HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-03 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. 1 ' ,, • a .I Serving tlte N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 ' . THURSDAY,JULY 3,~003 PHOTOS Bf KENT TREPTOW DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar residents John and Olivia Poole will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday. Their endless love Since their wedding 60 years ago today, the Pooles of Corona del Mar are living their own happily ever after Kris O'Don~ell Da1lyP1lot C orona pel Mar residents John and Olivia Poole today celebrate 60 years of marriage tha1 are cocooned in voluminous memories. "When we first go1 married. John had to do all the cooking: 1 couldn't cook an egg.· sajd Olivia, 82. "I was a returning vet [from World War Il l. An old photograph of John and Ohv1a Poole. John Poole founded the KBIG radio stations. Now, the couple owns a winery in Temecula. and she was only 17. and when we arrived in the States, she didn't know anything about American dishes; I had to teach her." John Poole. 86. said of hi\ l-ngh,h-bom wtfe. The close bond that exists between lohn and Olivia Poole praclically aJlo~ for the murual readmg of eadi other\ mind. "If l forget something. she's able 10 recall ii instantly-and vtce ver~." John mu<,ed "Sometimes. she know<, wha1 I'm going to say before I Sa} 11 " Eyeing each other, they realhed acro<,s from oppo~e !>Ides of the table. held hands and laughed. The symb1011c bond that they share is clearly expres~ed in 1he1r eyes a.., well as their touch. "We've had our ups and dowm, but who hasn't," Olivia Poole said. "But the good times far outweigh everything el.-.e We've had a heck of a lime." The Pooles' Corona t.lel Mar home offered a 180-degree view of the ocean while they See LOVE, Pa1e A4 .Former OCC president Robert B. Moore dies The longest serving president in the college's hi story, in his 18 years he saw enrollment increase tenfold. enced tremepdous though ex C had banned d~ on expansion. and I campus. Moore reached down and recall how Bob '>tarted pettmg one Kris O'Donnell Daily Prlot OCC CAMPUS -Adrn.i.nistrators, students, communiry members and friends on Wednesday mourned the death of a man who put Orange Coast College on the map. · Rober1 B. Moore, the longest serving president in OCCs 55-year history, died at his retirement home in Ashland, Or- egon, on Tuesday. He was 86. Known affectionately as Dr. Bob 10 students and staff, Moore witnessed a tenfold increase in enrollment, from 3.200 students in 1964 to more than 30.000 in 1982. "I arrived there a year after tMoorel, and he taught me about patience. goodwill, faim~ and understand- ing," said David Grant, a longtime friend and OCCs president froRl , 1989 to 1997. •During his tenure. OCC experi- THE BELL CURVE used to say. 'We're "~mce 11\ here. you might as well not just building pla)' with it,· Moore had said building.s. have A 1estimoruaJ to Moore's dedication to make 11~~.er to the college and his love ror tM per- for s~:~ forming ans was the renaming of the Grant said "If you OCC Auditorium as the Robert B. were there on Moore n1catre in 1982. campus late in the "Moore was Involved in more than Robert B. Moore evening, you'd al.._ just campus activities -he pardd- ways see his Ught pated in chamber of commerce and on. He was always the last person to the city's Development Committee,· leave campus.· Grant recalled a day when, even See PRESIDENT, Pap M An old dog can teach an old dog new tricks Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ww.~com . about her age In front of her. But I thought about it a lot ~ the next few days when we coddled her. canifd her up and down stepa and allowed t)es' priYOegiel normally denJed her. She wouldn't touch any food and her heed remained cocbd. but the slowly repined the use of her legs: By the dme we got tws-to her regular doctor, lhe WU Wlllcin8 almolt oormaD)t So ....... o1. .. .-..&11)' dreconml ~or 11J111i:kC f!ll81IM8 .......... -.. boine Wih-.llawrlW-«111Dbi aipered...... .... ...... . Coco\ probkm. a mt. II paoblbty Old Dog~ thcl• lhauld ... CUIM.,...M - WEATHER tt'a wennlnu up, but not too mud\. E.JCpect hlgha to reecta Into the mld-80a.. ~Oeyloobnb thul tit. wMI\ Noht neer IO. ... ,...A2 SPORTS ':-:~-== ... 11 Former AYSO official denies ·charges N~wport Beach soccer league has put more measures in place to safeguard money after suspected fraud. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot "F\VPORT Bl.At 11-rhe former AYSO regionaJ comn'l1\s1oner accu-.ed of m1sap- propnaung more thall SI00,000 claims he 1s innocent and '>3\"i he wtll pay back any money he owe-, 1f there were accounung er· rors !>peakJng agaim1 the adv1c.e of his auor- ney. "ho he '><Lid ha-, c.1d\1sed him not to talk about the mallt'r. Anthon}' An1sh said he I'> not guilty of an~ unpropneue<, ''I'm not guilty of anything and I will de- fend 11 in the appropriate forum." the Costa Me~ resident said "If there arc any bookkeeping error!> and AYSO owe~· me any money. I will expect them 10 pay me," he ...i1d. "If 1here are any errors and I owe AYSO money. of coune. I will pay them. forthwith. as weU " On June 20. AYSO filed a la~wt with the Supen or Coun of Orange County agamst Anthony An1sh. the former comrruss1oner of AYSO Region 97 which includes New- port Beach and part of Costa Mesa The lawswl chargh An1sh wtth a vanery of un- propneue., including m1.sappropnaoon and fraud . An1sh !>aid he has been involved m youth spans for more than 20 years as 'a coach. referee and comm1i.s1oner For the last rwo year!.. An1sh !Kaid he commllted more than PUBLIC SAFETY Newport read)' for Follrth revelry City leaders say they expect the same amount of visitors, but more arrests with the additional police officers. June C11a1r1ndt Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH ..._ The word is out that the city is determined to curb Fourth of July crime and public drunkenness. but dty leaders say It could be a few years before aD the bad apples get the mes51ge. ·1 suspect that the situation wW ~ im- proved thil year. bopefUDy lignilcantly,. . said Paul Watson. v1ce ~tor the West NewpOn Beach Nsn.. a homeowners group that supports.the city's meuura to reduce problems that haw pllc\Jed West Newpol'i. ·Ute Palm Springs and HuntinctOO a.ch. it will tab a wt\ile to pt the m r 1 • out. I just . think it'JI take teYer'a1 rad.. h -to .::bieYe die result lhla .... ~ Cor.. • 1bM mull. cfty leldftl ~ ....... f\m • Independence o.y he o( the violence and other crimes that realhed' ln about 180 •· Jell) lat )'Mr. ChyCouncO ~ tn April and..., !Mt brousbt in UM tcJuilh new ordinmcea ., brcK.ltht • k>t ot mediia ..... 11oo. Sw hope chit lbil ~ wll ~ MN· • Porn ... • I plia to ... Nilllltf OD .. ~,,. ...... ,... . ._ .... ~ •"~~ ... ·tma.12:91 a..m. Mr 4 to 3 ~ MJ.S biM: -SIM llilllllh. .... M A1. llusday, .Ally 3. 2003 Daily Pilot , POLITICS THE POLITICAL 'LANDSCAPE Changes to b~ll off er more control Peul ClintO'h Daily Pilot The Santa Ana assemblyman proposing a bill that would establish a wide-reaching ruiture conservancy to oversee the 96 mil~ of the Santa Ana River has agreed to amend his proposal to enhance local control Assemblyman Lou Con-ea {[}-Santa Ana). who Ooated the proposal as Assembly Bill 496, ~ also readying his legislation for a Tuesdiy hearing in the state Senate. Correa on Friday submitted 22 changes to the bill. which he introduced iq February. The bill would establish a wild lands conservancy similar to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. which can secure bond money to pwcllase land to be set aside as open space, pay for habitat restoration or improve 8ood control and drainage. Correa amended his bill after the Board of Supervisors. Assemblyman John Campbell and ,others criticized it for ceding too much control to Sacramento lawmakers. As.-;emblymen Ken Maddm and Tum Hannan CR-Huntington Beach) hav1e endorsed the bill. Among Correa's changes is the creation of a local advisory panel of experts who would report to the board Correa also clarified language that prevents the agency from levying taxes. regulating land use or using eminent domain to seize land · Getting independence from Divis GOP fund -raiser Buck Johns is celebrating the Fourth of July as "Independence Day from Gray Davis" by hosting a recall event at his Santa Ana Heights home. Rep. DarreU Issa (R-Vista), who has indicated he would put his name on the ballot as a replaceme nt governor, will speak at the event, which begins at 4 p.m . Issuing a colorful lier, which included sketches from the Revolutionary War, Johns derided the governor as "King Davis" for his•mo\re, a week ago, removing a 1998 discount on vehicle registration. The move resulted in a tripling of that cost. ' The flier asks: "Taxation Without Representation?" and invited supporters o f the Davis recall to "join us as we kick off California's taxpayer revolution." SEAN Dl)FRE NE I DAILY PILOT Ovistile Leventhal of Newport Beach puts her signatlre oo a petib1 to recal <DJ. \ny D<Ms. I A .different' coming out announcement "I am proud to say that the following implement a series of tax hikes, instead of broadly cutting spending on programs, a Gallup Poll released in early June shows that a majority of Americans don't favor that approach. individuals/groups have NOT supported my candidacy,·· Rose wrote in an e-mail. In an unconventional move, s upervisoriaJ candidate Eddie.Rose released a lis t of the people he's not looking for an endorsement from. Rose. a former Laguna Niguel councilman. said Wednesday he is seeking the Fifth District seat on the Board of Supervisors. The seat, which is now held by County Ol.airman Tom Wilson, will be open in 2006. However, Wilson is running for the 73rd District Assembly seat. in 2004 and, if he wins, the seat could need a replacement as early as January of 2005. The List includes O.J. Simpson, Martha Stewart, Gary Condit, Yasser Arafat, the Irvine Co., Ozzy Osbourne, Wilson, the Lincoln Oub, Jerry Springer, "Jihad (Rep.I Darrell Issa" and Merrill Lynch. The poll, taken between May 30 and June l, reported that 79% of Americans supported "cutting spending,• while only 13% said they agreed that "raising taxes" is a bener answer.to budget sfiortfaJls. POLITICAL CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS Friday: Celebrate Independence Day from Gray Davis, co-sponsored by Rescue California, the Lincoln O ub of Orange County and the Republican Party of Orange County. The event will run from 4 to 7 p.m. at th8 home of Colleen and Budt John at 2600 Mesa Drive irl Newport Beadi. Free admission, ln 2000, Rose ran for the 48th District congressional seat won by Issa at the time. He ran as a Democrat. When asked specifically about California's budget crisis, 68% of people who identified themselves as liberals said they supported spending cuts. Of conservatives, 89% said spending cuts should be enacted. Public 'Gallups ' away from governor's budget strategy With Gov. Gray Davis electing to food, refreshments and valet parking. Rep. Dan-ell Issa will be the special guest speaker. Information: (949) 856-2200 or e-mail at khswkins@inlsndenergy.com JULY Wednetday: Orange County Young Republicans will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m . at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel. Information: president@ocyr.org or (949) 47&-5559 15: M arianne Zippi for Assembly will hold a fund-raisin_g reception from 6 to a p.m. at the home of Edna Deeb in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 644-7094 Republican Central Committee meeting traditionally dark in July AUGUST 14: Marianne Zippi for Assembly will hold a fund-raising reception from 6 to 8 p.m. at the home of Cathy and Tom Kroop in Corona Del Mar. Information: (949) 644-7094 ' 18: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. 81 the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa M esa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556--8555. SEPTEMBER 15: The Republican Party of Orange County Central c.onwnillee wil hc*i 8 general meeting 8' 7 p.m. llt 1he South Coest Pima Wlllin Hotel llt 686 Anton BMS. COiie Mela. Admis8ion is free. and ;.,. Republcer\S are welcome. (714) 556-8555. Daily.A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leadl, K.eot Treptow READERS HOTLINE ' 1949) 642 6086 Copyright No news storiee, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of oopyrigh~ owner. VOl. 97, N0.184 Record vour comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. HOW TO REACH US Cftulation . THOMAS H. JOHNSOH Publisher TONYDOOERO Editor Jl.IC1'f OETTING Ad\/911islf!9 Ol1'9C1or LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director N.wl Editors Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, D•nlel Hunt. Paul Seitowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWSSTAFf ' 0...,. 8h#eth Crime and courts reporter, 19'9) 574-4226 Addreta Our eddresa is 330 W. Bay St, Costa MN&, CA 92627. Offloe hours are Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -6 p.m. ConwdkN• It is thtt Pilot:S policy to promptly · correct all errors of aubatal'Q. The Tlmet Otange County 18001262-9141 ~ a.u.Hled (949) 642-5678 , Dlepley (94916424321 EdttoMI N.wl POLITICS ASIDE A redflagfor Greenlight T be furor over Tuylor, who'd been Newport through at least Beach City some political Councilman Dick macl>lnations as a NichoW comments member of the about Corona del Airport Womng Mar State Beach Group. comes would have been across as a smarter dramatic enough choice. (Although. had they only of course, Nichols focused attention won and Thytor on a lone politician. • did not Go figure.) But given Nichols' S.J. CAHN And, if you find ties to Newport's Nichols' controlled-growth group, comments abhorrent, you Greenllght, the storm can blame Greenlight for whipped up by his remarts not denoWlciog him and threatens to cut a path of calling for him to resign. destruction across the city's Beyond that, though, eying political landscape. Greenlight to everythUlg Why? Because, whether. Nichols says is Wlfair. ln the the Greenlight folk. like it. initial aftermath of Nichols' they are tied closely to the beach comment. former candidate they backed on a Mayor Evelyn Ha.rt. one of slate this past fall And at the original Greenlight Tuesday's council meeting. proponents. told the Pilot where more pointed debate that Nichols' comment does is sure to focus on Corona not and should not reflect del Mar's councilman, on Greenlight's core issues. Greenlight seems certain to •t have no idea where he's. take more abuse. coming from with these Some of that abuse is comments, -she said. "Dick deserved. Having bad a Nichols does not represent number of discussions with Greenligh.t when he's talhng. Nichols. 1 know that he ls and this is certainly not a not a man who is politically Greenlight mue. ... polished. And while that is Greenligbt is about traffic not bad, per se, it does make and making sure that our for a bad representative for a street system works. Any relatively new political council member who has group with enemies eager to supported tha1 philosophy, jump on whatever mistake we have supported, and I they can. would hope that we Any vetting-the continue to." background checks Of course. Green1ight is routinely done on being tied to Nichols for candidates-of Nichols what appears to be should have raised a red flag transparently political about his potential to say motives.. especially when the wrong thing (politically one takes a look at the. drive speaking. and setting aside. to recall the councilman. entirety, the rightness or lnitialJy, it appeared to be wrongness of what he said). a crusade by a loccil And with Green1ight trying businessman, upset by to get a foothold in Newport comments N~ols bad Beach's political power made, saying he had been struJ;ture, an unpolished, sitting on the recall effort for grutf-spealdng candidate munths. but now could take should not have made the no more. ticket "Nichols does not belong On the specifics of on this council lf he doesn't Nichols' comments. resign. we will recall him." Greenlight spokesman Phil Lloyd Ikerd said at a June Arst, said: ·1 don't think our council meeting. vetting process would have Now, beyond being brought that ouL" behind the potential recall That's likely true, although effort. Ikerd ls on·e of two perhaps a more thorough residents who are on the look. including talks with record as wanting to run for acquaintances or business Nichols' seat if he is associates.. would have shed removed or resigns. The light on his penchant for other. Laura Dietz, ran speaking quicldy on against Nichols in this last subjects. election. Still, any vetting done of Ikerd is also a member of former Mayor John Noyes the Newport Beach did not pull bis skeletons Otamber of Commerce's from the closet The process Commodores Oub. a group ftfar from perfect. about as opposed to "We did the best we Greenligbt as can be. Plus, could.· Arst added. "We're he doesn't live in the Corona an amateur, volunteer del Mar council dlstrict and group. would have to move to run "People get on the for the seat council, they act on their That. as they say. is own.• politics. All's fair. G~t. then, can be blamed for poor political • S.J. CAHN is the managing judgment when they needed editor. He can be reached at •. sparklingly clean and 1949) 574-4233 or by e'.-mail et polished candidates. Ride s.j.cahnlllatimn.com. SURF AND 'SUN . . . WEATHER FORECAST SURF We'll ... eome earty The southw9lt swell will morning doude. but they begin loeing ateem todey, but won't atanCf In the Wf1V of • we lhould dMe eome . '. beeutlful eftemooo. complete.· chest-highs ehd the oocak>nel .. with eunnv 8'cies end highs In shouldeMligh. ' ~ the mlc:J..70. to mld-80a. The On Friday, the twell wfll .. •' beechee wtll feel the former. continue to taper off, though . On Frfdev, the tun wtll bv evening. we mev ... • .. dedete ltl lndepelldefM» from elight 1ncre .... Othefwl•,tt'll . . the douda end wile prcMdt be. W9ist-Hgh dey • . . d#pe,bhar.rhtll6ffnw:oom ~=-· . Pl~ call 1949) 7~24. FYI (94916•2-6680 lpotts (948)57<M223 Nftf9fu l9481~170 lpotta,.. ('41) 850-0170 I""*': tUl/ypllot•1«1,,,.com MMtOMae . hlghe Mering 90. SMurdey W9a loolclng . . . ........... .: . • ~rt ,f'IPC)fter, .. (948)57~ fune.Cldllfl,..nde •"1dmfle.com ,.,, Clln'1on PolitJca, business and 8flvironment rtQ2.lt41r, 19481 7'&M330 paul.cllntooOIMIM..com ............. Qotumnltt, culture t9PQf19r, ••161~6 lollee.,..,,.•lflflm.oom' Deltth~ co.e. Me. rtPC>fW, (SMa) 574-4221 ~.twwm.wt•J«lnw.oom c...e--.. Hewe :WlllllM. (9481 PM288 Ootlll_..,,,•l«fmfla.com The Newpon Be.td\ICoN M ... Dally Pllot(USPS-144-800) It put)lithed dally. In Newport 8ead'I and Cotte Meta, aubtct\ptlont •re tvailtbfe only ov tubeefiljlng to The Timee Onnoe County (800) 252-91•1. In.,... outtlde of • Newpon ~end Cott. Mete, aubecttption9 to 1he Deltv Pilot .,. ' 8Ylilable ontv by fllllt d8N mall for S30 pet month. (Pricle lndude ... appt~ .._ .nd locel taxeil.) • POS1MASTEAt ~ eddr'Me dulngee to The N.wpo11 . · Beec:NCoN~ o.nv Piiot. P.O. Box 1MO, eo.te ~CA 9282t. ......... Ollee UM9) &42-C321 ... IMM fall (IM91831-7128 Publlehed by T1mlM Community Newt, • dlvf91on of the Loe Anoetet Tlmee. C>a003 Tlmee CN. J' rlgh1I l'llMMtd. www.nwe.noN.p BOATING FORECAST The wllttftv wtndl wtn blow , 510 20 In .,. '"""' ..... tod*y, with 1• 10 ).foot ) , WW. end mticed eauttww.l ... of I,_ lftd IOUlh 8wel of4tMl. . Out.....,,f'9 ncJ111w; 1111rty wtndl wtl blow 15 '° 21knoll,-..... 2.'°4-foot WWII end I rnbced not1hvllll ... of ... end eo,t.lth ... of4t.t. decent. but It now..,.,..,.. tt'9t . h'tl ., be wMt>Ngh • •. '• ~. t.td.,..., Mondey. t . . . --.....-,: .. ..WW.turlWo.:OtV • . " ·. ... 1'DES •• •. • n... ........ ~: e:s .. m. ~--•• 1:11 p.in. 1.lltMthlgh •• •• l:Olp.m. 2.13f11Uow •• . • 12:10un. S•f1Mtf"8h • . . .. ''• WAltR TEMP£MTURE .. •• .· .. .. • . . , . ' ____ ....__ 1 t . ------- Daily Piiot Tiffany's taps into mythology for redux Remodel will include a 9-foot sculpture of Atlas b ala ncing a T iffany clock, A new jewele r will m ove rn next d oor. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot SOUTll COAST Pl.AZA -N. pan of an exleni,ive remodeling of their CoMa Mesa :.tore. 1i1Jany & Co. i.~ keeping one thing 1he 1'WTIC: the di!.tinclive blul' boxc.'>. or coun.e, the company's dOl'>- '>ically i.imple, elegant jewelry will al.,o sel' liltle change. Ru1 1hc look of the <.tore ic, undergoing a face lift expected IO be e<1mplt·tc in Scp1emhcr. Wor~er.., itdded the company's (Ji.,1111cllvt' Alla'>-.,lyle clock aml haw begun reconfiguring 1 he floor plan. in'italling more win dow.., dllcJ lightening the rnlor -.chemt· of the intt•rior. l lw ~cw Yoric-ha-.ed company 1n-.1aJ1l'd the dork, a fam1h<Lr '>ymbol of the luxury jeweler. JI· lt'r <.t·vcraJ yearl> of lobhying from '>hoppmg center owner CJ. ~·g· l'f'>tr<>m & ~m .... '>POkl">wun1t1n I >ehr;i Gunn Downing '>Hid. "W1:'re -.ti thrilk>d to have tha1 dock,'' (,unn Dow111ng "ud. "h 1 ... '-llllllllllg ... The distinctive dock. which sits above the stores outer en- 1rance, features a !Hoot sculp- ture of the Creek god Atlru. bat- ancing. iru.tt!ad of a globe, a 'Tiffany timepiece. 01e M:uJpture was first UM::d In 1853, when store founder cJ1arlc~ Lewis 111Tany placed it above the entrance of hb Manhanan store. CraJt!>man Henry Frederick Metzler firM carwd the figure, modeling it after the cla'>-'-k . figureheads placed on thl' bm~ .. .; of sailing shlpl>. MevJcr carwd the statue out of whlll' p11w, whkh w<l.!> 1he11 hrorvi•d. I he hronir.e c:oa1i11g i-. thl'n giwn J t;reen patirw 111 '1111111,111· a wl•atlll'ring l'1Te1·t. In adtlitron to thl t h.111ge-. at 11-. own -.torl'. I 1llany 1' ..iho hr:111d1111g ou1 tu othl•r \l'lllllll''> JI ~OUlli ( .<l.i'•I l'l.v.n, ,1 IJOWl'f hou-.t• n·o11·r 11!,111 gt·ncrntc'> .tbout \ l lnlh1111 ..i H-.1r 111 "1lc' l 1ffa11 \ 1' I Ill' lt;.td lnW'>IOT Ill ll'mph· '>I t J.111 J ocw 1e"'dcr '''I ro op1•11 1111, l,111 Jt the pla/.a 111 .ur .1d1,1n·111 'wrdront. '>IH 1pp1·r-. '"ul 11011ce ,, differ t·1111· lwt\\'1·1·11 tlw rwo '>lore-.. k\\l'lry .it lernplc St. <Jau. a 'turl' llhtking "' fif'>t appearance ,11 ~olll h C.oa.'>t Plaza by it!> 1·1H111vn111m th·~1gncr m' ')(.picm- lwr. will go for a holdn. more 1 ol11rl11l dc,1gn. It i-. cxpt't'll'cJ to lc .. 111 tm,,1rd .i rnorp l<1-.h1on on 1·111l·cl '>1\'lt· COURT£SVM TffA•i11,rr Tiffany & Co at South Coast Plaza has added an Atlas-type clock as part of the s!ore's remodehng effort. WHATS AFLOAT •WHAT'S AFLOAT is µutJllsho C1 per1od1cally If you rJrP. µl ,mn1ny rl naullcal ev1mt, sulJ1n11 thfj .. information to title' 0d1ly P1lo1 3·~0 W~ Bay St , Costd Mesa CA 92627, by Id>< to 949 64.(i 41 /'l Ot by e mail to dal/~ µ110 1 "latmws 1 om SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast Collec]e 1 ,tt,.111111 new credit an<I no11c1,.d11 '.> 111111 1 classes th1l> c.umtrt"r M• 1 clas!>PS are f1v .. w1·• ~ 11 I• n /ti and boats 1,mw• lro1 1.1I11lo 14 d1ngh1es to lrJr91 ,,, •·art r .. ci<1s, even keelbo;its f'nw.mq semmars are al'>O l>e1rn/ IJ1;11t,1 The OCC Sa1ltnq "'"1' 1 1•. d' 1i:sl)1 W. Puc1f1c C.Odst H1gl1w11y Newpon Br!ach t~4!J f.r.FJ "t.11/ ,, VIStl OCCSdtflng 1 ~/Tl Sailing Fascination offers classes 1n boating saf.,ty 1111J , 11l111q year 1ound fo1 ~·' 1v;•1• w11I d1sabrlt11es F1,., ~.:ri r~1 , '1 ,.., Orange County employers ciln bring their Pm~ 1.,.,.,.,. 11 • Newport tl1Jach on "'' ' • 1 ,., 1 enJOY a day of ttlrr <.J 111•·w Orange Co.1st CollNJ• '" School of 5d1lin.1 "'' 1 Seam anship now ott• 1 i LJ'.Jn• • for gro ups to w(Jrlc w11l1 rhe on board mstru1 1w ro 11H~r1 111 sailing tedin1qu1::s wt11l1· thPy ytt advice on how 10 p!!rtorm w1 ti m business No sailing e xpenenc.1: necessaf'( One day <.lasses cos1 from S 100 to S 125 1949 645·9412 thutS•foy, July .3 /003 Al BOAT RENTALS Wrttl Marina W.tefSporta at th1 Halbou Fun l o ne. you Cdn eniov 1 .aull< di e11 p<:r1ences Iron milrl 1 ; 11V1ld l ake a still yu11Jed 1our ut tl1P briy m your chou.e of pow• r ·Jlld sail waff<rcrah. 1ump the •J<.f'dl• swells "' a St'd doo 1et'11J8I. p•1t you '>pOn ftshm•J skills to tht- 11•'>1 111 ;1 fully t>qu1pµed Boston wf;al1·1 r;r srM1 above It all on " '''''a-nl flight along the Newpon • <•d!>I t..r,rnµllmenta'Y ice and lwv1·1 14P.s <1rf' included with all • l• • 1111 t10<1t rent<1l s Balboa Boat Rentals can put you ,, , tlH' water 1n many ways· with m•JIE: Jnd double kayaks. electnl l><1als 14 holder sailboats, pedc11 111.JiilS .md runabouts for offs ho•• u• • ,, • ru1s1ng the t..ay Bdfbo ll• 11 f11•ntals .ilso holds two hu 1 11 • ''~er h11nts alJoard the '1·l•:<·t11c. bay h<JdtS provrdrng •rnup rlcttvrly fo r r.orporatror 1nhd.,ys nonprofu ,, 'Jdf 111at1011c. and y1oup outm Ttw hunt padtagec, include br pr " .ta quesll<JllS m"µs, P<Jl<1rr r 1 ,1mr!r c1s ;mrJ Sllppl!Ps. Tht! C(J• r r I 1 1 uni begms ;it $22"> pe1 boat 11 <J C dl(lllfltj IS dVdlldblt: d i dr rdd1t1rmal 1<1te Fo1 hunt , .. ~erv.t11ons call 19491673 n or1 Electnc boat rentals are available i,) th1• hour di Duffy ElectrK B·Jals. 2001 w Codst H1yhw .. v t .ewµon Beetch All boat& a,,. Pqu1pµed with window Pnclosures dnc:l CD players I.• .mrJ cups are provided · Rr.:servations are sugyested A1 hour rental 1s $71) 1949 645-6812 Harbor Patrol stiesses boatfng safety needs Newport Harbor near the top Southern California for boating accidents in 2002, so officials have extra tips for those on the water. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NI WP< Ht I Bl .AC .11 I IJthor Patrol offinal-. arc J'>krnl( bo,1tl·r., 111 ht· t Jt1tu1u'> 1h1'> "'eek.end and ·the re-.l'nf the ... ummer a.., th1·y cn1oy the uty\ coJ-.tal walt'r' Aft<'r all. Newpon 1 larbor \\J'> rankc:d ~t·roml 111 l)outlwrn C .iii· fornra for boating alndent~ for :wo2. according w .1 rt·cent re· port relea.,t-<l hv tht' California Depanmerll of Boating .rnd Waterway... lne Colorado H1\er 1oppcd the It!>! with 58 rcportt·d ncddentc; while Newport had '19 accidents l.Llot ye.tr. With one foot into .. urnrncr. whit h marks the beginning of• JUnior sailing programs at many of lhe lucaJ yacht clubs, two Orange County I larbor Patrol of- ficer~ thought it wru. important that they go out and educate youn~ ~ilor.. about boat safety. The idea came from Jay Carver. a re..erve harbor patrol tlcputy. am.I reu~r\.Cd -.upporl from the dt•part111N11\ 1ra1n111g t uord11iator. Pat l>ougla' "Around tlw. t1111e e\l'I) Yl'<1r. all lhl' 'ailing program-. hcgm .. 1.>ouglJ' ..aid. "A11d we ha\e about bOO k.i1.h 111 thl'ir '>.lhoi... 011 thl' watt'r. l11at\ J lot ol boat<, ... Carver ~d Lim ,., an impor tJnl proKf"dll\ l''>pt:t 1all) lwcau-.c a ..abo1 is a "11aJI boat and nfll'n time-.. biggl·r rhancr bnal'> l'Jll 1101 c,ee them 1n tht' watt•r "TI1ere are aho l>everal m•w boater. around the harbor." he \aid. f)ouwas -.aid Newport 1 larbor probably appt'are<l on the h-,t of top accident area'> bee<JU'>C of"' high traffic vulumr and the \.\tdc variety or boat-. that arc <;ct•n here. "We !{Ct -.pecdboat::., charter hoat ... '>ailbo.11~. vo11 name it." he 'wild .. But we ·don't ll.1\e llJO many injuncs or los.., lwcamr our speed limit i'> very low, only 5 mph, mmparcd to the Colorado I BOATING SAFETY TIPS •Children and arfults must make sure they wedr lrferacke ts when on board • Don't C1nnk and drive Alcohol 1s said to be respons1bl~ to r 50° , o( all boating accidents •In a cro ssrng s11ua1ton. the person on the right has thC' nght-of way •When you meet another boat head on, each boater should alter course to the nghl. For more information, v1s1t the Department of Boating and Waterway9 Web site at dbw.ca gov. H1vcr whl•rc 11\ n1m h hi.ghtr." ' I dut<1t11111 r.. kl') to redm:ing till' number ol .trndeni... l>oug l • .L .. ..aid "~I.my boater., d1111'1 krw" ,1 lot of 1111port.rnt nilt·'>." ht· '><!rd. "!•or ex..imple. man\ peopll-don't knm' -.;ulhoal'i haw n~ht ol \\ay mer powl'r hmih People panu "lwn the}' gl'I lw.1d on '""h an other boat. .. I >ougl.1.., ..aJd tho-.i· '""" hopl' to have ,1 fun day in the '"·lier 1111 lndt·1wncJenn· Da) 111u-.1 n· rtH'rnber .t le"' gro11ntl r11lt·' 'w.1rl) :!IJ<li, of .iJI lm,lling .tu.1 Lll'flh in CaJHor111a happl'll dur mg \1emonal I >a). I ourth uf Jul} t111d I ..ihor Day ":'>:o drinkmg," he ..aid "~eep ~our '>f)(;'t'U dc1\.\ll <tnd J.lway-. ki•t•p an t.'yl' nul for rr<iffic." Posh Moving Sale 0 - 0 ntire nvento Sale Today at Posh We're not dosing -we're just moving to GARYS in the Fall. We look forward to seeing you at P6sh for the Posh Moving Sale. This Fall you'I find the da5sc, traditional men's dothng selection yoo've aiways loved at Posh ... and the same fnendly, familiar~ to assist you at the beautifully expanded GARYS. " CURVE Continued from Ai delay any further treattnent while keeping a close eye on bow' she does. Well. as ~t turns out, she's doing ~ fine. The only thing left of the origjnal symptoms is a slight tilt of her head, which is somewhat ·off-puning because she seldom pays much attention to what we say to her, especially if it's something she doesn't wam to hew: ~ is probably in equal parts deafn~ and bullheadednes.s, and has been going on for'a long tilTle. It was also suggested to us that we cany her up and down stairs, including the two up to our kitchen door. 1his was finit recommended by the vet six years ago when Coco was having some back problems and pushing 70 in human age. It never worked, and we gave it up quickly. Blocking r.he steps only incited her to get OVl'r or around the barriers. She won that one hands down. She will soon be I I 2 in human years. and weve had to restrain her since her last tri p to t.he vet from jumping up on couches' four times her height, which she has demonstrated she can still do. One other residue of her crisis i.<o occasional incontinence, which could also be caused by her irritation with w; for some slight or our ignoring her calls fo r heir. She's eating voraciously again -anything she can get her tiny jaws around -and she flies up and down the steps to reach her food, but drags up pitifully if it is leading 'f() something she doesn't want to do. And she looks at the world. which stie neither hear.; nor sees very weU, with her head cocked. Maybe it wiU always be that way. Meanwhile, I've switched to pondering the Old Dog Syndrome and how it applies to my life. Coco has been a role model fo r me ever since she started to reach and then pass my age. ~ are both hard of hearing. stubborn. a little slijpE'ry. iconoclastic and enjoy tfi't?'small events of life. I'm sure she would like baseball if ~he could still see. · She seems to sense that we share these qualities because she hangs out with me most of the time. When she isn't sleeping. sht> will often just sit and watch me. ready lo move the instant I do. I find this a little disconcerting ALDEN'S- ~Ince It lmpli~ more depeodeoce on me than I care to take on. I~ cu.ugh\ myself more than once 1elling this ancient creature who was tagging me about to "get a life.~ But sinee l\le been introduced to Old Dog Syndrome, I've been reven.ing our relationship. NoW, l'w taken to watching Coco and trying to figure out what she can teach me. I figure anybody who reaches 112 and still jumps four times her )leight must have some secret of longevity that is worth exploring. So far, I \le perceived that the most obvious component of her behavior t.harcontributes to this secret is the cavalier way she refuses to. acknowledge the limitations that most of us embn!ce routinely with age. She still runs frantically about the house when we return from an evening out, is contemptuous of physical challenges that interest her. and joins every barking chorus of neighborhood dogs. I'm not suggesting that this should inspire me to take up running the hurdles again, which would be . stupid. But Coco does seem to be telling me that maybe t~nnis isn't out of reach, and I don't have to buy automatically into the politically correct limitations of aging -at least without a fight She also offers a different slant on what we like to call common '>t"nse. Her refusal to accept the harriers on the stairway is a case in_poinL That told us. finally, that we shouJd leave her alone to find her own )>ammeters of behavior. If she failed, she'd either keep trying or move on And as long as tl1<1r·Slarch wasn't hurting anyone else. why not? Thert!'s a certain amount of risk involved and always the possibmty of failure or rejection. But she's in charge and telling me that anyone -dachshund or human -suffering from Old Dog Syndrq_me who wants to taJc.e that risk. should give it a shot So I'm adopting Coco's laissez-faire attitude toward aging. f'm not sure how it will play out. but it's going to be a lot more fun while it lasts. for starters, it will add to the enjoymem of the trip my wife and I are talcing to visit old friends in North Carolina for my birthday 011 the Fourth of July. • JOSEPH N. BB..L is a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thursdays. l DN-!ilTE l DRAPERY CLEM111\16 AND MORE I No TAKE OOWl\I OR REMOVIN6 NECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: . • Luminette Privacy Sheers' • 'silhouette• window shadings • Vignette3 window shadings • Duette' honeycomb shades • Millenia™ Collection • Jubilance™ roow. shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenette™ Softfold™ shadings World's Best ON•SJTE"" Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND D RAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-&46-4838 •. 714-968-8180 1111111111111 \ ll1•1111rrlt 11111 l 11r 1111,,11111 •"''' "''''"'' ~,,,,,. ,,,,,/ LOVE Continued trom Al were having hmdl on tbs patio. The oouple ~ OD the Balboa Pen.imufa from 1946 and 1949, before moving tb Corona del Mar. •We were the first ones that we knew ofto have a 1V out there," John Poole said. "We tried to buy an RCA. but they didn't want to sell us one because they said we lived more than 50 miles away from their transqlitter and they didn't want their customers to get a bad imP,ression 9f them. We erected a gian~ receiver · and finally talked them into it, but they only wanted to seU us one," he saidr "We wanted two, but they said no -well,-we talked them into that, too. •The crazy thing was that in '49, during a strong wind, the tdwer came crashing down and we were s.hocked to realize that we got better reception than before." "All our neighbors used to come over to watch TY. because. we were the only ones that had one," Olivia recalled. In 1952, John Poole founded the ICBIG AM and FM radio stations, whose studios were on CHARGES Continued from Al 30 hours a week to the region. "l believe that I greatly im- proved the qualit)' of the AYSO sports program in Newport Beach, giving everything I had," Anish said. "What has been stated is not true, and there will be a great deal of information that will come out in the future." While AYSO has guidelines for regions to follow in keeping track of their finances. Anish's al - leged flouting of these guide- lines has inspired Region 97 offi- cials to increase their financiaJ 'Checks and balances, said Mike Wade, the attorney representing the region. Anish was accused of spending more than $I 00,000 on his company, to his landlord and for four season fickets for a pro- fessional soccer team. "We have put into place a re- gional auditor to report to the board on a regular basis the fi- FOURTH Continued from Al Street, Newport Boulevard. Coast Highway and 54th Street. But this year, some fines will triple, and about 60 more po- lice officers will be on patrol, bringing the number to about 200. Liquor deliveries lo the area will be off limits that day. and retaiJers are no longer a l- lowed to sell liquor out of their parking lots. "I think the word's out there now: 'Yeah, come on down. But . you're going to have to behave yourself.'" sctid Mayor Steve Bromberg. who like other city leaders said that the city still wel - comes visitors and peaceful partying. The increased police presence will lilcely skew the arrest figures PRESIDENT Continued from Al Grant continued. A 22-)leaf Costa Mesa resident, Moore served as president of GETTING IN- VOLVED •GETTING INYOUIB> runs periodically In the Daily Pilot on a rotating besis. For infonnation on adding your organization to this • call (949) 5744298. ~YEAR IN AMERICA Cotta Me.a families can host a Gennln tlUdeflt and eam up to $1 .000 toward a number of hWHbroed programs. Danielle Cerpino, (800) 322-HOST. I 'M.I ASSN., ORANGE COWfTY CtW'T£R The~latenll SderotJt Al9\., whldl helpa lndiYldualt wN> h9WI the .,,.. 1het .. ai.o • ~.Lou GIMQ .. diseele. ...... ~ (714)375-1922. ALZHamt'S ASSN. Of ORMGE COUNTY Support group leedeta. Vltitino ~ ftmlty rtlOUtCI ooneuftlntl Ind °"'°' volunblen .,.. needld. ~may work on one1frne profe* °" migolno prognwnt. Tl"llnlng 111 rf~ at9 ........ (800) 880-1993. MUlCM CMCSt SOCETY The OrlflOI Counly,AIQlon of the • ~C:W.Sodlly ... ... ~:fhetOOlely*> ~ Sunset Boulevard. The station's AM transrnl tter -ridiculed by all as crazy -was and still is on Catalina Island. "The offshore radio transmitter allowed us to reach a far wider coastal audience · than an inland receiver," John Poole said. The FM receiver is still atop Mt. Wilson. John also found~d what was then an all-news UHF television station KWHY. It now exists as a Span ish-format station. • One of their memories of the station was the sponsoring of a round-trip water-slcling race to Catalina in 1954. ""We got fed up with the Hollywood life and sold (the station) in '68," John Poole said. "In 1968, on advice from my anomey to invest the money, I purchased some land in the Temecula Valley and opened a winery." To day, the ~fount Palomar Winery is part of a 173-acre wine estate featuring vineyards, the winery, a hospitality center ·and picnic grounds. Mount Palomar, the first winery in the Tem ecula Valley, was passed to their son, Peter Poole, who has more than 25 years of experience in the nancial condition of the region," Wade said. "And monthly finan· cial reports are now being' pro- vided to all b oard members. Al- though !these reports! were requested from Mr. Anfah in times past, he was never forth- coming with [themJ.'' Cllris Sarris, who replaced Anish as regional commissioner. said the extra measures were de- veloped by a financial commit- tee that include himself and three other members in the re- gion. "I feel great about lthe mea- sures!." Sarris said. ·:Anytime one or two people control all the assets. you've created a 'iituation where someone can take adv-cU1- tage of 1he community." Sarri~ mentioned a few other steps the region is taking to in- crease linanciaJ accountability. including filling out purchasi11g forms in triplicate and having the board vote on any contract6 with other entities that AYSO spends money on or could prufit in a way that makes the problem look wor..e, Watson warned. Aul more arrests might not mean more crime. On the contrary, of- ficials are hoping there will be a lot less. Because the holiday kicks off a three-day weekend and bt!tause the weather is likely lo be nice. there's a good chance that large crowds will come to Newport for the Fourth. That'.s not a problem, officials ~y. as long as violence. noise. public urination and other problems don't persist. "The publicity that has been put out by our enforcement ac- tivities has planted a seed in people's minds that if they want to come here and have good clean fun, that's wonderful and we welcQme them, but if they want to come here and have drunke n fights. this isn't the place to be.• City Manager Temecula wine lndu.'Jtry and has lead the way in establhililng rnodem vineyard tecbnlques, as well as Introducing Italian and Rhone grapes. The winery produces 14,000 cases of wine annually. The Pooles have enjoyed global travel over their 60 years of marriage. "We've even gone uound the tip of South America on a cargo transport ship in '84," John said. The Pooles said Tuesday that they planned to have a simple dinner for their 60th anniversary today -unless their children surprise them with something. as they did fo,r their SOth. . "We never expected to live this long," John Poole said, with Olivia nodding in concurrence. The walls of their house and garage are covered with m emorabilia: pictures, posters and lmick.knacks from their life's experiences and world travels, chndren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. "If I had it to do over again, 1 • wouldn't change a thing." Olivia Poole said. • KRIS O'OONNEU. is a Daily Pilot intern. He can be reached at l<ris.odonnell@latimes.com. from. The region also filed a police report for misappropriation of funds on May 16, Wade said: Mike Barr, the regional com- missioner of Region 120. which covers most of Costa Mesa. said he is not aware of any misappro- priation in his region since he first became involved with AYSO seven years ago. He said his re- gjon follows the AYSO guidelines and officials try to make finan- cial infonnat.ion available to as many board members as pos- sible. 'Tm not sure. what happened in Newport Beach," Barr said_ "I think if the guidelines are fol- lowed. you should be able to avoid somethjng like this from happening. But it's up to every- one on the board to know those gujdelines, too." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) , 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre. newman 1a•Jatimes.com Homer Bludau said. "II probably won't affect the numbers that may be coming into the commu- nity. I th.ink that it may have that e«ect next year when people see we mean business.· Councilman Tod Ridgeway said he believes that promoting owner occupancy in an area that is now composed mostly of rent- als could provide a long-tenn so- lution. "This year. I'm not sure how much the word has gotten out," Ridgeway said. ~we want to de- ter this behavior in future years as well. and moving toward owner occupancy is the way to do that." •JUNE CASAGRANO£ covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport_ She may be reached at (949) 5744232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes. oom. C.osla Mesa's United Fund drive zona University's Distinguished and as president of the Southern ~Alumni Award In 1982, Moore re- Califomia Industry Education ceived Cypress CoDege's Presi- Council. dent's Award. ln 1972, Moore received Costa In lieu of flowers, the family Mesa's Outstanding Citiz.en aslcs that contributions be made Award, as well as Northern Ari-to the Dr. Robert B. Moore Schol- seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DtSCOVERY SHOP · The American Cancer Society Disoovety Shop needs unwanted goods such as dothing, fumlture, jewelry, aooessories, antiques and collectibfes to fund the society's researdl, education and patient serviQea Pf'QQ'!ms. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona def Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. t~ p.m. Monday thl'OUgh Saturday at the same location. (949) 6404m. AMERtCAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY Thetra~ l)f'Ogram nMda YC>luntMfw to driw cencer patienea to end from medlcel treetmenll free of<Nrge. The required commitment la• few~ MCft week or month. onwrs ""* h9WI I vaad driW(t bNe and ineut'8nOt ald be M lilelt 25. ~.,,..,~..,...., oWn Ylhldeeor ~ Cencer Sodelv vans. (Mt 281_... or ~Oltt)Off'°"" The Afr*ican Canclr Sodllty .. ..., loofdng forwlUntw ........ '°' ... Speebn 8Urteu ptOQnm, wNdt °""".free~ to communldell. «h>oll end ~t1t' ~trained speakers to address'~ is8ues. The organization will train all interested volunteers at a epec:ial ..... session on Dec. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. at the Spedrum Club, • 1636 Oeefpattc Drive in Fullerton. For 11!Mf'Vstiont, call Florence Denn at (949) 567-0804 by Nov. 22. AMERICAN HEART ASSN • The American Heart Alen_ ls looldnd for volunteera to p9ffofm various general offtce duties In the mein offioe and imptement educ8lion8I and tunc:t-nWno events through Orange County. No e>epel'iet lee neoeeaety. lreining wlft be proo.Aded. (Ml 866-3666. AMERICM ... HEAl1H HOSPICE PROQMM The Amertc:lln Home Heehh Hoepice ~needs~ toglw ~ 8'JPPOftto ~-~lndtheir fan"'6ee In 1hl 9f'MW en. Counly ..... Tr.lrq II pnwlded. ~ fSlio.<8)0 « CIOO) M>-2fM6. lmRICM REDCllOlli OMfaCCUfTY CIWTEI The .....,niilidt....,to ---~ ...... lbcMll AldQ'Oel_,,._ end to .. .. ................ '"._ ..t""*911qo ........ ~ ..... m...,..,. . Dally Pilot PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • w..t Bebr StrMt: An auto theft waa reported in the 600 block at 9:49 a.m. Monday. • College Awnue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2100 block at 6:08 a.m. Monday. • Harbor Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the • 2700 block at 10:43 p.m . Monday. • loglln Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 1300 block at 8:15 p.m. Monday. • Maple S1rHt: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2200 block at 7:58 a.m. Monday. • Newport Bout.wrd: Vandalism was reported in the 2600 block at 11:10 a.m. Monday. • South Cont Driw: Petty theft was reported in the 900 block at 4 p.m. Monday. • • w..t 19th Street: Grand theft was reported in the 500. · block at 12:59 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Avocado Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 1000 block at 6:06 p.m. Tuesday. • West Balboa Boulevard: A burglary was reported in the 1800 block at 6:55 p.m. Tuesday. •West Coast Highw-v:.Petty theft was reported In the 400 block at 7:06 a.m. Tuesday. • Newport Boulevard: An auto theft was reported in the 2900 block at 12:41 a.m . Tuesday. • Newport Cent.w Drive E.Ht. Banery was reported in the 200 block at 1 :47 p.m. Tuesday. • lsJend and East Bay a'V9nU": A hit-and-run was reported at 10:10 a.m . Tuesday. I\ "San Miguef Drive: An auto theft was reported in the 300 block at 12:29 p.m. Tuesday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Cigarette suspected in freeway brush fire A cigarette buct may have caused a grass fire near the Costa Mesa Freeway's con- nector to the Corona del Mar Freeway on Wednesday afternoon, California High- way Patrol officials said. Costa Mesa firefighters responded to the 4 p.m. call. Capt. Jim Gottenbos said. Four fulJ-tirne firefighter:r. and two Explorers arrived at the scene and had the fire u,nder contro l within 15 minutes. he said. "lt couldn't have been fireworks because it would have been hard for fire- works to get that far," he said. "We're still looking into what caused it." The affected area was about 4-0 feet by 60 feel of low brush, Gottenhos said. arship Foundation in care of the- OCC Foundation, 270 I Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. C.A 92626. • KAIS 01>0NNEU. is a Daily Pilot intern. He can be reached at l(r(s.Odonnell@/atimes.oom. . .• INVOLVED Continued from A4 AMMAl NETWORK OF OftANGE COUNTY . Qecome a bottle-fe!tder or take In pregnant cata at your home. Many ~kill pregnant ceta upon 'irrival. Dogs and ~ta are also avallabfe for adoption.(949) ~or ~.anlmalnetworlc.org. A$SISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT·MESA Volunteers loold11g for varying level• of involvement are needed to htlP the organization wtth Its ~I of helping ct\lldren In the community. (9491646-«l29. AsSN. RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Meta group sponsors end supports outreach community •rvice programa, audl as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers ~re needed. (714) 64(}.6803. BEST BUOOIES 1'he nonprofit organlzatlon ia looking for volunteera 18 and older to provide companlonahlp for edultl with developmental dlaablfltlec. A.a 11 "Citizen Buddy.' volunteera will villt with a buddy twloe a month and call or e-mail ttiem once 11 week. The organlution also haa an a-Buddies program that forms frlendahipa entirely over theJntemet \iolunteera for that program must be at least 12 years old. (714) 5:48-1826 or www.butbuddfes.orp. BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local ct\apter la looking for men and women'older than 20 who hayw lived in Orange County for at least alx monthl and have been on the job for at least three month• to aerve as big brothers or big listers for ct\lldren ages 6 to 16 from •Ingle-parent homes. (7141 644-m3. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer ~rtunities for the Orange County Council Include fund-raising. program development and training to existing troops and padcs. (714) 546-4990. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS Of. NEWPORT-MESA The three area dube need volunteer c:oadles and ans and crafts worbhop teadlers. Call tor locations. (949) 642-2246. BRAILLE INSTTTUTE'S OAANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers with a basic knowledge of Windows 951438, Microsoft Word and 11 willingness to leam the adaptive equipment used by its students to participate tn various pvlties 8t the Oasis Senior Cen\er In Corona del Mar. Volunteers will MOr legally blind adott atudents using computers end other adaptive tedlnology. Mary Johnson, (714) 821-5000, ext 2113. CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel it seeking volunteer counselors and medical staff for Summer Camp and Teen Adventure Cemp. The organization ia dedicated to providing educational camping programs tree of cnarge to ct\ildren living with HIV and AIDS. Cell (323) 653-5005. COMPANION HO~CE The Hoepice la now r6C:ruiting volunteers to become a friend for 90me008 who needs that extra apeoial caring at the end-of-life. Become a member of• team whose goal is to promote quality of life and comfort measurea. Eecn applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation and training. For more Information. call (714) 560-81n or •mail volunteers@Companion Ho6piotJ.com COMMUHrTY ANIMAL NETWORK The netwoft needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats In local neighbofhoods. Volunteers ~Id trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians fol' apeylng or neutering, end then refeaee them beet to the property wt.'8 they w.'9 found, The goal of the program la to aave the Mves of stray C81S. (949) 7~. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The~ Medi volunteen for ush«ing, becbtage ~ maiflnge, typf,,g, oontrofflng tights end manv other dude&. IM> e&0-6289. COSTA MESA tllTOllCAL IOCETY TM eocMtv ,,,_we end ~" hlleofyof C.. Mete end 1he hefbor.,.., ~.,. needed1or1he ~ lbrwy, ~. docm1t "pubic outrwtl pf\09 ..... •. ,., .. ColTAmM l;ft'aACYCCUCI. • 11eC...MMI UlncvC.W --~ .... .,..,, ~ .. ...., ... .... ~__,...,....,~'"811h ............... ., ===--~.=:' UT'ERACY PROGRAM The program is always In need of volunteer tutora. No professional teadllng experience is required. To attain certification, a seriea of training classes must be completed. For more Information, contact Literary Se'Mce8 at the .. ~rt Beach Ubrary, (949) 717-3874. COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County cnapter of the · national Multiple Sclerosis SoCI~ has started a new self-help group In Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.hl. the second Tuesday of ~ery month. (949) 650-7659. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are Invited to help atatf the Westside substlltion. Volunteers are asked to work two four•hour daytime shifts per week. They would be responsible for answenng phones, bicycle registration, fingerprinting, dJIUI entry and asslltlng with other Citywide projects. Seniors who can speak Spanish and English are also needed. Cell for an 11ppli~t1on. Fred Ga&<Xler, (714) 754-5208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose senior services facility et the corner of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seek& volunteers who can greet members and the public at the from desk and volumeers for the Resource Department with Excel computer experience and sharp telephone skills. The Senior Meals program also needs people to deliver meals to homes. (949) 645-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center is looking for new board members. The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers who will participate in monthly meetings, occasional committee meetings and special projects. Candidates should have connections in Costa Mesa and surrounding communities and an interest in serving the community by helping seniors. (949) 645-2356, ext. 16 COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned cnildren. Voluntoors woric one on one wnh a cn1ld for three hours a week. (714) ~-9034. CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit organization 1s seeking volunteers for its expanding trauma response program. Some volunteers assist law enforcement. firefighters and other emergency-type responders by providing emotional first aid and support to in1ul'9d or traumatl2ed people. Other volunteers provide dispatctl and office support. No experience is necessary. Training will be provideq. (949) 588-1414. DISPUTE RESOLl/TlON SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreach assistants are needed to help 1n a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteeri and for medlatora. (949) 260-0488. EASTER SEALS Enter Seal• needs volwrteef1 tor ongoing clerical~ programs for ct\lldren with disabilities and apeclal events. (714) 834-1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors learn about their environment. (949) 645-8489. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organizations, wh1cn works to provide youth and families with counseling, family support, health education, mentoring, tutonng, after.scnool activities ,and kin~ip services, needs volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. FISH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-6060 to help Friends In $ervice to Humanity with the M obile Meals pwgram and provide ongoing emergency asaistance to those In need Both always seek volunteer assistance In a variety of areas (9491 645-8050. RUENOSOFTHEBALLET MONTMARTRE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perform In profeu1onal theaters. For 30 years, the organization has provided the community with quality Russian ballet training To help youth develop strong discipline skills. bwld high self..,steem and acn1eve dreams o1 being a professional dancer. call (714) 241-7424. FRIENDS OF TliE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends is a support group for the three libraries in Costa Mesa. To join, help with fundraiaing events and help promote library programs and services in our community, call (714) 5564396. FRIENDS OF TiiE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The boolcstore needs donations for book sales. Good quality cn1ldren's and nonfiC11on books are especially needed. They may be left at any of the branch libraries -Balboa, M anners or Corona del Mar -or 1n the special book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are •. needed to staff the used book S1ore, w tuch 1s inside the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends 9f the Library and are asked to wor1< one three-hour shrft per month (949) 759-9667 GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on special committees and give lecttlres, demonstrations or dasses (7141979-7900. GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educational and enricnment opportunities for girls and boys (9491646-7181. HOSP1CE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the ltves of terminally ill persons and their families. Volunteers would assiS1 them with nonmed1~I needs sucn as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly aoclaJ vi.sits. The organization II also loold11g fol' clerical and bereavement volunteet'9 to assist with office dutiet. Training 11 provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters. counsela and educates abused women and mlldren. It is looking for volunteers. (949) 7J7-5242. ext. 24 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteen; are needed for Project Caring, which provides socializatJon and cultural experiences to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Co~ Mesa. Volunteers "adopt# a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. Th~ must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting badcground did Volunteers are also needed to provide comfon and support to tt,e Jewish terminally ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing suppon group for people with chronic , illness et 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewiah Family Service, 2SO E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa '\iesa. Free. Preregjstration requtred. (714) 445-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization o"f women, committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and 1mprov1ng communities through the woric and le&dersh1p of trained volunteers, Is seekjng new members. (949) 261-0823. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers ere needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communitlac near volunteers' homes 15621 622·3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assiS1 Laguna Coast Wilderness Parl( staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation (949)488-0287 LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that wor1cs wrth persons with HIV or AIDS. is seeking caring volunteers to ~ss1st with running the front office, delivenng m eals, providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies sum as masiaage, acupuncture and cniropractic care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally ill adults rely on the Newport Beach center for residential housing. h needs professional fund-raisers to suppon and maintain this resource LUV-A-PET CENTER • Volunteers who love to wori< with cats and kittens are needed at the Luv-a-Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa Mesa. For more information, ~II (949) 451-3272. MASTER CliORALE OF ORANG( COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer input. Udleclng, filing and handling phones. (714) 66U262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Com1T1unlty Setvlcea needl • mentora to make a fasting effect on a young person'• life. Students 10 to 18 years oki are metdled with mentors to Improve their sdlool perfOfmanoe and aett..-eem while developing positive peer and adult relatJonships, (714) SG-9622, ext 35. MOBllf MEALS Volunteer drivers are M8ded to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly dienu incapabte of shopping and cooking for themselves. For more information. call (9491645-8050. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofi1 resident cnamber ord'lestra needs volunteers for tici(eting, ushenng, phones. mailing and help wJtJi receptlona. Nominees are also being sought for tH9 board of director•. (949) 83().2950 NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC .. The recovery center for w omen with alcohol or other d'lem1cal dependencies seeks volunteers. (949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m and 6 p.m .; or Joy, 19491 548-8754. NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newpori Bay Nature Preserve Is looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist.Jed tours Thursday, Jury 3, 2003 ~ and progra~. special evenu and habitat restoration prOJects. The Interpretive oentM 11 It 2301 University Onve, Newport Beadi. (714) 973-6829. NEWP"oRT BEACH CONFERENCE AND VISrTORS BUREAU The bureau 1s dedioeted to the promotion of the city to potential visitOfs. Volunteers with extensive knOllYledge of Newport 8eactl are needed (9491722-1611. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program aeek.s volunteers to lutor adults who want to improve their reading and wnung slolls Volunteers will be certified dunng training workshops the Central library 1949) 717-3874 NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newport Beacn Premiere Cinema Guild. whid'I supports the Newport Buen Film Festival 11 loolong for new members lnterestetl candidates should want to help further an art11t.1c and cultural heritage in the community and should have a love of cinema and a de$1re to raise awarene$$ of the film feS11val (9491 253-2880 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs extra hands to perlorm clerical duties sucn as filtng organlllng and sruffing envelopes, at the Central library. 1000 Avocado Ave 19491 • 717·3890 Pro<lu< ·c • St·afoocl • Ueli ""' ~ ,~~ Snving thr Community for 30 yt'an 1 f J c~lmino's CELESTI~O S HOMEMADE SALADS MARlNADf.S are alwllYs a Big Hit.' A.\1ERIC.\:-. rar .. TO. RlD\l.J\ POT.-\TO. cou Su.11.. MK\R0,1 ~'\O P~H S.-\LUI $3 99 lb. .\ffltl to 6n111" .Wit ro tlH b'1. bwh; CUSTOM PLAITERS Avai'4bk in aJJ 1~1. V~GGtl TR.A). MEAT & (HU.SE Pl..AITlR.S. SPl~AIH Sn FFEO Ml SHROO Ordrr Yours Early.' Cekstinoi HOMEMADE SAUSAGf.S Cekstinoi has 32 v11rntiu of Homnmuk Samages. • Bratwurst • I calian • Polish a Llnguisa Always Maire a 81g Bang.' MAl I K.tjl()ll\ IBW O~ 0UCM.' & Pl'lAPPU n rrw FL'-'" STlAA. MAt I RI~ UMO'i GAAJ. w !\.\Boll\, PL\TO Oil GAluc BASIL (HI• t.i' GR.EEK MARINATED VEGETABLE KA.Boss $3 99 lh Grr11r on the grill' Hor DOG Had a Great Hot Dog l.Ately? Drop on by tmd try one.1 They go rraJJy fast So Ortkr early! AS INTERNATIONAL SUPPLIERS TO DESIGNERS, ARCHITECTS, HOTELS AND RESORTS OVER THE LAST 12 YEARS1 OUR QUALITY AND STYLE ARE REGARDED TO BE THE VERY BEST? 'D:!K GADEN FURNITIJRE tr OPl~N 'ff) THE PIJBIJC FRI, SA'f, SIJN, & MON AIW_..,IEHCH 10 AM-6 PM ...-sus • 30 lllUUf DI.El Fm $79 • 0¥£1!D1CUil&WlllWr.19 • Ill RllJ UlllH •Ill 1111111111 l l RISlfS ,. Thursday I July 3, 2003 Dalty Pilot . ·FORUM HOW TO GET PU8USHED -i...u.r.: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cehn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, q. 92627 •~Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mal:Send to d11ilypilot~l11timn.com •All correapondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the righl to edit all submlaslon1 for clarity and length, ,.--..... EDITORIAL Celebrate the Fourth • • • • • r~spons1bly T he Fourtl1 of July has arrived again, but while the holiday marks our nation's freedom -the 227th year of it -those freedoms must be respected and not overextended. In Newport-Mesa, there are many ways to celebrate the Fourth. In Newport Beach, there are the Dunes' fireworks, the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, the 30th annual lndependence Day Celebration at Mariners Park:, the beach and, of course, the unofficial gathering in West Newport. The latter is where celebrating freedom can be abused. The ciry has made a few decisions to rein in the partyers, including deploying 30% more police officers and tripling the fines. Last year, about 160 people were arrested. Public drunkenness and fighting were among the violations. There are plenry of ways to celebrate in West Newport, and drinking is among them. But alcohol can be enjoyed responsibly, and fights are absolutely unnecessary during times of celebration. The forefathers of our country fought so that those who lived after them wouldn't have to. In Costa Mesa, there'!> another long-standing tradition for the celebration of our nation's independence: selling off fireworks. But, again, it's another freedom that can be abused. Driving around Costa Mesa, there are fireworks stands everywhere. Within those stands are Piccol9 Petes, ground Oowers, sparklers and.other awe-inspiring lifeworks. While those who created the different fireworks had one sane intention fo r them. there are others out there who know far too well how to make them much more dangerous. For the sake of innocent bystanders and their properties. it would behoove everyone igniting fireworks to do so wisely and without altering their uses. And, of course. there is no need to throw the fireworks into the air or to find illegal fireworks and shoot those into the air. Abusing this puto; lives and property at stake. Let's celebrate the Fourth the way it should be celebrated: using our freedom responsibly. . . LETTER TO THE EDITOR Airport supporters need a united front I n his Jetter of June 17. Russell Niewiarowski expressed hope that Los Angeles may be able to silence South Counry NTMBYs by putting El Toro into federal jurisdiction ("LA. may be able to silence NIMBYs). As he correctly points out. the needs of Orange County, Southern California regional transportation area and the national air transportation system require the inclusion of El Toro into the U.S. airways system to add much-needed runway capaciry. After all. the airport was built with taxpayer funds and rightfully belongs to all U.S. residents. I agree wholeheartedly with all but the last paragraph in the letter. In that paragraph. he suggests·that the Board of Su~ could not plan an airport In accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration. That is a totally incorrect statement At the board's direction, a very competent design team led by Gary Simon not only designed the remodeling of the existing El Thro airport, but had it approved by the aviation administration and the Navy. The plan is available for review at local county libraries. The V-Plan is another way to redesign the airport. but has no advantage over the existing. approved airport plan. The planes would be required to take off and fly south over the Irvine Specoum and southern Newport Coast homes. The significant advantage of the present airport configuration is that the design is complete and has been approved by both the aviation administration and the Navy. ·11ie county would be remiss in its duty to waste money and effort on some sideline scheme that has no recognition by the federal government. As to the "pilots' plan.· the pilots I have spoken to who have flown into and out of El Toro thousands of times are unanimous that El Toro is a good airport. The V-Plan is a clivisive scheme that has cost El Toro an estimated 50,000 votes, votes that could have helped defeat the Measure W scam. To be effective, the airport supporters should all be pulling in the same direction. WILLIAM KEARNS Costa Mesa MAILBAG :. FILE PHOTO I DAILY Pll OT The possible expansion of the grass area above Corona del Mar State Beach has caused quite a controversy. Responses to Nichols show real bigotry 1 a m sadtlened over the incident c;urrounding Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols, not so much with Nichols' comment. which could be interpreted as bigoted if one is looking for such a slant, but more so with the resultant torrent of angry. mean and actually vile criticism by people who have assum ed an undeserved pos ition o f self-righteousness. The overreaction and degree of hate speech directed at the councilman is far more frightening to me than h is unfortunate remark:. Comparing him to Hitler and Saddam Hussein is not only cruel -it is asinine. Calling for his resignation is extreme. Those ~yelling "intolerance" and "bigot" ..-are the most intolerant and bigoted of all. Ironically. everyone can viJify Ouistian conservative white men all day lo ng with no fear of retaliation, especially if it is cloaked in politically correct speech. Just ask: Nichols if you don't believe me. KATHERINE WRIGHT Costa Mesa Freedom of speech either ex ists, or government is lo t I would like to refer to the progress ing brouhaha over the descriptive words used by Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols, which he used while allempting to discuss the feasibiliry of trying to maintain long grass in a particular area of public beach in Corona del Mar. His use of the descriptive word "Mexicans" elicited c ries of racism. As if the very word were forbidden and subject to a gag order. Once City Councilman Gary Proctor went so far as to characterize its u ~e by Nichols as being uncon stitullonal. Such a mistaken characterization and auaclc on word!i make it appear that we in California have already lost our right to free speech. Freedom of s peech is freedom of speech. You eithe r have it or you don'1. There is n't any in between or almos1. It cannot be abridged by merely being controversial o r impolitic. Jr we cannot exercise it, we have no mean!> to govern ourselves. REBAWIWAMS Newpon Beach At some point. pet adoptions topping maJcing sense Pei adopuons ~eem great for the p aper to promote. Bui the one from June 23 (in which the killen needed $2,500 in surgery) seems a bit much. For this kind of money. I co\Jld find 20 kid~ in our n eighborhood/community who need to visit a dentist for their first teeth dean ing. I love animal.,, but please help us use our generous rec;ources m ore wic;e ly than this. DANA BINFORD Newport Beach Smith mage to capture one reader's feeling Steve Smith's article in Saturday's Daily Pilot is a true masterpiece ("An indecent act in a decent city"). He repre ent'> my thoughts and beliefs. He covers it all and state it very well. MIRIAM BIRNKRANT Newport Beach Controversy .clouds issue at Big Cor:ona AJI of the controversy about Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols' s tatement is clouding COMMUNITY COMMENTARY the issue. Our beach al Corona del Mar is precious. More grass, parking or larger buildings will spoil what is there -!>and and water. which the tide!. are taking away. Let's make what we create there simple and beautiful. LAURIE KELLOGG Corona del Mar Condo project would provide needed Westside lift Costa Mesa's Wests ide has long suffered from a severe lack of investment. Now. at long last. a condo project 1s proposed for the heart of do\.' ntown This is an excellent location for owner-occupied housing for couples and singles who enjoy being in midst o f city life and not for large. family-style homes. This project is an opp orrunity to start a real renewal by inviting into our Westside the customer base for the superma rket that residents say they want. and for the normal commercial amenities you find in the rest of the city. Without new housing. there will never be a customer b ru.e. and w ithout a customer base, the re will never be the investment the Westside desperately n eeds. If this 'project goes down in names. think what message Costa Mesa wiU be sending to developers who may consider investing in the Wes tside: "Forget it. Costa Mesa doesn't want any investment in the Westside; they want poverty and squalor.· Let's not blow this chance and s end the wrong message. . ELEANOR EGAN Costa Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE: Eleanor Egan ia a former Costa Mesa Planning Commissioner. /I • Us versus them continues to hurt Costa Mesa lyGtoff WHt For years. a light-knit group of WestsJde residents, referred to as the •1mproven. • have waged a bartle wlth the d ty powers·that-be, boplng to resurrect their part of our city from the signs and c:auaa of decay. 'Ibey have participated in stUdy after study. attended meedna after meeting and jothed oommJtteea, boplng to dect cb&Qae ln lhefr part of town. Membert of their group have ltOOd before the City Q)undl, Redew)opment AtJtncy and Pllnn&nc ComrniMion and ailde lm,_.ned pleM for ~in d>e drc:wnQnces . =:.feel C8&IM .... decline in .~~ Cmwllnd llUIDllWI ~ on the Westside. u well as the Orange Coast CoUege swap Meet -all of which fit their definition of "magnets" for undesirable elements in I.he communJty. They have also targeted businesses on the Westside, some of which they claim are poisoning their downwind neighborhoods with nrudous abbome poll\itants. They have espoused re-zoning the Wescatde bill& lndustrial"IU'!f~ assuming that such an act .~ out many of the bU.tnel*t located ~ -and the jobs they provide lO "undeslrlble elements" -under tM ~of putdng that &and to U1 •t>ett and hf8bai ow.. upecale .. fam8y bome8. Among other comptafnu are d>e prolilerdoo ol wndln& canJ and produce U\lCb prowlna dW Oi!WJbothoodt and the general untJdiness of the area. despite the fact that more' infrastructure improvement and beautification dollatS have been spent by the city ln that part of town ~an any other in recent years. Other complalntl have rang~ from the very serious -a rising crlme rate and trtcreased gang activity-tQ others less bnportant ln the grand scheme of thlngl -the ·wega1· use of soccer balls in some parks, for example. ' The lmprovers have managed to pt two sympathetic t ca.odldates, OuU Steel and Allan M&nlOOr. elected td the City Qnmcll by~ manipulation of the proceN, and hlYe hJah bopea ot acquiring a~ on the COlmdl at the 2004 Mtfon. ~tendaJ maJority WU rwcendy when Bric 8ew:r' f stepped aside and allowed Mike Sch eafer to become the appointed candidate to replace departed Mayor Ka.nm Robinson. They have participated in the Community Redevelopment Action Committee, which has also frustrated their efforts to make changes occur. At least o ne of their number baa re<iently called for a perpetuadon of the group. stating that "We dJdn't get what we wanted;" All these ~an of effort and, ln their eyes. rejecdon have result~ ln what might be besl. de1edbed u an "ua veraua them" mencaJity by many members of the IJ'OUI» The temion among eome oC their members lt quite obvk>ua. Th1t ""f have bten I retult of di•ppolntmmt ln Outs Steel - I man dtey feh would e«ectMly champion their cause when elected to the council. He has. or course, proven to be a dismal failure in that regard - provtdln.g-no leadership in the resolution of issues important to the group. As acting mayor, when glven the chance recently by Robinson's departure, he not only failed to lead, but he has been unable to build alliances ne<:etwy to achJeve majortty votes on many Watt ldo iaaues. IH.ppeara that, despite hia role u mayor pro tem. he has been lhoved off Into a comer recently and hit oplnio,_ ~ Uttle cndence by tbe other coundJ membm. It'• hllhtY unhbly he wW manap enouP wttl to be re·elected In 20CM, wbkb II good l\t!WI for. city delperMe • ~ WhOe mo.c restdents ~du. city are sympathetic to the issues that concern the improvers, the posslbWty of a narrowly focused majority on the City CounclJ causes a good deal of apprehension among other members of the ~mmunlty. This ls especlally tO' when considering the undertytng phllotOphy of one ~ their m oat outipoken paniclpanta, Martin Millard, a City Hall t.etMtt knawn for h1s controYeralal vtewa. tu long u the group rema1n.s closely aligned with him. thelr modvet wW also be-..pect. M long .. he 1,ppew1 to be pulllnf' atrlngt behind the curtaift. It wl be U1Umed that they~"" - philoeophy on t1ee. ~It le thetr chofse to make. I ' ..( ' •l<EA PAYs FIX TH1s TNHE TAX To ., 0Tyo ThefkE U. ~aturda A Sales li and 6th )' and Sund OX: on any;, ll<dEA Pays th:' .Jo1 ly 5th ..._n_ e"ery ite sa es tax " rn Yoo bo . y. Free Event C••·•~ .. I I . I AROUND TOWN Tridt&: Internet 101: a free Internet W<Hbhop, at 10 a.m. at the Newport BMCtl Central Ubrary. The beginning.level oveMew wtll be repeated at 9 a.m . July 19 at the S.lboe braACh. For more Information, cell (949) 717-3816. •Send AROUND 'TOWN ltem1 to the Deity Piiot. 330 W. 8-v St., COltl MeM, CA 92e27; by Hn•il to l'Jtlta...,w•"1thM&c:om; bv fax to (9'9) M&-4170; or by Cllllng (IM9) 67""'298. lndudt the time, ct.te· end loCltlon of the event. .. w.11 .... cont..:t phone number. A com~ Ii.ting 11 •v•ll•ble at www.dallypllotcom. TODAY ChlldNn .............. fhtthrough 1lxth gradet •re Invited to ' "Storytelllng S.fari" at 10:30 a.m. at B•lbo• Branch Public Library. For more Information, calH949) 717·3816. UC Irvine wit houM a he~ ltUdlM open houae that 01fer1 a general Introduction and explan•tlon of poja and teadle1 how t>.1lc procesaes can tranlform your everyday life by piecing It In a context of e~ndlng Mlf .. wareneu. The clau runa from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . In Unlver11ty Exten1lon A, rooms · 101 and 102. For more Information, call (949) 824-6692. FRIDAY Th• Amertc:an Legion v.dtt Club wtll hoat the 48th Fourth of July Boat Parade, featuring loada of dedted out yadlta parading along the watera of Newport Bay atartlng at 1 p.m. There are 30 boat categorfea eligible for award•. For more Information, call (949) 673-3646. Fonner atate s.n. M•lt•n Bergeaon wtll be grand mar1hal at the 30th annu•l Independence Day Celebration •t Marfner1 Park. Riding In a hay wagon, Berge10n wlll lead bike rldert and walker• of all agea, who wtll begin auembllng for the patriotic parade at 9:30 a.m. at Mariners Drive and Com'modore Road. Mariner1 Park la on Dover Drive at Irvine Avenue. For more Information, call (949) 644-3151. SATIJRDAY N.wport Dunee Reeott'a •MovlM on the Beadl" Mriea offers "Robin Hood" atartlng at dusk on the Newport aand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for 1'morea. The resort la at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. Newcomers to the digltal universe are Invited to "Tools and MONDAY fUnn¥men .WI MMdn wHI put on a magic ahow at 10:30 a.m . at the Newport Beach Central Library. Children entering first through sixth gredet are Invited to the Interactive program, whldl will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 9 at the Mariner• Brandl and at 10:30 a.m. July 10 at the Balboa Branch. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. TUESDAY The dty of N.wport Beech will present an official proclamation recognizing the 60th aMlversary of the 1963 NatJonal Jamboree at . 7 p.m. The ~remony will be at council dlambera at Newport Beadl City Hall. For more Information, call (714) 546-4990, ext..142. •Protect your hMrt,• a fNe seminar, will be offered by Judith ~ero from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY .Mt Sat Introductions Invitee the public to an exclusive evening to meet some of Orange County's most eligible •Ingles at its "Where the Elite Meet" mixer from 6 to 9 p.m. at Brio · Restaurant In Corona del Mar. The coat I• $76 per person. Wear codrtall attire. For reservations, call (949) 233-6405 before July 2. •r=t.mlah Garden Style D"liln•· is the subject of a floral design class to be taught at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9 a.m. All materials are included In the $45 regiatratlon fee. Pre-registration i1 required. For more informetion, call (949) 673-2261. •Newport Networidf1il" ewnta are designed to provide networking opportunities for businesspeople in Newport Beadl. The improved Newport Networking events will take place on the second Wednesday of eadl month, and will alternate between a breakfast and a lunch. July's event is a breakfast, and FotOARr 11111111 Unique Personalized Gifts for every occasion Visit our Web Site at www.fotoart.com FotoArt Frame Sale Order any laser engraved frame by· July 31 , 2003 and get 50% off our regular prioe. (No llml on quantltlea) Open MondltV Thnl Frdly MMIO 5PM hlUIOly I~ IO 4PM Of by 1ppo1111ment Page Private School A b,.nd new ~pua wtthHyun. of experience • F..U,~ A...,,, Wimer tor.,,, Print• ~ Scltooll ..C A Mae Compt1ter IAbl estMHl .......... U,nry ~IAb -...a..s ... • ....... swt hlPool ..... ea.w- •a.dtvtd..iAUtab •Mas!fdlell,,.,._ '*'IHpi .. will be held from 7:30 to 9'.30 a.m. 1t the Dally Grill In Fashion Island. The coat la $17 with a reaervetion, $21 •t the door. For reservations or more Information, call (949) 7~11. Speek Up Newport will hold Its monthly general memberahlp meeting at the Newport Beech Tennli Club, 2601 Ealtbluff Drive. Food ind drinka will be served atartlng at 6:30 p.m., and the program wlll begin at 6 p.m. This month'a topic 11 "Fourth of Juty - 11 the Party Over?" Capt. Paul Henlaey of the Newport Beacti Police w111 give a recap of the Fourth of July Neighborhood Enhancement Zones Ordinance Implementation. For more information, call (949) 729-4404. Eunnyman Jeff Mairtin will put on a magic show at 3 p.m. at the Mariners Brandl Library. Children entering first through sixth grades are Invited to the Interactive program. whldl will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 10 at the Balboa Brandl. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 10 Funnyman Jeff Martin wfll put on a magic show at 10:30 a.m . at the Balboa Brandl Ubrary. Children entering first through sixth grades are Invited to the Interactive program. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 11 JULY U5 "Ofganlc lnMCt eontwo1,• a,... seminar, Will be offered from 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. 11 Mother'• Market, 226 E. 17th St., Cotta Meu. To make reservations. cell (800) 695-MOMS. JULY le "'tbut Moftelige and MoMy:. free program on the prooes1 of buying, aelllng or refinancing a home, wlll run from 7 to 9 p.m. In the Vincent Jorgensen Center next to Mariners 'Brandl Library. Local author Randy Johnson wlll be gueat author, launching "Meet the Author,' a aeries featuring Orange· county writers. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. coatt $8 per car. Ca"'pflree wtll allO be available for a'rnotea. The rete>rt la at 1131 Bede Bay Oriw. For more lnfonnatk>n, calt (IM9) 729-0UNE.· JULY27 The ~Club of the Newport 8eac:ti Chamber of Comme(Oe rs proud to host the 68th annual Fllght of the Lners at 1 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Yadlt Club, 720 w.at Bay Ave., Newport Beac:ti. Join La1er enthu1laat.s of •II egea a• you aall to win prizea Ilka best coatume, best decorated boatJflrst parent/dllld team, end first married couple. For more lnfonTI11tlon, call (949) 673-7730. JULY 18 . JULY 30 rffwport Dun.e'Resort'1 •Movies A tr.a aemlnar, "Jlt.t Nutlttlon on the Beacti" aeries offers Pawslbilltle1; wtll be offered by "Newsies" starting at dusk on the , Coco'• Canine Culalne from 8:30 Newport 11nd. Parking com $8 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'• Market, per car. Campfires will alto be 226 E. 17th St .. Costa Meaa. To available for •'mores. The resort make reservations, call (800) Is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For 695-MOMS. more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JULY 19 Newcomers to the df91tel universe are Invited to "Tools and Trides: Internet 101," a free Internet workshop, at 9 a.m. at the Balboa brancti of the Newport Beacti Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. "Divorce: A New Beglnnlf1i1," a workshop for men and wome11 divorced or getting divorced, la offered from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The cost is $40. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. ONGOING VotuntMr driven are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly cllenta Incapable of shopping or cooklng for themHlvH through "Mobile Meals; 1pon10red by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 646-8050 for more Information. Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization that offers aafe and legal alternatlve1 to girl• who are conaldering abandoning their babies, 11 In need of ongoing volunteers. For more lnformatJon, visit www.proj1JCtcuddlt1.org or call (714) 432-9681. N9wpcwt Dunae ~ • .....,... on the Beech" wtlf Nn ever( Fridey and Saturday throughout tf'9 aummer, lnduding a two-hour barbecue befoN the m<MM start at dulk. Gu.ltS are Invited to bMg their flvorit• cuu of meat. The reaort will provide the rwat for $7.96 per perton. The • ftlma wilt be ahown on a large 1CNen In th• und on tNery Fri~ and ~tunt.v evening In June and July axe.pt July 4.. Parking 11 $8 per car. For more Information, call (949) 729-DUNE., A vait.ty of pdwtll, Mm~, and group 1wtm leuona Will be offered thl1 1um<n•r at the Marian BergHon Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options Include one-on-one lnatruotlon on Saturdaya snd a Monday through Thursday program for all agea and levela. For .... ion datH, tlmea and coata, call (949) 644-3161, or reglater In person at Newport Beadl Recreation and Senior Servlcea at 3300 Newport Blvd. Chllchn, tMns and adutta can now register for summer recreatJonal boating ciHna offered through Newport Beac:ti Recreation Services. CIHHI begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or vl1lt the Newport Beadl Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more Information. ProfMaional and llcenNd IOCC8f trainers with the All·England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, amall group and large group training. For more lnform1tlon, call (949) 395-6103. Jewt.h Femlly s.vtce la 1pon10rlng a teen support group for high scnool atudenta that meeta Mondays from 3:30 to 5 The Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino counties wlll honor Congreaawomen Loretta and Linda Sandlez with the Profile of Courage Award at the Pacific Club In Newport Beacti from 6 to 8 p.m . The evening is titled ·sisterhood is Powerful.'' For more information, caU (714) 997-2155. lnventora foNm, an Orange County·based nonprofit Inventors' support group, pre1ent1 a seminar on #Getting Your Product Manufactured" at 7:30 p.m. In Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall. Registration and networking begin at 7 p.m. The coat is $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. For more Information, call (714) 540-2491. Newi>ort Dun" Retort'• "Movln og_the BeactiH series offers "The Sword and the Stone" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking coats S8 per car. Campfires will also be available for •'mores. The resort Is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. Meey'1 In Coate MIN Invitee Orange County Aonprofit organizations that provide service• and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coaat Plaza's Paaaport In Store· f\Jnd·ralser. ihl1 year's event wtll be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. • p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper Sc:tiool In Costa Meu. For Information or to register, call (714) 446-4950. Pre-reglatratlon 11 required. Newport Dun•• R110rt'1 "Movie• on the Beach" series offers #The· Wizard of Oz" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per ca.r. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort Is at 1131 Bac:k Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. -JULY 12 Newport Dunes Rnort's "Movin on the Beach" S4'.ries offers "The Emperor's New Groove• starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more Information, call (94S) 729-DUNE. JULY 14 Elemenu Music will offer a beginning course using a new piano-keyboard method from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Community Center at Mariners Park. Registration for the five-week course is $105. For more information. call (949) 644-3151. JULY23 A tr.a Mmlnar and book 1lgnlf1i1, "Asian Longevity Secrets,H will be offered by author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. JULY 24 The Newport Beach C~•mber of Commerce's Newport $unset NetwQrking Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yadlt of Pacific Avalon Yactlt Charters, 3404 Via Oporto No. 103, Newport Beach. The dockside event from 5 to 7 p.m. will include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer is free for members. Potential members pay $10. For more information, call (949) 7294400. JULY 25 Newport Dunes Rnort's ·Movies on the Beacti" series offers "Remember the Titans~ starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bad< Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. JULY 26 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beacti" series offers "Alice in Wonderland" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking ~~R ITRAUPE s1998 lutaW with...... ... " •asad&a 11'" 1 ll" ................. ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, 'UI .. .. ~········ .................................... .. h I,,,..... • ............... H .................. I .. ... """""""',_.,,.., * ""-'' ~ M~lw•W..,,tfl-'•• ....... ..-t eA.VEI 1114 r..,m-., Wt1 P • COITA JlllA {888)~777 ... ' Yav-da .... will be off9red Tue1day1 and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeka at West Newport Community Center. Regietratlon is $54 for one clasa eadl week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeka tor Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information. call (949) 644-3151. The men:hant. of Balboa VIiiage will hold a seaside Craft Merdlant and Farmer's Market at Peninsula Park near the base of the Balboa pier in Newport Beadl every Thursday through Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The market will include fresh organic produce, freshly cut flowers and arts and crafts. For more information, call (714) 536-2213. Costa ~·, Rea•tion Divlaion will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 6 to 8 p.m .. Saturdays from 11 a.m . to 2 p.m. or 4 to 1 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m . Parties for dlildren 5 to 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, games, crafts, prizes, cake with Ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (71~ 754-5158. Ave new winee will be ..wet on Bayside Restaun1nt'1 terrace overtooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 per perton. For more Information, call (949) 721-1222. r The Arst P9ge -AM Chlldren'a Boob, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in Costa Me11, offers free story time Mondays,Wedneaday.Friday1 and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. "Abm'Kt Wottta on C.nva1 end Paper:" an exhibit of art by Janet Ro1ener, Will be on display at the Newport Beadl Central Library through June 30. The exhibit will feature aefection1 from RoMtner's "Washed Away" series, created by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing It away to auggest the passage of time. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. Award-winning worb by Orange County artists working In an array of two.-dimen1lonal media will be on display at Newport Beadl City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. : Bayside Reatauran1 In Newport ' Beadl offers wine tasting every : Thursday night for $16 per . person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. If your orchid 11 too big for Its pot, Green Systems lntemational will show you how to re-pot your plant during their ' free ordlld-pottlng seminar at 2 : p.m. every Saturday. A plant aale • 11 held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at • the 20362 Blrdl St. facility. Call • (949) 756-1211 for Information. ' .. ' , Dady Pilot S 0 C I E 'I Y Ttours<ldy Jul; j t00 A9 THE CROWD Honoriizg one of the county's finest at the Grove T he Orange County elite gathered forces under the leadership of the powerful FirM American Corporation Western NationaJ Group. ••• to h,onor one distinguished man. Rogets A. Severson received the "American Tribute" 2003 for his li}etim.e of achievement B.W. COOK John and Donna Crean opened their Back Bay estate for • Lheir third annual "A Gathering of Friends," helping Adult Day Care Services of Orange County raise more ancfleadership. Some 600 ci1izem came together at the Grove of Anaheim for an event chaired by Tom and Judy Gilmer. wi1h Newport's John and Carol Curci and Melinda _!lnd Tony Molso serving a'i honorary chairs of 1he eventng. "hit h rat'>ed an impre"'" e $245,000 The fund<, \""Ill be d1v1ded among (,oodwill lndu'>tnt''> of Orangl' Cuunl>. tht' \pm.U Co rd ln1ury ~pt.:nJI 1-und and Angel., (art'. a fund of tht' Robert R. l'\k<.urrn1rh I nbunt' I oundauon. •\II oq~cm11a11on'> 'flCC1alt1.e 111 ht:lp111g pl'oplt• \\llh d1\ab1lt11 t .... I ormc•r < .o'>t.i Ml''>.t l\tayor and Datly l'tlol colu111nt'>l Peter Buffa ~ervcd .. , nHt'>ll'f of teremon1c' Huffa lattnl'hcd 1he fir~t "Anll'nra11 I nbu1t'" la'>t year honoring Newpon.., legendary Paul Salata ')uppor1111g the l elt•bra11on were Donnie Mcfadde n. Peter and Glnny Ueberroth, Jim and Barbara Roundtree. Bill Smith, Judy Madorskl. Rich Kanzler. Kevin Coleman .tnd Don Roger1>, pn·,1dt•n1 ;md ( ro of (.oodw1ll l11du .. 1rtc'>. Orange Counl\' ~t·\ er,on 1rul~ e111hod1t-' the '>ptrll ot .\llll'rtl cl .md ha-. 'ho\\n h" u1mm11111ent 111 rummunll} '>l'r\lll'" R'ogl'r' '>aid I he honort•c., per...onJI romm11men1 to ,1..,w .. t1ng people with dl\,1h1ltt1t-' lCJtnt'~ trom hi'> own per ... 011al t'\IH.'riem·t> ,ufft'ring ma1or 1111ury .iltrr lw111g thrown from ,1 rnulr "il'\'t•ri,011 ha' dt·d1tated 111, work to f111d111g ··1tte -rhang111g" rernverte'> 1hrough the Spinal Cord lniury '-lpecial 1-und. \'htrh he founded. ct'> \H•ll .t'> through hi\ do'>c a.,<.ona11on \\Ith ( a ... a Colma lfoi,p11al ~tc:11or wrporate )Upport fur the evening t:imt• from ~uch donors iW"twtll lnve~tmenh 1-.I ViaJe de r"ortola. :'\~ Development LoDJpan}. Saddleback A-..,oc1ate~. Westerrt hnanc1al Bank and than $100,000. The _organization provides serVtces Thd :,t1pport for seniors ~uffering from memory lo<>'i di:,orders. including Al1he1mer's disease. lV celeb Stephanie Edwards wa-. on hand serving as ml'.tre,., of ceremonies for the e\'entng helping to keep spirits high. The volunieer event lomm~tee was led by Karen Johnson of Balboa Island and Cindy PiquueUe and Jan a nd Jack Stephenson of I lun1111g1on Reach. Lornl World War II vet Joe Kldushlm of Newport Reach \\ J' Jn other spirited citizen '>lip porting the cau'>e. At age Hh. K1du~him was diagnosed w11h memory los~ disorder. "You have ·,~ go on with life, and it doe~n'1 hold me back from an}rthing." Kidushim said. "I come-here 10 be around <H her people. We exchange idea'>. make fnendr,hips." 01her' '>Upporung Adult Day \erv1ce.,· work a1 the lrean t'H'nt \\ere Go lda and Richard Johnson Casi Di Leva. OJad and Kelly Kindemann, Klm and Lewis Wetzel, Eve and Bill Thompson, Ann and RJchard Brown. Robert and Valerie Castle and Cordula and Malcolm Dick. For more 1nforma11on on Adult Oar Service'>. plea~c call Celine Keeble aL 17 I .t I '19'{ -9630. ... Friday I'> July 4. and as thi'> nation celebrate!. 11~ birthday, 'o 100 will John Crean. I he fotmder of Fleetwood C.orpora1ion and local philanthropist will s pend ht'> h1rthday wnh family and . friends at home doing the all-American thing -having a harhecue. Happy and heahh} binhday, ~Ir. Crean. and 1he same goes a!> well for thb hles!.ed land. Ameri ca. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays White Front Pharmacy .',1•rv111t/ ( '"111•/P Co,'1Jfif\ lnr :-; ,1'.J'. Convetiimt, full service pharmacy with I.ow pnces Diabetes Awareness Free blood sugar teSting and consulting fcaruring Dave Taylor The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from I I :OOam until 4:00pm Cards • Books • Sundri'I AU Jnsura'nu Plans Accepted 801 B'aker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 . . • Walkie and Janet Ray 101n Al andiin Auer at the Adult Day Services benefit held at Village Crean. Rogers A Sever son's lifetime of ach1evemeQt~ was honored a1 An American Tnbute 200 1 presented by the First Americ dn Corpor at1or Shown i:lrP Y.ihr and C.arol ..,, Donni,,. McFad,jPr Barbdrc1 ... d Roi.; er SevA•sor 'or , tA01so Tom G1lrr er ,,.,~ .. B'"r n"'1 Oa ~ ... P~sc• ... e ra S~e la ~r ,:,'I'-µ c1r ~ • ';/,jrr:ls 1,1•r :ir"' :anr ~ r;, t r ' -; . .f HE .t1AIR IS BACK Orange County Fair opens July 11 at •o am .s---..-..-,,.._ ---... . . .,.. .... JULY 11 -OPENING DAY . 9 OPENING DAY -FIRST ·111 GUESTS ENTER FREE SALuTE TO ~OES DAY -MILITARY, LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FIRE FIGIITERS ENTER FREE WITH ONE GUEsT. SHOW YOUR m . 10 am -IS pm Summer Concert Series 21 shows in the newly reopened ~ C P acific Amphitheatre For show schedule and ticket information log onto www.ocfair.com uly 16 · Rock into the Fair &dmiuion and parking from noon to 1 pm. ul 19. Junior Livestock Auction uly 23 · Rockin' Against Hunger admJHion with a donation of 5 canned food item.a, benefttlng Seoon.d Harvest Food Bank. Spomored by: <9 ...... .-........ ~ ........ - Celebrity Chef Series Kida 11 and under admitted PREE SENIORS DAY Sen.ion H + ldm!M 1 I for tt. Ai.o free mt1r1·,....U.d and P'errla .... ridee .. dA.J AlO Thursday, July 3, 2003 LIF E & L E I SU R E BEST BUYS Lookiµg for luxury ? Cartier has collections for you C artier'• collections are timeless. tt's world-renowned for luxury jewelry and watches since 1847, even worn by royalty. My favorite Is Cartier"s signature trinity ring. The rolling ring of three colored 18-k.arat gold bands was launched in 1924. It symbolizes love (pi~, friendship (yellow). and fidelity (white). Can be worn by me(\ and women and comes in three widths. It's also · a 'popular wedding band, and there's a diamond version. Another perennial favorite is the Love CoUection. introduced in 1974. It's a screw-fasteniog bracelet and matching ring in 18-k.arat white or yellow gold. Cartier's latest jewelry collection, Le Baiser du Dragon, launched in May 2003, is Asian and art deco inspired: pendants, rings. bracelets and earrings designed with Fen Ling (wind chimes). wish knots, stones, padlocks and dragon motifs. The store ha<; lhe latest watch collections: the Roadster for men, with interchangeable steel bracelets and calfslon ' straps: and Tank Divan, worn by men and women derived from the classic Tank watch introduced in 1917. There'i..also GREER WYLDER a line of perfumes, pens, lighters, purses, sunglasses and more. It's open from IO a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sarurday: and from l l a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 2, at South Coast Plaza. (714) 540· 8231 . www.cartier com. LOOK GOOD WHILE YOU'RE LOOl(ING . LooktJlg for hard-to-find luxury eyewear designers? Go to the Optical Sh op of Aspen. It specializes in cutting· edge styles and also has a few popular lines such as Gucci and Cllanel. Hollywood-based Ouorhe I !earls is considered iewelry for the face. The frames have wood and leather detailing. sterling ~ilver touches and jewels with a Celtic and gothic look. Prices range from $295 for plastics lo $3,000 for jeweled frames. World renown designer. Barry Kieselstein-Cord whose work.!. are at the Louvre and t,he Metropolitan Museum of Art, also has an eyewea.r collection here. His hand-cast frames incorporate sterling silver, special tooUng and wonderful sculpted touches. Kieselstein·Cord's favors alligator, frog and celestial figures. repeatedly using them on his designs. Prices range fro m $250 to $650. Other lines available are Oliver Peoples, Matsuda, Face A Face and Lunor. OSA fills all prescriptions, and has a tab on the premises. Open from JO a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday co Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 640·8230. MEET THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE OVER DINNER 8 on a Date is a dating company featured on ICTL\· 1V news. MWe arrange dinner parties for four single men and four single women with similar interests," Lorrie Meyer said. "It's a fun, casual way to meet new people." The L.A.-based company has-July events at Bayside Restaurant and the Cannery. Since the concept appeals to women. 8 on a Date is offering men a two-for-one deal -two events for S30. ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE Fmr Homr F11rn11hings, An1u111n 6 C.O/Umbks, TrllliituJ""1 ro Corra gr G1(tJ am/ Carrim Dtror. Wish Lirr anJ 'Drli1~. G11rrlm Cafa Gartbn Pau{J Dining s~1ing BrrUf11.1t, LMnrh) Tea .md "" Esp~sso &r. CAFE HOURS: Mon-Sun 9am-4pm undln ro Cfurubhrn. l "" 6 !l,,rr Boo/rs, CIUIO/fl P1n11rr Fra111111x. Furwrurt' Rtstora11on anti mi«h morr ! ROW' HOURS: Tw-Sat !Oam-5pm 130 MSI' 17"' ST. • COSTA MFSA Al ·O-.&. rr Strm . ' . LIVE ENTERTAINM .. ENT NIGHTLY NEW SUMMER FUN! COMEDY NIGHT Every Sunday Ar 8 PM Make Your Reservations And Enjoy The Show Nightly Dinner Specials Beginning at 5pm final . clearance! .40-70%0 ff! LADIES' SUMMER SHOES, HANDBAGS & ACC ESSORIES Sizes 4 to 12 in a great selection of widths! • Corona Del Mar Plam 964 Avocado Avenue, (comer ol MacArthur and PCH) • 949-721-1325 www.mannisboes.com ......... ,, .. ...,..,,..,. .. ... . .,. www.Bonadate.com. SO YOU NEED SHOES New York-based Steve MMlden, a prolific and cutting edge shoe designer, offers 150 styles appealing to teenagers on up at his South Coast Plaza boutique. Affordable casual and evening styles include slippers, nip-flops, heels, platforms and boots. Only women's styles are at this store. The men's line can be ordered. Promotional sales almost monthly and end-of-season sales. Open from lO a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday lo Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: and~ from 11 a.m . lo 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 2. at South Coast Plaza. (714) 24 l · 7055. www.stevenmadden.com. TWO WAYS TO GET M~IC­ NAPSTER'S NOT ONE Of:" THEM Sam Goody has two stores at South Coast Plaza ln the Sear's wing, Sam Goody offers music and more. It also carries DVDs. videos. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo Game Cube and PlayStation games, action figuft.'r., sunglasses, and rock 'n' roU themed T-sh.i.rt.s. The Sam Goody near Macy's Home Store is three times as big -more of everything. even ~ Both stores are promoting the Vugi.n Mobile pay as you go phone. Open from I 0 am. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 am. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from JI am. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 2. in the Sear's wing (714) 751-2768 and on Level 3. near Macy's I lome Store (714) 64 I ·1156. www,samgoody.com. •BEST BUYS appears Thursdays Send information to Greer Wytder at greerwylder a. yahoo com; at 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170 CA1J. N .. for• Quul U• Be Your I 1 Choice Locally! Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO• HOMEOWNERS • HEALTH S1ab1!tl) \in, t 1 'J~ - ~~ ~S r)_, 949-631-7f 40, 441 Old Newport flh.d. • rwpon Beach (Near Hoag Hotpiw) AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744296. A complete Ust is available at www.dailypilotoom. MUSIC STAR-SPANGLED SALUTE The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orchestra will give its "Star Spangled Salute" at 8 p.m. Friday at the Venzon Wireless Amphitheater. Conductor Richard Kaufman will lead the Pacific Symphony lo a concert that includes fireworts and John Philip Sousa marches. The event is a musical extravaganza of Broadway showstoppers and all-American fanfare. "Phantom of the Opera" stars Davis Gaines and Terri Bibb w ill be offering their talents. Tid<ets are $19 to $85 to order call (714) 751)..5799. BOLERO AND RHAPSODY Maestro Cart St Clair and the Pacific Symphony, with guest pianist Valentina Lisitsa, W111 explore the vibrant rhythms of Spain in a concert called "Bolero and Rhapsody" at 8 p.m July 19 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tid<ets cost $19 to $85. To order, call (714) 755-5799. JAll.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant tn Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Hours are 5 Dady Piiot Gordlen (known as MPG) perform classic rod(. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m . Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rodt. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant ls at 630 Lido Part Drive. Newpori Beadl. Free. (949) 675-3474, MUSIC AT THE PELICAN • The Rusty Pelican offerJ the music • of Common Ground from : Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and frgm 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach'. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant 1s now offenng live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday Players is at 512 W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa Np cover charge. (9491640-5615 WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant tn Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sa)C on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch The program features all your favorites on the saxophone Anthony's 1s at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673·3425 .. .. ... POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk. rod< and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m Saturdays · at Carmelo's R1storante. 3520 E Coast Highway Corona del Mar Solo guitanst Ken Sanders· performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m Tuesdays and Sundays. Free (9491675-1922 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m . • SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Monday through Wednesday (949) 718--0188 . WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p m every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers. drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beadl. Free (9491 67s-nro. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAll. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Ja12 Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway tn Newpori at 8 p.m . Fndays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m Sundays and M ondays Diana Ditri 1oins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500 MUSIC AT THE GRILL The BluewaterGnll offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. N1d< Peper and Kelly Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B al 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArihur Blvd .. Newport Beach Free (9491476-2001 STAGE CIRQUE ELOIZE Cirque Elo1ze. part of th<: new generation of circus performers offenng innovation. 1maginat1on and show-stopping panache, will perform July 11 to 20 at the Barclay Theave at 4242 Campus Dnve in Irvine Tid<ets cost S35 $15 lor children For t1d<ets and mformatton call (949• 8544646 'AIDA' Elton John and Tim Rices "Aida 1s coming to thP Orange County Performing Arts Centers Segerstrom Hall through July 13 T 1d<ets are $27 50 to S64 50 and See AITTR, Paee All ., I Daily Pilot LIFE & 1,,E I SURE Thursdav, Ju1v 3, 2003 Al 1 • NO PLACE LIKE HOME _Silk Trading Company makes its way down south 0 n e of my favorite L.A. haunts is Soulh La Brea Avenue. Good shopping and good eating: it's an awesome combo. Add a couple of friends to the adventure, and you have my idea of a great day. 'The store I never miss is ilie Silk fueling Company. lt'has beautifuJ fabrics in every color and pattern imaginable. It has hardware and furniture, but lhe best p,art about ilie Silk ·rr-cidirig Company is the drapery out of a box. Pre-made silk drapery panels that would quench any thirst for instant gratification. Much to my delight, as I was cruising Crystal Court (which is no longer caDed Crystal Court, and I have no idea whai it's AFTER Continued from AlO can be purdlased at the center's box offioe of online at www.ocpac.org. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. DANCE AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE American Ballet Theatre "International Dance Series" is coming to the Orange County Performing Arts Center's S:egerstrom Hall July 22 through 27. nc:kets cost $20 to $80. tict<ets and information. call (714) 55&-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beadl by the Orange County Swing Dance Oub. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, visit ocswing.com, or call (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 'p.m. to 12:30 a.m . the first Saturday of eadfmonth at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintoc.k Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 64H!688. POETRY PERFORMANCE POETRY AND LNEMUSIC lte Gypsy Den.and Cate at 2930 Bristol St in Costa Mesa is offering a 9eries of performance poetry and live music. Poets Midlael Paul and Mike Sprake will perform, with music by Midlael Ubakfini, on Tuesday. Poets Lee Mallory and · season Cole will perform, with music by Courtney Montgomery, on Wednesday. The free events Will be at 8 p.m. Information: (714) 549-7012. KAREN WIGHT called it now), a brand rtew store was opening ... the first Orcmge County location of the Silk Trading Company. Not as large and not as encompassing as the South la Brea store, but nonetheless, a branch of the mother ship. The Costa Mesa location has bolts of fabrics, which can be ordered in quantity, but it also has the drapery out of a box KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet pla'15 at 7 p.m . Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Parit Ave. (949) 646-8846. P JS AND BOOKS A children's story tin;ie is presented at 7 p.m . Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beadl Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717·380'1. WEEKLY STORYTEUER A children's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-8 South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held a1 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Boolcs & Music al South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m . Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $1~$15. (949) 642-3431. I SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brundl from 10 a.m. to J-.30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newj,ort Beadl. $8-$15. (949) 642-3431. 1W1UGHT DINI.NG A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as dli<*en parmigiana and calamari picante a1 reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. week.days and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, products that are the best ~retail" drapes you can find. The styles have names like the "Hepburn," the ~Madison" and the "Odessa.• and the fabrics are made in colors dubbed daiquiri, seedling, duchess blue, mulbeny ... and lhe list goes on. TI1ey come in a variety of lengths and can be used as working drapes or decoratixe side panels. The · styles vary: simple, lined panels with beautifully pleated tops; silk taffeta with sheer overlays; diamond patchwork silk; sheer Garnbetta silk; silk with seed pearls and lined wool jacquards. The mood goes from no-nonsense to over the top. ln other words, you can find drapes for the living room and drapes 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. a1 Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach $30; $40 with champagne. (949} 47~2001. CLUBS Al.TA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays a1 Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St, Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily a1 the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2nO. BISTRO 201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and roc.k is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1n3 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5550. DURTY NEUY'S Live music is performed a1 9 p.m. ILou lt favorltel Stnce 1995 .. for the nursery in orle fell swoop. The dressmaker details are one of the qualities lhat set lhese drapes apart. The Hepburn drape is silk taffeta made with a contrasting band of color on lhe sides and bottom of ilie drapes. The combinations soUJ1d as go<?d as the product: soft yellow 8)'fft ivory. rouge and raj; aod ivory wf'th ivory. The Madison drape is made of Durham park silk taffeta in bold stripes with colors combinations lhat include apple and cream; eggshell and beige and royal rust with taupe. The l.elda drape would make any girly-girl giddy. The lined Como silk drape has a .sheer overlay that gives it an ethereal quality. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 7~. HARD ROCK CAFE .. Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Rock Cate, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beadl. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmictiael's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261~270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suile D, Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595. MARGARrTAV1UE Live music is performed at Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacti. (949) 631-8220 . MARRAKESH Authentic Morocx:an cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 64&-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays See AFTER, Paee Al3 Granted, lhese are not inexpensive. However, if you add up lhe cost of fabric and labor, lhese drapes are cost effective. Price!> are $425 a pair and up. OK. way up. 'There are also lhe in-between products lhal are a great deal for upscale design window coverings. The widths vary from 78 inches to 94 inches wide, and lhe lengths are 110 to 120 inchl''>. Don't be frightened by length. These are the kind of drape!> that !>hould "puddle" on lhc noor It> enhance lht' '>en:-.e of drama. fu fint!>h Ult' 1ub, Lhe Silk r rading Company also ~ hardware that comes m a dt'>lincuw varit-ty of !>tyle-. and fini.,hc•., You um walk. out n( U1t -.um.• wuh your drnperit''> out of , a box and lldvt· dt-'>1w1t·r drapt·'> tn 1h1: ba_g. •KAREN WIGHT •s a Newpon Beach resident Her column runs Thursdays We like to run & play! Purebred German Shepard and Shepard/Malinois m ix are looking for a new home. We are both fixed, healthy, current on shots. housebroken and respond well to basic com.mands. We are best fnends. and hope to stay together. We can't wait to hear from you! 714.841.8675 Noah's Ark -Foundation 10073 Valley View St., #226, Cypress Actual Photo Screening Process and Adoption Fee now two locations free drink 427 E. 17TH STREET COSTA MESA, CA 949.646.1440 Mor-.: -FRJ 7:00 -6:00 SATl'RDA\ 7:00 -5:00 Closed Sunday Ruy dnV ~andw1d1 or 'alaJ arid rlH l\t a frl'l drink Must present lUUpun .it timt' of pun.haw Limit one per CU\tnnH r Hurry £.xpirt'<. 7 ti .i 0 ~ 2950 GRACE LA \1 COSTA MDA CA 714.424.017 6 Tll -S.\T 9:00 -S:OO Clo~d Sundav & \fo11Ju1 SL:\fl.OL'R N:\TLR:\L BAKERY The Original MIKE'I CARPETS OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your De.corating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPBOLSTEIY • Custom-Made furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies, Shades., &~reads . ' . . . A12 Thursday, July 3, 2003 ... L I F E .& L E I S U R E ~ TRAVEL TALES • • > ,._. Antique bargains in Buenos Aires . . . ' ... • ... ! . ' A skilled craftswoman repairs an antique South American tribal rug in .Palermo Viejo. tJ~e.PIZZA "Proudly Serving Costa.Mesa Since 1974" k----EVERYTvESDAY ----, --L~~ttt!r!L'!~!CJ 1420 Baker Street #8 , Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (Costa Mesa S<tuare -Target Center) - (949) 548-5523 or (714) 545-6328 join 1ts today to begi.n ... a lifetime of be/011gi.11g! Find out why Congregation Shir Ha·Ma'alot is one of the warmest. friendliest, and most innovative Reform congregations in -Orange County Get to know us and our dynamic Rabbi Richard Steinberg and feel right at home. lnterta1th lam1hes welcome. july 4th: 33)pm ~ at Corona DEf Mai-9Eacll 6.00pm '86adl' 5habbat Se-via ~11th: 7:¥>pm Shabbat 5£rvkE July 18th: &30pm Tot Shabbat 7:30pm Shabbat 5£rvice c 0 N G R E G A T I 0 "' July 25th: Sh ir H"-~'"lot &30pm WlnE & (hffSE RECEptlon 949-857 2226 7:30pm 'Friday N!;lt l.M' Musical 5Ervia - 3652 MJchElson OrlvE. lrvlnE. CA 92612 :::.· . . . -· · .. • wwwshmtempleorg ... ".• • " r ........ Style is not a size .. , It's an attitude! Fun, Feminine Styles for All Shapes & Sizes of Beautiful Women. · 369 E. 17th St., #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 ( I •#J PHOfOSCOURTESYOf BRIAN DAY . A-colorful stand m filled with several items in San Telmo at the Plaza Dorrego Antiques Fair. The fair takes place every Sunday. , _, By Brian Day If vo111 olln·t antique., or jll!'.I low lim· old ohju·to,, Rueno!'> \111•.., 1 ... 1111c· l111g1• rnagiral t'~lale -.,do· 1 IH' \<\t1rld'i. ninth largel>I 1·j1 y t•Jlt Olllp<t-.'>C" /'.j "<.jUaft' 11111e.., urc111111J .i lore t.:allcd lhe l>i"4 rict frder.tl. Buenos Aire~ 1od,1y •~ al'>o lme of 1.hc bes1 kepi ..,crrr•h for irw>.ptnsive. 5nphistka1ed urban adventure. Currency, unlinkcd 'from the u.~. dollar in 2002. has dro pped from 3.5 Argenti ne pesos per doll ar to about '.!..75 per dollru:. flegardJess, American greenbacks stiU wield clout in this lively, cultured metropolis once called the "Pari-; of the South." Buenos Aires was an immensely rich and powerful't immigrcll\t destination in the 19th and 20th centuries. Wealthy famiieslmported high-end furniture, clothing. decorative objects, jewelry and more by the boatload from Europe. Argentina's on-again. off-again econo mic woes have forced many porte nos, or people u f the port, to sell cherished family heirlooms. There's a flood of beautifuJ old items available. and bargains are routine if you know where to shop. The San l e lmo district has a famous open-air Sunday antique fair at Plazi! Dorrego a nd mru1y surrounding stores are crammed with unusual old merchandise. The fair is fun, but prices are high and the tiny square crowded. Browse the outdoor stalJs and enjoy the street performers, but you'll need to explore the city for better deals. Defensa SLreet biiects Plaza Dorrego and, away from the tourist fair, prices drop. San Telmo is rich wiLh historical architecture and some majestic. - cavernous old buiJdings are subdivided into collectives. Many shops have specialties: dolls, french fu~liture, old toys. vintage linens, bras!> and bronze decorative hardware. posters. period lighting fixtures, ornate picture frames and antique clue~. Art Nouveau and Art De<:o abound!'.. I saw beautifuJ Wl'v!F sterling and plate vases, trays, boJW!'. and mirrors. There's an gla'>s by to p-notch makers - Daum Nancy, Galle, Loet7~ Sabino. Lalique and more. Victorian jewelry is readily available too. As old families vacate their e nonnous apartments, good 18th and 19th century furniture often comes to market for the first time in gen erations. Fasrj11ating stories abound. A hundred years ago, prominent locaJ familie'i ordering from the city's best floris ts got their arrangements delivered in "free" hand-blown Galle cameo va'>es. The flowers have long since crumbled to dust, but the vases can be worth thousands of dollars. Buenos Aires is sprawling and quite dense. and luckily, cheap cabs are abundant. There are extensive bus.and subway systems, but for a couple of dollars, the yellow-topped taxis will take you virtually anywhere. After a day of hard bargaining, cafe society beckons. One of the oldest is Cafe Tortoni, where swoony tango singer Maria Volante holds audiences enthralled Thursday evenings. At Cafe La Biela in Recoleta, the rich , powerful and famous crowd table-hops under faded photos of vintage racing cars and brave drivers from the past. Nightlife bubbles and swirls everywhere; the chic crowd dines at 11 p.m. or later. There's haute cuisine in the swanky Recoleta and trendy PaleAllo Viejo areas and simple but delicious fare at working class San Telmo cafes. Prices are right $7 U.S. buys a thick. flavorful steak dinner of grass-fed beef with side dishes, a half-liter of decent local wine, dessert and coffee. Getting your treasures home can be straightforward. Small items should be carefuµy packed in bubble wrap and hand-carried or checked in •I Classical architecture is everyMiefe in Buenos /Wes' Recoleta district. luggage. U.S. Customs allows $800 free of duty, but I hrought back even more with no problems. Prices can be so compelling that it's often worth the extra cost -and wait -for a special find. If you fall in love with a massive Gothic Revival sideboard or other large piece of antique furniture, accommodating dealers will crate and ship in their monthly container loads. Most containers go by freighter to Miami and then truck10 other U.S. destinations. Dealers han~e local paperwork. inch,.ading. customs and export forms. but you'll have to take care of the U.S. side. For a small sun:harge, some deaJers will also ship items you find yourself. International buyers are omnipresent in Buenos Aires · ""' s ince the latest cmrency · - devalua tion, bu1 bargains can be ,., found with a little investigation. • For such a large. sophisticated city, Buenos Aires offers a compelling melange of value, culture, night life, food and fun. • BRIAN DAY is a Corona del Mar resident. ... -.. •TRAVEL TALES runs on Thursdays: Have you. or someone you know, gone on an interesting vacation? Tell us about your adventures in about 400 words, accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not have~' • Daily Pilot in them, and send them •' to Travel Tales, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or e-mail cora/.wllson@latimes.com; orfa1< to (949) 6464170. I ' .. I • • , =--~~~'."':'"'::--~':":"""':":"""":"'~~$$119~ ..... ~~-..-"!'"""'~·~·p4~1~•W"lll• ........... ,...~ ...... ,, ..... , .. , 1' .. SUMMER CAMPS COSTA MESA • A $6 fee will be added to each program for nonresidents. . UBER CAW COSTA MESA ~ The camp, geared toward cnpciren ages 6 to 12, Includes various recreational programs, sport.I. games, arts and crafts and excursions. The camp Is held at the Balearic Community Center. It runs Monday through Friday from June 23 through Aug. 22. The 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. session costs $90, and the 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. seNlon coats $110. For more information, call (714) 754-5158. MOBILE RECREATION leamlng. The program will Include worbhopa and activities suet. as photography, cooldng and nutrition, economic literacy, sports and various field trips. The program will begin June 23 and end Aug. 29. It will run from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. Registration is $40, and weekly fees are $90 to $100. For more information, call (949) 646-7181. NEWPORT BEACH •A $10 fee will be added per class $75 and over and SS per class $74 and under for non-residents. TEEN POLICE ACADEMY CAMP The Newport Beach Police Department will offer a Teen Police Academy.to local students. Department ex.perts In SWAT. K-9. narcotics, patrol, traffic laws, firearms and driving under the • influence will conduct the eight-week program. Students will participate in practical demonstrations and will accompany an officer on a ride-along. Students who attend all eight sessions can eam 24 LIFE & LE I SURE will be provided. Sessions run from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and begin as early as June 23. The fee 1s $155 per week. For more Information, call the center at (949) 646-7725. SAILING CAMP . Children ages 8 through 12 can participate in an eight-day sailing camp that will give them expenence sailing in eight-foot sabots. They will l~arn basic sailing skills such as rigging and 6oat maintenance Participants must bring a Coast Guard-approved life jacket each day, as well as a daily snadt. A $10 material fee wall be due on the first day. The camp, which costs $185 per session. runs from 9 a.m. to noon or from 1 to 4 p.m For more information. call (9491 644-3151. SURF CAMP Weeklong surf cemp sessions for people age 8 and older will begin June 30. The classes will teach participants the basic skills of surfing and water safety Wet sutts are strongly recommended Surfboards are provided. Participants should be C@pable of handling themselves calmly in the water. An ocean swim will be conducted on the firs\ day of cia11. A S3 material fee 1s payable to the inatructor at first class. The sessions. whk:tl cost $63, run frorfl 7:30 to 9 a.m. or from 9 to 10:30 a.m . Monday to Friday. For more information. call (949) 644-3151. BROADWAY FUNK-MUSICAL THEATER CAMP Learning a little more about Thursday, July 3, 2003 All t Broadway, dlildren ages 8 to 16 can spend a week during thetr summer learning Jazz. funk end contemporary steps from IUch show turtes u "Annie," "GrNN" and ·The Sound of Music." This class is designed for boys and gir1s interested 1n musical thNter and looking to gain poise and self-confide'noe. A S3 material fee is payable to the Instructor on the first day of ctus. The .... ion will start on July 14 and will run from 3 to 4:30 p.m Monday to Friday. The fee is S95 For more information call 1949) 644·3151 Children age 5 and older can participate in a little mobile recreation this summer. When th~italler rolls into their nefghb;orhood, they can join in on ar111~ crafts and other or(1afllzed activities. Younger ch!Jf111n are welcome when aCOQfftpenled by an adult. The se~ Is free. For more information on time and locations. call (7141754-5158. S~MER TEEN CAMP StUOents entering grades seven through nine in fall 2003 can p~pate in a six-week excursion-based camp. The daily ex~sions will include trips to local amusement parks, malls. movies and museums. The camp bed'lns July 7 and ends Aug. 15. The camp, which runs from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m . Monday to Friday, costs $95 per week. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. communitt service hours toward their graduation requirement. To ..---participate. students must be between 14 and 18 years old. be attending high school in Newport Beach and have consent from a parent or guardian. There is no cost to attend the camp. The camp runs June 26 to A'\Jg. 14. For more information, call the KIDS IN THE KITCHEN Children ages 5 to 11 will have a chance to prepare foods and learn the basics in cooking so they can help mom and dad in the kitchen. The five-week class will teach students how to measure. mix. spread. cut, stir and, most importantly, taste. The class is $30 for five weeks. A $10 material fee will also apply. Classes will begin June 25 or July 30. For more information, call (714) 327-7525. PLAYGROUND PROGRAM Children ages 6 to 13 can spend their summer days playing on the play91"<>und, part1c1pating in crafts and even going on different · excursions. Children in the program may come and go freely, ubut will be supervised by recreational leaders. The free program will run from June 23 to Aug. 22. For more information on times and locauons, call (714) 754-5158 BOYS ANO GIRLS CLUB Boys and girls ages 6 to 18 can head over to Eastside Costa Mesa for_the club's summer program. The prngram runs Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m . to 6 p.m. Aside from being able to participate in a variety of the activities at the club, participants also have the option of going on two field trips a week. Participants need to be members of the organization, a S50 annual fee. The summer program Is S7~per week and additional fees may apply for field trips. For more information, call (949) 642-9372. GIRLS INC. Girls ages 5 through 12 can participate in a summer program that .incorporates fun and AFTER Continued from Al l through Saturdays at the Marriott Hotel. 900 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 6404000. MUU>OON'S Muldoon's Is an Irish pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island. Newport Beach. (949) 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE l..ocel pop end light roe* ecla peffom) Fridays nf s.Mdlya at Newport Landing'a OVtW Ber ~It the Balboa F.,-y Le~ 603 E. Edgew*' Jwe. (~2373. • . . department's Community Relations Office at (949) 644-3662. SUMMER DAY CAMP Children entering kindergarten through the seventh grade are welcome to attend a Community Youth Center Camp in Coro'na del Mar or Balboa. A trained recreation staff will provide an environment conducive to individual achievement, self-esteem and sportsmanship. Camp fees. from $90 to $110 per week, include a weekly excursion to a local theme park or sporting event and various beach activities. Participants need to bring a lunch, snack{; and sunscreen. A camp T-shirt wiU be provided. The camp runs from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information. call (949) 644-3151 KIDS PADDLE CAMP Children 8 to 12 can learn the basic kayaking and outrigger canoeing skills as they paddle to destinations around Newport Harbor. They will also en1oy crafts and a potluck barbecue at the Newport Aquatic Center on Fridays. Participants should bring a towel, bathing suit, change of clothing and lunch. Life jackets Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your hon1<.-r n, rll i I • 11e1.1d ~ i II the h;. nd of Pri\ ah' \ lortgage H' n Our experie nced We ll s Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your commun ity and excel at providing ound solutior1 s for upscale home financing. Our un paralleled se lection accomod ates a sophisti cated level of need and preferences, and our un. urpassed service ensure the '1 c) .... Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Brancb Manaaer Ula Hayti 949-2514409 Priv* Mortpge Banker ... complete sati sfaction yo u expect and deserve. •Specializing in j umbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3 ,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans O.vld J•' • Deftnis M:V1 AD• Oirild11e M. Kim Kr1vtU Kun le Luce Meaee Sladenoe Porter·Doutb 949-251-4902 949-2534354 949-251-4467 949-251-4453 949-251-4-452 • 949-~3-4236 Priv11e Monaaie Pnvare Monaaae Private Mortgage Priv11t Monpac Priv11e Monpae PriVlle Mortpgt Banker Banker Banker Banker Banker Banker Main Omce (949) 251-6047 Garv Parker 949-253-4221 Construction Manager ' ~VISIT US ONLINE AT Www.soUlhcoastsubarU.Conl . ' 0 4 WR X ST~ 3 0 0 i-1 r--f~ 0 Vv' ARR IV ING ! NEW! 2004 Turbo WRX hus arrived! Test l to~u) ~-~~ ... .;J/#l·fHJ~-:::Subaru ~~WRX Sedans & -wagons . · · 1 22.7hp I . . . 2Q03 SUbaru :Baja® ~ IA~~l . ·-. . ~ . .. ' 3 To Choose Model 3BP (105431 ) ( 105701 ) ( 107157) • .. . . ~ .. • • . . $999.00 Down . Sale price $21 ,026 +tax, lie, d~ fees, govt. fees , finance charge, 4.49% APR, 72 mos .. Tier 1 buyer on ban.k approval thru Subaru .: Finance Corp. All dealer incentives are included . 2003 Subaru Outback illlgons & LL Beans .. -----.---~---:--~~~~~~-·~~~~~ ........ ------119111!1~..-~----------.-................... mll~i~E~1 QUOTE OF 11iE DAY "We will bounce back." ~Watt, NBU National ~Star Sports Edllor Richard Dmn: (949) 574-4223 • 5pof1I Fu: (949) 650-01 70 NEWPORT BEACH LITILE LEAGUE Newport Beach hitters silenced by Hargreaves Rancho Mission Viejo pitcher limits National All -Stars to one hit '"ruesday in 9-1 victory. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot MISSION VTEJO -Judging by the looks on their faces and the food in their mouths. the Newport Beach Uttle League National Major All-Stars had al- ready put Tuesday night's game behind them. while strik.iiig out I 0, including the side in three of his 4 ¥1 innings on the mound. He limited Newport to one hit -a one-out bunt single by Aetcher Della Grona in the first inning -and one run despite issuing seven wallcs. Hargreaves then h elped himself with the bat. blasting a solo "home run into the row of parked cars be~nd the right-center field fence to leadoff the third inning. giving RMV a 4-1 lead. RMV scored four in the third to go with three in the first and two in the fifth to spell the end for Newport, which wdn't go away without a fight. som e- thing Manager John Della Grona appre- ciated. ·They have the ability to rebound.· John Della Grotta said. ·There aren't huge highs and lows. I wouldn't think they would dwell on this much after Ith.is morning!.· faced a well-balanced team .fuesday. Both nodded that they would be ready for Sarurday at 5 p.m., whe n Newport plays the winner of Newport Beach American and South Irvine American. The loser would drop out of the double- ellmination tournament. ·we wiJJ bounce back.· Wan said. "IRMVJ is a good team.· Watt pitched the final I -n innings in relief of Newport starter Steven Man- ning. who struck out six and only issued one walk. A few timely hits along with an error and a few wild pitches melded together as the fonnuJa for RMV's runs. ·0ur pitchers pitched well." John Della Grotta said. "Watt pitched a whale of two innings and Manning did well. They had a few hits that blooped in, so that, combined with the passed balls, was our undoing: July 7 hooofee CHARLES CHATMAN Thursday, July 3, 2003 81 COLLEGE WATER POLO UCI fires Swail Juhe SwaJJ. whu rnachNJ the UC lr-. vine women\ water1><Jlo team to a 39- 74 record 111 tht· progrdm'> first three yean> of eXJi.teme. ha' !wen fired. the school annouml'd Wedne.,day. A nationwide '>t:arch wiJI begin lffi· ml'<iiately for 'lwail\ replatemen1, who wtll 1ake O\er a progrcu11 that finished 20·21 last ..e~un and wa' ranked No. 14 in the final nauonaJ poll 11w Anteaters finil>hed 10th in the Moun1am Pacific Sporti. Federalllm "We are grateful to Juht• tor her efforts and c:ontribuuon'> m helping establish a new program at UU," lJU ~nior Asso- ciate Athletic Director Petnna Long said, "but we have determmea that we will benefit from a change in philosophy and direcuon at th1., unw SwaiJ is a world-da...._., tnathlete at· tempting to qualify for the 2()()4 Olym- pic c;ame-. tn Athens. c,ree<.e She was capta111 ol tht· women' nauonal water polo team lhat ~on lhe ... iJver medal at lhe 2000 Olympic'> 111 Sydney. Austraha. 5wail did not immediately return a phone m~ge left di her home Wedn~ay. It was probably a good thing they did. The I I-and 12-year-olds from New- pon were humbled by a towering pitch-. er and a few big hitters from host Ran- cho Mission Viejo -playing on its home field -which pounded its way to 'l 9-1 victory in a second-round.District 55 Major All-Stars tournament game at Curtis Park. Jordan Hargreaves, RMV's starting pil~er, lirnited.J'lewport to just one hit Andrew Wan and Max Frisbie -sit- ting near one another on a grass em- banlcrnent ..adjacent to where Newport players sat eating postgame snacks - each cracked a smlle. knowing they Newpon. which clobbered 13 hits in a 13-2 win against Aliso Viejo last Satur- day, ~uldn't muster a hit with runners DON LEACH I OM.Y P9..0T Fletcher Della Grotta of the Newport Beach National Al~Stars makes a catch See NEWPORT, Pac• 82 whie crossing the foul line in Tuesday's Dtstnct 55 Ma1or tournament. The Costa Mesa High girts track and field team capt\J'ed the GotdenWest GOLDEN WEST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS Snyder, Yelsey .collect honors Two former Corona del Mar stan9outs are aJDona select group of 40 labeled as.nation's finest. • ' .. I ' \. 12 _~. My 3, 2003 NEWPORT Continued-from Bl lo scoringpositJqn. With first and third and one out lo the second and one run already lo, Manning came to the plate and hit a chopper fielded by third baseman Josh Huntzin- ger, who saw the runner had drifted Loo far down the third- base line. Huntzinger threw to catcher Jimmy Kinney and th~ pickle was on. ,Kinney tossed back to Huntzinger, who applied the tag for the second out and he immediately turned around to toss the ball to shortstop Orris Moore, who made the final put- out of the inning on the sUding runner. Michael Bloom led off the inning with a walk. stole sec- ond and eventually scored on a wild pitch. "We ran ourselves out o( that irming," John Della Grotta said. · "The runner instinctively ran and it turned into a double play. If the ball is an inch the other way, then it's a double that scores two runs. But give IRMVJ credit. We had (I largreave'>I on the rope!> SPORTS "I expect them to early on and he wor'ked come back back to from be- PHOTOS BY DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT Above, Michael Bloom of ttle Newport Beach National Little League AJ~rs steals second base, while Rancho opponent can't handle ttle ttlrow from home, Below, Newport pitcher Steven Manning uncorks a fastball in the District 55 AJ~Star tournament against Rancho Mission Viejo. wit~ a great effort. I hope it's a good day for us:' hind in the RMY. which-played its first John Della Grotta, manager count throw strikes when he needed to." liar- greavei., who injured his throw- lo tournament game aft er a bye Saturday, plated three runs in the first. only one earned. Lead- off hiner Ouis Moore !>ingled and cored on John Simons' grounder fielded by Lhird base- man Camden Nicholson, whose throw to catcher Brad Hess was too. late to get the sUding runner. Huntzinger singled in Simons two barters later. ing shoul· der playing soccer earlier in the year. relied on a high fastbaJI Newport hitters had a difficult time calchlng up witfi. "I was jusl lrying 10 nol get hit and get on base," Frisbie. who singled in Newport's first-round game, said of his seven-pitch al· bat which resuJted in Newport's third consecutive waJk to begin the third inning. But with the bases loaded and no outs, Hargreaves hardly seemed· rattled. I le promptly struck out the next three batters on nine pitches 10 end the in- ning. Newport managed only one baserunner after that. as reliev- ers Alex oUpre and Orris Moore tamed Newport's bats. •All three guys were about equal during the 'season: Mike Willett, RMV Manager said. "The key was getting out to a good start in the first inning. We like being the visitors, even in our home park.." Simons singled and scored 'in the third on a walJc. and Parker Fmley p1aTed Huntzinger on a, single to right. Newport displayed some strong defense. Hunter Alder -playing at first - snared a one-hoppe r off the bat of Ryan Shott lo get the put- out in the first while He~ threw to Zachman covering second to tag out a sliding runner to end the sixth. James PetriJli battled the lights in center field to catch a line drive off the bat of Moore in the sixth. Scon Ely reached bru.e on a fielder's choice in the second while Scott Thomsen made con- tact at the plate and saw action at first in the game's latter stages, all encouraging signs for John . Della Grotta as he looks forward toSa~ay. "I expect them to come back with a great effort," he ~d. "I hope ic's a good day fo r u!>." County standard. .. DAY Continued from B 1 first league title as an imposing middle blocker. For good m easure. she was sixth in CIF Seuthern Section Division Ill in the 200 (a personal-record 25.37) and helped the 1,600 relay finish eighth at section finals. Not surprisingly, she ls the Mustangs' Girls Athlete of the Year, after earning similar honors in Orange County and the Golden West League. Few would argue that Day, who will compete in soccer and ttack and field at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, is not the greatest female athlete produced by the school. Her senior spring Included the aforementioned state hlgh jump crown (5-10 before 11,862 at Cerritos College June 7). Prior to repeating as state champion, she won the OF Southern Section Masters M,eet (5-10), as well as her fourth straight section Division Ill crown (6-0, a division record). She won Golden West League titles in the high jump (5 -8), JOO meters (13.07) and 200 (26.30) and also anchored the league champion 1,600 relay, which clocked a 1eague-record 4:07.44, to help the Mustangs win the league championship as a team. Perhaps her crowning moment in track and field, however, occurred much earlier in the season, when she soared 6-2 to win the Trabuco Hills Invitational April 5. That mark stood up as a national best for the season and also broke the CIF Southern Section and Orange Her senior &occer season included a 22-1-3 record. capped by a scoreless tie in the Division Ill title game against Walnut, as weU as a prodigious 29 goaJs and 34 assists. With Day controlling the midfield, Mesa outscored opponents, I 05-15, for the season. The CIF final standoff ended a I 7 -game winning streak-including a 12-0-0 Golden West League run in which the Musta ngs outscored the opposition, 78-2 -but extended the team's season-ending unbeaten streak t6 23 games. The run to the CIP Division Ill co-title included four playoff wins, from a program that had just one postseason triumph Its first 12 seasons of existence (a first-round win in 2002). As a 5-foot-8 middle blocker. she was a dominant force, according to volleyball 'coach Allison Salladin, who joined other coaches in unanimously voting her Golde n West League MVP. Leading the Mustangs to an unprecedented league title, running the table In 12 league matches. she helped Mesa make its first trip to the CIF playoffs ln five years. A first-round • playoff loss finalized the team's record at 13-3. , The 2002-03 athletic year was but ... icing on a mul1111ered career In addition to the aforementioned 1wo slate high jump crowns. !>he was a fo ur-time section Division Ill title winner and a four-time league champion in her featured event. She was fourth al the section Di vision Ill finals in the 400 as a junior, after winning the Pacific Coac;t League crown ' /in the same event Wlth a.personal-record 57.JJ two week!> earlier. She was aJso league 200 champion as a junior. Her sophomore year culminated with a third-place showing in the high jump at the state mee1 (5 -8) and she finished fourth in state with the identical mark as a freshman. She tied for second at the Masters Meet as a sophomore and was the outright runner-up as a freshman. -She was second in the 400 at section Division Ill finals as a sophomore and was a section Division Ill finalist in the event as a freshman. Her junior soccer season included a run at the PCL title, before finis hing '!!..nner-up to Newport-Mesa District nVal Corona del Mar. She was named Co-MVP of the PCL. finished with I 7 goals and pine assists, and was named second-team AU-CIF D~slon.rv. As a sophomore, she collected 23 goals and 16 assists, en route 10 first-team All-PCL laurels and she' had 14 goals and 12 assists as a freshm~so earning first-team AIJ-PCL recognition. She was second-learn AlJ-PCL ln volleyball as a juruor. -·- • SWIMMING . -· Peirsol, Mackey ~ recognized as All-Americans Newport Harbor graduates honored by national interscholastic coaches association. Newport Hartior High gradu- ates .Hayley Peirsol and Nicole Mackey have one more honor to remember their high school swtmmlng careers by: AD-Ameri· can status. Peirsol, who won CIF Southern Section Division I titJes in the 200· and 500-yard free. style, was ranked No. I in the country in the 500 and No. 14 ln the 200. She was 102nd in the 200 indMdual m~ey. Mackey, the CJF Southern Sec· lion Di>lision I champion in the 200 individual medley. ranked seventh in the country in that event. She was also 13th in the 100 butterfly. 74th in the 100 back:,troke, 84th in the 100 breaststroke and 164th in the 100 f~1yle. To gain AU-American status. swimmers must meet times set by the ~donaJ Inter- scholastic Swimming Coaches Association. · Also included on the AlJ- American lists was Newport Har- bor's Mai Thjima. ranked 54th in the I 00 backstroke. The Sailors' three relay teams were also re- presented. The 200 medley relay, a sixth-place finisher in the CIF Southern Section Division I fi- nals, consisted <>f Thjima, Jenna Murphy, Mackey and Peirsol and was ranked 66th. in the nation. The 200 freestyle relay team or Leah Robertson, A.mley Parole, Anne Belden and Jenna Murphy placed 162nd Mackey, Peirsol, and Tajima also teamed With Anna Belden on the 400 freestyle relay team. which ranked 36th. Peirsol, who will attend the Auburn University, is scheduled to compete in the World Cham· pio.nships in Barcelona. Spain, July 12-27. Mackey. bound for the Universiry of I lawaii, is slated to compete in the World Univer- sity Games in Korea. Aug. 24-30. COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL Lindquist headed to Monterey Bay F.ormer Estancia center accepts scholarship to play for NAIA Otters. Joey Undquist. who recently gradualed from F.srancta I hgh. will play bru.lcetbaJJ for Cal Slate Monterey Bay next season. Eagle boys basketball coach Oaris Sorce said Tuesday. "He prelly much got every· thing paid for. which is really mce." Sorce said of Lindquist"'> ·scholarship. Lindquist. a 6-foot-8 center for the Eagles the past two years. earned second-team AU-Golden West League honors this past season after averaging 12.4 point!> per game. Lindquist aver- ~ed h .5 ppg. in his junior sea- son on hjs way 10 collecting.sec ond-team All -Pacific Coast 1.eagul' laureb. "I !e's juo;t '>Cratchmg the sur- face a!> far as ba!>k.etball ill con- cerned," ~rce said. "He has been work.mg really hard. He '>tarted a bttle late in basketball. so he's behind in that sense. But he's starting to catch up and starting 10 become a well-round· ed player. I'm really proud of his accomplishmenrs." Hae CaJ State Monterey Bay Otten., who finished I 5-15 last season. play in the NAIA and will be under the direction of first· year coach Bill Trumbo. the ath· letic director of the school. -by Stew Virgen YOUTH FOOTBALL Jun ior signup s continue Football players and cheer· (Tuesdays. Wednesdays and leaders ages 7 -14 can still sign up Thursdays) from September for the upcoming fall season of. through __ mid-November at the Newport-Mesa Junior AU-Ameri· same times on the Bonita Creek can Football. flelds. Teams usually practice four Call Jim McGee at (949) 640· nights a week from 5:45 p.m. to 0500 or by e-mail at 7:45 p.m. in August at Corona del nmjaaf@mcgeeandasso- Mar 1 ligh and three days a week elates.net for information. HONORS Continued from Bl • tie June 4. Snyder, the No. I sin· gles player, won without drop· ping a game and finished undefeated ln singles and dou- bles play throughout dual match competition during the season. He reached the final or the CIF singles tournament th.la past sea.son and won CIF doubles ti- tles in 2001 with Brian Morton, and In 2002 with Canten Ball. Yelsey. who will,play for Stan· ford next seaso'n. finished No. 9 In the 2003 USTA junior 6.naJ rankiilgs. She endured injuries in her senior season, but came back and played doubles with her sister, Rachel, who will be a s9phomore for the Sea J(Jngs in the fall . Anne Yelsey provided consis- tency In helping lead CdM to Its dominant runs to CIF Southern Section Division rv titles lo 2000 and 2001. The CdM girls tennla • team reached the ClF Oivisloo l : semlftnals this past year, losirt( ; on games to Calabasas, 78-74. • WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport· Mesa Commu nity Ford Dealer Motorcratt-011 and-.. Fiiter Change Front End &Brau· lnapectlon ! • It .. " ' ' .. -• J \ Ud1ly t'llot ' GOLF earn members from • JtNport Beach Country Club and Santa Ano Country Club head to 18th hole with Jones Cup gallery 1n tow ~ Homec~mingfor Cochrane H l' 1..110\\' lilt' I llll"l' 11!..t lite• h.l('k ol h1' li .. mJ t111U liorwd h" i-:1111 ,111d 111.111t1gl'll,il ..,kltl.., undt:r 1l1t' llC'ad p10Jt·,..,1or1al \\ho '"'" 11 1· 11 up alo11g-.1dt• 111111 \\ lwn Jorll'' 1 111• I\ l..td.-. uH 1 1g I .ii \It'" \c·rdt· < ctUlllf) J 1h. ( •l'OI( I. Cll llfdllt' llt'tld gull pr· 1lc•"1011,iJ 11 '°kllll,1 \11,1 ( 111.Jll I/ I Jul> \\ 11/ ht t•11lbc1rl..111g Ill I l.11111h.11 11111 ! 111 l11t1111· twg,111 J' t1 IMi.; .. 1 l'flll 1111 ,I( \lt',,I \trth 111 l~'lt 11111 t '''lllli.111\ I> ,,,.,t o111 "' BRYCE ALDERTON ''ho won 1lw llll'll\ ( 1111> '· · champ11 •II ... tup tor t1 '''th tllllt' .tml I c1ga1t1'>t Bill \\dd1 .tftl·r lh !min "1<11 urUJ\ 111 tht· li11al IJI llH· da\.., 111 ll!Jtlh pl.I\ \ ltlfllll d1· lt·t11etl I\\ o tlllll' ddt>t 1t1111g pon B1·,11 h < ot11llr} < .lul>. 10111 "IMl{l'lll ,111ti ltr...I llllll' Liuh dtt11np1on °'"'\\' llhort:r. \!e-.a Vertie: Hob I m L'JO\ ,111tl \\'all fip- 111n, Brg ( .<111\ on \\ JIJ ii kt•t II I llllr'l' kilt)\\ lt·tlgt· Jlfl'\Jll tor < 11d11.111t· .1llo\\ti1h hun anc.J \t.ir1111 111 da1111 '><1111,1 \11.J\ n,. .. 1 J1Jlll'' 1 up \ .u,,11 '" \\Ill .J IJ1111la.11 1 llJlllJlll•l1 UJll llllllt' lt1Url),1flh Iii ,111 ll'"' li11 Iii}; ( .111\0ll' I ()\l')O\ h.J ... h1•1•1) IHI II l l.J ... '''" \\llH1111g tl-.1111-. lrum 1s1g C Jll\tlll \\hth• I pie n \\1111 1ht· c.luh di.1111p1111bl11p ,1 .,, t ttml ... Hhorer ctnd p.irl nr·r ·\ 11·1 <.1111111'>, frrim l~1J...1• \rri1\dl!'.id C.ou111ry (Juh. pm11'd ,c .!II-, 1u '"n lht' O\'t'rall gm'' 1 .ill·gon .11 \l1·,,1 , ..... 11,._ "'' 11111• ..... l llllll"""'Ull. \I.tr!\ \I rrh ••l•ll I ti IS111l..1 lfl I \I 1rl .1 .. l uu11l1\ I Jull 1.t1l1t II , 1., •\H1 lhc lJ•t lo 1 ,.. lh1· t11 ... t l11~ll lu I I Ji,:fflflltlfl,ltip 11 • JI d H•1h \lid• r-·· "I• 11h, m c .1htr1111 .. Ill l • t ... •• 1111 II' I 'I, \ 1/1 t .1tll I Jul 111 gl In~ >'lei~ Ju I .) / 'J.., I 83 PONY BASEBALL CdMknocks off Irvine, 14-4 St. John leads attack with three hits and three scoreless innings on the. mound. 11even pl<Jyt-r'> g<>t di le<1'>t om hll and the Lornna del \lttr I I yt:ar-uld Pony All -~lar'> \\lln lht"tr '>l'L ond '>lra1gh1 ganJt> o f the ! ' pre-.'> lournamt.'nt tht'> lllllL'" rl' u:nt 14 4 tnumph O\'er ln11w Vinnie 1. John plldit'd lhtt'l' -.uirdt:......, mnrng., .tnd .idtled thrl'l' llll-. \\htlt et1rn111g tht· Kamt•\ \ ltJ'>l \ <Jlu.iblt· J1lt1H·T ru ognauon Tyler Brady ptH l11·d 1 II •1\ t'I the rl!'\I tlm·t> 11111111g' .111d Mi - chael k>rd reheH•d 111 till' 'e" l'lllh 10 tJ11,l' Olli till' \II lllr'I' \n HBI rrrple h) Kyte l.rl.rand J..t')l'U t1 'l'\l'llth 1t111111g 11Hl•t1...rVL' t!llt1°lk 0'1' { d\1 •\l,(l flf lht l/Hllllg Wt-rt· HUI d11ulilt•.., /J\ l 111tl "II J11h11 .Jllc.J Blaine '\lelw11. (,rant lldlernw1 .111cl llect.gan Riley .1ddt·d I\\ , 1111 .1p t·t 1 "l11lt Hrdd\ 1 ord liobb) \1an ning Oa\ id Wheatle\, C on nor Whalen t11tl CJir" ffo .. e11 I 11, I '111).:ll, ( d\1 tl••l•'tll• 1: I 11 .111.1111 \ '\ l l Ill ti I I 111/ lolllu Ill c 11• him·.!.! BASKETBALL Alumni return for Harbor hoop s ·1 hi rd annual l<Jllrlllil lll'IH )llh I 'I e\perted to dr~n' 10 to bU µId~ t·1..., J ffl' 1/1trtl J I I t l.11t•11r It~· ul • \1111,111 t'll' \Ill tp '~ 111 • ;il.11 11 pro u1111t'1 1u111 111 lit till p11o I Ji ii 'Hgt Ill, 1\h1. 1111111 d llh 1fi II l't'l l ( •h hr,lfll hq;,1!1 •I' II ,J,, ,1,1111 prll .SI "-1111,I \11 .. t \ 111'( I 1!11•t'I 2fkrl .o1nd \\,l' (1lr1 1h d 111 la•,1d 11111 1·.ul11·r lllh dltilllJlllll I (1rt'gg I it ll 1pl111J .111d I 111 .u1 I H 111 T1· ,l 1111ii11.1T I rid." ,,hill \\l'lt h 1 1._nl \I.ill -.1111111, I llJ> n·.11 i'iTd""i7i\,;-tt11l-1 iii :T.11!.ITr ____ _,__~:-:',._..--"~-.....,~ ..... ..._ ........ _--..-:-~:-:-;-T-";--r-----,-.-----__,-'"'-~!--1........;:....... __ l t'd I L1 .1•11 I IJ.11 pl.I( l' ,, hJ..1· ti \t' •II 1d 1• 1111· 10 1111·. I. 111 hr,1111· ,\1111 ' II pl.a\ 111 lw. 111 ,, 1<1111 , l up. '•Id 1.J \lt''tl \'1•1d1· J Ill t \t lll'd '" 1·11·11 pla\ 111 ll1t· fnm'' I up .1;1<1 111 h.a\1• rt ,11 \li•..,J \',·rdl' : "'·"" I h.11 111ud1 mo rt• fo111111g ( 111hr.1111·1111 tlw 'ktr1l.1 ..,,11,1 11·.1111 will lw l\rl\d \!<111111 f ht• lonl'' < up .1 IH·t11·1 ll.tlt 111 p.11tnt>r... torn1.11 '"111 1w11 lour 'Ill ill"> ll'l'lllg olt il<ll J.. Ill h,1d .. l1t·gc111 111 1':1~7 Lllltkr 1trt• .iu,p1 1 t'' 111 the l letlher Jo11e' \lolor , ,1r ... I >.rrl~ !'riot< Jub lh,1111p11111 '' "p ... ('Ill''· I h" ytar·..., l'\l'lll lwgm.., .11 I p 111 ttnd lea1u11'' the pro .. ,111d dt1b d1Jmµwri... tn thL· 1>.111\ P1 lot nrcul,1111111 l'.iul I l,1h11 tt11d llruu.> Bt:dfl'r l<lfltJIL'Ur \.t'\' I 11'1' It lllltt I '" t'"" Bi .1di 111 l>fl',1!.. JIH1tlo).;ll \\Ill! "·"" ol'ld f\0.1" l11m• \\tli lt•ll hur \11g I drtt\\' l'\t'I "' dO'I I I 11\l'>l_I\ .... llgt•fl( .111d \111.t• lkl'hl. I >il'i.·1111r ol \ ,1111 .11 "1.,111,1 \11.1 'JH'lll 1111 ... \\t 1·~ ,,, 1!11· \l.wrr.1 .... I'd ( ,.,11 ( 11111" WI lilt• Big 1 ... 1c111d 111 11,11,,111. t C>lllfll'lt11g 111.1 tlllt'l' d.i\ .. 11111..l' pl.1\ pr11 .u11 "itf1 111t•r11bt·r.., tror11 th1·ir n· ... p1•t 11\ t· L111lh \\ hl'H' do 1 \1>(11 up.' Win the Best Seat in ·the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRANO PRIZE Sit on the plt1ye1~ bt11~n during 11 " mdlC'1 ana meet ris ng tennis star Mana ShdrdtJO\J fer Jn e11cfus1ve pl'loto opportunity on Weont'>11d/ Jut; 16 vm;in the Newport Beach Breakers meet th~ St Louis Acps at the Pal1)adt::. Tennis Club fru111 1 10 ti n is 1ucky reader v1111 a1so receive Newport Bear.11 Bredi..ers tea'Tl autographed memorabtlta 1" PLACE One Lucky Reader w1!f .-11n 2 :.rob 111 tht Pta1tr:. Pro Am Cltnrc on Fn11ay July 18 from 5 6 30 pm at Palisades Tennis Club taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday July 16 match from 7-10 p m GRANO PRIZE •nd 1t PLACE WINNERS Wiii be anounced during half-time on July 16 FIVE l ucn WINNERS will eac.h receive 2 tickets 10 e11ner the July 16 tvs St Louis Aces) July 20 1vs Sacramen10 Cap1talst er Juty 25 tvs Kansas C111 E'l(plorers1 matcne:. All matc.he!I stan al 1 µ m It's easy lo enter Frll t>Ut the entry turm below and mail rt to the Daily Prlot (include Newport Bear.h Brcc1kc1~ 011 Court Conie~t on the en11e1opr:) to be received by Friday July 11 at 5 p 111 Or brrng 11 by the Darty Pilot off1c~ al 330 w Bay St CO!)ld Mesa durinu reuulat buSH1t:;,~ hours Monday Frrday 8 30 am to!> pm No.purchcise is necessary. Winners wrll be picked by random drawing and notified priot to the July 16 match Employe~ J, rJ tfl~•f relat1~es of tht Oatly Pilot rimes Community N~ws. Lo~ Angeles T1md~ and Trrbune Company are 1ntl1g1ble Pictured below: Brian MacPhie l' ,., 'II l llll!h r' II 1!111 I' .... 111 ·'''"" I '•lll•lr\ ( h.1 1 I 111, d I I' I\ HI tlr1• 1111111 llH'lll I Ill I. \\111111 \, ·"'"lh ''"'' Jl•l•lll \\,1.fflll I loilt ll•dll 11 lg ,,•J ( 1Jllflit \ ( lul1 l'"'ll 11 , .' I• »Ill lilt' J1111rl111l1~.ill It\ lilt t ,h11h 1 .. 111 dllU \11~ I l 11.--.. 1 '°IL".t( hit ( flllllll \I Jtill \H'll tt.111 L'd J1•rli. 1 l1,1111p II' .. tilt I t'I '' "- I .1 r1°).ihlt•f 'I I'll l 1111 l1iUl" I I '"I fl llJ,tflJIJtg pl I olll .... dlll•1h J I\ ll llt'lll 1i11h , I t II 11 H I '" 111111..! 1•11 1 .. tc Ji 1t· .. tt11 hi-.-' 1 1 .. .lt • 11 'IH• ;.•11111'' \\Jill IJhl 11 11 I 11dl1 ,• l1l'illllg 1-, llll'lll I ,\I Ill-''II)! <1 llllllllllg \ 11 I ~ '.llll'll\dt'lll ~'lflll',\\lll 1.i~ 'I 11J1 •I·' IJllllt I t11f11 1 • I J,t" •' •• 111(! • DEEP SEA Newport Lc1ndin9 ~·oats 79 "'4"' '1~ lJarf •.H..U<ltJ 6 J..1 tJ <lfJ 5,,n<l lld~ • J t Li.} I ,t '0 t1111< 11•' t .. Thursday, "13, 2003 ----------------.......... .. UlllNallcel ... OfMISMI lllt 1111111 ator11e fK.irty, ~Ofdina to tlM prov..iona of Div~ 8 OI the luslMll and Profeulo111 Code, Cllepttr 10. S1ctlon 21107 (•). llereby alvu NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. ~TRA SELF STOflAGE will COl\dUC t a pulllic • Hie of the contents of ttle slor11e •P•c•(•) Aelll4td t>.low, wrth the contents IHltna sold to the hltllest bldde<, lor lawful money of the Undtld Stalu ol Ametoca (cad!) The nle Is bema held to selisfy • lendlotd's llen and wilt be held at 17692 Sampson Lane, Hunllnaton Beech. CA 92647 on July 18. 2003. at J :lO p.m., Auction 1er's Na..,,.. Qen111s Avi na Bond• 1466l1JOl335 Ph• (626) 791-6261 The publtc 11 Invited lo &tlet\61. Term$ a1e cash only. Owner ruerve~ the rlaht to bid A aeneral desctoptton of the property be1na sold, atone with the identity ol the Occupant tentina the space are as lotlows SPACE NO OCCUPANl • PROPERTY DESCRIP TION A 223 LaHy Sullun. Misc. boaes. lu1t11age A 333 Jull1 Staudt bo aes. clothes, vacuum cleaner. f utan C.()()2 Jay Wtlke1 son furn1tu•e. tool bo•e~ bicycle. Mtsc. buas E 209 Josh Wh.:l1.1ley 2 reftoaeraton mollt.,~s. lurn1tu1e, pla(to. , ha11~. microwave ov~n l -259 Christina Walker. furn1lure Misc Bo•es Published New110• I Beach Colla M~u Daily Pilo t July 3 10 . 2003 Th568 Rdlliels t.sillU ltmtS........ The lollowma 11e1 sons are doona busme~s as. a) Soul hem Cal1lo1 ma Ar I Proiects and Et ho b1lt0ns b) the Shed Ar tspa te :>859 ( asl Coast Hwy Corona dt<I Mat. CA 92625 Denholm Nel~on Coo temporaty Inc (tA) 2859 E nl Coast llwy Corona del Mar CA 92625 This business 1s lOn ducted by 11 corpoolton Have you storied do111i: business yet' No Denholm Nelson Con tempo1 ary In< Drane Nelson VP Seer Thrs slatemtnl WdS ftled with th~ County Clerk of OranQe County on 06/20/03 20036941819 Daily P1lol Jone 26. luly 3, 10 17,2003 Th538 I he followm11 per sons •• e doina busrneu u a) Cytech International b) Cytech USA, 180 N-pot1 Cente< Drove Ne wport 8e11ch, CA 92660 Za1d A Astarabad1. 180 ~wporl Center Orrve Ne•por 1 Buc h CA 92660 Hassan Rassnuh 180 Newport Cenltf Dttve Newpo r l Bea cit , CA 92660 Thrs bus1ne•S ,. cun dueled by. a eentrdl partners.hip Have you started domg business yet' No l atd A As(ar ab11d1 Thrs sl<1lemenl was fried wrth the Counly Clerk of Or1n11e County on 06/13/03 20036'48033 Daily Pilot lune 19. 26. July 3, 10, 2003 Th524 S......tf th I 'eflhe tf ,.._ ........ The lottow1n11 person has abandoned the use of the f oct1hous Bus• nus N1me: But Office Installations. Inc /OBA At Your Strvlu Dehvery. Inc .. 2138 s Wrlahl St Santa Ana, CA 92705 The F 1c11toous Business name referred to above was filed tn Or a11ge County on 2/23/01 f ILE NO 20016856094 At Your ~rv1ce De livery Service, Inc (CA). 2138 S Wtoehl SI S1nt1 Ana. CA 92705 This buslnen ,1s con- ducted by· .a corpoulton At Your Servru De l1ve1y. Inc . L•ufle Hampton, PreStdtnl This statement wn filed with the County Clerlt of Oranee County on 06/17/03 200Ht 41400 Da~y Pilot June 26. luly 3, 10, 17.2003 Th533 The loltowlna person) ere doln1 busm1..s as. Puudou Bistro. 332S Newport Blvd., NewpOl't ISuch, CA 92660 D111lel S1dho11m· l(ennedy. 1954 l V ulle Clr'c lt, Hunhnaton Bt•Ch, CA 92646 J1qu11int K•n•well, 19541 Vull• Circle, Hunhn1ton BHch, CA 92646 R1yl1nd fuentu, 1436 12th Street Apt B M•nhatlan Beach. CA 90266 This bU\tness Is con ducted by· 1 aeneral partner •h•P Have you 'tar ltd doing busluess yet7 Yu 1998 R•yl111d Fuentes This s tatement was ftled with 'the County Cletk of On1na• County on 06/13/03 2003'941032 Oa1ly Piiot lune 19. 26, July 3, 10. 2003 Th523 I h• lollow1n11 persons are doma business as a) Hr.rrt•ae Real Estate. b) Herrtaeb Ru ltors. <.) He11t.iae Rulty. d) Herrtaie Properly Man d11ement e) tlettta~e P111µe111~s .i'/85 wa, wrne Cir . Co,1a Mesa, CA 92626 4850 David W Myh1 e, 2185 Waiwmfil Cu , Co~ta Meu CA 92b26 4850 I hos bu<111e'' rs t..on durl•d by .tn md1v1dual llav• you 'tarted dome bust11e\S yel 1 Ves 1%4 David W Myhr r lh" ''''''''""' was filed with Ille C111111ty Clerk ol Or ~ngr Co1111ly on 06/?0/0J 20036948175 Daily Pilot June 26 July 3 10 17 lOOJ 111541 RditiM INiess M..S..... Th~ lollow1ne pe1so"' are du1n11 husu1es• as 8111 & t..c1..1lv [11te1 P"••'· 1240 Nurth Vdll Buren SI • IO!i An•he1m f'.A 9?807 W1!11d111 W,l\stHt 1240 Nurth "'" Bu1e11 St Attaheom CA 92807 Cet1IY l'!'Oar 1 /40 North Van Bu.-11 SI Anaheim t,A 9180/ fh1s bu\one'' " tnn ducted by ,1 "~neral pa1tne1st1111 H .. e you \lbt ll"d 00111~ buSlll•S' vet? Nu Cecily Cedat lhr\ sldltmelll was hied w1t11 lhl' Cuunly Cler II ul Or a nice County on 07/01/0J 20036950019 Daily Pilot July 3 10 17 ?4,?003 lh!>!>I fic1fliM llNless ..... s ..... 1 he lollow1n11 11ersons die domg bus1nes\ as ltUl ?I 660 w 17th SlreH •0 ?I Cn't" Mesa r.A 916?1 lh~ Turi Company Inc ,(CA) 175-0 Wlullter Avenue #85, Costa Mesa. CA 976?/ I h" tiusmns 1s cnn due led by. a 1 u111oral1on 11ave ynu )la1led doing busmess yell Nu The Tur i Company, Inc Irene Yount \IP/ Seu .. tary lhos stalf'mf'l!t w.ls filed .,.1th lhe County Cieri<. ot Or M1et County on 06/06/0J 20036947171 Dair~ 1'1101 June 12, 19, 26 Jul~ l 1003 lh!>02 AdltiMW.U ltmt S..... The lollow1n11 persons are domg busoneu as R & r I e as1n1 & [qu1pmenl 8182 Mun sler Dr Hu11t1ngton Beach CA 92646 Rochelle Roller 8187 Munsler Or Hunlmaton Beach CA 92646 Tom Roller 8182 Munslet Dr llunt1nrton Beach. CA 9?646 This busrnus '' con dueled by a gen er al par tnen h111 Hive you •l•t led doma busrnns yel 1 No Rochelle Roller This statement wa• hied with thr C<1unty Cle.r k of o,.nae County on06!06/03 200'6947115 Oa1ly Prlol June 17 19 ?6 July 3 ?003 Th497 RdltlM hAleu M.e*'-'t The followrn11 11e1 sons are dome busmen llS CrultnR lle1llhy R~la ltonsh1ps 2834 h vine Ave . New1101 I Beach CA 92660 Dr loJeph Pascale M F T In~ . (CA). 2834 Irvine Ave , Newport Beach. CA 9?660 I hos bu~111e\\ 1s con dueled by a corpur a Iron Have yuu started doina bu~nen yet? Yes 11/ 2001 Or Joseph Pa~ale M F I Inc Or Joseph t Pascale. President This slaltmt'nt WH hied with the Count, Cieri<. ot Or an11e County on 06/13/03 2003H4I03S D'°ly Pilot June 19. 26, July 3, 10, 2003 Th526 ......... .......... L11Jren luh1r1•11 1757 Westmmstlf Ave .. Costa Mne.CA92627 (ric Lohman. 1757 Westmlnate; Ave • Cotta Mn1, CA 92627 This butlnu~ 11 con ducl•J by. h1J.sb1nd •nd wilt H•v• you •i.tted dohll b11s1ntn yet? No L1urt11 I.Ohmen It Eric Lohm1n This Sllltmtnt WH fried with the County Cieri! of Orence County on 06/13/03 2003H 4I041 Dally Pilot June 19. 26. July 3, 10, 200J Th528 ~ ..... ltmtS...... The lollowln11 person\ "e do1na bus1neu -.. Spin, 2973 Harbor Blvd. 1403 Costa Me~. CA 92626 ~· S11Jndr • K Abbott. 1073 Salvador Costa Mn1, CA 92626 ~oberl W Wells. 682 Alta V1st.; Way, Laeuna II each, CA 926!> l This busrnP.u 1s con duded by tO·Jld• Iner~ Have you st.irted domw busmen yeP Nu Robe.rt W Welt~ s .. undr a K Ab boll I his s tatement was ftled with the County Cle1k of 01•n11e County on 06/20/0J 20036'48879 Daily P1lol Ju11~ 26, July 3. 10. 1'7. 2003 Th542 Fldttlws ~ M.e s...._. The lollowone persor" a1 e do1ne bu\tntt!l as flect101111 f11un<ial Servu e~ 3300 lrv•n~ Av.. •1'6'> New1101 I l3~a1 IT Cl\ 9)1;60 Key Mort~age C.:01po- rat1c.11 (Al) 3300 ltv111• Ave Ste .120 N•wr>ort Beal11 CA 92660 lhts bus1n1-s< t\ rqn ducted by a cuopur•toon H;w,. ynu ,tar led r:lo•ne bus111H) yet 1 Ye\ l/27/0J Key Mortgaite Corpo 1 alton Mu ha ct Car unell, Pres•d~nt l h1s ~talement was tiled with the r.ounly CINI<. of Oram•r County on 06. 10 OJ 20036947535 Oa1ly Ptlot lune 12 19 26 luly J ?003 lh~I I rlditlM ltnilm M..S,.,_. lhe tollow111e ll~"ons are 1'fo1ng bu,111e~ 1tS Uelao Properlte' ~ Randolph Avt C'osta Mesa Calllu1111~ 926?6 Delau P1ope11tes (CA) 2950 R.indolph Ave Co~ld Me'" t..ahlorrna 92626 This bu\111e" 1< 1 011 duct~d by ' I rrml~d hab1hl>: Co Have Y''" sl•• l~d t.111111~ busmess yet' Nu Oel~o rmµ~• ltts J~r erny Mor ShJll luppmg. President lhl\ ~tat .. m,.nt wn lol•d with th~ County Cieri<. of Ot•"K" County on Ob/30 03 200369S004S U~tly Pilot July 3 I 0 I l . :>4 . :>003 lh5~ fidltiM ltnilm ... s ........ The lollowma 11~1 sons are do1n2 bu\tnl'u as t..n1.11e1s Ylurld . ~3/ Nf'wpo1 t CtnlPt Or Suite 525 Newport Be.ch. C•ltlotn•d 92660 Ammdt Al lbr ah1m Pash.i. 5319 Un1v~1,11y Or •211 Irvine, Call tor nra 9?61 '1 T hos bu\•nf's\ I\ con due led by Mt 111d1v1dual Have you sl.ir led dom11. bus1nes~ yet' Ye' 1 .. n ?OOl Ammar Al Ibrahim Pasha lh1s 'lal•ment was f1le<t with the County Cieri<. of Oranee County on 07 t l/03 21>036950100 Oarly Pilot luly 3 10 II. 24 7003 lh~6 AdttlM -...SS "-S....... The lollowin11 per sons are doing buslneu as. Simply Sttapely, 370 B £ 17 lh Sir eel Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Edward Luke ~1tn1 mons. 1650 Park New port '218 Newpo11 Beach CA 9?660 MKheltn, Anne Mccann 1650 Park Newport #218. Newport Burh. CA92660 Thi\ bus111~•.s ·~ ton dutted by a eene1111 P••lner~h1p tlave you ~tar led do111g busines\ ypt1 No £dw,11d Luke F1l1\I mons rh1s st .. t•n1d1I w .. s lll~d w1tti th~ County Cte1k of Or a nae Cuunly on 06/ 06/03 20036947171 Darty Pilot June 12. 19, 26, July 3, 2003 TH499 FldlliMINless "-*'-" The loftow1ne person!> 11e dome businen as Jade Mo1 l11111e. 31 88 Alf .,.ay Avenut Su rte C. Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 V1nh 111, 260·3 Elden Avenue lff, Co•I• M41sa, CA 92627 N.iton Chau, 6 C.vail ton. Newport Coesl. CA 926S7 Thos busonen ii con ducted by • a-•I p11tlf1Mt\h1p Hive you slattHI dolna buslnen yel 1 No Vinh He I ht followin1 penons "'~ dorna b1a.Jnn1 n •> Newport omc. So· lutiont, b) M1flleliny MH ltr1 Gr01Jp , 53 Hewpott Cenlet Drive ~Mewporl O••Ch ThomH l owp ~37 He..,,-t Centw ()rive IJ#11. "9wpott leach CA92'i60 this 1t1tement was fll4!d with th1 Coont1 Clerk of Or1n1• County on 06/20/03 200M t4UM Thh "'"""" ~ ·I con Clll(.tttd by an lndlVldull ll1vw yov .t.,1'4 dO<tlt iw.111eu vet? Yet 1+03 Tltomolowy Tbb llll11!111nl WU ,.. w11h tM County CWk 9' Onttte County t1106/WOl ........ ,., OMJ,..... ""1 l. 10, 17, 24.*1 ~ .......... ........ ltle .......... ~ ..... ---~..-... ... ~.AlleM .. 1117 -tr 1111• -.. c.e. Oet11 Pilot Jll,,. 26. Nt't l 10, I/, 1003 lhS37 .. ·-.--·· ·-· 2Ml llpl ..... .. ......... .. l.11111 .... · - tlled with the County Cler It of Or •nee Cou11ty on08/2)/()l 200M t4ts74 .......... llmtS....... .......... ... ,......., 011ty Piiot Jline 26. July 3. 10. 17, 2003 ThS4S Th• lollow1n1 perso111 .,, dolna ~slness as: How"d P1odllcticH\s, 928 £m111ld Bay, L~11Jn11 BeKh, CellJOfnl• 9265 The tollowlnc pw sons 11 e clolfta 1111.slne" H . [ACOl't Cfuises, 3424 VII O,Orto SllP 1109, Hew port 8'Kh, CA 92663· Re-.. ..... llmtS....... Grtu All1nt1c & p,. Th• lollowln1 persona 11 e dolna bus.Inns as: Matthew Howerd Pro ductlon, 928 Emveld Bir l11un1 B11ch, C1t1ior nl1 9265 l Judith B. Shu.slllf. 928 Emereld Bey, 11aun1 Bt1ch, C1hfornl• 92651 This business tS eon· dueled by ,,, lnd1vidu1t Hue you slitted do11111 buSlnns yet? Yes. 6/10/ OJ Citic Ytdll Cotp (CA), 3253 8ro1d StrHt, N•w.p ort Beach, CA 92663 Chubbywood, 537 New· port Cent1t Di '338. Newport Buch. CA 92660 Ron Hancoch. !OJ H•rbo1 Woods Place, Newport Beac h, CA 92660 Robert W. Hancock, 255 l C111forn11 Ave., Slanal Hill, CA 90755 This business is con· ducted by. a 1ener1I partnership Have you started do111t b1Jslntu yet? No Ron H1ncock Th!S st•tement was tiled with the Co1Jnty Cieri<. of Or •n1111 County on 06/13/03 200'6941021 Daily Pilot June 19, 26. luly 3. 10. 2003 I hS20 fidillM~ llmtS..... Thi! lollow1na persons are do1n11 busmess as a) Della Motorsports, b) mm1motou a com 25461 Allc1a P<irkway. La&una Hill>, CA 9l 653 DU Intl Corp, (CA) 2973 Harbo1 Blvd. •347. Cn5ta Mesa CA 92626 T hos bu~mess is con dueled by a corporation Havr you star led 0011111 busmeu yet, y .. , J OJ Ol J lnttrnatton al l.11111 lus~l>~l dJata t•res1d~nt 1111\ \IAl~ment was f1lt'd wrlh Ille County Clerk uf Ora111ie County on 06/27103 200369 49721 Oa1ly P1101 July 3. 10 I/ 74. 2003 I h559 The lollowme ~erwns are dorn11 bu•111e"s a\ l:reat1n2 Helllthy l(ela 1tonsh111\ 7834 t1vme Ave Newpor I Beach CA ~2660 Justph P d\Lale Real [')lair Cu1p<11olt011 (CA) 2834 It vrne Ave New port Beuh CA 92660 I hi\ bu\lne<s 1s con du< h•rJ by ~ to11101 al1011 ltave yr>u ~L.ir kd doma bu'loones\ yrt' y .. , 112001 lnSf'IJh l'a'>t di• M~ol t ~talt Corporalton Or lustplt r PHralt Pr •Stdtnl This sl.tltmenl w~• ltled with lhe County Clerk ot Oranae County on 06/11/03 20036948034 1lJ1ly Pilot Junp 19, ?6 July 3, 10 ?003 fh52S Milt Shusl•r This st1t1ment wu flltd wolh the County Cl~rk ol Or anae Count¥ on 07/1/03 JOOS6t SOI01 Dilly Pilot !Ally J . 10. 17. 24. 2003 fh!'>-4 7 Adlllm ..... ltmtS...... Ttie lollow1na persons are doma business as. a) Kadara. Inc b) t<adara Outdoor. c) Kadar• Import. d) OaYJd Kay Colleclton. 146 £ 18th Street. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 K1dera lmpOtt Cxport "°' (CA) 146 f 18th Street Costa Mna CA 92627 fhls bu,mess •~ con durted by a cnq>or Alton llave you ~•a•l~d domg bu"neS\ yet' Yu. I? I 2000 t<adUd tmpo1t bport, tnc l•~• ZaltA11•tl Vr(e P1n1dent lhrs 'I •ll!mtnl was llled with the ~11untv c1 .. 11<. ot 01 ani~ County 011 06/06103 20036947175 .Ddtly Pilot Jun~ ll. 19. 26. tuly J. 2003 Th496 RdltiM--...U M..S........ lht !ollow1n11 person" a1.. doma busines' a' s~upe II Oul. 923 Sprrng ftde Dr Newport Reach CA 9?660 8210 Hatty ( Cdltwoud lr 923 Spr "'il Tide Dr NPwpor t Bta<h CA 97660 8?10 M111a111 t< C:atewund 9?3 Sprrng I ode Dr Nrwport 11 .. a Lh CA 9'660 8l10 Tht\ bus1n~s,, ·~ "'" do~l•d by husband dttd wile l!iv,. yuu ,111 led do1111( bu~1ne-.~ yrf? Yes M~y ~OOJ Harry ( l~alewood Jr T111~ \laltmtnt w"\ ltltd with the C.uunly C •erk of Orange Cnunty Un 06110/0j 200369415U Daily Prlol lune ll. 19 l6 luly l 2003 TS 12 The tollowme Jltr sons art' durn& busmeu a~ Thia b1J1ln1.11 Is con· d1Jct.d by: • COl'POf•tlon H•v1 YoU atarte4 doln& bUllMU )ltt7 No C1HI Allanlic & Pt· ctltc Yfchl Corp . Harry Schult, Secretary This statement was flied with the County Cle<k ol Orana• County on 07/01/03 200Ht500H Dally Pilot July 3. 10, 17, 24, 2003 ThSS2 Adlelm .... .......... I he lollowlna p•rsons 111 do1n1 buliness u · Oel Sol. 200 Main, Suite •113. tluntinaton Buch, California 92648 Suff Crty Partners. LLC (CA), 200· M1m. Su1ta #1 13, tlunl1naton Beach, Cahlor n1a 92648 , Th!S bosmeu ts con ducted by a L1m1ted h1b1hty Co. Have you sl•r ted doma bu\lneu yet?,_Yes / 05/01/2003 '-../ Suri Clly Partners , LlC. Amy J Pressey, Owner/Mn111 lhrs stalemenl was filed with the County l..let~ ot Oranae County on 06104/03 20036'4H90 Oa1ly Pilot July 3, 10. 17. l 4 2003 T hS69 flc1ltiM IWllKs J-S....... I he tollow1n11 per sons ate do1n11 bUSIMl'SS as l rl Anaels Photoa1 aphy JO!>O;> N H&mpton Rd l eaun• N•auel. CA 92671 Ph11I0&1.rphy by Stephen h1L . (CA) 3050:> N' Hampton Rd I aauna N1euel CA 9?677 this busmen 1s con Ou~led by a cQ/p01at1on H•vc you star led domg ~us1nrss yet' No Ph ot oe1~111ty By '>l•µhe11 In\. Stephen l\tnl Pres This statement wu hied with the County Cletk ot 01dna:e County un 06/13/0J 20036948029 Daily Pilot June 19, 76. July 3. I 0 2003 Th521 The lollowon& persons •I c dorng busontts as Sheil Cnterp11ses, 10/0 Pat~ Newport. Newport Beach CA 92660 Rnberl Sheil. 1070 Par~ Newpor I, Newport Bl!atll, CA 92660 fidltlws ~ Hacienda De Mesa Ap M-t .....___. IW W Wilson Costa Ive th f and1no Del Sh,.11 1010 PMk New port Newp0< t Beach CA 92660 ---Mes,• t..A 92648 the tollowine per~on\ lnR Wen Hwana 571;> This b1Js111ess •s con a•~ do11111 bu~rness a• H111h11ate lerrac11, lrvrne dueled by husband •nd .t) R•w Chop11r1~ b) CA92bl 2 wile f o re l1 0111 Mu1t1e.1ge L1nalon11Hwana S712 ~laveyou starleddo•na C a 11 1 I d I t ) H1&h11ate Terrace Irvine. business yeP No · Mel1ndnttt1ly cum d) CA 9?61? Robert Sheol R~lma11(e11ly .:J rare Wohnn Vint 1507 This shlement was t r on t C ,J p 1t1 t 1 ) Womnunt Santa An fried with lhe County Uaval <tlo ou ~om ll> CA9270S Lletk ol Oran2e County I orctront C•P•l•I 1041 Thi\ b1Jstnes~ ~ con on 06/10/03 W 18th St A 'l-07. Cosld dueled by J 11enerdl 20036947531 Me'Mt C~hforn1a 92627 pdtlneistup 011ly Pilot June J:l. 19, 6av1d Gnr don llowe• tine you slMled doona ?6 luly 3. 2003 Th508 417 17th SI . Huntmeton bus11less yet? Ves 198!> Bearh r.al1lorma 9?648 1n2 Wen llwana l hos IJu\mes• 1s t..un This sl.ilemenl was dutlell by &n ondtv1dual tiled with th~ County H~v~ you started doma Clerk al Or•nae Cuunl lht following persons • • Y a• e dom& business a5 bus111eh y~I' Nu on0//01/03 Body Rena1Hance D<,.1d llowt\ 200St.9 5ooa4 24101 R1ymo11d. #252 I ht\ sl.\ttmt>nt wa• Daily Pilot July 3 10. I/ lalo.e. f Ofol Calllornra lrll'd with lhe County 74 7003 Th551 92630 Cler~ ut 01<1n11e County Beverly J W1lharns on 06/0J/OJ Flditiltn ltniless 20036946117 24/01 Raymond •~7 Daily Pilot luly .l, 10. ll ltmtS......., lake forest Ci1hlo1n1a 24 2003 lh~!>6 lht lollowrne person 91630 Rc:titlM~ •s......., I he lolluwtnl( pe.rson• are domlf b1Js1nns a~ Your Home Pro Pa1ntrn11 57S W 19th St Apl 20';; Cosl.;i Mesa CA 9?6i'/ tohn W~yne Ru-.~eu, 575 W 19th SI Apt ~. Custa Mo a. CA 92627 This bus•nt\s rs ton ducted by an 1nd1v1du•I Havt you sl<11ted do•nK bu•one~s yet> Yes 6 6 03 a•• doma bu~ness 3~ lht~ bu,men os con M & o Per\OMI Tramm& duLled by an 1nd1v1dual Servile'. 7'1002 O&lnrd Have you slatll'd d1>1ng Or I ~auno N1auel CA busmcss 1et? No 9261/ Btvetly J W1lhams Mocha"I I tfnll Stullnu lh1s \l1temenl Wils 25002 Oaloid Or La lrled with the County 11un• Nieuel CA 92677 Cieri\ ot Or•nee County Din• Marre Mailes" on Ol/l/OJ l'>(X)'l U•lord Or Id 200369SOOt O RUnd Niau el Cl\ 9?611 Oally Prtot July 3. I 0, 17. This busmen 1s tun 24. ?003 Th~50 due led by ~ jlener al ii..w_ L..L..-.. Jldtlnt>f\h111 ,_ __ Have you star led do111a "-S........ llusrnes~ yet' Yes Apr~ The tollowrno pe.rsons 18. 7003 .. Michael SlullllO ar • do1n2 busmos as This \latenoent """ lnirrrd \ Shoppt 2336" tried with the Count!> Via San Marltne. Alosa John Wayne Ruuell Y V•tto CA 92656 This ~lalement was Clerk of Oranae County ln11rrd M1ndelh. 73362 toted with the Countu on 06/13/03 v s M A ' 2003 6941059 11 •n ar lrne hso Cterk of Oran11e Co11nty \11e10, CA 92656 on 06/ 10/03 Otoly Pilot lunf' 19. 26 I hi\ busmess " con 200'694153' July 3. IO ;>OOJ lh5?9 dueled by. an 1ndlvldu~I Oa1ly Pilot June 12, 19 Have you started doing 26. July 3 2003 Th510 Ac:MiM--.SS busrneu yell No ltmt S...... ln111d Mandelh This statement was Tht lolluwma penons loled wrth the Coo11ty we dolna busmen 15 Cieri<. ol Orana• County Armen C On1Qn!o, 260 • lhe lollow1na persons Newport Center Or on06/10/03 are do1n1 busmess as ., 200J6t 4 7SJ 1 The T1nl Connection ~A4~~ewpnrt Buch Oarly Pilot June 12, 19, 2490 Newport Blvd. Armen Gt1aot1an Oe 26. July 3, 2003 Th514 Cost• Mesa, C11ifornl1 slin. Inc (CA) 260 92:J:omotive Con nee Newpor 1 r.enltr Dr ActlelM ...... lions Inc , (CA) 2490 '240. Newpor t Beach ... S...... .. ewp·~t Blvd Cost• CA 92fi60 The follow1n1 persons .. ~ .. rhls busmen ·~ con Mesa, Cahl0<n1192621 dueled by 1 corporalt0 are do1n\-.busmcu n · d Th,•s.d bbuStness rs con Hne you stetted dotn~ ~!::;~~~Ir:~:·. uc • Y " corpoullon bu!>lnen yell Yu Ma .... ' Htvt you sl1ttted doln1 12. 2003 'I Costa Mesa, CA 9~ business yet? A• men Ctlaorian De lohn S1kulte, 3063 Yes 8/10/1998 Heyu Av• , Coat• Miu, 1 sl~n·. Inc , Ar me Aulnmotlvt Connec Gr O:ian, President n CA 92626 lions Inc . Jim C l\o This slitement wi Thi. busrness is con Ptnident s dueled by •n indivld1Jel This statem•nt wn hied filed with the Co1Jnty Hive you stlrtlKI dolflll wltll the Cuunty Ci.tk of Clerk of Orans.• C1Junty bus.intn ytU Or1n1e Couttty on ~ip&t~l4 Yu Oct 19. 1998 06/20/03 ... John S.h$11e 200H t4U4 l Dilly Pllot Jun. 12, 19 ThB statement wn 0.lty Pilot June 26J.. July 26, .My J, 2003 Tll~j filed with tht County TnSJS a-._..... Clefll of 011n1e Counttr ,_ on 06/10/0J ... S..... IOOMt41ttl The foftowln1 rmson.s O•ll& Piiot Jun• 26· Jli~ tt• ctotnc bullneu ., 3, l • 17, 2003 ~Th5 _ •) flichlfd Brent Cn· •110111, b) Rlch1td Johilson ( nterprMs, c) Adv•11<• Cec>lt•I Croup, 310 W Wilson SI • IEUIS, Cosu Mui, CA ~ Rldl•d 8ttttl JollMOft, 310 W. Wilson St.. IClOI, Costa Mesa, CA tzev Tlllt busllleu .. COii _.e411y.en~ lttw '" ............ ~ret' ..... u~ hhwd JoMsell Tllb •ll•••lll ..... 111414 wlOt .... c:-tr ci.11 or o. Mii co"nty ~., D ...... -.11,w; ), 10, 17, MS T1613 -'" . . • .......... llmtS....... The followlna peuons lrt dolfll lllllNH IS' LAI Appliances, 24 Southbr*. ltv111e, CA 92604 ... Altk11ndr Lubenko, 24 Southbrooli. Irvine. CA 92604 This b11al11eu Is con· dueled b'°: 1n lndlvlduel H•v• you stlrtld doln1 b14lnen y1t? Yu6-09-03 Alehandr Lutsenko This st1tement wH filed l!lllh the County Clerll of Orenee County on 06/27/03 20036t4t7 II Dilly Piiot luly J, 10, 17, 24,2003 Th558 AdlelmW-... s...... The fotlowrna persons .,. dolna blJSKlHS u :. H1tt0nal Ltb0talorlu & Waler Systems Mia .. 6491 Maple Ave , Unit A 28, Wn lntlnster, CA 92683 James Sunallls, 1915 Minion St . So Pandena CA910JO . fhos bUSlllMS IS con· ducted by 'n 1nd1v1dual Htv4' you slarled do1na bu11nnJ yet1Yes1955 James S1malo.1s This ~tatemenl was fried with the County Clerk of Orange County on 06/06/03 20036947110 011ly Pilot Jun~ 12. 19 26, July J, 2003 Th50 I AcftlMW.U M..S...... The tollow1na 11ersons are do1ne bu"ness as Mu11 & Assouate• 1851 l I'"' Str,.el Suite I 7'>7. Saul• Ana CA 9770!> Atttlrcw C Muir 2717'd Homc~lcad Ro•d Laeu nil N111uel LA 92b77 Thr~ bu~'""'' 1~ <011 ducttd "' M 1nd1v10udl llave you stoHted domg bU\lnt\~ yel1 Ye~ 1112/98 Andrl'w C Mutt Th1\ Sl•l~ment wa\ ftl~d with lhe Cuuntv Clerk of 01 ~ng~ Cnunly on 06/23/03 200'6949144 D•oly Pile.I Jun~ /b July l. 10. 11 200J 111534 RdtliM INltis M.es...._. Thtt lolluwm~ µer sons a1 e dcm111 bu"ness as TttH1mes241 lom 4570 Campus 011~" #:l8, Newpo1t Bf'•• h. CA 9?660 Stephen Schulte 4570 Campu• D11vt' •38 Ncwpur t BrHh CA 97660 fhts btJ'\•ne:s~ " lOn duCl4'd by dn 1nd1v1dual Havt you \ldt '"d du11111 busrnes' yet' N11 St.:11hen SLh11l1~ Thi\ 'tattm~111 w.,s ltled with th,. C: ounl y Cll'rlo. of Orang~ (;aunty on 06 ?I OJ 2003694t7 12 0111, P1lol July 3 10. 11 24.2003 Th561 flc1ltiM Imm ltmtS...... 1 he lollow1n11 persons art dome bus1ness as Taylor Pront Mana11e ment 1406 V1v1a11 l ane Nev ort HeHh CA 92Q;() l ynn T .tylur Brown 1406 V1v1an lane. New port Beach CA 9?660 1 hr' bos111e\s rs ton ductl'd by ~n 111d1v1dual ll8vt vou $l8rled domg bustnes~ yet' No Lynn hylor Brown This ~l•lenunt was lrltd with the County C11>1k of Or ange County on 06/10 03 20036947S40 Dally Pilot lune 12 19 26. July J, 200J lh507 Adit!Mllliltss M..S....., The lollowrn1 Ptnons •re dom11. bu\ll•us as Crapevrne leeal and f 1nancoal I 1112 Crabb lane. Hunt1ncton Bea~h CA 92647 Steven R•ymond l en zkes. 17712 Crabb lane Huntongton Buch. C~ 92647 This b11\1nes, " l on ducted by an ind1v1dual Have you sta1 ted dorn& business yeP No Steven Lenzke.s !hrs statement was filed with the County Clerk of 011n11e County on 06/06/03 20036947179 Dilly Ptlot Jone 12, 19, 26, luly J, 2003 ThSOO ~ ..... .... s...... Tht fottowme persons are do1n1 business as Pony P1ls, 3286 Turloclo Dr.. Co1ta Mesa, CA 92626 Sheil• Ann fer au son. 3286 lur!ocb Qr Costa Met.I, CA 92626 Thi• bualn.,., 11 con ducted by: 1n lndivldu1I Hive you 1t1rl1d dollla bllllll8H yet7 'l'H 1989 Shttl• fet 111son This statement was filed with the ·county Cterll of Onna• Cout'lty on 06/10/03 to0Mt47Ut 01lly Pilot J1Jnt 12, 19, 26, July 3~ 2003 fh506 .......... "-S....... 1 he foltow1n1 per sons 1re dorna buliness as. a) Animal Amour b) Anlm•I Amore, 2674 Or1n11a Ave .. c .1. Costa Mu1, CA 92627 Joan Mer le Oldfield, 2674 Orane• Ave . C· I Coste Men. CA 92627 Thi~ business 1s coo ducted by. an lnd1v1du1I H1v1 you st•rt•d doln& business yet? Yn 2/03 Joan Mar11 Oldfield lhos statement was foled with the County Clerk of Or a nee County on 06/lJ/03 20036941030 Oa1ly Pilot June 19 26 July 3. 10. 2003 lh~22 nc.. ..... ----llHt lollow1n11 per\ons •re doin11 business " Medow, J-07 l5th SI f6. t1untin11ton Buch CA 92648 M1ch4el Ben de Wit, 307 1 Sth St •6. Hun 1tne1on Beach CA 9?648 lho\ bu\lness rs con ducted by Jn md1vtdu11t Have yQu slar led do1nc bus1neu yet' Yn 4/1/0J M1Lharl de Wot lh1s \l~lemenl was hied with the County Lier k 111 Or mg~ Ctlunly un 061l010J 20036941190 O.tily 1•11111 Jun" ?6 July J 10 I/ ?OOJ 1h!>43 Rd!IMW.U "-eS..... I ht following per sons ••" dornii business as OCC SO~O Yorks h11e Drtve. Cy1.11ess Cal1l111 ma 90630 Rich•• o Vr1 nun Hui rn.tn. SO!>O Vur "'h" • 011ve ryptt'>\ C11tlor "'" 90610 Th.s bu\1nn• t\ tun ducl•d by •n 1111l1v1dudl Have you sl•rl1:d dOllli burnoo\ yet' No Rochat d Holman Ill" sletem•nt wa'> hl,.d with the Cnunly Cletk ol 01 an2,. Countv on05 14 03 200369446 .. Daily Pilot June 17 19 ?6 luly 3 200) lh~l6 fldit.s hsiins "-S........ f 11e follow1n11 pe"""' ar f dn1n~ bu~1nr\\. a'. S111 101 ~•le ?68 Cab11fl11 SI •A Co\ta Meu (A 92627 lt>m K,.chl 268 C1 b11llo St •A Cu•ta Mes.a CA 9?6i' I lh" bu\lne\\ ,, c~n dul led by an 1nd1v11!ual Hoe vciu started du1na bosmrs• yet1 Nu Tom Kr~chl Th" \l•lemenl wn hied with the County Cler h ol Orange County on 06 :>7 03 200'690 723 Daily Pilot J'l>ly 3 10 17. 24, 200.J lhS65 RdltiMINltss ... s ....... l h.: lollowtnil l)er \ons are do1n1t business as lohn,on 81 os Des111n & Conslrocttoo ?139 Aster Platt Co,1.1 Mesa CA 9?ftl'l 1~11 M1(l1dd lohnson l IJ9 A\ler PIJlt Costa Me•.t CA 9?6?/ lhos btrsrnns " con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual H•ve you 1larled dnm11 bus1ne~' yet' No I e11 y M J<thn~on Thi\ sl•l~ment wa\ ltled w1lh the County Cler h of Or an at County on 061101()3 2003H 475U Daily Prlol lune 12, 19 26. luly 3. 2003 Th515 RdltMes -...SS ltmtS..... The lollowrna person\ art do1n1 bu"nes~ u D11v1n1 Oat• 2043 President Pltce Co\ll Mes.a CA 92627 Kim Rodney Reynolds, 2043 President Pl1ct>. Cash Mna, CA 9?627 f hrs bus'"ess 1s con ducted by an 1nd1vldual llave you 5t31 led doona bU\lnt!H y@t' No t<rm Rodn11 Reynolds Th" statement wu hied with the Count1 Cle1k ot Oren1e County on 07/01/03 200'6950129 Daily Piiot July 3. 10, 17, 24. 2003 Th5SS .... ..... .-s...... The follow1n1 perwns ere doinc buslne•s H . Q S. 8uilden, 317 M• rln1 Ave., Balboa lsllnd, Clltfornll 92662 Oevld Ro~ SM.ber, SP Merine Ave., Bilbo• lslend, C1lllornl1 92662 This bualneu Is con ducted by. 1n lndMdu.11 H•v• YOIJ Stifled doln& bualn•as ytU Yu, 6/301 03 Oevid R Seeber rhll Sllltmenl WI.I h'4id wrth the County Clerll of Q,.nae County on 07/1/03 200Hts0101 Dilly Piiot July 3, lO, 17, 24, 2003 Th549 .......... ... s...... The followln1 penons .,. dolna busineu n . a) Th• AV Oen b) The Audio Video Oen. 2060 Pl1c•nh1 llC2. Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 Oe11k Coplan Wmeaar. 7741 15th St IB, Westminster. CA 92683 Ttus bu~iness " con due led by an 111d1v1dual !lave you sterted dotnt1 l>U\rness yet' No Ottoll W1ne11:ar Tht!o staltment w.i~ tiled with the County Cieri.. ul O,.n11e County on 06/13/03 2003H41040 Oarly Prial June 19. 26 July 3. 10. 2003 lh527 AdltiM lllilm .... s....... the lollowona persons •• e durnc bu\mess •~ ALl1un raler1 I W•)I MJ n~af!mei•I lb/O ~Allla Ana Ave Costa Meu CA9?6?/ , Ange IA Gr 1ll1th 240 161h f'I •'I. Co•'" M~sa CA 92671 Thi\ bus111~~> " Lon ducltd by M• 1111l1v10uMI tlJv• yuu \tatttd 001111[ bU\llll'\\ yel 1 No Aneela C11ll1lh lh1s sl<ttl'rnenl was loled with lht County Clerk ot U1011~e Co unly Oil Ol.1?0/03 20036 948892 l)a1ly Pilot June 76. July 3 10. 17 2003 Thl'O FldlliM ltniless ... s ....... rht tolluw1na persun\ a1 e dQ•"e bus1ne\s •• rho \lit"lm4'11C~I! Noodles, 1701} lln11ll An •t.. (lard"n G1bv,. f &l!IO<ft1& 9?804 t '" Nen1 1 uu ~'>?'> w H1ehl•lld St S1nt• AnA C:.~l1ln1n1• 92104 I hi\ Dullneu I\ con duded by <1n tnd1v1du1I lian yllu -.tarted doing bu\11\e\\ vet' Nu l .in Niu• Luu Tiu\ ,1 .. 1emo11t W~\ hlrd w•lh lh,. County Clerk ot Oran~e tounty on (Y.,170 OJ 2003694Sl3S 0>11ly Pilot June 19 26 luly .J 10 2003 Th5 l0 AdltiM ~ "-S........ lhe loll11w1n11 persons •t t dointt bu'°ness a\ Ale fre1eh1 Strvr<• 194 87 SurlHt Dr ltun1tn111011 Bea<h <:A 91648 r layne f'ny 1948/ Sutlut Of rve Hunlrnii! Ion 8e•lh, CA 92648 This busonHs •~ con du<l,.d by •n 1nr1tv10u•I HIVf yoo \I/tiled d<>in11 Du\tn"" yeP No r layn~ Poy lhos statement w.a~. f1ltd with the County Cletk ol O,.nae Co•mly on 06/'/I !OJ 200'6'49720 Oarly Pilot July J, 10 I/ 24 2003 ThS60 fldtlimW.U M..S...... The lollowinc persc.n' '' e dome busmess n M'Y Photo and Oes•an. 300 B10<1dway. Costa Mesa C11tfoon1a 92621 KtJ1lh le"'ll M1y. JOO Bro1dwi1y Costa Mesa c.1itorn1a 92621 lh•s busmen 1s con ducted by an 1ndlv1du1I lfave vou \lat led dn1n11 bus1n01ss yet' Yn. J l /I / 1997 Kttlh May Thi~ itatement wn hied with the Counly Clerk ol Oranac County on01/V03 200'6tSOI02 011ty Pilot July l 10. 17. 24 2003 lh!'>48 Adil. ..... llmtS...... The tollowma person\ 11 e dome b1Js1ness n Gil\! On11n & Assocr· •In. J5 Seascape Drive. ;~orl Beuh CA M11aaret Ann Cnso, 35 Sencape Or 1ve. Newport Bench, CA 92663 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS!. • • • • • • • •• • • . DailyA Pilot Thlt ~lnes1 It c:on d11eted bJ: en lndlvldu1I Have )IOU 1t.rled doina builne .. ,,u No Mw1w1t Gaul Th11 t lltement was hied with IN County Clefk ot Clfanae Countr onOS/27/03 200Ht4t7t4 D•llr _f'llot Ally 3, 10. l 7. 24' 2003 Tt\563 .......... ......... The followina person• .,. dotn1 blJSllMSS n Juice It Up!, l4CJ'Jl Jelltey Road, ltvtne. CA 92620 Ctllfornla J11te1 Croup, lnc .. (CA) 11140 Whittler Blvd .. Whlttllf, C,_, 90606 This business Is con· d1Jct1d by: a CotPOflllon Have yo1J sllttld doln1 business yetf Ho Callf0tnlt .Mee Croup. lnc.,P1yush R Bha11t, President Thos st1ttmcnt wlS llled with the Cou1111 Clerk of Ortn11• County on 06/06/03 200SH47176 011ly Prlol J1Jne 12. 19. 26, July 3, 2003 Tti498 flctlM ..... .......... The lottowrna perso'ls are dome business n Stone&1en Prooerlles, 14 Stoneelen. Ah\o V•eto CA92656 David James Olson. 14 Stone11len. Ahso V1ciu CA 926S6 This busrnes\ is con ducted by an 1nd1v1oua1 H•ve you statt~d do1na b1J\m1u yet1 r.o O•Y1d I Olsl)n I hi\ statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 06/10/03 200'6'4754 2 D•lly P1lol lune 12. 19 26 July J . 2003 Th509 flcflllM ..... ... --... lhr lollowtnt per\on~ ate dome busme.s u l MS Consultina. ?Ql6 Beech.,.ood Ave , f 111 lerton CA 9?835 M1~hiel R•y Sm1tl1l11t~ "X>16 Bttchwood Ave f uller I 011 CA 928JS Tht\ busrness ,. <on duUed br an 1nd1v1dual ll•vf' you \lat led dome bu\1111!\\ yet' Yo 2/19rOJ M1thael R•y Sm1thlmil lh1s statement w•\ ftled wrth the County Ct.rlo. of Oun&L C4unty on 06/70/03 200S6941al4 011ly f'1tol June 26. lulv 3 10 17 1003 Th'>J6 _,.._ ..... ... --... Tht lollow1n& pel\on\ •• t dome busrnns •< Own"' s Contract•na Ser v1r.e' ?1 10 N,wp111 I Blvd •I, Costa Meu t..A 9X.?1 Oun•ld R w .. d It IO ~.,wport Blvd •I Co\l.t Mt\f CA 92621 lhl\ bus1ne\~ rs '"" dut led by ~n 1nd1v1duAI . llave you started dotni bu\rnen yet? No Oon11d R Waid Tl'll• statement wo hied wolh "'" C11unl y !'lerk of Or an2e County on 06/10/03 2003H475U D11ly Pilot lune 12 19 7f; July 3 2003 ThSl3 Rdlllla...-.U ... --... The lollowrn& person\ •re duma businen u Castle f mar1~1al Co11 '"lt•na 4000 Channel Pl Newport Beach CA 9?663 01n1tl Castillo ?10 l•lle Ln •117. Newpoot Buch, CA 92663 I hi\ bus111•ss rs con ducted by an 1nd1v1du11 ll•ve you st•rled r:loonr busonts\ 1et' Yel 6/1/02 D•"•tl Castillo fh1s ~laloeme11t was hied wrth tht Counh Clerk of Onnae County on06/U/03 2003H49722 D11I~ Pilot J\lly 3. 10. 17. 24 2003 ThSS7 AIM. .... .......... lhe lollow1n1 pe15on' •rt do1n1 blJSIMU H Or •111• Coast Rooftnc Co , 2810 Ctttos ~ Codi Meu CA 92626 David II Miller. ?810 Cht0s Rd , Costa Mesa, CA 92626 11\rs buimess " con· ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual tlAVe YO" started do'"tl bus1n1n yell Yes 1985 David I\ M1llti Thts state-nt was hied wrth the Count)' Clerh of Or an1e County on 06/27/03 200Ht4t710 D1il1 _Pilot July 3, 10. 17. 24. 200J Th564 ........ I 11, "' ... I I I I I I I . ' .. ---------------~--~- Poli cy Rates and deadlines arc subject to c h ange without no t ice. The publish er reserves ll\c n g ht to c eni.or. reclassify, revise o r reject a n y classified advenisem e m . Please reP<>rt. any error that may be in your clai.!>ilied ad immed1atcly. The Daily P ilot accepts no liab1li1y for any e rror m an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible except for the coi.t of the: space ac tually occupied b) the error Credit c an only be jllo"'ed for the fir~t inscn1on. ANNOUNCEMENTS [q ; & MISC. 1010-1110 ~ ·GARAGE SALE 1419 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 230S·2490 By Fax (949) 631-6594 11'1< .. ..., 1ndu<k' ~""' n..mc •»<l p/l.iM numlict ..nJ 11.r II'"" )w t>.id "'!'ll • l""e q1>UI< 1 How to Place A CLAS SIFIE AD Bv Phon e c949) 642-5678 Hours • By i\lai 1/1 n Person: '-'O Wc,t Bay Street (.u,1.1 Ml",.t. CA 92627 At N~"'prnt Ulvd & Bay St ---Dectdlin es --- Monday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Tue-.tlay' ................... Monday 5:00pm Wcdnesday .............. Tuc!>day 5:00pm Thur!>day ............ Wedne!.day 5:00pm Fnda) ................. .' .. Thur<.day 5:00pm Saturday ................... f-nday 3:00pm Telephone 8 ,O,mi-5 OOpm Monday-Fndc1)' Wall.-111 X 'll.1111 °' OOp111 Muml.i)' I 11.l-1; ~Ullc..IJ} ..................... f·mJay 5:00pm -~ m<HAllDISE Ill SALE 3010-3940 mJ llAL ESTATE FOR SALE soos-saso ......._ Index ESTATE 111111.S muft'MENT lirOllmlTUS ~ -'~"· --,\j 7402-7466 .\)SERVICE DIRECTORY ~) aoos-as1 0 I~ 9000-97SO Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week f-or Only $32 per week (4week minimum) ·call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 PHOTOGRAPHY/ ~~..:,.d'~~ ~ .. ~ _Newp_.;.._ott_C_oast ____ I ~FsDE-.· k r .... -k Costa Mesa ____ ~:,_2;~10 •1~~1~"~ t: Irvine A STEAi. t• 51095/• I/> Off .... ht ---foe 6tno IO!a~ r.ewty hlcMc Vlew M__.. Ooubte C11ve JUnl lot Must vii WMlh SI 5'1'.. \el few S71Vobo 949 939 »Jt OPTICAL '"' It! fol ., iUatcVod Mea Cloul• Hr&h~\I P<>1nt ORANGE 7400 rurn'd Studio "' Tr I.,,, '11'.L""' ... u. P'~i-Sl49'J HMdWOOd fir""' c~tom w SpeUaLUlar ocun lw1 I f ~,.., "J 1>~> "'' di* 1 94'.1-64'.' 96~ SERVICES 2601J 1~1""f bW> VleN~ w~I •1tw\ One of tile llnut COUNTY • • ,.. , r "'_, " 1 ... 1 Ugflf & ''T: ~ 7 '>I-• Miuellaneous i..... rp, c.niom w• umm vi 1u •ury homes ,J,, • s ._J o;:'J&11.,.1~ , .1 .. ,. ,11 , .,_ ., _1 co.-...i C-..ctcw Rt 3 I olt '"4\IC1 ccntr.tl "' Sb 4 Sb S., Lg< 000 • .~ ~ HOME IMPROVEMENT T v~ll• Rock '"' 21>• r .S <.I"~ o 1 j 1r..,,.f~ tp 1t.i gctr nr Ptt'" •~nn~ .. arnllelt c~"'" puul SI 72~ ~':I 116 19r,i, ,,."""".idelil!-d ""' nitw '10()tS, l411><'1 & Ct!<.mo< t~ I/I ti "' "'°' @ un11 0 'W t '"• l'B• Sl4'!> w~ t ... ""'~ 646 Z224 Of 114 fdJ 7S92 N oots Sf"tle let-P1<1hc: V101 SJOOO 818 986 l32'l L• msa modrb R.,p.tn CdrJ.lt'fllry Acceuories 735 ~ lr•nQ111I i!••deo P•tfl'>\ r " <" " Balboa Peninsula t ... J cltan•ni "' MSMJ:Om111.1.boo Ilm!lel1_ NlW M.O.NOA AllOY S8J9.tal Alt <;49 r'r3 9ll4 Stra .. o [ uropun style l ll""lr.lylGato A-!l.C~t ".'Y, 1 \19'1Jr> 0 "' 114 ~1 JV! l llfB6.J2/ 1)4 96l 74J6 l IMni >iii!! m tne rutt~ * S..pa< Shorplll * I .,.. .. ~· -IC RIMS "" l61n MM.h•hn A ~ 31r 210 l>om• •verlookinu Ille ote.in 38r 38a Condo \It!>'> lu h1; ., ''' I '" S.111l<t ~Lr. 7t.l ttUGl YAttO C~ll·~ l'ark j~r Z~a Colledlbles/ _Memcn __ b1_111 __ 11_&o APPLIANCES TOI' SS 4 ltl COltOS nc .Im. Claw; Elt 50, & Ell\ w-i... & Ory.,, t>vlh SL Allee Spkr tube l<!'C>\ new Mu\I •,ac t1f1<. for Mike 949 64'> 1'>0!> S.1.>0 for both Call 949 All 1ul nl•le adver tmna in th" neww•11er 1\ •ubitct to the F tdtldl f '" Hous1na ACI of 1968 •• •mended w h1th makes 11 1lleaa1 to ad vu t1H "•ny pr et er •nee l1m1t•l1on or d1urim1nat1on boed on rue color ""&•on u • lland1c:ap f1m1hal ''•lus or nahon1I 011111n or •n intenhon to m1~t 1ny such preference hm•I• lion or d1sc11m1n•toon • This newsp1per will not know1n1ly .ccept any advtrhument lor rtlt tst•te Whlth I\ In v1ol1t1on of the l•w Our 111ders •11 h11eby informed Iha! all dwell 1n1s ad .. rtosed in thJS newspaper are 011l1blt on an equal oppor 1un1ty bHIS To complain ol dis c:11mlnallon. ull HUD toll free 11 I 800 424 8!>90 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Old.r Styta Furnltvra PIANOS A Colladlblft . ...._.~.,.....,.,.,... ·--·~·~·~--. MCABHPAID tt M 8UY UTATlS .~.....,,.,,,-<. .. AITIJI" CONSIGN~'.N~S I I SEll your unwanted Items throu111 tlHslfltd 640 461/ n1 949 GI'> 6044 HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture 3435 MOVING WI "6n G£ Profit ~ by .a •~ Hones. Scoollr m& ~ ~181 ~ 3460 JEWEl.RY/ DIAMONDS/ 'PRECIOUS METALS c-•t Celn NH dt Old Coins' Cold \•Iver ,ewetry .,•IO>es anllQUn tollect1bles 9'9 642 9«8 Cats 3610 Oclcat Kltta n1. leopard IOOll • hilt\ rare u ohc flOld ·cr1ocol•le \l>Ob. real M.hmoozers 909 681 6664 200+ ltlS(lJ[D IOTTINS, CA TS DOCS plloio. °'"" WWW .wwnalnetworlt CWi Adopbons. Fashion lsWld :ll DAY~ TH CUAAAHIIT ~Zll9 fltll WAY for monwN cal pt .. lultl!IM. 949-697.fo632 361S ,.,,.~ ............. , .... ~-Sm•rt &, Love· •ble Pwents on Pr~ $1()() lor1 !714) 434-1818 LAl ttAOOlt purs OFA ClltF CHAMPtON UNIS, pl•llnum blonde S800 626·3S9·88S4 o-Slt.,,.~n •II colors all s1zt1 for •dopt1on to qu1hf11d homes w"""·ISflSCUe ora or 714 773 5915 tr~ S6I)) ;bu Can 714 ~-T • 1 z S!l'J" VI,,., Ir J\h W /GAllOlNIR. Frts•• nLo 767, _ 909 .,... ..._ with lhMm1ni1 Pdl•• m • Jbr • ulf1te SI b9S 000 beac.h IJ "'' ""''"'' • ,,...,, & -· ~ T --~~ 38~7 Bl•~!~" "••n lorg• lbr llto _,, - pa1nl 1n & ,,, n•w. lppl•.• qvlet Panln•.,fo pelt01. noce yJ•J "aardentr No •meliln,1/peh. SIBSOm .. ~<jf,4~9913 1Sl4 509'9-2 j_.UI """ J ~ <<>.> u.o;;; "''Y l)rlVdtt tu\h bd<.•y<11d s.Jmnu B•r 949 4iJJ 04/I 11.11•1 •I-" M1" l~•m~nt ,.., "' ·~· "'' .....,.~r All ~.fh<, •I• remoc!Olt!d OrEN SUN 1-5 "'" 7••1 l'J n I,, 9?00 f'..O. t. I W~nun<IS S2COJ MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE w tilt-fluvl\ •II windc•w\ New h\t•na Stunn•n& -• ~· "'964!>99ll d(f t>e•a An~ '.nlar flnl!!d mod~ 1.~. hom• I Corona de! Mar I f'•lda t br I'" I'"' uml Huntington B"""ch H rt B ch ""' '" I \elUfl y 11 11 0 VI (l .. , I l '"' I .. , • l'dlkl I BLOCK FROM OClAN l nr 1ba apt remodeled C.a•porl Sl8!>0 A•••' 8·1 f t t.-& 1 w .,.,.,of Saddlebac, "" l ewpo ea •y\leni !Mrnaia S<lntegrel 4br hund•eds of up I r. a, caon ew 1 , c n llllJ £ Htallc.r\ 949_.44-0195 arades' SI 69!> 000 South ol PC.H ot•r Pnwy ''" 1' • '' r~wnfl ID Iba conoo oe,1 COMMUTE U SS Miscella neous SI.JOY mu Qp.,n th1\• I il•.r ' •111(.4'> 11/h H6 f'~ 1•"1"'1 pool W• IULAX MOR( I C C d IM OPEN SUN 1-S Sun 11 4pm N H.11•tl!• wd 111 <"1•1 '"'°"'ilJd pi<g t.wt 1< I rtj•I d "'"'~ 11p ,,1 Merchandise 3855 "''~m d or~n~ • or I S•nl• Luc•• 'f abu1uus 714 772 1811 e. 1 ? fl fo•t•lde 2br. 2bo, Apt.' 11.(1 SllUJ ~9 61 J /8J) ,,~,1 1,.,1r.;,,,,1 .. c.,.,,1,.. I on om n ""''· l~~ehunl ''" Jbr J '>~• '"" I •I•· ' • "•!or --~---I l/Gl'l H ~I Ha< d ~ 3-STlU IUllOINGS gou11n•t ~1trh•n Nrov1ih1 O•erlookin2 C•nyon . & ~ lr.i 1 11 "" ,.., p• 1, 8rootlmoor • Condo 1,.,_,., -~""' t.:•m;~ 949·5 I S-422.9 I 21R YURtY ttlNTAlS N~wpnr I j3Uth Penin SIWO $19SV m" aat 949 673-7100 Up 10 70"G <>If' 40ob0 """ 111\lom Ille Mid <db •i.edn SI 779 000 I I r I l a, Wal~ to 11,.,11 ,. '41'1 ,,.,,J 17 J'> Walk tu bedLI• 2br lba I 1~~2691 SOa 100 sa.1?0 e-.1 1n•lri I ront" a jbf lba baoch, 11ght & t.11gh1 •• I ~•I'd 11uul tenn1\ Otter' c.n Otltver' I hr.mr & .... ·~. 2b1 2bd ru.TINUM PROr£RTllS pets l\t Sl.ffltn nld ulto. I ~ I St8~1) "1> ~62 4?4 '>09<.J ·~ ~wre: ~ R~= Rc.t •800i 499716lJ COASTUNERWTY I StefonleMeurer ava11now 949 7'U l'>b!> ••Dual Mcntw h2/ .,.,_ 7..,,_ lg I l d ~ WIO '*-949-759-0177 949 715 3156 HT 0tC Btt •• R~ ,. •>V~ ~-""' _....,._ llOO YIARlY llASl 'f' • ..!:!:,.. ~ "" tJi-1•" '•·• Pf1'i '"'"'unit, 4 bb..k~ 10 IYJl I & UDO SUMMIA HOMES '" ~...-. pdlnt ..,.,......, 011ces tof lease 4S40 e A Con-Mli"9 c-One of .... ........, ~ Oca~ "l•w home l1£M w •• 1 ... 11""' c•I SI t~ Avdl! '2 ft,.. 'ill lam rm drl "'PA Bill GRUNDY R( Al. IORS ~ !1697 ~-84.l> NS/lo< tit. from och 1 rm ult \Ulte I Pf~i 'Cl tots Nrndows niee b<eeze SE95rno 949 178 fJ6.lZ WJ lo<otlon. .. \lroll lo Bic In St1adc <><-. ~ au t 2br 2ba pallv~ "'' ~.1, !<ifi.~,, \'HI I>' t I p..t Ind! 1 !NI pain Sl995 949_675_616 t I Cn<on• and loollout po.nt '16< • °"" Orum h<ome \mo~ pet Qm•I rm~h HAlteOll VRJ.AOf "" Av~ 7 l. I 'I' Isl' 1 ~·wrort Cre•t, 2br 4s, 4 58a l>llnd new Nrth pool \1>3 BBQ & prt Sl4'JO me. 949 760 871 / 11 .. 1~, Rt. J (CV M"""'"< n ll"l• Do not d6turtl ba 2 t ll•r w•llt lo custom home •PC>IO• 4CXX>..t IO<XX>-w,11 It ..,,,,, U442 ~ tllldl'tS 421 l~ \I (.al !Jen ltM•\ pool •P• Uf1erfd •I S29SOOCO lut SI 76!>00J • L....,oe __ Rttr S62 .. 30-2484 S2100 mo 9t9 707 4'08 COASlll~ Rt"1. rv l•GIO 949-509-8923 IAYFttONT fXICUTIVI 949 /)9 0111 O••-Helehh-Oreom otttce \u•te 1 ofl1ct\ it... ()>e of ow lari'Mt frc•11hon & •toraae luc I Costa Mesa lob Jilt• Oen w1lh pool 1n COM 949 718 9500 \lllil B8Q & Pit AllPro• rl()liES "~ S.:...E ORANGE 5400 COUNTY . Balboa Peninsula FOUR NlW 0 T rlNINSULA CONDOS Open Sot-Sun T-4 49151tlverAve FROM SUS,000 213 21TH ST. 3 &4 i..- 491S-4917 ... Aw 3i..-/J ..... o......-w ....... ...... n.~c. 949-9»-7528 Corona dtl Mar orlN SAT-SUN 12-5 JO JITTY JASMINE CltUK ~ 5laY 2br 2ba dl!Jn Roews C.dlWw llric> 1QPGd lw llic:apped ready llery Ow ....rt. Assoc ........... pool c.i lor """ S7!r> <XX> By Owner 9l&.fJIO.IIl77 rttlMI ESTATES 4<XXl \I 1000>-Lot ..it rATttlCK TfNOltl , l-ir Leoo 949-S!B-8923 NATIONWIOI USA r•1Mr l"TAHS 9'9-156-9705 .. > WWW palll<klenore cnm rATltlCK tlNOlll I NATIONWIOI USA Ut-156-9705 www patncklenore com Irvine OrlNSUN t ·S fob lokefronl lecatlan 3br 3b• One of a f~w ever 10 'ome 111a1t Waterfront sunset vi ews• S8!>9 000 rlatlnum rrepe rtlH Stefonle Meurar 949-715.J 1 S6 Laguna Beach 2 ro1Mlial ....... Sit" Oii ,,,me ll&IJRI Buth OC.H n v"'" vdlap strMI Cuirenl 48t home used n 111tome Easy build on fl.I lots' Cal Lu Cornetford @ColOweH Bani.er for more det.lllb on !ind 949 464 .J)l4 s 1,5",000 s1w_.0c-.........., 21 Castellin• Or 38r 3 SS.. $t.590.<XX> Virtual T OUf rptQC com .vo-. ~.<XU) Mor'flc-t r.a-. Crest custom estate wrth canyon & ocean ·~ ottered at S6.500 000 Coo1tllne ttealty 949-759-0177 MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING MoblleMlnu1acturtd Homa 5993 lM Oii TII IADU llLOM&IUOI HURRY!! l nt TWO lu1ury manuf homes mil 11 ptt!d 5 mr ""*'* --mot* hooir 11911. ,... 1).-1 Miry Lore 8-:tl ~ &, Sal '-"'. ,.;,. "" Vdorw 562 2'.25-0J!e Rmllolm ll030 Newpen l ch l ecli l ey 4br hH, 2 rooms •••II Norv'sntl. fllln '"'· BJ()m, share uurs 949.553.1155.3 I "Employee." "Empleado.·,, "Arbeitneluner." "Eniplo_ye." NO MAMR HOW YOU SAY n, Cl.ASSlflED CAN Flrll It (·1 ., .. I < ,., --·· ' "·"·"~ ,,., • , --.)(,. 0 ' ·.e · • Call (949) 642-5678 .. • • Thursday, Jvtoi 3. 2003 Dady Pilot r . TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZL~ Bridge . • _-._.., __ •_~•-MOTORHOMES ........,.~ l>Mut ••• opt, -sl~ Matarttomel· P•llPIAUTO 58 o.va•a rencWon sew-~ be9e ~ PUm.8 SOC.YID By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF an9 TANNAH HIRSCH 0,,.....,.....,., only \Ill( ml, HRE Pet· forrntnet wheels eo Clll*le ""' llt Lalbmllll llld Guidry . .....,,.,..._ ::~ IOUndl . DOWN 1 &Mii pow6'f 2 0>911P1"9.S 3 Mo ne<gl1110t' ·~· 5 SeV1111 perern 6 Mal<H chanQM 7 Big truci<• 8 Promif-to PIY 9 11'J ttliC> 10 ROmanb<: place 11 LIQhl b<own (2 wds.) 43 WM>-S•le WATCH ntOSE TRUMPS Both vulnmtble. North dea,I NORnl I • K 72 WF.'iT • J 1184 9754 Q94 •73 , A 8 3 6l •A K 10 9 4 EAST SOUTH • AQ63 K6 2 . 7 s 3 • 10·5 QJ 10 .·A KJ 10 8 • 1152 , If DO ti l. ls loc1lcQ, A mi nori l )'. believes lhal a one-love! !Dljor-\U1I ~after 1 dlamood overtall Cll.ft be made oo a (our-card suJ1. and I.he neprivc dbublc shows specif11..'llly four-card holdings U1 both mnJOIS TIIC lancr approach Wll!I bctnf ulC<J by North-South, OJld i1 made 11 e;i~y for Nonh-Soulh 10 reach the four· i.pade conU'Utl OD tt Moyi.ian 4-) fit. Norlh ~for a no-11\Jmp coolracl but, with no ~topper in the enemy suit, Soulh chose the ~padc gemc. Automobiles 9000 (19»4) INQUIRE! nA.aorwnu lfloolwoof. loldedl (19466) $24.980 ,...,._xuc- 32Km11n.c1wome w~. beaullful (194961) $37,980 '•Mwc-"-•UOO c..- Ch11rcoal w/Blt~I\. !tattler pum1um wheels. lllOOllfOOI (19512C) S29,980 9Ta.1Rlf U . .oos..... 12 Frftz's ref!Jul 13 Falles1 panes 21 Molays 31 PrOSIOent after 1anguage • Q J 6 We~• leJ the four of diam.ltxh. and Eo,1 v.on wnh the kmg ol d111monch and sw1tchc!d 10 the queen ot heatt\ H.W South won m hanJ and druwn 1hrtt niurxb of uump-.. WC\1 would have controlled the game ~•nee. allN ruffing the third dub. the dcfendcr\ v..1iuld ha\c t ollccl<:d 1v..o more <.II.- mood tnck~ for :i Oflt'·lnd. '><'I Stiver w/Crey lulllef, mo<>rnoof. a l>Quty. (194631) S22.980 22 Sable Ind mini< 24 Idly HltnlDn 32 ~off 49 RAw m8UU SO Slangy Olcev 51 Exp!Oref SOUTH \.\t:.'1 Autom ·ve 00 ,_.,dN halw f Sllve< w/Bi.cll. 32l< 34 Hot°""" I• P9M Audi 'O I TT o-. ROdd\let kM<Jed 10.., •- 7k '"' dlk 11rwn t°"bcrdy S3? 000 /60· 196 /t;OI 2.5 Sel;t.O 3 7 f ttnOe pan -M81qulllw S2 Son ol 3• PM. 26 New World e11.l)4orer 38 Pertlcapillld 4• ,._ miles. Y\.vp 12 .ods.) Aonrocnc 27 Actress -V111dugo 40 Oul per900 53 Hoclt1ty arena 54 Bao:J.1e11t lmlei!d, !>ou1h found .i ~•mplc i.:ounlcr mcd.~un: Aflt~r winning "'uh uumm} \ ai:c uf l,)<•un,, dcdww l~J 11 trump from Jummy .ind dudcJ. ,l..~p1ng ..:ontrol of ~le trump 1ui1' Nu mailer wh31 the dclendl."r did, dcx: lat· er would be able 10 ruft the th1rJ d1" mond 111 dummy. 1( nac:\\Ur} ,.,,,h ( 19490C) $39,980 28 SI Jenn s brelO 29 Supermatket 1Utlll6 4 1 MO flmploytt!S 43 s.t\lng 46 "CllCll·22" star 47 P;uni.r 56 Uke ~usl» 57 Pootle adVerb Up.:n1n)! lcau. l'OUI ol TI1t=~ " room for comm> lr~ul.\ m hnlli;t· Many comrot·1~ hlllgc on wh1d 1 >Ide controb the play at key IMW '97 3711 Conv. aulo 75k "" m,talltt drk blue, grey lthr I abulnu~ rnnd thr<iu~h out vl59261 Sl6.995 ltn & warr av.ltl Hl<r 949 ')jj6 18811 www <• pab• rom 0 I A"4I A4 ~ Bl•t h w/\tlvtr lealhe<, rTlOOllfOOf ( 194262). $22,980 JO Take cnarge ol Grandma - Newport Beach Condo llufh lg. 2b<. 2ba• den Hvl 2 palros _..., r p "" parnt 2c al1 i"' comm pool no pets. $2200ln 949 644 1367 11 IS W BAY AVt. le ~ Jbr 2ba vault t.eil fp, wfd 2c g•. S2500/mo •Ill Clvrsly 949 5003648 Cliff HAVEN l br 7bo S79SOmo Yrly btro Larp Yanl & DaG 949-647~94 fOR RE NT IN llUFFS Pn,tuJAr F Pl~n 38r 2'11Ba • Famil y Room SJOOO mo 949 644 4909 UDO ISU clo~ to beach & h.,bor 3br 2ba smg lam home palto 2 c 11ar $3200 mo 714 681 5349 MonUlly Rental Ava~ Sept Aloe 4br 2ba hse on Perun P001t VfrJ nc.e lurn aet $.'.M) ~f'>.46.IJ Ct.wt Tustin Horth Tuttln Hlllt Beau Cdtahna crly l1ahl view• 5br 5ba house • library 2 power rms Appro> 5900 sl I Jl Jot l ennis courts S2.390 .00 Remoll Claro lu 949.795.9911 VACATION RENTALS Beach,tWaterfront Rentals 7905 Newport leach Best Gahcl. ~ ~ Cl<.eanltonl lo<. ?•2•olflce Home 2Br 28a. 2 car p . SlDll mo 6/mo or Sl211 pvt~. A/C. SJ500oo mo 3tmo 949 b46 6304 714 !al-17!>8 714-345-5713 " 1? 11 ''"'"" M1l\I "'ho play ncgauvc double' 111,1,1 th.ii a one-le'cl n.-'pon..e at1cr .an mc~;iJl ,hov..~ a llve-c.ird \Ull .ind 1h~1 the nc~a11ve douhlc con be cmph1\c<.I "ith QJll) one lour·•.itd t11JJm p<O\ld1ng n:~ponder hd.1 1uffi , 1i:n1 'uppon for opener'' rnmor 'u11 · lhc l ing of 'pad<">. n!lum 10 hanJ "'1th a h.:an or club 10 Jrov. lhc 11u1 'umdm~ munr\ .mJ da1111 Ill lrlLI..\ Three \padt~. fi,c d uh' and two l\o:.in' "en-nm• then.-"" th<' wl.1111! un Jll) ddc:n'IC " ,.,...,,,, .J.SS Stiver w/blac:h lthr 1411 mite<>. eoteeous JOBS WANTED Employment Wanted ~ HouHmon/Mgr. * I t lean & maintain large hvmn Cook, drive. all duloe' elderly & th1ld t dl<' e.p 323 937-9038 I JOBS OFFERED Domestic Employment 8400 Sii.VER SPOON NANNY AGENCY (714) 469-3087 .altvenpaarwtonnlM.<om Employment 8500 OttrVUl/a>t (A) Hmmal _ SIO ()'.):) al1er ~ years• SUl.O~ le 39 cents Team lo 41 .rnu Cc.nlract0<s lo 87 Lt'flh tuel SU< th.tr~•• CDl Grads wtk ufllt' l Of. 800 m ~'>'>£ "' KllM com (f Al • ,CAN1 DRIVlRS P'ART ·Tl Mt Mon F fl Ortvt nu.e t dr\ nml ~•I paid ICJ1 11 Call Dan ~49 574 7d 79 HOTEL n /PT f ronl Oe<>k N1£ht A1.1d1l will tr a1n apply 1n per"°" 1951 Newporl Bl Co•ld M~ 949 650 2999 MORTGAGE llUSNSS IS hoomltie, rftd ~ Good "ICJnt"t polenba1 Tr atnfli pr ov1ded f ull'PT r a. l't:!>UrTll' 714 V614a> • P /TIMt ltflJ(f MAH- AG(IL I rg !.IOI age lac:tloty "' C M Monday Ttl1KW.y, r r oday Olfoce and Irle l i.-amng f •p a• CaN for 1nfnrm•l10n 714 437·9200 Pubhsh•na P'ROMOTIONS DEP'ARTMENT Community ntW\l)apers 1n Oranee County ~' r ull Time ix.non lo rnle<view and wnle slotics. parh1;1 pale 1n commun1ly events. cre<lle and P111!10ate p.iaes and ..echons C.cellent communicahon Silllb, WO!h weU w11tl lt\e public llnow AP Slyle Qua•~Press Photoshop. Multi Ad C.e alot Proficient on MAC and PC CCI desrgn e •pe11env preferred Prooltud111& 1~1 Dwa S0"""12!ph~J reqoirtd EOE E • cell•nl benel11 paella~ [mad re<>uml! wt 1tine !M'lmple<; and i.alary re 0 u1reme111 ~ lo I.Ina '°"''\.Ol'l@ l3ltme<> LOITI RtC[P'TIOHtST r ulJ tune pos1lroo .iva1labJe '" busy NB ReaJ Est.alt oHice M F 8 JO 5 JO Compthlrve pay and benef1ls lo&fll com puter wn<k llnow~<lee ol MS Wotd a plus r a• res· ume to 949 717 ?1~ Plac<' your ad today! <949) 642·6678 I M W '19 73Sll ltrtlhtr '-U"ruot "t'V I t lun S1'l'l5 •865459 Wf.-WJlftu LOOI Ql\<J fl4t, h5:l') ( 1142.151 INQOIR( '9Uncolrt~ Grey w blac:I< lealhe< premium wllffl'S I 1'1419) $23980 BMW '91 Z3 Conv 7.1 lie+ pltw4'1tflle-• .. ..., I b . t i r>d I•• 1(1" ~·1·d Busy Newport Berocti ReAt ~ .. aul l1h new 0 11d Estate olfice Sdlafy com •111'>121 $17 ':1':15 t. menwrale w/up fa. ''""'"'II & wdrrdt1ly "•dtl 1esurnelo ~75 21l7 B~· 94951161888 949.574.7777 -www.o<pobi.<om l •au• '9 4 l S 4 0 0 Sale. °"""9e c~ folr Women\ T-'t of Mink Buick '9S Regal Grand 1 t:hampaene 11oldtlan skin care pr odu~h s 1 "'d i 8 Vfl J llht CD 11old P~&. pur ( 1 if'll.JP«: '\UVtHb o r1a lond 7111·8/3 fie• \Cile<Mt' 5% n.. m l~llu blu•' SI O 19~ ••?67S I? It ,f/f'T, $7 25 start Fun f'Jb' ~<q ml lullv tood"d nJnltn~ .1v.1il Bl<r 949 aaa...79·3241, IC. 011~ "'"., \u~erb 11~• c;af, !888 www~com I n~w uind v/'>~ll i '><r1'> Sift MANAGfR P1 Int H~r '149 '>86 llW' L .. ut '90 l S 400 sen.,. domne lenltt In www.ocpol.com •nmA• chrnme whls CM E1p'd wrlh luud ser11ice and &ood or~nt Codllloc 'O I Seville SlS llnr !oohs & drivn """ flt N $69S{) 949 35() 5202 z..tJOnal slo~ dewed Mu<t ,1,., ;r•v Ith• I I enJOy workin& W •MO..,.\ • hr'l' '""' , ~ I"• lul LEXUS lX470 '91 Apply "' I><"'"°" l:?&'Xi '" t ""• 1""' SI/': l'J' tll•~k ''~lher loaded Hoovl'r SI Carden Grav~ ••'>'11>741 '"'"' 1·1~ ,.J1l .tnt cqnd 6 CO player. °'Lall 714 894 9779 E 0 l Bh• '14'• '>l:ll) I~ 1 i 32 000 114 336 13!>4 www.ocpobl.com Sell your unwanted items the easy way! Place a Classified ad today! 949 642-5678 1.a...,. '99 RX 309 4X4, J Codllloc 'O 1 Seville SlS l('1id '""'"" rttw heated \tl•P' P"Y 11111 r.o 'I "'db tuea rad\. tow~ I t hrn1 whl\ ~""' pkl' lull Sl4«n.l949~520'l ta, I l•h r•,W illf 9'J'i I ••'i<'lti/41 lon.111 •n.:1v.11t Maado '99 Mlata li•• <149 ·.~f. 11'.P> I Cnn• 4~• m1 auto www.ocpabl.com \!Iver t•n top. pw pl A C CO wperb h~f new (•rod w•11974l '10 995 ft11t1m .. 1na & w~,,anly N••l 8 kr 949 !186 1888 CHIVY TAHOE l T '02 l 1~ ""° •I •• 11 .., • 'L• ll 111 r. ,,,,_ !Jkr ,,..t W<I "'l)' •t« ~i,.io)ll www.ac.pelll.c""' ALOHA! EARN EXTRA MONEY Friday. July 11 -Sunday. AU&. 3 urn S6.7'i ·SI I/hr ,.. Sdlin~ E.xouc Hawa.11m Plm u at The Orange Counry F;ur. ~u CXp<'riCncc nee~~· l:n1hw ia..sm a Plw~ ln1uvi~ in penoo: Wed., July 9 from I la.m. -2p.m. . Or.mgr \ounry F-m~munJ, "L.1rnmal oCProdurn Blcij;, Booth ""01 TROPICAL TREASURES I "--'03 s. Type 4 7 va, )Lh hi l.tUlf" ,.,,., ~· tlh• 0 ti~ ,.,.,. oNfW't' Jt ~it-t.1 Al.J:t Sd\I• 1'>1< iJBw, ··~ ~4 ':1 ,111 I ~i:!b IH • Mertedet '00 C7S • .mpro•or Sed1n ?l~ 'n• lull IA< I warr black ••lmul llhr sunroof be•ullluJ like new w nd v87!1l92 S21~ lan•ncin1 1¥111 B~r 949 586 1888 www.ocpal.,om www.ocpoltl.coft"I ,.. '96 c;....,d,dZoi... M•rc•d .. cuoo ·2002 ~. lw1t r.u '4111'.• lli.:..11° 811ll11nl !1Jver. 1111 mr •'1Y OM r 'Sh'fl:J ~?1'>4!.;11 I Mu•t Hiii S7S,OOO. Wt W~llho f M l ~<; i;A(,. ffl77 •49-117-1603 HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS . . Service Dlredory Accounting "N0 f1Cl TO R RS Cal1forn1a law re· QU1tes lhal conlrac· tors tekine robs th al tol•I SSOO or more (labo• or m:Merials) be llvnsed by the Con1 rac1or\ Slate I rcense Board State lew also reouires thal contractors include thew h<:ense num~r on 111 adverhs•ne You can chtc~ the status ol your licensed cont r a ctor al www cslb c:a cov or 800·321 CSLB. Unh ctn••d conluclors lak1n1 1obs that tol1I leu than S500 musl stlte 1n the11 edvert1semenb lltat I hey are not l1cenud by the Contract11rs St.It lt(enie Board .. fMTHltG~ I(~ I Balll ! Rernode4 ~ ... ~ "-ill&'5 ~ 96.6E.93:15 Alt Condltlont'teat AUIN HVA~ Air Condltionin1 f. Heatin1 Servic:e 1.1808660 lM 9. 500. 9005 Iii l[{j - ERVIfJE Carpet Repalr'1ales I Computer Services I Drywall Services ~ CAJIPtT~CUP'Eh' SEU Repa11\ P1tch1n1 Install Courteous any s1le 1ob~ your unwanted WholeuJe• 949 492 0205 items throu11h tl•~s1t1cd WITTHOHT DRYWAU All phases sm/lr11 1obs CUAN I 20yrs la11 free "'' l 400030 714-639 1447 Clean Ing Squeaky Cleon Q11Al11y Hou~,, cloning. Alford abJe ratM, 20 •Vo (ap fr~ Est.Nie 71Hl91 fHjJ Computer Services /NHOMr C IUSINESS Rtl'AJRS Uper a des, Rep au s ol Electrical Services Compul.r Networks Evenings W"ker•d< I Small Job b pertl Comptl!llY• p11r •' Ount~n Electric 20Yrs hp tor quahtv s~rv•l l•1<.tl Quock Response 949-136-1175 Sernce/Remodels ._•7•1•4•· 9•7•6•·•4 2•2•1-.. I t •? ISSIO 949-650-7042 ___________ ,p;;~~~~~ Con & u--America I ectrl< a'8te m<JWnry l rc~nied Electdcal I rick ll0<k Stan• Tiie Cnntraclor Small Conaete PatlO. 0.1ve111r~1 iob\ 5lar1tn1 al fnplc, BBQ Ref\ J',Y" S 79.9S & u,.. bp lefty 11~ !>5/ 7!>94 Spec1alwne 1n Rrmodelina a. all The Cema1tl Mon home w1nna needs, Cemenlwor~. Bncl\ l ilt f':omm/lodust/Ru & More Rehable No 1ob 1-100·197-1001 toosma11 •714.61'J 'l062 Ln M I I TO lGIH YOUR HOMI IMPROVlMINT PROJECT? Call • plumber pamter handymAn or any of lhe areet serYl(es listed here 1n our service ·director yl THESE LOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI DUTCHMAN IUCTltlC I ICENSE0/1NSUREO COMPETITIVE RATES l'7~9337 9'9 322·6250 UCINSID CONTUCTOR No ,>tJ too vn Al serYIOeS.! Repalf remoelel fans !iC)I, MW S\'C ~36!16 CUSTOM CJllATM TU IMllbtion • .Ute. cerarnac. marble. stone ....., '91S L"612044 Jett 714-612·9961 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANGE/LA COUNTIF.S Professional. Hone t. Fair and Reliable .... ROOM ADDITIONS REMODELS CUSTOM CABINETRY Kitchen &. Bath SJ>ecialists CS CONSTRUCTION Lie# 577982 (949) 709-5642 LIAKY~R~ed Rearoul1n & lnslall1hon TJL[ 0£AN 949 673 8065 714 846.a526 714 883 2031 Garage Doon *AMERICAll* OVEmEAD DOOfl • ~ Ooof'l/Ootrle<s :~~· •Lu & Rttllll4t FREE ESTIMATES (1t4)Ne-4JUO 1 L.., Tef'rH londt<ap• Ww.tj ~. lr!ll Ir~ & uul1ll1llon. 25 Yrs txp Lie/Insured 949 548 4363 sawcn • lYlltYTHING & ANYTHING IN A GHDlN. THI OlfflltlNCI llTWIPf HAUTIIUl & lllQUtstfl ... t4t-S I S-H74 Cet your yard loollt111 lb tat tor lhe umw. Y•d ct.'I ""' sprtt\ler ~ ..., lldlcl!q Wltktftd a. '"' quotes J(tre H ... 4 ltntlcH 714--427.-0 Troe Santlq, Yll'd Cleenup, Metnten1nc:e, Spr1111tlef Rtp1lr. H1ulrnc (t4t)HO..a71t GladhTDl'S Wltftn • Glnl OWi •llTllM ...... °"" All Sctltll • S*iowtf 6 Td Glass llcloswu ftntlllttt Gtm •a.re., Gins Sates-Service· Repairs & lna1a11a11ons 949-642-0424 WWW halbofbayglast COf\'I Handyma!V Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR & R£MOOHING W'ill i1 tta ~ do.ic?I Noc tnoup timd 0on•, 1aa~ me rip• 1ooW f'Utw1'-"0W. Ye.d..Yado.Yod. Xtn Haod Sa"1ca 714.427.0040 Maa..tl- ClM.l.U..IEIAll 6llAIN'lt.NANa • ~ *Ccn:m!!ml o Job,,1bo s....n Du•O...Oton 949-32J.8J9J Handyman/ Home Repair JIX UP' SPlCIAUST. All lypt\ nf reri~ir\ I tee lru •I. plumbing ll<hS. w•llf flc'Alff\ ( .. > & nYore 74hr 7d•V\ /14 l66 1881 Gt!Mf al Cons1rudion & Replin l ·"I" nlry • Ptumh1n~ Ot yw.111 • Slu-.u P11nt1ni T1~ & more ?Or y,.,s [ ·~rience1 JI 71 4 .969-5776 HANDYMAN All r yp~· Of Work ln\111e nr Out C1ll Jell or o~nn" 71 4 1121 0040 Lc:"614183 ROllNSON COMP' ANY llllcllllll'>. Wnlk, Bathrooms M~rk 949 650-9S2~ THE HAHDYMAN All work auaranteed Plumbfl1i. [lec:trrcai, Doors F rldl c;ap & 919~ Hauling JUNK TO THE DUMPlll 714 968-1882 AYAILABL[ TODAY' 949-673·S566 House Cltanlng Design Renectfons '"''' UHltl,.... lltdHl'tf, «ttfWidrtl, ,..,,.,, -"""· llli]mt, .. 949-459-8270 IMovtng&Slorlgt 'f" t I~ I • • • t ~ > I '~ ~' ~ '" •• ' • t ()peti 1 O.yw LowAatM Storage Speciale Sine. 1981 94 9--645-4545 HST MOYIRS SSS/Hr. Serv1n1 All C11tu Insured 1163844 ln>-246·2378 323 630 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE fhe C•llf Public Utrht1e\ Commrnron requ111s th1t all used h o uullold aoods movers p11nl thtir PU C Cal T number. lrmos •nd chauffeurs pr Int their r C P number '" all 1dver · t1Hmenh If you h1v1 Any quesllons about lhe teaallty ol • mover . limo or ch1uffeur, cell PUIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSION 100 177-&U7 ICl'S CUSTOM , ...... Pion. cfeen, qulltty work lnletklf/llt Ind*"· L•703461949"631-4610 ~ ~· -miP -. Rent 9355 ~r--98646-1172 -------•• , ... 'ts IJ20 ••I aon MOTOll HOM( bllt beaut, all opt. nont FOR RENT. lll<C NEW nlcw. new m•lor ave, C CLASS/SllOE·OUl 112,500 714-751-1"2 9'9-51!1·2306 T.-.... In~--e., ~ .. w. 1ar ... BOATS modll -ad\ • "'1l. Mmrw. UXu1 DW7l.D PwlfBolll 1515 v ........ , ·oo ••••la 28" mr, sp•rkhne bl•ck/ 01lm11I. auto. moonrf. CO. pw, pl, alloy whh. hke new. vmt4100!>~ $11,499 fin & warrA,nly avail, Bkr 949·586 1888 -w.oc,eltl.com ... _ WhaAeo' M--* '97 1711, Ann1ver$"Y Edrttofl. ~ YlllQiha .-y low ho<n, \lt J& f?Wnel , ~upttlOt cond p •ied meny opt1oni. lrt1tle1 Sl?A9!J 9119-9J9..1919 cell '00 18~ Duffy Oectri< AUTOMOBILES, boat I owner. docked by MISCEUANEOUS Ba~ kland Must _, SI 5 !!00 'obo 949 ~ 2003 Wanlld 9Q.t5 '71 20ft Duffy llectrl• --------leot Ciu s" (d1son 20 CASH fOa CARS Wt NHD YOUR CAR P'AID •o• o• NOT PHllUPS AUTO ASIC fOR MAlCOlM 949-574-7717 PICKUP TRUCKS RerM.nse 9070 ~LIVI HOARD,_ 47fT SAlllOAT. full locker rm priv1lego Harbor Marrnll $I OOOn10 949-ZlB-3223 'lfJ).~l(J w/varn1shed tuk l11m $6000•obo 949 675 8831 19 90 MAKO 19 h Yamahot l J) !-.> r.rt frJq. (.04'.l.dj tio.t Sl2.SOO pp I owner 949-722-9376 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 BAY ISi.AHO COVE ... ..,; I Jll bu"' unhmd•d ltnl?lll •1u1el & -.ate <j4':J 977 171/ t>< 949.!j/ j 194 I Slip Up to SOff, gtY>d lot .. ~..,.. lo Udo l'a btidl,'<! "''Id•• w~k1 ~le'l do<~ 1,.,. '9..0no 94:16~ 6128 TW040ftM~S fOI SAU, 949--413-3032 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find seN1ces from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot Clarnf1ed Community Marketplace Painting ~-·· Polntlnt Top Qualtly Comptlot1v~ lnltrt()f [Al l•648l28 Call Jay 949 650 5066 UINIOW C»OJ MNHT P11n1tn1-lnt/e•t 11oulN~ Quahly fOb' f re~ e\hmal~ L#569897 714 636 8888 Plumlllng S(W8 ... ~ (!4•) US·US '- K ao1v1s1onor MlllJ 8-ngt<'I SEWER JCnlNC ELE CTRONIC SLAB LEAi( 0£ TECTION Friendly Ser111ce 49-•TS -9 304 Clfttl< P'-'ilftf New & Remodehn&. Cu l 1ne COt>Ptr Repipe. M; Aecw l •S 16783 949·67!> ~035 HOMST & ltlASOfWIU PLUM&R Lt506586 Free £stl Sm r~ OClTCU Ol5c 714-Zl>9l !JO PlllCISI PW•llNO Repairs' Rtmodthn1 FREE ESTIMATE bl687398 714-969 1090 -I I Pool Service Motolc P'eol & Spo Svc. W~Oly S''""' I QU•P m~nt Rt P•llS lnw"d Coll 949-292-1173 RooflnWQutters All Trr,a of Aooh at ~ • ltnldanhl • eo.-Qal (949) 548-0769 W"W'W•hctn ~ TrMS.vlce THI STWf'lal Speclelmnc 111 W1llp•Pf Removal ll5882U 94'H60 1211 SELL your stuff throUJti classlfledl