695 Town Center Drive, Suite 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92628 714-481-7000 ~P'DIC Congratulations ~ To a/,l the diligent, hardworking ·~ business men a'IU/, women who have, through impossible odds, made Costa Mesa a world renowned metropolis. Coming Plecemakers Events ••• "Grass Roots" 4th of July Festival Friday end Saturday, July 4th a. 5th, 9em to 4pm Grafts and cuisine-music and fan. 150 booths of handmlllk O'fSltions. t Piecemakers Singers at Triangle Square Sundays. July 13, 20 & 2 7, 2 to 4pm Join us for a etltbratkm in song-country, gotptl, ja:l. ll1UI Bmod""'YI Bf ·annual Storewide Sale Saturday, August 2nd 8:30 1m to noon -40% oJI Noon to S:JO pm -25% oJ! C011¥ tt1rlyl Cojfrf.p tllrly ri6m. Wlllh .......... ••111Jr-..... , .......... ..... Dady PlJot Costa I Golden Mesa Memories frld.ly, June 27 2003 BU Building a life in a growing city Longtime resident remembers heading out to the Mesa or Kona Lanes for a night out. H aving spent half my life in Costa Mesa. there are some memories that jump out at me. My first stint in this town was for six months in the m.id-1960 , when I returned to Southern California after ~rvlce in the mill tary. I was launching myself into a new career, making very httJe money al the time, and found Costa Mesa to be an affordable place Lo live. I rented a studio apanrnent near the comer of 19th Street and Maple Avenue ror $85 per month. 1 worked 50 to 60 hours per week and did my laundry at tJ1e Laundromat on 19th Street on Friday rughts. Costa Mesa Wcl!> a place I sJept, munched an occasional taco and did my laundry. I recall lighting the ground fog -caused by the agriculture that preceded South Coast Plaza -that lrL-quently shrouded the "Newport ~ rccway" In those dayi.. One of life's great adventures is trying 10 drive up the freeway from its terminus at Bristol "trcel m fog so thick that you have 10 open the driver's door and look for the lane line~ while trying lo keep the car pointed m the right direction. After marrymg my c;weet wife and bouncing around the c.ount.ry like a couple of gypsies for several years, we returned to Costa Mesa in the eady 1970s. We will have lived in the same house on the Eastside for 30 years in a couple of months. My real C.Osta Mesa recoUections begin at that time. skills that would take a few of them to the Olympics. ~Culture" in those days was represented by the old Mesa Theater and KDna Lanes. South Coast Plaza bad been completed and was by then the premiere Geoff West Of course, one thing that bas not changed much is the Harbor Boulevard of Cars. Although.the brands have changed and ownership or most dealerships have changed. it still looks very much like it did in the 70s. The sales tactics have changed, though. because I don't recall feeling like a tethered lamb being circled by predators back in those days. shopping venue in the country-the place to go. Triangle Square did not yet exist. but one of its predecessors on that location, MarVac Electrorucs. wc1S a destination of choice until redevelopment forced it out and up Harbor Boulevard. In those early days. the traffic around the Devil's Triangle -Newpon . I larbor and 19th Street -was not yet overwhelming. A person could actually drive across town without feeling the need to hum the "Jeopardy'' theme while waiting for the signals to change. One could still skate at the Ice Olalc1 -or simply drop in after taking in a show at the Edw.mh Theater.. to watch tl1e kids ru. they practiced and developed Another thing that has not really changed much is the Orange O>unty Fair -a place where it is still possible to get a lifetime supply of fat in a single day at the fair by sunply grazmg the many food carts. The fair fare has changed over the years. but the constant has been fried food. My stomach's gurgling at the thought as I type this. The Orange County Swap Meet morphed into the Marketplace over the ye~. and the real swap meet now take'> place across Fairview, on the parking Im of Orange Coast CoUege. OCC 100, has changed. II evolved from being a very good junior coUege with '>lrong athletic and academic tradiuon!> into one of the largest and very be>t two-year !oe.hools in the councry. It has provided a solid academic foundauon for hwxtreds of tbousan~ of students. Oty government has changed m the past three decade&. Costa Mesa has gone from a little burg run by a bunch of "good old boys" -the folUlding father, -to a thriving center of commerce arid culrure managed by an extremely effective dty staff. The early leaden. dJd an ama.zmgly good job under the circumstance!> Our neighborhood has changed m the past 30 year... too. When we moved m, we were the "young couple" in the neighborhood. and there were onl}' '>U ctuldren in our little enclave. But nature has taken its course. and our neighborhood has unde~one a ren~ce lOday. many of the home<> built 111 tht' early 1950'> on land that had been 20-acr~ of swett potatoe<>. ha"e ')prouted !.eeond !>lOn~ and other<. ha\ e ~d the large lots to expand on one Ooot -alJ to ,.ll,'COmmodate young. growing fanulte-.. \\'e are no longer "the young·un.,,;· .. 1.11d my l.1.!>t Lally '>howed 40 bright. happ~. delightful ctuldren playing near m} home. From th15 crop. nunurt.'d by lo\1ng famihe'> and canng neighbor'>. tht'fl' ,..,1u almost cena1nly come champion athlete'> -perhap., an Olympian or 1wo -and future leader<, m bu.,me"-'· acJdemia and government lhev wtll help '>hape lo'>ta Me...i m yt·ar. to rnme loday. I count among my neighbor~ a former mayor. a former fire captain. the soon of a pronunent poliucal fanu.ly: a world renowned expert on water quahty ll>!>Uel>: '>Utces!.ful contractor!>. a lOuplt' who take gn~at pride in helpmg to build ma1or components for our '>pact' and defenw program'>. a family that h~ produced three gent-ratton'> of Lagle ~tOUl!>; a former Oat.ly Ptlot rnlwnn1!>1 and a member of tht-Dctily P1lo1' I 0 i trorn a couple yeari. ago. These are complemented by a rrux of renre~ and owner. of thnvmg bw.10~ II may not be '>hc:1.ngn La, but 1t'!> a great pl..ice to IJ~ -dbp1te tllt• nol!>e fJom John Wayne Al.rport The future look:. bnght for W'>W \.le<>a One thing I'> '>UH' chJJlge wtll conw1ue to happen \\t-eagnly look forward tu the chJJ1Kl"' thc:1.t wtll LdU'>t' rem,1gorauon m -.orm our neighborhood'> cf\mg out tor II A' nature conunue., to take 1t' Lour..c. ''l watch lo ..ee hO\' our gTCMlill( f4un0 populauon a.'>'>tmil.tlt='-u1to t11e mam'>Lream of t.h.t!> ell' and bnng' v.1th 1 u1e m.h culturt' cilld JV\ ''e ~ dllt1J11~ th member<. \\.e Wiii \\dlth to '>t't' If frldlt~l' '>qUJlt um find a "a\ IO re ellt'll,IJ/t• 1~11 ,mcJ tulfiU 11, prom1-.c cc. a don1111<1J1t rt't<ul and entertd.U1J11ent centt't W'e \o\111 -...'atrh Wlth l'Jgt-rne<.., d.'> ow Cl\1L lt'ader'> tind way, Klutatt:' JJ.I our lh1ldre11, creclle \clft• ,mJ de.in ne1ghborhooch ai1d KUtth: 1111, lOmmuru1y mto tht· lu1url• 65 years and counting Daue Ga rdner recounts the early days of Costa Mesa. M ming to Costa Mesa m 1938 at the age of 9, I arriwd JLL!it m ume for u1e great Ouod. The water was 111che!> from our front door. We r1w11ed two acres on Newport Boulevard below Bay Street. \1y parent!> had a chkken t<lJH.h with 4,000 ch1cke~ plw. '>C\ eral goal!> and a large garden. I hL'Y hJd a stand by the road whl're we sold th~ items. I fl'mernber the m:ulman dnvmg a \lo<.ld A Ford pil1 d tugh With hoxl''>. rncludJn~ 11re. from ~al'\ .md Roebuck. I remernhcr the dnwntown busm~ dismct W<ll> mainly the ea.st side of Newport Boulevard from Broadway to 18th Street. the Safeway at Broadway and a Ben FranJclin store (a five and clime store) on 18th Street Broadway and 18th ~treet \\-ere where the nice homes were. \Vhen I Wa5 about 10 to II years old, I would go to Pink''> Dru8!i m the middle of town, order a frozen Pepsi and read comic books like all the kids did. In 1942. I watched as the Santa Ana Army Air Base came to hle. We would stop on the way 10 Santa Ana to pick up cade~ going that way. Then saw the Air Base dismantles in 1946 10 rnctke way for the Orange County Faugrounds and Orange Coa..t CoUege. If 11 wa.:. not for the war, t.h.t'> area \'l.Ould not have boomed. During World War II, 1 Wa!> a mes...enger on my bLke. We had one air raid m four year... 1 also manned the lookout rower by the ~La Ana River, looking for enemy aircraft. (Didn't see any.J Joined local Scout Troop No. 6 a1 age 12. At 17. I became an Eagle Scour, and at age 21, the !>Couunaster. Al.so ac age 21. I became a re~rve in the Sheriff's Deparunent (youngest pobce officer m Orange County). Th.ree years later, Costa Mesa incorporated. Police Olief Art McKenzJe a..ked me to help [rom the reserves for the city. Thus, I became the first reserve officer for the city. In 1953. the Police Morn's touch. ht" s ol!"d\\ "'°"n thert" t"11<our .. ,111n,i.: vou t"'C'r\ scrp ol thl" W .. ). htlrm,.: \OU c.lt'4.()Vt'r !ht worJJ .uuunJ you, .1nJ mort" 1mp<>rtJOd} Y(lllr rt.ice m H f rom \'Out fir\! sll"t"FHiltr JV.J\ I rum humC' w '...omt"thani.: borrow1.J · un your wrddinj( d .. y. ~ht" lOlor. t"Vt"ry mt'mury \upromvr. mvng. nurtunnl( ht" lw ch.it \pt'l1.1l cou1h 1h.11 m.iJr rVt'I) thin!( JUI( rlj(hC tor ) OU At ~nrad!(r. v.r unc.lt"r.i.lnd ch.11 you Wdnt to rttum tilt favor -dur vour M<>m dtYrves tilt ~ '°'"' .ind c.J.tt" silts g1vm you Jll t~ )'t'Ml We pf'OVldt" oodunl( l~1 Fxpen :?~-hour 1.J.tt", m olll-11xh.1)1Vt" ttt '!Chedult" .ind ,. w.um, c.mng cnvu·onmt"nr th.it SC't' us &pan lrom tht" rest le~ what nukes w ~ f.unal) olJl nctensaon c:i }'QUf f.uruh I'll QJ 11.m arJ A•m"" an lrvant' • ~ Krh> •om LK , K'<.v.o12n • OHL . 06C<Xl0055 • COA •IJS To tm~ fur a ptTsanal rour, ll'l~ t'5 a call coda, at (800)278-8898 IT'S NOT TOO SCX)N TO START INVESTING FOR COLIBGE. &fen you know it, collcae will be bcrc. Start planruna foe it with the bclp of someone who's always been tbcrc for you. See me about the potential tu benefits of a Covcrdd I E.dl.ICltion Savings AllCCQ'lt. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE. .. ,._ UK! A GOOD NEJGHIOR, STAT£ FAIM IS THUe ._,_.....,,_. ............... _, ......... ~ ........ --..s-... Vl'I' J rC.,..09 ..... ......... 9 1rma.•m .. 11.-...1.-. ...... ~ ..................... r ..... ... ......,c-..,.. ......................... ...... ,_. Deparunenl con.,1!.ted of the ctuef. three regul~ and fiH• rec,erves. The depanment wa.'> in ..emce from 8 a m to rrudmght The Sheriff'> Department pJtroUed from rrudrught 10 8 J rn At age 19, I worked for l\\O local ambulance compamec. One time we received d call that "Tiny" Vaughn. the con.'>table. had .. hot .. omeone down by the nver. "Tmy" said, "Take hm1 to 1he ho!>pital." I replied. "No \••ay I le could tear up the ambulance.· 'Trny" took tu!> handculh and cuffed the man to the Mretcher, '>lating, "That !>hould ta.l..e CdJ'e ol the problem." 1 also worked part-ume for the local mortuaJ). I remember that dunng tht' fiN }t-..it of bt'rng d ury, there , .. ere more murder'> t11~ pt-Opie Wed rn auto cra,,,he.. At the '>dffit' ume the cit) \\a'> bt'mg inwrporntt'd the f-rcedorn I lome'> 1the large'>t hol.1.')mg traet in Oran~e lountv al that ume• \o\ere ht-mg bu1h on the w~l <,1de of 1own. lhe Fire Dcpanment lomerted from an all -volunteer department w a full · paid depanmenL The c11y ha .. '>tedd1l} gro ..... 11 over the year'>. ·n1e building ol ::iouth Loa'>l Plat.a and the Performmg Art'> Center put Lo,ta \1e.-.a on tl1e map nauom,1de 1odJy, I ha\.e the honor of bemg uie pre'>ldent ot the co .. ta \IL...a 111.,toncal Society \\11en I amved in 1938, there Y-ere 4.000 Dave Gardner people and 't'' l'r JI ... 1op ''Kf'" r odJy, there art I IJ),000 rwopk Y.1th mJn\' )luphghh People'><!\ to me ")<JU hJ\l' ln ed JJ.l ol vour hit: herl' I repl}. '°''ll wt ' • DAVE GARDNER as a ret1t~ se1f-emotoved commercial or•nter For every purchase made at The First Page between June 18th and September l 't, The First Page will donate 5°/o to the school of your choice. • Su~~er reading (;st • Harrv Potter • Outdoor fun ~ fx,,(oration • Science fx,,eri~ents • s,,orts • Art Projects • Brain f easers • 5-Minute Mvtteries • Auflio Boolcs • S~ecie( OrderJ -~-- I .. . ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. ; • .• 112 friday, June 27, 2003 " Costa f Golden ·· Mesa Memories Daily Pi1.I ,. ,, CULTIVATION Continued from Bl ~ EARLY tlSTORY A amall portion of C:OSta Mesa , Started out as Fairview in the late 1830s. A schoolbouse and church sprang up in the late 1800s at the intersection of Adams Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. In 1888, the area entered the ibdustrial age when the Santa Ana Valley and Pacific Railroad Co. was incorporated, connecting Santa Ana to Fairview along Harbor Boulevard. But a mere nine months later, a storm eroded some of the track, which was never rebuilt. ending the train's run and Fairview's progression into the modem ·age. It soon wellt back to Its fanning roots. ln 1890, the Fairview Development Co. faced bankruptcy. sounding the death knell for the town of Fairview. When the city's administration outgrew the premises, a new Oty Hall opened in 1957 at 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, where the Senior Center Is now, But within two years. the new Oty Hall could not accommodate the rapld growth, so plans to upgrade began again. this time for a ftve-story building on Fair Drive. The third and current Oty Hall on Fair Drive was dedicated on the city's anniversary in 1967. This one was built with room to grow. The top two Boors were initially leased out to Orange County, City Manager Allan Roeder said. "Overall, the building was a really good investment for the city at that time and really suited our needs," Roeder said. "I think, longer term, I certainly don't see anything on the horizon that would be suggesting a need to relocate from this site." TRANSm ON TO BUSTLING RETAIL MECCA and supply paint sup~~es.g to a1J the various boat builc plact.., In the WestskJe lndustrlal are~ •• well as the auto dealerships that had begun locating on Harbor Boulevard," Roeder sald. As that Industry began to shrink, others moved in, turning the Westside into a diverse industrial and residential area. While the early settlers weH' farmers and shopkeepers who served them, the city saw a huge population boom after Worl d War II. Many alrmen wh • had trained at the air base returned to a place that wa<; familiar to them. The mild weather also served as a slnm song, calling back those who had strayed. "Costa Mesa means 'tableland on the coast.' so th• weather has always been perfect (inl Costa Mesa," Wilson said. "It always bring' people back. It is a wonderful place." Another small community named Harper had already been established around a siding of the railroad. On May 11, 1920. Harper officially changed its name to Costa Mesa, which means "coastal tableland." The transition from an agricuJturaJ pit stop to a renowned retail destination was midwifed by the Segerstrom family. a dynasty that successfully straddled Costa Mesa's two phases and put the city on the map. When Costa Mesa incorporated in 1953, the first City Council members were, from left to right, Claire Nelson, Bruce Martin, Charles TeWinkle, Bert Smith and Walter Miller. Over the decades, city Jeadtt managed to maintain a health\ mix of housing, Roeder said 11 the last decade especially. th•· city has made it a priority tu keep affordable housing in Costa Mesa."! think the cou111 1 has very much recognized th 1 there's need for an affordabl1 housing component within ti • city," Roeder said. "I think \\h has been difficuJt is kind of translating that for the mo<.t part into affordable owner-occupied housing a~ opposed to having as high " percentage of rental prope1 t\ the city has." The city was experiencing growth from building and oil drilling induslries when the Great Depression hit Southern California. The financial doldrums sent the area into a tailspin'.. with industries coUapsing and the local bank dosmg. An earthquake in 1933 added to the misery, damaging businesses and the main school Fortunately, the school was rebuilt and is now used for administrative purposes as part of the Newport·Mesa Unified School District. The Santa Ana Army Au Base opened on April 7, 1942. covering Si swath that is now the Orange County Fairground~. Orange Coast College and the Civic Center. bringing an inOux of people to the area. When World War II ended, many of the airmen who had trained at the base returned to the area with their families. starting a population boom. On June 29, 1953, the burgeoning city with an area of 3.5 square miles and a population of 16,840 was incorporated. LANDMARK PROPERTIES The first City Hall was erected at the comer of 20th Street and Newport Boulevard in 1953. The Segerstroms, who had immigrated from Sweden, were dairy farmers and bean growers who owned a substantiaJ part of land in and around Costa f\lesa. They were also visionaries who recognized where Costa Mesa was headed and invested in 11. nus future involved a different commodity-one that wru. found mdoors in stores like the May Lo. and Sears Roebuck. Tiili !>hift was wiusual for Or.:tnge County farming famili~ at the time, '>tnce most just sold their propertJe<> so they could stake a claim on a bigger piece of farmland in the Central Valley, said Hank Panian, a former history professor at Orange Coast CoUege. The Segerstroms' first retail forays in the late l 950s and early '60s were just a wann·up for their pih:e de resistance-South Co~t Plaza. wtuch officially opened in 1967 ~ the first enclosed regional shopping center in the county. Clty leaders enuced the Segerstroms, who were initially reluctant because of their close ties to Santa Ana. to annex the land that would eventually become South Coast Plaza to the city. It just took plain, old-fashioned accommodation. Wilson said. "We gave them jw;t about anything they wanted, whatever they needed,·· Wilson said. MThey needed a wider street. we gave 11 to them. Anything to get them here, because we saw all the money it would bring to Costa Mesa. and it h~." FREEWAYS nie Segerstroms were so ahead of the curve that they opened South Coast Pla7,a before the *<'lion of the San Dtt>go 1-reeway through the city was fuili.hed. That didn·1 happen until 1968. In 1992. the tity wcu. di!>tingwshed enough tu earn ll'> ovai freew·ay when the C.O!.ta Me&t f-reeway wru. extended into the heart of downtown CoMa Mesa. FAIRVIEW PARK Wilson drew upon his sa.l~manship to help the city jointly purcha.i.e the property that eventually bec'dllle Fairviev. Park m 1970 In the 1980<;, when a joUlt-use plan WdS being evaluated. Costa Mesa residents strongly objected to iL So in 1985, the ury bought 210 acres out of the 300-acre parkland. The county still owns the remaming 90 acres. which is Talbert Nature Preserve. Fairview Park is the stan of a large open space comdor throughout tl1e cuy that al.so includes TeWtnlde Pan. P"dll.ian says tlus open space is one of the biggest Proudly serving the community of Costa Mesa and the Costa Mesa Police Department since 1967. · CONllATULAftONS COSTA MISAI ..d(_ Harbor Towing 957 W. 17th St. Costa Mesa (949) 642-4930 perks of living in Costa Mesa. ''I'm no geologist or meteorologist, but when the ocean air Oows this way, it flows through the open space, rather than be hindered by tall buildings," Panian said. "That's a bonus." EDUCATION When the Santa Ana Army Air Base was decommJssioned in 1946. a large chunlc of the property changed from training airmen to craining students when Orange Coast College sprung up on part of the former base. Although the college opened its doors in 1948. Costa Mesa rudn·t annex it until 1955. In those years. the city was still a "service center for an agncultural hinterland," and the college tailored some of its programs accordingly. with a large agricultural division. Panian said. "One of the nicest things in those days was the fact that the college had steers on about 50 acres -that was a)ways a big joke. Every evening we couJd hear them bawling," Panian said. "And then the trains UM!d to come into about where Baker is now and you could hear their wtustle .... That was kind of nostalgic." In 1966. Costa Mesa schools jomed with Newport Beach schools to form a unified school district, which was beneficial for both cttles, Panian i.aid. "Both the Newport Elementary and Costa Mesa Elementary school districts each had their own problems. and with unification, they came under a central board of govemors." Panian said. "And It guaranteed our children a uruform, consistent policy and practice so when they got to Orange Coa!>t (College! or any four·year M:hool. they wouJd have a common back.ground and didn't need to be brought up to par " NEIGHBORHOODS The \'anous neighbo rhood'> in the ctty evolved ba .. ed on the properties they belonged to in the pa'it. Mesa dt>I Mar u ... ed to be part of the Arm) dlr baJ>l' and wa., estabhc;hed in the 1960<; v.hen that pan ol the base was converted 11110 home'>. College Park and Mesa Verde were once part of the sprawling Seger<otrom bean fields. Smee the 1950,, lhe Wet.t~1de has served as the industrial huh of the rt!)' Its claim to fame at that time wa!> <,ervtng ao; a ma1or center for pll'a'>ure-boat bu1ld111g and o;upphes in the country. Roeder '>aJd ·When I first graduated from high school. my 1ob w~ worbn~ for a hnle paint store tn downtown Santa Ana. and one day a week. we would drive down proudly salutes CITY'S DIVERSITY The city has evolved sinn 11 early day5 of incorporation when the Ctry Councils wen male. Women and minoritil' have been represented on tla counci l and continue to be The diversity of Costa Me.., representative of the entire county. Roeder scud. "I thi nk Costa Mesa represents Orange County .1• whole in our l6·plus squar., miles probably as well as ai1\ place in the county and I tit 111 that '~ a testament to many things -its vibrancy . . b111 also some of the continuin'' conflicts ~e have,· Roeder . "When you get that many people in 16 square miles rubbing shoulder to shouldt-1 you·re going to have some conflicts A certain amount 111 that adds to the vitality of the· community." tfie City of Costa :Mesa in celebration of its 5otfi !Anniversary. We are honored to have served your employee's finan~ial needs for 45 of your SO years. And, we are proud to now provid~ financial services to the entire community. ,--,11 lf .1111111 ,.,,,I· '-:1:'· I I. \ ' 1 I I 1 I \ ' I J I j Deity Pilot FAMILY Conbnued from B 1 Where hmJ bean fields and dairy farms on<.e abounded stand the world-cla~ shoppmg center South Coa!>t Plata, a premiere performmg am district, the I lome Ranch propeny and a busme.,., district housing sky-.craper., with view., of all of 1hc above menuonl'd. Alway'> the polished professional, Segl'r.trom focu~d on busine~. tht! family name and the pride of helping to shape the city's pa.c>t, pre<;enl and future. The gleam m his eye\ when he talked about ht., heriiage, h1~ favorile 'P<>Ls m the nt) Jnd the future of Costa ~1e-.a gave ms1ght 10 his deep rooted .iffinU) fur the area once known a. ... c.ret'tmlk ·1 ge1 a thrill out of thl' Performing \rl\ < enter, he ..aid "Going to Seger<itrom I laJI .md seeing hmv man) people t'llJO't 11 and what 11 mean., 1<> people In 1882. Charle' John Segerstrom. 2R. dTid Im wife, Bertha, took 1he1r thrCl' voung children and lefl s~l.'dcn where C J had learnl'd to farm -for the Un11ed \t.ite'> I he family landed in C >rangl' < ounty in 1898. Af1er a wagon tnp to present-day CO\la 1\-1e'>J, the family sowed ilc; rural root' At firsl, 1hey leased the 40 acre.,, growmg alfalfa 10 feed CO\\~ and starting a dairy Af1er ~me success. Segerstrom bought 1he land on Fairvle\\-Road north of where the San Otego Freeway The Segerstrom family in 1936. now runs. The family still refers 10 the land as Home Ranch. Segerstrom said he has always been very proud of his family, from its fann worker roots to the white-collar branches. The family a.gDcultural operaclon once covered land as far south as Wtlson Avenue in Costa Mesa and as far nonh as Warner Avenue in Santa Ana. "Personally. I enjoyed very much the exhilaration or (farm workl, but I am very proud of our family for accommodating the needs of a growing community,· Segerstrom said. While the agricultural business was still booming. the family ventured in10 development ln 1948, the family took its first s1ep away from agriculture and pun::h~ the \~how.e and '>upply area of the former Army bast' in Santa Ana. Coincidentally. that wa.s the first year I lenry Segerstrom started worlang for the family business. he said. ·1 wa.s involved m the le~mg of tho~ warehouses.· ">egerstrom said. Considered 1he leader of the family's successful transition from farming to the world of developmen1, Henry Segerstrom -thtrd generation -i'> best known for developing South Coast Plaza and the South Coast 1\1etro area and providing 1he VJS1on and money to build the Orange County Performing Ans Center and South Coas1 Repertory theater. His involvement in the performing arts is extremely rewarding. Segerstrom said. The · Costa I Golden Mesa Memories Fndly, .)i,,e 27, 2003 BU ' cultural district puts the gem in the city's crown. "When I was younger, we didn't have those presentations. The community was too small.· he saJd. Segerstrom enj())'!> the occasional peaceful visit to the Estancia Adobe. which sits on five acres of park land his family donated 10 the city. "I like to walk around ther~ and I am very !'roud our family had a pan in saving that land," he saJd. And, of course. he never gets tired of going to South Coast Plaza. Segerstrom holds near to his heart the very ftrm belief that his family developed Costa Mesa while always taken m10 accoun1 the integrity of the land and the m1erests of the communuy. When the family started construcuon on May Co .• people questioned the WISdom of placing a retail store in the middJe of desolate land. When the beams for the Westin Hotel went up, people were skeptical. "People thought we were crazy when this 17 ·story building was in construction,· Segerstrom said. The community continues to marvel and cnticize the family's development decisions, but it all comes with the territory. Segerslrom said he will continue looking forward, bringing high-quality projects that he believes will have the same success as those in the past "Time has proven those deci.slons were well made,· Segerslrom said. THE SILK TRADING CO. • YVES DELORME BACCARAT • V ILLEROY & BOCH • CHRISTOFLE SMITH & HAWKEN • PUIFORCAT • RETROSPECT ROOM & BOARD • C RISTAL SAINT-LOU IS ORREFORS KOSTA B ODA • DUPUIS • FRETTE POTTERY BARN • LALIQU E • Z GALLERIE POTTERY BARN KIDS • CRATE & BARREL HOME STORE WILLIAMS-SONOMA GRAND CUISINE PAATIAL LISTING Oualit \ j.., .. . SOUTH ------COAST ------ PLAZA SAN DIEGO FWY (405) AT BRISTOL ST., COSTA MESA 800 782 8888 WWW SOUTHCOASTPLAZA.COM