HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-17 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, JULY 17, 2003 OON L[ACH OAILVPtL(,. Riders cruise an equestrian trail on Cypress Street in East Santa Ana Heights, which was annexed this month by Newport Beach. _New neighbors Newport Beach welcomes 1,250 new residents from East Santa Ana Heights, Bay Knolls and anothe r a-nne"-ed area. June Casaarande · Daily Pilot SANTA ANA HEIGHTS -For 48 years. Marlene Hester has wished that one day her Bayview Avenue home would become part of New· port Beach. l\vo weeks ago. almost overlooked in a city embroiled in a race-related controversy, Hester's wish came true. "I've wan~ed this for a long time," she said . "Now. I finally see the Newport Beach Police pacrol- ling the streets. It's wonderful." East Santa Ana Heights. Bay Knolls and nine homes known as the Emerson Tract was officially annexed by Newport Beach on July I. Councilman Gary Adams said he plans to extend a formal we!· come at Tuesday's council m eeting to the 1.250 residents of the area who are now in his c-OUntit dic;trict. "I'm looking forward to working with the residents there," Adams said. Santa Ana Heigh!!!t' most distinc· tive feature is its horse culture. All the zoning and other rules that al- low thb eque'itrian environment to thrive will remain the same un· der Newport Beach's rule. The only visible change: In keeping with Newport's emphasis on water quality, signs will soon be going up to tell residents to clean up after their horses the way residents city· wide are expected to clean up after their dogs. "I think that the city of Newport Beach does a good job of main- t.aining the identity of the city's dif- ferent neighborhoods and I think that will be the case here, too," Ad- ams !>a.id. The city will increase the fre. quency of street sweeping from ev- ery other week co every week. Signs will go up soon posting park- ing restrictions on Thursday mornings. But most things in the area will remain the ~e. and the few things that change could change tor the berter. Kilf said. All the old building and zoning mies apply, but residents no longer have to drive to Santa Ana to apply for permits. Newport Beach City Hall handles these now, perhaps even faster with the city's policy of conducting plan checks within four weeks. The Newport Beach Police De- partment now provides police services that the co'unty Sheriff's Deparnnent provided until July I. But Newport has been providing Fire Department services to the area for years. Santa Ana Heights residents have also always had full access to city library services. And trash collection services, which the residents pay for directly. won't change. "Life isn't going to change much." Kilf said. "I think everyone in Newport Beach appreciates the village and community atmos- phere of Santa Ana Heights the 5ame way we think of Balboa Is- land. Corona del t'.tar and :'-Jew- port Coast as distinct neighbor- hoods. West Santa Ana Heights and homes near Mesa Drive are being considered for annexation. Santa Ana Country Qub operators also hope their property can become pan of Newport Beach, though it's unclear whether the city of Costa Mesa will release this prestigious facility from its influence. Kilf said. Sisters arrested after ~hild found sipping alcohol The 37-year-old twins, suspected themselves of drinking, are charged with,child endangerment. "There was an almost empty bottle of alcohol in the stroller," Ciszek sald. "Officers also found a sippy cup with orange juke mixed with alcohol in the stroller." Both women have been charged with misdemeanor child endanger- ment and an additional misde- m eanor count of damaging a jail cell. Detpa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -lWin sisters were charged with child endangerment on Wednesday after police reportedly found that one sister's child bad been drin.ldng alcohol out of a child's cup and found the other's child wander· ing unattended, officials said. Police got calls from passersby at about 5 p.m. Monday about a woman lying on the grass near the intersec· tion of Fair Drive and Viola Street. Sgt. Bob Cisuk said. When officers responded, they found 37-year-old Stephanie Brown p<Wed out and drunk on the ground with h er 3-year-old son sitting in a stroller next to her. he said. He said the boy had apparently been drinldng the spiked juice. Ciszek said the officers found a 2· year-old child wandering on Fair Drive and Stephanie's twin sister. Sta· cie Brown, walldng toward her sister. She was also intoxicated, he said The 2-year-oJd belonged to Stacie Brown. Ciszek said. They are being held in Orange County jail in lieu of a $25,000 bail. They were arraigned at.Harbor Justice Center in Newport Beach on Wednes- day. • DEEPA BHARATH covers pubHc safety and ooorts. She mey be readied at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deefJ8.bh11rath@l11timN.com. THE BELL CURVE Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTHEWEI: -..ww:~can ' Human relations committee needed W e returned home from a week ln North Carolina late ln the evening on July S. While we were unpacking, J mnembm!d that thlt wu~Belcb CityCoud ...... ~ WU nett iOd&ci when we pkbd up the Proceedlr\8I 00 television. and ror llmot1 duee ho\ln -undl 4 Lm., our ptdna.,:f. dme-we watched I dCy b9ck..,. after 1-yer of bigotry and hatted until a deeply troubling body was ex.poled. Don't disparage this uae.ment by teJUns me that DlOll of the tpeakenwbo IUppOr1*d Nlcboll on -~--from ..... tiii6i...., o( them Wirt. But ID \118 that fact u a shield to bide our bome-pvwn bltoCrY would be to den)' tbe -..ihm thla.., qry nllbt lbmt -....... pllaly ot healing to do here at hon. And because that awarenete hu been sublimated to dMllng with the public behavior of an antediluvian council member, I'm not at all Nre the leseon bu been lelmed. .... • What we heard alter we tuned In MN people wtlh ~off. TIMr~ ........ ,'t.. Mted down~ II C( , • tooan~ml 't) mMll=by die abnoet oClhand ape 111 d .,, Ok:k Molt ol ... WEATHER lt411 fMl hotter then the 83 deOfMlft'll ~ty-. S.PlpA2 SPORTS 1"9•11"•1Rllllifi ...... a f'lllld•dlf9ll .. IL~ Mii, .. ,., ID win .,_thkd ....,. "''row. lilPllilll ... Fees may go up for UC Irv:ine students Regents will consider the second tuition hike this year. Annual fees could rise 30% for UC schools. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot UC IRVINF -111e 1Jn1vers1ty of Cal1for ma regent!> on Wednesda~ were urged to raise student fee-, up to 30·1: 111 reaction to devastating '>late budget cuh The UL Regent'> Finanu· Lommtttl"e voted 5 to -1 to '>Uppun the increase. d deci '>ion expected to he finalized by the enurt· board of regen~ today The committee vote recommended rim ing in-state o;tudem fees by 25% to dbout $4,794 a year It ali.u gave Ul Pre.,1den1 Richard Atkinson the authonry to rai'>e fee-. another 5% if nece.,.,ary. Graduate -.rudenti. at a number of profe~1onaJ ..,chouJ..,, ai, well as out-of-stare -.cudenh. will tc1ce '>tmuar in nease::s. Students enrolling in the fc!ll mu't be pre pared for the wori,t -a 30% mcrea'>e 'atd Hanan Ell>enman, a UC '>PO~e-.mdfl ba,ed in the prei.ident's office in Oakland At.k.inl>on will not tie able to decide the exact pen:emaze mcrea'>e unul the '>tall" budget 1s unveiled. Eisenman 'aid "We really didn't want to pur.,ue th1' 1JP See UCI, Page A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Miscond uct allege d in rape case Attorn ey for suspect in gang-rape in Corona del Mar claims prosecutors are withholding information. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bl:ACH -The attorney for one of three teenagers accused of gang-rap- ing an unconsc1ou~ 16-year-old girl at a Co- rona de! Mar home last July filed a motion on Tuesday alleging prosecutorial m iscon- duct. Joseph Cavallo. who is defending Greg I laid!. asked in his motion that the case against his client be dismissed because the Orange County district attorney's office "overcharged" Ha1dl and failed to give Ca· valJo information about the case. Haid!, the son of Orange County Assistant Sheriff Don Haid!, Keith Spann and Kyle Nachreiner -who were all 17 at the time of the incident -face 24 counts. Spann and Nachreiner ,face enhancements for alleg· See RAPE. Paa• M AZ llusday, ).if 17, 2003 MET BY A REPRESENTATIVE THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Dalt1 Piiot . . . · Permanent ban on Internet taxes nears P1 ul Clinton Daily Pilot Rep. CJU'le Cox's effort to pennanendy ban taxes on Internet access cleared two key hurdles this week. The bill, whJch C.OX co-authored with Sen. Ron W)desl CR-Ore.), made its way to the ':> House Ooor and cleared a Senate<:emmittee. C.OX and Wyden are backing the Internet Non-Discrimination Act. whJch would make permanent a temporary ban on access taxes set to fall by the wayside at the end or the year. On Wednesday, the House's judiciary committee sent it to the House Ooor for a vote. In the Senate, the proposaJ cleared the commerce. science and transportation committee. MToday, we are one step closer to permanently ensuring that Americans are free from new taxe~ on their e-mail and Internet access," Cox said. MNew taxes discriminating against Internet use~ would be unfair to our economy and our society. It i.s time to permanently ban them.· Clmpbell urge s governor to remove appointments Assemblyman John Campbell and an Ora nge Co unty state senator want Gov. Gray Davis to remove two of his appointees to a building industry commission. They have c~arged the two men wilh conflict of interest. PHOTO COURTESY Of AAAON LEWIS Rep. Dana Rohrabacher welcomes Marines from the 23rd D1v1s1on home from Operation Iraqi Freedom at the National Guard Joint Training Base in Los Alamitos. Campbell, who represents Newport Beach. and state Sen. Dick Ackerman CR-Fullerton) want Davis to remove 8any Broad and Sid Cavanaugh. who now sit on the Building Standards Commission. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES crrv OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (714) 754--5223 M.yor: Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor. Mike S<:heafer and Chris Steel crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newpon Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Coundl; Gary Adams. John Heffernan, Didc Nichols. Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COUEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (71 4) 432-5898 Chancellor: William M. Vega Bo.rd: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Madeline Levy NEWPORT-MESA UNIAED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (714) 424-5000 Superim.ndent: Robert Barbot Bo.rd: Ptesident Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blade. Cleric Serene Stokes. David Brooks, Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Linda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, (949) 631-1200 Board: President Jim Atkinson. Vice President Mike Healey, Trudy Ohlig-Hall, Fred Bodcmiller and Paul E. Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa. CA 92628-1200, (714) 754-5043 Board: President Arlene S<:hafer, Jim Ferryman, Art Perry. Greg Woodside and Dan Worthington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive. P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa. CA 92628-9050, (71 4) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Par1cer. member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa. Newport Beach ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana. CA 92701 •Jim Sliva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach), (714) 834-3220 •Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast). (714) 834-3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive; Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR Board: President Ruben A Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez. Emily Sanford. Peggy Haidl. James Barich. Deborah Carona. Leslie A Ray and Frank Barbaro STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (R), 35th District. 18552 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (949) 833-0180; fax: (949) 833-0696; Press Secretary Pat Joyce. (916) 323-1200 STATE ASSEMBLY John Campbell (R). 70th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 E-mail: d1stnct70l°'8SSembly.ca.gov Ken Maddox (R). 68th District. State Capitol, Sacramento. CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 1503 South Coast Drive, Suite 205. Costa Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100; Fax· (714) 668·2104 E-mail· Ken.M addoJniiiasm.ca.gov .POLITICS ASIDE S.J. Cahn has the day off. I li'> column will return next week. DailyAPilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leach. 1C.ent Treptow READ£RS HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 VOL 97, NO. 191 Record your oommem. about the Dally Pilot or news tips. THOMAS H. JOHNSON News Editors Address Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Andereon, Our address Is 330 W. Bay St .. Costa TONYOOOEAO Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz, Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Editor Danlel Stevens .NI:/( OETT1NG NEWSSTAFJ; Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. ~~r COMCtionl Crime ~co~rter, It Is the Pilot's policy to J)'omptly Promotioc. OiNCtor (9"8)574-422 correct all 8"'0('I of eubsUlnce. ..,,.. ,,,..,,,,,,.l«t,,....DOm P\e8se call (949) 794-4324. llJfl'l.o nw ....... = .... Ll.C... Newport 1'9PO"*, FYI ~· (948) PM.232 • The N9WPOf't ~ Meu ju,.~el«Jmee..oom O.ily Pilot (USPS-14'-800) i. · 9./.0Mlt• ..,,,,_com .... c..n published daily. In Newpon 8eed1 ........... ~. bulinlm end environment and Costa Mesa. eublcrlptloni are ~EdlW, .. 7"'4M rtpOftef, (948) 794-4330 avallable onty by 1Ubecriblng to The .... "*"' ... 'i&.tlOm 1»ul.cl/rfll)ttfl'-t#,,,.._oom Ttmes Orange County llOOI ............ l.Olta ..... 252·9141. In,,.... ovt.lide of ~Ecllof, Col~ culture repott«, Newpoft 8eed1 end Coeta M9N, ("'8tPMm , .... )57-M211 IU~ IO d'9 Deily flllot ... rldwd.dAlnnfl..,,._com lolO ,_,,.,•11tt1trw.com evtlteble Mtv by flrtt ct.. mel for JeeeJ.a-l30 '* lhoneh. (Prtoel k'ldudl .. M Olrector / N9M DiMt a.if, .,..,.. .......... (9411 ~ CotWMeu ~. tMl~1 -~b6e--end locel --.) ~·'-""'--""" ~~•,.,,....com POSTMASTER: Send~ ..... MllC '* ~--cNngee to The N9wpc>ft "'*fdiW· PMwa.....,._tMI~ ~ Meail o.itv !"Moc. ll!O. fMt*C"8 lox 1MO, C-. ~ CAnat. ~·~ Conll.wfllott•,..,,.._com POLITICAL CAtENDAR JULY Tod9y: The C.lifom&a Repubtlcen _Jarly.boldl • fund-raiser.at 6:30 p.m. at 1he Four SNeons in • Newport Beech. The lpeCi.a guest wtll be Aonct. GoY. Jeb Bush. lntomMrtion: (714) 481-6102 Republican Central Committee meeting tredition.ny datlt in July. AUGUST ' 14' Men.nn. Zippi for AIMrnbtv wtlf hold • funckeWng recapdon from S to I p.m. at the home of Cathy end Tom K.roop In COION Del M•. infonnadon: (949) 8"-709' 1e: The Aepublbn Paf1Y of OnngeCounty~ Commta.. hold • general m..ciog at 7 p.m. at the South Coeat flteza w.dn Hoeel, at 688 Anton Blvd., eo.t.I MeM.. Admlaion .. free, end ... Republicens ere welcome. (714) ~- SEPTEM BER ti: The Republican~ of °'etMge County Cenlr9I Commibe wtll hold. genetal mMling 917 p.m. at the South ColM Plai.I Waatin Hotel, at 888 Anton Bevd., eo.t. M.a. Adrnl8'ion It free, a.net .. AlpubbM.,. !ii:C9l90fN. (714) 15511815. Copyright: No news stories. Illustrations. editorial matter or edve1ti9ements her.in can be In a Tuesday statement, Campbell said the two men. as plumbers' union officials. have a vested interest in the commission's adoption of new building and fire codes for C.alifornia. The commission held a hearing Wednesday on the issue. "I am ask.ing Gov. Davis to remove both of these individuals from the commission,· CampbeU said. "To allow them to remain on the commission and participate in [Wednesday's! hearing regarding budding codes threatens the public trust in state government.· Broad is a lobbyist who has represented the plumbers' union. Cavanaugh is a special representative to the United Assn. of Journeymen and Apprentices of 1he Plumbing and Pipe Fittin g Industry. The Davis administration referred calls to the Department of State and Consumer Services. which oversees the codes. However. the two men remained in their posts Wednesday. ·we d on't have a comment right now.· agen cy spokesman Drew Mendeoon srud about CampbeU's demand. "They're participating in the hearing.· . Campbell. the vice-chairman of the Budget Comminee. aJso said he would strike funding to the commission from Republican budget proposaJs. County Republ icans grow by 1,600 in June The Republican Party of Orange County 1s reporting a surge in new supporters for June. Of the about 4,000 voters who registered in June. some 1.600 ch ecked the "R" box.. while only 300 d eclared themselves De mocrats. "The Republican Party out-registered the Democrats by more than a 5-1 margin.· Oiairman Tom Puentes said. "This is significant because we out-registered our proportion of overall registered Republicans to Dem ocrats in our community.· In Orange County, Republicans outnumber Democrats by a 3-2 margin. There are 634.872 {48.66%) elephants and 412,249 (31.6%) donkeys. Fuentes attributed the surge to the continuing popularity of Pretldent Bush, the grass-roots effort to recall Gov. Davis and the · legions or dedicated volunteers. ~ SURF AND SUN reproduced without wriUen WEATHER FORECAST SURF penniulon of copyright owner. The wermth oontinues This Is the lest of the knee-to HOW TO MACH US today, though It'll feel hotter welst-highs from the Cln:ua.tion then the tower 80s because of southwest swell. Well, et least The Times Orange County lncreated humidity. So even for several days. (800) 252-9141 though Coste Mesa and inland The next swell arrives on ~ .. Newport can e>epect highs of Friday •nd should produce Cl1111fted (9491842-58'78 about 83, 11'11 feel more INte 90. some thoulde,. to hMd-high•, Dilipley (9491842-4321 EdltolW eont.I N9wpoft wtlt just fall though standout spots wtll ... News shy of 76. lowa.,.. gding .... l9Wlal O'i9ftiNds. (949) 842-6880 low. They'll ,,.., 70 tonight s.turdey, the IW9f1 will peek. lpcM1a (949) 574-4223 nu~ .... Pollit* ~continued lhouldef<. News ,_ (948) 84M170 on Fridey. 10~ ..... ,_(!Ml) 850-0170 ............... : ~ ... dtop off. tad. E-fftlll: dallypllot•1«1,,,...com www.nws.noN.gov ...... ..-v: ... ~ www.auffrld«;org 11u-... OMee (949) 842·4:m BOATING F09'ECAST .. 11•111 FU (IMI) 831-7128 TIDEI The w..c.ty~ wtl ,... Mllght In blow 10 to 11 tcnoc. In 1he Inner .us feet '.ow ...,. todly, whh 2.foot e:ee •. m. w.w.Md W9118Wlll of 2 to4 1:37p~. UOfMthlgt\ ... 8:31p.m. 2.A1 fwtlow 5.08'-tNgh P\lbaltled by Timee Communfty Out ....... 1l.:31 a.m . ,...,.. a dM9'on of the Loe~ nonh\u 11t1 lty wlr'Mll wtl Ttmee. condnue to blow llrOf9' .. 18 GI003 nm. CN All rigtiea to 21 in.. .. s. !:I.ta.foot ·-wecl W9"91endl~8Wlllof &to7fM&. Daily Pilot Th1.1r~dy July 17, 20()3 A3 I .. }. - PHOTOS BY KENT Hit, ' Month-old piglets zoom around the track in a hesitant cluster while racing at the Orange County Fair on Wednesday. Hogging the spotlight Swine strut their scuff during the pig races a t the Orange County Fair on Wednesday Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot P 1g'> ran their httle µ1ggy heans out on Wedne'>day to w111 u11l' of the day\ All Ala.!>kJ Pig Hace<>. . Marc Stamper Jild I lolly S1and1ford, from Grant'> Pav,, Ore., direct five d,11Jy '>how., '>larting al I p.m. and ending at 9 p.rn. "'T11e '>how actually originu1cd at the Ala~ka <,1a1e I-air:!:.! ·,ear' ago." Stamper '>aJd. "Wt• r: )\ do We<;l Coa'>t '>how., lrw 'ieattle <,outhward." "We <>tart training 1h1. f'l~ll'l' when they are between 4 aml h wee~ old ... St,111d1ford conunucd. ·All It ~I'> 101 of repetJtion. and ge them t0 trust you; kmda llke a pl't " The 12 pigs -not a runt 1n the bunch -that make up the racing troop at tht.' fair Jrl' Yortc.sh1res, Duroc'> and Hamp<;h1res. • York..,hire<, are tht: 11111\t sought -after breed. Yori.., ,ue good mOlher'> and pnil. ice large liners. They exh1b11 a long. big frame and are generally ''hlle with erect ear'> • Duruc!>, noted for thl'1r fa.,t growth and good feed effinency, are a reddish color with droopy ears. On the avcrJ14e. tl1 >rel·d needs Jes.'> food to rn.U. u pound of muscle than tht• oth1 lrt'edo; • Hampshire~ are bl .. l k with a white belt that extend., fn m one front leg. over the shoulder, and down the other front leg. They have erect ears and are popuJar for their ledJ1, mec.1ty care~~. Hogs and pigs refer to ammah of the "porcine" or "pig family · The term "swine" can a.bo refer to the pig family in a general way, and "pig" can be w.1.d in referring to young aqjmals. "Hog" will generally refer to animals at or nearing market weight or finished for market The term "barrow· m'!ans a neutered male, a. d "&Jr' mean~ a young female. P1~s are dlso referred to as grov. mg pig.-i ( 40 to 125 pounds), and finishing pigs. weighing above 125 pounds to market weight -usually 1bout 230pounds. . Pigs are very susceptible to heat and sunllght. Stamp1..r said. "The trailer in whkh we house our pigs Is air-condltlone<l and equJpped with water-misters that aid in cooling them - especially after races.• St.unper said. "The Ideal temperature for a growing pig is around 70 degrees. and the Ideal temperature for a finishing 'SWlne Is slightly cooler, about 60 de8J'ees. The need for mud I.I universal throughout the plg world. "Yorks are (clean), but they do gehunburned. so lfyou get one, you lhould plan on buying suntan lotion for your pig." Standiford said. "A pig has no sweat gland : Mud draws heat out throush the slln, heJplng to regulate the Pis'• body temperature oo hot dayi;." Pip need a high-energy, ooncentnlfd grain dier that ii low In ftbt-r: Cir c ·U oie, 1.,<'I k 1Upplemel1'ed wtth ftd~tt· protein. ..,,_ pfp allo loYI anlmll . cncbn, .. Stamper llJd. For today's fair schedulu see Page AS THE BOWERS KIDSEUM race after 6 month'> of dge. dfter whi ch we will e1Lher pu1 them Explore the worlds fasci11at ing cultures! Spectators cheer racing pig Albert Swinestein after his victory. Pig'> ha,·e a keen ..,ell'>t' ol 'men. Fur tho'>e who didn't l..nO\\, pig'> are LJ'>ed to hunt trL111lc'> -truffie~ are '>mall l'dmle. mu,hruom like µl.tllh thi:t l gro" underground amJ ,11, cofo.red red. hnl\\n \\hill'. or cven black in the fore\t'> ot On·gon and Wa~hington as v .. eU J'> m Ital)' anJ 1-runce. Pig., Ldll ,111ff trllffil'., -blaLk trutne., -.ell tor SJ50 10 )500 J pound -Lhat gm\' undl'rg111und "1'1g'> will gtnerall; retu ... e tu up for adoption or ~ell them." Stamper '>aid. "The Seattle Police Oe17anment ha!> bought many of ouI pigs to tram 111 ..,niffing uut drug!>. Pig~ havi: d kt·ener '>c ml of '>rneU thd11 bloodhound., do Children can ha\.c their p1nures taken Wlth their fa\OnlL little squealer-:-for Sb to S 14 Experience our !>Ummer arr cla.c;'ies and camps! Jul y-August Meet the Wells Fargo / Private Mortgage Banking Team Our experi enced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bank er~ live and work in your community and excel at providing sound olutions for upscale home financing . Our unparalleled selection accomodate a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed ervice ensure th e Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Branch Manager . Lisa Hayes 949-251-4409 Private Mongagc Banker complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing H1 JUtnbo and super jumbo m ortgages front $300,UOO to $3,000,000 ' Pi i111ary, second homes and investment properties David Kravtt~ 949-25 1-4902 Pnvatc Mortgage BanJctr K~ 949-2S3-43S4 Privaie Mortpge Banker -• Interest-only ioan~ Denais Lance 949-251 -4467 Priv* Mortpge Banker . Main Oft'ice (949) 251-6047 • r CluiltlMM. SudetlOft 949-25 l -44S2 Pnvw Monaa&e Bt.tnUr Kim Porttt·Ooutla 949·253-4236 Priv.ae Monpac Ba.nler (,~r) Parker IJ-'9-~5 '-42J I Con crurtion Manager ' M Ttl\n'sd~y. July 17, 2003 UCI Continued from Al . . avoidable given the deep and painful budget cuts we've suffered and continue to suffer. We didn't want to damage the quality of educational experience students have come to expect ofUC.u Gov. Gray Davis has proposed cutting UC funding by $360 mil- lion. and the state Legislature, which has not been able to pass a budget, has propose9 at least another $80.5 million in cuts. Other proposals would cut the budget by $400 million. The proposed increase comes after another fee increase of$135 Call today for details! ask for per quarter instituted in January. But Eiserunan defended the UC system. saying that they were able to avoid increases for seven straight years between 1994 and wln 1998 and 1999, we even bad a combined 10% decrease in fees," he said. • . Eisenman said that the Uni- versity of California. even with the increases. would be $1,200 cheaper than several other uni- versities in the nation, "We're acting now to prevent deeper cuts," he said. • DEEM BfffuTH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bha rath@latimes.com. (714) 847·3360 EXT. 29 Ratn 1ffect1¥e 7 1 ~ 03 and "'' .subject to change wtthOUI nottoei. LOen reQUeSJ .... llJbject IO unde!Wr•er'• -·) l "'911$9d by IN CA Dept ol RMI Ellat• Mike Fox Real E.t1m 0to0.•• 0•3•8836 •••••••• FotoART. •••••••• Unique Personalized Gifts for every occasion ,,... ..... cur wero til4 lo" ""'""' pllCfl n,,, -.i. 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Julll~' &.30pm Tot Shabbat 7:30pm Shabbat SevlcE July 25th: &.30pm WlnE & Chff54i RKEPtlon 7:30pm "Friday Ni!t1t Uw' Music.al 5e'\lb August 1st: 700pm F;mlly Shabbat Sr.1a5 800pm lc:E Cram 5oclal August 8th: 9 ~ . .• . ... . -' •;.j "" CO N-RE6ATION Shtl' HA-Ma'alot &30pm Coffa & Conv1rsatlon with ~ SUlnbErg 7:30pm Shabbat Sevlcu 949-857-2226 . . www shmtemplE org · · . ' · SPl:CIAL S/\L l Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD ~~~~:'!tTER XTRA LIFE s1999 IDttalltd wttb delux• pacl sq. )'d. ~ J8" I 18" .. _ .. -...... _ .. ___ ... , '41 ... fl. c.-le: ........................................... ._ •&. ... a. a.a.a.ate ................................. ...._... ,._ •t. ... ft,. s.,,lln •"" 7boll for IM ·o. 11 YOwHJ,...r Al~ for• lhlfl'-' It,,,,,~ M .,./ltM//q. 1 Dolly Pilot, POLICE FILES • WMt Babr StrMt: Vandalism waa, reported In the 600 blodc tt 1 :04 a.m. Monday. ~ PlecenUa Awnue: A'traffic accident fnvolving Injuries wes reported In the 1800 blodc at 11:16 a.m. Monday. . • TteVWM Dlhe: Petty theft w11 reported In the 600 blodc at 6:48 p.m. Monday. 200 block at 2:12 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Co8ilt Ortve and East Coast Highway: A traffic accident Involving injuries waa reported at 2:47 p.m. Tuesday . • w..t eo..t tftghwey: Petty theft waa reported In the 4600 block at 8:34e.m. Tuesday. • Bear StrMt and Paulalinq Awnue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 7:20 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bliatol Street: Grand theft was reported in the 3300 block at 6:04 p.m. Monday. • lrviM Awnuec Petty theft was reported in the 600 block at 11 :12 a.m. Tuesday. • w..t Ocean Front: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2600 block at 10:44 a.m. Tuesday. • Fairview Road: Vandalism was reported in the 2700 bleidc at 12:28 p.m. Monday. • MacArthur Boulevard and Vlllaglo: • Newport Boui.verd: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 2600 block at 6:33 a.m. Vandalism wes reported at 6:34 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport c.nter DrtYe East A • W..t 18th Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 900 block at ~:24 p.m. Tuesday. RAPE Continued from Al edly inflicting great bodily injury to the victim and using a deadly weapon -in this case a pool cue -to penetrate her. Orange County Superior Court Judge Everett Dickey in January had ruled that there was enough evidence in the case for the Ran- cho Cucamonga High School stu- dents to sLand trial after watching a 20-minute videotape the teens made that capt,ured the incident in lurid detail .. The incident re· portedly happened in Don HaidJ's Corona del Mar home. Cavallo said on Wednesday that prosecutors have prevented CURVE Continued from Al emotional speakers -both pro and con Nichols -were locals, while the out·of-towners offered up statistical and ·constitutional arguments that were mostly irrelevant. The number of Latinos - legal or illegal -entering the country or in residence here was not an issue before this City Council. Nor was free speech an issue. No one has tried to inhibit Nichols· right 10 speak out. I le has articulated his particular brand of inbred bigotry in this commuruty for many years and sees no reason for changing this pattern now that it has gotten him in trouble when dispensed from a public platform. Instead of stepping back to take a breath, he has added to his laundry list of obtuseness in recent weeks by calling a local political appointee "questionable" beeause he is gay, describing Orange County's hallowed Lincoln Oub as "not a bona fide Republican group." and even suggesting that the out-of-town speakers opposing him before the City Council were conspiring to return California to Mexico. Nichols' views are not going to change. That becomes a cause for removal only if racism clearly influences his votes on public policy. Thus, the core question is whether or not Nichols, in light of recent events, can properly represent the people who elected him to the City Council. The resolution of the council demanding that Nichols resign if he can't abide by his oath of office offers no problem to Nichols since he clearly believes that is exactly what he has been doing. And given the tone of the public conunents, both at council meetings and on the Pilot's Forum page. a successful recall would be no slam dunk. So while the recall issue is being held in abeyance, maybe it's tlme to change our focus. As him from talking to an expert they are using in the case. He added that the district attorney's offict! also interv~ned In a civil case filed by Greg'Haidl's mother in San Bernardino County and tried to protect the victim from giving a deposition in the case. "If you're afraid of your key witness testifying, then why prosecute the case at all?H Caval- lo asked. "The prosecution has an obligation to seek the truth, not to win." Deputy Dist. Atty. Susan Schroeder called Cavallo's mo· tion "laughable." adding that the district attorney's office has not been officially served the motion yet. Schroeder said the case was se- rious enough for Dickey to com· long as our attention is fixed on Nichols, we can avoid addressing an issue that seems to me not only more important but also more amenable to our efforts. When I arrived in Newport Beach more than 40 years ago. we had a congressman who told us a Otinese army was training in Mexico to invade California, the John Birch Society was finding nests of commwtlsts on our school boards, we sent a man to the California Senate - and later to Congress -who believed that Dwight Eisenhower was a communist agent, and we refused to let a group of touring Yugoslav mayors attend a Newport Beach City Council meeting -among many other aberrations. These are the philosophical roots that spawned Dick Nichols and -from the sound of his supporters -more than a few other local citizens. All the layers of sophistication that have come about sin ce -in education, in the arts, in the business world - have papered over these-. excesses. But Dick Nichols has exposed them anew, and if we simply paper over them once again, we've learned nothing from the Nichols episode. I called City Manager Homer BJudau to ask if Newport Beach had a Human Relations Commission. We don't. I asked if recent events don't suggest that it might be a good idea. He said he didn't think we needed one and cited the city clerk's scorecard showing that local citizens who spoke out were 2 to I against Nichols. I don't find a projection suggesting that one· third of our citizens embrace the Nichols agenda very comforting. lf such a commission is ever proposed, I have a strong candidate for chairman. He is an imposing Abican American resident of Newport Coast who went directly to the heart of this problem with quiet dignity when he told the City Council: "This is not a healthy place for me. I don't feel comfortable living in Newport Beach. but I'm not WHA~AFLOAT •WHAT'S AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical-event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., CoS1a Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto (949)646-4170;or bye-mall to dallypllot@latlmes.com. KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA lmu1 Outntter Clnoe Club invitee adventur&-mlnded adult8 to caooe Newport Harbor Hawaiian style. No experience required -they'll tead'I you all you need to know. Dress for the bead\ and bring a towel every Saturday tt 10 a.m. et North Star Bead\, 1 White Cllffi Drive, Newport Beed\. For more .Information, call (714)432-1236. ....-....... ..,..... ..... cllnica and priv"'9 lalonl .,. of'fer9d et Ptddle Power, 1500 w. Balbo• BNd,, Balboa. ic.yek end ... lkJ rem.II tleo ett tv .. aabM. (~) 876-121&. l'#o4MM~ ............ a.m. Sundlyt from N.wport OuMa. TM COit fl $20 for acMl8 .net $1 & for cHtdren. ic.ylk ,..,. ... d-.. eleo.,. IVlftlbtt. (M) 72t-t150.. Single byak rentals (110 SMr hour) and doubles ($15 per hour) are available at Balboa Boat Rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone. (949) 873-7200. Paddle Power also provldn kayak, surf ski and canoe rentals. (949) 676-1215. The UPI* Newport Bey Ecological Reserve offers Bade Bay canoe tours departing at 8:30 a.m. Saturdays from Shelhnaker Island In Newport Beadl. (949) 640-8746. Newport Aquatic Centllr ..... sw.ep rowing (one oar), 1CUlllng cl..aet (two oara) and canoe rentals. et ..... run for four weeks end cost $76. Introductory cllnlc:a aleo are evall•bfe for $10. (9491 &48-n25. ment during his ruling that he be- lieved that the teens had treated the victim "lil<e a piece of meat.· "We have validation from a judge that our case has merit," she said. Cavallo also said that the pros· ecution has been "unfair" in charging Greg Haid.I. "This is a boy who's had no criminal record, and they want him to serve life in prison." he said Greg Haid.I faces a maximum of I 04 years to ·life in prison if convicted of all charges. "ln my professional opinion. there is no chance any jury would convict defendant !Greg! Haidl on all counts and find all the enhancements to be true," Cavallo stated in his motion. Schroeder said that she looks leaving." I think it would be inslructive for council members to know why he doesn't find Newport Beach a healthy place to live. I tried to help, but the city clerk tells me he didn't tum in a speaker's card, and I can't find the name our reporter got from him in the local phone book. J would strongly welcome a phone call from him (I'm in 1.he book) so I can pass this information along to council members, wl1ether they want to hear it or not. Meanwhile, there are some heartening signs that the locals are finding all sorts of creative ways to deal with the Nichols Syndrome. Some of the letters to the Pilot have been of near literary quality, and almost all have been thot1ghtfuJ. And the best medication of all -humor -showed up at a kind of forward to the triaJ. "We look forward to proving all charges beyond a reasonable doubt." she said. Cavallo also alleged in his mo- tion that the district attorney's office was much too late in pro· vidlng information relating to the case, which he said was inap- propriate. "There was information that they had in September that they gave me only in March," he said. The motion is scheduled to be heard on July 25 at the Centrcil Justice Center in Santa Ana. • OEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@lat1mes.com grass-in at Corona del Mar beach last weekend where an ethnic mix of people got along just fine. and the centerpiece was a large cardboard sign that said: "Warning: Mexican~ ... A fitting epilogue to all this appeared in a Los Angeles Times story about a survey just done in · Germany seeking to identify the social roadblocks in the w-dy of tolerance. "Many Germans still believe in a cultural sense that Germany 1s a country only for Germans," the survey read. "As a result, we are faced more urgently than ever with the unsolved cardinal issue of a new culture of recognition for all who hve in this society." So are we. • JOSEPH N. BEU 1s a resident of Santa.Ana Heights. His column appears Thursdays. Everett D. Nunan July 6, 1914 -July 11, 2003 Everett was born in Los Angeles California, attended schools In South Pasadena and Santa Ana College. Married Wilhelmina Mounter May 23 1935, raised his family.' in Newport Beach, and was a 55 year member of the:, International Brothertiood Of Electrical Workers, Local 441 . • Everett and Wilhelmina spent their retirement years in Oeaert• Hot Springs and Running Springs California. • Everett passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his , beloved wife and children, at age 89. • • Everett Is survived by his wife of 68 years. Wilhelmina, 1 daughters Joan Schmid (Hermann) of San Clemente, Jane Patterson (Gene) of Costa ,Mesa, and son Wiiiiam Everett., Nunan (Nanty) of Costa Mesa sister, Marjorie Nunan Ullon of , Santa Ana, eight grandchildren, fourt~ great grandchildren, and three great great grand children. Services are private, and in lieu of flowers, donations may be. made to the American Cancer Society. , Joan Sabina (Adams) Cunningham• 7125/19 • 7 /12/03 Long time Newport Beach resident : Joan Sabina Cunningham passed away. July 12, 2003 from the effects of' ParkJnson's Disease, just two weeks short of the 84th birthday. A native of England, Joan was raised In a boarding school with her brother, Ivor Adams, while their father. a vaudevillian, : pursued his career on the st•ge. • Following a brief career as a haJl'dreaer, Joan moved to the United States at the beginning of World War II to join the love of her life, David UvTngstone Cunningham, who had previously emigrated. She and. Davk:I, a noted nuraeryman. founder of O.L Cunningham, Inc. and past president of the California Aatociatlon. of Nurserymen; married on December 7, 1940 and had a loving, happy llfe together for more than five decades until his death In Ootober, 1991. A homemaker and l'Mktent of Udo Island since 1963, Joan wu active In many charitable organizations, Including the Nation.al Charity= and The Adoption Guild. She WU Ila<> • membet of The era of The 8rttilh Emplte. She Ind vtd hid traveied the wot1d for bu.m.a and pleuure1 lncludlng fr.quent vlslta to their natJve Brttaln, but always pn>fMMd that theit hOme In N9WpOft BMch wu the bMt place they Nd seen In which to !Ive and rlllM a f8m11V. She wu an ..:tfv• tennlt player untM the ett.cta of her lllneea. f°"*' her to stop ~ the game In her 70 ... She atlo enjoyed ~ bftdge IY«'f wMk with her lady frtende.. · .foen wa a truly g9nt.HI woman Ind no one 9¥9r crolNd thteehold of h«· hOme who didn't lnttantty feet welcome. H• br1ght amlte and wonderful """ of humor llUmtnated wound her and her Chaim, dtgnlty Md polM mM tf*11 fMI .... . She WU the loYtng mother to four cNtdltn. She It ~ edne Jamel and hie ..... u... of BonMI; UwNnOe and hit Connie, ()f Laguna Niguel; Robert and .. wtfe, ....... -~ ~ lftd her dlqhter, ..... Welt ........ ... OeOtf of Co.ta U... • ..r • nAnt ptdctlldl• wt one.,.. ptdw.. PrMte .... w.t....,m=..,... d tlke place• Peolfto Vl.w Mlmortll ,. ad..tnQ of and,,..,. ........ for JtJ/f ~ lft lleu of ftowM. donetionl ~ be mllde In tWr NIM to Ndoulf Pnlneon .. F~ c/o HcMig Hoepbl. One Drf¥e, Newport BMoh, CA. ~ by Paoffto Mortumy lMlt 144-2700. ... Oaily Pilot lhursday, July 17. 2003 A5 Perf orining Arts Center has good news in hard times Lolita Harper Da ily Pilot The tenor at the Orange County Performing Arts Center was upbeat Tuesday evening, despite the lack of any musicaJ instruments, as officials an- nounced a record-breaking fi - nancial performance· in the· past year. . In a time when other venues ' are struggling to stay afloat. the Center has been Oooded with gtmerous donations and a tide 6f record-breaking ticket sales and attendance, officials said. The new concert halJ under construction adds to the syn- ergy and provides a positive out- look for the future of.the cultural hub. "We have in Orange County something that the world is go- ing to envy -if they don't al· ready," said Roger Kirwan, co- chairman for the Center's ex- pansion fund-raising campaign. More than 350 people gather- ed ·in the intimate halJ for cu1 elaborate offering of food and cocktails and a pleasant recital by board members. Olairrnan Paul Folino congratulated the Center's staff and donors for their loyal support during trying tlnancial times. "It was challenf9.!ig, in lieu of the economic environment,· Folino said. "We should all be very proud that we remain posi- tive and in the black:.· Treasurer John Evans reported total revenues of $37.6 million and expenses of $37.2 million, leaving the Center with a net surplus of $386,000, which will be added to reserves for future programs. Record ticket sales of $21. l million and gifts of $7.4 million, no.ne of which came from government entities. also highlighted Evans' report. "I arn very pl.eased to report that our Center continues to op- erate in a financialJy strong and responsible mCU1ner. while pro- viding a hroad array of perform- ances and t:dU<.:ation programs," COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP 11, INSIDE CITY HALL I !ere are a few of the items the commission considered on Monday. ARMSTRONG GARDEN CENTER The property, at the corner of Newport Boulevard and Victoria Street, is occupied by Armstrong Garden Center. The applicant, Ted Stelwer. representing property owner Pastor ·rrm Celek of Calvary Oiurch Newport Mesa, wants LU 1ear down the slructure and construct a new building. display area and parking 101 for the same busineS/>. The zoning administrator approved the requesl on June 5. Planning Commissioner Katrina Foley appealed thal decision because she is concerned thal the exceptions Celek is requesting on landscape setback: encroachment and reduction in parking don't address the po8.'>ibiliry of die GETTING . INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (94.9) 574-4298. • Rabbitt Insurance Agency I AUTO • HOMEOWNfJlS . HEALTH SubililJ Sin« I 957. ~~ :~S>."J_, : 949-631-7740; 441 otd Ncwpon lhL • Newport a.ta (Neu HNC Ho.pilaf) property being convened for a nother use. WHAT HAPPENED The commission approved the permit. WHAY IT MEANS Celek will be able to make the changes. to Lhe site. WHAT WAS SAJD "Staff modified one condition of approval and added three more that picked up the things that somehow didn't get into 1he list of conditions. and it wac; no problem," commi~iun Oiairman Bruce Carlich :-aid. HI TIME LIQUOR The applicant, architn'I Marcus Paris. repre-.enting owner Diana Hir-.1 of I Ii Time Uquor, propo*s a 4.060·'>quare-foot addition on the north side nf tht· .,tore. Becau<;e of the prop<'rty\ · wning, the expanc;ion must be rl·v1ewed hy the commi~\1011. I first is also requesting an exteptinn to Oour area ratio requirements. --EASTER SEALS Easter Seals needs volunteers for ongoing clerical work, programs for children with disabilities and special events. (714) 834-1111. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreacti NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Planning Commission meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. July 28 •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: 17141 754·5245 WHAT HAPPENED The commi'>!>ton approved the cxpan..,ion, with Conuni!>!>ioner loel Fari!> dis~enting. WHAT IT MEANS I ltr-.1 c.;an expa11d her '>tnre. WHAT WAS SAID fari'> ..aid he dt'-.,l'nll'd· hetau'>e ht"-aw and hl·ard from .,oml' of the nc·Mhy re'>tden1s and hu.,ine-. ... ownt:'rs rhal the owner of the liquor '>lore did ncn marntain properly. ~ "They left it really untidy in haLk of tht· '>turl'." Faris \aid. "J-.vpn when they were a ... k.ed aboul 11. 1hey really didn'r 1,eem to c;irc. If the-.e guy-, can't be a good neighbor now, do we W<uH them to expand and creare a bigger problem?" -Compil.ed by !Jeirdre Newrrum assistants are needed to help in a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skills are needed. (949) 250-0488. ENVlRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors learn about their environment. (949) 645-8489. Evans said. Kirwan, co-chair of the Build- ing on the Vision Campaign, as- sured the audience the new Re- nee and Henry Segerstrom and Samueli halls, which are under construction, would indeed be a reality. "Get those tuxedo!> and your best gowns ready, . bel.'.ause in September of [20061. ~hb i~ the place to be, tt Kirwan said. Sin~e its, beginning in 2000. the campaign has brought in more Lban $110 million of Lhe $200 million roi the prujec.;t, he said. "We've got momentum in our fund-mising and art: rapidly ap· proaching the $1I5·mi1Jion mark." Kirwan said. While most of the meeung was scripted, officials surprised Kirwan with the 01airman's Cup for Distinguished Service to the Center, an annual honor t:iVl'n to extraordinary voluntt-t·r-. · Kirwan au:cpwd tlw dwanJ with hurnil11y, .,lirpn<.e a11d ·pnde in the Center. ht· '>atd "I have alway ... · heliev1·d 111 this." Kirwan said. "I wuuJdnt be dumb enough to stand ere · I didn't." C.t'nter President Jerry Mandel roured not only the bottom line but the underlying mission of the Perfonmng Arts <.enter: to rn11tmue to enhghtt>n and en- hance the community. The um- ter ha'> mc11ntamed a reputation uf ".irlr-.lic exceUence" arfd wi lJ hlllld on that in year\ lCJ come, ht· -.aid Mandel aho .. tressed thl' < A:Oter'-. rnle 111 education. "We'w· ra1<,ed that bar lugh, Jl)d nnt year wil1 be no excep· I ion." Mane.Id Ytd ' ~;Y WHALE OF A TALE Children's Bookstore 949-854-8288 T1 IE F< 1NZ Is C< >MINL Tr' IRVINE ,\.feet The Legendary www awhaJ....,f•taJ~ <om A booksrore tor 1<1ds of all ages 4 199 Campus Dr Suite A Irvine, CA 9261? Award·winnrnjl actor and d1rt'l'lor ¢ Henry Winkler. alonJ.( "'1th Lin ';!.c tJl"Zf-" Ullver. has ru-wnlleri .i 1ww 'fries .JN' \ of books mspm:d by hi\ true-life ~~~~ • ., experiences. Books Avd1lable ·'ll1dl.(ard f.;lls or -=-~ \ D<ies 11~· & -1 t.ut A -er 111 "·"d1111· ~ fl lurdnHcr llr,r1ks I i11/11 '~ ZiF>zb ,\,, \fem11ruh1/iu 11 .. u.1.-'1 1 GOT A I 1)' ... Thursctay, Au>:usl 4 1111·t•I SALAM! Hen ry Winkler Author Actor, l'roducer and Director lntroduZiny "Hank Zipzer" It..-m"'th "'"' ">n"-'''"'"' ,,, th~ \\<Jrld', lk,t t' nJ, r "' 1i,,..,,·r '.'lulurdav, July 19th. I l:llO a.m. Ollicer Frank l/n·1111' PtJ/1c..t i..71/ / • / 11 {l(J a.m Prt-~enta111111 l'tt·'<'nlJllHO l\ti!Jn.' JI If i~J d m •'/f ,,,,,, /14/111111 FEET H ·VRT? You are invited to meet Mary Snyder, Licensed Acupuncturist Saturday, July 19 10am -Noon (Please call ahead for an appointment.) ··~ Foortlf' SOLUTleNS Call now 1ur Jn JfJpo1ntml'nl at our n(·¥. F< )OT SOLUTIONS '>IOrt• .rnd lt'arn hov. v.C' can hl'IJ1 Slop the pain. lrnpmVE.· your halJnce, pmture Jnrl ~trength. WP c arrv a c omplf·te lint• nf ~rvl1~h. dr('"~ b.. Jlhler1c -.ho£'" and custom 1nsolt"' 1835 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa (<OrHr of Haritcw & 19'\, ... n.. Maytag Stott ) (949) 734-2020 Opett Mon· Sat. 1 Oom"6pm -----------·~---------... M Thursday, July l 7. 2003 Dllll'y Pilot HOW TO GET PU8USHED -t.u.rs: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn 6t the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Re~ Hottine: Call (~9) 642~ Fax: Se'_ld ~o (949) 646:4170 e-.m.l:Send ro dailypilot@larimes.oom •All correspondence must lndude full name. hometown and phone number (for verification.purposes). The Pilot reserves the nght to edrt ell subm1ss1ons for olantv and length. EDITORIAL Fair board . made the right decision C onsidering aU that has transpired, the decision the Orange County Fair board made to deny the bids of Tel Phil Enterprises and American Parle 'n Swap to run the swap meet at the Orange County Fairground5 and reopen the bid process was indeed a good one. Too much had been said and too many knots have been tangled that it is best just to cut the losses and start aU over. We would also like to take this m oment to commend fair board member Frank Barbaro for seeing the apparent conllict h e has by owning a 51 % share in a swap meet vendor and abstaining from his vote. With aU that done, we now urge fair board members to weigh the new bids evenly and do what's best for the taxpayers who support the fairgrounds and for the locaJ community and local businesses, least of which is Tel Phil Enterprises, whose founder, Bob TeUer, created the market place that is weU loved by many today. As we said before, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And so far, the market place doesn't look broke to us. Still, American Parle 'n Swap officiaJs see it differently. and we agree they deserve a chance to make their case. They think that if fair board members are able 10 see ·their bid side by side with Tel Phil's, it will be clear that they are offering a better deaJ. They say they can give the taxpayers back more money and still keep vendor rents and enlrance prices the same. American Parle 'n Swap and its parent company, Delaware North, have a good reputation. They run the Boston Bruins hockey team and con cession venues at Kennedy Space Center and Yosemite NationaJ Park. We have no doubt they are a fine company and would do a fine job running the swap m eet if the fair board were to choose them . But in our mind, American Park 'n Swap would have to come up with an extraordinary offer to convince fair board members to unseat Tel Phil Enterprises, with its equally impressive track record and local connections. So, let the bidding begin. and let the best company wm. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY WhatSfair about stealing a family business? E veryone knows the Orange County swap meet, but what most do not know is that an Orange County family invented the market place idea 80 years ago. Before there was an Orange Q>unty Marlcet Place, there was nothing but a useless waste or space. A parlc:ing lot used for two or three weeks a year for the county fak Bob TeUer invented the idea An idea that changed business and made Orange County a hot-bed or entrepreneurs. Before the marlc:et place. if you wanted to start a retail business, you needed a storefront. Storefronts are expensive, and if you had one, there was no guarantee that people would come find you. Thus the dilemma -do you give up your day job to pursue your dream or keep on working? The answer to that quesdon all changed with TeUer's idea. He peated a market place. You had ~ storefront twice a week and ~. e rent was a nominal fee. But th that rent. Teller would drive pie -2 million a year - t your front d oor. Now, it you had an Idea. you could still keep your job and have your own business on the Weekends. I mow of two eom~ that have millions of dollus in sales that started at a booth at the Orange County Mamt Place. They all got their at.art wtth 1 booth at the swap meet. The idea Is solid. And while there~ been swap meeu and Oea ma.rtets before, there was neYet a maitet place. Mk American Padt 'n Swap. They are 1111 e:rpert at nee mal'keu, but baye never •tarted. l'VI or pPened a mark.et ·place. Hern, ~the aame vmdon show Up~ after week. Yqu ~buy ~al cbe maitet p&lce &nd If you want to return It. the i...,.,teect. 1be fair t;oarct ol dncton thia 30 reara after 'hlla' the..__ ,.ole hit No\ll>; cbe memben of ' ' .. the board are good honest civic-minded people, so I do not mean to claim any impropriety on their part. but they have allowed it to happen. Tut! bid consideration and whoever recommended it are responsible. You see, from the readings in the newspaper -it sounds like the board had every right to find a new operator or the market place. but this is the deception. John Femback. President of American Parle 'n Swap, and his half page ad in the Daily Pilot does not set the maner straight. It continues the deception. The fair board has land -it does not own the ma.rtet place. It is truly Teller's own invention. By putting out to bid and limiting the bid to those interested in running a market place, the fair board stole the Teller Family business. There is no legal basis that allows any government to steal your business. American Parlc'n SWap is simply trying to buy stolen goods. If the fair board said, "We have this land and we want someone to come up with an idea to use it~ -then there Is no problem. But to actually put a bid out and call it a bid for a market place -that is theft. As I understand the reports from the Daily Pilot. American Park 'n Swap bas failed at every California swap meet they have ever attempted. They are not local, they have nothing here but an opponunity to steal the Teller's family busineas. They failed to follow the fundamental rules of the bidding Procet8. 80 why would we want them.to run the maibt place? The f.air board now must mm a dedslon. t-t.vtng allowed the autbon or the bid to b1jack the bu.sintM. they~ an opponunfty to conect thM. The p.U ol John Femblth to Mk the que1tlon "CMI the mlrt.et place be nm betta'r1be re.I~ Is, whoee mmbt ..... k1 .-.SDM.Y Newpon~ MAILBAG Brothers Chuck, left, and Tom Lane move equipment across the stage at the Pacific Amphitheatre. Higher ticket prices are not what the fair is about There is a very big difference in the Orange County Fair in the area of concen entertainment since ·a year has wooshed by." and I think it is wonh mentioning. since you did not. Up until this year. all of the concert en1ertainml?n1 -and for that ma ner all staged entenainment -was free. It was part of your admission to the fair. Yes, you could have secured a reserved seal in the Arlington Theater for a nominal fee if you wanted to, but the majority of seats were stiU free. Now, with the inclusion of the Pacific Amphitheatre and its "top billed" lineup (is this just Lhe ·A" list of the fair circuit?), the tickets cost more money. Lot.s or money Ticket costs are at a level close or equal to most conLen s in Los Angeles or anywhere else. with prices ranging from $20 to over $70. The cheapest seat for Dylan was $54. Gone are the daY'> of seeing good free entenainment al the Orange County Fair Y~. there are a few free concens in the arena, but the spirit of the fair's free concerts is gone. The Orange County fair ii. not inexpensive. With admission, food and some midway rides, an evening can easily cost $50 per person or more. Now we are ClCpected to add another $20 10 $70 per person for each concert we want to see. My vote is to bring back the Arlington TI1eater and II'> level of cnterta111men1. Keep it free and lc>t people en1oy tJ1e fair the way we u~t.l to. I.el the Pacific Amph1thea1re hold it<., concert!-. -JU!>! don't make it pan or tht• Orange County FaJr -it\ JUM not fair. RICHARD HAAS Bridges over troubled condom inium project An open letter t<lwlhc ( o .. w Mt·'>a City Council· Your pro1ec1 a1 190 I Newport Blvd. '" ~oing to he d1 .. a ... 1rou-. 1f it proceeds a., planrl('d C,Jn we really handle more 1raffic? Of course not! And not enough parking ell!'>!'> n1m. '>U changing that requirement would he ndiculous. But the \\Or'>I of II i-. that we arc going to hd\ e two bndge'> '>ho"ed down our collectiH· throat'> bt•taw.e of the mann<'f in which this council conduct'> plann111~ bu~m''>" and approve'> proj('l lS ' I '>hu l my mouth about the Kohl''> project and I have kept my mouth 'hut about your ever·changmg plans for the West'>ide -even though I felt you were wrong aboul Kohl\. Th<'y complied wi th everything required of them and were turned down, yet yuu will approve a project that'' nor in rompliance wi1h existing city requirement., and cannot fit into existing requirementi. w11hout a myriad of variam·c· ... lh1~ makes no -;eni.e! READERS RESPOND I have li\'ed in my bona• tor 20 year1> and ha\ c· '>een my \bare of council change'>. I have been a1>1>ured over and over that no bndge would ever he built on Gbler Avenue. but me think., this "'J lie perpetuated by each and cvt•ry council fountain Valley" proc:eeding with their '>tuc.ly. and I beliew when lhe laM ligh1 i-. turned out. Newport Beach and llun11ngton Reach will vo te w·i1 h them and wr will have two bric.lg!'.., lh.it are not wanted by u' "fuoli~h" resident<\. Plea.,e note that I am addmantly oppo'>ed to your new pe t proJCt l W1• may need more hou\mg. but thi'> I'> not 1he direction to go. I hi'>" nut gu111g to be affordable h ousing anyway. Allow granny units on tho'>e huge lob o n the J-;a.,1s1de Allow humeowner~ to add second 1>tone., and expand their exi'>ting h ome.,'><> maybe wand ma and grandpa can move in with them. 1 here are other alt ernative., to '>Olvmg our housing problem -1( that I'> why you 1hink th1.., project 1' m•cdcd for the city You need to be crea1ive to <,olve our houo;mg needs. <..hJng111g vanante<> and allowing thl'> kind or deni.ity Ill a City I hat i'> fully built out now is ju..,t not good leader'>hip and "not the answer. 1 lell. I don't know wh,11 it i'> -bu1 I do know what 11 will be in hind1>igh1: a terrible me!>S for the rc ... idents or Costa Mesa. GAYLE SPINKS (,osta Me'>a Still feeling the heat from searing comment AT ISSUE: Newport Beach Councilman Dick Nichols and his comment about Mexicans usi ng grassy areas at Corona del Mar State Beach. T he Daily Pilot has been less than objective in its reporting of the Nichols fiasco. Its incendiary "Mexicans on the beach" article sparked the confiagrJtion, and since then, the paper's reporters have shown consistent anti-Nichols bias. The Pilot's report on public comments al the July 8, 2003, council meeting depicted only two points of view: racism and anti-racism. Thal is not balanced reporting. I spoke at that meeting and heard every other speaker. While there were extremists on both sides, there were many others besides myself who called foran end to the hysteria, opposed a draconian resolution that-would have removed or neutralized Mr. Nichols and appealed to the City Council to let the community express its oplnioo at the next election rather than encouraging a recall peddon '-which would be costly, debWtatlng, and most probably unsuccessful. I did not read of such moderate vlews In the PiJot. which balanced reporting would not have overlooked. FlnaJJy, your editorial on July 14 feU Into line wtlh the reporting. It ts totally lnconect to say that Mr. Nichols 1ccused the councO, the Daily Pilot and the Fire Department of a conspt:ncy. He never used that word: It was Mayor Steve Bromberg'a. Mr. Nichols repudiated the word. But what be meant WM clear. Shi.lb do not conspire when they smell blood. They just know what to do. 1lakkig Brombtlg'• WOidt and pUttiog them In the mouth of Mr. Nkhot'a.,. berond unprofelllonal ~ It (. ~oundi. to me like, well, a conspiracy. TOMMOULSON Corona del Mar A surplus or verbiage has resulted from Councilman Dick. Nic.hol'S"commenrs regarding the use of Corona del Mar state beach by the Mexican community. However, littJe attention has been devoted to his vote to abstain from the decision to proceed with plans to make capital improvements to the beach. No reason was g_iven for this vote. The 500 foot radius restriction does not apply in this case, as It did with the Port Theatre. QualitJ~ that should be possessed by an elected representative are leadership and vision. Sadly, Nichols lacks both. and on this basls aJone he should resign hi position on the City Council. RUSSELL HOWELL Corona del Mar Watching the sad debacle at the council Tuesday nJght. I was struclt by the Incredible arrogance of councilman Gary Adam.'I. He was not troubled by the oommcnu of Councilman Djclr. NJchols per e, but rather Intimated that NJchols waa slmply ltpl9rant and supported that usumption by noting that Nichols didn't grup concepu the way he and his Q"Onles did. Thill from a councilman who8e ttpertolro includes dnneanlltJJ and de.n>gltory commenta to apeaken who dare approecb the da1I to addn!M the council and quesdon thelr ICdonll Adami hu repeatedly mW re.narb about~· "brilnl beU1I fried.. bel"3 •tgnorant, • aaille or dlslnfenuous. Nichols' comments are regrettable, however. the conlinual dressing down of speakers at the dais by Adams. and at limes Mayor Steve Bromberg. are unacceptable. The result or their condescending and abusive behavior is to chill freedom or speech and the citizen's inalienable rigtlt to address tlleir representative government. Adams' apologi7lng to the city for Nichols' comments is a joke. He needs to only look within himself to see reaJ intolerance. MICHELLE TRAll. Newport Beacl) Cyndie Rorcoman's lener in the Pilot sounds pretty intolerant to me. rn fact. I could feel the hate dripping off the page. J afso found it interesting that Borcoman whined that many or the supponers of Dick Nichols were. in Borcoman's view, not from Newport Bea.ch. Can it be that Borcoman wants to keep people out of Newport Beach who don't agree with. her liberal world view'l Perhaps she wants to keep Americans of[ the grass near the beachet7 Borcoman should also look up the word bigot before she th.rows It arou_nd, because some of her views sowii bigoted. Borcoman al.a doesn' seem to undersf.and m.t •rtte speech" lo the UntblO States means' that pe9ple haw a ri&bt to llif more than ·1 kM mom and.ai>I* pie,• tMtl If Bcm:omlLn and her Ilk don't -lib It. 1M.H.••• Costa Mete Councilman Dick Nichols la an cmbartaament to our communlry. and yea. I agree wtlh the actlona that the Cltj Councll took.. Tho bad they coulddt do I even stronger. ' Daily Pilot AROUND TOWN 595-MOMS. • Send AROUND TOWN items to t e a1 y 1 ot, . ay t.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swsnson@latimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY ~ldren entering first through h grades are invited to "A est Fantasy" at 10:30 a.m. at the S,lboa branch of the Newport 9each Public Library. Heart Throb ~ Clown will present the rNeractive program, part of "It's A Jongle Out There;· the Newport Seach Public Library's summer N(ading series. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. ~IDAY Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beach" series offers !Newsies" starting at oosk on the ~wport sand. Parking costs $8 ~r car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores The resort IS a( 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more (nformation. call (949) 729-DUNE Auntington Beach author Jean fSrueger. a weight-loss specialist, wjll appejlr at Metropolnte's Barnes and Noble for a book 9fgn1ng and workshop from 7:30 to 8:30 p m The free workshop is tftled "Why the Weight' Dare to be Great'" For more 1nformat1on. Cdll 1714) 4:44 0226. SATURDAY Newcomer5 to the digrtal umverse ure invited to "Tools and Tricks Internet 101," a free Internet workshop, at 9 a m. at the Balboa brnndi of the Newport Bedch P11bhc Library For more 1nformat1on call (9491717 3816. Intermediate-level Internet ndv1gators are 1nv1ted to register fur "Web Walking 102:· a free Internet work workshop at 10 a m 1t the Newpor1 Beach Central l 1fJrary The hands-on workshop 1s l1m1ted to 10 parttc1pants Sign up ·•1 the library's reference d!lsk or by • ~111ng 1949J 717 3800. ext 2 "Divorce: A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women l1vorc.ed or gening divorced, 15. c ffered from 10 am to 12 30 pm 11 180 Newport Center Dnvc. NPwport Bead1 The cost is $40. Fur rno1e info1ma11on call r949} 1544-6435 Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies on the Beacn" series otters "The ')word and the Sto11e" starting at dusk on the Newport sand Parking costs S8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Back Bav Dnve. For more information call (949) 729-DUNE "Growing Begonias" is the subject of a free program at Sherman Library and Gardens 1n Corona del Mar at 9·30 a m The program 1s part of the Weekend Gardener Sanes No reg1strat1on 1s required. For more information. call (949) 673-2261. MONDAY Children entering first through SiX1h grades are invned to "Up in the Air" at 10:30 a m at the Newport Beach Central Library Renowned 1uggler David Cousin. who holds live world records for keeping things in the air, will present the free program, wh1c:ti will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 23 a1 the Mariners brandi and at 10·30 a.m . July 24 at the Balboa branch. For more information. call (714) 717-3816. WEDNESDAY A free seminar and book signing, "Asian Longevity Secrets:· will be offered by author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at Mother's Market. 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations. call (800) Adult readen interested in exploring how cultural comp exr 1es can a amt 1a relationships are fnvited to a discussio"n of Amy Tan's "The Bonesetter's Daughter" at 3 p.m. at the Corona del Mar Branch Library. The program is part of NBranch Out-Read;' an adult summer reading program at Balboa, Corona del Mar and Mariners branch libraries. For more information, call (949) 644-3075. Children entering first through si><th grades are invited to "Up in the Air" at 3 p.m. at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Pentral Library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keepin~ things in the air, will present the free program, which will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July i4 at the Balboa branch. For more information, call (714) 717-3816. JULY 24 Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to "Up in the Air" at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keeping things in the air, will present the free program. For more information. call (714) 717-3816. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce's Newport Sunset Networking Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht of Pacific Avalon Yacht Charters, 3404 Via Oporto, No 103. Newport Beach. The dockside event from 5 to 7 pm will include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer 1s free for members Potential members pay $10. For more 1nformat1on. call (949) 729-4400 Book Soup's "Taking Tea" author series at South Coast Plaza returns wtth authors Janet Filch and Susan Straight. D1scuss1ons of their books "White Oleander" and "H1ghwire Moon" will take place over coffee. tea and dessert A portion of book sales will be donated to the Orangewood Foundation. For more information call (7141 689-2665 JULY 25 Newport Dunes Resort's •Movies on the Beach .. senes offers "Remember the Titans" startmg at dusk on me Newport sand Parking costs $8 per car Campfires will also be available for s'mores The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Dnve. For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE Longinff presents an afternoon with Olympic gymnastics gold medalist Mary Lou Retton and legendary coach Bela Karolyi starting at noon at Macy's 1n South Coast Plaza. Retton and Karoly1 will sign autographs and promote the upcoming World Gymnastics Champ1onsh1ps in the Fine Watch Department on level two. For more information. call 1714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231. JULY 26 Newport Dunes Resort's "Moviff on the Beach" sen es offers "Alice in Wonderland" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Partung costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The reson is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-DUNE. ' JULY 27 The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the 68th annual Flight of the Lasers at 1 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 720·West Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to win prizes like best costulne, best decorated boat, first parent/child team. and first married couple. Information: (949) 67J.n30. Page Private · School ~.rJ-~906' Fam.,Cbob Anni Wluft" lbr Betit l'Wnte ~Wy School! BABY REGISTEJlY - ----------------~----------------- FREE NOM MAl'ERNin 24oz Drink Thursday July l 7 2{J()j A7 ~~ Patio Seatin g Cold Hre"·ed l ee Coffee 369 E I 75y Streei Co)ta Meso CA 02627 wiJh lhc purduuw of . a sa ndwich ancl •·hiplj t1lEE reDllH on Dt-idri<-la Coffe.-. ""1· 1 1 1,1 "" 1~,;:., :· ~.' •• ·~'•J .... ' ,·..:0 r ... .:!:JI'> Ea .. 1l1luff Or.(\,,11 .. 1Ltlpl1-11d .1-tl1l11H \11t .• ~· t. .. 1.11 949 642 3632 www bluespnnqshome com <J 1.<J .<, 10.ot,:~o . ..,. ' OVERSTOCKS • Also ... Join us Fri. 7/18 & Sat. 7/19 (7-3:30) for our 6th Annual Tool Fair MEET U TALK TO THE MANUFAcnJRERS • TOOL DEMOS • :\If:\\' PRODUCTS • SPECIAL PRlCI~G 4-1/2" ANGlE GRINDER ~;;~~IFTI s399 SUPER LOW PRICE! 14AV CORDllSS DRIWDRMB m ~s~~ • ,; i' ... ,,. ~ • .,, .-.y~ ~ .. )}'' .,,.,._. ..,.,.. ; • J ,,. .....-... "'' ... I • ,~~s4999 s189 --~ \110'-l"""CllC:t co:• "-:lOClle ~bcJ!i« I 4 ll ? COIB!S ll C000 s119 aLW0 Brutd <9'\J Saturd 1 • BUCK& DECKBI 50 PC. MUlTl-TOOl ACCESSORY SET g Compore ls 19 99 33' 816 RIG 1 IR TAPE MEASURE 5 99 1-1'4 Wide s BOSCH BllY THIS 241 CllCUIAR SAW • ·~· ·.~ WITH CASE IND 2 BllTDllEL .. 1 Compare ' ' @ $500 • 1110 GET Ill OF TIESE ntMSFIUI FREE 24VDRIU PLUS - • NU 8aflety • OC8J-l~be • EJ::JS::Ji ~ T~ • OC8J-I Ccxpen#&' Ptn::"5 GANAHL EICLUSIVE -SPECIAL 'llRCHASE 2-V4HP mc.n llllTEll comm 7-1/4" 24T INDUSTRW CARBIDE BLADE Compare .r. $6 98 10" Intl SIW ~ mi Compare gi$179 ) loo!~ ~ :.rc.uc. ..,,, :.4 O" 2•tJ i: 8'..''1C OfOlr• Emo·a ·~.,."~ ,.~~s ie,oc~ ... c~ °'°°" 1-VI" SDS BOSCH ROTIHllltMER 91is199 s149 . --. ---__ .._..___,'-- ., A8 Thursday, July 17, 2003 FAIR SCHEDULE THURSDAY, NOON • Guild of Fiber Artist• (untll 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbles Building •California Cervera Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home and Hobbles Bull ding • Orange County Tole Painters (untll 11 p.m.) -Homd'and Hobbles Building •Crafts (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth Bull ding • •olacover the Fair" Botton Program (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Sock Hop -Kida Stage • 4-H Market Swine and FFA Market Swine Judging - Livestock Arena •Senior Hat Ptirade (12:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage ••spam Delights• Contest (12:30 p.m.) -Home and Hobbles Stage · 1 P.M. •Maureen W. Puppet (until 6 p.m.) -Around the grounds •All-American Boys Chorus - Sun Stage • Art and Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building •Glassblowing Demonstration -Crafters Village • Song and Storytelling with Amy Jo -Celebration Stage - Youth Building •Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Traveling Game Show (1 :30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) -Atound the grounds •Russell Bros. Circus ( 1 :30 p.m .) -Green Gate Area • Cal's Caddyshack Putting Contest (1 :30 p.m) -Heritage Stage •Ceramics Demonstration ( 1 :30 p.m.) -Crafters Village •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m .) -Millennium Barn 2P.M. • Flying Carpet Caravan -Sun Stage • Drapers & Damons Fashion Show -Home and Hobbies Stage • Morgan the Magic Ma Celebration Stage -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston -Kida Stage • Recycled Percu11Jon -Little • TheatM • Slzzlin' Seniors In Motion (2:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage • Circus Fun Review Auditions (2:30 p.m.) -Kida Stage 3P.M. •All-American Boys Chorus - Sun Stage • Song and Storytelling with Amy Jo -Celebration Stage - Youth Building •Circus Fun ReYlew Show - Kida Stage · • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Eva Fry's "You Must Have A Dream" (3:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage • Rockin' & Splnnln' with Dog Hair (3:30 p.m.) -Home end Hobbies Stage •M ilking Demonstration (3:30 p.m .) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration -Crafters Village • HuntingtonMlestminster Adult School Line Dance -Sun Stage •Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Red Rocket Launch Jell-0 Tossing Contest -Kids Stage • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) - Around the grounds • Russell Brothers Ci rcus (4:30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area • Cooking with Chef Jan Mongell (4:30 p.m .) -Home and Hobbies Stage •Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village SP.M. • Marge's Tappers -Sun Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building Celebrity Chef Alton Brown sta~dinf •r the Shadow o Motown ruruamo The Funk Brothers Dady Pdot BEST BET - Playing the free show at the Citizens Business Bank Arena at 7 and 9 p.m. today will be the Bangles, above. Standing in the Shadows of Motown, featuring the Funk Brothers, will perform at 7:30 p.m. today at the Pacific Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series. Gates open at 6 p.m. • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - • Red, Ripe & Karaokin' Contest (6:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage Livestock 7 P.M. •Celebrity Chef Series: Alton •Summer Concert Series: Brown, Host of Food Network's Standing in the Shadows of #Good Eats" (5:30 p.m.) -Motown, featuring the Funk Heritage Stage Brothers (7:30 p.m. Gates •Circus Fun Review Auditions open 6 p.m .) -Pacific (5:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage A mphitheatre •Milking Demonstration (5:30'--•The Bangles -Citizens p.m.) -M illennium Barn Business Bank Arena 6P.M. • Power Carving with Don Lloyd -Home and Hobbies Stage •Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show - Kids Stage ALDEN'S •Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage •Glassblowing Demonstration -Crafters Village • Kids' Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Hangin' Loose Contest -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock DRAPERY CLEAN11\16 Al\ID MORE I ND TAKE DOWN DR REMDVll\I& l\IECE!i!iARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette' window shadings •Vignette• window shadings • Duette~ honeycomb shades • MilleniaTM Collection • Jubilance™ roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenette ™ SoftFoldN shadings World's Best ON·SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 #1111/1'11111 \ ll1•1111t,1t11111I111 IJ11,1/1t11 r1t1tl "91 •1\11 1• ..,,,,, 1• 11/',/ •Judges' Walk-Through (7:30 p.m.) -Visual Arts Building •Russell Bros. Circus (7:30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area • Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village • Milking Demonstration (·7:30 p.m.) -M illennium Barn SP.M. • All-American Boys Chorus - Sun Stage • Rock, Rock Limbo Rock Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Oxen Team Presentation - Livestock Arena •Wartime Radio (8.30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage 9P.M. • The Bangles -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area •Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m ) ..: Heritage Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (9·30 p.m.) -Crafters Village lOP.M. • All-American Boys Chorus - Sun Stage •Wartime Radio (10:30 p.m ) - Heritage Stage " r • --------~-~---~------------~9!11--.... Daily Pilot S O C I E TY TnurSddy July I 7 2003 A9 THE CROWD D id you ever think that • the summer social experience might also include a great weekend camping trip? Growing up. I heard many tales of family adventures in the California Redwood forests. My father and his parents 'would actually spend the entire summer Qn caravan camping excursions. A small canvas village was erected in the wilderness with all the accouterments of home. That was in the early part of the century. Today, we have news of The Big Boys Weekender, a camping excursion set for early faJI al Big Bear Lake on a property run by the YM CA Camp. Corona del Mar residen to; Norm aPaul Fruchbom opened their coa51aJ residence to some 200 local guests for a preview party of the 8. W. COOK Big Camping Weekender to come. It's all about good old-fashioned "male bonding," a little male escapism. and perhaps most impo rtantly. raising funds for local charitie'> that will be 1he benefic1arie<. of the camping fees. The Big Boys Weekender will support the Orange Counry YMCA. Orangewood Child ren\ I lome. the United Way and an organization called l.earnfog For Life. Paul Fruchbom. board member of the charitable organization spo nsoring the excursion and host of the pre-event party. went all out for the event, e recting a 26-fooi Alpine rock climbing tower. producing an archery demonstration and inviting the Orange County Sheriff's Department to show off their new high-tech Hummer. Guests managed to enjoy some extensive wine tasttng to go along with the :.uper-old-fashioned backyard ba rbecue that made for perfect Getting the Big Boys Weekender camp off to a great start at the kickoff party are Dave Blankenhorn and Paul Fruchbom. '>Ummer function on the Orange ~1viera. Hoste'>'> :\orma Fruchbom decorated her magnificent home w1th a Catalina hland · vie\' using trad1tional red and \\ hne checked tablecloths set with centerpieces overOowing wi th yellow and white daiste!>. I le~ food ~tations were out of this world. If they serve food li ke thi'> on the camping trip. none of the big boys will want to come home. Four different food station s prepared rotic;serie grilled chicken, rib-. glazed in ho1~in ginger. barbecue beef sandwiches, beans. homemade potato '>alad and cole":>law. and there was a des~ert station \\ith lot'> and lot., of cobbler. -ZAGAT 5ffRV£}' The St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort & Spa Presents ... OF ROME'' with Dinct &om dae Award· Win.a.i.og VIValdo Ristorante, at The St. Regis Grand Hotel, Rome Enjoy a pre-f\xe menu of Chef Vezzoli's Italian culinary creations to include ... COSCl.' or CONIGUO AllOMATillATO AL A MAIUNO E 1.AROO CO SCKIACCIATINA 01 P'ATA'tE U, cf tWbbll IHlcon aNI -'"" rlOfWI u1ftb smasbN Potatott tart Sf'm\A DI MANZO CON MOZZAllELl.A AL PESTO LEOOHA Frnb MorztllYlla Wf"0/1/*I In /:IHf cal'f"ltdo R ISOTIO MAHTECATO CON PETTO DI QUAGUA u>flb bl'NR of quail utttb 11/Jbl pnlfJ "1Ha ® THE ST. R EG I '1umrr<'h llt>fll'h Rf>~Ort & , p<& Home to a certain world Call ,.,.:a, •. ,.)20 www.1tre1l1mb.com ASPEN HOUSTON LOS ANGELES WASHINGTO N D.C. BBIJINO MONARCH B6ACH. CA NEW YOR'k LONDON ROME SHANGHAI -l Senne h1gh -protile gentlemen 111 thr community are 10111111g force'> tor thl'i camping \\L·clo..ender Bob Campbell. Bob Howard. Peter Shea. John Parker, Carlos Leija and Allen Boemer will be among the more than <!50 expected to ~hO\\ up on d 1-riday at H1g Hear Lake for a weekend of poker and pool tournamenb. trap '>hooung. ny fohmg. kayakmg and IU'-I .about even other te'>tostero ne-mfu<,ed acunt\ kno\\n to man Aho parncipaung will be Robert Grant. Mike Meyer. Phil \fc'.\amee :\1ichael Suydam Dave Blankenhorn ,rnd John Ham ilton r •ir mun· 1nt1irni.1i .. •n r I• -.tgn up. plt•ov· c JI. Lana \,.handler ell '14Y ><. -I JI J..'._ •THE CROWD ,;1pp<-a·~ T"~'S':l , ~ and Satur':la\ \. Sumnier: SALE Saturday & Sunday July 19th & 20th Savings Throughout Fashion Island .~ SbopFuhionbland.com Ofwwe eo-cy·a a.Ir BtoOMINGl'.WE alolis w1dl 200.......,. ..., -4t r l .a. Bt.~ HOME STOke. MACY'S WOMl!N' ~ "°81NSONS-MAY. For tllOft illil6Kbl1-- -~-----....,......":':""""',--.-~----:----------------. I .. , AlO Thursday, July 17, 2003 L I FE & LE I SU R E Oat; Plot Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At Embassy Suites Hotel 11767 Harl>or Blvd., Garden Grove Registration is at.10:30 AM •Auction Begins at 11:30 AM Y ou can't miss the newCrulli • Qotblng Store. A bot pink-and black-striped awning wraps around the store on F.ast 17th S~et in · Costa Mesa. BEST BUYS deals on children clothing. , •llll•r· Joli Bur or llas•- With all of Ute great local upscale clothing boutiques to compete with, Crush stan~ out -it offers hip fashions at bargain prices. GREER WYLDER selection of desJgner style-pwses at a1fordable prices. There's also a mix of gifts: silver and fashion jewelry. candles, hand-painted wat~r fountains, lucky bamboo plants, sunglasses. hat boxes and select clothing. Many items are special purcha.8e$ offered at discount prices. If you attire. Also1 summer shoes can complete your outfit. 1bere's a boutique section of donated new designer clothing offered at discounted prices. Oassy Seconds, a resale boutique, benefits Human Options' programs for domestic violence victims. Quality donations are apcepted. Oassy Seconds is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at 419 a 17th St., Costa Mesa. Call (949) 631-4696. Everything in the store la reduced 40% to 75% off. The children's boutique specialius in casual to cotillion wear. _ Baptism outfits, too. Sizes rang~ from Oto 16 for girls and boys. : 'There are even some women's sizes. Popular brands include Roxy, Quiksilver. Petit Bateau and Baby Lulu. Little People & • Me is open from 9:31'.> am. to 5:30 p.m. Monday througll Friday; from 9:30 am. to 5 p.m.' Saturday; and from 9:30 a m. to l p.m. Sunday. The store is et 1829 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 645-1355. Yoll'n Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! White Front Pharmacy 111 1 •I I I_ )r jf }l /', (_,'1 J~Jf Ir\ f ( '' i, i, ~ • jf ( Cards • Booh • Sundries AlJ Insurance Plans Accepted 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 now two locations free drink 427 E. l 7TH STREET COSTA MF.SA, CA 949.646.1440 MON-FRI 7:00-6:00 SATURDAY 7:00-5:00 Closed Sunday Buy any sandwich or salad and receive a free drink. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Limit one per customer Hurry Expires 7 /31 /03 2950 GRACE LANE COSTA MESA, CA 714.424.0176 TUE -SAT 9:00 -5:00 Closed Sunday & Monday S l \: F L o L' R N :\ T L R A 1 B ,\ K E H \ Look into Coastline's: Teenagers to moms love the selection orin-season" apparel priced from $20 or less. Together the owners, Diane Pratt and Teri Lyn Callouette, have yea.rs of experience in the retail and wholesale apparel business. They can buy directly from manufacturers and suppliers in Los Angeles, and offer discount prices. Great customer service, a boutique atmosphere and fresh merchandise add to the store's appeal The interior features blond hardwood floors, and color combinations of hot pink (cerise), black and white throughout. Don't miss the fun grand opening planned from I 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 2. The event will feature food, drinks, a live DJ and a $300 clothing giveaway. Crush Qothing Store Is opeR from I 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. l\(onday_ through Friday; from JO a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday; and from 1 O a.m . to 5 p.m. Sunday. The store is at 333 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. CalJ (949) 631 -3303. CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS BOUTIQUE A new boutique store called Never Enough just opened in Newpoft Beach. It offers a large AFTER HOURS •Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. MUSIC PACIAC AMPHITHEATRE CONCERTS The Orange County Fair is presenting its summer concert series at the Pacific Amphitheatre: today, Standing in the Shadows of Motown featuring The Funk Brothers; Friday, 311 and Something Corporate; Saturday, Marco Antonio Solis; Sunday, Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant; Tuesday, Devo and Cake; Wednesday, Steely Dan; J uly 24, the Ooobie Brothers and Buddy Guy; J uly 25, the Doors: 21st Century; July 26, Alanis Morissette and Jason Mraz; July 27, Bob Dylan; July 29, Alan Jadcson and Joe Nichols; July 30, Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald; J uly 31, 3 Doors Down and Our Lady Peace; Aug. • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program offered during the day al the Garden Grove Center. • Distance learning opportunities-fully transfe.rabJe Internet, Tclecourse, cablecast, and independent study classes. • STAR Program and Weekend Collcge-t)Vo accelerated ways to earn your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and Career Education programs offering certificates in a variety of high-demand occupations. Coastline has convenient locations in Costa Mesa. Fountain Valley, Garden Orove. Huntington Beach, and Westminster. • J mention this column, you'll receive a gift on your first visit. Never Eno'ugb is open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday at 410 32nd St, (Cannery Village) Newport Beach. (949) 673-0820. ntERE'S A CANDLE IN ntE BAG FOR YOU ln the Bag. a fashion accessories store in Irvine, will have a warehouse liquidation sale two consecutive Saturdays only in Costa Mesa. It's held from 9 a m. to 5 p.m. on JuJy 26 and Aug. 2 at 670 W. 17th St., Building C4, in Costa Mesa (next to Trader Joe's). Mention this column and receive a free candJe. Thousands of purses are reduced in price, including embellished purses and straw and beach bags. TI1ere's also a s~lection ofsunglasses, crystal and stone jewelry, bade. packs, belts and hats. Prices are at wholesale and below -50% to 80% off. ln the Bag is at 5262 Plum Tree, Irvine. (949) 378-1153. IT'S OK TO SETn.E FOR SECONDS Bargains on summer apparel are offered at Oassy Seconds. You can select from sundresses, shorts, trendy tops and sports 1, Jethro Tull; Aug. 2, Roxy Music and David Lindley and EI Rayo-X; and Aug. 3, Boston. For concert information, call (714) 708-1870 or visit www.odair.com. To order tidcets, call (714) 740-2000. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE ARENA The Orange County Fair is presenting many summe r events and concerts at its Citizens Business Bank Arena: today, the Bangles; Friday, Poco, Richie Furay and Chris Hillman and Herb Pederson; Saturday, the Young Dubliners; Sunday, the Mariachi Festival; Tuesday, Billy Bob Thorton; Wednesday, Ride . Springfield; July 24, Phil Vassar; July 25, the Fabulous Thunderbirds; July 26, Royal Crown Revue; July 27, the Latin Music Festival; July 29, the Mountain Top with Dr. Ralph Stanley, featuring Rhonda Vincent and special guest Clartt; July 30, the Fab Four; July 31, Ziggy Maney; Aug. 1, Ozomatli; Aug. 2, Bull riding, with a musical performance by BRS-49; and Aug. 3, the Fiesta Del Cha1To. The Orange County Fair is on Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-FAIR. A SALE FOR MRS. BOW DANGLERS Bow Danglers Boutique has a terrific summer clearance sale, prices reduced up to 75%. It speciali7.es in women's apparel made from machine washable fabrics with relaxed fits. All shapes and sizes can wear the apparel. Plus, choose from a fun selection of jewelry and gifts. Bow Danglers Boutique is open from IO a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at 369 E. 17th St., No. 21, Costa Mesa. Call (949} 642-5459. GET BARRELED OVER WrTH ntlS SALE Through Sunday, Crate It Barrel has reduced select items up to 40%. lncluded in the summer sale are loveseats, sleeper sofas, patio sets, entertainment centers, chests and more. The s tore is open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday at South Coast Plaza, Crate & Barrel wing. CaJJ (7 14 l 825-0060. NICE PRICES FOR ntE UTTLE ONES Uttle People & Me has great BOLERO AND RHAP~OOY Maestro Carl St. Clair and the Pacific Symphony, with guest pianist Valentina Lisitsa, will explore the vibrant rhythms of Spain in a concert called #Bo lero and Rhapsody" at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets cost $19 to $86. To order, call (71 4) 755-5799. JAZl.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jau trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beacti. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" m usicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz TAKE CARE OF YOUR SKJN AND FEET Today, Neiman Marcus at Fashion Island hosts two exciting even ts, a·slcincare consultation and makeover from AWAKE and a Prada shoe trunk show. AWAKF. one of Japan's upscale skincare and cosmetics lines. is avaiJable exclusively at Neiman Marcus. You can make an appoinLJnent for a personaliud skincare consultation and makeover with" AWAKE's top nationaJ makeup · artist. who will be in store today ·through Saturday. Cosmetics, Level One. Neiman Marcus has the b est selection of Prada shoes in Ornnge'Counry. Prada devotees can view the fall collection. You'll meet Prada's representative and get a sneak preview of Lhe Resort 2003 collection. Shoe Salon, Level One. Ca.II 1949) 759-1900. ext. 2037. • BEST BUYS appears Thursdays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylderi'3 yahoo.com: at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at (9491646-4170. Connection Duo, play at Mamm8 Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals o n Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rock, R&B and ~ing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Partt Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 . p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. REGISTER EARLY! Before Cle•••• ••come Full or Cweled Due to Low Enrollment F•ll Cla ... a Begin August 25 A •IWl11l1R• & ........... Oflk:ie • 714.WAW -olden W esf.£911ege www.gvvc.lnfo • _...__~ -·-· -.... _, . I ,I I I ·I L I FE & L E I SU R E Thursday, July 11. 1003 Al 1 r NO PLACE LIKE HOME Ell:'J Dunn-Well We/Come to the home of the 21st century I f you have shopped for appliances lately, you know what analysis-paralysis feels like. No longer are q uestions as simple as gas or electric, white or off-white. It's a whole new world o ut there. feature is there is less benrung to put in and take out a load, but then, your counter height is iaised to a ridiculous level. Why didn't they consult with me when they did all their market research? Actually, it's a complicated universe with a lot of technobabble and amenities that we KAREN WIGHT The adrution of the baclcyard pool also tweaked our kitchen - don't ask.. I lost a window and a apparently can't live without. My appliance odyssey is long and complicated, as almo'>t all remodeling projects are. It began with adding a pool to the back yard four years ago Inc project spread its po1\onou., tentacles mto the kitlhen, laundry room. outdoor barbecue are.i and ou1duor bath. I know Wl' Jive in tht• · 111cm• ,., more~ world, but mnrt• ran bt• ~nd blowing. Sonw of thl' improvements are 1mp1red. o thers leave me asking why I'm going to give you the n•adPr\ djgest vero;1on on new appliances. 1 lang on, you"rt• 111 for a ride. No matter whl'rt' you go. avoiding confu!'.mn 1' impossible. Among I loml' I .xpo. Standard-. of l'.xcellcme. l".infir Sales and the Great Indoor'>. choices abound. If you arc '>hopp111g 1n e.trne,t, go prepared Take measurement.\. l11:1gt11 .. , \\ldth,. depth' ... and <tl'>li rotenll.tl height<,, width'> and dt•pth' My journey began with lht• 4ue't for a new wa.,hcr and dryer fhc la'>I t1me I bought a wa.'>hrr and dryer. I w.t<, 111 and OUl or till' store in 20 m111U1l'\. Lc.•t\ JU'>t '><IY that I've lx·en lc.u:k.Jng lhl'> around for a year and I '1111 h:aven"t deCHlcd. There are .i lot of cool new 1hingl> about wa.,her' and dryers. The hcst feature i., that many manufacturerl> arc making full -si1.e front-loading wa!.her.. and dryers 1hat can be moun1cd unde r a counter. Thi!> mcam beaucoup folding <,pace and· storage space. and it look.<, cleaner. Of cour<,e, 1f you decide to go with under tht• counter machine<,, it would be nece~<,ary to . . add the counter thal they !>II under. · I think thl'> I'> worth the effort. and sooner or later, a11 under-counter wa'>her <111d dryer will make II'> way into the Wight house. There arc a fow ne\\- features for wa ... her and dryers that I don't under'>tand. 'uch a.'> optional pedestal mount!>. If there were room in tht·'>e hase' for a Costco-siu box of detergent, this might be appealing. but sinct' the bru.es amount to about 12 inche'> of what I consider unu!klble space. I can pass on that The only plus side 10 this downdraft for the stove top, so a hood and a new cook top (we finally plumbed for gas) were in order. I load!). Who wouJd trunk there arc 'iO many fearures to choo'>e from. I ended up with a very simple design. but I could have gone wild. By far, the favorite feature (that I didn't '>plurge on) WcC> a warming shelf above the cook top that keeps rooked foods a1 ready-to-serve temperature. Very sman . Now for cook tops. There is nothing 100 radical about the new cook tops, but it's the accessories that make the den!'.ion hard.-chopping block? Nu thankl>. Optional griddle? You bet. Wok ring. nah. I can live wi1hou1 one. plus it means I might serve my le.ids vegetables . wouldn't that be horrible. Pro sene'>. non-pro, gas rnnfiguration, sealed burners, control panels mounted on top or on the face of the cabinets, '>lmmenng humers. Wow. Ovens. If you don"t choose a free-'itandmg stove unit wnh oven., built m. you need to get an oven wall unit. Ras1caJly. 11 come'> down to "how big is your turkey?" Oven widths are 27 or ·m 1nche'>. Do you want double oven'>' I low many thjngs do you bJke at one time? Do you want a microwave buiJt in? I low about a warming drawer? At one point, I swore to install two warming drawers, one for 1he k.Jds' pizza, one for my Ounese food and do away with ovens altogether. OK. not reaJJy, but it°'i tempting. Warming drawers ended up being a must have. If you have a family that eats at different times in the evening. a wanrung drawer is a great amenity. You can set it on low. medium or high. moist or dry. and it really does keep food ready to serve. And here's an extra tip: Warmmg drawers are outdoor fncndJy. You can no t only have one near the patio barbecue. if you have space, you can install a warming drawer near the pool, ... et it on "dry" and the medium warmth 'iCtting. and have toasty towels to wrap up in. I haven't done that. but it's a darn good idea. Refrigerators. I just keep praying tha t our 25-year-old Sub-Zero keeps liclc.ing for a while longer because I'm not iW RO LEX ... '\; W, -. . "' ~,.,.,,.,.,. ...... .: .. °"'9 WM! ip«lol ~ b9zwl wllll ~ dotp and .-Uloll /inlr ay.,., btomlet. ~IO I, 000 r..t. AoofloMt HI llDlnleu lllMI, .W.U alWI ond I fit )'9llow gold °' 1 Bll )'9llow gold. ..... 3AOl· 1 Vlo Oporto ...... pot1 ~ 9•9-61).933A . ready to make more choices. Refrigeration has a lot of options. Wide fridges, wide Creewrs, veggie crispers that are mounted in the kitchen island, wine captains that can be installed anywhere. If I were designing a kitchen from the ground up, I wouJd get tricky with this compartmentalized refrigeration concept. It makes sense to have the trungs you chop near the place you chop them. Freezer space near the oven is another great idea. Ice makers near the glasses. • OK, I have a couple of thlngs to say about ice machines - actually. only one thing to say: If you've ever been to Massimo's Pizza on 17th Street in Costa Mesa and ordered a beverage. ll'l> the best cup of Coke, Diet Coke, lemonade or iced tea around. Tht> have·an ice "Oaker." not an tt:c rnbe machine. lbil> li11le nuance I'> a big deal. I generally don't care for regular Coke. bu1 a Coke from Massimo\ wi1h Oaked ice is like a dessert. Srnt..,man is the manufacturer. lllis machine doesn'1 cornt' cheap. but if yoJJ're. going for 1lw gi.No, Oake. don't cube. fclCVl'>IOn<,. 'fl11.., topic can make me cry It\ like computers . I buy a new computer, and a groovier new version comes ou1 Ill '>IX month'> Oh weU. Love the one you're with However. the technology with televisions is even more dramatic. I low many of you have purcha~d or had entertainment units built for your home!>? I M'e all those hands out there. And I'm right w11h you. We are on lhe verge of havin~ giant dinosaurs 111 our family roomi.. With the new Oat .,creen, high-definition 1clevi~ion'> that are hitting the market lilc.e a hurricc.lne, viewing opiion" are expanded exponentially. You want a telly in the kitchen? Get a fold-out or Oip-down version. You want to watch the big game in the living room? Mount tht! Oat screen above the mantle and lll'itall framed artwork that has a roll down canv-Js that hidt!'> the screen. With a hnlc imagination and a lot of cash. you too can enter the 21st century, or at least take advantage of this year's ver<iions. • KAREN WIGHT 1s a Newport Beacti resident Her column runs Thursdays J ennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet $199 Lifetime Warranty Laminate $299 Warranty Ceramic $199 Lifetime Warranty Wood $299 lOOo/o FREE No Questions Asked 6() day excban~ /f:J"!.U don't llllte It. ..,,..,,,,,~.,, EREB FULL SERVICE C.11ter Ttpt • S~en • C.r••lc • St111 • 8n1it1 • Wtt4 R1fi1 i1~ ONE STOP SHOP Wll4 .. C.rl1 t • Cl111i1 C1 t & U tltte • P1i1tl1 -l1teritr & Erteritr Costa Mesa lrvln• , ... , .... , . .,. , ... , ..... ,., , .... ,~... ''''' .... .... IM.flt t·S .... flt .. • IATIDM tM ...... I lllMft.... Amt ••• IYllllll IY APNtlf'llllT '~-· I ( I I .. A12 Thursday, July 17, 2003 L l FE & LE I SU R E Daily Pilot TRAVEL TALES Wining and dining on Eastern European waters Tublin ~. A Class Above. I f it's good wtne, beer. f<><><t desserts, history, m usic and scenery that you are . loo1ciog for, a trip we toolt to Central and Eastern Europe might be for you. We Oew to Budapest, Hungary, spent two days and then ·embarked on a beautiful ne~ five-star river cruise ship, the Amadeus Symphony. We traveled north on the Danube River through five different COW1tries: f-!ungary. Slovakia, Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic. We were wined and dined every evening and during the day, after a full buffet brealtfast, were whisked off on tours to Budapest, the Slovak capital, Bratislava, Salzburg and Vienna- in Austria and Regensburg and Nuremberg in Germany. as well as other small charming country villages in between. We ended our trip with three extra nights in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. In Budapest, we were able to stay directly adjacent to lhe 500-year-old Matthias Omrch and lhe famous Fishermen's Bastion. From our vantage point. we had a glass of the local Tokaji Aszu wine. The view was so charming, overlooking the Danube from the Buda side to the Pest side, that I immediately fell in love with the area, and I don't think it was because of the wine. In Austria, we were able to see some of the areas where the "Sound of Music" had been filmed, along with the church used in the wedding scene and the absolutely stunr:iing MirnbeU Gardens. Get a head start for the school year! Austria is aiabulous country. and Vienna is definitely the City of Music. We were able to enjoy a concert and ballet at the Palais Uechtenslein with music from Straus!. and Mozart. We were also right in the midst of a pension <>trike in Vienna. but I have never seen a more orderly and polite ~trike. The cable cars and the city buse<; were not in service, but our privately owned bu:,es were able to get u!. through the.city to '>re the site!. and attend lhe c:oncen. The traffic was backed up, but none of the drivers were cros.sing over onto the cable car tracks lo pass other cars or even honking. I can't even im~ge that happening here. • Algebra & Geometry Course Previews • Spanish I & II Course Previews • Writing Composition • Math Facts (Addition-Subtradion-Multiplication) • Zoo-phonics (for Preschool & Kindergarten) CALL TODAY (949) 645-7.900 488 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa (Corner of Irvine Avenue) The Origina l MIKE'I CARPET9 OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA Th.is trip tiad a li nle something for everyone in our immediate group of 25 from Southern C..alifomia I think the men had the best time watching the mechanic!.-of the ship maneuvering through the 16 locks of the Main-Danube Canal. Passing throu~ the locks is a * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery * ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating .Needs!'' .FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Mad~·Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads Connie ~d Darwin Reinglass on the "Buda" side of the Hungarian capital overlooking the Danube River and the "Pest" side with· the Parliament building. r is breathtaking. While in Prague. the women of course bad to go shopping for gameLs and Bohemjan crystal, which is the specialty in the Czech Republic. If you have never been to Europe -or even if you have - a river cnaise b the way to go. Your hotel travels with you. It is so relaxing, and you really get caught up in tl1e atmosphere and are intoxicated with the scenery. even without beer or wine. We have heen back a few week.\ now. and I st ill have vacarion head. I would go back in a heartbeat. Ouring our c ruise, we celebrated our anniversary. I whispered to my nu<>band during the fabulous Pictured from left to nght are Gary and Cher Shepherd ot Newport Island, Connie and Darwin Reinglass of Newport Beach and Cyndy and Bill West of Costa Mesa in the Faust Wine Cellar inside the Hilton Budapest. sparkler· laden layer cake that paraded out, "How are we ever going to top thil.?" • CONNIE REINGLASS 1s a Newporl Beach resident fa.'><:inaling feat and it t'ntertained the entirt' ship. The beer wa), great, and we got a royal tour and taMing at the J:>ilsner·Ur4ueU Brewery. in l'Usen, juM outside of Pra1:.'Ue. We took part in a wine tasting in the FauM Wine Cellar. a former cellar of Dominican monk.<>, in the Rudapest I lilton and in a cellar in the quaint little town of Oi.irnstein. Even the abhey!> were exquisite. The Melk Abbey wru. astonishing. There were M"veraJ of us that ju!.t sat !.pcechJehl> in the cathedral. absorbing it-. magnificence. It is one nf Europe'<; large!.! baroque mnnasterie:,. We were also able to view the Weltt'nberg Abbey af1er a lei<.urely cruise through the Danube C.orge. Prai:,1\Je is definitely a city worth visiting. We would have liked to spend another two or three days just exploring the history and mu:,eums. It is a very diverse city, and I would want to venture out into the country~1de next time. We aU gathered aroWld and waited for the world famous astronomical clock. in the city square, to chime at the hour, and I had the feeling ru; if we were waHing for the ball to drop on New Year's ~e. It's quite a mechanical wonder watching the apostle), parade around al the stroke of the hour. We then went to the top of lhe rower houo;ing the clock and absorbed the entire city of Prague, which •TRAVEL TALES runs on Thursdays. Have you, or someone you know, gone on an interesting vacation? Tell us about your adventures in about 400 words, accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not have the Daily Pilot in them, and send them to Travel Tales. 330 W Bay St.. Costa M esa, CA 92627; or e·ma1I cora/.wilson n lat1mes com, or fax to (949) 646-4170. • ON VACATION runs on Thursdays. Going on vacation? Take a snapshot ~rth the Daily Pilot during your tnp and we'll publish your photo Send 1t to 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa CA 92627. Please include the names and hometowns for the people pictured. . ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE f11u Hun" h.mulnnp, A11t"{un & CoU,rtrb/,s. lriUU1ionnl 10 Cortnge Gifts a11ti Gartlr11 lkcor. Wish WI nNi fk/i1."'7· Gartln1 Cafe Gartk11 Patio Dini11g un11111, Rrtllitfnit, Uinrh. ua and "" Esprmo &r. CAFE HOURS: Mo,,-Sun 911m-4pm GtNiks to ChaNieltm. Uud & Rarr Boo/ts. Custom f'1rturr JV o "' S e r v i n g 'B r e a R f a s t , £ u n c Ii &> 1 D 1 n n e r !Local• Favorite! Since 1995 3 EGGS SCRAMBLE ---·---.. _.,.._------.......----·~-·-.....---.... .,,. .... .... ---•••. ---,.-:---~~-...... ------~----..... 1111!'1 ........... . I L I PE & LEISURE ON VACATION Kan Peyton S1doh of Newport Beach vacaboning in Bremen, Germany. ShP rode h.,, .... e~ and visrted stables with her mother and friends. Fastframe • Great Clips for Hair Hollywood Video • Juice It Up1 KB Toys • Pick Up Stix • · Sav-On • Submarina • Vons ENTWa TO WIN SIOO Gift Cntificau from ........ N.imc: Acapulco Mexican Restaurant Cingular Wirelese Costa Mesa FederaJ Credit Union FastFrame Gina's Pizza & Pastaria Great Oips for Hair Hollywood Video Juice It Up! KB Toys Pick Up Stix Pure Beauty SavOn Souplantation Starbucks Coffee Star Nails Submarina Vons I ,\ddrl·~~ ' l Sheri Alexander. Kathryn Link. Tammi Cluck and Kim Newman of Newport Beach en1oyed a girls' sk11ng trip in sunny Sun Valley, Idaho • 011u 80 Piun of E1f11ip"""' • Pri11•u PiL.111 St11Jio •SPINNING Th,•ter • c.,.,,,,,;,,,1 P•rltit1t • Y•t•• T•i Chi, Str1tth c~"' • S111, P•w1r P11•1• C•rtli• • SIHtHn, Ste•m 0-T•wl/1 •D•1 S1• • An.1•,,c1Wrv/M.i1•11 Phone: Simply complete ~d rmol to ~Verde ~t.er • 6.SO Town Ceow br . Suite •no • Costa Mesa. CA 92626 No purdme ~ • ena-must be~ by ,..., llst.'2001 Odds o1 wmrc beMd l4'0'I numb.-o1 _,.. rec......i Buy one 24oz. Smoothie at regular price and receive a second, of equal or lesser value, FREE. Selected Merchandise Murad Skincare, Sebastian, Dirty Girl, Rtdkin, Nexxus and much more. not valid with illlY other offer Buy One, Get One FREE! Buy one entr~e at regular price and receive a free en trtt of equal or lesser value. F R AWI N G Selected merchandise Choose from a broad selecbon oi hish-<luality, original and reproduction oiJ ' · gs plus custom ~ • I • I • ........ 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" ... • QUOTE OF THE DAY "{Superintendent Eric Lover/ might add a layer of silicone [to the greens)." GOLF Quite a sight for wide-eyed · report~r W ell, I'm irnpres.5ed. I had seen the pictures and heard the reviews, but hadn't laid eyes on it until Tuesday. Walling through the tall wooden doors upon entering Mesa Verde Country Oub's "new'' 40,000 square-foot clubhouse, my feet stepped on velvety carpet with intricale designs woven in. lWo stairways lead from the · dining room on the upper floor apd an elegant chandelier hangs from a ceiling that extends steeply toward the sky. BRYCE ALDERTON And I haven't even got to the views yeL Members can eat lunch in the club's main ~room and lo61c Out over four of the course's holes, inducting the par-four ninth and par-three 18th, which has a swath of water fronting the green. "This is one of the most beautiful sights from any clubhouse.· Tom Sargent, Mesa Verde's head golf professional, said Tuesday, as he took. me o n a tour of the grounds. . Hard to argue with him on that one. . ~fireplace, ~th white ceramic tiling luung the outside of the chimney. sits in the middle of the dining room. greeting those who enter. Al its side sits a four-foot vase made out of what I t.hi.nlc is clay. Tom. please correct me if I'm wrong. The vase is elegant, but not too gaudy. "Things in here are eJegant. but it is not a place where you walk in and are afraid to touch something.· Sargent said. "I've walked into some clubhouses and they have these vases that I think. 'lf l lmock th.is over. I'm out $100,000.'" "Elegant" is a good word to describe the 40,000-foot clubhouse that opened early this year. The vi.ews make it such. Once golfers drive their carts baclc. to the cart barn, they can head up to the bar to chat with friends about the round over a cold one, with a view of the 18th green, watching each group finish out Tables are set up on a patio that wraps around the clubhouse. . ., The club's banquet room also I overlooks the course. with large windows allowing enough light to filter in without blinding you. It seems no maner what part of the clubhouse you are at. evenJnJhe pro shop, a view of the course is not too far away. That proximity to the rolling fairways and freshly cut greens creates a closeness, an intimacy. The course reaches out and· tugs on your shirt. pulling you toward Itself. See GOLF, Paa• 82 Sportl EdlW ..._...Dunn: (949) 5 74-4223 • lporb Fu: (949) 650-0170 WORLD TEAM TENNIS SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Josh Eagle of the Breakers returns a serve against St. Lo~1s on Wednesday night at Palisades Tennis Club . Breakers rally past St. Louis, 19-16 Sharapova overcom es slow start Wednesday in leadjn g Newport Beach to third straight victory. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACl I -When the night started. Maria Sharapova looked listless. Who could blame her? She was go- ing on her third straight nighl of three sets of tennis. In the opening set of the Newport Beach Breakers' match against the St. Louis Aces at Palisades Tennis Oub. Sharapova's serve was broken tWice. with the Breakers scoring just one point combined. "I really wasn't into the match at the beginning.· Sharapova said. ·1 had a really long two weelc.s and I hadn't really had a break. rroday isl my first day off, so maybe I was thlnlcing about thaL" When she re- turn eel to the court, three sets later for women's doubles. the Breakers were already trailing 14-9. She was broken again on her first service of women's doubles, agrun scoring just one poinL But Sharapova is a 16-year-old and 16-year-olds have a resiliency that older follc.s can only dream of. After her customary enthusiastic smile had become a frustrated gri· mace much of the night. the Shara· pova that Newport Beach te~ fans have become accustomed to seeing returned. Pumping her fists lilc.e Tiger Woods and with the smile quickly returning to her face. Sharapova finally held serve. coming back from a 3· I deficil in the sixth game of women's dou- bles to spark. the Breakers to a 5-2 victory in the~t. With just women's singles remain· ing, Newport Beach had pulled to within two games. Having brought the smallest crowd of the season to life, Sharapo- va wasn't .about to let an opportunity pass her by. With a 5-0 victory over Bree Rinner in women·s singles. the Breakers cap- tured the last 10 games for a dra- matic come-from behind, 19-16 vic - tory over the St. Louis Aces. It was the Breakers second victory over the Last-place Aces ( 1-5) in three days. their third win in a row and it pushed them back to the .500 mark (4-4). They did it all before a crowd lack- ing the energy of previou~ home dates, two of which included Lindsay Oavenpon as weU as Tuesday's ap- pearance by John McEnroe. After near-capacity crowds at their first three matches. the Breakers opened play to bleachers that were less than one-quarter full and box seats that were half-empty. By the end of th~ first set, fans were allowed to move closer to the coun. occupy· ing any open seaL But even with the fans dose to the action, the Breakers continued to struggle. Josh F.agle and Brian Mac- See BREAKERS, Paee 82 . Thursday, July 17, 2003· Bl PONY BASEBALL CdM • gains opener Nielsen's two-out single drives home winning run as Corona del Mar scores twice in seventh to win. Bryce Alde rton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Sometimes the friendly rivalries are the most fierce. Sev- eral of the coache:. and players from both the Newport Harbor Baseball Asso- ciation and Corona del Mar Pony 14· year-old All -Star teams have grown up together in organized baseball. making bragging nghLS for Back Bay supremacy even more substantial. It took fiw lead changes and two tlei;, but CdM's Blame ;-.;1elsen ripped a 2-2 ct1IVeball. with two outs, inches inside the third-base Line and into left field. col- lecung his second single and, most im· portantly, tu.s second RBI to give CdM a 9-8 tnumph in the first game of the best· of-three Back Bay series Wednesday at tastbluff Parle.. "'These kid" belieye tn themselves, ft Vlnrue SL John. a Cd\.1 coach said. "They \'>ere confident they could hit the pitch· e~." Walks to Conner Whalen and Tom Thomas began the bonom of the sev- enth for Cd~.f. trailing 8· 7 after Newport scored five ti.mes in the top of the inning. Michael Ford battled back from a two· suik.e count to send a 2·2 pitch into right field. scoring Whalen and giving CdM first and third with no outs. That's when Newpon Manager John Houten shifted his shortstop to third. brought the infield in and sent third baseman Bryce Stillman to play almost even with the piccher's mound oo the grass. "fBobby Manning] had bwlted twice before. so I wanted to take that option away." Houten said. Nathan Todd held strong on the mound. striking out two baners sand- wiched around an intenoonal wallc to Tyler Brady. Cd.M's leadoffhiner. "I wanted them to swing the bat to beat us,·· Houten said. After the game. Houten. a former CdM Pony Oiret.1.or. approached CdM coach- es and said. ·· 1n seven years I have never intentionally walked a fbaner]. Brady al· ways puts the ball on the ground and he hit it hard the Last two times. I was not going to have him beat us." Newport scored five runs in the top of the. seventh to erase a 7-3 deficit. using three hits and three walb in 10 batters.. 7jppy Levy and Andrew Sk1onsby eadl singled in runs while .Stillman doub&ed in one Todd, Jarren Daniel who slam- med a two-run home nm over the cen- ter-field fence to give Newport a 2-0 lead m the first. Bren Houten, Levy and Drew See BASEBAU., Pap 82 2003 NEWPORT-MESA DISTRICT GIRLS ATHLETE OF THE YEAR One fine Day Mustangs' three-sport star is named Daily Pilot's top female prep athlete for 2002-03 school year.. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot S till aborter than the awrage high jump pit and lacking the ability to tCrtng together words and phruel. Sharon Dfly provlded a due u to the compeUdve iide of her developing peno~ "I remember aoinl to the lllUlldrlORJJll when lhe WM about a year " ll1d Et.fkene Day, her fadler and Jump COICb at ea.ta Meta fflab. were littlng.on the bench wahfn8 our laundry and another little kid walking In. The kid ttted to climb Oft lbe bench to • down Ind Sharon °"'to her Gld. whb her Umad ICll:9UlllN uted ID t8ll the lcicl lbe Pn1to111 on IShuon'tJ bench. J to .. Shln>ll No. no. ma. 1111'1 our I But. rtp there. tblt told me Che .... Md under bet. I lpred lbe Ml to a-a .net bole, or lbe Wll ID do IOPMltil• ....... • t t 12 ~sday. ""17, 2003 BREAKERS Continued from Bl doubles, giving the Aces, led by former Newport Beach Dukes Coach Greg Patton, a HM lead. MacPhie then pulled off a 5-4 victory tn mens singles. coming bade from. a match point for bis opponent. Amir Hadad in the tie- breaker by breaking Hadad's service for the last two points. Still, when Sharapova and Eva Dyrberg went down 2-1 in women's doubles, the Breakers faced a daunting six-game de6.cit "We · really didn't play that bad," Sharapova Said. "The other team rerumed well. We could have played some points better, but that's just the way we played." Until Sharapova's sec- ond terVice game In women's ' doubles. 1be twn1ng point of the match saw Newport Beach come back from two game points, juvenating Sharapova. She and DyJ:berg swept the 6- nal four games of women's dou- bles for a 5-2 victory. Then Shara· pova swept Rittner ln women's singles. • holding serve three times, including a paJ.r of 4-0 service games to 6nish the match. ·1 didn't serve badly,· Sharapo· va said. "I didn't make many dou- ble faults." But her serve wasn't Its nonnal self witil the waning moments. She made It clear that everything was back to nortnil in the third game of the final set. when she recorded three con· secutive aces. SPO.RTS SE.AH Hl.lER /DALY PLOT Maria Sharapova of the Newport Beach Breakers returns a serve against St. Louis Wednesday night at Palisades Tennis Club. GOLF wss • *"' ... U4 WATER POLO · U. S . team to win Victory sets up a. possible first-place group finish. Fonner UC Irvine standouts Omar Amr andJelf Powers com- bined {or three goals as the U.S. m~n'• nadonal water polo team trounced Japan, 14-4, on the second day of competition at the 2003 FINA World Cllampi- onsh.lps 1n Barcelona, Spain. tralla on Friday. _ Powers opened the scoring for the U.S., which fell behind early, 1-0. Amr contributed two goals, one on a man-advantage situation to finish the first-half scoring and another on a counterattack that gave the U.S. team a 9-t lead in the third quarter. Dan Klatt and Ryan Bailey, also former UC Irvine players. contributed significant minutes in the pool while another for- mer Anteater Genai Kerr served as the backup goalie. Towersey finishes fifth in Monterey Bay · The vlct.ory, combined with Monday's tie with 2003 Euro- pean champion Serbia and Montenegro, gives the United States a chance to finish first in its group if they can defeat Aus· The U.S. returns to the pool Friday against Australia at 6:30 p.m. Barcelona lime. FinaJ-round 79 drops Santa Ana CC women's champion back after trailing by two. in Monterey Bay in filth place after a final· round 79. Towersey, 52. entered the third round Wednesday two strokes behind eventual champion Erica Blasberg. a sophomore-lo- be at the University of Arizona. But the two golfers went in differen1 directions. Blasberg shot the first sub-70 round of the tourna- ment with a three-under-par 69, while Towersey's final round finished seven strokes over par. Blasberg finished with a 54-hole total of 216, twelve strokes better than Towersey's 228. Big Canyon Country Oub's Cllanning Lovejoy fired a final-round 77, matching her first-round score, to finish at 237, good for 16th. COLLEGE BASKETBALL Big West changes tournament format Marianne Towersey, the women's club champion at Santa Ana Country Oub and the girls golf coach at Newport Harbor High, finished the 2003 California Women's Oiampionship at Black Horse Golf Course BASEBALL Continued from Bl Harris all scored for Newport. Daniel went l for 2 with a walk and scored three times and pitched rwo innings in relief, striking out the side in the fifth to finish with five JCS. Kyle LeGrand ripped a 3-2 pitch over the center-field fence -his second hit -10 plate three runs in the bottom of the sixth. Brady went 2 for 4 with a walk and two runs scored while Virmie St. John singled. walked and scored once. Kelsey Olase went 2 for 3 with a double and a~ walk while Ouis Rosen plated two in the top of the first with a single to tie the score. 2-2. Ford went 2 for 2 with a walk and one RBI while Whalen walked three times in fow at-bats. Manning scored twice and added a sacrifice bunt. Thomas finished l for 3 with a run scored. Houren went 2 for 3 with an No matter what you 're doing, your hometown newspaper ~ Daily Pilot RBI and run scored while Starnes Arnold added a sacrifice By in the seventh to score a run. Blake Pinto went 1 for 3 with a run scored while Kyie Rohan walked and Troy Seeber hit the ball sharply on lhe ground twice. Nielsen went four innings on the mound in relief of LeGrand and struck out three while al- lowing three runs and Harris struck out three in his two in- nings. Houten relieved for two innings and fanned two, allow- ing two runs. Game 2 will be 5:30 p.m. today at the same field and if a third game is necessary. it will be played Friday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pllors Athlete of the Week series 1 I I ' I TODAY 20 -Kilssa Tyler Newport Harbor Girls soccer. '01 Newport Harbor lntrod~ction to The California Women's Olampionship is open to all California female amateurs, re- gardless of age. GOLF Continued from Bl I could be rambling and probably am, but 1 can't help iL When I step on a course for the first time, I tend to get emotional and philosophical. Emotions will surely run high in the next few weeks as the Tea Cup ~c and Jones Cup will each be held at Mesa Verde. putting the private dub on this radar. With the improved clubhouse and lop-notch conditions, Mesa Verde further exemplifies a long tradition of excellence. . . . Players in both the Tea Cup. scheduled for July 25. and the Jones Cup. Aug. I, will tee off a1 DAY Continued from B 1 1:30p.m. Sargent said Mesa Verde superintendent Eric Lover has been working hard getting the course ready for the rwo tournaments. The greens could be quick.er, Sargent added. "(I .. over) might add a layer of silicone." he said ••• There are still openings for the Mesa Verde Community Oassic Golf Tournament scheduled Aug. 18. The purpose of the tournament is to begin fund· raising for a multi-sport Stfidium at Estancia High and an aquatic facility at Costa Mesa, both spearheaded by The Costa Mesa Community Athletic Foundation. Expected cost is S7 million. The Big West Conference an- nounced Wednesday a format change for its men's ·and women's postseason basketball tournaments that should be beneficial to UC Irvine's men's team. The change, which wiU begin with the 2003·04 season, will have the top two teams in the league receive an automatic pass into the semifinals. The third-and founh-place teams will receive a first-round bye. If the format had been in place last season. the Anteaters, who finished second. would have au1omalically been placed in the semifinals and onJy would have had to win two games to advance to the NCAA tournament for the first time in school his1ory . "This new formal is designed 10 reward regular season per- formance and crea1e even DAILY PILOT NEWPORT-MESA GIRLS ATHlETES OF THE YEAR greater incentives as teamll compete for positioning in the final regular season standings." Big West Commissioner Dennis Farrell said in a released stale· ment. The format is a replica of the one adapted by the West Coas1 Conference prior to last season. Eigl:J1 men's and eight women's teams wiU advance to the tournament al the Anaheim Convention Center, March 10· 13. The firs1-round games will in· elude only teams seeded Nos. 5 to8. Winners of those two games will advance 10 play the No. 3 and No. 4 seeds in the quarter- finals. with the two winners ad- van<~ing to rake on No. I and No. 2 in the semifinals. In each round, the highest seeded ream will play the lowest seeded ream remaining. ( She ~assed 29 goals and 34 assists as a ubiquitous senior midfielder to earn CIF Division UJ and Golden West League Offensive Player of the Year laurels. while leading her soccer team to a 22· l-3 record. wntt high ""°"' in PMWlrl'I## 2002-0I -Sharon Dey leo.a M ... I IOOMlr2 -Julie Alleo ICorone def Mar) a.t.ot -AmOer Steen (Newport Hartlofl -.2000 -April ROM (Newport Hal'bof) ---Jamie ~(eo.ta Metal ,..,.... -Julle Collea (C:O.. Metal ,._.., -M.E. Clayton (Newpon Haltlofl _... -Katie Grogan leo.ta Metal She won the 2002 stale high jump crown with a then-personal-best 5· 11. which also set the school record. She cleared 5· 10 to finished tied for second at the Masters Meet. after winning the Southern Section Division III title with the same mark. • She was also fourth al the sectioa finals in the 400 as a junior, after winning the Paci.fie Coast League crown in the same event with a personal-record 57.33 two weeks earlier. She was league champion in the 200 as weU that spring. A 5-foot-8 middle blocker whose jumping ability helped her provide a dominant presence at the net, she earned Golden West League MVP honors after helping the Mustangs to an unbeaten league voUeyball season. The Mustangs. in fact, djd not lose a Golden West League contest in voUeyball. soccer or track and field in 2002-03, largety due to Day's preemjnence. ' Such all-around brilliance also led to her being named Orange County, Golden West League. and Costa Mesa Athlete of the Year. She can now add Daily Pilot Newpon-Mesa Girls Athle1e of the Year recognition to her legacy. 1IM4I -MelilN Scftlll2 (Newpon Hatt>or) _,.. -Gine Heeds (Newpon Hatt>orl 1112.e-OlMa ~li(CGU~I W'H:Z -Maur911n Mc:UrWI (~ Haltlof) Southern Section playoffs. Her freshman track and field campaign included PCL and CIF Southern Section Division Ill high jump crowns. the latter with a leap of 5-6. She cleared 5·9 at the section Masters Meet 10 finish second, then went 5·8 to finish fifth at CIF State finals. She was also second in the 400 meters (58.20) at the 2000 PCL finals. Her senior year began by spearheading the aforementioned league title run in voUeyball. which led to the program's first trip to the CIF playoffs In five seasons. Coach Allison Sallaclin's Mustang.s lost in the first round to finish 13-3. Culminating in a scoreless tie in the Division nI dtJe game against Walnut, Day's prep soccer career finished with 83 goals. 71 assists, a 57·20·21 team record and a 23-game unbeaten streak. "Sharon is the engine !hat makes it all go,· Mesa girls soccer coach Dan Johnston said of Day's role on the ream. Equally as impressive as her athletic accomplishments is the humility and poise ~ with which she conducts herself. Revered by teammates, coache' and competitors alike. she simultaneousty seems to rise to the challenge of the biggest spotlight, while diffusing the accompanying fuss !hat goes with the results of success on such a grand slage. After playing varsity voUeyball for a second season. she became a full -fledged soccer star as a sophomore, when she coUected 23 goals and 16 assists, en route to first -team All-PCL laurels. TI1e team finished second in league and, though eliminated in the first round of the CIF playoffs. won a then-school-record 14 games. Her sophomore year culminated with a third-place showing in the high jump at the state meet (5-8) after she tied for second at the Masters Meet Her senior spring Included the aforementioned state high jump crown (5·10 before 11,862 at Cerritos CoUege June 7). Prior to repeating as state champion, she won the ClF Southern Section Masters Meet (5-10), as weU as her founh straight section Division Ill crown (6·0, a division record). She won Golden West League titles in the high jump (5-8), 100 (13.07) and 200 (26.30) and also anchored the league champion 1,600 relay, which clocked a league-record 4:07.44, to help the Mustangs win the league team championship. ·or our three lcids £Louis, a fonner Mesa football standout. and Jasmm, already a standout in soccer and track and field as a freshman), Sharon is the serious one,· Eugene Day said. "She sets her mind to something and she does whatever she bas to, to get it done." Day. who will compete in soccer and track and field at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. first drew notoriety as a freshman soccer star. She scored 14,goals and added 12 uaist.s to earn 6rst-team All-Paci6c Coast League ~on. She also helped the Mustanp earn the program's 6rat trip to the CIF She was second in the 400 at section Division m finals in 2001 afterwlnnlng the PCL high jump crown for a second time. She was a second-team All-PCL choice her junior volleyball season, then J>elped Mesa make a run at the PCL socs;et dtle. Her 17 goals and nine assists tha( season helped h er earn co-MVP honors in lhe PCL. as well as second-team All-ClF Division IV recognition. The team won it.s first ClF playoff game; then lost In the second round to finish 13-6-4. . For good measure. she was sixth in CIF Southern Section Division ID in the 200 (a personal-record 25.37) and helped the I ,600 relay finish eighth at section finals. She soared over the bar at 6-2 to win the lfabuco Hills Invitational April 5. That mark wa.s her season best She cleared 5-10 to finish second at the USA junior outdoor championships June 21 at Stanford University . WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORD S • ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer *1495 llotorc ... rt- 011 and Fiiter Change $7 995 M1,.ote~ ...... THEODORE ROBINS FORD s...;ice Wiii MEET or BEAT Your Beat Deal on NAMI liRAND TIRES Mototcra~ Preferred Value Pldl. ffotlt or ,.... on mott cart or light trucM. ... _________________ ") _________________ ...., ______ ........ ________ , TnutSday July 11 2003 13 Ltpl ---lagal Malka 2MI '-1 l9ollcm ~~~~~~ 2MO Llpl NoGca 2MO l.apl Natlca --Lip-, Nalices-----Lepi Moaces 2141 ------ - OF lhoulO not grant h NOTICElOCREDrrORS bustnen yel7 fld!llM ...... Hao you slatl.cl do1111 p TO &lllh:lrily OF8UJ<SM..E No ._S..... bus•n•n yet' No E .. 1~r:.A: A HEARING on "" (\JCCSlc.&106} Denholm Nelson Con Oel10 P1op.,t115 ,., ••" ..-l)etibott will be he6cl on ElaowNo 1181.()( t•mpor11y. Inc. Ol•ne emy M1••h•ll Tuppin1 USA C PUS l)&/14/03 Nel'°n VP Ster President CASE NO. Oeot L·7;' ~ :. ~ hll ~ bUk~! Th•' ll•temenl wn Thi\ \t•temenl wH lo _.Jll belca 34L -· .----.-..: · ····u.-t • w1 • o n y ewpor v OineflCl&nea, credilort, 00>.NGE CA""*"' ... ....,.,,.,1.,) ';a" ~ Cieri. of Otance County Meu CA 92626 Cler~ ol Or.1n111 Countv Coit• Meat, C111forn11 conlingent Cfedilora, 1ncs IF YOU 08JECT1G' h ~•) ~ ,. ...Aef(I) pn 06/20/03 Rou M111na Luos, on 06/30/0J 92621 P9ftonl Who may Qrlf'Aing ol lhl pecltion. ..._. ~ SN«l-uM 200SH4 ... 9 3075 Tyler W1y, Costa 200HU 004S Automollu Connec -bo --~ • ol.. ""' >£Wf'Cffl Dolly "'" "'"' 26, My """ CA 92626 O•ol1 '"°' "''' 310 17, '"" '" iCAJ 2490 In lhl..wlll °' eetate. or w": 'f04ll 80..t.EVAAO, COSTA 3. 10.17, 2003. lh538 Jose L110• J07S lyler 24, 2003 Th5S4 Newport Blvd . Co,11 bOttlotUSACAMPUS or lie_.., ~CAQ21127 W1y Coil• Meu CA Mtu C1hf0tma92627 A -PETITION FOR wltn the COl"1 OcrG ~ M S......tl 92626 fhis bu5tness 1s con PROBATE llas been tile hMlinQ. You ecx:N:> Lll!E 'ff' lU!E lht\ bu\1neu " con fldllle8...... du"ed by • c.Dfporatt0n filed by SUSAN MARIE ~ may be In MB M I nhflhu f ducted l>y husband and ... ~ Hnt you s~tled dome MUNGER In lhe pereon °' .... ..,.,, Mehlr~--a) ~ ...... .._ wile T I I bu,1rit.s1at? SUC*IO< Coull Of .,, ,_ rd ___..., ~i... The follow1n1 p~r••·n H-.e you \t .. rttd doin& he o low1n1 per,on' Yh 8 10 19'j8 Caltiomil County Of rF~OU AAE A f'e 9*{~ h pd ~ •v bus1no' yet' No ''" doina buwntu o Aulomoltve C1111n1< ORANGE CREOITOA Of a tne a llll8d by h.s otb1ndoned th~ u~e Ro\1M111m1lazos Cop1en World !>3/ lion\ Int l<m ( Ko THE PETITION FOR oon11ngtnt eteclrtor ol lhl h.~.:. NONE ~~J!"~.~~··~~~: Ji~1~11 tht\ •l•tement wu ~~~:orJ25Cen~:~p~;I Pm1oent PROBATE requem 11'111 decelaea, you muat 1111 Tl"e IOc:aliD1 n QilbT1I a I 1 ti I I /OBA Med with lhe County Be•ch Cahlofnt• 92&60 lht\ \l•tement _,filed SUSAN MARIE """'claim wflh the court f19 OiBI EieaAve ()lb .nsva • 's0"5 "0' Clerk ol Oranee County • • b ~ with the County CIMk of MUNGER be ~ed 1-.,1 our erv1o.i 1llve1y. on OJ/08'0J .. mmar ,.1 I r an1111 0 C 89 pel10NJ and mail• copy to the ~eee.aSAAE~ Inc , 2138 S Wri&hl SI 2003"9S0742 Puha. 5319 Un1ver \1ty o6~2~703uunty on rweteiUINe IO paraonal rtprneolaW. ........._~) ~ ~) S1nta Ana, CA 92705 O I p I 1 J I IO l/ D1 •211, lrv1no. C•h 200.,9•11 •1 ldtn •DOOlnled by the OOUl1 ....... -cl ... The r1~ltlKJUS Busmen ,, y I 0 u v . lornta 92612 ~ .. .. the :O~ estate ol Wt1hin lour moottla lrom tS/n DAE DO KEY, 1 n1mt rtlerred to d>ove t'4 31 1003 Th!il!! I his bus mus tS con Daily Pilot lune 26 July THE PETITION requestS tne dale of hfat iMuanoe NEWPORT eo.J.£11AIVJ, was !tied tn Or do&• flctitlws lusjnns dur ted by 1t1 m<1tv1dual 3 IO I I 2003 lh!>35 the deoedeofs will and °'p ~ ~_f!OVided In ~AME.SA.CA~ County on 2/23 01 r!lf Have you st•lltd clo1n1t Fktitletll.._..___ oodlcila, r1 atf'1, be r...,.ie """"" MCtJon ,,., aasets ~ -NO :?00168~ .... S..,_. bustne\\ yet' Yn Jo1n - admmed to probale 9!00 Tl'le bme lorflllng ~ 11 At Your Service o.. Tho lollowma pers1.ins 7003 MmaS...... The wrM and Af11codlclls ::: ~~~'it;= EOUPt.£Ni RXT\JAES. hvery Serv1rt;! lnl 1CA1 ••• d<iin& bu11nen u Ammar Al lbt.ih1m The lollowm1 persons are 1v11table tor 17'4 hHll"" <lite noooed 0000.VU.' 2138 S Wri&hl St a1 Sea Bretlf M.rket1n& Pash1 •rt dcun& bu•1neu •• examinallOn 1n the file lbOYe . ..., TRADENAME. Sant• Ana CA 9210'> 1>1 Ma• Adir1n WholtHle This statement w .is New D.awn ol Oranae kept by the COUit YOU MAY EXAMINE 17'4 1.£ASEHOLO MEAESf Tht' bo\tne•• " <on Dt\lribultott 1414 N ltltO wtlh tnt Cuunty Lountt Hou\e Church THE l'ETITK>N requeslS file kept by lhe court H J4l.C) MPROl/EMENTS du~t•d by a <.orporaltun 8.1tav1d Oran11e Cah Clerk of 011n11e Cnunty 1676 M.arauettle Ave •uthonly to ldmlnlsuw )O<' ara a per90ll CJ::N9'WlT NOT TO Al Your s~r•1~' Oe forn1a 9?861 un 0711103 C'lt<ina Del Mar CA the estate undef the interested tn lllll Hiiie, CCMPETE ltvtr y ltlL I aur '" Gt1ta1 ~ M•rkeltn& 200369 50100 9/6/S lflOepelldenl you may ~le Wlltl the ard are tocmed ._ 1560 H•r11plun Pr t\1dent C. r u u 11 t t; A I J3 5 6 Daily Pilot July 3 10 I I H<nr y A John sun Administration of E.slates coun 8 Request for NEWPORT BOU..EV.-AO. Th1\ •talcmcnl .,., Ave 111 d d U b c rt u r a . 24 2003 I n'>4b lbib M•r au•ttl•. Curot1d Act (Thia authonty wiH Special Not/Ce (IOlm OE· COSTA MESA. c,t.92627 llled with tht t.ounly '-•r l\l>aO ( dltlorn1a Oel Mar CA 9267':> lllOw tne pe(IO(lll 154) of tile llllng of an n-e b.111 sale 8 r.endlld to Clerk ul Or dn&e !'01111ly 97009 Fktltiolll hsiltu I h1\ tlu\1ness •• con repfesentAl1ve IO take lnvenlOl)I and awalsal be ~ at tie on 0611 J 03 I h1\ bu"'"'" 1\ <On du< too by an 1nd1Y1dua1 many ICtiona Wl1h0ol OI estate a ... lt or of any o1fioe al us fSCFIOlol. 200S6941400 dut ltd bt d 'or11ur•l1<1n "-S......_. Hov• yuu \tarted duine ot>talr.ng court awovaJ petllton ()I account as 1C»42 LAMPSON Daily Ptlul Junt 2b luly Have vuu \ljrf~d drJll1£ lht lotlowtn& per WO\ ~UW••\> ytl' 't'e\ ~e~~~ =::. prO\ndeO in Probate AVENUE, GAAOEN J 10 17 2003 Th!iH bus1r>P\\ Y"' 1 y,., a1e do1n11 b1ntnc\\ d' May J lOOJ ·-1 •. ....,.._. Code SeetlOfi 1250 A GA:ll/E. CA 92840 li'CI j 'J 01 199'.l lade Morl&•llt 3181J P•,tu1 Hen1 y A h0w9v8f, lhe ptfaOnll ~ I()( Special f'e~uledMeltl fldltlewslvsiaess Gr•be •~ M.rkel•nll A11way Avenu~ Suite C Johnsr.n ~!Ive w\11 be •o...:....... ....._ ,. 1v·•·...... AUG4 :10:)3 .._ Group M1< hael C Cost• MH• CA 97626 lht\ \tatement "u _,.,.-..IO,,.... ............. IO '"""""" ""'" -Callornta......_ .. :... ...... IS~ -s"'-" B•11tl•y V••• Pr••1d•n1 .,.......,... ,...v '"""""' Imm tile c:outt def1t ""'.,... -., • ~ • <> r Vmh H.t 2603 (ldtn hied ,.,th the County lnlefMled pereons Artomeytor Pebbone< The follow1na P•"· "' Th1\ \ldltmtnl ,.., Avenue •F Co\I• Mtu tlr1k .,1 Or•n&e f,ounty unlesa ltl8'f hive ...alY9Cl BUASl'ElN. MICHAEL 1 Corrrneroal Cooe ~ are do1n11 bu\1ne\\ <I\ f1l~d w•lh the County (.A 92627 un 06 "ll 03 rocloa or ~ IO ll600 WASHINGTON 61062 •I Caltlornta Mortla~t (h:r k of Or.tni t Cl!vnty Nel,.on Ch•u b C.ov••I 120036949711 h ptoPONd lldlotl) PL , t 10. The rame rd 11b91S ol Acleptanu Co11><>tAI• ·n un 07 14 OJ Ion Newp<irl Cool CA D•1ly P•l1;I July j 10. 17 The Uldepetlden! LOS ANGELES. CA hi per!D1 ..., ...tun bl Colm.c 'I t .1n1•• 200369S 1539 9?657 14 :?OCH 1h567 adm1nlstrab0n allltlon!y 90060 c:iarre ...... be led IS us Otr tcl n J Calmal Red I Da•I• P•lul Jul• 11 ?4 lh • WIM be gtanled unleas an ··-1 9!> ' ' '' ou"n ... \ •• ""' r::....., __ a....:.-... inte<etted ,_son files 01116/03. 07117-03. ESCPDN. 10042 h tate 46 Ma· Arthur JI Au& I ?003 ll\'>90 dut ted b/ • ~tntr•I nrnnw>-.u ....... 0712$'03 LAMPSON AVftl..£. Co111 1 Suit• 1100 partnerihiµ M-.S......____. an oc,ectlorl to ll'le CtlS-MOCl2tt GARDEN GROVE. CA Newport BeHh C.A FldltiOlnluslntss Havt yuu \ldfted <111111~ -,..._, pelJ1Jon and shows good N~ HACH-COSTA 92840 arc! '1e last day tor 92660 ..... StGttllllllt busine\s yet' The lulluw1ng persons ta!Ae wtYy the court Ml!SA DAILY PILOT ArQ dlli"nl bo/ "ff aedt)r Cdlifor ni• Mur l~•t.• Nu di• dotng businns n ----,====""'""""""""""-.,....-----~ ': .:x'~ 3: i~~~pta~69s C.<1~~~rA~i1;::r ! .,~1ted~1~1~0~1~'~"~~~':ns' V1nh H• ~~"~':,~·n~o~os~e ~~:an NOTICE OF detcnbed as belon!har1lttllOll!dsale Court Su.re l lO' 1:!111 &l•uly £nte1p"u" lht• stalemtnt "'"" 1168 Newport Blvd TRUSTEES SALE TS Comcliete4Y descnbed in dalespeclledilbM! Ntwporl 8,,,.,, 1 A 1140 North van tl•t1•n hied wtlh tn• l.uu• ty 1 u\I• M.-a t.A976U No 1053472·08 APN UICI deec:t Of trult Tile Daled.JU.2.20J3 92£>&0 St lllO~ At•fht1m CA ~~·c;; ~ i~•n~c \."u' It C.•ll•roo Food Se•••Lt> 412-052·16 TRA 15034 street aOdrels and 01t191 OAEOOKEY ~32S Tht\ bu''""" ,.,. Iv' '1/!iO/ 20036948888 ht< 1CA1 1768 New1M I Loan "lo 101051324 ocmmon OtllgnabOO, If PCTS du< ltd by • Ulll••"''"'' Ntll·•m Wo,ur l./40 dtly Pilot June /t, luly 81od Cu•I• Mes. ' A qEF Pelge, Jeffrey Ill)' ol ltle real property -NeNPORT Ha•• v•1u •l•rtetl J r • N~tth >l•n l:luttn S1 • 10 II 700! '"'II 'Jlf,"l/ IMPOATAHT NOTICE deacnbtd &bolle It BEACH'COSTA MESA bu\•M ·' t•t ' v.-A,,,.1 Analt•un CA 97!!07 lt11~ bu\•ne\\ '' r,n TO PROPERTI pu~ to be 1068 DALY Pl.OT 7117/:tJ 71 ?OCH I.•• •If Ctdar 14!40 du1 led by • <urpur•l•uri OWNER· YOU ARE IN Vllle,o Clfde Coata I c .. 1tlotr1td M ··I~···· ~vllh ~ • ., Bur.n St fldltlowlludnh1 HA•t (<JU \lart•d dull. DEFAULT UNOEA A Mesa CA 9262e The NOTICE TO CREDITORS Act •Pl'"'• I nrp1;111 ... n An•h•im C.A 92807 ..... Statlllllllt bu••ne'> Y•I' Yt• DEED Of TRUST unclef...,_, Trustee OF MAAJOAIE LENORE C.rir 1\tuµhtr l 1, .. 1•·"1 lhi• bu"''"'' '" '"" I I 2tlOO • <ftcla~ any ll&blhty ror ELMQUIST I V11t l'.-\ldtnl Ju.i~d by • Kt"lll'IJI 1 ••• I"""'""~ µ•""r" vdll•rdll f uud ~er'" r DATED Aprfl 11, 2002. CASE NO A2l9890 th 1 I 1 1 .ttll""'"'I' •r.-dr.m~ llu\rnt•,\ •• In• Marltal c,,.11.,..,., UNLESS YOU TAKE any 1nc:orrectneas Of tne SUPERIOR COURT OF 1'• \ ~ tn:•" ""~' t1,,., ynu o,t,1rt•<I .i.,.1iw 1 A 1;,,,ul' Prorl111 '"'"'· (I r1 ACTION TO PROTECT street address and olller CALIFORNIA I 1.11•d with '" \.uui•ly 1"'""'"" v•t' Nu In< 740 Niu I""' lh" \tatement ,.H YOUR PROPERTY IT ~mon "'~"'na""". rl COU•"" OF O"'.,OE Cl•r~ nf Or•n'e l:<•1tt1ly 11 · ~ H • ""'" ..,.,.~ . ., """ "'' • ""'" on 06 I J 03 1•·•111 I,.~., • I """''"rt r3th f1ltd with lh• Lvu"ti MAY BE SOlD AT A any, Sllown herein Said Nollce IS nereoy QM1t1 to 20036948050 Ir·" t.1tM""' w•· r A 'JlbbJ C.ler~ ol Or •ni.t Luu11t; PUBLIC SALE IF YOU sale ""'" be maoe, DI/I the ettd11on ol •:: 0 111 p,1 1 Ju , 10 17 111"'1 "' 111 tn• L '""'Y LA C.r ""~ 11, 1Nv1 ,,,. 01 l l 03 NEED AN Without covenant or ~~~m 24 JI 1003 111.,~~ r •" .. 1 IJ••"•• t ur 1, I 106 "'"' tr••.: Ru.id I 20036951236 EXPLANATION OF TliE warnn!y express or ht all persons llOIV•ng ... 'JI,,, Oi ~ ... t. t 106 I" V•o;d'-Od1ly P1l(ll July I/ 14 NATVAE OF THE 1mp4eo regaroing btte. claims ~JltSI llll Stat...mol 200n95008' ~v 89'H/ ll Aui I ?003 IH'·91 C•l1lo1n11926&8 f lltS bus1nu1 " l oll dulled by 1 L•mttad habthly Co H1v• JOU st11ted OOtn& Sult City Ptrlners. t LC. Amy J P1tuay Ow11e1/Mn1r Thi• \Uleman! was hied with the County Cl•tk ol Oranae Cuuntr on06/~/03 200Ht46tto 0111y P1101 July J 10 1 / ?4 2003 Th!.69 I hr' bu"neu IS con due.led by an '"d1v1du1t H•v. you 1111 ted dOIRI bustntU Y•I' Yes6 09 03 Thi\ s llt1111ant w•\ 1led with the C<i11ntt Cle1k ot Onna• Cout1ty on 06/21/03 200S6t497t• O•lly P1lut Jul1 l 10 11 24 200J lh~S8 I he lullow1011 "" '""' •re dotn& bU\tn.,\\ 0 Mi.h .. t Ben dr Wit J.01 I Sth St •6 Hun lin&ton Ben~ CA 92648 lh" bu~111eu " <.on Clu<.lod by •n 1nd1v1du•I H••" /OU ,,.,,.., do•ne Ou\1nc~~ t~l' Yn 4 I OJ Mt(h••' de WI\ lht lollowtni per\un\ Ith\ •l•l•"""'I ,,.., drr cS01n~ bu\.mt:!.' •'Jo f1leO Nllh th• l.<1unt1 Cuv1 G•••t• 6.tll B C.terk of llr•lli• c.ull1y Wot 17111 !.t l.<i\I• : ~" 06 "JO 0) the lotlow1na per "o"' •t• do1na buuna>.s ..s tAJ Enterprise\ 903 W 17th St SplLt< 81 Co>la Me••. CA 92627 Mn• C.A 926l1 I 200U9tMl90 )tev•n P Van W•;: D••ly P1lut. Junt 'b Jut, oner IM c,,.,,. l'I J 10 17 /O()j Hi!>4 I CostaM•>• (.A'1(1,(l ----- fh1\ bU\lflt)"• .... IJJI RcttliMt ~' ldw1rd Anthony )•11 euk 903 W I /111 SI Sp•ce 81 Cu\to Mau CA 92627 Jtwt<I Oun Jan•~•• 903 W 17tt1 ~I S11•H 81 Co\!• M .. -. \.A 92621 ductod by dR lll~IYHIU•I Hovt 1uu \\•' f,..d •1 ,.,,k Ou\1nt\'S )' .. t' 'I"\ luly 04 01 ~tevf'n f' 'Ian W•t.;• .. ,., I hi\ ~· tf<'''"' t ,._. t1lecl w1tt U.t ( ''"'r.1 , I h• f >llUWflt~ i,tt'f ·.uw il'tt dull• th1•.1ne'' •' :. ... lo• ~ 11• i't.ll l 1~111 ... SI •A 'u\IA M.-• CA J~I,/ I T m ••• 111 lb8 l • this Ou•1ne~\ " u• dut leO by hu\IUttO •r.cl wife (.l~t~ ul O'.t"i~ u111,. '" 0/ 11 OJ llr '•' •A 2003•951232 M. ·• A lt•,?I H•v• you \t•f h~O LlvmiC buitn.S\ yet l Nu D•1ly ~1lht lult I ~· flu• lJ11• fU!\" ·~ Ufl Jl AuR / JOO i 1,, ,,., )to If 1 I , •n .i101wirJUA t dwMd ~f\th1111y JMI tLfk Th" '!iol.,ltHfli>flt WO\ l1led with th~ I u1111ty Ille foll••wt11;: "" ,.. Cleth uf Ur •n)lt' t llLJllt f I df .. c:f•HHK t.tu·.rnr-. on 07 08 OJ ~ " , ' ' t u • 1 , 20036950743 C•,11nn te~ 1. '" • i 1 < O•tly l'tlut lul1 ! J 11 p._,,,, Awt •F .?4 jl lOOJ 111•,// Meu LA'J{b"l/ U\l.J Nut1<.~ 1' htr .. by ••"'t thdt th• und••"~ncd w•I be ~ulo •I ~ui.I,. A~d• on July JI /00 I ~· "', •ne s, nul.ir '<", Stora~• 19':>/ Oj • ..,~ .. 11 Blvd l "'" Mt • ., 9l6Z7 1\1491 b . llh •40 •40u4 L •urcl t unclqu1 t 11 \thula lorn<'! omuno lu•i.11 7/J9 Pat1ltL Awe •I C.vsl• Mn• CA 'Ut,'(7 TO•\ bU\lflt'\" ·~ CU' dulled bf "" mdhndv•' H•~ ... 111" \ttt trd dum.._ 11us1nn' t••' "iu Jam .. -.. [ dmund urr,.11 Hws, \U1f,.rtl11!M w u. l1lrd w1l h II•• l.uw111, Cl•• ii ul O• •"~t 1 ••unt, Item~ ,70J% ( •• Huus•tlvld II<" <in 07 08 Qj Hcitlflc 20036950746 •:?S l•n•n lr•PP F t\hlll& t<1U•P" •"' D••ly P11r,1 lul 1 I• 11 ?4 31 lOOJ 1r,•,14 l ollndlvr4 ,, t'• •fl"~ tt•t f 1"ht l11 bid .. , \A·t-C..11~r ulll:f ~.1,.. • \ut, "t.I 10 1 c1'1 t ll•t r thr t 'if:OI uf \ftl~"'·t'F I ~t-l 4'1it'NI ldndlc.rd 1"0 .111·,•leO 'h,. fr • ..,. • "'" .u~ tJ ' t. t!\ Mut t. A\ ~I· "'''Y t ~I ' ~-... ,. ~t1111 ""'• ~ t .t1 Mio. llS ..1.t• te A • Sh.tr•~• 'J"ll!h ., ubli \ r1 r o N t-t1itpor ' Ano'""" M~1 fjf!dlh t '''t, Mt",,. Uo11y t-tornt.>\1F>oll .-"" .,, I'll I July I I 74 100 3 1 "" N12u• r A ·~.'!,/ 1 A lhSS':t, Th" bu•,in•'.\ <' --dutlt!i.1 lit '" '' 1 ·•1du• fi<tltiws IWnHs • ..... stat.....i 1 t t 11,lluw1na "'~' v, •• , •r"* lJut•15 bu\tnt\\ .t~ 8odt R ... n ••'\•nt..t /4/fJJ 11,,,.., no •?'11 Ltt•,. •c.rt:~t C•l1lu1110 CJ1ic. ~o Hct"*" "' •\I -.tiu 1t 3 Du• 11 e\\ ttl Y~· I I/ '•ii ArtO,,.;. Mur Tt-\ ,.t.tltl' e ' I t-d "' H tr t ~rP I 1• df •"" "'~t.1 ,..,,.,. ,.~ \la, t,.d Ovt11~ IJt' 1t ,., .,. ... 1 ~ ii M J ht hi\ • '•f4"'1,tf!!ill filt'+l w•H1 •h~ t: ( •t-1• f flt.a,,,. 11 i ._I 200311949723 , ,,, JI J fl Sb' ~. r • 1 • t t ... ._ ''' ~· Yt'l ..,~ , .ti· .A -J A1 i-d .-dH1tt t /1~ t,iill,Tr $'J 1 ,, 1 .~rti St <•IA M•" ,A'1'b// t11 liv')•'1" ... -. ""' " tt:t.1 f 't ti I 1 r d1J1' rl• o1t vuu ·.I -'rft:IJ .U11•r• r .. -.,;\,1n..-~~ ., ... , N A "'• II' •"'t' I• .' t ,,, ""tr: ,. t "' I •Q w ~f '"~ u ., Jb • ,_ 20036949031 • ' ~ f"'I t '4 " PAOCEEOING oossessoon. condrtion Of I oec:edet'd .,. rtQUottd to LI• 1• '" 1 1u1y J 10 I/ ''"' r.u''""~ •\ ,.,, AGAINST YOU. YOU encumotancea 1ncludtng ht• thetn Wll!l lhe Sue>tn0t AM• ... 11 of UM of • ~ • ,.. J Tt•'.'>t dude~ nv • < rii '"""" flCtltiM lusineu $110ULO CONTACT A lees t:Nrges anel Court. at 3"1 Tlle Coty Flctitlouslusinhs"--Ha., rou ~l•tttcl ~· •r•~ MmeS""91111 But•tv J 11.11 •• ,., I ·WYER On '""'US! e~nanc.e$ or Ille Trustee Onve °'~ CA 92868 Fictitious lusintss ~u\tn•·' Yl'I' NC> I I II ?4701 R ... rn~nd •2St i:>•1'0' p,11 !,_,.: .• i~I .~ 20036949 144 '-"' ._,,., ...,..._ and tNJl a copy 10 Paul J It>• follnw'"ot P•" " M-S....__. LA vr u11 Int l<t l•t o owing Ptl\vr ld~l' ruttH C•l1tutn•• ' l ..,j ' 06. 2003. al 10 ooam a.no of tne lrUSIS created ll\lada/y, as lnAIH ot llll hi\ ·~~nduoed ttl• U\t -.... _,, Arn~•·\"' Cl tJ •r• dO•ne bu'•"e'' ., 9?bJO ., Cal-WesltfTl Dy said Oe«l Of Trust. to 11\JSI daled May 28. 1991 .1 lflt f•dtltvu' fhl\t 'h• lo11n .. 1n~ P"''''"' 1ht\ ,,., ....... , wa• H .... ~rd Pr(Jdudrvns 971! 1111\ l>tl\lllr'\ \ II Flctitlousludnht Aea>nveyance pay tne remaining wnere1n the dectdtt11 .. ., ""' N~m.. D ~--11~ ,r. O•Jlfl& IJu'.tltr• '" hied With ltle I '""'YI [mrr•IO Bay la&UOd du• l~d l)y ,,, •110 <iJu.11 ..... Stat...., '•. ,, CofporabOn, as duly ponopal sums ot the a setllor. •t 2029 C&nllJIY D"·'2"' 740 H611< ••• •• N<"'U"'' Ull1t• ,,, f l<rk .,1 Or•tt~• r ,u1111 Bea<t> 'al•h""'" 92651 H••e vuu "•rT•O Joo•• ... • •'·• ,, aWQlnted lr\lstee under note(S) secured by said Pa~ Eastc SUllt '37. LOS I Or LO\ld Mt\d I A lutu.n•. "' M.r~!'l·n~ Otl 07 11 03 M4tlhew Hvw••d Pru I bu\ltle\\ ftl ' l'fo lhc 1, llm••r . Utl !/ 1• l and pursuant 10 Deed Of Deed ol Trust to wt! ~tes. ; ~7• w~ '1?676 MJ>t•t ' C.t l'ttl• 5J7 2003•951224 Out tiun Y.?B E.mtr•IO B<•tlly I Wtll•4111• r· do•n~4~""""' l' 2003b9S0721 Trvst recotded Apil 25. S259.021 74 Wlltl liter~: 3.~IJ:>dJlte lhr I 1<11111111\ Ru"""" N•w11v•I LtttlM o .... 0Jdy Pilot luly 11 (4 Bay L•,und Bra<h Th•\ ,,.,.,.. • .,, ... , L:e~~·~~ C.i• ~·~· • ,. U••'• ".I . ' 2002. U inst NO 1111erest lfleleo!l from ol tne firsl Pl-(>hC81/0f1 ol nJm• r.len~cj to •bv>t •If}/ Newu1)ft b•rl1h JI Aul l /ll()j lh'l'Jt Lal1torn1a9?6;1 I t,i.~ w1tt> ttlr C.uu"h '4twr>urt flt• r ~ .4 ', .•••J f-'• ' " 20020347003, ol Official January 01 2003 at notlC8 II) Cllldlto••) ()I ~ 1 "'·" !ti•~ '" O••nii• I A 9 •660 I luo11n e Shuslet 'ill! It'•• ,, (Jt ... ~,. l ""'v 92&1>0 Aeoords1111Nofflceol 10 .t9()">.pe11nnumas l nob IS maul.cl Ot County n 1110/000 "'"'"' lo•v '>ii r!..w....-•·-~s E,,..,,d10 B•y Ldcu"•I 07101 ,1u11> J' tne County Aecoroer of provide<I in said h0te($) P!lfsonallv 094,.,.,"° to 1111 NI) lOOC>'>84636S '°l•w ,11 l.•nle• Or,., n<ITTIW> .._, 8••• h C.•ltlur ni• 9265 I l~J6950090 C.l•11"•r [Jr • • • Ii' plus costs and any you.30~ysaltertneci.te N .... n a l.thJ n l , •!bl ~tW~ur: e ... ,r. 11-.Stat.enl It .. ~ bu\1ntn I\ lVO r. ... y1'11 I lu y J IO ll ~~:~u I .... ' .A O.ange Coonty State ol a<J\'ances Wltll tnle<est ttu noca IS m&ileel or Al. "~" 140 H.tno;c• Or l A" '1/,0 l llt lulluWIOfl '"'>ult\ Oul ltd Dy .tr .no1.10u•I 24 too; 11\SSO '12~ C;!}.."!,.. .. c e~a~ed ~ ESTIMATED TOTAL PtB()tl&lly ~ltd to C·J\h Mp.a CA 9.62b lh" ~u\'n.,\ ·~ •• ~ •re dutni bU\100\ .. , >idv. fUU \tarted clotnit I Tr>, ~u\I•···~ ~ """YJ .,,., "'' You A claim"""" may Dt M•r~ [dwd•d Alott\u Clo• I• 1 t y • ~ .. •t1 u"I llu'>•no•, 1.t' YO\ 6 10 fkttt1tws ~ unmarr>ed Man. wrfl sell DEBT S2n.532 26 The obeatned from Irle court /40 H•n .,. Ot r.,~I• ti ... 1 "•1••1•0 dut Abuut T•m• Plontt.•n· OJ <lultcO Lt "" n ·•Ou• at put>lte au<;t>On 10 t>eoeftolry unclef said der1< For '(Olil P!OltCtlOn Mod c.• 9J6lb l>H\ltl•'. ,., y" l080 N B•1•••a Strut Matt ~husle• ,._ Sl'llmalll Hiht I ,, ,,,,.~~ , • '. n.gnest Dodt>ef lor cash. Deed Of 1'ruat hetMOlore you ar. enc:ourlgld to Me It>" bu""°'" ,, u.n I l OJ IJr ani• Lal•lurn•• '1?16/3 lh" \l•l•n enl ,.,., Int tot1ow1n~ 11er\or" l>u"n'"'' ytt> N• ..,., ......... ~.... 'f04JI c;l&lm by c.t1Jfitd 1 At>uut Time Plumb1nc 11 C !>ltphen )<hu·1' casnoers cneck arawn fMICUle<I ..... ...,.. ......... tnlll Wl1tl reun tectlOI OU<l,O !Ji tluSli•t1d dnd ,,,,,,,., l "Y 1C.A 1 1080 N B.1 .. 1.. 'PO ... th lh< UU'lf( .... II 11111 bU\tneu a\ on • Slaltt or nabOnal IO the unc1er119ned I ,eqU.,led w1I• lht\ \ll!lem•nl W&\ Stre•t Oran•· C•l1tu1 (.ler~ of Orang• tounty 1n1e.••l•d lt<hn1, .1 t11•' ldltm•"' "'J' l bank a CtleCll drawn by wnnen Dectaratlon ol PAULJ UVAOAAV Nnv•n• l•"a"~" tiled "1th tt>e tuunt~ nid 9~ll6S •' • un07 I OJ Sulut"'"' 230 £ 11111 lil~d ""'"' lh• ""' '• a slllte or federal credrt Oetaull and Demand tor 2029 Ctntuty Per~ East, i11,,.,.., j' l•r~ 111 u .. r>~e Ccrnnt1 !his bu\inen " LJfl 20036950101 ::.t ~It 211 Co•I• u.r~ .. t CJrdn~• "'"'• unoon. ()I a check Cltlwn Sale ano a wrttten Suite437 '"" 'tAIPn1er>~ wa' "'' (J6 11 01 ouct~o l>y • torpuratton 0dilV Prlot lul1 3 10 l/ M._. CA 91617 '" l)b .!l 03 Dy a atata ()I federal Nonee o1 Detau~ and I.Os Mg91ts, CA 90067 t11eo "'th the ruuntv J 20036949 719 H••t ou ,11, teo do in 14 1003 lhS4 7 Sttphen S•ur>Oer~ 2 JO 20036949112 Eledlon to SeU The 07m'03, 071()7/03. Link of Or•n&e L •unh D••lv Pilot luly J 10 17 l>u•tn••~ 1•1, ~o II I 1 l lh St Sit ll I I Daily Pilot lul, 1 IV I I savmgs Ind loan 0711003 01 II OJ l4 :?OOJ fh'>bb , .,. ' " ftdltieuslusiteu L•nt,Mnd Llo926?7 ?4 7003 1"'1-l • ·~•IJOn. S8V1""" undefsigned e1used sat<! --u. ..... ,... on -----1 About T 1me Plumb11>• ~ .,,... ~~·v. 20036951221 • K-...r~........... '"" bu\IOf\\ t\ OU assoc11bon, Ot savinos Notice ol Oef1ull and NEWPORT eEAC.._ fkt1tious 1usJnK M•rilyn f1and•1.h r "'~ -mn-batWI ~II\ Sedlon Elecl>On to Sell to be COSTA MESA DAILY Daily P1lul July l7 24 S ~crel•ty lht lollow•n~ pot\ufl\ ou1.IPcl by An ind•Yldu•I 5102 _, •'-Fr~~~1 r-..._. 111 lllll cou""" PILOT ll Auii 7 2003 ZOOJ MmeS,._.. Thi\ •Ut•mpnt w•s •r• d •no; t u••'•>\ a\ Ho• i uu •Utttd doin. "' u.., .. _,_ VltAl"\IV\I on1 lh595 bu\1nt\' 'ft'f Vt:\ Jun~ Cooe and al/ll'lollzed to wnere IN rn l property -------lnp I llv.,tn~ per\un• t11eo wilt> the C11u"I Y H•<t~1ttl• D~ Meu A1>t lOClJ Irie loll,w. n11 ptr\ 00 DUllfltU in tl1IS Slate tS tocaled For Illes S"'-ttof n.....:.~ a.-L.-. ,,. o '"~ bu\•nt\S •s Cler~ < t Ur~ i• rountv lb() W Wilson Cu\l' Stepnt r S•unOtl\ are II '"i. Ou\ n•~\ • I ...... I _, 1.... .-• .....,. • •......_Fn r~ ,.._.. H•~• 11 ' 0001 1160 nn 06 25 Oj Mt\• C'A 92648 I D Brei!~ Ot\••"' 24u n .. ., ront "' "" ... .,. .. ,....,,, '""'r '\• ••1•1llf..J11. • ..J M--S P • 200•6"•9374 I w " u -L7 I 7 h• \lat•rntnt ,.., H • n • •r D• C. q • flagpoles 11 Ille main 900.m tO 4QOpm (819) 111 .. VM9'1 -hit-.! om• nd "••n•tt 1,., \la ~ .... "i e .. w•n• ' IMO ,.,lh II•~ l;uunly , ..... ,.~ a.r-~ IO ........ 590 T221 ,. •• w-·-Fktitlws luslntss ..... lh• fnllow1na pers<\n' Me'" I A ~16// I Da•lr Pti•Jl June lb luly ltt&hitlt? Tetra• e 1,.1ne I. l•ril f '"t •na• Cvulll'f Me\a C.A 9i'61:b .,.,..,...., -r11" • ...., • ., • ..,.,. • 11•av•n ~l>a-h &l»•or 11017200.J 111~4'> CA976l, ~ur•'011,"0 ; • Ntr •t"' •"•"•" PllCefllla CMC Centef Aec:onvey1nce The follow•nii perwn ••~ du11111 bus1ne.s d\ , , A /4(; ll E C , "~a""" 525 East h~\ db.indoned lht u'.t I ,. Km~ & A\slludle\ '"' I( A' I 160 Pam m.i l 1ng I on~ ttwanii '>112 2003695 1607 IOn\o i HARO•~· r 401-411 l\lpman ....,......,.s"""' p 0 Bo Avenue Lu\l• MH• 0 ...., __ •·-'--s H1Jihi•lt Tttr••t 1r .. nP D••lt p,1,.1 lul 17 24 Ln\ta Me.a CA 976~t. Avenue Pllcentla. Matn treet. x ol the r1ctthou' Bu\1 919 S•ndL.nllt Or tdltlorni•~l6U ,.,. .. ,_,...,_. I l A92612 • v Thi\ bu\in.-~ ,, '~" Cal!fomla, Ill rigllt. Otle 22004. El caion. ca n~•s Name •l I <;tr.et Corona <lei Mar C.A lhl\ bu\"''" " con ..... Staltltlant W•h<.rn Yin g 1502 31 A<I~ l 1003 1n60'> duded by ... md•vtdu•I I ._. ,..,,..22"""" Oiied J ly Suri b) T Strott Sur f 9762'> I I ancs ntemt oonve,_ to """ .""""' u Shop l I I S tretl ''"Y A KtnK 979 duded lly h 1nrp•1rAltun fhp tollowmit ptr\011'; Wevmount Santa Ane FlctttieYsl¥sintss I HHt you \1'rt•11 dvltlii •nd now held by n under 17, 2003 Trullee Sile Surf COIT! d l I Slree t ~•ndt.-11• Or Cl)rl)ttd llAV• ynu \lat led c!n1n~ die dutlli! l>u\lnt\\ ., (.A 92705 bu\I""' v•t Y•· NJd Deed ol Trust in the Oftlcer Rriordl L Rorie Sutf Ctnler el T Strnt del M.ar CA 92625 bt1\1n•\\ ytt' Yr•. 09 01 '_,Della Mot,,, spur I• bl I lhl\ bu\111eu t\ co11 ~S....... 1 l ?OOJ property Situlted in NICI (R·97361 07117/03, SurfboMd\ 11 1 Strtel Shdton 1 Ktnil 979 200] mir>imotu,., cum Z5461 dulled bv a aene1al Th~ lollow•nii personsj N".-n• l•h.>n21r •tttw'f" ( i "'lfdf ft j 1 I , Oi,.1• 1 ,r • yL><f ~ , 1rt1 Ff J'1or.,. " , •.! Th \ ~tAt,. ,, "t • .. t1ltJ ._...,, tnr Cv •, h • f I~ At t;• " .. ,,. (I ~I 200J6950129 J ., Fo f ' I • I Jf \ .. " ... hr t 111 •Int ;, .. ,, ,,,.. 1. , • ._ t.u'-nfl"•.-. ' Puto f' p ~,.., • .-~ Pint ~ f11i t Cv?.t' M .. ,, C.A'l~f;l° liln \ ~ .I~ \ i'1t I> t\3 ,.,,., ~·,.,., t \.. •\1 • Mt-\.# A 9?>.l/ rn County ancs State 07'24/03. 07131f03) Surlbo1rds Apparel & S•nd"\lle Or co .. >na H~dven \ Sa\I\ & Ouor AltLta Par•w•y t •11una I p,rtner\htp •r• du•n& busineu as Alon\O ---'-----------------More 108 Calle Del del Mar CA 9262~ In~ Scotl Dunn Prc\t H•ll\ CA 926'>3 H.tve you s1tarled ooina NewPutl MHa Appltitl<t Th., ''''•"''"' ... , Oui.t~o t• •' tn l, Ou• I clent DLJ I ti C c• ousiness yet Yes 198!> Rtp.1•1 J063 H••U Ave ltlod ... th lht Courty H•n 1 \ldrl•d llJ "• Pu1f11.o San Clpmpnlr lohn l Kin& 919 n 01p • ,., ' NOTICE Of TRUS. OltW common c1Mi9-- TEE'S SALE TS No.~ rwtion, " wry, ahown 02021 Doc 10 het91n. The total I0001'598542005H amount of the unpaid Tiiie Ordaf No. belanc:e wttl'1 lntefMt 077031351 I"""' ther9on of Iha obllge- tornneu,.r No. tlon eec:&nd by !ht 2500013989 APN No. property to be lold 937-21.011 YOU ARE IN plue reeeoneble Htl· DEFAULT UNDER A mated coeta, ••peneet DEED Of TRUST, and ldvMCel 1t the DATED 01117'2002. time ol the lnltlel publl- UNLESS YOU T AAf c.tlon of ttle Notice of A~ TO PROTECT Sele II $390,Ml.OI. It 19 YOUR PROf'EATY, IT poMfble tNt et tha MAY BE SOLD AT A tlme of .... ttle ~ PUBLIC SAL£. IF YOU Ing bid 1MY be IMa NEED AN £XPlAHA. 1tW1 ttle tcMI ~ TIOH Of THE NA TUAE ,.... due. In eddltton to Of THE PROCUOING c.eh, 1M Truetee Wiii AQAJNST YOU, YOU 8Ccept CMhllf'1 SHOOlO CONTACT A cr.cb drewn on I LAWYER.• Notice le 1t8tt or nMlonll benk. het'tby glwn tN1t CTC 1 chick dr9MI by • ...., Eetalla SeMcee, 118'9 or tedlrll credit M duly appointed union, Of 1 chick tNltile pu~ to tha dr9MI by I .... or Deed of TrUlt I~ '9dlf1ll U¥tngl end by LAUREL FEHNERTY loan WCI clllltoi1, NY- A SINGLE WOMAN. Inge ll80Ct9doli, or ... 0111112«1l Ind ....... llllCfftld l'ICOfdld 0112M12. • In lectlofl 11112 ol .. lnetr\IMl1C .... f'NftC:lll Codi Ind 2002001101~· ••• ~ '° do bull--,. • of ... ,....1n .. -.llld cordl "' .. oMae ., .. Wll bl !Mdl,"' 111'1 the County ,_.,,., ol -u ... IOflClltlon. llUI Onlvt CouMy, ....,. ..._,. ~ or of~ .. ...,.,...,, ..,.. or E+5-5W COUl'fTY c:oufn· =.::.. Olld ol Trust. HOU11. 100 CMC ........,, CINTP ORtvl WUT, ............. • ..,. IAHTA ANA. CA • ~ Ind .. ...... ptMlc . IUCllOI\ ti> .. ........ ol .. .... ,....,.... ... • ..... _.. ~ ..... Deaf or Ofl9Cll M *IC ..., f/I Tl'Ull ... .......... ..... , ...... &fttulll ............... "' .............................. ...................... ~ ............ ., .. , .......... CA 92677 S.andlHllt Or Co•,,,,. 1111\ sl•IPrr-ent w•' 1913 Harbor Sl•d •341 In~ Wen Hw1n2 t <*\I• M•u (A 91626 Cle•k vf O••nae our1tv bu\•""'' ;ti'"' The f itlrtiou\ Bu\lntn delM., CA9262!> ltltd wtlh lh• County C '"a Mes• Cfi 9lf>.?6 This statement "'a\ IGhn S••a•~• 3063 Jn07 II 0 1.1n1<.• ••• n•me ltltrred to •bO•t T'11\ bus1nts\ IS <On Cler~ of Or•"ll' County Tt11s l>U\llte\\ " .un !tied with the County Hayn Awe c~\I• Mes• 20036951222 fh·• ' •m•nt ... ..,.5 hied in Or '"Ii' dul ted by tmn unintor on 07 08 03 due. t•O by • ,OtOcJtM1 '" Clcrh o t Ora.n&e Counh A 92626 D•••Y P1tot July l / 14 f1il'd w•I"' tne C ur ", Coonly on 8 19 200:? por,led auol•alion 2003•9507S3 Hne you \tarted doin on07 01 03 Th•• busine.\ 1\ tu~ 31 •u.: 7 lOOJ THS'I' Cltr> 'O••~i' r.uunt, f Ill NO 7002691 )931 otnri tnin • partnerstl\p D•1ly Pilot Joly 10 11 bu\•MU ytP 20036950084 Oucltll by •n ·~dt¥1dual I ~ •·-~ on 07 08 03 Norman Daylt [ i vltl H•ve yuu \Urtod dntnii 24 31 2003 lhS8J Ye\ 1 03 Daily Pilot July 3. 10 17 H••t yt>u \l.irltd do1ni1 rtun,.. _.s 200J695074t Jr 108 c.11-Del P·· I bu\tnt\\ yet' Yt\ 01 ID...oU.I--a.-1-.., 0 l I In •• In A''" n 111 l' 2003 Tl'I!>~) bu\1nf\\ ,,t, -S"'-"'t 0~1ly Po1ot lul) JU I • • rllm...-c J o l J "!'es 0dl9 1998 4 H ?003 lh!I • ltco. Sari Clemente CA Ol 1977 ..___S......__. orp .,,. t • .,. RctltiM ..._ lonn S•••\•e lht lollnw1n1 P'"""' 92672 Jc11 YA Kine -..,_ Pre\lde111 .._ S This \l•tement wu ue dome bu\1nn• '' fldltleus '4niltu W1llram J Luka.1• Jr . This statement was The lollow1na pe"On\ Thi\ 't•lement "'0 -......., El t p o 1 n.11 Pr o 108 C11lle Del P.ac1ltlo !tied with the County 1re do1ne business a\ ftled with lht County Th I II flltO "'Ith ll'lt 'uunly u:t: ; ~':,~u Cl N:w 11-. s......t Sa1r~1Cslebmu~n10t~\•CA1.92,60/n7 0 C01e 0 rkl o 08 t 00r3anat County bl)) 8~aytMto~dtltnMtaerrf,",\10tes ~~e~ i~i~Janiie County •re ~o•~&O~•~:in~~~'o;,' ~~·c;; ~~ ~~·tt~e C.ounty port Buth CA 97f.6j lh• lollow1111 P•"<in• du:;ed b~ <: aener•I 200S6950711 c) Solt;,, Sol~lton\ 2003'949721 ::.oR~'s"·'~>BrR~~h~r,•d 2003"41"1 N~:;o~tt"e:.~~t(J c.~-~r.7. d~~oo~~~:nm :~ P•~~~~;~1~ayle t1v1n Jf ~:'1I1 p~/uly 1~h~/9 !~~2 l~~~:~n €:1~t1or~;a ~;•l~~ol July J 'fri~l!I ~0d':~0~: ~:t:,'t~~1~r1ou~) ~•;I~ i~o~;• lf>Th~~ 9~! busmm ,, un ~~,m;.~;K~'1~"~. ~1:,1: This slllemenl WO 92780 180 w Wilson St RctitlM..... ducted by •" 1nd1Wtdu•1 I c• 92679 ltltd with the County RdillM..... Robert P111on 13912 Actitilul~s •£106 CO\ta Mesa CA ..___,........___. H .. e you •t11ted d· int 1"1r1 Wood1ull [nQ11• Clerk ol Oranee County .... s..i..t Tustin, E.st Or •39d 92627 - -bos•nns yt tl No •a• 11811 V1• P•tu on Ol 08103 lust1n C11tlo1n1a 92780 .... s...-it R1chtttl Brent Johnson Ille lollow1n& penon• C1n1 Stern I l'otu dr r.•u CA 9267'il 200S695073• Tho followme persons this bu\1nus " con· lhe lollow1na pe•suns J80 W W1tson St art dom11 Ouwnus •• This statement wa. Th•' bu""'" '' ton o111y Pilot Jult 10 17 ''' dotn1 bus1neu as ducted by an individual ..,,. do•ne bu""'" n •E 106, Cosh Meu CA Pe nu I Comp•ny 970 hied with tht County Clul led t>y •~ 1nd1vtdu1I 24 31, 2003 JHS8!> •J llelll•ae Real f•l•te Have you st1rled dome a> R•w Chuppen bl 92627 C•o•• Pl Cnsl• Mtos.a Clerk ol O<anf>t County li•n vou ''••led dott11 The fotlow1n1 persons 1re doln& business " 1) T·SlrHI Suri b) T Slretl Suri Shop c) T Street Surf com d) T Street Surf Center 1) T · Street Surfboards f) T Street Surfboetcb All p1rel &. More 108 Catie Otl Pacifico. Sen Clem enle, CA 92672 l Street tnc (CA). 108 C•lle De l Ptctfteo, San Clement•. C'A 92627 lhlt businus Is con ducted by. an 1nd1v1dutl Hive you shrt•d dolna business yet? Yea. 05/ Ofl/2000 T ·StrMt Inc . Norman 0 Ervin ti , CC 0 I Prnldtfll Thts •l•l•me"I WU lilt.cl with the County Cltfll of Oren.111 Count; on07J08/03 ~ ... , .. Daily r11ot My 10, 17, 14. 31. 200l TllSI l b) llet11aie Realtors c) buunnsytt?No f oreltont Mor1111e Thts busmeu is lOn CA92627 ot107 l~/03 l>u\1neu v••' Yh !I Her1t1at Re11tv d) RobertM Patton C ap 1 I• I ' l ducted by 1n 1nd1Y1du•I Edward R Tomasek 200S6tS1'13 200J Het1l•&t Properly Man Thi\ stitement was Rehnanre< tty com d) Haon you started do1na 970 Gro~e Pl Costa Daily Pilot Jul 17 ?4 1111• ~ Enqu1111 .icement. •> Herltaae filed with fht County Refinenuc1ty el rore busineu yet' Meu CA 926?/ 31 Aue 7 2003 Th610 l h" ,,., .. m,nl wa. Propett1u 2785 w... Clerk of Oran1• County Ir 0 n t c. p 11 •I t ) ru 6·2l·03 Tl'llS bu"nus IS 'on· l1ltd with the County w1n1 Cir Costa Men , on06/l l/03 Hav1cat1on l<im &> Rtch•rd.lohnson ductecl by •n 1nd1w1dual Rdlttlll...... Cler~ of Or•nee Count, CA 92626 4850 200S6t41SJS F 0tehont C•plt~I. I~ I Th,. statement wn Have you 5tarted do1na on 01 11 'Ol Oav1d W Myhre. 2785 Daily Pilot Jvl 17 24. W 18thSI A 207 Cosh f1ltd wtlh the County bustnt»ytt'No ... s......t 200HtS12S7 Wuwtnt Ctr Cost1 31. AU( 7. 2003 Th60!> Men C1hlorn1192627 Clerk of Otani• County f dwe1d R lomotk Tht lollow1n& ~"0"' D11I~ Pilot lul 11 24 Mt» CA 92626 4.850 01v1d C0tdon Howu on 06/24/03 I"" statement WI\ •re do•n& bu""'" H JI .\I.II , 2003 Th60.3 This buslntn is con ........... 412 12th St Huntmaton 200J4t4t207 ltled with tM County HeWl)Oft Guilt! Co 9!>2 ducted by 1n 1nd1v1du1I ie-se...t Buch C•l1lorn11 92648 D11ly f>tlot June 26 July Ci.r• of 0flnlt County Post Rd Costa ~u Have you started docnc This bus•nu' 1s con 3 10 17, 2003 lhS33 on 07/l!llOJ CA 92626 businessytt' lhe follow1nc persons ducted by an individual 200S6tJl6l2 Gracory Scott Misner Yes 196-t are dotn& bus1neu H Havt-yb<.t stetted do•ftt .......... 011ly Pilot Jul 17. 24 952 Post Rd Co,ta DavidW Myhre Spin, 2973 H11b0t 81vd bu5'ntssyet'No ... S....... 31 Au& 7.2003 Th609 ~ CA92626 This slalemem wu #403. Costa Men CA Dtvtd Howes 1$ bu"nu~ " con hied with the County 92626 This 11,tement wes Tiie l0Uow1n1 per.ans ~..... •d by en end1vldu.tl Clerk of Ofln111 County S1und11 II Abbott. hied with the County l rt doinl buslMU H -~ Havt you llMt.cl do;;f\C on 06/20/03 1073 SaludOI, Costa Clerk of Onni• County Enc0t• Ct111Mt, 3424 Vlt bul"eneu yet> Yn. 1994 200J H4U7S Mua, CA 92626 on 06/03/03 Opo1to Slip •709, New Scott Mt111« Dally Ptlol June 26, July Robert W Well1, 682 IOOJ4t4H l 7 port Be.ch, CA f2663 Tl11• 1t•lement wn 3. 10, 11. 2003 Th5'1 Alt• Vista Way, I •aunt OtU~llot July 3, 10. 17. Crut Atl•ntk: & h tiled with tlM County 8ttch. CA 92651 2• 3 Th"!i6 Ctfic Yacht C0tp (CA) Cft1ll of Ounct County ......... ~ d:Ch:!t :~·~~.~,~.~:" -·-------<#-9~~~3po~t'0&:.cs111"~~ =~~s~~,. -Hn• you start.cl Oo<nc ............ 26iJ Oe4y Not M 11. 2• buslnns r•H No ... ....... Th" ltvtlMu •• co11 ll Ava. 7 2001 "'601 The follow1111 per.ans .,. doll!& bu•lnen "' 1) [11roMald, ti) ( UfO H•ndrm•n. 114 c 20t11 St I 2. Costa flhM. CA 92627 Robt1t W Wells lllt lohwlna ,.rSOM tkoctM b1 • eorporatioci S.undt e K Abbott lft 004..,. ktlne• u Hew JOU •bllltd do4llC Olis •latement wu ·• ti~ yet? Ho tt4td wllJI tlll c-ty Mj(llMlftt Art•V'lllloa· Gl'Nt Att.nttc ' ,. Cllfk ot Oran1t Countr '°'*· 230 t 17tt1 St clflC Yecllt Co<'. H9ffy Tht tonow1nc penons e1t dolnt b~n•,. •• D S 8'1116«~ 317 l'M r1nt Avt Balbo• Mind Caltt«ni. ""2 Oavtct Roy S-llet. 311 M•ttne An . letboa t•Tand Cal1fonua 92662 Thll buslnat I\ ~n di/Clad by an 1t1dtv1clu1I Htft )'OU ltetlt0 ~ llu'tMR yett Ya S(lO. OJ 0e .. w11RS..... ""' "•t•"""' ••• ,.... wlUI the tMAty cw .. of 0re. c:e..My ...011110J "91MM•U =r=-= ::.-:.·.:."~ lft _. °"""P OATID: _._ A.-.. ..... .,.. _ _. ...... ere.._._..,. .. ......, '1olt Stapn1et1. 114 E Nth SI 112, Co•ll fli\eH.CAt21Z7 Oft 06/20/0l t20l, Co•t. Mn~ CA Stlw.t.. S.Crttll'J ~41t7t 9~hMI l>ofteld Mer This 1tattme11t •tt Dally t11Dt AIM 1$, Jutr lfl, UO (, 17th St !lied With the Countr 3.10, 17,1003 ~2 e203. Co.la ,...._, CA Cleflt of ~411f9 C01111ty Ot1¥ Net Mr I lO, 17. 24.1110.J -n.Mt Mir du '*' In ..... -CC!!2!' Tlle lol10w111a. t'9taon• -........ Died -.... -.... doin& bll*''" ... ;r-rn!lt. lftl ..,.. i;Nt' CA ~ •) Sovtl\ftn C•llf0tnl1 .... ... ... .......~;:a Alt f'ro!Kb arid hl'll· f · a· I 1111 ....... l>ltiOll• II) Tiit Shed : if-:.,~':t rr:&a'r-OTC.._ ~~J·~;~::~ : ~ • • 1• .._ ..,.._ • • ~~111 1Wt011 c~ : ;;m-:,f,*'J: ::-.:=-:: telllf*err l11c (CA), 1 Tiii ...,. #If lllla 1 .. 2'll5t la.•t Coa.t "-' 1 -7. t.-.. .... • ._ _, .. =• .. , M11 CA .. =.,....,tit .. l:.'lt n... ~ iS (Oft : MJ l I UAdll ff ........ • -thKtetl aw I tetportMll t ,. ......... _.,... ttwwwc• .... Mllltt Sfttlflltll, 114 f 20th St. 11 2. Costa ,....,CAll2821 Thi• bua1tt•s ._ '°" du<t-4 llJ llusNM a11d wife Have rou 1twtad .._ ._.._.,en,.. ftt0trsi.• 1"" tt.ttflltllt ... 1"'4 wctll tM Coun.h C*" tit 0rtt11t ewnu .,,0711sm MUtttt••• DelfJ , •. ..,_ 11 z•. ll.Allle 7,fOOJ TMOI ......... 9~1 ~;:... ™' ~'"'"' it COii· Ody ........... I 10 ', .......... duc:IM llr. 111 1ndMdutl , 200 ,...~ • ' T!lil to11o•:~so111 ......_ ~ tt•t• _.., 24i J nim aia Htlll II It! ~,.tfY• ......... °""° l'f opwt;a, mo litn a tll R•llfO~ Ave . CO\ta ~~ ....,.., ... ...... Mu8,C.lctoullet82t 11\it attte.-c 'wet ......... ~ 0.1 .. ,.,.,.,_. CCA), fle4I W6 Ille C.-., •• ..... .__.. M 2MO lte114tlptl An. C'9tt et 0r-.. ~ D91 Seil. D .._ ... Cftt• ...... c.wtr• •..07/llm •Ill." ............ , l2t.2t ...... '"' a..--ni. h\ ~,...·~ 11. N t.H-=....._,ue :-= t.' '· lMllD ~ttl: r : 'r'·s "T l \ 14 l!vtdly, tt 17, 200 __ J ____ _ ........... .. Ulll..... .. Ulll ..... MUpl..._ .. f.llllW. ......... ......... TM followhlc persona •• dcMll& blnil'lh• ·-= .eity WOfks floorlna. 104, Coste Mesa. CA tM.26 Vfedimlr P'oipj, 84J6 Umest~Ot , R1vet$kle. CA92SCM Thb business la con· ducted, by: •11 1ndlvidual Have you sterted doln1 business yet? No Vladimir Poza•I This 5tatement wn tJed with lhe County CMrll of Ou n19 Co11nly on 07/15/03 200S69SH16 Daily Pilot Jul 17. 24, '3 1, Aua. 7, 2003 Th607 At-.. ...... .......... The follow1na persons ere doina business as Actio n Talent Wnt Manaeement , 1670 Santa Ane Ave • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Ana:ela Gritt1th, 740 16th Pl. #8, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This business is con ducted by an ond1v1dual Have you started dome business yet7 Ho Aneete Grottllh This stal1menl wu Med with the County Clerk of Or a nae County on 06/20/03 ION6MHH 0.Jly Piiot JilM M. July 3. 10. 17, 2003 "'~ ........ .......... Th• followlna pttJOns art doir11 business es• Ace f rei1ht Service , 19487 Su r tu t Dr .. Hunlin•lon B11ch, CA 92648. Elayne Poy, 19487 Surlset Dflve, Hunhna· ton Buch. CA 92648 This business 11 con ducted by an 1nd1vldual H•v. you sl11 ted dome business yet 1 No Elayne Pov This statement wu llled with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 06/27/03 200S6t4t720 Delly Pilot luly 3, 10. 17, 24,2003 Th560 ~ ...... "-*'-' Th~ lollowine per sons are dome business H . Wireless No w . 30 Morena, l1vrne, CA 92612 OMC Companies (CA), 30 Morena. Irvine. CA 92612 llus business IS ~On ducted by a co1por a hon Have you sta1ted dome business yet7 No DMC Companies. David M. Citllson, President Policy This •t1t1m1nt wn filtd with UM County Cllfk ot Oranse County on07/0IV03 toOMtS07M Dal Pilot July 10. 17. Ac-.. ..... .......... The loltowina per.1ons 1rt dolna buslne" n : Allaood Appre1sal Ser· vices, 1361 El Camino Real, #173, Tus tin, CA 92780 Judith Ann Schoelfler, 1361 El Camino Rul. 1173, Tustin, CA 92780 Thi$ b~SIMSS Is con· ducted by· 1n indlvldual Have you st1rted dolna business ytt7 No Judith Schoeffler This s tatement wu filed with lhe County Clerk of Onnae County on06/26/03 200SHCt67t D11ly Pilot July I 0, 11 24,31,2003 Th572 RdltlM ...... ... s....... The follow1n1 persons are dolna businus u . Kerr Co .. 1760 Monrovia Ave IA 9, A 10. Coslil Mesit, CA 92627 Kem Harsl•d. l 7li0 Monrovia Ave . Costa Mesi, CA 92627 This business is con· ducted by. an Individual Have you started dol11a business yet? No Kerri Harstad llus stettment was tiled with tti. County on 07!08/03 200S6tS07U Dally Pilot July 10, 17, 24, il1 •i lll61' ........... ... s...... The followln1 per sons art doln1 business as: Morain P R (Public Relations a -rketin1) 2504 W. -cArthur Blvd. 18, Senta Ana, Cahfornla 92704 Mora•n Nauyen, 27252 E astride• Or.. l •k• f' or est. Californle 92630 This buslneu Is con· dueled by: an lndivldu1I Have you started dolna business Yll? No , Morean Na uyen This statement was hied wrth the County Cle1k of Or1n11 County on 06/13/03 200SHCl1S7 Dally Pilot July 10. 17. 24,31,2003 1h587 AdillM ..... "-*'-' The lollowlna persons are do1n1 business •s. May Photo and Desren. 300 Broadway. Costa Mesa, Cahlorma 92627 Keith Tetrill M1y, 300 Broadway. Costa Meu, Callfornl• 92627 This bualnu s Is con· ducted by 1n lnd1vldu1t Hevt you sttrted doin& business 1et1 Yn, 1111/ Keith-y This statement wn flied with tti. County Cled1 ot Or•nae County on 07/l/Ol 200s .. so102 Daily Pilot July 3, 10. 17. 24, 2003 Th543 .......... ... s...... The followln1 persons art doin1 business as: Irvine financial Sttv1cH Company, 1391 Brus lantlrn Or , l a H•bra, CA 90631 Elizabeth Gllkman, 1391 Brus lantern Dr .. la Habra, CA 90631 This busonen Is con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started dome busonen yel? No Eliiabeth Gllkman This statement was filed w1lh the County Clerk of Or •nae Courtly on 07/15/03 200.S69S 1'1 I Daily Pilot Jul 17. 24. 31,Aua 7,2003 Th610 sm Newport Be1ch, CA 92661 Sean Dilullo, 217 1/2 S•pph11t Ave .. Newport Beach, CA 92661 This business Is con· ducted by· an lndlvldual Have you started dolna b11siness r,et! No SunD1ullo ll11s statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Or1nae County on 07/08/03 200369507 19 Dally Pilot July 10. 17 24.31.2003 Th580 ~ ...... "-*'-' The lollow1n1 per sons itre dome business u Cau1 Oeslan & Auoc1 ates. 35 Seasupe Duve. Newport Beach CA 92663 Maraaret Ann C'1s1, 35 Seascape D11ve, Newport Beach. CA 92663 This bu11ne~s 1s con ducted by an 1nd1V1dual Have you started do1n1 business yel7 No M.,aaret Cus1 This st1temtnl wn filed with lhe Co unty ilerk ot Orange County How to Place A 011 06/27/03 200Mt4t714 Oall1 Piiot July 3. 10, 17. ZA. 2003 Th!l63 The ft>llOWllll j)W sons ere doina business as: R•1e Choppers, 6'4 Terminal We y, Costa Mesa, CA ~26?7 Stev.ii Lucn Brosilow, 644 Ttcminal Wey, Coste Mesa. CA92627 This bus111tss ts con ducted by an 1nd1vldual Heve you started doin& business y1t7 Yes, 7 9 OJ Steven l ucn Brosilow This statement was filed with the County Clerk ot 0 11nae County on 07/11/03 200SHS12C2 Dally Pilot Jul 17, 24, 31. Aua 7. 2003 Th604 Rdllim~ "-S...... lhe followmt: persons are do1n1t buslnus as. EMS Consullma. :?016 Beechwood Ave f ul lerton. CA 9283!> Michael R1y Srmlhhn11 2016 Bee,hwond Ave . f ulle1 ton. CA ,ms Thrs business 1s con dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you slM led doing business rel? Yes 2/19/03 Mlch"f Rey Smltllllna This statement wu Hied wllh tht Cuunty Clerk of Ot1n&t County Oll 06/20/03 200Ht4aat4 ~ ... ... s...... 'The tollowln& persons are doln& buslnen n . •) Deco·Crttt b) Dtco· rallve Conerttt Coat· inp, 2365 Collea• o.. Coste Meu, CA 9?626 T1acey M•ne Batton. 2365 Colle1e Dr.. Cosla Mesa. CA 92626 I his business 1s con- ducted by. an lnd1v1dual ll1ve you stat led doing bus1nus yet7 No lracey Mane Ballon Thi~ 'l•tement was Med with the County Clerk of Or1n1e Cou<1ty on 07/11103 200U ts12.S.S Oa1ly Pilot July 17, 24. 31, Au1 1 2003 lh59R Rdttl. lllli1tsi "-S........ lhe follow•n& persons are do•rl& bu\1nMs as J&R Molor\purh 1760 Monrovia Ave #A 9 A 10. Costa Mesa CA 9?621 Raymond Harstad 1760 Mont ov•• Ave Cost• Mes•, CA !12627 Thls buslntn Is con ducted by an lnd1vldu1I Hilve you atar ted doln& busineu yet? No Raymond Harstad Th~ st1tement wu RdlllM ...... ........ fhe ro11ow1n11 pe1sons a1e doina bus1neu •s Colle fln1ncoal Con su1tin1. •OOO Channel Pl . Newpo. t Buch, CA 92663 Daniel Cutillo. 210 lill• ln #11/, Newport Beadt. CA 92663 , Thi• bu\lneu 1s 'on duct~d by an 1nd1vljlual HJve ~OU Slllt ted doina busineu yet' Yes 6/1/02 Daniel Cutillo This slAlemenl wa• loled with lhe County Cieri\ ol Or~nite County on Of>/'l I /03 200.S694t722 Daily Pilot July 3 10, ll, ?4 200) fh!>!>/ AditiM hsims "-S..... I he lollow1na persons ue do1n11 business as 01 an~e Co.ut Rnolina Co , 2870 Chlos Rd., Co1t1 -u. CA 92tl26 Do ld K. Millet, 2870 ChlOS Rd .. Cost• Mesa, CA92626 1 his buSlntSl It COii• ducted by an lncStvidu•I builnen yet? Yes 1985 01vld K Miller Thia statement ••• tiled with th• County Clerk of Ou na• Count) on 06/2//03 200Ht4t7 10 Dally Piiot July 3, 10. 11. i•. 200:1 Tlt56A Ac-. .... ... s...... The tollowlna penons are c1o1n1 buslMss as Flmn Oesoani, 2626 Coa St .. Corona dtl Mar, CA 92625 £1ln [llMt fllnn. 2626 Cove St . COf on• IHI Mar. CA 9262':1 lh1s bus1neu ll con dueled by an 1nd1Y1du1I Have rou started dome bus.men ye•' Yes l~n 1989 [11n [ fhnn lh" statement wu l1led with lhe Counly Clerk of Ora111• County on 07/11/03 200S69Sl 2S~ Oa1l1 Pilot July 17 24 31 Aue 7. 2003 Th59ll fl.ND ..--Dradline Rates and deadlines are subject to change without noti ce. The puhhsher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please repon any e rror that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertjsemenl for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allo-wed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tue .. da} ................. Monday 5:00pm ANNOUNWAENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL P'AOJKVllW IAYVltW TOltACI S lOTS-AU Ott P'ART t4t ... 94-SO 1 S Collectlbtesl Memorabllla 1160 2305-2490 1419 Yerd Safe s .. , 1- C11b ch1ldr Ans thm&s & lols ol olhet ere.I item~ '>17 Ca1nallon Ave CdM C.M./SAT 1-3 Git-tic Yard Salo! TOf' SS C RICORDS ITC A flttt. lift of everyfhMtl Jla. <lil!a. lit.. ~s & EDs 311 ,. ....... ,_ on- .Ill Allee. 5'lkr tube MTIP\ Mike 949 645 750'> EHTERTAJNMENT Cllondarof Glam y_.4 Solo Salu•day 8<1m 220J Hunllneton S I '1 Huntina:ton Buch. X street Ven1ce/Hunl1ngton SI Events 1310 General --fGUAl--llOUSIMG---Announcements 1610 OPfOl11llTY All real e~lal~ adver t1s1nr 1n this newspaper " subeecl to the f eder ~I fair Housmr Act of 1968 I S amended which makn 11 illegal to advert1s.e ·any p1eler enc e l1m1lat1on 01 d1Sc11m1natoon based on 1ace. color rel11oon, ua h1nd1up lam1hal status Of national onem. or an Intention to mah •ny ~uch preference hm1t1 hon or d1scr1m1n1t1on • This newsp<1pe1 wlll nol know1n11ly accept •llM advertls.tment lor r!lil estate which ~ in v1ol1tion of the l1w Our readers are hueby tnfOfmed lhat 111 dwell "'IS adverl!sed In this 1l«W14>itpet art 1011.lble Pfl an equal oppor tun1ty J>Ht'I To complain ol dis· crlm1111tlon, call HUD toll· frM at 1·800·C2C·8!>90 1413 P'rlvate Dvck Hum1"9 Clvt> appro~ I hf from Newpoorl Beach I •ctl lenl huntone 1d1ac enl lo slate waterlowl refute. ownership interest & appro~ 375 acrH of land & improvements 1 your own camp compound w/slructure and 2 If ailers Wonder lul f 11 n111ht BBQ's i wine hst•ne dunna duck season • m•ny t•tras• Idell tOf 2 Ir ll!lldS or lather i w n C•ll Mike at 310·!>41 ·08!>4 <••tl"f Coll Contact Stl!Ye Wilber 714-997·b644 or Mo~ roth 949 !183 9908 "The Nazarene" will be hold1n11 eudthons tor this years ,,.,.101 m•nCH on Dec 19th )Ith Auditions will 119 Alli 3rd & 10th, by llWOinl· ment only II you ct"'t make thos.e dates. m11I a pic ture & resume •ltenllon: Steve Wiiber, Seaside Communit y Church 18538 Bt1ch Blvd, Hunt1nc1on Beach. CA92648 ".,.. , ........... , ... and went to 11thtr dlnics, I am In dnptttte Mt d of lhe n1me of the docton whO ope11ted lh•H cf1nlcs Pinn c1ll me tolttct 1t Cl5·t2C· 903/ or C1~381·384!». 1uaoo• sun• Qwel11lu bed. 2 nfClll l1ble•, ermorr, lerat ••IMf "''''"'"" Ako TV, wotll'°"t bike, sofa. MQ Jl77 By Fax (949) 631-6594 t f'lra..,.. '"' lu<k }out nAnO<' .mJ phone numll.:r and "'<''II ••II \lltl had. 11> 1lh J pn<<' ljUult' I By Phon~ (949) 642-5678 II our~ By "lail/ln P(·r~ou: 3 ~O WN 8 ay S1rt:et Co,ta Ml.',a, CA 92o~7 At Nl.'WJ1'ln Rlvtl & Ray SI Wedne'>day .............. Tue~day 5:00pm Thur~day ............ Wedne~day 5:00pm l·ritlay .................... Thur ... day 5:00pm Saturd..iy .................. Fm.la}' 1:00pm Tt:lcphone 8:JOam-5·00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In IUOarn 'i OOpm Monday· l·ntlay Sunda} .................... F-nday 5:00pm L ESTATE R SALE 3010-3940 soos-saso JEWEL.RY I 3460 HOMES FOO SALE DIAMONDS/ ORANGE 5400 PRECK>US METALS COUNTY C~t Coln Needs Old Coons' Cold, ~•Iver. iewelry, waltl~. en~ collecllbles 949 &42 9448 3610 ~ tamNS, CATS.. oocs www~ora r as/w.Jl1 ~ Spec· trum ~ lli C'.t.IARANTEF !M!Mi44-?279 Spay momma Citt, home'\ tor luttens 949-e17 fi632 Ock..t IClttons. I eopa1 d look-a·lllles rere uotoc; 1old/chocolale JPOh. reiil schmoozers 909 681 6664 IMt-Terrier 10/wks, female black i while housebroke, show qual 1ty. perlecl champion i lnternithonal champion hnes. $2000 obo 11 • 596 1044 or 714 7115!>41 Ge.,.._ Sho,.tiords all colors, all slzn for &dopt1on to quallfted h011\e$ WWW iSfH(IJft or& °' 114-113 5915 A.ll SlUl IUIUHflOS surt• SAU 24a28 WH $8200. saM $3990 28J146 was S 13,600. seM SS480 41a 100 WH US,800 Mii 112.850 C1ll Howl T .... (IOO)Jt2-7906 - COFIBml PIOERIYRJR um • Balboa Peninsula ... SUMME• SIZZLEU ... Q, n..s..w1 8eautJh;f Et 3 5be homfl Wiiii elteV<ltDr pool llfllill i.itchen LR. bellchfront p den & whltewillar ~ll!WS ol Cold CNsl $4,500..000 ~-2..sa. Cont~¥'f home on the ' SI Park I rendt 8eeu manee llmestone !loon dOwn. ir arwte kit l>Nutlful ~ w/lfOUI own tree Sl,Sft..000 ow.ra•s»,.__ Remodded ,. dwd floors.. la open LR w/f p. ilJeal out door J>Mx>. MrClle ?t p $1,599..000 .....,.,,~ Rernod!led _.., e ~ panded. local!d on rare ll)j lot 4Br 48it W/Of:e;i!,n -Fp. wdt halways.. vault am $2,D)..000 .. °"tloe ,... t4M7J..sett w P'lNINSUl.A CONDOS C>petts.t.s-1-c 4t1 S ltlvot' Ave FROM $125,000 213 21THST. S&C...._ 4'1~17.._,_ ,..._,, ..... o.. ...... = .. .......... c:. ..._. .. ,. ' 0 I f ... T,.,..a !tidy to remodel or 1t'Oulld, !pllCIOOl5 R 'l lot. l as Oftr the ·-per1I by ha...,.. Jl.395,0XI Jim ~. Auoclatecl Rally Mt-67~ ......., •••• t t ' f"*•·•~ fornq w/-~'bey vtlwl.. '1.195.CP> Im ..... Aaodlted RMlty MMJ:J.Jli&J • lndrx •. --~ I I • ~ . " • • '!-..., ..... .,. •• c-..... c- Loalltieft....slr ol to Boe Corona and lookout point 48' 4 58a bf and new custom homt' Ottei ed al $2 .950.000 COASnlNE R£AI. TY 949-759 0117 Cv•f.., Coro .... def Mer c_....1 .. 11 ...... IOO'rrM!t kit~ Wfll<iaf'll son, custom tile 1nd cab lflelry front is• Jbi 2ba home & t-IS a 2b< 2ba COASlUNl RIAi.TY t4t-7st-4171 Of'lH SUN I · S )'01 P'olnsettla 3br 2 !Iba look' hke. feels llke • s1nele lam home Soon lo be tom pleled. SI 279 000 A1;ent B J J.>hn~on 949 m 013? ltf.DUCD>ll ~ Cted< r abulous location• on the .. eenbefl 3bt. den/Workout room, extra le IN/rm w/fp, IC. e•le KUafded, pools, spa's. Mly KoliW. &oller M9-J76-SS7' OPBISAT-SUN 1-4 lfiO MorwOY!a 3lr Iba Canyon Pan $425,!XXl toy f ewet R~1 949-646-~ F ... ~ J' sul Apk. !Br. w) i.ups. patio, ywd, 310-8 Monte Vista S8lfim. rVpet ~l-1813 11r , .. pted condo New pnVcrpt, kit llrn& i D/W. Mstr br w/walk 1n· clsl, LR w/ceUI cl!lts, F p, tennis crts. clubl'lse Pr ud C. Realty !162 · 307 • 7Sll8 11 ......... Of'lNSUN 1-.4 SIAl ... VIUAS 20311 T.a.pool C1r 120'1 IBR IBA, Conso, I ml to bch Gated comm. pool, tennis, uun• ~.000 Br Owflef 909 7'8 tOl& l $tOf'Y Md con• llMlft 2.t>t ••Plllded 1549,000 , ........ Ofhtot 3bt UHJldH to•11110fne $501.000 3llf I story townhome S*.000 (lH) ._, Casi 9111ff "°"" ll.Oll,000 ......... ~ .............. { ~ 7402-7466 ~ IOOS-ISIO w_.._ a-y .llt ~ W/lcMtt Bly '/PW ~ lloori;illln "'~ ol Wt~ 'i)<KIOU\ IUI !Odds W/O S lll)(XX),ubu Mary Wood. ~ 949 584 5811, 717 91116 lASTllUff AlllA [ 'ec townhm 1br end unit, lee l•nd HOA Sl80 00 By Owner S!.49.888 /14 299 1313 OP'lN SAT 1·4 3212 I r-' St NEWPOltl HllGHTS 3bt 'l '>b~ pvt bnkyd S735,000 949 646 ().154 ,lt.IM E ISTATES P'ATRKIC TlNORE NATIONWIDE USA 949-156-9 705 www pat11ckten0fe com SlAfAlltl Voews of Ocean & Calahna from Huee Pat11>. 181 181 $449,COO aet 949 ~ 6770 (~only pleil5e) Str-•~Helttllm. 3Bd 56a Sl.590JIOO aavowner 949 637 0300 bfochure @ rf)IOC cooi P'ltlMl lSTATU P'ATltlCIC TINORl NATIONW10l USA t49-IS6-t 70S www pal11clltenort 'om .. ""*" ,.._ c.-custom estate wfttl anyon ' -"~ ott.ed .. S6.500,000 c .. atll"e a...ty t4t-7Sf.0177 Nortll Tllllln Of'IN SUN 1-4 I 1012 1-t TrH, ........ '""" 5br Cbe aour ~itch custom 1rch1tecture. pool, 591, watlffalls. Sl.649,000 Lesley Citarell1 714 514 4262 MICEU.MEOUS RBfTALS AlllllToa.a Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4weck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 RESIOf.NllAL AtNIALC ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula Nie• 211 l l o. y1ly <MIJOll W d II 'JI"'"' pet dean. SISOO mo Av~ A&JI h i .iii ~/!> '-!HJ s...,. ... lodo & toy 2lw Iba dph tp ~di dKk yrO. lnJry n1Pt'I\ ''\1111\11 Sl!J:Xlmo 626 8J6 0725 * Super Sharpltl * 381. 38.t Conoo slrp~ lo be<Kh, Ip, 2 t.it i"' .tee $3250rno Blu 949 400 ()171 Corona del Mar .., Waltr. To looth !Br IB•. h&hl & b1111hl no peh. lu•P $1?%mo • va1I now 949 l?O I '>65 21r, 21a, llPI'"' unot Aa.;t I r J<M rlf4w pnint , Ar1J•• bh11d" hn111t-11m Hurtlngton Beach Aitl SIJC•Jm'M'l!i/J7~ 0..-rft Iii llMCU'dJne•l Svmmor Spoclat llu•I Mi>t,., l•lf'fl OK !lit'" Ran1,'l' ''""'' ttw Ui>-t.on UlV ~ ... 1 .. b.rV> """° SI ?'btn S"tOO l1'C> Wl ~ HAaOI W.LAG( Hdf buf filvd (a> M..11n.at. Wdv or4 > '>4"> 0442 te P.. Ullnrn µ<U. \l>d w d ., unit IS0.1" d I*& ~ sum 9'%J3.llkXl I Ir 1 lo w lulrhenelle Q1J1el area. lblk lo ocean S975m '"' I ul1I & ~•ble 21< 2.Sla lwnl101M on avail 8 t 949 64!> 9775 blutl\ •• b<h In< cJ yll. Ip dbl II'"'• "•lrA pr~ Sl4'l'>. mo a~I 94CjoMi' ~ ..... -....21ir 2•/ ... lwnllm I 11 11111 p..ho I 2 rrr.h pnol ,.-11111 w1d. ll"' •aprt. "'' pet '"' Ayajj &.I Sll'fOm 714 ff>885f6 OClANFaONl WINH R ltlNl AlS 1-2-.S & Cir'• AveU. AHodeto4 .. elty 949-'7S-S6U 21< I la f r onl I l<>rnt< C10SI fO IOf 1lt 2IU $1 Mm weet v'*"' Operi '--Sal I 1_ 1,.... W...00. ~ kit w/pool. COMMUTI USS au.,u MOH 429hsAvelM967J8)78 llJCh fp la p.1110 w/d. p Sl'lnrln 96~ Oce-vlow home bt111hl QUllll 2bf 2ba WCI pAllO\ no smok/pel I c ear S2350nio 949 171 I ?19 l-'lfvl Sir l la/21r l& vrtt rmt1t.. a# 111.-x <hd p w/d I~ 11111 S28Xl/Sl8X> !M9 293 4630 o 1.-.ty 0-. View ve sty home_ 5!>t U>n'Wn Charmtne crl)'l'd entry Appro• 1700 51, 'lbl•Oetll 2ba. F p, form DR. .rtt 2c aar w/storaee Mster W/W* In Cl'it Comm pool, spa, clJllSo!! Sm pet Oil Ctdnl $3450/mo Klein ~L 1'!87 704 8649 ~9',;!>4 e 1.-.ty 0... V'9w vv sty home. ~· comm. Chai rnona crtyrd entry ~O• 1708 ii. 'lbl...V 2ba f p, lorm DR. alt Zr ,., w/stor•a• M\I., w/wt#A ., dsl <:omni pool. 1'Jt. clJhtol. Sm pet OK. Gtdhr l3450lrno KIMI Mpnl M7 704-884& ll'3M Cllll-~IAST1M~ 3Bt 11/lbe, 1•r•1e. b.Uywd, utils lnduo.d (!Ct) 60-7111 4bt ?ha HUGl YAaO W /GHOlNH. fresh '*"' .,, ' ou1 ,. r-~ Pn & f•llrOIPb Sl!M .. do'p ~991a Cont.Kt rental ~ Apatt 1111!1'11 lmlu nu boo Cent.er 17625 B at Harv•d Mid MMt rwte ca 9261' 1 ... .-2 .. 1 ............. _ -UOO Y LU.l Y LlASl & UDO SUMMD HOMB Bl I CAUf«>Y RtAl TORS 949-6 75-6161 2H llA YlillY w/,., ..... Avail ""' t Auodet•d•ealty 949-67.S-SUS ICINGS Ill>, ,.,._.. W.,. ol larre home 2 spw rm~ I b• krtLlwlte pllt 9*.nr IHI~ -lwto I I r Ila 1.1n1I Oii quiet Pen1n\Ula point S1neJe l)ler\Ofl, No/sml(/ peb S 1450 949 293 46.1l ci.-..... 21 r 1 le Avill Now P1rvate ~ .,.,. 00111, .... Hlr1la .. SI 100n Lse 949 718 1400 WU IA&.:>.\ 'I Mastllrfv' 21». f p lndry rm, la P8bel. romm pooVIUIOhpa, 4lt IW1la. wllll to bdl. anfw11 pd S 1850/ mo 761). 729 8107. 949 574 92~ ~ -------~~-w_...._.,~--"-!"•,,__..'!"""!"~~--~--------.---.... ..---..... •._.s ...... u .. 11!9 ..... a .... s .................... ~ ..... ,.,, Creat, 2br 2ba. 2 c car. w1lll to bch, tw\IPOoV1pe, S2100m lklff'• ,~ I "- ••1118·1 949-707·«08 4Br. l'/'81, family rm, courtyard, balcony, no .......... """-2br pets S28Xlrn 714-328.&133 a.., 2 l*s to bdl, ftlOC loc~ the Huse y•rd, pogl. ._.. a1S. ~ fruit trees, 4Br 2Ba, .a S2l!nn 0973-8Z39 • ~ b ~ V-. '*" oubtaodonc S3:imn rll'l>eb 96-251-01.311 condo w(l mn~ on aoll IAYPRONT CONDO -• wall to Balbo.I 21r 2te, 2ter .-.. e lllitld & Baell Bay Avtll SH00/111e. now $22ro'n •et 949-718-Dede Avell.we. .1S32 Aoed ote4 leofty ...... ,,.,.u 2 & J 141'111 Unlh 11pared1d w/111 new ~pet. tit, kit cabnb, p , stow, moo, dl'w. iranite c:ntn. ell to bell! SJSOO. SZ!"JO 9&S I s.«8> Open Sat/Swl 1().2 4202 Hllarll Lev~,.,...._ 21/1 .. fownhouH 1860sf. l-< pr. wet blr. pogl.I...,_, vr r mhlon Isl S2l50rn no -~be 949-723~ IHt .. lvff, Sir 21r, l"aft, w/d hhup, Aat 1237!>/mo 949 193 4630 IA&.IOA PENINSULA 111411* 3br lb.. yMJll eel!, Jp. w/d. 2c pt. S2AOO/rno -ct Clnty 9&500-3648 tn YIMlY llNTAlS lfewporl Bell Penin\Ul1 ... S1400 S2400/mo Aat t4t"'67J -7100 'ftr 2.Sla, NPCreal, ~ & lrMIAC, nwbli! _.. to bch. dbj pr. ~ ..,,,, S2SOOm 949 ~' ~~..,.... Home· 2& 281. 2-<er p , pvt beaches, A/r., nioorno 714-998-1758 714-34S-57 I 3 Monltly Rental ~VIII Sept ble 4br 2ba h5e on Ptfwi Poont Y.-y 111tt lurn'd lit SJ500 ~Clare llUllS TOWN HOMI BAY VIEW 3BR • F"R LARCE T PLAN CUSTOM UPCRAOED [l(PANOEO SJ800mo N.,al .. Peuh.., leofty 94t-U 2-6419 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f 1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot o 0 U1ss1f1rd Community Marketplace Cahforn1a lew rt· QIWa that conlrtc· tors ~N'IJ jobs th•I total $500 or '"°'' (leb« Of mal•lals) be lic:an'*' by the Conlracto" Stale Lie-8011d. Stale ... aho~equ that contrac lude IMlr llctfl number on ... ectvertJslnc You cen chedl the status of yo1Jr llce nud cont1a c t o r a t www.cslb ca aov or 800·321 CSLB. Unh c1nsed contractors takln1 jobs t hat total less than $SOO must slate In their advertisements lhtl they tre not licensed by the Contr1etors State LIGense Board." ·~..,,.. Kitclwl / BMh / R8nodtl Mlba '-••-•b-&Jl15 ~ 98MIB5 iircaa•ant1• ALLINNVAC Air Cotldttlonint .. Kttl• htc S«vu 888 /alrCMd ......,-.mmr; A· Z HANDYMAN Install, re lace cebrnels. ~ rnatq. Dille 714-5ot6-7258 CUSTOM C.U"NTaY Wd Unlb. Cl'own Mofdil1C ~aabnU-. bperilonced & Rnsooable l •577982 949-709-5642 oCA.,IT~cumo Repairs. Petchlna. Install Courteous eny sue jobs Wholesalel 949-492·0205 'lltH-•-/M•·* I ctun & m11nt1m lar1e homH Cook drive, 111 duties. elderly & child care op 323 937 9038 DtWa/CDl <Al ....... _ SIO IXX> after 5 yen SOLOS to 39 cents T1M1 to 41 c.nts Contracton to tr1 eenb fuel sur · charcn COL Cr1ds welcome EOE lro-92$- !> 556 or KLL M c.om (CAL •SCAN) DalVllS WANTID Newport & Huntineton Bch Set your own !Khedule' Part or full time available S75•/day lull time Call 888 001 WORK a Jll#; @ wwwD-01 <XJm AT -IASl Women's Store .,1 Fashion Island " now hor ina up· d FT and PT sales assoc Please contlc1 lee flnn at ~ ~ 798'> • .,,.... .... "'". 05 boon-q. need I~ Good money potentlill lra.n plov f 1'T fn res 714 776-IU PT s.--ol Dy-le public ~.i.ets w 'la\hlon 'l.ertSI! rieedcd to 1ntetest stodo!nts in hoitlf!f educ.a ttOfl uvouen clawoom presentatoons r d5h1on ~ ba<:k1Uound a plus Car tequ<red Cd Ms Summe< lJXl 'lf,2 34 J6 PT-Ho.t/ .. a/CasMw 2 3 e'll!'\ ResuurMil eap • plus' Ca!>ll h.tr>Olln&. busy~ fa1 resume 94~2 /X,/4 Vita .._.. PUSONAl UAINU Ei per ieoced loo d l11endly perw1>~t traomn11 la~1hty 1n CdM l~ 949 61'> 3287 Pubh$h1n11 PROMOTIONS OIPHTMlNT (;ommuntty new'IMPe< \ on Ou"ie County -.eeks f ult Time pet'Wn lo 1nlerv"'w and w"lt 'lor~ pa11Ko pal• '" c:ommun1ty evenli. create dnd paeinat• p~ and .a hon<, l ~t~ll<!nl ..ommunicallon sllllb. wak weft wrth the publte Know AP Slyle Quarl\XPreu Pholoshop Mulll A4 Cre •tor Proloc""'I on MAC t nd PC. CCI dn111n e•perient e preferred Proofraadln& test Oru11 SUeetW11/phy5ui reqoored [0£ [acetleol bel\4'f1t ~ [mall resume writJn& ~ tnd sa...,y requireme-nts to lw pmor.@19brnes oom ~Servlca COMPUTER H ELP! ...... or.. ... .. ,.. ........ • l'Cfl .. ·~ .......... ~lotldllll arr.~ •Qgllf-.0. fltG:I. ... ·lMl6~~­uc _.....,~ 10-n.a...-.. 714-612-2786 & IUSMUS _,Aln UPlf'edes.Rep1~sof COtnf>IJler. Hltw«h. E ven1np/Weelllnds Comp1t1t1v1 prices for q111hty Sir VIC. 94t..aH-117S 7 14·tH--422t tr1"11 tt.dL St-Tllo Concrete, Pabo. Driveway Fir991t, BBQ. Ref's. 25Yrs h p. Terry 714·!157·7™ ThC.-tM- Ct meritwork. Brtek. Tilt ' Mo<t. Rtfltble. No lob too small. 714·6lS·9062 IMW 'l2USc.I 2 dr. f.ey/tan. 5 sp, sunroo , lull pwr. Sl500 714·878 9455 OIAIM*MO-t B!Kk w/Sltvet l uth et, Moonr ool 0 94262) $22.980 01 IMW nslT W.,.. While w/arey 21k M1lu Spor u Phe (19542, $25 980 fff.JZOSeflon Wh11t w/S1ddle le•ther Moonrool ( 19443J S29.980 a, Jaguars ry,.. Sea Cr een w/Saddte l lhr 28K m1 Moonrool (19112) S32.980 ff /tllerud., S600 Charcoal w/Bt1ek leat her. 18" Chrome Wheels. Moonroof ( 19!>1i.'C) S29.980 Ot•MW7401 Black w/Bl1ck. only llK Miles ( I 9 485C) $39 980 0, /teru#te rurli• T1plron1c Only 18k mites N•v•a•l1on ( 19394 1 INOUIR( f6 '-""' tiS .JOO Cold w S iddle l eather Chrome Wheeh (19418) S?2.980 ff I error/ .JSS II Silver w/Black Luther. only 14k miles ( 11 4235) INQUIRE 0 I Mercedn CUOO Silver w1Crey Navl 1tallon Only l!>K m1 ()95-4~1 INQUIRE 00 /tonclte lo111ter Bl~tk w Grty I eath er f1l)lrnnic. 1191401 SJ0980 t49-S74-7777 PMl1'S AllTO pla,1•.cem IMW '97 3211 Cenw rnet1t1tc d1rk blut 1••Y llhr \Uperb cond I hr 0 ua h 0 u t s IS. 995 '"'6rn21 Slit ~1811J www.ecpolll.ee• I tlOt YOUI HOMl IM,.OVIMINT ,.OJICT' Call • plumber p1mler. h1ndym1n, or 1ny of the ar .. 1 -v1e11 lilted here In Ollf -VICI directory! THESE LOCAL. SVC P£0f'LE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYJ wtnM01n HYWAU. All ph1MS llll/lrl Jobs, CLIANI 20yu, fair. flff tsl L«mJ) 714-639-1"7 ••• licensed Electrical Con tr actor. Small ,obs startlna al S1t.ts&11p. Spec111111n1 In Remodefln&' 111 home wlrlnc netds, Comm/lnd111VRn 1-800-897-IOM LI 9 Thursday, Ji.Jy 17, 2003 • TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE North-South vul!ICBble. East dcab NOml cd only one tnckJ and South v.oold 1n all likelihood ha' c c omptlCd wrlh five ~~ wluch \o\ouuld ha\c had 00 pla~. • A1' 10 v 52 I) J 64 • AQ753 WEST EAST Again" four •paJc• We•t led the kJAg of hcarui. on which u\I fol· lowed ll.'11h the qtJ«n In ca..e dw wiu a singleton, WcM oonunucd ll.'11h the aa: of hearu. ruffed in the cloo.ed hand A ~pack lu the kmg rc~Cltled the S-0 IJ\lmp brc:a.k, anJ p!'IA(>CC~ WC~ poor. They brighteocd com1derably wbcn declatcr led a diamond lO the king, dtoppin~ We~t\ queen • Vold . • 8 J 74 2 v AK 108 7643 ? J 0 Q 0 10 8 7 3 • K J 92 • 104 SOUTH • 98653 .;, 9 o AK95l • 86 The l11dd111g: f.A~T SOUTH ..., ,_ .._ .. ,._ Opcmng lead King ot Many contr.tru are doomed by a bad uump break. But ~ a 1n1mp ~k C'dll hamper the defcru.e. S-Oulh contmucd \\'1th a dwoond 10 the jack. then l.OOl the mar~ fine~~ for the ten. On the .11.:e of dmnon<b a club was di~arded from dummy. The queen of club'J w:u tinc~~d. the ace o( club:. "'~ c~J illld a club wiu led from lht wble w1. Jown w oochin~ bu1 uumP'. ruffed w11.h the jad. w Pfe'(nl dccl.un from o~cr rum ng. and da. larer J1-.canled the rcmamin~ dJamonJ 1.:..a.,1 now had lO lead a lnimr d"' d) frum 1he quc.:n tnlO dumm} ·, A 10 .inJ one mort ll\lmp tm ~ v. a' all lhe defender could gamer !Had f..1.\1 rufTed low, dt'clarer "'0Uld ha'~ O\erruffcd to MSUl'C a fuunh trump lnL~ and IQ In all.1 Nu ll\Jtu:r ,..II.it. the dcfcnl.lm would \Ulrt vol) 1 v. u trump' and .i hean. 'onh had a difficult decu100 10 make lifter Wcs1·~ four-heart opening prctmp1 and selt:cted a dubious dou· blc. os1tns1bly for takeooL East m1gb1 ba~e ~ thie pniernpt (five beans would have been defeat· IMW '90 J2SI ' hke new Blk/t..n. 4 dr. auto. 106k m1, at , sunrf. full pwr, lint. C• smoa $4200714 6!>1·4661 IMW '91 U C.nv 2.8 , 6 cyl red tan llhr. 5spd, beaut like new cond •815721 S l7,995 fl. nancina i warra"IY ava.11 Bkr 949·586· 1888 www ........ 1 ...... l11lclr '14 Rlvffe ,..., lires breaks & shocks lo1ded. elect mnrl, make otter (714) 848 3704 ,_.. '9a. Winokw reel. Mer_... a-z '93 190( 1P1$$ l·Or owned. 1U 7 3 1or11f'OU$ car llhr. recec>ts. S6995 1829J37 921o. mnrl S5995 •548954 wcw.JUlo.Q]ln ~ 78Zl wt.WdUto VJm 949 646 7822 lauzv '9S Tr~r ll4. Mer_... a-z '93 190f 4x4. 1mmac lhrouehout 2 J. eoreeuu\ car. llhr. very nice, #932989 S7895 92\1 mod. $5995 •5489'>4 wcwwtocom 94'}-646 7822 wcwautolom ~Jf!Zl JOfU•r '94 XJS c-v 6 cyl. 2+2. flem1oeo red/ Ian lthr, CO beautiful oria cond S 13 99!> v#94i.'64 I finilncin& & warr•nty avail Btu 949-Sl6-1HI w-.ecpoill.com Mercedes '96 C210 boutilut blach/crum fully loaded \howroom l\IWI. SIOZ,O 114-~I 2464 .._._ '9S l320 Bt.itit. beaut. all OPt none nKer new maior S•C $8995 wcw.uto com 949 6o4f> 'l'iil2 I ~-+-4--<---+-- Merced.a 'ts U 201•/ 1 blk beaut 111 opt nont niter new rNIO' \11< lyr warrSll 500 II"-/lbl l'6A 26 Mounl..., cnain 27 lnconWIQ1)1ene NII 29 Sww:W '"1PO'I lO Groe• ca<-• 3 t Sudwl's .-.gtlcr 32 Legll"d J3 Wllh0u1 08<ay 34 Arlcl'oer 35 tiorNlf t>I~ 37 Imp•• ... ., ~""'· 4J Pl10ls 44~ •6 lJgmbulb .~ ... • 7 Theele• per1 48~1111~ •II 0"'10)' -~ Gtlob 51 Burto.. 52 Mtmu/llO 5 ,,.,..,,i ~Cner-r~ t2#0ll ~ GrOrorilftl ~ S'>oe-""li"Q ~ Ce4111oc 'O 1 S.vlU. SU silver /1rey lthr. CO. chrm whls. aold Pk&. lull fact hke new S l8.495 v•!>9674 I f1nanc1na 1011 Bkr 949·586·1888 www.K,...t.1.c- Jevvor ·oo XKI c-v 4411 m1 lull fatt ..,., uoty British 'u1n11 ar een tan llhr CO chrome whh hke ne .. Sl6.~ v•97!'>241 Bkr F 1nanc1na & warr av.ol 949-516-1118 www • .....,t.1.c .... Merce4e1 4SOSL '78 Converllble luw 9J~ miles -Y 110<.o0 cond1ttun only S6200 949 49J 0Jl9 _Aut_om_ott_·ve __ 9004_ j BOATS BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE Ce4111ac '94 Sl S SevlUe 87 511 mi. P.OOd cond black cherry llhr new Jeep "96 Grm!d a-.lee tires $4500 714·74!'>·7794 V6. ?wd ro super dean 't7 CHEVY TAHOE 4 «*'. whllt. 4XA. SlXXl So.RI system, .. o..nono IO(flo w(l Roddord Slbs, Cenll!r l ries wt& ~ 256 olf ro;id t.°'5. f IC WlfT Sl!'>.SOO ~29>7368 0-., T..._ LT .... 4•4. Bt.e. 11511 mi. ltlv. ,_ Ires & Wldls. sway ba's, hoiili perfor ma nee brakes. Sl6.!'m 9&21f>.?f@ Dod9e '99 Dalreta Pickup, Clt.C>ab, whltl. ~ """! nee S8!B'> 11244419 wcw11Uto com 9l9-Q6. 'l'iil2 0049• '99 Intrepid Red V6 CO. super cteon. very nice •535725 wcwauto.com 9&646-7ffl2 """! ooc.e. $5995 "21 !>458 wcwauto com ~78Zl ...... •97 Gr...d CJ.rake. VS. 4•4. lttv. CO. mnrl -Y nice #7V'n'J S99!lJ wcwlllJID com 949-646-"1822. i.-1 ._ '00 Dlw»Yery Se11es II white, &r ey lthr. ps, 011g owner super b orig co od $16,995 v•296751 Bkr 949-586-1811 www.ocpabl.com Mazda '99 M lala Conv 4~k m1 autn silver, Ian top pw pl A/C. CO superb like new cond. v•119743 SIO m t1nanc1n1 & warr •nt Y 1v11I Bkr 949·!>86 1888 -.eqoot.1 ...... hr4 '6S Mote119 ..... '-a .... C2JO Conver t1bl1. or111nal ltrtv. mnrl. 1mmac. S&C* owner. soltd ,.r $19,995 na, t61l317 f l0.99S obo 949-719-2943. wcwa*>-com ~7ffl2 LIMY .,_.. Rap.wed Recroutln & lnst•H•tlon TILE DEAN 949-673-8065 71~ 714-8113-2031 = 1-TWTH "-4M ... Wleltly rntlnt. .,. bTnnq & lnsl1ll1tlon. 25 Yrs up l ie/Insured 949--548-4363 T,... s-t<e, Yard Cleenup, Maintenance. Sprinkler Repair, H111lina (t4t) H0-87& 1 J.J + ' : ! 11 I • ~ ~ I .. 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Serv1na AH C1ttu lnwred T 163844 800 246 2378 323 630 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Public Ul1tll1e1 Commission requires ll••t 111 used household a oods movers prinl their P U C. C1I T numbe1 . hmos tnd chauffeurs print thetr T C P number 1n •II 1dver t1M1ments ti you h•vt eny questions 1boul '"' 1ea11t1y of • m over, limo or chaulfeu1. ceU PUtuc unums COMMISSION 100 t77-IH7 ~c.. 12/Hr ... ...._ Nunlolt Cwe 5d1y1/wk M f .7e-7p Haventen ''"''Medical 81h1fnd as well es 1>11n1 licensed H L VN aw·W1ll commit to other 1t19. as well S1ltr y MIOllablt K1v1n Hm 949-559-0270 P11 949-559·2246 Pal...ing ~IJJdl.e.. ~Professional Pa1nt1ng Lc U~ Rob Isbell · Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) &46-3006 Cell 949-887-1480 cti_,· ...... 1J¥rselfl) Creal Price' Gu-.ranteed w(>fk Fr .. est. L•375602 714-538,· 1 !>34 1·39(). 29&5 IO'S CUSTOM ,~ Prori, clean, quafity work lnt .. IOf/ut and docks. Ll 703468 949 631 ·4610 Jaort-'•~ Top Quellty, Co~til1vt lntetlor /ht l 1648228 C111 lay 949-650-5066 ltAMOW cmQI IUlff Peintq~~ Quality job! fr .. lltimlbt LtS19197 71~ ._ WI""-83 Ollt o~ 18 l•lfVUdl' l'J() runs great 1988 Pa• rlou Calvanued 2 a a le tr atler $7900 949-645 11)26 Side lie for 1all boot uµ to 30tt ,,,.._, tJ.a.1tuJ• l\140\J tit 1J",. S.400 '" j 949 67 J 4()1 • ., I HUD 4S' SUP In Newport leo<h ·-------t l'i b .. m,"" w•I• ~ BOAT REPAIRS/ I ~· 11 4 l'M t'1'J'I SERVICES 1 •AY ISLAND COVE., ... , --------1 ltt t tJdrT! 1,n "' ttd BOATS SUPS/ I "'"&th o.tu••·I a. "'" ';!4<j I 9n 1111 " 0;4~ 61 • 1 :.4~ MOORINGS/ - - LAUNCHING/ BOAT 5U'S MOW AV/JI& . I c.-1or wr-. -...At... ,,,., STORAGE 9680 dN6 Wal/of ..oo t>,..,.. --------rddd 949-67~7 Un SUf' AVAii.Aili IN NlWf'OIT HACH S2SOOUASI 94'-SOO-IOOS lee ad1vii kJiri Of ... Ill J 111#111•'1 Sf.W(R JlnlNG ELECTRONIC SlAB LE.AK OE TECTION frlf!ndly Ser~ice t49 -67S -9l04 www~cam l•7~91tr.wr.o s,11 .,ou, C1t, in C fan (fl"' ! I o·-- Don't miss our Grand Opening festivities including.· • Drawing for FREE trip to Las Vegas • Putt-putt to win $500 • Pro(~ional DJ • Moon bouncer ·• Hot do~ & sodas .