HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-02 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot,, • ,. ai- Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY,AUGUST2,2003 Musellm w·ants Lower Castawa·ys Newport Harbor Nautical Museum has presented ideas for a site at Dover Drive and Coas t Highway to Irvine Co . It's not known whether the compa n y would sell the land. area a t the comer of Dover Drive and Coa.'>I Highway. Museum President Glenn Za· goren said that the mu.seum has presented its preliminary ideas to the Irvine Co .. but that it's too early to know what the transac- tion price might be or whether the rnmpany would seU. Lower Castaways i.ite complete with a city I !arbor Patrol station, a Conference and Visttors Bu- reau informauon kiosk and other public arnenmes. The riverboat off Coa'>r H.1gh way that houses the museum now might c,tay where it is. with ferry sef\ice connecting the old site to the new facilities acro'>s the bay Or. the museum could opt to move all ns collecuon'> and operations to the new sue The lease on the riverboat '>lie expires in 2006. June Casaarande Daily Pilot NEWPORT REACH -While a struggle goes on about how to develop Castawayi. Park. a piece of land just below the park is the i:enter of a more peaceful, but possibly more important discus- ~ion. On the waterfront parcel known as Lower Castaways. where Irvine Co. construction equipment now 'iits, Newpon I !arbor Nautical Museum lead- er!> envision a museum site that would help designate the area as a lu.storic nautical district while expanding educational programs and other museum services. The ·Historic Seaport Village Plan" hi nges on whether the mu- ~eum will be able to acquire the Irvine Co. ·land at the low-lying "We're hoping that they will ~e how weU something like this could fit mro Donald Bren's vi- sion for th1'> area," Zagoren said. The mu<.eum has not yet cre- ated a detailed plan, opung to wait until the Irvine Co .. the city of Newpon Beach and residents have weighed in. One idea is to build mu'>e um facilities o n the JONES CUP "h's too premature to '>ay ex· actly what would be there," Za· goren said "Hight now. we're m the phase of trying to but.Id com STfVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Santa Ana Country Club's Geoff Cochrane watches his ball fly after digging out of the bunker on the 16th hole at Mesa Verde Country Club in the Jones Cup on Friday. For more covera1e. see Sports, Pa1e Bl. .. JWA near top in runway traffic errors Airport and aviation officials say the FAA report also s hows that JWA has shown improvement and few near misses. June Caaa1rande Daily Pilot JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT -A report showing the airport had the founh-hlghest number of runway traffic errors over a three-year period belies a trend that aviation officials are calling good news: The airport has shown a marlced decrease in runway errors in the last year and has a low rate of near misses. The Federal Aviation Admin- istration's Office of Runway Safety released a report on Wednesday comparing ·incur- sions" at large-and medium- sized airports in the United States. John Wayne Airport had the fourth-highest number in the country. with 31 incursions from fiscal 1999 through 2002. Los Angeles International Air· port had the highest number: 34. Incursions are traffic errors. They are recorded whenever a plane. truck or other vehicle on the runway enters a space it shouldn't be in. A common in- cursion otcurs when the nose of a plane waiting at a runway Intersection protrudes slightly into the lmersection. When an- other plane or vehicle Is nearby and such an error could cause a coUision. the incursion is con- sidered serious and given an A ranking. Incursion!. that present no risk of collision are ranked as Cor o . FM and fWA officials say the distinction is important be- cause the number of near misses at the airport is actually very low. In Lhe three-year study period. the airport had one seri- ous incursion or "near miss." The others were aJJ C or 0 . "Lf anything. this is good Sff NIA. Paa• A5 munity COO'>t'n ... U\ .1_\ to whdt the project could be ' Most or all or the monl'\ would be raised by thl' muwum City Council ml'mbt-r\ ha\l' expressed their londnt''>'> for thl' plan. "It'!> really d nec11 proieu Mayor Steve Hrurnht'rg '><11d • rhe educauon for k.Jd., a' \\t:ll c1.s for adult'>. \<\ould bt-ll'rrttit Bromberg '><lid ht-\1'>UalVl'\ the plan a!> a 'rrldll nonrnrnmer ttaJ version of '\t'\\ )rirl' ~1uth ~treet Seapon th<11 1·mpha!>ILt'' education and puhhl acre ... , wh11e creaunl{ ,i d1 '>t11 1l t nautiu 1J di!>triCt At an Apnl 'J cuunuJ ,tud\ '>t'' '11111 tht' three counul members who '>pok.t· on tht' prc1pll'><U '><ltd the\ hlt'd the 1dt•<J bur -.du 11urwd thilt tht-lund-r,11-.1ng Jnd 111her ob'>tatle-. 10 ut-.11111g '>Uth a pruJt'l l UlUfd ht dJltrlllllg 'I'll u~rtiilnh do "h.111•\er I l d l1 10 help 'ylJll. I IHl/il llrnJ.O lud H1dgt-\\a\' '>did I 11\\ er Ca-.ta\• ii\' '' 111 •! pdlt r1I ( <l'>l•l\"d\''> f'arl. anti '"'ull.l 11111 dlft.'ll thl' Cit\' pf,11h I Jf !Jt'\t'I 1Jp111i.: tht-p<Jrk •JUNE CASAGRANDE <:i.~rs Newtion Beal)i and Johr l1dyn~ Airpon She mav b., r~o·.Ji11d a• 9491 574-4232 or bye n" di JU"" ca>dgran<Je lrltim .. > " Two 911 calls came from Bryant's house Lakers star made one of the call from his Newport Coast home t he d ay before b eing arrested in Colorado. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot NFWPORT Rf AU I -lwo qJ l call!> for med1tal aid v.ere madt.> from Los Angele'> Lakers '>tar Kobe Bryant\ '.'\ewpon Coa'>t home m March ,md July, pohct: ':>aid Fnday Bryant made the -.ec:ond call tor a55i5tance on July J. a day be· fore being arrec,ted on '>Uspicion of !>eruaU) a<,sauJting a 19-year THE COURTS 11ld I ul11radr1 "um.u 11" ha~ "11• 1· bt'en t h.ir~nl \\ 111 r Jnl' ll'lorl\ lOllnt <11 'l'\tl.ll .1-.,,11111 l1olt1 t• \<Ud Bn .1111 had mad•· that 'II I call at ab11ut I.! .!" J ni I ht' llUllJ.l ta.ll ~lit dt'>t (Hlllt'Clt'd bUJ dl'>pdtl ht'f'> \\l'fl' .ii I I I 't' l''>tahlt'h COnldl I \\Ith 1w·1plt• d' tht' homt-dnd tal~ed to t'1 t·t d .. ll'rt.>111 pt·o plt'. mt ludu ·g Hr 1111 :\(•\\port Beach Poli< t' '>h'1 '>ll'\t' lihulman -.aid R11 JOI atknm,Jt·di.tt•d rn;do ng the 1 all and "1Jd lw < dllt'd to ~et mt-dltdl JIJ for ' ·lllt'ont· •>ther thJn hun,dl P.1r.1nwd11' ht.'lpt>d d \\oman JI tht' r1·-.1dt.>llli' hut -.ht-\\d'> not tr.111,print·d lo tilt' hu...p11al. offic 1Jl' \,lid See CALLS. Page AS Ruling against Scouts may not affect sea base Orange County Boy Scouts official contends anyone can use base in Newport, unlike situation in San Diego. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Boy Scout leaders said they aren't ~orm•d t1bout a ll"<ler,u 1udge'- ruhng that ovenumt'd a ">an D1 ego ... cout group\ lea$e on Thur.;- day because that group excluded '>Orne groups from a public park The Boy Scouts Orange County Council have a $6.5-mil· hon sea ~ on Orange County udelands. The group holds the lease to the I. I -acre property al no coc;t "The San Diego facility was ex- clusM'ly used for Boy Scout See SCOUTS, Pqe M FAMILY TIME Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: www.~can WEATHER The eun will lhine, but h won't be too w.nn. Highl will ju« reed\ 80 In Co.ta MeM and 70 on the oout. S.PlpA2 FLYER MILEAGE COit.i ...... ....,,c.ww hel 1 tnMlt progtwn. --~A2 HOLD THE GRUNION The gn.ink>n, 8)(peCted to apewn In Newport. go to Huntington lnttNd. S..Plc•A5 HEAVENLY BODIES Ftlrgotrt wttd\ people perlonn Hfobk» to Owtden mueic. S.PlpM TOUGH CHANGES °*'18., ~ gOod, Ondv ,..,_. CNltll I Cli 1 91Y1. 8"d the 011 Jiii I ..,,..e =~:-- Fair attendance counts vary STEVE SMITH Irwin Corey, the inventor of math's most important theorem. ·1eaa is more.· who WU explainin& why the hypotenuse is equal to the COlf.gll of radius. I bllc:ked out. 1be bottom tine for tS malbematiCaDy CbaDqed folk Is th.al &iir attendance .. not down. It Cllft bti not when l'w tone dWt timeil md bid to walk &om lllJ pllkq spot In PUPlrtorl elCb time lO Ill Chere. If anendllQ II dcMn. wbo ...... people~ • dM* can fn lbt'_~ '°' ... .-.Y ..... M A2 Saturday, August 2. 2003 BOOMERS & BEYOND Day trippers Costa Mesa Senior Center's travel department sets up trips for members to places such as Laughlin, Nev. and China. Suzie Harrison Daily Pilot It's ail epidemic that knows no discrimination and is seen on a global level, with most afflictions found in the summer, though it's still pretty much a year-round occurrence. It's called "the travel bug." . To help seniors with a cure, Phyllis Daugherty, administrative director of the Costa Mesa Senior Center's travel department, has volunteers planning trips year round for the seniors. She's been volunceering in that position for more than five years and loves it II came to her attention after she retired in 1993. The center's newsletter, the Olfonicle, had some information about a travel class they were having. Her involvement She said it just blossomed from there, she said. FYI To join the Costa Mesa Senior Center, the annual dues are $18. The center is at 696 W. 19th St. For information, call (949) 645-2356. travel board, and each of these volunteers has a task, she said. Anita Middleton heads up the gambling trips, which Daugherty said is a favorite among the seniors. Evie Tuell is in charge of the day trips. Beryl Daniels does the theater trips. Eleanor Hodges is in charge of making sure everyone has a time to work the travel desk. Marge Walker is the treasurer. "I do the mini-trips and the Jong trips, n Daugherty said. "At least once a month is a theater trip and gambling. The seniors love it, so we go a couple times a month." For example, they'd have three-day trips to Laughlin or Las Vegas. They schedule the trips three months ahead of time, and because of their popularity, they are usually filled up within two weeks of the posting. STEVE McCAANK /DM.Y PILOT "At first. I was doing day trips. After that, certain people left, and the next thing I knew, they asked me to bead It up.~ Daugherty said. "Maybe it's been even seven years now." "Plus, they're cheap, too, so it helps," Daugherty said. "We're all-volunteer, so any money we make goes to the center. Last year, [the travel center] made $12,000." They've been to Cllina twice. Phyllis Daugherty is administrative director of the Costa Mesa Senior Center's travel department. There are six people on the CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. SUNDAY To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present free screenings of five of her classics in August, starting with "The Lion in Winter" at 1 p.m. Alf are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. AUG.10 To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "The African Queen," the second of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. For more information, call (9491 644-3244. AUG.17 To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will presen1 •pat and Mike," the third of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the The 10-day trips cost $1,100, which includi:d airfare, lodging at a five-star hotel and most meals. cruise from St. Petersburg to Moscow, a trip ta Washington, · D.C to see the Smithsonian Orleans. Williamsburg, Va., Atlanta. Alabama and Branson. Mo. There has been a train trip to Montana, a Russian river center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. AUG.24 To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner,# the fourth of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. and other museums, and trips to Maryland, Delaware, New depression, relationships, lonelinesa and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 4454950. The Brallle lnstttut. on..-. free computer claaaea to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-6000. The Costa Me9a Senior Cen19r AUG. 31 has ballroom dancing with live To honor Katharine Hepbum, music from the Betty's Trio from Oasis Senior Center will present 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday "On Golden Pond," the last of -night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa five free screenings in August, at. Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. ONGOING Oasis Senior Cenwr holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Women 50 and older can Join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address Issues such as anxiety, Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage Illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. The Coln and Stamp Club mMta. from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasla Senior Center. New members intereated In trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these Informal meetings. There Daugherty is working on a trip to Japan, an Alaskan cruise are no fees required. (949) 644-32.44. ~Family 8eMce oflws ongoing bereavemen1 support groups for adults at all stages of losa. Group members'share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays a1 Temple Judea In Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. There's no cost to attend, but advance registration is required. (714) 446-4950. 0.849 Senior Center otr.n assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Costa M ... Senior Citlz.n Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthritis Foundation lnltJUctor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St .. Costa Mesa. (714) 613-5641. 0.lis Senior Cent8r offws a deity telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also offer Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright No news stone., Mark C. Dustin, Don Leech, Illustrations, editorial matter or Kent Treptow edvertlsementa hMeln can be READERS HOTIJNE reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. (949) 642-6086 Record YoUr comments about the HOW TO REACH US VOL 97, NO. 214 Daily Pilot or news tips. Circulation THOMAS H. JOHNSON NeweEdlton AddrM9 The Times Orange County Pu blither Gina Alexander, Lori Andert0n, Our add,_. Is 330 W. Bay St. Costa TONYOOOERO Daniel Hunt. Paul S.ltowitt. Meu, CA 92827. Office hours are (800) 252·91•1 Editor Danlel Stavent Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. Advertlelne JUOV Ol'TTIHG NEWllTAflf Ctu1M*I (9"9) 642·5e78 ~~r Con9dlona Dl9play (9"9) 642-4321 Crtme°:f'~rter, h 11 the Piiot's policy to promptly Edl90fW Promotions Direct.or (948)574-4 correct all enors of aubetenot. Newt d«lpa.bhersth •111t1/Tl#.oom PIMM call (9"9) 7'&M32.4. (949) 642·5e80 --= .. lpofta(IMl)574-<4223 Newport report«. FYI Newt,.. llMI) 846-4170 (148) 574-4232 The Newport 8e.c:hlCotta M ... ........ ,_(Mt) ll50-0170 fun..ct11111t1r•ftt#•1at1,,,...oom o..ty PUot (USP$.144«10) II 1""'81: dallyp/lot•1at1,.,,..,oom ,... ClnliiM'I publlthed ~lly. In Newport Beectl MalR O-. Polltlcs, butfne81 and environment a(ld Coeta MIN. subacripdont are ........ 0-. (941) M2-4321 reportal', (Mt) JM..4330 11'1811ebte only by 1Ubec:tlbing to The ........ ,... (9411831-7128 paul.d;rton•l«""-oom Tlmee Orange County~IOO) ............ 2'2'91'1. In ll'MI out9ldl of Cofumni.., culluN l"lt)Ortal', ....,.,,. ..., .., c.-. MeN, ~~ ~IO.,,. Deity Pilot.,. lollla.,..,,,., •..,,,_com ~ Oftly by""' a.a melt for .,....,..._ .. per"'°""'· Cfllotcae Include all Publlthed by Tlmee Community Coln.I MIM NPOftlr, (M) 574-4221 apptlolb4e ... and lo09l tua.) N9M, 1 dlvtelon of the Loe Angel11 "-lrdf&,,..,,.,, • ...,,._com POSTMAS1"£ft; s.nd ~ Tlmee. c.m-... chengee llO The N9wpOrt ..... "' ............ 8eec:M:oltl MM Dlltv "'°'-P!O. C>2003 Tlmee CN. Aft righ'9 ............ ........,. b 11180. C°"9~CA1:1128. ,.....V9d . and a trip to Northern California. "It's been fwl, it's tiring. but I get rejuvenated." Daugherty said. "The best thing about it is working with people and going on the trips and seeing bow much fun people are having. We have had some good times." computer classes that teach the basics of Word, Ouldcen, Print Shop and lntemet usage. (949) 644-3244. The OuJs Senior Cen1-oft9r'I • shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the center. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Oeais Senior Center off9n vtsual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative, by appointment. (949) 644-3244. <>ah Senior c.m.r hu a walkJng group called Walkers Not Rodters, which meets once a week to enjoy scenic walks in and around the Newport Beach area. (949) 644-3244. The Alzh9'mer's Assn. and Gri.t Support Group of Newport Villa WeatNilla Rosa co-sponsors a free support group meeting for caregivers at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted living, 393 Hospital Road, Newport Beach. (949) 631-3655. The Alzheimer'• .Aasn. •nd M ... Terrace, a residential community for people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, offera a free aupport group for ca<eglvers at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of ead\ month at Mesa Terrace, 360 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. (714) 283· 1111. a.. Senior Center conduc:ts blood pressure screenings from 9 to 11 e.m. the first and third Tuesday of eactt month In Room 3 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The OM'9 Senior Center on.re • Braille claaa to help with sight 1011 from 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays In Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Jewish SenJor CenW on.rs card games from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every third Tuesday. A kosher lunch Is offered at noon for $3 per person. (714) 613-5641. RevtM your llf9ttme documents for advance health care directives at the Oasis Senior Center for $3 each. Call to make an appointment (949) 644-3244. Outs Senior Center oflws preventive healthcare services for seniors on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the center's Room HS·3, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Seniors and low--lncome families in the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach area can obtain free U.S. Department of Agriculture surplus food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the second Friday of each mc;mth in the rear pamng lot at the Churdl of Christ, 740 W. Wilson Sl, Costa Mesa. Picture identification Is requfred. (949) 660-8236. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Some moming clouds Will The southwest ~I greet ua, but by lhe afternoon, continuea to be a1r0ng today, it should be mosttv sunny With so we can expect chest· to highs near 80 In Cotta Mesa heed-highs at most breaks, and In the lower 70. along though the ltAtndout spots will Newport's coast. Lowa Will aee WllVN MVeral feet drop to the mid.ea.. ovetheed at times. Sunctey't looklng a bit The twell loeee tome warmer, but the weetl; ahead energy on Sunde'(, but we'lt· loob qufte limllar. High9 wUI still ... d'Met· to hov9t' In the low 70t w'1h lows ~endthe In the mkMIOL OCCellonel heed-high. ..............: The IWlll wHI continue WWW.IM9.ltOM.(JOll bedclng off on Mondly. ....,....-.v: BOATING FORECAST www.ti11rltfc»r.orp The Wlltefty winds wtll TIDES blow ,0 to 15 tcr'°'8 In the IMlf' WIWI, wt'9I Z..foal ~and 1'lrM ........ ·~W91t1W91of2 '8.r ~1.m. 0.11flllltlaw 1:30p.m. UltMthlgh and IOUth _...of 3 ML Outt.ntw,tt. 7:12p.m. 1 ..... law not1h\rJ I •terfV winde wtll .teo 12:57e.m. .... high blow about 10 ta 11 knoel, with ~WIWI and e mbced WATER ftMPERATURE "°""'"" ... of lfMI end ..... of•fMt. ...... Threat on Person shocks officials BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS outdated Pacific BeU yellow pages for recyding. Collewon bins are at these places Ill Costa Mesa from Fri· day to Sept. 19: in the front lot of Costa Mesa City HaJ.1, n Fair Drive; a11d at Orange Coast Col- lege Recydmg Center on Adams Avenut' between Fairview and Pinecreek drives. Free special paclcup i.ervices are available for I 00 or more darectones at one loLatlon I he recycled boob are u.,t-d 10 produce next year's darec:tum•i. and utility biU mail- ing t"nvelope~. Newport Beach police are invest iga ting whether letter apparently referring"to a former planning commissioner is a hoax. Deep• Bh•r•th Daily Pilot to "record his conversation with Delaney. Former City Councilwoman NEWPORT BEACH -Com-Jan Debay, who was a plan- munity members and former ning commissioner al the city officials say they are time, ~d sb~ vividly remem- sh ocked by a threatening let-• bers the high-profile inclder.it. ter addressed to a former which caused qulte a stir in plannipg commissioner who this relatively qulet coastal helped bring down a succ~-town. fuJ chain of seafood restau-"That was a surprise to aJJ rants in the late 1980s. (the planning commission· The letter, sent to the Daily ersJ: she said. "(Person) Pilot, presumably talks about hadn't told us about it, and so, getting back at fonner Plan-obviously, when it broke, it ning Commissioner James was a big shock to aJJ of us." "Bw,z" Person for helping, po· The letter, threatening to lice arrest Francis Delaney -"escort" Person to "the Cata- who was then the owner of lina Oia.nnel half way between Delaney's Seafood Restaurant Catalina and Laguna Beach" in Cannery Village -on brib-and leave him there, was vvery ery charges 13 years ago. Per· troubling.· Debay said. son wore a wire to help police ·1 read it two or three ~ARROW FORMULA~ YOU SAVE UP TO SB 961 limes." she said. "It was fright - ening to think that that would be hanging over someone's head after aJJ these years." Debay said she feels sorry for Person. "It must have been very dis- turbing for him," she said. , Person has declined to c.'Omrnent on the ii.sue. Person had his enemies, says Bill I lamilton, owner of Mafarkey's Irish pub 111 New- port Beach. ·A lot of people were mad at him for one reason or the other," he said. "But 1hil. le tter. it's pretty drastic." Hamilton, who owned the Cannery seafood restaumnt until 1999, !>aid he and other restaurateu!'l> in Cannery Vil- lage fell Perc;on did not do the right thing by !'telling up Dela· ney. Person was som ewhat O'>· tracized by the "circle" after that mc1dent. I lam1l1o n ~ad. TOC0-1,IFE l'itambi E with 60MG1bcolrlenols with Squalene & Phgtosterols for H-1lhg Aging tlllllC.~ lkwltA• REG. "l3.95 "It wasn't overt. but you could sense it,· he said. Delaney pleaded guilty to one felony COWlt in.connec- tion with a $20,000 bribe he offered Person m March 1988. Person's action and the felony conviction proved di· sastrous for Delaney. Barely a year later, he fiJed for bank- ruptcy protection for himself and his corporation. By Octo- ber 1989, Delaney's nine-res- taurant chain had begun to crumble. and he owed more than $5 million 10 debtors and $500,000 in .back truces. I le eventuaJJy sold his bu.sine.,_., and reponedJy los~ n11ll1ons of dollars. As for the letter to Pe~on, Newpon Beach police are still investigating the case and there have been no develop- ments. Sgt. Steve Shulman said. Detective'! will be looking into whether the threat '' reaJ or a hoax. he <,<ud. Concert offering jazz with a Newport view An evening jazz concert by vocaUst and sax player Curtis Stigers is scheduled for 6:10 Sunday night at the Newpon Beach Marriott The concer1 in the hotel\ View Lounge will focu1> 0 11 S11g ers' return to jazz in his la1es1 album, "Secret I leart." Stigers, who grew up 111 Idaho, released ht'> fir!>! album in 1991. It sold almo-:t 2 millicm copies. With h•'> \econd album in 1995, he ventured deeper in10 pop and soul The cunlert '' being pre !>ented by Joe Rothman Open seating ticket., <irt• $15. and re served i>ealing t'> $25. l11lornld tion: (949) 759 5003. The Mamo u ,.., at 900 N1·w port Center Drive Yellow page~ can be recycled in Co la Me~a The Costa Mt•.,a ~nll<H) IJ1., Lrict and the n ty of < .O'>la '.le'><t invite citizen., to drop off tlwar SEEDS OF CHANGE GocNlrv• from tht Ground Up 1 OOolo Cettilied Organic Dressings • p ,r •Ac ~ • baliain JlatJ •C.-Feta • 11...ud ... Pepper REG. '3.99 -= • Heart ID Heart • Go lean Crunch • Go lean Slimmin' •Saez. In The $ Morning A '6.58 VALUE tcor mort-information. call (7 14) 754 50tt7. State will hel.p train • mortgage workers A '>tcltt' clgt-nc:y ha'> agreed to ht'lp lund 100-Lrammg for the bOO workt>r<, at the Co'ita Mesa olfit e'> of Datec:h.c:om, a leadmg mongt1gt• l1:nd1:r. 1 lw <.altlurnia f:mployment I ra111111g f'anel ha~ agreed to pt1y $'1'ili,OOO for the program, whac:h wall offer t.>mployee., an· -.1ruu1on 111 tommumcauon!>, l ommt·rc '-'· management. ll'lllTIWllr~ and lOllttnuous am pro..,t-m1:n1 1>111.>c h u1rn wa<, founded an I yq'i .ind pure ha'>t'd by C.MAt ~longagt-LCJrp an 1999 REG. '1.99 • Original •Green Tua =~ REG. ~.69 ,.,. ..... " Vitamin C-1000 mg ==t'&s149 SUGG. '4.99 51tm 011 BOOME RS & BEYOND Day trippers Costa.Mesa Senior Center's travel department sets up trips for members to places such as Laughlin, Nev. and China. Suzie Hurl1on Daily Pilot It's an epidemic that knows no discrimination and is seen on a global level, with most afflictions found in the summer. though it's still preny much a year-round occurrence. It's called "the travel bug." To help seniors with a cure, Phyllis Daugherty. administrative director of the Costa Mesa Senior Center's travel department, has volunteers planning trips year round for the seniors. She's been volunteering in that position for more than 6ve years and loves it It came to her anention after she retired in 1993. The center's newslener. the Olronicle, had som e information about a travel class they were having. Her involvement She said it just blossomed from there, she said. FYI To join the Coste Mese Senior Center, the annual dues ere $18. The center Is at 696 W. 19th St. For Information, cell (949) 646-2356. travel board. and each of these volwiteers has a wk. she saJd. Anita Middleton heads up the gambling trips, which Daugherty said is a favorite among the seniors. Evie Tuell is in charge of the day trips. Beryl Daniels does the theater trips. Eleanor Hodges is in charge of making sure everyone has a time to work the travel desk. Marge Walker is the treasurer. "I do the mini-trips and the long trips,~ Daugherty said. "At least once a month is a theater trip and gambling. The seniors love it, so we go a couple times a month." For example. they'd have three-day trips to Laughlin or Las Vegas. They schedule the trips three months ahead of time, and because of their popularity, they are usually filled up within two weeks of the posting. STEVE McCIW« I OAl.Y PILOT "At first. I was doing day trips. After that, certain people left, and the next thing I knew. they asked me to head it up,• Daugherty said. "Maybe it's been even seven years now.· "Plus. they're cheap. too, so it helps,· Daugherty said. "We're all-volunteer, so any money we make goes to the center. Last year, (the travel center) made $12,000." They've been to China twice. Phyllis Daugherty is administrative director of the Costa Mesa Senior Center's travel department. There are six people on the CALE NDAR • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; by faxto (949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. SUNDAY To honor Katharine Hepburn, Oaais Senior Center will present tree screenings of five of her classics in August, starting with "The Lion In Winter# at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest. at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. AUG.10 To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "The African Queen," the second of five tree screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. The to-day trips cost Sl,100, which included airfare, lodging at a five-star hotel and most meals. There has been a train trip to Montana. a Russian river center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. AUG. 24 To honor Katharina Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," the fourth of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. AUG.31 To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "On Golden Pond," the last of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. ONGOING Onls Senior Center hofd1 a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center Is at 800 cruise from St Petersburg to Moscow, a trip to Washington. D.C to see the Smithsonian and other museums, and trips to Maryland, Delaware, New depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meeta from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Bral .. lrwtttut. oftarl fNe computer cta11ea to people with fading vision who heve difftculty seeing ttie computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar, offers six eeulons. Cell to algn up for classes. (714) 821-5000. The Coeta MeM Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 696 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Family Servic. of Qrange County sponsors an ongoing heeling support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotlonel and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance Is free. but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. AUG.17 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For To honor Katharine Hepbum, more Information, call (949) ·The Coln and Stamp Club meets Oasis Senior Center will present 644-3244. from 1 to 3 p .m. Mondays at the "PJt end Mike," the third of five Oesi1 Senior Center. New free screenings In August, at 1 Women 50 and older can join • members Interested In trading, p.m. All are Invited to enjoy the discussion group coordinated by buying end selling stamp• and movies and free popcorn at the Jewish Family Services to coins are being sought to join address issues such as anxiety, these informal meetings. There Daily.A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHER8 Malit C. Dustin, Don LNcti. Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949) M2-6086 VOL 17, NO. 214 Record VoUr oommenta •bout th• Dally Pilot or newe tlps. THOMAS H. JOHNSON News Edltor9 Addr9e9 Publisher Gina Alexande<, Lori Ander9on, Our edd'911 11 330 W. Bay SL, Cocta TONYOODERO Daniel Hunt. Peul Saltowftz. Mesa. CA 82627. Office houre are Editor Daniel Swv.na .JtJV( OETTING NEWSITAff Monday -Friday, 8:30 1.m. · 5 p.m . Ad\lefti9!.a.=or Crime~ ~rtef. CanecdoM I.AHA It la the Pllof'e Polley IO prompcJy Promoclone DI~ (948) 5J 011"9Ct all em>re of eubetllnoe. "-Pfl.bMmh•IMl,,,_com l'teMecall(M8)~ ...... =,·· N9wport rtp()Mr, m , .. ,~ The Newport BelldVCoeta Meea ju,,..~ndee'-tl,,,_oom Delly Pllot(USPS-1.....01 la ..... CIRlcMt publlehed dally. In Newport Bead\ Polltlca, bu9ineea and enYlronment and c:o.ta Meu, aubecrlptlone are l'lpOftlf. (Mel 7&M330 IYlllable only by eublc:rfblna io The pwl.d"*">•,.,,,,,_oom T1mee Or...-County (800) ........... 212·1141. In .,... outalde of Colum"'-. OUllalN '9pOrtllr, ~ laeah end C.oeta Mela, CMtP1-4271 ~ '°"" Deify ftlloC.,.. lollra.,..,,,,.,_.,,_,oom hell•.,.. only "',.,.. .. """ for cw..-.u .. ..., per monlh. '"'°" lndude ell ~Mela""*"'• CM) PMZ21 ~-andlocel ....... ) deitdre.,.....,.,,e--..oom flOSTMASTtA: Sand~ C...Wlliiil -.... '° T'tle NMpoft ..... 11 C. ...... ~ ..... Deity fltloc. "°· .................... b1MO.C-~CA-. Orleans, Williamsburg, Va., Atlanta. Alabama and Branson. Mo. Daugherty is wor\ing on a trip to Japan, an Alaskan crui.se are no feea required. (949) 644-3244. • ~Family S.Vk:e oflwl ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all steget of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness end loss. One group meets.at 7 p.m. Tuesdays et Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meeta at 10 a .m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea In Laguna Hille. The third groop meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center In Anaheim. There'• no cost to attend, but advance registration is required. (714) 446-4950. O.sls Senior C."'-r otr.rs assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Coeta M ... Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Arthrttis Foundation IMtrvctor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdey1 at the Jewish Senior Center, 260 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. Ouls Senior CentlW offws a daHy telephone contact program for seniors who heve e limited local support sy1tem. They elao offer Copyright: No new. 1tori., illultratlons, editorial metter or edvertleementa herein can be reproduced without written perm!Mlon of oopyright owner. HOW TO REACH UI Cftut.don The Times Orange County (800) 252-914, Adwerd16111 ct1111fted (9491642·5878 ~ (949) 642-4321 YIDIW ..... (Mil 842.M8() lpoll9( ... )574-4223 ..._ ,_ (IMI) 848-4170 ....,..,_(Ml) 880-0170 l-fllll: dlfflypl1ot•l'1t1mee.com Mellt °""' ..... ,. Ollle (IMI) 8'2-4321 ....... ,.. (Ml) 831·7129 ftubtlehed by Tl,,,.. Community Newe, 1 dMllon of the Loe A,.._ Tlmtl. and a trip to Nonhem California. "It's been fun, lr's tiring, but f get rejuvenated.· Daugherty said. "The best thing about it is worting with people and going ~n the trips and seeing how much fun people are having. We have had some good times." computer cleues that teach the a.. $enlor c.nw conducts basics of Word, Quichn, Print blood pressure screening• from Shop and Internet u11ge. (949) 9 to 11 e.m. the first end third 844-3244. TU99day of eectl month In Room 3 at 800 Merguerfte Ave., Corona The Oula Senior CenW offw'l a del Mar. (949) 644-3244. lhuttle to teke members to appointments and grocery The 0..-&.nlor CenW off9rs a shopping. The shuttle also takes Braille cteaa to help with sight members to the center. Cell to loaa from 10 e.m. to noon make en appointment. (949) Thuradays In Room 4 at 800 644-3244. Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar (949) 644-3244. 0..-hnlor CenW off9r'I viaual aid screenings withe Braille The Jewish Senior c.nw on. ... Institute representative, by card games from 10 e.m . to 2 appointment. (949) 644-3244. p.m. every third Tuesday. A kosher lunch la offered at noon 0.... hnlor c.nw h• a for$3 per person. (714) 513-5641. welklng group celled Walkers Not Rockers, which meeta once a ReviM your llfiltfme documents week to enjoy scenic walks in for advance health care end around the Newport Beach directives at the Oasis Senior area. (949) 644-3244. Center for $3 each. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. The Alzheimer'• Ann. and GMf Support Group of Newport Villa 0..11 Senior Center offws WestNllla Rosa co-sponsors a preventive healthcare services free 1upport group meeting for for seniors on the fourth caregivers at 7 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Thursday of each month through center's Room HS-3, 800 October et Newport Villa West Marguerite Ave .• Corona def Mar. Assisted living, 393 Hospital Call to meke an appointment. Road, Newport Beach. (949) (949) 644-3244. 631-3555. Senion and low~ncome famillN The Atzheimer1 Ann. and Mesa in the Costa Mesa-Newport Terrace. a residential community Beach area can obtain frff U.S. for people with Alzheimer's Department of Agriculture disease and related dementia, surplus food from 11 a.m. to 3 offers a free support group for p.m. the seoond Friday of each caregiver• et 6:30 p.m. the first month In the rear parting lot at Tueadey of eed\ month et Meu the Church of Christ, 740 W. Terrace, 350 W. Bay St., Costa Wllson St., Costa Meu. Picture Mece. (714) 283-1111. Identification Is required. (949) 65()..8236. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Some morning c:touds will The aouthwMt awell greet ua, but by the afternoon, continuee to be strong today, It lhoutd be mottty sunny with M> we can expect c:heilt-to hlghl near 80 In Coci. Met8 heed-hlghl at molt bf'8•b. and In the lower 70. along though the Undout epots will Newport'• cout. Lows will aee wawe MYeral Met drop to the mld«>a. ~atdmes. Sundly't lootdng • bit The awell lolel tome Wllrmet, but the week ahead energy on Sundey, but we'll loob ~ almllK HlgM wtll adll -c:heilt-to hcMw In the low 70e with lows ~andthe In the mid-eOa. occeelc>Nf heed-Ngh . l f1m11ltlou: The IMll wUI conttnu. tiWWw.nwt.no..(IOtl beddng oft on Mondly. BOATING FORECAST ·--= WWW.al .,;,.,, The ~Wfndl wilt TIDES blow 10 '° , 5 knoll In 1he Inner ~ wlth2-toalM"918nd TlrM ........ a""* Wiit ... d2 Mt 11131.m. 0.11flltlalW andlCMhMllld3MI. 1:30p.m. Ultlithljt; Out flnher, the . 7;12p.m. t••• not1htu11te1iywlr* wll '*> 12.-&71.m. ....... ~ blow ebout 10 to 11 llnoea. with 2.foot WIW9I end. ,...., WATER TEllPUATml ,..._Mllldlflailmnd IOUlhlWllld• .... ·-- Saturday. Auaust 2. 2003 AJ ~~~~~tt~:~~:t~n 1~~~~~~1'.~~:i:ib~ YO" whether letter apparently referring to a ~n~~gi~~ !~t '!:.~:=~~ co~:~ ~~·~~e:1~ry to BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS C.Oncert offering jazz with a Newport view outdated Pacific Bell yeUow pages for rt'cydmg. CoUei:u on bins are at these places in Co1>1a Mesa from Fri· day to Sept. I !j: in the t'ront lot of Costa Me1ta (;ity Hall. n-Fair Drive; and at Orange Coast Col· lege Recy<.hng Center on Adams Avenue between Fairview and Pinecreek. drives. Free spedaJ pickup &ervit.es are available for I 00 or more directon~ at ooe localion. fhe ret.')'cled books are u!>ed to produce next year's dirccrorie<; and utility bill mail- ing envelopes former planning commissioner is a hoax. head after all these years. H one felony count ir\.connec• Dehay said she feels sorry tion with a $20,000 bribe he • An evening jaz.z concen by vocalist and sax player Cums Stigers is '>Cheduled for 6:30 Sunday night at the Newport Beach Marrion. DH p• Bh arath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACfl -Com- munity mem~rs and former city officials say they are shocked by a threatening let- ter addressed to a former pla.rtnlng commissioner who h elped bring down a success- ful chain of seafood restau- rants in IJle late 1980s. The teller, sent LO IJle Daily Pilot, presumably talks about getting back at former Plan- ning Commissioner James "BU7..z" Person for helping po: lice arrest Francis Delaney ~ who was then IJle owner of Delaney's Seafood Restaurd.flt in Cannery Village -on brib· ery charges 13 years ago. Per- son wore a wire to help police to record his conversation with Delaney. Fonner City CourtcUwoman Jan Debay, who. was a plan· ning commissioner at the time, said she vlvid1y remem - bers the high·profile incident, which caused tjuite a stir in this relatively' quiet coastal town. "That was a surprise to all (the planning commission· ers)." sh e said. "(Person( hadn't told us about it, and so, obviously. when it broke. it was a big shock to all of us." The lener, threatening t<1 "escort" Person to "the Cata- lina Channel half way becween Catalina and Laguna Beach" and I.eave him there, was "very troubling." Debay said. "I read it two or three for Person. offered Person in March 1988. "II must have been very dis-Person's action and the turblng for him," sha said. feJony conviction proved di· Person has d eclined to sastrous for Delaney. BareJy a comment on the issue. year later, h e filed for bank- Pcrson had his enemies, ruptcy protection for him self says BUI I lamilton, owner of and his corporation. By Octo- Malarlcey's Irish pub in New-ber 1989, Delaney's nine·re1>· port Beach. ' • taurant cham had begun to ·A lot of people were mad at crumble, and he owed more him for one rear.,on or the than $5 million to debto~ and other.~ he !>aid. "But thilt lener. $500,000 in .back taxes. I le it'<; pretty d ra:.11c." eventually sold his businel'.s I lamilton, who owned the and reportedJy loM millions of Cannery -.eafood resta urant dollars. until 1999, said he and other As for the letter to Person. restaurateur. in Caimery Vil-Newport Beach police are 'illll lage felt Person did not do the investigating tJ1e ~e and right thing by -.etung up Dela~ there have been no develop ney. ments, Sgt. Steve Shulman Perl'.on was somewhat os-said. Detectives will be look.ing traciud by the "circle" after into whether the threat '' real that modcnt, I lamilJon !>aid. or a hoax. he '><lid. The concert in the hotel\ View Lounge will focus on Stig- e rs' return to jazz in his lates1 aJbum. "Secret I leart." Stigers. who grew up in Idaho, relea.'>ed h.i" first aJbum in 1991. It sold almo-.t 2 million copies. With his i.econd album 1n 1995. he ventured deeper into pop and i.oul. The concert i'> being pre · sented by Joe Rothman. Opt'n .. eating ticket\ are S 15. and re· served seatmg io, S25 Informa- tion: (949) 759-5003 .. The Marriott 1.,-a1 YOO 't·w port Center Onve Yellow pages can be recycled in Costa Mesa The Cos1a Me\a ~anitaf) ()1., trict and the city of Co.,ta Mesa invite citizen~ to drop off their Mail Older 1.(800) BOULDER Po1111o eon..-. otato QUps ~4> • SaltJPlppa-21or ·Natural SAOG SEEDS OF CHANGE Coodrv• &om tht Croaod Up 100"/o Certilied Organlc~ •Pd I~ •ltalaalletJ ~ f:J6fl1 ~) REG. 13.55 .. 11 az.. • GnllirFda ......... hppa' REG. '3.99 -= • Hearl ID Hearl • Go lean Crunch • Go lean Slimmin' •Sam Jn 'The $ Morning I-or more mformatlon, calJ (714) 754-5087 Stale wi ll help train • mongage workers A o,tatl" agt.·nc.·y ha' agreed to help fund Job rra1n111g for the hOO worker' a1 the Costa Mesa oflit t''> of D11ed1 wm. a leading nwng.tgt' lender rhr (..alifurnia 1-.mployment r ra1111ng P,mel ha'> agreed to pay S'S)H.000 for 1ht• program, wh1d1 ""111 offt•r employee\ 111 -.1rul uon 1n tommu111ca11ons, tommertt·. mcmagement, teamwork dt1d l 01111nuou!> 1m prnvemen1 1>11ech.tom WJ., founded 111 I <JY'> and purl ha,ed by C,MA( \lortgdge Corp 111 I "199 A '6.58 VALUE REG. ~.99 @*&::£: Burgers KIKKOMAN Pearl Organic : g;:wTua Soymilk =~ nne REG.~.69 ~az.. bARROW FORMULA~ YOU SAVE UP TO SB 96' TOC0-1,IFE l'itambi E with 60MG1bcotrienols with Squalene & Phgtosterols for 11-"'w Aging andC. ....... Harllh* REG. "l3.95 s•499 · & 60 IOllgels FARM FRF.SH PRODUCE Tenapln Sunscreen t_.r SPF30+ S-•eaem ........ ,al Al it,flll..., ........... ~ ·~ l&.'1.11 ... • I M Satt#day, Au&ust 2, 2003 PUBLIC SAEETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • c.bl9o Stl'll9t Grand theft wea reported in the 300.blodt at 2:03 a.m. Thursday. • Hlilbot Boulevwd: Graffiti was reported in 1he 2300 blodc at 7:02 a.m. Thursday. •Johnson Awnue: A f'lome burglary was reported ln the 3000 blOdc at 9:'4 a.m. Thursday. • Klllemey Lane: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3100 block at 12:27 a.m. Thursday. • Victoria StrMt: Vandalism was reported in the 200 block at 9:44 a.m. Thursday. • Eat Wll9on s1rMt: Petty theft was reported in the 200 block at 12:31 a.m. Thursday. • West 18th StrMt: Petty theft was reported in he 600 block at 8:52 a.m. Thursday. •21st StrMt: An assault wasreportedinthe 100 block at 2:33 a.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Belia StJMt Petty theft was reported in the 900 block at 6:52 a.m. Thursday. •West Coast Highway: A hit-and-run was Riported in the 9:06 a.m. Thursday. • Diana Lane: Vandalism wasreportedinthe1900 block at 6:49 a.m. Thursday. • MacArthur Boulevard and San Joaquin Hills Road: A traffic accident was reported at 4:25 p.m. Thursday. • Newport Center Drive East A commercial burglary was reported In the 600 block at 2:57 p.m. Thursday. • Promontory Drive West: A bur,glary was reported in the 100 block at 8:26 a.m. Thursday. • Superior Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1500 block at 10:24 a.m. Thursday. · • Villa Point Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 100 block at 3:49 p.m. Thursday. WHATS AR.OAT •WHAT'S AR.04T is publlshedf .,.nodlc.ary. tf you are planning a nautical event. submit the lnfol'mdon to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cotta Mesa, CA 92627; by fa>t to (949) 646-4170; or bye-mail to dallypilot@latimes..com. SAIUtfG CLASSES Orange Coatt eo-.. .. olfilrina new credit a nd noncredit sailing . classes this sum mer. Most classes are five weeks in length, a~ boats.range from Udo 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, • even k.eelboats. Cruising seminars a re also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.com. Sailing Fascination offen classes in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employers can bring their employees out to Newport Beadl on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offe rs a chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS Wrth Marina w.terSports at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills lo the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. . . additional rate. For hunt reMrvations. call (949) 873-7200. Electrtc boet .......... l'l:'lltble by the hour at Duffy Electtlc Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. All boeu are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. toe and oupa are provided. Aeservationa are suggested. An hour rental la $75. (949) 646-6812. P9d9I boats, electric boats, boogie b<>arda, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours .,.· ofltred by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102·B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ioe, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. ~ Gondola Actventui./Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondo la cruises. A o n&.hour tour with champagne la $70. A two-hour tour wlth dinner and champagne is $180. Pidcup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coast Char19n In Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance on.n dally tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 6754730. The tours go out of lido Marina Vi llage, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. Harbor ($75 per cn.tiM). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant lhuttle tervice le evaHeble. Adt-up from ~"""with dod!a la alao evaUable. Chartered a"'2 catered toure. (~) 291-1963 or www.webontNharbor.com. The Newport Landing ..... available for weddings and receptions, codctall and aighteeeing cnilaea, and meeting•. The cost le $600 for the first two hours, plus $160for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. fun lone eo.t Co. NM a 46-minute cnilae (adults, $6; dlildren,'$1) and a 90-minute cruise (adults, SJJ; dlildren, $1 ) • departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 6C>-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private dlarters are available. (949) 673-0240. I F1StMG Rlihlng ..... e..w 8elboa Pavilion at 6 1.m. and mum It 4 p.m. MOndaya and Tuesdava1 ' $125. (949) 673-2810. • Gee to the Newport ...... wty 10 wati:h the dory flahlngfteet return with 1he fresh catch of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at Mcfadden Square, an open-air .merket. Aehing supplies and boat d)arters (open party and private) are avalla ble at Davey's l.<N*er, 400 Main St., Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportfishlng, 309 Palms, Suite F. Newport Beach (949) 675-0650. Day and night fishing charters for groups or singles are available at Bongos Sportfishing on Balboa Peninsule. (949) 673-2810. Daily i-ik>t 5 FAMILY Continued from Al outside of Disneyland? And ii fewer. people are going, why are there more people at· the com 5tand7 To be honest, two of our trips were brief. C.ay and I had dckets to two shows at the Pacific Amphitheatre, so we spent a tittle time at the fair before or after each one. The first time we went. ii was a family affair. The Ir.ids brought friends H(Jyes Thornton and Michael Markovsky. and the parents brought lOO·ride tickets and cash. Th~ plan was simple. Since we had two cell phones and a pair of walkie-talkies, my wife and I at some polnt were going to lei the kids go off on their own and meet us back at a designated spot at a ' KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA predetermined time. One of our lmua Outriov-canoe Club kids had a phone, the other had ' invites adventure-minded adults a wa.lk:ie-talkie -lifelines, so to catalina ..._..._, s.rvice ruM to canoe Newport Harbor 45-m inute harbor cruises (adults, Hawaiian style. No experience speak. 1 1. $6; children, $1) and 90-minute required -they'll teach you all Balls and chains is more i,_e cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), you need to know. Dress for the iL In less than 15 minutes, on e departing from Balboa Fun Zone beach and bring a towel every kid WdS squawking into the every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to Saturday at 10 a.m. at North Star walkie-tallcie asking us where we 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour Beach, 1 White Cliffs Drive, were and trying to arrange a until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. Newport Beach. For more meeting. No dice, we said, go information, call (714)432-1236. have fun without us. CtulM the harbouboard the Fifteen minutes later, right in Electra, a 100-foot Classic Fantail Beginning see tc..yaking, rolling the middle of a cinnamon roU. vessel. Charters with catering are clinics and private lessons are the other kid calJs on the phone available for up to 145 offered at Paddle Power, 1500 W. "We're out of tickets!'' passengers. (949) 723-1069. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Kayak and "Wha1?!" I said. with a mixture sea ski rentals also are available. of anger and disbelief. "How A thrM-COUnedlnner and (949) 675-1215. could you have run out of ticket~ dancing while cruising the harbor so quickly?" The reply involved are available at 8 p.m. Fridays two-hour kayak tours begin at 10 multiplying the number of and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at a.m. Sundays from Newport tickets required for each ride by Ho rn blower Cruises & Events, Dunes. The cost is $20 for adults the number of rides taken • 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport and $15 for children. Kayak multiplied by the number of kid~ Beach. The fee is $59.95 per rentals and classes also are CRUISES person on Fridays and $64 on available. (949) 729-1150. in the party. but that meant Join Capt. Don Moseley on the Saturdays. Brunch cruises also math. and I shu1 down. "Meet us beautiful sailing yacht Dulcinea are available. (949) 631-2469. Single kayak rentals ($10 ~r at the dance Ooor. and we'U give for a narrated Newport Harbor hour) and doubles ($15 per hour) you some more," I said. cruise of the fabulous waterfront The Catalina Ayer departs from are available at Balboa Boat Dam kids. they've finally homes and boats of the ridl and Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m. daily Rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone. figured out my strongest famous, see the sea lion colony, and retu rns from Catalina Island (949) 673-7200. Paddle Power weakness. and sail the spectacular at 4:30 p.m. $36 round-trip for also provides kayak, surf ski and So, back we went, alJ the way cool-sul'l)mer, wann-fall Southern adults; $20 round-trip for canoe rentals. (9491675-1215. acros.,'> the fair 10 the meeting California coastline to Laguna children. Reservations a re spot. where I djstributed m ore Beach or Dana Point. As a private recommended. (949) 673-5245. The Upper Newport Bay ~de.et.<>. ~ emptied. my pockets o! BaftiO·aa~eor.=atrR&e=nta~c1s~ca==-n~put,,._~yo=u-:--hb1~·rt~h~d~ay~.~a~11m.11iversaryo,rsi:Jeerc·rt-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Ei:of1:>0icat-fffl~ve--offerlli-B!!tdt-~-f-irt,........!!i=Tn-,i!..+ttti~ . ..1'.f:+:ni,....f,mt-.!!.....~~-I. on the water in many ways: with event? Sail. swim, snortde, kayak. Homblower oft9fs w"bnd Bay canoe tours departing at 8:30 n1e next call came in about Io single and double kayaks, electric sunbathe, watch dolphins, and d inner dance and Sunday a.m. Saturdays from Shell maker minutes later. "We're out of boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal dine at anchor for the champagne brunch cruises on Island, which is off Back Bay money" boats and runabouts for offshore time-of-your·life vacation at Newport Harbor that celebrate Drive in Newport Beach. (949) Somewhere. I know I read that use or cruising the bay. Balboa Catalina Island on this im aginative cuisine and 640-6746. th "·' alki U h B R I well-appointed, U.S. Coast Guard pampered service. 2431 W. Coast ese wauue-t es. ce P ones oat enta s also holds two-hour and similar communication scavenger hunts aboard the inspected vessel. ASA sailing Highway, Suite 101, Newport Newport Aquatic Center offers . electric bay boats. providing instruction and certification. Beach. (949) 631-2469. sweep rowing (one oar), sculling devices were ideaJ for family group activity for corporations, Business conference facility. classes (two oars) and canoe ~ituations such as the Orange birthdays, nonprofit Details at www.shellbadcdon.com The Adwntures at Sea v.ctrt rentals. Classes run for four County Fair. "Never loo,e your organizations and group outings. or contact Don at Charters offer cruises a round weeks and cost $75. Introductory child!" screamed one ad. "Safety The hunt packag~ include boats, shellbackdon@yahoo.com or caU Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 clinics also are available assured!" read another. trivia questions, maps. Polaroid (949) 632-3736. p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Saturdays and Sundays for $10. H~ All we've gotten with those cameras and supplies. The cost of Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 540-n2s. dam things is annoyances. Just a hunt begins at $225 per boat Electric: Boat Tours offers $20, includes cruise, parking, when we thought we were free a t and catering is available at an two-hour cruises of Newport cookies and sodas. Reservations Scuba training, consisting of six lasr. technology !lteps in and required. (949) 650-2412. evening and two weekend day makes yet another mess of classes, are offered at the Aquatic things. Center, 4537 W. Coast Highway, I want to go back. to the fair Newport Beach. $200 to $310. The tomorrow. I haven't thrown away center also offers scuba rentals, a single dollar at a midway game special trips, repairs and air fills. or gone on one ride. AU I've been (949) 650-5440. doing is handing over our cash Certffic:ation dasses for beginning to instructor-hwel scuba divers are available at Dive-in Scuba, 2482 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Other services include boat charters, equipment sales, rentals and repairs. (949) 631·9288. The Upper N.wport Bay Ecological Reserve and Nature Preserve hosts two-hour kayak tours of the Bade Bay at 10 a.m. every Sunday at the Newport Dones on Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20. Kayaks made available through Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. Call for reservations. (800) 585-0747 or (949) 729-1150. SCOUTS Continued from Al functions," council spokesman Brett Beck said Friday. The New- port Beach sea base Is •open to any organiud group," he said. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Napoleon Jones JL sided with a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of two boys raised by a lesbian couple and an agnostic family that challenged the Boy Scouts Desert-Pacific Council's lease for land in Balboa Park. The scout group pays $1 per year. Jordan Budd, the legal director of the ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties1 argued that the scouts received special treat· ment because of the epedal deal. Beck eaid the Newport Beach beae doeln't get pteferendal ttt91ment because the bue la open to any member of the pub- Uc who wan.rs to use lt. lbat would include a py or 3gnostic group.~ said. 8«;k said the group does not 'ri.ew 1t1 lease u a subsidy. "'We're not rNtdng any money on it," Beck tald. "The ooun«y It the one getting the IUbs1dy ~ .. Budd did noc d'tUm MYenl call ~ comment c..111 to cbe AalJ~ Lot ~ alb were lllo no1 ftll'Url1ed oa ~ In Seti4••• ... 0....,. CcluacY .............. ..... ~...__ .......... ~.~--.....:.;.,---A;.;;.....,;~;;;.:;;;;.::~==.;~;;,....,;:~~OA::ii~::b~...r:~~ wlikti .. Ga and ride tickeL'i. lf we go, l 'm going to buy a ride wrisrband If it's available so I don't have lo count tickets and I'm going to take a taxi or ride my bike so I don'r have to walk past thousands of cars and wonderabout anendance figures. And here's some math for Mrs. Patterson: Two fewer ceU phones minus two walkie-talkies equals more fun. • STEVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. county tidelands. The Board of Supervisors renewed the lease for 30 years, beginning in 2006, over the objections of gay-rights groups and the ACLU. At the time, Supervisors Jim Silva and Tom Wilson said they supported the extension because the sea base benefits all children in the county. They also said the Scout.s ~uld not discriminate against any group. • MUL a.JNTON oovers the environment. business af:\d potitlca. He may be reached at (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail et paul.clinton@latimn.com. "' ...... '.,,. twJ. • . PIEll:E -n•m IBLIMAlmAY MortUllf'y * a..,.. OremMlon 11 0 Broadway, ca.ta MeM Ma-9190 ---- -------,,.-,----------------------...... ~ Daily Pilot Saturday, Auaust 2, 2003 M ·When grunion doa.'t mn Early morning crowds are met by no fish on Friday. Another chance to see -. and catch -the small fish is two weeks away. caDy. a run ·Wts l to 3 hours, but the nwnber of &h on the beach at any gNec\ moment ooi Viti)' from none to thousands. -Spawning begjns aft.er high dde and continues for several hows. As a wave breaks oo the' beach. grunion swim as far up the ~Jo~ as possible. two to • OW* lfter the full and -moona. according to the Calbnja Department of fllh md <*De. Peak dvky ocxun about an hour after-the SWt of the run and luta from 30 to 60 m.ioute& Alta the tide bu dropp¢ a foot or more, the run ~ and then lloptS as suddenly as it started. . JU "'i A LiN T~ n Frank Sinatra £Nry M...J., 6 T_.,,, ~9'"' '"' //,·.,, '''''''" , .. 11 (l)<f')) h /•'' "'?') .•• Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails Kiie O'Donnell OellyPifot NEWPORT BF.ACH -They wem1't running. Oeepit.e a welcome of flash. Ughla and budets. the Califor- nia ~ did not appear on the beach early Friday morning. "We've been here since ll p.m. and we haven't see one," said Joanne Olander of Rancho Qlcamonga. who was with her daughter Sarah. Though many hopefuls were out. the fish. which loolc like sar- dines. apparently decided it wasn't the right tlme to spawn. Still, there will be other chances dUs month. "The best place to see them is between 61st and 68th streets in Newport Beach," said Ma.it Her- man of the Newport Beach Life- guard Assn. "You want to find an area that is rel.at!ve.ly Oat.· Grunion are the object of a unusual. albeit seasonal. recrea- tional fishing activlt)! Their spawning behavior is so remark- able !hat lt evokes an "I don't be- lleve it" response from someone JWA Continued from Al news for John Wayne." FAA spokesman Donn Walker !.aid, noting that incursion rcpons at the airport have fallen signifi- cantly in the last year. "The really important thing to notice i., that in the last year, John Wayne's rntt' . . . from 12 10 four. So t11ey've made a 101 of progress .... In 2001. when their incursions ~piked, there were no near misM!s." JWA spokeswoman Ann McCarley attributed the airport'.'> Improvements 10 increased edu- cation for pilots and other air- port workers and al~o to larger signs and clearer markings on the runways. McCarley said. "In the last year, 31 % of the to· tal decrease of runway incur· sion.s nationwide occurred at three airports, and John Wayne was one of those airports. So we were pleased," McCarley said. "It's an ongoing educ-.ttional process. We look at every ind· denL" The federal survey included data through September 2002. Mcy.rtey said that, from Octo- ber 2002 witil Friday. only one incursion had been recorded and it was ranked D. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 5744232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande w/atimes.com. CALLS Continued from Al The earlier call came at about 6:23 p.m. March 5 from a friend of Bryant's, who said that some- one at the home needed medical assistance and that they had called Bryant, Shulman said. Bryant was not home at the time. but paramedics did assist a woman and transport her to the hospital. Shubnan confinned !hat it was the same woman who was assisted in both ca&. but said he couldn't confirm or deny that the woman was &yanrs wife.~ Shulman said officers con- ducted an investigation and d~­ tenninea that no crime bad been committed. Offidals could not provide more infonnatlon because re- quests for medical aid and medi- cal information obtained by paramedics during such calls are protected health information. •OHM 8HARATH cove,. public Nfetv end courts. She may be reecNd It (949) 674-4228 or by e-maillt cJHpa,bharathlltatirnatom. '~~ ' who bears about it for the first time. The unpredidability of the spawning run, however, is one of the twists 9f 1,1awre. · "I caught a lot at Huntington Beach last night. There were a lot of people. there," Jacky Ngu- yen of Garden Grove said. "We got there about 11 p.m. N The ailifomia gnmion are small slender fish with bluish green backs, silvery sides and bellies. Most grunion seeo on southland beaches are between five and Six inches long. The fish are only found along the coast of southern c:allfomia and northern Baja California Early Spanish settlers called this fish grunion, which means gruntei:, as'grunlon make a faint squeaking noise while spawn- ing. Shortly after bigh tide, on cer- tain nights. sections of beaches sometimes are covered with thousands of grunion deposit- ing their ~ in the sand Spawning runs normally start about 20 minutes after the first fish appear on the beach. Typi- The female· then cJ*5 out a nest ind half buries herself in the: sapd, with her head sticking up. ~e deposits her eggs. which sunounding maJes then fertilize. As many as eight males may fer- tillz.e the ~ in a nest After spawning. the males Im- mediately retreat toward the wa- ter, while the female twists free and returns with the next wave. While spawning may take only 30 seconds, some fish remain stranded on the beach for sev- eral minutes. Since these fish must leave the water to deposit their egw;. they can be picked up while they are briefly stranded. Spawning OCCW'S from March through August, and occasion- ally in Pebruary and September. Pe-die spawning ·period is be- tween late March and early June. Grunion leave the water at night to spawn on the beach in the spring and summer months ~ "881' incubate-in the • warm sand and batch approxi- mately ts· days later during the high tides. Grunion liye to 3 years of._ The life history of grunion while at sea is not well known, but the fish apparently spend most of their life close to shore in water 15 to 40 feet deep. 1b capture grunion. a fishing license ls reqµired for all per- sons 16 years and older. Sport fishers m~ only use their hand.9 to take grunion. No appli- ances of any kind may be used. and no boles may be dug in the beach to trap dlelll. There is no limit on the catch. The grunions are expected to run again early during the mornings of Aug. 13 through 16. For more infonnadon, call the Newport Beach Lifeguan:I Assn. at (949) 644-3047 or go online at www newportlifeguard.org. ,,..,, ,, , Ill\ \'\l ( .. , •• \1( 11,,,., ' ' ;.. ' W I• §OLlS ]:\\'l::ST.\lE:\'']'S & R EALTY KruSTIN M. Sous• Licensed Real Est.art A£cnt • S~rializing in Newport Mtsa Rmdmtiil Real &tau ERJC A. Sous, CFP • 17 Ytan £.rpmnue • Stocks & &nds • Mutual Funds · • Annuities • Esuzu & Rttirnnmt Planning • lnvestmmt Banking • Sma/J Middk Marlttt Companies • HHT Re4>id ential Market .·\nalni\ o n \Ollr tlonH· . . • J'RFF Stolk M arkl't Kt,canh Hqwrt 949-~2.)-116- -~ ...... ·-------·-----.. _ ..... U'C G RA D 0 PENKNG ... Of The Fir st Dedicated Henredon/Ralph Lauren Store In The United States Vi sit us today and be the first to PREVIEW THE NEW LAUREN COLLECTION by Ralph Lauren and HENREDON'S MULHOLLAND HEIGHTS COLLECTION. Enjoy the speciaJ FACTORY AUTHORIZED GRAND OPENING SALE. We look forward to your visit. • I Ii I M Sltwday, Auaust 2, 2003 FOOD OF THE DAY You can't beet,.., ....... end the folb It TUM 9lyle 880.tt the felr know what people like. Their balbecoe beef bri1bt undwktt comblnM the 111 the emoky, IWNt ftavor of l"MI TOM bert>ecue with the no mu .. , no fuu of a Nndwktt. And the best thing about It 11 that, unllke other barbecoe Nndwlc::hee, which are often overcooked, thla one's just right pink, but not toq pink and with just enough sauce to add ftavor without overwhelming the beef ftavor. $5.50. Throw In a Coke for $2. ------------ The Body and Soul Ministries offers an aerobic program set to Christian music at the Orange Cou n ty Fafr BARGAIN OF THE DAY AAlt 20 yell'l It the Orenge County Felt, Tropical Tre.ure'I dNlt.,. 81 frelh • ewr. The exodc floiNat' Importer epedaAw In •pkAmeria" -~ ftorl thlt look lb little more than ddca when you first buy them. But foUow the directions, and in a year, yoo'll have an eJCotlc ftoweftng plant, and in two years, you11 have a gorgeous littte tree. Theee plants are normally $9.96 each, but Troplcal Treaauree, In the Camlval of Producta, is o1ferlng a deal too good to pa .. up: two plumerta stems, one purple pineapple lily, two New lealand calle llliel, a 'Nhlte Peruvian spider lily and a one-year supply of their special fertilizer for'$20. It would normally cost about S60 to plant so manv tropical blooms In your own home. Rosa Cermak leads the way during Body and Soul aerobics workout oo the Heritage Stage at the Orange County Fair. DON LEACH/ DAILY PILOT QUOTE OF THE DAY "It s a lot of fun and a good way to keep in shape, and m y husband likes that I keep in shape, too." -Rosa Cermak. who led about a dozen of her students in a 45-minute aerobics demonstration at the fair on Friday, on working out FAIR ATTENDANCE June CHa1rande Daily Pilot I f you're going to sweat. you're going to need some inspiration. And for that. the women of Body and Soul go straight to the source. about a dozen of her students in a 45-minute aerobics demonstration at the fair on Priday. Wanning up to some upbeat Ouistian tunes sudi as "Let the Praises Ring" by Lincoln Brewster. Cermak led the group in moves that uplift while they lift up. Mixed in with the many standard aerobics movec; are lots of arm-raising, God-praising gesrures that infused the perfonnance with just a touch of spirituality. is involved in exercise. think again. Body and Soul Ministries has more than 200 instructors in the United States and anothec 200 spread throughout the world. 1llere are more Body and Soul instructors teaching classes in Africa than there are in California. (.ermalc said Friday's fair attendance was 20.414. Last year, 58,873 people came for the las1 Friday of the fair. Body and Soul Ministties is a program of aerobics and strength aaining to contemporary Christian music that some find nothing short of heavenly. "Theres a joy in doing it Its such a blessing to wodc with these women.~ said Rosa CennaJc. who led Cermak and her students sing along with the lyrics. enjoying the occasional opponunity to throw in "praise him. - Cenna.k's group is based out of the Calvary Olurc:h of Santa Ana. of which Cermak and many of her students are regular members. "It's a lot of fun and a good way to keep in shape. and my hwband likes that I keep in shape. too. - Cermalc said. And if you think it's unusual that a Ouistian group ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SCHEDULE SATURDAY, AUG. 2 lOA.M. • Aying Geese Quilt Guild (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies B1Jilding • Orange County Woodwor1cers Assn. (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building • Cranbeny Quilt Works (until 11 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Building •Crafts (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • •Di1CC>Ver the Fair" Button Program (until 8 p.m.) -Youth Building • Sode Hop -Kids Stage • Open Dairy Goat Judging - Uvestodt Arena •Hamster Judging (10:30 a.m.) - Uvestodt Small Animal Tent 11 A.M. • Ballet Folklorico Popurri - Heritage Stage • Dancers in Praise -Sun Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • Circus Fun Review Auditions (11:30 a.m.) -Kids Stage NOON •La Dance Danseurs -Heritage Stage • Thornbird Band -Sun Stage •Tops for Kids -Orange County Woodwor1cers Assn. -Home & Hobbies Stage • Juggler Dan Wiles - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Show -Kida Stage •Maureen W. Puppet (12:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds lP.M. • Korean Dance/Ko Sue Hee - Heritage Stage ows.com ui.~• Brands • Lowest Price Up Front No Games leplacMft!nt & New Construction ,,~...,.,me Pricing I Purchasing '-M•2-4M-9069 Fu: 562-494-2069 leftrnh • All ...,... Creclt CaNs st w i ndows .c om <714> M7·3360 m.21 • Thombird Band -Sun Stage • Flying Geese Quilt Guild - Home & Hobbies Stage • Art & Woodwor1cing Demonstrations (until 8 p.m.) - Visual Arts Building • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Holly -Children's Songs and Stories -Celebration Stage - Youth Building • Red Roctet Launch Jell-0 Tossing -Kids Stage '• All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestodt area •Traveling Game Show (1:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.) -Around the grounds •Ceramics Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Crafter• Village •Milking Demonstration (1:30 p.m.) -Millennium Barn 2P.M. • Bull Riding witti BR5-49 - Citizen• Business Bank Arena • Russell Broa. Circus -Green Gate area • Dence Street West -Heritage Stage • Southern California Tae Kwon Do Academy -Sun Stage • Maltese Cuisine with Oeudlne Maltese -Home & Hobbies Stage • •Begonias• with Mary Sakamoto -Grau Roots Stage -Aorel Building • Food & Wine Pairing Seminar (S20) with Sam Puzzo It Carol Frank -The Courtyard • StoryteH., -Youth Building •A.my Kneepkena -Youth Vocalist -Celebration Stage - Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater 3P.M. • Las Estrellas Ballet Folklorlco of Long Beach -Heritage Stage •Cleopatra's Court -Sun Stage • Marleena Coulston -Vocalist -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Juggler Dan Wiles -Kids Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestoct • Beaded Eggs with Paula Ames (3:30 p.m.) -Home & Hobbies Stage • Milking Demonstration (3:30 p.m.) -Millennium Bam 4P.M. • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafters Village • Russell Bros. Circua -Green Gate area • U.S. Amateur Ballroom Dancers -Heritage Stage •The SUmtonea Band -Sun Stage • Food & Wine Pairing ~miner ($20) with Sam Puzzo & Carol Frank -The Courtyard • Storyteller -Youth Building •The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Puff-N-Stuff Auffy Face Contest -Kids Stage • Recycfed Percuuion -Ll1de Theater • Port City Washboard Wlurda (4:30 p.m. untll 6:30 p.m.) - Around the grounds • Oeaerta with Jeff & Megan Peo (4:30 p.m .) -Home & Hobbies Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (4:30 p.m .) -Crafter& Village 5P.M. • Halau Kau Ike O'Lani -Heritage Stage • The Slimtones Bend -Sun Stage .. • Mar1eena Coulston -Vocalist -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • Circus Fun Review Auditions - Kida Stage • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestodt area • Circus Fun Review Show (5:30 p.m.) -Kkta Stage • Milking Demonstration (5:30 p.m.) -Millennium Bam 8P.M. • Scrapbooklng with Beth Baker -Home & Hobbies Stage • Storyteller -Youth Building • The Magic of Frank Thurston - Celebredon Stage -Youth Building • Recyded Percussion -Little Theeter • Red, Rtpe It Kardin' Contest (6:30 p.m.) -Heritage Stage • Nosy Tomato Contest (6:30 p.m .) -KIM Stage 7P.M. • summer Concert Series: Roxy ~ (7:30 p.m . Gates open 6 p.m.) -P8c:lflc Amphitheatre with eped•I QU99t Devtd Lindley 6EIR.yo-X • AueNll Bro.. arcue -Green Gete•,.. • Hypnodtt Martt Vuzulk -Sun Stage • Glassblowing Demonstration - Crafter& Village • Kids Karaoke -Celebration Stage -Youth Building • All-Alaskan Racing Pigs - Livestoct area • Port City Washboard Wizards (7:30 p.m .) -Heritage Stage • The Magic of Frank Thurston (7:30 p.m.) -Kids Stage • Ceramics Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -Craftera Village • Milldng Demonstration (7:30 p.m.) -M iiiennium Bam 8P.M. • Bull Riding with BR&-49 - Citizens Business Bank Arena • Doo Wah Riders -Sun Stage • Rodt, Rodt Limbo Rodt Conteet -Kids Stage • Recycled Percussion -Little Theater • Touch of Clasa (8:30 p.m.) - Heritage Stage • Oxen Team Presentation (8:30 P·'!'·) -Llvestodt Arena 9P.M. • Ruuell Bro.. Circus -Green Gate area • Hypnotist Marte Yuzulk -Sun Stage • All·Alaak~n Racing Plga - Uvestodt area • Port City Washboard Wizards (9:30 p.m.) -Herii.ge Stage • Ceramics Oemonstnrdon (9:30 p.m .) -Cr1ftera Vltl9ge lOP.M •. • Doo Wah Riden -sun Stage • T~ of a ... (10-.3o p.m.) - Herii.ge Stllge MEPBISIGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALUIG SHOES ~ It's · a Girl! .. ~ Kldtl1fl MkWM l4 MW, Bon 11~ I• 12 .,z 17'D._.DIM, ... •MfMHID ' AROUND TOWN alxth grade• are Invited to "A Jungle Crulte" at 10:30 a.m. at the Newport Beactt Central • Send AROUND TOWN items to Library. Troubadourt Ken and the Dally-Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., John Frawley will preMnt the Co.ta M ... , ~ 92827; by •mall Interactive program. Information: to mike.awan•on@latlmH.com ; (949) 717-3816. byfaxto(949)848-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the TUESDAY time, date and location of the The Earth Reeource FouncMtlon event, aa well ea a contact phone and Newport Bead\ Baed\ua number. A complete listing Is Society will hold an organic available at www.dallypilot.com. wine-tasting event from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at Capri Blu Restaurant In TODAY Newport Bead\. The coat la $30 Hombloww CNI ... end Events for members end $60 for offers a three-houreruise of nonmembers. Information: (949) Newport Harbor, a gourmet 645-5163. three-course meal, live entert.alnment and award-winning WEDNESDAY eervloe from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Children .nteltng first through Boarding starts at 7 p.m. at 2431 W. sixth grades are invited to ..,A · Pacific Coast Highway. Jungle Cruise" at 3 p.m. at Reservations: (949).631-2469. Newport Beectt Central Library'• Mariners brand\. Troubadours The annual Newport to Sen Ken and John Frawley will Diego Coastal Race happens present the interactive program. today. Parties start and end the Information: (949) 717-3816. race. Information: (949) 644-9530. THURSDAY Discover the pros and cona of a Children entertn; first through high-protein or high-carbohydrate sixth grades are invited to "A diet in a nutrition lesson titled Jungle CruiseH at 10:30 a.m. at "Carboh'{drates versus Protein: Newport Bead\ Central Library's Friends or Foe?" from 9 to 10 a.m. Balboa Branctt. Troubadours Ken at Simply Shapely in Costa Mesa. and John Frawley will present the The cost is $15 for Simply Shapely interactive program. Information: club members and $20 for others. (949) 717-3816. Space Is limited. Information: (949) 6446-6789. A free .. miner, •feenen Fata; The Harbor Christian fitllowshlp will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Moth.er's Market, 226 E. 17th St., Churd'I will partner with the Costa M esa. For reservations, call YWCA Encoreplus and the Susan (800) 595-MOMS. G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to provide free breast FRIDAY cancer screenings from 8:30 a.m. Hornblower Crul ... and Events to 12:30 p.m. The d'lurctt is at 740 offers a three-hour cruise of Wilson St. in Costa Mesa. Newport Harbor, a gourmet Information and appointments: three-course meal, live (714) 935-9720. entertainment and award-winning service from 8 to "Raw Food: Eating for Beauty.~ a. 11 p.m. Boarding starts at 7:30 free seminar and book signing by p.m. at 2431 W. Pacific Coast David Wolfe, will be at 5 to 8 p.m. Highway. For reservations, call at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th ,(949) 631 -2469. St. In Costa Mesa. Reservations: (800) 595-MOMS. Inventors Forum, the Orange County-based nonprofit SUNDAY inventors' support group, To honor Katharine Hepbum, presents a seminar on "High Oasis Senior Center will present Technology PatentingH by patent free screenings of five of her attorney Curtis L Harrington. classics in August, starting with Registration and networking "The Lion in Winter" at 1 p.m. All begin at 7 p.m. for the 7:30 p.m. are invited to enjoy the movies seminar at Orange Coast and free popcorn at the center's College's Science Lecture Hall. Hepburn Film Fes1, at 800 The cost is $5 for members, $15 M arguerite Ave. in Corona del for nonmembers. For more M ar. Information: (949) 644-3244. . information. call (714) 540-2491. MONDAY The Regency Udo TheatM will Children entering first through host the exclusive Orange County ALDEN'S ----------------------- ~ DN-!ilTE \ . ------------------ DRAPERY CLEANll\I& AND MORE I No TAKE DOWN DR REMOVIN6 NECH9ARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Dougla• fabric Window Covering• Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers• • Silhouette• window shadin~ • Vigne. tte• window shadin~ • Duette• honeycomb shades • Mmenialll Collection • lubilance™ roman shades • Applause' hontycomb shades • Serenette ™ Softfold™ shadings World's Beat ON-SITE ... Drapery Cleaning· System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND D RAPERIES 1663 Placent ia, Costa M esa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 f.'1111 / r •r/ \ 11'1 •11111 1!1111r I 111 f/11,tf1f11 .11111 ~1•1 \ 11 I ~·111 I I'/', engagement of Dena Brown'• the center'• ~m Film F-e9t, at turf documentary "Step Into 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona Liquid" today and Aug. 9. del Mar. For more lnfo,rnatlon, Attendlel wtll get a cttence to call (MS) 844-3244. ride tfie •Robo Surf," a med\anlcal turfboard. "Step Into AUG.11 Uquld" •how tlmN wtll be 11 :30 "8gleba~tor---o...,.. a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 6:30 County Bualneu Council's ninth p.m., 7:46 p.m. and 9:60 p.m . annual Corporete Executive Golf dally. The Robo Surf wlll be Tournament begins at 9 a.m. at available from 6 to 10 p.m. today MeN Verde Country Club in and 2 to 8 p.m. Aug. 9. For more C09ta Mesa, Y(ith the thot gun Information, call (949) 673-8361. start at 11 a.m. The coat 11 $300 for a tingle player padcage or AUG.9 $1 ,600 for a corporate players lHangle 1qua,.1n Coate Meea padtage. Proceeds benefit the Invitee the community to attend Orange County Rescue Mission's "A Fair at the Square• for the Strong Beginnings program, alghta, aounda and great deals In which provide• woMorce the oU1door marbtplaoe while development for those who have taking advantage of storefront lent hope and need help. For special• from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. more Information, call (949) 476-2242, •'St· 216. The Aegenc:y Lido ThMW will host the exclusive Orange County AUG.12 engagement of Dana Brown's "lUm Beck the Clock on Aging; surf documentary "Step Into a free seminar and book signing, Liquid." Attendees will get e will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at d'lance to ride the •Robo Surf; a Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., mechanical surfboard. "Step Into Costa Mesa. For reservations. call Liquid .. show times will be 11 :30 (800) 695-MOMS. a.m. and 1 :30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:45 and 9:50 p.m. The Robo Surf will be AUG.16 available from 2 to 8 p.m. For The Friends of the Newport more information, ca ll (949) Bead\ Library will hold a used 673-8351. book sale in the Friends Meeting The Newport e..c:h Arb Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. from 9 a.m. to 4 Commission will sponsor a free p.m. with books priced at "a budc outdoor production of a bag." A members--0nly preview Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth will be held Aug. 15 with Night• at 6 p.m. at Grant Howald hardcover books priced at two for Park in Corona del Mar. Pre·show $1 and paperbadcs at six for $1. events begin at 5:30 p.m. All proceeds are donated to the Information: (949) 717-3870. library system. For more AUG.10 information, call (949) 759-9667. Homblower'a two·hour •0tvon:.: A New Beginning,• la • cttampegne brunch cruise a wortcshop for men and women features a lavish brund'I buffet, divorced or getting divorced. The free-flowing d'lampegne and cost is $40. It will be held 10 a.m. juice service and great views to 12 p.m. at 180 Newport Center while you cruise Newport Harbor. Drive. For more information, call Boarding begins at 11 :30 a.m. at (949) 644-6435. 2431 W. Pacific Coast Highway for the noon cruise. For reservations, AUG.17 call (949) 631-2469. To honor K.etherine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present The Newport e..c:h Arts "Pat and Mike," the third of five Commission will sponsor a free free screenings in August, at 1 outdoor production of p.m. All are invited to enjoy the Shakespeare's.tragedy "Romeo movies and free popcorn at the and Ju lier at 6 p.m. at Grant center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Howald Park in Corona del Mar. Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Pr&-Show begins at 5:30 p.m. Mar. For more information, call Information: (949) 717-3870. (949) 644-3244. To honor K.etharine Hepbum, A aunHt cruise in Newport Oasis Senior Center will present Harbor including a gourmet "The African Queen.ff the second dinner. live music and dancing, of five tree screenings in August, Arthur Murray dancers and a live at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy auction will be held by the movies and free popcorn at Adventures at Sea to benefit 3D AND 4·0 IMAGING ffAsCOMETO N EWPOKf BEACH AND COSTA MEsA!l! ' •.tr • ~ I • ' ... . ' •r·-..:. . ·.~ ~r . .,.... '" . • .r • !:...Lt. - VHS TAPEW1111 MUSIC AND TWO COLOR PIC'llJD3 OP YOUR BABY otl#r/M""ra~, ,,;,;, ,,,,,,.,.~""" 1901 New~ Pim. Saice 2'S. c.-a Mw . (tao11.6om NilliToin. w of'Newpon Bt.d ad 19da St) M9-S15-8011 + ~2229 Parent Help, U.S.A Reservations To honor Kath•riM Hepburn, are required. Tldceta ere $75 per Oasia Senior Center will present peraon or two for $125. For more "Gueu Who's Coming to Dinner; Information, call (949) 650-241 2. the fourth of five free tcrffnings AUG.19 in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free The Orenge County c:hat*r of popcom at the center's Hepburn Wine Brats, a national nonprofit Film Fest. at 800 Marguerite Ave. organization, ia holding ita in Corona del Mar. For more monthly wine tasting event a1 inform11tion, call (949) 644-3244 Gustaf Anders Restaurant in SoU1h Coast Village from 7 to 9 The MC:Ond W.lk for ~nl p.m. The Wine Brats will be will take place from noon to 4 tasting several wines from p.m. at Fairview Park in Costa Australia. Information and Mesa. Donations will go toward registration: oc. winebrats.org an electric wheeldlair that Leilani Gutierrez, a 5-year-otd who was A fTM seminar, fitng Shui for a I paralyzed from the dl1n down 1n a Healing Home, will be held 6:30 car accident a little more than a ~o 7:30 p.m. at M oJher's Market. year ago, can control with her 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For mQuth. Information: reservations. call (800) www.ourleilani.com. 595-MOMS. AUG.28 AUG.21 A free seminar, •Petfonnence A fTM bone density screening Nutrition for Strength and will be held by appointment only Longevity;' will be held from 6:30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mother's to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, Market, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa 225 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For Mesa. For reservations, call (800) reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. 595-MOMS. AUG.23 AUG.31 Triangle Square in Costa Mesa To honor Katharine Hepbom, invites the community to attend Oasis Senior Center will present "A Fair at the Square" for the "On Golden Pond~ the last of five sights, sounds and great deals in free screenings in August. at 1 the outdoor marketplace while p.m All are invited to en1oy the taking advantage of storefront movies and free popcorn at the specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del The Newport Harbor High School Mar. For more information. call ctteer squad will host Junior (949) 644-3244. Cheer Camp from 1 to 3 p.m Aug. 23, 26 and 27 in front of the SEPT. 20 high school's anchor. The cost 1s "Celebrating the Past . . and $95, which covers a T-shirt. Rebuilding for the Future" 1s a snad<s, pom·poms, photo, extra two-day fund-raiser to benefit fall practice and performance at a education, interpretation and high scttool football game on restoration efforts at the Crystal Aug. 28. Students in grades K Cove StAte Park H1stonc D1stnct through eight are welcome. For The events, from 4 to 9 p.m Sept. more information, call (949) 20 and from 10 a.m to 5 p.m 673-1989 Sept. 21. will celebrate four vears AUG.24 of preservation efforts· and the beginning of restoration A celebration to maric the scheduled for October under the opening of the first phase of park's direction. For more Bonita Canyon Sports Park in 1nformat1on. call (949) 640·5220 Newport Beach will begin with a dedication of the sports fields at 3 SEPT. 25 p.m. Information: (949) 644-3151. The Orange County affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast The Orange County Maricet Place Cancer Foundation will pay in Costa Mesa will host the fourth tribute to the sponsors of its 12th annual Endless Summer Class annual Komen Orange County Car Show and Elvis Fest, Race for the Cure on Sept. 28 1n celebrating the life and music of Fashion Island with a VIP Elvis Presley, from 9 a.m . to 3 sponsors reception from 6 to 9 p.m. Gener~I admission is $2 , and p m. at the Turnip Rose in Costa parking is free. For more Mesa. For more information, call information. call (949) 723-6663. (714) 957-91 57. Ro~ Musto' David Lindley & Bl Bayo -X ~ * 7:30 Bullriding with concert by BIU-49 ---------~___, ---......-...----·~------- 0 Piiot /. FORUM HOWlO GET PUBUSHED -t..tt.rs: Mail to t:ditorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • AHit.rs Hotline; Call (949) 642-«>86 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mail:Send to dsil'fpilot@lstimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submiuions for clarity and length. MAILBAG City must keep eelgrass under control The Southern California Eelgrass Micigalion Policy that has been incorpornted by reference and endorsed in the proposed city of Newpon Beach Local Coastal Plan is off course. As eelgrass spreads to the beach areas. swimming is no longer desirable in the harbor: As the harbor fills with siJt, no dredgjng can take place. Reportedly. dredging perm anen1ly removes eelgrass. Sailboats and larger power boats are now running aground in various parts of the harbor at low tide. If Newport goes along with the eelgrass mitigation policy in the harbor, no boating or swimming will be possible in 1hc foreseeable future. In rer.poni.e to demandl> of the Southern Cal ifornia Eelgrass Mitiga tion Policy prescribed by the California Coastal Commission, California Department of ri'ih and Ga me, National Marine Fisheries ervice and U.S. Ft1>h and Wildltfe Service. the city of Newpon Beach is currently preparing a Local Cocu.tal Plan to guide the ciry's future eelgrass miligation action<;. As drafted by the ci ty, the plan will require the protection of I eelgrass in the Newport Harbor to an extent that will make the mainten~ce of docks, seawalls, groins, m arinas and pavigational channels either impossible or prohibitively expensive. Newport Harbor was made into a unique recreational boat harbor with the help of the federal government and a local bond issue in the 1930s. Since then, maintenanc~ dredging hB.l. been conducted in the harbor in a satisfactory and affordable process tha1 has served to replace sand on constantJy eroding beache~ while maintaining viabiJiry of piers and moorings. During tJm, period, eelgrass beds have continued to exi'it along the peninsula and .islands of the harbor. The city endor..ement of the Southern California Eelgrass Mitigation Policy i!> the wrong course of action. We must be alert to unreasonable rules that diminish our 4ualiry of life, our property values and profitability of local businessei.. Once final governmental rules are in place, it will be too late to introduce the concept!> of reason and logic. The eelgras'i policies as drafted an the city of Newport Beach Local Coastal Plan wiJI resuJt in the c;erious degradation of one of the fine-.1 recreational harbors in the United S1a1cs. GUSCHABRE Bal~oa Peninsula Time to end fireworks saJes in Costa Mesa I am glad to see thi1> fireworks thing is finally on the people again. I really believe we are very primitive to have that go on every year. Because the animals suffer, children suffer, people get hurt. a nd I am 1>0 happy we arc finally considering doing away with fireworlc.l. in Costa Mesa GENE BEAVER Costa Mesa El Toro needed to handle transportation I think it ic; ab~olutely outrageous that they are not u!>ing at least part of the closed El 'lbro Marina Aa!>e for a new airport if we need it badly. It is ju!.t going 10 lead to more and more problems than how to handle the 1ransporta1ion. BARBARA POHLEN Balboa Island City needs to preserve Marina High lands I helieve 1he Marina I lighlanth area of ocean view homt.•<, 1<, tht' crown jewel of jf urniture jf tntsbtng & ~efintsbtng Crackle, Cherrywood Finish & More• Also Match £.xjsti ng Furniture ~for I R.C. CALEGARI CO. ~ppoantm~nt 714 547 4970 Pack Up & Od1vcry : • Ch Extra 1328 E. Edin er Ave, Santa Ana Over 25 Years Experience Quality Crafumansb.i ~\~~1;> MIKE'I ~~~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush Floorlhg Carpet y\l.o~.2~ Featuring ALLOC No Glue Insta llation Wood Flooring Refinishing & N e w sq ft Installed Berber Carpet f\l-0~ $169 Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic f~ ~s1 so sq ft Vlnyl Flooring 0~•1n f~ eq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s1Jte4a, DESIGl'fCENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!" fURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY •Custom-Made Furniture• Slip Covers• Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads I . I I l 1 q· ·: s ~ ! ) ' ' \ \, ,. I '' "11 • . ' 'J ~ 'J I () ..J 2 -i~..i () () Costa Mesa. Others may have different favorites, bur Marina Highlands is the "crown jewel.'' at least of the Westside. Way back. in 1962, when my aerospace employer built a new plant in Anaheim, I moved from Los Angeles to buy in Marina I llghlands specifically for the view and the ocean. It has been the perfect place to live. Quiet. good air, marvelous view, ocean breeze and wonderful neighbors. From the sta rt. we all knew when we bought here that this was designed to be a single-story complex, with each lot individually te rraced and placed on rwo streets that were also specifically terraced to afford all houses an unobstruc1ed ocean view. The city worked hand-in-hand with the develope rs to achieve this unusual site. The new residents lived happily this way for more than 35 years, until a newcomer moved in with different ideas. Thi!> new resident's home is on the lower terrace, so nobody could build in front of him, and he already has a fine view for himself. But regardless of his neighbor), he wanted to add an upper s1ory 10 his newly purchased hou.,e. though there i1' plenty of ~pace on his large IOI to increai.e the '>izt· of hi-. home without spoiling his neighbors' views. But he decided ta try going agajnst the traditions and "rules" of the complex and wanted to add an upper story. even though it would ruin the views and decrease the value of homes of other neighbor!> on the terrace above him. Ry contrnst, two neighbors who have chosen to expand their homes recently respected the ocean views of their neighbon. and avoiding hWJding upward. They uSed their ample front patios and built decks out over their property on the mesa or ocean side of their houses. They will have 'limply magnificent home~. much inc:rS!ased in space and V-dlue and, at the same time, their moderniza1ions are increasing the v-cllue of their neighbon.' µroperth:s One of these beautiful home!> i-. next to mine, so tha1 when I '>ell my hou'ie. I will look. for a buyer with plenty of capi1al who will <>imila rly rebuild my home into -.omething fittingly <,pec1acular. l his area de-.erves it. fo me. the'>e two home ... are a <,napshot of 1h1!> area\ future. With care today. Manna I hghlands won't he<:o me a hodgepodge of tall and \tnltle <,!Ory homei. tomorrow, with no delineated character and with unhappy. litigious residents constantJy "tiling each othe r to court" over view obstruction. We hope we can depend on the City Council to help us maintain our standards and preserve our views in this unusual development that I believe it destined to be a residential diamond of the city. As for right now, it's a perfect place to live and we aU wanl to protect it~ well-being. MRS. GERRY COLSON Co ta Mesa Smith ri ght qn the mark with colu mn I just want to say tha1 that couJd not have been said any better than how Steve Smith wrote that ("Kobe made more than a mistake," July 26). It was on the mark., perfect, I absolutely agree with his perspective. Kobe did make more 1han a mi'llak.e. and our values are really skewed when we look up to thei.e kind'> of c;uperheroes and not the firemen and the policemen and all the other people out 1here protecting us. So !>teve. great writing. Right on the mark. Just wan1ed to let you know. MARSHA JOWSS Newport Reach LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY . , ~ DINNER SPECIALS Sunday Prime Rib Monday All You Can Eac Spaghetti Tuesday G renadine of Beef Wednesday Baby Back Ribs Thursday Homemade Meadoaf Friday & Saturday Chef's Special $11 SS $5 $8 $10 OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~g on to http://coastline.edu to find the latest Fall 2003 cou~e information . Check out our new searchable class schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses are open. Coacitline's Web site is available 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Look into Coastline's: • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program offered during the day at the Oarden Orove Center. • Distance learning opportunities-fully transferable Internet, Telccourse, cablecast, and independent study classes. • STA'R Program and Weekend College-two accelerated ways to earn your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and Career Education programs offering certificates i.n a variety of high-demand occupations. Coastline has coovcnient localio'ns in Costa Mesa. "fountain Valley, Oarden Grove, Huntington Beach. and WestmiDllS. -----~-~-----~--------· --.--- THE CROWD Eat dinner, help children .ENGAGEMENTS Piuitt-Heien . I e's time for ttrragosto. OilldHeJp USA's Orange C.ounty chapter will team up with Tuno Mare Restaurant at .fashion Island to present the annual Italian midsummer feslival Aug. 9. This is the summer alfresco party not 10 miss. Stefano Albano, general manager of Tutto Mare. creates the most delectable buffet dinner served on the California B.W. COOK Riviera.As host of the evening, Albano will be joined by OilldHelp USA Presldent Jana Shuller and evening co-chairs Pam Butler and Nanette Grant, with support from Julie Whittington, 10 create a summer evening to raise funds to help the children supported by Cl1ildl felp USA. As in years pru,t, ma1or financial support for the evening comes from Mary FlJen and Anwar Sollman. Bloomingdales and Fashion Island will join Tuuo Mare in further underwriting the evening. Publicity chair Ouistlne Bren repons that organizers have hired Blue Machine to tum the Pashion Island I Bloomingdalei. courtyard into tJjsco Saturday night. There will abo be Italian wine tasting and gaming tables to add to the fun. The ChildHelp commmee working on the event mclud~ Pam PhamJ, Undah Miles. Nancy Whitlock. Eiieen SauJ and Kim Doud. Tickets to 1-cm>go<;to are $60 m adv-ance and S70 at the door AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS ttems to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, by fax to (949) 646-4170; o r by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list 1s available at www.dailyp1lot.com MUSIC PAClflC AMPHITHEATRE CONCERTS The Orange County Fair 1s presenting its summer concert series at the Pacific Amphitheatre: Roxy Music and David Lindley and El Aayo·X play today; and Boston plays Sunday. For concert information, call (714) 708-1870 or visit www.ocfair.com. To order tidcets, call (714) 74().2000. O.C. FAIR CONCERTS AT THE ARENA The Orange County Fair is presenting many summer events and concerts at its Citizens Business Bank Arena: Bull riding, with a musical performance by 8R649, takes place at 2 and 8 p.m. today; and the Fiesta Del Charro la at 2 and 8 p.m. Sunday. The Orange County Fair is on Fair Drive in Costa M esa. Information: (714) 708-FAIR. MUSIC LEGEND KEIKO MATSUI Music legend Keiko Mattui ia ptaylng a benefrt concert for Hoag C.ncer Center from 7 10 8:30 p.m. Sunday at the Hyatt Newporter Outdoor Amphitheater at 1107 Jamboree Road in Newport Beec:tl. Tidceta are $45 for general admission and VlP tidceta are $125 and Includes a VIP reception and reterved seating. Tldteta can be purchased by calling the Hoag Hospital Foundation at (949) 574-7208 or the Hyatt Newporter at (949) 729-1234. 'ITAUAN FIREWORKS' The Pacffic Symphony's Car1 St. Oalr will.conduct a program of •ttanan Arewortca; a concert filled with the romance and excitement of Italy featuring violinist Philip Quint and soprano Dominique Labelle. The concert ia 8t 8 p.m . Aug. 9 at Verizon Wirefetl Amphitheater. Tidcata renge from $75 to S375. . lnformetk>n: (714) 756-6799 or vlstt www.paclflctlymphony.org. LEON FLEJSHElt .. CONCERT The Orenge County P9rformlng Please call Nancy Whitlock at (949) 548·4228 to make reservations. MISS USA 2003 VISITS NEWPORT BEACH Susie <:astillo, MW USA 2003, will be in Newpon Beach on Aug. 23 at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort for a Oambake ~ach Party benefiting the Center for a l,Jrand New Day. Formally • known as the Orange County Friendship Center, the facility in Garden Grove offers psychiatric and social services supporting people suffering from various forms of mental illness. "Those with mental illness are oftentimes considered the forgotten population," Castillo said. ·r hope that my involvement will help change public perception and aid this fund-raiser." The Oambake will include a major spread, with grilled filet minion, steamed clams and crab claws. Mai tais will be the beverage of choice. lickets will be $150 each and can be reserved by calling (714) 717·5416. MAMMA MEETS MAGGIANOS Maggianos did it again. The ~uth Coast Plaza lcalian re~taurcint hosted the late night rast party this week following 1he opening of .. Mamma Mia" at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The restauraJlt is amazingly generous preparing nothing less than a feast for Ca5t, crew and patrons. jolillilg force... for a hnJe after theater re\•erie in Costa Mesa The high energy producaon of "Mamma Mia .. wtuch '>tar~ Monique Lund in the leading role of Donna. Don Noble in the male leading role of Sam and Arts Center 2003-04 Concert Series will open with a special celebration -a 75th birthday celebration for the pianiS1 and composer Leon Fleisher at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 11 in Fo'unders Hall Fleisher will be joined by violinists Cho-Liang Lin and Gil I I J ~ . J • 1 . ~-.!!· ~ .-...,.,.,.. Susie Castillo. Miss USA 2003. will be at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort on Aug. 23 for a party to support people suffering from mental illness in Orange County. Kristie Ma,,don as daughter Sophie, had the Orilllge County audience on it' feet dancing to the music that has been entertaining audience'> throughout America for the past several years. Lund arrived at Maggianos looking ab.,olutely -;tunning in her black micro-mini-cocktail dre.._... Lund, who has a fabulous Rroadwdy voice. wowed the local crowd as '>he made her entrcll1ce to the cast party. l.ocaJc; enjuy1ng the opening night fesuvit1e!> included Ginger and Tony Allen, RJta Gunkel, Vera Oxblood. Elizabeth Cotyear Vlncent, Bryan and Sharon McKinnon. Ronnie and Bryon Allumbaugh. and \..enter President Jerry MandeU and tus wife, WhJtney •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays Shaham, violist Paul Neubauer and cellists Carter Brey and Gary Hoffman. Tidcets cost $76 and can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpsc.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Mr. Pu,d and Vlcltie Pn.dtt of Stanton announce the . enppment of their daulhter, Aprll Pruitt of Stanton, to Glenn Heren of Cotta Meta. The bride-elect gnaduated from I.para High School and Cal siate tong Beach. The future brtdegJ"oorn, so11oof Ms. AnnJe Nicotera and Mr. Glenn Heren of C.osta Mes«-and Garden· • Grove, graduated from Rancho Alamitos High School. A Sept. 28 wedding Is planned on the Destiny with Electra Cruises in Newport Beach. Glasgow-Jameson Patrick and Martha Glasgow of Newport Beach announce the engagement of their daughter, Megan Glasgow or Costa Mesa. to Todd Jameson of Cqsta Mesa. The bride-elect graduated from Newport Harbor High School and UC Berkeley. The future bridegroom, son of Mike and Ouistine Jameson of Newport Beach, graduated from Newport Harbor High School and Vanderbilt University. A Septemb.er wedding is planned in Newport Beach. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays For a form, please call Coral Wilson at (949) 574-4298 RosEY's AUIOBODY ... • :i\ .... --You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Cotli1ion Center ln1urance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 Jeff Ew;ng & Lyleen fannx BA BY ROOMERS ARE BU VI NG LookUlg for a rea.'°'1 10 ..iep up .md pwcha...e !hat ..ccood home'' Co1b1<k:r th1' the B.ili) Boorm-r' ~ huying' lbe1r unpending rcoremem wuplcd with their fU\anC'lal "1abtht} L\ hJv111g c1 'C10U!> unpoct upon !ht real ~ mJrl.el Selby Boomer. ~ cnlt'nng rc:urcmem ell .1 '1grufic.mt r.11e Al.cordm~ to the LS (cn'u' Bureau the numbo..-r of Aln<:nlm' turning()'\ t.k.h \c..111, npe<.tc:d to Jump TVY trom 2 07 million m '95 milhon b) the \car 2011J V.'lw doc~ Ull\ hJ" c: 11 • do "' 1th 1.114! rc:a.J e,1.11e marl.ct ' Plcnr} People u:nd tu pun. h4'4: '<l"nd home' a.' a tc\I run for rc:11rc:mcnt hvmg V<K·a1100 'pol' fa"ored b\ Bab) Boomer' have: 'ho"'n" \lgrnficam n-.: in home ,ale:, Narurnll; ti ~nu Me \ .i1..\llor11ng II\ an c1t1:a repca1cdl)' u\ c:r thl· y~. II lxcom<"' thl· fiN cQn,1dc:r.u1011 v.,h.,:n \Ou .trt' n: ... l'r 10 '<Ille d<•v. n B..iti~ Boomer. 1c:nd to toe lin.u1<.1.tll\ v.l'll oll .&lld ha\c: .. prd~n..c: tm 4u.1l11\ 11' IO)! refln"lc:d in the: '.Jue' •t Uk' hnmc:' the)' dll•"< l'lk inllu\ ut R.1h~ Bnum!TI 1n11 llw rtal c:'w.tc: marl.et -..111 nnl) 10<.re.t...c:, iJn, trill the ,..._.u1on,re11rc:ment home: marl.et c\.tr h1gtt.:r o\ c:r the nc \I !'An Je~..dc:' '>c:nuu' IO\ t'U"' J.n: wking nort ..itlll '' ,tt<1ulJ \1iu' L' ln·n anJ kit hJ\ c q l l1fl..C:lUll\t' \c..lf'\ 11! n:.11 C:'IJI< c:'pen..:n.c: m '-~"'i"''n B~.1,h hn prof~,ional ..en ke or ad' kt "'ith all ~our rtal l'\l.ale nttd, call lht Ewing' at ( oa.M I \r,.purt-Cold.,.tll Kanktr al r9-l91 759-37%. I The Ewings Are Coast Newpart I Property's •1 Team For 2001 INNOVATION VHA i' proud lo honor Hoog M.moriol Hospital Presbyterian, where the $J>irit o4 health core innoYOtioo I• olive and well. This outstanding hospitol I• the winner o4 two VHA Leodenhip Award. for 2003. The winning entrieJ ore titled "Bed Utiliz:otlon Manog9ment Team" and •Value Management.• VHA la o atraeitgic alionc9 o4 ..IKt community-owned, ~ heollh core~ ond physicion• that ooloboroM to lmproote America'• health. Eodl year, the VHA Leodenhlp Award. en gi¥en to VHA member 0tplzatioru that~-In.~ ond ded~ In the cWrw.r, of heohh cor.. Hoag Hotpltal'a awotda ~ "-continued comm""'-" to improvl~ .._ quaflty of core .,, Orangt County. • I I AlO s.twdly, Aicust 2. 2003 FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS CHALLENGING THE PLEDGE OF AUE~E ·Challenging 'Under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance· is being offered at University Synagogue at 8 p.m. Friday, Shabbat services will be led by Rabbi Arnold Rachlis and Cantor Rutl Breier. The guest speaker will be Michael Newdow, who challenged the phrase "under God" In the Pledge of Allegiance. Newdow will speak of his decision to challenge the pledge, of his education about the legal process and of bringing a case to the Supreme Court. The talk is sponsored by the Metzger Fund for Interfaith Understanding. University Synagogue is 814915 Alton Partcwiry. The public is cordially invited to attend 81 arf'/ time. Child care will be provided free of charge. For more infonnation, call (949) 553-3535. CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON . FAITH . THE~ OF THE STORY ... . '1'laauab I• auid.we when I feel~ -· .... al IJ'/lllt'l IU!pdlel. Wiim I lrf11D ... ....... 1 have wllb the unnpecu.d .... OD my lllllDed. own. my mooda ue u Ullpl'9dkDble d>enpl and M lbe weacher. h'a &OOd ID be honest sown bem• ._my Mings. but not be ruled ol uampecred by thsn. When I'm in inner turmoil. I Goddm~ try ID tell God my feelings and turn lbem ewer to him. enouat. debn When 1 receMd the notice about In mi .. that I my P.O. box. 1 told God that I WU mn '-""'II to dred of 10 many changes. P.arUer that be more lalble day. I watched •we hid bad a u I trawl along · beautiful tree removed. ¥h1 needed to the hDll and do it-the roots bad done major va1llyl ollll. SometimM, 1 make damage to our neishbor Ken's po111M .....,,., cbangel becaule of .,atdewalk and driveway, as well u our •..rtane. md it probably tQOk the own. alllmf pmb to make the ~ce. Ken patiently waited over the years I dlXl't llb change, but I db love as I tried major~ and root Goel. Smnetimea, however. I tab too blocking, but the time came finally to Jong ID ulc for b1a hwe,_ peace and solve the problem. The men were SHABBAT ALIVE center, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in ZEN 101 "Shabbat Alive; a new style of Costa Mesa. Information: (714) The Zen Center of Orange jazz and pop services first created 445-4950. Pre·registration is County offers an Introduction to in South America, will be held at required. Zen Workshop from 3 to 6 p.m. 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 29, at the first Sunday of every month University Synagogue. Rabbi THIRTEEN JEWISH at 120 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. Arnold Rachlis' focus will be on STEPS TO RECOVERY $50. (949) 722-7818. spirituality, and Cantor Braier will Jewish Family Service is offering a be accompanied by a combo of support and discussio11 group for A SPIRIT\JAL JOURNEY musicians and the University adults whose children or spouses A 26-lesson study on the life of Synagogue choir. The services suffer from ak:ohol and drug Jesus Christ titled "Journey to are sponsored by the Roslyn and addiction. The group meets from 7 the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m. Joseph Baim Family Foundation. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Sundays during the University Synagogue is at 4915 Baker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. Homebuilder's Bible Class at Alton Parkway. The public is lnfonnation: (714) 4454950. Liberty Baptist Church. The cordially invited to attend at any f>r&.registration is required. study parallels the four Gospels time. Child care is provided free to present the story of Christ. of charge. For more information, BAtW ARES.DES The church Is at 1000 Bison Ave., call (949) 553-3535. Members of the Bahai faith hold Newport Beach. Free. (949) infonnal public discussions on 760-5444. WORKSHOPS spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday DREAM ON PARENTING GROUP of the month. The talks Include The Adult Faith Formation at Our Jewish Family Service of Orange brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith Lady Queen of Angels Church In County is fonning a parenting devotional meetings will be held Newpon Beach holds a dream group to help parents to the last Saturday evening of the analysis group from 1 to 4 p.l'n. understand and deal with the month. Call for locations. (949) Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, feelings and behavior of their 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. children. The group meets from 760-6360 for Sunday meeting, and 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third (949) 646-6328 for Saturday MEDITATION LESSONS Mondays of the month at the devotional. A free "lec1io divina" meditation group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Viste Drive, Newpon Beach. Lectio is a Ott/ Piiot •Cl9r'WGLEl .. lil ... t;pllft .............. ..... ........,tD ............ mlV ......... ~ ..... . dnct,'h.....,,_,.oomor~ INI •117 N.Mpott Cenllr DIM. No .... ,...... 8-l:ih,CAa.>. style of meditation that Includes service la also fonnlng a parenting using Scripture or a special support group to meet the first reading as a stimulus. The • and third Mondays of each month Christian Meditation Group 81 10 a.m. at the~ Federatiofl meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the Campus, 260 E. BakM St., Suite G, first and third Wednesdays of Costa Mesa. Pntregiatretion each month at the center. The format Includes two periods of requfred. (714) 4454950. meditation with some GAY/LESBIAN instruction on how to meditate, a SUPPORT GROUP talk and a discuaaion. (949) The Jewish Family Service of 219-1408. Orange County plans to present a diacuaalon group for parents of WEEKLY EVENTS Jewish gays and lesbians If enough people are interested. SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women MYSTICAL ANO SPIRITUAL older than 60 to addreaa iaaues The Mystical Splrltuallat Church such ea anxiety at 10 a.m. on the of South Orange County holds second and fourth Monday of Sunday services every week at each month at 260 E. Baker St., 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Preregistration Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual required. (714) 4454950. healing service starts at 9:30 NEW GROUPS a.m. (949) 581-2290. Jewt.h Family Service of Orange • Is your ctturctt or place of worship County hu fotTned • planning a SJ)9Cial event? If 10 , bereavement support group that send the typed information 111 least meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a two weeks before the event to the ~ Challenge of Change support Daily Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Coate group that meets 81 10 a.m. Mesa, CA 92627, attention: Paul Thursdays. Both groupc meet at Saitowltz, religion editor.; fax to Temple Judea In Laguna Hills, (949) 646-4170 or send e-mail to 24512 Moulton Partcwiry. The dallypilot§/atimes.com. --Did You Know1 *That we are a full service nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to ~ Nurseries and let us show you how." NURSERIES, INC. __ _ COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2700 Bristol St. (714) 754--6661 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 COMPLETE l.ANDSCAPtNG • 45 YfARS EXPfRIENO uaNSE 11 308553 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Flowenlale ~Com Mesa Master Nur~rofessional -- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on basd~ criteria, and fail to disclose a conflict of interest for the analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend wuuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses arc often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damaga. We specialize in representing individual investors. Please call w for a FREE consultation. ·No-...,. No,.. Tel,__ "9 •t1 Sll-77J.ml Law OfBm fJIU.C I. z EM 10100 S..Mailica ....... Row IM Alp. CA '°°'7 - ------------------------- " Daily Pilot Sdtutd.t7, Augu!.T ? 2003 All COMMUNITY & CLUBS Harbor Mesa Lions working in the park ~PARTY CRUISE~ .l TO CATALINA l H arbor Mesa Lions aS!>IMed the Costa Mesa Friends of Fairview ~k at their annual fund-raiser held in Fairview Park. Members sold 50/50 raffle tickets and kites to raise funds for the park. The club alsO helped with the CostAmazing event held JuJy Io by ushering for the concen and serving refreshments. TI1e event celebrated the city's 50Lh anniversary at the Pacific Amphitheatre. "The club is dedicated to help with community events like these and will continue to !>erve when given the opportunity." saJd Joan Parks, Harbor MC'>d Lions p resident. Harbor Mesa Lion'\ Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday a1 the Costa Mesa Country Oub. Featured speaker will be KJm Woods of the Friends of Fa1rvw\' Park. SONS Of VETERANS Maybe you are not a vewran of the Armed Services, but if <int• of your parents was, you .ire invited to attend the ne>.t meeling of the Sons of tht· American Legion Squadron .!'i I of Newport Beach at 7 p rn Wednesday a1 Americah I CKHJll i>ost 291 on the Balboa Peninsula All sons of ve1eram are welcome to attend . Membership quec;tions rnav hl' directed to kingfeet@prin1ene1.cun1 LOOKING FOR A FEW NEW MEMBERS The Toastmasters Oub 2.J 11. which meets at 7 a.m every Monday at the Irvin e Lo., 6 1 0 GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a 1otating basis. For information on adding your organization to this Ust, call (949) 574-4298. NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs extra hands to perform clerical duties, such as filing, organizing and stuffing envelopes, at the Central l ibrary, 1000 Avocado Ave. (949) 717-3890. NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES :The Friends of The Newport j3each Recital Series Guild needs ~olunteers to assist in fostering JIM DE BOOM Wood said. Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, is looking for a few new members who wish to improve their public speaking abmry. longtime member Bob "One shouJd not be afraid of joining Toastmasters. all of us <.larted as inexperience speakers and have grown quite a bit as a result of Toastmaster membership," Wood said. For more information please caJJ: (949) 721 ·5732. VACATION TIME A'> you read today'!> column, I am on a fi ve-day Vl'ill in Muineapoli.<. to my brother LeRoy. A couple of weekends ago, I went with my wife, Barbara. to 1he Uni1ed States Olamber of ( ommeH"e bcecuuve\ Leadership Forum held m :--:i!ples. fla. Barbara w(l) one of 14 '>peaker5 on a lii.t that mcluded Commerce Secretary Don Evans, fom1er Speaker of 1he I louse of Repre<;entative-. Newt Glngrlch and former Hep. John Kasich. It was a role rever'>al weekend for U'>, with Barbara •l'> 1he 'peakt'r and me a<; 1he \pou'>e Barhara, by the wa}. did d very l(Ood 1ob on her presentation on · 0 1amberi. and Go,em mental Afldll">." StaYlng at the Riv m usic appreciation so classical music will endure. (949) 644-4208. NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design, sewing. make-tJp application, set construction. technical help, publicity. stage management and backstage supervision. (949) 759-1046 or LKSaf~ sol.com. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of general volunteer help. (949) 642-9990. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation is looking for volunteers to help with fund·raising efforts, speaking opportunities, public events and White Front Pharmacy 1. 1 ' ' ,' 1 ) ' J ' /, ( 1 1 r / f ~ f 1 1 • ' • ' ~ r C.rth • Boolu • S"tubU.1 All lruur11ru1 Plmu Auepml 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 Carlton made it a little easier to accept the 92-degree temperature, 95% humldity an·d 89-degree water temperature. To.day in Minneapolis. LeRoy and I are O'ying to catch up to nm de Boom, his.wife. Nicole, and brother Tony, all professionaJ triathletes competing today in the City of Lakes. Ah, de Booms with alhletic ability! WORTH REPEATING From Thought for the Day provided by Greg KeUey of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council: "What we do today, right now. will bave an accumuJated effect on all OUI tomorrows." -Alexandra Stoddard SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK MONDAY 6:30 p.m.: Harbor Me~ Lions Oub will meet at the Costa Mesa Country Oub 10 hear KJm Woods of the Friend!> of Fairview Park. TIJESrnY 7: 30 a.m .. The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Ro tary Oub will meet at Five Crowns for the official visit of District Gov. Allan Star* ( newport beachm n riserotary.orgl index.11tm ). 6:30 p.m .: The Costa Mesa Newpon Harbor Uo n!. Oub will meet at the Costa Me!.a Country Oub. WEDNESG\Y 7: 15 a.m.: The 20-rnember South Coast Mello Rot.uy Oub occasional office work. (949) 6314143. NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER A variety of jobs need to be ta<*Jed, including set construction, ushering, mailings and assorted tecnnical duties. Scheduling 1s flexible. The Newport Theatre Arts Center is at 2501 Oiff Dtive. (949) 631-0288. OASIS SENIOR CENTER Meals on Wheels volunteers are needed to distribute prepared dishes to homebound seniors In the Newport Beach area. The delivery time is between 11 :30 a.m. and 1 p.m. daily. The center also needs volunteer nurses for its semi-monthly blood pressure screenings. The center offers this service between 9 and 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the will meet at the Center Oub (www.southcoastmetro rotary.of'8'; and the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the University Alhletic Oub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a business meeting and a report on the recent conventio n by Ed Kohlmeier. 6 p.m.: The SO-member Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet at Newport Coasts Marriott Villas for a tour and dinner (www.newport-balboa.org). THURSG\Y 7 a..m.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Co-,ta Brealcfast Lions O ub wtll m eet at Mi.mj 's Caf ~. Noon: The 50-m ember Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn (www.kiwanis orglclublcostamesa): the SO-member Kiwani., O ub of Newpon Beach-Corona del Mar will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub; the 80-member Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor wiJJ meet at the Newpon Harbo r NautJcaJ Museum for a bu<,1nes'\ mee tmg; and the 100-member Newpo rt-Irvine Ro tary O ub will meet at the Atnum I I01el to hear R.on Williams d1i.CU'>) h1'> life as a Secret Service agent I www.nirotary.org). • COMMUNITY 8r CLUBS 1s published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting 1nforma11on by 1auo (9A9J 660-8667 or by e·ma1I to 1deboom a aolcom month. Volunteers should commit two hours once a month or volunteer on a substitute basis. The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. OPERATION CLEAN St.ATE Operation Clean Slate, a CoS1a Mesa·based organization for graffiti prevention, needs volunteers to paint out graffiti and other duties. Michael Howard, (714) 435-0745. OCC NAllTICAL LIBRARY Orange Coast College's School of Sailing and Seamanship needs book donations for rts Nautical Library. Thousands of volumes of boating-related titles are needed. The School of Sailing and Seamanship is at 1801 W. CoaS1 Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412. 20% -~Ol A_.. tlOYa OifCA#l'f Oii »O ... -. 'l'tlOTamNll ~ ... ~ lalTl#IC M91111f•-ll't.,._."IOoa.ISTID IUWllCUTIWWt~Meft~ DENSE PLUSH CARPET Long Plank Wood Flooring • lao!Alld with Pad S 1 69 OU• TUC• ROSEWOOD • MIAlmwm 60 )-.nh • .... ft. Tl'llttrtint 18" I 18" - - 14,29 ... II. Ctraak Tllt_ IMtallt4 ''"' 14.99,.. 11. Lamlmlt WM4.i..Wlo4 r,.. 14.99,..11. Supp/Ir. and Tools for titr "Do It Yournlftr1I" All pricu lproducl3 for ti llmitrd tlmr, b.Ju d on u1oailahllil#f. PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY & ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES C ORPORATE EVENTS W EDDINGS BAR/BAT MITZVAHS C USTOM EVENT C OORDINATION ALL OCCASIONS craycraft entertainment BIRTHDAYS A NNIVERSARIES SWEET 16 PROMS GRADUATION 949.644 .1549 Mentioc1 This Ad For • Spedaf Oi9c:our* DRIN KWARE C/1eers.' v,_r C-~ • T 6 Paa5c C-H"' • '-1-t Ra.h U • ~'! ~ .!Ol 1 1•1•11 mLl1 .., '" °""""' ~ Ouott ~ -'-"" ~"' ",, •• ,, ~-.i Pl"' ....... ,...,. ,.. ~C~~bt~-'''~""~°"w ~ .... -.a.-• ft' • hW"fW'O• .. ~oHpNoc..-S tl'!ll:~-"'" "·•·Ch ~~ ~ .Q "*-'"'"'"',.. .. Ow\ .............. -. "'°'""'' ( ....... 'l 01 •1"•114< H.J. Garrett Furniture FUnDaign Consulting Sena Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing Sm11a and Valur 2215 Harbor &Ml, <:oat.a Mesa (9j9) 646.0275 0,.. M-l. iln 10 IO 6, I .ho .5 Quality Smice Yalue A12 Saturday, August 2, 2003 ~ woullt {~ to ~ni tlw invitation . to 1/isit our 'Duifiner Ou tut , featuring 7500 square fut of fine fa mi tu ref or your entire fwme "' offia af fiefow iesigner prlus. 'Ifie 'Desifirur Outfet is op-en to tlie pu6{ic. tMontfay tfirougfr. Satrurfay .from 10:00 a.m. -4':03 p.m. ---------·-----..-----~----· ONGOING EVENTS • Send ONOOtNG Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Co sta _Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to miktuwanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the eyent. as w ell as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at . www.dailypilot.com. Th• N9wport Center Toa8tmaater's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations, Members co'me from a variety of professional disciplines and bad<grounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parldng is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are w elcome. For more information, call (949} 721-5732. Jewish Family Service Is offering a support and discussion group for women 50 and older the second and fourth Monday of every month from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Pre-registration is required. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Jewish Family Service is offering a women's divorce and separation support group at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the Jewish Federation Campus in Costa Mesa. 250 E. Baker St. For more information, call (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Church , 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting w ill feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. Dail'/ Pilot at the Balearic Community Centet: weekdays from 6 to 8 p.m., • Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. • or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from• to 7 p,m. PartJea for children 6 to ~ 12 will consist o lunch/dinner, ... games, crafts, prizes, cake with • ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. , For more information, call (714) 754-5158. Five new wt"" will be MfV9d on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . The cost is $16 per person. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. Newport Dunea Resort's "Movies on the Beech" will ruh every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are invited to bring their favorite cuts of meat The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films w ill be shown on a large screen in the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June and July except July 4. Par1cing is $8 per car. For more infonnation, call (949) 729-DUNE. . A variety of privete, semi-private and group swim lessons will be of:fered this summer at the M arian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151 . or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, teens and adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport r--~~~-r;~~~~~~~~~~~~r:~~J:~~~~~~~~~:;:--~"iJIJ~!lii~liiiiiiim;;;iiiii,-~~~~~~~~~..:...._t•Beactt~~~La~nd~s~ca~~~~;~a~n~e~x~hi~b:h~__!B~lv~d~.f~o~rm~o~re~information. I featuring d1g1ta y manipu ate aerial photographs of the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzich, umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller and Back Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept. 30 at Profffsional and licensed socc., trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395-5103. I r I .- SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL "A C....,;ty IWt.tel I• toritg.; s.m., Jem Clr&t IJ Utt -Slrior" The Rev. Praveen Bunyan, Reder 3209 Via Lido Newport Beach 949/675-0210 7:30 om Traditional 9 om Conlem[>OfOI)'. 9om Church School 11 om Charismatic and Wednesday Noon PHI \B\ 111<1 \'\; ST. MARK PREsBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds'' Worship 9:30 Jamboree & East bluff In Sewport Bach A u111grrga1ro11of1hr A11glm1r1 Communion Bl!ILDING OUR FAITH: LOVING CHRIST AND SERVING OUR COMMUNITY. l'hc RA:v'd Peter 0. HaynQ, Rector ~UN DAY SCHEDULE 8 il1ll -Holy Eucharist 9 ~m • '.'>unday Sc.hOOl/ Aduh Bible Study I 0 am -Choral Eucharis1 NI 'RSERl'CARE AVAILABLE \ 11 I I\( ll '1 l ! I I \ \ 1 1 l '.I \I l \ 11 ', Rtturreetltft 811eh 12S9 Vi cto ria Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Sunday evening service at 7:00 PM Rev. ,.,~.,. H1yftH Telepho11e (714) S39-n27 E111il RBMCC@~i9foot.co• "A FALSE CHOICE" Uohn ll:t-8) ST~ Pauamai•H C1111acu Dr. Robena Hacencs Saiurday, AlllfVlt l, 2003, S:JO P.M. Pr~othmg Sunday, Aup11 3, 2003, S:JO &c lO:lS A.M. (acrott from N~pon Harbor tf!Jh Scltool a1lniAc111d lSth) 600 St. AndnwJ ~oad, N-pon Bmh, California 92663-SJlS (949) 631-2880 A + •A God-cemcttd parish community. i1UUUCted ~ the Word of God and renewed by the Sacrarncnu Our Lady Queen~of Angels 2046 Mu V&Sta Ori 1r Ncwpon Beach, Califomi:\2(,{,() (949)644-0200 Fax (949) ~ 1349 -~' Rev. Mon.si r Wiili.am P. Md.a in Pastor LmJ~ I~: Saturday, 5 p.m.t!nfor), · Sunday, 7:00 (Quiet). 8:30 (Contemporary) JO;OO (Cl>oir), I 1:30 a.m. (Cantor) and 5:00 p.m. (ConttJ!'porary) WORSHIP DIRECTORY \II 111 ()1 >1\I Newport Center United Methodist Church Rev. Cat~een Coors, Pastor I 60 I Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Bam Quiet Worship Serviu JOam Worship and Children's Sunday School Youth meeting weekly I l I I 11 I{ \ '-- Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (a.LC.A.) 798 Dover Dr. Newport heoh TradltlonalLutb•ran P81tor Chartea Endter WC>r9hlp Service with Holy Communion Sunday 9:115 am FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido NeWJXlCI Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150 Church JO am 8c 5 pm. Sunday School 10 am Wednmay MNC!nQll 7.30 pm MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Dr R1ct1ard George Rev Stephanie Toon Senior Minister Youth Minister Christ Church By the Sea Unued Methodi;c 1400 W B;i.lboa Blvd .. Newpon Beach 8.45 Lm Ad11Ji ~.School 8:.lO ac I 0 • m · \l'onlup and Ould1n11 Sund.r Sc:hool The Rn. Or. George R C..up, Putor (9-49)673-3805 c I 11~ I \ I I \ '--, -. 1 "K:-;_r.. s 1' .. ... -·-~· y Come On Back I Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlaclpl•• of Chrta1) 2401 lntllll Ave. Newport ltaclt, CA (149) 145·5781 ~Or.0.-SMft SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Pocific View Dr Newport Beach 644-2617 or 675-4661 Chwch JO am Sunday School 10 am Wecln.aay MllClrQ 1 30 pm &: !JI Wedl-iay 12 nocn 1"e Loni hath appeaNCI of old unto me ~' Yea, I have lowcl thee with an .wrtalting IOve: ... Jeremiah 31 :3 (2:) Bandies ofl\c ModlCI' OudJ • 1llc Fint Oudt "Clirilc, Scientist. Boeloo. ~ WORSHIP DIRECTORY CA.ll 949.S7 4.4249 Newport Beach City Hall. Information: (949) 717-3870. •Tennis in Art,• an exh ibit of paintings by longtime tennis instructor and coach Jose Mendoza, will be on display in the Newport Beach Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's wor1c is known for its manipulation of color and form as well as its concentration on tennis. Information: (949) 717-3870. Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile M eals,# sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. SWim leNon1 are avall•ble July 21 and run through Aug. 1 at Halecrest Park, 3107 Killybrook Lane in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 557-7234. Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization that offers safe and legal alternatives to girls who are considering abandoning their babies, is in need of ongoing volunteers. For more information, visit www.projectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. Mecy'a In Coate MeN lnvtt.s Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in M acy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 656-0611, ext. 4231. Yoga ..... will be offer9d Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Communi1y Center. Registration is $64 for one clau each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $6. For more lnfonnatlon, call (949) 644-3161. Costa Meell'• Recnetlon DMsion w lll provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests Jewish Family 59f'Vice is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. The Finrt Page -Fine Children's Books. at 270 E. 17th St.. No. 10 in Costa Mesa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays • and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tuesdays and Thursdays ' from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721 -1222. tf your orchid is too big for Its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p.m. , every Saturday. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facili1y. Call (949) • 756-1211 for information. Discover the aecreta of Carbon Canyon Regional Par1c as you walk through groves of beautiful · Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more Information. Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women> who have been through cancer treatment to exerclae, hosts ·"Walk and Talk• at 10 a.m . the seoond and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgoddeu ; store In Fashion laland. Members • meet for lunch after at Atrium : coo rt It la free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more lnfonnatlon, call (949) 276-3888. , I N.wport Communfty CounMlng: Center offers a way to atop the : cycle of domestic violence • through the support group In , SAF.E. Handt. SAF.E. stands for • safety, awareness, faith and • empo\vennent. The group meets • See ONGOING, P81• A1J I '" ---·-------~-·---~---------__, ____ "T" --- Daitf Piiot ONGOING more lnfonnation, call (949) A epirhual ~ dau mNb at 644-3244. 7:16 p.m. 'Nednesdays at 3400 Continued from Al 2 Mecy's South Coast~ lrvfne Ave., Suhe 114. Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat (949) Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. presents ·w orbhop 263-1462. i=ree. For mo,. Information, call Wednesdays: A Hands-on (949l n1-eo79. Cooking Class Program• hosted Th9 Costa Me.a Chamber of by dlef Alexx Guevara. The clasa Commerce hosts network.Ing Teena we lrwtt.d to drop by the is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. luncheon meetings Wednesdays city of Coste Mesa Recreation Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St, from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday Costa Mesa. The cost, Including Costa M esa Country Club. The through Friday for indoor and materials, is $30. To reserve a cost la $14. The ciub is at 1701 outdoor sports and activities. The spot, call (818) 994-5075. Gott Course Drive, Costa Mesa. center la at 1860 Anaheim Ave. (714) 885-9090. For more information, call (714) Yoga and rhythm, 327-7560. ~vogarhythmicsH combines yoga. A breln tumor support group dance and fun. The class is held meets the first and third The Newport Beadl Walking Club from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays Thursdays of eadl month from 7 meets at the corner of Superior at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer and HOSP.ital Road in Newport Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Beadl at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. information, call (714) 754-7399. Drive, Newport Beadl. Free. everyday. For more information, Registration not required. The · call (949) 650-1332. The Newf>ort Harbor Nautical group is designed to help Museum offers the exhibit ~Joe patients and their families Th• ~rt Beach Cake Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering understand and cope with the Decorating Club meets from 7 to California's Marine Art Master; illness. (949) 574·6232. 9 p.m. Thursday nights at through Sept 30. The museum is Superior and Hospital Road in at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, St. Andrww's Presbyterian Church Newport Beadl. For more Newport Beadl. Free admission. hosts a mental illness support information. call (949) 650 1332 For more information, call (949) group from 6:30 to 8 p m. 673-7863. Sundays in Oierenfield Hall Cat The Spenlsh Spe•king Club 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport meets to learn Spanish quick and Interfaith couples with one Beadl. (949) 574-2236. easy. For more information. call Jewish partner are invited to (949) 650-1332. participate in a discussion group The Jewish Family Service of at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a Th• Aun. of Business Services Orange County office. The group discoss1on group for adult hosts a networking meeting that is geared toward dealing with dlildren and their parents from 6 deals with education connections issues between interfaith to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second couples. sudl as raising dlildren, at the Jewish Family Service Tuesday of every month at the observing holidays, symbols in office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Holiday Inn at 3131 Bnstol St , the home and relationships with Costa M esa. S 10 per person, per Costa Mesa. For more extended families. The cost for session. Preregistration required. information, call (949) 805-0011 three sessions is $45 per couple. (714) 445-4950. Preregistration is required. Call to •otvorce: A New Beginning; sdledule date and time. The The Jewish Family Service of a workshop for men and w omen office is at 250 E. Baker SL, Suite Orange County has a weekly divorced or getting divorced, 1s G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. parenting support group. Parents held from 10 a.m to 12:30 p.m . at Women SO end older can join a learn strategies for successful 180 Newport Center Drive on the parenting and for dealing with third Saturday of every month discussion group coordinated by the feelings and behavior of their Cost is $40. For more information, Jewish Family Services to dlildren The group meets from call 644-6435 address issues sudl as anxiety, 10 to 11 :30 a m Mondays at the depression. relationships, Jewish Family Service office at FTM tours of the Orange County loneliness and family. The group 250 E. Baker St . Suite G, Costa Performing Arts Center take meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mesa. The group will cover guests to the dressing rooms. Mondays at the agency offices, managing anger, anxiety and performer's lounge. backstage 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa peer pressure dl1ldren and on stage at 10:30 a m every Mesa. Preregistration required. experience Prereg1strat1on Wednesday and Saturday at 600 (714) 445-4950 required (714) 445-4950 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa Group tours can be held by Friends of the Newport Beach The Cost.a Mesa Senior Center special arrangement. For more Pubiic library Used Booic Store has ballroom dancing wtth live information, call (714) 556-ARTS, are asking for patrons to donate music from the Costa Mesa ext. 833. books to replenish the dwindling Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 stod<. Books may be left at any of p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 The Newport Be•ch Newcomers the three brandl libraries -W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa. $4. (949) Club holds a general meeting on Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del 548-3884. the third Wednesday of every Mar -or in the book closet next month. The organization is open to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Jewish Family Service of Orange to all women residents 1ti Avocado Ave., Newport Beadl. County sponsors an ongoing Newport Beadl who have hved in All hardcover and paperback healing support group for the the area fewer than five years For donations, with the exception of ctirO'rlically ill. The purpose is to more information, call (949) magazines and law books, will be provide participants with 645-9922, or visit accepted and are tax deductible. emotional and spiritual support newcomers·newportbeach. org (949) 759-9667. to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets Ouis Senior c.nt.r holds a The Braille Institute often free at 7 p.m. Thutsdays at the Jewish pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 computer classes to people with Family Service office at 250 E. a.m. on the second Saturday of fading vision who have difficulty Baker St, Costa Mesa. every month. Breakfast includes seeing the computer screen. The Attendance 1s free. but pancakes, sausage, coffee and Oasis Center at 800 Marguente reg1strat1on is required. (714) orange 1u1ce for $3, S 1 for Ave .• Corona del Mar. offers six 445.4950 dlildren The center 1s at 800 sessions. Call to sign up for Marguente. Corona del M ar For classes. (714) 821 -5000. See ONGOING, Pa&e Al4 LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT FIT? TEMPLE BAT YAHM IS YOUR ANSWER. We offer spiritual educational and social activities for families, singles, young couples and empt-y n~rs. Come and wo.rshlp at the most beautifuJ Temple in Orange Councy with two sanctuaries ftlled with warmth, new classrooms and renowned preschool and religious school program& ••tpl• ._. F-6-fwllles ~ ...... A Refona Colagregadon with tradJUonal ~ Two fall time Rabbis Panat!nMldle-r de1ses O.t.Bt•._ preecbool la a~ seeare eavlrolmeat Wilen children explore ~ Acclalwed Rell.,oas School tJMdatng ~ewtab valaee ~eel Sa•=er C-•p o,aa.lc Yo.th~ Kore .:!r Z6 ext.ti•« clumirot ~ =.i ed.:.:. -~~-... ----·-of ................ Saturday, August 2 2003 AU ANTIQUE ROW Dine in, & GARDEN CAFE f,,,~ Ho,,., fwnwlnllf>. Antufw• & ( o/Jt.mllln. lrt1J11101WI 111 C•tt"I;' Grfa """ <~rtk.r Vmr U-11'1 /.J.s1 anJ L> .. bwr, C.rtb11 (Ajr ''"'"'" l'a1111 /)1111n1; 1«1•1111. /Jrr.Jr/.u1. / 111Hl1 r,., """ "" bprnw &r CAFt. HOl/k.\. "rlon ~un 'Jam ..Jpm C..111dk1 to ( hu11drl11t1, I yJ C-H,,,, /Joulti. ( u.it11m /'11111rr frammg, furflltuff kntorJtw11u1ul11uuli ""'" ' ROW f/01 'kS 11"-~r 'JOam 5pm Martins signature specialties toke out, • call for pickup "HOW GOOD IS MY NEW RESTAURANT? GREAT ENOUGH TO HAVE MY NAME!" Drop by Y.in C.in fOf fre\h Asi.in cooking noodle\ And MIOY Manin\ umq~ saucn with the perwnahzl'd style of beloved TV c~I All prl"l)ared fresh in minu1n-wi1h no MSG Martin Yan And lour Asi.i on t'lf!ry boll' ~ !he dish~ you love inctud4119 wok fun and food bltnd in ~aim and h.lrmony favonle1 9nlled spe<o.ill~ and mou1hwatffing Come on or call to take out today COSTA MESA 1500 Adams at Harbor Blvd. 714-438-1115 Open daily at 11 am ' • - • Custof'(l Wood Fence. Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence Installations • _Chain Lin~ Fence Repairs · ~r'1in9 Oran9e CountlJ • Beach Ulmmunities Since 1955 949) 548-4422 949) 548-9662 License #31 3311 ONGOING · Continued from A13 8crebble Club No. 3IO mMtl frc)m 8 to 10 p.m. Thurldayi at Borden Boob, Music 8t C.f6 at sOuth Coast P.laza, 3333 Bear St. In Co.ta MeH. $3. New players a'l'e welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coin and Stamp Club rri..u from 1 to 3 p.~. Mondays at the Oeala Senior Center. New members Interested In trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are belrig sought to join these informalflleetings. There are no fees required. (949) · 644-3244 .• Jewish Family S«vtc. otr.rs ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn weyi to cope with aadneee. and loss. One group meets st 7 p.m. ~at Beth Jecob in lrvlnf. The MCOnd group meets at 10 e.m. 'fUeldlyt It Tempie Judea in fraguna Miiia. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdayi at the EZra Center In Anaheim. Free, but advance registration ia required. (714) 445-4950. . Jewteh flmlly s.rvlce of Orenge County provides a auppo~ and discuaalon group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexuel ebuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m, Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. lWo-hour bytlk tours with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Baclc Bay Driye, Newport Beach. $20, The HoneyBaked Cafe is full of surprises, not ham. now ~OU and ,our Lunch buddies c.a.n stor b~ 1he +lone~Baked e.af e for a sur>pM.si:.~t~ wt.de ai>ra:q of delLC.iousJ ma\le from scr>at;c.h, Lunch tem,pta.tt.ons. T~ our +lone9ffaked ehwken eoraon Bleu, Beer Weltin~n, OP f<}o:rk Fllletli wl;th FT>esh Bta:clU>e~ ~f.a,ce. Or ~~ a f:resh, c.r>isp~ ITlaster eh1 Sal.ad. Ana, if brea.k¥ast is t;o ~our ti.king, we serve it' a_tl cla.9' Lon9. With c.hoLC.es LC.Ke our t~t" and flu~ +lone,Baked Omelettata Wt.th Turke~, AVO<?.ado and Swiss eheese .or scrumptt.ous Stuffed F renc.h Toast. So nerttime ~ou do Lunch, do C.tin ~le atThe +lone_yBaked e.afe ... where ~ou'tt find over s~ deLi.eious thi.n8'5-.f/or Lunch, best.<les our a.ma,cin8 ham. eome see us toda~. We're rt.:Jht next door to that famous ham store. OpeoMooday -Wednesday8a.m.-6:3opm THE HONEYBA Thursday · Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin 13771NewportAve.#13 Phooe : 714-731-6616 fax :714-731-4907 tU69>n Bead\ 19022 Bead\ Blwl. #C Phone: 714-90-6174 rax 114.J'ls.1216 .An .American "'n business since 1953. Our family serving your family for 50 years John We belong to the world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. We are the biggest flooring dealers Individually owned and operated. Jennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet $199 Lifetime Warranty Laminate Gus Brenda Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $1'' or $10 for California Wiidiife Campalgr and Newport Bay Naturellata end Friends members. UM9) 729-1160. A. yoga end __ ..... held from 4:30 to 6:46 p.m. Tueldaya • at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Su~ 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. Th• Rev. Connie Rydunan i..da e diacu881on group using the book "Conversations with God" from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive Ent Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 754-7399. Marshall's r .. Kwon Do In Costa Mesa offers fr6e self-defense classes to air1ine pilots and fljght attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St, Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. A Dealing with Divorce support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. The s.. houtl' lhlp Dtl Mir 7.tl of Orange Couniy offttt a program for boys anct young men ages 14 to 18 lntereated '" ................. navigation and crulalng, Meetings are from 8 to 9 p.m. : Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts ' Sea Base, 1931 W. Co4118t Highway, Newport Beech. (9'8) • 642·8301 or (949) 651-8691. The Costa M ... S•lor Cfttzeft Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona.Avenue. Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669 .. Arthritis Foundation lnmuctor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. The Newport Beech Newcomers Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The organization is open to all women residents of Newport Beach wh~ have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcomers-newportbeach. org. Page Private School ~-/.9af l FMJU,. Cltob Award Winner f« Bell l'rlnu ElftMIJta17 Sdoolt A brand new campus with 95 years of experience. -PC a M .. Computer.._. "SlatMlf-tbe-art Ubrary . ·Sdmce Lab "Small Claa Sba -PnVllU Swfmml• P1>0I "Stroaa Carricuhn •tndhtdua.I Attention •After Sdlool Prop'liiu -Fldd'J'rtpa •Fordplaaplse •Pia,... Edocadoo ~alk. 0-U. Arts A~ Two new tenants to open at Crystal Cove Promenade Two new retailel'S will open next month at Crystal Cove Promenade, joining the line-up of tenants that have made the ocean view center one of Newport's most popular shopping destinations. Urban GardeMr and Ann Taylor Loft will open this fall Urban G~ner is a florist that also carries unique 1 merchandise for the home and garden. Items featured in the shop reflect the owner's I pMSion for hard to find, 1 distinctive product lines. Among the selection will be 1 topiaries, herb plants, rustic 1 urns, antique watering cans and artifacts. Urban GaJ"dmr'B array of Gardener, which has had another location in Newport Beach for nine years. Ann Taylor Loft will also open in September, bringing its classic style of fashions for the professional woman who eajoys a more relaxed lifestyle both at work and at home. Ann Taylor is one of America's premier specialty apparel retailers, with over 47 y~ of designing quality suits, separates, dresses, shoes and accessories with a femi- nine, polished approach to updated, classic style. Ann Taylor meets the needs of a modern woman's busy lifestyle by providing a full range of career, casual and occasion offerings in one location. B•nana Republic at Crystal Cove Promenade. superb, fresh flowers Collections have versatile represent the best quality 1n · ~les that coordinate not only blooms Oown in from around from head-to-toe, but also the world. Owners n.tfany and from season-f.o.9ea8on, 80 that Duane Greenleaf have found shoppers can build a full growers that produce some ot watdrobe from Ann 'lbfllor. the most spect.acu1ar tlowers Ann 'lbfllor Lqft caters to a used 1n everything from more value cor\90.ous woman, European arrangements to With the same desire for orchids. and other popular quality and style that Au looks. Url>M Gar*Mr'a 7bfllor collections early. signature ltYle ts pav'e Located on East Cout arrangement! that give a High"e.v at Crystal Hei&hm compact, INrlcate and unique Drive acroes from Crystal look. a1loWina colors and Cove et. Beach. c,,..i "'-Pes ot flowers to blend into Cowe ........ hlli • mls an w 1 • .-tlllll&Al-tl Alllllllll b•tPI .. UrfHue 6'11*Mr 111o ptOVldts ftowen for Wldclnla, reeklelldll ll!ld CGlpofW aceountl, .. wtD .. hotidir .. hOmt dlcor. 'DUI "'° be ... lfCOnd location ro.. u,._ ' ''THE WE'VE EVER TESTED.'' -INSURANCE INSTITUTE FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY SUBARU FORESTER The world's highest scoring small SUV in crash tests. Side Impact 40 MPH Frontal Offset 5 MPH Crash Averace Damace C~ Test Rating . Crash Test Rating Test Rating for 5 MPH Test 2003 S1Jbaru Forester Good Good Good $364 2003 Honda CR-V Marginal Good Poor $1,652 . . 2003 Ford Escape =•> Poor 'Marginal Acceptable $661 2003 Toyota RAV4 Poor Acceptable Poor $1,995 llHS president Brian O'Neil said, "the Subaru Forester demonstrates what can be accomplished when a manufacturer makes safety a priority ... The Forester is the only small SUV in the world to earn the highest possible scores in frontal offset crash tests, side impact crash tests and bumper tests from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. It's the SUV that's driven by SUBARU a highly developed protective instinct. 1-800-WANT-AWD subaru.com __ .. DRIVEN BY WHAT'S INSIDE Based on a rating of •Good" In 40 mph frontal offset crash tests (7 /02), l<>w-speed bumper tests (7 /02) and side Impact crash tests (6/03) by the lnsu.rance Institute for Higflway Safety 1964 Amplcar Blue ,. .... ....., $45.000 lOMlentleJArftlp ......... 11( ..... $147.RO 2003 Ferrari J60 FI Spider led/Tan 160 Miia $2Jt,OOO .. • ' . . ' ....... ------·-~ .. _.. .. --------------·---· __ ......__ . -----· ..... QUOTE OF THE DAY "There were a lot of people out here from all the clubs. There were as many from Newport Beach as there were from Mesa Verde." Tom s.ser.t, Mesa Verde head golf pro Sports Editor Rlc"-d Dunn: 19491574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 JONES CUP IV EYEOPENER Daily~ Sponl Hal a/Pame l ........ .W1 dwtt .......... Aua. 4 honoree TY HARPER Saturday, August 2. 2003 Bl HE ·OYO-F HREE , Lovejoy and Tipton erase two-shot deficit to claim Jones Cup, Big Canyon's third consecutive titl e. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSfA MESA -Qwet, unassuming, methodical. Those would be the words to describe Bob Lovejoy. On Friday they were the descriptors of Big Canyon Country Oub's Director of Golf and Will Tipton, his amateur partner and reign· ing men's club champion, as the duo took control of Jones Cup rv on the back nine at Mesa Verde Country Oub en route to winning the tournament by a stroke over the host team of head pro Tom Sargent and amateur Steve Rhorer. Leading Mesa Verde by · a shot after the par·three 16th, Lovejoy and Tipton parred the final two holes to finish with a three-under.par 68 to claim Big Can- yon's third consecutive Jones Cup m the loumamen1's four-year exlS!ence. Love· joy needed lo two-pun from 25 feet on the par-three 18th, with about 200 spec· !alors encircling the green and standing on the balcony of the clubhouse, lo clinch the win. His birdie putt - a left - to·right brealcer -nestled about two- and-a-half feel lo the hole and he sank the par putt for the victory. "The least I could do was contribute a putt for all (Tipton) did on the bad nine.· Lovejoy said as he has now won the last three Jones Cups with three dif. ferent partners.. "I was standing over that pun saying, 'I don't want to miss this.'. Rhorer and Sargent each had at· tempts to tie Big Canyon with birdie on 18. but both p utts failed to find the bot· tom of the cup. "On a scale of I to 10, Steve's pun was a 9.8. • Sargent said. "He hlt it so good. A Russian judge must have kept it out. "I thought I made the pun at I 7. I hlt See JONES CUP, P11e 84 STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT ·Big Canyon's Will Tipton, left, and Bob Loveioy hold the Jones Cup trophy after wmmng Friday at Mesa Verde Country Club. It was Love1oy's third victory. EDtTOR'S SCORECARD Another razor-close Jones Cup finish Big Canyon's Wtll Tipton chips to the 10th green in the Jones Cup on Friday at Mesa Verde. He and Bob Lovejoy won by one shot. STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT JUNIOR TENNIS E verybody gets busy. The older we get. the busier things can be. All the more reason to step back and appreciate a good round of golf. Llke on Friday in Jones Cup IV at Mesa Verde Counoy Oub, where it was almost magical how it finished with suspense on the 18th green, a par-three over water and where two-time defending champion Big Canyon Country Oub was about to malce it three years in a row with Director of Golf Bob Lovejoy wuming with hls third straight amateur partner. each of the four pro-am learns RICHARD one shot behind the other on And, once again. Big Canyon rallied. What IS n abou1 those guys? This time. Lovejoy and men's the leaderboard. As advertised, DUNN it was down to the wire for the fowth consecutive year. club champion Will Tipton put the pressure on host Mesa Verde with head pro Tom Sargent and men's club champion Steve Rhorer, a 300-yard The smell of another playoff was in the air with a spirited Mesa Verde happy·hour crowd on the balcony of the new clubhouse looking down at the S.. SCORECARD, Pa1• 84 Back bay duo wins boys 12s doubles title Damion and Ghassemi earn tough semifinal victory before taking care of business in final. ~~:;_::.:...:;..:.....;.L,l~~..::~-----..----.......;...:...""-------f .....;._.,......_..i-~......,.----.-'=:;!s:;a:~.;...----.;._--~-----....... ------------------------.... ------...... ~--...... \• -established 1984 · Ltnutj7:._lmports· ·& Ex~tic Sp·orts .. Cars * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * Consignments Welcome * ASE Certified Technicians * Cash Paid for Your Car .......... ----~ * Warranty Included * Competitive Finance & Lease Rates (on Most Vehicles) MERCEDES 99 SLK230 c19416>Bohomo Blue, Lor1nser ............................... : ... $27, 980 01 SLK320 c1&9451>Block on Block, 28KMI, Cleon ................... $34,980 99 E55 AMG c195&0qSllver on Block, Great Condi ................. $35, 980 02 CLK430 c19554qSllver on Blc:ick. AMG Wheels ..................... $45, 980 00 SL500 c19501qSllver on Block, Sport Pockoge: .. ..... ........ .. $49, 980 03 5430 (195&9)Block ~n Block, Brobus, Nov ........................... ..INQUI~ 01 CL500 c19545qSllver, 1 SK Ml, AMG, Nov .............................. INQUIRE! PORSCHE 00 BQXSTER c19426:))Sllver on Block, 5 Speed, Cleon ................. $28, 980 99 911 CARRERA c19~>Sllveron Block, 23KM11es, Teehan $49,980 99 911 CARRERA CAB (19'4&>Sllver on Block ........................ $53,980 00 911 CARRERA CAB c19'41)Sllveron Block, 6 Speed ...... $59,980 01 911 CARRERA 4 c19561qAreno Red, 3K Ml, 6 Speed ..... $60, 980 02 911 GT2 c19591q81ock on Block, 121 Mlles ............................ INQUIRE! + Tex Pt'f Month For 51 Months $4999 Drive Off, 11.294 Miles /Yeor (19394) + Tax Pee Monrtl For 51 Months $3999 Drive Off. 11 .294 Miles /Yeor + Tex Pee Month For 51 Months $3 200 1'rive Off, 11,294 Miles /Yeot (19458) -------------------------- Daily Piiot SPORTS YOUTH SWIMMING RESULTS Harbor View 698, Newport Hills 599 Wits ~ 2S ffM -I 8tynn Mol.i (NH) 18~· 2 ICMie Cr8le CHVJ. 18.32; 3 Ton EnglWt (HVI 20..43; 4 T8Vk>< Pedionl OM, 2100, 5 T~ Ollon (NH), 23 15, 9. Sebrina Smttl't (NH) 2~2~ • 25 t»di -1. Kelle Craig IHI/), 24 15: 2 °'9rloll• llaltnllne IHI/), 24 ee. 3 Co..rtnev GerUnl (NH), :ze 24; 4 Brianna Otboob NHST 109. 5 Ton Engtllh, HVST, 2700. 8 Sebrina Smtih, NH$1 l1 ti 25.,,... -1 Brianna D.tl>oub INHJ 21.54; 2 Emlly Mtmle< tHlll. 18 90. 3 • M~ne Give~ INH), 28 93; 4 Jut1t Hohl (Hiii. 30.99 26-yard fly -Brynn Molal (NH), 21 99, 2 Emily Med;lefc IHI/I, 24 37, 3 Katie Craig IHI/I 24.42, 4 Cherlotbl llelentine (HI/) 25 io· 5 • T8Vk>< Oleon INHI. l189, 11 T-S1 c;.,;,e lNH), 3499 too tr .. ...._., -1 ~ H11111 1en.n,,.. 0.boub,T-S1 Getn41, Taylor Oleon, Brynn Motel). 1 29 91; 2 Harbor Vt-!Kelley Ktng Chartone llalentine, Taylor Plt01cini, Ton • EngHllh), 1 30.32; 3 Newpon Hlll1 IUlly Cyr, Mnon Bendeul. lace Sulherland. Gr.c:e Morvant. 1 58 58, 4 Newpon Hill• (M ltdetetne Glv~ Courtney GM\ant, Paige Faun• LeAoy Sablina Smith), 1'59 47, 5 HerbOr v._ IGat>y On. Ann.a RMd. Brooke l!eyrooty Kayla Snmh), 21033,8 HarborV-HllST 2.2175 100 medley relay -1 HI/ST, 1 34 n (Cl'tarlotte llalenUne. Kelle Craig, Emily Madder, Ton Engltll\); 2 NHST. 1 3715 (Counney 0.rhnt. Brynn Motel Brnonn1 D.tboub, Taytor Otsonl. 3 H\/ST 1 52 86 (Taylo• "-<11cu\t, Juhe Hohl K.xte t<hne. Kelley ICJngl 4 NHST 2 13.84 IS.brine Sm11h. Tess SI Gema. ~le.ne Givant KAoloey Su1ohk), 5 Harbor v.-1s111phen1e McPh1lhps, Annie Reed, Sidney Graoe. Taaie KarHI, 2 2127 H I 25 ,,.,. 1 Jules Pouctl IHI/I, IS 49. 2 T<r(lo< Mc:Uughhn (NHI 16 01 3 Sydney Ragu .. tNHI. 1706, 4 MonlUI ~tvrmo IHI/I. 1788 5 Allison Rodge INHt. 18 08 6 ~ Smolh tHlll. 18 89 50 frM 1 Dei.ney l'oVCf1 tH\11. 35 IS 2 Cu1t0y Pipe (NH). J6 01, 3 AlhlOn Rtdge (NHI. 40 17, 4 Monlu Veniurlnl (HVI. 41 48; 5 Ellen Naruse IHllJ, 4185, 5 Wlu•en Oo!;in (NHI "'XI 25 badi , 1 Taylor McLeughlt INHI 20 61 2 C.-av Peoa INHI 20 82 J Jul05 ""-'en (Hiii 204'.l!I 4 ElltmNaruSl'IHVI 2131 S Jeu1ce Sulhe•land INHI. 27 !JO. 6 Shdnnon Gntftn IHllJ 22 52 251Jtu11 1 Annie Tomlin (NH), 20 15, 7 Oelaney Pwd> IHI/! 21 10 3 J\llM Pwcti (Hiii. 22 '9 4 Sydney R.QutM! INHI. 22 87 5 l\Aonoce ller>lu'1no (HI/I. 23 19 8 ~yloe Myers INHI 24 13 25"" 1 Oelaney "°""' tHlll 18 16 2 Moruce ~1urin1 IHI/I 18.69 3 Ellen Neruse (Hiit 19 10 4 Jeulat Sutherland INHI. 19 33 !J Kavkll! Myar1 INHI. 19 70, 8 Neu.he O Neol (NHI, 2186 100 frH relay 1 NOWIX>f1 H1ll1 l.Jenoca 5"1heriend Sydney Rag.JM! Taylor ~hltn CesaJdy Pai-t 1 09 09 2 Hert>o< \Ii-($1\annon Grolfon Jules l'o<Ktl C-av Sml1h Delaney l'Ou<t!I I 09 95 3 N-l>O'l Hlll1 IUndwy Suse>lok, l(aylM Myen Stel)heni. Farf>e• Alfit0n R•dge). 1 14 oo. 4 NOWl>O(I Htlla IWluren De8n, Kelacrv HumphfflV9, Stvter Dapp, Counnev B•ownl. 1 22 35. 5 Hert>or v-IEmofy Turner Courtney Wolaon. l(nsten R·s~r 8e11<-f "'-'>«>nl. 1 JO 33 8 Herl>Or 1/-IAl~son Go<oon ~n 0 Here Oeteney Owen. Allie Glov«I 1 34 34 100 medley relay -1 Newport Hilla (Jessa Sutherl•nd, C.1$1d\I Pepe, SydMy R.guMt, Annie Tomlin). 1'1701, 2 Newpon H1ll1 I Uluren Oun. Teylot McUughtm, Allison R1d09 Jeytee Mye<sl 1 l3 89, 3 Hert>Ot vi-!Shannon Gnlfin, Ellen Neruse C.uodv Smrtti. ~ Hety) 1 2S 07. • Hart>O< v-1 3160 IS.mentha Cotfmen 0.t>v C:.rl)enle< Molly R<Wta< Emily I(,_.,;.,,, 1 31 60 5 Harbor View IEmtlte Ja10""1 Kelhanne Noe. Emily Turner, Aa/lley l(ayfl, ,.~<la 9-lO 50tree 1 MergotMonevlHVl.3118 2 Holt-Barden •NHI 3319 3 S.t•h Ct•tg (liVI. 33 41 4 l(efsey ICaam..at. INHI 3S 90 5. AA11ooo G.a...n IHI/I 36 02 8 Adina Zef)fe INHJ. Jll 21 50 badi 1 SMeh Craig IHI/I, 39 21, 2 Anria Ventur1n1 (HVJ, 40 ~. 3 Niki Z..k IHI/), 42 01, 4 it.lie Manhews INH). 43 86; 5 Stwtro M eed (NHI 6' 24 8 Sarah Reynolde INH) 46 n 50 brffst 1 AAna \.W\tunnt IHI/) 42 92. 2 Voaone 0.bert IHVl. 43 77 J N•ki u• tHVI U 94 • ~n Wunelbectl INHI "' 97 5 Shan Mead INHI 45 49, 15 1te1111 Matthews (NH), 4043 2& nv 1 Margot Money (Hiii 14 91 2 Gleil'1t Ham (NHI. 15 73, 3 S.,.h Cr11Q !Hiii. 1149. 4 0eYo<> Greenlee INHI. 1722. S tt.thryn Conner IH\/l. 17711 8 Adtria Zeplet (NH). 18 11 100 tndlvtOuat medley 1 Margot Money (HV), 1 21 llO. 2 Cle1re Hem (NH). 1 JO ll3 3 K.echryn Conner IHVI, 1 J2 89. • Devon Greenlee (NH). 1 3321, S Holillee Barden INHI. 13438 200 hM relay -1 ~ H1ll1 IKelHY K.ctma,.._, Adina Zepf et Shari Mead Holl-Betdet\I 2 2732. 2 HetOO< V- (KathrVn Conner Hanriah Bannan. l•ndaoV lute, Allison Genni. 2 32 SJ 3 Hatbof "'- (Megen Grtffin. Katie Gordon T-c.tro. V.lerlfl Mef\Jnl, 2 J5 21. 4 Newport Hih (Meoen Wurzetbed\or, DeYofl G,_.., ICltlllt MaUhewll. Clei•e Hamt. 2 39 JI!: 5 Newport Hills (Allillon Henry, Jolt S1 Gema. Silvie ~Annie Ftynnt 2"' se. 11 Harbor v-1MocNe1a Gentos1. Al'fSN Homt>v. Pippe Se<Jnden. Ser'ah eo.1. 2 45 93 200 "'9dlev relay -1 Hertlor Vi-!Anna 'A9ntunni, Mllf'llOI Money, Voctoroa Gabert, Ser8'I Craig), 1 10 20, 2 Newport Hiiia (Katie M.m-, Cllllre 11em. Shan Mead, Hollace a.rden), 1 11119, 3 Newport Hltl1 IS.rah ~ ~ G,_.,.., Meoen ~.Kelwy~). 11303. 4 ~ \/lew (\/alerie ~n. Kathryn Conner Niki Zak. M illon 0....U). 1 15 15. 5 ~ Hillll ISIMe Reynolda, Caroline lar1en, Altleon Henry, Annie Flynn). 1 19 19 11-12 iO free -l HNlhe< llM Hiel IHVI. 2792; 2. Anr'9 Pl~ (NH). 29 ot; 3 IOmberty Condino (NH). 2183; 4 KeM 8eny (HI/), 30.23; 5. Emltv sPndle !Mi). JO 88. 8 K..l!i f-'9v IHV!. 3183 !iO bed! -l HMu. van Hiel IH\11. J4 73; 2. W I F..iev (H\11, nOO; 3 Kt1N White (NH), 3141; ~ Mc:K.nne Calley (HVl, 38."6; 5. Emily Spindl« (NH). 38.87; 8. LM1M ~(NHl.3943. 90 bf.--, l...u. vw. ,..... (tM. a»: 2. "-8eny ltNI •• ,.. 3.. ._... HoN ON!. a n: ~ Ettn Epp INHl. Cl.AO: s. ~ IOf)CI (NH). 44.40; 8. It.Ille FWl9r (NH). 45.32. llO fly -t. Anna Ptk:hiltoft (NH). 31.07; 2. MlcN!le Zuc*.• (HI/), 35.31; 3 W I F..iev UM. 31.63. 4 a.... GIQief ttNI. 3727; s. llWW>n McCtoelt (NH).«>-• 100 IM -1 ~Hohl IHI/I, 1 18 72. 2 Kate Betry (HI/), 1 11. 11. 3. Ktmberly Condino \NH), 1 :22.27; 4, Conley Kipp INH), 1 :23.15; 5. Adlna~(NH). 1:3'.11 200 Ir•~ -1. Newport Hills ISl'tennon Mc:Ooetev. Emily sPndlef, Conley l(lpp, Klmberly Condno). 1;01..42; 2. Hlrbof \/lew ( Mc::Kenne c.ltey, Cl'9IMll Giger. JeNpy Martin. Al1lion l'eotte(), 2'08 7.i; 3. NMpon Hltls ll.nlee Kaczmerell. Katie Oeverian. Erin Ew Krlsui White), 2:17.80; 4. Hert>Or 111ew 1K.1hryn McKennon. 8ridgel ~mp, Melerie MerUn, Kata Beldonl), 2:24.32; Ii Hartlor Vi-(Saran CoiQai•. Sh.al Cuuo, !Cate Alvaredo, MedleNle Conauntlno\I), 2 2717 200 medley 1'111,y -1 Hertlor lllew (Ket• Berry. eti.ltea Giger, Meli ... Hoh. Heelher \Ian Hiett. 2•19.83. 2 Newport Hiiie (K.lmberly Condlno, Emily SplndlOt, Anne P•ldllltoff, Erin Epp), 2 21.63, 3 Harbor View !Elite Molner. KIOlll Feeley, Mk:h4tll• Zudtw, Jenny Merunl, 2 ~ n . 4 Ha<bor 111ew !Bntteny Rovtar. llteton• IC.en1, Mci(anne ea.av Annie Klng). 2 34 05. !I N-i>Oft Hilla (Leslee Kecimarell K.Mle Foaher, C..1U1n Cobb, K.alJe Dev11n•nl, 2 48 75 13-14 r.o frot1 -1 Katherine K.aamar INHI. 28 41, 2 Kesey K.1pp INHI, 18 n . 3 Whitney Hoddnao (NHJ, 31 57 50 badi -1 IU1henna Keczmer tNHI 32 78 2 Allison P9otter IHI/I. 38 20 J Ann•e Kong (Hiii, 40 20 50 breast -1 Kasey ICopp (NHI 3ti 06. 2 Jullene Ptggo1 (NHI. 3723. 3 Megan Sptndlor INHI. 39 50 50 fly -1 Mary Flynn (NHI. 32 22. 2 Clmat111 M ead (NHJ, 33 07. 3 Meli ... Hohl IHI/I. 34 56. 4 M9g9n Sptndlet (NH), 34 62 !> Jennv Manin (Hiii JS 10 6 Voctona Ken1 IHI/I. 40JO 100 IM -1 Mary Flynn INHI, 1 06 19 2 Chr1111e Mead INHI 1 19 59 3 Jutoene Poowan INHI. 1 21 06, 4 Jenny Marton IHVI 1 24 43, 5 Allison Peoner IHVI, 1 2!> 40 200 '"'"relay -1 Newpon Hills tMegan S111n<Jler Kesey Kipp. ltelllllrtne Kaclmerek Mery Flvnnt. 1 ~ 68 2 Newpeirt H1111 tt<e1oe K1nrell Mem1'! Rodenhu1a Annabel F,trbe• Whllney Hod<insonl. 2 13 4J 3 NewPon Holl' IJuhane P1won. ~IHl f oflher, Sarah Sumer1and. Ca11hn Cobb!. 2 35 17 200 medley relay 1 flltiwpon Holli 1Katl1enne ICaclmarek M91>11n Spindler Kasey Kipp. Mary FtynnJ. 2 06 42. 2 Harbor 1/-I Hiley Pndlen. Brian• Gelloway S.• ah Hu1ctl•10n C:.ro ~1n111 2 14 31 J Newpnn H•lf• tChnst1e Meed uh•ne P10Q0tt Wh11nev Hod11nM;>n ICalot' K.nrelll. 2 /4 01 ,S.18 !>O ''"" I Aahlt<y Chandler I HV 1 26 21 2 CIH1~11na Hewko !Hiii 26 !>8.) Ale.,n11 R0<i.tnt1u1s INHt, 28 !>1 4 Christina EvaM INHt. 28 92 5 Lavr•n lnd.,k IHVI. ;>9 11 8 Kai~ Colo INHt JO 09 !>O~ t CIH•l11naH!!WkotHV1 311~ 2 Emoly Almarlll 1NHI 4106 ' !I() bre.t;1 1 AJtt••nt· Rodenhu15 IN~u 3!> JO 1 Lauren lro!lv1i IHI/ 1 36 23 3 "'11hrvn B1ldor !Hiii, 40 68, 4 Emily Alniara1 INH1 42 04 !t Blaire CoM1an1ono IHI/I 43 JI SO fly -1 Nikko H«ndroO.wn •NHI 31 19 2 Chtosune fvan• 1NH1 3J J4 100 IM 1 Chros11na Hl'Wlto HI/ 1 06 7' • 2 N•kkt Hendt.O.On 1NH 1 10 87 " 200 """ retay t N.....,P<Jn H·l•s tChna1md EvAns Em•ty Alma'.u Cht1~he Mea!l N1ltk1 H.,n<lrH;.,.,nt 100 85 1 Harbor V1f1W IKtllhryn B1ld11r Jt1nnv Manin. McKonne c .. ~~ l'Y Briana Galluway I 2 02 l'.l 200 medley relay 1 H•rbor llWflw IA~lev Chen<JI"' ICrlh to;f,nf' Chus1•,.. Ht-wt<> Tr KV ICuOHI 1Ob11 1 Nowl><>'1 t11Ha lA~••ntt ~hu1s ..:At18 Ccltt Cht•lltJ14 Evana N1tk1 Hendn<Unnt 2 08 l!t J Hdrbo1 1/1....., fBleore ConS1an11nou lduren tn<tv11t Amv lu~~· 1(.,1..,y McCorm•~I 2 22 83 Boys &.end-young« 15 tr~ 1 B•en 5<1>111<>• HI/, 11:1 06 2 HoV1 CrencA! IHI/I 18 94 3 Btf'n Grf'f'r·..,. INHI. 19 61 4 Ju1t1n H<int0n 1HV 20 n 5 Evan Sctlwaru (NHI 20 60 8 Austin Rodg~ INHI. 2198 75 badl -1 Ridy Zol tH\11 24 28 2 Denny Roberuon (NHJ. 24 83. J HamSOt• Cena< INHI. 25 42 .• )ulltln Hanson IHI/I 26 46 s Hoyt c .. ,,..., IHVt 26 86. 6 Ben Humphreys INHt. 18 10 25 b<toeSI -1 Roy Zat (HI/I 22 78' ,,_ mfft reco<dl 2 IH!n Humphrt"f~ INHi 25 31 3 C.meron H~ IHVI. 7772 4 Bren Gr.,.,,lee INHJ, 29 03, S Jad Barden INHI 3145, 6 Grrffin Homby IHI/I JJ 90 25 fly -1 8ra11 Sdlo.ier IH\/J, 23 6!1 2 Hugh Cref\00 IHI/I 25 52 3 h•n Scnwaru (NHI. 16 91 4 Ash1on Ja1on•t' IHI/ 29 19 ~ Mrtd\ 0.an tNHI 31 fi2 6 Broen l<IQu•y NH 3310 100 lree reley 1 HlrbOr y,....., IHoyl Cranc:e. Justin Han1<>n. Rld<y Zak. Bren Sct1111ttr), 1 20 07 2 Nttwpon Hoitt /Danny RobeftlOn Ben Humpnr11y• Au~ttn A•di/e Bren GreenteeJ 1 21l 57 J Harbot V1t'W ICu"' Manon Gnffin Hombv Hugh Crane" C.me•on Hooltl 1 33 33 • Newpon H•lls IM •nhew Mud, Brian Leouav Motm O..an Men Met<1nnon1 1 40 77 S Hut>or View IS.m S.lverman James Turne• Aah1on Jel(ln111, Luke Wv•nl 1 51 37 6 Newpon Holli ID.tn1el Henry Ryan Couaens Hamson Carter Jade Barden), 1 5782 100 medley !111ey 1 Harbor lllf!W !Hovi Cranat. Rodlv le\. Bran Scn111t<r Cameron Hooltl 1 33 18, 2 Newport Hills IOannv Robenaon. Even SO-.ru Ben Humphreys B•eu Greenlee!. 1 38 87 3 NHWPQ<I H1ll1 !Hemeon Carter, MIU:tl ONn. J.O. Ba•den Auatln Ric198), 1 :441, It; 4. Hetbor VortW !Hugh C.-enca, Cole Mertln, Gt1tf1n Hornby,Juston Han.an). 1 4719, S Nf!Wpon H1llt Ua<Uon Rhodes. !\Mn"-Mead Bnen Leguay Man Mc«.onnont. 2 03 28 11 Hert>Ot 1/-1Aa1>1on Jeion,. Denny GIQt!f B11en Chf-11 Ja,.,.,. Tume•I. 2 04 <la 7-8 25 tree 1 Jake Wyan IHI/I, 15 24 2 Rldi1e Berden tNHl. 16 OJ. 3 Ryan Gnflon tNHI 18 87,. Joahu• G1<1<11ngt iH\/J 18 58. !'i Kyle Co\lsens INHI 18 80. I Jedi Harryman INHl, 1913 50 frM -1 llenl"m"' Zepfel NHST 35 25 2 Rldlie Betden INHI. 3703 3 Ale• Wilde INH) 37_,, 4 Re+d Med.let (HV). 38 U , 5 Kohl Ebblnge IHI/), 38 75, 8 TYier Mcl'h1llipt IH\/l.4290 25 bed! -1 RY11n Griffin (HV). 10 02, 2 Alex Wiide tNHI. 21 le. 3 ChnatJan Gerhnt (NH). 21 69, • Blete Mole! INHI. 2189. 5 Kohl Ebblnge OM. 2182. 8 .Joehue Cl<ddlnga IH\/l 22.JJ 25 bf--1 Nd furvatd' (NHI. 22 n 2 Reid Mec*i.r (Hiit, 22 11, 3 .Jotrf Martino IHV!. 2A 17; 4, NtdfYW L..traen (NHJ, 24.94, 5 Kyle CouMna INH), :ze 33; 8 TYier Mc:Phllllpa (HI/), 21..0 211 lty -1 Jtke Wy.a (HVI. 18 01; 2. B!Me Molal (NH). 11.34; 3 Benjem<n Zeplel (NH). 1110;" Gio.rennl Gentoel. 21 -!I. Tommy 8n>ob IHV!. nea; 8. CM8tlen Gwbn1 INHI. 22A1 100 free 1'1tley -1 ~ Hills (Rid\le Barden, Kyle eo.._,., Bl.tlte Motel. llenjemln ~). I :Ol.99; 2 Het1>0r lllew (Ryen Gnflln, flMd ~. Josh;le Glddlno-. Jelle Wyatt). 111148. I. ~ Hille, 1 11 IO (Chrilclen Ger1uln1, Jade Herrymen 0r-Oleon, AleA Wiide). 1 ·1u10, • Harbor Ill-(Charlie llodoally, ICohl Ebbing, Tom(TIY Broob, lVJer Md'hilllpe), 1'14 47, 5 Newport Htlle (Ian Glvent, Jeff Johnston. 8o SL Gema, Ev1111 Oeboubl, 1 18 BJ, I Her1lor 111ew (c-.tl CM. ChriMOpher Bevroorv. C1ev Woodwens. Cole SctlUf I. 1 18 92 100 ~relay 1 "'-POft Htlle llllek• ~I. Benjamin Z..,lel. Nld: Fure-tctt. Rkilie Barden), 1'1725.2 HerborVl-IJakeWyaa. Ryan Orlflln, Rohl Med.Jet, Joahue Glddlnga), 1 18 "6, 3 Harbor Ill-CTommy Broob, Kohl Ebbing., Joey Mertmo Tvie< Md'tlolhpt) 1-24 n . 4 Newpon H~111 (Alex Wilde,0.- 0laon. Chtutitn Garhnl KVle <:outMH!al 1 25 19; 5 Hert>or VteW(Gtcwennl Ger>toe1 Liem Kare1. Jtm Berry, Timmy S1tedel. 1 28.33. 6 N-port Htlls (Bo SI G4tme, Ev'° Oeboub, Mason Mclaughlin, Jedi Harryman! 13678. • 9-lO 50 free 1 Men Berry (HI/~ JI JO 2 Jeff Col'dtno INHI. 31 59, 3 Emery Molnar fHVI. ~3 89: 4 Taylor Epp tNHI. 34 Ile. 5 John SWlgon INHI 34 88 8 Bruce Bearer IHI/I 35 18 110 bad< 1 Garren Larson IHI/I. 35 98, 2 Men Fosher INH) 39 18, 3 Daniel Hohl IHI/), 42 36. 4 Manhew Engllll\ IHI/I, 4311. 5 Matt LlvongstOll tNHI 44 87 6 Chn•toPhttr Feunl fNHI 5519 50 h<easl 1 Genett U.rson IHI/I 38 lf! 2 Taylor Epp INHI 45 09, J Bruce Bearer IHI/I 45 13. 4 Nocnole• Belden (Hiii. 45 68 5 Anlhony DallOub INHI. 46 14, 6 Stephen Kipp INHI. 46 !>4 25 llv 1 Man Btlrry IHVJ, lb 25. 2 Erne<y Molnar IHI/I, 16 85 3 Dentel Hohl \H\/J 1705, 4 Chrost011her Rober (NHI 1718, 5 John Swogen !NIH 18 02 6 Jeff Conomo tNHI IBU 100 IM 1 Gentott Larson IHVI. 1 18 05 2 Man F 15!1er I NH I 1 29 67 3 Anthony Daboub INHI 1 30 77,4 Me• Carpon1er IHI/I. I JI 89. s Daniel Hohl IHVI 1 33 85 200 tr,.., relay I N-pon Hilla tJohn Swogt1n Anlh<>ny Oabovb. M•n Fis""' Jeff Cond1not 2 13 79 2 Harbor \Ii-I Bruce Bea"'' M•nh....., lngl••h SP"._, Hetv Man Berry 2 1!1 !>5 3 Newpon Holts 1Chros1opher Robo!tUOn Man l•v•ngston S1ephen K1t>P faylOt Epp1 2 1':15!:1 4 Harbor I/-!Chop Zut:*e• Derer Salvino. Trevor McG"•e, Mu Carpenierl 2 30 81 5 NewPon HtllS 1Chrost(>p/>Pr Poggon Charhe Grolfon Mod\ael Keasey Chro11o~r Faun1 lt!Royl. 2 5718 6 Jad< Reed Ah·• B"Vruo1V Goovenn1 G!tnloso Tommy Broot<\ 2 !19 59 200 mealev rl'ldy 1 Harbo• 11,....., I Man Berry. Emery Mntnar Man Bedre• Ga"en Larson! 1 075i 2 Newp0n Hills 1Man ~oahcr Jell Condino. An1hor>v Dat>oub John Sw09enl. 1 11 40 3 Newfl<)n H•lls (Man l•v•"llston Swphen Kopp Taylor Epp Cnns10ph"' Ro0<onS<in1 1 12 19 4 HatbOt V•f!!N 10an1f"I .,_.,.1t t M•ntteW E nghsh SC)t!nc.~r H1ly N•ChOla\ 8atr1 .. n1 I 13 bS S Harbor Voew IMa• C..rpo•nll'r Js>e Barl<laru> Ch11.1 ludH>t 0.-tf'I ~lvonol 1 15 47 11-12 50 lree I Dovod Linden INH1 2731 7 ICl>vm Co• 1H\/1 30 4 7 3 Tyler Haly 1HV1 32 40 4 Nomold'> llK)ndrd INHI 32 68 S J11111n Pape •Hiit )J !>4 6 Ale~ Swiqen 1NH1 3397 50 ~ 1 De.id L•n<len INHt )191 2 Dav1<l Gu•llOrn fHVI 36 57 3 8en1•m•n NO" IH\11 3753 4 N.molas l1>0nard INHI 38 37 5 Ju111n Papa !Hiit l8 &9 50 bre,,.1 1 O~v1d Guobord IHI/I 40 ~2 i Aloc Wilson 1HV0I •169 3 Tyler Haly 1H\/1 43 23 4 Ale• Sw<Vttn !NH 45 16 50 fly 1 D•v"J linden fNHt JO !12 1 ltt'V• n Cow HI/ 34 73 3 Av•n GIAOy-:ti HV f 3753. 4 Noi:;tll)la. leonJrd INHI. J8 73 100 IM 1 o .. vod lonclen INH1. 1 12 53 2 AiPl W•lson IHVt I 19 07 3 K...,.n Co• •Hiii 1 22 98 4 N1r:t>Ol8• l&OnA<ll INHI. 1 '3 55 200 ""'' rnlay 1 Harbor VlflW tR\an Gla<Jvd'I 8'!n1am1n NOP Teddy Bandar1A Dav•d Gu1bord 7 12 32 2 Hart>or \/tew INe<1i 0 Hare Pa1rt(:I. W.C...nberq M1cn1e Frenl!lon Tvte• Ha•v• 2 2b 5!> 200 me.11t'v r..t.,y 1 H.trt>ot 11-I David Gu1t>ord Tl'ddy Bendaruk, ICiivtn Co•. Auslln Allen1 2 75 52. 2 Harbot View tAloc Wilwn Tvle• Hely JuS11n Paoe Rvan Gladvd'tl 7 28 Oi ) Herbo• View t8en1am1n NOt! P•trd-Sdl()('ni>erg Scon Hlllte• M"111f'I F,.nkhn1 2 J8 50 13-,4 !>() ··~ 1 P11110 Wt·ute INHt 24 39 Tr1M>1 Glad'fd'l INH 26 07 J R J Saloon, IHI/I. 274J 4 r ylp McGh•e (HVI 2810 s Clay Ru'Sell rHVI JO 73 6 Ben Evans INHI 33 59 50 b<tO. 1 Petrtdo White INHI 28 38 2 Allnan No•tienr~ IHI/• J2 SO J Kyle MtGh• .. •HVI 35 04 4 Scon F<!filey IHI/I 42 01 !t Jam"" ~!Connon IHV 5130 50 "'""'' 1 C,reg S.nf0td INHI 34 63 :; R J S.ldOn1 fHVI 35 92 3 Oay Ruuell fH\11. 36 13 4 AnlhonyManollelHVI 36 8' & Mil!,. Flynn INHI 40 B5 6 Evan Zepl11l INHI 4113 50 flv I D<Mtn PosptSol INHI 29 40 2 Trevor Gll<1vd'l INHI. JO 48. 3 Ryan 1Cen1 tHlll lO 53 4 Greg S.nlo•d INHI JO 68 5 Ryan Hullman •H\/ )0 71 6 Tom Money Hiii. J099 100 tM 1 A<lnan N•l'l>enke IHI/I 1 09 99 1 Rvan 1Cen1 tHlll. 1 10 35 3 Ry1n Hunman IHI/I 1 12 87 4 M ike Fly'1n INHI. 1 20118. 5 Evin Zepfel (NH! 1 22 03 200 free relay 1 Newpon H1ll1 tDeen Pos"'"l lre'<IO< Gtadycn Grpg Sanford Patrodl Wh•l<!I 1 43 9S 1 Hert>or Vlf!W IAdnen Ni41henh Clay Rusaell Fl J Beldon• Ryan Hunman. 1 52 1 7 Newpon Holli IC.rt W~noel<, Evan Z~pfel S.-n Evans. Mo~e Flynn, 206 51 200 medley r~l•y 1 Newpor1 Htlla !Trevor Glactvm Pamdl Whrte. GrttQ S.nlotd, Oun Pospo11/I 15e91 2 Harbor Vrew IR J Beldon• Oey Russell Ryen Hullmen. Ryan Kentl. 2 OS 11!> 3 Harbof v-Am ...... Prod<ea. Al><Jy Rov11r Kyle McGhoe AnthOny Menetlel. 2 22 53 4. Newpon Hiii! B Ulen Evens, Moke Flynn Evan Zepfel, C.rl W&nlekl 2 28 91 15-18 50 free 1 Seen McGhle IHI/I. 23 24. 2 Ryan Moore (HI/) 24 15, 3 Griffin Gentry INH), 25 40 4 Roben ~(NH), 25 45, 5 Mlfahefl Tunon IHVI. 26 26, 8 Adam Evens INHI. 28 29 50 badi 1 Bryan Buhegoar tHlll. 28 29, 2 D.tnlfll Nlettenka IHV),29.89: 3. Tvter 1C.en1 IHV). 32 74, 4 TaylOr Storm !NH). 34 13, 5 Zek Powers (NH). JS 83 50 ~ 1 Seen McGhte ltNI. J2 04, 2 Adam Evans INHI. '4 08 50 lly -1 Bryan 8uheg<e< IHll). 2783. 2 z..t ~(NH), 29 19, 3 ....,,._ Btedflord (HI/), 3113, 4 Taylor Storm INHI. 31 911: 5 Blllb Sd\oenberg (HV), 32.r.9. 100 IM -1 Brven Buhegier (Hiii. 1 03.oe: 2. 0.nlel Nlehenlle IHVI, 1'06.93; 3 Blelle ~(HI/), 10999; 4 NeOeetn ~ IHV!. 112 49 200 f-reiey -1 Hertx>r \'i.w A IMea Bladrbd, Wttll<er 1111..t<. Tom Money, Bryan Buhagierl, 1A5 50. 2 Newport Hiiie A (Taylot SIOml. Adam Evane, Zele l'Vwenl, Trent Diii). 2 18 37. 200 medley......, -1. Newport Holle IAdem Evane. Taylot Storm. Robet1 FM&. Jonathan~). 2·11 7&. W mui your e~1 T'd/WTc?mntl5 Ths nunL-Lurtdiwm 2003 ML350 SUV IS hand-picked and waumgfur you [)VI), ChmmL WMm, Bose. Rood mp1 Sdturddy, August 2. 2003 83 T11nl! = num•."'' ( b;;;.d ) AUTHORIZED saooo ¢ .... ,,_ FOR .... ----CLEARANCE I • I 'I I ' ,. I " . . I' f 1 ',, l :' ' ' ' . ' . . '' . . . ' 4rt «II , .............. ,,_.._..,_ I....,.. ""' ... -· 5 -.... ., .... $ ................... --·-.... _ ' .,... \: ·- 1'ew llll Explorer XLT : 4--Door IM Satwdly, Auaust 2, 2003 Mesa Verde's Steve Rohrer reacts to his putt on the 18th hOle in the Jones Cup. Rohrer and teammate Tom Sargent led most of the day, but bogeyed two holes on the back nine as Big Canyon won by one shot PHOTOSBV STEVE McCRANK I OAILVPILOT SCORECA~OllJlW:!lent, keeping track of two ups Ul another Jones Cup Continued from Bl C t went down to the wire ( e have we heard that hitter off the tee who enjoyed a memorable day around the greens, including a 35-foot birdie pun on the par-four No. 5. Sargent and Rhorer followed with the first of their two chest-bumps on the green, typicaJ Sargent behavior. Sargent, the former PGA of America Golf Professional of the Year, and Rhorer, however, both missed crucial par putts at par-three No. 16 and Mesa Verde bogeyed to fall out of the lead. All the while, Big Canyon was breathing down Mesa Verde's neck behind Ilpton's remarkable baclc-nine play. Tipton, on the heels of fellow Big Canyon men's club champions Ron Maggard and Danny Lane who teamed with Lovejoy to win Jones Cup titles, birdied-14 as Big Canyon dropped to three under and held steady with pars to close out the round in front of a rollin~ crowd of200. Lovejoy needed to two-pun from 25 feet on the 18th green, a downhill left-to-right breaker. to secure the victory for Big Canyon. His pace was perfect. setting up a three-foot par pun for the win. wnpton was playing really well for us. I'm just glad I was able to contribute on the last bole." said Lovejoy, who took a peek at the scoreboard on the 15th green while standing with his daughter and caddie, ftlayne. and realil.ed his team was tied with Mesa Verde at three undet This year's Jones Cup had drama in both groups. It was more fun than a professional before?). Great golf shots were everywhere. The event Is part of the fletcher Jones Motorcars/Daily Pilot Oub Ownpionship Series. ••• Newport Beach C.Ount:ry Oub head pro Paul Hahn is one of those guys with a lot going on. Besides his regular dudes at Newport Beach, Hahn, 49, and his wife, Marlene, 48. are expecting their first child on Sept l. Hahn started wearing contact lenses for the first time six weeks ago and f~ better about the results. He also received t.Qree ejections in his bade last week to relieve pain that has been bothering him for several years. He reported Friday that his back was pain free for the first time since he was 12. ••• As Hahn was leaving his house Friday morning for the Jones Cup. he received the news that his ex-brother-in-law and friend, Mike Tolman of Alta Loma. died at age 45 of a massive heart attack after water skiing with his family. Hahn, however, managed to malce the only eagle in the Jones Cup on the first hole, when he launched a fairway wood to within three feet and sank his pun for an eagle three. ·o~ I'm done," Hahn quipped. Hahn is also expected to play as a sponsor's exemption in the 2004 Toshiba Senior Oassic, his first appearance on the Ownpions Tour. 2003 31st Annual COSTA MESA CITY CHAMPIONSHIP (Will JORDAN CLASSIC) prtHlfe41fy Oty of Costa Mesa & Mesa Verde Partners •v= COSTA MESA • COUNTRY CLUB MESA LINDA & LOS LAGOS COURSES Four Rights Avoila.ble and a Senior Division Lowest Index For Pasf 12 Months Will Be Used AUGUST 9TH & 1 OTH (SATURDAY & SUNDAY) $10,000 IN PRIZES* SSOO MAXIMUM U.S.G.A. PRIZE FOR EACH FLIGHT WINNER. ENTRY· $175 IOJI06 TH PllZI. 6IWI f&S fOl IOlll DAYS, WHlE Oii SUNDAY, PllllS AINI AWAIDS. '*Y .._ MWll 11 C.... .. Cmlry <Wt (714) S40-7SOO IXt 3•10I All U.S,U IWlllCAP5 ACCEPTED. IO POST OOll5 ACaPTBI • ABD t.»tmD TO FIST 320 PUY'EIS S PORTS 1. Oaity Piiot Newport Beach Country Club's Bruce Bearer lines up a shot while receiving help from caddies in the Jones Cup on Friday at Mesa Verde. JONES CUP Continued from B 1 it on the exact line, but it is a de- ceitful pun. It appears 10 go left, but slides right.· A few missed putts and a cou- ple of "bad chips." according to Sargent, caused Mesa Verde to surrender a two-shot lead. Sar- gent, who holed a flop shot from the thick rough on the final hole in 2000 to give Mesa Verde the initial crown, sruck a 127-yard. nine-iron approach onto the 14th green and subsequently made 8irdie from seven feet. Mesa Verde was four under al the time while Big Canyon was rwo under, followed at even par by the Santa Ana Country Oub contingent of head pro Geoff Cochrane and amateur Boyd Manin, along with Newport Beach Country Oub's duo of head pro Paul Hahn and ama- teur Bruce Bearer. Tipton birdied 14 -sinlc.ing a six-foot putt -after tallying a two on the par-three 12th, where he sunk a four-footer. But a par five on the 13th was the key in Tipton's mind. WTo stay at two under, thar gave us a boost to make birdjes." he said. •After WilJ birdied 14 I thought we had a chance." Lovejoy said. "I thought we would r1'eed one more birdie but !consecutive bo- geys by Mesa Verde on the 15th and 16th holesl took the pressure off." Though the heat of battle never really subsided. As Tipton walked from the I 6th green to the tee on No. 17, he muttered, ''I'm 35 going on 60." This Jones Cup was no differ- ent in the amount of drania brim.ming with each shot. WThe ball see ens to go 10 to I 5 yards further," Ttpton said of the nerves' effect. ·All you do is swing within yourself and hit the right distance.· On occasion Tipton boomed the ball 15 yards or more past the other three competitors in his group. Lovejoy and Tipton played alongside Cochrnne and Martin. who fired an even-par 71 with two birdies and two bogeys. "It has been a struggle," Coch- rane said as he approached his second shot in the I 7th fairway. Santa Ana moved to within two shots of Mesa Verde after Manin hit a five iron from 182 yards to within 12 feet on No. 5 and san1c the birdie pun. That was as close as they would get from there. Newpon Beach bolted to a two-shot lead over Mesa Verde and Big Canyon after four holes. Hahn hit a five-wood four feet from the hole on No. I and made the putt for an eagle three. lWo holes latec, the Newpon Beach head pro, who has played in all four Jones Cupl>, drained a 25- footer across the third green for a birdie two. Sargent. the head pro at Mesa Verde since 1995. said maybe once has he seen an approach shot executed like Hahn's on No. Newport Beach shot one un- der on the back nine and fin- ished with five bird.Jes. They also tallied five bogeys. "That is too many." Hahn said of the number of bogeys. "I was not on my game at all." Hahn's partner, Bearer, hit a nine-iron approach from the fairway that landed seven feet from the hole on No. 13 and made birdie. Play really began to heat up at the 12th. when Bearer carded another birdie after hitting his tee shot within eight inches on the par-three. Hahn's tee shot kicked back. mere feet from the hole while Sargent also took tar- get practice. "Mine got a loud roar. so I knew it was close." Sargent said. "Bruce's was a loud roar and a delayed explosion. Everyone got excited about that.· The galleries blossomed· on the back nine, specificaJly on No. 13. "There were a lot of people out here from all the clubs," Sargent said. "There were as many from Newport Beach as there were from Mesa Verde.· Play began at 1 :30 p.m . Fnday. Lovejoy'i. par putt at 18 con- cluded the round about 6:45 p.m. as shadows crept across the green. The wind. which had swirled on several holes all after- noon, began to die down. The setting sun scill shone its light on a new champion and a three- time achiever. "' Tipton and Lovejoy held up the trophy, which sits at the win- GIRLS WATER POLO Santa Ana Country Club's Geoff Cochrane pauses as he watches his putt refuse to go 1n the hole in the Jones Cup on Friday at Mesa Verde Country Club. ning club for until the next Jone-. Cup. or until someone knocks off Big Canyon. "We let the fish off the line af- ter we got It hooked," Sargent saJd. "You don't get used to it, .. Lovejoy said about winning a third consecutive title. Newport defeats CdM in Jr. Olympics The Back Bay rivalry coina- dently came head Lo head again Friday at Capistrano Valley High in the USA Water Polo Junior Olympics, taking place at various high schools throughout Orange County. There were 48 teams in the girls 18-and-under division, so it seemed virtually impossible for the Newport Harbor and C.Orona del Mar club teams to meet, but they did. Newport Harbor, which has been scrtmmaging against CdM every Thursday morning thJs summer, defeated its Bade Bay counterpart. 9-2. Additional infonnation of the game was not provided. The pool at Newport Harbor High is under renovation, so the club team players, the majority or whom attend the school, have been using Cd.M's pool this sum- mer. The two teams will continue play in the Junior Olympics today and Sunday, then they will com- pete in the Hawallan invitational at the University of Hawaii, Aug. 10-17. CdM opened the Junior Olym- pics with two victories before los- ing to the Golden Bear club Thursday. CdM defeated Monache. S.2, in its first game. as Jordan Anae scored three goals and Amy Strack added two. Goalie Brittany Fullen made a long shot from the cage to end the first half. giving CdM a 6-0 lead. CdM also defeated North llli- nois, I I -6. Anae and Katya Ea- dington scored three goals each and Kade Kubas colJected two. Fullen produc.ed another full. court shot to contribute one goal Newport opened the tourna- ment with a 14-7 victory over El Rancho and then settled for a de with Peninsula. 8-8,.before finish- ing the day with a 15-7 victory over Montebello. CdM and Newport will be play- ing in consolation games today after losing at least one game each Friday. Aside from its lost to Newport. CdM also suffered a 7-2 setback to Paradise, while New- port lost to San Diego Shores. 9-6. DEEP SEA Friday's counts . . ---.... ----·-··-··------...--------~··----- iiiillllliiiiiiiii .... iiiiimiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;-~' LllM~·~·~·~-;;;; Llpt .... ............ &alll on~, of 1111, OI Mitl ofW 1etm1 ···~'°-­pnonel r~. ~~~ _.,,.,.. u IO cond· ..... )tpr ... ot~. Seier .,,,. NOT proWle a peel . control NpOft. Sellet ,_.. NOT ptO¥lcie Seetot't 1 T 9"""' Oear· ance Sele!' wl! NOT r;.~ Hazan) 2 In ICCOfOance wittt the ~ Codi of .. Staie of Calilomla, no ttanslef ciadolure lllltement II required In "' tral'lllGtion, Ind wil net be pr<Mded by the Sellef 3 Thia Ille ii net yPOfl 8uyef ~ petty. &l)'9f end SeAef •• ,. to pay 11.ir own tlCJOW fen Bidderl .,. ldvlled IO ~ lhe Court's r9COl'dl Ind to oonduc:t dlligent lnv•t>galiorw u IO the condition of lte real propel1y and Wms of sale before presenlJOg hit bid Dated. July 26, 2003 JIM SCHNIEDERS, RN. 11 Coolervalor ot the Person and Estate of EVELYN AVTH ZILL· GITT USA MecCARLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW 3436 N VERDUGO RO STE 100 GLENDALE CA 91208 Newport Beec:o<:olt.a Mes.a Daily CN684723 ZIU.GITT Aug 2,4,9, 2003 .......... Th• lollowlnt pet sons are do1n1 busonel\ u A) loan Advoc1tes Network, B) loin Advoc1tn. 28241 Crown Valley P1rkw1y. H92. l•aun~ Noauel. C1llforn11 92677 Wiiiiam Ryan Ash worth, 680 Wu t Mam Str.et. rust1n, C11tlorh1a 927Sb 8500 Lyman J Bishop, 25601 £1 Onie. lacun• N11uel, C1hforn1a 92677 I hos busones~ " ton ducted by • aeneul p1rtnershlp Have you started doma businns yet? Yes 08/01/2003 Wilham A. Ashworth Thts statement wn filed wolh the Coullly Clerk ot 0\,8n&t County on08/0l/OJ 20036'SSS71 011ly P1lol Au& 2. 9, 16, 23,2003 Sa462 llOOO IM'lllGllS lhe Or1n1e County S1n1l1t1o n 01sl11d (OCSO) o l Or•nae County. C1hlo1 nl•. will rece1•e seal~d Bod~ unlll Nove...t.er 11, 2003, al 2,00 p.m. Bid~ mu•t be rereoved di ocso·, Adf!l1n1~lr •loon l obby or Pur~hd \onll Oov"oon Ofl1le by 11\e dale •lld lonie htreon .ibove sel lor th at which tome they won be pub ht ly ope,.ed •nd e •amo,.l!d 11 OCSD \ Purchason& Olloce 108« lih' Avenue F ounl••n Valley Calolutru• 91108 1018 NOTICE INVITING llOS PUltCHASl Of UQUIQ CATM*IC POlYrUC· TltOl Yll <HIMKA.l flO<CUUNT (P'OlYMfal WfOfKATtON NO. (.200J· 14' A Pr ... 81d Cooterence wlll be h•kl on Au1ust 12. 200.1 •I 9·00 ;a.m 1t Of•llC• County S~lu t 011 OISlrtel 10844 Ellis Avenue, fovnl1111 Valley. CallfMn11, 92708 Plene mHt in the Purchas1na Olv1s1on lobby louted al 10844 Clhs Avenue rount1111 Valley c.1o for 011, 92108 All prt> specllve b1dde11 .,t stron&ly encouraaed to •llend this pre bid conference 81ds must be subnut ted on the lo11n supplied by OCSO m ;iccordao~e wolh ,.JI provisions ot the specthcatrons Speclfl catt0rls, 81d blanh dnd further onlormatoon may be obt11ntd 11 th" ~bu•t •ddreu lelephon" 1714> 962 2411 Published Nrwpor I Beach Cost• M~• Oaoly Pilo t August 7 ?003 S•4'>9 FlditiM IWnns ..... s ........ Th6 lollowinil· p.rsun' 3'~ dom~ busmec;~ a\ lius)origs Spnr t ' llar G11ll 1880 M11n11v.1 Costa Me\d CA 'J?fill R•ul (rilNµro\<\ r ... POI at1on ICA1 ll!!UJ Monrova l.o,t.i M,.,~ 1.A 9767/ Tht\ bu~m~-..~ r \.rut dut te-d by .., lurp,1rdtu111 H•v• you \I•• ted do11111 b11sonh' yPt? Ye\ IJl OS ?003 MOftno. Owner lhis st1l1m1nt w•t toled woth the County Cler II uf Ofln11e County on 07 /J-O/OY' 20036'StH 17 0•1ty Piiot Au& ?, 9, 16, 23,2003 S1461 Rdlllell ...... "-*--'ht tollowona pef\ons •ft dt1lrll bu,.111~\ •S We\lcon St1ln Pro to\1111' Cenlcf\ b l!> S ludrd Sh eri U111t 0 I S•ul.t And (;•lltorn1a 9U04 l non1• lollm•n 61'> S Eur.lid Shtel Unit 0 I. S•nl• An• C•lllornoa 92104 lh" buson•\s '' con· dut1Pc1 by an 1nd1v1dual ttav• yuu \tar led doona bu\l,,U\ yet' No [mnM T111m4ln tho\ \l.itcment W<ts t1ltd wrth lht County t le• i. ol 01 an&e County tori 06 17103 20036947932 Daoty Pilot July 12 19 lb Au& 2, L'OOJ Sa450 Fk1ttlM t.simt M..S"'-1 lh• follow1na P•"ons are do1n11 b11\1n"' as Kdn11·rnn'\ Slulf, 210S6 V1lla11t Or •B. Lake rur._I I A 9761() H•r 111.1 r1'vl' ;iJ0'>6 \1111.1~• f)r •H l •lie f ,,,.,, t A 9?f.J(J IJnr..., M· l!rrn>~ ? I0'>6 Voll•w• 01 •B Lake f111t\I C'A97630 U11\, hu~m.-•~._ '' t..On •l&U t .. rt hy hu<.t.Jaud dnd .,.,.,,_. 11.ov• y'lll '.fHl~d dnmg t'u""''"'I.~. vt-t 1 No 9,,,;,. o~···· -1Jafill'Ud.JlJ 11•.!U__. lh11 sl•ltm,nt 'was toled wolh the Coo11ty Cler-of Oranae County on06/20/0J 2003H4HU Oatly Pilot July 19, 26, Aua 2.9.2003 S14!i2 ............ ... s...... Th• lollow•na p~r s.ons are do1n1 bu"neu n Real I ••••~ Seo vous 0 1tet l 61!> l. ( Uf hd Sir eel Unit 0 I S•nl• Ana Cahfornl1 9?/04 Eonond Tollman, 61!1 S Euclid Sheet Unit 0 I Santi An•, tal1lurll1d 97104 l his busmen 1s l •Jll duded by an 1nd1v1tl1rnl Hav11 you staoted doina busrneu yel' No Emma T11lrna11 lh1> stdleonent "'"' filed with th• Cour1ty Clerk of Oraniie (;01111ty 0,, 06/12/03 20036947933 Oaoly P1lol July 12 l'J 26.Aue 2 L'OOJ S.4!il Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In ClASSlflED (949) 642-5678 ........... ... ....... The followlnt pe15on) .,. doona busonen n M11 bit Mll!IC ProfH 1t0n11 Marble &. Stone Cera. llS95 Aulu Avenue, rount11n V1ll1y, C•lolorno• 92708 Thereu McJ4iin, 11595 Aalu A•t Foi.nl;aln V•ll•y Caltfornra 92708 I hos business 1s con dulled by an ondovodu•I H .. e you surtlld cloonc llusoness yct1 Yrs 6/ j() 'tl3 lheoesa Mo•e•n I hos statement wn lolPd woth the County Clerh of 011n11e County Qrl 07/24/03 200)69$26 14 Oa11y Pilot July ?6. Aua ? 9 16.?003 Sa4!i/ RditiMIUen "-*'-' I hP lollow1n11 per \ons •re doong bu~1neu n B•lbo• Capital f undon11 ?Ml? Maraue.,le Paik WdY Suite 540. Mo~~"'" Voetu Calilorn,. 'Jl.'692 Jt·n y H J4r VI\ Jr , lb012 Mareuerole P•rk way Suite ~40. M1'5t1)n Vi.10 Cahlorn1a 9769? I hi~ bu"ne\\ '" ro11 dulled by 311 HldlYICIUdl ~'""" yciu \tarted do1n11 hu\lnes\ ytJ? No 1 .. ny Jarvis lh1\ \tatement wa\ lol•d wolh tn• County flpr ~ of Orang• (;nun I y 1111070803 20036950713 Daoly Pol<il July 11 19 16 AuR 7 2003 S~«9 Index llow to Place A ' •••m .... , nes-1•" SERVICE DIRECTORY CLASSIFrnAD Bv Fax 1J..1•1 ,,1 hl•oJ """" ,-1c " .. < ..J.,_o'W!"~ ~ ,i. ~1.c .. '"'""* Bv Phon<' lh· \la il /ln Pt·r~o n : • I \II \l.c,I RJ~ \lrftl { '"'J \k-.i (A IJ~6~' \ \c.,.purt llhd A. HJ~ 'II I lours: lrkpl1011< \ \l)'Jm. ~ IJ>pn1 \l11n<lJ~ Fnda\ \l.Jll 111 ~ ~lam-5 mpm \f1111dJ~ rnda~ ~=es 1489 JEWELRY/ 3460 I Balboa Peninsula_ I Newport Be~ch San Juan Capistrano OP'EN SUN I ·4 e l_..ty 0.-. V'-vl(lj \ tv IV""" ':h· IJ'lfflm I h~rmong crl'f'd Pnlry ~o• 1100 •I t'lll~• lb4 F p lurm OR an 2c 3 s1,..1. P'loh reduud •t $4600 each p_,,,,, View Ml'm<>roal P"'k Newpt;t lkh 949 ~19/W u... I I G --s;-DIAMONDS/ s.1 8i ,;;T., N«: PRECIOUSMETALS ..-.vi...~ OotJC>loo Gt ~ve X~•I lot ~I ~ Wnrlh SI~ V'll lur snvo1>o 949 m m 1 Colledlblesl Memcnbllla 1160 Arne11c dn Motu1< ye 1., s-1er (Oailland Olapt ... 1 L•!e 4Ch, 6 Y"'n ul ~P"' 0-~& bUd Como5 .. 'plio(oir.P, of member w•ar one -w ~-um -~ 114-531 J:lX) T~ ss 4 -.Ecous nc Mu. cmsc. Oc. ~ & IDs 8l Nia Spkl tlb! an..,s M1l.1 949 64!1 7!10!i ENTERTAINMENT Clllndarof Ant111uo t nll~t lobl~~ futndute w tt ~er huu~rhuld ol~rn\ Liulhc.\ & lroh mort' N .... ,.,., IHch 1414 0..-Or SAT 8-12. oow,n,,,~&. 'lllirlltn. !ih 'lflwl bullrl, ~ . .mxiues. t'*<JJ '*'· .. ~<ii \Ml e MIWP'OltT HACH• SAf 8 I 141S Wonelw.1rd MOVING SAU turnolure o•e•n Vu ii' oh' CMd pa..t..s SI 93 1"'1\ ol """"" HUGI MUl Tl fAMll Y SMJ c-... S..llldity orty &lm l!m. 421 Ferd .... ( .. !ht b.ld.J x sb~ r or d "'<1r 'W)l1' r ur rntur e cloChP.!. ~ ·~ l'leellnt14" IV, htlLh<!n, hou,ehold. olf1ce book\ <-st (off, NMch Old Co111\1 Gold \•i•cr fl'well'y w~tll~ •nl~ ~olletlobln 'Jd'J &47 9448 cats 3610 200f. laTllMS, CA n , DOCS ..._ ..... ~, .. , r ~ 1<Janc1 w.ie 'c>r< trum IHol 11 I f.l.IARANll I ~171'1 Si»Y rrunrru wl hunll"\ la ~ 9'19 f/J7 fbrl 3660 Ge..-st..,...,.j; .11 colors all \II~\ tur adoptio n to QUAl1ford home\ WWW fi'>C t\CUP "r £ or call 71 4 71J WI!> _Ewn11 ____ 13_10 _Loa ____ 1505_ PHOTOGRAPHY/ lQUAll!OUs.G lHf °" 7 /30 at ot..ut OPTICAL 9 JO blut & red RO•'t OfPOITillTT w11cit5e at the v1c1n1ly All rot n tate adve1 of Irvine Avt between ll\lnlt in lh1s newsp;iper Sant•a&o & Unoversoty os subiect lo lhe r ede,.I r ell oul of but<. of It uck r 111 HovS1n2 Act of 1968 Pleine c,.11949 6~ 1989 3735 as 1mended whl(h mat<.e s 11 1lleeal to advertise ·•ny prefer en,e . limotatoon or d1sc11mmatoon based on 1ace, color. ieh111on. sea, h1nd1c1p fam1l1al st1tus or n811001I oroeon, or an 1nl1nt1on lo make •ny wch P"lerence, hmoll· loon or d1~c11mon•t1on • 1510 FOUND Off 7-'t.4/03 E. SIOl COSTA MU A (A llltl) CAll CM rout1 OE" te4e•crli.. MISCEU.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE \ ... SUMMER SIZZU RS... \J"\.w.IJI U INI IM llN IS w1lh elNJI w pnol ., •• 11 ~~<}..... LR be.II""""' 11(11'°"'1 & wtrfll!Wdl ... ...,.._, of r~ilfl r ... .r.1 S.4..S00.000 ·~,., :z.sao Cootm1>'" Jr y tvr"' un llit l ~I Pillh fr..odi Bto""' rn.1tu•~6 ~t.it"' ftoorir, ,1,,w.1 ~ ~ i.rt. tic-.wtrllJI '"''"' w1y04r own IJtt Sl,599,000 °""~ ... ,.,,,,.. A11lll~ hrdwd floo•\ Ill •ICJ'fl LR w'fp 11'""1 •"'1 °''. j)di)J ..... /L I( .. St,599.000 .,...._,,,. R~d<ltle•~ ht.At~ Oil rat!! clM k•I 4R< 4fla w ~"'1V~ Ip wodr h..lllway-> ""'"' cecl\ S2,8SO,OOO Aprlf Dayo.. Pettit 949-673-3899 Nl!wpor1 PMmitt.. f .ooclo<. O.Y2Ufll Sttps .. Ge.'~ OftlSAT·Slll 1--4 211'·2ll! 2Brn Sl The ~ywrtz Co 9'~9l). 7S28 o,....s .. ...ioy 1-s 610 Clobho,.te Ave. 2 Ma,ter suoln. 2 r P'· kitchen & balhs r emod Cheshire Rul [slate Inc 949 /'lJ.6/JJ/ "II~ 1;111 SI ti;.• tH of I!. obla lilvd &bll•l.11 ~.T bl'l;., 1!1 """ vu L•~ lb 2!ld Ix.I> 11u tnvn IMm Ip .,.., ti.• <A~ttt " max> "et Wr•ll' ,.... ~aw..... ~118 Ul8 o. ... ~ dNlolll trtwob OP'IN SAT 1 ·4 I 4 JUP'ITllt HIUS OR ONI FOIJO RO ~b• 4 full b• very lg ullr d pvl b•l kyd wolh no h•lll\t'\ behind S<114h LuldHhm1dl Bt.r 949 7~ HOO 'M'l !OJ 0791 HrtW'Oat HBGtm l.rW ~property OftM SAT SUN 2-S 321 2 lllOAD St 'b 2 'lba &;itv llMIQ~to "~ldo<. I root hotr.e S/10 I.HI"' ti.1lh SLIR>.oo:J ~I 6'16 ()ol!>i\ lih<JIO'> WWW "" ..... "lf.lilll"\ wnvhou~ OPIN fltl 1 I ·2 SAT -SUN 1-S 201 TUSTIN AVI '\ptllacular view P•tr 111( lot & room lor "• pan\lon Joan Allison ""' 949 646 ?011 01 949 683 891 l Its G ...... .-1 7br 2ba w hbo ar y Nrw windows door\ n'w appl> le• ured w•llS(etols crown mould1ne, de\111ner" tole P"Qu~t lloorma and more ••al 949 ':>84 '>81 l This newspaper will not knowonaly accept any adverhsem«nt fM rHI Hl•I• whteh IS tn wool11ton of the law Our readers are h'teby informed lhat •II dwell 11111 advert"e<I 1n lhis newspaper are av.1lable on 1n equtl 01190flunlly blSIS f-4 ,. ....... , 7 /28 at 10th St & Oct•nlront Call lo 1d 909 780 2538 3855 Corona del Mar OP'EN SUN l ·S 1910 YCKht M .... r. le 4br Jbn hm home &•I• euarded upsule tomm Curlesy lo bkr\ Sl.190.000 To complain of dtS crlmlnatlon, oll HUD toll Ire• et 1 800 424 8590. .. CMHMID .. _,.... __ _ WI 8UY ISTA1'19 ·~~-­,.,,.. r:n'JSIGrJrlfrJTS • ~ Amollamenll 1110 ,,.._.. O.dl .._. .... (Mt 1111>roa l/hr from Newpo11t Buell E•cef· lent hunt1n1 1d1actnl to state w1te<towl refuae. ownership lnlernt & •PPf'O l 37!1 acres of land &. Improvements + your own cemp s:ompound •/str uc tu11 •nd 2 tu1lers Wonderful frt n11ht BBQ's & wine laslon1 du11n1 duck season • many ••lrasl ldul tor 2 fr lends or lalhef I son Call Mok• at 310.~I 0854 AU sun IUl..OINGS SUP[I SAU 24128 was ia200. sell S3990 2lh46 wH SIJ.600. sell S!i480 48• 100 WH 0 .800. sell S 12.S!>O Call Now' T-(IOO) 3'2·7106 Offtce fer l-• Appro•omately l~I 170 E 17th Slreel Cost• Mesa 9ot9-.4'i6 6!i23 NIW WW lOWIHIMES Sl.(136.CXX> & a:a.al> Roof dllldls -CAii lodly 949-nl-0132 Bl .tlfuon GINA COW 3br 2b1 holne. WaB V.W Le lot ms=::;r._~ NHr Costa Mu• .... -&ope11walll ln1 t11ils 4br 3bil II yd, NllO, lltetl111 ... ooo woen LAST toeee • P.vlU"IOM P1!flllotl ANI bbl• Mt2904U28 949 721 98!17 OP'EM SAT 12-S 2201 Viste H-rt• NutpOft Beach Bluffs [ aec townhm, lb< end unit, p\11p1tt0,2c 1ar. ~9.888 By Owner 714.299.7373 l'l.IMI lSTATES PATltKll Tl'Motll NATIONWtOI USA tAt.aS6-UOS www p3tricklenora com 0,.. Sm IN (GI Vata Romm) 8"h ow-. 3br -l4llJldld Ind unit. ,_,~ ... a.ti.. S-.lt.,. ~l!fi HMICMI WOOOS 2'br 2bl, 2 c ........ bedroom/olflce. Aat Sl900M9 293~1 KAltlCNt VWW MOMIS 4br. 2'.M>•. latll! lol n .. r scltool {949) 640 5664 301 56 Hiiis ide Terra<• 41J1 4 !lba Int• vi 111• "r.tde'' '.:.•rah Guld 'tt.hmtdl btuhPI 949 7'>4 l/00 949 36J 0791 OP'EN SUN 1-4 27942 Vlo htOftcla 4br 2 '>ba ovtl\llM bdom\, pvt yard S660.000 lon Mcnay 949 ?">4 J/00 949 163 0791 Tustin VIEW CHATIAU 10501 t rier l- L•t<aled on N lu\lon Holl\ I '> .t<lt holllup e\IJI!: bllr lb.i lall lor p11ce .llQt lohn lua•n 114 131 1808 MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mobileititanu11dured H~. 5993 LMOllntllAmA •lOllGIUQI OPEN HOUSE lasl lWO huuoy manu laclur'd h<.'110 IN/14., p~So;tiir~­ mol* hOOll' p.rri. lWy S62!> ~ rtrt NP.M Queal Miry. l~ Bead• """"UTl & Seitt 8ooc..h. AlJ.. b Vidotll S62 ZJ!;.(!Hj RE.S10€Nl IAL. Rf:NT AL.S LA· COUNTY· 7200 LONG BEACH& VICINrTY lrQ.0'5 ("M'fJ() l(Y9 Beactl ~ lt:n) Boocl'l 59'.ailil HlMONT HllGHTS 4 br 2 !Iba completely r•mod w/lt•h•" Ille, R2 1oned W•lk to beach' 1 779.950 949 310 7300 AESIO£NT1Al RENT Al.S ORANGE 1• COUNTY O<IANROMT 2br Zba. fut n, tp, clean, wlnt.r renl•I 949·9'2 7111 ~·· w star "ii" M\leo w w,.e. •• d5l Comm J)(.ol ""' cbNo :o.m pr1 l'f!. Gr<ln< $.34~ rno tlte1n Mont 887-J04..B649 •9'04 Studio Apt~ 1ut11d nr fro ~ coot corv -'. n:J ~~~ ..... n 1"' Sl7Srno 9&00 2818 lAS TSIOI St<Jd10 Uhl p31d avail now lencecJ y~rd pet o~ toon op laundry S79!> S?!>O dep 714·545-0442 l.a¥elv Gotecf c--lty llr f ........ w/pvt ear. 1112 walk to fnSquare $89':> mo Water 1tr1\h paid II~ Manas-I 811 104 8649 [al 9200 2br Ibo ~ •• incl ear lenced yd ,_ carpel patrrl. 1016 Amln3ll Pl s11r.. rd req 714 Zb-llBJ 21 r, 21a, upper unot Apl I c aar new paonl , a• pet bhnd\ hnoleuon ~ $1200m 949 673 711Xl I .W. /Ill lba ~·· wd .... ~ .. p ~yd.wll con~ pel No ntlic -y 5«\.fe A""' end ol Ai4! S 1250.'mo 9<&642 !i937 t lr I l a Cen... h&M & bro&hf w/d hkups cupotl lril enclosed yard no pet\ Sl~/mo 26ZS (Iden •f C•ll day11me 949-514--0362 Ji.. 1 I /2M i.-.., I '" w laund hkups, •ery pvt w 'huite b1cli.yard Pet o~ Avail end ot Au1. SISOO/mo. 949 642 !1937 lcnhl... l lr 21• du plo oownsten. p1. w/d hk<C>. s I fiOOln Open House Sal 12 S. 370 Aochnler Saturday. Auaust 2. 2003 • STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • Tix lt:11l °'P'!.rmv111 ~11k DJJh /11/a1 u pltibtd w 11111111w< a 11t11 im 1tt IJlllj. '111/lt/iJblt lO Jl(U bkitlllSll! W,. uiiU llOll SWCH !ht 111zrnt fur w11oJJ1111 arr.z ,J.J~t all4 Jllf )Cit !ht Ml( and tht mp IQ tht ( JJkff Ho"" 111 'w111J 41111. Thm. ~{.1111f"J{ b tht lliurh IJ <o'lflplmd "" u·1tl ~It Jl"i' pm11ow k111tU Nl"lf IJJ(lll(1U 11.1V. tht [QwlllJ ( ftrt. pub/Wi Oll<t J uwl far fowr :..<rt a. rr~uirrd b, /ilk Jrid Uo(ll fi11 J'l"' proof of puhl1<.i1:01111 t1h cht (A111nr; I ....t PfttlJ( rrop Ir, 111 filr w11r fi.r11111i;; bu.w Mf111mt .ir :N lJa1/) Pilot. HO Ir Bay St, (.111w .\fflll II )Cu cannot wp by. pin' .al 11J Jt WY! 64.!-4311 Jlld ".., w1U malr J1Tan(nrlfn1J Ju' 'J(!U w hJruilt th1• p111crd11rr b-, f'fWli /f.'1011 rhould l•JIUllJ furtl'tl q11t11on p!t.u J. 11 ~r.d H i.1~ flf llW'f ih.vi l/.uJ IQ J.J.•ltl ,.,II ( 1i!Olf f11 t .n 1<•111 l!tl. /llJ ll'lf Daily A Pilot --------Poli<·,·----- ~d'C' Jnd dc.u.lltnc\ arc 'ubjt:(! 10 ~hJnl!c w11huu1 uuttct: lne pullll\hcr rcwrvc' !ht: right lo lCrt\or n:do.1"11). re\ he m rt:Jc:Cl an) dJ"1ficd .idvcni, ... mcn1 Pll•aw report JO) error !hJI nldY be in yvur dJ\\lf1<"d .td 1mm<"dtJlch The O.iil\ Ptlot ..al l.Cpl\ nu li.ihtlil~ for an) crror in Jll Jlht:rthc:mcnt for "'hKh 1t m.i., he rc,p.>n,1hh: <:\lt:pl lnr thc ''"' 111 lhc 'P..l•t: Jdu..ill} tl\.1.up1eJ h> Lh.: c:rror CreJ11 ... dll onl> ~ JJlov. cd tor 1hc I'"' tn~nton --------Or ad lint·s ----- \1o1n,IJ' l-r11!.n '-IMlpnt I ro,11• I hu~JJ, " llflpm I 11JJ\ I 1itpm I 11JJ, ' '(lf••n I ur..ilJ\ \l.,·,fn.·"IJ\ Tnur"t.1" \1,.rhl.h <. Ulpm \ '"'' lJ• ru~"t·" "<•'I'm """"·" \l.,·Jnc"(,1\ "llOp111 N;;A,,..~ ~. apt,> I Now lo!il<~ «W'UbOtl'. lro l nr ' R"<~ ~ 67 • lnCOrtlf' , ~ Pf> 4W ll 4 374-404'> LU• .tpl bldi lbr 2b• u~un view $2200 mo l.111 rn•denl mer 949 49-4 8083 OClANntONT WINTIR RENTALS 1 ·2 ·3 & 41r'• Avail A•H<lated .. olty 949 673-3663 FUIJNISHEO lOfl fOR llASl Wnt 30thSt. C-..ery Village 949 .. 73-5673 UDO Yl..Altl Y LUU & UDO SUMMP ltOMlS Bill GRUNDY AOL TORS 949 .. 7S .. 16l New,.ertRental1 .<o"' Searcll ""' "'~ "°" from Newpo1J \ ludin& oenl•I ~\and l•ndloard> NfVATl COMMUNITY ~ MfTwo ~~ bdl 'lfly b <'ha roa yard ?c p n·-szm ~631 1038 KINGS llO, ,...._. Wint of litrae ho~ 2 sPIK rms lb1 k1tchette pvt 1'11nwa~~ i..r.. 1 I r 11• unit on quoel Peninsula Po<nt s.ncM person. No sm pets SI 390 949-293-463 l ~ 21r lh Avail Now Pvt Bch, 200tt to water, W... ,., HtrbJ' Me. Sl&50m LM 949-713-1400 Sl!>l'l lb ln1 '"""'"' .. n..,....,, ;;iW·~ ~ ••• IJil<led ft, ~ .,...,,,..;.. ,,... ....... t,.(....,,,,. l-81&-43.S-1777 206....._W ... NIWP'otlT HllGHl'S Ibo townhou-.~ tu ''"' &Ai new «1•111'1 p Jlou <Pr t noce SI '>9'J ~'1 61 1 l;004 CllffHAV(N Oi• ~H> '~•J hiJU"I tr'f1'oJ Ki" w .,..... ~ ;ard & 1'U J;'frfm-11"1~~ fo. ~. 31r 2' /•*• HOVM prn1at.,. ut d~ .. ~ n1 ,. r•rd tl'~at lut~hon S?':ISO m• 9-t'J 47!> 0027 fANTASTK VllWll Jb• 2ba lor the lovelf 21r+4eft 2' h l a NHl .. t & ,..tt.u. Townh,1u\t IR60-.f l l I 11 lt .. \t I y•a• or mt>t~ p ""1 b,y pMt "°"''..,,., $~ Ol)<'n lo Olfec\ nr fM/wlll t-J $21~ ,., I SAT.SUN 1-S ~t ~·IV' 949 721 DiZl 1 201 TUSTIN AVE J_,, Altls-.... IASTllUfF 381 :>81 11"' "i' w d hooi.up, S2 WO m .. A111 949 i.'9 l 46 30 21i>r 7 ... OClANntONT. Nur B.ilbu• pier $2100 MU •&I 9'19 67J 7800 IAl.IOA P'ININSUl.A Ii: upper Jbr ~ w1'olt l~ Ip w d 2c ~· Sl4C:O mu ag1 Ct-. ...ty ~9 "IX) lfl4R : ~ 201l'91968).811 I l ~&~pa.:: hw O'W'.lwod $AllX)no AUG lilll'd Rully 9"9-67~l!i63 P'on Streets Sir. ne, <,umm ~•\el model .1u11able 9 l SAOOO;mo ytar lene 9'19 no 1460 ,.... ...... Ilt. den toTlt. vk hcNv \4>111~. a.c &•led tOll'W"I .. pool &. spa S400)no ag1 9ot9-!187.aml .._ S21UO ~ b •h den paton comm pOOI ltv. d<n tam, •Int r.-..d ll4o kle, spat !ll>r or avail now ke 949 646 11411 4 + dt n •b~ beachn tennl\ club hou•• $4;100 mo 949 219 2410 N•WJ"f'f Hel ... tl JBr 2BA l.trg~ l•moly •oom 2 car I" •c• 1u1I 8,, I 11700 mo 949 1':>9 3711 ................. E ..... •B• 'l '61 f•mily rrn courty"d balcOllJ __ no pe<ts S2tnltn 714 32'8-&lJJ 3br 'lb• on Balboa Prnon hdwO tlr s, Ip p1loo 2 c 1ar 1v1ll 8 I •a• S1800 949 293 4631 NARIOR COVE Jbr 2 Sb1 P"" W•. comm POO cited $4800 P111 denttal Ca Ally 8 J 949 721 0132 949 121 0132 suaan -st Anio11 2br Zba 2 Cllf Pf, ~ 1•l•d comm. $2300/mo Ac19't9·7S9 9341 . -----...-• .-.--. TODAY'S r-·-2.2003 Bridge ==-ii ~ ~ A IL uh ... ,....,. ... IOAll ....... Cl.e D$ tar ...... aorce4M , .. HO Sl ln.e4143 whltt/tl", Im~ mt C&QSSWORD EL!ZZLE ~~ end TAMWi HIRSCH WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q I • BOlh vulnerable;. lb South you The bidding Nis proceeded: ., • ....., SOUTff WDI NOR11t """'°, hold: I t' I• l• ,_ •K98JJ O I Jlt6 •AKJ9 ? The biddms ha.\~· W&\'T NOll'J1I EAST sovnt ,,., ........ ' Whal actioo do you take? Q .2 • Nc:tthet ~le. you hold. • J 8 6 J "7 A Q It 1 6 o 9 5 • JJ '1 Pwtner operu. the bidding with ooe ~padc. Wha1 do you respond'> Q J · As Soulh, vulnenible. yoo hold: •,A K 7 ':J ~ Q 9 6 S J o 6 • 9 5 4 Thc blddl nt. ha.s m>oeeded: SOUTfl W1Sf NOR111 ~T I I• 2• "- Whal do )'OU bid now'' Q 4 • A\ <;ooth, 'YUlnccahlc. )OU hold •1175 · AQ96S2 6 •AK4 TROVAIU 2br 2ba 2 c 11ar, 11ated, comn1un1ty pool. aat S2400 949 293·4631 S-cerr• Hr 2'/•I• s1n1le lam hm. new paint & carpel, 2-c: p , S2!IDn at hi 949ail~ Rentals Waiad 7m W..t.lflg ...... _ urks room & balh (parll:al) exchange f0t 19lt oous8~ & assisl3nce. No coollw1& OI nurs.ine, Rctereoces 949-673 5192. VM:ATION RENTALS Desert Rentals 7915 What do you bid now? Q 5 • 8o«h vulnerable, as South you hold: • KQIJ O Q o Kl •AKQJIS The bidding bai proceeded: SOUTH WEST NOJml .. ,_ .. 4• ,_ So ! Wha1 do you bid oow7 Q 6 • Both vulnerable, as South you hold: •QJ6 . AKJJ o AllS •765 The biddllut ha_.,~ NORTII !ASI' SOU11i I• "-I ':' 2NT PM! ! Wruu do you bid nuw'! c-••• OptHH"tvnltle•I rT/PT pos &va1t look11111 for md1v1duali who are reliable, fr1endly and willln& to work C•ll us 111·866 604 832!> PUSONAl TUINU Elpenenoed, l0t • friendly personal b9'1Wll laa.ty on CdM. Lau 949-675 3287 Pubhsh1n1 • VACA T10lt BT AlS SAUS & llMTAlS tr*1 ~aim Desert Contad Mich3el Anter JiO. l'JS. I ~noo. 3J3. 7ll7 golfdesertvacattonuom JOBS OffERED PaOMOTIOMS DU'ARTMINT Community newsp111Hn in Or anee Cowlly -"'~ Full Tme person to w11et11- •nd write stOtll!S, partic1 pate"' commumty events. aeate and l)el!Nlle s>all"S and sections, hcellent commuoocalion ~. ~k wefl With lhf public l'.llOW /IP Style, Qu¥Wrt">S Photoshop MoltJ Ad Cit ator, Prohcrent on MAC ind PC CCI des111n experience prelerred Prootreadini te.l Or UC sa~r~ed. EOC C Hellen! henelol pac1<aee c m3ll r estime wrmna SMrJPIM and 5oM.v y requiremenls t o tana IOM50f1@lallmes.com Domatic Employment Receptionist P'ort-tl"'• early noornine~ & eve -IMW '97 3211 C..v metallic dark blue/ire~ llhr. superb cond throuehout Sl5,495 vil6n421 B11r 9&586-1888 www.e cpeitl.coM IMW 3231 '99 c-vt Fully lo•ded, up11r .ides, I car owner low m1. mini cond 949-'>IO-W:O 569-28>4346 IMW 3231 '99 C.-t r ully loaded, UP&• ade~. I ur owner low m1, mini cond ~51~569-~ IMW '98 74011 \3) Blk/lan. cashmere, tan. &reen/lan. •lnl cond $20.950949 500 8641 lulck '69 Electra eood mechanical cond1t1on, low m1tll11e. 430 V8. $3000 obo 949 494 0148 c-·rv '98 u 4 c-,4. 68.41. mr berur than r>eW. no ~ or scratches S9998 obo 949-&40 5037 Owyolow '94 New Ywker 3!> V6 I owner. 4311 attual m1 , books. records. metallic tur ClU01se/lan lthr, !ully loaded, toke new S5?!>0 v#667218 Bllr 9$ 586 1888 www.ocpobl.com H-• A••l•t; Pl I need help w/,ookin11. etrand~. walk doas You, tlu, cheerful. sell inoloalor. have a ca1. 3 reb Ptu.e lo rn 949 121 ·8936 nines tor NB Heath Club rw 7 9 ..... 20llO psi Cont..ct Mt.e 949 642 3215 """11 <Xlfld. LB. rrl. ,_ Employment 8500 uirc OOIPi "°"""~~ + •h NOllAmR ----llNl..J IQ> SliOO oho 56:>~ 1914 iii((""ha s 1Mmedle1• open1n&\ for W<>ol Stall & Hollme Coldhne B~n qoct Cuok Apply in Pl''•"" l dd'('>lwli 2prTi Jpm 1600 r (;o.;Kl t IWy NB 'jij\';;j'j.al Baca. Olt1ce A~SJ\ldlll lor Newport OphthalmolfllY olfire, w1lhnQ'. to Ir atn Mon Thur 8 JO ti 10. f" 8 JO 17 laa rC\UITie 949 f>44 7029 Ferd '6 S Mu•lon9 Cunvertoble or1e1nal owneo <ohd car $19.99!> ClbO 949 119 2941 Mar "o '9 9 M lalo Conv 4!>~ m1 .oulo solvM, Ion top pw pl A/C, CO ~upeo b toke new cond v• 119743 S9.99S llnan,mg & w•n ~nly naol Bkr 'l49-!>86 1888 ·-·O<.pObl.<oet MHCIDlS INZ '07 "'Employee. ··Empleado. ·· .. Arbeilnehmer. ·· .. Employe." W..filot HOW YOU SAY IT, Cl..AlllFIED CAN fl•n. NICC Hot lmme .. lat• upenone lor PT recep llon1sl Hours Sat Sun Jpm 911m Apply 1n j)('.rson Mon fn 9.tm ~ 16001 Conl Hwy NB • ,. /TIMl ttaU MAN- AGO. lr& stor• Idly 1n C M Moodily, Thursct.y, froday Ofhc.e and lrte CieanKlt( I ~p at Call tor ••lurmat.)n 114 437 9200 full lomf! 111s1de ules rep<esenlo1l•vt' lo -.ell Ct•ss1t~d Adv er llsme .11 local new-.1uper ll'OUP Phone sales e•pef!ence preferred Applot~nl should be a sell starter reliable dudhne and goal O(lented. puu~'s e~tellent cust omer service ab1hly Compul6r typing skill' rrquir~d Company offe" u eel lent benefit pack•&e Pre scrern1n11 1equ11ed Cquat opportunity em ployer Send roume wl1h salary requ11tmenh lidy .~la>lAT me. c.on1 °' .... to 94!J'6J I 6594 Tel•-.. •••r Relo•bl~ tr amportallon/lluenl C n eJISh ean to sel I.IP rUview 8 b bwiy N.6 1tJftS Cl.Le~ S4 30 blk ?I k m1 <>11nrt• Pht.phone N•v CO AMC whls 1()()1, Wd•r mini tond PP $61 '>OCl 949 631 0//1 • "NOT1C£ l O READERS Celifornoa l•w re quirM lhal contrac tors la~1ng 1obs lhal total $5()0 0t m0t e (labor ot matl!t'1als) be llcensed by lhe Contrattors Stalec Llcenst Board Stale law also requires th<il conlr•clo" include their locenw number on all 1dv@rt&n1 You c:en ched lhe sutus of your licensed conlr•clor al www n ib c• cov or 800·321 CSlB Unlo cenud con tr actflr\ llk1n1 tobs lhal lol•I ten than S!>OO must s tilt in their 1dvert1sements Uni they are not lltensed by the Con tr actors Stile license BOl'lrd " ~C..•ta41at • A&.U91NVAC Jir Condillonin& & Heat """kvlc• 888 ~ •L...-.00~ • .... .., Carpet Repalr~les ~ c.p.i SN-SS twi f1"llP' lrllfld ...,... ~ _.. ~'PW l'.)0 WWI l.J(lll91!> Tw.r.!;.4)(h CARP£T < CARPIT Rep•u ~. P dtchina ln~tall Cour tPOU\ any "'e 1ob~ Whole\ale1 949 497 070'> Clean Ing Touch of Klass Furupt"Jn 1,~ricrt in House Cleaning 20 yeor' m llu"ne" I Kc11...:d /\. Rc>n<kd l'Tllft','1lln.1I lt'.lllh .l'"f!llCd 10 Yc•ur Home (949) 548-0097 l·f'C<' l.'111na1e' Refcrcm:e' Spring Cleaning Spec ml~ QulckKlean ReMW, don't replace ~..=.. ~ a..777 www.qktHe.com w,......w .... .. "'Y..,, ..... a..-.19'....,. (Mt)Mt.S671 ~Services COMPUTER HELP! •Mlllll•O-.,.... ... ,... ..... ollb • l'C•llK ·~ •.,,., Plve!llWg• M ·~M'mll •Olb~ ·(logia~ ~.o.ta ·-S~"'-'-UC.......,QnduN, 10 y,. ~ (J<P. 714-612-2786 l#HOME & •USINESS Ul'A.ltlS Up1udes Repair\ of ComputPr NPtworh•, £11enones/W~t-kPnd\ CompthtivP p11<f'\ for qu~hty se• v,. 949-836-1175 714-926-422a Concrete & Masonry lrlclt llec .. St-• Tiie Concrete. Patio. Driveway I it@l>k BBQ Rel'~ ?!>Yrs hp lerry /14 !>!)/./!>94 The Cem•"' •-Cementwork B11d1, Tile & M0te Rf'h&bte No tob 100 sm~ll 114·61!> 9062 VIMTUU MASOMIY Restdenhal Con<rete a. Muonr~ Service. Stone, Bridl, 8lodl 714-965-2824 FIND an apartment through classified ' ' : Ml 0 GtN YOURHOMI IMP'aOVIMINT P'lOJICT? Cati" ptuonber pa1nler h•ndyon•n or dny ot lhe gr eat 'erv1cf'\ fisted here 1n nur service directory• !Hf Sf LOCl\l SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! Drywall Services w1nH01n DaYWAU All phases sm/lr& 90b~ CUANI 20yrs, l•11. lree est LQXI~ 714~1447 Eledrical Servlca DUNCAN IUCTRIC local. Qurck Response tiome, Yard & Ood• Elect 20 Yrs E ap. Lie/Insured l #27!>870 949-650-7042 DUTCHMAN UIClRIC Cqmme1cu1I, Industrial, RNllY ... l£o\15 CmpetilM R*5 lll7!mJ7 96~ UCINSIDCONTaAClc>a No IOI> too ""' ,. --r Repeir, remodel. I~. IP'. ,_WC ~lli(J6 CUlftlll CIMJM tll lrwCIMon. .... cnmlc, --. iliOne. .... 1'7J IJlfill'OM llff 714-612.al UMY....,.. Rlipl!Wld llearouun & lnst1n.tlon TILC OCAH 949.673.8066 114MMl5Z6 n~20.11 i.-....... s-19Y" ... laMI worll. Y•d ~ n...u.. bee inn. Vn.ls CommlRf's 114 436 1!>18 l-TarrH l-dsc°'"' Wtt/<fy nlM'lt bee ~ & 1n,lallallon 25 V" e.11 L1c/inw1ed 949 S48 4363 S-erS -Up Get you• yard toolunc Its best tor lhl! _,.,,..,. Y•d cir~ ""*8 Me-t..,s and ~ weell~ & eve quotes Xtro H_., ServlcH 714-477~ Tr•• Service, Yud Cleanup, Me1n1enence. Spr inkier Repair. ll1ulln1 (949) '50-1711 Rl STOR[ •REPAIR S. Rl MOOll t .. (, CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18Yl1 EJcp • °"" !Wt Al~ of ConlWucllon ~Almodll~ l.1577182 949-7()9.5642 J -· GENF.W. IFJUI 'llAIN1'f1WO: ·~•Gmncrml No Job 1bo Small Dave Dam.llto11 949-322-8292 f1X Uf' Sl'ICIAUSY. All types of rl.'PlllS [lee tncal, plumbtrJc, doors. water hNters, tll!s & more 24hr/7clays 714·366 1881 JeHeyAltr-'t H-••.-lrS..cleUtt Interior & Elterlor Repairs 714 501·6466 JUNll TO THI DUMPlll 714-968 1882 AVAllA8lE TOOAYI 949-673 5566 Merce4es Ml 370 '98 wh1l"/K<1!y lthr •Int Lond loaded !>81\ mo s I B. ~25 949 J94 l'blb Mowtng & S1Dtage llST MOVlaS SSS/Hr. Ser vine All C1t1n lnsut"d '163844 800-246 11/8 323-630-9911 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Public Ut1hlles Comm1u1on requue\ thal 811 used houuhold 1oods movers print lhe1t P U C Cat T number llmos and chaulleuri pr1nl the11 T C P numbet 1n all adve• llsemenh If you hn• any questions about t11e le&•hty of a mover limo or ch1ulleur. c1ll PUIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSION 100 111-1167 ~ & ........... Cuatom Hand Peinted ""* & Ftuk ........... Miii tar "" 9QM8J-&4 ~'JJt/Jt.. ~Professional Painting Uc '494350 llltedar/lltakr .......... C* ... N .. Rob Isbell • Owner Col1a Mesa. Ca (949) 846-3006 Cell 949-887·1480 Ml .. ,_ .. q,, lhutm. l1ll"J) 714-151-38 MetN4u 'fl 420 SU whll•l&r•~ llllr, chrQlTie wltls, low ml, &Llpfltb COlld, $8995 Vil567281 Bllr 949·686-1888 -. .,..w.c-ow. ...... 'Kaw- GOil ml, bleck/rrey Ith•, mnrf, CO, l•bulous cond throu1hout $5995 v1n'457219 Bkr t4t-s ... 11t1 -.ecpe1.c- Pend.. 'ff Cettere 46tl ml, blll/blk lth1, CO. chrome whls. 11114 new $42,000 V'622057 fl. nencina & watt avall Bkr 949.5 ... 1111 --~·'-UNOI ltOVla 2000 Black/crum, reeks, ed. 1rnm1c. l1ctory wan, 37k m1, $32,500 1428181 t4t-•SO..Sl60 P'HkUPS AUTO 0 I A""1 M Ovonre Blue w/81ue, only 141( Mt, Sporn I'll&, ( 19478C) $24,!8> OOMtWJD S1lve1 w/blach lthr moonr oot (19542) S22.980 99 lJ20 S.tlan White w/Saddle le•lhtr Muono ool < 19443) S29.980 0 I Jo1uor S Type Sea Green w Siddle l thr ?SK mo Moonroof ! 19112> Sl2.980 99 Merc•tl•• StK 230 Blue w/bhod, irey worh pk2 (194 16 J s ll. 980 OOIMWHOI Bide II w Bl.ck 11rem1um sound sunroof ( 1/60/ > S79 980 0 I "•hc#ie 1•r•• I 1plro111C Only I 8k n11ln, Navaaa11on (19394) I N()IJIR( f6 h•u• GS :JOO· Cold w/Sdddte Lralhro . C hr 1rn1e Whul' <19418> sn 980 02l'orscli•G12 Black w bl.it k only 100 mil~' ( 19!>9/L I INQUIRf 0 I /llleu ..hs Q .SOO S1l¥er w Cr~y Nav1 VAhnn Only I !>I\ mo I l9'>4':>C1 INQUIRE 00 ,.on cl.. •••• tw Solvtl w/Bld•h Pr~noum Suund <194i'6Jl S78 980 949-S14-7117 PH111'S AUTO FIND an apartment th rough classified Palrclng IEIT. NllTl5 INTERIOR C XlCRIOR ---~ .._.,.,..,~ .... '"• --· ~r~ ..........,,._.. -·-d--u..~ _...., 71WH·H60 tl(t'S CUSTOM PAINTING Prnl'I clean, qu•llly welf"k lnteroOf/e&I •nd doch J •703468949 631 ·4610 Jey,_'• Polnl"'t Top ()uaht1 Compet11Jve lntetio1/Eat l'648228 C•ll Jay 949 650 5066 WNIOW mKlf MAIHT P11ntonc'*'Ve&1 ~"-" Ou1hty iob' f 1ee est11n1te l •569897 714 636 8888 wntol" D.. ey c_, Send your best Ir lend lo camp while ~ou 110 on v1t1t1on Safe, frl8ndly & fun ~t•H1 tnvwonment et lmlle Atrowhud IOI soc~liled docs Ho kenneit w.+.end bmo •VtCe to ilnd ITom Qfllll tot-.J.J6..S625 ..... _...... - Tr .... let In Atrowb .. r/ Bit e • .,. by th• 11111 '°' lite model ctr •uch es Mer ~tdts. M111l111t, LUU$ 909-544-7133. VOlYO 2400l '12 White. 1t1tionw11on. flood for be.ech cer $3$00. )60-902-8038 vw ._ ...... Gl 121. ectuel mi, Sspd, 1ilver I black int, pw, pl, Ilk• new, l1nllsllc uvinas $9400 v•75Z861 8kr. t49-SH-11H -.ec;pel.c- VW JlnA '9t GL OlcMf model. da1k blue, auto. c,A:d. nW'ff, II SllC rsudl. ili carwi 64k reduced $9000/obo !49-533-3349 MOTOR HOMES RINT 2000 JOit . & 2003 27ft , 1mmac, sleeps 6 & 8 optional tent, p1111c tbl. bbq Toy hailer & lent Ir a1ler 949 29!> 03!)6 or 949 !'>0().1266 SELL your stuff through classified! 1111 hffy lle<Wk lift 1911 new batteries. pal.It I COVIi JlQ,!IX) ill .....,.... Hlrtlor 714"818-96M -ts n SUP AVAliMU .. MIWPOU NACJf USOOLUSI t4t-S00-10U "-" 4-.. -..... , •• for 361t poww 00.t '" Newport Beldl. f'tu.se call 714.957 6126 NHD 45' SUI' ' ln Newpertl..dl (15' beam) w/wetw' powe<. 714 865-2999 IOAT s&.-s H!aW AVM Cal lot -txalJOt'I and ~ ~-end pc.- rd.oded. 949-675....u PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot · C lass1fied section to find serv1ees from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. 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CD 8 A~ s13 875 (4621/103867).......... . . . m .,,.,.. ••• f.I Ll'nir.d. AIAO. N. AMw Groc,p. CD. I L#tlw 8 ShMpl (4543/212163).... -0 ,., ...... AufO. N. FIA PrMw. ca Alllt's 8Mot-.!(4471/312886) .. ~ ' r•cmraa,... Auto, N. Awtw~ ca Moontoof ·ic ............. { .. 93/7B<l7'} .. .,.,,._,,. ~ 4.3',. ~ .v, Powtr sa..nw a I Pric«J RitJhfJ (46241(12«1134) ..... . wa=••anu Blllc:t ~M: u.1w•Low •• AlilM (""6/()17771} .•.•..••• ,,,, ... , •.... 111 ""PrMw. -.t ,_,.,,, ........ • ,. 67K A6ll (U#/1246#) •.••..... 1•t1•1•..u RI PrMw. l.MIMr. ltnitlllion Cow. Top •1 5 -""""""" ** ' -""(45C0/1'04I#) ' t•BllC,...11.T Full Prw.w. &MAK. LMth¥. Tow ~g. s15 995 (J Low Mi/W (4260/91664) . . . . I z.z,,,.,.,.,,..,,, ~ PrMw Groc,p. LMther. CD. Spoillt (J Mot'# (4710f'/108679) . . . 6,875 w..m• Bl«* s..cAy K-fdl Al ,,,. Extras s17 a (JIMfMrl(4602/211893) .. . . . 1( .,.,, ...... Rll Prw.w, ca Alo)'& Tow f'lqJ. IJ "'* 261< w.I (46361/240268) .. ~ . ., wa•••..uas Rll PrMw. ~ Cl>, Trectlon Canttol 1•19 935 & Mor.I (4626/280261)......... ' war1••r11Uf*'f1 ""PrMw. L#br. Prwniflm ..,...,,. /}Low""-' (4632/706188). . . . . . . - WaMl81fm£1 MMAI 11w 6-l'frnAm ~ 8 Mor.I (4417/166823).. . . . • . . . • . ,., .. , ...... lc.6111FIA f'l:Mtt. ca~ AID,& S23 550 LMfh#IA...,,,,.,(Ull/21181') ~ ,., .. ,..., ~ RaltA;. Pottw~ en LMthtlr, s24 -3lrl S. Tow~ l'rw!I MMt ('570/192144)1 PONTIAC • GMC • BUICK • CAOILI.AC 2111 IAllll ILD., COSTA •EIA (71., ......... .,,,,..,,.,...~· 8 SpHd. ~ 6. 71. Rllm Ai' Hlnding f'lqJ. LM!Mr 8 Motel (45.f.2/106676) wa•••..um RI Poi-. ~ Ptemilln SQcnt ~ $~ Prem ~ 8Slwpl("91/1()3141). 25,835 .,, .. ,... .. , ,,_At. LMther. ~ Towf'lqJ. $25 -8 MotW (4712P/164068}... • . . . . . J WCIMI#,..,..., (c..nJlled)AulD, ,,_A;, Kdlo ~ s25 • LMtMr 8 MotW (4'53/181°'3). • • • f aaa.11&--.u Ful PrMw. CD. ())$tlW; Alllt's 8 •21 -Showroom FfWhl (4688/10787'). . . • ' .,.,,, .. " Auft1,,,.., Ar. 3rd s. ca~ e S28 -~ ,,.,,, (4631/183f<UJ ' 191 c.tMl# llJIU Ml~ CD. QiSlw, u.lw& s33 .... ~m.h/(4310/10133'). •• • ,...,. aaa•1•~ ,,_ M: Ml"*-" CD~ QoiSllr 8 ~ .WS (US0/100218). J m _,11 .. UI Rll~~~ tJllll •20 8.Alott (F4'186) ...•••..•.•.......... ,.,