HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-22 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot... • 10 Serving the Newp'ort-Mes a community since 1907 TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 CenterLine still -'On track after 9-2 vote· OCTA officials shorten billion-dollar light-rail system that will connect Costa Mesa to John Wayn e Airport and San ta Ana to 8.5 miles. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSIA MESA -A packed conference room at the Orclllge County ·rraru.pona- IJon Authority headquarters Monday mommg proved that while the length of the proposed CenterLine route contin- ues to shrin1c. generaJ interest m the project has not. The board of directors voted Y 10 2 to proceed with a revised light-rail route from the cransponation depot in Santa Ana. through Costa Mesa's South Coast Mecro area to John Wayne Airport. The decisjon came after a five ·ho ur meeting in Orange, where more than 60 people spoke on both sides of the issue. "To not continue is short-sighted and affects the long-term viabiHty of trans- portation in Orange County." Col.La Mesa Councilwoman Libby Cowan said. "We can't jus t continue to widen free- way-., oth er things have to happen." The route will be shortened to 8.5 miles and drops the overall price tag to le~ lhan $1 billion. board chairman fim Keenan said. The tenterLine project, once envi· <;ioned as a 28-mile alternative to the overcrowded streets and freeWiiY!> ol Orange County, has been revised and !>hon ened and shortened some more in the p(l!)t decade. The previow. plan, which failed to garner the support of Ir- vine voters in June, called for an 11 .4- mile light-rail system connecting Santd Ana, Costa Mesa and Irvine. Irvine\ Costa Mesa Job Center will not be restricted A COOL DRINK Councilman All an Mansoor suggested relegating the cente r to only registe r res id ent day laborers. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CO~'TA MESA -The Job Center has been controver..ial smce 11 opened its doors 15 years ago to provide a central lo- cation for day laborers to find temporary woit. Monday proved no exception. At the request of Council man Allan Maru;oor, the council discussed the future of the center. Mansoor wanted to limit the Ct'nter to Costa Me-.a resident day la - See JOB, Pa1e A4 portion would have tnduded a route from UC Lrvine !Jlrough the Irvine Ru<.1 · ness Complex to John Wayne Airport. All three cities backed the propowd line. but Irvine's support hinged on a vote of It!> residents. Tho-;e voters rejected the tenter I m e route through their city on June J. prompting the transportauon author· 1ty's board 10 reexamine the entLre pr111· ect. Monday, official!. considered dban donmg the CenterL111e pro1ec1 but approved the c;honened routt' in,tead Keenan said Lhe decl!>mn put~ all board memberc; "on the ..ame page and allow.., the transponauon Juthont\ N •. :_Jc- QUESTION 7 Did the OCTA make the right decl•lon to keep Cent.erLine alin7 Call our • Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dsilyp1/ot ~/st1mes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for venficat1on purposes only t1J reaJly hont' m on the ... peufied 8 5 1111Je route and ton">1der an exparu.1on to \d.llla Ana CoUege. which wru. cut out See CENTERLINE, Pace A4 CITY HALL Newport will consider its Crystal Cove influence DON lEAC.-DAILY PILOT Taha Prairie, Donnie Schroth, Reo Nathan, Charissa Kroeger and Reann Nathan sing a song while selling cold lemonade at the comer of 20th Street and Orange Avenue tn Costa Mesa. The girls raised about $30 for themselves and their church. City Council will decide whether it wants to be involved with three projects at the state park. Celebrating half a century since the Scout Jamboree June Casaarand• Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Three projects planned at Crystal Cove Sta te Parle are out- side the city's jurisdiction but will none- theless come onto the City Council's radar today as m uncil members hear a study sessJon presentation o n the matter. ln the session. the council members will S..COVE,P.,eM -· The Boy Scouts today will honor the SOth anniversary of Newport Beach's hosting of 1,500 troops from 17 countries. DHpl Bh1reth Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Don Webb first came to Newport Beach SO years ago. 1lle mundlman and former public works director said he bell~ h1s first crip lO Newport Beach from his native Arizona and his memorable ex- perience camping out wtth tens of thousands of Boy Scouts during the Boy Scouts Jamboree may have had something to do with rus desire to make the coastal town rus home. The Boy Scouts Jamboree will cele- brate its 50th anniversary today at Fashion Island. Fifty years ago. the event began near Robinsons-May's CWTent location. said Jason Stein, di- rector of field services for the Orange County Council of the Boy Scouts of THE VERDICT America About 51,000 scouts from 48 states and 17 countries congregated there. he said. The weeJc.long event was so huge that the area had Its own post office, petting zoo and telephone ex- change, Stein said. Tonight's public celebration, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Wolfgang Puck's Caf~. will feature a Oag ceremony. Webb discussing h.is memories of the Jamboree and recogrudon of other ruums. . The 1953 Jamboree was also speciaJ to many Orange County scouts be- cause h was the onty one held on the -.. A more polite way of going through life THE ARST JAIEORE.E • 1 ,500 -number of troops at the 1953 Jamboree • 5, 168 -kitchens that cooked meals for the scouts • 169,594 -loaves of bread eaten • 200,000 -dinner rolls con&umed • 623,656 -quarts of milk con•umed • 3 -years taken to build the area • 5 -days to tear It all down West Coast. Stein saJd. •for scouts, the Jamboree has aJ- ways been the best scouting expesi- Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWEB: ~ WEATIER .., .... , ...... ................. ....... _....,,,,. A2 Tyesctay, lit 22, 2003 < A fun ay to ~pend the day on the bay The Daily Pilot caught up with children taking scµJing classes with the city of Newport Beach and asked them, 'What is your f~vorite part about sailing?' "Going out on the bay." BETH ARNESEN, 11 N~wport Beach "I like rigging the boats." JENNA scon, u Palm Desert "I Ji.Ke to rig the boat" KRJITINA BAKER,9 Newport Beach "Tipping over the boat and then controlling it." AMY ARNESEN, 10 Newport Beach "Trying to tip over the boat." BRIAN ARNESEN, 11 Newport Beach -Photos and interviews compiled by Deirdre Newman SUMMER LEARNING -Sailing -aw-ay ( Students in four summer sailing classes in Newport Beach learn the p~stime on sabots and Lido l 4s Deirdre Newmmn Daily Pilot W hen Beth Amesen's mother suggested sailing lessons for the summer, the ll·year-old wasn't enthused. "I (didn't) really think it would be that fun because I (didn't) really think sailing was that fun," Beth said But that changed on the fourth day of her beginning sailing class with the city of Newport Beach. . The class is a family affair for the Amesens. Beth's twin brother and sister are also learning • how to sail. The city offers four classes every swnmer - beginning and next step cl~ are in 8-foot sabots and sailing & tennis and recreational sailing are in 14-foot Udo 14s. In the beginning classes, the students learn enough to be able to take the boats out by themselves, although they go out in pairs during the class, said Qui Peets, an independent contractor for the city who coordinates the sailing classes. Both locals and cbildren staying in the area for the summer attend the classes. "Even the local children are so fortunate to participate in a program where they can use city-owned boats and get a feel for it; Peets said "We're so fortunate to live in an area where there's so [many] recreational. opportunities." The students learn nautical skills such as rigging the boat, tacldng and jibing. They also learn about the different points of sail. The session is eight days over two weeks and, on the last day, the students celebrate with summer •---nacb-and·-sandcasde contests:- Eigbt-year-old Olivia Smith from Corona del Mar was the only girl in the tennis and sailing class. While she didn't enjoy "always bei.rig sruck with the boys," she said she learned a lot about the basics of both sports. "It's just fun," Olivia said about sailing. "You get to capsize the boat and stuff." Scott Andrews, 18, is teaching sailing daases for the second year this summer and said he enjoys seeing the kids make such fast progress. "The first day. they have no idea what the different parts of the boat are," Andrews said. "By the end of the session, they blow the parts and how to sail." On the last day of the ~ion, Jenna Scott, 11, said she felt comfortable to sail solo. "I wanted to learn how to sail by myself," Jenna said. "I learned how to rig, unrig, how to steer and how to do the different things when you're turning." •SUMMER LEARNING is e weekty feature in which the Dally Pilot visits a summer camp in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about it. I • ' ---------------:;; ~ ..:--- SEAN OUfR£.NE I DAILY PllOT A group from the Newport Beach Samng Camp learns to sail on a Lido 14 in Newport Harbor. Will Md Aug. 29. It wlll run hm 7:30 Lm. tD I pm. Molldlyto fttdaY . ....,...., .... end W!llMv ...... .,'°*'°°· FotmoNlnbmllon.•-. ... 7181. Daily_ A Pilot PHOTOGRAPttER8 Copyright No news atories, SURF AND SUN Seen Hiller, Don l.eech, illustrations, editorial mder or Kent TreplOW edvertlMmenea herein can be AEADER8 HOTUNE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST SURF permllalon of copvrlght owner. (949) 642-8086 The dey wtll start off ptirtly The toUthwMt .. , Record your commenta about the HOW TO REACM US VOL 17, NO. 203 Dally Piiot or newt tlpe. Clrouldoft •cloudy, but the douda wtll bum continues loeing ltMn'l tod9y, THOMAS H. JOHNION NeMl!dllora ~ The Times Or1nge Collnty off for enother beeutfful ~ng us eomewhet ht -PubliMer Gina Aleunder, Lori Anderton, Our addreu 19 330 W. Bey St., Com with highs near 80 In CQtta knee-to w.llt.f'ttghs, et'lf¥Wf. TONYDOOERO o.rn.t Hunt. P.ul Seltowltr.. Mela, CA 112627. Ot'lloa hour1 are (800) 252·1141 M-. ~ ln the lower 70 on Mudt of the ume wll be Edltof o.nial~ Monday -Fr1&ry, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. Adwo11111• the NMport .,..,,... Lowa found on WtdneecMy. JVl1t OEIJCo, NEWll'IJUIF a11111ed 19491642-5878 ~ Crime'=9 =rltef. Con11tto... .,...., (148) 642-4321 wll be In the mkMOI. On Thurldey, there lhoukf It • the Pllot'I policy to pn>mpdy ........ On w.dneldlly, It'll lbN't the be. llWrt bump In ... where ~Director (M) correc:t all enors of eut.r.noa. ..... ..,,., but hlghe lhould we'll ... moldy Wllilt-hlghe. dNl».bhMsdtelMlrrw.com Pl .... call (1148) 7&M324. (148)M2-te80 eppoedt the mkMIOl In Com wltheome~ EDn'INQnAR --=·· ....... (148) 574--4223 Meel. eo.tel Newport wUI The 8W'll lhould buld'ewn Ll.CaM ~ '9p0ftet, FYI ..... ,.. (148) 84&4'170 -.V 1'* lbow 70. mont on Fttdly, wld'I M=r~ Editor, (M)PMm The N9wpoft 8McWCom Mela ....... Nlc (IG) 9'50-0170 ......... n: 0..-Nghiendthe~ (848 ~233 Ju,,..oee....,••~oom DeHv Piiot (USPS-14MOO) le l-tMI: dllllypl1oteldm«1.com www.nws.nou . .,ov -~ IJ.t»llne Aldtrw.com ,.. ClllllDI! publlehed cWy. In Newport~ ... a.. ~ ......... (~~-flolltb, ~and enWonment and COlt8 Meea, aubeortpdone are ... _ Ollee (148) M2-4321 BOATING FORECAST WWW. ·"'9 ,..,,., (Mt 7"Ml30 ""81t.,.. orttv bV aub9ortblng to The ........ (148) 831-7129 .. /MW.m*r•lllflmaoom P*ll.dlnfon•~ Tlmee ~County (IOO) The w11tertv-.w11 TIDES ...... .,.... I.Giii ..... 212. .. 141. In 8N9 ~of In blow I to 11 llrelltt.e lnnilr Spoftl Ecleot, Coklmnlle, °""'" ~. N9wpoft..,, end c... Mele, -.tiocMy, ....... 11-• ....... ,..,PMm (M)PM:r71 aubaor'lfldcM• to .. 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July 22, 2003 Al NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are some items to be considered tonight by the Newport Beach City Council. Because this ls just a presentation, today's discussion probably won't resuft in any tangible action. they handle volatile situations? ls there any legal liability? members tonight vote in favor of a plan to try to cover increased costs of recycling. Right now. homeowners in most parts of the city pay $2.46 per month for recycling services. The city's General Services Department is requesting that fee be raised to $2 .66 to cover a cost increase in the fees the city pays Its waste recycling contractor. The~ity's cost of $39.83 per ton is going up to $40.79. It is estimated that residents who use city trash collection services will make ·39,500 tons of waste this fiscal year. Newport Coast is not part of that FY1 •WHAT: Meeting of the Newport Beach City Council VISION200~ Today's study session will include a presentation on an issue near and dear to the hearts of many Corona del Mar residents and business leaders: PARK RANGERS f. self-funded park patrol program will get a second go-around in council chamber~ tonight. Council members will consider whether to hire two rangers to patrol parks, check permits, assure sports teams get to use reserved playing fields and deter graffiti and other crimes. WHAT TO EXPECT Proponents of the program point out that it's self-funded, mainly through increased fees for reserving city facilities. Youth sports groups who pay the bulk of these fees support the Idea, making the money matter a no-brainer. This fact may or may not become a deciding factor for council members considering the program. • WHEN: Study session begins at 4 p.m.; regular meeting begins at 7 p.m. • WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Agendas and staff reports are available online at www.ciry.newport-besch.ca. us-. information is available by phone at (949) 644-3000. WHAT TO EXPECT Vision 2004, the village Business Improvement District. Council members will get an update on the be.autification plan thus far and some goals and hopes for the future. WHAT TO EXPECT At discussion on the matter earlier this month, council members had some-concerns about the program~ Could just twO' pa.rt-time staff members make a dent? How would RECYCLING FEES Residential recycling fees could go up 20 cents a month if council equation nor is it subject to the fee increase because the area's trash collection is handled through a separate contract. Staff is 1ecommending that council members approve the.item. -Compiled Uy June Casagrande BRlEFLY IN THE NEWS Special ed committee seeks applicants Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Mona- han. a member of the Special Education Community Advisory Committee for the Newport- Mesa Unified School District, said the committee is recruiting applicants for the upcoming school year. The committee is made up of parents, teachers and representa- tives from community agencies who are interested in the devel- opment and support of the best education program possible for students with special needs. The· committee was estab· lished to provide a forum for par· ent involvement in the school district's Special Education Pro· gram. The committee serves in AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dsilypilot.com. MUSIC PActflC AMPHITHEATRE CONCERTS an advisory capacity to assist in developing home-school part· nershipg, parent education and recommendations to the school board on matters relating to spe- cial education. Meetings are held in the eve- nings seven to eight times a year. Applicants don't have to have a child in special education. lf you are interested. please contact Monahan by Friday at (714) 754-5192. Claim Jumper opens at South Coast Plaza The Qaim Jumper Restaurant will open today at 3333 -Bristol St. at South Coast Plaza. The restaurant will feature a display kitchen that allows pa- trons to watch the staff prepare July 30, Kenny Loggins and Mictiael McDonald; July 31, 3 Doors Down and Our Lady Peace; Aug. 1, Jethro Tull; Aug. 2. Roxy Music and David Lindley and El Rayo-X; and Aug. 3, Boston. For concert information, call (714) 708-1870 or visit www.ocfair.com. To order tidcets, call (714) 740-2000. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE ARENA The Orange County Fair is presenting many summer events 1· .... ;~eals. IKEA donates portions of teddy bear sales IKEA and UNICEF are work- ing together to ·help benefit the children of Angola and Uganda. With the sale of each $6.99 Brum teddy bear, I KEA will do- nate $2 to UNICEF's MOtildren's Right to Play" program, with the goal of raising $400,000. In Angola, the IKEA dona- tions will be used to reach 80,000 street kids and provid e them with learning opportu- nities. In Uganda, some of the donations will be used to edu- ca~ at-risk adolescents about the threat of HfV/AID S. IKEA's bear program will con- tinue through August 2004. and concerts at its Citizens Business Bank Arena: today, Billy Bob Thorton; Wednesday, Ride Springfield; Thursday, Phil Vassar; Friday. the Fabulous Thunderbirds; Saturday, Royal Crown Revue; Sunday, the Latin Music Festival; July 29, ~e Mountain Top with Or. A'alph Stanley, featuring Rhonda Vincent and special guest Clark; July 30. the Fab Four; July 31, Ziggy Marley; Aug. 1, Ozomatli; Aug. 2, Bull riding, with a musical performance by BR5-49; and Aug. The Orange County Fair is presenting its-summer concert series at the Pacific Amphitheatre: today, Devo and Cake; Wednesday, Steely Dan; Thursday. the Doobie Brothers and Buddy Guy; Friday, the Doors: 21st Century; Saturd1:1y, Alanis Morissette and Jason Mraz; Sunday, Bob Dylan; July 29, Alan Jackson and JC>i! Nictiols; Skosh Monahan's ~OR THE RECORD rn Comme:nta & auioa-ldee on Sunday. •Fight nf&tlt coma to c.o.ta Miia.,. the date for •0ppen;ut Baling" up-a>lnllll evtDl WU te- parted wrong. It will be bald 111 cbe Coa Mell HD- 1an on s.untly. For more b"11owt'-oQ, call (714) 311-9974 or cl-* out ~~ S~eakboase & IRisb Pab SPECIALTIES: 6oL Bacon Wrapped Petite Filet only $17. 95 • 8oz:. Top Sirloin • 16oL Ribeye • ~'C~n: Wrapped • 12oL N.Y. Steak 1151mp1 • 24oL PC>t1erhouse • 1 Ooz. lomb Culotte Steak • Rock of Lamb • Poric Rock Chop AJI Entrees Include Polaloel & Veggies No Prerequisites. Orange Coast College invites you ••• To Bring Your Dreams! No matter how Mgh you've set your goals, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We'll get you to 1 untwrsfty! -We rank ' second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universitiM. Wt'U prepare you for an exdttng carHl'I - Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech flrms, hotels, hospitals and medkll fldltties around the country. Call now for fall registration information: (714) 432-5072. I Classes begin Monday, Aug. 25. To sow Wlluobll llSOUrcm, thrift Coast """' has not mollld fts dcm schedull this foU. )bf/ Clft pick up O,COlfl1 In thf Admfss1ons O/fict, Of O«ISJ tM fd scWl9 °"""' ot: orangecoastcollege. com We1l help you get there. IKEA is on the Home Ranch site in Costa Mesa off the San Diego Freeway at Harbor Boulevard. Village Crean will host a fund-raiser on Aug. 9 Kids Konnected will host its fourth annual Founder's Event called Keeping Konnected on Aug. 9. This Spirit of Aloha event will be held at the Village Crean, overlooking the Back Bay. It will feature tropical cock- tails and a luau style feast spon- sored by Outback Stealc.house. as well as an awards ceremony for volunteers and a Live auc- tion. Tickets are $1 25 per person and can be bought by calling (949) 582-5443. 3, the Fiesta Del Charro. The Orange County Fair is on Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-FAIR. BOLERO AND RHAPSODY Maestro Carl St. Clair and the Pacific Symphony, with guest pianist Valentina Lisitsa, will explore the vibrant rhythms of Spain in a concert called "Bolero and Rhapsody" at 8 p.m. today at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets cost $19 to $85. To order. call (714) 755-5799. p,,.,.,,,.;,,K A Liw Trilna# T. Frank Sinatra ~ MorulAy d-T~ 6-!>pM Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Serviu• • • ... N d Eoteruinme.or .. • I n1 fir~~, 1•111io"' ( 11// (94<)) (>46-7<J4Lt )(.•)-.,In.uh \,, .• ( '"·'·' '"·'·' 1111""'' ,, • • , \,,,., °w• I""'' 'ti• h.-,r, •V'~ , W• SPECIAL SALE Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE $1999 By Mohawk Installed with deluxe pad sq. yd. , .... I , 11 I. Tra1'erthae 18~ J[ 18" '"''''"'""'""""""'m"' •4.29 ... I\. Ceraa.lc 11k ............................... hu1alW ,_ • 4.99 ... 11. Laalaate Woo4 .......................... i..taiw ,,.._ '4.99 ... I\. Supplies and Tools for the "Do It Younellersl" All prices!produrts lor a fimited time. bastd on DIHltla1fll1tJJ. MIA ~e&Rm 1374 toian Ave., Salte F •COSTA MESA ( 888) MESA· 777 MOD-Fri. 10 to 5 • Sat 10 to 3 OF ... Chef. Umberto Veuoli ® THE T. REGI MOIVJ7'('Ja a.di~ .t ~ .... to. Certain wortd -.......... -..ce• ASnJf HOUSTON LOS ANGELES **AKH BEACH. CA Mtw YOH W....sttl"4:i'R>M l).C. lwt G LQNl)()ff "°"' ~ l -- M Tuesday, ~ 22. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY NeWportman ordered to pay $1.2 million Superior Court judge forces son of former British official to compensate the man whose li fe h e threatened. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A Su- perior Court Judge on July 11 ordered the son of a for·· mer top-ranking British of- ficial to pay S 1.2 million for stalking and threatening the boyfriend of a woman who spurned his advances. But the plaintiffs may have lo meander their way 4lfough the British judicial system to actually get the money, their allom ey Daryl Dworakowsld said on Mon· day. Alastair Irvine, the 26· year-old son of Great Brit· ain'~ former Lord Oiancel- lor Alexander Derry Irvine. who resigned last month af. ter crossing swords with Prime Minister Tony Blair over a political issue, had pleaded guilty to five felony charge., -vandalism. stalk· ing, burglary, two coun~ of malong threats and one misdemeanor count of po · sessing a concealed fireann. He will be deported soon after he serves the sentence. Irvine, an avid body- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Adema Avenue end Fairview Roed: A traffic accident was reported at 12:59 p.m. Sunday. •Bristol Street Petty theft was reported in the 3300 block at 3:52 p.m. Sunday. • Elden Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 2200 block at 5:14 p.m. Sunday. • Fairview Road: Grand theft was reported in the 2800 block at 8:33 a.m. Sunday • Mlipfe Av9nue: Vandalism was reported in the 2000 block at 11:19 a.m. Sunday. • Minorca Drive: Petty theft was reported in the 1500 block at 11 :40 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boolevard: Grand theft was reported in the 2100 block at 8:51 a.m. Sunday. • South Coest Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 900 block at builder who lived in New- port Be<;1.ch, was arrested in June 2002 on suspicion of vandalism, stal.ldng and brandishing a weapon. The charges against Ir· vine steouned from various incidents starting in March 2002. when lrvine began pursuing a 19-year-old woman who worked at a tanning salon in Costa Mesa. The woman rejected Ir- vine's advances, saying she was already seeing Karel Taska, who worked with her at Newport Tunning O ub. lrvine then wallced into the salon with a concealed weapon and threatened Taska with bodily harm. He also threw acid on Taska's car. Taska and his parents, Karel and Kathy Taska, filed the civil lawsuit because Mthey were terrorized" by Lr· vine. said Dworakowsld. MThey're pleased with the judgment,• he said. "They'll be happier if it's effective." So far, there has been no response from Irvine or his family. Dwora.kowski said 1 :05 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Balboa Boolewrd: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1100 block at 8:51 a.m. Sunday. • Jasmine Avenue and Ocean Boulevard: Battery was reported at 7:10 p.m. Sunday. • McFadden Place and Weil1 Ocean Front: A vehicle burglary was reported at 9:37 a.m. Sunday. • Pattl Newport Ortve: Vandalism was reported in the 4200 block at 2:18 e.m. Sunday. • Via lido Nord: A boat burglary was reported in the 400 block at 3:19 p.m. Sunday. • 17th StrMt and Ptac.ntia Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported at 8:39 p.m. Sunday. • 30th StrMt: Petty theft was reported in the 100 block at 10:04 a.m. Sunday. AJI Types of Window Treatments • VaJances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blind. • Vertie.ls • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimn111ry Co""'1utio. i• Yo•r Howu '°?()ct,' • I , 1 • ""-C, I ' <>1 :1: ·~·~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~ (949)642-8400 :r=-w:. SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! Wl9'.-. Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CAl.1. 642-5678 • CENTERLINE Continued from Al because of a lack of fund.Ing. Monday's decision will also help authorities meet tight federal deadlines. "Well yes, it's a smaller route, but once you have the initial phase, the next step in the ex- pansion already tw ddes lining up to be a part.• Cowan said in a phone interview Monday after- noon. Irvine's polidcs are not the only ones to affect light-rail JOB Continued from Al borers. The council voted to reject any restrictions on the Job Center. The measure failed on a 3 to 2, with Councilwoman Ubby Co- wan and Councilmen Mike Scheafer and Cliris Steel voting against the restrictions. The Job Center opened in 1988 to provide a central clear- inghouse for 'contractors to hlre day laborers. Costa Mesa day laborers are not charged to use the center and nonresident day laborers pay a one-time fee of SS when they initially regis· ter. There is no fee for em- ployers. • 1 believe we do still have a problem with solicitation and loitering." Mansoor said •(But) it's nol my intent to close the job center, I think it would cause more problems than it would solve." Limiting the center to Costa Mesa residents would decrease the pool of available employers by about 50% and thereby re- duce the potential for resident workers to find jobs, staff found. During budget discussions in June, Steel made a motion to shut down the center, but dJd not receive any support. He also COVE Continued from Al decide if they want to play a more active role or take an offi- cial position on three projects in the works in the state part. The 3.5 miles of beach the state Department or Pads and Recreation operates is the site of 46 cottages that date back to the 1930s. San Francisco-based devel- oper Michael Freed once eyed the site fur a S35·milllon hmuy resort. but public opposition ul· timately killed that plan. The California Coastal Commission in 2001 helped foot the S2·mil· JAMBOREE Continued from Al ence of their lives," he said. The event Is held once every four years at Valley Forge in Washington D.C. VERDICT Continued from Al "May the spirit of the approaching Ouistmas and New Year's bring you and all your loved ones happiness. success and good health." This politeness ls probably an outgrowth of all the ceremony that iB so much a part. even today. of Samoan life. They love WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS ~T 11 published periodically. tf you ere planning a nautical event. aubmh the lnfonnation to the Detty Piiot, 330 W. Bey St., eo.ta Meu, CA 92827;byfaxto(948)846-4170;or bye-mall to dallypllotfllatlnHN.com. IM.INGa.AIU:S Or-..C.O..~la ..... MW Cid end noncredit ulllng d...-,. eummer. M09t delMe .,.flwweelcl In length, Ind bo9'a range from Udo 14 dinghlee to large ooeen recera, tMlnk~~ ~ lrt etto being taught. The occ Sailing Centlar .... 1801 W. Pldftc Com HlgtM.wy, Newpott Beech. (Mt) 846-9412 or yfelt ooculll"tl.oom. o....c.....,.....-.,.1 ... bftng 1MW~ out to Ntwpof1 IMdt on iAI I ltadl1f' to lf'iOV I deV al .-no OOUftllV of en. Coelt College The , "It just needs to get started. I think once it is built, people will find a way to vtllize it." Costa Mesa Cooocilwoman progress. Costa Mesa made Its own waves in the CenterUne discussion months 880 when 1t pushed heavily for a portion of the railway to go underground. The idea was costly and un- popular, but city o11icials stOod by what they believed to be best for South Coast Metro business· es. Underground. Above ground. Centerline proponents are just working on getting an acceptable plan off the ground now. "It juat needs to get started," Cowan said "I think once it ls built, people will find a way to utilize it" Voters in 1990 approved Mea· s,ure M. which included a list of projects to be completed with the one-half cent sales tax in· aea.se. The measure, which in· cJudes CenterUne, IB very ape- dfic as to which projecta should be funded and ve detailed in the break! own, acco to a stafJ report. Oflldals have com- mJtted to each project and added the widening of the Gar- den Grove Freeway to the list No projects have been abandoned. according to a staff report. • LOUTA HAN'£R writes column• Mondays, Wedneadey• and Fridays end covers culture and the arts. She mev. be readled et (949) 674-4275 or bye-mail et lolit11.h11rper@l11timn.com. FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Day laborers in front of Burger House opposite Costa Mesa's Job Center in 2002. recommended putting a referen- dum on the center on the March 2004 ballot as an advisory mea- sure. For the 2003-04 fiscal year. the council approved a budget of about $99,000 for the center. The current rent is $2,000 per month, but the budget includes a poten- tial rent adjustment of S200 per month. lion cost for State Pa.00 officials to buy out Freed's rights to build on the land. Th.rough a series of public workshops, officials have drawn up the current plan to restore the historic cottages and make them available to the public. The 12.3- ac.re (.rysta1 Cove Historic Dis- trict that hosts the cottages is within the Newport Beach limits. ·1n general. I'm in favor or the public being able to use public pad space,• Councilman Don Webb said. But he added that it remains unclear what the city's role might be in guiding Crystal Cove's future. The El Morro Village Trailer Park is among the more contro- versial is.sues at Crystal Cove. Webb said he has several fond memories from the Jamboree. "The thing I remember most vividly is that we had this candle- light ceremony where !then-Vice President Rlcbard) Nixon spoke," he recalled •And then we had 50,000 to 60,000 candles Ught up the hillside in Eastbluff. It was to make long. effusive speeches, and this often extended to the court room where l presided. I remember, in particular, one witness who had been called to give testimony. Attorney: •State your name, please.• Witness: "Thank you for asking that question. May it please the honorable court, I would like to say bow honored I am to be in the presence of this honorable court which I honor School of Salling and Seamanahlp now offera a dlance for groups to wort wtth the on-board Instructor on different .. mng tectinlquM wti11e ttiev get 9dvice on how to perfonn well In businea No Nfflng experience neceaserv. <>n.dev d ..... cost from $100 to $126. (SC!IJ 646-9412. BOAT RENTALS Wt ..... W.lli:J9pcwta .... Balboa Fun Zone, you cen erlfov neudcel 9)(pef'tenc. from mild to wlld.Tlba~tourof the bey In your dlOlce of pow9f' and MN W11te1cr1ft, Jomp the OCMn 9Mlle In. s.. ctoo jetboat. put you epoft-fttNng llldffe to .. *I In I Mly equipped ao.tof\ whtttr, or eoer libcwe It ti on 1 pe ..... ff ftlght along the NewPQ41 OC*t.~ ice and ~.,.inducted wtth ... electric bo9t ............ ................... ,..,... on the WMlf In menvW9YI: _... ..... enddoublebyllll. elemtc bo9tl, ~ ...... .,... boeea end NMboull for o«lt!019 UM or aulelng the blty. lllboe ........ .-Otlddttwo-haur ~hunll .... the .. t.y .... pnMdlng The discussion elicited emo· tionaJ reactions from people who support restrictions and those who prefer the starus quo. ·rrwe limit to Costa Mesa resi· dents only, not only would our neighbors get jobs. but they'd get much better rates,." said Judy Beny. ·[Making restrictions I will force certain employers and la- State Pa.00 plans to end its leases with the owners of 294 trailers there on Dec. 31. 2004. That would dear the way for environ· mental restoration of the land and creation of a 60·unit camp· ground, parking and beach ac · cess. The area is outside of Newport Beach city llmlt.s. more closely aligned with Laguna Beach. but some local environmental groups have asked that the New- port Beach City Council offer an opinion to support the state's plan. The third item is a park planned for the area that would border Newport Beach and would probabty include playing fields and other amenities. The a.mazing.· Jamboree Road was named after that event. ln fa ct , the road was created to get the scout~ into the area. It was ironic for Webb because he ended up re- sponsible for paving and widening the road as the city's public works director in 1962, and respect. Insofar as the oath I just took fwish to advise the hono~le court that I am a sincere Ouistian, that I am active in my church. that 1 worship God, and that I will. in the presence of God. gi"ve nothing but honest evidence. · Will you repeat the question please?• Less Oowery but even more memorable was a witness in another case I heard. The witness stood in the witness box group ectlvlty for corporation•, birttldeya, nonprofit organizetlON end g roup outing•. The hunt pacbget include boeta, trivia quMtion•. maps, Polaroid ca"*'8I end eoppUea. The cost of e hunt~ at $226 per boat Ind cateffng ia evalleble et an lddltional rate. For hunt reaefVatione, call (949) 873-7200. Elactltc ............... 9"1ltlble by the hour It Duffy Electric 8oeCI, 2001 W. Coest Highway. N9w..,ort 8Mct\. All boeta lnl ~ wtth wtndow endoeul98 and CO players. Ice end c:upe ... provided. A.Mtvdonl ... auggeeted. All hour rental It $75. (949) 6'M812. ............ ~ ....... boogie botrcM. lteyeb, Inn.table '*• ~ bMd'I furniture end~ ... 9Vlileble for rent tt Reeort W1ltef' Sporta at Newpott Ouna (..., 729-1160. 0o:11111 ........... .., ... Gondola Co. of P .. wtJCNt,, MOO Via Oporto, ,_....102 ... The.,. COit lndudM •.,.....or brMCI. ctw . .....,. ..... , ........ ....... mulloand•~ '**"-WIMla_.,IMI..,._ ,.., .,.1212. 1 borers back into ow parking lotS." said Bill Turplt. a Westside activist ·u will also have the ef- fect of having the city police de- partment chase loiterers rather than wort:i.ng to protect our city." • DEJAOAE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by a-mall at de1rdre.newman latimes com. park. which the Irvine Co. would construct, isn't scheduled to be built for about five or six years. Ml am not sure why this is be- fore us in the form of a study ses- sion because it's outside our bor- ders and we have no authority outside our borders." Mayor Steve Bromberg said about all three items. "Generally. Newport Beach does not take a position on issues outside our borders unless it's something for the common good." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadl end John WIJYne Airport. She may be reached at 1949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1una.casagrande@lstimes.com he said. ·u was a tremendous learning experience for me,• Webb said. • OEEPA BHARATli covers public sefety and courts. She may be reached at (9491574-4226 or by e-mail at deeps.bhsrsth lstl~.com. and raised his right hand. Oerk: "Do you solemnJy swear that the evidence you are about to give in the matter before this court will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" Witness: ·No: Now there's someone who took the oath seriously. • R08ERT GARDNER i1 e Corona del Mar resident end a former judge. His column runt Tue9days. Gondole~ 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-end two-hour gondola crul ... , A one-hour tour with dlem~ is $70. A two-hour tour wtth <firmer and dlamJ)"9ne 11 $180. Pidc.up la evallable st waterfront ~uranta. (9'9) 676-4984. IMne eo.t awe... In Udo Merine VHlage of'lera two-hour elec:tric boat etultM with • gourmet tinner. $180 for two penon8. (Mt) 87M704. Oondole "°"'8nee °"""My toul'9 of Newpori Hatbor during lund\ end dinn«. Call (948) 87M730. The toun go out of Udo Marina Vllage. 3400 Via Oporto, N4M1)0rt BMch . AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND 10WN Items to the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Ba St. esa, ; e-ma to mlke.11Wanson@l11times.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by celling (949) 67~298. Include the tlme, date and location of the event, as well as a oontact phon~ number. A complete llatlng la available at www.dallypilot.com. WEDNESDAY A frM Mminar and book lignlng, "Asian Longevity Secrets," will be offered by author Ping Wu from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother'• Market. 225 E. 17th St, Costa Meta. To make reservations, call (800) 595--MOMS. · '.-Adutt ~..._est.din exploring how cultural oompleicities can affect familial relationships are invited to a discussion of Amy Tan's "The : Bonesetter's Daughter" at 3 p .m : at the Corona del Mar Branch :: Library. The program Is part of • "Branch Out-Read; an adult · summer reading program at : ' Balboa, Corona del Mar and Mariners branch libraries. For ·' more information, call (949) I 644-3075. Otiktr.n entering first through sixth grades are invrted to "Up in the Air" at 3 p.m. at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Pentral Library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keeping things in the air, will present the free program, which will be repeated at 10:30 a.m . Juty 24 at the Balboa branch. For more information. call (7 14) 717-3816. Local euthor LYMtte BralfWd, whose first novel, "Nature Lessons;' was honored as a July/August Booksense 76 p1dc by the Independent booksellers of America, will be the featured 11uest at Mariners Branch Library's "Meet the Authorff from 7 to 9 p.m. The South African-born author is now working on her second novel, "Anyhow in a Comer." For more information, call 949-717 3816 THURSDAY ChHdl9f'I entering first through sixth grades are invited to "Up 1n the Air" at 10:30 a.m . at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. Renowned juggler David Cousin, who holds five world records for keeping things in the air, will present the free program. For more information, call (714) 717-3816. The Newport Beach Chembef of Commerce's Newp0rt Sunset Networking Mixer will be held aboard the Empress yactrt of Pacific Avalon Yacht Charters, 3404 Via OJ>Orto, No. 103. Newport Beach. The dodts1de event from 5 to 7 p.m . will rnctude hors d'oeuvres and a no-host bar. The mixer is free for members Potential members pay $10. For more information. call (949) 729-4400. Book Soup's ·Teking TN" euthor series at South Coast Plaza returns with authors Janet Fitch and Susan Straight. Drscussions of their books "White Oleander· and "Hlghwire Moon" will take place over coffee, tea and dessert. A portion of book sales will be donated to the Orangewood Foundation. For more information, call (714) 689-2665 FRIDAY Newport Dunes Resort'• ·Movies on the Beach" series offers "Remember the Titans" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available fo r a'mores. The resort is at 1131 Badl Bay Drive. For more information. call (949) 729-DUNE. Longlnel pt'9MnU en ett.moon with Olympic gymnastics gold medalist M ary Lou Retton and legendary coach Bela K.arolyi starting at noon at M acy's In SQuth Coast Plaza. Retton and K.arolyl will sign autographs and promote the upoomlng World Gymnastics Championships In the Rne Watch Department on levef two. For more information, call (714) 556-0611, ext 4231. ·~Summer 2· wll ecfMf\ at 11 a.m. Friday through 28 end Aug. 1 through 8 at the Regency Udo Theater. The prnentation la 111.\IPllll I 'S ---1:1 I,'-' ( \l\l'I I" . . . . In celebration of Dana Brown's new surf film, "Step Into Liquid;' which opens Aug. 8 exclusively at the Udo. Each $5.50 admiuion tlcltet eams a full-size "Ste Into quid" movie poster. The ldo Is at 3459 Via Lido in Newport Beach. For more lnform,tion. call (949) 673-8351. . JULY26 . Gardena. Attendees are asked to enter from the badt parttlng lot at 2647 E. Coast Highway In Corona def Mar. For more Information, call 949 4224210. JULY 31 Chlldl9f'I em.ring first through sixth grades are invited to "A Radical Science Show· at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa branch of the Newport Beach Public Library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. The monthly c.,..., Networtdng Resource meettng for the unemployed, sponsored by St. N.wpot1 Ounee Ae9oft'• "MovlM on the Beach" series offers "Alice In Wonderland" starting at dusk on the Newport sand. Parking costs $8 per car. Campfires will also be available for s'mores. The resort is at 1131 Bade Bay Drive, For more information, call (949) 729-DUNE. "Whit's Cooklng7 Biatrp Ii Lounge" in Newport Beach will have a farewell party celebrating its 27 years and Grandma Vallera's 90th birthday from 5 p.m . to closing. This will be patrons' last opportui:titv to taste Grandma Vallera's famous pasta. There will be two "Memory Albums" for attendees to insert a short note, photo of story of memories at.the bistro. The cost will be $28 per person plus tax and gratuity. For reservations. call (949) 644-1820. ' Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will run from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the church's chapel. All monthly meetings are open to all for free. and reservations aren't necessary. Information: (949) 574-2236. Tnengle Squere in Costa Mesa rnvites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m SUNDAY The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the 68th annual Flight of the lasers at 1 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. 720 West Bay Ave .. Newport Beach. Join Laser enthusiasts of all ages as you sail to win prizes like best coS1ume, best decorated boat, first parent/child team. and first married couple Information. (949167J..n30. Homblower's two-hour champagne brunch cruise features a lavish brunch buffet, free-flowing champdgne and 1u1ce service and great views wh1fe you cruise Newport Harbor Boarding begins at 11.30 am at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for the noon cruise. For reservations, call (949) 631·2469 MONDAY Metul9 drivers cen sharpen their driving skills in this eight-hour class held during two sessions. at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa July 28 and 29. The $10 classes are trmrted to 30 students. Advanced registration is required. Information-(714) 557-3340. Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to HA Radical Science ShowH at 10:30 a.m . at the Newport Beach Central Library. The free program will be repea1ed at 3 p.m. July 30 at the Mariners branch and at 10:30 a.m . July 31 at the Balboa branch. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. JULY 30 AUG.2 Hornblower Cruises and Events offers a three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor, a gourmet three-course meal, live entertainment and award-winning service from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . Boarding starts at 7 p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway. For reservations, call (949) 631·2469. AUG.8 Hornblower Cruises and Events offers a three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor, a gourmet three-<:aurse meal, ltve entertarnment and award-wrnnrng service from 8 to 11 p.m Boarding starts .at 7:30 p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway. For reservations, call (949) 631 -2469 Inventors Forum, the Orange County-based nonprofit inventors' support group. presents a seminar on ·High Technology Patentrng" by patent attorney Cunis L Harnogton. Registration and networking begrn at 7 p.m for the 7:30 p.m . seminar at Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall The cost 1s SS for members, $15 for nonmembers For more rnformat1on, call (714) 540·2491. AUG.9 Triangle Square in Costa Mes. invites the community to attend ~A Fair at the SquareH for the sights. sounds and great deals rn the outdoor marketplace while Whether You Buy or Lease- v ou·n Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! taking advantage of storefront apeolala from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m . AUG.10 Hombloww'a two-hour champagne brunch cruise features a lavish brunch buffet, free-flowing champagne and juice service and great views while you cruise Newport Harbor. Boarding begins at 11:30 a,m at 2431 W. Pacific Coast H~hway for the noon cruise. For reservations, call (949) 631-2469. AUG.11 Reglatretlon for the Q,..nge County Business Council's ninth annual Corporate Executive Golf Tournament begins at 9 a.m . at Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa, with the shot gun start at 11 a.m . The coS1 1s $300 for a·single player padcage or $1 ,500 for a corporate players padcage. Proceeds benefit the Orange County Rescue M ission's Strong Beginnings program, which provides wortcforoe development for those who have lost hope and need help. For ' more informatron, call (949) 476-2242, ext. 216. AUG.23 Triengle Squaf9 in Costa Mesa invites the community to attend ~A Fair at the Square· for the sights. sounds and great deals rn -the outdoor marketplace while talong advantaye of storefront specials from 11 a m 10 4 p.m. ONGOING The Newport Cen1er Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or ponsh your business presentations. Members come from.a variety of professional d1sc1plines and badcgrounds. The group meets every Monday mom1ng from 7 to 8 30 a.m. at I 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking is available in the parking structure neX1 to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welc.om e For more information, call (949) 721 -5732. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Un1versahst Church, 1259 Victorra St. rn Costa Mesa Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights For more information. call (714) 957-6107 Children entering first through sixth grades are rnvited to •A Radical Science Show " at 3 p.m at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Publtc Library The free program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m . July 31 at the Balboa branch. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. 8ldsDlancLcom A free aeminer, •Pet Nutrition Pawsibilities,· will be offered by Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Reservations: (800) 596-M OMS. Join Coton• ct.I Mer In orgenlzing its 2004 Centennial Cefebf'ation at a public meeting running from 7 to 8 p.m . a1 Sherman Library and ALDEN'S prrnlftl ... Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, J uly 27th, 2003 At Embassy Suites Hotel I 1767 Harbor Blvd .. Garden Grove Registration is at 10:30 AM •Auction Begins at 11 :30 AM ------...._ 'DN-!ilTE ---- DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 AND MORE Tuesday. Aly 22, 2003 A5 .ffJ1t1 II\ for Happy Hour on the Water Live M usic 5pm-7pm \/oml.11 / 11,Ju> Ed Waters ,\,fonda) ·, Wednesda_i · and Thursda) · M ike McKenna ~J Tuesday & f 'ndaJ · / /:} Price Appeti::ers (t /)rink Specials 3131 West Coast Highway /Vewport Beach For Reservations: 9491642-7880 For lltckel 1nformauon k>ft OUIO www.odail'. Billy Bob Thornton * 7 & 9 July 23 -Rock.in' Agaj.nst Hminr · Noou·I ftD Mtalnlon wllh a doaa~ioD ol (', e&D.necl focia 1'-. '9aeft11q Seclood 8arTest Food Ba.nk 8pGlll80Ad bJ: J uly 23 • Steely Dan .July 23 • Berlin ruT111111fO Terri NuiiD · ul y 24 • Doobie Brothers/Buc1d7 G111 uly 24 -Phil Vassar Celebrity ef Series I ND TAKE DOWN .. llEMOVINfi NECBHIAllY I Certified To Ce11n All • Sr,,,i-Pri11•u for Mn 0-Wo,,,,.,. Hunter Daugl11• Fabric Window Caw!rlng• Including: • Wlnindtf Privacy Shms' • Sihuettt' wblow shadings • Vll'f(te' wiMlow shadings • Ouettt' honeycomb shades • Mletiant Colediol . • Jubiancf lM roman fide:s t Appm .. honeytomb 9hac1es 1 Stttnfttf TM Softhld"I shadings World'• Bid ON ... aa .. 0ra.,...,. a •• n1,.. S»stem ~AlDENS CARPET~ DRAPERIP.S 1663 Placentia, COSta Meta 949 646 4131 • 714-968-8180 • 011u 80 Piuu fl/ Ef•ilw""' • Pri11•u Pil•Us ShU/io •SPINNING n,,.,,., • 16 F11/I Tt'•r p,n.,..J Tr•llut'I • c.,..,,.;,,., P•rki•t • Y•t•• T•i Clli, Str~tcJ, cwu1 •Sul• l'o1HrP11M/. C.rJJ.. • SIJ•tNr1, Su""' 0-T•t1His •D., s,_ • Atfl/""t-t•rwlMtUUt' -U4 • C ""'!']= ....... l th C A2 I it' 1 ,, •••.. 171 .... r-•----~--- M Tuesday, ~ 22, 2003 - HOW 10 OET PU808HED -l.ealer9: Mell to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cehn et the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Corte Meea, CA 92627 • Reeden Hotlne: Celf (949) 64~-6086 Fax: Send ~o (949) 646-4170 E-mal:Send to dallypllot<fl•ti,,,...oom •All CO""POndence must Include f\.111 neme, hometown end phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reaervea the right to edit ell 1ubmlaa1ons for clarity end length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Did Nichols ' opponents make too much noise? T he city of Newpon Beach was considering maldng changes to Corona del Mar State Beach and a reporter asked Councilman Dick Nichols if be favored a plan that designated more grass area. His honest and 4- straightforward answer of "no" because "Mexicans" would claim and occupy it for the day provided the Daily Pilot with fodder sufficient enough to create the resultant, highly charged controversy. It is worth noting that the critics of Nichols did not contradict or challenge the accuracy of his analysis. Missing from the debate is whether large numbers of Mexicans do use that beach's existing grass area, and if so was Nichols' lamenting th.at fact because he harbors hatred for Mexicans or was Nichols merely quesdoning the wisdom of a large financial expenditure that might be used for a purpose other than what the city intended (which. by WENDY LEE CE the way, is what we elected him to consider)? Here are a few questions worth pondering. ls it bias in reverse to assume his comments originated from a racist attitude? Are his opponents, who for the most part are not new critics of his. making this more or an Issue that it deserves just to destroy him7 If so, why do they dislike him? Do they really consider him to be dangerous or just annoyingly blwtt? Is the real irritation that he doesn't filter statements through their version of politically correct speech and thus he has become a threat? Social analysts bave warned that a segment of our population has digressed into attacking the messenger instead of the message, intentionally Ignoring the real issue behind controversies that deserve attention. In this case, the real ~ion regarding beach improvements has been ignored, but that is not the red-hot subject at the heart of this firestorm. It ls the impact legal and illegal immigration has had and continues to have on our community, most of which comes from Mexico. Many of the speakers addressing the last Newport Beach City Council meeting testified they bad seen and experienced numerous problems associated with this unprecedented lmmigradon explosion -an explosion brought about by a government that ignores tbe very laws that were apedficaDy designed to keep a healthy balanceonimmigrationfor the well-being of its existing population. That ls the subject that deserves attention, but mentioning It -even referring to it -causes accusations of racism to be hurled at a person. Thus, open and honest debate Is stifled because who among us wants to be branded with the scarlet letter •e" for blgor? It ts one thing to have people disagree with your opinions, that is fair and expected, but quite another to be personally tarred and feathered for expressing them, especially knowing very few will come to your rescue for fear that they. too, will experience the . same fate by asaociation alone Cask Assembfyman Ken Maddox if you don't believe that). Has it become acceptable io • condemn, censure, fire or recall anyone who dates commit the sin of voicing what the •elite" among us have deemed to be offen.stve speech? IC this pt'ICtice continues, it will soon destroy most people's desire to debate or even discuss controvenlal IUbjecu. If the "'elite attackers" (whether mey are political actMat.s, elected oflldalt. the media or even ~n) continue to ldfte free lpeecb and healthy debate throuch the practice of intimidation. we law an \Dlobetructed pl!b for them to ldvance their own agenda rA publ6c poUcy Ind tbek wnk>n of political correctnat for \II ... Thal .. what eerioUlly threatem AIDlfb. •it not ooe man maJdns a ••ment he~ to be flC:tUlly coaect. No. rbe ..., ..., .. that be " COIMWRwlld for inMfnl Jt .•• ewn when 1D01t o1 w mow"'° be cnae. . ..,L9CI ... fiotmet Ntwpott-Meee Uftlftld ..... ~ lolrd °',..""* """"'*· MAILBAG Jeff Teller is the president of Tel Phil, which has been operating the Orange County Market Place for 34 years . A change for the Orange County Market Place Bring on Delaware North. the company that is vying for management of the Orange County Fair's Market Place. Let's hear it for "back to the future!H Huh? Confused? Here's what I'm thinking: When my family first moved to within walking distance of the fairgrounds. the weekend event was nothing more than a sJeepy community garage sale that had been in operation for just one year. Now, that's all changed. Tel Phil has created a weekend outdoor mall called the Orange County Market Place. And. since we live so close, my family gets a year-long pass signed by Jeffrey Teller. himself. But, Teller can't fool me. He can't bribe me. I hate all that weekend traffic up and down Fairview Street. Fair Drive and Newport Boulevard. I bate being able to walk to the Market Place with friends from out of town (e'ven from out of the country) and ''showing otr the place. Secondly, for most of these 30 years, I've also seen what's happened to Yosemite National Park. My family has been there skiing, hiking, back-packing, and car-camping many, many times. We go just about every year. And what have we witnessed there? WelJ, for one. the facilities were well-maintained and touris t services were ex.cellent during the era of the Curry Company. Now. with Delaware North as management. the park has gone downhill. Camp Curry bas become a zoo. The facilities are dirty. The food sold by ilie park restaurants and vendo rs is awful, tasteless and very expensive. There's even been talk that car camping will become extinct on the valley floor and tourists will only be brought in with shuttle buses frQm motels outside of the Park.,. -So. keeping that in mind, I vote for Delaware North to run the Market Place. The quality of the services and care of the facilities will deteriorate. Entrance fees and cost of food will escalate. Folks will get turned off and will stop coming and my family won't have to d eal with weekend traffic around College Park any more. Wtnk, wink. FLO MARTIN you put your towel or blanket down. on the grass or ... and. and that is your ~pot until you leave the beach. It is first-come, ti rst -~erved. regardlcs~ of who you are. I am afraid that Nichols is guilty of only not knowing the unwritte n rule1.i of the beadl. MILT MEEHAN Newport Beach Costa Mesa If the shoe fits. wear it. if Ignorant comments versus not, forget it d. · · · Enough already on Newport 1scnmmat.1on -Beach Councilman Dick Nichols. I was amazed and amused at the The City Council shouJd drop it. recent debates over race relations They are the ones making a big and bigotry in Newport Beach. I d eal. grew up in east Costa Mesa and So Nichols accu~ed them of a did my after-school activities in couple of things? If the shoe fits. Newport Beach (LittJe League, wear it -or toss ii away. Cub Scouts, etc.). DOROTHY BUKEWIHGE Even as a "whHeft child, I was Newport Beach discriminated against due to where I lived, the clothes I wore and the occupations of my parents. Surely. this type of discrimination and silent segregation will continue for far lo nger than the effects of a few Ignorant comments by an elected official. DONALD MCKAY Las Vegas The 'Judge' knows the rules of the beach . . Robert Gardner. your colummst with "The Verdict," solved the whole major problem facing Newport Beach regarding Councilman Dick Nichols' problems ("Con sidering the rules of the beach,H July 15). The judge hit the nail right on the head when he described the rules of the beach. Being a lifeguard at Main Beach and Buck Gulley from 1946 to 1951 and knowing the Gardner frequented the beach quite often In those days, the rules of the beach are exactJy as he described. You stake your claim, wherever What about the chi ldren of the condo project? Concerning the proposed condomin ium pro1ect at 190 I Newport Bl vd. It seems that the past 50 years of experience (some good. some not so good) by the Costa Mesa Planning Commission and City Council are all for nothing. The current commission and council want to rewrite all of the requirements for d ensity parking requirements -garage requirements. height limits and, m ost importantly. the feelings. wants and needs of the people of Costa Mesa. This project at 190 I Newport will go down in the history books as an even large boondoggle than Trian gle Square, which has been a financial disaster. The 1901 project would make a ton of money (or the developer. if allowed to stay at the present approvals. The surrounding neighborhood and the public will al suffet due to over-building congestion. CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY Of COSTA MESA Corte Mele City Hall, n Ffir Drive, Coste Mese, CA 92626. (714) 764-5223 ~ GaJY Monehen Council: Libby Cowan, Allen Mensoor. Mike Scheafer and Chrl• Steel crrY Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beed\ City Hell, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beech, CA 92663, (949) MW309 ~Steve Bromberg CcM.wd: Gery Adema, John H9ffem1n, Didt Nlc:nofa, Gery Proctor, Tod R~y end Don Webb QOVERNOR Gray Davia (0), State Cepftot, Seeremento, CA 96814, (918) 446-2841; fax: (918) ~ U.l .IEMTI • 8efblrl '°"" (0), 112 Hirt Ser\ltll luffdlng, Suite tt2, 'IJMNngton, o.c. 20510, (202) Dt-3113; or 312 N. Sprtne St., Suite ,,_ ~ Lot Angeles, CA 90012, (213) 894-6000; fax (213) 894-5042; E-mell: boxer.8tHlate.govl contactlwebfo"". • Dianne F-einuein (0). 331 Hart Bullding, Washington, D.C. 20510. (202) 224-3841; or 1111 Senta Monica Blvd., Suite 915, l.A>e Angeles, CA 90026, (310) 914-7300 E·meil: NMtorO felMteln.Hnate.gov PMSIOENT George W. lulh (R), White Hout., 1800 P9nnl'(tvanla A.ve., WMhlngton. D.C. 20600 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) •se.-1111 E-melt: prNk»nt#lwhn.houH.gov Fax: (202) '56-2~1 VICI flR£llJINT Dk* OMIMV (R), Cepitof Buffdlno, Suitt 212. Wnhington, O.C. 20&00 IE-mel: ... ,,,..,,.~1/(111 Fiie (l02) a.:i.1 l<f.NT TREPTOW I DAILY P1LOT Somewhere the public has the idea these condos will be offered at SJ00,000. Not a chance. I'll bet the prices wiU run from $450,000 and up. I'm not even going to talk about ~hadows on the neighbors' homes or commercial buildings. I'm not going to mention the traffic jams that will happen on Harbor Boulevard. But I am going to ask: Where will the kids play? There is no 'Place for kids on the entire pro1ect, so it's either out in the s treet o r in the condos. No sun. no t outdoor playground and an estimate of more than 100 le.ids under 12 years old. · City fathers. think about the kidr.. Think about the reasons for density limits. Why were these rules and regulations created over the years? They worked.· CURTIS HERBERT'S Pacific Coast Realty Group Costa Mesa Costa Mesa character needs protecting Costa Mesa just celebrated its 50th year as a city with smaJl-town charm where young families come to raise their children. Yet Planning Comm ission.er Katrina Foley feels "there's not going to be support for just a zoning overlay on the Eastside" unless the city looks at "making different neighborhoods unique" and taJces into consideration the "unique character of the different neighborhoods" (9Fine lines still divide home expansions.· July 14). When one considers that the cities or Los Angeles, San Diego. Laguna Beach and Orange all use overlay zones to preserve and e nhance the unique character of their distinct local neighborhoods, one has to ask -why not Costa Mesa? What were we celebrating over there at the Fairgrounds? Irvine? MARGARET LECZKOWSKI Costa Mesa Daily Pilot ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS TUESDAY, NOON • South Coast Weavers & Spinners (untll 11 p.m .) -Home & Hobbles Bulldlng • Sewing Gulld (until 11 p.m.) - Home & Hobbies Building •High Tide Pur1era (until 11 p.m.J -Home & Hobbies Building •Crafts (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth Bulldlng • "Discover the Fair" Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Sode Hop -Kida Stage • Farm and Garden Contest Display Round 3 -Centennial Farm • Uama Presentation (12:30 p.m .) -Uvestodt Arena 1 P.M. •Maureen W. Puppet (until 6 p.m .) -Around the grounds • Dance Dynamics Performing Arts -Heritage Stage • Beach Cities Stars -Sun Stage • Sewing Guild Demonstration by Denise Howard -Home & Hobbles Stage • Art & Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m .) .1r Visual Arts Building • Glaublowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Miss Debbe Lynn -Vocalist - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Juggler Dan W iles -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Uvestoc* BEST BET • Traveling Gam e Show ( 1 :30 p.m . -6:30 p.m .) -Around the grounds •Russell Bros. Circu s (1:30 p.m .) -Green Gate Area •Angora Goat Industry Presentation (1:30 p.m .J - Uvestoc* Arena As part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Serres, Oevo, above, and Cake will perform at 7·30 pm today in the Pacrfic Amphitheatre. Gates open at 6 p.m. Meanwhile, Billy Bob Thornton, actor and musician, will perform the free show at 7 p.m. in the Citizens Business Bank Arena on the.,. fairgrounds. • Ceramics Demonstration ( 1 30 p.m.) - Crafters Village · •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 2P.M. • Dancers in M otion -Heritage Stage •Westminster Performing Arts - Sun Stage • Spinning Contest -Home & Hobbies Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Circus Fun Review Auditions (2:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Sheep Industry Presentation (2.30 p m I -Liv~~oc* Arena 3 P.M. •Triple Threat with Second Generatton -Heritage Stage • Beach Cities Stars -Sun Stage • Miss Debbe Lynn -Vocalist - Celebrauon Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Cooking with Chef Jan Mongell (3:30 p.m ) -Home & Hobbies Stage • Oxen Team Presentation (3:30 p.m.) -Livestoc* Arena • M ilking Demonstration (3:30 p m.) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. • Dancers in Motion -Heritage Stage •Westminster Performing Arts - Sun Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Catch-up Contest -Kids Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m .-6:30 p.m.) -Around ito.s Angeles ~mes Summer Camp Campaign Brightening the Lives of Children Give to the Los Ang~les Times Summer Camp Campaign. Ul'Tlp offers ll healthy lllternat1V9 for many low-income childn1n who may be struggling with challen1u . It Is a place where the gray cloud of poverty is replaced by sunny skies and the $0Und of lllu&hter- and where a positive perJP«tlVe Clln finally be discovered. You can brighten the life of a child this The Times Summer Ump CNl'lpaign provides diaadvantapd children throu&hout Southern Ca.llforma ll one-week camp expenence. For svery dol!M you conuibuta, the McConnlck Tribune Foundation will add SO cents*. The Los Anples Times and the HcCormldt Tribune Foundation abtort> all admlnlstratiw costs. so I 00"-of your donation and entire ma~hlna funds io directly to campet'INpal Give the gift of FUNI Mak• your donation tellayt le.,,. t4) rwl penon.I profle.I d cM d!MWl8f'4CMp ..... •d.clWfllM\'**I hm cM ~ Pf'Oll"l'l'l In che ...-d che Lot Mplel'f"'-ot 'lllk ow~••~~ ---------------------------------, "'esl ..... "4,... ...... 0.,.~ ' , I• I want to helpl ... ~'----.a....,.... ~ .... ta M l 09!1' O llO OltlO Omo 0 lfOD OOl!lr •---'"=~=<-= ........ .--.. a ............... __..,.. ,..._ ....................... -...-·-··---------...... ..................... -..... ..,_._ ... _ .. _____ _ _____ .... __ ... ____ _,.... ........ _ ... _ ._ .... _....., ....... -·-··--...... ._.. ~ ,_..,. ......... ," ... 1 .... LATW,-.11771. oe• ------------------'-----------------,, . ' t t I • I I j j the grounds • Russell Brothers Circus (4 30 p.m l -Green Gate A rea •Canning with Carole Olson (4.30 p.m .) -Home & Hobbies Stage •Angora Goat Presentation (4 30 p.m.) -L1vestoc* Arena •Ceramics Dem onstration (4 30 p.m .) -Crafters Village 5P.M. • Kids Are Music and All-American Kids -Hernage Stage • Ramblin' Rogues Square Dancers -Sun Stage • Juggler Dan W iles - Celebratton Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percus&1on -Little Theater •All Atas~an Rac.ng Pigs - L111estod< • Circus Fun Review Aud1t1ons (5 30,p.m l -Kids Stage • Sheep Industry Presentation (5 30 pm ) -Livestock Arena • M1lk1ng Demonstration 15 30 pm I -M illennium Barn 6P.M. • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Area • Awards Presentation -Home & Tuesday. Jufy 22, 2003 A7 • Kids Are Music and All·Amencan Kids -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • Red. Ripe & Karaokln' Contest (6 30 p m.J -Heritage Stage • Best of Show Awards Ceremony (6 30 p m l -Youth Building 7P.M. • Summer Concert Series. Devo and Cake (7:30 p.m ) -Pacific Amphitheatre Gates open at 6 p.m . • Billy Bot;i Thornton -Citizens Business Bank Arena •Hypnotist Mark Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • Glassblowing DemonstratJon - Crafters Village •Tomato Walk Contest -Kid s Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestoc* • Russell Bros. Circus (7:30 p m 1 - Green Gate Area • Port City Washbotrd Wizards (7:30 p.m .J -Hentage Stage • Visual Arts Awards Night (7 30 p.m.) -Visual Arts Stage • Kids Karaoke (7 30 p m ) - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston 17 30 pm.) -Kids Stage •Ceramics Demonstration (7 30 p m ) -Crafters Village •Milking Demoastrauon 17.30 p m ) -M 1llenn.1um Barn 8P.M. • Lost Boys -Sun Stdge •Target Tomato Contest Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion Linle Theater •Oxen Team PrP.senta11on - Livestock Arena • Swingfest 8 30 p m Heritage StdQ"' 9P.M. • Billy Bob Thornton -C1ttzens Business Bank Arena • Ru&&ell Brus Circus Green Gate Area • Hypno11s1 Mark Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • All Alaskdn Racing Pigs - L111esto • Pon City Washboard Wizards 19 30 pm J Heritage Stage •Ceramics Demonstration 19 30 pm 1 Cr afters VillagP lOP.M. • Lost Boys Sun Stage • Swing fest I 10 30 p m , Heritage StagP QUOTE OF THE DAY "I 'm not used to playing in front of people, but I'm almost excited. I'm '1-just going to try to take deep breaths, t m goo t ought! and hopefully the ball will go in the air." S.aty Holtteln, on competing in the Tea Cup Al Tuesday, Jtiy 22, 2003 lportl YD-Rlclwd Dulln: (949) 57U223 • lportl Fu : (949) 6500170 - Locals collle out winning The first day of action in the War by the Shore is highlighted by four local winne rs in boys 12 singles and five winners in girls 12 singles. The War by the Shore, also known as the 14th annual Balboa Bay aub Junior Tennis Tournament began Monday, but the action is sure to heat up today. · Most of the top seeds had first- round byes Monday, but all the seeds in all the singles divisions will play to- day. Much of the action on the first day of the tournament took place in the 12s and 14s in both boys and girls, which had full fields. Nine local playe~ from Newport- Mesa competed in the boys 12s and four advanced to the round of 16. Joshua Lorenczen of Newport Beach, the No. I seed, showed off his skills with a 6-I , 6-0 victory over Dan- iel Nguy. Also from Newport Beach, Daron Arnold was a 6-3, 6-2 winner over Mikey Zablan. Corona deJ Mar's Orneed Ghassemi defeated Ma.rt Saad, 6-0, 6-0. The other winner was Newport Beach's Erik Heirnstaedt, a 6-4, 6·2 victor over Bret Mathews. In conlJ'ast to the large local con- tingent in the l 2s, just one player pulled off a victory in boys l 4s Mon- day, Parker Rhodes.. But the good news for Rhodes, which came in the form of a 6·3, 6-2 victory over Adam Gassin in the round or 64, was fol- lowed by a bout of bad news. Rhodes was ousted from the tournament In the round or 32, falling to top-seeded Raymond Sarmiento. In the girls l2s bracket, five local players advanced to the round of 16, which will be contested today. Hailey Hogan of Balboa was a 6-2, 6-0 win- ner against Katrina Ellzes. Newport Beach's Kelli Feeley won 7-5, 7-5 against Brianna Ashley Steinmetz. Meghan Olomeau, aJso from New- port Beach, was a 6-1, 7-6 winner See TENNIS, Paa• A9 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Above, Erik Heimstaedt eyes a backhand return in his match at the War by the Shore junior tennis tournament. At top, Omeed Ghassemi concentrates on a backhand volley shot at the net. Both players won their match. TEACUP VII A family feel for Holstein Big Canyon winner will have sister caddie in Friday's Tea Cup Qassic. Brye• Alderton Daily Pilot Whens.Dy Holstetnhu a chip shot In Frtday'a lea OJp 08lllc VII at Mesa • Verde Cowatry Oub, CIASSIC she will no doubt oocuk>nally be ddnktnc .,_.. dinner. Noc nea..tily dinner that evening, but dinner anytime. The .... CAnyon Country Oub wua...ncbmnp6on IOd ~Ulter ~ Ddllle ....... aiddj'b # ----------.,,.. ........... __.............. . .... ~28honorM MATT JAMESON NEWPORT HARBOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Anaheim • remains Newport • nemesis With loss, Bronco A All-Stars can now fo._cus on Thursday's opener in the regional tournament. The Anaheim 11 · and 12 ·year-old All· Stars again showed their mastery of the Newport Harbor BasebaU Association Bronco A team with a 12-4 victory in the semifinals of the section tournament Monday night at York Field in Whittier. Newport lost twice to Anaheim in the sectionals and once in the district tour- nament. Despite Monday's loss, New- port will advance to the regional tour- nament as the No. 2 seed in Orange County -behind Anaheim -by virtue of its 2·0, eight-inning victory over Los Alamitos Sunday. Danny Moskovits and Ryan Alben each pitched four innings of shutout ball and produced offensively. Moslco- vits went 2 for 4 with a double and AJ- ~~-9@,F'HJ-ffWe-in-a ruA--iR-the--eigtlth-inn1Jf· w--- with a double against Los Alamitos. MThat was possibly one of the best baseball games I have seen," Rlch Ho- gan. the Bronco A Manager, said. I logan tinkered with the lineup Mon- day. giving pitching duties to Jacob McCann, Jack Grace and Alex Maddox. Albert, one of six I I -year-olds on the team, had two hits and two RBis while Michael Helfrich added two hits. Mos- kovits chipped in with a htl and an RBI. Grate doubled. Blake Davey tallied two hits and McCann added a single. Newport scored its first run in the fourth after Helfrich singled and stole second. Svendsen hit a grounder to the third baseman, who threw to first. but Helfrich quickly went to third, sliding in safely to beat a throw. Moskovits then hit him in with a sacrifice ny to right. uThat sparked the guys up a UttJe bit," Hogan said. Newport cut the lead to 10-4 before Anaheim scored two more. Newport will play the top-ranked team from Rive~ide in the first round of the eight-team, double-elimination re- gional tournament beginning at 5 p.m. Thursday in Chino Hills. One team will advance fro m the sec- tional tournament to the wne champi- onship. the final step before the World Series. SWIMMING Peirsol sets meet record ·Newport Harbor grad starts strong at the 2003 World Ch ampionships. Aaron Peirsol got off to a fast start at the 2003 World Swimming Ownpion- shlps Monday in Barcelona, Spain let- ting a meet RCC>rd in the aemlftnals of the 100 meter bacbttoke to earn the top time going into today's 8naJs. The first or three bacbtroke CMnta in wb.lcb Peirsol will swim. the 100 meter backstroke ftnaJ taba place in the eve- ning seealon of today's competition. HAI mnUlnal time or 54.28 ls a new ~ OwnplonahJpl reoord and puta him at the top or the tleld beading lnto the final after eam1ng the No. 3 aeed go- ing Into the .em1flnAia. Swimming ln the nth or 12. hem, Pelnol recorded a time of 54.99, good enough to ftnJsh ftnt lo bAa beet. but dUrd OV'el'd. behind Aultnlla'a Matthew Weleb and ...... Mady ~1dlmdn. A 2002 Newport Harbor Hilb pd and 2000 .. medllllt In Che s,dney Qymplca. MIOI Ul1I 20 OD Wldnel- ct.y. A repelt of bk Mmilnal perfann- ance lhould eun him a~~­ omNp priat .. ~ ~ I HOLSTEIN today's 18-hole, stroke-play event f~aturing the four women's club champions Crom the private clubs in Newport-Mesa, frequently get together for a chJpplng contest, with the loser buying dinner. •we chip close to 200 balls," Holstein, 52, said about the competition with her sister. a member at Santa Ana Country Oub. "Now, when I go play Big Canyon, I know exact distances and I am relaxed and calm. I just chip It instead of getting tense, which I've done many times. . ~The practice of doing it over and over agaln boosts the confidence. Jt helps having a !sister with you so you don't get bored I usually buy her dinner." The two teamed up to win the gross division at Big Caoyon's ladies two-day tournament for the first time in June. Holstein will practice her swing in DeMille's baclcyard one day and the next, DeMille will stop by Big Canyon to share a few putting tips. "She helps me and vice versa." said Holstein, who first began taking golf lessons when she was 12 on the wging of her parents, George and Elinor. "The first time I hit a driver, I said, 'I like this sport,' " Holstein recalled. #My parents always motivated me to play golf. They would leave for four or five hours to play golf when we went on vacations. so I wanted to I play along] so I could see them" Holstein, a Costa Mesa resident and accountant for a commercial property manager. was first a member at lrvine Coast Country Oub, now Newport Beach CC before joining Big c.anyon in PEIRSOL Continued from Af3 1983, where her parents already were members. to heat up, causing Holstein to focus more on her game. ~Sue started to beat me and I hadbeat her previously." said Holstein, who also has an oldl!r sister, Sandy Thomas, "She lived at Big Canyon and played more than I did. At that time I was only playing once a month.• Holstein joined:a ladies group and began playing twice a week. much like she does these days. Frida.y, Holstein will join Ak.eml Khaiat, Mesa Verde's women's club champion, Marianne 1owersey (Santa Ana CC} and Debbie Albright (Newport Beach Cciuntry Oub) when the Tea Cup begins at 1:30 p.m. at Mesa Verde. Holstein's only other Tea Cup appearance was also at Mesa Verde, in 1999. • 11ove the course. it is a bit more open (than Big Canyon]: she said. Holstein, who is single. will try to maintain a calmness once she steps on the first tee, but knows it won't be easy witl:i galleries in tow. 'Tm not used to playing in front of people, but I'm almost excited," Holstein said. "I'm just going to try to take deep breaths. thinX good thoughts and hopefully the ball will go in the air." Holstein, who went to Corona del Mar High. and Towersey grew up on the same street and competed against one another often from the time they were young. "She is so good, she should be a professional, but she decided to be a mom instead." Holstein said of Towersey. who finished fifth in last week's California Women's Championship. ''I'm going to enjoy the day and play with my friends.· SPORTS TENNIS • Conbnued from Af3 against Alex Yates-Robinson. Melissa Matsuo· ka advanced with a 6·0, 6-0 win over Teresa Macias. Last but no certainly not least. top· seeded Cierra Gaytan-Leach was a 6-1, 6·3 winner over Madeline Jaeger. In girls l 4s, nine local players will take part in today's rolUld of 32. Five of them advanced on Monday. the other four had byes. Two all lo· cal matchups will see Sasha Dunlap a 6·4, 6·4 winner over Mysa Sangria. battle Michelle At· kins, who had a first-round bye. and Christina Schwartz. a 6-4. 6-2 victor against Kelly Sny· derman, battle Kendall McOure. who had a bye. AU four players hail from Newport Beach. Other advancers in girls l4s Monday in- cluded Elizabeth Van't Hof (7-5, 7-5} and Kelli Kawabe (6·4. 6·4). Tuesday, Joty 22. 2003 At WATER POLO Newport Harbor strikes twice Gi rls under-18 team wins VilJa Park tour- nament. Newport Harbor High'6 gi.rlb water polo team continued Its winning ways this summer by capturing the championship of the Villa Park 18-and-under tour· nament Sunday. With six victories in the tour- nament, the Sailors improved their record this summer to 26-2 as they conti nue to prepare for the Junior Olympics in two weeks. WII\S over Edison, Orange and Villa Park put Newport Harbor in the semifinals. There, they de· feated San Diego Shores l l ·9. In the championship game. the Sailors needed overtime to knoc.k off Santa Barbara, 13-12. In the final. Anne Belden scored four UJnes to lead l\ew· port Harbor. Jessica Ball and Carolyn Conway added three goals each and Ashling Taylor had two goals and ~ah Mun added one to round out the !>COr· mg. Goalie T eryn Conam had seven saves. The Sailors came back from a 5·4 first -quarter deficit to take a 9-8 halfume lead At the end of regulauon. it was an I I · l l oe. Mimickin g thett older counter· pans. Newport Harbor's girb llll· der· 16 water polo team won all three games Sunday to clrum the eight·team CaptStrano Valley 18· and-under tournament at Capo Valley High. Th.tneen of the 15 girls :"oiew· port Coach Les Cutler used wen:~ members of the frosh-soph team ;-..;f\o\.-port defeated Tierra Santa. 13·3. m Game 1 and foUowe<l "-ith victories over Coronad<i 18· 71 and San Diego Shores 4-31 Last year at the World Champi- onships, Peirsol won a silver medal In the 100 meter back- stroke, while setting a world re· cord and winning a gold medal in part of the 400 meter medley re· lay team. He won his first World Championship gold medal in 2001 in the 200 meter baclcstroke. this year's 200 meter backstroke are on Thursday, with the finals scheduled for Friday. Peirsol will also compete in the SO meter backstroke, with the heats and semifinals scheduled for Saturday and the finals coming on the last day of competition at the World Championships on Sunday. Peirsors younger sister. Hayley. ate, will also be competing this week.. She is entered in the 800 meter freestyle. The heats are scheduled for Friday and the fi: nals for Saturday. Four locals advanced Monday in girls l 6s. joining nine who had byes to put 13 locals in the round of 32. Brittanny Sturgess of New- port Beach was a 6· I , 6·3 winner against Me- lissa Stringfellow. Andrea Zamucen advanced when her opponent didn't show to the tour· nament. Jill Casserly of !'Jewport Beach was a 6·2, 6·0 winner against Jill Levin. Carolin Oaure of Newport Beach had no problem with M~ Maxwell. downing her 6-0. 6-0. ment action included Spencer Reitz (boys l8s, 6-0. 6-0) and Joseph OiGulio (boys 10s. 6-3, 6-2). Pf-tOTOS av DON LEAt:h I DA•L' Pli_J' Above. Daron Arnold nps an overhead slam r a point IA his first round match tR the War Cali Manderino. Kalli l .uca<. and Katie Kepner each led :\ew port Harbor offensively. wh1lt Kendall Nelson and EIJ.7.abeth Layton shared time in goal. The heats and semifinals for by the Shore 1umor tennis tournament. At top, Josh Lorentzen reaches for big return Manderino and Lucas eac:h finished with 7 goals m the three games. Keppner clupped in \.'.ith six goals in the three games. lncludet: Tire Rotation' and Brake lnapectlon • Full Brake inspection • Rotate tires • Reset tire pressure • Visual check of chass1e & suspension • Record brake readings. • Road test for performance -$3495 ~':.TnT:~ance Value ·~1 o-P-,~e-1 1 Package Test battery and Inspect terminals & connections: up to five quarts of Motoreraft' 111tllnd new Motorcraft' Oil Filter: inspect air and cabin air filters, top off antifreeze and other fluids under the hood. nre rotation: check tread depth on all four tires: check & adjust tire pressure to manufacturer's specif1catt0ns; check brakes; check belts & hoses for crabs and proper tension. Diesel vehicles may be higher. Includes hazardous waste di8'>0$81. See service advisor for details. $3995 Cooling System _0P111~ Service Minor Service Includes: Benefrt.s: This serv•ce Drain cooling system. flush ensures that tne eng ne. & cooling system of debris associated components nm includes 1 gallon of cool Old coolant ma) antlfreeze/coorant, inspect contribute to rnechan1ca tioses, belts & connections. oreaM.down trom heat stress pressure test system tor This service may ne1p avo d 1ntegnty and road test costly repairs down the road . 7131/03. See service aclVrsor for detaiiiiliis.iExiilresil7l/3ill111i/03iii. ••Ill••••••• Legal llClllca 2MO I Legal llClllca 2MO lepl Notlca 2640 lepl Naeices ~iiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I.;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; llWPOIT 1UCJt FEE 2640 I Legal Notices 2MO Legal NoUca 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Noticei 2640 , Legal Notices 1na cour t approval Requut for Special fol~• an ob1ect>on to the ISC 13309 Street, Suite IJOO, pMlllol'I wll bl held on nft(lll..,. Action· Adopt Re$olu Augutt 7, 2003 ti 1:46 "" -t1on 1uthor111n1 the PM In Deot. No. L73 ARA SUllAIY recycllna service lee to loclted at ~1 Thi~ &~l..-1.. ..... be set 1t SZ.66 per ......_ "--....--_,.... month per residential 92e1's-1m~.,., SW,s..i.-4Mp.a unot effective Auausl I. IF YOU OBJECT to ~ 22 _. 2003; i nd rescind Res · ~._ _._ ,ww olutlon No.2002·39 W. ,....... COR A OH MAR Published Newport lion. you ~ VISION PLAN (ORAL Buch-Costa Mesa Dilly ~=:-i«-: ~~,_uENTATIONJ.(•;30 PilotJuly22.2003 T079 Mlllln ~ wlll PROJCCTS Al CRYSTAL ~yo:o:~ COVE STATE PARK (5:15 ·-·• P.M.) pnot mty be In pll'IOl'I RECONVENE AT 7:00 OI by 'fOOI' llOmly. P .M. FOR REGULAR IF YOU AAE A. MEETING CREDITOR OI I oonlln-PUBLIC HEARING IS( 13315 ll011CI Of PmnOll TO.YUtla ISTA110f: MllS ... .... .J. ... .... .UIS •. .-. W1amt1M gent cndllOr of hi GE NERAL PLAN dtoMMd, you mlJll 1111 AM£NOMENT NO. 2003· 'fOOI' Clllm wllh flt court 003, LOCAL COASTAL and mAll I copy to the l'ttOGRAM AMENDMENT pnonll teprWllCllM NO. 2003-002, CODE ~ by IN court AMENDMENT NO. 2003· To •II heirs, benefi· .., lour monlll from 005 (PA2003-099) • cieries. credlt:O<s. con· fw diet Of .... ._.. LEGERE PROPERTY (813 tin .. nt creditors. end Of....,_• pnMdlCI In EAST 8Al.80A BOULE· person• wllo may otll· PIObal Codt MdlOll VARO). tfWIM be lnterattd In 9100, The time tor Mr'IJ Action: l) Conduct lh• will Of estate, or dllrN wll noc _.,. public h11rlna; 2) A4>· ltoth, or: JAMES OONAlO .,.._ lour monf11 from prove the •P-J>l~tlons FE R G US Q N • k • J. .. ..._ ... nolcld by •dot>tlnc R-hltion OONAl..O FEJtOUSON •II• lllO\le, and 111troducln1 Ord•· JAMES 0. FCltCUSOfil ' YOU MAY EXAM-neni:e. end pen to A PETITION f()lt PRO· ..... --.. ,,_ .... fw ucond rudln1 on 8Al£ hH Min fhd b)' "'"" •• ._. "' A t lZ. 2003 ~ VALE FEltCUSON court. ·~ .. n•= u~LHtREWT8USlNCSS end JANI A81ClAll ~ ., fw ' COUNCIL APP110VAL GIUllAHI In the Slipetlof you fMlt .. • fw or A l'Altl( l'ATROl Court or Cellrornle. i,-t~"i':i.!' PROGltNI'. Oou11tyofOltANGt. ..,... Action: l) Awove the THE J'ETITION FOR ) cl fw 9'11 d In l'ern, 8ffC"-& Rte· l'llOIAT£ nquHts ~ '!!_IPPOI~ rHtlon Co111111lulon'a MARIA YAl.E FERGUSOft of ..... -"' ,~ ...... fM the end JANE AllOAlt: ""•~= ! ~ crutlon 1114 ~· OIUllMI 1tt _,.tM ., ,..._ tltlOll of • Mlf....,. ",._., repre11nt1· "°': 1~ port1111 ,..,, Petrol :: .. ':t=n:."' ....,.. .__ 11 __.._....... l"T~•lll •t 1 c•t el __ 9"VUo< 'r!b ........... -M7,tu,..~;1"4t) '""""'"'" llan .. Ollllldl*. ~ow. , re11flloll to the •edolllt'• w·. end --~r •. Collllcll Potier l ·U codlcll•, If 111w, b• OMOL t. --llQ Mtle u.. of City ......... to PfoMt.. The TM-•--hditin to ~ • lltW Wll Md •1 cq*ll9 .,, _.. '" e•• .. lftcltlelt for • ......._ for eumi!le· ·~ Vwttl .,_ .. ~ ttoltlll ... fllll_..., Before l1k1n11 certain Notice form os available petition and ~how$ good NOOO JO l'HNTNM lntm•, CA 92614-UH very important actions. fromthecourtclerk Cl'IU5e why the couol \llW'lllllU I Pubhshed New port however. lhe person•I A.,.,_7 f• Petlt1 ... er1 should nol &rant the Of VAii TIIATTON Beach Cost• Meu Daily representatives will be Midtoe Avey Gertner, authority CASI A-l8"37 j Pilot July 22 28 29 required to 11ive notice APC, 4J40 c_,..,. Dr., A HEARING on the 2003 l M082 to 1nleresled persons he. 100, Newport pehtoon woll be held on SIJPRIOICOllTOf unlen they hive waived 1-ch, CA t2660 AUGUST 1• 2003 al I 45 CA1JOllA notice or consented lo Published Newport p m •n Dept l 7 3 the propoHd 1chon.) Buch·Cost1 Mese 011ly located at 3Al The Coty COUNTYOf OIAMGE The independent 1d· Pilot July 22, 28, 29, Drive South, Orenae CA Notice 1s hereby 111ven m1n11trahon authority 2003 TM081 92868. to lhe creditors •nd will be er 1nted unleu IF YOU OBJECT to th~ contineent creditors ot 1n interested person Kl 13311 arantona of Ute petotoon. the abon·named dr.ce ftles an obrectton to the """ you should eppeer at the dent lh•t all person' pehtoon and shows aood ll011CIOf Pl1ITIOll hearlna and state your havone cl•oms •&••Ml CI UH why the cour1 TO.-nl objections or Ille wrotten the decedent 1re re should not 11unt the objections with the court quired to tote them with author1ty. ISTA110f: before the heartn& Your the Supe11or Court 11 A HEARING on the IUllllJ.au.e appurance may be '" the Betty Lou Li mor petition will be held on "nllO.'-ln person or by your eau• f acolttv · Probate AUGUSl 21, 2003 at I:•~ ""' Mn attorney Clerks Office. 7th floo1 p,m 1n Otpl L7 3 lo all heirs, beneft· IF YOU AR[ A CR£01· 3'1 The City Drove louted at 341 Tht City cierles. creditors. con· T 0 R or con t 1 n & en t South. 011nae. Cahforn11 Drive South. Ofant•. CA tin .. nt cntdltors, and credil0t of the deceased, 92668 and mail or 92868. persons wllo mey oth· you must file yoUf cl11m ~ltver 1 c09y of tlte IF YOU 08.IECT to the erw1u ~ intti'ated 1n with the court ind m•ll claim to First Ame11c:en cunt1111 of Ille petition. the will M estate. or • copy to lll• personal Trust Company Co· you should •POQr at the both~. of: MARTIN J. rtlM'Htntetiv. aMIOfnted Trustee of tht Van That htarinc and stett your MANNINC by tht court within four Ton Trust ut•bh!htd objections or file written A PETITION FOfl PRO· months lrom the d•t• ol Flbruery 13. 1996. obilldlons with the court BATE hH bttn filed by the II.st •SSU1Jnce of At t t n I 1 on. My ron btlore the hurlna Your CAROi. A. OUNLEA In tht letten ff provided In Schuster. 2161 Sin tpptll'ance may bt In SuP«t'lor Court of Cell-Probate Code section Joaquin Hiils Road. person or by your fornie. County ol Oft. 9100. The time fat hl1111 NewpOfl lttach, Call· ettorney. A.NCE. cl1lm1 wtll not upire fOfnle 92ti60, wherein lF YOU ARC A CREDI-TttE PETITION FOR ~fort four month• from the decedent wu the TOR or cont1n11nt PR08A TE nquuh the h•etln& date noticed trustor. with n the later creditOf ol UM Cltoeestd. CAAOl A. OllNlEA be above. of tour monttis 1ft.11t July )IOU m11st me your claim eppolnttd as ptRonel '!'OU MAY EXAMINC tht 22. 2003. the •te ol with the c-t and melt ttprHtntetlte to ed· tde kept by tile court If flrtt publtcatlon of • cot11 to ttlt f*'IO"ll mini.st• the esle1t of )'Ou •• • "''°" in· Notice to CredltOtt. °'. 11 pr u • n h ti vu • p • tltt cleudtnt. lwuted 111 tflt m•t•, ti notice ls m11ltd Of pointed by tM court THE l'lmlON r~ls you mey hie witll th4I ,_..,,11y dtll'vtttd to wltllln r-MOntha from eutltotlty to adlnlftlster court • Aequett tor .,..,, 30 days 1tt., the the d•t• of the flrlt tlte .. ttt• ufldoeit the Soter.I Notice (forni DE· d•l• t11ts notice l• '""•nc• elf lelter1 " t11depenlle11t Ainilnlt· 15') ol the ......_ of •n milled or peno111My pr,gvlded 111 l'rolilete tutton of htetes Act hw111too tnd ..,,,,.,1 ftth•tr•d to ycu1 A C.-~tlolt 1100 Tlloe (1'Ms Ailhfity will elow ol Hlet• •.uh °' of Cr.cllton C1t1fft wm, time .... ftllw clehM ,.. 6-,_tOMI ,...... _,.y "tit~ Of ICCO<olflt ~ill CcMIWMil '8n11 "°' Hpit• ._.«• fol# tetlve to .-. llltllf as PfOwtded In l'rollet• Dl 172. .. , be •tefl!H -'flt fr-ltll '-'tftc tct*'t wlttlcMlt Mtalll• Code _.. lZSO. A _._ tN 5-f/of' C-t detellOtleff.-Oft. 1111 court •PPtO UI. ltequeal ftr Specttl ~ f« ,_..pr~· ¥0tJ llMY UMlflf IM lefo<t tlllllll c...... Notkt ..... ta .,...... ltoll, P'I .,, MCOWlllM flCI •• .., tM ceeirt. II "'' ~t..-t actieM, "-ni.-t derfl. to fltt · ~ '-'"" •f' '" .,. • ,.._ !fl ......,, tlle ,._.. .......,.._ cefllllef 111111, wttll twtltM .. tM ....... ,.,,._...,.,.. .. M p .. I ' rtt•• ~ rtllll•tll ~..., ........... ,....,., ........... ...,_._,._.,_ ~Jlllrll,200> SUP11101 coon Of WOlllA, crom Of OUllGE OUllGE COCllTY SUPlllOICUT PIOIAnCMT ONADS 141 Tll art DIM POST OfffCUOX 14171, OIM5I, CA m.J.-1571 Pflnl*Of W..M..sl.M fGIOMMIOflUI .. lO .. alSlfGI C.-OflUI Wl-A!al TG All INTCR£STf.D PERSONS: l. l'etltlontr Anltl Alonm Lewis '1114 • petition wltll tllls court for • decrM chll'lliflt n-H fol"': Anlte Alomet lewie to AlliUI Alolftet St lewb 2 THC COURT OROERS tll81 ... PtnOltS Int"· satecl lft t1!la ''""" Slit/I ..,.,_., HIM• this court al the llutlftt llldlcttM behtw to allow clllM If Ill)' why "'-P41trt-.... c:ftellp of n-aflotM "'°' be v•flt.M. fllOTICl or HlAltlfllG O•t•. su• 02, 2001 r-. 2.00 l'flil o.,t.. l7J nie.-..eiftMc~ .................. 3, A t•f ct4 9* Or• , ..... ca.M ... be ~ .. fllla1-. _ .. ·-... '"' ... I '1l'e ..... "'"" CUTll, JUDGI Of THI SUPla.m COUltT Pubfo shtd Newpor t Bu ch ·Costa Mui Oa•ly Pilot July Z2 29 Au11ust 5 12. 2003 T083 nc.......-... ... s...... Th~ follow1na persons ~re do1na buS1neu n al 24 Carron b) A Cius Ac l C•ter in&. c) Newi>«I Caterina Com~ny d) The Grumpy Gourmet e) Premier Caterin11 f) 2' C¥rot &) Caterona by Oeqn. h) 2' Carrots Caterln& And Events 9392 Cliftwood Drove. Hunttncton 8each, C•h lornl1 92646 No<m1n Richwd Ben nett 9392 Chitwood Ofove. Hdntincton Be.ch C1llfM11t1 92'e6 'She•n Stone..aeronett 9392 Cltffwood Df!ve. Huntincton 8uch, C.it tw11le~ Tl\11 but.intA is con· ducted II)'' "'"*•nd and Wlft ....... YOll ,tart .. dolfll bv&IMH ,.o No ~rl SlOM-hnMlt This et.te-nt wn IMM wttll tM Cov11ty Ctttla of °''"" Cov"ty 011 Ol/11/03 "9MMT6" Otllw , .. t My l ... l\. 22. tool T1ll6 a.c:=tn =. ~>~ •ne~, .... b UM CM :..:, =..:. ~ ot ::-:._to=-= ...,,......,. at:I .......... ....._. _, • -tw .. ---·-•O.·'-s.;·,L-S.-111 Neelc9 ceor111 Dl· ...... ..., ....,. ....-~ a -. •.a. ,...._.,, ••• ... IM) .. -..... • ::-• LI 11::..~ .r.=r::r .... ............ '°' .............. , ..... .... ...., .. ,.._ ............... "' ....... . .... .. ... , .. ,..,... (11111....., .. ... ........ .. ........ ,..._. ,MCYUa llnDI ~ 'R"t0rt:' ' =·~ :.-.rr:-= .,.. =-· • ...... .... "I ~. It ............................... , .. ,. ::-:: .=-: :' =-=:;= = -.. =."' .. ~ ... --------i- AlO Tuesday, Jdii 22, 2003 ......... --...... -....... --.. -........... -......... -.......... -Llili .................. STARTING ' .......... ......... ere clolnc bu$inn1 u . Electronlc Finencl•I Services Croup, 3300 Irvin. Ave., '120 New· port e .. cn. CA 92660 New Amerlun Real Estele Mana.ement Croup, Inc. (CA). 3300 ltvlne Ave., 1120 New port BHch. CA 92.660 This business Is con· ducted by: • CotPOfltlOn Htvt you started dolna buslneu yet? Yes 06/01/03 New Amencan RHI [stilt M1na11ment Croup, Inc.. Grant Wilker Km1. Prnldenl This statement waa llted with the County Clerk of Oranae County on06/17/03 200s.94a492 Oa1ly Ptlot July 1, 8, 15, 22.2003 ·T067 are dolna bus neu as; Wtlllnaton Court Aoart · ments, 600 Eaat Well· lnston Avt., S1nt1 Ana, C1hf«ni1 92701 Harper Realty Croup, Inc (soft C.P) (CA) 18301 Von Karman Ave. Suite 750, trvtne, Caff., fornit 92612 This business Is con- ducted by: a hmlted partnership HIYe you s1111 ltd doma business yet? Yes 12/05/97 Harper RHlly Croup, Inc.. Ian MacDouaall Hitrper, President This. statement was llled 1wlth the County Clerk Of 011n&• County on 06/16/03 200S6t4Sl7• 011ty Pilot July 29. Aua. 5, 2003 Policy •rt clolna b11slneu .s: S • J Custom Chotll*•. 28472 Porsen• Way, Ttab11co Canyon, CA 92679 • Witham Otvld Jonea, 28472 Porsena Way, Trab11co Cenyon, C~ 92679 Steven W•fne Sidwell, 3268 Sapwood Lene, Corona, CA 91720 Thlt bualneu is con· dueled by: co·pwlners Have you started doln& buslnass yet? No W11tlam 0 Jones This statofl\•nt wu filed with th• County Clerk of Or1111e County on 06124/llJ • 200S6t4t27• Daily Pilot My '/2. 29. Aua. 5. 12. 2003 TOM I.II dOinc bu H11tth Insurance Coft. clerae. 3 Som met, Newport Cont. CA 92657 F trial 8allrtfllend, 3 Sommat, Newport Coast, CA92657 Cynthia Lynn Natalie, 3961 Colrna Court, Octanside, CA 92054 Thfs business Is COfl· ducted by: • aenerel partnership Have you started doins bUSll'ltU yetf Ho r trial B1hremand This statement wn hied with the Coun\}t Clerk of <Kanae County on 06/24/03 200Ht4t240 Daily Piiot July 8, 15, 22. 29. 2003 T068 are dolna butlnus as: On Time. 3198·C Aifport l009 Or., Costa Mn.. CA92626 Copy Amerio. Inc .. 3J9&-C Alrpott Loo9 Or., Costa MIH. cA 112626 This business Is con· d~tecl by; a corporation HIVt )'OU alafted doinc businass yet? Yes 6/'307 03 Copy America, Inc., Byroll R. Brooks, Vice President This statement wn hied with the Co11nty Clerll of Oran&• County on 07/11/03 200SHS11 .. Oaily Pilot July 15. 22, 29, Aua. 5, 2003 T07S are doinc bus as; E11ylh111 Commu11lu· tlon1, 31202 Via CoMnH. Coto 9t Cau, CA 92679 Relay Mlrketilla. LlC (CA'). 31202 Via Colin••· Coto 0. Cua, CA 92679 This buslntu IS COfl· d11ct1d by: Limited LlabU.ty1:o. Have you started doln1 bualneu yet? No R111y Mark.etin&. llC. Anthony Pallante, II, Men-aer This statement wu filed with the Co..nty Ct.rll of Onnp County on 06/09/03 • 200J6t47HJ Dally Pilot July 8, 15, 22, 29, 2003 T074 S•ll f'"" C-l n C14t•(/ld I How to Place A 11e dolctc bus u as: Flshfendef, 821 N. Ollv• St, Sent• An1, Calllornla 92703 Rlcherd Chlll'ftnd, 821 H. Olive St, S1nla Ana, Calif« nla 92703 This bu$fttess Is con· ductt4 by: an fndivldu•I flaYt )'OU Started dolfla buslneu yet? No Rich Ch1rl1nd This statement was fifed with the County Cle<'k of Oranae County on 07/16/.03 IOOS6ts175J Dally Pilot July 22, 29. Aua, 5, I~. 2003 TOSS BUSINESS? • • • • • • • • • • • •. ·. Daily.A Pilot ___ Deadlines ----. Rates and deadlines are subject to change withou1 notice. 11le publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error tba1 may be in your classified ad immedjately. The Da1ly Pilo1 accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for lhe cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can onl y be allowed for lhe first inscnion. VISA Ill CLASSIFIEIAD -[ii] Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tucsday ................... Monday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL PAOflCVllW aAYVllWlOUCI S lOTS·AU OI 'AJtT t4t-4t4-SOIS CoHectlllla/ 230S-2490 SELL your stuff through classified! llllftOrlltilla 1160 Aldtons 1483 TOP SS 4 U<oaDS nc i=iii:=::=:::=:;:=~=:; .Im. Ol!lmc, [le. Sh .. 00s W' ANTED Jll Mee. Sjlllf, tube M"9S ... Mike 949-645-7505 ANTIQUES ENTERTAINMENT 1310 EOUAl. llOUSllG OPPOIMm All real estate adver t1s1n1 tn this newspaper IS subiect to the federal f aw Housina Act of 1968 as amended which makes 11 illeaal to adverltH •any prefer ence, limitation or dlscr1m1nat1on bued on race, colo<, re1te1on. sex. handttap. f1m1l1al status or national oriain. or •ri intention lo ma~e any such preference, lim1ta Iron or d11cr1m1nat1on • Older Style Furniture PIANOS & CollectiblM ·---·-• -·-· ()4ico ,..._ $$ CASH PAID $$ or-.,... °' ..-itn how. WE BUY ESTATES • """""'-'"-dy- CONSIGN MErJTS ......... I I',,,,,'.' ''•'j' I ' f) ' .. ' "I ~ ' ~ ~~ , j: ;!64M822e soumcgASr AUCTI N 2202S.. ... k ......... CAt2107 -·l·-C'..A •lll' By Pax (949) 631-6594 (Please 1n<luck your name and phone number and we'll call you bock w11h 1 pnce qUOle I Bf Phone (949) 642-5678 II ours By Mail/In Pers on: 330 Wcs1 Bay Suec1 Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay S1 Wedncsday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk·ln 8:30arn-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Index -. . •••3940 soos-saso -' 'I .... -. I • Genenl ftmlln 3435 lllSC8JMEOUS Amcwement1 1610 ...., _ P9W ~ MERCHMOISE 'rlvote Ovd1 H-t"'t ()ysbl Owldels". ~ Clult app101 I/hr lrom "1d tlbl8s. ~ seoebey Newpoirt Beach. Excel chht. dwr. ~.1879 leflt hunt1ne adiacent to slate waterfowl refuee. owner ship tntetest C. approx 37!> acres of land & improvements + your own camp compound w/st ruc ture and 2 trailers Wonderful Fri. n1aht BBQ'' & wine lul1ne durrne duc k season • mariy ea t11s! Idol tor 2 friends or father & w n Call Mike al 310 541 0854 HOME HIGH IOY CHIST 7 drawers, enltque blue/ Whitt outline, e"eli.nt cond S'95 949· 720-1565 JEWWIY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c._t CHI Ne.4. Old Coins! Cold, silver, iewetry, watches. antJqun collecbbles 949-642 9448 3610 2.00+~<Ats, DOCS .,_ ...... ldtwatulrl ( ll5hoo ~ Spec· trum tVl ™ GUMM1t[ !M9-644-1219 Spay mortYlla cat. homes tor i...llr6 ~-E632 Odcot "'"-•· Le09•rd foe* a hlle$, rare uotrc aofd/chocolate 590b, rut !othmoozers 909-681-6664 - snn 1UtlDINGs 50·70S OH, 40x40, 50x90. 601 120 Must Sell! Can Dtltverl Roy (NO) 499·2760 Ml CASH CANDY Route. Oo you earn ~ wi • day 1 Yow own local candy route. lncklde5 :.> ma· chines and candy M lot S9.~. 1lllO998-VEH>. (CAL•SCAH) AVON Entrep111neur wilnted. Must be ..,..,. to wor1I ~ you want. be ~ CMTl bou. and fll'Pf unltrnQd ~ Leh Tall (888) !M2 .el (CAI..~) AJSOl UTE GOlDMINll 60 vend1na machines with ucellent locations .. far Sl0.9!l> ll»Z3«8:12 LOOKING FOR A Quality Home at whole sale p1 l<U ? Before mak1na th1I crucial dec:lstori to buy. call 1 • 800 2"7 0060 10< free •nlorm11ton packet that could u ve 'l'ou SlOOO's (CAL •SCAN> l 'ndcr thL· Sen ice Dircrtor~ Ban nL·r ... Reach 80,000 Homes E~ch Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ·' o..a cow 3br 2ba hcluil. w-. ~ "' lat. ~==m.~ OPPI SU• 12·J 201os-or. N< aoll courM 4br Jba sin& l•m house Larae yd. S689.000 Aet Paul P1v1llon Real Estate 949--290 8128 ,.IMllSTAUS PATRIOC TlNO«I NATIONW101 USA ...... 54.9705 www patric.ktenoie.com SUfMU v.-of Octll'I .. Catallnt from H1Ca P1tlo, lllf lBa ~JIXJ'Cl~TIO ~,,,.., ..... ) ~ Cofty~ 5915 SOUTMHN SHHA'S I.ANO lwfOlot. 20 acres $49.900 Priced tor Q1adl -[ •cdenl locabc>n. WW#\, "NI horse COt.l'llr"y [10llent ~-11on·t mm oot! r ...._,. """" ... Owns l-888-432·5ail (CAl-scAH) MISCBJ.ANEOUS RENTALS •S. ley front yr ly 4b< 2bl Oppe< duple• I car p k1n e. laundry h e S32!>0mo • [ast Bay Iron! apt 2br lb•, Ip, Sl800rno •11w v.o. pr. _,.. • brlll* S1400mo • 2br 21>11 l1ou'Je ~ty S7100Tlo 'ct 949-Q~ Conmdtllllf ColtaMaa RlnlllToSlllrl 6030 stv4te a,. 1n Mob•le t..wi ~ NP8, ptf!ll Horne Par~. kite ba uhl comm eu.torn furnnh incl S600/mo othce 949 Beau Y!fJW. fl balcony, CMT1 646·4l ~1 114 -404·9068 ba. F ul pr~ p , pool SlCfiO • 1/2 uti fllm prrl Altla1 8 I 714 608· 2145 ==- ~....,c ulty lit fie ¥ w/pvt p . fr'I-wall to Tri-SIJJart $895/mo Water/trnh pllCI K""' MlnlCM*lt 877 104-8649 E • t 9200 N••r N •• ,.,, ""· c:omplehly ramocl 2br 1 5be twnhm, new wd, new lutch C. epph a. carpet & mortl Car w/opene< No P'b. $1875. 9&29)6DJ~ 4br Zba MUCH YAaD W /GAIOlNtl. r1uh pen ., C. a.A. ,_ T_..,,. - ,.._ & F-sounc& SlW>. ·-~13 ·'. ·, MAUCMI WOODS &MAGeS w/eled lh22 1'.W. It tr. Mt, .... 2br 2ba, 2 c 1ar. bedrm/ UX> °' Z213> 157'5. °' & ......... It ,...., - office aat $1900 !iSn;f, .rport •• INI ,..., SffS/-180 I 949--293-4631 ...,... ..:uty 98661100 2i.t St. Mt .. S..7776. RURAL PROPERTY FORSAl.f RESIDENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY l.1111111 ... 21r, 21•, upper unit Lux apt bid& Apt 1 c aar. new paint, 2t>r 2ba, ocHn view carpet, bhnds, ~m. $2200/mo call resident • Aat SllOOm 949-673 7800 mar 949.494 8083 • • ThtS newspaper will not know1nely accept any adverltsement for real ntate wtuch 1~ tn vtolallon of the law Our readers are hereby mlormed that all dwell mis advertised 1n this newspaper ere avatlable on an equal oppor tuntly bn•s &t*Sales 1486 FURNISHINGS Ger-St.epltercl• 111 colors, all sizes for •dophon to qualified homes w-&Yestue ora or 114·173·5915 HOMfS roo SALE Rlndm,fMns/ ORANGE 5400 tmry"-'Y 5915 Balbolllllnd -.-.-.,-.. -,, --; • l.....W <_. localed • To complain of di~ cr.mtnatt0n, can HUO loll free at l ·800 424 8590 • HIW,OttT COAST Pine Hutch, W1terford. Art. Ruas. Antique furniture. Ralph Lauren Bed. Royal C1own Otrby (lm111) becutive Onk, Kitchen Items. 7/22 & 7fl3.10.2P9&673~ 949-636-1313 llDROOM SUIT( Queenelie bed, 2 nl&ht tables, a1mo11. lat&e dresser w/mtrror Also TV. work out bike, sofa 949 939 3677 SEU your stuff through classified! COUNTY AllZOM am IMIWN, unu lllMD lbr studio. 36 acres $24,900. ,_ c.pctJ 1*1t ~ Borders State l•nd. ind ud Lou c. ~"""" 8-lllful ranch In w.ns,I now ~ !MJI Bafbol PenlRIUll Gc...e °"'6-11 1 block to belch, 3br 2ba upper. I br 1 ba lower. Jeer car, S949JIXJ ... •574 lS98 ~~~t~·~ sm ~ -Affordable ii.. ~ AZlR I U1 2112· ,... 52.63 (CAL •SCAH) ~ Call .(949) 642-567~ .. ' I e In E xpresston1 lo-.• 1111it 2b< 2be, frplt, ac, ~ 2 c attach 1ar, Sl600mo ., Joanie 949· 720-9422 r. --------·· :. :. ... :· ·' UM YUll.Y LIAll &UIO_._. aL. GlltUNDY MAl. TORS Mf..67M161 Ill 11A YUllY •lt:!J:;.~"" '-I 1 Nt-t71·::..e:w A ftW IM StOff/ .. ., ...... ,._ ... for llllo ...... N.wly remocWed w/-..._ ~·~tlle.W/D llWdt @ lllit. D/W l "• C.il l.«11 fM9.646-222if OI 714Q.l.158'Z., No dop: w.t..tfMt Offke w/I p~lna spi ces, eppro• SOO.f. lllOOmo enll now. Auoclet1d Reelty t4t-67J-J6H ...... 11r 1h unit on quiet Penlnaule point. SloCle ~rson, No/smll/ pets. Sl450 949-293·4631 Vl&A U&.aA 2 MHWs/ 2be. Fp, lndry rm, la petio, COIMI ~. 2c prk&, w .. to bell, ps/wtr pd. 118!50/mo. "fll).rJ9. 8107, 949-574-9243 1 11.0(l( FIOM OCIAH 2llr 3-r"'10d, ~ =·~ a 2'/• 2 Slry Twnhm fr11h remodel. aar + carport. p1tlo. w/d hkup. Sl!mn IM IYl n4-ll'2-834.3 Newpert Crett, 2br 2ba, 2 c au. walk to bch. ten/pool/spa. $2000 Aveil 8· l 949-707 ·4408 &..Yely 21r+4ett 2' /•le Townfiouu 1860sf, 2-c ... wet bar.~ 1Y F_.., Isl $2350tn no p!t. yw 1se -.rn IHtltlvff, Jlr 21r, 111u11e. w/d hkup, Act S2375/mo 949· 293-4630 IALIOA PININSULA le Ulll* 3br 2ba. veull cell. Ip, w/d, 2c pt. S2«X>,'mo. tel Clwisty 949-50). 3648 211 YIAltl Y llNT AlS Newport Bch Peninsule. S1400·12400/mo Act t4t-'7J-7800 Jlr 2.Sle, NP(rHt, lW'lded .. rrmic. tNrtJlle, .. to bdl. pt. poot/lllm. l25(X)Ti VIit ~ ~C,.,.•/2'1• End unit pnv, .,c 411'111y, ~ c:ounb'y kit. ~ • SZ'llll YI Ill 986t&8ll73 ....................... lbe home, 2+ar pr. Pfl\I petio, ccmm pool YI 111 flJ75 _.now~ It.ff'•,..,..._ I,._ •Br. 21/'6•. family rm. courty1rd, balcony, no peb S2lmni 7 l 4-J28.8333 a.diiMry H .. Hua• yard. fruit trH s. •Br 2Ba. d •l*rl ~~ $29ll)n rV'plb 949-251-01:11 HAllOI VllW HOMIS 38r, 2Ba. aru t tocallon nur 'chool & arHnbett. Ntw c1rp•l/p1int 1v1ll 8123 UXXlln !M9-759-"5171 * s..,.., S~ltl * 3Bt. lB• Condo step5 to bell, IWxll """' _,, 2< pr. Sil!'OTI llr 9l.MDOC7l ...... blMM ....... Homa. 29.-2811, 2-c. pt. p..t ~ A/C. smlrno n 4-9!1H 758 714-34!>-5713 Callfornla law rt· 4Uirts tMt conltac· ton tlltlna jobs that total S500 or more (labor or matwlals) be l~nMd by ~ Contractors State license 801rd. State law allO requires tMt contrectora Include ~Ir license number on all~a.You c•n chectl ~ status of your llcenud c:ontrector •t -w.c11b.c1.aov or 800·32l·CSl8. Unll· c•natd contractors h kln a Jobs th•t tottl IHI thin $500 llluat at•t• In tlielr 1dvttll1tm•nt1 that "'Y tte not lle•nsed br tit• Cont11ctor1 st.ta UcenM Bowd." i'•••• A1•1~1ln1 ••ANNOUNCIMINT•• Hlrina for 2003/Postal po5ftions Feder 11 hwe, $14.80 $36.00+/hr Full benefrh/pa1d tainina and vac•tlons. No exp nee. 1·817·3ze>.52.68 eat 131 (CAl..•SCAN) IW\la/CDl ~ ......... Sl0.000 alta S yeat$! SOlOS to 39 cents. Tum to 41 cents. ContuctOts to lrl cents. fuel S&.t· charees. COL Cr•ds welcome. EOE ID> 9'ZS· S5~6 or KLLM com (CN. •SCAN) DllVlll-e-....i T,.... port· Teams, Teams. Tuim. We r-i turns for the Iona haul Ownet opera tors, experienced «wets. SOio$, teams Md 81'iduatt students. Cal I· 888-MORE PAY (l--888-fi67 m!J) (CAL •SCAN) om--sWlfT nANS- PORT A TION 15 h1rin1 Upetienotd & 1t1e l per .. enced drrvers ~ ownet/ aper 1tto. COL Tr •flffli available We pay for e•perience. ereat benefits and cons.steot miles I· IJ66.m.M>I <CAL •SCAN) OllVIRS WANTIO Newport & Hunt"1i!On Sch S.t your own ichedutel Part or fulH1me •va1table S7S+/day fulH1me Call 888·DOI WORK or 1P1i1Y @ -D-OUun AT-IASI Women's Store at F nht0n Island 1s now hlrina up'd FT and PT sales HSOC Plea5e axltact L• kw1 11 949-J<.!;.19116 ffDaAl JOIS F edlral/ Parks/Cler •cal/Postal/ rir~ota Sl5K• S9a'P Bonus. Cal l'M ~!/pm/EST I .fnM64. 8991 ext Z3 (CAI. •SCAH) -Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classified ad today I 642-5671 Clrptl ...,.""" ... c.,.t S-SS on "1IP tnn:t fWT1I C8plt opst ~. ~ IS\O IAll1915 7w.B<tUli 'C)(AUlf~(.ARPIT'C) Rep1ln , Patchin,. Install Courteous. any size jOba. Wholeu tel 949·492·0205 Publl1hln1 PllOMOTIONS DlfAITMllfl Community -..... In ~ County ... ful and wrll9 at.on., perti pet.a In community IYll1b. ct..t. and ,,...... .,...... and Mellon.: Ex~ ~ ... worll Wiii wlttl tne=now 1# Style. r-. Pho!Olhop, Ad Cl• •lot. Plollcient on MAC a nd PC. CCI dealan ••pu lenct preferred. Prootrtldlrc test One ~rtQlked. EOE. Exceli.nt benefit pec:llaee. Email raumt, writinc ~ and Slllaty requ i remen t s to llna.~@llttn&com lecept1 ... 11t Pwt·"- t1rly mornln11 & eve· nlnas for NB HHttl Club Contact Mile 94N42-3215 YACHT llOKIUOJ seekS self·startlna office mar. computer ITierate. MS Word & Elcel a must. FT, salary com· mensurate w/uperience. Fn res· umt to 949·650·2408 Aummoblles - Automotive -IMW 't2 •ss c•I 2 dr. arey/tan. s sp. sunroof. full pwr. 12000 7 I •·878-9455 IMW 't 7 S2tl c_,, metalhc d1rk blue/1rey lthr , superb cond throuahout Sl5,99S vi1Ein421 Bkl ~sa;..lllll www.ocpaltl.ee11t IMW'tOJ2SI hke new Blk/Un. 4 dr. auto. 106k m1. ac, sunrl. lull pwr. tint, Ca smoa. $3850 11'-65 J.4661 IMW 'ta U C-.. . •uto white/tan lthr. CO, beeutlful like new cond, $17,995 v5972• fin & _, llVJll Blw 966111> 18118 www .e cpel .ce11t IMW 'ta U CMV 2.t . 6 cyl red tan lthr. Sspd, beaut llke new cond •815721 Sl7.99S fl. nancina & warranty avail Bkr 949·586· 1888 -w . ..,.a.1.c- lvldt '14 lhr.,.• 11ew tires breaks & shocks loaded, elect mnrl. make offer (714) 848·37Cl' Ce4111ec 'O I Sevlllo SlS s ilver /arey lthr. CO, chrm whls, cold pka. full f•ct. hkt new. Sl8.49!> v•596741 f1nanc1na avail Bkr 949·586· 1888 -. ..,.a.l.c.M Ce4111ec 't4 SlS Sovlll• 87.Sll ml. aood cond, bl•ck cherry. lthr, new lifts S'500 71•·745·7794 «:Gflllllllrlll*a . COMPlITER HELP! .................. ........... •fie•• ... •;;Clllltv -~-...-· .~ .... ·<»»~ Iba, ........ -:=."::: 10 v..o..,., ... 714.-612-2786 - fer4 '6S M111te111 Convertible. orla inal owner. solld car $19,995 Obo 949·719-29'3.· J....-''4 XJS <MY 6 cyr, 2+2, fl1mln10 red/ tan lthr. CO. beautiful orl& cond . $13,995 v'9426' 1 fln1ncina &. wtrranty av1ll. Bkr ,.,_,. .. , ... -·~·.<-Je9vw '00 XIII c_,, 4"i ml, full feet ...,ar · renly. British n dna arun/tan lttlr, CO , chrome whls. Hke ne¥V S36.995 vl97524 l Bkr f'lnencln& & warr ••ail t4t-H6-1HI -·~··'-a.... ...... ~ Series II wh1te/arey lthr. ps, oria owner. superb orla cond . $16,995 v'296751 Bkr t4t-SH-1111 -w.ocpeltl.com lex111 ''2 SC JOO C..,. wr; rll'e 5lpd. ~ r1t ... .. cptior1I, ..,..s J!BX) 9&72l-!S711 PHfWPSAUTO 0 I AMtll M Owfr'O Blldl w/Silvef, Leath· er. Moontoof (l !M262) S22. 98l. OIMWnsTT ..... White w/ar•y 2fk Miles, Sports Pk& (195•2) S2S. 980 ffl310S.tl•n White w/Saddle lnlher. Moonroof (19•43) $29.980 0 I J••v•t S Tyfl• Sea Green w/Saddle lthr. 28K m1. Moonrool (19112) $32.980 f4 llllercotle1 UOO Cher coal w/Btack Luther. 18· Chrome Wheels, Moonroof (19512C) $29.980. Ol •llllW7401 Black w/Black. only 31K Miles (1948SC) S39.980. 0 I l'ereclto Tur•• T1ptron1c . Only 18k miles. Navaealion ( 1939•) INQUIRE 91 ha11• GS 100 Cold w/Saddle Leather. Chrome Wheeh (19418) $22 980 ,, ,.,,.,, ,ss ,, Silver w/Btack leather. only 14k miles (1 14235) INQUIRE 0 I llllercH. CLSOO Silver w/Crey. Nav1· eation, Onty 1511 m1 ( l 9S45C) ll'f()UIRE 00 ,.,... lox.,., Black w/Crey Leath· er. riptronic (19346) S30,980. 949-574-7717 PMlllSAUJO ;llpt 1 - You.NOMI lMPaOVIMl•T PIOJl<T't CtH a plumb", p.tlnter, handyman, « eny of th• arut -vlc:n fisted htl't In -~le• directory! TH£S£ LOCAL SVC PEOPU CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Tuesday, JtJy 22. 2003 Al 1 Bridge SHOW AND TELL 8-0!.h vulnerable. West deali. monds. South's four spade& c l<*d ~T • 10 5 <:/A 10 9 5 o A08 4 • 10,5 SOUTH • AQU6l <:/ KJ4 o K lO •J7 The bidding: WEST NORTH !>-. •• Dbl .Rdbl P.. .... Opening lead· Five of • the auction. · West led a ll'Ulllp. Declarer won with the jack and culled the tce, then led the kin& of heans. Weu grabbed the ace and &hilled to the t.iJt of clubs. Dummy's ace was played, a heart was led IO the jack and the four of beans wu rewmed to the queen . Wheo East failed to follow, declarer continued' w11h a fowUi heart, dis- carding r.bc jack of clubs from hand . Since the biddina and play indicat· cd that East held the king of clubs. West was trapped in an endplay. U the defender shifted to diamonds. South's king would become the ful· filling Irick. so West w~ forced to lead ....L...club. Declarer inserted dummy's nine. ruffed out the king and rerurncd to the tllbk with the king of tJ'IJm~ to discard a diamond on the queen of club). Thc defense could take only two heart tncks and a diamond. Thcre are often opportunitiell in the bidding and play to tell panner how you want 10 defend. con.~idcr this deal from the quanerfinals of a natJonal team event. At the Olher table 1he auction SW1· cd the same way. Over the redouble. however. ~ cbo>c to bid iwo clubs. the suit in wtuch he held r.omething of value. intending to correct to dia- monds if two club~ got doubled. Against four \pade~. West staned a club. and the ~padc vmc was dead 10 the water. On gainmg the lead wnh the king of clubs. w1 shifted to a diamond and the defenders scored the four uicks that were their due By agre.ement. North's redouble )!\owed iopccilically three-card spade suppon heeded by an honor. Since to pass might resuh in West taking out the redouble 1.nto hearts. East wa.\ obliged to bid and chose rwo dia- Mezdo '99 Mle ta Conv 45k m1. auto. silver. tan top, pw, pl, A/C, CO. superb like new cond. v•l 19743 SIO.~ hnancine & warranty avail B~r 949·~·1888 s..tt 't9 9.3 ,_,,_ 4911 m1, whlte/oatme~I lthr, CO. black top, fabulous like new cond. $13,995 ve875261 Bkr 949-516-1111 www.ocpolitl.c-www.oc.p.ltl.c-TOYOTA CAMlY U' 94 Merced•• '96 C210 4 door. 53k miles. auto. beautiful black/cream PW PS, $5500 Private fully loaded. showroom. party 909·717·1026 rv'out. SI0.250 7l4-J5l·.2464 Toyota '91 Cerella ll Merced•• 4SOSL '71 be111e. auto, 74k m1, pw, Convertllole low 93k pb. pd. ps, cc, A/C. mlle5. -Y aood conditton, stereo, S78Xl 714-843-5211 only $6200 949-493·0379 .Merecde1 '91 420 Sil wh1tt/&rey llhr, chrome whls, low m1. superb cond. $6995 V•567281 Bkr 949-586· I 888 -.ec,-f.co. Ol«hmoblle '96 Aurora 60!< mi. black/arey lthr. mnrl. CO, fabulous cond throu11hout $599S v1n•'57219 Bkr 949-Sl6·1HI -.ec,....l.cem Poruhe '99 Correro 461< m1. blk/blk lthe. CO. chrome whls. like new $42,995 Va622057 ft· nanc1na & warr av111 Bkr 949-St6-lttl www.ec ..... 1.c- •-.. •••er .,. 4.0 SE 28k •ctual m1, books. records. I ·owner wh1h/ tan lthr, CO. r unnina boards/brush eaurds. like new cond. v272848 $18.995 fin & warranty avail Bkr 949·586· 1888 -·!CfHllH·<- l/W £ n A '99 Gl Older mode. dar1\ bU. auto, ac, ed. mtYool, al m: recorch. ~Int cond. 641 rn. $10.<XX!I oOo 94&-533-3349 BOATS PowerBoats 9515 DUFFY 21ft 1994 Pr1madonn1. custom teak wood, CD chan11er uper aded windows &. cover. Just paid S4500 Spoth&ht $16.000 shp IVlll 949·631 ·0771 SELL your stuff through classified! P lace you r ad toda y! (9'49 ) &42-5678 Call Classlfled Today (949) 642-5678 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Side Tie 60. • main chotnnel Newport Beach. Brand new Clock Water & power 949.575. 3222 3 4' Boat Slip, prime loc By Mama Cm•'s res· taurant Month of Aue only Cal Em 9$ 7ZH781 Sdl your Car in Cla&slfl11d ! "E l " mp oyee. "Empleado. ·· "Arbeitnehmer." "Employe. '' $S Tolenle es RIOM' • '°' ee Meiltdor'• 1oe 878end~ .. tlnol ee aun. 70 More a.nning 71o.I~ DOWN 1 Io WOidt 2 Fl9 "*""'*" 3 LAlltltll al1e!y 4 Pa18111 5 Foiv-'• ntmelltl (hypn.) ti T~-i11Mi11 7 Meny on lhe run 8 Aclr--Mh5 II En4rtp 10 HUllly (;;> wd1 ) 11 ~,. al .,. •nit 12 Golfer -Dvtr a ~~~~ ....,,.,,,,.. 23 Mlghty Dog rwal 2S~ 27 Livy. •08(] 29 Humdinger 30 Reset'<Od 31 Secy 32 Canseco Cf ffner 33 Sc..4i v8hod88 34 Rain ~ ~.Pilot Plumblng LIMY.._..~ Rearoutin & lnstal\atlon TILE DEAN 949-673-8065 71~ 714-883-2031 GfJDAL IEPAll AIWNmWD • R.csidmlill • ConmlrcilJ McMng&Sblgl PUBLIC NOTICE ~ "JJtl.t e... SEWll AID DIAll CLE-.& (949) 645-2352 o Job 1bo Small Dawe llamlltoa 949-322-8292 ~Professional Painttng lJc.~ lee aoMslon of "llJ llMUe<t S(Wt:R JETIIHC ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK DETECTION fr lendly Ser vice NO MATTER HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIF1ED CAN FIND IT. RX UP snaAUST. All types of repairs. Elec· trlc:el. plu~ doors. _.. ,......, lilt & men The Calif. Public UtilltiH Commission requires that all used household a oods movers prrnt their P.u.c. Cal T number; limos and ch•uffeurs print their T.C.P. number In all edver· titements. If you have any questions about the laa•llty of e mover·. limo or ch1uff1ur. call: Rob Isbel( · Owner Costa Mesa, Ca (949) 6"46-3006 94t -6 7 S ·f l O• -.~.corn l•7SU911ntured 24twfl•ys 714-366-1881 Jeewy...._,, .._..,...,.,. ..... lnterlof & Exlaflor Rapalra 714·501~ fMIMANDYMAN All work 1uerentled Pbnlq. [~Doon, FWlll C8r'P * ---Tne s.ntce, Yard ....... Cleanup, Malntenence. -------- Sprinkler R191tr. H1ulin1 JUNIC TO lMI DUMPlll (t4t) H4M111 714-961-118.2 AVAJLA8L£ TOOAYI 949-673-5666 • 1 11 I • f 11 ill • • • , I j I '~ I f'U9U< UT1UT•S COMMISSION aoo 177-M67 ........... c.. U/Mr......._ Nentlli C.. 5days/wk hf.f . 71-7p. tt1ve ex tan· s ivt Medlc:el Ballcrnd H wtH es belnc licensed H lVIC .. w·Will commit to ottllr rap. 11 well. S.lwy nat0Utbll. Kevin Hm 949-559-0270 Par 949-59·22A6 c.11 949-887 -1480 a-.'• ..... 'O'frl..,, Gruf Price! Gu.,..nttecl wort. frff est L'375602 714-538-1534 7 .390-2945 lll'S CUSTOM PMITll8 . Prof!, claltn. quality work lnt«lor /ext and docks. Lf703468 949-631 ·4610 ......... ~ fnclittt tucllef, JM'O' feulont l wrl•ot I .,.elallie In ptoc:restJ • nalln& tMft• Su111mtt tttdit\t C.acll [111'11 co111pultlo11 T1ee1ttr. • 1Hiti.el/Qf.., r.tn, r•t.f'He•• ••••,..lo s. Ct.rt ... 271-"'°5 r 'I , ,.. .__.., ., D OOMP SQUAI;> INC. It.,_~ tlor. ).-•a~ ir ...-a -up. Wt rallOW Yirus -~ 0--.... .,,, . ---OGflll and .u ..__ dr:u al clriwsMd .._..._ Wtcaa 11-'erdll:a IO'JVUI. DC' -~-1!!.~ .. ~ . .. ... .... n.-.m. 2 UlllefDWDW-ap Moclam. ,-~ ... .._aniccL ____ ., __ .. ,..,,,..._,,,,,,.,._ -.;;:, ALL AROUND THE HOUSE ~ ) Look fOr these experts dally In the service Directory ... ~I l~c 21st'centLJrY: --Roofing 6 Skytlghts- Lic. 1807430 8, C39 . L www.b~of.com ll:ILtlidMlllSl1&!LBi'Alfi -lie.~ ' I' • ,. I !ft .. Skylights Unlimited. Inc ....,_,C..... .. $1J'11 GUIYWTO. Us."'8m ......,t1 11 ....... fll -· "-' • P"*'ttf . . I ~tel,.. .,.,..w ......... ·~-4«"1« ,cririma"t± .... "-~ • ~~ ·~ ... ' 11 LJ Lll:b~R 1 . ' · ~w$1tsMa We'll un-clutter / ,...._ ~ --.....;.....= ---V To advertise in the~ r July 22, 2003 issue of ~ All AROUND THE HOUSE Call Lorraine O 'Donncl ~949-s74-424s_J your lift. ho~ or office 17-9176 (/Mtt:~uk~.nn ABC llFATINGl All Cl>NDrnoNING ~ ~:jl"T! J. _! ' -" --.,.-:: ~ -N ~ ~ ::c ~ N ~ 8 w i l ...