HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-15 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 190 7 TUESDAY,JULYlS,2003 Investigation underway Fair and state offi cials are ~ uns ure why a ride's ne t didn't stop a woman fro m hitting the ground on Sunday. The freefall ride remains closed . Tom Forquer and Josh Klelnbaum Daily Pilot FAJRGHOUNDS -WhiJe the 30-year-old woman injured on the Adrenaline Drop at the Orange County Fair left the hospital on Mon- day. investigators focui.ed on the ride's net, trying to determine why it failed to raise to the correct height so that the woman plunged 110 feet to a foam mat on Sunday. ··niat'i. what we are looking at, that the net was not at the height that it was supposed to be a t,· said Susan Gard, !.pokeswoman for the stale Department of lm.luslrial Relations. "We don'1 know why. There is a whole series of faiJ safes 10 ensure that the net is in the proper place when the patron jumps." The ride is designed to provide it-; patrons the experience of frecfall. Riders fall from a trapdoor 110 feet in the air, untethered by ~--.. I Lt Orange County Fair General Manager Becky Bailey-Findley bungee cords or harnesses. Riders are '>Upposed 10 faU 80 feet. <1 <,pokesper..on for the fair '><ltd. before a net ca11.:he' 1hem 30 feel o ff the ground. lne net then low- er; to ground level and aJ. low:. the nder 10 exit before returning IO 30 feet. Aidyl Sofia Gom.ale7. fell in10 the nt'l early Sunday afternoon, but 11 didn't pre- ven1 her from hitting a 5- mch thick foam mat on the ground. She was talcen to Western MedlcaJ Center in Santa Ana after the mci- dl'nt. She was relea .. ed Monday and is walking on crutches. "She's doing better than ye'iterday." her hus- band, I-red Senicchio. said Monday at their La Canada Flintridge home. lnve-;tigators are tryi~ 10 figure out why the ne1 fa1Jed to rise 10 the 30-foot level. "The in· vcstigation could take ~ long as two to five days," said Becky llailey-Findley. the fair\ PHOTOS BV DON llACH DAILY PILOT See UNDERWAY, Paee A4 An accident the day before on the Adrenaline Drop was being investigated Monday. Pacific Amphitheatre 's reopening is quiet Ne ighborhood that once complained about noise from concerts has had n o proble ms this fir st weekend of shows. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSfA MF.sA -The P·dcific Amphitheatre is rocking again. and so far, no eardrums have been harmed as a resuJt. _ Neither the city's Code Enforce- ment Department nor the Police Department has received any complaints about the refurbished venue, which began hosting nightly con'certs on Friday as part of the Orange County Fair's con- cert series at the fairgrounds. Some In the surroundlng Mesa del Mar neighborhood -where, In the past, frustration over loud noise levels produced noise re- strictions -said they couldn't even hear the concerts. "Being summer. we have the windows open m front,· said Stephanie Vandetinder. who liv~ on Serra Way in the Mesa del Mar neighborhood. ·we couJdn't no- tice it.· This is the first time since 1995 that music has been blaring at the amphJtheater. Three concerts have been staged so far. The fair has faced various law- suits ever since the Pacific Am- phitheatre opened In the early 1980s. Ultimately, the venue suc- cumbed to litigation and closed eight years ago. It reopened Thursday to celebrate Costa Mesa's SOth birthday after a SS00,000 face-lift. Management hired a sound en- gineer to study and write specifi- cations for the amphitheater to adhere to the noise restrictions mandated by a court Injunction for the neighborhood -a 55· QUESTION ? What are your thoughts on the Pacific • Amphitheatre's nrtl.lm7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-ii086 or send e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number. for verification purposes only. decibel level. The engineer designed the sys- tem to project the sound to the very last seat and not a wave· length beyond No tickets are be- ing sold for the grassy area above the seats. reducing the distance the noise needs to travel, and the speakers above the top row of See QUIET, Pqe M THE VERDICT Criticism · of Nichols moves to Maddox Assemblyman urged 10 distance himself from Newport Beach council m an who endorsep him. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot :'\I\\ l'OH I \11 ",-\ \\ 1111 ,1 llood of e rnail" <1ml phon1• t11mpl.i111i-. 111 the µ.i ... 1 few d.iv• .. '"'(·mhlvrnd11 "t'n M.1ddll\ '>aJd he hm. bt•1·11 1,1l-111i hl'at 1111 111111111µ an l'll J11r..em1·111 trom :'\£'\\ pon H1·,11 Ii 1 ounc ii 111..in I >11 I. '1<11 hol-. ~l..iddm. w1 \l11nJ.1\ n·m·r.ited h1' "lame 1h<1l lw dol'-.n t agn·1• \\llh :'\11 ho" rauall) lll"t'll\llt\l rl'rn<trl. .i~1111t1 \ h·x11 an'. hut \-.cin'1 n·m11\t' h1., lldtnt• ln1111 111, en dor,t·1111•n1 11 .. 1 tor 'lall· ~.>na11· "I don't 1•\t'rl .1grt'l' \\ith rm \11.111· IOO" 111 thc turn " '.1.iddo>.. .. aid \1cmd.t\ "I d1' dgTt'l' ~'Ith lilt' '>lalt'rnem .. hut Id r;.itlwr rt'Jl h out to lhc• m.tn · \.1l hol' 1 rnu vcd A"t·mhh 111o111 l11h11 r . .unplwll. \II.ho I'> running .1ga11"1 \l.1lldll\ lor Lht· l'ilh l>t..,tnll-'>t'ttt 111 1h1 ,1,111· 'w11 all:. tor lu., ,1ppo1111mt'nl 11f I r.111~ 1!111 h1;11 ZI, an Op(•fll'\>' g<tV Hepuhltl .111 .tl 11\ l'I Ir l HI I .aguna lkal h Bin h1.u.11 w 111 .1 hh.,lenng ,. 111.111 1111 I n da\ urgmg .. upponcr' ''' llll't 1•' \f,11111 ,, See MADDOX. Page A4 CITY HALL Newp ort must rework housing proj ect Coastal Commission ays Lower Bayview Landing senior housing would affect • wetland . June Casaerande Da1lyP1lot "\1\\1 POR"I REACll -A plan to bu Lid 150 unib of affordable hou'iing near < oa't Highway and lamhoree Roulev-ard won't happen 3-' 1>orne hoped. and might not happen at all If it d<>C". it wiU COM the city's affordable housing fund SS00.000 more than expected The 'itate l.oa.c;tal Cornnns.c;1on la'>l week sent back to the drawmg board the city'c; proposal for a senior affordable housing project at Lower Bayview I.anding. Commissioners were split on ~me envi- ronmentalists' suggt4fon that three spots on the parcel qualified as wet.lands. though See HOOSftG. Pap M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE Considering the rules· of the beach ON THE WEB: ..ww.~com WEATHER .... It'll be another beeuft.11 day. with highs from the loww 70ll to the lowef 80I. 5"P•A2 SPORTS • I f I • • • Such a booklet woUJd have btto very helpful to Nichols because be would have known another or the unwritten Nia. the Rule ot Reteniation. Under this rule, )'OU put )'OUf ~ down ()() the And Md ~ haw r.erwd dun ~for u '°"I .. you we at dMt beach. Vou own 1hll ..,ece "* • ~ •if you hlid a deed• lbe counay rep;u.\ oftice'. wl I ttmk IDOIC couna Would mend 11.e .... jMuwlliUn.., ... ..... ~ So,_... .. ,.. .... ...., .... yauirmeln•• ..... ...... .... dly .. ....., ...... .. nia IR llllo tilo ... CICI-- f -•' A2 Tue~. July 15, 2003 Daily Pilot KIDS TALK BACK Floating an·d hanging around . The Daily Pilot caught up with kids participating in the Kids Paddle Camp at the Newport Aquatic Center and asked, 'What do you like most about paddle camp?' "It's real fun to Ooat around and. kayak with your friends." CAROLINE °HARDENBERGH, 11 Costa Mesa "I love when we gel back and eat with my friends. I love pasta" DANIELLE WINTERS, 11 Irvine Hanging OUl with my friends and seeing them in the summer." SPENCER SOUTH, 11 Newport Beach "Talking about everything with the instructors. They're awesome." KEL O'TOOLE, 13 Mesa, Ariz. "I like kayaking out to different places -the islands, the ()unes and the [Balboa! Fun Zone." TANNER ASHTON,-.10 Newport Beach -Intervrews and photos compi.led by Deepa Bharath , ,r I -,I SUMMER LEARNING KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PtlOT iChildren participating in the Kid's Paddle Camp pilot their kayaks through the Newport Back Bay on Monday. Paddling along the bay Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot K ids Paddle Camp at the . Newport Aquatic Center would make any grown-up want to go back in time and become a kid just for four hours so he or she could be a part of it. What's not to like about having your own kayak and paddling away to Spider Island or Newport Dunes or the Balboa Fun Zone with your friends? Once you're there, you could open up your picnic lunches and gorge on pasta and sandwiches or whatever. Of course, being near the water and all that exercise does make you hungrier, chattier and noisier. Brooke Mango of lrvine says she enjoys everything about the camp. "Once we get to the islands, we can jwnp in the water and swim." said the 11 -year-old, who is in the camp for the second year. "It's just SUMMER CAM PS COSTA MESA BOYi Al'O GIRLS CLUB Participants in a paddle camp at the Newport Aquatic Center learn to kayak to various Newport destinations. so much fun." It was 8-year-old Spencer Keith's first time on a kayak. "I'm not scared at all," he said with a smile as he waited for an instructor to get hirri in the water. HI t.hinlc it's going to be fun. I'm excited." nus is the 10th year the center has organized a paddle camp for kids, director Billy Whitford said. The camp is for children ages 8 to 12. They learn basic kayaking and outrigger canoeing slcills as they paddle to several destinations around Newport Harbor. It lasts about four hours a day and costs $155 per week. uThe lei~ enjoy it because they like being in charge of their own boat," Whitford said. HThey're with friends and they are in a group. But they also get to do their own thing." They also get to meet other kids, he said. HWhen we get to an island, they coUect shells and crabs, play card games." Whitford said. He also keeps an eye out for talented paddlers, he said. Hit's selfish in a way because I recruit from different groups," Whitford said. The center trains rowers. who compete at different levels. Several have won scholarships to top universities, he said. The biggest challenge running the camp is dealing wit}l bad weather. Whitford said. "Fortunately, this is Southern Boys end glri• •GM 6 to 18 cen held~ 1ID ._Ide California and it rarely rains," he said. "But we'll still get summer storms from time to time, which makes It tough for us to get things organized." But, for the kids, nothing ever seems to get in the way of having fun, Whitford said. "Even When it's raining. I'll be standing heN and shivering." he said. "But the kids would be jumping in the water." Several instructors also work with the children. They usually keep a 5-to· l ratio of kids to instructors, Whitford said Hit's great that all the instructors know what they're doing." he said. HBut the best part is they enjoy working with the kids. They have so much fun." • SUMMER LEARNING is a weekly feature in whidl the Daily Pilot visits a StJmmer camp in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about it. DailyA Pil9t PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright No news stories, SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller, Don Leecti, illustrations, editorial matter or Kent Treptow advertleements herein can be READERS HOTUNE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST SUR~ perml11ion of copyright owner. (949) 642-6086 The day again will start off On Tuesday, tbe IOuthwest VOL. 97, NO. 196 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US cloudy, but by the afternoon, It swell will loee enervv, but will Dally Pilot or news tips. Cln:utetion THOMAS H. JOHNSON NewtEdtton ~ should be eunny end warm, ltlll provide waist-highs. Publisher Gina Alexendet', Lori Anderson, Our addren Is 330 W. Bay St, Costa The Timee Orange Coun.ty with Newport-Mesa highs The awetl will continue to TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt, Paul Saltowitz, Mesa, CA 92827. Office hours are (800) 252·9141 topping 80 and coastal highs fell flat on Wednesday, when Editor Adwl1lelne JUDY OETTING Daniel Stevens Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. hovering near 70. Lowa will be we c,en expect knee-to NEWS STAFF Cle:11in.ct (949) 842-5678 Advertls.~f~~r o.epe 8herwth Conedlone Diepley (949) 642-4321 In the mld-80s. waist-highs. LANA It Is the Pilot'• pollcy to promptly· Wednesday will be sllghtly The next IOUthweat ewell Promotions Director Crime end courts 21°rter, lcMottel (949)574-42 correct ell errora of substance. ....... wermer, with hlghS near 86 In will en1ve Fridey, bringing U1 dffpa.bharath•t_,l,,,...com PleMe cell (949) 7&M324. (941) M2-6180 Newport-M ... and 76 ,1ong IOm9 thou~Jo heed-hlgM. EDITINGSTAff AIM=rande ...... (941) 574-4221 thec:oest. There mey be eome Oll'9fhMda 8.J.Cehn Newpo'rt reporter, FYI ..... ,_ (941) 84M170 lnfonndon: MIOCl.-d wllt'l It ....... M=I~ Editor, 19491 574-4232 The Newport 8eechlColta Meea 8poft9,.. (941) 85().0170 www.nws.nou.gqv ... ~ (949 5 4-4233 /utW.CHflQr•""-•latlm•.oom Delly Pilot (USPS-144-800) le ll-mel: <»llypllot•"1dlrw.oom WWW.Alrfrldw.orp -.j.uhn• lat/,,,..,com ,.,.Clneon publiehed delly. In Newpon 8eed'I Melne>Moe BOATING FORECAST ...,._Meler Polltk:9, buslrle8t and environment end eoet. Mete. eubeutptione are ~Editor, ........ OMoe (948) 842-4321 TIDES (948 7'J4."'324 reporter, (949) ?M-4330 evell.t)le only by eubecriblng to n.. ........... (941) 831-7126 The wlndl will blow 10 lcnota jllmtM.meler•llltfmf».oom paul.c#ntonOIMl,,,..,oom Tlmea °'9nge Cou"'V (IOO) in the lnner W8"'9 t~. wtih Time ......... . ....... °""" Lolb....,. 252-9141. In ...... outlllde of 2·foot W9Vel•lnd • WMt .wen &38e.m. -1.21 ... low • Spana Edftor, ~lumn4st, culture reporter, Newport..., end COiii MeM, of3to5fMt. 12:11 p.m. 4.10 .... hlgh (Ml) 57+4.223 rldwd.dunnOl«Jmaoom (9'8)57~75 eubecriptlons to the Deity Pltot ere Out '8rther, the 4:61 p.m. 2.231"tlow JoMJ ...... lolftl.hatperOIM/,.,..oom eYellebte onfv bv flr11t cleel melt to.. ~wlndtwHtbtow 11:02p.m. UC>fe«~ An Dfrec:tof I N9WS Deek Chief, DelrM,...,,.... S30 per month. f Prloee Include etl Publl1hed by Tlm .. Community ttrotiget tt 15 to 21 knoel, ~ ' (948)5~24 Costa M ... reporter, (9'9157~1 applicable .... •nd local tax.) }o-...,tc».IMlrrw.com "-lrd,..MWmM? •1t1t1,,,...com POSTMASTER: s.nd ~ Newt. 1 dlvl1lon of the Loe Angelet 2-to 6.foot ~ tnd. WATER .... Mee•• dlengee to The N9wport Tlmee. nonhWMl .... of 7 to. fMt. TEMPERATURE Photo Ecleor. Conti ..... The .... s** up. ooupteof New. ...i.tanc. (948) 574-42tt ~Meta Dtfty ""°" 11!0. e2003 Tlmee CN. All righte ,...,,..4.. . Box 15e0, COit.i Meet, CAt2t28. ... tonight. nctegtw ..._,,,.,.,, • ..,_,com OO#Wl.willoll•'-",,,....oom l'9MMld. ' ., Officials t,hink filters may be to blame for breeding in West Newport channels. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NI WPOHT BEACI I -A re- prieve from high bacteria levels tn the waters around Newport Island ha!> proved 10 be brief. City water quality officials think they have found the rea- son why bacteria ltwels ·in these West Newport channels have - shot up after a year of marked decreases. The problem may lie in the ~ponge-like devices that are part of the stonn drain fil- ters. Asst. Qty Manager Dave Kiff said. Antibacterial filter de- vices should be in the filters, he said. "We think we may not have used the correct filter media," Kiff said. When the antibacterial inserts were used last yeai:, the waters in the b~y around· Newport Island at Oiannel Place Park and near 43rd Street dropped to below state minimums for the first time ever. Now that water-quali- ty tests show bacteria levels on the rise, city workers will insert new antlbacterial devices into the storm drain filters in hopes of recreating la.st year's success. "We're frustrated," said Coun- cilman Tod Ridgeway, who serves on the city's Coastal/Bay Water Quality Citizens Advisory Committee. If the new filter devices don't fix the problem , he said, there aren't many options left for im- proving water quality in the area. "Newport Island is up at the far end of the bay and it doesn't get adequate flushing," Ridge- way said. "Long term, it may be that the only way to ultimately fix it is by getting a flushing pipe out to the ocean. That's a cou- ple-million-dollar fix.." The bad water-quality news for We!.! Newport channel ... came with some good news: Waters at Dunes Lagoon con- tinue to get a clean bill of health. Since 'the city im.talled a storm drain diversion. sending nearby runoff into tht: !>ewer system instead of the storm drain, the Dunes Lagoon has en- joyed low bacteria level!> in the water. Businesses seek workers' compt(nsation reform Newport·Mesa assemblymen say the status quo benefits trial lawye rs and not the businesses. Paul Clinton 411 ~tlot "\r\\POH l-~11'.SA Local l>u,1111::..,,t'., haw been lobbying tlll'tr ''·Ill' lt'J.,'1.,lator-, to push for \\h<ll tile\ '><IV are muth-needed tl'lonn., 111 till' worker< c:ompen- ,,111111t W'-ll'lll chc!t hce. bt:en tlriv- 111g up tlw1r ru'>h. l(lfn 'IUJ1sh1. th e prL .... 1denl of < n ... 1.1 \ lt'..,<i-l>a..,ed romc:at Me- t h.11m.il Int , 'Kl.Id ht> ha.., '>een a I 1 '· 1111 rt'<L'>e m the <:<>'>I of his in- ,t11.1m e premium" in the p~t \'l'<1r In .1 Junl' 9 lelll·r to Ac;sem - hh rnan !\en ~laddux. ~uji!.hi urgl·d ht.., L<1'>lJ ~lt:!>a a~embly­ ltlan. "pleu..,e don't lt>t 1111~ outrage t OllUllllt!. \1111-,lu. who h,1., nm his heat· mg c1nd air u>ndllioning repair '>l'f\ 11 l' 111 tlit• t lly lor I 6 years. .... 11d iil' ha.., -.ce11 hi., 111'>urance l 11''" nw I rorn ~ 18.000 to ).!-l.000 'If thl">l' Jill re<t..,t:'> Luntinue 1111<1l1.ited. tlwvl threaten the ... ur. l\·al 111 mv hu,me~-; and the lt\t·ltho11J, of m\ employee.'>." 'l11Jl'h1 \\fOtl' "I cannot continue '" .1b-.orb the'l' n ... 1ng l'O'>lS and BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Water di strict president elected to new position ~ ll'.,.i l nn ... ulida tetl Water Di!.'- trit 1\ Ko.ud Pre'>ident James E Ail-.11i-.1111 h.1, hl·cn elected 10 'enl' ,1') thl' \1u: d rnir of the hu.ml ot d1rrnur., lor Leadership I omorr1}\\ ,\1lu11 ... on \\~appointed to the t1rg<tn11..it1on·-:. board l(U)t year. He al ... n complc1cd ~ader .. hip To- morrn~' \ . nme-month training program. which tocui>es on ac- q11am1tng buo;me'>'> people and rnmm unt1y leaders with leader- .,h1p philo<,ophv and practice. n1e work-;hop .. also deal with cannot pass the additional costs of doing business on to my cus- tomers." Gerri Gibb, the human re- sources manager with Costa Mesa semiconductor maker Semicoa, also urged Maddox to o;uppon changes. "We need a major overhaul of the workers' compensation sys- tem." Gibb wrote in a July 2 letter. "The bills currently moving through the !stare! Legislacure do not do enough IO fix this crisis." Maddox and Newport Beach As!>emblyman John Campbell - who will compete for the same swte Senate seat in the March primary -agreed that the state's sy!>tem is rife with fraud, open to marupulation from trial attorneys and unduly burdened by unnec- Cl'>Sary medical treaonents. "In the end, all of those costs wind up being wrapped into the insurance premiums." Campbell said. "They end up as costs to the employer." California ranJcs at the top of the List in workers' compensation rn~t., and 47th in the nation in the benefits workers receive when tlwy're injured on the job. A bill passed in 2002. Assembly Bill 749, fn creased benefits, but also con- tained a provision that allows vo- cationally rehabilitated workers 10 collect a SI 0.000 check if an at- torney represents them. Camp- bell said. a variety of developmental U.Sues and encourage 'itrong commit- ment and active participation. Briny bard returns with ·Romeo and Juliet' Shakespeare by the Sea will return to Grant Howald Park in Corona del Mar in August. The shows. being spon sored hy the Newport Beach Arts Comnmsion with the help of a donation from the Newport Beach Arts Foundation. will fea- ture "Twelfth Night" on Aug. 9 and "Romeo and Juliet" on Aug. 10. The park is at 5th and Iris av- enues. Shows begin at 6 p.m. both days. For more inform':t· tion. call (949) 717-3870 or visit www.city.newport-beach.ca.us. ~ RO LEX r@ys_Pwpefud~;_ Willi tp«lo/ fi,,,..Jopse bu.I wflh Rip/ad doap and MlwntlOl'I /111k Oys/w brooMI ~lo 1, ooo ,.., ~vollobl. 1n w1n1-.,..,, w lnleu dNI ond I 841 r-lfow gold or I Bit yellow gold . . . . . . 3.408· 1 Vio Opotto, Ntwpoft 9eoOl 9'9·613·933' "There L<> no greater crisis to the econpmy of California than work- ers' compensation," Maddox added. "TI1e '>ystem as currently designed i., uial lm-vyer heaven ... The bill. CampbeU said. has caused an almost 25% rise in pre- miWTb. Both legi5lator~ agreed that s1g- rnlkall1 '>tructural reforms need 10 be put in place. l.egi'>lators are now forming an explorawry com- minee 10 develop bills. Maddox said he L'> opumistK that changes can be put in place. 'Tm fairly optimistic fo r the op· portunity to mtroduce reform tlm year," Maddox '>did. "I thmk there's con!leru.U!> that <,omethmg need!> to bc done ... • Take advantage of the lowest interest rates in years! ?year Call wdav for dctJJ I~'. Ampac Lending In c. (714) 847·3360 EXT. 29 Fixed Rate 4.50% '-'·ti•~ ett.,._1,•ft •4 tJl a..M li'tt \~ti,e:1 •v ~r-a---.oe N lfr"l(..iy\ '\('JhC.8 .._o.1r '~\! i;11• s.it.1t"'110 vf'IOe-fWn1•r \ ~°"" .-.. ... " ~'ea O• tt'\eo (.A 0.90' ot i:tea_1 Es.1 .. 1e qea1 F11a·• aroi.~ 011·a~·JI Skosh Monahan's S-ceakboase & IRfsb Pab SPECIALTIES: 6oz. Bacon Wrapped Petite Fi let only S 17. 9 5 • 801. Top Sf noin • 1 Ooz. Socon Wrapped Filet Mignon • 24oL Ponerhoose • 16oz. Ribeye • 12oz. N.Y. Steak "~' • 1 Ooz. lamb Culotte Steak • Rock of lamb ~ Pork Rock Chop All Entrees Include Potatoes & Veggies ' 1uesday, .Jtily 15, 2003 A3 ,.,,, "'~·-' ,,,,,,,,,,, ( ,,// (949) 64(>-7944 lb'J'i tnint A•<: .. 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All priuslproducts for a limitf.'d time. lxned on at'<1ilabilitg. MEltA ~· EAU-ET 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F • COSTA MESA :E: M~~-~!~o~~~!;?o~?3 ... .. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES ~-SA ... Felr ~: Grind theft w11 rePot1ed Ln tht 60 block•t 8:07 p.m. Sunday. • ~ ftoed: V1ndall1m WM ,.Pot1td ln the 2700 block et 12:33 a .m . Sunday. • Pemelt Lane: A traffic 1ccldent wae reported In the 2200 bl<><* at 8:49 a.m. Sunday. • S.ni. Ant Avenue: Petty theft WH repprted In the • 2100 block at 3:19 p.m. Sunday. • Victoria 8trMt: Vandalism WH reported in the 300 block at 5:45 p.m. Sunday. • West 1tttt StJNt: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 500 block at 11:20 a .m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • A Sir.et end E11t Ocean ftont: Indecent exposure MADDOX Continued from Al and ask Hwhy he is not speaking up, when his supponers have been attacking John Campbell for selecting me as his repre- sentative." In 2000, Campbell named Ric· chlazzi as a voting delegate to the California Republican Party. On Monday, Ricchiazzi, who founded the Log Cabin Republi· cans. renewed his call for Mad· dox to condemn Nichols' com · ment. In a Daily Pilot story, Nichols criticized the appoint· ment of Ricchiazzi as "question- able" and called it one of Ca.mp· bells "around-the-back maneuvers." "I hope that Ken Maddox makes a very clear statement that th.is is somebody he doesn't want anywhere near his cam- paign,· Ricchiazzi said. "Ken has been a friend of Log Cabin." In August, Maddox attended and spoke at a pool party in La· guna Beach that doubled as the annual meeting of Log Cabin Orange County. Maddox also appointed for· mer Log Cabin President John Stordahl as an associate nonvot· ing representative to the state's Republican party. Despite his apparent efforts to coun the group. Maddox said he doesn't support its political agenda. saying he "can't suppon domestic partnerships.· "What strikes me as odd is that Campbell is positioning himself as a gay-friendly legislator," Maddox said. "He's clearly to the HOUSING Continued from Al the commission's. staff sciendst ruled that all three were wet· lands. After som e detailed back- and-forth wtth the commission, city representatJves who went to Petaluma last week to lobby for a permit agreed to look for ways to rewotk their plan. The matter is scheduled to come back be· fore the commission Ln October, likely to be sea.led down from 150 units to 120. Some, such as Councilman Tod Ridgeway, say they're confi· dent that the dty can revise the project in a way that will win Coastal Commission approval. "1 think It's very doable," Ridgeway said. "I'm hopeful that we can move forward.~ Others, such as Mayor Steve Bromberg, are pesslmJsdc that the bugs can be lfoned out. "ll we gave them a project tbia good and they didn't ap· prove lt. I can't lmaglne bow we coWd come up with anything they would approve.• Bromberg ta!d. Some environmentalists who have expreued concern about the project have been partku- larly worried about a portion or the plan that can. for lowering the height ol the bluff' area .on the property known u Upper ~Landing, The ldea "to c:rwte an open area that pro- videa a nlce vtew for motorbU Wet '9p0rted at&~ p.m. Sunday. • lraelaum Lene: A vehicle burglary wet reported In the 100 block at 8:23 e.m. Sunday. • w..t Coast Hlthw1y: Battery w11 reported In the 4500 block at 4:07 p.m . Sunday. • Newport Bouleverd: Petty theft wH reported In the 2100 block at 11:29 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulev1rd ind 30th S1rMt: An auto theft was reported at 2:61 p.m. Sunday. • River Avenue: Grand theft was reported In the 5300 block at 12:17 p.m. Sunday. • Sh•rington Piece: Grand theft was reported In the 2100 block at 9:28 a.m. Sunday. • West 15th Street: An assault was reported in the 800 block at 3:33 a.m. Sunday. left of me on social issues. . .. John Campbell is crying to shore up his Laguna Beach votes." Campbell defended appoint· ing the activist. "I don't intend to get into name calling with Maddox." Campbell said. "I appointed Frank Ricchiazzi because he is the best. most hard-working vol- unteer in the county. Period. I'd reappoint him next week." ln 2002, Maddox supported two bills -Assembly Bill 1330 and Assembly Bill 1684 -that extended domestic partner ben· efits. Maddox said he supported those bills because they paved the way for a labor agreement with state employees. "lf these thin~ were not put into effect, state employees would be without a contract.• he said. "These had to be in there, much to my chagrin.· Terry Price, the newly installed president of the Lincoln Oub of Orange County, said he objected to Nichols' characterization of the largest local GOP fund-raiser as "not a bona fide Republican group." The group has donated $250,000 to the effon to recall Gov. Gray Davis, he said ·[The comment) flies in the face of a 42-year history of bade· ing and funding Republicans of all makes and sbilpes. • Price Said "It's an assemblage of peo· pie that are like minded 80% of the time on issues.· • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment. business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. passing by. But some say that this would be too damaging to wildlife habitats. Dennis Baker, spokesman for Earth Resource Foundation, said that his group suppons the city's request as long as there are some safeguards to prevent the city from changing impor· tant details of the plan at a later date. Most of the group's con- cerns revolve around protecting the natural environment or Up· per Bayview Landing. "We don't understand why it's necessary to scrape the top off the bluff,• Baker said. The plan to lower bluffs was tied into the plan to build the three senior apartment build- ings below because it would be more cost effective; an extra layer of dirt needs to be added below, anyway. But Ridgeway said 1 that be would support a plan to build the senior apart· ments that dld not include lev- eling the bluffs. The commission meeting was the last opportunity for the city to get the project moving befon Prevafl1ng Wage laws take effect. The project will now cott $500,000 more out of the clty'a affordable housing fund than It would have if the city bad beat· en the deadlines for the in· c:reue on workers' wages. • JUNI CAIAGAANDI ocwer1 N~ Beed't end John Wrtyne Airport. She mey be reached et (Ml &74-4m or by •rn•ll et }unt.t»UQ,.ntJ.•1.r1rMe.c:om. ..... .. Continued from Al manager and chief executtve. at a preu conference at the fa.Ir.. grounds on Monday afternoon. Amuseme:rf t Management International, the come_any that owns and operates~ Adrena- line Drop, would not comment on the incident until the investi· QUIET Continued from Al seats are not being used. Bven those neighbors who could hear the concerts said they were not fazed by them. "It W85 pretty rockin' last night,• said Jay ~er, who lives on Presidio Drive. "We were sitting in the back yard and could hear it We like the fair be· cause we live Here in the neigh· borhood. They give out free tick· ets. Ifs a give-and-take.• Schaffer said the noise from the concens doesn't compare with the din of 1V news helicop· ters that hover overhead when the fair Is running. "You can't complain about that," Schaffer said. Brooke 1\uninger, who lives on Fremont lane, said that after moving into the neighborhood VERDICT Continued from Al If you've fought freeway traffic for an hour to get to the beach, you're going to stay as long as possible to make that drive wonhwhile. We now come to a grayer area -that of discrimination. It is unfortunate, but discrimination at the beach has a long history. I'm not speaking of state-mandated discrimination that d oses areas to certain races or ethnic groups, although there certainly has been that I'm speaking of localism. This has nothing to do with skin color. It is an attitude that GEITING INVOLVED • GETilNG INVOUfED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organizatlon to this list, call (949) 5744298. ORANGE COAST INTERFAITH SHELTER The largest family shelter in the county needs volunteers for its children's programs. It especially desires tutors and those who can take part in activities after 6 p.m. Tutors will work with groups of children or individually, helping children in their academic problem areas. Volunteers will also act as a big brother or big sister during the summer. Jaime Mayo, (949) 631-7213. ORANGE COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY A volunteer group In Costa Mesa needs animal-loving volunteers for two hour shifts on weekdays to walk dogs and help socialize them In order to help them get adopted. For more Information, call (714) ~2.288. ORANGE COUNTY CtM.D ABUSE PREVENTlON CENTER The centefneedt volunteers to wort wtth hlgh-rilk femiliel and chlldren, providing weekty emotlonal eupport to families, lnfenta end first-time mothere In their homn. The center la alklng for1three--hourweekly commitment. (714) ~. ORANGE COUNTY COllMJMTY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a v•rlety of functlona. (714) 83M199. ORANGE COUNTv *-I Ell TASK FORCE The talk force 11 recruiting vofunteer'I for tht lntetf1ith Council Nttwort to wort one on one with home! ... edutll In 1 program on bealc 1119 etdlla. (949) 213-1n.-. OMNGE COUNTY W•OfMr LNm mo.-. about art Ind lhert whh your community by blooming • docent 9' lhe o...ng. County MUMUm of An. A wfum.er docent OUldtt tdUttl end~ 9'0UPt thfOU9h,... ........ Ind tNdm lbout the muMUrn'I coMecdone. mchlbltlonL ~Mt) ?M-112.2. .xt 20ol . OMW COUNTY 1 ea Ol...a MTICMIM Oooenll .. needed'° Md tours of the c.nw. eoo Town c.r.. Drtw, CotU MMl. l.em lbo&lt the hlllofy Ind ....... It of the c.w .nd the WOftdl .. of .. beci ......... For mote _I cited twice in CAIJfomia for lnvesdgadng the incident are safety Incidents on two of the~ the state Otvtsion of Occupa- othec rides. donal Safety and Health -an "'Ibe ride Is under a contract umbrella organization of the De· ·that pays the 'ra.tr rent u a per-partment of Industrial Relations centage of theil aales, ao we don't -and Colter and Associates. a have any revenue from it at di.ls group fair of6dals independ· potnt." Bailey-Flndley said. She ently contract with to ensure fair also said that the fair has the safety. Both outfits inspected and right to pull the ride from its declared the ride safe for opera· lineup, but will not make any de· . tion on July 11. DON LEACH/ OAllY PILOT Noise from acts such as Splash hasn't disturbed neighbors across from the Pacifi c Amphitheatre since it reopened Thursday. in March, she and her husband expected the worst from the amphitheater, But so far. Truninger said, for says beaches are for locals. lf you don't live here or aren't an accepted regular, you don't belong, and never mind who owns th~ beach or whose tax dollars are involved. ln places such as the Palos Verdes peninsula. localism has led to real violence -rocks thrown at interlopers, car windows smashed, beatings. It's never gotten to that degree in Newport Beach, but local.ism has been around here for a long time. ln the 1950s and '60s, if you walked down to Little Corona from Ocean Boulevard, the first thing you saw painted on the pathway was "Tourist Go Home," and it was sincerely meant. lnlanders -anyone Who information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext.833 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate in life management and employment training work.shops as a success coach to foster teens 16 to 18 years old. (949) 509-1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS Volunteers are needed to care for stray and lost animal& in the Newport Beach, Colt.I Mesa and Corona del Mar areas. (949) 722· 1357. PACIF1C SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orchestra's Volunteers in Educatlon Opportunities program needs volunteers to assist children in a variety of hands-on musical activities. Volunteers spend a total of six Saturday mornings with the children. (714) 765-5788, ext. 244. MRENT HELP USA Founded by mothers and others against child abuM, Parent Help aab the public for help and volunteers to Inform the community on vital inues affecting children and the famUy. For more information, call (949) 650-3461 or (949) 875-5271. PAR'TWERS AJJNAYS CARING SBMCES Volunteers ere needed for a Cr11l1 Anistance Program, 111l1tlng the emergency reeponders by providing emotional first aid at the soene of 1 criticel Incident. No previous experience neceaary. For more Information, Cllll (949) 724-7199 or •m•ll 1>1m.rN~rlngtlOOK.Mt P£DIATitlC CANCER ltEIEMCH FOUNDmON PCAF. ~~money to IUpport pedlmic canclr rtlUntl, needt neede volunteers for• V8riety of dutltt. (948) 869-8312. THE~Y MllNICH INITTT\IT! The lnetttut. le looking tor ~to take pert In• 8tUdy on quitting emotclng. To le•m more tbout tht program, call <•> 77<Me73. PRMDvrw.ct MM OVnamJca, a Newport ....,, noupoftt org1nlutlon for the. end"°"'*'-Midi YOtuntMrt for Its progreme. (M9) 292.7300. ~ACClll ,.,.,._. Aocw ii• nonp ofh ~ thllt lnlm Neldent of •enoo.n.~ ..... .,,.,.. .. with eodal ...... UIUalty through f'leOUnlll ..... VoluntMtl .,.. needed to Mor~...,. noise, the amphitheater has been outdone by the free con· certs the fair puts on in the Citi- zens Business Bank Arena, on a lived outside the city boundaries -were unwelcome unless they had been coming to the beach so long they had become regulars. Regulars had their own uniform -tan skin (this was before concerns about skin cancer). bare feet and a pair of trunks. Pity the poor fellow who trudged down with his white, untanned skin, his leather shoe with black socks and his umbrella. He was an object of scorn and derision. No rocks were thrown. Nobody took hjs towel or knocked over his umbrella. He was just made to feel that he had no business being on the beach. The funny thing is. compared crafts and computer skills at the various centers. Paul Shapiro, 1949) 253-3120 ext. 229. PROJECT CUDDLE Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization, serves the needs of abused, abandoned and drug-exposed children. In addition to office help and once-a-month, 12-hoor hotline shifts, volunteers are needed for an auxiliary group, fund-raising committees and to help distribute stickers to stop babies from being abandoned in trash bins. The organization also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. (714) 432-9681. PROJECT TOGETHER Project Together seeks adult volunteers to establish a trusting. one-to-one relationship with children stressed from family problems and abuse. Thi& component of the Orange County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health Services offers training and supervision for the program. Many of the children are economically deprived, victims of neglect or both (714) 850-8444. REAOINGBY9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students In kindergarten through the third grade. In Costa Meas: Pomona Elementary School. (949) 515-6980; Whittier Elementary School, (949) 51~;Wilson Elementary School, (949) 615-6995; and New Shalimar Leaming Center, (949) 646-0396, need help for ttudente In reading. writing and English. Mentor aeulona may be acheduled from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m., end after achoof from 3 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. SALVATION MWf Of OMNCE COUNTY Group or f1mlty wluntters are needtd to edopt • femfly, aponeor en •noel tree, hold• canned food or toy drive, or make • epedal gift or donetk>n di reedy to tht S.lvldon Army. (7\4) 832·7100. SAVI OUR YOUTH The w...kte Cotta M ... youth OfVlnlzatlon 11 loOldng for wlunteera to help CN9t8 • poeltfve etwmltJve for people 12 to 23. Volunteers are~ to help In 1rea1 ~•boxing, 1pof11. health.~ wobka end ecademlc tutoring. ( ... ) 648-3256. IEIMCI CORPS Of MIND mCUTMS Jotn Oltter buelMll proftMlorwll to t*P """' bueln 11111 •-.cf by "9dtno ....... end ooecHno •""P••ts onHne. The OOf'PI le I "°'4Muftt N....,._~~ ~~-~ ride. u well u conducting inter- views wtth the rtde operators and the emergency response team." Bailey· Andley explained. •TOM FORQUER ls• Daily Pilot intern, He ~n be reached et Tom.Forquer letlmes.oom. • JOSH KLEJNllAUM 19 a reporter et the Glendale New.Pren, • sister P1Jblication to the Dally Pilot. part of Ille fairgrounds closer to her family's house. 'frunlnger said she Is con- cerned that when the fair ls ovet the amphitheater concerts will seem louder. • HThe amphitheater is year. round and the fair Isn't," lhmin- ger said. Jeff Wllcox. president of the Mesa del Mar Homeowners AMn .. said he has not heard any complaints to the concerts. He said that he personally wel- comed the amphitheater's re· twn. -No one has called or com· plained about It," Wilcox said. "I am really happy about the fact that it's open again and we have such a great venue in our neigh· borhood ." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e·mail at deirdre.newman@lar1mes.com. 10 today, the beaches back then were practically naked of people. I thought that localism had pretty much died out. overwhelmed by the huge influx of non-I~ ow beaches artract. Apparently not. Well. as a longtime local. I can tell you it was pretty nice in the old days -uncrowded beaches and uncrowded waves -but since the change is pnmarily a result of Southern California's population growth. I don't lcnuw that we can do anything but graciously put up with the s1tua1ion And maybe print up a little book.let of rules. • ROBERT GARDNER 11 a Corona del Mar resident and a former Judge His column runs Tuesdays. business mentors, both working and retired, who counsel businesses from nearly 400 offices throughout the country Call (714) 550-7369, and ask. for membership. SERVING PEOPt.£ IN NEED Serve as a guide for homeless families by helping them set goals and maintain a basic budget. Bilingual skills needed Orientation and training provided. Theresa Rowe, (949) 757-1456. SENIOR MEALS ANO SERVICES INC. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound senior clti2ens residing in Costa Mesa who are not able to prepare their own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them. Volunteers are asked to donate at least one hour per week for a six-month period. Substitute driver& are also needed to fill in for regular drivers. (714) 840-6611 or (714) 891-0804. SERVING PEOPt.£ IN NEED Serving People in Need, also know as SPIN, ls looking for volunteers to help prepare uck meals for the bomelesa. assemble hygiene ltlts, distribute meals and pidt up food for preparation. SPIN provides mov•ln costs for housing, case management and support nrv~ to famllln leaving shelters. SPIN wortera also serve H family acMsors or mentors and oonducta worltlhopl on budgeting end more. Visit SPIN 81 2900 Bristol St, Suite H· 108, Colt.a M .... (714) 761-1101. SKARE OUR SELVES CUNC The dlnlc, which provldet emergency eeMoes to the needy In Ore~ County, 11 looldng for vofunt"ra to deliver and pk:tt up food from local r'Mtaurenta Ind grocery ttoree, help whh ~I end den1al ltd, data entry. aealst whh food eot1lng •nd chtrfbutlon. to help et tht front delk Ind IOmt other dutitt. The group aleo Mede trelllletors. C~) M2-3ie61.ex1. 257. IMIMt'\N L.wwv &GMDENS You oould •.c wtth the ganten, woftt ln the gift end tN thop or become • docent guide for chfkhn end --et Corona del Mer't botank:tl gerdlf\ Ind hlteorical ,.....~ilbflty . s..f9nle ~. (148) 873-2281. llMLL••MU Al9TMCI CINTD Thelmel ....... ~lltarla c.. of 0.-.,.. COllt Cahge Medi YOIUntMf'l tD ..... emlll .,....,_ owwww In"'*-· ICICOUnllng. .... meibldt1g, ...... """*' rtlOUnlll end oct. -.(1M)GHl11. Daily Pilot • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Deily Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Coste M .... CA 92627; by e-mail to mlke.t1Wt1naon @/11tlmea.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date end location of the event, H well •• • contact phone number. A complete listing la available at www.dallypilot.com. TODAY The Surfrkler FoundaUon Newport Beach Chapter will hold a ·Fun Peddle" at the Newport Beach Pier at 8 p.m. The group will paddle once around the pier, catch a few waves, end then go together to Mutt Lynch's, at 2300 West Oceanfront~ for free pizza. For more lnfonnatlon, call (9491 492-8170. •Organic; lnNCt Control," a frM seminar, will be offered from 6:30 to 7:30 p .m . at Mother's M arket, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY Chilchn entering first ttuougb sixth grades are Invited to "A Forest Fantasy" at 3 p.m . at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. The program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m . July 17 at the Balboa branch. Heart Throb the Clown will present the Interactive program, part of •It's A Jungle Out There; the Newport Beach Public Library's summer reading series. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. "Your~ and Money," a free program on the process of buying, selling or refinancing a home, will run from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgenaen Center next to Mariners Branch Library. Local author Randy Johnson will be guest author, launching "Meet the Author; a series featuring Orange County writers. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. "TtlrV91 Through China" 11 ttt. tttte of a tree 7:30 p.m. lecture at Sherman Library and Gardens in Corona del Mar. Herb and Lynn Wilklnson. prominent horticulturists in Orange County, will share their experiences traveling to the Yunan Province, also known as the Mother of Rivers and the King of Plants. Call (949) 673-2261 for reservations. THURSDAY Children .m.ring ftm through sixth grades are Invited to ·A Forest Fantasy" at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. Heart Throb the Clown will present the interactive program, part of •1t•s A Jungle Out There; the Newport Beach Public Library's summer reading series. For more information, call (949) 717·3816. FRIDAY Newport 0uMS RMoft'I "MoviM on the Beadl • series offers ·Newsies· starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort Is at 1131 Badt Bay Drive. For more information, ca ll (949) 729-DUNE. Huntington Beedl •uthor JMn Krueger, a weight-loss specialist, will appear st M etropointe's "eames and Nobl.e for a book signing and workshop from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m . The free workshop i• titled •why the Weight? Dare to be Great I· For m ore infonnation, call (714) 444-0226. SATURDAY Newcomers to,.,. digttal univerM are invited to "Tools and Tricb: Internet 10t," a free Internet workshop, at 9 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport 8NCh Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. ·~~int.net navigators are invited to register for "'Web Walking 102;' a he Internet work workshop at 10 a.m. at the Newport Beach C.ntral Library. The hanc»<>n worbhop Is limited to 10 pertidpenta. Sign up .i the llbrary'a refefence dMtt or by celling (949) f17-:JIOO, ext. 2. "Ohlorcie: A N9w ... ~· • worbhop for men •nd women diwrced or gettfng divorced, 11 ohred from 10 •.m. to 12:30 p.m . •t 190 Newport Center Drive, Newport a..ch. The co.I la $40. For more lnfof'mdon. cell (948) 944843&. sixth grades are Invited to "Up In the Air"' at 10:30 a.m . at the Newport Beach Central Library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five wor1d records for keeping things in the air, will present the tree program, Which wlll be repeated at 3 p.m. July 23 at the Mariners branch and at 10:30 a.m. July 24 at the Balboa branch. For more information, call 1714) 717-3816. JULY23 A free seminar and boolr eigning. "Asian Longevity Secrets;' will be offered by author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Mari(et, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Aduh rNdera 1"'*-t.ed In exploring how cultural complexities can affect familial relationships are invited to a discussion of Amy Tan's "The Bonesetter's Daughter• at 3 p.m . at the Corona del Mar Branch Library. The program Is part of •Branch Out·Read," an adult summer reading program at Balboa, Corona del Mar and Mariners branch libraries. For more information. call (949) 644-3075. Children entering fim through sixth grades are invited to ·up in the Air• at 3 p.m . at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Pentral Library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keeping things in the air, will present the free program, which will be repeated at l0:30 a.m. July 24 at the Balboa branch. For more information. call (714) 717·3816. JULY 24 Children em.ring first through sixth grades are invited to "Up in the Air· at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. Renowned 1uggler David Cousin, who holds five worfd records for keeping things in the air. will present the free program. For more information, call (714) 717·3816. The Newport Buch Chamt>.r of Commereil's Newport Sunset Networking Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht o f Pacific Avalon Yacht Charters, 3404 Via Oporto No. 103, Newport Beach. The dodtside event f1om 5 to 7 p.m . will include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The m ixer Is tree for members. Potential members pay $10. For more information, call (9491 --729-4400. Boote Soup's "Taking Tea" author series at South Coast Plaza returns with authors Janet Fitch and Susan Straight. Discussions of their books ·white OleanderH and ·Highwire M oon-will take place over coffee. tea and dessert. A portion of book sales w ill be donated to the Orangewood Foundation. For more information. call (714) 689-2665. on the Buch• seriea offers "Remember the Tit.an•• ttartlng at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking cosi. $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for a'mores. The resort is at 1131 Badt Bay Drive. For more Information, call (949) 729·DUNE. l.ongiMe pl9Mf1U an .ttemoon with Otymplc gymnastics gold medalist Mary Lou Retton and legendary coach Bela Karoly1 starting at noon at Macy's in South Coast Plaza. Ranon and Karolyi will sign autographs and promote the upcoming World Gymnastics Championships In ' the Rne Watch Department on level two. For m ore Information. call (714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. JULY26 Newport Dunes Resort's • MOYiea on the Beach~ series offers "Alice in Wonderland" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. For more information, call <9dl 729-0UNE. JULY27 The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the 68th annual Flight of the Lasers at 1 p.m . at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 720 West Bay Ave .. Newport Beach. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to win prizes like best costume, best decorated boat, first JULY28 MMM,. drtv9n can sharpen their ·driving skills in this eight·hour cla11 hejd during two ae11ions, at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. at Presbyterian Church of the CO\lenant in Costa Mesa July 28 and 29. The $10 classes are limited to 30 students. Advanced registration is required. Information: (714) 557-3340. JULY 30 A fl"N seminar, "Pet Nutrttlon Pawsibilities." will be offered by Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 to 7:"30 p.m. at M other's Mar1cet, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Reservations: 1800) 595-M OMS. Jotn Corona dei Mar in organizing its 2004 Centennial Celebration at a public meeting running from 7 to 8 p.m . a\ Sherman Library and Gardens. Attendees are askeq to enter from the badt parking lot at 2647 E. Coast Highway m Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 422-4210. JULY 31 The monthly Career Networ1<ing Resource meeting for the unemployed, sponsored by St. Andrew's Presbyterran Church, will run from 7:30 to 9 p.m in the church's chapel All monthly meetings are open to all for free, and reservations aren't necessary. Information-(949) 574-2236. ~ntitft rht Comm11niry for 30 yta/'1 FRUIT SALADS FRUIT SMOOTHIES To-Go $1 99 99 "' 1607 . • ea . C..010-5-n! BAJA STYLE PORK SPARE RIB $2 99 lb. You Gotui Try Thnr' BEAT THI Hw Wirn CELESTINo's DELI SALADS f'ou10. &Js/nn f'o1410, M1U11ron1, Cok Sla1t1 Znry !'tUl4 $322 tb. GREf.N SALADS To-Go $399 ea. /..rm.n T~t#, &J On11n. c """"'bn GREEK STYLE 8U1TERFL1£D LAMB LEGS $5 99 lb. lnnori. G11rlu. Pllnf,y, O~no. Oliw Oil I I. I . I I ' I \I ' " •I I • • I I I I • : I I • I I '. I I • ' 11 I 1 ! I I • l • 11 I I I\ / /1 111 I I I ti / J,11/i Fra/J llinul-~J s.Ju El Tt1ro Br11f)t1 Clnp1 d-TortiltU • H<»M Styk T11wudn • 32 ViuitJUt 9/Hommwk S.lfflltU • Wty=i::s'ft':!/'&ffk!Lu 270 East 17th St.• Costa Mesa• (949) 642-719 Mon • Ser S·OOAM to 7 OOPM • Sun 9 OOAM to 6.00PM Crosby, Stills & Nash Tuesday My 15 :?003 A5 t or IJ<:lu:I informat.wu log onw www oct&.&.r. Little River Band * 7 & 9 July 16 · Duran Duran July 16 -Blue Oyster Cult July 16 -Rock into the Fair FREE admlulon &Dd puklor from 0000 co l pm. July 19 -Junior Livestock Auctioa July 23 -Rockin' Against Hunger rB.EE admiaslou wttb ,a dorial.loD of 5 C&D.Ded food ti.-, Muenlinc Second Harvest Food 8&nll ~ bJ: Y THURSDAY SENIORS DAY ~UIOt'9 M• ldm.lt\ed for M . Al.lo tree met'7·to-rowiA! 11111& ferri. wbeel ~ au dlQ' J \ ' . . M Tuesday, .Ally 15, 2003 Dady P110t HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -L.u.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMden HotffM: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mall:S.nd to dail)lpilot@latimes.com • AJI correapondenoe must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submiulons for clarity and length. READERS RESPOND Nichols· holds firm . to council seat AT ISSUE: Should Newport Beach Coun cilman Dick Nich-Ols resign? * I am not generally moved to write letters to the editor, but I am so appalled by the conduct of Newpon Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols that I cannot constrain my urge to comment. I was offended by Mr. Nichols' remarks about Mexicans talcing over grassy areas at the beach, as if the ethnic makeup of anyone who visits our beache~ has any bearing on p ublic policy decisions such as whether to expand the amount of gr~ (Mr. Nichols and your supponers. it does not). I was disappointed that, Ill the uproar which appropriately ensued, Mr. Nichols expressed no remorse over his racist comment, and indeed. seemed to be oblivious to why anyone would find that comment to be offensive. And I was disappointed that the Oty Council did not categorically repudiate Mr Nichols' comment and unanimously request him 10 resign from the Council. Mr. Nichols and his supponero;, of whom there are many, contend he is not a racist, but rather a refreshin gly candid politician who is merely stating objectively truthful facts. The context of his comment, however, belies this contention. Mr. Nichols was not merely being descriptive in his reference to the ethnic makeup of the people he perceived to stake claims co grassy are~ of the beach (indeed, il may \t'I') well be true that empirical observations of those area<. would confirm that Mexican~ typically comprise all o r most of the people who occupy those areas). Rather, Mr. Nichols made his observations abou t Mexicans ~ a reason to decline to expand the amount of grass at the beach. Because he believed i l is Mexicans who would use 1he expanded areas (as op posed to, for example, whites). Mr. Nichols argued that the city should not instaJJ such areas. Contrary IO his assertions, he was thus making a public policy decision motivated by race: we don't want to attract more Mexicans to our beaches. so we should not expand the grass. 'That is racism, pure and simple. (Indeed, Mr. Nichols appeared to abandon any pretense that> he is not racist in defending himself at this week's council meeting with more racially-tinged remarks, inclurung bi7..arre, paranoid allegations that his opponents had marshaled the forces of Mexican organfaations dedicated to returning California to Mexico.) The issue is not one of free speech. as some of Mr. Nichol'>' supporters argue. Mr. Nichols dearly has the right to speak his mind, however racially insensitive it m ay be. II ls not whether Mr. Nichols has the right to be prejudiced. Who among us is without bias? The issue is whether a person who has clearly manifested prejudice against Mexicans, and whose prejudice has influenced and will in all likelihood continue to influence his public policy decisions, should continue to officially represent our community as a member of the City Council. He should not The re~idents of Newport Beach should demonstrate that we will not stand fo r racial intolerctnce, and vote to recall Mr. Nichols. JAMES R. PERCIVAL Newpon Coast I guess Mr Nichols will never learn. Now he sounds like a bigot, 100. He is quoted as saying he questions Assemblyman Campbell's appointment of an openly gay person ( a Log Cabin member) as a delegate 10 the California Republican pany. Then he has the nerve to state that the Lincoln O ub of Orange County is not a "boi1a-fid e Republican group·· and that he thought the group should not hold a local fund-rn.iser. Perhaps he should re-read his oath of office again before c~ting aspersions. JANET BARON Newport Beach I think that the City Council did definitely not take appropriate action against Dick Nichols. His kind of myopic racist vision has no place m a healthy society, let alone in a community as diverse as Newpon -Mesa. How can he po..sibly represent the best mterests of Newpon ·Mesa when he is blind to the fact that one doesn't have to be white to be a fully vested member of thl~ community? 111e City C.Ouncil should expel Dick Nichols. BRUCE BARNHART Costa Mesa Let's just get this straight: Public op inion is more impon ant than ideology when it cornet. to politicians. As long a.' people continue to suppon Councilman Nichols, politicians like Ken Maddox could care less abo ut any racist statements being made. As for Assemblyman Campbell. if he had Councilman Nichols's support, you wouldn't hear a peep out of hun. I le can pretend tha1 he abhors Councilman Nichols' su ppon, b ut that's because he doesn't have it! Finally. people need 10 wake up and realiz.e that Orange C.Ounty loves its extreme conservatives. Although ou r suburban landscape and material wealth conceals it, our ideology on class, race and sexuality is as backward as some of those ruraJ tmvns in middle America. JUSTIN PETERS Newpon Beach MAILBAG ---• ...... - flLf PHOTO I DAILY PILOT A giant chocolate cake for Costa Mesa's 50th birthday party gets children's attention at the Pac1f1c Amphitheatre. One Costa Mesan Not o proud of all that i loud Lru.t n ight. we went to the Pacific Amphitheatre lo anend the celebrauon of our city's SOth year. The birthday cake was good. Splash. the band. gave an audience-involving concert, and c11y officiali., cu rren1 and past, were there in full support. It wru. a great event~ The planning committee sh'ould be wry proud. We are so proud of our city of Costa Mesa. The amphitheater is beautifully re'>tored, and I'm sure the dectbel~ escap111g from the auditonum are o,omewhat less due to the reconfigunng of the acoustics. Howeve'-the amplification within the sU\Jcture was so loud, it wa.s deafening -literally. If I hadn't had ear plugs with me, I would have had 10 leave. The bass notes created such a reverberation that I w~ on the verge of being sick to my stomach. Even during the marvelous fireworks, m uo;ic was played so loud that it competed with the boom boom. I suggest that our city have a policy that prohib itS unhealthful leveb of decibeb. no mailer where -at the amphitheater, movies. gypmasiums. concens, schools. Why should we sponsor or prom ote anything that we know is unhealthful. Not junk food in schools. Nol noise pollution. We !>hould learn from our previous experience with the tho'>e residing rwar thl• amphitheater, 1hat it 1s too lO'>Llv m impaired quality of livmg and m monl'y for rec,tirution. My hu~b.intl and I 1aJked to Becky Bailey-rmdley about this. She w~ very attentive. hut I think this goe'i beyond the purview of the fair comminee Please think. abou1 11. ELEANOR KLEIN C.o..,ta Mel.a AnimaJ compani on!'> CAN make a difference I am responding to your July 3 Forum letter regarding pet adoption'>. C..ornmunity Animal Net,.,•ork 1s an organi7.ation started by a11 mtell1gent, compassionate, wond erful human be ing working toward ending the i.uffering of nonhuman~ we !>hare thi'i planet with. This organ1za11on, along with caring veterinarianc,. helpi; hu ndreds of animals to b e adopted Veterinariam generou<ily donate a grea t deal of time and mone). but need to make a living like the rec;t of U'> There are over 6 h11lion people on 1h1s earth. There a re thou~and'i of ·organiza1ions spending b1lhonc; of dollars fo r the benefit of children. adults a nd seniors, homcle'>'>, <;ick and starving people worldwide. There is plenty of money to go around. It never cease'\ to a maze me that people like Dana Amford of Newport Heach wan! lo deny any help what~oever to the c;ufrenng of nonhuman-. on this earth. The~e people prute't whatever help is given to alle\iate pain and suffering toward any animal\. I am ever 1hankful th ey are in the m1nori1y and pray they do no! have p~I'>. I wonder if Dana agreei. with the California C..OP that the $50 monthly food <,ubs1dy for guide dog~ for the blind and d1.,abled be '>lopped? I aho wa-. a!> uneducated as Dana limford on th1o; '>ub1ect when I was young. Jhe p.i'>!>age of ume educated me, and I am l'ternaJly grateful. The Kreat difference between Dana Binford's view and mine: Anim al cumpaniom have saved my life, not the m ilk of human kmdn ei.s, 1he government. nor religion. My existence ha'> been 'iUb'iidi1ed by the love. and mutual need of my animal companion., Without them. I would have not sun1ved W11h their aid, I have been able to pa!>s on help 10 others, human and other creatures. throughout my lifetime. I have been blec;sed. I Iopefully. laws will be passed to regulate brt-eding for a living. Perha pi. then there wi ll no unwanted animals 10 adopt. PEGGY CALHOUN Newport Beach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754--5223 Mayor. Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor. Mike Scheafer and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, 1949) 644-3309 . Mayor. Steve Bromberg Cound l: Gary Adams. John Heffernan. Dldt Nichols. Gary Proctor~ Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb NEWPORT-MESA UNIAED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 424-5000 Su~ Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Bladt. Clerk Serene Stokes. David Brooks. Tom Egan, Judy Franco and LETTER TO THE EDITOR Linda Sneen STATE ASSEMBLY John Campbell (R), 70th District. State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 319-2070. E·mail: district70@sssttmbly.ca.gov Ken Maddox (A), 68th District, State Capitol. Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 15()j South Coast Drive, Suite 205. Costa Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100. E-mail: Ken.Maddox@asm.ca.gov Looking past the hate a'f1-seeing acceptance A s I was watching the Adventures of Sir Nichols and the City C.Ouncil on 1V Tuesday night, I tried to be shocked, I tried to be surprised. I tried not to get pierced. I failed at all three. It neither s hocked me nor surprised me to bear the anger and the hatred from the people wqo diAdain anyone other than their own. But it pierced me deeply. I, " man of very few tears, tasted the mol~t saltiness stinging Crom eye to mouth that beQme wormwood to my souJ. When I Orst came to UC lrvtne 1n 1968 from Nortbeut Lot .Angeles, t went .Up, sll~ng, slam; smack tnto the Great White Curtain. I mean, l1ve nevu 1een ao many ligbt-baired, Ugbt-eyed, Ll&ht-akinned P,e<>Ple lo my life, and all ln on~ place. And they all spoke with an .xenl 1'ben I Bgwed out It was I who bid the 1oCt1eGC. I one or the fil'lt ol e amaD handNI or ONcanoa a~UO. MY l&aldied khaki J>Ullt lrooed to • ftne. lhmp creue. my but1on,d..as-tbe·cop thtn mntwy ' pressed to a cutting edge and my pomade black slJck hair was quite a sight in the midst of shorts, sandals and psychedelic tie-dyes. But I worked It. Even with all the haters I encountered, I came out better for the cultural exchange of lifestyles. I can even act. talk and dress like I've been born. bred and Gerber-fed with a silver spoon on the silky sands of the Balboa Bay Oub. Over the years. J had thought that the Great White Curtain had lifted, onJy to see &lld hear people at the ropes dropping it again. It's not just that Newport Beach City CounclJman Dick Nichols N..ld "Mexicans," It'• thac when he l&fd "Mexicans" he munt all the llul'I, Including a new one submitted by one of the apeaura at the lectern Tuesday night; "crlm1naJ alJeri." It WU the oonnotadw, emoUonal meaning of the dmout.M word Medcan that~ all heard and that spiked many or our hearU. Nlchola, be coungeoua enough to admit your tauJt, beause t am .. courageous enough to take your term "Mexican" as often as you need to say it and still stretch out my arms to you in a gesture of embrace and brotherhood. Tu an those speakers at the lectern that voraclousty spewed venom and fire against a class or people who imply want to move, live and have their being. I wish you peace of mind and freedom &om anger. Then, maybe the scaJH can be removed from yow eyes and you can see us all u eq\Jal Not everyone in Newport-Mesa ts like that. I know. In the 35 years that I haw ltved in Newport·Mesa, l have enjoyed so much more love and acceptance than I have tullered p~udJoe and dilCriminadon. It at.artl with the famDy of my wife of 25 years. the h1th daughter o/ an erudite Orange C.Ounty judge who married the HitpenJc ton or an UUteiate. WllkWed laborer. H« famDy quiddy went beyond ~ appearance and embraced ~. the perwon. ~ our chlJdren grew and became involved ln school and sports, they didn't suffer any blas because of their last name. Instead. we were and still are welcomed and encouraged. Those of you who know me and my wife because of our son or daughter know how wonderful our friendsblps have been. I thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives. For 35 years. Newport-Meta has been not just a place to live, It is our home. To the two young ladies from Corona del Mar High School, a shout out or love to you from every part of my heart. You cany the Wwninating toroh or undentanding and acceptance. Keep Lt gl~g. It Is a light to ut Ill lo ftndtng our hy to harmony and brotherhood. To the rest of you or all cJftd& "<la and cultures who spou on behalf or tolerance. I beUeYe we are •till the majority, but we mu.a btp our YOlcel ln the roretront and .-loudly mouah to be heard and etoquendy eoouah to be~ Ind pemuMfwilf mGUlh '° be follow9d.. The lut ltrne I C.Ulf"prtndplet or American democracy, the Preamble to the Constitution still said: "We the people ... , " not we the citizens, not we the elJte, not we the chosen few. The Declaration of Independence still state that an people (not just all cilium, etc.) have the unalienable "Rights to Ule, Uberty and the pursuJt of Happlness. • 'The broru..e plaque on the Statue of Uberty still contains the words of Rmma l...azarus; "Give me your tired. your poor. your huddled maqef yearning to b~athe free ...• • not your rtch.. not yow eUte. Buk Amert~ democr.cy prot(CU the rf«ht• or all to human dignity. Thank you, Newpon 8acli aty Council members. You are petlent and ~on.al. alJowtng the fUD range ot oplnk>os prett"nted before you. In the ~u did the right lhlng. Vocen Nlchola ln. wtm can vote him ouL ~. ALINCIMI Newpona.ch Daily Pilot WHATS .beverages are included with all electnc boat rentals. persons. (949) 675-4704. tours of Newport Harbor dunng lunch and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of Lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto. Newport Beach. Zone at 7 p.m . daily Private charters are available (949) Catalina Passenger Senta runs 45-minute harbor cruises (adults, $6; children. S 1) and 90-minute cruises (adults. $8, children, Sl ). lue!>ddy July I!>. 2003 A7 Hornblower Cruises & Events, The Adveotu,.. at S.. Yecht 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport Charters offer cruises around person on Fndays and S64 on Saturdays Brunch cruises also are available. (949) 631-2469. • WHArS AR.OAT Is publtshed periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the Information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfax to(949)646-4170;or by e-mail to Balboa Bo.t Rentals can pt.It you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks. electric boats, 14-holder sailboats. pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats. providing group activity for corporations. birthdays. nonprofit CRUISES Join Capt. Don MoMley on the beautiful sailing yacht Dulcinea for a narrated Newport Harbor cruise of the fabulous waterfront homes and boats of the rich and famous, see the sea lion colony, and sail the spectacular ' departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m (949) 673-5245. The Cat.aJina Ryer depwu from Balboa Pav11ton at 9 a.m. daily and returns from Catalina Island at 4.30 p.m. $36 round-tnp for adults, $20 round-trip for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-5245 p m every Sunday at 3101 W Coast Highway. Newpon Beacl1 $20. includes cruise. parking cookies and sodH Reservations requ1~ (949) 650 2412 FISHING Fishing elasse. leave Belboa Pav11ton at 6 d m 11nd return di 4 pm Mondays and Tuusdavs $1 25 (949) 673 2810 dai/ypilot@lat1mes com SAILING CLASSES O,.nge Coest College Is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from ~ido 14 dinghies t9,Jarge ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 645 9412 or visit occsa1ling com Sailing Fascinetion otters classes 1n boating safety and sailing year-round for persons wtth disab1httes Free (949) 640 1678 Orange County employers can bring their employees out 10 Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sa11tny courtesy of Orange Coast College Thf~ School of Sa1hng and Seamanship now offers c1 dldnc.e for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing cxµer1ence necessary One dily classes cost from $100 lo $125 (949) 64i 9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina WaterSports at the Balboa Fun Zonf'. you can en1oy nautical experir.nces from mild to wild Take a self guided tour of the bay in your choice of powe1 and sail watercraft 1ump the ocean sw ells in a Sea·doo 1etboa1 put you sport fishing skills to thP test in a fully eQu1pped Boston whaler. or soar above 11 all on a parasa1l ll1ght along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and organizations and group outings. The hunt padtages include boats. trivia questions. maps. Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering Is available at an additional rate. For hunt 1eservations. call (949) 673-7200. Electric boat rentals are available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players Ice and cups are provided Reservations are suggested An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812 Pedal boats. electric boats, boogie boards. kayaks. inflatable rafts. catamarans. beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent Jt Resort Water Sports at NC"',:'POrt Dunes (949) 729 1150 Gondola tours are offered by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102·B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread. cheese. salami, ice. glasses. a blanket. music and a Polaroid p1cturt?. Wine 1s ali.o available 1949) 675 1212 Gondola Adventures/Newport, 3101 W Codst Highway offers one ;md two hour gondola cruises A onr> hour tour with dlampa!:Jne 1i, $70 A two hour tour with dinner dnd c.hdmp,K.jnr. 1c, $180 P1d<uµ 1s Jva1lable at waterfront restdurants 1949) 675 4984 Irvine Coast Charters in Udo Manna Village offers two hour elect11c boat cruises with a yourmet dinner $180 for two • Srm 1 />ri1•nu for /.ln1 c!r Womrn • 01•u 80 f'iun of l·qu1pmn11 • Pru•111r l'1Jt1u1 \11ul10 • 'il'INV/,V(, I hratu • /6 f 111/ f 1mr /1rlfOllllf /1111111''1 I • C/11/d ( ''" Htim 11no11 '\f '1111. • Co111•r11u111 f'arlunx • l og;, J,11 ( /11. \trrtrh r!llsus • \up. /1nwn /'ump. r:,,rd10 • \howus .. \t1'11m & lowl'ls • Dn:r .\p11 • Ar 11p1111 rt u rd Nf11Hllf.' cool sum mer, warm-fall Southern California coastltne to Laguna Beach or Dana Point. As a private birthday, anniversary or special event? Sail, swim. snorkle, kayak. sunbathe. watch dolphins. and dme at anchor for the time of your hie vacation at Catalina Island on this well dppointed, US Coast Guard inspected vessel ASA sailing instruction and cen1ficatton. Business conference facility. Details at wwwshellbackdon com or contact Don at shellbackdon a1yahoo.com or call (949) 632 3736 Electnc Boa1 Tours offers two hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round trip hotel or off-the-water re staurant shuttle service is available P1dt up from restaurants with docks is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291 1953 or www wattsontheha1bor.com. The Newport Landing 9elle is <1Vd1lal.ile for weddings and receptions, cocktail and sightseeing cruises, and meettngs The cost 1s $500 for the first two hours plus $1 50 for each JcJd1t1ondl hour 1949) 361 3640 Fun Zone Boat Co. runs a 45 minute c.ru1 se (adults. $6, 1.:htldren $1 land a 90-mmute c;ru1s1> I adults, S8 children, $1 l depr1rtm4 from Balboa Fun Zone evt•ry 30 rrnnutes from 11 a m to 7 p m cl a1ly A 60 minute showbu<.1t sunset cruise I adults. S6. d11ldrim S 1) I Paves the Fun COASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE . t...__' ~og on to http://coastline.edu to fi nd the latest Fall 2003 course infonnation. Check qut our new searchable cla11s schedule-updated daily to let you know what course. are open. Coastline's Web site is ayai lable 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Look into Coastline's: • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program olTered during the day at the Garden Grove Center. • Di stance learning opportunities-full y transferable Internet Telecourse. cablecast. and independent tudy clas es . • STAR Program and Weekend College--two accelerated ways to earn your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and Career Education programs offering certificates in a varicry of high-.demand occupations. Coastline has convenient locations in Costa Mesa. Fountain Valley. Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, and Westmin lcr. Cruise the harbor aboard the Electra, a 100 foot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. \ A three-course dinner and dancing-while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower otters weekend dinner dance and Sunday champagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and pampered service 2431 W Coast Highway. Suite 101, Newport Beach (949) 631 2469 \ KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA Begin!ling sea kayaking. rolling cltnic.s and p11vatl! l1">sons are ottered 31 PaddlP Power. 1 !)00 W Balboa Blvd . Balboa Kay;1k and sea ski rentals also d'" c1v<11lablP (949) 675-1215 Multiple Choice . Orange Coast College offers you ... Countless Possibilities! No matter what your goal is, it's ·a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We otter more than 200 different transfer and career options. We'll get you to a university! -We rank second ou t of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four- year universities. We'll prepare you for an exciting career! -Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large. medium and modest-size businesses. corporations. high-tech firms. hotels. hospitals and medical facilities around th e country. Call now for fall registration information. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 25. To save valuable 1esou1ces. Orange Coast College hos not ma tea its class schedule this foll. You con pllr up a copy rn the Adm1ss1ons Office. or access the jail schedule onlrne at: orange co as t c o lle g e. com We'll help you get there. C) "'--"' 714-432-5072 Mesa Verde Country Club to host this year's Tea Cup Classic and Jones Cup Mesa Verde Country C lub Head Profess ional Tom ~argent holJ!I up lhc Jones Cup along with Fletcher "Ted" Jone' Jr. in front of the tH.:wly remodeled Mesa Verde Country Club in Co ta Me!-.J. Thi ~ yl'.ir it will he the site of the Tea Cup Classic on Friday, Jul y 25 and tht.: Jonl'-. Cup on hi<lay, August 1. In the background is this year's Hole-in -( )nc car. a 2003 Mercedes Benz ML350 SUV. The public is ·invicc<l ro thc!-e annuaJ golf cournamencs, sponsored by Fletcher Jones Motorcars and the Dai ly Pi lot. Come out fo r two days of great golf and co cheer on your favorite playe rs from Mesa Verde Country Club, Newport Beach Country Club. Santa t\oa Country Club and Big Canyon Country Club. EACU CLASSIC Daily - • M Tuesday, M 15, 2003 Dally Pilot ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS TUESDAY, JULY 15 NOON • Embrolderere Guild (untll 11 p.m.) -Home end Hobbl .. Building_ • Oninge County Potymer Cley Guild (untll 11 p.m.) -Home end Hobbit• Bulldlng •Knotty Knlttera (untll 11 p.m.) - Home end Hobbit• Building • Crafts (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • "Dlecover the Fair" Button Program (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth Bullding • Echoe1 -Sign language to Mutic -Heritage Stag~ • Sode Hop -Kids Stage • Market Goat and Market Sheep Judging -Llvestodc Arena t El Arco Danc::e Co. ( 12:30 p.m.) }-Heritage Stage J.P.M. t ~ureen W. Puppet (until 6 ' .m.) -Around the grounds Let's Do Lunch Band -Sun tage j Beading with Gayle Ness - tiome and Hobbi .. Stage "Art and Woodwortdng ~monatretlon1 (until 8 p.m.) - ~sual Arts Building !. Glassbfowlng Oemonltration - ,paftera Vlll1ge • Dawn Marie School of Dance - t;elebratlon Stage -Youth f'-lllding ~Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage Traveling Game Show (1 :30 m. until 6:30 p.m .) -Around egrounds • Russell Bros. Circus (1 :30 p.m.) ~Green Gate Area • Morgan the Magic Man Celebration Stage -Youth, Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percuulon -Little Theater • Circus Fun Review Auditions (2:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage 3 P.M. • Pacific Sdlool of Ballet - Heritage Stage • Dawn Marie School of Dance - Sun Stage • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestodc • Knitting w ith Dorothy Adams (3:30 p.m .) -Home and Hobbies Stage • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Suzanne's Dance Factory - Heritage Stage BEST BET • Red, Ripe & KlreokJn' ContMt (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage 7P.M. • Summer Concert Serl .. : Croeby, Stille & N11h (Gatu open 6:30 p.m.) -Peclflc Amphitheatre • Little River Band -Citizen• Bu1lne .. Bank Arena • Hypnotist Merk Yuzulk -Sun Stage • Glaublowlng Demonstration - Crafters Village • Kid• Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Bulldlng • Tomato Walk Contelt -Kid• Stage · • All-Alaaken Racing Pig• - Livest ode • Ruuell Bros. Circus (7:30 p.m.) • -Green Gate Area • Port City Waahboard Wizards (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thureton (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Ceramlce Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Crafter• Village • Milking Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Mlllennlum Barn 8P.M. • Hotel California -A Salute to the Eagles -Sun Stage •Target: Tomato Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Oxen Team Presentation - Livestodc Arena • Doc Anello & Swing Machine (8:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage 9P.M. • Little River Band -Citizens Business Bank Arena I Braille Institute -Dancing In ttie Dark (1:30 p.m.) -Heritage l>tage ! Ceramics Demonltratlon (1:30 p.m.) -Craftere Village • Ballet Folklorico Renacimieto - Sun Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building Crosby, Stills & Nash will perform as part of the Orange County Fair's Pacific Amphitheatre Concert Series at 7 p.m. today. Next up is Duran Duran, which will give an 8 p.m. concert on Wednesday. • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzulk -Sun Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - llvestodc • Mil1dng Demonltratlon ( 1 :30 ~.m.) -Miiiennium Bam ~P.M. • Catch-up Contest -Kids Stage • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) - Around the grounds Suzanne's Dance Factory - eritage Stage •Russell Bros. Circus (4:30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area SP.M. • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater Ballet Folklorico Renaclmleto - l!IUl'!..:Ol.ll!ge J Olive Garden Presents Chef ~tt Bell -Home and Hobbies lltage • Fresh Cooking from Henry's Market (4:30 p.m.) -Home and Hobbies Stage • Karen's Kids -Heritage Stage •Associated Square Dancers of Southern California -Sun Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestodt •Circus Fun Review Auditions (5:30 p.m.J -Kids Stage .. t • •Ceramics Demonstration 14:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village -.Com pN1•nb ... Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At Embassy Suites Hotel H767-Hamor Btvd., Garden Grove Registration Is at 10:30 AM •Auction Begins at 11:30 AM • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building Mllh11rYou Buy or Lease.a You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! • Milking Demonstration (5:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn Mesa ~erde Community Oassic ... Benefiting the Costa Mesa Community Athletic Foundation in its effort to build o multi-purpose foOtboll/soccer stadium at Estancia HS and on aquatic facility at Costa Meso HS. Format: Foursome Scramble with Celebrity Participants Amount: $1500 per foursome • $400 per individua l Players' Names 1. ------------ 2. ___________ _ Contoct Nome:------------ Phone: ______________ _ Address:--------------- E-mail:--------------- 3. ___________ _ 4. ----------- Credit Cord#---------Exp. dote ___ Zip Code ___ _ Signature -----------or attach Checks payable to oeAR Shirt size: Player # 1 : __ Player #2: ---...-Player #3: Player #4 __ (S M L (Please List Size for Each Player} Checks mode payable k>: MVCC (Entry Fees and Contributtons ore tax deductible.) ... .....,'"J,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -Moil to: MESA VERDE COMMUNITY CLAsslC Meso Verde Country dub .. 3000 C1ub House Rood Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ,.,. more lnlormoflon, coll: (714) 549-0522 . 6P.M. • Polymer Clay with Dotty McMil -Home and Hobbies Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage Tublil • Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (9:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village lOP.M. • Hotel California -A Salute to the Eagles -Sun Stage • Doc Anello & Swing Machine (10:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage • Get a head start for the school year! • Algebra & Geometry Course Previews • Spanish I & II Course Previews • Writing Composition • Math Facts (Addition-Subtraction-Multiplication) • Zoo-phonics (for Preschool & Kindergarten) CALL TODAY (949) 645-7900 488 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa (Corner of Irvine Avenue) Enrolling for Summer Math, Reading & Writing Programs ALDEN'S - I DN-!ilTE DRAPERY CLEAJ\111\1&· AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NKEHAllY I Certlfted Ta Cle1111 All Hunter Daugl11• Fabric Window Covering• Including: • luminette Privacy Shffrst • Silhouette' witdow shadings • Vignttte• window shadings • Duette' honeycomb shideS • ~menia n. Collection • Jubilance TM roman shades • Applause• honeycomb shades • SerenetteTM SoftfoldTM shadings World's Beat ON .. ITB"' 0ra..,.. a ....... ,,. ..... ~ALDEN'S Fobulovs Mesa Verde lunch on COUl'M. Dinntr .o.nd auctiona in the 9V9ning. Sponsorships available. CARPET AND DRAPER.IBS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 • II /o'111/1l11i1/ \I,',•'''' 1,,,, I • 1 1 • ' •, Classified ads work for you! ----- THE Daily Pilot '."'" ... ~· QUOTE OF THE DAY "'TWo days in a row we killed the ball and [Monday] we hit it ri ht on t e nose, ut right to people." Steve Brady, manager of CdM 14-year-Old Pony ~stars Daily Piiot Sports Edftor Richard Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL EYE OPENER July 21 /\Olloree MYRON MILLER Tuesday, July 15, 2003 A9 .UCI men's basketball .schedule set Anteate rs will play host to Stanford Nov. 25, open Big West play at home Jan . 3. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot The UC Irvine men's ba!>ket- baJJ schedule has been finalized for 2003-04 and the Antea1ers' road to a potential fourth con- secutive 20-win season could run through as many as five teams that played m the 2003 NCM Tournament. The marquee nonconference home game is a Nov. 25 date with Stanford. The Cardinal re- rum four Starters off a team that finished 24 -9 last i.eason and ad- vanced to the second round of the NCM Tournament. Coach Pat Douglass' UCI squad will follow two home exhi· bition games by competing in the Black Coaches Association Oassic, Nov. 15-17, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The e1gh1-team BCA Oass1c 1s hosted by XaVler (26-6 and ranked No. 12 in the final Associ- ated Press poll last season). The event also includes the Univer- siry of San Diego (18. 12 with an NCM Tournament appearance last year), llhnois-Ollcago (21 ·9 with an NIT bid last season). Mercer (23·6 last year when 11 shared the Atlantic Sun Confer- ence title), Coppin State, Ohlo and Oakland. Tournament pair· lngs have nol been released. The Antealers (20-9 las1 sea- son) will pay a visit to CaJifom1a (22-9 after falling in the NCAA Tournament's second round last season) for a Dec. 3 nonconfer- ence clash. UCI also meets Pepperdine (15 -13 a year ago) in a noncon- ference home game Dec. 18 The pre-conference schedule also includes the McCaffrey Oas- sic. a four-team toumamen1 hosted by Fresno S1ate, Dec. 5-6, and a Dec. 20 road date agains1 Sacramenlo State. The McCaffrey Oassic in- cludes Fresno State (20-8 a year ago, when it won the Western See UCI • Pase AlO Two-year-0ld Joseph Hebert holds a sign in support of UCI at the Bren Events Center. The Anteaters play host to Stanford ma marquee matchup on Nov. 25. one of 12 home games. 2003-04 UCI MEN'S BASKETBALL SCHEDU LE Nov. 1 ·EA Sports All-Stars (exhibition) (home), 7:05 p.m. Nov. 6 ·Cal State Los Angeles (exhibition) (home). 7:05 p.m . Nov. 15-17 -Bladt Coaches Association Classic at Cincinnati, TBA Nov. 21 · UC San Otego (home), 7:35 p.m. Nov. 2S · Stanford (home), 7:05 p m Dec. 3 · at California, TBA O.C. ~ • M cCaffrey Classic at Fresno State, TBA Dec. 18 · Pepperdlne (home), 7.05 p.m . 0.C. 20 ·at Sacramento State. 8 p.m. Jan. 3 ·Cal Poly SLO• (home), 7:05 p.m. Jan. 5 ·UC Santa Barbara• (home). 7:05 p.m. Jan. 8 · at Pacific•. 7:05 p.m. Jan. 10 ·at Cal State Northridge•. 7:35 p.m. Jan. 15 ·UC Riverside• (home), 7:05 p.m . Jan. 17 ·Cal State Fullerton• (home). 7:05 p.m Jan. 2-4 ·at Long Beach State•. 7:35 p.m . Jan. 29 · at Utah State, 6:05 p.m Jan. 31 ·at Idaho•, 7:05 p.m. Feb. 5 ·Pacific• (home), 7:05 p.m. Feb. 7 -Cal State Northridge• (home). 7:35 p.m. Feb. 12 ·at Cal State Fullerton•, 7:05 p.m. Feb. 14 ·at UC Riverside•, 7:05 p.m. Feb. 21 ·Long Beach State• (home). 7:05 p.m. Feb. 26 -Idaho• (home). 7:05 pm Feb. 28 ·Utah State• (home), 7:05 p.m. Mardi 4 ·at UC Santa Barbara•, 7:05 p.m. . Mardi 6 ·at Cal Poly SLO•. 7:05 p.m. Mardi 11-13 ·Big West Conference Tournament at Anaheim, TBA · All times Pacific. All games on KUCI Radio/88.9 FM •denotes Big West Conference game. ~OTOS BY srrvr ~cCRAAK CA. v P1_0T UC Irvine's Adam Parada (55) 1s one of ttie Anteaters top returners for the 2003-04 season WORLD TEAM TENNIS PONY BASEBALL Los Alamitos cools off CdM: Breaker s score an ace Newport Beach defeats St. Louis 24-19 to earn its second win and return home tonight to face John McEnroe and the New York.5portimes. With Lindsay Oavenpon done for the remainder of the season. much of the anention on the Newpon Beach Break- ers is bound to fall upon Maria Shara· pova. She is proving more than capable of handling the spotlight Sharapova. a 16-year-old Rus.sian ranked 57th in the world, won all three sets &he played for the Newpon Beach World Team Tennis franchise as the Breakers snapped a three-match losing streak with a 24-19 victory over the host St. Louis Aces Monday at the Dwight Davis lennls Center. The Breakers rewm home to the Pali- sades Thnnls Cub at 7 tonight for a match again.st the New York Sportimes and John McEnroe. On Wednesday. they play host to a rematch with St. Louis, also at 7 p.m. at Pallaades. . While McEnroe ii IUl'e to draw in t'ans to Tueeday'1 match. many wW mOlt likely be ie.vtng i.rnprelled by Sbarapo- VL Ranbd M¥enth among World 'nlam Tennia women's ~ playen aolng into Moncky, SblrapoYa had no prob- lem dllpatc:blng Julia vakulenko, 5-3. She WU allo vk:todom In the mixed doubles Mt that opened the match and toDowed tbal wbh a vtctory In womeo'I doublel. . SbuapcM teamed wkh Jolh fAtle ln mbed c:to.lblel. delmdng Nicole Arwlt and Jobn-LllltJe de ,... In a tle- brellra. She then pllNd up wleh Bva 0,.-. for I S.2 vklor)' OIW Armdl ... ~. ~doublll. .... Inc till •1zl IR A lH.,.... .... -.... ..__ 1'liDll ....... -billed ..... CWlll ... .... Wiiie ...... IUCCm .... .,.... eonw ......... lblbWllkot lbl--..a.•••PldWpon this night. which allowed the Breakers (2·4) to finally get back in the win col- umn. Eagle and Brian MacPhie played men's doubles in the third set of the ntght and also won in a tiebreaker, de- feating de Jager and Amir Hadad. With Sharapova's victory in women's singles, the Breakers went into the final set holding a 20-13 advantage. But MacPhie lost the last set to Ha- dad, 5-3. forcing overtime. World Team Tennis rules stipulate that if the trailing team wins the final set, the match goes into ~rdme. The match doesn't end until the leading team wins a game or the traillng team ties the score. which would send the match into a supertie- breaker. MacPhie avoided that fate, winning the second game of overtime to seal the victo . WI~ McEnroe on the court tonigtlt. the Breakera should expect a dJJBcult match. A winner of MYal Grand Slam Gnc'ea dtlea and 10 Grand Slam doublet dtlee, the 44·year-oki bu •till abown hbmelt to be qulte a tennis player. Go· Ing Into play Monday, be ranked third in the lelaue In men'I afnglee. wtnnlng 10 of cbe 17 pmet he had played. In bis tint two matches tbia teaSOO with the Sponimel, McEnroe hlld ~ to loM a MC In either men'I lirigtea or meo'1 dou· blea. . Mc:Bnroe'I appeuMCe wOl nwt the d:Urd by one ol the lellue'I marquee ...,... N9wpoft 8wll .. llllOft. Dftmport .,..,,.. In ......... ~ Int two~~,,.~ ..... : IDOi .., ........ pa.;. .. -ecbeduled-- .. July 2e, wbliD Mmdm Na•adM wll plly with tbe ........... ,..... cloml. Home team rattles off 10 runs in shutout that eliminates CdM from Di strict 2 pl ay. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot LOS AlAMITOS -The \'at of off~ sive punch went dry for the Corona dei Mar 14-year-old Pony All-Stars against a polished Lo Alamito team in a Distrid 2 elimination game Monday aftemool} at the Los Alamitos Youth Baseball fields. • CdM. which bad defeated Costa Mesf by 10 runs ~turday and downed Pl&· centia. 7-4, Sunday. managed lWO hiU and no runs in a 10-0 Los Alamitos vic.4 tory in a shortened, six·lnning semi.tinal game in the loser's bracket • ·TWo days In a row we killed the bat and (Monday) we bit it right OD the note. but right to people.• CdM ~ ager Slew Brady mi. "[Le» Alamit~ bas lotl or pitching md the fl.m four~ ters 1.11! pat• Lot Alamitol' ftnt four battln sciJll4 eewn or the tam's 10 nma. wttb ~ Marmion leadinl the plCk with •• ~ ~ perfonnance. whk:b Included i ~l'\ID hmne run M l*1 o#bk ..... Mii. He...,~ dma. I" Loi Ahrnltoa, wbldl def.-d w.: "'blct. bul .. lO 0.... to fll IMD .. loMI'\ bnck#. Jt..,... on CdM ~ tu NN kl ttiia bOclDiD OI tha Int ID; "*dna--lblhl....Se.a •a iQ I ...... ~,., • ._ . ., ...... f/1-.... ... ..................... ' .... ,.. -•llilMmt 'L ....... .. ... .... ,. • rru .. .- AlO Tundey, .My 15, 2003 SPORTS U.S. ties European champion Five former UC Irvine players help the/ U.S. tie Serbia and Montenegro on the opening day of play at the FINA World Championships UC Irvine graduate Ryan Bailey nearly provided the heroics, but the U.S. men's national water polo team was forced to settle for a 5-5 tie against 2003 European champion Serbia and Monte- negro in its first game of the UCI Continued from A9 Athletic Conference regular-sea- son title only to miss the post- season due to a self-imposed ban foUowing the d1scovery of academic fraud) and Princeton. A fourm participant has yet to be named. UCI begins with home exhibi· don games against the EA Sports All-Stars, Nov. I, and Division U Cal State Los Angeles, Nov. 6. The Cal State LA roster Includes 2002 Costa Mesa graduate David Conte, a 5-foot-10 guard who redshirted !Mt season. · The Anteaters, who finished second in the Big West regular- season standinp wt season and were eliminated in the semifinals of the conference tournament. then denied a bid to the NIT. open the Big West campaign at home against Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Jan. 3. They wiU then play reigning regular-season conference champion UC Santa Barbara. Jan. 5 at the Bren Even~ Center. Big West Tournament cham- pion Utah State (24-9 last year after a first-round loss in the NCAA Tournament) wiU play host to UCJ Jan. 29 in Logan. Two nights later, UCJ wiU visit confer- ence opponent Idaho. The con- ference games in Utah and Idaho, as weU as the BCA Oassic in Ohio, are the only games UO wiU play out.side California next season, with the possible excep-' don of the school's first NCAA lburnament bid or the program's fifth trip to the NIT. The Anteaters are expected to be led by seoond-team All-Big West center Adam Parada. a 7--0 senior, as weU as 6-4 guard Jeff Gloger, who made the confer- ence's all-freshman team wt season. Parada averaged 12.2 points and a team-leading 6.2 rebounds last year. and owns a school ca- reer record with 111 blocked shots. 10th FINA World Otampion- ships In' Barcelona, Spain. Bailey scored off a back- hand shot with under 10 sec· onds.remaining in 1he march, but an offensive foul negated the score and the U.S. wa~ forced to settle for the tie. "The call probably could have gone either way," Balley said in a release on usawater- polo.com. "But looking at the ejecUon count (9-SMN, S- USA), we didn't get many chances from the referees to- day anyway. It's disappoint- ing. I think we probably de- served to win that game. W.e played better than the other team, b1,1t what can you do?" Bailey, the 2002 USA water polo pJayer of the year, did help in other ways, drawing an ejection at set just before the half to set up a ma n-ad- vantage situation and a goal by Wolf Wigo and leading the U.S. team with four steals. Another former UC Irvine standout, Jeff Powers, scored in the third quarter, tying the s.core 4-4. tJso playing 011 the team from 'UC Irvine are Omar Amr, who had an as- sist, Dan Klatt and Genai Kerr. The U.S. returns to the pool Thursday against Japan. Gloger averaged 8.2 ppg and becam~ the first freshman to lead the team in assists (86) and steals (75) since Jerry Green in 1998-99. ST(Vf Mc.Cf<ANti I IJAll 1 I'll (IT UC Irvine's Jeff Gloger ( 10) returns tor a second season with the Anteaters after setting the school's single-season record for steals last year, including seven in a December loss to Stanford. BASEBALL Continued from A9 sent a fly ball to left fielder David Whcalley, who made the putout and then contributed an assic;L Campbell -at third -tagged and started to. run. but halted IO CdM made two errors in the feet down the third-base line. first, allowing two runs to score, giving \Alheadey enough time to but tightened up with the glove relay 10 Nielsen to make the lag after that. on 1he retreating runner. After a leadoff double by Beau Earlier in the fourth. St. Joh.n CampbeU to open the fourth. broke up Scott Seal's no-hit bid Mannion sent a grounder to with a one-out. head -first sljde shortstop Conner Whalen. into first to beat the throw from WhaJen threw to third baseman short. St John reached second Bla1ne Nielsen, trapping Camp-·on a balk with Nielsen at the bell in a brief pickle. Nielsen's plate with two ouls, but Seal throw was then bobbled by sec-drew a popup to Flagg to end the ond baseman Vinnie St. John, al-inning. lowing Campbell to reach third. St. John sta~ on the mound but the play wasn't over. St John, for CdM and went one inning. at least five feet to the left of the He was relieved by left-hander second-base bag. qulckly sprint-Alex Matthews. The southpaw ed ba~ across the base to tag went 3"' innil]gs, striking out lW!l the sUd1ng Marmion. and walking only one. Nielsen With one out, Geno Deangelis came on in the fifth to record the final out. Matthews collected .CdM's only other hit -a one-out in- field single in the fifth. An'i hopes CdM had that inning were again squashed after Mannion ranged to his left to scoop up a groundball, touched second and threw to nrst for the double play. Los Alamitos' Infielders ac- counted for lO of !he 18 outs. •Defensively, we can match up with anybody.· Mickelson said. CdM firsl baseman Kelsey Olase backhanded a one-hop throw 10 rob SeaJ of a hit in the second before Los Alamitos hit- ters found their groove. Four consecutive hits -two doubles, a home run and a single - found the home team up, 7--0, well on its way to victory. Los AlamiJos' one through four hitters went a combined 8 for 14 to lead a 13-hit attack. ·Hitting is con~1ou,, 11 take., care of itself," MickeJ.,011 -,;ud ·We don't have a 1111 111 1c.1m speed so we have to pu1 till' hJJI in play to force the "''Ill' CdM put the ball m pl,1). hut couldn't break the ~1e1um h de fense. Leadoff hitter "fyler Brady heh ed two Oy balls lo cen1cr field for outs while Kyle LeC,rand. Niel- sen, Olase, Whalen. St. John. Matthews. Bobby Man11111~ and AJex Johnston all pul tlw hall into play. "We're looking forward 10 1he Battle of the Bay <,c•rw"." Steve Brady said. CdM will face Newport lfarhor in the second annual bes1-of- three series beginning al 5:30 p.m. Wednesday . at Eas1bluJT Part. Thursday's game wilJ be at Ole same time and place a<s will Friday's game. If neca~. Datly Pilot BASKETBALL Brooks hired by Nuggets Former UCI basketball star named an a~sistant coach with Denver. Scan Brooks, a former UC Ir- vine men's basketball star who played 12 years in the NBA. has been hired as an assistant coach wi16 the Denver Nuggets. Rrooks was first -team AU-Pa- cific Coast Athletic Association, alJ -dJstrict and received honor- able mention for AU-American honors as a UCI senior in I 9R6· 87. He led the western United States In scoring. averaging 23.8 ppg that season. After playing 011 a CM rham- plonshlp team at Alba ny (N.Y.I. Brooks made NHA stopi. in PhHa delphia, Minn~ola, I lou.,t1111, Dallas, New York, Cleveland and with the Los Angelc1t Oippcrs. He was also on the 1994 Nii/\ champidn Hous100 ~ockets. Broob, inducted 11110 IJU\ Athletic Hall of fanw in 200 I. will assist Nu~t.·1., lwad lUath Jeff 81.c:Mik.. GOLF Golf tournament .. . still has room C:olfer., are srill needed to fill the field for 1he Cos1a Me'><! <.11mmuni1y GolfOass1c Monday JI Mc<,;1 Verde Cuunrry Oub. Owe~ in and regi<,tration be- gin JI 10 a.m .. preceding a uoon .,hl>IJ:.'Ull .. 1ar1. (,olfer; will have .ltH''" 10 the pu1ung green, driv- mg range and can also enter a put11ng rnnte<,t pnor tu teeing oil No -ho ... 1 cocklaih will be <,t'fwd at 5 p.m. foll owed by d111 - 11er at 6 pm. Those m a11end - an~t· will have rhc oppqrtuniry 10 win pn,r,c.,, uwJrd"I Jnd hut 011 auction ill'm'>. CoM for .1 lour,cmw " s•no and md udr, gull, lumh .111d d1u ner. while '>ingle., mu.,1 p.1\ 'bl'10 Tho-.c lhal Yl.1.,h to ,111t·nd 1lw awanh duuwr .ind ;111< 11011 011)\ must pay S4 'i For more 111format11111 or .,pon ' '><>f">h1p opport11111111·.,, r,111 7 I I 885-9095. Makt ched,.., pay.1hlt· 111 < .m1.1 Mcs.t 01amber ol C on11111·rcl' 1700 Adan1., t\H• , :-..o I 0 I, ( "''d Me)tl, 9262h GOLF Towersey and Lovejoy complete first round Loca ls are competing for the 2003 California Women's Cha mpionship at Monterey Bay. Manannc loweriey. the girl<,' golf Loach a1 Newport Harbor I hgh .md a member of Santa Ana C .ountry Club. and Big Canyon Coun1ry llub's Channing Lovejoy Ii 11.-.hed the tirc;t round of the l OO:I Cahfornia Women's Cham- pion.,hip Monday with -;omc ground lo make up. lowl'r.,cy ~ho1 4-ov{'.r-par 76. . _,, WATER POLO Newport claims.. tournament Newport I !arbor's girls sum - mer water polo team won its sec- ond .,traight tournament with a 7 2 victory over Long Beach Wil- son 111 the Santa Barbara lnvita· 11onal Tournament last weekend. Carolyn Conway scored five goals while Anne Belden and Sarah Mull added one goal apiect> to lead Newport in the 16- lcam loumament. Newport, now 20-2 in the ~ummer season, went unde- feated (5·0) in Santa Barbara, de- feating the ,..1orida champions a.nd CIF Central Section cham- pion Oovis on its way to the fi- nals. In the University Invitational a weekend earlier, Newport aJso went undefeated, outscoring its competition. 76-8. gomg out 1n 40 aml u11rnng m with a 36 on the Blar ._ 1 lor,t.· c,olf Cour..e al Montt•n·y B.t} 111.11 was one ~hot be11cr lhJn I O\l'Jo~. who carded a 77. Jff 011 lhl' fronl and 39 on lht• hm ._ 11111~ 1 lw leaders after lhc fif'>I d.t} 111 th!' 54-hole compt•1111on .trl' I m" Blasbc!"K and Beth Allt•11. ho1h of whom "'' at ewn par .lflt•r l ff holes . . Play COlllllllll'' IOdJ} .111<.f Wednei.day 1n thl' 1oun1.1nw111, which i., opt'n w any ( .ahlonua resident ~ardle'' M agt• I he· top 100 handicap 1ncl1•>.1·' \Wrt' accepted into thl' tournd1nt·nt. which is being plilyl'd ;11''1.11d1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week senes I I TOOAY 25 -Apollonia Reves Orange Coast College Women's soccer. 1999 20 -Garrett Bowlus Corona del Mar Boys water polo, 2000 11 -Xochitl Byfield Estancia Girls baskotball, 2001 02 18 -Devin Denmen Costa Mesa Girls &OCCer, 2003 17 -Lara B1ardot!lr Women's swimming UC Irvine, 2003 , t , _l.llll,___1111111 ___ 2141_ Upl Maacel Tuesday, My 15, 2003 All '!-'"------ -Up!... -UplNalca -t1n1ent Cfed1ton, •nd THE PETHION f OR however, the Plt<1c>n1 who mey oth· PROBATE rtQUHlt PE p m t n l> 11p I L 7 3 lenu ' •l , prov oded on Petition., Walh r K1n1 Pttsodent F et11l Bah1tmand erwose be 1ntt1tsled In TER R. PALERMO ti. looted Al 341 Ille City Probate 1Code section PMIOP IAlJAaO, Jtl., Ortvt South O,.nae. CA 9iOO The tome for 1111111 ISQ., 'ALIUO, I~ Th" stetemt nl wn fh1s st1t1ment wn 1114d with 1111 County hied with th• County IStABOf: u-.-.mot ..... ~ ••IWfSOI WI llO. A2l"1t To •II htlta, btnth· cw ies, CJ1d1tor1. con both. of. NEAL HERBERT BRUTSCH[ 1k1 NEAL H. BRUTSCH[ aka NEAL' BRUTSCH[ A PC TlflON FOR PRO· BAll hH bttn flltd by PETER R PALERMO on lht Sul>ltrlOI Court ol C1hlorn1a County of ORANG[ wll'f lht ooun ltlOIAd noc ~ ltle dlOtlty A. HEARING on h l*itiofi will be held on JIJy 31, 2003 It 1 45 PM In Dept. No L73 lOcaWd 11 3' 1 The City DIM Oranoe. CA. "92813-1571 • IF YOU OBJECT to 1hl oraniaio oe 1hl pe11- 11on. you· should 8"19"' II the heating llld 111'9 ~ oOtections or file wntten ~ With Ire OOUl1 before the tmnng Yrur appeet· arce may be In l*10" or by yoor anomey 1i: YOU ARE A CAEOITOR or a oonbn- genl creditor oe the deceased, you must file you< Clllm wrth the OOUl1 and mall a copy to the pereonat representAtive lppainted by Ille ocort Wltllin tour montrll lrom the date ot lll'lt IUianc:e of letters as P"Mded In Probate Code section 9100 The time lo< lillng dllmS Wiil not ellplt9 before lolK monltll lrom lhe he1nng date notic»d IOOYt YOU MAY EXAM· INE the file ~ by Ille OOUl1 If you i rt a pellOfl Interested In tile eltlte, you may tile wt1tl the court a Request tor Special Notice (form OE· 1 !>4 I oC lhe liling OI an INflntoty Ind appraiall ol e1t1t1 111eta or oe any Ptlltlol'I or lalOUnt IS provided IO P robllt Code aec:tlor'I 1260 A. ~est tor Speoll Noboe form IS IVllllble lrom the COUr1 cleftt A.ttomey for petttloner: STEPHEN M. LOWE ESQ J ESSICA S. OOfUIAN- OAVIS ESQ FREEMAN FREEMAN A.NO SMILEY UP 2 PARKPUZA STE 1245 IRVINE CA 92914 ~ee.:n.cou Miu Da»y ~MCNAUGl-1- TON~ B.9.15, 2003 Polkr . Rates and deadli nes arc ~ubjecl to change w111'tout notice. lhe publisher re~erve~ lhc nght to cen.,or. reclll.)s1fy, revise or re1ect an) classified advertisement. Please rcpon any error ll'tat may be m your cl~stficd ad immed1atel). The Dail) Pilot accept.s no liabilit) for any error m .in advertJsement for which tt may be responsible eitcept for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credjt can only be al lowed tor the fir )t insertion. AllNOUIKOUNTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE IUSINESS & FHWtCW 1419 2305-2490 rtprn enlltivt to 1d ntlnlsltr, lht u l•I• of th. decedent. THE PETITION rtQutSls autl!or1ty to 1dm1nl1ter th• estt le under lh• Independent Admlnis tr1tion of Est1tt1 Act (Tins Authority will t How the penonel repreHn· laltvt to take meny 1ctions without obt11n '"' court 1pprov11 Btfo11 tak1n1 certiun nry important 1ctoons, unlets U.1y h•v• waived notl~• or consented lo th• propond action.) The independent •d· m1n11lu,.on e uthottty will be anted unleu an Int'~ esl•d p11son mes •n objecllOn to the petition and ~ows 1ood ceuse why the court Should not 1rant the authority A HEARING on the petition wlll be held on AUCUST 14, 2003 o1t I 45 pellot1 wll be held on A.uol* 7, 2000 It 1 :45 PM In Declt. No. L73 loC9l«f I I M 1 The City OM ~. cA 92913-1571 IF YOU 08JECT to the lnf'tlliog of the pet;. lion,-)'OU ehol.tld ~ ll lhe ~ 8lld .... yotJr OCljldlol • or fie ~ OCljldlol• whh l'9 OOUl1 before the r.ering. Your appMI· 11nC1 may be in peraoo or by Yf1'JI lltOmey IF YOU ARE A CREOITOA or a COflbn- gent .cnditor of tile deCMMd, you roost Ille your d alm witti tile oou11 and ma~ a copy to the ~ rlpfesentatlve appointed by tile OOUl1 wlttWt lour months trom "' da• of Int isS\laflC8 of letters u j)f(Mded tn Probate Code secllOfl 9100 The bma lof fitmg clllms wta not IJCpll9 before lour rnoi1hs from tne hearing date nobCeO aboVe YOU MAY EXAM· INE tne file kept by the court tt you are a l*10l1 lnte<Mted in lt1e estate. you may Ille wM the court I Req\lell for Special No4lce (form OE· 154) oC the filing of 1n lrNentoty and appraisal of eetate U8eta or of ll'l'f J*11ion or lalOUnt .. pnMOe<I in Probate Code eectior'I 1250 A ~ tor Speoal Notice form ii available lrom tne court detlt. Allomey for ~ CAROL Y. ADA.MS ESQ TAUBMAN SIMPSON YOU NO & SULENTOR ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER STE 400 LONO BEACH CA 90601-5670 BRADFIELD Ne'llll'pOl1 ~ Mtla o.iy ~BAAOFlELO Jul 15.18.22. 2003 IF YOU OBJlCT to the 1rant1na ol thl pahtlon, you should •ii~•" •I the hu11na i nd i tal• your objections or Ille written ob~toons with the court before the hu rone Your appearance '' •Y be m person or by your 11torney 1( YOU ARE A CREDI· roR or cont1n een t t11d1t0t ol the dect1std. you must lilt you• claim w1lh th• cour I •fJd mall • rnpy to the personal repruenl•hwt •PPOIOted by the court w1th1n lour months I/Om the dat~ ol the llrsl 1uu•nc1 of NOJICE OF Pm-TION TO ADMINIS. TEA ESTATE OF LOUIS A. GALINDO case No A.220083 To Ill hen, beneli· aanea. c:redolora, conbn- gent creditor... and P9f· sons WhO n\iy ottiefwtse oe ontern led 1n lhe Wiii or estate, or both. ol LOUIS A. GALINOO A PETITION FOA PROSA TE 11aS been filed by ARMANDO A GALINOO In the Supe- nor Cour1 of C&llfomla, County o1 ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PAOeA.TE re- quests !hit ARMANDO A GALINOO be ap. pointed 11 pel10tlll reprnefUtrve IO l dmtn· IS* lhe Hiiie of !tie decedent THE PETITION r~ll authonty 10 admrntste< the esia1e unQe( the Independent Admil'lllVlbOl'I ol Eat.ates Act (Thia aultlon1y will allow lhe pe110N1l rep- resentablle to take many ldlOOI without Obtaining ooun •PtAOV•I Belofe liking 09f1aln Vlf'f Im- portant actions. how· fNef. the peBOnll repre- sentalMI .. be feQlltfed to give noClce to 1n1e1- ested Pl<10f\S unless trl8y ha\19 WINf/O notice or conl«PICI to tile proposed ICbon ) The iOOependent 1dmon11t1a bOn l uthonty Wiii be granted unlna an lflle r- ested person litea a n objection to the petttlOfl and shows good cause wny tile court &l'Ollid not grant tile I Ult'oOnty A 11EARING on tne petJ1>0n Wiit be held on Auguet 7. 2003 at 1 45 PM In Oepl No L73 located at 34 1 The Crty belort four months from lh.e heao 1na dale notoc:ed 1bove, YOU MAY Ell.AMINE the Ille kept by thv <our I II you are • "''\on 1n l•rntod on lhe nt~ you may lole wtlh .fhe court 1 Requut 101 Spect.tl Not~e (lorno DI 154) of the l11tnc nf •n inventory 1nd •PP' a~al of estate anti~ ut uf any petohnn 01 IC< ounl as provided 10 P•ob•tt Code s~c loon I '15/J A Reques t fuo Sµ~• ·~• Notice form 1\ ••••'•bl~ from the court 1 lerk Attorneys lor Oft.le Ofange, CA 92813-1571 • tF YOU OBJECT to the grltll<ng ol the pelt lion. you allould appear at lhe h6anng and state 'f04JI OOjecbOn5 or hie wntten oo,ectJona with '"11•: LlP Ht I. (1l1r141 I f v4., Ste. N1.100,, ...... ,..,CA 91101-191' Pubt.,hed Newport 8tat h·Cost1 Meu 011ly Pilot July 8 14 15. 2003 TM071 SWfllll CUT Of WOllA, (.OtMTf Of OIMl&E l41 n. City Drift, ar.,.. CA 921611-t-em M- tkt C.- mmotlOfllftln 1-s C.,...-4 Vktwt. AM lllQ.C.,.•~ of lr ... llcelellllzfOI owtGIOflWU DIDO TO SHOW WISI FOi owtG(OflWU Wl llUIWI: il 19793 the ooun before the TO All INTERESTED hearing Yoor appear· PfRS(JNS lflCe may be In person 11 Pelolouner. Matthew or by your anorney 1~m~s Caputo & V•ctofta IF YOU ARE A Ann Ruoz Caµu'to on CREDITOR or a conton· b~hdll of ll• eanna Nicole gent Cl'9C)tor ol the I Ru11 hied • 1>ellt100 with decease<!, ycu mual hie 11110, • ourt for • decree your Claim w.til lhe ooun I' hdngon~ names as and mail 1 eopy to tl'le lllllr_. N\ ll1<0110• N1tole pe!'IOf1al r9'>1etenta~ve ktw lu ll• •anna Nicole r .1puto appoinled by the COUl1 I lltf LfJURl ORO£RS wrtnln four mon1ns lrom I 1n,1 4 11 ""'\un~ inter tile dale of tuSl issuance 1 • Id ,11 lh• m•lle• $h~ll of letters as prO'lloded ii' •IJP• •• t~• this court Probate cooe secill)l'I " "'" ,.... ~ •ndo~ated 9100 Tne uroe for 1.1.ng 1 .• 1~., • r,h ,. cau>~ ol d a..ms WI. ''°' P'P'r~ '"' -1t'•'f tr.to' v.-.t+t1on tor belore lour mc.nlns from I' '"l" .1 n• ...-{hould ttie neanno dale neit ceo n ., ~·· ~""''' above N Hlf.[ (If H(ARINC YOU MA~ EXAM· Cl•tt 7 2':1'U! Time 200 INE Irie lite keQ! OV t'1e ~"" rie"r l /, oovn II "°" dre a per~on lh• dddrP\\ ul fhe tOut t 1nte<esteo ... tne e~ta\e, ·~ ... ,mt •' 11.1lrd abov~ yau may file Wlll'I ll'le l A c•111y uf tho\ Order covn a ~&quesl for ,,, ..... ., , au\e \hall bt Spe<:oa Not. " !form OE· IJ• t l•\t,~l'.I ar ltJSI onr~ 1!>4) ol tne tu1no ol an •~<" w•~• tur four ln'leOICry 3 od aWfi lS31 >lltl~ \i.e Nft~\ ptrOI of estale .. ssets or al t th~ a~•e ''' loo any pe!ot.o or acccx.ont h~M ong on lhe pelttoon as 1)(0\ll(led •n PrOt>ale n th~ tollowona new\ Codie l>eCt ... 1 1250 A. P•µtt ol aenPtfl C.1ICU ReQUest IOI Special lalton printed '" lhos Not.ce le.rm ,1 ava 1ao1e • • '"' lllewport Beach from the coun elm .. 1 a Me\ a Oa11~ Pilot Doi•: JUN 20 , 2003 Attorney tor petltloner. Mor1'orl• lolrd Cort•r PETER J LINDEN ESO PETER J 1.INOEN & Pui.11-.hed Newport ASSOCIATES B•-th Custa MHa Daily 2500 ANNIVERSARY I f'tlut Jun• 24. July I. 8. LN I~ 700) 106) FIRSTFLR ~ NEWPORT BEACH CA FIND 92660 Newpon Beacn-Costa 111 ..... -Mesa Oa~y I dmifie4! CN683904 GALINOO Jul 14 15.21 2003 I lo\v to Pla(·e A on 06/17 /03 on 06124/03 2001 6t 414t2 200J694t140 01tly Piiot July I. 8. l!I. ~111 Pilot July 8 15 22. 22, 2003 T067 n 2003 l068 .,, do1n1 bu1lnets 11 a) 24 CMtob , b) A Cit" Act Callfln&, c) r..wport Cattrine Comp1ny. d} The Grumpy Gourmet. t ) Premier C1te11n1 f) 24 ,..._...... "'*"-..... Carrot, a> C1te11n1 by 11&-... r.........___. Ot'IJI. h) 24 Cartots --'-S...... C1tw1n1 And l~ents The lottow1n1 person• fl\e lollow1n1 .,.rsoni 9392 Chffwood Drove ••• doona bus1no 1 o ,,. do•n& bu...,.n as Hunttnaton Bu ch CAii Rncuecom ?618 Bun Welhn11on Court Apart fornt192646 11low P!ac.t Corona del menh 600 [nl Wt ll N0tm1n fltc:hard Ben Mar Cahlorn11 9?6?!1 1nston Ave . Santa An• nett 9392 Chitwood YHt u ttk Computer Calofu,,11a 92701 Orivt Hunllnston Bu ch Ser•1Ct\ (CAI 2618 H••P•' Rully Grou11 California 92646 Bun11low Pl•Lt Cornn• '"' 1 sole GP 1 1CA1 Shtltt Stone-8.nnell del Mar CA 92625 18.301 I/on i<arm•n A•t 9392 Chitwood On•• Thi\ b1.1\mt a " tun Suite /50 t'""" Calo HunUnaton Bt1th, C1h ducted by a Lo1pora1ion lorno• 9261? fornl• 92646 The 11111\ltanl LC.m Tho\ buioneu os coll fho\ busoneu •• con me nctd t o tranucl ducted by a 11m1ted ducted by hu,band and busoneu u ndeo Ille P•<lnerihop wile ftct1t101.1• bu\lnU\ name Ila,. you sta~ted doon.i Have you Utrlect doone or n•mo h•ltd 1bove bu\lnns yet' Yu busmen yet' No on June 16 2003 1] ·O'J ·97 Shem Stone Bennett Vor tutel< Compute• H11pe1 R"•llY Croup lhts •l•lemenl wo Ser•o<es Alyu a Milman In, ·•n MuOuua111 hied with the County Whole' Secrel•ry H•rper Poo.ooent Clerk ol Or H a• County j This \lltemtnl ... \ Ttus statemert wn on 06111/03 fol•d wtln lht Count 1 ••led "'''" 1ne (oJnty 2003694161 9 -Cler~ ot 0 tfnae County l ler~ fJI Oranc~ Count1 011ly Pilot July I 8 l'j on 06 16 03 11n 06 It; O; 22. 2003 T066 2003694USS 2003694837' Daily Pilot lune ?• Jul)o Oaoly Pol<>t July 15 22 fldt"-t.Mess I 8 15 2003 106? ~ Au it ~ ?003 T078 ._s...... fldtllMtw.ss I .. ltl., .... 00 fhe to11ow1ne per \ons ,.,."""' are do1na busmo s •• "-S.......,. MOTICI Of Easyl onl. Communota· The fr,11ow1na I)"''•"'" •yH•NmtOf lions. 31?02 \11• Coltnn drt do•na bu••nn• •• " _,, Coto Oe C1u CA 92679 On T 1mt 3198 C °'""'''I All«JAI. RIPOil Relay M•rheton11 LLC l'loop D• Cu•l• M<'• ,, •··v,rdan• • ,.,1h •RS (CAI 31l02 Y•• Co1tnn CA 92626 • f I rilll 6llJ4 o , .upy Coto Oe Cu a CA 92679 ('lpy Amer.CJ In ,,t "• annu•I i.1>orl of I hos business '' con 3198 C A.rpo•t lo ·P IJ• uw M & to~• p d uc ted b y l1m11ea C\l•la Me\4 CA'Uf>ll, 11 ~ r.miy r ou,.o.o L1ab1hly Co !tu~ bu\ont\'. ,, <O" c•"" • • ••"•' Ha¥t you ~ldtted dutr'i duc.t~d by d lOtpt;r•lhH J-1,,,.<.•JH >.~-tt'Ja~.,., t ,, buSlnU\ yet> lllu Hoe yo;u ~t41l.,l ""'n& ltt h•. d ,ra• ?007 & Relay M•rk•ton" lLC llu\ont•<. v~•' •e• f 1'J ZOOJ •\ ••••'•II•• 1,1 Anthony "'""""'' II (13 publo• 1n•pe 1 ~ ~1 24(4 Man~aer I tvp1 Amtrll ' ln1 Sttnh•J1.'=' (_i,-~,..""' 'Jt, This •talem~rtl W4\ Byron R a •. , .. ~.. VII. B••<' CA '1/F,#,! lur "i.' toled .. 111> th~ County Pres•derot • •&ul•o ou''""" r.uu• • Clerk of Orana• County I Thi\ \l•l•rT1<nl wH !.a•d r"'""' ·.nal ._m111 on 06109~0 · loled wolh thr l iunt, awail.ibi-''" a P•ll«d nl 2003"9 3'13 I Cler II .,f fJran2• < r><mlf 180 0,,\ v1mme"• 111~ Dally Polo Jult 8 I~ 2'J on 07 11 0 ! wilh Int d•I• t l! ,. ?9 i/003 107C 2003695 1191 nulttc O.toly P1lol July I!. n Putilt•ntcl ~t"'P t 29 Aue S 2003 107~ ru h ·•t• M•~• o. 1, fht followon11 r:>er'""' •rt Ot:.11n~ bu\ine~\. • .,, [1tllr 1,,1F'1c. f1n4ntta The: h II w n• Pl"'',.(JU'\i St r.oc t\ l;roup HOO M f dooni b1 1••\\ •• lrvont A•• •l?O N~w Hu llh tn\U'-• (;110 port ij,,, h 1 A92660 c1ergt 3 <; m"'•I New ""'e11tan Roi Newpotl la•'I fA hlatr Man•eement 92657 Couup Int CCAJ 330() I f '"al B•hr~"' "'d l l1v1n11 Ave •120 Ne., Somm•t N~"'""'' Cr,.·1 port Bealh CA 91660 CA 9?65, lho\ bu\o~n\ 1\ con I Cynthia l ynn "l~t•I•• dueled by • rorporat•on 396 l Col1r a r ''" ! Have lfJU •tarted doon11 Oce1n•1de CA 910'>4 bu\1nt Si 1et' Yt\ Th15 bU!l.fnf!~\ ~--rt 06 01 03 duc ted ~, • ''"e dt 1 i;arlner~op Ha•t you \Urted Oo1n, bu.,nt n td, No hlllt I"·• IS :-ooj IOI PUT AfEW WORDS TO WORKfOR YOU! (949) 642-S678 ----Deadlin e .. ---. CLASSIFrnAD Monday................. .Fnda} 5:00pm Tuesday ................. Monday 5:00pm BY Fax 19~9) 631 -65Q~ t rlc"'< 11 .. lu.Jc '"'" IYJTIC ;md J'h<'OC numl>c:r .u>J "'c II «•ll \"'I ti.>., l '°' llh a l'fK( <jU<>I<' Telephone lHOam-5.00pm Monday-Friday -.. . •I ,-- BY Pho n t.· 1Q~Q1 M2-'i67 I lour~ Index ' 11 , ' B,· ~Ja il/In Person: .UCl We~1 Bay St.reel Cos1a Mesa. CA 92627 Al Newp<'n Blvd & Bay S1 W.111-·ln X '0am H lOpm '\.fonday-Fnday l 7402-7466 Wedne:.da> ............ Tuesday 5:00pm Thurc.da> .... : .. Wednesda} 5:00pm Frida) ................... Thursda) 5:00pm Saturday................... Fnda> 3:00pm Sunday ...................... Frida) 5:00pm J010-S940 . ~~ .- liALESTAn lltR Slll soos-saso ' . ·-· .. -~ Llndl'r till' Sl'n icl' Dirl'ct<>r\· lbnnl'r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lonalne at (949) 57 4-4245 --1413 .... JEWELRY/ ......... 1110 . 3460 MISCB.1MEOUS MERCHMDISE RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE PAClnC VllW UYVllW TIUACI ILO~ottPAaT t49-4t4..JOU cann•lll' ....... 11• TOP 1$ 4 IKOIM IT< -c:.a.r. Ek sos • .,. Jll.Mlc.S..t*-... Mike 949-645· 7505 NTED Prtwte hdt .._.... DIAMONDS/ ca. appm l/hf trom PRECIOUS METALS Oldtf S4yle FwNbn l"IAHOS l CM!edllf 11 ................... ·-· ..... ·~~ .. CMMMID .. ............... •..Vl9TA119 ........... ~-- COIJSIGW.H rJTS <-•<• ..... Old Coins! Gold. silver. jllWlllry, w~ tntlqueS coltectiOlts ~·9"411 Newpowt Bttch Eacef· lent huntln1 ldiattnl to state waterfowl rtfup, ownership 1ntttest & 9'1PfOll 375 11a n of t.nd & lmpto-nlt + 1CHH own camp_.. co11190und Clll 3111 w/ttruc ture and 2 --------11..-1. Wondetful Fto. Odart Im-. LtQf>trd 11l111t 880't & win• IOc*+lllea. fert n otic tutln1 dudn1 duck p>ld/c'-ollm tc>Ots. r .. 1 ~ • m.tnr 11trul lldlmooletS 90!M81""664 Ideal '°' 2 friends Of Mt-llSCUID......,... fetllef & aon. Call Miit• ... a,.,,,..,,.,=--at 3l0-54l-ol54. ...,,.., .....w ..,..... _,.., ... ~OIJ Adapllara. ,...,,. lilllnd 30 ~y IU.lH QUiWH1tl •1c111w ......... AU.STIU._...S IUPU WI 24128 wn $8200, a.II $3990 28a46 WO SlUOO, M ii S'5480 '81100 was llS,IOO. tell l l 2..l50 Call Kowt T-CMe)Hl-7 ... I J' 111 ........ lallnnmlM ~. ltfl 11 -.. ,_ .... ,.._.,_ end went to either clllllcs. I 1111 In ...,_ 1tt Ned 9f tlle II-Of Ulo llecton ... .,.,.., ..... ctlllltL ,..... , .. 9'NMo227t ML <A9t u.f RcMit. ...... .,._GA/ 0o you tm'11 -lft a ..... tielltlL ... «JZ *1j1 Yt# .-*" ~ -colect et 4l'-W4.- 1'17. •11-•• ·-· naa lllicllda ID n NU,1 I -cHi.e w _,. M tor r ••.....C u.c • ...... ,..,... lQ/wka. GtMI ...... ow PIR. ft'( ,_... ............ 11729 l400--~ ~--llllOw .,... (rA&, "'XM) lb. ,.,*1 cN4"PIOft • lllt•11tUDA.t clletlWioll ,..,.. AlllOO . 714.MI lOM • 1lUl7-IMl . .......... + • ............... ................... ..... ___ _ ""~'-·~-Set whit homes 11te open lhB ..... end when you VI~ "TheSundl1 l-wm •. Utoe c.111or-lnt•net CUtde to Weekend Open Homes (CAI..~) llr th &•led condo. New pnVa pt. ktl !ltna & O/W Mstr bt w/Walk·ln· clst LR W/Cl th c•. fp. *""' crb . clubhM Prucl Ca RttJty 562·307-7581 IMOll111._ . ... HURRY!! I • • .. • • ., All Tuesdly, ~ 15. 2003 _TODAY'S CROSSWORD PLJZZLE ACftOSS I Oft"'o.d~ s Buclleyelll eempus $ eon. unraveled 12 811111 14 Stralfonl'1 nwt 15 T alte a taxi 16 ~ v.lne \ype 17-~• '8 ()WIN lamb 19 fOogbound {2 WO..) 21 brencihed hOln 2;l Acilf•• ~ -Farrow 24 -~ 25 Eatll! s SW 26 Slle>Ws alfectJon 30 l(,l'Zentrakls clw8Cllef 32 Fem leaf 33 OriYes onto Ille 8h0uldet • (2 wdt.) 38 H\lntOf'S Wellr 37 CUI-de sac J6 Riike 40 Vague 42 OMoe ateHe< .a ASl, ERA. etc. 44 Liii> glasSWar11 45 Signs off on 48 Dcluble curve 49 t.ttc sUlt'f 50 Aeveaf 52 Okl OUSlome<S S7 Hltokl d "" oomQ 58 Found 1 pelth 80 Golf Ind llddge ·GI 8-nkon t2 ,.., poo!lta 113 Ol!rriOk OI Cl-64~ -R 65 9«>'• 66 Pul9 DOWN 1 Gratnupon 2 Shekwed Nerciw.le 3 -lhe Red • 4 Solt COIOf 5 tmie aipp41anoe 6 Mueicefecale 0018 7 NotjUSlfy 8 Stew over 9 Tiny streams 10 F ar8Wl!ll 11 Pine tor 13 Aegal(!ed as 14 Greai Walt ' IOc8le 20 f(ISUlt, stangily 22 COilars 24 Reid IT1IC9 26 Plue Hui allemall'le 27 wtwira TelVan Is 28Altltiobll • 29 Haughty fol~ 30 ~Soulh ~frlcana 31 Main at19fy 33 Fio-beds 34 Enemlec 35 Sad mood 37 Nome residents 39 Dawn godCless « 1 Cornariches' kin 42 §og . 44 Sllcky trul1 '45 UllOClflYClntion 48 Pay t>amage 47 Reek 10 11 Bridge VOU BE THE JUOOE Nonh-Soulh vulnerable. ~I deul~. NORTII • Q9 '. /98 5 J98 WFSJ' • 54 1:>AQJ2 • J872 0 J2 •Ql0963 SOUTH •A'K6 ~ K 104 EAST • J JO 87 3 2 11>76 <> A6S4 •K ) K Q 10 7 • AS4 The bidtli_ng: EAST SOUTJI WP.ET NORTH 2• JNT """"" ~ .._ .Q~ruog le.ad: Six of • Follow !he bidding and play of thi\ Jcal and then de..:idc: Did wiyooe err'l lf .u. who'! Cenuinly. tho: bi<lJ.iJlg cannul ~ foultc:J. al1hwgh f..11.,1\ ~wt lJllllhly lea>('' \unlClhing (O be dcsin!J f11r a "cak 1w1>-\padc b1J. Suulh is a liltlt too ~lronil for ii two-no-uump ovcr- c.:;111. a1ld lhrt:t' nu 1rump look~ right.· West led the si~ o( club). and Sol.uh. one <Jf the Y((lrld'11 great play- eri;, 'ovtted with. the iteveo and cap- tured &ut'i king with the ace. Decl111tt led 11 low diamond W the eight, ~I dud.Ing, und )Witched to a low heart. the ten losing tO Wc.srs queen. West rcvcncd to cfubs, forcing out the jack.. There WI) no wuy f()( d«;l.arer to C\.lllle w nine uicb with· ou1 a heart trit k. bur when Wesr gained the lead with rhe ace of hearts. tllC defcodcrs took lhcir club trict.s and the :ice of dl11mond.' -down two. While it i\ nOt easy 10 spot wtlat went wrong. ~upposc declarer ulrowcd the !ting of clubs to Win tile first trick. A., the canh-lie. lhe ooo· lflll:I is cold. SilK.'C r~r cannot n:tum a cluh. d<1clarer c1111 aflord io IO!ie two .. 1nck~ 10 Wesl (either two hearts°' 3 trick ln each red wu) lllld ~till come to nioe trick.i.. and the dc:feodl!lli ure hdple:~ to prcvcm th.it. Ir club~ urc 4-2. cle.:lan:r will nil(.'(! LO g\JC"1l how to DfOCCCd reganlles~ of whcdlcr Soe1h bolu~ up the ace of du~ or not ul trkk one. After the ai..-e of dia- munJ.," fon:eJ ou1, on.: hcan tnck i., li~dy 111 ht-enough for game and declarer will have 10 d~vii1c how 10 get it. 21R llA YEULY GciNcl, nr Hoag. ...-., w/9an19e.Avai1Au9 l Jba home, 2+car e.at. f)fiv AHodatod Realty patlO, comm pool Yo lie 949-673-3663 W75 wai AJW 91}616al73 A STUL llfl $1095/Mo Bluff'• Popular ( Pl- 1/1 Off tho 1st mo a..t 4Br. 2'/>Ba. family rm, for 6mo lease. Newly courtyard, balco11y, no remodeled w/11ew appls .. pe~ $28))111 I 14 3:?8 8333 carpel & wramoc tile W/D ~ @ u111l D/W & Ing lido On The Water CaU Lora 949-646-2.224 "' JBr 2Ba. gar •spa w/d. 714-633-7592 No~ bU1ll·ins, sm pet ok Huee deck facrng the large I Ir 1 Bo unit on channel Po~s. shp 6mo quiet Peninsula pornt lease I yr SJOOOm aet. Single f>"'~on, Nohmk/ Sherty (a) Cannery. 949. peh. Sl450 949 293 4631 723.!>8J0;888·969·9667 i9 28.-Ila, :lll'/1 36th SI pallO. w/d. aarage & FOR RENT IN BLUFFS slor aee. Sl600/rrl0 Poputar [ Plan 38r. 714 943-1392 Mtchael 21/1Aa • Famrly Room S3000/mo 949 644 4909 . VUA BAUIOA 'l Masters/ ?ha. f p, lndry rm. I& paoo. ladoltoy HH Huge ya1 d. U>tnm poolltenn/'4)3. 2c fruit trees. 481 2Ba. ie* ptkg. walk lo bcli. gas/wb t !'.bl b ~-Owl.. pd Sl!l'JO/mo 700 729 $.l2Clnl r\/petl. !)$.251-01.J! 8107 949 574 '1243 Balboa Peninsula CostaMesa 1 BLOCK FROM OClAN ?br 'lba 1 emodeled apt. 31r 2llG, W!Wde. bie lot carport S1850 Avail 8 I IA YfRONT CONDO 28r 21 0, 2<ar gorago SHOO/mo. Dodr. Avallablo. Employment W.anted Steps to bdl & Bery 2br Ibo dpl• fp, 1tar. deck, yrd. l11dry. n/pe!Vsmkg Sl800mo. 626 836 0725. * Super Sharplll 1'r 38r 38a Condo ~leps lo IM?a<.h. Ip. 7 car ga<age S3?50rno 81\r 949-400-04 71 Corona def Mar 18r & 2lr .... home I m to beach, vatA ceols, stove. fr111. ~ fan. more $87()n lbr & $1190m lbr 133 E 16th St. Ask lor Specials! 949·548 2471 Lwoly Gated c-.lty 18.-Ila Apt. w/pvt gar, trig. walk to Trl·Square $895/mo. Water /trash paid Klem Management 87 /.704-8649 Ext 9200 w/pool. grdor. fp, lg paltO. 949-S 1 S-4229 Auodated Realty 9'9-673-3663 w/d. p , clo!.e to bc.h. Sl!nl/mo 949-543-6343 4br 2ba HUGE YARD W /GARDlNlR. frMh paint lf1 & out Nr Tewn.le Part< & f •iroonds. S1950 +dep ~9913 ..._, New ltl"i"OUS 2Bt 2.58a home. liUGE Jc alt ear. Ip. N;, W/O, IJcb inckl. $2!S)no. Klein ~ 877.704-8649 hl 9245 Newport Crest, 2br 2ba. 'l c gd•. walk to Gded. bdusMt ~ bch, lenlpooVspa. SllOOm -,.--- Avail 8 I 949 707 4408 Home 2Br 2Ba. 2 <.ar gar· pvt beactlm. AIC. $3500mo 714-9'Jl. t l'l8 714 345-5713 Newport Crest, 2br ?ba. 2 c gar. walk to bch ten •pool/spa $2100 Monlhty Rf!t'l!M Av?ti. Sept Avail 8 1 949· 107 4408 b~ 4br 2bd hse on Per,., Pooni V1:1y fllLC ti.n'd llgl nm !M9-6~"6.ll Ct;we 713 ...,.,._ :& 2Ba. sm beach cottage, pvt lndry, I carport, $2150/mo. Clean ('side lg lbr loft, 'l'fft g. Ready! 949-251·9444 & woochey, It potJo, - pets, $995/-. 180 E 2 lst St. 949-645-7776. Huntingtun Bead! Lovely 21r+don 21 /1la Townhou!.e 1860sf. :l< p . wet bar. pooV'spa/lenn nt r ashlon bl $2350m no pet yeM lse 949 72J.~ lo•tl>lufl, 31r 21r, 11:arage. w1d hkup. Agt S2375/mu 949.293 46l0 Newpcwt B-.h loyfr- 28r ~ 0 .. office w~4cor,..,., ,_...,45~boot. ssooo1-. Oceon vlow home bneht quiet 2br 2ba wd. patios. no smok/pet I c gar $7350mo 949-721· 1279 8oawtlfvt 31r 21a/21r !Ba Y'tf r~ ~. slYd p . w/d ~. llgl $211Xl/$111Xl 9119-293~ • lawiy 0.-. vi-~ -;ty home ~ comm Charming c1 lyrd entry l\jJIJtO• 1700 SI. 21lf +<lerv' 2b.J. f p, lorm DR. atl 2c ga1 w/s lo1 aee M~tet wlwall 111 dst Comm pool, soa. dbhse. Sm pel OK Grdnr $3450/mo Klein Mgml 887 704 lfj49 x92n4 Service Directory Accounting .. NOl IC( 10 Rf AOFRS California law re quires that conllac tors lak•ne 1ob> that total $500 u• more (labor m m11lerrals) be hc~11~d by the Con Ir •t. 101 ~ State License Board State law al~o rPQUlf es that contractor> 111clude lhe11 hten!oe number on all adve•tismg You can check the status o f your l1censt!d cont ra~lo t a t www.cslb.ca aov or 800 321·CSLB Unli censed contractors ht.•na robs that total Ins than $500 mus t llal~ m their advertisements that they arf' not licensed by the Conlr actors Stile licen!oe Boa1d.'' Additions& Rtmodtflng fMTl9'G INTBIOIS Kitdlen I Bath I Renodlll ldlb1I. far'h\j'trinam f5fJ&'!i ~ 9.e6459325 Alf Condlltontttlll Oce:antt lbt Iba CXJndo next te Piw, comm pool. spa, 21r, 2Ba, upp~r unit w/d lf1 unrt. undllriJd pilg. Apt. 1 ·c ear. new paint. ~ Sl8Xl 949-67J.711Xl carpet, bftnds. fJnoletJm. Aet. $1200m 949-673-7800 NewpaltBeactl S-.r Speclol Dual Master 2•2Ml OK. Bll·in Ranat/oven/dw, Upstairs co• prl\g. water /trash paid Sl29'Jm S500 ~ S500.pet HA.lll<Ml VIJAGf Hlll bor Blvd @ Memmac Way (7T4) !>4&-0442 OCEANFIONT WINH• •£NTAlS 1-2-3 & 41r"s Avail. Anodatod ••olty 949-673-3663 28.-2.Slo Twrillouw on UDO YEARLY LlASl bluffs nr bch, lncd yd. Ip, & UOO SUMMER HOMES dbl Rat+ extra prk&. Sl4$/ BIU GRUNDY REAL TORS mo agent 949·642 9699 949-675-6161 •• ~ A · Z HANDYMAN Install, reface cabinets. Kildler\AliltWOOor~ nXllclir1? Doug 714-~72!18 CUSTOM CARPENTWY Waif Unit~. !'.rown Molding BasdnY<k. Q.mm Bull-, Elperienced & Reasonable l#577982 949.709 5642 Clf1ll Repalr1'ales ....... Carpot S.-SS oo n51p tnnd rwre C/lrfld eilpst ~. !JD !6tU UOZl9l5 ~lai Computer Services COMPUTER HELP.! ' flt1nll ar Crotip ,_.. • M ,_. .... ot Olllcl •Peor-. ·~ • Wit> P9Sln'll•119 ·~Mods!! ·Ob~ • Qglal ~Rill), 14..: • ll>.Wl OJrp.lir ~Hill> UC e.bley Gredwllo, 10 Yro Computer EJ;p. 714-612-2786 Concllte & Masonry C-CAl,IT'l)CAR,ETtr lrlck llodi Stano Tllo Rep•ln, Patchina. Install Conctete, PatlO, Onveway Courteous any sm1 jobs rorepk. BBQ Ref> ~Yrs Wholeulel 949-492 0205 Exp l erry J 14·557 -7594 Clnning ThoCo-"tM- Cementwork, B11ck, Tile IALIOA PENINSULA la upper 3br 2ba. vault ce4, tp. w/d. 2c gar, S2400/mo. aet chr !Sty 949 500-3648 2H Yl4A!Y RENTAlS Newport Bch Peninsula. Sl4CK»S2400/mo Aet 949-673-7800 31r 2.Sla, NPCrest, ~&mnac..~. wall lo bdi. <JJI p . pooV tenn S25(X)n ~'1l3{.657 ......,.., er..t »f/2'/• End um pr ... spc "'111y. !Wade country hit. mar1>1e lit $2i'OO Yr l!l! ~73 Electrical Services Small Job U,ertl Duncan Electric 'NYr~ E •P loc.aVQutci\ Respon$e Sernce/Remodels L •'ll!>B/O 949 650 1042 Amorl<a E ertrl~ Licen!.ed [ l~ctt1caf Contractor Smalt 1ob5 sla• ling al S79.9S & ..,. Spec1al111n111n Remodelin& & all home w11 in11 needs. Comm/lndu~t/Res 1-100-197-1001 Ln82959 Assodated Aeolty 949-673-3663 Rentals Wanted 7880 s-klng .. ,._.. cw .... apt 111 CM.1\-lB for-reliable. clean M/yr employed "* Al!fs. Tm n4-9\!>JlD SELL your stuff through classified! Garage Doon *AMElllCU* DVmEAD DOOR • Gm9e OoorS/Opentl$ :~" • loall & Aekatlle FREE ESTIMATES f7t41 .... H H ~Sw.19YnOlCp. lawn W<rt. yard ~ maiiltll1, tree tri1\ lip"~ Comm/Res 714·436·1518 l-Torre• l-4.-cc11" DUTCHMAN fll<TatC Wf6!it.if INll'll, bf'Jtl trrnr'*1l LtCENSED/fNSUREO & 1nstallatlon 25 Yrs exp COMPETITIVE RATES Lie/Insured 949 548 4363 l # 759337 949.312 6250 & More. Rehable. '"40 1ob UCINSlD CONTllACTGa too small 714 615 9062 No IOI> 100 ~ M services! T roo Sorvlco, Yard Cleanup, Maintenance. Sprinkler Repair. Hauhng (94') U0-8711 ~ 18 Yrs Exp • Great Refs Al ""-r:A Construction Klr:hrvBlll Atmadril ~ L•577982 949.709 S642 YOUltNOMI Repair, remodel, fans, spa, -Siie 94').66.3656 Aoannwme Pl'> TORE • RI PlllR & NfMOOfl l~I. * Hov••man/Mgr. * I dean & maintain laree homes Cook. dove, all duties. elderly & child rnre op 3:?3 937 ·9038 Employment .. ANNOUNCEMENT'' Hiring for l003/Po,.tal por.1t10ns federal tme. Sl4 80·S36 00 • /l\r r ull t>enef1ls/pa1d Ir a1ning ar•d vacation~ No C•P ne~. I 877 329 5268 est 131 cCAI. ·scAN) OlfVBl/CDI. (A) ltmmat- $10.<n> afte< 5 year~• SOI.OS to 39 cents ream lo 41 cen~ Cont!a<.tors lo ' 87 cenh fuel $UI cha• ges CDl Gr ads welcome EOE IJX>.~ 5556 or Kl l M com <CAL •SCAN) DRIVE•S WANTED Newport & Huntw11lf<>n l!ch Set your own sch~dufel Pai I 01 full llme available $75-< /day full·hme Call 888 DOI WORK or W;@ wwwDDtwn Handyma!V Home Repair GFM.U.L IEPMI '~ • ~. CootmcsNI .No Job Too Small Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 6-w!C.ndlla '""'" Carpentry • Plumb111a Drywan • Stucco Painhng, Tile & more ?0• VeAr5 E wpe11ence• J8 714-969-S776 THI KANDY MAN All work euaranteed Plumbonc. Uedrtclll, Docn. FlfllSllurpdc.96~ Hiiiing JUNK TO THI DUM,111 714·968· 1882 AVAILABLE TODAY! 949 673-5566 DMA'S HOU5I QfANNi (IJ'opeln Serva for 15 )19rs.retl!r-~ 714442"°'56 ,HSONAL HAINli E xpenenced, for a friendly per-son&I treintne facility in CdM. Lisa 949-675-328]: Publishln11 ,IOMOTIOMS 'Dlf'AlTMlNT Community ~ 1n Or anee County seet.s F u11 nrne person to lnt«v- and write stones, Pllf bel· pate In cocnmuoit.y events. create and p.iiejnate p~ ao4 sections, Eacellent comrnunicatlon $kllh, work well with the pubic. Know AP Style. QuaikXPress. Photoshop, Mul!J-Ad Cre· ator, Ptoflcoent on MAC and PC. CCI des11n uperience preferred. Proofreading test IXug screerMf111/physal requred. CO[. Eacellenl beneM· Pildlai:e. Email resume. wr ltin& !>llmplc5 and salat y requirements to lana.JlllllSon@ lollllfla.com AT-lASI Women's Store at F ash1on Island 1s now h11'"g e•p'd Fr and Pl sales a noc Please contac1 Let lwr at 9t9 7!19 79115 JOIN <>ti. TUM and malle a ditter ence In !hi: Caltfornl., Almy Nat100af Guard you can (tel money for colle&e and car- tt &inln&. ~ I Im CO GUAAD. (CAL •SCAN) Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 ...... '01 "o-a Roadste<. loaded. tile new. 7k mt. li'fo. green lop/body, $32.000 760 796 7601 IMW 'l26Uul 2 dr. 11rey/lan, 5 !.IJ. sunroof, full pwr. $1500 714 878 9455 BMW '97 3211 C.- melalhc dark blue/grey lttu . \upub cond I hr o u & ho u l S I 5. 995 Vll6n421 Siu 9$5&) 1888 WWW.O<pol>i.<offt I MW'903251 l1k<" new Blfo./tan. 4 dr. auto 106k me. ac. sunrf lull pwr. tint. Ca smog S4200 714 651 4661 MG¥tng&SDage ----·. ' ... : . .' '.' . ' ... ',. ,::_ Open 70tye LowRalGll Stonige Specials Si1'C8 198t 949-645-4545 HST MOYIRS SSS/Hr. Servin& All Cilin Insured T 163844 800 246-2378 323 630-9971 ceH PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Public Utflitll's Commission requlru that all used household 11oods movers p11nt the11 P.U.C Cal T number; limos end ehaulleurs print their T.C.P. number in all adver· llsemenb. It you have any questions about the lea•lity o.f • mover, limo o r ch1uffeur, call: l'UllK UT1UT1U CoMMtsSICMI 100 177 ...... 7 ........ C~ '01 Se11!1. SLS 11Uver /erey Ith•. co . chrm whls, aold fll\c. full tact, like now, Sl8.495 V#596741 (jnanclnc avail Bkr 949·586·1888 --~-·-'97 CHEVY TAHOE 4 <t. wttlle. 4)(,4. pm Soll1d iyslein. ... Ollmond _., w(l Rodotord &bs. c.Mt '-'-wl15. Mld!e61 255 off road t.-e.. f11e wwr. S~.500 9&~7368 . -............ -......... - • ..-4 ........ 20•/ bfll buul, a.H opt, non• ._. .... t.S c-. 4911 ml. whlte/oalmeal Uht. CO, bi.ck top, lebulous lille Mw cond, •13,995 vt8/52'1 Bkr. nlcef, MW major 1vc, l1f T•y•f• '•• A11 .... , wWT Sll,500 714-151·28 auto, llht. mnrr. beau· Mette4M 450Sl '71 c • .,.,.rt1~1. low 9lk ma.. VflY aood COlldlt)on, oi1ly S6200. 949-493-0379 MHff'in '91 UO SU whlte/crey lthr, chrome whls. low m1, 1uperb cond, $6995 V'567281 Bkr 949-586·1888 w_.oc,..l.c- tilul, 16995 1JZ22178 ~--.7822 Tey.t• 'ti<.,..._ U bfll•, 11uto, 7411 mi, pw, pb, pd. ps, cc. 11/C, s~ $9JX> 714-&U!illl T ...... h Nrowb9.A* S-,byhllNbllllt modllf cs such as MBZ. Murr.. Wus ~7133 VW 'ti , ... ., GlS V6 Niss• 'H '•tltfle4er ~ a*>. nwf. 0 , super 414, immac, white, V6, dun, n511H> $10. '995 vety nice tOl 1299 $5495 ~ ~7822 wcwauto.com 9&646-7822 0-W, T.., lT ... 414, Sb, 85k rr1, lttw. ,_ ths & $hodo.s, Swr/ blrl, hW1 per lormance brakes, $16,500. 9&21J5. 7IB3 ow. , .. ,.,..~s Blue, auto", CO, cJnn, De490 '99 Deke t• II 0 2 5 7 7 ) $ 1 9 9 5 Pickup, ciJbclb, wt1illt, ~ wcwautocom ~7822 MOTOR HOMES 'ti IEAVH MONTOIY lOft, 300 cat pusher. 6 sp auto Alison tr ans. 7500 Onan quiet gen. hurricane hte syst. shde/ out tivr m & kite. Wastie</ dryer combo, auto u!ell TV. 79k ml. $95.000 949·!>48 6033 to see PP VflY ... ~ #244419 WCWMJto,com ~7822 Do490 '99 h1tro,14 Red, V6, CD. super cleiln, very n!C4.ll635725 wewaulo.com 9$~7822 f o r-1 '65 Mu•to119 Convertible, original owner. sohd ca• Sl9,995 obo 949· 719-1/943 ,.... '98 Wlnohtls reel, 7pas.s I Or owned, an rec~ts. J6995 llB29337 WCWilUIA.com 94!Mi46-7822 Isuzu '9 S T roOf'or U.t. 4•4. 1mmac throu&hout veiy noce, 1193;>989 S7895 wcwauto com 949-646-7822 Jaguar '94 XJS c-v 6 cyl. 2• 2. flamm110 red/ Ian llhr, CD. beauhlul 01111 cond '13,995 "*942641 flnancme & warranty av•ll Bkr 949-5B6-1888 www.acpobl.com J....,ar ·oo Xll8 Conv 44k m1 lull facl wao r"nty, B11t1sh rae1n11: ereen/lan llhr, CO chrome whls . frke new $36,995 v#9/5241 Bkr r ln.lllClnfl & W311 av a ti 949-5&6-1818 w_ . ..,,...,,,_ Jeop '96 '"'-' a.n.bo "'6. 2wd. CD. ~ clean, -v no;e. S'!i9'J5 #215458 wcwaulo corn 949-646 nra ...... '91 4#-4 a--.. VS. 4 i4. ttt.. CO. nlfltf. very nice. •n1m $9995 WCWM.lto c.om 9119-646-1827 Lan.t ._ '00 o..-y Se rte\ II while/er ey fl hr. p>. 0 11g owner. ~up.rb 0 112 cond. $16.99'> v/12967!>1 !lkr 949-586-1888 www.ocpo bl.<om Mazda '99 Mlolo Cunv 15k nu. auto. s1lve1 Ian top, pw, pl. /ll.JC. CD. \uperb hke new cond v•119743 Sl0.995 lmancma & warranty 1va1I Bkr 949· S86 1888 W-.oqoobl.<OOll M~ a.i:z '98 C23D l.lrhr. mnff. tmmac. S44JS nice, "617317 SI0,995 wcwauto.com 949 646-7822 .......... ._ .. 3 1'0l i 3, e«ceoos CM. tthf. m mnrf. $5995 ~ wcwillJID c:om ~ lf!l2 ........ ._'93190l 2 3, iOl&eOuS CM . lth1 9211 mnrf. $5995 rr548954 wcwauto.aim 98646-78;>2 Mor<odH '96 C280 be1ullful blad/cream fully loaded. showroom. .Vout. $1~ 714 151 2464 Pal~ ~'MkJJe,.. ~Professional Painting Le. 149ol350 IDtalor/ElteriOr Decmatift PlbltiD& C*llatddng Rob Isbell · Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646·3006 Cell 949-887·1480 ci.-.'s ...... 'Ofts ell!> Greaf Pncel GuarantHd worll free est U 375602 714 538 1534 7 39(). 2945 IKl"S CUSTOM PAINTING Profl, cle.n, qua~'ty wotll In tenor /11 t and docks. L#703468 949-6Jl·4610 '-Y-'•' ......... Top Quality, Competil1v1 lnleoor /El t l 1648228 Cell Jay 9'9-650·5066 ow..-6>11• '96 ...,._ 60k mi, black/111ey lthr. mnrf. CO, labutous cond lhrouahout $5995 v1n#4572 l 9 Bkr. 9'9-5B6-1811 --·ectt ... •··- ,HIW,SAUTO 01 AUfll A'4 Ouofr-o Btadl w/Slfver. l eath· et", Moooroof !194262) $22. !8l 021. ....... n Moonroof, Navw:allon system, Loaded (!9455) $24.!8>. H 1320 s.clan While w/Saddle leitth e<. Moonroof (19443) S29.900. 0 I '°'1-' s ,..,.. Sea Go e<ln w/Saddle llhr. ?SI\ rm. Moo11 rool (1911?) $37.!llll 94M~S600 Charcoal w/Btack Leather. Ur Chrome Whee~. Moomouf ( 19512C) $29.18>. 01IMW740# 81.ick w/Black, unly 31K M11e$ (I 948!ie) S44. 9!Kl 0 I '°'"""" , .... llJllrOOo; Only 181. m1~. Na11agnhon (19394) INQUIRl 91 t .. on GS JOO Gold w/Saddle Leath er. Chro""' ~ (19418) S22.!8> 99 hnarl 3SS 11 S~vet w/Black l e.tlhef, only 141< n11ies (114235) INQUIRC 01C..-.W~ Slacli w/Saddle ll!illth· •, 2T Anter a Wheels (19628) $34. !8l OOPoncJ. .. ,..,,.,. Black w/Gfey Lulhef. Tiplronic ( 19346} SJD.900. '49-S74-71n PHUSAllTO ,11, .. M9 ,o,,uho •99. (errera 46k m1 bfk/blk Ith~. CD, chrome whls. hke new S42,995 V•62:l0':>/ 'f1· nanc1ne & warr avail Bkr 949-516-IHI -·~·-·- Plumbing SlWB ---~ (949) 645·US2 BOATS 9515 '91 1 llft Baytner RuNboot V6 rnboard/outboa1d eneine, w /trllll'' $7500 949 709 3079 '03 DI.HY ti' M.\WUHT R Salle <M$ S23.<XX> Wevl>y ~ avaclatllo ~,(U)~7341 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Dock •po<e up to 35ft on canal on Newpo1t Island drea Wdler & electt IC Sl 211 949 6l3 1976 ask fm Sue 93 n SU, AVAILABU IN NEW,OU llACH $2S00l£AS£ 949-SOO-IOOS BOAT Sl9'S NOW AVM. Cal for Silt$. L<.6b:ln and ddat\ Waler and -nQJdecJ 949-475-4847 CUANOUT YOW HOUSE WITHA GARAGE SAi.Ei CAU. (949) 642-5678 AUINMYAC /\tr Condltionlna ~ li:e•t1n1 S...vlc• U808660 949-500-9005 l .... OYIMINl PlOIKff Call • plull'lbtt, palntlf, handyman, or ant of ttit er .. t HrVlcH llSl!ld fitta In Out H<Vlte dlttctOf)'I 'fHESE: LOCAL SYC .,,.Dllign -a .... ...-. -.iiiiiiiiiiiiiim;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Custom Hand P1inted _.__._ ,. .,._. & F111J., ~ ..-.---. Pi0Pl£ CM H(LP YOOTOOAV WllCY ..... ~td Re.,oulln 6 lnslall1tlon TILE DE:AA 94U7UO&S 1~7~2031 Design Att:11ttor1noai.-.. Renections ~,.,.,. ....,...m1 ettn,.,,,.,, ...... ~. I '-Jift4r• 949-459-8270 _,