HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-30 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotIOt • -5 • fl. l · ., lo ,. 'II !) • -5 1 .. 1 I I H ' Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 2003 PHf!TO~brK(t,J Tf<FPTOW ·,~ • Surrounded by radio-controlled hehcopters and airplanes, Fred Browns, left, and Lawren ce Klingberg, Jr. greet visitors to the Scale Squadron of Southern California and the Orange Coast Radio Control Club's booth in the Home & Hobbies Building at the Orange County Fair on Tuesday. A little high flying Airplane enthusiasts showcase their scaled - down creations at the Orange County Fair. Tom Forquer Oa1lyP1lot They experience the thrill of Oy ing without the rii.k of dying. In iti. eighth year at the OranKe County Fair. the Scale Squadron of Southern California and the MORE INSIDE For fair schedule. see PageA5 Orange Coa<,t Hatl10 Control <Jub drew attention to their cluh\ with an exhibit featuring a variety nf model aircraft, flyi ng video ... anti 'iirnulator'> in the 1 lome & I !oh· b1es Building on the fairgrounds on Tuesday. F a1rgoer John Roza of Buena Park, right, tries his hand at video flying as John Kenny of the Orange Coast Radio Control Club lends his expertise at the group's booth at the Orange County Fair on Tuesday Bu1lchng a '>CJlc airplane 111 vohe'> rl'ducing the dimension.. of a full '>itc airplane anti constn1rt ing a model a frJction of it~ •we. Whtie '>Orne are '>tallc model-. built s1mpl\. for .,how. Ulhl'r'> JH flyable anti .ire equipped w11h .in engine and r..idw conirol tompo See FLYING, Paee A4 Heist in Corona del Mar has officials on lookout Robber was wearing a surgical mask. gloves and a ski cap, and ordered employees into the vauJt, police said. Deep• Bharath morning. Dally Pilot According to police. a man. who was wearing a white surgical mask. latex CORONA DFl. MAR -Newpon gloves and a ski cap. walked into the Beach Police are looking for a man in bank in the 3300 block of East Coast connection with an anned robbery of a Highway at about 10 am. carrying "an Bank of America branch office Monday item in his hand he said was an explo- siv<.> device: Newpon Re<.1ch Police ~h'l Steve Shulman said. I le then demanded money from the teller. took an undisdo<.ed amount ur money and ordered emp~ into the banlc'c; vault and customers to lay on the Ooor, Shulman said. Shulman said that the robber left the bank on foot and no one saw him leaw in a vehicle. No one ~ injured during the het'iL Newpon Reach Polict> crime 1m:e-;u gator.. mid I-RI officials l"l"pondl'd tu the mcidcnt. ShuJrnan '>did takeovl'r·'>t}1e robher 1es have happened in Newpon &>-dch but are wry rare. Shulman ~d tt L'i in the employt"E" and l'tJ.stomers' best interest not to trv and fight the mbber. · See ROBBERY. Pace A4 Police look into threat on former ·offi-cial rhe a nonym o u ~ letter from the 'old boys' appears to be aimed at a Newpo rt Beach ma n who helped bring d own Dclanev's Re<>tau ran t in tlw I ~HHh. Oeepa Bharath [•ailt P1lo1 ,'\J \¥1'< JI< I Ill \I Ii l'oltt 1· d rt· 1m1..,11· }..•Hin g .tfl .1m1m m o11' lt-111·1 thJI tlln J l\"11' 111 p.i\ b.11 k .1 lorrrin pl 11111111h t<i1111111' w 1n1·r ''ho 111the 1.111· I 'tkl.., lwlp1·d hnng down .1 -.1111 1·.,,ful d u m 111 ..,.,!11111d fl''> l.tllfJl\h I tw 1<·11c·1. 'l'nt 10 tlw l>..itl) 1'11<11 dnd addrt-,.,<•d 10 :>.Ir P1·r.,011 I\ pt•d m .ill capn.il l1·t1t'r\ <U1d ''nllt'n v.11lio111 pen od~. prt>'>Utndhh tillk' .thm11 ~l'tun~ II.it k di ton1wr l'lannm~ C 11mn11,,1oner Jami·, "Huz/" 1'1•N111 for hdp1111-: poh1 t arrt"t l-ra11t1., !Mdne~ -the11 own~r or 1>d;1 Ill')' 'walond Ht>\l.turant 111 <..inn"r. \ti lagt: -011 hrihtr. 1 hargt'' I l \ear<; .ig•1 The re-.1aurdl1I ,,a., I.ill r hough I Jilli ... 1111 rnn1111ul''> 111 o pPrnll· J'> tlw HlueV1.Jtt'r C .nil See THREAT. Page A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Two arrested in connection with assault Costa Mesa offit ials o;;ay a l O-year-old and 16-ycar-old assa ulted a man, possi bly as part of a rivalry between two gangs. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot co-. I:\ Ml SA -Poltu• .1rre,lt'tl 1wo penplt' I 1w,day in n HHWl IHlll with d po.-..,1hlr ~·Hl~ rela1ec.l a-.-..11111 th:it hap· penetl e;1rher m thr d.1\ n11 lhe ury., \\.e'it!ltde offi11al-. <,a1tl Co'it.1 Me-.a pohll' .1rre1>1ed Rafael Rn.-.ale~ . .!0 .• inti another I fl year-old hoy on .,u,p1non of asi.ault1ng a 21 year old See ASSAULT, Pase M THINKING ALLOWED Daily Pilot Fnvironmental projects KOCE still faces · uncertain future AT A GLANCE poised for federal boost $ I , has fire.breathing dragons. at ways to cut ~ experues. 1be ON THE WEB: lf approved, FY1 freakishly huge house pets. arts. KOCE Foundadon. a group dedicated to www.dalypllotcan funding from two Loulemmonment81proieds crafts. business. news and raising funds, gives about S6 million of inHne for federel funding medicine. Huntington Beac.h-l>Med the station's S8·miDion budget. leaving WEATHER proposals in the rutural TrMtrMnt System public television stadon ICDCE has got the district with about S2 million to House would go to of W9tland ftlten: s, 0.25 It all. cover. It'll be warm and possibly milllon Programs include the "News Hour Because of the budget shortfall. the wet. All In all. a bit muggy. the Back Bay and Restontion of 152..ecn with Jim Lehrer" and the animated distdd Is looking to iJ:npruYe I own SeePaceA2 San Diego Creek. UPI* Newport ley ..iuert: "Oifford the Big Red Dog.. One financial scanding by selling the Sl million program. "Destinos." helps people 30-year-old station. Not only will the EASTS ID~ Senta Ana River flood learn to speak Spanish. whOe "Dragon LOLITA district save $2 million a year, lt will also Paul Clinton controf end...., 18les" helps dlildren learn lO take tecetve a one-time lump sum of Two different housing Daity Pilot ~: $25.7 million respon.1ibllity. follow directioN and HARPER anywhere from $10 to $25 miDion -projects meet two diffenlnt RN111N"9t1Gft of SM Dleeo problem solve. money that ls badly needed fata before the'Cocta Mea NEWPORT-ME.C\A -1Wo a.-MMf•'*'"': $186.000 Ah. it's got It aD -except a certain futln. 8ut now I group o( J([)Cl3 suppC>l\ttS, ,,._nning Commlak>n. proJlOS&ls ln Con~ lhat Or-.. Ceunty ........ Because It bas no dial-a-lawyer commerdals ~many n!lldmts of Newport-Mesa. S.Pll•A3 would bring federal money w8'erqu811ylmpfou.._.,ts. or catchy jingle adwnilemeots and~ lt have .wted to rdy around the stalion. to a handful of local envt-$100,000 survlYeS most.ty from people's Flel'Olity and ~the di9trict board o( directors to keep .SPORTS ron~tal projects ha~ o...e~.oundw-- help(ul funds from local oonununity oo8ep the k>alll IWiorl.. cleared key hurdles on the ,. .. ........_: $4 million disbit1. It " In trOltie. The pttiic lbldoft broedcasll 40 hours al Big Canyon Country C1ub road to final lJ)proval Coat Qmrnumly CoUep DilUict holds the oomnuUty °*"' COUl1el to the homes ol men's goff dwnpion Will A bill propoeed by Rep. llc:enae b the ICadoll, ~II uldmlle aldenll and ehcJWI 1$ bours olkindelllten T!l*n wll ~ in the Jon. am. Cm that would par· :t::~ to b1d the ltadon. llthougb lt ~high Khool educadooll Pf0911D1. I CUp fof --.... time F1id9v· ~ ttaDy fund an lrvlne Ranch proridet 25" ol cha budiet-In --S.PlpA7 Wirer Diltrtct ~ to ftlllndaly lDleltabl --tnlltea llAI ~ lee ALL.OWED, hie M lMtd I ne«wo I°' natunl ... IOOIT ...... M --------- I • -· .. • • • .. . ----~ -----·~----. Dail>/ Pilot NEIGHBORS Navy Seaman Ca.y C. Grondehl, son of Chris R. Grondahl of Costa Mesa, Is currently assigned to the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, the Navy's newest nuclear-powered ship. He joined the Navy In June 2002 •.• 'hcey"CoulbW, of Costa Mesa, took first-place honors in Wiiiiams of Newport • Beach, received his PhD in International politics from the University of Sye1ney in FOR A GOOD CAUSE · the wedding accessories -oompetit.lon category at this year's Orange County Fair. . . • .Mnice Hall, of Costa Mesa, took first-place honors in the Christmas decoration-Fabric competition category at the fair ... Annett. Rosenfeld, of Costa Mesa. to first place honors in the fine arts competition category at the fair ... Albert StMc:flfield, of Costa Mesa, took first-place honors in rhe drawing competition category at the fair ... Don Jacobson, Lina Jacobson a nd Bill Sieker took first-place honors in the models (ship) competition category at the fair ... Elana 8 . Gelman of Newport Beach, Nicholas A. Holmes of Costa Mesa, Kelly M. Nelson of Costa Mesa, and Catherine Stockstill .nf Newport Coast all qualified for the president's honor list at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with grade point averages of 3.5 or better ... Rob Williams. son of Dr. Robert (Rob) and Melinda Australia, after Rob Williams researching his dissertation in Tel'Aviv. The 23-year-old will be moving to London this fall to complete his international law degree in human rights •.• Whitney l.ouf9k,a graduate of ... Newport Harbor High School and daughter of Richard and Gretchen Loufe, Whitney Loufek received a $1,000 scholarship from U.S. Ba ncorp, the parent company of U.S. Bank; Whitney will attend UC Irvine this fall. • NEIGHBORS sPotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at 1949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to coral.wi/son@latimes.com. ... GETTING INVOLVED DON LEACH I OAJLVP1LOT Deidre Egan Healy is volunteer for Kids Konnected, a group who helps kids whose parents have or have died from cancer. • GETI1NG INVOUIED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to Doing all she can ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host a German student and earn up to travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino;(800) 322-HOST. ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn .. which helps individuals who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, needs volunteers. (714) 37!>-1922. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers. family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may work on one-time projects or Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the society's research, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar~Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4Tn. PET OF THE WEEK Sas ha and Monte Sasha and her baby kitten, Monte. are part of the Newport Beach -based Community Animal Network's effort to find homes for animal families. Deirdre Egan Healy lends her design skills to a national organization that helps D eird re Egan Healy lost her mother to cancer five years ago. M It was very hard for me," said Lhe 30-year-old Costa Mesa graphic designer. It was even harder for Healy to imagine what little children with parenLs struggling with the disease must b e going through. "I dealt with my mom's cancer as an adult." she said. "But I was fortunate to have been raised by my mom." However, there are many children who lose their ~ parents to the disease. Healy became determined to help out these children and sh e found the perfect way with Kids Kon nec1ed. The organization was formed in 1993 by 11 -year·old Jon Wagner-1 loltz a fter his mother was treated for brea~t cance r. Jon also created a hotline where children could talk about their situation!!. These people have been arrested recenUy on suspicion of driving under the influenre of an intoxicant They have only been arrested on suspicion of a crime and, as with all suspects, are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Monday "Sasha is a very loving family cat that is vocal like a Siamese when she wants lo be loved," founder OiAnna Pfaff-Martin said. "Her son Monte wac; raised with children, making him very resilient to a high-activity home and noise." Aflt!r adoption. r J t.<. often feel the pain of separation and cry JJ. a loved one goes to a new home, Pfaff-Martin said. "Hands are not toyli and kittens can learn to bite when hands are used to wrestle," she said. "Hands are for showing love only ... •Jose E. Diaz, 23, Costa Mesa •David Andrew Tow, 21, Costa Mesa Sunday "TWo is always hetter than one," she said. The network hac, been stressing the importance of monitored playtime as a part of its pct parenting classes, Pfaff-Martin said. See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnetwork.org or Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: (949) 759-3646 or Community Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 211 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYOOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director ] NewsEditon Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt, Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF 0...,. Bhenrth Crime and couns reporter, (949) 574-4226 deepa. bhar11th@/11tif'T161J. oom ~CalegrMde Newport Beech reporter. (949) 57 .... 232 june.ca!JllflntlldeOlatlmes.com """ Clnton Politics. bu1ine11 and environment reporter, (949) 764-4330 paul.cf fnton fl latimn.com Lolla....., Columnist, cuhure reporter. (949) 57 .... 276 lollta.htlrpertfflltlm..oom 0... Neuuw Costa Mela~. (IM8) 57.....u.21 delrrh.MWmM•f«l,,,_com Coni!Wllon News lllietant. (948) 57~ oont.""'9on•1"t1,,,.,,com PHOTOGRAPHERS Marti C. Oositin, Don Leadl. Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-0086 Reoord your comments about the Daily Pilot or nows tips. Addreu Our address is 330 W. Bey St, Coste Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. Cofrectlons It is the Pilot's pollcy to promptly correct all errors of subatance. Please call (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newport Beadv'Costa Mesa Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) Is published dally. In Newport Beach and Costa Meaa. aubetrlptlons are available onty by aubactibing to The Timea Orange County (800) 252-9141: In area• outside of Newport Beed\ and Cotta Meea, aublcrlptlone to the Dally Pflot are evailable only by first et .. mail for S30 per month. (Pric:et Include ail ' applicalJ6e ttate Jl'<f focel taXM,) POSTMASTER: Send addreu d'langee to The Newport ~ M ... Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1590, Costa Meea, CA 92626. • Rodolfo Cruz-Robles. 36, Costa Mesa •Todd Allan Lindberg, 29, Costa Mesa • Hao The Nguyen, 23, Santa Ana Saturday • Michelle Caumiant Zehnder, Copyright: No news stories. illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Circulation The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adv9ftiling Clasaified (949)642·5678 Dilpl1y (949) 642-4321 Editorial Newt (949) 642-5680 Sporta(949)574-4223 Newt Fex (949) 646-4170 Sporta Fu (949) 650-0170 E.fNIM: dailypilot tJ fatifT!fls. com Main<>Mee 8usiMM Otftcie (949) 642--'321 8wlneu Fex (949) 631-7126 Publl1hed by Tlmee Community News, a division of the Lo• Angelee TimM. C2003 T1m .. CN. All rlghta reteNed. .. .. Jon wanted to talk to other k.ids about what it wa.' to deal wi th something like .. how that felt. and wanted 10 help out." She helps the organiw tion with most of its graphic des ign work, including press releases, fliers. poster., and business ca rds. Healy has volunteered her design services for three years now. Thjs year she will receive the organization's Adult Volunteer Award during its annuaJ fund-raiser. "It's really an honor to receive this award," she <;aid. 'Tvc never been honored like DUI ARRESTS 50, Costa Mesa •Mansour Aoun, 60, Costa Mesa • Luis Gonzalez. 48, Costa Mesa • Jacqueline Ann Ludwick, 36, Corona • Jorge Mendoza, 24, Newport Beach Friday • Almasi Adilifu Glenn, 27, Costa Mesa • Jeremy Joseph Scruggs, 26, Costa Mesa • Denise Evelyn Davis, 46, Costa Mesa this before.· But the mo-;t satisfying part of her work has bet!n the fact cause that is. and will always remain, clO!>e lo her h eart. 1 lealy considered volunteering to talk 10 children, but she ~d it was too early for that. "It would he too emotional and I didn't know if I was ready for tha t, .. she said. But that may change in the future, I lealy said. "It's been :o.o rewarding for m e," she said. ·1 can't imagine why I'd stop being in volved." -by /Jeep<1 Bltamth NEWPORT BEACH Sunday •Justin Wayne McClure, 18, Huntington Beach • Jason Joseph Ryan, 21 , Yorba Linda •Spencer Robert Ellis, 21 , Yorba Linda Saturday • Bryan John Ellis, 27, Long Beach Friday • Steven Wilson Staus, 60, Hacienda Heights •Joseph Michael Walker, 25. San Pedro • Crystal Sue Booth, 40, Newport Beach Thursday • Siegfried Dennis Palma, 27, Anaheim •Vicky Jean Blake, 43, Huntington Beach Thursday • Douglas Richard Overby, 56, Newport Beach Wednesday • Bill Boyd Lebold, 73, Irvine --SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Jus1 like Tuesday, we'll be warm and a little muggy on account that there's a slight chance of thunders1orms in the aftemoon. Expect the very slight shower. with highs just topping 80 in Costa Mesa and about 73 along Newport's coast. Lows wlH hover In the mld«>s. Thursday should be dry. Information: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST The winds will blow 10 knota In the Inner Witten today, with 2·foot W8vet end I IOUthwest swell of 1 to 31-t. The swell will buMd 8"ghtty this tvenlng. Out farther, the winds will lfto blow l&ght. with 2-foot W9W9 and a mixed rforthwnt tW9ll of 3 f9et and 80Uth ewelt o 2 feet The ume wtft be toundthls~ SURF The day will start off really small, with knee-to waist-highs, but by late aftemoon. it should pick up. On Thursday, the next southwest swell arrives. h should bring us chest-to shoulder-highs ear1y, but by evening, we should see some head-highs. The swell will peak on Friday, and we ahould see more head-hight end the occaalonal ov8fhead. W.....queltty: www.surlrider.org TIDES Time 5:12a.m. 11:431.m. U7p.m. 10:37p.m. ........ -0.76 f9et low .t.07feethigh 2.17t.tlow 8.26 feet high WATER TEMPERATURE 89degreet • A lot for develo erS to consider Monday Planning Commission meeting highlights risks and rewards of trying to build dense Eastside housing projects. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -lWo years ago. the CHy CounciJ set guide- lines to control explo51ve growth after officiab noticed small lot developments running rampant on the Eastslde. Despite the guldeUnes, devel- opers often try to circumvent thc rules. The fate of the rwo project!>, which happen to be on Lhe same block of Elden Avenue. represents how tough those guidelines can be. . On Monday one developer who reduced the size of his proj- l't:I to abide by the l,'Uidelinei> was rewarded wilh approval by th<.· Planning Cumn11~ion. whale another whu requested a ~ll'w of exception-. 10 re4uire- m t•nts for his project wa. ... not. The project that Wa'> ap- proved Monday ca.lb for a three- unit development a1 2459 Elden Ave Architect Brm e '>tookey ol Andrade . Architects, re - llresenting propeny owner Fer- guson/Day Propertie , had originally suggested nve unit!>, but that was nQJ blessed by the planning staff, said Planning Commission Olair Bruce Gar- lich. Neither was another vt:rsion for four units. Garlich added. Finally. Stookey came back with a plan for three unjts, which proved to be the magic number for approval Monday_ Stookey and company repre- s~ntative!i. were not available for comment. One of the reasonc, thcl>e guidelinec; relating to the East· :>ide were adopted in July 200 I wa., as a response to concerns regardmg residential develop- ment on narrow. deep lob. They call for a minimum lo t '>17.e of J .000 -.4uarc feet with an aver- age lot ~ii'e of 3.500 ~quarl' feel. I hey alc;o recommt>nd four p.1rk.mg '>pacec, per unat -two covered Wld two open spacec, - to prevent parlr..ing on the street. n1e projec t that didn't fare 1>0 well called for a five-unit projctt at 244 l Elden Ave. rhe indJVid- ual lot area~ would only have bet!n 2,205 1iquare feet mini· mum, with an avc,..dge or 2,506 square feet. ·1 he number ol parlr..ing i.pac.es proposed wru. '>I)( shy of the reqwrement. Property owners Doug and Tim DeCince alM> asked for other exceptions for thing!> like open space and rear yard setback. The DeC:111cei. did not n:turn phone calls for comment 'l\Jeh• day, but before the meeting, Doug DcCance wa~ ada rnam that the excepuonc; were jui.ti· fied. I le ~aid he WiL'> not ame nable al that time to dropping the number or unite, to four. "We're trying to enhance the area and put 1>ome reasonably priced homes lml so people can buy and hve in the area," Doug OeCince \Clad friday. "I think we have a very n:asonable request I think that having four perma nent parking spot'> for home~ that haw three bedroom'> a nd mo'it hk.t>ly "'" be {hved ml by younger people. and not renl· er5, seems a little haid to grasp." Commissioner Bill Perkin MaunchJy supported lhe proj- ect, agreeing with DeCance thaJ the park.ing requirement was ex· treme. "Most of the cuie~ in Orange County and throughout Califor- nia require lhree parking '>paces,· Perlon~ said. "If that lwereJ the ~. DeCince would be u.nder-parlced by one parldng space. For <1ome reason. Costa Mesa require!> four parking c;paces. I tried to make that change durin~ the discussion o n the residenuaJ guidelines, but it was shot down." Garlich did nut support the project but eventually backed continuing the item, , which pa')Sed 4-0 with Commissioner Katrina Foley ab<,ent ~The mouon (to conunue 111 wai> an the '>parit of trying to make ii cac,1er to bring back," Garlach <.aid. "ll wa., continued until Sept. R w11h 1he expeua- tion tha t ltht· l>l'Cinc.e!>I will bring it back vvith a le.,., dca"e de'>ign that alle\tJlt''> !>Orne of thc den~11y trlflt't•m-. • COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL I It-re are a few ol lltt• Hem' thl' < rn11rnt.,.'iion coni.1dC'rt>d Monday WINEMAKING APPLICATION lhl'appltca111 ~ prupo-.ed ~ t•,tabh.,hin~ a ....,.."""..., \\ll1l'rnak1ng 1.1c1lr1y i11 c1 'ill Ill' ol .111 l'Xi,ti11g indu,1nt.1l Im alt.ling .11 I 'l'.l4 Pl.Kl'lll i,1 AV(' I ht• Jpplrcant ai11ic1pa1e., producing .1hou1 500 case<. annuallv. with till· \\l\llc '>Old \\holesalc from the locatmn nw 11nm.1ry 11\l' w1JJ IO\CJl\t• thC' fcrrnt•rllang aod <11-(i ng of tlw grape'> ;ind "'"Ile --~~WHATHN>PENED 1 llt' rornmi'>-.1011 .ipprovetl tht' AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bav St. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to mike swanson a la times.com; bylaxto(949)646-4170,orby calling (949) 574-4298 Include the time, date and locatton of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete ltst1ng 1s available at www da1/yp1/ot.com. JULY 30 Children entering fim through srxth grades are invited lo "A Radical Science Show" at 3 p.rn. at the Mariners branch of the Newport Beac:h Public library. The free program will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. July 31 at the Balboa branch For more information. call (~17-3816 The Senior Ministry of St, Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church Brown Bag Musicale presents vocalist and guitarist Rusty Vail at noon. Admission is free Cookies and lemonade wall be provided. The c:hurch as at the corner of Pacific View and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-0463. Macy's South Coast Plaza and O'Neill are teaming up to host a party for the U.S Open of surfing .tpplir,111on. with a condition th.it rite owner\ Jddre...., .my '>ml'll-. that art' detectl'<l ou1-.ide th1• IJl 1h1y ICJ appeJ'>l' \Onat' WL·-.i-.1d1· rt.''>ldenl' who .tr<' l'Olltl'flll'd dbOUI ti. WHAT IT MEANS 11tt' ,1ppltcan1 c-a11 e'>t.tbh<.h a \\lnt'lll.l~111g tacaht\. .ti thr-. Im .11111n HOME EXPANSION I he applicant prnpo-.t•d 1•>.rldndtng an t'Xl'-lmg -.angle -.wry rt·\11knu· h} .iddmg rll'\\ .m .. 1 011 tlw fir-.t Door and a rww -.C'rond Oour. wning ad1111111-.tralm I h>w<•vt:r, the Jlmpt·nv di 20'M Prt·'>ldl·111 PlaLe ;, an .1 po 11·111i.tl \.ft'\\ 11re<,t·rv.i1ton ..trt'.1 11w < II\ Lounnl I\ u >n\1d1·rmg ad1ipt11111 of vat•w pH·wna11011 i::wdehnc'> fur propenll'., 111 tht"•L' designal<'ll arr.a.., llnlil it make., a final dc•c"1on on 1lw ~u1dela111•, '>talf lltl' h1•1•11 drrt't·ted 10 lom JHl .111 .1pplic:a111111-. \" 11lun tlw<.t' .ire•t' to tht· 1'1.1n11111g c 11111m1-..-.11111 WHAT HAPPENED rhe I 01111111\'>11>11 .1pplOV(•cl llH' t')tpan,1on WHAT IT MEANS Inc <1ppht .u11 1.m t \p.tntl Ill., home Norn1,1ll~. am nor dt-.a~n W.HAT WAS SAID •'Vil""' fm '"1 ond 0001 ----·-'·1111 nt.'d ou1 lhl're rl·ally i.-.11·1 con,trunmn art' ,..,·wvv1·tl hv 1lw 111111 It ot .1 v1t•11 .i11d 111 alroalwr with personal appearances by call 1949) 422 4210 professional surfers and live music at 5 p.rn. in the Macy's JULY 31 men's sto re. For more Children entering first through informallon, call (714) 556-0611. sixth grades are invited to ~A ext 4230 Radical Science Show" at 10'.30 a rn at the Balboa branch of the All who are in search of a little Newport Beach Pubhc Library For romance are invited to "Winners more tnlorma11on. call (9491 of the Golden Heart Award" lrom 717-3816. 7 to 9 p.m. in the Vincent Jorgensen Center next to The monthly Career Networtcing Mariners Branch library The free Resource meeting for the program will feature local writers unemployed. sponsored by St Susan Squires. Shannon Andrew's Presbyterian Church Donnelly and Debra Holland will run from 7 30 to 9 p m 1n the each of whom launched her church's chapel All monthly wrttrng career with a Golden meetings are open to all fo r free. Heart Award from the Romance and reservations aren't Writers of America. The annual necessary. lnforma11on. 19491 honor recognizes unpublished 574-2236. authors Fo r more information, call 1949) 717-3816-The Newport Theater Arts Center will present "The Magical Pied A free seminar, •Pet Nutrition Piper:' a musical for the entire Paws1b1ht1es~ will be offered by family, through Aug. 10. Shows will Coco's Canine Cuisine fro m 6·30 start at 8 p m. Thursdays through to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. Saturdays With matinee shows at 225 E 17th St., Costa Mesa. 2:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays Reservations: (800) 595-MOMS. T Oet5 are $8. For reservations or information. call (9491631-0288. Join Coron• del Mar in organizing its 2004 Centennial Celebration at AUG.2 a pubhc meeting running from 7 Homblow• Cn.rises and Evenu to 8 p.m. at Sherman Library and offers a three-hour cruise of Gardens Attendees are asked to Newport Harbor. a gourmet enter from the bad\ parking lot at three-course meal. live 2647 E. Coast H1g!'iway in Corona entertainment and del Mar. For more information, award-winning service from 7·30 r1•-.pec1-.. 1h1· addiuon confom1ed l.\1lh 111de Oliiarman Hru < e l .. trht It '>did DESIGN REVIEW 'lht·applit.1111 ~ requt·<,ted aprimv.tl 4-Q ol a de"gi1 rt•v1t'"' Al'f'RO'IE.D lo but Id J Ii\ l' Ullll IWll·'>IOf\, tomrno rr rntert''>I d1·\d11pmen1 o n .1 lot .11 11 i I \.\.11-.1111 "'-llw rrorect tornpltt•'> \\Illa lht· di} .. 1h1dt•n11al clt·'lg11 g111dehnc'i. WHAT HAPPENED llw c111111111-..,to11 .ipprowd 1h1· pro1ec1 WHAT IT MEANS lhe apphL.1111 1 .111 hu1ld tlw developmt·111 lo 10:30 p m Boarding starts at 7 p.m at 2431 W. Pac1f1c Coast Highway For reservations. call 1949) 631-2469. The annual Newport to San Diego Coastal Race wrll set off Sponsored by the Bahia Corinthian and San Diego yacht clubs, rt is an en1oyable, challenging race with parties on both ends. The $60 entry fee will be accepted until Friday at 5 p.m . Entry and Notice of Race forms are available at www.bcyc.org. For more informatron. call (949) 644-9530. Discover the pros and cons of a hrgh protein o r high carbohydrate diet in a nutrition lesson tilled ·carbohydrates vs Protein: Fnends or Foe7· from 9 to 10 am. at Simply Shapely in Costa Mesa The cost is $15 lo r Simply Shapely club members and $20 for others. Space rs hmited. Information: 1949) 646-6789. The Harbor Christien Fellowship Churc:h wtll partner with the YWCA Encoreplus and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to provide free breast cancer screenings from 8:30 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. The c:hurc:h is at 740 Wilson St. 1n Costa Mesa. Information and appointments: (714) 935-9720 W~~Y. J(Jly JU. :tOOJ Al Skosh Mona han's St:eakhoase & laish Pab Skosh's Daily Specials (only S6.99) Monday Tuesday Sawps & Mash Lamb S'9W Wednesday Thursday a.I Srrogonoff Comecl Seel & Cabbage Happy Hour Specials (Mon-Sat 4-dpm I Sun: 10om·5pmJ Fish N' Chips $7.50 Pi:u:cu $2.00 Off 2CXX> Ne<.opc>Qt Bloo., Costa Mes<J • (949) 548-0099 ..---..._ --. '-/ ,.,, ~ -Come /Jt /t>lt a ~ v-r--: Free 11.Jed tJrioLI ./; -I ,!'fo96 o/1-~-up Foo tlvra ·~ ~{ \, -.... 4up 9. 200J/ r _/ ,_ ../'........ / I 370 B E. 17th St. Costa ~ In the Rat1h's ~ng c.ene- ' 949.646 .6789 M-Th: 8arrH!lpm Frl: ~ Sat:1~m-1pm www . ~ i m p l ysha pelyfi tnes s . com "Experi ence creative, innovative. informative and exciting programs in a warm, friendly setting, where you wiJJ feel at home" Frtdoy. August 8. 8:00 p .m "Challenging 'Under God' In the Pledge of Allegiance." Dr Michael Newdow, plolntrff 1n th& fa m ous notional rose r holleng1n9 th1> words ·under ~oo· 1n the Pledge of Aheg1o nc.£• will speak dunng servrces Frtdoy. August 15. 5.JO pm and 6.JO pm 5:30 p.m. Shobbo1 Ptcnic Dinner and 6:30 p_m services in Laguna 8eoch. Bring a dairy dinne r and o blanket or c horrs to C rescen t Boy Pork over1ook1ng the ocean Joan Robbi Rochhs a nd C a ntor Broaer for o n unforgettable evening of nature singing and JOY Con our office tor directions Frtdoy August 22 6 30 pm Introduction To Reconstructlonlsm and University Synagogue with Robbi Rochlis 1s o n opportunrtv fOf p<QSPeCtave members and anyone to leorr obou1 Reconstruc tion1sm (before services ) Please RSVP to the office Fr1doy August 22. 8 DO pm "Nurturing the Reffg.ous Imagination of Children and Adults~ wttl be Rabbi Sandy Sosso'• topk: at MM<:es led by Robbf Rochb. Robbi Sosso a prolrflc outhe< and storyteller was the first female Reconstructtonist Robbi Friao~ 4 llgus' ,09 8 00 pm " Shobbot AUve" -our jazz and pop sty1e se<Vlce. Robbi Rochlls focuses on spirttuollty ond Cantor Broler 1s occomponied by o • • ... M ~. Mt 30, 2003 Continued from Al Newport Beach Police have forwarded the letter to detectives for further investigation, Sgt. Steve Shulman said. "We take all threata seriously,· be said. [)etectfvea will fir t try LO de- termine lt lt is a ·reai· threat or a hoax, Shulman saJd. -n1en, or CO~, we will try LO identify the individual o r lndi- viduuls who wrote it,· he said. ln response, Person declined to comment. Tile menacing letter, which the Pilot received Monday morn- ing. tells Person that •arrange- ments have been made" to have him "dropped off in the Oltalina Channel half way berween Cata· lina and Laguna Beach.• "We might s~est you wear a long wire for this one," the letter states. "1l1at shouldn't be a prob- lem. We all remember this is something you were vety good at.• The letter says it is from the ·otd boys" who "got together re- cently at the Bluewater Grill." It adds that they were going to do this for their "old friend Fran De· Janey." It end~ with a chilling wamfog that "thi!> may take place in one year or it may be five years." "We think par1 of the fun for you wiU be looking over your shoulder wondering when the fun btgin s," the letter c;ay ... In 1989, Delancy plcac..led guilty tO one count of felony bribery in connection with a $20,000 bribe he offered Person in March 1998. Person wore a wire during a meeting with Dela- ney when the restaurateur of- fered him the money in ex- change for help with getting a permit to exceed height Hm its on a new restaurant. Person re- ASSAULT Continued from A 1 Costa Mesa man with a deadly weapon, said Lt. Dale Birney. Both the alleged attackers and the victim were from Costa Mesa, he said. Birney said police received a call a t about 10:45 a.m. repo n - ing three men engaged in a phy- sicaJ fight in the 500 block of Hamilton Street "We received information that two males approached another :"l:Dale and began hitting him ·~th a club-lilce weapon." be .. -said. •., The duo then got into a Cadil-.. -tac and left the scene. Birney .A.id. The victim, whose name ~ "WaS not released, suffered cuts .. - 80MC °' 'ntS OU> llOY9 OOT T'OOC1laQt ..C&HT\..Y AT n4C llUJSWATIUt GNU. Now YOU MNDmmt WHllN nta SU.WATUt Glal.L WM TMK 8114 9HANT't AHD TMSH YOU RSMDlllU WHDt rTWM Da..ANsY9 YOU~ OCAHn. DON'T TOU ~R. P£iW»t T'Ha 90'Y9 l'Sl.T ll«AT MPOH& rTW AU.. OYU WK 8HOUL.O DO 80tCnflHCI ON 9G4AU' M OUllt ~ ""'°'° tr'ftAH DCLAHrf SO W& A8 A~"-'¥& DCCto&0 UMAH~Y ll«AT ~YOU WUUE 90 KJNO TO FlitAH l°l'IAT WW: 9HOUU> DO 80Mrn4JNG NICC P"Oflf TOU WI: TfflHK OHC CW ntotlll NKW AOvaH'NRa WHllM YOU PAJntCWAft WOUU> •JUST OfltKAT we n-IOUGHT A eWIMMlNO OratrCHc:a WOUU> N HllALTMY 90 AJHtAHGD41lNTS AJUl eatNG MADC TO HAVC YOU ORO ... D °"IN THC CATA.UNA CHANNEL HALI' WAY Bl:TWDN CAT AUNA AND UOUNA BJtACH wa MIGHT 8UGGUT YOU WEAR A LONG WlfltE l"OR THt8 ONE 'niAT 9HOULDN'T a• A PftOllLlr:M Wit AU.. MMRMBER THl8 18 SOMll!:'n-llNG YOU Wutlr VICR:Y GOOD AT OoN'T WORRY "BOUT THE MONEY IT9 TAKCH CARE OP ANO DOH'T WORRY ABOUT TME 8HAltKS llECAU811 CVEN THEY WOULDN'T WAHr TO OIET A BAD TASTS IN TMCUt MOU'Tli PART OF THE FUN bFniDIE ADVE:NTUR8 DJl'£RJENCU IS TWE TIMING TulS MAT TAKE ~CC IN ONIE YSAJt Oft IT MAY 11E ff'IVE YEAJtS WE TWINK PART OF TWE f'\JN "°"YOU WlU. Bl: LOOKING OVER YOUR SHOULDER W ONDERING WHEN THE l'UN llCOUtS OoN'T W ORRY ABOUT A TWING AU. TWI: AftRANGEMENTS HAVE Bl:E>I MADE TO HAVE YOU ESCOft"A:O TO THE LOCATION AND TWE OCltAH WILL llE YOURS HAVE A GOOD TIME. The letter the OailY Pilot received threatening James Person. corded the offer. Delaney WdS ordered to per- form 200 hours of community service, pay a $5,000 fine and sentenced to three years of pro· bation . State officials took disci- plinary action against Delaney, suspending his liquor license for I 0 days and, shortly afterward, Delaney's company filed for bankruptcy p rotection. Delaney, who lives in Costa Mesa, said on Tuesday that he has no idea who may have sent the threat. "What a bunch of nuts. -he said, denouncing the writer of the letter. "I would never go out and bruises and was not 1aken to the hospital. Shortly afterward, officers stopped the Cadillac and ar- rested Rosales and the boy, Bir- ney said. "We believe this may be a gang-related assault." he said. "We d on't know for sure." Rosales is being held in Costa Mesa city jail in He u of a $50,000 b ail and the boy h as been trans- ported to Juvenile Hall. Tuesday's incident is one in a string of gang-related assaults since April. The first was on April 15 when a IS-year-old b oy was stabbed with a pair of scis- sors by two men while wallcing in the 1900 block of Wallace !iv- enue. The teenager's injuries were not life-threatening. The second came less than a of my way to hurt !Person!. I wouldn't go out of my way to help him, either." Delaney said Person caused him a heavy financial loss. ··He broke my back." he said. "I lost my cash Oow. I lost mil- lions and I lost my restaurdillS. But I'm a happy person today and I feel sorry for the people who wrote this letter. I have nothin~ lO do with the let fer." • DEEPA BHARATH covers pubhc safety and courts. She may be reached at 19491 574-4226 or by e·mailat deepa bhararh«~ lar1mes com. month later on May 9 when men wielding guns attacked two men tanding in.a parking lot of an apanment complex in the 1900 block of Maple Street. Both victims suffered gunshot wounds but survived. Another incident left a 20-year-old with a b uUct in his back. Gang officers said they beHeve the incidents are the result of a rivalry between two Costa Metlh gangs. Last month, a mulli- agency task force conducted a gang sweep in the city's West- s ide, arresting four a nd sei7fog two handguns. • DE"EPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by email at deepa.bhararh "/arimes com ·---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~OBBERY .. :-Continued from Al "Just hecau~ you have one robber, it doesn~ mean he does not have helper-. in the crowd,· he WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event. submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby e-mail to dsilypilot@latimes.com. SAILING Cl.ASSES Orange Coast College is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in leng1h, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught The OCC Sailing Canter ls at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 645--9412 or visit oocsailing.com. Belina FudNction oftlrs dnMI 1n boating safety and sailing yeaHound tor persons with disabilitie$. Free. (949) 640-1678. Onltge County emp6oyen can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on wee«days to 111njoy a day of sailing courtesy o f ·orange Coast College. The Scnoo1 -of Seiling end Seamanship now offers a dlanoe for groupJ to wortc .vtfth the oo-boerd natructor on -dlfhtntnt aalting techniques while they get advice on how to perform wetl In bullnea. No selling e~iot neceMary. OnMav • dM8MQOttfromS100to S125. • JMtl M6'4M 12. !E:·· RUfTM.S : ..... W...Spwtaat the : f\ln Zone. you Qin 81'\Jov .. ,.,... ~from mid to =~Tiki.""~ tour of .. .. )ily In"°""'~ of PoWlr Ind ..... ¥ ... Q'8 .. jumpthe~ .,..In. s-.doo ~pul .... ~ aport~ ... tothetlllt • tri. tufty eqelfpped ~ whller, • A said. "He may have othen; on the lookout or at the door helping him out" The best way to deal with such !.iruatioru. is to foUowing any or- der.;, Shulman said "We always suggest tha t every- or soar above it all on a parasail fl ight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balbo• Boat Rent.-11 can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt pacbges include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. E1ec:t1tc: bo9t ~ .... .wHable by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, AJI boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. loe and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is S75. (949) 645-6812. P9cW bo9tl. ... boeb. boogie ~. kayeks, inftatable rafts. catamarans, beadl fumlture and wetaulta are availabM for rent at Resoft Weter Sparta at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1160. Gondole toun .. olnd by the Gondola Co. of Newpot1. 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 OOlt lndudea a basket of bt'eed, me... .. i.m1.1ce. g ....... a b&enket, mutlc end • Poletold picture. Wni i9 at1o tv1H1ble. (949} 875-1212. Gol lall Ml•....,.,..upcNt 3101 W. Coetllt I~. o1w'8 ~.,.,~gondole aruieel. A one-hour'°"' widl c:lwnp9gi • la S70. A two-houf' one comply with the demands of the robber for their own safety," he said. Those with information about Monday's robbery are asked to ca1J the Police Department at (949) 644-3790. tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pidtup is available al waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. lfvlne Coast Charters In Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gonc:toa. Rom9nCl9 6"I dUy tours of Newport Harbor during fund\ and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of Lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES Join Clipt. Don Mo..,. on the beautiful sailing yadlt Dulcinea for a narrated Newport Harbor cruise of the fabulooa waterfront homes and boats of the rich and famous, see the sea lion colony, and sail the spec1a<:Ular cool~summer, warm-fall Southem California coaatline to Laguna Bead'I or Dana Point. A. a private birthday, anniversary or apecial even17 Seil. awim, anortSe, kayak. sunbathe, watch dolphins, and dine at anchor for the time-of-your-life vacation at Catalina Island on this well-eppoin1ed, U.S. Coast Guard Inspected vessel. ASA sailing instruction and oertffication. Buainea confenlnoe feclllty. Details at www.•h4fllbadfdon.com or contact Don at IMllba<*tJontlr-hoo.com or cell (949) 632-3736. a.c.rto eo.t TOurt °"" two-hour crufMa of Naiwport Harbor ($75 per CNIM) . Round-trip hotel Ot off~ ,...,rent ehlJ1de MMct It ~ ... Pldc-up from l'WlltltUrllntS wfth docb it tl9o 8VIMlbfe. Chertered and C8tef9d toura. (Me) 291-1963 0t www.~oom . 11-Nawport .......... la ev.a ... .,, w.dcit'91 Md ~. oodll9I end BOOST Continued from Al commlnee a week ago. At the same tJme, ~·s re- quest for federal mooey to de- fray tho cost or a string of other projects sailed through the House. as $31.6 million was al- located for eight Orange County projects. •Nothing is more important to Southern CaJlfomians than the quality and avallabUity or our water,• Cox said ln a state- ment. "That the House has ap- proved over $30 million for Orarige County water qualJty, at a time of tight budgets and careful spending, reOects the at- tention to our needs being paid by Congress.· Cox;'s Irvine Basin Surface and Groundwater lmprovement ~ct. which he introduced ln April, would offer federal fund· Ing for up to 25% of the cost of the wetlarid-fiJter project, which is known as the Natural Treatment System. The bill for the water district, which was introduced by Cox on July 17, cleared the Re- sources' Subcomrnin ee on Wa- ler and Power. HR 1598 will now head to a fuJJ commlnee next, then the House Ooor. During the project. the Irvine Rarich Water District will install 31 wetland filters along San Di· ego Creek to purify polluted runoff Oowing down the water- shed. The project's timeline is being reworked, said Beth Bee- man, a spo keswoman for the district. The water district has said the project will COSl $41 million to build and about $3 million per year annualty after that to opera! e. FLYING Continued from Al nents. Fred Browns. the Squadron's president, explained the work put into building a scale model. •A lot of guys spend as m uch time building a miniature a~ it takes to build a full-~ize plane," he said. Wearing a 1930 Afr Force uni- form , Squadron vice president Lawrence Klingberg said. "You learn a lot about history with these things, too.· ·After I saw the movie 'TI1e Hindenhurg,' I decided I had to build a model of it," Klingberg said as a ~-scaJe mod el of the zeppelin loomed over the ex· hibil be hind rum. Also hanging in the exhibit was h is v.-scale m od el of a Fannan Moustique, built from scratch arid authen tic right down to the canvas- covered wings. I le ts currently building a ~-scale model of tJ1e same plane. Its wingspan is 13 feet. While scale m odelers repli· cate the size of real aircraft, some also replicate the speed. Hanging from the ceiling in front o f the exhibit wru. a 94- sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $500 for the firS1 two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour (949) 361-3640. fun ZOne Boat Co. runs• 45-minute cruise (adults, $6; children, $1 ) and a 90-minute cruise (adults. SS; children, Sl) departing from Balboa Fun Zone f!Nery 30 m inutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, A 6Ckninute showboat 5unset cruise (adults, $6; children, $1 ) leaves the Fun Zone al 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Cateh ,._,..., s.rvice NM 45-minute harbor cruises (adults, $6; children, $1) and 90-minute cruises (adults,~ dlildren, $1 ), . departing from~Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. dally and on the hour until 7 p .m. (949) 673-6245. CNiM the hW'bor llbcMttd the Electra, a 100-foot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A~clnnarend dancing while cruising the harbor are evailat>M at 8 p.m. Frldavl and at 7:30'Jl.m . Slrturdaya at Homblower CNiaes & E"""'11S, 2A31 w. Coast Highway. Newport Beac:h. The fee is $69.96 pet peqon on Fridays and_. on s.turcMya. Bruncf1 c:nMsM alto 1ra avlilat>M. (949) 631·2489. n,.~ ,.,., .... from Balboa PIWUlon at 9 a.m. deity Ind returns from c.t.Ana Wend at 4:30 p.m. S38 round-trtp for edulta; S20 roun<Mrlp for cHldnln. AeMfvltiont .,. reoommended. (949) 673-6246. ·~-..... , ..... nc1 dlnntt dence end Sunday cNnipegne bnmd\ CNIMe on Nawpoft tWbot ht cellbrlM &neglNidw cuWne end s>enll*ed ..,a. 2G1 w. eo.t "lrvtne Ranch Water Dlmict appreciates everything chat support the Natural lfeatment Syatem, which ls detlgned to Improve water quality in (Up- per) Newport Bay,• Beeman said. "Today. wban runoff is ometh.lng that concerns aU Orange County residents who value coastal resources and this bllJ wtll make It possible to greatly reduce poUutJon in one of the coun~ key watersheds:~ Tue money ror the other local projects was Included in the En· ergy and Water Appropriations BUI. which the House passed on July 18. It ne.xt heads to the U.S. Senate. The bill includes $1 million to restore the ecosystem at the state's reserve in Upper New- port Bay. The funds will be used to reduce upstteam watershed erosion. downstream silt re- moval and other restorative ef- forts in the 752-acre reserve. As part of the bill, Orarige County wiJJ also receive $25.7 million for water conservation and Oood control along the Santa Ana ruver. The county also wilJ receive $186.000 to restore the ecosys- tem along San Diego Creek and $100,000 to improve water qual- ity along the shoreline. Other funding, about $4 mil- lion, goes to county efforts to used reclaimed wate r from the grou ndwater aquifer for drink- ing. Several other South County projects also received funding. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment;bu&1ness and polillcs. He may be reached at (9491764 4330 or by e-mail al paul clinron aJ/a11mes.com. inch model of a F-104 Starflght · er. The $4,000 plane is jet-pow- ered and can reach s peeds of 180 mph. The slowest that it wiJI Oy before stalling is 45 mph. Reason!. for building a scale model range from a desire to win a modeling competition to the simple pleasure putting a m odel together. Klingherg re- vealed a very pragmatic reason. ··n1e bigger they are, the bet· ter you can see them in the air." h e said. noting that their visibil- ity is beneficial for someone wi 1h failing eyesight. While the two clubs were founded around building and Oying a irplanes, they also have p rograms that give back 10 the community. The Orange Coast Radio Control Oub has a pro- gram that teaches youth how to Oy by putting them through ground ~chool and in-Oight training. fhe Squadron has it!. yearly "lOys for Kids" toy drive for underprivileged children, taking place on Oct. 25. Both clubs Oy at the former 1:1 Toro Air Base as well as aquatic locations for their Ooat plane!.. • TOM FORQUER is 11 Daily Pilot intern. He can be reached at 1om.forquer(o latimes.com Highway, Suite 101, Newport Beadl. (949) 631-2469. n.. AdwnturM at s.. v.cht Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor trom 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $20, includes crui&e. parting. cookies and soda&.. Reservations required. (949) ~2412. ASHING A9hlng ~ i..w Balboe Pavilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Get.., the N9wport Pier wty10 watch the dory fishing fteet retum with the fresh catch of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at Mcfadden Square. an open-air marttet. Rahing •llPPIM end bo9t charters (open party and private) are a\lallable at Davey's l.odcer, 400 Main St, Balboa (9'9) 673-1434; and Newport landing Spoftfishing. 309 Palms, Soite F. Newpott Beach (949) 675-0560. Olly end night ftahWtg.,,.,.. tar groupe Ot: tingles are availat>M at 8ongoe Spoofishlng on Balboa PenfnM.lla. (949) ~3-2810. Diiiy Pilot' SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA ·~----:An Individual WM reportedly drunk In public In the 1900 blod< at 2:20 a.m. Monday. • ~of the Alta: Vandallam "YI• reported In the 3400 blade at 9:26 p.m. Sunday. • BNtol StrMt: A commercial burglary was reported In the 3300 blade at 4:16 p.m. Sunday. • Fulefton ~Ind 11th 9trMt: Trespa11lng waa . reported at 2:09 p.m. Sunday. • H8llbor Boul9verd: Art aasault was reported In the 2200 blade at 11 :22 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH •Goldenrod~: Shots were reportedly fired in the 200 bloc* at 11 :26 p.m. Sunday. • Nawpof1 Boulevard: Loud music was reported in the 2600 blade at 11:32 p.m. Sunday. • River A"9nue: Illegal firewortts were reported in the 4800 blade at 10:36 p.m. Sunday. ALLOWED Continued from A 1 remember flipping through the channels after school. looking for something mindless to erase everything I learned in anatomy. and seeing some bearded man m a bow tic explaining algebra on a large black board. For '>Orne reason. I watched and learned a better way 10 solve for X. Costa Mesa resident FJeanor Klein is one of the many who has joined the fight to save KOCE Klein plans to artend the dil.-uicl's meeting Aug. 20 to ask Ulat trustees recognize the 1mponance of the channel. "I le.Ne KOCF: Klem said "You see, the thing is. my hu.'lband and I c..lon't have cable, and we only have three public channels.~ this is exa.-'t'dingty important 10 us.: Klein is more than 1us1 an enterta.mment fan. she i'> also thankful for the educauonal programs. I for nephew, who I.'> a quadriplegic and confined to a wheelchair, supplemt•nte<.I his on-campus classes with 'iOmc at home . "It gol very difficult .for him to move around to 'iO many das..<.cs but tru"tead of give up. he <;tudie<l from home. rv wa. .. really important to lum. I lhink 11 woC> essential'. Klein l'i not tJie only local who ICM.'S KOCF.. Fletcher Moturcan.. the Orange County Pcrfonning Art.s Center. the fl>ell Oub, Diedrich Coffee and Wahoo's are among the sponsors listed on the stations Web site. District spokeswoman, f.rin Cohn, said it is not certain the board will take action Aug. 20 - the item ha.so\ even been placed on the agenda "The agenda ha.m't been made yet." she said "I'm sure It will be on there but e:xactly how aild what and when, I don't know." The KOCE Foundation has submitted a proposal to the district. Cohn said But she would not disclose details. "It's definitefy in consideration with the other nine who have submitted proposals.· Cohn said. A buyer must be a nonprofit organi.z.ation. be licensed by the Federal Communication Committee and use lhe station for educational pwposes. Cohn said. There is no mandate the station remain public. which is what has ~ people up in arms.. "I think it would just be craglc. • Klein said KOCH also provtdes local Orange County news, coverage of dty and county events and locaJ elections. hundreck of public service announoements. emergency service announamen~ and the ·Help Me Grow" series of pre and post natal child care. • LOU1a HAAPfR wrflM oolumna Mondeys, ~Md Fridlya end COYert outlure end the.,._ She may be rM<hed M (948) 57-M275 or by~llt lollt~.hMpet(t"1tfnwoom. -· • ) • ) JULY 30 Noon • Orange Grove Quilt Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbles Building. • Scale Squadron (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Ho~bles Building • Calif. China Painters Art Assoc. (untfl 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building •Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • '"Discover the Fair" Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Sodt Hop -Kids Stage •Junior Dairy Goat Judging - Livestock Arena 1p.m. •Maureen W. P\Jppet (until 6 p.m.) -Around the grnunds • Dance Precisions -Heritage Stage •Pacific Performing Arts -Sun Stage •China Painting -Bird of Paradise -Home & Hobbies Stage • Art & Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Cristina Ballestero -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock area •Traveling Game Show ( 1 :30 p.m. -6:30 p.m.) -Around th6 grounds • Russell Bros. Circus ( 1 :30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area •Ceramics Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village • Milking Demonstration ( t ·30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 2p.m. • Amenca's Kids Freedom Club - Hentage Stage • Seacrest Elementary School Band -Sun Stage • Italian Cuisine from Magg1ano's l.Jttle Italy -Home & Hobbies Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Linle Theater • Circus Fun Review Auditions (2:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage 3p.m. • Dance Precision -Heritage Stage • Pacific Performing Arts -Sun FAIR SCHEDULE Stage • Cristina Ballestero -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock area • Scale Squadron -Park Flyers (3:30 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Stage • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Sam 4 p.m. •America's Kids Freedom Club - Heritage Stage •Anna Marie and Band -Sun Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building . • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crahers Village • Pool Jewels Contest -Kids Stage • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) - Around the ground •Russell Bros. Circus (4:30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area • Desserts with Tina Davidson (4:30 p.m.} -Home & Hobbies Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m.) -Crahers Village 5p.m. • Assn. of Southern California Square Dancers -Heritage Stage •Anna Marie and Band -Sun Stage •Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock area •Circus Fun Review Auditions (5:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Milking Demonstration (5:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 6p.m. • Wood Finishing with Dave Dutra • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage • Red, Ripe & Karaokin' Contest (6;30 p.m} -Heritage Stage 7p.m. • Summer Concert Series: Kenny Loggins (7:30 p.m.) with specfa1 guest Mictiael McDonald - Pacific Amphitheatre (Gates open at6p.m.) •The Fab Four -The "Ultimate Tribute to the Beatles" -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Don't Topple the Tomato Contest -Kids Stage • Gljissblowing Demonstration - Crahers Village •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock area •Russell Bros. Circus (7:30 p.m.) -Green Gate Area • Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • Visual Arts Judges Walk Through (7:30 p.m.) -Visual Arts Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage •Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village • M1lk1ng Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn Sp.m. • The Blast -Sun Stage • People Pretzel Contest -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Big Band 2000 (8·30 p.m.I - Heritage Stage 9p.m. •The Fab Four The .. Ulttmate Tribute to the Beatles· -Citizens Business Bank Arena • Russell Bros. Circus -Green GateArea • Hypnotist Marl< Yuzu1k -Sun Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock area • Oxen Team Presentation - Livestock Arena • Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage •Ceramics Demonstration (9:30 p.m.) -Crahers Village 10p.m . • The Blast -Sun Stage •Big Band 2000 (10:30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage Co.s Angtles <timts Summer Camp Campaign Brightening ·the Lives of Children Give to the Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Campaign. Camp offers a healthy alternative for many low-income children who may be struggli'lg with challenaes It is ll place where the 1ray cloud of po~rty is replaced by sunny skies and the sound of laughter-- and where a positJ~ penpecuve an finally be dlscove~ You can brighten the Hfe of a child this summer. The Ttmes SummM Camp Campaign provides disadvantaged children throughout Southern Calrforn1a a one-week camp experience. For every dollar you contribute. the McCormick Tnbun• Foundation will add SO cents". 1tie Los Angeles Time$ and the McCormkk Tribune Foundation absorb all administntlve cosu . so Tl 00% of your dona don and end re matchln& funds go direcdy co campenh1ps! Give the gift of FUNI Mak• your donation todayl Be sure IA) read penonal proni.s of IM chlldtw\ and 0tpniu tlom that have bwl«tted from die camp f>"OC'1ll" 111 the ~ of IM Loe Anples nm. Of' visit our Web 11te It www lltim. com/1utM*amp ·-----------------------------------~ ' ' ' ' ' Yes! I want to help! tW '°'LA TIINe .._ C... ~ ,.. .... ,L.oe~CA 9007...-.. SI* ZIP . or 0 Mc!!ynM 0 , """lllClae4ld..., clllc* ~'° .. LA. T1met ,_ Cernp ~ I O ,._. ...... ._~a> 111Y O Vllll 0 ~,, a -.-EiQlf ... ---,......... (p I ....... "' __ ............. 18 ............... -..-.... ---...-.·1111-_,_,._ ...... -... -._ ..... _ ..................... -.. -_ ...... .._.."' ..... _____ _.... ............... _ ·--·---·---··-·-------·-·- ·-·--------------------------------- T ... t.,. ......... l_W.0.- C:.....,~e.....,flh 1 .. ...._.. f-,,,.,., t\inll .-......,.. . MJ<:nrmo ,...,. ~ BEST BET J Kenny Loggins. above, and Michael McDonald will perform at 7:30 p.m today at the Pacific Amphitheatre as part of the Orange County Fair's Summer Concert Series. Gates open at 6 p.m. Also, the F ab Four, an "Ultimate Tribute to the Beatles.~ will perform the free shows at 7 and 9 p.rn. today at the Citizens Business Bank. Arena . 0 ~esday,Augusts,2003 1 4:00 p.m. ·too p.m. Mariner's Park, Newport Beach Ncighborh~ throughout N~wport .B.cach ~c ~ing invited t.~ I join forces with thousands of commumncs nanonwtdc for the 20 l Annual National Night Out crime and drug prevention cvcnd Residents arc asked to lock their doors, tum on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors. Carl's Jr. will ~ providing food and. drinks. Please join us for some summer fun! ' I I 1 • M Wedne~. Mt 30, 2003 OadyPitot HOW 10 GET PU8UStE> -t..a.n; Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa MeA, CA 92627 • Re1iters Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mel:S.nd to dailypilot latimes..com •All COf1'98POndence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The PUot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. Having some good, clean fun with Hope Bob Hope and I go way back. ()( course.•be didn' know it Over his 100 years he has known and woited with so many acts and people that he couldn' possibly remember everyone that has ever been on the stage with him But I bad that privilege several times. Way back in my teen years, a well·lcnown soap company (Lux) held a oadonal beauty contest for 15-year-olds. It was an advertising scheme and, as we were soon to find out, a way to seO their product. for votes were counted by soap wrappers. One of the prius was a trip to I loUywood and an appearance on the Bob Hope Radio Show. I already lived near Hollywood, so that wa.-. not appealing, but to see Hope in person wru. worth a car load of soap wrappers. nus is how the contest worked: Girls from each state mailed in ·their photos to the company. Six from each state were selected for the semi-final group. I was one of the six from California Our pictures were then put ln tl1e newspapers and the public w:u. to vote for one winner. Now here comes the gimmick: to vote you had to send in a soap wrapper with your favorite girl's name written on the back. You can guess the rest Every time any of our relatives. friends or neighbon. went to the store. they bought !>ix bars of soap. My boyfriend and his family stocked up with bars of soap. We had bare soap bars in every cupboard and doset, in every apothetary·type jar, under the sinks, in drawers, everywhere. Mom would wrap two or three bars with ribbon and give them for gifts. (ln fact 15 years later, I still found naked soap bars in Mom's cupboard.) even though I did not win the grand prize, it was jolly good fun and I did get to meet Hope. There we were the six finalists sitting in MAILBAG· the front row looking up to the stage where the great comedian stood a t the microphone. He introduced ~ individually by name. We waDced onto the stage to the twle or a rew jokes about ~ being very clean having washed with so much soap. The nexJ time I met Hope was several years later and I was doing a little modeling. Hope had his first television shaw. Lt was put together in vaudeville-type acts. I was one of the girts that held the slgns armowtcing the next act. I did th.is a few times until the acts turned to skits and the format changed Hope performed everywhere. He journeyed around the wond. entertaining the troops. How I wanted to join the USO and travel with his show, but l was too young and without much talent He was a great patriot and philanthropist On stage or off. this legendary showman was always a gentleman, always a nice guy. That twinkle in his eye like he was ready to say something dever Wa.!> always there. I feel privileged to have rubbed elbows with one of the greats. NANCY ROBISON Newport Beach Rohrabacher needs lo fly lo airport's rescue In response to your article, "O.C. grounds L.A.0s El Toro airport proposal,~ July 23: Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta, a1 Democrat in a Republican administration, could onJy reiterate what Herman Bliss, the Federal Aviation Administration·s Western-Pacific Region Director of Airports, had written to me earlier at the request of the White I louse: that the first article of the U.S. Constitution gives the power to Congress to, among other things. control interstate '"~ ~ ''Meet the Winemaker" '/h~""' 31n. 2003 5:00 u 8:00 ,. .. mcct TOBIN JAMES &om Tobin ja.ma C&an of Pate> Robles. Toby will be pouring Tobin James Owcau u Cadidlo, Jama Gang~ Cabcme! SauYigDoo. Made io tbt ~ Matot and •l..icp&id lo¥t" to rwnt 1 f(W. Toby will dia. chc wine making history of Tobin James c.dlan. commerce, commerce with other countries, postal roads and property of the Army and Lhe Navy, and that Congress has not provided the a,viatlon administration authority to operate an alrport at the closed et Toro Marine Air Base. Therefore It is up to Rep. Dana Rohrabai;her to look after his constituents wbo live in the communities of Dover Shores, Westcliff and Santa Ana Heights w ho are adversely impacted by increasing noise from aircraft departing from John Wayne Airport and his constituents who live in Costa Mesa, Westminster, Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Long Beach who are adversely impacted by increasing noise from aircraft approaching Long Beach Airport. Voters in these communities depend on Rohrabacher to join with representatives of communities adversely impacted by increasing noise from aircraft approaching Lo5 Angeles International Airport and aircraft departing from Ontario, overcome the ill-directed inOuence of Rep. Otris Cox and provide the avialion administration authority to open a reasonable national airport at the closed El Toro base. One that would not adversely impact any communiry such a.-. described at the Web sue http://www.ocxeltoro.com. CHARLES GRIFflN President, The New Millennium Group Newport Beach A short, simple and sweet response Regarding the JuJy 19 Community Commentary, "'Facts don't suppon Greenlight contentions." ... Bravo, Bludau. PAUL SALATA Newport Beach No Prerequisites. Orange Coast College invites you •.. To Bring Your Dreams! No matter how high you've set your goals. it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We'll get you to a unfversity! -We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four-year universities. We1l prepare you for 1n exdtf ng career! - Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums work fur large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporatio ns, high-tech firms, hotels, hospitals and medical faci lities around the country. Call now fur faU registration information: {714) 43 2-5072. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 25. To scm valuable rtSOUTU$, Orange Coast College has not mailed ;ts dOSJ schedule this foll YOCI con pick up a copy in the Admissions Office. or access the foll schtdu4e onlint at: orangecoastcollege. com We'll help you get there.- ' ,. LE I I ER TO THE EDITOR Why stop at charging for j ob center? T he Pilot has endorsed the idea of Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan and Councilman Allan MlµlSOor of trying to charge surrounding cities for their ' residents who use the Costa Mesa Job Center as a way of sharing the cost But why sh ould we limit that idea to just one city expense? Thousands of drivers from Newport Beach and Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley and Irvine and Santa Ana and other cities drive on Costa M~'s streets. wearing them down. Out-of·towners use our parks and recreation areas. wearing them out. We shouJd bill those cities for those costs. And what about police <>ervices? Every day. Costa Mel>() police officers stop and arrest do1,ens of people from other communities. We should bill all tJ10se cities for the time lhat this take<,. fhink of au the money we·d ralte in, collecting for those city expenses, and dozens like them. that those free-loading ~>Ut -of·towners are using at Costa Mesa taX}>ayers' expense. or course. there are a couple of small problems with this idea. We'd have to hire an army of bureaucrats to keep track of aJI of those non-Costa Mesans who are enjoying a free ride at our expense. And we'd have to sho uJd er the cost of what Costa Mesans get for free from other cities. It wouJd be a prelty hefty bill we'd get from Newport Reach for all of those Costa Me'ia residents who use Newport'!> beaches, and their parks, and their streets, too. The county wouJd have to charge Costa Mesa for all of us who now use the airport for free. And the stale. strapped a\ it is for cash, would no doubt send Costa Mesa a bill for it!> re:.idents' use of Mate highways, parks. beaches and publicly-owned attractions. But it wouJd be only fair, right? Or we could simply stop this foolishness about whether other pe0ple are using our facilities and recognize that one fact of living in a country hke ours is that each of us pay" direcUy for a lot of things we don't uc;e. and each of us uses a lot of things we don't directJy pay fo r, and that the beauty of this 1>ystem is that we're in it togcLher and nobody keeps track. hecau'*' "-Call live together and it all ccrmes out pretty much even in the end. llenu:mber "We the PC'nple"? Or ,., that Arm:rin1 gone 100? JIM TOLEDANO C.o.,la Mbd •JIM TOLEDANO is the former head of the Democratic Party of Orange County HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall. 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor. Mike Scheafer and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave .• Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 Chancellor: William M Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Ho wald; student trustee Madeline Levy NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL otSTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714 ) 424·5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Black, Clerk Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER otSTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627, (949) 631-1200 Board: President Jim Atkinson. Vice President Mike Healey. Trudy Ohlig·Hall, Fred Bockmiller end Paul E. Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200. Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1200. (714) 754-5043 Bo ard: President Arlene Schafer, Jim Ferryman, Art Perry, Greg Woodside and Dan Wo11hington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Bo.)( 9050, Costa Mesa. CA 92628-9050. (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D Parker. member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~g on to http://coastline.edu to fi nd the latest Fall 2003 course infonnation. Check out our new searchable class schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses are open. Coastline's Web site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Look into Coastline's: • ACCESS-an A.A. degrec/transf er program offered d uring the day at the Garden Grove Center. • Distance learning opportunities-fu lly transferable Internet. Telecourse. cablecast, and independent sludy classes. • STAR Program and Weekend College-two accelerated ways to earn your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and Career Education programs offering certificates in a variery of high~demand occupations. Coastline has convenient locations in Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley. Oarden Grove, Huntington Beach. and We tmioster. \ .. • , QUOTE OF THE DAY "Everyone has their bad days." Dady Pilot Sporta Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 ·JUNIOR TENNIS EYE OPENER lffll1I Daily A Pi kJt Ill Sport.I Hall ol F~ Ail& 3 honoltt TY HARPER Wednesday, July 30, 2003 A7 Matthews gunning for victory against his seniors 13-year-old Newport Beach resident is the No. 2 seed in the boys 16s singles at the Costa Mesa Sumn:ie r Junior Classic. P1trlck Lave rty Daily Pilot COSIA MESA -Fabian Matlhew; b playing in his second or third boys I 6l> junior tenrus tournament. Don't blame him for not knowing ex aclly. He's just a 13-year-old about 10 enter lhe eighth grade at Ouist Lu lheran School in Col.la Mesa. I le ha' to have more pressing concernl> on hi.; mind. One of lhose is trying to win the Cow1 Mesa Summer lunior Class. Af1er all, he is seeded second in the 16!., dei.pi1e h e ing as many as lhree year; younger thJn some of lhe player.. "That's wha t I was lhmkmg." Mat lhews said. "If I'm lhe 'o. 2 seed, I c<in FROM THE SIDELI NES Timeout for trivia Newport Harbor football's history included rarities and intrigue, perhaps proper for trivia. S pons quesuonl> Crom yesteryear involving harbor area athletic personalitie<> can be most interesting and fun. After the 1930s. one might be prompted to ask. whatNewpon I !arbor 1 ligh football coach once played coUege football with a future president of the United Stales? • A sharp old-timer would be quick to exclaim: "Dick Spaulding, I larbor Higti grid chief tn 1938-39.~ The one who became the DON CANTRELL president many years later was the late Richard Nixon. The pair played at Whittier C.OUegc in l11e early '30s.. Spaulding was a fair gridder who graduated from Escondido High. He once reflected dimly on his grid talent because he was pigeon-toed. Nixon loved the game of footbaJJ, but rarely ever got off the bench be<,-ause he wasn't strong enough to deal with the first· and second-string players. Spaulding established higti marks in prep football while coaching at Fullerton High. He once set a record, guiding the Fullerton Indians to 28 straight Sunset League victories. I le took. one team to the CIF finals. One of the most interesting aa:olades for Spaulding arrived during his final years of education when the Buena Parle Higt\ stadiwn was named after him. He had served 18 years as Buena Pad's principal. Incidentally, Nixon served once as student body president at Whittier C.Ollege'and drew Spaulding into the picture to serve as vice president. The Nixons once invited the Spauldings back. to the White House for a visit The friendship was fairly solid over the years until Nixon was jolted by the Watergate scandal. Although Spaulding drew ample atten tion over the years as a champ grid coach, his widow, Thelma. once said baseball was his favorite game. One of the early day owners of the ~d Rams pro football team once arrived at Harbor High's auditorium one evening for a national appearance on radio. He also had served some years as a professional prtt.e fighter and later became an outstanding golfer among celebrities. He died Monday and people around the world conveyed tributes and good cheer. His name? Bob Hope. In dme, the Rams ahlfted to Loa~ 'ftars lall!f they nXMJd to SL Louis. Who was the former Harbor HJgh roc:k·rl>bed tackle who adYanoed to s.nca Ana College lnldaDy Ind almost collided wbh the peat )die RobtOlon of Fuaderl& Collepf ... llDILMI ...... Al probably win thjs thing.· He advanced to the third round Tuei.- day with an easy 6-0, 6-2 victory over Jonathan Ormont and his road to the fi. nals got a bit easier when thfrd;seeded lfyan Caughren of Newpon Beach was upset. Ulc.e Ma tthews, Caughren is 13, but he will tum 14 an August and be a fresh- man this year at C.Orona del Mar 1 ligh. Playing in his second toumamenl in the 16s division, Caughren had already ad· vanced to the finals of last week's War by the Shore at Lhe Balboa Bay Oub Rac- quet Oub al> the No. I seed. But he couldn't advance to the third round Tuesday a .. he was dom inated by Al varo Sanche1 of Palm Desen. 6·0. 6· l. What weni so wrong'? ·Everything," C..aughren !ta.id. "My <;erve ju'>I wen1 nut. And the kid gol '>O lucky. Scrioul>ly. I'd hit a perfect '>hot and he'd hit a winner off it. I couldn't do anything abou1 11. • KHITTREPTr w )fl, I Cc!ughren '>truggled from Lhe out'>l'I Jon Kroopf of Corona del Mar returns a serve against Adam Perez during ttie Costa see GUNNING, Page AS Mesa Summer Junior Classic at ttie Costa Mesa Tennis Center on Tuesday JONES CUP IV Ghassemi, ·Damion do double duty CO~l:i.\ Ml.V\ -llley :open! IUl:!:.da} aflt'moon pl.iymg togelher. defeaung lhe1r opp<men1 handily m boy'> 12'> dou hh">. ll1t·y·11 '-Jlt'ntl thi... rnommg compt·ting Jgam.,1 om· .1110ther. \\1th a benh 111 lhc ho~' I l' '-lllWl" 4uanerfinaJ<. on lht' ~ne. lnen 1h1°\ II have 10 wme hatk to gc1lwr again on lhur..da~ 10 compete m lhe '>l'1111ti11.u'> 1n douhll.., h'IJ Ix-.i '1rangc t ouplc of da'" lor < l1m D.muon .md Orm't'<l (,ha'>...em1. but 11' J tomr11011 01 rurn:nte m 1uruor len 111' < lrw m11rrn11g \Y>u'rl' pl.i\1ng .1ga111'1 l'Jl h 0Ll11:r .1ml lhl' nt''I Jftt'n11>(Jrl 'f1JU f(' le<1n11ng up Wgl'tlwr See DOUBLE, Paee AS Will Tipton, the Big Canyon Country Club men's champion. will be competing in the Jones Cup at Mesa Verde Country Club on Fnday Below, Tipton practices his putting at the club. A former use golfer. this Wiii be his first Jones Cup. He Wiii team wrth two-time defending champion Bob Love1oy. New ground for Tipton Big Canyon nm 4 handicap. "I don't Ret tht' champ-misses chance to play v.rith Hoh ~l.+i lhat often so it\ a good heated opportunity for him IO .. carry competition of me the entire 18 hole<;, The Jones Cup featu~ a coll ege golf, but is pro-am team from each of pleased with th e the four private country clubs in Newport·Mt">:I path he has chosen. (Newport Beadl. Santa Ana. Ml'l>Ct Verde and Big Canyon) competing in a better-ball of partners fonnat with Bryce Alderton • two foursomes foDowing each other Daily Piiot back-to-bade with galleries in tow Lovejoy and amateur partners F riday's Jones Cup IV will be new Danny Lane (2002) and Ron Maggard on two fronts for Will Tipton. (2001), have won the lase two Jones The JS-year-old Big Canyon O..ps after the Mesa Verde team of Country Oub men's champion has Tom Sargent and Pete Daley never played the golf course at Mesa captured the inaugural tournament Verde C.Ountry Oub and will be in2000. teeing it up for the first time in the llpton Is quite cognizant of the Jones Q.rp. part of the Fletcher Jones stakes Frida~ Motorcars/Daily Pilot OUb ·11~aren~ in the hunt. I donl Ownptonsbip Series, which began with the Tha Qip ClaMfc in 1997. know if Ron Mqgard and Danny Lane will talk to me anymore.· Ttpton wW team with Bob Lovejoy, Tipton said. •t know Boyd Martin Big Canyon~ Dlreclo.r or Golr. who (Santa Ana Country Oubs has bc5'en on two consecutive cNunpon) and Steve Rhorer (Mesa winning Jones Q.ip teams baading ~-title hoJder), so 1 loolt forward into the I :30 p.m. 5far1 ~ to playing with thml and producing ·rm looking bward to h w:ry SM TPl'ON, hp Al much.• said llp(on. who is a 2 ·. I ! \ • • # \ • • ' t ' - Al Wednesday, »/ 30. 2003 SP 0 RT .. GUNNING _ 30 lo lhe stxth game, Kroopf came alln.Ior ~ eo&W.WCiV41 polnta to close to wlth\n 4·2. He bad an opportunJty to wtn the next game as weU. lWQ game pOints In (act. but couldn't put Perez away. [)()lJEll..~~~~~~o~f Alet~~M~~;n~thow~q~and~·rnMat~t~WD~-:--=won~~s-~2.~6-.f~uver~~~~·~Ub~8~Thomas.~.~&-0Eli-~iftt:Jl~::l~~~~~~~~...- c tinued fr A7 day. winner againSt Alys8li Tunelli. Continued from A 7 on om The only other player from lhe Newport 8-dt'I Jaml8on Steele Damiorl nd C.hasli8mi ad· Newport-Mesa aree to advaooe in also advanced when ~­ vanoed to the thin:t round or the the boys LZS singles was Cost.a seeded Amy Beck wttbdrew be- Continued from A7 It WU Dave Phoenix. in the mJd-a<M at Pllsadena one n.lght when the superb athlete, Robinson, streaked right past him on a quick-opening line play to score. Robinson went on to break the racial banier for blacks in baseball when he signed a contract in the late 40s to play (or the Dodgers. Its safe to say that Robinson was most versatile in sport& And, a sterling player in baseball. He bad already lo t four game5 before he had a game point and although he came up wllh three of them In the fifih game. he couldn't deliver chc final blow. bays LZS singles competitlon al Mesa's Owtie Corum, who de-caUBe of iojUry. the Costa Mesa SUmmer Junior feated fourth«eded Damn. Mg, Jn ~ l4s. Newport Beach's Perez prevailed 6-3, &-0. The only other player from the Newport-Mesa area still alive in the l6s singles was Corona del Mar's Lance Ning. But he drop· ped out of the competltlon with a 6· I. 6-0 loss to 1hlvis McClel- lan. Oasslc at the Costa Mesa Tunnls 6-3. 6-4. Chrisdna Scbwart:t advanced to Mer sweeping the first set, Sanchez won the first two games ot the second set, before Caugh- ren won his first and only game. Center Tuesday and then com-Corum is also playing with the third roWld with a 6-2, 1-6, 7·5 blned to wln their quarterfinal Romel Orplano In the 14s doubles wbl against P.l.lr.abeth Van~ Hof. doubles match. and was a 6-t, 6-1 winner Tuesday also of Newport Beach. Alexandria ~Everyone bas theu bad days." c.hasserni, from Corona de! to advance to Thursday's semifin-Walters of Corona de! Mar ad· Mar, defeated Ron Ryan Tua.Ian a1s. wnced with a 6-0. 6-1 wtn over 6-1. 6-0 and has lost ~t three Qber locals to advance on Newport BeadlS Whitney Griffith. Caughren said. Tuesday wasn't a bad day for Matthews. who disposed of Or- mont in quick. fashJon. lbat leaves Marthews as the lone local representative among the remaining 16 players. All 16 players are tough, as evidenced by the fact that none or those re- maining even lost a set on Tues- day and the most games any of them lost in a set was four. games In h.ls first two matches. Tuesday included Spencer Re1tt.. Sasha Dunlap. the younger sister Damion, of !Wewport Beach, He defeated Geoffrey Hsu 6-2, 6-2 of Vanessa, al<;<> advanced with a was a 6-1, &O vi6lor against Ron· lo reach the set'nifinals in boys 6-2, 6-4 wln ugW.nst Michelle Na· Wllh the victory he advanced ro the round of 16. where he will &tee Sean Winbauer at 3 p.m. to - day al the Costa Mesa Tennis Center. aid Pre.i.ssman. 18s, where he will meet No. J seed muco. The one-time Heisman Th>phy wlriner for Anny in the mid-40s and a coUege Hall of Farner In football was Glenn Davis. I le was a 9.7 sprinter In his prep days when he led Bonita High to the CIF small schools title agajmt Harbor High, 39-6, In '42. But only one of the two will Whitney Reed. Three locals reached lhe th.int emerge victorious when they face in boys 14s singles. Henri 010· round In the IPrls 12s singles. each other at 9 a.m. today. meau was a 6-3. 6-4 advancer Pifth-.seed aena Cieytan-Leach No matter what happens. against Ryan Mayer. was a 6-1. 2-6. 6-4 winner against Corona del Mar's Jon Kroopf wasn't as fortunate. He broke serve to win the first game against Adam Perei but· (hen lost the next four. But Matthews is a tough player in his own right, evidenced by his No. 'J. seeding. And no matter what his experience is, he thJnk.s he can win. they11 till team back up for their Newport 8eachS Diana Khoury Della Tuylor. Hailey Hogan from doubles sem.i.6.na1 againsl top-~ a 6-3. 7-6 winner agaiMt Balboa was a straight-set winner seeded Kenneth Ip and James Raf-Natalie Kelley In girls I& and will against Natalie Small of Newport fi.ni Thursday. Ghassemi and Da-face third-seeded Vanessa Dunlap, Beach. Melissa Matsuoka was a mion mamtalned the theme of a senior-to-be at Newport Harbor 6-l, 6-2 winner against Jeanette Coincidentally. one Newport '42 tackle. em· Neth. and Davis eventually ended up woriting for the same company, the /At Angeles Tf mes. Trailing 4-I in the set and 15-easy victory with a 6--0, 6-0 defeat High. in the quarterfinals. Dunlap l.osaria TIPTON Continued from A 7 some good golf out there." TI pt on plays an average of live oc six times a month, usually on weekends. The partner in a reaJ e&tate investment finn was on the course quite a bit more when he was growing up in I lollister before attending use. The Trojans claimed the ll-acific 10 championship in 198S -Tipton's freshman year - when Duffy Waldorf~ leading the charge. ' USC reached the NCAA championships in 1988. the same year 'T'ipton qualified for his only U.S. Amateur. The tournament was held at The Homestead in I lot Springs. Va "I missed the cut by one !>hot .. and that still baun ts me,· 'T'ipton said with a laugh. Harold Ecklund. 'T'ipton's grandfather. introduced him to golf at age 5 and at 7, Tipton wrls entering tournaments. "IEckJundl took me around ro these tournamenis and we traveled around Nonhern California in the summer.." 1 .... __ JJlW\2003 TAURUS SE ) ( AUTO '-Selling Price $1 7 980 •AM/FM CASSETIE ! Factory Rebote -$2 500 \ • 3 0 V6 Ford Credit Rebote -$ 1 000 l ·A~ . ~ REAR SPOl\ER NET COST TO YOU r--r-r-" 8 14,480 2T8C•lllE,_ Tipton said. "He was a colonel in the Air Force and taught me everythjng about the game. most importantly etiquette and sportsmanship." Eventually the constant compctidon against future l'GA golfers such as Billy Mayfair and Phil MidceJson, who was a freshman at Arizona State when 'T'ipton was a senior at use was too much for TI pion to handle and he decided to give golf more of a "recreational" status. • After my M!nior year lat usc..1. I took rwo year.. off. I didn't pit.k up a club." Tipton said. "Quue a bit was going through my mind such as. 'What am I going to do for the rest of my life?' The day-in and day-out competition with these guys like Billy Mayfair was a bit disappointing. I lost pace with them so I decided it may be a benefit to get out in the world and worlc. "lt is somewhat of a regret seeing these guys do well, but I'm happy with the path l have chosen. I wouldn't give up my recreational play for anything." Tipton has been a member at Rig C..anyon since 1997. but by November, it may be a bit more difficult for the future father to find time for the links. Tipton and Monique. his wife of 18 months, are expecting their first child in November and they've even picked out a name -John Harold Tipton. "He's named after his grandfathers, so that made my mom and dad very happy.~ Tipton said. "I'm undertaking the babies' room so I could still have palnt on my hands on Friday." Tipton is somewhat of a newborn to the Jones Cup, hoping to add another coat of Big Canyon success. MSRP l~rp Robin~ D1~covnt s 14,655 -S3 356 Selling P1;ce 1 1 l 2QQ Factory Rebate -$2 500 NET COST TO YOU •&,799 Another Neth. Roger, a second-team Newpon tackle in ·42 who seived for years as the police chief for Costa Mesa and Irvine. has had occasions of bumping into Davis when he 1& invited to the Amigos Viejo) luncheons at the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub. Many old Newport fans suU recall that Davis once told nme Magazine that his favorite gridder from the early 40s wa.' the late I faruld Sheflin, the AJJ-CIF fulJback for Harbor I ti,;i. who had the !>peed and power 10 handle Davis. legal Notices 2640 legal N«lces 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal N«ices 2640 legal Notices 2640 lepl Nalica l640 legal Natlces 2640 legal Notices 2640 l.epl Notices 2640 fiditiM~ ... s ....... I he toltow1na person\ di l doinii b1J\in1:ss a\ ~ldtJPV One Mobolt Groum111g. .\2 Te"P~d llvenur I onth11t 1<~11cl'\ l.aliton113 9?610 '"""I Depu• 42 h\\t:r.; Ave1111e F oolholl R~nr h f atotornoa 9?610 Mo h ~ Oe11ue 42 J~n~r~ Av~nue I on1h1ll Ran< h CA 9?610 I hi\ 1)11'\lr>ess t\ con d111 led by a 2en~r at pdrl ncnJorµ Hav~ you star led dn1n11 llomness yet? No lan~t Depue !hos slatemtnl wa' toled woth the Cnunly Clrrk of Or<lnitt tounty on061l6 03 20036948293 (Jaoly Pilot July If> 23 JO, Aue b. ?003 w I ?J fiditiM lvsinKs "-S.... lhe followine per~ons arL d11111e busine,s ds A Gar age DoO! Solutinu Zli28 Elc1en, Costa Mcu. G•hfor nra 92677 Morga11 Me~d 7??11:> Cdn11111tn Zar "t'O'" Laiiuna ~Mis Ca111.,1 n1a 9?6~J Justin Mu111 lh/8 I Iden cu,ta Mt\,I Ullfornoa 97627 lhl\ bus1nes• 1s lun du,ted by a it•ner•I par tnersh1p Have you star led dome bustnen yet 1 Nn Morgan Me.id I his statem~nt W<l\ toled w1lh lht lnunl y Clerk ol 01 a nee C<111nly un 07 03 03 20036950475 Daily Potot July 9 If> l1 30 ?003 W?O/ NOTICE OF detcribed as TRUSTEE'S SALE T S Completely desoibed in No 1063531-03 APN said deed of 1rVSt The 933-94-088 TRA 01001 aveet lddresa and Oltlllf Loan No 1004081873 common deslgnlbOrt. ii REF Gordon, Dana l/l'f, o1 the ~ ptOpel1'f IMPORTANT NOTICE dncltled above It TO PROPERTY purponed to be 118 OWNER: YOU ARE IN 36th Street Newpot1 DEFAULT UNDER A 8Nctl CA 92683 The OEEO Of TRUSl, undef8Jgned Trustee OATED Nowmbef 15, di9Clalms any liabilily for 2001. UNLESS YOU any ll'tCOITllClnell o( the TAKE ACTION TO street address and otllt( PROTECT YOUR oommon designation, d PROPERTY, rT MAY Bf any, shown heAlin Said SOLD AT A PU8UC sale Wll be maoe. bul SAL.£. IF YOU NEEO wrthOut COYenanl et A>4 EXPLANATION Of warranty. 8JCPl'89S et THE NATURE OF THE implied, regarding 1111e, PROCEEDING pogeession, oondtion or AO.AINST YOU, YOU enct.urtnnc:es. lncludng SHOUlD CONTACT A feel, Charget and LAWYER. On August ·~or the Trustee 06. 2003, at IOOOlm, end ol lhe trusts aealtld Cal-Wetllefn by uid Deed o1 Trvst, to Aeoonlleyance Pl'/ the remaiAng Corpeta11on, as dirt principal IWt1I ol the eppointed lrllslee under note(•) secured by &aid and pursuant IO Deed of Deed of Trust to wit Trust recorded $446.233 33 .+th Noll9mber 30, 2001 . H inte<es1 lher80n from '1lt No 20010861768, Oeoembef 01 . 2002 at Of Official Reoofde in the 7 .990'% per ennum u olfiot ol 11'19 County pnMded In llld "°'9(1) ~ ol Orange plus COsll and any ~. Statl ol ~ancea with lnlerelt. Cellomla. ell8CWd by ESTIMATED TOTAL ~ Gonion, a Migll DEBT S.C75,646 28 Tht wll 181 at PIA:llc blntftclaty und« laid IO ""*' bio:'8r Deed of 1'NS1 t.etotoce ' caeh, cashief• c:flldl •MICUled and oellYeted • Olwn on • ... or lo 1he underlqled a nltlolW bank. • c:flldl Wlltten Oedatlllon of chwn by a .._ or o.tkft and Demand for tedal1' c:r9dit ur4on. or a Sale, and a Wl1ftlfl cl** drawn by • "*" NoClce °' Dlfaull and or .._.., eaW9 and Eldon to Sel Tht loin -l)ia.b .. llWlOI ".,....,.., c.Uled Mid -.;*"'bi, OI 1M9 NcD ot Dtfd and ** ~ In Sec:torl Ellalotl to Sell lo bt 5102 Of .. Anlncfill ~ In .. CCMllY COdit and ~ to ........ ,.., property do buefnlea In HI ...... 11 loclled. F« Mlle In h il'or1l ol h lnb'mlllon: Mon-Fri ftlCllOIM et h "*' tooam eo ':()()pm (819) ........ lo Tht 610-1221 Cli-Wtlllm Pleclnll CM: °'""'· Alcoc;..,.,_,. Corp . <t01~1t E ~ 129 Ealll ...-, .,_, • 1Mt1wa P11oer-. Po 1o11 2200i'. e cellofM. .. ~ .. C'Aitan. Ce ~ Ind ........ ~ IO Dlllcl Ny 18. 2()03 , Ind now Mid by i wldlr T~ S. Olllar" Mid Deed of T""' In h &bf P Olw11Mrtti11 ~ ..,.., tn ... A-"7320 lf17/'IM>:!, CClfty and ... 071ZWJ, 07r»03) f'lditiM~ 11mes....., The lntlowme persons are dwn~ business as L d\t'I Med1t al Cenlfl r or Skin Re1uveMt1n11 3816 S 011,101 St Sull<' M Santa /\n~ CAhl11rn1~ \12104 Ru,s•ll Joh11 Kala11dt1 18142 Brentwl'tl r., Hunlon~lon BeA• h C.il1 tor noa 9?641 l onda lee Somnnoan 1814? Brenlwetl tir ltorntingtnn Hea( h I: nh ll)rn1a 92647 Thos busmen " turo rlur led by en µarlM,, ltave yl'lu sl~rlf'(I do111g borsineu yel > N11 Rus•l'tl Jl'ltin llal•nd~r This sl.tlemenl w.i\ fol~d with lht. County rink of Oranee Cuvnt1 on 07103 OJ 200J&9S0463 Daily Pilot July 9 lf1 71 JO. 200J W208 NOTICE OF PETTTIONTO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: DEBBY A. EV ANS CASE NO. A220366 To aM heirs. beneficiaries. creditors. comingent aeditOB, and per900S whO may othelwise be inlefesled 111 lhe will or tslaWI. et both ol DEBBY A EVANS A PETITION FOR PAOBATE has been filed by STEPHEN J SCHUMACHER In me Superior Cwn OI Caltfomia. County OI ORANGE Tl-IE PETTTION FOR PAOeA TE n!QUllll ht STEPHEN J SCHUMACHER be ~ u l*IOf\ll representative lo adminlstef the tllale ol the deoedenl. Tl-IE PETITION l'eQUelts the~· wM and OOdlcill, If any. be admilled lo probate The will and lll"J oodall .,. l¥8latJle lor txaminttion In h Ml =~ aulhoff1y lo ~ fie --undllf .. ~,_·_,,"""' ol Em• ~ (Thie authority • elow the per10nll , ......... ~ ... ____ ..... ~co.rt~ .,.,,.. tllOrlD C*tlln ~~= l'lpllll!'llllM .. bt '*ll*ed lo r;te itClb lo =,,....i: rdlol or C01•.e.d lo .. propoMd din.) Tht ~---· .,...... IUflGltly ... bt w.-'""'"' '""""8d '*"°"' ... tn~IO .. ptlllew'l n .,.,... ~ --"""' .. QCUt Aditi.s liniltls -s ....... The tottowin1 per \On~ •re doma bvsinP,5 J \ Con tr dsl Deliver v Rtpa~ S•r v1co Inc. 2504 Mark ln !'o\ta Mesa. CA 97676 W~\ltrn Med11al Re • uurces In< tCA) 2~ Mar~ l n Co,ta Mt\• lA 92626 t ht\ busme\' '' ton dut ted by ~ cnrpnralonn lfave you 51•1 led doon!' bU\111~\S yel I Yes 0110112003 Weiler Medoc~I R~ \ources lnr Rob•rl I Monette President I hi\ sl~temenl w"' lolrd with the County (1'1k .,f Or•'"&~ County titt OJ ,l<;IQJ 200369S28TO U~oly Pilot luly lO /\u~ 6 13 ?O 2001 Wiii fldilills llSiltu 11-.S........ fhe lollowme prl\Oll\ are dO•Ol bu.,oMS\ d\ Bo11mt ow 11 Atn• rte an Sllck~r Company 1788 M11111nvoa. Co\la M~•a CA 97621 B•·•d Thompsun lll D•~nound An N1 wµor I Br"' h CA 92662 Joh11 MLCr•y Ir 411 I ?0th Cnst~ MP\~ I.II 9?671 fh1S bu~onrss os ~nn durled by .t tttn~ral PM Iner ship H.we you star lrd doll!~ busrn~u yeP Yr' July 13 2003 tlr all T toomp,nn lhl\ statemtnt w~' hied with lh~ r uunty Cler k uf Ordnee ( ounty on 07 '28/0l 20036952926 Daily P1t11t holy 10 AllR 6 13. ?0. 700l Will MtiM llliltu "-S.... fh1; totlowme. per \On~ dre doone bu\tnl'\\ a\ Roy.it Rolly Partnrrs 1601 Duv• Sll•el , Suole 170 NewpC1rl H~ach Cahlorn1a 91660 Triumph Mor tiia&• 1CAJ 16'll Dove Street Suite llO Newport Beach C•lotor 1111 'J2660 Tho\ busone\\ os cnn dulled by .l 1nrpor"llnn ttave you d•rled doona bv\ineu vet> Y•s. 01 I I l,200J T11umpl> Mort ~•~e lohn CAies Prf'\ldf'nt tho\ stalement was filed wolh the County (;ler k of Or ~nee Conni y on 07 14/QJ 200J69S1S03 0•1fy Pofot July 16 23. 30 Au& 6 2003 Wl25 ficffMllls9tu 11-.S.... The follow1n1 pto \On\ Me do1n11 busmen • ., The Newport C•nltr 101 lnteer ated Med1l 1ne. 1!>19 Bonni• Onnne I err ace, Cornn a del M3r Cal1furn1a 92675 W;llo•m S Flanaean Ill 1Sl9 Bonnre .Doone ftrrac e. Cnrona <kl M•r C•f1torn1a 9?6?!> !hos buStne\\ " 'on due led by an 1nd1v1dual tfave vo11 star led dOirlfl bu~lncss yet> Nu Wollrnm S Flanap,dn I Ac fhl\ \latemtnl w•\ hied wrth lht Cnunl r Clerk ot Otan&t County on 06126 03 20036949SIS Oaoly Pilot July 9 16 13 30. 2003 W213 \ SELL your stuff through classified! Adilm~ "-S....... The fotlowone persons 11 t doing bu\llot\\ •" l111eo;r aled Acupuncture Ce11ler , ~020 Buch Stre~t Suitt I 05 N,w pml Be.at h C:ahfo1111a 9?660 Mary J Snyd~t I A• 4020 B•rch Slrtel Su1tr LO~ Nt wporl Buell C•ltforma 92660 1 h" bu\lnen 1\ enn ducted by an 1ndtv1dual Hav~ you 5l••ffti <loonv bu5ones. yet' Y" 06/ 01.'2002 Mary J Snydfl I lie lhl\ shl•m~nl wa\ lole<1 wtlh the t:ounly Cltr~ or Or ~n1r tnunly on 06124/()3 200S6t4t4S9 Oaofy Pilot Jvty 9 16 -ZJ JO 2003 W212 SELL your stuff through classi fied! Notice os ioven 11141 11ur\u•nl lo Stcloon' 11701 2171'> of lht Ru\111r \s and f''"'"' \OM\ 1'.od•. s .. , hnn '>l'> ''' the p,.n•t Codr N[ WPOR I M( SA Sll I STORAGE. Z5!i0 N~wpurt Blvd . lo\la M•"A CA 9762/ Wiit Ult l)y to1n1>e1thv• b1dd1n11 on Au2u5t 76 ;>()())•I 10 00 • m Auction to bt h~ld al 25!>0 N•wpm t Blvd Co<I~ Me.a CA 'J2627 f'rnp•oly tn b• \Old a. follow\ "11\1 •ll•11eou• hnu\ehuhl 111111<1' PP! \Ona I olem~. lu• n1l111,. applt•nt e\ and ( tulh1n2 btlung1n~ fro lh.-fnl luw1n~ N4n1e Unot • PAUlAOltllfMAN 69 PAUl AOflCttMAN 74i, KtMBERl Y SWOClR 4/ lOUll HERNANDr l .14'> DAVID STARKEY 747 PORlll\ BROWN 545 DONALD KRANIClt . .1'>6 Kf 11111 Pl I[ RSON. '>74 MOt.llC Q(llfl..A/'() 114 RNC)Y W~Tll 'i20 MAAY SADLER. 70 RICHARD StDOERS AOC 1 tONC £ R Pubtoshpd Ntwport BPach·t.o,,la Mua Oa1ty Polol luly X) llu&U\I 6. 2003 Wl36 FictitiM~ •s...... Thr-full1>•t1rin1 ,,,.. ·11• Ml" duine, t.IU')H1t\' '' $ut ii 7 r.11tor111 r1 AVfl'flll•. Cmo11i1 dcl M.u C~1tfn1 n1• 'J7bi~ .,.,AU1.-i1 lltf! F tlrru ~~,. 111\U ~ JI 1 r.utrtrno 011 Avrrou•i f uron• drl Mdl ( dfol1Jr Mlf 92f.lf!> f h1~ tJus1nt\\ 1• l l•n c1tu ffl(t hy .. fl mt11vu1u.tl lfh~ you '' 111~11 !fooonr hU\lft!:\' Vf't) N,, KdfhrllM I ot•*n It• l(U:Jfk Th1t. -.tdtf'mrflf W1'\ toled woth th• l.o•uitl~ Clerk ot Or •n~t f.r11111 t v on 01,01 03 2003'9SOUO Darty P1fol July lb l J JO Aue 6 ?OOJ Wl 74 FidftiM t.iltu "-S....... I he tollowona pel\nn< art' do111a busonu' ., Master Serv• Commer• oal PHI l lonuni01111n 7741, Toston Avenur f)ftwpmt Beach. CA 91660 Muk J•ml'• Shor •Y ??45 Tu,1,n Av• New port B~deh. CA 9?660 Th;\ h1"1nn• " con dueled by 411 1nd1v1dual Hav• you \lllr led doma: bu51neu yet> No Mark J.ime5 Shorey ltH5 \l~trmenl w~' fo~d woth lh~ County Cler~ of Or 1111• <:n11nly on 06/10. OJ 2003't47S" Oi111ly Prlol July 9 16 Z3 JO 2003 Wllf> AdlliM ..... •s....... Thi' tollowma per"'"' <11t! c101n1 busmen •S Z.tlllll\h Cnte1prisu 506 1/2 l6th Street H1wpo1 I Brach C•h !CH no• 92663 All<OO MrcllHI (jro" 506 1/2 .361h Strf'tl Newport Duch. C•h f0<nia 92663 This bui1nan " con ducted by an lndlvodual Have you stMted dorn& but1ne"s yet' Ho All<on Moc:haet Cros.e Tlus $l1t1menl wu hied wttll llM County Clef-of Ouna• County on 07/01/0J 200l6HOt21 011ly l'rlot July 9. 16. 23, le?· ?00~ W21 l ,...... ..... ......... The followlna penons lft dolnC butlnus » T & T lnns.tment Oroup, 831 $ 8UCll Blvd , A11111trt11, CA 92804 l'I Yu Ttal, IJI S Buch Blvd • "n•lltlm, c"9~· Thb buslneu 11 con ducted by an lndlvldo11I tt1o;e you s.tM led dolna bUt.tMU ytll Yn07 01 2003 PIY11Tat1 Thll •l•t-111 .... t1ltd wltr-the C61111t1 Clv• of Or111P Coulfty 011 01 /l6.IOJ .... ., .... Dall~ ,.ilot Jiiiy 30. A111., 8, 1; 20. 200.1 WU4 I I • • Daily Pilot ISClJttS MOlllOf P1111111 TO UMHJa ISTATI Oft IUICl'SOMA • fQI WI IO. A2202St To all hairs, benell cianes. creditors, cor1 tina•nt c;red1tou. and persons who may oll1· erwise be lnte•esl11d m the will or 11state, or both. of. FRANCES CLARA Of POU A PETITION fOR PRO BAU has been filed by JOHN S. WILL IAMS, PUBLIC 4')MINISTRATOR In the Superior Court ol Cahfornla, County ol ORANGE TH[ PUtrlON I OR l'ROBATC requesh JOftN S. WILLIAMS. PUBLIC ADMINIS TRATOR be appointed as pt1 ~onal represenlaltve tu ad nunoster the n rate of the decedeot lHC PCTlllON requests the decedent's Wrll iilnd codlcib , If .. n~. be adnulted to probate The Wiii and any cod1c1ls dre available tor e.amona· t1on 1n the tole kept by the court l H[ PE llTION r equesh 1uthority to admm1>ter the estate undeo lhe Independent Admono\ trahon ol £sidles Act (!hos Authoroty woll allow the p~r~onal repre.en tatove to tak~ many <SCtoon~ wothoul obtc11n on& court appr oval Before 1 .. 1un1 certain very Important act10ns, however. th• personal represenl•t1ve woll be required to 11ve notice lo ml•• ested per sun¥ unle~s they have waived notke ur coriHnted lo the propoud <1cl1on.) lhe 1nd~pend111I od· n11n1sltat1on authonty woll be granted u11len an interested ptir ~on Illes an ob1oction to the Pelohon and shows eood cause why the court should not arant lhe 3UlhOflly A ttCARINC on tht palo toon will be held 011 AUGUST 27. 2003 •I I 45 P m on Dept l / 3 lncated al 341 lhli Coty D11ve !.outh. Oranrt . CA 92868 If YOU OBJECT to lhc l.(r .rnton~ of lh• petoloon, you \huuld dppear di ltoe hea11n11 and >t•te your ob1e1.t1ons ,.,, file wrollen ob1..c1ton\ wolh the court belore lhe he.tllnll Your apved• an1.-e may be 111 jH!I \on 01 by youo ~llor nty . If YOU ARl A CRL 01 !OR or cont1 ng•n l co ed•lor of th• deceased. you mu•I lole your claim woth the court •nd mdll a copy to the perso11dl 1 epresentalove •llPOllll•d by lhe l OIH I w1th1n lour month\ fr om the dat• al the '"'I os"Janu, of leller\ a' provided 1n Probdle Cude \etllun ~1 00 The tom~ Im lolong tldlm\ will not up11e belor~ four month\ lrnm Pol i•·y . Rate-.. and deadl im.:' .in: -..uhJcct 111 ~·hangc without 1w t1n· 1 ht• r uhli-..ht'f reserve). the right tn ccn-..or. rcda,:-.tfy. re v1'>c or l'l:JCl.'.l an) da.-. .... tied udvt•ni,t·mcnt. Plca'c rc pon an~ l'rror that may be 111 )our d a\\tf1cd :id 1mmcdiat£:ly. ll1c Uall) l'ilnt aLcept.-. no hab1ltty for an~ error 1n an advc niscment for ~ h 1d1 11 111ay he responi.iblc Cllccpt l11r the Lmt nl the space actuall y oc<.:0p1ccJ hy the error. Credit can onl) he allm•t·c.l lor 1hc fiN insenion. ANNOUNCEMENTS [~j & MISC. 10HH770 GARAGE :~ SALE 1489 BUSINESS & I_$ J FINANCIAL 23os-2490 Colledibles/ Memorabilia 1160 f\mt rir11n Mnt1°t• vt..1~ ~-t.,. 10..W.ltl ~.,.. LAI~ 4(h . f, yi:..t1' ,,f 11~'>110p pr<> OrdfV & llb..k c. ... ,.., w, prot • ..., <1fJl of mt mb .. , w~ArtnR ~-ltlr ~.-i UXJJ ""' ~ 114 '>31 .Hll Tot' SS 4 U(OltOS nc loa. ~lie~ & llh Ill Mee-sp., lube dfTIP"• Mike 949 64'J l'>O"> ENTERTAINMENT talendarof Events 1310 l(MW. llOUSllG OPPOIMl1Y All real est1te adve1 l1~1ne on thos newspaper I\ ..ubiect to th~ Feder al I au Hous1n11 Act o l 1968 a s am~nded whoch maku ol tllt&al to advcrt"e ·any prefer e nc e, llm1tat1on or doscromonatoon based on race. color . reh111on. sea. handicap, familial ~talus or national Ofl&tn, or an 1ntenhon to make any such preference. hmota tlon Of d1sc11minatoon • Th" new\paper will nnt know1n11Jy atcept any advet hsemenl for rut estate whoch 1\ on voolatoon of the l~w Our readers 11e h•reby informed that all dwell on~ adverltH d on thos newsp3per are available on an equaf opportunity basos To compfam ol dis cnmlnatlon, call HUD toll free al 1·8CXH24 8590. QWIOUT YOllHOUSE WITHA GW&ESAlll CAil ~49)642-5671 Auctions 14&1 Older Style FurnitUfe PIANOS & Collectibles . .,..,,...._.._,. ,,. ..... ..., ... . t••'1'·~--· .. ,, •• ~.,,. $$ CASH PAID $$ WE BUY ESTATES • ~,.,,,...f~. ~ • .....,.,,., ~--.,..,. ~649-4922\T: soumCOAST AUCTION 1202S.. ... lt. S....AM.CAm07 ~&l~O•l'M 1510 FOUND Jiiiy U , M•le Basset Hound on Oover Sho1es .,,,., Please call (949) 722·11939 FOUNOON 7 -24/0J (. SIOl COSTA MlSA (A llKI) CAU CM ,OUCI 01" todenrlk '-"" '••"e•• 1 n8 ~' 10th St & Oceanfront Cati to 1d 909 180· 2538 Genenl Amolncementl 1610 'rlvote Owll HvM"'t Ckitt approa l/hr from Hewpoltt Buch. h eel Jent hu11t1n& ad,.cenl to slate waterfowl refuse. ownership Interest & IPf)fOX 375 aCfQ of land & 1mprovement1 + your own camp compound w/struc tur e ;and 2 trailers. Wonderful frl. 1111111 8BQ's ft wine teslina durln 1 duck seeson • many 11xtrnl ldHI fOf 2 lflotnds Of lather ft son. Call Mih al 310-54 I 08S4. SELL your stuff thnqn classified! the ht1t1n11 d1tt not~ed abova. YOU MAY fXAMIN[ lhe hie kept by the court JI you are 1 peuon In· terested in the estate. you may Ille with the court D Requ111I for ~coal Nolie• (form Of· I~) ol the Mme of an inventory and a ppr a1ul of u l1te n seh or of any petition or account as pro•lded In Probate Code section l :l50 A Requu t for Special Notice lorm os available fr om the court clerk Att .. Mr. t .. '•tltl-f't ltnl-• '· 48 Moye County CevnHI ond Joyce alley, Deputy 341 The City Or., , .0 . ••• 4411 Or-s•. CA 92163 P ublished Ne wpor t Beach Cosla Me\~ Daily Polol July 24. 30. 31. 2003 fhW612 SUllOllS (OTACJOIC AIDIOAl) N-Ol lCE TO OHEN DAN I· (Av1so • Acusa do/ DONNA f'l NNY YOllES. and 00£S I through SO, Inclusive , YOU ARl BllNC SUED BY l't AIN ltf r <A Ud le est a demand ando) CINDY BRYANr, You have JO CAI [ N OAR DAYS after th1\ \ummon<s ·~ ~er ved on you to Joie a typewntten resrionu at th" court A leller or phone call woll not protect you. ~ewo otten rt spon u must b• In f)(Oper legal form of you w1nl lht court to hnr your cue If you do not hie your response on hme. you mily lose the cu e, .md your waees, money and property may be taken without lur thet warnlna Ir om the cour l There are other leaal requirements. You m~v want lo call an attorney rlaht away fl you do not know an attorney, you may call an alto• ney ref err al service or d leg•I aod office (h'>led on the 11hone boo~) 0e"!>U8S dt Que le entreeuen esta colatoon 1ud1c1al usted toene un pl.,zo de 30 UIAS LAL {NOARIOS para pr~s~n tar una respue\l.t c~ er lld d mdqUtnd ~n t'"»ld cor te Una cdrta o un.1 llamada lel•lonocd nn lb ofrtocera protetl'oun. so re~pue\ld escrtld a rtldQUlflo lotne que w mpl11 con lo for •ndl odades Jegale• apror11a da~ " us ted quoere qu,. la corte nc U<ht su CiSO. So usled no prt\•nl.i \U 1espuesla a tttmpu puede perder el td"' y le pul!den 4u1tar w \dlilllO. SU doneru y o)tr d\ co•a\de s11 propoed•d sir• avoso adoto<>lldl pCJr par le de la •Orte E u~ten olro'\ r tflu1-,1 tos leeales Poed• que usled qu1era llamar a un abo r a d o l n me d1•I• monle So no conoce a un abo &•do. pu•de lf•m•r • un u rv1ciu de reler1111tla de abocado' o • un• ohc.Jna de .. yud• lec•I (vea el d1r«to110 telefonlc:o). CASI NUMllR1 (N.,...tro dtl (oH) e 2(CISll l JUDGE THOMAS N. THRASHER, SA. Ol". Cl I The name a nd addreu ol the cour I 1s Cll noonbr e y dor ec to on de 11• 1.orle e\) SW'CRIOR COURT. 700 CIVIC C£N !ER DRIVE WEST, P 0 BOX 838, !>AN 1A ANA. CALIFORNIA 9210? 0838 lhe name. ac!dre•s. dnd telcphune 11u111ber ol 1Jld1111ttl'\ •lturn~y. ur pl .. nlotf wllhoul •" attorney " ([I 11unobre. Id dl•cl<lfln y el numcru de lelelono del aboeado del dtm•.•danle . o del d~mdnddnl• que no Ilene dbogddo. ,,., LAW O• flCES or NIC K O'MALLlY, N I C K 0 MALL£ Y SB•06«4 I, l~O~ £AST Sf Vl N · IU Nllt SIRf l I, SUIJ[ IOl'I. SANIA ANA. CA 9?70'), 7l4 541 2".1!>4 OATf: (ft<ha) OCT 15, 2002 ALAN SLAT£R, Clerk (Act.,arlo), by OLGA MORi NO, Deputy (Delego ... ) STATEMENT Of bAM- AGIS (PerHnoJ Injury or Wrongful Death) C ASI NUMllll 02CC I SI 1 I J11d9e: T.._.. ............. r l n Onnn• Penny Volle' Pl~onlltt Coody Bry•rol Htk~ dam•ac) 1n the 4bCJVe ant1tled 4Cloon, u follows I Cen•r al damaies Pain suffer ong and mconveo1enctr SI0 ,00000 2 Sptco'lj dam•ae~ Medlt•I UIJ•ll\e\ (to d1tle) $3.!>00 00 I uture med ical upen•e~ (prese nt value) $?,500 00 P rop~tly d arn•&• $2.500 00 Other. Tot•I Sl8,500 00 Date 1/21/03 /SI NICK O'MAl t f Y. f \q Publlshtd Ncw por I Bedo.h Costa Me\a 0~1ly Pilot July 23. 30. Au1tu,1 6. 13 i.'00) WI JO Fk1itlM lvsirltss ... s........ 11111 lotrowong '"" '""' dfe du1n11 bU\llle'\ ., Need 4 $pHd, 914 Cedar Pia<e. Cosl• Meso c.11101 "'" 92627 Oanoel Jou ph Cerl<1ch, 914 C&dar' Plare. Co~ta Me.a, Cahlorn1a 9267/ ltu'\ bu-sme~-. 1~ t.on ducted by an 111d1v1dual Have you \l•rl~d doong bu\lness yet? Nu Dar11el Ger lat.h Ttu~ ~ldtc111~n1 w .i\ loled woth lhe !.011111 y Cl~rk of Oranl(e I 01111ty on O/ t02/0'l 20036950287 0•1ly f'1lol lul1 9 JI) 21 JO, 2003 W209 Jlow to Plaet• A .......... ..... s...... lhe lullOWlll& Pl!ISOrl' ""' doine busme'~ •s A II I I•& & Hanner Cu 771 WH t 19th Slr11el Costa Me,a. Caloforn11 92627 J Sc.oil ~tornsby 1961 \lost• Caud•I. ...ewpurl Be .. ~h. C1hlur ma '12660 ll11s busonen •~ ton duded by •" md1v1d11•I Hav" you st .. 1ted dom& bu"ness yet? Y" 06/ 01/2003. I Sc.1111 lfo111>bv 1 hos Sldl~n••nl wa• filed wolh t~o lo1Ul)ty Cltrk ul Or•n&~ C.nunly on 0//01/03 20036'#S0416 IJ11ly Polol July 9 lb, 23 JO X.IOJ W'1U6 f1ctitlM hsiwss .... s ....... The tuUuw111v µ~t';)tJn\ a1 t! dom2 bu~m~~ rJ~ Ne,IMod~ f nletJJfl~t\ 'l49 Soolh Cud\( 01 , Cv• I• M .. '<,, CA '17b7b Ne\IMode Bruce. <\49 Soutll Cu•\I Or CO,ld Mt s• CA •nr,76 ( tH\. l>U\ll'lt:\!i I\ C 011 due f .. d t.v .rn 111ri1¥1dudl ft,.tVt." '1"1J 'ttdl tt-lt doing trn\1flt6 ~ yl'I} fe,/ 1 Oi ti1w t Nr•,t.1n11 ... fh1'.. ".to1t1nll."lll Nd!!. lolMl with th" Gvur1ty (t ... 1~ 11f f11c1u~t' f ounty MIJ/ II OJ 200l b9S2198 Oaoly I 11o,1 luly 7 l lO: Aug 6 I J )003 W 128 RdlllM ..... -s......· floe lullowma p~1wn• ~·" duona bu,111.s~ ·~ •) l u\hn loyol•. bl I u'''" Seton. 44 Auto C.enler Drove, lo\1111 CA '12782 Oremor ul I usl111. llC (CAI « Auto Genter Orovo, lu•lon. CA 92782 This butsme~\ ·~ c.011 duele d by l•1111 l ed L11b1hty Cu Oremor o l lu~l111 LLC Stever• J f leur ~nl Chtel f 111<1nc1•I Ottocer lhos staternMI w"' ltl~d With tht. f.f)IJllly Cl"'" "' Or"''~~ C:111111tv unO/tl//OJ 200S69SIUI Oaoly Polol July Ii IO Aug 6 13 ?O()j Wl!'I lt1t-fotlowme, &J~f ~•uti. ., t dome bu''""" "" Ra111bow lnri 831 South B~dt.h Bl A11dht11n. (.A 97804 Po Vu lsdo 8JI \1111lh a~alh Bl . A11ahe11ll [A 92804 n.-..... ..... s...... I loe followona .,erw1u ~re doll>& bu,mttl n At1&1!I ~ Autu Sp• ?28'> Newport 61vd , Cu•t• Me\• CA 9?6U K•m•I dnd !>omo Inc (CA1 228!1 Newpurl Blvd , C11sta Men. CA 'l'/627 1 tu~ bu~me~\ '' t m1 dUt.lf'd lly d <.Ofpor,lmn H .. v• you 1t•r hid domll bU\1110>\ y•I I Jaroudr y I ?OC/! l'.•m•l dnd S11111 lo1t '.urdl Stflf)' p,., Uu, \.ldt@rnt'ot '#4\. ltlf'd .. ,th the (.111111ty l.lerk r>I 111.ng• f.uunty "" (J/ 71 ()j 200369S2169 U.1111 hl•1t lul1 JO Aul( 11111.11001 w1·i7 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! Thi~ bU\IOt>''\~ ··~ Cl>lt ducted by "" 111d1v1du•I In Hnvt" you •,triff.-ft c1n1H~ bu,one's yet' (lASSlflrD YesO/ Ol10i ' Po Yu 1,., I Hu~ \ltth;m .. nt w.t toled woll• lh• Co,unl; (949) 642 5678 Cleo~ ,,f Or An~~ l'c.unl 1 ' • on 01174103 20036952619 ll•ol; P1lol July -ii1 '"•r b I i. 20 20CJJ w I j c ,... ..... ... s...... Th4' follow1nc p•n•m• •• e dome buson•n n ,,nc;1enl W•Y' 440 I •If Onve ~u1te G, Ca~I• Meta CA92626 Ron, Id 81ole1, I.ii Aao•t1nu lrvoro~. <.A 92614 Thi\ bu\m~~s 1\ t.ou du<. led by •n mdlY•du•I ltwv• yuu ~t.orto:d du11)& t.<>~onen ycl' Ye' 06189 R1111•ld B1de1 lh" ~l"t"m"nt w~' ltlcd wolh t11e !.uunty Clerk t)I r.i...,n11t C.t11111ty '"' /110 Oj 200l69S 117& O<Soly PokJI July I j J() Au11 6 IJ i'OOJ Wl'6 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 ~--Dradlin('ft! --- CLASSIFrniAD \fonu.1y ....... . . l·nd;.i) ) OOpm Bv Fax (44Q/ fd I ·flSlJ4 1f'I, ·'"' 11t1. l1ul1· '''°' 11.lfll'-" .Oki phon<' t1Utd'(.·1 .ukl .,."''II •.ill 'tllO f\,e1, l "'°tlh ~ jltU,t' 4U\1k I Bv Phone (li4l/ I 042· )fl 7X II our~ B\' .\lail/ln l'er:o;on: 1 \0 w ... ,1 H.a~ Strt·.:1 c·, .... w "vll''·' Cl\ 112<127 ,\J Ne"' port Bhd t.:. B.n \1 I nd:.ty .. ...... Thur-.d;n 'i ·llOpnt Satun.la-. .............. h1d..1\ ' OOpm Tckphonl' X ·1oam 'i OOp111 MomJ.ay·Fr11.JJy V.alJ.. In X 11Jam 5 f.10pn 1 ~1onday-Fnda~ SumJ..i, ., . .. . .......... Fm.Li~ 'i OOrm ANANCIALJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Credit Services 2460 SSCASHSS ln1m~d1at~ C;>~h lor ,.,o, tu1•ll -...ett"-mt~ut<., arw1whes. re.ttl ,,,dtt! nut,.... P' IVdt~ nlllf'tg"l!t' note-.. •• c:K!Pfit f a~~s dOd 10 \tlt JO(.P IMYOUts (!n>) /94 I WI (CAI "SCANI APPLIANCES 3050 l(fHMOll( Mlglli-• 9 mo •-. -w/tre«nr oo h:tp 1Ulo ~:.a ~ Ull Cal 949463 IN!J ~ 3010.3940 I ••• I (trnl l I • • soos-saso Cats 3610 20G+ KITTENS, CA T'S, J)()CS -~or~ r ....,...,, t<J.:wldl'w"' ~ 1111m ~ lH CUNlN~lH 94'J644 U/9 ~v n1'lll'WN cllt ~ ~ l<.rltem ~' fK(l 3615 Chocolate pvrebreed lab 11am•d "Moose· 1 ecov~rong from 011n 'hol wound on dAng•o ol brlll& put lo •leep Need> 11oud hum~ ••ap Call Lynn 714 6!>8 4623 Pel Adoptions 3660 Germ-Shepflerd• all colors. all ~11u lor adoption to q11~11l1ed homes www gvncue O<ll or Cdll 714 nJ 591S. HOME FURNISHINGS MISCB.WEOUS 3435 MERCHANDISE 2 Motchlttt Von Memert sofa•. 811. soil white. hke new. $750 each, both 10< $1400. /ft green pnnl sola Sl!>O. oak table & charrs Sl!\O 949-67S-29U Solt l.y 41ppt. rur"lture on colt a&•· style oncl I& wall unit s . Vinta ge collect1blts, w~dgewood '!love. efK lrlc potle<y WhttJ. ,_ dothr'& WM pica! ~ 9fMJ3.lM23 Mllcellaneous Merdaldlse 3855 AU STU\ IUllOINGS su"a SW 7.4~28 was $8200. sell S3990 ?8146 wu Sll.600. sell $5'80 481100 was S25.800 \ell Sl 2.850 CaU Now! ,_ (100) J92-7106 Bainess Oppoftlnittes Blsinmes and frlnchlses -BUSKSS (){\'{LOf'MEHT S( fMC{ ~ 5upport stiwq ,. e •IM"dl1& • wnal "'-'> Cal w .... lll6-&.f8.P Ml CA5" CANDY Route. J.>o you ean ml in • d.!ly? Ycu ~ locM CIOdv rout• lncludl!s ~ mt· chines 111\d cancty Al for $9,995 1-800 !J98.. 'r'EJC) (CAL•SCAN) CAffU<( ... 0 nAllO conn Comp1111 u p1ndln1. Olatrlbutora wented. Hi&ft·profit po IM6ll. ~ can do ttW.l l•-..... Oil ma~.~ l'f/l(d. (('A. "'SCNC) ... YOU.IOHIKwtli kwb 811'"'4tu. L1yinl 1:o nUnuou 1 concr•l• curbln1. lq11lp111ent. tt •iftlna. 111111 ketlnc wtth Nd·• and t llHO'I Don't Wtlt, -lrHS stlll nelteMI. 1.-.a ~l www.kw ...... lt.com (CAL•SCAN) Ind ex IUI. ESTATE lliTALs A8SOLUH GOlOMINlt ' bO vrnc1H1C m-sdt1n..--. wtth ,-n.f"ll,.nt IOtdtlOn\ .,.. h SI0.'"1 lfll714~ Business Oppot1Unity Services 3910 A S-wide d!<.(ll.ly ~ti 111 118 pArloc1Pahn.i llf'W'>IJd P"f' I '> Millen<" t...tlrfr•11 .. hou~nolct-. Cc~t SI.~ tm 4·,2 s· ·•d ff,.~ 1r1tt)rm.attun I 'I lfJ) lll!l 60l0, (916) Z88 6019 WWW C.tll Sit.AH c.otn \t1'oM f1\ •ilforno .. 1Nab<ln~ <ltwlay It.Al "S(AN) Ofas Irr Lease 4540 Otfl~e For lto•• Aw•o•rmately JOOOsl 170 £ 17th Slrtet Co\ht ~ 949 466 6523 HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balbol Island Abo,, ........ v on taae Balboa Island $800,000 Cottaee Mu c h souaht ~li er a .... ,, leodt ovpt .. B alb n.1 P e n i n s ula $975 000 At-t (.WWelf .... M 949-6J7-2S97 CormdelMll HAaaoa VllW HIUS South ESTA IT on one of lhe taraest Joh Of'IN SAT-SUN 1-S 1S20Keel0r. 51>< 3ba. Med1ter1 .,. nean par 1d1se Cr•· clan shaped pool & Spa lountaint a l'afm Trees. By Owner Ac:c1tphn1 BiM Be· tween Sl.499.000· SI 515.CXXl 98-JIDOlfi? ColtlMaa CM'IN SAT-S!Mll l ·S M77Y-"-~ 5bf f b• HKUtlV• home 8 Owr>« 01 .. t lu~ $699.900 C."W7l4 850 1'90 al6 H 714·850-lOSZ ........... ~ llCXM: IH1'S 5!.86TH ST <tor-t1' .._ M .. Ill Sl.) ... ,.. 2111 _,, OCJI ""' i.-2111' a. !di ..., ._ 'ZAJ;o ... ... .,..,.." ,. c.ril ~CllMI .... 9871&> Dl)flllt .............. ~ 7402-74b6 ~ IOOS·8SIO [¢J 9000-9750 --O,IN SUN 1.4 14 JU,.f[fl HILLS OR ONI FORD RD ')hr 4 lull hd v•• y 11: - ullrd pvl b•<~yd ""''' "" hHU\t-'' tH...:hll1d 'irH 1th C11ld•' tHl)u1t R..,, '~49 "14 if()() 'l4'l II) < OJq I - OPlN SAT-SUN 1-S 208 TUSTIN AVI I J Ah ltf• h.t~t tu,,I th1 1ti.t h11u\r-t l4111'•dPt I et vd <.tdll"'f putt h11t.Pd .t11nlhf-'t s 1 19'> om I I)( t•,r S i?<J~ Jt'IAO "111'.HI! k~t 9'\'; Mf> /OJ I I "'949 b!SJ !I'll! NEWPOln HOGfITT Crcat omtesln""'t i;<t.....,.t•1 Ol'fH SAT-~ 2·S 3212 lllOAD St b 2 '>™ & 2br Iba R'2 c~too lo c;mdc6. I •nfll ~ S/10.CXD (T boU> $1 (Jf,f'OO 949-646~ ~!lM WWW veass<JOiJlel. """' llouo;e -- th Gor9....,•I 2bo lb• w/hbrary New wondow• doors, new appls '" ured walls1re1ls. crown mouldone. des1anen Ill• P••Qu~I llooron& and more a1t 949.584 !>811 Of'IN SUN 1-S 1910 Y odtt Mori• l& 4br Jba fdon home. i "le Roodrded upsule comm Curte.y to llkr\ $1 190000 949 121 98!>1 ,RIMI lSTATlS ,AHIClt TINOltl NATIONWIOf USA 949-156--9705 WWW J16lf1Cklenore Com HAltaOa WOODS Zbr :Zb~. 2 c 111r aee bedroom/otfoct Aat s 1900 949 293 4631 .... Coat •Of'tN SUN 12-4 * 41 AJlKMI M•11nilicent lownhouu! Zbr 1 1~a with loll. Prem upcndn Z car&;} {IN s-ft) S609. 8 y0wner C1H MM009'40 b w-. S.Clwt* ....... ,,_. MMV....._.• Mldlt--.n C tatt. criu.Shotou -IMUOO". G.:"*"ocun vi..11 095,000 TOfl~ lafhin• : If• ftult'f otftte . .., ~Mt4n !.700 Under the Service Directory Banner Rea ch 80,000 Homes Each Weck For Only $32 p e r week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 San Juan Capistrano OPIN SAT I 4 30 I Sb Hilltlde T •no<• 4br 4 'lhA lo0I\ ol 11p ~r.1Jr'' S•"h r.r11d schntodl li1 uker 'WI 2~4 JIOO 'i49 i6 I O?'H OPEN SUN 1 ·4 27942 Via htoncio 4t11 } 'lt1A IJ\jif"f \j/,._fj bclrm\ pvt vor<1 Jf.t>11000Im1 Muo11y '149 2'>4 (/()() lj4q i{,j 0191 Tustin VIEW CHATlAU IOSO I Brier lone l 11< al•d 1n N T U\1111 Holl~ I 'J •<re holllvp •stat~ 6b• IM C•ll l0t prote A11I k•hn L u2an /14 Ill 1808 HOMES ANO PAOPEAllES FOA SALE OUT Of STATE 5875 COM! 0111 ARLI QUI f l 3!>00 Sq f I ~mgle !.t1HY ~ .. ,.cuflve home on lt Z arr~ Clo•e to t>ospolal •nd ~hnppon& on Stayton. Or~&"" Se~ ~I www 0tee<>™ulc""'ln com SQ) gJ). <ll5 I ( CAl •<;CAN) I AS \llGAS RILO CA llON Center Pl11nn1ng • move lo La• VeRA~ 1 Call I 888 S86 6254 Frtt onlormatoon pack act (CAl •SCAN RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE ~ C-*Y'"""' 5815 COlOIADO AT ll't IUT 35 acres only SJD Q'llllll froob8t & ~ ~ ........ !'> -tn Wll$t C..11 .. ~~ioarns Miu Nlioflll forest v.tlit cn$~~­ROICI& ~ f~ Cll l-BQB.3116 (rA~) ORANGE COUNTY 7400 tov.ty Gottd c-itv l 8r I Bo Af>t. " , •' >'d' hw • W-'I~ to ''· •'ltl Ht> s~~fll tu I Wdlf't lr(l1.ti p,.11.1 kl ... 111 M.arM~• ownt 811 I '1 k'>il'l f d IJ.l(lJ Corona del Mar 2 8r. 28a, uJlpP' ,,nit Apt 1 I t'.H f1t·W (l;llf11 Wallo To Beach lfjo ••'I·"' blind\ lon"'"uo1 I B• 11~111 1' ~'·~hi 1\1 I Sl.'!0 11 'J4'1 6/ I /RJJ n pt'h ~~rll-t~•· .tv-ttl '''' l L''.l'.im 11111 ' 1111 I ••I I Summer Spe<lol Ou•I ri• w 't.44 / 'l' J"rf .. '"' ~lt1' ~1·2 ffl OM fi" In Cozy ..,t,. Jr "• ufr f111111t•• w l'twr dryt'' hu11k 11p. dl!t l I ROCt 'l4q "l<H olf,;I) R.m1• 1vt--n i1w IJi•\ldK" • uv , ... ~ watt'f h""'1 lJ.fid $l,•l'Jrl1 Wll~ S!>flJP"I I HAlt90lt WlAGf ii• IY~ lllvd (<iJ l.1r<'""'" W•y 1141 '>4'01144, lbt 3 Sbo twnhm. 1 .,,. Ir• br fl / "'' 111 .,_L IWV \ .. Ho'<I cl!M ~M ~ I r, A ..... •••W <149 "''1 ltn Huntington Beadl n e.vrl1 ltw loo '"° · 1,,.,, I "1 p.,_. • ,,.l'Wt pt"lf"• ~ w. ~ ., ...... lrntKl/1 d 1°"'1> ~ Sll(J) ~/ i-18.f1 Laguna Beadl t lit tCJf t.i11,, }ht /tt.1 t) ... ~n it!~W ll~OOmn •·•II ,.., .. ,dtnl me• 94'1 494 Rf)l!J Newport Beadl * Beoutilvl n r .'I 'II 2Br I Bo Cott09• lo,:hl I UDO Y lAltll LIAS( rtnl•I 1 ult COM dupl.-I'. b"~tot w '1 H o.p•. & UDO SUMMEa HOMlS gdld~~ w r1 hn•ldkooµ' '•11'"'1 1 '~ "" lo\~d I B• l CRUNOY RI AJ II~ Af/'l S?800 <14'~ ?93 41> ICI V•l"l 11" L•-1~ SI "IS '"0 949-47S-616 I .:'hl'• llht• #f 'dll1 ----- • l--'Y 0.-. v-"~ sty hurt"' 'i&-· t<Jfl'~ll Channon& u tyr d cnto ; ~o• ll{X) ..i 2br •rl<11 2ba f p, form Oil att /, e•r W/~lorag" M~t·• w/w.JIA ll dst Cu1on1 I'>~ ,,..a. clbh:se Sm ,,.,1 lJ" Crdrw S34501mu l\1!:111 MllJnl. 881 704 8649 .~ CostaMesa ~ -...~ fl..nl'd IT lfl Sq, cool, cozv. ~ rd <Uj\, ~ IP"-... II/pet f7r.lrno 9tl!).6Q. 2811! •1•'11•"" '14 .. '>14 0 1bl !torgti llr 11• unot °'' QUlf'f ~ .... Hn,ul.1 QO•O' SonK~ pet -.on !11n 'mil ~I\ SI&~ 949 ?9·; 4631 210(1Sft.St4 .. .'bd • .,,.t,w· l {Ooll ""' tv 1elr11t R,. nu P"I Sllfjl "" ~ ... ,,.,, ~ r'f> lt66 Neor Newpor t Hh, < ump•~tely t •mod 2h• I '>lo" tw11llm nc>,. wd. ,_ 0.ltdl/;•Clllh. tNll"I Yd W)'Mderlfr GM w~ No llf'I S 181"> 949 "() f>.ilJ 949 (..4/).6£R> NfWf'O«T HEIGHTS 3br hJwnhouu. Ip son& it'"' n~.., c11~t p1ho, v~ry noc~ SI'>!!!> 949 617 60C)4 lbr 2b" rent.ti Newporl Buch Pen1nsul11 near Newport ptef SlllOO "'' 94t-67J-7BOO »-1 .._, i<•i""'l' 2Hc lovely 2a,.+4eft 2' / .. • 7~ """"" IUGl le •" lownhouse 1860\I z~ p Ill N.' WU iJ<ln pr .....otb.11-~ oncld S21M'no> Kll>e> ~ rw f a'<hoon 151 S2150m no f;l] 104 llliolY (•I 924'> l"°I 'ff'N ...... 9'&1Z3-06Z2. STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • fl . • • AlO ~sdly. bi 30, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge "Emp/,oyee." "EmpkadtJ." "Arbeilnehmer." "Emplcyl." "NO [ TO REAOCRS Catoforn11 ltw re qu11 es lhet conlr ac ton Lakin& ,obs that Iota! $500 or more (labo< or malet11ls) M ltcenwd by the Contraclo" St ate license Board State lo1w also requofes that contractors include t11ew license numbef on an advertrsina You can ch«k the status of your llcensed cont ractor 1t www cslb ca 10• or BOO 321 CSLB Unlr censed contnc I ors tak1n1 robs that total less thin SSOO mu\I state on their 1dverUsemenh that llley are not licensed by the Con Ir actors Stale license Board." ,.~ AU.INHVAC Alf Condltr0flt111 & Heal l"t~: C.,1 •y A -I HANDYMAN Install, reface c1bonets. ~ ~ ODie 714-546-78 .,,,"""" <1<.AltPlf ~ Rep1ire, P1tch1n1. Install Coortffll.5 any m e iobs Wlloletetel 949 492·0205 Cluning Touch or Klsm Europe41l Eapen in House Cleaning 20 yea" 1n Business L1ccno;cd & Bonded Prufc"1onal team~ as,.gncd 10 Your Home (949) 548-0097 FRlC El:trlTUltCS Rdcrcnccs Spnng Cleaning Special~ Pl.AV OR DFl'END'l 8ucJ\ \'llJOCl'lblc. South dell~. NOlt11I • AJ 1165 <:1 3• ( 114 • S·Jl WFST •07 41 0 91 63 0 9763 1 • Vc*I SOUTH •8 ~AKJ 75 0 8 •A KJ 1064 The bidding: SOlJ11t WF.Sr .. ,_ 2·~ .._ ,. .._ NORTH F.AST .. .... 2NT .... ,_ .._ Opening lead: Three of v S1udy the dje,&ram alxl\C A~~ummg rcbOnllhle phi) and ~fen\t', would you rather try for 10 trick~ JI nearts (If opl to defw that contract? Since South'\ IWO heart~ <ohowed adlliuooal \'aha. North'i. lwo no trump was cmmcntly 1oOUnd, as Wlb Sooth· s dtt1st00 to g"e North a choice of &amcs by lcaptna to four hearts. showin& Ill lea~• slii clu~ and fh-e ~~. AJthoogb North del:ldtd 10 gamble on thc m11Jur-~ui1 gwfl(, w<t "'ould ha\'e corrected m fhc cl~ bccauo;e of our bcucr support fllf part- ner·~ hrM·hld \UIL Wc\I led 11 low diumond, declarer played k1W Crom dummY and the ,-;k WOI), 'The klnj of dfamonda Wli Nffod in the tlol«I hmli. ~ wcne drawn io Cour l\lUOlh and lhe lee o( clubr. Wiii led. Wesl'a diamond dllal'd WllS I motW blow. W"Uh Oflly one entry IO the ~ in the .:e of ~there wa..\ no way'°' declllm' to pick up the quMn of clu~ and thc cootnel foundered hopelculy. Obviously, the contract can be ll\lldc aJona double dummy lines If dccllll'CI' croues to dummy wilh lhc queen of uumps and immediately tflku the club fl.llCUC. West can rulf. but the dcfeodmi will score at IDOlo1 two heart~ and a dhimond. But lha1 will look very foolish if West holds a 11l11gletoo or doubleton q~n of clubs and ll\IJ'l'lfl"I arc '-2. as expected. Betrer is for South. after ruffina the diamond II Irick IWO. to cash 11() more than cw high trump from hand and then te!>I clubfl by leading tbc ace. West CID ruff and fC\'Clt lO dilllll00d£, but declarer ruffs. Cl'Q>SC~ to lhe qucco of hearu and lake$ the matted club fi-.se. We:;t ogain ruff5. but lb.it 1s the fin.al trick for tbe defemc. Since all the defensi\.c trum~ Na\e bct-n r~ "'hilc South ~till lw. onr, the: <1cr cnden. o.:annnt fJR\ cnl dec:larn from wiMmg any ~turn, C""'-''"8 tn the ace of '~ and repeat• ng the club finc:s"C-The ron- tracl " home with five trump tnc~. (our club<; and the: occ of spades Hard "'url< to achic \ c lhe same te\Ull lb v.uuld ha~ been obmUICd, with thc j!re31CSI Of ~..e. Ill lht' clu~. thanl.\ w the rc"'t'aling be of the car<b. ~lASTalU"~ 3Br 28r. aar •ae. w/d hookup, S2375/mo Agt 949·293-4630 Of'IN SAT-SUN t-5 2Ga TUSTIN AVl -4---11---+--I J 2br 2bo OCIA.NHONT. Near Balboa pier S2375/MO r ab arch1lectual 3br 2ba house remodel La yd, &eller purchased another Sl,395.000 ael 949 673 7800 aAlaOA PENINSULA Ill upper 3bt 2ba, VllOlt CAHI, Ip, w/d, 2c 11•, S2400/mo aet Clwrsty 9t9-500 3648 .._ S2'50 tf*d :b t\h d~n paho. coovn pool trw, don, lam:' clnt cond .,,.., now lie 949-646-8473 Newport Helfhta 3Br, 2Ba 1ar1e tamtly room 2 ctr 1tar11e avail 8/1 S27001mo 949 759 3771 lluff's P...,to. ( ,..,, 4Br 2'/·Ba. family rm courtyard b41Clll1y, no pm S2BX)n 714 328 8lJ3 Nice Jbr 2ba on Balboa Penon hdwd fir s, Ip, pitt10, 2 l 111, avail 8 I •et S2800 949 293 4631 or lse S3995 Joan Allison Bkr 949 646 2011 ~r 949 683 8911 llOVAltl 2br Zba 2 c ear. ea led, community pool. aet $2400949 293·4631 Renlats Wnecl 7UO w.......,..,..._ seeks room & bath (Plrtal) t•chinte for hef1l ~'~ No coolune or nur Wll· Rt>te-ences 96-m !il92. VACATION RENTALS BeacMVaterfront Rm ts 7905 NICC he1 1-•tllote openones lor Wail Staff & HotlonetColdhne B~n quet Couk Apply on pcnon T dayvwt. :q,ni hcltlt.y "-Mu11 .. ~G. --------1 ""-·u;oo~Hlrlly-l'lti fruit trees. 48r 2Ba, sphl c.Ml ,,...... ....._.. t• fir pliln 10<. 2 kitchens Cott¥ on Ocear1 8MI. iettY S3ri'l)n r\lpets 949 251 Oll3 & 00!91 view. w.111 to bdl Comtt*s.vlces COMPUTER HELP! ...... ~ .... •M,..limlwlllll K1rac l#HOMI & .U51#f55 •fl'AMS Uperades. Repa11s of Computer, Networks. E ven1n1s/Wee~ends Competitive Pf icH for quality senile 949-U6-t t7S 7t4-926-422a arldi at.di st-Tllo , ... a.. ... ,,, 2'/••• "--• private cul de S<ll nice yard. areal locahon $2950/mo 949·47!>·0027 MonlNy Rental Ay8j Seo! bie 4br 2bal 1'51! on p_, Pori V«y nee turn•d lllt $.Yl(X)~Clan co..I.~..,._ Home. 28r 2Ba. 2 -p ' pvt beaches, A/C, lliOOrno 714-91JS.l l'!"l8 714-366713 ~Mohr ....... 48r. 'NIM., 2 cs pr, fully fur nrshed. S4(XX)rno Asso catad Realty ~73-3663 T MlfOHGtN YOuttHOMl lMPIOVlMlNT PIOJlCT? Call a plumber, painter. h•ndyman. or 1ny of the areal ser.,1ces hsted here 1n OCH service dorectoryt TttESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLC CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Drynll SllVtces WITTHOfn DIYWAU. All phun sm/lr1 tobs CUANI 20yrs, faot, frtt est l~ 11~1447 s....iaJ.ttl-..nt 0UflCM Fleclrlc 20Yrs [1p l ocll\/Qulcll Re5900W Servlce/Remodeb l #275870 949 650 7042 Concrete, Patio, Onveway DUTCHMAN UICTllC Firrplc, BBQ. Refs 25Yrs Commercial. lndust11al, Exp. Terry 714-557 7!i94 ~ LcAis Ccln"cll!tiM Tt.o C_. ·-RMm tf1'BJJI 9&~ Cementwork, Brock. Tole & More Rehable No tob too small 714 615 9062 VlleTUIA MASONIY Resrdent1al Concrete & Masonry Ser"ICt Stone, Btk!. Block 714 965-2824 UCINSID CONTUCTOI No l:lb loo sm. ,, --' Reptw. remodel. fans. spa, ,_ SVC ~lfli6 mmJM a1A1M lU ~ .... c.-1m1:. nwtlll, ....... tt7J lJl6120W .laff 71"'6 l.M961 Sept I 13, 9Z8 525 1950 Desert Renlats 7915 YAUllOll IStTAlS su•IStTAlS ePalm~alm llesef1 Conbdldi.i Anter 39J.259-l~(l&?-333-7ll7 Colf~bons.com = lt41 Torr•• a.-.hcope W..,, m;wrt. tree trrrmq & installation 2S Yrs up ltcftnsured 949 ~ 4363 TrH S.nrlce, Yard Cleanup Maintenance. Spunkier Repair H•ulm1 (949) HO-U a I RES TORl • REPAIR ~ Hf'VIOOEI 1114G CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yrs Exp • Great Ref's All Phases ol Construction ~~[Jilll'tS Ll577982 949-709-5642 • p /TtMf RWEf MA.M- AGO.. L•e ~toraee t....llrty on CM ~y l'hur~y. I nday Office and llte Cleanlll&-[lp ll• ~ for mform.Jhon" 714 4Jl 9200. c .... ., o..,..,.._111 .. 1 . FT/PT pos avail loollina for rnd1v1duals who are rel••ble. friendly and w1thn1 to worll. Call &» ~t I 866 604-8325 Nace "-'-"""• openma lor PT rect1) tionisl. ...,.-> Sal·Suo 3pm-9pm Apply rn ~ Mon-fn 9~m .,, 161»£. C~~t Hwy NB Handyman/ Homeffeplr JHsey Alw-11 H-••r•• Sf>•"°'''' lnteroor & Eiteroor Repa11s 714·501 6466 THE HANDYMAN All work auaranleed PUnlq. [ltdr leaf. Oocn. r _,,carp* 9&*81l> JUN« TO THf DUMPlll 714·968· 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAY' 949 673 5566 --------" ~ .. ; .. . . Open7 0•Y" Low Rates Storage Specie!• Si(l()81981 949-645-4545 HST MOVllS $SS/Mr. Ser"'"I All Crt ies Insured fl6l844 80().246-2378 323"630-9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Caltf Publtc Utilrttes CommosS>Qn requ•n thal 111 uwd h ouullold aoods mo.,.rs prtnt their P U.C. Ctl T num~. hmos and ch1utteura print their T C P numMI In all •elver liMments II you have any questions •bout th• l•a•llty o f • m o yr, llmo 01 full time ln1ldt ulu representative lo sell Cltullied Advet llsm1 al local new51>ape1 1roup Phone Hin uptttenct preferred Appllcenl should be • sell·sl1tl11, reU1ble. dHdlma ind 1011 oriented, poutu eacellent cu•lomer S«Vice ablltly Computtf/ lyp1n1 51\olls requtred Company otter\ eacel lent benefit ptckaae Pre sc11enln11 r equu ed Equal opportunity em ployer. Send resume wtlh sal11 y rtquwemenls blly 00.@>LAni-c:om ,. ... '° ~1.QlM. 9004 ._..,Amat-... WM.,/\.;n 141. n"'rs Sl2900l ,)(02994 Olr NlWPOlt'T AUTOSl'On 949-574-5600 uaw ·a2 .ucd 2 dr. 1rey/l3n !> ~. sunroof. full pwr. $2000 714 878 94~5 a•w •91 u ar c-., m4tlalhc d~rk blue/&rey lt llr . sup~•b cond throuahou t Sl ~.495 v#012421 Bier 96 !ill>-llllll www . .cpoltl.coM IMW '90 '2SI hke new Blk/lan. 4 dr , •ulo. 106lc mo. u . sunrf lull pwr lint. Ca smoe Sl850 714 6!il '661 IMW 'ta ZS c...,. auto whole/tin lltw, CO belultful hke new cond, $11.995 ~9724 fin & _. ..... 9&586-111!11 ..... ,, ..... ... NurstntftnonlClre Attftt l.14trty ... H-• .......c....s....~ Bathr.. mecb. ~ .,... Or olllPb * .1111 refs. arlllied 714 JZI 67D 12/ltr .... .._. N,.n&At C•• 5d•y~ ""' M-F, 7• 7p Have ulen sr"e Medictl B•~11nd u well H IH!1n1 licensed H l VH in•·W1ll commit to other resp n well S•lary ne101t1ble Kevin Hm 949 5!>9·0110 Par 949 559 2?46 ~'JJdte.. ~Professional Painting Le. '49'350 lnterior/Elterior Decaltift ..._ <'*'*"'re Rob Isbell -Owner Costa Mesa, Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887-1480 &IMY .... ~ Rttroutin 6 lnsUllabon TIU 0£AH 949-673-8065 71~714418).2031 ch1ulfeur, ctll. <IMMti'• ....... 'Zl'm. 11!11 "'9UC UTIUTICS a. .. r P11etl Ou1untMd COMMISIMHt _., rr .. nl Ul75602 ~~I00~~·~7~7~--~·~7~1 714-5.Jt.1~ 1.390-2945 I .. #'1- ......... l&octr• 1ood inecll111lcal cot1d11to11, .... c: ..... 'II s .. Sl tow mll•a•, 00 VII wtlltt/taii, lmmae ~ IJOOO obo 949 494 Ol48 nn ,_ ,.., d ~ (_, ... u • ~ -~--$1.VJ>--114--JlJil __ , ...... ,,, <err- 4611 ml, Wll/M, It .... CO, chrome wllls, ••• n.w 142,000 V'612057 fl nanclf1c I w1rr 1v.i BM .... "' .... thlrl -· no ..,._ or aollld-. $9991 obo 949 640 ~7 CliryW "4 ..... y .... 15 V6 l ·own.,, ~ 1cluel ml, b oolls, 11cords. metallic lur quo110/ttn llhr, fully I01ded, II"' new S~250 ve7218. 9&-.18118 •.... ., ..... _ c......... .•• c-,. 1uto 60fl+ mt. mel•llic red/I 1n lthr, superb cond throuahout. $9,995 Bkr ~9 5116 1888 -·~crM.c- f ...... 'USUGTS Red/Cream. low miln. ful •va $49,SOO I079039 Oii. ~AUTOSPOIT 949-~74-5600• fenwi 'OD 360 ....... blllck/blllCll 21< "* Sl!'l9.SOO •122451 Otr NnWOllT A.UTOSPOIT 949-574-5600 ,.,.... .. 7 ..... T 8IM:WT'" D< "1l $39,!nl ll068391 Oii NlWPOtrT AUTOSPOIT 949-S74~S600 ,.. 7' s..-2000 per! nnq c:ond. I:& m, new OOfN lql.l1r~ • •h lq>. UiOO obo 562-425-1914 ford '6 5 Mo ton9 Convertible. 0111:1n1I owner. solid c., $19.995 obo 949 719 2943 INflNITI X4 200 I ~ tooded. !Vi. :Bl "" brOONpj lthr ntw. lrtted ww>d. lour'loof, ~ •M:W tol b;Jr S26.00'.l w•th e• IDldecl .... ~ Meado '99 Mloto Conv 4!>t. mo •ulo SllWH t•n lop pw pl A/C CU superb l1lle MW cond v'11970 $9.995 lln•ncon1 & "'""•nty 0111 Bllr 949 $116 1888 --.tcpebl.c ..... M'2 SU00'03 bl.tc.~ bl..a ~¥ m"°' al 1.ptiom' SI 11.!JOO #()elJ)'lb ()Ir NIWPOIT A.UT~T 9'9·574-S600 MHCIDlS IHI '02 5430 blil. ll~ mt. Sj>o<I~ pile. phone. N~• CD, AMC whls, l()()j( warr, rmnl cond, PP $61 500 949 631 0771 Merc•d .. Ml 320 '91 wh1lc/i rey llhr, >Int cnnd. loaded, ~ mo, $18.525 949 394-2626 Mwe<4" •t 1 '-" sn wh1te/11•Y llhr, chrome whls, low ml, &llpefb C411d, $699!> V'56728l Bk1 949.586 1888 -........ - Qkh ......... Aww• 60k ml, bladl/Cf•Y lthr, mnrf, a>, fabulou\ cone! lbrouahout $5995 vln,.67219 Bkr. 94t-5M-llU -.tcplllil.c- P...U.S AUTO OIA.llMM~ Blul! w/Blue. onty I~ Mi, Sports Pka. (19478C) ~.!&> 01..W#!/11 .... White w/crey 2fk M1lu , Sports Pkl (19542) S2!1,9 0 ff U 205eflo• White w/Saddle leather, Moonroof ( 19443) $29,980. 0 I Jo111or 5 r.,,. Sn Green w/Saddle llhr, 28K mo. Moonrool ( 19112) S32.980 f4 M.,ufle1 SIOO Charcoal w/Bl•t k Luther. 18" Chrome Wheels Moonrool ( 1951:/Cl $29,980 0 I IM W 7401 Blad w/Bluk, only 31K Males (I 9 485C > $39,980 01 ,., .... , ..... T1ptron1c. Only 1811 moles. N•vacat1on (I 9394 J INQUIRE 91 t.•11• GS J OO Gold w/Saddle Leal her, Chromr Wheels (19418) S2Z.980 ff 1.,,.,,, J SS II Solver wt81ack Leath"' only I 4k moles ( 11423~! INQUIRl 0 I MercU.1 CLSOO S•IVl!f w/Crey N • .,,. e•tion. Only I~ m1 (l'bC!>C) INQU1R£ 00,......dt. .... ,., St!vet w'fllM~ Premium Sound Cl 94263 J S28 980 Mt-S7 4-7717 PMUSAIJTO ;11; ...... c.. P....dwlo:t«S 'OO ~k 2:1\rn..., S.17.500 '661275 Dlr NfWP'O«T AUTOSPOIT 949-574·S600 94.-J ... , ... -·~·- lMGI IOVH 2000 Bleck/cream, reci.,, cd, lmmec, f1eto1y wur. l7k ml. $32.~ 1428181 949-HO-S .. O ..... l.vw '96 4.0 SE 21!1. actual mo, boob, records, I owner white/ tan lthr, CD, runnln1 board1/bru1h 11urd1 Ith new cond, 11272848 $18,995 fjn & warranty 1v1t1 Bkr. 949 586 1888 -·~···­TOYOTA CAMIY U' 94 4 OoOf, 53k moles, auto. PW, PS, S!i~ Prtvale P•rty 714 847 8288 Tro4t ltt 111 Arrow~11/ 811 Bear by the lake f°' late model ur 1uch ., Me1ced•~ Ma••m• luus909 '>44 /133 vw ... , ..... Gl I 2k actual mo !>spd, solver I bl,c;k mt pw. pl hlle new, l•nl~ihc uwmas S9400 v17!i2861 Bt.r 949-SH -IHI --......... _ VW JlOA '99 Gl Older mod~I. dark blue, auto, ac.rd. nnt. .. S!IC nicer di.. •H oond 6411 reduced $9000/obo 949 !i33 334!1 BOATS PowerBoals 9515 Duffy flectrlc 1811 1991 new b1lle111' pa1nl & cower $10.CJX> •l ~I Harbtw 714 lfl8 !li8t BOAT REPAIRS/ SERV1CES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 r.. 60' • m.a111 channel Newpor I Buch Br and new dock Water 'puwer 949 61'> n22 U n SUP AVAILAIU IN NfWPOH HACH $2500 UASI 949-500-1005 Best place In the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classlfled 842-5678 .. ~CUSTOM PAINTING Pron clean. qu.kty work lnt~1(lf/eal •nd doclls l •703'68 949 631 4610 Joyo-·1 '°"""" Top Qu.ihly, Compet1llve In Irr IOI 1. • t l "648228 c.11 Jay 949 650 5066 IAINIOW OKll MMff Pa1ntrn1-W••l HDIM/~ Qu~' f rH r-Wmale Lt 7 714 636 8888 Plllllrtng' Sllcco Stvuo • .,..., T.-.tc ... r...ir 94t-•4S-2h2 o. tt..oe lAIS05625 Plit:tll1 SIWll ... CllAml (94t)64S-USI CAUGHT IN THE ACT " •OM..onOI M8TJ9at>OM SEWlR 1£ TTINC CUCfRONIC SLAB LEAK DETECTION Fr~ndly Serviu 949 -6 7 5 -9 104 -~.mm Lt7S2~tnWrto MONIST & lllASOMIU PLUM8£R l '506686 Free Est! Sm rfll*'. OC'TFQJ Diiie. 714-~9150 PttlCISI PlUMllMG RepHs & Rtmodelrnc FREE ESTIMATI Ul687398 714 969-1090 TREES 'Mlt•I ... ~ & Y•nl Cina.,. 714.435.17 St.tit Lie 62A Tutortng SlfVlca --,., QedilfllWl!d En1h\l1 teacher, pro les"onal wrrter I spec11h1e 1n p1ocrast1 n1t1n1 ,tuns Summer read1n1 Cotch [sp'd compositoon l u cher lnd1.,1du11/Croup r atn . refer enc es ev1Ueble Sue Ctarll 949-:>7!1·490!i TMISllnUI Sj>ec11lllln& In MtMk Ptol & Sfoo s-. Wellpapr Remo••• w..-ry ~vice, [qllrp· l~41 949-J60.121 l m41nt Repairs. lns111ecl. c..1949-192-7171 ..... ClllRl:ll eou>l•WIH W.OOWSUVKI Saltsfacllon Cu1<1nlffd • 949-631-1562 .. SEU ,.. .... ......... •