HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-25 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, JULY 25, 2003~ • County fa~r .Jdrops· Adrenaline Drop State safety department lists requirements for the freefall ride to reopen, but fair and ride officials will keep it closed. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot FAIRGROUNDS -A thrill ride that left one woman on crutches will hobble away from this year's fair. spicuous with its tall, bright orange tower, was dosed barely two days after the fair began when 30-year-old Aidyl Sofia- Gonzalez of La Canada plunged to a llO-foot freefall untethered by bungee cords or harnesses and hit a 5-inch foam mat on the ground. The ride's nets somehow didn't break her fall. The extent of her injuries was not known, but she is said to have left the hospital on crutch- es. Thursday listing seven separate requirements or changes that the operator must make for the ride to resume safe operation. The conditions included in- stalling a switch and locking de- vice for the hatch door from where !he rider is released. The state also requires the ride op- erator to make changes in the manual. some procedures and t:ra.inin g. The changes "cannot be made in a timely manner." said Beclcy Bailey-Findley. the fair's chief ex- ecutive. The Adrenaline Jump will likely be dismantled on Monday. the fair's day off. Bailey· Findley said. She said that the fair will not lose much because of the ride's departure. Last year, the fair made about I% of its total ride revenue came from the Adrena- line Drop. Bailey-Findley said. She said the ride operator be- lieves that making the changes at the fairgrounds would be im- practical and disrupt the event. "He may have to work limited time or after hours," Bailey-Fin- dley said. She said it is premature to say whether the rid e will rerum to Officials announced on Thurs- day th0at the Ad renaline Drop will pack up and leave the fair· grounds after they and the ride operator decided that th ey can· nQt fulfill several mandates the state Depanment of Occupa· tional Safety and Health requires before the fair ends. The Adrenaline Drop. still con · State officials who have been investigating the July 13 incident issued a preliminary order on "We won't be replacing this ride." she said Thursday. "We may move a few things around. maybe provide some table and chairs for people to sit down and relax." the fair next year. but said fair of-Mike Wh1thurst of Arkansas drops more than 80 fee• r•c, ~ k " ~r See DROP, Pa&e A4 the Adrenaline Drop at the Orange County Fair la~ t i "" y Still strumming . -. . . . . . -.. . . The Oasis Strummers of Newport Beach ente rtain with ukuleles and hula dancing at the fair Tom Forquer Daily Pilot S eniors with little · instruments put large grins on the faces of those who watched them .. Wearing a colorful variety of flower print shirts and dresses, the Oasis Strummers. a ukulele club from the Oasis Senior Center in Newport Beach, played. danced and sang to an audience of about 50 on the Heritage Stage at the Orange County Fair on Thursday. They kicked off their set at the fair's Senior Day with "God Bless America." a Strumrners tradition. Though the band member with the sheet music arrived late. the seniors still managed to keep the audience entertained with solos performed by a few brave men. Songs such as "Lady Be Good" and "Baby Bumble Bee· got the predominately KENT TREPTOW I DAILY P1LOT Millie Monroe , 89, dances to the sounds of ukuleles courtesy of the Oasis Strummers. elderly audience singing along, while MMy Little Bimbo Down On The Bamboo Isle" seemed to strike a chord with at least one young person. -we're just a bunch of crazy old people playing the ukulele." said Ralph Llngenberg, who was filling in for group leader Tony Cappa. Though it took her a little while to get up from her seat. 89-year-old Millie Monroe of Newport Beach could still do a decent huJa dance with a smile on her face. Another of the five hula girls, 22-year Strummers member Thelma Qinkard See STRUMMING, Pa&e M THINKING ALLOWED Back/or/a limited time ~. . c osta Mesans who long to hear the sound of an 11 -pound ball rumbling down a hardwood lane and those who yearn for the clatter of plns falling over each other need look no farther tlwl their own city. Bowling is back. 1 LOLITA exact)y the same but for a brief moment bowling enthusiasts can relive the glory that comes with mulcicolo.red shoes and Velao wrist guards. No, not at Kana Lanes. but at the Orange County Pak:, where the <>range HARPER C.Ouoty 8awUng A.Mn. it Oleryl Hundngton. the MCreWy for the Orange County\\bmen't Bowling Alan. and~ owner of the trawUDa lane. II.Id tbey\oe pubd their trailer II the fair to promote bow ... _,.... __ llDOOI attendee& ofhrinc one free tum on a mobCle &ane. OK. '° one lane or tree bowling next to the kldcUe awir'I ride la not Anyone at 1be 6dr. ftom l IO 92. can dlmb up lbe ...,.,._ p6c:k out I ball ... M.UJlllD,,.._M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTtEWEB: ww.~can WEATHER ~ Cloude wtll gf'Mt us this m0mlng. but the sun wtll lhow up thll 8ftemoon. S.PlpA2 SPORTS EPA may retain off shore dump The site now hold ~ an intl'rim Jc-.,1g11dl 11 in but the federal envi ron nwn1 a I <1g< 1H ' consider keeping it in o pl'r..it1on Paul Clinton Daily Pilot :"\'F\.VPORT RI AC If -I ht· Emmonmental Prott·l 11011 Agency launched a11 l'ffon II> continue U'>ing an urH.Jt•n,att>r dump -.ite about fom mrlt·.., oll the city's coa'itline. The site. known a... "L·\ 1 would he c;et up a.., ;1 pernra· nent dumping are<J for ~l'd1 ment. mostly from Bad, Bil\ dredgjng. agency otc·anogra pher AIJan Ota -.aid It ha ... ht-en used on an interim ba!>r<; ... 111n· the late 1910s Under ont> propo'>al '>1111 on the table. the '>tie t0uld be· come a regional dump ... u1· tor I I tht \ .i"I' II I IH' 11 11•1 I p11hlr1 !It ·I' I ,._ tho 1'1 !•I 'd \i \ Jlll'(l\l (I 1111 I Ht• II Ii \ ,, • I I'\ "'II 111·d I low pu.-.!>lblt "'u .. 1' 1111 ' , 1 llll' .1g1·11 \ ' I 'I" It f lt•.i-., .1 lull " tJ, • • 1· 1,tl rl'\ll'\\ ,.. ' I I I I I t•brtt.tr\ I It\ Ji-,1.J1 1 ' '11'1 fdl-ih-.h!lll'l I 11 1' t I See DUMP Page A4 PUBLIC WORKS Mariners proj ect isn't overdue Joint-use library is on budget a nd could open as soon as two years from now. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -n1e Mariners joint-use library prn1- ect is moving ahead on u me and on budget and is expected to break ground next summN The City Council got an up date at their meeting Tuesday on the 15,000-square·foot pub· lie library that will also serve a. ... • lw 't ll<t• 11•· 11 • \f 11 I l1•11tt•n1.11, ' 11dr•r '" It' lc•·•ln~· .;n1 '!\ ( 111111111rn.111 I>< 11 \\1 t>t •id I 111 rl'all\ ,.,, t•·d 1h• 111 .'t'l ting 11 gorni.: l't·th.tj1' lilt ho ·I C11'\\' 111 tl11· lahran pl.11111 II~ ,, 1h.11 llt JI jft lf!'t''> "''' 1111111)! ln111c !111111< \aid .JI tlw pm11·1 l -.11t· \\ 111 It' mdm '1111hl111g I lw1r f.llt' '' .1 ... Ill tjllt"IH11) ,J<, tilt' l 1!\ '-aHhl IN t u111,1dnt·d ,,,1,, to d1·,1gn the prnw11 lh 1111 rt'J.'1ng the •.trC'tlh nl lam.I ht·l1'\C't'n the ..,lrC'l'I ,tnd thl' prnwn\ parktng Im thl' 1rel'" l an rrm,un lht" rnrrca~e ~nil .1ho ..,hilt tht' purl. See MARINERS, Pa&e A4 Recall effort run out Of . Costa Mesa Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The San Diego con~Rl'CsS· man who ha.s.becomt the po ter boy (or RC· publican effon:s to n!C1ll Go . Gray O&\.is U. NflJling hts awn campaign out or n ~ near the airport. Rep. Oartell (R.Y'mal, who tw Md $1.7 million of hb own money nto cht e.tron. opened an oftktt nNr lobn ~ Airport tn la.tt May. a poles.man tor &he \ A2. Friday, July 25. 2003 Daily Pilot .('.._. ON THE i\TER STEVE McCRANK/DAA.Y P1LOT Amy Elliott runs a marketing services company called Nautical Marketing that caters to boating businesses. Niche tnarketing Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot A my EU1011 has always had a p~ion for boatS. She has been a saiJmaker. She has raced catamarans. She·s even worked at a sailing club and done marketing and publicity for a boating manufacturer. It's how she found her niche. Elliott does publicity work -anything from brochures and advertisements to fliers and catalogs exclusively for those in the boating business. Working out of her office on Tustin Avenue, barely half a block from Newpon Hmt>or; Elliott says what she enjoys most about her job is being by the water. "I love boating and anything that has to WHArs AFLOAT •WHAT'S AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the information to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dalfypllot@latlmes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Co•lt College 11 offering new cradit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes a re five weeks in length, and boats range from Udo 14 dinghies to large ooean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.com. Salli119 Fascination offers claues In boatl119 safety and sailing year-round for pergons with disabilities. Free. (9491640-1678. Orange County employers can bri119 their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 Amy Elliott has found a way to keep he rself by the harbor and in the money do with the ocean," she said. "People in the industry, the people I work with, share that love for the ocean. And that's what I love about what I do." Elliott, who has been on her own with her company Nautical Marketing for tJ1e last I I years, says she takes on numerous jobs no matter how big they are. "I have a client who spends $SO once every two years." she saJd. "But that's OK • What Elliott values the most. she says, 1s the opportwtity to work with 'mall to $125. (949) 645·9412 BOAT RENTALS Wrth Marina WaterSports at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self.guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft. jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary Ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats. pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-h·our scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt padcages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and s upplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations. call (949) 673-7200. Elec:tric: ,bolt rentals are available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD businesses and build a relationship with them. "My business is mostJy based on word of mouth," she said. EWott said she also enjoys the variety of jobs and client she deals with. "One day is not the same as the other.· she said. Although she has a loyal clientele. Elliott says the challenge, In these tough economic times. is to get a regular paycheck. • The hard times also work to her advamage, she said. "With layoffs. the first jobs to get eliminated are the marketing jobs.· Elliott said. ·Business owners doni want to pay someone just to do this job. So that's where I come in. They can come to me if and when they need something done: players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Pedal bo9ta, Metric boab, boogie~. kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, belch furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tourt ... off9red by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost Includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses. a blanket. music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondole ~Newport, 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruisea..A one-hour tour with champegne la $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pidrup is available at waterfront restauranta. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coast Chart.n In Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Aom1nce offww deity tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 676-4730. The tours go out of Lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright No news stories, Sean Hiiier, Don Lea<ti. illustrations, editorial matter or Kent Treptow advertlsement1 herein can be READERS HOTUNE reproduced without written (949) 642-6086 perrni•ion of copyright owner. VOL.97,N0.206 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US Dally Pilot or newt tips. c~ THOMAS H. JOHNSON News Editors Addr9ee The Tlmee Orange County Publl1her Gina Alexander, Lori Andert0n, Our addreu la 330 W, Bay St, Costa lONYDOOERO 18001 H2-9141 Editor Deniel Hunt, Paul S.itowltz, M .... CA 92&27. Offloe houra are AdliaMa; JUD't' OETT1HG Daniel Stevens Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. NEWSSTAff n r'Med (9'9) 842-5678 Advertl~r Clime °:f'co'=7'rer'8'• c:orr.ct1ot .. ~ (949) 642-4321 LANA Promotions Director It le the Pilot's policy to promptly EdltoMI {949) 574-422 COfT9Ct all errors of sut»tanoe. ..... ~.bhllrathflllltirr-.oom Pleeae call (948) 7'4-43:l4. {Mlt 6'2-6880 EDfTINO STAff ,,.,,,.=,.· ....... (MIS?~ S.J.Cahn Newport repc>"9r, FY1 ..... ,.. (Me) &46-4170 Man;fl~ Editor, (949) !574-4232 The Newport ~a M ... ..... ,.. (!Me) eeo.o170 (949 !5 4-4233 june.caugr•ndetll«i,,,_,com Deity Pilot (USPS-1....eo<l) It 1.j.cahnf!I /at/,,,.a.com """ Cltleort published d.ity. In NMport a.acti E.....-: talf'fpllorOi.rrmH.com JemeaMeler Mm ... c:r edltor, PolltlCI, bu1lne91 and envl'°"1"8"l end Coau Mau, 9'lbeetlptlon1 ar1 ~cm.. IMl 842-4321 (948 7M-432A reporter, (949) 7M-4330 ewllable only by eublcriblng to The ......... ,.. (949) 831-712& ;.rn..,,,.,.,•IMlrrw.com f)llu/.clintonOlatlmn.oom Tl"* Orange CourlCy (800) NdwdOuftft L.oae......,., 212•1141. In ... OUl9de of 11\11 Spana Editor, Co:umnltt, cultur1 repot1tr, ~ leedl end to.ta M ... , (148) 574-4223 IMI 1574-4276 ~ flD the o.lty Pilot.,.. rlchMd.dUM•IMlr!W..com JoeeJ ........ lo#W..1111,..,,.,.~ well1ble-bytlnl .. "*'for Art DI~ I Newt Deel! Otti.f, .,..._..,... .. per ""'""'· (P'l1oea lnc:lude all (141)~ Cotta MtN repQnef, (948) DMU1 ......... and local taxel.) Putlllhed by Tlmee Community ----·""""*·""'" dfllrdfe.~•1-1maoom l'OST'MAlm': Send~ ......... Clltlllon of the Loe Angel• --.MllCMli eo..IWleolt cftangee to The N9wport TI,,_, l'hoeo Eclllot, l...,7'M3111 Newt aeMcant. , ... , ~ ~ MeN Dally Pilot. P.O. ........... .._.oom 00t9/, ...,.,,, • ..,.,,.c:iom b 1llO, Cott.I MeM, CA 12t28 • f • • THE HARBOR COLUMN It's time for another Newport Harbor tradition Ahoy. news soon about the Jack of gasoline for boaters in Watch out this Sunday. as there will be lasers in the harbor everywhere - Laser saiJboats, I mean. The Newport Beach Olamberof Commerce's Commodores Qub. of which I am a member, will host MIKE Morro Bay. Remembe r. there Is only one remaining fuel dock. in Morro, and the station only sells diesel, but rumors are they are adding a gasoline tank. WHITEHEAD TIP OF THE WEEK the 68th annual Flight of the Lasers. a race inside Newport Harbor. Once again, Commodore Seymour Beek is the chairman. You may recognize the name as that of the owner of the Balboa Island Ferry Service. The regatta is open to anyone sailing a Laser. and there will be awards for the best costume. best decorated boat. first parent-and-child team and first mamed couple. I wonder which spouse will be at the helm of the married couple's Laser barking orders? Afterward, an awards ceremony will be held at the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub on the Balboa Peninsula at 720 W. Bay Ave. I recomm end that you register soon by calling the yacht club at (949) 673-7730 to join in this Newport Harbor summer tradition. TROUBLED WATERS Those of you cruising up the coa~t wiU fi nd the seas north of Point Conception still impassable for small craft. I left a 40·footer mooted in Morro Bay until the seru. calm down so we can debver her to Emeryvilk Additionally. a • good friend of mine. CapL Mitch Keeler of San Diego. told me he has two yachts waiting that are destined for San Diego from San Francisco. The seas between Point Conception and San Francisco are normally 4 co 6 feet, but presentJy, the sweU Intervals are only six 10 nine seconds apart with strong winds. This combination makes the seas very steep faced, and we were burying our bow trying not to slam into the toughs until we decided to seek refuge in Morro Bay. The sweU Intervals need to be in the double digits. around 12 to 14 seconds. and it is important to check the condioons before you go around Conception or go out under the Golden Gate Bridge. The buoy reports on the Internet are a great tool. and I am finding the National Weather Service's marine forecasts to be very reliable and improved from years past. You can read my article on rounding Point Conception in the August issue of Santana Magazine. Also, I hope to have good The KohJer Co. has issued a voluntary recall of some gasoline-powered generators. BoatU.S. magazine repons that at least eight deaths are attributed to an exhaust part on Kohler's generators that deteriorared in lhe m arine environment. .. Kohler's recall announcement came JU!il days after an article on Kohler's problems appeared in the JuJy 2003 issue of BoatU.S Magazine." -.aid Richard ~chwanz. BoatU.S. founder and chamnan. KohJer has 1~<>ued a Black lron Wet Exhaust Pipe Replacement Campaign for gasoline marine generators manufactured from I 9SO to 1989 for models: 2R, 2A, 2.5R, 2.SA. 3.SR, 3.SA. 4R. 4A. SR. SA. 6.SR. 6.SA. 7.SR, and 7.SA Kohler will replace the part with a stainless steel exhaust tube at no charge to the boat owner. If you have one or these model numbers, you can find out more informallon at wu•w.koh/RrpowerYystems. roml manne pipereploce. /um/ or call KohJer at (866) 866·4933. Boaters being killed or harmed by carbon monoxide po1~omngs have been in the newi. a lot lately with wammgs issued by the U.S. Coa<.t Guard. and the poisoning continues 10 be major problem for boaters. People have been lulled swimming under a boat and entering closed space~ such as under the -;wim stepc;, and many have succumbed while leak surfing, in which you are dragged through the water while holding on to the swim step. Also, you have to watch out for the Venturi effect. which can pull carbon monoxide into the salon area or aft cabin through an open door similar 10 what happens in a station wagon with the back window roUed down. Carbon monoxide detectors are standard on most new boats, and older vessels should have the detectors added as part of the safety equipment. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Se~d him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story suggestions by e·mail to mike@boathouserv.com or visit boathousetv.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be another very cloudy The IO\(thwest swell arrivee day urty, but the aun will today, picking us up In to the come out and highs will top 80 chest-to shoulder-high range. In Costa Meu and hover In the Those checti119 Into the lower 70t along the coast standout spot.I will run Into Lowa wm be in the mld-«>s. some decent head-highs. Saturday will be very similar. On Saturday, the sw.tl peaka Sunday should be warmer. and we should see......,., Temperaturea look to stay heed-highs. _ retativety constant all of next The swell will begin backing ~ wtth Inland highs down on Sunday, when we'll hovering ,,.., 80 . ldl ftnd weltt-to ch..c-Ngha Wonnatlon: and the occasional www.mw.noa•.flOV lhoulder-hlgh. ....,qualty: BOATING FORECAST llWINUUrfrl<J.r.oro ~ WMterty wtndt will TIDES blow 10 knots In the fnner Time w.ters, with 2.foot WltYM and ........ • mixed WMt ewetl of 3 feet 9:171.m. 3.A1 .... high and aouth .... of 3 fMt. 1:01 p.m. 2.71 .... low Out t.fttw, the .. wtN 7!31 p.m. 5.17 .... hlgh blow 10 llnoel. wtth 2·foot 3:041.m. -0.1 ...... low WIWI end I mbced WMt IMtl of ..... end'°""' ..... of 3 .... Noc ""-"will """" ..... . ...... • ,,,. ..... • L.. Daily Pilot Students visit the land of Rising Sun Corona del Mar freshmen experience something of a culture shock on the trip to their sister city in Japan. Tom Forquer Daily Ptlot couldn't handle theirs. The other host fami- lies provided similar levels of hospitality, such as helping stud ents find souvenirs. One family even shelled out a hefty sum and driv- ing hundreds of miles to treat their guest to a swnomatch. Aside fro m attending three days of class at their hosts' school, the students got to take a tour of Kyoto. visit the Nara deer part: and go "leaf skilng. • a sledding-like activity on a hill covered with pihe needles. NEWPORT BF.AC H -"All the girls started screaming. and l even saw some girls cry- ing.• said Tony Jones, describing his recep- tion at a Japane&e sch ool. Jones is not a rock star. but is one of the four Corona del Mar High freshmen who re- turned last week from the annual Wendell Fish Sister City Student Exchange program between Newport Beach and Okazaki. Japan. The program's goaJ is to create cooperation and understanding between cities through the exchange of ideas. people and culture. PHOTO COURTE~V Of DORY FOIID The students m Japan, from left to right: •If you see how people live, you are more inclined to be open minded about differ- ences,• said chaperon Mary Ouistensen. a Spanish and history teacher. Fo rd was impressed by the students' work ethic, noting that "they have a much more demanding schedule of school work.· Michael Ford, Sarah Cummings, Taylor Harkins, Tony Jones, chaperone Mary Christensen and son Thomas Christensen. they will ho'lt this October. Other scudents discovered mo re subtle dH- ferences. "It was the best experience I've ever had. Michael Ford is suU getung several e-mails a day from the friends he made during the tnp. Though she fo und the futon -style beds substandard compared to Amencan mat- tresses. Sarah Cummings was impressed by Japan's technologlcal advancement. We were treated like celebritie..,," Taylor 1 lar- ki.ns l>Clid. They met Okazalo'!> mayor and school board. entered the ·1upperware factory on red carpet and were ceremoniou!>ly wel- comed at schools with orchestras and no~· ers. ~(Your hosts! really become your -.econd family." he ..aid enthusiastically. "ln the house I stayed at, when you walked into the bathroom. the lights rumed on automatically.'' she said. 'I? I larlum. found that her h ost's fam ily was -.imilar to her own . ··11er mom w~ outgoing and willing to make sure everything 1s JJ(:rfect." she 'aid. During the JO-day trip, the delegate' stayed ln the homes of the Japane-;e ~rudent'> I !er ho'>t family wa!. even willing lo go out and fmd her Amt•rn:an food when !>he Jones found the slip-on ~tyle shoes that the lcids donned before en tering school to be superior to American athletic shoes. When playing basketball and volleyball, ·I could jump higher. run faster.· he said. NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are '>Orne of the decision., coming out or the Newpon Beach C:.11y Council on IUesday: STUDY SESSION CANCELED People who were loo~ng fo rward to a d1~CU!'><;ion on (l)">tal Cove ~late Park prOJeCt'> learned on Tuesday that ther'll have to keep looking forward to 1t fo r cit least a few mort' weeks The m1dy se&'lton wa.s canceled on Tuesday because not enough council member<> had attendl'd FOR THE RECORD A Thursday story about the d osing of What's Cooking Bis- tro. ·Soon. the answer will be tacos... needs clarlflcation. It was reponed that the Irvine Co. declined to keep the res- Be'>tdcc; thl' Ll"}"ltaJ <.ovl' pro1ect!>, pre'>entation-. on the Coronil del Mar Vision Plan. tht· Pelican Hil l lle.,on ancJ the Southern Calilurntil A''" ol Government'> V1cre abo postponed. It ~ likely thl'y w1U aJJ show up on the next agl'nda or anothl'r in thl' nl'ar fu111n· RECYCLING FEE INCREASE IJl''>))llt' thl' lllllt'l'lll)f)-. OI l\\O communuy nwmher-., tht- toun1 11 <1pprm l'd .111 .mmtJI mne.i"' u1 tht' f1•1•, that r .. -.1dt-nt' P·" 10 h.1\t' their rl·nchn~ taurant at the Ne\o\.'J>Ort Hills Center. In faLI, Jorge l.uhan, who has run the rei.taurant since 1909, and the Irvine Co signed a lease terrmnaa on agreement ln which both par- ties agreed Lhe restaurant would close. ~orted. The 20-cent-per·month inln~a.,e, from S2.46 lo $2 66. 1s to to\<er the 111creased cost to the Clly for the c.ontrdcted ~ervice. ARTS GRANTS TI1e counctl took ccUe of it..., annuct.I approval of $40,000 m Jrt., gram,. fhe ..imount ·~ divvied up <unong cultural group., \\.ho dpphed for grant-.. ·\\\<lft..lt>t"> ren•1\ t>d amounts rnn~'lng Imm SI 000 ro SJ,650 for NEXT MEETING • WHEN: 7 p.m. Aug 12 •WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach cultural projects. Recipients include South Co~t Repertory. Newport Beach Sister Cioes Assn .. the Newpo rt Beach Film Fesuval, the Orange C..ounty Museum of Art, Baroque Music Festival and Ballet Pacifica. -C,ompiled l1y June Casagrarule F~11tvri,.t A LiH Trihu To Frank Sinatra £11n-y MoruiA7 cf Tiu,4.try 6-!IJIM Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails • • •Qu.aJicy Service••• ... Ni tf Entcrta.inm~nt••• I tn Hru•, 1•11l1u1h ( 11// (')It')) (14(1-7 944 , ,,,,.., ,,~ ..... '" . ( ""''·' \fc-,.t 111,.tlol'f ~ ',j ,,....,., '-I,.,, ~1 • l~ot t ''""" t \ft Friday, }Sy 25 2003 A3 I Help Us Celebrate Our 1st Years Anniversary S LE JULY 26T -2 Unb.eliev able SAVINGS Selected Items between $10·$50 satis1\jlmhJ ISOUI ~ 115 • ~ lf::-'r'-i • t I H I (949) 376-7163 L.ag..na Avenue • Lagu;a Beac n VAN CLEEF & ARPELS • TIFFANY & CO. CHANEL FINE JEWELRY • DAVI D YUR MAN MIKIMOTO • BVLGARI • CARTIER BLACK, STARR & FROST • LALIQUE CHOPARD • BACCARAT • TOURNEAU MONTBLANC • FRED PARIS PART1Al USTINO Quality ia SAN DIEGO FWY (405) AT 8RtSTOL ST .• COSTA MESA 800. 782.8888 WWW.SOUT1'1COASTPLAZA.COM ~ rr~. Jutv 25. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • WMt Bey Street Vandalism was reported in the 300 blodt at 7:40 a.m. Wednesday. • H..-bor Boulevard: Graffiti was reported in the 3000 blodc at 12:15 a.m. Wednesday. •Joann Street: Vandalism was reportdd in the 600 blodt at 1 :30 a.m . Wednesday. • Kalinus Dnve: A vehicle burglary was" reported in the 100 bloc:k at 10:16 a.m. Wednesday. •Maple Avenue: Vandalism wasreportedinthe1900 bloc:k at 12:19 a.m. Wednesday. • Newport Boulevard: A traffic accident was reported in the 1700 blodt at 11 :32 a.m. Wednesday. • Paularino Avenue: A garage burglary was reported in the 800 blodc at 6:16 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH •~Way: Annoying phone calls were rt1ported in the 100 bloc:k at 6:56 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Center Drive West: PettY theft was reported in the 700 bloc:k at 4:03 p.m. Wednesday. • Paff( Newport Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 430P block at 7:28 p.m. Wednesday. • Ridge Paff( Road: A commercial burglary was reported in the 7300 bloc:k at ' 3:12 p.m. Wednesday. •21st S1reet: A hit-and-run was reported in the 200 bloc:k at 9:07 a.m. Wednesday. • 23rd Street and West Ocean Front Petty theft was reported at 8:06 a.m. We~nesday. Tl.. Acupuncture Wor~• "'' , • !1. I'' '""t '·•\• j • 111 .. 11 •\ ' ') t 'I .:':,I I I O'I p,., I ..... ., I \, Bid J land.com pre:rents ... Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 At Embassy Suites Ho tel 11 7h 7 llarbur Hlvll .. Garckn Grov.: Registration is at 10:30 AM •Auction Begins at 11:30 AM Whether You ·Buy or lease ... You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! KRISTIN M. Sous • Licensed ReaJ Estate A2ent · • Specializing in Newport Me111 Residmtiil &al &tau .ERIC A. Sous, CFP • 17 Ytars F.xpmmce •Stocks & &nJs •Mutual Funds •Annuities • .Estau & Retirnnmt Planning • lnwstmmt Banking • Small Mit14Je Marita Onnpanies · I HI I Rniunnld• \1arlt 1 ·\11.1h ,j, 0 11 '0111 I l1111H· I HI f \1od, \1.trkt·t Ht.,l'.,,l Ii l{qwrt 9-!9--25-1 }(} -. -~....., . ..........., __ __ ·--...... --.---.U'C SPECIAL SA LE Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROSEWOOD 'f STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE s1999 By Mohawk lnaWled with deluxe pad sq, yd. ~ftrt,Jae 18". 18" ................................. _ .... 0 ... ft. C«raaJc n1e ............................... ........w,... •t. ... a. Laalute weott ...................... -............. ,,_ .... ... ft. Sllflflli" and Tools for th~ •0o It Yo11r1e/lasl" All prlcat,,,oduro for oJimitwl time, h1"1 on •1"111-billlf. l1EIA Ji eAJllftf 1374 t.oiaa Awe., 8.tte P • COSTA MESA. (888) MESA-777 ~lOleS·SM Olel .... CWsifled ads work ror lll lll••·y~~ THE Daily Pilot DROP Continued from A 1 . ficials have received ~ few calls from people saying they already miss it. "We'U need to review the changes and see what their ex- perieoce and effectiveness is," Bailey-Findley said. ult's too early to teU." The conditions listed by the state ~ quite elaborate and could take some time to execute, said Dean Fryer, spokesman for CaJ/OSHA. STRUMMING Continued from Al of Westminster, said that despite their age, "We still have fun." · "The main thing is seeing very old people still being young at heart.• said Marilyn Marsino of Anaheim. "It's good to see there is still a lot of Life left in them." The dub of 137 people meets every Monday at the Oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar. When the club was fealured on 1V personality Huell Howser's "Visiting" series in 1999, allendance increased dramatically, Qinkard said. Though the group does not offer formal training, Egasse said that through the simple chord charts they use. "I learn new chords all the Lime." Leo Dempsey of Newport Beach said that some people don't come lo meetings to hula dance, sing or play, but simply to listen. "A lot of people don't have anything to look forward to and they love th.b." Dempsey said. DUMP Continued from Al designation so they could use the site during a $38 -million dredging project set for October 2004. "Our position has been that we want to use lA-3 perma- nently for sediment," Asst. City Manager Dave Kiff said. "Lf we have to go to la Long Beach sitel. it's much more expensive." On July 3. the EPA published its four proposals in the Federal MARINERS Continued from Al ing area and the building slightly easl from the spot first envi· sioned. An ad-hoc committee to help design the library has selected a two-toned exterior combining sand-colored plaster with slightly ALLOWED Continued from Al and take a tum. Those who strike a pose will receive a gift certificate good for one free game at area bowling renters. "We hope that with the free coupons. they take advantage and support the bowling centers." Huntington said. They won't just play one g-dffie. It'll be two games. something lo drink. somethjng to eat. and one thing leads to another." Not like tl1a1. Get your m ind out of the gutter. Despite the rally for recreation in Costa Mesa, Huntington said. bowling is ··going down hill, and we don't know the reason for it." "I guess people have too many other things to do," she said. Uke shop at a semi-big· name department store? That's what C J. Segerstrom & Sons were betting on when they decided 10 replace the vacant RECALL Continued from Al congressman said. "h's an excellent central loca· tion," said Jonathan Wtlcox. a campaign spokesman for Issa "We're very convenient to the airport." Plus, he noted, "there's an ex- cellent source of supporters" in Orange County. M er qualifying for a fall bal· lot Wednesday, the recall initia- tive gained more steam Thurs- day when Lt. Gov. Cru.i Bustamante announced the measure would go to a vote on Oct 7. Voters will also be asked to choose a replacement candi· dat~ from a list of names that will lndude lsaa. Jack Ktmp. Bob Dole's run· n1nc mate In the 1996 etecUon. J ' .. "Our condidoos do call for changes ln everything from manuals and operation to train- ing procedures." he said. "I would imagine that will take some time. Also, the changes must be approved from the manufacturer, who is in Cer· many," This is, however, only a pre- liminary order. A final report de- tailing what exactly went wrong with the ride is on its way,. Fryer said. State officials are also investi· gating the Booster ride after 23- year-old Staci Tomaclc suffered an injury when a pin from a sign ca.me loose, fell on her face and reponedly gave her several cuts. That also happened on July 13, hours after the Adrenaline Drop incident. Tornack's mother said her daughter had to undergo surgery because of the lnjwtes, but the ride operator reported. only a cut. ' Daily Pilot take the time to do It," she said. "If it's unsafe, It doesn't belong here." Bailey-Findley said the two in· cidents have motivated fair oft- clals to be "extra vigilant." "We don't anticipate ma.king any changes in i.lle way we do things." she said. "We're jus1 gb- ing to try and be extra carefta.I and not leave anything to ehance." The Booster was checked and reopened to the public, but Fryer said they are still investigating bow and why the incident oc- curred. • DEEPA BHARATif coveri; public Fairgoer Teresa Brownlee of safety and courts. She may be Costa Me5a said she is glad to reached at (9491574-4226 or by see the Adrenaline Drop closed. . e-mail at ulf they're fixing it, they should . deepa.bharathl!i'latimes.com KENT TRfPTOW /OAJLY Pll-.1 Nesa Wensink, left, sings as Dean Woods plays the ukulele during a performance by the Oasis Strummers at the Orange County Fair on Thursday. Register. lne agen cy, at the urging of of· ficiaJs with Urc:111ge County and the Army Corps of fJlhrineers. is proposing three lead plans for the site. Under one scenario. the proj· ee l would split the amount of sediment it could receive with a similar site off the shore of Long Beach. ll would receive sediment only from Orange CoW1ty proj· ects. A second scenario proposes using it as the primary deep-wa- ter dump site in So uthern Cali - fo rnia. A lhird propo-.al would lighter-colored concrete. The nearly 15-rnillion project is being funded with a mmbination of state gJCllll money and local do· nations. The library is known offi· dally as the l'bnna and John Crean Mariner.; Branch I ilirary in honor of the benefru.1.ors who helped the city meet its fund-raising deaclline with a $500,CXXI donation. Some community members op· posed the library out of fear that ice-skating rink. movie theater and Kona Lanes bowling alley with Kohl's. Thanks to the loud squawldng of the community to preserve Kona Lanes (which is now long gone) and opposition to yet another retail outlet in the city, the City Council denied the projeCL For now. Huntington, who is an avid league bowler. said membership in the Women's International Bowling Oub was down another 5%. Keep in mind, these are league bowlers. not yow just-for-fun bowling enthusiasts. We're talking people who can nail a 7-10 spHt with no sweat off their brow. Part of the reason leagues are in trouble is because bowling centers can make more money from programs such as Rock 'N Bowl (bowling with neon lights and a on or private parties than they can hosting leagues. "Jn comparison, we're t.alJcing beaucoup bucks,· Huntington said. So, bowling is alive in Costa 'Costa Mesa is going to be part of California history. If it weren't for Darrell, it's unlikely the recall would have been qualified: ~K•Mlddo.x wu reported Thursday 8$ a pos· slble gubernatorial candidate. Actor Arnold Schwarunegger bu said be la considering a run. a..lnessman Bill Simon, who Iott to Oavlt 1n 2002, bas said be it alto muDlng entering the race. Green Party candidate Peter cameJo, who alto nn ln Novem· ber. hu met he would run, and ...... Sen. Tom McOintoc:\ bu formed an a:ploratory oomm.tt- 1ee. Parmer t..A. Mayor Rk:Mrd RJordln ... ., beeil min· designate the Los Angeles '>ite a..' the primary regional dump. A fourth proposal would leave tht' site as is. Four mileli off~hore from New· port Harbor near the underwater channel Newpon Canyon. the site has been used since the late 1970s. It has held an interim de~· ignation. as had a number of other underwater sites along U.S. shorelines, Ota saW. It was the main coUection site for a large-scale dredging project in the late 1980s. lne interim designation~ ex· pired in the mid· 199<h, except combining the puhlic librnry with the school facility could put stu · dents in hann's way. Uiat opposi- tion was defeated when propo· nent'> emphasized their i111ent to keep the school and public area-. separate. The joint·U..'>e nature of the library was necessary tu quali· fy for the state gJClllt money. which had been earmarked specifically for such combination projects Construction is expected to Mesa, albeit for another IO days. After that, bowlers will have to travel to Irvine. Garden Grove or Fountain Valley to get their kicks. Huntington said she's excited to see all the avid Costa Mesa bowlers patroni7...e the remaining bowling centers in Orange County. Perhaps a fulure all-league champion will emerge. Those who loved Kona Lanes for more than its balls and pjns will also be pleased to hear thal a mini-Karaoke machine is stationed about 2-feet from the free bowling lane. Sure, it's in the kids camp area, and you may have to chose from a varied selection or Hansen hits. but it's your chance to shine. Add a little Tiki motif, funky shoes and some beer, and il'll be just like old times. • l.OUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bye--mail at lolita.harper@latimes.com. tioned. Davis has said, according to press reports, that he wiO •fight like a Bengal tiger" to stay in of- fice. ·1 hope Bengal tigers don't fight like Gray Davis," Wilcox said. "I expect Gray Davis to try everything to hold onto power. The mess he created won't clean hself up." Other Republicans lauded Is· sa's decision to open a campaign headquarters in the been of Orange Councy, a GOP budon. "Cost. M~ Lt going to be part of Califomla ~ • Mid Assemblyman Km Maddox, the dty't repreeentadve. "lf IC weren' for o.rreu, lt'1 unlikely the recall would haft been quaWlecl .. lsea._ olk:e 11at3199 Akpon Loop om.. Baller ... week. ... .. .a.a -IChed • Web -WMllM~ -------- tor " I A-3." wtrn:h wa:-. grjntc<l an exten!>ion to an:omrnodatt' .i Hack Bay dredging p mwct ui .WOO. Ota l>aid. llu: agenl)' ha.'> aho fouuu '>Orne pollutants at the site. "'lllt'fe 1s -.omc cont<unuUJ tion. ·· Ota ..aid. "There rrnght h e· some elevaliorn. lin the leveb. of toxic contamjnant!»]. hut thtrt· aren't any hot ~pots.·· • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and poln1cs He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul clinton a lat1mes com take about a yt!dr. nwaninK th t: Ii brary could open about two year.. from now. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne AirPort. She rnay be reached at (9491 574-4232 or bye mail at 1une.casagrsnde a lat1mes.com Mary C. Allan; 64; lnvorved in OC/San Diego communities A longtlme survivor of t>reast cancer, Mary C. Allan pou~ her time, energy, and talents Into many c auses, including Newport Beac h JuniQr League and the Scl"lpps Polster BnNllt Cere Center in la JollL She loved traveling, skiing, and competing in equeetrian events. She met and married developer Robert M. Allan in 1958 at USC. They lived in Newport Beach then settled In La Jolla. Survivors Include husband Robert M. AJI.,,, daughter Kathryr:t1 son . Robert, sister Ann t1ansen, 1 and two grandchlldren. A rnemo'1lll aervlce .... be hMd t 811 p.m .• Sat., July 28th a1 La Jolla~ Church., Donation• c.,, be mede to th• Serf PP* Politer er..-I c.. Ctntlr tft La Jolla. I t ' Dail'/ Pilot Friday. liy 25, 2003 A9 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY, JULY 25 lOA.M. • South Coast Weavers & Spinners (until 11 p.m.) -Home ·& Hobbles Building •Scale Squadron (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbles Building • Pat Wall -Rug Weaving (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbles Building •The HP Mobility Tour -A Hewlett Padcard Exhibit (untll 6 p.m.) -Outside Blue Gate •Crafts (untll 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • "Discover the Fair" Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Sode Hop-Kids Stage 11 A.M. • Melodie's Dance Theatre - Heritage Stage •Linda Buell's Dance -Sun Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • Circus Fun Review Auditions (11:30 a.m.) -Kids Stage NOON •Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown Seminar (until 6 p.m.) -Youth Building •Hi· Tops Dance Team -Heritage Stage • Pacific Performing Arts -Sun Stage • Weavers & Spinners Guild - Home & Hobbies Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •Junior Breeding Sheep Judging -livestodc Arena •Maureen W. Puppet (12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds ' 1 P.M. • Melodie's Dance Theatre - Heritage Stage Llvestodc • Tra\(eling Game Show (1:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds •Ceramics Demonstration (1 :30 p.m.) -Crafters Village •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 2P.M. • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Bailey's Dance Group - Heritage Stage • Pacific Performing Arts -Sun Stage • "How to Be a Better Badcyard Gardener" with Wade Roberts - Grass Roots St.age -Floral Building • Kevin & Karen Kaplowitz - Magicians -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -little Theater 3P.M. • Defore Dancers -Heritage Stage • Hart Academy of Dance -Sun Stage •Paris Endicott-Chase· Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - livestodc • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Bam BEST BET p.m .). -Millennium Barn IP.M. • Papermaldng with Kelty C1artc - Home & Hobbies Stage • Storyt•ller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Buildjng • RedYcled Percussion -Little Theater • Llama Team Presentation - Llvestodc Arena , • Red, Ripe & Karaokln' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage •Tomato Walk (6:30 p.m.) -Kida Stage 7P.M. • The Fabulous Thunderbirds - Citizens Business Bank Arena •Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Marte Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestodc • Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m .) -Crafters Village • Milking Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn SP.M. • Summer Concert Series: The Doors of the 21st Century (Gates open at 6:30 p.m .) -Pacific Amphitheatre • Proud Mary -Sun Stage • People Pretzel Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -little Theater • Oxen Team Presentation - livestodc Arena •John Peace Band (8:30 p.m .) - Heritage Stage 9P.M. • The Fabulous Thunderbirds - Citizens Business Bank Arena • Minuteman Youth Band -Sun Stage • Cooking with Chef Jan Mongell -Home & Hobbies Stage • Art & Wooctwooong Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Russell Bros. Circus -Green GateArea The Doors of the 21st Century will perform at 8 p.m. today at the Pacific Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series. Performing the free shows at 7 and 9 p.m. at the Citizens Business Bank Arena will be the Fabulous Thunderbirds. • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafter& Village •Paris Endicott-Chase -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Rodan' Roundup Contest - Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - • Orange County Music Academy -Heritage Stage • Gemtones Band -Sun Stage •Chili Cook·Off Contest -Home & Hobbies Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater · • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) - Around the grounds •Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village Mesa Verde Country Club to host this year's Tea Cup Clas~ic and Jones Cup Mesa Verde Country Club Head Professional Tom Sargent holds up the Jones Cup along with Fletcher "Ted" Jones Jr. in front of the newly remodeled Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa. This year it will be the site of the Tea Cup Classic on Friday, July 25 and the Jones Cup on Friday, August 1. In the packground is this year's Hole-in-One car, a 2003 Mercedes Benz ML350 SW. The public is invited to these annual golf tournaments, sponsored by Fletcher Jones Motorcars and the Daily Pilot. Come out for cwo days of great golf and .to cheer on your favorite players from Mesa Verde Country Club, Newport Beach Country Club, Santa Ana Country Club and Big Canyon Country Club. \ Cl.ASSIC SP.M. • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m.I -Heritage Stage • Orange County Music Academy -Heritage Stage • Circus Fun Review Auditions - Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - livest ode • Ceramics Demonstration (9:30 p.m .) -Crafters Village • Gemtones Band -Sun Stage lOP.M. • Hart Academy of Dance - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Show (5:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Proud Mary -Sun Stage •John Peace Band (10:30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage • Milking Demonstration (5:30 OE L MRR On Saturday, from I I am to 3 pm, bring th e kids for FACE PA INT ING · CRAFTS· MUS IC BY THE ROCKJT SCIENTISTS Bring the dogs for Three Dog Bakef)'S Sth Annual Summer Pool Party. And bring your appetite for Bristol Farm's BBQ! RESTAURANTS AND CASUAL DIN I NG BRJSTOL FARMS . . . . . .760-6..514 GE LATO PARADISO .. 640-9256 GULFSTRIAM RESTAURANT . . . . .718-0187 PEITS COFFEE & TEA . .M0-6377 TOMMY BAHAMA ...... 760-8686 APPAREL ARMOIRf ........... 64-4-9883 CHICO'S ............. .219-9960 DlANE'S SWIMWEAR .... 7S9-6880 MARMl ............ , .... n l ·13lS Ml PIACE ............. .219-9919 NEW M.LANCE . . . . . •. n0-1601 ROMANO'S •........... M0-'9900 SOU COMFORT . . . . . . .. 6#-S939 SlJITU TONES . . . . . . . .M0-?781 TOMMY &AKAMA ..••.• 76G-8686 HOME FURNISHINGS IAIY UNIQLl1 .•...•••.. 7'4>--0ll ITALIANO HOME srou .. 640-2'53 SUllU TONI$ ........ .60-1711 sua. LA TAIU ......... .64(H)100 WATO.WOU.S ..•...... T17-6S2S SPEC IALTY AMADEUS SPA ~RJGHTON 718-9S88 COLLECTIBUS .467-<>473 JEWELS gy JOSEPH . .640-6788 MOTTINI . nt·OllJ THREE DOG MK.ERV .760-3647 ZANY BRAJNY .... 640-S1Jt A.ll rttONl NUMllR.S Ml IN~· MIA coot r COROIR IEL "II PLlll ,ulflc c .. u Mt1ll••J e l'luAttll•r l ••l .. n~ SHOrtttt1a,v1NlCOMPAJllVCOM • • ·---·-... t .......................................... _. ________________________________ ...., ______ _.. __ .... _______________________ _ M Friday, JAJy 25, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY r POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • w.st Bay Street: Vandalism was rePorted in the 300 blodc at 7:40 a.m. Wednesday. • Harbor Boutevud: Graffiti was reported in the 3000 blodc at 12:15 a.m. Wednesday. •Joann Street: Vandalism was reported in the 600 bl<><* at 1:30 a.m. Wednesday. • Kalmus Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 100 blodc at 10:16 a.m. Wednesday. garage burglary was rePorted in tne i,oo blade at 6:16 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Anc:hoNige W.V: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 100 blodt at 6:56 p.m Wednesday. • Newport Center Drive WMt: Petty theft was reported in the 700 blodc at 4:03 p.m. Wednesday. • Paftt Newport Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 4300 blodc at 7:28 p.m. Wednesday. DROP Continued from Al ' ficials have received a Cew caUs from people sayilig they already missiL "We'll need to review the changes and see what their ex· perience and effectiveness Is,• Bailey-Findley said. "It's too early to tell.· The conditions Listed by the state are quite elaborate and could take some time lo execute, said Dean Fryer, spokesman for Cal/OSHA SJRUMMING Continued from Al "Our condltions do call for changes ln everything froro manuals and operation to train· log procedures," he said. "I would imagine ·that will take some time. Also, the changes must be approved from the manufacturer, who is in Ger· many." This is, however, only a pre- liminary older. A final report de- tailing what exactly went wrong with the ride is on its way, Fryer said State officials are also investi· gating the Booster ride after 23· year-old Staci Tomaclc suffered an injury when a pin from a sign came l<>Oie, fell on her face and reportedly gave her several cuts. That also happened on July 13, hours after the Adrenaline Drop incident. Thmack's mother said her daughter had to undergo surgery because of the Injuries, but the ride operator reported only a cut. The Booster was checked and reopened to the public, but Fryer said they are still investigating how and why the incident oc· curred. FairgCJer Teresa Brownlee of Costa Me5a said she is glad to see the Adrenaline Drop closed. "Jf they're fixing it, they should ta.Ice the time to do It," she said. "II It's unsafe, It doesn't belong here." Balley· Findley said the two in· cidents have motivated fair om. chili to be "extra vigilant." "We don't anticipate making any changes ln the way we do things," she said. "We're just sb· Ing 10 try and be extra careftll and not leave anything to chance." • OEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reacned at (949) 574-4226 or by e·mailat deepa.bharath<a. /allmes.com. • ~Avenue: Vandalism wasreportedinthe1900 blodc at 12:19 a.m. Wednesday. • Ridge Partt Road: A commercial burglary was rePorted in the 7300 blodc at 3:12 p.m. Wednesday. •21st Street A hit·and·run was reported in the 200 blodc at 9:07 a.m. Wednesday. ofWesuninster, said that despite their age, "We still have fun.· · • Newport Boulevard: A traffic accident was reported in the 1700 bl<><* at 11:32 a.m. Wednesday. • Paularino Avenue: A • 23rd StrHt and West <>c.an fTOnt: Petty theft was reported at 8:06 a.m. Wednesday. n... A cupundu- Worll• " ' • I '' I 4 ~ " \.' • 1, ". 'I t'I ~;,I I I 0•1 I/ .. " I " . " I \ Bid•~ .. land.com prtstnts ... Land Auction Sale!! Sunday, July 27th, 2003 r Al Emba"l>Y Suite~ Hotel U 17t>7_11arhur Bhd (1Jrdo:n <.iro\o: Regi5itration is at 10:30 AM • Auction Begins at 11:30 AM Melber You Buy or Lease ... Yo u'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! SOL i~ l .'\\'l~:~T.\ll::.'\T~ & R EALTY KRISTIN M. Sous • Licensed Real futate A2enc . • Sptcialiring in Newport Mesa Residmtiil Real &tau ERie A Sous, CFP • J 7 Ytan Experience • Swcks & &nds • Mutual Funds •Annuities • &tau & Rerimnmt Planning • lnvestmmt Banking • Small MiJJ.k Maritn Cmnpttnies I 1: I I Hnidl·nti.tl \1.1rl..t 1 \11.1h ,j, 1111 'our I l1111H· I !HI '°1101.I.. \1.1rl,r1 Hnl.11• h Hqiorr 9·•9--25-116-. -~,....., _..,_ ... __ ·--..... -----.flPC SPECIA L SAL E Long Plank Wood Flooring OAK • TEAK • ROS EWOOD "The main thing is seeing very old people still being young al heart," srud Marilyn Marsino of Maheim. "It's good to see there is s till a 101 of life left in them." The club of 137 people meeti. every Monday at the Oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar. When the club was featured on lV persuuaJjty I lul'U Howi.er's "VisiLing" series in 1999, attendanc.:e increased dramatically, Oinkard ~id. ·n10ugh the group docs not offer formal training, Egasse sajtJ that through the simple chord charts they use, "I learn new chords all the time." Leo Dempsey of Ncwpon Beach said that some people don't come to meeting~ 10 huJa dance, sing or play, but ~imply 10 listen. .. A lo t of people don't have anyLhing lo look forward 10 and they Jove th.is." Demp!.ey ~id. DUMP Continued from A 1 dei.1gnation so they couJd use the site during a $38-million dredging project '>Cl for Ocrober 2004. "Our position has been that we want to use LA-3 perma· nenLly for sediment," Abs!. Ciry Manager Dave Kiff ~d. "If we have to go to ta Lo ng Beach 'iitel, it's much more expensive." On July 3. the EPA published its four proposals in the Federal MARINERS Continued from Al ing area and the building slightly east from the spot first envi- sioned. An ad-hoc comminee to help design the library has selected a twO·toned exterior combining sand-colored plaster with slightly ALLOWED Continued from Al and Lake a tum. Those who strike a pose will receive a gift certificate g!)Od for one free game at area bowling centen.. "We hope that wiLh the free couponc;, they take advantage and suppon the bowling centers," Huntington said. ll1ey won't just play one game. It'll be two games, something 10 drink. somethjng to eat, and one thing leads to another." Not like that. Get your mind out of tht' gull er. Despite the raJJy for recreation in Co~ta Mesa. Huntington '>aid, bowling is "going down hill, and we don't know the reason for it." "I gue~s people have 100 many other things to do,· she :.aid . Uke shop al a semi-big-name department store? ·m at's what C.J. Sege~trom & Sons were betting on when they decided to replace the vacant STAINMASTER XTRA LIFE $f 999 By Mohawk _....___ Installed with deluxe pad • sq. ECALL • 18" • 18" .................................. •t.11 ... "' Continued from Al n.le ••••••••.••••••..•••.•.••••.••• ....., ... ,,.. •4. ...fl. ,._ ........ tc Wood .......................... i..talW ,,_ s4. ... "· S"flPlirl and Tool1 for tht •Do It Your8'1fn71" AU pr/cu/"""urt• for• //mlttd timt, butd °" •titll,.billt,. JNJE5A . ~ EAJllNt' 1374 Lopa A•e., S•lte F • COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 ._..,rf.10 .. l ·Sat Otel ··- Ouifled ads work for ll ll l••·y~~ 1ltf Daily Pilot congressman said. "It's an excellent central loca· lion,· said Jonathan Wilcolt. a campaign spokesman for Issa. "We're very convenient to the aJrport." Plus, he noted, "there's an ex- cellent source of supporters· in Orange County. After qualifying for a fall bal· lot Wednesday, the recall lnitia· live gained more steam Thurs· day when U . Gov .• Cruz Bustamante announced the meuure wouJd go to a. vote on Oct. 7. Voters will also be asked to chOOlie a replacement candJ- date from a list or names that will include Issa. Jack Kemp. Bob Dole'• run· ninl male in lht 1998 election, K[Nl f~(PTOW I DAILY PIL, Nesa Wensink, left, sings as Dean Woods plays the ukulele dunng a performance by the Oasis Strummer s at the Orange County Fair on Thursday. Register. The agenc.-y. al the urging of of· lic1als with Ordnge County and the Army Corp'> of l:nginel'r~. b proposing three lead plam for the site. Under one \Cenanu, rhe proj· eel would 'Plit the amount of sediment it could receive with a similar site off the shore of Long Beach. It would receive ~edimcnt only from Orange County pruj· ects. A second scenario pruposei. using it as the primary deep·wa· ter dump site in Soulhern Cah· fornia. A third propo.,..1J would lighter-colored concrete. 111e nearly $5-million project ll> being funded with a combination of state grant money am.I loc.:al do· nations. The library ~ known offi dally as the [)Jona am.I John Crean Mariners Branch I jhrary in honor of the benefactor.. who helped the city meet its fund-raising deadline with a $500,<XX> donation. Some commuruty members op· posed the library OUI of fear that ice-skating rink. movie theater and Kona Lanes bowling alley with Kohl's. Thanks to the loud squawking of the community to preserve Kona Lanes (which is now long gone) and opposition to yet another retail outlet in the city, the City Council denied the project. For now. Huntington, who is an avid league bowler, said memberi.hip in the Women'.c; Internatio nal Bowling O ub was down another 5%. Keep in mind, these arc league bowlers, not your just·for·fun bowling enthU!)ia'\ts. We're talking people who can nail a 7-10 split with no sweat off their brow. Part of the reason leagues are in trouble is because bowling centers can make more money from programs such as Rocle 'N Bowl (bowling with neon lights and a OJ) or private parties lhan they can hosting leagues. "In comparison, we're talking beaucoup bucks," Huntington saJd. So, bowling is alive in Costa 'Costa M esa is going to be part of California history. If it w eren't for Darrell, it's unlikely the recall would have been qualified: Aulmbtyman Ken Meddox wu reported Thursday as a pos~ aible gubernatorial candJdate. Actor Arnold Scbwuunesger baa II.id be la considering a run. Bualnesaman BW Simon, who Iott to Davis In 2002, hu II.id he is allo mulling entering the race. Green. Party candidate Peter Camejo, who allO ran In Nowm· ber, bu Mid he would run. and .... Sen. Tbm McOJntoc"k baa bmed 1n exploratory commit· tee. Former LA. ...,. Rk:hard IUordul baa allo been men· dl'signate tJ1e l.o., A11gcle~ ~ite a.' tJ1e pnmary regional dump. A fourth propo\al would leave Lhe ... ite <l!t 11>. Four mtJe, off.,hort' from New· port 1 larbur near the underwater channel Nt'wpon Canyon. Lhe i.ite has been ui.t>tl ~met' the late 1970s. Ir ha~ held an inwnm de~· igna1ion, a-. had a number of other underwater ~ilei. along U.S. shorelines. Ota sail.I. It was the main collection site for a large-i.cale dredging project in the late 1980,. The interim d~1gnat1on'> ex· pired m the mid 1990\. except combining th{· public library with the school fadlity m uld put stu· den!.'. in harm·~ wdy. That opposi cion was defeated wl1en prop<>· nenl!. emphasi7.ed their intent to keep the -.chuol and public an.>a.~ separate. lnc ioint·u~ rmture of the library WclS necessary lo quali· fy for the stale grant money. which had been carmarlted specifically for such combination projects. Construction ill expected to Mesa. albeit for another l 0 dayc;. After Lha1. bowlers wilJ have to travel to Irvine, Garden Grove or Fountain Valley 10 get their kicks. Huntington said she's excited 10 see all the avid Costa Mesa bowlers patronize the remainjng bowling center<; in Orange County. Perhaps a future all-league champion will emerge. Those who loved Kona Lanes for more than its balls and pins will also be pleased to hear that a mini· Karaoke machine is stationed about 2-feet from the free bowling lane. Sure, it's in the kids camp area, and you may have 10 chose from a varied selection of I Jansen hits. but it's your chance to hine. Add a linlc Tiki motif, funky shoes and i.ome beer. and it'U be just like old Limes. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She .may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by&-mall at lo/its.harper latimes.com. tioned. Davis has said, according to press reports, that he will "fight like a Bengal tiger" to stay in of· fice. "I hope Bengal ti~rs don't fi.ght like Gray Davis,• Wilcox said. "I expect Gray Davis to try everything to hold onto power. The mess he created won't clean itself up.· Other Republicans lauded b· sa's ded Ion co open a campaign headquarters ln lhe heart or Orange County, a GOP betdon. "Cosca Mesa la going to be part or -Ca.UfomJa hllcory,.• said As.wmbtyman Km Maddox. the city's repreaentadw. "If It weren't for Dv1'ell, It .. un1l.kely the 'recall wouJd have been qua.lifted.. ... olllce .. at 3199 A1rpor1 Loop Drtw. Butler ... week. ... .. ..., laundM!d • Web lite, IWll&l~mn&. • . ~ for "IA ! ... wlmh w.i., granted .i11 t'Xlt'll:>!Oll 10 Jt'lOllltnOdalt' ,1 Had . B.iy llrl'dgmg pruj(.'rt u1 2000, ( )tJ ~Id llll' agency hill> alw found -.,ome p<>llu1an1' at thl· !>Ile. ~ llierl' ,.., '>Omt· to11taJn11w tion." Otj '-lid ·I hcrl' might tw !>ome eleV'dllori-. (in thl' level' nl toxir con ta1111n<m t'>I. hut 1twn• aren't any hut ~pol'> ... • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, business and politics He may be readied at 19491 764-030 or bye mail at paul clmton a /al/mes c.om taler aboul ..i year. 111r:111illl( thi.: Ii brary could open abour two vt·ar. from now • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead'! .md John Wavn~ Airport She may be rPadled a1 19491 574-4232 or bye mail at 1une.Cdsagrande a lat1mes com Mary C. Allan; 64; invorved In OC/San Diego communities A longtime survivor of breast. cancer. Maty C. Allan poured her time, energy, and talents Into many causes, Including Newport Beach Junior League and the Scrtpps Polster Breast Care Center In la JoQL She loved tfaWlllnQ, skiing, and competing rn eqUHtrlan events. She met and married developer Robert M. Allan In 1958 at USC. They lived In Newport Beach then settled In La Jolla. Survivor• Include husband Robert M. Allan, daughter Kathryn, son Robert, sister Ann Hansen, and two grandchildren. A mtmoMI ~ wll be,.,. at 1 p.m., Sat., Mt 291h at La Jolla~ Churc:h. Oonatione cen be mllde to the 8crtppt Potater ..-0.. c.mer In La Jola. • 1 ' ' • Friday. My 25, 2003 A5 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY, JULY 25 , lOA.M. • South Coaat Weavers & Spinners (until 11 p.m.) -Home 8t Hobbles Bullding •Sc.le Squadron (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building • Pat Wall -Rug Weaving (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbles Bulldlng •TM HP Mobility Tour -A Hewlett Packard Exhibit (until 6 p.m.) -Outside Blue Gate • Crefta (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • .. DllCOVer the Fair" Button Program (until 8 p.m .) -Youth Building • Sode Hop-Kids Stage llA.M. • Melodie's Dance Theatre - Heritage Stage • Linda Buell's Dance -Sun Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kida Stage • Circus Fun Review Auditions (11:30 a.m .) -Kids Stage NOON • Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown Seminar (until 6 p.m.) -Youth Building •Hi-Tops Dance Team -Heritage Stage • Pac.Ifie Performing Arts -Sun Stage • Weavers & Spinners Guild - Home & Hobbies Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •Junior Breeding Sheep Judging -Livestodc Arena •Maureen W. Puppet (12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m .) -Around the grou.nds • lP.M. • Melodie's Dance Theatre - Heritage Stage Livestodc •Traveling Game Show (1:30 p.m. untjl 6:30 p.m.) -A.round the grounds •Ceramics Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Millennium Sam 2P.M. • Russell Bros. Circus -Green GateA.rea • Bailey's Dance Group - Heritage Stage • Pacific Performing Arts -Sun Stage • "How to Be a Better Bac*yard Gardener" with Wade Roberta - Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building •Kevin & Karen Kaplowitz - Magicians -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater 3 P.M. • DeFore Dancers -Heritage Stage • Hart Academy of Dance -Sun Stage •Paris Endicott.Chase-Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building •Juggler Dan Wile11 -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestodc • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn BEST BET p .m .). -M IHennlum Bam SP.M. • Papermak.lng with Kelly Clar1t - Home 8t Hobbi" Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building • The Meglc of Frink Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percuaion -UttJe Theater • Uama Team Presentation - Livestodc Arena • Red, Ripe & Karaokin' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage •Tomato Walk (6:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage 7 P.M. • The Fabulous Thunderbirds - Citizens Business Bank Arena • Ruuell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mar1t Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All·Alaakan Racing Pigs - Livest ode • Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage •Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Crafter• Village • Milking Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -M illennium Barn 8 P.M. • Summer Concert Series: The Doors of the 21st Century (Gates open at 6:30 p.m ) -Pacific Amphitheatre • Proud Mary -Sun Stage • People Pretzel Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Oxen Team Presentation - Livestodc Arena •John Peace Band (8:30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage 9 P.M. •The Fabulous Thunderbirds - Citizens Buainess Bank Arena • Minuteman Youth Band -Sun Stage • Cooking with Chef Jan Mongell -Home & Hobbies Stage • Art & Woodworting Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area The Doors of the 21st Century will perform at 8 p.m. today at the Pacific Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series. Performing the free shows at 7 and 9 p.m. at the Cmzens Business Bank Arena will be the Fabulous Thunderbirds. • Russell Bros Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mar1r. Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village •Paris Endicott.Chase -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Roe.kin' Roundup Contest - Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - • Orange County Music Academy -Heritage Stage • Gemtones Band -Sun Stage • Chili Cook-Off Contest -Home & Hobbies Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) - Around the grounds • Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village Mesa Verde Country Club to host this year's-Tea Cup Classic and Jones Cup Mesa Verde Country Club Head Professional Tom Sargent holds up the Jones Cup along with Fletcher "Ted" Jones Jr. in front of the newly remodeled Mesa Verde Country Club in <;:osta Mesa. This year it will be the site of the Tea Cup Class ic on Friday, July 25 and the Jones Cup on Friday, August 1. In the background is this year's Hole-in-One car, a 2003 Mercedes Benz ML350 SUV. The public is invited to these annual golf tournaments, sponso red by Fletcher Jones Motorcars and the Daily Pilot. Come out for two days of great golf and .to cheer on your favorite players from Mesa Verde Country Club, Newport Beach Co untry Club, Santa Ana Country Club and Big Canyon Country~Club. CIASSIC . , '·' Dail JIPOOt Y . SP.M. • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livest ode • Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage • Orange County Music Academy -Heritage Stage •Circus Fun Review Auditions - Kids Stage • All·Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestodc • Ceramics Demonstration (9:30 p.m.) -Cr afters Village • Gemtones Band -Sun Stage lOP.M. • Hart Academy of Dance - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show (5:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Proud Mary -Sun Stage • Milking Demonstration (5:30 • John Peace Band ( 10:30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage DEL M R R On Saturday. from I I am to J pm, bring the iids for FACE PAI NTING· CRAFT S· MUSIC BY THE ROCKJT SC IENTISTS Bring the dogs for Three Dog Bakery•'s Sth Annual Summer Pool Party. And bring your apJHtite for Bristol Fann 's BBQ! RESTAURANTS AND CASUAL DIN I NG BRI STOL FARMS . . . . .760-6Sl-4 GElATO PARADISO . 6-40-9250 GULFSTREAM RESTAURANT .......... 718-0187 SPECIALTY AMADEUS SPA BRJGHTON COLUCT18US JEWELS BY JOSEPH MOTii Ni 718-9S83 -46 7-().4 73 6-40-6783 n 1-0113 PEETS COFFEE & TEA . Mo-6.ln TOMMY BAHAMA .760-8686 THREE DOG MKIRY . 760-36-47 7.ANY 81WNY .. 640-5131 APPAREL ARMOIRE CHICO'S . 6+4·9838 .. ..... .llcrcJ960 DIANE'S SWlMWIAR .. 759-6880 MARMI ... . n 1-1J25 Ml PlACE . . . . . . . . . . . . .219-9919 NEW IALANCE . . . . . . .n0-1602 ROMANO'S ............ 6'4<>-'9900 SOU COMFORT ........ .644•5939 SUITU TONES .•...... ,640-2781 TOMMY IAHAMA ..... 760-1686 HOME FURNISHI NGS IAIY UNIQSJE • • . ..... .7J9'-atl ITALWilO HOME STOU . .640-l4SI SUlru TONU ........ .640-2711 SUll lA TAIU ....••.•• ~ WATH.WOIUCS ..••..•.. 717~6'23 •• CllDll IEL "II PLlll 'ulftc Ceut H11 .. ••r e "uAtt .. •r •••l•n~ 1HOPTHll-.Vlt-llC0MPA""'Y(OM . • • ---------- . ' Diiiy Pilot M Friday, July 25, 2003 • FO&U·M HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -Ldlln.:·Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. hy St, Coeta Mffl, CA 92627 •RH den Hodne! Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646:4170 E-mel:Send to dallypllotl/llatimes.com •All correspondence mult Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoaea). The Pilot reMMM the right to edit all submlaslon1 for clartty end length. MAILBAG READERS RESPOND . ' ·Jumpin·g on the bandwagon Here's one who will be j umping ' aboard the c.enterLine I do s~pport this CenterUne and only wish it could be brqught from Bristol Street down Newporc Boulevard or the freeway to the beach area of Newporc. so as ro get people to the beach or the entertainment area AT ISSUE: Should fireworks be illegal in Costa Mesa? I think the city should ban ~fireworks": they are dangerous. The Caty Council should not try 10 duck the question as they have an the past and should take action 10 save lives and property. There are many community eventi. in the area that aJJows families to celebrate the Fourth. Service clubs will have to look for c;afer ways to raise money. BETSY WHITE Costa Mesa I'd like to see the city of Costa Mesa ban all fireworks. Safe-and-sane fireworks are not really safe. They also seem to encourage illegal fireworks. which now abound and make for a dangerous evening. Some of the explosives used on our street soared high enough co scatter hot debris over a wide area. We now stay home on the Fourth of July. hoses out, ready to put ouc any tree or roof fires. JEAN ULANDER Cosca Mesa I appreciate Cosca Mesa Councilman Mike Scheafer's concern and compassion and the epiphany he has had in response to Adelaide Thief's unfortunate firework injury. I wish her a quick recovery and am sorry she is in pain. AJI due respect to Thiel. one makes a decision to Lighc a sparkler. A similar decision is made by the adventure seekers at the Orange County Fair who take a chance on the Adrenallne Drop attraction and are injured. The fair, so far this year, has double the injury rate of the fireworks on the Fourth of July. ln response to those injuries, will Schaefer also work to phase out the fair? MEG TWEEDY Costa Mesa What should the city do about its fireworks? What it should have done in 1990 when the advisory vote favored ridding the city of any fireworks. How many lives will be lost and bodies maimed in this city before we ban those torches? Councilman Mike Scheafer is right: A neighbor was badly burned. Solution: Conduct a workshop by smart marketers to teach the nonprofits how co raise money for their charities. Have the sports kids sell items, bake cakes, wash cars, etc. Use their computer heads to solve problem. The 58 stands should be arutihllated . They are ugly and an eyesore co City of the Arts. ANNE HOGAN-SHERESHEVSKY Costa Mesa As a longtime opponent to Costa Mesa's "safe and sane" fireworks policy, I was delighted to see that Councilman Mike Scheafer has reversed his thinking and is now in favor of phasing out firework usage in the city. My neighbor and I spent time on July 5 performing our annual ritual of showing each other the charred remain s of bottle rockets that we cleaned up from our yards. I regret that it took Adelaide Thiel's injury to make the councilman rethink his position. While I prefer an immediate banning of all fireworks in Costa Mesa, if a phased-out procedure makes the ban more Likely to pass, then that would be welcome. EWOTT S. MITCHEU other form of accountability in exchange for handouts. We accommodate hordes of commuters from Huntington and Newport beaches each weekday morning, and yet, in the evenings, . those same cities offer us no relief. And in the specific case of Adams Avenue. Huntington Beach actually e.xasperaces the problem with uncooperative traffic signals at Brookhurst Avenue, causing gridJod:: in our city. . Costa Mesa And Eastside residents have co endure more and more overhead flights due to lost opportunities by I am not worried that the Costa our City Council to reduce future Mesa Cicy Council may ban the growth in air traffic. .sale and use of fireworks for Whatever happened to Independence Day. Aren't there common sense in setting other issues that should be priorities? addressed first? No, I am not too worried about Almost 50 innocent people die losing fireworks when it is obvious each day in this country from these issues mentioned and alcohol-related driving assaults others need addressing first. and yet our city. in some places, Whether or not we continue to rivals many well-mown slum allow residents to set off fireworks areas in the number of liquor in this city should be based scores and substance abuse group heavily on community input and homes per capita. not reactionary impulses. Costa Mesa has the Accidents happen. and af I embarrassing status of having the witnessed firschand what ZIP code with the highest number happened to Adelaide Thiel~! too of teen mothers giving birth in the might have made the personal county. and yec, we stiJJ cling to choice to swear off fireworks. (I the hope thac our local Planned still may. anyway) I pray for a Parenthood could possibly ---qutcrncoveryfor her and her provide solutions and not actually husband. However, sound law be one of the key causes to the should be based on sound problem. judgment. careful chought and Increasing numbers of transient open and fair debate. men allegedly cause repeated problems including crime, lewd aces and the take-over of some JOEL FARIS Costa Mesa public parks. yet our soup kicchen •EDITOR'S NOTE: Joel Faris 1s a requires no community service or Costa Mesa planning commissioner Anyway, I do supporc it. BIUNYHYOM Costa Mesa Leece's words pull the fleece away from our eyes I just read Wendy Leece's column in the Daily Pilot and I wane to commend her on her courage to say what a loc of people are afraid to say: We do have a problem here in Newport, the encire state of California has a problem. the entire United State~ ("Did Nichols' opponents make too much noise? Tuesday). We have far too many illegal iinmigrancs who are causing problems to the infrastructure, to the economy, che degradation 10 our medical · system and just about anything else you can name. My greac-grandparents came over legally through Ellis Island, as all the rest of them did. They paid their dues. Some of my family have died in wars defending chis country. I, myself. served in Korea. I thank ic's terrible chat we are allowing thi'l wave of illegal immigrants to continue on forever because it is cheap labor and the large corporacions just love II. But what\ going to happen, we'll see. ll\ going co ruin the enure stale of California -t-__ an_d_al_r_ea_d~lv_1_1 "'-'-=-h_o.,..W1_n_.1R..._. I know a loc of other people -because I have talked to them -are feeling the same way. So let's call a spade a spade and quit pussy-foocing around. Everybody knows we have an immigration problem. A ~erious immigration prohlem, and it\ only going to get wor'e FRED BOCKMILLER SR. Newport Beach PRESENTING THE FIFTH ANNUA L "AN OF EVENING HOPE" & FRIENDS CONCERT SPONSORS $--~ ,,,,. \Mis-Mt# .. • • ---·Im] • TIC-.U\Al\OA\IA.ILUUAT ..... PROCEEDS PROM THE EVENfNG BENEFIT HIGH HOPES. HIGH HOPES IS A LOCAL CHAJUlY DEDICATED TO HELPING INDMDUALS RECOVER FROM TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURlES C> TuesdaJ, August s, IOOJ . 4:00 p.m. I 8:00 p.m. Mariner's Park, Newport Beach Neighborhoods throughout Newport Beach arc being invited to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the l<t . Annual National Night Out crime and drug prevention event! : Residents arc asked to lock their doon, tum on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors. CarP1 Jr. will be '" providing food and drinb. Please join. us for some summer fun! ·----------~---~ ,72 mlDAY Alt by the bey. Bayside Gallery Restaurant, at 900 Beyalde Drive In Newport Beach, is offering a solo exhibition of the worts of artist Andra Mlripolsky through September. Information: (9cs) 851·9'181. HOURS THEATER Director sp ends summer with the k ids By Tom Tit us S umrnertime has been a special time for the last several years for director Terri Miller Schmidt It's the time she spends with the kids. Not her own lcids. The ones who comprise the casts of the summer children's show at the Newpon Theater Arts Center. Schmidt has mounted summer productions over the past few years of "Popeye.· "The Emperor's New Oothes" and "The Princess and the Magic Pea.· Next weeken . s elf unwrap a new version of a classic folk tale. "The Magical Pied Piper.· SATURDAY ~little concen. The Orange County Fair 11 presenting it.a summer concert series at the Pacific Amphitheatre Tod1y'1 show will feature Alania Moriuetta and' Jaaon Mraz. For concert Information, call (714) 708-1870 or vlart www.ocft1ir.oom To order tlclceta, call (714) 740-2000 SUNDAY Hebrew rodutra. Detroit Bar will hoat Tel Aviv, farael's RoclcFour The Tel Aviv quartet, which has bean popular in larul since the mid· 1990s, has started recording ln Enghah and are reaching for an international presence The atiow w1ll st.1rt 11 9 p m. Detroit Bar is at 843 W 19th St Frioay July 2S. 2003 A7 "It's a project I aJways look forward to each year,· she says. "With my background of producing and directing children's theater in Orange County since 1984, I am constantly reminded of the need for this kind of theatrical experience not only for the children who perlorm in or aeled 11.e plays. but for their pannts and family members. too.• MARKC OUSTIN /0All.V"rt0• Once a month, a group of local women pick a theme and get together to play Bunko. As the wedding dresses show. this month's was "Bridal Bunko. • » not just a •Jdds' show.· LocaJ adult luminaries who have pirticipated in past summer ptoductions include veteran performers Teri Ciranna. Adriana Sanchez. Damien Lorton and Jack MillJs, just to name a few. It's a genre in which these veterans have an opportunity to play as broadly as they want to -and they take full advantage of it. • 1 especially enjoy casting adults in the adult roles so the younger cast members have a chance to learn from experienced actors, -said the director, a recent Daily PUot woman of the year in theater. ·Some of these ldds may never appear in another play, and some of them will use this experience to launch an entire career in the perlonning ans,· Schmidt said. ·1 have seen it happen over and over agaJn. Some of the children we have had here at NTAC have gone on to perform on Broadway and other top regional theaters.- The youngsters learn tl)e art of performing on stage from the veterans and discover, as Schmidt said, "the pure fun and joy of performing for a live audience in a professional theater atmosphere.• ·r also encmmge the you ths to inwlYe themaelvea ln the SM THEATER, P .. e M Rolling the dice and shooting the breeze Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T hey gathered on the front porch of a magnificent howse in Bonita Canyon. Their children were at home and they were ready for a monumental nighL Their eyes sparkled as brightly as the sequen ts on their wedding gowns. and they milled about. waiting for some action. They are a spirited group of Bonita C'.anyon women who escape the monotony of every-day life in suburbia for a rousing game of Bunko. Wednesday night was "Bridal Bunko.· Each guest dressed to the theme. Brides, bridesmaids and even a "groom " attended the game at co-host Lori Openshaw's home. The women have been getting A group of Bonita Canyon wom en get together m onthly fo r themed Bunko nights together for about five years 10 roll the dice, shoot the breeze and let loose -so to speak. Each member of the gro,up hosts. or co-hosts. a night at her home, and each party has a theme. Parties are held once a month, giving each woman the honor of being the hostess once a year. Angela Callger said she has been a part of the group since she moved into the neighborhood four years ago. "We all have kids. so we just get together and have girl talk." Caliger said. "It's a girls night out where you can walk home.· The large home was beautifully decorated with white flowers. lace and rtbbona. The large "bead table" , carried crystaJ wine glasses. a beautiful centerpiece. luxurious candle sticks and fine cluna ln the kitchen, the blushing brides mtlled around a di.splay of chocolate-dipped strawberries. delectable pastries. vegetables and cheese. Near the nonh·facing window sat the piece de resistance -the two· tiered wedding cake. "Look at that cake.· the guests marveled. Women wandered around the house, handing out drinks and trading stories about their wedding days. A party guest in a beaded gown with a full skirt clutched a glass of red wine in one hand and a layer of her full skirt In the other. The group BEST BITES 'We all have kids, so we just get together and have girl talk. It's a girls night out where you can walk home.' An1ela Call1w of 30-something women still fit mto the dresses they wore I 0 to 20 years ago and they looked radJant lt had been 14 years since Colleen Premer walked down the aisle In her off-the-shoulder. fit -and-flare gown. She said it was "kind of fun· to have it back on, sans groom. "Isn't this every woman's dream to do this again?" Openshaw said. After small talk and big drlnk1ng. the game begins. 'GoOd Eats ' at the Orange County Fair M Friday, July 25, 2003 NICK,S RISTORANTE & P IZZERIA WBY RDTTRY ••• ........ lnl1l'1, Prllll Pllll, .rr1111111M1,1a1 ..... a..,.1 ............. ..., illlll ftYOll IEl.CLll STEAIDS LucllS.wedFrom , ... llllll 411~ NICK'S llSTOlllTE 8 PIZZERIA OUTDOOR PATIO IN HARBOR C ENTER Mon-Thurs. 11 am-9:30pm 2300 Harbor Blvd., Suite K-1 Fri.-Sat 11am-10:00pm Costa Mesa CLOSED SUNDAYS (949) 722_ 7566 Ca.DUIUll 17 YUll '------:.--=---------' of Laguna Beach OUTLET Sale Items & New Markdowns weekry Also Sale of Seconds & Damaged Items NOW OPEN Fridays & Saturdays lOam -6pm Our Warehouse is located in Pacific Park Plaza on Aliso Creek Road between Pacific Park Drive and Journey. 73 Toll Road : Aliso Creek exit. go south about 1 mile. 405 Freeway: Exit El Toro Ad. Or Alicia Pkwy. take either to Aliso Creek Rd. 27101 Aliso Creek Road #146, Aliso Vie'o • (949) 494--9954 The Fabulous Thunderbirds July 26 -Alanis Moriqettel.r ... July 26 ·Royal Crown Revue July 27 • Bob Dylan Y TOBSDAY KlD8 DAY Y TllURSDAY HAPP E NINGS REEL CRITICS 'Swimming Pool' is intriguing and eccentric B e prepared for something unexpected. offbeat and very sensual underneath the .surface of thia intriguing "SWtmmlng Pool" in the llQUth of France. The mature but still lovely femme fatale Oiarlotte Rampling,is excellent as Sarah Morton, a.proper English author of crime dramas suffering from classic writer's block at the beginning of this tale. Her sample the pleasures around the swimming J>901 of her father'S French estate. Our reserved middJe.aged writer becomes a curious and somewhat jealous voyeur to Julie's free-wheeling lifestyle. Sarah steals a look at Julie's bawdy diary and wants to incorporate Its lively truth into her own novel. But in between writing sessions at her laptop, Sarah watches the increasingly strange poolside encounters between Jul~e and her paramours wiLh growing unease. COMING SOON JOHN DE PKO publisher offers her the use of his summer home on the continent to give her a fresh perspective away from ordinary we to inspire her new nov,el. nus simple premise sets up a peaceful respite in the country for Sarah, but h er quiet vacation doesn't last long. Young and sassy Julie, the college-age daughter of the publisher, suddenly shows up at the Tu tell you where ap this leads would be to give away one of the most .lntelligent and ei:centric movie plots of the y\!ar. French actress Ludivine Sagnier is stunning as the uninhibited Julie in a role that grows more complex as the story progresses. Director Francois Ozon transforms obvious situations into the perplexing and uncertain, leaving viewers to draw their own conclusions from the clever puzzle that remains on the screen. In the midst of summer block.buster nonsense made for teenagers, "Swimming Pool" is worthy of an educated adult's anention. villa with her own key to dad's summer house for an unscheduled visit. The se~ally adventurous Julie quickJy becomes the center of attention in the n earby village. To Sarah's chagrin, Julie brings home a succession of wildly different m~ to •JOHN DEPKO is a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator for the Orange County public defender's office. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck star in the romantic comedy wGigli." .. , THEATER ace announces scaled-back 2003-04 season By Tom Titus play entitJed "Som e Men Need Help" by John Ford Noonan. o range Coast College has The drama, centering on a lon g been proud of young alcoholic, will be staged possessing one of the Sep t. 13 to 21 in the Drama Lab most active drama d epartments Studio. in the United States. Upwards The annual "Ten or Less of 30 p roductions a year, in one Festival," also prod uced by the form or another, have been OCC Rep, will be offered Oct. 4 offered in past seasons by the to 12, also in the Studio. The ambitious OCC thespians. festival consists of a collection This, however, was before the of plays that are 10 minutes in coHege absorbed the grim length or shorter, all student realities of California's fiscal selected, directed and acted. crisis. lt started with the touring Another student work, yet to be productions being erased from selected, will enjoy a two-day the Robert 8. Moore run Oct. 24 and 25 in the auditorium. Then, OCC was Studio. forced to cancel its summer One of Shakespeare's mosl theater program for the first popular comed ies, ~rwelfth time in recorded history. Night," will be the college's Next season, OCC will offer a annual Shakesp eare Month slightly scaled-back season -observance. The show wilJ from 13 shows in 2002-03 to 11 break from the usual in the upcoming schedule. And two-weekend stint and wilJ the student-operated OCC have a three-weekend Repertory Theater will be back engagement, from Nov. 7 to 23, in action for its 19th season. in the Orama Lab Theater. The Rep will lead off the new The approach of Christmas campaign with a two-person means one of two shows at THEATER experiencing a live performance for the first time, Continued from A 7 ~u·s always thrilling to me to see children in the audience." she said. ~In this day of technical aspects of theater," she immediate gratification and added. "We have young people surreal stilnulation from apprenticing as light board electronic games, digital operators, stage crew and tech animation and unbelievable people, working side by side special effects in film, it is a real with qualified adults learning challenge to wort to try to the ins and outs of technical involve these kids with a support. What better way to character in a play. Not only the establish a new crop of 'techies' lcids up there acting. but the kids for the theater?" out there watching." The payoff for Schmidt comes You don't see ~The Magical from watching the reaction of Pied Piper" produced too often the young audience members, -perhaps because the ending. some of whom will be as originally written in the folk DICE the game. Round one, people tty for ones. Round two, go fo r Continued from A7 twos, etc. There are three dice at each table, rolled at one time by one player, and the teams Bunko is a dice game usually compete for the most played by women and generally .. matches" per round. coupled with alcohol. Players sit f.ach match is worth one at tables of four in teams o f two point. Two in one roU is worth and try to roll the dice to two points.. If all three dice are correspond with the round of the same and correspond to the ALDEN'S - - - ------------- 0 N -!i IT E ' ---- DRAPERY CLEANIN& AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN .. llEMOVNi Nfl'HMllY I ' Certified To Dean All Hunter llaugla• Fabric Window Clnll!rlng• lncludlng: • lllnildtf Privacy Sheen' • Sillouttte' window shadinp . v...-.... 9hadings • Ouette' honeycomb shades t MleniaTM Coledion t ~TM tOlllall shades • AAal•_. honeytomb shades • SmMlte"' SoftfoldN 9hadings Werlcl'• ~ Olf ... 1a• .,... ... ,.Cl••'•.,..._. ~ALDEN'S . CARPET AND~ 1663 Placentia; Calla Mesa 949646 4138. 714.-968-1180 OCC -either "The Lutz Hadiu for March 11 IO l I in the Studio. Theater" or "An Old Fashioned More than a du~t'n different Oiristmas and Ice Cream 5tudcnt-directed une-act5 will Social." This year, it 'II he the he pre5ented, cla5sic and latter. a melodrama and modern works, as well a5 songfest, to be performed Det original pit'ces by OCC 5 to 14 in the Drnma Lah, ,111dent!.. Playwright Lanford Wibon on:-. ruuring fheater ("The Holl Baltimore," C :ompany. which muunt'> "Talley's Folly·) also penned a production5 each year at locaJ plethora of one-act script!>, and 5chools to pi4ue youngsters' OCC will ~howcase several of intcre5t in tlwater. will tackle an these from Feb. 14 to 22 in it<; ambitiuu!-i work. a stage verMOfl Lanford Wilson Play Festival. of I lerman Melville\ clahl>1c "Solo Voices." a festival of "Moby Dick." lne !.how will run monologues and one-per5on May I~ lo 22 at OU hl'fort' p lays. will be presented for a going on the road. single weekend, March 6 and 7. It may be a o,lightly in the Studfo Theater. Tht·-.c abbrrviated ~Ca!-ion, hut Orangt· will be directed by OCC. drama Coa-.t College will 51111 offer 1t'> students. a<.:tor~ innumerable A full -length play, yet to he oppo rtunitie-. to '>trut their selected, wilJ occupy the March stuff. More information on tht' 11 to 21 slot in the Drama I.ab. OU. drama program may be Another, aJ1.o unchosen. nhta111ed by calling 1714 ) production will be pre..,ented 432-5640. April 16 to 18 by the Rep company in the Studio Theater. • TOM TITUS reviews local theater The college's annual Spring for the Daily Pilot His reviews One·Act Play Festival 1~ ticketed appear Fridays. tale "The Pied Piper of ptpe and return home to their Hamelin," was a bit of a downer. loving parenll>. and the mayor Never fear. In the NTAC version, get-. hb due," Schmidt promi~d. the director assures that all will "These are extremely bright turn out well. and talented kids. and I am For those unfamiliar with the alway-; proud of the parents who story, the village of Hamelin i" clear their schedules and busy plagued by rals. The mayor live5 to bring the kids to the offers a reward for a nyone who audition and performances and can disperse them. When a make a commitment to involve young man with a magical pipe them in the pcrfurmi11g arts.·· leads the rats from the town and she said. returns for his reward. the mayor "II\ harder and harder for reneges -so the piper works his parents to find these kindi. of magic on the town's children entenainmelll, and I am who, in the original story. are convinced that once they never heard from again. involve their kids and "In our version, the children them!.elves, it can truly change are released from the speU of the lives." Schmjdt said. round, it is called bunko, and the other cables stopi> and Lht' that team automatically gets 21 team with the most points points. moves up. With 12 players per group, So. who are the bunko gurus there are six teams, sitting at in the Bonita Canyon group? Lhree different tables. The "Oh. it's just a stupid, silly winners move up, and the dice game," Premer said. MThe losers move down. The head main point is not dice, it's social table controls the timing or the interaction between friends. game. Once a team at the head Sometimes we don't even get table hits 21 points, all play at around to playing." 6 ( BEST Continued from A7 "You can get cooking experience from following recipes, but you cannot learn how to cook by them,~ Brown said. He argued that cooking is like navigating. Mlfl gave you dlrecdons to my house, you could find it, but without a map, you won't know where you are. Recipes are directions. not maps." He used a tomato soup demonstration coincide with the Fair's "Red, Ripe and Roclctn'," tomato them~. First, Brown gave h1s audience the history of the tomato. Although tomatoes are a mainstay of Italian cuisine, they are actually a native berry of the Americas. It can be lraced back: to the Andes. It was domesticated by the Aztecs in what is now Mexico. Spani1>h conquistadors brought tomato seeds to Europe in the early 1500s. Although respected for 1t& aesthetic quality. i.ome feared tomatoes were pobonous even in the 19th century. especially in England and America. So uthern Europeans weren't as ~keptical and incorpornted tomatoe~ in their cuisine. As for the interminable vegetable or fruit debate, Brown says the U S. Supreme Coun has ruled that it'~ a vegetable. In 1887. the decision was mostly reached to benefit American growers: vegetabl e-.. unlike fruits. can be taxed when imported. "You'll never get a good tomato in a grocery ~tore," Brown said. "Grow your own." C:OmmerciaJ tomatOt's don't have the same flavor, and tomatue'i • oniy ripen on the vine. Brown says he prefers tomatoes fresh off the vine. with salt and fresh basil; in gazpacho: and in Bloody Mary's. Beside~ their inherent delicious flavor. Brown says their lycopene content help~ prevem prostate cancer. At first glance. Brown's quick: tomato .-.oup recipe look." too simple; oli ve oil. garlic, onion, tomatoes. ba:.1J. '>aJt and pepper. white wine and balsamic vinegar. Most cooks could go through that recipe ln a mlnute, but thar's not Brown's style. He explains every detail of the process. He chooses a pressure cooker to maintain the tomato's flavor, which Brown says comes from a time sensitive volatile substarrce known as Z·3-Hexanol. lt's gone after 20 minutes of heat. Also. Brown says, tomato flavor by itself is one-dimensional "Like Tony Orlando," Brown said. "He's not good alone. He needs good back-up." Since tomatoes are berries. Brown said they need water-soluble alcohol or fat-soluble oils to liberate their flavors._ Other preferable supporting flavors are members of the lily family: garlic, onion. leeks and scallions. in terestingly. Brown doesn't recommend any ce nain tomatu for the soup. "111ere are 1.700 varieties of tomatoe5," Brown said. "Use any tomato." Brown cho~e to sweat onion-;. rather than saute. whi ch he says opens up the flavors and doesn't rnu::.e browning. He used olive c>1l U!.ed for a good cooking environment and 5Upporting flavor. Next. how to get the flavor CJllt of the cell of the wmato? Lcllulol>c, which I'> basically vegetable cement. can be extraca·d by planng it in the blender. and through cooking. Up unul four year5 ago. Brown LOl1!:>idNed prC'>'>ure cooker:. antique'>, but now he adore .. them. Ry rat<.ing the boiling point. he !>aid, food<. cook faster. and important flavors remain He recommendc; an eighHJUart cooker. Brmrn adds wine to kill two culinary bird-. with one '>lone. -n,e -.uup need ... liquid and alcohol ~oluble Oavors In 10 minutes. the soup\ done. In a standard pot. ii could take 45 minutec., to an hour - the z .3.1 lexanol. long gone. The idea for Brown\ la'>t <.tep com~ from '>alad dre'5111g "(,oud \alud drc<,.c.,in~ mu-.1 bl' emubified." he -.aid. Otl adds texture and proVlde ... emuJ.,1011. After putting oil 111 the bknder. the soup\ color went from red to orange from a • Stmi·Privatt for Men c!r Women • O ver 80 Piun of Equipment • Pri11au Pilatn S111dio •SPINNING Theater • 16 Full Timt Personal Trainers •Child Cau Sa m· noon M · Sat. •Con venient Pa rking • Yo.fa , Tai Chi, Strttch clau ts • Sttp, Power Pump. Cardio •Showers. Suam c!r Towels •Day Spa • Acupuncrurt!Massagt 949760-5054 www.shope·up.com • www.fitnessconcepts.com 2101 Eost Pocific Coast Hwy, Corona Del Mor., CA 92625 • chemical change. Brown added salt and vinegar to bring out sweetness. He said that basil and chives could enhance the flavor, too. Brown was asked to name his favorite restaurant "Rose's Donuts in Corona del Mar." Brown said. "I went in for three doughnuts, came out with a dozen, and got in the car with three." His favorite 1V show is "MacGyver." Favorite "Good F.ats" episode, "ln the Bulb of the Night." the garlic show shot through the eyes of a vampire. And all-time favorite food. cheeseburgers. Brown says he has no brand loyalty, but he liktfs Shun kitchen knives. and prefers Japanese steel to German, but he did have good things to say about Messermei<1ter. After the show, Brown graciou-.Jy signed co pies of his book, 'Tm Just Here for the Food," publi:.hed in 2002. for two hours. His next book. due Ill the fall. focuses un knchen tools. offering <!5 recipes. You can give Brown's expertise a try at home. Here's his recipe: Oief Alton Brown's Less Than 10-Mlnute Tomato Soup ] table~puon., olive oil <! clove" garlic ... ma~hed I largl' onion. -<.:hopped l 0 Homa tomatoe-.. -.tern med and c.,eeded 11:> cup frec,h ba.<>11 leave!. I te1e.poon ..alt I teit~poon black pepper I cup white wine l tea'>poon bal!><un1c vinegar U'.>ing a paring knife. remove the ~terns for the tomatoes. then cut in half. and 'eed. · In a pre:...,ure cooker. ~weal 01110n'> and garlic 111 I table~p<mn of olive oil unt1l 1ramlucent Add all thP remaining mgredwnts except the 2 remai11111g 1ablespoon ... of olive oil and the vinegar. Uamp on the lid. Increase the heat to high, and aJlm, pre ... surt· 111 cooker l<J build \\'hen the pre-. .. ure vent on th(· !Op of the cooker 1<, rclt>a::.ing '1eam a1 a t'Onstam !>tream. rurn the he.st down to lo..,.. Lon Un Lil' uwkmg for b minute' l um off heat. relea ... e pre'>Sllrl' and remove hd. rran ... fer mixture The Orange County Museum of Art is delig hted to offer a series of jazz concerts this summer. Participants are invited to enjoy Live jazz, the beautiful art on exhibition, and fine food and drink. Come join us in our relaxing sculpture garden for some hot jau and cool art. Tom Hynes, jazz musician and educator, is coordinating the artists and music that will be presented on each evening. Tom is an accomplished jazz guitarist who has a Master of Arts in music from California State University, Los Angeles. July 25 Cathy Segal-Garcia One of the smoothest and most sophisticated vocalists in today's jau scene, Boston-bred Cathy Segal-Garcia has moved to Los Angeles, where she works with some of the finest jau musicians from both coasts. Aug 22 The Tom Hynes Quintet Director of the OCMA Summer Jazz Series, Tom Hynes brings his own hot quintet to the museum, featuring a sax and trombone front line performing his delightful, eclectic compositions. Admission to the individua l jau peiformances is S15 for the general public and $10 for mUStti"l members, students, and seniors. Series tickets are available at S40 for the general public and S25 for members, students, and seniors. Prices include admiS!ion to the exhibitions ?n view at the museum. Jazz evenings at the museum are from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. For mo~e information and to reserve tickets, please call Tim Tompkins at (949) 759-1122, ext. 206. The museum is located at 850 Sin Clemente O.W. in Newport Beach. ---------·-----------,-.,,..~--:--~-..,.--.,.....,--~--~--- to blender. Add balsamlc vmegar and puree, adding remaining olive oil in a steady stream while the motor is running. Strain through a fine mesh strainer into a glass bowl. Serve into individual bowls with ladle. Yields 3 cups. Wol(gang Pu·c~ ~e at Fashion r lsJand offers a special dining package to coincide with the annual Summer Concert Series held Wednesdays in Lhe Bloorningdale's Counyard. SpeciaJ reservations can be made for patio dining where guest<; can enjoy the concert and a three-course prix fixe dill{ler. The cafe's dinner features Wolfgang Puck '>pecialties such as three tomato bruschetta. New York: steak with garlic mashed potatoe!>, ro-,emary roll'><.erie chicken and fe ttuccini wo)f.fTedo. Dinner'i inclt1de a selection from des!>erl menu, with favori tes !>Ucha.-.. oatmeal apple crisp. creme bruli:e '><Un pier and key lime pie. Wine is available by the gla.,., or botlle. Concert dinner., are $40. excluding beverage.,, taxe<> and I 8% gratuity. Rer,ervauun ... are recommended between 6 and 6:30 p.m. for the 7 p.m. ront'ert The Wolfgang Puck {.rand Cafe is at fa,hion 1<..land in Nrwport Heach. !94!1) 720-%53 \'ilia -..:ova He ... tauram h;,c, .tdc.led a -,ummer Happy I four. ...,pen.th un dnnh and half-off appetit.er ... ofTl'red 111 the \\aterfrunt lounge from 5 to 7 p.m ~unda) through Thur<,day. Pure lmaginatmn. a popular h<HL'>l' band. ff'aturing :-Vlike \lc'J.:enna. perform!> every I ue ... da\ and l·nday; and hi \ Vatt-r.., ·perform" l0\·ery ~1onday. \'Vl·dm·-.da~ <u1d lhur.-.day. Show tum'"· popular nni-.1c and rlac;'>ic fa\lirite"> arc· featured Villa No\ il I' at ~ 131 W. Coast Highway 111 '\t<wport Head1. Call 11.)49164:!-iBHO or \NI /I'll'/(' 1 •tllt111111 •<1rt'\(l/llfQnl ('()/II • BEST BITES runs every Friday Greer Wylder c.an oe readied at grperwylder yahoo com at 330 W Bay St Costa M<!sa. CA 92627 or 1.Jy favat 949!646-4170 SPECIALIZING IN: Color, haircuts, hlghlltes, up.dos, & weddings. J'EATURED IN: Merri[[ Lynch appfaucfs Inez on lier 106th 'Birthday! Salon Gregor/e's 200 Newpon Center Newpon Beach ~llerrUILym:b OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~g on to http://coastline.edu to find the latest Fall :!OOJ course infonnation. Check out our new searchable cla~s schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses are open. C9astline's Web site is available 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Look into Coastline's: • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program offered during the day at the Garden Grove Center. • Distance learning opportunities-fully transferable Internet, Telecourse, cablecast, and independent study classes. • STAR Program and Weekend College-two accelerated ways to earn your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and Ca.teer Education programs offering certificates in a variety of high-demand occupation . Coastline tw convenient location in Co ta Mesa. Fountain Valley. Garden Grove., HuntingtOn Beach. and Westminster. ft AROUND TOWN In Newport Bead'I. For more merried couple. Information: Information, call (949) 673-83S1. (949) 673-n30. •Send ~ TOWN ltem1to SATURDAY Homblower'11WO-hour the Delly Piiot, S30 W. Bay St., N9wpot1 Ounee Reeort'1 •Movi.. d'lampagne bnmd'I crulae Costa M ... , CA 92627; bye-mall on the Beacti• serin offere "Allee feature• a lavlah brund'I buffet, to mlk• . .waneon<illatfm•.oom; In Wonderland" starting at dusk free-flowing d'lampagne and by fax to (949) 848-4170; or by on the Newport sand. Parking juice aervlce and great vltw1 calling (949) 674-4298. Include the coat• $8 per car. Campfire• will while you crulae Newport Harbor. time, date and location of the alao be available for s'morea. The Boarding begin• at 11 :30 •·rt:'· at event. H well ea a contact phone reaort la at 1131 Bade Bay Drive. 2431 W. Pacific Coaat Highway for number. A complete listing 11 For more Information, call (949) the noon cruise. For reservations, available at www.dallypl/otcom. 729-DUNE. call (949) 831-2469. TODAY What's CookJng7 8'stro a Lounge MONDAY N9wpot10u,,.. Reeott'• ·Movi.. In Newport Bead'I will have a Mn.ire driven can abafJ*' their on the Bead'I" Hrfes offers farewell party celebrating Its 27 driving skills in this elght·hour •Remember the Titans" S1artlng years and Grandma Vellera's 90th class held during two sessions, at at dusk on the Newport sand. birthday from 5 p.m. to closing. 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. at Perking coste $8 per car. This will be patrons' last Presbyterian Church of the Gampfires will also be available opportunity to taste Grandma Covenant In Costa Mesa July 28 for s'mofea. The resort is et 1131 V1llera'1 famous pasta. There will and 29. The $10 classes are Bade Bay Drive. For more be two "Memory Albums• in limited to 30 students. Advanced information, call (949) 729-DUNE. whid'I attendees can leave a short registration is required. note, photo or story of memories Information: (714) 667-3340. Longlnel preeents an llft9moon at the bistro. The cost will be $28 with Olympic gymnastics gold per person plus tax and gratuity. Children em.ring first through medalist Mary Lou Retton and For reservations, call (949) sl>Cth grades are invited to .. A legendary eoad'I Bela K.arolyi 644-1820. Radical Science Show" et 10:30 starting at noon at Macy's in e.m. et the Newport Bead'I South Coast Plaza. Retton and 1H1ngle Square In Co.ia Me .. Central Library. The free program Karoly! will sign autographs and invites the comm uni~ to attend will be repeated at 3 p.m . July 30 promote the upcoming World "A Fair at the Square for the at the Mariners brand'l and at Gymnastics Championships in sights, sounds and great deals in 10:30 a.m. July 31 at the Balboa the Ane Watdl Department on the outdoor marketplace while brand'I. For more information, level two. For more information, taking advantage of storefront call (949) 717-3816. call (714) 556-v611, ext. 4231. specials from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m . WEDNESDAY •E.nd*s Summer 2• will t>.gin SUNDAY Children entering first through screening today at the Regency The Commodores Club of the sixth grades are invited to •A Lido Theater. The presentation is Newport Bead'I Chamber of Radical Science Show" at 3 p.m. in celebration of Dana Brown's Commerce is proud to host the at the Mariners brand'I of the new surf film, "Step into Liquid;' 68th annual Flight of the Lasers at Newport Bead'I Public Library. which opens Aug. 8 exclusively at 1 p.m. at the Newport Harbor The free program will be the Lido. Screenings are at 11 Yacht Club, 720 West Bay Ave .. repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 31 at a.m. today through July 28 and Newport Beach. Join Laser the Balboa branch. For more Aug. 1 throug~ 8. Attendees get a enthusiasts of all ages as you sail information. call (949) 717-3816. full-size •step into liquid" movie to win prizes like best costume. poster with ead'I SS.SO admission best decorated boat, first All who are in search of a little ticket. The Lido is at 3459 Via Lido parenVd'lild team, and first romance are invited to ·winners of the Golden Hean Award• from 7 t9 9 p.m. In the Vincent JorgenMn Center ne>Ct to Marine,. Brandl Ubrary. The free program will feature local writers Suaan Squlrea, Shannon Donnelly and Debra Holland, eadl of whom laun<lhed her writing career with a Golden Hee rt Award from the Romance Writers of America. The annual honor recognizes unpubllahed authors. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. A free Mmlnar, •P.t Nutrition Pewsiblllties," will be offered by Coco's Canine Cuisine from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 226 E. 17th St., C()sta Mesa. Reservations: (800) 596-MOMS. I Join Corona del Mar In organizing its 2004 Centennial Celebration at a public meeting running from 7 to 8 p.m. at Sherman Library and Gardens. Attendees are asked to enter from the back parking lot at 2647 E. Coast Highway In Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 422-4210. THURSDAY Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A Radical Science Show" at 10:30 a.m. at the Balboa brend'I of the Newport Beach Public library. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. The monthly Career N.tworklng Resource meeting for the unemployed, sponsored by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will run from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the church's chapel. All monthly meetings are open to all for free. and reservations aren't necessary. lnformatton. (949) .. ... ~-.,_ .... --. -.. - 674-?238. AUG.2 Homblow9r ~end Ewnt9 offert 1 th,...hour crulM of Newport HerbOr, a gourmet three-<:ourae mael, llve entertainment and awer~wlnnlng aervlce ftotn 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Boarding ltarta at 7 p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coaat Highway. For reservation•, call (949) 831-2469. The ennual N.wport to S.n Diego Coastal Race will set off. Sponsored by the Bahia Corinthian and San Diego yadlt clubs, it Is an enjoyable, challenging race with parties on both ends. The S60 entry fee will be accepted until Friday at 6 p.m. Entry and Notice of Race forms are available at www.bcyc.org. For more information, call (949) 644-9530. AUG.4 Children en~ng first through si>Cth grades are invited to "A Jungle Cruise" at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Troubadours Ken and John Frawley will present the interactive program. Information: (949) 717-3816. AUG.6 Children entering first through si>Cth grades are invited to •A Jungle Cruise· at 3 p.m. at Newport Bead'I Central library's Mariners brand'I. Troubadours Ken and John Frawley will present the interactive program. Information: (949) 717-3816. AUG.7 Children entering first through sixth grades are invited to "A D . Pilot Jungle cru1 .. • It 10:30 a.m. at Newport Beach Central Ubttry'a Balboa Brandl. Tre>Ybedo\lra Ken and John Frawley wUI pr9Hnt 1h4t Interactive program. Information: (949) 717-3818. AUG.I ~CNIMI and EWflta offers 1 th,......oor cruiM of Newport Harbor, a goormat three«>urte meal, live entertainment ind award-winning Mrvlce from 8 to 11 p.m. Boarding starts et 7:30 p.m. et 2431 W. Padftc Coest Highway. For reservetlona. call (949) 831·2469. Inventors Forum. th• Orene- County-beaed nonproftt . inventors' aupport group, presenu a aemlner on •High Technology Pltentlng" by patent attorney Curtis L Herrington. Registration and networking begin at 7 p.m . for the 7:30 p.m. seminar et Orange Coeat College'• Science Lectute Hall. The cost is $5 for membera, $15 for nonmembers. For more information, call (714) 540-2491. AUG.9 Triangle Squ1N In Cotta M... invites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square• for the sights. sounds and great deals in the outdoor marhtplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. AUG.10 Hombklwer's two-hour d'lampagne brund'I cruise features a lavish brund'I buffet. free-flowing d'lampagne and juice service and great views See TOWN. Paa• Al 1 cfemOiLIVING ADVERTISEMENT Caring Companions At Home Not long ago, assisted living facilities or nursing homes were the only choices for seniors who needed assistance. Today, both seniors and their families are finding in-home caregivers to be far more suitable and affordable for their needs. Caring C.Ompanions At Home, a home care agency in Newport Beach has had great success in providing caregivers 10 seniors in need. They are geared up for seniors who do notneedconstantcare,butdo need help with personal care, meal preparation, medication reminders, light housekeeping, laundry, errands and companionship in their own homes. Many residents of Orange County are completely alone. They have no family nearby and no neighbors to look out for them Home care comparues try to provide these seniors W1th helpful assistance and comparuonship Owned by Diane Monchru, Canng Companions At Home IS a trusted resource for affordable at-home companionship and care giving for seruors They pride themselves on giving seniors the ~personal 1oucn• and maintain an ongoing relationship with both client and companion to ensure that services are meeting mdiv1dual needs. Caregivers spend a great deal of time with their senior clients and Caring Companions At Home recognizes the importance of compatibUiry between the personalities of both client and companion The obvious goal is to provide a companion that they en1oy, yet can be expected and relied upon to meet their daily needs ean·ng Companions At H<mu is locatei.l aJ 881 Dover Dn vt Suite 260, Netoporl Beach Call , (949) 57µ)750. Ce lebrating the Human Spirit with Dignity SILVERADO S E N 0 R l v N. G Assisted Living A Specialty Care Community for individuals with Memory Impairment, Dementia and Alzheim~r's •A secUie, enriching community with engaging activities, pets, children and walking gardens • Respite and day services available • Full-time RN and 24-hour on-site licensed nursing with expertise in Alzheimer's & Dementia care e Masters level social worker and support groups for families and loved ones e Highly trained professional and compassionate staff e Hospice services for end-of-lif c care • Pl~ call for information or to schedule a tour, we are available 24 hours a day t 350 Wat &ty Smet Co1t11 Me111, C4. !)2627 ullpbtnll: (94!JJ 631-2212 A healthy senior diet doesn't need t o be bland By Daniel Aspell As we ag#, our taste buds lose the sensiuvity they oru:e had, making many older diners reach for the salt shaker or salt-rich condiments. Smee the rnajoriry of processed foods ~d even many beverages conta1n added sodium, the average person oonsurnes too mUch on a daily basis already To cut back on the amount of salt ingested in a day, check food la5els. Choose low-or no-sodium brands when you buy processed foods, choose fresh produce and meats over canned. Beware of "hidden sod.1Um• in sweet th.tngs like diet soft dnnks To make up for loss of seasoning when you cut back on salt, there are a number of tasty substitutes Garlic IS a great alternative, and will actually help lower your blood pressure. Pepper will boost the flavor of meat dishes -from ground black and white to green and pink peppercorns. Fresh lemon and vinegar will also add the tang; cuny. powdered mustard, horseradish and allspice add zip Most seniors, especially women, know the IITlportance of calcium in the diet. The FDA recommends up to 1,500 milligrams a day of caloum for seruor women. Calcium supplements are readily available, but it's fun to modify one's diet to get the necessary daily value. Dairy products are the leading source of calcium, but as eigfit ounces of milk supply 300 milligrams, that's a lot to drink in one day; cheese, ice cream and bunermilk pack plenty of calcium, but also plenty of unhealthy fat. Try tofu, low·fat yogun, leafy green vegetables, seafood/fish like shnmp, oysters, salmon and sardines. For your daily value of magnesium, potassium and tr0n, by tossing fresh spinach with a Ught dressmg and walnuts, pecans, pine nuts or almonds CouNTRY Cl.ua CoNVALESCENT fiosPITAL. !Ne. Cou11t1y Club Conl~atescentJlospital, Inc., n nwde n'l, private, skilled nursingfacility is located b ehind the ,.santa.fina Country Club in the .Neu::port 'Beach/13ack Bay area four 1riiles frorn.J-loag J';,fe1norialftospital Presbyterian S1nall 54 bedfacility,family owned and operated since 1973. S ingle and double bed occupancy, with bathroom and shower in e17ery roorn. <Beautiful sun-oundingB, quiet.. peacefu~ excellent food"' high sta.ff-ralio. Short and long terms stays. l.Ve are rorntnitted to prol7idingfine, pen1onal can> wttll aoa.n"'h. dignity and respect in a home-Ii~ atmDsphere. 20362 San ta ,Ana Av nue Sanra Ana H e ights, CA 92707 (714) 549-306 1 Call for a tour and "iait w on the Web at ~I uu 2 2 2 1n1"U/8 s as PS TOWN Continued from AIO while you cruise Newport Harbor. Boarding begins at 11 :30 a.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for the nOOh cruise. For reservations, call (949) 631-2469. AUG.11 R9tlstl•tion for the O,.nge County Bu1iness Council's ninth annual Corporate Executive Golf Tournament begins at 9 a.m . at Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Meaa, with the shot gun start at 11 a.m. The cost is $300 for a single player padcage or $1,500 for a corporate players: padtage. Proceeds benefit the Orange County Rescue Mission's Strong Beginnings program. which provides workforce development for those who have lost hope and need help. For more information, call (949) 476-2242, ext. 216. AUG. 23 Trt.ngle Square In Costa Mesa invites the community to attend "A Fair at tha Square· for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m ONGOfNG The Newport <Anter Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your pubhc speaking skills or pohsh your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and badcgrounds The group mee1s every Monday morning from 7 to 8·30 a.m. at 610 Newpor1 Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking is available In the parting structure neJ<t to 24 Hour Fitneu. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (949) 721-5732. The ACLU of Onnge County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universallat Church, 1259 Victoria St in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. For more information, call (714) 95Hl107. •Beach lancSsc.pes; an exhibit featuring digitally manipulated aerial photographs o f the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzidta, umbrella beac:h scenes by Carole Boller and Badc Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will ~ Ofl display through Sept. 30 at Newport Beach City Hall. For more information. call (949) 717) 3870. •Tennis in Art,• an exhibit of paintings by long1ime tennis instructor and coach Jose Mendoza. will be on display in the Newport Beach Central library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's work is known for it.s manipulation of color and form as well as its concentration on tennis. For more information. call 1949) 717-3870. VoluntHr drivers are nMd9d to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through ·Mobile Meals,-sponsored by FISH·Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Swim lessons are available July 21 and run through Aug. 1 at Halecrest Parit, 3107 Killybrook lane in Cost.a Mesa. lnfonnation: (714) 657-7234. Project Cuddle, a nonpnJftt organization that offers safe and legal alternatives to gins wtio are considering abandoning their babies, is in need of ongoiAg volunteers. For more information, vi•it www.projectcuddle.org or call (7141432-9681. Mecy'1 In Co.ia MeN invtt.s Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's PasSJ>ort In Store fund-raiser. This year's e119nt will be held on Oct 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 556-0611, e>Ct. 4231. Yoga c:lasNS w ill be off9red Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. The merchants of Balboa Village will hold a seaside Craft Merchant and Farmer's Market at Peninsula Park near the base of the Balboa pier in Newport Beach every Thursday through Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The market will include fresh organic produce, freshly cut flowers and arts and craft.s. For more information, call (714) 536-2213. Costa Mesa's Recreation Division will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up 10 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m . and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m . Parties for children 5 to 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, games, crafts, prizes, cake with ice cream and aupervlsion by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 754-5158. Ave new wines will be 1eNed on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. A variety of private, semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson AQuat1c Center at Corona del Mar High School Options include one on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels For session dates. 11mes and costs, call (949) 644 3151. or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, tMna end adutta can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin JuJy 12. Fees vary Call (949) 644-315 l , or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for mor.e information. Profnsion•I •nd l~Md soccer trainers with the All England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103 Jewish Family S«vice is sponsoring a teen support g roup for high school students that meets Mondays from 3·30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa M esa For information or to register. cdll (714) 445-4950 Pre registration is required. First Page -Fine Children's Books. at 270 E l7th St . No 10 111 Costa Mesa, offers free story t1m,:. Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10 30 a.m .• Tuesdays and Thursd<1ys from 4 to 5 p m For more information. call (9491 645-5437 Bayside Restaurant m Newport Beach offers wine 1as11ng every Thursday from 5 30 10 7 30 p m for S1 5 per person featuring five new wines each Wf'P.k For more information. call (9491 72 l · 1222 If your orchid is too big for its pot, Green Systems ln11~rnat1onal will show you how !O re po! your plant during their free orch•d·poning seminar at 2 p m every Saturday A plan! sale •S held from 9 a m 10 4 p m at the cfemOi LIVING· ADVERTISEMENT f ttday JUiy 25 2003 Al 1 20362 Birch St facility Call (9491 756-1211 for 1nforme1tion Disco\/., the NC19b of Carbon Canyon Regional Partc as you walk through groves of beau11ful Coastal Redwood treM every Saturday at 8:30 a m. Parlung 1s S4 Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatrnent to e11erc1se, hosts "Wall dnd T<1lk e11 10 a m the second and founh Friday of !he month 1n front of NIKEgodess store in Fdsh1on Island Members meel for lunch af1er at Atrium coun It is free dnd all fitness levtls are welcome For rnort: 1nformdt1on, call (949) 275 J888 NewPort Communrty Counseling Center offers d w<Jy to stos:i the · cycli;, of domestit violence through the suppon group Ir S A FE Hands S A FE stands tor safely awdreness faith <1nd ompowermenl The group meets Monday'> frorr 6·30 10 8 p IT' Free For more infqrmJt1on C<sll 19491 721 8079 Teens are invrted to drop by the city of Costa Mesd Rer r•;at1or Center lroin 2 too p m Monddy through Fnd<Jr ff .. indoor ar J outdoor sport s drtcJ ac11v1t1<·s Tl1•· cen1er 1s at 1860 Andh• 1m Ave For more inforrndtion r illl 714 327 7560 The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at thr; c orrwr , I Sui.-.-r•->r and Hosp1tal AtJdrl 1n !'\Jew1-i0rt Beach at 9 1 ~ ~ m .rnd I p n everyday For mori• 1nf ,rm<1t1or call f9491 &~ 1332 Silverad o : actively involved in living Active seniors enjoy the added benefit of a hea lthy self-esteem At Silverado, your loved one with Alzheuner's will be ac.'t.lvely mvolved in livmg. We feel strongly th.at our rru SJon is to provtJe mearung. purpose and quahty in each of our residents' lJves There drt:' many way!> th.it we are ahle to fulfill our rrusSton We have successfully combuwd a s0C1a1 model of care inte~ated with professional nursing services By uidudmg pets, plants and cluldren in our community. we hdve been able to create a home-W<e environment Through our actJvity programnung. residents enJOY one full day each w(·ck with a master's level rnUStc therapist We are able to meet the social needs of the very speoal people who rcStdc Wlth us In addluon to mteracuve act.JVlLJes 111dudmg .cooking classes, special entenarnment and gardening, our residents en1oy weekJy bus rnps. We even hdve a s~ial men's workshop! We provide on-snc, 24-hour Uccru.cd nurses, including a full·time RN and are able to care for our re51dems through the progression of their disease. Provision of tlus level of nursmg care is uruque and has estabLshed Silverado as a standout assisted livmg facility. Please feel free to drop in for a cup of coffee and meet our dog Asher and the rest of the S1lverado family. Ca/J /949) 631 -2212 for"'°" inf ormatwn. Country Club Convalescent Hospital A family owned and operated care faal1ty Stnce 1973. Country Cub Convalescent Hospital is a modem, private, skilled nursing fad.lity with S4 beds and smgle or double ocrupancy with a bathroom and shower in every room Residents en1oy excellent food, personalized care and a high st.a.ff ratio. We pro\ide quality, home-W<e care with dignity and respect For mure infomrati<Jn on Cou!f try Qub Convaks<ent Hospital, call (714) 549-3061 . You can also visit their Web sill al www.seniorlwusin&· ndl AD/Counhydubennv. .. A recent medical study has shown that physical act.iVlly can help put people on the fast track to happiness Accorchng to the !>1Udy, done by three Brigham Young University professors, there is a strong correlation between self-esteem Avalon in Newport Avalon, an assisted living and Alzheimer's community specializes in quality senior living. Residents enjoy spacious private suites, a social activities program, arts 8r crafts, cable 1V, weekly housekeeping, laundry and linen service, and on-site wellness program DeUcious meals in the pnvate dining room, chauffered transpon Avalon at Newporl West & Villa Rosa Alzheimer's Cart, 393 Hospital Road. Call (949) 631-3555. Avalon at Newport East, 4000 Hilaria Way. {949) 642-5861. 01;fff anions Jlt Jlome • Penorud C.re • Me.U Oirinf Co.,,,p•,./0111 At Howu is commirrcd co helping seniors remain in their homes by providing them with competen t companion/caregivers. O ur companions assist with: • Dr. i Appoi""1Mtla • Co.JNl"Unuhip, Co.fort ff Sqport · • Lipt HoMH/tHpi"f • MJiutio,, RntUulers • Sbop/i"f 0-Errwruh • Hospillll ~ All companions arc bonded, insured and highly qualified. We offer an affordable solutio'1 and keep in touch on a regular basis ~th both &enc and companion. 881 DoN?' Dr., s.u. 260, HntlJHlrt &Mii (949) 57.4-07$0 ,u1J .ll1.IV1.' ltfl'..,!vf1.·' •If Yllll l'Xl'n l~l' r1.·~11IJrly, you Jr(' more llkd~· to hJvt· .1 high ..elf~.,tecm; !>aid Dr !-ltt.'vt•n I lcincr, a profo.,..,or m the health \Ot·nn•s c.lcpartmt•nt JI LWU "1-.xernsc Joe., ... omcthm~ fur vour J'l'>Yl holo~Kal wdl hem~ • The Heiner kJ '>tutlv ac..lmuustere<l the "Tennes~-e Sclf-1:.steem Inventory" to 277 ac.11ve and inarnve people to find out how age, gentler and cxerc.1~ were torrelat('ll to persona!, soaaJ and phySJc.Jl !>Clf-e'\teem . Ac.11ve female -;eruors had the highest ~If-esteem of a.II p-oup' studied The bolstenng of one·., self-esteem is one of manv benefits derived from exerose Me<lJcal 51udJeo; h.ive found that \'.lllOll.., l11rm' Ill phy\lt.l) J<.1.1n1y t .111 rmpro\'c lhl' 111t.ik1 of oxygL·n. rcdu1.l mk tan11r. hutld '>"lrongl·r bone~ .ind 1mpmw halart<.l' rhl· good new.., " that '*'rutlf' an. <l1<>n1vt'nng the~l' txxJv and ~out cnh.Ultl'r~ in '1gnihcan1 numocrs I rom I Y~7 to i 995, the numbt.-r ol rnmmemJ.J health duh mcmhcl"> agcc, 65 J.Od older 1umped trom 1 ·W.000 to I l m11lmn , accon.ling to .:i <rul"\'l'Y hv U1l' lntcm.cluonal Hc.ilth. Rdcquet & Sport<>cluh As.woauon A survey hy the .Sporting Goodo; ManufacttLrcr. Assooat1on concluded th.n thoS(c' SS ,ind older exern~ ... · at .1 greater rate th.:m any a~e ~roup At the i lunt"1lL.lll World .... , 01111 Ch.tr: t' lt t I t1h I ~' '1111. l l<°111l1l· II • 1, 1•1..: 'II l!hkh", nrn • r1h <'llJ' '" \\\Jrl I~!, ..... 1•1:11'< ·111 : .uh! , J.111.tr.1J, nt· hu1 ""•-.\I\•· 11 their \l\J \ ·.,\\ 1r I 111 I r \\' I ,1.•J1,·..,tt·1 m \\·ti 1111 r •h.111 'i \lll{l J tl11dl..' 11.J•rl"'>LlllJlh;! clll ;11 ... 1.n1·, 111.J nw••· 1l1,1r1 ~ , uut1tn1.·' lJW,l' ..,1.·11111 .1,., P\'t 1hl I m1u1 1• :-. .11 "I I ..., m " hi .... I\ 1.1111.1.· \.\llh ,1 \\hi·· 'f '<.'t. lfl 1m "' dk• r I" <'h ' 11Jit•1 "'I'll' 111 '""\I""' 111.111.ll ltn.u ILL"' !111 l , .. 111J t \L'll ,&!I'll '\\'lllj..:' .1!11n~ \\J'h ... \'\L'P 11 1lll'dl1.ll ..,, Tn I lll\1~.., h11 m111't Jnf• rnz.1tum r mt.ltf llrt /11mt111r.m \~11'1,/ \1'1111,, (,.11111' lfndqr4't'11" .... ;: \\ illO ., '' Cc111'l!1 1~1 ~.J;-o me.ill f,...,00/ 'i(I;: I :;{is l _________ __,,.--~=--:--~~"""'""":""---,~--~----~. QUOTE OF THE DAY "It's fun to have friends following [in the Tea Cup gallery]." M8rtMne Toweney, defending Tea Cup Classic; champion A12 Friday, July 25, 2003 Sports Editor Richard .Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650.0170 TEA CUP CLASSIC VII PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY P1LOT Marianne Towersey of Santa Ana Country Club celebrates her victory on the 18th hole in last year's Tea Cup Classic at Santa Ana Country Club. Walking on familiar turf All four women's club champions have experienced the Tea Cup and will go at it again today at Mesa Verde. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot All four women who will tee off at 1:30 p.m. today in Tea Cup Oassic VII have been here before. And that goes more than one way. Defending and four-time Tea Cup champion Marianne Tuwersey (Santa Ana Country Oub), Akeml Khaiat (Mesa Verde Country Oub), Debbie Albright (Newport Beach Country Oub) and Sally Holstein (Big Canyon Country Oub) have all traversed the 5,792-yard course at Mesa Verde (they will play from the yellow tees) ==-=--:::::-::::-:=1 and all have -par-EA CUP ticipated in the tournament, which began in 1997 to promote women's golf, bring the golf community closer together and cele- CLASSl C brate the four ..___ ___ _, women's club champions from the private courses in the Daily Pilot circulation. Albright has won the 18-hole stroke-play event once, in 2001, while Khaiat and·Holsteln are each making their second appearance in the event Last year Towersey made an 11 • foot birdie putt on the 18th hole at .. Santa Ana to win by one shot in the most compelllng finish in Tea Cup history. With last year's victory. '!Pweney, who has won a Newport- Mesa record 19 women's club cham- pionships. became only the second player to win the toum.ament on her home course. Albright also per- formed the feat at her home venue This year, it's Khaiat's tum to play her home course. But she bas said that there'• added preaaure to do well in front of &tends. fellow members and anyone else who wanta to come and watch the drama for free. 1bwmey feeds o.ff of the gallerie1. •It's Am to haw fdenda following," ~ IUd. •Generally, 1 don't hlM a lot of people watching and ~for me, eo that it the great u- J*l to At. I think that bu helped me IUCClld.. . Al four haw pla)'eCI tofld* and Newport Beach Country Club's Debbie Albright, above, won the 2001 Tea Cup Classic and will play in the event again this year. Sally Holstein, bottom left, will represent Big Canyon Country Club in this year's Tea Cup. Akemi Khaiat, bottom right, of host Mesa Verde Country Club, is a world-class amateur player. blow each other, making for a famll· at six target greens (three additional iar feel to this year's tournament. ones were added) along with the "We are a friendly group of three greenside bunkers and...atrdtle women," Tuwersey said. •rm just try-fairway bunker adjacent to ale tWo Ing to shoot aa dose to par as pos-USGA·apedfled practice aw:faces. atble. Mesa Verde' is a great venue." 1be plulh pnctk:e range wDJ surety ·r loYe the coune and the uw pLUle from Albri(lht m eight-time dubbo'Use," Holstein added. champion at NBCC who prefers to Mela Verde'• new 40,000 equare-spend u much time u poellble hon· foot clubboUle opened In January Ing her~ DO matter the COUl'le. and the expanded 125,000 equare,.. She pllJ9d on a winning team at root pn.cdce fadlity debuted the nm Big Canyon .. member-guett, plldng week of June. , Gollm will get the chance to lhoot , IM TIMF, hp All c -. EYE OPENER • DaityAllli • SpoNIWfJIFtllDe Crloibrattqr Ille rullffillhlm ~28honol'te MATT JAMESON Dally Piot NEWPORT HARBOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Newport's Moskovits heating up in regionals Bronco A All-Stars rally for five runs in the sixth to overcome deficit and win South Region opener. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot CHINO Hlll.S -Sports fans call it "the zone," the place where near perfec· don Is reached. ln the bottom of the sixth, the Newport Harbor Baseball As· sociatlon Bronco A 11 -and 12-year-old All-Stars were in the zone. Newpon scored five runs off six hits, including four straight hits, to overcome a 3-2 deficit, leading to a 7-4 victory over Fontana in the South Region tour- nament Thursday at Otlno Hills Com- muni Park. -.They're jilst really at that place where they believe they can win,• NHBI\ Man- ager Rich Hogan said. "They've gotten to the point where they're not worried about the opponent• After recording two dose-shave vic- tories last week to earn a berth into the South Region tournament, the NHM Bronco A All-Stars found that extra so~ething once again to pull away from Fontana. Newpon is also making his- tory. This is the first time a Newport Harbor team has reached a regional tournament. The Newport All-Stars. the No. 2 seed, will play Dana Point in the semifinals of the eight-team, double-elimination tourney today at 5 p.m. Dana Point ad- vanced to the semifinal after host Olino Hills was disqualified because it had travel ball players on its team. "They had to dig deep,· Hogan said of his team. "We just kept reminding them the different challenges they have gone through. We kept reminding them that they could do it" While on the mound, Danny Mosko· vits also reminded himself of his ca- pabilities, and he did his best to avoid any distractions. Moskovits pitched a complete game. Thanks to his team- mates he displayed some of his best stuff in the final two innings. "I was just thinking that I had to throw as hard as I could," Moskovits said of his thoughts during the final two innings. "I was trying to block out all the shouting from the other side. I just blocked all of that out and focused on throwing to the glove. They hit the ball. but my fielders played real weU behind me.· In the top of the sixth. Fontana. the designated visiting team, scored a run to go up 3-2. With one out, the Fontana All-Stars then loaded the bases. But, Newport ended Fontana's rally and grabbed momentum in the process. SM NEWPORT, P .. e A13 JUNIOR TENNIS Finals have local flavor ~-----------~----~~~~~~~-~~---""'-----~~---~~----------------- -. ----------------------------·----~--·-------------------------------~------ ~ P 0 J{ f S Friday Joly 25. 2003 AU Deuces wild for ·Dunlap Newport I I arbor senior changes he r style to defea t teammate and doubles p a rtner Bonnie Adams. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot NHVPfJH I Bl A< II I he~ 'w ht·t·n fnt:nd., '>inn• till' wH·nth gratll' I ht"•, ·vu played the la'>I t hn•t• yc;u., togl·thN on I.he var!>ity girl' 1t·nr11' 1t•J.1n at N<'"'IH1rt l lar KF NT TRf PTDW 01\H (PU r r Vanessa Dunlap grimaces as she powers a shot across the net during her semtf mal match agamst Bonnie Adam s in the girls 18s of the War by the Shore iurnor tennis tournament at the Balboa Bay Club Racquet Club on Thursday hor I li~h an,i:t'W~I l'llll'I 1lw1r 't·rnur Yl'J.f \'\1111 It whrwvl'r madt• tht· lir-.1 11m1.tkl' to~t:ther thi-. fall. 1 lwy w 1•11• 1·n·11 'l hl'd· ohl'11 ""' lht' poi111 -ulcd to pl..iy •' doulill"• 111.tlt It 111gl'llll'r 1'111 mort· of Ill £• .i hard l11t1l'1, l)unl.Jµ latl·r 111 tht-d..iy .... 11<1 ·• 1 don t U\UJll\' ''•I} 111 ratlw ... ,.., long Hut for l\\11 hour' I hur.,J.1\. ll1111111t· \tl a\ I did 1od<1} Hut I ~Ill'\\ 11 \,,.., .111 1n1por am' ,111J Vant'"-'" I ll111l.1p \\t·n· on oppo t.1111 111.111 h I km·\\ I ro·c:11l~ h.111 .1 lll'rt1·r '>Ill' end' of thl' 111urt . ho111ling 111w a11 1ha1Ht·of\,11111i11gll I pl.iy1rn1'.l'>lf'11111·n · other 111 lht girl-. lh' '>lllglt·-. w 1111l111.il-. .it "" und 11ot try 111 ... 1,1111 1h1· li.111 l'H'f\' tht' War by tht• C..,lum· Jtmuir tl·nr11' 11111rnu po1111 1'111 not n-.tll\ u'l·d 111 pl.1\ 111g l1k~· mcnt. th.11 ·· Hdittmg or till' do-.e hund llfl' l\\O \\1th l>u11l.1p ""1d111g .I .! Ill th•· 111-.1 'l'l. \hurt: ufJ I.ht' tm1rt, the-rt' wa\11·1 much tlHJ't' long rallit•" turrwd m111 l1111g1·r '>Cparating thl·m 011 tlw lCJUrl. I ho11gh thl' ganu:" Dunlap had four ga11w p111111-.. lw M:tonJ '>eedt•d I >u nlJp pn:v..i1IC'd h ·1. b ·.t. fow 1\da111'> hmkl· -.(·rw to Ill' tlw ,,.I .11 at the Halhoa l~,1y < lub Racquet < lub. thl' 1 .I match wa:; mul' h do-.er than th,11 In t ht> m·xt g•IOH' 11 "a ... 1\dam' "h11 h,1d 1 lt'Vt'n of till' fin<1l 16 g;um•, \\-t•nt 111 .1 l h.1111 t• to 1.1l1· tlw lt·.1J l\\111 "1th dt'llt l', llll lud111g two g.unn 111 lilt' fir-.1 wt g•llllt' p11in1 opp111111111t1t'" 11111 I >w1l.q1 111 wh it.It 1111' pl:t}l'r' \<\-t'rl· ill tll'Ul t• li1,-1· Lt·pl hri11g111g 11 h.11 k 111 dl•1111· ,11111 1t11.ill\ 111111·' ,111d .uwtlll'r g.1111t· 111 tlw -.i·1 011d '''I prt"1.;11fed 111 1.11..t• .1 111w g.1111e .Hh.1111.1~:1· Ill wh11 h thl'y \\('r\l 111 Jeuu· tour tum·-. I . .it h uf tht fin.II l\\11 g,11111·' \'""' 10 "Oh my gthh.-Dunlap ""d I 1l 1· .!II dt·uu· J' \\l'll. h111 ·\ti.um. h.111 111,1 11111• Ul'Utl'' l'Vt'I) gan1t· It \'a' .1111l 1· g.111w p111111. ,, l>rt'.11.. 11pp11n11111t\ 111 llll' 111a11v dt>LH (·~. 111-,1 IMllhng h.11 ~ o111d forth .. \ltl'r l\Vo 1(111( k g.lllll'\ Ill -.lJrt d1t• Wl ond '>t'I 111 \\ 1111 h •\d,1111' \\Oil 111'1 11111· f)Ollll , II \\,I\ h,11 l 111 tl1•111 l' Ill '" 111 tllt' 111·x1 '>l'\'1'11 ga11w.., Both plav1·r<, pn•f1·rrt•t.I 111 .. 1.1~ 1111 1111· f>.J,t-lu11·. prodtH IJlg !ling rJllif''> . I l .11111· 1<1tl1t·1w1 p111ht1hh 01111·" 111111 l.1p .... ud I 111 11111 J Jouhll''> plt1\l'r t111d lll'llh1·1 1-. ... 1 ..... i\tl,1111-. 111111· .1g.1111 h.1d 11pport11111111·-. to ... 11-.d till' w1. l1•ad111g .I.!. and 4 · I ll111 l>L111 lap l ,1pturl'd till' l'1gh1h gatnl' "ht·n Ad .1111<,' mt-rh1·.id ,11111, aftl'r pti..\lhf\ till' lcin g<'"' rail\ 0\1'1 tht· 111t1lt h. \Vent long I ill' tilt• hr't '>l'l f l1111l.1p 1 lowt..I 11111 th1· Ill.Ill h \'\!lit \II llHll'' Ill lhll'I' ... 1r.t1ghl g.11111''> \\1th th,11. I h111l.1p .111\,1111 t·d 111 tlll' fi11.1l 111 I IO p 111 1t1d.1\ dg.1111,1 I ,tl'fa111.i 'wr fJllO SWIMMING Peirsol sets. record in 200 back Aaron Pe1rc;ul ronunut-d 111, '>trung perfonnam.e JI thl' .!IJO I World Champ11111-.h11>'-m Bar celon.a, Spairi, rt'(·ording tht' '>t'\ ond fa .. lt'St llmt· t·wr U1 lhe 200 mcwr batk.'>tmkt· -.t·1111ti11.1l' lnur.day to quahlv ..... 1ht· \11 I \{'t'(.) Ill the l'Vl'lll Peu-.ol "'ill allt·mpt 111 hn·J.k hi\ own world R'lord 111tl11·1·n·111 dlld Win hb '>et.'011tl gold 1111.'tlaJ, and lh1r<.l 111e<.lal uwr..111 tod.1\ 111 lhe Ii n,11-. of the 201J 11111t·r h.ll l\trtikt· \Jreat..ly dlllll'll \\.Ith t1 gold lllt'<.1..tl In I.ht' 100 h,H K t11lt.I •• -.1h1'f ,.., part 111 llw lJ" HOii 1111·11·1 fn·1• -.1ylt· rday tl·-1111. l'1·1r,11I ,\\,lfll ,, I r;r, ll2 111lht·"'1111l111.1l-.11! 1l11 .!IMI IM< k. '>('tll11g .1111t·1·1 11'111rd \'\l111 h lw al..o held 111 1'\1ou..Jy l'ctrwl ht 11~c I.he Mord wtUl h hi' -.et m Juh ol .WO I wil.h a t1lll1 of I '17 I I. b\ more than c1 fulf ,•·< orH.l llit• world re<:ord. wt111 Ii 1'1·1N1l '*'' in l\1arch of 2()(1l, 1 I 'i'i l'l I IJ., -.em11in,1J ltmc: WC:L'> 1111111· lh.m l\\O '>t"< onlh fa.'>lt:r lh.tn I 11" 1111-..t...,I tompt•tlfor, Hu~'>la'> \1~.1 dy Vvald 1a111n i 1-r,7 f\H) Pc:m.ul, u LOO:! •wwpon I l.u1 '"' I hgt! graduutt· !Witt' :.et I.ht• 1111-.·1 rt-t orcl m tht I !JU hack on tw .. \\ .1\ to I.ht' gold 1111 '\IJJ. llt-w11J al....-1 '>Wlm m tl11· ·i11 hack. wuh tllf' ht·dl'> and '>t·11111inah '>(.Jwd11lt'f l Im 'iatUJditV .md lht• fm.1h '>t'I It'' ">1mua\ WATER POLO U.S. advance s to fifth -place gam e lkl1111d low 1tr ... 1 q11.1rter gou.J-. lron1 frnmer ll< ln111e 'tandoul'> Hht1I B.iile\ ,md Jdl l'o\<\l·r<., till' 11 ..., 11w11' n.111111i.1I w.itt·r polo 11-.1111 hrium ed h.il~ from .i qu.tr11·rfi11ul lo" Ill ( 1rt't't l' 1r1 1111 .!tl<J l \\urltl I 11..t111p11111,h1p~ 111 lt•r I hur..dJ\ '>t 1Jn11g <111 1·'\11 . 111,111 goJI 1111rrwd1atelv aft1·r , \l11vill-1an t'll'l l11111 Pu'wt•t" I• ·I lrnH·J \"Ith J Jldlr of goah .111d .1 hJl k.ht111d1·d goal by l:Mtlt'\ .11 'I , 1•11J 111tht·1h1rt..I 4udftt'r g.t\t 1h• l J..., J I I ll'.td It 111<1\ ha\£· kit thJI \\,1~ 111 tht· pl.i\l'r'. 1·1gh1h ganlt' I >1111l,1p 1 .11111· '1J1 I.. 111 tlt.11 ---J.._hut f111~tl.ll1JI'>. ll tumt·d lilt' 111t111 h g.mw ,.., "'di .uid 1111..,lwd 1Jll 1lw f1r ... 1 wt llllll d Wl'·'>Cl....,_ hull It• 111 t'nJI>\ -----'-h'--1- AdaJll'>, who ht1<.l lo'>I in thrt·1· "t'h tu · hi..t 11111gh 1t·11111-.." I h111ld(l ..... 11cl 'llw ... I h1111gh I J1111l.1p 1 l.1111tt'l.l 111·11h1·r ,h1· 1111r \ll.1111 ... 111 d11uhl1·, pl.1\l r... th1·\ ,m.• tht• '\11 I ,., dnl 11•,1111 111 tl1111l>lt·, 11111 th1•\ tl1d111 Ii l\t' 1•1 pl.1\ ..tll1·1 tlll'll l1111~:h '>lllg "' ii .11r IUf\I .iv ll'l ;1 'I' I ) p111w11h \<\llhdn·\<\. g1\-111g tlil'111 .111 .H1111 lllJ.!11 I"'"" 111t11 1'11 fin.ii' "ll!'rl' 1111·~ \\ill I ll l' \rtJ1111a I ahmt•\ .111J l..111r.1 ll11h111-.1111 .11 l. Ill p 111 111d.1~ ., ·1 '-.1t1111 \'\Ith Jll II I '" lllf\ lhur.,tl.1\' 11\1•r \lmak1.1 to ad\anu• 111 ~lllrd..i) ... fifth pl,1< l' g.1mt• I hrt'l' ollll'r former \1111· ''' · 1ontnhu1et..I 111 thr \iC'IOf\ t 711_n_r---~ D11nl.1p 111 tourn.1111t'nt play l\\1ll' 111 I.ht> a rl"JI gwJl pb}1·r .11111 -.lw ... n·allv ... 1t••11h pJ-.t. fcm:l'<l her opponl'nt 10 pld} .1 t..11fft'r and I tnt•d ,L., h.11d "' I t 1111ld 10 ht• a' ent type of g.m11· It 111volvl'tl long r;dfie., 111 ''l'Jtl\ ,1, ,11 ... wa' lh.11' \.\h1,-· y1111 """' "' FLAVOR Continued from A 12 hilt.in llrm1·r111,111 of \.1'\\j)•Jrt lk'dl h will f,1l t '\o 5 '-<'t-d C..,ht'I I\ lrlJl'l1 l1.m Ur.:1\-emhln d1· l1•at1•tl lounh 't't't..lt'd I ur n·n lhllltT\\lt~ lln1r ... d,I\, h I. 11 .! ,md ,tl,11 h.1-. 11111 111..,t .J 'l'I Ill l)ll' 1111111l;11111·111 t,('t-'ll t11l111\ ... 10 .. '>lllgl1-.., f)1(,111 ho \\111 h,111h· \.o I JonJthan I h1ang 111 ">ctllW .\11,1 JI 11 J Ill 1111.l.1\ I >1< .111ho t.ll'll'.th'(I Jun :-Ol)t•r-.. ll111r ... d.1y. 5 7. h I. h .! A wi11 would gJ\l· tht• lJ.C.., II'> ht·'>t fi111 .. h '>Int 1• J l11urth-plut L' .. 1tow111g Jl tlw l'J4(J W1Jrld < l1t1111pion\l11p' 111 l't:rth. •\u, tr..iha I he team h,,... fini..hc:t..I '>('\ t·nth at the IJ"l t~'o \\.orltl c l1am JllCll1'.h1p ... II.ult•\ gol thl' IJ \ grnng 11·" lha11J111m111t·1111111ht· lir'1 qu.ir ·\nu had <Ula''"' and u bl111 !..1 ' '>hot Ill 11 4 I ,,f playmg 1111 l• I ),Ul Klatt wa' in I.he pool 11" 11 m uf lhf' match H.it k111• goal1t' Lt'rlt.IJ J...nr '>JW hi-. fir..t oil 111111 of lhl' \Vmld C h..imp11111 '>lllp'>. pla\1ng the tnurth q11.1r11 r dild mdk.mg ont' .,..,e. fht> U 'l \\ 11! tac e <;parn at I "I p rn 011 \Jturd,1\. ~p.irn dt>l1 .11t·d \11,trnli.1 I 0 H. I hur,tJav vann-d to thl· t ht1111p1t>n!.hip With J 6·J, b I \II 1111) dl{'Jlll\I No I '>("t'<.I ~rnh I .t·t· ll1ur.d,1>' C.ayt,in 1.e-ach h.L ... >et 10 lo..e a '>t'I 111 '>mgle-. m lour 111t1tlhe" 111 the t1111rrn"nc:nt. ~he will f..in~ No I '>t'l'tl Apnl Bl\har.11 m t lw lint1h at ~:J(J am lwo t hump1u11.,f11p malt ht•, " '\t>\'\ pon f l,1rhor 111¢1 .... ·ruor Vanl">.'><i J>unl,1p. tlw -.ct 1111J -..t't'(I 111 thl• h'lrl' llh '111glt"> and tilt' :'><11 l '>l't'U 111 the girl' 111, douhlt"-w11h lw1n1111• ,\da111 ... whom Dunl.1p dd1·.1tt'cl 111 tlll' 'mgll" '>(·m1fi11.i1 ... I hur"l.l,1\ 11w onl} 11tl11·r '\11. I .,.., . .J from thl' Nl'\'\p1111 \It•.,,, .m.1 1J1.11 will play for .1llllt•..,1111>11\' I .h wlwre N1·wpon 111-.11 "' Jt,.,huJ I A1r1·11111·11 \\Ill la11· ( Jin,1t1ph1·r \..i.1111.uu 111 In 1111' ,,, l!.JO p Ill IAllt'lll/t'll 11~1· < 111\ 1.111 · l.1:a1 h. h,1, no1 h '"' " .,.., 111 tht' touma11w11t w1J dl'11•,11t·d N11.:ola ... t .arill11 111 tlw t,t·11111i11.1I-. I huNliJy. b 11. h I Naa111,1111 cit• ft•t1tt"<l f>dfon \11111ltl 111 '\1'\'\ pon fk,1ch. I h. h ti, h 1 I ht• Ill~'.< 'I \Urpn'>t 111111" ti.I\ t .um· 111 tht· hf1\.., 111, .. 111 gl"' "pt•1111·r 1!1·111 111 '\1•\\f11111 ( ...... 1 "P't'I fll(l ....... d1·d 111-.h I •·tf .. 1111.111 111 l'.u 1h1 1'.th,.1d1·'· ft '·Ii ' H1·111 \\Ill f.111· ..,l11111p1·1 \11111k1 .11 'I 10 .1 Ill t11d.I\ h1r 1h1 l h.llllJllllll,lllp ">11111~ I Jiit' \t•n11-<l .111 ,tll '\t'\\f'llrl \lt .... 1 II n.11 hv dc-h-:i1111g lylt-r I lt1 k 111 '-.:t•\\ port H<•.11 h. I; .!. 6·-1 !11 ..tcltl111011 to llw l\\11 prt•\ t llU'>f\ 11 ll'lllllll lt'tl dtt11fllt•' lt'.1r11' l\\O 111h1·r ie.1111' '"'Ji ,1 l111al 11111111·11m11 ni.ult· th1• Ii 11,11-. YOUTH SOCCER lnow t"rn 'hould k111M t'Jt h otlwr \H·IJ. ha' mg p,urt'tl up 111 the girh IL-. duuhtl ..... \<\hl·rl' thry Ml' tlw No I '>t't·t.l .1ncJ have readwJ the· li11al., At .uo p.111 ioday. th1•y will plav tu ~t·ther ai.:run ... 1 Jt·.11lt'lll' I Al'klrld • a11d 0,lt'fJme Vill.11u.111 I lit' \;1•\,pon Be.Jl Ii d1111 111 \l11 lidl1· \1L111\ and 1 Jm.,tmoi ..... h\\.Jrt/ \\Ill l.tkt• 1111 llrttll~t· fl 111f1 II .111d \I\ "'><t '\,tl,11 r1·1t 111 tl1t gul' I h d1111hl1"> 1111t 111.111 h .ti 1 JI 111 Slammers reac h nationa1 final s l h111 lll'tl .1 'Piii 111 the l111JI' .11 \\Ill met'I fur the tlllt' on ">11111111 ,11 H ,1 m. n1e 111.ht'r ,playc•r 1molvt'<.l Ill h1 girl<. I(;,, t,('t 011d '-"l'tlt·d ( ,11111g lur olll lllN.'I '>llllll.U to 1!1·111., 111d,1\ \'-Ill lw '\t·\~ Jll 1rl lkad1" Jo..,.•ph 1>1< 11uh11 11.t"HIK .ilreml\ l11111 l1·d 11fT thl· Nu .! ( htrht• ( 11111111 of < 11-.1.1 \lt· .... 1 \\ 111 lt'.llll v. ith Hornd Orp1.11111 opp<Nlt' "Ill'\\ ron tk,H 1 ... I ),1 11111 \rnoltl ,mt! 111' p.inrlt'r Ju m ,1 ) 11-.l 11dJ 111 thl' hoy, I!" t11Juhll'' Im.ti J( I JO p Ill \llt r '"'" gallll''> th!' '\t•\\ port lk.1d1 h.i,,·cJ C..,l.imml'r" huhol ( Jnh u11Jer l I j.,'lrl' tl·.im 1' tll'd \\Ith tilt' H . l>l'lrn 1 u'>lon. lro111 l'il"ll'l ll l'ennwlvan1J, for fir-,1 pl.11 I' Ill tilt.' d1\ 1'>1011 JI thl' .?CX)I ~nit~l'r' IJ \ \llttth '>Otter n.1 11onal 1 hamp11111-.h1p' JI tlw 1 M.1l)l.111d '>iJCt t•rl'll'X ll1 < •l'r J rnantown, Md lnl' ~l.1mrnl'r'> defoatt'<l I 1 • phat ·01 (,ul d from Georg.ta. { II. I hur ... day \\ h1l1• edging t lw I t hp<.e IJhenV\1lle. ru.,. 1 'l. 111 tlw1r opener \\l•<.lne-.da}. < \11111 1,1 \ kn<.!111.a hnikt· J .! l. tw \\uh ,1 go.ti m lhe 4.lrJ nunute .1g.1111 .. 1 the l·d1p'>t' TURF Continued from A I 2 first in Lhe low-gru..., ace lhghl. Rig Canyon is where I lol-,1em tall-. homt·. but she abo cxpc1.·i.. tht' unexpecte<l when 11 come~ to golf ·rvcry day is <Jiff Prent. even on lht• 'amc· course." !><lid llol!.lC'in. who place\ t'mpha!>1'> on her short game lwadmg into tot.ldy\ tour nament. ·n1c hindrance 1~ that I am playing w11h other ladies who can hit ii c1 lot farther 1han do," shr said. Holstein showed her rc\ilicncy and dt•ter- mination before. She trailed lhc leader by two shots heading into 18 -during Bi~ Can- yon's club champio nship -and parred I.he final hole. After her competitor double ho- geyed (she hit into the water), the two went to a playoff. won by I lolstein with a par. "She played so weU, I wasn't expt.'Cting that: Holstein said. With the Tea Cup. uncertainty and down- to-the-wire linishes have become reguJar descripton1. especially the past three years. Past champions 2002 -Mananne Towersay. Santa Ana C C 2001 -Debbie Albright. Newport Bea<:h C C 2000 -Marianne Towerwv Santa Ana C.C 1999 -Mananne Towersev Santa Ana C C 1998 -Marianne Towcrsey, Santa Ana C C 1997 -Selby Sctmbe1, Big Canvoo C C lowl'rwy heat Albn~ht in a pl.1y11H otl Big Lanyon 111 l OOO. hut tlw . ewport Ht•ctrh memht·r returned tlw favor lhe following yl'ar \' ht·n 'hi' won hy two ~hill\ over her Sa111,1 Ana COUlllC'rJMrl IA1~1 yC'ar fo\wr~cy m•etlt:d to 'ink dll II · foot hirdic• pull on thl' nnal hole to <.ll•ny any hopt''> of a playon with Big Canyon\ Oliv1a Slu11.l.y, the fir!.! pregnant player to rnmpete in I.he lea <.up. to tlaun her fourth lt:d Cup title. The strategy lhi~ year for Towcrscy?, who has been "playing in a' many tournaments as she can." "Try 10 shoot as c.lo'>e 10 par as possible, but I try not to put 100 many expectations on myi,elf," she said. Khalat, a three-time winner of Newport Bl'ilt h' \\111111·11 ... 1 l11h l h<1mp1111i..h1p \\hen 'ht• wa ... J mt'111lwr tlll'rr 111 tlw 1 .. 1rh I '19Ch, m.1k1•, hl'r 'l'' ontl ... u.11gh1 ,1ppl'.11.1111t·111 tht> ll'a <.up 1 lw lokv11 11.1!1\•· h.1, hel'n \\11rl..·1ng witl1 111111 \.trgl·nt. ~It·'·' \'t•rt.lt'" lw.111 pro. in hopl'' oJ dt1.1rn111g 1111 dull' fir,, lt'.1 < up 11 1lc• ~h.11.11 fc:t'I-. 111111idt·111 111 lwr gJ.me, wlm h protlut t•tl .1no1 her duh 1 h,1mpwn 'hip al ll1v11•ra. wht•rt· <,ht' " ;1h11 a nwmbt>r, Ja,1 month llw J,1p.int''l' n.111011.il team m l'mher 1111<>.'>ed qti.thfy1ng Im thl' U.S. Wnml'n\ Amatl'ur h\ t\\O 'troll'' .11 \1,......ion V11.•10 Cuuntr\ (]uh, hu1 ha-, d1•\t'lop<'d a Mrong '>trl'ak '>till'!' llflifi. In that ume Kha1a1 llil'> q11a11fit'd l'llhrr for Lhe lJ.S. Women\ Amateur or ll \. Women\ M1cJ 1\m.iteur. In ()t toher 'ht• will rompete in the Mitl ·Am.11£•11r, wlwre 'he ,.,.a, tht• nrst- round m et.lair'>! fa<,t yedr "I'm hop111g to ~et back to thl' national level and compett• morl'." <><11d Kha1a1, who i'I kept active rai-.illg her !>Ori, A11lhony. 2. along wilh hu'ihand l..iurent. Mesa 'Vc.'rcle figur~ 10 keep not only Khaiat, but her tlm>e opponent' bw.y today. ·1 think anyom· could win 11." lbwersey saJd. I .11 h lt•am h,L, two w 111' ,111d 1111 lo'>'>t''> hl'ad111~ ulln 1lw1r matt hu1> tot.lay .11 Ii J.m. l".t'>tern 1111w 111 tht· fin.ti prehnrnia') rounJ. whKh ".11 tually J mt'dll 111~ll'" round roh111 matt h. ht• cauw both tt•.tm'> h.t\t' .1Jread\ NEWPORT Contmued from A 12 W11h the hcL,<'" load('d. I on tan.t't; Jordan Wilh.tm' dehH·n·tl a ha."c h11 to c;hallow centt•r field. hu1 Adrian Rodnh'l1e1 qwrkh• made a long arrnrntt• Lhruw to Mo,kovits, who thn>\<\ the ball to catcher Rlake I>aH'Y for lhe furn' out at the plate l'imt> was stopped for a .,hon while bt>cause f)aV{'y wa.' 1111un.'ll on I.he play. but he n>maint>d 111 the game. Moskovits got the next batter to ground out w1lh the hasel> loaded. and Newport'c; par- ents and fans chee~ as I.heir Bronco A All-Stars headed to I he ~lammer' blc1J1kecl A1 la111. lophat. J-0. on I huNla), gc1111w guill' by laylor hillon 1n tht 111nth mmutt'. I .e1>he (.;rdJ1dy in the 50Lh mmute and U1ri'>ti11.1 ~l11nllo 1n the S2n<.l nunult• their Pl\'Otal hall of the 'l'tth 111 11111i.:. .. n1e whole team l.11111' through." llogan <,aid "N11 k \vend<,en opent:d up t.hat "''" inning w11h a double and rt•flll} got us goin~ Ryan Alben la t.10 11 hie and rwo RBlsl also <.tC'ppt-tl 11p and so did Adnan R11dn ~(('/_ Aftrr ~vend.sen·., doublt' and <1fter a pop out. Rodrigu1·1 ._,,own to hlS teammate:<, a.!. ·A Rod." delive~ an RBI do11hl1• oil a full count. Albert foltOW('tl "'ilh a double, and then Jamb Mc<.ann camt' up with a singlt., that moved Albert over lo t.hi rcl ba<>e • McCann'!> stng!e chased Fon tana's relief pitcher. $1.f655 .-$3 356 s.Rlng Pnc. . . ·. S22,9 0 Foctory Rebate • • • • . •.. -Sl,000 S.ll1ng Pr1ee S 1 I m foct0ty Rebate ·S2 500 NIT COST TO YOU NIT COST TO YOU •1&.880 .. ,799 .. -~.1AUOH, a 1 ' . • RctlliM a...ss MmeS"'-t The following persons are doing busmess as PLUMBSHARK, 1768 W Juno Ave. ,.9, Anaheim CA.92804 Darren Matthew Yip 1768 W Juno Ave •G Anaheim. CA 9?804 This busmes~ " con ducted by an ond1v1dual Have you started doong business yet? Yes, 07 / 03/03 Darren M Yip Thi~ statemeot was toled with the County Clurk of Oran&e County on 07/08/03 200369S0820 Dally Ptlot July I l, 18, 25. Au&, L 2003 F 485 fktlliM lusi!tss ,._s......,.. I he lollnwtng per sons are ctoong bu'lness a!. Player Development 2233 Fairview Rd Apl. K, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 M1cllael Wtlliam Hood, 2233 f airv1ew Rd Apt K. Costa Mesa. CA 9?6?7 !hos bus1ne's is con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you star led doing business yet' No Michael W Hood rhis statement was flied with tile County Cler k of 01ange County on 06/20/03 20036948874 Daily Pilot luly 4 11. 18. 25. 2003 f 479 NO'TlCE Of APPUCA· TION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVEMGE.8 Date of Alna Ac>Pl- catlon; JulY 11, 2003 To Whom It May Concern: The Name(I) of the APPiicant(•) • ls/are: cHATNOIRU.C The ~nts hied lboYe are lllPlylng to the Department of ~ hollc Beve~ Control ~ ... alooholic beYef • -oes at· 655 ANTON BLVD COSTA MESA, CA92626 Type o1 licenM(s) ~led for. 41 • QN. SALE GENERAL EAT· ING PLACE SanlaMa NeYIJ)Ort Beach-Coata Mesa Daily CN684955 7497-CM Jul 18,25, Aug t' 2003 RcffMa..Mu Mmes..... The lollowme persons are doon& business as. All Season Property Management, 816 Ala- bama St.. HunUngton Buch, California 92648 Mary Ran&el, 816 Alabama St.. Huntington Beach, California 92648 Eddie J Ran&el, 816 Alabama St . Huntiniton Beach, California 92648 This bus111ess •~ con· ducted by· husband and wife Have you sta1 led doing business yet? No Mary Rangel This statement wn hied with the County Cieri< of Ordnge County on 07/16/03 200369 S l7 4 I Daily Pilot July 18, 25. Aug 1,8,2003 ~492 Fldltieus lusilMs MmeS""-tt The following persons are doing business as 1gotin com, 270 S B11stol, Ste #IOI 315. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 tnquarla, Inc (SCA). ?081 Business Center D1 Suite 280 Ir vine. CA 92612 rtus busrnoss rs con ducted by a coq101 atron Have you started do11111 busmes~ yet' No lnquada Inc . Oon Osborne· President This statement wa~ tiled with the County Clerk of D11nge County on 07 /15/03 200369S1678 D.uly Pilot July 18. 25. Aug. I. 8. 2003 r 491 UUl.IOllCI .. ,. .... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of lhe New· port-Mesa Unltied School Distric t of Oran&• County wlll rec1lvt se1led bids uo to 8:00 a.m. on the U th day ol Auaust, 2003, at th Purc'1asln1 Ottlce of 'aid School Distttc\, located at 2985-B Bear Street, Coste Mesa. CA 92626, at which time s11d bids will be publlcly opened and reed tor: SCHOOL LOCKERS AND INSTALLATION Alt bids are to be In accordance with Condi· lions, Instructions, and S1>eciliutions which are on file in the office of the Purchasine Director of s11id School Oislrklt. 2985-B Bear Street, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Each bidder m ust submit with each bid a Cer t1f1ed or Cashier's Checl\ payable to the District or a bid bond m the lorm set forth •n the contract documents in an amount not less than SJ0.000 a~ a guarantee that the bidder will enter mto the proposed con· tract 1f the same is awarded to such bidder In the event of failure to enter into said Contract. such secu11ty will be lorte1ted to said School 01st11<.t of Orange County Only 1.ontractors ti censed in both c1loes of Costa Mesa and Newpo1 t Beach will be el1&1ble 101 award ol lht> contract. A Perlormante Bond will be requu ed proor to the uecut1on ol the Conh act in the amount or SI00.000 00. No b1dde1 may with draw hos bod for a perood ol FORfY·flV[ (45) days alter the date <.et fo1 the opening thereof The Board or Educa loon ot the Newport Mesa Untl1ed School 01s 1ric l reserves the 11ght I<• "'f~Ct any or all bids and not necessa11ty accept the lowest bod, and to waive any 111 lormdhty 01 11reau1a11ty 111 any bid received NI WPORT Mf SA UNI fll 0 SCHOOL OIS fRIC I of 01an2e County. /S/ Shoron L Ching, Director of Pur<hatlng and Warehou•lng 424· 5071 Published Newport Beach Costa Me~a Dail~ Pilot July 2!>. Augu~t 4. 2003 fM496 PvWlc ........ wHI be held by the Co$t• Mesa Pfannin1 Commls· slon at City Halt, 71 F' IW Drive, Costa Mau, California, at 6:30 p.m., Of as soon 11 possible theie.ft11.r on Monde~, A•tHt I 1, tOOJ, re1ardln.1 the fotlowlna 1ppllnt!on•. 1. Coodttlon1t llse Permit PA·02·18 for Dou& Bennett. autho• rlied aaent tor Coast Communit y Collea• District, for a 6 month status report for the Oran&• Cont Colle&e Swap Meet, localed at 2701 F'•lrvrew Road in an I & R zone; Envi ronmental determln•· tlon· exempt. 2. Vanante PA·03·2• '°' Cina Marie Johnston, to l!laalfze a 256 sq. It .. 13' hi&h slot a&e shed with variances lrom side and rear setbacks (5' side setback requ11ed, 2'·6· uisiin&: 10' rear setback required. 3•.9• e11stina). located at 2278 Oranae Avenue in an Rl zone. Cnv11on- ment•I determination: exempt. 3. Tenta tive Parcel Map P M 03 171 for Kevin A. Coleman/Net Development, to subd1 v1de a 45.539 sq. II industnat 1burldmg into so ~ auspace condominr· um units , located at 3130 Aorway Avenue In an MP zone. Environ mental determination. eumpl 4. Minor Design Review ZA -03-44 101 Jerry lut1ens, autho rized a&ent for Brent & C111dy Jones, 101 a 678 sQ ft second sto1 y add1t1on to a ~1ngte-lam1ly rH1dence with an uempt1on from current pa1k1ng •e quirement~ (20' by 20' mm1mum 1nte1101 garage dimens ion 1 equ11 ed, 19' by 19' 6" eaos ton11J. located at 1010 W 19th Street on an RI zone (Property 1s located in a potenttal 111ew pres ervat1011 ar~a) Cnv11on mental deter mmat1on e•em1>t. If any of the preceding actions are challenged m cour I, the challenge may be l1m1ted to only tho~e ·~~ue~ ~omeone 'AIM~~ at the public heartne de~Lribed in this notice <U u1 wntten entre: spondence delivered to the P1annon11 Comm1ss1on at. or pr oor to. the public tiu11ng For furlhei 111lo1ma Iron o n the abo ve apphcat1ons. teleµho11e (714) 754 5245. or v1s1t the olfk• of the f'len· nio& Olvltlon, Room 200. 77 F •II Ot lve. Coal• Mesa, C1llfornla. Publt1"ed Newpor l BHCh·Cosl• Men Oaily Pilot Jut125. 2003 F493 -'ll01ICIOf ... POllSR.-r Of CWSdlll T01 AU PHSONS WHO, WITHIN THI LASf POH YIAIS, PUlCHASID MU- CHANDISE fROM SOUTH COAST AUC- TION WITH A CltlDtT <MD . IF YOU ARI A MIMIH Of THIS CLASS Of PllUONS, YOU SHOULD llAO. T*S NOTI<l CUlfU~ LY llCAUSl tT MAY AfflCT YOH lllGHTS There Is now pendhl& In the Oranee County Superior Court a lawsuit entlt ed Dunwoody v South Coast Auction et al., Civil Case No 02CC00266. Plamt1ft has hied a lawsuit •gain.st South Coast Auction on behalf of the Cius of people desc11bed above The lawsuit alle&es that South Coast Auction Imposed a two peicent surcharee on its cus· tomers who paid for merchandise using a credit card, and that this practice violated Cah· lorma consumer laws. This Summary 1s to advise you that you will automatically become a menrbe1 ot the Class unless you elect to be eacluded by lilmg the appropriate e •clus1on reque\I with the Court and with Class Counsel As a Class Member you wilt be bound by the Settlement Ae• eement YOU HAVf A RIGHT TO RCCEIV[ INFORMATION ABOUT TH[ CLASS AC· TION ANO Tiff PRO· POSCO sr 111 [M(NI VISll Soulh Coast Aue t1on at 2202 South Marn Street. S anta Ana, Cahforn1a and request a complete Notice of Pt oposed Settlement of Class At loon e•plain1ne the nature of the laws uit and vnu1 11ghts •nd dullt•s to be eHluded from the utttement 01 lo ob1et I to the settle· mtnt THE PROPOSED SlTTUMlNT THC PARTIES HAVE. AGR££D TO THr fOt LOWING SI Tft•MENT South Cunt Aur ilon has agreed to provide a ten- dolla1 (SlO) discount coupon 1ood for any purchu• 1t South Cout i\l.lc;tion to clH• 1nem· bers who preunt •d•· QIQlt proof that he O• sho is 11 member of the class descrl~d 1bove. Cius members will be entitled to one coupon for 11ch tlme the clus tntmber P•id the credJI cud 1urth•r1t . South Coast Auction has •rttd to Issue a total o $132,000.00 In dis· count coupon1 for the c:leu. South Cont Auction has also 11rMd to pay class counsel's attorneys' lees, court costs, and litieatlon expenies. Payment of •tlorneys' lees, costs. •nd upenses will not •flee t the benefits provided to the proposed Cius under the Settle ment Aereement, HHAl fAJRNISS HlARING On July 30, 2003, at 8:30 a m. a hearma will be held on lhf! fairness of the proposed settle ment. The hearma wilt lake place belore Judge Jonathan H Cannon m Department CX IO? of the 011n&e County Supe1101 Court, C1~lt Comple• Center. located at 751 W Santa An~ Boulevard, Santa /\11J , C•hlor111a If YOU WISH TO Bl EXCt UOEO fROM THE CLASS ACTION DR WISH TO OBJECT TO lHE SE.TTLE.MENT, YOU MUST COMPLY WITH IH( IHQUtRf Ml NTS /IND D[ADI INLS Sl I f ORHI IN lt1E COM Pll TC NO flCt Of SI I TLE MENT Of CLASS ACTION You m<ty oblam a copy of the w mµlele Notice IJf Settlement 11f Class Action by 11151t1ng South Coast Auclton al 2?0? South Mam Street Santa Ana, Cal1to1111a You mav dlso Wiiie for a complete Not•~c bv send11111 a self·add• es'''' stamped l!nv~lope to Class Cuun•el Neil B Fineman. H11 FINEMAN & AS$11CI A TES. 501 C1v1~ C~r1t'' 011ve Wes t. Santa An11 CA9:>/0 I P u bl ished Newpo1 t B•ach·Cosla MP\3 llA1ly Pilot July 25. Au&U•I I 8, l003 f 500 MOlla Of ArPUCA 110fl FOi OWtGf II OYMISHP Of AlCOflOUC SMIAGE IJCBtSE Date ot t 11tng Apph1 J t1on Jo Whflm II May l;1Jn ceru Index How to Place A CLASSIFIEJAD ... Ry Fax 194"1 I\~ I C>'9-I •l'k.o>t ~•fllllt,, .. ll&'!lr Uy Phom• 194CJ1 642 .'i67ll By Mail/In Pt•r!o;on: HO Wc\l Ba) '>ll'l:t't l'o'u Me\J. C •\ Q!o27 Al S1·~riin Bhd & lla' \1 .. SIU SllS-SISO 2»H•to l'tW••llill .. .i,,,, .. , ..... ~ .... .i SERVICE DIRECTORY "C lh . .111 , ... I>.&.~ •Ill• I J.'fkt'lf\M.•• L'mkr the Sen IL'l' O irl'lllll'\ B.11111t•1 -.. eo.ooo Homes Each Week For Only SJ2 per week (4111eek minimum)•~ i.n-• (949) S7Hm Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TOP SS 4 RECORDS ETC .Im. Clilssl;, [II:. !Cs & OOs .et.. Mee. SP<.1, t~ amps Mike 949 -645· /505 BITTRTAINMENT Calendar at Events 1310 EQUAL HOUSllG OPPOl11llTY All re.I es tate 1dver hsm& In this newspaper Is sub1ect to the Fede<al r aor Housing Ad of 1968 H ame nded wh"h makes 11 illegal to advertise ·any prefer ence tim1tat1on or d1sc11mmat1on based on race, color, rell&ton, sex handicap, lam1hal s tatus 01 national origin, or dn 1nlenl1on to make any sucb preference, hmrta lion or d1sc11m1nat1on • This new1.paper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which 1s 1n vlolal1011 of the law Our reader~ arc hereby informed that all dwell 1nes advert1Hd '" this newsptper are available on an equal oppor tun1ty basis . To complain ol dis crim1nation, call HUD loll tree'' I 800 •24 8590 S#ll ;yo1u Car In Clnu ifitd I Older~~ l"IAHOS i Colledlblet ........... ~ . ,.__. -·Olloo ........ ... CA8MMID .. -----•MIYDTATD ......... ~­ =--=-"--"" ,..... Estate Sales 1486 ~ NewpOf't Beoch Ct last HufTah htot• Sale JOO Block Santa Ana Ave 7am, Fine lu1mlure, tools. ek Garage/ Yard Sales 1489 Shabby Chic vintage 1lor• clot.h1n11. pdlnted fu1noture, ~tor~ tl1;play/ fl •tUrPs, l\nl( k knat ks. iron p~t1n \et t nltecll bles, some a ntiques. ctos~ out p11ces ' 9am 1 Sat 500 Po1nsell10 CdM Moving Soh Wilton WMe Omnei Set. T1eadm1n • more' f11 Sat. 8 4. 4615 W~yne Rd Corona del Mar Newport Coo11 Ga1 alt' Sate I he Pointe p~ & v.t*-'d. ()'s Sat , July 26, Sam noon H1&h quality eoods Don't min Gener1I Announcements 1610 Private Duck Hvntl"t Cll>b app1 ox 1 /hr from N~wpoort Bucio b eet lent huntme ad1acent to state waterfowl 1efuge, ownership interesf & 11ppro~ 375 acres of land .\ 11npnwements • your own tAmp compound wh tructure and 2 trailers Wonderful fri. n1aht BBQ's & wine t n t•ne du11na duc k season -1 many eilrasl Ideal for 2 friends or lather & son Call Mike at 310 $41-0854. HOME IMPROVEMEHT SERVICES 2600 Miscellaneous Services 2605 S600-S 1 S20/WUKL YI Postal pos111on s/an nouocement #NOS! r ntry Professional level No upe1rence ,_.,...Y Paid lra1n1n&fvacaloon~ Call Monday Sah.wday lor app/ mto l-llX>-620-1401 • 703 (Monday-Saturday) CCAI •SCAN) HOME FURNISHINGS Dogs 3615 Chocolot• purebreetl tab named "Moose· recoverone from &Un shot wound, 1n dange1 of being put lo sleep Need~ eood home •~ap Call Lynn 714 658 4623 Pet Adoptions • Germon Shephertls all •Olors, all ~Iles for adoption to qualified homes WWW gsrescue ore o' call 714-ll3-5915 MISCEWHEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merdlandlse 3855 furniture J435 STHL BUILDINGS 50 701. OFF, 40<40, Oal< kitdlM tbl w/4 dlalf"S 50~90, 60.t20 Must Sl50. 8ft Couch 19rt i,.. Sell! Can Deliver! Roy with sm red !towers (•OO) 499·2760 w/ff!Bl ~ SISO 6ft n.-.1 kw1ll oottee tbl S25 ~ -nm ~:~~~==-wl r:oud1 $200 N lb MW tnlll Misc: St ·S3Xl ~559-~ Fr111chisa • 2 Motdtlne Von llemert solas, 811. soft white. like new, $750 each, bottr '°' $1400, 7tt ereen print sole SJ 50, oak table & chairs Sl50. 949-673-HSl Md Wt.. btod1 ~ed $100 I.a mrror w/matdq ·~ S25 7ft ~ white tbl S25 1)1). nl-0492 lffGH BOY CHIU 7 drawers, antique blue/ white outline ... cellent t ond $495 949· 720-1565 ABSOlUlf COLD· MINE. EARN up to SASK yearly Ma.e b1and candy route. In your city No S down, c1tl nowt 877-692·7298 (CAL •SCAN) Balboa Peninsula ~P~Condos OllY2lBTI S•ttOct.&*' OPOI SAT ·5'111-4 213A·2.ll! Z8TH ST. The Saprtz Co 94~9l).7528 Gt--°"file• I bloc.II to b<!adi, 3br 2ba uwer. lbr lba tower, Jcar t!M' $949,<XXl aet. 949-574-:b98 Corona del Mar OPIH HOUSE SAT-SUN 12-4 3 16 '// HellotrOft• NHtte Amid MUii-S homes• 2br Iba. buu p11v tree llne .str on cul de-sac $687 ,000 Jrm & Patty McDonald COM Honr. 949 ~!ll70 •A Cwuwu&7 C.W-~tr toB111 Corona and loollout potnl 48r 4 5Ba brand new custom hollll!. Offl!'ed at $2.Wl.000 COASTllNE REAL TV 949-759·0177 Cwt-<-tlet Mar C.,,.._lni-1. &QUtmet kit<:Mn. 1"1'0Ul!ht iron, custom llle end cab· 1netry rront Is. lbr 2ba home & reM Is I 2bf 2b1, COASTl.llf RIAi.TY f4f·1Sf.Ol 77 I BLOCll TO Uttfe c.r-1-i.t Sl .5~..000 316 Hazel Dr On Lu"' Canyon w/oceen vlewlf McO....UCDM..._1. t4f-7st-f070 RllHICID f• St07 ,000 Very pvt 2br • <kn, alns story on la lot In )•)mine Creek Prof landscaped A~t Jo•n Burke 949-759-9 14 OtlM CDW ~ lllt """"' w. Vllw Le Lot. ~=-~~ c.. ... ClfllSAf ... 1-4 Jillb0¥ia Jr II• c.,oit Pn 1GS.a1wyr.i ~ GftlUAJ· ... 1-4 UUW.IAYn Sln&fem JIWUN twww ...,.,,_flftr 2 tr• new. IA.?5,000 8J 0wfltt' Mt-MO_..." ........ ' - I lo urs: Tck:phvne tUO.im 'IKlpm Mond3)·f nt!J) ~all Ink 'O.il11 ) tX.tpm Monda) l·ndd~ Of'IN SUN 12-3 2010 Sw-Dr. MOBILE HOMES/ Nr golf cour -.e 4br Jba s111e lam house large MANUFACTURED yd $689,000 A&t Paul HOUSING Pav1l1on Real £\late 949·790-81?8 Molllle,fttanufactured Newport Beach Homes 5993 INSTANT NOTlflc.ATION lM OM Tll IMICA SlRVICI< ~ ... you '"""' Int! to purcha~ a hnm• II LOMG IUOf 111 Newpnr t Beach or th• OPEN HOUSE su11 ounding area' To •~u•ve 111~t~nl nut1lic4 La\t fWO lu•ury manul hOM VIA e mail d~ \OOn homl$ .JV!MI 11 pflld ~ ~<W as 11rw hst111.is hot the l4)SCllle -motMle homP mnrkel. "mply 1111 out pill'k. Only Sl6Z> ~ 1 enl our onhnt! lnrm hy ,..,... ().lem Mary' lq v1s1t1ne pur website at. Bo!adl acµirium & SP.Al =-~'(==~~ &acl1 k>. fur PhytE 714-23!> !i883 With any quesbons OrtN SAT 12-S 2201 Vista Huerta MISCELLANEOUS Newport Beach Bluffs RENTALS EAec townhm. 3b1 end unit, pvt patio, 2 c gar S5'9.888 Rental To Sllare 60.10 By Owner 71 4-299-7313 Ch«Ml"I Jlr H-•• 1n .. .....,. Grt IM!Stml!flt Newport He1ehh, close property OPIN SAT 2-5 to beach. prort "'* pief. 3212 MOAD St h 2.5be ~. S7lln 949.at' 8002 & 2br lba R2 CGrMSted to~ Sl,110.<XX> ~photos-I ••• tri ptu 2br's ~ avail. share ba. Must like does SSOOmo• dev• ulit HARIOtl WOODS 949.293.605:> 351 t71? 2br 2ba, '2 c gar, bedrm/ office art s 1900 5'lngeAinge 949-293-'631 NtwportCollt Space f« Rlrt -CM Lg Single Car11&11 2"1r CJn-1• Highest point access. storqe only no w/Spect1eul8r ocean vohlclu S17'5mo avail now views. One of the hnnt 949-6.ll "8216 714-731-2047 comm of luxurl homes 5br 4 5ba 12. ~.000 Stre4e Europ11n style Rc:S1CEN1W. REM AL.S livin1. Hl&h in the hills ORMGE 7400 11ver looliinc th• ocean. 3br + office. S 1.695,000 COUNTY Of'IN SUN 1·$ Stunnin& mode; hke hOO'le ........... w/view& of S.ddleback, 4br hundfecb of~ unu lllMe ltir sb.ldlo, tlf•dnl Sl,639, -~plflt~ Of'IN SUN I t*OaS i1d 1111 loll "' ... '*" -~ $11111 L llCI• F •buloua l.ttefuM1t loc. 3br 3.Sb• Ov.rloolt~ Ct1110ft I .... ,....11 oc""· 11. ,000 * ~ IWt'. PLAW"'°"°NJ Ul!Mn' ~ retur ~Mellftt w.i lbt, l i.. p, mint 96·715-31~ c.ond, Yrty94.9·922·7177 X'. I I ..... C.... --~ c... .... ......... M •• GOO c...-.. C.., ?bf 1bu lltt ··~ ......,......,, duplea,wulw/~ -· .. hocll1JOt. •II it ll Mt·zt.l 46.)() =.,-. ..... ........... ~ 11·= -"~-::.r.--.:.~ " k~ " . 'the N•m•(s) of the AppUcant(s) Is/•'• tlllTON HOTELS COR· PORAT ION The applicants listed above are 1pplyin1 to the Department of Alcoholic Bevera&" Control to sell 1lcohohe btVtrll&H it· 30!>0 BRISTOL ST. COSTA MESA, CA 92626 Type . of Hcense(s) applied for: 47 ON SALE GENERAL EATING PLACE. 66 · CONTROLLED AC· CESS CABINET PERMIT Pubtlshed Newpor I Beach·Cosla Mesa Daily Pilot July 25, 2003 F495 flclillM ...... llmtS...... Tile lollowin& p"rsons are doing business as. ALWAYS SIMPlE. 250 West Ash St , Brea. Cahfor111a 92821 Kenneth W Ch11st1an son Jr.. 250 West A'h St , Brea, California 92821 This bu•mess rs cu11 ducted by· an 111d1v1dual Have you started dning busmess yet> Ye~. 01 / 08/2003 Kennelll W Cl""''~" son, Jr Thi' s t•l"111e11t wd' llteo wolh 1111; County Cle1k of Oran!(" County on 0//09/03 200369S090S Daily Pilot July 11 18 25.Auu I 2003 f486 Fic1itiM IWMss "-eStwt.Mt The following pe1 ~on~ a1 e doing busone•s as J ) 4 lmpall M•rkelln£ 1111 b) Impact MarkPI "'It. L) C M l:ONSIJl I ING 1?63 S Wr1Rhl St Sdt1ld An a. C:.+lof111111' 'Jl70'> 4 h11p•1 l Mark~l111&. lnr (!,Al 126 3 S W1111ht SI s .. nta A11.1 C.ahfmm~ 9? JO'> l hi\ bUStO~\~ ,._, \.On• dull~d by ~ LOI po1 •lm11 Have N U 'ldr ltd do1112 hu\ll1c" vet' Ye' 0/ I (Jl I )()(II 4 ln111a1 I M.rll•t1112 ltH t ynctt.t Mo1 r '' S1•<rd •llY Tic~ Th1\ ,t,•lttrrnm t w 11\ tiled with the (."1111ly c1.,, .. ot 01111111~ c .. unty un 0117 1103 200369S2167 Oa<ly 1'11111 luly ?~ 1\11~ I 8. I';. :tOUJ r 49/ Sel YM unwtnt14 Item !lie eosy way I "-ct a Clesdfie4 o4 to4ayl (949)6.42-S67& MW1'* the Co"• Mesa lonlns Administrator will render a dec:<sion on Ta.w.tloly, A1191H1 7, IOOJ, 01 H soon u possible there •lier. on the foltowlna 1t•ms· I. Minor Oes1&n Revl'ew ZA·03·53 lor Jullt Karies. to construct a 451 sq. II. second-story office and 1 bathroom above • new del11ched 11an&e behind a single· family residence. with • mmOf mod1ficat10n to encro11ch Into the re· qu11ed rear setback (20' req1J1red; 16' proposed). located al 2291 Elden Avenue 111 an . R2 ·MO zone. Environmental determination· tuempt. Published Newport Beach. Cos la Mesa Daily Pilot July 25. 2003 F 494 fictltlMIWitKs llmtS...... lhe lollowma persons 11 e dotn2 business n Re.ou1ce Cap1IAI, 1952 Port Provent~ Place, Newport Buch, Call· lorn1a 92660 Joseµh Gordon McGh1e. 1952 Port Provence. Newpo1 t Beach, Calo tornla 92660 T Ins business rs con <lu~ted by an 1nd1v1<J1Jal Have you ~tarted doinK buw1en yet' Nn Jusl!ph C McCl11e • This statement w.;s filed with the County Cl&rl< of Orange County on 07/15/03 200369S164S Daily Pilot h1ly 18 75, Au~ 1.8.2003 f490 CLW OUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GARAGE SALE! Wl (949) 642-5678 De!yPilot l.tpl ... 2MI ~ ..... .......... The followln& per~ons ere dolnc bualnt.ss ·as: Sl<ylynn Truehina. 3114 s. Sycamore St., Senta An•, California 92707 Albef'to J lfern. 3114 s. Sycemore St., S•nlAI Ana, Callfornle 92707 T1ina Hern, 3114 S. Sycamore St., Sant• Ana, Cahfornla 92707 This business IS con· duc:ted by; husband ind wife Have you started doin& business yel7 No Trina Heras 1 his statement was toled with the County Clerk of Oran&• County on06!25/03 200S6'4f 4S4 Dairy Pilot July 25, Aua. 1,8, 15,2003 f499 Re-.. ...... llmtS...... Tht following per$ons are doln& busineu as Gr aph1callycorr ect, 2300 fa11v1tw Rd. I CIOI. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Julianna Ruth Zeiler. 2300 F•11v1ew Rd #CIOI, Cash Mesa, CA 9?626 This business 1s con· ducted by· an 1nd1vrduat Have you s tarted doon1 bu\lness yet' Yes. 06/~ 23/2003 Julianna Ze1ter fh1s daternent was fried with the t.nunt y Clerk ol 011n1e County on 01/08103 200369S070S Daily Pilot July 11 18. 25. Aua I 2003 r 487 CllANOUT YOllHOUSE WITHA GARAGE SALE! CAll (949) 642-5678 Policy----- R .u~·, and d~adltn~\ M C whjc:c t to c hange: w11hou1 notice: The 1~uhh,hcr n:wrvc:' the: right to lCn~or, rccl~stfy. revr-.c or reject ,,,,~ • l.i"thcd ;11lvem .. 1:111ct11 Please rcpon any error that may 1\4: 1n your cJa,,1f1c:d ad 1mmed1atcl) The Daily Pilot acceph no liability for any error in an advi.:r1t&entent for which it may h.; re,pon"blc c 'l(ccpt for the co!.! of the ,pace ucruaJly occ upied h~ the crrur. Crc:dil c an o nl) bt: allowed for the fir~I tn\er11on ~---DeadlirH'S ---- \t<11hl.11 1 Ul.'\l)J\ 'Wn h"·"fo' lhuNLn . r rul.1~ ~ tlOpm \tu111l.1v ~ IMlpm I 1Jl'Y]J1 ~.llOpm Wl'tfric..Ja) \ t ~lprn I ntl.I\ \.1111r1l,1~ ~unda) .i.-.y ~~ 'itv "°'"" ~ 'nmm Charming u l1rd ~nllv App-111 1700 sf 2bt ~ 7ba I p l()'nl Ofl .• rtt ?, Rat w/stn1a11~ M~l•r W/WAti fl t 1-;t lftntll ~ oOl 1iP<1 ~-llflo.., '\m 11et OK Gtdll! SJ450tnt0 Kle111 ~t 887 704 IJj.19 •9204 If-and -model '--· oce;1n/utv l1ef1h view 2br 2 5ba • 2. 01f1< ~~. aPl>'O• 2000sl. Ip <IC 2 c Jll.tch 11a1 f urn/unlu1 n S39!JOlmo l\le<n Mn111 87/-104·8649 I •I 923/ 1• & a .. ..._ I '"' to ~. y3lJf rels, stove ~ Lei Ian. mote. $IJ5()n lbr & SI I 70m 2br 133 ( l6tl1 St A~k 101 S..ellal 949 S48 1421 2lr 2IG. 111 sm cornpte1 new p;H•t/urpet/ceramo: hie. earaae, patio 2186 Pa~1ftc Ave 714 231 •385 Stvdlo Apt In Mobile Hom<' P1rk. lute ba. ulll incl $600/mo office 949 646-41!>1 714·404·9068 3" Me-Dr, I altl• duplea, lbr all redone, v•cant no pets S875/mo t4t-756 ... SSB i.-efy a.t.4 Cw•••*""Y 11r th ¥· w/pvt gar, lrlL walk lo Tri-Squa!e S89!1/l'llu WBte1/lrash paid. Klein Mllnqement 877 -704 ~9 Eat 9'200 ..... ~llf Wt, .,.., & , .. ,..... ... ..... Sff I • Ito I 2ht St. Hf..MS-7776. ...... .,, .. cu ... tncd ~-2~ •It '*'· wd ,.,. l lb.v-Mel .vw ~---.0 M-'i ...... &'ll'&l!'OU~ i'Bt ? ~ home HUGI 3t. alt pr Ip f'C. W,U gicn 1ndd. S2IJ5()no I(.,,,,, ~ P.f I 104 l'W;49 I •t 9?4i> nw., lit l(C\1~ rnre . lR y;wrt 'b •· tam bnnll'./ ot1'ce 1 m. ?.*-!J1 hwn ~ t"W> 949® l3Z3 Huntington Bad1 \.)Cl<vlft lbr Iba t:(Jl100 n!!ll t fj Pier comm pool, spa, w/ct •l Ullll. ..Word pk& fl.ff. Still> ~673-J!IX) Laguna Beach Lu• ~pt bide ?br l ba. oc~an Ytew S2200/mo call resident m111 949 494 8083 Laguna Niguel B-tlfvl •-tlo localed '" £ •Pressions Lower unit 2b1 lba. frplc. ac. 2 c attach 111. Sl600mo Joanoe 949 720 9422 NnpGftladl OCIANrlONT WINTlll llNTALS 1-2·S & 41r'1 Aved. •• _ ....... ..tty '4f-67J-S6U UDO YIAllL Y UASI & UDO SUMMIJt MOMlS Bill GRUNDY REAi TORS ..... 75-6161 u.. .... -Pvt c-. llQ home. 2llt.s bcti, Y''Y 3br 21M. l'ltt yard, ~ pr. iVdQes, ~ 949-63H<Xll ICINGS RD. ,...._ W"'9 of ra11e home, 2 spac rms, lba~tchette, pvt --~ W.....tr-9 Offk• w/t ~Ina ~S, IPPfOJ I. $ lOOmo av•il now. Auoclett d RHlty f4t·•U·IMI L• .. lit 1h 11r11t on quiet f'entnsul1 point . Sln"9 HnOn. No/MW i!!b· 11450 949-29UM1 ~· .. /Wl/11 e.t\ ... ccut. ....... ~ Sl.56«)n Lie M&-'111-IG 2br Zba rental N•W9«t lkach Pen'"""91 ""' ~~·1• ¥ .. , ... ,... V'llA .... 2 ....... a.,rp.~ comm !II ...... =toe.di,~ .... ' l!O/rllo la-11011 ~,......, 'l&OOl .... eaM ... ,...~ =~1:&... ThuNla~ S-CIOpm l·nday 3 OOpm l·nday :'i.OOpm N•wport Crett, 2br 7ba 2 c gar walk to bch tentpoot/\pa, $2000 Avail 8 I 949 707 ~ """"" ~ lntrNC 2br 2ba, 2 bll3. to bch, -.cc pool, tl!l10l'I o15. ~ snmn 0.97 l•vely 21r+<ltft 2'/•B• Tow~houu 1860-.1. 'l-< £<11. wet bw, llOOV~ nr f astlOfl Isl S2:l>()n no pel 'fell tse 949-723-Qi22. 2br 2bo OCEANFRONT. Near B•lboA pier $2375/MO agt 949-673· 7800 lo.t.,luff, JBt 2Br, &lr-ge, w/d hkup, Ae1 $2375/mo 949.293 4630 BAlBOA PINtNSU&.A Ii upper 3br ~. null ed. Ip, w/d, 2c &af, $2400/mo agt Chnsty 9't!).5(X).3648 3lr 2.Slo, NP(re1t, lW'aded & mmK, rn;wblia, wt< to bch, pr, ~ S2Smn vac 949-923.(Wf,7 N•Wf'"' ... , .... , 3Br. 2Ba. larae family room, 2 car a11ra&e. avail 8/1 S2700/mo949-759 3771 .......,O..,fr/• t nd unit prrv, spc Witry, Ull9'ldt ~ kit. nwble .. $27!J) Vr .. 91&646*73 ................... 3t>I home, 2-.. ' priv patio, COfMl pool Vr Ill S1T15 Ml now~ llwff's ,..,.._ I "- 48r. 21/iB•, family ~ COIHtyerd, btk~ pets S2800rn 714- Nlw Jbr 2b• on Balboe Penln, hdwd fin, fp, patio, 2 c aer, av•il a.1 •at $2.800 9"9·2'3·4631 ~ .... Hif. yertl, fruit t1tu, 48r a, tplrit ~fl t~. 2 ~ltc:i- tVpiib 9&251-0lll "-:=..:== end 111\it. ,...,, • 2.5be. ll'Hnb•lt loc. fUXIM. teN.lt-~ ,. ..... ler I'/• .._.private cul-..._ =v-· 1:• ioc.tion ->47'00Z7 414 o.4le ......... a..,.l~.,~ ......... ere.,.,,.. .... .............. •. ::olr: ...... -......... .: ..... ~,.. ... .!{! •1'Nm WIUlftt.... " t .......... ,..i ~:-=- -~~-----'----------~-----..... --"'--..... ------..... ------------------~----....... ----=--~--~-~ ~ --~----_.J ------------ Ofi!Y Pilot lit C..yet1, 19 be C-. Jbr. 'l't.w. 3 car pr._~tely remocteltd laxld. MoNoo Moo (I '\t 11 Mata). $4.950/mu c.11 Oorrte 714 m 1811 •ZJI 1124 P.-1 Wheeler, 4b1 31/lb•. 3 c•• ear '.,m pletely remulleled 3.000sf, $4,950. c.11 Dollie 714 772 1811 •231 TIOVAll . 1br 2bl 2 c aar' e•ted! community pool. •at 52400949-293 46JI VACATION REMTALS ~ Reftllls 7905 c.1111 .............. ,. on ~BMI ~ .. 1 -wllt.tubc.h Sep IJ. 928 5~ 1%0 Datrt Rentals 7!M 5 VACATIOUOCTAlS WIS& IOCTAU tf>alm Spincstf>alm Desert Coot~ct ~ Anter li0-259-1450 7fi0.33J.7ll7 &Olf desertv ac.atioos com Sell ywr unwllt1e4 lttms the ttsy wty! Pla<t a Clessifit414 ttdtyt (94')'42-5678 ........----....---·~-~------~-- Friday Ju!y 2~ 2003 Al~ Publlshma ,.OMOTIONS D"AUMINT Communtty newtpillWS on Or&fllll County Wlllls ful Tme person to int•v- and write storteS. pat IJcl p;ite in COIMll.Wllty wttrts. CfUle lfld flltlMlt pllltS end MCtlOllS Eit<*!ent -bon sklll, ""'°"' well wlOI the public Know Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH , TODAY'S CR0SSWORP PUZZLE JOBS WANTED Employment Wantld 8200 Wori<lnt tlntle -, .. ks room & bath lpo1tllal) e.ch<lnee fOf lt&flt hoo.~~ a. ..wslMlce Nu '"""'"" Of ""'Mni Rtlerencn 949 673 '>192 AP Style. QuwkJU're:u Pholoihop Mull; Ad Cl. 1tor, Proficleftt on ~ a nd PC CC I dt11an e iper1enl t P••lerted Prooli~ t~t Dru1 SCTlllrl~I requwtcl EO£ E;cellent ~nefrt PKl.all'! E.rm~ resume. WI tbng umple$ and \ill.ory requuemen t s to lana ,ollnson@l.!t~com Receptlonltt Port-time early morn1nss a. eve n•na~ tor NB Heath Club Contact Mike 948-642·3215 Reato11ront Food Runntr '· Cashiers, Kitchen Stall a. Ktlchen Manaeer Posrtions Awl!· U tlOM om.lie @ 2937 Bri•tol P••kway. Cost• ~ on Mon My 28 a. foe l>ly 29 I 6pm oo1y Employment 8500 SAUS F ult lime '""de s<1le\ represenl<11ive to ,~11 Clau1hed Adver1ts1na at ACROSS I U'llutw 1 c_.....,..,. A 'OIJLI-. ~ \l'Kffll .. 1'>MJ"r'<A~ "s- Al*>moblles 9000 9004 IMW '1 2 (133 ul 2 dr ereyttan '>\fl \unroof full pw• $7000 71 4 878 94S~ Wio;.~1 • J 10 8 7 2 <J 7 6 2 • 10 II 2 "IORTH • "9 6 43 VS~ •Q765 J ">'t)ll'l'tl • Q4 1-.i\ST • K 5 J 2 975 I\ Ill K • KJ t> A KQJ 1086 AJJ •4 l hc lmk.lin~ ~lll 1 H \\EST 1'0RTH EA!> I I P..,~ INT r- J p-p-..,..,.. Opt'ntn~ le...J Jad ul • IMW •97 3211 Conv \lu,f plJ)l'" J rc rc:lul1.1nt ltt mel•lh• tlMk blut ,,,1 '4'·J•Hkr' 1hc1r h1!,!h .. r 1' Bu• lthr \UJJl!r h nil there: .Uc lrn1c' "hen II 1• I >c: unh lhtDIJjlh•iul \I'> 49'J d .JJllC lllrlln;lVOlld<.I (.'"n"Jcr l11i, ""6774?1 l#r ~·1 •Jf, ll'S!R J..·JI www.ocpobl.rom I I 11~ ~u .. 111u "'" mull l' \\ '" 1·1~h1plu,1n1l• tn h.m<l. 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C l.1->~ifi e d Communi~y M a rke tplace Mercedu '9(1 C280 bt•uhlul t>l.1,k •P•m lully lo•ded \howr uom --------1 n OUl SIO.ZJO n 4-l'JI 246e Sdnt"f~ '/41nrJl r. P,.,, ... 1 SIOOOO ..oo 94~ • w HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ~ ..... SeMce Dlr9Ctory I Caflltrm'y ====;..;... Accourtlng -N() 0 RlAO£RS Cal1fo1n11 l1w re qulfH ~th•I contr1e ton t1k1na tobs that total S500 Of m0te {l.tbor or m1IH1als) be licensed by the Conlr•clors St•te license Bo"d St11e law also requuts th1t contractots tncludt their license f'Umber on 111 adve1 hsin& You can chec~ the ~l•lus of your l1ctnsed con l r1ctor a t www n ib ca ao• ot 800·32 I ·CSlB Unh · censed contractors llk1n1 tobs that lol•I Ian than S!>OO mu'I stale In their edver llsementa that they ue rot licensed by the Con tr a ctors State llctnM Boerd •• M._I ........... AlrCm•llJ4111t AU.INMVAC Aw Cond1tlonin1 I Heat 1n1S..vke1188 #Wr!Md UIDBOO W~91m \ CARPlT CARPET Rt11•11' P<1tcht0& ln\ldll Courteous •ny \11~ 1obs Wholesale' 949 49? 0105 Cleaning Touch of Klass l:.uropcan I:. 'pen m House Cleaning ~() ) Cllf\ In llu'1nC\'1 u ccn..cd & Boni.led Proft'\•1nnJI team' u\\1gncd to Your I lumc: (949) 548.0097 Free l:.<.11ma1c' Refc~ncc' pnng Cleamng Special\ I Computer SeMca IHHOME & •US/HISS .,,AIU Upar1des. Repa11s of Computer Nelworks E ven•nes!Weekends Compellt1ve pricu for qualtty serv1c 949-13'-1175 714-92'-4221 Concrete & Masonry Irick II.ck StOfl• Tiie Concrete, Patio. Ouvew1y Flfeplc, BBQ Reh 2SYrs Cap fefry 714·SS7·7S94 TlteC-tM- Cementw0<k, Brick, Ttle a. More Reliable No iob too small 714-615·9062 vunuu MASONIY RU1denl11t C4tM:rele I Masonry Service.. Stone. Bnctl. Bloc* 714-9& 2&4 Desktop Publishing Gartlenl~ Landscaping Handyman/ Home Repair Nursmg/Personl Care Painting Attn Eldedy In Home IK['S CUSTOM l'AINTIHG TIMI TO llGIN YOUR HOMl IMPROVllHNT PaOJICT? Lou TorrH londuop• J•u•y Abrom• Heaftt, <.ire Sva ~ ~ t 1 , ~ 1t,, N ,.,. t 1fi I!; 'I • wer;.~ mMtt. bti" birnnq I Home Repolr Specloh•I a. 1flst.1l11lion 2S Yrs t • p Inter" • & f d•" • 'H·" •I ,~,, •I' 141Vo --~~"'I ~I Call .. plumber painter handym•o or •ny ol th" ~rul ltrvicn llSltd httr rn our \erv1r~ dtrtclnry' IHlSC LOCAL SVC l K. insured 949 S48 4363 RrP•"' 114 '>01 f.~ ... . • ,.,,...., /14 17' al H PEOPl C CAN IHI!' YOU TOOAY1 Dtywall SerYlces WITIHOUT DRYWAll All phues sm tr a 1obs CUANI 20yr\ Ian lret n l l 400lJ> 714 6JI) 1447 Electrtcal Semen T • •• Service, Yard C .. 1nup Ma111tenanc~ Sprinkltt Rep11r. ti1uhng (949) UO-a71 I HandymafV Home Repair RESTORl •RE.PAIR & REMODEL INC Smell Job bpertl Ouncao,Eleclrll 20Yrt Eap I ocaVQut<.t. R~<e S<t<vttelRemodels L •27'J870 949 6l>O 7042 CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yrs E.JCI) • Gtllll Ref's DUTCHMAN lllCllllC AH PNses of CooslruclX>n Commerc11l. lnduslrt1I, ~Remodel Elllll!'ts Rmldltrtllll l.Jl;ib ~ . Rlllls "-Im/ -~ l.1Sma2 UCIHHD CONTIACTOI No /Ob too "" M wvasl Repalf. 11mocltf. fan1. 9'19, ,_, SVC ~Jlili6 949-709-5642 GENEW.lmll 'llAIN1IX4M2 • lmlml •Cemmdll 0 Joli 1bo S"""1 .,.,,. a 'h •• ~ ... ., INCIMaT. .. ,,... of ,.,..,. l*· ttlc1I, ~ ..... ............ ,_. Mlr/7!1t''''4-1111 THI HANDYMAN All wot" ~tf.U ,..,,,.,.11 ~l ... b•dllh• f 111511 tarp di ~ .~ Hauling JUNK TO THI DUMPlll 114 %'.I< l!U< AVAii AB I 11 •'" I ~9·bfl • .,"6 Hoose Cleaning Painting DAHA"S ltOUSl ~ S'"i> & ~ P..-. c .. opeAO Se-~ 1ur 1~ I r u\l••m H ""' P ""'"' I yr3'\ .. ~l'fV"' I.""""' Ml• .... & I "" p,,.,, • .., 714-342-0&S6 l\rtr.1 •·• "•• 'H'lhl!I H"'4 Moving ' Storage '\',• Rf'.:llTHERC, ,,•1 ,._ ~. \ .._,• ~~/.i~f <>pen 7 Dava Low Ratel Storage Spec1el1 Sinc.1981 949-645-4545 HST MOVllH SSS/Hr. Serv1na All Crl~ tnsur~d T 16.1844 800 146 7378 323-630·9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE Th~ Ca hl Publ" Ut1hhu Commts.MOn requwes tfl•t ell used house hold 1ondi movers p11nt th'" ,,U C. Cal T number. hmos •nd cll1uff1t11n ptinl their T C P number 1n 111 adv« t.._nb If YOll llive tllY ~llOM lboUt tlle la11llt1 ot • ""'''· tl1110 or c1M1u&ttw1 'all . PWUC """'11J COM.._ .,, ..... , l Professional Pa1nt1ng ' < ''"''' lnterlor/Eiterlor Deccntift PaintiDg Color llatclUDC Rob Isbell Owner Cos1a Mesa Ca 19•9) 646 3006 Cell 949·887 1480 Joy.on'• Pointing • l J ly f' l-t-llt Yt lnlt• r [•I •0'82:8 •'I •• , 'J44 '1">0 ">Ob6 RAIN I OW at<ll MAllfT J'd10\ 11, 11 ~ &:~t ~)UJ"lf t '-1rP ntrtr•d1f' L•'>64)1<j' 'I•""' li8l!i:. 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'49 27S 4905 ...alWftf ...... ~, S•~IKll(lfl C:u111nttt4 •Mt 1!1 1561 • • I· e Friday, lit 25, 200 LINC.OLN • Pl4ll .,.., I .. ... ...... _, finuice c:blrJa, any dNk!r doeummt prtpar111on charge, and any emission le\ltng tharge S3000 REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING MLST nNANC'E TIIRU FMCC TO RECEIVE-SIOOO FMCC BONUS CASH. 1 At This Net Cost (J27.S.S9) Plu• gn• rmmcn1 (""\ and 14\C\, any I.name •hillge,. Ill) de~lcr docurmnl prepan11011 lhlU!i!C, and any eml\soon te\1111~ chiuge REBATF IN LIEU OF W!:.CIAL LOW KATE FINANCING l At This Savings JO Plu1 pmimml f-11111 -. ..,., nnance · c11Afacs. 111y dealer doc:umenl preparauon lha'l!e. and any emission 1e~11ntt chJr~e REBATE IN LI.EU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING l At This Savings (6783701 96 FORD CROWN VICTORIA LX • (209621) Xlnt Condition, Full Power.................................................................... 7 ea o. 01 NISSAN SENTRA XE • (464665) 25K Mlle, Clun ir.ttpe>Ntlon, 5-Spd, Air.......................................... a' 8 0 02 MAZDA PROTEGE • (4VYFll2) PW, POL, Mnr1, Sherp............................................................... t a , ea a 02 MERCURY SABLE WAGON • (815181) 18K Mlle, Full Power, Xlnt Value ................................................. t a I aaa 02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS • (862033) Showroom Frffh, Leather, ABS, Lumbar Seats ....................... t a • 8 a II 00 LINCOLN CONTINENT AL e (798158) Moonroof, CD, Low Mites, Loaded............................................. t a I' 811 00 LINCOLN CONTINENT AL • (791158/P2854) LOllded •.•..•• -..................................................................... t a, 'e e 00 LINCOLN LS e (711744) VI 8pot1 PRg, etwomn. CO, Stwp, Low Miies........................ t a • 8 8 0 00 LINCOLN LS --e (77e'744) Vt, Sport. Low Mltee ......•. -·················::··············••m................... t 8 I 8 8 0 02 MERCURY VILLAGER . . e ·.: (Jm71rft725)15K-Topof .. hwtlhllelher,CO,thowfoomheh .. '" t 8 888 Plus govemmcnt f-ees and wn. any finance c-hargcs. any delller docwnenl prtparauoo thqc, and any cm1!\IOO 1~11n~ chuge REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCIN(j 2 At This Net Cost Plus 1!0' cmmcnl f~• and tuc•. am nnance charges. any dealer documrni prcpanuoo charJe. and any em""°" 1es11ng <hllfit. REBATI! IN UH' OF- SPECIAL LOW RATE F1NAN0NG 1 At This Net Cost ~ cNrat· Ind 111y cmlsal011 1.e<ting charge Rl;BATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FlNANCING 1 At This Savings (642704) 02 VILLAGER ESTATE • (J07375) 15K ml, Top Of The Une............................................................... t a I a 8 8 01 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL • (&81008) 21K Mlle, One OWner, Supeft> Condition, Moon Roof, Full Power. a 0 I aae 99 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 • (J07389) Pampered, One Owner, Chromee, CD, Loeded ......................... a t I 8 0 0 01 LINCOLN LS VS e (828024) Clean, One owner, Moonroof, CD Sharp ................................... a t ta a 8 ~~35~!~~)~ ~~.Power All, Tiit CrulM ........................................ •a a. a a II 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD e (J18162) Sffver,-One OWner, CD, Cuttom WMeta, Sherp ......................... a a I 8 88 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR e ( J19162) One OWner, Low lllln, Cuetom WMeta, Shelp........................ a a I --II 03 LINCOLN TOWN CAR e (918132) Affonlllble luxury .............. -....................................... _................ 9 4 I e 811 03 LINCOLN TOWN CAR e (918132) Lota of Luxury ..... ~. Won'• l.Mt ....... _ .............................. _ 9 4, e 8 8 ~~=.·~~ ... -......... -.. -..... -/-....... 99 988