HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-12 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, JULY 12, 2003 Off to a rockin' start ; Orange County Fair opens its gates for start of extended summer event Hodads bassist John Hatton shows everybody the real way to play an upright bass. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot II was ripe. It was rock.in'. And it was just a shade lighter than red. Opening ct!remonies al the Red, Ripe and Rock.in' Orange County Fair marked the fair's 111 th year Friday with m usic. food and lots of festivitie~. n1e first Ill fair-goers were in free. and the re:.t were treated to a very bright celebration on INSIDE For more Orange County Fair news, see pages A6-7. the Heritage stage. About a dozen 20-somethings in short, shockingly pink skirts and white tanks tops tied at the waist danced around on roUer skates in front of the stage. where the Hodads played a medley of '50s tunes. The carhops. who are also waitresses at Frisco's Diner. glided around on their pink skates, PHOTOS BY SEAN DUFRENE /DNL Y PILOT Hodads drummer Tony Jones does his best Elvis impersonation as the waitresses from Frisco's Omer get down to his rocking beat. twirling their fuzzy dice and showing off their sequined garters. Three-year-old Ashley Cusack got in on the action. Dressed appropriately for the rock.in' red theme -Ashley had FAMILY TIME on cherry-red Capri pants and a whjte T-shjn with hearts on it -she siole the show when she joined in the hand-jive See ROCKIN', Page A6 Finding p leasure in a fai r deal 0 ur kids are at an age when they are becoming more responsible. What thal really means is thal they're old enough to start doirlg more chores around the house. A couple of years ago, our kids weren't completely responsible for such tasks as setting the table, clearing the 1able and loading the dishwasher. Sometimes. there are mild disagreements over whose tum it is to do something. • STEVE SMITH But I've noticed that more and more, this once weU-oiled family machine is going through a growth phase and there are times when we don't all agree on where to go, what to do or what 10 eat. Las t weekend, we all enjoyed a fun day at Wild Rivers, but the kids were ready 10 leave before the parents. Som e of us like 10 go to the beach, some don't. Some like Disneyland. some don't. Some like baseball games, some don't. So in 2003, I am particularly happy when July rolls around because I mow that it's only a maner of daYJ before the opening of the Orange County Fair. The fair is one place we all love 10 go. n1e fair is the great equalizer. One of the fair's best· kept secrets is the chance to purchase ride tickers and admissions at a deep discount before the fair opens . I went to the ticket booths last Thursday, but discovered that the discount prices were not the secret I thought they were. The line was far too See FAMILY, Pace A5 Slam dunk for Newport economy Daily Pilot NBA summer league players staying in the city provide boost for retailers and hotels. AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com Recreation worker.gets life sentence Trenton Veches was found guilty of 22 counts of felony lewd acts involving boys in Newport Beac h city programs. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot SAN"IA ANA -A former Ne\\ port Beach recreat1011 coord111.1 tor wa.-. "l'nterlled io lift-111 pri~on on hie.lay fur ~ucking tllt' toes of o;ewral young hoy'> l'n rolled 111 thl' city\ after·'>Ch!JI ii program~ and holiday tamp-. Trenton Vcthe'> cned a., "'u pt' nor. Lourr Judgl· H1dMrd I oo hey handed h1111 '>l'Wral lrfe -.en lence\. I le will hernme eligiblt· for parolt· in 15 year" A jury 111 May Jouml !.!·ye.tr old Veche-. ~11ty of 2:! rnurn-. of lelony lewd act w11h a d11ld Jlld three mr.,demeanor c-tHlnl\ ol '>exual a<,..ault. I le hJd J!-.o pleaded guill)' In one n11.,dt· meanor count of pO'>'>l'"'>IJ1g child pornography Veche~ would haw lact'd mo years in pn.,on and would 1101 havl' becornl' elrgihle for parole for 45 years had Joohcy ordered him lO '>CfVl' the .,t•ntenre'> con '>l'Cllll\1 )\ llJ<,(('Jd flf I 11111 lH ft'lltlV \ t•t ht·.., whc1 \\.,h dll''-\t'd 111 d gr.i~ .,1111 t rnl.11 '><ll ltu11ch1·d 1t\'t•1 J IJlllt· .111d hurll'd Iii.. t.H ,, 111 .i v. hrt1· 11.intlkl'n hid -.11bhmg, J' hiolw\ -.1·nwr1t t>d 111111 \'1·th t'" motlwr. fovt 1· I Jrme'>. who ..at 111 the galler\ Wllh lwr hu.,hand v..ill lrt'd \>\llh 1t•.Jr-. 111 ht'r l'Vl''> I Ill' 111dg1· Jlfl'l.it 1.·d h1-. '*'n It'll< 111g It\ -..1v111g that !hough 11111h1pli-lilt' "'lllt•ntt'" '"''' "t'l'm h.ir-.11. lit \\cl' rrwn+. lnlhm 111g !Ill' rull''> 11! Ille u1ur1 h l<lllll!•I lw l''>l'aped lhJt lh1•rt• v.1 n· .!!I wp..trJtc• hov.., 111 tht· I IHllfrllJllll\ \o\1111 \\t'fl' -.uh JL'l Jt•d flJ \ IHH l!H1dU<l .. ht• lold \'l·t ht>'> 'JI, ,1 \ 111IJll011 of 1ni-.t. ctnd \'till l\t·n· f'ntru-.rt'd \'\llh tllt•lf \'\ L'lldfl' .. ~·H·ral farrnht"• ha\!' lw1·n ,11 lt·ctt·d h\ \\h,11 \1·1 111•<, <.lid Jori hl'\ ... ud "lht·n· .m· -.lJr'> ill' '><1.ld I ht•\ rt· flllt ,1., dt•t•p ,..., "llnll' of rlll' othl'r 'lilr'-I "''l' Hiii y1n1 do J>tl'>l' J thrt'<tl !11 t h1ldfl'n 111 the I lllJH!Hlllll\ nw t..ll'ft•fl<,t' ... uhrn1ttt•d a 11\(1 111111 tor ,, rww tnal twlon· lhl' ,t·menung, \\1111 h Jn11h••\ d(• ml'd l>t-lt'rN· .1ttornt•\ lt>h11 l'atnc k I JolJn .,,till ht" 1111t·11d., 111 appe.tl See SENTENCE, Page A4 PUBLIC SAFETY N ewport officer in critical condition after bike accident John Stebbins, who was biking in lrvine last month wh en he collided with a car , ts in a coma. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bl.AU t -\ 31 year-old off-duty police offker remains in a medkally induced coma afler he was '>eno11r,ty 111· jured in a bicycle accident in Ir vine last month. officials !.aid. Officer John Stebbins is rn critical, but stable coneilion rn the intensive care unit at We'>t · em Medical Center in Santa Ana. :'\ewporr Keach Pohrl' "gt ~teve \hulm,lll "<lid S1ehh1m -.uffered <I head rn1ull af1er ht· collided v.1lh a tar at· the mlrr'>t'rtton of Lu Iver Dm l' <1nd \\.'al nut Avenue , 1111:• murnrng of June: 28. "We don't k.nov. exactly how the ,11e1J£'nl took pl.tee." Shul ~ man '>illd .. rill" dmer of tht' Vt'· l11tlc' wa., mal111g a lel1 tum and ended up collrd111g wnh the offi · 1 ..r who "'a~ on tht· brcycle. ~ I le said rt 15 n ol known whose lault the ant<Jent was and that <111 mve"tigaunn !$ sull gomg on. !\o one was c11£'d. he added. <;1t'hhim had bet'n hired not long hf'lofl' from thi: Lmcinnau Polrct.> Depanment. He was at· See OfflCER. Pase M Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The National Basketball Assn.'s Summer Pro League Is boosting portunity for them to showcase their skills for scou ts. Games are played at the Pyra- mid on the campus of c.alifor· nia State University Long Beach from July 6 to 20. HCertainly, these types of events are good for the local econ omy." hotel spokesman Jim Kennedy said. "It's fun, as well. It's not just Dennis Rod- man anymore." Members of the Dallas Mav- ericks and Houston Rodcets are staying at the Marriott. the league said. JCennedy said he ran into retired NM great and new Rockets assistant coach Patrick Ewing at the local oftices or Ow1es Schwab this week. WEATHER ~ ' the economy here, as players and coaches sleep ln local ho- tels, eat at local restaurants and shop at Pashion Island. Players and coaches from at least four NM . teams have booked hotel rooms at Newport Q!nter's Four Seasons and the Newport Beach Marriott & 'len· ntJOub. "They\'e been ~ here for the past few yean. said R.banda Rk:hardaon. the hotel's director or saliea and marketing. "It's greal" It'll be a wonderful end wann weeltend. SeePace A2. CORONA DEL MAR Concepts for~ J improwmenta.,. epprovec:t, but ..,. 1n the prOC9IS remain. ~Pllp A3 CHARITABLE EATING •tt's really an exciting time or the year in the Long Beach/ Orange County ~a." league owner John Younesl said. "I've spoken with businesses at Fash- ion .llland and uound the area. They have all remarked at an lmmeuurabJe lnaeue in bUll· Members of the Memphis Grlu.Ues and Golden State WU- riors NIYe boobd rooms at the Four Seuons. a .te.gue spob. womanlllCI. ~ • llldlo interview Prf- ct.y moat*.. Wllniorl C08di .Eric M.a1 1n..,. llkl be Wiii ~ ll tbe Faw SHllJJI• HWilY uaJted Grtmlm roc*le Olhnaay )onm. who .. cbfted OUI of 0.-. la*> .. lbn. Richard9on sakl the hocel 8dl aside IDON than 100 l'OOllW for the""" tMtl yeu. SPORTS . Jim dlloomchounu how\ _-· -.-.· · -oess." The NBA'.a summer ~. now in its 34th year. ai'lel rook- lee and Journeyman he fl!n11 a chance to win a job on an NM COiter in the fd. 11'1 an op- • ' • ~ MA.a.-00Wf9 the ~".,,,.... ~He~ber'MCMdtlC <•,..·-Of bV....,... .. pM.ofnlon•~ ..-no It ...... ,, .eo. cen'V~ JotwleOn of Newport~ HWt hilpjd .. .,... ...... ..... '°. n.1 •"'the Cringe <:QuntY M-StartoOtllill ...-. .,...A14 ... ,...,1 - Dally Pilot BOOMHR$ & BEYOND .. . Touchi ng lives THE OLDER CROWD Boomers get fit, have fun with with her helping hand Charu Mody gains satisfaction helping seniors through difficult times at the Costa Mesa Senior Center. Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot C haru Mody, a licensed clinical social worker, has been finding a lot of purpose helping senior citizens in Costa Mesa Since March, she has been. working at tile Costa Mesa Senior Center, bringing with her 27 years of experience with the behavioral health services in adult mental health with the county of Orange. She thinks it's important that seniors know there are many resources available. "Here I'm 54, reaching that age. too," Mody said . "I'm getting there -my interest is also changing." The social services department at the senior center is very, very active providing a variety of services, Mody said. Some of the issues she helps with are counseling for older adults and their families, the loss of a loved one, loneliness, isolation, fear of being in a nursing home and dealing with an increase in health problems that mean losing a certain amount of independence. There are many more programs she is involved in. "J assist the older adults with information and referrals for housing. home care, food and groceries, financial, transportation and legal," Mody said. Hl'm also helping with different insurances that they're on." Mody leads a support group that helps with transitions. "The primary focus is on healthy ways of coping with change in their daily lives," Moody said. "I also attend the widows and widowers (group! in a supportive capacity only.· lWo other staff members lead . that group, while Mody answers questions and works in a counseling • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627; by &-mail to mike.swanson@lstlmes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time~ date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at . www.dsilypilot.com. ONGOING 0.111 Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Women SO and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewiah Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. Charu Mody is a social worker for the Costa Mesa Senior Center. capacity. ~My work also includes home visits to assess older adults for depression, dementia and other needs." Moody said. She also helps with home care. "So many older adults are homebound," Mody said. ''They'U caU me, and I'U go and assess the needs they have." Mody wanted to point out that these services are not only for the members of the Costa Mesa Senior Center. but also for seniors living in Costa Mesa "I see a lot of walk-ins that need information on various issues," Mody said. "I also do ·board and care placements for individuals with low income." She works closely with Priti Khoshoo from the mentaJ health older adult services and Oteryl Lowes. a public health nurse from Preventative Health Care for the Aging. "These two people play an important role, Oleryl in-house and Priti through Mental Health," Mody said. "We work very clo~ely together using the interdisciplinary approach -we refer individuals to each other." They monitor progress on a regular basis between the three of them, consulting and monitoring at least every two weeks to ascertain how each person is doing. "We do a great deal of outreach, work with different agencies that provide services to older adults, !helping) with home care, sJcilled nursing facilities," Mody said. They work: with board and care homes. Orange County's Office on Aging, Social Security, Medi-Cal and Medicare, hospitals and caregivers. Mody feels she has always been a BOOMER CAL ENDAR The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . M ondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Braille Institute offers free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821 -5000. The Con. Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Family Service of Orainge County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. · The purpose is to provide participants ' with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. The Coin and Stamp Club meets trom 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays et the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal . meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644--3244. Jewl•h Ftlmlly S..-vic:9 o«.rs ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members shire experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and team ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT team player, and she wanted to commend Aviva Goelman, executive director at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, and aU of the staff and volunteers for working as a team to provide the best to the older adult senior population in Costa Mesa. "I think that you see results when you help someone. It's such a rew¢ing feeling," Mody said. ul'm fro m India and am very spiritual - and my personal goal, I feel it's aU about love and caring for each other. If I can touch a few lives by lending a helping hand, my life wiU -have had a m eaning.• _ She said she loves what she is doing. that it's just wonderful and everyone is so appreciative. "It's amazing -they're just neat people. p Mody said. ·A lot of times . this population is so neglected, yet they have so much. 10 offer." Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m . Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m . Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. There's no cost to attend, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Oasis Senior Center offers assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644--3244. The Costa M esa Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. ArthrttJs Found.UOn instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m . Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. • Krav M aga K rav Maga. the official self-defense system of the Israeli Army, is offered every Tuesday and Thursday evening at the Jewish Commwlity Center in Costa Mesa. ' According to boomer Leo Murphy. a former Marine officer and currently a Newport Beach investment banker who has been attending the program for l ~ years, the program is fun and helps to maintain health, balance and flexibility while Improving cardio .. ~ 'I . ~ . ~ ·11 ~I . lelf , •I ' '\ • < I 11 6~·c1ass begins with CATHY extensive warmups and CALL stretching followed by instruction in various martial arts moves. "Krav differs from other martial arts in that the moves are very swift. powerful and aggressive. yet many of the offensive and defensive actions are very graceful. lilce a choreographed dance,# Murphy said. •Attack: and defense take place in one motion. "No one's embarrassed. Beginners can join at any time and work. up to other levels as they improve individual slcills," Murphy said. "You compete only with yourself and there is a real sen.~ of accomplishment Personally. I am dedicated to improving in the martial arts and qualifying for higher belt levels. The Krav Maga staff, aU black belts, are very dedicated. supportive and outstanding teachers." Murphy also cites the reasonable fees and the dJversjty of the students -male and female of all ages and backgrounds - as a plus. "It is a great opportunity to make new friends with no hidden agenda." he said. "Instructors and participants range from attorneys and software engineers to construction managers. Finding common bonds with people from diverse backgrounds is an enriching experience and helps build community." For information about the Krav Maga program al the JCC. call (949) 630-3359. The JCC is at 250 E. Baker St in Costa Mesa and offers a variety of programming for all ages. ••• Donna Van Slyke, whose first Boomer column appeared three weeks ago. djed unexpectedly on June 25. Always enthusiastic, Donna was very excited about her new assignment as the JCCs • Lois Lane." nus week's column is based on notes found on her desk. For those wishing to make a donation in Donna's honor, t'clX-deductible contributions can be made through the Commwlity Foundation in the memory of Van Slyke. All the proceeds from this fund will directly support the annual ICC Festival of Books, which was one of Donna's favorite projects because of her great love of education and lifelong learning. Please send a check payable to the Community Fo\Uldation to 250 E. Baker St, Suite A. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Note on the check that it is for the fund for Donna. and the foundation will notify the family of your tribute. • CATHY CAU i• the director of communications and marbling at the Jewish Community Center of Orange County. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news stories, SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller, Don l.eadl, Illustrations. editorial matter or Kent Treptow advertisements herein can oo READERS HOTLINE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST with a northwest swell of 6 to 8 . permiasion of copyright owner 19491642-6086 I feet. By tonight. the wind will It might be a little bit more be 10 to 16 knots on a VOL. 17, NO. 193 Record your commentt about the HOW TO REACH US Dally Piiot or newt tips. ClfcU!ftton cloudy today, whidl could northwest swell of 5 to 7 feel THOMAS H. JOHNSON NewsEdfton Add,... The Times Or1nge County keep temperatures at the Publl•h., Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Our addr&19 Is 330 W. Bay St., Costa Orange County Fairgrounds SURF TONVDOOaO 01nlel Hunt. Paul S.ltowltz, M•a. CA 92627. Office hours are (800) 252·9141 nearer to 80 than 90. Plan on Editor ~o JUf1'f OETTING Oenlel Stevens .. Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. ~ (949) 642-5678 the beach being In the low 70. • A aouthWfft swell should Advertl=r NEWS STAFF Comictlont Expect light winds in the start hitting the coest today, Crlme°::r ~,_, Dilp&ey (949) 642-4321 LANA It Is the Pilot's policy to promptly ldtloftel afternoon butthen another bringing chest-high wavM. tt PromotloN rector (948) 574-4 , ootrect all errors of 1ut.tance. Hewe nice aummer evening. will build through the weekend deepa.bhardl•latl,,,.oom Pleue call (949) 764-4324. • (948) &42·!5e80 Sunday loob to be a little to lhouldeM'Mgh lea. Monday EbnfllCI IWf JuM=Tlftde lportl (Ml) &7 ..... 223 aunnler and a Ihde hotter. will ... eolld remnants, but by 8,J.c.M' Newport "'POf*, FYI .... ,.. (9491 ~170 Wonnedon: Tue.day It wlll have vanliehed • M•;rm Editor, (949157.....m the Newport 8ead\ICosu Meu lportl ,_ (941) eao-0170 www.nws.noH.IJOV W.Wquelty. (Mi i-4233 /Ut14'.~nct.•'"""-c:om Deity Pilot (USPS-144400) le l.-tMI: t»Hypllot•tatlrrw,u1om www . .urlrldtr.org &J.uhnO ,.,.,_,com .... ce..... publlthed daily, In Newport IMd'I Mellt Oflllee BOATING FORECAST ........... ~ft. Pol~. buslneee 9"d erwtronment end co.ta Me.., MJbecripdOnl are ........ Olloe (9491642-4321 TIDES ~.<Mil~ JV•ll•bfe only bV llUbecfiblng to The ... •lnwFtlx UM9) 831-7128 Light wtnde on the Inn« ......,.... • ....._com {>llfll.dJmon•,.,,,_ Times Orengt Col.lnfy (800) Time Hlllht wate(' toctev. ttaylttg 10 knot8 ......... °""" Lolla....,., 252-1141. In.,... oyWde of Of .... through tht 9WNng. 3:23e.m. • 1.33 fMt low 8poftl Edll« Columnltt, cultu,. reporter, Newport BMd'l •nd co.ta Meu, t:Me.m. 3.80 flMt Noh ~ilia Winde w.w1 Witt be 2 fMt or ·~ (IM8) 57<M27ti t1.1becfiptlons (0 the Diiiy ~tot are Ina on• wwt IWell of 5 Mt. 2:20p.m. 2.20fMtlow ............... lolitl.ha,,,.,..IMirtW.oom tvallable only by ftnll ... tMil for 'N-twell might drop~ 8'A3p.m. 8.91 Mt high An DI'**"/ Newt Del9' Chi.t. DeilMNeMMft SIC> per~. (Pl'lcel Include all -~ Coeta Meu reporW, (Ml) &74-4221 sppflceble .... end local tax..) PubffthtO by Tlmt• Community .. ~div go.-on. /f:>#...,_•,.,,,,.._oom dMrtl~•""*""'·oom P'OSTMASTIR: lend tddteee Nftwl, a dlvltion of the Lot Moel• e>uw--. wtM lleo hew WATER ... MIC! .... Coflll WlllOll ~ (0 The Newpoft ~"*' llghtwtndl today ... TEllPERAruRE ll'holo Editor, a.cM:oMa Mela OellY l'llol. P.O. OlOOS.Tlmee CN. All rlghla bNely Fttdly. hrtv on, .... ·~ Newt ...i.w.t. l141) &7'M218 ,.._ • ...,..com tJOrl/.w#llon.,.,,,.,._oom , 8oJt 1llO, C.. Me., CA 12921. "9M1'wd, wtndwtl119V10b'°'8or...., •degr'tea ' . . ' • ~· Beach plans awaiting final OK Newport Bt;ach City Council approves concept for Corona del Mar State Beach changes, but the pl an must go to other agencies (or their nods. June CHa1rande Dally Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Two new restroom buildings, a muJti- purpose building housing a con- cession stand, some new land- scaping and a slighl.ly larger parking 101 are. lhe main poinl:. of a plan to Im prove Corona del Mar Slate Beach. The City Council on Tuesday approved lhe concept for thl' improvement&, but 1he pro1ec1 c;tiU has a number of hurdl~ to clear before ii becomes defini1e. The Coru.tal Commi<.sion and several olher adminislrative bodies must approve lhe plans before the city wiU start ai:cept· ing bid:. on the project. One l' they've picked a bidder, 1he maller will relurn to the cnundl one more time to approw tht> rnnlract thal will finally make tht' fir'>! part ol the project a done deal. ~we're not ap proving the proj· ect 1onighL This is just to go for- Wdtd with the conceptual de· sign.· Mayor Sieve Bromberg lold audience members at 'J\Jes- day's council meeting before the council cast lhe 6-0 vote. Coun· tilman Dick Nichols abstained hecause his home is close to the project area. OnJy about $2 million of the t:o!>t of the S2.S-million projec1 i!> in place. The plani. approved luei.day include su88estioni. to !>eek further funding and ways to ":ale back the last phase of the JHOJeCt in cru.e thal funding il'in't found. TI1e project won't ui,c any general fund money. The $2 mil- lion in place come'> from thl' American l'rader Oil SpiJJ ~Ille mcnt Agreement fund!> and !>Ollle state money Add111onaJ fu11du1g LUuld come from '>late '>UUrlC'> YOU SAVE UP TO S15 351 • Moclt. • l'Nmll • s...... . Cooila .. O'Nnt July15 -~ 6:30 to 7:30 pm ORGANIC INSlX:l'<XWl'ROL Hosted by Daryl Neal and WonnC,old COSTA MESA STORE Some fliM>rs NotA~ SUGG . .,.49 'We're not approving the project tonight. This is just to go forward with the The plans have drawn opposi· don from some residents and from Nichols. Some worry that a lifeguard strucrure on top of the concession building would spoU the view. Some oppose the proj·( ect because it would reduce the conceptual design.' amount of sand area by about 8.800 square feet. Mayor Steve Brombers. Fire Chief nm Riley, whose on the Crty Coonc1rs vote on plans department oversees lifeguards, for Corooa def Mar State Beach said that lhe lifeguard station would improve safety at tJ1e beach and that ii was designed to preserve viewi.. Ci1y staff say that the loi.s of <;and area include!> area!> along the park.mg lot where a wavy ~ pallern will surround the lot under the new plan. "We were really re ... po n .. ive. I hope, to concern!> aboul Lhe view!>," ~istanr City Manager Dave Khr said. Nichob and other., have wor- ried that the publil.' ha., nol heen brought inlo the procci.s as well a'> they '>hould have hl•en. I hough -.upporter<. of the plan point out that there have been .tbout 1J public meeung'> 011 the mc111er. Nithob ..aid 1ha1 no11fi- nity meeting wa .. inadequate be- cause only about :mo neighbors of the projecl received mailers that the meetinR would be held. Staff member., c,ay that the cily'!> goal I!. 10 begin work by September 2004 cuid to lint'>h by March 2005. The mullipurpow building would house food com·c"llJn'>, a marine life education center and an area where lifeguard'> could apply lir!.t aid. The plum ubo call for removal of a him· -.wragl' faciJiry now on 1he '>ile. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpon Beacn and John Waynt! Airport She may be reacned at (949) 574-4232 or bye mail at tation for at least one com mu 1une casagrande a la11mes com ~llhlri~ A Uw Trib.u To Frank Sinatra J:.,,«ry MotUl..y 6' r-~ 6 91,,. Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails 1-ur /Uur.,r11111u C.iU (949) 646-7944 lb<)'!; 1,.;,.., A•&., C.c•C• P.1cru u ..... u ... ,.J~ '-' .......... ._ ....... JI r Mull Pu.um()( J UJr ll</..rJ '''"' l'rc1;;;t IJ(J 7,;,:/ ;A;/ I I Giant Slice I Free Large Spaghetti I I of Chuu 1'1:.::.0 A11d \a/ad I •\.ult 0111 ., lt11/, /'i-..:.n IJrdu I I ,,.,., ... ,, 'Only ~:·Y'J I I ~·1,1, '"'''I/ •• "' ''I ·+ _j I ~·rue-;;, U<.J·:-i:-i /(A;:; \J-;w J.,--:-.;-;;, ucl 7:i:-i ;;/.;/I I Free Mini-Canoli I Free H o tto 111/es.'i • I I D ersert I .\'oft /)rink I I W1!h am Ordu fl1u S.J.(J", I n 11h Ufl\ (Jrd1 r IJ1u "<j<; I L~~---------_L ___________ _J 1a1~ va1.o a1 Co<;l<t Mesa loc.dl<> u• r. 1• ~· ansen s WWC4RB LECAIIB .!,. Crystal Geyser T Alp4te Spring Water DietSodas • Black~ • Ginger Ale • Kiwi Str.Mt>eny Tangerine Lime : Peach 12 oz ea. $•69 REG. ~.98 &A&PM • Hearl ID Heart · • °"Lean Ounch • °"Lean Slimmin, • Se.ui Jn The $ Morning A '6.58 VALUE Hansen's Natural Sodas • C1'eny Vanlb • Ginger Ale • \~Cola • Root Beer :~~$~69 • Mandarin Lime 12 oz ea. REG. ~.98 A&PM ~'[)~ Low carhs @nty t. t &g each I • c~ AJmont1 • llznUla • Lemvn :e s.99 REG. '3.49 -.-.,, pull Spectrum Naturals ~Oil AsSeela in Za:t $A99 REG. SS.35 .. 14 02 BottW .. tht Source A j =.::-... "" Natural Choice Fat Free Dessert Organic Sorbet • Mango • Blueberry • Umon • Struuheny REG. '3.29 •Low Fat •Non Fat REG 99' • 11tu mtnrwwl /ta ttOt ,_,. n.lwt.i 6r tlw FDA.. nu ,,odwt i.s ttOt httnttlH to 't.pos~. bwt, ,,,.nmt or CJDT .,,, ,,.SftS#. lMOtpaic WaGold • ,,. 'Soil"""" , ..... • lll#d "",.,. Diw Dlctillf ( BIOCHEM 11 w -Carb -.. -~!J Bars • UltimalE low c:arlJ 5 1~i»rh~ 22g protein [20 ca~~ ~-.~~$·~ • " A2 Saturday, Joly 12, 2003 o~ Pilot BOOMERS & BEYOND . . .. .. Touching lives with her helping h .and ' THE OLDER CROWD Roomers get fit, have fun with Krav Maga Charu Mody gains satisfaction helping seniors through difficult times at the Costa Mesa Senior Center. Suzie Hurl s on Daily Pilot C haru Mody. a licensed clinical social worker, has been finding a lot of purpose helping senior citizens in Costa Mesa. Since March. she has been working at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, bringing with her 27 years of experience with the behavioral health services in adult mental health with the county of Orange. She thinks it's importanl that seniors know there are many resources available. "Here I'm 54, reaching that age, too," Mody said. 'Tm getting there -my interest is also changing." The social services department at the senior center is very. very active providing a variety of services, Mody said. Some of the issues she helps with are counseling for older adults and their families, the loss of a loved one. lo neliness. isolation, fear of being in a nursing h ome and dealing with an increase in health problems that m ean losing a certain amount of independence. There are many more programs she is involved in. · "I assist the older adults with information and referrals for housing. home care, food and groceries, financial, transportation and legal," Mody said. "I'm also helping with different insurances that they're on." Mody leads a suppon group that helps with transitions. "The primary focus is on healthy ways of coping with change in their daily lives," Moody said. "I also anend the widows and widowers !group) in a supportive capacity only.· Two other staff members lead that group, while Mody answers questions and works in a counseling • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@lstimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and locatlon of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dailypilot.com. ONGOING Ouis Senior <Anter holds• penceke breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage. coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 tor children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-3244. Women 50 and older can join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such aa anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. Charu Mody is a social worker for the Costa Mesa Senior Center. capacity. "My work also includes home visits to assess older adults for depression, dementia and other needs." Moody said . She also helps wit'.h home care. "So many older adults are homebound," Mody said. "They'll call me, and I'll go and assess the needs they have." Mody wanted to point out that these services are not only for the members of the Costa Mesa Senior Cehter. but also for seniors living in Co sta Mesa. "I see a lot of walk-ins that need information o n various issues," Mody said. ·1 also do board and care placemen ts for individuals with low income." She works closely with Priti Khoshoo from the mental health older adult services and Clleryl Lowes. a public health nurse from Preventative Health Care for the Aging. "These two people play an important role, Cheryl.in-house and Priti through Mental Health,· Mody said. "We work very clo$ely together using the interdisciplinary approach -we refer individuals to each other," They monitor progress on a regular basis between the three of them. consulting and monitoring at least every two weeks to ascertain how each person is doing. "We do a great deal of outreach . work with different agencies that provide services to older adults. [helping] with home care, skilled nursing facilities,· Mody said. They work with board and care homes. Orange County's Office on Aging, Social Security. Medi-Cal and Medicare. hospitals and caregivers. Mody feels she has always been a BOOMER CALENDAR The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Bra ill• Institute offers free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for dasses. (714) 821-5000. The Com MeN 5-nlor Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Flrnity Service of 0111nge County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (71 4) 445-4950. The Coin end Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal . meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewi.h Famlty s....,a ofJ.r. ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at SEAN HILLER I DAILY P1LOT team player. and she wanted 10 commend Aviva Goelman. executive director at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, and all of the staff and volun1eers for working as a team to provide the b est to the older adult senior population in Costa Mesa. "I think that you see results when you help someone. It's such a rewarding feeling," Mody said. "I'm from lndia and am very spiritual - and my personal goal. I feel it's all about love and caring for each other. If I can touch a few lives by lending a helping hand.-my life will have had a meaning.• She said she loves what she is doing, that it's just wonderful and everyone is so appreciative. "It's amazing-they're just neat people.· Mody said. ·A lot of times. this population is so neglected, yet they have so much to offer." Beth Jacob in Irv ine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hiiis. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. There's no cost to anend, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Oasis Senior Center offers assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Com M ... 5-nlor Cttiz.en Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue. Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arttuttlt Foul"ldftlon Instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior C.,nter, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. K rav Maga. the official self-defense system or the Israeli Army. is offered every Tuesday and Thursday evening at the Jewish Community Center in Costa Mesa. Acrording to boomer Leo Murphy. a former Marine officer and currently a Newport Beach investment banker who has been attending the program for l YI yea.rs. the program is fun and helps to maintain health. balance and flexibility while improving cardio .. ~ '\ .• !J~ p ~f ' : I I \ • • I ' I 6~·c1ass begins with CATHY extensive warmups and CALL stretching followed by instruction in various martial arts moves. "Krav differs from other martial arts in that the moves are very swift. powerful and aggressive. yet many of the offensive and defensive actions are very graceful, like a choreographed dance.• Murphy said • Attadc and defense take place in one motion. "No one"s ernbart'aMed. Beginners can join at any time and work up to other levels as they improve individual skills.· Murphy said. "You compete only with yourself and there is a real sense of accomplishment Personally. I am dedicated to improving in the martial arts and qualifying for higher beh levels. The Krav Maga staff, all black belts. are very dedicated.. supportive and outstanding teachers.· Murphy also cites the reasonable fees and the diversity of the students -male and female of all ages and backgrounds - as a plus. "It is a great opportunity to make new friends with no hidden agenda.• he said. "Instructors and participants range from attorneys and software engllleers to construction managers. Finding common bonds with people from diverse backgrounds is an enriching experience and helps build communlty. • For information about the Krav Maga program at the JCC call (949) 830-3359 The JCC is at 250 E. Bak.er St. in Costa Mesa and offers a variety of programming for all ages. ••• Donna Van Slylce, whose first Boomer column appeared three weeks ago. died unexpectedly on June 25. Always enthusiastic, Donna was very excited about her new assignment as the JCCs "Lois Lane." This week's column is based on notes found on her desk. For those wishing to make a donation in Donna's honor, tax-deductible contributions can be made through the Community Foundation in the memory of Van Slyke. All the proceeds from this fund will directly support the annual JCC Festival of Books. whlch was one o f Donna's favorite projects because of her great love or education and lifelong learning. Please send a check payable to the Community Foundation to 250 E. Baker St, Suite A. Costa Mesa. (.A 92626. Note on the check that it ls for the fund for Donna. and the foundation will notify the family of your tribute. • CATHY CAU is the director of communications and mariletlng at the Jewish Community Center of Orange County. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news stories, SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller, Don L..eectt, Illustrations, editori11I m11tter or Kent Treptow 11dvertisements herein can be READERS HOTUNE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST wtth a northwest awell of 6 to 8 (949) 642-6086 permlulon of copyright owner. feet. By tonight, the wind will It might be a little bit more be 10to16 knots on a VOL. 97, N0.193 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US Dally Piiot or news tips. Ii Cftuledon cloudy today, whktl could northwe.t awetl of 6 to 7 feet. THOMAI H. JOHNSON New9 Editor9 AddrlM The Tlmes Orange County keep temperature. et the Publisher Glne Alexander, Lori Andereoo, Our eddr ... i• 330 W. Bay SL, Coste (800) 262-9141 Orange County Felrgrounda SURF ~ZS'° Denlel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz, M ... , CA 92627. Oftloe hourt are ~o nearer to 80 than 90. ptan on O.Oiel Stevens Monday • Friday, 8:30 e.m. -6 p.m. the bNc:h being In the low 70.. A IOUthwett twell should JUO'( OETT1NO NEWSSTAFf ct••lfted (949) 842-6678 A~~ =rchmh Conecdonl Dlep&ey (949) 842-4321 Expect light wtnda in the start hitting the coe.t today, Promotlor11 Director Crime 004Jt:2:1°rtM, It i1 the Piiot's pollcy to pro(Tlptty Ytoltef eftemoon but then another bringing c:helt-high wtVea. It (M8)67 correct •II em>fl of suti.tanoe. ..... nice summer evening. Will build through the WMkend ~~•,..,,,..com PIMM ull (9'9) ?&Mn4. (9'8) 842-5e80 Sundey looka to be • 11th to~---Mondey ~l'Taff ...... ~. lpot'9 (949) 574-42.23 eunnler end a llttle hobr. wilt ... IOMd remnentl, but by Ll.C-. Newpon ~. fY1 N9we ,_ (949) CMM170 lnlDrm8tloft: TU9edey It wHI hev9 vanilhed. Me:r.~· (IM9)574-4232 The Newpon IMdVCo9ta M... ...... ,_ , ... , eecM>170 www.nws.nc>N.QOV ..... ,.-(Mt II }un..CMllOfflM»e""""-.oom Delly Piiot (USftS-144-IOOl It l'4MI: dallypllotfllatl,,....oom WWW.tum#dfr.otg •J.aMln• ,.,,...com ,....Cllteolt publlthed delly. In Neiwpof't 8Nct1 Mellte>Mee BOATING FORECAST ....... ....., .. Polltfct, bu91nw and ....tro.wnent end eo.t.e Men, au~"' .. ....... Ollee (IM8) 842-4321 ~Edlot, ~.(Mt)*'411D evelleble only by au~blng to The ...... ,.. (948) 831-7129 Ught Winds on the lntW TIDES }io11t~mm f»U/.c11nton•""""9M:om Tlmet Orange Councy (800) ..i. nm. Nlllht . W8ter;t todey, ltaytng 10 knota ....... Duflft Lolta ..... 2112•9141. In • .._. outeldt of ID or i.. through the went.-ig. 3:23e.m. ·U3fMtlow $poi1a~ Columnltt. cuttv111 r.po111r, N9wpof1 leec:ti and COM.I Meta, 9:Me.m. 8.IOfMtNgh 1• (Ml) 574-<42711 eubeutptlone to the Delly Piiot e,. Wlndl wewe wt• be 2 feet or rltlwd.IMttte..,.,_oom leM on • Wiit IMll oJ 5 tr.t. 2:20p.m. 2.20fMtlow ..... ., ........ lollt1.,,.,,,.,et.tJ,,,...oom evMlabte only by flrwt claet IMll fot Thi1W911 might drop lllgttdy 8:43p.m . ... , fMthlgh Alt Dlrtc:IDt I Hewe o.tl Chief, .,.....,..MQM ao"' '"°""'· 1"1ctl lnctudt "' PubftlMd bV Tlmee Communftv .. the div goee on. .,~ Cotta Me.I rwpori.r. I ... ) PMZ21 lflp4'oebte .... and loCtl talttl.) ~•,_,__com dekdre.,,....,,,.,, • ...,,,...oom ~lend ..... N.we,. dMelon "'" l.-~ 0uw .... wt11 eteoh.w WATER Tlmee. 16Qht wk* 90dey .... .... MIC ... c.alWleeft c:Nngetto n.. ~ TEllPERATURE ,.,.,.. (cllor, ~Meet DellV "'°" '-0. "'9llV McMv· &tty on, ... -.w.::~~ Newt ...... ( ... )~ aoo3 TI.me. CN. All tlohtl oorel.~•,.,,_,oom ._ 1llO, CO. MeM, CA Nae. ...... v.c1. ~ ............. . ..... , "· ., \ ' .• ... ~ . . . . . Beach plans awaiting final OK Newport Beach City Council approves concept for Corona del Mar State Beach changes, but the plan must go to o ther agencies for their nods. ' June Can1r1nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Two new restroom buildings, a multi- purpose building housing a con- cession stand, some new land- i.caping and a slightJy larger parldng lot are Lhe main pointi. of a plan to improve Corona del Mar State Beach. The City Council on Tuesday approved Lhe concept for the improvements, but the proiect •;till has a number of hurdle'> to clear before iL becomes definite. The Coastal Commission anti several other administrative hodlei. must approve the plan:. before the city will start accept· 111~ bids on Lhe project. 0111·c they've picked a bidder. tllC' m all er will return to the coundl one more time 10 approve thl' con1rnc1 tha t will finally make the firl>t part of the rro1ect a done deaJ. ~we're not approving the pro1 - ect tonight. This is just to go for- ward witb Lht conceptual de- sign.'' Mayor Steve Bromberg told audience members at 1\Jes· day':. cow1ciJ meeting before the council cast the 6-0 vote. Coun- cilman Dick Nichols abitaihed hecaui.e his home is clo'>e to thl! project area. Only' about $2 million of the tO'>l of the $2.5-million project b in place. The pla ns approved lue:.day include :.uggt!1>tioni. to ">eek further funding and way:. to M.ale back the la<>t phase of Lhe project in case Lhat funding isn't fount.I. ·n1e project wo n't uM~ any gencraJ fund money. ·n1e $2 mil lion in place comc:s from the American frader Oil Spill Sellle ment Agretment fu ndi. and '><>Ille '>late money. Ad ditional funclmg could come from '>tale 'ouru:s The plans have drawn opposi- tion from some residents and from Nichols. Some worry that a lifeguard structure on top of the concession building would spoil Lhe view. Some oppose Lhe proj- ect because ii would reduce the amount of sand area by about 8,800 square feel. 1-'ire Olief nm Riley. whose departl]lent oversees lifeguards, said that the lift.guard station wuuJd improve safety at Lhe beach and that it was designed to preserve views. City staff i.ay that the loss of ~d area includes area<> aJong the parking lot where a wavy grass pattern will surround the lot under the new plan . HWe were really re .. ponsive. I hope, to concerns about the view'>." ~istanl City Manager l>ave KilT ~id. Nichols a nd othcri. have wor- ried that the public has not been brought into the procei.s a' well as they -.hould have been. rhough '>Upporterc; Of the plan point out that there have been about 13 puhlic m eeting'> on the matter, Nichob !>atd that nollfi · cation for al lea!>I one commu· 'We're not approving the project tonight. This is just to go forward with the conceptual design.' Mayor Steve Btombers. on the City Counc1rs vote on plans fOf Cocooa del Mar State Beach nity meeting wa.., anatlequate be· cause onJy about 300 neighbors of Lhe project received mailers that Lhe meeting would be held. Staff member'> !>ay that the city's goal is tu begin work by September 2004 and to lirnsh by March 2005. The muhipurpo!>e building would house food contl''>'>•on,, a marine life education center and an area where lifel{\tarcb could apply fir!>t aid. The plan<> abo call for removal of a blue '>l<lrage facility now on lht' -.i1e. •JUNE CASAGRANDE coyers Newport Beacn and John Woynt• Airport. She may be readied at (9491 574-4232 or by f! moil at 1une.casagra11de a lat•mes com .ansen s WWCARB Diet Sodas • Black Cllm')1 • Ginger Ale • IUwi Sb'iMbeny • Tungerine Lime •Peach 12 oz ea. $4S'69 REG. '1.98 £uFW< P .. •l'llri"I A LiH Tribtlh le Frank Sinatra J:,,"7 Mo,.J,,,y 0-T111.ul.y 6-YpM Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ,...,, J<.nn• .. llUIU c.,J/ (949) 6-kJ-7944 l<•'J'i 1,.,;,. .. A•-c., C.U.a. J\tc .. o.....,.,_,...,._ '-'--'-At'• .......... .-"9 r 4j;;;,-;;,n:,lll 0( hllf l kkt'/ \lmt l'rw-:;;, ()(J -;,,-,.;,;;;;-, I Giant Slice I Free Large Spaghetti I I uf ChU\f! 1'1-:.:.a nd \ulud I n 11/t (111 \ u ""'" /'1:.=a ( Jrdrr I I ,.,, ...... ,0~'~ ~2.Yv .. I I LIJJ ........ 1~·1 .... ' • I ·+ _J I ~'IJ'JfJJL U( J u_1r fffl..~1 \}JI )/ l'r11011 0( I mr I H /..('( I I Free Mini-Ca110/i I Free l-Jot/0111/es.\· I I D e.\·.'\erl I Soft /Jri11k I I M tlh uni Ordu <h u Y...J llS I \\1th u10 fJrdu f 11 rr ~.J I/' I L~----------...L.-----------~ oat~ va od at Co5ta Mesa l<x.al on or 'I ( r ts • > 'J" , ,• . " Crystal 'Geyser ¥ Alari!ie Spring Wat~ Bottled •• the Sourct A~ =::-.. "" Spectrum Naturals Natural Choice Fat Free Dessert Organic Sorbet •Baking • MuRin Mix ~ Mix I Zeto I • Pizm Crust Mix Garbs • Breod Mix ~ ~ ••u ~?! YOU SAVE UP TO S15 351 • ModM • l'Nllllt • s..... . C.ooAia le 0-- July15 -~ 6:30 to 7:30 pm ORCAN1C INSEXTCXWIJlOl Ho.sled by Daryl Neal and WomzC,old COSTA MESA STORE Somet~'Or'S Not Avaibi* SUGG . .,_49 • Heart ID Heart · • Go lean Crunch • Go lean Slimmin' ·=The s A '6.58 VALUE Hansen's Natural Sodas • Cherry v.6 • Ginger Ale • Vanaa Cola • Root Beer :~~S~69 • Mandarin Ume 12azea. REG . .,.98 A&FW< IMOrpalc WormGold • ,,,. , Soil f1lllJlf , •.. ,,., . /ll#CI,.,.,. ,,.,,, Dlalal • Mang<J • Bluebeny • lemoo •. Struui>eny ~~ AONaha'al t:;±f Yogurt 13 Flarors ID • Low Fat Choost! From •Non Fat REG 99' ' . M Sltwday, J4j.j 12, 2003 White Front Phar macy <Ards • &olu • Sundt'Us All lnnmtnee Plmu Acc~ted 801 Baker Stntet, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 SPE CI AL SAL E Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE $}999 By Mohawk Installed with deluxe pad sq. yd. ' ' ' '' I \ \, I ! ~.' ~e 18"x 18" .................................. 54.29 ... 11.. CeraaJ.c me .......................... ,, ... mtaJN.4 r,.. '4.99 .,.. PL Laalaate Wood .......................... butaJW ,,.._ 54.99 ... 11. Supplies and Tools for the MDo II Yoursrlfers!" AU prices/products for a limited lime, based on arailabilitg. 137 4 Logan Ave., Suite F • COSTA MESA ( 888) MESA-777 Mon-Fri. 10 to 5 ·Sat 10 to 3 ... Celestino's quality MEATS Prod tu e e S<•ctfoocl e l>t' Ii &rvi111 tlN CAmmunilJ fa r 30 ye.ars ulntino's &mow LEMON GARLIC FlluIT SALADS MARINATED Yi CHICKEN .99¢ea . $l 99tb. <M/6s.tttt CAntino's ITALIAN SAUSAGE /Nt.rMi/J ulntinoi OVEN ROASTED CHICKENS s522 C"L Hot -To -Go Larry Gibson The city of Newport ee.cb, as well 11 numerous dVil and rnllicary agiendel at ho.me and abroad mourn the dealh of Larry Gibson. who died on June 26 of melapoma. a fonn of skin cancer. For nearly two decades, Gibson &erwd the city in several capeddes, starting as a 9e8SOMI lifeguard In 1962. He became a ./marine safety officer in 1972, and was team .marutp' of \he 1978 U.S. Ufesaving Awl. A multffilooted person, Gibson, upon PUBLIC SAFETY Fonner UCI student faces 94 yeats to life A Superior Court Judge o n Thursday found a former UC Irvine student guilty of i.exu- ally assaulting and torturing a IS-year-old girl he met on the Internet. Brian frctnce. 21, of Newport Beach was convitted of three counlli of furt:ed pcneu<1tion, one count of torture and one count each of robbery and criminaJ threat. I le faces 94 years to life in prison. PrYJM.'C\J· tors said he bound the victim with duct tape and carved a '>~tika on her chet:k. Oance. then a UCI <;opho· more, arranged to meet rhe victim al lhe Hlock at POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • East Baker and Pullman streets: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 4:19 p.m. Wednesday. •West Baker Street A home burglary was reported in the 600 block at 8:36 p.m. Wednesday. • Bristol Street Petty theft was reported in the 2900 block at 6:07 p.m. Wednesday. • Elden Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 2300 block at 3:59 p.m. Wednesday. • Harbor Boulevard: An auto theft was reported in the 2200 block at 1: 17 p.m. Wednesday. • Helena Circle: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 900 block at 7:35 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Boulevard: An assauh was reported in the 1800 block at 10:53 p.m. Wednesday. Orange, investigators said. lie look her to an empty parking lo t on campus and assaulted her with his hell and other objects for more than two hours. Police arrested Oance on Dec. 23. 200 I, with lhe help of a decoy -a frienq of the victim. who arranged with Dance online to meet hrrn at lhe Block. The victim testified in the nonjury trial. I le had waived his right to a jury trial. Deputy Dist. Atty. Steve McGreevy said "justice has been served" for lhe victim. "~e wa!> able to articulate 10 "the judge what he did to her." he said. · ., ' Oance '" 'ichcdulecl to be sentenced on SejH. 26. • Pacific Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 2200 block at 3:52 p.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Coast Highway and Nan:issus Avenue: A traffic collision involving in1unes was reported at 2:13 p.m. •Thursday. • West Coast Highway: A hit-and-run was reported m the 6200 block at 11 :04 a m Thursday. • Dover Drive: Battery was reported in the 700 block at 3:43 p.m. Thursday. • Evening Canyon Road: Vandalism was reported m the 200 block at 6:45 a.m Thursday. •West O<:ean Front: Indecent exposure was reported in the 3300 block at 4:58 p.m. Thursday. • Tustin Avenue: An auto theft was reported in 1he 2000 block at 12:01 p.m. Thursday. On Sale Nowt Open Sundays 10.5 1727 Westdiff Drive Ne leach• 949-642-FEET SENTENCE Continued from Al the d ecision. Dolan had argued during lhe trial that Veches' ob- session with feet was not sexual and that his client's actions were nothing more than good-natured horseplay. "It's simply devastating to his family.· he said. "TI1L<> is a trag· edy." Ormes defended her M>l'I out· side the courtroom. saying her son did not have sexual contact with the children. "He didn't prey o n these chil· dren like it was made to look like in the court," she said. ·And I think the parents did more dam· age 10 their k.ids by making them testify in the courtroom.· One parent. who remained anonymous, spoke in court be· fore the judge deliven:.-d his sen· tence. She ...Ud Veches took. sev- eral picture<. of h er then 5-year-old son during a sports camp. "They were the most dii.gust· ing pictures," she said. MThis is a bad, sneaky person who preyed on young, helpless chiJdren. He needs to be put away.· She said her -.on suffers from stranger anxiety a.'> a re.ult of his encounter with Vech~. "The other day he told me. "Thal guy looked at me like Trent OFFICER Continued from A 1 lending the Or.mge County Sheriff's police academy be· cause. although he had years of experience as a police officer in Ohio. he had to sau.sfy certain other requirements. Shulman said. "He was just three months ~· into police academy." he said. Stebbins b considered lO be a "world·class bicyclist." Shulman said. "But he wasn't wearing a hel· met at the time of the accident.· he said. His friend, Dave Stewart. who is also an investigator wtth the Orange County district attorney, was riding wiLh Stebbins when the accident happened. "It was just unJuclcy because the car just pulled out in front of hjm and there was nothing much he could do." he said. "It was a bad accident." AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date arid location of the event, as well as a contact phone numbe r. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY Newport Dun•• RHort'1 "Movies on the Beach" aeries offers "The Empero'r'• New Groove• •tarting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking coats $8 per ~r. Campfire• will alto be available for 1'more1. The resort la at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more Information, call (949) 72g.QUNE. "Painting In the Garden: featuring artl•t Stanley Marfin. is a clan being offered today and July 13 at 10:30 a.m. at Sherman library and Gardens In Corona del Mer. Beginners with no p'lntlng badcground ire welcome, 1nd 111 materl1l1 ire eupplled. Reglstretlon Is $35. Pre-registration I• required. For more lnform1tlon, call (949) 873-2281. SUNDAY ............. In th• 01nt.ft,• fMturlng 1rtlst St•nley M1rlln, It a ct111 being ott.red at 10:30 a.m . at Sherman Library ind G•rden1 In Corona del M.r. Beglnn.,1 with no p-1ndng bl<*en>Und are ..icome, and all matwriate are eupplled. "9g&ltmlonltS11. ,,...,......,"'°" "'9QUtred. For more ln~o.,, c8" (Mt, IJl.2281. did,'" she said, choking up. "Our family has been affected. . .. He should be put away for life.· Deputy Dist. Atty. Sheila Han- Trenton Veche s son, who prosecuted the case, said Vech~ poc;ed a danger to the public. "He's J>Cxually attracted to chil· dren." she said. "lie has mo· tested children.· Hanson put 20 children on the stand during the trial and showed jurors se'4eral pictures tha1 Veches had taken either of him sucking their toes or of them suclcmg their own toes. Some were just pictures of the dill- dren's feel. Prosecutors said he asked one boy to take off his pants and touched him inappro- priately. "Every victim responds \iiffer· ently." Hanson said. "But clearly, these cl\ildren have been af. fected." • DEEM BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She mav be readled at (949) 574-4226 or by e·ma1lat deepa bhararh 01far1mes.com. Stewart sald he me t Stebbins more than two years ago while they were racing bicycles in Florida. "There aren't e~ John Stebbins words to d~ scribe him,• he said MHe is a wonderful man and a good police officer. -• Thru.e interested in helpink Stebbins are asked to mail their contributions to the Newport Reach Police N.sn. John Stebbi.m Fund. 870 Santa Rarbara Drive. Newport Bt-ach. CA 92660. For infonnation. call (949) 644-3662. • DEEPA BHARATH covers poblic safety and oourts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deeps.bhsrath latimes.com. Al Costa Febn.aery 2, 1943 to Juty 11, 2003 Long time beach and Balboa Island resident died in his sleep. A graduate of Chapman College In 1970, he spent his entlnt career In finance In Orange Coooty with Welle Fargo 8#* ri Joe Mac Pherson~ where he WU top producer for28 yewa. It la Mid he never met a person he didn't Hke. ~ for his strong wOf1( and play ethic, he enjoyed collectlna Corlett• motOtCan and lo¥ei botlttng In Newport Harbor. He ~ loved to l*'tV. He la aUfVfved by hJa lovtng wtfe Louis and two ct1lchn of hi• former apouae, Unda, Cherie Nichole and David Alan, hie elater Suun and nlecee Krt9tlne COi ...... ~ K.mwt l..ledernw\. Al's .,. ... •-.vlwta1Nt-~19d..t by hla many friend• and a good number of loy9I ~ Funeral HfVtcff wHI be held on Sunday, .My 13-20CJS at 12:00 pm 8t PaoHlo Y'9w Memorial Plft, 3500 P80lfto vtew Or. Corona del M•, ~ ... \,'!~· . In .... of donMlof• .,._ be ,..... to 'a ..... ott•nlzatlon whloh It• HPPOrtecl fOf 1Mf8. The ChMtall ~Dn Fund, RO. o BomialllKli ""'* ............ ................ wwrt ,,,... FAMILY Continued from Al Jong and my time much too short, so I left, but not before J asked what time the ticket booths closed that night. · "10 p.m.," came the repty. lbat was at 1 p.m. Ufe ls funny. SUre, we get a lot of enjoyment out or driving If nice new car, eating a fine meal or taking an expensive vacation, but we also derive pleasure from so many Uttle things: not having to wait for a table at a popular ~urant; finding exactly what you ~t at the department store and finding It at a triple-double discount; finding S 1 O in a pair of pants; and having your kid do the dishes. Getting a few extra hours to buy cheap fair tickets made my day. My week. At 7 p.m., I left home with my 10-year-old son to get Chinese food at a very a small .• but very good take-out restaurant at Baker Street and Fairview Avenue in the Stater Brothers shopping center. As we were leaving, I turned left instead of right to go home and told my son that we were going to the fairgrounds to buy tickets. The ticket line at 7: 15 p.m. was half the length of the line at I p.m. Another little pleasure. But wait. theres more. It happened that my son and I chose to buy tickets at the same time the city planned to celebrate its 50th anniversary. We were invited into the freshened· up Pacific Amphith~rre. given ca.ke and even saw a test bla!.t of the fireworts show planned for 9 p.m. Note to the fair people: We watched the firewor1c.s ~how from our home. and it was outstanding. We suggest that you do it every year to kick-start the Cair. The ampbJtheater was a bit or ~disappointment. Oh, yes, it looked like it had received a new coat of paint, and I'm sure that the aound system has been updated and alJ that, but I was expecting more. I ~ expecting something not so plaJn, a Joolt that wouJd have been more in line with our Performing Arts Center or, altemadvely, something cutting-edge. My guess would be that budget constraints and the possibility that this season ls only a test were the reasons for the ho-hum appearance. Oh, and another beef ... I was told that this year's concerts would not include seating on the gntS.'>')' area above the seats. Too bad. We stayed for another five minutes; watching the pop group "Splash" perform a song. then we left. On our way out, we picked up four "I love Costa Mesa" buttons, one of which I proudly wore the rest of the evening. At that moment, I broke a rule and told my son thal if he wanted a piece of cake. it was OK to go grab one. Dessen before dinner -ano lher little pleasure. We may be headed for the fair tonight, maybe not. We've got a family commitment in North I lollywood, where we're going to see ·Pirates of the Caribbean," so it may be too much to squee7.e in the fair. But we've got our discounted' ride tickets and admissions and we're ready to go at a moment's notice. Cinnamon rolls, pig races and !he demolition derby await. No, most days it doesn't take much to keep us happy. • STfVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. .. 7~-(J«lf, ~ Now Openfor Dinner Wednesday · Sunday New at Newport Dune's Resort BARBECUE UNDER THE STARS You proulde the entree and the chef. We provide the BBg Grill and the side d tsh btUfet · $7.95. Children ages 3 -10 -$4 .50 Friday & Saturday 5:30 -7 :30 pm 4{ter Your Meal, Enjoy Our Movies On The Beach! 'J7a.e sh.ow begins at dusk Call 949-729-3863 or visit www.newportdunes.com SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! With the Daily Pilot CLASSIAEDS CALL 642-5678 REPRESENTATIVE ART HARRIS Will SHOW THEIR ENTIRE COLLECTION AVAILABLE FOR SPECIAL ORDER DirtY Doe Wash 714-960-7002 • 504 Main Street. H8 • OPen Til 7:00PM -----'i' P H 0 T 0 G R A P H Y We focus on family and fan! 1 Look for our upcoming summer special! BARGAIN OF THE DAY EVENT OF THE DAY Worried •bout the chocol1te syrup from your deep-fried • Twinkle geUlng on • your shld7 Don't. The folks et all laundry defergentpresent their '"G'all'ery of Stains;" where fair-goers can throw ketchup, mustard, chocolate syrup and much, much more at a giant canvas end then learn how to remove those stains. On hand is author Joey Green, who's written boob on how to use common household items for various things, with expert tips on stain removal. Banging on the buckets '1:'" __ •• Fire extinguishers and water bottles are the drums for Recycled Percussion, one of the acts at the fair. Tom Forquer Daily Pilot Propane tanks, fire extinguishers, plastic buckets, five-gallon water bottles, pots, a motorcycle helmet worn by a group member -the list of things they bang on goes on and on. Playing for their first time at the Orange County Fair at 2 p.m. · Friday, the group Recycled Percussion rocked the Little Theater as they rapidly struck their amalgamation of scavenged instruments. Initially static. spectators were soon physically moved by the deep bass and crescendos of the music, with one little boy writhing in his seat. Garden Grove resident Rachel Malone, who has been coming the fair since she was a young girl. said that wit's the best thing I've ever seen at the Orange County F . " air. '· _ SEAN DUFRENE I DAILY PILOT Complementing the show·s pulsing beat were yisual elements such as the three white tubs that flashed to the beat as they were struck. From left, percussionists Greg Kassapis, Ethan Holmes and Zach Holmes pound away on recycled instruments. The percussio~ists have been 1amming together for nine and a half years. Assn. halftime shows. At one point, grinders were used on 55-gallon drums. creating screeching noises and trails of sparks that arced over the stage. The traditlon of using unusual objects to make music goes bade. to the group's roo~. Holmes said. His brother Zach Holmes' first drum kit was made out of coffee cans that he dubbed "The Maxwell 2000.. ...: ~ earned second place, the group was asked to do some assemblies for local elementary schools and later worked its way up through the middle and high schools. In the group's nine years, it has tou~ such musical acts as 3 1( and James Brown, and has performed at National FootbaJI League and National Basketball Greg Kassapis, 23, prefers the group's rigorous tour schedule to a normal job. 0 Jt 's great because this is wha1 we love to 'do,"''be:•satd.· •1-.'·; '·•" ·1 thought the racing pi~s.were the best, but [i(ecycJ.ed "The foundation of our group is five-gallon buckets, folding chairs and duct tape." 27 year-old £than Holmes said. The New England group first began as an entry for a high school talent show. Though it Percussion) beat them." said Carol Lawrence of Garden Grove. tinued from Al umber. Grandma and d.pa. who had brought the dJer &om Fullerton, fiarasl4!<1 a half-doun press botographers to snap a photo f their little star. Holly Nelson of Mission ejo was at the ftl.ir bright and arly Friday to find out how her rojects placed in the fair ntest. The 7-year-old entered lrilb fruit bread, a wstrtng bag, a painting of a bot11e and another dng of Gull Lake. Holly d her mother, Rhonda, stopped at the Heritage stage to check out the opening ceremonies. Holly gave it a thumbs up. "I was telling her we used to eat at Frisco's," Rhonda Nelson said. "I just love those pink roller slcates." After a few more minutes of gazing at the festivities, Holly tugged at her mom's hand. "You just can't wait any longer, can you7" Rhonda Nelson said and then left with her daughter to checlc the results of her entries. Becky Bailey-Findley, chief executive officer of the fair, said the longer run of this year's fair -now 2 I days instead of I 6 - "I really want to try that sky ride. You get to see so much more than just the fa ir, and at night, it w ill be just be gorgeous:' Becky Balley-Findley chief executive officer of the fair al.lows more attractions to rotate in and out of the venue. There'are new rides, wonderful exhibits and, of cowse, the revival of the Pacific Amphitheatre, which is hosting a full-blown concert every night. Bailey-Findley, who was at the opening ceremony in her official capacity, said she can't wait until she is off the clock. ·1 really want to try that slcy ride," she said about the chair lift that gives fair-goers a bird's eye view of the city. "You get to see so much more than just the fair, and at night, It will be just be gorgeous." Just across the wallcway, mother-son duo Carrie and Brandon Kingsley were celebrating opening day with falc.e tattoos. Brandon touted a colorful dragon on his left bicep, while his mother wore a less aggressive peace character. Rueben Smith, president of the Orange County Fair board - of directors, said Bailey-Findley and her team did a "phenomenal job" on the entire set up, but one specific attraction was calling his name. •I'm going after one of those deep· fried candy bars," Smith said. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesday1 and Fridays and cover• culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lofita.harper@latimss.com. FOOD OF THE DAY As was stated so eloquently by the lovely Cameron Diaz in #There's Something About Mary," there aren't enough foods on a sti<*. Sam Pon of the Chinese Food stand comes to the rescue with eggrotl on a sti<*. Pon has two stands at the fair, so you are twice as likely to find it. The golden fried delicacy, carefully balanced on a woodenst.idt. can be yours for $2.75. QUOTE OF THE DAY 'I thought the . . raclng ·p igs were th e best, but [Recycled Percussio n] beat them .' C1rol Lawrence F a1rgoer from Garden Grove FAIR ATTENDANCE Fridey'1 fair attendance a1 of 3 p.m.: • 12, 134 people, up from last veer'• 11.no Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' reco mmendations? Were the rcc.ommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fail to disclose a conflict of interest for the analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a ca.s:c for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses arc often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We specialize in representing individual investors. Please call us for a FREE consultation . .... I OC!llJ •NeJ'ee ' • ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE SATURDAY, JULY 12 lOA.M. • 63 Feet of Chocolate -A Hershey Exhibit (until 6 p.m.) - Outalde Blue Gate • 11\9 Foster Imposters Road Show -A Foster Farms Exhibit (until 6 p.m.) -Outaide Blue Gate •Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • MDlacoverthe Fair# Button Program (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Market Rabbit and Junior Rabbit Judging -Livest<><* -Small Animal Tent . • 4-H/FFA Horse Show Judging - Equestrian Center • So<* Hop -Kids Stage • Embroiderers Guild (untll 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Building • Orange County Polymer Clay Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbles Building • leather Craft Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbles Building 11 A.M. • Sign Language Choir - Heritage Stage • Shuyokan Martial Arts -Sun Stage • Chinese lion Dancers (until 3 p.m.) -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • Oxen leam,f>resentation - Livestock Arena • Circus Fun Review Auditions (11 :30 a.m.) -Kids Stage NOON • Rustlers Square Dancers - Heritage Stage • Bactroad Ramblers -Country. Bluegrass Music -Sun Stage • Silk Flower Arranging with Wendy Barrera -Home and Hobbies Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •Maureen W. Puppet (12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds 1 P.M. • California All-Star Cloggers - Heritage Stage • Badcroad Ramblers -Country, Bluegrass Music -Sun Stage • Embroiderers Guild -Home and Hobbies Stage •Art and Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - FOUR SEASONS m,. ontDI KLl FOR $ 199 1111•1 NIT S4MI' SlLE PRICE ,-W.., Craftera Village • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kida Stage • Recycled Perrusslon -Little Theater · 3P.M. • California All-Star Cloggert - Heritage Stage • Boys & Berries Square Dancers -Sun Stage • Music and Me -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livest<><* • Grandma's Cookie Jar Contest (3:30 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Stage • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Bam 4P.M. • Glass Blowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Russell Brothers Circus -Green GateArea •Wonderful World of Dance - ~eritage Stage • Zamich Hispanic Band -Sun Stage • ABCs of Wine Tasting Seminar ($20) with Colleen Stoddard - The Courtyard • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Storyteller -Youth Building • Whip it Up Whip Cream Pie Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Ceramics Demonstratioli (4:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:40 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) - Around the grounds SP.M. • Le Polynesia Productions - Heritage Stage • Zamich Hispanic Band -Sun Stage • Beer Making with Bob Sullivan -Home and Hobbies Stage • Music and Me -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Auditions - Kids Stage • All-AJMbn Racing Pigs - Livest<><* • Clrcut fun Review Show (5:30 p.m.) -Kida Stage • Milking Demonstration (5:30 p.m.) -Miiiennium Barn IP.M. • Storyteller -Yooth Bullqjng •The M~lc of F1'ank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Oxen Team Presentation - Livest<><* Arena • Recycled Percuaalon -Little Theater • Nosy Tomato Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Kida Stage • Red, Ripe & Karaokln' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage 7P.M. • Russell Brothers Circus -Green GateArea • Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Kids' Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestcx;Ac • Port ~ity Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village • Milking Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 8P.M. • Summer Concert Serles: Juan Gabriel (Gates Open 6:30 p.m.) - Pacific Amphitheatre • Freestyle Motocross Jumping - Citizens Business Bank Arena • Raymond Michael -Sun Stage • Rodt. Rodt Limbo Rodt Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater "Pivot Point (8:30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage 9P.M. • Russell Brothers Circus -Green GateArea • Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Oxen Team Presentation - l.Jvestodt Arena • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livest<><* • Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (9:30 p.m .) -Crafters Village lOP.M. • Raymond Michael -Sun Stage •Pivot Point (10:30 p.m .) - Heritage Stage SALE PRICE FNSHES AVAUBLE: . . . ...,.ha :) ·P*lllhs #1 CASABLANCA STORE AlltOUNCES THEii 23RDANNUAL CASABLANCA SUMMER KICKOFF BEST BET COURTESY Of THE ORANGE COUNTi FAIR Juan Gabriel will perform at 8 p.m. today at the Pac1f1c Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series. For tickets, call T1cketmaster at (71 4) 74(}2000 or go onhne to www.tJcketmaster.com. Tickets are also available at the ~air box office. bed was $2220 now $1 332 Al Saturday. July 12. 2003 0 Pilot FAITH FAITH CALENDAR THE MORAL OF THE STORY .. SPECIAL EVENTS CHAUENGaNG THE PLEDGE Of ALLEGIANCE be on apirltuality, and Cantor Breier will be accompanied by a combo of musicians and the University Synagogue choir. University Synagogue Is at 4915 Keeping the faith and seeing results "Challenging 'Under God' in the Pledge of Altegiance" Is being offered at University Synagogue at 8 p.m. Aug. 8. Shabbat services will be led by Rabbi Arnold Rac:hlis and Cantor Ruti Braier. The guest speaker will be Michael Newdow, who challenged the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Newdow will speak of his decision to challenge the pledge, his education about the legal · process and of bringing a case to the Supreme Court. University Synagogueisat4915Alton Parkway. Child care will be provided free of charge. For more information, call (949) 553-3535. SHABBAT ALIVE "Shabbat Alive,# a new style of jazz and pop services first . created in South America, will be held at 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 29, at University Synagogue. Rabbi Arnold Rachlis' focus will . Alton Parkway. The public le cordially invited to attend at any time. For more information, call (949) 553-3535. GREATER 0.C. SERVE DAY Dozens of Orange County and Long Beach churches and nonprofit organizations will collaborate to host the fourth annual Greater Orange County Serve Day today. More than 1,500 people are expected to participate in community service activities throughout Orange County. The event is a collaborative community service effort designed to strengthen local relationships, unite organizations and help improve neighborhoods. Contact: Krysti Hall, communications director, ROCKharbor Church, at (949) 548-2600, ext. 40, or khall@rockhsrbor.org. 'When we in prayer seek only the glorification of the naml! of God, then we are in complete harmony with the spirit of prayer. Then our hearts are at rest both while we pray and after we have prayed. Then we can wait for the Lord." -0. HAL.LESBY L ast month, r wrote a column about a little boy named Max who sustained serious injuries after falling from a second-story window. My husband and I know the family and received the terrible call the night of the accident. We rushed to the hospital that night to join a waiting room full of family and friends and we joined with them in prayer for Max and all of his family. One of the many things that amazed me that nigbt is how ------------- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE "Better Sleep Through Science. " Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT 3165 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Q",. Slod. Sout"t :>I .105 Fwy ~ = ~·~.i:~• 171 41 545-7168 r:-~ , ........ ~ ................ . Don't -rTiiss our BIG Summer ' CENTER WIDE SALES! Musical Enterta inment Ki d's Craft Activity Face Pa inting Bonk of Amtrico ............... .7 60-4612 Dr. Bold, Optomtlris1 ............. 644·0165 Crown Ace Hordwore ............. 644·8570 Newport Hills Animal Hospitol ...... .759·1911 Newport Hilk Oeonen ............ 720· 1024 Newport Hills On19s .............. 640·7373 Po<ifk Wlity Cafe & lalcing Co. . .... 644·0303 PoviliOfls .................... .759-3880 Sew 6olltry .................. 720-3'39 SkiWly l.torllint C.111 ........... 720· 1613 T1lol Touth RIStlwn1 ............ 640-0123 Grlh•'s 76 .................. 644-7151 What'.s Coolcint? Bistro .. , ......... 644-1120 Al,..~ •. ill 94' ... <tdt. N EW PORT HILLS SHO PPING C ENTER Son Mlgu.I Driv9 & Ford Rood ' r CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON strong hJs parents' faith was. even before knowing whether Max would survive the brain surgery. or what kind of shape he would be in if he did. They prayed for total healing if it was God's will. but even before that. ' they prayed that God would be glorified in the entire situation. They also prayed that other lives would be changed and Impacted by the siruation. I can tell you now, that more has happened than I can fathom, and indeed God deserves the glory. Many people have referred to the whole situation as the "Max Miracle." The support from their family. friends. church, school, neighborhood and community has been amazing. They've also received help, prayers and encouragement from people they don't )O'low ln this country as well as from countries around the world. Max is on countless prayer chains in more countries than any of us know. The family has received e-mails and cards from Africa. Egypt, lndla and Mexico. lf you are reading this and I failed to men tion you or your country. please forgive the oversight. The family thanks all of you for the prayers and the incrediblt: support. Many of us have found that the situation has caused W> all to pray more. not only for Max. but for others, too. I've received many calls and e -mails about Max. One family member named Mary called from Oregon to share some of the ways she has been affected by Max. "I can't ever remember praying for anything or anyone so fervently," sh e said. "When I pray for Max. it reminds me to pray more for others, too, and our children are experiencing the same thing. "It's played a significant spiritual impact on us. It's trUly deept:ning our intima~)' with God, .. she said. "The miracles seem to be happily piling up on top of one another. It's been incredible to see so many people's faith strengthened through this. We're so thanJcful fo r the ways God Is providing. and to see such specific prayers answered. ·Until we get to heaven we won't know all that God is and has done through this one small boy," she said. "Knowing so many people are going through this together makes It feel like we are one large extended family." I visit Max as often as possible. I Us attitude is incredible. his feeding tube has been removed and he can eat and drink on his own. Thank you again for all your prayers. May we all thank God more. pray more and try to glorify him in all we do. And you can quote me on Lha1. • ctNDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beacti resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups She may be reactied via e·ma11 at cmdy@onthegrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Beadl, CA 92658 Over 600 tcicntific ~~ uouod dxwodd-and • published in peer-~ ~Is, have validated the unique and profound bcad\O qf the Tnnscendcntal Mcditition iaatar:as of life. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET~ONE j ohn C. Bloeser holding Martha Adell Bloeser ~note shonbed delivery wagon). Photo l&Mn at .507 South Flower Street circa 1900. _ .. _-.......: - .I Pilot FA I T H Saturday, Jliy 12. 2003 At IN THEORY The meaning behind the words v QUESTION: Are the Bible. Torah and Koran m eant to be take n literaJly? It ls one of the fundamental and deep root~ tenets of the Jewi h belief that the entire Torah is of divine origin, handed down by Moses. and a8solute, Immutable and undeniable. The great welation at Sinai and the receiving of the Torah i!> the single moM imponant event in hJstory when an en tire nation heard the divine word. pamally lhrough Moses. thus verify111g an important article in our faith, prophe!ly. God reveals his will to human!.. Moses handed qown lhe written Torah as werfa~ oral traditions and laws through an unbroken chain, which were eventually documented in the Talmudic era. ___ _J These !Mong and unyielding beliefs explain the tenacity of the Jewish people\ .,tubhdm preservation of fai th lhrough centuries. A., lo'>ephus writes {Agam'>t '\pion I :8): "AU Jew'> imbibe with their mother's mtlk the belief that thebe boo~ are of d1V1nc ongm , d'> well a<. the re'>olve to 1e1nam fa11hful to them. and wilhn~ly, if need be. IO die for tlwm . ·· l·unhermore, much of the Torah details faUures and defeats individually and collectively, including among them of many righteous people. This is further evidence of the truths an.d authent1c1ty in every story and word of the Torah. The word Torah means lesson and teachings. God is giving humans a living scriptµre complete with peninent stories which convey life'!> lessons. RABBI REUVEN MINTZ CHABAD JEWISH CENTER Newpon Beach I or tho-.e of 11<. who love tht.-m. the ... 1one., of holy 'Lripture' are "fan ta'>llc " fhey Ml' "tht' Word of (,od" and. as our Bonk of Common Prayer See THEORY, Pa&e AlO Hr J. Garrett Furniture .. • Full D esign Con sult~ng Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Fa mi(} I r11d111011 of Promdmg Ser vu e 1111d \ ~J/Ut' (omiJt1111t Good Prices Eueryd11y. 2215 H a rbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 t >pen Mon ch ru "ia1. 1 0 tC> (1, ...,llll. I 2 Ill "> Quality Service VaJue I can't believe .. :: .. I •Cnbs •Changing Tables • Chests •Twin Beds •Toy Boxes • Full Beds • Accessor1es and much more (949) 6J 1-2229 l822 Newport Blvd., Costa Mes.ii ' AtrllSJ frOffl Tl'Wl"llt 5q1Ul1t www.beWnJ.c.om Mon ·sat I 0 30-6 00 • Sun 12--00-~ 00 It's MY" Home Landscaping or re-landscaping is your answer to a bcautifuJ new look for your home. KAY MATSON, A..A. C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer FLOWERDALE can make your landscape dreams come true, and increase your home's value. too! Come in today and discover t.he people who can make a difference to you and your garden. ~f~ J~ NURSERIES, INC. COMPLETE LANOSCAPlNG 46 YEARS EXP. ( ICCO)C ~O ,()8 'i ', ~ SANTA ANA • ~M()lj " I U\l In "' c (7 14) 633-9200 COSTA Mf-~1\ • 2~011 8mtt•I -\v, (7 14) 754-6661 TERRY MEIK.Lf C.C.N.P. Landsc.ape Designer Vniq~e fivtdin9s II\ 1 .,.·q 1,l\U\~,..., C' , h . ~ t .... ...,,'-'11'1~ .... PLOOR MODEL CLEJIUNCEI 20 • 70% OPP SL'RPRI l~GLY DELIGHTFLl DI CO\IRIES FRO\I AROL\D THE \\.ORLD .\T CRPRI ·1~GLY AFFORD:\BLE PRICE.~ . 7361 IOINGll ML, #A • HUNTINGTON llACH. (714l847-J747 . . M·F (40-7, SAT 10-6, SUH 11~ .. _ _ _ ~,~~i:-MIKE'S ~~e°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Flooring Featuring ALLOC No Clue ln-.tcJllation Wood Flooring Refinishing & N e w Texture-Plush ~arpet f\l-L) $20§ sq ft Installed Berber Carpet o~ $169 ~~ Insta lled Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic ~\l-~..,~ s 1 so sq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S?lte4a ~ESIGN CENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!" fURNITURE REUPHOtSTERY . • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture ·Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads I .i~ f11r\ ,\ '-11·'\1.r.1.1 ·:· • •1i·· h~~-:-t-l(}() ' • AIO Saturday, July 12, 2003 SLAt\set Deli9hts OIULL ----c N I W 'O~T llACM ·•·~.x_~K•~ .. , enjo):' a delicio"s me.al fe.at".-i..,9 o"' .. s low t40asted PJAimeRib. )to1.o• •l'leal is accoi-npani~·by a 'homemade so"'p of the day o l' c .. ise c.ae.SQI' safad, choice of Haa9en-Da2s" ice c.-eam o,. ~..brt-a\\d \u-vei;a9e. $18.00 Don UI in<IMM """41Uf pl"ilf N i9htly fr-om 5-7 p.-n SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •A C...,,,., IWad# to l.orilg .0 Smilg lows Grist 01 Lor4 .0 Sorior" The Rev Proveen Bunyan Rector 3 209 Vio lido Newport Beoch 949/675·0210 • 7 30 om Trod1t1000I 9omCon~r;. 9om Church SchoOI 11 om Chonsmohc ood Wednesdoy Noon ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ''Open Arms and Open Mmds" Worship 9:30 Jamburtt & Elbtblurr In "'" p<1rt Bt'ach Lc>r,1leJ ;., th .. Newpor>f Broch )\ \w·.-io H Hot.,! t1..d i; .. .,ni!5 C l .. b V.:.lidatr4 S<1lf Pnrl<l"tl •}l)ll Nrwpol"t C ,...,, ... , T>.-ive N<'Wf'<' .. 1 B .. ,, .. ~ Y49-7:.2Y-3565 ·I ( nn~rr1 VJ/inn 11/ r/,, th1,lu.in I nmmumnn Ill II nl.VG OUR FAITH· WV/NG <.Hl/JS1 AMI VRVING()/'RCOMMUN!D' I ht Re-. 'J l'<'m D. I bvnC\. Rwor \l'Nll"' \CHFDUI I !! Am Holy h1chMis1 ')Am \1111dJ1' '1<.hool/Aduh Bible ~tud1· I 0 om -Chor.ti F.uch.1m1 \'/ k\fRI 'ARF .1M//.ABLF \II I R ()Pl l I I ! \ \ ( I I \I \ : l \ I I \ Resurrection Beach 12S9 Victoria Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Sunday evening service at 7:00 PM Rt~. 81r~1t1 H1yn11 Teleph.one (71 4) S39-7727 Email RBMCC@~i9foot.eo111 "THE HEART OF A SHEPHERD " ~'ANQB.EW'S ll1.11ah 40: I I: J11hn IO: 14-1 )) 1" '' lttl.~ 'Hi•0to1 'ia1urday, July 11, 1003, S:JO P.M. ~unday. July ll, 2003, 8: lO &. IO:I S A..M. A :+ "A God-«ncertd pariah community; instructed ht the WOJd of God and renewed by 1hc Sacraments Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 (949)644--0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 · Rtv. Monsignor William P. Mcl.aughJin Pastor UTURGTES: Sarurday, 5 p.m. (<Antot), Sunday, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (Conttmporaty) 10:00 (Oioir). It :30 a.m. (Cantor) and 5:00 p.m. (C.Ontcmporary) ' ~------.~ ------~--------.. -------------- FAITH Crptal CcM Promcmdc • 7'1761\cilic Cou1 Hwy.• N.wpor1 Beach, CA • (949) 4'17-2014 1mw1111~mm 111 mm 14 m1V. w111ho/ f-ash1on lsl.wli aii-h WORSHIP DIRECTORY METJ f( H>IS I' Newport Center United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Co<JU, P:mor 160 I Marguerire Ave. corner of t\1Jrgucml .ind S.in Joaquin Hills Rd . (949) 644-0745 Bnm Quiet \'(t,m/iip Seri111 I' /Oam \Vorslup 1111d Ch1Mm11 Sunday !>chool Youth mt'l'ting u1ukly MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. {714) 979-8234 Or AK.hard George Rev St~pt1an1e Toon Senior Minister Youth M1ms1er Christ Church By the Sea l n111·1l \lo d1"'!"1 I WO \\ 11•11.'w lllvJ . :-.c-" pn11 H,.o..h " -m \,I '' , J.i, "·'•"' ]', ' ~ I ' ·~ .• "~11• .. ! t • ,!rm \111J.n \<h1.1tJ Th.-Rev. Or. Georgt R Crisp, Pa.sror (949)673-3805 I l . 1111· R:\'.': <HRl\l'I\\: ! I -., .. ~ Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.LC.A.) 798 Dover Dr. Newport Beac h Jradltltmill Lutheran Pastor Charles Endter Worship Service with Holy Communion Sunday 9:15 am CHILD CARS AVAJLA8UI FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Vr::J Udo Newpoi1 Beach 673-1 340 or 6 7 3-6150 Church 10 am & 5 pm Sunday School 10 am \'h~Dy Mr>l.M,11 7 '1(1 r• 1 LHe lockld Up y TryThis Key Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlsclples of Christ) 2401 trvlne Ave. ~rt Beach. CA ( 645-5781 Mlnlsttr. Dr. Dtnnls Short :noo Paci.he view Dr. Newport Beach 644-2617 or 675-4661 Church IOam Sunday School 10 am w.~ Meelulas 1 JO pn &1•~12nocn Seek the Lord, and ye shall Hve; •• • Amoa 5:8 (to ;) WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publishes Every Satunlay in the Pilot CAU.. 949.574.4249 THEORY Continued from A9 (pp. 853-4) tells us, God inspired their authors and speaks to us through them. We understand their meanings through personal prayerful reflection a,nd bysrudying the wit and wisdom of those who find them central to hwnan Livi,ng. These stories.are about-people who are simultaneously believing and unbelieving, innocent and guilty, crusaders and crooks, full of hope and full of despair; in other words, they are stories about us. And they are stories about God and God's saving deeds in history; they are great guidance for djscernjng God's will for today's siruations and our roles in them. Holy Scriptures are about life, the way it really is. ln "Wishful Trunking." Frederick Buechner counsels that if somebody claims that you have to take rJw Bible literally. word for word. or not at all. ask him or her if you have 10 take John rJ1e Bapust literally when he calls Jesuo, the "Lamb of God. H And if someboay u.au ..... that no rational person can take a book seriously that assumes that the world was created in six days and humankind In an ... afternoon, ask them If they can take Shakespeare seriously whose scientific knowledge would send a contemporary third-grader into peals of laughter. So the stories ofho,ly scripiures should be taken not ttliterally" but as "fantastic." TME VERY REV. CANON PETER 0. HAYNES St. Mlchael & All Angels Episcopal ~urch The Qur'anic text contains Ut- eral and allegorical words as well as numerous metaphors. This ,.means that the Mus- lim scholars would not in- terpret the entire Qur'an literally. It de- pends on the situation and on the con- texts. As an example, the Qw"an states, "The hand of God is above their hands." The hand here symbolizes the power arid authority of God, and it is not taken HteraJly. IMAM MOUSTAFA AL·QAZWINI Islamic Educational Center of Orange County • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence Installations • Chain Link Fen ce Repairs SerfliniJ Oran1Je CountlJ • Beach Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 (949) 548-9662 llfVnATIOMS • WDS. WY • m. license #313311 Leat-n Calligraphy 4t !:TM~~ Cla55es 5tart August 6th Wedne5days for 4 week5 -$00 &.30-8-.30 in the ~ning5 Taught by Maty MccMTians &a/f/<H ... ~ad4, LoGtted In Qnnery VII~ .417 ~ ~ ~t-8cach 949-566-9863 If you•re rNClY to t.tce the next step k1 J011r Cltt«, Vansuant UnMmlty can help. Our School f0t Professional Stu<11es can adv;ince )iO'I in tilt martcetplaoe with con11e11lent and c:omptehensive degree completion and certiflcat10t1 prc)fl'amS for career·m•nded people in bust~ps~holoO. technololJY, educlllon end ministry. Add1tion11 education pays off. II helps you stay on top of the chan&1n1 mnet and enriches you l)efSO!lally. And et Vanauard we understand your netds as a wktna professional, which Is why we desf&ned our even1na and weekend classes 10 fit your schedule. Ready to take )iO'lr care. ·llnd life. to tht ne.t leve17 Contxt in.. We'll Mlp you make 1t lllppln. -' - S O C I E TY THE CROWD Raising funds in a Wild West kind of way B lg donors helping to underwrite the annual Cattle Baron's Ball in s upport of the Orange County Cancer Society gathered at Tangata Restaurant in the Bower's Museum. Dinner chair Donna BlanchJ welcomed the crowd to the dinner underwritten by the First Amencan Corporation and Allied Domecq Wine~ This year's Cattle Baron'i. Ball, which has the them e "Ranchero Roundup .. Celebrating Orange County's Webll'rn B.W. COOK I leritagc::· will unfold Oct. 25 at.the Orange Cnunty Fauground'> in (.o<,ta Mesa. Organi7er., expect the ball 10 attrn<. t 1,000 guest!> in Western alllre and raise more than SS00,000 to fund cancer re-.earch grants and edurnuonaJ programs for Orange County familie ... Tickets to the ball '>tart ..it $150 per person. Call the American C.Ancer Society at (949) 261-9446 for more inlrmnat ion. · Share Our Selves jo111ed torte'> \\ith celebrity chef Martin Yan for the Krand opening of a new bi!.tro 111 lo'>t.t \lc-.a Yan opened his first eatel) 111 <.oi.ta ~tesa. Yan Can Restaurant, and donated IOO% of the opening night\ proceed' to ~hare Our Selve:.. the Costa Mei.a ba.,l'd 11011prolit agency providing medical and dental tare. food. financial assii.tancc and much more to low income Orange County riJ11t:n\. Yan is known for his i.1gna1ure rnokbook ·Martin Van's Asian l'avonH•'>. ·· ~1anv of the , recipes have been featured on .i \ancty of • 1V hows. The local crowd wclrnmmg Yan : to the neighborhood and supponmg '>OS ~ included Councilman Ouis Steel Ed and • Ann Hirschman, Jane and Richard Taylor. BUJ and PJJen Wright, and Jerry and Kathy : Thomp~n. • The Center Stage Uiaptt>r of ihe (1u1ldl> of • the Orange County Performing An., l.enier Above, Martin Yan and Costa Mesa City Councilman Chris Steel at the opening of Yan Can restaurant. Below. Share Our Selves supporters Richard and Jane Taylor at the opening of Yan's restaurant. which donated the opening night's proceeds to the charity. are planning an Aug. 20 fund-rrui.er to be held at ~outh Coa'>t Pla'l.a Village. Rt:'>taurant'> of ~uth Coa5t Plaza and South Coa5t Pl:u.a Village will treat guest'> to a '>ampling of the "be.,1 ot the best" cuisine of Col.ta Me .. a. Restaurant'> pd!tic1pating at this Lime include Antonello . the Ouh House, ~1aggiano'<,, Monon'c;, Royal Khyber and \\'olfgang Puck. Organizers have tapped Steve Copelend and the Ranging Sun Band to entcnam the crowd. Tickets are S40 m ad\-an<.e and S50 at the door Please caJJ BUJ Lyons .it lJ49J 474-9112 for reservauons. \ ... A ffil'>take wa'> made in Thursday's column. Henry Segerstrom's cash gift to the expan-;1on of ihc Orange Counry Performing Aru Center wru; S40 rruJhon. not S4 rmlhon. It remams the largest single chantable cai.h gift in the history of Orange County •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays SPECIALIZING IN NEWPORT'S ARCHITECTURALLY DISTINCTIVE ESTATES & WATERFRONT HOMES .1 stwindows .com KNOWLEDGE: 43 YEAR NEWPOAT 8eAo-. RESlOEH• EXPERIENCE: 14 VEAAS l.JCENSED Ill. REA.. ES-A""E CEO GL06Al AACH.~uRA.. DE5'G"' •~J M~1NG 0 1RECTOO CAP-TA. s ... S5E PROPERTY 0 1v1S.C>N PROFESSIONAL: CAUFORNIAA.ssoaATION Of REAL.TO% A>IE.Plo.N INSTITUTE Of AAc:::HITeCTS NRCC • CAIJFQRo.A~ ~ Tt-E YEA? STEPHl!N A. SUTHERLAND CONSULTING REALTOR f> Prudential Calitoml1 Realty R EPRESENrtNC DISCERNING OUYERS & SELLERS CALL N D w FOR A NO·cosr MARllEF EllALUAFION 949-278-3052 ~ ....... la.m.·6:30""' ,........ ~· Ul-9 ~ S...,1 IA·21Uft. Brands • Lowest Price Up Front No Games Replacement & New Construction me Pricing & Purchasing tor Referrals • All Major Credit Cards 1 stwind o w s.co m SOLIS I:" \.EST)1E:'\T & RE .. ~LTY KRISTIN M. Sous • Licensed RcaJ Estate Agent , • Mttting aU of your Real Estatt nuds. ERIC A Sous CFP • 17 fom F.xJ.trimet • Stocks & Bonds • Mutual Funds • Annuities • Estau & Retimnmt Planning • lnvestmmt Banking • Small MidJJ.t Maritn COmpania ... umn Jl1AILtU .... :JM.m.tl'll M~4-7Jt.9 11 s J liildlllmlMlll&IC,._,..._.,. llJMa.lm •• Saturday Jul-y 12. 2003 All .. ENGAGEMENTS Ray-Sebastian James "Walkie" and Janet Ray of Corona del Mar an· oounce lhe engagement of their da\18bter, Lysanne Ray · of C.Orona del Mar. to Rich- an! Sebastian of Santa Ana. The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Mar H.igtl and the University of San Diego. The future bridegroom. son or Olarles and Linda · Sebastian of Newpon Beach, graduated from Rip . Americano High School and Santa Oara University. A Dec. 20 wedding is planned at St Michael & All Angels Epi.scopaJ Omrcb in Corona del Mar. Hardman-Kehir Mrs.. Thomas Wolfe of Newport Beach announces the engagement of her daughter, Tracey Hardman of Sausalito. Calif., to Michael Kehir of Moss Beach, Calif. The bnde- elect. daughter of the late H. Lyn Hardman. gradu- ated from Corona del Mar High and San Diego State Richard Sebastian and Lysanne Ray University. Michael Kehir and Tracey Hardman The future bridegroom, son of the late Mr. And Mr'> Fran~ Ke hir of Bo'- ton, Masc;., graduated from Cathohc Memorial High School and Northeastern Uruverslry He earned a master~ in bu ... 1· nec;c; administration from the Unl\er-.1C) of Santa Qara, Cal1l A Sept. 26 wed cling is planned in San l-ranc1sco al tht> ",t. Franc1i. Yacht Qub. ~ AUTHE N TIC -CUlat•I Sunday Special~ 1/2 Pric·e Tu(•!'icla\ ... Pa~ta '\i~ht-. s 1 :t4<> ~o Corkage \Vednesdays ; 14 :r:-:~ .'):S<J...:;9__,, _____ _ J . -. . Ot>e• r ........ , thro .. an s~"d•t 7 S6 l Ci ' ffR A\ 1-. 11)7 H L "'llNCTON B EACH CA 92647 , ,, " ,, II 1461 ,,... ~HF .. Juan Gabriel ~ * 8 pm For ticket ln!ormatlon log ooto www ocfair.oam t r ·--~ .. !"'-•B•SS~091115 51119•&•--... 194 ... __ _. ... ~----..-~-------------.------------~-----__ _ ' MARINERS PAR K CORNER OF DOVER 0~1VE & IRV1Nf AV EN UE W ith their blend of swing, jazz and R & B, and their classy vintage style, Jump1n' Joz re'calls Count Basie, ~y ~:;;.;"~;g;old ood lovoe Joodoo • A1f9¥st 24-Reckff Scl...ttst.s Bonita Canyon Sports Parle-GRAND OPENING! Sept 21-... dflc Sfjllt.-~;:rclte.st.rw GRANT HOWAl ARK .,cf i · select City Websites/ Arts & Culture or coll Concerts en the Pa rh Hotline 94 9 6 4 4-3211 ex. 2156 or Newporl Beach Cultural ArlS Office 949.717-3870. J.1111----------------------,. nl~ Spo1uortd by CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ARTS COMMISSION IAmil and by a donation from the NEWPORT SEACH AUS FOUNDATION f ·AFTER HOURS •Submit Al'TER H()UR8 items to the O.lly Pilot. 330 W. a.y St, ea.ta M esa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4296. A complete lilt la available at www.daiJypilotcom. MUSIC PActF1C AMPHITHEATRE CONCERTS . The Orange County Fair will presenting ita summer conoert series at the Paclflc Amphitheatre: today, Juan Gabriel; Sunday, Melissa Etheridge and Joan_ Osborne; Tuesday, troaby, Stills and Nash! Thuraday, Standing In the Shadows of Motown featuring The M.ink Brothers; Friday, 311 and Something Corporattf; July 19, Marco Antonio Solis; July 20, Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant; July 22, Devo and Cake; July 23, Steely Dan; July 24, the Oooble Brothers and Buddy Guy; July 26, the Doors of the 21st Century; July 26, Alanis Morissette and Ja10n Mrai; July 27, Bob Dylan; July 29, Alan Jadcson and Joe Nichols; July 30, Kenny Loggins and M ichael McDonald; July 31, 3 Doors Down and Our Lady Peace; Aug. 1, Jethro Tull; Aug. 2, fb<y Muaic and Oevld Lindley and El Rayo-X; and Aug. 3, Botton. For conceft lnfonnation, cell (714) 708-1870orvWt www.ocfalr..com. To order dcbta, call (714) 7~2000. O.C. FAIR CotfCERTS AT THE ARENA The Orange County Felr la pntMnting many eummw eventl and ponoef1s 9t lta Cttbiana Buaineaa Bank~ today, "ft'eestyle Motorcroa Jumping; S1;1nday, the third annual Orange Crush Demolition Derby; Tuesday, the Little River Band; Wednesday, Blue Oyster Cult; Thursday, the Banglet; Friday, Poco, Richie M.iray and Chri1 Hiiiman and Herb Pedenon; July 19, the Young Dublinel"I; July 20, the M ariachi Festtval; July 22, Billy Bob Thorton; July 23, Ai'* Springfield; July 24, Phll Va1Sar; July 25, the Fabulous Thunderbirds; July 26, Royal Crown Revue; July 27, the Latin Mulic Festival; July 29, the Mountain Top with Or. Ralph Stanley, featuring Rhonda Vincent and special guest C1ark; July 30, the Fab Four; July 31, Ziggy Mariey; Aug. 1, Ozoma1li; Aug. 2, Bull.riding, with a musical performance by BR5-49; and Aug. 3, the Fiesta Del Charro. The Orange County Felr la on Fair Drive In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-FAIR. BOLERO Alfi) RtwSOOY M aestro Carl St. Clair and the Pacific Symphony, with guHt pianist Valentina Llaltsa, will elCplore the vibrant rhythms of Spalo In a concert called "Bolero and Rhap1ody" at 8 p.m. July 19 It the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tldcets coat $19 to $85. To order, call (714) 765-5799. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Re1taurant In Newport Beach presents a Jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainmerrt at 850 Avocado • Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to.S p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wedneaday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m . every week. "Wanted" musicians Include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. ANTIQUE ROW . & GARDEN CAFE FitU HorN FllnWhi11p, AnrU,un C-Colbmb/a, Tr"4itioNli to Cotutr Gifo 11NI C.rtk11 Dmr. Wish Lm 11NI Dtlir~. C.rrl,,,, Ctft G11rrl,,,, P.r10 D'""'l 1n'l'i"t 8,.,,JtflUt, LM11rh, u11 •"" im Erprrm> &r CAFE HOURS: Mon-Sun 9am-4pm C.11"1o to CJNzlllk/Un, U"J & Rllrt Boo/a, Ciu1om Pimm M.U•M GINA WEEKEND JAZZ , Welter Lakota and Devid Alcantar, , the New Yorit Jazz Connection ~. Duo, p&ay et Mamme Gina et 261 : E. Coalt Hlghwey In Newport et 8 • p.m. Fridayl and s.turdaVI end et ' 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondlva. Olana Ditri Joins the duo on vocala on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9600. MUSIC AT THE GR1J. The Blueweter Grill often llve music Friday and Saturday nlghta. Greg Morgan, Nidt P8per and Kelly Gordien (known aa MPG) perform classic rod(. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Frldaya. Mervin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode. swing and A&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant ia'at 630 Udo Partc Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the~u c of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday, e band performs from 7 to 10 .m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday anQ Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant ia at 2736 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m . to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615 . WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesae on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the wophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk. rode and Motown act, perfonns at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Tnanon Lounge. 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. ART ANDRE MIRIPOLSKY Bayside Gallery Restaurant, at 900 Bayside Drive in Newport Beach, is offering a solo exhibition showcasing the works of artist Andre Miripolsky now through September. Information: (949) 851-9181. Rabbi ct Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • Hoont Su~ 5111« J 957. ~ G' ~S>.)__, . 949-631-7740' ... 1 O&d Newport BhocL • Ntwpart a-ti (Near tf-c HOlpiul) I VISIT US ONLINE AT www.southcoastsubaru.co.n '04 WRX STI 300HP NOW ARRIVING! NEW! 2004 Turbo Forester has arrived! Test 1 today ')!//New" 2004 2003 Subaru Forester Subaru Turbo Foreste· "Rated.'GOOD' (highest rating) in the frontal offset crush test'' Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (I/HS) "Rated 'GOOD' (highest rating) in the side-impact crash test'' Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (llHS) "1he only small SUV to eam a double 'Good' in front & side impad tests" Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (llHS) "Subcin.'s design shows that smarttqelneeri~ combined with air bags prcW.des.a IOt~proledion'' Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (I/HS) READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! 2003 Subaru WRX Sedan I 227hp I 'l''~t, . . \ t1\er I . , sot1' t the / '---. so\e 0 '' ~ '1eOf•• . Model 3LA (715213) Plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. 2003 Subaru Legacy Outback "Wagon Plus government fees and laxes, charges, any dealer Plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer · document preparation charge, an any emission testing charge. document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. ' .. Al4 ~. '-"t 12, 2003 ·. Momma John Jennifer '-> ., Wl' belong IO Ille Lifetime world's ,_,_ jloorlng reran group -lXHIJJ. Warranty We tire ,,,. blggat Carpet Jloorlnl ...,.. ""'~ $199 """ ....... 4,000 STOBB B IJFINQ POWEil Lifetime Warranty I.a•inate $299 ' Ill \11,lllll 'S --l~l (,\ ,'\. ( \IU'I I"> . . . Daily COMMUNITIES & CLUBS Here are 20 days for giving I f you are involved with a nonprofit organization or community group, you should take a look at an offer from the Untnl family, owners of the.Newport Rib Co. 1\venty charities from Newport·Mesa will be selected to be the beneficiaries of 20% of dinner receipts at the Harbor Boulevard restaurant from Oct. 12 to 31. Customers for the 20 days, at the conclusion of the dinner, will receive a card with the names of all 20 charities. They simply have to check the charity they would like their 20% to benefit On Nov. l. Newport Rib Co. will host a celebration at which all the charities representatives wiU receive their checks. Interested charities need to fill out an application form foWld on the Newport Rib Co.s Web site. www.ribcompany.com, and dick on the charity link. The Ursini family will select the 20 charities in late July and notify them. Those not selected will be provided with another fund-raising opportunity. Once selected. encourage the chari ties members and supporters to dine at Newport Rib Co. during the 20-day period of time. It's a win-win. Good food for a good causes. For more information, call John Unlnl at (949) 631-2110. NEW OFFICERS AND NEW LOOK The Costa Mesa-Orange Coast Breakfast Lions Oub installed George Wines as president. replacing lrwln Khmey, who had served two years in the office. Kinney thanked all the mem irsupportand presented Walden Hughes with the "Lion of the Year" award. Lion District Governor Jim North inducted Wmes as president. Robert Walke~. Erle Anders and Jim Shaffer as vice president; Marvin Kravitz and Jess Bequette as secretary/treasurer; Phil Hughes. Ron DeGeare. Walden H\lghes and Mike Giddings as directors; Ray Ott and Brad Russo as tail twisters; Ted Marino and Chuck Kelly as lion tamers; Tom Gielow as membership chair; and Everett Brace and Dk:k Green as chaplains. The new look came in the form of the "WeaJcly Bull-a-ton" now being p ublished by Lion member Bob Walbr, with assistance from Bequette. lt's six pages of four-color copy. chock full of information and photos and made for easy and JIM interesting DE BOOM reading. impressive. Just need to run speU check. NETWORKING LUNCHEON The monthly networking luncheon of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce at 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday at Five Crown Restaurant will feature Peggy Fort discussing the Corona del Mar Centennial Celebration. Planning is underway for the 100-year anniversary celebration of the village of Coro na <lei Mar. Fort said. Ln the spirit of the "Visio n Plan for Corona del Mar," the Corona del Mar Business Improveme nt District and die Chamber of Commerce have taken on the leadership role o f organi.7j ng the Centennial Event Cefebration, which will take place in the fall of 2004. The next Centennial Celebration Committee meeting wiU be held from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday. July 30. at Shennan Library & Gardens. Fort srud. The public is invited. You can hear more about the centennial plans at the chamber luncheon on Tue9day. Luncheon reservations can be made by calling (949) 673-4050. WORTH REPEATING Prom Thought for the Day provided by G~ Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine interfaith Council: ~Fear is a creature we create. It has no more power than what we give it. It can do no more damage than what we allow." -Author unJmown SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK TUESn\Y 7: 30 a.m .: The 40-member Newport Beach Su nrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns for a dub assembly (newportbeach sunriserotary.org/ index.h rm). 6:30 p.rn.: The Costa Mesa Newpon Harbor (jo~ Oub will meet at the Costa Me.a Country O ub for on-!.ite health -.crecning. WEONES n\Y 7: 15 a.m.: The 20-membcr South Coa'>I Metro llolary c.luh will meet at the Center (]uh ( www.soutJic()(JStmetro rotary.a~; and the Newpon I !arbor Kiwanil>.~ will meet at the UniversityAt~tk U ub. Noon: ll1c 40-mcrnber Exchange O ub ol th e Orange Coast wi ll meet at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Uub. 6 p.m.: T)lc 60 member Hotary <Jub of Newport-BaJboa will meel at the Bahia Connth1dJ1 Yacht O ub for a club ill>'>t'mbly ( www. neurport-balboa. orta. THURSn\Y 7 a.m.: l11e 20-plus member Costa Me!>a.-OrcUlge CoMa Breakfast Lions <.lub will meet at Mirnfa Cafe. Noon: The SO-member C.:oMa HARBOR MESA NAMES LION OFntEYEAR At the I !arbor Mesa Lions Oub's awards and honor~ meeting, immediate past . President Marianne Segalla presented member Eunice Thomason with the Lion of the Year award for 2002-03. --Mesa-Kiwanis Oub wtU meet at the I loliday Inn (LV1t11Hki1ix11m . org/d ublros tru rn.'SI 1); th c 50-mernbcr Kiwani-. Club of Newpon Beach-Corona del Mar will meet at the Hahia Connth1an Yacht Ouh; the 80-mcmbcr b cchange Club of Newpon Eunice initia ted the Spencer's Treasw cs project for the club. has chaired the Ou~tma'i wreath fund-raiser. and served in ma ny committees throughout the year. The club also awarded member Marianne Allen with the Harry S. Asian Fellowship for her work with the Student Speaker ContesL Congratulations. WELCOME TO TliE WORLD Of SERVICE ewes Steve Pool, sponsored by Bill Barrington. who joined the Exchange O ub of Newport Harbor. FREE 24oz Drink I la.rbor will meet at the Nt.wpon I !arbor Nautical Mw.eum to hear Steve Brown on "War and our Vt'teram", and the 100-membcr Newpon-lrvine Rotary Club will meet at the Atnum 1 lotel to hear Joe Agulalr on the F.nsenada School for Cllildren with 11i'><lbl111Je. ( U'Wltl.fllfOlflfYOf'FO. • COMMUNfTY a. Cl.UBS IS published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting information by fax to (9491 660-8667; e-mail to 1deboom "' aol.com or by mail to 2082 S E. Bristol. Suite 201 , Newport Be&c:h. CA 92660-1740. Patio Seating Celd Brewetl lee eonee Gus Brenda with the purchue of a 1andwich and erupt FREE reDlls on Deidricb CofTee Lifetime lODo/.o Warranty FREE Ceramic $}99 .l ~ Lifetime 1'" Warranty Wood $299 :_!-,,.,I .••• 1.1 .. 11 lh·.t\ II 1: 'I' I I I I I ' 1> l'>.h 10 .0-.:~o ALDENS -------. DN -!ilTE I DRAPERY Cl.EANll\l6 AND MORE 1 NO TAKE DOWN .. llEMIJ\llNli Ml I M.RY L Certtned. Ta al!llll All · Hunter ~111• Fabric Window Caw!rlngm Including: • ~ Privaq Shem-• Shuette' window ..... • Vepettit window lhadiftgs • Duette' honeycomb lhadeS ' MleniaTM Colection 1 flbilanctTM romM shades t ~ hontycolnb shades . ' SerenetleTM Softfolcr'M shadings WwN'a lleat ON411K ... ~Clea~ ·~de-li ALDEN'S <:.A.RPE'r AND DRAPERIES 1663 Plllcentia, Costa Maa 949 ,., 4131 • 714-968-1180 ,,, " -"" . . . .. ... -•• . -• . 1io - ... = Daily Pilot GEmNG INVOLVED •oelT1NGINVOlVED run1 periodically In the Daily Pilot on a rot.ilng baala. For Information on 1ddlng your organization to thl• lltt, call (949t 574-4298. ACADHIC YEAR IN AMERICA Cotta Mua families can hoat a German student and earn up to $1,000 toward a number of travel-abroad program1. Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis Assn .. which helps individuals who have the diaorder that la also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, needs volunteers. (714) 375-1922. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may wortc on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the Ame~ican Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories. antiques and collectibles to fund the society's research, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 64()-4777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program need.s volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment 1s a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans. (949) 261·9446 or Jeff Ewing & Lyleen Ewing SUMM ER MARKET 2003 lt1'tTI'' "1k• ..re C\f't',l•'tl 1n -.Cl a °"" r«C'ftl 1h" 'c.&r. Jn• en I>) the lo"cttt mclftg.tgc rllA:' 1n Inn) )C'af\ The ".111unal "'"'1•111>n ••I Rcalton prrthcl\ that c\ISllnJ homt' we~ -.h.>11kl rue 0 .S't and nc"' ~' "'111 """ I) I~ Tiie oum~ an: already 1n tnm1 las1 \pnl'\ .ate.I and~• I 7'• 1n..n:ue. "'•> al'<o•c 1hc prcJl\.Uon' Tiie nc"'" loolr.s e~IX'lknl '"" the rcmaindo.!r o( the \Ummcr ..cn\On he~•""' there h•• hcc'n >ct ;inochcr Jn,..n.t\1fl 1n 1nlcrc.i rate\ \\-ith «'lfl>Um<"r tnnhtlc1>1:c \U h111h 10 the real C•l•I.: mMlo.Ct. l\Jh)' t>nomcr< W'C 111•c,1tn11 1hcir monc) Into the lnJ h<>nw or vacu1111n hnonc arena at an unpn:u:cknlc<l lnc:l Instead of riu11in111hcir <11vm11• l>Olel)' into the ~lod mfttkct. lloomcn like to d1vcr\1fy and ha'c been movlna a laracr pc:n:cn11•1rc of 1hclr money lnto real ~ lnvcslll\Cnl. In ccnaln ara,, ~tlon homa .c In hiafl Oc:mand 1101 only f~ lnvc•tmcnt. hul many ~ymr. ""U\l to keep lhcrr 2nd home r~. , .... ....,.,. now ~nd rcurcmrnl lau:r Thu ~nd 1s pndk~ to lddily lncrc.aN as lhc $$+ trllCl"lliofl ~ IMO rctmmcftt • l..tltc It ~ noc. baby boomcn. the llll'FM C(IMUlTlU tlcm<IJl llfll!IC. '!rill be the Ollts •M K l the lone for die fulllr'C o( new hocrtc ckilp ~ older home l'mOYllllO«I. With ~ mov\QI towW. recftlllioa, rclaxac.. Md mimMIJt. the VKallOll ho!Qt INlfbl wrilJ ~JI tll'Olla and ihould Cl\Jo)' .__. powttl OVft" IM nest 20 ,_. t11Y011i11t now In tb9 2nd hof'lle INftd -Id be • Yo<lllC ll'IO .. tOW1IRll tMthint yovt t'ut\it9 tlnandal ,aela. Lylcen and kif ba~ 31 ~OftllCVtive )'tan fX rtal Cllae upe:rielloo in Newport ee.th. , .. ... ,, ... ..,. .. .... ..... ,... ........... .... ail .. hlllt .. Ctiill Nl•P""Cslju •...._II ~"""""" .. 100m•rflcan<»r.orp. The Am.ericln Cancer Sodety la alao looking for volunteer apeakera for tu SpNkere Bureau program, which offerl • fl'M aervlce to communities, achool• and COJpOratlone by prcMding trained speakers to lddreM cancer luuee. Th! org1nlutlon will train 1ll lnt1'99ted volunteers at a tpeclal ....ion on Dec. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. et the Spectrum Club, 1536 Oeerpartc Drive In Fullerton. For reaervationa, call Florence Dann at (949) 667--0604 by Nov. 22. AMERICAN HEART MIN. The American Heart Aun. Is 16oklng for volun,eert to-perform various general office dutlee In the main office and Implement educational and fund:talslng eventa through Orange County. No experience nec.uary. Training will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AN£.RICAN HOME HEALlli HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteers to give emotional support to terminally ill patients and their fa~lies in the greater Orange County area. Training Is provided. (714) 550-0800 or (800) 540-2545. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media in disaster and emergency situations. Lynn Howes, (714) 481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. Many shatters kill pregnant cats upon arrival. Dogs and cats are also available for adoption.(949) 759-3646 or www.animalnetwort.org. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunteers looking for varying levels of involvement are needed to help the organization with its goal of helping children in the community. (949) 645·6929. AUH.MNAISIANCE CMATOa The Cotti M"' group sponaora end euppon. outrNc:h communtty MfVk:ie programs, Mid\ "the hornet ..... nciuery. VoluntMra •re Meded. (714) 640-6803. IESTIUOOES The nonprofit org1nlzatlon la looking for voluntMra 18 and older to provide companlonahlp for 9dulb with developmental dl11billtlu. /u 1 ·c1t1zen Buddy: volunteers will vlelt with 1 buddy twice • month and c.11 or e-mail them once a week. The organization also has en e-Buddlee program thetforms friend1hlP9 entirely over the Internet. Volunteer• for that program muat be at leaat 12 years old. (714) 546-1826 or www.b4t•tbuddi••.org. BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTtRS The local chapter Is looking for men and women older than 20 who have lived In Orange County for at leaat six months and have been on the job for at leaat three months to serve as big brother• or big sisters for children ages 6 to 16 from single-parent homes. (714) 544-7773. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Orange County Council include fund-raising, program development and training to existing troops and packs. (71 4) 646-4990. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA • The three area clubs need volunteer coaches aod arts and crafts workshop tel'chers. Call for locations. (949) 642-2245. BRAILLE INSTTTUTE'S ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization is l~ing for volunteers w ith a basic knowledge of Windows 95198, Microsoft Word and a willingness to learn the adaptive equipment used by its students to participate in various activities at the Oasis Senior Center in Corona def Mar. Volunteers will tutor legally blind adult students using computers and other ed1ptive technology. Mery Johnson, (714) 821-5000, ext 2113. CNll> LAUR£L FOUNDATION Camp Laurel Is ... king votunteer couneelora end'medical ataff for Summer Camp end Teen Adventure Camp. The org1nlutlon la dedicated to providing edue1tlonal c.mplng programs free of c:tiarge to children living wtth HIV and AIDS. Call (3231 663-5005. COMPANION HOSPICE The Hospice la now recruiting volunteers to become a friend for someone who needs that extra special caring at the encj.of-llfe. Become a member of a team whose goal is to promote quality of life and comfort measures. Each applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation and training. For more information, call (714) 560-8177 or e-mail volunteers@ CompanionHospice.com. COMMUNITY ANIMAL NE1WORK The networtc needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats In local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them back to the property where they were found. The goal of the program is to save the lives of stray cats. (949) 759·3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for ushering, backstage work, mailings, typing, controlling lights and many other duties. (94.9) 650-5269. COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The society preserves and promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the archives, library, museum, docent and public outreach programs. (949) 631 -5918. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to teach English•• 1 HCOnd language. People who went to learn Engllah .. 1 HCOnd language are alao encouraged to call. Call to regllter. (714) 435-3310 or (7141 546-3446. LITERACY PROGRAM The program Is always in need of volunteer tutort. No profewonal teaching ex.perienoe is required. To attain certification, a series of training cl11se1 muat be completed. For more Information, contact Literary Service• at the Newport Beach library, 1949) 717-3874. COSTA MESA MS SELf·HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multiple Scter~is Society haa started a new self-help group In Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with minimal aymptoms of multiple sclerosla, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month (949 650-7659 COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are 1nv1ted to help staff the Wes111de substation Volunteers are asked to work two four hour daytime 1h1fts per week They w ould be responsible tor answering phones, bicycle registration. fingerpr1ntin1i1 data entry and assisting with other citywide pro1ect<> Sn11ors who can speak SpcHHSh anrJ English are also needed C"ll fr;1 an application Fred Gat-cJl~r 1714) 754·~io8 COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed tc 'i"'"' as advocates for abus~d neglected and abandoned children. Volunteers wor~ or•" c.11 one with a child for 1tue1; h urli A week. (714) 663-9034 PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY & ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES CoRPc>MTE EVINT8 WEDDINGS BM/BAT MrTZVAHS CusTOM EVENT COORDINATION All OCCASIONS B IRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES SWEET 16 PROMS GRADUATION craycra ft en terta inment 949.644. 1549 Mention This Ad For a Speo.11 O.scount The Residential Master;..Plan ned Community Of The Year An Award As Distinguished As The Land It Hono rs , Shady Canyon was p"smud rlu Gold .\'tt,'{f.N Grand Award for •&!Ukntial /1.-fasur Plan <.. ommumry at tht juM 2003 Pacific Coast Buildn Cnnft rf11a. It toolt tqp htmors in this prmi~ou.s category. bm .. 11non,e, <> W commu11itia from the Pacific Rim and I 4 u•esurn •tatts. An intkpmdent panel of architects, land pl.amurs and dtsignns noted how its homes express the qu1t't. expansive quality of the land. fomzing a comn11mif)• that llf>ptars to haw IHm part of the canyon for gmrmtiom Thnr is nothint liltt suing it for yourst'(f By •P!"i"'1rtnll only. pkan c11/J.· !>19-823-1900 !f ,,.., .... ._,NaNvf .-f""«~ I .,... ... .... ~- ···••t••··-- 200J Dodae Viper ltad/lladc I 0 Miles $95,500 1002 Bentley Arftase T lladc/llack 521 MU.. 20" Lowenhart WIMelt Gorpoust $229.500 2002 Ponche Twin Turbo White/Black 4K Miies $109,500 '• • . . • I · .. "• "Even though it's summer, Yardley's pretty intense." Ryen Curry, Corona del Mar • boys basketball coach Daily~m.• SpcwU tW of Fame t.......,.MlltJC da.. ntdli.:.umum J~y_ 14 honoree TIM O'BRIEN .Pilot $pof11 Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 5 74-4223 • Spof11 Fax: (949) 650-0170 Saturday, Joly 12. 2003 Bl · NEWPORT HARBOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION . . _N ewp9rt puts up the numbers Bronco 'A' All-Stars plate 24 runs in no-hit shutout of Tustin 'B' to begin District 2 play. ~'JC• Alderton DaetyPilot • GARDF.N GROVE -Numbers, as in ~ of the Newport Harbor Baseball &iOdation's Bronco A All-Star team, and the lack thereof for the Tustin B team spoke louder than any detailed descrip- tion could afford a first-round matchup in District 2 play Thursday afternoon at Westhaven Park. The Newport line: 24 runs -16 in the fourth inning-on 2 I hits. For Tustin: no runs and no hits. Three players (Nick Svendsen, Ryan~ bert and Austin Wobrock) had two hits in the fourth inning. while six batters cross- ed the plate twice during the frame. Al- bert batted three times in the inning. Each of Newport's 12 players scored at least once, with Svendsen touching the plate four times and Wobrock crossing three times. Starting pitcher Adrian Rodriguez and Albert. who came on in relief to begin the fourth inning. combined to face the minimum 15 batters in the mercy-shon· ened, five-inning game. R.Odriguez struck out seven, twice fanning the side, while Albert tallied four K's. Rodriguez walked Cole Ambrose, the first batter of the game, but WdS helped with an inning-ending double play later in the first. First baseman Danny Mosko- vits knocked down a hard-hit grounder as he fell to his knees, touched the bag, and fired to third baseman Michael Helf- rich, who made the tag on the sliding runner. Tustin didn't get a baserunner af- ter that play. Albert said he wasn't aware of the im- pending no-hiner when he was on the mound. "We were just thinking of winning," he said. ul uy to do the best I can with every opporrurucy I get. We played good as a team today." Newport, which improved to 10-5 in the all·star season, relies on a balanced attack. which couJd explain the success, especially on Thursday, Manager Rich See NEWPORT, Pa1e 84 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL STEVE McCAANI< I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Austin Wobrock (25) slides into second just ahead of the throw t9 Tustin's Dominic Cammarota for a stolen base. Newport Harbor won the Bronco District 2 opener on Thursday by a football score , 24-0. GOLF Wilson sporting tee .goods H is swing is as smooth as buner, hardJy resembling the extended backswmg and subsequent thrusting follow· through displayed by John Daly. But the ball still goes far, really far. As the group that featured Tom Jackson and Dan DeMille, two members from Santa Ana Country Oub. along with yours truly. came to lhe par·5 fifth hole on Coto de Caza Golf & Racquet Oub·s North Course during the Goodwill Golf Oass1c June 30, there stood Kyle Wilson beside a bag containing Taylor Made drivers, which included the club he would use to send golf baJls on the flights of their lives. The tool lhe former Long Beach State ano Estancia Hjgh pitcher used: an SMT Nemesis, in Wilson's case. measuring 52 inches. It doesn't have grooves, BRYCE allowing the ball to Johnson keys win for South · wjump off the ctubface ALDERTON with less resistance.· Wtlson said. . Wtlson now cranks golf balls down the fairway in long-drive competitions in addition to his duues at Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub as a starter. Former Tar's two-point conversion run helps him pay tribute to late Sailor star Stewart. Barry Faulkner sion that erased the North's final lead. Daily Pilot Johnson, who starred at Newport Harbor High, carried l yard over left COSTA MESA -Every running tadde for a two-point conversion back will tell you It's the push up with 2:02 left in the third quarter to front they count on. But. on the play give the Rebels the lead for good that was the difference in the South's Afterward, Johnson, who wore jersey 22-7 victory over the North in the No. 2 to honor former Newport Har- Orange County AD-Star football game bor tailback Andre Stewart. who was Friday at Orange Coast College. Dar-killed in an aiitomobile accident the tangaa.. John.son said it may have spring of 2000, acknowledged the been a push from behind, perhaps memory of his late idol that he felt all even above. that propelled him over the goal line for a two-point conver-... SH SOUTH, P•1• 84 Newport Harbor's Jamie Diefenbach tries to control the bell In the midde, ~duelnawtth l.8g1N Belch players for a rebw1d in "' • Georae Y"*f Cale Classic on Fridly It Newport Hll'bor ..... LapaBuch Above, Dartangan Johnson breaks through ~orth defense for a two-point conversion to put the South in the lead Friday night at OCC. At left. CdM's Matt Cooper hits the turf for the South All-Stars. PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY Pl.OT • A few weeks ago Wilson finished third in a district qualifier in Houston for the ReMa:x World Long Drive Olampionships. By virtue of his victory in May at a regional qualifier in Las Vegas, the 28-year-old has already qualified for the district finals -encompass- ing California and Nevada -to be held Sept. 13-14 in Mesquite, Nev. The world champion- ships are slated for October at the same site. Wilson might compete in another competi- tion -in Oklahoma -early next month to give himself a better chance to get into the fi- nals of the world championships. The 6-foot·3. 200·pound Wilson has fore- arms that double the siz.e of mine, perfect for blasting drives far into the air. For $10 our group could use Wllson's drive as a starting point to progrl'SS toward the SH GOLF, Pac• 84 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL NeWport Harbor runs out ·of time in Yardley Class~e With loads of inexperience, Coach Hirst's Sailors have trouble launching possible game-tying shot. ... Lnertr DllrPIOt have to call a timeout in la tight b9Jl- pme)," Hint Mid. "We'w bid l'lY9 ~ would pt to the rtaht lpOCa on tbe floor." IUt ..... by ...... wkb under 10 MCOCMk .. ~In lbe .. round ol che c;.._. ......, c... a-le. Hint neecW dill timeout .. to the lac:t ol apertence oa the loor . Only 6-tDol.a cmtlr ... OW..· bldl ._.,_. .... WC9t=llllD- uti. fDr .. ._...illd be •of lllil-wldl•-•l .... 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Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -l\vo spurts, one loss. Estancia High's boys basketball team fell back on their heels for less than four minutes Friday in the first round of the George Yar- dley Cage Oassic and in that time were outscored 20·0 as El\1- nore pounded out a 73-63 VlC· tory at Newpon Harbor High. Estancia dropped into the consolation bracket with the loss and will resume play at I 0:30 a.m. today. The F.agles led. 18-15, after a Shaun Manley three-pointer ~ the second quaner. but that wac; when ElWlore began its first run A putback. a three-pointer. e one free throw and two short jumpers later the Tigers had scored 10 unan· swered points , in 1:57. giving them a 25· I 8 lead. Estancia's Carlos Pinto, who led the Eaglet. with I 5 points, ended the spun with a three· pointer, but the Eagles still trail- ed, 36·30. at halftime. They cut into that deficit and eventually tied the score, 40-40, on a Markley bucket with 4: I 7 remaming in the third quarter, only to watch F.l<iinore break loo~e once again flw, umc it WCI!! a pair Of fret> throw'>, a short jumper. a layup and foul that produced a Lradi· uonal lhn'e-point play, and a Lhrt"t'·pomter from beyond the arc that produced the Tiger.' second 10-0 run of the game, this one en· compas.sed wtthin 1 ·32 'Tm '>Ure 11°'1 ju'>t 1hcm getting \Orne bil'>kets and U'> not mal- ing any on our end," F.stancia Coach Olrls Sorce said, side· stepping the fact that the Eagles have just three seniors on the roster and count heavily upon four sop homores. "Basketball is all about a game of runs. I told my guy~. you only get better by playing better teams." 1-Jsinore, a school or m ore than 2,300 c,tudents, plays in Di- vi.!iion I-AA. F.stancia plays in DiVl:.ion Il l-A, having an enroll· ment of 1.200. 1 he experience of playing agaimt !ichools from larger divi- sion., 1s sure to help a team that is \O young. \orec t:ame away from the co111c~t 1mpressed with Markley. one ol thc four sophomore~. who m<1de three three pointers and ,t·ored 11 points, and 1unior Danny Argumedo. who .. cored all of h1~ ,e,en point<; over the fin.ii I 0 mmute') o f the game '>cnmr \con Sankey added I 2 po11w. for Lhe Eagl~ and Ray- mond Verrelle fini!.hed with l'lghl. . CdM searches for solution Sea Kings e ndure firs t-round loss in· quest to find right role players around Northridge, Seaborn. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Corona del Mar High boys basketball Coach Ryan Curry knows which players the Sea Kmgs will be counting on come December. What he's look.ing for this sum· mer are playen. to surround them with. Jay Nonhridge and Pancho Seaborn, both three-year start· ers, are expected to carry the club. But as Corona del Mar learned Friday m the first round of the George Yardley Cage Oas- sic at Newpon Harbor High. they aren't going to be able to do it alone. The Sea Ktng allowed 42 sec- ond-half point~ to El Toro and fell into the consolauon•braclcet YARDLEY Continued from B 1 and 6-foot-4 junior Brett Pemne. who also suffered an ACL inJUf) last year. Perrine is not expected to play until late summer at the earliest, but Diefenbach played a major· ity of the game Fnday and is working hh. way back into basketball form. "Health-wise. he's pretty good.~ Hirst said. "He's still get· ting the feel for the game again. n Diefenbach led the Sailors with 12 points and eight re· boun ds and Newpon Harbor was a different team with him on the coun. When he was on the bench, Laguna Beach out· scored the Sailors 15·9. With Diefenbach on the court, New· port Beach had a 34-30 advan· tage. Raffi Mouradyan m atched . Diefenbach's team-high 12 points. making six of his nine shots, mostJy on drives to the hoop. Hunter chipped in with eight points and King added .four polnts and eight rebounds. · Newport Harbor's best stretch •of the game came early in the lhird quarter when a 9·0 run . gave them a 30·24 lead. Sopho· \\.11h a 59-JI lu, ... Corona del \lar opened CCIO\Olatmn pl.i} JI 6 p.m I nd.i\ .1gam'il ldl\on "Wl' need to find pl<1yl'r'> to play at thts level... Lurry \aid ''Even though it'~ r,ummer. Yar· dley's pretty intenw .. (,orona del \lar ll·d 1he deft'n s1ve-mmded affair. h 1 Jftt'r ont' quaner. but could m' L'r gN their offenc.e going. .,, oring JU'>t fi\t: pomtc, m the o;euHH.I quarter 10 fall behind. 17 · 11. I he po.,111vt- wa-. that those five po1111'> caml' from players other lhdl1 :\orth ndge and Seaborn \lea! Rafferty '>cored off an off en"'' e rl'bound. ra}for MacDonald made I of 2 free throws and Ac.Jam Frt't'de pul m a deuce. The offense improved aher halftime with ball mo,ement and strong defen!>e and the Sea Kingi. closed El roro·~ advantage to 20· 17 over the fir>t 130 of the second half. This 11me :'l:onh· ndge and Seaborn were both pro1111m·11tlv 1molvcd. each c,cur- ing <.1 hurkt•t Bui thl' Oiarger., <.:amt' back \\Ith a I.! 0 run over the next thret• mmutt''> pu<,hmg their ad· \'illltagc to J.! 17 and effecuvel} ending am '>tP.pen-.e. "l·or u' 10 \\111. \H' need to <,houl 1he hall \\.ell and we didn't -.hoot well today," Curry ~aid. lx...,p11e the 42 pointl> allowed in the ...et onc.J half. 22 of v.111Lh came m the third quaner, Curry ""a!> hap~ v.1th hr" team'> dt'fen...l\'t' perfonn..ulCe \Vha1 he want'> to '>l't' from hb playen. 1~ an ab1hty to find '>Oluuom on the coun "Om• of the things we\e td.lked about tl11' \Urnrner is finding '>0· lu11011 ... pl..tyer solut.ion., to prob- lem'>. < .urry .. aid "\\!hen team'> are '>\\1lchmg screen~. we need to find 1 oun1er; 10 that. .. f>-art of that burden will fall on Northndge and Seaborn. but 1hey are only a partial anc;wer. Curry 1<; hopeful that the remain· der of 1he '>Ummer ~eason, which include'> the conclusion of the Yardlev tournament, can pro· dute lhe remainder. STEVE McCAANK I O~Y PILOT Newport Harbor's Dennis Heenan drives against Laguna Beach's Sheldon Payne (21) on Friday in the George Yardley Cage Classic at Newport Harbor High. Laguna Beach won, 45-42. more Dennis Hennan began the spun with a three-pointer and buckets from Sean Eddington. Mouradyan ltlld Diefenbach fol · lowed. But the Breakers came back to tie the score 33-33 at tbe end of the third quaner and held the Sailor to nine points in the final period . 1'ewlCIJ1 focus : Automatic Trans ,..., ··~ .... ---.... ~ ..... ...... ..... , .. ,..._ .. Sales Price: f'oro Rebate: 'IJ,.76 MlflN ,,,,.., 1 l I _. .,_.. •• 1t1 .-,,, ·~~~·== L;;:;;;;'...,.. ......... Sales Price: l'ord Rebate: Bonus Cash"..:.:...::.~• __ ,....,,_ •••"ia .......... ..... ... ·---·--.... ,..,..,_ ...... ,..,._ ....._.,,_ ........ . .. Satun1ay. JIJy 12, 2003 13 WOR~D TEAM TENNIS Breakers edged by Explorers The Kansas· City f.xpjorers de- feated the N~rt Beach Break· en, 21-20, in a ~rld Tham Tennis match Friday night at the· Plam ~ C.enter in Mission.·Ka.nsas. The Breakers, who host Springfield at 7 tonight at the Palisades Tennis Oub, fell to 1-3 as the Explorers won a super tie- breaker, 7-6, to win the match. Kansas Otts Rachel McQuillan and laura Granville befit Newport' Maria Sharapova and Eva Dyrberg ==-You'll Firid lncredifile Values on Your Favorite Lexus! in women~ doubles, 5-3, to open the Qlatch. then Granville topped Sharapova Jn women's singles. 5-3-· Iri mixed doubles, Kansas City's McQuillan and Rick .leach edged Sharapova and Josh Eagle, 5-4. In meru doubles. Eagle and Brian MacPhie defeated Leach and Da- vid Wheaton, 5-4, fhen MacPhie ded the match with a 5-1 victory over Wheaton .in men's singles, before pulling it out in a super tiebreaker. Newport Harbor Camp Director ,. Jim Crotwell 714-284-8807 mrc::rotW8110yaboo.oom Blue Star Soccer· .. DON'T MISS OUT!!! SOCCER CAMP STARTING MONDAY, JULY 14·~ Blue Star is committed to the successful development of young soccer players in Orange County. We provide a fun, learning environment to help ensure the maximum retention of skills that are taught. For three hours a day, each player will develop their basic skill level and have a chance to u~e those. skills, ,.. in games. · · • Date: Monday, July 14th -Friday. July 18th, 2003. • Time: 9-12pm each day • Cost: $95 per child. If you bring a friend, the price is only $80 per child! "Age: 4-14 " Location: The Back Bay field on the corner of Monte Vista and Irvine Blvd. in Costa Mesa. •What to bring: Soccer clothes, cleats, shin guards and soccer ball (if possible). Please call as places are filling rapidly. Registration wlll take place on the first day. BLUE STAR SOCCER (949) 645 8777 www.bluestarsoccer.com SPORTS Continued from Bl game long, including the pivotal conversion attempt. Stewart. whom Johnson considered a role i:nodeJ, was named to the South roster three years ago, 'though tragedy intervened, preventing him from playing In the game. ~1 wore No. 2 for Andre, which is something I wanted to do, if I made this game, sin"te I was a freshman," Johnson, who wore No. 22 at Harbor, said. ~Every time I went in the locker room, tonight, or there was a timeout, I said a prayer to ask for Andre to give me his wings." Dail'/ Pilot JohnsQn, indeed needed something extra on the two-point run. He darted through what appeared to be an ample hole, only to be closed in on by North defenders. Qut, spin- ning against the contact, he lunged, .with his back toward the goal line, stretching the ball over his hetd and over the goal line. "I had to figt)t for it," said Johnson, who started at tailback and carried 10 times for 27 yards to beJp the South earn its second straight win and close the North's series lead to 22-19·3. SEAN HlllE.R I DAILY PILOl Dartangan Johnson breaks through North defeose Friday night at Orange Coast College. Johnson was originally on the sideline when the South, after driving 82 yards on JO plays to cut the North lead to 7-6, shifted out of conversfon-kick formation in an attenipt to With the new play in place, Johnson uoned onto the field, into the huddle and into the lore of the annual summer showcase. third quarter, and the two teams traded pos· sessions, the South drove for the game-win· ning drive, that included a 6-y-ciJ'd run by Co· rona del Mar product Man Cooper to move the chains. go for two. • The North, however, was called for en· croachment before the snap and the South called a timeout to consider its options. "I just knew I had to get il," Johnson, the career rushing leader at I !arbor with 3,397 y-dJ'ds who will continue his career next fall at SanLa Ana College, said, "All my yardc; were tough tonight. This was the best of the best.'' Justin Williams (Mission Viejo), named De· fensive Player of the Game, was in on two sacks, then forced a IS-yard punt to set·up the second South TD with 7:41 left. "We had cornm.ined to going for two at halftime, .. South Coach Roger Takahashi said. "And, once we got that close -the penalty moved the ball half the distance from the 3 - I felt like the off-tackle play had been our bread and butter." lbe South was anything but at its best in the first half, when it produc~ just 57 yards of total offense, fumbled away its most effec- tive possession and found itself down, 7-0, af. ter the North drove 55 yards on eight plays to take the lead. The Rebels, ca.,hed in a fumble caui.ed by Williams to i.core with 3:00 remaining. Cooper collected 9 yards on four carriei., whiJe Costa M~ I ligh product Keola A-;uega saw lime at safety fur the wiJmer!>. After the North wasted a scoring opportu- nity set up by an inteu:eption early in the Terrell Vinson (Irvine) W<il. the Offensive Player of the Game. NEWPORT Continued from Bl Hogan said. "We have good balance," Ho· gan said. "All 12 have been play- ing a lot and battling hard for (playing time). Some teams rely on four or five guys, we don't." Svendsen went 5 for 5 with four singles and a triple, scored four runs and knocked in two runs while Mosk.ovits went 2 for 2 with two walks. a single and triple, while tallying a game-high six RBis. Following Svendsen and Moskovits in the order wac; e c eanup , The starting pitcher went 3 for 3 with two runs scored and three IIBls, including a mammoth two·run blast -his founh home run of the all-star Sl!ason -that cleared the left-field fence in the fourth. A Newport coach said the fence measures 280 feet from home plate, some 70 feet longer than the structures at the fields Newport plays on during the regular season. Hlf anyone hits it over that, they are a stud.~ Newport Coach Len Moskovits said before Thursday's game. Once Rodriguez touched home plate, where he ~ mobbed by teammates, Len Moskovits told the slugger, HThat GOLF 'Continued from Bl hole. On every hole each team used the best drive and all players then hit their own balls into the green and, hopefully, into the cup. The team then took the best score from its group members. Wilson stepped up the ball, whipped the club using liis torso, and sent the ball sailing, clearin.g a row of trees overhanging the rough along the is major league." Hogan estimated the ball trav· eled 300 feet and wac; the far· thest home run he has seen Ro- driguez hit this season. Wobrock knocked in three, scored three times and went 3 for 3 while Albe~ tripled. c;in· gled, had two RBis and scored twice. Jacob McCann knocked in three while aJso tripling and scoring twice. Alex Maddox walked, singled. tallied one RBI and scored twice. Jack Grace went I for 4 with a walk. single. two runs scored and an RBI along with a single Austin Deyan had an RBI sin· gle and a run scored while Scon Ward walked and cros.sed the plate once. The 24 runs Thursday was not the most Newport has scored this season. In a pre-district game. they scored 38 runs. "The kids hit really well to· day.~ Hogan said. "We've just been playing a Jut, with two tournaments and a bunch of practice game.." Newport's next matchup in the nine-team double-elimina- tion tournament is today at 5 p.m. at the same field a.gainst the winner of Anaheim A and Dana Point B. which played each other Friday night right side of the fairway. The ball flew as if it was connected to a tightly wound string, definitely the straightest ball I saw hit that day. "That is the best one of the day." Wuson said. And while several groups wouJd follow ours -we teed off on No. I -it wouJd be hard to imagine Wilson hitt ing a ball that straight and that far too often. But maybe I'm thinking about m y game -which lends itself more to wayward tee shots that cause me to traverse a few extra RosEY's AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the B.est LIFETIME WARRANTY Full ~ Collision Center lnsunance Approwct•Shop IOS(Y'S AUTOIODY 121 Industrial Wery ·c....Me.a J, srr.vE M<:CRANK I DAILY P1LOI Newport Harbor Bronco Manager Rich Hogan high-fives Adrian Rodriguez as he rounds third base after hitting a home run. yards over the course of a round -instead of WLlson's. When asked if he k.new how far his furthest drive went that day, Wilson replied, "I heard it was between 365 and 370." Keep hitting them straight Kyle. ••• Standing on the first tee that same day, Daily Pilot publis her Tom Johnson and Dan Rogers,<::osta Mesa residenl a nd president and c hief executive officer of Goodwill Industries of Orange County, readied to hit their drives. Rogers, who s·aid he is a 12 handicap, struck his baJJ solidly. sendjng the drive into the fairway of the par-5 firsl hole, which requires a tee shot that clears at least 125 yards over a glilly. Johnson, wearing his yellow UC Berkeley cap. followed with the best ~ve of the group, straight ahead into the fairway. After his drive, Johnson said with a smile, "I had one of my guy'> watchinR. I had to h11 it goat.I." Nice drive forn. More than 170 golfers converged at Coto for the tournament, which raised more than $125.000 in gross earnings to help fund Goodwill's education, training and employment services for people with disabilities and o ther barriers to independence. Ruck Johns and Mitch Johns of Newport Beach, along with teammates Ed HaJverson and Ken Purcell, shot a 49, good for first low net on the South Course. ThE! team from First American Financial defeated the foursome of Jeff Bourum, Arlene Haz.elrigg. Jeff Kirby and Ralph Molyneux. which shot a 51. Costa Mesa resident Bill Taylor, aJong with Wayne Q.ll1is, Brian Horton and Bill McMurray. shot a 64 to finish second, one shot behind Greg Baird, Gary Brooks, Thny D'Asaro and Ru~U Leatherby in low gross on the North course. ( ' ' Dally Pilot .... ,.._ 11Ullf ... ~ HOT~ °'!lRcev GIVEN th1t the City Council of tM City ot H4wp«l Buch wlll hold , pubhc: hN11n1 on lh• 1ppllcetlon of Steven Le1t1e f0t Gen•r•I Pl1n AIMndment Ho 200J 003, loc1I Coul•I Pro01m Amendm.nl No 2003-002 and Code Amtndmel\,I No ?003 ~ on properly localed •I 813 Eau 81lbu• Boulevard. R1quesl tor ~ Gen~• •I Plan Amenllrucnl <1nd Locel Conlal Proaram to ch1n'1 lhe l1nd uH Onianalion on • 11n&I• lot from Rtllll and S.tVic:e Commercial to I WO F lm1ly RtSldenllel •nd • Code Amendment to thanae the 1ononc du1an•t1on ol the subiett l>fOpt!fty lrom Spec1l1l Pl•n No 8 (RSC) to Spe.1llc Pl•n No 8 (R '11 This pro,e~t hu been rev1ewtd •nd 11 hu been determined th11t 1l is lal•&orot•lly eaempt undtr tbe requiremenh ol the California lnvi ronment•I Quality Act under t:la\s J !Rn1dent1al Con\trut l•tin on an Urban1ied Area) •nd Llus !I (M111or All•rat1on• in l .ind U\e l 1n11t•llOn$) NOllC( IS H(R[BY ruRIHER GIVEN that \lid pubhc he<1111111 will Polif-v . Rate:. and deadline' Jic '>UhJCCt to change wtthout not Kc. The publi~hcr re,crve' 1he right to lcnwr. n.:da~-.1fy. revise or rcJeU ~Ill) da_"1fied advcrt1~t:ml·nt. Plca.,c report any error that may t)c 111 your Lla~,11 tt:d ad immediately. The lJaily l'tlol ~11.'Cl'Ph no liability for an) err~ir 111 :u1 advcrt1scmcnt fur ,,.. h1d1 11 rria) he respon,ibk nc.:epl tor the 1.:11\t of the ~pace auuall) Ol't:up1ed h) the t>rror. Credit can onl)' ~ :.ill""'ctl for th1: ltN in-.en1on ANNOUNaMENTS I~ & MISC. 1010-1110 J GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINAN<;IAL ~ 1489 l $J 230S·2490 bt held on My 22. 2001, et tht hour of 7.00 p m on tht Council Chembe" of lhe New port Buch City Halt, 3300 Newport Boule vard, Newport Buch, Cal1forn11, al whoch time and place any and •It peuon' mteruted may appea1 •nd be heatd thereon II you chaltenae tlu-. proiect in court you m•y be hm1ted to 111sin1 on.ly those •nun you or •omeone else r aosed at lhtt public hearinc ducnbed 1n this notice or in w11tten curre wondenu delivered to the Ci ty at or pnor to. the pubht hea11na for information e1ll 1949) 644 3200 /S/ LoV°""e M. Hortilen, City Clertt Oty ..... wpefi .... Publlahed Newport Buch-Coste Men Delly Piiot My 12. 2003 ~447 ... COUITOf Uf.MM, (MfYOfhp J41 .... 0lyDIM,J411"' Olylriwtr°'91prCA t2Ml,,.....C-1 PfllTQIOf: WW.,~ fOI OW'4il Of WU ODii TO SHOW CAU5I fOI CHAMGfOfWll WllMUfl:A2lttOS TO All INH RES lCO PIRSONS I Petltoonet Mark ~------------... ---------., _____ -------~-. ..,...---~-..,...-- Anthony Sh1mm1h toted • petition with this court for • ~r" ch1n11na n1me1 n follows M.,k Anthuny Sh•mm•h to Mull Anthony Ward °'&Ulllr 2 IHE COURT OROCRS lh•I •II Pt!fSOll' inter uted in lhl\ matter ~all •Pl>U• be lore this tour t •t the hu11nc ondoc•ted below to show cauMt. 11 fifty why the pelllion for t h1n1e ol name should not be 11ranted NO I ICC Of HE ARING Date 8/!l/03 lime 'l 00 pm Oepl llJ The add• en ul the court 1' "mt a\ noted above I A LOPY of lh1~ Order lo Show < .tU\t •hall be pubh\hcd -t leot unce enh wet!. fur lout SULCtUIVt wee.ks p11or lo the date \It tor hurina on the peh hon on the followona new' paper ol &tnerlll CllCU tatoon. p11nled m th11 county Or•nae Cuu11t1 Daily Pilot D.te1 JUN( 2•, 700J M•t-le l.elr4 Cerier, JUDGIOf THI SU .. llUOll COURT Publl\hed Newpur I Buch Costa Me\• 01111 Pilot June ?8 luly ') 17 19.?003 Sd4J<I RdlllMl4Utu "-S...... I he lollowin2 ptr "'"' are duma bu11t1f"''\\ d'l. We\lein Sl•to Pr v Lusme Cenll'I\. f1l') !. r uchd Sl1e .. 1 Ur111 Cl I Santa Ana C11hf111 n1a 92704 How to Place A Cmm1 lillm.n 61!1 S C uthd Street Unit 0 I Senta Aaa Cihfo1 n1e 9'1704 1 hi\ bu""'" 1\ cun du.ttld b1 •n 1nd1V1dU•I H••e you ,1., 1ed duin& b.,\mt:\S yell No I n1m• I 1llm•11 lh" •l•temenl WA\ lilell with th< C.uu1111 c1 ... " ul 01 •ne• c .. unly un 06 12 OJ 700,.t41U7 O••ly J>1iut July II I 'I 16 Aue ? 200 l ~•4'>0 flditlMhYatu M..S....... r h• ltillOWllljt IJ~I \!Jll> •t t ClUlflft bU>lllH\ 4\ Wuod ( •• • S1J~t1•ll\I 7??':i N 8111ddW•y Ill Santa Ana 1;.1oforn1~· 971~ -- Alba Oeluu Camey Jerry H J""" ,. 'l??!> N Bro•dw•y •H 26012 M.,1u1r1te Park S•"t• An• Cahlorn11 ••Y Suri• ~ Mrsit<>n 92106 V1•iu c.uturno• 92692 Thi\ bu\1ne\\ 1\ 'on Thrs bu\lnf'n " ton du< led by •n 1nd1v1du•I du• lod by •n 1nr.l1¥1du•I Hnt yuu •llrl•d du111t Hot yuu \t.tf l•d du1n1 bu\inns yet? No bu,..nt\\ y•I' Nu Alb• 0 Camey Jerry)¥¥" lh1s llateme"I ..-u Th•s •Utf'm•m• wo Med Wtlh '"" Co11nty "''" ... th '"" c .. uftly Cler~ ot Ot•n11e < urmh Cler~ 111 Or•nce C1o1111ty 011 O'.> 'l9 03 "n 01 08 01 200J•94•Jl4 200l•tS0713 Oally P1hol Jun• )Ill luly Daily P1l1o1 1 .. 1, I l I 'J. ') I? 19 lOOJ '>•447 ?6 Aue ') 1()111 S••49 ----I -Rdltl. ~ fidlt6M .... H ... s........ ....s ....... lh~ toll11wm~ ~•rwn\ •llt do1n41 buun"'' 4\ 8dlb•Jd C•1Ht.I f u11J111~ 76017 M"r11uero1e f'dr' w~y !.1J1t~ !l40 M1\"11n V1e10, tahtorm• 97697 ltl< luUow1n~ l)•I '>•·'''• ., t domii bU~IOt'\'". .. .• Re•I f \ldl< ~N ""' o....... bl~ '; 1 ... lid Streel U111I CJ t ~•nl• Ana c .. 11turn1d 9?/04 (m,,.. l1llmen. 61!> ~ £ u<lld i.trMI Unit 0 I Sant• Ana Cahf0/111• 92704 1 h~ bu"11eu " <1o11 Ouded by •n 1ndlvtdu•I H•we yCIU \1<111..:I dc)m1 bu\lttO\ '"''Ku (mm• l1llrn•n fhl\ \l•lflllefll WA\ hied w1tn the C.uu111, n~·~ ul Oran11• Cuuni. un Ob 12 0) • 2003H47tU 0:..1, f'oltrl luly "' l't Jf, A.,, 'I /OCH ~•4"11 .------De adlin es ---· CLASSIFIEIAD -[ii. \fond.i~. I rtdJy '\ 'll0p111 Tul.'-.d.i) Vl ond,1) '\ llOp111 Hv Fax ( 1)4lJ.) <> 11 6'\114 t Pk,1-.i· 1"'-. lu1k• •Hllr fl,•flW .u~I 1..t111fk n11111h.:r .uul \\I II •. 111 \I'll h.1a ~ \\Uh,, prh Ifill ,11· \ ·. By Phont' (<)411, M:! 'i67l<I II our~ lh \lail/ln l'.-r~ou : I \() W e,t BJy \uerl ( '11\l.I Ml.,J. ''A 1J2h-:!1 \t '.\I,·.,.. pon Ul~J & BJ) )t Wc~nc,d.t) Tue,J.1) '\ OOp111 Thur ... dJ) V.t:dllt:,d.t) '\ OOpn1 l·rnJJy TilUN1..t) 5:00pnt ).iturda~ l·nd..t) l OOp11 1 Tdephnne !< '0JJ1t 'i OOpm "1•11tl.l.1y t·ml<J\ \.\.Jll.. 111 X 1<1,1111 'i Ollp111 \hirtdJ\ ' 11d.I\ Sund.t~ h1d,t) 1 OOp111 m<JWIDISE fCll SAi.i I_~ 3010-3940 rrrrnl soos-saso Index AUIOMOTIVE& 1UisPomllOll 7402-7466 aoos-as10 l~ 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck For Only $32 pe r week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 2Br, 280, 1pi.wr un°t .. AClllC VllW IAYVllW TlllltACI S LOTS-AU O• ,AllT 9•t-4t4 SOI S ~ Garage/ YanlSales 1489 MISCB.lANEOUS MERCHANDISE GAltAGI SAU SATURD AY. IAM-3'11l l .,t • .. t t,dby <lulh•n£ turn1turr tl~lhun1c~ ORANGE COUNTY RCDUCJI)ll 1 .. ,,..,. ,,..,.., I w .. , ""'"' 4,, .,, , I ~Mr. kll.JhlO ~t ti .. 1 >()(Mhr4ft / ' ,_ 1' i yr~ 5400 l;lttfll•~ b °" """"'"~ 11ew I ~ '" Sf,/Y 000 mom r.b• ~ IN rm w fl:, •• talf ~-~ 1)1• + 1 l•vin• Wet! Port. 1~1 Newport Coast Cto,&11 •~•.ih,.•.1 t• 11nt "' ,,, ... , t ti u1.,, H .,._.n ..... ,,,. 110 .. it lh,. fin~ t ORANGE COUNTY t-fl', ' 7400 /\t I ' •' n' W "';'tlOf .. q .. ,..T r , hn ilt-11 1 A,~ \I 'P '14 f fl IU VILLA IAllOA , AA,1 '· • 't'J~ f l tf\fW r I~ \ f' ~· ""' µt•d h·f... .f ,., ...... Wi\a., tn t11t ;'a'. N1 I"' ll>HI ,,.., /fl.)/ •1 Col ltdilltll/ Memorallllia 1160 TOf' SS 4 lllCOllOS nc bll O&s. ( k "JO\ & !Os El Alta $fN II~ ""~ ,. Mike 949 64'J /!10!> EHTERT~NMEKT calendar of Ewnts 1310 IQUAl llOUSllG mt\( huu\~ho4d & m ot ft 111/(J H•rdon~ W•y c, , ~t Baker r au view Co\U Me'4 CM flU-SAT 7-12:00 17 SO New H-..•hlre p<ool tabl~ dryer 1el1111 """" '~"· 2 w•ler bed~. '"'" huu..ehold CM/frl & Sat 1-17. dt>oJo dr ~...... w d 1>41•. 1'fld ITIU< h mnr<' 7449 l tlt ... tnn l'1 tf dW f ... VIO'W) onorMITY ~ i..t. SAT lam, All rtAI ~\I•••• ,,d·~· I""' ~~ Cl>rTlmU""V Ji\mft m th•\ MW\p~p~r Rivt'" tiJlboa Blvd ynu " wb1tcl Ju th~ I ~der di "'"'"' II W<"V ~ &Ot it ""1w r .111 Huu\IOll Ai I vf 1968 & old •1'.I Antq""" & llTn a \ AmendPd wh1l h ----- m J k•\ 1t 1llt1t,1i 111 MOVING SAU'SAT. 7-2 ad••• II\~ •ny P• ~1~1 lv•rytlilng mu11 get tn•e l1m11dl•nn 111 1601 Cliffl>rlve d l\C 11mu1<1t 1110 b~\~d un Newport Be•"" r•<~ cuto• •tlte.iun \~• hand1up ldm1l1'I \l•tu\ or nat1nnal nngm ''' •11 1nlenhon to makt' •ny ~ucll p1elt1tnr~ lm11I• llOn or d•'-VIOHOllUU' Thi\ nt',.\Paper will not llno .. 1n1ty a•ttpt •ny •d•ti to semen I lui rul otalt which '' 1n violation of the law Our re1der\ art hereby 1nlormed that •II dwell 1nis 1dverhsed on this newsp<1per are Ha1lable on •n equ•I oppot tun1ly ba\IS Io complain ol d., c<1m1nalton can HUD toll lree at I 800 '2• M90 Older Style Fumlture l'tANOS ' Col*1lblM ·-·-·W.-·-·°"""'-'--$$ CASH PAIO $$ ........... _ .... wamuYUTATd ............... ......, ... .. CONSIGNMENTS General Announcements 1610 ,rlvote Duell Hllfttlng Clv6o •PP•O• I hr from NfwJXlirl Buth Enel lent huntonc ad1uent lo ~••t• w•terlowl retuee. owne.,h1p interest & ao1110• 37S acres of land & 1mpro"""'"" • your own camp compound w •truc lure and '1 tr ailef\ Wonderful r 11 n1ahl BBQ ~ & wine hslln11 durona ducloi uason • m•nY utru• lduf lo• 2 fr 111nds or fathtr & '°n Call Mike al 310 !>41 08!>4 If 1-t..a. .. h-·fet1 an went to e1lht1 chnon. I am on desperate need ol the name ol lht docloo whO operated the" chp"s Pluu c•ll me collect al 4t!>·924· 9037 or '1!1·381 ·3M~ . .IWElRY/ DIAMONDS/ PREQOUS METALS <-•< ........ Old Coins! Gold, sllYet. '""'9lrY' _,ct., llfttiqua colloecllblts 949-612·9448 3111 Ode .. ll.-. l9Q91ffd loc* .,Illa, r•• ttolle Ftd/dlocolet• .U. rul sdwnool!WI 0"'81-6654 --··· ... U•tOf•, •II atin t .. .., .......... ,._ .............. , • 114-71J.llll M• Ila 1-S71f>IJT) ""'Y~·'"'-HM 13'l0"tlt llrl•·h•I ISce . neoos ---------lil•>u 949-37t.-SS76 h •ITW [; II .n I 'I' Mefctla.ndise 3855 Balboa Peninsula INCJJ.l>6 cORVOTl s!lt" ... A,' r '1" i., -----------I CONVIRT9U II I Reno.•' '14'1 l'1'> 'AKll St•odu I '' •1·•" ,, ti< SHU IUILDINGS .•. SUMMllt SllltlltS ... I --~' 1 Ho, 11 "' ""' 11111 50 70" OFI 40140 u-n.tBe ch • 11 "'"" lh~ •••• 50a90 60dZO Mu\I On1"es.a.J Cu•tornCoronodel Mor ""'"!""' a lt.1 '""" Slf.~OOl Stll1 Can Othver• Roy &,...,tituf :llj l'lb.o I"""" (Oftdomlnlunu. . ~ (100)499-7760 wifh-"""•lor I'"' i,7U1 flW'm<tUultl>en 11'1.Wihl ....., IJ51WtGS Hew titting Shmnrng lo.lt..t>erl lR bo·.,htrnrn """ ,.,.,tum l•le •od r•b Bay ,,_ .Uni$ •fld """ •ll• ~.hmm e.ir.,,... & ..twl~•ll"f "'""" in4!1ry f runt I\ a lbr lb., h 2bd "Uea•.-. Pl.• "" .,... , 1 '•• 1dl•bA " uf Cukl Co.osl $4,S00.000 hvme & reM IS• 2bf 21>.J S74!:HXll °"11 SAT I S 4.,, '"''"''~d\ ol 11~ COASTUHI llWTY L 949-759.0177 I Story et-.1 ,.,,.,, """lbr ', 1J,,• Sl bq, IUI n l)illlded $5119 cm I OPI H s u H I s ,,11 t lu • 11t t horn~· t ~ r J S./ t/t'; UO(J I Balboa Island 2-Sty ......... 'N·..., f~ I , .. "J '>t.i '.tt• pt L '!Y.t•I .--"""t #tnf" • r•• 949 67'\ 297') •lo•t loy frOftl ar<I ,t.r lb~ tr· S18tXI "'~•lb< I VIII ~M•&• hihl • b'••hl 11400 "'' • /tt }l1A ht.111-.~ )'f'.t' Jy S,.._ JO(J rtll A~I 9'9 67l 4 If./ CtonlM'll'UfY homo' on the l 'it P;vk I rl'Jnt'1> fil'.IU fT\Mltf'I p Wrro.t~ "'""' down iir¥Ote kll 1>e&11tfut • wuu;www ·4!1 on.er r-1,._, lr1mt • 1l O' t '>Lt Yrty 3tw 2bo., lii•Nt"'f d&J'i A ( .din ( Of9f SUM l ·S I "''' l 111 I.I, .t.yl •II' ~ott... •. \lroU tu B•R ldll~ bddo ~ ()flror, ''" ,, 1 ~11 .,. ~ b,. 11, ''ei• µ..ho Wit y11,• •"""1 lrf'r Sl,599.000 Cornnd .tnd ~wt pomt ~h-~ b ~..wt f1Vt-1l•111~lfl,.;. t ·•fir•" t, h t ~r "i.•I\ ~•h d\'ol <U\lf•tn """"" ''"'V ,,,_.,,.,,,, ... S!ff>ffO PlA TINUM PllOPlRlllS 2tk 2.Slo ""'°''" • " ,tt ,, f• t '""' • ,J ,, ·~.,,. ~·· ~~. $14'6 ,,. ".-.,,1 '4'1 "41 "' ~ ! .. ~ "'omr lbr It;~ i.• .,. I ~' ~· Ill' l 1':11" I VI( <.j>S<j '" lj 1 I llOClt ftlOM OClAl- 1t • fl'"'"'" .... •1 "~"'' Siii"' l , .. 949 SIS •1279 "•wporf Cre1t, ,,,.. .> ,,_. ""',., ... t "' " '"" I I wa s. I • 38< 2a., ;V•,,.) ho\'. ~.( Av 1 I. I '14'-t IOI '4 »' w pt•" 1 i-v f '' Ir p.tfllL• w d ~"' • .,. 1. tot, lovely 71• o-d.ft 21 / ,9, J l9)J"" 44., '>4k t,J4! ' wnh .. u\t l~.I 4b• ·n.1 HUGl YAllO W/GAllD(H(R. fr• .I 1....,1 " & ·~ f't T.--.ldt- 1' .. ~ '-1 '"•'·••lit. SI 'Hl . .._~,~Ii t.'• l#t"'1 hdf ~·1' .(JI t • • F ,..J.,ir• ~J S. !'"'" • ,,..,.,.., .. ~·~ •<.t>. ~,.,.,,,,,. Rl'•m,..·lecl lv<lwtl "'"'" ~ OJ~I IR .. , p 1:1 p,11 ••It •(\"11'1 p .• d1l MI'S .. ?1 1(1W S l,.599,000 4!1r 4 '>li.1 br~nd .,,.w lownlutY ~/IUJ b I I • 111 $1 Jl'I IJ(JIJ """' S!ilC'llm 44q 7'!1 ~I.' fo1tblufl. Jlr 71 • tri u ftj(f' .-(I h~ttll "•' 1 ii'> n11 <j4 I 14 i 41. tt 11tt., .. d ., s:> 9•,o 1111 111•1 ""' 1 "'·' B~ 1....... I Balboa Peninsula IOll'>lllNlRtAI TV St<f1:H"J I St1fonleMP111•• ~,.....,.,,...,,.,'lit ~4 l'A 0177 P<11"'"' RPA!v '-W!h.('Mi'd 'J4q /l'l !l'tl, 108oyfronl Bldg. l..u•r> \/'>fl.a hnmf HI.II.! ~ ••II I AllOA PINIHSULA 'M---'6k-,..,....,, c.. .. 1 ,,1, ",, "'"'t"' hP 1 Jt,, ~11 1~ fJJ. wt• ., tow '• .,,~ .... ll>r 111.• """" ''°" Real&tn Loans 4240 SS COMMlltKlAL lllAl ISTATI lOAMS SS for <&partmenl bu1ld1n15 office bu11d1n~ and shoppine centen SIOOI'. to J500 m1llton Call lo day lor a FREE QUOT£ f49-757-J727 C[I Inc (S1nc;e 1989) 3 Corporate ParlP. Ste 72'> lrVl<'P CA ltC C• Dept R l P ortrait. of H om es Jt. Watercolor l! N..t<'c•.J. O( Your lfome By Beatrice Anderson 949.759.0550 t s,-.nlll-r R ... nodPolr<I .ind "P..n<kl ~ '"''"" on ""' dbl lnl 48r 4flA W fl( t,lf1 Vrt!W' f 11 wojlo h.tllwd~. •dull •"""" S2,IS0.000 Ageo'll Oaytm Petllt 9•9-673 sa99 fOUll NlWl'OltT .. ININSUlA CONDOS o,... s.t-s-1-4 4t IS lllv•r An fllOM s12s.ooo 213 21TH ST. J &4..,,_ 4tl~t17 .,_. ,,_ ,...._/, ..... a.-............. ...... n. .,,._ c.. f49..9»-)S7t ,. ...... betwffn bay and beach ~f with 2 mast~s 2 F p '· A/C. remodellod kit & baths, la kit & tam rm. J925.IXXI Che5htr • Real [ st.tie Inc <;$.l?H.031 Gr'Mlt .,_,,... I block to badl, lb 21>.t UllPl'f. I bf Iba low.,, Jc11 ear . $999 CD> ... 9&!>74-3!198 umoaww:an Sovltl UlATC on oM of the l•raest lots Of'UUAT-SllN 1-S 15201..t~. !>br Jb•. Med1larr a nun p•ud1H Gfe c11n \heped pool a S9• lountatnJ 6 P•lm freu 81 OwMf Acuplln1 Bids Be lwun u .•99.000 SIS15ft.O 95-)lfl)-0162 •A C-......dlng {or,,.. l.cKotlon,.,,troJll tu 11•1' ( <JfOO •• ~lld loolloul 1M>oOI 411t 4 ')Bd bt and ,.,. .. w'tom~ Olfl~ed al 12.950 Olli C.OAS TUNl Rf AL TY 949 7<;,9 0171 Jo•mln• c ..... l'jpw pr 1Val~ I \t~y lSr • den ~kJdNI cul di'~ l!"fTl on la lul in iU• Oed "'u R~ed lo S8191Xll aat io.ti Burke 949 M9314 CostaMm O,.N HOOSE SAT-SUH 1-4 UO~St 3br I 75ba, new ~•llh wd fir s I bftl lo Canyon P1rk S.4!>9.900 Mary tewel Re/Mu 949-646 9670 .... v .......... 48f . '8 yMd, pc, le 2.t p ... nday Br<M ~-8uyws WS:orne 11 ·2 2010 Sw.> Or S689.CD> "" PllUIL !)49.29()..8120 l '.W. .. :f'''r 111 A,ta. IBr, w/ ht.~. ~tio. y•d. 31().,8 Monte Vosltl S8IEfn ti/pet ~631 78.13 On,.. <>PIN SUN 12-S SH42 V..._.. , .... Onan view llxu, hu1e price reduchon 481 28• Act. 71• 5<M 37•2 a..GrM 1• , .. pied condo Htw PflVcrpt. llll 1\-nc & D/W MW bt wt--• on clst, l R w/c-th ceft. f p, tenr>b a'b.. ctulltlse l'l'ud Cl Realty !i62·JOJ.7519 11111 ....... .......... ~VILLAS 10321 ~Ctr •202 119t llA. c...to. I nw to bell. Celed <OllWll, poot, le~._, S;r6$,000 e10w-• 7Q.1016 ... ....... , .... ,.. ................ Jiit Jk, Oftt of I few ""t'''-'"~· w ... lfontMt!Mt v1twtt •.ooo ' ........ ~ ....... ............. .... ,. ........ OCEAN V1W LOT .....,... ' I inr kl \:~J'/tn, I(~.,., Mr~~ f • .,.,," 1 ,..t.~m t"'\f th· wilh r .•'1~''" I h11 ,,. th t• "''nt >nd > 1 I p w \1 , " ~M N '...,..,, ""'' I It, "'PM• •• ..,., Otl•o,1 .11 I S 11•;< "'" 'l4'l q ro II/! 'rll / /(J4 IHl'I I •I r, 4' ,,,,, ( tvr.ly 949 'iO'l h\11 230 O<tc111 Vitw Ave l b 'ttlO ooo Cooollln• Hie 28, 110 , 1, MOO sf lot Realty 9•9 1s9-01n ,,,:., .. ,1 ., .,,,.~ot ;,.,,, Huntington Beach Pmtgious Newpert Htifih Tustin , ~ "' s1•1•1 ,,. Av·~~''"' lly/OCIClllYitw lot. 11,,. I .t ·~• ~Cl f,r, 'IM ly()w,,. &M.... VllW CHATlAU S19fK Iv b<t. & Boy 2bt S1,090,000 94~lUS I IOSOI l tlor lone Iba •11••• 11 ;.>• ,,., ~ I , ~l~d 1n N lu\llO 11111· " t "''" f n o-tc., ,.,.-,. ---I " •+ , .. h1llt1111 ,...,., .,_. Sl!U ir> F.'f'.1H6f .., WAHRfllOHT l.llr Ito• llt f111 plt1P • s .. p .. Sho<p lll • 2J CHANN UltD A.t l110nl "l:"'' Oi1 ..... .. ~ . ......... ' OPlN SAT & SUN 1 S 71 4 131 180!! hfo,.. II tv l · .. ~.---~ 2 sly 2b< 2b.I l tdoJ Pffi9'• 1-f.,"'J)nu Bl<s <MY 400 f.1471 wtd R~t Bar HM tu RURAL PROPERTY Con• I 3115<;1 p • pu Corona del Mar ••le beM.h comm pool FOR SALE --'Ila t~ Al.II~ WJI\ Waltl le leoch land ~trot~ 1-1"19'~ Rancheshrmsl IB• 18A Rhl & broihl n.i51W 1188-969 '**'' 111 l>t'h lt•V J l19':>m< --Country~ 5915 h•I nu,. ~49 110 !C,1>• Horbet llldg• MAXIMUM - SO COlOltADO toe l.abon llr, llo, 0<•-Vl•w Vl£W ntw lull rtm<>MI Snuth nl PCH "'"" '"«>• 4br J ~ba \1n~I~ 'tory wrth ~ 40 ac sal.<nl 11309 mn 111><"11 Uou~ Buy tr\ tonly SI 6 M11 0uM8fldin& Roclo.y Min S.11 11 -4cJm "1:>1 11 lff'I llf aat. Paul 94 9 ?90 JO!> l ~"'"'1 trom llw d&k of thn be.llt1hMly toe t llbtn 714 717 1811 '•I , l I tAYOftST Pric ... ....._ <low lo 1000s ot Bl M :Zl r llo ,,_, H-• ............ 4 ....... rt< t..nd f n,,y rural ~VW'C vault ct!ll' broaflt ta ~ .............. d .. ~~ J)r1U!'< Cal lR1pal10, tp t' gar & --$6".000 :ti· RCR lnll "tt I~ Open hou•t Sal Sun I 4 5263 (CAI. •SCAN) Oen lMt 94t........S 2 a .. 11 8, I 4?9 Ir" nn ptb. SI Mn 949 673 lll78 S_.._Oce.I ~· MISCB.l.ANEOUS 71J ~ :& 28a YO J8r J "iBa. S l.!>90. RENTALS bNdl ~ JM inav aetto-949 637 O.Ol I urpar l. S2l 50/lno Cledfl brochure @ 1 pioc tom & RN<tyl 9'9-1'.:>I 9U4 Rental To Shan &030 •• ..,,, ... ,,, 21•f!r Tell Us Abolt Ne..,..., It.Ii ted. hy lllll'/11\'f'll1tlls.oA! • 4br h~e. ? rooms a .. 11 th'd p wld Noi.c>. ~ ~ ltm prfl Jlmno. SZ!mlllMX> 949 293~ YOUR shat• uhl's 94g !>53 855J ea-,,..,.... dwm 2b 2tle hell-. .. It I'd. ~ Aoomstnr ..... ... ti p-oncy 8r1"t mmo GARAGE SAU! · pllftbltlorl thubln. ...... ... :Tc:! ..... lW. en. wit lk. ,_ -'' " Ide Orm • b•th PYt ~o1-.mx>~ •nlranct Nr 8rul1• s.t Si#I I 5 (4419 S--d S 7001mo 949 322 1117 ~....,,,~ CWSIFIED =--= Ck-VleW'I Upscale -St>ec.ous L-. da9W (949) 642-5671 ......... 31a..2< .,. cir•AUeU IOaZ2 1MO no.-G'Dn 7148mll 0t 22a'l0 SS75. °' m>5f c..-••port 11u. pvt w/llldl llCUf ll'r 949 M6-Jt 06 ,. & ......... ' "' .. i.ctl. """ ~ DISTRESS SALE ... ~~---ll10iilt l1IJ 6 SH tom "" lll £ lSth SI Ast. lor · Bank Foreclosures. ffle<WM ~t.Ul aa.. c... .... ~ Free list of foredo urc .... """'~Lal 11• • m ...._,.. propcnics. Receive a free, 'U14ll..._,_.._ ~ ..... ( ·-., compurcrizcd princour . ...... ~ :as ..... n -.. . ,,. -, ... w.w"'"" ~ ... " t -... ·-. . ,. ,.... (: . ..., .......... &.i Ntl!5.: 1.-0.MDUIDI a 11...-.• kl:JM~a. = -· -.. --- COMMUH U SS IUL.lX MOIU • lf'lld( f rent.ti "'-'Wl: Ac•ttf frWollf lmffWrt\.thlf" l t"'Ot" J lh • ..,., H .tt tt.v v,• tt ·"•ct """" ........... ~9. 14 I 866 .00 2f>90 ••""M·- \Nf'fl 116 '"'' nY• nf'•I '*' p.., """ Pl•~ ~ .. ,, .. """ •""""111<1 ""~ M SllDJ '14%H /!IX) tmne COMMUTIUSS Rll.A.X MOtlf t o11...-1 ,,.,, .......... ~ ,,,,.,, tnolurrrulton c.cnter 11625 B ~• ~vard M>d Mast lrwlt C. 92b I• I 866 ~2 .. 1 , .... ...,._ Laguna Hills Laguna Niguel fer letne ~ut.fe ~~I Hom' 48r 1' Ba 7 cor eu premium \lhool\ no ~I\ 5mlln& SU'JO mo 9'9 /'l? 0696 COMMllTllUS tlllAJMOU Contact ,..... w.. __. ...... lmbmlb:in c... 170 8 .. ...,_.. and ""*'· hint. c. 9314 I M6tC»MI ....... ,_ 7111 YI Alll Y lllNTAl S ~f'wpu(I At.h Pf"mn~''"~ SI MIO V400 "''' Art 949 671 7100 llr 2 Slo. NPCrnt I li,\J ,.)'(1 & mm• ~••• .... ~. l•tl , ... ""' ,..., '"'' S7'ill)n ~ 'l?Hlf,, .......,c...•/'l'/• I 1 untl Ill"' '4X ...,.,, ·~-«•intrr "' m.Jl t• w.snru ••w~J Ga11e4,., .............. )b.. ,,....,,. , ""<M p '" pallO , .. mm pool ~ t. prr:. ..... " ... ~,. tlvff'• ,........, I "'- 48r l .fl• l•m1ly ll"-'"' '""'' y11d batcon~ 171100 mo l I' 378 83 H CUffHAVlM Jtr 21e S2tSO.. Yrly ...... Yw4&0.c'li th-442-42 ... U4e 0.. n-. w .. er l!l• 1Ba 1•r·~ •/<'t built '"' sm pe1 <Ml Huit d~d fac•n• the c h•nntl Pou shp' 6'nti le.ne I y1 SJOOOm "'' <\h~ory @ CanMty. 'fot'I l?l ~11)'888 '169 9661 fotl lllWT • IUWfl Popular r Plen 3B< 2' -Sa • fa mil)' Roon'• SJOOO mo 949 64"_.!IO'l ................... ••1-~. ........... ~ n 1151~9 ....., ........... ............ ,......., ......... IBID teQl tlll) -. ' ...,.,__ ~YWW-.. fl lMG&'.'1."M euslGI~ ~ 8 ' ' ____ _... __ ~--------------------......... ~----~~-,...-----~ -. --------' .. -- • • Saturday, J CROSSWORD PU77' ~ &7 81 Tustin North Tustin Hills Beau catahna, city h&ht views. 5br 5ba hou5e + library, 2 power rms. Appto• 5900 sf I ac tot. Tennis courts $2.390.00 ae-11 Cloro Tu 949-295-9988 s..ltlng l9-r-. « -apt. on CM/HB for reliable. clean ';,4/yr employed male. Ref~ rm 714-915-lm SELL your stuff through class ified! Service DlrecfOtY Acc:oumlng carpet Repair/Sales ..... C..,.. SiM: SS on ~ lnnd ~ c;rpet e'lplr1 1"1St2Jl.t~ ~ '9'\U t.al91';, 714-!la>41Cl> a CAltl'lT l>CARPlT-f.. Repairs Patchone. ln~tdll Courteous any !>lie 1ob\ Wholesale! 949 492-0?0S 8200 '* Ho111emon/M9r. * I clean & maintain large homes Cook. drove, all duties. elderly & child care exp 323·937 9038 8500 DEMONSTRATORS PT groc•ry stores on your ar.-a. wpekends. l ar net.. 949·642-4283 Computer Services INHOMI & IUSINESS llEl'AIRS Upgrades Repalrs or Computer. Nelwor~s E venin1s/Weekends Competilove prices for Quatoly serv1c 949-836-1175 714-926-4228 Concme & Masonry l rlclc lloclc Stone Tiie ge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q 1 • Neither vulnerable, you bold: • Q J 8 6 2 '\J 10 62 o K 6 3 • 9 3 Your ri&ht-hand opponeo1 opens the bidding with ooc heart. Wbat actloo do you take? Q 2 • l!lut·Wes1 vulnerable, as South you hold: • A Q 10 5 4 i;> 8 o A "f 6 5 3 • A J The bidding has proceeded: NORTH EAST SOUTH WFSf r-l o ! What action do you take? Q 3 • Vulnerable, you bold: • 8 ~ A K 32 o K 5 • AK J 18 95 Paruler opens the biddiog with one heart. What ~ you respond? Q 4 ·"Neilher, vulnerable., you hold: • J 6 J l "1 Q 10 8 o A K 10 J •A 6 DIWBV<Dl ~ ........_ $10,005 alter 5 yeMSI SOLOS to 39 cents. Team to 41 cents. Contractors to 87 cents. fuel sur- charges COL Gr ads we4come. EOE IDJ.92S- 5556 or KUM.com (CAL •SCAN) DRIVERS WANTED Newport & Huntinaton Bd1 Set your own schedule! Part or full-time available $75+/day lull·t1me Call 888-DDl·WORK 0t ~ @ www.D-O·tcom • P /TIMI ltlUlf M.AN- AGtlt Le storaae tac~1ty Sunday & Monday+. Office and hie maonlenance. Exp. a plus! 714-841-4466 Irma Panner opens the, biddlna wlth one beat\. Wbat do you respond? Q 5 • A.IS Suulh. vulnerable, you hold: • A Q 62 t;:i 5 .l o 9 • A 18 f'H 5 The biddiDJl has Df'OCCCdcd: SOUTH lV£St NORTH EAST l • t<:i l o .l<:i • Wrutt 11etioo do you IJlU 7 Q 6 • Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:. • 7 S "1 AK 10 9 l o A 9 • 9 6 4 3 The bidding has procccdcd: SOtrrR WEST NORTH J<;> .... l • 'l What do you bid oow~ loolc_for ~rs on Monda~ lulclc '14 lttvero -• tiru brnks a. shocks loaded, elect mnrf, make offer (714) 8'8·37o.t Cocllffoc 'O 1 Sevllle Sl5 s1lver/erey lthr, CD, chrm whls. eold pke. full fact. like oew. $18,495 v•596741 financing avail Bkr 949-586-1888 -.ocpobf.COf'll '97 CHEVY TAHOE 4 ~. wt.te, 4X4. um Sound system. al Diamond Miio w/2 Rocklud S&bs, Centl!r Lr.es whls. 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Proficient un MAC and PC, CCI de"&" expe11ence preferred. Proot1ead1ne test Drue SCf eetl'"i/ph~ requa-ed EOE. bceltent benet1t packa&e Email resume, w11t111g ~mples and salMy requ11 ements to lana.jOhnson@laOO-com Dod9• '99 Dolcoto N!Hon '95 Pathfinder Audi '01 TI Qucrttro Pickup. cklbcab. ~. V6, 4a4, 1mmac white. V6 Roadster, lo.tded, IMe new, vrry nice ~ #244419 very nice #011299 $5495 7k mo, d<k ifeen lop/body, wcwauto.com 949-646-7822 wcwauto.com 9$-646. 7822 AT-lASl Womens Store al fashion Island 1s now h11 '"i up'd FT and PT sale~ asso~ Please comact Lee Ann at 94'}. ~ 7985 New, Upscale Solon in l'*3 ~ str'st w/cflenlal & e~p in e•tem.ons & haw replacement Wo• tr aon in ~~ ~ltlr1K neY' lec.IVllQUflS lucrative opp! provate suites call 949·515-4477 Dmtop Publishing TIMf 011 IN YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT PltOJECT? Call a plumber. painter, handyman. or any of the great services listed here'" our service dtrtcloryl Tltf:S£ LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! $32,000 760· 796· 7601 IMW '82 633 nl ~'94~S Dodge '99 lntrepl4 Blue. auto. CD ctran, Red. V6. CD . super ~ 2 dr, arey/tan, !> sp, sunroof. full pwr. SJ500 714·878-9455 clean, very n1ee •535725 /1 O 2 5 7 7 1 '$ 1 9 9 J wcwauto.com 94~7822 wcwauto com 949-646-/822 BMW '97 3281 Cenv 'for4 '65 Mu•tong metallic dark blue/grey Convertible, oro11nal lthr superb .cond owner, solid tar $19,995 throuehoul $15.995 obo949·719-2'943 v#672421 8"r 949-58)-1888 www.ocpobl.com 8MW'90 3251 Ford '98 WlftoM1w r..C, 7pass I-Or. owned. all receipts. S6996 1829337 W<.W3llto mm 96616-7822 loke new Blk/tan, 4 dr auto, Hl6k m1. ac. sunrf. full pwr. tml, Ca smoe. $4200 714-651 -4661 1111111 '9S Trooper ltd. h4, ommac throuchout IM W '8 9 7 3 5 I l very noce. 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(949) 642-5678 H1ullng Jt.INk TO THE DUMPtll 714-968-1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673-5566 House Clnnlng DAHA"S NOUS( WAH9tG Eisopean Se-Vite to-15 ~ rel...-ences. LICM!.ed 714-342 -0656 lnllrlor Design Concrete, Pat.Jo. Drweway Drywall Services. f or91>k, BBQ. Ref's 25Yrs E •P· Terry 714 557 7594 Hlndyml!V HomeRep1lr Design Reflections PrefmwMl roorn The Cement MOft Cementworll. Brock. Tole & More, Reliable. No 1ob ioo small 714 615 9062 WITTHOln DltYWAU All phnes sm/lre jobs. CUANI 20yrs. lair. free 11$1. L 40000 714-639-I 447 Electrlcal Services RES TORl • Rf PAIR & REMODEi INC "'""°'""'· «ctssorizing, lltoppillf, ra11t11ltin1. 1 •1.u11,,.. 949-459-8270 Mllonry P~AUTO OIAll4MO.... 8tM:k w{SWw, LNlll- lf. Moonroof (l 94262) S22. 980. OJAcwwR Moonroof, Ntvll•tlon system, LOii~. (19456) 124.980 ' HU20S.-. White w/S.lddll leath· er, Moonroof (19443) $29,9Sl. OIJetll-STw-lltla G,--, w/Seddlo Lthr. 28K m1. Moon-roof (19112) $32,980. ,,,,..,....uoo Cliarc:oal w/Black Leather, 18" Chrome WMels, Moonroof (19512'.C) $29~. fllMWT«JI Blad< w/Blac.,, only 31K Wes (I 9485C) $44 .98'.l. 0 I ,._.di. ,.,,.. 1'ttronic. Only Ulk miles, NavaeatJon ( 19394) INQUIRE fa t•MW OS M» Gold w/Saddt. Luth· tlf, Chrome Wheels (19418) $22.980 99 1.,.,-orl JSS II Silver w/Ulacll Leat/\ef. only 1411 miles ( 114235) tNQUIR[ 01 C""'11oc Euolode Blacll w/Saddle Leath· er, 23" Ant~ a Wheels (19528) $34, 98'.l 00 l'oru.M lo,,.,., B13<.k w/Cr ey leather. T1ptrono<: (19346) Ul <.m 949.574 .. 7777 PHIJJPS AUTO plilipsoutt.M Porsche '99 Carrero 46k mo. blk 'blll llhe. CD, chrome whls, toke new S42.995 v•622057 f, nancong & warr avail Bkr 949-586-1888 w-.ocpobl.com Soob '99 9 .. 3 Conv. 4911 ml wh1te1oalmeal lltu. CD bla~k top fabulous toke new con.d $13.995 v•875261 8111 949-586-1888 -.ocpo.,t.com Toyoto '96 Avalon, auto. lthr. mod buu tolut S6995 •1n2178 wcwauto wm 949 6116 "J822 Toyota '98 Cotollo U be1&e. auto 74k m1. pw pb, pd, ps cl A,'C. steieo S9Dl 71~843 5211 Trade Lot 11 /lei o&iir ~ a-by tho lilke kw l:lt.e modf:j car such as ~ Mumn. Lei.us 9'» 'l4oi 7133 VW '98 Po11ot GLS Vt. Wirt. auto, mrw1, 6.11. ~ cle.ln, •2522tl6 SI 0 995 WC:WilUtO.com ~lf!l1 Moving ' Storage PUBLIC NOTICE The C11tf Public Ut11it1u Commission requires that all used household a oods movers pron! theor P.U C Cal T number. hmos and chaulfeurs pronl theor T C P number on all adver· t1sements It you have any ques!lort~ about the leeatoty of • mover . limo or ch.autleur. ult PUIUC UllUTIU COMMISSION 100 871-1167 Pllntlng St.1p & lrwtal rc.w. Custom Hind Parnted ~-& F.ux, Pa1iq "NOTICE TO READERS, California law re· qu1res that contrac- tors lak1ne 1obs that total $500 or moft (l1bor or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Slate law also requires that contrectors Include their license number on all advert11ml[ You can check the status of your llc:enud contractor at www.cslb.ca 1ov or 800-321-CSLB Unlo· censed conlnctors llklna 1obs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licenud by the Contractors Stat11 License Board ·· ConstructnJtontn:trs <.ONTMCTm,ltMNDYIUH 18 Y" E ap • Cr eat Refs All Phases of Constr uction ~RsTodlfE~ L#5779112 949-709-5642 S"'etl Joto b,.rfl Duncan Electric 2-0Vrs Eap locaVQutci< Response Servoc11/Remodels Ll 275870 949-650-7042 MTOM ClllATM TU lnstahtion, u.. C«JllTIIC. ""'1>1e, stone. ~,975 L#&l.2044 Jeff 714 612·9961 llMY ~ Repwecl VfNTUltA MASONRY Artist tor hre ~l-E664. 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Block 714-965-2824 Opel'l 7 Daya Low R«• StOl'IQ9 Spoci.!1 ~1981 949-645-4545 * Rtsiltubl * Conrnen:ill llS T MOVlltS SSS /Ht-. .No :r-L 1bo S--n Strvln&All Cities Insured #~ nuuc Tl~ 800-246·2378 RX W SPICIAUST. All types of r••"*· Elec· ltlcet, ~ doorJ, ..... ~ .. ,mart z411rnc1a1s 714-366-1881 323·630·9971 cell PUTAFEW WOIDSTO WOllFOR YOUI (949) 642-5671 ~'JJdte.. ~Professional Painting Lie 11<19'350 Rob Isbell • Owner Costa Mesa, Ca (949) 64&-3006 Cell 949-887-1480 ~ ~f~r=I ~:.,~.:: W«ll. frM ISl l•l19602 714-sJl..\534 7.J!IO·a.tl Ml"I CUI~ 'Mnlle9 Prol'I. cteon, qlMlfty wM lnt•lof ltd ""•"•· l t10)111tet-al..tll0 MOTOR HOMES 'ti lfAVllt MONTlltlY 30ft, 300 c•I pusher. 6 sp auto Ahson trans, 7500 Onim quiet cen. hurricane ht& syst. slldo/ out hvrm & kite. 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Equop· ment Repairs, Insured c .. , 949-292-7173 -~ -----------· --____ .. --___ ......_. ---------------....&.. ~ ~--------------------------~-----~-----------------~~ ~ ~------- ' -·---------- .. 'IAIE ROVER~ THE F1RSl SUV THAT REPRESEITS A TRUE ALTERIAmt TO A lUXURY SEOAl.1 AUTOMOBILE3tV3 4x4, VS, Power Doors, Power Windows, Power Seat. LEASE FOR LEASE F·oa $ On approved credit $4103.25 Total dnve-off. Includes On Approved Credit. $5000 Total drive off. Includes tax. license and first payment. O security deposit. 1 OK mies/year, 20 cents/mUe over. + tax 1st payment, tax. lie, doc fees and $450 sec dep. 1 OK miles per year/20e excess mi. charge. + tax 5 at this payment • 48 months 5 at this payment • 39 months • When you compare "apples to apple-. . 11 bc1.ome' c kar thjl 1he 2003 Freelander St'> not onl;. th.: mmt capable small-m1d~1zed S V. but the~'' \...tluc a' v.dl Rut don t take o ur v..ord for 11. l.U..e a look ..it the follov. ing ch an "h11. h 'hould m.ikt.> ) o ur bu:, tng dec1<,1on JU'>t .i hnle b11 ca<;tt.>r 2003 Freelander S M S RP S:?~.6'10 V6 Engine You ~u1 H ~tandard. the) don't! 4 -Speed Automatic rransm•~'>•On · 5-Spcnl Au1oma11c! Even Better! Air Cooditioncr • Power Pac kago.: You Bo.:r ! 4-Whcel An11 lock Brakes Safo.:I) ,., never 1.ompnm1sed. Full-lime all wheel dnve II'' .i Land Ro\ e r. 1<,n"r 1t? CD Player 01 cour'e 11·, nor l9X<i .ln)more' 2003 Jeep Liberty Sport 4WD $20.0~0 OpuonaJ · SX50 Optional -S825 Optional -\2.325 Opuonal -S600 Opuonal -S 395 Opuonal -$125 2003 Land Rover Freelander S Trac tion Control El.:c1roni1. -we wouldn't go olf -road ""11hou1 11 OpuonaJ 'S 765• • Vehicle Secunry SyMem You ~an count \on 11 Op11onul -S5:?0 LEASE FOR OR BUY WITH 16" Alloy Whecli. Cool Option.ii -S'IU '299M~ 39 months '02 GMC SONO,.,A 4X4, Crew Cab Pickup, Loaded. SK Miles 41991232790 S20,995 '99 RUGE ROVER 4.6, vs; luxury, loaded CERTIFIED 39761426094 S27,995 'I• llVER HSE Clntf 36K -Nri, Brush Bae, ~ Bds 41461431954 . . '34,995 VS, Sunroofs, Leather • CERTIFIED 4134/'244585 •20,995 '00 RAISE ROVER 33K Miles. Many Extras CERnFIEO 4182/429562 '29,995 '97 DEFEIDER II Cnnsc Control You .. c iior 11 for the ru.1<.l trip"' Oprmn.il -5100 Independent Rear Su~pen-.mn .Standard Not 3\ .11lthlc Ba"c warranty 4 )Ctll"•/50.000 mile., ' )car'/'6.000 m1Jc, Ru!>! Warranty 6 \.o.:ar ... /unltm11cd mile' c; yeal">/l<X).(Xl(l mile' Adju!>led MSRP 525,600 $27 ,045 Thia comparison la preaented as a guide to aasiat you in aalecting an SUV. An exact equivalent vehicle la no1 paulble. All vehicle Information hu ~en der1v.ct lrom ww~.Jeop.com, www landrov..-.com & www.ectmonda.com. Pnc- ahown.,. M SRP without dl8Count. While every anon hu been made to ensure eccuntey. -.,. no1 reeponaible f°' enoni °' omiaaH>na. •"Traction control provided th<ough .Jeep'• Tree-Lock Olft'-uet Ax'le. OllJ • Mllll, l11•• '36.995 1 It this price (4192/B012288) Photo for Illustration onl '01 ll&W XTERRA SE Sunroof. Auto 6-D1sc CD 4184/556594 S20,995 '02 DISCOVERY VS, Onty 9K Miles, Prior Rental 415&7 46642 S29,995 V6, AutomatJc, full Power. Harmon Kardon Sound 4163/A376164 S22,995 '03 DISCOVERY VS. Onl'f 6K Miles Ex-Renlal 41 n1'275359 '31,995 '82 PBI llSTEI 'I• lrtll llE Sport. 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Ful ~. 11 aJ.Alltift•Only211CMi(41'3/20897') 11,97~ 1 MILE SOUlll OF 11IE 481 FREEWAY ·-l'O#J'IM,.,.,..,, (c.rtifled)Auto. Air..f'ow9f ~ ~:.~.$ LNtlw 8 Low Milul (4521/243003) 1 ~ 181 CllRYSLER ..... 'jiliin. Whir11, Auto, At-, Ful Pow.; CD SrM;kllf, s12 930 L118thllr fl Only 32K Ml7 (45 T 7 /608892) ' ZOOll CHEVY alAlFlf LT · {CtNttflttd) Auto. N. Ful Polw. aJ. L#Nr. s1 ~-Moonroof (I Alloys! (4496/346114) .. ZllllO t:#Ef/f.,,,,, CAW ~ 4.3L. ~At Powtt StNting •12 -fl Low 'Mik11f (4626/182648}. . . . . ~ f-,,.,,. ..,MIA aT _,,,,. fCllrtifllldJ 2"" ~Door. Au*>. N. <lJltd H 2 -S#ting fl Only 41K Mil#/ (4179/286360/ .. I ·J~ ZllllO Slit: ......... .. Auto. lffw At Powtt ~ CD. •1 z• AJloys 8 Lew Mik!J/ (43'8/603069) .. Zl#l3 m carmr Auto, Ai; Ful ~ CD 8 AW#Ofl'tll/ •1 h!?,5 (4621/103861) .....•.......• W£Wrsia m-al • Umited. Aum. M Powtt ~CD. *13 970 LM"*' 8 Shlltp/(4643/212163).... Ji ........ cn-nL- Auro. At Ful PrNwJr. CD.~ 13,• 8 Mon/ (4411/312886) .•••.... •. i.z.,, EXl'llESS ,,,, """ V./J 4.3L. Auto. Air, Power S1-mg 8 $' Prio«J Right! (4624R/240634).. . . 14,970 .. UM•M:CAJEU Black. Auto. AK. LNdlM Et Low s15 675 Miles/ (4406/097779) . . . ~ ,.., u••11: SE11.tE m 111 • Ful AMwr. R«I. Premium ~ [J s1 5 950 67K Mini (4639/824889). . . . . . . . . I , ... ,..., Ful ~"-'Ai. LNtlw. Tow~ s15 -{tLowMil#/(4260/91864).... .. ... ~~_J , ... ....,_. ,,,, 11.E ~ RwAi. Full'fMw. CD • .W~~.$' Tow~8 0nly 19KMi(4616T/723989) 1s,• _, t:lllfr a .... m LI FulPrNw/r, CD.Alorrl. Tow~s 518 • <hY 26K,...., (4636T/240266). . . • ' wawnm ,._......, MftlAI 1hl £xtr., • $18 850 8 LMth«f (4602/211893)......... ' W almlM lfrlJE II.I RJI ~ SltM. CD. Tl'l!Ction Control s19 935 8 Motfl (4626/280261). . . . . . . . . ' . W Ct.MIM llllU (c.rtifild) ""'PrNwJr. IMtlw. /ltwn/(Jm S21,475 iM*"' (t Low Mil#/ (4422/281840) . . Exceeding Expectations Since 1967 ·NEW 2003 BIWC ~ ...., • ...,, ....... ,., •3,7115 ~ ,.,., ,,,,,.,,, •4,000 Net $9-Savings If 1AT,_.U-r2114s1J _, .. .,., "' 4d Auto. "-'Ai. PowerGroup. CD. Tow, s21 750 LN"'-r 8 Alk1ysl (4347/111681) 4i z.. etmlM 11B.U m 11m1 K-ftll Al"" Extras. Prem/cm~ s21 875 8 Mom ('491/166823).......... ~ J~ ., ,,..,,. ,. ... 11411 All ... 85p#d. V../16.JL RMnAirHMldling_~· $7, Pkg. LNthllr 8 Mom (4642/106616) 24,835 . .. a.111:sr ... m PNtf ~ Ful Power (t <hY 191< $25 625 Mi#/ (4628/199837). . . . . . • . . • . . ' IM UMllC at:AIMf (Crilild) ~ ,,_,At Hdlo $)'Sflltn s25 • IM"'-r fl Motfl (4463/181083). • . . ' .,, ... , •• ,..,$,. Ful PrNwJr. lmifMiorl Cot,v Top 8 (by 26,835 6K ,.,.,, (4640/104614) ....•.... aamrrr .. u ~ ... Ar. .tits. ~..V0,.8 $29 -$llOWrOOlfl ,,.,,,, (4638/1831()4) ' atJIWl#IBIU Ful PrNwJr. ca ()ISflr. LMtJw 8 s31 780 ....,('286/10l1H) ....•..•.•. ~~!J aau. .. au• ... M~CIJ.-*'~m(l~· 875 . Llhr. Ab1. Tow8Mmf(4UIT/114020}..UJ