HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-14 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilota1 - Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, JULY 1~. 2003 A CLOSER LOOK Fine lines still divide home expansions The City Council will look at changes to residential design guidelines again today at a study-session. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The smalJ-town charm convinces many young families that this city is the ideal place to raise their ch ildren. Yet when they try to ex- pand their homes to accommodate their growing families, they ofl en hit a brick wall -disgruntled neighbors who say their rights, such as privacy or view protection, are being infringed upon. On Monday, the 'City Council wiJJ hold a study sessiQn on three interre- lated issues of residential development: a zoning overlay proposal for an East- side neighborhood; view preservation for certain Westside residential neigh- borhoods; and changes to the residen- tial development standards and review procedures in the zoning code, along with changes LO the residential design guidelines. , The council originally directed the Planning Commission to simplify the standards and requirements homeown- ers must abide by in building on their properties. The existing process had re- sulted in a slew or appeals, and the council wanted to make it less subjec- tive. The council dedd,,ed to delay any decisions on the overlay zone and view protection areas until the commi~1on completed its comprehens ive examina- tion of the zoning code and guidelines. While the changes are intended 10 streamJine the process and make it more objective, there is still a ways to go. Mayor Gary Monahan !.aid. "The direction was to simplify it so 11 would be blade and white, and I still see an awful lot of gray." Monahan said. ZONING OVERLAY The area at issue is roughly bounded See HOME, Pa&e A4 IN BUSINESS Luxury sells well ·in the cove PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Ryo Terasaki, 80, sways to the music with other members of the Ku'u1pos Polynesian Dancers during their performance at the fair. Put your hands into it The Ku'uipos Polynesian Dancers tell stories through movement at the Orange County Fair. Cor al Wiison Daily Pilot M ovingto the rhythm of island music, a Polynesian dancer's eyes, legs and hips are seductive. But the meaning of the dance is discovered in the hands. The hands tell the story. "You move \lftth the music and it makes you feel good," dancer Sandra Davis said. ·we don't sing. only move our hands, and they FYI The Orange County Fair is <:losed on Mondays. tell the story," The Ku'uipos Polynesian Dancers, ages 4 to 80, perfonned Sunday at the Orange County Fair, bringing to the stage a range of experience from several weeks to about SO years. Nit's easy to learn, but to perfect s.e HANDS, P•&• M Ingrid Rivas, 11, of the Ku'uipos Polynesian Dancers, leads a hula. Realtors predict homes by Irvine Co. on Orange Coast's la st waterfront will sell befo re they're built. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NE\.YPORT COAST -:'\ev. luxurv homes . overlooking the ocean un th~ INSIDE For more business news. see Page A2 bluffs above CrystaJ Cove are aJread} draw- ing fel\-id intere<;t among home buyers. with about one-stxth al- ready !>natched up. In mid-June. home- builders offered the first batch of home<. in the second phase of th~ Irvine Co.'s Crystal Cove projecL "Ifs the last chance for seaside living in See COVE, Paee A4 THINKING ALLOWED At your • service H is name 1s not Jeeves and he does not have an Engl.t.sh accent. "I don't call myself a butJer. Being a houseman is more of a modem type of term.· said Henry Page. a "house manager" who is ~---~ loolang for work in LOLITA HARPER Newport Beach. That's about the onJy limitation he has. Page, who lives in a Los Angeles mansion in Hancock Park. is looking for move down to Newport Beach because he loves the water', loves the view and loves the sense of community. He placed a small ad in the Pilot classifieds that reads: ·Houseman/Manager. I dean and See ALLOWED, Paa• M Woman injured in free fall on O.C Fair ride Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com N·autical museum doubles as shipyard Corel Wlleon Daffy Pilot FAmGROUNOS -A 30-year-old woman wu Injured on a 110-foot free.lall ride a\ the Onnp County RI.Ir~ SUnday when one ol the nets didn't catch her. 1be Adrenaline Drop ride wu lhut down at 12:40 p.m., JrnmedAately after the woman from I.A Caftida fUntridp IDlde ID WICOD· trolled drop Into tbe ride'I MCOod aaCety net and mlde a bani 1anctinc on me foun pad ~mt Becky Wey·~ falr,ener'll ~ •She went ~ or Wll not c:auFt by WEATHER & Expect fog In the momlng, fog In the evening and tunny lldel In between. Hight wtll be 76 nMr the eoa.t and IS lnlend. . S.PceA2 SPORTS . Thll ~Senior ' Spodaght. lob°'**· hat~ pleylne tllMlt tareo,..,.. ... ,.... Twenty families compete to build 9-foot boats over the weekend. Corel Wiison OaityPltot . For the modem-day family. the thought of building a boat might 1eem a tJjt 5trange and intimidating. But boat buOdlng is bardJy ID tiDpoalble tut-people have been doing it for tbcMMandl of years. aaki Glenn 1.agoren. pnllldent ot me Newpon Harbof Nautica1 MlllUID. 0..1he weetend. 20 fan>W.. cook on 1b9 pntea of buddinc a 9-b>t boll in only two .,.. By SUnday lftemoon, the boall _...mar compledon. Whh a little AZ Monday, Uy 14, 2003 .; BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SEAN DUFRENE I OM.V PILOT Diiiy Piiot THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE Forget I and focus on you A very wise person once told me that a good business letter is one that uses the word •you" twice as often as the word "L • I've tried to take this advice to heart, but it can be really difficult, especially when the letter Is part of a job application. Still, just reaching for this ideal can help a writer keep something very important in mind: The reader Is a living breathing human being. And It's human nature to be more Interested in yourself than In ....-------. someone else. This applies to the writer and the reader. (Feel free to apply this philosophy to personal relation.Vlips. too.) When writing a letter to a prospective dlent. for example. JUNE it's easy to fall Into the CASAGRANDE trap of rattling on about your company and your products or services. Me, all, that's the point of the correspondence. But it's when forusing ao much on yourself, you can completely forget that the only reason you're writing In the first place is because your company can meet some need of the reader. An awareness Pain du Monde Managef-Rana~n jokes aroun.d witt:Hoogt.ime-QISWfllef--H*l~*ISwn....---------------------+-~nmrt-n...t-'llhrnnrin-nn.'Jltp-,rm,,----- bl.&SineM correspondence. A better cup of coffee Don't take this Idea too far. Too much emphasis on the reader can come off as slimy: ·As a smart businessman, you know a good deal when you see one. ~ here's a deal that a savvy pro like you will really appreciate." For 15 years, Pain du Monde Manager Randy Heim has tried to cultivate customer loyalty with the personal touch. teas. FYI Eeew. If you just keep your reader's needs In mind even as you write about yourself or your bminess, your letttt will hit home. Kris O'Donnell Da1lyP1lot H enry David Thoreau wrote. "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door." Balboa Island's Pain du Monde's better trap turned out to be a better cup of coffee. "Randy has better pastries, free samples and a higher quality of hot tea,• Santa Ana resident Rebecca Goldstone said. Pain du Monde 11 at 220 Marine Ave .• Balboa laland. (949) 676-7804. Open from 8 e.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday; and 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. today is personal attention, and Heim is on a first-name basis with many of his customers. While we're on the subject of business 1ett.eD. here's another little trap that's easy to ran into. Often. writers don't know wbetber the penon they're lddressing Is a man or a WOllWl. ·0ear Sirs" ls the most common solution. Sttangety, in my limited and unscientific experience. women seem more inclined to write "Sirs." Some twisted form of deference and overcompensation, I suppose. Nancy Piper of Irvine, who is another longtime customer, said, "The coffee here bas- a better flavor than other places I've tried." "Randy sold us on the place,• longtime customer Kim KoehJer said. "It's just so personable here.· Heim has been with the Pain du Monde - French for "bread of the world" - since its inception in 1988. "We're a small neighborhood bakery and coffee shop," longtime Manager Randy Heim said. "In order to compete with the national chains [like Starbucks]. we had to create something special." That something special includes fresh-baked breads. muffins, rolls, scones, - richer-roasted coffee beans and full er· flavored ''In the beginning, I was the first on the block to offer espresso coffee. Now, after many years of customer loyalty, I can remember what 85% of them have the minute they wallc uithe door," Heim said. The gloomf)nomings, with Its cool temperatures. have swayed his customers to stay fo'r that second cup these days and chat with passersby. This past February. Helm celebrated l 5 years with the caf~. · "I'll be here as long as this place exists, and right now, I have no plans on leaving." 1 try to steer clear such quicksand with a couple of easy options. If I don't know the name or sex of my reader, I write, "Dear Madam/Sir.· If I know the name but still don't know the sex -Jamie. Kim, Jan. etc.-1 replace "Mr." or •Ms.• with just "M.· As In. "M. Vandersloot" (HI, Jan. Yes, I know it should be "Dr. Vandersloot." but I'm doing the best I can here.) BUSINESS C~NDAR The most precious commodity in business 57~. lndude the 1fme, ct.tit end location of the ewnl, • wel •I contKt phone number.A~ listjng is 9YaHebee 9t I www.dllllypilot.com. •Send .. E•CAIW .... to .. DellvPHot. 330 w. Illy St.. C-. Mell, CA 12t21; br Hnll ID ,,.. ....-.on•'-dm..oom; by fex to (Mt) ...,.170; or bv calling (Mlt ~ TMC... Me. a.nberaf Commet~ holtl MIWoltlng luncheon ~· Wldneldaye DailyAPilot ~------ VOL 97, N0.195 New9&Mon Glne Alexander, Lori Andenon, Denlel Hunt, PIUI s.1tow1ti, Deni.I~ NEWIRW cnme'=9~~r. (M) ,..,,_.bltlnlll.,.._,oom ,,_t:r"_.. Newpon reporter, (M)57~ ju~•llltlmaoom ...... Clneal'I f'olltlce, buelNll end environment repoftef, (NI) 7"M330 ptHJ/.cH!tfOn·~ Lolee ...... Columni.t. culture reponer, (IMl)PM27& k>Hta.hMpet•llltlnw.oom Del!MNIWmM eo.t. Meu repo11er, (Ml 57~21 dt#rdra,,....,,,.,,.,.,,,,,_oom e...w.... NMI1 11 I kM. ( .. I 174-4211 «n1.wM1oti•....,.,_com PHOT'OOfWHlif'8 Sean Hiller, Don Leed'I, ICant Treptow READERS HOTUNE (9'9) &42-6086 Record your comments •bout the Dilly Piiot or news tlpe. Adclrel9 Our eddr ... It 330 W. a.y St, Cotta Meu. CA 92827. Of'llce hou,.. •re Mondly • Frict.y, 8:30 1.m. • 5 p.m. ~ It le the Piiot'• pollcy to pron'lptly COfTect all erTOf9 of aubetanoe. ,.,.... ca41 (IM917M-4324. m The Newport BMdVCoeta Meu Dally Pilot (U8'S-14WOO) i1 publlehed dalfy. In Newport Beec:tl and Cotta Meu. eubecriptlone •re available onl'( by eubecriblng to The Tlmee Orenge County (800) 252..t141. In ,,... out9lde of Newpon 8Ndl and°*" Mela, eubecrlptlona to the Deity Piiot .,. evellable only by fll"lt *-mel for S30 pef month. (Mlei lndude all epplable ataW and locel --.1 POSTMASTER: Send eddr'MI ~'°The Ntwport ~Mela~""°" P!O. loll lMO, ~-., CAtzea. Copyright No newt itori ... illustrations, editorial matter or edvertleements herein can be reproduced without written permillion of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Clrcutetlon The Tlmee Orenge County (800) 252·91'1 Adwettlillllf Ct. I t"led (948) ~·6878 IMlpl9r (IM9) &42-4321 ....... ..... (948) &42-5e80 .....1948)574-'223 ..... ,.. (IM9) ~170 ..... ,.., .... ,-..o170 E.....-: t»llypl1ot•t•tl,,,...oom MIMOMM ........ OMle (948) &42-4321 ..... ,.. (948) 831·7128 ~by T1mee Community H9wt. a dlvtelon of the Loe MgMe Tl"*' This solution may not be correct. but it's the best way I know to show respect for the reader. I guess I should throw in a little grammar-related note. too, since that's what this coJumn Is mainly about So I'll point out that I just used the word •s1nce• incorrecdy (my use of •so• is objectionabJe. too. but we'll save that for another column.) When used correcdy, •since• refers only to a duration of time: "I've been in strugllng with this column since 10 a.m." When you mean "becaU9e." write "because." Best Regards, June . SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'• a typical June day. The morning end evening will heve clouds and fog, othefwtae It'll be mo.tty eunny. The hight will go from 75 to 86 degt .. •you move 1"'8nd. The Iowa will be betli...., eo end~ deQtw. ..........n: www.nws.nc>H.(}CN BOATING FORECAST The Inner W11ter1 will hive veriebte wlndl It 10 b10CI or .... dly. Ouring the dey, the ww.wtlbe2'-tor .... on1 max.d IMlf -... ft 8 fMt .,.. IOUlhwllt .. 3 ..... Only 1heweet..el,M4t.t, IUMwl '-the~ fog Mftylr'Cf ..... ,...out, Y ..... windl .. glYI YWf '° not1h\.,.. ..,. en the•••• Thtv'1I .. .,..10to1111nc*. The • W9VWw9be2 .... on1,..... ,wll-nontls,..•71Dlfllt and IOUthWMt at 3 feet during the dey. At night, the flOf'thw9St awell will incn ... by I foot. Fog Mrly end lete, TIDES 11IM 4:Me.m. 11:21a.m. 4.Cp.m. 10:11p.m. W«tlR ........ . ·1.AI fMt low 4.04f1Mhlgh 2.2flltlow 8.71 fMthlgh TElm'UATURE . ·-· < < ' • Oatly Pilot Monday. July 14, 2003 Aa ON THE AGENDA FYI zoning code and general plan. Here are 1.1ome of the items the commis5ion will consider Mqnday. structure and constructing a new building, dJsplay area and parking lot for the same business. The' zoning admlnlstrator approved the request on June 5. Planning Commissioner Katrina Foley appealed that decision because she is concerned that the exceptions Celek Is requesting on landscape setback encroachment and reduction in parking don't address the possibility that the property could be converted for another use. •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commiulon meeting wMy appeal is really just to clarify what were the conditions that shoulq have been In the ifljtiaJ approVal, but got left out.• Foley said. exception IO floor area rauo requiremen lb. WHAT TO EXPECT ARMSTRONG GARDEN CENTER • WHEN: 6:30 p.m . today •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Driv.e •INFORMATION: (714) 764--5245 PLANNING APPLICATION Staff recommends approval because it will allow an existing bUslness to expand and enclose iu. storage. The property, at the corner of Newport Boulevard and Victoria SLreet, is occupied by Armstrong Garden Center. The applicant, Ted Stelzner, representing property owner Pastor Tim Celek. of Calvary Olurch Newport Mesa, wants to reconfigµre the site, demolishing the existing WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends approving the original application since it says the construction will enhance the property with a new building and a continuous landscape buffer along the border. Staff has also considered the future use of the property and conditions ilfe suggested to ensure the project's consistency with the The applicant, architect Marcus Paris, representing owner Diana Hirst of Hi Time Liquor, proposes a 4,060-square-foot addition on the north side of the store. aecause of the property's zoning, the expansion must be reviewed by the commission. Hirst is also requesting a.A "It seemi. uxe a reasonable expansion and it doesn't appear to create any impacts on the residenual neighborhood," Foley said. "I expect 11 should not have very much, tf any, opposition." · -Vimpiled by Deirdre Newman GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on i;!dding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. FRIENDS OF THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends is a support group for the three libraries in Costa Mesa. To Join, help with fundraising events and help promote library programs and services in our community, call (714) 556-4396. FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The bookstore needs donations for book sales. Good quality children's and nonfiction books are especially needed. They may be left at any of the branch libraries -Balboa, Mariners or Corona del Mar -or in the special book closet next to the Fnends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the used bQok store, which 1s inside the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends of the Library and are asked to wDrk one three-hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. GIRL SCOlfTS Girl Scouts of Orange County needs volunteers who will be trained as troop leaders, serve on s ecial committees and give lectures, demonstrations or classes (714) 979-7900 GIRLS INC . OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed to offer educauonal and enrichment opportunities for girls and boys. (949) 646·7181. HOSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference in the lives of terminally Ill persons and their families. Volunteers w ould assist them with nonmedical needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errands, reading to the patients and weekly social visits. The organization is also looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office 'duties. Training is provided. (714) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization shelters, counsels and educates abutSed women and children. It is looking for volunteers. (949) 737-6242, ext. 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Project Caring, which provides socialization and cultural experiences to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa. Volunteers "adopt" a facility to provide programming of Jewish content to the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting background chedc. Volunteers are also needed to provide comf9rt and support to the Jewish terminally ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with chronic illness at 7 p.m . Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 2?0 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the wort and leadership of trained volunteers. ls seeking new members. (949) 261-0823. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' homes. (562) 622·3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Park staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that works with persons with HIV or AIDS, is seeking caring volunteers to assist with running the front office, delivering meals. providing transportation and providing complimentary' therapies such as massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally ill adults rely on the Newport Beach center for residential housing. It needs professional fund-raisers to SPFCIAl SAi ~ Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE s 1999 By Mohawk Installed with deluxe pad sq. yd. Tra....U.e 18" • 18" ................. _ .............. 14.29 ... I\. Cen.m.lc nit ................................ •ta.n.4 ,,._ 14. 99 .. "- 1.aalute Woo4 ........................... ~ m. 14.99 ... ft.. s,,,,p1111GM10oU for the •[Jo It YouneUtri( .. All prica/produc:U for" llmiUd time, bued on GrxJi/Gbili/¥. DIA t ewn 1374 Loian Ave., Salte F •COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 Mea-fri. 10 ... 5-Sat 10 ... 3 OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~g on to http://toastlin1.1du to find the latest Fall 2003 course information. Check out our new sear-chable class schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses are open. Coasdine•s Web site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days.a week. Look into Coastline's: \ • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program offered during the day at the Garden Grove Center. • Distance leamin.g opportunities-fully transferable Internet, Telecourse, cablecast, and independent study'classes. • STAR Program and Weekend College-two acoelerated ways to earn your A.A. depee., • Updated Technical and Career Education programs offering certificates in a variety of high-demand occupationa. ' Coastline bu convenient l<>Qations ill Cotta Meaa. Fountain Valley. Garden On>ve, Huntinl'Oft ~· and Westminster. support and maintain this resource. LUV-A·PET CENTER Volunteers who love to work with cats and kittens are needed at the Luv-a-Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 451-3272. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer input, ticketing, filing and handling phones. (714) 556-6262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to mak&t1 lasting effect on a young person's life. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with mentors to improve their school performance and sett-esteem while developing positive peer and adul1 relationships. (714) 549-9622, ext. 35. MOBILE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping and cooking for themselves. For more information, call (949) 645-8050. F1aruri,.g A Li111 Tl-ibuu To Frank Sinatra &rry Mo?UUy 0-TMatiAy 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Qualiry Suvict> .. • '"'Ni d Entcrtainmt'Dt .. • I nr /l,-1'' 1101iu11• (~,// (949) 646-7944 I h'JS Ir\' int• A"e .. ( o,t .. l\tc-w I hnHt, u. "'"''"" Mui• \_, f, ... \• ,., • 11.t" •• •JPl:!t e1 , •1J r-------------------------, t!J~(J~q.a/Ult.~~ I Certified Farmers' Market : COSTA MESA : Open During the Fair 1 Mondays 2:00 -6:00 PM .-. : \fonday,July 14'. 21 & 28 .. : Will Retun1 Thursday, August ?" 9:00 -1:00 PMI COSTA MESA FAlRGROUNDS : Fresh Produce Direcrfv to You I ~ ~w~.:~~oo~f.~ i ~ Expm·s June 12, 2003 L-------------------------~ • Semi-Pri11au for Men & Womm • 011er 80 Piues of Equipment • Pri11au Pilatts Studio •SPINNING Theaur • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers •Child Care Sam-noon M -Sat. • Convenient Par/ting • Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch classes •Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Suam & Towels •Day Spa • Acupuncture/MaJSage 949760-5054 www.shape-up.com • www.fitnessconcepl& 2101 Eoll Pacific Coast Hwy, Corona Del Wu, CA REGISTER ·EARLY! , -...------------------------------ M Monday, July 14, 2003 ·POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bear s.r..t; A woman was a"estGd on suspicion of burglary In the 3300 blodc at 3:45 p.m. Saturday. • Bristol S1rMt: A man was arrested on suspicion of forgery in the 3300 blodc at 7 p.m. Saturday. • Bnatol Street; A man was a"8sted on suspicion of burglary in the 3300 blodc at 7 p.m. Saturday. • lndustrlat Way and Newport Bouleverd: A man was arrested on suspicion of sleeping in his vehicle at 8:35 p.m. Friday. • Newport Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of vandalism in the 2200 blodc at 11 :10 a.m. Saturday. •West 11th StTMt and Monrovia Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of COVE Continued from A 1 a master-planned community, H said Michael WiUiams, the Ir- vine Co. 's vice president of resi- dential marketing. ''People are understanding that; we've had so much interest." So far. 35 of the 207 new homes on the bluffs are spoken for. Williams said. Built along the inland side of East Coast Highway, above the Crystal CQve Promenade shop- ping center, the luxury homes are all selling for more than $1 million. . The Irvine Co. chose four homebuilders to construct four neighborhoods of h igh-end homes along one of the last un- developed stretches of Orange County's coastline. The com- pany chose John Laing Homes, Brookfield Homes, Standard Pa· cific Homes and Taylor Wood- row Homes Inc. The homes have drawn such strong interest largely b~ause of Nev.'Port Coast's sparse sup· ply, real estate experts said. "I think they're probably go- ing to seU before they're built," said Patricia Moore. executive vice president of the Orange Coast Assn. of Realtors. "People ¥e still buying properties above the asking price." The 207 estate homes are the Irvine Co.'s second round of de- veJopment near Crystal Cove. In April 2000, the company began selling the 263 luxury hom es first built on the coastal bluffs. HOMES IN A RANGE John Laing's luxury division is building the entry·level luxury community, known as Nautilus. The one-and two·story homes will offer 2,900 to 4,000 square feet with three to slx bedrooms and run from $1.2 mi.Ilion to about $1.8 million. Brookfield is building the next tier of homes as part of the Strand neighborhood. The two· story homes are 3,400 to 4,140 square feet and offer three to six bedrooms, rwo· to three·car ga· rages and will not exceed $2 mHHon. Standard Pacifi c will huild Oceana, the second-highest ALDEN'S sleeping In his vehicle at 7:33 a.m. Friday. NEWPORT BEACH • • Bnebum Lane: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 100 blodc at 8:03 a.m. Sunday. • East Balboti Boulewrd: A vehicle theft was reported In the 1200 blodc at 8: l 2 a.m. Sunday. • Rivet Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 5300 blodcat 12:07 p.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 2100 blodc at 11 :29 a.m. Sunday. • Shertngton P1ace: Grand theft was reported in the 2100 blodc at 9:28 a.m. Sunday. • West Balboa Boulevard: Illegal fireworks were reported in the 900 blodc at 10:34 a.m. Sunday. luxury rier. These homes are from 3,500 to 4,300 square feet and offer up to five bedrooms, pool-size courtyards, loggias. li - braries and maid's quarters. They are prices at more than $2 million. Taylor Woodrow is offering the top-level homes, which ate two-stories high and from 4,900 to 5.400 square feet. They have up to seven bedrooms, three- car garages, a library. a bonus room and optional exercise rooms. They also start at more than $2 million. During the first phase, homes in the communities -known as Seascape, Seabourn, Wind- ward and Watermark -cost from $1 million to $2.7 million. Standard Pacific and Taylor Woodrow each built a commu· nity in that phase. Greystone Homes and Richmond Ameri· can Homes also built commu- nities. CRITICtSM,81JT MORE SALES Some environmentalists have criticized the homes in the new phase for their density. Bob Caustin, a local environmental- ist who founded Defend the Bay, bemoaned the closeness of the homes to one another. "It's disappointing to see that area go the way it is," Caustin said. "It just looks like lrvine. ... They pack them in nose to fanny.'' However, lhev have been sell- ing briskly. · When Standard Pacific of- fered its first seven homes about IWO weeks ago. they sold in about seven minutes, com- pany President Todd Palmaer said. Palmaer defended the look and style of the homes. He said the are popular for buyers who don't have the patience to buy a parcel of land and build a cus- tom home. "They have a classic look to them that feels compatible with the coast," Palmaer said. "It al- lows people to buy in a great lo· cation and still bypass the cus· tom market in Pelican Hill." • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail al psul.clinron@lat1mes.com. ----------------------- 1 DN-§ITE ~ ----------------- DRAPERY CLEANIN.& AND .MORE I NCI TAKE. DOWN OR REMOVIMi NECUtlARY I Certltli!d Ta Oe1111 All Hunter Doug ... Fabric Window Coverl11g11 lncludlng: • luminette Privacy Sheen-• Silhouette-window shadings • Vigntttt' window slYdiogs • Duette• boneycomb shades 1 MJ11enfaTM Cofltttion t J~TM roman $hades • Appliuse• honeycomb shades • Serenftte.,.,. Softfokl'"' shadings Wo.-ld'1 Best ON .. ITE- Dra..-,. Cl•••na S7dem ~ALDEN'S HOME ' by East 19th Street to the north. Jr. vine ~venlie to the east, f.ast·18th Street to the south and TustiQ Av- enue to the west. The residential EaslSide ttact was established In the late 1940s with four 20-foot wide alleys providing access ro the rear of each lot Historically. the mOdel of development is a single- story house In the front of the lot with a single-story garage to the rear, off the alley. A group of residents In the ttact created a proposal to limit new construction in the rear 40% of lots to only one-story suuctures that are no taller than 14 feet and that have vertical walls that do not exceed 9 feet in height The intent of this is to prevent views from be- ing blocked, "oppression" of neighboring properties and the loss of a sense of scale when two- story development occurs in the rear yards. They say the. 5-foot rear setback requirement allows building construction that is In· compatible with the neighbor· hood. In March. the Planning Commission refummended that the overlay not be adopted. The commission still adheres to this opinion. "My personal feeling is that un- less we are going to take a posi- tion in the city to really look at making different neighborhoods in the city unique and take into consideration the unique ~- SHIPYARD Continued from Al additional sanding and finishing, they wouJd be ready for the ultimate te5t -water. · "I can swim," Cory Darling, 11, said. "But I think it's going to float." Museums are meant to get people in touch with their roots. l.agoren said. And Newport-Mesa has a strong heritage of boat building, he said. So when Wooden Boat Magazine pitched its vision of a family boat building weekend to museums across the country, the nautical museum jumped on board. The Newport Beach event was the largest of these events, involving 20 boats. more than 100 participants and 20 volunteers, l.agoren said. Next year, he said he hopes to expand the event to accommodate 50 families. · ''Basically, they built these boats in a day and a half. It's ama7.ing." 7.agoren said. "It's HANDS Continued from Al it, you really have to practice." Mira Olivarez said. ~And you have to like it, because it shows in your face and expressions .. , Stories about the moon, the stars. the ocean, the sun, flowers and love are symbolized through gestures of the hands and often carry a deeper meanin'g, said Toni Stewart, instructor and ALLOWED Continued from Al maintain large homes. Cook', drive, all duties, elderly and child care. Experienced." This peaked my curiosity. I have some things armmd the house I haven't had time to get around to. Some laundry, some cleaning, some ~ening - well, if you count the orchid I am desperately trying to keep alive. But really, I wanted to know what a Mhouseman" does, Page called me back immediately with an enthusiastic tone in his voice. 1 told him that I was a columnist and I was wondering if he could explain his profession to me for an article I was writing. "Oh,• he said with obvious disappolntment Mt thought you were Interested ln my services." Onoe 1 atopped laughing, Pap graciously answered all my questions. RIDE Continued from A 1 . the first net,• Baney-Findley said. "The eeconcl safecy net caugba and ~veloped her.· 1be woman was tran.'ported to Western Medical Center In Smlta Alia. Where she Wiii lilted In SIA· ble oondf tJon. Her Vital aig:n.s we~ normal. lhe was coo.sdoue. had go'od rmwement and didn't 1ppea.r to have any broken bo~ Ballt..,Andk!y $ldd. Ol6dals the .. OM- llon of Oct'upltknll s.ti!cy !Ind ) in the Qillfoml.a Seabreeze and Mad.na view traets. These tracts a.Ire two·story·homes -on e western VIEW PRESERVATION A controversial review of a pro- ~ second-story addition to a home on Aviemore 'fenace .re- sulted In the consideration of a view preservation ordinance. Some residents on Aviemore Tur- race want to expand their homes, but some residents who live above them on Gleneagles Terrace are apprehensive that expansion below will block their ocean views. The co.mrnis.sion suggests t.wo components to the view preserva· tlon issue. The first includes three guidelines to reduce the negative effects of new second-story con· sttucdoo on views from nearby properties in areas that have been identified as having views worth protecting. These areas mclude bluff homes within the Marina Highland<;, Marina View. Califor· nia Seabreeze and Freedom Homes residential neighbor- hoods. The guidelines would not completely prevent a view from being blocked. The second component,devel- ops a process to require review and approval by the zoning ad- minisaator of any second-story construction in the ipentified view preservation areas. Staff also deveJoped two alter· native view prese.rvation areas. The first eliminates au properties vtews from homes on the other side of the street. The second al- ternative only Includes homes in the Marina Highlands traet in the view preservation area ZONING CODE AND GUIDELfN~ CHANGES • Mona.twt wus the first to lnlti- ate review of the code and guide· lines to make the process clearer and faster. The changes cover is- sues like floor area ratios, second· story construction and design re- view procedures. - The Planning Co~on held three public he~ on the issue. One of the mo'St significant changes the commission recom- mended is the replacement in the zoning code that. used to require "harmony.and compatibility" for new development with a new condition that projects meet ude- sign excellence." "Compatibility" still makes it marlc. though. after commission- ers reinserted it as a standard ap- plied to established neighbor· hoods to appease the Mesa Verde community. Previously. new de· velopment had to meet "har- mony'' and "compatibility'' with existing or anticipated develop- ment in the neighborhood.. Another change is the elimina- tion of the requirement to notify neighbors for certain residential remodels. The new process, if the council adopts it. would establish KENT TREPTOW/DAILYPILOT Avery Grant. 12, takes a break from working on her boat during a boat-building event at the Newport Beach Nautical Museum. shocking these boats look as good as they do." Each team got a trophy for participating, and the teams could win other fun trophies. such as for having the best intehtions or the most enthusiasm .. The spirit should be that of fun, not of choreographer. Stewart, who teache~ classes in Downey and Norwalk, also has her students perform at the Los Angeles CoWlty Fa.iJ", the Lotus Festival in Los Angeles, private parties and luaus. She said the group is made up of Chinese, Japanese, Filipino. Hawaiian, Latino, and European dancers. In colorful dresses. sheU necklaces. head and ankle wreathes, the dancers performed a mix of dances: What is it you do, exactly1 I asked. • Page, who has been a drummer and a chef, performs a number of household chores in exchange for an undisclosed salary and living quarters. He cleans, runs errands, plans and prepares meals, cleans the pool. maintains tennis courts, watches the children or the grandparents -whoever needs it most - oversees the gardening and landscaping, performs secretarial services, files, polishes silver, waits tables for private parties, drives and much, much more. "You know, all those things associated with running a home,• Page said. I guess the question should have been what don't you do. "l don't put limits on myself, and that's why people like me,• he said. "I'll never say, 'Oh, I don't polish silver' or 'I can't wort Saturdays .... It ls a 24-7 job. I am on call all the dme." Images of Mr. Belvedere popped In my bead, but Page did Heahh will In.sped the nde today, ·Bailey-Findley said. The fair is cloaed Mondays. "They wW go over everything to find out why," she said. "The ride will not open reopen until It has bttn thoroughly investigated and deemed to be safe and prob- lems like th.14 don't happen again.~ competition, l.agoren said. ·we wanted [families! 10 do something together that they could be proud of later that doesn't in"°lve television or Nintendo," he said. The best part about the event for many families was coming together and making new modern Hawaiian and Tahitian hulas and a New Zealand war chant. Irma Jara said 11 was her ?·year-old daughter Brittney who first chose to take Poly,nesian dance classes shonJy after seeing the Disney movie "UJo and Stitch." Now they take classes and perform together. "It's a very beautiful dance. very graceful." sl'ie said The oldest dancer in the group, 80·year·old Ryo Terasaki. said sbe has been dancing for 13 not say he specialized in solving sappy family dramas in 30 minutes or less. Maybe he was more like Rosie from the Jetsons. only human. (Yes, I know Rosie · was like one of the family and had feelings. but she really was a robot) • I was still having a little trouble grasping the whole concept. Getting someone else to clean for you. pull ~eds or even cook. l can understand.. But how someone could be at the complete disposal of another person, be at their beck and call to satisfy every whim. was baffi.i.ng me. ul let people use me because that is what they want That is part of it.~ Page said "I enjoy this kind or work. People will usually give me perlcs and bonuses, and r get to live in the most beautiful" neighborhoods. The home I live in now i.s 9,000 square feet· l was tCJ1lng with asking ruin to come work for me. Who could resista 700-square-root one-bedroom apanment on lhe Laveen, Ariz. "It's one of a kind~ It's rather new and It doesn't have a his- tory,~ Bai.Icy-Findley said. -rt hasn't had an acddtot lJb thia before• A number of f'air vendors said they had wanted to rtde the Ad.rmaline Drop beore the inci· dent • Daily Pilot FYI •WHAT: Co11a Mesa City arks and Recreation Commission joint study session •WHEN: 4:30 p.m. today • WHERE: Neighborhood Community Center, Adams Room, 1846 Parle Ave. •INFORMATION: (714) 764·5221 a threshold for floor area ratio and a percentage or second story over the first story. lf this threshold is met. planning department staff can approve a project without no- tifying neighbors within 500 feet, as is now required. "I thinlc we woi:Ud really hard at the Planning Commission level to come up with something falr and, reasonable and took into consideration the conflicting in- terests of the residents." Foley said. STUDY SESSION At the beginning of the study session, the public is invited to comment, but It call't. comment during the individual items of dls- cussion. After discus.sing these ~ues, the council will hold a joint meet· ing with the Parks and Recreation Commission to review of athletic field use at California Elementary School and TeWmkle Mi<ldJe School •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readied at (949) 5744221 or by e·mail at deirdre.newman a,/stimes.com friends. Jane Runner of Balboa Island said her team lncluded I 0 family members from three generations TI1e youngest was eight weeks old. Runner and her husband were the oldest. at 71. ·we wanted this to be a fam1ty boat and a family boat project," she said. Others learned helpful construction techniques. "Measure twice, cut once." Michael Jarvis of Corona del M:ir said. "And many mistakes can be fixed with epo.xy putty." In the final st.ages. familie~ added personality by painting designs or naming their boats. The same basic design wa!> used for rowboats and sailboats. Paul Brink.man attached an antique 1336 outboard engine. malting hi~ into a motor boat. One family said they would try it out in the swirrurung pool. Jarvis said his boat might ultimately become a book.shelf. The experience will be life-changing for many families. 7..agoren said As for the boats,, anything is p1Jss1ble "They make good flower pol<;, .. he said. year<> and doesn't plan to stop. "It's good exercise," she said. "You find yourself exercising without Jcnowing it." The plumeria flowers used to decorate the dancer's head wreathe!> were even grOWJ'\ in Terasaki'~ garden. Besides her four sons and nine grandchildren. ~he ~<l Polynesian dancing brings joy to her life. "There is a lot of joy in the world," she said. "You reaJly need to go after it. .. Eastside of Costa Mesa? There is no pool to clean, no silver to polish. no tennis court to repave. It would be like not even having a job. In rerum. he could sleep in my son Donovan's top bunk. But Page works in large homes only. Homes owned by very rich people. Homes owned by those who have so much money, so much house and so many possessions they have to pay other people to take care of them. "I have a lot of experience and a lot of skills,• Page said. "l11e . people who can afford that a.re very, very busy. l11ey are busy working." Cool. l'U take my job, my tiny apartment and all the plea.'lure I get from worldng at both. Page can manage the mansions. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdayl and Frid~ and covers CYlture •nd the arts. Sh• may be reached at (949) 1574-4276 or by e--meil at lolita.harper@latlmN.com. see little thinS'. but tbia rarely happens.. By 8 p.m. = when the ride would no be going strong, the mood wu tomb«. u many f.aitpts had already belrd that something bed happened. It was a Vf!!fJ di&mlt ~ from Friday and Sldunlay nllbll when. Krebs said. """ dme • per11C)n fell. the opmtor would announce om 1 .,...,,_..., ...... che wpt M!lY dme." Thia It the second year the ride bu been at lhe Oranp c.ounty Pau. abe llicl le la the only tide chat Amt.umJent Manlpment tntemadooal ol Carrolton. nm. opn&ll It 1he fair. olldllll .md. 1ha lllr 1811 moll ol ID rtdel ~ Aly C'Armnd 5bOWI of "We bad some salesmen here who were aotoa to do IL but now we are cblnldna twice," tald 11m Krebs. '*'8wl et~ Depot. ·1 ~all the~. llld • CDMl Wl.ION ilhntWI MIU Hmdridcl <A B.aQ. Com ·......_end m..-1>e..-• on Che Caibi who t.. heal wad:· ~-~or bv e-mal • 1n.g •• the fair ror 35 ,_,.. -vou OOl'lt~•t.nm.com. ( Daily Pilot AROUND TOWN the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number,A complete listing is • ·available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY Elements Music will offer a begin_ning course using a new piano-keyboard method from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Community Center at Mariners Park. Registration for the five-week course is $105. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A Forest Fantasy" at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The program will be repeated at 3 p.m . July 16 at the Mariners Branch and at 10:30 a.m. July 17 at the Balboa Branch. Heart Throb the Clown will present the interactive program. part of "It's A Jungle Out There:· the Newport Beach Public library's summer reading series. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. TUESDAY The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Chapter will hold a "Fun Paddle" at the Newport Beach Pier at 6 p.m. The group will paddle once around the pier, catch a few waves, and the(l go together to Mun Lynch's, at 2300 West Oceanfront, for free piua. For more information, call (949) 492-8170. "Organic Insect Control," a free seminar. will be offered from 6:30 to 7·30 p.m. at Mother"s Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa To make reservations call 1800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A Forest Fantasy" at 3 p.m. at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. The program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 17 at the Balboa branch Heart Throb the Clown will present tl'le in\eract1ve program, part of "It's A Jungle Out There;· the Newport Beach Public library's summer reading series. For more information, call 1949) 717-3816. "Your M ortgage and Money," a free program on the process of buying, selling or rAfinan~1ng a home. will run from 7 to 9 p m 111 the Vincent Jorgensen Center · next to Manners Branch Library. local author Randy Johnson will be guest author, launching "Meet the Author:· a senes fea1ur1ng Orange County writers. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. "Travel Through China" is the title of a free 7:30 p.m. lecture at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar Herb and Lynn Wilkin~on, promment · horticulturists in Orange County. will share their experiences traveling to the Yunan Province. Wheth,rYou Buv or ease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your · Favorite Lexus ! 'I I also known as the Mother of Rivers and the King of Plants. Call (949) 673-2261 for reservations. THURSDAY Children 90teftng first through sixth grades are Invited to HA Forest Fantasy" at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public library. Heart Throb the Clown will present the interactive program, part of Hit's A Jungle Out There; the Newport Beach Public Library's summer reading series. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. FAIDAY Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies oh the Beach" series offers "Newsies" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8f per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. SATURDAY Newcomers to the digital universe are invited to "Tools and Tm:ks: Internet 101 ;· a free Internet workshop, at 9 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. lntennediate-level Internet navigators are invited to register for "Web Walking 102;· a free Internet woric workshop at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. The hands-on workshop is limited to 10 participants. Sign up at the library's reference desk or by calling (949) 717-3800, ext. 2. "-0.1'Jrce: A New Beginning; a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is offered from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. The cost is $40. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. Newport Dunes RHOrt's "Movies on the Beach" series offers "The Sword and the Stone" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more 1nformat1on, call (949) 729-DUNE. "Growing Begonias" is the subject of a free program at Sherman library and Gardens in Corona del Mar at 9:30 a.m. The program 1s part of the Weekend Gardener Senes. No registration 1s required: For more information, call (949) 673-2261. JULY 23 . A free seminar and book signing, "Asian Longevity Secrets;· w ill be offered by author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at Mother's Market. 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS JULY 24 . The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce's Newport Sunset Networking Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht of Pacific Avalon Yacht Charters, 3404 Via Oporto No. 103, Newport Beach. The dockside event from 5 to 7 p.m. will include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer is free for members. r Potential members pay $10. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. Book ~p's "Taking TN" auitior series et South Coast Plaza returns with authors Janet Fitch and Susan Straight. Discussions of their books, #White OleanderH and "Highwire Moon·; will take place over coffee, tea and dessert-: A portion of book sales will be donated to the Orangewood Foundation. For more information, call (714) 689-2665. JULY 25 Newport Dunes Resort's #Movies on the Beach" series offers "Remember the Titansu starting at dusk on the Newport sand. ~arking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-DUNE. JULY 26 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach" series offers "Alice in Wonde?landu starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Pa ricing costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. JULY 27 The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the 68th annual Flight of the lasers at 1 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 720 West. Bay Ave .• Newport Beach. Join laser enthusiasts of all a·ges as you sail to win prizes like best costume, best decorated boat, first parent/child team, and first married couple Information: (949) 67J.n30. JULY 28 Mature drivers can sharpen their driving skills in this eight-hour class held during two sessions, at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m . at Presbyterian Churdl of the Covenant in Costa Mesa July 28 and 29. The $10 d aases are registration is required. Information: (714) 557-3340. JULY 30 A f1'M Nmlnar, "Pwt Nutrition Pawsibilities;· will be offered by ,Coco's !'anine Cuisine from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. Reservations: (800) 595-MOM S. JULY 31 The monthly Career Networid ng Resource meeting for the unemployed, sponsored by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will run from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the church's chapel. All monthly · meetings are open to all for free, and reservations aren't necessary. Information: (949) 574-2236. AUG.11 Reg,iatration for the Orange County Business Council's ninth annual Corporate Executive Golf Tournament begins at 9 a.m. at Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa. with the shot gun start at 11 a.m . Costs are $300 for a single player padcage and $1,500 for a corporate players padeage. Proceeds benefit the Orange County Rescue Mission's Strong Beginnings program, which provides workforce development for those who have lost hope and need help. For more information, call (949) 476-2242, ext. 216. ONGOING Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals," sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Bid , 'land.com prtstnts ... Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At Embass,· Suites Hotel 1176 7 Harbor 8°1\ d . Garden-Grove: Registratfon is at 10:30 AM •Auction Begins at 11 :30 AM i' RO LEX ~ ' . ~ yster Perpetual Submariner Date W1tfl special ~m.iopse bezel w11#. R,p/od clasp and eJ1fenj1()(! link 0ysfef bracelet Preuvrtt-ptool to I 000 fwt A-..oilobJe in 'IDinles.s steel, mml}eu steel and 18/d yellow gold or I Blct yellow gold BLACKMAN LTD.;. ili:~ JEWELERS ... 3408· f Vlo Opono, Newport 8eoch 9-'9-673-9334 I" Monday, July 14, 2003 AS SoL1s t .,.EST~1EXT & REAL.Tr KruSTIN M. So~• Licensed Real f..sute Agent Eruc A Sous CFP • 17 Ytars ExJ.trimct • SUJ(Rs & &mds • Mutual Funds •Annuities • Estat.t & Rnimnmt Plmming • lnvmmmt Banking • Small MiJ.Jk Maritn COmpanin (:.,II for a fn·t· l omu hal ion al \'our l10mt· or hmim·" 949--2.~-l 167. --c.t--------1ncA. M4• cr•uu•1,.1c.0ott• ...,.,. __ .._ __ w --we U .LTRA LITE T he Professional Weight and Healt~ Management System is here fro m Aus traUa .. Call today and find _ out what over 350,000 successful clien ts know. It Works!! ~-----------------. 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I ri.lc '/()'.; n· aoe •t lt•potn ~ YAMOUARD QUOTE OF THE DAY "I'm hopng our kids don't get too big of a head. I have a feeling Kim Pederson, Costa Mesa Nabonal Little League All-Star Manager __ ... ____ _ EYEOPENER • Daily~Pib • Sportl IWI olP-...... July 21 honOrte MYRON MILLER _,. M Monday, July 14, 2003 $portl Editor Rictwd Owwl; (949) 574-4~3 • Spof1a Fax: (9491650-0170 Dally Pilot HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Sailors and __ Sea Kirigs eani victories LITTLE LEAGUE CostaMes·a National' uses Newport Ha rbor defeats Irvine and Corona del Mar upsets Elsinore on the fin al day of the George Yardley Cage Classic Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFAC~ -On a beautiful summer Sunday afternoon, a trio of lo- cal high school basketball teams spent the day inside the hot and muggy gym- nasium at Newport I Iarbor I ligh. They were joined by 17 other teams from around Southern California for the conclusion of the George Yardley Cage Oassic and the end was much better for the locals than the beginning. Newport Harbor, Corona del Mar and Estancia were aU knocked out of cham- pionshlp conten tion on Friday in the first round, but the Sailors and Sea Kings both ended the tournament with victories Sunday and aU three locals won at least one game over the week- end. The tournament concluded with a championship clash between El Toro and Temecula OtaparraJ. the last of 43 games played over three days. "Despite a couple of overtime games here and there. things have gone on time and on schedule," said Newport Harbor Coach Larry Hin.I. who hosted aU 43 games in the Sailors' two gymnasi- ums. "Things have gone well." Obviously, the Sailors victory over Ir- vine on Sunday has to contribute to that good feeling. After losing to Laguna Beach in the opening round, Newport Harbor came back with a victory over North Torrance. But the Sailors slipped a.gain in the consolation semifinals against Northwood before defeating Ir- vine. "We played much harder offensively.· Hirst said of Sunday's game. ·we still lack some intensity and some commu- nication on defense. That will come with time. Our coaching staff's just got to be patient with the youth that we have and slowty but surely I think we're going to get it" The Sailors have just one player with significant varsity experience, 6-foot-8 Jamie Diefenbach, <U'ld he mLSSed his entire junior season with an anterior cruciate ligament injury. Putting the pieces of the puzzle to- gether is a theme for Corona del Mar and Estancia as well. lhe pieces emerged a little clearer Sunday for the Sea Klngs after a difficult first two days of the tournament. · Corona del Mar picked up its first vic- tory and did so in impressive fashion, knocking off semifinalist Elsinore. The Sea Kings lost to El Toro. Edison and Trabuco I !ills before knocking off Elsi - nore. which was one point away from defeating Otaparral and reaching the championship game. "You saw the improvement with CdM." Hirst said. "I think if you watched CdM Friday. you wouJQ have thought they were a different team (Sunday!. They seemed to have ex- eculed a little bil better today." Estancia notched its lone victory of the tournament Saturday night, defeat- ing Laguna Beach. But the Eagles couldn't maintain that momentum Sun- day, falling to Villa Park. But the most important thing in the summer is gaining experience, no one is -going to remember a team's record from the summer. It's all about becoming a bener basketball team by December. "It's still a little too early to tell.· Hirst said of Newport Harbor's progress. ·A lot of times we11 take two steps forward and then take one step back. It's really kind of hard to jmfge our progress. 1 Above, Corona del Mar's Rei d Watanabe lays the ball in under pressure from Elsinores J.J. Saavedra during the G~orge Yardley Summer Cage Classic basketball tournament at Newport Harbor High School on Sunday. At left, Corona del Mar's Scott Caput drives around Saavedra. The Sea Kings ~111111 defeated · Elsinore. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT . . - lon_g ball to gain advantage CMNLL AB -Stars deliver tliree home runs, earn 11 -0 victory over CMALL in five innings. Steve Vtre-n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The CoMa Mc'><l American Major All-Star1> wilJ have to live with the following until 5 p.m. on Tuesday. The Costa Mesa National All -Stars knocked out three home runs and scored an 11-0 victory Saturday to grab the first game in the best-of-three ~ries of the Mayor's Cup at Costa Mesa High. The teains will meet again at TeWin- lc:le Middle School at 5 p.m. Tuesday. If necessary. they will close the series al Costa Mesa Hjgh at 5 p.m . Thul">day. Yet, for naw. the CMNU. All-St.ar. have the upper hand and it'!> C..o!>·la Mesa American All-Stars who need to re - spond if the series is 10 be extended be yond Tuesday. "I'm hoping our kids don't get too big of a head," CMNU . Manager Kim Pe- derson said. "I have a feehng IC..Osta Mesa American! will come b~k wtth a vengeance.· Costa Mesa National. the home team. scored two runs in the first inning to gain the early advantage. Danny O'Neill led off the game with a double. After a pop out, Josh Ryding go1 on hoard with a single. With two outs, Cody Green knocked them both in with a ba.-.c hit. On the mound, Costa Mesa National\ Nick Pederson had a no-hitter going · through 3.;i, innings. I le allowed JW.t two ruts, struck out three and walked none. In the top of third, CoMa Me!Mt Na tional shortstop Troy r.kOanahan pounded a two-run home run over the fence in left field. That scored O'Neill, who had singled. The two-run blast wru. McOanahan's first -ever home-run TayiQT West. CMNU.:., third baseman and a 12-year-old girl, alw homered for the first time. She sent a 1-1 pitch over the center field fence. ~That was fun and exci ting." We<,t said. ~When I was rounding the b~. I was thinking I can maybe do it again." . West will have to wait until TueM.lay for that opportunity, as she reached base in the fifth inning after a field er's choice. West, along with Green. scored after Gavin Montague delivered a three- run blast. Costa Mesa National scored six runs in the fifth Inning to gajn an 11-0 lead. 'Ille CMN ll. All-Star!) pro- duced 12 hits ln the five innings and gained great confidence. MTo tell you the truth. we lefJ a lot think after we get home from Las Vegas. runners on base the other day." Kim Pe- l think we'll be able to make a better derson said. "But this time the big hits evaluation as a staff.· -were coming. Nick Pederson pitched a Newport Harbor ends its summer really great game and it was nice-to see schedule with the Adidas Big TlDle tour-the run support he got· nament in Las Vegas next week. From Meanwhile, CMAU Manager Phil there. it's a month off until the Sailors return 10 their muggy gym. See NATIONAL, Pa1e A7 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Bob Duesler As tennis becomes less about competition, Newport Beach resident enjoys simple pleasures of life. Steve Vlr1•n Daily Pilot Helton. ---W hen Bob DuesJer was 16, be put aside bls golf clubs and • picked up a tennis racket. "That was acrually the same score that I beat him last year,· Dualer said. "He's a really ruce guy. He beat me this year and he played really good" ·---Thus. a pleuant te.ladonsbip began and It continues today. Dueller, 66, and a Newport Beach resident. loves the game of tennis. ·"I've been playing for 50 years," Duesler aald. "Just the last couple of years I tapered off a bit. I used to play in t 2 tournaments a YQI'-nua year I'm trying to limJt m)'lelf to national tournament&" Puesle:r cxnnP,eted lo the Ublted Sla!l!l 'Ilnnil Allodadon nadooaJ &st and 70a bard-<lOW't champloNhtpa al the Undbotw Racquet Oub In HUndnglon Belch that ended June 29. He lost a tightly contested tem1ftnal matCb, ·~ s-7. to Bob Tbougb be came up short on the stngies title, Duealer. along with bis doubles partner Jim Nelson, successfully defended their men's~ doubles tide. Duesler and Nellon have been playing together since they were tn the '451. The duo la ranked No. 1 in the USTA men's 651 double& "I think we do complement .ch other," Duesler laid. "We don't ave~ anyone but we }'Ill don't really mab a lot ot erron. Dmller wtl pjcy In ...,. and alao teem wtdl ~ lo lhe Brtttannll Qip In 1\aby October 20-26. Dueelef -- • • I Dally Piiot ~ail)r.A Pilot llfllll HallofFame Celebrating the millenniwn • TIM O'BRIEN- Estancia and Orange Coast College Eight months after hean surgery, former Estancia High boys basketball coach has been enjoying new perspective. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot T he }>rognosis is that run O'Brien is on the road to recovery. Yet, actually, in regard to his outlook on life and his value of what he caJled, "the little things,· O'Brien seems to be 100% heaJthy. O'Brien, the former Estancia High boys basketball coach, had heart surgery after collapsing in his home elght months ago. While in recovery in the hospital, he said he received get-well cards from various former players, including some of the 1990-91 state championship team. The players showed their support to help O'Brien overcome an unfortunate and shocking event. ·1 was watching the seventh game of the World Series and I just collapsed,· O'Brien said. "I'm still in disbelief that it happened. I jus1 broke down in pain. (Doctors) removed 10 inches of my championship among many of his highlights with the Eagles. "There were 15 seniors and one junior, Matt Fuerbringer." O'Brien said. "He was the stud of the team. The other seniors were great spokes to the wheel. Mike Hass. Son Ly. Torrey Hammond and Paul McDaniel, I can remember each kid like ic was yescerday. That wdS a greac group." O'Brien, originally from Detroit. went to high school in Cincinnati and then earned his undergraduate degree at Wescchester State College just outside of Philadelphia. After graduating in I 976. he went on to anain a master's degree at Arizona State, where he worked as a graduate assistant for two years. During that ume. he had the chance to work wnh Coach Ned Wulk anti a player named Byron Scott. the fonner Uiker!> ~•ar and current New Jersey Net!> coach. 'aorta I'm still recovering. But. you know, things don't Tim O'Brien After Arizona State, O'Brien worked a.s an assistant al Mesa Community College in Arizona. Shortly bother me as much. That whole experience gives you a diJJerent perspective." O'Brien, who is entering his fihh year as the Non:hwood boys basketball coach, said he survived because he maintained good health prior to the surgery. "It's not a conwcion, • he said. "It's just a structural defect and we were able to catch iLin time.· O'Brien is back on the hardwood, directing and guiding his squad at Northwood. His recent bout with danger has refreshed his energy. He said the Tunberwolves will be rebuilding this season and his son, Oui.s, a 5·foot·9 guard, will help the proce~. Whenever O'Brien develops players or rebuilds a team, he thinks back to the Fstancia teams of the early 90s. ·Those were the days,· O'Brien said. "Those days set the standard. That was the definition of team, 15 guys who were just about team. They did everything together. The players ma~ me a good coach. ·1 probably learned more hom them than they learned from me. They are the results of team work and education. I can always go to them as the blueprint That's what I use." O'Brien spoke with notab&e excitement when he .aingted out cbe 1990-91 state thereafter, he becarne involved with high ~hool coaching and quk kly found his niche. He began at Saguaro High in Sconsdale, Ariz, where he compiled a 48· 7 tecord and consecutive state champio nship game appearances in the two years he was there. Then, O'Brien mamed his wife Susan. They will celebrate their 20th anniversary in October. After they married, they moved lo California. O'Brien found woric at Santiago High. where he spent one year. Then it was on to Tustin for two years. and then Estancia. After building success with the Eagles, he coached at Orange Coast College for seven years. "It was an experience I would rather forget,· O'Brien said of coaching at OCC "That was a struggle. The biggest struggle was being a walk-on coach. This new school opened up one mile from my house. Nonhwood High." O'Brien, 48. who lives in Irvine with wife. son. and 9-year-old daughter Devyn. is the latest honoree of the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame. ·1 have the perfect job for me," O'Brien said •High school is the job for me. I am lucky to be alive. I have two kids. I am very blessed." S P ORTS PONY BASEBALL CdM takes care of business · Costa Mesa sees its season come to a n end after suffering 15-4 loss Saturday to nemesis. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot W~ AIAMrlO"> -tonfitlence can be \urh a valuable weapon when it come~ to aLhlt'llC~. Such W<ll>·the ra.'e tor the C orona del Mar I 4·year-old Pony AU -Star... who hatl d strong belief Lil them· selves entering their game c1gill11'>t Costa Me-.a Saturday dt the Lo'> Alami10.., Youth Ba!.ebaJI ficltl'>. CdM had defeated Lo..,ta ~le..a, 11 · l, earlJer this ~ea'>on 111 addi· Lion, ">Jturday\ ganw v.a, an elimination con1eo;1 111 thl' Lo'> Alamlto'> '>ecttonal 1ouni.t111cn1. whteh •'> the la'-t tournt'\ of the sea-.<>n Ld;\I did not warn ,,.., -.ca· son to end With tha1 kno\\lt·d~t'. t.tl~l i.cored 10 rtt.n'> in the fir,1 urning. leadm..: w <J 15·4 mercy nilt· \1l tory in li"e inning" The C.d\I All· Star.. ..en1 15 baiter.. 10 the pla1e 111 the fir.1 inning anti produled seven hit .. mdudmg t\\O double.., and the gJmec. onlr tnplt'. b}' I~ - ler Brady. tht' 1£•atlofl hiuer. Brady, who wa~ horn \Vlth half of hi'> left arm aml wa~ profiled lru.t year m tht-1>.111\ Pilot. opened the lir..t by reaching on an error VUlilie St. John fullm .. ed with a double that hit the fenre in left field Kyle Lee.rand w-all..ed and then Blaine N1el-.en t·ame up with a 1wo-run double After 1wo \4.alk_,, cl p1tchmg change and rwo stnkt·rn11,, Hobb\ Manning colle·ctt"fl J l\\CI ntn \In- gle wi1h 1he O<N:.., loatletl Bratlv pro111ded ht!> tnple \\htt h -.t un·d rwo, and ~t John deli' en·d ,1n HHI with an 111field h11 CdM . 1he vil>illng ti:am, '>lored one run in each of t.ht' "'lC 1d, third and founh inning'>. and then ~oretl 1wo more 1n ti ' fifth "Lverybody hit the ba ." C d\I ~lanager Steve Brad)• '>illtl l ht-\ were more sel~·11, e thttn the game before. They Wl're more pa· ticnt." n1 e CdM AU-Star.~ to AnJ- heim. 7 ·I, in the first rountl when they could not mu,ttr enough h1~ because of Anahe1m'c, great NATIONAL Continued from A6 Bagby wa~ a bit ~urpn..,ed to '>ee that the ~at10nal team ''on bv mercy rule. "I think 11 wa., pretl} mut h .,hocking to most of tlw IClll ... " Bagby said. "Tl11..'} werm't l'X· pecting that They were 1all..mg that the pilcher wa~ h1ttablc'. but they couldn't get a hold ol lum I do think we ha,·e a ream capJble of defeaung them.' . Bagby. who was threatened by a parenl after a being eliminated in a Distnct 62 1oumamcn1 game Wednesday. said the matter t<; close to being resolved and ii doe<. not appear that he will pres-; legal charge . HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratmg the D~ Pilot's . Athlete of the Week ~enes TODAY 17 -Tnsha Wase Estancia Glrl1 bnketball. 2002-03 defen!>e, BrddV ..atd Bui the CdM All-Stc:tr'> found theu ofTen..e Sat· urday, ~the\ prOl.luted 12 hit!. 1n five 1nru11g'>. ·Bratly, ~t. John, Oms Hosen and Kt'lscy 01a. .. e coUected two hit.!. each for C :dM The tosta Me'><! AlJ.Star. could not keep up on uffemt' and be· cau..e of II'> lal i.. of '>trength on the mound, lt-11 tuo lar hehmd. "We d1dn'1 rn..tkl' the rouune pl;:iyi. on tMl'the and we didn't takt: advar11agl' when wt: had run· ner<. on ba-..t>," Co.,ta ~le"-1 f\ I art· ager DaH• l'1'>Jr-.t..1 '>dttl. "( .umg mto lht.., all ..,tar toumamcnr \\l' thought \' l' \H1uld he ii bu \\t:d.lc m pitching. hll1 \\l' Lhough1 Wt' wuuld be dblt· to '>t!Hl" mcm· I our run' • ., 11()1 enovgh .. Lo.,lil Ml''>H '>l orec.J 11'> lir'>I run tn till' ">l'tolltl lllll111g ..tfll'r ">ll'\,Cn H..ini.t-...Jlo.1. "hri \\,t' h11 b\ 1he p11d1 l r11'>'>t'd tho· pl.Ht:' on I Ul.l'> fkrg, HBI '111gl1· I IJni.i'll h.ttl jd\dnt c<l w wu111d •1n a balk \'1n11tl• Val<l1·1. \\hrJ \\Pill .! tor t provtded an Hkl tlf>ublt· 111 till' thirtl when t cNa \ll''>d 'lured two run-. nu:• CtlM ,\II <.,1.1r<. ath..im l'U 111 L11e \econtl roun<l 111 the ..,l·umd ch am i: hr.it ~t·t '>unda\ lanng Plarenu..i ill "i p rn. Monday July 14 2003 A7 SOCCER UC I, OCC holding summer camp~ UC Irvine's Manne Cano, the university's Director of Soccer and 11s women's soccer coach, t!> holding two clintc'> for goalkeeper ... and field player?> beginning Wedne'>day. BOY!> age'> 9 to I 5 tan now join Ca.no for h1-, mul ti-session, weekl} goal· keeping clinicr. hdd Wednesday'> from 5·30 w 7:15 p.m. on the athl~tt field behind Crawford I lall at UCI Cano I!> a former member of the IJ <; llcl 1ionaJ ream a'> a goa!heper The clin1l t!> open 10 all aspiring goaJkeeper,, re gardle~s of ab1l11y 11r t'X· penence levt'I C..Jnu. \'.ho has o;pent IO vt·,m at UC I and 20 ~edf' ..i' d rnllegidlt~ '>OCcer co..irh 1o1.1ll 'trt''>'> player de\.clopnwnt '>dlt'ty and proper 1ra1n111~ meth· ud'> In add1t1<i11 111 ll1t' goal lceept'r d1111t' < Jrn1 \\di aho hold ,i..,11, 'e"ICllh for bov'> and g1rf, lit·l<.l pla\.l'f'• UU il'•'>l'>l.trlh ind pl.i\ er' wtll lwlp al b111ll dintt' Player .. lllol\ rl'gl'>lt'f frir hoth ll1n11' on \\cd11e<.t1.1v and pan·nh \\ 111 ha\ t' w <.1gn a \\ill\ L·r ..ii that 11rne <J1111t' ,,,11 u11111nue on an ong01ng ba'>I'> and tO'>I $25 per person, payable in monthly installment!> Metered parlong 1'> d\'atl able at the firen r H'lll'> (enter ( d.11 ~WJ 7h0 111'>·1 lw inure 111forma111i11 f'ormer proft~..,11m.il and NCAA I >1vhwn I \IH 1 1·r player Kevin ~muh Ur .111g1 ( oa'>I College., men\ .md YI. omen S CbSl'>ldnt l llJl h will hold a pair ril ''>t 11·r t amp., th1!> '>Un11n1·r 1111 girl'> and boy.., a~e' > 1c1 I I rhe first '>f.:'>'>1011 will ht held from ~ a 111 to I p 111 AUK I I· 15 wh1le !ht· "'' ond will tal..e pl.iu• jl 1h1· \dll1l' Uffib Aug Iii •U Co~t of eath tamp.,,,,; I ht: tamp'> drt' dt·..,1Kn1·d 10 m1roduce. 1mpriJH· <111d n· fine fundJme111.il ... ~ill~ v. hill' g1v1ng pldYl'f'> II w t hantl' lO pJrllllJlollt I• gdmc., '>Crtmm.i~t''> .111.J 1Jlher tompet111011' ">mllh a Odil\•· 11! I 11i; lantl h.i.., 14} l.ir.. l ri.:1' r ~ al 1lw high 'L h1111I d1J!> .111d n1mrnunil\ , 11111·.,:1 ll'Vd'o ( Jll -14 -l i~ ·,Hlill f11r furth1·r mform,J!lon Al Monday, "1 14, 2003 SPO R TS STEVE McCRANK/ DAILY PILOT Bob Ouesler, 66, returns a serve during a Friday morning match at the Palisades Tennis Club in Newport Beach Daily Pilot is on a team ofCour that will represent the United States and face several squads from various countries. The week after the Britannia Cup, Duesler will stay rn Tu.rkey to compete in the senior world championships. Aside from tennis, DuesJer has been enjoying retired life. He has reacquainted himself with golf and enjoys it now more than ever. He also uses Some days to relax or spends time gardening. In regard to carrying on a social life, tennis fits into his schedule quite perfectly. "Tennis for me has been terrific,· Duesler said. "Most of the players are good sports. After the match sometimes we'll share a beer. Rather than doing a lot of running or something else, I'm playing on the tennis courts and to me that is a lot more fun." Duesler also shares his days with his wife Carole, also known as Slcip. They will celebrate their 22nd anniversary in August. They have two children and six grandchildren. Duesler is a retired school teacher from Marina High in 1994. He also coached boys varsity tennis and lower level basketball teams. He taught at Marina for 30 years. Now he's watching his granddaughter, Becky. go through her high school at Foolhill. Beclcy will be a · sophomore and plans to play for the Vikings' girls tennis team. "The Ufetime benefits of playing tennis are really something I want for my children and grandchildren,· Deusler said. "For me, the competition part of It has slowed down a little bit. The problem is, as x<JU get older, you have these injuries tliaffiold you up. I have tennis elbow which I'm Lrying to fight:-hu,l 1 'm one of the few who doesn't hl?ve any hip problems." In addition to p!,aying tennis, Ouesler said he also enjoys watching the !>enior division. He has seen a 90-year-old, Ken Bear, play and has gained inspiration. Thirty years from now. Duesler ho~ - tennis will still be a big part of his life. "I would if I could," Duesler said of playing into his 90s. "I wouldn't mind being on the tennis court, if I'm even walling at that age." 2MO Legal Notices M Legal Notices M Legal Notices 2MO Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notlcei 2640 Legal Notices M Llgal Notices · M Legal Notices ~~~~~~~~- NOTICI CAl1JtG Foa l»S 01st11 ct· Huntington Beach Unton U1ah School 01st11d Bid Deadline Auaust 8 7003 2 OOpm Place of Bid ReLe1pl Purchas1n& Depa• tment 10251 Yorktown Ave Hunt1naton Beach CA Pro1ecl Bod •901 Hunt1naton Beach H1&h School Moder ntldl•on Contract •4 r1re Alarm System UP&• ad" NOTICE IS H(RCBY GIVE N that the Hun l!O&lon Beach Union H11h School 01strtct of Orange County, Cahlor nt3 a cttn2 by and through its Covernina Board hereinafter re feued to as "DISTRICl," woll receive up to, but not later than. the 1bove· staled btd dudtone sealed bids al the place 1dent1hed above for the award ot a contract for the above Pr otel ts There will be manda tor y 1ob well< and conference on July 25. ADVlmllOO FOi l»S 2003 at I I> m at the school site localton 1905 Main Street, Hun t1nat0,n Beach CA 97648 Any bidder la111na to attend the enltre 1ob walk and conference will be deemed a nonr e sponsove bidder and woll have ots bod returned unopened Protect Documents are on file at the Purchu1ne Department . 1025 1 Yorktown Ave. Huntina, ton Beach for a $50 per set refundable depos•I Sub1ect to cond11tons prescrobed by the Un1vers1ty of Cahlorn11 Irvine sealed bids for a lump sum contract are 1nv1ted tor the follow1n1 Work SUltfACl rAJIKING 2003 PROJECT NO. 99'5 11 UNIV( RStlY or CALIFORNIA . IRVINF • ! IRVINf. CAI IFORNIA DESCRIPTION Of WORK: Surface Parkin& 200J pro1e'I will Include the e.pan .. on ol two oist1n& parking lots w1~ an alternate for a new ternporarz park1na lot lhe parkm& lot\ Ill be e•panded include the ntuter Recreation Center Par~ong lot and lht Hew111 Hall Parluna lot prov1d111a 390 new park1na stalls and 130 new parking stalls at each ol the lots respecltvely The ~cope of work at both park1n1 lots will include but os not hm1ted to demolition sol• ulthl.es protect.on of e.ostona improvements. new asph•ll parkrna surlau\ concrtle curbs. autters. swales .tnd walkways. st11pina. l111ht1na and lands~ape and 1111aat1on The alternate for a temporary park1na lot will provide approaimately 930 park1na stalls at the Arroyo Vista llous1n11 area Th~ temporary lot will be ftnoshed w•lh 6" of compacted base over compacted native sool woth add11tonal work 1nclud1n1 but not l1m1led to, tlearing •nd arubbina. comp•ct1on. sl11p1na. and landscap1n& aod 1rrraat1on wolh a phned pro1ect est•m•led complehon dales of September 21. 2003 and October 30. 2003 E shmated Construe hon Cost 5800,000.00 llDDllt QUAUJICATIOHS: rrl"'• llclcle,. who 4o not "'eot tho 11uollftcotlon• In the 114dlft9 Docv ... enh "'ay not bo ell9lblo f.,. oworcl. rrt"'o llclclou "'"'t avb"'lt their 'llfOllflcotfon• Oft tho for"' r••lclocl by tho Unfyoralty 01 on ottach.,.ont ta tho Itel for.,., r1tOClDUltlS1 B1ddina documents will be avaoldble at 9:00 A.M .. TvHday, Jvly a, 2003, and w•ll be issued only at· Con1oll4otod Ropro9raphlu, Inc. / -3182 Pullman Street Costa Mesa CA 92626 Phone No (714) 7Sl 2680 Allentoon Rick Berloll1 and Rober I Solano HOTl: II 1s the sole respons1b1hty of prnne contractors and subcontractors to reaoster woth Con\olldated Repro&raph1cs Inc or DMoan & Construction ServlCH , Un1vers1ty of Cahlorn1a Irvine to acknowledge receipt of the B1ddina Documents for the Pro1ect Ono Mondofory rro-lfcl Conforon<o oncl rroton Site Vlalt woll be conducted on WodnHday, July 16, 2003, beainn1n1 promptly at 11100 AM. Participates shall meet a t Oes1&n & Cons tr Ul lioo Ser vices Univer,.ly of C•ltlorn11, lrvioe ~201 Cahfornoa Avenue Suite 250 Sullivan & Wrtflhl Conference Rooms Irvine. CA 92697 2450 (949) 824 6630 (Corner of C1hlo1 n1a Avenue and Bison Avenue) Only Bidders who pa11tc1pale 1n the Pre Bid Conference and Pro1ect Site Vosot. 1n thetr enhrely, will be allowed lo bid on the Proiec.t P11hc1p1tu mu\I arrive at or before 1 hOO A.M. Persons amvln1 lat11r than 11 iOS A.M. will not be allowed to bid as prome corilr actors on the Proj4lct for further information. contut Lynn Javier at (949) 824 7009, 1t Desltn & Caflstructoon Services, University of C1hlornla. Irvine llcl1 wlM IN rocolvocl onty olt Bid Bo•. Front Counter DESIGN & CONSfRUCllON SERVICES Un1ven1ty of C1hforn11. Irvine S201 California Av1riu1. Su1t1 250 Irvine. CA 92697 2450 Phone No. (949) 82• 66JO lltk "'"t i.o re<ef,,., ...... i..f.,.. 2.oQ. '·•·· we• .. 4oy, Jvly u, 2001. 114• win .,o open ... et 2rOS r .M .. We .... ....,, J..ty 2', 2003 olt DCSIGN & CONSTRUCTION ~ERVtC:ES Unove<slly of Cahforni.. Irvine .5201 Calllotnla Avenue, Suite 250 lnone, CA 92697 2•50 Bod Security on th• amounl of 10~ of the lump sum base btcl. ncludint 1ttern1tu, shill 1ccomp1ny euh bid the surety ruuln& tht Bod Bond shall bt, on the bid d11dhne, an admltt1d Slfftty insurer (es defined In Ille C11tforma Code of Civil Procedure Sechon 995 120) All Insurance pollclu required to be obt1ln1d by Contractor shill b• tubject to •i'PfOV•I by Unlver sily for form ind substance. All pollcl" required by University for Commerclal form Genenl Ll1blllty, Business Automobile Lllblllty, Excess l1ab1l1ty. ind Proftssion1f liablhty shall be luued by co~nln with a 8Ht Ralina of A Of better. and • f1n1nc111 ctusifiu tion of VIII or better (or 1n 1qu1nlenl r•lln1 by Standlt'd ind POOf'' Of Moody's) AN pohclu requl"d by Un1vers.1ty fOf WOl'll1n' COll'lpen11t10n and E mployen' ll1b1foty snan be lsMHHI by companies (I) lhat hn• 1 But Retina of 8.+ Ot bell•, and a fNlonclal 'tlasllficatlon of VIII 0t better (Ot 1n equrnltnl r1lln1 by Standard 1nd Poor's or Moody's): « ( 11) tllat ,,. 1ccaptablt to the Unlv.,.slfy All such poklee all•ff be Wfltten for not less lll1n the amounts slHl(lfted In lht 81clcl1n1 Doc ltlf'Mnts • TM Mict essfuf Blcldtr ind Its 1ub<ontr1ctors wllf be required to follow lilt nondiacrlmln,llon 11qulratnt1nb Ml f Pfth In the 8kldlnt Oocurntnls and to P•Y llftnltlna w• rain at the loutJon of the Wotk. The 'uccM.SM Blddtf wilt be raq11;red lo hn1 the fohwtn1 C•lilOfntt c0ftlrad0t's ltcl'lf• current •I the Ume of the IMI o,.nlna UCPJt CWWKATICMfr QaN1"1f lutldlfll Conttactor Ce"4tf1I Cnt!Mlflnt C011ttatl0t E erthwOfll •nd P • """ Contract°' lltC ltlCCHTS Of THC UNIVCltSITY M CAI lfORNIA UCIMSI (OOIJ 8. Of A, Of C-12 UftfYtt.ity of C•llforn ... lnlM !"ytJll~Md He I h C..la Mna Dall l'tlol M 7 t• 2003 (Oeposol requued for each set of Pr OJtCI Oocumenh to &u•• an tee their return 1n goo(f cond1toon w1th1n ttVe (!>) calendar day1 dfler the bid opemna date I In accordanle with the provisions ol Busines\ and Professions Code Sec lion 1028 I!> and Pubhc Contract Code Sec toon 3300. the DIS TRtCT requuu that the bidder possu$ the a clauoflcatoon B or C tO contractors hcense(s) at the time the bod 1\ sut>mllled Any boddtr not so hcen1ed at the lime of the bod openina ...,111 be 1 e1ected as nonresponsove rime 1s ol the enence fhe number of ~alendar days tor contract com pletoon 1s 140 calendar days l1qu1dated dam aau on the amount ol $500/day will be n sessed for wor ~ 1n u cess of the allowable number ol days r ach bid shall be accompa med by a bod secur 1ty 1n the form of cnh, a ce1 llfoed or cashier's check or b•d bond in an amount not less than ten percent ( lOi.) ol the total bid price payable lo the DISTRICT The DISTRICT rnerves the roghl to re1u1 any or all bids 01 to waovr any ureaula11t1es 01 1nformah1tes 1n dnV bids or 1n the btddin& pru cess lhe Callforn1n Depart ment of lndu\lroal Relaflons has deter mined the &eneral pre va1hna rate1 of per diem w~aes for the locality on whKh the work os lo be performed for the Pro1· eel Copou of these waae rate delermlnl· lions. entitled Preva1l1ne Waae S<:ale, d• L ma111 lf111ed at the 01:0 TRICT olfiCe and are ••••lible at the following website ww...,,dtr ca aov It shall be mandalor y upon the sunustut bidder to whom the con Ir a< I os awarded and upon ant subcontractor hsted to pay not le\s than I he said spe~1l1ed rates to all worker\ employed by them lor the Pro1ect The sucuulul bidder and any hsted subcon tractor(s) will be re qu11ed to abide by the 01STR1crs Labur Com phance Proiram A draft of the lCP currently under review by the Department of lndu\lrtal Relations " available for review No bidder may with draw any bid for a perood of su ly 160> calendar days dfter the dale set for the opening of bods Pursuant to PubltL Contract Code Section 22JOO the Aereement will contain prov1\1ons perm11tm1 the \UtteH fut bidder to \ubstttule secu111t~s for any mon· oes wolhhefd by the DISTRICT lo ensure per tor mance under the Aareement or perm1t11ne paymerit of relentoons earned du ec tlv into escrow In accordant~ with Educati on Co de 17076 11. th~ 01sl11cl h~s a par t1upalton god I of al least J percent of the overall d oll•r amount upended each year for cons tr uc lton tor DVBE s1..,oclby1 Svsl MtLM.o, Director rrocvro ... ent / Enor9y Conaervatlon for the loard of Tru•t••• Publ11h ~d Nt wpor I TeaeliTosld Mesa ao y Pilot luly 14 it 2003 M759 ADVBTISllOO fOl l»S Sub1ecl to condoltons presu1bed by the un der soened )Uled bids lor a lump Sum Con tract are 1nv1ted for the follow1n& Work ltlPlACI ROOFS, VERANO HOUSING, ILDGS. •I SOO, 2400, & 2500 rltOJlCl N0.1 5007964 (U -02SS) CONTRACT N0.1 Sf-2230 UNIVERSITY OF CAUfORNIA. IRVIN[ IRVINI CAl If ORNIA 9?697 PROJECT OUCltll'TION: Work rncludes but os 11ot l1m1ted to the follow.ne Replace rooh 4t Verano Housing bu1ld1n&s • 1500. 2400 and 2500 lSTIMATlD CONSTRUCTION COST: S 105,000.00 Not•• Prime lldders who do not "'o•t tho 11vallfhotlen1 111 the Cantroct Dotv.,.enta "'•Y not be oll9tble f.,. award. B1dd•n& Dotumenls will be available lo Bidders on MONDAY, JULY 7, 2003 and will be 1s\ued at r ac1ht1es Manage men!, Uri1vel\1ly o f C:ihlornla, Irvine 201 lnte11rn Oft1te Bulld1n& (ma1lln1 address) 19117 Jamboree Boule· vard (physKal addre\\) Irvine CA 9:>691 54.44 <949) 824 1404 Chech for a non- refvnclM>lt foe will be required 1n the amount of $25.00 per set of B1dd1na Documents Checks are to be made payable lo "lhe Re11enh ol the Un1ver"IY of Cahtornta • Sealed Bids wftt not be accepted atter 2:00 rM on TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2003 81d Securoly on the amount of IO'li. of the lump Sum Bue Bid. exctudin& alternates, shall accompany u ch Bid The Surety 1nu1na the Bid Bond shall be. on the Bod Detdhne. 1n admitted Slffety 1nsure1 (as delontd In the C1htor ma Code of C1v1f Procedure Sect ion 995 120) A m1nd1tory Pre Bid Conference ind Pre Bid Job Wall\ will be con· ducted on fUISDAY, JUlY U ,2001 bea1nn1n1 promptly 11 12100 NOONl'trtlCI· pants ahall mtet at. f: 1cilltiea Man111m1nt, Interim Office Buifd111 .. Confer1nce Room 128, University of C1llf0tnl1, trvtnt, (Buildlna I 92 on North C1mpu1 M1p), 19172 Jamb01tt Boule· vard, Irvine, CA 92697· ~. (949) 824·1404 Anl•AN<.t AT THI Nl·I• CCNffDllKI A•D 'll·llt IOI WAUl ti MAMIATCMIY '°" AU. ,.., <•· TUCTOltl. T1M MllT· ltO WILL ClOSI AT 11 .. S PMAlff <OM· Tl.A<TOH Al.llY1ff AITD THIS TIMI WILL NT II .._. TO PAllnc.ATI • TMI I• Pto<IH Al A ... , <CMn'IA<TOI. 0111y blddtra who partlclp•l• lfl both ~ Pra·Bld Conference and th• Job w ... "' thtlt tnllttty wlH b• lllowed to bid on lht Prote<t u prime conltlCIOft Fot f11rtller lnformall°", contact F uollloes Manaaement, Cootralh Oep.ut ment. Attn r en a odennuTr a (949) 824 t404 The iucuutul Bidder and oh Subcontrattors woll be requued to follow the nond1scr1m1nat1on reQuuements set forth on the Boddtn& Docu menls 1nd t o pay preva11me waae rates at the locat1on of the Work Tht succenful Bidder will be reQutred to have the followrna Stele ol Cilhlorn11 Contrac tor\ license current al the time of submission of the Bid UCENSI CLASSlnCA TION1 LICENSE CODE1 Geritr al Bu1ld1n11 Contractor B Rooline Coo tractor C 39 Othe r r rof•c1 Spedflc11 lldder Ouollfltotlona collocl f.,. to be •vb· ... rttod ot ""'• of bid htdvcle, t...f .,.. not nocenorlly th .. lted to1 I The Con tr actor shall have been in busrnus under the same name and Cahfor nia Con tr ac tor's license for a m1n1mum of !> continu ous years p11or to the bod open1n1 dale for this Proiect The license used to satisfy lhts requore menl shall be of the same type requ11ed by the contr.cl 2 The Con tr 1etor shall provide a m1n1mum of J references for pro1eth s1m1lar '" scope and itze lo this Pro~cl which have been successfully completed on the Stale of Cahlor ma du11n& the past 3yurs IH[ RlC£NIS or IH( UNIVERSllY or CALI· fORl'flA July 2003 Published Newport Beach Costa Mesa Daily Pilot July 7, 14. 2003 M756 SUllOIS laTA<DI MMCIAQ NOllCl l O DEHN· DANT (Av1so 1 Acusa· do) MICHAEL GORDON. an ondivlduaf. THE CORDON FAMILY TRUSl; MAR THA ELIZAEBTH CORDON, an ind1vldu1I; and 00£S t throu1h 10. lnchisive YOU ARE BEING SU£D BY PLAINTIFF (A Ud le est• dem1nd 1ndo) RUS. Mlll8ANO & SMITH, A P1ofesst0n1I Corpo11hon You h1vt JO CALE H· OAR DAYS after this summons la .erved on you to file • ty~wrltten respon11 at 1111• court A letter °' phone c1ll woll nol llfOtect you: your typewritten rt· aponu ml'•t Ill In proptf lqal fOfm if )'OU w1nt the court lo h11r your cn1. If you do not ftft your 1119onae on lime. you may lost lha use. tnd your Wl(ll, money and property m1y be taken wrttt011t fur lhef w 1r nlna from the co11r1 Theft «e other lta•I requlferntnts You may '""' to cell 1n 1tlornty tllht eway If you do not know an 1lt01ney, you rnay call en 11tornt)' referral Mr vice or • lee•• •Id offk• (Mst.cl In Iha phone boc*) 01S41Vts dt qllt It tnttt1uen est• clt11elon iudlcltl 111ttcl tltM 11n plato 4t 30 DIAS CM.· (NOMIOS Pl'• IH'IMn• 1111' una r"-ut I• "' crlta • maquln• 111 est• cora.. Un• carte o 1111• ~ ~Ionic.a IMI II ohceu tro!lesft!!. a respuesla eHrola a lo inter.sled persons the personal repre$en maqu1n1 toene Que unless they have waived taltve to lake many cum 11r con las"-~l=.cor~m"'a;.cl-+;.;no"'t"'ic""e'-"o'-r -'c""o"in""'se"'n'"t~ed"-'lo;o-+-'a,"'n'""!'""o""nc•=-0...c.uwrotlhoaupt _po"',bo""t • .ocaa"''"ic-----' a e\ ea• es apropta· t e propoHd action I • • das so u\ted qu1ere Que The independent ad Before t1kin1 certain 11 corte escuche su m1n1slralton aulhoroly very 1mporl1nl acltons caso woll be 1•1nted unlns however the p•nonal S1 usted no pres.,nl• an interested person represent.ttovt wilt be su rupue1ta a ltempo ftlu an obteclton to the 1equ11ed to 11ve notice puede perder el casu y petollon and shows 1ood to interested persons le pueden qu1tar $U llUse why the court unleu they l'lave w11ved salario. su d1nero t otra• should not &rant the notice or lOn\ented to cosasde su prop1edad autho11ty the proposed ac1tori ) sin av1so •d1toonal por A HEARING on the The u1C1ependent ad par le de 11 corte pel1t1on will be held on m1n1slr al1on aulhoroly [atSlen otros requ1s1 AUGUSl 14 1003 at t 4!> will be a••nled unless los leaales Puede Que p m 1 n De o I LI 3 an interested person usted Qu1era llamar a un localed at 341 The City tiles an obtectoon to the aboeado 1nmed1 .. ta Oftve South Oranae CA peltlton •nd )hows aood mente So no conoce • 92868 cause why tne court un aboaado puede If YOU OBJECT to the should not 1r1nt the llamar a un urvttoo de 1unt1n1 ot ll>e pet11ton ;auth011ty referent1a de •bo11dos you should appear al the A HEARING on the o a una of1cina de ayuda hurona and state you1 pet1t1on will be held on legftl (vu el d11ectono ob1ect1ons or hie wrollen AUGUSl 1 ?003 et 1 4S tetelon1co) ob1ecltons with the lour I p m 1 n 0 e p I l 7 3 CASE NUMlllt: before the hu11na. Your located al 341 Thi! City (NvMero clel CoH) appearance may be 1n 011n South. Oranat. CA 03CC02119 person 01 by your 92868 JUDGE DAVID A. TH-attorney I~ YOU OBJ£.Cl to the OMrSON DEPT. (23 Ir YOU AR[ A CRCOI· &••nllna of the petition lhe name and 1ddren TOR or cont 1.,.aenl you should apl)<!ar 11 the of the court I\ <El creditor of tne clecused hurona and state your nombre y d11etc1on de you must ltle your claim ob1ect1ons or tole w111ten la corte es) with the court and mail obiectoons with the court SU P(RIOR COURI OF a copy to Ille personal before the hu11nc Your CAllfORNIA, COUN fY Of representet1ve appointed appearanLe may be on ORANGl . CE NTRAL by lh1 courtw1th1nfour person or by your JUSllCE ClNllR 700 months from the date of atto1ney CJVIC CE NTER DRIVE the lust issuance of IF YOU ARE A CREDI WEST SANTA ANA CA letters u provided 1n TOR or• conloncenl 92702 Probate Code section creditor of the deceased. The name •ddress 9100 The lime tor hhn11 you must hie your clam and telephone number of claims ""II not up11e with the court and mall pla1nt1tf s attorney or belor e lour months from 1 copy to the penonal pl11nt1ll without an the hearone date nohced repusenlatove 1ppo1nted allorney " !Cl nombre, above by tne court w1th1n lour la dorecc1on y el numero YOU MAY EXAMINE the months from the date of de telefono del •boaado file kepi by the court If the lust issuance of del demandanle o del you are a person 1n· letters as provided '" demandanle qua no ternted in the estate Prob1te Code H t toon Ilene abo&•do es) you may file with the 9100 The tome for liltnll RONALD RUS C SQ court a Request for claims will not up11e •67369, RUS MILIBAND Special Not1Ce (f0tm DE before four months lrom & SMlTH, A Prol1ssion1I 154) of the fthna of an the hea11n1 date notocea Corpor ation 2 600 inventory and appraisal above Michelson D11ve. Sev11nth of estate asseh or of YOU MAY EXAMINE the floor, Irvi ne, C11tlorn1a any pet11ton or account Ille kept by the court If 92612, (949) 7~2-7100 as provided in Prob1te you are 1 person 1n· DA Tl1 (fo~ho) PH 0 7, Code section 1250 A lerested 1n the estate, 2003 Requut lor Special you may Ille with the ALAN ·SlATllt, Clork Notice form " 1v1llable court • "•quest for (Actvorle), from the court clerk Special Hot1ct (form DE· 'y GUSTAVO HU· Attotneysfor 154) of lht loltnc of an HA HD I Z, Dor v t y Pehtioner inventory end 1119r11uf (De.._.) rHU IARIAJIO, nt.. of ulate nuts or of Pub!Tahtd Ntwpor t HQ., rAURMO, IAa-any pehhon or ICCOUnt Beach.Costa Mui Daily l.Aao, CHIHlH & n provided in Probate Pilot June 23. JO. July 'ITZll. W' Ht (. Code section 1250. A 7. I•. 2003 M744 Colorotlo lhrcl., Ste. Request for Sptcoal IS( 132'4 llOOO Of "111'1* TOAl•ISTB ESTAnOFi -~~ •u11.mru •u.m01 WUIU21"7t Ne. 700, re1e4.fte, CA Notice form os 1v11lable 91101-1911 from the court clerk Published Newport Attorney for Petlhoner· Buch·Cost1 Mts• Daily OINtS L ltASTAN, HQ. Pilot July 8, t•. IS. 2003 30011 fVY OU•, STI. TM07 I 1 '2, LAGUNA *8Ul1, CA92677 IS<tm2 l)1ICI Of "111'1* TOM•ma mAllOf: Clll UllTIAll WlllO.Amu Pubflshtd Newport B11ch·Cost1 Mesa Daily Pilot July 14, 18, 21, Z003 Mf763 TIM followlna pwNM To all heirs, benefl clarlts, creditors, con hn1ent c:red1tor1, and persons who may olh· tr'lflse bt lnttftsted in tlll will °' 11t1t•. or both, of: MM. HERBCRT BRUTSCH£ alla NEAl H. BRUTSCHE •k• NEAL BRUTSCHE To ell helr1, benefl· claries, "editors, con· tin1111t utditor., and persona wttO mey otll· erwiu M lntaf .. ted In the w111 Of eal•t., Of both, of. CYRIL r. I< ERTMAN ere dolna buslMu as: -' Ito<*.... Actventutea, :: 2737 Atbatron Or .• •, A PETITION FOR PRO· BA TE hlS bHn fifed by PETER R PALERMO in the Superior Court of Callfornl1. County of ORANGE. THE l'ETITIDH FOR Pft08ATE req11talt Pf. TER R PALERMO be eppolnlfd H ptrMfttl rtpreMhtfll'n to ad· mlnlst., the nt•I• of the cleclldlflt TH£ f'ET~ raqueet.s 1ull\Oflty to admlllltttf the 11late vndtf the Independent A41111lnlt· tratlon of btat.es Act. (1llla AlftMf It y .. •!low the ,., ...... ,...,....... tallve to lat!• me11y ICtlollt Wftflellt 04>ttllt• Int covrt eppronl. .. for e IMllN cert• vwy 1....-u..1 acllellti i.o--, Ult f*aoM ,.,,__...,.,. _,.,. .. ......, ....... nob&.• A PEffilOH FOR PRO· BATE hn bHn f1ftd by MICHAEL W, E~Elt In the Superior Court of CeUfornl1, co .. nlt of ORAHG£. THE PETITION FOR PltOBATE ra41.1111ts MICHAEL W E~ER be •lllMMnttcl as pwaonal r'tlfestntatlv• lo ed· minister the ul1t1 of the *ctdtrtl. THE PfTITIOff requnta the dec1dtnt't Wtll and codlcll.1, If •ny, bt HM!te.4 l• '"'*" The Will 11141 MIJ cM!clt "' ....... fof .. ..,...., •• tlon In .... lilt -·· by thee-I. THE. f'ETITIC)ff r._ata -"'lo .......... Ille ...... --lfMI ln~e••t ~··· ., ...... , ..... a.et ([l!!!M!!fltJ .. .... Cost1 *"· CA 92126 -• r-thy L. Stain, 2737 -·• Albttrou Dr.. Cost• : Meu,CA92t26 " Veter .. M. Star11. 2731 -. Alb1ttou, Coste Miu, CA92626 This bu11Mts b COii· dueled by llVsbend and wife Ha111 you alerted doln& " bvaintuyet? "° . • T1tn Stain • Thia statement waa • filld with Ille Co-.•1 : Cltwk of Ora11p Cowtlty • Oft otl2QI03 • ......... ,. . ~~.~~~ 23,;.,~ : • ~:l r _ ...... ~ .... -----lJQllNotlcn 15(1'217 A HEARING on the AUGUST 14 2003 at I 4!1 Pm tn Dept U3 louteo 11 341 The City Duve South Oran1e CA 92868 IF YOU OBJCC T to th• To 111 II.WI, beneft ar1ntma of lhe pel1hon. you shoulO •PPHt et the clatiu . credil0f1, con hu,.na •nd ~tile rour Unaent tredtlon end ob,.cltons w Ille wrtlten persona wllo miy oUI obte(\ions with the court tfWIH be rnterHltd •n before the hHllnt Your tht Wiii or Hiiie or appurAnu m•y be m both, of. SHAREN 0 penon or by your l<ERNS attorn•y A PETITION FOR PRO If YOU ARI A CRCOI· BAT£ has been !tied by l OR 01 <ont1naen1 IULIA ANNE HOCHADEL tredilor of lite dtrened CUIZAN tn the Superior rnu mu\I ftl~ your ll1tm Court of Cal1torn1a, with the court and mail County of ORANGE ~ r llpy 10 th~ personal THE PEllflON FOR t t PROB.TE requesb JUlfA 1 eprtun • ivt appc11nled " by lht tourl within lour ANNE HOCHADE L CUI rru,mlh\ h um lhf' dale of Z}.N be appointed A~ tht ltf\I l\\uanLe ol penonal repreuntahvo 1e11~r\ d\ fJl<ivodod '" to tdmln11ter the u late Prnbatr Cod• H"rnn of the decedent 9100 Tl THE PETITION requuh •• ttme lor lolona tla1m\ will nut e •1me the decedent's Will erid btleire luur ""'nllis from codlclls, II any bt lh h d •dmltted to probate Tht ab~ .. u,.na "'•~•ctd Wtll and any tod1c1ls are YOU MAY f )(AMTNl the tvailable for uamma file ~etJf by l ht courl If tton in the Ille kopt by you ar• ~ per\on '" lhe court I t•rt,l•d 1n the uu1e THE PETITION reque\h y•tu m•y 1t1i! Noth the authortly lo 1dm1n1\ler c uur 1 6 RrQu~\I fur the estate under the \pt rtat N '"' • tor m OE Independent Adm1n1\ 1'>4 t of 11 ... l•hnif of an trahon of £. SUit\ A1 I 1nv•nlur y •nd M pr 111\al (This AuthOfttr will allow , f ., 1.1. '"'" or til lhe penonal ttpre\ten Any 11 .. 1111011 1,, ... outH lalrvt to llkt n1anv • .,1,,,. •ltd ,11 Probate actions without obl••n C.:oJt \•c 1r .. n I?'>() A 1na c-outt approvttl Rt JH\I lur ~"'"ltdl Before l ak1ne <rrl"n N II• .. lorm •'•••lablt very 1mporlanl nl•On\ ti ,. Iii• oun ,_,~ however the Ptl\1mal Atlo;rnry 1111 P~ltl'llner repieHntal1v• Wiii b• David G. Dvfldot, hq. required lo tttvt nc.•I" • 4199 Campvt Dr., Ste . to 11>le1e1ted ""~""' 1670, lrv1 ... , CA 916t1-unle'.n they hh~ ...... n 1698 ,,ot•ct! or <.OQ,f"ntt"d ,,, I f"11f 11•' • tt Newoort the propeiu'i'I di'""' t (<•A h I ,,~f.t M~·.J IJ.1ly The 1ndepe11dr111 •0 f•,1,.1 tul; 14 18 ll m1n1str&t1on •ulh•Jllt1 /(~It MF/IJ? will b• a• anted ur•lf\' '" ulfe• "'ted p,a1 \11t1 ftln an ob1et1ton '" th• SELL pet11ton and shnw\ ~·· •d cause why th~ 1 riur t should oot &• a.1l th• 1ythou1x A-.&lS&ATIMltWl lmet21 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE NOlt<;t IS hereby &IVan to the creditors and contmaent cred1t0fs of the above·named dect · dtnl. that all penons haYlne claims •&•Inst lhe decedenl are re qu11ed to hie them with the Supe11or Court at Lamoreau• Justice Center, P 0 Bo• 1'171. Oranae. Calilornta, 926\J and mail a copy lo Birbara H.ar ver. es trustee of lhe Ir ust dated October 17. 1996, and lll')ended Oec,mber II, 1996, wherein lhe decedent was U1e sett lor. al c/o Jan W Anderson. Anderson &. Anderson 2071l N l ushn Ave , Santa Ana CA 92705 w1th1n lhe later of lour months alter July 14 2003. (the Oate ol the for st publt cation of notice to ued1tor$) or 11 noltce 1s mailed or penonallr dehve.red to rou 30 d.ty> aHet the dale this nolr< e 1s matted or puson•lly delt•ered lo yew A <la1m fnrm may b~ Goblained lr<>m the l<)UI I lier I\ r Or yOUr "'''le<l•o11 you 11e cnl>Jur aae11 to Irle your <l•1m by cert1f1ed m••I w1lh return rec eipt feQuir~d JG11 Walls Anderton, Andenofl & Andenon, 1070 H. Tvstlfl Ave., So .. to Aflo, CA 9270S Retpe<tfvlly submitted DA T£D: Jvne 14, 2003 /t / lorbaro Harvey, Tr11•t•e DA TIO: Jo.me 26, 2003 ANOlRSON & ANOlR- SON JAN W. ANDlltSON, /t / Jafl W. Aflcletaen, Attomey 1 .. ,etltloner / ''"''" Ind ex •wtsr I~ ,_Siii .. ~ Piiot luly 1'. 18, 21. ~ MF761 IOllQ Of MUC WJ Ofl.IB....n party Published Newoor I BHch Costa Meu Dally P ilot July 1 14 2003 M7S7 Noltc.t Is hereby 11111n .. IAIKH that I cloud bid pubhc wnn Ml'ftAl'T auction wtll bt lltld on "11111'"1111" July 21. 2003 al 10 NO nee Of llllNG 01 o'clock AM at Mtnl u RC.PORr ANO 01 A TIME Stora1e. 1177 Camel ANO P LACE Of A back Slretl, Newport HEARING THEREON B11ch. Colf'tY of Or RHAlll/f 10 HAI/ING anae. t alrforn11 Mint U Sf W[R Cl1ARG[S FOR Sto111e wrll \Ill lo ClRTAIN PARCllS OF s•tisty the hen on th' LANO COi Lf CTCO ON lollow1n11 miscellaneous THC. TAX ROLL ANO household and aener •I NO TICE OF PUBLIC properly slortd al 1177 HEARING Qamelbac~ Sir eel, NOltCC "hereby &1Yen Newport Buth, CA ll>al •report has been 92660, by the follow1n& filed .,.,th lhe Secretary persons The tnYento1115 ol lht Ir V•nt Ranch listed below were 110 W•l•r D1sl11ct relaltve to lated by lbe l~n•nh .ii hdVtnK \tWtt t harges tor the ltme ol iental M1111 urt11n pa1<els "' land U Storaae-m;okp\ no w11f11n the d1i1roct rtpruentat1on ur war tOlle<ttd on lht ta. roll ranly that th~ unol\ SMll r~porl tonlam• a conl11n u1d 1nv•nto1te• d PHrtpt1on of each B1507 SOI Cop1l•I P•H•I •nd the amount Resource\ In< r8u>1nt1.\ I ol the chdrges loc each Recordl Bus111' furn CJAI <el Im fl\cal ye at [quip 1 100 l 04 Sato report 1\ 81571 Oav1 (; I rn l1le w111l the Seue Roaers ta , ol the 01\t11d •t A1043 Rdn.t All.tr.,uk I •h• 01\111,1 Olloce 15600 (Mt>< H<iuseltvhl 1 ';and C•n1on Avenue report letlle le11llew1kt, S.uetwy, Irv ... R-0 Wet ... Dlttrlcf Published Newport 8Hch Co,11 Mnt 01~y Piiot Joly 14 21 2003 M766 The follow1n11 per sons are doma busmeu '' 0 Nul Consultm& 7!>9 W 19th St B204, Cei\I• Mesa, Cahforn1a 92627 \/elm a l ynn Knteer O'Nnl. 759 W 19th St B204. Cosla Mes. Cah forn•a 92627 lhls business 1s (nn dueled by an 1nd1v1du•I Have you starled do1na business yet> No Velma l ynn llroe11er 0 Neal This statement wa~ Med wtlh lhi.' Cuunly Clerk ol Orinae Lounly 00 06;20t03 20036'41902 O.t1l / Pilot June 23 30 Julf 7 14 2003 M/4'> A2224 C f "dtllt > Ir •Int CA •nd 1\ """I Schmidt (M l\l Hou\t ob e lor pubhL tn\PtL rhe lollUWIOi per>un• hold Ptrsonal l lfec '' loon btlwe•n the hours are dom11 business a> Purchnes mu\I br of II 00 AM 11.r '> 00 • I l 1 I'\ h •re bl mad• wit h ti.sh anll l>••d P M Munday 1111uuah l rfe\har • net 28'>'> for •I th• 1,.,,. ii frooa1 "'" report 1, Pmecreek Ortve A301 I Cos la Mesa Calrlor n1a purchne No on• undtr rleO µur!.u.tnl lo Sulton ~2626 lhe •ee ol 18 os •ll•iw<d 547 l of the Health and . to atlend the Hie lh• !..tlety Code of lh< 51.ile lofe•h.ire Inc 1CA1 I 01 d th ol r •hlor nia 72855 Pinerreet. Ortve .ln or IP\erv" • 11102 Costa M•sa 11aht to bid at th• '•I• Nullc.r '' furth•r I c 11 9?616 All purchAseO R"'"" Al" i!•••n that M•>ndav th! a11 ornia sold"•!. is· and mu\I ~· llilh d•y ul luly lO<Jj ht\ busme~• 1~ con remo•ed by 'l 00 P n1 I .ti thr· huur vf 6 JO P M 'du, ltd by a LC1tpora1t1>n th d I II lh r.I \Md oav (Cll A\ \UOn I Ha·~ you started u~mg on e ay o uw111~ 1 bu~ines~ yet> No sale Buyer\ mu\I P"• th•• •Alt~r A\ " ru L1leShd1 e Inc Ceu v1de a turrent r111v.1nAI '""dbl• fl' ai 111dblt1 rn M 1 S h d or a pholOr<•PV nf th•u the l1odld of Oor-.do" f tacey · YP er ong1nal resale porm1t di meel•nK rnnm nl the hos \l3temenl Wal. lhe time ol >alt 111 ilt·u l 01•.111• t at 15600 S•nd lol~d with lht Counly I I I lh I C wyu11 Av~nut: Ir vine Cltrk of Or•Mllt Couroty o >d e\ •• •\ "' r ur 07 07 03 •s sub1e< I tu pr 101 I A•\ 111~ l1mt: and place 200369SO•ao cant~llat1on in the '"~"' ,, , •O bv the Board ol Dari Pilot Jul ol selllement br.lw••11 011 •OOf\ tor hea11n11 ~nll 28 y 4 200J l1odlor<1 and obj1uted ll•ns1dtr.il1on by lhP __ A_u_g _____ _ 1-lo\v to Place A ptoviS!on' of the ·Cell tornia salt stOfap 11 cM1ty act S.cttO" 21700, Et Stq 81n1nn' and protust0n' c~ of llMI stet• ol Calrf01n1a Tf141 under 11entd will b• sold 11 publtc •uctlOll for llMI purposa of sel~ty1n1 tM lien ot lhe unO.u11nt4 for stor aae of IJ)04b here101fter ducrtbtd, 1nd due notice h1v1na bHn 11ven to the p11IM1s 11.nown to cl11m an mttresl the11m and hmt ~pec1f1ed 10 such noltte h1v1ne e•p11ed U S S tora&• wtll conduct • pubhc ule of the tontenh of the stor•ae space(\) n•med below. with the conlenh bema sold to the h1ehesl bidder <Cuh °'11y) rhe under\ltned rnervn the ro11hl to refuu •ny btd. Sale 11 1ub1ec1 to prior tancellat•un 1n lhe e•enl ol • utllemtnl between the owner 11>d the obhaated party U S St or ate Center 14!>78 [ dw,,ds West min1.t<1 CA 92683 f1me 1200 Dale I 79 OJ Auctronu r Ott~ ~>1dders Bond• ~088-400 UNI!• NAM( PROPl RI 'l' or SCRIP llON •61 l<ohn Clo•e• ,642 W•ll•r Sc<ill Ir •21S Kelli f •2u11de> •Sl1 •~79 Marlene ll1tl •716 Rober I Ir ammell Publl\hed Newport Bu<rt C<i>I• Mu • Daily Polo! lul/ 14 21 ZOO) M760 Fktttious hslNss ,._s,.._ Th~ lullow1ne per son\ ..,, ~ domR bU\IM9\' ;n Oarlrng I •Ille Rascals 47~ Old Newport Bl;d Ste D N•wpor t Beal h, Cll 9266J Coud Do11 Um•ers1ty. LLC <CA/ 41!'> Old Newport Blvd Ste 0 CLASS I Fm AD l.h· Fax lh Phone B~· '.\tail/In Per son: Newpor I Buell CA T hll but.inns IS COit· ducted by • llmrted ltebiltly Co Have yov started dolftl busM'less yet? Yes 1998 Cood Oo1 Un1van1ty, llC, Mtthu l G11er- M1naaer This 1telement was ltltd with the County Cltrk ol Oune• County on 06/20/03 200JH4U76 Daily Piiot hlne ~3 30 July 7, 14 2003 M7~1 The lollowin1 per&ons are do1na busmeH as· Cod• ' Productions, 2737 Albetross, Co'ta Meu. CA.s2626 Valerie M Starn. 2737 Alb•tron. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Monday, )JJy 14, 2003 At ---------------- -llpl "*" 2MO The followln.s perM>n' ,,. ""'' business •• Winston f u e 1!>1!>4 fr•nststor l ane Hun tmaton 8HCh CA 92649 CMG Serv1cu lflC .lollannah I r •Ille Iliad wttll the County Clerk ol Ot•n1e Co•mtr on 07/03/03 200JHSOS7J Daily Pilot July I• 71 28 Aul 4 2003 M767 CCA). IS154 Transistor .......... l ane, ttunhn1ton "•M.h ._ ~ CA92649 --Ttws buameu 11 con The louo..,1111 persons ducted by a tOfpouhon ••e du1nt busmus ., H.~• you ste< ted do1ne Nelw0t • Busmen Ser businen yet I No ti l I\ ) 7 ~ j II r 0 • d EMC SefY•<M lnl Stre~I NewptJrt 8 H cl1 Jacl.,nn M. llau Pr ts CA 9266 l ThlS statement wn Kar tn M Srloutl JlSJ ltkld wtth the County Broao Sllotl N~wporl Clefk of Oranee County 8at11 h C.A '}2~J on 06/20/03 lt11\ bu>1ntn " '"" 2C19.S6t4ua3 ducted by an 1n01v1du11 Oarlx Pilot Jun« 23 30 1 Ho~ you \t•rltd doon11 lirly 7. 14, 2003 M1'.it ~u\lntu veP y.,, • 91 1<11111 M Sd1u1t This bus1ne's " con lhe lolll>w1na per1.ons lhr> \l•lemtol wo hied with lh• County Cler• ul Or •n&t Count r on 06 19 03 ducted by· an md1v1dua1 are Oorne bus1nns n Have you started d01na ,Marine Ru,ue Con5ult business yet' anh 18 Tuoro New yu 5/2S/03 port Coa•I CA 926!>7 V11le11e M St•rn Stewen C11h•m Wtaely Thi$ statement wn 18 Tesoro Ntwporl I 200S .. 411 1S O•tly P1lt>t Ju11r ) t JO July 7 l • liXH M74r loled w1lll the Counly Buch CA 92657 Clerlo of Or11nee County fh1\ busmeu 11. con lht lollvw1n~ p~•,un\ on 06 20 03 1 ducted by an 1nd1W1du1I •rt llJ•n1. bu n•n o 10036941177 H.ive you •tarted do•na bu•n• Ar.o A\\UC.••tn 0 11ly Pilot June 23 )() bu\1ness yet• No '>001 liu h ,1 l'l•wt-• r • July 1 1' 2003 M7'>0 Steven Cr•h•m W1eely BU•" ~ '1/W Tll» •tatement wn Ei••DAr• f<u•n~ I 1 l he lollow1ne ptr sons are do1ne bu\me•• n In The C ••d• S26 [mer•ld Bay La1un.t Buch Cahforn11 926SJ K1thle•n l Burn\ !>26 [merato Bay l•&una Bu ch Callforn•a 9?6!>1 Th" bu\IOU\ " con due •-d by dn ind1v1dual Hawe you \I•• led d<iona bus1nen y~1? l'lu Kathleen [ Burns filed with lht l"eiunly ! Bt And," f'< · ~" • t Clerk of Or a nee C< unty I O\I• M•~ • r A '1 •}I on 06 20,03 lru, ""''"•" " n 200S694UIO dul t•O t, t '" n~·••Ot.11\ Daily Pilot Jon• lJ jQ >lo• you \1••'r'l '""~ July 1 1'. 2003 M748 D11•t0••' ,,1 'j &., L•f • J huH1~ ltu\ t •lf'Hlf'fll • lfl:lj "' "' tt,. Th15 5laltrn,nt w•s Jnha11n<1h I•• I alk• filed with lh• C.nunty 2 341 Fordh•n1 Ur (" r • Clerk ol Or•nge C<> 1111 f M~'~ t..ahfr;n"" '1,'f;t>, on 06116 03 Tho\ bu\on~'' •, tor• 100349413 10 I ll1,1cteo by an in<l•••ltu•I Daily Pilot lune 23 30 July 7 14 2003 M74l ......-------Polie,------ ,,. !!!'I Jilll) ..... MfS.SISO ••M& \'l()V,,,18JI )Wet (1"l.t \k,J c .\ l/~/)~­ \1 \c11p.m Bl\t! ~ B.t\ 'it Rd•e~ and d.:adltne~ .ue \UbJCCI to change ... 11hqt,j,! 0011 .. e The pubh,her rc~ne~ the nght IU cen,or rccl.1,,1fy re\ h.: ll re Jed an) cl.i~~tfied '3.d"en".:mt'nl PkJ'e rc:pon dO) o:rror lhJI ma\ Ix 1n ~our clas~1ficd Jd 1m")ed1dtd~ Th<' Dari~ Piiot .in.cpl' no ltabtltt) for an) error m .in .id\ en1,eml·n1 tor .,. h1l h 11 m.t} be re~pon,tble except for 1h.: co~t of the 'l'Jlc:' dCfuall~ Cl<.l up1c:J by the error Cred11 c.i.n onl)' ~ .illt111-ed for the ftr'1 1n,crtton --~~ SERVICE DIRECTORY General Pet Adoptions 3660 I .;Q11tsF ~ ,,. c. I Announcements 1610 -A.,-... -...,-,-.-,u-,-,....,.-r 1 ORANGE ,Acm c VllW IAYVllW TrltlUCl S lOTS·AU Ott ,AttT 94'-494-SOIS Private Duck Hunting 12 wll$ P<:dlll'et lawn COUNTY Clt.1b •II• , 1 h• lrom <.Olo< CP"•n w•1'ennel 5400 Colltctlbln/ Memorabilia Nt ""' 1 I ll~•dt [ Htl rtrs bl!oio> & ~umt111!. lent hu'1l•n• •d1J• rnt lo to quabfw.d l•rtuly Ownrr Balboa Pent'nsul all~ra1c 94q 1)44 7347 a 'tc1tr 'lllrAllf'dciwl 1rlu1l~ • 1160 "'""'"II nl•rr>t & tPIJtO• l7S Hre> f l•nll TM SS 4 H COttOS l TC & •mor uwr11·~nt' • your arz. Clt!M:. (IL 'fP· & 111> ,,.,, '~"'~ ompuund .Bl Allee Splu lutw '"'1V· .., st r u<I 111 • an o 'l Mike 9•9 64~ /'JO'> tr Joi•" W onderful I ro Gernto" Shepherd• all lOIOI \ •" !.tie\ for •doptllln to QU•hlred humes www i\ltstut or ii or 714 773 5915 r .. ,nt Hli\) • & w 1ne I ta\!11>~ 11 "'"i lluclo I SC I, .. , .. ,. • ~'"'V t •t•n' Ml EllANEOUS ·ca·.-...... ---.o·,----•d••• t .. r ' ...... d, ru MERCHANDISE ..,_ 111111 1 I'. ,,n C411 Mo~~ I ENTIRTAJNMENT _Events _____ 13_1_0 At Ho.,., Oli'•4 -M-lsce-11-ane_ous __ _ If you took 'h•n-F•" Me-"-ndt..• EQUAL llOUSIMG dnd W~fll Iv •1lher IWIG IH 3855 OPPOIT1JITY dm1c\, I ~m 1n dr~ptratr All IUI e1t.ilt Jdwtl nud ul lhr hdlflt of lht du1 t ,1r '· Nho opera led ltsina '" thl\ new"hl"f' Hn•\" t llfHlC-. r1.-i11st-tall 1s wb1ect to lh~ r r d~r •I 1 m~ r nll~LI al 4 l !> 974 r '" floUSlnfl Art nf I*"' ' <)OJ7 \)I 415 381 3845 as ameod•lf .. h11 ti ANAHCIALJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES make\ ti tlltitJI tn •dverllse ·any 111•ler 'nee , ltmtl•t">*' ,,, cl1sc11m1oi11ton bn•<I on rac.e-c.<Mo' reh11nn \f"'• handicap tam1l1al 'talu\ or nat•ona• Ofli•n o' ·•"' 1ntenhon to m•lo.~ 1ny Credit Services 2460 such prtferen•t t1m1la t1on o• d1SC11m1n•l1on This newsP•P" w111 not know1nctr acc•pt .iny adve•tl\\menl f<11 ru l eUalt which t\ 1n V•Ol•hon ol th• law Our re•ders are htr11by 1nl0tmed th1I all Clwtll ines adur l"ed tn this newspaper are available on an equal oppor !unity bn11 To complain ol di\ cr1m1n1hon, c•M HUO toll fret at I ·800 424 8590 Immediate Cathi 1--US Pension f uncl•fli pay\ •ash n•·W In 8 run ol you• ht I u1' ~t" O\tOn pay~nl\ C..ill 800 S86 IJ?!I lnr a f RU no nb l•RAtron t'trmate uspens .. 1nfund1na (Om ICAI •SCAN> HOME IMPROVEMOO SERVICES 2600 ~ 14'1 Mlsctllaneous WANTED _Semca_· ___ 2tl05_ ANTIQUES s,.,....c ............ , "A" "111 I/(/ l250. RodenV Wal*' r'lf\t Toll !Tee sn ..=re~ 457 8225 (CAL •Sf.M) • ,,,,,,..,._ •..,......,. I Cl! I I ·~ ·"--·-·C)illo·•-~Kil·~ PUTAflW W09STO W.FOI t • YOll M2-5'n All STfll I UILDINGS SU,llt SAU 24•28 was S8200. sell S3990 28146 was S 13.600. lell $5480 481100 wu S2S 800, 5ell $1 2,850 Call Now• Tem(I00)391-7106 Business Oppcwtunltlei Businesses and Fnndlises 3905 ..._........,T ....... ~ study IJlld ansroom !ACM by 19 year vete<..,.. lf1C~ Arne,.:•n lnslrtute of lmoectors@ proln s.t>NI ~ Tr-orna &. Complele b1atntu S2SOO 1 800 347 24!1S (CAI. •SCAN) ACCJPTN; CM.LS 7 DAYS • • Postai posi tJom.-1edllrll "'" $1 HIWY I Pd lf~fib ID> 878 548!1 Annooncement ofllCA920 (Cl.I. ·~1 AM VINDtNG ltOUTt. S> ullrne unih. Prime Ioctl.ions $9550 Invest. 25f. down WK. IK»-396-9311 (CAI.. •SCAN) Balim °"°'1UnltY Set*a .. 3f10 A ~ cldc*Y ad 11 I 18 plrtielpatq newspe· pers. I S Mlloft+ c.tllorT9 houWlolOs Colt s I ,l'lO for 4"•2.5" ad fre .. rnformat1on (916) 2884i0~ (916) 2JIB.6019 WWW ail -. aim tcrol IO ~dtlplly (CAl-sr.AH) QUNOUT YOllHOUSE wmt A UIMISMll CAil ~~'42-5'71 ... SUMMllt SllZtlltS . Corona del Mir huloi vuw Hills South [STA lC on one of the lartHI loh O'IN SAT-SUN 1 ·S I 520 Keel Dr. Sbr lba, Med ii err a nean pa11d1u Gte c11n sh1ped pool & Sp• lounta1n1 &. Palm Treu By Owner Acceplm& 81ds Be tween $1.499.000 $1.57!>.(XD 96-7m-0162 c ...... c._.._. •• <•"" ............ . p.rlMt kite.haft, M"Oil&1'tt •on. cu~tom lie llld c.ti !Miry Ffont II I 3illr 2lie hofne ' ,_ ... 2br 2be C~llMTY ..... Tff.e1'7 Gartten Grove llr I lo &•l~ et•nO•l N1·w ont crpt lo ot "'"II & 0 W Mll'I bf w .. al> "' •"' Lii ., ••lh ,~its '" re"•'' rh lut>n~ ud l A ll••ltf 'J62 $)7 1'>89 RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Randlesifarms/ Property 5915 AlllIOHA llST MIGAIN, 36 acres S74,900 Border' Shle land 8NutJful ,.rich ., YNluirMI flapl•tt area, pei feet 6,100 climate Sped.tout¥ mount.tin VteW\ Aftor do'lble ftnanc~ MR 1-877-282· S263 (CAL •SCAN) C-.. At It'• a..t 35 acte!o only $!19,W> Creel< frofrulte .. ~ newly avllllble 35 ec:ns IO Wet Ceritrtl Color adO ad,acenl IO Grand MeA Nbot\il r 0test. Wide er• Ii ool • Be Yilw\ Road &. *"1t r ...-. Cal I 8IM-6l8 3116 (Y!"Sc.an) REIORT/ VM:ATION i'ROl'tiill FORUlf I lours: --"----DeadHnr~ ----- Mcph• •n.: I\ ;ft.im ~ !Xlpm \lond.a~ -fndJ~ Walk·ln \ \{l.IJ'Tl· ~ IJlpm \lvnJ.i~ FndJ1 \lon.L~ Tu.:...i .. , ~ ... Jnt:,tla• 'Thur..Oa' FndJ\ " fXipm \1und•~ " IW rpm T ue..Ja, " r•ipm \\edne..Ja, "Wpm r nJ.J' ... JIUr·l.11 '>un.!J\ Thur...JJI " I r lfll I nJ.t• \ tM 'I'' I l'l•lJ' " 1 • 'f'•r, MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Moblle1'Jl1nufactured Homes 599.1 LMOMTMEMAilMA llLONGIUCM HURRY!! 1-Sty ...._, 1br • dt'<l 2Sba 2 Fp\ 2< p ""d pallo n. pe Is ,._l14 $et>L WW1l.er or yrtr ~r.,..29~ Yrty 3*or 2IMa, lo-'*'h ti:rt llrl w d bar Ip st~ to bay " peU. vni.a. 1v1-now S?400m 949-1:/3-!illl'l Balboa Peninsula Nice 21 r II•, · yrly, carport. w/d. n.lsmll&fpet\. clean $1500/mo. Avatbible Aua I"-act. 949-675-5069 s..-t.Wi&t.ya. 1 ... dpla, fp, pr, dedl, yrd. hidry, ~ SlllJOmo 621>-836 0725. * ~ se-.,111 * J8r. 38.a Condo steps to bucll. tp Z car P• $325l)no a.r 91MCXM)tn Coronadlt .. vaJ.A IALIOA Z Ma,I,. ?ba rp """' '"' i °"'" t""l"'n ~ •HJn •.( • llf~i ,,.. lo 0-.1· ...... .,!J pO st850 "" l(JJ , .<; Gatecl,rw~ltw...._ (fl ~ I_., ~·17f f IJI • f' fl_ o•,,.. ..... ;oa~·1 (' ""-" 1 lw loft. .... I Ot--.ft 117 Iba cxnlo .... t & w...tMy, lg poitk, -HB Pier c.ornm pool ~ ,.. ... S9'JS/-· Ito l w d "' unit undetyo IJI<& lht St. 949-445-177•.1 "81 Sl8Xl94%73-71D'.l llr, l ie, upper unit lrvl Apt I c i" new paint __ ne ______ _ 8107 949 ~7' 9.:4j llvtt'• 'OfWlor ( rlon carpel bltnds hnuleum COMMUTE USS Ail S l 200rn 9t9 6/l 7800 IU LAX Ill OIU s-•r s,...iol Dual Cool.tel ren!M ivlnE AQar1 Mont8 .? • 2.1'f I OK 811 ., ~ lmfor l1Qbon Cen1'!I Ranl• O~f!f'I dW Up\tH \ I 76Z>-8 at Hlllrlt•d and ~ov 11'1\i water ll'ash p;aod Mal'I h1nl! ~ 92614 SI t'95m Ml clfJp SSOO pet I ..a66-400-2 .. I HADOlt VI.I.Mi( r .... ...,._ Ii.tr bor Blvd @ Mien mac 1 llOCK fttOM OClAN ?bt 2b• rem ·d•••d' apl l a•POll S 18!>0 A~1 lj t 949-S 1 S-4229 Newport Crest. .?t• 2b• ? ' gar .. a,~ • bch ten P<'91 wa $710'.m Av111 B I 9•9 107 44 ~Ii New,erl Cresl, lb• W•r < 7TC1 ~ow Laguna Hills i 2ba 2 c ~·· wat~ lo 4lr snat tam ~ dbl &• I be~ ten p >OI soa s.100 y..,d IO'drw no pet.\ 2 yr A•a118 I 949 101 4408 l lr 2.Slo lwllhOIM oo tilufh l\r 11<.n fnc.d yll Ip dbl itM• C•l1• pl'loa, Slt95 "'° a~enl 9t9 642 9699 11.e Sl!Dlmo pM utls nttd S.3900 949 642 0138 lo••ly 21 rttlen l ' /•I• Townhouse 186(hl ! l p wet bar POOi !iCla ,.,,., 48r {I. '•l'l'I I - t ,, , ., ta S71l'' "' 4 t?f? "i • • ll4o o .. The Water lRr 78• •• • i.a " • ou111 in• .11 Pf"' cik *1u.;f" cJr1i. ~ I• "'" !ht t••l"!nf"I Pr·~!. \110 &m tA\f' I '' s j('(JQ.r l4'1 Shtl"tt r (i)' Ar1nfl't r 'J4'1 l~l ~~~ ~ 'jl,<.j 9f,f, roa IUNT IN ILUffS Pe;u• Id• f Pl•n JB• ;t li, • .trnily Ho11tn S 1000 m<1 t\Aq 644 4qo<I 31r 29o. \/('>MJe be lot w pool llJdnr. F p, Ii pallo w 0 1111< close IP bch Sl!nl mo 949-!>48-6.343 Newport Bead! , ,.. F ~ 1>.1 s:>.fiOm r., UDO YlAJtl Y llASl I pet y-be 9ll!t l2J !W laclaboy Hte 11111• 1M a & UDO SUMMOt HOMES lutbluff, 31 r 21r, Ir 11t ''"~' •Hr 7£u U Bill GRUr«:lY R£AI. TORS I i•••ltE .. d h~UIJ A~I • l'.B•" 1l...l'JA.1'0~ 949-675-6"1 I S2375 mo 949 29~ 4630 I U!l.tnnl.it'b 'f4':12">1-0l'f' A SllAl llR S 109S/Mo UllOA ,lNINSUl.A 1 °""8d, ~ ~ '/•Off._ ht -It.-lgUO(l« Jtv ?ba "'°"'"" Homt lilt 28.t lc• i"' tor 6mc "'~se l'lewt, Ip w d 2c 2¥ $7.:0 ""' pvT 'lf'#N!". A,f' ~ r~ w ,,_ appl\ "II\ Ci'w,..rv 9'9 ~ 'lMb /14.'9' J ~II' 34., '>11 l carpet & cer-. 1*' w 0 n.O>@ um 0 W & t.li'. 2H YlAalY ltlNTAlS Cal Lro ~646 'lZl' or Nr.,oorl 8th l'•non\ul.t 71•-6..JJ ~ No~ S1'00 S7'<l0 mo ~1 949-673-7800 lorae I I r I l e uni! o" qu1•I P•n•nsula point Srnllf perwn No \m._ peh $14!>0 9'9 293 4631 ~ 2lt \a.. )'.)I •36Ch sl PllJO w d P'li" .. storlC!' Sl600lmo 7 l4-9U 1392 Mlchael 31r 2.Sl a , N,Ctett, JIJ!Jdld & rTYrC nw1* wlllo ID bd\ dbl pr Pl)(ll. lln1 ~ 9692).(lf)7 ..._..., C.-A /'l'I• l nll unrt prrv WC s'1rY icw• aucry kt. nw1* •WOO n llt~ ~'l,..•t..1 .t. • .-•,,,,. kn' 4tlf 'b.< ~ "' p...,., P..,1 ~"" .,..,t •.-n a :1 S3!l(X) ~,.,..,. ~ -· Rentals W..., 7880 ~~":".::: dean !>4 yr emp1u1ed ,,,.. IW·. Tm 1149\Silll STARTING ANEW • • • • • • • • • • • . . AlO • Juty 14, 2003 ·HQ TO Cahforn1a law re- qu1rn thal coobac tors l1k1na iobs that total S500 or mote (l•bor °' materials) be licensed by the Conlraclon State Lteense Board Slate law 1lso 1equ1ru that con tr •clors # Include their license numbil< on .it ad11ertwna. You can check the status o f your licensed co ntra c t or al www.cslb Cl eov 01 800·321 ·CSLB Unit· censed contracton tak•na 1obs that tot11 Ins than S500 mwst stale '" lhelr advtfllsements that they are not locensed by the Contractors Si.le license Board," ........ A•ad1l • ~c .. 111111n1 AlllMMVAC Air Cond1Uomna i Hntin& S.rvlCle L f808660 949'-500-9005 JOBS WANTED *"--•-!••·* I cle11n & ma1nt11n larce homes Cool!. drive, all duties. elderly a. ch~d care up 323 937 9038 8500 car,.. Repair/Sales ...... c..,.t s..e $'S on mlp Inn! rure capj eJ(jllWt ~. CJ.di -ll0l191!> n~111> -OCADO-OCARPET-O- Rep11rs Patch1na Install Courteou5 any s11e iobs Wholes.tit' 949 492 ·020!» Cleaning iinaiii11iii.iii11wi;i°-1•iii1 Alt•• •••• • Q 3 • Vulncrnhk. you hold •8 A K 32 K 5 •AK J 10'1 !' l'Jn'"'' •l~n' 1hc lnJthng v.11h one hc..111 \lvhJI Ju )OU re~pooJ I A . hH·n II )OU h.J, .. 'plinler h11h In )u1ir •l~nal, 1hi' j, llOl thc hand fur 1h.!1 .v.:11110 It " more 1111ponan1 111 '11;1v. y1•ur \ourcc: nl tr11 ~'than )"ur \hllntk!'' Sldl1 w1tl1 u JU11lp 'lull lu 1hr1'C duh\ Thi' deul nuppcd up 1n J lc.1111 1110h:h At one rnblt'. 1he 'plan ll'r bid led IO ..even hc.111'. down onl' v. 11.:n ll'UOlfl' did nn1 bn.·a.I. Al 1hc 1~1l<·r -.C\l'll duh-v..i, hid Jnd 111.i<k ,m.-e Jed.m:r v.a' ablc w d1-..:.111.I 1v.11 hl'•lll' un North', d1.1fnonch Q 4 • 'lle1lher 'ulncr .. bk. )OO holJ • , /TIMI llWlf MAH- AGD La sl0< aiie tac~fty ~y & ~y-+ Office lind hte ma"1tenance hp a plu<s' 714 841 M66 ~ma Q 6 • Neither ''uln<..'rllhlc, 3, South )llll hold • 7 s AK 1092 A9 •'1643 WhJI Jo )lltl l>id nov. 1 A -In 1hc g1l0d old Jar . 111 r.i1"' p:inrl<'r 10 1hn:e duh' woulll 'huv. a lll'ucr than minimum opener \111<.c \1111 wnul!I he 'U&gl',llng li\c nl J lllllll)f .L\ pt1''1hle CUl'lll'OCt. \0 )'OU "uuld have 10 rebid 11>.o be;in,, I hc\C dJ) '· "'ilh 'ounder 1v. o-o' er nnt' re~pon-.c ... there " no riced to 1·11ou:al lour-..'Md 'Ul'flllf1 from pan llt'r BK.I thrtt duh- Aotomobiles 9000 '''"" '95 Tr..,..w ltd. 4x4, 1mmac throuahout ve.r y mce. "932989 S7895 w<.wauto.com 949-646·78Z2 Ja9"0r '94 XJS COf'IY 6 q i. ?•2. flam•nao 1ed/ Ian fthr , CD. beautotul oroa, cond $13 ,995 v•942S..I hnancmii: & wa11 anty avail. B~r 949-586-1818 ................ ,_._ ,....,.. ·oo Xlll c .... ,, 444 nu. lull lacl war 1anty 811t1sh rac1n11 areen/tan fthr. CD . chrome whls. lltie new SJ6.995 v•975241 B~r r 1nanc1na & wart avail 949-586-1118 --... ,. .. , .. _ IMIMll/CDl (A) Harmot- $10,CXXl alt.et 5 yein• SOLOS to J9 cents Team to 41 CfJITt.s. Conb~ to 87 ceot.s fl.et 'UH cha1ges COL Crads Publlshmg PROMOTIONS DEPARTMENT Commuruty ~s "' Orange County seells rua T me per son lo lf'llervoew d•ld wr •I~ ~lu11es, paruc1 p.ite tn •OOllOUOlty l!'lent.s., u<!al~ and paginate ~ and 5f:C tHJns £ • cellent • rtnll'llUt'lo.at...,, oJ.tlls wor~ wcll wl1h the public t<now AP Slyle, QoarkXPr~s. PttotoY>up Multi Ad Cu: •tllf Prolllo.'flt 0<1 MAC ind I'(. CC:I des11tn ~ • pe11tnte p1 eferr ed 1'1 ooh eadtllg test Drng •.ucm•ie/l!h~l 1equ .. ed lOC E •tellenl benefit l)iK.kai.t [m.ttl r~. Wfll!Og !Ml~ and !wllary rftqUtrfments f o laN ~@labmes com wn l!>.!IOO weei..ty eoai potent1o11~ If YJml'Olle did rt. w tan vcu' 'l 3 confwed appo!lllmenb d;,tlyl Ben· ef1b available CaM AJ Stooe 888 543 1788 (CAI. •SCAN) Audi '01 TT 0-.o ~ '96 GrMd a-.... R ... 116, 2wc:1. ro. super c1ean. we1come EOE im m 5556 or KLLM cum (CAl •SCAN) OlllVOt~ ,....,. 'art-Teams TedmS Teams. We ooed leilnl'I fur the lone haul Owner opera tor\ u pero~n"d drtver.;, solos. teams ...W ivaouale \ludenl\ Call I 888-~ PAY Cl 888 fJ67 3729) (Cf\J.. •SCANJ DlllMlt/(])l (A) Hazmol_ SIO,CXXl •fttt 5 v•ar\1 SOLOS lo 39 cenls Team to 41 cen~ Conlt6CI01s lo 87 cents fuel ""' charges CDl Grad\ ~ EOF imm 55S6 or Kll M com (CAl •SCAN) l#HO I & IUSl#ESS •El'Al•S Uparades Repa1rs of Computer, Networks E venmas/Weekends Compelthve pr ices for qu111tty servtc 949-13'-117$ 714 -92'-4 228 Concrete & Masonry lrldi llod1 St-o Tllo Coocrete, PallO, Dr oveway Fireplc, BBQ Refs lf>Vr\ bp. Terry 714 557 7594 n..c-•ortM- Cernentwork. B11ck Tilt & More Rehabte No rob too small 71 4 615 9062 ~ ~ 18 Yrs bp • Cr eat Ref'~ All Pllases of Constr uctlon ~~Upm U577982 949:709-S64l' SELL your stuff through classified! AT-lASl Women s Slore .i I ashonn Island os now hlftn~ op d n and Pl \ales a\W< Please oootad lee Alll'I al 9f9. IS 798!> Desktop Publishing TIMETOHGIN YOUR HOME IM,ROVEMENT 'ROJ(CT7 c.,11 .. plumber P•1nle1 handyman ()t .tny nl th~ ere•t servir" lo\led hf'r• m our '"'V'le doretlory• 1111 SI l OCAI SVC PEOPLl CAN HELP YOU·TODAV! Drywall Services WITTHOErT DRYWALL All phases sm/lr11 jobs ClEANI 20yr s, fa11, free est L 4CXXXJ> 714-639 144 7 Eledricll SeMces s....I J.61 (Jl.f'«ll Duncan flectnc '2<1Yrs c.p l oc111/Qud R1!$j100Se Setvtee/Remodels l •27!)870 949-65().. 7042 •rl<o l•ml< l1cen~ed [tectncat Contractor Smalt 1obs s tarting at $79.95& ... 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Comm/Ru 71• 436-1518 ~TNT .. ~~ .. w.ly n...c.. tr• "'1rlq a. lnsla .. hon 2'S Yrs "P lk/llUllrld !M9 548~ oo'ldste.r. loaded. -e new. _,, nice. ~ '21!>458 711 mf, drk iveen lop/body llUI 949-64£>.1872 S32.000 760 796 7601 _wcw __ o_c.om ____ _ I MW '82 •33 ul l dr 11,1ey Ian. 5 sp sunrool full pw1 Sl!>OO 7t4 878 9455 IMW •97 3281 c .... v metallic dark blue/&rey llhr \upe rb ~ond throughuut SIS 99'> V#6714'l I lllu 949 ~ 181!8 www.ocp abl.com I MW '9032SI loke new Blk1lan 4 dr auto. 106k mo at \Ulllf J..ull pw1 lint. t a \mnit ""'$4200 I 14 · 6S I 4661 IMW '8 9 7 3 s ll leather. sunroof very clean $499'> •86!14!>9 wcwauto aim 9'9 646 78Z2 Tro• Sonrho. V,11d Cleanup Ma1nlenance S1><1nkler Repaor Uaul1n11 (949) U0-8711 Handymar\f Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR & REMODEL INC FIX UP ~ICWJSf. All types ol rep111s. Elec trical, p4umbinc. doors, wN "-"". -' mtn 2"1rflda~ 71•·366-1881 '""'97 w-1 a-... V8 «•« lthr. CO, mnrf, Vl!f V note I 1l7'1l!J $9991!> wcwautocom ~7822 L.-1 ._.. 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Morcocloa '9• C 210 beautiful black/cream fully loaded, showroom, rVOlA. $10,al 7141'51 a.64 ....... .,SD20~ beaut. llll opt. none rucer. ,_ map SVC, ~ ~com ~ri'JZ2 Mon .... • 450Sl '71 c.,.,,.,ttltlo low 93k moln, V«Y llJOd condlbon. only S6ZOO 949 493 0379 Morocff• '91 420 SU wh1te/arey lthr. chrome whls, low mo, supl!lb cond, S699!i Vt567281 Bkr 949-586·1888 --•<pebl.<- NI•~ 'ts ,..tlofltt ... r «•4 1mmac, whtte. V6, very nice •011299 $5495 wcwi!Ulo com ~ 7ffl2 ~ If ... 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Remodeltna. Cu Line lntlfto1/ht L~ Coppe< Rep!l>e .. ~ ~ Call Jay 949 650·S066 t •516783949·615 5035 HOHlST & UASONUU llAINIOW <mai MMfT PlUMBER L~ Pa1nltnc~•t. HauM/~ free Est! Sm r~ Qu11hty )Ob! free estrmale OCTFCll Oise. 114-ZJ>.91!JO L•569897 714 636 8888 ·-··'" D.. 0.., C .... S.nd your btst friend lo camp while you 10 on vac11ton Safe. lnendly i fun mouotHI onv1ronment at Lah Atrowt.ld f0t IOelill!zed clop. Ho kennels. ~ Imo -¥1Ce to Ind from camp 909..ut-MU ...... _..... ........ SIWll ---~ ('49) 645-HSI 'RlctSI PlUMllNG Repaors & Remodeltnr FREE ESTIMATE l l687J98 71 4 969 1090 MHalc PHI & Sf'9 Sn. Wetkty StrVICC, [quip ment Repa1rs, Insured c-. 949-292-7173 Roaftllttlllrs