HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-06 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.• • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY,AUGUST6,2o03 Considering its options Caltrans offers Newport $3.5 million to take stretch of Coast Highway b etween Jamboree Road and NeWport Coast Drive off its hands. June Casaerande Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Caltrans has made Newport Beach an offer ii certainJy can re· fuse. Bue ifs anyone's guess whether they will. . The state highway agency has offered the city $3.5 million to take over ownership of Coast Highway between Jamboree Road and Newpon Coast Drive in Corona del Mar. The payment is to cover the city's maintenance costs of the three-mile portion of the"tllgh- way for a lO·year period. But it's almost im- possible to teU whether that amounr will cover the city's costs. "It's very difficulr. if not impo~ible, to quantify how much It will actually cost the city." City Manager Homer Bludau said. Maintenance of the road itself costs about $I 00,000 per year. but it needs to be repaved every I 0 years at a cost of about SI. 7 million. And those estimates don't cover storm drain 'fiJters and other itelTll> the city believes will be aOcf eo costs rrom t.Ufng over iherugnway. Bludau said. The Corona del Mar Business Improve- ment District has hired a consultant to lobby Caltrans for more money to cover installing sidewalks and other expensive improvement and maintenance costs. The city's biggest expense in taking over the highway couJd be legal liability, Bludau said, but by Caltrans' rules. the agency doesn't cover liability costs when relinquish- ing a portion of 110adway to a city. "liability could be the big issue." Bludau said. "We're still trying to see whether the consuJtant can get Calcrans to agree to pay more money. But we will leave it up to coun- cil to decide how much is enough.· Mayor Steve Bromberg said he wanted to ee analysis of the potential costs to the city before forming an opinion on how much the city should accept for taking over that por- tion of Coast Highway. I _.,; "I need to see the science behind the nwn· bers to ~e what are we getting for that S3.5 million besides some concrete,· Bromberg said. "I'm not convinced that the liability will be a big issue. Are we buying a pig in a poke? I don't think we are, but we need to look at the numbers first· KOO TREPTOW/ OAILV Pll01 Pedestrians cross Pacific Coast Highway near the old Port Theater in Corona del Mar on Tuesday. The city wants to take over ttus section of the highway to beautify rt and make pedestrian safety improvements. Bludau said that the matter will likely show up on a council agenda in September. when maldng improvements such as decora- tive planters and pedestrian and traffic signs. The Corona del Mar Vision 2004 plan can likely take place with or without the highway relinquistunent, officials said, but relinquish- ment would definitely make It easier for im· provers to get permi~ and work done. "I'd like to have it resolved as soon as pos- !'.ible, • Bromberg said. Some supporters of a Corona del Mar Im· provement project are anxious for the city to take over the highway because that would give them more freedom and less red tape • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1uns.casagrande '.!> latimes.com At 20th National Night Out, safety i.s kids' stuff Newport Beach Police Department has demon strations and displays at Mariner's Park. Costa Mesa has events at two locations. Tom Forquer Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -As part of the 20th annual Nadonal Night Out. the Newport Beach Police Department and some of the cornnumity it serves converged on Mariner's Pa.rt on Tues· day for a fun and infonnadve event The event was "mostly geared toward child safety,· Lt. John Kline said. Oilldren participated In the McGruft' Safety Oub and learned about strangers, street safety and the 911 service from Officer Rachel Hall as the brown crime fighting dog gave reinforcing nods. The parents ~re given fingerprinting kits. Hall said that the goal of the Na- tional Night Out Is to "to get the com· munity together and show them a lit· tie bit of the Police Department and what we do.· ·1 discovered that they use that to find out where you are ca1llng from when you dial 911,~ saJd 6-year-old Colin Duffy of Newport Beach, point· ing to the mobile command post truck with one hand while holding a romplimentary Carl's Jr. hamburger ln the other. Also present were several members of the S.WA T. team. Their van and some of their tools were on display. Qtlldren got to try on some of their gas maslc.s and the heavy bulletproof vests and helmets. ·Seeing police In this environment makes kids more likely to approach us when they need help,• Kline said. There were also camival games run by the department's F.xplorers, a po· lice youth group. · SM SAFETY, Pap M THINKING ALLOWED City, Dyke March leaders at odds Lesbian rally's organizers say· some of Costa Mesa's 22 conditions for permit violate their 1st Amendment rights. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COS IA MESA -With lru,t year\ march un der theu belts. organizer\ of the Orange County Dylc.e March thought obtaimng the11 perm11 for this year's march "uuJd bt' a breeze. Instead. the city handed them 22 cond1- uons they have to meet to receive their per mit, includmg some they ~y infnnge upon their I ~t Amendment nghts The orgamzmg commutee wants a penrut to use Lion's Park for a noon rally on Aug. 16 Ille march would begin at 5 p.m. After the group threatened the c11:y \.\1th a lawc;u11 from the Amencan Civil Libeme., Umon. rhl' CltYJ'TClded a httie m 1ts restnc 11ons. It 1s nO\.\ up to the committee to decide whether the Lity hai. budged enough "We wont know for another day or two. '>O thmg:-. are suU lond of up in the air · said Tn- cic1 .\ymes. dm.,ctor of communicauonc, fur the ( 1a} and Le\h1an Lemer of Orange County. which fund!> the march. See MARCH, Pa1e A4 CITY HALL Can you hear me now? official asks Councilman John Heffernan wants to find 'dead zones' in cell phone service. But getting the information is turning out not to be easy. June Casa1rand• Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -City Councilman John Heffernan wants to create a map of cel - lular service m the city, showmg all the areas in which each provider's service is available as well as the otys dead wnes. That mformation Isn't so easy to come by. So fat. Verizon, Clngular. AT&T. Nextel, Spnnt PCS and SBC have not responded to the ciry's request for infonnation about their coverage areas in Newport Beach, Asst. Oty Manager Dave Kt.ff said. City officials ha~ been considerl.Jl8 hiring an independent surveyor to travel throughout the city with a sensor. logging information about which cell phone provider's frequency is in operation at various points tn the ci~ initial attempts to find a company that pro· vides th.ls service have come up empty Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE It all started at the Center ON11EWD: WW#.~ccrn WEATHER ft'a going to be I bMullfUt CS.V .t eome polnt. ......... AZ IPORTI .LOLITA HARPER reuon to wear our &boes with the aUgbt heel -the ones we oonvincied our morns we wen old enou8h to have. Al the duw. W9 didn't reaMr.e ::c:z:~.~ a.d no elm lbout cbe ........ Qdonel mer •· t11,..S eo • ......... to ...... 1bbe ....... ....,wlilm\ .. .......... tklbaillltlliil ................... Fl • ., .. ' aa•lllll-lllii9 ~ ...... ~-----·· ........ ,.. I I AZ ~. qust 6, 2003 LOCALS ONLY NEIGHBORS Dmd s....-of Newport Beach won first place in the fine arts competition category at this year's Orange C.OUOty Fair with his woodwoO.ing ••• Bewlty W*il of c.osta Mesa was a division winner in the preseMJS competition category al the fair wUh her~ fruit jam ••• Sue Jobmon of C.osta Mesa took first place ln the breads competition category at the fair with her sour aeam lemon bread ... Jeny lee Pnndl of Costa Mesa was the division winner in the professional confectionary competition category with his tru1Des. He is the owner of French's Qipcak.e Bakery at 273 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. French also had three other first place products, one .....----, second-place Cara Jacobson and one third-place ... Qua 1-:obeon of C:OSta Mesa was division winner In the collections competition category with his military pins. The collection was handed down from his great-grandmother ... Sandra Slerio of c:osta Mesa was division winner in the seafood competition category with her salmon dip ... Robert Moore of Costa Mesa won first place honors in the ceramics Robert Moore competition division with his ceramic jar ... Hunter Doughty won best of show in the youth competition category with her collection of wind-up toys ... Hunter Doughty Joeepll Lwln of Newport Beach won best of show in the youth competition category ~th his desktop publishing ... Kade MuraJ of Newpon Beach took best of show in the youth competition category with her crafts display Katie Murai .•. Chia Ho of Costa Mesa was division winner in the photography competition category with his color photograph of four images of a helicopter ... OiadCzJmy, son of FAt and Maine CzJmy, has just received his P.agle Scout Honor Award from the Newpon Beadl Th>op No. 90 of the Boy Scouts of America. He graduated this year from Corona del Mar High School and will attend c.aJ Polytechnic Universiry in September to study electrical engineering ... Q'8lg M. Smith. a Costa Mesa resident and a student at the University of San Diego, was selected for motor board. a national honor society that recognizes students for outstanding achievements in scholarship, leadership and servic.e. Smith will be a senior this fall. He is majoring in Spanish and theology with a minor in Italian. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to coral. wilson@latfmes.oom. PET OF THE WEEK via e-mail at want.dog@ anlmalndwort.o~ "We really need people wanting big dop to come fbrward as homeowners' a.odadoos, and apartment rules are forcing euthanasia nues &>r big dogs at shelters.. J>faff-Martin said See other anb:nals available for ado~at UIWIAl~orgor Ruelo~ pet atore at Paabloo llland between noon and• p.m. on weekends. Jnbmadon: (949) 759-3646 or Community Animal Netwon, P.OtBox 8662, Newport ee.c.b, CA 92658. Daily A Pilot VOL. 97, NO. 218 Tl40MAS H. JOHNSON NewsEdlton Pu blither Gina Alexander, Lori Andereon, TONYDOOEAO Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowltz, Editor Daniel Stevene JUl1'( OETTING ~~r NEWSITAFF Crime °:er ~er. Promotion9 Director (949)67 dHIM.t>Mmh•llltlm..com EDfT1NQ ITAff June=•• l.J. c.tw'I Newpoft repon.r, -~· (948) 674-4232 june.~el«lt'tw&com •.J.Cllhn• """"-oom .... Clneolt ............. Polltlca, bu9ineea and environment ~Editor, f 7&M324 repott.er, (948) 7M-4330 ... ,,,..,.Alllrnes.com f»U/.cllnton•l«lmaoom ~OU.. ........... Spof'9 Ecllof, Colu~ cutwra rapotter, ~PM223 (M)57c..tm tfdlMI...,,.~ ..... .,, ..... lollte.,,.,,_.,_,._ oom Alt Dtreceor ,,.... Dalt Chief, ~ ........ IM)PM224 c.. M9M ~. , .. , 174-4221 ~•,,.,,_com dMdre.,.......,•~oom ..._MIC•* c..1-.. ""°'° Edllor, N9w9111l•nt.,~ (99)1'1M91 .-...mmnnt•...,,,,_com oon11.~•,....com FOR GOOD CAUSE \,I'' I I Rick Miller R ick Miller is used to taking the heat in his job as a wild land firefighter/ engineer. In June. he put enough heat on a robbery suspect that the police were able to catch up with him as he tried to fade into oblivion. On July 16, Mayor Gary Monahan announced that he had chosen Miller as the latest recipient of lhe Costa Mesa Mayor's Aw.ud. Miller's quick thinking and brave actions allowed him to gather enough informal.ion on the suspect and his vehicle to ultimately lead to the suspect's arrest. "In this case, I think he did all the right things,· Costa Mesa Police Lt. Dale Birney said. Miller said he was just following bis instincts. "I felt like I was in control of my situation and could taJce myself out of danger anytiJne lneededto,bu1you never know." he said. "l probably would do it again if I found myself in the same situation and felt I could save Uves and the propeny of other people." MUler, a lifetime Costa Mesa resident, was at the Vons on 17th Street returning a piece of rental equipment from the Rug Doctor on June 16. He noticed a supervisor walling past him with a large stack of bills and then his DUI ARRESTS These people have been Bff6$ted on susp1c1on of driving under the influence of an intoxicant. They have only been arrested on suspicion of a crime and. as with all suspecrs, are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA TUESDAY Heather Katherine Murphy, 21 . Costa Mesa SUNDAY Pablo Valdivia-Gutierrez. 39, Lake Forest Jessie Frank James. 35. Tustin Fighting more than fires gaze fell upon someone who aroused his suspicion. It was a man wearing a blaclc beanie and dark sungliwes. Then he noticed the man had black glov~ on and, in his right hand, next to his right thigh, was a gun. ·11cnew in a maner of secondc;. something was going to happen,· Miller said. Miller unobtrusively walked toward the exiL As he looked back. he saw the suspecl sticldng his gun into the supervisor's waist He did what he could to stop people from entering the main entrance of the store and yelled for people not to go into the far entrance. "I was just thinking. if it were to tum ugly. the less people in the store, the less could get hurt,· Miller said. Once he had cleared the entrances, Miller jumped into his truck and positioned it in the parking lot so he could see the suspect when he exited the store. With one hand gripping the steering wheel, he used hJs other to call 911 with his cell phone. When the suspect exited the store, Miller followed him in his truck and when that became impossible. he Leonardo Vieira-Gomes. 35, Costa Mesa SATURDAY Anthony Leal Crawford, 34. Huntington Beach Rhiannon Marie Vida, 18, Corona Robert Blair Morris, 23. Mission Viejo Michael William Hudson. 43, Huntington Beach FRIDAY Steven James Peterson. 35, Newport Beach Hung Duong. 24, Santa Ana Fabian Tabare-Navarro, 24, Hamilton, Alabama Arthur Adam Bertran, 26, Granada Hille THURSDAY Tracey Louise Eller, 42, Phoenix. Arizona Andrew Laurence Wardeln. 30, New port Beach trailed hJm on foot. always keeping a safe distance. VOf coun.e, I was always concerned he had a weapon,· Miller said. ~But I was more upset that he could possibly injure or kill some innocent people for no reason.· When the suspect jumped into his getaway car, Miller no1ed as many details as possible about the vehJcle so when he finally talked to the police. he could give them as much information as possible. About 15 minutes after Miller called in the information. the suspect's car was spotted. The suspect ended up leading police on a short chase, tossing money and his gun out the window in the process, Miller said. Miller was elated when he heard the news and exchanged high-fives with the police officers on scene. "It's really great to prevent someone like him from getting away and becoming a career criminal,· Miller said The suspect, Michael Angelo Powell. was arrested on suspicion of armed robbery at the scene. Mill er was presented with the Mayor's Award at Monday's Clry Council meeting. -Story by Deirdre Newman, Photo by Don Leac/J NEWPORT BEACH WEDNESDAY Enrique Victor Chacuelo·Gomez, 25, Costa MeN THURSDAY Christian Patridl Dundas. 21. Rancho Cucamonga Monica Nasseen Neshat. 41, Henderson, Nev. FRIDAY Ray Robert Meierd•rb. 51, Scottsdale, Ariz. SAT\JRDAY Kimberly Collette Floyd. 37. Newport Beach Bradley Robert Zook, 39, Pasadena SUNDAY Matthew Scott la&1e, 34, Newport Beach PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright No news stories, SURF AND SUN Sean Hiller, Don Leech. illustrations, editorial rNlter or Kent TreptOW advertisements herein can be READERS HOTUNE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST SURF permission of copyright owner. (949) 642-«>86 Fog and otouda will kidc off The southwest swell Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US the day, but the sun should weakens 1 bit more, but we'll Daily Pilot or news ti~. Clmllatlon Addre99 The Times Orange County bum off molt of them for a still see waist· to ~-highs et Our address is 330 W. Bay St., Cotta (800) 262-9141 pertty sunny day, with highs south-facing breaks. near the mld-80a In Costa Thursday will be even Mela, CA 92627. Office hours are Advertising Mesa and Inland Newport smaller, with knee-to Monday • Frldey, 8:30 e.m . -6 p.m. ClaNffled (949) Sfl-5878 Con1ttl0w• Dilf*y (949) 842~21 Beach. The coast will near 74. weltt-hfghl the norm. It 18 the Pilora policy to pt'Omptly EdltotW Lowa wlll be In the lower 60s. The ume wll be found corTed 111 em>r1 of auti.tance. ..... Thureday loob ~. Fncs.y and Seturdey. ,,... .. call (949) 764-4324. (949) 642·5e80 Wormetlon: The ne)Ct twell will begin to lpofts (949) 574-4223 www.nws.nou.IJOV loud\ down &.tndey, when FY1 .......... (949)~170 W9'ff ... mme wailt· to The Newport BNc:M::oeta M ... lpoftlt ,_ (949) eeo-<n70 BOATING FORECAST c:hellt Nghe. Mond8y will be • Delly Piiot (USPS-144«)0) It E""'8lll: dllltypllot•'-'l,,,..,oom bit Jarget. publi.Md dafty. In Newport 8-dl MllR OlllDa • The weetef'ty windl wlfl --~ and Com MeN. aublcriptlona ere ..... OMce ( ... 642'°21 blow 10 to 20 knotl In 1he Inner WWW.alrfrf<W.Olp w.Meble only by aubecriblng to The .... ..._~(Mt) 111-712' waten. with 1· IO 3-foot wevee Tlmea Orange County (800) end 1 mbced weet 8W9lf of 3 TIDES 252 .. 141. In .,... outltlde of fMt end IOUth.,... of 2 feet. Newpoft 8Ndl Ind COit.a Mela, The ... wtl buad. Uld nm. ........ aubMripdona to tn. Deity Pltot are te>Nght. &:&01.m. &10tMlhlgh eveMablt ""'1y by tint ... mell for Out~.the 10:041.m. Ulltllllow '30,,., mond\. (Prioae lnduda .. , Pubflahed by Tlmea Communky nol1ho ••rtv wlrtdl wtl blow &oep.m. 5.11 tMI""" -.ipMcebM wand IO«* tea) NMs, a dlvte&on of the L09 A .. ..,....,. .. 11to21 llnota. with 12:49 .. m. 0.11tMllDw '°'1"MASTER: SMd addt.-TlMea. 2· to 4-fool..,. and ...... ~ '° Th9 Ne\dpeft INcNCOllta Meee Dally PMol, P.O. 02003 TlfMa CN. AN rlghtt W91tlWlll of I ....... '°"" M'lloflflllll. lhi ...... we. b tMO, eo.ta Mete, CA 1292', NIMtll'ed. be found tonlghL .· . . . . More opening at South Coast Plaza Brooks Brothers, which left Orange County in 2000, is among the new stores just opened o r about to come to the center. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot SOUTII COAST METRO - South Coast Pllll.ct earlier this month unvelJed a new slate of shops that includes Brooks Brothers, the country's oldest clothing retailer. South C..oast Plfl,Za, which sees aJmost $1 billion a year in sales and can lay claim to the distinc- tion uf being the nation's top mall, al'io announced three other new leases and \et Limelines for a handful of nther new ~tore opening!>. Plaza owner C.J. Segerstrom & Sons said it has also brought in ltaljan clothier MAX & Co., women's apparel specialist Ver- tigo and young-women's apparel seller Marina Rinaldi. "These new retailers greatly enhance our position as Southern California's premiere shopping dest inatlon, • said Debra Gunn Downing. the plaza·!> marketing director. "We're proud to offer our shoppers the opportunity to experience the"e Orange County ang Southern California exclusives for the first umc.· Broob Brothers returns to Orange County after closing its Fashion Island store In January 2000. It will be the retailer's only location here. The retalJer has signed a lease and is now negotiating with the i.hopping center for a storefront. Rrooks Brothers will fit well with other high-end men's cloth- iers at the plaza such as Ermene- gildo 7..egna, Giorgio Annani and the rwo I lugo Bo~ stores, said Tony Olerbak. a retail specialist at Oeloitte & To uche's Costa Mesa ofJice. ·n1at"s one of their strong points," C:herbalt said. "South Coast Plaza hru. been· very dili- gent a t gettjng the best group of tenanl'>." 11m fall. the center wilJ wel- come Robeno <:avalli, which sells couture m en's and women's clothing. The plaza's Robinsons-May wing is seeing two additions - MAX & Co., whjch o pened Aug. 1, and Vertigo, set to open later this m onth. Along with Marina Rinaldi, which has also set an August opening. the stores are the onJy ones of their kind in Orange County. A previou!ily announced women's clothier geared toward larger woman. Eileen Fi1>her, IS set to open this month. In September. the pla7.a wiU welcome jeweler Temple St. Qair, a venture launched by Ti f- fany & Co .. and Sony Style. whk h will showca'>e that company'c; electronics gear. COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CI TY HALL I lcrc are ~ome of the itemi. the council rnn ... idcrc<l Munday. CHANGE TO THE GENERAL PLAN 1 lw prnp1·rty ownt'r u f 330 a nd 340 W. Hay \1. h.i., 'ubmitted a ... cret.'lling I l'lflll.'.,t to t hangt' the general plan dt·<,1J..'llallOn from generci.I commercial to medium demity resid en tial. rhe :t 7 -acre .,Ile ha!> heen the '>lie or ·nu• Daily Pilot for more than 50 year.. Ilic owner plan!> to dt•\l'lop huu'>mg on the land. ~talT m1:mlll'r ... "'ill also be .,tudymg ad1acent pJtccb at 2025-20:17 Newport Rlvd . I he wunty has not clt'af('d the Hay ~trcet property for r~1dt'ntia1 dt'velopnll'nt, and two clo~d. 11n<.lc·r.:roum.f tank.<. sull eXJM on the !>lie. \talT member. recommended n.•<>olvmg thl' -.oil ton1anunatmn i!>'ue beforl' pmlt'''111g the change to lhe general plan. WHAT HAPPENED lltl' rnunul voted to approve lhl· reqm· ... 1. WHAT IT MEANS fun her review and analyst'> of fl'\ldential development wdl be done on the 'tudy area. WHAT WAS SAID "I think lookmg di the option of 'mglt• famtl) detal hcd houi.ing i-; a very \ 1Jhlr 1dt•J at thJt locauon," Councilman Allan Mansoor !>au.I. COMMERCIAL RECREATION ZONE On the recommendation ol tht• Planning t:Omm l!>.<,IOn, thl· cou11nl will direct <,lalT m cm ht'r" to n•.,carch change'> to tlw general plan. the :t0ning rndt' or both to enlouragl' dcwloµmt·nt and retention of . commerd..il n.•cn•..itirm u .. e<>. In March. U>rn mt'>'>toner K:.itnnJ I olcy 1>aid '>he would be intere<,ted 1n thl' adoption of general plan oh1ct 11vt"" or poliCIC!> on 1ndo<ir recrl'ation. 1m luding bowling. ice \kallng and 'kateh1Jardmg. WHAT HAPPENED me counci.I approved '>t'lllllg ur a community meetmg w11h the l'lanning LommL'>Stun and the P·c1Ik.\ and Recreation C ommi..c;1011 to l...,tahh ... h d repon for the rnunt:tl to <:an'>tdt'r change'> to lhl' gt•nNal plan WHAT IT MEANS The commi-.-.wn... will nwc1 antf put together the r<•pon. WHAT WAS SAID "Staff b already burdened with plmty to do. and I don·1 'ee that\ accomph'>hing anythini.: Wt' don't already have.· Man.,oor 'aid. "It\ going to be a lot of work. and the t'nd r~uh " going to he a repon that w1• look at and o;ay, 'What du we do with tht'> now7' The po1n1 1:.. everybody want.., rccrea11on, including me· I JU~t don't <.ee how thl'> ,., going to get u' tha1 reuea11on." BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Costa Mesa City Council •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Aug.18 •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Dnve •INFORMATION: (714) 754 -5221 REQUEST FOR NEW HEARING On JuJy 7. the council madt: \Orne changes in the field <>v.e .. and uu1field fence dimen'>ium for the three MJftball field<. at the TeWinlcle Park A1hlem Complex. The actmn'> wouJd require th(' removal or relocation of al lea..i 36 mature trees. a picnic shelter and concrete walkway'> On July 14. Councilman Chri., Steel requested a new heanng on behalf of tht· Me!><l del Mar I lomeowncf\ A'>'>n. WHAT~NED The council approved the new hl'aring and scheduled it for Oct 20. WHAT IT MEANS Sta ff members will provide no11fica11on of the October meeting to rec;idents within 500 feet as weU a<, to the hom eowners' association, provide tull drawings of the potential field and fence expansions and hold a comrnurnty meeting at the park.. WHAT WAS SAID "I think we did the nght t1'11ng.· Mansoor said . "I want to hear what the pubhc ha!> to say on it." -Cnmpiled by Deirdre Nt>wnum FOR THE • Corona de! Mar coach wi 11 appear on TV Corona d~I Mar John l:mme and hi!> attom<'y. David Shore!>, will appear on "Good Morning America" some time between 7 and 9 a.m. today. lege basebaU 111l' complaint !>aid the coach made J.D. Marti· ne7.. pitch too many in ning~. leading 10 a damaged arm. That lawsu it ha.'> been thrown out. and rnuld con11n ue through the firc;t week in October. AJI American Asphalt's con- trnr t require<. th e company to cornplele within 65 days work now underway to beautify the landscaped m ediani.. improve irrigation on the m edians and resurface the roadway with rub- henzed a1>p halt. RECORD In Sunday's Q&A. "Reinventing the cup." it was incorrectly reported that Andy Rose Is a former attorney. He is still an attorney. Also, Rose did not say Dave Ullman lost the Governor's Cup. Instead, Rose said it was his first ·1o~ •• 111<' two will d1<icu~., a law1>ui1 that parent Marc Man ine:r brought al{ain'>t Emme 111 July 200 I claiming that Em me nuned h i-. son's chance<, of playing col· Jamboree Road construction begins Roadwork began this week on Jamboree Road berween Hi1>on Avenue and University Drive Traffic delay!> could continue through the construction pe· riod OASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ~g on to http://coastlin~.~du to find the latest Fall 2003 course infonnation. Chec k out our new searchable class schedule-updated daily to let you know what courses are open. Coastline's Web site is avai lable 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Look into Coastline's: Wedne!.da)'. August 6, 2003 A3 Skosh Monahan's St:e akbo a se & l~i s b Pab Skosh's Daily Specials (only $6.99) Monday Tuesday Bongers & Mash Lomb Slew Wednesday Thursday Seel Strogonoff Come</ Beel & Cabbage Happy Hour Specials (Mon·Sat: 4-6pm /Sun: 10am·5pm) Fish N' Chips $7.50 Pizzas $2.00 Off ~PARTY CRUISE~ I TO CATALINA \ WITll TW Iii> MC wmt -.-_, lmll&unm 06 A-.. .,_·~ Gi- n OI WOOO Oii TU IY ._,,,, ... TWOftCMTI .. ~ ,_..-it.1aat1• ~"" al.9l T0...-.-19 ___ _. ____ UWllDelMl'm I tw1*IE'l'l~.,_.....,, .. m.-nc..~w. I :111:aa111:n1111g1 ~' ~ ;1i!11'1;11:r11~arl mt1: DENSE PLUSH CARPET Long Plank Wood Flooring I • ln•WMd with l'Mf S 1 69 OU • IUI • llOSEWOOD I • '4tnlmum f\O yttnb • ... I\. , l'nt«rthM 18"' 118" __ 14.29 ... ft. Cttallk nlt _ltooUJIH ,,_ 14.99 ... ft. Laalutr WN4.-....n..t r,_ s4.99,._ 11. Supplirs .,.d Tools for tM "l>o II t'ouru lfWJ!" AU prltts/prot/ut:t.s for a limitrd tim,, /xis,./ 011 •c-.i"11>ili'11. MEit\ ;_ !~ET . 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA CA UC •820350 (888) MESA-777 L----=--~~~~~~4!!~~~!~~---~J • ACCESS-an A.A. degree/transfer program offered during the day at the Garden Grove Center. • Distance learning opportunities-fully transferable Internet. Telccoursc. cablecast, and independent study cl~scs. REGISTER EARLY! • STAR Program and Weekend College-two accelerated ways to earn your A.A. degree. • Updated Technical and ~Education programs offering certificates in a variety of high-demand occupations. Coastline has convenient locations in Costa Mesa. Fountain Valley. Oarclcn Grove. Hu.ntingt0n Beach. and Westminster. ..fore Cle-••oe ... Ful or C..celed Due to Low ............. F•ll Cl••••• ... In August 25 IU 11•1a1 & •arw-CMllce • 714.111.llOll. oldtpl Wes1-u11~ vvvvvv.gvvc.lnfo ..,._,,..,,r ti,, .. .f4J As 'IP • MARCH Contiooed from Al Jim Golfos, a city code en· torcement official. said the con· dltiona imposed on the commit· tee were the same that would be set for any group ~king for the same features. "I don't quite understand why they were upeet with so many restrictions. because . . . they're not real stringent.• GoJfos said. The committee's first staging of the lesbian pride march last year was controversial, as well. Organizers had asked to have their permit fees waived, but withdrew tbat request when they obtained their desired route through the city. The route thfs year will b e 18th Street to Pomona Avenue to West 19th Street, east to Har- bor Boulevard south, and end- ing before the Newport Boule- vard intersection. Rolling street closures will occur in the direc- tion of travel, with police es- corts accompanying the march- ers. Golfos said closing down the street is a big deal, especiaJJy during a summer weekend Jay. "The city manager took a spe- cial interest in this (event!. but he has to balance it with the safety for other citizens." Golfos said. The conditions include re- quiring all motorcycle rideri. to attend a safety briefing with the Polke Department and mandat ing that sound levels May below 55 decibels at the reside ntial property line. One that realJy riled the march organizers was the con- dition requiring aJJ participating motorcycle riders to provide their names. addresses and other personal informalion to the p olice in advance of the even t. City officials were sympa- thetic to the committee'i. con- cerns over Ulis condilion and decided to let the committee make the lisl and keep it, in- stead of giving it to the city. Gol- fos said. The city also deleted another condition · that threatened de- nial of future permits for similar events if the committee failed Lo comply with any of Lhe other conditions. The committee said HEAR Continued from A 1 handed, but He!Ternan b holding out hope that there erisl!> w m e way to get the information. "If someone goes and geis cell phone service. they have no way of knowing whether it will work at their home or wherever else they need it.· Heffernan said. "You find out the thing you just bought doesn't woit. then you're stuck wilh a $200 or $250 disconnect fee." For Heffernan; .. it's a problem lhat hits home. An attorney who ALLOWED Continued from Al son~ to certain people and practicing them in the living room. Once we had it all down. we wouJd perfonn the entire musical in Lauren's Uving room. Some of my greatest hits were "Castle on a Ooud. • "On My Own" and •Master of the House.· (Can you tell which was AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTE.R HOURS items to the Daily Pit011 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744295. A complete list is available at www.dsilypilot.com. MUSIC 1TAUM F1REWORt<S' The Pacific Symphony's Car1 St. Clalr will conduct a program of •ttalian Areworb," a concert filled with the romance and exdtement of Italy featuring vfoflnist Philip Quint end soprano Dominique Labelle. The concert is It 8 p.m. Seturday et Verizon WI,.._. Amphitheater. Tidtets ooet S75 to $375. Information: (714) 756-5799 or~ www.,,.citaympllony.org. LEON FLEllHER IN CONCERT The Orenge County Perlonning Al1a Oetnt9r 2003-04 Coooert Sert. wM open wfth a tp9Ci•I C9lebr.oOn -• 7fCh bil1hdey ~.eiol· 1ot the plan'8t end oompoeer lAOn Fl1l11W It 7:;30 p.m. MOf*Y In Founden Hlfl ~wll.,.fofMdbv vto111• 0,0..Ulng Un and GU Shahem. WJlist P9Uf N.-•• end OllllCa c.. 8f-.y end Gaty Hc611W1. TicMCt COft.,. end atf\ be P"rif'•• • d .... cenllf' bmt o4ICt « 8C www.~Otfl. For lil ....... ae .. eel {114) fiM.MTS. ; FILE PHOTO/DAILY PILOT The inaugural Orange County Dyke March makes its way through the Costa Mesa Courtyards shopping center last year. MARCH CONDITIONS These are the 21 unmet conditions the city has placed on march organizers· series manager to provide adequate restroom faciliues to accommodate attendance at the event. 14. Organizers must provide their own power and electrical supphes at thetr sole cost and expense 1 Pohce will tlSCort marchers with a rolltng street closure 1n the direction of travel 2. Organizers must have adequate event volunteers to maintain a rope barrier along the left side of the marchers to prevent marchers from drifting out into open lanes of traffic. 15. The permit, conditions and ettached application must be available on site for review by city personnel at all times during the permit period. 3. Organiters must sign a poltce services agreement for police services for tho rolling street dosure. 16. Organizers must provide the city with a current certificate of insurance with minimum limits of S 1 million for general l1ab1ltty and no-owned automobile habiltty coverage, including coverage for motorcycles for the event. The policy shall also include an endorsement naming the city as an additional insured. 4. No more than 10 mororcycles will be permitted 1n the march. 5. Photocopies of each motorcycle participant's drrver's license must be available before the march 6. All motorcychsts must anend a safety brtefrng with the Police Department 7. All motorcychsts will bo required ro ride 1n a column formatton during the march 17. The anached indemnny agreement must be signed by the organizers of the march and returned to Jim Golfos with code enforcement at least 10 business days before the event. 8. Organizers must obtatn any and all permits that may be roqutred by other government enttttes. 18_ Organizers must include language stating that the city does not guarantee the safety of the participants on this event and 1s llOt responsible for damage to property or personal 1n1ury of any part1c1pant m the program and to be distributed to all vendors. 9. Parkrng 1s not allowed at the Neighborhood Communiry Center because a previously scheduled large event 1s on th e same date. 10. Set up cannot be~in earlier tlian 7 a m , and teardown must be completed no later rhan dusk on the day of the event. 19. Sound levels shall not exceed 55 decibels at the residential property line 11. At least 10 trash cans must be provided rn addition to the trash cans at Lions Park. 20. Organizers must provide written nottoe to the owners or on srte managers of all retail businesses adioining the march route, informing them of the ttme. date and route of tho mardl. 12. All trash and debris must be removed from the s11e upon conclusion of the event. 21. Organizers must comply with all of the plans outlined in their application that don't conflict with rhe cond1t1ons set forth herein above 13 Organllers shall worlo. w11h the city's ma•ntenance ii fell intimidated by that condi- tion since it wai.n't included in three previou., permits offered IO the group. IM . .., on Pon l4 uren1 Place, I lef- feman ha.<> four cell pho ne provid- er. at once bl'ta0--.e none of diem oITer'i die covemge he net'd!>. City officials do n't have an ~ti­ matc for how much a surveyor could cost. but tl1eir best guess is U1at the price could be $50,000 or $75,000 for mapping the entire City. Ml'rn wilhng to pay for it out of my discretionary budget if neces- sary," Heffernan said. "This could be the information customers need to make consumer choices and it could also play into our role of being a landlord to cell compa- nies.'' Last year. the city created a my favorite?) I can remember working to hit various note!> and experimenting wilh harmonies. Sure, some of the songs were a tad racy, but they were fun to sing. I can still remember the words. I went on to perform in musical thea ter. honors chorui.. concen choir and school talenl shows, as well as play softball and soccer. A'i I got older. sports got m ore competitive. and I had to chose. Sports won. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive In Costa Mesa. NEW WORLD FlAMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New World Flamenoo Festival will be two full weeks, through Aug. 17, offering performances. workshops and outreacn ac1ivities. From the traditional to the contemporary, the festival showcases the best of flamenco music, dance and song. For more information, tidtet prices and dates. call (949) 854-4646 or visit www.thebarcJay.org. 'A NIGHT AT 1ltE OSCARS' Tho Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will oonduct •A Night at the Oscars• at 8 p.m. Aug. 23. It's en evening of legendary film clanlcs pl"Ojected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtredc live. The concert Is produoed by nino-tlme Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert Is at the Verizof\ Wlrefeu Amphitheater. llcte\S cost 176 to $375. for infonnltion, ~II (714) 765-5799 or vfth WWW.P«:llbymphony.org. 'SING-Al.ONG SOUND~ .-c' Now pfaytng to IOld-out ~·round the WOfid. ·~Sound of Mualc. 19 coming to Orenoe Councy ~Ing Ml CenW'I ~romHll,.7p.m.Aug.2.2 At Monday·~ City Council m('eting. Lo ri I lutson. organiz- ing committee co -chair. said the committee would like to resolve poliey that will allow ii to rent .. pace on buildinw.. ·poles and other tall structures to cellular w mpanies for their antennas. No uch business relationship~ have been !>truck yet. Armed with information about cell service dead wn~. the city might be able to offer reduced mt~ for leased antenna site:, to give provider.. an incentive to fill in the gaps where ceD phones go dead, Heffernan said. In f.ebruary, the city sent out letten. to cellular providers asking them to identify on a city map ar- eao; where the companies lack <:lrong coverage. A follow-up letter w.i.<, '>ent in July, repeating the re- Hut music never lost. Singing ii. a regular part of my life. I slill belt out songs in my Uving room. or car. and so does my son. Oonmrdn. l lad it not been for those field Lrips to the Center, I would not have realized the power of live perfonnance. I low a perfect note can send chills down your spine. How the s tance of the perfonner exudes confidence. and energy. How beautiful they looked on that great big stage. and 23 and at 1 p.m. Aug. 24. Tldcets cost $12 to $22 and can be purcnased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (714) 556-AATS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. K.0 . l.ANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner lt.d. Ieng will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hell It 8 p.m. Sept. 6. Tidcets cost S46 to $70. The oenter is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tldtets are avalleble at the center's box office. by celling (714) 656-ARTS or onllne at www.ocpac.org. CHRISISAAK Chrl1 Isaak will perform et the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Sftgerstrom Hall at 7 p .m. Sept. 14.. Tk*eta ClOSt $46 to $82. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive In Costa Mesa. Tidcets •re avallable at the center's box otnc.. by calling {714) 556-AATS or online et www.ocpac.org. JAZl.TlttO Gulfltreiem ~in Newport 8eech ~ .. • l.zr trio Sunday through w.dneedey •• regular ent~inment It 860 Avocado Ave .. Ntwport Beedl. Hour1 are 5 to 9 p.M. Sundev and e 'o 10 p.m. Mondrf through Wtd~.194$) 71f.Ol88. WEEKLY JAM its difference!> with the city without resorting to legaJ ac- tion. As of press time. 21 cond1- lions remained. quest. Calls placed Monday afternoon to representativ~ of Nextel. AT&T. Cingular and Veri.7.on were not re- turned by Tuesday aftemoon. An SBC representative said that the company intends to respond to Newport Beach's request A repre- sentative of Sprint PC5 said that the city' requ~t for information appeared to be more of a sales tool by the city for renting cellular antenna sites.. •JUNE CASAGRANOE covers Newport Beactt and John Wayne Airport. She may be readied at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at june casagrande aJ/arimes.com. II was that stage that served as the imaginary setting for our after sch ool musicals. And it is that Mage that continues to carry the revival '>hows performed in my apartment today. • lDUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or by~mailat lolita.harper@latimes.com. The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m . every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beach. Free. 1949) 675-nso. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo. play at Mamma Gina at 261 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondey1. Diena Oitri joiM the doo on vocal• on Monday-. It's free. Information: (949) 67).9600. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Res1au rant in Newport Beadl preterits Jeue on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your fawrit8' on the aa)(Ophone. Anthony's is et 161 e. Cont Highway. (949) 673-3425. PUBLIC SAFETY Sexual Chocolate ' . seized -it's a boat Harbor Patrol impounds Dennis Rodman's boat after former NBA star it's found at a private dock. Lollt• Harper DaityPilot NEWPORT BEACH Dennis Rodman, resident bad boy and master of the boards. will surely rebound from bis latest run in with the long a.rm of the Jaw Sun- day that led to the impound- ing of bis boat Rodman's 47-foot Foun- tain powerboat, *Sexual Cllocolate,· was impounded • _.. Sunday afternoon because " he a.llegedly used a private dock without pe~on. Orange County Sherifrs I !ar- bor Patrol Sgt David Ginther said. "I think all it is is a simple boat impound, but it seems to be bot news.· said Ginth- er. who fielded various re- porteIS' calls on Tuesday. The manager of a small marina at 254 7 W. Coast Highway saw the unfamiliar boat at the private dock and asked Rodman to move it. lhe former Los Angeles Laker refused. so the man caJJed the I !arbor Patrol. Ginther said Authorities took possession of the boat and took it to a mooring. where it is bcing held until 'iOmetx>dy comes to claim It. he said. Rodman will be charged a S63 fee for towing and S42.JO for each day the boat star; in POLICE FILE S COSTA MESA •Albor Street: A 36-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon in the 900 blodc at 9 p.m. Monday. • East Paularino Avenue: A commercial burglary was reported in the 100 blodt at 4:45 a.m. Monday. • H.rbor Bouleverd; Embezzlement was reported in the 2700 blodc at 10:08 a.m. Monday. • Newport Boulevard: A 19-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance and paraphernalia In the 2400 blodc at 1:39 a.m . Tuesday. • Pinecreelc Drive: An auto SAFETY Continued from Al Nouhad Captan. an 18-year- old explorer from Huntington Beach. said he felt that commu - nity events such as National Night Out help strengthen rela - tions between children and the Police Department. When he does ride-alongs impound. As of press time on Tuesday, no one had picked up the boat. and the fines totaled Sl43.fJO. •Now we are really just waiting for somebody to come and retrieve it.· Ginlh- er said. The colorful busin~ owner and fonner NBA basketball star has had more than his fair share of run-ins with local authorities. From arrestS on suspicion of drunk driving to alleged assaults. Rodman's name has consis- tently made headlines with some sort of legal battle or another. In August 200 l, Rodman was slapped with two misde- meanors for allegedly racing in his llashy boat Officials waited more than a month to offici.aJJy cfuuge him On Thursday, Rodman 1.e.$ti.fied in a civil trial that he has no recoDection of meet- ing a woman who has ac- cused tl1e former N&. star of drugging her. raking her to his West Newport home and sexuaUy assaulting her sev- eral times in March 200 I. Jo Len Md:iowen accused Rodman of sexual battery. negligence and fabe impris· onmen1. No criminal charges were filed in the case. The civil trial is on- going al the Central Justfoe Center in Santa Ana theft was reported in the 2800 blodc at 6:23 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bird'I Street: Forgery was reported in the 500 blodc at 3:16 p.m. Monday. • Dovw Drive: A lewd act in public was reported in the 700 blodt at 11 :38 a.m . Tuesday. • MKAtthur Court: Vehide burglary was reported in the 4600 blodc at 2;13 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Cent.et Drive w..t: Grand theft was reported in the 900 blade at 3:12 p .m. Monday. • s.uhor. Drtv.: Grand theft was reported in the 5900 blodc at 7:57 p.m. Monday. with police officers, *the kids are always waving.· he said. ·it's nice to know that they loolc. up to us in that way." The Costa Mesa Police Depart- ment hosted Night Out activities at two locations -Shalimar Drive and Placentia Avenue; and El Camino and Mendoza drives. • TOM FORQUER is a Daily Pilot intern. He can be reached at tom.forquer@latimes.com. Celebration of llfe: Marian K. Lamb Marian KJlmer lamb 91, of IMne, a redr9d teecher Nld execudve assist.it to Chief of Staff, U.S. Naval Academy, AnapoNa MO., died August 2, 2003 of natural caaw. A c8'ebratlon of Ufe wff1 take place at Unlvef'Sity United Methodist Church, 18422 Culver Ortve, Irvine at 11:30 am on Thur9dlly, August 7. &rmora: Sl9tar Winn PatrizJo of Muncy, PA; 1W1n aons, o.vtd L8mb of NNpof1 Beach Ind Richard Lamb of Santa Barbara; Deughter9-ln.-. Patrlcla and Peggy; ~ GrandchUdren Courtney, Keny, .._,.. ca.in. Erin, and Annlc k. In lieu of now ..... the fetnly ........ don8tions to the National Mhrttts Fooodatk>n cw The ~ ~Soctetr. ~·· Dally Pilot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to th• Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meu, CA 92627; by e-mail to mlke . .wan1on@l•tim11s.com; by'fexto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, H well aa a contact phone number. A complete listing la available et www.d11ilyp1lot.com. TODAY Children •ni.rlng first through sl>(th grades era Invited to HA Jungle Cruise" at 3 p.m. at Newport Beach Central Library's M•rlnera branch. Troubadours Keo and John Frawley will pr.sent the Interactive program. ln~rmatlon: (949) 717-3816. ~ pl'HlcMnt end CEO of El Pollo Loco Inc. will appear at a , breakfHt meeting sponsored by th• Young Executlvea of America 11 7:30 a.m. at the Pacific Club In Newport Beach. Stephen Carley will speak on small bu1lne11 challenges of the decade and the role of American business In the Middle East. Admission Is $1 6 for · m~mbers, $26 for nonmembers. Information: (949) 721·8686 TiiURSDAY C~ld,.n 9ntering first through ai>(th grades are Invited to ·A Jungle Cruise" at 10:30 a.m. at Newport Beach Central library's Balboa Branen. Troubadours Ken and John Frawley will present the interactive program. Information: (949) 717-3816. A fTff Mmlner, "Fear1••• Feta," will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p m at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa. For reservations. call 1800) 595-MOMS FRmAY Hamblower Crul1H and Eventa offers a three-hour cruise of N0Wport Harbor, a gourmet three-course meal live entertainment and award-w inning service from 8 to 11 pm Boarding starts at 7·30 p m at 2431 W. Pacific Coast H1qhway. For reeervatlona. call 1949) 631·2469 Inventors Forum, th• 01'8nge County-baaed nonprofit inventors' support group, presents a seminar on "High Tectinology Patenting" by patent anorney Curtis L. Harrington. Registration end networking begin at 7 pm. for the 7:30 p.m seminar at Orange Co111 College's Science Lecture Hall The coat ia $6 for membera, $15 for nonmembers For more 1nformat1on. call 171 4) 540-2491 The R99ency Udo ThHter wlll hoat the exclu11ve Orange County engagement of Dana Brown's surf documentary ·s tep Into Liquid· today and Aug. 9. Attendees will get a chance to ride the "Robo Surf," a mechanical surfboard. "Step Into Uqu1d" show times will be 11 :30 a.m , 1:30 p.m .. 3·30 p.m .. 5:30 p.m .. 7:45 p.m . and 9:50 p.m daily. The Robo Surf will be available from 5 to 10 p.m . t oday and 2 to 8 p.m . Aug. 9. For more information, call (949) 673-8351. The Newport Beach Theater Company will present Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Cinderelleff et 7:30 p.m. at Uncoln School in Corona del Mar. Information. (949) 759-1046 SATURDAY Tria09le Square In Cotta M ... Invites the community to anend "A Fair at the Square" for the 11ghts, sounds end great deals 1n the outdoor maritetplaoo while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a m . to 4 p m The Newport 8Mc:h Th~ Compeny will pr• .. m Rodgers and H1mmer1teln'a "Cinderella" at 7:30 p.m. at Lincoln School In Corona del Mer. lnformetlon; (949) 759-1046. The Regency Udo Th..., wtll ho•t the exclu1lve Orange County en9.agemem of Dana Brown's suCf documentary "Step Into Uct'Jld:' Attendee• will get a cnence to ride the HRobo Surf," a m'7!anlcal 1urfboard. "Step Into Liquid" ahow times will be 11:30 a.rn. and 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:46 and 9:50 p.m. The Robo Surf will be available from 2 to 8 p.m . For more information, call (949) 873-8361. ™ Ne'w'PO't luc:h Ma Commlllion wlll apontor a free outdoor production of ¥...,. ...... QOmedy "Tw91fth Nl9ht" 1~ p.m. •t Grant Howald Pl~ In Corona cMI Mir. Pre-ahow ~~In et &;30 p.m. lnfOrmttlon: (Ml) 717-3870. UaY .............. two-hoUr Cf\•mpegM bNndl CNflf ..-u,.. a ltvleh bf'urld\ bU"-t. ~"9 ch•mPlllM Ind fuftt..,... and g,_ ~ vwttte yo\I crulM NM"port H1rt>or. lotfdlnG begfna et 11 :JO 1.m. et ad' w. Jt9cfflo com HlehMY for ltMfMOftcMet. For~ ... (Mt) 131·2Aa . outdoor production of Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" at 6 p.m. at Grant Howeld Park in Corona def Mar. Pr•ahow begins at 5:30 p.m. Information: (949) 717-3870. To honor Ktlthann• H.pbum, Oasla Senior Center wlll preaent "The African Queen; the l900nd of five free acreenlnga In August, at 1 p.m . All are Invited to enJoy the movies and free popoorn at the center's Hepburn Film Feat, at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644-3244. The Newport B•ach ThMtM Company will present Rodgers and Hammerstein's #Clnderella" at 2 p.m . 111 Lincoln School In Corona del Mar. Information: (94S) 759· 1046. MONDAY R99lstratlon forth• O,.nt• County Buslneu Councll'1 ninth annual Corporate Executive Golf Tournament begins at 9 a.m. at Mesa Verde Country Club In Costa Mesa, with the shot gun start et 11 a.m . The coat la $300 for a single player padcage or $1.500 for a corporate players package. Proceeds benefit the Orange County Rescue Mlaslon's Strong Beginnings program, which provides workforce development for those who have lost hope and need help. For more information, cell (949) 476·2242, eXl. 216. Hoeg Hospital will holt tr.. "Look Good ... Feel Better" classes, which teach cancer pa,tlents makeup, wig end turban ttps to help hide the ravages of red1etion end chemotherapy treatment, from 10 a.m. to noon. The classes are sponsored by the American Cancer Society, the National Cosmetology Aasn. and the Cosmetic. Toiletry end Fragrance Assn. Registration la required lnforrnetion-(9491 261·9446 TUESDAY ·Tum Baek the Clock on Aging," • free aeminer and book aigning, wlll be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m at Mother's Market. 225 E 17th St. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (8001 595-MOMS. Adult readera ere lnvit.d to a grand finale celebration for the "Branen Out-Read " program at 3 p.m . et the Corona del Mar Branen library. The festivities will bring the 2003 summer reading program for book lovers 18 and older to a close. For more information, cell (949) 644-3075 AUG. 13 Adult t"Md«e, writen and enlmal lovers are invited to •ca11 and Dogs" from 7 to 9 p.m . In the Vincent Jorgensen Center neX1 to the Mariners Branch Library In Newport Beach. The free program will feature Patricia Guiver, author of the mystery aeries starring fictional pet detective Delilah Ooollttle, and Cat Fancy journalist Sandy Robins. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. Tha Newport Beech Chemt>.r of Commerce will hold its monthly Newport Networking luncheon from noon to 2 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 Macarthur Blvd. Anendees are invited to dlaplay their brochures and business cards "mini-expo atyle" to bener connect with attending busineupeople. The cost Is $20 for chamber members with reservation• and $25 at the door. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400 Sp.ak Up Newport wlU hold its monthly general membership meeting at 6 p.m. at the Newport Beach Tennia Club. 2601 Eaatbluff Drive. Refreahmenta will be .. rved atartlng at 5:30 p.m. This month'• topic is Newport Beach lifeguards. For more information, call (949) 729-4404. AUG. US TM FriM"'9 of the N9wpof1 Beath Library will hold a used book aale In the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with boob priced at •a budc a bag:" A members-only preview will be held Aug. 16 wfth hardcover boob priced at two for • $1 and pepert>8dca It six for St All proceed•,,. donated to tM library ayttem. For more Information, call (949) 769-9667. ·~A New Beginning: Iii a • worbhop for men and WOtNn divorced or gettl09 diVorc.ci. The C09t 11 S40. It wHI be held 101.m . to 12 p.m. •t 180 Newport c.nt.r Olive. For mo,.. lnform8tion, cell (949)644~ AUG.17 ._....,~ ........... 0.. Senior Cent•' wtll prtMnt ·~ Ind Mike;' tM third of five free ecnentno1 In August, et 1 p..m. AH ire lnvtt.d to eniOY the mOlliee and"" popcom It the ~ Hlobum Rim,_, IC 800 Metgu.t. Ave. In Corone dll M•. For more fnfonnetioft. c:en M)&Mai... Arthur Mu1Tay dancers end a live auction wlll be held by Adventuree et Sea to t>enefit Parent Help, U.S.A. Reaervatlona are required. Tldceta are $75 per pel'IOn or two for $125. For more Information, call (949) 650-2412. AUG. 18 ~,.driven can eharpen thW driving aklll1 In two four-hour AARP driver ufety cla11ea held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and Aug. 19 at the Pre1byterlan Church of the Covenant In Costa Meaa. Cla11111 are llmited to 30 students. The coat la $10. Advanced registration 11 required. For more Information, call (714) 657-3340. AUG. 19 Th• Or11og• County chepter of Wine Brats, a national nonprofit organization, It holding Its monthly wine tastmg event et Gustaf Andera Restaurant in South Coast Village from 7 to 9 p.m. The Wine Brats will be tatting several wlnea from Australia. Information and registration: oc. winebrats.org A frM Hmloer. "Feng Shul for• Healing Home~ will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reaervationa, cell (800) 695-MOMS. AUG.20 Th• N•wport BHch Newcom•ra Club general meeting will begin at 9:30 e.m. et the Oasis Senior Center parking lot in Corona def Mar. Attendees wlll then carpool to Crystal Cove State Park for a hike and lunch. Information: (94S) 645·9922 or newcomers·newporrbesch.org AUG.21 A frff bone density 1Crffnlng will be held by appointment only from 11 a.m. to 3 pm. at Mother's Market. 225 E 17th St . Costa Mesa For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS The Newport BHch Chamber of Commerce 1s hotting a Retail Mercnantl Sales Seminar sponsored by the Bayside branch of Union Bank of California from 7:30 to 9:30 a m. et the Newport Beach Yacht Club. The coat to enand 11 $15, which includes a continental braekfaat. For reaerv1tlon1, call (949) 729-4400. AUG.23 Triangl• Square In Coate M•u invites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square• for the alghts, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The N.wport Hart>or High Sdlool cheer squad will host Junior Cheer Camp from 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 23. 26 and 27 in front of the high ldiool'a anchor. The cost is $95, which covera a T-shirt, snacks, pom·poms, photo, extra fall practice and performance et a high ldiool football game on Aug. 28. Students in grades K through eight are welcome. For more information, call (949) 673·1989. The Newport Hart>or CRA will have its annual w ine end cheese reception with Congressman Chris Cox from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the home of Debbie Allen, 1021 White Salli Way, Corona del Mar. For information and reaervetions, call (949) 64&-9127. The N9wport e.actt SunriM Rotary Club will hold Its annual fund-raiser. ·Al Time Goes By," at the Village Crean. The event will include dinner, music, silent and llve auction• and the chance to win a diamond and emerald bracelet. For more Information, call (949) 644-2943. AUG.24 A ~tion to martc th• opening of the fl rat phase of Bonl1a Canyon Sports Partc in Newport Bea<:tt will begin with a dedication of the sports fields at 3 p.m. Sport• cllnlca, conteats and door prize• wlll run throughout the day. The flrat 1,000 children to arrive wlll receive a free opening day souvenir. Information: (949) 644-3161. Th9 °'9nge County Ml.tc.c PllC9 in Cotta M ... will ~the fourth annuel Endt ... Summer Cla .. Car Show .nd EM1 Fest, celebradng the llfe and music of EMa Pre.fey, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. GeMrel edmlaalon It $2, 1"" perking It frff. For more lnfonnatJon, call (Mil 723-6683. lb"°"°' Kathertne ..........,_, O.tlt Senior c.mer wot prMent •Gu ... Who'• Coming to Dinner." the fourth of five frM ecreenlnge In August. tt 1 p.m . All 1,. lnvtttd to entov th•~ •nd,,... popcorn 1\ the center'• Hepbum Rim F1m. •t 800 M1rvuertte Ave . In Corone def Mtr. For mote lnfonnetton, oell (948) ~ TM..._..WlllltorUllNw41 ta. Place from noon to• p.m. tt Felr'\-'IM ~In C.. Mlea. Oondona wll go toMfd.,, ~-···----Lalli" Gudln-. 11 ywoN 'WhoMI perlttlld flwTt .. .,.. doM\ In • ., ............ m&W'efwn I YM' lgO, C*\ OllNrol'WW\ her • mouth. Information· www.ourlellani.com. AUG,28 A frM Nmtnar, '-fonnanc. Nutrition for Strength and Longelfrty, will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'• Market 226 E. 17th St., Coate Meu. For reaervatlons, call (800) 596.-MOMS. volunteers. For more lnformatton, vi11t www.projectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. Macy's In Coeta M9N lrwh9s Orange County nonprofit organlzatlona that provide aentlcea and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation In Macy's South Coaat Plaza'• P1111port In Store fund·ralaer. Thia year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an applicatlon to participate, call (7141556-0611, eX1. 4231 Th• N9wport Beach Chambef of Commerce will hoat lt1 Newport Sunaet Networking M ixer from 5 to 7 p.m . at the Rusty Pelican, 2736 W. Coaat Highway. Attendancj!I it free for chamber members, $10 for potential members. Reservations aren't reqµired. For more Information, call (949) 7294400. AUG. 31 To honor Katharine Hepbum, 0111i1 Senior Center will present ··on Golden Pond:' the last of five free screenings in Augult, at 1 p.m. All are Invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave in Corona del Mer. For more Information call (949) 644-3244 Yoga eta ... • will be otr.r9d Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m . for nine weeks et West Newport Community Center. Reglatratlon ia $54 for one • ctaaa each week or s100· for two daya a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. SEPT. 20 •c.1eb,..tlng th• Piiat ... and Rebuilding for the Future• is a two-day fund-raiser to benefit education. Interpretation and restoration efforts et the Crystal Cove State Park Historic District. The events, from 4 to 9 p.m. Sept. 20 and from 10 e.m. to 5 p.m . Sept. 21 , will celebrate four years of preservation efforts end the beginning of restoration scheduled for October under the park's direction. For more Information, call 1949) 640·5220. SEPT. 25 The 01'8ng• County e1flllata of the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation will pay trtbute to the sponaors of its 12th annual Komen Orange County Race for the Cure on Sept 28 in Fashion Island with a VIP sponsors reception from 6 to 9 p m. at the Turnip Rose in Costa Mesa For more information, call (714) 957-9157. ONGOING The Newport C•nter Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or poliah your buainess presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and bad(grounds. The group meets every M ondey morning from 7 to 8:30 e.m . at 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. Validated parking is available In the perking S1ructure next to 24 Hour Fitness Guests era welcome. For more information, call (949) 721·5732. Jewlah Femlly Service la of'f9ring a support and discussion group for women 50 and older the second and fourth Monday of every month from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Pre-registration is required. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Jewlah Femlly Serva la ofhri09 a women's divorce and separation support group et 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the Jewish Federation Campus in Costa Mesa, 250 E. Baker St. For more information, call (714) 445-4950, ext. 114 Th• ACLU of Or11nge County meets et 7 p.m . the third Tuesday of every month et the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria St in Coste Mesa Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. ·a.ach L.andacapn,· en exhibit featuring digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian island• by Donna Ruzicka, umbrella beach acenea by Carole Boller and Back Bay landacapes by Luke Spencer, wlll be on display through Sept. 30 at Newport Beach City Hall. Information: (949) 717-3870. Com MM•'• Rec:f98tlon Dlvlaion will provide a three·hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p m . Saturdays from 11 a m to 2 p m or 4 to 7 p m end Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m . Parties for children 5 to 12 w ill consist o lunch dinner games, crafts, prizes. cake with ice cream and superv1s1on by staff Parties cost S250 or $300 For more information call 17141 754-5158 Flva new winaa wlll be served on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7.30 p.m The cost 1s $15 per person. For more information. call 19491 721·1222 Newport Ounaa Ra1ort'1 •Movies on the Beach H will run every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer, including a two-hour barbecue befora the movies start at dusk Gues1s are 1nv1ted to bring their favorne cuts of meat The resort will provide the rest for S7.95 per person The films will be shown on a large screen 1n the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening in June end July except July 4. Parking 1s $8 per car For more Information. call (949) 729·DUNE A variety of priv.te, aemi·privtte and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center et Corona dal Mar High School Options include one-on-one Instruction on Saturdays end a Monday through Thursday program for ell ages and levels For session dates. times and costs. cell (9491644-3151 or register 1n person at Newport Beach Recreation end Senior Services et 3300 Newport Blvd Chlld,..n, tHna and adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees very. Call (949) 644-3151 . or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information Prot.salonal and licenaed soccer trainers w ith the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one. smell group end large group training. For more information. call 1949) 395-5103 J.wlah Femlly Service is sponsoring a teen support group for high school students that meets M ondays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Tarbut V'Toreh Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration 1s required. TIM Arst Page -Ane Children'• Books, at 270 E. 17th St .. No. 10 in Coate Meaa. offers free story time Mondays,Wedneaday,Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more ALDEN'S Neon~sd.!; August ti ~003 A5 information, call (9491645 5437 Bayaide Restaul'9nt In Nnrpolt Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5.30 to 7·30 p m for $1 5 per peraon, featuring five new w1nn each week For more information, call (9491721 1222 tf your orchid ls too 1>19 for ltl pot. Green Sy1tem1 lnternattonal will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orch1d·Potttng seminar at 2 " m every Saturday A plant 11le '' held from 9 e.m to 4 p m at the 20362 Biren St. facility Call t949l 756·1211 for information. Dlecover th• aec:reu of Cart>on Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8 30 a m Perking 1s $4 Call t714J 996-5252 for more information Tum Survivor,• nonprofit organization enc.ouragmg w omefl who have been through cancer treatment to exercise. hosts -walk and Talk" et 10 a m the second and fourth Friday of the month in fron• of NIKEgodess store 1n Fashion Island Memberi; meet for luncti after at Atrium court t lree and all fitness levels are welc.ome For more 1nforma11on call 1949! 27!>·3888 Newport Community CounHltng Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the supoort group Ir, SAF.E Hands. 5 A FE stands ltJr safety, ev .. arener.s faith and empowerment The group m eets Mondays from 6 30 to 8 p m Free For more 1nformat1on call '9491 721 8079 THna are Invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recrea11or Center from '2 to 6 p 'Tl Monda" through Fnda\' f r ndoor a,,d outdoor sports 8"0 act1" ties Tt •• center 1s at 1860 Anaheim A"f!. For more information c,1 7'4 327·7560 230 Eoi• 1 71n S1 • Cosro ~~o (949) 722-7224 .,.,.,.,., .91g_ 1 1 ~•·1 , -~ ,. . . IC1W •l()W PP.I< F ') ~ Vf RY FAST KENNY tf,(' PRINTER '?4Y'250 3112 20}~1 ~Dt '"'""" ( 4 \>111.1 'ft• llttafi•• (714)751 ·5655 --------- "T•nnla In Art.• an exhibit of paintings by longtime tennis Instructor and coach Jose Mendoza, will be on display in the NeWpe>rt Bead't Central Library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza'• work is known for lta manipylatlon of color and form 0 N-!i ITE ·1 as well as itl concentration on tennis. Information: (949) 717-3870. \A:)luntMf drMw't.,. nMded to help deliver nutritlou5fy p~red meals to homebound, frafl or tlder1y clients Incapable of lhopping or coold09 for themMIVM through "Moblle MMI•," sponeorecl by ASH-Hatt>or AIM Inc. Ind Ho-o Hoepltel. Cati (Ml) MM060 for more lnformetion.. ' • FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -a..tt.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Delly Piiot. 330 W. Bay St,, CoSUI M9M, CA 92827 •Ru deft Hodne: Cell (949) &42-8086 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 E-mail: Send to daitypilot@lstimes.com •All correspondence mutt lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for vet1flcatlon purpoees). The Piiot reteNeS the right to edit all aubmlatlona for cfarfty and len~~ I LEITER TO THE EDITOR The ligh_t q,nd dark of life H igh density and Lraffic burdens are not the only worrisome precedents the masstve 190 I Newport condo project would set. As part of the public hearing, the Costa M~ City Council will consider a "threshold of significance" for shade and shadow impacts to residential properties from new construction The threshold proposed by lhe environmental report for the project says, "A significalll impact occur. when the pro~ pro1ect ~t" shade or shadow onto :.ensitive land uses in adjacent off-site area" for more than two hours between the hours of 10 am. and 3 p.m." 1ltis is not a \..osta Mt'Sa standard, but one made up for t.he occasion. Before prcx:et>ding \\1lh the hearing on 1901 Newport, it ts important for the city of Costa Mesa to adopt its own standard, one that is appropriate lo our city and reflects our current residential envirorunent. and quality of life. The author of this environmental report cites a Los Angeles threshold as support for the one proposed for Cos1a Mesa ·n1e LA. threshold sa}'l> only three hours of sunJi1:1it between 9 am. and 3 p.m. is OK. The proposal for Costa Mesa sa}'l> it's OK for new construction to shade a front yanJ all but three hours a day. Both instances assume three hours of sunligh1 a day is a suitable local sumdard. 111.C, is nol appropriate or acceptable for Losta Mesa We are not in as intense of an urban enV1t0nment ~ I .o'> Angele<;. Such a standard allow-. a much greater negative' impact to Costa Mesa\ quality of life than is befirung our environment Costa Mesa re~idents who have fron1 yards. whether rente!'l> or ownel">. use and take pride m the outdoor area available to them South facing residences that enjoy full sun all year round should be protected from such a radical loss of winter SWllighL 1llat is about ~ of the day's sunlight. gone. Front yctrds should be protected from shadows greater than those from a twcM>tory home across the street. Re<>idents !JlouJd have a reasonable expectation that development around them will be consistent with what is allowed by zoning and the city's general plan. It's sometimes a case of buyer beware. because whats planned·may be different than what is currentJy in the neighborhood However, in IJ1e specific instance of the Bernard Streel properties, there is no way they could have anticipated this change because the general plan and zoning for the property across the street didn't allow it. We will ask the City Council. "Please don't adopt such a restrictive limit for Costa Mesa" Residents want to save the suburban character that we value so m uch. If the council approve:. lhe environmental report for 1901 Newport without changes, it would be a de facto adoption of this inappropriate standard. As a city, we should set ourown standard first, and lhen evaluate project applications to see if they comply with the standards we deem appropriate for our city. ROBIN LEFR.ER Vice presJdent, Costa Mesa Citizens for Responsible Growth Costa Mesa • EDfTOR'S NOTE; Costa Mesa Citizens for Responsible Growth, which is fighting the condo project planned for 1901 Newport Blvd., has been sued by the proiec:t's developer MAILBAG Tel Phil started Market Place, Tel Phil should run it Wilh regard to the Orange County Pair Doud opening the Market Place operation to so-calJed competitive bidding. lb.is action demonstrates a typical government mind set Being unable to exercise creativity In the use of resources. the board can only try to cheapen a prosperous, ongoing business by substituting a lower bidder mentality for one ongoing change and improvement. Without Thi Phil Enterprises' inventiveness and creativity, the Martet Place would not exist Don't mess with success; leave the Market Place management and operation with Tel Phil Enterprises. PETER J. ANO LINDA L. OETH Costa Mesa An alternative to Marinapark proposal I submit an alternate plan for the proposed. and controversial, Marinapark hotel. I think this is a m u ch better plan, as it keeps the traffic off the peninsula . We have an area of town that needs to be tom down and rebuilt. It is known as Lido Village, and it has a large m arina also in need of replacem ent. The reason I say it needs to be rebuilt is that it doesn't conform to new standards and ii is brick. so It is hard to reinforce. The parking structure may be aJ:?le to be saved after It has had support pilings installed under it. This sUe would make a perfect resort because the existing six-floor office/nightclub building at the south end would make perfect hotel rooms. The village Itself could still have waterfront restaurants, but with private sultes above. catered by the restaurants below. You could have a couple of conference rooms, too. The office building immedJately neX!·tO the Arches Bridge could have hotel rooms, also. This would provide a ~shot in the arm " to the economies of the theater, mark.et, drug store and charter boat business. The old Bank of America building would make a great lobby and already has a vault for hotel security and safery d eposit boxes. This location is close to the oceanfront and is on the harbor. It ii zoned for medJum 10 dense traffic and close 10 Coast Highway and the Costa Mesa Freeway. If the dry needs more money. then instead of building a $30-mWlon ciry hall, seU the property and the resort could wrap around the shopping center. You could even build the parking structure the dry has proposed and have that much m ore revenue. City administrative offices could move to the non-harbor-front rooms in the building next to the Arches Bridge. Cily Council meetings could be h eld in one of the resort's many conference rooms. Now, instead of a new City Hall costing us $30 million. we receive money for the property. Everybody wins. The Marinapark site should be developed into a youth and senior cidun sailing center; after all, the city of Newport Beacb does conduct sailing classes from this beach. Tennis courts could be recondJtioned; add some basketball ' , . ' \ courts and rebuild the kids playground area. If there must be some kind of · · V incom e from this site, parking .,.~ meters can accomplish It. Let's not lose one of the last • <::; harbor-front open spaces. Once it's.-.:. gone, the people will never get it · ~ • bac:Jc. .· :• Maybe we could even bring back;. _ · lawn bowling here. LARRY BARREJT Newpon Bea'-b, · I ' .... Commentary bridged the issue perfectly . ' . The commentary by Eric Bever .. pubUshed in the July 29 Daily Pilot ii& ,, the best discussion about the 19th ., . Street bridge I have seen c·Qualiry Qft •• life the issue with Santa Ana River . , _ bridges·). Anyone who did not read and . understand it should look back to .. that issue to read it The construction of the 19th Street •• • bridge should be done as soon as possible. MElRICHlEY Costa Mesa HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY Of COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (714) 754-5223 Meyor. Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor. Mike Scheater and Chris Steel crrv Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beacn City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Meyor. Steve Bromberg Counc:il: Gary Adams. John Heffernan, .Did( Nicnols, Gary Proctor; Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb U.S. SENATE •Barbara Boxer (0 ), i12 Hart Senate Building, Suite 112, Washington, 0 .C. 20610. (202) 224-3553; or312 N. Spring St., Suite 1748, Los Angeles, CA90012. (213)894-5000; fax (213) 894-5042; E-mail: boxer.Hnste.govlcontactlwebform. •Dianne Felnstelll"l0), 331 Har1 Building. Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3841; or 1111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025, (310) 914-7300 E-mail: sanator@feinstein.S8nate.gov PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R). White House. ltnl P8nnsytvania !We .• Washington, D.C. 20500. E-mail: president@whitshouse.gov A ;pecial§~~ ~!~pa~t~ru~!~lming Brightening the Uves of Children football season for the hi gh schools in Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Corona del Mar ahd Laguna Beach; also Goldenwest and Orange Coast Colleges. IN ADDITION TO REACHING 75,000 HOMES, WE WILL ALSO DISTRIBUTE THE SECTION AT ALL SEASON OPENERS. Space & Copy deadline: Friday, August 29. 2003, 5 p.m. Release date: Monday, September 8, 2003 Distribution dates: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 -DaiJy Pilot Thursday. September J l , 2003 -Independent Friday, September J 2, 2003 -Coastline Pilot For advertising idfonnation, call: Daily.A Pilot H U1tt1i'li.tD1t ll•C • INDEPENDENT 1 ••••• aoe• COAS11..INE PILOT 949.642.4321 949.642.4321 949.494.4321 ,, Give to the Los Angeles Times Summer Camp Campaign. c.mp ohr1 a heakhy att.mauw for many low-income children who may be so-uglln& with challe,..a. lc Is a place wn.,.. the ll'1IY cl~ of po"erty is repbc~ by tunny skies and the sound of lauihtw- ancl where a posldYe per~ can flnally be disc~. You can brlaMen the ltfe of a chHd this summer. The nm.. Summer Camp Camf>alan pnMdet dlsadvancapd children ~ Southern California a one-wwk amp experleoce. Fot- wery dol._,. you cOMrtbutit. the McCormick TribuM foundaOon wtll add 50 c~. The Los ~la r.-~ che McCormick Tribune Fouodetlon ebtorb all admlnmntr.. cdsu, to I~ cl~ donadon and endt'9 mac.c:hl,. funds So dlrecdy c.o carnpenNpsl Give the gift ~ FUNI M9b,...,. donation todayt .. _.. tO ,_, penon.I,,.. °'die~ and~ ct.t ._~from d. amp ~1n1M,...oflMLol~TlnwOf'~-w.t>·•·-~~ ---------------------------------~ Vasi • want'° Mlpt ... ,,... .............. ........ , O ta 0 1111 01180 osno OtlOO OOlllett __ _ l.:~!.:~c:!::=J 0 , .......................... u.,... e.-a...c:i...-.. o ............. _. .... o* o.....a.. o ....... r.-I c. ... "'*' lilbt ...... .,..._._. ... ._.._.,,;,....,..w ....... .._,.,_ ..,..._ ._ ..................................... .-...... ., ... _ -----··------.-·------···-.. ·--·-··-------··-·---·-···-·~ ~----ll11 .. 0111 ... LATW,-.mn. -----------------------------------' • • QUOTE OF THE DAY "In one simple word it is fun . You have the feeling that you are flying." Jennifer ParlHa, Olympic trampoline competitor Da/t1 Pilot ·Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (94YJ 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (9491650-0170 YOUTH SOCCER EYEOPENER Daily~Pibt AuguS1 I 0 hooo<u JEFF CLARK Wednesday. August 6. 2003 A7 Knocked down, but not out Lawsuit doesn't dampen spirits as local regions have systems in place to give children ideal soccer experience. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot ?be American Youth Soccer Organi1.a- ti0f1 may have suffered an initial shock. but the consensus among those a..\.'>oci - ated"With the nonprofit soccer conglom- erate is one of resistance, the "We will survive, n o matter what" manln1. While last month'~ announcement thlft AYSO was suing former Region 97 Commissioner Anthony Ani.'>h for alll'g- edly misappro priating $100.000 in or· ganizational fu nds into hi-, own bu'>iness and to his landlord m ay have cau~ht some off-guard and stirred tlw water<1 a bit, several coaches, board member'> and parents remain confident this late<>! brash of negative publicity will not tar- Fl • lll Newport Beac h resid e nt Jennifer Pa rilla is on the fast track to go back to the Games, this time in Greece. .. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot T he tram poline !>hoots her up, :m feet in thl' air. She is practically nying. While levitating. ~he llipl> and . twists, curlt. and tuck.'> before landing on a 3· by r,.fool painted area within the tr.Lmpoline. And, then flies aird.in and .1gain. Welcome to Jennifer P'.:mlla's world. Parilla, a Newpon Bea1..h rcl>ident. won the gold medal in the senior elite trampoline competiuon a t the USA Gymnastics nalional champion.ships in Sacrdmento July 22. Now the 22-year-old i:-. in Pocatello. Idaho preparing for two world cup competitions that will be in Belgium and the ('3.ech Hepublic. Her goal is to return to the Olympics, and she wants to place higher than she did in 2000. when she finished ninth in the event that made its Olympic debut m Australia. The trampoline, just like ot11er gymnastic even ts, is judged . Competitors mu~t continually land on the painted area within the trampoline so not lo lose points. To gain points. they must perform variow skills, I 0 straight during two routines, a compulsory and an optional For example, most of the time, • Parilla will complete a triffis -a triple somersault with a half twist on • the third rotation -to begin her optional routine. A typical routine lasts o nly 20 seconds, a remarkably short time compared with the practice and tranining Parilla has put in throughout the last I 6 years. "I know it sounds like it should be pretty easy, but h's a tough sport,· said Parilla, who has been part star. • part pioneer of the event that is • gaining more interest within the gymnastic commwtlty. "The No. I • thing I like about trampoline Is how • dilferent it is &om a backyard trampoline. You can jump 30 feet in the air. ln one simple word it is run. You have the feeling that you are flying.'' ' Parilla. who went to El Thro High ~ for two years and then took home _ achooling because of her competition scbedule, became £amiliar with the trampoline when she received a free leseon for her sUdl birth.day. ever since, Parilla has been wortdng her w.y toward stardom ln the event. After bet gold medal at the • na.donal champioMblps, the S.fooc.t, 116-pouod Plrtlla became a four.dme wtnner of the senior elite b'lmpOUlle competition. She WU the U.S. nadooll uampoUne chld\p6on In 1999, 2000 and 2002. Sh9 II Mio an l l ·dme eenJor ellle , IUdlollll dwnp6oo In the uampotine, 11bh •meeds allure i11 Ncwpo11-Mesa. • "I don't think thi.'> will have that much impact on soccc1 ," Ion nch. Hegion 120 corrnr1i!>.'>ioner for Lhree years and cur re11~ referee dJld AYSO parent, said. "It tl> a wakl:'·Up call lo the AYSO nation !><IY· ing, 'We belier makl' l>ute that we know what is going on with the money.' " Members of the board of cLrector'> and comrnbsioners' adherence to AYSO rulei. were i'kh's priorities in Reg1011 120 evl'n before he wa'l i11 charge. "The board holds the region account- ahll' fur lthe comm issioner's) perform· arin.'." i'kh !>aid. "The way the prograrn i~ run i.., a result of all the boaw mem hf'r'> doing their job!>: AYSO. an aJl-volunteer orga1111~11ioo. ha ... financial rt«.1u11cments the boJ.rd mu-;t adhere to ... ud1 ,I')· all chedt!> wnt- ten by the region requ1tl' two signature ... a11d t'ach mu\I dl',1r bank account'> managed by the o~m1v.<1tion. /jch '><!Id. lJndcr AYSO rule'>, J.n appointed trl'a l>Urer receive-, thl' check back from AV~> and i-, '>llppol>ed 10 rep1111 it to the bo,11d t'<trh month al a rPgion met•ting. fa1d1 EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third and final installment in an ongoing summer series that examines youth soccer in the Newport-Mesa community. Lreasurer must also assist the regional cumrni!>:.iuner in the preparation of both the annual budget and financial statf'· ment, given to the National Support and ·1r.1ining Center before and up(Jn rnn· clu.'iion of 1he '>Cason. "I took tht· treasurer's report and gave Iha! tu a1 anther board member lo look ove1, /JL h ...aid. "I laving another per ... 011 lool.. O\t't <t haril.. ,iaiement 1. "". I 1c.lea." lkfere1h c dwck!> on pottn11a1 . gional co111mi~ioner'> have been tJ, .. hut AYSO ha.., only bt>1-,'l1n '>tag111g l>.il ~ ground clwd~-' the la'>t lew year~. a11 olfi L'taJ Wllh the nonprofit ~id. Wt'll bl'lore the n•cent law ... u11 "'"' '>entative ... Imm lkgio11 j7, wh1 I. ...1 ... GYMNASTICS toward the 01 Corona de! Mar. have monHurcd volun- teer-, 10 en.,ure that adult!> enu Ul>tcd to interact with children ht't-d t\\ ~)'.., Five l'htlo'>ophies, which are: everyone is re- quired to play half the game. the teams arc balanced. registration is open. coad1e-, di'>play positive attitudci. and i.:ood 'iportsmanship is shown. 'Jwo or three tim ei. a season, typically in August when he has several applica- tion:. from interested coache:.. referee~ cu1d administraton., Jim Percival, child and protection advocate for H~on 57. will reference the Meagan\ I .aw t.lata· ha'ic: ill the police station to c;ee if any ol the volunteers submitting applicatiom .lrt' regi.,tcred 'lex offender:.. l'ernval\ joh centtr'> on en ... uring l o;.wlw-.. ; Jen ts. adm11 ''"" awr-, ,mt.J pl.tyl·r.., .ia· '><'lting good L .,,1mplt"l and lollowi11g AY~O's Five l1htlo ... oph1e .... ~ornt·ttrne-, coaches !>lray fnin • Uldl phi· lo.,1Jpl.1 when handling thl u tt-.1m'-. at \\h1ch .ime league l'omm1!>!>llJ11t:r., dlld b1J,1rd 111..-mhers are not1fiul .1111.l ldll tal-t· lhl' appropriate ac111,.1 ·1wo l'Xamplt''> ol l>dlJ. ""'that would • m lCS Trampoline gymnast Jennifer Parilla, a Newport Beach resident, is hoping to qualify for the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece and improve upon her ninthi>face finish at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydne~. Australia. synchronized trampoline or for the 2004 Olymplc Garnes in medalist at the trampoline world double-mini trampoline events. Athens, Greece. championships.. "l 6gure if I'm going There are four disciplines as part of Parilla will once again attempt to to the Olympics. I might as well train the trampoline, but the individuuJ qualify the U.S. as one or the with a very good coach.· trampoline event is the one tm countries to participate in the 2004 After the 2004 Otympics. Parilla is Olympic competition. Olympics. Th.en she will cump~te in tentatively planning to go on tour Before the 2000 Olympics. Parilla the 2004 Olympic aiaJs for with USA Gymnanics. She is hoping earned a bid for the U.S. to send one gymnastics at the Arrowhead Pond. to medal at the Otympit's and then woman for the trampoline event 10 June 24·27. ride out the celebration.. Sydney. Then. she won the Olympic Before each major competition, ·0eyond that. my life is pretty trials to advance to the Olympic& Parilla said &he will llllin ln Idaho much open," said PlrilLa. who has Now she ls hoping to duplicate ber with coach Oleg FedotOY and U.S. 1abn athldk training ~ a t efforts. men's trampoli~ dwnpfon Ryan Orange Cout College. • 1 don't know if Parilla. who WU named to the U.S. Westoo. l wHI May with the ~n. I lc;now a a,. senior nattooal aampollne ttam for ·1 came hcte before th naOonal part uf '1le ts gMng my penonal life• the 10th ualght )"!V, will compete In championshap. and that worked go.~ baW! bem tome people I.he uampoline world reaDy well," aid IW\Da, who b8I who recite frotn me IP.Kt In dW champeou:Jlipa. ln •1anwtr. p&aced tec0nd. tounh. ~lb and mlcM~• and th~n ·c:ome back. h\ a Germany. Oct. 17· I~. The 200J ~th I.I priot wodd wp epon tt.t'ibot'->a l1lld on your WUltdt II che Olym1 · ... ~, ewnt competidone and ii a thne·time bones." re4uirt• attention would be if a coach c. favoring a cenam player over the rest of the team or if an otlkial fails to follow '>ugg~ticin., made by the board, Percival ~id. An awrnge week will yield an averdge of one to 1hn•e complaints. pertaining tu di'ipute'> or altercallnn.\ -typically not phy-.ical -involving inappropriate con duct by <1 rnach, parent or player. Peret val <>aid. "TI1a1 could he rnache"> not treating kid'> fairly or ahul>1ng referee!> or player., abu.,ing rcl!:'ree<.." Pert·ival :.aid. I le addt'tl that a'> ol last month, thert were four or live people who will mo~t likely not he aUowed to coach next year bct.auw "we have learned that their bt- hav10r wa.<, detrimental (to A~OJ." After .mending a hoard mecun" a few day .. later. Percival leanwd that numbt-r wa ... -,lightly h1glwr. Hut the unruly hehav10r often got..., again-,1 lhl' nonn. Percival said. "Nmetv-111ne percent of the peoplt See SOCCER, Paee A8 MEN 'S BASKETBALL 'Eaters go own ullcfer • once again UCI basketball will have one scho lars hi p re maining if NCAA clears guard'from Australi a, who wo uld becom e second Aussie o n the team . Steve Virgen Daily Pilot Aaron Hruce. a 6-foot·2 guard who helped lead Au_c;tr.ilia to the World Junior Bask.t'tball champion!>h1p last month. plans 10 play for I IC Irvine I.hi:. season. pending clearance from the NCM. ar cording to publbhed reports and Man I toward. tht: media relaoon!> director for Hasketbilll Au .. '>traha. "He was offered a M:holarship to play over there !UL Irvine!.'' Howard said "And, it\ been repo11ed on over here that he plans 10 go tJ1ere." Bruce ha-. .ipplied for cla'lSe!. at UCI, according w the WUT1mera Mail-limes in Australia. UCI and its basketball coaches cannot di.'>Cll!>S the recruiting of Bruce. since he soil needs to be cleared by the NCAA But the Amealers do have lWO scholan.h1p:. available because of the tTansfers of Devaughn Peace and Ryan Codi. Bruce is fini.shi.ng his final tes~ at the Australian Institute of Sport. the same school that current UO pla}"!f Nie CarnpbeD came from. Campbell missed the majonty of last season with a bad in- jury. bu t is expected to return this season. He played sparingfy in three games last season before suffering the bad injury. Bmce came off the bench and scored 25 points to lead the Australians to a 106- 85 victory over the U.S. July 17 at the \\brld Junior Basketball Ownpionships in Greece. "He wasn't on the radar wtlil he had that big game against the U.S.," Howard said "He WclS playing real well in that game." A day after the game. foxsport\.com re- poned that Bruce was bound for UO. so the Anteate.rs were more than likdy re- auiting Bruce before the upset OYel' the Amedcans. who were undefeated in the tournament heading into their pme against Australia. 8roc:e SCOl'1!!d 10 points.~ Aa.db"alia de- feated Qoatia. 97-84, in che aemilnak o{ the wottd championsbipl. Bruce "*"'d a ~ in~ but atiD came blick to dis· tribute four assists in l6 minuca in cbe Au8tllllians' dtJe..winnlng pme. It was the first ~ ~ "'bMll:et· ball (or Auscralia. The Au9lnlian lnsdtule of Spon"t ..., the lillJ 8ruQe as a aa-d wtlb .,_ tpft!ll magy and cmbt ' rn. Ht Wll moa thm aety be one ol dvee ~who wtl be ....... ., be =~~ ..... -=-: ai.Sdll ................. . b IN ...-..·1poi111• ,....._ C. ._ '**up ... Qiip ... ,... .... ~..,.. ............... ... c--~---~~;.o;_---.;_.....-..___.,__~~~..;_--~~----~~~~--~~~~Jdanil.. -. YOUTH SOCCER The Newport-Mesa Breakers 9-and 1 Q.year-old girls club soccer team captured the Long Beach Sun and Surf International August 2-4, improving their overall record this year to a perfect 17-0-0. Breakers win Sun & Surf title The Newport-Mesa Breakers, a soccer club team consisting of 9· and 10-year-old girls from Cosca Mesa and Newport Beach, cap- tured the Long Beach Sun .& Surf Internacional girls under-JO divi- sion titJe after winning six straight games m Long Beach, August 2-4. The Breakers won their third straight tournament of the sum- mer and they remained unde- feated, with a record of 17-0-0. In the final, the Breakers de- feated So Cal United, 5-2. The Breakers reached the title game after finishing first in their pool and posting a 3-2 semifinal win. whiJe So Cal United had ad· vanced with an overtime semifi- nal victory over the So Cal Blues. Anna Venturini gave the Breakers a 1-0 lead off an assist from Josie Jogwe. The Breakers' lead increased 10 2·0 when Sierra Gordon laced a shot into the net after some creative dribbling. But United came back and tied the score, 2-2, early in the second half. However the Break· ers' defense stiffened behind the goalie play of Lauren Terry and the offense came alive with two more goals from Venrurini and one from Rachel Kerce, leading the Breakers to their third titJe of the summer. In order to reach the final. the Newpon-Mesa club team had lo record a 3·2 hard-fought semifi- nal victory over the Santa Ana Strikers. Kerce gave the Breakers an early 1-0 lead with a beautiful left-foot laser that beat the keeper a1 the near post The Strikers answered with a conver· sion on a comer kick and the teams were tied 1-1 at halftime. Selling Price .............. $21 ,980 factory Rebate ............ ·$3,000 5 TO IET COST TO YOU =s1a,980 VIN. I 'S 3A93083, 3111131, 3C17758,3C17809,Sl15117 In the second half, Qaire Cas- tillo converted an indirect kick just outside the penalty area, giv- ing the Breakers a 2· 1 lead. Ven· turini increased the lead to 3-1 when she received a through ball from Courtney Mcintosh. beat the sweeper with a lace cut and knocked a shot inside the near post. Brooke Lux. Shanay Fischer and Castillo held off a furious raUy from Santa Anita to secure the win. The Breakers also ~cored pool· play victories over Crescenta Val- ley soccer club. 3-1. and So Cal United, 7-2. Then they edged We!>! Coast Premier. 3-2. Terry slopped a penalty kick on the game's final play 10 ensure the win. The Breaker~ wrapped up first place in pool play with a 8' I vic- tory over San Diego Spirit. GIRLS WATER POLO 'I CdM finishes 25th in JQs .. ~ The Corona deJ Mar girls water polo club teatn finlshed 25th at the USA Water Polo JWllor Olym- pics, which ended Sunday and took place at various high schools throughout Orange County. CdM, whicb includes players from the high school. lost lts first SOCCER Continued from A 7 out there are wonderful people. who are doing a great job." Perci- val said "People mature with age. They need to step back and lei go of the compedtiveness and reaJ. ize it's all about the kids. "We try to modify their behav- ior to be more of a po itive role model." ••• AYSO provides coaching clinlcs for those new to the game, while reinforcing specific tactics learned by those with more ex- perience. "The coaching clinics teach en- try-level coaches lechnlcal. ball and game slcills," said Kirk Mein· tosh. creator of the annual Daily Pilot Cup and Regjon 97 board member. "If you have never played soccer before, you won't have the first idea of how 10 run a practice. You can't just throw balls out there because no1 everyone will be happy. An unhappy parent will realize you're not getting any· thing accomplished." AYSO provides free volunteer training whether ii be for a coach. referee, commissioner, safety offi- cer or field supervisor and some regions provide a paid-rraining program that presents a more tn· depth lesson. Region 120 features a training program called "Super." a joint match Saturday, 3-2. to Los An· gel.es. but came back to win Sun- day to finish 25th after defeating the CHAWP club of Otlno Hills. 8-4, at CapJstrano Valley High. Vivian Uao and Jordan Anae scored one goal each Saturday. but <JdM could not overcome a session with UC Irvine. which gives 300 to 500 A'i'SO coaches in· struction by "experienced profes- sionals.• Zich said "In AYSO. everyone plays. It's not like club: Zich said "AYSO is about positive sportsmanship and positive coaching." Volunteering can be a substan- tial time commitment, said Mcintosh, who also coaches a club team "The commissioner is a diffi · cull and time-consuming job." he said. "You have to organiz.e and go to all of the meetings, set up the fields and deal with the city vendors." And Alli.sh put in hls time, ac- cording to Mcln1os.h. "Tony Anish wanted to cake the region to a higher level." he said. "I got e-mails from hlm sent at I or 2 in the morning. He would line lhe fields and (officiate) games. He devoted numerous hours (lo AYSOI. far more than anyone else in lhe region." During the season. Mcintosh spends an average of eigh1 hours a week between coaching and a1 - 1ending board meetings. But it is time well spent in his eyes. "Coaching for me is enjoy· able." he said. ·1 have a stressful occupation (attorney). so it's my way of releasing some of that. I look forward to it" ••• Phillip Greenberg, a coach for the last five seasons and current 3~ I deficit However, Katya E&- dlngton scored three goals ·to lead CdM to the victory ~r CHAWP. Amy Strack. Kade Kubei. Natalie Wayte, Anae and Uao contributed one goal each, whlJe Brittany Fullen recorded ftve' saves. board member for Region S'Z, Which covers Corona del ~­ was inltlally "disgusted" when )le 1.eard about the recent lawsttlt •• but remains confident in ~ thrust of volunteers that make AYSO tick.. During the season. Greenberg, the region's director of fields, Will spend eight to 10 hours a week on AYSO-rela1ed endeavors. Job descriptions are laid ou1 for positions such as regional com- missioner to learn parent to rd'·- eree scheduler 10 snack ... buyer. all given by the AYSO ~ cional Support and Training<:&.:. ter. : .... Part of the difficulty in ove~; sight is the constant change ~= volunteer!> every year. Mcln1oslt-- said. • !· "The members on the bo~ ... change all the Lime," Mclnl~. said. "Your child might be in ~ SOJ. bu1 then goes into dub,'"l<>- the parents aren't in1eres1ed in volunteering any longer." Confidence by both 7Jch, Greenberg and Mcintosh cenlt>~ on the commitment of the votnn- teers who show up at the begin- ning of every soccer beaSC>n eagerly awaiting a chance 10 heJp QUI "(Soccerl has been such a popular spon m chis area ... there will be a great deal of fallout and a 101 of people will be left wondenng. ~ Greenberg ~d of the re<:enl law.uh. "But there is a good enough program that in the long run, everytlUng will be fine.· Selling Prfc:• .............. $17, llO Dlacount OFF MSRP ....... $3,000 Factory Rebate ............ ·$2,500 Ford Credit Rebate ....•.... ·$1000 •Tl IET COST TO YOU =•14,480 VII. t'S 3233277, mml. '244121. m.t factory Rebate ............ ·$3,000 ' TO llET SAVlllS •s&,000 VIN. I 'S 3F375N3, 371105,3f435707,3F4357oa 2MO legal Nadca TS No. O:Mll2t3 Doc: ID I00019300'71l'100SN Tl1le Ordlt No. 017033t50 lrMt-. torlliwurw No. 001930079 APN No. 425-452-15 NOTICE OF Tl'USTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UN- OEA A DEED OF TRUST, DATED C3/71m#l. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PAOnCT YOUR PAOf>ERTY, IT MAY BE SOU> Al A PUBLIC SALE. If YOU NEED AH EXPUHATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PAOCEEOIHG AQAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD COHTACT A LAWYER." Nodcl la '**'Y g1wn tNt ere R4lll e... ServlcM, • ~nt9d "'*-* '°the DMd l nm bllCIMd by HEATIER D. WAT· TlRSl ~ UNMARRIED WOM~ m.d 0Vl71ZW2 end ,. cord9d OWW02, • llllCrUment No. 200202lm!J.n .~ • ,,. • of umcMI ... cords In the ofllce of the County "9cordlr °' Orange Councy, ..... of C9lfor'Nll. ""' ... on oem/1003 111 2;00PM, AT THE NORnf ~ m. TMNC2 TO THE COUNTY c:ou.T· "°'*-1'00 CMC ceHTlfil OfWI WOT, UHTA AHA, CA II ........... ..,... ........, '°' cMtl Ot dlldl • llns 1bed tlllOW, ...... lftM ll ................ ......... OOfto .................... ..... ~ .... Dledol "'*' In .. llf'Ol*ty ~ ........ COunty ............... .., ....... t\ .. ........ .-Died ol TNIL "'9 .... ........... -9 h ltlllD IO lf ..,, ,, .. ..., ... .., ............ . m ... '" ~. OOITA ..... CA. ..,. "" ..,.. ..... , ....... ..... ..,....,.., ~I 1 U .. ................ ..-------~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.l.i--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ S1lllOM5 1.01 llD TIMI, DATI ANO ,LACI COSTA MISA HIGH SCHOOL A. 114 o.,. .. .,,, 11 .... _,. 114 o-t111 ... i Tu••'-Y. s.,., • ...._ff JOtl\, 200S1 2:00 P·"'· B Place of 81d Receipt Newpor I Men Un1hed School DtStroct Purcha~1n1 ?98~ B Beai Sl!ul. Costa Mna Ca 92626 C Proiect Nitme Musurt1 ·A· Modern1zatron Cosfa Mesa H1ah School D Place Plans ue on Ille PROJECT MANAGER"' office. McC1rlhy Building Compi1n1es. 10401 S W 81tch Str~et Suite 300 Newport Beach CA 92ii60 McCarthy Bu1fd1nt Compan1es/Musure .,, Offrce l985·C Bear Sheet Cost' Mesa Ca 92626 1.02 SUMMARY Of WOH1 Protect Descrrptoon This pro1ecl cons!lts of tne phased modern1Ht1on of Costa Mesa H111h school rn tne Newporl Mua Unified School Drslroct Specrhcally. he.Ith & saltly compl11nce ADA compllance. burldrne shell mtear1ty up11rades clusroom interiors technolo1Y and infrastructure upif•du Prehmmitry Esltmitte S9 500,000 00 l .OJ HOTKli A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Newp<>fl Meu Unified School 01slr1cl actrna by and lhrouah 1t"s Governmc Board wtll receive sealed brds for award of a contract fOf the above-named Project up to. but not lettl' than the btd deadhne B Bids shall be received rn the place 1dent1f1ed above Whether or not bids are opened euclly at tht time fhed rn th" notice. no brd wrll be received after the bid IJudhne. C PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILABLC AUGUST 12th, 2003. The documents may be reviewed at the PROJt:CT MANAGER's office (see address item H below) OR CAN 8£ PURCtlASCO fROM IHTUIHIT llUlf'llHTr 1'J72 c-etruttf.,. Certter, ltvfne, CA. 92606, (949) SS2-7SH , IAX (94') SS2-t 209 !> The District wlll be inillalina end enlorcin& • labor Compliance Proaram in 1ccordance with the provl5ion1 and requ1rtmtnts of Assembly Biii - 1!>06 and pursuant lo C1flfo111h1 Labor Code uct1on1 I 770 et. seq All con111ct0fs and theif epphc:abl• subc:ontracton performma on the project srte will be required to comply with 1111 requirements of lhe labor Compliance Proaram 111cluslv1 of, but not llmlttd to provldlna the lab« Compll1nce Officer Of hl.,tl!er dnianated represenleltve the ri&llt to conduct 01ud1t• interv11wa of lhe tndesmen pertormina on the project site on an 11 deemed necusary basis durlna employees normal workinc' hours. al no additional cost to th• 01str1ct. or any of th• 01stnct's rtpresentatlves or •rents [ Each BIDD£R must post a b•d bond 01 other secu11ty In the amount of IO'Mt of the amounl of lht bid with th• brd f heh BIDOER. s1mult1neously with l11e eJecution of Ill• Conlr.ct A&reement, will t>. required lo lu1nlsh 1 laboi and Mater11t PerfOfmance Bond in an amou11t equal to I 00 percent of the Contract sum and • f 11thfut Ptrlorm1nc1 Bond In '" amount equal to 100 percent of the Contract Sum Said Boncb shall be fr om an admitted Calltofl•I• Sutety ut1Sfutory to the Oistrkt and listed In th• r ader•I Resister. 1u~d by the Department of Treasury end hcensed in Cat1f0fn11 Said bonds shall remain 1n lull l0<ct and tlftct throucti Ille auarantff ;>trlOd G The BIOOER shall k • hcenMd contrector pur1111nl to llle Business and Profuslonaft Code and b• licensed In t!M applk1bl1 claulfiutlons for the trades for which lh• contractor 11 sublfllltm1 •bid H. Thts project hH 3~ Otsabltd Veteran Buslfl•,. Ent1ttp11se ptrticlp•tion 1011\ ' t Questions 1bo11t this PROJ£CT should be directed to the PROJECT MANAGER Contact 80M1e Marlin. Ttltphone 714/424 8950. fwm. McCarthy llulldln1Co. rAX 714/424 8951 J, Ho Bid m4y bt wlttuhwn unhl Ninety d1y1 after the llld Openln1 Dete. ~ The O"trlct resenu 1114 11Cllt to relec:t any ind 1111 bids 0< to waive lrrecutarltlu In any bid l !Qwp0tt Mesa Unified School 01st11ct IS 1n •equal opportuntty• employer . M. flt• MMwt wtW i.. r41l1"lrfll •• pr~Nltfy. for Pftqu111flutlon pach1H P .. •H cOflle<I tlle l"fofld Mantt., •t •bo•• eddf•~ H. No telephone 0< lanlmllt m•ch)ne will b1 n11t1ble to blddtn 011 t11e O!STRICT P'•lllltea 11 th• lune ol bl4l 'ubl1slled Htw t l11cl1·Co~t• Mna 0.11 "'°'A st 8 U 2003 l4S I (CllAOOM MMCW.l NOTICE TO OEFEN DANT. (AVtso ' Acusa do ) DONNA PENNY YOLlES, and DOES I throu&h 50. Inclusive. YOU ARE BEING SUCO BY PLAINTIFF· (A Ud le est• dem•nd ando) CINDY BRYANT. You have JO CALEN DAR DA'l'S atte<> th" summons 1s urved on you to Ille • typtwnllen response •t this court A ltlttr or phone call will not protect you. your typewritten ,.. sponse must be In proper lw11I form 1f you w1nt the court to heu you• case If you do not hie your response on trme you m1y lo\e lhe cue 1nd your •¥lits money 1nd property m1y be tahn without further w•r mn& Ir om the court. There are other leaal 1equrr1ments You may want lo cell 1n attOfney ri&hl away. ti you do not know an attorney, you may c•ll 1n 1ttorney referral service or 1 le11al 11d office (lrsted '" lhe phone booll) De'S9UIS Oe que le entreauen e1ta c1tacro,.. 1udicial usted lrene un pluo de 30 DIAS CAl ENDARIOS p1r1 pr.sen tar una rUCJUUt• tt crilAI a m1q;,1n1 en esta COftt Una c arte o una lt.mada ttlefonoca no le ofreceu prottccion, w rupunl• ucrih a maqulna ttene que cumphr con las formal· ld1des leaates •propia du sl ulled qufere que la corte escuche su ceso. SI usted no present• &u resputsla 1 llempo, puede perder al cno. y le p11ed1n qu1tar ~u ularlo. su dinero y olras cous!H su propiedad 11n ev"o 1dlc:ion1t por patt.t de le coc-te. C.~tan otros requlsi- tos lepln. Puede que u,1\ed qulwa ll•mar • un at1011do l11111edl1ta m1nlL Sl no conoce • un ebo11do. puadt llamllf a 11n sMvk:lo d• rafettncl• 0e •boc•dos o 1 un• ollc1na de 1yud• .... I (VH el difeclO<lo tell foriicO). CASI NUMlllb ( ......... c .•• ) Ot<Ctst1 I ,.,_..THOMAS Ill • TMIASHI .. sa. MPT.CH The name and address of th• court ts· (El nombft y dkecdon de 11 c0<te es) SUP( RtOfl COURT, 700 CIVIC CCN· TtA OflM wtST, P.O. aox 138, SANTA AHA • CALIFORNIA 92102 0838 fhe 111me. 1d6rna, and teltollone 11um1>« of plllnttff"s 1ttorney, Of pl•l"tllf wltho11t 111 atton11y 11: (El nombt1. la duccloll , el nuin1to oe teltfono del aboaado dotl dttM11de11te, o det de111uda1111 qua no tiMt abotHO, ti) I.AW OHICU or NICK O'MALlC!.1.. HtCK, O'alAU.EY ~~l. l lOS l AST SlVlN· fllNTM STllUT. SUIT( IOI, SANTA MA. CA 1270I, 714 ,.,,~ Ntlt~eCT U , ... AlAN SlA TIR, Cltrit (Actv.,le), lty OlGA MOllNO, De,.,ty (Delete4•l STATIMIHT OF l>AM· AGU (h r.-1 lftlu~ er Wre n9ful Deeth) CA SI HUM lllt 02CCISll l J v41e: Tl•-.. N. Thr .. her lo Oonna Penny Yolln Pl,.nt1H Cindy Brv.tnl seeks d1m11es in Ill~ 11bove entrtled action n follows I Gener .ti damit11n Pain. ~ufle11n1 ,rnd 1nconv1n1ence $1000000 2 Special 01m1au Medical uptnses Ito dale) $3,500 00 future rned1ci11I tapen\ts (pr esent value ) S2,500 00 Properly damace $2,500 00 Olhe<. Total SIS.500 00 Da te 7 /21/03 /SI NICK O'MAllE'I'. Esq Publ11hed Newpor t 8e1ch·Cosle Mesa Oally Pilot July 23. 30, Aueust 6. 13. 2003 WIJO SUP8lll COllT Of WOlllA, COllTY Of OIMtl SUP9Cll CGU11 -PIOIA11 M1111CJJ'UIM '· O. IOI 14171, CIUll&I, ~"6JJ..JS71, rnmalOf: .. PAllCI '9IOIA FOi ~OfllAll .. lOSIOWCMSIHll C.-Of- Wl-A220597 TO All INTERESTlO PERSONS l Petitioner. Oanltl Piii le., Pedroza ftt.d • petfllon with this court IOI" 1 dtc1" ch1n11nt namu u lollows· OANl(I. PATRICK PlOROlA lo OAH PATRICK ELIAS 2. THE COUAl ORO£RS lilat ell pttSOn• Inter· tstad In this matter r.llatl ape>ear before tltls co11tt at tlM hMfillf fndiutad b110w to allow '9ust, If •nr, •111 thl peltlloll lor cll1111e ol name •hovld not "r•nted. NOTIC or HURIHQ O•tt t-H•Ol T1in.· 2 00 pm01J>I L7l 'l'M ~u• of the~ ltMNM" tt0lilclelile ... S. A copy ol Ul1s Order to 5'l6w C'8UM ._.. " '"' ....... et ..... ...c. . ......... . sucunrve weell~ pnor to th• clllt set for hunna on lhe pclll)Oll ;n th• lot1ow1n11 ne,w\-, piper ol 11en•r•I c11cu l<1llon p11nled '" this 'ounl t Dail, Pllol Oeteo AUG 04, 200J MARJO Rl l l AllD"• CAITfl, JUDOI Of fttf SU,.RIOtt COUi t Publllhtd Newpor I Beach Cost4 Mes. 011ly P1lol Au&u\I 6 1 l 20 27 200J WIC . SlllB)I ((QT Of : WOllA, : COIMTY Of OIM$f. : 34 J City Mw, hp, CA , '2161 ·:·: """* Ofi • ...:.: o......-.u-. ODii TO SNOW CAll5l fOI OWlllOflUI --Wl-mMi• ; TO All INTERESTED : PERSONS. , I Pohllontr flied • • ptlllton with this court ; for • dtcrH ch1n11n1 1 n1mes n follows O.vin , Aleunder U1bu1 to ~ Devin l yl« Alu andt< • 2 THE COURT OllDERS • that 111 penons Inter • esltd In th1S matter shall • •ppur befOft th rs COUf I • :~~':: t":·:::oa..1~:~::-:; : 111y why lhe petition lor , chance of name \hollld ' not be cr•nted • HOTIC[ or HEARING ~ Otte SCP 16. 2003 , Time 2 00 pm Deot · l73 t fhe •ddr•n ol lhe court • Is ,..,,. H noled 1bove •, 3 A Coe>)' of th" Or def :• to Show cause shell be , pllbllshed at least once I H Ch WHll lor four ~ tuceu•tvt weells prior , to the dlle Ml for ' llearlne on lhe petition " In thl foltow'1n1 newt : P•I* of .. Miii CltcU• • talion, Pflntad In thl,1 • coun~ Htwcio<t 8HCll • Oally Piiot • ..... Aue .... ,... • MAUOIU UllO : CAllTP,, .... Of , ... S....0.COU9T ' f'ultll•IH4 Nawpott INCll Cotti ~ 01l4y \ ,!lot ""-ust t. IJ. 10, \ Z7. 200l Wl38 .. "" '• •. :: '• .• ~· 111 1lnn U1et 111111u•11t to Section& ZJ701·21715 of the B111ln•ss •nd ProfH· sk>M Co$, SICitlon 535 of tJI• P•n•I Code, NEWf'Oltl MESA SELF ST~CE. 2550 Newport Blvd., Cotti Mff•. CA 92627 will ull by competitive biddlnf on Alleust 26. 2003 at 0:00 a.r#: Auction to bl held ,., a:;50 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. CA 92627. ProCMwlY to bl told H fol,loWs: misc1llan1ous ho"'911ofd 1006s. per· sonal Items, furniture, 1pjfllence.s, ind clolhlna bel(lntln& to the fol· iowina: N1m1 ·Unit t PAIJLA DEICHMAN, 69 PAOLA DEICHMAN. 245 KIMBERLY SWOCER. 47 tolllt HERNANOEZ, 345 OAVIOSTARKEY, 747 POfttlA BROWN, 5'5 OONALO KRANICH, 366 KEN.Al PETERSON, 574 ~ <l..E'tfl.AN), 714 f/JHJf WM>SWCfffii. 53> ~~LER,70 RICHARD SIOOERS, AUCTION£ER P11bllsh1d Newport B"~h·Costa Meu Delly P1JOf ·July JO. August 6. 2C»3 WIJ6 SEU .......... ---The followlna per sons are dolna buslnus 11: Royal RHtty Pertners, 1601 Dove Sltfft, Suite 120. Ntwport Buch California 92660 ' Triumph Mott111e. (CA). 1601 Dove Slttet, Suite 120. Newport Buch. C•tilorma 92660 This bustness Is con· ducted by: a cotPoralion Han you started doine business yet? Yes, 07 / 11/2003 Triumph Mott1a11. John Cates, PreS1den1 1 his statement was ftled wolh lh• County Clerk ol Otan11e County on 07/14/03 200J6t51SOJ D11ly Pilot July 16. 23, JO, Aug. 6, 2003 Wl25 Mii. ..... "-*-' The lollowinc pen ons ere dotna buslneu u . ofloomtown American Sire.Iler Company, 1788 Monrovia, Costa Mua, CA 92627 Brad Thompson. 221 Diamond Ave., Newport Buch, CA 92662 John McCray. Jr . 431 E. 20th, Costa Men . CA 92627 Thts business ~ con ducted bvi a aenertl Policy Rates and deadlines are subjec1 lo change w1thou1 nolice. 1be publisher reserves the righl lo censor, re.classify, revise or reject any classified advenisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an ad'9ertisement for which it may be {Csponsible excepl for the cos1 of the sp~cc actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the firs1 insertion. .. . : ~ANNOUNCEMENTS ' & MISC. . ... ' ~ .. ~ ... GARAGE SAlf 1489 1 :r BUSINESS & FINANOAL 2305-2490 1160 ENTERTAINMENT A.111can Motorcycle si.-(Oakland Q\aplw) ..... «ts. 6 ~ al ,,..,."'4> pm <nree .. bllc1' Come!. w/photqrl!il of ~..member weir 1n1 ~. 'w-i um 5'112ill> 714'!>31 .JD) TOP $$ 4 U<ottl>S ETC mz. Cllmic. Elc. !Os & Sh .Ill Mee. spt. ~ .. Mtk• 949·645 7505 ·y ti Us Altout YOUR GARAGE SAU! la .CLASSIRED (t49) 642-5678 Callndlrof EVlflll 1310 (QUMHOllSll& OfPOl'MITY All real estate adver tos1ne In lhts newspaper Is subiect to the r eder al Fatr Hous•rt& Act ol 1968 as amended which makes ti 1lleeal lo advertoMO ·any prefer· ence. llmilatlon or doscrommation based on race. color, re1t1ion, su , h1ndtc1p, f1m11tal status or nattonal oneon, or an 1nt1nt10n lo make any such preference, ltmil•· !ton or d1sc;r 1mln11ion • This newspaper wm not lo.now1ncty accept any 1dvertosement for tell estate which Is on v1olatton of the law. Out r ea de rs are hereby mformed that all dwell· incs 1dvert1sed in this newspaper ate avatl1ble on an equal opl)Ortunity bests. To compl11n of dts· ctiminaloon. all HUO toll· free 11 1 ·80().424·8590. p11ttnenhip Have you atarted clolne buaineas yet7 YH July 13. 2003 Btad Thompson This st1tement was filed with the County Clttk of Orenae County on07/'l:d/03 200'6'52926 Deily Piiot July JO, Aug. 6, ll, 20, 2003 Wl37 Ac-.. ..... "-S...... The following persons •re dotn& business as: Happy Doc Mobile Groommg, 42 leuera Avenue. F oolhlll Ranch. C1hforma 92610 Janet 01pue, 42 Tes$9r a Avenue, Foothill Rench, Calllornl11 92610 Mike Depue, 42 l H$1ra Avenue. F ootholl Ranch, CA 92610 ThtS busln,ss ts con· dueled by· a &«met al partnership Have you slatted domg business yet? No Janet 1)epue This statement wn filed with the County Clerk ol Oranae County on 06/16/03 20036948293 Oaoly Po lot July I 6. 23, 30. Aue 6, 2003 Wl23 ' ... r -------------~===~==""'~~-~-----~--..... ~----... - ........... ........ The followlne pet IQns tre doln1 buslneu " Contrast Delivery Repair Serviee. Inc, 2504 Maik ln., Cost• Miu, CA 92626 Western Medical Re IOUfCH , Inc .. (CA). 2504 M11k Ln .. Costa Meu. CA92626 Thi$ busln11s Is con· dueled by: •corporation Have you stltted domg buslll8$s yet? Yes 07/01/2003 Wester Medical Re· sources, Inc, Robert J Monette President This statement was Med with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 07125/03 200J6tS2110 Oaily Pilot July 30. Au& 6, 13, 20, 2003 WIJI fkfllll .... ... s..... The followme persons 11e doonc business u Group Vertical Stretec•c Advert1s1n&1 Merketin&. 3187 Rtd Holl Ste 115. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 M1 y l Lee (Sole General Partner). J l8/ Red Hill, Ste 115. Costa Mesa, CA92626 Ibis bysjnen ts ton 2l40 Legal Notices ducted by· a l1m1ted partnership Hive you st11rted doong busmen yet? No May L lee This statement w.u filed with the County Cler~ of Or11n11e County on08/06/03 200~6953654 Delly Pilot Aue. 6, IJ, 20, 27, 2003 Wl41 FlctltiM ..... •s...... The lollowlna pet suns •re doine business n An11el's Auto Spa, 2285 Newpott IJlvd , Costa M"a. CA 9?627 Kam•t and Somt, In~ (CA). ?28!'> Newport Blvd , Co~t" M41Sa. CA 92.627 This busoness 1\ con ducted by " corpot al ton Hove you started dntna bus1n~s yet? lat>Udr Y l , 2003 K.omdl and S1m1. In~ . Surat S111gh, Prll!I lh1s 'talemenl wu l1le<l with ltie County Cler~ of Oranee County on 07/21/03 20036952169 Daily Pilot July 30, Au& , 6. IJ, 20, 2003 Wl32 Fktltlous .,_. Nmts......., Rainbow Inn, 831 South Bea'h Bl , Anaheim CA 92804 Pt Yu h ao, 831 Suulh Beat h 81 , An4helm, CA 92804 This bos1ne$S " con ducted by .,, 111d1v1dual Have you started dom11 business yet? Yu07/01/0J P1 Yu Tsao Thos statement '"'dS loled with the County Clerk ol Orange County on07/;>4/03 20036952619 Daily Pilot July 30. Au11 6. 13. 20, 2003 WlJJ FkffM lusiltu ie...s..... Jr1e lollow1n1t person~ a• e dOl"lt business "' Nest•nde Enter"""" 949 South Cods! Di Cosl<t Musa. CA 92626 Nestande IJru•t 94'1 South Cout U1 Cr"'" Men . CA 9?6;?6 t hts bus one's °' .,,,, ducted by an 1nd1v11Judl Have rou ~l•rltd "'""~ busmen yPI' Yes I l 03 IJruce Nestande lh1s statement was flied with lhe Cnunly Clerk ol Or•n&• C.ounty on 07/21/03 20036952198 Oa1ly Pilot July ?3 JO Aue. 6, 13. 7003 WI 78 I low to Place A Re-.. .... "-*-"' The lollowma per sons are clo1n1 bus1neu n a) l ustm Toyota, b ) Tuslm Scion. "4 Auto Center 0Hve. I ustm. CA 92782 Oremor ol luslrn LLC, (CA). « Au lo Center Ome. Tusltn, CA 92782 I his bu"'''" 1~ Lun dutted by l 1m1hd l1•b1hly Co Ote111ur·ol lu\ttn. LLC Sl.ven J fl•urant Ct11et F 1na11c1al Officer lho\ \ldlemenl Wdl. filed will\ lh• County Clerk of 0••11¥~ Counly 01101111 103 20036951841 0•1ly Pilot Jutv 23 JO. l\~__f> _!_l_l_OOJ Wl?9 fktltiM t.siwss N..Stat..t, lh~ lolluw1n~ per~ull\ Art Outrl~ bu\1MS\ •S T & I lnve,lme1FI C1ou11. 8JI ~ Beddo Blvd An<1heom r A 9?804 f'1 ru 1,,,, l!J I s Bea<h Blvd An•h•tm CA 92804 Ttw, bU\Hh'\~ 1\ c.on duL led by an 1nd1v1du<1I llav~ you started d111ng bu\rn,.~ ... <\ vet, V•s 0/ 01 2003 CLASS IFIEAD Wednesday, August 6, 2003 A9 Cletk ol Or ~nge Countv on 0//16/0J 200J69Sllt9 Oally Piiot July JO. Au& . 6. 13. 20, 2003 Wl34 The. lollowln& per '1ln• •re doing busonns n H11r d Luck CklUlma 2292 Otchi11d 011ve Newport !leach, C•hlor noa 92660 bu,onen vet? No Katheone C 1leet1 ~le '""''~ Th" slltemenl WAS hied with the Cuunly Cieri. ot 011n11c County vn 07/07/03 200HtS06JO 011ty Pilot July 16 2J 10 Au& 6 2003 Wl24 Dan PatroLll £has, ?29? lh• folh,w111g pe"ons Orchard Olive Newport •r~ doon~ tiu"""" as Beac:h. Caltforn•• 92b60 Antoent Waf\ 440 f "" This buson~~~ ·~ rnn Or1vt i.uol• l. Co•I• ducted by "n mdlvodual Mes. CA 9?6/(. Have you 'tarted d'""ll Ron•ld llo•I•• r, l bustnns yet? NrJ ""'"''"" h """ LA Oan Pat11d1 I ha. 9?614 I his ~talerrumt Wd\ fhl\ tH.1•.tt1tt-.'\ ·~ too filed with Utt C•,unty dutltd by "" 111dJV1du•I Clerk ol Ot .mge l..•m11t 1 1 Ila'" y .. u \larl~d dumw on 08/04/0J t.u•.1n~" y•t' ft\ lit; sq 20036953674 ffon•ld tto•l.r Daily f'tlol Aug h I 1 lhl\ ••l•trt•rtl ;,., 70. ?/ ?003 W 14/ l1l"d woth lh'. County fhe tolluwmg IJ'""r" ,.,t: doina bu\tnft'~· .. d~ Srol 317 Cold•nr "d Al/enue Cu,.1nd d,.I Mtt1 Cahfu1111~ 9?67~ (.l.,k ol O••ttl!• t.uunly "" 7 10 Oi 200369 s 117 6 D•1ly P1l1JI July 2) JO Auk F, I< 70()3 Wt?(; K.ithr11ne I 1le,.u tt.. lt1r follnwu1g µf'J V1n•, 1m.uk J 17 GultJ~"' ri11 "'' t· do111'! bu'rn .. '..-. d' Avtrnue Cmond d~I Mdl I H1,., 111\liJO r 11111~ $067 C•hf1>rn•• 9764'C, I 1 .. not v Or (o~t<1 Mn • t.altfor n11 92626 ltU$ bUSlfll~\ " r "" duded by •11 K1d1•1dual Hav~ you •tarted domw bu~1ri11ss y~t ' No Vlnle MdSU•le lh1~ ~l•lem.,nt wo hied w1lh the Cuvr•I y Clefk ol Or111111e County on 08/04/03 2003695'171 O<ttly Pilul Au& b I J lO 27 200J Wl40 r h• following '"'""" ••~ du1oi. bu.-.1ne\~ d '. Cullo\l)url, )43{ 16th ',I lu,td M~· ... d t 11111ft,, 111t• 'Jl b27 I ti" UCJu&t••· Wc .. dui• l~J/ B \•n•• Ana AVR Co'...td MP."1d f...4lttu1n1ot Wf.26 Thi~ bu~tnt'~'· t\ '1.JI• duLtrd tJJ' din md1v1tJu~ ~t•v•• 1uu ·.t., l1•d du11!~ llusrn~" Y•" No I t i• flnu~I•' We~rlo110 lh1• \t<ilt>m.-.11t w,1• lllfld w1tl Ult-C 1uml1 flt•~ ul Utdrtg< I •>Ulll, ''" U8 04 03 200369Sl149 1 h•oly f'ot .. 1 Aul( ~O JI IOOl FIND , . lf'l 14• This. bu\.tnf'~~ •~ t.on f a1tfm111a 9i'f..i'fj an~ ducted by an 111d1v1dual 1 '"" • Ma\<odle :n.1 "---lo. daiuffie4 Have you s tarted doong !..!l!!!.!.t_ Or (.o,t• Mn.; __ ... ..,.. ____ _ ,.----Ot~adline~ ----. -i~·1 -\!1 ond.1). . .. ............. f"nd.i~ .'i OOpm Tur,d..t) ............... ~ond.J) S OOrm By Fax Hv Phone <q-ICJ) 6-12-;'iti?X B" .\1ail/ln Per~on: Thur-,da) ......... Wt.:dnt.:-.dJ) .'i:OOpm (949) 631 -6594 1 f'lca...: inc lu<k vour """"' arlll phone: numhcr and .,,·11 <all yOV h. k .,. Hh a rn« 4uule I 110 w~~· Ba) \(r~t't <~mla M~'J, Cl\ 92ft27 At l\o~wport Bl\J cl.: Ha\ '\r rnda~ ......... . I lours Sa1u rd..t). .. Friday \.oorrn ~(STAR SALE Older Style Furniture PIANOS l Collectlblet ·--·--..... ~. O"<• ,_Vl'..,.Jl/W $$ CASH PAID $$ Ol'W.,...Of ..... .,........ WE BUY ESTATES • trntnediot• frlOndly --.. :CONSI~~ .:64M822e SOUTH COAST AUCI'ION Dllllt. ..... ._.._CA12711 -&o.--CA•1111 Telephone 8· JOam·5·00pm MonJay -fmla) ~.ilk In X .10Jm 'i OOpm \1l1nd.1\ -fndJ SumlJ.~ ................ ,. Fnd:.t) )·OOpm lndrx ~ 3010-3'40 soos-saso le1t -7 /30 at obovt 9.JO blue & 1ed Ruay su1tc"e at !ht vic1mty of lrv111e Ave between Santiago & Un1vers1ty r ell out of back of truck Please call 949 650 1989 General mt ESTATE BlllS =IUlll ~ Blcyctes For Sale 3080 llAot<mSll Nf W, Si100 Call 760 902 8038 Announcements 1610 HOME ,,,,,... o .. d. """'1"' FURNISHINGS C"4 appro• I/hr from Newpo" I Beach f acel lent hunttna •dracenl lo stale waterfowl refuge ownership mt er est & approx 375 acres of l<1nd a. irnptovemenls + your own camp compound w/s tr ucture and 2 trailers Wonderful I ro n11ht BBQ's & wine tastin1 durin& due~ season • many utras! Ideal for 2 lroends or father a. son. Call Mllle- 11 310-5'1 ·0854 Furniture lTHAN ALUM IRJTISH CLASSICS dining 1.a.le w 6 cha 11 s (NEW) SJ9'j() 949 160·9713 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PREC10US METALS Cefll Coln N .. 41 Old Coins 1 Gold, silver, jewelry, witches, 1tr1bques collectibles 949 642 9448 Tuely.arail (949) '42·5671 ~-7402-7466 ~; Under the Service Directory Banner IOOS·8S10 (¢ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Cats 3610 --------200+ KITTtHS, CA T'S, lXIGS W'WW antmalr>e!WtYI< (Jf g f aVwJft lslMd \'vwvo ~ Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises 3905 trum IUll lfl GUARANTfl ABSOLUTE GOlDMINEI 949.{,44 'J7-r3 bO vendine m•chm.- Sp;iy n.,,,,,., Ldl. hcwnes "'''"Ht ~llent lo< dt1on~ tor kittens ~lll76632 al Irr $10 99'> Im ?l4~ Pet Ado¢ions 3660 1-UA VENDING ROUTE Ger"'on Shepherd• •II <<>IOr~ •II "IP' 1111 adoption to quall11ed hom~ WWW g'Jft'~ lW "'I>' or call /14 113 !>9lj PHOTOGRAPHY I OPTICAL !ti~ Untb filllll' •• 1.Allr"1'> ~ lnve-;t .!!>"- ().....,,, Wdl. 8J) :Qi CUI I Ollices b Lease 4540 I Offl<e ror lea11 t Auwnrnnat@ly IOOCJ~I I 11n r l llh Str~e• -M-isce_l_la_ne_ous ___ I r,,. ,. M~u 949 46b fi'>73 Accasories 3735 I-----ft< of.A~ 5 ~(IH SAU: fill ORANGE 5400 COi P()M) ROCl(S COUNTY 7 l 4-CX>4 3944 Balboa Island IAUIOA lSlNC> DUPUX Bay Wl!W llS (meuld last \beet olt PMI<. l.4l!llflLin 2br 2ba ~ !bl Iba aw-949 500 1145 SAT -SUN 1-S Balboa Penl~la ~I l'l'OONN! l~ro • otlY 211fl! I 208 TUSTIN AVE rtf~IOftJTtA RI"'' ""• t1 a lg Int & roum tur Sp~< ldt ulat •1~w I ORANGE 7 400 I • • p•M•on lo•n Alhsnn COUNlY Bkt 94'l 1)41J ?011 Steps It Oc• & Sc.I OftJf SA J. SUll 1--4 213A 2ll! ?.8TH Sl !he Saywitz Co 949-9..l).7528 or 'l4'l ~ ! R<ll I ,---------EASTBLUff 'h .,.. . Corona del Mar ,,..,.,,, 3 < p ii-' (Md r 2br 1 bo, laundry. "fl 't't>""t w f'"'"' Sl500rr11 1 .l'~11ra~,• S.!_<JiJl.LO Ael 'lil9-ll9 l4~ , 1 .. s~ l•1 •II• "' ••" CostaMesa HARIORWOOOS 7bt 111" ? L >'•' ··~· be<lroom off11 • 11.gl 1 1900 ~9 29i 4631 o,£N suN 12.3 Newpol1 Coast 2010 Swan Dr. Near Co\I• M"\a golf I ~ 'll.< ho o;st.tl-;;,.._ <ovrt• & oµ~n wal~ h1Jrflf· "'P ""t" RUt\I in& tr •ti~ 4br Jb~ I~ '1<"" 1 ... , ~ Hiit• ~licit yd pallu Jdllllll n...-ry •W.wle'. nr.ean -"" Bes I utr .. , •••et I Sl R9'> OCO Shelby C<tldw<f S666 000 ~...... ':Wµlj.' 184!> Poul Lang-• 'avlllon R".tt bt•ll' I PRIM( ESTATIS PATRICK TINOU ... _94_9•290-.8•12•8_.. NA TIONWIDl USA Newpor1 Beach 220 l Vl•to Hvorta N1wpwt 1-ct. llufft E aec lownhm. 3br end unit. pvt pa Ito 2 c aar . coudn y to brokl'ts SS49.888 By Own~r 714-299 1311 949-&S&·9105 www pAt11cktenore <om AKI 949 611 440( • 11" Cory ltJr llM 11• duple. Wd\het dr f~' h••"~UfJ\ ~L'i $1 ]'>f' '14q ?'l • 41', lO * leautil11I Jbr lb' , ,.ntdl , u f .. t UM dupl~ • i•' ai~ w d h!l"• UP' Agt S2 7'>0 949 l9 J 41)3() • ~ 0.-. View •.rlj.'4 sl'j htwr. ~ cnmm LhArrn1ng r.rlyrd ..,nt1y Aopro• 111-" ,f :'br .o.n 2ba Ip 1,.,m OR ~tt ?c ea1 " \lm aee M'tet w .,... ..-1 ci-t Cutm1 pOOI. 54>" clbhw Sm ~ ()(_ GHlnr $3450,. mo KINI ~ 88/ 1()4,.11649 • 92()1 3bt 3 I 41><1 dl!l.llcll ~. Oen ~, vw·ws 3 ~ car ti" .. 2 µarh $4500 ()p@n Sit Sun I 4 401 ~Ill Ail! 919 2.lJ.6867 Call (949} 642-5678 AlO We<ftsday, CRQSSWORQ PUZZLE Costa Mesa lASTSIOf Sludto Uhl paid avail now l~n~~d yard pel ok coon op laundt y $195 I S2SO dl'p 714-S4S-0442 Huntington Beadl ~ lbr Iba cmcb ~•I I*' Pll'f comm pool. !Coil. w d lfl und. under~ d pkg ~Sllm~~711X> Laguna Beadl lu• apt bld1t 2br 2bd. oc,an view MAK£ DECLARER GUESS Opc:nmg leui.I Seven of >:> If )OU can dl\'lllC declarer's plan. )OU might he able IU lilecr him into a lu<.ing option. llerc is an example. The aucuon. whicb futurcd an 1nvencd (limit or better) raise 10 iwo tlt.i1nooJ~ hy North 111lll 11 .,.c.il.. ~ump tll lhrN hcaru by Ea~t was highly compcu11~c. typical of the world or h1gh-~vel tournament bndge. Four hearts could have been defeated two ll'ICk.\, but that would have been a poor duplicate 5'Xn for Ncxth-Soulh .igwnM a m11bblc pme, so North o lASHWFfo 381 2Br. &•r•ae. w/d hookup, $2300/mo Ael 949·2:93·4630 2br 2bo OCUNF•ONT. Near Balboa pier $2300/MO . aiit 949·6/3 7800 Newpof"t Heltlit• 3Br. 2Ba, laree l•mlly room. 2 car &dr aae. aveol 8/1 S2400/1no 949 759 3771 ,._ S26.50 pro :b•h den. pdloo. 1..umm pool, ~v. don lam. • ~ll cond avatl now ~ 949 646 8473 llutf'• Populor E Pl• 4Br 'l' / Ba family rm, tourtyard balcony no pets S28nn 714 J2.8 8l33 cootinucd on w rOUt no 1n1mp. West led a hclut and dcclarct hid II oroblcm.. South could on))' 6URCndef lbe lead once before die defenders hid the hea.rU ~llshed. and there wen: only eight fas1 winnen. Ooc.larcr had IO estlibllJh lWO mote quickly. and clubl wu the only sub to offer hope. Tiicie weu two Wl}'5 for lhis 10 be accomplished -lo find either defend« with a doubleton KQ or clubs, or to find Wesi wilh shOf1 dubs including lhc wn. Soulh. Kit Woolsey or Kcosing1on. Calif.. won the openloa lcaa ln dummy petfOftCI, cashed the kin& and ace of diamoncl~. disooverinj$ I.hat West l\eld Wee cords In the SUit and marting West with club shorut&c -the bidding h.aJ revealed lhw defend- er held 111 ~I eigh1 cards in lhc majon. A low club fiom hand fetched lbe kjn,g from We~t. and lhc heart return removed declarer's laa1 Mop. pa in the suit Since K 10 °' Q 10 of dubs was rwicc u likely as K Q, Wool~y crossed to dummy with lhc knave of diamonds and led the latlt of clubs. pinolng w~·s ten. Makio1 four-Odd. Suppui.c Wo1 were lo play the u:n wbe.o dccllll'CI tm1 led a club to dummy. Now South has to gues\ whether w~, 1~ clever enough 10 play the ten from a doubleton club or hold a singleton, or whether 10 play for the actUal boJdiog. We will never know what wool<\ have lt8nSpircd! DIJVHS rut-TIME Mon-frl. 011ve nice car~ end ,.t paid for 11 Call Dan 949 862-7474 c--o,.,..n-111 .. 1 FT/PT pos avail. l oolun, for 1nd1v1duals who ere reliable. friendly and wllllna to work. Call us at I ·866 604 · 8325 •••ANNOUNCEMENT••• Hu 1na fo1 ?003/Po\tal pos1hons I eder al hue, S14 80 S36 00•/ht full benel1hlpaid Ir •inong and va~•l•on• No op necessuy I 877 329 5267 eal 111 (CAL ·scAN) Jb• 2bd 011 B•lbo• P~n1n hdwd fir~ Ip. lwg. 1 I r 1 lo unol on paloo 7 < e•• avail 8 I qu1el Pen1n5ula po1nt a1tl S2800 ~ ?9~ Songlt perS<ln No/.,nll/ F~ leo .. 31r 21 /•I • pth S139Cl 949 293 4631 H..n• IJllVale <UI de ~l a-i.i...,.., PT, 20·2S hrs pl'I wk l1vrne firm, e ap"d Qu1CkboOlls [,al. Word P/R F.u rewm" to 949-7 S7-19:SI $157'5 2br Iba bodvtl, attadlt<d giW""' ~ 14>" IJMled Ip ill~ J)t'I ~ ....... ID Gel5orls 14 11-635-1777 206 ltart.or W-ta nite yard erl'JI 101 atoon $1950/mo 949 47S 00?7 le...,tlful Home &•led a.rm h 2''.hl. ~ ' w/d u .I. a !:'ff\ •-lwdwd lh Ufiln l'fd !)&~~ IOOICJCUPER Pon-ti,,.. ~ Gofecl C..,,_.,,ty 19' llo Apt. w/pvt l:Jf. !Joe. willk lo In Squar .. S89'>/mo W•le1/lrash p.1od Klein Management 877 704 8649 Cc I 9200 $2200/mo rail 1e~1dent NEWPORT HUGHTS Jbr '"1' 949 494 8083 townhouse Ip. \one gM. Monthly Rental Aw1' ~ U't! 4br ;>ti;, 115<! on Pe.1 5 days per week 11 J 00 Cdll949 331 4100 Pubhshon' PROMOTIONS Oll'ARTMENT Communty~tn o. anee County ~ r u11 Tsne person 10 onlerv- and ""rte sto .. es p.lK.1 pate on community ev1!f'lts ae.itt•llCl~te~ and secboos [ ac~lo!nt commonicallon sklls. wort. wel wdh tilt pobloc II.no• N' Style QuMUl'•tm. Photcxhop. MultJ.Ad Crt ator Protictent on MAC and PC. CCI do1en ea peroence p1ele1 red l'rootreadln11 tMt Drue sueenonc/ph)">IUI t~t!d £0£ (Hell~nl bel'eht pad\"llt! [ma~ rewtne Wt ltlf\ll ~'IJle!. 3nd SAiary r equ11emenl~ l o laua phn<;00@ial•n1~ Ulm H r, 21o, upper unit Laguna Niguel · Apt 1 c g~r. new paonl leautiful condo loc•led cu pet, blinds. hnoleum. in l •press10<1s lower unol Ag\ Sl200m949673 /P> ?bf 2ba. f!pk. ac, 7 c Near Newport Hh, completely remod 2b1 1 !Iba twnhm, ,_ wd. new luld!/llJl)l's/C41fpoel Yd w/pdener ('.ar w/~e< No pel $1675 949 500 'm3 562 856 1684 . ~ ........ _.,,,,, 1 1(.' mo ID bd> f'C.. w d ~ e;rtftl. dbl cir. s;ior; Aval now 9'1!Mi31.<BJ!> allad> gar , Sl450mo Jo.ime 949 720 9422 X200 OCfAHFRONT wtNTlR RENTALS 1-2-3 & 41r'• Avoll. AHodoted Realty 949-673-3663 '-'SW. ..... .b 2!ibil UOO YlWT LEASE avail So!pt S2'2IXl .b I 5tM & UDO SUMMOI HOMES AV1'Jll Oct S2IXXl ?~ BU CRUNOY RCAl TORS lldwd lk 9'996461673 9~9-675-6161 Service DlrldDry A&:co9tlng "1tOTICl TO Rl~RS C1hforn1a law re quwes that contac tors takona 1ob• Iha I total S!JOO Of more (labor 0t materials) be hc.en•ed by the Conl11clori State license Board Stale law also 1equ11es lhat contractors on~lude theor lrcen~ numbt>r on •II adverlosin& Y.,u can chKk the st•tus of your licensed con t 1acto• e t www.cslb ca.aov or 800 321 CSlB Unli censed tonlr •ctors tal\111 11 1obs thst ,,,,,1 less than S500 mu'I stale in t~rr adverl1~t>menh that they are not licensed by the Conlracto11 Stele license Board " Ovtck....... tr a1nina &. Wl>l>O'Vtr ou!Me $1\00\ma ~ ...... ~ Of pwlOf'lal 949 ~ ~ ,....... ... ws McNn / 81111 / Rlrnodlll Mtbw. .. "••os.a:im ll'J«&l5 'tlMIC 91AM>QPI ~Clfl ••11141111 A&Ulf HVAC ~ Condi~ ns & HHl 1111 s.rva 888 ~a...d ~~~ CUSTOM CARPENTRY W1A Lhl5 CtOW!l ~ 8'seboaids QQlm Built~ blpenr:rad & Aeamalllf U5n982 949-709-5642 A -? HANDYMAN Install, reface cabinets ~ ~Dou& 7l4-546 ~ Ca111ttRetaalr/Sales o CARPfTo CARPETo Repa.,~. Patc:lunc. lnst11ll Cou1 leous. 1ny site jobs. Wholesale! 949 •92-0~ C1nnlng Tuuch or Klass European lixpcn in House Cleaning 20 years 111 Business Licen<ied & Boflded Pmf~slOOal teBm~ as ilf'Cd lo Your Home (949) 548-0097 Frtt Bw.mates Ref ercnce.' Spnng Ckanin1 Specials QulclcKlelln Renew, don't replece IMelarout noo;., oouniitl, lhow«'I, Oleenlng .-ling. VSIMC eccepted ..... m-1144 www.qktlle.com new carpel, paho 'VeQ 111ce $1595 9119 612 6004 2b1 l'b• rental Newpo1t Reach Peninsula. n~ai Newport poer S1800 Agl 949-673-7800 Pooni Vt$y '""'' lur n d agl 1Ml 919 67';) 46:1) Clair t Weor Oceonfr-1 duplex 1111.e 4!J< 4bd. 2 ca; ear. SJ600m yrly oo/smll ava~ 9/ 15 Ael 949 400 9656 Port Streeh Sir, 310, Newport Creot , Zb1 Summer \Pl model 2ba. 2 • ear walk lo •v•1lable 9f I. 54000/mo belt. lenfpuolrsp•, SI~ yea• lrase 949 no 1460 Avail now 949 707 4408 lwefy 28r....,.., 21/110 Townhouse 1860sl 2 c p . wet bar pool/~enn nr F asi-t Isl S2150m no Pd. yeal 1\1! 949-113-<Xill l#H & IUSl#ISS lt"'AlltS Uparl<les. Rapalts of Computer. Networks. £ ven1n11/Weellend1 Competitive prices fOf qualil)' swvlc. ... .....,,_ .. 75 71t-t2M2U c.r...•~ a...lds Meck S.-TKe Coner• Patio, Drfwwot)' flrte>lc, 880 Raf's 25Yrs hp Terrz 714·S57·7594 n..c--'•• Cem4Jf\twor•. Bricl, Tll9 6 Mofe Relieble Ko job too smen 714-61S·9062 HOVHl 7br 2ba 2 c gar. 1ated tommunotr pool aet $2400949193 4631 I 0 lG#ll Youtl HOMl IMP•OVlMlNT PIOJECT? C1ll a plumber. paonler. handyman or any ol the creal servrct5 hsled hete 1n our se1v1Ce dorectoryl HI[ sr l OC.\l SVC PCOPtC CAN HUP YOU TOOAYI WIJTMOln DIYWAU All phaus sm/t1c tobs. CUANI 20y11, fair. free est l~ 714-639-lW EledrtcalSIMca DUNCAN IUCTRK loc1I. Quick Response Home, Yard &. Dock Elect 20 Yrs Eap. Lie/Insured U275870 949-650 7042 DUTCHMA" ILICTRtC Commercial, lnd~trlat, =-*~-~ LKINSID COMTIACTO. No pl> too flt\. M ,.,-_, R991". remodel, fens, spe.-SllC~ Omer COVE NANl l RA NSPORl feams , Teams. Tums We need t-.Ams 101 the long haul Ow11m operalots, e ape 11enced dnven, solo~. teams and araduale students Call 1-888· MORl PAY (1·888-667- 3129) (CAL •SCAN) CLASS A COL 1n 1ust 7 I '2 weeks lu1t1on paod H111n1 e •peroenced d11ve1s No credit che~ks No felons long Haul 011v1ne I 800 781 2 J 7 8 wer el'n(<i>c rsl com <CAL •SCAR» ......... Swc.19ln ... Lawn ""°"'· Ylfd ~. tTIWllasl. tree 11'11\ ~ Comm/Re$ 7J4-4JIH518 lM T ... r .. l...tsc.,.. Wf!l/llJy mart. tree trYmq ' 1nslallalJon 25 Yrs up LIC/IOSIHed 949·548-4363 s---u,. Cel your yard loollona its ti.st for ltwJ -Y•dclNrl~~ ~and~ waehf\d &. eve quotes Xtr• ffeft4 S.rvlcH 71M21-GMO Tr•• Service, Yard Cleanup, Maintenance, Sprinkler Repair, Haulone (t49)6S0-1711 RF~ TOR[ • Rl PAIR ,\ f?I "11101 1 I ~f, CONmACTOR HANDYMAN 18Yrs&p•6*1W't ,,, Pllltlld~ ~Alrnodll&1*11 l.1577112 M&-708-5842 Receptt-lst Parl-tlM• early mo• nones ' eve nones for NB Hu th Club Contact W.e 9C9-6C1 l? l !> SELL your stuff through classified! GlM:Ul. IDlll AIWN'IF.NANQ: • ~. Canmm:ial No Job 1bo Snudl Dave Bamllton 949-322-1292 FIX UP Sf'l<IAUST. All typn of repaws. E le<:· triul, plumbloe. doors, watw he8tln. tllllS &. mare 24htfldays 714 366 1881 Jeuey.Ak-'a .._ R ..... , s..e~·· lnterlo1 &. Eaterlof Repaors 714-!>0l·~ TMIHAMDYllM All work ,ua,..nlMd ~~Doon. fnsh '*'II .. --~ Hlllilg """'TOTN DUIUlll 714-961-1882 AVAll.A8lC TODAY! 9ot!M73-5566 IMW 't7 J211 C.. metallic dark blue/sr•Y lthr. s uperb c:ond throua hout $1~.495 ~] 8lw ~586-181111 -w.etpe~l.c•• ' IMW SUI 'tt C.-t Fully loa~ed, uper ades, I cur owner low mo, mint rnnd 9&51()."'5111 $ 7lf>..4.)l6 IMW 3231 't9 Coom Fully loaded, upar•dH, l car owner I 11.w mo mini cond 9651 ().4bfl) ':M 211> fj46 IMW '98 74011 (3) 81k tan , a~me1 e lin cr@tn/l•n. alnl tond S70 9'.>0 949 '>00 8641 IMW '91 Z3 Con ... AUIO wholtltal\ Ith• C.D buutolul hke ntw cond SI/ t 9'> v~9/24 Ion ' WlJTI ttVM l!llr 9$511;.1888 www.o<pol.<o"' luh li ''9 Uectro aood ml'c hanocal cond1t1on low n11l•ce. 430 VB. $3000 obo 949 494 01.4.8 Co4111oc '90 fleetw-4 \l\Ve1 Ill ey 4dr ~uno ool, llhr auto. 381. 1111 54800 new tuts 949 760 0144 <-•ry 'ft lf 4 cy4. 68"" mt, better ltwrt ,_' nu dllllo:\ Qt sa atches, S9998 obo 949 640 ~OJI o.r,.a.. •94 New vertt .. 3 !> V6 I owner. 4Jk a r l u•I "''· book1. retord\, metallic. tur QUOl\e/ta11 lth1 lutly loaded. like new S5250 vl9inl8 Biii 9119 511; 1888 www .•cpobl.com Cervette 'It Ceupe •ulo &Oii • m1 metallic ied/lan llhr 1upe1b cond throuchout S9.995 8kr 949 !>86 1888 -w.eqoebl.<- fer4 '6S Mu•••"I Convet toble, Ot 111nal owner. sohd car Sl9 995 obo 949·119 7943 -----. . . .., . . . . . HST MOVRS SSS/Hr. Servonc "" Citin Insured Tl6l844 800 246 2371 323 630 9971 <•" PUBLIC NOTIC The Calif Public UlllillH Commission requ1rH that ell u"d ho usehold aoods movers p11nt their P U.C. Cal l numbet; limos •nd chauffeurs print thou T C.P . number In ell adv tr· Usemenh ti you have 1ny quesllOM about the le1aht y of • mover , l imo or chautt•u1, u ll. rutU< UflLITllS CO.-IM* 117.a67 .... ........... -...... ... •.... Conv. 4~ "''· •Ulo, silver, t.n top. pw, pl, we. co. superb ... new cond. ~119743 $9,995 flnancin& & warrtnly avall 8kr. 949-586· 1888 _ .....,.c_ Mla<IDIS llfZ '02 $430 blk, 2lk "''·Sports pl\1. phone, N•v. CO. AMC wllts, 100l warr, mif,t cond. Pf> $61,500 949-631-0771 MUC:IOn Mil 1000 SA30 H,100 m1, loa<kd. alt options. showroom n•w. $49,500 Pvt Party 94g..759.9088 Merce4e• 'U SM> Sl white/tan, lqtmec: ~ 1\1'& ,.. ,_ d. ~ d'n:mll. Sla7'.il ~}',)I~ Mereclle• 'ti 420 'SU whilt/ll•Y llhr. c~rome whl5, low 111i1 superb c:ond, $6995 V•567281 Bkr 949·586·1888 --eqMl.1.c- ow.....a.1a. .......... . 6()11 m1, bl1ck/,r11y lth1 mnrl, CD. fabulous cond l hroue houl $5995 vrn•457219 8k.1 94t-SH-1 ... -.ec:pei1t1.c- PMIUWSAUTO 0 I AMJI A4 o-nr. Blue w/Blue, oo4y l 4K Ml, Sc>cw1a Piia. (19478:) ~4.!8> OOMIWttJI Sliver w/black lthr moonroof (19542) $22, 980 991i20 Se don White w/Saddle leather. Moonroof (19443) $29,980. 01 J•1••r S Tyf'• Sea Green w/S•ddle l lhr . 2811. m1. Moonroof (19\1?) $37 980 99 llfleu oJ., SU( 2JO Blue w/blac k 11r .-y SPOI h P~i (19416) $"7.980 OOlllflWS401 8 1acll w Bla<k premium sount1 sun1 ool <I /60/ 1 S79 980 0 ' ,..,.,,.. ,,,,110 l optronir Only 18~ m1lo Na.agahon fl 93941 INQUIR[ 91 L••"• GS J OO Culd ... ,s addlr lealhet Cht um" Wh e~I' 1194 181 S2? 980 0 7 1'orulte GT7 Blac~ w/blac ~ only 100 mile-. C 19~9/C J INUUIRl o 1 1111., • ..,,.. ctsoo Solver w/Crey Nav1 1atoon Only l~K m1 (19S4~1 INQUIRE 00 ,..,..cJ.. ••Jt•t•t S1lve1 w1Bl•ch P1em1un1 Sound < 1942631 SZS.980 '4t-S74-7717 PHl1l'S AUTO ;IS; It a. Sel"" .....tt4 It .. rt.. Mlf WIJI P'lect 1 ClmifW_...,, (t4t) M2-S671 a.-.'• .... "/lYr$..,, Creaf Prk91 Cu.annleed work. FrH esl U375602 714 S38 l 534 1 390-294S IU"S CllSTOM PADNTIHG Prort. claan. QU8ilty won. lnt•IOf/ut •nd dodls Ll7034689'9 631 4610 Joya-'•P.,..lnt Top Qu•hty. Comptllhvt lnl«1101/Eal L"648228 Call Jay 949 650 5066 aAIM90W CIKll MMCT Pa1nt1ne-H/ut. HllLM/Aot Quahty tc>b! r rtt esbmllte L"5691197 71'"636-8888 ...... ey c ... Send your best friend to camp while you ao on vacation. Sale. friendly &. tun mountain environmerit al Ulle Arrowhead for soclafQed dors No 11.._a. Weekend limo Mrllloe to and from ump. '°9....,._5625 ...... ,.,... '" c.n-. "" ml, b•lb• ltlle, co. 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(94t) '4S-U S2 Daily Pilot