HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-01 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot-, __ a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2003 Tapping young talent · Children ages 5 to 11 try their hands at lion taming, tightrope walking and magic at the Orange County Fair. Tom Forquer Daily Pilot Kids Stage when Stephen Russell, the circus Instructor, let the children pick their positions in the show. In the next half-hour, the seven youth, ages 5 to l l, got a crash course in tightrope wallcing, Lion and tiger tricks. magic, juggling and dog training. audience that no matter how the kids performed, "The imponant thing is F-U-N." The show began with a brief parade, the kids carrying a variety of national flags. Wearing a pink tutu and holding a pink lace umbrella. Caitlynn, 7, of Orange tackled the tightrope -a rope connected to two wood squares lying flat on the stage. W Ith some props, some costumes, a Un.le imagination and some professional instruction from the Russell Bros. Circus, youth anending Thursday's Orange County Fair tried their hand a1 circus performance in the Circus Fun Review. The fun started at 2:30 p.m. at the At 3 p.m., the circus music started. and Ed Russell, Stephen's dad, mtroduced the performance in a true showman's voice. He remlnded the In the training session. Stephen t0ld her, "Pretend like you're 50 feet in the au, all righ1?" DON UACH I DM.Y P!t. 1Y Ringmaster Ed Russell leads Kirsten Kingsolver. left, and Bria Gamble, who are See TALENT, Peee A6 performing as elephants, through the "legs" of pretend elephant Shelby Davis. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Some people get watches. Nancy Buck, retiring after more than 30 years at the post office on Balboa Peninsula, was given balloons. Red letter day Longtime Balboa Peninsula postal worker finishes her career today and prepares to embark on another June Ca111rende Daily Pilot A lot has changed since Nancy Buck took a S3.16-an-hour job at the Newport Beach Post Offtce In 1968. But, at leut on the Balboa Peninsula. a lot has stayed the same. Though worken now use computers Instead of pencil and paper to add up the cost of stamps, the small-town atmosphere and close-knit community still create an environment where Bude knows about 90% of her customers by name. And it's those people she will miss the most when she retires. •That's what gives me the lump in my throat -the people,• Buck said in a room lined with balloons marbd •Happy Retirement" s.. LETTER, Pas• M Buck gets a goodbye hug from longtime customer Judy Smith. THINKING ALLOWED Interior design for him and her Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONnEWEB: www.~am Civil trial begins for Rodman The West Newport re si dent and former NBA star mixes humor wich testimony in sexual assault case. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot SA'-'TA A':\A -Denni-. Rodman on Thursda} tesufied in a c1nl ma! that hl' ha-. no recollecuon of meeung a woman \'ho accused the former N&. slar of drugging her. taking her to his Wes1 Ne .... 'f>Ort homl' and serually assaulting her several limes "I don't recall ha\.ing se.x with your cit· ent." Rodman caJmJy told ~1arcu~ \1dnuni, anomey for plaintiff Jo Len ~1clrowen Accompanied by wtfe Michelle the locaJ celebnty, notonous for lus raucou!> beal h parties. walked into a courtroom al the See RODMAN, Paee A4 A RARE FIND Long lost coin turns up for reward The finding of a $1-million Liberty head nickel thrusts Newport Beach company into collectors' limelight. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH - A hall closet. the black hole or a home, has yielded • historic and lucrative 6.nd in rare coins. thrusting company Collectors .Universe .in Newpon Beach into the limelight. The discovery Wednesday of a 1913 Ub- erty bead nicictl has rocked the world or rare coin coDtctors. said David Hall. p~- SM C'C*, hce M WEA~R ~ ---------1 --- ' Daily Pilot ·ON THE l\TER STEVE McCRANK I OAJLY PILOT Newport Beach public docks, such as this dock on Balboa Island, are all decorated with finials, the ornate tops of the dock pilings. Piers of yeste:ryear June Casa1rande Daily Pilot I twas the 1930s. NewpQrt Harbor High School had jus t been dedicated, the biggest employer in town was the Western Canners Co., and the city , and the harbor were stiU young. "' In a classic 1930s style, each of the city's public docks was adorned with finials - decorative tops to the two posts at the end of each pier. The blue finials, carved out of solid oak, were an expression of style as weU as a helpful reference for boaters who needed to know whether the piers they were approaching were public WRATS AFLOAT • WHAT'S AFLOAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dsilypilot@fstimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast College is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occssiling.com. Sailing 'fascination ohra daasea in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640· 1678. Orange County employers can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and StJamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board iniitructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform • well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina WatM'Sporta 8t the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences f from mild to wild. Take • eetf-guided tour of the bay In your choice of power and sail Newport Beach project has returned decorative tops to the posts at each of the city's piers after about seven decades or private. ~ One by one, the finials succumbed to time and the elements -dry rot, general decay-leaving the city's 10 public piers without their splash of yesteryear. But now. aU that has changed. The city has just completed a project to instaU the classic-style finials on each of watercraft, jump the ocean swells In a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt packages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric boat rentals are evallable by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Co.ast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. • Pedal boats, electric boau, boogie boardl, kayaks, Inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for re9t at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours •re off9Nd by the G9ndol8 Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost Includes a basket of . bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 676-1212. its municipal docks. The blue posts were made to the exact specifications of the original l 930s designs, said Chris Miller of the city's Harbor Resources Division. The Harbor Commission and the City Council voted to restore them last year. Using a fiberglass mold of the original finials, the city has recreated the exact look that adorned the bay in the finials' heyday. "The· main reason is because they help boaters identify from the water which docks are public," Miller said. Now there are two finials at the end of each of the 'city's 10 public docks that are at the same time decorative, nostalgic and utilitarian. G2ndoa. Advemures/Newpo'1. 3101 w. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tout with dinner and champagne is $180. Pldru'p is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine eo.tt Ch•rt9n In Udo M8rirw Vl08ge offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance offws dally tou,. of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of lido Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport - Beach. CRUISES Electrk Boat Tours offers two-hour CNiMt of Newport Harbor ($75 par cruise). Round-trip hotel or olf-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pidc-up from restaurants with docks is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wsttsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landi09 Belle It rnilleble for weddings and receptions, codctail and tightseeing cruises, and meetings.. The cost is $600 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640 •• Fun Zone Bo8t Co. "'"' • 46-mlnut. auiM (adults, $6; dllldren, $1) and a 90-mirlute cruise (adult.a, $8; children, $1) departing from Balboa F-un ~ne every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. dally. A 60-mlnute showboat suntet crulte (adµlt.a, $6; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m . dally. Private chartert are available. (949) 673--0240. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l..ead'I, Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 Copyright No newt storin, Illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without Written permi11lon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 213 NewaEdtton Gina AleJ<ander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt Paul Saltowitz. Daniel Stevena NEW88TAFF Crime~ ~lter, (IMS) 57"'"4226 dtlflPll.bharathf/11.ttfmn.com JUni=r•lde Newport reponer, UM8) 674-<423.2 /un..t»Ngrande•l6tlmn.com ,..,. Cll'90n Politics, bu81Nee and environment repotter, UM8) *"4330 P111Jl.dlnton•lfltf,,..com l.ollm ...... Columnltt, cutrure ~rter, tMll574"'276 lollta.tt.f'l*•llltlm#.oom Deir*9 ....... COia Meea ~. (941) 67<M221 delrdre.MWrNtt •""'"*·"""' Col9I ...... Newt ....... ( .. )17"'4211 .,....,,.,,.~ Record yo1,1r comments aj>out the Dally Pilot br news tips. ~ Our addre11 la 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office hc>ora are Monday -Friday, &.90 a.m. • 6 p.m. CofNCtlons It It the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errOt'8 of eubetance. Pt .... call (949) 78'4-<q24. FY1 The Newport~ M ... Dally Pilot (USPS-t44-800) le publl*'*I daily. In Newpolt Bueti and eo.ta Mesa, eubeerlptlona are avalleble only by eubeerlblng to The Tlmel Orange County (8001 262•11'1. In atMa outiide of Newpon 8eedl end Colta Mell. tubecrlptlone to d'8 Dtily !'Mot '" svallable onty by flf'!lt ._ mall fOr l30 per month. (l"l'iol9 lnctudl ell appllceble wend looel "*l P"OSTMASTEA: lend~ d\enge1 ton. N.wpoft ~,.....Deity~"" ~o. IOlc 1MO, Cotti MeM. CA 12121. HOW TO AE.ACtt US Clrculedon The Tlmet Orange County (800) 262-9141 ~ Cleaelfted (949) 642·6678 Dlepttl'f (949) 642~1 ldltoNI ' =842-5680 ...... (949) 574-4223 Newt,.. (949) M&-4170 "°"*,.. (~) lll!(M)170 1""'811: dtlllypllot•'-tl,,,...com MMltO... •• ,, ..... Olloe ("9) &U.Q21 l•lnw Fa (Ml) Ul-7121 flut>tlehed ..., ,,,,.... COrnmunlty ,....,., • dMeb'I of IN Loe~ Tlmtl.' CG003 TlrNI CN-j All "8flta ....... I THE HAR~OR COLUMN Warm waters lead to good fishing Ahoy. inspectors have streamlined the checkpoint, but we waited only 15 minutes versus the one to three hours I nonnally endure to show my identification as a U.S. citiun. We did I have been cruising to Catalina. and aU the crossings have been pleasant, with flat seas, meaning that no one is hanging over the rail chumming up their breakfast. Yesterday, the ocean water MIKE WHITEHEAD encounter a crossing situation with a submarine temperature was 73 degrees, comfortable for swimming and bringing huge sunfish into the area, plus flying fish close ln to the island. We watched dolphins in smaU pods and some numbering in the hundreds. These mammals were jumping, flipping. swimming aU around the boat and surfing our wake giving us great shows.. The warm water should be good news to those who fish. I did see a couple of boats trolling off the Island, but I do not know what they were hoping to hook up, and a sword.ft.sh boat was circling. Newport did Jose one popular six-pack fishing company this summer, as Capt John McCarty relocated his renowned fishing boat Fin Fever, a Pacifi<;a 44-footer, from Newport to Mission Bay. Passenger boaiding fees, boarding locadons, parld.ng and being closer to better fishing grounds prompted his decision to move south. Looking to the north, sadly. Morro Bay has been hurt In its fishing and tourism ind~try by the rocldisb fishing ban put in place the first of the year. I did have a nice surprise crossing back into Calif omia from Mexico. John Hammond. captain of a locaJ charter boat, and I delivered a new Carver from Bayport Yachts to the Hotel Coral Marina in Ensenada last week. We had a smooth cruise downhill, but south of the Coronado Islands, we did feel a few large groundswells rock us from our starboard quarter. Once on land, we immediately began the run for the border, which is an adventure to get back to Newport. Our travels included a wide taxicab Qde to the border, a walk through the border inspection station, catching the trolley to the Union Station, catching the train to Irvine, and finally. my wife meeting us at the train to drive us the rest of the way home. A major delay you have been hearing me grumble about is the futile Increased wait time at the border inspection since Sept. 11. Well, either our timµlg was perfect or the border as we were off Point Loma The sub was heading out to sea when they changed course, passing us to our stem at a one-mile radius. TIP OF THE WEEK To continue trying Lo educate every boater to make safe passage through the harbor, especially with the hundreds of sailboats in the summer classes and races, I want to remind everyone that the harbor is open to everyone. So technically, no person or group can block any portion of navigable waters unless granted a spedaJ event permit by the U.S. Coast Guard. With that said, l have noticed that aalllng programs are making an effort to leave room between their buoys and the shore for •sea room" passage. However, in a few Instances I have been bloc.ked, it hasn't been by the sailors. but by the committee or spectator boats drifting outside the course and sitting idle in the passage lanes. Boaters cruising through the har:bor can try to avoid the sailing courses by planning a course out.side of the markers.. Please watch for the beginner sailor who may lose control and drift in front of your vessel. Sometimes, it is impossible • to avoid the fleet such as the Beer Can Races, and then everyone neecls to be courteous, as prescribed by .; the inland right-of-way • rules, not the racing rules. • No one needs to wave and • yell for the other boat to move. Importantly, watch ·: your language, as there are : • kids on the water. Everybody :: should stay calm and try to •: get the vessel through the : • fleet without tempers ;: flaring. . ·: Seamanship and.good :• sportsmanship are what we ·: need to be i.Qstilling as ·; boaters, and we n~ to set • • ·. the example for the youth • • fro ••• who are learning m your •• example. •• Sate voyages. : : • MIKE WHfTEHEAD la the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughta and story suggestions by e-mail to mike@boarhouurv.com or visit boathousetv.com. .• •• .• ·: .. ~= .. .. .. •• •• •• .. . •• :· SURF AND SUN • ... • . · WEATHER FORECAST After e foggy night, the day wflf start with temperatures In the m ld-«>a.. 11*9 wflf be continued doudt through the morning a1 we Mnn to the Mgh 70e and low 90t. Tonight wfll be a little cooler. · ""°""9tlon: www.nwa.nou.gov BOATING FORECAST · Ught wtndl In the momlna on the trww ~ wll bullcf '° 10 '° 15 kr'°'8 from ....... In the eftemoor-. 1hl 1W11 .. be from the ... ,.,... 2-. with I llaleMllftom ... • IOUlh It 1 '°' .... ¥Met\ for .... of fog. Ontheouw--. OOldllol• wll be llrnler. Tht .... ..,be .... ~10 Ind 11 ...... V.Wwll be 2 -.1"91W111wllbe9Gl19W from ... ..,.,..., .. , .... mlMCt ...... ,tnJllllWll• 2 feet SURF •• '• .. .. . .. .. .. .. Low tide throwa eorne hurt • • on ~building awelt this morning, but there lhoukf be • rxne thouldeNligh and better:: 09rref1 for the groma 10 duct • ! Into. :• au..tion of the dey. Wiii the•: U.S. Open of Surfing In : • Hu~ keep the cwowdl : down, 01 wQI Mfwa only°"' :: about their own rtct.7 •• •• W...0 qullty: •• WWW'*lrlffdel:Of11 :: TIDES n... 8:081.m. 1~p.m. Hlp.m. 11:S'1p.m. ... •• .. : .. ............. .. ~ .. -o.31 .... low :; 4.43 .. ...., ~ , ...... e U7f1Mttlgh WATER TEMPIRAME .----""'!9"-...-.._------.-.-~--:--:-~~-~--~ Daily Piiot F rlday . Au&ust I. 2003 A3 Corona del Mar centennial celebration shaping up Committee h as set d ates in Octobe r 2004 for ·seve ral even ts, including a black-tie kicko ff, to cele brate 100-year birthday. June CHa1rend• · Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -An out· door concert and a beach expo are two of the events that wiU round out a four-day celebration of Corona del Mar's centennial next year. Volunteers are making sub- stantial headway in planning the village's lOOth anniversary events. The dates have been set: The celebration will take place from Oct. 14 to 17' 2004. Some or the events have been solidified: "!be expo will take place at Big Corona State Beach on Oct. 17 and will include historical infor- mation booths, food ·and family activities. And a banallon of vol-that the expo and an outdoor unteers -more than 200 -beach concen will be pan of the have already signed up to plan celebration. A black-d e evem will and put on the events. kick off the activities. Other ideal> ·everybody's getting really ex-have yet LO be fi.naliz.ed, 111dud- cited about celebrating Corona ing installing some kind of m e- del Mar's centennJaJ," saJd Peggy~morial or statue at Inspiration Fon. event director and ch.air for Point or even creating a time the centennial celebration. "But capsule to be stored at I.he me- it's important to note that while morial Also under consideration th.is is about Corona del Mar, it's are a fireworks show, local cable reaJJy a citywide event. We're get-programs on Corona dcl Mar ting the whole city involved." history and other events. 'lbe A c;;ornmittee formed earUer events will be paid for by the ef- th.is year has already decided fons of. the cemennial's fund ntismg comounee while the oty of Newpon Beach will match a portion or the funds. Fort added th.at Corona def Mar's centennial celebration Will also seek lo build momentum for the city of Newport Beach6 centennial, which takes place in 2006. "II will be sort of a prelude for the cirywide centennial," -.he said. Corona del Mar was burn 111 1904 when Lo~ Angeles Real fa. tate Magnate George F. 11'"1 bought a 706-acre section of Ir· vine Ranch from the Irvine Co. This village of Corona del Mar offictaJJy became pan of New- pdrt Beach two years later when the city was incorporated. 1l1is history is expected to be a big part of the et:ntenrual celebra- uon's f~ "Everybody lik~ a pany. • said l:i.J. Johru.on. president of the Co· rona del Mar I lomeowne!'S Assn. and volunteer committee chair for the centt:nnial celebration. .. It\ shaping up wonderfully.~ BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Play ball! Next Sunday Fund-raising walk set for paralyzed 5-year-old groups accepung donauom I'> available by caJJing 194ql b46- 46 17 or checking lht' yellow pages under the heading of "Thrift Storec;. • Orange Cocu.t (.ollege begin Aug 25 Appl1cauon~ for fall cla!>se\ are betng acc~pted and reg1strdUOn appointments are available 111 the wllege\ Admis '>IOn'> Office Costa Mesa parks commissio n votes to c u t back use of Estancia H igh varsity baseb all fie ld on the weekend s in response to a resident's complaints . Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot C05'TA MIM -Tim San - defer was fed up with adult leagues playing baseball on the field at Estancia I ligh School next to his houi.e. He complained to lhe city lhat the games involved an extremely loud level ol crowd noise, I.hat playen. _and s pec- tators urin ated on h~ fence and lhat lhe player& con- ducted batting practice wilh lhe piercing M>und of alwru nwn bats along W... fence. Last week. the Park.'> ru1d Recreation Cornm1~ion heeded tus concerns and voted to shut down l.15e of the school's V"cU"S1ty basebaJJ field every other Sunday. The change is for a trial period of six monlhs. Sandefer ..aid. Sandefer was half succes.'>· fu} in getting what he wanted. He said he would have liked lhe fields to be v-c.1cant every Sunday. "It would have been nice if I.hey had not used it on Sun- days at aJJ," Sandefer said. "If anyone else had a neighbor that was having a block. pany all weekend, lhey'd have I.he POUR SEASONS m .. onDI llU FOR 1199 cop~ there in nothing flat.~ . Members of the Golden City BasebaJJ League, whose play will be resuicted, were not av-ailable for comment Sandefer said he was aware when he bought his house that he would be next to a school. But before an joint- use agreement between lhe city and the Newport-Mesa Urufied School Disuict went into effect in July 2002, llse of lhe var~ity field was limited to weekdays onJy. The school's varsity base· baJJ coach, Jon Green, work- ing with city staff. approved of opening lhe field to week- ends. The American Wood Bat League got a permit for Satur- days and the F.agles team of the Golden City Ba.sebaJJ League received a permit for Sundays. Eleven out of 14 Eagles players are Costa Mesa residents. After weekend use of lhe field began, Sandefer sent the city a letter expressing his concerns. He said verbal agreements had been made between school district staff and himi.elf to restrict lhe field use to high school base- HmATWAft MCORPMl• · W. begged C11ablm far lftOl'9 ........... And..., ..... ,...~"'--'°' beet 1111141• ilNI SIM•• baJJ only. "I don·t care how much the kids use it during I.he week and even on the weekends,· Sandefer said "Thafs what it's for and I know th.at." ln April, the city's re- creation division decided to end I.he w;e of lhe varsity baseball Geld on Sundays starting in May. But City Councilman Mike Scheafer intervened on behalf of the Eagles team and asked the Parks and Recreation Com- mis.sion to look into the de- bate. "Most of these young kids work and Saturday and Sun- days are the onJy day of the week they can play ball." Scheafer said. "It M:erned like we pulled the permit for not such a good thmg." On July 23, I.he comnu~1on voted 4 to I. wilh Wendy Leece dissenting. to allow the field to be used only every olher Sunday. Leece said the decision did. not go far enough to provide a high quality of life. WThe issue isn't always. 'How are we going to vote on thisr Leece !Ml.id "Those people buy or rent I.heir prop - erty. they have a right to enjoy peace of mind .... h's reaJJy an issue of the application of lhe joint-use agreement, which I voted for. But it's still young and it's an application that needs to be worked out " The second Walk for Leila- ni will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Aug. 24 at Fa1rv1ew Park in Costa Mesa. Leilani Gutierre.i. 5, wa!> left paralyzed from the neck down after a traffic an.;1dent last year. Leilani cam e out of at orna las t year and 1~ now under going extensive phy\io- therapy. Sh e will -.tart kindergarten this fall at Newport He ights Elemen tary Schoo l. Proceeds from the walk wiJI h elp Leilani's family pay for medical expenses a nd to buy her an elect ric wheel· chair that can b e controll ed with her mouth. For more d e taib, v1\it www.ourleilani.com. )Cs time to dispose of large items The annual Large Item Col- lection Program is in progre<,-. for residents of Costa Mesa and Santa Ana Heights using curb- side LraSh collection. Resident!. can dispose of items too large or bulky for their trash containers. Large items such as water heater5, washers. dryers, refrigerator!>, carpeting and furniture will be coUected and recycled o r d is- posed of at no cost to the resi- dent. The program runs through the week of Aug. 25. A list of fhe offi<-e I'> open trom 8 a.m Meeti ng set lO di~cu~s to 6 pm Monday through dinghy Storage plan fhUr!,d..iy thl\ !>Ummer It I!> • tlo!>ed on I nday'> A public mee11ng on J pro-I nrollml'nt ree1-are S 11 p er posed dinghy '>Lorage plan " unit. ln-pe1.,on late regi~tration sch eduled from 4-30 10 6·.10 will be rnnductcd from Aug 25 p.m. Monday tn t}w i:-ire Con-to 29. fcrence Room at Ni>v. pun Beach City I fall. J300 Newport Blvd. Rei.idenl!i are invited to give their input on a plan to build racks at eight puhhc locauom where holdt-r-. o f off.,hore muunng pe rmlls can -.1ure the dinghies that boaters use to get tu their boat'> I-or more 1nforma11un. t:aJI (949) 644 3044 occ·~ fall ~emester begins on Aug. 25 PacifiCare Foundation donates to Girl\ Inc. Gi rls Incorporated of Orange County ha~ relCIH·d d $5,000 donauon from Pau li< .drc f-oun dauon. a ph1lan1hrup1t orgam zation e'>tablished hv PJc1 1i(.are I leahh Sy'.>tt'm'> Girl!. Int will u-.e tht-mime} 1u prO\ndt-clfter 't hool pro gram!. ror a1 r1'>L middle and high '>Chool gtrl'> attending di ternall\oe '>Chool-. through lhe count} Depannwnt of I duca Fall semester clas'>es at 11on F,IUMriJIK A Li,,, Trib..u To Frank Sinatra Effn"Y M tnUIMy 0--T "°"6y 6-!lp"' Steaks• Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Suviu• • • ... N. d Eotc:rtainmcnr" •• '"' 11 ..... ,., ~,,,,,,,, ' ,,// (949) (>46-7944 .,,,.,~ lr-.11u.· ''t:. ( ....... "-t..-.. ... \),.. •• , • __ , \j, •• '·· fo-... WJ• .... f• o9fW"" ... I. at verstreet's Bar 3400 Via Udo. Newport Beach. CA 9266.."\ 94 9 .566 946."\ 3 Martinis for $19.95! July 31 -Aug ust 16, 2003 Special inclydes one each of: Vodka or Gin Martini • Martini Gazpacho· • Martini Cerviche • •Spoctel ~ fTom OJf' chef. . '\ Oversbeet's Bar -Newport Beach ... not an address ... not a place ... a state of mind HOURS: Wednesdays & Thursdays S:OOpm -11:00pm, Fridays & Saturdays S:OOpm -12:00am LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Smooth Jazz or Piano. Enjoy our colonlal English stmosphe~ full bar and 25 wines by glass. DINNER SERVED 6:00-lO:OOpm MENU S~MPLES SUMMER BEVEAAGES OVERSTREITS B~R • 3400 Via UdO • Newport Beech CA Pl~ call 949566.94&3 ·'· PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA.IA • Del Mir Awnue: Drinking In publlc wa1 r9P0rttd In the 100 block 8t 11 :46 •.m. 1\1Md8y. ..... ~rd: Petty theft WH reported In th• 3000 blodt •t 3:37 p.m. Tueld•Y· • Hael Piece: V1nd1ll1m WH reported In the 2800 blodt 1t 11 :~ p.m. Tueld1y. • Jlan w.y •nd.Plullrtno Avenue: A tntfflc accident Involving Injuries WH reported et 6:26 p.m. Tuelday. • Newport Bout.vard: A tr•fflc accident Involving lnjurie1 wea reported In the 1500 blodc at 2:06 p.m. Tuesday. • E•tt 11th StrMt: Grand theft wea reported In the 200 blodc at 6:20 p.m. Tueadey. • W.tt 11th StTMt: Petty LETTER Continued from Al When she hangs up her uniform at the end of her four·hour shift today, the 58-year-old Santa Ana Heights resident who grew up on Balboa lsland wjU embark on a whole new course. She will enroll in a two·year program at Orange Coast College to become a speech and language pathology assistant. "l wouldn't be leaving this job if It weren't for this door opening up for me," Buclc said. "But this is a really exciting opportunity to give something back." It will still be hard to leave behind her customers, her longtime co-worker Phil Greiwe and her 35-year career of putting people first. "A lot of places in the world are changing the way they do business, but here we still keep t.hJngs personal. Still go the extra step," she said. "I like going the extra step." For ex.ample, every once in a while. she will come across an envelope someone typed not real.J.zlng the caps loclc on the keyboard was engaged As a rdult, instead of nwnbers on the envelope. there appear a series of symbols: dollar signs, ampersands, exclamation point~. On those rare occasions. Buck personally walks over to a typewriter and matches up the symbols with the numbers that ALLOWED Continued from Al He said a new word is working its way into our society: super-size. I louses are getting bigger and bigger, taking up every square inch of the lots. There's no room fo{ a garden or a backyard or a tree. It's all about the house," Payne said. "Then you've got these super-sized vehicles that can take seven people and a dog trekking through the mountains -nor that anyone ever does that." Some people's eyes are just bigger than their living rooms. ln the event that homeowners fall Into the super size category, they must buy furniture that corresponds to that scale. The contrary is also true. You can't shove a house-fuU of rumiture in a two· bedroom condo, he said. Aside from scale, there is the whole gender issue. Apparently, men and women don't always have the same ideas on decorating. Payne said. There are b~c fundamental differences he sees time and time again. One is color. Men love white. It's neat. Its simple. It matches everything. lt's good. Women, on the other hand, love color, Payne said. No shade is too bright or too shocking. Burgundy walls? Oh yeah. Aqua blue bathroom? Bring it on. Now. bealde mixing white and b\qundy and painting the end~ house a nice shade of mauve. there are other comp~ couples can make. I COIN Cont:k1ued from Al theft WM niport8d In tM 700 block8t 11:.a p.m. Tuetd•Y· NIWPOltf llAcH • Holmwood DIM: A home burgi.ry WM rtpOf1ed In tht ~ bfoek 8t 8:4'7 •.m. Wednetdty. • JemborM Roed: Grind theft wu reported In the 1100 blodt •t 5:0& p.m. Wednteday. •Jema.o. Ro9d Ind Untvenlty Drive: A tr•mc 8CCldent lnvoMng lnj"r1e1 ~· reported 8t 9:32 •·!"· Wednetd•Y· • Rudlnd RoM: Petty theft WM reported In the 1200 block 8t 8:60 p.m. WednMCUiy. • lln Mlgwl Drfw; An lutO theft w11 reported In the 300 blod< •t 12:13 p.m. Wednesday. • Vl9tl lNch•: A burglery WH reported In the 400 blod< at 4:21 p.m. Wednetd1y. 'A lot of places in the world are changing the way they do business, but here we still keep things personal. Still go the extra step.' Nancy Buck correspond to each symbol. "I try to decode it bealuse I'm commlned to making sure the mail gets delivered, commltted to the people," she said. "I like that I can help make sure It gets delivered.~ Buck. who describes herself as "probably the lucldest person you've ever met," conveys this attitude of joy and gratitude to her customers. "She's always been a· breath of fresh air," resident and Balboa Beacon publisher Gay Wassall-Kelly said. "When I forget my key fQr the P.O. Box. Nancy will push the mail through for me. She's always a pleasure to see in there." Greiwe. a 3 1-year postal employee who has worked with Buck for about seven years. said that hers will be some big shoes to fill. "She's a wonderful person to woric with," he said. ''I'm going to miss her tremendousty: • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.C8sagrsndB@lstimes.com. (Neutrals anyone?) Another classic conflict is technology. "Most men have never met a 1V that is big enough," Payne said. The screen could take up an entire wall and even cover the entrance to the bathroom and it would still be too small for most men. Not to mention the amplifiers, the djgital hookups. theater sound, stereo system, DVD and VHS player, Sony Playstation and the shelves and compartments to hold all the accompanying games. music and movies. Not to mention the remotes. .. And only one person in the house can operate the system: him," Payne said. WI my ladies out there are cringing.) Women are much more into software. No not computers but nice, supple, frilly little touche like lace and tassels. The ladles want to adorn every last pillow, table cloth, runner and rug with some sort of decorative touch or trim. They are beautiful and gorgeous and collectively expensive. Payne said. (What's that guys, there's only one place you like tassels and It's not on your remote?) So. if you want to learn how to scale your house, or you have some odd fascination with fabric swatches. come down and check out Payne. You might learn something. • LDUTA HARPER wrlte1 columns Mondaye, Wedn..dlYI and Frldaye and covers culture ind the •rta. She mey be reached 8t (949) 57~275 ()(by 8'"'811 et lolft•.h•rper•l«J,.,,...com. minted from 188.1 to l 912. In 1913, flw of me cotN were mint.eel IDepUy, but Ibey were not put Imo drculadon. AnoCher tpedlnen of lhe 1918 ll>eny nlc:bl Mt che b rwe coin .,.. to tell '1r man lhln Sl mOllorl ll ID MICdaa. beet In ... 1bl .... IUCdon dM· .., ~ CalKlan ~--~­ fend I Sl-maail .w.f for dw ....... 1113 lhfty i*illll lboul to!• "'°th~ • b..s OD that -~-- Newport police nab 3 for March robbery The men are suspected of robbing an ATM technician at a MacArth,ui: Boulevard bank. hlmael! and call the police,· he l&ld. That employee wu not • autpect in the robbery, Shu)- man said. DHpa lh•rtth Dally Piiot NBWPORT BP.ACH -Police a.netted three men on July 25 on 1wplclon of tying up an ATM tecruuclan at gunpoint. blindfolding him and robbing a teller machine at a local· bank branch, offtclala said. The amati came after a four- month inveatfgatton by New- port Beach Police detectives Into the March 16 incident at a Bank of America branch in the 4100 block of MacArthur Boule· vard, Sgt. Steve Shulman said. Police arrested 23-year-olds Peter Nguyen of Irvine and Thanh To of Midway City, and RODMAN Continued from Al Central Just.Ice Center wearing a long-sleeved white sh.In with his hair dyed bright blue to match the color of hls jeans. McGowen accuses Rodman of sexual battery, negligence and false imprisonment ln March 2001. She said he savagely at· tacked her as she slipped In and out of consciousness. When Mancini asked Rodman if it was possJble that he had had sex with McGowen, he simply replied: •1t's possible. Anything is possible.· During his testimony, Rod· man said people like to toss alle· gallons at him. "I'm accused of a lot of things in my life," he said. "Do you think yov're above the law?" Mancini asked. "No. I don't," Rodman replied. "I think it's worse to me than anyone else In this courtroom." Rodman's testimony was laced with his own brand of hu· mor, which elicited a few muted laughs from the gallery. ·As the owner of Josh Slo- cum's, are you allowed to go be· hind the bar and make drinks for people?" Mancini asked. "I'm allowed to go to the rest· room, too." Rodman muuered under his breath and followed It up with a quick: "yes.· Mancini, who made his open· ing statements before he called Rodman to testify, said this case was about Rodman being "as bad as he wants to be," referring to Rodman's autobiography ·Bad as I Wanna 13e." "Mr. Rodman considers him- self above the fray and above the law," Mancini said. "And he doe!> exactly what he wants to do." In March 2001 , McGowen and AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@/11tlmas.com; byfaxto (949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.d11ilypilot.com. SATURDAY Homblower Cn.iiMI •nd Events offers a three· hour cruise of Newport Harbor, a gourmet three-<:ourse meal, live entertainment and award-winning service from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Boarding starts at 7 p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway. For reservations, call (949) 631-2469. The •nnuel Newport to S•n Diego Coastal Race will set off. Sponsored by the Bahia Corinthlen and San Diego yacht club1, it it an enjoyable, cnallenglng race with parties on both ends. The $60 entry fee will be eccepted until Friday at 6 p.m. Entry •nd Notice of Race forms •re available at www.bcyc.orp. For more information, call (949) &U-9530. Dlecowr the pros •nd cont of• high protein or high carbohydrate diet In • nutrition teaon titled •carbohydr8tet vs.. Protein: Friends or Foe?• from 9 to 10 •.m. •t Simply Shepety In Cotta Meta. The cost It S11 for Simply Shapely dub~ Ind $20 for otherl. SplCt ls 22-year-old Phylen Pen of West· mlJuter. Shulman aald To, a for· mer employee of the ATM 1erv· Icing company, alao helped mastermind the heist. Shulman aald that on March 16, the three men approached a service technician who had come to the branch to flx an ATM machine that was out of order. The men threaten~d him with a gun, tied and blindfolded hlm and then entered tbe cash area of the ATM machine Oeeing with ·an undisclosed, but sig· nlficant amount of money.· Sh"ulman said. "The employee was not In· jured, but he was able to free To immediately caught lnvet· tlg11ora' attentJon becauae he WU a former employee Of the ATM aervtclng company and knew the technology, be aald. DetectJves obtained a wamnt to se1Uch To'• home within days of the robbery, Shulman said. There they found detailed diagrams and Instructions for the robbery, he aald. ·Although the evidence col· lected was Unked to o'\.lr cr{me, proving Thanh To wa.6 assocl· ated with the evidence was In question, .. Shulman said. So he was released at the time with- out any charges being filed. Bui detectives continued with their Investigation, and on MARK BOSTER I LOS ANGELES TIMES Former Chicago Bulls and Lakers basketball star Dennis Rodman testified this afternoon that he has "no recollection" of a woman who's claiming he slipped a drug in her drink and raped her in March 2001. rwo of her friends went 10 Josh Slocum'c;, a ~fariner's I\ tilt.> rt">- taurant that Rodman owns. Mancini c;aid. 1 hat \\d' where his d ient met Rodman , who dp· proached her am.I handed her J beer, he said. lie alleged that Rodman had slipped Hohypnol -what b lmO\~ a.'> the "date rape drug" -into her drink. McGowen's next recollection was of being on Rodman's bed and his brutally assaulting her, Mancini said. rhe bedroom limited. Information: (949) 646-6789. The Harbor Chrtttl1n FeUow1hlp Church will partner with the YWCA Encoreplus and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to provide free breast cancer screenings from 8.30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The church is at 740 Wilson St. in Costa Mesa Information and appointments: (714) 93&-9720. "A.IN Food: Eating fOf S.auty," 1 free seminar and book signing by author David Wolfe, wlll be held 5 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (8001 59&-MOMS. SUNDAY To honot Kethartne Hepbum. Oasis Senior Center will present free screenings of five of her classics In August. 1tartlng with "The Lion In Winter" at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepbum Fiim Feet, at 800 Merguertte Ave. In Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. MONDAY Chlchn ... .,., flr'lt throuth .txth grades ere Invited to "A Jungle Cruise" tt 10:30 •.m. at the Newport S.ach Centre! Library. Troubadoura Ken a11d John Frawley wlll present the Interactive program. Information: (949) 717-3816. 1\JESDAY The~ ~rce founddon Ind NMpe>rt B.adl 88cdlu1 .. door was locked from outside. imprnoning his client, he said. "She has been i.exually as· 63ultcd." Mancini said. "No matter wh,u lifestyle c;he had. no maller what wa'> ~om~ on in her life. she said 'no.' and no means no." Out!>ide the courtroom, Rod· man said ht: wa., different. but has never harmed anyone "People know me in Newpon Beach.· he said. "I walk there on the \treet. I bike there. I'm not Society will hold an organic wine-tasting event from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at Capri Blu Restaurant in Newport Beach. The cost ls S30 fo r members and $50 for nonmembers. Information: (9491 645-5163. WEDNESOAY Chi!df'9f'I ent9ri"9 first through sixth grades ere invited to "A Jungle Cru ise" at 3 p.m. at Newport Beach Central library's Mariners branch. Troubadours Ken and John Frawley will present the interactive program., Information: (9491717-3816. THURSDAY Children en1*ing first through sixth grades ere invited to "A Jungle Cruise" et 10:30 a.m. at Newport Beach Central Library's Balboa Branch. Troub8doura Ken and John mwtey wlll present the interactive program. lnformetion: (949) 717·3816. A fNe temlnet, .,_...._ r.ta.• will be held 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martcet. 225 E. 17th St, Coata Mesa. For reeerv•tlon1, ~II (8001595-MOMS. AUG.I ttomblout9t C.-.. Ind E""'9 offers a three-hour cruise of Newport Harbor. a gourmet three-course meel, live entertainment and 1ward-wlnnlng 1ervlce from 8 to 11 p.m. Boarding startt 8t 7:30 p.m. at 2A31 W. P8dflc Coatt Hlghw8y. For reMrV•tione, call (949) 631·2469. kwenton Forum. the 0.,... County·bHed nonprofit te•tinl the evidence, found flngerprtntt belonlJnl to all three men on " document that wu a •how to• manual on con- ducting the robbery, Sh~ said. To. Pen and Nguyen were U · rested without incident. They are alto awpected of commti.. tlng other 1lmllar crimes lo Orange County, Shulman Mid .• To Is chuged with two felony counll of robbery and one felony count of con•plring \p commit a crime, Pen wu charged with two f~lonlea. ln- cludlng one alleging the uae of a firearm, and Nguyen lt chuged with one felony count of con· spiring to commit a crime. All three men are being held in Orange County Jail without ball. Their next court hearing la scheduled for Aug. 27. that kind of a guy." Sure. he has had unconven- donal parties. he said. "I have a lot of partiea ln my house." he said. "People have said Dennis Is too loud. But thJs1" He said he had no recollection '. of McGowen. ~r don't remember what hap-. pened one and a half years age,· · he said. "I don't remember tha movie I watched last week.• Rodman said he did not want to· go Into the details of the case out of "respect for Ms. McGo- wen. • Earlier, in his opening state· ments, Rodman's attorney, John : McKay. argued that McGowen : willingly had sex with his client · although Rodman has no recol~ lecdon of· It ever happening. Mc~y said McGowen "brag- ged to her friends at the restau-' rant she worked in the days after her meeting with Rodman about how she had bedded the celeb- rity. He said McGowen filed the complaint with Newport Beach . Police Department only dlt : March 18. 2001. after she bad· been fired from the job. McKay : also said he had evidence from ; doctors that McGowen lost COi}· : sciousness not because of a date • rape drug mixed in her drink. . but because she was drinlclng aJ. · cohol after ta.king pain medica- tion. ln February. Rodman settled another lawsuit filed .by Ttna • New, an aspinng model and a¢· : tress who had ftJed a SlO-million • lawsuit accusing him of drug-: ging and raping her more than '. two years ago in his Seashore. : Drive home. • OEEPA BHAAATH cove rs public safery and court•. She may be reached at (9491 574-4226 or by a-mail at deepa.bharathCS-latime•.com. -. . inventors' support group, presents a seminar on "High Technology Patenting" by patent attorney Curtls L Harrington. Reg lstr•tion and networking begin at 7 p.m. for the 7:30 p.m. seminer at Orange ' Coast College's Science lecture · Hall. The coat i• $6 for members, $15 for nonmembere. For more information, call (714') 540-2491. AUG.9 Tria"91e 5queN In Cotta Meea invites the community to •ttenct;:-: "A Fair at the Square" for the ,1 sights, sounds and greet deals In ~ the outdoor m•rhtplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 •.m. to 4 p.m. • \ t ( ;, A Pit llttlng Lesa Ill••• Por. Pets Peace Of •nc1 Por You (949J 131 ·8771 "Pets are my passlOJI" www.AnlmalAmour.com G~~~H~ & . 1· . . Ji s~ ~~·' c;iCl peCLa 1zmg m ner i;t .... ·. l?J qual~(Y dolfhouses, fitrni ture and accesso ries. .353 Old Newport Blvd, Newport Beach• (949) 722-1132 Mon 12:30 -4:30, Tues duu Fri 11 :00 -6:00, Sat 11-5 Melange, Etc., Inc. ' . ..._ ......... . FINE CONS IGNMENTS O ffering an ec lectic mix oi iurnishings, accessories. collectibles and one of a kind treasures. ALWAYS ACCEPT IN G CONSIGNMENTS 1584 "le,, port Bhd , Costa Mt'Scl CA 92627 Tel· 1949> 650-5500 8 Prudential . california Realty 'Newport Beach 949 .644.6200 Corona del Mar 949. 723. 7080 Sii\& \IO\IS < O\\l<,\\11-.\T ;\;I. i-d1 '11. \it. 12B • ( 1111.1 \111.1 Hd1i11J lllOP1 FURNITURE . .. ~NTIOUES ....... . ......... ACCESSORIES ................ JEWELRY JUUE KRAMER VICE PRESIDENT MANAGER SUPERIOR Oma 396 SUPERIOR A VENUE NEWPORT Be'ACH CALIFORNIA 92663 949.642.9511 FAX 949.548.4978 BE{if~A DESIGNER RESAL E BOUTIQUE Unique, sophisticated and stylish describes the clientele of Belltssima. Adriana Spitzer, store owner and St. John Knits spec1al1st, has created an atmosphere that reflects the timeless elegance and quality of her selected merchandise while selling 1t at a fraction of the cost. A truly upscale designer consignment boutique, Belltss1rf'la features one of the largest selections of St John . 2850 E. Coast Highway Corona Del Mar (949) 718-0476 Emery Finaiicial ·Over 25,000 Satisfied Mortgage Clients Since 1993 620 Newport Center Drive #630 . Newport Beach 949-729-9200 'Plu1 :! ~·~,To Ru1cr' Broker• 3.5''ti TOTAL· Sa1c Abou1 HJJt" 45 Day Writtm Gwirant.u ~-PM;trJCA At Newport-Mesa Ballet, "wcb<riC.-ve-iha1 it is imporum for a ballet sru~nt 10 h.ive n:cellent training from the very ~inning. Correct technique 1s ~nual for a young d;nccr 10 matwe into .ll1 armr of profes51onaJ qual1ry In our school we offer a va.r1ny of d.ince and movement clasS('S with d1e help of talrnreJ. diverse, and inspired faculry. Our method of 1r;11nin~ has been so sucassful. our srudenu have b<en 1nv11ed 10 srudy w11h top ballet companies in the coum rv. 2790 Harbor Blvd., #210 Costa Mesa 713.241.1442 www.ballct-newportm QUATRINE washable furniture 11. CUSTO M FURN ITU R E FOR YOUR H O"-tF 3636 EAST <;OAST H ICHWAY -949 72J 14.$5 @5-ilnr @5-Po"" Na111'1J A./Je1Je1J (714) 469 -3087 www.sJJ verspoonnann lt'S.oom • A Perfect Match For Your family • ' · Have ·You Lost Money In The Stock Market? CREATE IT Ceramic1 and Crafts Studio I ull sen1Le cer.ml.I, )tuc.i1u including bisque. grc:enw.irc )Uppl1n f1r1ng Cl~ including po111111ng wuh gl.an Jnd .i.crvl1e~. gill~ p.i.m11ng .ind slumping d .i.v h.mdbu1ldmg NORRAH A.1'i OERSEN O\l"-fR Hate bun in /Ju.me /rlr fire ~eari lundra1 er ft,1 l•uou nurd•~ rout 80 I A Wat Baka ~t Co.i.i Mc.a, CA 92626 714-641-8124 I ·-• f' ~ - 7~~ueu,,~~ FAMILY SHOE SERVICE ALL TYPES OF SHOES & BAGS REPAIRED ORTHOPEDIC SHOES cs--~~:.:.~ (949) 642-4314 1673 Irvine Ave #F C17thJ (Behind Blockbuster Video next to 7 -111 Costa Mesa. CA 92627 20% off M ust brmg coupon Exp. 8/31/03 ;Jshnd Jlooring Hardwood · Stone · Ceramic Tile Carpet · Vinyl Carolyn Carr 11 8 Agate Ave Bolboo Island CA 92662 949-675-3456 FAX 949-675-4348 Cell 949-422-8570 You Don 't Know What You 'rt Missing! I ..tllJ 1' ..t l<1r'1trr J\. ft" \\ J.. u't • • !~ ~.&' 1.J 1'r.1.r1«.•d .._, J li.c111C"•I h.ir"l."r ~(1\ITll"I > 11c1 l pll\\I'" •hc:r.ip"I I 1irop<'.l'l I'' .1' 'r>c°• .11 •I .inJ lll.if1h .. ur.q I nr J prt"' \Ill! ri ... 1°" \. •' .1ntJ .i ,,,_.,Hh 1h.I\<' "r .1 rt"IJi..11 i..: ldd.l Come Visit Lani Th~ l'Vlagic Touch 2 5 Y~ars &p~rintu 7 14 -540-22 18 Be Happy With Your HAIR I ,tnl '" d un1t/tJI' P'"'""r 111 mal.e_Jour da,.. ( J\ t-·' ~ \ P<ir' • ~\f-."'' t""{ t- H,1 • I colt" !'> HJ • ( u' ''"" " ,, 949.631.3822 1f "\\t''" ••Jr "\t•\ll,.,11>,. (949) 675-2311 2737 E. PCH, Corona del Mar The Local Plumber a division of MBT J Bangert PIPE LOCATING ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK DETECTION FRIENDLY SERVICE 949-675-9304 www.thelocalplumber.com L#7524971nsured AnU~ (f1 R~loraUon 130 E. 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 650-5947 To advertise in. our next A-Z Page, Contact . (949) 642-5678 M Fnday, Auaust l, 2003 FRIDAY, ·AUG. 1 lOA.M. • North Cities Quilt Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building • Orange County Woodworkers Assn. (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building •Cranberry Quilt Works {until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building •Crafts {until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building •#Discover the Fair# Button Program {until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • So<* Hop -Kids Stage • Open Dairy Goat Judging - Livestock Arena llA.M. • Xipe Totec (God of New Life) Aztec Dancers -Heritage Stage • Holly -Children's Songs and Stories -Sun Stage • Song and Storytelling with Amy Jo -Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage •Circus Fun Review Auditions (11:30 a.m.) -K.ids Stage NOON • Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown Seminar -Youth Building • Body and Soul Aerobic Dancers -Heritage Stage • Dahnhak Demonstrations - Sun Stage • Poinsettia Pin & Holly Earrings with Kathy Palmer -Home & Hobbies Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Show -Kids Stage •Maureen W. Puppet (12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds 1 P.M. ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS BEST BET Daily Piiot 6P.M. • Tops for Kids with Orange County Woodworkers Assn. - Home & Hobbies Stage ' • Storyteller -Youth Building • The M agic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth • Building_ . • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Red, Ripe & Karaokin' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage •Tomato Walk Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage 7P.M. • Ozomatti -Citizens Busines& Bank Arena · • Russell Bros. Circus -Green GateArea • Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik ..-Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Pacific Coast Horns (7:30 p.m.) -Hemage Stage •The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage •Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village •Milking E>emonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 8P.M. • Summer Concert Series: Jethro Tull (Gates open 6:30 p.m.) - Pacific Amphitheatre • Aichi Onon & Blues Angel - Sun Stage • People Pretzel Contest -Kids Stage • Xipe Totec (God of New life) Aztec Dancers -Heritage Stage • Pulse Dance Studio -Sun Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater -:Jethro Tull plays the Pacific Amphttheatre-at-8-p.m. today as part of the Orange County Fa1rs-S1wuUJCL4\.n.u...CJ..L.n::a=~llk,;lt_-+-lOOci~Ctass~p..m.J _ open at 6:30 p.m. Ozomatli performs the 7 and 9 p.m. free shows in the Citizens Business Bank Arena m the fairgrounds. Heritage Stage • North Cities Quilt Guild -Home & Hobbies Stage • Art & Woodworking Demonstrations (until 8 p.m .) - Visual Arts Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Cristina Ballestero -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Rockin' Roundup Contest - Kids Stage •All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock •Traveling Game Show (1:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds • Ceramics Demonstration ( 1 :30 p.m.) -Crafters Village •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn TALENT Continued from A 1 In her Lhrcc p~es across the rope, Caitlynn performed a one-footer, a jumping foot switch and, for the finale, a one-footer foor switch com bo. After the tightrope act were two Uons -I I -year-old Denim Varona from Huntington Beach 2P.M. • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Good News K~s -Heritage Stage •Encore Dance of Lakewood - Sun Stage •Cooking with Chef Jan Mongell -Home & Hobbies Stage •-Growing Cut Flowers For Your Own Flower Arrangements" with Janelle Wiley -Grass Roots Stage -Floral Building • Song and Storytelling with Amy Jo -Celebra1ion Stage -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little and 6-year-old Lucy Angelo from Orange -and on~ tiger - 9-year-old AAthooy Rapo7.a from Huntington Beach. Wearing costum es and squatting on pedestals, the thre~ were instructed by Stephen to stand up, Ue down and, for the finale, perform muJtiple rollovers across the stage. Next came the magician, Jack. a 6-year-old Orange resident. After walking to center stage. he Theater 3 P.M. •Anna Mane and Band - Heritage Stage • Pulse Dance Studio -Sun Stage • Cristina Ballestero -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building •Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m ) -Millennium Barn 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village took off h1'> large magician hat and '>huwt.'d the audience that it wa'> empty. With a few swings of his magic wand, he was soon pulling out a string of scarves. l\nd the finale? A white rclbbit ~luffed animal. Sporting a fiery sequined vest, 11 year-old juggler Jordan Bento from Mi~ion Viejo took the stage. With wme help from Stephen, he transferred a .!>pinning plate from a stick to his Martin's · signature 6Pfldaltiu P"llJ bJ Ywt C.-i '°' frdl AMI mollint wiltl the ptrSONittd ltyte of bttowd TV dM!f Al ~ frdl in rnlnut&-wlih no MSG Morin y.,, And tour Alli in ~ * °'°°" .,,. dltfla you lowt. lndurll'9 wok ""' and food bfef.i In """" end hlnnony • ........... ~-~ Conttln•UllD•ou&"*r·. COSTAMISA 1500 Ar8llN. Hlrttar' IMI. 114-431-1115 .' • Russell Bros. Circus -Green GateArea •Anna Marie and Band - Heritage Stage • Encore Dance of Los Alamitos -Sun Stage • Gingerbread House Decorating Contest -Home & Hobbies Stage •Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Bujlding • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Port City Washboard Wizards (4:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.) - Around the grounds • Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 finger. After the plate was ralcen away, he showed the audience his skill in scarf juggling. The last act was 5-year-old Anderson from Mission Viejo. With a trio of mechanized pooches, the k.ind that bark, bounce around and flip, Anderson displayed his skill<i at instructing the canines 10 do back flips through a small hoop. White-haired Fluffy seemed to be the most receptive. p.m.) -Crafters Village 5P.M. • Showbiz Studio -Heritage Stage • Shuyokan Martial Arts -Sun Stage • Holly -Children's Songs and Stories -Celebration Stage - Youth Building •Circus Fun Review Auditions - Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Circus Fun Review Show (5:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Milking Demonstration (5:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn lne show concluded with a group bow by the performers. When asked what part of the show she liked the best. wcy responded. "Rollover!" Friends Anthony and Denim agreed that the opponunjty to be on l>tage was their favorite pan. Anthony had considered joining Lhe circus. ~oad !>aid I could when I'm 16," he said. · • O><en Team Presentation (8:30 p.m.) -Livestock Arena 9P.M. • Ozomatli :... Citizens Business BankArena • Russell Bros. Circus -Green Gate Area • Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -Sun Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestock • Pacific Coast Hom s (9:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • C8'amics Demonstration (9:30 p.m.) -Crafters Village • lOP.M. • Aichi Onori & Blues Angel -• Sun Stage •Touch of Class (10·30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage Denim, 9, also entertained tlle thought of circu!> performance "When I get kicked out of I.he house, maybe, if I have a good: skill." he said. The Circus Fun HeviE.'W auditions will talcc place at Llj30 a.m . and 5 p.m. today. Saturd~ and Su nday. •TOM FORQUER is a Daily Pilot• intern. He can be reached at tom.forquer(oJ/at1mes.com. • REGISTER URL.YI ---------~------- Oa!ly Pilot Fr.oay August 1 2003 A7 FORUM .ttoW 10 GET PU8USHED -l.dmrs: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cocta Meaa, CA 92827 •RH den Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 • ~ ~-fNllll:Send to d•ilypilot@latlmn.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verlftcation purpose1). The Pilot r..erves the right to edit all submiaaions for clanty and length COMMUNITY COMMENTARY READERS RESPOND Seeking sens.e and civility in Newport An explosive fireworks debate A o open and professional dialogue is clearly the preferred manner io which to carry forward continued progress and resident panlclpation in city ·government. Any serious student of democratic values knows that personal attacks and demeaning statements only alienate and frustrate, rather than invite further discussion. Such divisive tactics chill the ordinary citizen's right to participate and engage in meaningful dialogue with city leaders. When these rights are "chilled" or impeded in any way. city government becomes unrepresentative and stagnant. Evidence of these disconnects can be seen in prtor city council meetings when both private reside nts have been insulted or dressed down with no opportunity to respond by City Council members. Now. Homer Bludau. the Newpo rt Beach city manager. has taken that Incivility to a new low in his "Community Commentary" in the luly 19 Daily Pilot 1-Facts don't <1upport Greenlight contentions''). He referred to me as "d isingenuous" because we have disagreed in the past on the logic of a n outsourcmg plan that had been advocated by the undersigned. This disagreement between parties 1s · completely logical and to be expected. What is not to b e expected however IS for any city Staffmember to insult and belittle any private resident for bringmg forth suggestions. Bludau need" to remember that ......,_ we voted for our city officials. We did not however. vote for him. It is clearly his right wider the 1st Amendment to express his opin ion<; in the manner in which he choose-. However as a city government e mployee. particularly on e who exi sts on the tax dollars of the PHIL ARST residen ts he now disparages. his uncivil discord is most inappropriate. Several months ago in a Pilot article, Mayor Steve Bromberg made a personal attac~ on Greenlight as a group. Shortly thereafter, David Ellis, a hired political consultant for five silting city councilm en. made a personal attack on me. The message 1s quite clear: the city councilmen are most interested in listening only to those who agree with what they are doing. If you don't, then you better watch out, because you are going to be sub1ect to verbal barbs. whether in person, via the news media or at City Council meetings. Bludau sh ould make note of the manne r in which progress can be made in citizen/government d1'cussions. Recently. a meeting was held with Senior City Planner Patrick Alfo rd on the proposed Local Coastal Plan. We were very concerned that it could take away the residents' right to vote on new maior traffic creau.ng developments under the "GreenHght" law In a very civil and rauo nal dis cussion. Alford assured us that was not the intent. and we mutually agreed upon areas that needed ttrbe changed. Whtie there was not full agreement o n all mauers. there wru. definite progres~ without the per::.onal attacks. This 1s an example of what we need from ell) ~ovemment. Constructive dialogue is desirable, personal auacks. verbal barbs and con de.,cending behavior only fru~trare the parucipato ry process. In his arucle. Bludau claimed I had all the facts wrong and used some quesu ona ble arguments to make his 0 Tuesday, August s, 2003 . : 4.10 pa· 8.'00 pa . • 1 point. The specific of his Mdisingenuous" charge is one example. In my July 13 article "Waste to blame for service cuts,• I had advocated an o utsourcing plan for city services except for our police and fire services. That was what I as a resident would accept and I am sure would be accepted by the majority of the residents. It was a sensible approadl. BJudau claimed that I should have advocated that all city s ervices should be privatized, even though in a previous private conversation with him. I had explained that wasn't a plan that the residents would accept. But that was wha t he wanted me to do so that nothing would be accepted. For that disagreement in approach, I was called "disingenuous. n As 10 the claimed incorrect facts, I don'r intend to take O.Q the entire city staff in an ongoing debate over details. I stand by my main point "that the city had cut services because of government waste.· Bludau says the city cut services because he did not have enough staff to administer the original amount he and the staff had budgeted before the cut. That prove., m y point. If Bludau had outsourced those needed services, he could have spent the funds wfSely without cuumg servicec; for the residents as the city did. The first step in city government and public interaction is the maintenance of civility. Personal auacks have no place in a construcuve climate. If we aU work together on a ciVll basis. many problems can be worked out cooperatively . • EDITOR'S NOTE: Phil Arst is a community act1v1st and a consultant. Although Arst 1s a leader of the controlled-growth Greenlight movement, this commentary represents his personal opinion. AT ISSUE: Should Co sta Mesa ban the sale of safe-and-sane fireworks? R eachng in the Daily Ptlo1 ahoul Councilman Mike Sche<ilt:r., decision to try to ban fwwork.'> m Costa Mesa. I noticed his one rt-IJtt-d injury to a house was from illegJ.J fireworks.. Just wondering hrn, b) banning the safe·and-sane. '1<M UM• 1 ... going co stop the illegal one<,Z It '>t't'm~ ·to me that most of the accident~ .md fires have been caused by illc~<tl fireworks that won't be stopped b) anymore ordinances and bam I supported both Po p \\arner .md Costa Mesa High School football through fireworks sales for -.e\eral war., and no incidents or inJurie<. to l'ltht'r person or property from tht:">t' ..a.It><> I sincerely regret Scheafer's neighbor" injury and don't understand how a supposedly safe-and-sane ~rarl.IE'r could ignite a polyester .. Ion. \\hllh '' hardly Harne related. But I would suggest that 11 hl' wam., w ban something. to malce sure mJL onh Costa Mesa orgaruzano~ be able to ">t'll fireworks in Losta Mesa. lnat would certainly cut down che number of booths and aid the c;ale of eo .. til ~le..a nonprofit orgaruzaoons. ED BAUME (.O'lla ~1~ I support Councilman M1ke ~tieafer-. effort to ban fireworks. I would prefer an outright ban 1JTUT1edlately. I mink the compromise of phasing it out ~ tht>..e different fund-rrusmg acoviu~ l·an find other sources of revenue is a doable compromise. I am sorry 11 took a tra~ed) for Councilman Scheafer to come to thJ<; dtn-.io11 bur whatever, 11 w11l l:>t' a ',Judhlt· d''>t't to the rnv of C..o-.ta M~ ELllOTT MITCHELL C '>'la ~It°'><! I \\ i.l.'> WI) '>UIT) LU rtad thJt C.~iunnlman Milt ':><:heakr-. llt:'1~btH had -.u1Tt'rt:d ~uch '>t:Vere bum .. 1 lowt•\ t'r he ">hould be dwan· thJ L "P•trlJt•r-. hJ\ t' not been '>old in tht- '>dlt' .u1d ~Ill· firework:, '>land U1 Lim If\ for -.t'\ t-ral ~ear~. Tht '>parlJt•r., art:' not '>d.it' and·..ane firt'\"irb the\ d!l' nnt -.old 111 tht: \tand'> 1111: d1antablt 11rganu.<1t111f1'> 'h1mld n1J1 bt: clo'>t'<l because ot -.p;ul...lt·r-, '>rarkli-r. dft:' not '>Old 1n lh1· '>tJn1h thdt ha\t ...aie ctnd '3nt fire-., orb KATHY BEQUETTE t '"w ~ tes.s t JU'>! read the '>IOI) ..rb<JUl !ht' plclil Ill pha.-.c out firework..., m tht 1 m Ill C u-.1a \1e'4:1 becau..e a fnend of C,ounulrnJ.n \hkt> 'xlwaJt'r v .. ·<L'> hadh hunwd ''ht·n hl·r tlmlw-. 1 t d b\ a '>fldt~li-r In tlw e Da~ l"il H I rl',td lh~ nctinh of !. \'tl i \H'rt srrntt:'d for dmi under tht' mlluenre '>ti art \\l' aho ~rnng to '>IOp mt: '><llt 11f cilrohfJI and 1..lrN : llfJ\\TI all tht' hM., 111 th1'> uty'l In tht' l.N Lhrr.oe week.c, Lhret· people ha\ e lo-.t their h\·e'> in tht: <it c·am oft of HunUnJ...'lon lkach \hould \ ... 1· c1'1w th ... bearht'.., and ""P pcuplt· Iron ,-..,1mmm1;:7 I am -.om that Wt: don t h\l' 111 a 101all~ '><lit: .md perfect world And -.nml'lll11t''> hdd thing:, h;srrwn w ~ood people. But \\t' need IO remember that ten-. of thou'>..lf1d'> of pt-<>ple 111 Co-.ta \ te<..a u~d firrwork.<.. nn the· hmrth ol Jul\ and had no problem at all CHARLIE MASSINGILL '\t·wpon Beach w .AnAetes m-nnes Summer Camp Campaign Brightening the Lives of Children Give to the Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Campaign. ~ off.rs a healthy ;alternative for m'1!ny low.income children who may t>. su uahn& with challenaes It 11 a place where the gray cloud of poverty is replaced by sunny slues and the sound of laughter- and ~ a poSlcNe perspective Qn finally be d1Kovered You can brighten the ltfe of a chUd thts summer. The Tlmes Summer Camp Urnpairn provldeJ dl116vantlpd chlldr.n ~ Southern California a one-week camp e>cperience. f« wery doUar )'O'l conU'lbute. the McCormick TribuM foundation wlll add SO cena-. The Los ~la Times and che McCorm1Ck Tribune foundation lbsorb all admlnlstnu.... cosu. 10 I~ of your donation and entire matchl,. fundt ao dif'ecdy to c:ampenhlps! ~Mariner'i ·Park, Newport Beach Give the gift of FUNI Make your donation toclayt , .. ---· .. NeighborhoOds throughout Newport Beach arc being invited to join forces with thousands of communities ~onwidc for the 20• Annual National Night Out crime and drug prevention event! Residents arc asked to lock their doon, tum on oubidc lights and spend the evening outside with neighbon. Carl's Jr. will be providing food and drinb. Please join us for some IWlllDCI' fun! le..-co NM,_.... ...... oldie cNldrwl _, ~ dwl t-~ hm a,. camp ..,.._In it.,.... aldle IAl~nw-M4it wrWilb • ·-~ ----------------------------------' Vasi ....... ...,.=-~:-~::::-" 4 : - a -.,. ...... ...... .. O• O• 0.,. o-o-o-.•---1.!!!!!!U~!!!~~ 0 , ...................... """ .......... ci..~ ' o ............. -• ., o-o.......:.. a-..._ I -· 2 -... l \ ;: .. ......... ~-···:r:-.:==-·-1-----------­-· . ·--. . .. -\••-------·--------·---···-·---··-·--···-·-·--··--·-,_ ...... md1n. ... t._LA,.._.._,.,,,. .~ . . =l-l'N' ... ...___.. ........ • 72 HOURS FRIDAY "Dike a brMk. Catctt a little music at Alta Coffee. The tunes begin at 8:30 tonight. Alta Coffee House Is at 506 31st St., Newport Beactt. (949) 675-0233. A8 Fnday, August 1. 2003 INTE RMISSION Th anks for the • memo ries B ack when I was a kid in junior high school, if you'd asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I probably would have answered, ·a comedian." I got a big kick out of teUing jokes and making people laugh (still do, for that matter) to the point where some of my buddies called me Bob Hope. I didn't mind. Hope -whoi.e iJlustrious career came to a cloi.e this week two months into hii. JO I st year -was my favorite comedian in an era that included the likes of Jack Benny, Red Skelton, Sid Caci.at and ~------.Jackie TOM TITUS Gleason. But as I grew older, I reaJized such an ambition was unreaJistic, since I wouJd become extremely nervous and unsure of myself when SATURDAY s.t uil. The annual Newport to slin Diego Coastal Raoe. S'ponsored by the Bahia Corinthian and San Diego yacttt clubs, is 11'1 enjoyable, cttallenglng race With 1>4rtiet at both ends. The $60 entry fee will be aocept8d until 5 p.m. Friday. Entry and Notice of Raoe forms are available at www.bcyc.org. For more information. call (949) 644-9530. SUNDAY B'9 benefit. Music legend Keiko Mat.1ul will play a benefit concert for Hoag Cancer Center from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hyatt Newporter Outdoor Amphitheater at 1107 Jamboree Road in Newport. Tlctets are $45 for general admlnion. VIP tldteta are $125 and include a VIP reception and reserved seatlng. Tldteu can be purcttased by calling the Hoag Hospital Foundation at (949) 574-7208 or the Hyatt Newpcirter at (949) 729-1234. Daily Pilot caJJed on to speak in front of a group of people. Writing. however, was a form of self-expression that presented no such challengel>, so thl' keyboard became my microphone. DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT Kristen Vrtti followed her heart and opened her own gallery in Newport Beach, where she surrounds hersetf wrtti some of her own work. She lrved and worked for 10 years in 10 different cities, including Florence, Italy, where she learned to paint. I also realized that what I lope did that seemed so effortless required more than a sense of humor. I tis sryle was honed in vaudeville and perfected on the radio, and by the time television came along, I lope was a perfect fit. The "Road" movies with Bing Crosby, hosting the Oscars more times than anyone else. the thousands of hours spent bringing a littJe cheer to our armed forces overseas during the holiday season -any one of these would have marked him as legendary. But Hope dad it all. I le needed 100 years to fit in all the dimensions of his taJent. Also, he once owned a share of the Oeveland Indians. and I grew up in northwestern Pennsylvania a huge Indians fan. shifting my allegiance to the Angels after moving west. It didn't matter that he was born in England. To me, Hope was a O eveland §UY· Once, maybe 20 years ago, I interviewed Hope. Not ii'\ person, but over the' phone for an advance story for the Daily Pilot on his forthcoming one-night stand at the Orange County Performin g Arts Center. See IHTERMISSfON, Pa1e Al l Lolita Harper Daily Pilot A mong the quaint storefronts and trendy restaurants that line 31st Street, Newport Beach native Kristen Vitti h as found her niche. The 29-year-old Corona del Mar resident followed her heart and opened her own gallery in her hometown. "I have been painting since I was young." Vitti said. ·1 just never reaJJy th ought of making it a career until now." Art has aJways been her passion and at Lhe base of her professional endeavors. Whether teaching at inner city school~ or working for Glamour magazine, creativity and expression were her driving forces, she said. She spent a considerable amount of time In art school in Italy, painting in Aorence. Vitti also ~LEACH /OM.Y PLOT Pase.I <»tits, left, Ind "*"&er .Juliette McCCXl't are busy ~ ~h. but .. hM time to tmle It Pascal's Epicerie and Wine in Newport 8uch. Beach art Newport native fulfills dream of owning an art gallery in her hometown. Now, she just needs to work out all the kinks painting means guaranteed shelter for the next three months. Vitti has noticed she is missing out on walk· in sales from tourists because many of her paintings are so large. she said. A change in her business plan may be in order, at least for the summer. consistentJy commissioned work for family and friends. Vini has been "aJl over the place," but inevitably. couldn't resist coming back to New]lort Beach. "I was gone for I 0 years and lived in 10 different cities." she said. "I decided it was time to come home and just be settled, so I did just that." After some time spent back in the family home, Vitti discovered a quaint linJe space in the 400 block of 31st Street. Realizing the empty storefront was a chance for h er to fulfill her-lifelong dream, Vitti jumped at the opportunity. "The space became avaiJabl~ and I took advantage of it." Vitti said. The room is now filled with original oils and the works of five other an:ists. The walls are decorated with colorful paintings. touting deliberate strokes and rich texture. The an:ist's passions come alive on the canvas. Vitti aJso deals in consignment, where she will buy paintings from people and mark them up to make a profit, or contract with the seUers to split the profits. They get 60% and she takes 40%. For now, her small business is bringing in enough to pay her rent but n ot much more, Vitti said. "Art is tough because It doesn't seU on a dally basis," Vitti said. Her works are priced between $500 and $3,000, so selling a larger "Being down by the beach, I think I need to start making some less expensive pieces because of rhe tourisl8." she said. "I have to figure out what is going to sell and what as going to work. It'll take a whiJe to start making some money.· . • ln addition to painting, creating and selling. Vitti is hustling. Handing out business cards, spreading the word. Traffic is tough in the congested area of Newport Beach, but people are willing to go to lengths to get the best. They just have to know where to find it. she said. "It's all word of mouth," Vitti said. "The rime will come." . • , ~ BESTBITES Pascal Epicerie provides a delicate French touch · By GrHr Wylder P 8IC8I has a casual caf~ and takeout next door, .P.ascaJ F.plcerie & Wme. Don't be deterred by Its trip mall location. It~ one of Orange County top-rated restaurants. It ~ fabuJoua French ~ cWme, only top quality French llQPOl'ted · lngredienll and local larmen' n:uubt produce. Pucal'i AelWnnt and F.plcerle la on Brlstol Slnet North, betwl!en Irvine Awnue Md Junbotee Ro.d. By popular demand. PllQI ~ &c Wlne opened 10 ~IF ID llCCOml*'Y Pwars .... .... ....-.ranL CuMomen ... I Jft d die convenience of ao everyday casual cal~ and wanted to take home their excelent food. Ole( owner Pascal and M1mJ Olhata chose the adjacent space to open the Eplcerle. smce then, more locations have opened; nw. equally high-quality ear~ Jardin at Sheiman Gardens In Corona dll W., and CaM Puc:a1 for outdoor 6dal • Soudt Coat Piii.a (at the ...... of Gudln 'nlrnl:le). &di lomdon ._ dMlenbt OlellUI-CAM Jardin ellWl lunch M! k.,. o&nr1C ·mmr.a ..-cu111ne;• ca._.. mWI. Flmcb bllCl'o..., (dlldcu llWllllud .......,a'lpll) ........ I fDod,. ...... ~ ................. ' FYI Pascal Epicerie Is et 1000 N. Bristol St. .In NfWpOrt Beech. (949) 281-9041. www.pascalnewportbHch.com. of France In Newport Beach, Is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday tbroutb Saturday. The~ aerwe IMllJ , puflK*'-Plrt~ hlbdlll. ~ wine lhop and llft eton. Ma,,., : Julette Mccom1..,. ~ ollbe ' ~ llawl ao PNnce on a~' bMia. They apect che.... : Frend\ produCtl Include:~ • beer.wine.~-~· ! .. Daily Pilot H APPEN I NGS Friday, August 1. 2003 At THEATER REVIEW I From left. Ellen Harvey, Monique Lund and Robm Baxter rn "Mamma Mia!" 'Mamma Mia' cooks up spicy show By Tom Titus B u1ld1ng a mU'iltjl comedy around lhl' rnu<>ic. of om· particular l'Ompo'>t.'r 1>r Kr<>up 1~11·1 exactly d revolu11111h1ry idea. MC,M .mcJ C.t·nc· Kt·lly pulled off 1ha1 inck ratht.·r nicely more than a ha.It century j~O wilh a little O'>Car·wtnnmg flick t ailed "An American in P·M1.., " But evt•n Kell y would Ill' smiling down from lhl' (,reat Beyond to<ldy 1f he rnuld <,ce what Lhe Swe<li'>h pop OlU!>ll' group ABBA ha'> done.• .... tlh II'> music to comrruct a whopping. all-~10p5 out '>inging and dancing ·extravaganza ut..led "M.unma Mia,· now invigordting audiences at the Oran~t· County Performing Am Center. They may be Swede·'· bu1 the show is all Greek -'iCI in a Ca/ltina on a Medirerranean island where ii'> proprietor is preparing for her daughter\ wedding. ab!>enr a husband and father 10 give the bride away. The prospective bride lakes care of those arrangements herself when she peeks into her morn\ diary, finds three likely candida1~ -and invite' them all 10 the wedding. All three 'ihow up. of course, and 11's anyone·.., guess who get' lhe tie on Father\ Day. More important is the !>pirit of the show. 1n10 which islm1dc" and v'"'"'"" aHlce fall reaJ quickly - backed up, of couri.e. by those calc.hy ARRA ~mg-; from Benny Ander~on and Rjorn 1Jlvt1cu,, with an a!>.'>iM by Slig Anderson. The task of creating a '\lory around rht.• \ongs " an enonnous one. hut Catherine Johnson 1~ well up to ii, and audience members will • swear the proccs.'\ wa~ done in the normaJ fashion. And ALDEN'S umkr Phyllida IJoyd's 'JMrklmg direc11on and 1\nthony Van l.tta'\t\ E·tickt·t l horeography. 1h1'i show will hav!' you wanting to get up 111 1lw <t1'>ll' .tnd ... hake your booty nu mdllt>r now ancient that booty 11r11gh1 he. llw perfonnance' are a c11llt·t11on of l.nt•l"J{i1er hunnit''> Wlth a beat -ealh production nurnht·r 'll'JHl"lllg lhl• pn•viou-. lllll' 111 ..,heer pl/.a/./ .tnd chon:ograph1c wonderml'llt rtw "l>aming C)11ee11··..., pn."*'nl, of cour.1•. a' are a pll'thora of other AHR>\ '>Ong'> you may or nMy not be familiar with It\ an injecllon of purl'. unbndlt'tl musical a1hlehc1sm. Monique Lund heels a.'> Donna, lhe mother whose mixed feeling'> become really !>Urred up when the three unexpected guests arrive. Kristie Man.den beautifully enacts her daughter, Sophie. who grew up fatherless but now has three po'>Sibilit1e:. tu choose from. Mlln>den is a splendid package of youthful exuberance enriched with dramatic gusto. Lund's vibrdllt '>Olo ·1 he Winner Tales It All~ is the vocal highlight of the show, and her HSupcr Trouper" number wilh old budd1e'> I.lien I larvey and Robin Baxter is a shl·cr delight. Stl•aling the spotlight at evc:ry rum i'> I larvey .i... Tanya. I >onna'c; old pal from the d1'>co days. who fends off the ovenures of a callow youth (t;torard Salvador) in one of lhc evening.,· top number'>. I larvey's reaction'> to Salvador·., athletic advance., create a memorable !'>e4ucnce. Baxter. meanwhile. comically set'> her cap for one of the pro ... pcctive fathers. Pean:e Bunting a-; Bill. an Aussie who'll conjure visions of the < .rocodile I lunter. Don Noble is quite --------------------- 0 N-!i ITE ----- DRAPERY CLEANIN& AND MORE I Ml TAKE DOWN Oii RamVIMi MUHARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Dougl11• Fabric ·WlndaW Cmlerlng• Including: • lllllintnt Privacy Shttrt • Silhoudtt' window shadings • VllMftt' window shadings • Ouettt' hoMycomb shades • ~TM Collection • Jubibnc!TM ro.Nn .. I ~ honfycomb shades I SmndftTM SoftfoldTM shaditgs World's Best ON ... iEftl Drapel'J' Cl•alaa Spt.em A . IU-Al DEN'S CARPET AND DRAPEIUF.S 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 94~ 4838 • 714.:.968-8180 FYI •WHAT: HMamma M1aH •WHERE: Orange County Performing Arts Cenrer, 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa •WHEN: 8 pm. Tuesdays through Fridays; 2 and 8 p.m . Saturdays; 2 and 7 p m. Sundays through Aug. 10 • COST: $44 to S69 • CAU: (714) 556 2787 -.1rong a-. the ex-'>U1tor with an l'Yl' toward making thing~ nght agjm, wh1Je James Kall pre<,en" .m tntnguing view from the other silk of ihe track..,. ~oph1e\ ..,talwan liance is neatly ponrayed hy Oms Bolan. while her gal pal<; receive winning cameos by Bethany Paglinlo and Joelle Graham Ille ABM mu.'>ical score coru.ume'> lhe production. but there's plenty of Lime left over for winning characterizationc;, wilh Lund. ~1df'>dl•n and I larvey <;ening lhe tont> in that department. The ll•an, leggy 1 larvey i., a pankular delight. an updall'<l verc;ion of· Mame's" Vera Charle'>. It seem., 1mposs1ble that there could be too much of thi~ good thing, but Uoyd'5 extended cunam call cena mly com~ cloc;c. milking the audience's approval for all ii\ worth. And Manvn Axe·, nine-piece orche'>tra bel:CJme-. ovenndulgent at um~. drowning out tlw .... ngers' lyric-.. "Marnma Mia" will c;et your feet nuneri.ng as it conttnut'' through Aug. 10 at the Ct-nlt•r. lr'c; a wonderfully feel-good production brimming with high-licking and h1gh-!>p1rited musicality. • TOM TITUS writes about and reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot His stones appear Fridays Arthur L. Ross gets a hug from Isabella Melo near fellow actors Katherine Futterer and Batya CasµP • at the South Coast Repertory Professional Conservatory Digging his path Costa Mesa resident Arthur L Ro~-, ~tudi e~ acting at SCR's conservatory in hop<'~ o f picking up award-win ning tips. .111d lht•\ Ml' ,1hli• ltJ 111'1 l••t 'lJWJ\.111g ol v,1th. !111.,, h11p1 lfl -.flart• tflt• lf!l',111'1 V.tdl ll'llt I 11p <111d c orrnng .i1111r.. 11 :111r1 )11.., hl'Jrl th.ii drl ()1111.!I till' ,111 h1 mg l 111 lr111·11 '' llottl• 1 .. ·1 , u • lfll'Jlt'f C ,111 l..t·c·p I t11l<IH t 1•11g,1g1·d .• 1111\l .1rHI 1111 rill 'trl't'h I >unni.: c 1Jllq.:I' I 1 \\1Hk1·d \\llh ,l',j 111111-'.I 1tt1. ,11\d rt•\,tll J>t'tf th• 11 111• prui.:r.1111 Lolita Harper Daily Pilot R cmembn the name· 1\rlhur I no,-.. . Ro ...... a 2 1 ·year-old Lo'>la MP'><l rt.''>1den1. 1., on h1-. way 10 a prnfe'>'llOnal acting caret•r. 111'> booming vmce. radldJ11 '>milt• and love of lhe an'> neatl"> a roadmap that leads d1rect..ly to Broadway. On the way, Ross made a pivotal pit Mop at the South Coast Repenory Profe-.Monal Con.,ervatory for l'1~h1 week.'> of mten..,.w '>tudy. rhl' Li,...ta Me'a 1 llgh School grjduate eventually want'> w bl· a director, bur .., -.till homng h" acting, 'mging and chorCOKfilphic 'il.ilh tn pr<'paration. ~uth < :Oast Ht-p\ con.,ervatory offer.., t>1gh1 \.\ot·cl.., of mtcn'>e ~ummcr '>tudy. deMgncd to ready bloW>mmg actor, for a profe'l-.ionaJ caren, offic1al'i said. Not only doe-. the course give an hone\t ~c;,<,ment of spenfk <;trength'> and wealme"5es, 11 i' held in a Tony Award-winning location. 111 the middle of the county's cultural hub. Tht• prowam ended Thur.day but \imilar courw-. begin in the f<JI. ·n1e .,ummer cour ... e<; cover in·dl'plh acting, tht.•atl'r, film and IV aud1t1on tel hmque,, charac1cnzation, Shakc5peare and vmce. .. My love i!i mu\lcal l.11ea1er ... he !Kl.Id "I love to be on stagl' and dance and -.1ng and act. When I walk on .,tage. I ha\1e th1c, immediate '>urge of energy. like thi.' i., where I belong ·· Lon..,crvatory director Karen 1 lensel 1<; a pivotal pctn of ht'> 'iUCCC!>.,, he cc.aid. I kn'>el. lhe winner of the l .o'> Angeles Critics Circll' Award for her performance in" lop Girl'>." ha'> 1augh1 the program since 1986. She is stringent. demanding. loving. honest and helpful. Iler job i'> to ~ct Ro~ and his colleague ready for lhe industry. "I can't even thmk of them a!> teachers becau~e they are like mentors. hke family." he said. "Karen doesn't sugarcoat anything. She doe'>n't lry to butter you up." It's a low-caloric rnnservatory. A -, • I ~ ·· 1 h!•\ fl' lllll lf\lllJ.: Ill ..,c Jlt' \'1111 Ill (If IJLll ttl tJll, I/in .Ht' fll'il llljl..1!11-: }!Ill ri·;ifl/l' 1h1 ... " .1 hrg -.it•p. Ho ... ., '"!Ill I hl' pruKram 1111·,1-.11n·-. t;ill·nt J1•H·lop-. .1 t dfl't r o,fr,11q.,'\. re111ton t'' ,l,.JJI-. and dl'lrlf, hJt l..grot111<.l .md l'\pt·nt·nn· 111t11 j '''"d ( olrt'l'f fourtd.111on ft'J>t'fll l(\ 'Jllll t'\,\\ 11111.111 \ l.l(JPfu It' I '1Jn er ,,ml H11-.., h.i' 'lll h .1 IH'.1tllrlt1I \1111 (· I 1<-11-.l·t cn ·,111'<1" rh.ir.11 let lor l11m 111 "l.JJ\ l lc11i-.c• ol lllt11·' 10 1al..1 l)ll' pf,11I'111 ,1 'llllJlll ( lll' -.fl• \did Ho"" lr.1pp\ 111 \\h.tll'\1·1 roh hl' ,,11cJ. Ill' JU'' v.,mt' to pnl11tn1 I 1h111l.. ul 11 d' gl\'Hlg J gift ffl 1lie aud1t•rH t'. ··Ho" \.1ld "II I do in~ 1ob nghr, lhl'\ l.iugh. lht'\ c n and 'ilt'P 0111 of .i '' orld ol ch.io' Jethro Tull f[ 1.\,1' '(I Jilli' let "'I ~Id• I• t'llJ.:<lgl•d·\\llh 'Ctlllt'f'llll," \\l •I lht•\ ,art "' huo,\ tr\ 11~ I • 1 ""' Ht" ,;iuf I fl' r11.1d1• !111 c ll1ldrt ,, 11, •1" 111.11 .111, .. t.,I11111 • 111II•1r 111 ' li\1•-. lht \ .\Ill ).!II"• fi\t• I 1• .11 I II !ht•\ 111111 lll\ll\111~' I•' I • lllf'lf 1111 ,. \(ffi 11111 I I I 1,,1nh 1h1 111r .. 11•1111 rrilwr tit• I lll'fg\ 111 li\t (ll't(tlflll l'I• I 1'1·rl!,1p, 111, ... 11111• 111 ... ' ' • • 111111 •Hit' ti.I\ IJl1H11.tl• I\ I'''"' I• f,. llrtit1d1\,1\. hut I II ).'<I \\h1 11·\1·1 t ht' p.11 h l<•.ith 111.. u .. ,, ... 1111 For 1\cket WornuHlon lop; ont.o www ocfe.1r oom August 2 -Roxy Mwdo' David Undley & D Jla1'0 -X August 2 -Bullriding with concerl by BR.6-49 agust 3 • Boston apst 3 • Fiesta Del Charro wiUl Banda Bl Lllllon ---------------~ AlO f nday, ALlaU$1 1, 2003 HAPPENINGS CONCERT REVIEW New Doors entertaining, but not the Doors D•nl•I Steven• Daily Pilot T be band that played the Paci.fie Amphitheatre on July 25 was called the Doors or the 21st Century, but in essence, it was the Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger Band. So whaf? The show was not a trapscendental experience, it was not a happening. and the band did not try very hard to pretend it was. Instead. for two hours. two old rockers played some very good roclt 'n' roll and enjoyed themselves. What the show was was cwo hours of some very good rock 'n' roll played by two old rockers enjoying what they were doing. The giveaway came in the bands first number, ~Roadhouse Blues. H During the instrumental break. singer Ian Astbury stood back by the drum ldt and left keyboardist Manzarek and guitarist Krieger alone to jam This scene was repeated several times. There was very littJe in the way of frontman shenanigans from Astbury. lf he wasn't going to be singing in the next 60 seconds, he pulled away, taking his spot in the rear guard with the drummer and bassist, sometimes tapping a tambourine to have something to do. It's a shame that the Doors of the 21sl Century are not a more cohesive entity. But even lf John Densmore, drummer for the original Doors, had been able to come along. Astbqry would still be the kid. Someone has to sing the words. and Astbury, singer fo r the underrated hard rock band the Cult. does a good job without resorting to mimicry. He makes no attempt to sing like Jim Morrison, and the few roclt star bebaviol'S be exhibited didn't seem especially Morrison-esque. There was little at the show to distract from the music. The band entered on the heels of a recording of "O Fortuna'' from Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana. H No attempt will be made here 10 analyze that choice or introduction. A little psychedelic nonsense played from time to time on the two monitors Oanking the stage. some of which looked like a ride through a carwash, backlighLed. Stock footage of atomic tests and '60s protests ran when the band · played "Five to One." Otherwise. the monitor was used for close-ups of what was going on onstage. There were no lasers. no flash pots. no inflatable Satans hovering over the stage and no dancers. The closest things 10 choreography were some goose stepping by the band at the beginning of"Five 10 One" and the motions of a woman, too unattractive to be a go-go The Doors of the 21st Century: From left, Ray Manzarek, Ian Astbury and Robby Krieger. dancer. standing off to the righl who seemed to be signing the songs. Only once did Manzarek break the flow with a drawling ramble that went from the imponance of voting 10 the guilty pleasure of marijuana, all leading up to "Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)." Manzarek became for a moment REEL CRITICS lib that frowzy old fellow at the end Ot thti coun~~ bending aome uncomfortable diner's ear. "You are the people!• he &houted from behind his keyboard. the lights coming up 11 he pointed out to the audience. "Conceived in liberty ... in the blood of liberty . + • No mention aeemed to be made of Morrison, w1less in that garbled shout Astbury made at· the end oC "Wild Oilld. • At one point, someone in the audience held up an American Oag with a silk-screen photograph of Morrison on it, but there's no telling if it was an enthusiastic fan's display or some statement of disapproval. It's been about a year since Manzarek and Krieger rolled out the Doors of the 21st Century at the House of Blues on the Sunset Strip fo r KLOS-FM (95.5) deejay Jim Ladd's occasional Living Room feature. At that time', Stewart Copeland, very fo rmerly of the Police, was enthusiastically introduced as the drummer. Since then. Densmore has sued Manzarek and Krieger for having gone ou1 on the road without him, and settled. Copeland, who was replaced earlier this year after he injured his elbow, has sued. too. and settled. The band is on its way to rivaling Spinal Tap for rumover in the percussion section. Copeland, like Astbury. was an unexpected, but impressive • choice to stand in for Densmore. In cboosl.ng L.A. stu'dJo drummer 'fy Dennis -'fy who? -to stand In for Copeland, the band seems to have gone lo ~ other direction. Dennis and bass~tAngeloBatbera comelQ the Doors from Krieger's band. . At the Pacific Amphitheatre show, Manzarek introduced him as "'The Monster' 'fy Dermis.~ Fine words, but like Barbera. be was there to cover a part1 which . he did, and stay In the background. Tullingly. In the publicity still that is likely running with this review, only Manzarek. Krieger and Astbury_ appear. In the second hour, Dennis and Barbera srepped offstage. and Krieger and Astbury ser up on barstools by Manzarek's keyboard for a couple or softer numbers-"Crystal Ship" and "People Are Strange." Would Densmore or Copeland have had to stand in the wings duril:\g this trio? ' What all this seems to mean is that. fo r now, at leasr. the Doors of the 21st Century is a cover band. or something slightJy above. So what? The Doors will never be wha t they were. The. Doors of the 21st Centucy may not be what people had hoped. but they play some good music. Sit back and enjoy 1t. • DANIEL STEVENS ts a news editor ! at the Darty Pilot. He can be reached at daniel.stttvens@latime1.com. 'Tomb Raider' a well-done adventure; 'Seabiscuit' worth a see Heroine Lara Croft is a femal e Indiana Jones A very competem piece of modem moviemaldng. the ''Cradle of Ufe" installment of the "Lara Croft Tomb Raider" series does exactJy what it sets out to do. Covering familiar action-adventure territory, Angelina Jolie is perfectJy casl as the female version or a composite James Bond and Indiana Jones persona. She is mysterious. very wealthy. with a proper English estate, commando trained and athletic enough to pull off the wild stunts required of the part she plays. Like Sean Connery. she brings the right mix of aristocratic confidence and tongue-in-cheek verve to the physical role. Like in the Bond movies, the villain is a larger-than-life madman who JOHN DEPKO wants 10 rule the world. This time. the obiect of worldwide control is the legendary Pandora's box. once found and hidden by Alexander the Great. Opening the box would unleash an unstoppable plague that could destroy most of humanity. Lara's frantic search for this ancient artifact in a race with the villainous Dr. Reiss is straight out of the ·Raiders of the Lost Ark" screenplay. It's cenainly all been done before. but this repeat performance more than holds its own when compared to the original. Jolie brings extra gravity to the role of Lara. remaining believably unpenurbed in the face of imminent death. Her war partner and love interest. Terry Sheridan. is a good foil to her coldly caJculating character. There is just enough mystical force at play in the special effects 10 make her journeys to exotic Olinese and African locales seem plausible. This film is well done, bul ultimately it's total fantasy adventure and pure escapist fare. But if that's your cup of tea. this picture is a fine example of the genre with a first -rate feminine twist. • JOHN DEPKO is a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator for the Orange County pubhc defender's office. Heart of a winner found in 'Seabiscuit' D uring the Great Depression, when families made enormous sacrifices. it was a scrappy horse named Seabiscuit thal captivated America. Again st impossible odds. his will to win soothed their battered souls. As an American __ ........... ,.icon. Seabiscu1t did more than win JULIE LOWRANCE races; he offered hope to a downtrodden nation. Based on the best-selling biography by Laura Hillenbrand, ·~abiscui1" is a compelling true-life story and an expertly crafted film. With well -developed characters and heart-pounding race scenes, ''Seabiscuil" chronicles the lives of three isolated, lonely people who are brought toge1her and 1ransformed by the inner strength of a lillle horse with a big heart. Seabiscuit, barely standing 15 hands high, limped and wheezed as he ran. Viewed as lazy. he slept most of the day and ate twice as much~ the other horses. And although he came from a good bloodline, with his short neck and stocky build, he didn't look IUce a thoroughbred. As a racing partner to champions, Seabiscuit was trained to lose. But Tom Smith (Olris Cooper). the quiet horse trainer who felt more comfortable in the company of horses 1han men. recognized a determined look in this littJe horse'5 eye and convinced Oiarles Howard (Jeff Bridges) that he could train the horse to be a winner. So, Seabiscuit was purch~ed for $8.000 and made the 3.000·mile trip west 10 No rthern California. II was Smith who aJso recognized the kindred spirits of the stubborn, unhappy 3-year-old bay and a turbulent embittered jockey by the name of Red Pollard (Tobey Maguire). And with their union, the Seabiscuit camp of misfits was complete. With encouragem ent, Seabiscuit began to enjoy racing. He wouJd tease other COMING SOON Samuel L. Jackson and Colin Farrell star in Columbia Pictures' action thriller "S.W.A.T." horses, lerting them catch up to him only to surge ahead. And although he had won 16 straight races, he was considered-too old to race for the Triple Crown. Having narrowly lost two Santa Anita Handicap races. Howard was even more determined to prove that bis horse was the best horse. He cnalleng~d War Admiral, the Tliple CroWn winner, to a match race. In the film. creative editing of archived footage with current footage transports the audience back in time. We are able to identify with the despair as well '8 the hope that a generation. relt as they cheered Seablscuit to victory. Imagine sitting In a dark theater. waiting (or the start of the race, excitement and anticipation escalating around you. The bell rings and within seconds. the vivid Technicolor scene you've been watching is switched to a motionless Sepia-toned photograph or men huddled around a radio. And ln absolute silence, you are standing alongside them, straining to hear the tiny voice of the race announcer. · It was called the race of the : century. On Nov. 1,1938, about 40 milllon people tune;d into · their ndlos. The Seablacult camp and America were about to learn that. sometimes, you can't see the heart or a wtimer, "Seabiscuit" is an lnsplntional story that shouldn't be missed; • JUUE LOWRANCE la e Coai. '. MeH rNldent who works et; Newport Beech overnight aircraft advertising agency. SOLIS I NVESTMENTS & REALTY KaJs'nN M. Sous• J..iceNed Ral ,,!:!f:t ' • ~;,, N"""'1 M,. . ' RMJ F.s111U ; ERie A Sous, CFP . • J 7 y,.,, ~ • Slwltt 0-&nJ, • Mll#Ml Futlt ; • ··-• &ta~ Rnil1,.,,, ,,_,., : • Ln an • •••itr • s..I Mltlt6 M.M C. If • .,, Dail'i Piiot, AFTER HOURS screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the $0Undtta<* live. The concert Is • Submit AFTER HOURS items to produoed by nln•tima Emmy the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St . Award winner John Goberman. Cotta Meta, CA 92627; by fax to The concert Is at the Verizon (949) ~170; or by calllng 1949) Wireless Amphitheater. Tidceta 674-4295. A. complete list is cost $75 to $375. For information, available at www.dailypilot.com. call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificaymphony.org. MUSIC 'SING-A-LONG SOUND Of PACFlC AMPHITHEATRE MUSIC' C~£RTS Now playing to sold-out The Orange County Fair 1s audiences around the world. presenting its summer concert "Sing-a-long Sound of Music" ls coming to Orange County aeries at the Pacific Amphitheatre: Jethro Tull plays Performing Arts Center'• Segerstrom Hall Aug. 22 and•23 Friday; Roxy Music and David at 7 p.m. and Aug. 24. 8" 1 p.m. Lindley and El Rayo-X play Tid<ets cost $12 to $22 end cen S.1urday; and Boston plays be purchased at lhe center box Sunday. For concert information, office or at www.ocpac.e>tp. For call (7141 708-1870 or visit www.ocfalr.com. To order t1d<ets, information, call (714) ~ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center call (714) 740-2000. Drive in Costa Mesa. " O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE K.D. LANG IN CONCERT ARENA The Orange County Fair is Three-time Grammy winner k.d. lang will perform at the Orange presenting many summer evenrs County Performing Atta Center's and concerts at its C1r1zens Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept. B. Business Bank Arena· Ozomatli Tid<ets cost $46 to $70. The plays Friday; Bull riding. with a center is at 600 Town Center musical performance by BRS-49, Drive in Costa Mesa. rtdtets are takes place at 2 and 8 p.m. available at the center's box Saturday; and the Fiesta Del office. by calling (7141556-ARTS Charro is at 2 and 8 p.m. Sunday. or online at www.ocpac.org. The Orange County Fair 1s on Fair Drive in Costa Mesa CHRIS ISAAK fnformation: (714) 708-FAIR. Chris Isaak will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts MUSIC lfGENO KEIKO MATSUI Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Music legend Keiko Matsui 1s playing a benefit concert for Sept 14. Tidcets cost $48 to $82. Hoag Cancer Center from 7 to The center is at 600 Town Center 8:30 p.m. Sunday at the Hyan Dnve in Costa Mesa. Tidtets are available at the center's box Newporter Outdoor office. by calling (714) 656-ARTS Amphithea ter at 1107 Jamboree Road in Newport Beach. Tidcets or online at www.ocpac.org. are $45 for general adm1ss1on JAZZ.TRIO • and VIP tid<ets are S 125 and Gulfstream Restaurant in includes a VIP reception and Newport Beach presents a jazz reserved seattng. T1d<ets can be tno Sunday through Wednesday purdiased by calling the Hoag as regular entertainment at 85<> Hospital Foundation at (949) Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. 574-7208 or the Hyan Newpo rter Hours are 5 to 9 p.m Sunday and at (949) 729· i 234 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through 'fTAUAN FIREWORKS' Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. The Pacific Symphony's Carl St WEEK LY JAM Clair will conduct a program of The Studio Cafe presents .. ltahan Fireworks; a concert Monday Nighl Jams from 7 to 11 filled with the romance and p.m every week. "Wanted"" excitement of Italy featuring mus1c1ans include guitar players. violinist Ph1hp Quint and soprano bass players, singers, drummers. Dominique Labelle The concert keyboardists and others at 100 is at 8 p.m. Aug 9 at Venzon Mam St., Newport Beach. Free Wireless Amphirhealer. Tid<ets range from $75 to $375. (949) 675-7760. Information-(714) 755-5799 or MAMMA GtNA WEEKEND JAZZ. visit www pacificsymphony.org. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz LEON Fl£JSHER IN CONCERT The Orange County Performing Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gma at 251 E. Coast Highway 1n Arts Center 2003-04 Concert Series will open with a special Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays cele bration -a 75th birthday and Mondays. Diana Ditri joms celebration for the pianist and the duo on vocals on Mondays composer Leon Fleisher at 7·JO It's fr~. Information· (949) p.m Aug. 11 in Founders Hall. 673-9500. Fleisher will be 1oined by violinists Cho-Liang Lin and Gil MUSIC AT THE GRIU Shaham, violist Paur Neubauer The Bluewater Grill offers live and cellis1s Carter Brey and Gary music Friday and Saturday Hoffman. Tid<ets cost $76 and nights. Greg Morgan. Nici< Peper can be purchased al the center and Kelly Gordien (known as box office or at www.ocpac.org. MPG! perform classic rodt. R&B For information, call (714) and swing at 8:30 p.m Fridays. 556-A.ATS. The Center 1s a t 600 Marvin Gregory and MPG will Town Center Drive 1n Costa perform cla$Sic rod(, swing and Mesa. R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The NEW WORLD FLAMENCO restaurant is at 630 Lido Par1c Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949) FESTIVAL 675·3474. The Barclay's third annual New World Flamenco Festival will be MUSIC AT THE PELICAN two full weeks. through Aug. 17. The Rusty Pelican offers the offering performances. music of Common Ground from workshops and outreach Wednesday through Sunday. activities. From the traditional to The band performs from 7 to 10 the contemporary, the festival p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, showcases the best of flamenco from 8:30 p.m. 10 12:30 a.m . music, dance and song. For more Fnday and Saturday and from 2 informatJon, tidcet prices and to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant dates, call (949) 854-4646 or visit is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, www.thebarclay org. Newport Beach Free (949) 642-3431. 'A NtGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard MUSIC AT PLAYERS Kaufman will conduci #A Night at Players restaurant is now the Oscars• at 8 p.m. Aug. 23. It's offering live music from 9 p.m. to an evening of legendary ~Im midnight every Friday and classics projected onto a large S.turday. Players is at 512 W. NICK'S RlSTORANTE & PIZZERIA WBY NOT TRY •••. 1-1111 111111'1, rr1111 Piiia, Frllll ltlab, 1111 lllrllla 1111111 HAPP EN I N GS 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cov.r dieclple, Judn Iscariot, Who haa cherge. (949) 646-5616. ·become disillusioned with the movement. Tidtets are from WEEKENO MUSIC $27.76 to $64.76. Tidceta can be Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant purctlased at the oenter box in Newport Beacti presents Jesse office or at www.ocpac.org. The on the 18)1 on Friday and Center is at 600 Town Center Saturday evenings and Sunday Drive in Co91.8 Mesa. tor brunch. The program fe81ures Information: (714) 556-ARTS. all vour favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. ART Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. ~OCK AND FLAMENCO PETER MAX Tate 5, a funk, rod( and Motown World-renowned artist Peter act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays Max will make a personal at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. appearance at the Wentworth Gallery in Newport Beach to Coast Highway, Corona'de! Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders showcase his "Colors of a Better perfonns daasical flamenco Wor1d" exhibit from noon to 3 tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuead•ve and p .m. Aug. 9. Max will be signing Sunday&. Free. (949) 675-1922. and personalizing all works bought at the reception. Max's ·co1ora of a Better WorldH SATUROAY NIGHT RU . coUectlon features more than Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&s 100 original paintings. drawings and llmit~edition prints. The at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, artist reception is at the Wentworth Gallery in Fashion 4600 MacArthur Btvd., Newport Island at 271 Newport Center Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. Drive. For reservations. call STAGE (949) 376-9554. Max will also sign his book ~The Art of Peter Max" at Borders Books and 'MWMAMW Music in Sooth Coast Plaza from "Mamma Mia,H the smash hit 10 a.m . to noon Aug. 9. The musical based on the songs of book.s1ore is at 3333 Bear St. m ABBA, will be performed at the Costa Mesa. Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 ANDRE MIRIPOLSKY p.m. through Aug. 10. Tid<ets Bayside Gallery Restaurant, at cost $44 to $68.50 and can be 900 Bayside Drive in Newport purctlased at the center's box Beach, is offering a solo office of online at exhibition showcasing the worfcs www.ocpac.org. The Center is at of artist Andre Miripolsky now 600 Town Center Drive in Costa through September. Information Mesa. Information: (714) (949) 851-9181. 556-ARTS. 'TliE SNOW QUEEN' DANCE South Coas1 Repertory is PACIACA CHOREOGRAPtitC featuring •The Snow Queen" by PROJECT Hans Christian Andersen Aug. 23 The Ballet Pacifica will present and 24 with performances at 1 the Pacifica Choreographic and 4 p.m. both days in the Projeci al 8 p.m. Saturday al the Nicholas Studio. Tid<ets are $5. Irvine Barclay Theatre. The South Coast Repertory 1s at 655 protect is designed to support Town Center Drive m Costa the development of new dance Mesa. For lid<ets or information. works. Tidcets are $25 and $60. call (714) 708-5555. The theater is at 4242 Campus 'CHtCAGO' Drive. Tid<ets and information: (949) 854-4646. Kander and Ebb's hugely popular "Chicago" will be performed at 8 OCC SUMMER JAZl DANCE p m Aug. 26 through 29, at 2 and CLASS 8 p.m. Aug 30. and at 2 and 7:30 Orange Coast College 1s offenng p m. Aug. 31 at Orange County a s1.x·part, noncredit dance class Performing Arts Center's for high begtnne1 and Segerstrom Hall. T1dcets cost intermediate dancers. Designed $28. 75 to $65. 75. They can be for dancers 15 years old and purchased at the Center box older, the class will focus on office or at www.ocpac org. The technique. progressions. turns. Center is at 600 Town Center jumps and a repertotre of Dnve in Costa Mesa. Information. (714) 556-ARTS combinations To register. go to the bursar's offi~. next to the Student Center Building. The foo DENNIS MILLER LIVE 1s $75. Class meets from 6 to 7:30 Comedian, author and five-time p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Emmy Award winner Dennis Wednesdays through Aug 13 tn Miller will make his enter debut OCC's Dance Studio C. in Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept 13 Tid<ets cost $36 to S66 ·suf>PER AT TIFFANY' GAL.A The Center 1s at 600 Town Center South Coast Repertory's #Supper Drive in Costa Mesa. at Tiffany' Gala ls from 6:30 p.m Information: (714) 556-ARTS. to midnight Sept. 20 at the Tiffany & Co at South Coast 'SOME MEN NEED HELP' Plaza The gala will celebrate the Orange Coast College's Theatre landmark 40th season and.the department opens with John 15th anniversary of Tiffany's Ford Noonan's two·person play South Coast Plaza stOfe The "Some Men Need Help:' The evening will begin with a play, about a young alcoholic, reception inside the newly will be produced and directed by refurbished store and continue the college's Repertory Theatre with dinner and dancing in an Company. The produC1ion will ad1omtng tent. Information (714) run Sept. 13 and 14 and 20 and 708-5504. 21 in the Orama Lab Studio. OCC is ar 2701 Fairview Road in Costa SWING Mesa. Show times and tidtets: Lessons are given from 2 to 6 (714) 432·5640. p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom tn Newport 'JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR' Bead-I by the Orange County #Jesus Christ Superstar" is Swing Dance Club All ages are coming to Orange County welcome, and no partners are Performing Arts Center's needed. Information: Segerstrom Hall Sept 16 ocswing.cotn, (909) 656-6119 through Sept 21. It was the first masterpiece from the legendary ARGENTINE TANGO team of Tim Aioe and Andrew Tango dancing is offered from 8 Lloyd Webber. This landmark p.m. 10 12:30 a.m. the first show, which premiered in 1971, Saturday of each month at chronicles the last seven days in Oansce"ne Studio, 2980 the life of Jesus of Naza19th as McClintQd( Way. Costa Mesa seen through the eyes of his (714) 641-8688. r------~-----~--------~---, I I I I l Fr>d3')', August l, 2003 All INTERMISSION and far bel:Wttn. J()hJlny Carson had that qwilicy, a.\ Continued from Af3 does Jay Leno. But lhis sort of natural, easygoing affinity fur !ht' type of comedy that Tallc about apprehe11SJve -reaches and mo~ an what do you say to a IJVing audience is the rarest of legend? Not 10 worry. When 1.oromodi ues. Hope picked up the phone, 11 l"m certain that new&pa~n. was lilce he'd known me for across the country echoed one years, and hl.s warm, friendly ht-adline fuesday -"Th.uU.'i demeanor im1antJy put rne ar for lhe Memonl>S.. • II ~ ease. Hur lhat, after all, wcv. hi'> I lopes theme Mlng. taken Crom sryle and the rea6on mo .. 1 111 .. movie ·n1e Big Broadra-.t Americam took hJm to theu of 1938." dlld the tune lha1 hea.rti. I le was one of IL'> -JUSt aJwayi. rd.Ilg out a!> he wd.IJ(ed far richer and more famoos. onsta~. ·Audiences are my bes1 Thanks for my memories. friends.·· he liked 10 say. "You Bob. A whole lifetime o! tbecn. never tire of talking with your best friends." • ~mus writes about and 1\ue enough. But those who reviews local thea1er for the Daily could do it like Hope are few Pilot His stories appear Fridays I BEST Atkins dieters corne here for the specially Continued from Af3 prepared plat du jour jams. honey. ceramk coasters, made with halibut, or silk lavender sache~. cards poached salmon and magazines. Even the best quality, hard-to -find l>aucisson served with (French saJamj), and fromage blanc, a nonfat thick and asparagus or broccoli. creamy French yogurt can be found here. Each wee~ sandwich selections: grilled ripened chee<>es amve from lamb, pate. sm oked chicken. France Lhat you C<m01 find 'iaUcisson, poached .. aJmon, anywhere else ~pec1<1.I griJled wgetable and P.Jnini request-. can be ordered Pnces dff' $5.55 to S6.SO Gourmet produl h include I lomemJde products 'fresh foie b'Ta!>, t <1viar. wild offered include )OUfW d u 1ou1 mushroom-. and duck confit. (SJ.65). 1mni· 10 large quiche,) Customer!> come earl} for -mushroom. let>k, tomato fresnly brewed Illy cnffee and basil and I urrame IS.2. 75 to pastries, or a Pa.ri'iian SI ~.95l -the popular om on breakfast. ">erved from 7 a.m or tomato tarts ($2.20 ro SJ ~ to 10 p.m. It\ d fresh croissant and whule rotissene ch1cken or brioch l', French baguette, ($1 2.i''iJ jam, butter and choice of any Oefimtely order tht' pldt du hot dnnk <SS LO). Throughout 1our. poached monk.fish W1lh the day, -.top 1n for lunch, rnuo;hroom sauce '>erved with takeout gourmet food:.. vegl'table'> or rice. or m on ldhh dinner, pasm es. desserts and wllh seared leekb or tom.uoes dinner. All bakery items and It\ hke no other. Other highly dessertc; are made here daily rrcommended d1'>hes arf' 1h1· hy '>kllll'll baker'>. excluding hJrd·to lind c;,i,-,ouh 1 lw1•I 1he bread'> Three local l\ourgui~non and r.itl.. ul l.11nli balcem•' make!> the baguette'> 1$11l 9'"l to $l-l 45J for ~and\"1c'1e-. and pro\.1dl" l'd'>lal lJlPr., \"1.l"!l 111 lu' 1he cn-.py baguene ... waln111 d1en1elt-Jnc I p11 •'flt' 111f1·r .. bread and bnoche bun ... hohdJy tal..e honw nw.11., Pa5cal\ found an expert picnics to go. ca1enng. French macaroon baker who periodic \-.int-1a .. 11ng, l u .. 111111 perfected the delicate and cookin~ da"e'-. l'H'n \o\101 difficult cook.1e\ Wlth coffl'e or locker' for '>lOrJ.g<' I or -,1mpli· lemon fillin~-.. ~(1me ..av Jnd ex< ellenl enwrta1ning. 1hey"re '>Upen ur to I-ranee\ b/lng 1n }C>ur '>erving d1 .. hl0" version Other ..,pec1altJe!> are and lhc l:p1cem: w11l lill them biscotll. carameh7.ed palmier, with your cho11:e of di .. he' t hocolate nut rrufnes. fl.UC) Allum d1rterc:,, t:omc here f111 noi~'>ants. min1-pastr1t•,, cart~ th11 '>peuall} pn·p.ul'd pldl 1Ju and cu-.tom la.Ice.,. JOlH madl' \'\1th halibut, or four prepared ..alad!> dfe poached ..,aJmon 'crwd \<\.·1th 'old by weight daily al Sb 80 Cl.)paragu'> or brolt0lt per pound. Thl· m ost To adJ to thl' umb1enn" tlw re4ut'Sted pa.,ta ..a.lad b made f<.p1cerie plav'> cla.,..1t:dl I rend1 with bowtie pru.t~ pesto. fota muc;1t:. and m·-.t\ le loun~e l"hee<.e, tomaio, hack ol1vec, mmic -wHh Arabu: '>ound.., a.nd pine nuts. I he green bean -'>elecH:d from hip cede' 1n salad has Prench beans. grilled Pans. ~allng chem e<. 111'o1de almond and vma1grene. fre~h include 11 round h1'>tru '>t\ le fruit~ '>Jlad with fresh bemes. 1able!> and, m the front The low fat ra1a1ouille ha-. red courtyard. I<! gra\. .. pet kit· and yellow bell pepper. granite topped tahlt" .. eggplant. onion, 1oma10. and The 1111erior feJlure'> dated 1ucchin1 with a iouch of olive faux marhles wall'> hehmd lht• ml. There are al-.o three counter. delicare-...cn "tyle '>pec1al..a.lad..,1ha1change glas'i ca. .. e<; and a large wine daily. and gift area 10 the right of tJw Sandwiche., rome prepared entrance Outc;rdc, the!"('\ a labeled in wtute packages for Lrad1tio11al French wall lo-go orders or lan be cusrom fountam. c;e1 between made. Favo rire<, .tre the creep111g fig. and a circular chicken rotis~em· serw d on a planter filled .,..;lh i;uttulent<. soft baguette with 'undried and an ohve tiee fhose help lomatoc). baby greens. Wlth making an anracuve shredded Gruyere and pa110. de:.pile it!--.hoppin11. vinaigrette <S6 I 'ii. the ham center ...erung. and cheese, French whire ham. gruyere. comichonc; on • BEST BITES runs every Frnl•v mustard-bultel"t'd baguette Greer Wylder can be reached at (SS.75); and the tuna, sliced greerwylder 'Ii yahoo com; al 330 from a whole filet , fresh W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA tomatoes. olive~ and pesro on 92627. or by fax at (949) a brioche bun Other 646-4170 QUOTE OF TIE DAY "You can't make /surfing} a career if you keep losing right be/ore the money round." Richie ColAnl, veteran pro surfer Al Z Friday, Auaust l, 2003 Sports~ Rlchwd Dunn: l949) 5744223 • Sports Fu: 1949) 650-0170 . JONES CUP IV SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Last year's winning Jones Cup pro-am team from Big Canyon Country Club featured amateur Danny Lane, left, and Director of Golf Bob Loveioy. Down to the wire Al l three Jones Cups have been d ecide d by two shots or less; Mesa Verde gets its turn to h ost today's event. Bryce Alderton ,,, Darly Pilot ~vcral s tory lines crop up when tallcing about today·s Jones Cup rv, which begins at 1 :30 p.m. at Mesa Verde Country Oub in Costa Mesa. f'irst. there is the duo of amateur Will Tipton and Bob Lovejoy. who will gun for Big Canyon Country Club's third consecutive tournament ti- tle. Second, is the venue. Mesa Verde hosted last week's Tea Cup Oassic and will be the site for to- day's event, the first time one course has hosted both events in the same year since the Jones Cup began in 2000. The Tea Cup began in 1997. 'Third, is the four amateurs from the private club.s in Newport-Mesa who will each be making their inaugural Jones Cup appearance. Several juicy tidbits abound, but as history has shown, the Jones Cup has regularly displayed some down-to· the-wire finishes, putting drama at a premium. In 2000 it was Mesa Verde head pro Tom Sar- . gent making birdie on the final hole after an in· credJble Oop shot at Newport Beach Country Reitz wins Costa Mesa tournament Incoming sophomore at Corona del Mar High wins his second tournament in as many weeks. OOSTA MESA -1Wo ~ 1Wo tournmnent1. 1Wo Utles. . • Its deuces wild for Spenm-Reitz. Redz, who wiD be a IOphomore at c.orooa del Mar tfW> lo the r.11. woq bis leQJ()d .funjor tenn» tournament b1 as many weeb. ClptUdng the boys let ..... tide at the C.oD Mela &llnmer Junior • ClMllc on~ Iii ct.ya.,. wanmng lhe War by ht ... • lbe Bllboa Bii)' Oub 8llc:quet Club. .. dtl JMd ~a..."' Rllncho Not V«- dla f.2,1Ma; ..... home tbe dde. In ... two tolr- ,,... ........... Mt .... lall a• . Air ... -ii .... Nlwpon·M.a ...... ... 11.t! ID**" nmetW na..-, ..... dldm F ....... Qit c-.. Mal"t am. ~ ·..,.i• .... .., ...... .._. .... _.u.-.... .... tif ..... wbln No. I ~'DIDI Oub, giving him and panner Pete Daley a 2-under-par 69 and a one- shot victory over the host team of NBCC head pro Paul I lahn and • men's club champion Bob Kraft. -"If your partnN i\ in play, you • Cup. Tl-IE can take a few more m~. • said Lovejoy, Big Canyon's Director or Golf. and pan.ner Ron Maggard needed three playoff holes to de- feat the host Santa Ana team of amateur Gregg I lemphill and Mike Reehl. the club's Director of Golf, to bring home the Jones OJp lrOphy in 2001. Lovejoy made birdie on the 18th -a dogleg left -for the victory after Santa Ana's bird· ie barrage on the back nine got them back into contention. Bolh teams ended a t 4-under-par 68. Last year amateur Danny Lane birdied two of the final three holc.'S as he and Lovejoy claimed the title with a 2-under-par 70 on their home course, two shots ahead of runners-up Santa Ana and Mesa Verde. Much like I lahn in Jones Cup 11, Santa Ana amateur Gregg Hemphill had an eagle putt on the par-5 18th to force a playoff, but it didn•t fall. Hahn's putt on the par-5 18th at Santa Arul a year earlier would have forced a three-way playoff. ln contrast to the Tea Cup, the Jones Cup is a better-ball of partners format, where the best score from either the amateur or member of the club'~ golf staff is u ed. The format lends itself to taking more risks than one would if he or she were playing in an individual, stroke-play format. such as in the Tea JUNIOR TENNIS Will Tipton: Big Canyon's reigning club champ100. , The same goe'> 1f both player .. are doing well. \aid Me..a Verde club champion Steve Rhorer. tak· ing the ~pot 0tcup1ed the lasl three Jones Cup' by Daley. .. ,f both player., an.• playing rela· tively well, yuu tan be more ag- gressive on tee shots or pum," Rhorer said. Boyd Martin, a six-time club champion at Santa Ana who has played Mesa Verde severaJ times, said the winning c;corc m1gh1 he 5· or 6· under par, which would he lhe lowe'lt score in tournament history. The men will play from the blul' lees. which make the par· 71 track. top oul at 6, 726 yards. If last week's Tea Cup was any indication, the loudest cheers we re made for the home course representative, Akemi Khaiat. Sargent and Hhor· er will be on their home course today. Just like the Tea Cup. gaJlcries are encouraged at today's Jones Cup, part of the Hetcher Jones Motorcars/Daily Pilot Oub Olampionship Se- ries. "It can do anything but help us." Rhorer said of playing on his home course. "I lopefulJy we can lake advantage of that." There will be eight equally hungry players try- ing to do the same thing. Sasha Donlap, who lost in the girls 18s semifinals on Thursday to t~seeded Megan Oooeny, rips an overhand slam in the Costa Mesa Junior Tennis Classic at the Costa Mesa .Tennis Center. DONLEACti/ OM.YPlOT . ,....._, .... EYEOPENER Daily~· SporW Ital otF.,_ t•-·11U..1 ............ q .4honor" TY HARPER "' • t ' • I Daily Pilot J SURFING ,, Collins bows out ~ Newport Beach surfing legend's comeback goes south · on Thursday at U.S. Open before the money round. Patric k Laverty Daily Pilot HUNTINGTON BF.ACI I -Richie Collins is a: surfer. • Some people are artists, some people are sales- men and some people just surf. A 20-year professional, Collins wa-; hack doing what he does best this week at the 2003 I londa Element U.S. Open of Surfing. After two years of selling cars, Collins was back competing in the .. water. Any questions about his competitive c;plrit at age 34 were answered when he lo!.t in the sev- enth round, the round of 96. on Timrsday. "How disappointing 15 it w ~o through S<.'Ven-: rounds and lose after coming in a!> an altematcr ~ Collins said. "Very d~ppointmg. More Lhan you ! can imagine. But I made 11 through MX heat&, got..1 to the seventh round. Tiiar~ a lot of heats for : .. me -After advancing through the fir.I '>LX round'>.': Collins had an excellent chann• to conunue his .. remarkable run with five minute'> remainmg.1.11 : his heat Wednesday. At the lime. he held second '! place. But he didn't catch another wave untiJ:: there was JUS. t one second remaining in the heat. ' . .. By that time he had dropped 10 rounh and only "'I the top two competiton. from each heat advance.: "That's the ocean," Collin!> '>aid. "The waves:= come and go. 1bc only thing I can say I did .. wrong was that I moved out of the place I was sit..= ting in the whole week am.I I shouldn't havC: moved." :OW: Coillns paddJed south, away from the pier, af-• ter seeing two of hi.'> competiton. catch good : waves in that direction. But after toUim, had let? : his spot. South Africa\ Travi'> l.ogil' caught the~ best ride of the heat. rncordu1x a 9.17 that cata- pulted hitn into first place. :: While Logie WdS finishing Im mlt.>, C::ollin'i wa.., - left to catch one last wave m the finaJ seconds o( the heat. But it wasn't strong enough to vault him 0 ' baclt into second place. '-: Ml went over there hopmi;: to get a little hu of a : . left and I just couldn't get a wave.· C .ollins said Ml • thought it was breaking better ewer there. I • should've just stayed put and I didn't." Collins has rarety stayed put throughoul his , lifetime. The lifelong Ncwpon Beach resident : was once ranked as high as No 4 in the world. : But his entire profes.sional career. which began • when he was 14, has included a hack injury so : serious. that twice during competitioru. he has : • See COUINS, Pace All : • HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER ' • • • • • •• . Sailors name · Hernandez head coach Former Harbo r playe r plans to stick around in a program that has had three coaches in as many years. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot • • . . • • .. .. " -• • • • • • • • . . NEWPORT BEACH -Ryan Hernandez, a for-~ mer Newport. Harbor High boys soccer player : who bas been an ~istant coach for the past • two years. is the varsity program's new head coach, the school's boys athletic dlrect6i, Eric ; 1Weft. said Wednesday. ..--• Hernandez 21, played varsity for three yan • - for the Sailors and then became the coach of the : frosh-sopb team ror tM 2000-01 season. He then-: lerved as the varsity assistant coach the next two;: ~ During those three years, the Sailors ha~ ; bad as many coaches, as Matt West, ICeYtn e..,, pan.a and then Martyn Hansford left the pro-;; • gram. I West Is ~g at Mater OeJ. while BsJ)arU I = an assistant coach wtth the Lot Angelflll . lWlfonl's dub ooachlng IChedule con- flict with hJa job at Newport. to he ttmalnecl • wtth dub aoaier, 'JWeit sakl. • Hernandez plam to end the quick tuinoYer oft the poeltlon. : ., haw ..,. three ctlftftnt coaebea here and : Chat~ .tJy I want to coech. IO I can~ IO lhl)',' can hive t0me0ne who wUI be around for mote ; ttwn one ,ar, • Hemande& e.kl. -. wo.akt wuir' S POR TS YOUTH BASEBALL COACH Newport teams clo"se Continued from Al2 team. David Zimmerman. who played on the ftnt Newpon Har· bor boya aoccer tum In 1974, will ut"1 Hernandez wlth the vanity aq\aad. to be here for awhile. I would love to teach at Newport and to be coach there. too, that would out all-star seasons \ __ :§.~t~it~: ~~eh of hLs time to the Sailors ln ili~ winter. He plans to qansfer to a four-year university, earn an undergraduate degree and be· come a teacher. Hernandez. laid Zlm.merman, OCC men's toecer coach LaJrd Hayes and &pan.a have been great ln.ftuences and ha~ ln· ap~d the young coach who has high hopes for the Sailors Last year, Newpon Harbor was one goal away from bec:orrung co-champion of the Sea View League, u the Sailors finJshed the sea.son with a 2·2 oe with outright champion Woodbridge. Newpon, which finished 8·4·4, 6· l ·3 ln league la.st season, re· turns a talented team, includmg seniors Matt Tracy. WW Guzman and Joel Walker. HemanQez saJd. The Newport Beach Uttle Leque AM tournament tet.m cloMd out lta all·atar aeuon wlth a ~2 loll to Laguna Hilla ln the &-and 10.ytm•old Dlttrlct 55 tournament. Laguna HWt tallied three comecudYe hits with one out ln the bottom of the atxth to plate the two dedd1ng runa. Newpon was 1ed by the strong pJtdUnl of Slndon GrUlln. who went aJf lbt lnnJngs wlth five saikeouta and no wa1b. Of Gri1!ln't 65 pttchei, 48 ~re for mtMt and he allowed onty ftve b1ta and one run. He also added a hit ln the ftft.h Inning. Newport began the scoring in the ftrat. <Mt n.dnp reached on an error and JJ). Dliwr\ foll~ wlth a lngle. Awdn Blodptt reached on a fielder's choice and Grant o.vts then slngled home Dawn. Grf.fftn limited Laguna Hills to one run ln the aecond when he struck out a batter with the hues loadtd to end the Inning. l.ach Mu.rtaughll groundout to the second baseman acored Grtfiln ln the flfth. GrifBn reached on a hit and advanced to second and third on wUd pitches. Laguna Hills threatened to de the game ln the fifth, but Brennan Andenon'I throw from center field cut down a runner attempting to score from second to end the l.nnlng. ln Newport Harbor B&seball TENNIS Continued from Al 2 ~cCaJ.J tones in the semlftnals. losing a grueling three-setter, 3-6, f>.3, 7 ·5. 1n the same dM.slon. sixth-seed Jillian Braverman lost .In ln the quarterfinals or semifinals the quarterfinals to fourth-~ded Melda Tsang in straight sets. 11l~ In pis l 8s, Newport Beach's Jill Damion. the second seed, won her quanerlinal match, but couldn't get by third-seeded ln girls 16s. No. 3 seed Sasha Dunlap was prevented from reaching the finals by No. I seed Megan Doheny Alexandria Walters lost in 2003 DlllUI IE S.l11ng Price S 1 7 980 Foctory Rebote ·12 500 fOfd Credit Re boie 11 000 NIT COST TO YOU 8 14,480 znc••••,_ Alsodadon Mustang (9· and 10-year-olds) Ail -Ste.r district , play: •The Mustang BAD-Star team went l ·3 ln Its district tournament, hlghllghted by a 20·8 win bver St Hedwig on July 12. . Whittier eliminated Newport with a 7-2 victory July 13. Newport was led by the pitching from Jakob Trobman, Joeeph Dl·Ceeare and Jamie Dlvte while Sean SuWvan, Ouiadan Ochoa. Ganett ICen. C.On.ner Lomenz.o and Ryan <:errato contributed multiple hita. Tudd s.ie.. Jordan Deeguln. Blab BelJ and Mac McJCdW!'y anchored the defense. straight sets to second-seeded Sa· mantha Smith In the semifinals of the girls I 4s singles. In the boys 166 semifinals. No. 2 seed Fabian Matthews, onty a 13· year-old, fell to sixth-seeded Ron· aid Chow. 6-4. 6·3. ln 16s girls doubles, Braverman and Damion will Cace Mc)(jnend and Geocads in the semifinals to· day. •t have a great head start now,~ Hernandez said. ·1 am so fortunate to be able to do thls. It will deftnltely help me out In the future." Hernandez has designated as· sistants and they include, former Newport player 'Nil.I Sanchez, who will coach the frosh-soph team, and Spencer McOearmon, a former OCC soccer player who will coach the junior varsity COLLINS Continued from Al 2 had to be cartied out of the water. "The back's shot, but I'm surf· lng" Collins said. "It's pretty bombed. But I've had chis injury for 20 years and I've dealt with It for 20 years. I know how to deal with n. It's nO? fun to deal with 11. but you lcnow, that's JUSt part of life.·· Surfing will alwa~ be a part of Collins' life, no maner how many "I think we can w\n the [Sea View League!," Hernandez said kl'm golng to set the goals and It's up to them. Winning league and going to the playoffs. I ~ those are goals that can be adueved If we put the work m ~ forays he mak.es Into car sales and the like. but the U ~ Open was oruy his second compeadve event since last September. Both times. a few weeks ago m Ocean· side and this week. Collins ftn· ished one round out of the money. "You can~ make surfing, a ca· reer If you keep lostng nght before the money round .. Cullin-. said But wuh his auto ~ale., career behind him, Collin' I'> ~omg to keep surfing. ! le~ bad; trJ malang boards, wtuch he' dont' ever smce he was a roung lhild and 1 14 655 ·S3 356 Se ng Pr0ce $1 1 2CIC1 Focrory Rebore ·S2 500 NIT COST TO YOU •&,799 fridty, Auaust 1, 2003 All BRIEFLY Pop Warner youth football has openings Pla~n and cheerleaders e&n come to TeWlnkle Park at 6 p.m. today to register for the fall Costa ~esa Pop Warner football sea· son. Call {949! 44-0-9970 for more tnformation DEEP SEA N.wport Undlng -S boat.a. 193 1ngfer1. 43 berucuda, 110 calico b111. 1.611 sand b .... 2 rodtfl1n, , whlt.n.t\, 12 perch. he has already booked a trip to France next \vtek for the 0 SeW Surf Challenge Without a sponsor, Colluu plld {or the trtp Alm&df W)d bf.W • light off the disappolntmtnt tit Wednesday's flru.sb thinking about the fl.igtu to Europe. ·Now I Just don't want to go. lr's just a depressing thing," Collins 5<Ud "You work lhal hard. You tram really hard. You ge1 th.is far. I ve Just go1 10 bite my tongue and go and .,urf That 16, after all. what CoWns does best. NET COST TO YOU 8 19,980 ITOCWIERIOM INS• 3A93083 38lb838 3Cl78()q 38151 17 3&15130 legal Notices 2&4D 2640 j Legal Notices . 2640 1 legal Notices ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.liiiiiiiiii!ii~~!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.l-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l'tJIOC llOOO NOTICE bF APPL IC A· flditiM ~' I Nllt~~n~!~ a•v t n TOSELLT~~OHOLIC T•1 "'.-~" , • ~ r ' f'.,, 5'1bject to cond1hon• PfH trtbed by the Un1vtf\1ty of C11tforn11 1rv1nt se•l•d b•Os fof 1 lump·sum contract 1r1 1nvlltd lo• the follnw1na Wof~ SU.,ACI 'AHIHO 2003 C••-.. 14) 'lOJlCT NO. HU 11 UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA, IRlllNE IRVIN[ CALIFORNIA OIJaPTIOH Of WOU1 Surf•c• P•rkmc 2003 pfo1ect wrll include !he u p•ns1on of two ta1\t1n1 park1na tots with an elte1n111 for 1 new temporary 01t~'"i rot The p1rk1n1 lots to be llpandtd 1ncludt the Antuttr Recrulton Ctn1t1 Pwk1n1 lot and lht Hewitt Hall P1rk1n1 Lo t. provod•n& 390 new p1rk1na stalls arid I JO new P•r"nt ll.tlfs 11 each of the loh rupect1~ely The scope of work al both pulunc lots will 1nctudt but •s not l1m1ted lo clemohtlori. "tt ut1ht11s, PfOlecllon of U1$!1na 1m111ov1menl\ new uph1lt p1rklr11 surfaces. concrete curbs autters sw11n 1nd wall•ways slropmc llchtinc 1nd l1ncbcape and wnaahon The 1ltern1te for 1 lempor 1ry P••k•na tot will prov•d• 1119roum1llty 930 p1rkrn1 stall\ 11 the Arroyo Vl\\1 Hou1ln1 l rtl The temporary IOI Wiii be finished with s· ol compacted base onr comp.1cted nelt¥e soil wtlh 1d<l11ton1I wo1k 1nclud1na but not hmlled lo, clu rin1 end arubb1n1 comp1chon u11pona 1nd 1anosc111.n1 end lr1111t1on: with • phastd pro1ect est1m11ed complthon d1tu ol S.ptember 21. 2003 end October 30 2003 hllmettd Construction Cost· $to0,000.00 llDOH QUAUfl<ATIOHS1 '''"'' 11'4en whe clo "'' ,.. .. , the ........ C*fMM lfl ............ o.c-ta -y -1 Ito ell9lltte f., IW064, ,,.. l l<Uen _, ....._ .. ..._., ..-tm~ .. 1-• -th• ''""' ,.,,itlcle4 ko .... UMwnlty •• -ett~t te the 114 ferm. l'ttOCIOUllH1 Biddlnc CIOCurMnts wfll bt 1nrlable •I 9.00 A.M., frt"9y, A....,,, 1, 2901, and wlll be 1uu1d only at <--""-'"' • .,.......,.lu, leu. 3182 Pullman Str .. t. Co1t1 Mn1 CA 92"62'. Phone No (7141 751 2680 Attention Rtck 8erloth and Robert Solano JH>Tlr It Is th• sole responsU>iflty of 1>1tl'M contradOf& 1nd subconlrectors lo rlf)sllll w1ttt ConM>l•daltd R19<0CflPll1ts. Inc or Outan ' Construcl!on Sefvlcn , Un1ver"IY of C1hforn11 Ir vine. to acknowltdc• 1ece1pt of tht Blddln1 Documents for the Project 0.. •• , ..... , ''•-114 c ... tw-• •'"' 'rot.ct Site Viti! wtll be conducted on M-4ey, A...-• 11, 2001 be11nnin1 promptly 11 ll100 ,_., P•rllclpants sttel( meet 11: On 11n & Construction Ser vie .. Un1n1llty of Calrfornia, lrv1nt . 5201 Cahfornla Avenue Suott ~ Sulhvan & Wrilhl Conft11nct Room& Ir vine, CA 92697 2450 (!M9) 824-6630, (Ca<ne< of Ct ltforn11 4nnue i nd 811on Avenu• Only 8ld0.1a who p1rt1Clptl1 In the Pre·Bkl Conference and Pro1tcl Site Visit. in thelf entirety. wltl be eltowed to bid on tile Pro11ct Perltcte>alts mull errlite at or before ltrOO ,,M. Persons armlna later than 12.0S P.M. wlll 1101 be eltowed to bid 11 pttme contrectors on th• Project for f\lrlttet lnformat!Oll, cont eel Lynn Jevler al (!M9) 82•· 7009 11 Oe.isn & Con•lructlon SefvictL UniYll''llly of C11ifofn11, tritrne IWe wtl ~ rfflfve4 ~ .. , 8lcl Boa, front Counter 0£SION & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Unlveralty ol Catlf0tnl1. lrvlnt 5201 Ctlffofnl• Avenue. Suite 250 lnint. CA 92Q7·2450. 'hone No. (949) 824·6630 IWe -• M rec1Ne4 .. w ...._,, t.00 P.M., • ....._.,, ,._.... 11,tMl. ... wtl M ...-4 .. trOS P.M., • ...-, ...,_, II, 2001 •t• 0£StQN ~STltUCTION StR'llCU. Unlittrafty of Caltforni., lrwlne 5201 Callfornil Avenue. Sult• 250. lnlne. CA 92697 Z450 lid Security in the emount of 10~ of the lump sum baM bid, ttclvdin1 llftw11tt.s, ahall accom,11111 each bid. The 1u1ety iu111n1 the 81d l ond afltll N , on the bid dffdllne, •n 1d1111tted aurety lntA1rtr (H deflntd ln die Cetlforllle Code of CMl ,,_dure .S.Ctlolt 995 120) ~ l"'11n11Ct potkta requlre41 to bt obtllfntd by Contr•ctor t.11111 bt Mlllfeet to lft"'OHI by U11lver'"' for lotm and 1ub1t111e1 411 pOlicles requlte41 II)' Unlvenlt1 fOf Comllltfclal FCHm O•Mt•I lltbillty. llusln•.a ----l.leMlit)'. h e ... 1.ltbllity, end Ptolu1lon1t l l•bUlty all•ll lie 11, cOfrll'•llltt with 1 a .. t lt•ttnc of A· « bttttt. 111d • fln1nclol ~ of WI Of !letter (Ot 111 111uln1t111 ttl1111 by Sloll4ard 11\Cf OOl"e « ~). Alt poltcits rtqulred 11, Unllltt~ty for Workl'*' 11C41m11iem1e·tto11 •114 [.,.io,.r•' l.ltbillty "'911 M ltsued by co111ptnle1 (1) t M¥e 1 S.t lt•tiftt of ... « Mtt.t. 111d • flllenclal ctaulflutlon f VII ., ktw (« -n .W-*'I r1tlnJ b) Stenclard and ''°''' Of ~·1); ., (I) tMI .,. Kaipt.i. to Ifie Urtlvtfllti Alt lllCll po~clt• I M Wfltttfl '°' not Ina tlltfl the 1mouttta ~lflld hi tilt llUinc Suoiecl to cond1hons pruc11bed by tile Un1vers•ty of C1hfo1n11 lrv1nt suled bid\ lo• 1 lump sum contract 1r11 1nv1ted tor the lollow1n11 Wo1> MlSA coun ACCl SS ROAD 'ROJECT NO. '9013 UNlll(RSIT"\' or CALIFORNIA IRVl"IE IRVINE CALIFORNIA DISCltlf'TION Of WORIC1 Pro1ec1 1ncluC1n demoht1on ol ex1\t1n& noh~t p1vemen1 \ti• clu nna tncrvomc 1emovat of fou1 .,.,s11n11 trees removal and d1spo\1I of e.p1n,1ve SOii, import •nd comp1ct1on ol /1Qn tJpll'ISIYe 1UDbOI malertal tn\llllal1on of a dr11n1a• \f\lem pl1umt nl ol but m•t1r1al pl•cemtnl ol plil•n 1r•v 1e1nfo1ud medium broom I n1\lled concrete 1n 111 .,,., "''''"'"on of 1 new 11naat1on \ystem lo support the new trees pl1n11na of new lrtts 1d1ustm1nl of e 11s1ina 11,round cove• 1111a1t1on 1nd drt1n1ae end 1ns11llatron ol 1111 h&hl•na Eshmeted Construction C<»I SJ ?O 000 00 p~l\u•nl lo secltons BEVERAGES "'' 4 ;: r"''"°'\ " 3071 MCI 301? of '"~ Date Of FJmg Aopl•· a • 4 rt•l• • M····· '• c .. 11 Coot ot the St•I• cation July 11 2003 .n, r "'l'A • t,i, ••. I ot C1toforn1a lht undt• To Wf\om II ~IY "i Y. •"I I l \l&ned BE~S fOWINC Concern ING 1 ZSJ ::, W• 10• I '.t will uri .ti publtt The Namell l of me S•nll Ar.• • I •~ • •uct on al 1021 £ Ajlp'teant(&) 1at.ire 921~ CHESTNUT SANTA ANA CHAT NOIA UC 4 rmoa<t Mar~tMi CALlr 92701 11 9 00 am I The aDC)l>eantl '•lie<! n CA 1 "'-l S on Al.JC 12 ?003 the aoove are IPPIY'no to .,., a"t St S• '• " • loflo w1ne ducrtbed ltle Department 01 AICO-C1l1t11•n•a '1?7()5 pr0Pt1tv lo wit 1998 Bever Control I 01' h•J\ "'"' ' ;n VW L•cen•e • 4HVDll8 llOl~I alco~C t>e'<tr· ov lfCI •, • ..,rpo••t Stile C•I tO !' .,c5 'NT''"" 1 k,_• ~Du sl11!td 0••111~ VIN• ages a "" ,.. v n bUW\t\\ ,.,, "'" I 'lOClDURlS1 81dd1na documenh w1tl be •~1tl1bte al 2003 , 1n<l will be 11sued only at lVW8B61COWMOlllZ8 BLVD COSTA .YESA Qt ?001 9.00 AM, frl4cty, Autu•t I, S1od u lt 1s for Ille CA 926211 4 lmp1 t Mar>tt•ni purpo" of ut1sty1na lien Type al flCOflMl(I ) I inc C ""' • Mo" • c .... .,, ......... ,,..,. ...... o , ..... . 3182 Pullm1n Streel Costa Mtu CA 92626 Phone No 1714) 7!>1 2680 Attenlton Mohammed Rehm1n or Sotl111 Ace1I HOT11 It is Ille sole 1nponsib1lity of primt contncton and subc11ntr1e101' to rttr"ter wrtll Consoh01ted Re11101r1ph1C\, Inc or Oes1an & Construction Services. Un1~erstly of C1hlorn11 lrv•ne 10 acknowledce rtc11pt of Iha B1ddln& Documents lo• lhe Pro11ct o,.. M-4etory 're-llcl (-fore"" _, f'rel•ct Siie Vhltw•ll be conducted on Me.,cloy , A119,.1t 11, 2003, b•a1nn1n1 pfompllv 11 liSO ,,., Part1C1pant\ \llall meet 11 Oesien' Constrvcllon Suv1ces Un1vers1ty of Cahforn11 l1v1ne 5201 C1hlornia Avenue Su•lt 250 Sullrvan & Wrrcht Conference Room' 11 vine CA 92697 ·2'50 (9'9) 8Z4·66JO (Corne1 of Cahforn11 Avenue ind Bison Avenuel Only PreQu•l•f1ed 8rdder1 who parltc1pate in the Pre. Std Confftence 1nd Protect S1l1 V1s11 tn tht11 enlttety will bl alloweo to btd on the Pro1ec1 Parttc1patn must t1riv1 •I 01 before h30 ,M. Person' ar11v1na l.tltl thin ltSS 'M will not bt •llowe<l to bid u prime contrectors on lht Proiect For further 1nfo1matton contact Scot1 Moulton •I (949) 82' 1521 •I Oes11n & Constructron Strv>eea. Unrvenrty of Ca hf or nit, Irv me 114• wlll lte '"''" ... -ly oh Bid Bo• front Counter 0£SIGN & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES. Un1ver11ty of C1Hfornl1, Irvine ~201 Ct ltfornla Avenue. Surte 250. lrw1nt CA 92697 1'50 Phone No, (!M9) 824·66.10 114• '",.,, M rec•lit•4 -w Hf.re •.oo ,,., M...411, A4'1v•I II, toos. 114. wlll loe ~ ot •iOS ,., M...-.,, ..,..,_, 11, 2001, e h DESIG N & CONSTRUCflOH SERVICES. Unovtr1lty of Ce ltfOfnta. lr"tnt !1201 C1tltofn1a Avenue, Sulla 2$0, lrv1n1, CA 92697 2450 Bid Stturlty In th• amount of 10~ of UI• lump aum bue bid 1•clud1n1 alternatu. shall ttcompany Hell bid The wr•IY 1i1u1n1 the Bid Bond shalt be, on lll• bid d11dll111, en admitted surety ln.suflr (IS defrntd In the CaHIOfnla Code ol C1vlt Procedure S.Cllon 995.120) All 1n1ur1nce pollclH requ!ftd lo be obtained by Contractor t.llalt be subject to •PPfoval by Unlwtotty fCH f0tm and sub1t1nce. All oolle111 requir•d by Uncveralty fo< Comm.tclal fOfm Centfl l ll•blllty. 8uslnus Automobile Ll•lllhty. hcus liability, and Profusoonal ll1bU1ly shall be iuued by companies with • Bfft Rttln1 of A-or better. and a fin•nc••I ctuslllcallon of VIII or btltlf (o< en equivalent 1tlln1 by St111d1rd and P00<'1 Of Moody'1) All policies required lly \Jn1ver11ty lot WOf\en' Compensation and ("'l)lo~rs· llablhty shall be issued by compan1H (I) that hare a 8111 R1tin1 of 8+ a< bett.r. and 1 t1nancltl ctullflc•llon ol VIII lw bttttr (0< •n equlnleftl r1ti111 by StallCWd ind 1"00<'1 Of' Moocl:r'•). « (ll) thal are toc.pt•blt to t!M Un1vtntly All a11cll pollcles shall bt written tor not ltu tll•l'I th• amounts apecitled 111 Ute 81dc"'11 Oocurnents The SllCC.Ufvt 9idct.t and Its subcontreclon wlff be requited to follow Ille nondlurl111fn1tlon 11q11ltell'llnts 111 forth 111 the lllddtl\I Oocumenll end to P•~ punlilnt wt" retu 11 tfle locatloll of Ille WOf\, ni. 11Kuut111 914dar Will " required to llt v• tllt folowbll Cllifontle cont11ct0f'• Ileen•• eu1r.nt 11 lM tfmt of the 81d ~111111: uaMI a.AHlllKATIC*t UCIMI COttll OClfltftl l ulldirit CO!ltrKt« \ e ...._. 01••.._s........., .. k lt lt"4 .t le4 ........... ................. =~n:.~=sm'Of CAl.tfOltHIA tleedl lllllMO of th• undti"i"•O 101 ~;ed lol 47 ON· Se •ti.!', ' ,, tow1na •no sto•aae SALE GENERAi. EAT· 1h1\ \1'1e'ltr"l "H toaether with costs of ING PLACE t l•o '"'~ 111• Cou~h 1dvt<tis•ne i nd ta Santa Ar.a , ••-I O••nat "'""' 1 pensn >I ule Newpot1 ~h·Coeta n 01 21 OJ Dated this Z2no 01y of Meu 0.11y 1 2003•9S2167 Jul y 2003 CN684Q55 7497.CM JUI "• h P I u1y l~ Au& S Ju n Noutary 18,25. Aug 1 2003 I 8 .~ 200l f 497 PvbloshtO Newpo11 Buch Cost• Meu Daily Pilot Au1usl I 2003F50!> Wywr....tt41tem it.. "'Y • ..,1 "9< •• ClesliftH M ltMyl (t4t) 642-S671 M• ,, , \!dt•• C 1n._ t \ 'f'~~ ,.,.. , ,.,. M", '1,,,~,1 T~ \ \!4''"'f'!'\1 fll'd\ 'it'd ~,t,. '""' 11··· ,.r1> 1t .I',. •f n OJ ~ OJ 2003US1741 Oa ,, e> 1 t .,. I" '' •~• i P 2v' ''~~ Flc11tiM ~ -s.....- Th., tr 1 it.1"'• Pt \• "'\ .,., O• ,. t \ ""'"' '' RthtOlt f ''' r ;; P•oo u• I \ l 80'' G1rt1n• M.,Jit ,. , ~ •htaf"·• ~?69? P~ul R,oo•n, 780/t c .. It"" M·• \I(" '-'••l!O ahl "'' 9l•9Z R o .. rt F ""t' n~ .!b24' .,. I " 1\1 M it•O" , It r ~•"lo•~·• 911,!H lh1\ o"'s11"lft\\ '' cor ~~dtO by I 1:ent• t r •r!"t' n.p Htvf fOU SlaneO d'l•n~ b,;s•ntn 1et "lo Robtt I I>,,;., oni Tl> ' st1temtnt ,. H l1led .,.1tf\ ("t (' I "'4• ,,,,~ ot Ot•nr• _,v '• on 01 o~ 03 2003US01U D••ly P.1 ·I Aua I & .~ zz 2'00 3 r r,111' • . . A14 Fl'idly, Aulust 1,2 .. oo.-3--. __ _ l.1111.... .. l.1111 lllllcill -l.1111 lllllcill ..... Of ... P09~Clf cwsac.. T01 All PIHOMS WNO, WITMIN TMI LAST •oua YIHS, PUaCMASID MU· CNANOISI faOM SOUTN~~AU AUC· T1CNI ...,,.,. A CllDIT CAD IF YOU All A MUllU Of THtS CLASS Of PIHONS, YOU SHOULD l l AD nt1s NOTICI CAalfUl- L Y llCAUSI IT MAY AIPICT YOUI llGHTS Ttjwe is now ptndtn& In the Ounce CounJy Superior Court • h1wsu1t 1ntlt11d Dunwoody v, So11th Cont Auction et at., Clvll Cu• No. 02CC00266. Pl1intltf hn flied 1 lewsult •a•lnst South Coast Auction on behtlf of the Cius of people described above Tht l1w~ull all11u th1t South Coast Auction 1mpos1d • two percent surch11 &• on lh cus· tome" who p11d for merchand1st uslnt a ctedll C•rd, and lhtl lhts practtc• v1ol1l•d C1h fornlt consumer laW$ Tbls Summtty IS to tdVIM you tlltt you wUI aulom•tlcally become • mtmb« of IM Cl1u unlus you tltct to ~ n cluded by ftUfll the 1pproprl1t1 uclualon request with th• Court and with Clau CounMI. Aa 1 Cl111 Mtmbtt, you Wiii be bound by • ttlt S.ttlemtflt A&reement YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO RECEIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE CLASS AC· TION ANO THE PRO· POSED SETTLEMENT. Viall South Cout Aue· hon at 2202 South Mein Street, Senta Ana, C1hlornl1 and request a complete Nolin of Proposed Settlement of Cl1n Achon u pl1lnln1 the nature of the l1wsult e nd your rl1hts 1od duties to be ucluded Ir om th• settlement or to ob1ecl lo the settle· men I. , THI PIOPOSID SlnUMINT THE PARTIES HAVE AGREED TO THE FOl· LOWING SETILEMENT. South Co11I Auction hn •tread to provide • ten· dollar ($10) discount coupon aood for 1ny purchne at South Cont Auction lo clns mem· Policy IMIU Who preHnt Ide· qualt IJ'OOf Ulat hi fH iht la 1 member of th• clus dacribed 1bov1. Clns mernbtts will be entitled to one coupon for each time tlle cl1ss member peid the credit ctrd aurcllar1e. South Cont Au ction hu ar•ed to 1uue a 10111 0 $132,000.00 In cits· count coupons for the clus. South Cont Auclton hu elso •&rMd to pay clns counHrs attorneys' tees, court costs. and lltl1•tlon expenses. P1yment of attorneys' lees, costs, ind upenses will •not affect the benetits provided lo the proposed Clau under the Settle· ment Ajreement. flNAI. fAllNISS HlAllMO On July 30, • 2003, at 8:30 1.m. a bearlna will be held on the fatrness of the proposed settle· ment. The hearlna will take place before Jude• Jon1than H. C111non In Department CX102 of the Oranee County Superior Court, Civll Compln Center, located al 751 W. Sant• Ana Boulevard. Santi An1. .. l.1111 .... Ktf'tnettl W. etwlau.n aon Jr .. 250 Wut A.ii St , Brea, Celllornl1 92821 Th• buslneas Is cOll· ducttd by: an lndlvlcl11.1I Hne you started doi'!C business yet? Y-t1. 011 08/2003 Kenneth W Cllrbtlan· SOii, Jr. nus statement wu tiled with th• County Clerk of Oran11 County on 07/09/03 200169S090S Otlly Piiot July 1 t, 18, 25, Aua I. 2003 f 486 C1llt0fnle. IF YOU WISH TO 8E EXCLUOEO FROM TH( Cl.ASS ACTION OR WISH TO 08JE.CT TO THE SETTLEMENT, YOU MUST COMPl Y WITH THE REQUIREMENTS ANO OEAOLINES SET FORTH IN lHf. COM· PLHE NOTICE OF SET· TLEMEHT OF CLASS ACTION You m1y obteln " copy ol the complete fllotlce of Settlement of Cius Action by vlelttna South Cont Auction 11 2202 South Main StrMt, Santa An1, Cahfornt1 You may also write' for • complete Notice by sendint a sell·addrused st1mped envelope to Clau Counstl. ' The foltowin& persons Nell 8. Flnem1n. Eaq. art dolo& business H . FINEMAN& ASSOC!· The Cahlyat. 1300 ATES, 501 Civic Center Adams Avenue, 2A, Ortve West. S1nta Aini. Coste Mesa, Callfornl1 CA 92701 92626 Published Newport Nancy M. Anderson. Beac'h·Costa Men Dally 1300 Adams Avenue, 2A. Piiot July 25, Autrust l. Cosl1 Mesa. C1llforma 8, 2003 FSOO 92626 This bus1nus Is con· ducted by: an lnd1v1du1I Have you sl1rted doinl business yet? Yea The followint persons 03/01/03 ire dolne buatness as Nency M Anderson Al WAYS SIMPLE. 2SO .. T,ls st1lement wu ~est A~~?11~t1 • Dru • .!J!!1 ~;tLI~-~~~~!! on01ncl/OS MOMHHH 011ty P'ilot Au .. J. •• 15, 22. 2003 F607 ........ ........ The foHowlna pereons are cloin& bualness as: Sllylynn TrudlloL '3114 S. SycllnOfe St .. Slnll Ana, C11ifornia 92707 Alberto J. Hern, 3114 s. SycamOf• St .. Saota Ana,C~707 Trina Heras, ~14 S. Sycamore St.. Santa Ana, C1t1fornia 92707 This business is con· ducted by· husband and wife Have you attrted dolnc businus yet? No Trina Heras This statement wes ftted with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 06/25/03 20036949434 011ty Pilot July 25. Aue. 1,8, 15,2003 F499 AdlllM ..... .... s...... The lollowioa persons are doin& buslnen as Chaya, 2072 Orchard Drive, Newport Beach. Caltlornla 92660 How to Place A lnl1rPro11esa Corpo· 11tlon (C1111)1. 1700 Caluy Drive, NewPQfl B11eh. C111fornU 92680 Thlt b111Jneu It con· ducted by:• CO<l>Oftllon Htvt )'OU Stifled doq bualMSS yell No lntlf Prornss Corpo· ration, Shl1eru Ttkada, Prtlldenl This st1tement was llled wlth the County Cltrll. of Oune• Co11nty on 07/10/0.l 20036951110 01llY Pilot Aua. 1, 8, 16. 22, 2003 F506 Fldll. ...... -s...... The follow1ri1 penons are dolna bu1io1u u : ltl$OUICt C1pll1I, 1952 Port Provence Place. Newport Buell. Cell· forni1 92660 Joseph Gordon McChle. 1952 .Port Provence, Newport Buch, Call· fornla 92660 This buslnus ts con· ducted by· an lndlvidllal H1V1 you sterted doln& business yet? No Joseph C. McChit Thts slattment wu filed with the County Clerk of Or1ntt County on 01115/03 . M llpl.._ . ............ ...... ,.u Diiiy l'lot Jul1 11. 25. Au1. 1, I, 2003 F490 ~ .... ... s..... The lollowin1 Plf'$0ns we 4olnl bvsltlt1s 11: Craphk:ellycorrect, 2300 Fairview Rd I Cl Ol. Coall Me11, CA 92626 Julilnna Rull! Zeiltt, 2300 F airview Rd. tClOl. Coste Meu, CA 112626 Thia business la con· ducJed by: 1n indlvldu1I Have you sterttd doin1 buslnus yet? Yu, 06/ 23/2003 Juh1nna letter This statement wu fil.ed with lha County Clerk of Orenae County on 07/08/03 200SHS070S 011ly Pilot July ll. 18, 25. Aue. 1, 2003 r 487 .......... .... s...... The followln1 persons ere doln1 business es. 11otln com, 270 S Bristol. Ste •101-315, Coste M.Sa. CA 92626 lnquatlt, lnc.(S·CA), 2081 Buatness Center Or. Su1t1 28(), lryme. CA 92612 Thlt bualness Is con dJ1Ct•d lly: 1 corporetlon HIV• you sterted doinc bu1lnu 1 yet? No lnquarta Inc.. Don Oabofne • Pretldent This st1ltment WH filed with tht County Cllfk of Orenp County on 07/15103 200169''671 D11ly Pilot July ll: 25, Aua. l, 8, 2003 F491 The followlne persons are doln& business 11: PLUMBSHARK. 1768 W. Juno Ave. 19, An1h1lm, CA. 92804 I Darren Matthew Yip, 1768 W. Juno Ava. t G, Anaheim. CA. 92804 This busions Is con· ducted by: 11n i11dlvidu1I Hive you started d<>ln& buslneu yet? Yes, 07/ 03/03 01rren M. Yip This statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 07/08/03 2003'9SOl20 Oatly Pilot July 11, 18, 25. Aue. 1. 2003 F485 ......... : .......... Th• followln1 perto111 lfe dolnl b~ ... l-olltH Sltvtf Jewelry, 2237 Mtplt st.. Costa Mnt. ~ t2'127 OotorH 1'1<11 l'eleyo, 1237 M191t St. Cou Mesa, CA 12627 This bualneai 11 con· ducted by: en ln4M4uel Hev• ~ sUrtH dolna bu1l11111 ytt? Ho 001«11 P. PllA!yo This st1t1ment - flied with lh• Coutn)' Clerk of Oran1• Courib on 07/15/03 200169S1UI Dally Pilot Au1. l, 8, 15, 22.2003 F~ Sell your unwanted Items the • easywayl : Place a - Claulfled atl todayl · (949) 642..567' ___ Deadlines -- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the (ltSt insertion. CLASSIFIEAD -iii Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5 :OOpm By Fax (949) 631-6594 IPlr-111Cludc your nam.e and pbonr oum bcr llld ,.c · 11 call )'OU back Wllh. pncc qu<I~ I By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours Bv Mail/In Person: ., 330 West Bay Strcc1 Cos1a Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay S1. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday· Friday Walk-ln 8:30am-5:00pm Monday· Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS --& MISC. 1010-1no ... GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL c.-.., Lotr.tlypll l'odflc View M-W. Double Cr1ve Xlnt loc Must sell Worth S lSK, set1 tor $71Vobo. 949 939 »11 1419 2305·2490 EstltlSlles 1486 1)C01t0NA DU MA.11) SAT 1-3 920 l'_,,.y Brown Jorden palto furn, pots. din tbl. ch11rs. soles, silver, crystal, Coflectlbln/ tools. housewares, etc• Memorabllla 1160 Garage/ Amer1c1n Motorcycle Yanl Sales 1'89 Sweater (Oaid-and Chlpttr) -------Late 40s, 6 years al HUGI MULTI '"-MILY merYUI slltp P"'tS. Or1q11 & WI c..e. M-. Sttufdly blade C:00. W/pho~ orrtof llem-lJrn, 421 ,..,.. of member wearin1 M. (11 tile bad<) X ~eels swealAlf. ~·ised nm ford/Parsons. furniture, 91 S2SOO 714-531 J..1Xl clothes, ~ r~ etectr011a.. TY. kitchen. household, office. books. TOI' SS 4 llCOIDS ITC CZ. a-c. [le. 50\ .. Sh Ill Allee. sp.,. llA>e Imps Mike 9ol9 645 7505 ENTERTAINMENT 1310 l*llOUSIMG OfPOITill1'Y Ne......., I-ch 1414DwwDrSAT1-12, Old Wndow Sllhes ' shutters. 50s smli bulM. cloltm.. lf1tiqUe. collldi- bla. .. sorts ol slulf • NIWP'OIT HACH• SAT 8· l 2415 Windward MOVING WI furniture, or11n. Yu·11-ohl Card l*l<s SI 9J Ions of IT.a! U4e ltle G•ie We Sat., 8 l. 129 11 Nice Antiques, collecllbles, lur ntlure, w icker , household items, clothes C. lots more• 1510 HOME FURNISHINGS Fumltm Sole liy appt. Furniture 1n cottaae ftyle incl 11 wall units, Vinti&• collectibles, wee11ewood stove, electric pottery wheel. ,_ ~ .,u1 prices! ,.,... 94l!M33-8423 3460 JEWMY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-t c.M Neo4t Old Coins! Cold, silver. ~. watches, antlQues collectibles 949-.642. 94(8 3f10 2ll»t-IGTTINS, CA n. ooos www.alil1111!ietwo.1u:q F Wion bllnditVl'le Spec tn.m tVl TH GUNW(1"EE ~W9 Silly monma ait. homlS b ldtllslS 96e7.fi632 All rul estate 1dver· tls1n1 In this newspaper Is subJlcl to the federal Fair Housin& Act of 1968 11 1mendtd which mai.u 11 1111111 to advertise "1ny prefer enc•. llm1tat1on or dlscr1m1n1t1on based on race. color, r11t11on, su, h1ndlc1p, f1m1ll11 stetus or national orleln, or en Intention to meke any tilth prele1ence, llmita lion or dlscrlmin1llon • fOUND July U , Mele P9t a.._._ 3880 Binet Hound ln Dover "'"'1"""t1 Thia newspaper wlll not k11owlnaly 1cc1pt 1ny 1dverttsem1nt for rul ast1l1 which Is In vlolatl011 of the law Our reeders are hereb1 1nf«med th1t 111 dw•ll· lnp advertised in lh11 new1paper ere 1vall1blt on en equ1I OPP«hinlty baStt. • To compl1in of dts· comlnetlon. ctft HIJO toll fT H 11 l•IQ0-424·8590 1411 Shores 1r11 Pleas• cell (949) 722·8939 POUND ON 7-2-/0I I. SIDI COSTA MUA (A ltlll) CAil CM l'OLKIDIPT te 46.HrflM l'rtwete hell .......... Ch4 1ppro• l/hr from N1wpolr1 e .. ch E1ctl· lent hunllfll 9djlcent to &tale waterfowl refllft, ownership lnllfut a lf>P'Ol 375 Kiii Of lend a lrnpro¥11Mnls + yCMlr ewn c1rnp cornpound w/atr ucture and 2 trtilerl W"4erllll Fri. nl1llt HQ'• a wine tHtlnt durt111 duck MUOll + mtt1y ultul Ideal for 2 ftltndt « fttllet 6 ion. CaM Miiie at llO.Ml•OIM. .. _ ~.aoo CllJlt.ICR .... ' 9-S...,.._rd• all colors, 111 sins for 1doptlon to qu1lltl1d' homes www.pescua.orc or ud 714·773·15915. MISCBJJNEOUI MERCHANDISE Jll0-3940 SOOS·SISO HOMES FOO SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Island Aliettde11ed vlntaa• B1lbo1 lsl1nd Coll•&• $800,000 Much 'ou&hl 11ter CloHlc a.och Dupfu Balboa Pen1nsul1 $97!>,000 Age.ti Coldw1H lonkw 949-637-2397 ·-•fvf lrvlM T .,.,oce property hu 4br. 2 5ba. aourmel kitchen. Offered 11 Sl.345,000 Aft Utt4o Tltlll-ttl 949-711-2369 Balboa Plninlula •.• SUMMI• stnt,.S ... °" ,,.._. BuUtN ~ 3 50a home writ! .-vwtor. pool ••t lutdwl LR. beM:hfrDr1I prdln & w!wl8watw -al Cold Coest $4,J00,000 Index .. i .. ...... ' . NfW WW TOWNHOMIS Sl,005.IXJ) & S825.(XX> RODI dedls views Cal tixt.y 96 nl-Oll2 BJ )Jhr'aon 09tA covt 3br 21>a house. Wrrtrl v-Lt Lal ,tcts w.lcon1ll llfll Sandy 71 4-21&9646, 714-974-!M94 OSwClll r. Near Costa Mtu 1olf ceurse & open wal~ · lne trails 4br Jb1 le yd, pelto. 11cuu1 $689.000 WONT LAST LONG P1ull1neone Pevlllon Rul ht1te 949·29().8128 OP'IN SAT-SUN 1-S 3477 v ... etllfl Dr 5br Jb1 ueculiva home. By Owner Cre1t Buy $699,900 Cell W 714·850·1680 •16 H 714·850· Hl52 OPIN SAT-SUN 12-4 17111AYST Juat llsled 3br 2b1 home S579,000 Aat Rudy Guinther 949-922·0965 l.l'GAAD(.D lfCOK Ut«lS 5186TH ST (Comer of 8*" BM! a. 6fl St.) LP 3br 2lll Ip, ocn w. Lows 2l:ir 2lll bch YU from lvrm, Ip, wet· be. skylidil ~(1;JJ ,._ c.m. .. Brill 96 718-2378 Oanot clllN> WWlb OPIN SAT 1-4 14 JUPtTla HIUS DI ONI P'OltOD 5br 4 full ba, VtfY 11 ultr1 pvt bacl(yd with no hOUHI behind S1r ah Goldschmidt Bkr 949-254-3700 949·363-0291 7412·7466 OPIN SAT 12-S 2201 Viti• Htlorto Newport Buch Bluffs E • ec townhm, 3br end untl, pvt patio, 2 c au' SS49.888 By Owner 714·299·7373 HA.11101 WOODS 2br 2b1, 2 c 1ar1ee. bedroom/otf1ce. Aet Sl90Cl 949·293·4631 tw.,. -...... ~y/ belch front. ~ 2 levee, PlflOf8llltC -. ~ 3ln. SI .229.(XX> llfll 96-718-2721 *Of'lN SUN 12·4* 41 ANJOU M1en1f1cent townhouse! 2br 2 75b1 with loft Prem UP&f ides 2 ctr 111 cri.. s-111 S609.ooo By Owner C1ll 9'19-Q).9440 tor ~ PllMllSTATIS l'ATttCJC TINOll NATIONWIDI USA 949-156-9705 w-patncktenore.com OPIN SUN 12-4 HS4 Vltto It.Me Mediterranean Est1t1. Cyprtss Shores Sbr 5.5ba 5,600 sf .. panoramic ocnn viewsl SZ.095.000 Tony L1Ruff1 City Hall Re1lly otllce 949-498-9800 Cell 949-422·5700 San Juan Clill*lllO OPINSUM 1-4 S01H Hllfel• TamKe 4br 4.6ba, lob of up· iiradut S1rati Cold· Khmldt broker 949·264·3700 949-363-0291 OPIN SUM 1·4 27'41 Vie btwcle 4br 2 5ba, overalz.ed bckms, pvt y11d. $660,000 l«I ~n1y 949·2SH700 949-363·0291 T•UsMelt YOll UIMISALll II aasm 642-5671 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mobl~ Homa 5913 lMOllnllAIN •tOl&llACH OPEN HOUSE last TWO lu•ury manuf homllls Miii '" pllld 5 mt LIPIC* senior moble horT-. pn Only $625 9CllCll rertt. ,.. ~ Miry, Lore Beed't ICJSUT't & s... Bead\. Mi. tor Vittoria 562 22S.Ql99 RESIOENTlAL. RENT AL.S lJCOUNTY· 7211 LONGBfACH& VICINnY lrQidee l..NwOod l.o1g Belch Norll Lorlg 8eldl StgWHtl Ill.MONT HllOHTS 40r 2,5ba complelef~ rtmod w/lt1ll1n tile, 2 zoned. Wilk to beachl $779.950 949-310·7300 AE.SIOENT1AL. RENT AL.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY .... llllnd ~~~~ ~291 · ~~ pets otl 29 .......... 11 CKIM,.OMT 2br 2b1, furn, Ip, dun, wlntv raotal. 9411.m .1m ·~ewe· lklMn' ~ ,...,,. bW"4 Ulr. l , p, mint con4. Ytly Mt tu-1n1 1 NOUll TO MACHI lbr flllf 111, em •1tcti. Ion~ tlfm. 1175 Incl 11tll. Av• now. Mt·ztO.llZt c..•iii c..,ar lhcut• ........... ,~ ~ ... 11 .4U) -. .... _. ....... .......... =...._ ttl..' r, ~ ·~ '9Ml•I ' ••• ••M ~ n • '"'""' °"' coM ...... J;-snf~· .... .. -· • l...ty 0.-. vi.w . sty home SS.. comm Chatrntnt crtyrd entry Approa 1700 sf, Zbr~ 2!>a Fp, form OR, att 2c I " w/stora11 Mster w~ ., cal Comm poof, sPI. clbha. Sm pet OK Crdnr $3ol&l/mo Kleen Mtimt. 887.71)4.~ •9204 Lua 1pt bid& 2br 2ba, ocun view N•wpert HefsM• 381. $2200/mo c.11 resident 281, 1111• family roo111, m1r 9ol9-494·8083 2 ctr 11r1aa. avell II/I S-... ..,._ Mn'd. "' Tn $2700/mo 949·759-3711 Sq, cool. cozy, quiet. rd M-Nfladl dldl. ..... pi. WIS, ,.......,., rv'pet ~ ~-2818 IASTSIDI Sludto Utll petd. anil 11ow, fenced yerd, pet ok, coln·op l1undry $795 I $2!>0 dep 714-545-0442 .._. hle4 (I lllft) t• flo AfA. w/pyt es. Irie. w,. to Tri·~• S89S/mo Wiler/trash Ptld KWn Mantpment 817. 7°"-8649 £. t 9200 2lw l ... hewo,mclflar. faneed yd. ,_ CllPll/ 1*'11-1016 Anwbn Pl IU 75 "' raq n•2'h 7883 21r, 2h, upper unit Apt. 1-c I". naw p11nt. urpet. blinds, linoleum, Act. $I 200m 9'9-673-78JQ .... ~lba..-1,wd ~ii pr, 1'* yd. wl air1lldar Pit No ""° W1Y --.Wendotq •12!lOlmo ~-5831 Hr II• cett.,e llrhl & brlf't· w/d hkups, c1rpor , Lra enclosed ~ard, no peb $1295/mo ~625 Eldin IF Cell daytime 949-614-0362. • 1 1/Jtia ....... pr w/l1und hkll9S. Vlfy pvt w/hu11 bldlytrd. Pet oll. Anll and of Au1. 11500/mo. 949·642·5937 ' OCIANnONT W1NTU UNTALS 1·2-S & 41r'e A•oll Auod.te4 lNilty 949·673-JHI fOllUASI WMtMtttSt. ·c~~11 UDO YlAl1Y LQSI & UDO SUMMa "°"8 BU GRUfC>Y Rf.Al TORS 949-47M'61 PltY~n COMMUNm' ,,.. .._, "lJ:Jld bdl. " :lir' 21>1. ra ywd. 2c pr rVdrcl. Rm. 94MJH038 tCIN8S ID, ,.,..,.. w.._ of lttJe home, 2 spec rms, lb1. kltchette, pvt n-.•9666G9 &.-to llr II• unit on quiet Penln1ul1 point. Slnefl person, Not-mk/ p!U. SlJ90 949-293-4631 lluff't p~ I ...... 48r, 21/Jtla, t1mlly rm, courty1rd, balcony. no pets S2llOOm 714'l28 11333 3br 2b1 on Balboa Penln hdwd fh, tp, plttO, 2 C fir, IVl ll 8-1 •ct $2800 949·293·4631 fw Lene Hr 2'/ila ....,.. prlv1t1 cul de·s.tc nice y1rd. srm loc1tion $2950/mo 949-475·0027 Jbr 2b1 for th• fvteleti & patio••· for leu1 I year or more $3995 OPlfl to often OHM ... 11·2 SAT-SUN 1·1 IOI TUST .. AYI Joan Alllson !kr ~201~1 ................... 48r. 'N6 . 2 ctr ,,,,, ~ fwnllhld. smlrno ~ dlt9d R..ity 9$673.llll3 a..n... llf 1 la Avail How. Pv{ Bell, 200ft to P'wt Str .... Hr, S-. w1ter,...,,. Hlrllar 1111. Summernt mod•l Sl560!n la 9&718-lolOO 1v1lleble 9/1, $4000/mo yut letM 941· 720-1490 ........... ms VA<AllOHaTALS WIS & llTALS •• ~ilcs4W• Desert Contact fllcl..i,... .• »259-l~l1HlJ7 ~~ DSOFFERED :.it 11lllc ~ ......... Anl.t; PT I need ..._.., w/coolunc. enan<I~. ...... clop. You, fie& !eerful. Hlf 1nrt1ator ve a cw. 3 refs Plu~ a IU 949 721 89J6 • CC ho. l--4lete "1111en1n11s for Wait Staff & Hothn@/Coldllne B.111 quel Cook Applr 1n r ptnOl1 1 dllyVwk 2pm. ~ 1600 l C...-1 Hwy NB CNWa}(])l <Al ..___ : '10.CXl1 .rw s yurs1 S<l OS to "l9 cents rewn to 41 c.nb Conti actors lb ~ C8'lt$ fuel -· cha11es COl Gr•ds wt'4corM [()( fn) 925 f>!i56 01 llll M com I CAI •S(;Nj > ~/<Dl(A)........_ SlO,<XX> •tlet 5 yun.! SOI OS lo J9 t "11'1. l~m , lo 41 cMl\ Cootracton · tn 81 renb luel su- e har an COL Cr •ds ~ [()( ID}925 ,5'556 or lllLM com ' <CAL •SCAN1 Me41cel Bark Office As.Jst.tnt lnr NewPO<t • Ophth•lmoton olf1ce. w1lhn1 lo l•••n Mon Tbllf BJO'>JO r,. 8J012 I•• lt\UITW 949 644 "fO'l9 (ereer ~ltlHf I T If' I poi n ail I oot.1n1 101 111d1v1duats who are rthehlf, fnendly •nd w1lhn11 lo worll Can us , ~I 866 604 83_25 __ _ NICC HH 1-dlete Oprnlnt.( for pf I fCl!p l1t1r11s1 Uou•s S•I Su11 ·1pni 'lpm Apply 1n "~""" Mon f 11 9am .-,,n !_!-00 C Cont Hwy NB ... /TIMI lllUlf MM.- a.Ga. t re stDr .icr raUity "'CM M1Jndo11 l"llU'~y. I r °"' Otllc. e 9l1d Ille c.leaool\c l •P • • C3I for intorm1t.in /14 437 9200 "USONAl TIAINU C a per lllOCed. lor a It tendly ~ lrNl'"ll taalrty #I CdM l ~ 949-6r.i 3287 £ 0 READERS· Calllorn11 law re quires lhal contrac· t0<s t.-1n1 jObft that tol•I $500 °' ~e (LabO< °' maler1als) be l1eensed by the Cont11c tor s Slate license Board State llw also requires thal conl,.cl0ts include thff llCtme number onall ~Vou can c'-tl u,. stetus ol your llcenud contract or 1 1 WWW Ulb.c1.1ov 01 321·CSl8. Unli· censed conluctors IO.in11 Jo bs that tot•I Ins than S500 • 'mus t state In their •dvtrtlHmenh th•t they ere 11ot llc-d by the Contractors Stat• llceMe 8<wd .• ·~··--!Cldlml I ... I.._.. ,..... ...... bWm mlll5 Y$tC ., •• :~canarr 1'1111 MllltMVA< "'Coll-Ion"'& & Hut· """Sef ric• -~ •• ~95.so>~ Pubh~1n1 -4-··-,.aoMOt.utn DIPAUMINT Community ~ "' Oraop County ..-s f ul Time l>«Mlfl lo '"'·-llld Writ• Storie\, pwtlcl 11''-in commuruly eYents, ere.le aod f)al:ll1<1l• Pll&9S •nd -.C:tloo$. h eellent COfll<IUllC.ltJon ••. wen Wtll wlUl I"'. pul>lll: Know N' Style, 0-kXl're., Photo!hlp, Multi M er • lltol Ptofiaent on ~ •n<! PC, CCI dn1tn upu1ence p1 ete,, ed Prooliradlf>C Ir.I 0r111 xr~ •l!CJWed EOC lacellent benefit ~t Em.II INJme, "!l'lhti ~ •nd WI.try f r quorement\ to ""'"' JOIY""ln(!'>IAl•nt•\ tom lecepll'"'l•I Port-time early mo111111a~ & eve nines lot NB Huth Club ConLIK.t w.. ~ 1>42 ll15 full lime ln\•dt Hies rt plUf'nlallvt lo Hll Clas<ihed Adver hsme at IO<•I "'"'~l>•P" 1rnup Phon~ uln P•pu1ente prd~rrrd Applic•nl should be " •tll \l••ler, 1el1•ble clt.11lhne •nd CO~I <ll1•11lrd llOUU5 e•rellrnt cu\lomer ~rv•ce ab1hly Compuh1r/ IYl'•ng skills 1equ11ed Company ullers Heel lent benehl packaee Pre ureen1n1 requited £qua I opportumly em ployer Send resume with \.ii~•~ requ!femenls iAdy IUi&(<i>lATmeuom r. laa lo 9t!f"631 6!"194 h f•,..•rlieter R1kable IJ ampor ldh()u hue1>f C n p~ Cd In vi up ,..._ n b limy N.8 l'UftS C..W~ ....._ v• Capb.i <Tl>d'la •1 Llllw For est Gteat SU· tor ~ !*"°'1U/~ AutomabHes - AIDnatlve 9004 =.!::rm: $129,(XX) •XIJ29!94 °" HlWPOWf AllTOSPOtrl 949-S74-S600 IMW '97 J211 <..,, melalhc dara blue/crey llhr \Uptrb c ond 11>1 011111>o u1 SI !> 49S ~n.:z1 Blot 96-'llll> 1888 www.ec,.eltl.cem IMW JUI •tt Cemt1 Fully lo.oded, up111 adu. I CM owner low mt, mini cond 9'&510.&>~ A -l HANDYMAN Install, relace cabinets ~ ~ Dole 714-Sotl>7i!l8 C.,.. ""'Ir/Sales ...... C..,.. SM $S °" map ...... ,.,.. c.-plll upYt ~~. CJD -~Tl~Jai -OCAaP01:t~0"1 Repalfs, Palchm11. Install Couflf!OUS any SIL• tobs Wholn1le! 949 •92 0205 Touch or~ European EApcn in House Clunloa 20 ycan in Business Uccn.'led cl Bonded Pm(cs~ional 1eamt assigned to Your Home ('49) 548..oo97 Fm! Estimata Rerettocn Sprina Cleanina Specials ~· ~··~·~·~...:-•~• -.... .. Brld aiw SUI'" C-. ._..._ "ti •to Sil ge Fully loaded, UPIJ!Mn, ...... , __ tttw, dWCN!le 1 "'owner. ,_,.,. ·• l ow mi, mint cond. wllls, low ml, 1411*'11 966M>4!1111 &21!&4:M6 tond, ... Vt567211 , .. , t4t 5'8·1188 ...... 7 .... (1) -·· .. ·-Biii/i~. «lh1Mt,;t1n, creen/t1n, llnt cond 12(),950 949-soo.8141 ••w '" n c-. 1auto whi!Vtan lthr, Ci>, bnuhlul llb new cond. $17,995 ,.5972• fin I. ..... wail 8lu" 9e<!ifl6. Ulll •-·•cpel.c•• l11lc1' 'H dectre 1ood mechanical condition, low milaee, '30 V8, $3000 obo 94M94-0144. c-ry "ti u 4 cyt. 68 411 ITII. bette" than rww. no dirip or scr .ictin, $9998 obo 949-640·5037 GtY* .............. 3 5 \'6 l ·owner, Ok 11clual m1. book s . r ecotds. mel1lhc tur- quo1u'1tan ltllf. lull1 loaded like new SS250 ""66721.8 lllw 9&516-18118 •-.ec .... l.c- Cenrette '19 c...,.e auto 60k+ mt, metalhc • ed/lan llhr, superb <ond throuehout, $9,995 8k1 949·586 1888 -.~l.c- hnwi'MSSSfl Spider blueM;e QI ..,,. Sll•.500 •ll~ ow ~ AllTOSPOtrl M9--S74-S600 hnwi•H8GTS Red/Clam, low mils. ful S«Vtee. Je9,500 I0'1'!lO'.l9 Dir NIWPOaT AUJOWORT Mt-574-5600 ferrwt "0045'M GTA Siver /8ordeaull :I< "*' nceptional. $13"4.500 ,119638 Dir NIWPOU AUrOSl'OltT 949-574-5600 Fem.1 '00 360 ..... ~?ll tnies Sl!JS.500 1122451 c. NIWP'09n AUJOSPOtrl 949-S74-S600 ,_._. .. 7 ..... T ~Ill :JI( 1111 $39,900 #068391 Dir ~AUJowo.t 949-574-5600 ... 'n ....... 2000 pll1 nnq aind. IB rR, MW c:tlffll~-.S · ••• 1q1. um obo 562~1914 fer.ti '65 M••t•111 Conver hble. 011e1n•I O'l'tnet. solid car S 19 995 obo 949.719.2943 ...... '9t ••••• Conv •5k m1 llUIO silver l•n lop pw pl Alt. CO. superb l.,.e new cond. v• 119743 $9,995 1in,nc1na & warranty avail Bllr. 949 586 1888 -.ec,.-...c- MllCIDlS INl '02 os• ••• .,. ..._. 60li ml. btlctiltr•Y ltht, mnrl, CO, f1bulo1B eond throu1hout SS99S vlnl4S7219 Blu 949-SU-IHI -·~··<- Ptttt19'S AUTO 01.,.MO-.... 81ue wi11lue. only I 4K Mi, Sports ~kl! {19'178C) $24.!8> ••Wn31 Siln1 w/black llhr moonroof (195•2> S22.980 ff IJZO Seti .. While w/Saddle leathu, Moonroof (194'3) $29.980 0 I l•1ver S r,.,,e Sn Green w/Saddle Lthr, 2811 m1 , Moon1oof (19112) S32.980 99 Merc•J., Stlt :uo Blue w/bl;ack, er ey s porls pkg (19416) SU.980 oo••ws.01. Black w/Bluk premium sound sunrool ( 17607) $29 980 0 I l'erulte T11rho l1plron1< Only 18k nult\ N•vatdl•on ( 19394 l INQUIRE 9• h •111 GS JOO Cold w /S.&ddlc Le•lh~r. Chrome Wheel~ (19418> s n.9BO 0 2 1'erulteGT2 Bl•ck w/black only 100 miles (19597C) INQUIR[ 01 Mwutl.s CUOO Stiver w/Grey. Nav1 &•lion. Only 15K mt (19Sot5Cl INQUIRE 00 l'end. .... ,... Stiver w/81ac1'. Premium Sound (194263) $28, 980 Mt-574-7777 PMUSAllTO ;'l;...._cm ,._... lellt9r S 'OO bwdv'bl.icli 2.:»< n*5 $37.500 ll9j 12 r.i 04r Nf'M'CMrT AUTOWORT 949-S74-S600 "•nche '99 Ccwrero 46k mi. blk/blk llhe, CO. chrome whls l1ke new $4:?,000 V1t6:??057 ft nanc1na & w.trr av••I Bkr t49-S16-11 .. --~···- By CHAAlES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF wld TANNAH HIRSCH COUNT THOSE TIUCKS Neither vulncrabk' WCM dcah DOC to proceed co lht oo-tnlmp pmc would ha~e b«n cl'llven indi:ed NORTH ... J AK2 !1 4 • KQJ 1042 WEST FAST Wcsi led the queen o( spades. ~ follol.\ed wu.h lhc 111.0 ;and Souch nwdt the io.bnK.illy '>llpcn« play of ,,._1M11111 """h lhc ~111g leaving doubc m lhc dele~· m1~ about lhc locallQn o( I.hi: a1:c ncx itw II ma!· ICtS here. A kJ11. dub 11.-cnl to the ace, Bild We,1 pall't-~ to take ..iu.:k. f!A,t"~ play of lhc <k~e of ~ IWlrbd decldk1 with the ace, ;c1 nlilC tricks were there for lhc lllltang -lwo ~padc,, 111.-11 hcan, and live dub;, - uolcss the dcfc~ could come up with four IT!lll"c: (~ winner... EQually obYIOU\ "''" lh~I tliamooch o(fefCd the ool y hope I or lhc Jef cndo::r.. • Q J 10 9 6 • 7 s 2 J84 76SJ ·A J 9 2 K 107 •A 6 963 SOL"I H •AK8 8109 8'J • 87 s . EAS'I .... .... Openinf le.xi ()ucc:n ol • The only d1""1'tbuoon thal would bcncfi1 the deft n..c w~ to find East cuhcr 11.1th fou1 duunoncb hc:adcd by the ling Of \pet.tfi.:.illy K 10 x in lhe sutL "' " ohcn the case. once the pmhlem "'"'' J1~noo.cd the ~luoon bcc:imc: nbv~'"' Wc-.t 'lh1fied to a lov. J1JmonJ L.t.,1 won v.11h lhc kin~ !lll\I rerunll!tl lhc ti:n Whc1hcr Sou1h lm~cJ or nut. the defender. were ""ur~-..J 11f luur JrwnwiJ tncL' .llld a ()II(' llll k 'l"t The .... ~lei 1(1 llWlY ti..nJs ii. C<IUnl mg huth p11in1' anti lriclu. ThJI hold'> IJ1I( lor both declarer and the llclettdc" Tlw dU•tmn " ,jmplc enough After Nonh', rwO<lub uven:all or Wnl·, •~lC 'Pade upenc1. South h.ltl cnuugh 10 invite game: 1n no ll\lmp Wi1h \C\Cn tnd!> in hand. for North Mt"l\I unlu, k)' for declarer. Give I·""' ln\tc.1tl 111 \lo'"'' four tl1amonth df\J tho.• ••mlr.>l t 1o1.uulJ he unhe<Wlblc a..' Ion~ "' 5<1Uth doc'>l1°I put up the qut'<'n 1111 1ht· "'C.clll<I round ot lh<• ,u11 9004 MOTOR HOMES lUNGl •ovut 2000 Slark oe•m ••<k\ cd 1mmal tac.tnry warr. 37k "" SJ2.500 •428181 949-6SO·Sl60 •onge •over '96 4 .0 SL 281. adual m• bnohs rrlOrd\ I uwner while/ ldn rthr CO runn1na bo•rds/brush a•urds like new cond v272848 $18.995 fin & warranty na1l Bllr 949 !>86 1888 -.~1.c- Tr..t. let 1n Au owbe•r 811 Bur by the l•h lor late model car such as ~erc~des. Maaima lou\909 544 7133 VOlVO 2400l '12 While. stallonw•eon, 11ood for beach car SJllOO 760 902 8038 VW leetle •ta Gl 1211 acluat m1 !>sod sdver I blac h 1nl. pw. pl hlle new fa~tnllc uv1n11s $9400 v1752861 Bh1 949-516-1111 -.eCf41.c- VW JITI A 't9 Gl Older model. dull. blut •u•o ilU.d. rm1 al -f"fa111ti. ·~ a,,.1 641. 1 eduted $9000/obo 949 533 J349 SELL Motor Homes· Rent MOTO• HOM( FO• RENT ?000 30fr & 2003 2211 1mm•• sleeps 6 & 8 opl11>11AI lent pin1t !bl bbq Toy lu1ler & t~nt ... ~.. 949 29!i 0356 Of 949-500-1266 BOAlS S«i.rm 9'19 w 1341 Duffy llectrlc 1811 1991 new' baller •es p•1t1I & covet SI O!Dl 111 Newport Hat1>or , 14-818-'li&t BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 9l FT SU" AVAIL.AIU IN NIW,.OIT llACH S2SOOllASl 949-SOO-IOOS BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 NHO 4S' SU" 1,. Hewpert leoclo Cl'>'b~am) wlwater & llUW~I 714 865 ;>999 .. ............, ..... Sode lie Iv< 38tt S•tlbOal ""''" ed c;, eat klc.tllOl'I cal 949 67!1 7'>70 Friday. August l , 2003 A15 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ee .,..,., blrcia 811 Trencll 10 Cal Ted> g111d 71 Aeletence l>OOIC 7? T oudl4ld a.-> 73 Up tlwvJily 14 8-Ay '*'°' 75 Reotal i-ie DOWN I l(ino OI O()erl 'l 'FemArldo 3fn~ 4 Boni 000 5 Cools ~ '1't e Buololf\9 wtr".I 7 Do :mother "'1cn '"'""' / 8 Patt& ~IJt.MliV 9 G<Hri,.<>I 10 Pine • ancno<s 1 ' Choc.ooat• cootlfJ 12 Pasiuo~ '3 8t>ay ot ,,~·vr ..,~·-23 Worcllesi OfW' 2-:;~fetlll'Slllr :it. f 99 ..... 061> 18 Spec..,.,, 29 Jauma: 8J3,,. lO C..""1 ..... 31 ThrOW'.l oft ncai J3 I ata l~i-1')1 - ••G> :w •t •te sno-· '·~1ur• •~ u11ot~ -38 Gei ac:cullOmell 4 1 """'°'" ... ~ Olotw"' cat\91 .&{,Bette's ~II L . ....,,..,_1 ~ pad< "''"*' :.4 r e.nr glows ...:. Oogi& C4llChW S4l0blk. 2111 m1 Se>orts plia.phone.Nav CO AMC wilts. IOOI. werr. mrnl cond. PP $61 .500 ....... 911 '01 ( ... 11~ IMl 20< ~ lw:lo kit ..n.b '64.500 your stuff through classified! Neetl docil or •14• lie fOf 36ft power bo.Jt in Newport Buch Plu'lf' call 714-9S7 6126 ··Employee. 949 631 0771 .......... Ml S20 '91 wh1le/111ey llhr, alnl cond loaded, 58fl m1, Sl8.52S 949-394·2626 Mer< .... • 'II 560 Sl while/tan, immac rVcU. n...--dto ~ Sl.11.il 714-151 ~ ~1 C. NIWPOaT AUJOWORT Mt-S74-S600 ....... x.50'03 blacl\lbllldl ~ n1*s $139.500 .. ,... l•U..wwtlll ........... 11685256 Dir NIWPOln AllTOSPOtrl 949-574-5600 C.11 toUy to ..... ,.. Ml Claalflecl M2""'71 ... YOUltHOMI IMf'aOVIMINT NOJICT1 Call • plumbflf, painter, handyman. or eny oJ Lt.. 11u t services hsted hl!fe In our service dlfectory! THESE l OCAl SVC P£0Pl£ CAN HELP YOU TODAY! nate Installed $3.50 sf Crown Molding, Linoleum & Sub Floor Repair 149-682:.uH 714-125-3241 aJ5TOM ~TM YI.I ~ ......... -. m.1*, done &19 1975 Lt6120M Wt 714-612-9961 WITTHOfn HYWAU. LIMY..._.. ,._ed All pllisa stn/lrc """' Reiroutrn & lnsteltabon ,.,.. Tll£ DEAN 949 fill 806S C~I 20yrs, f•lf, "" 71~ 714-11113-2031 8$l. L«XXXl) 714-a-1447 eatallnm DUtKM n1crmc l ocal. Quick Response Home. Ywd & ~k Elect 20 Yrs Cap. l lc/lnSUl"ed LIZ75170949 650-7042 ucuna• <CMITUCTott 119ojil9tDo-.M_.. Rtp11r, remocW, •-. .... ,.M'.~ c l tl&tt ... L.. Twrff "-'k< .... WMllly INl1I. Int lrYmq & inslllllhon 25 Yrs ••P Uc/insured 949-S48-4363 ,....,. •J -"""" I. '11 I • ,,, ''II' \ ' . I • 1 ~ • ~I I I '-t I I Gf.NEW. lmll 'IWNIJ.NANtt • Rtsdaml • Cranimal No Job Too Small Da•e Bamllton 949-32Ul92 RX W 5"aAUn. AH types Of ltj)atfS [lee: tticel, piurnbonc. doors, ...... hlMln. ~ I. more 24ttfldays 114 J66.1881 .-TO ntl IUIU'tll 714·968·1112 AVAll MU TOOAVI 9'9-673-S. NO MATIER .. Empleado. ··ArbeitnPhmer. "Emplo_re. ~Pilot HOW YOU SAY rT, CWSIFIED CAN FINO rT • Mowing& .. HSf MOVll S SSS/Hr. Serv1n1 Alt C1hes Insured Tl63844 800·246-2378 J2J 63().9971 eel PUBLIC NOTICE The C•llf P ublic Uhhllei Comm1ss1on requ11es lh•I all used hou\ehold 11oods move• i P"nf lhe11 P U C Cal r number hmos ~nd chauffeurs pr 1nl lhe11 T C P numbe• •n all adver trsemenh If you have any questions •bout t he le1~llly ol a move1 , llmo or chauffeur call '119U< UT1UTIIS COMMIS1IOM 100 177-al'7 Aab ..... ·0-. oa..-..c. ......... Oll--·MIO IBT•Nllrm INTCRICNt CJITCRIOR .... --.. -c-. ~· --.. -~ -·--·---~ ~ -..-71UU·H60 1o1-.----..... a-,· • ._..... "ll'frs e.ql Cr eat Pnce• Gu er an teed work f rN nl l •l7!>601 714 !>38 I~ , 390 2945 m"S CUSTOM ,AINT1NG ProM. dun. ~Illy wor~ lnterlOf/ut and docks l •703468 949 631 4410 ,..,._ .. ,......., Top Qu1hty, Competitive lnte1101 /{a I l '648228 Call Jay 949 650 5066 IAIMIOW <mll MMfY Pa in I inf Wed, Hau'le/AJJC Quality tob! free estimalt' l '569197 714 636 88118 c.-, $eftd ,_ llHt friend to call'lfl wtllle ,ou Co on vautlOn Safe. friendly & tv11 mounUW1 ----" l~°"""'8d for tK"1ilzed dop "° .. --.~limo -~to ..... lfc.n ~~u .... ' ",It' 1>4.. " .. -4~ : r., . -._..., .S IV«O • .,..ir Te•t Cete repelr 949-645-ZUZ De H°"'"' l 150562S ·~,.,,uno• "'"'' .. _' SCWlR ll TTING I ll C TRONIC SI. A8 LEAK 0£ TECTION F llt'ndly S«rvoct' 949-675 -9 1 04 -~alM L n5't9t ln\Urf'CI ......... Cr'lllllnllllll f neh•ll te1clle. Pf• fe&sio n11 w11ter I tpulellie la pr ocr Hb nlllft& tMn!I S11111- f Hf1n1 Couh hlJ'd CO"'llCI 1tlo11 hKhtt h1•vlfV11/Cfot1p rotn, reftrH CH .......... . S•CIMllMI 27' ·I n-dllqes. my-.--- prepararion ctwae. and 111y emission testing charge. $3000 REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING. • MUST FINANCE THRU FMCC TO RECEIVE SIOOO FMCC BONUS CASH. 1 At Thi~ Net Cost . (JZ7SS9) Plus government recs and taJ<CS. any finance charges. any dealer document Jl"CparaUon charge, and any emission 1es1,ing charge. REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING. 1 At This Savings JO Plus pemn-r tea Ind tuet, 1ny finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and any emission tes1in1 charge. REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FlN/\NCING. 2 At This Net Cost Pl~ gpvemmrm fees and tucs, any finance charges. any dealer document prq>arlll•on clw1e. and any emission testing charge. REBATE IN LIEU OF SPEOAL LOW RATE FINANCING. 1 At This Net Cost 97 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL · • (729869) Pampered Luxury, Stiver with ·Leether, Full Power, Must See................................................................................................................................................................................ a I a 7 8 99 LINCOLN TOWN CAR • . (48LQ011) 47K Mlle Beauty ......... : ............................................................................................. :........................................................................................................................................ t 4 I --- . 00 LINCOLN L.S . . · • , ' (4PFC1~7) Shsp, One ()woer, V8, Moon Roof, CD, Chrotfte8,, Under FKtory Warrenty ............................................................................................ 1................................................. t 7 I eea 98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 · · . • · (.llS0830) Shwp, One Owner, 17K Mlle with 3rd Seit, Aeer·Alr, CD, Chrorne9 ................................................................................................................. :............................................. t e I a 8 0 . ., .