HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-11 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa comn1u11ity s ince 1907 FRIDAY I JULY 11, 2003 Bo8rd tosses swap meet bids . .. ><EN~ "RE.P.(;N DA'l I .. Lucio Bonilla wipes down the horses on a merry-go-round as workers prepared for the opening of the fair All's fair today Fair Board votes to reopen bidding process for luc rative O.C. Marke t Pl ace contract. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot I AJRC.H< >U:\U'> rhe Orange County l·air Bo<lrd on Thur'>day n.c>JeUt'd two propo'>al'> to run thl· Orani.w c .ounty Mar· ket Pia ct• for the nt'xt I 0 ye.m and \\111 reopen the b1ddmg proce'>'> \\ ith tht' prote'>'> becoming mired tn contrmer'>\. the boanJ said 11 t.l<:tt•d m the name ol tau ne..._., J111.• tv.o rnrnranie<. that had '>Ubrrnued hid-. art: Tel PhiJ l.11 terpn'>t:'>. wl11ch created the con cept tor the high end swap mt'l't hatk in 1%4 and ha-. been run- CITY HALL n111g 11 e\l·r '>1m·e, and Amem:an Par~ n \wJp, a -.ubsidiary ot fJt:>laV.dW 'urth. c1 privately ov.n i-d lolllpdn\ bd't'd in Buf!Jlo, '.'\ 'I that '>Pt:t1all7.e-. in tht: ..er. ll l' llldll'>lrte'> Ar 11., met'tmg tht: board de rult-d 10 lollo\\ the u11arnmuu'> JU\"ll t· •ii "' -.curing rummlltt'e to ''Jrt tron1 '>tratch cll1d ,..,,.,ut a llt:\' 1m1tat1on for propo'><lh af t1•r llt'<Htng pre'>entattonc, from both wmpJtllt,, public cc1m nwnt thJt ht'J\1.ly !a\'Ored lei Phtl aJtd dth 11 t· frrim legi:ll mun· '>C'I l11t· hoard \Oted 7 iu I \\1th mt·mher I mil~ ">dnford d1.,.,t:n1 m~ Jlld I r .ud, Harb4JcJ ah'> tam 111g trJ n-wt t tht: bit.I.., 8.Jrbam !1h,i.111wt.I :11 pre\ er 1 the iipped!· anu ot a • 1inll11.1 •ii 1ntt're,1 •lilt• ht O\\ "' 'i I ' ut the 'tot ~ ol .s l orp11r.st1•111 th.it ha' .t ho111ti' <It tht· \ l.tr~l'I l'IJl t• llll• h•i.irt.l lht:ll \'Olt'tl Ii ID (JIU See BIOS, Pa&e A4 The Orange County Fair celebrates tomatoes as it kick s off its 111 th install men r Fair goes big for bands Nichols recall Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot INSIDE For more Orange County Fair news, see Happenings Page A7 reconsidered I t's red. it's npe and it's all set to rock -, today. .... Ope rung -including Bob Dy Ian. Duran Duran and Melissa Etheridge. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot I n a urne ot belt ughtemng ar1>und the \late. Orangt• Count) Farr official" have planned a gluttonou'> concert 'erre~ -starting tonight -and are ~pt·ndmg $5.R million to bring 111 big· name b.uid., Jnd 'tate-ot-the-art producuom ceremonies for the 11 I th annual Orange County Fair. whose theme this year is "Red , The other star Ripe and Rockin'," will begin at 10 a.m. with a festive procession leading 10 the Heritage Stage. The fair also has several new attractions this year, said Steve Beazley, deputy general manager of the Orange County Fau. attraction at this year's fair promises to be the Skyride, a ndt' that operates like a slo lift. taking visitors from one end of the fairgrounds to the other. I-air official., increa'>t:d their en1enamme111 budget h\ S.t 8 ·our biggest new a ttraction is llie Pacific Amphitheatre." he said. "The ride 1s about 55 feet off the ground." Beazley said. "It's lond of a low ride, and we hope 11\ a lot of hm for people · New also at thi:. year\ fair is the Orange Groove, a museum 'ihowing mil hon, or S'l t Ill., thi.,} ec1r lo l<tke ad\Jrltage of the newlr renmJll•d PJl ifil Amphitheatre n1e total I" .i dr.1111a11c 1m rt:'ase from la't H'M' SI ll'.i rn1lhon budget I .<t\I \'!'Jr. tht• fhe amphitheater, which reopened this year, will feature a 15-day concert series with several big names See FAIR, Pa&e A4 See BANDS, Pa&e AS Costa Mesa gets birthday cake, fireworks Event at Pacific Amphitheatre is more of a party than City Hall ceremony last month. Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lot FAIRGROUNDS -Planning Commissioner Dennis DeMaJo "I love it." DeMaio said. "It's fantastic. It's a beautlfuJ city. It's a great party." The amphitheater opened its doors for the first time in seven years for the event. The official anniversary was June 29, and a ceremony was held June 30 in front of City Hall to inaugurate the city's new flag. As people entered the fair- grounds. they were greeted by a cake measurable in yards with the words "50 CostArnazlng Years" emblazoned in ch ocolate frosting. Findley said he wru. delighted that the debut of the newly reno- vated honored the city's anniver- sary. "I think it's significant that the first event is a commum ty event and is honoring 50 yean. of C.osta Mesa." Bailey-Findley said. The event showcased the city's history in a video. "It's a fun reflection of Costa Mesa's history and excitement for the furure. • said Amy Kuchta. anniversary party coordinator. 19Jfl am.I 1lw I 'l.l3 earthquake. One of tht• people tnterviewed 1eca.lled Newpon Boulevard when it W<I'-a "three -lane suicide h1ghwa)' .. The band Spl.i<.h provided funk and d1'l o lllU'>IC. The eve- nmg rttln1111Jtt·d in a scintillating d1spla} of fireworks. Many re..idents !>aJd that they came to the party to show their pride m their city. Bu sinessman leading effort says a decision about the councilman will be made next week. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NEWPORr Bl-.ACH Rmme,.,man IJovd Ikerd 1~ re· consrdcnng an ·effon to ou\t Counolman Dick :--ichob weighing whelher a recall \\CJUld do the cttv more harm than good After attending ruesday night\ City Council meeting. at which nearly 50 people 5poke in a council lhamber hned \.\ith lV camerJ..-.. Ikerd ....ud that the harm of perpetuaun~ the rnntro· vero;y might o.mveigh the ben efirs of a recall '\\e want to do what., be'>t for the u1mmuru1~ " Ikerd -.aid '"Thi' community''> our main com em I le -.aJd th<H he expet t '> w make a dedc,1011 hv earlv ne"t week. cihcr talkmg "11h '>Uppon er. and \\eighmg the outcomes But hl'i '>lance on the recall Ill no v.a\ rt>Oect<. J ,of1ened ,1ance on \:irhol'> rnmmenLs about 'l.feXJ ccl.n'> On the rnntran. lkerd said he "·•') ··agha'il" c11 <,ome of the more extreme \.1ew.., voilt:'d by ;\/ichul'> ~upporter-. who '>poke at the lllt'l'llng. See NICHOLS. Pa&e A4 ·was grooving to a funky rhythm at the Pacific Amphitheatre on Thursday night. The irrepressible city official was one of more than 800 people who helped Costa Mesa celebrate its 50th anniver- sary. "It's great," Ellen Hsu said. "I was just wondering how they made it so big.· Former Mayor Mary Horn- buckle presided as master of cer- emonies. She introduced the video history, which featured longtime residents reminiscing about events such as the Oood of "We live in Costa Mesa and we're proud ~ our city,· June Mcintyre said. "I thought we'd suppon it and brought the kids to watch th e fireworks show." Those who planned the event DON LEACH I OAILV Pll.OT Kids rush up for a piece of a giant chocolate cake at the Fair President Becky Bailey-see BIRTHDAY, Pase M CostAmazrng celebration at Pacific Amphitheatre. THINKING ALLOWED. It was a real nice conspiracy we had going there makes ruff up. shifts the attention. record. which aeena to contradk:t the, Nichols Ls doing lbe fox trot. fact that It wu IDegedJy takecl out of ·~ how can th.l9 [conspiracy context. And~ lhe&'e Is an evil plot to tbeoryJ tMO be an issuer' Bromberg take Nlc::hols down. said. ·1 just don't blow how to respond Phew. To be boneilc. I am glad the lo the absurd.• charade.is OYer. I was pttfns pmtty Lec-'1 tab lh""1tory of Nichols' died of runninl around toWD in a doM. araena.l, lhall M: memoridna ~~Ind Pint, he ~ the comment by malr:lnl 1ate nWst trtpe to Pim Sbldort 6 ~It Wiii noc~Charpd but a fonrw•bMt ......... (QC. Wll DOC ...... Nduil. Thlll. hie..... dW lilt pM.) . commmt WilllllliaOUlof CGIWlild • ...,.._ _..,.. ... . mtt h WM)Ullone wsMDi la dlll ................. ..... COW'M °'''°""'...... ..... ........ c111111 • ..-.... piopo.ed c.binll!l •O.W ... Mir ...,.... ---.1 w ll1'1 tc to fllr I Stale~ 1\llidliir= ·-. .... .., ..... ,__ ... Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.~am WEATHER It won't be• wwm toci.y, but""' not • blld thlng. ... ,...A2 IPOITI ' ----~~--~------~--------· --------------- \ , A2 Friday, Joly 11, 2003 FILE PHOTCW DAILY P1LOT At the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, housed in this docked river boat, f amities will compete to build smaller boats. Alinost ready to row Twenty families will build rowboats in about 16 hours at the Newport Harbor Nautica l Museum this weekend FYI •WHAT: Boat building event •WHERE: Newport Harbor Nautical· Museum, 151 Coast Highway • WHEN: from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m . Sunday Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot T here will likely be a few family feuds' and plenty of happy memories this weekend at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, where 20 families will each try to build a rowboat in iust 16 hours. This is the first time ever that the museum is hosting this Boat Building Event, said Glenn 7..agoren, the museum's presldeni and chief executive. The event is the brainchild of Wooden Boat Magazine, which pitched the idea to the museum, he said. "We thought It was a great idea," Zagoren said. "We set out to get 20 WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS ~T 11 publilhed periodically. If you ere planning e neutlcal event, submit the lnformedon to the Deily Piiot, 330 w. Bey St., eo.te Mele, CA 92627J by fax to(_, MM1'JO: or by e-meN to dailyplJote~ IMJNGCL.U&I 0-.. Coeeteolefell ........ ... Ct.cit" noncndlt ... dWl9til IUn'MMI'. M09t ~ .. ftwW.-. In length, end bom,... from Udo 1' • dlnghle9 to i.,. ocmn ,_., IW" ~Ouillng .......... ..., b9lng f8UOht. The occ Selllng Center .. .. ,.,, w. Pldtlc Co8lt ttghMy, Newport~. (948) &46-9412 orvtlll occulllng.°"'": ..... ,. ................... boats built, and alJ the spots were sold out in two days." Each family pays $75 to build a 9-foot wooden rowboat that costs about $450, he said. "But more than the money, it's a family team-building opportunity," Zagoren said. "It's an event where everybody participates. They're all in it together." The boat calls for a lot "construction work." he said. "So we'd do most of the heavy cutting," Zagoren said. "We'd like everyone to come in with 10 fingers and leave with 10 fingers." Families wiJI also try to float and race their brand new boats under the supervision of Orange County Harbor Patrol deputies Sunday afternoon. boating ufety end ulllng yeaHound for pet"ION with diNbHitles. Free. (949) fW0.1878. Or-.. County emplortn cen bmg their employees out to Newport Beach on W'Mlcdeys to enjoy e dey of Niling ~of er-. Coat College. The 8mool of lllllng Md Seemerwhtp now olwee dwa forgrwpe to wot1c with ._ ..-...1Ntructor on dfff9Nnt ........... whletheyget~ on how to pertDrm Wiii in butlnw. No ................ ry.e>n.-dey ..... COlthM l100 to $126. (949) ..... ,2. IOATMNTAU W.Mlllnl".JWI I l;artaetthelelboe Fun Zone. you ... enjoy neuticaf == flailtll.ad to Wiid. Telce e •-.... Ul-U911 tour of._ bey In your c:t'°'°9 of power Md ....... craft, Jump the OC9lfl Mitlll In I lee doo j9lboet. put • ADMlSSION: Free for observers _ •INFORMATION: Call (949) 673-7863 or visit www.nhnm.org. TI1ere will be trophies and awards for all families, including one for the best boat, the team "with the best intentions" (if not the best product). Lhe youngest and oldest teams and the team with "the most enthusiasm." ·we don't want anyone to leave disappoinied. • Zagoren said. He said Newpon Beach will have the Wooden Boat Magazine's biggest boat building event in Southern California. Five boats are being built at the San Diego Maritime Museum, he said. MNext year, we may even have 30 or 40," l.agoren said. "The response this year has been overwhelming.· you aport..flehing .tills to th4 test In e fully equipped Bolton whaler, or soar ebove It Ill one PlrMIU flight elong the Newport coaat. Complimentary Ice end bevereges ere included with all electric boat rent.els. ............... CM put you Oft the wetet In m..,y weya: with lfngle Ind dou~ key1b, electric boats, 14-holder .. ubolta, pedal boeta and runeboutl for offlho,. UM or cn.1iaing the bay. Belbo• Boat Rental• ellO holdt two-hour scewnger hunts eboerd the electric bey boats, provtdlno group actlVity for corporations, birthdey1, nonproftt orpnintlone and group outings. The hunt pecbges Include boats, trMe quudona, m1ps, Polaroid cemerM end IUl)plle9. The co.t of e hunt begtne ei $225 per boat end catering la 1V1lleble et en eddltJonel rate. For hunt r ... rwtton1, cell (949) 873-7200. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen Hiller, Don Leadl. Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949164H086 Copyright: No news stories. illustrations, editorial matter or advertlsemenm herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. VOL 97, N0.192 nt0MAS H. JOHNSON Publhlher TOHYDOOERO Editor JUO'f OETTING . A=ls~r Promotio,. Director News Edftorl Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt, Paul S.ltowitt. O.nlel Stevena NEWSITAFf Crime~ ~rter, (9'9) 574-4228 dMpa.bhtl,.th•latlnw.oom June= ... ~ twpe>l'W, (949) 574-4232 JuM.~•IMl,,,...oom ...... Clfttlort Politic., bualneet end environment repc>rttr, (Me) 76M330 l*Jl.cllnton•l«imea.oom ......... Cotumnllt culture report.,, (948)57'-'U?S loll&,,.,,,.,.~ .,..... ......... ~Mele,.,....., !Ml~, <Mltdre.1*"JWt•..,,,._oom ConlWlllM ,.... ... , ... ,., , .. , 17~ otn1...,._,•,.,,,,_oom Record youreommenta about the Dally Pilot or news tipt. Addf'9M Our eddr ... i1 330 W. Bay St., Costa M811, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday • Friday, 8:30 1.m. • Ii p.m. Comlcdof11 It It the Piiot'• polk:y 10 promptly correct 111 errors of aubetanoe. PIHM call (949) ~24. FYI The Newport BNchlCoeU Meu DlilV Pilot (1,JSPS-144«>0) It publWled dally. In NMpon hedl end Colt.I Meu, eubecriptlone ere evallable only by eubecrlblng to The Tlmee Or1nge County (800) 252·91'1. In .,.... o"'91de of Newport 8Nd'I •od Coeta Meu, 1ubec:rlptlorw to the O.lly Piiot are 8Y9llabte ontv by ftrtt d• mail for S30 pet rnonch. (P'T'toM lndude all ~--end IOCll tax•I l'OSTMA5TElt: &end lddr.ee ~w The N.wpon • ~Meet Deffy Piiot. P.O. low 1 MO. Coett Meet, CA t2af. HOW TO REACH US Circulation The Tlmea Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~ a ... lfted (949) 64H678 Dieptey (949) 642-4321 IEdltloNI News (949) 642·5680 Spota (949) 574-4223 News Fu (949) 846-4170 Spol19 Fu (949) SS0-0170 I-melt. d11/ypitot•lat1mn.com Mtltn<>Mce hetneee <>Mee (IM9) 842-4321 ...... ,.. (949) 831-7128 Publlehed bt Tlmee Community Hewe. 1 dlvlllon of the Loi Ang9 ... Tlmea. Cl2003 Tlrnee CN. All rlght1 ,....V9d. f THE HARBOR COLUMN There are many ways to avoid colliSions Ahoy. equivalent systematic observation of detected objects. Wayne writes ln simpler terms, ·1f you have a radar unit aboard, It needs to be operational If the radar is operational. then the radar needs "Nearly 20% of all boating accidents in California occur during the three summer holiday weekends of Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day," according to a repon from California's Department of Boating and Waterways. The top accidents are MIKE , to be.on and scanni~ while the vessel is WHITEHEAD underway !including during daylight vessel collisions that are attributed to Inexperienced or inattentive operators. How true about the operators. Just talce a boat cruise around Newport Harbor on any summer weekend, and you wiJl see vessels barging against the flow of traffic and those under sail Lhink:ing that they always have Lhe right of way. Terms such as COLREGS (i.e .. Rule 9), end-on, crossing, sea room, overtalcing, CPA and maintaining course and speed are unfamiliar to many skippers. Vent1're outside the harbor into the ocean, and you have to wonder if the approaching vessel has someone standing watch. I wiU bet Lhat more than 90% of the time, a boat hits the beach because the skipper left the helm while the boat was on autopilot. Modern electronics have made boating easier and safer, but I do see many toys such as a $12,000 color touch·screen global positioning system, or GPS. installed on a 'boat that goes only between Newport and Avalon. wof all the electronics you can purchase for your boat, there's one that's not a toy!• said Wayne Spivalc of the National Press Corps. NationaJ Marketing and Public Affairs Department, and United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. ·sure, a GPS integrated into a chart ploner makes your life easier. You just need to remember to occasionally (like every hour) plot your position on a paper chart," Spivak said. "The one electronic tool that changes your legal standing (from a liabUity standpoint). when Installed, is radar.· I have mentioned in previous columns that skippers need to use every means available to avoid a collision and, yes, that does mean using your radar, even in Newpon Harbor with its 9.000 boats. All vessels more than 12 meters or 39.4 feet long are required to have on board a copy of the Navigation RuJes, International-Inland, known as Nav Rules or COLREGS. Open your book to Rule 7. tltJed "Risk of Collision." and read Section Q: Proper use shall be made of radar equipment If fitted and operational, including long-range scanning to obtain early warning of risk of collision and radar plotting or hours)." This rule is what changes the radar from a toy to a tool, since there Is no legal requirement to rurn on your GPS. I highly recommend that boaters take the time to learn how to use their radar. You can practice with the radar on targets during daylight before you need to depend on your radar skills at night or in the fog. Also keep in mind that the radar's image is accura te in comparison to your GPS's chart plotter. Olart images are basically scanned-in charts that have known inaccuracie'>, so if in doubt. trust the radar. I depend on radar constantly to enter harbors at night or in the fog while using the GPS for reference of entrance layouts and buoy placements. Boaters can read Wayne complete the radar article onJine at www.freeportjlotilla1306.org /press/radar.html. TIP OF THE WEEK Recreational Boaters of California opposes Assembly Bill 694. Amended AB 694 (Lloyd Levine, Monday) includes, once again, the vessel use tax. CurrentJy, the law exempts a vessel that's out of the state for 90 days, but that will be changed to six months. Meanwhile. if the boat is registered to a California resldent,.the vessel use tax applies automatically. Who is thinking up these laws? Do they remember the devastation to the marine industry from the luxury tax? So let's double the time vessels stay in Mexico. which is good for their economy and bad for our local marine businesses. Take a look around town: How many RVs and cars do you see with registration tags from Arizona? As I have mentioned in many previous columns, to buy a SI -million yacht, you wiJI pay aJmost Sl00,000 in combined taxes the flfst year aJone. Time now to contact your state representative before we tax aJI our yacht sales out of state. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHITEHEAD ia the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and sto~ 1uggestlon1 by e-mall 10 Mllcel§8011thouBt1TV.com or visit . Boathouse TV.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Ctouda will ltkt around until about 12:30or10 this eftemoon, after which highs will near 80 In Costa MeN end the lower 70. In Newport Be.en. Lowl will ltlll only drop toabout63. Seturdey should be slightly wanner. ~: www.nwt.no.a.gov BOATING FORECAST The IOUth...-ty winds wll bk>w 6 to 16 knots In the Inner wtters toctev, Whh 2.foot w....... and f w..t IMtl of &to 7fMt. Out f9rther, the nOfthetty winde wtll blow 15 to 26 llnotl Mlty, but iheV'll lightlln up In the lbmoon when tMy become nontl••llll<riv· At thlt point, theV'1I btow 10 to 15 llnotl, with 1· to Moat WW. ende~twelof8tol ""' SURF Knee-to wal11-hlgh1 continue to be the tops. But there will be • high tide near 7 feet this evening et 1bout8 p.m. But thlngt lhould chenge on Saturday, when the next IOUthwelt swell rolls In. At th1t point, wa'll Me wlilt· to c:helt-hlgha. Sundey'l looklng even b9tter .. the awefl peeb. E>epeet 10me lhou~lgh1. ~will be 9'mltar. --quMlty: WWV/f,-.,rfrldw.Or(J TIDES l""8 9:101.m. 1:31 p.m. 8:01 p.m . 3:281.m. ........ 3.MfMthlgh 2.21 fMllow UlfMthlgtl ·1.31Mtlow WATER TEMPERATURE ..,..,,... .. . . . .. · .. . ·-. •• ·=· . ....... ~ ..... --~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~__. J • Dally Piiot car re Newport's assemblyman is amon g the leaders of Republican efforts to keep truces on car registration low. Pa ul Cli nton Daily Pilot NEWPOJU BPACH -Assem- blyman John Campbell wants you to receive a rebate for the cost of registering your car; he's even willing to provide you the form to claim it. Campbell, on Wednesday, an- nounced he would hand drivers a sanctioned form from the De- partment of Motor Vehicles to re- quest the rebate. Gov. Gray Davis, on June 20, uiggered a clause in a 1998 law that ends a five-year pe- riod during which drivers paid only 0.6% to register their vehi- d es, instead of the 2% Lt bad been before the law went into effect. Beginning in October, drivers who register their vehicles will pay three times what they paid last year. C.ampbell has also joined a tax- payer la\Wllit to overturn Davis' decision ana Is crafting an initia- tive that would do the same. HPeople will start getting their bills in less than a m onth," C.ampbell said Thursday. "We think we're on very solid ground with this case: Campbell added his name to a legal complaint filed by the How- ard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn., which was filed Ju.ty 3. State Sen. Tom McOintock (R· Thousand Oaks) also appointed Campbell to CO· cha1r a committee that would de· velop an initiative for the Novem· ber 2004 ballot Democrats have argued that the blame for the increase lies with Republicans, specifically for· mer Gov. Pete Wllson. It was Wll· son who signed the bill into law, which included a uigger 'clause that raised the tax back to 2% when the state could no longer afford to cover the difference. Campbell posted the new form. an "application for refund." on his Assembly Web site ( www.assembly.ca.goolcampbelf). On the site, Campbell walks driv· ers through the process of filling out the fonn, which he advises be included with payment for regis- terin$ the vehicle. Be sure to '>ave a copy of the completed fonn. Campbell said. Campbell said dnvef') .,houldn't refuse to pay the i.ncreai.ed fee. since that could rel.uh 1n a ucket for expired tagi.. P"dy lht' tax. then apply for the rebate, <..ampbell said. On the '>ite, L.amp~IJ ..ay'> the effort to ove,rturn the tax ""will likely take a year or more." The proce<>> could parcillel fee'> out-of-state drivers pmu out in the early 1990'>. I he $ IOO .. .,rnog impact fee," a> 11 wa" k11ow11, Wd.~ eventually thrown out hv a 1udge. The dnver-. .who paid II wert' .tll eligible for rebate'>. but ft•\\ .tp· plied. Le!>S than I !)'It ol the rev· enue the state collectl:'d lor th<>'>e fees was paid had... c ..impbl'll 'iald. John Laing moves out of Newport Beac h The h omebuilder has left Dove Street for the sprawli ng Iivine Business Complex. Paul Cli nton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Home· builder John Laing Homes ·has left its office here, signing a lease with the Trammell Crow Co. for sp ace in a new building in Irvine. John Laing. a division of wt Homes LLC and one of the top hom ebuilders in Orange County. moved into itS 17,000-square- foot space to the Park Place sec· uon of the Irvine Business Com· BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS plex late last month, said Alene McKenzie, a spokeswoman for owner Trammell Crow. "They have an absolutely beautiful space that overlooks the entry," Mc;Kenzie said. "They've moved in already." The homebuilder signed a lease for the space, on the sec· ond floor o f a six-floor building. about two months ago. McKen- zie said . and moved in on Jun e 27. It's pan of the business com· plex at 3 121 Michelson Drive, formation, call Rabbi Rayna Ga· vurtz at (949) 644-1999. which has 146,700 square feet of ren table space. John Laing was previously at 895 Dove St., near Bristol Street. P'drent WL Home!> still occupies space at the building. Newport Beach leaders said they weren't worried about Wl. Homes' ability to fill the space left by the departure. "(Newport Beachl is a very de- sirable bustness address." said Richard Leuhrs. the president of the Newport Beach Cllamber of Com merce. "It does better than other areas of the county." Cushman & Wakefield of Cab- fomia lnc as d1recung leasing for .. Special meetings set for Temple Bat Yahrn Cancer foundation wi JJ host volunteer session The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation will h old an orientation fo r volunteers from 6 to 8 p .m . Thursd ay at its Orange County headquarters at 3 19 1-A Airport Loop Drive, Costa Mesa. with a pre~enta11on about the foundation and information about b reast health. Sessions on spec ific p rograms and vol- unteer opportuniues will fol· low . The foundation will hold the race on Sunday. ept. 28. in Newport Beach. In us 11 years. the Orange County race has raised more than $9 milljon; about 75% stays 1n th e county for local breast cancer out· reach, education. screening and treatment programs. • Temple Bat Yahm wilJ hold special sessions at 7:30 p.m. to- day and Aug. 15 for those sttug- . gling with pain. illness, broken relationships, grief and other dif. ficult transitions. The special services, titled "Healing of the Soul.· will take place at the tem ple. 1011 Camel· back St, Newport Beach. For tn· Volunteers are needed for Race for the Cure and fund· raising events. Mo re than 2,000 volunteers participate annually. The orientation will o pen Reservations are necessary. For more information, call (7 14) 957-9157. LOUIS VUITTON • GIANNI VERSACE CHANEL • GUCCI • ESCADA • CELIN E SALVATORE FERRAGAMO • C HRISTIAN DIOR YVES SAINT LAURENT • GIORGIO ARMANI ST. JOHN BOUTIQUE • FENDI BURBERRY • ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA DONNA KARAN NEW YORK PARTIAL USTlNG Qu ality 1 SAN DIEGO FWY (•05) AT BFUSTOL ST., COSTA M ESA 800.782.8888 WWW.80UTHOOA8TPLAZ.A.COM Park Place. \\h1d1 1' 1h1• llt\o\l''' office build111g JI tlil' 'P' cm 111114 busine~~ complt·\ 1 he bu1ld111g 1n< l11d1·' 1w.irh to-fool c:.eihng" w11h .,,.,. 1l11011gh gla!>.'> IO allov. natur,d light 111'1dt· The large floor pl,iit·.., .trt· llH>n' than 25.000 .,qu.in· ln·t. It\ equipped with "' 1,1ll1•d "plug and phiy" t'll't Im.ii .111d hlwr rip tic capahihlle'> ,lilt! .i t •·1111 ah1t·d ner.e lenter th,11 pn·11..,t h 11111 trob hglw .. and 1e111pt·r.ittirt· A numbt:'r of 'h''P' .ind t'.llt'r 1e-. dot thf' HJ'} ,u ri l'tir~ l'l,111· l.md'>t apt· I hc"e 111dml1 111111' ion\. Huth lJirt, 0..,1t·,1~ I loll,l' and <.alilnm1d l'v.1o.1 !1:111 lwn FOR THE RECORD A story m lhUNJay., Daily Pil ol 111 rnITT'Ctly re ported the VOil' 17) 1he Nl"' · port Beach C 1ty < ourn ii on sanctionmg t .ouncilr nan Dick Nichol" 1 ·council gives Nichol'> one last chance"!. TI1e council voted 4 to 2 in favor of a n::.olu· tion that o;ays that if Nichols cannot abide b} the oat.h of office that counetl members take. then he should re<.tgn. f rtday, Juty 11. ?003 Al t y:..,.,.m.s A u ,,, Trib .. u To Frank Sinatra £11rry Monb:y 6 T..-My 6-9pM I or His,, 1•,111v1u r ,,// (949) 64<t-7'J44 Steaks • Seafood •.Cocktail$ • .. Qualiry Service' .. ·:·N.i d Entertainment ... 1 ("'Jct Ir' iue l\vc., ( '"'" ~fl-..., IJllUlaf' .. , ...,,..,.. \I.. '\.it \fy. "' ifl • l•r ...... .tf I VJ WhllherYou Buy or Lease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Fa vorite Lexus~ now two locatio n s free drink 427 E. l 7TH STREET COSTA MESA CA 949.646.1440 ~k1\-FRt 7:00-6:00 S.\TLkDA'1 7:00 -5:00 Closed Sunda1 B.\a'\ 1ll~\\ldl \If \,11a~. 1'1\1 '1 ll" ~ \l..i'' pr1·'-llll 111 p11n ,,, • n ~· 1 · purl ll.i'l I m 1• flt .,, .• t U\t11n 1\ Jiu••\ I ':1 •1 ' -21 11 2950 C~ .\ £ LA\f Cmn Ml'.\ .\ 714.424.0176 LE-~.\.i O 00-5 00 L/o)ed 5undci1 & \tondu1 .... A4 frlday, !I'/ 11, 2003 PUBi.IC SAFETY A firefighter holds the thermal imaging equipment that was used to find the cat stuck behind this wall. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Firefighters rescue cat using technology Newpon Beach firefight- ers on Wednesday rescued J cal stuck inside a walJ us· i11g a thermal imager, offi- l ials said. f\ thermal imager is usu- ally used for detecting fires hurning inside walls. but on Wednesday, it helped save a kitten's life. firefighters responded to the caJJ tJ1at cam e in al .ihouc 2 p.m. from an apart· ment complex in tJ1e 1000 hlock of West Coast High- way. said Donna Boston, c;pokeswoman for the New- purt Beach Fire Depart- nH'nt. "Firefighters could hear the meows rnming from the waJI. but could not lu- l ate the cat,· she said. Ros- 1011 said they tried to put holes in the drywall, bu1 c,till could not find the kit- 11•11 POLICE FILES COSIA_MESA • Avenue of the Arts: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3400 bled at 3:26 p.m. Wednesday. • El Camino Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 1000 blodt at 12:13 a.m. Wednesday. • Harbcw ~Grand theft was reported In the 2000 blade at 8'A6 a.m. Wednesday. • Harbor Boulevwd end Vtetorie Street: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 6:13 a.m. Wednesday. · • Newport Boulewrd: Petty theft was reported in the 2100 blodt at 8:19 a.m. Wednesday. • Paltt Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 blodt at 1 :51 a.m. Wednesday. • Pinecreek Drive: A home burglartW&s reported in the 2800 bled at 2:06 p.m. Finally, they scanned the wall with the thermal im- ager and found a "hot spot," she said. "They cut right above tht: hot spot and out popped a kitten." Boston said. "The cat was freed within minutes of the Fire Departments ar· rival and suffered liule in- jury. she.said. Crash created hour delay on freeway The northbound Corona del Mar Freeway's connec- tor to the San Diego Free- way was s luggish for about an hour Thursday after- noon after a driver in a Lexus crashed into a guard rail, California I lighway Patrol officials said. The 1:20 p.m . accident caused two lanes to be blocked. A SigAJert was is- sued for about 20 minutes, officials said. TI1e driver suffered minor injuries and wac; no1 taken to the hospital, said Cosla Mesa Fire officials who re· sponded 10 the incidenr. Wednesday. • West 17th Street end Placentia Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported al 12:12 p.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Baypointe Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 1500 bled at 12:01 p.m. Wednesday. • C;elMo Court Battery was reported in the 100 bk>dc at 11:34 a.m. Wednesday. •West Coast Highwey: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 1200 bled at 3:28 p.m. Wednesday. • L.et.y.a. Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 3000 blodt at 1:13 a.m. Wednesday. • Mc:Fedden Piece: Battery was reported in the 100 blodt at 12:32 a.m. Wednesday. • Newport c....r Drive East Ari assault was reported in the 300 bled at 9:33 p.m. Wednesday. Sot.JS t .. VESTYIE:\'T & ltEALTr KRISTIN M. Sous• Llccnstd Real F.statc Agent • Mttting aU of your &al &tau nttds. ERJC A. Sous CFP • 17 Ytan &J.trimu •Stocks & &nds •Mutual Funds •Annuities • F.rtau & &tirtmmt Planning • Investment &nlti11g • 5mAl1 MititJk M11rltet COmpania ( .ill fo r .1 frn: < 1111,11lt .uio11 .It \Olli lio1111· o r hu,i111.·" '> t <). -2 ' -I J(, - . ...__...., . .........., __ ___ DllA. ... IJ'l'Ud91))47Ce ... _. ____ ,,_ __ ............ ~ ALDEN'S --------------- (, DN -!ilTE ---------- DRAPERY a FMllN& AND MORE I NO TAU DOWN .. llEMDVINli NfC'HMRY I Certlfted Ta aean All Hlintl!r Dougie• Fabric WI~ Caw!rlng• lnclmllng: • l..llllildtt Privacy hi-• Sihuefte• window tWnp . ~ .... ..., . w honfyCOlllb thadfj t Mlle.iaTM Coledion t flWancelll rOIUll lh*s • ~ -,.-. • ~lll SoftFoldnl ndi11p Wwld'a Bat ON4iiB"" nn..-~ Cl••lnl _ .... A .A.1 . M.D•~ rllDENS BIDS Continued from Al issue a new ~est for bids, with Barbaro agafu abstainlrl~. The decision is a blow to Tel Phil President Jeff Tuller, who had adamantly arsued that American Park. 'n SWap should pJay by the initial rules or the bidding process. It is a measured victory for American Park. 'n Swap, whose proposal was ini- tially rejected on a technicality. American Park. 'n Swap's appeal of the rejection prompted Thurs- day'~ decision. American Parle 'n Swap officials had hoped the board would decide to consider its bid along with Tel Phil's. Board presid~nt Ruben Smith said his personal feeling was that the process was tainted by vari- ous allegations and so it was bet· ter to halt it and start over again. #From day one, the goal was to make this a fair and open proc- ess.• Smith said. *There were is- sues alleged by both sides. So I felt if it went forward, it was just wasting time because it would end up in litigation one way or another.· Teller expressed satisfaction with the fair boards decision. • 1 think the board did what it felt was in the best interest or the board, citizens of Costa Mesa and the fairgrounds," Teller said, adding that he didn't \\!Ml to speculate on what Tel Phil's new bid would contain. Jerry Jacobs Jr .. executive vice- president of Delaware Nonh, said the outcome did not sur- prise him. ·eertainly, it's right from the board's perspective and the tax- payers." Jacobs said. "Based on the history lof this process!. the board h as to maintain the integ- rity of rhe process." Sanford said she dissented be- cause she tho ught integrity could best be maintained by working with the two bids al- ready submitted. fhe district originally issued ru1 invitation for bids on the FAIR Continued from Al the history of Orange County music and venues. he said. Jn addition to the rides and special attractions. tJ1ere is the food -mostly dft'p·fried. nus year, they'll be frying a lot of stuff. induding Oreos and l\vinkies. "We~re also having a new crepe stand. the Chocolate 1iJrt.illa Factory, and a new fish taco stand,· Bea7Jey said. Fair officials expa"t a large ALLOWED Continued from Al might not have enough time to fully devote myself to Operation Nix Nichols. But seriously. there i.s no need for a conspiracy to paint Nichols as a bigot -his supporters do chat for him. On Tuesday. speaJcer after speaker went to the podium at City I-fall to "defend" him. And time after time, they spewed revulsion and loathing toward those of Latino descent an·d were truly affronted by having to look at, be around and listen to people of Latino origin. Not once did Nichols stop them, disagree with them or make comments to distance himself from tJ1eir views. Before this week. I was reluctant td really take personal offense at Nichols comment about Mexicans. I grew up in Orange County. I have heard derogatory comments about Mexicans all my life. When I would confront people NICHOLS Continued from A 1 "We don't feel Mr. Nichols re- presents the community and the people speaking at that meeting deQ.nltely don't re- present the community," Ckerd said, referring to reporu that most of Nichols' supporters who spoke at the meeting were not Newport Beach teSldents. "The big concem ts If Nichols It lak- lng this support that he bad from outside lhe community as a mandate ror what he's doing ContnJed from Al Olllly Pildt et m e s ec1s1on 1 can Prut n Swap) didn't do it - ant.I If doesn't make much 5'q£e to go back to square zero,• Cutril! said. ·111e majority or pubtic speakers favored the incumbent. atmosphere of intimidation and misinformation, but in an open process.' John Fembach American Pcw1< 'n Swap President "I live in College Park and hav~ dealt with previous fair bolvc}s and the Tellers on many ooca-- sions, • former Costa Mesa Mayur Linda Dixon said. "Orie time, we butted heads. the ~J.l­ ·ers responded, met with 'the community, made changes ~ have truly won the respect of the commw1ity." ' • · lease for the outdoor, retail manetplace at the fairgrounds in January, said Beclcy Bailey-Fin- dley. fair and exposition center president Thi Phil and American Park 'n Swap submitted their bids by the April 2 deadline. The fair boards scoring committee deemed TeJ Phil's proposal com- plete and American Park 'n Swap's non-responsive because it omitted one document A notia; of the proposed awaro was issued to Tel Ph.ii on April 10. but American Parle 'n Swap ap· pealed that decision to the state Department or General Services. The state issued its recommen- dation in June, suggesting that the board consider American Park 'n Swap's bid because its omission was "immaterial." Tel Phil ftled a temporary re- straining order to keep the bid proposals wider wraps until the fair board made its fmaJ deci· sion. The Orange County Su· perior Court granted the order. Delaware North owns the Bos- ton Bruins National Hockey League team and operates hos- pitality and event venues at large-scale tourist attractions such as the Kennedy Space Cen · ter and Yosemite National Park. During his presentation. Jacobs emphasiud the company's family roots. The company was founded by Jacobs' grandfather and his grandfather's two brothers almo<a 100 years'ago, Jacobs said. "We trade on our name -the Jacobs' famiJy name. That's how we get our business." Jacobs said. TI1e company views itself as a caretaker of "special plac·eo;" around the country such ac; Yo- semite National Park. the <;rand Canyon and Niag<lf3 I-alls. Jarnh'> said. At the board'~ request, Jacobs clarified information on its op · FYI estion of the now defunct Los Alamitos swap meet and a felony co11viction against Delaware North. He said the owners of the Los Alamitos racetrack had tried run- ning a swap meet, which wasn't doing very welJ. so it asked Dela- ware North, which had a conces- sion contract. to try its hand Tue company obUged, but as it was trying to revive the swdp meet, the owhers decided to seU the land, Jacobs said. The felorty conviction oc- curred during his grandfather's tt.>rm and involved the company that preceded Delaware Nonh, Jacobs said. American Park 'n Swap Prcsi- de111 Juhn ..-ernbach urged the board to open its bid and score it, along with Tel Phil's. ·we think the best decision i11 not made in an atmqsphere of intimidation and misinforma- tion, hu1 in an open process,· Fcrnhach "aid . llohert Currie, an attorney \\ith 1~1tham & Wat.k.im.. spoke 011 hl'half of Tel PhiJ. He paid tr ihute to the l'eHers' evolution of tlll' Mnrkct Place. Teller's father, Buh. '>ta m•d the event in 1969. "I have great admiration for American f".ut 'n Swap and I >elaware North," Currie said. "I've hcen to the Grand Canyon -~orgN1us; Yosemi1e -gor· g<'OU'>; Nia~drn falls -go~eous; and Yellowstone -gorgeou'>. I've alc;o been to the Orange County Market Place. God made tht• lir.-.1 four plaC'cs, nor Dela- wart• North. l'hc Tellers rnadl' thl' Ora11g1• Counry Market l'lan·. a11d that\ meaningful. very 11wa11ingful." 11£> urged the hoard to.abide hy the rl'q1111cments in its reque.<,t. "!lie fall that you. ladies and gcntlc•nll'n. 'i<.'I fonh a require· rll('lll Ill llllUlllhlRIJOUS terms uf Although no one spoke ifl"'fa· vor of Ameflcan Park 'n Swap during the pubUc comment SCS· sion. the company subminett.ti slew of letters to the fair boartl supporting its management. "We find that from top to OOL· tom, Delaware North. and o~tr local operators of American Park 'n Swap are more than compt!- tent. very helpful and very Will ing to work with their vendd~ ... wrote Mocha and Glenn fa\Jer. vendors at American's ·PhoMiM Park 'n Swap. "We would highly recommend them to assllriil' management and control or a(l)1 other operation." The next step is for the iair staff to tlrdw up a new invitation for proposal'>. Smith said hr didn't know when !hat wouJd ht• dune since the fair board ju.,t made its decision. In general, reque!.ls for pro· posab involve analysis, advcAii.. ing requirements and giving no lice, Bailey-findley said. 1111-' unginal request ~ had eight amendments. The staff will rocu .. on making the new request moll' corlCI~ dnd consider que flan" '>uch ~:What does the farr really want? and I low does it make it fair iJnd equitable? Harley-Findley said that 'Ii fa)>t tracking the proc·t·~<>. hoard memlwr'> hope to be ablt• to aw<tnl a contra('( by the begin nmg of nl'xt year. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa MPsa and may be readled at 19491 • 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre newman a lat1mes com The Orange County Fair kicks off al 10.a.m today. Genera admission is $7, seniors (55 and older) pay $6 and admission for children 6 to 12 is $3. Admission for children ur1der 5 is free. MC'.d. dnd that\ aJway~ one u( the ~µc.unts.u( t be fair " St>curi1y b al'>o beefed up th1<> yt·ar. wirh officl'n. d1cding ht~l'r bag,, induding backpack..;. diaJX•r hag-. and briefcase ... Today, active military, fire and police personnel can get in free with a guest between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Also. the first 111 adults to come to the fair will receive a free ticket in honor of the 11 lth annual Orange County Fair. The fair lasts through Aug. 3. "But we don't believe that's go mg tu ca tt..e any ma1or dl"lay<.. • BecvJL")' ..aid. "ln thi.<; day and - ~e. Wt' tJunk people are ready for 11." The fair iS'closed on Mondays. Information: (714) 708·3247 o r visit the Web site at www.ocfa1r.com. crowd ~weekend. he said. "We have the concerts. the motorcycle jumping and demolition derby ~ weekend." he said "The entertainment is really sll"Ong. So we do expect big about their derogatory comments, they would usually say something like. ·vou know I'm not talking about people like you,· or •rm not racist My best friend is Mexican.• Or my personal favorite, from one of my closest friends who is Mexican herself, "I'm not like them." lgnorant7 Yes. Stupid? Yes. lnsensltive? Yes. Evil bigots? No. But even the people I grew up with would have been shocked by the venom being spewed at the council meeting. l have heard some pretty ignorant things from both sides of the argument that ignore all common sense and play upon emotions. exaggeralions and rhetoric. It's not Nichols' fault he said all &ose thingr; about Mexicans. It is not hie; fault people find his comments to be completely out or line. It's all a set up. A plot to take him down. How dare the Pilot accurately quote him, and how dare people take offense to his comment. Nichols smell'> a rat. I would argue the stench is and he conliinues to do so, that this is just going to get worse and worse and worse. We're hoping that Mr. Nichols wiU back down and not take it as a mandate." Ikerd had announced last month that he planned to begin a citizen recall of Nichols in re- sponse to several comments Nichols has made about Mexi- cans. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach end John Wayne Airport. She mey be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail et june.caHgranth latimes.com. ' Mayor Gary Monahan said he had run reconnecting with the put and old acquaJntan~ "I saw• lot o( people I haven't attn In a Ion~ Ume, • Monahan 88.id. ·A loc of Co ta Mesa's his· Cory la Mre tonight.• • DlllR ~covers Costll Meu ~ mey be rMChed 11 (949) ~ orbye-malf M ~•ldnw.com. crowds.· 'f11c weather also seems to favor 1he Fair. Beazley said. "The forecast is it's going to be in the mjd-70s." he said. Ille weather is always great in Costa comtng from his own camp. So. now that Nichols ha" helpe<l us all uncover yet another "truth." why not at least entertain my conspiracy theory. I fere's a shocker. Some people say and do thingi. that are not representative of their entire religion, race. nationallty, school, profes.<>ion, etc. Ba.c;ketbaJJ players don't aD wear wedding dresses and own a boat named "Sexual Chocolate.· Not awry police officer uses t'XN'"-<>ive force. Not all rich 1)('ople a rc heartJeo;s, superficial yuppi1.-... Not all journalists pa,.,_., fiction ofT ru. fact. Not all USC sorority wrls pose for tJ1e coed edition of Playboy. Not all African Arnrrica11<; can dance well. Not all hlcmd<> are dumb. Not alJ priesLc; are child molesteri • DEEM BHARATH covers pubhe • safety and courts. She may be reached 8t (949) 574-4226 or by e-mellat deepa.bharath •@iatimes.com . Yes. some Latinos refuse to learn English and resist ac;simJlalion. And. yes. some " • fair-skinned people are ra.cist. ~ • Neither one. nor the other, can · epitomize either group. There has got to be some middle ground. Both sides-need 10 dcP,p the rhetoric and get to the root of the problem. Stop shouting and Slart listening. I know none of this is as say:·· as an alleged clandestine , conspiracy but it seems to makt- sense to me. Call me crazy. nlJ .. IS Brown Fox. signing Qff .• • LOLITA HARPER writes column. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fnday.s an<J covers culture and the arts She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 6f bye mail at lol1ta harpenu la times.com Roland Frank Vallely Valefy, Roland Frank, 94, a resident of Balboa Island, died July 8, 2003, •0t• natural causes. Rolancf was born March 12, 1909, In lo9 Angeles, Ca. He attended Newport Beach and t;ol~ Angeles schools. Roland manied h6e! wife, Vivian, In 1942 and was Ott• owner/operator of v.iiety Boat RenO( for over 50 yeara. He was an CHtgN member of the .Irvine Coast CoU~ C1ub (Newport Buch Country Club~ 65 year member of the Etka '\.~~ Newport Beech, the Newport Harbor Chamber of CornmerC4o the 652 CM> of Hoag Hospital and Amlgo9 Viefos. •• Roland It turvlved by hia loving family: wife, V • • daughter, Joan Cerr· (Ken) of Corona d.. Mar.. eon, J (Kariln) of NeWport Bwh, ~. Ertc Vlllely (SuzmwMt), Qosta .Mela;,...,,..... HoWard Halt (Kath'"'1) of ~ Ff'W1k Hiii (SlwOn), ot Norco. ~ Prlvm ... v1cee w11 be held wl1h ~ t>y p View Memottel Partc. In Heu of nower1, donattona may made In AolMd._ to Pediatric Cancer • F~2 Jerol~. '107A, lfvlne, CA. 92918. to a ctw org1Mlilzalloli of your choice. ! .... Pitch • In! J ' FRIDAY, JULY 11 lOA.M. • ~uth Coast Weaver1 & Spinners (unrll l1 p.m.I -Home & Hobbies 8ullding •Sewing Guild funtil 11 p m ) - Home & Hobbi&1 Building 11A.M. •·Tustin Dance Center -Heritage Stage • California Sun Baton Team -Sun St.ge • Song el)d Storytelling with Amy Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Juggler Dan W ifes -K1d1 Stage •Circus Fun Review Auditions (11:30 a.rll.) -Kids Stage NOON • UNEEIC -Quartet Song & Dance - Heritage Stage • Sun1hlne Generation of Huntington Beach -Sun Stage • Polymer Clay Oemon11ra11on with llina Williama -Home and Hobbies ~ge •Juggler Dan Wiles -Cebrat1on Stage -Youth Building • Circu1 Fun Review Show -Krds Stage • Oxen Team Presentation - L1v111todt Arena • Maureen W Puppet ( 12 30 p m. unttl 5:30 pm.) -Around lhe ground a 1 P.M. •The Colony of Performing Arts - Heritage Stage • Jadtie Sorenson Aerobic Dance - Sun Stage • Leather Carving with Jerry Bayless :.. Home and Hobbies Siege • Art and Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p m ) - V11ual Artl Building Stage • Glaublowing Demonstration - Crafter& Village • Cal1fom1a Sun Baton Team - Celetira1ron Stage -Youth Burldmg • Rodcm" Roundup Contest -Kids Stage • All·Alaakan Racing Pigs -Livestock • Traveling Game Show luntrl 6:30 p m I -Around the grounds • M1lk1ng Demonstration 11 30 p m I -Millennium Barn • Ceram1c5 Demonstration I 1.30 p m I -Craf1ers Village 2P.M. • RusHll Brothers Circus - Green Gate Area t • Seal Beach Dance Stars -Hefltage Stage • Pac1f1c Performing Ans -Sun Stage •Cooking w11h Chef Jan Mongell - Home and Hobbies Stage • "How 10 be a Bener Badlyard Gardener· with Wade Robens - Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building ~1c.ans J(e;/lll..&.K.aren ""<µl.Unll~­ -Celebration Stage -Youth Burfdtng •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percuasron -Little Theater 3P.M. • The Colony of Perlormmg Arts - Heritage Stage • Sh1to Ryu Karate Do Genl>u Kar - Sun Stage • Song and Storytelling wnh Arny Jo -Celebr111on Stage -Youth Building •Juggler Dan Wiles -Kida Stage •All-Alaskan Racing P1g1 -Lrvestodt • Milking DemonS1r1t1on (3·30 p rn l -Miiiennium Barn •Embroiderers Guild !3 30 p rn I - Home and Hobbies Stage 4P.M. • Glau Blowmg Oemonatratton - Crafter& Village • Auuell Brothers Circus -Green G11e Area •Fly By Night-Swing Dance - Heritage Stage • Pacific Performing At1t -Sun Stage •Storyteller -Yovth Bu1ld111g • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebratton Stage -Youth Bu1ld1ng • Recycled Percussion -little Theater • Oeaaerta whh Jeff Peo (4:30 p.m.) - Home and Hobbies Stage • C..r1mlc1 Demonstration 14:30 p.m.) -Crafter• Village •Port City Washboard Wizards (4:40 p m until 9:30 p m.) -Around the ground• SP.M. • Cerritos Collage Community Band -Heritage Stage • Gema of Polynesia -Sun Stage • Shho Ryu Karate Do Genbu Kai - Celebration Stege -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Audhion1 -Kida Stage • Al~AIHkan Racing Pig• -Llvestodt • Miiking Demon1tr11t1on (5:30 p.m .) -M iiiennium Bern • Clrcua Fun Review Show 15:50 p.m.) -Kida Stage SP.M. • Indian Beadl with Adel Gonzalez - •Home and Hobblea Staoe • Storytelt.f -Youth Building • ~ Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Bulldlng • Qlcen Tum Presentltlon - Ullfttodt Arena •Recycled Percussion -little Theater • Red, Ripe & Karaokin' Contest 16:30 pm.I -Heritage Stag11 •Tomato Walk Contest (6 30 p.m .J - K1d5 Stage 7P.M. •Russell Brothers Circus -Green Gate Area •Hypnotist Mark Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters V1Hage • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All Alaskan Racing Pigs -L1vestocll • All American Boys Chorus (7 30 p m I -Heritage Srage •The Magic of Franl. Thurston 17 30 pm l -Kids Srage •Ceramics Demonstra11on 17 30 pm I Cralters Village • M1lk111g Demonstration (7.30 p m.t M1llenn1um Barn 8P.M. •Summer Concen Series Diana Krall Gates open at 6 30 pm I -Pac1f1c Amphitheatre •28th annual Speedway Fair Derby Citizens Bus1nuss Bank Arena •Groove Therapy Sun Stage • People Pretzel Comest -Kids Stage • Recvcled Percussion -l inle Theater • Pete Jacobs Ouc.1ne1 18 30 p m 1 Harnage Stage 9P.M. •Russell Bros Circus Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzurll -Sun Stage •Oxen Team Presentation - lrvestodl Arena •All American Boys Chorus 19 30 p m ) -Heritage Stage • Ceramics Demonstration 19 30 p m I -Craf1ers Village lO P.M. •Groove Therapy Sun Stage •Pete Jacobs Oua11111 l 10 30 p m 1 - Hentage Stag" fair spent $715,000 to acquire lalem and about $300.000 for production, compared 10 this year's budget of $5 million and $800,000, respectively. Tonight's opening act, Diana Krall, alone cost $450,000. Although the fair is a state entity. it i<> run independently of the state general f'und, '>Utd \te\e Beazley. the fair\ depury general manager. When the falr make .. money, it keep'> it, and when it loses money -which h~ no1 happened recemly -tht'y eat 11. Bea7Jey said offi ctab are optimistic the mcrea'>ed bud~et will balance lt!>elf. "The event thi5 year -with all that's new and the buzz tha1 surrow1d' 11 -"' pos1uoned to do very \o\t::lt:' HecvJey '>aid The fair has a '"brt'ak-t'vt•n .. plan that balance., 1he amount paid to book the talent and produc11on CO'>l'> again'>! 111:ke1 prices. Rea1ley '>a1d fair offi nah were trying to ~eep 11cket pnte'> as low as po-.-.1hle, \\h i le trying 10 make '>lift• thl' concert'> didn't Josi:' money The average cos<. dt'pc r1d111g on location, for a '>how tht'> year '" bet\o\een S:W and S90 -rnmparl:'d lO S 1<1 last year I ht'> yt'ar. c:o nct'rl 11cke1s include fair admi-.-.ion, when rn yL'M'> f)iJ'>l 1ha1 wa'> not the C3'>t'. The plan rt~4u1~e .. 21 c,how'>. playing evel) night of the \\l'ek but M onda\'>, to -.1:'11 at lea'>t 8:l<lf of 11ckeL'> to break even. he '<!Id LAST-MINUTE HOPES Beatley '>J1cl the .. irate){\ depend .. l..iq.:eh un .. wal~ up sale!>. Acrnrd mg 10 pre'>dl e tutal'> a~ of Wt'dn£•\d.1v, 1he \hrJ"'' are on a "brcak·l.'Vl'll pace.'' 111:' \aid Bea7Jey could offer no rnrtcrew number.. or 111.~urc .. to '>upport that as~rt11>n hut \<lid '>ale" ..ire "nght where Wl" thought tht•v wouJd be." ··~omc of our 'how'> -,ull haw almoM a m onth 111 'l'll. '>II wt.• BUDGET FOR THE PACIFIC ·AMPHITHEATRE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES AT THE FAIR ARTIST DATE AMOUNT PERFORMING PAID Diana Krall Friday $460,000 Juan Gabriel Saturday $340,000 Melissa Etheridge and Joan Osborne Sunday $220.000 Crosby Stills and Nash Tuesday $212.500 Duran Duran Wednesday :S4oo our; "Standing in the Shadows of Motown# Thursday $82,000 311 and Something Corporate July 18 $1~0.000 Marco Antonio Sohs ' July 19 $185,000 Mu::nael W Sm11h and Amy Grant July 20 S230000 Oevo and Cake July 22 $200.000 Steely Dan July 23 $400 000 The Oooble Bros. and Buddy Guy July 24 $11 5,000 The Doors o f the 21st Century July 25 s iao.cur• Alanis Morissette and Jason Mraz July 26 $190.000 Bob Dylan July 27 $3/5 ':iOO Alan Jad<son and Joe Nichols July 29 $250.000 Kenny Logms and M ichael McDonald July 30 $13':, 000 3 Doors Down and Our Lady Peace July 31 $166.000 Jetttro Tull Aug 1 S700 uv Roxy Music. David Lindley and El Aayo·X Aug. 2 $350.000 Boston Aug 3 S1 /t; O' Total budget for Pacific Amphitheater· $4.966.00 Total budget for production $800,000 Total entertainment budget. $5 8 million can't reJlly 1udge thc11 pn·.,Jh· level'> right n1Jw.' Ht•JJ.ll•\' 'Jld ..We are tracking f1>r 1h.11 break-even point. lht-re<1'>IJ11 I ·ca n't am w er defirnt1wh I'> betaU'>C there t'> no lormul;1 .11 certrunly 1'> no l '>Cll'nt c If a show ha5 sold ~0% of 1i- <.ea1~ 111 µre-.ale ud.ei... 11 '' 1U mo'>t hkt'I] break tHm ht -.ud Krall h.sc; -.old so·.1. Jncl I >ur<m l>urdn I'> -.old out I he l11~C'>I v<irmhle 1'-~ hecher fair Klll't '> wtll '>hl'll out SJO to SYO Jl the door. .. \\l' havl:' to wonder ti e\'eryont \~ho wa' intt'rl''tt'd in -.eemg <1 tl:'rtam band bought therr ticket' before hJnd, or rf LhL·rc arc mort' "Pllf of che monwnt £.Jn, 11u1 1hert-. Hea1Jt•\ -,i.11d \pontanl.'OU.., alu 111ri.1i111 ... l jfl l'>-J>l'l I mori· 1h.rn ,111 1mpr<>mplll umc:en al the n•·" h r1·nm dh·d Pctulk Amph11ht·.1trl· I he., '" at thl' fi.500·'>1:',tl \\'l)Ul' dft' "full -blO\\O' l.IHH 1·ri.... lk '>dlU tht' '>ame .,hm,·., 1wrlrirmed on lOllr f'lll' milJllr J1Jft-rt'lll.t' I' thcJI lhl· -.IH>\\'> arL rmlfl runplP\ B1•t11ll'\ '>did I tw ..,hi>\"> rt'quin· nHHl· mon(•\ mori· protlut11rn1 ,111d llHJrt' nl'~lllhlll<ill lo gl'l th1• big 11.UTH:., a t J llHll11\ lair PLAYING OFF THE AMPHITHEATER ~1me peopll· hJ\t' tTt11t11l·d thl' fJlf for gl'll111J.; Ill fl\ Pt th 11l'all 111 tlw L·n11•n unnwnt trHJll'>[f'i and f)J\ 111).! .. '-1\ t11•1 fr.day July 11 2003 A5 with all that's new and the buzz that surrounds it -is positioned to do very well.' Steve Beazley the lair's deputy general manager much for heacllinmg bands Bea.dey '>aid officrcth did a lot of n:'>earch to know ho"' m uc h to JM} .\ tail'lll b ur t·r w~ hlrtd w fl•\f'drch tht' gmng rates of \<lrtOU'> <.trlll>I' I he buyer <1nalyzed p d'>I perfonnante., m 1lw mdfket and grO'>l> ~ei. at 111htr \ l'l1Ut''>, he '>aid. Bea1Jl') ddmHs bdnd '> h<t\e to be wooed I•> pla} at lair'> -which U!>uaJly dt:lllJll:' d \lclj.(I:' tn th!:' middlt· of -tt-11 MenJ nght J her a rodeo - hut '>dJd the , .. dl 1fit \rnpluthl'Jlrl· ''d" ct hugt -.elhng JHllfll. \\ 11Jt rt·Jlly helpc; 1~ that rno~t r,I the..,t· lictncl' plavcd tht' Pat 1fk \mphttht•Jtrt· or remt'mber tt • \\hen II \\ i.I' OJWn Ht'd/Jt'\ ~1d Hl:'-.1dPnt' ol 1 ollege J>.i.rk <ind \k-,i1 dcl \1.ir rt'lllt'Olbt-r the .1111ph1thPJll'r ,11.,., and 'Al:'fl:' \l\Jr} o! 11 ... rt'\ I\ al I ollPgt· l'i1rl: rt· ... 1dent l1<1tr1• I; ( J.ir~ ll•d f!ll' 11ppll'ol( I Jl1 lr1 thP 1 •HHert lru .sit--..1\ll'IJ.! n•1 m.l!lt'r h11\\ tht•\ I• t •lflltj.(\lrt' till .i111pht1hto1l1·r tlw 111H.,I:' \\Ill -,1111 hl· unbe.irullil- h \\illfJ fllhld~t' J IJ \ t'df°' Jj.(0, ell 1d ll '> ,, llll'I dir.l' lllJ\\ C ]df~ ,,ud kt.vJe\ -.111.J rt''>ldt'nt'> v.111 mo'>t lt~el\' be .. urpn'>t·tl 11\ hm, ltnlt- 11<11 ... e t">lJJ1l"' tht· ne\1 't'nut· \\ 11.h ne\\ ,, ,nr d tt'thnol01-,n. dt'..igiw<.! 111 .um 111 l'>t' JI Uit• ,111d1t·nu· 1n,11•,1ll 1! relea .. mg 11 111111 the ne1gl1horh<11x.l nt'1gl1h11r-. ~li•ttJlcl h• .1hlt• II• )!l:'I a good 111gh1 ' ... lt·t·p • LOLITA HAA~R wr les '0 "mns I,~ Jncd ,., !.-1rP~ cavs i1"1CI f'rida ~~ dnd r;c,,pr~ u tu•e ano thl' dr1S Sr, .. ma, t;,. r .. dched at .949 c 74 J275 or 11., 1• moil at Id '1d'0"' dl•'Tl"S .:om • ... 1 I M Fnday, July 11. 2003 Daily Pilot HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reeden Hotline: Call (949) 642-0086 Fax: Se~d to (9491 640:4170 E-ma~nd to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all subm1ss1ons for clarity and length LEITER TO THE EDITOR A display <?f bias in Newport Beach MAILBAG An invitation tp add improver label to Bell Curve In regards to ·Tue Bell Curve." I was an "improver" long before the name was coined. You know, the guys you love to hate. This time, however, I might give you a new slant on the type of people we are. that the bed during naptime'is fair game. purdrn'it, 11 from him -.hould tht• dty 11le good thing is he am no longer hear, not procf'1•d. and our annual block pany on the Fourth 'lo my rrhl'l, 1.lnda I >1xon, a C :osta of July no longer scares him or makes him Ml''>a plan11111g 1·orn111i,-,iorwr at th1.· howl. which now endears rne to my time, ft•lt the ... arne way I did. She neighbors. a'>~Url'd mt• the city would take it. and We aJJ read terrible L11u1w; in I.lie papt.•r. they dtll. I wa' thrilled tht• hou\c wa<, to and sornetim~ you L11row it down in bl' -.avcd and would lw '>t'C-ll by tht· dis~l. Rut read Jo5t'ph N Hell and your puhlil' Hllt.•r till' uty n•..,11>rl'd it. rtit•y A s a parenr, my instinct is to shield my son from hate. I watched Tue day night's Newport Beach City Council meeting in horror a' speaker after speaker advocated for Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols' right to free speech. Most of the speakers in defense of Nichols were not fTom Newport Beach. I felt a sense of urgency to go to the meeting to see for myself what was really taking place: my 16-year-old son came along in support. When I entered the building, I immediately felt the hatred. I thought I had gone back in time 40 years ago when people openly discussed their bias. prejudice and hatred toward others. It was truly us agaimt them. There was no .. politicalJy correct," with people pretend.in~ they were tolerant toward other'>. In chis case. the topic was Nichols derogatory comment" about ~Mexicans." People that espoused comments condemning Mexicans as illegals were cheered. The worsi part wa'> c;tanding in line waiting to have a voice and hearing the whispers of hatred in the crowd. My son that ha~ never witnessed thb type of prejudice and discrimination was sickened. We both felt despair and hopelessne<;s. What could we possibly do or say to combat such ingrained ,, intolerance? I spoke that night in a direct dialogue with Nichols. However. in later reflection. I reali7.e Nichols has no due how inOammatory his comments are to this community. My unders tanding that Nichols was a lm.t soul came to me Tuesday night standing in line. It occurred to me, how did all these people from Laguna Niguel, Anaheim, Huntington Reach and Santa Ana know to come to this meeting saying they were there tu support Nichols their friend? I figured they were invited by Nichol~ him.,elf. If I had to measure Nichols character by the c.:hoice he had in friend~. I am sorry tu say he would be considered a failure. I still wonder today. councilman. why you did not renounce these people that ~poke on your behalf? They did not anyway help your case in proc;laiming you are not a bigot. They mostly asserted your right to free speech no matter how bia!\ed yo ur comment!\ were. ·1nis make'> me recall another c.:~e in hi'>tory about another Dick/Richard. I am referring to Hichard Nixon. As he proclaimed during the Watergate "I am not a' crook,·· I can't help but think of you as. ... erting "I am not a bigot". !Oday. I don't have too many answer;; to say to my son about the hatred he witnessed. I did feel a little hopeful when I watched hie, two clas<;maw•., Andrea and Florencia from the 1oleraJH:c Among People Oub at Corona del Mar I ligh School, s peak at the council meeting about tolernnce and respect. Perhaps the war on hatred can be won in their generation. CYNDIE BORCOMAN Newport Beach When I get the Thursday Daily Pilot, I usually look for "The BelJ Cw:ve .. immediately. Now here is something that cook!.. Who wiU I laugh at this time? Whoops, guess who has been caught m Joseph N. BelJs snare this time? You got it. Me. ·An old dog can teach an old dog new tricks" is as slick a piece of work as I have ever seen (July 31. The trouble being is that it tlid happen to him and to me at the same time. A felc.V differences are that I paid more dearly than he. Of course, at the time, I didn't know how big l.he bill would be. but knew I was goi.ng to get the shaft. It WJ.S after hours, of all things. ·111at mean' l.'verything. and I do mean everything. 1~ paid for doubly. You can't teU dogs and children not lO get sick at nigtit. Lf you can decipher the bill, and it took us a while. you wiU fihd that "hazardous waste" can Mand for a number of thin~. up to and including you dog's bathroom habits. Of cou~. since there are no bathrooms provided in the '>ick room. they huve got you there. Never forgetting your heart's love for h1'> 16-year-old dog and my 16-year·old dog\ big brown eyes th.al can talk when needed to get an extra bite of dinner. a treat already given and one that plead'i for a nap on the bed with you on a sunny afternoon At night. he has his own bed. but fihrun·' day is made. the cont.'e i~ sweeter. and the hough t 11. uf l our,e, hut nevl:'r 11,ed ti gas bill for the car today Lo. lower. About'"" yl'ar., ago, till' liry .1-.kl•c.l So I propose that we ask Jo'K·ph to ror b1ch from 111d1v1d11al' lo tah· the become one ofu., An lmprove~ You I h1<.c mft 11011,c· I wa' one of only 1wo improve my day with your wonderful partil''> 111 rt''poml Ii.idly daniaKcd a ... 1t humor and 'itorie<..11 ewn helpc"'tl when w"'· I \lill lt·lt 11 ... 1i1111ld lw ..,,wed. I the vet bill can'le due. Lomt• giw us a laugh oflt'red to purdw ... t· .i lot on llw and help u'i loeC ouri>elVl"> m. other.. '>t.'e u-. 1:<1 ... t-.1dL· II h.1d Im Jtt•d .1 kw for '>.tit•) and maybe we wilJ fi.nd that Lill'> gr..ind and 11111vt' tlw 111111\l' Lht•rt· .it 111y man ha.<, taughl u ... a l~-.on we hadly need. expt•mt· ·1 hL· 1 II} dl'n dl'd to pur,m· th1· JANICE DAVlDSON 01lwr oller \\lth1111t '11 111111 h .1-. .1 phom· Wt...,hilk r ,111to1111· It 111rn1·d 1111t lht• <1tlwr p<trty Thankful for un end to Huscroft House story h.111 no 1111111., to n>111plt•t1• I 111'11 11lll'f 1\1wthe1 \t'.11 "''"' hv .• 1111l 1he 11ty ag;1111 d1•111Jtod Ill llrtd 'llllll'Olll' Ill t,1k1• th1· lurtlu•r dl'l1·r111ra11•tl htlll\l., ( >m 1• I read till' lalt·~t Daily Pilot arti< ll' rcw1rdi11g th<.• I IU'>UIJft 1 IOll!.l' with great rdid. cxct·1H fur the i11arcura1t· part Jbout "prcviou-. offl·r-. to 111m•t• lltl· hou'>e falling through .. ( .. I lu-.nol t llou-.e gel'> it~ own 1111." ·1 uC'~dtty). I l't me explain. • agai11, I \\,1, 0111· 111 only two fl''(Wt11h·r1h I n·1wat1•d tny 11lfl'r to 11111\'(' lhl' h 1111\l' .11 Ill\' ('XJ>t'll'-l'. I l'Xpl.1it1l'd fh,1t lt,11f lhl' C .tty Ltllllll ii follm,t·d 11p 1111111y1·.irlu·1 11!11.·r, llll' h11u,t· "11uhl 11e1 lnttgl'r hy ,, < 11y prohli•rn ( ln1 c· ,1g.ti11. I rt't 1•iv1•d 11111 '" 111111 h ,,, .1ph11111·1-.ill frum a11y11111· .11 11-11• t JI}. \11 111111 Ii tor tlw otlwr "oll1·r' f.ilh11~: 1hr 1111gli .. ·" tlw .irt1111• ... t.111 •tl My involvement with the I lt,...rroft 1 louc;e goe ... hack '>l'VNJI }'C'.tr'>. I hc hou'>t' wa<; 't1ll lou11t•d 1111 "i.111t.1 An.1 AvC'ttlll', and Mr. I lu.,1·roft ,,,1, in tlw proce..,.., of moving 0111 While wallrng 1hrough the houw with him. I,,,,.., ... truck by 1hc 1nrred1hl~ onKin,11 co11dit1011 tht• 11.)17 houw wa' 1n 111· explamed that 11 would '>lmn he torn down 111111•<,<, tlw c11y of("''·' \fr,,1 purcha,ed 11. I fdt 1lu.• liot1'><' "'" ,1 hi ... wnr,11 trca'>urc .ind 'hould 11111 lw de-.troyl'd I rt'luu.1111ly oflt•rl'd Ill I lll\\('\l'I lfll , 111111' tl11•rt• \l'l'lll' 111111' J h;1pp\ 1•11d111g t11 tlw I h1'1 roll 1 lou .. <· ''"n II '' 111 Ill''•''' d .• 111d 1h.1t ".tll 1 ('\ ('f \\ill I I I'll I h.111~ \111 1 l11h11 \lowh.irt. lor ~h.11 \\111111 .1t11•1111·11il111"1•1f11rt Oil \lllH p.11 t .1111l 1h.11t~ \tilt Ill tlw ( ti\ ( flllllt 11 l11r 111.1 ~1111: II p11"1hl1• MICHAEL STEINER HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Garv Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike S<:neafer and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. CA 92663, (9491 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Gary PrOC1or. Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb GOVERNOR Grav Davis (DJ, State Capitol ::.<11.r 11111·1110. CA 95814, 1916) 445 2841 PRESIDENT George W Bush (R), Wh1tfl HousC' 1600 Pennsylvania Ave .. Washington D C 20500 Hotline (202> 456 1111 Don't miss our BIG Summer CENTER WIDE SALES! Musical Entertainment Kid's Craft Activity Face Painti~g Bonk of Ameri<o ............... .7 60·4612 Dr. Bold, Oplometrisl ............. 644·016S Crown Ace Hordwore . . .......... 644-8570 Newpor1 Hills Animal Hospitol ...... .759-1911 NIJrPOrt Hills Oeoners ............ 720· 1024 Newport Hills OrUfS .............. 640·7373 Podfk Wfley Cofe & lolii119 Co. . .... 644--0303 Pavilions .................... .759-3110 S<ene Golltty . . . . . . ......... 720·3939 Sldliby ltorlllng (tftler ...•....... 720-1613 lMi TCHKh lts1ow1111 ..•....•.... 640-0123 Gr._., 76 .................. '44·1151 wt..f's Cooklflg? Intro ............ 644·1120 Alt phone nvmlltJs ore in 949 °'" co4e. NEWPORT HILLS S HOPPING CENTER Son Miguel Drive & Ford Rood A 1tt1 wasWlf'f ·=-,......·-' THE FAIR .AT THE SQlJARE SHOP. DINE. ENJOY. TRlANGLE SQVARE . lfl'O HA:.JOll. IOUUVAIU) • COSl'A Mt$A. CAll~lA 92'21 , • ot • I • . - I • I • I • . . 1•. r..-1 • 72 HOURS •FRIDAY Jau to start. The Orange County Fair's summer concert series al 1tie Pacific Amphitheatre will begin with jau pianist Diana Krall For concert information, calf (7 14) 708 1870 or v1s11 www ocfiJ,, com To order ltdtets, call (714) 740 2000 SATURDAY New tdlool elm.a. Cirque Elo11e. pan bf the new generation of circus performers offering innovation 1mag1na11on and show-stopping panadle, will perform through July 20 at the Barclay Theatre at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine T1dlets coS1 S35 S15 for ctuldren For \ldlets and mtorma1ton. call 1949 854-4646 SUNDAY Comic shorts Newpc.n Th11<1tre Arts Cent,., is off&11ng short comic. plays from l&<tdiny com,.d11 pldywroghts The 1dit performance w1tl be at 2 p rn Svnddt T1ctuts are S 13 Performanc.es art. at th,. Nf·..,port TheJtre Ans CPnter al 2S01 Chff ' Drive in Newp0r1 Bear..to F JI 1nlom1a11or or ri:servatoons call ~51 735 7706 , r • "A7 THEATER 'A icla ' ble11ds clc1ssic tc1le c111cl inspiri11g 111llSlC By Timothy Tit us W • 1!11' •,1/1• "" Hllf>••''l\t I\ ,11 •I l' lr11rtt 1lw p a'I JI ir11f,1• h Ir 1111111lwr 111lrur.' c1nd r11lwr 1·1.1' I lu11k111g "' tltt 111 .1 .,1111pl\ wl11 ... \\llh 1,ur m1111J' 'o 11 1 ~t d 111 1lw pw.,1·111. \\t' 1.11l 11J 1r1 ... !ll111111 hi...lor\ 1h1· ti .t1Jlllll ~wr.,1111,1J .,111n•'' tht' 111\ t• 1111 l•'olf .111tl tilt' \11111·111 ,. JttJdH·d "' lt11· .... r. r1•,t1 !l'•l'' f I .. l .. '1 \\ho hH·d t" !or• ,. l't·rli.1p ...... unpl. tl 1p111w II • •P• rJ .\1d.1 1n111 ,1 m Ill• .. , H• • I '"' ITill'>I .ii \\,l' l 'I I h.:I ' I 'll t ~ 1 •I\' \1 f , po1111 hut 1 ltor Jotlla'> .mu I 11 1•1 1 • \1tl" '"lll h 1p1•r •• l \\•·lir ,.,.1" 111gh1 .11 rlw c lr,111).!1 l 111 , 1'1 'l r111111).! Brothers Chuck, left. and Tom Lane move equipment across the stage at the Pactf1c Amphitheatre on Thursday \ri... ( 1:1111·1 ,.., 11111 ri tit.a ht .11101)u•r Jdapt.ilum .111111ng th1 \t',1 t11 ..tddptc1!1011 ... Jlld rP\'l\JJ.. .,,, un111.,p1n11gh drng):(l'd 01110 th• '' 11.·• 111 rt'tt·nt \t'Jr., 1 hi'> -,ho" '>lll,, ,,1 ' mwgratt·-. .111 old ~ton ;,i" ml ·till '>tort· t l tt .it tuJJh J<h 1 t'' • 11t-pl or brt-Jtht .. ~ mg '1 .. ual t th 1 t-. .rnd 111tt'lhgtlll thl'nlt'' lold1 \\Ill 1'1·q \Olli hrarn rn1 l..rng ,1, mw 11 i:t.<. tht rr 11 ... 11 doe-. Rocking Costa Mesa again The Pa cific An1phitlzeatre will re-open after eight years with Diana Krall's concert tonight Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T he '>ltt•p111i.: J.:l<Ull. once lnown ~a premiere concen venue. \.\'tlJ agam host Lhe 1op name<; m music. as the Pacifk Amph1theatre kicks off its concen ..ene.. with acclaimed Ja7.7 mui,1nan Diana Krall tonight. The Grammy award-wmnmg performer launche., a 21 -i,how series at the Orange County Fair with her smooth contemporary sounds. Krall is Oying m from her tour of Italy to play one night at the fair. She was the highest paid artist of the series. co~ung $450.000. which includes travel costs She is the first of mariy big-name acts that will grace the stage of the rejuvenated venue. TI1e Fair Board has spend considerable time and effort to revive the Pacific Amphitheater since its closure In 1995. Officials '><Ud they haw worked clo5.ely Wllh re.,ident'>. who complained the amphitheawr w-..is too loud, to modify the no1">t' levels and reduce the number or <,eats. In addluon to physical renovations. the amphitJ1eater al'>o upgraded It'> sound system. Technology now allows concen producers to aim ound at the audience, 11\Stead of haVlng it waft through t.he neighborhood. "The sound system we are using I.his year is light-years ahead of what we've used in' the past." Steve Beasley said "I think people are going to be 1mpres.sed by the sound. and people outside will be surprised." This summer's concen serie<; \."\1U treat its audience members to noncradit.lonal fair performances. ··Most people think of fair concens in the mlddle of an arena. right after a rodeo," Beasley said. Not this time around. The shows at the Pacific Amphitheater, which mclude Duran Duran. Crosb). !>ulli, and Nash. Melissa Ethendge and J 11 , will be the same produrtion<. people see on tour. The fair ha.\ featured free concens for about an hour, with bleachers and folding chairs In t.he mlddle of a grass field. This is time arol.ind, people will get t.he "full-blown" concen experience, Beasley said. Of course, with more sophisticated props and higher-priced acts came higher ticlcet prices. Last year. tickets sold for SI O on top of fair admission. This year. tickets cost from $20 to $90, depending on the seats, and fair aMmission is inguded. FYI Pacific Amphitheatre Concert Schedule for this week Friday: Diana Krall Saturday: Juan Gabrret Sunday: M elissa Etherrdge closed Mondays Tuesday: Crosby, Sulls and Nash Wednesday: Duran Duran Thursday: The Funk Brothers AJong \.\ith big-name band' rnnw "nders · a List of accommodJt1on' the artL.<;t needs to perfonn 111 tha1 venue. Basically. 11 is a w1sh -h't for the 'tars. Beasley said all nder-. are open to negotiation and '>he tl1d not '>ee anything too out of the ordinary i\lany people asked for ca\1ar One rerfonner, whom Beasley didn't n.une. asked for a very rare <tp1ced tea. "We had to track all over for 11," Beill>ley said. ··we couldn't find 11 at anv of the health food srnres. but we· \.\ill accommodate that because 1l l!> t.he arost's favorite thmg and we want to make it a nice tay for them." Ticket.5 for KraJl's perfonnance, which are on sale for $69.50 and $89.50. are about 50% old. official'> said . .. llcJ\\ litt111g I hat .i pld\ that tal..t•-. plau:• among 1he p}Tam1d~ nt a11ut•n1 Fgypt '>lwultl t t•nll'r 1t~elf around J lovt' trtangfr \lrm• thJn a two-d1men,mn..U lm·e m.rnglt' hm,ever. the three matn lh..t racter<. drt· caught m Jn rnten,ea\1ng nw ..... of expertatmn' and re-.pon.,1h1h I It'' th<tt "comphl .itt'd h\ Im t' romplt'tll g ,, h.tlh lle'>hed. Lhrt•e d1mt'n,ronal pyramid of a rel.1t111n-.h1p ..tmong tht· ch.irauer' Ratlamt''> Jert·m\ Ku'>hrnt·r . >\mnt·n' )J,a Hrt•,u.t and Alda i l'aull'lll' l\ol"\ l·.ach om• lo\'l'<;, each one 1'-plagu1·d by 0111 .. 1dt• re,p11m1hll1t1t',, and e.1t h one W°'" thruughout the -;ion. furthC'r t nmpltc aung the pnam1d ot rela1wn.,h1p' .\nci .i' 7.o '-t'T \Itek) Oolen1 rt'mmd., lh m ancient Lgypt jJ\Tam1tl' mt•J.n tleath. Jerem\ t-.u.,hmer pla\' Radame~ the Fgypuan captain at the 1e111th of t.he pyramid \\1th 1mpre,'>l\t' combinauon of lorre energy and <.emual11) I"' '>trong ran~e. both ph,<.1cd!l\ and vocally. hl'lp tf.'11 h1<, '>ton· and dep1n the Lhange' 111 h1<. character. Youn~ and bra'>h c11 the beginning. the picture of 1mpertalhtll <,trength and opum"m Ku.,h111er aho manat;:es to let u" m on the out<;1de forces that marupulate Radamec; and his vulnerabilnv to t.hem. makmg h1~ change to the romanuc. -;elf-sacnficmg lm•er fully believable Very few people could play the utJe role. The character of Aida requires incomparable vocaJ range. a powerful voice, the ability to carry an entire show and the ubtlery to communicate this strong character'c; rather profound , .. ~::L..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See Tl4EATER. Pa1e A9 .• - BEST BITES .... . . Yan Can offers casual taste of Far East • :-• By GrHr Wyldtr ·: .. c elebrltyOtef Martin Yan just • opened Yan Can ln Costa Mesa. a : • new quick-casual restaurant (one .. step up from a fast-food restaurant). It's a mb of quality Asian culinary ~ · apedaldes from Vietnam, OUna, Tballand, Korea and Japan. There's a ~·.: (;Ounter for ordering, plus a sit-down : : .area where 1erwra brtns food. , _ Hia ft.m Yan Can opened ln Northern • , California ln 2002. Now there a.re lix : ;: Cllifomla locations (one In Rancho ,. . Senta ~ti,). Allo, Yan ha • wnn.nd Into tine dlnins ln March at -.. lhl lntne Marketpllc:e with SenaAllao .. ~-born MartiQ Yan la known for 11111 aonc-nmnmc, lntema11omlly ~ c:ooldr'I maw. "Yin CAil ~ .. Cook.." His new series, "Martin Van's OUnatowns," airs on public television alongside Julia Qtllds, Jacques Pepan and other cooking greats. In his new ahow, Yan visits 11 OlinatoWnS around the wodd. He explains their local histories and cultures of cooking. Yan has wrinen 25 cookbooks. His most recent. "Martin Van's Ol.lnatown Cooking," (a companion book to his show) made Newsweek rnaprine's list of the 10 Best cookbooks of 2002. lt'1 a wonderful cookbook filled with 200 c:lulfc and lnnovath'e OUneee redpes that are IWpdslngty euy to foUow. It also include. beautlful photos. brief hlatoriel and Yan'a favorite ~unnta Ind hoUM spedaJtlel. AIJ ownbed menu dlsplcy wek:omea ~u at Yan Cen. It ha four bold YAN CAN • HOURS: from 11 e.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday to Thursdey; end from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday end S.turdey •WHERE: 1500 Adami Blvd. In Cost. Meu ecrou from Connell Chevrolet on Herbor Boulevard •INFORMATION: (714) 438-1116 lmtructlons: d~r and explore: order. then &It: eat an~ enjoy: return eoon. Van's cooking demo""11dons from his trawls through Alia plcy continuously. The noisy kitchen area behind the counter II lepll1lkd from the dlnlns uee. The contemporary d6c:or hturee stunnln8 Willi doM In IOft yeOow. .. lllT ....... DON L.U04 /QllllJ NOT Racer Mlfloia, "*"'"· llft. • Jlck Wu,..-• mnaw. • .... fMrle S..CIPCR FncrlCMr ChicMft atYM Cln ....... In Colll 11111. '6 ) A8 Fnday, ~ 11, 2003 HAPPENING S REEL CRITICS 'Legally Blonde' and .'Terminator' both please in sequel fest 'Legally Blonde' has no ambition, it's just fun L egally blond granddaughter Tabatha, 12, arrives with blond friend Khlara and brunette Leah for a week with grandma and grandpa. AB we drive by lriangle Square, they jump up and down blaring. "Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde" comes out today. Can we go? GAY WASSALL- KELLY Pleeezei• We unpack. they don their tiaras and off we go to see the escapades or oh-so-blond bedecked in pink attorney Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) and her dog Bruiser. ln "Blonde 2," Elle is focused on all the Ouff or planning her wedding to anomey Emmeu Richmond (Luke Wilson). Flowers are set, and cake is picture perfect, but "Oh no,H she must invite the long lost mother of her Otlhuahua, Bruiser, to the wedding. on the first two efforts with faithfuJ logic and close artenrion to detail of what came before. Yet It still produces a few twists that give new life to the old facts of this remarkable tale. JOHN DE PKO Credit the screenwriters and the able direction of Jonathan Mostow for Including some genuine human interest and a touch of wry humor with the omnipresent and mind-boggling stunts on the screen. Of course. onJy Arnold Schwarzenegger could play the T-10 I Terminator at the center of aJI the action. Newcomer Kritanna Loken is icy cold as the latest model "Terminatrix" sent to dispatch Arnold and his human pals to the next world. With the help of a private eye. Elle goes off to a cosmetic lab in Washington, D.C to find out that Bruiser's mom is part of an Manimal testing lab." We can't have that, so EUe rushes back to her law firm trying to convince her partners to light the battle to free all the adorable littJe animals who are being used as guinea pigs .... She is fired! Arnold Schwarzenegger is back as the T· 101 in "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines." Oair Danes is excellent as the unwilling heroine thrust into the epic banle between mankjnd and the self-aware cyborgs with amazing powers. But Nick Stahl seems a little too tame to be the infamous John Conner; the hesitan1 hero who is supposed to save mankjnd in the post-nuclear world that may or may not come to pass. It is left to Oair's character to draw out the real man in Conner, and she does an admirable job that bodes well for the next episode. During a fuzzy moment when Elle is crying on her wedding gown and tiara (the girls adjus1ed theirs) she realizes she has been "barking up" the wrong tree! She heads baclc to Washington. D.C and incroduces the ·Bruiser Bill" to make animal te ting illegal. puning her wedding on hold. Fourth of July Barbie outfit to make her statement. WeU. cbe oucrageous story dmgs on as they toss in Sally Fields ~ Congresswoman Rudd -the girls • didn't get any of this plot line. Then Bob Newhart (as the friendly doorman, Sidney) -was he their friend? They did recognize the "Snap Cup" EIJe brought along to Washington. The girb have those in their classrooms at school. to know that blond girls have friendi., because some people think they are dumb and sometimes aren't nice to tJ1cm.·· high-octane, action-packed thriller. From the opening moments, the lerminator roller coaster ride streaks into h yperdrive to ca1apult you to the next level of white-knuckle special effects and time travel adventure. No new ground is broken in this movie, but it definitely honors and advances the best or what came before it. You have to like this genre to like this movie. But 1f you loved the first two, you won't be disappointed • GAY WASSAll-KEUY is the ednor of a Balboa newspaper and 1s active in the community. 'Terminator 3' keeps the tradition alive Once again, a cyborg a'>sassin from the future returni. to the prei.ent 10 hunt down the one human who might later save the world from total domina11on by machines. "Terminator 3: Ri se of the Machmes" further<; the story line of thi!> franchise movie '>Cries without fail and without missing a beat. It builds in No. 3. And the producers leave no doubt at the end that there will be another ferminator. Of course, finding the perfect outfit for the Washington trip is as big an ordeal as planning a closing argument at Lrial. She chose none other than the The audience of teeny boppers, moms and grandmas applauded at tJ1e happy ending! Tabatha, Khiara and Leah agreed, "It is very imponant 10 us H old onto your hats. There are no wasted words and no was ted time in 1hi!t •JOHN DEPKO 1s a Costa Mesa resident and a senior 1nvest1gator for the Orange County publtc defender's office AFTER HOURS THEATER 'Newport Lights' shine • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744295. A complete list is available at www.datlypilotcom. and concens at its Citizens Business Bank Arena: today, the 28th annual Speedway Fair Derby; Saturday, Freestyle Motorcross Jumping; Sunday, the third annual Orange Crush Demolition Derby; Tuesday, the Little River Band; Wednesday, Blue Oyster Cult; Thursday, the Bangles; July 18. Poco, Richie Furay and Chris Hillman and Herb Pederson; July 19, the Young Dubliners; July 20. the Mariachi Festival; July 22, Billy Bob Thonon; July 23, Ride Springfield; July 24, Phil Vassar; July 25, the Fabulous Thunderbirds; July 26, Royal Crown Revue; July 27. the Latin Music Festival; July 29, the Mountain Top with Dr. Ralph Stanley, featuring Rhonda Vincent and special guest Clar!(; July 30, the Fab Four; July 31, Ziggy Marley; Aug. 1, Ozomatli; Aug. 2, Bull riding, with a musical performance by BRS-49; and Aug. 31, the Fiesta Del Charro. The Orange County Fair is on Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-FAIR. By Tom Titus T here's jumbo shrimp on the menu at the Newport Theater Arts Center, aJong with frog and carp, and a little merlot to wash it all down. Actually. those items are borrowed from the titles of four of the nine one-act plays which comprise "Newport Lights," a special program of comedic one-acts playing through Sunday under the auspices of the Orange County Playwrights Alliance. The program opens with "Waiting for Merlot" by Cllristopher Trela -who started a similar playwriting group called New Voices in Costa Mesa a few years ago. As might be expected, it's a modem takeoff on Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot,· only this time the two offbeat gentlemen (Stu Erik.sen and Brian Page) have a pair of wine glasses, but no wine. Penelope Van Horne directs the sprightJy comedy. "Oianneling Glenn Miller" by Jordan R. Young is up next, under Andrew McCarty's direction. It's a brief encounter in a music shop as a clerk (Brenda Parks) tries to selJ a c ustomer (MitcheU Nunn) a trombone once used by Glenn Miller - but probably not the legendary bandleader. One of the evening's bes1 offerings is "I fey, Hey, feng Shui" by Neil Jakks, which offers a real kicker of a twist as Donald Kindle awaits the interview that'll nail him his dream government job. A s tunning saleswoman (Della Lisi) seems like the frosting on a very appealing cake - but remember that twist. Tommie Tinker also appears under Caprice Spencer Rothe's direction. "Family Newspaper" is a classic case of miscommunication as Dad (Brian Page), Mom (Marcia Bonnitz) and Junior (Michael Hirsch) each peruse a section of the paper and none of the three really catches on to what the 01her two are saying. McCarty d irects John Lane's clever piece. Another knee-slapper 1~ Mary Fcngar Gail's "Jumbo Shrimp." in wh1ch a widow and the spirit of her late husband (Parks and Nunn again) extol the virtues of a h11le guy who wan•ed to he tall -and made it, with a vengeance. Direc ted by VanHorne. it leaves the a udience on a high note at mtermission. "Single Green trog" by Eleanor Brouk i.ends the evening into comical fantasy a1> the title character (Kindle) c;ceks a kiss from a princei.s to restore hb manhood. The only possible candidate is Valley Rirl Valerie Appel. and their interaction is hysterical. Rothe direct!> this little gem. Robots !>Cemingly out of an old "l\vilight Zone" episode inhabit MAnd So It Starts. Agatn" by Gene Fisk.in with Rothe again directing. Eriksen. Nunn and Andrea La Vela perform mind-numbing tasks with no end in sight. since the controlling humans apparently h ave long since vanished. A pair of real losers (Tinker 'FOR FEET'S SAKE ... Stylish, Comfortable Shoes True Custom Orthotics ~., Come to Foot Solutions , we have 1U5 •• , .. IW, (1111 .. ........... , .. ,_ • ..,...*', CM9) 734-2020 a,. ... s.. 1Na .,_ and Bonnilzl occupy a workplace lunchroo m in "Worker's Carp" and have some great fun wi1h l:nc t:berwein's hardly working-cl~ character . Vanl lorne direct!> the farcical piece. which con1ains <;omc 'urprising bite. Erik.sen is "Waiting" in a hfM'l lobby in the finale by _ Jo'Rii Bolen as desk clerk Kindle auempts to dislodge him from a sofa. The age differences underscore the gentle comedy in this playlet t.lirected by McCarty. Normally, the Orange County Playwrights Alliance calls Fullerton home, but 1he group is in Newport for thi-. one-week gig. through Sunday. The playlet~ conclude today and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m . al the Newport Theater Arts Center. 27 15 Oiff Drive, Newport Beach. CalJ (714) 962·7686 for more information on the creative company. •TOM mus reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot Hts reviews appear Fridays. MUSIC PACIFIC AMPHITHEATRE CONCERTS The Orange County Fair will presenting its summer concen series at the Pacific Amphitheatre: today, Diana Krall; Saturday, Juan Gabriel; Sunday, Melissa Etheridge and Joan Osborne; Tuesday. Crosby, Stills and Nash; Thursday, Standing in the Shadows of Motown featuring The Funk Brothers; July 18, 311 and Something Corporate; July 19, Marco Antonio Solis; July 20. Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant; July 22, Devo and Cake; July 23, Steely Dan; July 24, the Doobie Brothers and Buddy Guy; July 25, The Doors of the 21st Century; July 26, Alanis Morissette and Jason Mraz; July 27. Bob Dylan; July 29, Alan Jackson and Joe Nichols; July 30, Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald; July 31, 3 Doors Down and Our Lady Peace; Aug. 1, Jethro Tull; Aug. 2, Roxy Music and David Lindley and El Rayo-X; and Aug. 3. Boston. For concert information. call (714) 708-1870 or visit www.cx:fair.com. To order tiacets. call (714) 740-2000. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE ARENA The Orange County Fair is presenting many summer events Spa Gregorie's . ANO SALON GREGORIE'S . tl.~7 t:.._~ ;£~jAif- ........ N AAcoNA CEl..EBRfTY SklHCAAE TAKE THE lwxJHA CffAu.ENGE 200 Newport C.nttf Otivt. Suite 100 Newpon Buc:h. C.lifoml1 826611 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM (949) e.4-6672 BOLERO AND RHAPSODY Maestro Carl St. Clair a nd the Pacific Sympt\ony, with guest pianist Valentina Lisitsa, will explore the vibrant rhythms of Spain in a concert called ·Bolero and Rhapsody• at 8 p.m. July 19 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets cost $19 to $85. To order, call (714) 755-5799. JAZZ. TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant In Newport Beadl presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entenainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jama from 1 to 11 p.m. every week. ·wanted• muslclana lndude guitar players, bau players, singers, drummera, keyboardists and others at 100 S.. HOURS, P .. e At ' •• Daily Pilot H A P P E N J N G S weaknesses, weaknesses that form the central plot of the show. Ivory is blessed with a singular possession of all of these capabilities. She attacks her formidable singing assignments effortJessly, with a pure and well-tta.ined voice. Aida makes mistakes in this show, mistakes that one might not believe or expect from this character, who is presented from the beginning as strong and, resolved. To make the audience believe these changes. the · actress must be able to let the audience see into her head, a feat not easily performed in tht: gigantic confmes of the Performing Arts Center. Ivory, however, succeeds al this most difficult facet of her character by using vocal tones. timing an~ facial expression .... to her fuJI advantage. The only dnlwback to Ivory·~ Aida is her speaking voice. which 1endl> to fall into predictable pauerns thar become tiresome, like a repeating squea.lang 1101..,C' in an otherwise beautiful new car. BEST Continued from A 7 green. cream. purple and a deeper verswn of ( June'>e red, with an allrnctive mix of wood paneling. The d1m11g ;uea hold., 24 tables with unu'>ual ltme colored lanterns. 01inc'>e-the(lu- wallpaper and phoro'> of \'an shopping for spices 111 Singap ore or visiting Tha1Jand are ">me ut the visual delight~. For take·out item:., gom· ail' the traditional whllc boxe:.. Yan Can went for black. And many rel>taurant d1.,he.., are wrved in Chinese red bowt..... Beverage choices include i-elf·'>erve soda!., bottled water. Wllll''> and hl'er< .. The menu ha!. ea'>y 10 dislingui!th symbols for .;pinne!>-.. (one red dried chili pepper equals maid, two pepper'> equal'> hotl and ha., family\ red '>tamp for Van's favorites. Apperizer'> indudl' -;1mple edamame c-.oybeanst. por~ fried wonton!>. Yan''> favonte i ... chicle.en lettuce wrap. l11e common d1:.h come'> \.\1th stir·fried minced chicken. chopped vegetables and an unusual crunchy "'0}' nUL., ~erved with lettuce cups. Soups include a traditional wo111on and a mild hot and sour. The Bangkok shrimp salad, a light choice, combines pickled red cabbage. shrimp. grapefruit and gn:ern. HOURS Continued from A8 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yoric Jau Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nici< Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) pe rform classic rock, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 lido Park Perhaps the most im ortant n occurs n e character of Amneris, the arranged fianc~e of Radames and.daughter of the Pharaoh. Given the superficiality of her character the first time we see her in the Egypt setting. il is easy to wonder why it Is she-who introduces and concludes the show as a sort of mini narrator. Brescia'!> Amneris. however, is a feminist ideal of empowerment of the weak. She begins as the Disney princes:. who has everything. but understands nothing. Her life is dominated by the tabloid lifestyle of fashion. trend !letting and worldly ignorance for which the privtleged are so often satirized. But her character grows as her awareness grows. , When she finally real.lzes the extent of her betrayal by Hadames and Aida, she seizes the power which is hers by birth. Bre'>cia\ Arnneris progresses from helpless and ignorant, a pa'>!->enger on the luxurious coattail5 of men, to a strong. wi~c. powerful anck.onfident ruler in her own right who is ewn able to show mercy to those who hl'lrayed her. Brc-.l'ia ponrays this journey Y.lth a ~lightly sow vinaigrette. Yan\ big on fresh wok: l.wonte'>, and no wonder, since 111ne -,election<; make the focus of hi~ menu. A devotee of wok conking. he has used one for nearly four decades. He says it's tlw most fun<:tionaJ, all-around 1·ook..ing tool -he even boils pa-.ra in one. 0106<.e from among a line of .... weet. '>p1cy and tangy sauces. ~lo't 111teresting flavor~ include the rhai curry with coconut and Yan\ family favorite. dark stir fry wnh <,oy, oyster and ginger. Yan's fJvorite <,auces indude the \mgapore firecracker. a blend of N.1an herhs and aromatic lt'mongrass. and sweet and sour -an overdont! thlnese ~auct! <,J ightlv benefited here by cucumbers and mint. Next. select from clucken (Sh 45J. beef IS7.95), <,hrimp rSU.951. and toh1/vege1able'> rS6A5J. \\'ok di..,he.., come \\1th whne rice or Yan\ carrot nee. '>caso11ed brm' 11 nee with !>hredded carrot. Grill item<.. mcludl' chick.en 1eriyak); five spice chicken. a lllet l overed in a pungent '>auce: and Korean barbeLue beef. '>Crved over nee with salad. Noodle-. and rice .. election~ include pad TI1ai \.\lth a choiu~ of chicken or tofu/vegetable<,; lo mein and fned n ee with a choice of carrot brown or white rice: and wok. "toe~ 'n' barrel i;,oup. an overload of-.hrimp. chicken. bt·ef. Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642·343l MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony'& Riverboat Restaurant In Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the exuaordln physicality and voice. She nlakes Amneris the most interesting. most dynamic, and most satisfying character journey In the show. The three leads are supported by a talen ted chorus that is more than backup singing and dancing. This Is a chorus with amazing voices and individual personalities who take on their various roles, costumes and dance styles in a mariner that makes them integral to the telling of the story. Eric L. Ol.ristian plays the double-dealing slave Mereb with sympathy and humor, providing a smooth connection among the three lovers. but Micky Dolenz is disappointing as Radames' ambitious father, Z.Oser. Dolenz is more of a cartoon trying to be humorously bad than the cold, calculating. heartJess political manipulator that Z.Oser's actions, dialogue and musical numbers reveal him to be. His characterization conflicts with · the goals that drive his character. All too often, beautiful sets and cosrum·es overshadow mediocre plays. "Aida" avoids this trap completely. Bob Crowley's sets and costwnes in vegetables and noodles. Appeti.7..er prices range from $2.95 to $5.25; ldd meals for $3.45; <..oups and salads from $1.95 to , $7.25: Martin's fresh wok favorites from $6.45 to $8.95: grill items from $7.25 to $8.25; noodJes and rice from $6.25 to $7.25. Pinot Provence offers classical guitar on the patio Thursday evenings until 7:30 p.m. from JuJy 17 to Aug. 28. Yan Can is at 686 Anton Blvd. in Costa Mesa. {714) 444-5900. Dining choices o pe ned at the new Bluffs Shopping Cente r on MacArthur Boulevard in Newport Beach. Pei Wei (pronounced pay way) owned by P.F. Oiang's Oiina Bistro. is a casual restaurant that serves Asian food. You can choose the style of <'ntree and choose beef. chicken. '>hrimp. '>Cal.lops. \'egetable<> or tofu. The re.,tauranr offer!> modestly pricetl cla..,.,1c A.-.ian favorite_., and '>Pt'cialties '>uch as \'1etnamcse chicken salad rolls, a blend of -.hredded chicken. butter lelluce. rice noodles. mint, carrot, peanuts and lime rolled 111 rice paper; spicy Kor<'an. a mix of long beans. n.irrots. mushrooms and onion tOS!>ed in sauce of Korean hot pt'ppe'r paste, garlic and soy: and bla7.ing noodles. Pei Wei's -;p1cieM dish. with noodles. t arrots. 'nap peas. tomatoes. saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Htghway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rock and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (94.9) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&.B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon l o unge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Bead'l. Free. (949) 476-2001. " STAGE SHORT COMEDIES Newport Theatre Arts Center is offering short oomic plays from leading comedic playwrights in Orange County through Sunday. Performances will be 8t 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and· ' work together to set the place and time, but are anachronistic enough to effectively p resent the show's message of connection between the past and the presenL At the same time, theu beauty only cont&utes to, and does n ot take over, the story being presented. The sel'> and costumes are supporting characters in the show, creative and weU-used, but not relied upon. "Aida" is a rare show that successfully•pleases all the senses. John and Rice's score is excellent, but not bloated. Unda Woolvenon, Robert Falls and David Henry Hwang have wrlJten a script that complements the mur,k and poignantly blends the show's themes of timelessnes:., historical misinterpretation. betrayal and military imperialism. Visually. the '>how I'> at once fascinating and famasuc. Every aspect of the '>how is skillfully crafted and harmonize'> with the overall presentation. ~Aida~ is a feast for the l'ye!->, the ears, the brain and tht-heart. · • TIMOTliY TITUS reviews local theater on occasion. scallion!> and basil <,t1r·tned in a spicy soy and hot pepper 'aucc. Other new casual rc'>tau rnnr ... at the Bluffs are Raja rre'>h. known far il!S flavorful und frc .... h Mexican food, alway., l11gh quality and convenient. and Quiz.nos, which offer.., a traditional fast food al1erna11v1· with its signature submarine sandwiches made with toa..,ted artisan breads. Daphne's Greek Cite !>en·e" affordable Greek food. Daphm·-. offers traditional appet11er ..... salads and combo pl.ik'> PastaBravo offers a lull menu ol pastas. gourmet p1v.a~ . .,aJad .... and pasta salad!> made lrom authentic homemade rct 1pe'>. served in a casual atmo.,phc·n· Gustaf Ander<:. Re<,taura111 \\ tll be showing a photograph\ exhibit of Olina. "(.hinJ: A Visual Portrait: Re11ing and Inner Mongolia ... from ~und.1~ through Aug. 3. C 1t1'itaf 1\ndt:r'> 1., at 3851 S. Bear ~t. at South Coa!it Village. I 71 -1 t 66H-l 7:~7 Troquet offer!> i.l mamn1 special: Premium liquor martinis are SS from 5 10 i p.m. Monday through Sarurday The restaurant is on I.eve! 3, ~outh Coaf>t Plaza. Ii 1-ll 708-6865. •BEST BITES runs every Friday Greer Wylder can be reached at greerwylder a yahoo.com, at 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627. or by fax at 1949) 646-4170 at 2 p.m.Saturday and Sur.day. Tickets are $13. Performances are at the Newport Theatre Arts Center, at 2501 Cliff Drive in Newport Bead'l. For information or reservations: (949) 735-7706. CIRQUE ELOIZE Ci rque Eloize. part of the new generation of circus performers offering innovation. imagination and show-stopping panache. will perform today to July 2q at the Barclay Theatre at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine. Tid<ets cost $35, $1 5 for children. For tid<ets and information, call !949) 854-4646. 'AIDA' Elton John and Tim Rice's "Aida" is coming to the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall through Sunday. Tidcets are $27.50 to $64.50 and can be purchased at the center's box office of online al www.ocpac.org. lnfoimatiori: (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is al 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. .... ...... ,.. ....... ... .. .., .. , ........... Frtday, July 11 '1003 A9 WBY NOT TRY ••• .lomemadl lalillll'I, Pr8111 ftah, Fr11b Stab, lul Mmala I Mme! lnclade1 Choice of laap or Salad BEST MUSSELS IN TOWN! Lunch Bernd From llam Dntll 4pm NICK'S RISTOUNTE & PIZZERIA OUTDOOR PATIO IN HARBOR CENTER Mon·Thurs 'lam-9 30pm 2300 Harbor Blvd., Suite K-1 Fn -Sat 11am-'0 OOpm Costa Mesa CLOSED SUNDAYS (949) 722_ 7566 CILDUTll& rl YEARS '----'--'---------' SPECIAL SALE Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK• TEAK• ROSEWOOD 1:10· S'f.\J'.\i\ L·\ lill:I{ STAI~:\UST ER XTRA LI FE s1999 Bv .'1ohawk .. .,,,,., Installed with deluxe pad sq. yd. Travertine 18" s 18" .................................. s4.29 .• " Ctramic Tilt ............................... !not•ll•d tu1m 54.99 ..,, Laminate Wood .......................... 1111u11 • .t '•vm 54.99 .. ,. \uppli11.1 und 7r><>ls ftJr the "/Jo II )oursdftr•" . Ill prin•,/produ!'I• for u ltmtlPd ltm~. b1H1•d 11n .it ui/.iht/1111 MESA _: EARPET 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F • COS-TA MESA ( 888) MESA-777 OPENING DAY -FffiST 111 ADULT GUESTS ENTER FREE SALUTE TO HEROEi DAY · MD.JTARY. LAW ENFORCEMENT A.ND F'lJlE n o HTERS ENTER FREE Diana Krall P.\t~ * 8 pm • ".. • •• ,, t FQr t.lckel mfonnatlon log onto www octiur. 28th Annual Speedway Derby July 12 ·Juan Gabriel July 13 • Melissa Etheridge JoaaOdlorM July 16 · Rock into the Fair ftD Ml•lw!OD and partr.l1'f from DOOll to l pm. Julj 19 ·Junior Livestock Auction aly 23 • Rockln' Aratnat Bunr- .... , ... oo wUb a 41onatloa ol o OUMd food ltw. ._.. llan9el rood 8-IL 8g .. bJ1 QUOTE OF TtE'DAY a-.:-+~----": "[Matt Cooper] has been .. 1 I one of our biggest surprises." Roser Tabhuhl, South All-Star football coach AlO Friday, July 11, 2003 Sports Editor Rlchft DwVI: 19491574-4223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL AII~Back Bay . backfield for I South All-Stars Former Tar Johnson, CdM product Cooper will start f-0r Rebels tonight at Orange Coast College. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSfA MESA -Having seen them in action for nearly two weeks, South All- Star football coach Roger Takahashi is clearly bowled over by the Back Bay backfield of Dartangan Johnson and Man Cooper. Tonight, when the South meets the North in the 44th renewal of the Orange Colinty All-Star football game at 7: 15 at Orange Coast College, Takahashi hopes he's not the only one. "They've both looked outstanding." said the Los Amigos High head man, who plans to start Johnson, from New- port Harbor High, at tailback. behind Cooper, a former Corona deJ Mar High standout whom, Talcahashi believes, blends the ability to create piles, as well as plays, as adeptly as any fullbaclc he's been arowid. "Wow'." Takahashi gushed about John- son's performance in South practices. "He just has a tremendous worlc ethic, he's an explosive runner; he has good vi- sion and he's very courageous. He also has good speed and he can make a little crack: into a big play." Such praise is not SU!l?rising for those who watched the 6-foot-l. 190-powid Johnson amass a school career-record 3,397 yards on 560 carries in two seasons as a Sailor starter. rhe fact that Johnson, who scored 37 touchdowns as a prep and plans to con· tinue at Santa Ana College next fall, has risen Lo the Lop of the tailback depth chart for the South is mildly unexpected, since he was ini tially chosen to the Rebel roster as a defensive back. · "We have such a plethora of running backs," Takahashi said, "it looked like, at least on paper, we wanted to try him on the defensive side. But, at the last min· ute, 1 thought I'd look at him on Lhe of- fensive side. Then. when I saw how hard he ran at the first couple practices, I real· ized that was where he was going to stay." Johnson was twice Lhe Newport-Mesa Offensive Player of the Year and i;arned All-CIF Southern Section Division V1 honors as a junior, when the Sailors won the league crown and advanced to the Division V1 semifinals. Cooper. a 6-2, 225-pounder bound for Georgetown, has also dazzled Takahashi with his broad range of skills. "ICooperJ has been one of our biggest surprises," Takahashi said. "He's exactly FILE PHOTO I DAJLY PILOT Former Newport Harbor standout Dartangan Johnson will start at tailback See FOOTBALL, Paee Al 1 tonight for the South Al~Stars in the Orange County Al~Star football game. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Yardley Cage Classic set to tip ,off today ,.... Sailors, Corona del Mar, Estancia among 20-team field in tournament hosted by Newport Harbor. NEWPORT BF.ACH -The boys basketball teams from Corona del Mar, f.stancia and Newport Harbor high schools are among the 20·team field at the Yardley Cage Oassic, which opens today and continues through Swiday at Newport Harbor High. 1be event, named for Newport Har· · bor graduate George Yardley, a member HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Mustangs roll ahead y Costa Mesa continues sizzling summer in Servite High tournament. Whilithree ~f the four Newport-Mesa School District boys basketball teams are competing in the George Yardley Cage Oassic at Newport Harbor High, Costa Mesa High continues its success- ful summer campaign in the Summer Cage Oassic at Servite High, beginning today. Coach Bob Serven's Mustan~ had com- piled a 19-4 summer record through July 6, including an 11-1 ma.de at a tournament at Gonzaga University. Mesa. led by retumlng starter8 Brian Molina. Scott Knar. Jett Waldron and ~ SWWMc. won dwe of 111 fOOr games at both the Mater Dd tournament and at a ua team camp. Serven said "Xnm;.baa done a good job from the perimeter and Waldron bas ,been out- atanding, • said Serven, who allo singled out 1bny Krikorian, Brandon Aleson • and Oualne w..e u by cootrlbvton. 1be ~open Che ~te tour· nament roMy 1114:30 p.m. ...... Loua at cbe s.wtce .,.... The toumllnent. which boJdt eome flnt·nM.md Ind con· tolmdOP pma at Anlbelm Hiib. COii· dnml~ and Sunday. _.,""' ....... of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, features a Newport-Mesa tripleheader today. CdM meets El Toro at 11 a.m. in the main gymnasium, where Newport Har- bor faces Laguna Beach at 12:30 p.m. and f.stancia clashes with Elsinore at 2. If f.stancia and Newport win, they would play again at 6:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., respectively, also in the main gym. If CdM wins this morning, it would return to action Saturday at I 2:30 p.m. in the main gym. Should Coach Ryan Curry's Sea Kings fall in the opening round, they would begin consolation- braclcet play tonight at 6. If F.stancia falls to Elsinore, it would play next on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in the auxiliary gym. Should Newport Harbor not get past Laguna Beach, it would play tonight at 7:30 in the auxiliary gym. Coach Larry Hirst's Sailors are oper· acing short-handed, having lost would- be returners Brett and Todd Lowenthal to transfer and having senior-to -be An- dre Pinesett decide to play only base- ball. In addition, Hirst said 6-foot-8 Jamie Diefenbach, who will be a senior next fall, has been slowed in his recovery from the tom ACL that cost him his en- Lire junior basketball season. Diefen· bach returned to earn All-Newport· Mesa honors in volleyball last spring. but is still not 100%, Hirst said. Brett Perrine, a 6-4 returner who will be a junior. is also recovering from a torn ACL sustained late in the 2003 Sea View League season. He is not expected to play until later in the summer at the earliest, Hirst said. f.standa has also lost two players ex· pected to return. Jordan Stroman, who averaged 6.5 points as a part-time jun- ior starter last season. has moved to See YARDLEY, Paee Al 1 OPENER '. Daily~Jlli • Spana Hal olPame i:.....1n11111111e miM1111luoft ~~ 14 hon«ee TIMO'BRIE" Dally Pilot WORLDJEAM TENNIS ·Breakers v broken by Weiner MacPhie loses final set as Newport Beach can't hold lead against Springfield. For four sets, the Newport Beach Breakers did everything they needed to do in order to move into a tie for first place in the Western Conference early in the 2003 World Team Tennis season. But host Springfield saved its best for last and Glenn Weiner defeated Brian MacPhie in men's singles in the final set of the night to lift the Lasers to a 19· 18 victory over the Breakers at the Cooper Tennis Complex. keeping Springfield unde- feated and atop the Western Conference standings. Springfield determined the order of play and did so wisely by holding Wein- er's two matches, which included men's doubles. witil the end of the night. Newport Beach (1-2) led 13-9 after the first three sets. but Weiner com- bined with Andrew Kratzman Lo defeat MacPhie and Josh Eagle in men's dou- bles, 5·3, cutting the deficit to 16-14. Still, the worst case scenario for the Breakers would have been a super tie- breaker if MacPhie had . managed to steal three games from Weiner In the fi- nal set instead, Weiner prevailed 5-2 to lead the Lasers (3·0) 10 the come-from-be· hind victory. The Breakers jumped out to a big lead at the start with Maria Sharapova's 5-I victory over Anastasia Mysldna. ranked 10th in the world. Sharapova. who jumped from 91 st to 56th on the WfA rankings after reaching the fourth round at Wunbledon, also prevailed against Mysinka in women's doubles. teaming with Eva Dyrberg to defeat Mysinka and Nana Miyagi 5-3. ln between Sharapova's two victories. Springfield pulled out the mixed dou- bles match with Kratzman and Miyagi prevailing over Dyrberg and Eagle, 5·3. The Breakers return to the court to- night at Kansas City before returning home to Palisades Tennis Oub on Satur- day for a rematch with Springfield. Lindsay Davenport is scheduled to play her second and final match for the Breakers that night. ,. .. ,, Daily Ptlot SPORTS HONORS Dittenbir, Hess VU's Athletes of the Year Women's basketball player, men's soccer standout receive top accolades from school. Robbin Dinenbir, who was a senior on the women's basketball team, and Matt Hess, a forward on the men's soccer squad, earned Vanguard Univer.;ity's Fe - male and Male Athlete of the Year awards, respectively. Dinenbir wrapped up her Van- guard career with a host of local and national awards. She is a first-Lime recipient of the univer- sity's honor, Vanguard's highe~t in-house athletic achievement. Ditttenbir, a 5-foot-7 guard, averaged 10.8 poinb, 8.6 re· FOOTBALL Continued from AlO what I'd hoped for i.11 a tullback in my S}'!>tem. I basically need somebody who can really block and. at the ~e lime, is athletic enough to catch passes. He just fits the position perfectly." Cooper w~ u~d pnmarily as a blocker for the Sea King.\. He carried just 23 tih1es for 58 yard!> a<. a -.emor. A two-time AU-Pacilk Loac,1 League and AU-Newpon- bounds. 3.8 assists and 2.2 steals per game while helping lead tbe Vanguard women's basketball team lo a Golden State Athletic Conference champio~hip and an appearance in the NAIA Divi- sion I national tournament's Fi · nal Four. It was Vanguard's first Final Four appearance. Vanguard (28-10. 18-2 in the GSACJ defeated Oklahoma Christian, 61-60, March 22 at the Oman Arena in Jackson, Tenn. Dittenbir scored the winning basket, ~ she drove the lane and put in a layup with ·eight seconds remaining to cap a thrilling comeback. Vanguard outseored Oklah0ma Christian, 17-2, in the final 5:58. The Lions lost in the semifin - als, 62-49. to even tual NAIA na- Mesa performer, he had 402 rw.hing yards and nine IDs in a three-year varsity career. He also caught nine passes for I 19 yards and stood opt as an inside line- backer on defense. The otl1er Newport-Mesa rep· resentative for the South is Costa Mesa High product Keola Asue- ga. who earned his reputation with the Mustallgs as a ballcar- qer. but will be counted upon at strong safety for the Rebels. Takahashi said the 6· I, 2 I 0- pound future Idaho State Bengal 1s slated to back up Dominic tional champion Southern Naza- rene. Dillenbir . received first-team national tournament honors, and she also claimed a spot on 'the NAJA All-American second team. in addition, 8he earned AJJ -NAIA scholar-athlete and All- GSAC academic recognition. Hess, a Valley Christian High graduate, has played two sea- sons for the Lions soccer team. He earned NAIA AU-American, NAIA AU-Region II and AU-GSAC recognition for Vanguard in 2002. Hess, who will be a junior in the fall, led the Lions with 2 I goals in 20 garr,ies. He also scored three gam~·winning goals. The Lions finished 8-12, 4-6 in the GSAC. Rickard from Mater Dei. Asuega. the Newport-Mesa MVP and an AJl-CIF pick in Di· vision VII last fall, compiled 3,932 career rushing yards and a Newport-Mesa record 49 ca- reer TOs. He rushed for 2.023 yards and 21 TDs on 253 car· ries as a senior. Takahashi said his starting sec-' ondary of Rickard, i.afety Corey Boudreaux CMater Deil and cor· ners Terrell Vin!>on (Irvine) and Aaron Miller fMi'i.Sion Vie1ol ha ... been thoroughly impressive. Tak.ahash1 also believe!> the eoLE Continued from Al 0 of age..group reconb iA the Beehive State, Cole ettated an fmme4late andJingertog buu at the Newport pool. That buzt culminated thi$ spring with a CIF Southem Secdon Division I title in the 100 backstro~ (Sl.50), which added to bis 2002 aF Division I tide in the 100 freestyt~ (46.15). He also contributed to CIF Division I victories in the; 200 free relay (2002) and the 400 free relay (2002 and 2001). Another highlight would be his key role in the Sailors' team title at the OF Division I finals in 2002. It remains the lone OF team championship in the program's hi.story. Cole. who will head back to his natiw state to compete for the University of Utah as a collegian, also claimed five Sea View League individual tides and contributed to five league relay champions in three varsity seasons. play of hi!> 01Ten'>1ve hnt rnuld help deterrntnt' whl'ther the South will Win lrn ii 't'c1111d strd.ight year. "If those guy-.. can mci,·t• tlw wall up front, I'll feel pMty good, because I know ,,e·u be ahlt• w open up the offen~e dnd tl1rmv the ball. too," Takaha.<.h1 ,,ud Beau Budde l!>oin Ut:me11te1 will start a t quanerbad. for tbe So.uth, while fe~ 7'.ft•rmt.'r < ~J vJry Ornpel) '"JI dhtJ "'t' ur111· under center. rhe '."onh lt·ac.h lh(' "l'm"" ~:.'.­ l ll·3. He was thlld in the 100 tree at the 2003 CIP l>Mllon 1 6naJs (46.20), having tapered for the prevloua week's Sea View t.eaaue final$.-wben the 'ntrs' .lnspiied bid to qnd eight-time cle(endlng lea,gue champloo Irvine's title run fell short by a mere 7~ poJnts. Cole's contiibution helped the Sailors' 200 nee relay finish 12th and the 400 free relay finish 14th in CIF Division I in 2003. The 2003 league finals brought Cole odes in the 200 individual medley (1 :59.11) and the 100 backstro~ (54.05. m ore than four seconds faster than the runner-up). Teaming with Nathan Weiner, Sean McGhie and Michael Bury, Cole helped the Sailors win league in the 200 free relay (1:29.70). And. the combination of Cole, Bury, Weiner and Ross Sinclair topped the Sea View field in !he 400 free relay (3:16.49) In 2003. Cole won the aforementioned le<lbJUe backstroke title in 2002 in YARDLEY Continued from Al 0 Utah, l:a~ll·-. c o,ll h c Jit '"' \11ru· 'aid. lvl t'r llof111lJ11 ..r -.hJrp.,h11111 mg· J..>u.i.rd \\ho ,tvtragetl I .i point'> off tlw ht'ilLh la'>l •wa ... 1111 hJ., traml<·rred 111 I nunta1n \·al It'~ l lt~h 1111 hi' '>L'nt<Jr ~tar 1'l0rre ,;11d rhe 1·.igll'' .trt'' lt:'d by Jlllllfll to lw C.Jrlo' l'tn1u. a t\\O ''"'r \ M'>tl\' ... 1arltr '"'ho ,1\'l·r<igetl .1 I Friday, JUiy l I 1<.ffl All 53.56. while keeping his seasoo·long unbeaten strt'ak in the 100 free whb a teague-citJe·wfnn.in.g ttm.e or 48.21. Co.le wit.\ also on the winning 200 and 400 free ~lay league cllamplons 8$ a junior. Also at the CIF Division I finals In 2002, he was second to Peirsol in the 100 backstroke. and led off on ~ctorious 200 and 400 free relay quartelS. n1e unit of C.Ole, Ry-dl'I Lean Weiner and Peirsol posted a 400 free reJay time of 3:07. 1 I. taking nearly three seconds off the 6Chool-record time set by the 2001 CCF 400 free relay champion quanet of Cole, Lean, Peirsol and Peter Belden Cole won the Sea View I 00 free crown in 200 L as a sophomore. when he ""a~ aho second in the I llO back5troke. He wa.c. on the 400 fret' rela~· that finished -;econd and the 200 medley relay !hat fimshed third at the 2001 league final'> At the 2001 CJ!-Dimwn I final~. he wa., fourth in tht' I 00 bac le.stroke r i; I 06)..ind filth in the lf)(J free 47 t1H1 It .!Ill hr 'i , '1 ppg l 1-.1 'l '"''JI ! tllf\ ... wl • ·~ '' ,, lo..111~:' .111 11 I in• 111!11 I' rr • 1.1111p11•1t'lllp ,.t 1llt•ir 1t\\f I •''I 1, dltJ l!J l!ll~t 1111·111 t1•·.id11 ~· i1111 1<1d<l\ c J\I 'lit'lll): I• j >'1 • lttrtllll/' ... 1,11lt'I' 1'.1111 h11 ...,,.,if,, r 1 tnd l.r. '.onh 11th:• hr ll1 • I 1111rn '"II l\1 ,1•11 H•f"' d"i \• \d.1111 I 1 • • 1!1 \J,\11 r I'" If 111'. •I n.1:J.• nr ).!ctft jl' I'\ lo \It p 11 • ~ ,, 1111 r 111 he I J ·IJ "lfr.d 11! "' ' .11\d ' f •}I '1\1' 11!!)111'.'-t p •1J ' J" =Le=ga=I =Not=ices==264D= I legal Notices 264D Legal Notices 264D. Legal Notices 264D I Legal Notices 264D Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 640 ~'--~~~~~~ ~rcE TO~OO~~ fk1itiM lctslnKs fk1itiM luslntss fkti1ious lusilKs NOTKI Of PUtlJ( SAU h1bh, l1•a11n~· ... u 1,, rt • 1 1.! r •• ~tld bv 1ht (;r,•,t.t ¥,, •.,1 1 , to· t 1 th1 ' • fictitious ~s N(IJ'M Stottlllef!i ... The lollowon11 persons a• e doon11 bu"nes\ a\ Angelos Termrle Com panv IS Hammon •302 Irvine CA 92618 Snuthe•n Cal Te•l!l•te & Con~trutt1un In\. tLA1 IS Hammon •302 lrvtnf CA 921ll8 Ttns bu~intss 1~ t. l)n dult•d by • u11p•nat1on Have you star led do1na bu\lne•s yet' No Southern Cal Te11J11te & c.,nstr uct•~n lnr. I 04') Ch11\tran Pres lh1s ~lalemenl WdS hied wtlh the County Cltrk ol Orange County on06 17 03 20036948438 Oatly Ptlot tune 20 Z7 July 4 11 2003 f 446 Fk1itiM~ N.ts-.... I he followm11 per sons are dotn& busoneu as Commodities D11e<I 1621 W Sunflower Ave •OSJ Sanla Ana CA 9?704 Ame11can lrader s Bureau Inc tCAJ 162t W Sunflower Ave •053 Santa Ana. CA 9V04 Tht• bus1n~~s " ton· d11c led by a cor por at1on Have yuu stalled do1n11 bus1MS\ yet> No Ame11tan Traders Bureau Arun II Purr CEO This \latement wn ftled with the County Clerfl. of Oran11.e County on 06rl 7103 20036941$30 Daily Prlol June 20 27 July 4 11 2003 F 456 SELL your stuff through classified! thr fr)llowm& person' are dotnll, bu•me.s as ALWAYS SIMPL£ 2SO West Ash SI Br ea Ca hi or nta 92821 Kenneth W Ch11s1tan son h 250 We~t Ash St B••• ra1.to>rn•• 92821 1 h1'> busme~".> t\ ~on du1 led bv an 1ndMd11al lia /t you star led dn1n11. bus1ne" yet' v,s 07 08 2003 llenorlh W C1111s11an \On ff fhrs \t~tement ... ., lrlM with the Counlv Clerk of Orang• County on 07 09 03 200349S090S Oa1ty Pilot July 11 . 18 25 Au11 t 2003 r 486 fidttiM lusiMss llcme SlllttlMnt !he followrne persons are domg business as Hud Above W1te1 Boat Strvl<t\ 274 Beverly St L a1tuna Buth CA 92651 1402 Sun Aaron F hnn 274 Beverly St , Laeuna Beach CA 92651 1402 Cheryl Beth Wagner 6461 ll1owa Rd West mrinte•. CA 92&83 Thts bus1nus 1s con dueled by a 11.eneral par Iner ship tfav• you slarted doing busmess yet' No Cheryl Wa&ner This statement wa\ fried wrth lhe County Clerk of Oran11e County on 06124 03 20030 49230 Daily Pilot June 27 July 4. II. 18 2003 f 467 SELL your stuff through classified! lhe followin11 per\om Are do1ni bus111ess 4S a I N ewport M es• Ptumbm11. bl Newport Meu Plumbing Htatrna & Air Cond11ton1ng c 1 Newpnr I 8eat'1 Plumb 1na d/ Newport Bedth P1umb1na Heaton& & Atr Cund1t1onm~ e 1 Ne-wpor l Plumb1112. ti Newport CoHI Plumbing ill Nt WIJl)ll Me.d Hol!le tn\p~c Iron Ser vice h ) N•wvo•I Mesd Really 11 Co\la Mesa Plumbing 11 ! "~l• Mes• Affordable B•C~flow Tesl1ng ~) Be•th Citr"s Mold I ~,11n11 & Remed1•t1011 1997 Anah1em Ave Custa Me~a Cailfo1111a 92627 0He 81H~ °J997 Anah1em Ave Costa Meu Caltforn•• 92627 This businus •s con ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual Have you starled do1na businen yet7 Yes 2 14 84 Oave Black Thi\ statement was filed with the County Clerk ot Orange County on 06 17 03 20036948525 Daily Pilot June 20 27 July 4, 11. 2003 F 453 FlditiM lusiiess NameSllt...t The followong persons •• e do•ne bu~1nrss as Pro CI 2 [I Corazon Rancho Santa Marga11ta CA 92688 • F ar1borz Ha11nab1, 2 El Cor aion Rancho Sanh Marganta. CA 92688 This bus1nus is con dut ted by an 1nd1v1duaf Have you started doing business yeti Yes 4-1 03 f a11bor z Hapnab1 This statement was ftled with the County Clerfl. of Oranee County On 06/17/03 20036941433 Oatly Pilot lune 20, 27. Jul~ 4, 11. 2003 f450 OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE -CITY OF · COSTA MESA ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING A FEE FOR THE REVIEW OF MOBILE HOME PARK RELOCATION IMPACT REPORTS. ,,,,... i Tht! m1n1 s.loJage F-'t.wo•n.-_ I umnll" ... \+ur ..al ,.,, ft~1· i•c.. f~ctltly art.Ordtrli tn noe I tlV H,•tl l7 f "' fll ,~ <' 1 h II " 1,.1,.,.,,., , ~~ov~~~n\8~!.~;~~''0~"~ 1.o\ld Me·,, r .~it., ,i '' • • 111 ''• ""'' ' r 1 It I 1•1r, Prote:ssion~ (udt" -if 6J0tJm ut ·" , J: ., it• t 1 ·•11, tl1 i ~' p,., I "4 f ~ .. "~ 1' Chdpte, 10. Sct t10,., '1\ pn<...,ibl .. H,,..,,.. '"'"' ' .. 11 ''' 1 •rNAI '°" 11 '<•1,1 21707 II) h~r~by gtv•• M ondoy, July 18, l'IJI l•~A' "lAl r '-1 ... ,..bav r,, .• ,,~ 1 I t ' ... NU Tit( Of PUBLIC 200l, , .. ~..,rtj' ,. 1 , ~Alf f1lllf•«lflj,! ·'H-·Plh .. d'• I ' d"' I Dt-''i!!" R1,~1,..,,.. ''A 1.t/'l'JI/ [XT RA SIO RAG£ l)l 4P ind ""'''n~ ,,.,, 1 ~""' •N'(HNA ''- NE l/IPt')flT M[ SA Wtlt l•I •r I•"' I "°"I I 1 .i.:> ,\ '~1 A 'I~ !O tondurt d publt<. Sdh: ol 11,, ._.. .... 11,1, / ''""" ti 1 ,,, , •• , 'he 1.1,rHt·nh 11t 1he , ,111 ,,,111 1 ~ t""' ·.~ , ; 1 tA ...... ~ 1 , 1 ,,,,,, •1n ·' ~toraKe ~pacet~J nam .. o ~'' '' in11lf ''1' L.'''' '" , ; 't111 lir1t "41• "I , . '" t btlow w1ththtt onttnt"' ht,.r•·•,t t .. J .. 1 ,,1,ti•n~ 14 .. ,, 1 :,, Me· 1 being \O~O lo the t11ari~-;f wilt ct ~I t ~~ 'HI~ ~111 t, ,1, )J ?00' • 4~ l b1ddt-r for ldwful mont-y tf!n tall.11'!' tr;; 1 m_tµ ot the Ul'tl~d Stdtes vt '"' ll•d ,,1 t f'> I t1o1, .. n PUBLICATION Am•lltd I ca•hl \I I 0 I<? MC, I n.. I• Mt<od z .. n' lhe sale '' bttntl h•l<I ••• ' ~11 "'" t 1' 1l\P• '\ .• l "94 ~!PR• AJ ~· .,,, ,.,.rt. t ... ., i' ••• • f-. f. 'ft ,, ' .. ',. ' ~ 2003t.948420 ' ; Fictitious BU'Sinns Hamt S 1111emt111 t l t t di d I fovu •nmPnf<1l t1-;1•,.r"11 Ah' •l!~1fJl')f 1tdl ~nd ... r o ~a I\ Y d an or ~ nat111n ,.,e-mpt ' .:) ... •' u1r ,n Thursday. lten and wilt be held •I 2 D c l'A J l 24 2003 1250 B11stol St C:osl• e\tjtfl ""''""" u Y ' ' '' " rt11 t 1lt•H''H•(,. J, ~· I ...... A .t Mesa. CA 92626 on Julv 0) 08 fnr Tim Dt>I" ', . ., '''" " µ" s1~1 .. "" '' 'l•·d " .. th1 CM1 h 1 Tr• l.t11 !,.ti. if {)I ... ~.... "'"' 't Jj I fl. ~ , ' 18 2003 t 4 30 1 autl10111ed agent 1,,, tll.1 •11•1 '" tne ' , "'"'• a N P m Brown to <oMtru t • I"''' '"I.lb ?IJ 01 200Jt.948941 OP.utl•onAee, \Ph ame two \htfV ~ untt '·"•-•II Mtnur ( •\nd•'I r ... enn;~ vina one " 'lot C()mm1.1n 1nft"1 .,,, 1 "'·"' P ... rm1t /A ,., t jJ t ,, CJ~•lr Pilot JU 1t> ~,7 luh 626 91 6261. Addr•\S I oev•lopm~111 wrth ••11 11."n /.elon••• ... ,1h .. 11:•·~ 4 i I 18 ·1001 f 4t14 P 0 Bo• 40285 Pa•• t r A dena CA 911 14 Bon~" 1 •ntes fr om pM~o11g d~•nl '" •'' "'"'"·' 14663730133!> ••Quiremenh • X> <pac-.~ R•atty t P Pn M•t l••rt rtQH1rtd J 4 ~p.-., .. i' lo <J~1•cJtP. fr<1m •,h.1•,1r fictitious Bvsintss NCIM Stattmtnl The publlt ·~ ln'tllted lo propo5of!dl OP"" '\PHE iJ u ; n.: rt> ,u,,,.m~.znt• atttnd fe,ms are cash I ,~0u1 rPm•l'lt\ r4iJ hA,td upon t1fh•t 11n11r• p,. 1'11' ...,"'' t.lt:f" ' only Owner~ re~etvts reqoufCI :H> pr .. t 1p ... r.1 ,11n ,0 , fht 11t· 1H111i-. h11•11tt'."' ' thtr1ahttub•d P''«ed1 ri:-..tr v6tc1 P-\ 1Jni"er'...1ty •)f Pt1 If, •• 11 ,, , •1• <'pF>• i '1 A gt"neral den.riptioo bac.k r•qUtrl!mtnt\ 70 llu 1'ted .ti UM • 11 H• '~d '1 Of fht property bt1n.: reqvtted fnr } !,lrtv ~)'>() 8rt<c,t ii 5trt-..,l 111 ,; --, h\ltt1f., iH.:11 JI pn_1.,, !.Old dlong Wllh lht t I ~ l'J p POCLOnP fn\l'lfPMltH'titill lt1VW '.;n·•r 1r-.rnA,..1 -dPnt1ty ot th~ Occupant s r uc ur \ ' .J tr 1 J()' tt. • ,. 1 A pn\rd> rea' yard tn11 """ferm1n~ti11rt ..... rnrt '-'lhlr rentrng the SPA<P are d\ er age rtQutrem•nt• 1 ~(l() I Mrnur D.-1g11 R•"""' follow\ ' "I ,,; l A1 1r t" '' SPAC[ NO OCCUPAN 1 sq It P•• milt•<! 411 '4 I A I) l 48 1" f; I fdC.111 ·'"~ "'• ,,, Av• PROPERTY DfSCRIP ft p1nr1 .. ~td1 1rodov1du_, f'111'da •ul1tu111ed ~~•nl <t• Iii</~ ,,.,, , , A TION lot Med I •Qu•r~lllenl\ f ,, I molt(o (, Pon•d~ '"' 9~blR Alli' hnR b ,,, IU 1JOOOs11 It mon1mum • I 11.? SQ It •eu,nd '~" r ...... ~., ,. "' M ho 11 ~ i 3 SOO \Q It dv .. r~ge '''''V •cld•trM tn • s111gt• ~'" t-.r:l fly .in '""'"<1"•' 1sc nu\ehol items r.')uu•d 7 ?O'i SQ fl famil~ rPr.td•m~ aM '" 8l04. M1khnd Af:tO~OACt' mrn1mum} S06 \1~ ft ,.,empt."" ttr>m 'flQUHf-1 +t,nfl' 1 i \?,ntt+:1 (11 n11" Corp c.ha1r\ dt\li: 20 ~"'''" ... \' .,.-t' N1 I , ht k aver••· pr ovrd•d) •nd I gar•&• •l•P1'1 f " M •• ~ f A" lo•I ~ 82~8.u E~er's va"n" Zandl opeo 'IJdlP r•quuem•nl> qurrtd 18 •• "' '" ,,, I 1le1•w1 I N' Yb for 111dtvid11~I loots t 40 1 loc JI Pd 11 9G7 B•~r.11 • ltl•d " tti 111, ~1crowavef oars re rtQUH!'d '38 prrtv1d ... d1 Strl-"~t HI ,.., RJ [,,..,, 'lerk ut 'If ' ~· ''''' 'v Cr1·~~at~r 11hCn2 <abt~tt to,ated ~1 ?441 (l,l•n rnnment•I rl•l•rm•n• Ml'.> "~, i '· au urlls, an Avtnu• '" an R:> MO 11° 11 e •empt household tlems Id• ton• f nv111 ""'••·l•t j M1nro1 Oe~1gn llevir"' 1003694t.34 t q v,,, ~ ,,,, ._, ~ , ,., ~· tjf ll ., ' f '111-• ~ ' I I ,., I ,. ' ,, •• 1 <N!tfl •1,1 r .,.,~ 1 Jr"',,_ ... ,, '"' l 1 1j 10036948531 t 1 -1 ii V f' I ' J JI ~ Jt,I, ~ 1. ,._ I(.) { • t'ti\-~ I • I (• \ ''' .,.. ' r' .,t1J1t,, '. "'• . . cabinet 1nflatablf' boat O.t!lv P11 it lunt· ""7 lld" · determination t•emul ZA OJ SI for hm lurro 4 11 l!! .'Ofll 1 4 0025 Paul Curtis 3 D•s•en R•••e"' PA 'nv1t a11tho11z•d ag•nt boaes. household •t•rns 03 11 Par tel Map PM I tor C311ta W11t1~"'' hi I HAVI! 't 11. \f.tt tf·ft ' 1 till l,!~1 y ... f ) ~) 0146 Ltndy llreultberg 03 ISO l•H An<ll•rll' • 638 s4 ft •t..cmd r v ' boaes. household Arthrlett> •ulh•H•le<l I '>lOIV add11ton to d uoe ttem~ •iient tor Fer11u•on D•y 1 story ~1ngl• tamtly Published Newport Properties LLC Jell Dav' ••~•d•nte with an e• Beach Costa rer.a Daily to con~tru<t a lwo emption lrom open Ptlol fuly { I . 2003 story thr ee unit \mall 1>••krnti spate reQulfe f 480 Joi tommnn •nle•e.I mtnl\ 12 r•quired 1 --------development with a 3 lot propo,edl louted at parcel map IOt3l•d al 973 Dogw,1nd s1 ... 1 '" 2459 £Iden Avenue rn an an RI tone [nv11on· R2 MO rnroe [nv1ron mental deter m1nat1nr1 mental delerm1nAloon .,empt u~mpt 4 Minor Oesiiin Review 4 Cond1t 1onal Use [A 03 54 tor Mtehaef Permit PA OJ 22 for H~rl Heil Construction Alden Manaaemenl S.,1v1ce\ ~ulh ortzed Group autho111ed aaenl aaent for Oou11 and for Ent Village lLC, for Carole Patton tor a 500 a wmemat11n11 f•c•hly sQ It second story (wholeufe only J local addtttnn lo • single ed al 1954 PlaLentoa t.mtly residence l0<ated Avenue 1n an MG zone at 2965 Countr v Club Environmental determ1 011ve 1n an RI zone nation tJempt Environmental determr 5 Planning Appltcalton nation ti empt PA -03 28 tor Julie 5 Planned Srgnln& llarau, for a m111or P1011ram ZA 03·61 tor dn11111 rn11w for a new Btcky Bftlev r 1rodley• 599 sq ft dwo1t1n11 •utho11ud aaent for ebove a aeraee woth £ 1pt1tan Russell Ttt va111nces 10< reduced man to allow a 20 by .,~ lr••" , .... , "' ~ l :\tcph .. 11 W t ... , q • .. f>rP~ ltt~ t.,11owrna P~\,,n\ tltf" <11J1t1t' bu\ nr-s\ a\ Zapater•a M,.,,, r ='I f 17th $1 S.ntd AoJ r A 9?706 rn,..., ·t ,p .. ,.,. "' "'t t1ird w•U tr~,. Ll,.rk ul lH.H1•'' on 06 17 Qj 20036948431f Ruben Jost Rv1d~ Da•ly P1101 I "t 19!6') l nve>y AV' luly 4 ll /(1(1< Col!ma CA 928P l M~rt•ltna Anr1u1an 1 19165 [hv»y ~ .. , Co11>na CA 92881 iJ , • ., u11t, f 41' Thrs bustnts\ " con duct~d by hu•b~n<I ~nd lht fnll~"'""~ P•"nr" wife Mt dornR buw••ts d\ Havt you i tart•d 1.1.11nt Tiie G•t•w•v 1,ruur 'llR business yet7 Nu 1 Came<> H11:M•n1h t11 Ruben Jose Roen Coro,.a O•t. M•r CA Thrs statement wa' 9Lfi?S hied With lht C1Junty I l indA Rit..ho• '>l'< Clerk of Oldnll~ Cnunty Yl!leo HtRhl~nd\ [Jr on 05'2tl03 I (;orona 0~1 M~r (A 2003694SS28 9261~ Oatly Prlot June 20 }I Ruu fuly4. II. 2003 f461 Cameo Coron' 9l625 Rite tt I' Ho&hl•nd< 0~1 Mer !ilfl Ot f A THE COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING A .FEE FOR THE REVIEW OF MOBILE HOME PARK RELOCATION IMPACT REPORTS. driveway landsc1p1n11 40' banner t o be al (10' required, 2' pro lached t11 the EAperian pond). put.1ne re part.1n11 structure to qu1rements (6 spacu 1denl1fy off site h11 requtrtd, 5 \paces park1na du,.na the proposed), front yard du11hon of th• Oranre setback requ11ements County F au (banner to (20' requ11td, 12' for 1n be tnstalltd on an open ptrkina sp.c• 11nnu11 b.s1s) localed at proposec!)7 end ,..., yMd 475 Anton Boulevard In u tbnlt. rtqurrtmtnh .t PDC zone £.nv1ron (20' reQuifed, 10' PfO mental deltrmmat1011 posed) with a minor eumpt This public hearing will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, July 21 , 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter PLACE: City Council Chambers at City Hall • n Fair Ortve, Costa Mesa, Calitomta Public c0mments in either" oral or written fonn may be presented during the public hearing. For .further information, telephone (714) 754-5245, or visit the Planning OMsion, Secc>nd Floor of City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, C.ltfomla. The Planning DMsion is open 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Frtday. mOd•flettM>fl t o •flow 1 Pubfl\had Newport 10' wide drtvtway (16' 8tlldl·Costa Mt.St Dally mln1m11m width rt P1lot lul~ll.200J FW qtilt'ad) loc1tad ti 2291 tldtn Avtiwt hi 111 112· .......... MO lOM. Cnvtronment.t -~ 1tttermln1tloll. Ut"'9t The followJnc ,.~, &. Min« O.sien Rtvltw ZA·03·58 fot Scott •tt Mille ~meu " 8 row fl I II Ar c II It e <l , 0,C WeoclwotkS, llJ.01 uttiorl.ttd •t•nt tot AUMo. l•CIUI• H CA ~lu CllM:ll, lor • 11t 92t63 sq. ft .. cond atorj lrtan Jer Wolll•n, Mdltloft '° , aln(ll U20Z Acierno, lqu11t f•mily t•MOenc•, located ~ q,~ . ._ con, ., 20M ,., • .,. ... p~ • ,_ ..... ._.,. lft IMI Rl tone. (Properfy dtlcted ,,. '" 111~~' It ~tM lfl t IW~ H•111t fOV J1Wt.d ... t... t•--) ...... ~!lllto v .. w ,,..,.,,. _, .,... ,,_ ,.., ~ (t'lwirO........W ......... ™' ... ~ ... Mtloll ....... .... .. Ute ColAlt, ff 1111J irt lie ,...._.. C•ll of Orlllll!I C...nty OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE : ::!:.~·~= ;.-::m" l=======-=====~=ir;===;=m=i=~===ll!!l!l!l====~,==·===-::u-· .............. , ...... :m.~iot" "·,.:JI --~---' -.; ' • Fi<1itiM B~llltS tt-Stt11tfllfm /, J. 10036948•19 u .t~ , ~ I I• l' l• '. NOTKfOf APPUUTIOH TO SEU AlCOHOU< BMRAGES Date of Fling Appi<atioit Jtn 21 , ?003 ·.~ I ftt .. (II 01 <it~· ... ''" 06 11 ( < l003694843t. I ¥• ., " J. 'M "' ' •• I '• 0111v P1lcol u'~ :< , 1 luty & 11 'O<B f U I fidltiM hsiMss .... s. ...... Th• folln"''"I l'•''''n' "'.., dom1 b11\1n11-.' ., T 1n\•l T uh 1 \lo40 l'lo •~ll,. Avrnn• I '"t• Mr.a t .t. 97671 Conw•ln I To11.,, l~O O••n~' Avrnut l Ml• Mto.• r.t. 'Pflll """ bu\ln~" 1s coo duct~d by .,., 1nd1v1d11•l Havf y<tU (Ur t"' dOl!ljt bu''""" y No Con$uel t l oH u (CoMI~) nus ~t•t,IMnt wn ft .. d "Ith tlw' C<1unty Clt1~ of Ot .in;~ C111in1y 1111 Ob/17,1).l 2oouuaus 0•1ly Piiot Jun. 20. 7.7. My 4 11, 2003 F444 • A12 Fnday, >.ioJ 11, 2003 -------~ ... ~ ..... -~ ..... 2MOltpl .... ,.... .... ... s....... The foltowlna per$ons are doin& buiineu n . Cr •phlcaltycorrect, 2300 Fair view Rd. #C IOI , Costa Mesa, C" 92626' Julianne Ruth letter, 2300 f•lrvtew Rd IClOI, Costa Mes.a, C" ':12626 Thos bur.oneu os con ducted by 1n lndovodual Have you started <loin& business yet? Yes. 06/ i.>3/7003 Julianna Zeoter Tht~ sh1tement wu flied with the County Clerk of Or a nae County on 07/08/03 200'6tS0705 011ly Prlot July 11. JS. 2!>, Aue I, 2003 F48;i Rctllleus t.silfSs McmeSlattllelt Re-. ..... NmeS...... The lollowlne pe1$ons •ll doin11 busln.ss u : A OK MUFFLER Of SANTA ANA, 2422 W. 17th St .. Santa An•. Calllo1111a 92706 Robert Bru~k. 2422 W. 17th SI , S1nta An1, Calif or nta 9270b fhos bus1nen tS con ducted by· 1n 1nd1v1du1f Havi!I you started do1n11 business yet7 Vu. 02/ 01/03 Robetl Br0<.lo. Thts sl•lemenl wn toled wtlh the County Clerk ol Or1n11e County on 06/24/03 20036949192 Oaoly Pilol Jun6 27, July 4, 11. t8. 2003 1'465 FktitiM~ "-S........ lhe tollow111g pPrson!> lhe tollr1win2 pe!Sons are tlo•nt bu~111e~s dS are do1111 bu"nen as PlUMBSHARK 1768 W for Your Health 233 Juno Avr •9 Anahr1m Knoll ldlo.e M1ss1on t;A 9l80<I Vietu CA 9?692 !>drren Malllt~W Ytp I meld(' HUI RenM 23l 1168 W ltonu Avt •C. Knnll I ,1kt M"ston lltMh-.111 t' II ':1/1((14 l/1e1t1 I A !l/b9i' ftu, lw\111•', " \.OO fhr-. liu·.11tt• 'l Ila c.on ttut l{ttl h~ u1 uutiv1dudl due ,,.,1 hv ,.,, 1t1c11v1dthll .......... ... s....... The followln& personr. ve doina business u Samaqoan Construction, 410 Hunlinaton St Urolt C, Huntln1ton Buch, CA 92648 Oun S•m111i1n, 410 Huntinaton SI., Unit C, Huntmaton Bea~h. CA 92648 Thos busoness os con ducted by an ondOVtdual Have you started doona business yet' No Dean Samaroan Thos statement wu fried wrth the County Clerk of Oran&• County on 06/24/03 20036949208 Oatly Ptlol June 27, July f470 AditlM ..... Nemes......, The following rm 'o"' ar" dotn& tiu\111t·\'\ .t\ Huanqu,. 401 N~w111lfl Cenkr Oro.• NlWl•llfl Beach C:A •utA10 Oeruu' t 111.-.ud fim I tfl'rt ~•UO t '"-',,-." I n Piii N1 "'"'''I Ht 11 h f\thlnn11, 11 '••'• c flt•· ht1~H1· t• ~ 011 li•W Y"" 1.11 ll'll tl'""I! H'v" 11111 \l•r led tJu11111 tlrn t• it hv .., rnd1vutu ,, Jl.1V• y .. ,j I 1tt1•d 1111111;: ... IH1,11w·,• 11•t 1 N11 hu"ut_·~., V• I• 'f•' 0/' hw.u1t>-•1• 'ft'f / Vt:\ Ol 01 I'' 71 i'(HH \,,.fl.111 ..... M Ytp I llHl.t ·~I'"'" fill' t,tlt mi nl ~.,... lht• •,t.t1t"IHt'llf WJ\ lilril wolto lh• I """'Y I 111r1f wollo lhe (;ounly rlrrk 111 llrJ11r 1 runty I Lh•rk 111 0rd11Vr Cu<rl'ly 1111 07 OK 0 I un Ob I} 0 I 20036950820 200369479$1 IJdrly l'olol Inly 11 lk I U.11ly Print JunP 70 77 ~Aue I •11111 I 48'o tulv 4 11 )()()I I 4!>8 Pol i<"y . f)t n1u• f dw t111 f'111l1•·11 lht ti1h lllt'Uf Wil' fol•d ''°lh 1111· I 11U1il V C:lttli; ut fh.w't l u1111lv un 06 /I 01 20036949147 !I luly I 4b1 ......... ... s....... The followlna persons •re doi11& busloess as: Private Lebel Movie Player, 411 Snu11 Harbor Rd., Newport Buch, CA 92663 Larry Weinstein, 411 Snua Harbor Rd .. New port Buch, CA 92663 Thos business os con ducted by· an ondovidual Hive you started doon11 busmen yet? Yes. 6· 15· 03 l•rr y Weinstein Thts statement was toled with the County Clerk of Ounee County on 06/24/03 20036949209 Dally Pilol June 27, July 4. 11. 18. 2003 f471 RditlM ..... ... s ....... lhe followinc perso ns .ire doin& business as Marone Res,ue Consult anls. II, 18 Tesoro, Ne wpor I Beach CA 976!>7 Sleven Graham W111ely, 18 I ~•oro Newpor I R•d< It. r A 92657 f ht\ bu'.!tlfle\~ 1s con du1 fod bv an 111d1v1dudl lt"v" you ··ldrted llotnl? tio .. m~~.\ yefl No •lt'v1·11 G WtRely 1111\ \lal•menl wa~ t11-.1 wrth lh~ Counly l.l~o k ut Or dn1te County 1Jf1 06 ll10J 20036948421 0 uly P1lol June 70 21 July 4 II 7001 r 444 ........... ... s....... The lollowlna persons are doln1 buslness as: hlklne li1nds Thera· peutlc Muna• and Bodywork, 120 [ 18th Street, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Carlos Me&serschmodl, 230 Broadway, Costa Mesa, CA92627 fl'llS bUSlllHS IS con• ducted by· an lnd1vldu1I Have you sltrled doona buson.ss yet7 No Carlos Messeuchm1dl This statement was filed with the Cou"ty Clerk of Oran11e County on 06/24/03 2003694'232 Dally Pilot June 27, July 4, 11. t8. 2003 F999 FldttlM .... Mmes..... The followona persons are doine business ·n Arborfor11•. 23396 Via Sin Multne. Ahso VteJO. CA92656 Mark Adam Senefsky, 13196 Voa San Martine, Jlh~o lloeao. Cl\ 92656 lht5 bu\tness os con· <1111 led lrv iln rndovrdual Have you \lar led do on& bu\rne~' V611 Yti\ b I? O.l Mark JI SPnet~~Y I hi\ \ldtement was toled wolh lhe County Cler k of Or •nge County on ()(,117/03 2003694802 Daily Polol June 70 27 Juty4 II 7003 r 4!>1 .......... ... s....... The tollowlna penons are dolna bualn•u.. ts. Flnal Coal, 2013 B •l Placentia, Cost1 Meu, CA92627 Hoana M Nauyen, 1425 E. L• Palm• Ave , An1helm, CA 92805 This busmen il con dul"ted by; an 1nd1v1du1I Have you atarted dotl\ll busoneu yet? No Hoanc M Nauyen This statement was hied with the County Clerk of Oraneo County on06/19/03 20036948731 Oa11r Pilot June 27, July 4, I • 18,2003 f473 Ad!IM ...... Mmes..... The follow1n1 persons are do1n1 bustness u . Player Development, 2233 Falfv1ew Rd Apt K. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Michael Wilham Hood. 2233 r a11v1ew Rd Apt K. Costa Mes.., CA 92627 1 his business ts con dueled by an 1ndlv1du<1I Have you ~tar led dotn& busineu yet? No Michael W linnrl 1 ht\ statement was toled with lhe County Cler~ of Oo ange Counly on 06/?0/03 20036948174 Daily Pilot July 4, 11. l8. 2!1.2003 f4/9 I low to P lace A .. ..... ..... ... s...... The lollowlnc per son1 11 a doina business as: New ldan, 3401 Don· cuter,· Huntlnriton B11ch. CA 92646 Jeff Thompson. 8401 Doncaster, HuntinatOfl Beach, eA 92646 This business 1s con ducted by: an ondivldual Have you started doint business yet1 No )eff Thompson This s tatement was filed with the County Clerk ot Orance Counly on 05/21/03 20036945422 Dally Pilot June 20, 27, July 4. 11. 2003 F999 'fldlllM ..... ......... 1 he following per sons ••• do1n1 business as Green Oes1&n Landscape, 421 W Alton "ve .. Unit 10, Santa Ana, CA 92707 RtCardo Arreola. 421 W Allon Ave Untl 0. Santa Ana. CA 92 707 1 his business os co11 dutled by an ond1v1d111I Have you s l.u led dorn11 business yet? No Ricardo AHeola I hos stalemenl wa~ fried with the Cou"IY Cler~ of Orange County on 06/24/03 20036949228 Daily Pilot June 27 July 4,11 ,18,2003 f466 LJ'. * Dady PllOt ':==================================================::; .. PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot C lassified section to find services from e lectronics and plumber.s, t o landscapers and painters. NlWPO~I ~U\C H • CU'>IA Ml'>/\ Daily Pilot Classifie d Cornrnunity M a rketplace ,-----Dradlines • .... .. .. Ible' and <kadlinl'~ ;.ire \UbJcct to 1.h.m\.!l' 1.1..a1hou1 nolu.:e. The publisher rc-.crvc:. the n g.ht to ccmor. reclassify. n:\ l\l' or reject any <.:lassilied advcr11sc men1. Please repon :iny error that mJ be rn our class11ied ad 1rnmcd1atcl}. The Dail} Pilot accepts no hahrht) for any error tn an Jtlvcn 1-.emenr for "ht ch 11 may Ix: n:-.pon-.1blc c>.<..:cpt lor lhc CO!.t of the 'pace actuall) occupicc.I hy the error. C:n:d11 Lan only bc allo"'ed for the fir.,t 1nsn11on CLASS IFIE-AD Monday ...................... t-:rnJay 5:00r111 Tuc:-.day ................... Monday 5:00pni lly~ax_ f l)..IC) I 63 1-659..1 tl~u· 111l ll>lk H>Ur ""1ll<' JnJ I~""'" 1tuml>,.·1 .uoJ "'~ II call \1l\j t-,k' ~11h .• rntl" tlUOh." t _ll_y Phone 19..IQ) 642-567!( II ours Bv Mail/Jn Pe rson: " 330 Wei.I Bay S1recr Co~ta Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay '>r Wednc~day .............. Tucsda:r 5:00pm 1 nul'day ........... WeJncs(Ja) 5:00pm Friday .................... Thur-.day 5:00pni Saturday .................... hu.h1y UlOp111 Telephone 8:.10am-5.00pm Monday-Friday Walk In R:10am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Sunday ...................... h1day 5:00p111 ANNOUNCEMENTS lq J & MISC. 1010-1110 matAllNSE ~ GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Cemelety l.Dts.tlypts PAClffC VflW 8A YVl(W TERRACE S lOTS·A.ll OR ,A.RT 949-494-SO IS ~ 1489 rtl 230S·2490 Estate Sales 1486 Sal 8-1 I Qu.ilrty r 11nrtixe r /<* /b>'(rnVl\otrh. tia• b ..e. elect, fJll:lures ~v t.lolhe~ fi03 W Bay Avt Nwprt Bch Collectible1/ Memorabilia Garage/ 1160 Yard Sales 1489 CdM/Sat 7-12 FOi SALE IEAL ESTATE FOR SALE JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-at Col" N .. ch Old Com~' Gnld ~•Ive• ..,welry w~lt~\ ~nl~ tOll~hblP' 949 64? 9448 TOP SS 4 RECORDS ETC ~ Cl,r..,._ [I< 50\ & 00\ Iii All!'< <;pkr HAie """'1'> M1kp 949 64'>· 7!10'> lots of g-d otvff 11 cats 3610 618&6201/1 0"hld -------- -(In olfey) __ Oclcat Kitten•. ltop"d ENTERTAINMENT CdM/Sot 8· I look~ lo~t· 1~1~ PHJhl Movif>g Sch 2 Fmnillftl ROid Chl'>t ril~lt \flt1I< r~al Loh of Gr-otvffll <chmoo1r1• ·l()Cj F,81 6664 Calendar of 238 ,opp_v__ Pet Adoptions Events 1310 I cM FRt-sAT 1 .12,00 3660 17 SO Hew Hampohlre Adorable Pug '"PPY fQUAl HOUSING tl• ,,.1 I •hie •Ir Y" I Ph rg 12 .. ~ pr ~'• r • 1 l~wn tr.,rm·.•·t·. l w..tltrbeds. roklr 1.urw .,.1.;.-nntl OPPO«TUNITY n11• • ""'"rtt .. ld •~I ' I ,.... •. ••• """'"''· All ,, 1 1 I '"'"' lo 11utf f1r,1ti11 I; tJwrt"'' 11 "' lfl '''' I CM/Fri & Sot 8 12. , ,,11,. '14'! 1~ • 11} l\,1111 .. tt 1 J~i,, .. ,, iat-·a.-,,,,. ,n wc1 111•u• - I 0 , It• " 1, t I ••~ ·0 f ""' .. 1 mutt ?449 Germon Sh•pherdt '\II ,. .,, 1, 1•11~ 1·1 1 ti•• l awv...,,) , ,,, 1, •I I NB/Self & S-8-4. do~ 11 tvl I h.tttll~hrlves. l•ff' nHt•' u11t~· tunt\thold •l•r11· M..,.b,,11 memora· hoti.1 .irollfluf' flf!W\Cla!)e'\, ••11 2 153 Vltta lrm-ocAo "'' , ,,., .. , follf".. lt1Hlf dh H (•f ih"-< f!nt111 1f111t1 h!'4 •·t1 •m t,tit' 1ol11r 1tf1,1011 ,,., huuJu. 1tJ. f u111lh1I L11u\ flt notllOhttl utl 'lft 111 ,,n 1flfrl1l11111 .. ,., ,;. I '"Y Newport l..t. SAT ...,,,. ""' h , .... 1 ... fl• .. l11r •• l '°'' 'i.11i(k r.ommunrty. lt'H' ,,. di , '"' , ••om I k•v•·' 'li.\lt>{tA Blvd yoo Th1\ , .,w,11 •1•••r will In,,.,.,. It. Wlll"tlt ~ft ~ '"'' • n,'hNlll''"' 1r1 •·pt I JI.'*',., I AnTIQlae\ & fls'n .wv ••lvc I " for MOVING SAU SAT. 7-2 r hll r \I •' ,., "I "' Ev•ryttllt19 "'"'t got ""''•I• 1' 11 "'' 1,., '1" 160 I Cllff Drive '"flrltr\ ~"' '· 1·t•1 Newpottleo<-h 1ttlut111r1I It '' t f"-'f'll m~\ 111t1v1>r ti•' rl m th1 h'w'P 1µ•r tt' h' -t1l,tf1f• QO •n •'111,.1 <•pp1ittunatv b•\t\ In con1,tl1tm ••f di\ 111mtnaltun 1 .-111um toll Ire, •I I llO<t 4?~ R'>q() Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES •I-..·~ .,, • .. CASH PAIO $$ General Announcements 1610 Ptlvote o.,clo Hvttt"'t c1 .. 11 Alll)llJI I/hr h orn N~w11n11 I R~1t h ( xc~I· l~nt h11nt11rg AlltACl!nl IO ''·•I• w•tMlrowl refu20, u iNn1·r,t11p rnt.,rf'¥1 I ·•I'•""< 11•, ~·,. ot land & 1n1vr uv• nu nh • your ""'" t.tmp cnmpound w ''' 111 lur• and '1 1,.,.,.,,. Wonderful I rt nrl(hl RBO ' & Wlflf lofln1 dur1n1 duck ~awn • m•ny 1 a lra~I llfcoel fnt 2 fr iendt or falMr & 'Oii C•ll Mrkt .if }10·!>41 0$54 "1-,... ,.._., ... an went to either c.hnies, I tm In deiper ele n11d of lht n~m• of lht docton who OPOl'alld th1M cllnlc\ Plo.Ut ult 111• collett 11 41S·924 90J7 01 41, 3111·»4~ t<lnt t •p •hft,.,1 h(lmt' HW./11 •.t"'' llf" f1q( ,.,, 714 // l 'o'll'1 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 S Hfl IUllOINGS '>II /0 JI I 40 .40 'iO• 90 hO• I tO Mu'I sen• ' U1 Jr,.,.., r, Ruy (800) 499 2760 3010-3940 lmJ soos-saso \ ~' .. le"'' l .. r l!' '"tnMJ• Of Y .. ur 11.,m~ By Beatrice Anderson 94-9.759.0550 Ollices u lease 4540 H8/~ll. bl\ flUITI fkh. J r"' .,t, ·.urt~ I P'k& 541 ~,, ww>OOw<. nlU' "'""'" $I' l'xllll 949 ZJ8.663'll1'i623 A.O AGOKY has 1ndrv Uf>"alf' offices or adji!Cenl 8tlO \f. w tte w/pl cour'le Ylf'W< tn N B mtdr~ by ~•port fr..e prknii. shared u1nf room Furn/unfurn from S4!i'I 949-756-8501 t tOMfS f"-OR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY ... su••1• stzzuu ... Ot •f-' Be<JUllul Er 3.5ba home with ~, pool, .8"i"t kltr:hen t R. l*lt.llffont prdotn&~~ ol ~ ~ $4,500,000 Index FOUlt NE 'ORT 'ININ5ULA CONDOS Opet1 Sat-S"" I -4 4915 ltlver Ave FROM S82S,000 2U 28TH ST. 3 &4i...- 49 I 5-4917 .... Aw 3....._/3W. a.-. ............. -'-n. Scopr4ta c.. 949-93().7$28 ........,_, be'-1 bay ilnd be.Kh. ?.l(X)st, With '/ master\ 'J f P \, A/C. 'emodeled ktt & bltlh$. Ii krt & tam om. $925,000 Che5ture Real Estate Inc 949 723 6037 GrMt ~-I blodl ID t>rac::h Jbr ?!>. upper l bf Iba lowtr Jue 2;ar illll' I 7402-7466 • S-IS10 ~ t000-97SO '"''°'" (or-del Mor Cond-lt1fum•. eourmel lo.ltchen, wrnuat•t 11on. cuslom tile dnd Cdb onelry r <Onl 11o a 3bt ?Ila hOme & rea< ~ i 'Jbr ?ba CO.A.STUN( ltWTY 949-759-0177 •A (oc;aowww ... 'i C-- Lourtioc\_,lroll lo Bie Corona and loolloul potnl 48r 4 !>Ba bl•nd new conlom home. Offe.ed at $2.950.000 C0"5TLIN£ REAi. TY 949 759 0177 Ja1mlne Creek New private I ·\tory. 281' • den. seckJded cul de SM aern on le lot tn 11ua«led we.a Reduced lo S819,<XX> "(I Joan Butk~ 949 ]!fl 9314 $969 cm "i1 949-514-3!198 Costa Mesa Corona del Mar HAiloi v1iw H1ds South LiTATC oo one ot the laraeit lots O'IN SAT-SUN 1-S 1520K .. tDr. !ibr 3b~. Med1terra nean par ad1se. Cre· l t111 shiped pool & Spa fountains & Palm lren By Owner At< epton11 Bids Be tween Sl.&99.000 SI 57!> ax> 9'9-700-0162 JUST usno TOOAYI OrlNNOUU SAT-SUN 12-4 116 1 /2 ......... .,.. Nestled Amid Mtlhon S homes! 2br Iba, be1u priv tree hn1 ltr on cul· de sac. $687,000 hm & Pally McDonald (])M ltlm6 -~ • '.-lit Or-. v..... ~ dy honll! ~ comm Chltmtl'lfl atyr<I f'fth)' AciPro• 1100 II, ;1b +dllV lb.. f p. torm DA. a.tt 2t car w/storac• Mster w/Ynll. "1 dll Corm1 pool. -clNI Sm pet ()l Ctdlw S3«iCVmo. K ..... ..... 181 704-864l9 192Dt --~·---0-.· F..,._ ~ Oii U. ........ ~ fOM\ Hirt fl lllftm Wl\t, ec. ~did. -. ria_~ ClMIJWWW lt 0 .. (N HOUSl SAT-SUN 1-4 UOAr~St 3br I /~be new krlch wd firs, I blk to Canyon Park S459,900 Mary fewel Re/Maa 949 646 9670 • ._v.,......_48< 38a. lg yard l'JC, II ?c p "f l1l»y Bt<llw ,.,.._ 8uytrs Wetorne 11 ·2 2010 Swan Ot ~ tXXl aet p~ l !M9 m-8120 Of'(N SUN 12·5 U842 V.t.Mfe "ec• Ocean view hxtf, hu11e proce reductlOf'I 4Br 2Ba "11 714·504·374? llr , .. ,ated condo New pnVcrpl, kit ftrn1 & O/W Mstr bf w/wat. 111 cbt, LR w/Utth cells, rp, temi. a t1. clubMe Prud C. R..ity 562.307 ~ OHM SUM 1-4 51AN•81VIUAS 20321 Tidtpoof Cif 11202 1811 lBA. Conso, I ml to bch. Gated comn1. pool, l1nnls, tjtt1111 $?66.000 8y Owner 90t-7q.101& ........... ... ~ ..... &..-... 3bf JM, OM of• few e .. to~HIMI WalMfrOllt MltMI •-11859.000 ,........,, ......... ............ .... , ....... Under the Scn·ice Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 WHI lrvl"• 4br 3ba 20(XAqll . 2 c aar 3 yr\ new Li;: yd. $629.000 lrvl"• WHt Port. 3br 3ba IJOO ~qlt Detached home Built tn 1995 S519 000 Ael Cl111 Tu Remo 949·:?95·9988 Tustin VIEW CHA TEAU 10501 8rler Lane localed tn N lusltn Htlls I ') 1cre hilltop estate 6bt lba. C.tll to• proc~ Aet John loa•n 71 4 731 1808 MISCWANEOUS ROOALS 28r 18a FttHll Home vault c"tl'\, broKht. Li lR/palro t11. I t gar Open hou\P 5.tl Sun I 4 avaol 8tl 479 111, no ~ts Slr.<lm ~/3ttll8 (;on:na ~ r1\.11m ib 2'ba hOtM Iii" ~ ~ to:>b al prrvacy Br \11( rtllTIOd plantabon v.ittin lilfM!ltt c1rs wd "'' ,_ """"' kll!. °' 'illlr. s..axi ()pn1 Sal Sun I!> (449 Selw•d Rd) M9-721~220 Laguna Hills --48r ~ l•m hw ~bl ii"' ydld i..~dnr nu !JCl• i f' i,... $11:n)m., 1J1r" ul~ neNI $3900 Q49 647 0 I i8 Laguna Niguel FOf lea.. '-a<ufol• 2200st Hom" 481 '! e .. 2 ( ., i•' ')I f'ntl\Jlt • \chools nu vel ,mi..nc • S? /'>O'mo 9'9 in Ofi96 • NOUUl"S tu.ff IJSlNJS B.!y -~end .... 3br 2bll "Ueklres f'W1 • $749.tXXl Of'IN SAT 1-5 Rental To Sharl 6030 Oc•-VI••• Up" al~ Newport Beach I Story end cn-ne unol 2br Newr«t ldt lock l•r Spacious l rv1111 dNtiJw UDO YlA.RLY UASl fealu'~ 2b 2!b8. ?t ~ & UOO SUMMlR HOM~ e•panded S549Jm 4br hse, 2 room\ av.ti Of'9' SUN 1-S NorVvr*. 19n r-'f!f Jfli()no, m lldl SI1'j)n l14<4111!llll Bill GRUNDY Rf.Al TORS l~badl~~on u-homes :b ICl(Jaded towmDn1e SYJ1 .<XX> :b I slol y townhome S!iQiJXX) (I H) 4bl (as! 8klff lunll Sl.C89tXXl PaA!on Rell:y 9'$632-6e O<WIVIWlOT 2lOOc..VWAw MOOsfi.t ,,..._.......,.,...,. "'/tc19 .. i.e. lyO-.... Shift ulll \ 949·!153 85!>3 Rooms tor Rent 6040 Newport 8ea<h Udo t•I• Bd•m • bAlh Pvt rnlo •nt" Nr Br •dl:P $700 "'" 949 JU. tt17 ==- a.. c-,.,,,, Lr'..t.ie, Wal"' V-~ Loi /14 ?ID-96e6 n4-9'1~ !)II} lll-0128 ....... Pre..., 1-efy a-cl,_..., llr , .. Aft' .... pvt i"' IToe wa• lo Tro Squltf~ $89~/mo Walet/lruh pa.cl Kle!n Mao~I 877 704 8649 [•I 9200 ..:>GUAGIS t0•22 $340 or 22120 $575, Of 4000sf atfport area, pvt w/htfh l'""9~1w left, .,._. HCUflly949-646·1106. & ' .. ,.tto, - Sl.,000Mt-64S-1'21 RESIOENTIAl.AENTALS ,_,$ff 1-180 I 21st St. t4t-64S-7776. .._._ ltldr, MAXIMUM ORANGE 7400 VIEW. "new lull flmodel, COUNTY (cntddo 21t,, 2ba, Af>t. wtlh balcony. 10. wat~r & Ir ash paid no peh S1250/mo 94.9 650 3735 4bt 3 5ba, s.inlle story Buyers only SI 6 Mol 11 ....... .......,. •11 Paul 949.290.3053 --• ~ 2.Sh T woholne on blufh ,.. bdl. lnl.d yd Ip, 2-Sty ...._, 2br• den, dbl p+ ••tr•~ SI~ 2.5bl, 2 Fpr., 2t. pl. w/d.. mo "l""I ~·96911 511•0c-......_. lBr 3 58a, Sl .590,llOO -et/~. 9'9-637-0300 blocht.re @ rploc.oom ca...1. thfhetl poonf w/Spectec:ular ocetn w1ew1 One of the nnest comm of lu•ury homes !>Or 4 54>• $'2,6~.000 S......, £wop41n style hvfna. Hell In the htlb ovtt~ln1 t11e oc;e1n. 3bf • offict s1.~.ooo ................... mode; .... "- w/v'4wa of $HdltHck •bt lwndro41 of up· 1t•dttl $l,6'S,OOO °"" SU9I 1-s S.11t1 lvd• rabvloua .-efTont loc 3br J ~. ~Itta Canyon ' OCMfl $1,119,000 pilllo, f\/'peb. av.a ~ a.-.,. l '• home 2lll _.., °' yrty 949-61'5-Z9 lbe. II yrd. de4 pr I~ et .. t ley ff-' ept 2br E. 191il SL (do not distwb lbl, Ip, Sl800/mo •1"4-tenants) n/imll&/doa' WO. 111•&•· li&hl + S1750m.40&745 1422 tiWM brlfhl Sl4.00/mo • 2br 2ba house yu1fy S2100/ mo Aat 949·673-4062 Y.t, • ._, tow. ~1. -'1 M. w/d. b9. Ip, ltl!Ps lc.'t bey, l\/peblllnll&. avail -S2AOOm •123-511>2 ....... ,. .... , ... ,., n.. w.io.. ~ 1o1 w/pool, lfdrll fp, It pat111, w/d, _ pt. c1oMI to be.II. $1900/mo -~ 949 ... 75-616 l A STUl IU SI09SJMo '/• Off .... ht .... .._ for 6mn le.lY Nf>WI¥ ren~ "°""" ~ Ulr1)f'I & Vt•nlL I .. Wit • ""'°' (iii 0001 fl w &. .. ~ • Cdl lt"" 'M9 M6 0~4 •• 1 714 &t3 7':Jll ,..,, ~~ LDf't• I br I Ila """ "" ...,1.1 '•nlns.,la polftl. No •111 elol,.9/p•h. $ 1450 949-293-463 I le ...... :Ill';, l6tl• SI p;'lltn. W/d. fill!~!!" & slor age SI f,00 'mo 714 !M3 1392 Moch.HI Vl1A IAUOA 2 ~~ttnl 2ba Fp. lndty rm. Is fl"lcll C(Wntn PDOV1Mnl'IC» ?t prf\e. waa. lo bch Clt\/ wtt pd $1850/mo 760 7'19 8107. 949 !>74 '124.J I 8LQ<lt fltOM oc•A.H 2br 2ba remodeled •pl carport SISSO Anti 8 I 949-51 S-4229 211 YlAltlY HNTA.LS _ Newport Buch Penon. $1400·$1~/mo act 949·•71~78DO Hew,ert (rut, 2br 2ba, 2 C. ,.r. W4~ tO bch. ttn/pool/r.pa '2100 Avacl 8· l 949 707 4408 .., I t IS W eAY AVl , "ICllW. 2ba. wd ~­Iii. w/d, :lit~_.:.! ICt Qw!l!y ~ 3'48 ;-• *~ t.sa.. •er..t•• UWldld&~nw~I!"! .... to bd!.. till ... ~ ~$2!51Dn ~ ...... C....•trl• (11d uni iwtv. -,::t ~c::~ Dlllf't Pilot ~bMM..-.. Horrw. 2Br 28a, '}'{3 pr. pvt beldles. NC. s:fiCXlrno 714.Q98.175l n4.34s.s11J ~ R/intil Avall Sepl uw 4br lba h.w on Pl!rwl Pon. Vfsy nc.e f\.wn ~ u:q> !M9'67!>46:1> Clare ILUfJS TOWN HOME SAY VIEW 38 R • FR LARGE ·r· Pl AN CUSTOM UPGRADFO tXPANOEO $3800mo H«•• ,_,,_ Realty 949-U2-6489 ~Coast s-: ... re Sir 2'/,lo ~11111111 lam hm. y•rd. wd hkup, 2< lilt. comm pool $2900/mo 949-851 834':> Tustin Horth Tv1tl11 Hlll1 Beau catahna, city hghl view~ 5bt 5ba hous.: • library. 2 power rm\ Approx 5900 sf I at lot renn1s court~p.300 00 ••-•Claro Tu 949-295-9988 Employment Wanted * Hou•emon/Mgr. * I Lledn & mttmla1n lar~e flf1m,.-. c..,ok d11v,~ c1tl 1lull~• el<l~tly & rhold • Ml' ··•p J7 I 'HI 90J8 Employment IOAT "-~"'~ •"'*1P a """' !-ur• flPavy lrlt6\t ~ """ ronwer •J.111!. a ' ~""1 "' I"''°" (ti> l\'lonot\I' v ,,.Jn SoJl)ll e. 11ilXJ Newpo•I Blv~ u.-.1• M,..,., ':;1Y '>IR 4 l'ft 01 MON~ TRl\fOfl', l'f itrw t:t y \fh• t"\ m rom uea wt•·i.. .. nch •·d' nl"'"t.. 949 b4l ~783 DRIVERS WANTED - No>wpoll & llunltnStfon H.31 ""' y11u• "wn v hedulP' PAil or lull lom• ava,labl., Sl51 Udy lull IHT\e L~ll 888 DOI WllRK fT ~Jlv @ WWWl> Ql,.•ll _, SeMce Directory NO 1 ICf If) HI AO! S Cal1forn14 l.iw rr quires thal conlrac tf'llS l•krr•K 1ub• lhal total $'>00 or more (labor Of 'materral•1 be he ~n!>ed by tlwl Conlrattors State t '"'OJ~ Board State law also requoru that c:ontr '' turs tnclude the11 hc,nu number Qn all a<lv~•'"'"I! Y1111 can check thP ,fall•\ o t y<Jur lltensod c. on t r• c t or ,, l www.cslb .. , aov or 800 li.'I CSlB Unit censed conlf•tlors tak •na 1obs that total les\ lhan $500 must state '" lhe11 adv er trsemenls Iha! they are not licensed by the Contractors Slate l lceMe Boafd " Additions& Rlmodlllng fMTHltG IN1tllCMtS Kitdlen I &ti> I RMIOdel M.lm!. tatwo•o :M:0T1 #fi8&l5 vs.t.e ~ AlrCond~at AlUN HVAC Air Condftionina & Heatrna Service l •808660 949.500.9005 A -l HANDYMAN ln,lall, refac.t cabhrets ~ ~ 0.-.. 71A-616-7258 •fl /TIMI ltllJO MAN-· AGtW l ti stor~e fa<:llrty. Sonday & Mooday • Oita and ~e 1T111w1t111iance. l •p. • plus! 714-341-4466 Irma M;.19099 hsineu IS buooong. need ~ Good muoey putenti.tl r,..., PIU\I r lf'1 fa• IL ... 714 276 lG Publ1~l1111g PROMOTIONS DEPARTMENT Communrty ""~s tn Ornnl{e l;ounly ~s r tJll lune perVJn lu onl.e<view 9n<J Wiiie •lllf It">, pattlCI pdte Hl w mr11un1ty events. Ut'<1lt "'Kl i>"l!)<ldle ~ ~nd "'-'<-loon' £ ~~t:llent tom1rNm1<.nhon \k~k. work well w11h the public Know AP Sly,.., QuarkXPre~. Phol~ Multi Ad C.e •h• Prohc.o:nl 1111 MAC M •d 1'1' tCI desoen e ~i•ertt-nctJ pr ~fe1 red P10nt1ea<Jff1r '""' Orne •; 11~1HlV)ph,,,....;il rec..,.ed I Of I uellenl henefrt fM'.~al!V Em•~ '""''ne. WI •IHlg '>ilrnpk.., •rid '31.vy r~Qu•rt>mt:n t -, t o "''"' ''tn"••(Qll.'lt..-wm A T-fASl W1,nw11 ~ Store at I ~\h1nn lsl.ud " now h11111i: .. pd I I and P l '~le~ •S~(lt ~ concact I ..-~w1 oil 949-m r.R> Alt11111ottw IMW '97 SHI C- meta ll1c dark blUe/&r•Y lthr, s uper b coJUI thr o uallo ul $15,995 y"6J242t Div ~UBI WWW.Hflelill,c•M IMW'MS2SI like new Blk/lan, 4 df, auto, l06k mr, ac. sunrf . lull pwr. ltnt. Ca smoa. $4200 714-651-4661 IMW '8 9 7SSll leather. sunroof, very clean, $4995 •865459 ~to.com 949-646-"1822 IMW '91 ZS c.,,v 2.1 . 6 'Y' red tan tthr, !ispd, beaut hke n~w cond #815721 Sl7,995 Ii· nancina & warranty avail Bkr. t 949·586 1888 w-.oc.,..t.I.•- l ulck '84 RIVera new lifts breaks & shoclls loaded. elect mnrl, make olfer (714) 848.3704 Codlltoc ·o 1 SevlU. SLS silver/grey 11111, CO. thr m whls, &old pkg, full tact. like new, $18,495 v•596741 lmancina avail Bkr 949 586-1888 www.oc...-1.c- '97 CHEVY TAHOE 4 it. whlta. 4X4, $DXl Sound system. al °""1Y,lld aodr> w(l Rodllord SUIK, Genta Lile$ w4lls. Midm 255 olt road !Te>. f ac wan Sl5.!a> 9$2.95-/EI Dodge '99 Dakota Pickup, cU>cal>. wt.le, V6. -v """" ~ #244419 -M aad9 •tt M lata Coriv. 45k ml, auto, 11ilver. ten top. pw, pl, A/C, CO, su~b 1111• new cond, vill9743 Sl0.99!1 fln'lnclna & werr1'tlly avail Bkr. 949-586-1888 -....-·.<- ............. (230 l lrtlr, mntf, lmmac, sa..,er nict, #617317 Sl0,995 wcwauto.com 96646-7822 ........ ._.9Jltol 2.3, '°'f.eous car. llhr. 92k mnr , ~ f5489!>4 WC~ com 949-646-/lrl2 MercedH '96 C280 beaullllll black/cream fully loaded, showroom. nl<U. SI0.200 n 4-.l!il-2464 ......... '9S D20 810• beaut, all opt, OOl\I! nK.er. new map sw:. $899!i wcwllll1o com 949-64& 7822 M.,.cect.. 450Sl '78 Ce11vertllille low 9l k miles. very good condlhnn, only 36l00. 9'19 493·0379 Merecdes '91 4 20 Sll whole/111 •Y lthr r.hr ome whls, low nu, suprrb cond, $6995 V#'>6728 1 Bkr 949 ~86 1888 w-.ocpobl.<om PHIUIPS AUTO 0 I ""41 A4 O_,,.o Black w/S~nr I ~.rth t:1.Moonrool (19'1262) S22 98:1 SaitK 0ninp e-...ry ,.. wcwauto com 949-646-782'1 02 A<ura TL Moonruul N•vr1t~""" •y>lem load«d Wr '""''" T -'t o4 Mink \k 111 tdre product\. / 118 i Flo:• v hedule, l/f'I SI 2'i •tar I F urqob1 ata-U9-3247, K. New, Upuale Salon 1n ~ ~ •• , >ly1tst W/tilerrtal & e•p"' "''-"' & ha. '~"'°' Wt. lriWl 11"1 e1utw11: 1iew ~ lucr ,1l1v• oppt ptivite •u•ll'S ~au 949 515 4477. Automobiles 9000 Dodge '99 Intrepid Red, V6. CO, super clun. very ntce W535725 wcwaut-0 com 949-6116-782'1 f ord '6S Mu1ton9 Conver t1ble. or 121na l o...,er, solid car $19,995 obo 949· /19-2943 f•d "11 w....... red. /1><1s' l Df owned, al 1 e<.e11>ts. S6995 #629337 w..w...ito.com ~7822 Isuzu '9S T roaper Ltd. 4;4. 1mm.ic throughoul very n•Le. "93?989 S/B'Y.> wcwauto «llTl 949-646 7822 Jaguar '94 XJS (°"" 6 cyt 2~7 ltanunv.o '"di Ian lthr CO buullful Ofl& cond S l3 995 vll94264 I l111,tnt11111 & warranty 4'VAll Hkr 949-58tl-1888 -.ocpobi.<- Jogvor '00 XIC8 c-v 44k mo. full fad war ranty. B11t1\h r aun11 11reen1tan lthr CO, t hrome whl>. hk r new $36 9% v•97'>241 Bkr F manc.tn& & wdrr dYdll 949-Sati-1888 www.ocpobl.<om_ ,..,. '96 Gnind o-o1t- V6, ?w11 ro. ~ ,...,,,. """y nice SS9'l5 •215458 W(;WautO CIJfO .,.,9 &'16 78Zl (19455) S74.~J 99 £320 S.don Whit~ w ISdddl~ lt·,11 h '"· Moonroof \ I 944 3 > S79 'l!JJ 01Jaguars 1.,.,.. Sea <.:r,...n w!S.tddle I thr 28K "" Moon ruof (19lll) 94 MH-'-s S600 C.hdrcoal w 131dc.k Le•U•ff. 18" Ch< om~ Wheels Moonrool <1951 :?C) Sl9. 9Ell Ot •MW 140# HIAdl w/81•• k. only H K M'"'' <1948'le I $44 .980 0 t PondN Turbo l1plrn111c. Only 181< miles Ndvagal•m f 19394 ! INQUIRf 9/J tuin GS 300 Gold w1S..ddle Leath e1 Chrome Whetl\ 119'118> S22.980 99 ferrvrl 35S fl r,11\IPf wl81'1f It, LP.)lher only l4k 1ml1><; I 114?.l''J I tl'j(JlllRr 02 Co<Jllloc fJcolo<'e Bl.11 ii w Sarldk-I ~ .. th "' ·n-Anl•l.l Wh...,I\ 1111'\281 $.34 ~ ,..,. "11 6"lnd O-ok-Automotive 9004 vs 4•4 ""' co ITl<rf 00 Pondte Bo.oter HIM k w Gr~y I ~.11he1 J1ptrnmc ------ve1y note. •1719?0 S999'> Audi ·o 1 n o-. wcwau1.o "°'" 949--646 782'l 119.1461 $.().'BJ R~llll 1o<lded Mic new 71' mo it k 1U '!tf1 lup 'bocly SJ? 000 160 196 7601 BMW '82 6 33 csf 2 di . 11rey/tan. 5 sp, wnruof. lull pwr Sl500 714 878 9455 Carpentry •WollUnlh• Cu•lom Butlt ins. Crown Moldm~s. Base Boards l '577982 949-/09-5642 carpet Repalr~la .... c.p.t 5.M SS on "...,, ti Mel rvn! caJJ5 eap81 rw&otepar, CJ.d '8"VUl laOZl915 7WJll).{llI> ('<(AJlrll ~CAlt11T-() Repairs. Patch1n1, Instill Courteous imy Sile iobs Wholewife! 949 492-0205 Lend ...... '00 one-., S e11es II whrle/gr ey llhr . ps , un& owner. s u perb ori& cond . Sl6,995 vf2967Sl Blr.r . Ut-SH -1118 www .ocralill.<•• HOME & IUSl#ESS •EPAtltS Upgr1dn. Rep1or• ol Computer, Networlr.\ E "~"'"&\/Weekends Competitive pncu for qu1lrty servoc t49-IS6-I 175 714 ... 26-4221 Concrete & Masonry lrlck lledt St-Tiie 949-574-7777 Mll'SAUTO plilpsauto.cOlll Drywall Sefvices WITIHOEfT DR'f'WAll All phases 5m/lr & jobs CUANI 20yn. fa11, free est t 4(0))'.) 714-639 144 7 Electrical SefYices Small Job Eapertl Ooncan (lecllic 20Y" E •P locaVQuock Rf'.WO''"" Servoce/Re~\ l#275870 949 650 7M2 Concrete, Patio. On-ay .... A•,,,-.•,1•c-at'"••<f•t•lc_,. F we9lc. BSQ. Rtf$, 2SYI'$ licensed llect11cal r XP lerry 714·557·7594 Contractof Small The Ce111e11t MOii 1obs star tin& al Cementwork. Bflck, Trle $79.95 & up. & More. Reliable No 1ob Spe(l•hzing tn too small 714-615-9062 Remodehn& & all (9flkOdW H....,.,_ Quahhed p• Great Refs a» phases ~I construcbon l '577982 949-709-5642 ... YouttMOMI IMf'ttOVlMINT f'ttOJICT? Call a plumber , painter. htndyman. or any of the arut senices listed here In our service dlrec:tMyl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE C~N HELP YOU TOOAY! home wirtn& needs. Comm/lndu~t/Res 1-IOO..a97-loot ln829M DUT04MAM EUCTIUC llCENSEO/INSUREO COMPETITIV£ RATES Lt 759337 949" 321-62!>0 lKINSID CONTltACTCMl No ~ too sm. M S11MCeS! Rtt11air. remodel, tans, !(la, MW SVC ~ AND ·=~ 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ORANG~ COUNTIF.s Profe8'ohal, Honest, Fair ·and Reliable ROOM ADDmONS REMODElS ' CUSTOM CABINBTRY Kitchen & Bath Specialists CS CONSTRUCOON Llcf 577912 ('49) 709-J642 Bridge By CHAAl£S GOREN witl1 OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH IU'..AO THt-. CARDS North Somh vulnerable Sooth dcul• NORTII 4AQJ 7J2 11 5 •AQJH7 EAST •765 4 2 Wt:ST • 118 Q854 K \1 4 J 2 •4 ) SOlJTtl • K HI J K J 10 A 16 6 •10116 2 A\16 QJ 7 • K 5 1111! h1dJ1ng.: SOIJTII WF..~T NORTH f.A!\T p*-'' Pass ,. p- 2NT PltSN JNT Plr." Pa.'i.• ,._ Ope111ng ICild 'I hr~ u l !.>cry pk 1urr tclh a ''"'! \ ikd ur 1..ttd, l.'tlntmn, ~::? r •1.turc,, ..ind lll<';< tell drllcrcnt ,1un<!' un c11:1) h.md RcJdtng whaf thev rt'lc11I '' tli.: \t'Lrt=I 10 holh guud ded.ircr pl.i~ .urd dclcn\t· l\orth <;uu1h reuchcJ 1hr~c nu 1nunp on J ..uaightlor~Jrd ~ullH•n S•Joth"' fM''<.'<l-lumJ Jump 111 l\.\u nu trump \howcd I I 12 potob with ~Hippcrs 10 th.: u11b1d \Ull.li and, wnti 14 point\ und u hunc.1'°"1C fh~atd 'un. ~<"1h had an ca~)' nui.e to game. w~. lc:t.l the loorth-tlc>l diamond, l.:.a\I 111...:ncd the jacl. which wa\ .illuwcd 111 hold, .md continued with lhi! 4oct•11 th l.uer 'holding off the an: .1g.;1111 II )'OU Jctend by ruce and rt'lum u thml diamond. thc hand '' 11wr txd ara w111' with tilt" a.·.: . lu....:' the duh lint''~ a!Xl lut' no prohkm wh\'.n )HU \hill tn a lo"' rn:art 'i1ntc t.lcdarcr can riot affOfd to lu-.e u Im~ 111 Wc,1 "'h<1" (>l"!>ed lO 'J'h f\o\11 nu•n: 1.ltamolld tnt l..\, the UJOCXI plJ}' I\ 111 n -.e "'•th th.: kmg 'Jl'l<l South.ha.' nine tnd.\ when h1\ lrlU)C\I)' 1.Jmn t/x: ilii} Inc Jelen-..., " 'u"· 11f 1wo 1.hu- mond !fld,, ""J J tnd, cud1 tn heart\ dJld d ub, 11ic """ 111 <hamvn1h '°"-'' he w11h ~ .. u1h 1f di!d illl.'r held the ~111g. ht: .:uuld not Jlford tu rd u-.e to IJ~<' lhc fir,I 101.~ \IOe<' J dldOk>n<J rclUfll Y.(1Ufd J1kch Jc.'IC!ll the COii 1r.1d \11111lotrlY. 1.kd.11Cr " marl.1.·d "'"h llk· ~ini ol 'P-xk' The uni) h••flt.' fill J lillh 1n1.k " in hearh . At 11i1.~ lhlt't'. '·"' mu,1 \l111l 111 J Iulo\ h1 ~n '"'Jee .ind .on111lwr1 Th:J1 o,cl, up 11~ 4uct'll 1•f hc.Jfl, a, lhc -.c111ni: lfl• ~ 1111 niallrf h<•\o\ <..11t1th "'mmut'' Automotive 9004 AUTOMOBILES, -----MISCELLANEOUS BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES Ninon '95 Pathfinder 4•1\ 1mmd1. wt11le Vf, v~r y mr e •011 ffl S54~'' W.. Wi\UIOJ UJIO 94\1-646 /l{TJ Wanted 9045 ----F-wly Operor..t 0..- CMdomabie '94 Ad.ieYa S (Jwr ii(/ '!"<"' •"•1•1 will l"'Y Hlu,. • .i&tr1 f'O 1 l~.u1 ~1 Vttfy 1,, JJfti •~ to,-'(t'A# • O I '> I 7 I $ I y "I '> •"' v "' • • ll•ll~ r1<1"1 f., w1 w..tHtu , • ;m •-Jl1•J bt16 1m ·,, 'w 11 1 .di I>-tic R.-y ('1> --'"''"''" "''"' ~ /14 Ofd•moblle '96 Aurora ' ~ii l'r 11 WI 114 31'8. ~ f;l)I. rnr black v.•~y llhr mnrl CU labul<JU\ • onrl th•"" ~h"u I $ "99'1 MOTOR HOMES Y1n•4')/719 Hkr BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Oock •pa<• up lo 35ft .,r1 '.iOAI ,,. N ... wpnrt ,.,f,rnd "'' t'rl Wdter & ...... 111< llltl "'4'1 WJ 1976 949-586-1888 MotofHomes 9350 93 n SLIP AVAILASU www.o<pobl.<om IN NEWPORT 8£ACH -----S2SOO llASE Pouche '99 Carrero '98 8lAVlR MONTEREY 949-500-IOOS 46k mo bl~ blk llht CO lrJff mo '~I '""""' f, SAY ISV.NO COVE or-. dHom..-whls like n~w ~.IJ dUllJ All•.cw ltdll'• I Ut ti.,.n;n onl1rrnted S4;> 99'> V•bUOS7 fr '"'"' !Jn"' i1uwt Hll l•nj'lt• 'lll••t .!. '>;tf• 949 11•11<111~ & wa11 dVd•I B~r h'"""""' hi~ W\I \IHI" 'JE/ Ill/"' 44'! ti/3 l'J4j 949-586-1888 uul l•v•rn ~ ~·•· Wu'.h..r www.ocpobl.<om •hf~' t ""'L" ttuf•J ,,ft>ll Iv l'lk 011 \'I'. 1100 Saab '99 9.3 Conv. , '14') '..C~ {)OH 1" '"" f'I 49 k fl'li WflltP 1'.Mtnl~nl llhr r.o bide ~ top Lthulou•. hke new cond BOATS SIJ !19'' ••87S261 Bkr 949-586-1888 www.o<pobi.<om Toyota '96 Avalon, ,lutn Ith' 111m f beau lrlul Sl>'.1'.J', •112/118 1 ¥1/\.Wot(Jtf, UJfl1 ~...,Y t)Nl "5lJ Power Boats 9515 S-itvt-11vw ~'iCn• Wet t~y •Joi• ••""-•''"' S4'• \'.O) <;J~ lM I >11 I Toyota '98 Corolla ll l 990 MAKO 1 911 tJ.,,~,. 'h1tri /4~ rn1 i1w ' Y til\ttf'-• l (t t._, a.'tr trh11lt' I pb pd ll'> ll. A r I "'""·'·" 1. "'' s 17 '{J'I w \lt!r .. , 19m ~l-4 84 • vi~ I ' .. wt: 949-722-937ti BOAT SI.PS HOW AVM 1....a IOI "'"'-' k!Cdbon aod ~l(llt, Wow ·•nd f)OW\1 11.-il!kl 949-675-4847 fnday, July ll. 2003 All TODAYS CROSSWORD PUPLE 63 A\IOICI caiicure 84 'Kind of pool 06 Gott pog 66Pookel~ tr! Oul lt"1 WOOCl DOWN 1 llllOll llll'lk 2 Pudcstor 9ol»y 3 C&IQ. s lf\fM 4 5<.ol!'ly ~· ~ Aaineo .ce tl .tJr~fte f?w<.l!</ 7~! 8 °Wl'O'a '11tio• "'1lly 9 "IA TO oou..'lin 10 NCM I I .l JMaM I • .sml<.e• lhVI>" I 12 Spooatty 13 0uc:t<et of SOOQ ;>1 ""' •off<.'! seruroo 23 Ml.;CNICM 5 r.oin <'4 HOI ltPll !;/~lN l~ 'l.rl< ''" ""JI' ll'.N(!!;) 2(, N',9TW!g neiit:;c» ?I -U.nk8 28 Puson 2'; M.lnl'la •00e<;1911 3 1 (l<'(Jsp 'iOJ" ~EYIOUS PUZZl.E SOLV£0 'l3 Faria1n1I ')4 ~ f)ml!'I"'" ........ -..y SS ~,,.,.. b't •• A!I@ 37 E.arrV'g' lit tiW1t ~ ');>f 41 Pou ... *'ar A2 Sum<re'.l >(' 41 l w Vd.; -..j..lo'A """ flh/ft' ·-..1 .. j °'"' d6 Sk'IY A I ~l'Jfll,.._, ... 48 Cla9S>C rune 4() OeslSI "'' (J~t~ hi<><~ Jllll.'I !;2 Stalt' awr.v '>!> fill<! dlOmoutl ::ib fiooblv - ->8 .J"lbn!lla pen ;9 !()I.yo ()(\(:e '"'' J•<I• '""JrltlOI '>' S1.a•1·,.~ '·t'Otn.'llTle Trade Lot 11 A.~1 &.w 8" I .. ~----... -• He.• by ""' ~;.... lo ~'"' s.l yu unwcnted items "f~·'"'''" \•t'I' .•• II IUl)j t.dl .aJ\ ·<> Mj/ M<1t11d L~•~ 'HJ')/14 7111 heasywoy! Ploct a Clossified ad VW '98 Pouol GlS Vb today! l/Yht ••~n mnrf h.J... ·•llM I 949) "2·S678 '11-~11• •l'>2Jfl:. SIO 'Fh ·---·""----• wcwdlll., """ ':149 6'16 71!12 Flooring/Tile EXPERT INSTALLER Mold1no • t.ammate Floor Installed $3.50 sf Crown Mold1119. Linoleum & Sub Floor Repair 949-582-8866 714-925-3249 : 1 1 II OJSTOM CRIATM TU lnstafl.tlJrlO >.I.Ile ararr.: marble, 5tone &tab 1975 L"6l2044 Jell 714 612 9961 l1AKY Show.'I Rep.w £d Reerouton & ln\tallat1on TILE OEAN 949 673 8065 714 846 852fi 714 883 2031 Garage Doon ....... klfYn.,.. ..._ work, yard ~. ll'.lllllr1blin. hit Inn. ~ Comm/Ru 714-436 1518 ..,, ....... l .......... ~.._tt,bwlltnnq & ln.sl•llalion. 25 Yrs u p l ie/insured 949 548.-4363 --IVIHTMfllO & A•'fnlllle I• A ....... , ......... _, -~ ..... an-...M -· Glau,Mirron WltColrs • &lass Oten Mtnom _.,.,.... 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CLASSIFIED CAN FINO n. Painting .lay•on'• Pof"llng Top Qu~hty l'omprtit1ve lnt.,101 l •I l •b41t.';'8 Gall l•y 949 6'>0 ~- RAINIOW CllClJ MAINT Pamr.ne tit.e•L ~"""At•• Qudht~ /Ob' f •et .... tuHAI• l •56989 7 714 631, 8888 Mauntol11 Dog Ooy Camp ~nd your f>t''I l11end tu ump whole y1111 i<' un vu ''''Ill Saft fr rendlv & tun rrw:,..mt.Jtf1 eovM••rtn1t-nt di la~• l\rrowh"'~ h~ \(I( t.thl~d do~'-Nu k .. , ..... , w ... ~rrrtl ltlT\O Pklmblng SlWB Al9 DWI CUAlltG _ (949) 64S·US2' lee e dMsiono1 "'IJlJMll-1 SCWfA .l(ntNG ELECTRONIC SLAll LCM< OHECTION F riendty Ser \"lee t4t-•7S-9J04 -~.mm V 7!11C9ftntlKflCI Plumbing HOHCST & RU.SOHAIU Pl UMBl R L '.o6'>86 fr.....-E ,t• -~,.,. 'fiUM' <• ti ( .IJ (JN '14 7"h 'll'i!l PRfCISl PLUMBING Rtp•11• & RP"1<1delrnr I Rf I I SllMl\lt l •681.1'*11\4 969 1090 Poof Service MMol< Poo4 & S,... Sv<. WePk Iv '>P• ~" e (quip mf'rt Pe-pair~ fn~ur ed Coll 949-292-7 17 3 Roofl~utters , ., ·:. 11, 2003 ·LINCOLN • l9 .... dalld4M ..... .,. --poctd pWt SJOOO l.ctoty ........ mrt: SO teNrity deposit~: phu IU :ind hccn-..:. 21)( per milt ch~ over 12.000 rm le' pct year On Approved Crcd11 0'11 APPROVl:.0 FMCC TIER 0 & l ('REl)fT 1 At This Payment 048004) Plus pemmait fea and tucs, any firiarn.e charges. any dealer doculm'nl preparation chafle. and any cm1nlon l~tlnl! char~. REBATE IN LIEU OF SP£CIAL LOW RATE FlNANCIJl.G I At T his Net Cost (6MlS4) 96 FORD CROWN VICTORIA LX • (20M21) Xlnt Condhlon, Full Power.................................................................... ' a 8 0 00 FORD CROWN VICTORIA • . (1 58784/P2e96) AC, PW, PL, Tltt, CrulM, AM/FM CUs............................ 1 a, 4 8 8 98 LINCOLN MARK VIII LSC • (eomtlP274n Low"'""· blldl t.uty, moouroof, co, chromil, superb condltlon... 1 4 , 8 a 8 98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WO • (.12411S} 9twp, Snow White, Moor.roof, Chromes ................. :................ 1 J I 8 8 8 00 FORD EXPEDITION XL T • (111121/IOaA) AMIRI CllllCO, ,._AC, 3fd Slit, Runnlng Boerda, l.Oldtd.. t 7 I 8 a 8 00 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL • (7'181111P2114) Loeded .......... ~ .................................. "'.............................. t a, 4 e e ..,.._. ~ ,....., ltMe); IO sec11n1y deposll required: plus &ax and ltecn5e: 20e per mile char)c over 10.500 mil~ ix-r year. On Approved Credit. ON APPROVED FMCC TIER 0 & I CREDIT l At This Payment ()19202) Plus pemmmr fea Ind tu.et. 111)' finance charge<1. any dealer docume111 prc:pur1hon charge. and any cn11uion tei;tm& cbatJ,e REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FlNANCU-.0 1 At This Net Cost (607862) ftmmcie dwla. ..., prepanltlon charac. and 1ny omi sioo 1e~un1 dwgc. REBATE IN LIEU OP SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING l At This Savings (()427041 ~,~~~~~ .. -................................................................... •t a,aeo 02 MERCURY VILLAGER • . (J073751P2725) 15K Mlle, Top°' the,,,,. with~· co. lhown>om rr.th..... t a, a a a 01 LINCOLN LS • .. (f83597/P2718) ~ Pkg, ,,.,.., Alt, T1lt enn....................................... a a, a a 9 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD • (J18182) Sffver, One Ownlr, co, a..... WhNte, ..., ....... :. ......... _._ a a, e aa 03 LINCOLN TOWN CAR e (818132) Aftordeble luxury ........... :.............................................................. a 4, ea 11 00 QMC YUKON DENALI 4X4 • (1_,mc ..... 1Muty.Q ........................ -................. a41 eas