HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-04 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2003 IN BUSINESS Hipster fas hi on comes full circle Paul Frank has 13 surf and skate stores around the world. The first and the latest are in Newport-Mesa. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA-Paul Frank's new retail store. which opened at South Coast Pla7.a on Saturday. joins a cluster of other clot.h1ers that cater to Orange County's hjpster youths. Frank's ironk, deadpan monkey logo has caught fire with mostly fashion- conscious young women, who wear it embroidered on wailers. T-sh1ns, paja- mas and other gear. The South Coast Plaza store is Frank's second in !he area, set in a shopping center he headed to as a child to "pick up the ritzy stuff.· "Jr's one of !he coolest malls in the whole world," Frank said Saturday. amid a phalanx of teeny-boppers who turned out for the opening. "I hate even to u<,e the word mall. It's so much more.· Frank's firM retail outlet opened on the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach border, al 960 W. 16th St., in !he late 1990s. Paul Frank Industries, which is also based m Costa Mesa, began manufacturing the apparel in 1997. The South Coast Plaza locauon 1s tus 13th store. He has opened others in London. Tokyo, New York City and other cosmopolitan cities. INSIDE For more business news, see Page A2 lit., 1.500-'>quare-root ... tore at Ornnge County's premier '>hoppmg c:enter is ~omethmg of a departure from form In- stead of desi~ning the look and layout See FASHION, Pa&e .M 1901 Newport r eturns to council That's fair enough Plans for the four-story condmntnium-project have been around for a while, and tonight's hearing may not be the last. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MF-<-.A -The staff report is a whopping 192 pages. Ille report's thickness speaks volumes about how long the contentious debate over rugh density condominiums being developed at 190 I Newport Blvd. has gone on. The council. acting as the Redevelop- ment Agency. wiU rehear the project to- night after havtng approved it in Apnl. The hearing couJd finally bring closure or it could continue the uncertainty over an i..sue that ha') exposed a chasm be- rween !hose who believe the downtown area can accommodate high density and those that fear the repercussions will send the city, wruch still dings to its small-town • charm, hurling toward an urban furure. "lust because Costa Mesa is built out. it doesn'r mean we should build up," Mesa Verde resident Gayle Spinks said. "I don't think it's in keeping with the city we have." Mayor Gary Monahan sugges!S continu- ing the issue because he has heard that Rutter Development. which created the project, might file a claim agfilnst the city because the project has dragged on for so long. "The !environmental report! was ptiblic in January. We are now in August," Mona- han said. "Whether we approve or don't approve it, I expect us to be sued. We're in a no-win situation. Whichever side pre- vails, the other side is going to sue the city. and I believe, because I have not seen (Ruuer'sl clfilm. that it has to do with tim- ing (andl that this hearing should have been done several months ago.· David F.adie of Runer Development did not return calls for comment on Friday. No claim had been filed by Friday. THE CONCERNS The project calls for Runer to build the four-story condo complex in the parldng lot of the property that now hosts the Spanish mlsslon-style 1901 Newport building. A Vegas-style nightclub will be See COUNCIL, Pace M DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT fairgoers brave the drop on the log flume ride at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa on Friday. The fair ended Sunday. THINKING ALLOWED Two more tales of Hope I knew you Bob Hope fans weie out there I Just dJdn't know where to 6nd you. Luckily, the readers e.p me on my toes and let me know 'when there ls more reporting to be done on a IUbject. Apparently. Hope 11 ldll aJJw In the memories of Newport-Mele reeklenti. Costa Mall Senior Center. but struck out at the American Le&ton In NewpQn Beach (Monday la a al<JW day there) and UC> at the Santa Ana Country Oub, which la clOled Mondays. Man, Lt sure would be nice If the news happened when tt la con\'enlent Whirl .... i-rd Bob Hope hid clled, my edhon .....-me to do a rtllClioO paece from nllklentl wtlb fond memories of the 1CtOr and Comed6lft.: It Wll • MondilylftsDDOQ. and I w cm a LOLITA HARPER So I wroce the *>dee, wttb ..-r memoriwfrom. few people. bur b'llW lbel'I were '° many mcxe ltoriea out t.twe . 1bub to e.ay Porter-a · hUnt b Hope fanl. I bmd a flw • tbl former Diiiy Plot ~-and ...._ Mmdl Wbyta. I band two ....... ·1 flrat heard the happy wlat of Bob Hope in the mkf·l930s, when my father, mother, idx Ubllnp and J gathered in around. a hllttery-operatecl radio on an llolated cotton Wm. near Fa~ 1\mn., • A>tter wrote in 1 letter to the POoL She Md no idea. at the time, she would come flM:e to face with the .aor twleelft ...... ,..... t.elCb ~ *' m1111111111m1Tt71114a1w • ...... ~ ... Hape look ...... and Martne colonll. Md ~ wlCh him to ~leaymrHopetn l~l•• mlhlry fund ...... M lhe ~ Wlllbb. lbG., ID ID up to bll .... lndealktodw~-·~ The fair's longer run ended Sunday. It saw the Pacific Amphitheatre's reopening, two high-profile accidents and lower daily attendance. Lolita Harper DailyPdot I t went up. down. 1M1c,1ed. turned .md 10Jred. but the roller coa\ler rtdt' that \'\ch the 2003 Orange Counl) fair has come to a complete '>top. The Red. Ripe and Roclung e\'ent hdd ll'> last hurrah Sunday. leavmg merchan~ ndt: operators and fair officials to ass~., the succe'>S of the I l I th annuaJ '>Ummer event The fair climbed to neY. heights thJ., ~c.u with the r~wal of !he Pacific Amphitheatre, a SS.8-billion entenairunent budget and d longer total running time Things took. a '>harp tum after highly publicized reports of 1n1une~ on rwo rides But the combinanon of great food. informational shows. live entertammen1 d11d heart-pumping anractions got the falt back on track.. official!> said. Fatr General Manager Becky Baile\-Fmdle\ 'Hild he u. opunuc;uc about the final number<, "It 1s hard to predict. but tt looks to be do<.e IO our 2002 atrendance number<>." Bailey· Findley '>did In 2002. the fair was open 17 days Tlw, year, 11 was open 21 days. Officials did not necessarily expt>Ct to add more people by adding more days. but really wanted to increase !he en1oyment of fairgoers. Bailey-Findley said "It gives the customer a bener faiI experience if they are not crowded or standing in line for a long time or have to park far away," she said. Summer Fitzgerald of Long Beach waited m line for the Ferris wheel wtth her 5-year-old daughter on Sunday. It was their first trip to the fair lhjs summer. and they nearly mfased it. "We didn't even know it was the last day today. It's a good !hmg we decided to come,· Fitzgerald said. "We've only been on rwo rides so far, but we have a few hours and a lot to do." Parents of younger children. such as Fitzgerald. had more room Sunday afternoon to push strollers around and sit down for one last funnel cake. People lined up to be spun. lifted. dropped. twirled and shaken. but did not have to wall in very long lines. The parting lots were nowhere near capacity. and traffic along FaJ.rview Road was light. Final numbers for fair attendance and See FAIR, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.~com WEATHER Cloudl and fog.-,, but tMy WOf(t ~ .. klinQ. ........ ». SPORTS A2 Monday, August 4, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT DON LEACH I DAILY PtLOT From left, Curtis Kaiser, Avr Dor El and Loren Kaiser display the computer game console they created that con nects to a television. Growing possibilities Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot N ewport Beach re. sident Loren Kaiser, in conjunction with his brother Curtis Kaiser and Avi Dor El, have created a technology that allows people to play PC games on a console hooked up to a television rather than to a computer. "DfSC has solved the 'chicken and egg' problem by creating DISCover, a game console that plays unmodified PC games." Kaiser said. "No additio nal d evelopment is required to launch a console with more games than PlayStation2, Xbox, and GameCube combined." Newport Beach resident teams with his brother and another to invent technology that allows PC · gam es to b e played on TVs With a proprietary "drop and play" technology, Kaiser eliminales the hassles of dealing with PCs and software installatio n. "The DISCover PC Game Console has an abundance of special features that set it apart from its wannabe competitors. It has a powerful operating system, 30 audio capabilities, [high-resolution graphics] and an affordable price," Kaiser said. DISCover's ~drop and play" technology allows a Pentium-based game console to play thousands of PC games. The user doesn't have to install and run a computer program just to play a game. "As a game console, DISCover is connected to a TY. not to a computer monitor. To play any one of thousands of PC games on TV, you simply drop the FYI For more i~ormation, visit DISCover at www.gsmeconsole.tv lhome_sbout.html. game in the DISCover and play," Kaiser said. PC gamers can finally take advantage of Ote same state-of-the-art audio and video components families use when watching television and movies in the comfort of their living rooms. DISCover PC Game Console was unveiled at the Electronic Entertainmen t Expo, or the E3 Gaming Show. in Los Angeles in May. WALL STREET WEST Drug approval highlight of tough week D uring a week in which Costa Mesa drug developer Ribapharm lnc. fought off a takeover bid and saw its second quarter income fall sharply, a ray of light did enter their tunnel The federal Food and Drug Administration granted approval to Rebetol, the oral form of Ribapharm's ribavirin. The company holds the licensing rights to the hepatitis C treatment. On Thursday, Schering-Plough Corp., which sells the antiviral drug as part of a marketing pact with Ribapharm, announced it had gained approval to seU Rebetol as part of a drug cocktail used to treat hepatitis C in children. The tablets are to be taken along with interferon. Abou1 200.000 children in the U.S. are infected with the virus. Ribapharm hasn't had much time to celebrate. PAUL CLINTON The company spent the week fending off the latest takeover bid by majority owner fCN Pharmaceuticals, which operates out of a Costa Mesa office off the San Diego Freeway. ICN partially spun off the company in April 2002. ICN said Wednesday it would extend its $6.60-per-share offer to purchase outstanding shares until Friday. Ribapharm management, however, hac; deemed the offer inadequate. ICN initially offered RNA.shares at SIO a share. Citing slowing sales of ribavirin, Ribapharm said second-quarter earnings fell from a year ago. The company logged $25.8 million. or I 7 cents per share, in net income compared to $31. l million, or 21 cents per share, a year ago. It announced earnings Thursday. ICN feU 1.99% Friday to close at $15.30. RNA feU 2.48% to close at SS.12. TRADERS TAKE TECHNOLOGY F1RM DOWN, TMEN UP, TMEN DOWN Shares of Acacia Research. a Newport Beach technology developer, bounced back scrong after the company's earnings release on Tuesday provoked a seU-off. The Acacia's second quarter results were met with an initially rude reception on the Street. Acacia recorded a net loss of $6. 77 million for the quarter. The stock. which briefly touched $2.50, began a freefall that put it at $1.81 at the dose of trading Wednesday. But the buyers rushed out of the gate Thursday, biddingACfG up more than 14% to close at $2.08 Thursday on heavy volume. More than 250,000 shares changed hands. al.most double the average daily volume of about 150,000. ACfG reached as high as S2.23, a move of more than 23%. Acacia's shares closed Friday at $I .90, plummeting 8.65%. Acacia licenses V-01.ip and DMT technologies. The latter is used in video on-demand and audio on-demand systems. BUSINESS CALENDAR from 11:A6 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cotta Mesa Country Club. The co.i la $14. The club II at 1101 Gott Course Drive, Costa Meu. (714) 885-9090. Tu~ at Ptatl College, 3801 Mec:Atthur Blvd., Newport 8-dl. C.el to mlk9 reeet'Vatlonl. ., -.1m AREA'S LARGEST COMPANY GETS RATING CUT Banc of America Securities cut its rating on Health Care Property investors lnc.. Newport-Mesa's largest public compan y. • Send BUSINESS CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by &-mail to mlke.swanson@tatimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well aa a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dsllypllotcom. The Cotta MMa Cotnm .... IOI• .. 1111nu11ra Club m.-from noon to 1 p.m. w.dneadeya at the Orange County Dlpertment of Education, 200 1<8tmu1 Drive, Ca.ti Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone Who wants to Improve his or her public tpNldng lldlle. (714) 444-8783. ONGOING The Costa Meta Chamber of eomm.rc. hosts networtdng luncheon meetings Wednesdays TheNwJpMtlwh~ To..,,,_.,. Club 1300 m .... from 7 to 9 p.m. Daily A Pilot VOL. 97, NO. 216 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONVDOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director EDITING STAFf S.J. Catwl Managing Editor, (949) 574-4233 aJ.cahnO fatlm.&com .-.--,i:r~ ~""""'fllatlmel.com ........ °""" SpolU Editor, (9'9) 574-4223 rldwd.dunn•~oom ... , ........ Alt Olr90t0r I Newt Delle Chief. (949} 5?4-4224 }oM.Mlntt»•latfm#.com .... Mae•• Photo Eclitor, (949) *"4358 -.v..moctanktlllltlmH com , NewaEdlton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderaon, Danlel Hunt, Paul Saitowitz, Daniel St8\len1 NEWSSTAFf Crlme~co~porter, (949) 574-4226 dffP•.bharathtllatfrnea.com June C...rancle Newport Beach reponer, (949) 574-4232 • /une.CllN(lrandtlOlatime•.com PllUf Clinton • Politlca, bu1ineae and environment reporter, (949) 764-4330 paul.cllntonfllatime..oom Lolltll Hatp9f Columnilt. cultu,.. reporter, (949) 674-427& lolita.NrpW•'latf m-.com ~Newmeft Coate Meta rtPOrtM, (949) 574-4221 cH/rd,..~nfllatf,.,,..,oom Cot9'Wll9oft Newt ..-.m. (Ml 57<M2l8 00<91. wfJ«Jn•fadnw..com .. PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiiier, Don Leach, Kent Treptow READERS HOTllNE (949) 642-6088 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. Addl"MI Our address is 330 W. Say St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m . CofNCtions It is the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errors of su~nce. Pteaee call (9491 7&M324. FVl ' The Newport Beech/Com MeN Daily Piiot (USPS·144-8001 la publlahed dally. In Newport Beach end Costa Meu, aubecrlptlona are av•ll•ble only !;Iv tubacrlblng to The Timet1 Orange County (800) 252-9141. In areat outllde of Newport 8eac:h and Cotta MIN, aubecrlptlona to the Deily l'llot a,.. 1V1llable only by ftrat ct .. mell for $30 per month. (Prioet lnotude eN appllc9ble ltate and IOcet UIJClll.) POSTMASTER: Send~ t.nangee to The N9wpon ~~Delly Piiot P.O. 8olC 1MIO, Coat.a Mele, CA 1.1928. .> The Mlle M1111 n.-. 'II t 11111a Club tl1 In Cotta MeM,..... M 7 p.m. 1'ulldaya at Met.i Verde Untl9d .......... Church. 1701 w. Baker St., C01Ca ~ (71't MO ttte The firm cut its rating on HCP shares on July 25 to "neutral" from "buy." ln issuing its new rating. the firm cited concerns about valuation. The Newport Beach-based health care real estate investment ttust carries a price-to-earnings ratio of23.12. The average PIE ratio for real estate operations, as measured on Yahoo! Finance, is 26.30. The company is worth $2.67 billion. Thea..--1'1•11 ... 1•Clllbl1lf ......... bv911d'Mlon 1'=fnlm 7tol:30Lm.at1M Vlllegl...... ec.rP111aV11ege,•1 S. Bur St., No.111 The llftMllng ii he for first-time vllltora. For morw ~.all (714) 24M109. A day earlier, the company announced it would pay a quarterly dividend of 83 cents per share to investors who bold the stock on Aug. 4. 1be dividend will be paid Aug. 20. Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permlHion of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Cin:ulatton The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Actvet1111ng Cfwlfted (949) 642-5678 ~(949)642-4321 Edhotial News (949) 642-5680 lpo"8 (949) 574-4223 News,... (949) 646-4170 8pol1S ,.. (949) 860·0170 E-mel: dllllypllot•t•tfme1.com MllMOfflM ...... Office (949) 642~21 ....... Fu (949) 631·7126 Publl1hed by Tlmet Community Newt, a dfvtalon of the Loa Angel• Tlmea. ~ Tlmea CN. All rlghta l'9MfWd. HCP closed Friday at $43.20, a 1.44% fall SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be moatty cloudy with some fog earty in the morning, but the sun will come out for highs between 74 and 88 degrees. The clouds and fog will return, but late. Lows will be between 68 end 68. lnfonMtlon: www.mw.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST After variable Wlnde 10 knob or lighter, the Inner._.,. wtll have WMt wfndl at 10 to 1' knotl thl• abmoon. The weveswfll be 2 t.t ortrMlllr on 1 WMt IWlll ofl fMt lftd IOUth IWlll of 3 Ml The llghtMt 9"8t8 get lbout 5 knott ·~atnlght. Ftrthef out, not1hwMt wfndl wfll ltlft at 10 to 15 knota ..,.. . momlng Ind git up to 15 to~ la-. far the .. of the ct.y. The__,.. wll be 2 to"'"' on I Mill twelf of It.land IOUth swell of 3 feet SURF The southwest swell will be getting smaller all week with no reinforcements. You could plan en anatomy leuon by the surf: today, the hMd; Tuesday, the shouldel'9; Wednetday, the ch9lt; Thuniday, the waitt; Friday, the kneel. By then, leave the board at home and go diving. The surf might etert to CtMP bade up Sunday. W...-lllY: www.~~org TIDES Time 2:071.m. 8.'081.m . 3:0Sp.m. 10:05p.m. WATER TEMPERATURE ...... 'I Volunteers may patrol Paularino Park SoLJs I~VEST)1 l~.\'TS & iREAJ;r r KRISTIN M. Sous • Licenied Real f..&u~ ~enc • S~dalizing in Newpm Mesa Rrsidmtia7 &al F.nau ERie A. Sous, CFP Millard wnile in an e-mail. As part of a plan being talked about in City Hall, members of the Mesa North Homeowner Assn. would watch over the park. Millan.I ">aid he ii. opposed to the idea of roV1ng field ambassa- dors becauw rt ~legit.unv,es ac- tivity that t'> inappropriate and dan~eruu'> for the players, the toddler'> who ll'>e the tot lot, the h.uH.ltrnppt•d people who use the park, f>J'>.'>tng pt!de'>tnans and pa'>.'>ill~ autumob1l~. • Staff found that Millard's alle- gations were unsubstantiated by poUce and tire records, with no significant record related to calls for service about accidents, inju- ries or any other park matter. • The park is not appropriate for field games, they found. But posting sigru. banning games such as baseball and hockey would prevem even sunple family outdoor act1v1t1e~ such as playing catch. they added. • l 7 Years Expmmu • Stocks & &nds • Mutual Fu11ds •Annuities • Estau & Rn/mnpit Planning Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot • lnvertmmt Banking • Sma1J Mi.Jdk Maritn Onnpania the prospect. "We should all watch out tor each other and be happy for COSTA MtSA -llomeowners each other," Olig Hall !><lid 1-n in Mesa North have done what day they can 10 spjff up PauJarino P.dulanno l'ark IS a '>mall Parle -planting trees and m-neighborhood park. Larger stalling benches and garbage group ~porting ttt:Uvi ties are not cans. permitted there. ln the future. memberi.. of the rhe commission talked about Mesa North Homeowners Assn. the park. at 1ti. July l3 meeting might be doing even more 10 ma111Jy beC<Juse of w nLern ... keep the park running smoothly from resident Martin Millard, -as field ambru.l.adol"!>. who a~ened that th e u!.e of 1he ·me idea is the• brainchild of park 1~ <.langemui. tor kldi. who Trudy Olig·l lall, a 35-year re'>i play '>poni. thl'rl' denr of the area and longtime Millard a'>kl'd tlw t'iry 10 po'>t member of Me~ Consolidated ''&°' banning '>occer. ha'>chall, Wa1er Disrrict. She Mcpped up to football. field hoc; key and -.im1lar lhe plate after resilient Martin '>pun~ bl'cauw ht• had !>t'l'n hall., Millard brought hb rnmplaint.'> h1111r1g pedt·stnam and au1011HJ about the park to the attention of · htlC'> .rnd !>Cl'tng ... on:er playt-r'> the Par~ and Rl·crcauon Com-nmning into the middle of m1~1on J>·Julanno Avenut· cha.,in~ h.tlh. The concept i'> c,ull rn lhe plan "I have .ilmo'>t hn two plJyrt' nm~ Mage~. and thl• volunlecr... on dilTen·nl day'> -who ... ud would need to he tra111ed by the lll'nly ran inln the \treet whl'll I city, but Olig-1 lall " excited by wa-. drivii1g down l'auldrinn," COSTA MESA COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FYI •WHAT: City Council meeting the Lomm1,..,1on was 1n the middle ul ii' d1'>CUS-'>ion on the park wh1·11 ".1111ba!..'>adur'>" were men1in1wd. rnu.,ing Ohg-1 lall to '>P.rmg uut ol ht•r '>t'al dnd volun- teer. "\.\<1w11 lht•} -..1id 'amba,,ador.' I thought. 11 ... ounth great,'" Olig- 1 lall ... uid "I didn't even k.now lit " a paid po ... 11iunj. I hJt wa.<,n't my 11ttt•nt11111 I h1· .11111>.1..,..,.idor., \\uuld be on the lnnk.11111 1111 1mprupt•r bchav· HH. '>ULl1 ..... d11ldren IMnging on trl'l'' I ltt·} would give a friendly w<Jrr11ng tlw tir ... c liml· and then rl'purl 11 till' nt•xt tlrrtl'. Olig·I lall .... ud Commissioner Wt!ndy Leece said she thought the Mesa North Homeowners' Assn. acting ai. ambassadors W(C, a good solu- tion. "Maybe that'i;.all that\ needed -enlightened information," Leece i.aid. ·m, their neighbor- hood park. so they '>houJd really be able to have a ~y in how it's used." The amb~dor program in the park would be a pilot pro- gram. to see if it help'> dear up the problems. l.eece '>aid. I ll·n· a~ wml' ul tht· rtcrru. the cuum 11 ~,u rnni.1der w111¢it • WHEN: 6 30 p m tonight •WHERE: Ctty Hall, 77 Fair Drrv~ •INFO: (7 14) 754 5221 If yoo "' re.t<lt to takt I~ nt'\'l sttP •~ rout c.tr-Vanguard University t.tn help CHANGE TO THE GENERAL PLAN llw pmpcny owner of J:SO and ~O \\> l~1y ~L ha'> ... ubnutte<l a '><. rt."cnmg n..oque-.t to rht1J1ge thl· general plc1n dc&1gnat1on from genl•ml rommercial to mc<lmm de11'>rt~ rt-<,iden!laJ. l11l' .l i' ·acfl' '111· h.L'> been the '>lit' of ll1e Ddtl) Pilot for more than 50 yt'iif'>. -0-1e uwner plam (() develop hoLL<;tng 011 the land. llwrl' <ire :.everal 1-...,ue... stall r~:ommend be dJS<.u"5<.'d, 1ndud111g an expan'>ton of the dl'Ca to have a 1.mung changt' 10 rndude three underu.-.t-'<l commercial lots thal fronl Ntwport Houlev-dtd. ·nu.~ may be \Ullable for ms1<lenua1 development if they are rombtnt>tl with the dcH•lopmenl of thi.~ '>lie and 'iOtl contanunauon i!. re<.olved, .,taff member<; i.ay. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recorrunend' th1'> request be accepted for further rt'Vlew and analy..1s and that the study area be expanded to include the adjacent pan:els on Nt:wpon BoulevclJ'd COMMERCIAL RECREATION ZONE On the recommendation of the Plannlng Commission, the council will direct staff to ~h amendments to the general plan, the wning code or both ro encourage development and retention of commerdal ra-reation uses. In March. Commll>S10ner Kauina Foley said ~e would be intere1>1ed in the adoption of general plan objectives or poHcies on indoor recreation, including bowling. ice skating and skateboarding. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff estimates that at least 80 to JOO hours of staff time would be required to pursue this proposal REQUEST FOR REHEARING On July 7, the council made some changes in the field sizes and outfield fence dimensions for the three softball fields at the k\\inkle 1~.irl Athll•1tl l .ompl,., llll' action'> taXl'll \\01tld n·q1m1• tlw rt'movJI or rt·lrn .1111111 111.11 ll'.l~I ~ llliJtllll' lrl'l''• ,1 p111111 i.hchcr .md c.oncn·tl' waH,\\J~' On July 14. C ,11111w1lm.111 (Jin, \1 t'l' I rcq t1£'.., 1t:d .1 rd 11 "trt 11 ~ 1111 hdi<tlf of Lill' \le..,., d1·l \ 1,tr I l111111'0W11er' A'>Ml WHAT TO EXPECT "II • .., J n:lwarin~ rt:qut .... 1 \\Im Ii llll~Jn'> 'ltt>t•lf hd-. 111nm\11111· lhtt't• other 1m•111bt.·r .... ~l<tyor l .aI)' ~ 1onJ11a11 '>Jiii nwn· .... Ill ti J trJd1lJ<111 for p11hlt1 Ln1111m·111. <,-0 pubht tC">tilllllll} I., 1101 l'X!X't1t'<J C mn111l1't/ 11\ I >e•irtlre \1•11 m1111 ~~\ =---'"' Free IUt!ltA, tJrJoU ' -I (io 'IJ tf1, ~-up Fee tJvta f \. -..., ~ 9. 20081 ;- \, "-~-__/ !,~ 370 B E. 17th St. Costa Mesa · In the Ra*"1's Shopping (.enter ' 949.646.6789 ,,,.. Th: Bam-8,xn Frt: ~ Slit 10em-1pm www . sim plyshopelyfi tneu .com 0 ':l -~ 0 ct 4 •• " ' .. 'N vanguard.edu/sps ;. . " . P 1.888.9DEGREE <933 .4733) 55 FAIR DRIVE, COSTA "ESA, CA 91626 ,, • t "'" VA ... GUAR 0 \if .. .., I t \I' ' True or False? IVaturint A I;,,, Tnbuu It> Frank Sinatra "''"'7 i\101td11y d-runtlay (i 'Jpm /lw A.w-1ioro Ct!/ (949) 6~-7944 Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails • • 'Qualicy Ser-vice'•• ... Ni u Entertainment"'' J~' lni.ft• A..,. .. Coste M.,, .. ....... , ........... ~ ..... \J,Q. u.... ..... p ., .. tf) ?N PARTY CRUISE~ l TO GATALINA-.~l WITM Tiil llJ NfO WITM .....-,_~Of A-* tOO YDa. 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Thousands of our alums work for large, med ium and modest-size businesses, co rporations. high-tech firms. hotels. hospitals and medical facilities around the country. Call now for fall registration information: (714) 432-5072. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 2 5. To save valuable resources. Orange Coast College hos not mailed its • class schedule this felL You· can pick up a copy m the Adm1ss1ons g1 Office. or occes.s the foll schedule online al: I 1374 i.o,an An., Suite F •COSTA MESA I I CA LIC.#820350 (888) MESA-777 I I Z .....,Fri.10to5 -Sat l0to 3 .... I orangecoastcollege.com e We'll help you get there. L-------------------------~ MSfP . . Sl 4 b5S Tl-..ocb• Rcbtu Dleaiunt .. .-S3. 356 Wing Pra . . . . . . . . $1 l 2W F~ R.bote -• • . . • • .-$2.~ '91 con WO YOU •••••• .. • llLi\lPllll I 'S -f{l t ,'-. ,'\. l \h~l'I I'-. • Skosh Monahan's St:e akboase & IRis b Pab 8 Different Steaks Plus Our fomous 16 en. Porte Chop Rock for only $15.95 Entrees Seo;ed Ahi Sreoks • Allontic Salmon F1iet5 • New Zeolond Seo Bou Foth 'n Chips • Mahi-Moho Sandwich Appetisers Colomon • Crobcokes • Gnfled or Beer-Bortered Shrimp Pepper·Seored Aho Soup/Salad Fresh Clam Chowder • lobsler Bisque & CK>ppono Plvs Grilled Shrimp Blockened Ahi • Smoked Salmon Solods ., _______________________ . WEIGHT LOSS THAT WORKS!! ULTRA LITE The Professional Weight and Health Management Syscem is here from Australia. Call today and find out what over 350,000 successful clients know . SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER ssooo OFF W11h 1h1i ad only through 8 I 31; 03 Wlil the Vlcra Lile Svcem Works; • [){ictor-devdoptd, drul·frtt. and $UptMSed • Most mm and womm L0&e up to 22 lbs. over fivt wttb • lmpcove ttleflT, muscle and skin tone, and memory • Numticnilly AJPPO!ted to maximi.te heahhy fat burning A~ in NNPOn Bt.odi tlft"4.slwly Urrowgh CHIROPRACTIC WORKS 1617.,eoecllll'Om"e. S..1t¢ •110 949.650. 7 466 Cal /Or cl-Mils etd o FREE mitidl COIUMltatton ALDEN'S 1-0N~§ITE : ---- DRAPERY CLEANll\I& AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN Oii llEMOVIN& NECEHARY I Certlfted Ta Clean All Hunter Daugl11• fabric Window Covering• lncludlng: • Lumlnttte Privacy Shffrst • Silhout'tt~ window shaditp • V-e' window shadings • Duette• honeycomb.._. • MB~ n1 Collection • JubilanceTM roman shades • AppiaUSt' honeycomb shades • Strtnelte TM SoftfolcfTM shaditp World'a Bed ON41tE"' or. •• , e1 ...... 8ptem AAlDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIBS 1663 Placentja, Costa Mesa 949-646 4838. 714!-968-8180 FASHION Continued from Al bf the store himself, u he has done In the past, Frank hired an architect. Giorgio Borruso & Alessandro Design won the con- tract. The store Is In to a section of the center that is quickly becom - ing a center for youth apparel. Diesel, Miss Sixty. HUGO Hugo Boss, Traffic and Puma are nearby. ~Paul Frank is a great addition to our store mix at South Coast Plaza," spokeswoman Debra Gunn Downing said. "It's young. • It's hip. It's a very hot brand.H Paul Frank should fit right ·1n with th' gaggle of other hipster retailers' selling youth culture in the area, which was dubbed "Velcro Valley" by TI.me Maga- zine in a 1999 article. "It's something that has stuck." said Bill Sharp, who pro- mores big wave surfing events. "It's one of the things that truly has had a national and global in- Ouence." COUNCIL Continued from Al added to the building later this year. Robin Leffler, representing Citizens fo r Responsible Growth, and Councilman Allan Mansoor finally convinced the full City Gouncil thar there was enough new information to warrant a re- hearing in early June. Both had concerns about density, and the citizens group faulted the proj- ect':. environmental repon for being inconsistent. especially in the shade and shadow analysis. Since the council reviewed the project in April, Runer Develop- menl has changed its plans, in- creasing the serback distance from Bernard Street to the north or Lhe propeny to reduce shadow effects from the 50-foot high condominium buildings. The shade/shadow analysis for the final environmentaJ report for this revised plan does not consider the shadow effects on six Berna.rd Street residences. Leffler dismjssed the change as insufficient. The citizens group's i;ontendon that front yards on Bernard Street will get haJf as much sun with the con- dos as they would otherwise is significanr. she mtid. "h's really not a change." Lef- Oer said. "They've technically massaged the shadow situation so it's off the propeny line for the required amount of time, with- FAIR Continued from Al revenues were not available at press time Sunday, but daily reporu. in general show attendance levels down from last year. Al 3 p.m. Sunday. 22,052 people had walked through the fair turnstiles. Because the fair ALLOWED Continued from Al In 1985. Betty had a chance to make It up to mom while covering the Bob Hope Marine Air Golf Invitational for the Daily Pilot. Hope wore a Marine Corps dress uniform and was named an honorary general during the banquet at the Meridian Hotel in Newpon Beach. Porter was there AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bey St, Coate Mesa, CA 92627; by e·mail to mike.1wt1n•on@latlmt16.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby call Ing (949) 574-4298. lnd ude the time, date and location of the event, as well as a oongct phone number. A complete listing 11 available at www.dallypllot.com. TODAY Ch~ .. enti .... -............. fht through sixth grac:t. are lmltted to '"A Jungle Cruise" at 10:30 a.m . at the Newport hedl c.ntm Ubrtry. Troubadoul'1 l<.en Ind John Frawtey wtll prM4ir1t the Interactive program. lnfomletlon: (949) 717-3818. 1\JESOAY The&rttt .......... ~ •nd Newport hld'l B~u1 SocMly wlt1 hold'" orgenlc ~event from e:so to 10 p.m. at Capft llu AMtlurent In H..4UMlt.d\. The-llSIO .. nwnber• Ind •IDr ~~(M) 14W113. 'Paul Frank Is a great addition to our store mix at South Coast Plaz~. It's young. It's hip. trs a very hot brand.' emphulll on swimwear and vol· leyball wear. In 2000, the com- pany sold ~uslve licensing rights for Its products to Targer Corp. Debra Gunn Downll'I Johnny Lucero started Johnny Suede in Costa Mesa In 1996. laun~g a line of rockabllly-in- splred T·shirts, hats and other clothing. Lucero has shifted his clothing line to a more blue-col- lar, motorcycle-riding sensibility. South Coast Plaza spokeswoman A handfuJ of companies emerged from 1960s surf culture. In the rnid-l 970s, surfers Jeff Hakman and Bob "Buzz" McNlght opened a small ware· house In Newport Beach to sell board shorts. The company be- came Quiksilver ' Inc. After 12 years In Costa Mesa, the com- pany moved to Huntington Beach in 1999. Irvine-based Billabong USA can also trace its roots to Costa Mesa. In 1998, company chlef Bob Hurley left to form Hurley International in the city. Oregon- based apparel titan Nike Inc. purchased the company In 2002. but Hurley Is still in town. "There are some big board companies that are inspired by the surf and board culture," mtid David Unter. a retail expert al Deloitte & Touche's Costa Mesa office. "It's a pretty close-knit culture: In addition to surf wear. a string of skate wear and gear companies have sprouted up. Volcom Boardwear, ABC Board Supply and VisJon Sports supply hard-edged apparel to those with a predilection for skating. "You can classify Costa Mesa as an incubator city (for these businesses I." said Ed Fawcett, president' of the Costa Mesa Oiamber of Commerce. "Some of the smaller ones slart up, then expahd and leave the area" Frank's store joins a short list of high-profile apparel makers that have branched away from the surf and skate worlds and still fared well in the youth mar· ket. Italian designer Mossimo Giannulli started Mossimo Inc. on BaJboa lsJand in 1995 with an "The re's such a variety coming out of Orange County," Lucero said. ·(Paul Frank) Is more the coffee·shop crowd, the ansy- fartsy crowd." Lucero. Sharp and others agreed that Orange Coun ty's im- age hl.\i shlttea . The county is now· the epicenter of cutting- edge youth clothing. they said. "This area used to be about the yuppie yacht dubber,· Sharp said. ·A lot of it was started by guys who lived and &urfed in Newport Beach." • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment. business and Politics He may be reactied at 1949) 764-4330 or by e·ma1I at paul.clinton Q-/at1mes com · ter plan. "If the city conrinues to butld at this density. then it's only righ1 they would have 10 help solw the traffic problem. and they only have one way of doing it - IJ1at's pulling in the 19th Street bridge and the G1~ler ... bridge," Spinks said. !'he project does have its sup poner<;. Jn April. re .. 1dent Andrew McNally spoke in favor ol Ult: condo:.. I le said the projecr ,., perfecrJy appropnare for the area. Artist's conception of condos proposed for 1901 Newport. The traffic repon indicate' that the pro1ect wouJd not result m significant negauve efferu so long as me~ures are incorpo rared 10 alll'Vlate conge&Uoo u 1 the area. out ever admitting ii was on the propeny 10 begin with." ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT When the council gr.rnled the rehearing. ii aJso requesred that an independent party review the environmental reporr in re- sponse 10 claims about irs in- consistencies. The ciry con- tracted with Costa Me~a-based the Planning Center al a cost of $5,000. The center found thal the re- port complied with the Califor- nia Environmental Quality Act and the environmental analysis conducted was fully support ed by substantial evidence, as state law requires. The center also pointed out that varying o pin- went four days longer. there were no daily aaendance numbers 10 compare with last year. ln 2002, a record-breald.ng 898, l 97 people attended at the warer-themed fair. Officials reported a cumulative total attendance this year of 849,548 at 3 p.m. Sunday-leaving nine hours to attract 48,649 people 10 match last yeat's number. Jeff McBrady. the owner of 10 watching it all. At the end of the night. she made good on her promise to meet Hope face to face and talked with Bob and Dolores Hope as they walked to their car. Hope told her that day had been "one of the best in his life.· Porter. who now lives in Newport Beach, said that was true for her. too. and she could hardly wait to get home and call her mother. Maudie Whyte. a Costa Mesa Newport Beach Central Library's Mariners branch. Troubadour• Ken and John Frawley wlll present the Interactive progra m. Information: (949) 717-3816. THURSDAY Children 9"tMng ftnt through sixth grades are invited to "A Jungle Cruise" at 10:30 e.m. at Newport Beach Central Libra ry's Balboa Branen. Troubadours K.en and John Frawley will present the Interactive program. lnformstlon: (949) 717-3816. A free Mmlnat, •f.wtaN Feta,'" wlll be hekf 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother't Ma.tat. 226 e. 17th St . Cotta Mta. For reeervatlon1, call (800) 596-MOMS. FRIDAY Hombloli..,~ end fwnu ofhtrl a three-hour CNIM of N9wpoft Hatt>or, a gourmet th....-courM mtel, llw ~fnment end tw1rd-wtnnlng .vtc:e from 8 to 11 p.m. Botrdlng lt8rtl 811;30 p.m. mt 2A31 W. Paclftl:Coell~.For ,.. .. ~ ...... , .. , 911-Mlt. ........ ,....., .... 0...,.. ~ nOtipraftt ~· tuppOft group, ~on·Hlgh ~~~ ions among experts don't maxe AFFORDABLE HOUSING an environmental report inad-The council as also expected 10 equare. decide how Ruller Development Leffler maintains that ome of will fulfill 11s affordable housing the contradictions in the repon requirements. Rutter ha~ five involve facr. nor opinion. choices. The leasr expensive m "There are things that have volves providing eight moderate been established by experts, and income unlls on rhe site and su length of shadow is a physical very-low income units off the fact ... she said. • !lite, bur within the Downtown TRAFFIC EFFECTS Other residents are apprehen- sive about the traffic effects the project will generare. Spinks thinks the city will be forced to make uo~ble choices. such as acqulescing on the 19th Street and Gisler Avenue bridges. which the city wants eventually removed from the county's mas· Pound BWlS concession stand. said his business did well considering the drop in anendance. McBrady. who has been at the Orange County fair for 12 years. said there was a marked difference between this year and the previous two - which were both record-breaking. I lis booth. which sells slices of sourdough bread slathered in gooey cheese and covered with resident, was nice enough to slop by the Daily Pilot office and to tell me about seeing Bob Hope host the Academy Awards in 1965 and 1966. She showed me the originaJ programs, signed by various celebrities, such as Steve McQueen, Dick Van Dyke and Jimmy Stewart. While Hope's signature did not grace the pages. his role as master of .ceremonies was one of the highlights. The charismadc Hope filled Registration and networking begin at 7 p.m. for the 7:30 p.m. seminar at Orange Coast College's Science lecture Hall. The colt 11 $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. For more infonnatlon, call (714) 640-2491. Th• Regency Udo ThNt9r wtfl host the exclusive Orange County engagement of Dana Brown's · t urf documentary "Step Into Uquld" tod•y and Aug. 9. Attendees wlll ci.i a cttance to ride the '"Robo Surf; a med'lanlcal surlboerd. "Step Into Liquid" lhowttm.wUI be 11:30 a .m .• 1:30 p.m .. 3:30 p.m .. 6:30 p.m ., 7:46 p.m. and 9:60 p.m . deity. TM Robo Surf Will be available from 6 to 10 p.m. todly and 2 to 8 p.m. Aug. 9. For more lnfomfatlon, call (M9) 873-e361. SATURDAY lHMale ...... lnCOlta ..... lnvrt.t the oommu"lty to Mttnd "A Felr It the Sque,.• for the alghtt, '°"'* Ind grMt dNl1 In the outdoor martltplece wt,He t.ldng adventag9 d llllt9fUMt ..,_..from 11 a.m. to• p.m. n.. ..... ..,Udo -n...r .. ha.tthe~OrMge~ .,...,.,,.,. d Deni a.own .. .,,. ~ ... lntoUquld." A81nc1111 wtl ... dwa '° rtdl the •M09'1ft;'. medwllcllt • Redevelopmenr Project Area. The most expensive wouJd be ro provide all the urnrs o utside the redevelopmenr area. which would increase tJ1e requirement to l8 affordable hou!itng units • OEIAOAE NEWMAN cavers Costa Mesa and mav be reactled et (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at de1rdre newm an Q la11m1Js com tasty toppings. would defirutely back next year "I mean. they made some changes. bur I still think it'~ a great fair.'' McBrady 'iaid. • LOLITA HARPER wrrtes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers rulture and the arts. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4275 or bye-mail at lollta harper a lst1mes com. the Santa Monlca Civic Auditorium with slde·splittlng laughter, she said. "Oh, he was just wonderful: Whyte mtid, with a large grin on her face. "He was his casual. wonderful. delightful self.· • L.OUTA HARPER wntea columns Mondays. Wednelday1 and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reactled at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harper@lst1mes.com. surfboard. "Step Into Liquid" show times will be 11 :30 a.m. end 1 :30, 3:30, 6:30, 7:46 and 9:60 p.m. The Robo Surf will be available from 2 to 8 p.m. For more Information, call (949) 673-8361. The N.wport leech Am Commll81on will sponsor 11 free outdoor production of Shak91PNre'1 comedy "Twetfth Night'" at 6 p.m . at Grant Howald Pa rtc In Corona del Mar. ~how events begin at 5:30 p.m. Information: (949) 717-3870. SUNDAY Hombbi•• two-hour ctlampegne bf'unch CNiee featurH a lavish bNnch buffet. champegne and Ind grMt \ltewl Whl .. YoU CNIM NtwPOt' Harbor. Boarding beglnt It 11 :30 a.m. 81 2'31 W. hdftc Coast HIQhWllY for the noon crulH. For AIMf'Vldone. cell (948) 881-~. "Hopefully, I'll get a good amount of playing time. But even just being over there, just watching and getting th e experience is ·great. I'm just stoked to be on the team." Clay Jorth, on playing on the U.S. men's nabonal cadet water polo team Dally Pllot Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: 1949) 650-0 170 WATER POLO One go.al in mind Clay a nd Clinton Jo rth want to play in the Olympics and this s ummer they will wear the USA uniform as part of the na tional youth team s in Europe. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot C lay and Omton Jonh state their goals in plain and simple tertlll>. -0ne of my goals 1c; to play water polo in the Olympics," Oay said. Jw.t a few minut~ earlier. and across town from his older brother. Ointon said. "I want to play in the Olympics. That's my ultimate goal.· They are aspiring to be among the best and in meir age bracket. they already are. Though the Jonh brothers are years away from any possible Olympic medal. they are already experiencing what it ii, like to wear the red, white and blue ofTeam USA. Oay. IS. is a member of the 2003 U.S. water polo men's national cadet team. a 16-and-under club comprised of 21 players from around the country. Ointon. 13. is playing one level lower than his brother. as a me'mber of the 2003 men's national development team. a squad comprised of 32 players from around the co lift t.ry. ~It's kin d of exciting that I made it out of the whole United States." Ointon·said. Both of th em are traveling to Europe thi!i month, representing their country in international tournaments. Ointon left for Serbia and Montenegro on Saturday for a 17 -day stay in the country and Oay will travel to Turkey with the Cadet team on August lO. The experience, Jet alone the competition is sure to be an eye-opener for both young teenagers. Neither lc:new much background on the countries they were visiting. but both were looking forward to the unique experience. Oay had a friend who played in Greece last summer and told him a linJe about Turkey. . MHe said it 's amazing, it's just totally different," Oay said. Though water polo is sure to lceep him busy during his shon stay, he is hopeful to take part in a Uttle tourism as weU. "I'd love to." Oay said. MThat'd be one of the coolest things.· SEAN OUfRENE OA.L • PL:• Clay Jorth, 15, left, and his brother Clinton, 13, right, are part of the U.S. national water polo program. Clay 1s playing on the cadet team, wtule Clinton is on the development squad. Both will travel to Europe thi s summer. rear would be acceptable. longer. There's a lot more counteranacks." • D.illy~Pikx • Sporu Hd f1I fame \ .. .....,.WI. e,t.,, H ..... t'4Mf ~ust IOll()no(ee JEFF CLARK Mon<lay, August 4, 2003 A5 FROM THE SIDELINES Tales from the Herald Before che Pilot fo und its home, the lo cal sports scene was cove red by the Globe-Herald. T here were mdlly hllcU"1ou-. ~tep., when we en1ered the front door of a Co!.ta Me!><! newi.paper called the Globe-Herald. a one \tory operation on Broadway lhe first am~merll 1.Jmt:' after \.\e \.\rote a heated lt:'tter to the ed11or about a controversial U.~. sendtor Cbe ednor. Tom Keevil. called us m to discuss the ' leuer and he assumed we were on the coUege facuJ cy. We t'xplarned our '>tcHU'-ct.' -.cudentJ> nt-ar waduauon, bul ll prompted h.un 10 COO'.t:'} ii '>landing offer w 1u1n his staff after fading from coUege. fie fell the lener 10 the ediior showta'>ed a 1oumaJ1suc talt'nt relauve to our DON interest wluch was CANTRELL .,ports a1 the ume There had never been a sport~ editor before. but Keevu had one under comaderauon pnor to our dppearance. \\'e -,ensed ~ome humor and asked about th,u stenano kec\11 explained bneOy that the pro'>pect was tughh talented m the reaJm of ru.long for thing' from the colle~e'> and pro athJe ttc organl7.auon-.. which generally featured reque-.1-. for (ree tickets every weekend. even thou!ifi the paper r<U"ely e'er menuoned big nr' spons evenLl.. "We '>OOn protected that this per\On was no1 closet} connected 10 toLal -.pom. -the ed11or !>a.Id The Globe-Herald would remain unut publii,her Walter Burroughs boughr che Pilo1 from Seal Beach. ln ume. Burrough!> combmed the rwo paper~. bur \~hen daa.lr stacu\ amved. 11 c;ubsequent.l} became known ai, the Dally Pl.lot. Al any rare. we discovered 1ruoally that the Globe-Herald had no '>pons photographer. Hence. we were shocked at one of our first needs: photographs of the new Orange Coast College football stadium when 11 opened m September of 1955 "Hold on. -Keevil !>a.id. He turned away and then returned · rrunutes later to announce lus deas1on .... ~th good cheer. Though both Oay, who will be a sophomore at Newport Harbor High, and Olnton. entering the eighth grade at Ensign M.iddJe School. will bring lnteresting stories back to school ln the fall, the travel can also be a bit intimidating, -rm a little nervous, .. Ointon said. Not to worry. Team USA advised the players to bring a Uttle peanut buner ln case they don't adapt to the local food and Ointon's parems are planning on joining him for the second pan of the trip. That suits Oay's game. He's a driver, like his little brother. Or more aptly put. his little brother is a dnver. like Oay. Thal conneetion i.s bound to only get better should they stay involved with the U.S. youth nauonaJ team~ But that involvement takes more than JU!>I talent The trips that Oa} and Ointon are talang thts summer cost a combined SS.500. a sum they raised through the generosity of family. friends and neighbors. .. Reponer Bill Williami, and I will ' both take cameras out and do che 1ob for you. Could anythmg malce you happier?" Otnton will spend the first half of the trip ln Leskovac, where the development team will rake pan ln an intensive tralnlng camp. The second weelc will be spent in Herceg-Novi, on tht coast of the Adriadc Sea. where the team will compete ln a tournament against teams from other countrles. For a 13-year-old, thousands of miles away from home. a little bit of The most important thing for both Oay and Ointon is improving in the pool. The lntemational game provides stiffer competition and should only help their play when they rerum to the States. ~It's a lot faster, a lot smaner game,~ Oay said. •pJus. ln high school the pool is usually 25 yards, now It's 30 meters, which Is definitely After all, it was Oay's play, which began at the age of7, which got Ointon interested ln water polo and into the pool. They played together when they were younger. but haven't been on the same team slnce playing in the 10-and-under d.Mslon. That will change in Qay's final two years at Newport Harbor, when Ointon joins him on the team. . -1 bet we'll probably Just connect in the pool bener than anybody else,• Oay said. · WATER POLO Now that the trips are becoming a reality. lc's all about what they do in the pool. "Hopefully.111 get a good amount of playing time.· Oay said. "But even just being over there. just watching and genlng the experience is great. I'm just stoked to be on the team.· After all. it is one step closer to his ultimate goal. We grinned and exclaimed. "No, that IS a wonderful surpnse. • After the game. we returned to the new Globe· Herald building on Bay Avenue to write the story, all smiles. However. it is fair to say the smiles disappeared after Keevil and Wtlliams came out of the dark room wtth laughs and a shaking of heads. "Guess what.· KeevfJ said "We didn't get anything. Not one shot came out. I don't lcnow what happened.· Then. he laughed and offered a SM Sl>ElftES, P11e M • Former Anteaters lead U.S. squad at Pan Am Games Five ex-UC Irvine players contribute to Pan A.m Games victories as U.S. attempts to qualify for 2004 Olympics. Pow bmer UC lrvlne ~ acoied, lndudJna three .,.. -='> bit Ryan BaJ. 1ey and Omar An1r. u the U.i men'a Dll• ilonal water polo tlllD trouDc:ed bolt Domlak'M Rlplblc 24-0 5muldly la lhe ,,,..,... .... ol die zoos ,_ AmedlCan Quw II chi Juen Plblo Duute ;tE: ~ c.r.. Iii lulloD1 1be U.S. ~ lbll l'OUC Wllb a 17·5 wktarf Mr llllill oa ~ ~ considered the only true contenden for the automatic berth. The U.S. won the gold medal at the 1999 Pan American Games in Winnipeg. CAnada A repeat of Jbat succeu will be needed in the Dominlc::an Republic to mum to the Olympk Guna. WhOe the former UC I.Moe IWldouta weft~. role wttb thew Dldooa1 t.m, rom. Corona del Mar tutb ... ter polo pisyer' John Mann WU doing hAI belt to '8ed the u.s. Junior mem .... polo*'D. )be jwdot IMID mt dm ~ ~ kl cbt Pour Nadonl .......... 1n c-"' 11111y ~ Mlinl u..e co Qrwce. ........... " ........ .,.. IOlk'*Nn II UC a.-t IllJt IClOled hidce l 1 • A6 Monday, August 4, 2003 SPORTS WOMEN'S COLLEGE TENNIS Vangu~rd tennis nets pair • Lions women's team adds two players for 2004 season. COSTA MfSA -Rachael Ses- sum, an Orange Coast CoUege product, and Amy Brown, from Redding. are the newest aqdi- tions to the Vanguard University women's tennis team, Vanguard Coach Mattias Johansson said Johansson hopes the recruits improve his women's tennis team that reached the second round of the NAIA National Tournament last season and re- turns the majority of Its players from that squad. Sessum. a Newport Beach resident, graduated from Calvary Olapel High School in 2002 and joins the Uons from the com- munity college courts at OCC She tompeted one season for DCC, compiling a 7-3 record in singles and a 10-0 mark in dou- bles action. Sessum plans to continue her degree work in bi- ology at Vanguard and will have three years of eligibility remain- ing. Brown comes to Vanguard from Redding, where she com- peted for Foothill High. She was an all-league selection for Foot- hill and completed a successful prep career in singles and dou- bles. Off the court. Brown gradu- ated with a 3.94 grade point av- erage for Shasta Secondary Home School in 2003. She will major in exercise spons science at Vanguard. WOMEN 'S VOLLEYBALL Vanguard volleyball adds two COSTA MESA -The Van- . guard University women's volley- ball team, although sporting a very similar roster to 2002, has rect"ntJy added a couple of Southern California players to its lineup. Kelli Whittaker and Kris- tin Winant wiU hath join the Li -. ons, straight from the high school ranks . Whittaker comes from Long Beach and graduated from Cal- vary Olapel High in June. The outside hitter was a first-team All-Pacific Coast League and All- CIF selection as a senior. She was 0 Tuesday, August s, 2003 4:00 p.m. • 8:00 p.m. also an honor-roll student, with a 3.67 grade point average. Wmant, from Huntington Beach, com peted in basketball, volleyball, and track and field at Edison High. The 2003 Edison graduate is a middle blocker who was voted Most Improved in vol- leyball. She has played for seven years. She plans to major in theater arts at Vanguard. The Lions open the volleyball season with the annual alumni match Aug. 23, foUowed by the Concordia Tournament during the Labor Day weekend. SIDELINES Continued from A5 suggestion. "Well, the best we can do is go out and have a few beers ... he said. ln time, we made friends with a new new.. photographer and drew him into shooting some sports for us. With a diplomatic air, all we had to do was offer him a Scrabble game once a week.. One day KeeviJ leaned our way and tossed us a letter to' the editor. · "Tune to learn about the ... -publie. ff -he--said-grinning; The envelope read, "Editor, Globe-Herald.· A letter fell out and it started, ·Dear Mr. Herald ... " Another day a friendly man of public relations. who had appreciated our occasional blurbs a.Dout his sports fishing trips. shuffled through a back door and said he had a gift for us outside and disappeared. Another party slid through the door and exclaimed, "Hey. sports 1 editor. you bener gel out here fast and clean up this mes.s." Stunned, we rushed to the door and quickly noticed a ton ot wet fish on the sidewalk, which the fishermen had unloaded from the trunk of his hig car. lhat meant running through the building lo encourage all to b>ather before 5 p.m .. and pick up a large share of fish for dinner. Mariner's Park, Newport Beach Neighborhoods throughout Newport Beach are being invited to I join fo rces with thousands of communities nationwide for the 20th 1 Annual National Night Out crime and drug prevention event! I Residents are asked to lock their doors, tum on outside lights and 1 spend the evening outside with neighbors. Carl's Jr. will be 1 providing food and dri nks. Please join us for some summer fun! We were blessed when we found that many employees responded happily to the so-called gift. ••• Harbor area sports had ample gliner on the local and county level. but the national news would start breaking as the old Globe-Herald was beginning to fade on the horizon. Astonisbing news came in the spring of '56 when Harbor I ligh miler Tod White broke the national mile record at tJ1e California prep state finale in 4:20. Then came '58 when Balboa lslend basketball star George Yardley broke the single-season scoring record with 2,00 I points for the Fort Wayne Pistons in NBA basketball. Harbor High's superb basketball ace Dennis Fitzpatrick helped lead the California Bears to the Final Four titJe in 1959. Plug into your community. Find out what's going on 1n your city, parks, churches, 5Chools, eotertalnment and sports. Read the ... Daily ~ilot And, another highlight arrived at the tum of the 60s when Orange Coast CoUege's '49 grid champ Oiff Livingston became a stout linebacker for the New York Gjants under defensive coa.ch · 1bm Landry. The Pilot was braced for bigger happenings. 1Yew1C1•JRanger XLT Supercab l'Oll Odt Awt-..ilr U--. °"'1,,.._ ...._.,.,,,._ ~(-­-Mil-VC.AIJS ..-..,.,,_ Q) Sales Price: '14,976 ford Rebate: MIMI 8onus Cash~··:...· ~-~:.....!!!!•~t!:!l!!n!!n!!...1 ~-12975 f /Yew D Pl 50 XU' SVPERCRBW M.S.ltP.: ••3'J,2:J5 KO Dbcount: ·112tJO Sales l'rlce: '24,975 ford Rebate: WCUQ ~22478 D•Pilot ,.Ill Daily,Pilot Ill SpoN Hall Of Fame Celebr ating the mille nniurn TY HARPER Corona del Mar Former Sea King baseball standout will always have 1999 dream season to look at for motivation. Steve Vir1en Daily Pilot T his year, Ty Harper will find out what life without baseball is like. It will definitely be new ground. For the majority of his life. Harper, a former Corona del Mar High standout in baseball, has been. as they say. getting after it at the ballpark. 1hroughout his childhood in Corona del Mar, Harper developed his passion for the game. At CdM. he discovered the results of teamwork and he renewed his awareness for the thrill of victory. "Baseball is just a great game.-·~arper said. "It's more of He was a three-time All-CIF selection and was twice named the Newport-Mesa District Player of the Year. He finished with school and dis trict career records for hits (132), home runs (24) and RBis (99). while posting a .514 career average. He also hit 12 home runs in 1999, which tied teammate Eric Wiethom for the district's single-season record. Aside from the statistics, Harper said the camaraderie on 111,,m11 the team is something he will always cherish. Much of the chemistry involved. came about from Coach John Emme. Harper -..-._,said. a love for me. It's Ty Harper "Since John has been at CdM, the program ha! just great. It's like when you love someone and you can't explain it." Harper said his love for the game was al an all-time high while at CdM in 1999. When the Sea Kings won the CIF Southern Section Division IV title. Harper called it one of the best moments he has had in baseball. CdM, the founh seed in CIF Division rv, defeated No. I seed La Quinta to reach the title game. Then the Sea Kings rallied from an 8-4 deficit with five runs in their last at-bat to win the CJF title game over third-seeded F.I Segundo. "Wtnning CIF really sticks out as a highlight for me, that's for sure." Harper said. "Coming back in the bonom of the seventh inning that was unbelievable. Just that whole year was great with all the seniors on that team. We were supposed to win our whole lives. We finally accomplished something together:" Harper produced one of eight singles in the final inning. helping lead the Sea Kings to victory. The championship seemed to be the perfect ending to a brilliant stint at CdM for Harper. been on the rise," Harper said. "I le definitely had quite a group to take on when he got us. Our class was the class of hell. Some teachers didn't want to take us on. John did real well in blending the different personalitie5 together. He did a really good job." Harper. who also played football at CdM. continued his baseball career at the University of Alabama and then transferred to Pepperdine, where he finished his eligibility last season. He earned honorable mention All-West Coast Conference recognition. while playing first base and designated hiner. MThat was a mistake if you as.k me," said Harper, the latest honoree in the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of 'Fame. "But I want to move on. Baseball at Pepperdine W¥ great. I just wanted to go out and prove myself last year. I wanted to make sure I ended on a good note. I thought it was a good ending to a good college career." Harper will now concentrale on graduating and then decide if he wants to get back into baseball. DEEP SEA ,,CH '03 [.\l'[D/T/ON . I ( 11 l/l. I;,,, J, I .. ·-....... ! .... ............ 1 .. Monday. August 4. 2003 A.7 ------------------Ltpl llolcll 2141 legal Notica - .....,_. OI the Tf\19-UGAlllOTICI • tor ttie "*I llll'IOUnt IW #100-04 (•the time of the lnltlal NOTICE IS HEREBY llUbffcatlon Of the No-GIV(N that tht Board of Uoe of lale) ,._..y Htlmeted lo be Ml Education of the New torUI below. The Port·Meu Uni1ted School ltl'llOUnt may be 01st r1c t of Ora nae on the dly ~ County woll receive Tn»tor: 0£DRQE .. : >ealed bods up lo 8.00 DUClCH, A SINGLE a m on the llth d•y of MAN Duly Aoooln-.ct Aueuit. 2003. •I the TNltM: NAtlONAl Purchnone OHoco ol Hod DEFAULT SERVICING Scl\oot Olltroct. located CORPORATION R• at 2985 B BHr Street eonled 01/04n002 .. Co>l• Meu CA 92626. l~nl No. •I wtuch tome uod bod• 200200092S5 ol Official will be pubtocly opened Aecont. In the office of and rud tor the A.corder of OR· SCHOOl lOCklttS A.NOE County, Catlfor. ANO INSTAllAllON nla. Oa .. of Sale. Thue wlll l>e o Ol/18/2003 at 2:00 P.M. mondo1ory tot. wolll et Pt.c. of Sale: 41 the Coreno Oel Mor High North front entreoce to Schoel, 2101 loatl>lulf the County Coort· Drive, Newpor1 leoth, houaa, 700 Civic C.n .. r CA 92660 ("'HI 01 Ortw w .. 1, Santa Ana, Ad1•d11lstro1lve Office) CA Amount of unpaid I ot 10:00 AM, Thur1- b9lanc. Ind other doy, Augu11 7, 200S te chatgee· 1730,295 f7 ol> .. rve end ht•'9•1 SltMt Addreu or other th• ln1t0Uo11-1llH .,. common deelgnatlon ol the '-.U•· Any 111.U.. ,.., proptl"ly 1224 who lotl1 te attend the WEST BALBOA lo b walk wlll l>e BOULEVARD, NEW· dee,,.ed 0 nenre1,_. POR'T BEACH. CA •Ive bidder ..,,. wlll 12M1 A.P N . 047·23.4-have 111 bid returned 15 The undersigned unopened. TruatH dleclalma Illy All bods •re to be on llablllty for 1roy lncor· •uord.,nt e with Condo r.ctneaa ol the alrMI 11ons Instr uctoons, •nd addr• .. or other eorn-1 Sp•t1f1<aloon~ which are mon dealgNltlon, If un Ille In the olloce ot 1ny, •hown above If no rot Pure ha5tn2 011ecto1 1119tl lddreu or ottier ' "' \aod ')thool O•\lrott common deelgn.llon la /98':> e 6 tdl S treet ~~· dlrKtlonl 10 t .. •ta Me5a CA 9?626 P'009~~Y :. :!: r a• h b•ddM mu\t talntd by Mndlng a ~bmol wolh u th bod • wnn.n req..-t to the ' "lolt•d or Cnh1e1 \ beneficiary within 10 he<~ payable to the daya of Int dall of tlrtl l•stror I or a bod bond on pubUcetlon of Ihle lht form \el fc.r th on the NotJce of Sai. Oi ta. ,..,ntra< t dOtumenh on JUL 23 2003 NATIONAL •n •muunl not le.\ lh•n DEFAULT SERVICING I U O ()()() d\ • llUdr orotee CORPORATION 3030 lh•t lh• bidder wtll enter N CENTRAL AVENUE, ,,,1., th~ proi.ou\ed «or• STE 250 PHOENIX, AZ. tr Jl t 11 the \~m· 1\ 85012 Sain Line 916-awarded to sue ll b1dr1er 387-n 28 TAMALA tn lh• tv•nl of holur~ DAJLEV mUSTEE 1 1.., enter onlu saod SALES 'REPRESENTA-1 nt••<I well Hturily TIVE ASAPS-49272 ,...11 bt-tor le1ted tu H•d 07128, 0&'04, Ol/11 S .tiool 01str1 I of Or~nae Poli<·,· . County Only contactors lo cenwd on both cit .. , of Cn1t1 Mea. •nd Newport Beach will be eha1ble for 1werd ol this contract. A PerfOf mance Bond will be required prior lo the • aecullon of the Contr1ct in tne amount of $100,000.00. No bidder may woth duw his bid lor a ptnod of fORTY·rtV£ (4S) d1y• after th• date HI for the ope111nr thereof 1ht Board of Cd1.1u lton of the NtwPOfl Mtu Unllted School Oos trrcl reservu lht 11&hl to re1ect any or ~II bids and not necen arlly at<.tpt the lowest bid and lo w~ove •ny 111 lormaloty or llrtflUI~• oty In any bid reteovecj NEWPORT MESA UNI mo SCHOOL DISTRICT of Or •nae County /S/ Shorot1 L Ching, Dlr e<tor of Pun ho1ln9 Oftd Worehoutlng 424- 5017 Publtshed N ~wpor l Beach Co•ta Mn• Oaoly Polot July 2'> Augu•t 4 2003 rM496 UGAl llOTICI llOOO Of PIJIUC SAll Of W*>tB PlOl'lm pellllve blddona (written seated bod\ m•y be 11.1br111tttd on advance) on the I Jth day of Auaus l 200J at 2:00 P.M al the premlsn w11ere aald P<Oe>erty hu been sto•ed and which 1$ located al AYR(S SHF STORAGE. 7012 Crntsl Ave . Hunhnaton Bu ch. Ca (714) 848 7 314 LandlOfd rt$erves the rt&hl to bid al the ute PurchHn must be made by cnh and p11d IOf at the llmt of p1.1"111u All pu1cha\ed aoods are sold u oi •nd must be remo.ed at time c.t ule Salt " sub1ecct lo t antellat1on on the event of \tlllemMt between landlord •nd obhtialed P•rty Publoshed 011 07/28/03 and 08104103 Autt1c.nee1 Wa11d • Norton Bond • S 400- 168-l Phone < 114) 848 1314 Ayr es S~ll Stor •tit Ruodenl M•n•aer\ Published N .. wport Beach fo\la Meu Oaoly Poto! luly ?8 Auau•t 4 7001 M/ /3 The tollowone per""" ll01KI Of "*le iu.G NOllC( IS H[RfllY CIVEN that a tonllnutd hear Ina wolf be held by' the Cusl• Meu City Council on Auauu 18, 2003 al 6 30 p m on the Countil Ch•mber:. of Coty 11111, 71 fill Ome on the lollowon~ ol•m A PROPOSCO OROI NANCl u t th• Oily Count•I of the C:11y ol Costa Mes.t •mond1n11 Tille 13 of the Co•l• Mesa Muru<op•I Cudt relatoni: le. Rt!s•d•nlo•I Ou12n Cuodelorot\ Iv mcludi1; "''~w "'"""'"'' 11on 11u1d•hn" f n • ronment•I Ile!•• mon~ hon ( •em111 If THI Ill 11111 Ml N TIONEO AC llUN I!. CHALL~CCO IN tOURI the thdll<n~t-lll•Y lie hm1ted to •lll'f tht1\,. issue\ ,,,_\,.11 -.t th,. pl.\llh< hcd11n~ ·h '""b~.d m Utt notH. t-"' u~ wr 1tltn t ,, ,.!.CJ' """'1tt' dthvered tu II·~ r.111 Count•I At tu ,,, lttt t j the pubh• ti .. u ~''•' NOllCI I, I IJl!lltl I< CIVf N ltMI "' tlo. •hol•• tome •lod v'••• •II 1nt~re~l~cJ l•r t'etlll' Hl.t'j .apf,lf'ttl MHj bf' t1,. H f t ' lht: City r uu111 11 111 thr dbr1ve tl'°'m JUlll fOlCIK. Oeputy City Clerk Pubh,h• d N• .,.,.,it' Be.tth ( u-.t .. Uh ., lloi1I, P11n1 Au~u•o l lllJ< Ml I Notice os hereby govtn •r • duona bu\1nHs •\ that the undersigned will A 1 l 1 f • \ h • r • b I \ell <1t pubhr <tutloun Lt l~'"·"" n•I 78'>; pursu;ant to S et loon Pon•<rt@~ Oro•• A 107 21700 ol •he Bu\•nH• Co\ld M•\a r dl1lut n•a and Prol••"onal Coll• 92626 the following desrnll•d Loft\h.irt> In< !CA r NOTKI Of PIJBU< HEARING prop•rly l<J .,.,, Wll l IAM 778;'> 1'1nee1••• Orov" NOTH t I H o• r NOR THCOTT H 14 luy• I A JO? Co\ la M•'~ 1 C.!V( N tt•~t • • 1 TV CARISSA MATTHEWS f.•hll'lrnoa 9?6?6 h•M•ro1: ,..,,r l• 1 .111 r, 0 19 Sota ••I llulhe' 1111\ bu\1nt \\ " , '" the Cu't~ M • d , !>POt l~ e-qu1p furn duded b'f d U'JJ•'' ilh.m t:ouJU .. •' A, ' l-'" ' omputer eQ111p misc 1 Hav• Y"U :.t•rted dumi; /'OOj 1r '• 1r' ~ 1 Golf tlub\ btd frame t ofe\hArl' lnr r "" I 11 f H•ll II I "' I• ,, ANOIH A Wll I S (, 41 I bu\ln~\\ /ti' lfo I lhr r "'"'<•I • 1 • • 1. • • 1 HAlEl RENNAK[R I 18 Ma• l•<1t•)f ~yµhe11l '"th• I "ll•I N "• ''"' Sola. <hJll ~ lOYltr lh1\ .. t,tt•ment .. A._ l'RCJI IJ'1l II , <tl\jll/ \luffed toys m•H I loted wolh lht County OVERLA~ ''" " Jo"'" OANlll WOMAl l< I 1'1 Cltok CJI 016"8" t1111nly Ir~• I l 1'>4 whH 1 Ref mall luo n m1\l 1111 01 0110 ! ~"'"' •"• I "'"" 1 I v l<l VIN TRAPP I /6 furn 200 l69S068 0 f d" 19rn r"" I II,. lui.fi•~• m•tt dotti•' ! Caoly l'rlrot lull' 14 l 1 mo~t 'll Au~ 4 1003 Mlf,4 Site llo\v to Place :\ fustm Avenue on the west lnv11c.11111e1ot.I Oett1 m1111IK1n ( 1empt IF THE AfOREMf.N TIONEO ACTION IS CHAllENCEO IN COURT the challen&e may bt lomolrd to tinly thow IUUl'S l<ll!>ed •I lilt pub Ill he•• ona docrob•d ut th~ not•c• or m wrotrtn correwc.ndenv lltlovered to th~ Ctlr Count•! al or proo1 10 the public he<1110.i Nlilttf S I URIHlll C.IYl N th~! at the above ''"'' •nd plu t .tll 1nteH·~t~d p~P,1Jn\ m11.,. JIJIJ•"' •nd br ht'dld by tht-r11v C•>un• 11 on th~ ttHH' item JUUi fOlCllC, Deputy City Clerk F'utlliihed N~wpul I e~ .. th Ccat<1 Mno D•oly P11.,1 Auaust 4 2003 M778 llOna Of AIPWD 10 Sill McoteOUC llWIM6 The tol1ow1ne P•nons The tollc.wma perwns O. ..... Affl d ••• do1n1 business n ilt doon1 bu\mtn n l a1dl•w Schultz A1ch1 f •ntny ll td \ 401 .W.23,2003 ta<.h 410 Wot Coast N•wpotl Center llrove To Whonl II M•y llwy •P. Newpo1t Beach a150 N•wpnrt lie.ch Concern lhe Name(\) t A 92663 C•htotno• 92660 of the Appltc•ntf •l "· Stull l •odlaw Jr 4719 Ronen C•ll•y 1280 a1e IARCET CORPORA Rover Ave NeNpotl 61wn A•• ",It •ll\l l 49 !ION 8ULh CA 92663 N•wpu1 t B"•Lh C •h lhe apph11nt\ hsted C1111 N Sthut11 103 lorn1• 'U660 AbO•• ••• apptyona to St Joseph Ave l oni lh•' b11\111a\\ '' rnn t ht Oep•• tment of Buth CA 90801 Out Itel 111 •' nll•vodu•I Air uholrt Bev.r•1• fn1s bus.tne\\ '-con H4-.~ /fJU tl•ttftl dorn11 I Gc.>ntrot to s~tl ••tohotu. dutted by • aener•t bu\oOe\• 1•t' •~\ C.••et•i•' at JOJO 11•1 Iner shop 1 28 OJ HAkBOR Bl VO SH A ll••t yr.u ''••led doina I/oner• I•• •Y r OSTA MESA CA 9?616 bU\lftfU /ti' Yts May lh1 I 1t,.m•nt w 1 T /P• ()I locenUI \ I l'l'.l/ I fol•cl w,111 1r1t 1 ''U"tr A11i;lotd tor (() OH C.r•111 N Schuttr 11••• ol llr.•"I!'• 1, univ 'SALE.BHR ANOWIN[ ftll\ \t•lement wo t.m 0/ /'1 LIJ Pulllo~h"d Newpur I filed with the County 2003H S3 I l6 I II'•' 11 C.•J\ta Mes. 0111y Cl~o • <JI Or.ma• Crw"t~ Oo•ly t'1l1ol Alli"'' 4 11 i>tlt•t Au.1fU•1 4 11 18 rm0/ 1403 18 ?~ ?OIH M/1'-1 10IJ• M71/ 200U9S 1383 lla•ly 1'1lot Jttlt ll :t!l. Aua 4 11 tOOJ Mill ft,t f llllWtM£ J>'!t .,on• t .. rl t11i bu'\IOt'\~ .t\ I h,. fnlln4'!1lnli '-''"' '' n f' rlld'-,t l ~11!00.l fi,..dtf dft': dl}u i bu\1 .. \._ _,., lh ••I Jlreet la~un1 ll•St~tl /J4l lrrdl'lAf1' ( "" un.tt Cf1n11 'J67 I Jnhttnn•h t ,... trt f (ie 1 11 l AY2~,~I Ur Cu•I• M• • I •h l dl!>Ulld Bt-,., 11 t:.0111 tu1111d ~lL?t ttum•l/ ' tum .. lrll ('-.A 1 Jflhdnndt'i I ,.,. f di""' ii.Irr. r 1 ~tl ~t"t l d~,,n .. ~14 1 J 1urth.11n Dr r l)*fA tfr 1 h i A 97.-,t,1 I Mtt\,, 'cll1ftJ1n1 ... lf/f.i?b 1111' t, 1•. rtt-1.-_ tnn Thi· tJU4-1r\~·.· 1• • "n , 1, Pd, t 11.1. ~ 1 ns fo,.~lf()(JI Miii (J1,, lt'ct hy .;n ou1111tJual Ht1t*'" f •II .t trh I tt,inr l.u.1".lttf"~!a ;•' ~ Jotf~,., o;tl t rd• t lh1• \t~t,.." t"'flf f1lt".'1 "u ,,.. .. l~t~ t J'1H ait ... ,,, ld • 200l 69S0373 (J,,ilt f'1I ' lt.J y f' A 1 111 • SELL 1UI lr d ?I " 'f;l your stuH through classified! Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed sect1or1 w fond servtCes fri:.rr elE:rtrrJr 1(, ard ph,muers. •0 ldr d">( apers ar d Pd1•1'M' Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace ___ Dt'adline~ ----. CLASS IFIE AD \r1ondJ' .Fnda~ 5·1JOpm \1ond.t~ 5 OOpm Rate' and dc:u.lltnn Mc 'uh1elt t" change "1thout not1Lc I he puhlt,her reserves the right to Lc11,rn. rcLla"d ). revise or H.'Jcll .in~ tl•h,1lu:<l advert1!.emcnt. P lc41'l' fl'J11ln ..tll) aror that ma) be in ) our dJ"1f1c<l .id 1mmc d1atcl} The DJtl~ Ptl111 J<:lt:p1' no hab1hl~ tor .m~ c:rrnr tn an advcrt1\Cment tor "h1d1 11 ma~ ht- 8\' Fax !9~91 6' 1-659~ Bv Phoru• 1 1i~Q1 ~: 'in.,, B\' 'lail/ln Per~on: \ "> \\,e,1 B.i) '>trc.:l I f''lctt~ Int. llJJc ~ -JI Ul1l(' t:1i1.t ""'""' numl"c'r ..,..i "r 11.~11 \o•IU k.ti,. l. ""Uh pt "'"'a i" "t ( •hi.I \1c,J (.A, q:t'>:"' \I 'C" ll<'rt Bh LI 6... li.i\ \1 Fnd.1' rc~pon,1blc l'\1.q11 1111 1111. 1 "" i.pau· JLtu.tll) "1.u1p11.Ll 11 111. llou r:--Saturd~' rnd:.t~ 1 OOpm Crc<lll can uni) tx· .• 11. ·' l.'d 1 ... th. II• •• tnM:rllo n. ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1770 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Colledlbles/ Memorabilia 1160 American Motor cytle s-ter (CW.lind Olapti.) Lite 40i.. 6 yews of 11e11fl81ol!loe> pns ~ & blldl. l:otnm w~ of member wearona --.. Aw-i um .. S25(XJ 114-~J.Dl) ENTERTAINMENT Clllndlrof Ewnll 1310 *!MNOUSllG OPfOIT1llTY AU rHI estate 1dv8f· ha1n1 In thos newsp•ptr Is s11b)tCt lo the r tdertl f alt Hou$1nt A<I of 1968 es amended which m1ku It ill•a•I to 1<1'1ertbe •any prefer ence, llmilltlo n or dbcr lmln11ion bH•d on race. colof, rehcion, su. handlcep, lemill•I status or netlon1I Of l&lro. Of 1n Intention to, m1k1 1ny MKh Pf•ftr1nce, hm1l1· lloft or dltulmlflellOn • This nt~ will not lulowlrttfy accept In)' ldn11J-.it l0t real u tat• wn.cJI ts In ¥lolatloft of ttlt law OUf rud1t• er• hereby iltforrntcl l'Mt 111 d-.•• Mp """"*' In "'" ,.......,.,., .,. 10Mlblt Oft 111 1q1111 CIPt*tunltr bnll To c~ft ol cllt· crimln1lioft, call tilJO toll· ,, ..... ~~90 [~ 1419 2305-2490 Auctions WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS 6 CollKtibles ................ ...........,.. • S...0-........ 0-.C. '"""" ...... $.$ CASH PAID S$ 1515 L.tt ett 7 /JO et """1 9:JO blue ' red Rox1 sullen• •I the vicinity of Irvine Ave bttwHn Al ESTATE R SALE Prt¥•1e Ouclt Hunting ctv• ~pproi I/hr from Nawpo11I Bu ch l u el lent hunltn& ad11tent to state w•lerfowl 1etua1 ownership 1ntt re\I ' aPP<O• 375 .eras ol land & improvements • your own camp compound w/struc lu re •nd 2 traoten Wonder fut fro noahl BBQ's & wont llstona durina duel!. season + many e•lrnl Ideal for 2 friends or father & son Call Moke at 310·54 I 08!>4 5 MILLION+ CALI FORNIA~S see Cat SCAN ads In 200 neWSPIPtl' slllew•dtl 25 wo rds $450/stetewide , $300 NOfthern Of Southtt'n C1liforta Free inform• tton (916)288 6010 , (916)28Mi019. -· cal Kan com (CAL •SCNt) Santta10 a. Unovenrty. Bl:YClfS Fell out of back of truolt. --------Pltnt call 949 650 1989 lk'ldll 1511 '-' .. -------llMllcm9 '°'*° °" 7-24/tl I. SIM COStA M'hA NCW. '200 ~l•O<Ml<M c."710to2·IOJI P'OUtlMPl .. ...,.... ... ..... ,... ... 7/'lJ•l RRml• loth'. St. a. Ocunlr011t C•" to Id. 909-780 2$31 fa•I SE yrAJf stuff ttrou;»i classifitdl .. Tckphum: >I l0.1111 ' OOpn1 MonJ<1; FrnJa\ \\,11i.. In>< llt.im ~ tMlp111 \1.,nJa, htJJ~ Sund..i) Fnd~1~ 5:110pm lndrx ~ 3010-3940 soos-saso JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-st Coln Need1 Old Coons• Gold. silver ,ewetry w.tlthes. anliqoes cottectobtes 949·642·9448 3610 20I). IOTTINS, CATS,, OOGS -~art r allhlon lslilndhw1e ~ tn.n HEAL TM GUMANTEE ~ZZ19 Sply rR)l11ITl8 cat. home$ lor ~ 9&697ail2 -GeJ-S!teptte,.4. •ti colors, ell siies for .tdopt1on lo qu1hll1d horMS www,pescue 1111 or call 714-nJ..5915 ..... _ ...... 3735 . .. COl~RlnS 714-•3944 IHI Ill _, ..... latlr1111f• Ft• 1tl111 - ALL CASH CANOY lltoute. Do ,_ 111m MOO In a d11t YfWf OW'll IOUf candy rout.. lllclllde• JO 11u1c:lllnes 1114 ~'"'V. All tor 19.t9S. Mlilt!Vtt1cl, llC llO Ct llld llVd . 0... P'M, NY 117291 I· IOO -tta·V£NO . (CM•SCM) AAA Vl NOI N G ROUTE Prom~ lvtallons S~50 lnvot 25"\o down WAC 800 J96 9311 <CAL •SCAN > AISOlUU GOlOMINlt 60 vendona munlnei woth .. cellent lo<.altons .. for s 10.9!15 Im z:M..(882 All CA9i \If l'O'«: RClJf[ 20-Lo.. s Creal Income pol1I -~ Jo\'5t sel by &.15 l-8»224-9618. 2~ Bainm o,portunlty Servtca 3910 AU YOU AINOltMAl? If you really truly want to do somethlna ... traord1na1y wtth your hie a••• U$ • call · of not don't I 800 788 1625 or l 801 J l9 7268 (CAL •SCAN) Olmlba... .. otfke f w Le..e Apploaimately IOOOst 170 E 11th Str11t Coat.Mal~ ~ ... ....., a• N [W M EX IC O MOUNTAINS 140 AC · OnlY M9,to0 COfpe>US .-1ui1~. matllf• trM co••. 1.300 It. 111111 tlon. Mo4.lntaln views. r-< "f OUM r Mela Per fed '°' llor• lo'ttfs Adlece11t to utlonel torut [anllent fl· n•ncil\t C.11 toda_yl fhG WOft't inti SW f'Top.r· Utt ot -. lflC l • 212 9711 . (CAl. •SCM) 'SBL I 'lf1All stUtf thrOUft , cl1ssifiedl ' - ~ .lilil 7402-7466 Under the Service Directory Banner ~ Reach 80,000 H omes Each Week 9000-97SO For Only $32 per week (4wee k minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 HOMES•l ' U..0.-.... """"°· l>Ay 1-------1 bt!.1t h n .. ,t • >.~'rl 2 lrvel RESORT/ Corona del Mar ORANGE COUNTY 5400 µatll'lfJI!..._ • .._w ~ ~ SJ4>-+L•tt """' m 11s zm VACATION 21>r 1 bo, loundry. SJ'>001H ll•r&Mt~' Newport Coast Balboa Island Bt .... , 'llW lb/I u t"tll ~ Al>ondoned Balboa "l~nr1 S800 ()()() I "'""' sepao •le aunt vonl•i• qua<!~• if""'' k11lh rr.t•.... ......,,, ~ ~"" ,,_..,. $1 a .00> Sheotby Cddwd Much \!lll&hl alt Clcntlt leoth OupleA Batbo• Ptnon\ul• $97; 000 A .... 1 C.UWell lonlier 949-6S7-2'97 IM.I04 tsWC> ~ Bay ,,_ 11!> r mrn ld b<I stJeet evil p.,... ~"" 2br 2ba down ll:f lbot 0..-9o1Q. 500 l]Afl 201CIS-~. Ntar Cotta Me\8 pH c_,e' open wall! 1n1 v aolio 4br lb• 11 yd, p1tto jaCllU I $689,000 WONT LAST LONG Paul l an1001 Pavilion Rul h ta11 949·290-8128 °" ..... 11-2 UT-SU911 -1 toeTVSTMAYI ~tKul•t ¥1tW, 11 tr• ls lot 6 room for e1pa11JI011 Joan Alllson Bllr~·20ll "'949-.al.etll 8.trM 949-01 18«> RURAL PROPERTY FORSAlE Ranchellfarmsl Country Property 5915 AltlZOHA Im IMGMt 36 ·~·~s S24 900 Bord~rs Sl•te Land 8eau!Jful I .Inch In w..ms.• t l.11st.1ff area perfect 6100 c..,,.,te SpectacuW mourttMt ~ NforcMI* hnanc,.. All..R l P:J7 1B2 ~ (CAl •$CN4) SO COlOltAOO lac~ Wiit! ...,a 40 IC ·$119,900 OUblMldlr1C Aodly ~ wews ttom lht dectl of Iha ~ loll clbln. cbM to l<Ors of 81.M rec: lend (nfOY rvel IMn& unlleflwlble pnca Cell RQI 11)1. .......... !1263. (CAL -sic:AN) ClASSIFllD !rs the solution you're searching tor ·whether you' re seeking a home.~~ ·pet or new ocap8n! I PROPERTY FORSAlE Mountain Pn»perty 5965 1 "'''I -tit• ' ... n A~t I~ f, I U l)lJ , ~f; Coay Jt1 I b•, ul• ltur • .., \h .. , r1'Y" h ~UI .. ~,SJ 7YJ 94q. H 40 !0 MONT.AHA LANO IAl-•hau11fvl Jb• 'I>• GAINS Proced fl)o om ••nl•I cut. ClM dupl•• mrd1alt :.a le t r om ea• •et w d hlw•ups SA9 990 Prome t1ke votw I Aat S27!>0 94'1 193 4630 parcel lo 1 ures Pamor1m1c views OYef lookona C4nyon Ferry I akt Acct ss lo I 000 000 acres of Hel@n.t N111onal F orut 30 mo"utes to H•le na Paved ro.td unde• around utohton Call too onlormaloot1 ' b10<hu1e WWW no'..._Ql.hCicom • \--6y o.i-. VJe... ~· \ty holnt ':6-(.oMm Charmlfl6: t•lyrd pnlfy ~•o• 11\.0 \I 2hr •<Ian. lb.I Fp hwm Clll 111 lr a•• w ,101 aao Mster w w.al\ in '~ Corrrn pool '4ltll <ilhw Sm c-1 (Ill Grdni $34!1() mn t<.,,,, ..... 881 104 8649 ,92()t Owner 1·866 526·3420 ,....._.._ <CAl •SCAN ) ~- lASTSIOl Studio Uhl e>••d av111 now len<ed Y•fd jMI o~ ~otrH>O laundry S~ S250 deo 714-US-0441 .._....,.._.c--i.y 11r f .. ,.,,, •l\M ... Itta. WA. lo Trt Scai*t $895/mo Wete1 /tr nh pard Klolrn ~l an ~8619 r at 9200 21r. th. uw« unit "4>1 l < 111. new pelftl carpel. blinds ~. AO. JUQ)n !MH7>· 1D • l.5M ,__, _...... l llLmlLl)Cll W' .. d .... , pt~ <Ill p $20]') !4vaA now '149 r..11 <SE> I Slngle fomll'f t.-e Ill• t'l~\t Inc I vr IU\lt lbr I 11u1•I , ul dt \al S2 I !IOm 4br li b.t••v•rd A 'C SJ~m 4br \O•CtOu\ b••ullfut11 IPl'Olflled S?69'>m A.I: ?ba < 2 cw i)al •ifS .. d h~UP\ '" qu•el n••&hborhood Robin 71 4 "'46 1452 ......... ac-1'1 lbl lbi anlo nnt fotl "* eomm pool, • w dwiunl.~dN ~ $lllX> ~7).711Xl Na Allordll* St.no .. lbo ~~b lbr~ ~· 62· tnCOn'e c.ap S1U50 714-314-«lof> Lua a.pt bide 2br ~ OCH n ¥1tW S2200 "'° c•ll rettdent "'" 949 49' OJ u.-..... .1 Al Monday, ust 4, 2003 TODAY'S · CROSSWORD PUZZLE 82 Kind of tllr 03 • - -Exolttd" 84 -o<A (rnede do) 66 CIVIC 66 Slll#day roomlog fare tf1 Walef ~lone 88 Tranoria uuee DOWN 1 Cloudy 2 Uncommon s Malevolent 4 Blue-green eolof 5 l.OMr (hyph.) 6 $p<ltr'• trap 7 TIKmCils 8 BollWfs 9 Whe<e to tlfld angelflSl"t (2wds) 10 tnougnllen 11 Wlllte·w•tllf cralt 12 Debi securers 13 Pub onlers 21 Toupee kln Zl Faction 25 PowderY 27 Cold Wat po- (lbbl) 28 t1op«:al 1aland 29 Raised. 8$~ 30 Squeal (on) 34 Solidify 35 Old saying "Employee.·· "Empleado." ,,_&YIOUI 38 Bull, ln Barcelona 37 Tweeted 38 MlOlt, to cats 40 Made unhappy 41 La preoader 43 F1uoe1 problem •<1 Hides (~ !"ds ) •5 CrOOk a ftnger • 7 S1al1leO ay 48 Top-r1t8<1 49 Roundup n&ed 50 Foll<! the fire 52 Uverpoof cnap 180&.VlD 53 On.pot dinnw '55 To be, 10 Balzac 56 Sllll.oc 57 Coup<l- 56 N811ada town 61 Commercial$ "ArbPitnehmer. ·· "Emplo)'e." ~~ot NOMAmR HOW YOU SAY rr. CWSIFIED CAN FIND IT. t /11 ,~1.fi,.,/ 0 ''I:.!-.>f>:lt Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QUJZ Q I · Boch vulncrublc. as South you hol<t. e K 9 13 2 O 8 O J 10 6 e A K J !I The bjddin_g_hti ~: WESf NQRm EAST SOUTB 4·,., P1lu .... ? What action do you take? A • Sometimes you have to roll lhe dice, otherwise the opponents will steal you blind in the long run. Partner could hnvc passed with a u:>Cful hand but. from North's point of view, a less-than-ideal holding in the JT\ljjon. Make 11 takeout double and 'ICC what transpires. . Q 2 • Neither vulnerable, you hold: • J 8 6 J ': A Q 10 7 6 \ 9 S e 8 7 Pnrmcr opens the bidding with one •pade Whal do you respond? A • You are very close 10 a lirrut n1i..e of three ~pades. However. the fac1 that you have only one prime card i~ a major flaw. We think this himd i~ a misximum rahe lu twu 'pade\, aod that would be our cho1<·c. Q 3 · As South, vulnerable. you huld: •A K7 A Q9652 ~6 •954 1l1c bidding has proceeded: SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST 1 -I• 2e PllSI> What Ju Y<lll bid aow'.' A • Thc..e day,. a cue-bid 1Jf the enemy •ui1 i., a limit mii.c or better m your suit, and say, nothing about pannl"r\ holding in !ht' enemy ;uit. With a ,;,.;;ard ~uit . .-.olid opening. bid value~ but no interest in shui1, wh> pul pwtner under pre.-ure? You want to pla) m the heart game. :.o JU'I jump to four heart' now Q-' -"' Suu01. \Ulncrahlc, yuu llolll • 8 7 s The bidding has procccdcd: soum WEST NOR'MI l<:i •• l • ? What do you bid now'! A • The wnc high-Cllrcl count 11~ In lhc previous question, but what a dltfereoce in playing slttngth. Nuw. if partner ha.\ the right minimum holding (singleton spade, king of' heans, ace of diamoixb. queen of clubs) you have excellent play for six hearts. Bid three clubs to star1 a slam probe. Q 5 · Both vulnerable, as Sooth you hold: - e KQ8 3 ; Q '" K ii e AKQJ8S The bidding has proceeded. SOUTH WFST NORTH l e Pass I• 4• Pius s: ? What do you bid now'? A· Partner\ five-heart cue-hid i' a slam try. but denies lirst-rouod d11t- mond control However. your ~c· ond· round cununl in that suit is enough 10 contract for slam but. to pro1ec1 your 1..ing of diamond~ from n lead-through at trick one, bad ~ix dub,. We "ould Jhu oc,-ept ii jump to,;, nu trump- Q 6 • Both "ulncrabk. ~ South yuu hold: • QJ6 AKJJ A HIS 4 76S Tht' b1dd111g ha~ proct'c:ded. NORTll EAST SOL'Tll I• l'IL" I 2NT Pa" ? Whal do ~OU bid JlU\O,., \\£.'\T p,......, A · ThJ~ ''a "mple matter ol anlh· mcuc. Add vour 15 "°'"'' m p.trt· ner"~ announ1.c:J I !S-19 \llr :?0, if 1hM i~ your rang.:) and }OU .tm\c at enough for a 'mall 'lam hu1 nowhere near t'nough for a grnnJ Don't risl. makmg an~ bid panncr can P'b'· Rui-e w "\ n<J trump . IALIOA PENINSULA 8ayfront Winter R..mal PE1TTIOl'\ERS TO. Abolish OMJ w lnl SUXXl weeill ~Part-time, For lom"6: PetltlonenofAmorica.com or lencj teeal self·address $lamped encelope to. Pelilionen of America, Z3411 Aliso Viep Pkwy, #1(. 66. Aliso Viep. CA 929:16 (CArSCAN) NICC has l"'medlot• openings for Wail Staff & Hotllne/Coldllne Ban· quet Cook. Apply ln per1oDll 7 days/wt. 2pm- 3pm 1600 [ ~Hwy N8 Medical Back Office Assistant for Newport Ophthalmolon office. willing to t1ain'Mon·Thu1 8.30 5_30, r,. 830·12. fn resume 949 644 7029 Career OpportunltlH I FT/PT pos avail l ookina lor ond1v1duals ·who are r el1able t11endly ~nd wllllng to work Call us al I ·866 604 832!> NBCC Ha• ("'mediate opening for PT r ec~p t1on1~l Hours Sal Sun Jµm 9pm Apply "' person Mon·F11 9am·jpm 1600 f Coast Hwy l'lB •P/TIME RWU MAH· AGtR. Lri storage lacohly in CM. Monday. Thursday. Friday. Office and lite cleanong lap a• CaH for information· 714 417·9200 S157S 2llr Iba twmm. attached p9, hl&11tl w graded. Ip, ' sundecll. pet oil. wall to Gelsom 1-418-635-1777 206 Horioar W°'* Ii upp« 3br 2ba. vault cetl. 4&, 'l1/£a 2 e« pr. fully Ip. w/d, 2c gar. $2400/mo lurnl$hed. S4000rno Asso· aet CIYisty 949-500-3648 ciat~ Realty 949-673·3663 ....., $2650 Iii*! :b+h den, palio. comm pool. NEWPORT HEIGHTS lbr liv, din. lam. ~Int cond townhouse fp. sine ear, avai4 now tw 949-646 8473 PlltSONAl TRAINU l'ort StrHta Sir, 31a, bperienced tor a frieod1y Summer set mode I personal training facll1ty available 9/1, S4000/mo m CdM Lis.a 949 67S 3"ZH7 year tease 949· 720 1460 new carpet, patio, very Newport H•lthts JBr. Udo Isle, spac 5br 01 nice. Sl595 949·612-6004 281 large family room , 4+ den. 4ba. br.aches. 2 car garage. avail 8/1 tennis. 'tub house. U 700/mo 949.759.3771 S4200/mo 949-219 2430 2br 2ba rental Newporl Beath Peninsula. near Newport pier Sl800 Agt 949-673-7800 Newport Crest, 2br 2ba. 2 c gar. walk lo lluff'1 Popular E Plan NewportCoast 4Br. Z1h Ba. family rm courtyard balcony. no SUMMIT -S9 An1ou pel.$ S28XJln 714-328·8333 2br 2ba 2 car gar. pool bch. ten/pool/spa, $1950 3br 2ba on Balboa Avail nnw 949-707-4408 Pemn. hdwd fir s. fp gated comm. S23001mo Aal 949 7S9 9341 TROVARI patio, 2 c gar. avail 8· I agt $2800 949-293·463 I Far leaH 3Br 2' /180 2b1 2ba 2 i ear. 11:ated community pool agt $2400 949 ?93·4631 lovely 28r+den 2'/1la Town house I 860sf, 2-c gar wet bar. pooV'Spa/tenn nr r .JShion Isl $2150m no pct. yea 11.e 949 723-W:l Hov•• private cul·de·sat Sanc•rr• J Br 2' /1Bo ni ce yard. areal location ~·ngle tam hm. new $2950/mo 949 475 0027 patnl & u rpet. 2< p 1::1ASTBLUffo 3Br 2Br. garage. w/d hookup, S2300/mo Agt 949·293-4630 Beautiful Ho"'• gated IXJm1, :b 'll~. ~ & W/d i'd. a eem, new trdwd th UID-n l>f6 949-~ 2br 2ba OCEANFRONT. Monthly Rental Avail Se!>t Near Balboa pier ;.ine 4br 2ba nse on Pen111 S'2300/MO P0tnl Vt1y nice furn'd aet agl 949-673· 7800 WXl 949-6~ ewe S2lDTI Cll .,, ~I~ Pubhsh1ng PROMOTIONS DEPAJtTMENT Community newwai)Efs '" Orange CoYnty ..ee+.~ full rime pe<son lo 1ntervotw and write \Ion~ par!l<1 pate 1n community ~v-.nl\ <rtdle dfld paguiate pao;C$ •nd sections E •celleul tommun• dhOO slltlk w0< k well with the µubl• Kt••W AP Style QuMMXl're\~ Ptioto•hop Mun• Ad (rP a tor P"''"->ent on MAL and PC CCI de.,gn HPeflcnu 11rtlt•ll·d Proofredd1n1i tt~I D<ui! 'IUee<Hno; phy!>'UJI reQUWe<f f Of I , tellenl benefit packa&l' £mail • l'SUmt! wrrtm1t !.ample' and \diary 1eQl11remr:nt ~ t o lana JOhn'IOO@laltme'.o com Receptionist Port -time early morntni\ & .,v~ n111&' 101 NB He•th Club Cont3CI W.e 949--64? 321!> HOME, HEAL. TH AND BUSINESS .......... ~ . Full time inside salts rtpresentatlvo to sell Clesslfltd Advertislne at Ioctl newspaper aroup. Phone nlu experience prtfttrt d. 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