HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-10 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotI I Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,JULYl0,2003 _Council g-ives Nichols one last chance At the end of an emotionally charged meeting, Newport Beach city leaders vote to urge councilman's resignation if he fails to fo llow his oath of office. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot INSIDE QUESTION Did the City Council talw •ppt'Opfiat. action egainst Counclltn•n Dick Nkhola7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send 7 • e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number. for verification purposes only. Candidates keeping Nichols en<;Iorsements despite furor NEWPORT BEACI I -Councilman Dick Nichols told a room jammed with residents, reponers and IV cameras Tuesday night that he 1s not a bigot and that he believes the fu ror over his race- related comment'> 1c; the re'iuh of a con- spiracy of his fellow City Council mem- bers. the Daily Pilot and the Newport Beach Firefighters A'>Sn. For more council news, see Page A3 ing that he has worked with and super- Vli.ed Mexican~ a t different times dunng his profess1onaJ career. "If you think you can label me a Mexican hater. the eVl- den ce just won't support that." Marianne Zippi a nd Ke n Maddox, both run ni ng for statewide office, sought councilma n's support . tween them, but Nichols did not deny that he made the commen t. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot for his rt:\l~nauon I rum h1 ... pt·n.., (cir rd c1ally 1n'erht1t\t' r1m1 menb "I am not a raci!>t," Nu:hub ">aid, not· Nichob also said that Mayor Steve Bromberg could not prove that Nichols had made a radally insensitive corn· ment during a pho ne conversation be· ··vou said I have made the commen1 thiit all Mexicans perform thi!. traffic '>tam," Nichols said to Brom berg. "I be See NICHOLS, Paee A4 NEWPORT-MESA -C.AlJldtddle'> for statewide office are '>licking with en- dorsements from Newpon 8each Councilman Dick Nichols. dt''>prte calls Mananne /1pp1 who " -.eeking tlw 70th 1>1,1nu '>t'al nuv. hdd b) N,,em blyman John C Jmpbell '>t'lUrt:d \1ch See FUROR, Paee A4 ALMOST LIKE BEING THERE SEAN HILLER /DAILY PILOT A beach mural m front of Burberry m South Coast Plaza provides a summertime mood for passing shoppers. Recalling 1987 ~ixson fire, firefighters get examined Ea rli er fire a t metal plating plant, beli eved responsible for two firefighters ' deaths, he ld lessons for departme nt. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A two-alann fire early Tuesday morning at a metal platirlg plant was more than a routine day at the office for city firefighters. ' For those who have been with the Newpo n Beach Fire Department long enough. the blaze at Hixson Metal Plating Inc. was an eerie reminder of a horrendous elect.rical fire turned chemical fire 16 years ago at the site that sent up a cloud of orange smoke and sent down streams of silvery blue runoff gushing out of the glHled plant II was because of that earlier fire that the department reqwred all fire. fighters involved in Tuesday's incident to undergo a medical evaluadon as a precaution, said Donna Boston. THE BELL CURVE spokeswoman for the Newport Beach Fire Department. That was one of the lessons of the February 1987 blaze. ·Firefighters are prone to danger of this nature,* she said. "It's part of their job." The I 987 Hixson fire ls seared in the departmenl's memory not only be· cause of its intensjty and the danger it presented to the neighborhood, but because they believe it took the lives of Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steven Van Hom and Newport Beach fire· fighter Larry Parrish. who were the first to arrive on scene. ' Going to have to cram for .the final M y wife and I Dunked enjoy a free vacadon at Psychology 101 a newly 09nstructed resorts. couple of wee.ks The only hitch., we are told, ago. No. that isn't quJte Is that we must gtve our host ac:cwate. We Dunked the an hour or two to show us rmd-tenn exam. We haven't around hJs place. . 6niahed the course yet. but We've realated these no matter how well we lnvttadons out of deep perform the rat of the way, auspldon that lf we ever we c:an't beef It op to more accepted thla largess. we than a "C" would be caught ln real This academic failure too' ettate tentadel that WQU)d place not in a formal school, N. BELL tqUeer.t us the ,.. of our but In a chaJJenae Qf tDe reeJ If-. ThJa WU I dliquletJna world that l IUll)eCt I good many Of feeijng bec:MIM k forced \It lO U you haw either opetlenced or the t'On()lft'll that wt Mte nekher conaklered. For tome )'NII-ever smart mouth nor touF enOUCb to l&n(:O our tnco,ne got above what Nlllt the enaepceneun we would ao dewlopen comkler the pcMrty lewl up aplnlt. -WY9 hem receMn1 llMaidonl to M a rellUlt. ""1t'f dlDe ont ol theel invitations came, I would put it in my save pUe rather than throw it away. There, Lt would expire quietly until the next one came. lbat wu the situation when friends from Portland. Ore. arrived for a vtaiL We bad just received a retor1 promo, and It wu fresh on my SIM pile when we ctilc:oYered that our friendl were on lheir Way to take ~ olthe aame o«er. So we uked them to report to U1 after their ~dkl.andw.t~ ea&adc about lbe ....... ace.. When theylrlilbed ~the ~ Oltbe ..on. we med them nm. dmonJulty f..., Md ._CMM.PillM Van Hom died of leukemia IO years after the fire. He was 48. Colon cancer took Parrish when he was only 47. Fire Capt. Al Schmehl still fights brain cancer, while Capt. Tony De Teeis bat· tles leukemia · Hixson is the link the two d eceased and the two living have. said Training Div?sioh Ol.ief Randy Scheerer, who worked on the 1987 fire. *All four were on that fire,* he said. *We don't know if we can scientifically attribute their cancer to that one incl- See HIXSON, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONllEWEB: www.~com WEATHER lt'M be enother nice one after moming douda. S. ..... A2 SPORTS The NWJPOrt hedt ······~ ............. "' .............. p '11"' Club, but ......... It" ..... ...... Market Place vote to have 1 ·abstention Fair Board member savs he will recu ~e himself from todav's deci ion on b id~ to o perate the ..,wa p meet. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot .. AIHC,HOlJ:\I>!--Unt ol tht 11111t Or.tngt.' Cc1tmrv hur ~14rd member-, '><IV' he v.111 renl\t' h1m<.df trom V•>llrl~ •Ill an\ l'>'>Ut'' rela11ng to 1lw Orange ( ount'\' \la.1 kt!t Plate. tndudmg d den.,1on tudt1\ on whether to um\ldt:r d bid from 1he com pany vying agam'>I 1he J4-yt:ar operator ol the high end w.ap meet Frank Ba.rbaro -.aid he \\lll nut \Ole on ·am ~1arket Place bmme..,, 10 pre\ent tiw Wu<.mn ot a ton flirt ot Hllt'rt"-1 '>lnlt' he own' 5111i ot the 'tud. ol .i uirpor.iuon lhat hd'> a booth at the 'v.ap mt't"t fhdt compan\ " .\.trnencan Onhne f1d .. t'1' wtltch 'elh 11tkeh ICJ c,poning l'\t'llt' dI1U concert!>, .Lhhough ll doe.,11'1 ...... 11 .in\ to Lhe Parifit i\mph11hea1re at tlw fair wound-,. Barb.1rn '>iil<l Am em .111 Par~ 11 ~WJ[l whtch I'> tom peting ·•~atmt ll'I Phil 10 run 1ht• Marlt·I PIJt .... n,·4ue'>tl·d th.11 Rarbarn rt'lU.'>l' hun See ABSTENTION. Pa1e A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Arre st made after seven robberies Suspect used fake gun in incidents that began July 1, police said. Three took place Tuesday. DHp• Bharath Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -Police on Wedneeday arrested a 39-year-old Costa Mea man on suspicion of robbing ~n city buline.es with a fake gun. Police said Oleater Vincent Ceclere bit three buslneaes on Tuetday afternoon - Washington Mutual Bank. Contoy FbiMrs and Fuhlon Tuday-with.lo 30 minute&. Oftlcen aponed Cecere'• car l*bd OUI· side a motel on W!dnelday. Costa Meta PoBoe 5«t-Bob amt aid. "Tbry bad gotten a vehicle detaipdon from a robbery at Nonn's Restaurant th.at happened on July 2," be Nld. Cllr.llt llkl tba llmi&r IUtll*I dtela1p- dons hid been peri In eec:h tndderu. UMJna Cecere to .. 8MI\ robber1ee. Ollcerl ..,ped ~cs for.~­ de code~-be iaid. ~ ., .. d Nm .a. ~ ..... ftlillca bmdp\ b ei11.s '° t.w .,_, ..... m thl be9ca. a.et lllcl HI_. dllJ bmd alb .. 0 l, .... M y AZ Tul.rsday, »y 10, 2003 -~OLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE S£AN DUFRENE I DAILY PILOT Entrants in the Newport Beach Boat Parade leisurely show of their true colors In celebration of the Fourth of July. On the tax rebate road Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Slate Sen. Tom Mc<llntock CR· Thousand Oaks) has named Newport Beach's Assemblyman John QunpbeU to co-chair a committee to reverse Gov. Gray Davia' move to eliminate the vehicle license rebate. On June 20, the Davis administration p ushed to activate a trigger clause in a 1998 law that will end the legislation's rebate to drivers registering their vehicles. The move. which goes into effect In October, effectively triples the cost of registering a vehicle. Campbell and McOintock will lead Citizens Against the Car Tax. a committee they say was fonned to craft an initiative for the November 2004 ballot that would permanently eliminate the state's vehicle license fee. Vehicle registrations would be taxed at a much lower rate, if the initiative succeeds. Ml'm proud 10 work with (slate! Sen. McOintock on this critically important issue," Campbell said. ·0ur goaJ is to ensure that California taxpayers are protected from big-spending liberal politicians who have diverted the (car tax) revenues into the general fund to pay for speciaJ interest programs.~ Campbell is seelcing the 35th District seat in the state's upper house. Costa Mesa's Assemblyman Ken Maddox is aJso in that race. One vote or two in th e spring A bill introduced by state Sen. Ross Joluuon that would split the March primary in 2004 cleared another hurdle in the Legislature on Tue~day when il passed, a key commiuee. Senate Bill 430 passed the Assembly's elections and redistricting and constitutional amendments committee on a 5· l vote. There are 1 l other authors on lhe bill. Campbell has signed on ac; a co-author, signaling his support. During the committee hearing, amendments to the bill bumped up the date it would go into effect. to 2004 from 2008. lf the bill becomes law, the March primary next year would be split apart. Only the presidential election would be on the ballot. The remainder of the offices, the statewide and local races. would be moved to June for a separate ballot. The bill passed the Senate fl oor on June 5 on a 3 1·7 vo~e. Cox busy on Independence Day For Rep. Chris Cox. the Fourth of July was a busy day. Cox. who spent the day in the district, started ii off in Newpon Beach at a pancake breakfas t al the American Legion Yacht Oub. At 9 a .m .. he headed to an Independence Day parade in Lake Forest. By I p.m .. Cox. was on Balboa lsland watching the Old Glory Boat Parade. He wrapped it all up with stops at patriotic celebrations in Aliso Viejo at 4:30 p.m . and Laguna HiJJs at 7:45 p.m. lWo days earlier, Cox met with law enforcement officials to discuss hoiileland security. Cox is.the chairman of the House commillee deaJing with homeland security. Costa Mesa Police Chief John Hensley and Newport Beach Police Chief Bob McDonell attended. See Delay for $1 ,000 a head Rep. Dana Rohrabacher has scheduled a fund-raising dinner at 7 p.m. Friday with a high-profile congressional Republican. Majority Leader Tom Delay CR· Texas) is set to appear at the Hyall Regency Huntington Beach Reson & Spa. A S 1.000-per-person ticket is attached to the event. Not quite George; just Jeb Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has agreed 10 appear as the headliner at a fund-raiser to be held next Thursday. Bush, brother of President George W. Bush . will be appearing at the event, which will be held at the Four Seasons hotel in Newport Beach. The California Republican Party is hosting the private event. which will start at 5:30 p.m. PgLmCAL CALENDAR JULY ftld9y: Women In Leederlhip, 1he Hispanic Ber A.sn., Oreng9 County Trial Lawyers end Orenge County Women l.awyera will h09t •lunch end reception with guest Mery Ovt.tine Sung911e. She will be chcu181ng the dldliof'I handed down from the 2003 term d the Supteme Court. the effact tt'°'9 decisions may h.,,_ on women's rigtrtl end the poaibillty of retitefT* its on the court. The event •rts et 11;30.e.m., whh tuncti et noon, et the 'NMtin South Coest Plaza Hotel, 888 Anton Blvd .. Com Meu. The cost is $35 for Women in Leadership membert, $46 for nonmembers. '*1formation: {714) 435.6230 or . k~tlmindspring.ccm. lnformatio!'I: (714) 481-5102 AUGUST 14: Marianne Zippi for Assembly w;H -.....Y, Marianne Zippi for Assembly have• fund-raiaing reoeptJon from 6 to 8 wtn heve a fund-niling receptJon from 6 p.m. at the home of Cathy end Tom to 8 p.m. at the home of Edne Deeb in Kroop. Information: (949) 644-7094 Newport Buch. lnfonnetion: (949) 644-70!M 18: The Repobfican Perty of Orange Coonty Central Committee WiN have a 17: The Califomle RepubUcan Party will general meeting at 7 p.m. at the Sooth h8w • fund.niMf" at 6:30 p.m. et the Four Coast Plaza Westin Hotel et 686 Anton $e110M In Newport Beecn. The epeciel , Blvd., Coste Meaa. Admiaaion is free. guett wtll be Florida Gov. Jeb Buth. (714) 666-8665. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright No news stories, Sean Hiiier. Don Leactt. illustrations, editorial matter or Kent Trepcow advertisements herein can be READERS HOTUHE rej)foduced without written permission of copynght owner. (949) 642-6086 VOL 97, N0.191 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US Daily Pilot or~ tips CWculatlon THOMAS H. JOHNSON N.ws Editors Addt'9M The Tin:ies Orange County Publishe< Gina Alexander, Lori Aoder90n, Our addrea ii 330 W. Bay SL, Costa TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz, 18001252-9141 Editor Mesa, CA 92627. Off1ee hours are ~ JOCIY OETTING Daniel S1evenS Mondr, · Friday, 8:30 a.m • 5 p.m a-.Med (949) 642-5678 NEWSSTAff' ~·:a=r ~ Dilplay (9491 642-4321 0...-~ It 11 the Pilot'• poltcy to promptly PromotioM Director Crime end court.~· E.clltoriel (M9)574-4 com1c:t 111 em>ra of 1ulxtanc:e. N.ws dH(».bharethfll«lm#.com f'teeN call (9491 76'-4324. (949) 642-5680 EDn'WG STAff JuNC•191•1de lpcHts 1949) 57 ..... 223 S.J.C-.. Newport 8Mdl ~. FYI News,.... 19491 846-4170 Ma~I~ Editor, (949) 57"""232 The Newport BeedVCotta M-.. Spol19 Fa (949) 660-0170 UM85~ ju~.~r.,,.•t.tim#.com Delly Piiot (USP$.t44-800l 11 ~ daftypllor•1at1,..,.,...com 1.j.cahn• 1-tim#.oom ,...CIMoft publlthed dally. In Newport Beac:ti M91ft0Mo. ........... Polltlc:e, bu91neee end envlronrMnt ind Costa M .... 1ubtc:flptlol\I ere ~Ed!Q, ......... 08lee (949) 842""'321 (948 7&M324 NPOrter. (9'9) ~ evelleble only by tublctibing to The ...... ,.. (949) 831-7126 jiMrw.n*•JMirrw.com l»IJ/.dlntonflla~oom Time. Orange County (800) ...... Dunn Lolea ..... 262-41141. In ateM outalde of Spoftl Editor. Cotumnllt culture repoftef', Newpoft BMd'I end eo.t. MIN, <MllM-4223 (941) 974-4275 eubtc:ripdont to the o.lly Piiot are rldwd.dunn·~ JoeeJ. .... IOllYJtfwlW•"1tlmaoom evell.,._ only by flrwt o1 .. maU for M Dlrec.'tor I Newt Dllllr aw.f, .,...........,_ s:JO per month. (~ lnctude all PIJl>lf9Md bY Timee Communhy IM)5~4 Cott. M9eil ,...;o,-; IMl ~1 ~--end local tax-.1 Newl, a dMtlon of the Loe Angetee JO# ..,,.,..,.,,..com ~,...,...,,•""""--com P08TMAS'TtR: s.nd eddr'tM Time&. ... MICf .. c..i ..... ~wThe~ "'""° ldllor. Newt~,..., 574-4218 leldVCoet.t M..a Delly~ P.O. 02003 Tim. CN. All fiohU , ... ),...... .... '""""'*'.~ ""'91.......,,,.""""*-t;om loX 1MO, C:O.U Mete, CA 82t2t. ~ f POLITICS ASIDE Where is Corona del Mar in this rancor ? government gadflies. I t's far too soon to figure out what the lasting effect of the furor surrounding Newpon Beach City Council Dick Nlcboa. will be on his ability to represent)lis constituents. The site, run by the Massachusetts lnstJrute of Technology's Media Lab. is known as Government Information S.J. CAHN Awareness. It's at Councilman John Heffernan, aJone with Nichols in opposing a rebuke of Corona del Mar's councilman, suggested that it might damage Nichols' effectiveness in office. That, in turn, wo uld reduce his constituents' representation in city mailers. At the very least. the heated back-and-forth between Nichols and Mayor Stew Bromberg over comments Bromberg said Nichols made to him during a phone call strongly suggests Nichols will not be able to get much done. It takes coalitions to be an effective politician, and one would have to guess Nichols won't be building ~ many. Readers will naturally jump to con clusions about who is to blame for this. and judging by the comments at Tuesday's council meeting and the many letters and phone calls to the Pilot. those conclusions wiJJ run the gamut. But it is incumbent upon Newport's elected officials to remember whom they serve and to work diligently to ensure all of Newpon 's residents are well represenJed in City Hall. I am happy and relieved that I didn't run for an office that puts that work on my desk, because in the present environment, it will be a Herculean task to bring this council together. To get thete, it might take Nichols' resignadon or removal. It might take some o( hjs coUeagues reaching out further than they want and embracing him. It almost assuredly will take common understanding that, so far. is lacking on one side, if not all. But it is hard to deny that Newport Beach is wounded. It is a wound in desperate need of beating. AN INFORMED ELECTORATE Earlier this month. a new Web site went up that provides reams of information for opengov. media. mit.edu. What's useful about this site is its comprehensiveness. II links to Newport-Mesa's congressional representatives (s howing major contributors. ages, religion) as well as to all ·the cities in the area (Newport Coast and Corona del Mar get separate listings as pan of Rep. Oui9 Cox'I Congressional District; Balboa Island does not). It's still being put together, and not alJ the Lin.ks and infonnation planned are up and running. Bui it does appear to be yet another good tool for getting information on our government. And an informed electorate is. we t an hope, more likely to vote sm art HUSCROFT HOUSE DEMOUTION As I write every so often. this column is no t meant to be a forum for opinions -mine. at least -but a -plaGe to examine what's happening on the political front in Newpon-Mesa. That said. here are a few words that border on opinion. directed to Costa Mesa city leaders. If the plans to move the Huscroft Hoµse to a Westside lot fall through (especially in the next days and weeks), they might consider adding it to the list of attractions for the Orange County Fair. The basic idea: demolition. Interested people could pay $1 per minute to go into the Huscroft House with a sledge hammer, maybe $5 a minute with a chainsaw, and have at it. The money could go to charity. maybe. After all. where lt sits now is right acroM the street from the Fairgrounds. I don't know, ii was aJways fun to destroy old cars at the fairs I went to as a lcid. • S.J . CAHN is the managing editor. He can be reached at (949) 574-4233 or by e-mail at . s.f.cahn@latimes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF The douds will bum off -The IOUthwest swell g~ eerty this eftemoon '°that we weelcer by the day. Think smell, can enjoy aunny lties end very smell, over the next few highs In the mld-80l In Costa days. But W81dt out fOf' the Mesa end mld-70. in Newport high ewnlng tides over the Beectt. Temps et the coat will next aeverel deya. hover on the lower end of 70. Expect knee-to Mitt-highs Lows will drop to about 62. today. Thur'8dey end Friday On Fridey, It'll werm • ted. provide repNta of thl9 Saturday wiM be timler. ~dey. ~ On Seturdey, the nexi ~· www.mn.nou.flOV erri..._ We lhould rejoice for two~ good 8Urf end the BOATING FORECAST ftnt of two deY9 off. W.W..-,: n... wtndt wttl blow 10 knots ~ . .urfrlder.org In the Inner W9WI thlt ebmoon, wftt\ 2-foot wtWI TIDES endaweetlMlof4to8..._ The ..,,,. well be found thll Time ........ ......... 8:11 e.m. 3MfMthlgh Out'-"""· the* •lt-1v 12".37p.m. 2.10fMtlow ~well blow 5 to 15 b'°41 7:13p.m. U7fMttMgh eerty, but ... '** up to 15 to 2:39a.m. ..().llfMtlow a 11noea. wtlh z. '° 44oot . Wllwe end. ncdtu.-M.et of WATER TEllPEltATUIE 4tolfMt.Wll.s.wtlblow 9VW\ *°'II" .. ._, ..... ...,. ... { ·. . . . •. .. .. • . . Daily Pilot Officials unhappy with exam delay Newport-Mesa Unified leaders call state decision to postpone high school ex.it requirement a setback to their efforts. Oeepa Bharath Da1lyP1lot Nl:\VPOH f-Ml~'lA 1.oLal '>Chool d1i.tnu offi c1aJi. said the~ are dibappointed by the '>late Board of Edm:a1ion's unanimou'> vote on Wcdne:.day IO postpone the high 'ichuol exit rcquirernclll for two yedr'>. The board voted 9 to O 10 r1.· qui.re the cla.,., of 200<> IO pa-.-. the standardvt.'d te-.1 to get a 1.h plorna. saying lhat not all -.111 der'lts have been prepared to take the test. Over the last three years. teachers and ">chool officials have motivated Newport-Mesa lJ111fied students to pa~ the t~st, '>did Jaime Castellanos, assistant -.upcrintenden1 of secondary t·ducation. "We've done a good jQb of get- ting the attention of our studems about thl'> exam." he said. "It '"''a!> 11ot perfect, but 1t worked be- l Jll'>e 11 gave our '>tudents a benchmark to shoor for." u'>." he said Under the 1999 law, the class A ma1onty of Newpon-Me'>a of 2004 wru. supposed to be the student'> had p~ed the exh first that would have 10 pa<,c, the exam. Ca-.tellanos -.aid. California l ligh School but "1-'or tho'>e !>tudenl!> whu had Exam to jraduate. Student!> troublt> with the test. we had af have e1gh1 ~ance~ to lake Lhe ter-'>chool and <,ummt'r 'ichcml te l>I clunng their high 'ithooi program., to help tht·m prt:pdrt'." years. he !>a1d The exam -one day of 111ath The 1c-.1 dho wrH·d ai. a yard and two days of 1-.ngh:.h tel>ll> -1' .. tick to mc<bure '>tude nl'> profi aligned w\th the academ1<. 'land-ciency 1n language an... and ard!> California adopted i11 1!:197., malhcmaric~. he 'aid. Bur now that the le!>I ha'> been "I J'he board] h<t' really rhrown pur 011 hold. "we'll haV(• ru '>la rt a curve h.Ul JI LI'>," he -.d1d. "he- all Cl\ er dgain m two year-.." (a-.-cau'>t' 110\\ "'-C nel'd ICJ lu1A for an rellanfl'> -...ud op11on 111 a"'>l''>'.. hem our '>IU "It wont ~et U'> bad.. too much. dent'> art· ma'>Lenng' tht· -.rand hue 11\ definitely extrn work for arch ... NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAPUP INSIDE CITY HALL I lert• .ut· ... orne dcn ... 1011' rorn111g out ol 1 ue-.day' < 11v ( .ounul 11it·1·11ng SANTA ANA HEIGHTS ·\n 1mp11r 1.1111 lir-.1 '>lt'p lm,ard bL11ld111g a tirl' -.1,1111111 .utd Ln111111urut~ tt·11t1.n 111 '>Jn la ,\11J I ftorghl'> tuot.. pl<11 l' llll'..,Ocl\ 111gh1 a-. the toUnlt.l \Oll'd lo 1·1111•r 111111 . ,111 Jgff:l'Jlll'lll \\1th lht• 1. iunt\ dt•\d11p1111111 <Jgl'IK\' lh,I( ,1cl1llllll'll'P' n·dt•\l'lop111t·r1t 1111111~·\ tor rlit .rrt•a l'l.111-. lt.111 lnr ,1 u11111nu1111~ 11•ntt·r 111 lw burll .11 l.!00 IJ111ve1'olt\ l >m1.· .ii 1lw -.ill' of tht• Y:\11 .\ l lh1t tl'lllt..:r \\otrld h1· opt'f.llt·J 1lir11ugh .1 111111r.11. t \\1th the -\'\IC \ h111 \\1111ld Ill' llJlt rt I I 111 fl''>idt•llh 1f .'\1'\\ (l•ll I (ho,1d J h1.• firl' -.1,ltllll l \\!HJld 'l'I \t' cll l'•I' 1m1de and outside of the ne\\l}' annexl'd ~ta Ana I !eight'> area-.. l O\l'rlllg gap-. 111 '>ervkc 111 parts of fa-.h1011 1-.1.iml and o r her an·a!>. CELLULAR SERVICE ( .1n111cLlman John I ll'flt•n1t111 ,1..,kl·d Clf\ '>l.lff Ill prepan· a report on l t II phom· rell.'pllCHI 111 the Cit}. I ht· n·port 1' 111 1d1.•11t1f} dll the area ... 111 \\llllh Ll'll phonl' '>l'rVll'l' i'> unavailable or poor 4u.d11y. l'hl· 111fcirma1ion could allow l 11\ lt'.tdt'r.., 10 t.0..l' thl.' 1n1tiauve in wd.ing ... 01i1111ui... 1111 lulling \\Orlung ''"" u·llular phone Wf\lll' prtJ\1der'> tu bmlgt· th11-.1· gap-. WHAT THEY SAJO "I think th1~ should ht· LOlllh1t tl'd <1-.. J ... l·n lt'l' It> o ur .e~iden1.., .. GENERA L PLAN ADVISORY. COMMITIEE !he tll11en tomm11tl't· t.1t..1ng p.trl 111 NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 7 p .m . July 22 •WHERE: City Council chambers at C11y Hall, 3300 Newpon Blvd. • INFORMATIO N: Agendas and staH repons are available onltnti several days before each meeting ot www ctty newporr-beach ca u::. For information by phone call 1949 644 3000 tltt· gt·ner,d pl.tn up<.lclll' (HOC t'" gor t\\11 Ill'\' member' 011 I ut" .. d,11 1 lw u>1111• tl \ <1tt·O to (1Jl l\\CJ \rit Jill ll''i Oil lh1 t11rnn11 >-.111n \\llh llulwrr \\l'lilwr ,111d l't·ll•r Ot·th -n 1e ,,1t.im 1t·-. 11 1lw u1111m111ce oc.i urred hl'lt1ll"l lhl' 111-. h;1d dl'l lded 111 L'\ll'llll till' 11111111111tl'''" -..t•r111 t• ,1110 bl'1. .1u-..l' 'Ollll' nwmlwr" who hJt.l panil 1p.i11·d 111 1111' or1g11wl lt•m1 ''l'rt' unahl1· 10 fl'll1·1, 1h.11 t I) 111111111 lll.' !)\ BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS JWA 1-.~uc .... tra\d ad,·i...,ory for today I 11a·-. ma\' b1· 1011gt·r .11 ticket t 1111111t·r-.. ,111d '>t't 11r1t\ thcrk p• 1111h ,11!1•1 lht lht. '>pt'Ui.tl c )I\ mptt' 111 I ong Ht'. Ith '' ho-.l' p.1ll1llflollll ... \\lfl ht lhlllg CJlll Of l11ltn \\,n nr· 1hrn11ghn111 lhl' dJ) c11d.1\ Traflic ll:t: commillt:c need .... applic_ant.., I hl· ( ,,,,,, \(e-..i ( II\ ( lllllltil .... cllll'J>llllg lt·ucr-. ol 11111·11· ... 1 lrnm rc-.1<.Jent" ''ho \\,till to 't'l\t' on Liil' 11t\ ... lralfil J111pJ1 r I t·t· \u I Im c ,111111111ttt'l' I lt1·11.· '' a 1" t .llll \ l<JI ,1 llll'llllll'I Ill ll'Jlfl''t'lll tlH' I Olllfllllllll) .llld .t1H1lht•f \,t 1,11H \ lor J r1..:pr1.·,l'n1.11111· 111 ,1 h1111l\'1J\\ ner...-J''CJL 1.111011 r1·lj11tn•d 111 1110 ... 1 Ill'\' d1·11·l11p lltt'llh Ill ll't"' \\lfhlll 11 t I II\ I ht I Cllllllllll• 'l ft \ll'\\'o .111d cn,11..c.. n·c 11nu11t•nt.luw111' •111 tr.llf11 llll(lcll I kt''> Ill d1t• ( II\ ( llll I d 111•1.,, 11111·11·.,tt·J .tr1· .1-.~1·d t•1 ... 11IH111I .t lt•ttt'I 111 llllL'rt''I 1l•111g \\llh ,1 IJ1 Id 11',llllll:' Ill tilt' ( II\ I 1111111 ii t ll\ I I.di I'< l H11\ 1.:1111 ( 11 .. 1.. \It ...... ( .\ 'l.!h.!li ll\ l11h ..! Ira' l'lt;r-. pl,11111111g w dt·1>.111 I rnm Johll \ \ ,J\ cit' \1rp1111 10<.J,11 olfl' ..... Lt·d Ill ,tffl\l .! hour-. lu forl 1lwir 01gh1-. lo ttll111' .rd t quatt' unw f<ir p.irt..111g. l h1.·l l Ill dlld tht• 'l'l Uri!\ 'il fl'l'lllll).( proce ...... l'.i-.o,t•ngl'" .irt· .1 ... t..l'd w dwct.. \\llh rlwrr .urluw 10 1 updated thgh• ml nrm,111on .inti r11nlirm rt''l'f\ a11un... .! I lwur... m JJ \ .111< l' lnlorma11tm: < ,i)I 'l·l'J 21..! i:!llO or ,,.,11 wu•11•o<t11r.nJ111. 1 lu., t ornmll lt'l' ''''"'h 1 II\ '>t.ilf \\Ith l'>'tUf.''> rt:l,11111g 111 till' rt:\ l'>ltlll ol the lrn.ltil 1mpJ1. r ll'L I •If 11t11m1c1l1<11l, t.tll l<.q,1 "1 lln1 fJlll.111 111 till' I r.111-.pon,111111 '>t.·n ll t'' I JI\ 1.,11111 JI -1 I -~,I }(U..! lhursa<11 Ju, 10 2003 A3 Everything ~t your doorstep~ And now time to enjoy 1t. Is" t 11 l•me to comm<Jte leu •nd tn1oy 1fe more' "cw ~o" ca,, d 1ust lhal We offer 1ntcep11on•I .itp•nmen• cornmun11 es,,, tol'•en t'll Oran9e Counly loc•Hons Clo&e 10 every1h1n9 you w•,.,I snopp•ng, employmelll, and P'"'k1' • Vour cno1ce of outst•ndong •m~n•t1es 1ke resor•-s•vltt sw•mm "9 pool~ iino ~pu 1>u~1rn1' ~nd f1tne~~ centers Soon'-co..,r·~ •oc Con1ac1 enta1 lt\llng Apanmert lnlormauon Center Today 17625-6 Harvard, corner of Ha~vard and ~am. lnt1ne CA 926 ll. 1 .866.400.2691 rent.t-l1vin9.com RE PRE SENTATIVE ART 1-'t..R~ S \v '· SHOW THE IR ENTIRE co •. £c o· ... AVAILA8lE FOR SPECIAL C<)itl • M Thursday, July 10, 2003 PUBLIC SA Disgust and su--ort shown for Nichols POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol Street: A commercial burglary was reported In the 3300 blodc at 2:31 p.m. Monday. • Founteln Way. A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2200 blodc et 2:02 p.m. Monday. • Hemllton StrMt: Possession of marijuana was reported In the 600 block at 8 p.m. Monday. • Herbor Bouleverd: A robbery was reported in the 2700 block at 6:04 p.m. Monday. • Harbor Bouleverd end Meu Verde Drive: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 5:57 a.m. Monday. • Pomone Avenue end Victoria Street: A hit-and-run was reported at 11 :46 a.m. Monday. • Sc:.nlc Avenue: A commercial burglary was reported In the 1600 block at ARREST Con tinued from A 1 ere '' '>W>pccted o[ t<ik1ng from the busine<.~e ... Ct.'>zek didn't di., tlo<.e the a.mount. ( 1szek .. aid Cecere M'>imu- laceu" a weapon in most of the rohhene.s. "In 010..,t t·a e-.. he would how the vil 1im~ the replica handgun tucked in h1' W.it.Stband." he -.aid. Lecere \\~II al'>o likely face fed- eral charge' in connection "~1t\ the bank robbery, CLSzek said. If convicted, he I\ likely to face a ABSTENTION Continued from A 1 <.elf 1n a letter it\> law lirm .,ent Wednesday to the !'ltate Depart· ment of Ju-;tin· Barbaro -..ud he decided la'>t ,-.eek to n.~movt• h1rnc,elf from voting on Market Place i'>l>UC'>. I le said he doc!-n't believe it\ a conflict of lrllert:'it -he ju'>t doesn't want 11 tci appear that way "I had been heanng nimor> Lhat people Lhoughl this was the appearance of a conn1ct," Barba- ro said. "People are going 10 try to make sometlung out of tlu'>. and I don't want t11is to.happen fl should he a 111ce clean vote.· Jeff I-lint. a consultant for American Park 'n Swap\ parent company. Delaware North. said the company W<l!> plea!)ed with Barbaro's det1.,1nn. "We beliew he made th1'> dec1 \Ion today hased on our letter," I lint '>aid. ··we are plea~rd he has acceded to the reque~t in ou1 letter and recuc;ed himself from rarticipating in thjs matter." American P'c11k 'n Swap 1'> a <;ubsidiary ol Delaware Nonh. a pnvately owm•d rnmpany bal>cd in Buffalo, N.Y .. that '>peciahzec, in the .. ervke mdustne'> Dt'la- ware North own'> the Ro'>ton 13ruins Na11onal Hockey League team am.I operates ho~p11aJily and event V('nues at large-scale tourist attractions such ill> the Kennedy Space Center and Yo· <,emite NauonaJ Park. American Park 'n Swap c;uh· mined a bid in April, but ii ~,.1., deemed incomplete becau))C' tht• corppany had omitted a d1H 11 menL The tampany ha' '>i1wr 'IUbmiued the document .ir1d re· ceived a favorable rernmmenda- tion from Jlie <,tatr Department of GenetarService~ when ii ap- , 2:07 p.m. Monday. • ViMllll Dttve: Grand theft wasreportedin the 1000 block st 8:34 p.m. Mond1y. Newport Beach City liall a raucous scene as council and residents debate councilman's comments. NEWPORT BEACH • East Coest HlghW11Y: Petty theft was reported in the 3100 blodc at 4:53 p.m. Tuesday. • Hoeg Drive: An auto theft wasreportedin tbelOO block at 3:12 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Boutewrd: Battery was reported in the 2700 block at 11:31 p.m.' Tuesday. • West OcMn Front: A garage burglary was reported in the 2800 block at 7:23 a.m. Tuesday. • Residencla: An auto theft was reported in the 7100 block at 10:22 p.m. Tuesday. • Superior Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1400 block at 7 p.m. Tuesday. • 36th Street Vandalism wasreportedinthelOO block at 4:31 a.m. Tuesday. maXJmum of 36 year~ m prison. 1101 IJ'lt'luding federal chargt:'s, ht:' said. TI1c otht:'r three robbene'> took place .11 ~v-On on Baker Street on Jul) I, Cynthia'~ 1 lallrnark on I !arbor Houlevard on Sunday and Pure Beauty on I larbor on Monday. C ecere I'> being held in Orange Count) 1.ul 1n lieu ofSS0.000 bail. He 1:. expelled to he. arraigned Friday • DfiEPA,~HARATH covt!rS public safety and couns She may be reached at 19491 5744226 or by e-mail at deepa bhararh·a lat1mes.com 'We are confident that if the board votes to open and score the bids, they w ill see that we can run a June Cauarande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACH -The dis· cussion was more emotional than any that has taken place in council chambers in . the past cwo years. There was disgust with Dick Nichols' comments, outrage at poHtical correctness and assertions that Latinos harm the beach simply with their presence. A majority of the 49 people who spoke at Tuesday's councU meeting were not Newport Beach residents. A majority of the speakers supported Nichols. White conservative Republi· cans came out to praise him. Mexicans came out to rail against him. And the room roared with applause after every speaker, with one camp ap- NICHOLS Contint:1ed from A 1 l1eve you have no data to sup· port that. ... Did you tape re· cord it?" "Of cours~ not," Bromberg re· plied "It's basically your word again::.t mine.· Nichols said. "I do n't hear you denying it," Councilman Gary Adams added. Brc,mberg had reponed tha t, during a phone conversation. Nichols had tried to explain an t>arlier comment about phony car accidents by saying "it's the Mexican!> chat do these phony accident 1"ings and rip off the white people 1r1 (Corona del Marl " rhe comment wa!> JUSt one of FUROR Continued from Al high-quality operation ... .' . 0 1.,· endorsement about stx Jeff Flint month'> ago. Zippi said Nichols Conc;uttant for Delaware North ~hould be given a second chance. pealed the rejection ot It'> hid. Tht: -.tate ~uggeMed that t.he board con~1der AmeriL.in\ bid becaust: the omission was '"1m· matenal... The bids are sealed w1tler court order. Tel Phil created the concept for tht: Market Place and has been rul)mng the swap meet 'iince it staned in 1969. Last year. lel Phil paid the state more than $4.7 million. president Jeff Teller said. It ha-. paid more than $110 million since I.he inception of the Market Place. The -;wap meet grew at an average compounded rate of 42% every year for the fir,t lO years. "I helieve his heart is in the right place. even 1f his mouth i~n"t." Zip pi said. "I'm not taking his name off my endorsement lisr. .. Nichols. while discussing im- provements to Corona del Mar ~tale Beach with a Daily Pilot re· porter last month. said he op· posed adding more grassy are~ because "with grass, we usually get Mexicans coming in there early in Lh e morning, and they claim it as theirs, and it be· comec; their personal. private grounds all day." On Tuesda}'. the Newport Beach City Council repri· mar:ided Nichols for his remark.. plauding Nichols' supporters and another applauding his de- tractors. "Your vicious attack on Mr. Nichols for a statement of fact clearly violates his First Amend- m ent rights," Huntington Beach resident Barbara Coe told the council. .. Mr. Nichols' only crime was 10 tell the truth,· Santa Ana refil- dent Lupe Moreno said. Other speakers said that Me.xi· cans in the area pose a problem. "It's a heartbreaking realJ ty at Corona del Mar State Beach," South Orange County resident Todd McAndrew said. "Your beach has been overrun by Mexicans." A Costa Mesa resident referred to Mexicans at Corona del Mar State Beach as "criminal invad- ers from Mexico.· A Corona del MARK C. DUSTIN I OAILY PILOT Dick Nichols at the Newport City Council meeting on Tuesday. Mar resident called for sweeps of the beach by the federal ~­ gration and Naturalization Serv- ice. The INS was absorb~d by the Department of Homeland Security in March and Its func· tions spread among various bu· reaus. Another speaker said that His- panic groups are mobilizing to take back California, A,fizona and New Mexico. Still another said that such Hispanic organi- zations have communist ties. N. the evening went on, a four instances documented in Nichols cannot abide by che oath the staff repon before council of office council members take. members as they considered then he should resign. what action to take against ~ "Every one of us took. an oath Nichols. A fifth instance has to support the state Constirution been alleged in a lener from the and the federal Constitution." Newpon Beach Firefighters said Adams. who had requested Assn. stating that Nichols had revisions to the resolution. MWe made racially objectionable are obligated 10 make policy de- comments during an interview cisions without consideration to decide whether the associa-for race, religion, creed .... By tion would suppo rt Nichols' can· Mr. Nichols comments, It ap· didacy. pears that chat's not the way he Near the end of the night. as I goes about making policy deci - a.m. approached. council mem-sions." bers voted to support some The furor had erupted after a scaJed-bad. punishments of telephone interview on Corona Nichols. del Mar State Beach improve- Voting 5 10 2. with Nichob and ments in which Nichols said that Councilman John Heffernan vol· Mexican people occupy the ing no. and Councilman Gary grclSSy areas all day. Proctor absent because he had Heffernan said that he voted to leave early, the majority voted no because he felt that such a on a resolution that sa~ that if formal rebuke could damage but decided not 10 strip him o f his commiuee assignments. Assemblym an Ken Maddox has also decided Lo keep Nich· ols' endor!>ement. Maddox is running against Campbell for Lhe 35th DiMri<.t state Senate seat. Ln a June 30 pres!> release, Maddox touted Nichols" en- dorsement al ong with 23 other city council members in Orange County, including Newport Beach Councilman Gary Proc- to r. "I disagree with his initial comments.· Maddox said through campaign consultant Wayne Johnson. "They do not reflect my views.· Maddox sent cards to each of the council members in the dis- trict earlier this year seeking their support. Johnson said. Nichols and Proctor, in addition to Costa Mesa Councilman Allan Mansoor. lent their support. When contacted Wednesday. Nichols said he supponed Zippi because ~he is ·a personal lriend, • but ~d he hopes Zippi opponent Uluck Devore wins the seat because "he would make a good Assemblyman.·· Nichols aJso said he sup· ported Maddox over Campbell becau'>e Costa Mesa\ Assembly- man is "a very straightforward guy." "I like Campbell, but Camp- bell has made some endorse- ments that are questionable. H Nichols said. "He appointed a Log Cabin member. . . Ken Maddox doesn't have any around·the-back maneuverers. • in 2000, Campbell appointed Laguna Beach resident Frank Ricduazzi. the openly gay co- founder of the Log Cabin Re- publicans, a'I a delegate 10 the California Republican Party. Campbell campaign consult· ant Chris Wysocki said he was stunned by Nichols' comments. "If Ken Maddox wants to asso- ciate himself with a racist and lineup Qf primarily pro-Nichols speakefS gave way to one that included more Newpon Beach residents opposed to his com- ments. 1Wo who spoke out against Nichols saJd that they had been watching the council meeting on 1V and felt com· pelled re come down and make It known that many Newpon Beach residents disapprove of Nichols' coqunents as racist. "I'm embarrassed to have a bigot on this council,· said Craig McGowan. a Newpon Beach resident. "Who cares if one group enjoys the beach? Who cares7 If it was American white people using the beach all day, you wouldn't have commented ... ~,voted for Dick Nichols and I regret that very deeply,~ said one resident who vowed to suppon Nichols' recall. Businessman Lloyd lkerd is leading movement to oust Nich- ols through a recall process similar to the one against Gov Gray Davis. Nichols' ability to be effective in office, thereby denying his con· stituents fair representation. The council decided not to strip Nichols of his committee appointments. "Though in my mind, he is certainly prejudiced, I don't think those prejudices would af. feet those comminees, • Cow1cil· man Tod Ridgeway said. Some council members also apologized to the Latino com- munity on Nichols' behalf. "Because you're not going 10 apologiz.e. I would like to issue that apology.· Adams said to Nichols. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers NewPort Beacti and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at 1949) 5744232 or by e·ma1I at 1une.casa9randers la11mes.com > • bigot, he's more than welcome.• to." Wysocki said. "The only rea-, son Republicans have a foothold ': in Laguna Beach is because of the work Frank rucchiazzi has done." Nichols, who is a member of the conservauve grass-root!> group California Republican As· sembly. also took. aim at the Lin· coin Oub of Orange County, a 4 locaJ GOP fund -raiser. "They are not a bona fide Re-, ~ publican group,· Nichols said. · The councilman also accused the group of backing noncon- servative candidates. "He's hit the trifecta." Wysocki said. in response. "This guy sounds Lilce somebody who's lost ., touch with reality and isn't inter- , , ested in electing Republicans." , • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and . • Politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-marl al paul.clinton@latlme•.com. . .. .. While Tel Phil pay'> the c;tate 35% of its gro'>S revenue. It bid more 111 rt" proposal. Teller said. l le would not disclose how much more because the bid!> are sealed. Delaware North officials are abo restricted fro m talking about their bid. but said they can provide more than Tel Phil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-· .. "We are confident that 1f the board vote<, to open and score the b1d!), they will '>ee that we can run a high-quality operation and r!.'lllrn what we believe to be suh~tt.111tially more revenue to t11e fJ1r through our operation." Fhn1 'hlld. The mceung is scheduled fo r I Cl a.rn . al the fairground'>' Me- morial <.,ardens. • DEJRORE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readied at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at .deirdrtJ.newman@lst1mes.com. HIXSON Continued from Al dent. but Hixson was definitely the one commonality." Hixson President Douglas Greene did not return phone calls on Wednesday. The cause of Tuesday's fire is still under investigation,¥ Roston said. CURVE Continued from Al To many. 16 years would seem Uke a long time ago. Scheerer said, but the few in his depan · ment who braved that blaze re• member ii. The fire, which led to the evacuation of more than 200 people from their homes for four days, taught his department valuable lessons that came at a steep price -the loss of lives. Firefighters remembered those lessons at Tuesday's fire, Scheer- slide film and no voluntary sales sessions. We were one-on-one from the get-go, without breathing space to prevent our mental faculties from turning to bought anything. "No.· they mush. We recogni7..ed this as it said, "of course not. We listened was happenlng. but we were and said we weren't interested at 1. always one step -sometimes this time, and went back to more -behind the process .. enjoying our vacation.· And ll was slick. J like So my wife and I decided we professionals. whatever their gig were surety as sO'Ong as they happens to be, and these people were, and it was time for us to never missed a beaL Even take advantage of this offer. So I though their technique was for phoned the number on the the most part as obvious and Invitation and set a date. We had predictable as their persistence to pay what amounted to about (rwo of the salespeople, for one-third of the room cost, but example. told us they had we also got a $100 credit to fathers named "Joseph"), we spend as we saw fit at the reson. were still carried aJong. All of this was tied up with Th.is was largely becau.~ a remarkable efficiency by the routine that had been proven people on the other end of the uccessful in selling people Uke phone before we took off. U$ a piece of the ranch was • Our quarters were deUghtful, followed scrupulously. regardless we enjoyed a splendid dinner on of any diversions we might the ho~, and we were feeling Introduce. And alto because quiet mellow by t I the next they were very good at IL morning when the sales pftc.h We dealt with Uwe dilferent was to take place. I had salespeople: Good Co)>I Bad en vtsJoncd a roomful or people Cop, Good Cop. all or whom lib us who would be abown a played their roles Impeccably. I slide praent.ltJ.on of the resort. don't remember their namet, 80 ~ would be queltlons we1J call the ftnt oneJlrn. He afterward and a •up abeet for wae the new guy on the staff. thole ot lM who would like to kind of bumbling, but Wcable look at the models. SaleepeopJe and~ to~ throu&h would~ be~ to blt ICltptand UM all of the Ala di.cu.a linnl wttb any toola ln his anenaL We wtn lntttetted putlM. ftnaOy ~him aloOlo n.1 ltllon WlllD't awn dole. mentodlll him a Ihde. He lblr'f WU 00 mMI lDd!dr .. no ihowed UI the aiodek, and tbeJ -----. -. er said. "We were much more aware of the precauuonary measures," he said. "We kept people out of the hot zone and we used a lot less water that helped control the runoff." Since the 1987 fire at Hixson. firefighters have had annual screenings and physicals. That was how De Teeis was diagnosed with blood cancer, Scheerer said. "When we go out to a haz- were splendid, but we told him chat although we were Lntrigued, we were not ready to make this kind of investment. So he took us to the Bad Cop. Well call Olif. No warm, fuzzy affection here. He was the tough guy, showing us in broad strokes on a pad how we were lllready spending more on vacations than this plan would cost while seeing far les,, than the variety of hotels and resorts in their catalog. all of which we could access by a rather complex point system. When we told Cliff this was all very interesting. but we would have to thlnJc It over and tallt It over before we could make any such commitment, he was astonished at our failure to jump at such an offer. That's when he pulled out the black book wttb the large type listjng the apedal lnducementa -including a bundle of polnll -if we would make a declaion now. He had us teetering until I asbcl ti lbeee lnducements would hold undl the next morning eo Sheny and I could talk lt ovet tonight. He Mid, •No, you mwt either decide now or pua up the lnducemenr. fonwr.• And Sherry Mid • ....,,.,. mlcbt have had Ult but )'OU JUll bt ua.• Odf llwl hll boolc and Wiii '°°""I thoulht we..-. too. bul lheD° Jim led UI CD ......., In ~ '°"., auly hliled • ardous material fire. we make • : sure everythin g is covered a nd 1 protected," he said. "We'd be • fooling ourselves if we didn't ;; admit that history played a Jiii part In the precautions we took yesterday.· • DEEPA BHAAATH covers public safety and courta. She may be reactled at 1949) 574-4226 or by e-mail et deepa.bharath@latimes.com. to see us lose all those goodies. So he had an idea. lf we would sign on for a truncated program that would give us four nights at • our present site plus enough points for another four nights • .. elsewhere. be could fix it so they • , would hold the original offer, ,, wtth all its inducements, open for 18 months. ·That's when we " Ounked the mld·term eum by joining up. So now we're getting letters " " " from our new time-thate pals .. welcoming US to the •family" I• d ~ an even gtvi.ng us a certillcate •. number. I'm not sure ofltJ ':'.I' function, but it feels good. 1bey sign their letters "wtth great expectations,~ and l don~ know .: lfwe have the a8rne expectadonl 1• they do. But l have 18 montbt to ~ 8nd my =ptyehology book ' and see bow nailed U1. ~ ,, I hope when we go back. we " don't get our again. • JOl8IH N. llU. ... reekSent of Senta An8 ~Hie oo4utnf\ tPPMB Thu~. ----~~~~~~~~~---=-~ ........ ---~------~--------------................................ . Daily Piiot C.OSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRA IN SIDE CITY HALL Here are a few of the items the cowlcil discussed Monday. 1901 NEWPORT CONDOMINIUMS On April 14, the City Cow1cil approved the project, which calls for 161 upscale condos to be housed in four four-story bUildings that are about 50 feet in height. SiJ;tce the project is in the Downtown ~Redevelopment Zone, the Redevelopment Agency approved an affordable ...,... housing plan for the project. The council considered rehearing applications from Councilman Allan Mansoor and Costa Mesa Citiuns for Responsible Growth on three occasions and approved the request on June 2. WHAT HAPPENED The council unanimously voted to reconsider the issue on Aug. 4. A subsequent motion to allow re!>idents to comment on the issue failed. WHAT rT MEANS The council will reconsider the i~ue ori Aug. 4. The delay will allow staff and the environmental consultants time to prepare the final environmental report to reflect the revisions to the site plan by the applicant, Rutter Development. Thi'> revision consists of increasing the building setback by about 2 to 3'12 feet from Bernard Street. It will also give them more time to prepare a report to evaluate alternatives for providing affordable housing on-site. WHAT WAS SAID ul @n't believe therejs a n eed for public comment,~ Councilwoman [jbhy Cowan s&d. ulf we continue it, we will have the final I environmental report I and more information on inclusionary housing and the final master plan. I think comment tonight is premature." Robin 1..effier, one of the spokespeople for the citizens group, expressed surprise al the council's decision not lo take comment HThis i.s the first Lime in four yean, I.hat public comment has not been Lale.en on an iLem that has been continued," Leffler said. DOG DAY CARE APPLICATION On June 9, the l'lanning Commission approved a permit for a dog day care to be conducted inside and outside CtJ1 existing lnduscrial. building. The owners of the properties on the north and south sides of the properly being considered. al 1629 Superior Ave., appeale.d lhe decision. They had concerns about harmful effects the use could haw on their properties. WHAT HAPPENED The counc.;il upheld the l'lanning Commission's decision. Cowan tril'd to cap the number of dogs lhe day care could serve, but that idea did not garner any council support. WHAT IT MEANS Tht> dog Jay care c,u1 lw t"ilabli-.h(·d at, this location. WHAT WAS SAID "I would hate to ~tart l?Ulling a rap on how many clients [the bu-.irw-..'>I can have," Monahan ~id. "I likC' the u'e and -would like 10 !\Ce it go forward." MOBILE HOME PARK CONVERSION/CLOSURE DISCUSSION On June 2, Cowan reque~ted that the counnl revil·w 1he city\ zoning crnk regulation<. lor mobrle home park conwrsion .... lliere ha-; been a lot of public comment at council mee1rng;., over thl' la-.1 few mnnlhs from -.omt• re-.1de1H!\ 111 the I.I Nido anti l-inug I larh11r NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. July 21 • WHE.RE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5221 Village trailer parks, which are slated to be dosed so Brown can build a medkaJ office building. SeveraJ residents have expreSM!d their desire to see the city adopt a mobile home park conversion ordinance like those enacted by Huntin19on Beach anti Laguna Beach. Under the city's rules anti state law, the city's authority in reviewing an appHcation for a mobile home park conversion is limjted. WHAT HAPPENED '01e council voted to move forward with a possible change to the city'!> rult."l to include mobile home park closures. II also approved continuing the eKploration of an interim amendment and council review of the relocatio n package fo r Snug I larbor and El Nido to give resident'> of those two parks as much certaint.y a<, fa!\t ac, possible. WHAT DOES rT MEAN The council will consider changing 11-. rules to require reports done by the property owners·of mobile home paoo on conver!>ions and closures to bt> mun:~ detailed on the effects it wilJ haw on rt':.iden L<>. WHAT WAS SAID "II is !>ad, and I can see the heartstrings being tugged, but on the othN side of the coin, a) there is not much the city can do. and b) if we copy I lunungton Reach. there's still not mut II we can do for tJ1em," CounciJman Gary Monahru1 said 'fue1.day of the resident., of ~nug I !arbor and El Nido, since Hrow11 ha.., already sel the wheelf. in motion to do'>e the parh. -Cm11piled by [)eirdrr Newnum GETTING volunteers will v1s1t with a buddy locations. (949) 642-2245 Call (323) 653-5005. INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs . periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your o rganization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. ASSN.RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group sponsors and supports outreach community service programs, such as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers are needed. (714) 540-5803. BEST BUOOIES The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers 18 and older to provide companionship for adults with developmental disabilities. As a ·citizen Buddy; R.ab~in Insurance Agency Al!TO • HOMl!OWNal.S • HEALni Subiury s;,," 1957 twice a month and call or e-mail them once a week. The organization also has an e-Budd1es program that forms • friendships entirely over the Internet Volunteers for that program must be at least 12 years old. (714) 546-1826 or www.besrbudd1es.org. BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local chapter is looking for men and women older than 20 who have lived in Orange County for at least she months and have been on the job for at least three months to serve as big brothers or big sisters for chirdren ages 6 to 16 from single-parent homes. (714) ~ 7773. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts workshop teachers. Call for BRAILLE INSTITUTE'S COMPANION HOSPICE ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The Hospice is now recruiting The nonprofit organization is volunteers to become a friend for looking for volunteers with a someone who needs that extra basic knowledge of Windows special caring at the end-of-hie. 95198, Microsoft Word and a Become a member of a team willingness to learn the adaptive whose goal is to promote quality equipment used by its students to of life and comfort measures. participate in various activities at Each applicant will receive 16 the Oasis Senior Center in Corona hours of orientation and training. del Mar. Volunteers will tutor For more information, call (714) legally blind adult students using 560-81n computers and other adaptive technology. Mc;iry Johnson, (71 4) COMMUNITY ANIMAL 821-5000, ext. 2113. NETWORK The networic: needs volunteers to CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION help control the rising population Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer of wild cats. Volunteers would counselo rs and medical staff for trap and deliver cats to local Summer Camp and Teen veterinarians for spaying or Adv~riture Camp. The neutering, and then release.them organization is dedicated to back to the property whe re they providing educational camping were found. The goal of the programs free of charge to program is to save the lives of children ltving with HIV and AIDS. stray cats. (949) 759-3640. , lhur\ddy, July 10, 2003 A5 ........ Style is not a size ... It's an attitude! Fun, Feminine Styles for AU Sha/Yf ~ & Sizes of Beautiful Women. 369 E. 17th St .. #21, Costa Mesa (949) f>42-5459 FREE FOOD for the first 500 guests! All Day Free Admission Old World Festlval Hall 7561 Center Ave. Huntlngto~ Beach 92647 405 Fwy. Exit Beach Blvd. So. Tum Right on Center Ave. (714) 895-8020 • www.oldworld.ws · PINK First ~· Signature Store to Open in Southern California • ]oi11 us today to begi11 .•• a lifetime of belongi1lg! Find out why Congregation Shir Ha·Ma a101 1s one of the warmest lnendhest and most innovative Reform congregahons m Orange Coun~ Ge~t0 know us and our dynarrnc Rabbi Richard Steinberg and feel ngh1 at home I ntertallh la1mhes welcome July 11th· 7.30pm Shabbat 5Ervic£ July 18th • &30pm Tot Shabbat 7.30pm Shabbat 5Erv1cE July 25th 6:30pm WinE & ChEEsE RKEptJon 7.30pm Friday Nqit lJvE Musical 5e'VICE August Isl 7-00pm ~ 9\abbat 5ENlces liOOpm lcE Cream 5odal CO NGAEGATIO H Shir H4'-M4''Afo1 949-857-2226 3652 M1chElson DrtvE lrvinE CA 92612 ' ---- -------~-.. _...-;_....._~--=--~""" ........ ~-...,.---.. ____ ~-~--------- - M Thursday, July • 10, 2003 OallyPdot HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -Letters: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~rt HottiM: Call (~9) 642-~6 Fax: Se~d ~o (949) 646:4170 E-md:Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All co1Tesponden.oe must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all submissions for olanty and length. EDITORIAL Quieter Fourth_ welcomed in Newport Beach T he Fourth of July was full of big bangs this year, but, thanks to Newport Beach's crackdown o n West Newport partyers, they were mostly from Newport Dunes' fireworks show. The magnificent fireworks were a welcome sight after last year's dark skies. It's fantastic that Mayor Steve Bromberg came through on his promise to return the fireworks one way or another. . It's even better that the new Dunes owners made them happen. And it turns out that all of the hard work that city officials put into creating a quieter Fourth in West Newport worked out. The additional police presence, tripling of fines and retailer restrictions made for a safer Fourth. This year, there were more than 200 police officers, an increase of about 60. That could have led to the fewer arrests reported. It was certainly more evidence of the city's success. Next year, it'll most likely be even quieter and safer as the word gets out that Newport Beach no longer welcom es loud and out-of-control partying. Of course, there were other welcome sights in Newport-Mesa on the Fourth of July. Newport Beach's annual boat parade continues doing a wonderful job celebrating the nation's freedom and patriotism. And Costa Mesa got into the act with a new parade in Mesa de! Mar. It started off great and should be a happy addition to the holiday in Costa Mesa . Finally, unlike last year, when there were several fires in Costa Mesa stemming from store-bought fireworks, there were no fires to speak of this go-round. Most lilcely, it's luck, but nonetheless, it seems that residents were more responsible this year with the rare freedom that Costa Mesa gives them to purchase and detonate fireworks in the city's streets. AlJ in all, it seems this Fourth was a wonderful start in the right direction for Newport-Mesa. Many freedoms are still had, but more responsibility is enforced. The nation's forefathers would understand and be proud. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Tel Phil is reason for success of Market Place T his is an open letter to the Orange County Fair Board regariling the contract renewal of the Orange County Mark.et Place. and promoted. Also in pan by the fact that on any given weekend. you will find members of the Teller family overseeing the quality of the Orange County Mar.ket Place There have been a number of commentaries detailing the process for the renewal of the contract to operate the Orange County Market ED FAWCETI operation. This is something that will be lost by contracting with a conglomerate_ managed 3>000 miles away. Where are the Place. As far as I have seen. the only one opposed to aJlowing Tel Phil to continue running its own 34-year old creation was a paid advertisement by Delaware North, which has submitted a competing bid. That advertisement asserted that this community has no right to an opinion contrary to Delaware~ North's. I found It extraordinarily condescending. The Teller family is the reason fo r the existence of and the high quality of the Orange County Mark.et Place. For the last 34 years, they have nurtUred a small swap meet venue, invested in its success and its future until it is widely recognized as the best in the nation. The Orange County Pai.rgrounds has been the beneficiary of millions of doUars of income from this venture. Thousands of small business owners have either made a start or boa.tered their own income. 'BOt dM ~of 1uccess or flil~ ~Qlled to the 'teller famUy. Had the ven~ faOed. It was their invescment that would haw been Jost. Not the state'a. Not anyone else' However, the Orange County Mubc Pl-=e became huFY IUOCellful. lft part becauee of lhe 11M1ftY community ouuach PfOl"Ulll and ewntt that ntt PNt F.ntaprlw bu tnJdated ' justice and ethics in penalizing success by giving the operation to so!Jleone who never took the risk of'tnvestment, but merely waited to swoop in to steal away someone else's hard-earned reward? There lies the problem with the process. Recent newspaper articles allude to a past felony eonviction in the history of Delaware North. ls there more beneath the surface? Why haven't the newspapers expounded upon these allusions? Should we be concerned with who wants to come to town? As directors of the Orange County fair Board, you are faced with allowin8 a h1J8e company to put a smaU local business that spans two generations of family ownership out or ~tence simply because It has grown to ~ the best in its lndustry in the nation. If that ~ppens. the O.ra.nge COu.nty Fairgrounds wOJ lose much of the oomrnunity spirit and support created by a bome-giown smail busineal such as TeJ PhU. A valued piece of Gose. Me.a wiU dJsappear u the community celebrattt 50 yea.rs incorpon.don. • B> "1WJc:ITT It tl'le pree5dent end CEO of the eo.ca-. Chember of Commerce.. - MAILBAG F'ILE PHOTO/OAILYPILOT Business owner Javier Antunez in front of his El Camino Plaza store in 2001. A reader writes that a paint job does not improve the shopping center, which is in a residential area and was at one time considered for demolition to make way for homes. Mesa del Mar wants El Gunino Plaza to hit the road Your article on the El Camino Plaza was a surprise to us in the Mesa del Mar community ~hich it is located ("A lictJe dab doe4, a center," July l ). I am disappointed that y&u forgot to ask anyone in our community what we thought. The quote by Mohammed Baghdadi, a vice president with the group running the center, "These weren't major renovations, but it looks much better for the community," is not what we think or feel. The plaza is a worn out commercial center in the middle of a residential community and has become·an eyesore even with the so-called fa ce-lift that it got. · The Mesa del Mar residents helped El Camino Partners at City Hall rezone the plaza for residential use. The partners showed the people great drawings of what was to be a new resi~ntial development and was to completed soon after· the rezoning was accomplished. Promises were not kept by the representatives of the partnership to the Mesa del Mar community. We feel duped by the present owners. Several of us have since worked to introduce buyers co the partnershjp that will carry out the original intent of the rezoning. and so far they have refused to negotiate in good faith with these highly qualified buyers. Here is the bottom line: The residents of Mesa del Mar do not want to have the El Camino Plaza as a neighbor anymore and want the present owners to make good on their promise to build single-family homes on the property or sell it to a developer that will carry out . the wishes of the community. JEFF WILCOX Mesa del Mar United front only way to save air travel in county It is unfortunate that William Kearns "' can't follow his own advice ("Airport supporters need a united front." Thursday). The pilots' "V Plan" supporters were advocating the Orange County Board of Supervisors, acting as the Local Reuse Planning Authority, to have the Federal Aviation Administration do a thorough analysis of the V Plan -before certification of the environmental report That dld not happen. The county's plan was certified. and the Navy approved. Now, only the administration can change the qperating plan for E1 Toro at this polnt. This is an important bargaining chip South County cities should keep in mind. Jn spite of being unable to .,wallow their share of regionaJ air transpon atioll' demand. Irvine and the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority have had the largc~I mouths of all in Orange County. ll i!> lime for them to open their mouth., and give taxpayers a workable. reasonable solution to meeting this demand Irvine Mayor Larry Agran wrote Mayor James Hahn of Los Angeles telling him to mind his own busine~~ when it comes to Orange County and air transportation demand. When Irvine and the planning authority and any other politician or group advocatei. expanding Los Angeles, Long Beach, Ontario, San Diego or March . or any other airport outside of Orange County. it is the people's business-it's their airport you propose expanding. Even if Orange County were able to get the federal funding to Mudy a high-speed rail -a 300 mph train through a highly populated area from Anaheim to March Air Force Base fwith a stop al Ontario) -at the eirpem e of other, more worthy transportation projects, what then? Is this the be-;1 u-;e of taxpayers' money? The massive amounts of money involved to produce an e nvironmental impact report. with a public comment period, then lawsuits against the environmental report. a nd counter suits, etc .. is mind boggling. Let's say that takes 20 years at a minimum. In the meantime, what if Ontario residents decide to place an initiative on their ballot that propo!>es a park rather than an expanded.airport? What then? Are you going to listen 10 the will of those voters. Agran? This proposed eirpansion of Ontario by Orange County may sound good as a sound bite, but upon closer scrutiny is fraught with problems, and I haven't even touched on other environmental issues with Ontario, not the least of which are air quality and environmental justice. Orange County should s tick to solving Orange County's share of regional air transportation. nus process includes looking at expansion of John Wayne Airport. By the time an environmental report was halfway through the process for a massive pubUc transportation project to Ontario, the John Wayne Settlement Agreement extension would be over. Expand John Wayne or open El Toro? For this reason alone, El Toro shouJd remain· in federal ownership until a plan for Orange County ts formuJated and put into place. LETTER TO THE EDITOR How much will it cost lo condemn home'> and hu!>inesf>es. extend and/or add runway!> and shore up the northern areas of John Wayne that are in the earthquake liquefaction zone? Does the U>'\t of tloing this exceed the cost of opening El Torn? Can we keep John Wayne <1pen as the general aviation and corpora1t 1et airport. much like Van Nur. serves Lo~ Angeles International Airport and ope n El Jorn for commercial aircraf1 or a joint 1 ornmerrial/rnilttary. use? Can we use the runway ... at John Wayne for general a"'idtfo n and U!>e the terminal as a convention center, or a sports arena? A national !>ports team in Orange County would provide a huge boost to the ernnomy. E:I Toro would provide the runway needed to handle the commercial aircraft. 1 lopefuU y. people are beginning to ~ee the great deception in the Great Park plan. El Toro Reuse Planning Authority members that favored Mill ennium Plan I and Millennium Plan II -large commercial and residential project~ with some park land -held back and let Agran take the lead with the Great Park plan, thereby getting the environmentalists votes. I truly believe Agran wants to deliver on the Great Park. The problem, or really the dereption, is the fact that once Irvine annexes El Toro, Irvine Is not subject to zoning the Great Park. Only the county was subject to this type of zoning. Agran and hi~ more liberal council members will someday be replaced by more business· and development-fri endly ones. Developers will want to make money on their investment, not throw their profit.. into a massive public park project. • Wise South Lounty representatives should gjve pause to this ridiculous notion that other counties are responsible for solving Orange County's aviation needs. Rather than give one more dollar to the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority for unworkable and deceptive planning schemes, hold it accountable for producing a plan that addresses Oranee County's future aviation demand in Orange County. South County cities cal) work with the FederaJ Aviation • • Administration to operate E1 Toro in a : manne r similar to the pilot's V Plan. : This would eliminate .nights over their : constituents' homes, a goal our group • advocates. We would hope this is the ; bargaining chip South County cities • would use. MN WATT Newport BeaCfl .· ·~ • • Not much l"eft to do in Newport-Mes~ -~ I tee in the Daily Pilot that a new J love the way the dtJes of Costa Mesa protests. wt'D wake up at dawn and ride~ concert hall Is gotng up next to the and Newport Beach fall all over ollr blkes down and try to grab a spot. ~ Onnge County Perfonnlng Ans themselves to mab thia area one bfg lf there'5 any room left at, Marlnen Part;• Center. Jt's down the street frorn South resort to that peopJe ftom outer pans of we can try to throw a buebell around. • Coast Plaza, and between them it South the world Cfl1 come down (o have a good J gueu we can do ~ most of the ~ Coast Repertory. I also saw that the time. For my family of row, we can't Newpon·Mcsa t'amil.iea do, U.Cen to teu• .ltvlne Co. wanu co build yet another afford the S6S tickets to see a show at the full of tour\sts Oy ~r our hOUMa m d ; retort and golf coune In Newport CoMt. Orange County PerfonnlngArU Cet'ller watch our children play tn the nUdcPe oC and dodt (orpt the new Balboa Bay Oub or ~ S300 to S500 a ru,ht to stay at the the sO"eet. = &i Reeort. plus there's alwayt Pubion new reeoru. So If the beadles art not CHMUE ••~~111•---11- llland. doeed becau.e of pollution. rtotJ or NtM1>0ft t - ' SOC I ET Y lhutS<ldy July !0. 2003 A7 THE CROWD 'Aida·' -keeps up the good nam~e of the Center I f there are any seaLS left. make sure you visit the Orange County Performing Arts Center before "Aida" closes Sunday. This contemporary version of the classic love story revolving around the politic.., and power of ancient Egypt ~mes alive as Plton John and 1:;nm Rice put there own !>pin on :"the power of romance. : Opening night last week featured a late-night scmee in Founder's Hall after the gerformance, which received .1 rousing ovation from the local • • aud1enlt~ e.w. COOK Cast. Crl'\\, media dlld local dignitane., and underwriter-. mingled Jl close to m11Jn1ght Ill the "hlat ~ box" hl·h1nd the ~ege r'.tr', m stage, en1oy111g a fabulou, s\Jpper prepared bv ~lagg1.i110., The evening was hosted hy Disney, producer of the touring Broadway show. Center President Jerry Mandel and his lovely bmle WhJtney, were on hand bus'>trlg the crowd strearrnnR mto Founder's The raves \\ere unanimou., "II was wonderful. dlld beside~ the dynamic performance. have } ou t'\ er seen such creauve ... 1aginw"· '>did Corona del Mar's I-ran \luhi:inia. who sampled a bit of pa'>ta and salad. erected on the dirt, surroundt!d by backhoes and bulldo1.ers fo r the corrnnencement of the con!.truction process. ·111e $200-million rnmm1tmen1 began with a $4-million pledge from Henry Segerstrom. lo date, this project I)) more than half fun ded by pnvau: dollari.. On 1hi'> warm Monday, membcri. of the familie!> Seger'>trom, Daniels and l\lunJrty. all pan of the extended fundmg asi.oc1ates, jomed tl'nter board President PauJ Folino and a host of local -.upporlt.'r., willlessing the progrc'>'> I lenry Segerstrom addre'>sed the crowd. recalling the proce-..., leddmg 10 the expan!>1on. "When the Center opened in the I 98Ch.11 was an immediate '>Utrl''>'>.' ::,egetstrom o,a1d. "It wa ... '>ugge~ted then. followmg J lllJJor '>llf\'C} and nldrket l'\ .1luanon. that a concert hall .,1111uld be built \\'e embarked on thl' 1ourne~ some 20 year'> d~<i loda~ 11 oflic:1all} begin., Jul~ 7 • ., J \Cl) lutk} day .. · It aho happen-. tu bl' the day I met Lh1.abeth," he added ... I he plam·t., are Wl'll aligned." Ell.zabelh Segerstrom. lookmg \l'f\ th1c, beamed at the man c,lw clt'arl\ ddOrt' .... The third ~lrs. "it:gt'r<.lrom ha<i been a grac:1ou ... .ilhocate of the tommunm l'llon championed h\ her torm1dahle mate to build th1., e\pJll\HJn to be named pi:irllall~ 111 hunor ol hi'> late \\1k Rl'nl'e. w1 C >range County art., leader I ' i / .i. l "·- ·~ I I • I • • • Mulvama was on the mone\ From the spectacul.ir \l'rtll..U · palace pool on a scnm w thl' · shrinlung burial chamhw .ind the cubic uered pmon tht· image~ were spellbmdmR Alter d ft'w appropna1t· -,peec:he<,,. the champagnt: gJa.,.,e., were rai<,ed \\1th tht' \Vl'>h thdt Jul} 7. 2004, would mar~ 111a1or prngre'>" on 1h1· con-.truu1on Actor Kevin Costner. chef Roy Yamaguchi. Cook Off host S1ss; Biggers and chef l~orman Van Aker Mingling at the after-pam were stars of the sho\\ mcluding Paulette Ivory. Jeremy ICushnler, Usa Brescia, Asmeret Ghebremlchael. Eric Olrlstlan. Peter Kapetan and former pop-idol and member of tht· group the Monkees. ~Icky Dolenz Spotted 111 the crowd on opening night were \ewport' Barbara and Jim Glabman JoAnn Kllllngsworth of Balboa Island. and local publi!>her Olm Schulz and his radiant \\1fl' Julie. They are calling the expansion, "building on tht' vision". In other Center new-.. donor.., and dignitaries held a champagne recepuon ~land.I\ afternoon on the Site of the future Renee and Henrv Segermom Concert 11.tJ1 and thl' Henry and Susan Samuell Theatre. A wtute tent wa., ALSO IN THE CROWD I he .. oual dining nowd L'n1med a \en unusui:il rnnkmg dt:mo dt Fa.,h1on hland bt•fore thl' I ourth of July hoopld on the COd.,,l. Roy YamaguchJ. the tnll'rnat10nally lamou'> I lit\\ a11an chef\\ ho'>e naml' I'> a 'tandard bearer for lot al cu1s1ne, cht'cked 11110 the local RO} ., re\taurant to prepare a fh e cour'>e dmner thdt "a'> paJred Mth the wine'> ot l-errar1 -Larano. Yamdguch1 had JU'it prepared a similar event 111 Aspen. Colo .. attended by a host of :'\ewport folks en1oymg '>Ummer in the Rocki es. Also on hand was actor Kevin Costner. often sported dming at Roy\ l-ru.h1on l!>land Co'>tner had plenty to say above his love of .\51an-fus1on cooking. but wal> mum on his recent engai;:ement •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays WHALE OF Meet The Legendary .........,. 1wh&Ho<>l1ta.t l " A TALE Children·s Bookstore 949-854-8288 A OOOl<store for 1<1ds o f a ll a9es 4 199 C ampus Dr Suite A Irvine. CA 92612 Award·i. tnninl( attur and director Henr) \-\'Inkier alon~ with Un Oliver, h<I\ co-written a new series ol books Inspired by hi:. t rue-life experiences Books Available "Nlaiiara Falls. or Does It"" & ·1 C.ot A ·o· In Salami" fHardmw 8ooi.s Univ So ,\femorabtliu Pf~11 Hen ry Wi n kl er Author Actor, Producer and Director Introducing "Hank Zipzer" The m9$1ly true confess1on.s of the world's Bt>Sl L'nderachiever. Saturday,~ July 19th, 11:00 a.m. Prestntatlon Begins .ilt ll:OO .il.m. ) Above. Eugene and Ruth Anr ~.1or arr,"' th Herr, and Elizabeth Segerstrom At left. Center President Jerry Mandel. Wh1trey Mandel. Center Chairman Paul Foltno and Elizabet!" and Henr1 Segerstrom. ANTIQUE ROW & G ARD EN C AFE f111t Ho"u Furn: "'"I ~111:.1wr • ,, ttl" uJ.,1 ••• : rorwir (,1frt """ '"'"'" {), , .1 n l 1 1 i1r111 [>./1tt'"l C,.,rdnr Calt G.zrtk• /Jtt• [1,. "t rn u:r fl'TJlrfllJI / ,., 11 Tt11 and 11n £p•r>J ,:i,, ( 11/ f{()( /{' \11111 '"" •J11m If'"' c.,nJ1"1 10 Ch.twlirn l ird, R,1., H ,. " 10"1 I 1 '"'' fr11mint , Fun11rvn R,,1nr1111f••· 11 '""'' "· ·r ROWHUl "' r..,.s.r 10.,,,. 5p,., ) 722-1177 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY . " ~ NEW SUM·MER FUN! C:,OMEDY NIGHT. • Al lllll'sday, Juty 10, 2003 LIFE&. LEISURE Page Private School ~-I'~ Racquet club has deals worth netting A brand nctw campus with 95 years l~~a.okt' Award WlJUlt'r tor Bat Prlnttt Ekmt'ntuy School! a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Fashion Island in Newport Beach. Call (949) 759-7979. POSH'S MOVE CAN HAVE A PAYOFF Coasl Plaza. Call (714) 751 -1166. PLENTY OF FREE MUSIC TO HEAR AT FASHION ISL.ANO of experience. •PC & Mac Computtt Labs T be Balboa Bay O ub Racquet Oub offers a summer special through 5epL 25. You can enjoy the tennis club and pay only $345 for a single membership and $450 for a family ~membership. After Sept 25, if you decide to join the club, 50% of the summer GREER WYLDER Pod\, at Fashion Island, ls having a moving sale. Prices on all merchandise are reduced at least 30%. The fine men's clothing and accessories store is Since 1967, IWhlon lalmd has hosted a free summer concert series al 7 p.m. every Wednesday in the BJoomingdale's Courtyard. • Popular bands always perform. Preferred seating Is available for $20 at the Fashion lsJand concierge desk. On July 16, Grammy winner Juke Newton will perform. Newton has sold •State-of-the-art-Library •Science Lab •SmaU C~ Shes •Private Swimming Pool •strong Currkulum •lndlvldual Attention •Alter School Progra~ •Field Trips DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 Al\ID MORE ·I NO TAKE OOWl\I OR REMOVI"'&" NECB!iARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Dougla!i Fabric Window CD\lerlngs Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette' window shadings • Vignette' window shadings • Ouette• honeycomb shades • MilleniaN Collection • JubilancerM roman shades • Applause' honeycomb shades • Serenette ™ SoftFoldP.4 shadings World's Best ON·SITETM Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND Q RAPERIES 1663 Placentia, COsta Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 l/11111111111 ',,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, u,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ~,,,,,,, . ..,,,,,,. l'l'1/ dues will be applied to the initiation fee. You'll save $225 on a family membership and save $172.50 on a single membe~hip. The Balboa Bay Oub Racquet Oub has 24 courts and a fully equipped Pro Shop. Members can participate in social and league matches or a junlor tennis program, and there are excellent teaching pros. • The sum.mer special is a · one-time offer, not applicable for previous members. The club is at 1602 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Call (949) 759-0711. MEN IN NEED OF CLOTHES SHOULD LOOK NO.FARTHER The men's annual summer sale is happening at At-Ease of Newport Beach. Prices on coJJections are reduced up to 70%. Apparel brands included in the sale are Jack Victor, Tallia Hartz, Zanella. lle Behar, Bobby Jones, Cutter & Buck. Corbin, Reyn Spooner, Barry Bricken, Axis, Riscatto, Mezlan. Aquascutum, Tori Richard and Robert Comstock. At Ease is open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. Don't miss our BIG S.ummer CENTER WIDE SALES! Musical Entertainment Ki d 's Craft Activity Face Pai nting lonk ofAmerico ......... : ..... .760-4612 Dr. Bold, Oplomelrisl ............. 644-0165 Crown Ace Hardware ............. 644-8570· Ntwpor~Hllls Animal Hospitol ..... , .759-1911 Rewport Hilk Oeanen ........... .720· I 024 Newport Hilk OrllfS .............. 640·7373 ,oclflc Whey Cafe & toking Co. . .... 644·0303 'ovilions .................... .759-3180 S<ene Golltry ................. .720-3939 Sklbby leorning (tflltr ........... 720· I 693 Thol Tovch lestouronl ............ '40·0 I 23 Gr ...... 's 7& ........••...•.... 644-71SI WHt's CM!ftt? lime ............ '44· 1120 All ,,.... IUlllMn •• ill 949 lrtO <Me. N EW PORT HILLS SHOPPING CENTER Son Migv.I DriV9 & Ford Rood relocating in September within the other Gary's stores. Posh is open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Fashion Island in Newport Beach. Call (949) 640-8310. ·COOKING TIME ARRIVES AT SOUTH COAST PLAZA South Coast Plaza's Willlams-Sonoma Store offers great r,pok:ing classes through July. You can meet top chefs and learn their favorite cooking techniques. Each class offers demonstrations and samples from prepared dishes. a ass size is limited, and reservations are required. Oasses cost $45 and start at 6 p.m. fhe schedule is: Monday, July 14: Rich and Hearty Quick· Cassoulet by Chef Debbie Dubbs; fhursday, July 17: Restaurant Sryle Cannelloni by Chef Debbie Dubbs; Monday, July 21: Mediterranean Treats by Chef Debbie Dubbs; fhursday, July 24: Fresh urnrner Veggies by Chef Debbie Dubbs; Monday, July 28: Summer Crab Cakes by Chef Debbie Dubbs; Thursday, July 31: Best of California by 01ef Debbie Dubbs. Level ·rwo. South TODAY Funnyman Jeff Martin will put on a magic show at 10:30 a.m. at the BalbOa Branen library. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to the l nteractfve program. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. FRIDAY The Community Action.Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino counties will honor Congresswomen Loretta and Linda Sanenez with the Profile of Courage Award at the Pacific Club in Newport Beaen from 6 to 8 p.m. The evening is titled "Sisterhood is Powerful." For more information. call (714) 997-2155. IO million records worldwide. Her 15 top 10 singles on pop and country chans include "Angel of the Mo ming," "Queen of Hearts· and "The Sweetesl Thing (I've Ever Known)." On July 23, the Motels, a new wave/pop band, will perform. Lead singer Martha Davis and a new band will play hits such as "Suddenly Last Summer," "Only the Lonely and "Remember the Nights." The Motels won an American Music Award in the early 1980s and had two Billboard hits in the top 10. On July 30. the Association. a popular 1960s band, will perform. They've sold more than 70 million records, earned six gold albums and one platinum. Their hits include "Cherish,· "Never My Love," "Wmdy" and "Along Comes Mary." On Aug. 6, multi-platinum group Loverboy \ytll perform. The pop band of the 1980s will play their hit singles "Working for the Weekend.· "Tum Me Loose" and "Heaven in Your Eyes." On Aug. 13, Grammy winner Poncho Sanchez wilJ close Fashion Island's concert series. Sanchez will perform his brand of Latin jan. on his conga drums with his Inventors Forum, en Orenge County-based nonprofit inventors' support group, presents a seminar on "Getting Your Product Manufactured" at 7:30 p.m. In Orange Coast C6Tlege's Science Lecture Hair. Registration and networking begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. For more lnformalion. call (714) 540-2491. Newport Dunes Resort's •Movies on the Beaen" series offers "The Wizard of Oz" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parl<ing costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bad< Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) •••••••• FotoART' •••••••• Unique Personalized Gifts for every occasion Pi. .......... --.1ar .... ... P'l<40 n... ...,...,,,,,.... eee_, "°"' -· Nol_ ........ , Oii!• --··"' ....... -. ...... ,_ r..i.r .. 7131/03 • 20()] Ja<WI '" Mention tliu ad ond recefoe o FREE 24oz Drink with the purchue of a sandwich and chipe Visit our Web Site at www fotoart.com FotoArt Frame Sale Order any laser engraved frame by July 31 , 2003 and get 50% off our regular price. <No hmit on quan!JllH) Oc-Mo~, T~ru Frldlly 9AM 10 5PM MU.I.Ur 1 Ql\M IO •PM 01 Dy apP01ntrMn1 7fl() W..t '"°' SIJMt BU!klllgO Co•lll Mesa C\m27 941M4~ Patio Seattnc Cold Bre•etl lee CAiiee FREE refllt. on Deidrich Coffee _!-,,.,I .1-11.11111 Iii .I' 'I I ' ., , ..... 10.0,, :11 t band on percus&ion, brass and • piano. Fashion I.sland's concert :- series debuted 1n 1967 and baa -, drawn a5 many as 10,000 people in one night Preferred ticket.s '·' ' allow guests inlo the VIP sectiort .' 1 that features a no-hosl martini and wine bar. To purchase " tickets or for more information,, ' '• call the Fashion 1$land conclerp' • at (949) 72 l ·2000, I ••,. CULINARY EVENT WU BENEm FOOO PROGRAM . .. There's a culinary celebration called the American Feast at the Vllbige Crean in Newport Beach from 5 to 9:30 p.m. The event, ""°' spdnsored by the American Institute of Wine and Food, .. Orange Counry Chapter, will 4 ' ' help benefit the Days of Taste, ' ' an educational food program far fourth-and fifth-graders. • ·· ' Scholarships are given for students pursuing careers in wine or the culinary arts. Local growers, producers, chefs and winemakers will participate. Top local chefs attending include: Andrew Sutton of Napa Rose, Rich Mead of Sage, Joe Miller of Joe's Restaurant, A.lain Vergnault' of the Patina Group, Jolm Sh~ of Turquoise Caf~ and Ouistopher Blobaum of the Surf and Sand Hotel. There will also be a silent auction. Village Crean ' is at 2300 Mesa Drive. Newport · Beach. For information and tickets, call Paul Buchanan (562) 400-5659 or visit wu1w.ai wf. org/oc. ·,- ' •BEST BUYS appears Thursdays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder@yahoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. 729-DUNE. .. Patrick wini.m1, founder end president of the Institute for Life Cosen Training and an internationally acclaimed author,· wlll be the keynote speaker at thev • International Coaen Federation in the Wyndham Hotel in Costa .. Mesa. Williams will lead two sessions. "Life Coadling - Making the Transition: from 5 to 6 p.m. and ·oancing on the Edge. ·' Therapy versus Coadling, "' •·' Knowing the Difference: from · ' 6:30 to 8 p.m. For more information, call (949) 623-8247. ' ·• ... SATURDAY Newport Oun" Reaof't'a •Movtee' ' on the Beadl" series offers "The Emperor's New Groove" starting • at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car . Campfires will also be available for s' mores. The resort is at 1131 · ... .' .. Bade Bay Drive. For more • : information, call (949) 729-DUNE. ~ MONDAY . · . Elements Music wlll off9r • beginning course using a new ·~·; piano-keyboard method from ; 1 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Vincent • • Jorgensen Community Center aei;.,- Marlners Part<. Registration for -~ the five-week course is $105. For. , • more information, call (949) • : ~3151. : : . . . . Children em.ring first through t I sixth grades are Invited to "A • ' Forest Fantasy" at 10:30 a.m. at lhe Newpo rt Beaen Central Library. The program will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 16 at the • Mariners Brandl and at 10:30 a.m. ' July 17 at the Balboa Branch. Heart Throb the Clown will present the Interactive program. part of "It's A Jungle Out There; the Newport Beach Public Library's summer reeding series. For more lnfonnatlon, call (949) - 717·3816. -• TIJESOAY The Su'.fl'tder founcldon : Newport 8Mch Chapter Will hold : a •fun Peddle"' et the Newport ; Beach Pier et 8 p.m. The group ' will paddte once around the pier, ' cetdl a few wev.. end"*' go together to M utt lyndft, et 2300'Mftj~~-.::~, w..t Oceenfroot, for free pizza. For more Information, cell (948) 492-8170. •. "Orter* lnMCt Control: a.... . seminar, will be offered from 8:30 : · to 7:30 p.m. M ~'t Mefbt. 225 E. 17'h St., Com Meu.'To meke l'MltVetione, call (IOO) 1585-MOMS. WEDNEWY a....--... .......... lfJCth OfldM .,. lft'Atld fO "A Fot..c ~· 1t a p.m. .. the MaMen branch of the Newport IMc:tt Pubflo Ubtwy. Thi progrwn wHI be rep 11'9d ll 10'.JO a.m. JWv 17 et the lelboe ~ HNft Tlwob the Oown wll pt-.tthe i.-.... ......... pen of •er.A.Jungle Out n..,• ....... uport~~ t ,. L I FE & LEISURE Grilling basics At the Wight House, barbecued food can be hazardous to your heallh. My husband and kids are serial overachievers when It comes to grtqlng, The barbecue seems to bring out the latent pyrotechnic in their personalities. f think Mburn, baby, bum" is their mantra. KAREN - WIGHT First, preheat your grill. To determine the temperature, bold your hand palm side down over the area where your food will cook. The number of seconds you can hold your hand over the heat gives you a clue how hot the grill is. You will onJy be able to hold your hand over a very hot grill for a second or All example: last week Annie had a couple of friends over for dinner ... ~r dinner, not mine. She barbecued tri-tip and garlic bread. By the time the meal and bread came off the grill. it was bard to determine which was what. It all looked like briquettes to me. You know it's bad when the dog can't gnaw through II. It might be heredity. Ben ii. famous for his ¥blackened· everything. He says the kids like thin~ well done. Well done often turns into decimated on our barbecue. So. in an effon to educate my O'W!J: people, I am offering grilling basics this week. If you pla{l your limelinc well, you can cook an entire meal al fre.,co. Vegetables, meats. breath. and fruit are deliciou5 off the grilJ ... if you do it right. TOWN Continued from A8 Library's summer reading series. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. ·Your Mortgege and Money; a free program on the process of buying, selling or refinancing a home, will run from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Center next to Mariners Branc:ti Library. Loc:al author Randy Johnson w ill be guest author, launc:tiing ¥Meet the Author; a series featuring Orange County writers. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JUlY 17 .... Chlchn em.r:-19 ftnt throt19h sixth grades are invited to ·A Forest Fantasy" at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beac:ti Public Library. Heart Throb the Oown will present the int¥&Ctive program, part of "lrs A Jungle Out There; the Newport Bead\ Public Library's summer reading aeries. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. JULY 18 N.wport DuMS Reeort's ·Movies on the Beac:ti• series offers "Newsies• starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Partclng costs S8 two. Medium heat (350 ro 375 degrees) shouJd aJJow your hand to linger for fouf seconds, and your hand shouJd tolerate low heat for about six. Before you cook. have a water bottle handy to douse Oare-ups Fire and food shouJd have a little distance for optimum resuJlb. ·1 hink burning marshmallow -don't do that to your chicken breast. MEAT For delicate meat<. 5uch as fish or chicken, bru~h a littJe oil on the grill or marina te your food so it won't stick. If you U)>C a medium temperature for the ~ill and cook your food to a medium doneness level, 1hi'> i<. a basic guideline for meat. poultry JJ1d ~eafood. • Honelc·.._., c,1rloin .,teak. I 1m h thick: 18 to 22 m11111tt"' per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort 1s at 1131 Bade Bay Drive For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JULY 19 Newcomers to the digital universe are invited to ·Tools and Tndcs: Internet 101 ," a free Internet workshop, at 9 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beac:ti Public Library. For more information, call (9491717-3816 lntennediate-level Internet navigators are invited to register for ·web Walking 102," a free Internet work wortcshop at 10 a.m at the Newport Beach Central Library. The hands-on workshop is limited to 10 participants. Sign up at the library's reference desk or by calling (949) 717-3800, ext 2. •otvon:e: A New Beginning; a workshop for men and women divorced or gening divorced, 1s offered from tO a.m to 12:30 pm at 180 Newpon C.enter Onve. Newport Beach. The cost 1s S40. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beach" series offers ·rhe Sword and the Stone" starting at dusk on the Newpon sand. White Front Pharmacy . . . . ·' :'' OtrJs • Boo/ts • Sinulries All llllfn'1111£e PIAn.s kcepud 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 Gt)f ,1 hP.1d st.11 t fo1 the s chool y ear ·' • AIJftJn.& Wometry Course Previews ~· Spanillt I & II Coutw ~ • Writ1nJ ComposltJon •Math F«tJ ,~1a11on1 • Zoo-phonia <for hadtool It Klncktptf«tJ CALL TODAY (949) 645-7900 C! 411 E. 171h Sbelt, c.ta ..... «:on-of Irvine A_..) • T·bone or porterhouse steak, 1 inch thick: 12 to 15 ml nu res • l lamburger patties, 0.75 inche!> thick.: 14 to 18 minutes • Cllld:en breas1 or tJ1igh. four ro five ounces: 12 10 15 minutes • Turkey breas t 1enderloin, 0.5 inches lhick: 12 to 15 minutes • Honeles.~ loin chop, 0.75 inches thick: eight to 11 m inutes • Swordfbh, 0.5 inches to I inch thick: four to six minutes per half an inch of thickness • ScaUop'>. 12 to 15 per po und: five to eight minutes •Shrimp. medium to large: six Ill eight minutc5 VEGETABLES Hefore grilling vegetable!>. rinc;e, trim and chop. If the vcgetahle'> are large enough. grill them directly over the heal. !:>-Orne vegetahle1>. 1>uch a.'> carrot!>. leek.'> and potatoe'>, require 1>ome p re cooking to achieve the de'>lrl'd level of tendeme'>!> • A.,paragu-.: 'lndp off laugh l>a'>l''>, .,team thret· to four 111111111c .... tir· 111 hundle!> with cluvcs or gn·t•n nnion top., and gnll lor thrt•t• to liw minute .... • Beet!> 1"11111 nml 1:ut 10 h.ilf an inch thick. grill lur 25 OllllUll''>. • Hmn nli <1rHl t0Julinowl'r flurei.... ( 1rill tor tiw to I 0 Partcing costs $8 per car Campfires will alc;o be available for s'mores The reson 1s at 1131 Bad( Bay Dnve For more information. call (9491729-DUNE. JULY 23 A free seminar and book signing, ·Asian longeviry See<ets.H will be offered by author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m at Mother's Market. "225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. JULY 24 The Newport Beacti Chamber of Commerce's Newport Sunset Networ1ung Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht of Pacific Avalon Yacht Chaners. 3404 Via Oporto No 103, Newport Beac:ti The dodcside event from 5 to 7 p m will include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar The mixer 1s free for members Potential members pay $10 For more information call (949) 729-4400 JULY 25 Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beach• series offers ·Remember the Titans" staning a.t dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs S8 per car Campfires will also be available fo r s'mores. The resort is at 11 31 Bad( Bay Dnve. For more minutes. , • Carrots: Diagonally slice 1.5 inches thick. steam three to fi ve minutes and grill 15 to 20 minutes. · • Com on the cob: Remove husks. scrub ears to remove sillcs, and grill 20 to 30 m inute!>. • Leeks: Cut off green tops, trim buJb roots, and remove tough outer layers. Steam for I 0 minutes, cut in haJf lengthwise and grill for five minute!>. • Onions: Slice half ..i.n inch thick and griU for five mtnutes. • Potatoes: Slice one inch lhick, steam for 10 minute.,, wrap in foil and grill for 20 minutes. • Sweet pepper'(: Hemove stems, cut into quarter'> and remove !>eed~. Grill for eight 10 10 minute!>. Oean your grill after every u!>e. Turn the heat to lugh for IO to 15 minures with the hd dosed. Turn off the heat and let the grill cool c;lightly, lou.,cn the residue with a bra'>., bmtlt· bru.,h. and when 11\ rnol to tlw touch. wipe with a cloth and warm ~oapy water l<inse aml dry -you're ready to lirl' up another meaJ tomorrow • KAREN WIGHT 1s a Newport Beach resident Her column runs Thursdays information. call (9491 729 DUNE JULY 26 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the BeachH series offers "Allee in Wonderland· staning at dusk on the Newpon sand. Partcing costs $8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Dnve For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JULY 27 The Commodores Club of the Newport Beac:ti Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the 68th annual Flight of the lasers at 1 p.m. at the Newpon Harbor Yacht Club, 720 West Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to win pnzes hke best costume. best decorated boat, first parent/child team. and first mamed couple. For more mformat1on. call (9491673-7730 JULY 28 Mature drivers can sharpen their driving s kills in this eight-hour class held during two sessions, at 12:30 and 4:30 p m . at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa July 28 and 29. The $10 classes are hmited to 30 students. Advanced registration is required. For more information. call (714) 557-3340. Mun Pas;;I QC-F-;;;Tjd;; I I Free Large Spaghetti I I of Cltust PiwJ ltnd SaUuJ I With any Wltofr Pi.r:.JJ Ordtt I I Only $1.99 I ¥ -• • ~· ,,.. -· I , .... ...,,,,.,. ..,-. ... ~ ... , ... , f ..,. "'""'· ' ...... , ..,, ... '·· ' • L ~ ~ .::::!":!.. '!:... ~ .:! ~·~ .:_ '2: +--_;_1w;_ IV_:_:.~_: -._ -_J r M!4U 1•u1utl UC Faic Dck«i Mmt Pc.cs.t.al QC t 'airih.MJ I I Free Mini-Canoli I Free Bottomless I I Dessert I Soft Drink I I WUlt any Onhr Ovtr $4.95 I Wilh any Orthr Ovtr $4.95 I '-"'t;' .,,.; ,,., ... ..,,..,,. r-r '"' V• rw ""' 1 ..., ,~ ,.,,, u~"' Pt",, ..,.. fY' ,, ' L ~ ~~~= !!_Oltl:_ ~"!.! !_ ~ _l_.::... ':!!:"'~::..!>:=. '!... ~ !!!":....: ..!.::.!.!.. _J ... -. . Din&- OPEN DAllY 10·30 AM 10:00 PM• WEEKENDS TILL 11 PM 1145 BAKER ST. COSTA MESA • 714 ·54Q 0685 WHEN ITCOMESTO LONG-TERM CAR£. THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. ~ thir1 lbout ~Tmn Carr l~ranct from SWt Fann .. Is ... )''OU """ yow d"*t o( Cart opdom -t.nduding Ill )"OUr home Vou'D lho bt ht~ IO prottt'I your Uk ~ from !ht a.a ol exunded caiT. To am rnoft about II.~ Wit ID your ~ Sc.aie Fann Agtnt \\'EU\ 1 \\liFRE YOl 'I rvr_ Stnaa Hill Uc.•: OC80618 350 East l 7lh Slrttl Solle 211 Costa Mesa, CA 949-646-9393 S&nm.hlll.lx~tefarm.com M:~~~~=°~ (Al .._._.:: ens fl;;._• n a ·a ... ,..~ ..... .,..,...... ---'......., l~ .... ~ P<'IMki MU Thursday, .liy 10, 2003 At S PECIA L SALE Long .Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD .. '( STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE s1999 By Mohawk lostaJJed with deluu pad sq. yd. Tra•trtlnt 18" II: 18" .................................. '4.29 ... 11 Ctnunk Tilt ............................... 1tuu1i..1 ,,... '4.99 04 11 Lamm.tr W90cl. ......................... IMWW r ... '4.99 ... n '>upplies and Tools for tht •f>o II t'ourstlfrrs!· All priuslproducts for a limittd time. basrd on arailubilifr. ,, 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA .._. (888) MESA-777 - PARKING LOT SAI.E lhurs.7/17-Sun .7/20 New Products Tool Demos S~al Pricing Special Buys Overstocks Closeouts Nor ALL ... l 1" t B .t1Hl ''ll ~.tlllr<Lt\' , .. f ~-~-~--------~----· I AlO Thursday, July 10, 2003 ·p1um of the COte d'Azur ·Nice The N ewmans of Coropa del Mar find charming hotels, excellent eateries and unusual places to visit on the Mediterranean. . ' By Liz Swlertz Newman A ccording to my World War II weatherman husband, Lee, onJy three places in the world have the year-round climate we enjoy here in Newport-Mesa: the Southern Califo rnia coast, the northeaste rn coast of New Zealand, and the French and Italian Riviera. For winter a nd spring visits to Fran ce, forget Paris - unless your love's there: The COte d'Azu r is the place to go - specifically Nice (rhymes with peace}. Nice h as an airport not unlike Orange Gounty's . You can fly fro m Santa An a, stre tch your legs in New York, a nd after a nice nap, drive 20 minutes to the finest h otel your budget can afford. Traveling as often a\ we do, we like to stay at moderately priced hotels. 'Traveling in France is a pleasure. Up pops something different and wonderful to see .... Uz Swtertz Newman Corona del Mar resident nights and stayed six, exploring to th e west and eas~. •To the west: In the mountains, Ve nce is famo us for the Chapelle du Rosaire. which Matisse designed and illustrated, and St. Paul de Vence is a pristine walled m edieval ciry, offering spectacuJar views and the sensation of being in France centuries ago. While in St. Paul, enjoy the local delicacy, beignet des n eurs de courgettes (sweet. batter-fried squash blossoms). .. L I FE & L E I SU R E TRAVEL TALES The three·star Mercure gets our luggage. Th ey have locations virtuaJly everywhere in Fra nce and arra nge accommodations for us wherever we next expect to stop. rn Nice, we like their location o n the Promenade d es Angla is. at the east end of the trescent bay, right on the water. In Antibes, a jam-packed port and waJled city, you can enjoy breakfast • en plein air -at a quarter of the hotel's price for le pet it dejeun er - then shop for provincial souvenirs. Cap d 'Antibes was Sco11 and Zelda Fitzgerald's old stomping grounds, and nearby Juan les Pins was the setting for "Tender 1s the Night." A bit farther down the road is Cannes (rhymes with man), the site of the film festivaJ though not m uch else. Uphill from Cannei. is Grasse. the perfume capital of the world, a fine place to tour a perfume factory. Lee Newman and granddaughter Sally Newman on tram tounst1que in Monaco. Ca st facing rooms run about $130 a night and offer views o f the greenery of AJbert I park, old town Nice and m oonligh t on the Med ite rranean - time and tides permitting. Oceanfront rooms offer a vista of the broad curve of the western COte, toward Marseilles. Nike, goddess of victory, insp ired the naming of Nice, and Nice is a winner in th e ~ravel category. It is fi lled with hotels, fro m the charm ing to the chichi; a sp~ctrum of restaurants fro m excellent, inexpensive Italian eateries to the best boites serving the local specialty, bouillabaisse (at $65 per p erson}; and unusual places to visit. The most unexpected sight is the exquisite St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral, an onion -domed petit-KremJin telling a tender hii.tory of Russians in France. Not to be missed is o ld town Nice, where the flower market awake ns the ~enses Tu esdays through Sun days. o utdoor qining occurs at all ho urs and children take the family jug to the vintner's' s pigot for the week's wine. Catch the train touristique (tourii.t tram} on Avenue des Eta ts Uni!>, across from the park for a 40-minute tram ride through town. Nice 1s the plum in a pie of wonders, a p ivot point fo r delightful daytnpi.. The first time we visited Nice, we made reservalions for two •To the east: You can eai.ily travel into Italy on a daytrip -to Bordighera and San Re mo -but the prime attraction is Monaco, a Disney-esque gem of a country. A ride on the tourist tram fro m Cous teau's oceanographic museum, past the Monte Carlo casino, to the palace will show you all the sights an d save you an uphill waJk. The prlncipaJity, surrounded on aJ I b ut the ocean s ide by France, will revert to France if middJe-aged Prin ce Albert d oesn't marry and bear a male heir. Attention, Cinderellas! Windex yo ur glass slippers and go. Traveling in France Is a pleasu re. Up pops something diffe rent and wonderful to see, abo ut every two hours -from Rom an ruins to cha teaux to winerie"s to the caves of troglodytes. France Is a n easy country in wh ich to travel by car - at least, between cities it is. I canno t lie:'"within cities. it can be maddening to get from one part of town to another, du e to narrow one-way streets. On th e o th er hand. each town has a visito r's center. For information , ma ps or other help, The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery ' Liz and Lee Newman in Nimes. France look for lhe blue '>ign with the lowe r ca se I 1n Centre Ville (the city center). \\'e ren11nm cnd u'>ing the toll road'> rhough they're pricey, rest '>tops. gas, food and convenience shops appear every five miles or '>U. France 1s a very toun1>t·lnenclly country. l.Vl'ryone s peaks l·nglic;h and ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTL Y MA RKED DOWN 30°/ooff CALL NOW 642-8400 7 a!. we can at te~t heLauw wt· ju'it vi,ited there \\Ith our granddaughter -they love Amt•mJn' • LIZ SWIERTZ NEWMAN is a Corona del Mar resident •TRAVEL TALES runs on Thursdays Have you. or someone you know gone :N 0 w s t r II I n 9 'B reaR.J a s t . ... ~s DESIGN CEN .TER ''For All Your Decorating ·Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies. Shacfes. & Bedspreads ----( . . I I I . .... St. Nicholas Ru ssian Orthodox Cathedral in Nice. France. on an interesung vacation? Tell us abolll-·: your adventures in about 400 words, _,. accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not have the Daily P1lot 1n them and send them 10 Travel Tales 330 W Bay St Costa Mesa. CA 92627, 01 o mail coral w olson ·• lat1mes com. or fax 10 (9491646 4170 .. •Cribs •Changing Tables , •Chests •Twin Beds •Toy Boxes •Full Beds •Accessories a nd much more (949) 6J 1-2229 1822 Newport Blvd., Costa Me Alms fTo"' Tril..,V S4•" www.belllal.com Mon ·Sat \.0 )()...6.00 •Sun. 12.00-5.0lr L u 11 c fi (....:. ·D i n 11 e r (Local• Favorite! Since r995 .. ~ • , • -.· • I ; ' • , ' -' • • .. . : • ' I J 'L I FE & L E I SURE Patti, Richard. Alec and Caroline Taketa of Corona del Mar survive The Gentosi, Martino and Zak families made a trek to the snow in the New York City President's Qay blizzard of 2003. Mammoth Lakes, Calif. Pictured are Giovanni, Michaela, Amy, Joey, Melissa. N1k1 and Ricky. D Randy Darnel and son Jarrett Darnel visit Miller Park on their aMual baseball trip. It's their ninth year and 10th stadium v1srt in a 32-year plan to v1srt every ma1or league stadium. ting 70 Years ol Fi ne Dinin~·~ ght Dining on Water es~m .. $7.95 tiL 6pm (~ceptSatu.roays) \ d~ Pasta • Fresh ea food Veal Specialties Thofsday, July 10, 2003 All ..... ~----~--------------~-~~--_.....--------..,....._--·-·--·-- . . .._ A12 Tlusday, JAiy 10, 2003 LIFE & LEISUR E AFTER HOURS m em the Deily Piiot. 330 W. Bey St., Co1ta Meta, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646--t170; or by callinO • (949~574-4296, A c:omplete lilt 11 avalleble et www.d•llypllot.com. An American nm business sl11ce 1953. Our family serving your fami~y for 50 years Momma John We belong to the world's largest flooring retail group -eo-0p. · We are the biggest flooring dealers Individually owned and operated ~OOOSTORB BUYIN6 POWER NOBODY anywhere can beat our selection, • t·Jr~ ?" servt~ You're paying too much If you're not buying from us. $299 ·. Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $199 Warranty Wood $299 Brenda lOOo/o FREE No Q estions Asked 60 day exchange. If you don't like It, we wt/I replaa! It FREE FULL SERVICE CoHter Tops • Shewers • Cer1111ie • St011e • Gruite • Wood Refi•ish ONE STOP SHOP Wi•'•W Ceverh1 1 • CleHi11 Cu et & U holste • P1i11ti11 -l11terior & Exterier 4os Costa Mesa Irvine <949> &50•7&7& (949) 8J8•0141 t 24 E. t 7th t 7777 Main .. B,. Main st MON -FRI 9-S MUSIC PACIF1C AMPtl'THEATRE C<>f«:ERTS The Orange County Fair will presenting it• 1umQ'er concert teries .at the Pacific Amphitheatre: Friday, Diana Krall; Saturday, Juan Gabriel; Sunday, Mellua Etheridge and Joan Oabome; Tuesday, Crosby, Stills and Nast¥. July 17, Standing in the Shadows of Motown featuring The Funk Brothers; July 18, 311 and Something Corporate; July 19, Marco Antonio Solla; July 20, Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant; July 22, Devo and Cake; July 23, Steely Dan; July 24, the Dooble Brothers and Buddy Guy; July 25, The Doors of the 21st Century; July 26, AJanis Morissette and Jason Mraz; July 27. Bob Dylan; July 29, Alan Jacitson and Joe Nichols; July 30, Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald; July 31, 3 Doors Down and Our Lady Peace; Aug. 1, Jethro Tull; Aug. 2, Roxy Music and David Lindley and El Aayo-X; and Aug. 3, Boston. For concert information. call (714) 708-1870 or visit www.ocfair.com. To · order tideets, call (714) 740-2000. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE ARENA The Orange County Fair is presenting many summer events and concerts at its Citizens Business Bank Arena: Friday, the 28th annual Speedway Fair Derby; Saturday, Freestyle Motorcross Jumping; Sunday, the third annual Orange Crush Demolition Derby; Tuesday, the Little River Band; Wednesday, Blue Oyster Cult; July 17. the Bangles; July 18, Poco. Richie Furay and Chris Hillman and Herb Pederson; July 19, the Young Oubliners; July 20. the M ariachi Festival; July 22. Billy Bob Thorton; July 23, Aide Springfield; July 24. Phil Vassar; July 25. the Fabulous Thunderbirds; July 26, Royal Cr<'Wn Revue; July 27. the Latin Music Festival; July 29, the Mountain Top with Or. Ralph Stanley. featuring Rhonda Vincent and speclat guest Clark; July 30, the Fab Four; July 31, Ziggy Marley; Aug. 1, Oromatli; Aug. 2, Bull riding. with a musical performance by BAS-49; and Aug. 31, the Fiesta Del Charro. Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Plnl'l' )·our honu.' l'innnl'ing nt't.'d' in t ht.• hands of Privatl\ Mort ~a~e Bunking. Our experienced We ll s Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gardner 877-227-0329 Bruch Mauger u. Hayes • 9'49-2S J "4409 Priv• Mort1aae Banker complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and· super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000:000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties •Interest-only loans David Kravitz 949-25 1-4902 Private Mortpge Banker 1•1 Kukle 949·2S3~354 Priv.ee Monpae Banker Deena Lance 949-251-4467 Priv.ee Mongage Banker . MaryAu Maaee 949-2S l-44S3 Privue Monpge Banker Main Oflke (949) 251-6047 Drive In Cott• Mesa. Information: (714) 708-FAJR. BOLERO NllJ RtWSOOY Maestro C.rt St Clair •nd the " Pacific Symphony, with guest pianist Valentina Usltaa, will e>Cplore the vibrant rhythms of Spain In a concert called "Bolero and Rhapsody" at 8 p.m . July 19 at the Verizon Wirelesa Amphitheater. Tickets coat $19 to $85. To order, call (714) 765-5799. JAr/.TRIO Gulfetream Restaurant in • Newport Beach presenia a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. ... .... WEEKLY JAM : The Studio Cafe presents - Monday Night Jams from 7 to.,, p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers. drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .• Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. M.t.MMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar. the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and al 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information· (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nide Peper and Kelly Gord1en (known as MPG) perform classic rode. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays . Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and A&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 P·.{P· WJ'd.nesday and Thursday. from 8:30p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. 19491 642-3431. . ...... MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W .• 19th St .. Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615 WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant. in Newport Beach presents Jess.e on the sa>C on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for bru.nch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rock and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SAllJRDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and A&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge. 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. \ r ... QUOTE OF THE DAY "They will be here {today), testing the lights to make sure they work." Ken Stuart, Palisades Tennis Club owner July 14 honoree TIM O'BRIEN Daily Pilot Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Thursday. July I 0, 2003 11 '. ' . COSTA MESA AMERICAN llTTLE LEAGUE -Tempers flare f olloWing IOss CMALL Major All -Stars eliminated by Fountain Va ll ey, 9-5, then manager is confronted b y fuming parent in aftermath. Steve Virgen Daily Pilot llUNTINGTON Bl·.ACI I -Phil Hagby faced a nightmare on the I luntington VaJJey Little League fields Wedrtesday. I hi'> is not one of those figurative ter~ to describe a !>iluation within a game. Hather, Bagby'!> bout with an unfonu- nate situation came after hi!> Co!>la Me!>a American Major All-Star team lost, 9-5, to Founfain Valley. and were elinunated from the District 62 touma- menL Bagby, the manager of the CMAIJ. All- St<1rs, wru, confronted by an angry father who !>houted threat!> at Bagby. No punches were thrown in a two-minute argument. The !>cene -Bagby MooCl near his dugout. while the father was ..,ome 25 feet awdy behind the back....,top --produced a deafening silence and ul- timately left Ragby at a loss for word!>. When the situation ended Hagby wa. .. left asking himself a question. "Why do I coach?" After several parents came to thank him and showed suppon, and after hh players wanted to defend their coach, Bagby realized the positive as_pects that make Uttle League baseball special. "I lcoachl because my son IAll'>tinl plays," Ragby said. 'Thi!. 1s a great ttmt.· to spend with him and to see him '>J)l'nd time with his friend ... " Baghy aJso said he respecLs hb play ers and Lries to get everyone in tht• game. I le wru. obviously bothered by the argument, but he remained calm. lni - tiaJJy. his frustration shown Wednesday was more about his player!>' failure to capitaJjze on a relief pitcher than a k.id\ father shouting. Fountam Valley pitcher ~ar.i Mitchell came on in the fourth innmg and.shut down Costa Mesa. which had .. cored five runs in the bot!Om of the tlmd. She allowed one hit an.d retired the final six batter" ..,he faced, 111dud111g two '>trike~ outs in the boltom of the '>lXth. "I don't t11inlc she wa<, doing anythmg special," Bagby said. "She did a good job. We never had a girl on thf:' mound against us. I don't know tf that threw off See AMERICAN, Page 82 COSTA MESA NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE Nothing tricky about Ocean View's victory Costa Mesa National is knocked out in District 62 All-Star tourname nt Wednesday d espite its attempt to pull a fast one. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot COSIJ\ MF-'iA -Costa Mesa National Uttle League tltlrd baseman Alex Groselc caught the popup and headed straight for the dugout His teammates followed. Ocean View promptJy took the field. 1t wasn't until Costa Mesa catcher Ryan Knapp had already removed his gear and ocean View pitcher Bo AmarctJ was into his wann-up pitches that the Ocean View how many outs there wl're. I jttst !>aid. 'We'll see what happens.' " What happened i~ Costa Me<.a had to return to the field to record t1}f finaJ out of the sixth inning. but it sure could have uM'd the two-out trick a few frames ear- lier. Ocean View scored two runs in the third inning and three in the fourth. all after two outs had been recorded. ·me five runs helped them overcome an early one-run deficit and post an 8-1 victory that knocked Cosla Mesa out of the District 62 Major All-Star tourna- ment Wednesday at TeWmkle Middle School. 2003 HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE YEAR SERIES Amy Burtlnaham lsNewpor:t tt.rbor'• Git1I Altllet9oftheY .... All-American soccer forward Amy Burlingham also ran past foes on the track for Sailors. coaching staff realiz.ed the out that Gro· sek recorded was only the second in the !' top of the sixth Inning. lhings looked solid early for Costa Mesa. trying to bow1ce back from a 4-l loss to HWllington Beach Seaview on Monday. Josh Ryding belted the first pitch he saw. a high fastball from Ocean View pitcher Andrew Ra~ale. over the right- 6eld fence for an opposite-field home -~Alex sold it well," Costa Mesa Man· ager Kim Pederson said. "I wasn't sure See NATIONAL. Pa&e 82 MAIN PHOTO BYS TEVE. Mc:CRANK. INSfT PHOTO BY DON LEACH, PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY DANIEL HUNT I DAILY PILOT WORLD TEAM TENNIS OONWOt/OM.YN.OT relirid \l1der the Mllble lllhts It li1 uky cmtwhlrl CepititS ~£Jeni lldMwbM hb retmn to ~Oevllipart Tuesdly. ' Crews look£ cause of outage Burnt wires under scoreboard led to power woblems that displaced fans and players to outer court. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH ~· Ughting installation crews began diUgeotly seeking answers Wednesday tor the callff or a power outage, a day after a glitch caUlfnt the blackout forced some fans to. relocate rrom theh paid seats on Palisades noniJ Oub't center court to a grusy knoll ovedooldng an outer court during dle Newport Beach Break~n· World 1Um Tennis home debut Tuesday nJght. Keo Stuart. who bought the Newport Beach club in 1995, Mid crews located portiool of bwm wt. -. der the scoreboant •Somethtn1 caUJed a shortage to bum tboee wiret.. Stuart Mid. The upt:s borderlna center cowt wmt oaa .,_. l.indHy Dmnpon. Who pncdcel ............ . c:reued '-feed to 3·0 in • wc••'I ...... _... ....,.. me Sac:runento c..pw.· a.-,u..i w dW'tnl dw ....... 2.l-lt .tctory.,,.. ... ... been on tor about 30-..... pdor eo ... .... 111ona..-• • 82 Thursday, Jufy 10, 2003 Continued from B 1 the kids or not" . The Costa Mesa American All-Stars feU be- hind, 6-0, after two inn4tgs. just as they did in their 6-4 loss Tuesday. Fountain Valley scored one unearned run in the first and three of Its four runs were also unearned in the second. Costa Mesa committed four er- rors in the second inning. However, the CMALL All-Stars came up wilh a five-run third inning to get back in the game. Mike Molina's ground ball toward the pitcher led to a throwing error, which al- lowed Chris Gute to score. Gute reached on an error to open the inning. Ryan Boulger followed Molina with a two- run base Wt, scoring Ben Lounsbury, who singled, and Molina. Then with two out, Cllris Robinson came up with the game's only triple after his line-drive shot landed in lhe left field comer. Robinson later scored on a wild pitch, which drew Costa Mesa within, 6-5. I lowever. Mitchell ended Costa Mesa's momentum over the next three innings. Fountain Valley scored one run in lh~ sixth and two more in lhe seventh. Costa Mesa's Mike Kelly pitched lhe finaJ three innings. while Kevin Hoffman s1aned. Kelly struck out a F~mtain Valley batter with the bases loaded 10 end the ftfth inning. Je51>e Dawson also helped or completed ~tandout defensive plays. In the fir~I inning, he appeared to st~aJ a home nin as he gloved SPORTS STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Ryan Boulger of the Costa Mesa American Little League Al~Stars slides home safely m Tuesday's game against Westminster. the first of two losses for Mesa in District 62 play. a Oy ball at the fence tn center field. In the founh inning, Daw.,on was part of a I· 1 2 double pla)'· With runner~ on fir~t and !>econd, I oun lain ValJey\ Michael Jamel> hit a ground ball 10 Kelly. who got the runner out at second with hi~ throw to Daw'>on. Dawson showed J\\arenel>S and made the throw to home plate. where Gute, the catcher, tagged out a 'liding Mike Delicce. '• Dally Pilot y quart at league finals. With ' conurutment to track Continued from Bl tJw earned praise from C.oach Eric 'JWelt, Burlingham blos~ history. somed this spring. She won The 'Jin. who had not been league dtles In the 200 (.26.48) to the playotfl aince 1994, de· and the 400 (58.74), while also feated Loara in a wild-card anchoring the league cl:wn-, clash, then topped first-round pion 1,600 relay (4:05.79) and foe 'Il'oy, before faWng to pow-helping the 400 relay 6nish erful Edison to finish 12-7-4. third at league finals. Losses to graduation, a . Her time of 58.19 at CIF Di- saing of injuries and the al· vision a prellmlnaries was a ways rugged competition in then -persona) best and she the Sea View League, denied went on to finish fourth in the the Sailors a playoff appear· evenr · with a school-record ance in 2003. clocking of 57.83 at GIP Divi- Burlingham, however. sion a finals. The previous re- turned her ua.lous desire to cord of57.94, set by Amy John- succeed to track and field. a son, had nood for 22 years. sport she bad bypassed as a She also set the school re- junior to concentrate on her cord Jn the 200, but dropped busy club soccer commJtment the event after league finals to Burlingham first captured concentrate on the 400, as well attention as a standout fresh· as the relays. man sprinter, but a conOict The Sailors' 1,600 relay. with a club soccer tournament which also Included Elda Her- took her out of the league fi-nandez. Kiley I tall and Amy nals m eet and. consequently. Kllppert, set a school record the entire 2000 postseason. (3:56.64) while posting a third- As a sophomore. Burling-place finish at CIF Division II ham won the Sea View League finals. 200-meter title and was sec-Burlingham' talents also ond In the 100 at league finals. helped the fars finish ninth in She afso helped the school's CIF Division II in the 400 relay. NATIONAL NEWPORT BEACH LIITLE LEAGUE Continued from B 1 advanced 10 '>t'cond on another. I le then !>cored on Dalton Himz's ~in­ gle. I linlZ. who went 4 tbr 4 with 1wo rune. <>Cored and three ruru. bat· wht•n ii looked like a key hit wa ... com111g. Lmt.i J\.le~ wa.c, .,tymie<l. In the 1>0110111 ol the third inning. after Ryd1ng reJcht•d on an error, O'Neill Im one of the harde...t b<1ll'> of the ni~ht Hut 11 wa!) nght hack JI Ha~'><.l.ile. "ho r...nud.ed ll down and n-cortll•d the lorn• pla\ at '>t'I ond. The Newport Beach Little League National Al~Stars celebrate with a copy of the Daily Pilot sports section that h1ghhghted their 13-2 victory against Aliso V1e10 in District 55 actt0n Win the Best Seat in the House ... on the Players' Bench. Enter the Daily Pilot- Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest. GRANO PRIZE Sit on the players' bench during the match and meet nsing tennis star Mana Sharapova for an exclusive photo opportunity on Wednesday July 16 when ·the Newport Beach Breakers meet the St LOUIS Aces at the Palisades Tennis Club. from 7-10 pm This lucky reader will also rece ive Newport Beach Breakers team autographed memorabilia. 1" PLACE One Lucky Reader will win 2 spots in the Players Pro·Am Clinic on Fnday. July 18 from 5·6 30 p m at Palisades Tennis Club. taught by a pro coach or pro player and 2 tickets to the Wednesday July 16 match from 7·10 p.m. GRAND PRIZE and 1" PLACE WINNERS will be anounced during half-time on July 16. FIVE LUCKY WINNERS will each receive 2 tickets to either the July 16 (vs. St LOUIS Aces).. July 20 (vs Sacramento Capitals) or July 25 (vs Kansas City Explorers) matches All matches start at 7 p m It's easy to enter Fill out the entry form below and ma1l 1t to the Daily Pilot (include Newport Beach Breakers On Court Contest on the envelope) to be received by Friday, July 11 at 5 p.m Or bring it by the Daily Pilot office at 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa during reg ular business hours. Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. No purchase is necessary Winners will be picked by random drawing and notified prior to the July 16 match. 1ed m. took ..econd base on the run in the fir<.1 inrung and Co'ita throw home and advanced to third Mel>a hurler GaVJn Montague shut on Costa M~\ th11d error of the down the Ocean View hal'> through mning. He then gave Ocean View a the first two mnmg:.. 2·0 lead, ..conng on a wild pitch. But underlying that early 1-0 lead ln lhe tounh mning, Co~ta M~-... was a continuation of what plagued defense rcvened w foml. but .i Costa Mesa in ii..!. losi. 10 Seav1ew. an quesuonable call by the home pla1e inability to get a clutch hit. umpire allowed Ot:can View to pad "We couldn't get a big hie," Peder· its lead. son said. "It was exactJy the <;ame ru. With two out.!. and a runner on the last game." -.econd, pinch-h111er Brian C~idy Coi.ta Mesa left nme runner. on '>tngled 10 center field. Co-.1a ~1e:.a·~ base. including four. m the fir.t 1wo Danny O'Neill can1e up throwing innin~ On Monday, the left ..even and appean'tl to b'l.tn down the lead runners on bru>e. al!,o '>lrandmg runner at the plate. wtth Knapp ap· four in the fil"it two frcllne.... plying the tag But the runner was Unable 10 add to its lead, Coe.ta ruJcd ..rue. pu.,hmg the ledd to 3-1. M~ then watched it' greatel>l Three str.iight -.111gl~ follO\\ed, '>trengt.h go on vacation when a trio . '>Coring two more run .... hut' nght of errors led to rwo unenrned nm., fielder Nick Pt•dcr ... un made o;un· with two out.<. in the top of thE' there was no que~on abour the Ulird. third out in the inmnl'( by throwing "We've been a great defen'iive ou1 Amar.ii JI the plate after a Mn· team for two game<>,.. Pederwn gle by 111111.Y- '>ilid. "We slipped a little and let Costa Ml">a ,111cmp1ed to bauJe them have a little momentum.'' hack. but the re'>ull wa... '>tmpl) Amaral reached on an l'rror and more runner. leh on bru.e Even O'Neill , \ .. ho hdd two '>tnglec. 111 le,1tl C.0-.1 .. 1 ~1e .... L. \\~ ... tram.Jed 011 bao,e 1.hn.•e ume .... Othel"'> left o,wnc.l 111g 111d11dl·d Troy McClanahan. Montague Jml I-rank DeNoewN, ,tll of \\horn rl'adll'd ba-.e on ... ing)L.., laylor \\t•.,t. \\ho walked. and t..napp, >Aho ''J.' hit by a plldl. ~ert• leh on ba ... c m the bouom ol the '>IXth llllllllg " llleir he.iLI'> are held prl'll~ high." Pl'<ler.cm \did "\\e did tht• 1ob, wt• Jll.,t rnuldn't get the key hJI Dc....p111· tlw l'Jrl\ exit from the 11.lurnarnent. < .11 ... 1.1 J\. It"><! Nauun.il IJllle I A'<lh'lll' ... 1111 ha..., .11 ~a.'>t t\'\O mort' g-amr .... with a b~·nf.thrcr -.cne., 11prmnmg again ... 1 Cm1o1 J\.te..a t\rnent.ut IJILle Lea1:,'lle for the .!<XH \l.i~ur·., <.up "It-. 11111gh ([) go two·.md·OUt. l'l'dl'Nlll .,,ml \\e'IJ tr) to regroup II will lw J t h.tlll•nge .. Ii City of Costa Mesa's 50-Year F EE OOon Open . 6:30 pm Show Stans -7 00 pm ANNIVERSARY • CostaMgzing Years :us w .. Thursday, July 10, 2003 7:00 • 9:30 p.m. Employets and th~lr relatJVtS of rht Daily Pilot Times Communiry Ntws. Pacific AmJhitheatre Los AnQlfts ftmtS and Tnbune Comf1111Y are 1nehg1b1' Pictured below: Brian MacPhle I I II ENTIYFOIM DAILY_ PILOT-NEWPOIT llACH llUIRS OI COUil COHTIST Nt.r. ________________ ~----- .,.., .......... : _________ _;;_;=--.:........;:.......:~......;..- ....1: ________________ ~--..:..;-----..... at the Orange County Fair & &position Center* It's history in the making! Help as kick oH the City of Cosu M~'s yeu-Lo~ 50-yur Anniversuy Celebration. Enjoy m evening + filled with live entertlimnent md a fireworks sky concerti * The first 2,(0) peoplt to mive will get a s&e of history ... Cake th.it isl Be the first in seven yeas to set tbf aewly "°P'ned ~,· Pacific Amphithfm md ftpmnce a fu ftfl«tion" l~ Costa Mesa's History! For Further Information Call Amy Kuchta At (714) 754-5065 ~ -------·-----------·..----------------------- Dally Pilot SPORT S Thursday Joly 10. 2003 83 HARBOR VIEW SWIMMING RESULTS July 2 results Girts eend under 25 free-1. Katie Craig, Harbor Vi-. 19.77; 2. Emilv Medder, HV, 20.86; 3. Charlotte Valentine, HV, Harbor Vi-· 24.49; 4. M ertine R1ntoul, GB, 27.46; 5 Makenna Du8o1a, Greenbrook. 29.24; 6. Alena Akau. GB, 46 67 25 baiPt -1 Katte Craig, HV, 23.83, 2 Em1lv Mo<*ler. HV, 27.62; 3. Charlotte Valentine,,HV, 28 76; 4 Makenna DuBois. GB, 32.64; 5. Katherine Reis, GB. JJ.62; 6. Cammi Benaon. GB. 52 58. 25 breest-1 Emily Meckler, HV, 27 48; 2. Kacie t(ljne, HV, 31 29; ;i. Sabrina Jensen, GB, J3 12; 4. Kelley lt1ng, HV. 36 75. 5 Alana Akau. GB. 50.57. 25 flv-1 Katie Cr11g, HV, 27.47;-2 Sabrina Jensen. HV, 32.67; J. Sidnev Graca, HV, 33.56; 4 Katherine Reis. GB. 35.16. Heather Van Hie, above,·wtns the girls 11-12 100-yard IM. Garrett Larson, right, win s the boys 9-10 50-yard breaststroke. 100 free relev-1 HV, 1 :40 04, (Tevlor Pedocin, Sidney Grace. Charlotte Valentine, Kelley King), 2 GB, 2:25 33, (Kathenne Rets, Sabnne Jensen Martine Rmtoul, Alane Akau) · 100 medtev retav -1 HV, 142.73. !Charlotte Valentine, Em1tv M edder, " Kellev King. Kaue Cra1gl. 2 HV. 2 06 36. (M eagan Gooding, Julta Hohl. Sidnev Grace, Tavlor Ped1cin1), 3. GB. 1:1775. (Makenna DuBois, Sabrina Jensen. Katherine Reis, M artine Rontoul). 4 GB J 15 72; ICamm1 Benson. Samantha Romo Alana Akau Ale><andna Slant 7-8 25 free-I Annie Alvarado, HV, 1707, 2 Christine Schw11Lgelffll. GB. 1708. 3 Melissa Germundson, GB. 1790, 4 Shannon Griffin, HV, 1791, 5 Gaby Carpenter, HV. 18 22; Savanna Dunlea GB. 19 02 50 free -1 Oelanev Pouch, HV, 34 41' (Record), 2 Gaby Carpenter. HV 43 38. J l(avla Robert. GB. 43.69. 4 Adaloe Espmoza, GB. 45 87. S Katie Romo, GB, SO 07 6 Jenna Funsten, HV SS 26. 25 bade -I Oelenev Pouch: HV, 19 93; 2 Annie Alverado, HV. 21 67; 3 Meltssa Germundsen, GB. 2187. 4 Ellen Naruse. HV. 22 10. 5 M&c:Kenz1e Cerda. GB. 22 98, 6 Chrostme Schw1llgebel GB 23 79 25 breast -1 Savanna Dunlea. GB. 11 70. 2 Jules Pouch. HV. 22 63. 3 Ellen Naruse. HV, 24 80, 4 MacKeru1e Cerda GB, 25 48. 5 Krosten RtSser. HV. 26 10; ' 6 Adalie Espinoza. GB. 2790 25 flv-1 Jules Pouch, HV, 19 56. 2 Chns11ne Schwougebel. GB, 20 11 3 Kavla Robert. GB. 21 06. 4 Monica Venturino. HV 21 08. 5 Meltssa Germundsen, GB. 22 98. 6 Madison Haty HV. 23 88 100 free relav-1 HV I 13 93 IGabv Carpenter. Krosten Rosser . Annie Alvarado, Oelanev Pouch), 2 HV. 1 IS 43. (Jules Pouch. Madison Halv. Macken:ne Carpenter. Ellen Naruset: 3 GB. 1 18 12. !Kayla Robert, MacKenzie Cer<Jd. Sdvannd Dunled, Adalte E spinozal. 4 GB. I 33 89 S. HV. 1 51 86 CClaudoa Noto. Allte Glover Radlel Kraushaar Regan 0 Hara) 6 GB 1 55.31 100 medley relav-1, HV, 1 20 35, (Shannon Groffin, M onica Ven1unnt, Delanev Pouch, Gaby Carpenter): 2. GB. 1 23 26: IM acl<.eru1e Cerda. Savanna Dunla.. Kavla Robert, Christine Schw1tzgebeC) 3 HV, 1 ·23 89 (Ellen Naruse. JulM Poucti. Madison Haly, Annie Alvarado). 4 GB. 1 40 24 (Nadine Leffler Adalte Espinoza, Meltssa Germundaen. Olivia Retsl 5 HV, 1.54 94, IEm1lv Turner. Voctona Abbott. Mollv Rovzar, Ashtev Kavt) 6 GB. 2·16.90 9-10 50free-1 Kayci Rezac. GB. JI 90; 2 Sarah Craig. HV, 34 49, 3 Anna Ventunnt HV. 36 84. 4 Enka Lucas, GB, J763. S Lily Fu 1nadlt. GB. 3780; 6 Stephanie Seaman. HV, 38 14 50 bac:k-1 Mar1J<)t Monev. HV. 40 90; 2 Sarah Craig. HV, 41.J7. 3 Liiv Fassnadlt, GB. 42 78. N1k1 Zak. HV. 43 55. 5. Paige 'Grigus. GB, 43.99; 6 Nicole Crain, GB, 44 87 50 breast -1 Kayci R&ac. GB. 41 69. 2 V1ctona Gabert. HV. 43 69; 3. N1k1 Zak. HV, 44 44. 4 Anne Ventunnt. HV. 44 76. 5 Knsu Germundsen. GB. 4743. 6 Stephanie Reza. GB, S2 60 25 flv-1 M argo1 Monev, HV, 15 21. 2 Nicole Crain, GB, 16.09, 3 Kathryn Conner. HV, 17.27, 4. Enka Lucas, GB, 1760; S Sarah Craig. HV. 17.61; 6. Paige Gt1gus. GB. 19 15 100 IM -1 Margot Monev. HV, 1 21 13, 2 Kevco Reac:, GB. 1.21.36. J Kathryn Conner. HV. 1.J2.12, 4. Undaey Luke, HV, 1 ·36 64. S Michele Chiu, GB, 148.04 200 free relay-1 GB, 2:30.83; (Paige Grlgus, Enka Lucas, Lily Fe .. n&cttt. Nicole Cram); 2. HV, 2:39.70 (Alv$N Hornby, Megan Griffin, Mefiua M artino, Katie Gordon): J. GB. 2:53.17 (Kn1t1 Germundaen. Laure Schwrtzgebel, Brooke Daigneault. Stephanie ReZe); 4. GB, J:15.'5. 100 medley relav-1 GB, 1:09.73; (Paige GrigtJ1, K.ayci Rezac:. Nicole Crain. Erika Lucn); 2. HV, 1:09.76 (Anna Vemurinl, Victoria O.bert. Kathryn , Conner, Sarah Craig); 3. HV, 1:14.37. (Tess Castro, UndMy lulce. Niki Z.k, Stephanie Seaman); 4, GB, 1 :24.88; 5. GB. 1:41.85. 11·12 50 free-1. Heather Van Hiel, HV, 27.99; 2. Kelly Moma, GB, 31.66; J. Chelsea Giger, HV, Jl.86; 4. M lchelle Zudler, HV, J2 16; 5. Allvson Cerda. GB. 32 81. 6 Paige Haslem. GB. 33 06 50 ~-1 Kellv Moma. GB, 34 46. 2 KelliFeelev~HV, 36 23 3 Kate Berry, HV, 3703. 4 Chelsea Giger, HV. J7.10; S Allvson Cerda, GB. J9 OS. 6 Julia Ahmadi, GB, 57.18 50 breast-1. Melissa Hohl. HV, 39 33, 2 Kate Berry, HV, 40.13, 3 Elise Molnar. HV, 41.94; 4 Allvson Cerda. GB. 45 15, 5 Paige Haskin, GB. 4729, 6 Taryn Flower. GB. 54 16 50 fly -I Heather Van Hoel. HV 32 86. 2 Kelh Feeley. HV, 35 80. 3 Kelly Morns. GB. 36 81, 4 Meliasa Hohl HV, 3705, 5 Paige Haslun, GB. 40 63. 6 Mtche[e Chiu, GB, 54 14 100 IM -1 Heather Van Htel. HV. 1 13 42; 2 Kate Berry, HV. 1 19.64. 3 K!lllo Feelev. HV. 1 20 04, 4 Krosto Germundsen. GB, 1 44 57. 5 Taryn Flower GB. 1 4725 6 Sean Roberts Sharpe, GB. 1 58 18 200 free retav-1 HV. 2 10 81 (Michelle Zuder Alltson Peotter, McKenna Caskev. Chelsea Goger). 2 HV. 2 19 70 (Shat Cas1ro, Kate Berry, Melissa Hohl, Blake Gardner), J. GB. (Allvson Cerda, Taryn Flow er. Paige Haskin. Kellv Moms). 4 HV, 2 3S 2S (Maddy Bendent, Kate Alvarddo Laura Henion Kathryn McKennonl 5 GB 312.00 200 medley relay 1 HV, 2 20 53 (Kate Berry, Ehse Molnar. Heather Vdn H1el, Allison Peonerl. 2 HV 2 20 93 (Annie Kmg. Mehssa Hohl, Chelsed G1ger,Kell1 Feeley! 3 GB, 3 34 23 (Jenna Reese. Juha Ahmadi. M<1l1na Akau. Skve Schm1d1l 13-14 SO free -1 Sarah Hutchison HV 28 97 2 Halev Prtcken. HV jJ '19 3 Sarah Robens, GB 33 40 4 • Krtsten Schoavont GB, 36 41 SO bad-1 Halev Pndteu. HV. 37 14. 2 Brittanv Reese, GB, 3736. 3 Kim Ludas. GB, 44 46; 4 Kellv Ducat. GB 4689 SO b<east -1 Sarah Dav. GB 35 47 2 Cart Levine HV 36 76 3 Sarah Hutchison HV 3792 4 Lacy Larson GB 38 56. 5 Bnana Galloway, HV 38 62. 6 Sarah Roberts, GB. 4748 so flv -1 Bnnany Reese. GB 36.8S. 2 lacy Larson, GB. 37 19. J Krt~ten Sch1avont. GB. 40 38 100 IM -1 Corev Best, HV. 1 14 16. 2 Bnana Gallowav HV. 1 14 35. 3 Sarah Dav. GB. 1 19 40, 4 Halev Prtd en HV. I 22 56 . 5 Kn51en Schiavoni. GB, 1 31 26. 6 Stephanie R~a. GB 1 48 44 200 free retav-1 GB 1 13 61 fBr1nanv Reese. Lacv Larson Knsten Schoavono, Sarah Roberts). 2 GB 2·41 11 tK1m Ludas. Allison Acklev. Tiara Thomas. KeHv Ducatl 200 medley rel av -I / HV 2 06 69 (~tie lndV1k, Hollv Van H1el. Can Levine, Sarah Hutd11son). 2 GB. 2 19 291811nanv Reese. Sarah Dav Lacy Larson. Sarah Robert.SI. 3 HV 2 24 37 15-18 SO free-1 Bnnney Bow lus. HV, 25 OJ 2 Vivian Liao, HV, 26 29, 3 Kalie Romo, GB, 28 40; 4. Kello Kime. HV. 30 02. 5 Amv Zudrnr. HV, JO 99 50 badt-1 K.avta Crowder, GB 31 54, 2 Ashlev Hyler HV JS 81, J Lisa 0 Toole GB. 38.J5. 4 Brottanv Hyter HV. 3886 50 breast-I Brtnney Bowlus HV, 3S 32, 2 Anne Schroeder, HV. 36 67 3 Kavta Crowder. GB. 36 80, 4 Lauren Ackley, GB, 43.84; S Kelsey McCorm1dl, HV, 44 00; 6. Kelly Ducat, GB, 46.52. SO f!y-1. Whitnev Caskey, HV. 33 60: 2 Lauren Adtley. GB. 36 50 100 IM -1 Whrtney Caakev. HV 1 1799; 2. uaa 0 Toole , GB, I 20 88. 3 Andrea Sc::hurvoni. GB. 1 2143. 4 Lauren Adclev. GB, 1 25 68 200 free ret-v-1 GB. 108 94 (Lauren Adcley, Kavta Crowder. L1N 0 Toole. Andrea Schiavoni); 2. HV. 2:16.3S. (Brittany Hvter, Ashley Hyter, KelMV McConnidt. Whitnev Caskevl 200 medlev relav-1 HV. 2:03 57 (Bnttney Bowlus. Kathryn Biider. Vivian ueol. 2. GB. 2·11.91 (Lisa 0 Toole. Kavla Crowder, Katie Romo. Andrea Schiavon1); 3. HV, 2·16 01 (Holtv Ven Hlel, Amv Zudcer, Kelli Kline, Keelan Cuyier). Boys eend under 25 tree-1. Brett Sc::hlaler. HV. 19. 75; 2. Cole Martin, HV, 21.89; 3. Plrker Godfrey. HV, 26.66; 4. Nethen Kim, GB, 36.90; 5. Alec Franzeth, GB, 38.J7. 6 Joah Bernardin, GB.45.16 Motorcratt- 011 and Fiiter ~ Cll8nge 25 back -1 Bren Schisler. HV. 24 49; 2 Justin Hanson. HV 276S; 3 Devin M oder. GB 31 70. 4 Guff1n Hornby, HV. 34 Jl 5 Davis Peters. GB. J770. 6 Josh Bernardon. GB 48 01 25 breas1 1 R1dv Zak. HV. 2J 56' (Record), 2 0dv1s Peters, GB. 32 80. 3 Gr1ff1n Hornby, HV. 33.43, 4 Zad1ary Pennella, GB. 1·06.83. 25 flv 1 Hovi Crance. HV. 24 47, 2 Hugh Cran1.e. HV 31 59, 3 DdVIS Peters GB 37 21, 4 Jimmy Hamilton HV 38 52. S Dllv•n Moder, GB 44 97 6 JO!.h 84:rndrd1n. GB. 48 26 100 fret! reldy-1 HV. I 34 39 IHugh Crc1n~e. Justin Hanson. Griffon Hornby. Bren Sd11sler). 2 HV, 1 53 47 !James Turnttr, Robert Naruse. Benny Brooks, Huy! CranLol. 3 HV. 1 53 81 !Sam Siiverman S1ephen Von Der Ahe, Parker Godfrev Matthew Clemens I. 4 GB 2 46 80 S GB. 2 14 84 100 medley 1elay -1 HV I 52 36 IJusltn Hanson. Ma>< Helman. Cole Martin Bren SchoslerJ. 2 HV, 2 08 08 (Lulo.e Wvan S1ephen Von Der Ahe. Hugh Crante. Hovi Crance). 3 HV, 2 25.80 (Parker Godfrey. Griffin Hornbv. Joseph And11rson. Noah Lawson). 4 GB 2 3746 5 HV 2 56 34 IRobert Naruse. Atddn Savant. Broan Chelf Jimmy Hansonl 6 GB 3 4193 7-8 25 frtJ" t Jake Wvall HV lS 58 2 Rvan Groff1n HV 16 84 3 Chrostopher Von Der Ahe HV 16 37 4 J05hua Cerdd. GB. 16 SJ. 5 Tvler Pennella GB. 18 72. 6 Gordo Grogus. GB. 19 OS 50 frt>e 1 Jake Wvatt HV 36 63 Reod Mt>dtlur HV 40 37 3 Joshu" Goadmgs HV 43 09. 4 Max Chern GB 45 87 S Tvler Bernardin GB 49 Ill 6 Tyler Pennella GB. 49 2S 25 bddo. 1 Kohl Ebbonga HV. 22 82. 2 Joshua G1dd1ngs HV 23 44 3 Gordo Grogus GB 24 13 4 T1mmv Strader. HV 26 95. S Alex Kryge. GB. 27 38. 6 Tvler Bornardon. GB. 29 67 :?5 breas1 -1 Chrtstopber Von Der Ahe HV, 22 57. 2 Reid Modeler HV '11 95 3 Davos Case HV 23 05. Daniel Elliott GB 2J 63 5 Ale" Krygrr GB 24 19 6 Jonathan Wang GB 26 05 25 Hy 1 Joshua Cerda GB 21 '11 2 Kohl Ebbonga HV 2146, 3 Tommv Brooks, HV. 22 76. 4 Tyler McPholltps, HV 22 27. 5 Daniel Elli()tt. GB. 24 37, 6 Jacob Roque. GB. 29 16 100 free relay-I. HV 1 12 47 (Tommv Brooks, Jake Wvatt, Cole Sch1Sler. Kohl Ebbmgal, 2 HV 1 16 58 !Addison Giddings Chrtstopher Von Der Ahe Tvter McPhtlltps Joshua G1dd1ngs1 3 GB. 1 18 78 1Joshua Cerda. Md• Chern. Tvler Pennella. Gord1 Gngus) 4 HV I 21 19 (James Valonttne, Davis Case. Caswell Orr . Reid Medtted S GB. 1J3 64, 6 GB. 20692 100 medlev relav-1 HV 120 13 CRan Groff1n Davis Case. Tommv Brooks Jake Wvanl. 2 GB 1 2733 cGord1 Grogus Daniel Elloon Joshua Cerda Tyler Pennella! 3 HV 130 24 (T1mmv Strader. Tvter McPh1ll1ps. Reid Medtler. Addison G1dd1n3s) 4 HV, 1 31 49 (Joshua Giddings. Charlte Roctoskv. Jim Berry, Kohl Ebbmgal. 5 GB I 48 29, 6 GB. 2 08 67 9-10 50 free 1 Garren Larson. HV, 31 95 2 M an Berry, HV. 32 16 3 Bruce Bearer HV. JS 44, 4 Thomas Snyder GB. 36 28, 5 Ale>< Webb GB 40 60, 6 Tvter Bell, GB. 42 66 50 bad-I M att Berry. HV, J9 51, 2 Mall! Carpenter. HV. 43 79, 3 Tanner Trauthen, HV, 47.5J; 4 Ale>< Wobb, GB, 4778, 5 Jey Espinoza. GB. 50 ,9, 6 Nolan Moderm. GB. S 1 20 SO breast -1 Garren Larson. HV, 39 96. 2 Bruce Bearer, HV, 45 84. J • Ntdlolas Balden, HV, 46 90. 4 Thomas Snyder. GB. 47.94; 5 Jay Espmoz.a. GB. 50 51. 6. Tvler Bell, GB. 53.72. 25 riv -1. Max Carpenter,...,, 18 47; 2. Daniel Hohl, HV. 18.53; J. Eric Frazier, HV. 18 64: 4. Nolan Moder. GB, 19 13. 5 Alex Webb; GB, 21.70; 6. Merrett Peters, GB, 26 15 100 fM-1 Garren Larson HV 1.19 33. 2 Thomas Snyder, GB.; 3731. J Spencer Halv. HV, 1 :38 Jl; 4 Chip Zudter, HV, 1:39.64; 5. Nolen M oder. GB, 1.51.51 • 200 free relay-1. HV. 2.23.31 (Bruce Bearer, Spencer Hetv. Chip Zudcar, Matt Berrvl: 2. HV, 2:35.13 (Tanner Trauthen, Dentel Hohl, Eric Frazier, Nicholas Balden); 3. HV, 2:57.14 (Sim Noe, John Prickett. Mnon Case, Matthew Funsteri); 4 GB, 3:02.37 100 medlev reley-1. HV, 1-12 93 (Matt Berry, Mnon c .... Gamm Larson. Bruce Beare11. 2 HV 1 Hi !11 tM ax Carpanwr Ern f,;,,,,,, N1Ll•OIJ' Balden. Tanm.r Trdulh• r J C.R 1 1 709 IAleK Webb Jdy bponOld N >litr Moder, Thomai. Snvll .. r 4 HV 1 2'l 13 !Joshua G1g111 Sh<1n .. Tdrabdydsh1 Rvan Takab,ayasho. Rydn Good1nq1 11· 12 SO froo 1 Mdrc Kryger GB. 28 14. 2 Kcvtn Cox. HV 30 59 3 Davon E Ilion GB J2 39, 4 Bun1am1n Noe HV 37 n.' 5 Roland-Moder GB 34 09 E. Jus1on Papa HV 34 16 SO bad 1 Ju~lm Papd ... V 36 93 2 Ben1am1n Noo. HV 42 13. 3 Da111d Elliott. GB. 42 75. 4 Roland Moder GB 42 96, S Mtdiael Frankltn HV 43 19 Ii Joel Gilbert, GB. 46 49 SO breas1 I Mart Kryger. GB 38 41 2 Alec W1l~on HV 47 10 3 Jo;,I Gtlbt:rt, GB 44 18 4 Tyt10r Hdly HV 45 S3. S0 Aust1n Allen HV 45 58 6 Manhew W<1ng GB I 00 47 50 fly 1 Ke111n co .. HV 33 73 :? Cohn Carroll GB 35 47 3 Rolan•1 Moder, GB 39 10 4 Ben1am1n No., HV 39 39. 5 Da111t1 Elloon. GB. 41 20 6 5<;011 Fr <111m HV 41 59 100 IM 1 Colon Carroll GB 1 1t:t 47 Alec. W1l~on fiV 1 71 69 3 Tyler H.1ty HV I 26 13 4 NPl~on Whote GB 1 33 79. 5 Mo..t·i.ml frdn~.lon HV I 36 12 6 AIP> W"hll GB 1 57 18 200 Ir!:€ reldy 1 C.8 2 OS 97 Dilvlfl Ellton. Joel Golb"n Mar1. Krvger Culon Carroll!.:? HV 2 12 70 t8en1am1n New Ryan Gladvch Teddy 8.indaruk. Svitt Fr1L111rl. 3 HV. 2 12 n 1Just1n Papa Alec Wol:mn, Tylt1r Hatv Kevon Cox\ 4 HV 2 24 84 I Brute Bedrer David Wf>1land Neal 0 Hara Pat11d: Schoenberg) 5 GB. 3 OS 53 200 medley rel av -1 HV 2 24 98 •Tvler Haly Alec Wilson Jut11n PalJa Scott FrazoPr) 2 GB 2 2738 Roland Moder MdrL Kryger, Cohn Carroll Jot1I Gilbert, 3 HV 2 48 12 (Patrick Schoenberg, Spertcer Halv. Ben1am1n Noe, Neal O'Haral 4 GB 3 00 72 13· 14 SO free 1 Rvan Hultman. HV 71 9b 2 Clay Russell HV 2J 14 3 Adroan Noehenke. HV 23 83 4 Ryan 11.ent HV 28 97. S Harry Fassnacht GB 31 05. 6 Matthew Lovezev. GB 32 29 50 back 1 R J Baldom. HV, 33 32. 2 Anthonv Mimatle. HV. 38 37, 3 Andv Rovzar, HV. 39 38. 4 Harry Fassnach1 GB 40 97 S Jeremy Gllben GB 42 09 6 Scon Feetev HV 42 26 50 breast 1 Adroan Noehenke HV 36 JI 2 Rvan Ken1 HV 3742 3 Clav Russell HV 38 34 4 Jeremy Gilbert GB 40 84 S Huntor Schmidt GB 42 22 6 Harry Fassnacht. GB 42 23 SO flv-I Rvan Hultman HV 31 43 2 Ryan Kent. HV, 31 47, 3 Tong WdnO GB, 35 61 100 IM 1 Brian Peotter HV 1 1790 2 Tong Wang GB 1·22 33. 3 Jeremv Gilbert GB 1 31 78 200 free relav 1 GB 2 13 08 ITong Wang Hunter Schmidt Jeremy Gtlben Harry Fassnacht!. 2 HV 2 18 591 Scott Feetev. Tra111s Procken Andrew Nod<t!I Andy Rovzarl 200 medtev relav-1 HV, 2 0724 (Ryan Hultman. Clay Russell Brtan Peoner. Adrian N1ehenkel. 2 GB. 2 10 22 IOantl'I Morna. Matthew L111ezey Rvan Hoskin. Tong Wangl 15-18 50 frae-1 Sean McGhie HV 23 15• Record, 2 Ryan Moore HV, 24 24. 3 Evan Ooepelt. GB. 24 2S, 4 Joseph Koller-Nielsen, GB. 24.42; S Christopher CraWford, HV. 24 66. 6 Gregory 0 Toole. GB. 24 87 SO badl-1 Blake Alltson GB. JO 311. 2. Bnan FeeCev. HV, 34 14 SO breast-I Evan Ocepek. GB 32.30. 2 ~in 0 Toole. GB, 33 68. 3 James Bladcford. HV 36 11. 4. Enc Co• HV.3724, 50 fly-1. Blake Al Itson. GB, 27 2S, 2 Grego~ 0 Toole. GB, 27.61. J. Marahal Tutton, HV. 2776; 4 James Bladcford, HV. 30.86. S Enc Cox. HV. 22.Jl 100 IM -1 Cttnstopher Stocbllll, HV, 11>4.35, 2 Evan Ocepek. GB. 10620 3 Bnan Feeley. HV, 1 15 12 200 medley re1-v -1 GB. 1 50 n (Gregory 0 Toole. Joseph Koller-Nielsen. Bryan Bissonette, Even Ocepelt. Newport Harbor Introduction t o crosse ~ij!JlMER 9 cAMP Boy$ and Girls Grades 5-12 August 11-22 Register at Sports World 270 E. 17th Street. •s Costa Mesa THEODORE ROBINS FORD Wiii MEET or BEAT Your Best De.a on NAME BRAND TIRES Front End & Bnake ln•pectlc)n .......................... .,. ........ 1111 ......... ~ ......... "!"' ........ ~ ........ ~ .............. !l"'l ................................ ~~~-·~~~~~-.~.~-~~~.~~·~ ......... --.. y .. Tlusdly, AJ>i 10, 2003 t.indsay Davenport made her return to World Team Tennis on Tuesday night for f:tle host Newport Beach Breakers against Sacramento at the Palisades Tennis Club, but a pcwer f allure forced the ~ction on center court to move to an auxiliary court, where about a third of the crowd stayed ' around to stand and watch. The problems are expected to be fixed by Saturday night, when the Breakers host Springfield at 7 p.m. OON LEACH / DAILY PILOT SPORTS A third of the more than 2,000 specta- tora scurried around court No. 6 to watch the completion of the match. Some took their folding chairs while others stood on a grus embankment. BarUer ln the nlght, the lights on center court would often Dicker on, but within a . few minutes, would go out. The Breakers' Brian MacPhJe· and the Capitals' Daniel Nestor played their men's singles match In virtual darkness, using only the twilight as a guide. "Disbelief," Lisa Portman, the club's general manager. said when asked what her initJal reactlon was to the malfunc· don. MYou try to prepare and look at every last detail to make sure everything is in place. Whether It be a generator, a power, or a lighting Issue. we have crews working ... until 10 p.m., to malce sure this will ·not happen again." Crews spent 30 nights testing the lights prior to the Breakers' opener, according to Stuart, and inserted lights specifically for television broadcasts. ·rhey will be here [today). Friday and ·Saturday te!tlng the Ugh ts to malce sure prior to th 0 e Breakers' next home match against the Springfield Lasers, Daven· port's expected nnal match of the WIT season, crewa will redirect some of the electrical power from the public address system to other on-site locations to en· sure the system can sustain the energy and will remain on, Stuart said. Specialists will remain on the premises throughout Saturday's match should any· thing go awry, Fortman added. Sruart said Tuesday was the firs t time the club has experienced an outage slmi· Jar to Tuesday's since he has been at Pall· sades. Fortman added that the public has bee,n "supportive" throughout the ordeal. "I hope our fans feel we have supported them by offering a chance co come back and see the finished result," she sald. "People were Oexible (Tuesday! night in a move to the other court. "The people that stayed had a great time. Some walked away with three to four things. We can't be more thankful to the community for understanding.· Patrons can use their ticket stubs from Tuesday night to gam free admission fu ture Breakers' matchei. on July 16. July 20, or July 25. 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 l.tpl Notices 2640 legal Notices llOTICI Of PWUC SAU The mini storaae lacrhty, eccordrna to the provisions of 01v111on • 8 ol the Busineu and Profeu1ons Code. Ch1pter 10, Section 21 )07 (a), hereby 111ves NOTIC[ OF PUBLIC S~E. EXTRA SELF STORAGE will conduct a public s•I• ol the contents ol tile storaae space(s) n1med below. with th• contents bein11 sold to the h1a hest blOder. for l1wful money ol the United States ol Amer1c1 (CHh). The sal9 as be1n1 held to satisfy a landlord's lien ind will be held at 17692 Sampson lane, Huntin11ton Buch. CA 92647 on July 18. 2003, at 3:30 p.m . Auchon etr's Name. Oenn11 Avina Bond • 1•6637301335 Ph• (626) 791-6261 The public is invited to •!lend Terms are cash only Owner reserves the rilfll to bod A 11ener11 descnptton ol the property bein11 sold, alona with the identity ol the Occupant renl1n11 the space are H follows: SPACE NO OCCUPANT • PROPERTY OESCRIP· FldltMlllWss ... s ...... The followtna per sons are doln11 buitness as a) Southern California Art Pro1ech and Edu bttions b) lhe Shed Artspace, 2859 [as! Cont Hwy., Corona del Mar. CA 92625 Denholm Nelson Con temporary Inc. (CA), 2859· East Coast Hwy . Corona del Mu . CA 92625 fh1s business IS con· ducted by a cerporahon Have you started doina buslness yet' No Denholm Nelson Con· lempor1ry Inc. Doane Nellon V P Seer This statement was hied with the County Clerk ol Oranae County on 06/20/03 200JH'8H9 Delly Pilot June 26. l;Jly 3. 10. 17.2003 Th538 fk*'-a...u .... s...... The lollow1n11 persons are doln& busrness IS •) Cytech lnternat1onal b) Cytech USA, 180 Newpor I Center Drive .. Newport Buch, CA 92660 FldltlM ...._ fktttiM •••n ... s...... ....s ...... The lollow1na persons ue doin11 busmen a\ PescaOou Bistro. 3325 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. CA 92660 Daniel S1dhoum Kennedy. 19541 Vntle Circle. Huntington Beach, CA 92646 JaQuel\ne Kan.awat1, 195•1 Vasile Circlf Huntlnilon Beach, CA 92646 Rayland f uentes, 1436 12th Street Apt B. Manhattan Beach CA 90266 This busmess 1s con ducted by a eener at partnership Have you started do1n11 busmen yet? Yes 1998 Rayland Fuentes Tll1s statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 06/ll/03 2003694I032 Daily Pilot June I 9, 26. July 3. 10. 200J Th523 RditlMIMeu .... s....... The lollow1n11 per sons are dOtnll business n a ) He11ta11e Real bhte b) Herotaae Realtors q Heritage Really, d) tleritage Property I/Ian agement. e1 Heritaee U1e tullow1ne persons art do1na business as J.A Kine & Anociates. 979 Sandcutle Or Corona dei Mar. CA 9267S Jerry A Kina. 979 Sandcastle Ot . Coron• del Mu . CA 92625 Sharon J Kine 979 Sandcastle Or Corona Oel Mar CA 9267!> John L Kine 979 Sandcullt Or Corona del Mar CA 92625 This business ts con ducted by an un1ncor- pora t eO assocta.tton other than • partner5h1p Have you s11tr ted do•na busmen yet' Yts 01/ 01 1977 Jerry A l\1ne This sl•t~mtnt wu filed with tne County Clerk of Oran.it Cou11ty on 07/08 OJ 200369507lS Daily Pilot July 10 17 24. JI 200J 111579 Fi<tltlM .,..,, .... s ........ The lollowtnll per \ons are doonit bus1neu as Haven s Door I 760 Pomona Avenue Cn\ta Mua CA 9?627 11uven., S•\h & 011ur l11c t CAI. I 760 Pomnn~ flctit6M hsiless .... s ....... The lollowme persons are do•ni business As Otnn Alliance, 1757 Wntm1ns ler Ave Co•I• Mua. CA 92621 Lauren Lohman l/57 Westminster Ave. Cu•la Mesa. CA 92627 Eric Lohman 17S7 Westminster Ave Costa Mes.J CA 92627 This business is ton ducted by husband and wife Have 1ou started doma bu"ntn yet' No Lau• en Lohman & Eric Lohman lh1• statement wu lt16d with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 06rtJ10J 20036948041 D•1ly Pilot June 19 26 July J JO. 200J fh!>?8 fictlt6M am.u .... s .... The lolluwina persons "" dotna bustne~s •• laOe Morieaee 3188 Airw•y Avenu• Sutte G Cost1 Mesa CA 92626 V1nh lia 2603 (Iden Avenue •F Costa Mesa CA 9l621 Nelson Chdu Ii (.avail Ion Newport r.oa~t CA 92651 fhe lollow1n11 person• are doma buslnus as· a) R•w Choppers, b) Forelront Mortllille C op1tal c) Rel1nancecily com, d) Ref1nancec1ty, e) fore front Capit al, f) Havacat1on com, ll) F oretront Cap1t<1I, 1041 W 18th St A 207, Costa Mesa Caltlorn11 926:?7 David Gordon Howes 412 12th St Hunt1n1ton Beach Caltlo1naa 926-48 This business 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v10ual Have you ~tarted doinll business yet? No Oav1d Howes Thii st•lement was !tied with the County Clerk ol Or an&e County on 06 OJ 03 20036946117 Daily Pilot July 3 10, 17 24 2003 Th556 fk1"6Mtuns N-.S........ lhe lollowtne persons are dom11 business 1s The Tint Connection 2490 Ne .. pur I Blvd Costa Mna Caltlorn•a 9262/ The follow Ina per son~ 110 doing business u M & 0 Personal Tra1n1na Ser YICes. 25002 O• lord Or • liit&una Niguel, CA 92677 Michael Frank Sturino, 25002 01lord Or . La 11un1 N111uel. CA 92677 Dina Mir le M•lle\• 25007 01 ford Or la auna N1eut l. CA 92677 This busmns is con ducted by· a eener al p11tner ship Have you started doma buStness yet' Yes Apnl 18. 2003 Michael Sturino Thts slltement wu tiled with the County Clerk of Or1nee County on 06/JJ/OJ 2003 .. 41059 D11ly Pilot lune 19 26 July J 10 200J Th!>29 RdltlM ltalMsJ .... *"-' The lollnw1nc per 'on~ ire Ooln(ldbusonfn " •I R1char Buint tre at1ons, b ) R1charo lohnson [ nterpmu c) Advante Cap1t1I Croup, 380 W Wtlson St . •( 106. Costa Me,11 t A 92627 R1charO Brent John~on J80 W Wilson St llOOO Of APPUCAllOI JOI CIWIGI I OWtllSIW Of AlCOHOUC tMIAGI UCEMSl hhtf,.,.....,.. Wyl,2003 lo Whom It M3y Con· cern lhe Name( s) (oi the ApplltanthJ ,,;.,e CL EMENTE TORRES CERAR DO The apphcanh hsteo above are appty1ne to the Depar tment o t Altohol•t Beveraee Control to sell aJtonohc beveraaes at 2263 f'AIRVIEW RO C COSTA MCSA CA 92627 Type of ""nu(lJ applied for 41 ON SALE BEER ANO WINE (~TING PLACE Publtshed Newport Buth Cost• Mesa D11ly Pilot July 10 200J lh570 Adtll.a...u "-*--' The follow ma per \Ons •re dom11 busmess n Crut•na Healthy Rela t1onsh1Ch 283' Ir Ylne Ave Newport Buth CA 92660 Joseph P•scalr Real htate Corporation (CA> 2834 Irvine Ave. New por I Bedlh CA 92660 The lolluw1n11 per\OOl d• e doina busine~~ '" Bill & Ctc1ly E nterprou~. 1240 Nor th Van Buren St •!Ob Anaheim CA 9280/ Wrlh4r1• Wasson. 1240 North Van Bu1~n St . Anaheim. CA 92807 Cectly Cedar, I 240 North Van Buren St An•he•m CA 9280/ Th" bus1nen 11 ton ducleO by a jlener al partnership H•ve you started do•n£ bu~•nt'ss yet' No Cecily CeOar This \l•ttmenl .. n l•led with lhe County Clerk ot Oran1te Cuunty on07/0I/03 20036950019 Oa1ly Piiot Juli 3 I 0 l 7 24.•200J lh!>51 Fldlti.st.silm .... s ...... The follow1ni person• are domfl business 1s Mu11 & Assoc•ates 18!>1 £ r11sl Street Suitt 1257 Santi Ana CA 92705 Andrew C Muto 27778 HomestuO !Coad LaKu n1 N111utl CA 976/ I The followinw persoro) ar • do1na bu\10e\\ d 1 Street Spurts 1001 !. EI C•mmu Rul. San Cten1e11te CA 9?612 Wtllt3m J I uku1k Jr . 2102 V11 Helticlto, S»ll Cl,mante CA 9267J Thi\ busontn 1s con Oulttd by 4n 111d1v1du•I Have you ,,., led Oomc business yeP Yu 1 I 03 W1lll1m I luku1k Jt Tiii\ \l•himent wn t1ltd with lhr County Cte•k ol Oran~e Cuunty on 01 08 OJ 200JH50721 Oa1ty 1'1101 luly IO l I 24 31 200J Tll~Z Fldlti.s '-ll!H1 "-SW... rht lollow1n& PH\O"' .ue do1n1 bu\4nu\ '' D11~1n11 Oita 204 ) Pru10ent Pl•te Cost• Me\• CA 976::>7 Kim Rodnty Reynnld\ 2043 Po 01dent Pl•l• Co"• M~H (.A 9262/ Th,. bu"nu\ " LOii OucteO by •n 1n01Y1du•I Hoe y•JU started do1na Du\lnrn y•I' Nn Kim Rodn•y ll~ynolds Zald A Astarabadl, 180 Newport ·cenlet Dnve, ~~~~~~UON-~~~~~~--l~ew~o~t S.•.n.,......G. A·223 La rry Sutton, 92660 iie.ctie· ,,,.,~ w. Wtn& Cir .. Costa Mesa. <:A 92626 4850 A"···· "·· • · Mc)•!.. California 92627 1 his busu1es•, •s con ducle11 br-a ~e•M Autom<il1ve Connec loon\ lni. <CA) 2490 New11111 I Blvd , Cost.a Meu. Cal1fornta 92627 lh~ -bUSJJl~U ~ r.oa du! ted by a corporation llave vcu started do1n11 business yet? •E 106. Costa Men CA 92627 lhl\ bu\mt n I\ 'on dueled by • <orporat1nn lbv~ ynu •la1 t•d doony bus1ne \\ vet' Ye\ 7/lOOI lh1s busme\\ 1\ cnn ducted by an 11101v1dua1 Have you \lart~d do•na bo\lness yet' I h1\ .. 11tement wa• till'd with the County Clerk ul Or~n&r Cuunty "" 07 01103 200JHS0129 ... Misc. bous, luuae• Hauan Ranoult. 180 A·33J Julia Staudt. Newport Center Drove , boos., clothes. vacuum Newport Beach. CA cleaner. Futon 92660 C·002 Jay Wilkerson. This bui•ne~s 1s con furniture, tool bo.es, dueled by • 2enetal bicycle. Misc. boats partnerst11p E·209 Josh Whelpley, 2 Hive you started 001n& retriaueton. maltrtss. busrness yet' No furnrture. plastic Cheirs. Za1d A. A$!1r1b1d1 mlcro11t1ve oven This statement was E·259 Chrostma Walker. hied with the County furniture, Misc Bo•es Clerk ol Or1n11e County Publrshed Newport on 06/JJ/03 Beach·Costa Mesa 011ly 200369'1033 Piiot July 3 . 10. Oatly Pilot June 19. 26. 2003 Th568 July J, JO. 2003 Th524 S......tl Alir' • 'tlU..tl fkllM ........ The follow1n1 person hes 1b1ndoned the use of the Ftctlllous BuSt· nus Name· 1) T ·Street Surf b) T ·Street Surf Sh op c) T Street Surf.com d) T·Street Surf Center e) T ·Street Surfbo1rds f) l ·Slreet Surfboards, App1rel & More. 108 C1lle Oel Pac1f1co, San Clemente. CA 92672 The F lcttttous Business name referred to above was filed in 011n1e County on 8· 19·200/, FILE NO 20026913932 Norm1n 01yle Ervin Jr ., 108 Calle Del P1c1 lico, San Clemente. CA 92672 Witham J Lulo.1s1ll Jr • 108 Celle Del Pac1llco. San Clemente. CA 92672 This business Is con dueled by. • 11en111I pulneu/111> N0<man Oayle Ervin Jt This statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Oren1e County on 07 /08/03 ' 200SHS07H Dally Pilot July I 0, 17, 2,, J I. 200J TH58!> ........... ........ The followlna persons 1re dolna business as a) T ·Street Surf b) T · StrHt Suri Shop c) T · SltHt Surf.com d) T· StrHt Surf Center t) T Stttet Surfboards I) T Street Surfboerds. Ap parel £ More. 108 Celle 0.1 Peclflto, San Clem· ente, CA 92672 T·StrHt Inc. {CA). 108 C1ll1 0.1 Peclflco, San Clemente. CA 92627 This business is con· ducted by· en fndivlduet H1v1 you a!Mled dotn& business yet? Yn . 05/ 05/2000 T·SliHt Inc .. Normen 0. Ervin k ., C.C.0 ./ Pr•ldlttt This ltltlment WH ~ wlttl ti" C4unty Cleftl of Or11111 C4unty Oft 07 /Oll03 MU6tS07to D.ity ,Mot Jul) 10, 17. 2A.. 31, 2003 lh51l ........ ......... Tht ro11ow1111 ,.,10111 •• dolnt bvtlnta• ... A11'4 '"" Pkl•, na S.t. 1.Mbet Awe .. Cotti MIA, c.tlforllll 92127 flltDMnwntd K1twettdl, 2M a..ita lubll Awe , c.e1 .... Calllornla .., TIW ~ .. COii ~W!lfl-..VIJ'ljtl ""' ,.. •lM'tM loilll ~ ... , .... .,._d ltarw11141 ntlt ttAlttMtnl "b .... .,. tfMI C-t, '*-" .. 0r-.. '-Mt •"'11/0J ...... , .. Deir ,... .. 17 L.!4.1 ., ... ., ,... s ........ U u I 1 dtllhuf Rt-. ........ The lollow1n1 person has abandoned the use of the F1ct1hous Busi ness Name Best Ott1ce tnslallaUonl, Jnc /OBA At Your Service Oeltvery. Inc. 2138 S Wn11hl St Santa Ana. CA 92705 The Flcllltous Business n1me referred to aboye wu llled In Oran11e County on 2/2J/OJ. FILE NO 20016856094 At Your Ser vice De llverg Service. Inc <CA) 21J S Wr111ht St .. Santa Ana, CA 92705 Thtl builness 1s con· ducted by 1 corpora hon At Your S.1vte1 De livery Inc Laurie H1mplon. President This llalement was l1led with the County Clerll of Oranae County on 06/17/03 200Ht4UOO Oa1lr Piiot June 26, July J. JO, 17.2003 Th533 ,.... .... ... se.... The lotlow1n11 persons are doin1 business n 1) Caltforn1a Mortaaee >.cceptance Corporetion b) Catmec c) Calmac Direct d) Calmac Real Esl1t1. •695 MacArthur Court, Suite 1100, Newport Baach, CA 92660 C1llfornt1 Mort1111e Acceptance Corporation. (CA), 4695 M1cArlhur Cour t. Suite 1100, ;~ort Beach, CA This business Is con· ducted by. 1 corporation Hive you sterled doln& business yet? Yes. April 21, 2003 C11iforn11 Mort1111 ~ceptence Cof POf•lion, Chrlsloph11 Eberhart. V!Ce President This statement wn fated with ttle •County Clttta of Orenat Co11nty on 06/13/03 IOOMHIOSO Oei11 Piiot Jul~ 10, 17, 2•. ll. 2003 Th586 ......... ........ The follow1111 p.r.0111 trt dol111 buslneu u · 1) Newport Offtc1 So lutlo11•. t>) Merkelin' M11ters Otoup, Sa Ntwrrt Center Drive 136..:.l-!!•#llOll 8t•ch. CAnMU fllomu low~. ~37 N,W'POrl C.nt11 Ortve 13&1, ,..wP'>fl Ba•cll, CA92960 This b1tt illtU It cOfl· dvcted by: en lndlwldl.llll ltewt 10\I •l#t ... .,,,.. bu.llntt• ... , YM 1 1-oJ ThomnlOWJ Tiiie tlatltn«ft1 WU filed wltll Ille Covftt1 c:Mtr• of Or11111t Cou11t, e11°"72I03 .. ...... ,.. ~W,J,I~ David W Myhre. 2785 Wuw1ng Cir , Costa Mesa, CA 92626·4850 This business 1s con dueled by an 1ndlv1dual Have you started dom11 business yet' Yu 1964 David W Myhre This statement vns loled with the County Clerk of Or1n11e County on 06/20 03 200369'887S Daily Pilot June 26. July 3 10 17 200J lh!>-41 fidlllmW..U .... s....... The follow1n1 per son~ are do1n1 business as Cu lie F inanc1al Con sultme. 4000 Channel Pl . Newport Be~ch CA 92663 Dan rel C ast1llo ?I 0 Lille ln •117 l'lewporl Beach. CA 97663 This business 1s con due led by an md1v1dual H.tvt you started do1n11 business yet' Yes 6/1/02 Daniel Castillo Thts statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 06/27/0J 200369'9722 Daily Pilot July 3 I 0. 17 24.2003 lh557 fidllimtlliltU ... s....... The foltow1na persons are do1n11 business u J&R Motorsports 1760 Monrovia Ave •A 9 A 10. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Raymond Harslld 1760 Monrovta Ave Cost• Men CA 92627 Thts bus1neu ts con ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you star tell doina business yet1 No Raymond Harstad This statement wu filed with the Count)' Clerk of Oran11e County on 07/08/0J 200S69S0745 Dally Prlol July 10, 17 2•. J I. 2003 Th575 fldllM ..... .... s...... fhe followina persons tre do1n11 business as Or •nae Coast Roolin11 Co.. 2870 Chios Rd .. Co1l1 Mesa. CA 92626 David K Miller, 2870 Chaos Rd . Costa Meu . CA92626 Th11 business rs con· ducted by: 1n Individual Have you st11 led dolna bus1neu yet? Yes 1985 Devid K Miiier This stetement wu lated wrth IN Cou11ty Clerll of Or1n1e County on06/V/03 IOOStHt110 Dail) Pitot July 3. 10, J7, ,24, 2003 Th564 ........... ........... TN fo1tow1nc ,Sersons er• 001n1 businn• es cu .i Deti1n ' Auocl 1tes. JS feu upt Drive, ~Ot t Bu ch CA Mtt 11r1t Ann Gen~. 3& &euup• Odo , ::M!ort Su ch, CA Thlt bvslntu b COtt dtlded by: an lndM dlMll ltewt ,OU •t.,.led dol111 bottM.Q~?No Mlf&.1t1t Gatti llttt 11111.-nt WH f"'4 •tth tbe Covnty c.r• ol Orlfllt Covnty onOl/?1!03 .._...,,. o..tr _,.llot .1111y a. 1~. _111 1', 2llO,J ,.,,., Tht\ hU'\ln"~' '' t nn dueled by a lOr por at1 on Have you starteO doing business yet? Yu 091011 2002 Heaven \ Suh & Door Inc Slott Dunn Pre\1 dent This stalrmenl was toled with lhr C.ouf!ty Clerk nt Or tnRt County on 07 08 03 200J69S0733 Daily Pilot July 10 17 2• 31 2003 lh'>83 The follow1ne per som arr Oo1n1 bu\lness " 01lullo lndustnat 711 I '2 Sapphire Ave Newpor t Be ach CA 9"661 Sean 01lullu l 17 I /l Sapph11e Avt Npwpnrl Beach CA 92661 Tn1s bu\•nn' 1s Lon ducted by an 1nd1v1du~I Have you si.rted dome bu~tnP•,s yet' No Sun 01hillu 1111\ \latem~nt w•~ hied with the Criunty Clerk of Or an11P Cn1mty on 07/08103 200369S0719 011ly P1lut July 10 17 24 31 2003 _ Th580 fldttiws .... H .... s ..... The follow1n11 persons are do1ne bui1ness as [MS Con\ult1n11 2016 Beel hwood Avf fut lerton CA 978lS Michael R•t Sm1thhne 2016 Bttchwllod Avt Fullerton CA 9281!> lh1s bu~1ness ts con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you 'tar''" doina business yet? Yes 2119/03 Michael Rav Sm1lhhn& This statement wes Med with the County Clerk of Or an111 County on 06/20/03 2003690H4 Dally Pilot June 26, July J, 10 17.2003 Th536 Actltlwla....1 N-.Sllt_. . Tile lollow1na ptrsons are dolna busineu u M1y Photo and Oes11n. 300 Bro1dw1y. Cost a Mesa, C11ilorn1a 92627 Keith Terrill May. JOO Bro1dway, Costa Mesa Cahforn11 92627 Th" business as con ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you started dome business yt1? Ye• II/I I 1997 Keith May Thtt. statement was fried with the County Clerk of Or en1e County on 07/1/03 HOUts0102 D•ll1_P1lol luly J 10. 17 24. 2003 Th5'8 The lotlowlna 1111 aon~ 11• dolna butlnus ... Copiers World, !U7 Ne wport Center Or Suite 52~. Ne wpotl B11ch, C1hforn11 926&0' Amm., Al llHt h lm l'asll1. 5319 Unln r1ltr Or. 1211. lrvlnt , Cell fornl•926l2 Tl'lla bullnata It co~· dtlcled by: l !J. lfldlvf4juef Htw ,ou afll I.cl ~ b11.tneu yet? Yn, .le11 200J Ammer At tbrelllm Pe~e f fllt a .. ttlMllt WH hied witll lfle ~ty ci.t11 ol Otenae Cowtr on 07/1/Q.J ...... ,., .. ~~IJ:4 Mr i. ·~.a. p11 Iner ~hip ~ H•n vuu \ldil~d du1111t business vet' No Vonh lb 1 hi\ sl atem~nt w&s tiled with the Cou11ty Clerk ut 011nce Countv on 06 20/03 200369'HH Oa1ly Pilot June 76 July 3 10 17 700J lh!'l37 FlctftiM tMtss "-S"'-1 l he lollowine peaons '"' dome bus•nrn n About lime Ptumbma 1080 Ill Bati1v1a Stretl Oranae Cal1lurn11 92768 About Tune Plumb•ne <CAJ 1080 N B•tavta St re~ l Or an11e Cahlo• "'" 92768 This bu\lnos 1s con due led by •corporation Have you starteO do1n~ bu\1nen yet' No About l 1m~ Plumb1n11 Marotyn I 1andach Corp SecrtlMV lhl\ staternent w•• flied with thr C.<>unty C IPr k ri f Or .anaa County on 06/25/03 20036949374 D•1ly Ptlot June l6 July J 10 I/ 2003 lh54!> FlctftiM hsilns .... s ....... T"e lollowma pe,.ons are do1n11 business n Chubbywood 537 New port Center Dr •338 Newport Beach CA 92660 Ron H•ncock I OJ Hertior Wuud• Place. Newpor I Buch CA 92660 Rober I W Hancoc;ll :?!>51 Cahforn•• Ave S11n•l lflll CA 90755 This business I\ con ducted by a eenu•I par tner\hip tfavo you ~larleO doma business yet? No Ron ~tancock Thrs statement was tiled with the County Clerk ol Or.Jn&• Countv on 06/13/03 200JH41021 0•111 Pilot June 19. 26. July 3. JO, 200J 1 h520 Yts 8/10/1998 Automotive Connet hons Inc Jim E. Ko. President I his ~tatement was filed with the County Clerll of Orange County on 06/20/03 2003690141 Daily Ptlot June 26 July J JO 17 2003 Th535 FktltlMW.U llmtS....... The follow1na persons .re Ootn& busmen u New Oa,~n of Oran11e County Tiouse Church 1626 Mar11uerrte Ave Coron~ Del Mar CA 92625 Henry A Johnson, 1676 Mareuerrte Coron• Del Mar. CA 9262!> lhts business 1s con du< led by nn rnd1v10uftl Have you ~t•rted do1na bus1ne~s yet' Yes May J. 2003 Pastor Henry A l11hnson lh•s statement was filed with lhe County Clerk ot O• ~nae County on 06127/0J 20036949711 Daily Ptlot July 3, IQ. 17. 74 2003 Th!>62 Rc1111Ma...ss "-S....... l he follow1n1 persons are do1n11 business as Atl1tood Appr 11ul Ser Vices 1361 [I Camino Real '17J Tustin, CA 92180 Jud1t11 Ann Schoeffler 1361 Et Camino Real •173' Justin CA 91780 This businus 1s con Oucted b•n 1nd1v1du1I Have you started do1n1 business yel1 No Judith Schoeffler This statement was hied with lht County Clerk ot Oran11e County on 06/26/03 200169'9679 Oatly P1lut luly 10. 17. 24, JI, 2003 Th5/2 RctltlM ..... llmtse...t The lollowma pe"ons are do1na buslnen n Ken Co .. 1760 Monrov1t Ave •~ 9, A· 10 Coste Mesa, CA 92627 Kerri H•rshd. 1760 Monrovia Ave Co\ll Mtse CA 92627 l hrs businus IS con ducted by an tndtvtdual Have you stert9d do1n1 bullnes.s yet? Ho Keni Harstad This statement was ftled wrth tire County Clerk of Dfenae County 01101/08/03 200a.tS.0744 Datly Pilot luly 10. 17. Th576 Rell.. ..... .......... Tha followi111 ptrtons are dolna bu11lneu H . Mora•" P.R (l'ubli~ Rtlitlons ft ·Markttln&) 2504 w MacAtth11t Blvd 18L Sent• Ane. C.Ntornle t2t04 MMp n N1uy.n, %?262 En tdd1e Or., lake , or .. t, C111for11le 92'30 Th•• ~ ... la (Oft• ducted by: at1 lfttlMclCltl Hive ~ atMtM llolns bllM~ttHNo MorpnNfll.-.n Tlllt •1•tt111911t WH filed Wltll tfle c.uniy Cltfll of Ort~ Cov1111 onOl/13,IOJ ....... ,., OaM¥ , ... t Mv ·~ JL U ,il,20Q.J ,.._, Ttus bu~1ne~' 1\ <.011 dueled by an 1nd1y1dual Have you star led do1n~ business yet' Ya:s6 Z3 OJ Richard John\on This sutement wu flied with the County Cler~ ot Or1n11e County on 06 ?•103 2003694'20 7 Daily Pilot June 26 July 3. JO 17.200J Th533 RdlllMINitls ... s ..... The fottow1n1 pe"uns 11e do1n1 busanos u Encore Cruises 3424 Vi.a Oporto Sltp •109 New port Beach. CA 9/66J Crut Atlanltc & Pa cif1c Yacht Corp ltAJ 3253 Broad S treet. Newpor I Beach CA 92663 I his business is con ductea by a corpor•llon Have you st•rted dome busintu yet' No Grell Atlantic & Pa lll1c Yael>! Corp . Harr~ Schuit, Seu el" y fhls statement wa\ filed with the County Cttrk of Orenae Colml¥ on 07/0110J 2003'9500H 011ly Pilot July 3 10. 17 2• 200J I h552 FldllM ..... ......... The follow1n1 persons are do1n11 bu\tneu n Wireless No.. JO Morena trv111e CA 92617 DMC Companies ICA) JO Morena. Irvine CA 92612 lh1s business " con ducttd by a corporatton Hewe you s I 1r led do•nc busrneu yet? No OMC Compen1es. David M Ctrlson. President This statement was hied 11ttlh th• County Cterh of 011n11e County on 07/08/03 200JHS07J4 Dilly Pilot July IO. I 7, 2•. J l , 2003 ThS84 Adl.W... ...s...... The followlna per~on• .,, doin1 buslnns as Ace f'rel11ht Service, 19487 Sur htl Or , Huntlnaton BHch, CA 92648 Et1yn1 Poy, 19487 Surfsel Drive. Hunlina ton BHch, CA 926'8 This busmen IS con· ducted by en lndrv1du11 Hevt you lllfted doint buslnus yet? No Elayne Poy This st1t1rnent "" Med wrth lht County Clefll of Or•na• County on 06127/03 too.IH4t7to 01111 ,ilot July 3. 10. -1!..1 2•. 1003 Th:lCIO .......... .......... Joseph Putdl~ Re<1I £\tale C.orpnrahon 01 Joseph r PeHale Pr1s1der>t This 't1tement wu llled with the County Cler~ ol Oranae County on 06 13 03 200J6t41034 Daily Piiot Jvne 19 ?6 July 3 10 200J Th!l2!> Fidfl6M....., ... s--.. The lotlow1n1 pr,.On\ are Cloin& bu•u•us as Spin ?973 Har bo• Blvd U ()3 Cost• Mt•• CA 92626 Saund11 k Abbott 107J Salvador Cosh Mesa. CA 97626 Robert W Wells 687 Alta V•sll Way l aaunA Beach. CA 97651 This business I\ LOO dudeO by co Pl! '"en Hive you star led do1na busineu yet? Na Robert W Wells Saundra K Atlbntt This statement wn llled with lht County Clerh of Or•1111e County on 06/2010J 200'6941179 Daily Pilot June 26 July J 10, 17 200J Th!>42 AdltM .... •s...... The followm& persons are dom1 business n Spyalns Inspection• & Con\ulttna ' Amesbury Court l •de11 Ranch. CA 92694 Steven K r 1le 4 Amesbury Court l•dera Ranch. CA 92694 This busineu ts con· dut leO by an 1ndlY1dual Have you started do1na buslneu 1et 1 No Steven Fite This statement .. u loled with the County Cletll of Oren11e County on 05/28/03 200169'6207 011ly Pllol June 26, July 3, 10, 17.2003 ThS« RdlllM ..... ... s....... The followrna penons are dotna business 11: LAI Appl11ncu. 2• Southbrook. Irvine. C~ 9260' Aleh .ndf Luh.enko, 2• Southbrook. Ir vine, CA 92604 This business 1s con ducted by an tndiv1du1l Han you started cloina business yet? Yn6·09 OJ Ai..u ndf Lul'14nllo This •t1tement wH flied with the County Ci.Ii of -Or1n1e County Oft "4127 /03 too•••"7" 01141 Piiot July 3, 10, H..1 24, lOOJ fh:l:)IJ l'es 1112,98 AnO,.w C M1111 This statemtnl vwo toled w11h tne County Cler~ ol Oran11e County on 06 23 Ol 200369'9 I U Daily Pilot June 26 July J IO 17 2003 Th5"14 fktttiM~ MilMS........ The followrnc per\nns ue 001ne bu~1ness o lut1mH247 cnm 4SJO Ca mpus 011vt •38 Ne .. porl Br•tn CA 92660 Slephtn s,hulir 4570 C•mpus 01111~ •18 New11011 1!uu1 <:A 92660 I h1\ bus1nn' ts , on ducted by an ind1v1du•I Have you star led 001111 bus1ne~s ytt' No Stephen Sc hullf This statemMI wo foled with lhr County Cler~ of Or.nee Cuunty on 06127/0J 20036949712 Ditily Pilot luly 3 I 0 17 24 200J I h'>61 flctit6M lfsiliMJ .... s ....... The ln1towtn1 per~""' •re doma business u •> Animal Amour b) Anrm1I Amore 2674 Or a nee Ave C I Cos II Mua CA92627 Joan M1r1e Oldfield 267' Or a nae Ave C I Costa Mesa CA 926'/7 This bus1nes~ 1\ con ducted by an 1nd1v1du•l Have you \far led do'"i busmen yet' Vt\ 2 03 loan Marte Oldl1ttd This statement was filed wtth the Coun~ Clerk of Oran1e County on 06/IJIOJ 200Ht41030 Daily Pilot June 19. ?6, Joly J. 10, 2003 Th5?2 FldltlM....., ... s....... The followln& pe,,ons are dolna busineu as Medow. 307 15th St •6. Hunlin&lon Buch. CA 926-48 Michael Ben de W1t. 307 I !Ith St •6. Hun ttnaton Beach. CA 9~ This buslneu Is con ducted by 1n md1vHlual Have rou st11ted dolna business yet' Yes •11/03 Machle! de Wtt This itatement wu laled with the County Cler1o. ot On ntt County on06/20/03 HOMt4Uto 0.lfy Pilot June 26. July 3, 10, 17,2003 Th543 Rell.. ..... ........ TIM lollowlna p.rson• 111 dolfll butlnut •• Tht follo•lfll pe11on1 ....... ..... Ho-cl l'rodv<tion1. 128 "' dolna bvalntM ••· ........ Emereld 81,., L11u111 •) D•ll• Mot«lflO'h, II) 8Hcll, Ctlffornla 92661 mlnlmotou• com ~I The followln1 person. Matthew How•rd f>10· Allcl• P•1kwe1. L11un. •" ctolnt butlneu n · ductlon. 928 Erner1ld Hiiis, CA 92'53 Newport ,..H, Ac>Pllenc• h)I, le1u111 Bu ell . Dl.J lflll Corp (CA) Rept lf, J063 H•111 Avt ., C1Ufornl1 926~1 2973 Harbor Blvd. •347. C4sti Meu, CA 92'Ze Judith 8. Sllu1ttr, 928 Coll• Mese, CA 92626 John S•kt.alle, 3063 Emereld 81y, L11u111 Tl'll• bv1ln"t II COfl· K1yn Ava .. C4at• Mew, Suell. Cettfornla 926$1 jluc tff b1: • COfPOt1tl011 CA.92626 This bullnen ts con• H1v1you11Mttd doln1 fhla buamtu Is con· ducted by. •fl lndMduel butlnett retl duCjed by. en lnctlvlduet Have you alMttd clolnl Yt1 3·0l Htw 10ll stetted doftlt bu~ 1117 Yu, t/10/ 01.J 1111er11111011•1 i.u"""'r" °' Corp , Jo11 Oe l• Jara, Ytt Ott t • HM Matt Sllustw fttt~t .lolln S.i.m1 Tiiis tt•temtnl wu TMa 1t1t-llt w11 Thlt •l•tt!Mflt •et (lle4 wlttl tltt Countr fW witll tllt Covl\tJ lhcl wft.11 tn. C4uflb Cltftl ot Or1f11t County Clerk el Or.,. Countt =...,,_ C.1U1ty on '17/t/Ol Oft Ol/21/03 Oft ' ....... ,. ' .. 11Mt111 , o.llt, .._ 2I M 09ily 'llot Jttl, 3, 10, 17; ~·.,..,3• 1~ 3.ao •• rl003 ~ M.iOGJ "'"'; o.,1y Pollll luly l 10 I/ ?4 ?003 lh!>'>~ Fk1lt6M IMeu llmtS........ I lie follow•na person\ 41 t" du1n1 bu\1n~'" I\ Pup Poop P•trul Ill! Pone Pl•• r r "'ta Mn• 1.A'U677 l•n•te !>u• '\pro~ 8JI Pin• P•a·• ( 0\11 Mn .1 <:A 9?671 Hu\ Lu' tOC\'& 11 \.Uh due.ltd IJy tn md1vi:1 .. .-1 H••t you \I" trd d )•nl bu\1nt\\ Y• t '> ~o J•n•te Spr •k lh1s st1ttment wn f1lr<I with the Counly Cler~ ul o .. nt• Courot, un 07 08 OJ 2003 .. 50749 Daily Pilot luly I 0 I / ?4 31 7003 rh~ls FldttiM a..i.ns ... w-. Ill« follnw•n1 person\ ar., <Jo1na bu\111•'\\ ... ll~c•end• D• MoJ Apt 160 W Wiison l:tistf Moa CA 92648 lniJ Wen Hwana !>71 l H11h111te I tn ac r II vm• CA 92617 lma Lona 11 .. Mi '>Iii' lh&haatt ter111c~ 1rv1nf CA92612 Wiison Y1n(I l S02 Weymount Senta An.-, CA 92705 fh1l bu\1ntu is co11 0U(lt0 by I aener II par tner\h1p HIYe you •Ur ted do1n11 bustntn ytt' Yes 198!1 Ina Wen Hwan1 fht• statement wai l1led with the County Cler~ ol Or1n1e County on 07 01103 2003HS0014 Daily Pilot July 3 10 17 2' 200J I h!>5l ~ ..... ........ The loflow1n1 per sons •rt doina buslnus u CAJ [nterproses. 903 W 17th St Space 81 co,11 Meu. CA 92627 Edw11d Anthony Jan ecek. 903 W l7th SI Spice 81, Colla Mesa, CA 976?7 Jewel Oun Janecell. 903 W I 7th St Spac.e 81 Costa Mcu, CA 92627 Thi\ business 11 con ducltd by huiband end wife Hht JOll •t.ttt•O doillt busmen yet' No Cdwerd AnthQny Uin ectk rhra ateternent ... filed wrth the County Clerk ol Or1n1e County on 01/0l/()3 HOHtS.070 Delly Ptlot July IO. ll. i•. 31. 200J run Rell.. ..... ... ...... The foltowlna '*'°"' ere doln• bualntaa " C11atln1 H .. lthy Rel .. Uon-"19•. 213-t It ,•Int Avt., Newport 8Hch, CA 92e60 Or JMeph Pucale ~ f'.l .. Inc • (CA), n.3' Irvin• Ave • N•wporl Buell. CA 92660 Thi• buslneu I• to,,. ducted h ' I C:Ol'POl'lllofl ..... )'OU 11.,tM doifw buslnns yelf Ve , 1 ll 2001 Or. Joleplt Pe1e1i.1 M f .T, Inc r... Or ,....,. f. Pncell, nelllelllt Thlt stat14111111 •• ,.... with the Co1111tr ewtt of 0rlnl'I Countr Oft OllJMIJ • ...... ...... OtHy '"°' ""'°' \t , 1'.. Mr), 101 200J TldM t.-f ....................... ...:;.,._~~~~~~~.:..:~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--...... .1-~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--~------------------~~ ... ·--~~~~~~~------.... "-~~.;;..~--~~ .... 1J-~~---· I· ----------...------------------ -The lollow1ne per \On\ .. ,. do11111 bu,ineu d\ Sin for Sele. 268 Cab11llo St #A, Costa Me\• CA 92627 Tom Kr•chl, 268 c. prlllo St •A Cost• 'Mesa, CA 92&27 This business 1$ <On dueled by tn 1nd1v1du•I Have you \lar led doing bu"nen yet? Nu Tom K11cht Th•' $tate111en1 w•' filed with the Cuu11ty Clerk of Or•nit• C «unly on 06!21 Ol 20036949723 1>~1ly Pilot July 3 l 0 I/ l 4.2003 Th56S flctillM INlns ..... s ........ The lollow1ne per\on' .re do1ne bu\mH\ J\ Del Sol 200 Mam Suot• • 113. Huntm11tun Bo•• h C•ltlc.rn .. 1 92648 Suri City l'•r tn~r' 11 t (CA) ;>oo M•m Suit• '113 llunt1n111on a~···,, Caltfor m• 9lb48 Th•\ bu"1ne~\ t\ t. .,n ducted by • Lm11te1I li~b1l1ty Cu t1ttv~ yrHJ 1tdrft'd dtuu~: bu\1n~'' yeti YO\ IY.>'01 11003 Suri r.11y P.11111.,• LLC Amy I o ... ner M111tr Jhl\ .l~l~nttnl WA ltlfld with th_. t 11urif1 rt~'" ot 01.tnR" c '""'' 1 "" 06 04 Qj 20036946990 0.11; P1101 Ju11 j 10 11 24 2003 lh'h'J l he lullow1n~ por\ons •rf dorna bu\1n11u n l) p 1 r I l u d I I y Cunn1t ted C11m ;n39 f> A<ilu Ave •I Cost• M~,. CA926l7 IJ"'"' Edmund Futrell 12 J9 P ol1l1< Ave •F tc.\t• Meu. CA 92627 fhl\ bU\Hle\\ I\ C.:011 <111t tl'd by ~n 1nd1v1dual H••r vc.u \l•rted doin2 ~u,orot \\ rtt' Nu '""'"' ( dmu11d l urr ~II fh10,. \tdltm•·nt w•\ lol~d ... 11, th• l •uonty { l•·f il 11f fhttu r C •Jtmty on 01 f!I! OJ 1003119S070 D•1ly P1tn1 Jul / IO. 17 t 4 JI tOOJ 111~/4 rtctitious~ Ncnt Shlltnllftt Th• followma pel\On$ are do1n1 bu,lness as a) lhe Al/ Oen b) The Audio V1dee Oen. 2060 Placent" •C2 Cost• Mesi CA 92627 Oe11ll Coplin Wrn11•1 174 1 15th St •B. Wutmmsttt CA 92683 l hos busrnen I\ ton· duded by an ondrv1du•I H .. e you st•rted dorn11 bus1nos yetl No Oe11k W1nee•• !ho\ \latem1nt was loled with the Cuuuly Clerk of Oranat County on 06 13'03 20036948040 D•1ly Pilot June 19, 26. luly .J. 10, 200J Th527 flctltiM INitis N-.s..,._, fn,. f •• 11 ·..-rH·~ ,..,., 1n 1 fh~ tollnwmv person'\ ., t 111 111, bi' IOt '. ~ \I ttt.. do1n~ l>U\tn~\~ 6\ Cirl.i11 f'r.,petli<' .''l'>(l lJualoty rt~\h Pro<1ule kJ111I '"'" Av• f.u\ld 3075 lylet ,/dy, Cost• M•"• I •• 1,f, '' "'·' 9/f,;if, M~\a CA 976?& (1,.t ,t 1'1tlJ·•·r11 .. -. t LA) Ho'il M.tr 1n1 l a1os l'i',r I< ""I •1•h Av. JOI'> I ~ll'r W•y Co1.ta 4 o• I 1 ""• 1 r Jhl tn•• M~1.• CA 9l6Z6 1 l,/O Iv\~ l dtO\ J075 f yler 11H\ t1u\lf1t-\\ •'. lVfl Wd'J Cu\ld Mt~,a CA .tu1 Ii t I 1 1 l or1 to ti 926l6 It tl11l1ly l I fh1'\ bu\HU•\\ 1\ c.on !Lt.,."'" .t.11t1•\!\l•Jtt1t~ '1tuh~d by hu\banct ctnd t111\+1U'" ._ .. , N· Wllf' liil•o •, .,1-rto It-I Hd~,. 'fUU \t4tlt:d doing M ,, t, 111 l11pJ,."" I bu~io ... ,., yt-P No I•• t I Ru • Mdrm• l dlu\ '' •h-n ,.,,, w ''• I h Sf6ttm,nl ...,a!. '' Ph n . .,. I 1111111-; l1l~f1 Yrtfh thtt County '"', • IJt.'11~,. Ir.,,,,., '"''"' .. ,,, "'""~~County "'' fjl 111 [J. '"' 01 011 03 1003&9S004S 20036950741 O••lv Pr1.,1 July t4 JI lQOj Polit·, Thi lottowrne person\ ut doina bu,rnn.t. u P1t1I Puihers 3320/ Pasto Ce,.eza. San Ju1n Cipl\tr1110. CA 9267!> Ann• K1the11ne lot bar ti!. 230 East 18th St Cos I• MIH. CA 92627 This busmen rs 'on ducted by an 1ndrv1dual Hne you $larted do1n11 buSlneu ytl? No Anna Ka ther1ne Z1e bar th This •l•hmenl w•\ filed with the County Clerk ol llt an2t County on 06123/03 20036949031 Oarly Pllul July 10 17 24 31. 2003 Th!>ll The lollow1ne pu suns .tre dorne bu\lllUS •• PhO V1etmanue Noodln 17012 Knott Ave •t, Garden Grove C1lolorn1a 92804 Lan Neoc Luu !>!>25 W Ho&hl•nd St Santi Ana C•lofor ma 92704 fh1s bu,,ine'\\ 1s t.on dut ted by Ill 1nd1v1dual Ho• you started dome bus1ne\s yet' No l•n N~ut Luu Tho\ sl•h:menl w"' l1lfd with tht County Cl~•~ of Or•nKe l:ounty "" O!> l0'0J 2003694S33S Daily P1lut June 19. 26. July 3. I 0 200J Th530 Th• followoroe per son' ue doone bu•inen n Body Aenao\\ance 24/01 Reymond 9?~7 lake Forni Cahlorn10 92&30 Beverly J Wilham\ Z470l A•ymund •LSI l•ke Forni I ahl111111• I 9Z630 1h1\ bus,1n"\" 1\ t .,,, dulled by ·"' 1nd1v1du•I Han you \t.or led 1Jo1n~ I bus1nen ftl' N11 Bevorly J W1lhdm' !his \IMfm•nt "'' filed with thr 1>u•1l1 Cler~ of Or au~e I r111l 1 on Olt110 I 20036951)090 Daily P1lut lul 1 l l IJ I/ 24 1003 11.~·.o Fl<1itieus lusintss N-. StattlMlll The tolh..1wir•• '-'q ~ ,,, art:> dulfte_ t>u\1Ht'\\ .... 0 S Buoldel\ I II M,, r1ne Avt H<tltJt,.t l\l iiH1 Cahlorn1• 9~1.h • Oav10 Au1 ••' t.•r 11 / M~r 1M Av• B•IL • t~land CdltflJ, '",,. 11.?t-.f;,i. Th1\ bU\lllt ,. ctu'-ted by ctn inrti...Ht11.1 Have you '\ldtft•t 11•·1•1, bo\tne~'\ y~t / Yt• t, i'' 03 D••UI A ~·~· ... Thi\. 'tdh rt;• Pfl f1t'd with u, ... er .. , ... n f (Jrtffl,if" on OJ l 01 20036950103 Daily P1101 July • II 11 24 200J '11'11 J Ho\v to Plaee A lhur~dily, July 10. 2003 85 ANEW B .USINESSff. . . .~ . . . . . . . . / lw l.rgal I lt'p1trrmr111 111 tlrt' I J,11/) /11'1Jt 1 p/r,urd 111 ,11111vum r 11 '""' 1tn11( t 111111 ,11 ai/JJ,/,. ttJ llr'U l21m11r I' \~,. ''ill 11011 \f Jl R< H 1hr "'"'"; jt11 >"'' .u no rxm1 1 /,,1rxr ,,,,,/ 1,11 r }11u 1lrt //mt md thr rrtp to rlit' ( 1111rr ff,,,, r 111 \Jm11 Anu ll1r11 14 wu,,r J{tfr rl>r 1r,11,/. /• wmplnrd u·r u•tll filr ~uur /u111111u• b111t1tr1• 11,1111r •lutr111r111 u ul fl'< < 1111111)' ( lrrk. f't1h!oh ri/11 I' 11 u ui.· /111 four 11 nk, ,, rr1111irr'd h> l111 i111d :1i1" {1,1 111111f'rt1o/11/ ;mh11ulltr111 u air 1/i,. ( 111111() (/alt /•!,,1., •/ti/• 11) ffl filr )I/lit f11111mu 11u•t•1t t111r111r11r ,u rlrr I J.11/j h!a: ~ 111 II /1J, \r ( 11 t.t \ft••I If lflll .11111 .: top''.• plr.1°r .. ti/ u Jr r11 'J fJl.1 ii_' f.1,,d '" 11 rl/ 11:,i/(( ,1ff,/ll.'f.(lllrnl! ftrr )1111 tr /i,11ul.r rl·: /'"'il'tlttrr h, "'·" If>"" iwz.!d h,11 r .tn) jiurl1r·1 rfllr·ll"'t f'lt•I, 1r1/, 11 • ,,,,,JI•' i. if/ fn 11,11•r 11•,;;. t•f,11/ /fr d •I t }1111 ( 1U<HI fu.J,• Ill ,1110 11ru h111/1it1 Daily,d Pilot ___ D(•ac ll i rn·-. __ _ Rate' am.J lk'.1t.ll11K'' .uc ,uh1cll 11 1 Lhilnj?.l' \\ tthnul 111111 .. l' Th<" puh(1,hc:r re,c:r.c, the: n:.!ht It• 1.1:11,or. rc:d,"'ll~. EJ f.aa' r~ CLASS IFIEAD Ill ~ ~ \tonJ.1:.. l-r1tlJ~ ' ( 1r 'I lll 11r fl'll'l I Jll~ • ad\c:nt,1.'llll'nl P lc.1, .. rc:port Jll) l"rrt>r. that ma~ I'<' 111 'nur ..JJ"tl K'J at.I BY Fax BY Phont• l h \lail/ln Pt·r~ou : 1mmc:d1Jtc:I~ I Ill' U.111~ 1'1!111 ,lu.cph 14.l..1<j 1 6' I n<\9..1 11i..iti 1 A-l::!-'\tt7l\ \ •t 1 \\, -1 H,1\ '>Ir·· ·1 f hur,J,l\ I' "'" J 1 .. \I .• r \ «1::1 ~~ r• "" " "''..,.. \ ' "p"n Ii I s l!.1. '>t rndJ\ 11t...,..l ¥. f .. r1 .._ +Y t llour:-i SJtunJ.1;. no l1.1h1l11~ 101 .11\\ arnr 111 .in Jt.l\ c:nt,l'tnl·nt for "l11d1 11 m,1\ he n:,p{111,1hk nl1:r1 1111 till' 1.0,1 ol the 'P·llc: .1duJll~ • 1\.1. ttptcd h) the: c:rrnr C'rl'Ull lJll 11nl~ l'I.· .1ll1mcd tor 1hl· ltr't 1n-...·n1011 ll'kphonl! X ~0.1m-'\ OOpm \lunJJ\ I ndj~ ~.111..·ln" \11.1111 "1w1pn. \t .. 11<1 ... I 1111.1· Sund.1~ .. l 11d1: '(lflpnt ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC, 101~1110 r ~ 3010--3940 I n<l('X f ~ 1ilil 7402-7466 ~ GARAGE ~ SALE 1449 ~ 91.0YllENT ~s ~ IOOS·IS 10 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL f'ACIJIC VIEW UYVlfW TlltRACE S LOTS All Ott PART 949-494-SO IS Colledlbles/ Memorabilia 1160 I TOf' SS 4 IUCOltDS nc bu. ~ [ k. CjJ. ' tJJ, 1ll Mt< ~' tubfo .lmP\ Mike 949 64!> /~O~ ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 EQUAL HOOSllG OPPO«MITY All rut fSl•le advfr '"'"II 1n lho\ newspape• I\ \ub~C I to !ht r rde111 F '" ~fous1n1 Ar I nf 196A I\ •m~ndeO wh•< h maku 11 1lle1a1 111 •dver tin • •ny pr tfe1 ente. lom1tal1on or disc11m1nahon baud on tece. color rtt1e1on •t• t11nd1cap fam1lral status br n1hon1I oriem or an intention lo mahe •nv \uch prelert11te. lr1nota hon or d1~c11mrnat1on Thi\ ntwspaper will not kno w1nely eccept •ny 1dver h\ement for 101 n tatt which 11. on vrol1t10n of the law Our 111ders 1<e hereby inlOfmed that 111 dl'l•ll tflp advertised 1n this ntwsp1per art 1v11l1ble on 1n t!QUal opportunity bu~. To complam of dis trlflllnlhOf\ c.it HUO toH lrtt 11 1 800 •24 8590 PUTAFEW WOIDSTO WmlfOI YOUI (949 '42-5671 -· -1 $ 2305-2490 IEAL ESTATE FOR SALE lili1 soos-saso Auctions 1483 1 I I Gr_, °""'9• I h~ .. k tn HOME H\A.lE: F-(;l 5.-l<l: . buch Jb< 7b4 ue>PI" 11>< ;::;::::=:=:=:=::::; IMPRO'KMENT ORANGE 5400 lbd lc.wrr j<·~4 ~di WANTED n 2600 COUNTY s<.691XXJ..., 9'9 s Mi ANTIQUES SERVICES -.. ' CoronadelMar Oldtr S • Furniture """""' "' ~ " ""'""" ' t ~~ .. .,~,,~\ . --n1J• Balboa Peninsula Pl• NOS Collectlblts MSM Corl\tll11-hoo llonded SUMME" SlllLlltS ':.. Loe#6963?/ /149622436 ... " ... ss·~;~H~~~io ss I JEWELRY/ 3460 r;.~i:.~ir;f-Z.~ ~E~~.~-~ •. E.~T~~~ DIAMONDS/ ~:-;!~':-'" ~~ I PRECIOUS METALS I lMt111 w your Owll tref' Coast Coln Hoods Q., :.1::: .J.SIJo Old Coon\• Gold \1l;er ~ ... 111fut ~ w f!leli•tor iewelry wAtch4'-. •nltQ11t\ pix' t>P;iul.lful k~ LR collectobi.., 'M9 &lt' 9448 w """'Ht•ler v°""' ot C<>ill C...-.St $4,500,000 ' Cats 3610 Olft~ » ,,.,,,. .:1549 A922~ -----R~. lwdwd ttoors. li -... ~ Ochal Kittens. lropard llPf'fl lR w/fp, ere.it out SOUTH COAST look·•·hlle\ rm uohc door 1>11bo .. rrc>le 2c fliW AUCTION 11oldlchocnlllt •pol\ rul Sl c99,ooo Garage/ Yard Sales 1489 C"M/Set 1 -1 2 Loh ef ..... atvff II 611 &620'/tOnhl .. (In etf.y) CM/fn & Set e-12. Orill cir-w/d. llM. Mid mudl ITIOft. 2449 Lrttleloo Pl (fu/fwvtew) NI/Solt & S... 1-4. dall. daybed. ~~ LIM m11111nu, household llems. ~ -·· w.. anlJQue ,.~., etc 21SJVW. ...... MOVING SALi SAT. 7·2 lverYftiltot -• ,.1 IHI CITff Drive N•wpertl-'i 8-11 ........... 1110 Prlv .. • lhKti ......... 0.. 1ppro1 1/IW from N•w~ift 8Hch h«l- lent hunlln& 1dj1ce11t to 11•1• waterfowl rtlv ... OWftt n hip lnttrut I llOll'h 3l5 ICrft Clf ltll4 & mpfOVtt'Mfth • ~llf llrfll Cl'"6' COftlt>OV~ •/atrvcture 111d 2 lttlltf• Wonderful frl nl1hl HQ • a wine 1011111 d11r1111 dvcll Mnon + ~-olf"I lfttl IOI 2 ltleflft Of flllttf ' IOll. Cell ..... ti JlO $4 t Ol&4 \Chmoc'IZC!r' 909 681 6664 ~ ~ ltD<llO> IOTTINS, CA TS DOGS photo!. on-lne www """"'~ore ~rw.onto.l.Yld l) DAY tt:A1 Hi GUAAN(f[ E ~2:279 l"lfl WAY for momrTlill cat. l'l'lill~~~ -A4'ere~I• l'"f r.,,.y 12/wtls pe<11111 ee. f1wn coto• comM w '111l<lnel. rd's booll5 & documents to qualtflpd farruly Owner •ll•re1c 949 64A 2342 Ge~ S...,.._o,,._ 111 colors. -11 s11u for Jdophon lo Qualihtd homes -w.prescut O<I or 71• 773 5915. ~~ RMIOOell!d Mid n~ IOCalt!d oo •re cl>I lot 48r 48.8 w 'oceMI YleW$. f p wide l\dlwa~. vault ceh suso.ooo ,.NINSUl.A CONDOS O!Mft Set-S-1-4 Ct IS River Ave PROM Sl 2S,000 21' 21THST. 3 &4..._ 4ttS-4tt7 .... ..,. 3..._/, .... o... ........ ~·---c.. ........... }52.t· ~~beyend budt 2500if Will\ 2 maslen. 2 f p'1. A.tr.. remodeled lut & ~ II kit & i..n rm. S925JIJl Chellwt ,_, bate Inc. 9&~ ..., ... ....... -Rell~ ~~~~~-..... STiil tueUHNGS !Jo.1011 orr. •Oa.40. 50•90. 60a I 10 Must Selll Can 0.hyed flop (to0)4tt·l7to Homa A '-'•luoolo,, i Ne>t•md. OI 'btr fl e'ltn• Br Beatrice Andenon 9<'<). 759.0550 HU80R VllW HIUS '\l'luth E SI A 1£ nn on• nl lhe llfllt\l lnl' Ol'EN SAT-SUN l S 1 S20 Keel Dr. Sbr lba M•drlerr ' n•~n PM ad1" Cirr <1~n \hap•d p.,n1 & SP• lounlarM & Palm Trees By Owner Attepton11 81dl Be tween SI 499 000 SI .57!>.IXXJ 9'19 78>016l JUST usno TODAY! Of'lN HOUSf SAT-SUN 12-4 316 l /2 Hollotrepo Nutted Amod Mrllron S homes• 2br 1 ba beau p11v l•ee hne \Ir on cul dt UC $687 000 Jim & Pally McOoneld CilM Home. 96 l"!JS.9010 • t.ewly Oc.mo View ~ sty home 56-o comm Charmine cttYTd entry AoPI O• 1700 sf 2br +<IM, 2ba F p, form OR •ti le I" w •lone• M\ter WW:>~~ !pill pet OK Crdnr mo Klffl Mont. 1()11 8649 19204 .uaDll ~ O"eti< r ~ locato't' on 1t1e lfeenlMlll ~. der\IWOrkool room. ••ti la whm w1p IC. ~ded pool!.. .-·s. S18).aX>. l""1 Kollr Brolls Mt-V._SS7' MUas CCllW1TI CDNWIMlll A ......... th home with cNrftw1c P9b11 SI I "") prwata ""' bedlyltd ,. bath$ •• rerno-.cl wl\ie fbn. el~ ...... Mid soi.. linlwd roof la bit & ucunty sys.tem B«tllr• S..V~ RMltor'S ............. s c-... ~~·-<• ........ . a-met~~ l'Ofl, '"'*"'" t• end clllb ...,., ,,.,,.. •• 3br a. "°"" ' ,,.. •• 2lw 2ba COMftMmN.n' Mt·7ff..otn i.¢4) ..___ --9000·97SO Costa Mesa Ol'fN HOUSl SAT SUN 1-4 930 Arbo• St tb• I ''"'t' t 11 .. ,.,,,. ' 1-. "'d llr I b • I r t• ' P 11~ \1~'1 ;\_M M~r '( f t W''' kt· M.1 • '14~ 1,41 •11 /( • M.oo Vwde Hcime lbt jfl.I ~ <•I p •r ,n_,.,. tv .,.. ''""'"• ... .,.. Buv<n w.-1<•"'"' ll <'•Ii Sw>i Or fi'*l 1l ,,., P•OJI l Cjll•L ll'.IJ ~:.~1 Garden Grove llr lla &Al••' Q1 N~w pnt t ,,,, ~ t "' ;., ~ 0 W M'tr b1 w ,. •• ~ or d~t LR w «llh c.11\ f o tenni~ u t\ ~ luhh\P Pr11!1 C~ Rtalt~ ~l 'IJI /'*"! Huntington Beadl Of'lN SUN 1 ·4 SlAIRIDGl VILLAS Z03?1 l1depool Cor •'lQ7 IBA IBA l.tJn">ro I"" In bch GalPd u 1mm ponl lennrs uun• S265 000 By 0 "1ner Cj()9 748 7011> Of'(N SUN 1-4 ret. Loltofre1tt location Jbr lb• On• nl I lrw ever lo cnmf 1v1ol Weterlrunl wnut VltW,1 ~9 000 """'-"•...-rt• .. Stef-le Meurer t4t-71S·J IS6 Wett lrvl1t• &br Jb• 2000sqft Z c e11 J yr\ new lJ yd S62'9 000 1ntM Wril ,_,. lbr lb1 1300 sqlt Oet1cfled home Built '" 1995 $519,000 Aat Cl•r•' lu Remo i49 & 9'l88 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80 ,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum ) Call Lor}aine at (949) S74-424S OClAH V1£W lOT 230 O<tc111 Vitw Avt 6400sflot PrtttfM Htwport Httfm hy/octc11vitwlot. ty Owner liking s 1,090,000 949-645-1628 Harbor Rldg• Ml\• M'llll' .Ii/., t"" f 1 f1u h 1 '°tr .. t )t f I 6 •••• "I 1.t ., M •f' ~ ~'1 '1-J'_. '"f<J H)' ~ Strodo-Ocoan Hol!llm, 4H• I '>Ila t i ~'W) 001 •·t WP•, ~9 bl7 U11Jll tlf hurt· ~ '" 1t-•f"H Newport Coast Clauis H1ih"I point ~ ''''"l I at ul~r fH P \O ~1tw"i1 On,. ut tht ftnt'\I , omm ut lu a u1 v h •1mf'\ "" 4 '>~" SZ 69S 000 Stroclo [ urvlJ•'• I \I ,ot 11....,,n.: HtJ?" 10 t hf hill ,..-tin \kin._ th~ l{ ,, .. ,, ilor • 1•1f1<• S I 69'> 000 Now ll•tln9 St11nr"n11 modt hke ho"lt w v•l'W\ ol Suldleb•• ~ 4101 hun.trrds ul up Iii •Or\1 S 1 6';1'; 000 Ol'IN SUN I S S•nl1 lu<11 f1bulou\ 1.1~tlronl loc lbt I Sb• Ovt r l11oll•n~ C•nvnn i ll<•An Sl 119 000 "lATINUM f'ROf'IRTllS Stef-1• M~tor.r ~9 71!> 31!16 Mepi*"-....... Cn.t cll'ltom Mtate With CMl'fO" & OCMn ~ Oftertld •• $6 500 000 c ••• , ..... a..tty t4t-1St.0177 Tllllln VllW CMATlAU lOSOI ln-l- l ou!'Pd 1n N Tustin H1llt I 5 {ere hMltop nt•t• 6b< 7b1 C•tl lot prke Ari Jolln lot•" 114 7Jt llOI mce.lMEOUS RENTALS • Storage/Garage Space For Rent 6060 GARAGES \• . t j •• , ' ' ~ h ~t' • • r t, ~4'1 ~'" 11 " ORANGE COUNTY Balboa Island 7400 I •fa•t Ba; fronr •t I J~, It ' 14 Sll!IV\ "' •l br Wl .,l•.itt •M 1,, .,rt Sl4 K • 'br ttJ ~ tii,1 1\,f' , J• ~ s too A.,:1 '14Q ~ I 4 n>,, Corona del Mar ~ca.we__.., ... t .. ""'· .... p'il pr lo41 w• to Trt Squ.we ~mo Weltt trnh patd"" llWit M:anaptl'Wlt UT 104-l&et [ 't 9200 ...... ::-= ....... , ... & •• ,...., ... ..... , ... ,_ .. . , ... st ......... ,,, .. ~'""""'""'" 'bt [tM It' '' 1 rj,-t ,:,V l!\" f '1!• I ) • I '1r" I .. , • .,. "I s ... ,_, 39, 21o. .., ~1t ~ t. 'f .,. Vt ' \'.'('' ~.. .. •. 11• ~ ' -.11 • 'ti , ~" ~ $1 0 1 "" 144'< '>48 '>14 I 4M 111• HUGf YARO W /GARDlNlR ''""' lk'•'' •t .t ~ ,.. ~ ... y" " • ...... ~~ st.w, lt1 ~ ....... -fil j ---- ........ H.w ~ .. il"'""'..'51 2 C.,S,1 ti.'"• H(jf.f. le .1tt '"' Iµ A,I W D 1Jid!• r>40 $.~ ... ,,, •• ~ ....... Mnjll ll I l'l4 J¥,4<; l •t 974' 3l r 21a H-•• I A<h•d• l'•a. 1Ar'1 ..,,, l •'ft•f pl f,,, k "1 & ppt\ SlJOO mo 94~ b83 8879 uoo YIAltlY UASI &UOOWMMa~ BU GllOHOY ACAL lOltS ...... ,~ .. , Hewpot t Cr•''· r i ..,r i r ~ 111nl" 1 I lt-n ~ $. j t A., t.1-. .:..; "' I 11 S W BAY AVl • ~ ,.. t .... ff ~ .11 .. ., "... ~~ 1.~, ,,,t,,.,.t=..1:+'.J•·~ Jlr 2 Sia. N"C••"· ,,, ...... "II"~.,.. t; ~. t ,.. • " .,., .... $. .. tr ~t{ .~ Ga!od ... ~....,_ ~n.~ h•lO·• ... -\ ,v "''*' , .. , ... "'''.. lfTt~ ,.. v-ll" " ................. ~"""" fOR RENT IN llUHS I •P " ! ' lf11 1 H~ _., I d''fll v J.f()r m j )11()(1 m. 94" 1>44 4909 ..... t .... ... ..._~ ..... rib.., ..... •• "° ..... ,,.._,,,.....,,_ ,.,..,,, .. s.d1f 1 t <''-' TWiii• rowtt U..JllO 00 '9-0..to Mt~ttt ... 2 1• 17 10.,..2003 58~ 67 Pllln .. day 58 Olooh 6& W8'St. ~ eo Spotts loclle 81 Talks an and on G2 Aoqllne 83 Swift hQftee DOWN , "f:or -Ak•'" 2 Talklhow hOste9s 3 Marc:tW-.g band .. ~r 5 nn1 6 Oolla\e 1 Swabber'• netid 8 Mlfact 9 AW!Wlgs 10 8ringe up 11 Exces!IMI 12 Mug 13~poet. 21 Pee lllOIJP 22 Smal brown bird. 24 Vegas lead-lo 27 Hafr rurie<s 28 Prnldent's no :~~;_, 31 Lupino ol l~ms. 32 Prod 33 OiJueet PMVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED 34 Legel IM118f 35 Membetahlp dU96 37 FronlH!f llYtllihood 38 Faint (2 ..OS.I 40 Kind ol prize 41 Soclc pan 42 Subjects 43 Reuben b<ead « G11tteong 45 Tibet neigt\tlor 46 Plle 47 Mounlaln CUfWIS 48 Bulll1ng 49 use stoei l'l'ool 50 Shnnks kom 52 Z.ny MafU1e -53 Prof ~ Cev131 &etu111ty 11 12 13 By CHARLE With OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH AN EPIC STRUGGLE 1:.ii,1 Wc~t 'ulnerablc. Notth deiils Wl•.ST • J 5 IO H 7] VJIH • ,\ 116 NORTH • 7 2 5 • AK 10953 • KQJ2 SOUTH t::AST • K 0109 ~ K J 64 6 • 10 7 4 J • AH64J AQ9 2 72 • 9 5 I he ti1ll1.hng· :\01< fH EAl>T SOUTH WEST I 1•-I• Pti!o 2 l'u.ss 2 l'a'i.'i ·'"' l'ii."-' JNT Pass "'*"' Pl&S'I Tilt'n: I' n111h111g more fascinaung 1n hncJvc 1h:i11 the ?lnlgj!lc between a 1.·t1111r11·1t·n1 Jcdarn and t'Xpcn Jd cntlcr,. I krl' " a fine example. 'it111h. Did.. l·rct•1n:1n. nuglu have rd•1d I\\ u ,·Juh' tiN, then 11\1\~e dia- 1111 '"'" II<' A I tu 'htt\\ a hc:tter than 111111111111111 ll['l'Ol'I \\ ilh f>.4 tn the minon .. That would h11ve n1111Jc no differen1..-c to the final 1.--ootract or the opening lead. Sittin~st-Wcst, n:&pectively, wen: Cohen and David Rcrkowill-CM c~ to lead a low hcan. and declarer, Nick Nick,ell, cap<urod East's Icing will\ the acc. A lyw diamond W the nine heW. bul mauc:rs took. a lWTI for the worse when Ea~• disaitded a club on the king oCAiamon<h. Since chere was tto wuy IQ 1..11me to nine Lridu, without diamond.\. declarer conlimlCd with the ace and another diamond. East pill'ting with two mOre clubs and declarer lenin$ go of 1wo spade!.. Since the h1ddrng and play to 1he first trick murk.cd South with three more he11rb hcatk~ by I.ht• 4ucc11, We~t .:a\t uboul for grcencr pu.'1ure,, and led the jack of Sp!ldl.'~. [a,t CCllljl- er.iled ·with h1~ p.trtocr'~ dcfrn..c by overtaking with lhe 4ucen Dt:darcr h.i<l no an'''t·r. Had dec larer allowed i:.a.,1 towin1/Je 1m·k. the defender would have re'·enc:J 111 a hean and the <ldende" "•KJld hJ' ~ 10 come 10 fh'e cnck.' one 'pade. t\\o heart~ and a Lri.-k in l'at·h minor Bui "hen Jcclan:r ro~ \\ilh 1k an" the defender' hud thrt•c 'fl:lJc t.nd..' and one in coch m111or Either "J\, the contn1er could nut Ill'. made. · DRMR/CDL (A) Haznd_ $10.000 alter ~ years' SOI OS to 39 cent' learn to 4 I cents Contractors lo f!l ten~ fuel SO< ch a rges COL Cr dds welcome £0! IOJ..CJ2!>, 5556 or Kll M co m (CAt..•SCANJ RICCPTIONIST r ull I on w poslllOn ava1l.•ble 111 lJu>y NB Real [sld\C oll1c~ M F 8.30·5 30 Compehllvo fldY and benef115 I 1ghl m m· pute1 work Knowledge ••I MS W01d d ptu~ fu •~~ ume to 949 717 2779 Automobiles -9004 Audi ·o I TT Owttro RuadsllY. toado!d. lake new, 7~ nlt. <H I:' L-erl lop/body, $3?.000 160 796-1601 8MW '82 633 nl 'l dr. erevi tan ~ ~p. \Un1 onl lull pwr SI !>00 714 878 9455 BMW '97 3281 Conv 1n~lalh• d•• k bh•~/grey It h r . ""' '" b ' o n c1 I hr n u v. ho u 1 S 1'>.99~ vN6724l l B"1 !.Wl 'llf> 1888 w ww.ocpobl.com -------· BMW '90 32SI hkP ll~W Blk I dll 4 'L ctutu lfHlk nu ,,, •,urirt lull 11w1 l111l Cd 'n111i: S4/UO /14 b51 4bbl 8 MW '8 9 73S11 I eatt1er w 111 ,.uf very L le•n S4~<J'J •&•'>4~9 wt w•ulo c1•11 949 64{, IU/ BMW '98 1 3 Conv 2.8 . 6 1.yl H·<J '"" lthr '•Wd be~ul lok~ n•w , ond •l.!l '.>/ll $1/ 9q~ lo fl ~nt HI)' t,, w.trfM'1y dYatl 8 1'.r '14\l '>81> 1888 raoty, British raclna eroen/hn tthr. CD. chrome whl$, like new S36,m vl975241 Bkr. financlne & warr •v•ll 949.5 .. _, ... --. .,....1.c.- J-. .. , ..... OtoerekM VB. 4x4, lthr, CO, mnrf, very niee. #7279'l0 $9996 wcwauto.com 9&646-782'2 .. '96 o.-t a..... Vii, 2wd, CO. supei· clean, VflltY ntee. $599!'> #21!>458 ~to com 949-64£>.~ 1.-f ....,_ '00 Dhc-v Sertes II wh1te/&rey tthr, µs, 01111 owner, s uperb Oflll cond , $16.995 v#79675 I Bkr. 949-516-1'88 wwwt.ocpo\l.com Mozdo •99 M loto Conv 45k mi. auto. >1lver. t~n t op, pw, pl, NC. CO. superb hke new 'ond. v• 119143 Sl0.995 l1nanc111e & warranty avail Bkr. 949 586 1888 w-.ocpobl.com Man:.dn 8oea -.a C230 Ltrhr. morf. 1mmac. 5'4)er ntCl•. #617317 Sl0.995 wt w.wlo.c.om <w.}-646. 7822 MarcadM a.a -.3 190( 2 3. gor 11eous car. llhr. 9'lk mnrt s~m •548954 wtwaulo com ~7822 Mercedes '96 C280 beaul1lul blat k/cr ea111 lully lo~ded. showroom •\'rut. $107.;0 114-151 2464 M.-mdes "9S l320 BIVbl< IJP,\111 ~II opt none nta!r ltPW IM,Jf ~Vl., $89'lJ WLWMltll t.001 949--64& fm Mere<d•~ '91 420 SU wlu le/arey llhr. Lhrome whl-. low m1. superb cnnd, $699!> V•567281 Bkr 949 586 1888 -w.ocpobt.com NIHon '9S Pothflnder 4,4 ommaL1 while. \16 very note #011299 SS495 wcwaulo corn 949 M6 ~ OIAlllllMOwtr'8 Blacll W/Sllvl!I, Leath· er. Mootw oof (194262) $22,'BI. 0 1 Acww n Mooorool, Navi&&tlon system. loaded. (19455) $24,'BI. 99 1310~ While w/Saddle lealh e<. Moonr oof (I~) $29.'.8! 01 Joguw s ,..,.. Sea Green w/Saddle llhr. 28K ma. 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Good r !Pl. $7 2'.i ~lart ~un iul>' .uldto• w :• f<•• H•tl So~ Soob '99 9.3 Conv. money polenb.M. l•iltll prov SU-$29-3247, K. C.,,1111 l ... • • ...mr. M.••.._, 4911 n11. whole oatmo·al F/f'T Fa• res 714 ll6 14(); '/'f; ,.fl ••••I Ir•· I . .c. w.-1 I l!hr CO, bldt k In!) $1'>'JJ I '1<1'1 l'f · I f,X l1h11lou• h1'.~ new cond Publl~hing New. 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