HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-21 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• j ·I a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, JULY 21 , 2003 Triathlon takes extra day For professionals, competition at Crystal Cove has becom e a stepping stone to Olympics. Amateur event was h eld Sunday. Coral Wiison Daily Pilot more exhiJarated than ex- hausted. "Ten minutes after you are done. yeu forget the pain and it becomes fun.• Cathey Curtis, 34, said. "You feel like if you can do this, you can do anything." ing course has received recogni- tlon from the lntemational Tri- athlon Union and USA Triathlon. For athletes, it could be a signifi- cant step toward the Olympics in Athens. "It started off as amateur and has quickly grown to become a professional event," said Tina Hoover. administrative director. professional and elite athletes from around the world who competed for points and $20,000 in prize money. The Sunday USA Triathlon Re - gional Sprint Distance Champ!· onshlps race was open to ama- teurs and beginners. Athletes were ranked by age groups. But the extra day and added growth meant a lot more work for the race's primary organizers: ¥£ KENTTRE PTQV. OAIL l' P LJ. More than 1.200 people start· ed off the day Sunday morning with a half-mile swim in the ocean, a 12-mile bicycle ride and a three-mile run. But as they crossed the finish line of the Pa- cific Coast Triathlon at Crystal Cove Stale Par._. they looked Organizers of the Corona del Mar race also heaved a huge sigh of relief. ln its sixth year, the race's orgaruzation and challeng· For the first time, the event was held, over two daxs. dividing professional and amateur races. The Saturday race was part of USA Triathlon's "Race to Athens" Serie~. drawing more than 70 Hoover and race directors Bill Leach and Bob Cuyler. Dave Lundvall, left. and Edward Modinger of the Leukemia and see TRIATHLON , Pa&e A4 Lymphoma Society down beer and sausage near the .finish line Welcome to the juggl~ With his act at the Orange County Fair, juggler Dan Wiles say he gets to do 'something amazing.' Coral Wiison Daily Pilot D an Wtles ha... been fascinating with juggling since he was 5 years old. Long grown-up. the 40-year-old Wiles has made entertainment his career. "I alwa~ wanted to do something amaz.ing. • Wtles said. "I always wanted to be amazing. I guess.· Perfonning at the Orange County fairgrounds, Wiles has a growing crowd of admirers of all ages. On Sunday. families gathered at the Celebration Stage. taking refuge from the heat of the sun and stopping to be awed by the juggler's skill. Olildren cheered after Wiles casually 1umped a rope while bouncing a ball on his head. I le even juggled three swords while riding a unicycle. inspired by what they have seen. Wtles said. children often come up after the show with their suggestions. "lt'i. neat because you can see their imaginations working.· he said. "They put togettler massive combinations. They'll say. how about if you juggle five knives. five torches and ride the unicycle.· Wiles juggled clubs. balls. knives and torches. When he staned playing with fire, 6-year-old R.tley Whitaker put his hands to his face. "Don't do It." Riley said. "Don't do this at home." With a confident and playful smile. Wiles ate the flames of fire and then blew a final blast into the air. "That guy blew fire," Riley said. "I don't know how that guy did it. That would lcil1 him.· With his face covered in face paint and mustard, Kasey Barros. 5, evaluated the show while munching on a hot dog. ·1 think the hardest part was the knives because you might cut yourself,· Kasey said. Whether throwing knives or fire in the alr, Wtles said the technique is the same -to catch the object by the handle. "You almost have to forget that you are doing it physically. It is kind of a mental thing." he said "Focusing on a mental state and relaxing is one orthe hardest things to do. You have to tune the world out and focus on a SH JUGGl.£, Pqe M MARK C. DUSTIN I DALY PILOT Juggler Dan Wiles concentrates on the bowling pins during his performance on the Celebration Stage in the Youth Building of the Orange County Fair on Sunday afternoon. THINKING ALLOWED A. IN BUSINESS Selling into the Strada sphere Newport Beach real estate firm has quickJy risen to the upper echelon in .coastal Orange Counry. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf:..ACH-.-A) ~taking ii claim in the burgeoning ;>o.;ewpon Coac,1 homt' market three years ago. real e-.1a1e firm Strada Properties has become onl' of the top purveyors of luxury horn~ ut the area ming on that succe'>l.. th.e brolerage finn now is looktng beyond lhe ctry' bor· de rs. INSIDE For more business news, see Page A.2 Strada recorded close to I 000 tran~ruons in 2002, represent111g the buyer or seller of a home "h1ch re.,ulted in close to SI btlhon m home value changing handc;. President Sleve High ~d So far 111 2003, the company LS J(R, ahead of that pace N. a byproduct of the relauvely quack success, the company has expanded llus year by hiring a handful of new agents and opening a Laguna Beach office And by adding a fulJ -se!'Vlce ad\erusmg agency within the company's tightly con - croUed structure, Strada has begun pro- ducing graptuc fliers, glossy brochu~ and other matenal to help sell its luxuf) houses. "No other company that I'm aware of really has a true in-house advernsmg agency.· Htgh said. "Sales people should sell real estate and advertising people should create advertising material. What we try and do ts make the real estate the star." Strada competes with three other real estate players for the listings of homes that sell for Sl.5 million and above in Newpon Beach -Prudential California Realty, Coast Newport Properties and Coldwell Banker. Real estate giant NRT, which is based in Parsippany. N,J., owns the last Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlHEWEB: ~.~com He came from Canada with a dream or two WEATHER ~ Cloudt end tome hMVV fOg won't my wound .et dey, but~ wll be bedt. S.PllpA2 SPORTS DebbM Albright wM ...... up one ~of the foureome In the TM Cup. ... ,.... . H ii la the berok tale of an Immigrant. coming to the Unitecfswa to pursue his ctr.an.. h it the story of 1 "little, skinny kid with • auant afro'" who came to the &atll IO ...... =:. Howard Dell. ~aal llhlele. COICb. ector. mued1n, mottwdoMI ..... ~ IDd .--. bnWllj a.ft cbe.Camflxu of C...-IO au. the bonten • an ·111en ot mnordlnmy lb6Uty.'" LOLITA HARPER Al ...... ~ wtlh tbe dium. .... Dll w • • .....,. 8CCOldlal to .. ~WlllhmlM~Ulaamd . I t .. ...,_ .. ___ A2 Mondfy, Ut 21, 2003 .BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SEAN Hlll£R I DAILY Ptl.OT Bob Frtzgerald holds up a portrait of himself he printed on chocolate at his business. the Chocolate Print Connection. Bu siness is like a box of chocolates Tom Forquer Daily Pilot I f someone asked you eat their business card, would you do it? Bob Fitzgerald's tastes pretty good The owner of the Otocolate PrintCondtction,a franchiseofthe Otocolate Printing Company. is using a system developed by FISCO to print digital images on chocolate using FQl\-approved edible ink. "Rather than giving a cigar out that costs you five dollars, you give out a lollipop with the Jcid's picture on it and the date of birth." he said. That's one of the many opportunities for chocolate printing. The chocolate, from Bloomer's Oiocolate Company, is molded into a variety ~shapes by the Otocolate Printing Company. including Jewish stars of David. CDs, hearts, and business cards -the most popular item at the momenL "Birthday parties, birth Bob Fitzgerald will print birth announcements , bridal pictures or business cards on chocolate announcements, bat-mitzvahs, bar-mitzvahs, weddings, the ideas are endless," said Bob Fitzgerald, who runs his business as a division of the Costume Connection, which is run by his wife, Julie. uEverything you see here is affordable," Fitzgerald said, referring to the equipment in the tiny room that the business is run out of and the products. In bulk quantities, chocolate business cards can be printed for as little as Sl.50. Fitzgerald also offers a service where, for Sl,250, he will come to a private party for four hours and do up to 250 prints. He has only done it once. when he did a wedding. printing up chocolates with a portrait of the bride and groom. which were later handed out to guests. . He found out about this new technology while at a trade show in Las Vegas. He has been in business for about three months. The business is advertised through his Web she, word of mouth and the phone book. where it is listed in nine places because it's difficult to define. "It's just different.'" the 61 -year-old said. "I've done a lot of crazy businesses before. but this one is just easy." He considers the Oiocolate Print connection "a retirement-type business.· Atzgerald believes that in entrepreneurship comes risk. "You got to be willing to shake the dice," he said, also stating that "Life is not going to hand someone a bunch of chocolate." Or hard candy, which is the next thing OR the horizon for the Oiocolate Print Connection. BUSINESS CALENDAR •Send WE• CAllNDM ltema to the Deily Piiot. 330 w. Bey St., Com Meu, CA 92827; bV ..mell to mlte.fllltl8rMOn @IMimea.oom: bV fax to (149) 84M17Q; or by celling (MS) 67<MZ98. Include .. time, ... and loc8tiof\ of the~• well a 1 contaa phone number. A complMe llating ii ewleble8' www~oom. ham Mtworidng lundleon meetings w.dneldeya from 11:46 a.m. to 1 p.m. et the Costll Meu Country Ctub. The coat la $14Thedublslt1701 Golf Course Drive, eo.te Mela. (71•) 886-9090. n..c..a .... ~ ~Qub meets from noon to 1 p.m. ~ .... It the Orange Counly ~olEducadoll,200~ Drtw, COiie Miia. MMtitiga .. open to MVOM who W11n11 to Improve hie or !)er pubUc speaking lkilt•. (714) 4"-8783. TheN9wportlwh~ ToedNllterl Qub 1300 mMCa from 7 to 9 p.m. Tueldays et Ped College, 3I01 Mlc:Mhur Blvd., N9wpcMt '-"· C.-ID mMe NllN91iona, (ICI) 84&-1216. ..,.. ...... ~ .......... Clllt 231n.-fram7 tol:30a.m. ~ .C lhe IMna Co.. 810 Nlwpoft c..r DrtW, NMtJPOlt 8-:h. CMI 7N-102I. ~nailyAPilOt PHOTOORAPHE1'S Copyright: No newe stories, Sean Hiller, Don Leedl. illuatrationa, edltorlal matter or Kent Trepeow advertltemema herein can be READERS HOTUNE reproduc9d without written (9491 M2-«>86 permialon of copyright owner. Record your comment. about the HOW TO REACH US VOL 97, NO. 202 Daily Pilot or new. tlP41. CWculedon THOMAS H. JOHNSON News IEdlfiotos ~ The Tim .. Orange County Publisher Gina Alexender, Lori Andereon, Our addrftl la 330 W. Bay St., Coate TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt, Paul Saltowltz, Meae, CA 92627. Office hours are (800) 2!52·9141 Editor O.niel siewn. Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Adwerttalng JUf/'( ormNO NEWISTAFf CleHlfted (949) 842·5378 Adveltiai..a.=or ~ Dleptey (949) 842-4321 LANA · Crlme~co~rtM. It It the Pilot'a policy to promptly EdttoNI Promotiona Director (949) 574-4 con"ect all errors of tubstance. News d#f».bNrllttr•,.,,,...oom Pl .... call (948) 764-4324. (IMI) 842-M&O EDmNQSTAff ..... =·· ... (Ml) !74-4223 1..1.e.M Newport reportiw, FYI ,.._. ,_ IMl 844-4170 '1='~· , ... ,~ The Newport INc:tllCoN Mesa ... ,_ , ... , 860-0170 Jurw.~nti.•l«lmflfl.com O.lly Pilot (USPS-1.......aG) le E-mll: <Mffypllor•WJ"*'·°"'" 1.j.cahn• l«lmf/fl.com flWCll9IDlt publlehed deity. In Newport Beedl Mellte>Moe ,,.,,_..., Polk.Ice. bu91neee end environment and CoeUI Mees. aubecripdont are luelnw Olloe (M) 842-4321 =*x, (~ ,.,,,.,, (Ml) 794-4330 evallable only bV aubecttbmg to The luel ... '9x (Ml 831·!128 JMrW. ..,..,,_oom p-.il.dlntorl•IMl,,,_oom Tlmee Orange County (IOO) .............. • &..-. ..... 252•91•1. In.,... oucalda of Bu $poftl Edllor, Column!M. oultute NPC>f'W, ~ IMd\ ancrt:o.t. Mela, -~ <•II~ aubecrijlltlOna to IN Deity Piiot ere rldWd.~ • ........,, lollltl.,..,,...IMJmM.oom ..,....,.. onty by ftrlC dllll rNll fof ........ ._ Art Oirectot / NMI Deil Chltf. ~··-l30 pe(.ITIOnttl, (Pricae lnduda ell Publlthed by Tlmee Commllftfty , .. ,~ Coal8 MeA ,.,...,., l•l 114-4221 ~ .... •nd loc.i taJCM.) Jo-..,.,.•~ """*-'*""'"•"'*"-com POSTMASTEA· Send eddr9le News, a dl~n of the Loe~ ..... MIC .. ~to The Newport Timea. c.... ..... fl9'0eo Edleor. NN9 111l•nt. , ... , PM2tl hec:tVCoet.I Mela Delly Piiot. P.O. QI003 Timea CH. M f1thta , .. ,,.. ... otnl....,,, • ...._oom Box useo, Colt.a -... CA 1282'8. ...... rwd. *"'-·"'"""·~ , • WALL STREET WEST --. ..... ... No ret·urn to · return s of old B ill Gross, widely mark.et segments, considered the including personal country's top . health care, pool bond-fund manager, products and heating told a group of systems. Most notable, investors in Costa at least to home Mesa on Wednesday irnprovers, is the that double-digit stock company's line of returns are a thing of showerheads and the past. electric toothbrushes. At a luncheon at The personal health Hilton Costa Mesa, the PAUL care division Newport Beach-based CLINTON contributed 529.8 Gross, who manages million to quarterly the $75.8-blllion Pimco Total sales, which was a 4.9% Return· Fund, cautioned improvement. The pool investors about the "low-return products and heating systems world" on Wall Street for the division chipped in $46. 7 foreseeable future, a million, a 6.1% improvement. spokesman with Pmdflc The company said it was on Investment Management Co track. to meet its oudook for said. 2003. PIK rose 4.14% on Friday Gross spok.e to the nonprofit to close at $8.30. Women lnvesting in Security and Education, or WISE. About ARMOR MAKER LANDS 200 guests attended the event, ANOTHER ORDER including group board member Cendyne Inc., the Costa and CNBC host Consuelo Mesa high-tech ceramics Mack... Her interview with Gross maker, anrcounced Thursday aired on the network. Friday that ii has signed a $7. l -milllon morning. contract with the Army for i1s In his remarks, Gross warned ballistic personnel armor. investors about high money The company signed the deal management fees. He said with the Defense Supply Center municipal bonds are now Philadelphia; it said it would fill undervalued and pointed to the order by the end of the year. Chinese currency acceleration The military has used as the k.ey to a U.S. economic Ceradyne's armor in Iraq. recovery. Kosovo and Afghanistan. among other areas. DOWNEY FINANCES This latest contract is the DOWN A BrT third such deal so far this year, Downey Plnandal Corp. of after SI 7.5 million in other Newport Beach on Thursday contracts. reported a 9.3% drop in net Earlier this year. the income for the second quarter. company expanded Its Irvine The holding company for plant to accommodate the Downey's banks said it logged additional work... $18.5 million, or 66 cents, on its "We are very pleased to bottom line, down from $20.4 receive this order." Oiief million, or 72 cents, a year ago. Executive Joel Moskowitz said. The lender saJd Its operating "We expect to meet the expenses rose 13.8% to $51.3 expedited deliveries of this new million during the quarter. order because of the additional DSL closed Friday at $42.45, a capacity, which was recently 1.16% fall on the day. brought on stream within out 41,000 square-foot Irvine WATER PIK HAS FLAT QUARTER facility." Newport Beach-based Water Plk Technologies Inc. reported GETTING ON THE RUSSEU flat quarterly income, even Ceradyne and another local though the company saJd it public company have been raised revenue during the added to the Russell 2000 second quarter from a year ago. index. a leading equity measure Water Pik. on Thursday, of small-cap companies. reported $3.8 million, or 31 Effective July l, Ceradyne and cents per share, which was in Newport Beach aerospace line with the $3.8 million the services provider SMltA are company earned in the second included in the index. whkh is quarter of 2002. updated each year. Sales for the second quarter CRON closed Friday at Sl7.83 came in at $76.5 million, a 5.7% for a 1.18% rise. WINS also increase from the $72.4 million popped, for a 4.16% spike on the company recorded a year Friday. ago. The Prank RuueU "We are encouraged by our Company'• indexes are widely sales growth during the quarter, used by money managers as despite the challenging benchmarks for active and economJc conditions." Olief puslve investing strategies. Executive Michael Hoopis said. •New products and retail • PAUL CUNTON covers the distribution gains continue to environment, bualnesa end · drive the sales growth" for the politJc:a. He mey be reached et company. (949) 784-4330 or by e-meil at Water Pile competes in three paul.cllntonfllatlme•.com. • ~ SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST IOUth swell. The IOUth twell diuppeera out here, too, and Fog wUI make vWblffty lea the wlndl become thlin a quartet of 1 mile this norttwr.Mtef1y. morning. The douda will be TheN'll be patchy fog In the there, too. The doudt and fog morning and et night. ' may linger bV the belch 111 dly, but tti.y'll leeve the lnl•nd SURF mOltly eunny. Highs wNI be 76 It the~ Ind 93 lnlend. The IOUthwest swell drop. At night, "1t be P9l'ttv off todey, and no 8igl liftcerrt cloudV, and the fog will rwtum not1hw9lt ....... expected. ... midnight. l.OM. be In SoutMaclng br..a will g9t theeo.. llnl9-to Wllill-Hgh IUff. Thet'a ........ I! •good•llgllCa. ~nwa.no...gov ~ ~ .Off/ BOATING FORECAST . TIDES lJght wlndl wll gM Wfl'f to welt wlndl It 10 to 1S ~ bV TIMe fflllht h dlmoon. The wwae wtel a:se •. m. 3.0lt.thlgh 9:321.m. 1.llt.tlow be2t.torlmllllran1Moot '>i1 p.m. 4.17fMChlgh ...... and. Moot IOUth .... ThelOUlh ...... be 12:111.m. t•t.tlow 80fW ~--9'191 .. ,...out, ......... WATU Wll be=• Ito 1111noea. TE9EIATURE The Wl¥ll be 2._.on1 • MoolWllliwlland•MDot J ., OaitY Piiot • sa w1 Plan before the City Council today calls for the removal of the Gisler and 19th Street bridges from the counfy's master plan. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot I COSJA MESA -City officials desperately wan t rwo long- planned bridges deleted from a county master plan. To that end, the transportation services division has created a multi-step plan 10 serve as a blueprint for evenrually getting the Gis)er Avenue and 19th Stret:t bridges removed fro"m the mas- ter plan. Today, the City Council will consider the proposal that could set the foundation for the Orange County Trmsportation Authority 10 ultimately eliminate the bridges from its master plan or arterial highwa~. The pro· posaJ suggt.>sts measures to alle- viate the problems the bridge~ would supposedly '>Olve, intl11d mg intersection 1mproveme11t!> and roadway widening..'>. Once all tllese m easures are complete. the goal is for another study to be cpnducted. If the measures prove effective, the bridges would be removed from the master plan. If the council approves the blueprint, three other cities af· fccte<.t'by the planned bridges - Fountrun Valley. J luntington Beach and Newport Beach - would have 10 support it, as ..,,eu. Not all council members sup· port the idea of leaving the brid K~ on the master plan for now. ·1 am disappointed of the rec- ommendation to leave them 011 the master plan," Council· woman Uhby Cowan '>aid. ~uur I'm t enamly glad we're getting .. omt'lhing finally in place." City officiah oppo .. c the brid· ge.. twcau~e they behevc they would haw ..t wvcrely harmful l'ftt'Cl on .. ewriil nearby re.,iden 11al ..irea'>. '>l"hools and park.\. They are also concerned that the b ridges could adversely affect the ex:lstlng wetlands and bio- logical resources along the Santa Ana River bed. Considering these effects, the city requested in 1991 1.ha1 Orange County. which had the authority over the bridges at the lime, remove them from the master plan. BaM.'d on thls request, Costa Mesa. working with the county and Fowuain Valley, Newport and I luntington. started the Santa Ana River Cr~ings study in 1993 After the rnitial study was co!!!fllcted, all the cities adopte<\ re1>0lut.ion1> request!ng the county continue to ex.amine the po ..... ib1lity or deletmg the bridgei. from the ma~ter plan. Everything wa.. going fine among tht· due., until Fountain Valley rl·quested grant funds from thl' authority for prelimi- nary <111d final <.le'>ign of the Gi'i- lrr Avenue bridge 111 lkcemher In re..,111111.,t.>, 1l1e Co'>ta Mt">a Liiy Luunnl pa'>\Cd an emer- gl'ncv n·.,olution to fa'>l ·Lrark a solution that would be amenable to all parties. The first pan of the proposed blueprint is for city officials to re- iterate their opposition to the bridges. Although one of the steps is keeping the bridge& on the plan for now, city officials want all the affected citie!> lo ig· norc the construction of the bridges when malting long-term planning studies, developments and land use assumption!>. Staff examined three aJterna· 6ves: retain both bridge!> on the ITfaSter plan indefinitely; delete the bridges from the master plan; and delete the bridge:. and build two other bridges. lne fir!>t bridge would connec1 Gameld Avenue at its eastern end 10 the southbound San Diego heeway and conn ect the nonhbound San Diego Freeway with Garfield. leaving . Gisler Avenue un changed. The M:con<.I bridgL· would connect 17th '>treet in Co~ta Mesa to BrookJlUr'>t ~treet in 1 luntington Beach <1t a point north of Banning Avemw from BlulT Road. MooOay. My 21. 2003 Al SOTJ~ l.'-:\'EST.'1E. ~T & REALTY l<.RJSJ1N M. Sous• Llc:enscd R.eaJ Esw.c ~' • M«ting Ji of your Ru/ F.suiu MtJs. ERJc A. Sous CFP · ·• I 7 Yt11n ~t • SUJclts & &mas • M"twJ Fwul.s • Annu1tin • Ertau & Rrtimnm1 Pilmning • ln11t1tmmt Banlting • Small MiJJk MllTINt Uimpmtia (:all for a frn: l'omult.uion .tt \our homt or hu,inl·" · 9'•'>--zj-J l(, -. _c-......,...,... __ _ ""' -Cff~•Sl7ta ...... -·--...... --... ---~ r ~-------------~----------, ~~·e~~GAM ~~ I Certified Farmers' Market I COSTA MESA I Open During the Fair 1 Mondays 2:00 -6:00 PM ~I Mon<lJ}. Jul\-14 21 & 28' ~: Will Return Thursday, August ?" 9:00 -1:00 PMI COSTA MESA FAJRC ROUNDS I Fresh Produce Directly ro You I COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL MEETING PREVIEW ~ ~,~,:~~IN) 2.f..~ ,,: INSIDE CITY HALL I lcrt• are a fey, of the tll'lll'> that wiJI he drsrn'>'>t'd Mo11d,1y REPORT FEE St<sl<' l.1w rcquirt''> a muh1lt· home park property owner to prepdft• a report 0 11 thl' l'fh•t I'> of rl'locatmg ll'n<intJo. before cto .... ng or convening the park for • rnothl'T the. Tlw n1y·~ fee '>Cheduk doe:.n'1 1nd11de any provi.,1on fur the rrvic\\ of the...e rl'porl'>. ~tall requc''' that the h·e schedule be ch;U1ged lo 111cludc• th1-. revtcw Jnd that 11 be Jpplied n·1roac11wly to include the clo ... un: .tJ1d lOnvcr.1011 propo'>e<l for thl' I I Nido allll \nug I I arbor Villc.1.:l· trailer purk.., ~taff rt•tommrmt... tlus repon rt'view bt· dune by .u> 111c.Jepende11l i:on,uhunt un<ler t ontratt bei:auw ''"ff doe'> not have tht' necc~ry cxperll'>l' .. or the LI Nido/Snug I larhor rc•pon. "aff expl·cts the 111dc·pcnden1 rl'vtew will lo.,t ab11u1 5.1,000 111 $5.000 WHAT TO EXPECT The 111dependen1 rl'\-ll'" will help the rny dett'rrrnne Wh<'llll'r the mobile homt:' pdrl.. propt•rl}' owner 1., rea. .. ori.1hlv compen'>.lllng tht• p.irk\ tenCJnh for relocation. ~our '>taff are not exper1 -,: Mayor (jary Monahan ..aid "It's something that we net'd to do." BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Sony store planned for South Coast Pl aza Sony Electronics ha.i. ttn- nounced plans to incroduce a new retail store a t South Coao;t Plaza called Sony Style. Scheduled to open in the fall. the store will showcase Sony's line of electronks products. in· eluding small digital camera5, elaborate home theater systems and other cutting edge merchan- dise. Designed with polished steel. kinetic Ughting and enormous •Ufestyte• images, the store is ex· pected to attract a high-end cli- JOB CENTER 1 lw lob Cc•1111•r ope111•d 111 I ~WI to proHdc" centr,11 1 l1•t1n11ghou'>l' for to111ractor'>/employer-. to llnd lt·mporary work. Sinn· tilt• openin.:. it., pl•rform,UH'l' h,1c; hl't'll 1ev1e1.•wd t·wry '>O olte11 h~ tht· l 01111ul C .ou11d lm;u1 Allan .Man'>oor rt•qu1•'tl·c.1 that tht· <:t•ntl·r ht• put on the ctgl'llllJ Im d1c;u,.....,on th" 111111' ~<ill'>oor hJ'> 1mlitall'd <111 1111rn•,1 m lm111111g lhl· t l'lltl'r lo rt'"dt•nt., only 1\l'><1, C ounulma11 Clim \tee! rl'tlll t''>ll'd th.JI the fumling fm tlw t l'nler lw di'>l ll'>'>ed a., well WHAT TO EXPECT \tJlf ,., rt·q11t·.,1111g co1111ril dm•t t ion. 'ilt·i·I "'"c.J h(· lwht•v1·., tht• Joh l.t•n11·r I'> wdl r1111. hut II h..i., un1111e11dt•d h.irmful l'fft•rt-. 011 the COOlllllllllly .. I he Job< tntcr .,1111uld lw oul of bll'>ll It'"'· .. <,1el'I '> • .ud ·· l11t• onlv re..t.,011 11 hJ., '>urv1111·d for I"> ye.tr'> 1-. llw 11·"' -Jnd unlortunatdv. our prt·~t·nt - counul latk' till' t~m.1t t11m. nwragt· and n1mnu111 "<"ll'>t' to end 11 1h ... um1ng 11 ha' thn·t· vow., for \urv1v.1I. tlw i'>'>lll' of hn11l111g illl'I:"-' Ill Jll'l ( O\ld Mt">a b.c.ed bt1'>tnL'l>-"<.'' <11td Co'>ta Mesa d<1ywurker-. -,hould ht' acJdre.....,ed " UPDATE ON LANDS CAPED MEDIAN S llw rnunnl ,1llotated fund., la'>I fi..1 aJ }Nr <111d tlm fh1 ,,J ye.1r for thl' d1·..ign of l'lltl'll' I Ill' ~uth Coa!>t Pl<v...1 'ihop. 111 f:i.01.10 'quare fet•t of '>PiH"l', wilJ be• thl• fir'it of it"> krnd. hu1 \ony hct'> pl.in'> to roll out othrr-. the -.hoµ wtll replau•~1n laylor. which moved to another wet ion of the Ct'Jllt•r. l.1mhc .1pt•d 111t•d1.m' on 19th \lfl•t•t from Pim 1·1111.1 /\venue to l'ark i\v1·11111·, ,111tl tor the u111..,1nu 11011 of a portion of tht''><' fllt·tli;cri... i\1 lht· I c·h I 11 c 11111101 nwt·11ng. lw1au,t·111 lhl' numhl•r ul ht"llH''>,l''> lw111g aflt>Cted b} tht tull IJ1111<.t a1wd median'>. lhe t rn111< 11 dm·t tl'd ,,,,n 10 pre part• 111 hl'r dt''lgll'> .111d to pur'>Ut' .11.l<li111111.tl p11hhl p.ir11npa111111 ,111d 111p111 1111 llw 11t·\"' de .. 1gn I ht· d1·,1g11 Jlld t•11g111eeri ng \\Or~ 011 1111' 1111·tl1.t1h 1' Jlfl"•l'lltl\ lllldl'l\\,I\ WHAT TO EXPECT \tall 11•11111111w11d., thJI UH.• I Olin< 11 .1111h11n11· II ll) lUmplell' till' 1111,111·11g1m·l·nr1g ol lhe l.1111.1'1 .1rwd 111c·u1.i1i... .111d 10 101i-.Jr1H 1 11wd1<111 ,,J.111d' from l'l.1l"t·nti.1 \\l'lllll' to \1rver Pl.it(' ,11111 IJnd'>t .1pt'U p.irk\, ay<; from l'l.ttt•nti.1 \vem11· to t\11ahe1m \\1·11111· \1.11lt av;ult1hll' funding J., p.rrt 11/ tlw upcomrn~ Pavement l!t-hab1h1.i11011 l'rn/l'l I .. h\ murh 1mprowd from thl· onhrinal 1dt·.1 ol a tlll·d1a11 '1rwgh1 down the t•1111rc -.treet '><> thJt 11oh11dv could KCt into any 1111 ... 1nt"•'t''· .. ;\ lo11,1han i.a1d. "It .cppt•.sr ... thl' rna1ority of t ommt.•n 1.11 ownl'r'> ..tre OK w11h 11 .1ml 11 "' 111 definitely enhance I ht• loo~ ol thl' '>trt'l'l'>." DE SIGN CONTRACT I he· :-..t•wpon Boulevard "'uthho uml frontage road '>l.'rve-. '" ;i11 1mponant gatew·.iy 111 11t1• l 11\ particularly lo th(• I >r.inge ( .1111111y I airgruundb. Ilic I he '>tun· "'111 al .. o featurl' a com IC'rge dl·~k. " consulta11on booth. Wi -H Internet accelil> and unlinc product information. .. ~my\ dec1<,1on to open its fiN Sony :-.tyle concept store at ~oul.11 < <M'>I Pia.La wilJ enhance our customer'-; enjoyment of an· I or R,,,., l•r1/11.111• t .I// (949) 646-79:,., fh')"; '' ""tt \\(". c ""'·' ,,, '·' ft•-•'' w1,.,411i \S-,JI. t ,,_' ol '•l• I • 1 • Stmi-Priv11u for Mt" d-WomtN • 0fltr 80 Pitce1 of El/Nipmtnl • Priv11u Pi'4u1 Stwtlio -.SPINNING Tlu11u r ~ 16 F11/I r;,,., Ptr1on1111h1ineri ;.. Chi/J C.rw 811,,,-,. .. ,. M -S.1. . • c,,,,,,,,i.,,, p,,,,,,,,, • Yot•• T•I C/Ji, S1r,ulJ twu1 • Su11 p.,,,,,,. "*"'1• C•rtlio • SINtHrs, Stt llM 0-T.wlJ ~D"J S111 ;. k •l*"""N/M11S111r ' FYI •WHAT: City Council rneeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 7f>4-5221 eXJ,llng a.'>phah trail on the \\.c-.t ~•de of the l>OUthhound frontdge road between Arlmgton Dnw am.I Fair Dnve 1~ m poor cond111on and n•quirt·' total ~con ... 1run11m ~veral p<w.ihlc aJign1111·111, for the propu'>t'd rct0n<,truc.tion . a:. ~ell a'> land.,r;ipe unprovemcnt.,, m 1h1., area haw becn dht:U!>.'>t'd wHhin thc cuy and With f31f'Krountl'> '>lafl rhe council abo need!> to approve a cooperanve ·•wccment ....,uh tJie 32nd Dbtnct Agncultural A.'>~n. for the r~Otl'>t nH 11C1n WHAT TO EXPECT The city got a Caltran' grant for $207,090 to rt.·t·on..,1ruc1 the eXJ,ting asphc.111 h1cyde tnul on the we'>t side ol lhe .,outhhound Newpon Boult'v-Jrd fronl<lgl' road and to put land~cape and 1rngation in1provement'> between the trail and the fa1rwound~ fence. StaJT bclicv~ th1!> project will enhdllce the <;treeL..cape along this '>1gn1ficant gateway to the rny. "I think if~ great." Councilwoman Ubby Cowan :.aid. ·rm ready for Lhe rccon-.Lrucuon and hopefully 11 will be somt'lhmg tha1 will help the rommunity." -tom111led by /Jeirdff> .Vl't11num other uniqul' 'hopping experi- ence,· !>aid I knry Seger'>trom. a managing partner and owner of C.J. SegersLrom & Sons. 111 a pre'>.'> release. "South Coa~1 Pla7..a ,_., proud to be chosen by Sony to introduce thi'> t•xciting retail con cept ·· ~ l.xp1rl'\ lune 12. 200.l L------~------------------~ If you·re re.lily to ~Ile ~ nert ~tep on )'OU• u._. VJflC\Wd Unt~rty un M lp ~ .,; ' 1 ~ f ,tf:u:... net t , ) ••'-tt t ~ ... ,.,, i... ~' ' ,,. ' 0 ~ ~ .,. lt"a. ,,.... ; ~ z 0 ~ ~ -0 .. 0. it ~ t ' • .,; p ll : hp"Jv H 'J•P • ,r Jitt>~t or.,. t. 'i •• t 11~,· lt\r• .... *..,' ~,,. ...... ~., ijlo.-'f\1~.·' 'N v•nguard.edu/sps "'~ VA MG UAID P 1.834.90EGREE <933.4733) ... , •• .!. •• ,. -.,,..., ....... -..... '". SS fA I-DRIVE, COSTA "ESA, CA 92626 REGISTER EARLY! ..,_. Cl•-ll9come Full -CailC.led Due to Low ...... !Int F•ll Cl•ues Begin Autlust 25 ... , 1°1ftl & ~ Olllc'9 • ., ........ .. olden West-61/ege lNVftV.gvvc.lnfo ' .. M Monday, .Ally 21, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Eut 11th strMt: A man wn arrested on suspicion of being drunk In public In the 200 blodt at 2: 16 a.m. Sunday., • ....,_. MecArthur ~:A woman was arrested on suspicion of proltltutlon at 2:40 p.m. Friday. • Newport Boul.vard: A woman was arrested on suspicion of forgery in the 2300 blod< at 7 :30 p.m. Saturday. • Newport Boulevard: A woman was arrested on suspicion of receiving stolen property in the 2300 blod< at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. •~Drive: A man was arrested on suspicion of presenting false identification to a polk:e officer in the 2800 blod< at 12:10 p.m. Saturday. • w..t &.leer Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of fighting or challenging a fight In pubric In the 800 blodt at 1:35 a.m. Saturday .. • w.t 19th StrMt: A man waa a!T'81ted on ausi*lon of obstructing or r9111tlng a police ofl'icer In the 400 blodt at 3:47 a.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • a-v Shor9 Drtw Md w..t Coat Hlghw.y. Illegal flrewor1cs were reported at 12:40 p.m. Sunday, • Shertngton ~: Illegal fireworb were reported in the 1600 blodt at 8:19 a.m. Su nday. • w..t ~ Boul.vard: A garage burglary was reported in the 1200 blod< at 9:12 a.m. Sund&y. • w..t 8al>oa Boulewrd: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1100 blod< at 8:51 a.m. Sunday. • 30th StrMt: A petty theft was reported in the 100 blod< at 10:04 a.m. Sunday. • 32nd StrMt: A burglary was reported in the 200 block at 12:09 p.m. Sunday. MARK C DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT A child from the audience holds some knives for juggler Dan Wiles. Wiles would later juggle the knives on a unicycle. JUGGLE Continued from Al narrow point of vision." Wtles said the reward for his hard work and tal ent can be as simple as the laughter from a child. Entertaining is good business, and at the same rime. he said, it's not too serious. "I march to a different drum." he said. "I am not really a 9-to-5 guy. I have to do something different " • CORAL WILSON is the news assistant and may be reactied at 1949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at coral.w1IS-On a lat1mes com. Help keep our city clean! ~ IQ or .. You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! S P fL l f,! ,;:! Lo~g Plank Wood Flooring OAK''• TEAK • ROSEWOOD ~~TERmALIFE s1998 wt.W with Mime,.. ... ~ ~ ..... ••" .................. _ .. __ ·11 ... .. Cer9lilc .............. "............................. • • .. "' I• h, ........ __ ... __ ......,.,_• • .,.., s,,,,.. .-,_,, fw •• ,,. " ...... ,.r . M~t. .... lbalW ,,_,, ~-...... . /" l!Ulif IS7t Le•· AN., ..... f • ConA MW (888)~777 •.• - "A lot more wodc went into this race.~ Leach sald. "It ls sort of like asking a woman just after · she has had a baby If she wants to have another one. And being a male, that makes It even more excruciating." Leach, a father of four chil- dren. sald for the last five days be bas been waking up at 3 a.m. and working long days in preparadon for the race. More than 250 vol- unteers worked on the event. "There is no ·way we could have put it on without ~lwiteer support," Leach said. "It's ll.ke juggling 10 ro 20 balls in the air. Every ball is caught with hope in the air, but there is always one out there about to fall and hit the ground.'' After every event, the organiz- ers·onJy take a couple of weeks to recover before they start plan- ning the next race, Hoover said. Cuyler and Leach, both na- tionally recognized athletes, have competed in triathlons around the world, in Hawaii. France, Mexico, the Caribbean, Tahiti and Canada They tried to bring the best aspects of their experi- ence 10 the Corona del Mar race, Leach said. "When people come through and say that it was a great race. that's what makes me happy." Hoover said. That makes it all worth it for me." ln charge of fund-raising and administrative duties, Hoover in- sisted that she is not an athlete. But she said she rakes pride in adding a touch of class to the event, pointing out the cloth tablecloths, bouquets of flowers and a buffer donated by Gold Coast Catering. "It says we ·really care about the racers. we are going to lay it out," he said. "When they come here, they are going to be treated first class." As soon as racers had caught their breath and finished wiping off their sweat they migrated toward the free massages. pas- STRADA Continued from A 1 two. Bob Otapman. general man- age r of Prudential's Orange County operation, described Strada as a niche player that spe- cial izes in Newport Beach real estate. "They are a boutique," Cllap- man said. "They're not a regional player." High disputes this characteri- zation, noting that Strada is ex- panding its presence in coastal Orange County. ln early June, Strada opened ALLOWED Continued from Al went from Q-Tip to Daddy." Thank.s to a phenomenal growth spurt. Dell shot to 6 foot 2 inches, 225 pounds. He was dominating on the basketball courts and had his pick of colleges when he had a horrible accident. He said he couldn't even talk about it because it was too painful "Let's just put it this way: They told me I would never play sports again ... Dell said So Dell scratched professional basketball from his list Down to only live goals. "There was the NBA. but after nine knee surgeries. that really wasn't happening," he said Five years of rehabilitation and mental endurance later, Dell was ready to compete again. But in what? What didn't hurt, he asked himself. Running and jumping. He could do that So ™: pushed aside the pain from his injury and started coaipeting in dec8tb1ons. "I didn't come all this way to be told no," Dell said. On a bet. his entire deca1hlon team tried out for the Russian bobsledding team and won a bronze in the 1985 Worid GEmNG INVOLVED •OETTWG~runa periodically In the Deily Piiot on 1 rotating bell•. For lnfonnedon on llddlng your orgenlletlon to thlt lilt, Clll (949) 57+4288. ~VEMINMmaCA Cotti Mell flrn*M «*'I hott. ~•n student end...,, up lo $1,000 tOW9fd • numblf' of trav9l-1brold progreme. Oeniefte C.rplno, (800) 322~ ALI AUN:, OMNGf COUNTY CMPTIR The~LIMrel SderMAell'I., ~ ..... lndMduala who hew the , .... KE.NT TREPTOW I DAILY PIL-OT Crystal Cove State Park provides a picturesque backdrop for cycli sts. TRIATHLON RESULTS Final Swim Bike Time lime Time Female~al 1. Miehe le Jones 2•05:17 0:21 :47 1:03.44 2. Maxine Seear 2:05:31 0:20:43 1:04:55 3. Bedly Gibbs-Lavelle 2:06:34 0:21:29 1:04:03 Male prof9uional 1. Simon Lessin~ 1 :51 :39 0:19:48 0:57:32 2. Craig Alexan er 1.52:18 0:19:57 0:57•18 3. Chris Hill 1•52:52 0:19:48 0:57:29 Female Amateur 1. ~an Layhee 1·09·55 0:12:17 0:33:50 2. S ari Russell 1:11:41 0:14:20 0:34:09 3. Christen King 1:11:49 0:13:36 0:34:03 Male Amateur 1. Brent Lorenzen 1:01:46 0:10:11 0:30:33 2. Michael Sevier 1·02:00 0:10:05 0:31:46 3. Michael Collins 1·02 22 0·10:33 0·31·25 • Fina• rnn• lftCh..MM tran1mon htnrm ~n ev•nta Run Time 0:37:40 0:37:52 0:38:52 0:32:30 0:33:16 0:33:51 0:20:44 0:19:52 0:20:35 0:18:16 0:17:13 0:17•40 and it keeps me youthful,~ ~e said. "I've always been active, but it was like going that next level." Friends John Janiszewski, 26, and Mark Wachendorf. 37, said they Oew in from 01.icago fo r the weekend just to compete in the race. Wachendorf, who competed on Saturday. said he was im- pressed with the beauty of the course, but disappointed with his personal rime. "I was not used to the ocean swim, and the hills took their toll," he said. "From the Oat Mid- west to the hills ou1 here, there is a big difference." Still wet from the race. Janis- zewi.k.i said he had reached hjs goal. "It's a personal challenge to get up and do it and train everyday ... he said "For me, 11's JUSt crossing tries, fruit and pasta bar. the finish line and doing bener Coast Triathlon in 1998, shortly than the year before." "The food is unreal," said Lisa DeVol, 45, of Newport Beach. The race is DeVol's birthday gift to herself every year. She said she competed in the first Pacific the Laguna Beach office. hiring about 20 new agents to staff iL ln all, the firm employs more than 160 agents. Strada's story dates to Decem- ber 1999. when Coldwell Banker purchased Coast Newport. Several agents. while anending a back- yard barbecue. kicked around the idea of launching a new firm. "Four original partners were sitting around drinking beers and they had this in clination to stan a company." Htgh said. "I knew it would be a huge under- taking." High, and eventually seven other partners. began loolcing for office space for the fledgling firm in late 2000. ln November of that Olarnpionship. From there, he went to the Canadian Olympic team and placed in the top 10 in the 1988 Ollgary Olympics. Olympics? Oleck. Next goal, please. So what does a guy with really bad knees do? Yeah, that's right. play profes.sional football. Brilliant "It's only bad for the knees if you get hit in the knees. ff Dell said. ''So if I am faster than you, I am just going to run out of bounds before you hit me." Great strategy. The man is still walldng. so it must have worked. After pushing a 600-pound bobsled down the slick ice of a mountain side in a remote countrles. football was a piece of cake, he said. "It Wa.9 nolhlng compared to bobsledding. I mean. in bobsledding. you can die." M said. "l had 3,300 runs. 13 crashes. and three almost killed me. Go ahead, hit me, I don't mind, just don't put me in a bobsled again." So he played wide recetver- running a 4.2 in the 40 -for the C.anadlan league in 1989 and '90, for the Clndnnatl Bengals in 1991, back to Canada in '92 and ~football in '93. "Here and there, ya know. Vada. yada, yada." OeU said. disorder that la alao known ea Lou Gehrig'• diMele, needt votunteen. (714) 376-1922. ALZJtDmt'S ASSN. OIF OMNQI COUNTY $uppoft group INden, Vlaitlng VoluntMn. femity ""°"~ coneuftllntl Ind oMce volunteers .,. needed. \toluntMrt mey woft on one-dme pn>jedl or ongoing prognme. Tnilning ~ .,.. l'Y ....... (800) .. 1183. MmllCMCMCD IOCllTY DllCCMllY ... The An.tcln Cenclf Sodlly ~Shop Medi unwanted goodl--~fUmltufe. j9wllry, 911Cl1 ID'1ee,.,.... end.....,., to fwtdlhe ~ r1111rdt, educlllllon end .,...,,. ~ progeeme. The goodl "'9¥ ... drapped ol 11 befo re her 40th birthday. and has been doing it ever since. The •CORAL WILSON 1s the news food and organization gets better assistant and may be reached at every year. she said. <949l 574-4298 or by e·ma1I at "For me, it's just the_9)alle~ge coral w ilson a./at1mes..com year, Strada opened its doors a1 its Newpon Center offices. which, after six expansions. now occupy 30,000 square feet. High's monthly cell phone bill, at the rime. reached a staggering Sl.400. but the company found immediate success. Agent John McMonigle old the first Strada home in Newport Coast on the first day of business for $6.5 mil· lion. Strada maintains almost 350 listings, High said, in what has been a thin market for inventory. The average sales price of a Stra- da home is now S 1.1 million. ln addition to the real estate sales division, the company runs Strada Escrow and mortgage arm Professional foo1ball? Oteck.. Next! Dell could onl y avoid those knee-high hits for so long and then he knew he had to find another career. Hmmm ... wha1 does a professional athlete do when he retires? Acting. Perfect. Dell landed his first role opposite Halle Berry (yeah. he just has all the luck) in the Cosby Show spin-off" A Different World." From there, he landed other guest and co-starring roles in film and TY. until he got his own show, "Once a Thief." Successful acting career? Oteck. So now. he films a little, trains a little (OK. a lot), motivates a Uttle and loves a little. Yeah. just a little. "It's tough being a single guy in Orange County," Dell said. (Cmon, can I get a collective "Awww" for the guy?) He is.just a farm boy from Canada, Dell co6tends. The ladies around here around here aren't really lmp~ by that •No one wants a real man ... I say what I mean and mean what I say." he said "111 call you means I'll call you. People around here can't handle that." Women in Orange County also can't handle cruising around town in a 1968 Maz.da 323, he said. 2800 E. Co1st Highway, Corona def Mer. VofuntMra ire elao needed from 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday et the 11me IOCltlon. (948) 84CMm. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Hurt Aatn. la looking for volunteers to perfonn veriou8 gener.i offtce dudea In the meln offtce end Implement tducdoNI Ind fUnd-felelng ' ~through Ortnge County. No·~ neceuery. Tnilnlng wtH be provided. (949) ...... Afmn&. ...... Ol.,,_COUNTY Bloome• bolle fleedet °' uete In P'lll""' C8la. your home. Menv ......,, ldl '"°'"""cm upon enMI. Doge end .... .-ewt11Mttor~ .. c.., 1 Strada Financial. With the in- house advenising agency, the brokerage house offers under one roof all the services needed to buy or seU a luxury home. Ingrid Mank. the production manager, produc~ a variety of brochures and pamphlets fo r agents. "It's quite an advantage to ciur agents because it's a unique thing we offer." Mank ~d. "ll helps to have everything in house." • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and pohtics. He mav be reached at 1949) 764-4330 or by e·mail al paul.clinton a lat1mes.com. "I love my car. but I go to pick women up in that thing and they look at me like. 'What?'" Dell said. "It's my screener." Dell is confident the right woman will come along at the right rime. For now. he's busy training professionaJ athletes and grooming the next Venus and Serena Williams. "Strength and conditioning is my specialty. I jus1 have a knack for it," he said. · He is still working on the Emmy and the Grammy by lining up performances -acting and musical. Aside from that. Dell wants to continue to make a difference with children through charity events and in the classroom. He just got his substitute teaching license and applied as a substitute teacher In a number of districts. Including Newport-Mesa (They haven't called him back. Dell said) "I love kids," Dell said "I remember being In school. some guy came in and motivated us. and the Q-Tip said, 'Yeah. I can· do It' Now it's my turn." • LOUTA ~writes c:olumna ' Mondays, Wedne.day9 end~ and OOV9fS culture end the erta. S'le m..,. be readled at (9491674-4275 or by e-mail at lollta.harperi!Jlatimn.oom. 769-3646 or www.animaln•twort.org. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT•SA Volunteers lootdng for v1rytng levela of Involvement ere needed to.help the organiietion with ha goel of helping dWldr9n In the ., community. (Mt) 846-e929. • • Send AROUND TOWN Items to '\he Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e·mall to mlktuwanson@latimes.com: J>yfaxto (949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the \jme, date and locatlon of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com: TODAY CHkhf'l 9"t9ring first through ..al>eth grades are invited to "Up in the Air .. at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keeping things in the air, will • present the free program, which will be repeated at 3 p.m. July 23 • at the Mariners branch and at 10'.30 a.m. July 24 at the Balboa branch. For more information, call (714) 717-3816. WEDNESDAY A free Mmlnar and book signing, "Asian Longevity Secrets; will be offered by author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at M other's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa M esa. To make reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. ~h '9llder'I interested in exploring how cultural complexities can affect familial relationships are invited to a discussion of Amy Tan's ·The Bonesetter's Daughter" at 3 p.m at the Corona def Mar Branch Library. The program is pan of "Branch Out-Read; an adult summer reading program at Balboa, Corona del Mar and Mariners branch hbranes For more information, call (949) 644-3075. Chlkhn entering first through sixth grades are invited to "Up in the.Air" at 3 p.m. at the M ariners branch of the Newpon Beach Pentral library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keeping things in the air, will present the free program. which will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 24 at the Balboa branch. For more information. call (714) 717·3816 THURSDAY Children em.ring first throuvh sixth grades are invited to "Up in the Air" at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. Renowned 1uggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keeping things in the air, will present the free program. For more information. call (714) 717-3816 The Newport a..c:h Cham~ of Commerce's Newport Sunset Networklng Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yacht of Pacific Avalon Yacht Charters. 3404 Via Oporto. No. 103. Newpon Beach. The doc*81de event from 5 to 7 p.m. will include hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer is free for members Potential members pay $10 For more information, call (949) 729-4400. Bopk Soup's "T•klng Tea " author series at South Coast Plaza returns with authors Janet Fitch and Susan Straight. Discussions of their books "White Oleander" and "Highwire M oon" will take place over coffee. tea and dessert. A portion of book sales will be donated to the Orangewood Foundation. For more Information. call (714) 689-2665. FRIDAY Newport Dunes Resort's "Movies M the Beach" series offers "Remember the Titans" starting at duak on the Newport sand. Pa~ing costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort ls at 11 31 Bede Bay Drive. For more information, call (949) 729-0UNE. Longines pl"9MftU an eftemoon with Olympic gymnastics gold medalist Mary Lou Retton and legendary ooach Bela Karolyi starting at noon at Macy's in South Coast Plaza. Retton and Karotyi will sign autographs and promote the upcoming World Gymnastics Championships In the Ane W.tch Department on level two. For more information, call (714) 566-0611 , ext. 4231. SATURDAY ~ Oune9 Aeeott't •McMee on the Beach" aeries offers "Alice In Wonderland" starting at d\lak on the Newport aend. Parking coet1 S8 per car. Campfh ... wlll al90 be available for 1'morea. The retOrt 118t 1131 Bade Bey Ortve. For more lnfonnttlon. call (949) 729-0UNE. ·A F1ir at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deal• in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m . SUNDAY The Commodores Club of tt.. Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Is proud to host the 681h annual Flight of the Lasers at l p.m . at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 720 West Bay Ave .. Newport Beach. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to win prizes like best costume, best decorated boat, first parent/child team, and first married couple. Information: (9491673-n30. Homblower's twv-hour champagne brunch cruise features a lavish brunch buffet, free-flowing champagne and 1uice service and great views while you cruise Newpon i-titrbor. Boarding begins at 11 :30 a.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for the noon cruise. For reservations, call (949) 631 -2409. JULY 28 Mature driven can sharpen their dnvmg skills in this eight-hour class held during two sessions, at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa July 28 and 29. The $10 classes are limited to 30 students. Advanced registration is required. Information: (714) 557-3340. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to ·A Radical Science Show" at 10:30 a.m at the Newpon Beach Central Library The free program • will be repeated at 3 p.m July 30 dt the M ariners branch and at 10·30 a.m. July 31 at the Balboa branch. For more information. call (949) 717·3816. JULY 30 Children entering first through sixth grades are invited 10 "A Radical Science Show" at 3 p.m . at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. The free program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m . July 31 at the Balboa branch. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. A free semin•r. •J>.t Nutrition Pawsibtlities:-will be offered by Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St.. Costa M esa. Reservations: (800) 595-M OM S. Join COron• def Mar in orv-nizing its 2004 Centennial Celebration at a public meeting running from 7 to 8 p.m at Sherman Library and Gardens. Attendees are asked to enter from the bad< pa~ing lot at 2647 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. For more mformat1on, call (949) 422-4210 JULY 31 Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to ·A Radical Science Show" at 10:30 a.m . at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library For m ore information. call (949) 717-3816. The monthty Career Networtcing Resource meeting for the unemployed. sponsored by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will run from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the church's ctiapel. All monthly meetings are open to all for free. and reservations aren't necessary. Information: (949) 574-2236. AUG.2 HombkM'ef CNiMs and Events offers a three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor, a gourmet three-course meal, live entertainment and award-winning servioe from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Boarding starts at 7 p.m . at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway. For reservations. call (949) 631-2469. AUG.8 Homblowef CNl:Ms and Events offer. a three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor, a gourmet three-<:<>urse meal, live entertainment and award-winning tervioe from 8 to 11 p.m . Boarding starts at 7:30 p.m . at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway. For reservations, call (949) 631-2469. The cost It $6 for members, $16 informa1ion. call (714) 640-2491. AUG.9 1Hengle Squ1ra In Costa MeM invite. the community to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 e.m. to 4 p.m. AUG.10 Homblorw9t't two-hour champagne brunch cruise features a lavish brunch buffet, free-flowing champagne and juice service and great views while you cruise Newport Harbor. Boarding begins at 11 :30 a.m. at 2431 W:'Pacific Coast Highway for the noon cruise. For reservations, call (949, 631 ·2469. AUG. 11 Registration for the Oninge County Business Council's ninth annual Corporate Executive Golf Tournament begins at 9 a.m . at Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa, with the shot gun start at 11 a.m . The cost is $300 for a single player padcage or $1,500 for a corporate players padcage. Proceeds benefit the Orange County ReSClle Mission's Strong Beginnings program, which provides workforce development for those who have lost hope and need help. For more information, call (949) 476-2242, ext. 216. AUG.23 Triangle Square in Costa Mesa invites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the sights. sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m ONGOING The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skllls or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and badcgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newpon Center Drive. Newpon Beach. Validated parking is available in the parking struciure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (949) 721-5732. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Viciona St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. For more information, call (714) 957-6107 - "Beach undscap.s; en exhibit featuring digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzidca, umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller and Bade Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept 30 at Newpon Beacn City Hall For more information, call (949) 717) 3870. "Tennis in Art,· •n exhibit of paintings by longtime tennis instrucior and coach Jose Mendoza. will be on display in the Newport Beach Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's work is known for its manipulation of color and form as well as its concentration Qn tennis. For more information. call (949) 717-3870. Yotun1Mr driwn .,. nMded to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elder1y clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "M obile Meals; sponsored by ASH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Swim '--on• ara wallable through July 18 at Halecrest Park, 3107 Klltybrook lane in Costa Mesa. Another session will begin July 21 and run through Aug. 1. Information: (714) 557·7234. Project Cuddle. a nonpeoftt organization that offers aef9 and · legal altematlve1 to gir1• who are considering abendoning their babies, ia in need of ongoing volunteers. For more information. visit www.projectcuddl-.<><'f/ or call C714l 432·9681. Mmcy'• In eo.ea-. ....... tnwnton f.oMn. the er.. County.besed nonproftt inventors' tuppof1 group, preeents a seminar on "High Technology Patenting" by patent attorney Curtis L Hanington. ~hltnttion and networking begin 8t 7 p.m. for the 7:30 p.m . eeminar Ill. Or.nge Coa8t Ce>Uege'• ~ l.ectul"9 Halt ' Orange Councy nonptOftt organization• that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for pertk:tpatk>n In Mecy'I South Coast Plaz.a'I Pasapott tn Store fund.19iaer. Thte year's 4'*1t will be hekt on Oct. 4. io receive en Yoga eta .... will be ofJ9red Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is.$54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information. call (949) 644·3151 The men:hants of Balboa Village will hold a seaside Craft Merchant and Farmer's Market at Peninsula Park near the base of the Balboa pier in Newport Beach every Thursday through Aug 28 from 9 aim. to 3 p.m . The market Wiii include fresh organic produce, freshly cut flowers and ans and crafts. For more information call (714) 536-2213 Costa Mesa'• Recreation Division will provide a three·hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p m . Saturdays from 11 a.m to 2 p m or 4 to 7 p.m . and Sundays lrom 4 to 7 p.m . Parties for ch1ldre11 5 10 12 will consist o lunch/dinner games, crafts, prizes, cake with ice cream and superviS1on by staff Parties cost $250 or $300. For more informanon, call (714) 754-5158 Five new w ines will be served on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5 30 to 7·30 p.m . The cost 1s $15 per person For more 1nformat1on. call (9491 721 -1222. Newport Dunes Resort's ·Movies on the Beach" will run every Friday and Saturday throughou1 the summer. including a two-hour barbecue before the movies stan at dusk Guests dre invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat. The reson will provide the rest for $795 per person. The films will be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening 1n June and July except July 4 Parking 1s $8 µer car For more information. call (949) 729-DUNE A variety of priVllte, semi·private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels For session dates. times and costs. call (949) 644-3151 or register m person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 New pon Blvd. Children. teens and adults can now register for summer recreational boating dasses offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services Classes begin July 12 Fees vary Call (949) 644-3151 , or v1s1t the Newpon Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more 1nforma11on. Professional end licensed soccer trainers with the All·England Soccer Academy are available for one·on-one, small group and large group training For more information, call (949) 395·5103 Jewish family Service Is sponsonng a teen suppon group for high school students that meets Mondays from 3 30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register. call (714) 445-4950 Pre reg1strat1on 1& required The First P9ge -Rne Children's Books, at 270 £:. 17th St .• No. 10 in Costa Mesa, offers free story time M ondays.Wednesday.Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m For m ore information. call (949) 645-5437 "Abstnc:t Wotb on C.nvas •nd Paper:' an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newport Beach Central Library through June 30. The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener's "Washed Away" series, created by dripping, splattering or pooring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing It llWtJY to suggest the pessege of time. For more information. call (949) 717-3816 Award-winning wofb by Orange County artists working In an array of two-dimensional media will be on dltplay at Newport Beach CitY Hall through June 27. for tne Sprin9 2003 Or11nge County Art.lit• Exhibition, For m ore Information, call (949t 717-3870. Mood1y. July 21. 2003 A5 Skosh Monahan's S-ceakhoase & IRish Pab 8 Different Steaks Plus Our Famous 16 a:r. Poric: Chop lade for only $15.95 Entrees l>oortid Ah• 51eob • Atlonhc Solmon F11etl •New leolond Seo Bon F 1~h n Chip~ • M.oh1 Moho Sondw1ch Appetizers ( olo1~'°'' • I robco es • Gnlled 0< Beel Bonert!d Shrimp P~ Seored Aho Soup/Salad fr~~h Clam Chowder • ~le< S.ique & (t0ppno Ptu) C.r 1lled Shrimp 61oclened Ahr • 5molr.ed Salmon Solods ./11111 ll\ for Happy Hour on. the Water Villa Nova \I • Ed Waters ,\ 'fonda\ ·. 11 'e dnesdo\ · and Thursdln · Mike McKennu Tuesdcn· & f~ridlll ' I 12 Price Appeti=ers & Drink Specials 3131 West Coast Hi~llway /Vewport Beuch For Reservations: 9491642-7880 DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMO\llN6 NECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers • Silhouette window shadings • Vignette window shadings • Duette honeycomb shades • MilleniaN Collection • lubilanceN roman shades • Applause honeycomb ~ • Serenette N SoftfoldN shadings World's Best ON-SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET ANO DRAPERIF.S 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 11111111111'1 \ 111·11111.1111111 I •II U 11.1/1t11 "'"' c.,,.,," , . .,,111 ,. 1·1•,,· ULTRA LITE ~ Professional Weight and Htaldl Mmqtmm& SJ.srtm is ~t from Auscmlia. Call coda) and find out what OtJtT 350 ,CXX> successful cbencs know. It Worb!! (' QUOTE OF THE DAY a s play better than last year, but I've put that behind m e." Debbie Albrtcht, competitor in the. 2003 Tea C~p M Monday, J\iy 21, 2003 TEACUP VII . . Sporta Ec111Dr ltlcMrd Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu : (949) 650-0170 Albright cJ~ives her way back to the Tea Cup Newport Beach Country Club women's champion looks to reclaim the prize she won in 20.01 on Friday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot D ebbie Albright is taking a ligh I· hearted approach to her golf game as Tea Cup VII approaches at I p.m. Friday at Mesa Verde C.Ountry O ub. TEACUP The New Zealand native, who won the Tea Cup in 2001, changed to a CLASSJ C Herny Griffith-brand driver during the women's club championship at Newport Beach Country Oub in May to fit with the rest of the clubs in her bag. The results speak for themselves. Albrighl won her eighth consecutive club crown by 11 shots, producing rounds of 85-82-80-n, for a 7.2-hole total of324. "I was going through the change in drivers and I teed off on a few holes with the 5-wood, • Albright recalled. "1 always resort to other clubs when one is not "I'm not one to sit down and read golf tips. I know some [people] benefit from reading magazines, but I don't. I learn from being out on the golf course ... :' Debbie Albridrt converted the shafts in her wedges to graphite from steel to match her irons.· "I got them [July 91 and really lilced the way they feel,· Albright said. She considers herself more 9f a "feel player,· preferring practice to work out any kinks in her swing. "And there are some big ~ ... Albright said laughing. A meticuJous worker on the range, Albright takes lessons from NBCC head professional Paul flahn. He will occasionally video tape Albright's swing to allow her to focus on her mechanics. She prefers 10 think of the swing in its simplest parts, allowing the mul?cles to do the wort. "When I play really well, it is effortless, without thinking too much,· Albright said. "I'm not one to sit down and read golf tips. I know some lpeopleJ benefit working, so it made it pretty exciting.• Albright began her final round of the women's club championship with three birdies and was well on her way to from reading magazines. bu1 I don't. I learn from being out on the golf course, trying different shots and getting instructions from Paul.'' EYEOPENER • l)ajly .. POOt • ~28honofff MATT JAMESON Daily Pilot J . I· . vie wry. Jn addition 10 the brand change for her driver, the 45-year-old Albright h.l!> Getting out on the course has become more of a chore for Albrigh1 KEHf-'fREP-TOW I ~y PILOT See Al.8RIGHT , P•i • A7 Debbie Albright changed drivers before winning the women's champ1onsh1p at Newport Beach Country Club this year. WORLD TEAM TENNIS Newport Beach breaks into_ first place The Breakers win their fifth co nsecutive match and sweep Sacramento in a home-and-home weekend series. NEWPORT BEACH -One week ago, the Newport Beech Breake~ were languishing in last place. Five matches later, rhey are in a virtual tie for firsL The Breakers won their fifth con- secutive match Sunday at Pal™1des Tennis Oub, upending Sacramento for the second co~tive night. 19- 17, to join Springfield atop the West- ern Conference in the Wor1d learn Tennis s dings. Newpo, Beach (6-4) ls percentage points behind the Lasers (5-3), wbo have played two less matches than the Breakers. Sacramento (5-5), a game ahead of the Breakers going Into the weekend, fell into third place after the baclc-to-bac:k ~ Brian MacPhie continued his recent strong play With a 5-2 victory in men's singles over Daniel Nestor, one night after defeating Nestor 5-1 in Saaa- mento in a 22-16 Newpon Beach vic- tory. But it wa,, in men's doubles chat MacPbie really shined Sunday. He combined wfth Joeh l!agle to lcnoc:k off ooe ol the wortd's top doubles te.ms, Nestor and Mark Knowles. 5-2 to open the match, letting the' stage for New- port Beach» victory. In SaturdaYa BreUers' win, Mac- Pbie and Eagle fell lo a tlebrelka' to Nestor and Knowles In the fifth let ol the match. fordng OYadme. But the Newport Beech duo were &bk to wtn the ftnt game <Ml' <Mrtime to end the match. Beck at home, Newport ee.ch o.d2 Ok:k Leich went. beet to bis .... " ~ ........ lhe IDllldl with womem ..... Ind MIN Sbarapo- va. The IS.year-old Rullian entered p1ay SUndly ranked aecond in \\Vctd Team 'Dlnnit In wumen'l linglel and , ~ McCRNt< I DM.Y ft.OT Maria Sharapova won her women's si'lgtes set 5-0 Sunday to finish the Breakers' fifth straight victory. # Bva Dyd>erg in the latter, both by a acore ot 5-2. On Saturday, Sharapova routed Uk· hovt8eYa 5-0 In women's· singles and Mac.Phie'I rout ol Nestor led to the Braken' vlctofy. Newport Beach ac- tudy lolt the ocher three lets. but be- au.lie it kept each of dlOle dose, the combined fUDel ICOl'I WU d in its 6n'Or. EDID'l lbe lnel week o( the YtVrid n.m ..... -... the er.bra' ~ ... lholald oome Tueldly and ~ when me, play on dx rOlld, .. at Hlnford. roDowed by a. IJJllChup al Delllwue. Thoee two teaJJl/$ are atop the Ila.stern Confer- ence a.od Delaware lmpro'fed to 9·0 Sunday and are now threatening the Wortd Tham Tennis regular season re- cord of J 4 victories, set by the New- port Beach Dukes in 1993. The Breakers will dose out the tea· son with a pair or home macchel this comma wemoo. 0n Prlday. they p1ay hoet to ICaDllll Ot)t The teUOn fbU ii on Saturday aplnlt Martina NIMa- dcM and the pb~ Preeclofnl. 1be wlnnen ol etdl com.au Wll meet in the ¥«>rtd n.n ... llde meadl in Nc."W ~ dmtnl die U.S. Open. NEWPORT HARBOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Newport reaches regionals Bronco A All -Stars come up with a pair of victories Sunday to reach the regional tournament as one of the top three teams in Or~ge County. WHITTIER -It wasn't supposed to happen like this, but that doesn't matter to t:he Newpon Harbor 8asebalJ Assl:J- ciation Bronco A 11 -and 12-year-old All-Stars. Newport came up big when it count- ed the m ost, scoring two victories on Sunday to advance to the regionaJ tour-..;- oament. the first time a Newport Har-,.: bor team bas made it that far. • Tu d o it, Newport came u):> with a 2-0:._:: victory over Los Alamitos A In eight ln· .-. ninga and followed that with a 5-4 vie-: tory over Dana Point A. • "We're deflnJteJy Cinderella." Coach I Len Moskovlt.s aaJd. With ah 11 ·year-olds on the team. Newport Harbor is a yoWlg CJndereDa. : but none of that mattered on SUoday. : With the victory CMI' Los Allmltol, • Newpol1 Harbor wtO enter the ft!lioMll : II DO worse than the No, 2 .-ati'Olll• : <>rm., C.oun~. But ttiey haft a c:Mnce : to betlS -'**-of Che6r W:tory I ower Oma Mu. Newport HubOr,...,,.. to die leld at 6 tonW-t to llce Mlheial A.. Imm ... blOCbd them off lo.-0 on s.n.- IMr'I ti Ibey ao.e. me, ......... -~ • f ... MOM:O. ..... A7: ~I/ .................... mm ................. .,. .. illl! ... llmilll!llllll ............ ., ........................ -----., Daily Pilot Ill Daily A Pilot Ill Sp0N Hall of Fame . Celebrating tlw 1uill<•1111iu111 MYRON MILLER Costa Mesa Former Mustang football coach is still living out his dream, while directing the Tustin football program. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot T he boy was 10 when his falher was killed in an automobile accident Life for the child was destined to be empty. But football, wrestling and rugby. came into Lhe picture and soon the boy became a man. Soon the boy became a coach. This is Lhe story of Myron Miller. Miller, Lhe former (',osta Mesa Hjgh football coach who is now Lhe head man at Tustin, found his calling while roUing on the mats and discovering adrenaline on Lhe gridiron. He also renewed his limits when competing in rugby. In being an athJete. Miller paved the way for his future wilh Soulhcm Section Division VIII final. "When we Marted working out lfor Lhe 1993 ..ca'>Onl. I Lhought we couJd make the playoffi,," Miller o;a1d. "Charles (U1atmanl and Dewayne ICren,hawl mowd m and we went from an average team to a really good team. I got a lot of credit for a lot or luck.." MiUer ~d the u-.e of ptyomelJlcs ha.'> h<'cn helpful lhruughout h1:. coachmg career. I le discove1ed tht> importance of the eXCrCtl>L' from Rob Shupp, who remains as the bur-and wr1 ... SW1.IT1mmg coach at Cu~ta Mt·-.a. help from his "'lnat ', t Ill' rl'a,011 I've been '>Ucce~c,ful at Tu<>tm. -..aid Miller, who cn1oyed coaching near "" home 10 yl'ars ago. "It was really neat coaching 111 m )' own Myron Miller communtty. I had coaches. lnat's wha1 made him want to be a coach himself. "The coaches were hke fathers for me,· said MiUer, a Costa Mesa resident "When I was a kid, I didn't have a lot going for me. Spons were a way for me lo find my niche. "I love the game of football." he continued. "I teU the kids how lucky Lhey are to play. Since I can~ go out there and still play, I do lhe nen best thing.· Miller. 60, the latest honoree of the Daily Pilot Spons Hall of Fame. said he knew he was going to coach ever since he was in high school. al Grant J-ljgh in San Fernando Valley. He graduated in 1962. Miller, originally from Pittsburgh. played football at LA. Valley College and then went on to compete in wrestling. football and rugby at Occidental CoUege. He also played football at CaJ State Northridge. After finishing coUege, he became an assistant coach in varsity football and wrestling at Compton High in 1968. Miller continued to work as an assistant at various schools, induding Downey. EJ Camino Community College and Marina Hiigh. In 1989 he became Lhe head coach at Ramona High in Riverside, where he got off to a fast start. "We won the C1F di.le back then,· Miller said Ml thought it would be easy, but I haven't won one since.• During the spring of 1991. Miller came to Costa Mesa as the wrestling roach. And, as soon as the season was over he became Interested in the opening for head coach of the Mustangs football team. He endured a losing season In his first year:, but In 1993, he guided the team to a quick turnaround The Mustang!J reached the OF coachc.'<.I some or Lhc kid'> '>inrc· Lhey Wt'rc 111 Lmlc l.caKtJl'. It WU.\ JU'>I a real great cxpenentt' at Lo'>ta Mesa I ltgh. "It WdS selfi,h of me to go to 'l\Jstin, Lhe higger 'iehoul." M1Uer continued. "I wa-.n't running aw·ay from anythrng I reall y had a grc•a1 experience at Co..,ta Me~. But Lhe hardest Lhtng for Costa Mesa wa .. 1he population and no one rnuld transfer in, yet kid'> could transfer out I saw that it wouJd be difficull to rnmpetc. I've al\V-J}" liked Tuslin. I JU!>I feh 1ha1 it wa.' an opponunity I couldn't turn down. I w.1.., rl'ally tom when I did go to l\J..,tin. TI1l· compeulive juice-. really pushed me 1oward I ustin. • Whtie winning tf> important for Miller, ht> still depends on pas.sing on Lhe values he gained wtule playing footbaJI. I Ii'> coachet. made a genuine impact on his life and he aims to do tht.• same for his player;. "lne goal is always to win." Miller said. "But 1 didn't get in10 coaching for tha1 reason. I want to win. I'm a very competitive person. Rut I really think Lhat I got into coaching to wort wilh young men and have them pursue 10 win, leamjng how to pursue ii and learning h<)\\-to sacrifice to have a chance at it. Every year, you hope you have a positive effect " Miller lives in Costa Mesa wilh his wife. Kathy. of 22 years. They have three sons, David, Ryan and Robert, and one daughter, 111ea. Miller said he doesn't see retirement plans on the horfaon. "The on.ty thing that would keep from aoaching my last day wouJd be my health." Miller said "But if I don't get the job done. it's not a job to me. I still love it I couJd put In a 12-14 hour day and it's DOI work LO me.. S P O RT S Monday, July 21. 2003 A7 rhese day-.. She~ a '>ldy-a1-homt' mom helping rai!le tvvo teenage children, C:h arlie and Kaue. who will both a!lend Corona del Mar I ligh in Lhe fall. Her hufband Joch hai. begun a charter slJln fishing busin~ to add anolher dimt:ni.1on to a bw.y lifes1yle She take-. 11 all 111 '>lrtdt· ·1 have to leep m~lf available tor Lhe clu.Jdren. • Albright -.cud. "I though• I would have more free time wilh the lod'> ge11111g ol<J,er I don'1 know where II ~Cit.~ • Albn~ht compett-d agam.,1 defending-lea Cup champion Marianne lower1..ey (!li:!Jlla Ana C ountry Club) and Me-.a Verde'!> Akemt KhatJt. 111 women\ \outhl'm C..tltfomia team play lu'it month. Mt>~ Vt'rde took fir...i 1r1 the gm,., while !'<ewpon carr1t• tn -.euind. Albnght -.cud h't:n 1h11ugh Albnght '>did .J1 .. hcl!>n't playt'd d.'> much ill> lower'>t')' or Khaiat, once Lhe fo ui women\ tlub champion<, from Lhe four pmrdtl· cou™" m ,. 'l;ewpon·Mt"<I 1er off I nda~ at I p.m .. evc•ry1mt' '>tan'> from 'cratch. ~1llv llol..,H·tn, J two-1u111 tlub champion from Big C. • .myu11. round .. ou1 1l1e fuur'>Olllt· AJbnw11 hope-. 1 ndJv will providt• d hl'llt'f r1·-.11h 1hJ11 1he YI c.,Jw -.1to1 .11 IJ" yt•ar\ I ea C 11p .~bb1e Albright. the women's club champion at Newport Beach Country Club. will be compete in the ~a Cup Classic at Mesa Verde Country Club , attempting to reclaim the prize she won 1n 200 1 "II lOlllt''> dtM11 Ill \\.ltll plav .. \.\ell thJt dJ\ · \Jhngl11 -.,ud I hope I pf.,, ht'ttc·r th.m l.1,1 \t't1r, hut I v1· fll•~ 1h,11 lwhmd 1m:" BRONCO Continued from A6 regional toumJnlt'nl rlhtl \\il\ il'C.,lJfl•d with the VIC torv I°' t\Ja111110..,, "' four of the t'1ght lt'illll'-Imm the c,,ection toum.11111•111 .1dv.1nce to re· gimi.tl' l>annv ~fo,k11\'1h and Ryan Al bNI l0ad1 pttdwd four innings of '>hu10111 ball and both produced olTt•rNvl'lv JC., \\ell. Mo'ikovit!> \\t•nt 2 tor 4 \\llh a double and Albert drove 111 a run m the l01gh1h mnmg wtth a double. 1 lw wm wac., made possible by k'fl fil'ltkr Au'>lln Wobrock who kepi the gaml' '>toreless in the fif1h mning by gunning down a l.m 1\lamito.., ninner altcmpting to 'rnre Wobruck'!> throw came on thl' fh from Lhe outfield fence, 240 feel from home plate. Alrcudy a.'\surcd of a benh in the i'cgional tournament, New- pon I larbor advanced its stand· mg \\ tth the win over Dana 1'01111 Acln.111 Hodngue;r wa~ 4 for 4 with J double and rwo run'> '>trm-<l to lead Nt•wpon Harbor. '>coll Ward pitched five m111ng~. alluw111g fou r run .. and stnkmg 0111 live. luck <;race closed out Dana Po1111 Wl lh IWO inning'> or !><:Ort'll''>.'> relief A victory over Anaheim would pul Newport 1 larhor in Tuesday's sectio n championship game, bu1 either way. Newport I !arbor aJ. ready knows it 1~ advancing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Dad'/ Piiot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 23 Jennifer Carey Nowpon Harbor Girls volleyball DEEP SEA NEWPORT LANDING -7 boats. 309 anglers, 1 yeUowtail, 2 white sea bass. 262 barracuda, 135 calico bass. 2,019 sand bass, 1 halibut, 1 sculpin, 4 sheepshead, 1 Jeopard sharic I > 1-. l>E \l>IJ\I: FOH SP\rl . & ('OP\ Wednesday, July 23, 2003 5 p rn IH \UU\I: FOIC C \\II H \ HI \I>\ \HI Monday, July 28, 2003, Noon \U\ l.lffOBI \I nr \1)1 1\1 () Wednesday, Julr 23. 2003 (rx. d..:-. .. •• ., : "· • : ... • :.· : .. \HI \~(If ( mn I \110 \ I\( I l UI : JA tr P1.o-Weoresoav Jul) .30 2003 \1•\\ purl Bc•ac·li •Corona ell'! \lar • \c•\\ port ( oa .. 1 • <.o~ta \lc·~a HUNTINGTON BEACH 1NDEPE DFW · -ndrsddy July 31, 2003 llu11tin~o11 R<'•Wh • ll11111in:.'1on llarhour • Sun~rl Ut'a<·h COASTLINE PILOT -Fr1da·y August 1, 2003 l.llfro na Bt'<H'h 78,000 circulation )I , r -. , '' ' It 'l INDEPENDENT 949-642-432 1 Daily A Pilot 949-642-4321 I '• &t' COASTLINE PILOT 949-494-432 1 < [/;;.d) AUTHORIZED s aooo ~ .... ., .. FOR &0 ~ CLEARANCE I I ~ f ., : 'I ,• J •• ' ' : I . • . ' ; ' " . '. " :· . JYewlCIA3 Poem : Automatic Trans !'few Im] Explorer XLT: 4-Door 'IJ,.7& •mm .. Al r.tonday. My 21. 2003 PORTS WOMEN'S SOCCER Nine added to Vanguard Un~versity soccer squad Class of 1990-92 claims title COSTA MESA -The Vanguatd University women's soccer team received confirmation from nine players whom will join the squad this fall C:Oach Kerry Crooks has forged a strong recruiting class of primarily C'.alifomlans who are made up of one tran fer and eigllt freslune11, including a pair she coached on her own team at Edl'°n Higll. ·n1e lions will gain the talents of Natalie Severson, J(.atJe Dy,nice, Meg-dll Swann, Kacie JeweU, and Jennifer Zipprich. Stacia 1 loover and Heather Hunan, who both played for Crooks at Edison, as weU as Lauren Walker and Jenni - fer Natoniewski will also play for Vanguard this fall . Severson. a 2001 graduate of Yosemlte High. is the onJy trans· fer in the group and joins the Li- ons from Fresno State. She also played at Fresno City College. Severson, a defender, played a year at each institl.Jtion and was an all-league selection at Frei.no City. She wiU continue her educa- tion in exen:ise sports science. Dynice was a first-team All· Olannel League midfielder as a senior for Ventura High and maintained honor-rolJ status during her four years. The schol- ar-athlete will major in business when she enten coUege. Swann comes to Vanguanl from Cayton Valley High. Known primarily for her defense, Swann helped lead Cayton Valley to the Bay Valley Athledc Le·.tgue cham- pion.mip Jn 2001 . She wants to pursue a Clegree in athletic train- ing while at Vanguard. Jewell completed a two-sport high school career al Woodbridge I Ugll. 'Ole 5-fooc-9 goalkeeper also has extensive club experi- ence with the lrvine Strikers illld the Region IV Olympic Develop· m ent Program. She is expected to make immediate contributions for the Lions. 7ipprich is the onJy non-Cali- fomia.n in the group. A 5-7 for- ward from Sandy, Utah. 7ipprich wi U be a freshman for the Lions and hopes to make a quick cran- sition to the collegjate level com- petition. I loover aud l lutton wUJ foUuw Crooks from Edison in hopes of repeating some of the same sue- ~ they achieved together 1n the &inset League and Clf1 including two league titJes and a CIF cham- pionship in 2002. Hoover played cwo sports in high school and wus U1e soccer team's MVP. as weU as a second- tewn All·CIF selection during her ~r. Hutton also played tennis at Edison. but was an all-league soccer player and named the sUnset League's Offensive Player of tl1e Year i.n 2002-03. Both play- ers are from Hw1tington Beach and play multiple positions. Walker and Natoniewslci are Crum Laguna Niguel High. Walker, a defender, received the 2002-03 Coach's Award and earned a 4.17 GPA in the classroom. Natoniewski played the mid· field or defender positions for La- gw1a Niguel and a1so ran track and cross country. The duo helped Laguna Niguel claim the 2001 CIF Division J ch~pion­ ship, as well as the 2001 and 2ooi Sea View League titles. Both ath- lete.) plan to major in exercise sports science at Vanguard. Crooks believes her recruiting class can help tl1e Lions improve on their 8-7 -3 overall record from 2002 and gain entrance into the NAIA Region II tournament. Team defeats 2003 graduates twice Saturday to win Newport Harbor ~l umni event. COLLEGE SOFTBALL WATER POLO Eight teams hegan the i.econd annual Newport I larbor l ligh alumni bai.ketball tournament Saturday morning, but the 1990-92 teJm wa!> the one left ... 1anding in the afternoon. Lions sign seven for softball team CdM ties for fifth The team of Justin Mcintee, Chuck McGav- em, Eric Dragaset. Mi· chael Brai.sler, Alan Fra- ser and lyier Koon defeated the Uas~ of 2003. which included Cllad Rorden, Oiar-t' Cameron, Jair I lcrnan dez. Scott Harn1>er and George Fcderov, 47-]5, .. aid Jamie I lulme.), the tournam ent's d1rcclnr' Coach Renkoski sees talent and potential from incoming class which hails entire ly from California. COSTA MESA -Vanguard University has signed seven playerl. for the Lions' softl>all team for the 2004 season. In- coming freshmen for the fall of 2003 include Jennifer Olvera, Heather Durham, Judy Bell, Ra- chel Bomgren, Melisl>a Benson, Jenny Buzbee. and Cathe rine Buttrey, all of whom are from California. Olvera comes to Vanguard from Gilroy I ligh, where she played softball and basketbaJJ. On the diamond. Olvera b pri- marily a pitcher, but aJi.o plays outfield and s ho rtlltop. She was he r high school team'i. Most Valuable Player. Durham, Bell, Bomgren, Buz- bee, and Buttrey are aJI Southe rn California players, ranging from sou01 Orange County to lmperiaJ County. Durham played volleybaJJ and softball for Mission Viejo in • f the South Coast League and is competing in travel ball this summer for the American Ath· letics. She brings ver:.atiJity lo the Llons as she can play sec- ond base, first base, and the outfield. BeU is a catcher from Notre Dame High in Riverside. I he backstop has been an All -l>t• Anza Leag\,!e pick and will focu\ the majority of her a llention 011 catching for the Lions. She plans to major in bui.ines., ad ministration. Bomgren reaped loads of lau- rels ai. a two-sport athlete at Orange Lutheran. She wai. the team captain for softball ~ a senior and was cho!>en to the Orange County All-Star team a1 the conclusion of the season. The 5-foot-10 shortstop helped Orange Lutheran earn two CIF Southern Section Divi- sion IV titles in her career. She was the CIF Division IV Player of the Year in 2002. Buzbee is from Lakewood and anended Calvary Chapel of Downey. The left-hander played outfield and first bai.e She anticipates pursuing a de- gree in liberal studies a l Van· guard. Buttrey brings in a 3.95 grade point avemge to study pre-phy- sical therapy at Vanguard. The NationaJ I lonor Society mem· ber was also a four-year mem· ber of the California Scholar- 'ihip Federation in addition to her thrce-spon participation a1 Paraclete I ligh. Huurcy was a four-year all- AJpha League '>ohball player and helped Paraclete win two AJpha League championi.hipll. Ben.,0 11 1oim. the team from Jleddi11g, where she was a two- .,port a1hlr1e at l·oothill I ligh. She wa., her team \ captain in Z003 and made the :.enior AJl - Star game for the La'>te rn Ath· leti<. Lt•ague. The catcher earned au dll league and aJl- section '>t•l<.·tllon a., a 1unior. and atlueved a 3.57 GPA in the clai.i.room. M'l Im Lia'>!> of fn:i.hmen ha~ the potential to make a big im· pac1 on 1he luture of our J>oft- ball program." .!>aid Coach Beth Jlenkoi.lci . "They are a talented and versatile group and I look forward to ~eeing how they will help U!. not onJy in 2004. but for the next four year'i." The Sea Kings win their first two games on Saturday. Another d ay, another Mro11g showing for the Corona del Mar I ligh girb' water polo team. Playing Saturday at the Villa Park girls under· Hi water pnfo tournament, the Sea Kings ruok the first two match~ of the day before falling in the third a11d fi nal game. lnose result:. advanl'cd tht• team 10 the fifth place >(.tmt· of the tournament on Sunday. a re match of the 2003 CIF Southern Section Divbion II title gaml' against VUJa P'.irk. which Wd'> playing under the momkN of "Orea." Befitting of thl' two quality progr.uns. that conte'I ended in a 2-2 tic. with the teami. i.haring fifth place. Corona d el Mar o pened the day Saturday by defeaung C:arl<.- bad 6-5. owrcoming a 5 :i defi- cit by scoring three goals in the final quarter whjle holding Carlsbad scorele~i.. Katya ha dington provided two of those founh-quaner goal~. with Jor- dan Anae i.coring the otl1er. Ka· ue Kuhas also scored twice in 1he match and Brittany FuJJen made cigh1 saves. · In the second game, the Sea Kingi. defeated El Toro 7-3. Ea· dington provided three goali. t111e. time ~ Corona del Mar again !.urged in Lhe second half. when it :.cored six of its goab. Anae added two goals and Ku- ba' and Camille I lewic.o addl'd one each. In the finale, it Weil> Corona dl'I Mar's opponent that ralJied al the end of the match Five goals by rhe ..an Diego shorei. m the fo urth quaner turned wh<il wa.., a 1igh1 conlest into a route a<. the ~a King'i fell 14-5. Kuba!. and Eadington M"ored again. while 01elsea Lyman added two goals. Fullen finis hed the march with five ...av~ and made 19 in the 1hree gamt·s comhme<l. In the fifth-place game. Kubai. and I lewko each i.cored. but Or· l'<t came back with a fourth- quarter goal. wilh 1:19 remain- ing IO tic the 'icore and even - tually the game. FulJen fmished wilh four '>aves. The 1990 !IZ team de- feated thl' :WO:S team by une po1n1 earlier 111 tlw day. rhl' challlJ>IOll., WOii ft ve game., aml n'LC'I\ ed monogrammed l<IJ>' a., ~>nl.e' The Ua.,., !II '%. which feattm•d Peter ( unnangham. We~ Ha dorek. JU'>tln furnN, \coll SllLkJer and l·m I reeman. madt· 11 10 tht- wm1ft11dl., before l<Nng 111 rhe cvenrual champ1 on'>. Sarurday\ tournc1 mcnt had 55 player ... an inrrcal.e of I 0 from .t year ago. Abou I $500 will go into 1he b ou.,tc-1 dub':. alum111 l1111d. 1 lolme~ 'Jid. NEW 2003 THUNDERBIRD D1scoont Off MSRP $3 000 NET SAVINGS 83,000 •nc111•.- vtN•·· 3109760, 3111679, 3112364. 3114095 ieona CAUJ1G ~ 11S 011tr1et Hunlrngton Buth Unooo Hogh School Otshttl Bod Dudhne Au&ust 8 2003. 2 OOpm Place ol 81d Receipt Purchn1nc Departmenl 10251 Yorktown Ave . Hunlm&ton Such CA Pro1ect 81d 1901 Hunllnalon Beech H11lh School Modern1zal1on Contr&el 14 fore Alarm System Upgrade NDTIC( IS HEREBY GIVE N lh1I lhe Hun· t1naton Beach Union H11h School D1slrtct ol Oranae County, Calllor nia, ac:llna by and throu1h Its Covernina Bo1rd. here1n1fler rt· ltrrtd lo H "DISTRICT." wUI receive up to, but nol latet than, the abO've staled . bid deadline. seated bids at lht place Identified •bove for the 1w1rd of 1 conll act f0t the above Pro1tcls There wlll be manda tor 1 job wal~ and conftrtnc. on July 25, 2003 at I p m at tht 1<hool arta. location. 1~ Mt1n Strttl, Hun· lln1t:on Bttch CA 9'6411 Ally biddtr ftllln1 to attend the lfltlft io- wa.., tnd conlereno will be Clumtd a nonrt· 1p0n1lv1 bldclet tnd will have 111 bid r 11111 ntd unopeMd Project OoeulMtlta a,. tn f1l1 1t the Pllfc:h11 "f Dtpartmtnl. 1025 Yor~town Avt, ltunlin• ton Buch IOf 1 $50 per Ml rtfuncl1bl1 deposit. (Deposit requlftd for tacll u t of Project Doc:umenb to 1uartnlM tlltlr fetllf n In 1ood condition w1lhlll five (5) bltflffr d1y1 1fttf lht bid open•nc •t• ) In 1tcotd1nce with tllt provbloft• or BvttMas tnd Prol1ulon1 Coclt Section >ou.n end Public Co11trtc:t Code lftt!Oll JJllO, .... OtS TllCT ,..,. .. tJl•t , .. .....,,._ ..... tltaifttotlOA I tf C 10 tlfltrecttr'a ~(•) ............ r.ubm11led Any bidder nol so licensed al the lime ol the bod openon1 will be rtfechd as nonrnpon!>••e Time 1s of the essence The number ol c•lend1r days for contract com ptellon rs 140 <•lendar d•ys llqu1daled dam· •i•s 1n the amount of $500/dey will be u Hned fo1 work on etcess of the allowable num~r ol days Each bid shall be accompa notd by 1 bid security 1n the form of (;Uh, a certified 01 cashiers cneck or bod bond m 1n amount not less thin ten percent (tO'I.) of the tolal bid price. payable lo the DISTRICT The DISTRICT reserves the rl&ht to re,ecl eny or all bids or to waive any irreeularltlu o• 1nformahtlas on 1ny bid• or In the bldd1na pro cu s The C1hforn11 0.p•rt mint of lndu,trl1I Retallon1 hn deter mined the centt •I pf• v11hn1 r•les ol per dtem ••CH for Ult loc1llty 1n wflldl th• work " to be ptrl0<mtd l0t UM ProJ· ec:t. C09its of these w1&• rite d1termln1 tloni. entitled Prevall1111 w-ae SUit. are mJ1ln talned et Ille OISTRIC'T ofttc.e ind "' 1v1ilabl• el the followon• w1klta. WWW dir Cl 1ov It •h•ll be m1nd1IOfy Uj)Oll Ille suc:ctnful bidder to Whom the contrtcl 11 twerdtcl. end upon any 1ubcontrtctor htltd. to P•Y not ltu then the uld 1,.cliltd r tlts lo tit •orlltn •1111>loyt4 b)' t11t111 IOt ttl• Projfet Tiie wcunful blddtt tftd lft)' li•tH '*°"' tr Kt.of ( 1) wlll lie re· ~lft4 to tbldt '1 tllt DISTittCT'S Ltbot COM pljMcf PtOl'ttn A •eft of the lCf CWllMltfr ltftW f9Wltw 9y lM ~t ....... ., ... ............ " ...... .. ...... ........ _, ... . ... .. , ...... . period ol s11 ly {60) ulendar days after lhe date sel for lhe open111a of bids Pursu•nl to Pubhc Conlrul Code Section 22.JOO lhe Aareement Wiii cont•ln PIOVISIOn\ perm1t11na the success lul bidder to subslllule •ecurohn tor any mon IU Wllhhtld by lhl OIS TRI C T lo 1nsun perfo1m1nce under lhe A(reement or perm1tlln1 peyment of retention• urned directly into n c•ow In 1ccordance with Educ 1l lon Code 17076.11, lhe District hu a partldp1tion 11011 of at least 3 percent ol the oveiall dollar amount upended each yt1r l0t construction ICH DV8E. ......... .,. S..lMcl-, Directer,, _ _..., •-.,c-...i-'""" , _ _. .. ,,.. .... Publlahad Na,.porl Bt1ch Costa Meu Delly Pilot July 1'. 21. 2003 M759 ··-........ lOd&.Sia mAlHf1 mlf.lnWI Wl•Amm To all lltln , t>tntfl cl1r1a. a ldi I.Or 1. COii • lln••nl cre(lltota, and peuona who 111•1 oth· trWIM l>t lntar11ttd In the wUI "' ....... Of boU1, ••: C YltlL r . KtlHMAN A l'CTITION ro.t PltO IATI he• Mtn filed by MICHAIL W. C~UI In die SVpetlof Cout t or C1llfou111, Count., of OIWICC. THt Pl flTION FOii 'IOIATl requnb ~LW comtM ...-Mttf .. ...,_ .. :z...-:-t•t•" to •d· .. Ht•ll .. .......... ntlNTml* ....... I 2MO L.epl Natlca lhe decedenl s Will and cod1c1I~ 11 .any b"' admitted to PfObatt The Will and any tod1c1b are available for e• em1na loon In the tole kept by lhe courl THC PETITION rtqunls aulhonty lo 1dm1n1ster the n t1te under the Independent Adm1n1s lration of [states Acl {Thos Auth1111ty wiH allow lhe personal represen lahve IU lake many 11cUons without obtain· ine court 1pprovat Before l1k1n1 cerla1n very lmporl1nt acllons, however. the personal representative will be required to 1lve notice lo Interested peisons unless they h1vt waived notice or conunted to the proposed 1tlion.) The 1adep1ndent 1d m1nlslrellon 1uthor1ty will be 1J anted unlesi '" lnte•asled per$On Illes an ob11ct1on to lhit petition ind ahows &ood c1uM why tht courl &llould not 1r1nt the autlloflly. A HEARING on the petitt0n wlll bt htld on AUGUST 7, 2003 11 t ·45 p tn In Oapt L73 IOclltd 11 3'1 Tiie C1t1 Drive South. Ortf\lt. CA 92868. tr YOU 08.ICCl to lht 1f•nttn1 of tilt petltloft, 1® should ~ at tN helfl"J .,.d ••••• 'I°"" ob1t<hon1 or hie written ot>ltctlon• "1111 the COUfl belor1 the ll1ar1na.. Your •1>911rance m•y be In person or by your 1tt0tn1y. IF YOU ARC A CRCOI· TOR or cont11111nt qaditor ot the dtciNstd, you "''"' flit yow cl•'"' wltll tn. court ind mill I C091Y to llM pettONI '•-t.tl•e ..,.,,t.d lty tfll COVI I wttllift ,..,, lllOfltll• frOftl tM dllte of lfM first Mutftet of ,..,.,. .. ptO'f... Ill ,,... Code MCtlOll 9100 Tiit tlfftt"" .... deM!t .. flOt •••• lllfor• to.it ........ ~-tt.. ......... ~ *"· YOU MAY CXAMIN( lht ftle kepi by the COUI l II you Brt • ptnon in leresled on lhe eslal1 you may Ille with lht cour I a Requnl for Spet.1al Notttt (form 0£ 1~> of the hline of an onvenlory ind appr•isal of nt.ate aaMh or ol any petition °' itCCount as provided 10 Probate Code section l 2!>0 A Request for Special Nohce form •• available from the court clerk Allorney for Pehlloner DlNfS L. llASfAN, ISQ. S001 l IVY GUNN. sn. 112, lAGUNA NfGUlt., CAt2'77 Published Newport Beach·Cost1 Mesa D11ly Pilot luly II, t8, 2l, 2003 Mf763 ts< 1n11 ll011CI TO c.TOIS Of •&.S&AYUlll,WI l.u.21 SUPlRIOft COURI Of CALIFORNIA, COUNTY Of ORAfifCiC Nollet Is het1b1 8fvtn to the creditors ind cont111aent ettdlt0!'$ of Ult ebovt·named dee .. dtnt, that 111 peraona h1Vln1 ct.Im• 1111111t the ~tdtnt lte tt· quited to fllt them with the $uperl0f COUI I ti l1mor111u Justice C«lltf, I' 0. Boie 11171..t Ottnp. Callfot1ti1, 92&t;i er1d mall 1 copy to 81rb111 H11ny. ta tru1t1t ol tht trust det.d Octob« l7, tMS, •nd amendff 01etmbtf ll. 1"6, wherein th• "'1tdtnl WH the Ult• lor. •I c/o Jan W, Alldtl•oo. An4911on & Anhrson, 2010 N Tut1111 Alft • Senta Ana, CA tV05, Wltllift Ult lt1tf of four -•h• '"" Jiiiy l4. 2003: (the dttt of Ult fht ,111111 cellon of noUct to er-::.~ ot, if ftOtb II llf MfMMlr ....... to"y.ut . ... ""-'die ....... llthct •• -~ .. ,....,..., ......... you A cl•om form may be obl.,1ned from the court cltr~ ro1 your protection you are encouuaed lo file ynw cl•1m by u rhfoed m•1I. #llh ieturn rett\opt requntd ,_ welt. "'"'-'--· A.t4en-& A..4tn-. 2070 N. Twti.. Ave., S-~t• A"9 CA t270S • .......tt.4 OA 101 ,_ 21, 200J I •/ ,...._. Hwv•y, ""'•'" OATID1 ,_ U , 200J ANDI.SON & ANDI•· SON JAN W. ANOIHON, !•/ ,_ w. AIMkr•-· Anw-y fer'•""-I ,,.,., .. Pu bll•h•d Newport Buch·Cosla Mesa Daily Pilot July U. l8, 21. 2003 MF761 ~ ..... ......... T ht loltow1n1 pe11ons •re dolnc businus 1Y- l 11dlaw Schulti Aichi' ltcb, 110 West eo.9 Kwy tP, Htwf)Ofl 8N<~ CA. 92663 Scon l.Jlh111w k .. 1119 Rivet Ave.. Newport 8etcll,CA9*3 • Cfllt H SchultJ. 10) St. JoHpfl Ave • Lone 8tadl.CA 90803 This buslneu Ii con• dueled b1 a pneral plrtMrlhlp lf.t"8 JOU llarttd dolnt bu11n111 yet? Ytt. Mer 1.1'97 Cr•l• H, Schulli Thli stettmtnl Wit hied with tilt Counlf C .. rk of Drtnp CounlW on01/l4/0J • MIMtll.MJ • Oaily Pitot )ul} 21, 29i Aue. 4, 11, 2003 M771 S LL (11\tt Autl\oroty woh allow you m115t ,, .. you1 ct.Im the 1>4'1100n•I 1tpres.n· with the court and mall tahve to l•h meny a copy to the 1>«&0nll man Of: SltAl8I O. DINS CASl llO. A220090 •na •Ourl appr oval. Belo1e l•~one ctttain v~r y tnwor l•nl actions. hoW~Y••. tho Plll\Oll•I 1P111nentahve will be lo all hetn, b~11•l1 rrou11ed to 111ve nohce cutrln . qed1lots, c un to 111te1nted per~on1 tonaent ued1to1s. •nd untc:" they h••• waived penon' who m•y orh nuhl t ut ~unsenled to ff wrse be inlet uled 111 thr 1.11vpostd actoo11 ) the will 01 nl•te "' lhe 111d~1>•nd•nt ad· both, of SllARl N 0 m1t11\l1 ~llnn autho11ty KERNS will 11~ &•~nted unless A PCTITION FOR PRO ~n 1111~1nt~d person BATE h•s bern l1led by f1h .111 ob tu toon to the JULIA ANNE HOCltAOfl 1nt11"'" dlld \huw' eiood CUI/AN 1n the 'iuv•"'" , ~•I\•· why lhe Lour! Cou• I ol C..alllo1 nod ''"'""' 11111 KIJlll the County of ORANG! ,1utt11,11ty TH[ Pl TITION f UH A lllARINC 011 the l'ROBA 1 E 1e4unh 1un11 p1•11t1u11 will 1.1~ to~ld on ANNE HOCHADEL CUI 1\111,IJ'>I l4. ;ro()l •I I 45 1.AN ·be appm11led d~ 1, 111 111 o~i;I L 7 J p~•sonal rep1esent•fl•• luc t.lt·t.I ,11 J41 Th~ City to 'dmon .. ter th~ e\ldlP llrov~ <;1111th ()1 .,1111e. CA of U1e decedent 978611 TH[ PETITU:~N. re4ue\h If Y<llJ IJBJl.C:I tu lhe the de<.l!denl s Woll •nd , """'"'~ ul flu pehhon codlllh 11 •nt fi,. 1,,,. >huullf dllVf"" .it the •dn11tted It> p<ubat .. 111.. h .. ,.1111;; Jlld \Idle your W1U •nd any t..od1ul' .ur 11htt't ''""' ,,, Mt" wrttlen .tVdtl4lbl~ ft\t e I dOltnd t1htf'' tum with th~ L(JUf t hon m the trfe kepi IJ1 tn>l11f .. 111 .. ,.,.l., ing Your lhl! lOUrl ••11~"·"·'"' • m~y be on THE PCTITION re11u"f•, I"'' "" "' by your dUlhot1ly lo -ttdm1n1,tu .tll•ttiu 'f the o tate under ti•• If VOii AHi A CRC DI· lndep~nd .. nt Admon°' I OH ,,, , onton11ent Ir a hon ot l \t&tt!s 1\1 t , 1 ~dot<ir 111 the deo..eased. Poli('\' . by the cCKHI within lour months ftom lh• date ol t h• first lssu1nce of letters u provided In Prob•I• Cod• aectlon 9100. lhe time fo1 fllln1 claims will not t1pl1e befMe four months hom the huron1 d1te noticed ibowe. YOU MAV EkAMIHC the ltte kept by lhe cour I If you .,. a pe1son tn lerested 1n the n tate, yeru may It.. with the court " Request lor 5'>eo..•r• Notice (lot m Of 154) of the lttma of an 1nvento1 y and appratu l of e$la te unt.s or ot any l>•hltol'I or 1ccount as prov\d~d on Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Speclll Noltce fotm is 1v11lab~ from the court cte1k Allotney for Petotlonet Dovl4 G. o-4.1, h ... 4199 c_,.... Dr., Ste. 670, ltvl-, CA 92612- 2691 Pubflshed Newpor I Beach Costa Mes• 01111 Ptlot July 14, 18, :>!. 2003 Mf762 .. UIOI WA19 llSlllCT RCPORl ANO or A llMC ANO PLACC Of A HLARING fHEREON RtLAllV[ 10 HAVING SEWER CHARC£S fOR CERTAIN PARCELS Of LANO COLLECTED ON THE TAX ROll AHO NOllCC Of PUBLIC HEAAIHC HOTIC( ia hereby 11ven that 1 1ej)Oft hlls been filed with the Secretary ol the l1v1ne Ranch }Nater Otltrict relative to havme w wer cha111es for certain parcel' of land w1th1n the d•llrocl colle<.ted on the I•• 1011 Said 1 ~po11 ~011tains J desc roptoon of each pucel and the amount ol the charees for each parcel tor fo~cal yt., 2003 04 Said r epor I " on hie wolh the Seue ta1y of the Oishi.I at the Otstrocl Ofhce 15600 Sand Canyon Avenue Irvine CA and 1s avail .-ble for pubht oro~ec hon between lhe houl\ of 8 00 A M to 5 00 P M . Monddy lh•<iuith f,.d•y This repurl '' hied pursuant to Sechon !>413 of the Health and Safety Code of the Slate of C•hfurn1a NOHCC ti l111the1 1udfor 11ven that Monday, the BROAOCASI 28th day of luly, 2003, AUTOMATION S'l'Slf M ol said cll1y ( Ot n soon theftafte1 H IS rH •onabfe pr aclk•ble) in the Board uf Ouectors meelln& 1oom of the 01ltrlct, at I~ Sand C•nyon Avenue, l1vlne, CA ts the lime •nd place fixed by the Boa1d of Oorectors f0t heac1n1 •ml cons1dt11t1on by the Boa1d ol all ob1Khon' or prot"t' of fny to the 1epo1t Leolle l eftltewslt I, s. .... ...., . ..,, .... •-di Wotet Dl1trlct Published Newport Buch Co\11 Mesa Daily Pilot July 14 :i!l. 2003 M766 MOOO IMTllG Im Noflu 1s hereby erven lh•I the Board o f 11 u'tre\ of the Coa;.t Com111un1ty Colleee U"'"'' o f 01an1e County C•ltlorrua will •tteove ualed bods up lo but nu later than 2 00 p rn I ue,d•y. Aueust ~. 200J •I the Purch.sin1 O~parlment of the 01\t"t t located .ti 1370 Ad•m\ Avenue, Hldg 0, Co,ld Mesa. Cahlorma. •t wh•~h time bods will be pybl!cly upaned and All bids .01• to IHI• on acc:o1d<111ce w1lh the Bod Oocumenh which art now on Ille •nd may be secu1 ed on the ofhc:e of lht Ouettor of l'ur ch•sone of the Oostroct No Btddet may with di•" hos bod fOf a f)4111od of fOf"ly love ( 4!>) d•y• aftet tha dale set lot the openona thereof The 80.•d of ltusltH 1uervn the prrv11e11e of re1Kton11 .tny •nd ell brd\ or to w•1ve .ony 111e11u fa,,t1es 01 rnform•hh~\ 1n any bid or in the b1dd1ne Sf .. e4: /S(, ... ., W. Oovh, D 1ector •I Purch e tlft9 , (001t (o"'"'"""Y Colle9e Dlstrlct A4verfl\" Ji.1ly 2 I, 200S oft4 July 21, 200S 0,....: TuH41ry, A1t90HI s, 2003 . 2 , ..... l hf Ne: llSI Publo\htd Nt wp111 t Beuh Co~la Me, .. D•1ly Polol July ?I 28 2003 ""169 SEU I low to Pla{'C A IU~ eel 0 OH Communoty Colleae 01~tr1ct o f 01 •n1e tounly, Ciihto1noa , wtll 1ece1vo. sealed bids up to but no late1 than 2.00 pm Wedroe•d•y, Aue.u't 6, 2003. at the Pur chum& Oeputment ol the D1slricl located llll 1310 Ad<1m~ Avenue 81df 0 CMla Mesa C.ahlo1n1a at which ltrM bod\ will be pubhcly opened .and ll•d for l!ROAOC..AS f VIOl 0 St RVI R llOC( rv All btd' drt to be 1n •Lt 01 "~"'·" with the Bod Ont unoenh which are nuw un hie dnd may be ~ctu• •d 111 the 0111 .. e of the 011e~tur of Pur 'hd\mfl of the 01str1ct No b•c:lc:ler may with d• •W h" bid tor • perood ul l{i1ty five (4!°>) days a lter the d•le set for th~ upt-none thereof lhe l!oa1d of trustees 1 ~·t• ·~., the prov1te1e of • •1•ll1ng dl\y and •II bods Of ltJ waive any ureau 1~""~' 01 mform•hhe\ m dny bid 01 1n the b1dc:t111~ Signed: /S/ Roget W. Dovh, Dlte clet of ,u1<ho1ln9 , Coos! Monday, July 21. 2003 A9 c ...... 111 c.11.,. Dlstwld _l.lpl_91otices ___ 2140_ I Lepl 9lotices 2MI AcM.s.... bu or~•· yet' Nu 8eibar• I Burn' A4•ertlM• Jwly 2 t , 20H Op••1 We4•••4ey, ..,._,6,2oos- 2, .•. 114N•.a tlSt Put>llShed Newport Buc.h Costa Meu O•oly Poto t Jul, 2 1 28 2003 M770 I he foftowonc pe<Son• •re doln& businHs .as •l Lolesh ••~ b 1 Lofeshare net 28~~ Poncuc~~ Drove AJ()'l Cosi. Mu• Ca him n11 926?6 I llHti.tre, lnL (CAI •re doma bu"nn, '"' f roend\ of I •auna lie•• 11 Commu111ty tl1111t Jb7 lhltd Sh~~• l•v.1111• 811acn, CA !176'> I L111una 8•.tt h l.01111 mun1ty Cl1n1o.. ln1. 11 A 1 J62 Thord !>he.,t I •JIUll• Beath CA 91'&>1 f hf~ bU~lrt~\' I\ i IJll duc:ted tlt • •Of 1-H" •h~1n Hne ru11 \l•d•d 00111~ bu>oM\\ yrl > Y.-> !llr 08 '20()j l •1un• tt• ... , ,, 1 in m11n1t1 t n11u M t<1t·1 .. .,, .. .,,,~,,, .. , \.,..,,.ftfy lht' litf,.Ul•Uf Wit til~d w11t1 Hu 1 11mty Clerk ut (J, ,,,, •. f. uhty un 06 ~ l IJ I 20036949031 7?85!> Poneueek Urove O••ly Pilot luly I 11\ A302. Cost• MH• Aull 4 JI 'IJ01 Miii C•hlornw 92626 This bu.,ncu •i ton Aditiclls '4111Mss ducted b,1 • CO•Pfl••l•on Have you \lllrted dt11ntt M.t S....., bustnes.s yet' NH fht-t.,11uw10~ , .• t u l tt•s..h•rt Inc ft-'> 4f .. ", .. 1. frn ,. .... Mer Tracey Syphc1d kurw An<! A\\o•to•lr• This statement ... , 1,001 fl"• h \I ,..,.,.,.,,, Med with th~ r.ounty a ••••. I A 'Uf,J,IJ Cieri< ol 01an1e C.ounly a.n •• , .. I k "' l ,, on07/07/03 81Aud'"t"' '"' '" 20036950610 I "''• Mr\.1 I A 1 f, 'I O••lt Pilot July 14 21 I In.. llu'.11" · ,. 11111 28. Aue 4 2003 M7b4 due t•d by ... 111d"'"""' .J:!!.~! ... Plu •-.t.trtt-•j d111n .. Cltirk of °'""I" Count1 un 06 /!rlQ) 20036t4t 411 ll~tly l'olul Jun• JO July I 14 ,11 i'O()"j Ml'>l ,.... ...... "-*'-" Thr f<>llv•lll-11~•~·,n~ di P ckJU1& bU~M'°\ 4\ Jvh•nn.th L c:f' Int•• u11 IJ•\len ! $4! r u•dh•rY> O• t IJ\l4t Mt-~ r. ... , for 1114 9?6/f, J.oh .. IHldh , .... f ... ,~,. /i-1 1 f11r(jh.JJt1 Ur I , •• ,,. M• .. f dhtu1 ""' 'J/fJ/f, ltt1\ Uu\IOt''-'. 1-.. 1u11 '1\At-ft"rf h/ ..tn md1v1duAI Udv ... you !rildt1flld 0-110•• tHJ"trlf"'< .. yt'P NfJ Jur1 .. 11JMh l t .... u,,. I"*' ')fdft'Rltfll ~ "" loldl "'1ll1 11.. • uunl1 1 lf"tt ul Otdll~t-t nuu'' .11010101 700369SOJ13 "'' f'1 ,t lutr 14 II 'II A.1& 4 '()()j Ml&I ___ l)(•;ullin e~ --- CLASS IFIEIAD "'1ond3} .. h1dJ~ -norm Tue~da} \1011dj\ "\ OOpm Hy Fax (949) 6l l-6594 ff'lca.....-indudc ''"'' n.111..: "''' phoine numt.:r ...00 "• II (.JI \1'\; t:a.la..L \Ii.Utt.a r'f'h.<~Uuh: I By Phont• (949) 642-Vi7k I lour~ By :\lail/ln Pe rson: '30 W l'.\I Bay Srm:t Co,ta Me~. CA Q~627 Al Ni:v. port Blvd & BJy SI Wedne-.da) Tuc:-.dJ' 'i ·OOpm Thur-.da) \\t·dnl·,dj~ 5 :OOp111 Fnday ...... Thuf-.da' 5 .0C~pm Saturda~ I 11Jj ) H>Opnt Rate' jnd Jt•j1ll1nc' j f\.' \uh1c:ct 10 cha11gc: "'1thnu1 lltllttt· I he: puhlt\hcr rc,crvc-. t~· nl.!hl 111 lC:tNrr. fl'c.la,~tl y. rcvt'c: m rl'lt't l .Ill\ da,~1ficd jtJ\c111,c:nll'11t l'lc:.1,c rt'(lC1n Jll)' error that ma) I~: m ~our d.1"1ficd ad 11nml·d1a1c:I) Tlw D.111) Ptlul act.:c:pl!. no lt:ihtltt) f11r .111) c:rror 111 an advl·ntwllll'OI tor v.t11th ti may ~ rc,pon,1hk t' \Ll'J'I Im lhc u1'1 of the 'PJl.C: JLluJll~ 11nup1t·d h~ the c:rror \rn.ltl l.UJ u111\ he: Jll11'' l'd lor the: fir~t '"'en 1011 Telephone X 10jm 'i OOpm \fondJ} r·nday \\..111. In !I 'Oam 'OOpm M ond..t., r-mlj} Sund..i~ htJj\ 5 OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS ~l & MISC GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~·~ PA(tfl( VIEW tAYVllW TH RACl 'LOTS-AU OR P.UJ : Ut 494 SOIS OeUectibles/ flfemorabllia 1160 1010.1770 -) 1419 $] 2305-2490 SELL your stuff through class 1fred! ,,.,, v1wr ( ·ar "' ( '"' .. ji .. d ! TOP SS 4 lt(COROS (J( I Jro. Chu:. r 11. •JJ, & m, .a. M,.. sp., tutJr Mr~" Auctions 1483 Mo~~ 9•9 &•'> l'>U'> ~==========:; .BfTERTAJNMENT 1310 lQUAl llOUSIMG OffOIT\llTY All rnl .Sidi• dllv•r to~m& on th" r1•w\paptr 1~ Wbfel I It• the I f<l<'r .,1 r arr llousmll Act nl 19&8 i\ a mended wh" h in·~~\ It 11fCQdf IO advt'rll\~ dny 111 •f Pr Pnt11. tim11.a11un or dl\c11m1n,1t>0n ba'Od nn li~e colo• reltamn . ..,., handKap l•n11l1at SldtU' Of n1toonal Of!lln ni An 1ntentt0n to mallor ally SCl\.h 1>1eferenct l1m1t• lion ot d1~t1mmatoon lhos new,p•~• wilt not ~nowoncty •rcept •n1 •dver toum .. nt tor 1 ul est.it~ whol h ,., rn voolalton nl lhe law Ou• • ••der s are herrhy lhformed that •II dwell 1n~ advertr~d 1n this newsplpet are available on en equal oppo<tun1I~ bil'Ms To compl••n of dos Cfominlhon, call HOO toll he. at 1·800 424-8!190 1 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style FurMure PIANOS & Collect>blM $$ CASH PAID $$ ......... WE BUY ESTATES .;~ SOUTH C8AST AUCTI N 2202s. ...... S..AM.CAt2107 6l. ___ ,>,...,. ANAHCIALJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SSCASHSS lmrMCkate Cuh for illuclured setllemerlb . ....,.,,.... , ... e\tate. notes. p1lval• "'°' 1pee not-. acddlnt casn and ~n1u11nce f>'10'Jb (IDl) 194-7310. (CAL•SCAH) LfGAl. SERVICES AdcJtltion& FoaefCM Semca 2$50 """"" ........ io-• .._ awart>. your child Happily marrll!d As>an American couple """-"' s newbol n [ipenses p.old l.Jnet Mid Horner I 800 ?13 10 1 befor" 5pm I -8111.662 3620 altet (Cal•Scan1 HOME FURNISHINGS IEDltOOM S UIT( Queenstze bed. 2 n•eht t.ibles, armou t1r1e dres\er w/m11<or Also TV. work·out boke, soh 949-939 '3677 2 c ... 1-Couche!. Bum New, 7 ft. Tusany 0-.. ew1h torm.. Sl500 tor boll\ 96-5(5. 7881 HIGH I OY CHlST 7 dr 1wera, antique blue/ whrte outtrne, n cellent cond $495 949-720· 1565 ~ 3010-3940 mJ 5005-5150 3610 2QCH. ICITTIHS. CA TS, DOCS www...r~OI& r .wwon t.land. ·hw>e 5'll1 tr urn l'fA. Tli GUARN(TU 94%44-2'219 Spay monma ut. hlJme<> la~~]~ Oclcot ICltten1. leopard look a hilts rare u oht &nldlchocolate '5P(lls rul schmoozeu 909 681 6664 Ger,,,_ Sh"""'ch 111 colo r\, all sizes for .adophon to quahloed homes w-ssrl'S(.ue Of I or 714 773 5915 MISCEl.lANEOUS MERCHANDISE MlscelllnlOUI Mtrdlllldise 3855 STiil IUllOINGS 50 70'f. Off 40140. 50•90. 60al20 Must Sd! Can [)el1ve1! Roy (aoo)Ot-2760 ,....,..~­ Cal-SCAN ad$ in 200 hMSPIPll• ~ 25 toO'dl,~SJX) NortlNfn OI Soulhllfn ~ r,. trtb'nwllon (916) 2 88·6010, www c a l •can com (CM.~ Index AAA VOCMNG llOUTI.. Ill >tll•nQ units Prom~ loutlllfl'I ~ Invest ?':>~down w~ IDl 396 9JI I 1CAl •SCAN> AISOlUTl GOLDMINlt 60 vend1ne machine\ with '4~tllenl locations .. la SlO.!m!ID~ WOMAN TO WOMAN. l ooll m& tor women lo launch eaclusivt ndlural products 101 optimal hot monal balance Es tabloshed company Comm1ss«1n/8onus plus residual ln1n1n1 pro vrded Call 888·2!>8 2310 (CAL·SC~) HOMES FOA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Ou A: wtl Tt1pleA ready ID r emod!t or reboold. ~ R 2 lot LOOll$ o-l'he 11 ass Plf1\ by l'he 8.ab>e Pw SI .3!115.(Dl lam Jacobs, As.soci.aled Ruity t4t-67S-.J66J ......,. r,. .. ...,. non-c:on- fomwt1 w/-end bay -Sl.195.COl. .Im .llcoOs. Assodolled Rally 9&673 366.l 0.... ........ I blodl to bud\, Jbr 2ba 111>1*, I bl Iba 10 .. er. 3car 1•r. l'.MS.COl ..... 9&574-35911 ~! 7402-7466 ~ 9000-9750 Under the Scr\'ice Directory Banner Reach 80,000 H omes Each Weck For Only $32 per wee k (4weck minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Cini-Cor--del Mor I c....io"''"'"""· RURAL PROPERTY 11,0UI""' kfldll'n WTIMl&f'I 21R I U VlARl Y w/go•og• Avoil A119 I Anou G1ed Reolty won c"'h>m tilt and c~b FOR SALE ""'try Front i\.O .lbr 2b• ________ _ ho>lnl! & •e• I\• 2bf 2b<1 COASTUNf REALTY 949-759..0171 RmUCIDll ~-Ctffl< I' abuloo' loc<ttoon' on ~ gr-eenbc'tt 3bi ~i wort<out room ulla Ii;: llv,rm w/lp, ac.. i•le lllJMded pook, spa\ Judy Knlai l!.1lltN 949-376 SS76 CH9CA (OVI b llM lnJSe. Wat.tr V-la l ut ~ WS:ome aet S;wdy II ~lJB.9646 / 14 9/4 9't9'I Garden Grove llr I lo !l•led lund<l New pnt crpl 1<11 11111& & O/W ,,.,,, br w ·wal~ 111 Cl11. l R w cam lPll\ Ip tenn" trt$. clubhSf' Prud C11 Realty 567 ~I 1'>88 Newport Beach SlA fAJRl V..s of Cke<illl & Catalona from Huee Paho IBr IBa $449 IXXl llll ~110 (~ ody plu5e) HAUOlt WOOOS 2bt 2ba, 2 c 1•1 bedim offrce a1t S I 900 !M9 293 463t •• lflaoM ...... (net CU5tOfn estate Wlttl C8r1YM & ocean -Of1'lr1!d at $6.500,000 <-•'""' ......, t4t-7St-Ol77 SELL your stuff tkough classified! Ranches,farms/ Coumy Propet1y 5915 Balboa Island COLORADO AJ tT'1 I (ST 3~ acre> only S!f.l.!m ()"81 fl('.111ta&r ' ~· Nelolv ""~ :fl acr'"' 1r1 W~t ~Int ~ildl)~ toGtand Me-.. NatJUrwl forest Wide Cl~ flontAee 84': ~ Road & eleL.trc I~ YI 1~3116 ICAL~l SO COLOltAOO toe ~ wM well 40 ac S89.900 Oubt..lortdslf Rody Min v~ h om 11\e dl!c:k of lh~ Mavhfuly toe c.a:bln, duw lo IOCO's of BLM • « l<lnd E.nfOY ,.,., ltvq unbehevilble prrces Cal Rell loll t.ee I 866-696 5'lf>J (CAL·~) MISCB.lMEOUS RENTALS •Se l ey fr ont yrly 4br 2ba upp~• duplea I co1r p kon& l~undry IH $37!>0mo • ( a\I Bay front apt l b• Iba Ip S1800mn •It.. ~ p ~ • IJrWll Sl«Xm> • 2b 2ba hou!ie yt'ly S21~'cl ~ Corona det Mir 0c-vie w ho-bro2ht quoet lbt ?t>a wd pal~\ no imo• pet I c 1tA• S23~o 949 171 1719 .._.,. ~ 2ba hou~e famrm aood stougr I 7 aar, wd, palto dw lrpk Sl400mo !M9 615 569!> l.-t1"'4 Si r 21•~; l.8a ~ ttrtAs. °* ftd .... wM ~ 41 S2.IDllS1800 949 293 ~ Rental To Simi U Coltl Miii ~ c...A. !ff. pal u1mm Custom urmll Beal -· la~.°""' bl. fUI prfVir&es, p . pool s 1aio • 112 uti lem pr.t Avlfll8 I 714 608 2145 ==-GMAGIS wl*t lb22 SD> °' 2b2D ~ fl SQJ)sf, arport -,,... wftVl ,..;uty ~I~ FIND an apartment through classified ........... I m ID t.dl. .,..; ~ SIO¥e. .. 'I. ceol ,., more lll5C)n I br .. S 11/0m 2br 133 l 16th St Asll tor Special 9'9 5'8 ?421 1·.w.~i.Wt ...... & ... ,.....- peie.. $" 1-''° ( 21st St ... ~ .... S-7776. N eor Newport Hh, lUmpl .. tt+r ,. ' rt 'I, l 'lh~ twnh'' ,.,. .-.. w n~w k1trh & IPI I' ~ ca1pe-t & m. 1 r' ""' w opener ~. 1•·1' Sll!l"> 949-ID&il• ..,-.i t/16 UH> l SW.. \: ••• , k)<l ~ .... II: y.wd ... • ,,., t .. ..,. (~ f"1 ,,....,,,. 11t , ... ,, ""'flt! $.t:(O C\!l<J ftll I '' I U9 t.73-303 A STlAl I• S 109S/Mo '/• Off .... '" -._ '" t,"" W.J ~·wt, "'"' ~'(1 w ,tr-# CJ(lli-~·"'' & ... ll"lO ... w 11 _. ..... (<ii""" 0 w & ""' •·••l»•1 ~m•·• 114 "-1.:l FH/ Nt1 dr~ I ILOCK FROM OCEAN .,. '!lot ,, .. llld tM "'4Jll'• •.wpc~ 'tor<e" SllfiO '°' AvM R I 'Jll9.51~ 422!1 Hurtington Beach 1 • 2•1• ' Slry •wntm OcrM'rtt It. lb.•'"'"'' t•'•f ht'<h , .. mvdf"'I i-'' • t-e Pe u •m•1t f"J ' ""'' c aq>ocl 1utm w d hkup w d " unit ••OOlofd ..,, Sl<fhn ""'~ l n4 122-9.l Aet sum cwq 61 • flUl COMMUllUSS ltllAX MORl Contact rentll ~ ~t ""'"' lmtornwllon !An!"' 116?.>B <ti ttarv•ll ....i Main, hwtt Ca 9:'6 I• 1166 .-269' iu ... M~ octANfltONT wtflTO alNTAU t -2-J & ...... 1A..it. hM<l .. 84•-"Y t4t-67J-U6S UDO YtM1 Y UAR &&.o-N091$ 8U GRtH>V RCAl. TORS MMPS-61•1 1.evely 21 r+-4-21 /•I• Jo,.nh •uY 1860.1 1"< ll• -.,,. pool ~ '- "' f Wwol'· "" S7Mn nn llf't -"" 949 m«>D le1t~luH, Si r 2 11, C•• •It' " d h~up Ael S?37S mo !Mq Z93 "630 IAUIOA P(NfNSUlA I& ~ '.b 2hrl. vMJlt ur,j Ip .. /d,2•Pf.~ ~ Chr15ty 9119.500 .1548 211t YlAaL Y ltlNTAU Newport Sch Pen111M1la S 1400 Sl400 mo Act t4t-47S-7IOO Jllr 2...Sh. NP<.r-.t, (W...nt ' tmlNC, -1*. .... lo lldl dlil ... '*" .,, s;z!a)yi 9&~ ....,...en.artr/• Enif "°"" pr#, ~ .-, ~~W..-1* • $2'Jm '6 .. 986i6Wl ) AlO Monday, ·Jljy 2.1, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE· aa.-.... n •• .J. Monthly Renlal Av4111 ~ ._....,., ~"'' line 4br 2tw h\.e on Perwn ~ ,. ....... ...... Pocnt Vf!l'Y na l11nd di! Jba home, l+at1 &M, PflV s.Ml~~()Cl;w~ patio, comm pool Vt ~ flTIS .wall mw ~/J Big c-Y.°"•. 19 Rue c:ann.... Jbf, 'l'/ibd, J 1"11 Blvff's 'op.,lar ( Plan eai. completely r6m0deled 48r. 21/>Ba. family rm. J.<XXlsl. Monaco Mod (1!>1 courly•rd. bal,ony nu " r.laster). $4.9!l0,mo Call pets S28nn 714 328 8333 Dorne 714 m 1811 •231 lackhay HH Huee yard lru1I trees. 4Br 2Ba. 'Iii t'81 tw~'-. S2!mn rv'petr. 9'1!1251 01:11 HA.HOR VllW HOMlS 3Br. 28a great loc•l1on near !>Chool & 11reenbelt New cat pet/paint dYdll 8123 SDXlrn 949 7S9 J771 * s ... , Shorpllt * :IU, J8a Condo Step'\ 1(1 bch. BahJa Ptm. ~ 7< p.G!!i>nlk~ IAYFRONT CONDO 21t 21a,2 ...... .,. S3SOO/mo. DadAvollM.le. Anoclated lteohy 949-673-3663 ~WW.....,.... ~ 2Br 28a 2c.w .... pvt beachel.. NC. Uirono 714-991H758 714·345 !'>/13 1824 ,ort wi...i. .. 4br 31 />ba, J 1 a1 gar tomplelely remodeled 3.000sf. $4.950, Catt Dome 714 772 1811 ~231. Newport Coast TltOVAltl ?br 2ba 2 l "'' &dkd 'ommunlly pool aat $7400 949 ?9] 4631 SEU your unw.-nlt"d 1tem1 throu11h cla\s1f1ed f>I &<e"'baJI s:>~r\)\I loo!We 53 Name ........ lt:A~ 54 ·Pow,. 55 SEATO oounlOfl)llll 56 Catch 59 Wlflll U.5' ASSISTAHT MANAGER I OR BOAi RI NIAL S CAll I 1!0U ':II!'> 0/4/ i AUTODflWI NIWPOITWCH 94'l I j!) 1111 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wttti OMAR SHARIF ANSWERS TO WEEKLV BRIDGE Q IZ Q I • Both vulocrtlblc. u South yO\I hold: • J 9 7 6 5 1 • t< Q \• 111 9 7 • II II The bidding tw procttded. WF.S'f NOJfllr MbT SOUTH I• Obi PIM ? Whal 1Ction do you ~e·• A • rbe ooc llung )'OU mu~ llOC do I\ convcn lhc lalc:oot double kJ pend! tic~ )OU CiAJ'lll(JC c~pc.:c to rnalc more than '"'ll ur three tric;b on iJefen.c, and there ii. no ~a.~m tu think partner can takt lour« the Your choice lte~ hcl'l\l.'.:n tW11 dia· rnond~. your lon~~~l uubid i.u11. and Ont 1111 11'\Jlllp. J ~Lr,_iit O\ crb1d Smc:c 1><11lJl.:r .Jlould rc;il11e y~ ~'Ould ti.· unde( pl\!'!>)UfC on Om aucLJuo :mJ .,.c Jo nvt hk uJung uul into 11 ' 1im:., i:.uJ 'uu :11 1hc 1"'0--le~cl. "'e "'ould opt h"ll' onc no trump Q 2 ·Neu.her ,ufnc1abk. yw holJ •SJ AQ9 !12 K llJ •J 76 Pann.:r "JlC"' tlk: h1lklm~ '"th 1111<: 'pli(k WhJI di• )'OU rc\po1x.t # A· Rl'~arJfc,., of.,. hcthcr HlU pld)' four ur Ii"· c.irJ ma~. the ~\l)l.111\C .JIOUIJ he the~ II >t)U pill) u11'.' "" 1n11np fon:rng. hen-' I.Ill' oppnnun1l) tu 1ru1 <JUI that weupo)fl tr no<. y110 i.hclukl prel.:r on.: nu t.rump 111 l"'u heuns. Your hJ11\l I' 11 trifli: \.\t:UI. for .t \IJIKl:.trd l\.\1\-11\C'f one r.:,prnhc. ~-µ.:dully wnh .1 Jou bkt•m in panrn:r \ 'u11. .it Q J -Ji,llh \Ulllt'rJhfc J\ \OUlh )<lU IJ<1ld • 11-' J .I A ~ J o A to. J 10 ti S ~ h1dc.lt11~ hJ' pni1:eeJcJ SOLO II \\ F'.l,"T NORTII F..\~ I I• I• I''"-' 2 '! o\ -1>-•n t •. ,l'<'<l p.u1nc:r 111 h<1IJ mu,h 11.nnh to11l1l 1•~ Jt.I Jllcr 111<· l•'<'«Jll anJ ht~h vl'fl'•l\<'.nt' an· 111 t~lt: JU\. t1011 fu h1J "" ~ uur u~ n .n the three-level wilh a 'oe\ert loi.a h..iod 1\ 11ski11g lot troubk ~' Q 4 • A\ Sou1h. vuhicAibk, you - fl{lld • K J 6 • A Q 18 8 4 J v t • Q J !I Ille b1ddmg ~ orocecded. NUMnl EAST' M>l!TII WE.\T If PWis J Piiia Jl\I .._ ! WhJI I.lo )W b1J llO"., A • Yuu riecd to m.il.c 11 ~lwn 'ut:g~· 1111n 10 parrncr and "trungcly ~llf>O.!l,h. u bid or four hc:iru 1k.·~nbc~ yoor strength and hcar1 lcn11.1h t-~11Ctly. Wilh a ~IH.'lltd Mlit JDJ Jl(,I 'lam a.'>Pirallon•. you "'ould '1mpl) hJ't nit.I four ~.ul' lOJll.uly. Q 5 -He.ch 'ulncmhk -'' Suulh you twtJ • K Q 6 5 ~ 2 J 4 K 10 4 •K l TI1c h1dJ111~ ha' pruu:~!kd SOI '111 \\ K'IT NCll«'l ll •• , • .._.... l l • v .... , ·' .. I Wh.11 t.111 ~uu b1J '"'"' ' P.AST l'lbi. p.._.,., • 'llU dlC ill .I ~Jilk: fllf• lnl: JOC· 111111 "'ll\crc " nu ll<ll.'(J Ill bid three 1111tru111p "'11h JU~t one ~l\lllurwJ '"'Plk:I m 1he unll1d 'u11 F111 l111: 111n111.:111 1.11.c .i lalo,e prl'll'l\:llle lu lhl\'l' ht-;1n-;ind \i't' f)(l\\ lhc: h1dtl111p fll\ll'fl''"'' (} t.. • "'" , uhk:rJhk. ,,, <k.1kr H•U hut.I •7 "II~ lo.J IU'l 711Sl •6 \\ hJl I' \0 l\JI I 'f"'lllllj! f•nl ' \ · ""•••: r~""'P' 1, 1111•nlc1. Jnd 1hc~ " "" rc..1.'4111 "h' ~11u 'hoult.I 11111 l11llrn• th<• Rull' ui 1.,.,. ar•<l I hr<·• :-.0111 1ul111.·rJhk h1t.f .,.1th111 lhrn LI1,1.., ....... hJI '''" \'\Jk.'<I IV ILll< ""h \ClUI 11•111,! \1111 "' 1ru111r' '"" ·"' ,-,1~-..1 '" pfu, in il1.m11>11<h ·""' 1"'"11>1) J h.:Jfl 11»~. '''"Ill'.'" lt•ur 1lt.1111tiriJ, otlMR/CDL (A) Hcwnal_ $10 !XX) ~ltl1 '> yrd"I SOI us tn 3!I •~nl< I .,..1n to 41 ~"'' t~rn •If 1tc l\11 "> to 8/ <cnl' 1o ... 1 "" l h.1111r' CUI l.r •ll' we«:oi1"' C IX !Ul W'> 5556 or l\LI M <••m (CAI."~!.. DltlV(U WANTID Newport & Hunhngton flt h Set your ow11 "h~<lulr1 Par I or lull lime ••••l•bl~ sn1• lday lull 111111• Call 888 DOI WORK or llfCJl)'@ wwwDOlc .. om AT-lASf woml'n' S1<11,. at f a\h1un hldnd '' nuw h11111g upd II Jnd Pl '>airs .t\So< ~ 10f'llMt Lee Ann al ~ ]<J:) i<*b Pubh\hlnK PROMOTIONS DlPARTMlHT tumn.-uuty nr-w--4l~·· m 0.dOR'! l.t•Jrlly .......,, I t1ft T.rrtc pt'f\if>fl lu IHtt"fVllt:W o.nd Wlllt ~h.tllf ... J µdtftt1 µ.tth.• 10 lutnnnm1ty ~~1h. ueat ... dftd pJ1 •n.tt.-I>"'~ dnd ~1 t•>fl'. I • 1 •llt-nt UllllO\Ultll .. ttnn <Jiolt\ w.•k weN .Alh 111\c 11ulJIM K1111w AP Styk.-, Qu"' kXl'H·\' Phulos/IOfl Multi Ari Cr~ •lor. Pro I IC K'fll • "' MAC and PC' re I dt"lt" f!'•pertf'rlC.~ JHt"leff .. d rrollfreAd>f>I', 1 .... 1 (lfUC '>l.leefl•l\..1"1"'1 11 ll'QUllt'd COE ( •«llr·ul bc11clit IJd<:kd/ilt' l 01,t~ I~ ,UITI< , wrrh11g -...11ip1t-.. """ •.1l•r y ' ~ Q u t, rm f' 11 t •. t o lana ,-1'ln"•n(u1Lthn~ H)ffi lteceptlonlsl '•rt-time Cdfly IUUfOlrtC~ g t:Ve ning' 101 NH Ht·dlh I lub Coot...._1 Mil<•· 9'1'1 !)117 QI!> Automobiles 9000 GOVlRNMfNT JOBS· W11d11fe/P~l~I $1.S71 lo S48 pe1 hour P•1cl tr a>nlfli F uM bt.'llcf1h N<> e.peueoc~ nc.'( l\cl!Arcallun & uam tnl0tmalto0 loll free I 888 r/8 4'/YJ • &'iO <CAL "SCAN> Classifttd is CONVENIENT whethtr JOU 'rt buying, ulling, or just llx>lcing, classi[~d hal wlutJ JOIHltttl ! CUSS/f'Jl:.LJ (949) 641-5678 TOP llAHUO Tedono&ogy C..e ............ ~ ..... HtV• .tnd rnanai.:e" net-dPd Above iW«r 11gt incnm' Comp .. 11y l"I (,AH Ion lltt 866 809 026? 74 hr \ (CAl.."SCANJ Automotive 9004 IMW '82 633 ni 7 d1 arey/t•n. 'l \I), \Uruool, lull pwr S?OOO II~ H/8 '14'>'1 YACHT BROKlRAGl ~et:k' ~~11 t.tl .. ,,,. u tft• ... me:r tomoutrr tiltr.tlt MS Worrf & ! ""' " mu\t f I .1.ir y l oJHI ntt'n\urlllf' W'e»perlrtHP tcu '"'-urne lo 949 b!lO 1408 BMW '<U 32&1 Conv mrtalh< Jdr ~ bluetttr ey lllH \Upf'•b tond lhrnui;lrnul SI S 'l'J'l vll6rt-CZ1 liN ':M'.I !la> 188& www_ocpobl.cem HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS f'tteUJPt AUTO 01 Mew JZJlf .... Whit• w/arey 2fk ""-,..r,Sporta Pkl < 1s5u > '25.9,o '' UIO S•tl•" White w/Saddle leather. Moonroof (19443) S29.980. 0 I J•t"•' S fype Sn Creon w/Saddle L thr , 28K m1, Moonrool (19112) $32,980. '' Meu etleo S600 Charcoal w/Black l uther , 18" Chrome Wheels. Moo11rool (19512C) S29,980 '01IMW1401 Bl,d. w/Bl.ck. only J IKM1ln ( 19485C) $39,980 0 I l'oru#te fur6o T1plronic, Only 18k. n11les. N~•ll&al1on (19394) INQUIRE ,.,_ • .,,GS JOO Cold w/SeddlP leathe1 Chi orne Wheeb (19418) S22.980 ff Ferreri JSS Fl Silve1 w/Black Lealhtt. only 14k mile~ ( 11423!)) 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N~Wl'OH I Ill A H • ' ,, II\ ·~"~A Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace ERVICE for Ill your needs... ~ SeMce Directory "NOTIC{ TO RlADERS C1hforn1a law re qu11es that contru tors lak1na 1obs that total i500 or ml>fe (lab« °' maten8IS) be licensed by lhe Contractors State license Board Stale law also require!> that contr1clon include their lrcense number on aH advert.-g You cen check the s tatus o f you r licensed contractor a l www.cstbca.gov or 800·321 CSLB Unh· unsed contracton to1na 1obs th•t total tus than S500 must state '" the11 edvert1sements lhet they ire not licensed by th• Contrectors Stele LICIM41 Bo11d " AMD•I Alnlll•lll• ,~~ l(lldw / WI I Remodll ~.,t•w•bsam &JPS~ 9866!B25 Airtn••ll41111 Ml.l .. HVAC Nr Conditlomna ' HH I· In& Sttvk:e 1188 "1Prowd ua&llO 9&D!mi C..•*J • ta111et Repair/Sales ...... Garplt S.-SS on rrap lnn:f mme crpd exp&1 ~ <JO ~ LJl(2]9J5 /w.l!).41([> ~CA.RPO<' UltPlT Repa11s, Patchin&. 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