HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-14 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 2003 A ta-e of Balboa doesn't end happily LocaJ Web site shuts down after a debate about its link to FreeNewport.com, run by a group that has battled Newport Beach City HaJl. June Ca111rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACI I -Business asso· ciaLion representatives say it was a le- gitimate disc~sion on whether a hnk to the FreeNewpon.com Web site was consistent with association goals. A FreeNewport spokei.man says it amounts to city officials policing the Internet and using their influ ence to shut the group oul. At a meeting of the Balboa Business Improvement District on Tuesday morning. TalesoffiaJboa.com Webmas- ter Jim Fournier wai. discussing with THE BELL CURVE Noway to argue with this • crazzness A whih! back, some Pilot letter writers got upset with me because I suggested that there has long been a perception in the rest of the country that an inordinate number of poliucal nut cases have Oounshed in Orange County. I offered example - some of them local-in suppon of that thesis. JOSEPH N. BELL Now, I'm ready to pass that mantle on to the entire state. Like any citizen anxious to cast a thoughtfuJ. well-researched vo1e. I spent an hour reading through the Los Angeles Times' brief biographies of the 158 candidates (I counted them) for the office of governor of California. I consider this list a spectacular upgrading of our poU ticaJ hi'itory. far exceeding any of my earlier examples, and I congratulate the public servants who brought thi'i about for thinklng big. It also occurred to me that the poli tical lessons we are now learning in califomla might well serve as case histories for those backward countries where we are trying to introduce democracy. The baqis and Afghans. especially, should study some of the finer points of participatory democracy illustrated in our recalJ election. district members his hope to put a fea- ture on his Web site called "This Week in Balboa, H highlighting some of the happenings at local businesses. But the discussion took. a tum as members questioned TaJesoffialboa.com's link to FreeNewpon.com -a site and affilia- tion that some members found incon- sistent with the group's goal of promot· ing local business. ln a series of e-mails after the meet· ing, district members asked their city staff liaison, Dan Trimble, his opinion on the affiliation with FreeNew- port.com. Trimble responded: "I think anybody who claims to be supporting or pro- moting Balboa or Newport Beach can· not, in good conscience, also claim that the Web site/link referred to is consis- tent with that objective. The graphic at the top of the Web page should speak. for itself. A red hammer and sickle nex1 to the letters NB in a red circle with a line through it. It is Jim's choice which links are on his site, but it also the choice of the [business improvement district) who they link with and tho~e links and sites should be consistent with the (business improvement d1.,- tlict'sl mission." The hammer and sickle images ap- pear on FreeNewport.com's Web site. Spokesman Brian Oarkson describe'> the image as an anti-communist state· ment to support freedom in Newport Beach. SEA DOG Busine~ improvement distnct member Gay WassalJ-KeUy, who at· tended the meeting, !>ald that no one told Fournier to remove the link. Trim· ble on Wednesday said that he never meant to teWFourruer what to do He had simply been asked his opinion and gave it. But for Clark.son and Fournier, the discu~ion by the business association members and particularly the com· ment by Trimble amount to bullying to the point of censorship by trying 10 get Fournier to remove the FreeNewport link. "'T11ey are applying pressure on a pn vate Web '>ite not 10 link Fret>"lew port.com. It i'> none of their busmt">'> as a c11y to regulate what private \\'eb ~lie~ do on their own," Oarkson .,,ud .. me Internet ha~ become ont of the Id.St Probably the most important polnt is that elections can be bought. Thls is not a new concept. of course. What ls new about the California recall ls that money created an election where one MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT On a sunny afternoon in Newport Harbor, this dog is scanning the water for a meal while riding on the bow of a boat. SM CURVE, Pa1• M It's out with the southwestern eatery, in with the French The owner of the Newport Center restaurant Chimayo will replace it at year's end with the upscale Rouge. Paul CUnton Deity Pilot NEWPORT CBNTER -Owners of the southwestern-themed Clllmayo Grill wlU close the Newport Beach mtau· rant at the end o( the year to open a Pa· rtaian-,styte blatro at the aame toe.don. Lasuna Beach mtaunteur O.vld Wilhelm and h1a coDeaauel wdl dole the popular OiAmayo afier New ......, !Mt. 11ne monCht later, WUIMlm planl to WMU Roup In Ila plla. •tt made ...... to do anotbef ~· rataurant ID Iba& netpborbood, WU. bebn ..W Wldll11~ •1t wll be more or an.-,., bllao. • O.vtd Wllbelm'a Culinary Adventuret Inc., a consortium of private inve tors, runa Ow other mtauranu in Orange County, induding Chat Nolr In Cotta MeM; French 75 ln Laguna Beach and Clllmayo at the Beach in Huntington Beac:b. The new rettaurant will go into a dty that COUDU Only two lDIJor French taf· et1el wltbln ha holden; blgb-dcket Aubftalne and Pllcal. ..,,_. ...... that DIU1J Prenc:b .... taunnll In N9wpOrt lwb,. Mld ltidl· ... Lalbn. the .,...... ol chi Nlw· ,., ._.. Olamblr o1 eoan-a. ·rd law IO bnl ........... 111111 mmple-......... ~.· Despite the obvious comparisons, Wilhelm said be didn't model Rouge on either French 75 or Oult NoJr, a jazzy, upecale Flench diner geared to the aru crowd. He dedded to cloee OUmayo ~ thouch it hu been~ Wllbelm Invented OUmayo when he worked for ~co Bell in the early l990I. "We're aolna' to focus on expanding one concipt. that ~ d)e Pnnch bil- troi • Wilhelm Mid. •0ne of tbe thlnp I don\ wmt to do aob1I forward la be off ·concept." Wiiheim WIDl to me 1rv1ne eo., his landlord. wtda die ldQ. wbkb WU ID ..,. ~~ .. ~=:..-= H1i191r, a C01111*17 Ill !It I IW D "We'we ._ tbl IUCCM wtlb PNncb 75. 1 0 and frankly. we're thrilled that be wan1' to bring French food to Fashion Is- land.• WUbelm will pend about $1.4 mil· lion to convert awn.yo to the French blltroi Wllbelm Mid. He h1red Hatch DellgJl Group to deYelop the concept. And he1J tttain Lu.ii florN. u the a · ecuttve chef. He'll aerve tl"ldldonal Freodi dllbes aucb u foie IJU and rabbit routard. The wine lilt la expected to be about ~ French wine. with the remainder comlna from in·IWe. 1be 5,700·~-.... wtll .... 110 at capedty. QUESTION Was the Balboa Buslnesa Improvement District right in questioning • Web link to a group critical of Newport Beect.7 Call our Readers ? • Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypilot afat1mes com Please spell your name and indude your hometown and phone number, for 11enficat1on purposes only sanctuaries for frtt -.pt-ech m the toun try, and for free pre!>~. and 11'i. unfonu nate that the ci ty of Newpon Beach 1<, trying to silence that free '>pet'ch." FreeNewport. be~I known for oppO'>· mg the city\ Fourth of July re'>tnction'> on drinking and gathering m V\ec;1 See BALBOA, Pace A4 Dis trict to run water treatment research Newport-Mesa' m ain water supplier will be part of a na tionw ide study of how to purify water. Jenny Marder Daily Pilot NEWPORT-:-.11-.sA -fhe nauon\ de- pleted dnnlmg water suppl~ ha., led rt' o;earchers on a que<,t 10 find ne" rt'· '>Ources. and Newpon-Me'Ml ~ mam water supplier. the Ordllge Count~ \\a ter District. wiJJ serve as tht' 1e-.1 'ub1ec1 The dJstnct ~ selected by the Na- tional Science Foundauon to. '>en.e a<. the tesung sue for a nauonwide re- search program aimed at developing new water treatment refhnology. fhe water utility Y.1U u<.e a S99.000 grant. ~aranteed by the founda11on for the next five year'>. to anaJ11e equipment designed to purify water. The team a.bo include., researcher. from Stanford Univer~•I). the University of filinois and Oark Atlanta University. The program's goal i~ to increa.-.e and improve the world'!> dnnkmg water sup- plies by focusing on technology that pu· rifles compromtSe'd water '>Ources such as seawater and sewage water Central to the pro1ect ,., development of reverse o~mo IS membranes, wtuch are beconung common m the water pu- nfication '1du'>try and edgmg out other kmd~ of water treatment technology. said Don Phipps. dtreetor of research at the Orange County Water Oistnct. the .. ource of about 66% of Newpon Mesa's water. The reverse osmosts membrane IS a device that separates water from salt, bacteria and other constituents. Water molecules move easily through the membrane. while salt and contami· nants move more lowly and are caught before passing through. Reverse osmosis membranes take up less space, and therefore require less SM WATER. Pqe M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WO: WWW.~ WEATHER While It condnu9e ~ In eome Ea8t Coe9t....., ....... """" lded Ylt'V ......~ S."'9A2 ..aRTI ' , • • AZ Thw., August 14, 2003 Daily Pilot POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Arnold Schwarzenegger at a fund-raiser in October 2002 at the Newport home of New Majority member Mark Chapin Johnson. Race will get serious Paul Clinton Daily Pilot The slew of off-the-wall candidates vying to replace Gov. Gray Davis on Oct. 7 has been an entertaining distraction, but shouldn't diminish the seriousness of the recall effort, locally elected state and federal lawmakers said. Assemblyman Ke.o Maddox, who represents Costa Mesa. said he's confident that voters will "sift through the laundry list" of the 135 candidates certified for the ballot to replace Davis. Recent polls have put Davis' support at under 30%. "Uulius) Caesar said 'people want bread and circuses.'" Maddox said. "Gray Davis has been good about providing the circuses, but has yet to provide the bread." The list of replacement candidates includes actor Gary "The Goose" Coleman from lV's "Diff'rent Strokes;" Hollywood billboard model AngeJyne; adult magazine publisher Larry Flynt; the "other" MlchaeJ Jackson and &fward Kennedy; and comedian Leo Gallagher. The list of "serious" candidates includes actor Arnold Schwanenegger, state Sen. Tom McOlntock CR-Thousand Oaks) and Peter Ueberroth, former major league baseball commissioner. Schwarzenegger has already garnered the support of Reps. Dana Rohrabacher and O.rls Cox. Rohrabacher was one of the first House members to throw his support behind the Running Man. POLITICAL CALENDAR AUGUST Today: Marianne Zippi for Assembly will hold a fund-raising reception from 6 to 8 p.m. at the home of Cathy and Tom Kroop in Corona Del Mar. Information: (949) 644-7094 Saturday: Balboa Bay Republican Women Federated will hold its second garage sale "He's a friend, so I know him well," Rohrabacher said. "He has the personal qualities that will serve our state very well. ·Arnold Is going to win,• he continued. "He's the best candidate who can win. Arnold will save our state." Cox said he hasn't been fending off wise remarks or snickers from East Coast colleagues about the recall campaign. "I'm getting calls from around the country from people saying they wish they could vote for Arnold," Cox said. uThere's a pretext that they wish they could recall their own governors." Assemblyman John Campbell hasn't picked his candidate yet, but he discounted criticism that Schwarzenegger Is too politically inexperienced to succeed · in that job. "Because he's a celebrity, people tend to be discounting the seriousness of the man and his potential policies," Campbell saJd. "He's got a lot of experience and depth." Busty porn actress Mary "Carey" Cook has proposed her platform: tax-deductible lap dances and a tax on breast implants. She has also promised to wire the governor's mansion with live Web cams so Californians •will get to see their government in action -literally!" "Some people have very simple messages," Campbell said about her cand idacy. •This is proof that democracy, as flawed as it is, still works." No local candidates successfully qualified to run, even though a few rattled their sabers. from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the home of Anita Ferguson. Information: (949) 644-7425 Monday: The Republican Party of Orange County will hold a reception from 5:46 to 7 p.m. at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel immediately after the central committee meeting. The special guest will be Tirso def Junco, former chairman of the California Republican Party. Information: (714) 556-8555 Monday: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a Former radio disc-jockey Jim "PoormAU1" Trenton, who lives in West Newport, and Costa Mesa resident Mark Vl'owglndewey failed to qualify. They both submitted papers. Also, Corona del Mar urologist Don Udall and Costa Mesa electrician Joel Wirth took out papers, but didn't return them . Surf and Hugh Rohrabaciler, who himself surfs, is planning a Hawaiian luau fundraiser in Huntington Beach on Thursday. The event will feature conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt as the master of ceremonies and awards for best example of Hawaiian attire. It's scheduled for 6:30 p.m . and carries a $250-per-person entry fee. Ferguson, Republican group support assemblyman The California Republican Assembly has endorsed McOintock for governor, former Assembtyman GU Fergu80n announced this week. Ferguson holds a chairmanship of the ultra-conservative group's publications committee. ~No candidate for governor from the Republican Party has been elected governor of califomia without its support since the mid-1930s, when the organization began," Ferguson said in a release. general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admission la free, and all Republicans are w;come. (714) 656-8555 21: Chuc* Devore for State A.aaembfy has a funckaiaing reception from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the home of Tom Phillips in Corona Del Mar. Special guest will be Rep. Dana Rohrabachar, and national radio personality Hugh Hewitt wlll serve as master of ceremonies. Information: www.dluckdevore.com or (949) 472-5414 Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No new. stories, Sean Hillel', Don Leadl, lllultnltions, editorial matter or Kent TreptOW advertlsemeota herein can be READERS HOTUNE reproduced without written (949) 642-6086 permiulon of copyright owner. VOL. 97, NO. 226 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US THOMAS H. JOHNSON Daily Pilot or newt tips. Ctrcueedon NewsEdlton Ad*ele The Times Orange County Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Our add,_. 11 330 W. Bay St, Costa TONYOODERO (8001252·9141 Editor Daniel Hunt, Peul Saitowltz. Mesa, CA 92821. Office hour-. are Adwrtllil19 JUa'( OETI1NG Daniel Stevena Monday • Fflday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. NEWS STAFF Cl•••lflecl (9491642-5678 Mveftis~r Crlme~~l'ter, ColTeodoM ~ (949) 642-4321 LANA It Is the Pilot's policy to promptly f'fomotlona Director WllNlel (941) 57 oorrect all emn of tu-.nce. News deepa.t>Mrlltheldmell.oom ~call (9491~4. (M9l 642·5el0 EDfT1NG STAFF ,,....=••fr ....... (949) 17'-4223 U.Celwt Newport reporter, FYI ....... (949)1MM170 ~=r~· (Ml~ The Newport~ Mm ......... , ... , 81().0t70 ''""'·~•~.oom · o.My Piiot CUSPS-14'-800) Is .. J.Cllhrre ll!tfme&oom ..... ~ publlehed deity. In NtMport 8-1 ,..,.... .,,.,,,,,lotelMlmAoom ............ ... a... ~EAK, Polltict; bueifMlel Ind environment Ind Coeta MeN, .Ub9crtpdoi• .,. •••• om. (141) "2-4121 ( 1IMDt repol1ilf, (Ml) 19M330 eve! .... only by IUbecflblng to The ........ ,.. , .. , 131-71.21 Ja'W.l•i'::r~-ClOtrl 1*11.dlnton•~ Tim. Or-. C'ounly (IOO) a... ..... 212"'141. In .... OUllllde of 11111 ..-.,..ec:a Cotumnl9I,-... NPCNW, Newpott...,, Ind Coeta ...... ...,PM271 ......... totheDllyfllac .. ~--.com M...J:ti,'£1. a., lollt&,,.,,_ ......,.,oom ..... only bf ........... ......... _ .. pwmonlh ......... lndudl .. ....... c-. Me.9 ........... ,~, ....... ....... loOll .... ) fll.tHalled bf Tim. CommuMy ,..._ .... ,_.com .,,_,......,,....,._"°"' P'OSTMAITt"= s.ld ...... ....... ...,,...,ofhl.oa~ --=· Timea. c... ..... cNl'lllto1'1'9,....... ,... . ~ .... DllyPlllC.'-0. _..,/:ta=: ........ 1 ........ ~ -~a.;,."""' ........... .........,,, aa.1 •. c:-. ..... CA-. •-Wllll POLITICS ASIDE . Winning the New . Majority· vote Does this sound like anyone you know? Self-made multimillionaire. Dabbled a bit in politics. Has strong Republican-type beliefs about the a Republican." Both of those have been key New Majority goals. size of government, economics and But Arnold is not the only figure running who appears to fit the New Majority mold. Fonner baseball Coinmtssioner S.J. CAHN PeterUebenoth. a busln~ practices.. Socially, however, more moderate than conservative Republicans. It's a fairly apt description of the typical member of the New Majority, a moderate Republican group with strong ties to Newport-Mesa that has been on the scen e for the past few years. Members of the group have included George Argyroa, Don Bren, Gary Hunt, Roger Kirwan. Paul Folino and Henry Samuell. Their goal: to elect more moderate Republican candidates, people they believe stand a better chance of gaining votes from across the political spectrum. The description also is a fair initial one of a leading candidate in the gubernatorial recall: Arnold Schwarzeneaer. And Arnold, if he wins, could rewrite the New Majority story dramatically. (As an aside, given that Arnold can go by his first name, I'd love to see every candidate go with a single nom de plume: Cruz. Larry. Gary. Bill. It would make the decision just that much more daunting for voters.) So far, the New Majority has had mixed success in getting candidates elected. Huntington Beach Assemblyman Tum Hannan is one of the few. During the last gubernatorial election (amazing it was just a year ago), the group was behind Conner Los Angeles Mayor Dick Riordan. The ties between Arnold and the New Majority are more than just coincidence. In the closing days of that election. Arnold made an appearance at a fund-raiser at the home of New Majority member Mark Ouapin Johmon. It helped raise more than $100,000 for Republican Bnlce McPbenon, who was · running for lieutenant governor. Among those at that fund-raiser was Tudd 'lbeodon, a Newport Coast resident and an attorney with Stephan, Oringher, Richman & Theodora. which has an office in C(>sta Mesa. Theodora is also a member of the New Majority. Speaking solely for himself, and not the group, he said of Arnold: •Arnold wants to make the GOP a big tent party with mass appeal. •He also says it's cool to be Laguna Beach resident whose campaign headquarters is in Newpor1 Beach. has the appropriate businessman profile. And for moderate Republicans, that's a pleasing sight "The Republicans seemed poised to do very well in this upcoming election because Peter Ueberroth is an excellent candidate in his own right," Theodora said. Like members of the New Majority, Arnold Is being attacked by more conservative Republicans who don't like his stances (still not fully laid out) on gun Jaws, abortion rights and gay civil unions. But if anyone can survive those attacks (he's made it through bullets. fire, aliens and morphing robots on screen). it's Arnold. And if he or Ueberroth get eJected, it might mean a direct line to the highest levels of political power for some of Newport-Mesas most powerful. CAMPAIGN RNANCE LOOPHOLE Just a thought here: With the passage of Proposition 34 in 2002, donations to candidates are limited to $3,000 per contributor. But with Arnold's movie, ·Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" still in theaters, maybe there's a way for supporters to funnel moi;iey Into the box office and to Arnold's pockets. Only problem: He reportedly got $30 million for the role, but there's no mention of a percentage of the revenue. QUIET ON CAPITOL HIU The Hiil newspapers. which serves Capitol Hill along with Roll Call, is reporting that Rep. DarftlJ i.a -who briefty fiad a campaign headquarters in Costa Mesa before he dropped out of the recall race he helped get on the ballot -ls expected to keep a low profile when Congress returns in September. They say he'll focus on his committee assignments and constituent work and try to avoid the cameras. Strangely enough, that's what he was elected to do. • s.J. CAHN i• the managing editor. He cen be rwached at (949) 57<M233 or by e-mall at s.j.cahnlllatlmn.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF The dey will ... eome The IOUthwect .well will ~but the IUn wlH lt8y loee tome energy todey. but out end will Qep the heet ahould atftl be ... to pnMde wew going. Expect higt'9 In Mist· to dtest-hlghs end the the mid.ao. In Com Me.. end OCCMklNI lhouldeMlgh. Inland N9WJ>Olt end In the On frimV, 80me IOUttMMt mid-70l lk>ng the C08lt. Lowa en.gy wll help kMp will 8'1dt to lbout 16. touth-f8dng btMb In 1he Ft1dly wlll be just • w.rm. ct.It-high IMge, with I f9w Al ........... ., of IO end ~ nol too humid. On Sieurdly, lhe next ... ....._I: roll In Ind.,... put .... In 1he www.-.noN.QOV ehcMlldlf.Ngh range, ... tofne~ BOATING FORECAST -::.= The Cb • ••rtv wlndl wtll WWW. •°'11 blow'°'° 11 llnc-. --1· to TIDES MDalMW911nd ....... ...... Mlllofl ............. ...... of2 .... ICJ7a.m. .o.Jl .... low Oul..,._,._ •mrtv 1':211a.m. U7 ......... wlrldl • 111aw 11to21 llnotl, 1;2Jp.m. 1.11 .... llDw ...... .., ..... ""9Wllnd. 1':Mp;m. ... ......... ............. of .... lnd .... ...... , .... Wind WATER Tl9EU11lll =----·'°·--... Daily Piiot Shoe City will try on Costa Mesa The discounter will replace a credit union on Harbor Boulevard once owners rebuild the building. ing it." Shih '>aid. "If they're de- molishing it, they'U have to push the building back from the Stret:L" . Shih said Mobil prombed to d~ign the building similarly to the adjacent Coi.ta Mesa Square. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Owners of a small I larbor Boulevard property plan to bring a Shoe City dis· counter in to replace a credit wtion that moved away. A commercial real estate bro· lcerage retained by Mobil Oil, which owns lhe parcel at the northeastem comer of I !arbor and' Baker Street, has signed a deal to bring the l>hoe retailer to town once a new structure can be built, a city planner said. UThe Shoe City will comple- ment the other businei..'tel> within the center," \aid F.d i:awu•tt, president of the Col>ta M~ lhamber of C...om91erce. "I lope- fuUy, the architecture will com plement Co'>ta Me<>a Square." BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Cal State Dominguez visits OCC on Aug. 27 A repre!>entauve from Llw ad- missions office of(.:Ctl State Dom- ingue" I lilb wiU v1,i l Orange Coa'>t ColJel(l' from ~I tu S p.m. Aug. 27 at the colll'ge\ Tranl>fcr <.enter. For more i11form.1t1on. call (7 14) 432-5894 Blues ni ght will take place on Wednesday I he Center ~t.1ge clMpter of thl· (,uiJd' of thl· Orang(• County Performing Ari'. Center will present "' annual open d1r fund-ra1i.er. "I lot Blul'' on a Cool Summer Night.· from 5 to 9 fl.m . on Wednc'iday at \outh C.oa'>I Plaza Vill.ige. The acclaimed Steve C.opl' land and the Raging ~Liil will he the featured e11tertai11111e111. Dining will be rrovicfrd by South Coac,t Plal'.a and "outh Coa...,1 Plaza Vi llage restauranti.. including Antonello llio;torante; Rluewater Grill ; the Oubholl'>l'; the Coffee Bean and fea Leaf; I taagen·Da.J~; Maggiano\ Utt le Italy; Nello Cuc1na; Pinot Pro· For the past few weeks. work- ers have been demolishing par· tions of the building. wWch now has littJe more than one wall re- maining. The building l>iLS adjacent to Costa Mesa Square, a retail center anchored by Target Grealland and Henry's Marketplace. 1he city's planning department approved Mobil's application to ~xpand ~nd remodel the buiJdi.ng in October: Shoe Cit~ would be required to supply four parlcing Malls for each 1,000 i.quare feet of retaiJ space. The city issued the permits in April and July, Associ· ate Planner Wendy Shih said. TI1e permits provided for the expan~ion of the retail space, but not a full -.cale demolition, h1h ..aid. "They -;huuJd not be demolil>h· vence ReMaurant; Quattro Ca f fe; llainforcst Cafe: Royal Kh y ber; Vie de France; and Z"Jejai.. Advance ticketi. are $40 per per,on -$50 at the dour. To purchase ticket~ by telcpho11c, call (7 14) 284-5464 or vi!>il www.ce11tns1age.cm11. Balboa Village welcomes new event BHlboa Village will hiN "l.<i 'itrada Dell' Arte· An ltalia11 Street Pa111ting .. t:''>llval and Ta'>tc of Italy" on Balhoa Penin 'ula from 10 a.m. lo 6 p.m from On May 19, a branch of the Orange County Federal Credit Union lef1 lhe site for Fountain Valley. The coumy banker had taken over the Costa Mesa Fed· eral Credit Union, which opened in the clly in 1958. With the c1edJt union gone, Marina del Rey-hascd broker R.L Pmtt & A<;SC>Ciatcs Inc. stepped up marketing effort<; on the 5,3 11-i.quare-foot huilding. Mobil had purcha'>ed lhe prop- eny i11 the late 1990s from C J. S<.'gerstrom & Son., The Shoe City would ~ the J hr bmnch in (..llifom1a and the 1 l th in Orangt: County. Calb to Y ~ M l·.nrt:rpn'>l''>, the Whittier- based O\\IJWr of the company, were no t returned by pre.,_., time. Oct. 4 to 5 ·1 he 1wo-day event, which is frCl' lo tht: public, offers authentic llah..in food, wine and bccr. More than IO(J a rtists will be crcalmg chalk murall>. The fl''>t1val will al'>o havt.' lhc Piazza de Bambini, an an·a for hourge- oning young Mti""· and ~troll­ ing mu,ician.... 111imc<, and d<.mcer,. Prm:t.'l'd'i from "1..i ~trada " will ~upport the Balboa Per- forming Art-. rtu:.itcr Founda- tum. I or mon.· information, '>end an t·-ma1I 111 dtwid~rod­ lteim marl..e1111g c 11111 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •"Quality Service•" "0 Nigbdy Entcruinmcnc•" fur l/t'J, .. r1111tio11.1 CuU (949) 646-7944 I c,9<; Irvine ""'·• ( .. ,., .. l\1~J l).,•an ,. w1 ... 4 "1•• \_..IN• \ SC • a.,, • -r:-., t '9 Ttusday. August 14. lOOJ A3 Rabbitt Insurance Agency AlTfO • llOM~ERS • HEAi.TH .'>labil1f'! ·'"'" / 115"' ~~ ~Sr)J ,. , 949-631-7740 +41 Old Newpott 81.d. • Newport Beach \. (Near lloeg H011pital) ,) BALBOA Continued from Al NewpQrt. has ~ aiticaJ of a number of city policies and prac- tices.. On Wednesday. Foumier's Thies of Balboa site contained the sudden and Wlexpected an- nouncement that the sJte wouJd shut down for •personal rea- sons." Fournier would not say Wednesday whether the Oap wilh the business improvement district was a (actor in his ded- . sion. •JUNE CASAGAANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. No maner what you're dotng. yovr hometown nt!W5pclpef R1S w... Daily Pilot White Front Pharmacy ::,.0 r, ''':J Or.mgP Cuunti frr --'·', ,, ,. Convenient, faO service p harmacy with low prices Diabetes Awaren- -f~ blood rug;u testing and consulr:iag fc3mring Dave Taylor The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each monch &om 1 o~ooam until 3:00pm Cartb • Books • Su1Ulrie1 AJJ Insurance Pl.an.1 Accepted 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 Page Private School gr~,,.;/908 ;.,; A brand new campus with 95 years of experience. JI • family Cho~t Award Winntr for Best Prlntt Ekmcntary School! *PC & Mac Computer Lahs *Stat~of-the-art-Library •science Lab •Sm all C lass Sizes •Private Swimming Pool • troog Curriculum •Individual Attention •After School Programs • Fldd Trips DESIGNER OUTLET 'We woufd ~ to t~rui tliis invitatUm to visist our 'De.signer Outkt featuring 7500 square. fut of fint. furniture for your entire fwmt or offiu at 6tlow tl.tsifirur prices. 'I1ie f})esigntr Outut is open to tfu public. ?Joniay tnrou9fi Saturrlag ftqm 10:00 a.m. · 4:JO p.m. BRIEFlY IN THE NEWS PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA Wednesday. • South Coat Oriw: Two men were arrested on suspicion of vehicle theft In the 900 bloc:t at 9 p.m. Tuesday. Sewage spill closes 150 feet of Newport Harbor • East 17 8trMI:: A man was ammed on suspicion of being drunk In public at 'the 400 bfoc:t at 2.:60 p.m. Tuesday. • HedM>t Boulewlnt end VlctDrie StrNt: NEWPORT BEACH • c.nwtlon Avenue: Burglary was reported In the 600 bloc:t at 10:69 a.m. Wednesday. Orange County health regulators closed a strip of beach along lhe Balboa Peninsula on Wednesday after 20 gallons of raw sewage bubbled into a street gut- ter, a spokeswoman saJd. A man was anested on suspicion of driving under the Influence at 11 :57 p.m. Tuesday. • Felrvtew Roed: A man was arrested on suspicion of being uncklr the influence in the 2700 bloc:t at 11 :65 p.m . Tuesday. • COfPC)t'9te Plan: Vandalism was reported In the 100 bloc:t at 9:31 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Boui.vard: Grand theft was reported In the 3400 bloctc at 2:12 p.m. Tuesday. The Orange County Health Care Agen- cy, which monitors water quality, closed 150 feet of beach along Newport Harbor at l l a.m. Wednesday. The closure oc- curred at lSth Street Sewage overflowed from a city sewage pipe at 8 p.m. Tu~y after pieces of clay and other construction debris clogged it, an agency spokeswoman said. • Hatbor Boulevard: Two women were arrested on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia in the 3700 bloctc at .,i:50 a.m . Wednesday. • tt.rbot and Mec:Atthur boulewrds: •Newport Coast Driw: Vehicle burglary was reported in the 22800 bloc:t al 1:41 p.m. Tuesday. • ac..n Boui.vard: Burglary was reported in the 1500 bloctc at 10:22 p.m. Tuesday. One female was arrested on suspicion of loitering In a public plaoe at 4:35 a.m. Wednesday. City crews quickly mopped up the mess, spokeswoman Monica Mazur said. • w..t 19th Strwet: One man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public in the 700 bloctc at 1 :30 a.m. •Seashore Drive: Grand theft was reported in the 4100 bloc:t at 8:44 a.m. Wednesday. WATER Continued from Al real estate than other larger sys- tems. because of their me- chanical and chemical simplic- ity. MAs time goes by and we con· tinue into the 21st century, this technology is golng to become more widespread, and the use will become more common at both the small scale and the in- dustrial scale," Phipps said. The membranes, are hardly perfect, though. Phipps said. They could be cheaper, more CURVE Continued from Al didn't exist Our Iraqi and Afghan students need some background here. The Republicans lost the governo(s office a year ago by finding and running probably the onJy candidate in the state even less attractive than the unpopular incumbent. So after h e lost, his party then came up with a creative new political concept now known as lssa's Law: if you lose an election, just keep buying new ones until you win. There were two problems here. Nonnally, proof of malfeasance in office is necessary to recall or impeach a public official. Since -as a recent Los Angeles runes editorial pointed out -"there is no evidence th.at Davis is guilty of malfeasance," Issa's Law had to be extended to include public officials who are arrogant, duplicitous and personally unpleasant. That this might well include half our office holders doesn't have to be a deterrent. It certainly wasn't In this case. The other problem was tougher. There wasn~ nearly enough lnterest in the recall of Gov. Gray Davis to get the necessary petition signatures. That's where lhe money came in. The sugar daddy behlnd the AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bev St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mlke.swanson@latimes.com; byfa~to(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. lnolude the time. date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete 11111ing Is avallable a1 www.dailypllotcom. FRtDAY Teddy BNn •nd TN Cups on Ba lboa Island, 225 Marine Ave., will host a Doll Trunk Show. For times: (949) 673-7204. SATURDAY The~ of h PMwpott Beach Library wfll hold a used book sale In the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. from 9 a.m. to·4 p.m. with boob priced at •a bu<* •bag:" A mem~ly pt'9Vfew will be held Aug. 15 wtth hardcover boob priced at two for $1 end paperbedca at six for St AH proceeds ere donated to the ffbrery -vatem. l~nndon: (948) 7M-tee1 • .,..,,.._A New 11 .. will.:•• worbhop for men end women dtvon:.d or g9lllng divorced. The COit II $40. It wit be held 10 a.m. lo 12 p.m. 91180 NeowpOft ~ Drtv9. lnfonndon: , ... , &H$431. .... ....................... o.. Senior cenew • ..-..c .. ,. end a..:-the tNrd of ftw .. ecr.. ... 1n ......... , p.lft. Al.,. lrwtlld ID~"­...... ... ... ........ .. .. __...~,..._ ... 1 energy efficient and less prone to problems. Olemical and.bio· logical species, for example, are known to co1Jec1 on the surface of the membrane, making ii dif- ficult for water 10 pass through. MThere's a number of arear. where we need 10 see new de- velopments," Phipps said. "We're working on a membrane that can produce a be1ter-qual- ity produc t for less cos I." The membrane samples will be crealed at Stanford and then sent to Fountain Valley, where the research team will put the systems to work, performing extensive experiments and lest· ing to weed ou1 what doesn't recall bought the services of a corps of m ercenaries who had no interest in the issues involved, but were trained simply to get signarures -and are quite good at it. After enough signatures were obtained to force a recall, the angel who put up the money in the hope of becoming governor himself, was then dismi.cised by lhe party heavywejghts. He was allowed a public podium to ma.k.e a tearful withdrawal while the heavyweights scouted around the movie business for a name-recognition candidate who couJd win. Fluency in English was not required. Several new sets of problems presented themselves after a date for the recall election was set It turned out a whole Oock of citizens had been fantasiWlg a.bout being governor some day and suddenJy found an opportunity to be heard. All it took was $3,500 and a handful of •signatures. So, at the time I wrote this, 158 incipient governors had applied for the job. Then. some serious technical problems emerged. Creating ballots long enough for all those names and counting them - sometimes by hand -will be awkward and expensive. F.stimates of lhe cost of the election are running near $70 million in a state already scavenging for money by cutting back on sorely needed social services, especially in health and Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. A auftMt auiM In Newport Harbor lnoluding a gourmet dinner; live musk end dancing, Arthur Murray dancers and a live auction will be held by Adventures at Sea to benefit Parent Help, U.S.A. Reservations are required. Tidtets are $75 per person or two for $125. For more information, call (949) 650-3461. MONDAY Metu,. driven can aha.pen theh' driving skills in two four-hour AARP driver safety claases held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and Aug. 19 at the PreatJvterian Churdt of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. ca...e. .,.. limlted to 30 atudenta. The COit la $10. Advanced registration Is required. For mote Information, cell (714) 557-3340. TUESDAY The Or-.. County dMipter'of Wine Brats, a nation,t nonprofit orgeniz.ation, ia holding ita monthly wine tutfng event at Gulc.af Anderl ....... ,..,. In South Coat v.. from 7 to 9 p.m. The Wine Brlb wttl be tadng.,.., wiMlhm AultraMl. lnfom'8llon end r.-1tlon: oc....,...org A,,_w16 ............. . HNllng Home:" • bl Mid 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. •MocMf'I ~ 226 E. 17th 91., CGllM Mme. for rll l f'Yltianl. cell (IOO) 1585-MOMS. ..... ,.. .. , , ....... ·-· ~.., s•'tawllbliln . ...... ~ ...... C..pMlni'*" lnCorGNdll work. Ron Wildermulh. 1he dis- trict'i. communica1ion director, !>aid 1hat thb is just on e more !'.tep in the agency'i. "lradition of innova1ion ." "To be participaling wilh lhis level of expertise demons1rates 1he quality of people here at the Oran~e Coun1y Water District," Wildermuth said. "We're talking the best in the country and maybe the world." Shrinking water supplies are the project's driving force. Many water l!eatment experts such a-. Phipps believe Lhere ic; a global water crisis. "It\ 111 our best in1ercs1 not lO education. But tha1'!. the way it goes sometimes in a democracy. First thing's firs1. What we have to look forward to now is the campaign. The nonnal procedure wouJd be a series of candidate forums to discuss individual differences on public issues. This will be possible locally only if the . candidates make a semicircle acros.s the outfield in Anaheim Statlium. To keep the program under 1wo hours. each candidate would then have 30 l>eCOnds to prei.en1 his or her program for resolving C.alifomia's economk and social problems so that we voter-. migh1 maJce a rationaJ choice. Ole forum moderator would. of course, be Jay Leno. who would have to be cautioned agambl giving special candidate attention to porn actresses. stand-up comics, reality lV producers or Austrian weightlifters while he is warming up the audience. Some of the debate possibilities are exciting. Schwan..enegger up against Arianna Huffington. for example -Austrian accent against Greek. Or BiU Sim on , debating with himself, in an effort 10 come up with a complete declarative sentence. The problem here is !hat if select candidates are given special medJa treaunent, lhe olher 150 are llitely to demand equal time. And finally. of course, there are lhe clowns. Every circus has its clowns. and democratic Mar. Attendees will then carpool to Crystal Cove State Partt for a hike end lunch. Information: (949) 64&-9922 or newcomers-newportbeacll.org AUG.21 A free bone ct.nttty ecrMning will be held by appointment only from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mother's Marttet, 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 59&.MOMS. The N9wport BMd1 Chamber of Commerce ia hosting a Retail Merchants Sales Sem inar sponsored by the Bayside branch of Union Bank of California from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Bead'I Yacht Club. The oost to attend la $15, whlc:ti Includes a continental breakfast For retervation1, call (949) 729-4400. T.cldy....,. end Tee eup. on Balboa Island. 226 Marine Ave .• wfll host •Spa Dey for Girt a• at 2:30 p.m. Information: (949) 873-7204. AUG. 22 TheCoetll MIM...., c... preunia 1 Hew9Aen luau r.etunng euthefldc Heweflen food, ~and more from 4 to 7 p.m. ~,,.on ...... the center'•"°"' delk. "-vdonl.,.. mu.I.. Adm._.on for memt>era It SS, $11 for nonmembera .. lnfonnetion: , ... ~ Mll.U 111euc ...... ..._aim11 ~-8fWlllSummetlulb .. from tO a.m. '°. p,rn,. Giidea"" ..... the dMNlOe to ........... donnn ............................ AQFN, ...... In conlilll•a. waMe thal prec1ou1> re:.ource that we have,· Ph1pp!> 'ia1d "Water i1> worth hum an lives. You can'I t.'Xi!>t without water." Phipp!> hopes 1hat these new system'> will play a part in bail ing out the dry nation. "We need to be ab!<' to lw much more efficit·nt cm how we deal with our wa1t·r, <.1nd wha1 -.tands helwt.·cn us and that wu ter '>Upply ic; the appropmllt• technolob'Y·" Ph1pp1> s:iitl •JENNY MARDER is a reporter with Times Commumly News Shu can be reached al 17141965 7173 or by e mail at 1enny marder " liJl1me5 com election-. .ire not t.'lltt·p11on'> fht· problem comt'l> when thc.> clown1> take over the 'how And our '>tudent-. in Iraq and Afghanis1a11 need to a.<,l 1f 1ha1 1c, wha1 h~ happent!d in the California motlel tht•y are studymg. So du we. A lV ..atiml nanwd Hill Prady is-already sure. When he filed candidate paper'>. he la.,twd our at 1hc poliLician'> involved 111 1he recall, celling a Lo~ Angele'> Time'> reporter: "A., a per')on wh<1 make!> <1 liv1111< uff uf mak111g mockery. I rl''>Cnt thcm intruding inlo my world " Not me. I like a good emu-. 1r these guys who have pu-;hed our democratic .;ystem over the• ra11onal edge and will be spendmg many millions of badly needed public doUan. to do ii can bring thJs off, I up my ha1 10 them. The state will probably be in worse chaos ahcrward. and the system may have taken a body blow, but they will have demonstrated a cardinal precept in this country today th<1t we need to look straight in the eye: that money can buy anythJnl( - especially power There is stiJJ a chance that m Lhts in'ilance. money may have bought an election. but not a victory. Thal will soon be in our hand~ And our resolution may well be lhe fm.t and the final lesson for our studenls of democracy. • JOSEPH N. BEU rs a resident of Sanla Ana Heights Hrs column appears Thursdays. Expen advice and landscaping ideas will be available. The Arboretum is located just south of the oomer of Campus Or. and Jamboree Ad. on the north campus. Admission is $2 and dlildren under 12 are free. For more Information, send e-mail to ldlyons@uci.8du. Triangle Squ•re In Coai. Mes. invites the community to attend ·A Fair at the Square" for the sights. sounds and great deals In the outdoor marttetplace While taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a .m. to 4 p.m. Th• fMwpof1 tt.lbor High School cheer squad will host Junior Cheer Ca,np from 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 23. 26 and 27 In front of the high adloot's anchor. The oost I• $95, whic:ti covers a i:.shirt. anadta, pom-poma, photo, extra fall practice and performance 8t a high adlool football game on Aug. 28. Students In grades I( through eight are welcome. For more information, cell (949) 673-1989. n.. Newpoft tt.taor CM w41 h9W ita aMU8I wtM end~ ~wtth ~ ... .. ... =------ NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL during prime vacation time in August. NEXT MEETING: Here are some decisions coming out of Tuesday's City Council meeting. OASIS CENTER • WHEN: 7 p.m. Aug. 26 COUNCIL ATTENDANCE As is common during August V"dottion time, only four of the city's seven council members attended Tuesday's meeting. On vacation were Gary Adams, John Heffernan and Gary Proctor. Mayor Steve Bromberg saJd that it's so common for council members to be on vacation In August that the council at one time considered not holding rnveting.s in August. A plan to work out the details of a more fonnal relationship between the city and the Friends of the Oasis •WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Agendas and staff reports are available online several days prior to each meeting at www.city.newport-beach.ca.us; phone (949) 644-3000 WHAT THEY SAID: volunteer group died as a direct result of Tuesday's low council turnout. The item to create a committee to draft an Oasis agreement was shot down Tuesday by -not just the members prestm -the 3-1 vote was not sufficienl for 1he morion to pass. WHAT IT MEANS: "Maybe we'll want to look at that again som etime, H Bromberg sald of the idea of having council meetings "go darkH a single vote. Councilman Dick Nichols voted against the item. He voted no after telling colleagues that he had· wanted .to be on the committee. Bromberg did not change his original decision to appoint Councilmen Don Webb and Tod Ridgeway. Nichols then voted against the item. Because council actions require approval by a majority of the full council Though the motion failed, City Manager Homer Bludau on We<lne!-.day saJd that the matter will come back un a future agenda, probably on Aug. 26. Six council members are expected to a11cnd that meeting. Proctor is expected 10 bt still on vacation at thal timt. TOWN Continued from A4 Chris Cox from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the home of Debbie Allen, 1021 White Sails Way, Corona del Mar. For information and reservations, call (949) 646-9127. The Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club will hold its annual fund-raiser, "As Time Goes By,• at the Village Crean. The event will include dinner, music, silent and live auctions and the chance to win a diamond and emerald bracelet. For more information. call (562) 743-4906. The Costa Mesa Senior Center will be dipping ice cream at an ice cream social at the marketplace from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. All proceeds will benefit the center. Information: (949) 646-2356. AUG.24 A 4*ebntion to martc the opening of the first phase of Bonita Canyon Sports Pane in Newport Beach will begin with a dedication of the sports fields at 3 p.m. Sports clinics, contests and door prizes will run throughout the day. The first 1,000 children to arrive will receive a free opening day souvenir. Information: (949) 644-3151. The Orange County Martcet Pfac:e in Costa Mesa will host the fourth annual Endless Summer Class Car Show and Elvis Fest, celebrating the life and music of Elvis Presley, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. General admission is $2, and parking is free. For more information, call (949) 723-6663. To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present ·Guess Who's Coming to Dinner; the fourth of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. The Jewish Communtty Centw of Orange County will host the "Three Centuries of Music· concert at 2 p.m. The Three Centuries of Music Quartet includes Russian-trained musicians Sergei Kossiak, Tatiana Kossiak, Arshak Hayrikyan, and louri Adichtchev, all members of the Oueretaro Philharmonic Orchestra of Mexico. The ensemble has played for President Fox of Mexico and for the king and queen of Spain. Proceeds will benefit construction of the Jeremiah House. Tic*ets are $1 5 general admission or $100 for patrons. Information and reservations: (714) 755-0340, ext. 134. The second Walk for Leilani will take place from noon to 4 p.m. at Fairview Pane in Costa Mesa. Donations will go toward an electric wheelchair that Leilani Gutierrez. a 5-year-old who was paralyzed from the chin down in a car accident a little more than a year ago, can control with her mouth. Information: www.ourleilani.com. AUG.28 A free seminar, "Petfonnanc:e Nutrition for Strength and Longevity; will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport BMch Chamber of Commerce will host its Newport Sunset Networking Mixer from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican, 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance is free for chamber members, $10 for potential members. Reservations aren't required. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. now two locations with purdwt of any sandwtch. Must present coupon. Umlt one per rustomer. Exp. 8/30/03 427 E. 17rn STREET COSTA MESAi CA 949.646.1440 MoN -Fll 7:00 -6:00 SAMDAY 7:00 -5:00 a-1-.. I 2950 GRACE I.AN£ <°""*' bfNwrt Fo1Mtw a_., COSTAMWiCA 714.424.0176 I AUG.29 Teddy BMrs and Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave .• will host "Pajama Night# from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204. Oasis Senior Center will present "On Golden Pond;· the last of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn F1lrn Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244 AUG.31 To honor Katharine Hepbum, •••••••• FotoART-•••••••• ';'f "· ' .. ~ ~- .,;· 1 J oa L Unique Personalized Gifts for every ocassion W;~ our Web Sole al wwoN foloart com Choa&e from- Personalized Mugs Laser Engraved Frames PhotoSculptures Sports Awards and much much more' Bring this ad with you for $10.00 off your order. 71)0 .ves1 161'• Street ........ _r#..,,.IO>~ ~,,,.~ ..... ~~ ....... "'lillMllf._.._..._._~ ll ...-.~~~f...-~t<Q) OBICOf.......,_ W'llt o.-_......, nwv ,_.. ..,,., , ""' Bu•ld1ng (J ~ 1MM"' &PV Cosia ~ GA 926;>1 "'"" -949·!>45·3688 _/niu us tod1~}' to begi11 ... 11 lifetime of belonging! Find out Wirf Congregation Shir Ha-Ma'alot is one of the warmest. 1nendhest, and most innovative Reform congregations in Orange County Get to know us and our dynamic Rabbi Richard Steinberg and feel nght a1 home. lntertallti fam1hes welcome August 15th: 5:4Spm Plzu Dinn&' 6c30pm Tot Shabbat 7:30pm stwbtNlt Srllcn ~ ~. 60+ Crowd 7:30pm Sha~t Service August 23rd • s.turday: 5DOpm ~EEO&~ Sr.Itel; ~ ~ & ChelM Rlaptlon 7:30pm 'ftoldau Nitt l.W ~ Saw. .. CO N GREGAT IO N Sl1ir ~~M.\'4'Jot 949-857-2226 www shmtEmplE org · • .. • ' · " lifetime Warranty Carpet $1 '' Llfetl•e Warr••ty ......... $2'' • • ,,,,,,, . .. '"''"' •• BLOODY MARY DAYSI ~i(•l!t3:1:tJ1J IMPORTED$1599 RUSSIAN VODKA 1 LTlt +Tax --Baby Bac ks--- w And Iota of other Good Stufr DIN& • BANQUETS • CATERING TAKE-OUT • DBJVER\' • Also Feolunng Blocli; Angus Sleolts. chKk.en. Pnme Rib. fresh Hsh. sondw!ches and salads • Cockloll loonge • 8onquels up IO 100 • Tobleslde MoQtc Sunday eye • Warn & comfonoble Booths • Reservations accepted • K>ds Mer-.is • Open a1 4pm, 12 noon on ~s • lake-Ou! Cl'olOlloble ~ 10 om "We have a lot of competition ... But our Ribs Don't" G us Lifeti•e Warranty Cera•lc $1 '' Llfetl•• •. ,,. . ., . .... $ 99 FORUM HOW 10 GET PUBUSHED -l..n.n: Mail to Editorial Page Edftor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ........ HodiM: Call (949) 642~ Fu: Send to (949) 64&4 l 70 E-fNll:Send to dallypilot@l11times.com •All correspondence must lnc:fude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submiAlons for darfty and length. EDITORIAL Drop the lawsuit agaiitst the city C osta Mesa is diverse. It has a wide variety of people, stores, arts venues and events. The city became more diverse last year when it welcomed the first Orange County Dyke March. The Dyke March will make its second appearance on Saturday, but it didn't happen easily. And that's a major problem. ·niere were a few glitches last year at the Dyke March. In particular, a participant on a motorcycle perfonned a stunt that a Costa Mesa Police officer specifically asked her not to do. the city's restrictions were "unreasonable" and "unconstitutional." Whether that was the case, the city, a day later, dropped most of the conditions, paving the way for the show to go on. Organizers were glad the march would no longer be hindered, but have not dropped the lawsuit. Several of the city's conditions were unreasonable and, plainly, ridiculous, but the lawsuit, too. is ridicuJous. As memioned earlier, the city has a responsibility to protect itself against injury lawsuits. READERS RESPOND That disregard led the city to compile a list of conditions for marchers this year that included requiring motorcycle riders co submit copie!> of their driver's licenses. Now, whiJe the city has every responsibility to its residents to protect itself from possible injury lawsuits. it seems there could have been another way to go about this. Councilman Mike Scheafer knows this too well, as it was near the Costa Mesa Fish Fry that a woman injured her ankle on a curb. Even though she wac;n't even at the event, she happened co be near ii at Orange Coast College and 1urned around and sued the Lions Oub. It held the Fish Fry up for two years. An artist's conception of condom1rnums proposed for 1901 Newport. But that requirement became part of the city's 21-condition list. h also became a sticking point between the city and the Gay & Lesbian Community Services Center of Orange County, which stages the rally and march. The city can't afford to lake such a risk either. and if Dyke March organiz.ers can back up their marchers with extra insurance -another condition the city originally required - then so be it But right now, the city is the one taking the risk of injuries, resulting from what can be dangerous wheelies and other unnecessary motorcycle stunts. Rehear ye, rehear ye The rwo sides held a !>eries of meetings to resolve the differences, but this resuJted in an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit against the city Last week. The suit alleged that We urge the organiz.ers to drop the lawsujt and get on with the march. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Time for improvement on Westside is now I n a desperate Hall step up to the plate attempt to stave off and do what is best for what should be the Costa Mesa. rather than inevitable, a group of catering to selfish Westside Costa Mesa business owners who industrial property reside elsewhere. And owners, who tha t includes his honor, themselves. for the the mayor. most part, live in I consider myself Newport Beach. have business friend.Jy. but formed an alliance to there must be a prevent their property ILA balance. Apparently, from being included in JOHNSON some at the helm don't the downtown Costa think so. Mesa redevelopment area. 'rhese Unfortunately, health issues business owners, who are are not the only problem here. polluting our city and occupying The quality of life in Costa Mesa the most desirable property in is belng severety compromised Costa Mesa, shouJd not be in another way. 'rhe driving the train when It comes inappropriate industrial use of 10 what course the city takes m what should be the premier conducting 1he bw.iness of residential area of the city is Costa Mesa. It is presumptuous impacting the city by oft.hem to anempt to do i.o. causing/contributing to the Contrary to what Mayor Gary social problems which include, AT ISSUE : Did the City Counci l ma ke the right decision to rehear the 190 I Newport condo project? I totally agree thar the Costa Mec;a City Council needs lo give the 190 I Newport BouJevard condo project a second look. I've attended the City Council meeting!>. I don't rhink 11 !>hould have been approved and pa.-.-.ed without more information. And I am very wad they are doing a rehearing on it. Al least i.o that 1hey know when and why they made a decision and l>O lh<" rc'>t of the residen1:. also can participate. IRENE SHANNON Costa Mesa Yes, they made the nght dec15ion lo review thi project. and Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan should abstain from voting because he has a vested interest in incre~ing foot traffic to his nearby restaurant DENNIS BARTON Costa Mesa J believe that the City Council should have allowed the rehearing. In fact. the city planning department and the council made a mil>take by even approving thi'> project to start with back in April. And now, we have gone through this situation here, and the la..,t month for rehearing. we were ready to expre'>s our opinions. and then las t night. how disappointing. This big development company. they just want lo bully the city and buJly the group that brought thb to tht· attention of the MAILBAG Monahan states, their request to but are not limited to, an Funds should land in have their property excluded unprecedented growth of a from the redevelopment area is population that cannot afford to classrooms most certainly not reasonable. live here. 11lis population must ln considering where to spend It is also presumptuous of depend on the ever-growing and redevelopment funds, one should them to believe that a few expanding charities and other consider the source of the funds. oounetic improvements in any social services. Redevelopment money comes from way ameliorate the negative EmployetS from the what is caJJed "tax-Increment" funding. Impact their businesses have on industrialists on down who Normally, our propeny tax dollar is the residents of Costa Mesa. exploit a permanent underclass split among variou agencies, including Those pollutants produced by of immigrants need to take a schools, the city. the county, libraries, the factories affect every resident close look at their actions. These parb and special districts. After the of Costa Mesa. not only those on immigrants, from day wort.era 10 redevelopment agency is established, the West Ide. Residents of COsta nannies and gardeners, are often any increase in property truces, the "true Mesa. both on the Westside, to paid low wages under the table increment," goes to the redevelopment the north and on the Eastslde. with no benefits. This requires agency, even If the increase is only due are exposed daily to air unfit for them to be subsidiud with an to normal inflation. Meanwhile. schools humans and contaminated by attendant need for more taxes to and othen still get only what they got some of the businesses owned support the social servica. years ago. and operated by tndu.strialists Wake up. people. The In the case of the Santa Ana Heights who care littJe for the health and resultant social services are Redevelopment Area. the Newport-Mesa weU being or the citizens of costing you more in taxes than School District gets no more than It got Costa Mesa. you save by exploiting these in the mid· t 980s. ln the cue of the And why houJd they? They individuals. Costa Mesa RedeveJopment Area, don't live here. Why should they n,e time to rezone Costa Newpon·Mes& schools don't get a penny ca.re ti Costa Mc.a ls becoming Mesa'• bluff* and utilizo the area more than they got ln the 1970& more UM M>mc cA the most property ii long c;werdue. Come In all those yura, coats or educatlon W"delil"lble cidee In lhe SUlte on. Cotta Meta cittuns. telJ your have lnc:teaaed along with the cost of '""djy1 decled reprettentattYes to start everythlng et . These redevelopment Wt.II, they dOn't. bUt chose repreeendna your lnteftlltl lnCI area continue to gent"rate ttudenu to cemDg che abota In Costa Mesa. noc. llioee of OUllklm who care the IChools. lnalnd ol ~Mng mmlly lhe Qty QQ\dL people little tor ow dty .odier than to rewnuet to co.er these co ts. the money *Ucl co make decttlonf ln h UM h for 1 clwnplnc pound for goes to redevelopment agencies to pay IJl!lll inf8'fsb of thei1 mndldone ~would n4M!I' for t.h1nga lib corllUltant ttudJ ~ mo« Uliarcdly tolerate in their own dty. decorative ltrfft light.a, consultant -... c:me. But die)' do tbe1f k INdJa, dewloper handouts. consultant ............... p.o;li..... • IDmJll"aml9: ... JottNOn '-• lblCMel, ...., -. w1. ob~ .. r• dldl CMr: dMn II Qty C.. Me'9.......... conUtanl lfUdla .._ __ .__~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ ----~.:......--- ) clly counnl 10 ~tart with. !>o for what it's worth, the c11y !>hould not have approved this development. rhcy could have said M>met.hing to the effect we don't want thi" development now because you are trying to bully us into OJGng your mammoth project, hut they didn't. JUNE MCKINZIE Costa Mesa I am calling in regards to your 4ue'>tion, "Did the City Council make the right decision to rehear the 190 I Newport condo project," and J think lhey did. ED MAZZARELLA Costa Mesa You've heard 4uite a btt from me abou1 the 190 I project But J am re~ponding 10 your Reader's Holline question, and Councilman Allan Mansoor is totally justified in granting the rehearing We brought up enough new information that it has been changed quite a bil prior to this last attempt at a public hearing. And we raised enough new issues that Councilwoman Libby Cowan. who b a very intelligent woman, saw that there were some discrepancies and some things that needed 10 be · answered that she hadn't seen before. And that was all new information or she would have not changed her mind and supported the rehearing, One of the problems with the original process is there hardly was a public hearing in the first place. What I mean is that even though the April 14 hearing was 1echnically a public hearing, not much of the public wru. actually there. People didn't know about this project, The bulk of the funds are diverted from schoots and city general funds. The rwo local redevelopment agencies would be expected to divert about one and a half to two million dollars a year from local schools. Does anyone else find this scandaJous? The Santa Ana Heights Redevelopment Agency should repay funds that belong in our schools -as should the Costa Mesa RedeveJopment Agency. Redevelopment agencies are supposed to invest in the community lo maintain propeny values and contribute to a better future. What better investment than the education or our children? SANORA GENIS Costa Mesa • EJ>l'YOA'S NOTE: Sandra Genis ls 1 former ea.ta Mesa mayor. C.Osta Mesa knows high-intensity better What ln the world la Eleanor P.can talkl.ngaboutwhenshedescribe1 •major, hJgh·lntenslty development projetts" In Fountain Valley'? Our blgest conatructJon projects are our aenJor center wtth adjKent condot and 1partmentt and another echool aite bftng convened to 52 tngte.r.muy homd. Mike Thompson'• RV hM apeOded tu aaJet ac:ttvtlles to bodl _....,.,~ freewa~ but lblawullll.._.-..C generation uee the dfy IDr and there w~ no auempt to inform the community. There was no outreach. so very few people could weigh in. In the last two auernpl!> at a public hearing. a lot of people cam e to speak. Titose public hearings were canceled, and the people went away without being able to speak. So we still haven't had a hearing where we hear much from the public. ROBIN LEfFLER Costa Mesa Yes, the City Council made the right decision to rehear the project, but then they denied resident!> rwo times the right to be heard, ~o we haven't really gotten to the place where they reheard anything. The first meeting that approved the condo project ~ held in a secret area lha1 not many people knew what was going on. It wasn't advertised in a City Council meeting. And some of the information presented that night regarding the shadowing was not accurate. Basically, the Ctty Council has denied the residents of Costa Mesa the right to be hean:I rwo times. And many, many people have t1Jrned out now for two evenings and not even had an opportunity lo \peak on the agenda item. And f thinlc that it il> time that the City Council listens. even If It takes all night. to what the residents of Costa Mesa want or don't wan1 regardmg this project h will cause great congestion. We don't need that high of a density. We are overbuilt and we need to look at other places to build and not build a four-story building. WENDYLEECE Costa Mesa reusing this site. Sam's Oub is purchasing an adjacent shopping center to expand its existing store. We're planning to develop addjtional youth sports facilities at Mile Square Park. and Fountain Valley Regional Hospital has a new master plan coming to us soon for reorgani1..ing their campus with a new hospital bulldJng. We're working to redevelop several existing buildings that the city a cquired when we spent millions buiJding the Newhope Extension. one more roadway project constructed to carry east·weat pass-through traffic. If you think any of these projecu are "major, high-intensity developments,• then how do you describe tbe Home Ranch project and Its gargantuan OP.A? GiUIAYD Fountain Valley clty coundlman Keep the music rolling at amphitheater I would love to see the Oranp County Fair officials conllnue to use the Padftc Amph1theatre. I went to the first concert when tt wu Barry Manilow and went to at leut to to 12 concerts In between befons they closed it down in t995, and .mce the neighbor complaint• haw dwtncDed down to almo1t Rn>, I thJnt thil 11 I fantutJc venue and I lcwe 1 pa.c. I can So to a concert and be home ht minute.. &ater, .. a lonpime ftliAdeftt hen In ea. MelL ... .. , .. C...Melli ~--:--~--~'-!-------------.0..----.:...,.._ __ ::..-.. r THE CROWD The Blacks mark another 10 years of marriage D urtng my first year on the job as society editor some 10 years ago, I ran a piece on a Costa Mesa couple celebrating its SOth wedding anniversary. It was my intent then, and now, to celebrate the personal and positive side of hwnanity in print. This week. Corinne and Dave 81-.k celebrated their 60th anniversary. Married in Tacoma, Wash., in 1943, the couple has · resided in Costa Mesa since 1959. A luncheon a t Sama Ana Country Oub, hosted by their three children, David Black of Aptos, Calif.; Stewn Black of lake Oswego, Ore.; and Kristin Black of I luntington Beach, brought 8. W. COOK together family and friends to toast 60 years of love. Jazz artist Page Cavanaugh and his trio entertained as family history and community bonds were recountc..'<i in tribut~. I will happily look forward to printing the Blacks' 70th annivcr..ary celebra tio n. REAL ESTATE WOMEN RAISE FUNDS Real ~late has long been a vital business in this community Last week, w me of the leading women in commen:1al real estate -Commercial Real l·.c,1a1e Women, or CR~W -joined forces at the BaJboa Yacht G ub in Coro na del Mar 10 enioy a little summer '><>ClaJi.7Jng and raise funds for a good cauc,e. Attending the California Real Estate Women event at the Balboa Yacht Club were Nancy and Mar~ Buchanan and Leanne Berry, CREW president The event tally wa_c, SS.000, to be donated to Wt!>e Place. a shelter for abused women and children. On han d to accept the donation and thank the womt'n was Kathy Bowman, ext-<:utive director o f the charity. Nancy and Mark Buchanan. Balboa Yacht Oub member-;, sponsored the evening at the yacht club, with suppon from co-chairs Oaeryl Byrne. Dem Cannon. and P.llttn Schwer. "Th" c,ummer event '' c,o popular that we have h'llC'>I'> dnve 111 fro m a<, far away a<. I J\ San Diego. dnd R1wr.,1de." ~huler '>aid l.Dt:aJ gab allending indudL'tl Barbara lao-lborson, Stefanie Patrick, Oieryt Dow. Marcla f<orsyth, Beth Kiley. Jerri Klein. Debi Stanley. Gary MaxwelJ. tort Kramer, Cathy Voreyer, Diane Bartko. ICaren Hardy. Doris Bolton, Mary Monday. Maxxy Farzlne .md Catherine PredJnburg. CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY FOR THE CENTER Neiman Marcus has alrl'ath l re.11ed "' holltl.1y hou11que It.., hnm111111g \\ ith f,11>111<1u' Chn,1111.1' orn<1ml·n1' ancl !{Ill' \"Orthy or l Olll0l lll1g fl, 110 wondt•r th.it tht• fall .111d w1111l'r 'onal \l'.l'on "gi·11111~ a flll'h \\lll'n i\ugu,1 ll'll1P' <Hl' 1.hmhmg 111111 tlw 100 dt•grt•t• ra11gl' ~1. ir you art loungmg pr1ot..1<1t• 111 your luloni Jnd dn•J111111g of lw111g L1ndt•rdla at 1ht· holadJy h.111. '>\\11th mental g1""'· 11111 d11\\11 till' margarita .111d 111.uk ~mu 1.ile1lll.1r fur \l·pll'llllwr tmy h1rthd.iy 1' 1ha1 1110111h1 ,111d pf,111 lo ,111t•11cJ the f,1b11h111' Nont...trwn LOIH < .111t.lld1gh1 < 1111u:n gm' n pn·w11t.1111111 .11 ~>uth C oa'I ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE r uu ll•mr f11rnuJ11np. An"'I""' & < olbr11blr1. 1ra411111fWI"' C..tt1.1tr <.tj11 .,n;J (,11rtJrn (),.or U' 11/r l m 11n4 /Jel1t'<TY G•nkn (iljr (,ilrrbn Pilflo f>1ntnt irrl'lnt 8rr111rf1111, I unrh. Tt1111n4 11n bpmw &r CM E HOURS: Mo,, .Su,, 9am 4pm u rulln to 0111ndt'1rn. l 1ml & /Wrr HooltJ. ( ll~tnm 1'1rt11rr Fr11mint, l'urn1111rr Rntormion 11nd m11rli morr ' ROW HOUR.\: Tut'-Sat /Oa,,,·5pm (949) 722-1177 Multiple Choice. Orange Coast College offers you •.. Countless Possibilities! No matter what your goal is, it's a good bet that OCC has a program to get you there. We offer more than 200 different transfer and career options. W.11 get you to a unfversity! -We rank second out of California's 108 community colleges in transferring students to four- year universities. W.11 prepare you for an ~ting career! -Our career programs are second-to-none! Thousands of our alums wortc for large, medium and modest-size businesses, corporations, high-tech firms, hotels, hospiuls and medical facilities around the counby. Call now for fall regtsmtion information. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 25. To -. MJluobW tlSOClttt.S. OrDngt Coast C°"11gt ho! not mafled its doss schfdulil this foll.. You· con po up o <»py in tht Admfsslons Of!b. Of oc.ms tht /vi schtdull onUnt at: ora~gecoastcollege.com We'll· htlp ~u ~there. C!)· 714-432--5072 • l'li.1/.d I ht''"" h1 the hlth .1111111.al ... pothghl 1111 gi1\\ 11 ... prodm t'd h\ tlw c.Jy11,11111c lad11•' ol th1· ( lrangl' < 1111111\ 1't·rlor111mg \rl\ < t•111t·r C .mtllt·light < 11 me rt < o 11111111 t t·t· 1 lw fJ,hlOll 'hi>\\ ,Jlld l IH kt .Ill n·1 1·1111011 lm11111 c, t ht• 11111ftor\\ 1111·r ... 01 ( .111dh·ligh1 ( lllll 1°rt, lht· lllfl'I llllflOI t.1111 ( t'llll'r lurid r,11\t0r of !lit• yto,1r I or more i11forma11011 011 '11pp11rlll\g till' ( t 'lll•'I ,lfld ( .111dll'11gl11. I .111 -; I IJ ,:,1; :.! I.'..!., t'\I :'tJ.!. • THE CROWD appNrs Thursdays anrl Sdturelc1ys Dave and Corinne Black of Costa Mesa celebratP their 6 Jt~ anniversary at Santa Ana Country Club ------------- Special events co-chairs of the Commer(1al Rec: r Sidi"' t.o•r Pr fund raiser were F1leen $(huler ..,heryl 5yrrie 1• J nr>rr :'l' or Attending the California Real Es tat~ Womer d1n11"'r 1ur IJ '"' • 1 d the Balboa Yacht Club were Madonna Mohn.:iri .. ino Ru·ti Hr d,.. J h, Al Thur~. August 14, 2003 Su1mner Clearance! Savings up to 70% Off I O% Oii New. Fall Arrivals Auput lstb, 16th fl 17th. Three Fr ie nds OC Reg ister's #I BoutiqH i11 Oru9e County H.twport 811ch Wettcliff Pfau Irvine & 17th Strut (Nut It Starheh) 949. S48. 9881 Yuh l!d1 714.693.0967 h4m Raech 949.347.6901 Iuti • Ruch 714.S44. 9314 ALDEN'S I I DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 Al\ID .MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVll\16 l\IECES!iARY I Certified To Clean All Hunt:er Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • luminette Privacy Sheers· • Silhouette~ window shadings •Vignette• window shadings • Duette1 honeycomb shades • MilleniaTM Collection • Jubilance™ roman shades •Applause• honeycomb shades • Serenette™ SoftFold™ shadings World's Best ON·SITETW Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN 'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 Hulflf11111 ·\ H1•1111r.1t lm1 I or Uuc1lltt/ m1rt 'Jpn. it p i,/nr: e 1q57 Pitch i In! ·1;11 j ;· Help keep our city cleanl LIF E & LEISURE Darty Pilot BEST BUYS Chuck Jones' art lands at Fashion Island C huckJones Gallery just opened in Saturday; and from 11 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday on the Main level, Atrium Court. (949) 759-0758. from 10 am. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and 11 a.m. lo 4 p.m. Sunday in Westcliff Plaza on Jrvine Avenue in Newport Beach. (949) 548-988). SHE'S IN VOGUE SIT STIU'AND SMILE Supermodel Anna Local photographer Julie Vyalitsyn.a, the new face Norton has an eye for taking of Olanel, will be at beautiful family photos. She's Fashlon Islands Atrium Court. Newport Beach is the famed gallery's hometown. ll offers the largest coUection of Oluck Jones' artwork in the world. Jones' career in animated film history began in the earty Macy's South Coast offering a holiday special -GREER Plaza Women's Store for sittings are $95. The sitting musl ~1 930s. He worked for Ub lwerk.s; creator of · WVLD ER a Olanel fragrance and be ~eduled before Sept 15. For . cosmetics party from 6 an appointment. call (949) · Mickey Mouse, washing the ink off celluloid sheets before r becoming one or thj! great animation creators Cluring the golden age or animation from the 1930s to the 1950s. While al Warner Bros., Jones created some of the most famous and beloved cartoon characters: the Roa d Runner, WLle E. Coyote, Marvin the Martian, Pepe le Pew and do1.ens more. He aJso co-created Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. He went on to direct and produce animated classics including the Academy Award-winning "The Dot and The Line" and Mor. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Olris1mas." An upcoming "Peanuts Show" happens Aug. 23 with a special guesl appearance by Peanuts direc1or Bill Melende:t. The gallery wilJ fearure special artwork from Melendez, late MPcanuts" creator Olarles Schulz and Tom Everhart. The Oluck Jones GalJery is open from I 0 am. to 9 p.m. Monday 1hrough Friday; from 10 am. 10 7 p.m. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by faJ< to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. MUSIC NEW WORLD FLAMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New World Flamenco Festival will be two full weeks, through Sunday, offering performances, workshops and outreach activities. From the tradilional to the contemporary, the festival showcases the best of flamenco music, dance and song. For more information, tidcet prices and Lo 8 p.m. Aug. 22. She'll be • 650-5616. www.julienort presenting Olanel's new summer plwtoograp/Jy. com. colors and lovely Olance fragrance. Vyalitsyna, from Russia, is known as fashlon's latest wit girl." Guests will learn top models beauty secrets; enjoy mini-makeovers and manicures; and receive a complimentary Teen Vogue gift bag and gifts. To reserve a personalized makeup appointment with a Olanel specialist. call (714) 556-0611, ext. 2362. A limited number of appointments is available. CLEAR FOR SUMMER Three Frlenda is having a summer clearance sale Friday through Sunday. The women's clothing boutique has only two sales a year. This one is extra special, saving up to 70% on summer merchandise. Prices on fall arrivals are 10% off. It's the perfect time to stock up on basics. Three Friends is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Wednesday; from 10 a.m. 10 7 p.m. Thutsday; and dates, call (949) 854-4646 or visit www.thebarclay.org. 'A NlGHT AT TME OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will conduct "A Night at the OscarsH at 8 p.m. Aug. 23. It's an evening of legendary film classics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtrack live. The concert is produced by nine-time Emmy Award winner J ohn Goberman. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets cost $75 to $375. Fo r information, call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. 'SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out audiences around the world, "Sing-a-long Sound of Music" is coming to Orange County A CUT ABOVE Ant Cut, al Fashion Island, is an upscale hair salon for kids. Young children can get haircuts in airplanes and ~oy." and older lcids can Wdtch DVDs or play video games. New services offered here include birthday parties for girls to feel pampered as a princess; henna lalloos (starting at $5.95); airbrush 1attoos (starting at $6.95); and corn rows (kids start at $30-$50, adults are $95 for a full head.) re also offers exotic braids and hair wraps with beads ($2 an inch). First Cut is between the Iris Fountain and Carousel Coun at Fashion Island. (949) 640·0956. rrs WITHIN REACH Design Within Reach. at Fashion Island, is having a '>a.le through Tuesday to cclehrate 1hc company's founh anniwr-.ary. MoM items featwe<l u1 tJw August catalog, including Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m . Aug. 22 and 23 and at 1 p.m. Aug. 24. Tidcets cost $12 to $22 and can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. K.O. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d. lang will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m Sept 6 Tickets cost S46 to $70. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. nckets are available at the center's box office, by calling (7 14) 556-ARTS or online at www ocpac.org CHRISISAAK Chris Isaak will perlorm at the Orange County Performing Arts THE BOWERS KIDSEUM Explore the wort.d's fascinating cultures! Experience our summer an classes and camps! July-August 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana 714.480.1520 ••• To The Reqdlng Center and receive a FREE drainer container! UC1Cl.I ~oa. Contain used oil I fitter securely before transporting. Call drop-off site beforehand to confirm hours and acceptance of oil I ftttera. Limit one giveaway per houeehold. While supplies laSt. outdoor and popular upholstered pieces (the Cicy Sofa Collection), are priced at 10% oft.Also choose (rom ma1tresses. workspace tables and chairs. Design Within Reach is open from IO am. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from IO a.rn. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday on the lower level of Atrium Court at Fashion Island. (949) 721-0031. LOOK FOR TMIS Opdcal Shop of Aspen carries luxury eyewear -in fashion-forward and culling-edge styles. The boutique shop sclJs fashionable frames prict'd from $179 10 $795. Some jeweled frameb could cost up IO $5,!){)(l. It.'> exclusive throme I learts line, originally a handmade jewelry line. features detailed etching and wood, lea1licr and s1crling ~ilvcr a!'Cl'lll'>. 0 1her eye-catching Jjncs an: C >livc1 l'l'opJe,,, MaLo;udu. l.t11111r, Fate a l;ace and Kie,,ebtcin-Cord. 11·,, one of the fr.•\\ l1J~h·end chaw..; Iha• ha<-a lab. !Jn:n:,ed oplic1a11 on -.1a1I llw !>hop b open from I 0 a.m. lo 9 p.111. Monday through Fnday; from 10 am. to 7 p.m. S;11urday: Jnd from 11 ;1 111. Ill 6 f).m. Sundav. 1-iL'>luon f-;l<u1d 111 Nt•wporl Keach (~MY) ()..HJ ll::!JO. •BEST BUYS appears Thursdays Send inforrnation to Gree1 Wylder at gr<>Prwy/der o yahoo c:om: at 330 W. Bar St Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or by fdX at (9491 646-4170 Center Seyerslrom Hall at 7 p.m. Sept. 14. T 1cke1s cost S46 to $82. The cenlcr 1s al 600 Town Center Drive in Cosca Mesa. Tickets are available a1 the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or onllne at www ocpac.org. TCHAIKOVSKY'S GREATEST HITS Conduc1or Carl St. Clair leads the Pacific Symphony in "Tchaikovsky's Greatest Hits," an all Tchaikovsky program, at 8 p.m Sept. 13 Special guest pianist Vardan Mamikon1an will perform "Piano Concerto No.1. The evening starts with the Polonaise from Eugene Onegin arid 1he Suite from "Swan Lake," and ends with lhe rousing "1812 Overture" with cannons and fireworks. T 1dcets cosl $75 to See HOURS, Page A9 Dally Piiot I I F t· & I E I S ll R I- NO PLACE LIKE HOME You too can fondue • M ymolher received a fondue pot (avocado green. or course) someLilnl' i11 the late 1960s a,-. a Quistmas gift. Wl' thought it was very groovy and ortcn begged lo use il, but that wouJd have involved actual cooking -which my motht•r was morally oppo<,<:d 10. KAREN WIGHT fondue to a new levl'l: great decor. great i.ervice and great food. lne best part 1,., that thl' tablt''> all have built 111 cler trit' burner'> Ml you call 1 ouk your own ml'al. ! he \Crver'> hrini; thL· ingredient!> to the tahll'. mix 11. mole it. and bring ohM:crw .11111n1r1h ul loot! to dip mid t•at It sat in Hs harvl''>I i;old hox for three decade'> and wa' eventually placed in thl' gilragl' sale pile when I found 11, untouched ,.,111<.l' II'> hinh m yean. earlier C >mt· Ill'\\, lltl\\ retro, it will> '>llll l·Xtn·nwly groovy. and the 1dta of nlilk1ng r fondue soundt'd far 0111 ln ib honor, \\l' h.id ,, h(h theme party. t umplt:tl' wuh 1111r 1961 bug hu' ti'> a law11 ornament. We t.lonnl'd l af1,1n,, 1je-dyed r~ .. 111r1., and p.1m·d 111H hafr down tht· 1111t.ldlt'. I ht· ml'nU WU'> a rht'l''>I' hllHhlt' .11111 then a chorolat1· fo11<.h11· for t.lt·,.,-,ert Wt• 'k1pp1·d 1lw 1111dtllt· pan of thl' mt·cil 111111 h 1<111 11utri11onal .tml '>lllllt•d our-.l'IVf''> wl11l1· WI' h'>lt'ltt'd to tht· Mama' cllld tht· l\1p.1' I h.11 rnght wt• n·hvt•d 1111· \gc• 111 Aqu.1riu' l.o and ht'huld, .1 11·,1.n11.111t d1a111 rnllcd tlw ~1c·lt111g l'>1t ''"' lwrng cn·a11•tl ,.., \\I rnlt,111\t·11·tl thl' JOY of d1pp111g f h t•\ 1.1l1 HOURS Continued from A8 S375 The concert is di the Vn11zon Wireless Amphcthoatcr in lrvtn<: Information (714) 755 5799 www.pac1ficsymµhony orq MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZ.Z Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jau Connec11on Duo, play at Mammd Grna at 751 E. Coast Highway in Newport JI t! pm Fridays and Satu1t1<1ys cmd at 7 p.m Sundays and Mondays Diana Dttri 1ocns the duo on vocals on Mondays fl s fre<J lnformauon (9491673 9500 I hl·rt· art' threl' 1 our ... t•, Lo dmo'>c f rum. or you 1 .111 t h oll'>l' all threl' lr.1d111onall}. tJH' fir,t ruur'>l' I'> J th1·1· .. 1· u11nh111a t1011 (thl· '>ecret lur .1 jll'rfl't ll\ llll'hl'd l ht.'C'>l' l1111duc I'> to ro.ll LhL '>hrcddt·d 1 hu•.,t "1th 111rn-.1.m It .tnd.., Wf\1·d with tulwd hn'.ttf. t.inoh. 1 d1·r\ .• 1pple-. bmLu1h dlld\i It•\\ tl1111g-. I I .111 I l't<Hlt')nlwr ft'-. .1 meal in 11-.df But d11111 It t th.JI -.lop vou 1111' l'lllH'l' <,t•lt·t 111111 llll hldl''- llWat. 11\h, 1 h11 h ·11 .• ind a gn .. 11 v1·g1·t.ma11 pl.illl·r 1111· 111ok111g 't\lt•\ 1111 h1d1· .i n1q .1 \'HI hroth <ll l \\Ith d1pp111g lJ.tfll'I Ill 111'.lll' \lllll 11\'vll It ll lJll ll .t, .tlld .1 lll<IJCI \1t·d1t1•11.i111 .. 111 \111111' l'lllrl'I' on "I\ 1•d \\llh pl.lit "111 \q :1·1,1l1l1 '>I l I 0111.. ,1, ,1 '>ltJi• d1-.h \11d th1·11 llwn· I'> d1·-.-.i·1t I lw 1111·1111 1 h.111g"' olt1•11 '>t1rnt· ol 1111• I IJllll I'' ollt' I t.11111l,1t1• 'llllllt'' l11fil1• \\lltl I •ll<lllld olf\\l l'l'I 1111\ \\Ill(! I f1tl( t1f.J(t• 111HJ I 1111~11·• ,111d 1 lt'.1 111 llipflt'f'> 1111 l111Jt 111•,11111111 h111\\l11t' I 11111'" • Ill'""'' .. ~ I MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewatcr Gnll ulfor!. ltvt• music Friday and St1turday nr4hts Greg Morqdn N1<:X PPper and Kelly Gordu.:n (known dS MPG perfonTI classic rode R&B and swing di 8 30 pm Fridoys Marv111 Greqory and MPG will perform cfdss1c rod<. swing and R&B at 8 30 µ m Saturday'> The restaurant 1s at 630 Lido Parle Drive Newµort Beach Fr~e 1949) 675 3474 MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty p,,lfc:an offers the music: of Common Ground from Wednec;day through Sunday The band performs from 7 to 10 p m Wednesday and Thursday. from 8·30 pm. to 12.30 a.m Fnddy and • Srmi-Pri11att for Mrn Cr Womrn • Ovrr RO l'iurs of Fquipmmt • l'ri1111tr l'ilatrs .\1url10 • Sf>INN/N(, /'hratn 11•11h Nrw Stau -ofthr-Art Cydn. • 16 Full-timr Prrsonal Trainrrs • Child Carr )J11m-noon M -S111. • Con11enirn1 Parlti111. • Yo:a. Tai Chi, .'itrrtrh r.lasus • Strp. l'oulfr Pump. Cardio • 'ihowrrs, Stram & 7owrls •Day Spa • Arupunrturr!M1111atr!Chiropr•e~ 949760-5054 iwww.1hope-up.com • www.fitneuconcepts. 2101 Eo'I Pocific Cocnl Hwy. Corona o.I Ww:lt, CA mar,hmalluw.. and pound t ake. I low derndenl t'> that'( You really du ne<'t.l tu wt•ar <1 caftan Our avorado grt•cn fondue pot "ol tlw \lt•rno vt1rw1y, but if you Jrt' '>IHI ling frc'>h, tlw ch~Llm: mmh•b 111amta111 a ron\tanl H·mpt<r.11tm· 01111 mah• 11 a IHI ft1\\ .111 ,iir I found 1 wo of thl' Ml'htng Pot\ rt•npt''> 011 illl lntt•rnct nll'\,,1g1· bu.ird, one chce'>c and om• l hm olatt: We 1 ril'tl them Olli. .111<1 thl' lt't ljll'\ Rl'l l\\O thumb., up It would be l'a'y tu lWl'.ll till' H'll(ll''> lo '>Ult your pt·r,1111ul t<1-.tt· hy add111g herb,., or d11lt•n•111 ~111d' ol r ht'C'>l' for llw fir '>l l tlllr'>l' u r hy 1hrol.\1ng 1n nut'· d1flt'rt'nt 1l.1vori11g., or dtlh'n•nt 1 .111d" p1l'lt'' for till' clt•...,t•rt 1•1h1111n I ht· rt·" 111Hh111g Im\ t al t1hou1 lht·,1· dt'>ht·'>. of uiur'>t'. th.ti I'> \\It.ti 11i.1l..t•, tht'lll 'll g1111d '>o rt \1111 rt· l1·el111g -.elf 111d11lgc·111. trv 1h1·-.1· rl·npe'>. 1111' nw1111 tl1w-.11't net'll to lw 111 the '''\l'llth 111111 ... 1-. anti ll d<w,n't ll.1v1• 111111' · \l1111d.1v. :'\.lo11da\ ·· hl'>I "( 111111· fug1·tlll'r" foi ,1 hlllc· g1111d f11od CHEESE FONDUE • .! 111 p' grny1•11• 1 hc·t·w •!.I 11(1' ...,\\I" 1 llt'l'"I' (fllll (lllll l'"l'd) • I 1.il1Jt·,11111111-. l.11-.t Ii Ill • 1111l.111g '"' r I\ • I 1.ol1k-.p11!111 11•111 .. 111111t1· • I t up \\ 11111• \\Ill•' • I 1 lrn t· ~:.11111 I 1l1lt 'f"l"ll • •11!1\l,111 ll S.iturrf.ty ,incl from 2 to b ,, m !:>1mtl<.1~ The rest<turc;nt ts..,, 2735 W Coils! li14hwJy, N1•wp1,rt 81 .. 1()1 tfl·I' 1949~ 642 .l4 J1 MUSIC AT PLAYERS PliiyPr!. rf'Stdurant is now offering hv1• rnu-.1c from 9 p 111 tu rn11J111ght r•very Freddy and _..iturddy Players 1s at 512 W 19th St Costa M1•sa No cover charge (949) 646 5615 SATURDAY NIGHT R&B (1L•rnlrf lst11bash1 and the Stone B11dqr· Band play rock and R&B at 9 µ m Si:lturdays at Sunon Place Holf~I s Trii:lnon Loun!.Je 4500 MacArthur Bfvcl . Newport Beach Free. (9491 476-2001 'Breakfa s t , L unclr (~ ·n /1 11 e r [Loc als FavorHel Since r995 • White pepper •Salt Grate chee">e~ and to-.., with cornstarch. Rub the i11,.,1cJc of ttw fondue dish with garhl. Add wine. Do not bring to hot I I f('al until tiny bubble' form 111 fondue dish. Acid grated d11·t·'>t'' and lemon juice \tir 1111til .. mooth. Remow fro111 ht·Jt Add kirsch or cpi1kmi; ,tlt'rry. wlull' pepper and '>ah LO ta ... tt· \t·rVl' with cubed rrt•ntl1 lm·ad and vegetable!> fu1rrut-., hrra t oh, mushrooms. i:auhllo...,,cr. tooled artichoke heart.,, pea pod') CHOCOLATE FONDUE • 12-ounce pa<k<tgt' ..emi-~weet chm olatt· p1et I.'\ • 2/3 cup'> '>l>llr tn·am • 114 cups coflC't' li4lll'lH, orange h4ueur or r<hplwr r. h4ueur (or navcm11g1 • I /4 Ill I /',! t lip\ I rt'<llll In a '><lllll'(Mll or lt1111.J1w p111 mdl diocolatt· Jfld -,0111 < rl-.1111 over a low lwi.11 '>t1r 1111111 'mooth. '-,11r 111 liq1ll'11r 111111 .1-. Ot't'C''>.\,lr} Wiiii I fl'Jlll 1'.1·1•p wann 11vt·r .1 111" lw.11 '>1·n1· with a vJri1·1} of ln· .. h lr1111 l'>trawh<·rr11•-., li.111.111.1-.. pineapple. appll', k I\\ 1 .11111 hrow111c'>. Jngl'I f1111d ' ;il.:1· Lhl'l''>l't .tl..l'. 111,1r,t1111,df1t\\' (II pound 1 al..1 •KAREN WIGHT ·• ',,.,.,; •t Beoch r.-~, l•·"'lt h • Thur ,ct.iv ,,. fl I .<Aft,,, , JP,.,.,19l ••• </r,~,,,,, SUMMER GLEA.MNt;E Baby & Adult Bedding C/ear~nce -_Up to 70'0/o OFF by House Inc. and Bella Notte Fabric by the yard -Up to 70% OFF 369 E 17th Street, Costa Me sa. CA 92627 '5ef'1ro Jo:• II' rhe Box/ Open Mc" So• I 0-0om • 5 c r . :" ~v 949.642 3632 www.bluesprinqshome com Fun, Feminine Styles for All )lu.tt>es c1 ~i~e' of Beautiful Wmnen. 369 E. 17th St.. 1!21 1 Costa Mesa 19i9 16i2-j4j9 r. LIVE ENTERTAINM ENT NIGHTLY DINNER SPECIAi S Sunday Pnmc Reh SI I Monday All You ( .in r .11 \pJ~ht 111 $5 Tuesday ( 1rcnJd1ne of lkd $5 Wednesday Bah> B.tl k Rib., $8 Thursday Homcm.1dl' ,\.k.11111.il $10 Friday & Saturday Chd \ "rn 1JI ......... !llll!!llW!!!'lll!llll- 111e Original MtKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Opcrawd by Mesa Uphol<;ter'r • ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARkED DO~VN 30°/ooff ~s Vinyls • Ceramics Wood• Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY ·--·-------..._ Al Thursday, August 14, 2003 Sum1ner Clearance! Saving• up to 70% Oii I O% Oii New Fall Arrivals Aucu.i IStb; •6th f4 •7th Three Friends OC Register's #1 Bouti~H 111 Oru9e C01111ty H.twport Buch w .. tcliff Plan lrvi111 & 17tli StrHt jNut ,. St.,hckt) 949.S48.9111 Y,rlu ..Lla.41 714.693.0967 Le4m Rau~ 949 .347 .6901 T11t11 R111h 714.S44.9U4 A LDEN'S I •l ~S-:9 Ii =I DRAPERY CLEAf\111\16 AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN OR REM0\111\16 NECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers· a Silhouette~ window shadings • Vignette window shadings • Duette honeycomb shades • Milleniant Collection • Jubilance™ roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenette™ Softfold1'4 shadings World's Best ON·SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 1111111111111 \ l-l1•1111tr1t11111 I 11r 011cJllt11 ''"rt '"'"If r• .,Inc 1• 1957 Pitch ... In! ·1w ~ ~ Help keep our city cleanf LI FE & L E I SU R E Daily Pilot BEST BUYS Chuck Jones' art lands at Fashion Island Saturday; and from 11 a m. to 6 p.m. Sunday on the Main level. Atrium C.Ourt. (949) 759-0758. SHE'S IN VOGUE from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m . Friday and Saturday; and 11 a.m. 10 4 p.m. Sunday in Westcllff Plaza on Irvine Avenue in Newpon Beach. (949) 548-9881. SIT STIU ANO SMILE C huck}ones Gallery just opened in Fashion Island's Atrium C.Ourt. Newport Beach is the famed gallery's hometown. It offers the largest coUection of Oluck Jones' artwork in the world. Jones' career in animated film history began in the early 1930s. He worked for Ub lwerks, creator or GREER WYLDER Supermodel Anna Vyalitsyna. the new face of Chanel. will be al Mecy't South Coast Plaza Women'a Store for a Chanel fragrance and cosmetics party from 6 LocaJ photographer Julie Norton has an eye for laking beaullfuJ family photos. She's o ffering a holiday special - &ttin~ are $95. The silting mu.st be scheduled before SepL 15. For an appointment. call (949) 650-5616. Wlvw.julienort p/UJloogrrJpfiy. COltL Mickey Mouse. washing the ink off celluloid sheets before becoming one of th~ great animation creators (luring the golden age of animation from the 1930s to the 1950s. While at Warner Bros., Jones created some of the most famous and beloved cartoon characters: the Road llunner, Wile E. Coyote, Marvin I.he Martian, Pepe le Pew and dozens more. He also co-created Bu~ Bunny. Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. He went on to direct and produce animated classics including I.he Academy Award-winning "The Dot and The Line" and "Or. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Ouisunas." An upcoming MPeanuts Show" happens Aug. 23 with a special guest appearance by Peanuts director Bill Melendez. The gallery will feature special anwork. from Melendez, late "Peanuts" creator Olarles Schulz and Tom Everhart. The Oluck Jnnt..-... Gallery is open from I 0 am. to 9 p.m. Monday through I nday; from I 0 a m. 10 7 p.m. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is availahle at www.dailypilot.com. MUSIC NEW WORLD FtAMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New World Flamenco Festival will be two full weeks, through Sunday. offering performances, wortcshops and outreach activities. From the traditional to the contemporary, the festival showcases the best of flamenco music, dance and song. For more information, tidtet prices and to 8·P:m. Aug. 22. She'll be presenting Chanel's riew sununer colors and lovely Cllance fragrance. Vyalitsyna. from Russia, is known as fashion's latest •it girl.· Guests will learn top models beauty secrets; enjoy mini-makeovers and manicures; and receive a complimentary Teen Vogue gift bag and gifts. To reserve a personal.ired makeup appointment with a Cllanel specialist, call (7 14) 556-0611, ext. 2362. A limited number of appoinQnents is available. Cl.EAR FOR SUMMER Three Priends is having a summer clearance sale Friday through Sunday. The women·~ clothing boutique has only two sales a year. This one is extra special, saving up to 70% on swruner merchandise. Price. on fall arrivals are 10% off. Its the perfect time to stock up on basics. Three Friends is open from I 0 a.m. to 6 p.rn. Monday through Wednesday; from I 0 am. to 7 p.m. Thursday: and dates, call (949) 854-4646 or visit www.thebsrclay.org. 'A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will conduct •A Night at the Oscars· at 8 p.m. Aug. 23. It's an evening of legendary film classics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtradc live The concert is produced by nine-time Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets cost $75 to $375. for information, call (714) 75S-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. 'SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out audiences around the world, ·s;ng·a·long Sound of Music· is coming to Orange County A CUT ABOVE Ant Cut. at Fashion Ii.land. b an upscale hair salon for kiili. Young children can gel haircuts in airplanes and "fly,• and older kids can watch DVDs or play video games. New i.ervkes offered here include binhday parties for girls to feel pampered as a princess; henna lattooi. (starting at $5.95); airbrush tanoos (starting at S6.95); and corn rows Odds Sta.rt al S..10-$50. adults are $95 for a full head.) It also offer.. exotic braids and hair wraps with beads ($2 an inch). First Cut is between the Iris Fountain and Carousel Coun at Fashion Island. (949) 640-0956. rrs WITHIN REACH Design Within RMch. al Fashion Island. is having a "'1.le through Tuesday to cell'tm1te the company\ founh annht•!"M1ry. Mol>I iiemi. feanm:d in the Auguc;t catalog. 111clud111g Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Aug. 22 and 23 and at 1 p.m. Aug. 24. T1chts cost $12 to $22 and can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive m Costa Mesa K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy wmner It d lang will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m Sept 6 Tidcets cost $40 to S70 The center 1s at 600 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office. by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at www.ocpac.org CHRtS ISAAK Chris Isaak will perform al the Orange County Performing Arts THE BOWERS KIDSEUM Explore the world's fascinating cultures! Experience our summer an classes and camps! July-August 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana 714.480.1520 ••• To The Reqdlng Center and receive a FREE clrah1er container! Cal l IOOzCl l .... or wlllt www.a•...-.... ........... ,... UCTCLI um> OIL Contain used oil I fitter aecurefy before transporting. Call drop.off site beforehand to conflnn hours and acceptance of oH I titters. Umlt one giveaway per houeehold. While supplies last. outdoor and popular upholstered plt.>c.:es (the City Sofa C.OUection), are priced at 10% off. Also choose from maitresi.es. workspace lablcs and chairs. Dei.lgn Within Reach is open from I 0 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 am. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday on the lower level of ALrium Court at Fashio11 Island. (949) 721-0031. LOOK FOR nt1s Oplk:aJ Shop or Aspen canies luxury eyewear -in fa-.hion-forward and cutting-edge styles. The boutique shop -.clb fashionable fram~ pnw d from $179 10 $795. Some wwdecl frame!'> could cost up to $5.000. I Ls exclu!'>ive < hrome I lt•art:. line, originally a hamlmade jewelry line, feature~ dt•t.uled etching and wood. lt•atltl'r ;uid Merling '>ilvcr a1 n•rll'>. Other eye catching lines an.• < Jhvc.-r Peoplei., Matsuda, l.1111or, Fare a Face and Kw.,cf.,tein-Lonl. It"" one of Uw few hiw1·end cha1m that h~ cl l.11> I Jcen-.e<l op110.u 1 on c;lafl llw .,hop is opc.•n Imm IO a.m w Y p.111 Mon<l.1y through l·rid.1y; from I lJ a.m. 111 7 p.rn. ~turday; and lrorn 11 .1 111 to fl p.111. \111uJ.w 1-<L-.hron 1-.lam.J in Nt'\o\port lkad1 l~l"IJ f>..ICJ fUJO. •BEST BUYS dppcars Thursday~ Send information to Gre.,r Wylder at yt1•1 •1wylrler ,, yJhoo com. at 330 W Bc1y St Costa Mesa. CA 92627, or by f,1x >t 949) 646 4170 Center Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Sopr 14 Tickets cost S40 to $82. The c1:11ter 1s at 600 Town Center Dm1e m Costa Mesd Tickets are c1va1lci1Jle di the center s box otf1ct'. by calling l 714) 556 ARTS or 011hne at www ocp<Jc.org. TCHAIKOVSKY'S GREATEST HITS Conductor Carl St Clair leads the Pac.1flc Symphony m "Tchd1kovsky's Greatest Hrts; an all T charkovsky program. at 8 p rn Sept. 13 Special guest p1an1st Vardan Mamrkonran will per1orrn •Piano Concerto No 1 The P.venrng starts with the Polonaise from Eugene Onegin arid 1he Suite from ·swan Lake; and onds with the rousing "1812 OvPrtureff with cannons and lrroworks T1ckots cost $75 to See HOURS. Paee A9 Pilot NO PLACE LIKE HOME You too can fondue • M ymother received a fondue pot (avocado green. of course) sometime i11 the late 1960s as a OuisLmas gift. We thought It was very groovy and often begged to use it, bu1 that would have involved actual cooking -whlCh my mother was morally oppoM:d to. KAREN WIG Ht fondue to a new level: great decor. great l>t'rvice anc.J great fooc.J. The be!>! part 1~ that 1hc table'> aJJ have built 111 electric burner" ~o you can cook your ow11 meal. I he servero; brrng the i11grt'd1ents 10 tht' 1ahll'. mi>. it, mole it, a11d bring oh'>ccne a1rn1un1' ol foo<) to drr .uitl e;i1. It sat in iti. harve<,t gold hm. for three decades and wa.., eventually plac.:ed 111 thl' K·•rai.w sale pile when I found 11, untouched .,ince 11s birth Ill years earlier Om 1• m·w. 1111\' retro, ii wru. '>llll t•xtrt•11wly groovy. and the 1dt•a of 111a~111g fondue soundt•d far ou1. In its honor, we h.id .1 't,(h theme par1y, rninplett• ~11h our 1961 bug bu., a<, a l.iwn ornament. Wt· doruwd t.1ft.111,, tie-dyed ·1-'>hirt'> and p.ir11·d rn1r hair down th<· 1111ddlt· I ht· menu wa.., u d11•1·w ltll1d1w .11111 then a chqu1la1t· tnmhu· lor dt''>!-.C'rl WP 'k1pp1·rl lht· mrcldlt· parl of llw llH'<tl 111111 Ii 11111 11utrit1011al ,111d '111tftod our.,elvc~ wh1l1· "'"' 1r ... 1t•11t•d 10 1he Mama'\ .mtl till' l'.111.1-. I h.11 111gh1 we wli\t•d rlw Ag1· 111 Aqu.trru' Lo and behold .• 1 n· ... 1.t 11.1111 Lharn t.illed till' \1t·l1111i.~ 1'111 \,,,, bcrng 1 n·awtl J'> \\t n·d"' "" 11•d tlw 10> nl tl1pp111g I ht·\ 1.1~1· HOURS Continued from AB $375 The conccn 1s at ltw Vn110n Wireless Amph11hedtf'r in lrv11w lnformatron-(714) 755 '>799 www.pac1ficsymphony orq MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZ.Z Walter Lakota and David Alcantar the New York Ja11 Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gma at 251 E. Coast Highway in Nrwport .;t 8 p.m Fridays and Saturday~ and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Monday~ Diana D1tn 1oms the duo on vocals on Mondays Ire; lrr>e Information-(9491 673 9!>00 lhl'rt.' art• thret' l uttr'>I'' to l hoo ... c from. or you c;111 l hoo'l' ;111 three I rac.J1t1011..1llv. 11te fir,t 1.·m1r-.t· i' a dll't.''>t' u1mi1111at1cJ11 I the '>t'Lrcl lor ti pnf1•1 ti) meltt•d 1 hee'e l(lndur '' 111 1 oat the ... hrt'dded l ht:t•<,t \~Hh corn ... t.,trt It i.lnd .., 't'nt·<l \\llh rulwtl hrl'<H.J, 1. .1rroh. t l'lt'r\. appl1·'· hrou·oh ..11111 ti It·\.\ thrng'> I tan I r1.·11wmht•r 11 .. a meal 111 ll'>l'll llu1 du11'1 lt·t thJI '>lop vou lho • entr<•t• 'dt•t1111n 1111 lut.11•' 11w.11 , li,h, dm ken, Jnd .i grt·a1 wgl'lan;111 pl.111er 1 lw n1uk111g ,., Jt., llll hall' .i u1q ,1 \ 1r1 broth 1)11 \'.lllt d1pp111g h.illt'I Ill I fl'.llC' \tllll t11\11 ll'111p11r.1. .rntl .i 11111111 \kcl11t·rr.i11t'.111 All 1111· 1·1111t·1.., .ut· -.1·nnt \\llh pl.111.·-. ol \t•g1·1.1lilt·-. '" t rnok .r-. ,1 <,1tft• d1-.l1 \1111 tltt·11 1lwn· p, dt•.....,t•rt I ht lllt'flll t t1o111gi·-. <1111'11 '>lllllt• 11! tilt' t IJllll t"'> <ill' I h11111l.il1' 'lllflfl'' 1\11 tit \\Ill! I ,1r;1111l'i .111d pt•t Jlh \\lollt' < ll11111l 1t1• .1111111H1kll " .rnd 1 n·.1111 I >1pp1'" 1111 h1t11· fro·,11111111 11111\\1111 t 11lw-. .111 .. ~•·1.1~1' MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewa1~1 Gnll off,.rs live music Fnda\, and Saturddy n1yh1s Greg Moryan Nici: Peper and Kelly Gord11::11 tknown J~ MPGJ perform ctas!>1C. rock R&B and c;wm\.J at 8 30 p m FndJys Mt1rvrn GreQorv d!ld MPG will perform cld~s11 rod< swrng .:ind R&B at 8 30 µ m Saturcldys The restauranl 1s di 630 Lido Parle Onv\! Newport 8edd1 Free (949) 675·3474 MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the mu-;1c of Common Ground from WednestJ:.iy through Sunddy Th£' band performs from 7 to 10 p m Wednesday and Thursday. from 8 30 pm to 12.30 am Friday and • St'mi-Pnvalt' Jur Mt'n & Women • Over 80 Piun of Fq11<pmt'11t • Priv11lt' />i/aus \1ud10 •SPINNING I"""'"' w11h N"ru S1au-of1lu Art C:ycln. • 16 Full-timt' Personal Trainers • Chi/J Cau l:lll m-noon M -S111. • Convl!nit'nl Parltint. • Yoxa. Tlli Chi. 'ltrnrh rtasus •Sup, J>ou1u Pump. ( ard10 • Showt'rs, \'u am cf Towt'ls •Day Spa mar .. hmallow~ Jnd pound cake. I low decadent 1' that? You really do nt·e<l tu wt•ar a caftan. Our <IVOl·ado ween fondue pot I'> ol lht· '>terno varrl'ly, bu1 1f you arl' ,1,111111g frt·,h. tlw cll'ctric modd-. 111.1t111.iin a to11Man1 tt:1111w1 altJll' a11<1 ni.1kl· it a 110 ru ..... afla1r. I louml two of lltt' Ml'111ng l'ot\ r1•n1ic' 011 a11 llltl'mN 1m·.,.,agt• h11anl. mtt' che<•'>e and 011<' dwu1lall' We trred tht•m Olli, Jrtd tilt' r<•t IJll''> gt·! lwu 1hu111h-. up II would bt· l'a-.y to tWt'<1k llll' n•c rpt·' 10 'ult your pl'r,011.ll tJ'>lt' hy adding herbi. OI J11lt'rl'11I k111d' ol t hee'>t' for the lir'>t rnur-.t• rir hy throwing in lllll ,, tfrflt•rt'fll fl.1vorr11g'> OI dtllt•renl randy Jllt'l l'' for the dt'''l'fl (•dll 11111 1 lwn· '' no1h111g low·< al about llH''I' d1,hl·'>. of courw . 1h,11 1' v~lt.11 111.1h·' tht•m '11 good ...,11 rt you'rt· lt·elrng wll 111d11lgt•n1, try thc·,t· n·upl''> I ht• 1110011 do1·.,111 nct·tl w lw in lhl• -.1•n•111h houw •• md 11 dm•,11'1 lt.tve 111 lw •· \1011cl.1v . .\toncl.iy " It"' 't 01111· log1·1lw1" l111 ,1 ll111t- go11cl f1111tl CHEESE FONDUE • ..! l llP' grti}t'rt' 1 l1t't''>t • I I lll" I.,\\ I" I ht•f'"' I fll1I 111111 t• ... ...i•d) • 11.1lilt•'>p•1111" ~11-.111 Ill t l1C1l.111g ''"''" • I 1.1hlt·..,p111111lt·11111111111t1• •I tlllH\llllt'\\11\1' •I tlmt·~:.11111 • I 1.1hl1·,11111111111111,1111. Ii Snturd,J\ incl frorn '"Lt 6 IJ m SundrlV The r1>~lauron1 1•. 11 2735 I/\ CoJsl H1qhw<.1y. Nr·wp n 81•.11)1 r rct• 19491 642 J..13, MUSIC AT PLAYERS f'laycr'> r1~staurant 1s now offering rvv music from 9 p.m to tr11drnyht 1!very Fnday and .:><1turd11y Players 1s at 512 W 19th St . Costa Me~a No cover charge (949) 646 5615 SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Cwrctld lshrb,1~1 dnd th1• Stone 811tlgr• B,snd pldy rodt and R&B at 9 1J m Saturddys at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounqe, 4500 MacAnhur Blvd Newport Beacti Free 1949) 476 2001 s I r vi n !J rs r e a f. I 0 s I I £.. u n c It {lo! ·D n n e r [!._ocah Favorite! S ince 1995 • White pepper • Salt Grate chee.,ei. and 10,., with comi.tarch. Rub the tnltldl' of the fondue dii;.h wnh garlic. Add wine. Do not bring to boil. I ft•al until tiny bubble' forn1 111 fondue dis h. Add g.ra1ed cl1ec.,t·'> and lemon juke. 'itrr unttl ->mooth. Remove from hl'at Add kirsch or cook111g 'hl"rry. whlll' pepper and '>alt to ta'>tt· \1..·rve with cubed h en1 h lm·ad .u1d vegetable-, lcarror .... hrm.rnlr, mushroom~. cauJrOower. umkl'<l artichoke hearu.. peJ pod') SUMMER CLEARANCE Baby & Adult Bedding Clearance -Up to 70°/o ·OFF by House Inc. and Bella Notte Fabrie by the yard -Up to 70 % OFF CHOCOLATE FONDUE 369 E 17th Street, Costa Mesa . CA 9262.7 • 12-ountc pac~age ._emi-sweet chmolalt' rll'U''> 15e"1ra ,'c~i<. , 0 ~.,e Box/ Open Mer So• i C·-00..-• S_' : .!~;~ • 213 cup'> '>Our ut·am 949 642 3632 www.bluesprin_qshome com • 114 cupc; lOffl'l' htjUl'llr omnge liqueur or ra<,plwrr\ liqueur (or navurrng • 114 to I IL lllP' l H'.1111 In a '><!Uleran or l1111dut• pot, mt'lt chr>tolatl' ..i11d 'our 1 rl'<llll ovt'r a low ht'e1t 'it1r u111tl -.moo1h. 'i11r 111 hq1ll'ur I 11111 ,..., necc.,~ry \\llh trt·a111 J...1·1·p warm over .i 111\" 111'.il "it·nt wtlh a htric•I\ ol lr1·'h lru11 1 '>trawhcrr11.·'· IM11,111,..., prnl'applt'. t1pplt·. I.I\, 1 .111<1 hrov. nre-., .ingd food t ,,~l' t hl'C''>l:l ,tKl', IJ1,lr'lllll,fJl11\" Ill p<Hmt.l < akc· Fun, h>minine St~•les for All ~hape' c'ef ~l~l'' of Beuutiful Women. I 369 E. 1 ~th St.. 1121, (o;ta \iesa !9~91 &~2-5~59 r. • KAREN WIGHT ',, tvp 111 Beach res1 I ·nl '°'' • 1w1 • r '" fhurs 1ays LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DINNER SPECIALS Sunday Pnmt· R1h .S 11 Monday All Ynu (.,in I 11 ~p.1ghctt1 SS Tuesday (,rcn.iJrnt· ol lkd $5 Wednesday B.1h) H.Kk R1l" SS Thursday I lomrniadc ,\.k .. 1110.il SI 0 Friday & Saturday Chef\ )pct.1 .. ll .. lllllJIJll~ll!!lll!P-11!~11 The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ O VER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operawd by Me~a Upholster\ • ALL CARPET & FLOORING · CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPHOLSRRY AlO Thursday, August 14, 2003 L I F E & L E J S U R E DailyPilot I .1 DOGGIE DAY CAMP Is your dog a PARTY ANIMAL? If so send them to WAGGING TAILS DAV CAMP for FUN an4 FROLIC. Give thern the opportunity to · play with our other clients. For rnore information pleue call -(949)- 677-SOOi Insured and Bonded ExperienceNeterinarian Technician www. Wagging-Tails.oom WAGGING TAILS 949-677-5003 ~PARTY CRUISE~ l TO CATALINA-l wmt Tl4IS ltD AMO wmt i!llMCIMll ............. OP A-"° '1111. Oil~ Oii IOO llOUND Tiii' ClllJlll TO -~·-II\'----~_,...... TRAVEL TALES PHOTO BY ANTHONY BlANCO A Sierra Battery 155-millimeter howitzer hard at work supportmg other 15th Marine Expedition Umt and British troops at Umm Qasr. ( A Tiger Embarkation cruise with the Sierra Battery By Mike Anderson T iger what'? ~mbark where? Thar's what I ..aid when m y ~ister asked me if-I wanted 10 sail back from I lawaii aboard 1he DuJuth with my nephew, Lanrl' Cpl. Jake Hubby. Sierra Ba11ery - Guns Pla1oon. U.S. Marine Corps. TI1e 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit ou1 of Camp Pendleton consisli. of the Tarawa. OuJuth and the Rushmore. They are a 30·day totally self-sufficient amphibious ferriei. Marines and aJJ of their heavy equipment (tanks. 155· millimeter howitzer">, I lumveei., cargo LrUck.'>, etc.) 10 and from the ship dnd the beache.,. Tigen.' accommodationi. are cquiva.len1 to the ~ponsur's rank.. so I wa'> given a bunk that had an opening of 18 inches high and a little more than 6 reet in length. ·n1ey stack them four high. and each has its own light. n.Of WOOO===TU l'I' Ii,-. TWOTICUTI .. ~ .. -... ftC1111'1#9 I Ol'noaTI _,...,.,.....,_"'c-...c-. I ~11nea1J1 m1111mm ~ i•; ! , 111 a mil i ~Mm~~~ as .. ..ault group that was returning home after a six-month tour and participation in Operation Iraqi Freedom. My sbter. Pat Hubby. explained to me that tJ1e Navy had reinstated the Tiger Embarkation Program. which was suspended after Sept. I I. This program aJlnw~ on e or two relatives (called 'llger..} to join his or her s ponsor for the final leg ho me of their IOur. It took me only 30 seconds lo comprehend the o pportunity, and I ani.wered witJ1 a I 00% ye'> and a "When do I go?- Meah were aJway'> on time and a little above average (not bad for feedjng close to a thousand men and women). Being a bachelor and living on my 23-foot boat, I had no problem with it, either. I would rate all one grade above the old saying of "three hull> and a cot." There was a general store for snacks, candy and other things. DENSE PLusu CARPET Long Plank Wood Flooring 1 • ln•b!W with P..t SJ 69 OU• TEAil • llOSEWOOO I • Minimum 60 yanlo • ~· ft. I TrattrthM 18" I 18"--'4.2914-f\. • I Ceramic rue __ 1u1alld 1.-54.99"' f\. I U.illatt Woe4_ ... ww,,.. 54.99* 11. I Suppliu 11ntl Tool.J for 11" ti •0o 11 Yourulfw.r All priuslprotlurts I for 11 /imlUtf tltM. "'1sttl"" 11001/llbillt¥. I MEIA ~eAlnf ! 1374 toian Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA I CA LIC •820350 (888) MESA-777 I L---~-!'!.n~~o..!~.:.~!2!!!~---·~J lt was a beau tifuJ Fourth of JuJy weekend in Waikiki with fireworks and m emorials. but I was more excited IO get aboard the OuJuth and heading out to Solidus Trunk Sale Saturday, August 16th Solidus comfort shoes from Germany. Meet the Solidus rep, one day only, Saturday, August 16 and get 20% Off all Solidus shoes and sandals in stock. Experience real, natural comfort in lots of great styles. r ---------· '\ 183Slltwportlln,Ctst1Mtsa : 20°'6 Off: Foo:T t (<lfW tf Hnw & JM,-1111 UPS Sten) I All SOLIDUS SHOES 1 I I I AND SANDALS IN I SOLUTI ANS (949) 734·2020 1 STOCK(Collpon vaJld r • 0,. ..... Sit. JO• ,,. L ~~~y.~U_! ~· .:oo~.) _I PHOTO BY CORPOffAl CORR£At Lance Cpl. Jake Hubby and "Tiger" Uncle Mike Anderson on the landing platform deck Duluth's starboard side, observing refueling operations by the Walter S. Drehl. sea. I can't say that for the rebt of tJ1e Marinei. and hllilurs, totaJing about a thousand servicemen and women. They had just traveled from Au.c;tralia nonstop and previously from the Peri.ian Gulf and the War in Iraq. The l>uJuth is a 569-foot-long landing platform deck. or I.PD, that has a nooding weU deck under the night deck that launche., a 130-foot landing craft unjt, or LCU, lilc.e the one in the movie "Saving Private Ryan- except much larger. l l1e five-man-all-live-aboard crew Marines and ..ailors had access to the computer room for e-mail communications. and each area had a -rv and cable access. I think the old-school Navy would agree that the modem Navy lived well. Each day. we had planned activities with tours of various areas and demonstrations. They had helicopter landings and takeoffs. demonstrating cargo See TRAVEL, Pase Al 1 '1tlu. .Arl beet.~ ""'1'-' ~~,r.--Ja. ~.uut;-w,. }MN fa'-.P.-'f'~f­ uul,~~ "'"'*f 'f' Ji-"" Jr-l«M-IVtim ~ i<Mn•--. Udo o.w MM SO-Cle • ,,..,_,,.. • ........ b\I En-.o A9l;J9Clil c... • AIQlncv Udo ~ • s.cr> loo Scud> C:O. M <Wiry•~~ lilt Udo D\.Qll • llgg\l'I Os-=-• z Piia I\ LIFE & L E I SU R E ON VACATION Tlusday, August 14, 2003 All ' Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned S~nce 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET fdr. ONE Karastan • Lees • Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairbome And Much More The Millers of Newport Coast and the Marshalls of Corona del Mar learn and enjoy the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fl. Enjoying southern France and the magic of Provence are Orange Coast College staffers and friends as they gather after a day of sightseeing at their "home away from home.~ Le Moulin, a restored stately 18th-century manor house in Eyguires, France that is now a bed and breakfast. TRAVEL Continued from Al 0 lifting and marine reLOll'> fa.st roping (i.liding down ropes). Harrier jets were screaming overhead ready 10 show strafing techniques. which didn't happen because a freigh1er had entered inlO our perime1ers. The air · show was exciting -;ince we were halfway oul in the Pacific w11h 40 knots of wind blowing and had a pitching deck. One of the highlights came close 10 1he end of the nossing, when we were refueled at sea. The WaJ1er S. Diehl came alongside and fired off four o r five "monkey fist linei." tu stan the proce~ of securing heavy wire lines that suppon the large hoses as they travel across the water to us and begin the hour-and·a·half-long fueling process. AU that in 40 knots of wind with a lumpy sea running. That was something to '>ee. rhey also had live firi'ng of M 16 rifles and 50-calibt:r machine guns off the stem of the ship. These were au fun to watch. but I found talking 10 the gu}"' about the war and leam111g about their peri.onal '\torie-. were really the highlighl'.. On opening night of the ground war. March 19. on Bubiyan Island. Kuwail, the Sierra Battery was poi!>ed and ready with their ISS·millimeter howitzer!> charged with "superstick" propellant and rocket-assisted projectiles. awaiting their order'i. Sierra Battery rnnsists o f six I SS-millimeter howitzers manned by nine guy!> 10 each gun. and that night, they were on the line flanking Iraq. The average age of Sierra Battery's • gun crew four is 20. Lance Cpl. Jake I tubby. Lance Cpl. Olad I less. Lance Cpl. Carlos Fregoso, Lance Cpl. Nick Huerta, Lance Cpl. Brian McCarthy, Cpl. Mjke Sheperd,· Cpl. Larry Lambarren, Cpl. Josh Kuhs, Cpl. Dario Cabreera. and Section Olief Sgt. Carlos Perez -wen their orders came down at sunset. they started firing rocket-assisted projectiles ma.Icing a deafening. gut-wrenching noise continuing all night long until dawn (a heavy graveyard shill to be sure). This bombardment of the Al Faw Peninsula gave credence to their motto, "Rain of Steel.· Later on the next day. as the Marines breached the Iraqi border, Sierra Battery took part YOUR DENTAL HEAL1H in supporting some British and the rest of the· t Sth Marine Expeditionary Unit while they liberated the city of Umm Qasr. Immediate orders were received 10 "speed-shlft" the guns and aim at a location where the RepubLican Guard was delivering heavy mortar fire on our Marine Recon. These are arguably the toughest of all Marines. equivaJenl to Navy Seals (heavily trained Lifers). Because Sierra Banery did its job so well, we didn't lose a single Hecon Marine of Fox company. These experienced Marines were eternally grateful tu these young "kids" of Sierra Banery. While moving onward toward Naslriyah, the order came down for a shoot to create a diversion. The diversion was part of a master plan in conjunction with Special Forces. Apparently, intelligence from an Iraqi civilian came in about a U.S. private being held at a hospital. We now know of the famous Pvt . Jessica Lynch rescue. Seal ferun 6, Marine Recon and 1he Army Airborne received the credi1 for the rescue. but let's not forget the Sierra Battery that created the diversion so that our Special Ops wouldn't lose one guy. Most Marines whom I talked to said it was difficult to ge1 sleep. even if it was relatively safe. lne stress of war. fatigue. the noise and the "unknown" were all factors. When you were able to get some shut-eye. there was always that "something" that would wake you into reality. In Nasiriyah. where most of the action took place. there was that one night where Jake I lubby's sleep disorder took over. In Jake's case, it was sleepwalking. The story goes that he wandered off asleep and when he awoke. he realized that the rest of the crew on duty had their weapons drawn and ready to fire. You can only imagine what our family was thinking when we heard thal. This Tiger cruise for me was really an eye-opener in all the positive ways. Many thanks go to Cmdr. Olarles G. Emmert and his executive officer. Fulgham. and chaplain LL Hager for their professionalism and hospitality. It would be a billersweet end lo our cruise in that I would like lo do it again. and I had the time of my life, but like all in the military and the large majority of Americans. I wish never to have lo go to war again. In this uncenain world in which we live. I can only say that I'm happy and proud to know that we have the highest quality people in the military. They are the ones willing 10 make the sacrifices and pu1 their lives on the line as part of their duty to our country. No matter what one':. view of the war, we owe them our respec1 and gratitude. •MIKE ANDERSON 1s a Newport Beach resident. • TRAVEL TALES runs on Thursdays. Have you, or someone you know, gone on an interesting vacation? Tell us about your adventures in about 400 words, accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not have the Daily Pilot in them, and send them to Travel Tales. 330 W Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; e-mail coral.wilson a /atimes.com. or fax to (949) 646-4170 [!]~Dunn-Well 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long Beach and Los An el.es No nonsense fitness '--~~ and weight lou is at: ' I /370 S E. 17th St. Costa Mesa ~ In the Ralph'• Shopping Center 949.646.6789 If.Tb:~ Ftt: ~ Sllt:10ilm-1pm www .simplyshapelyfitness .com Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing need · in the hand_~ l-lf Pri\ ate \l ortga~t.> anki Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our un surpassed service ensures the Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Brandl Maupr complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties •Interest-only loans -· -------.-.......-. ___,. __ --.......... ~~-'--~--------...._..----~- -Jaguar's #1 Retailer In Customer Satisfaction (CSI) In California - A Pride of Jaguar Excellence Award Winner For Guest Satisfaction And Operational Excellence (Only 1 In Southern California) -Complimentary Flat Bed Pick-Up And Delivery by Appointment -Coniplinientary Jaguar Loaner Vehicles With Service by Appointment -Complimentary Car Wash With Service UNLEASH A JAGUAR I • The all-new 2004XJ. Stronger. Faster. Safer. Smarter. From first-to-second-to-third-to-fourth-to-fiftli-to-sixth, with a new state-of-the-art, six-speed ZF electronic automatic transmission, your body won't feel the gears change. Your ears won't hear the gears change. But your soul will certainly notice a change. To discover the silky wonders of the XJB's six-speed ZF automatic transmission, visit Penske Jaguar today. J SC so .. -0 0 QUOTE OF THE DAY "Right now, we're the top team on the beach and we've made $25,000." Matt Fuwbrin1er, pro beach volleyball ' star Dally Pilot Spotts Editor ltlch8!fd Dunn: (949) 574422J • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 PRO BEACH VOLLEYBALL ·ng of the beach Es tancia High grad Matt Fuerbringer arrives in Huntingto n Beach this weekend as part of the No. I team on the A VP Tour. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot SCHEDULE AVP PTO Beach Volleyball Tour Huntington a.ach Open South skte of Huntington Beach Pier Today-Sunday Schedule: Today: AVP qualifier, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Ftiday: Men's and women's main draw, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday: Men's and women's main I twas printed more than 12 years draw. 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m . ago. but Mau Fuerbringer recalled Women's championship match, 1:30 ii alm~t word-for-word. p.m. Fuerbringer wasn't about to let a Men's main draw continues, 3 p.m. recent interview end without bringing . Sunday: Men's main draw, 9 a.m.-1 up what the Daily Pilot wrote about him p.m. when he was a ju11ior at Estancia High. Men's championship match: 1:30 p.m. playing for the l:.agles' 1991 state championship basketball team. "Spindly F.'>tanCla I Ugh junior Matt 1--uerbringer will probably never be King of Lhe Beach. Lord of the Lane, maybe, hut never King of Lhe Beach." a profile of fuerbringer written on March 14. 1991 c,.aid. The article concluded, u ••• projected as a blue-chip volleybaJI recruit. That's the indoor game. of cour..e. not the beach vanety. • fuerbringer repeated those word'> rues.day as he prepared for this weekend's A&'>OCiauon of Volleyball Professionals' I lunungton Beach Open, partially hinting at Lhe motivation those 'itatement3 prOV1ded htm and enttrely '>aying. look at me now. In his first full 'ieaSOn on the AVP Tour. Fuerbringer and partner Casey Jennin~ have become Lhc top-ranked team on the beach. That's right. Matt ruerbringer, he who was &-foot-5 and 160 pounds as a Junior at Estancia, and can still be coru.1dered qwte spindly. can nuw be c-.illed Kmg of the Beach. After a five-year mdoor career m 1-urope. the fonncr four-time dll-American at Stanford has dedicated himself to the heach game and he hru. proved he belong.\. Beach Open looking for their fir;t title. Even without a fu!.1-place finish. they are r.mked No. I on the AVP money list tJus season with 1.792 points and $24,495. "It's really surprising.· Fuerbringer said. "But it ha<in't surprised me since we started doing it. But if you would have told me before the seao;on that we would make four finals, I'd be ecstatic.· Now the goal is to break through and win an event and nothing would be '!Weeter than the I lunnngton Beach Open for Fuerbringer and Jennings. Fuerbringcr's connections. having grown up in CoMa Mesa though he now resides in Hermoc;a Beach, are obvtow.. But Huntington is also where Jenmngs teamed to play the game after moving from Las Vegas to attend Orange Coa ... t and Golden West colleges. "This is a big one. for Casey too, th.., ,., where he learned to play the game aftrr coming out from I.as Vegas. h Fuerbringer ..aid. They met competing against one another at Huntington Beach and latrr worked together at Lhe Old Spaghetti Factory in Newpon Beach. When Jennings was looking for a partner rnor to this season. he called Fuerbringer Jnd told him Lhey were playing together. Inc 29-year-old Estancia grad had EYE OPENER 0-ttity.I Pikx Sporu llall ol Fame , ..... -t .. ....., ih' " •• _~I_ 17 honoree DON BEATTY Thorsday, August 14, 2003 81 Now standing 6-foot-7, Fuerbringer dfld Jennings have reached Lhe finals tn four of S1X AVP tournament events thi5 .. ummer and enter the I luntington see BEACH, Paee 82 Matt Fuerbringer, a former Estancia High basketball and volleyball standout, 1s riding high these days on the AVP Tour CHECKING OUT Fletcher Olson, the girls athletic director at Newport Harbor High, also coaches tennis and 1s a mult1med1a design and commumcabOns technology teacher She's also the school's director of the Franklin Academy for commumcabons and business department chair. Pl-lOTOS BY KENT T~PTOW I ~LYPtlOT Setting Sailors' course Olson's many tasks include overseeing success for Newport Harbor girls athletics. technology teacher. In her spare time, this mother of three is an advisory chairman for the Newpon Hamor Yacht Qub junior sailing program. '1dUfd-taaking, • said Olson, when a.sbd how she makes it througtl the average day. There Is nothlna average about ha contribution co Sdor athkdcs. Next fall will be her 16c.h 1eUOO as a tennis coach at the ICbooL her dgbth aa gids head COllCb.. During her tenure at the helm. the~ .. been to four ClF Southern Secliali dde IDllldM!s 11'.ld ... the ... t9UD to .... .uns.d Penfniull (QliOft'l b,,.,. a.-1 oo.tam1-.~a1........,.. .. ,.....,. ..................... clieaoiolbe ... l1111nedtb11Deioa bmlli ~ IDd lfldaAD lltc ,..._ • THESAllORS Neup1M1Melbor..,..111.,_ °'*of Newport Hmbor Hllh's most famous symbols on CtmPUS is the lflehor. .. ........ ·~ I 82 Thursday, Aoiost 14, 2003 SPORTS FILE PHOlOS BY STEVE Mc CRANK I DAILY P1L OT UC Irvine senior center Adam Parada, who will play for the Mexican national basketball 'team at the Olympic qualrfymg tournament, waits for the air to clear in action last season against Cal State Long Beach's Marcel Jackson at the Pyramid in Long Beach. UCI's Parada to play for Mexico Anteaters' senior center wiU play for Mexican national team in the Olympic qualifying tournament. l J<. I rvme '>enior center Adam P.1rada i~ a member of Lhl' Mexi- c .in national basketball team thJ1 will compete in the Amerl- {"d" Olympic qualifying tourna- mt•nt al San Juan, Puerto Rico, Aug. 20-31. I he tournament at t.he Hober- to Clemente Coliseum features ~roup play Aug. 20-24, with lhe '><.'LOnd round beginning Aug. 25. ll1e '>t'milinals are Aug. 30 and I.he championship game is set for Aug. 31. Mexiw i<> joined by Argenlina, J'ul·rto Rico, Canada and Uru· guay in Group A. The United States, BraJ'il, Do- minican Republic, Venezuela and the Virgin Islands comprise Group 8. The top three teamo; in the tournament wiU qualify for the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece. Parada scored 16 poin1s in Mexico's 78-76 win over the Vir- gin Islands June 21 10 win the bronze medal in the Cea1ral American · Cllampionships. Puerto Rico won that tourna- ment with a 93-83 Victory over the Dominican Republic. Parada earned AU-Big West Conference second-team honors as a junior at UCI last season. He led the conference in field-goal percentage at .545 and he is the Anteaters' career leader in blocked shots with 111. Parada_ averaged 12.2 points and 6.2 re- bounds in 2002-03, when UCI finished 20-9 overall for Its third straight 20-win season. The Anleat~rs open the 2003- 04 regular season competing in the Black Coaches· Association Oassic at Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 15-17. UC Irvine's Adam Parada (55) puts up a shot over Utah State's Mike Puzey m Brg West Cont erence men's basketball action last season. Parada will play this month for the Mexican national team. Wholeule pricing and 3 ye•/38,000 mlle nationwide factory warranty on all gas powered engines and transmlssionsl Call 0• Wlloleule llelll•TedUI XGAMES Six locals in ESPN's hot summer fling Extreme.sports action starts today a nd runs through Sunday in LA. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot In regard to in·line skating, Fabiola Da Silva could be called, the queen of the half pipe. If extreme spons were women'i. tennis, she would be Serena Williams. Da Silva, a Costa Mesa resi- dent, will be one of Lhe most recogni1..able athletes of X Gamei. IX. the premiere ac- tion sporti. event spear- h eaded by ESPN that begins today and ends Sunday at Staple Center in Los Angeles. Da Silva, a Brazilian native. il> one of o;ix local athletes in- volved in the extreme sport ex1ravagan1.a that will be tele- vised and aired Sarurday through Thursday. on ESPN, P-5PN2 and ABC. As a female aggreb'>ive in-line bkater. she h~l> pu.,hed 1hc !>port to new limits and is plenty capahle of compel.Ing alongside the men in the aggressive in-line vert competition. The aggressive in-line vert competition, which take., place Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the Staph~., (..enter. will fea· ture 20 competitors, men and women combined. who per- form various tricks in the half pipe. The skaters are cha! lenged to link tricks together in two SO-second runs. The performances are judged and the top 10 ltkater'> adv-.m cc to the fi nal BEACH Conbnued from B 1 played sporadically on lhe AYP Tour previously, participating in 13 tournamenu. fmrn 1999-2002 I le actually intended to make 2002 his first full year on the tour. but he received an offer to play indoors in Puerto Rico that paid more money. Money was al'>O a rea'>On he kept re turning to Europe. including Spain, Auo;tria and Greece, to play indoor volleyball during the winter. "I've alwdys wanted to lplay on the AVl' Tourl. the money just hasn't been there," Fuerbringer said. "Right now. we're the top • team on lhe beach and we·ve made $25,000. Next year we mighl not play as weU and not make as much. There's no guarantees. Bui the money's gelling a lot heller than it was two years ago ... After some lean years. which included declaring for bankruptcy in 1998. the AVP Tuur has become energired once again in recent months, including the recent addition of NBC and Fox Sports as broadcast partners. NBC televised the Manhattan Beach men's and women's finals live and they are scheduled to do the same this weekend NBC is also set to telecast six tournaments next year. Of course, those telecasts will colfCentrate on the finals and that's where Fuerbringer and Jennings have bit a waB this year. ln all four 6naJs that they have reached. Fuerbringer and In the vert final. each com- petitor completes two SO-sec- ond runs again. The greater score of the two runs is as- signed as the competitor's best score. Scores are based on style, difficulty, consis- tency and line. Oa Si lva was one of the fea· turcd athletes during the X Games' kickoff press confer- ence Wednesday. ()1ril'o Gentry. abo from Costa Mesa, wiU be compet- ing in the 'ikateboard vert cornpe11t1on. In addition, he will be trymg lo win in the doubles d1vis1on of the com- petition. which wilJ include Runl' Glifberg. who also hail., from Cu.,la Me~a. Glifberg will a lc;o rompetc in the bkatt•boartl. verl bes1 trick event, one of 17 competition!> in the X c;<imt'' Hudil de Arau10 Jr .. a C.o'>la Me'>a re'>ldl'lll. will dis play ht'> talent-. 111 the .,kateboan.I s treet <1nd the '>kateboard park event-. Hobbie Miranda of Nl'wpurt Bedch will com pete 111 tht• downhill BMX. which will 1ndude Co-.1<1 Me.,a\ l"horna-. Allier. From year to year, X (lame~ ha!> been 1ncrrasing in popu larity and those involved with the even1 expect the compe11 - tion and notoriety to take a huge \tep rorward With It'> venue Ill lo' Angele., Lhl'> year X (,ame'> IX will .,how rn~e more than JOO of the world\ be!>! t•xtreme sport'> athlelt'" .inti wi th the !.Celle 'io near tu I lollywood, organ· i1cr~ art• expt•cting high drama. I >a '-,ilva ..., nnC' who ..., 'iUrt.• to dl'ltH·r fennmg'> h<1ve IO'>I the fi~t game. won the -.econd and then lo<1t the third to loi.e the rndtch. Thetr htrJ;(".I prohll·m ha-. been early defidl'i. "It\ likC' the l.aker.. <;omelU11e-. play tearm, wfll're a., I.he Bull.'> came out and cn1-,hec.l teams. - l"uerhringer ...atd. "We do a good job of w m111g hack. but we only have o;o many live<.." l'how livt:!l> can take a beaung in the earlier rounds due 1.0 the panty on the men's tour. No team ha., won two toumamenL' Liu'> year. " llw compel.it.ion out there i., unbeliC'vahle." 1-"uerhringer srud . "We're playing guys for 17th that are unreal. I .ast weekend, we almo't los t in the i.econd round to two Olympians. Its that dose.· But d~plle the difficult compeouon. Fuerbringer and Jenning.s have still managed to finish second in four of the six tournaments and third ln another. A ft.rst-place finish this weekend will only further cement their No. I ranking on tour and possibly help Fuerbringer put to rest those harsh words written about him more than 12 years ago. DEEP SEA WEDNESl\4Y'S COUNTS Newport ....... -5 boeta, 161 englera. 3 yellowtail, 120 albacore, 178 berrecoda,,1n celk:o be .. , 162 send bias, 1 hllibut, 6 ICUlpin, 3 lheepehead, 16 slcipj-*. Dally Pilot SAILORS Continued from B 1 Rather than separate duties between boys and girls programs, the two use a crossover approach. allowing each to ull.lli:e his or her strengths to better serve Sailor athletes and coaches. ·My role is more on th~ side of getting the word ou1 about acadernlc athletic student awards. implementing the Victory with Honor program, and working with our Athletic Council. Olson's focus on academics includes working with coaches to monitor the classroom work of Sailor student-athletes. "An area I've pushed since I became AD was 10 create a strong awareness for the need to have a strong GPA," Olson said. kThere are programs in place 10 recogni.7..e varsity team GPA. Of the 16 teams here fo r which we submi11&! team GPA!., five were in the lop five in lhe state and girls voUeybaJJ was the lop team in the state for schools with at leas1 a 1,500 enrollment. The other 11 all earned honordble mention." Olson said coaches complete reports to track students' academic progreSl>. which allows both coaches and Olson to monitor student-athletes and avoid potential eligibility 1~ut!S. lbe Athletic U>uncil, initiated for the 2002-03 school year, consists of an athlete from each of the sports. who are encouraged to bring issues and concerns up for dil.cussion with Olson, Tweit and an assistant principal, all of whom oversee the body. Olson believes the council, an ------------~-----------------.-........ ,..- S PORT S fhursday, Augu!>t 14, 2003 83 idea gleaned by l'Weit from an Th N athletic. directors meeting back e ewport Harbor High girls coaching staff has enioyed success on all levels in past seasons and expects much of the same in the 2003-04 school year 1:.ast, lih weU with the Victory with I lunur program, inillated by the CU: Southern Secuon 10 help improve sportsmanship. Parent booster~ are also invited 10 auend council meetinK'> Olson !>aid maintenance of facilitie!>, particuJarly during the effort JU!>t underway to rebuild the school's mam academk buildings. prompting the introduction of several temporary classrooms that have eliminated aJready sparse field space. is a pressing concern. "We lo!>! two fields [to tht: temporary classrooms). the Junior varsity bc1.\eball and the juruur varsity softhaJI field and. hopefully. the way things have been set up, we won't lose the footbaJI practice field ." Ol!><>n said. Ol!>on said she i!> cautiously optimistic the Newport-Mesa Unified School lhstnct wiJI continue to help fund neces....ary repairs to existing facilities, while construction. funded by a recent bond measure. consumes the campus. "The maintenance and c;afety tSSues are huge," Ol!>On said. "Our biggest concerns are our necessities, including our locker moms. Hopefully. those areas won't faJI through the cracks.· Olson is encouraged by the creation of a liaison in the district offi ce. Mike Murphy, 10 hear concerns about facility maintenance. Olson aJso works with Tweit and the Newport I !arbor adrnimstration to maintain a h.igh level of coacl)ing in aU programs. "ldeaUy. we like to hire teachers with an athletic background who are interested in coaching," Olson said. "We get a great deal of support from our principal (Michael Vossen) there.· Olson's athletic background ~f NT If<! prriw OAll ( Pll 0 1 The legendary clock tower at Newport Harbor High School cc:•111erc; around -.ailing, which .. he cmhrnced growing ur U1 (.()rona del Mar. A Lc.J~I I lt~h graduate ({]ru,, of 196!11. -.he wa., the only women on lll'r Ora11~e Coa..t Collegl' sailmg ll'.lm and even1uaUy became tourd111Jtcir of the -.ailing program for the City of Newpon Beach, a positron she held for 25 yc·ar'>. )he aJwa}"> k.new shl,.d evl'ntually hccome a IC'.!Chl'r. however. and ubtaincc.J hl•r teaching crede11Ltd1 111 tht· m1d-l990s. "It's everything I thought i1 would be, .. Olson !'.aid of her experience 111 education She became AD after former principaJ Bonnie Ma:.pcro suggested a second AD be appomted tu e<be tJw workload of Tweit, who had over'>Cen both programs for years. "'Ibey askec.J if I'd be tntcre.,ted and I've always had a slro11g . interest in athletics," Ol-.c>n !>aid Olson has helped protect the best ln1erests of Sailor girls athletic~ Of the I 0 girls varsity programs wi th coachE"> 111 place, six are led by coache!> who teaLh at Nev. p orl I l.1rhor. Among thu-..l' art• n·ternn 1nentors Hill Bametl Id forml'r U.S. nauunal rnen\ ll'am codch who ha., 'pent mon' Ul.!11 JO year'> in thr waler polo pm~mm). Dan < rlenn ! 17 rear'> at tlw volll')'hall helm!, and lwe1t. who ha'> lt:d th e cru" country and trJt k and field -.quad!. for more than a de<.«tde Volleyball h,i-.. hcen tJ1e na~ship program 111 1em1s ol .. ucce-.-.. l11e Tars h.!vc won -.even U I Southt'rn ">ection 1.hamp1onship,, a1 least one tn the last four decade ... and have added four en: Stale LitJes. all 111 the 1990\. Cros:. country hd!> '>Ccured three section and three state championship!> 10 account for nearly all the .. chool'!> remaining < IF L rowns. Water polo won a UF section LitJe in 194-)q anc.J track and field managed the same feat in '93. Ille aforementioned success 111 tenms has been a constant, while basketball, soccer, swimming and field hockey have aJso ndden pericxlk cycles of taJent to KH'at heiWits. Judy Ayers 1s the invaluable atttletlc secretary at Newport Harbor High 2640 lepl Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 l.19al Notices 2640 lepl Notices 2640 lepl Notices 2640 IOllQ TO COlllUCTOIS CAU.MfOlleS ••1t2-te 1.01 llD TIMI, DATI A-.Pl.ACI A. Bid Open1n1 r tlM Md Biel Oudlin•: Sep t-bef 4th, 2 p.m. Bids lllU$t be reulved Pf iOf to 2:00 p.m. ' 8. PIK• of Bid Rt· c~ Newport-Moe u . S<hool District • PurFhtsln1. 2915 B 8•., StrMt, Cost• Mu•. CA 92626 C. Projttt N1me· lllll YBROOllE & SOHO· RA CLE ME NlARY SCHOOl.S FIR£ H~ANT ANO WAT£RLINE IN STALLAT'°" 0. Plec:. Pl•ns ere on htl · Mcc.rtllJ Bulldlf!t Cof11'1•niet/MMsur• •A Office. 2915-C Bur Strfft. Co1t1 Mai, Ce. 92626 1.0I IUMMAIY or .... A, Project OucrlptJon fhi. ptOject COflMstl of tlM fh h'f~hnt end 11aocl1ttd w1terlln1 lut1ll1tlon •l htll S-1 en4 KilytltOCIM (""'*"•~ I. ,, '1 hti· IMtl: ll0,000.00 •••no. NOTICE IS HEREBY Glvtfll ltl•t lfew,ort llwl Unlfle4 kho I Olstrict tetifte •1 IM t:t .. "::c..~'::!:2 brds for award of • conh.ct 10< Ille above named Proiect up lo but not l1ler than thl' bid dHdhne A. Bkh shall be re celved 1n the place ldenttl•ed •bo ve Whether 0< not bids •re OIMlfled .. actty •t lh• time fraed In this nohce, no bid wlll be received ett. the bid deadline 8. PLAHS AHO SPCC IFICA T10NS ARE AVAll ABLE NOW. TM docu menu m•y be rntewtd •t the PROJECT MAN ACER's office (u• •ddress Item H below) Oft CAN BC PUACllAS£0 FROM· MTUMP fiU'"*f• 16J7t C.•••tr•ctle11 c-t•r, lr•l••t CA. H ... , T&(t4t Ht- 7SM, ru (Ht Sst- "" C. Eich 8100£R must post • bid bolld °' other 11turlt1 It! Ille ._nt of l~ of tt.. 8111CM1t of the bid wittl Ille bid 0. heh 8!00£11, al nwlt•MOualy with tllt uecutloft of tllt Coll· tttet Afr-'· ... be requlre4 lO f\#111111 • L•bor end M1terl1I PtffOJmantt llM ill •11 •MOVftt IOU.. to 100 l)WC9flt of IN t;oftt,.,, llllft Hf I , eltllf•I ,«for~ 141114 Ill Ill llM04Htt ..-i te 100 perceftt of IN C:0.1rct ,...._ s.w .... ..... .. ,,_ ......... .. Cahfotnra Surety 'ah' lacl0<y to the 01\lrlt.l and lrsled '" the I eder•I Rr11slet l\\Ul'd by lhl' Ol'parlmrnl ol Ttenu1 y and ltcensed rn C•ftlor nr• Said Bonds shall remam 111 full f0<ce and effect lhr o u111 the 1u1,.ntee penod E The BIOOER shall be • 'licensed contractor pursuant to the Busmess and Professlc!nals Code Ind IHI hc:ensed on the 1119lrctblt clmsstf1C1t101u for the tr edts fOf which lhe conlraclof •• •ub m1t1m1 •bid r Th11 ptoiec• 11.s J'\ Disabled Veter1n Busl ness C nterp.11e parhc1 patoon 1o•ls G Quntlons •bout th11 PROJECT should IHI ducted lo the PRO•CT MAHACER H: Conlect Troy 8rownlff, ltlephone 714/ 424·8950, firm: McC•r· Uly 8u1ldif1C Ce F Al 714/424 8951, Addrtu 2985 C 8u1 SttHt. Cotte Meu, CA 92626 I. No Bid m•y be w1ttlclr•wn until SJaty "''' efter the Btd O,...inc Oat• I The Olatrr<\ •-Ifft tllt rltflt to reject eny •ncl •If blft Of lo W81Vt lfftpwttll$ 1n •"' bid K Newport llln• ~ kllool 0-Wlct " .., ....... °"°'hlfllt1° ~·,...,._.Of ·----111.M wll bi a•aol•blP lo b1ddttt \ 11n lhe DIS rRIC r pr•lrtt\t•\ at lllt time of brd Pubf"htd Ntwpor t Bt'Ach Co,la Me\a O.uly Pilot Au1usl 141. i.>1. 200~ 111684 art Of COSTAllSA OUIMi( cu.n, CucmA IOlDIMw.195 NOTICE IS HCRC BY GlvtN th1t seeled pro· pouts f0t fllrnrshin1 111 labor. m1t.,i.U. equip ment, It 1nsporl1llon and Mich other l•c1ht1es H m•p be requlfed fo1 ••. ,.,.... • .... ,:c.. Cw-ti Tr.tflc Pr+cf, Pr+cf Me. OJ-1t, will be received by th• City of Cost• M41H •I the Ollie• of the CltJ Chlfll, 71 F11f 011vtt. ~st• Men . C11tf0Jnll u11t11 lllt hOUt of 10.00 ...... .-.., ......... II, !001, •I llrflldl {1- they will be opened publltl~ and reed aloud Ill t11e Co1111ul Ch111'1Defs s..w propoub ..,.. ... ., "" title ol the work •114 118-ef ti.. l»d'-r but no other di,t111111l1hl111 merh ""' ltkl rte«'"41 •It• llle ~1*1'*4 Clotrftt tMM for tfle r~'1Pt ol Wt "'811 bl returflff to blddM unlll*lff It '91•• MIN tote rhl*!MWllY hos bid rs recervrd '" p<opf'r lime I\ ~•I of Brd Oocu menls m•y be obl41ned al thr Oflice ol f~e City En11nre1. 77 Fair 011ve, Costa Mesa, Calllorma upon "•11ref11.,,.elole ,..,..._. •• $20.00. Aa ............... dierr •• $4.00 will be made rf handled by mall Bid Documents and other conll acl documents may •lso be 111mmtd at the Office of the City Cieri. of the City of Cost• Men Brd 9ocum8flts will not be m•rled unltu lh• •dd1tion•I S4 00 ch1t1• Is included with payment h eh bid sh•" be medt on llM Propoul fOfm. sheets P I• llwoup t 91 pro.lded In tfie contrect Oocv-ts, •nd Wit lie KCompanltd by a cerliflef or cHl'li41f 'a check or • 1114 bond for not 1-s lb• 10~ of the amount of U.. Mel, m8dl p•p8blm lo Ult City of Coal• Meu No ll'oPOlll sW be con· slclered UMss l«Olll· p11t1H •r MKh c...., '1 cllet\, cMll. OI ~·, llond. lfo btd \llal be COii slcWed unlna It la 1118dt Oii • Ml'* ..... fur 111111oN bJ IN Citr If c .... ..__. • .,,. !ft ecnul-.t •'"' IM Pf'OYltioM Of It. ho pout requirotMelll btll~_. ..... a Cla" ·c1cr l t•<troral Con tr ar lnr lttrn\t and af~o ti. pr r quahhrd a\ requurd by lew The Cuntra~lor 'hall comply woth the provr sluns of Srchon 1770 lo 1780 1ndu\lve ot thr C11tlor n11 l abo1 Code the prevarl1ne r air and scale ol wagt\ u t•b hshed by the Crly of Cost• Mua, which are on hie wrth lhe Crty Clefll of the C11y of Cost.a Mes. and shall fotl11t pe"11t1u prl!· sc11b1d therein lor noncompliance ol s.ld Code lht City Council ol tlM City of Cosl1 Meu reserves the rlpl to reject anJ Of •II bids JUUlfOlctl 0..-tY City Oef'li. Ctty.fc" ... _ ..... My lt.~l PubltU!td Newport Bffch Coste Mesa Oalty Pr&ot Ptlol AAcvst 7, 14, 2003 T"611 ........ .. I , ...... ............... 1111 ......... .,.,_ 118• IOIMol!M IM ¥M of tllt r ~tltlous luSI MU Na-· •) T "'"' S.f II) l.Street S.f Ille• l) T S \teet s.rf t eM f ) T tr•t l«t C..._ ., T Stf-..t S.flloeln. ~II 6 llllvlt IOCI\ l e to.tit ll ~· \ Cl~menle CA 9?6/? Jh~ f rcllllOU\ Btr\lnt'\S nam• referred In above w~\ hied '" Or an1~ Counly un 8 19 2002 nu NO 20026913931.> Nmm•n Dayle E1vtn " 108 Calle df'I Pn• 11<0 San Clemt'nl~ CA 91617 • Wrlh•m I lulluoll If 2107 Voa Helecho, San Clemente. CA 92673 lllos busonns is con· dueled by • 1enetel pe<tnen l\19 NO< men 0.yl~ C rvon ll' rh1s statement WIS fried wrth Ill• County Cltrt. of Ofan1• County 01107/08/03 IOOMts07S6 D•oly Pttot .My 10, 17. 24, 31. •"*'ded publi utlot! Au1 14, 2003 TH7ll °"°'..,._. IOICI-• s .. IH bfds may be rece111t'd mt the oftk• of 1114 Coty Clerk. UOO "-port loWeu1•. ,. 0. Boa 1168. Newpo1 t 8NCl'I, CA 92el •tS ulltiJ 11 00 I M en tlle ntll .., of ~ 20Q..) et wflidl WM MKll !lift Wllbe"'**'lfllllreMI ftf ............... a9M9'9Tftl•~ ~FT,_ ;• ............ """'-' ... "" ....... ~ove41oy /S/ Stepho" G. .......... ,,_.,,, Wwtis Dlrone. Pr us pee love brdder \ m•y obl•in one nt ol bid documenh 10< $5 00 al the ofltet' ol th• Pubhc Worlls Depart ment 3300 Newpor I Boulevard Newport Beach CA 92663 Conh ac I 01 llcen\e Clns1l1cat1on( s) re QUlfed 10< this PfOfKI "A" r Of lurthe< 1nl0< mm lion, cell Stl!phftn I LU'f. Pro1ec t Man11er at (949) 64' 3330 Published Newpor I BHch Costa ~ O•ll'f Prlol Au11nt 14.2003 Th710 Ma11B r RArr •• • I l1u•lf't' of lh• D•n•~I R !brr,..• .1nd Me11a I B~rr•r• l1u\I Oalt'd 10 14 •H Ul Viii• Pnrnl Or Newl)\111 Bu t h LA 9/bf>O 1 hi\ bu~rne\~ "' ron due l•d by lru~t t 1v1n "'" stat•m•nl wa• hied wtlh I~ Ciwnty Cletll of Oran~ Counl• on ()8112/03 IOOHUUU 01r1, Piiot Aue 1' n ?8 s.>• 4. 2003 'h 70!i , t 11,. lnlf '"""~ .,.rwn• .,,. do1.,I bU'\1nft\\ a' llMllCH Rl IOI 1797 Runltni C11tle ln•t• M~\I Caltt '1?6:>6 ( 10" R••th 7797 Bunttni Crrdt Cn~I• Meu CA 9X>l'b fhll bu\lnn) ~ con ducted by an 1ndtv1d11al Hav• you 't••t" Ootne l"isrnnsyePNo Caon Rete"h This s tetemeftl ••• ftlff '"Ill the ~11nty Cltfk of Ounre Count• on OllOlt03 toH .. SJSJf Oa•ly Piiot Alfl 1 14 21 , 21 20QJ Th67Z .......... .......... The to"owin. !*tOltS .we dolea tw'1nw u . Soccer l:a_preu, 1211 •tti St., Nni)Ort 8ucll, tA9MG3 I.tall lth1ka Amill• llhllH, 125 46th SI .. =orl 8euh, CA Thia buM1t•u 1t con-~l•d by· 1n lndlvldu1I • Hive you swted dol111 bu:slMU yet? No l.lah Rivka Am1ll1 ..... uu • This tltlement wH filtd with the County Ct.rll of Or1n1e Coul\ly Oil 07/29/03 MOU9H 071 Cally Pilot Ally 31. Aua. 7, 14.21,2003 Th~5 Ac-. ... ... s..... The followlne persons ire dolne businass" as; Photo's By M1esh, 401 Newport ·Center Drive. Newport Beach, CA 92660 , Joli Michelle B1eder, 9312 Res1dencia. New· port Buch, CA 92660 This business is con ~uct1d by: 1n individual Have you started do1na business yet? No Jolt Michelle Bledet This statemenl wu .liled with the County 'blerk of Oranae Counrv on 07/23/03 200l6'52533 Diuly Pilot Aua 14. ? I. 28,Sept,4,2003 Th698 fidlllM l.a.ltsi "-S....... • The lollowh1a persons •re doana business as· '.'NAIFA -Orange County, "'l 1684 Manila Drive , Cypress. CA 90630 • Onnee County Asso· ):iation of Insur an~e & ]in11rn:ial Advlsor5, Inc. ~A OCAIFA (CA). 11684 'Wlamla 011ve, Cypreu. :J:A90630 • Tills bus111ess 1s con oducted by. a Non Profit '()rg_ • Hive you slat led doin11 l>usiness yet' Yes • Orange County Asso ~1at1on of Insurance And '1nancial Advisors, Inc , J>toylhs Brown E ~ecu "ive Director • lhts statement w11s hied with lhe County Clerk of Orange Count y Ull 07/29/0J •20036953071 'Dally Ptlol July 31. Aug. :7.14.21,2003 Th635 • NOTICE OF TRUSTI:.E'S • SALE 'APN 938-25-007 I Rellfence No OQ036..&. ' 10HiN006'04 : YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A LIEN FQA : DEUNQUENT DOES ANO , ASSESSMENTS DATED MARCH 4 2003 UNLESS : 't'OU TAKE ACTION TO ,PROTECT YOUR .PROPERTY, IT MAY BE , SOlD AT A PUBUC • SALE. IF VOU NEED AN ·~TION OF TliE •NATURE OF TliE • ~EEDING AGAINST •YOU YOU SHOUlD • Ci5fr N::T A LAWYER. ' No4loe 11 heteoby given lhlt I .. fMI property 9it1a19d ·~allfomla.~~: AIMeeol'• Paroel Number 938-25-007 Lot 1, Tract ,toe&4, i.ln11 1 anct ' appurtenant partl9ls • th9relo, II l/'ff. lncluelYe of 1 MllClllMleoul ~ 1tht ol I ,~ILLBE • AT PU8UC AUCTION ON • SEPTEMM:A 9 2003 AT • 10.00 AM • 'ro tHe •HIGHEST BIOOER lor • CM/I. cuhlef'g dl9Clc • dnlwn by a state or • national banlc, chick 'dntwn by a atate or ledt<tl . uvtrcll and IOen • eeaoc:illllon. NYings :~°k,A= 'Codi Mellon 5102 and : aullortiild ID do bl.el.-In c.itlomla. : Atlcloloded owntf(I)' Ml.n> 'o.vwi and Nom1a I Blfwrll Common proc>eny , dtMcl~ 380 . W. , Wllloil St. ~!.~ Coela '..... CA. '"°"'' The • Ille wlll bll IWtd at tne I llbcwe notlld ·-II: .saru Are~ <Cel'nl> 100 w..i CMc C«'lllf °'"· Ser'lll Are. CA Thi .. wll be oondlaed by Edwwd w. Hee.. Jr ... ~AIPI~ Pllltl Hom9ownera Aeeocillllon. Thi ..,. wlll be made ~ cov.rWll or WlllTllf'll)' f90llrdlrG lllle, poeMMlon. OI ~ID aali$ly .. otJlfgdol! MCI.Ad by ..... -· ' ... Have you stwte.d dolnc bu1lneu yet? vea. 10/ 2.6/1998 Apurva M•P•• Ind Altf ~ Tht lollowlnc pt1 aont are dolne buslnus as: N•wi>ort Hiiis Rtally, Inc .. 2192 Ovpont Dflvt, Sult• 205, Irvine, CA 92612 Th• fGlklwln& P•ttOns •11 dolna buslneu as: American Tu & Flne11 clal s.,vil;'ft. lrte •• 11770 Werner Ava. #101, Founleln Valley. CA Pacific 1ndewl11d1, lLC., Andi .. H Shubin. C£0 This 1tatement waa fil.d with the County Ct.rll of Or1n11 County on 07125/03 200S.HJ1SI Th• lollowlnc penona tre dofn1 buslnus as: •> Chtlsloplltt Marcus b) Blueflame produc· tlorls, 2307 Santa An1 'This 1tatement wn filed with tM County Cletk of Oran&• Co1111ty on 08/11/03 100.Mtl410a Oellr Pltot AuJ. l 4, 21, 28,Sept.4.2003. Th68l 92708 • Irvine Hills Re•lty, Inc; (CA), 2192 Oupbnt Orivt. Suite 205. Ir vi11e, CA 92612 This bush1eu 11 eon· ducted by: • corporetlon ltave you started dolne business yet? Yu 7/24/03 Adv1nc:ed Tu & f'I n1ncl1f Servlcn. Inc. (CA). 11770 Warner AVI. 1101, fountain V•lley, CA 92708 Dirty Pilot July 31, Au(. 7, 14,21.2003 Tt.64\ ........... ... s...... Irvin• tlilll RHlty, tnCJ., Philip E, Becker. CEO lhl1 business Is con· ducted by: a corpor1tlon Have you started doln1 busfnen yet7Yes 08·-01·03 Tht follow1111 per sons ue doll'll business u . Conquest Telecom U C. 439 1/2 Beeonl• Ave .. Coron• Del Mar, CA 92625 This sh1tement .,.H filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 08/06/03 200369SS961 Daily Pllol Aug. 14, 21. 28. Sept.4,2003 Th682 Advan<:ed Tu & .Fi· n1nc111 Services, Inc, Clyde B · Dallon-Vance, Ch1ir. This slltement wu lfled with the County Cler~ of Oran1e County on OIVOS/03 • 200J69SU56 The tollowlna persons are doin11 busJrie" u ; Spa ol Newport, 1105 We s l cl1fl, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Corona Del M~r ran, Int (CA). 2101 15th St , Newport Beach. CA 92660 This business 1s con· ducted by. a corporation Have you sta1 led doing bus11111u yet' No Coton1 Del Mar Tan, Inc . Jack R C1ang1uho, lrea~ lhls slatemenl was filed with th• Cou11ty Clerk of Orang" County on 08/05/03 20036953863 Daily Pilut Aua 7 14, 21.28.?003 Th656 lhe following persons dr e doong buson~ss as Pac1hc Coast Tttathlon. 576 Seaward, Cotona Del Mar, CA 92b25 Pelican Coast Events, LLC (CAI. !176 Seaward Avenue. Corona Oel Mar. CA 92625 This busones~ 1s cutt dueled by a L1m1ted L1ab1hty Co Have you start'd domg busines~ yet' Yes t -?003 Pel1Lafl C..oa~I r 11e11ts l lC. Tina Bu~h Hll01ter Seueldry Tt11, ~tat~munt wa~ tiled with the County Clerk ot Ooange Cou11ty on 01/25/03 200369S1752 Daily Pilot July 31, Aul!. 7. 14,21.2003 Th639 Daily Pilot Aue. 7. 14, 21. 28, 2003 Tl\660 S.......tf M • 111• 111 ef Use tf RdlliMllldiless"- The following person has abandoned the use of the F lctilious Busi· ness Name. Seek-erz, 427 E. 17th St. #133. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 The F 1ct111ous Business name referred to above was filed on Otange County on 7·25 02. FILE NO. 20026911375 Deborah Ann Wilson. 427 E. 17th St. #lJJ. Costa M11sa. CA 92621 Melody Mauh Mclin, 10069 San Pablo. Fountain Vdiley. CA 92708 This busoness 1s t.on .ducted by· a general par Iner ship Deborah Ann Wilson, Melody Mauh Mclin This ~tatement was tiled wtlh the Counly Clerk of Oran11e County on 07/02/03 20036950216 Daily Piiot July 24, JI, Aue. 7. 14. 2003 Th617 *--'" il•lmm 11tfUsttf FktlltMlllsilm ... The following person has ~bandoned floe use nl fh11 F 1ct1huu~ Bus1 11ess Name MIDNIGHT DOG 11 ASH CO I 760 Monrovia five A 10. Costa Mes.:i Calilornoa 92627 The F1ctit1ous Business name referred lo above was filed 1n Oranee County on 09/22/00, r IL( NO r 474788 Ultra B1a1d Inc , (California Corp) 1760 Monrovia Ave A 10, Cosla Me~a. Cahfornra 92627 1 his business is con ducted by a corpur atoon Ultra Br.t1d, In< , Ma11on S Gravely, It • President This statement was !tied with the County Clerk of Orange Cou11ty on07/22/03 20036952404 Oaity Pilot lul 24. 31. Aug. 7, 14.200~ Th629 UGALllOOO PIOPOSID 2003-2004 IUOGIT fOI COAST COl- llllJY COWGl DISTllCT The Coast Community Collei[e D1strrct's pro· pos10d budeel for 2003 2004 will b~ available tor publtc 1n\pecl1on at Coast Community Col lege Dosttlct Ollore, Buold'"i A. 1370 Adams Avenue, Costa Mesa CA 92626 lrum August 27. 2003 to September 3, 2003 betw.,en the hours of 8·00 a m and 5·00 p m The public hear'"e on th~ proposed bud11et for 2003 2004 will be held ell Coast Commu n1ty Colle11e Ooslrocl Of11ce. Bu1ldu11 A. 1370 Adam\ Ave11ue. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 011 September 3, 2003 ~t 6.30p.m Publtshed Newport Buch-Costa Mesa Daily Ptlot Augus t 14. 2003 lh697 ActltiM INitss ... s ..... The following person' ar11 dO'"i business as Psychodynam1c St1tdy Ce11tet. 7 Corporate Park. Ste 235 lrvone Cahfornoa 92806 Jotge f C~hndo I Corporate Park, St~ 235. Irvine Cal1fo1 noa 92606 Richard J letllcri. 7 Corporate P•r k, S!e 235, Irvine, Cal1fot1111 92606 T111s bus1nen 1s ton ducted by co par lne1 s Hav" you star led dom& busine\5 yet! No l-01 we f Calondo lh1s statement wa s flied with the Coullty Cler~ of Oran11e County on 08/ll/03 200l6954546 Daily Pilot Aug. 14. 21. 28.Sept,4,2003 Th700 ........... "-S..... The followlni[ persons are doing businen n Fistunoff Charter~. 9332 Darrow Or .. Huntinlfl<>n Beech. CA 92646 Conquest Telecom LLC (CA), 439 1/2 Beaonla Ave, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 This business Is con- ducted by: a limited llab11tty Co. Have you aterted dolne business yet? No ConquHt Telecom LLC Alu Vorobiett, owner This stetement was tiled with the County Clerk ol Oran1e County on 07/15/03 20036951SIS Daily Pilot July 24. 31, Aue. 7. 14.2003 Th614 fldlllM .... "-S....... lhe following persons are doing busine:i.s as: J1 Concepts, Inc . 13800 Park Centet lane. Ste 140, fusion, Catltomoa 92782 JJ Concepts, Inc. (CA), 13800 Park Cenh!I Lane, Ste. 140, Tustin, Cah- fornla 92782 This business 1s con· dueled by. 1 cot po111ion Have you slatted doin11 business yet? Yes, 6/18/ 2003 J: Concepts. Inc . Joyce Smtih, CEO This staltoment was filed with the County Cltorll ol Orange County on 0//21/03 20036'S2259 Daily Ptlot July ?4. 31. Aul[. 7, 14, 2003 Th615 fiditlm INitss ... s ...... lhe foliowone persons ara dom2 business as· Taylor Cityscapes, Inc , 778 W. 20th St .. Costa Me~a. CA 92627 hylo1 Cityscapes. Int , (CA). 778 W. 20th SI .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 rh1s business IS COn· ducted by a corporatmn Have you started dom2 business yeP Yes. 7 9 2003 Taylor Cityscapes. Inc Richard laylor. Pres• dent fhls statement was ltled with the County Cletk of Orange County on 07/25/03 20036952765 Daily Pilot July 31 . Aue 7, 14. 21 , 2003 Th646 RditlM IMess "-S....... The toflowma person) are doing business n Gao H1ao·Hua Gallety, 20321 Ramona lane. Huntington Beach CA 92646 Jimmy Ma. 20321 Ramona Lane. Hunron2 ton Beach. CA 92646 ~annoe Ma, 20321 Ra mnna I ane. Huntington Beach, CA 92646 This busmen IS con duclt'd by hu~band and wile Havt you started doine bu~1ness yet? No Junmy Ma Hus statemenl was filed with the County Clerk of Or anae County on 08/12/03 20036954625 Daily Pilot Aue 14. 21. 28, Sept 4,2003 Th707 fidtliM INitss "-*--'he lottowma per~ons are dom& business a~ lfunlongton Beach Sand Castle F estlval, 301 Main St Ste 208, Hunfan11ton Beach. CA 92648 5171 Huntin11ton Beach Conference and Vmtor s Bureau (CA), 301 Mam St . Ste 208, Huntington Beach. CA 92648·5171 This business 1s con ducted by. a corporalton Have you started dome business yet? No Hunt1n11ton Beach Conference and Vi5itors Buoeau, Oou11las C. Traub/f'rM1dent & CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Dunae County on 07/22/03 20036952325 Daily Piiot July 24. 31. Aue. 7. 14, 2003 TH625 lhe following persons are doine business u . a) Aroma Eipress b) KITIMA c) Mick's, 2010 Main Street Suite 165, Irv me, CA 926 I 4 M au Mobile, Inc (Delawue), ?010 Main Street S0tte 165. Irvine. CA92614 lhis businen ls con dot ted by· a corporation H~ve yo11 1teth1d dolna bus1nus yet7 No Ave. Cost• Mese, Call· tornl1 92627 Christophei Marcu1 Butt. 2307 S1nl1 "'" Ave. Cost1 Mesa, C11i· for nla 92627 This business Is con· dud•\! by: 1n lndivldu1I Have yQu started dofna business yet? No Chris Bull This stetement wn filed with the County Clerk of Oran1e County 0007/21/03 200l69S22 .. Daily Piiot July 24'. 31, Aua. 7. 14. 2003 Th628 Re-.. ..... _._......, The followint~persons ire doing business as: Royel Acedemy, 2805 McG11w Ave, Irvine, CA 92614. Loomworks Apparel, Inc (CA). 2805 McGaw Ave. Irvine, CA 92614 This business 1s con· ducted by: a corporation Have you started doing business yet? Yes. 5/1/2003 loomworhs App111 el, Gary Hesp, Clloef F 1 nanc1al Officer This statement was flied with the Cou11ty Clerk of Orange County on 07/23/0J 200l69S2479 Dally Pilot July 31. Aug 7. 14, 21. 2003 Th631 RcltiM..._ "-S...... The following p1usons are doing business as: N r c 5 UC, 4832 i\Jgyle Drive, Buena Park. California 90621 N f C 5 LLC (Or11anozed California) 4832 Atgyle Ortve. Buena Park, CA 90621 This busmen 1s con· ducted by: l1m1ted liability Co. Have you star led doinll business yet? Yes. 04/ 23/03 N F C 5 LLC, Glenn Moss ·President This statement was hied with the County Ch;rk of Orange County on 08/01/03 200l6953545 Daily Pilot Aue 7 14. 21,28,2003 Th665 RdillMllllilm "-*'-" The fottow1ne persons are doing business as C and P Antique Ser v1<es. 1067 Salvador, Custa Mesa, CA 92626 Arnold F. Christensen. I 067 Salvador. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Patrrcia L Chnstens· en, 1067 S~lvador. Costa Me~a. CA 92626 This busmess ts con ducted by huiband and wilt. Have you started doina business yet? Yes 1973 Arnold F Chnstensen TI11s statement wu filed with the Cou11ty Clerk of Orange County on 07/29/03 200369S30H Daily Pilot July 31 , Au11. 7, 14,21 .2003 Th633 FldffiM .... "-S...... rhe followin11 persons are doing business as The Soil Cutle, 3185 Airway Avenue, Suite A, Cos ta Mesa. CA 92626 Tom Bebout , 3185 Air way Avenue. Suite A, Cos ta Mna, CA 92626 Jamos M Bell, Trustee. Bell Family Trost dated 2 3 88, 415 H11tedae. L111una Beach. CA 92ii51 This busoness rs con ducted by a 11ener al partnet~hlp ~lave you started dOIOll business yel1 Yes, 8 18 86 Tom Bebout This statement was f1l11d with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/01/03 20036'5USI Daily Pilol Aua 7. 14. 21 ,28,2003 Th668 Fldltllls INitss "-S...... The lollowin11 per!>ons are doing business as. Portof1no lntenors. 27 Castellina Dr • Newport Coast. CA 92657 Kathy Bates, 27 Cas· telllna Or , Newport Coast, CA 92657 Oavid V. B•les, 27 Castellina Dt., Newport Coast, CA 92657 This busl"eu IJ con ducted by· husband and wife !lave you started do1n11 bus•uess yeti No Kathy Bates Thos statement was ftled with the County Clerk of Orange County on 07/22/03 200S6952J22 Daily Pilot July 74, 31 , Aua 7. 14. 2003 TH621 ~ ..... ....... fh1 followlna p11so11,1 are dolna business as: Eda• Cr11t1ons. 218 Vlll•nova Rd.. Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 Aleundef J. Vinson, 218 Vlll•nova Rd .. Costa Meal, CA 92626 i Andttw Arthut Barnes. 4000 Topside Lo., Hew· po<t Beach, CA 92626 This busin11Ss is con· ducted by: co-partners • Have you st.rted doine buslnus yet1 No Aleuonder J. Vinson This st1tement was flied with' the County Clerk of -oranee County on 07 /22./03 200S .. 52S24 Daily Piiot July 24, 31. Aua. 7. 14.2003 Th624 RctlllMllllillea ... s....... l he followlng persons ar~ dome business as· Suncoast Oesten & Construction. 18384 Btookhurst St .. f ounta1n Valley, CA 92708 Suncoast Develop · ment, Inc .. (CA). 18384 Brookhurst St .• F ountam Valley, CA 92708 1 hos busoness 1s con· ducted by: a cotporat1on Have you started dolne business yet? No Suncout Develop ment, Inc .. James lst" khrlan. Ptesldent This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 07/29/03 200S695lot7 Daily Piiot July 31. Aue. 1, 14,21 ,2003 Th633 fktttlM ..... ... s..... Th11 following persons are doin11 business as. Con tr 3ctors' Warehoun • 601 E. Imperial Hwy., I a Habra. CA 90631 JHO·WEN. Inc (OR), 40 l Harbor Isles. Kia· math falls. OR, 97601 This business 1s con· ducted by· a corporallon Have you started doina busmen yet? Yes. 01/ 01/1999 JELD·WEN, Inc . Sam uel 0. Porter C0tpor ate Secretary 1 hos st1tement was filed with the County Cletk of Oran11e County on 07/22/03 200'6952335 Daily Pilot Au11. 7, 14, 21, 78,?003 Th662 RdlliMllsiltss "-S....... The followina pet sons are doing bu~onen as: a ) KtO SKU b) l(IOSKU.COM, 351 Old Newport Blvd Surte 501. Newport Beach, CA 92663 W1n8tlo Kusumo·R1· hardfo, 351 Old Newpotl Blvd Smte 501. Newport Beach, CA 92663 This business 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1duel Have you stMled doong business yet? No Wlnarto Kusumo Ra hard)o This slatcmcnl was hied with Ille County Clerk of 011n11e County on 08/01/03 20036953529 Daily Pilot Au2. 7, 14, 21.28. 2003 Th673 RdlllMllsiltss ... s..... !he lollow1nv, persons are doone business u . Merry Gardeners. 1845 Anaheim Ave '20B . Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Warr~n Chnshansen. 1845 Anaheim Ave •208. Costa Mesa, CA 92ii27 V1q1mla Mark. 1845 Anaheim Ave #20B, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This business 1s con ducted by· husband and wife Have you started doing business yet? No Warre" Chnstlansen This statement was toled w1tti the County Clerk of Or 1n1e County on 08/12/03 20036954626 Daily Pilot Aug. 14. 21. 28. Sept. 4. 200.3 Th706 The followln11 persons are dome business as: Derma-Pro OC. 2855 P1necreek Dr B 220, Cos ta Mesa, CA 92626 Sab1hn N Bukhari, 2855 Plnecteek Dr. B· 220. Coste Meit. CA 92626 Fareed R. Bukhui, 2855 Pinecreek Dr B 220, Costa Mesi, CA 92626 f hla bUStnUS la COO· dueled by: husband and wife Have you started dolna business yet7 No Farted R. Bukh11I Stephen Stew•rt fblph Queale, 9332 Darrow Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Dustin Queale, 42 Vista ctet Cerro. Ahso Vieto. CA 9~ M:u • Mobile, Inc • President Michael Schepers This statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County onDT/??/OJ 100l6952110 The followin'g persons •1 • doln& bu$1ness as: a) AXION, b) AXION ENIERPRIS£S. e) AXION VEN TURES, d) AXION COMPANY, e) AXION CONSUL TING, 19682 Su,lbreaket l 11ne, Hun ~z:.:an Buch, Calttornla This statement w11~ filed with the County Clerk of Oun11e Cootlly on 08/05/03 2001 .. SS&Sf Deity Pilot 'lull 7, 14. 21, 28, 2003 Th659 Thii bu1lneu Is con due.led by; • aoner ti partnership ..... ~OU ... tMted dolna buslneu yet? No Stephen St1w1rt Rtlph Queale 0•111 Pilot July 24, 31, Aua. 7, 14,2003 Tll619 Lenros Bountour, 19682 Surfbreahr Lene, Huntlnaton Beach, C•ll fornle 92648 Tiiis business Is con ..... ..... 'fhl• d•lem.tnt wn fit.!d w1lh tl'HI COtJnty Clefll ot Ot•"C• County on 08/01/03 toH .. SH ... Oeily Piiot Aue 7. 14, 21.28,2003 Th663 ......... ....... The fallow'"' l)ef'SOllS Int do!llt tw.i!KU I ~ fredlwlllds. 3991 MllCAtt~t 81Vd. #150. N1w,ort 8tech, CA 92"030«9 !ltciflc lrad1wtnd1, UC (CA), 3"1 Mac· Arl1110 th41 USO, :;:r;c:..111e~, CA r• ..... •• .-i.cted It~. ll"'lh d LllM!trCt. ducted by: 1n Individual ... ....... ,..._..... Hive Y°" •t•ltd doll!& TIM followlna peraona ... S..... bu1inn1 yet? No ate dolnc b1n1n11s u : L.,1ros Bountour 8unllllou-. Ap1rtMtnla. The followlrr~p11 .. ons Tiils 1tat1m.11t wes dol b 1939 W1llaoe Ave, Colt.e tr• na us us n : !Ued with thtt CoU11ty Mei.1, CA 9'621 Wntp1rk Jewtlry, 26 Clerk of Onnp County Brlsbllnt Wey, lrvlne. CA on06/26/0J Rudy A. M arlm1n, 92612 IOOS6t4tHS Trust" Rudy Mttlmttt MlcllHI Scott Zook, 2G Oallw pa...l Jll~ 14• 31 Trvst. 341 B1yside Orlvt, 8 I b W I l C• 1 ..., Suit• 3, Newpot l 8Ndl, 9261;ne ay, rvne, " Aug. 7, 14,200 Th630 CA926e0 Diane loftelne Mellu•. ..... .... ~ bttalneu It COii· 2S 81Jlb1ne Way, lfvlne. ...---Mtt'd b,: • T1W1t CA 92612 -Hive you alMttd doil'I Tlllt lluilnns It con The fof6e~ pert.OM b-../e.tf v .. Jttl. ducted 11,: • JtMt•I lfl .............. ·~ Acq t1Jr• Bunll llOHI Wtt'lenftjp Qvm10'1 ~. 2121 W. &/ll(U3 lt1vt YOU ltwttd ~ l"'l*lti HW),. St. w lhld1 A Muhn1n, Wtln«n J'l.f t Ho Hall!' a, CA IOU l f natte, ·~ •ll'lltit Scott ti l'10ll ~"'"' ••• •n4t fnnt fllll 1tat1m1nt wn Arti Matt.,a, fh • aute-t W• fled wltti the C.1111ty 11718 r~ Lib Ct.. flW wffll the C:0.11ty C.llW\ of OflllP C-t1 ChflloHlk.CAtl109 CWtl 6' 0r8'111t ~) Ofl Cll,IQ5JOJ TMI ~ ti C9"· .. 01/'D/OJ ..,...... =-.,~ ~ .......... 1111 Olltw ~ ... -~ ..... ,.. ............ t:1~J:l ~ U.&lllo.l ts' ,.i• ......... ... s..... The follow!"' person• 111e dol114 b11slneu •s: The Way l>fivln& School. 27230 l • ~az Road #E, Minion Viejo. C•llfornl• 92692 M1rlcela C1MH0. 1881 Milchtll Ave 179, Tuatin. C1llf0t'nl1 92780 Gtorae Loyote, 2218 W Flot•· Santa An•. Cellfornl1 9:l704 fhll business is con· ducted by: • limited pulntrshlp Have you shirted doln11 buslnen yet? No George Loyola This statement wu filed with the County Cl11k of Orenae County on 07 IO'l/03 200Mts0314 Oelly Pilot July 31, Aue. 7. 14,21.2003 lh651 .......... "-se...t The following per sons are doina business as. Charmed life Creations, 87 Plateau, Aliso ViejO, CA92656 Wade R Wooldrodae. 87 Plateau, Ahso Viejo, CA92656 Kimberly Wooldndge 87 Plateau. Aliso Vieio. CA92656 This business rs con- ducted by. husband and wife Hav~ you st<irted do1n11 business yet? No Wade R. Wooldridiie. Kimberly Wooldrtdee This statemenl was filed with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 07/30/03 20036953112 Dally Piiot Aue. 7. 14. 21,28,2003 lh6~3 fldlllM ..... ... s....... The tollowma persons are dome business as JWC lnwrance ~rv1ces. 26522 la Alemeda Suite 190. M1u1on V1~Jo. CA 92691 Steve f roedmlln, I Hawk Hill, Miss1011 V1e10. CA 92692 John Waihle, 26522 la Alameda Su1le 190. M1ss1on Voe10. CA 92691 This bu\meu 1s con· ducted by a &enet •I partner~l11p Have you ~lartcd doone busmes> yet? Nu 8/1/03 Steve F ttedman lh1s ~tatement w~~ flied with the Counly Clerk of Or a nae County on 08/01/03 200S6'U537 Daily Pilot Aug 7, 14, 21. 2B. 2003 Th669 Rdltl.s-...U -s....... I he followme persons ar~ do1n11 business as. Mullin Land!>tape Des1if1. 20 Amador. Newpo1 t Coast. CA 92625 Oeborah Mullin 70 Am1dor. Newport Cn~\t CA926~ This bus11,.S\ t\ ~on dueled by an lndlvtdu•I Hav~ you slart"d d11111K busoneu yet' Yes, M•Y 2003 Debor ah Mullin This slltement wu hied with the Cnunly Clerk ol Or anae Cuunly on 08/01/03 20036953541 Dttoly Pilot Aue I 14 71. 28. ?003 fhb64 flclillMlllliless "-S...... The followone persons are dome bus•ne\s n 118 lpnay floor Sys· tem~. 8450 Atlanta Ave •21 Hunhnltlon Bch CA 9?646 James L Coll11u II 8450 Atlant11 Ave •27, Hu1111na1on Bch. Cl\ 92646 fh1s business 1s rnn· ducted by· a11 111d1v1dual Have you 'terted do111a business yet' No James L. Collins 11 lhos statement wu hied with the Cnunty Cler~ of Oran1e County on 08/05/03 10036'5HSI Daily Pilot Au& 7, 14. 21.28.2003 Th67S Rdlllmlam "-S..... The followme persons 1re doing busmen as Jacqueline K. 319 Marone Ave., Newport Beach CA 92663 Jacqueline K1nawat1, 19541 Vasile Cr . ~iun t1nrton Beach, CA 97646 !his busineu rs con ducted by. an 1nd1v1dual Have you slatted dome business yet 1 No Jacqueline Kanawell This statement was filed with the County Cieri\ of Ot1n1e County on 08/01/03 200M9Sl547 Dilly Pilot Aue 7, 14. 21. 28. 2003 Th66l ......... .. ..... The tollowlnc per•ons •r• dolna buslneu as: Tr•lllPlftnt Promotlo111, 91S W. Ocean Front ;';66forl Buch, CA Lance Vallery, 916 W. Ocean Front, Nlwpo<t 8each, CA 92661 This bu1ineu Is con dueled by· an lndlvlduel ll•v• you started dolna buslneu yet? No Lance Vallery This statement wn flied with the County Clerk of Oren1e County on 08,I08/03 200S6954242 Daily Pilot Aug. 14. 21. 28, Sept. 4, 2003 Th686 Rdl!IM ..... .......... The tollowln& persons ere doln11 business as· Stu1tt Interiors, 893 SandcasUe, Cotona Del Mu , CA92625 Jarl S. Stuart, 893 Sandcastle Or., Coron;a Del Mer, CA 92625 This business ls con· dueled by: an 1nd1v1dual Have you started doing business yet? No Jari S Stuart Th1-s statement wu ftl•d w•lh the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/08/03 20036954250 Daily P.tlol Aua. 14. 21. 28. Sept.4.2003 Th688 AdltM ..... "-S..... The lollow1na persons are do1na business as· E.chelo11 Siem Care, 2333 Vista Huerta Newpotl Beach, CA 92660 Karen Jean Cawthra, 2333 Vista Hu er la, Newport Bch. CA 92660 I hos bultness 1s con dueled by· an 1nd1v1dval Hive you started doing busmeu yel? No Karen Jean Cawlhr a This slalemenl Wlf> filed with the Coonty Clerk ol Oranae County on 08/08/03 200l 6954246 Daily Pllol Aue. 14, 21 28.Sept.4, 2003 lh694 fidtllM hsiieu "-S....... r he follow1n11 l)""nn< ~,. doina hu\lnh~ a• ODB Properties. 1048 Irvine Ave, Suite 356, Newpotl Beach, CA 92660 Georae We•s•bere. 1048 lrvtnP M~ Suite 356, Newport Buch, CA 9?660 I his busone•\ I!> con duded by an 111d1v1dual Have you st•rted do1n2 busmen yeP Nn George Wtouberg 1 hi$ statement was filed with th~ County Clrrk of Ora11g~ County Ott 08/08/0J l00l'95424S Daily Pilot Aue 14. 21. 28 Sept 4,2003. lh693 ActliM ltlsiless "-S...... The lolluwing persun> "re do1tta busoneu d> G1bb1ac Consullrnio: I IOI W MtAtthu1 •183, S6nla Ano, CA 92707 Kevon Mille1 1101 W McArthur # 183. S.inl• Ana CA 9?70/ Thi~ bU~ltl.,~'-f~ C-f1fl ducted by a11 1nd•vodui11 Ha•e you ~l•oted duonu bus111e~s yeP Ne> Kevon Millet This stat~merot wa' filed w1lh the County Clerk of Orange Cou11ly on 07/25/0l 20036952766 D11ly Pilot July 31, Au2 I , 14,?!.2003 Th64~ ~ ..... ... s ....... The lollowin2 per sons ote dome busoness ·~ The ob,ect Cor1sultancy. 19307 S1eep111R Oak, lrabutn r.~11yt>n. Cll 97679 Hada1 l1v 19302 Sl~ep111g 01k. Tr abuco Canyon, CA 92679 Th1r. busmen •> con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Uave you start"d dotnR bu"ness yet' Ye> 06/0l/2003 Hadar Z111 Thoi slatern"tt 'l"U filed with the County Clerk ot Or a nae County on 08/08/03 20036954247 Daily Pilot Aug 14, 21. 28, S~pl 4,2003 Th690 Ac*-.... "-S....... The follow1na persons att doone business as· C1rcu1t Interconnect System~. 3151 Aitway Av C J. Cost~ Meu. CA 92626 Tro Bru, Inc (CA). 315! Airway Av C-1, Costa Mesa. Cl\ 92626 This bui.ineu I! con ducted by: • cOt'pontlon Han ~ou started doln& bu•lneas yet? No Tro·8ru, Inc, Marvin J 8•ln, Praslde11t This statement was tued with the County Clerk of Or •nee County on 08/05/03 200Mf5H6 I O•Hr _ Pilot Au.e 1. 14, 21.28,2003 Th658 Ac-. .... ... ....... The followin11 persons ere dolna busineu as: lrlam Travel, 28882 Wu \port Way. L•guna Niauel, CA 92677 Dei1dre J. lrlem, 28882 Westport Way, L•euna Nfguel, CA 92677 This business 1s con· ducted by: an indivldu•I lltve you started do•na buslnen yet? Yes, Jul. 1, 02 Oe11dfe J lrl1m lhls statement WIS hied with the Cou11ty Clerk of Orange County on 07/22/03 200l6952J27 Daily Pilot July 24, 31, Aue. 7, 14. 2003 Th626 RdltiM ...... ... s....... l he tollowina persons ate do1ne business as· Ca11dela Sales. l 17 G Sheet, Newport Beach, CA 92661 Matthew F Ishman. 117 C Slr eel, Newpor I Buch, CA 92661 This business 1s con· ducted by· on md1v1dual Have yuu slA1 led dn1na busm~s veP Nu M•tlhtw f1shm•n This slateine111 was 111.;d with the County Cletk of Orange County on 07/2~/03 20036952759 Daily Pilot July 31, Aue 7, 14. 21. 2003 Thf>.44 RctitlMlllliless ... s ...... l)'te l•1ll11w1n11 ptonons 1te do1nR busineu as· M•tk lone,. C..o . 11192 Elm St , llunlinittnn Bea'h CA 9764/ Merk lny Jono. 17192 Elm St •..!, Hunl1n11lon BHach, CA 92647 tho~ bu5mes~ " con dlH l•d tty an 11ld1v1dual I l~ve ynu •tar t'd dOlllll liu\rneu vet' Ye\, 11/ 2'it07 Mark J Jonu This \latement wa' lited with the County Clerk of Ot anKe Co11nty 011 08/12/03 20036954624 Daily Pilot Au11 14. 21. 28.Stpt 4,2003 Th708 AdlliMW.U .... s ...... The tollowine per '>Ons are du1n11 busmess as On lime MtHeneer Ser vote .i' ~ Newpo1 t BlvO , Suol• fl 7. ru,13 Men , Calif or mA 9161/ M•tta Gehhyd11, 1775 Men Verdt Or [ •J'l03, Co~ta Me~a l:~hlnrn1• 976?6 lh11 busone" I\ ~On· d11t led by an •1>d1v1<1ual H~ve you •t•lled dumg bu•tne'~ yt't> Nu M1110 (;ck• hv•n Thf\ \t14lenu1nl w•s ftl~d with the County Cl-1 ~ of 01 Anl(~ C:uunly ''" 01n410J 200369 52728 O•oly Prlot July 11 . Au~ 7, 14, 21 200J 1h638 FldillM .... "-S...... Tt1~ lnllowong P""ons are do1n11 bu11n~u u · M•ltllm•k•1 Bowl •nd RV Slord£C, I H.1wk Hill Mt>"on V111iu CA 92ii92 Steven f fltdman, 1 Hawk 11111, Mo'l.>tOll Vtef'l CA 9?692 I hll busotH~'' '" ~nn du~t•d by an tndlVldual Hive you •tllr l•d dom& buw••n ytt1 No 9/1/03 Steve F rtedm•n lh1' sl alernenl was ltted with the County Clerk nl Orane• County on 08/01/03 20036953536 D11ly Pilot AUR /, 14, 21 28, 2003 Th670 Rdltlm ..... ... s....... Ille followine perwM a111 doonii business .n lhrouah the Gourdvlne Ma"Umd 6238 Twin Pe'91\, An.the1m CA 97807 Vincent l evon Wlllla•n$, 6738 I won Peak Corcle Anaheim. CA 92807 This bu>onus 11 con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you startftd dn1oe business yell Yn. len 03 Vincent I ev111 W1lhems This statement WH ltled with the County Clerk ol Oranae County on 07129/03 200l695Sot1 Oally Pilot July 31. Aue 7. 14. 21, 2003 Th631 STARTING • •' ANEW BUSINESS??- • • • • • • • • • • Daily A Pilot .......... --~ The tot1ow1ne persoM ur do1n2 bus1neu as FulfColot Prmtone. 1954 Placen1t1 •IOG Costa Mesa, CA 976?7 I AG 108, Int (Cf\) 1954 Plat enh• 11106. Cost• Mes.•. CA 92627 I hos busmess 1s cun <lut led by d torpor allon lf•ve you \tarted do1na bu1uni.ss y~P N<> I AG I 08. Int Alan Y~ung CfO fht\ >t.ttement wo toled wtlh the Cuu11t y Clerk ol Or anite County on 08/05/03 2003695»51 Oa11y Pilot Aug I 14 21 28. 2003 Th655 ,.... ..... ..... s....... floe lulluwmg 1>tr\uns drt doona bu\tne>s ~s 011111:1 Butkl«y lnsm •r11 e Servore\ I ~01 f.oh.im boa Ln th1ntrn2ton Be.,ch. r A 9?64 / 01n1el tluOley. 1)•01 Cnlumbo• In llunlrn1ton B .. tch. CA 92647 This busoneu ,. con ducted by an n1d1v1du1I Ha•e you st1rted do1n1 t;""""'\ yetl No D•111el Buckley lh,. ,1~1en1ent wn ltlcd with tht County Clerk ul Or •n&• Cnunt 1 on 08101/03 20036953535 Daoly Pilot Au11 I. 14 21, 28. 2003 Th671 fidllm ..... ...--.. The lnllow1ng petsons are doone bu"neu n Steonbera lanrta111I, 413 Baywood Dr • Newport Beach, CA 92660 lrny l amarlowe Hall 413 811ywood Dnve. Newport Beach. CA 9l660 !ht$ business rs con- ducted by. an md1v1dual Have you star led do•oa bu~tnl\'H yeP YH 7 /74/ 03 lroy I 1mulowt 11111 lhlt stateme11t wn hied with the County Cieri. of Oranee County on 08/01/03 20016953543 D111ly Pilot Aue ], 14. 21 . 28 2003 Th667 Pla"e your ad Cudjayl (949) 641-~678 ~~~~~~---------~_...------~~--------~--~----.... ------------...----··f-·~~--------------~~ ....... ~------· ...... ----.... • Diiiy Piiot Re-.. ..... "-*'-" The lollowlnc persons •re doln& business as· Yestetd•y Antique & Clnstc Car Co , 300 f.I Cimino R11I, Tustin. Ci 92780 Daniel Raul Barteu. 332 \/Illa Point Or., Newport Buch, CA 9?66() This bul!ness IS con ducted by an md1v1du•I Have you st..,ted doona busone\s yet? No Daniel R Barre• a This slale1T1ent was flied with the County Clerk ol Oranee County on 08/12/03 20036954634 Daily Pilot Au& 14, 21, 28.Sept 4,~3 lh/04 RctltiM llsilltU "-S....... The lollowone pe"on~ are dom& bu\iness a\ Moller Kennels, 7171 Kermo1 e Lane. Slanton, CA90680 Kimberly Miller. /I/ 1 Kermore L.1ne. Stanton. CA90680 Thi~ bu\iness is con du~led by an 1nd1v11Jual Have you \larled doing bu>iness yet? Yes. 01/ t0/2007 Komher ly M1ll-.r lh1\ \litement was toled with lhe County t:lor~ c>I 01 ange Gounty nn 07122/03 200369523 1 I o,11y Pilot lvly ?4 31. Aug 7, 14. 2003 lh6t8 FktltiM lwslmss .... s ....... the lollow111g pe"0"' <11e doing busones\ a~ Bonoco 3104 Barbados Pla<e. Costa Mes•. CA 92626 William 1. Novak. 3104 Barbados Place. Costa Mou. CA 92626 This business 1$ con ducted by. an lndlv1du1I Have you s.tart11d dome business yet' No Wilham 1 Novak rhl5 Statement WH filed with the County Clerk ol Oranae Counly on 01ns;o3 20036952761 Oaoly Piiot July JI. Au& I, 14.71 . 2003 lh642 flctltlM hsiless --~ fhe followon& per~ons are doina busineu as \11rtual Medne~s USA. 135 Corsica, Newport Beach. C.I\ 92660 Andre Kona. 135 Cor · Stea, Newport Bea~h. CA 92660 Thos busmeu 1s •On ducted by an 1nd1v1dual . Have you started doong 1bUSine\S 'Yef1 y_,S. 6/6/ 03 Andre llong This slalement was l1led with lhe County Cle•k ol Oranee County on 08/08/03 2003695425 ' Oaoly P1lol Aug 14, 71 . 28. Sept 4. 2003 Tlo687 RditiM IMess --.s ..... The lullowmg persun~ are dome busine•• "' Bl•ck Foot 01•trobut1on. 440 De Sola Terr<1~e. Corona Del Mar. CA 97675 Steve Alan McK1bben, 440 D• Sola lertace Coron• Del Mar CA W62S Policy . Rate' an<l deadhnel. are ~ub1ec1 to chang1: "'11hn111 nolicc. The puhlt:-.her re:-.er.-e' 1h1: nght 10 Cl·n-.or. rec.:la-.!.ify. rev1~c t1r rl'JcCI an) cl:t!>!\lfied adve n1,l"111e11t. Plca.'c repon aJl) error thal ma~ Ix-in your das ..,1fie<l a<l unm1.:dratd). The Oatl) Pilol acccpb no ltahtltl) tor any e rror in .i.n a<lvcni~·ment Im "'h1ch ti may he rc~ixin ... 1hlc l'.\Ll·p1 tor the co~t of the space al luall) ocrnp1ed by the error. C'red1t lan onl) he Jllov.ed for 1hc liN 1nsen1on ANNOUNCEMENTS l~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL c...-y~ -- 2 l'rlm• A<fioinlng loh P/IClf IC VIC W <Ocean \l'"wl S6 500 ~a obo 949-673-9 201 Collectibles/ Memorallllla 1160 Ame11c•n Moto1 t ycle S-lfr (~Id Olapl ... ) Lat2 40's 6 yean of ~ J*'5. C#IJtV! & bUd<. Come w/plYlqrlP! of member wearone -kw fi«:a.vsed um 51!11 lZD> 714 531 llll TOP SS 4 HCottOS n c Bz2. QiMc. [k. !Os & Sh ill Mee. sp.,. tube ~ Mike 949 645 7505 errERTAltMENT Clllndlrof Ewnll 1310 IQtlM llOUSll6 ~ All real estate &tlver· thins In this new191per Is sublect lo the F ede11I Fair Hous1n1 Ac:t of 1968 •• 1m1nd1d which mikes ot Hleaal to advertise "any prefer· enct, hrnitetton Of dlsulmlnallon bned on race. color. rel\f)on. sex, handlc111. !Atmlh1I 1t1tus or natJonaf oriain. 01 an intention to make any such preftr•rn:•. llm1t1· hon or d1J>Crimlnat1on • lhis newsp1per wllf not knowlnJly ll(~ept IAY edvertlM!mtnl fOf rul tsl•t• whleh it In v1ol1tlon of the l1w Our r uders are hereby Informed that ell dwell "'*' ad11t1t1sed In thl1 MWW•P« are 1nilablt on 1 n tefU•I opportunltw btm. t o COMl)laln of dlt· crlmlmitlon, cell HUO Jr• trM II l•800 4i4 IS . SELL your stuff ttwoueh . classified! c; " ' ,. l~ 1419 llJ 2305-2490 Garat Yard les 1489 COSTA MESA SAT 8 -3, Glpnll< Yo,.I Sole, "'-Y treoownll l 1 7 l'rl1tcet-Or., General Announcements 1610 l'tlvote Ovcli Huntin9 Cl..tl 1ppro~ I/hr from Newpo1tt Beach r acel· lent hunt1n11 adJd~ent to 't~te waterfowl rl!fug•, owne1sh1p 1nleresl & •PPI01 375 acres of land & 1mprovemenls • your own camp compound w/struc ture and 2 trailers Wonderful F 11 n111ht BBQ"s & wine tastlna dur1n& dud sHson + many e xtras! Ideal for 2 tr lends or lather & son. Call Moke at 310-541·0854. HEALTH SERVICES Hlllllklf~ld SeMcltl e...-2515 CURBSIOCR LIFT FOfl VAN. SH UP FOR A PACESETTER 3 WHEH SCOOTER llFT:Sl200 SCOOT'ER $400 BOTH SlSOO Golden T echnoloc.es POWCR Liff & RECLINE CHA!ff $600 lWIN HECTRIC BCD S300 ·9• MOUNT 8£NT BRAKE HAHO CONTROL WAS USED ON GOLF CART S250 BESlOfF£RON AU 949-67S-~ ... ....r IBMD -•mn •• -....... -1$CASHA ......... hi c .. 11 ,., a tr•c t•red .. ttlt!Mflb; ........... , .. , e••···· ....... jlfWt ht _, .... not., nclftllt CHH , .... 111t•re1u:• '•/••h (I00 )1 t4 ~ JJ C> <CM.•SCMJ .. business yet? No Steve Alan Mcl<lbben This statement wn filed wllh the County Clerk ol Oran&• County on 08/08/03 200SHSU'3 Dally Piiot Aua. 14, 21, 28,Sept 4.2003 lh69!> fktlllM ...... "-S...... The lollowlne penon• are do1na business as McCreaor's Marine De l••llne. 10052 Bonser Ave, Carden Grove, CA 92840 Shawn McCre&o• 10052 Bon•er Av e. Gatdon Grove, CA 92840 T hos busonen 1s con d11cted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started doona busmotSs yet? No Shawn McGregor This statement was toled with lhe Counly Clerk of Oranee County on.08/08/03 20036954236 Oaoly Pilot Aug 14, ?!, 78.Sept 4. 2003 Th691 flditlM..., .... s....... 1 he following per !f.ons are do1n& business n Honublu, 1848 lll11101s SI . Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Cados Promoano, 1848 1111no1s St . Co•ta Mesa. CA 92626 This business 1s cun ducted by dll md1Y1dual Have you started domi bu"ne1s yel' No Carlo• Prom1ar11 This statement wn toled woth th~ County Clerk of Or•n&e County on 08/08/0J 20036954234 Daily Pilot Aug 14, 71 , 28.Sept 4.2003 Th692 .......... "-S...... The tollowon& pe15ons are doina business as· Rhino Computer Sys· tem•, $ Cameron C11 . fooltt1ll Ranch, CA 92610 \lern Hupp, 5 C•meron Cu .• F oolhtll R11nch, CA 92610 This buslnen '' con ducted by· an 1nd1v1du1I Have you started doon11 bu•inen yet? No \/em Hupp Tlus sl•tement was toled with the County Clerk ot Orange Coun1y on 08/01/03 20036953544 Oaoly Pilot Aug 7, 14, 21.28.2003 Th666 fldllM ..... --.s..... Tile following persons ar.e do1n1 b11s111e~s as Ro<k 11, 431 Co•tlf Mes; St.. Costa Mesa CA 92627 Keith W M~Clellan 431 Co\ta Mes• SI Costa Mesa. CA 9?621 Th•~ tiu~1Ress os con ducted by an ond1Y1dual Have you star led do1111t business yet> No lle1th W McClell•n lh11 statement was hied wolh lhe County Clerk of Orange County on 08/08/03 20036954249 Daily Polot Au~ 14 21 28.Sepl 4, 2003 Th689 FiditiM lusiitss .... s ...... r he lullow1ng P~"Ull\ ~Ht dOtnK bu\tn~~°' d-. M ... t1n [nrnunmenl•I. 231 P1nev1ew. l1vine CA 976?0 T 1a [ lotabelh Martrn. 231 Ponevoew, Irvine, CA 92620 Thi$ bus111eu 1$ con ducted by· an 1nd1Y1duat Have you started dom& buslnes' yet? Yes, l/ I/ 03 T1• £l1abeth Marlin This 't~tem11nt w•s filed wllh the County Clerk of Or a nee County on 07/22/03 20Q3HS2326 Daily Pilot July 24, 31, Aua /. 14, l.'003 Th67/ fidttlMW..U --.s..... lhe followmi persons arc do•ng bo"n•s~ as· Newpo1 I Mesa Mortuary Servile. 535A Bern.ud Stre•t. Costa Mesa. Calotornla 9?627 Step1>er1 M"hael Ohuy, 'jJ'jA Bernard Street. Cost• Me.a. Cahforn1a 9:762/ lh1s bu>1ness " ton duUed by on 111d1v1dual Ha¥e you sta1ted doma business yet? No Stephen Michael Dhuy lh1s statement w;os loled wolh H•e County Clerk ol 01ange County on 08/12/03 20036954699 Daily Pilot Au& 14 ?I , 28 !.ept 4, 7003 lh/09 fidltlM lvsilns .... s....... I he lollowmg pel\ons •r~ doong busme~s ll~ Soudl/Bl!hav101 al Seo enl e~ Colle&e E 1,ecutove, 1262 Smoke Tree Ln. Sanld Ana. C• 92705 Dotk I Mai sh 1767 Smllke Ir~" lane Sant" Ana CA97/~ Thi~ business 1s con dul led by an 1nd1v1duol Have you •tarted doing business yet? Yes lulx L 2003 Ooek Marsh Th•• statement wa. llled with lh@ Counly Clerk of Or•n&~ Count~ on 08/12/03 2003'U4U t D•ilY Piiot Aue 14 21. 28.S•pt 4,2003 Th/02 RdtlM llllilltss .......... fhe followln& per\ons arc doln& bu sine'' "' \11a1ocom. 1549 Pl• cenllot 11218. Ntwpn11 Beach. CA 92663 Todd Mt M11Hm<nt J 549 Pl•• ent1.. n I H Newpor l Bedt 11 CA 92663 T111s bu\me\\ 1\ tun ducted by on 1nd1v1du~I Hav" you \larl•d tl111n~ businen yet? No TQdd MtMln1m~111 Thos sl•l•mt 11l w•·· filed wolh th• C.1111111 ~ Clerk of OranK~ '"""IY on 01/2!>/03 200369S27Sl Oaoly Polot July ~I Aug 7 14, 21 2003 lh64U f ht: follo wrn2 $.Jf'r ._.011'- are duon& bu"""~' •'-U n1q ue l11m~ ~HI B11 rh St ¥.t'(JI N•w1••1rl Beach C.A 97&60 Gina Stern I Mc.)11 I I Newport R•~· h I f\ 92b63 fh1~ bu\HW',\ I\ ' 110 dulled liy •11 111d1Y11lu.ol Have you \ldrlt-1J d1m1~1 busooes\ yet> Noo Ac-..~ --.s..... The lolluwttl& pm~un~ are dome bu•1n"•• "' Hulty Auel Solullo1u 1 /?91 lrv111~ Blvd #409. I u~ltn CA 92180 Thum"' l t:1me I V\Qti Herot .. gt: Woty Apt 312 lusl1n C.A 9278~ This bu.\IHt!\~ ·~ u,n dutl~d by dO 111dlvdl111I lt•v~ you \latl•O do111ii bU'\lflt~!> ytt I Y~-. 4 1 03 flHHlld\ l ~Olli! Thi\ ._tctlPrnt•nt Wd\ ftl~d iN1fh th.-C1mnt.,. rt•1k "' OranR~ ( n1111lv on (18 IJ)l, O"I 200369S4248 CJ•1ly F'1l11t Auw I~ ? I />'. 5•r>l ii IOIJ I 11168'.i fkliliM hsintss Ncne Sllttrlllll f ht• h 1llUl\lllli!! 'ft-f•,1.1(1• t.11'"' th,unt t.1w,H1t"~\ d~ Cubby F ykr· CJ•~11111•, 1421 (JUff<~~P( Of lnrt1n.. chd MJ, CA '1~f,J'"o ( ,u11lyn I yk~ 1411 Oulfl~f~t-r {)f Cuff.Hid d••I M.J< f,A 11tfo?'• rr-.·. t;u~1m."'>'. t'\ c..un dw ted Ly dtl md1Y1dudl ti.JV..-you .LHff"1j dt11r1~ bU'.i.lnt""..' yPI' Nn '-ar 11l~u t 'f'kt- '"•\ ~. t ,1.-mrnt .,, , fth:d Willi lht: f 01111('/ f:lr1 k 1~f CJ1 fifl~~l' t 11unt 'I un l)Jl O'i Cll 200J69SJ862 IJ.11ly f'olnt A11~ I 14 II i'll l(M'I lhfJ'i/ ~;.~~· S~~~~erne111 "". flditious Bvsintss loled with Ith· ' """ty Name Statft!Mllf Cieri\ ot Ordu;~t t ou11tf I l lu 1,,11,,wint:: IJ.,,...,00~ 011 07/2S UJ ,,1,_ cj.,11w bu~1n .. ~.~ ,... 20036952767 i ol A11l(el~ f'h1.toJ~t•PhV 0~1ly P1101 July jl Auv 71 04 1,.111,,,~nt,ol Avo; l 14 71. 7003 fhl,4 l cti't• Mc~• CA 92627 How to Place A CLASSIFIEAD . Thursday. August 14, 2003 81 --------Llllf Naac. 2141 Up!...... - Sheen• u~ ltoyos ll04 Conllnent•I Ave . Co~ta Men. CA 9262 l Thi~ busme>S " con duL led by "" 1nd1v1du.il lidYt y1,u •I•• ted dome bu"""'' 1eP No Stoeeo• Oc H11yo\ rtH\ \t&14'1lleril w•> toled with lhP Lounly Clui. ol Or~1111c tounty l>ll 08/11/03 20036ts4S04 Daily P1lol Au& 14 21 78 Sept 4, ?001 lh696 l ~per •nu 8alderr dm• G I h,. statement wu ltlefl w1lh the County Cle•k ol Or•nce County IHl 07 /08/0 j 20036950822 o~oly Ptlot July 24 JI. Aug I l 4 /'003 1 h616 FictltlM .... "-S...... Th~ lollow1n& per\un• ,., e dr.un& bu,..mts~ ,., llHAR R~ Cun~ul l111e f n~1n•.,,,' 22'1 We•I W1t•,11u 111• l.o'.I_. M~s• f A '116// fh• followuog p~o "'"' IMrot' I' IV·""· 7?9 dtt (hun~ bu\lf1t·'-·' Ii\ Wr\t W1l\0H '..I f .u~t.1 Cloet kpo1r1 t ~1·• u11ly M•\o I A'1tf;'1 Ser vu.~~ 90Y N Fs.-y Tt11\ buo...rne~"';. ·~ L 'Jn •rnrit #L tidlt10" f•,IAlld du< h:d by dfl 1nd1v1du.tt CA 92bb? M•v• y•;u .. tMled dt>ine G t r-~" t f M • 1 i-bu'-.Hlfl\'-Y""'' Nu (Jn<1•f•uc 9<1'1 N 14;, 1 Jani•' P I ·~n·. h <Jnt #I U .. lt;1,,, I l.uui ltu"> .1\ift·mt:'UI ft.t" CA 'rlf>bl ' f1l.-d with Uu f,01tt1lt rtu-. bv~+nt-~·. 1·. 'Jfl Llt'tk ut fJr 4111~t f.<1vnly dut t~d lJy 01 u1e1t .... 1du.•I I''° 01 ''7 ·o' 11.1v• '"" \IMl•d <) .. 1.... 20036952323 hw.m.-•.' y,.f' Nt1 O.ttly P1lnt lulf 14 jJ (_.1~~0ty M hw1Ah10 I "Ilk I 14 ?OOi fh6i'J f tw. , .. ,,, 1111·111 .,.,, lolc<1 with 1111 '·Hmtyj fidifiouslusiness L.l~1 k ul !11.111,·• I '""II/ Mene s......, ""ox It 01 200369S46l7 UJoly f'olul Au~ Jll 'ieµI ~ lOO i 14 .'I lhlOi I 11!' t.,111.iWHl., V"' '·''"'· ,,,,,. t·1111l! IJW~tn• ... l"• ·• .p.-1 1.111 f Aulu '_,,ti•'. [', lj f:l·>~< I •llJ ( , I" M~· " I A ';)1,/1, Tht foltow1n1 per 5on1 are doon& buStnes. u Cl' de••&"' 3481 r ut hs1• St Cult" Meu . CA 9262{, Ch.ilonee Ch.ipa11ono 3481 f 1>ch&o.1 SI Cu>la Men CA 926.zb 1111\ bus1neu •• coo du< led by an 1nd1v1du"I It ave you star led do111K bu>IO"U '1•11 Nu t.h•l111u C.loap•nond 1111> >ldl•m•ol ,.,. hied woth the Cuunt1 Cler~ ol Or•"R• tounly on 08 1?103 200369S4U8 {Jaoly Pilot Aug 14 11 28. Stpt 4 700 i l h/111 1ht-folluwH\)l pt:r'~"''" •tf t f111Ht~ IJU~IHf' .. •. .. focn ' Y<t• ht M.uritt '""'"' !!I I '> N lid; trt1nt Nt>WV"'' f\,..d t1 r A 'Ul,(1i' 1 h11m.t .. Uq"''" N,.ls.1111 811 •, ,. H .1 vf1 ,,,,, N t--W(.1f ft tt-Ai ti ft ':J{&/ol Tt11 C1u u , .... ., t .. 11 th;• 1+'0 t,, ,1 lfHhvJd 1t!t H t"" t111J f,1,f1•t1 11111•• I tJu•1t1u•-,• y• t1 ,., lhnHl.1 >• ti• N.-1 Ir r lh1 1,..t,.f1'•f"f1t 'l'f•• "'''°'"' AtHtH ~l•~'d ftlt-rl w•lt Uu-f1 11nl1 '(l'fl() l',H •111 I •14 f C..ttf~ v1 Ur1111}'t f our.I. f h~ t1,ll11w in,-iJt'' •,on d' t:' douw t1u-.111t ,,., Ct•lln1•·-f ''""'111111• 1l111H 810<ehl11 ., •IA ''"''' M~..., LA 11/11! I r \flf"' dlt/ol k..1ltl1•1, tit • f.otfm.,.., H Ill I ••HI• 1 ,1 #11 r t.1 Mt• .t A 'li>,71 ' I !.1 M •. ' ' A 'J/I;/ I I "" 0/ ?9 (JI I 111 11"'""'· •·· "'' 20036953083 \,p fn_S 1 y !fn tnd111du<tl lJ.tlt'y f'°•l•·t hilt H fllJf4 ~1"" (1111 .. , ... ,,,..o dn1uv I 14 11 /f,l(H 1 ntd;' 1111,llH ,,.p ~IJ • it,1m Aftouc hd~r J '"' '' ,f,.n1,.nt N.,., fll1 1 "''"' 1111 f 11u11t t l 11 rlJ 11 Ur All,.;• f 01H11~ I '"" I l1fl lj/ ''4 0 i s.l yw.........., item die easy ny! "8ct a Oa~ed""'1 949 642-5678 Ill -~1 ~ 200369S30 7l ___ Deadlin<~s __ _ Monday ...................... FridJy 5:00pm Tut:'>day ................... \1onday S:OOpm By Fa x (9491 631·6~94 By Phont• Bv ~lai 1/1 n P<'r son : Wedne~dJ) ............. Tut:,da) S:OOpm (9~91 O-i2-567!! Thur~day ........... Wedne,da) 'i.OOpm + 111.: .. ~ uk lu.Jc \•tUr 11.mM Uhl pfl,.f)'-: tfUO'l~f ,1.UJ ...,, II, .111 \l•U f\.k \. 'l!'ldtJ p11u-qu,1ft.' "\"I \\'..:" B.i~ ')1r..:i:1 C"'t" '°1t'~.J. CA I./ 21127 At 'l"\!of'<H1 Hh.J & H.i\ 'It 1-riday .................... Thur,da~ S:UOpm L ESTATE R SALE ANTlOUES Antiques Warad 3025 CASH Fott l'<>TrEH Sauer, C~talona Rook wood. l uken\ etc 9119-6/3-6723~1313 APPUANCES 3050 2r ......... T\I Tq> al the lne. RDTm w,iM> am Im ILn!r. \Ol blpe did SU> lie ,_ 9$71.8{b) 7 HOME FURNISHINGS f1lntlln 3435 Hlp-llM btote Sak "'r,! l<h. French couc . w•neback cha,,s. Veen aame bar. love seats. Ir br & dr Tommy Bahama furniture , dresden. bronzes. follany llrl1)S. lilhm. <hi.a. Jl . ol ~·9&&GB) DB.RY/ MIO DIMIOllDSJ PRECIOUS METALS .c:-•<• ..... Old Coins! Cold, sit•~. ,._.,y, Wlldies, Mliques cohctibles 949-642·9448 UICM. HISTRtmlTS ..... 3111 '"" & '-:.:.C: ,... .... ., ..... •••·t•6-66t0 .. 3111 -.,111'1R.CAJS. oocs -·•1•lllwlll~ r--w.~~ lnlM ttJllL nf ot.WWmL --mt :-:....-· ..... .. --«fl ,.,. a II -..... ;' .. ,,. c.-.1 .. au. Of ............. elflff .._ ... ,c;r .. et Ill JM. . ->-~ -- llour!'i SJturday ............... . Tl'kph11ne !! .10am·'i OOpm Monday·l·mlay W;iJli.-ln x '""°'.<; IM)pn1 'vlMtlJ\ ·f-ndJy Sunda) .................... f'nda) S:OOpm Index ~ 3010-3940 ~ 7402-7466 ~ Under the Service Directory Banner IOOS-&510 rm 5005-5aso 1~ I• ~. ' ' I (~ 1 & ~J Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 MISCEWNEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merdlalldlse 3855 Mevtng m~t Sl!ff rurn1 lure. vonta&e collect•bl". wedgewood •love. L& waU unit. retail stO.e h•lures new clolhfl\i. &JUI prices! Maea•e 949 433·8423. Offl••'-~ ~ppro•1m1tely IOOOsf 170 ( 11th Street c~•• Meu 949-466-6523 OPEN SAT-SUN 12-4 178 l IAY Sl Proce •educed 3bt /b,t home $579.CJOO Agt Ru$t y Cu mt her 949 922 0965 3477 Venetl-Or Sbr 3ba 3020sf es t<L horn@ By Owner Crut Buy $699,900 Call W 714 850 1680•16 H 714 850 1057 OPEN SUN 1-S 33132 Sliver LWlf•m Stunntne 1so· whole water panor ocn view. 4br 2ba Incl runt quar ters Tropical landsc S729,000 Ten Bowen '--""' ~.-"A, " ColdweH Banker ~FOO~ 949 355 4391 ORANGE 5400 COUNTY """°" 1act1 ... QOSIOU11 rmaucaJG1 QUICI SM.Ea.Y11BT OP£N SAT I 4 4915 Rover Ave lb< 3b1 Wu $825.000 Now S799.000 The Sayw1t1 Co 949 9JO. 7528 AWWWOIWWii Soult! ESTATE on one of lhe l•r,ut lots. on•UAT-SUll 1-S UJ:O• ... ~· • Sbr 3be, Medrtlfra· ""n p•••dlse. Gr•· c:i1n shallff pool a Spa fount1lns a P•lm Tren 8yOw11« Acctplint Bk!' k · t wun Sl.4!!z~­ S'\.$75.(0) t&:JaWJf.iZ fOI SAU IY 0 ... ClfMO ShoH1 Beauty! 1110" CkUll viaw, Llf'lt corner lot. Pfl11elp1l1 011fy M-760-0110. OPINSAT 1-4 w-•-._, Et 2Ba w/llNett Say V- open floorplari, lots of windows, Sf)ilCIOUS ktl. irldch W/O, Slal,ax\lobo. Mary Wood, ll8l 965&'- 581 f. 717 ·9816 2201 V1ste"-rte Of'lN SAT 2-4 Newport BHch Bluffs C aec townhm. 3br end unit. pvt patio. 2 c 1•1. courtuy to brohrs $549.888 .. By Owner 714 ·299-7373 2927 C1t1lp1, lncrd view of b•ckbay & city npts 4bf-3b1 lots of up- cr1cte1. new l1ndsc•P1nt. 3 c 1tt1c h 1ar. $1,249,000 Aft Kristi Cousens Withers Rt1lty .. ._.77·SSM 9000-9750 SUN 1-S 208 l USTIN AVE Sp~c tAt uldt vlf!W "' h • lg lul & r«um l1H .. •P<if'\UH1 .k.><111 All1\un Bkr 949 646 21)1 I -.OCEAN FRONT * JI !'.Ith SI tl>r .!IM tond" turn d Ip 1. 1 ... ~n w1t1tJ"f JWe'""" '14'1 'J?2 177 l "OClAN & BAY Vllws· n• 949 683 891 1 II l ltll St b 71..., Y"!y r~ ---------al tuty r,.,,nf w rl lrOK Ip bt«j ~ 94'161':; 1919 HARIOR WOOOS ?br ?b.l 7 l g•r agr bedroom olf1rr Agt Sl87S 949 793 4631 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAL.E Desert Pnlpetty 5960 HIGHDESHT ~1 «) ac S7'.1.> p8' L er llms. ltJi1dl & -. ""*' ' * iNM ,. CdcrU> IN" 9664&-tBll MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING ~ Hanm 5993 LONG BEACH SENIOR SPECIAL ON THE MARINA 2 eOfltOUS double Wide mobile homo secu .. ty cated, 5 star par• only $625 $9Kt rent. Pets OK Wont t.5t Mobile hollle$ d ... ct 1sa tor .loe ,. .. ,.,., ... Corona del Mar Coty )br 1 bd 'ult clu11IP' W~'hel dr t" huo~up•. <1a1 Sl65U 949 zgj 4630 * l •outilul lbr ?ba 1 ~nt~t <tJlt COM d1111le • ttar agt w d hookup~ Agt S?650 949 l93 4630 o.-n view t nvply 1 story 2br it>~ • den Ip all.ch i CM gM Courtya1d enloy comm puol Small p~I ok S3450mo Klem M11mt 887 704 8649 ;9204 CostaMm L~ Goted c___....., Ilk fie Afit. w/pvt pr, Irie. wa ... lo lro Square $895 mo Walerttrash paid Kletn Manaeooient 871·70&-86.C9 [at 9200 l '•I• 21r II• Charmer fncd yd. 2 C Ill &er , wd firs $1950/mo tncl gd/wtr noArroll/pet 949-6*2 •940 E Side Riviera T.......,., 3bt 2.5b• custom re mod, l1v1m, fp sunroom, pool, ~·· teoni~. n~tl 9 l S2295/mo aft , Donald Pf1ft. Col<lwen B•nlutr 'H9-733 6074 Lorge 18r 180 11,;;-1; I NlWPOR-T HllGHlS I OClANJRONl 21., 2bo IJlll ... t Pf"n1w t;f.l r'11mf t.lllf.1J!f'~ e .'b' ?bd Nf"~f Arttt11Jtf P+'"f Sm~lt' ~er~ ... 11 Nu ·,m;. tctmrm t11Swd flt -. IU S? .. 'I~ MO veh st fq!J 44'1 ."l i Ahli ~Jr t••d Si?'>O • lb• "~' '149 f.73 18()(1 ----l~d llJ hl1"'11 llr ~di NEWf'ORl HUGHlS "" l.ih Sl90!1 'l;\'l b4. '>4AA I [AS TILUfF '''""nhl'u•P Ip "ng ~·· --------Jbr !b• ~-r•&t wd M OP" <arpel 1J•l1u •P1Y 3811 29A l/'l ll.OOC TO up' Ai~"' S227Slmo ""~ ~ll bll .!>004 llST efACH nuly furn ' 94q Z9J 4630 am HBGHTS COTIAGf..1 11'1 ""' J •• ~.S22''.j)no 1--- 1((().f 21Jr Ibo "'"'' w \( w.il.,. Blo.r 949-ffil\.~ Ne..,.or1 H•l,t.n 3B• yd palt:1. Ip p tWMW 2Ba larg• lamoly room S1!<50/M"J ~64? ffll •.n*'" lb' SI.Hi ..,....., 7 c •• r••AK• avail 8 I Newport Crest, lbr 2ba ? c e" .,~1~ •~ ll<h len pool spa Sl900 llvdol now 949 707 4408 COMMUH e ttt flm Sle:b n:l IAf $2400 mo 949 7')4 )] 1 I 9'b 2!>d !CUI'-•,.,, s;zo ·~mi ':111,.61$ fh3 Pl \Y "-.1tJRl- ~rcJI k11:,111un-. MOIU:. Jocauoll!> O<INI WWI lb-l 'it>o k>'M~ II•~ ~ Cl' al1dl !rill wd liu(1'. $?'.(I) MO AVllll 9 \ ~14 3111 NfWP'Oll HllGHH TownhorM )br 2 5b•. 'l (llf ,.,. . S2600wTI 949 230 );>90 or 949 689 •?OD 3br 2ba on 6albo1 Penin. "dwd fin Ip, p1t10, 2 c 1a1 a·ool 8 I 111 $2650 949 293 463 l ..... v..... ..... .b 2bti lnnt ? cs p-. wd ""Cll. lroo11/1Jec11 yatd Ctssl ~ °" 9&6h5l.2? IAYAlOMT wwm:atunAl ·~.2·1.a..2;~r.c· wz.=.Mlty . ...... , ... , .. , TUIOYMI lb!' 2'11 2 c pl. ptM. C°'""""!Mly pool, ... 12G t&m-4131 s-. ... 111 ... tll\&le '.,,. tlm, "-palll1 a cerpft. k fl' ..,.. °' .,_ tlNSl..- ~ ~ ... -- -----·--,-.--~--..... ...:..·· .. -;..-. ...... ________ ,_....;;,,a .. -.... __ ... _ ........... ~·------·.a::.---"""-----.... -.... ___ ...., ........... ~ .... Desert Rentals VACAD IBfTALS SAW & IBfTALS Wakn~alrnl>estft Conbct Mld1'el Ant« ..B-2S9-1450/700.In-7ll7 eolfdesertyacabons com VIClllon Rentals fldllnge 7930 •.i Mc.ttlott C11n'l use our timeshare Oct 4 18 tin you? Ocunlronl -. 4 S31!i0 919-n9 9166 TtAClll "'PWIO MarydeP~ mm How ~ Students lcr f .. Enrolment 949673 2174 9&813Z246 RtAOE.RS Ca It for nra la"' re quorn that contrac tors 11~1nc 1Qbs lh•t total S!JOO or more (labor or male<rah) be hcensed by the Conl1•clo1\ S tall' license Board State law 1tso requores thal conLr•clou. Include thew lrc:en1e number on all advert~ong Yoo can check the status of your licensed cont rac tor el www.cslb ca rov or 800 321 CSLB Unll censed tonlnctoos h~1na 1obs tha t total less lhan $!>00 mual state 1n their 1dvertlsemanb that the1 ere not licensed by the Contrectors Stile llcenw Board." a..&<~. 1t1ln1ne & IUPl)Ortftrouble shoot1n1 ~ ...... ~ or personel 949 548 2538 ,, ... , Alnlataftag ...,.... MWUIPM8fT ~ far~ llQC11M11t.com &815 vs.toC !M!Mj41\QP5 •c ... ,, ... AU.I• tfVAC Nr Colldillonlna 6 He•t 1ftc S-vlu 888 Jtwo\ltd uin.> teMK).im) ca, • ., Touch of Klass Furopcan F.xpcn in House Cleaning 20 year-. in Bu\111<:'~ I o~cn-.cd & Roodcd Pnifc"1<11llll leam' Q\\l{UICd 10 Your liome (949) 548-0097 I-rec blimBte\ Ref crcnce<> 'ipnng C'klllllllj! Special~ OulclcKlean Ren.w. don't~ !tie/grout flooi'a. c:ounlirl, lhowerl. ~-: -..m www.qktlle.com 11 12 13 8200 l>rof1 <ovpl•, he/bond/ insured lo mana11e your Newport Bch home and or boat, Ca he'd Central Con tr actor & cer tolled Prop Mnif 949 647 3939 8500 AT·lASl Wom~n·, Slote al f ast11on Island IS now h1nn1t op'd Fr and Pr sales assoc Pleast CCJfttlct Lee Mn al 949 759-7'H> JlORAl DISIGNllt 25 h" a week Must be fully upe11enced COM 949 6« l4J3 s.lywrww.te4item fltt NSJ WIJI Piece I Otuifie4 e4 tHayl (t4'}642-S611 HOME & IU51HES5 •El'AtftS Up11rades. Rep11r\ ot Compute<. Nelwork.s ( venrn1s/Weekends Compelotove pnc"s for quality servoc 949-136-1175 714-92'--4221 Conctete & Masonry 1r1c1i lladt st-"'° Concrete. Patio, Onveway Fweplc. BBQ Refs 25Yrs hp. Terry 714 ~7 7!>94 By CHAALES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH YOU BE T HE JUDGE Neither vulnerable. North dealt tbcrc ii: Ii Ille IO wggcio1 one hUJ I 0\ Cf the other. Declarer woo the 1in;1 end. with dumm,Y's queen and. ••nee five dwnond 1neks wauld be r~ lo land the game. immL~hak!I)' led 11 WI· mood IO the ICC !ind the '4!\CO IO 1111: king. WC)l·s dub di!M.'i&rtl wu l>nly a minor discomfort w Swlh. who l'Un tinued wilb queen of dil!lllOnd' and anotbtr. ditcatding two ctu~ from hand u West paned wicn u hcan and another club. WEST • KJ 76 <;;>J 98S Oll'Jl( .,.. 1;1 AQ74 •kQ 98 4'2 •7 ~'T •A 193 \I 10 2 0 10 6 s 3 • K 1098 0 J •0543 SOUTH • QIS2 1.1 g6 3 o A 7 • AJ6 2 In with the u:n of di11momh. WC\I ~hif\cd ~nwnly 10 the ten of ~plrdc\. Whether Jcciarer covered with thc qllt.en or llOl. the dirfendeN were lbSwlld of four ~padc trick~ and ;1 one-trick i.et. Whilt 's yuur vi:rtlict~ Pint coograruhite the defoodc~ nn lhelr ~~ill. West'~ discunh made it clear thee spudes wa.' tbc unly -.oorcc of fa." trick' for the defense. and an) lead Other than the lt.!n !rum 1:.i,1 "'ould t'lave allowoo S<xith tu M:rapt' homt' 11ic b1d..li11~ . NORTH iAST I Paw 2¢ .... .._ .._ sot.rm WEST lllo .._ JNT .._ Opcmng leud: Fhe uf Study the hrdding and play of this deal, then lkc1de. Did anyone err? If ..a. who and when? Nevcnhckss Sooth ,houkJ hJ\i: fulfilled the cootr.ict mce uni y ti H· diamooJ tnd.~ were ~-one I.rid. in lbc: 'iVit coukf-Oc sacnftcc:d There arc ~ who nUihl not t•oo.-.Kler the North hand LO be an opcrung bid. but we don't mind iL NMh was not trong enough 10 re•er.c wuh t"'o heat\\ on the socond round. .ind two no uump hy Soulh v.ould l'lll•e b«'n lnYIWLIOIWI, noc forc1n~ A\ 11 hAppcn,, a duh lead "'outd h.i'e been beuer lhan a hean but. "Whtie 11oc arc not fonJ uf leading from 11 fOUH'UTll ~Ull heaJcd by lhc Jack. lb loog I.!> u w~ lo Wc,1 IU ~UJrd QjllllMI a li~HOUnd lead through lhc queen of ~po.Ji.'~ Afu:r wrnnint lhc lir<il lnek 111 dummy. d..>elarcr ,1·1uulJ ha\c led :t lo11o diamond and. "When East fol1011ocd kiw. thc l,('\t:n lrum South would ha'c guarantctJ five tnck.> gh c:n the 4-1 )plit Wlll nu11: u\erall NOl.C that. "'llh Wt"M oo kad. dedarer\ 'Poh arc ju,1 gouJ ~oough 10 lim11 the dcfcolk.'11> to 1.1\ltt tncl•• 111 the ~11 oo any lie of I.he ,p.llk,, COVCRNMl NI JOBS , Woldhfe/Poslal $1 3 21 to $48 per hour P .iod lrarn1n2. Full benehls. No uperoence neces sary. Appllc alron & eum onformatoon loll free 1·888·778 4?66 ext 8!>0 (CAK•SCAN) NUllSES IMMIDIATHYI Ot-111'5.. ~·5 & ~ needed lor L rve on/Hourly Actl-Hooltt. Coro or_,,.c-ry {714) 557-2213 FEDERAL JOBS r orestry/Parks. Ctenc•I/ Pos tal/F 1r1l111hters/ Poh<r Sl!>I< • Sranup Bonus Call M F 9am 9pm/t:ST I 800 464 8991 ul 23 (CAL •SCAN) ...................... Si l/ht la \toraae lacilrty Mon Th111s, Fri) Oflrce and Irle marnl enanc.e [ c p a • leon 714 437 920-0 S600 $1!>20/WI ll<I Y' Postal pos1l1on5/an nouncemenl #N081 Entry Proleulonal level No ei peroence nece$ s ary Paid lra1n1na/ vacations Call Monday Saturday lur ,pp/rnlo I 800 620 140 1 a 703 (Mo nday Saturday ) (CAL ·scAN) SELL your stuff through classi fied! WITTHOln DllYWAll All phases sm/lr c iobs CllANI 20yrs, lalf. lree est l «XXXll 114-61). 14'7 DUNCAN IUCTIIK local. Quick Response Home. Yard & Dock [lee! 20 Yrs [ap Loe/Insured l'275870 949 6!>0 7042 Publ1sh1na l>llOMOTIONS DEP'AllTMENT Commurnty newspapcws in Orange County seeks ftil Time persoo lo Interview and wr ile $10f ie:s, l>'lf Ucl· pilte tn commumly events. creai. and paeimle f>il&el and sectrons. Eacellent commuocaboo ~11$. wotll well W1th tll4! publlc Know N> Style, QuriXPrl!SS, Pholoshop, Muttr '41 Ct .. ator, Profic.1ent on MAC and PC, CCI de$•cn u peroence preferred ProofrMdlnc test Drue -~requncl COC C•cellenl benefit pad• Ema4 resume. wrrune ~ aoc1 wiary requirements l o ......, JDlmoo@ labrnes c.om lt11to11ront, l11ss•r O•ytrme & wkend shrft\ av.1111 Call for appl ask I& Adam Newport Bu ch TennaCllm~ llETAll fl sales on upuale baby I c.htlderns ~tore tn NB T earn player who lrku In de"i " & ~ell Salary • bonus -1 medical 949-496-4$41 Saftdwlch Shop on Co\ t ~ Me\a need\ help Call between Sam IOam 949 64!> 1100 asli lor MarlU)I SELL your stuff through classified! -°'s •. u, Get your yard lookona rl5 besl lor tilt unmer Y111dcftr>CV-.~ b.re-14J!l .., ~ Wttllend & eve quote$ Xtra Huo4 S.ntcos 714-427...0 DUTCHMA.N lUCUJC Troo Slf'Vl<o, Yard Commercial, tndustnil. Cleenup, Me1nlen1nce ~ l.rA1s CotlJlilillM Sprinkler Rep•". Hauhng Riiis 'tf1'B111 9& aBOl2'l (f 49) 650-Ut T Automobiles 9000 AutomOOve 9004 An.phl<ar · Have fwt In l.anek lalt.-elc ffl't.om ~fr....,, waler ll'MIY.• alnl oond l to rt>oo5'! from SIMI JI S4'J.CXXJ NEWPORT AUTO~T __ 94_9_-S74· 5600 Bonltey Arnoge '07 I "5~ th,j11 6(X) n 11 hlk '\,Ill rtM I~ , htome whi.. (XfE761 i Sl24 <it) N£WP<lftT AUT~T 949-S74-5ll00 IMW '91 3281 Cenv metalhL dar~ bl11~ ~r•y II ht •. u 1ar b """' thr ouehoul SM 99'> ...-672C21 Bl.I 9'19 511> llllJI www.oc.,.bl.com SELL ynut unw tnlP'1 rtems lhtou~I\ <la\"lr•tl HandymarV Harne Repair GF.NEIAL REPAIR 'MAIN'llNANCE * ~ • CIUr.llmll No Job Too Small Dave Hamilton 949-322-8292 Tho ComOftt Ma11 UCINSID CONTllACTOll No Job loo sm.,. _, Cementwork. Brock, Tole Repair. remodel,''"'· & More Reliable No JOb spa, new svc 949-~J666 too •mall 714 615-9062 YOUll~I IMPaOVIMENT PaOJICT? Call • plumber, painter. handymen. or •nr of the crut nntrc:es t.sled llore in our M<~ dwKtor1I THESE LOCAL SVC P£0f'U CM HELP YOIJTOOAYI CUSTOM CllAfM lU hstllatiofl. .... cenrrc, nwt>lt, &tone ....... 1 t7S l'6120W "" 714-612·9361 LIMY.__.. Ripsed Recrouhn & lnstarielJOn TILE IX.AN 949-673 8066 71~ 714-llB-2031 = Rl S TOR[ • REPAIR ti. l!EMOOCl INC CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yrs bp • 6-IW'l Al Phases ~ ConstruclJon ~ Allnodel Upll1s l./Sn!lll2 949-709-5642 ~Cmhdltl &¥t Carpen!ty • Plumbing OrywaU • SttKco Paintlfl&, Tole & more 20• 'flllr~ E•perience• J9 714-t6'-S776 J11Hy.Ai.r-'s "-...... r S,..Cloll11 Interior i. £-terror Repairs 714 501 6466 THE HANDYMAN All WOff\ cu. an teed ""'1Cq. [lednclll. Doon.. Fnsh arp tic.~ JUN• TO THI ou•r111 714 968 1882 AVAllA8U TOOAYI 949~13-5!>66 ..... .,,.._ .. Awll• ""'*'"" Specializing in Additions & Ouallty Rewxltllng Sintt 1970 714 .. 309.0713 .-.......i .... f11ff1loldecl,11p1rac1t1. all.,•/CJ•~ tllw, 2111 ml, 1 ~' ow11« VS, •wcf. 6 CO, warre11ty. low ml, mint cond. pp 114,999 M9'67S·~ 9&6l<M6ll> $.,... IMW 'ti 1..1 C-. auto wMt/bn lthr, CO. bteutrful ltll• new cond, Sl7.49!i v5972A fin & -Mi·---www.ecpel.co• IMW 'tt UC-, 2.1 V6. 3!>11 mt, !>spd, CO, 2 tone bill & tan, llhr Int, beaut1lul. hke new co.nd, Sl9,99!> v!>5&721 fl. nanCHll & werranty aveol Bhr 949 586 1888 -·°' I.e.- ...... '01 T....._H lllv•/lfe~ ttlw, 2111 ml, VS, 4wd, 6 CO, wauanty. PC1 U4.999 949-67~5.3 MADA , .. un 2001 r9d aaltf tan lthr Inter, am-Im CO, 'itllff. ac. Sll,495 949-494·4652 ......... '02Q.f00 1411 ml, b~ io.o.d. nav. sunroof, full pwr (024813) $89.500 NEWPOaTAUTOSl'CMtT t4t-S74-S600 Ce4111o< 'tO r1Htwoe4 MHCIDIS INl 't2 s1lve1/arey, 4dr. sunroof, 190 2.6 blac:t<. II l'Wf, lthr. auto. 31111 ml. $4800 ~ool. a mi. oralnal new llrtl 949-/60·0144 ownw, SK> 949-644-~1 Co4111oc '90 floorwoo4 silver/grey, 4dr, sun1ool. llhr, au lo, 3811 nu. S4800 new llros 949 760 0144 Marca4aa 'OJ 1201 20tl ml. perfect cond, u tencled warranty. Why buy new, nve money $46,500 949-644·2342 Mttt<IDls HOSl '16 Blue/arean, new top •nd uphot1tery. Pvt Party S9850 949 673 1095 • 4611 ml. b!Vblll ltlle, co. dlromt Wiiis, W.e new S42.000 VK2:2057 II nancina & wan av•ll ~r Ht-516-1111 -...-. .. - It .... llevff 't6 4.0 Sl 2811 actual m1, books, records. I owner while/ l•n llhr. CO. runnlna boards/brush a•11rds. like new cond, v272848 Sl8,99S On & warranty aYllll Bkr 949·586· 1888 www.-qMlitl.<- T.y"• '91 rac:orna 414 New ott rd t11es. J 1/2" lrlt krt, pl "'/alarm mini cond S7900 949 675 57.U VOlVO 2400l '12 Whole, s tallonwaaon, &ood lor beech car $3800. 760-902 8038 Dally Pilot ..... 2000 JOft., • 2003 22ft • lftlmec, si.eps 6 I 8 oc>bon•I tent, pt11lc lbl. bbq. T 01 lt ellet & tent traller 949-295--0356 or 949-500-1266 BOATS 9615 DUJ" IUCYlllC '16 CLASSIC I 8F T lulty restored, best otter Rick 949.348 94:14 Sallbolls CAL 20 SMIOAT, .. w4 sms PP 949 s.48 3024 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES ChryaW '94 Now Yoriier 3 !> "6 l owner, 431( dc tual mr . book s, 1 ~LOI d\ mel11t" lur quoose/ldn llhr tulty loaded hke n4!w $499!> .-66nl8 8llr 9&511).1888 www.oc obi.co"' Corvollo '19 Co11po •utu 60h • 1111 rnet.ilhL r ed,14n llho \uperb cond lhrOUJ!hOul $9 99!> Bhr 949 ~ 1888 Morca4es 'H HO Sl AUTOMCml.fS, whole/tan. 1mm1c ~ llSCB..lANEOUS nrrs lf1Jll ,_ sill q,. BOATS SUPS/ MOORJNGS/ lMJNCHING/ STORAGE l.<Oftl 0....,. °91 """""' itUIO, 6cyl A/C. ttlv lul pown orn·fm U1.S. cc lint aloy wilt!. $6499 /14-!193 81 ?9 Dodge '02 v1,.or 3li .. 1. red/bl~. ACR coupe, re.I rnu\Lle h<11 d lop ( 101065) $$69.900 NEWl>OltT AUTOSP'OllT 949·S74·S•OO -----Fwtwi'07 575 ..._.. Ood df!YUlt' SilY lilt~ &ncP 12 ~y1 hont orie. rid/ tan. ~ thail 211 mi, (121148) S?19.~ NIWPORT AUTOSPOn 949 S74-5600 -------r-1 ·oo 45~ GT.A 311 n•. silvft/bordl'aui mt I ully •uto tram. 4 waler. (119638) s ll3 900 NEWPO«T AUTos..o.T 949-574-5600 fwrorl 't7~ 4 sealt'f llbdvlAn lthr aloy wll@lk J()( "" Sl(J'.8391 "3.900 NEWPOltT Al.IT~ 949 S74-S600 '17 Jorrorl M0t0dlol 4 ~~~Irr hi~ I 1n le.1lhtr •ll•'Y wh•rh lllil mo <06kJ91l S.l'J 'IOO NlWPOAT AUTOSP'OllT 949 S74 s•oo Jerrorl'1 llno1I Spider '03 3&0 (Of'v.rllblo l ll 1111 h•.pd tt•d I ~n rt:d l~l1cu r·, trtU\I \ef'1 (I jij!l<)I;' J.?17 StlO NEWPORT AUTOSPOltl 949-S74·S•OO Jerrod '98 SSS Spl4or Rll ni1 I I blut,/blu llht pwf .,,. .. t, "' f'dl c und 11 ir, l'101 Sil l 900 NEWPORT AUTOSP'OllT 949 S74 S&OO Jord ·•s Mu•l•nt (.,_111..-1 r t1bl• tJf 1111n•I 11wn•r \ul1d ~di S 19 99!> 11bn 949 /I ':I /'14 ~ r .... d '16 Mw1-. c ....... b.. fl dUIO fl. I I'll pw P'• ... m fm •f wh4 t..uvtir\ s..mi ........ 714 q(,(' 1447 ---land Rover '9• ltcmgo Rover Wh •~ lt1lly I 1d•d •II 111.imlr11.1ro~r r1o l ib 900 'M'l 1!87 Oll'J House Ctunlng HoVH Cleonl,..elxp'4 W~ly Bo wkly/MonlhlJ Ref ' Cini "Les' Imelda 949 '>4S-4211> 949 'l/8007 Moving & Storage ... ./1(', ~ ;,r "'H~r,c. r.• , l~~t ·~ ~ T, t•j,,., 1( ()pel'l 7 Deya l.owRate9 Stor.ge $poclola Smoe 1981 949~645-4545 HST MOVHS S55/tff. Set vtne All Cit >es Insur od TJ638U 800 246 2378 323 630 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE lhe Calof Public Ut1h11e• Commission requires lhal ell used houuhuld a oods mnver~ print their P U C C•I T number; limos and chauffeurs pnnl their T C P number on all edvef · hs.emenh II you have any queshons about the 1e1at1ty ol a mover limo o r chaulleur. call ruauc UTIUTllS COMlllSMON 100 177-1117 ........... en Att1u ......,IR.._. ..... c-.. .. ,,......, w-.. ..... ....... 1111111111. Of. ..... .. ~ ref .. cstili9d '~lll~ l.lndlf., dJO"ll!f!.. $13,}9) m.J51..,.. w..-i Ol41....a.11o '96 Awe.-. 60k m1 bl1c:t./c••Y lthr. mnrf CO, lebulous cond throuchou l $5995 von•457219 Ohr 9680 94t-5 .. ·1Ht -·~··- P'HIWl>S AUTO 01 A.dA4 °"""'9 Blue w/Blue. only 14K ml, \PO'ls pka. ( 19478C) S24.91Kl 00 .,,.w 3131 Stiver w /black fthr. Step!tonic (193871 ) $21. 9ll) ,, lJ20 Hclmt White w/Mddle leath er, moonroof (19443) $28.~ 01 Jor-S Tn- Su Cteen w/S01ddle llhr, 29\ ml, m()OIW OOI (19112) S29.980. HMwCM/wSU( no Blue w/t>W:ll, ff I'/ SflClrls '*' (19416) S279111 H HIW'281S U"d w/black htw !><.pd <19470) Sl8.91ll 011'.,..dw , ... T'opllonoc only 1811 mole!. 11av•~•llOfl (19394) INQUIR( ,. t.xw GS JOO t.(lld w/s.oddle lt:alllef. c hronw whttk <t94 18f Vl,<Jlll 01 l'ondte GT1 Btiw::k w hllH.k °'''Y I 00 m•~ !19!19/C l INQUIRI. 01 MKt~ •• CtSOO Srlvrr W/f1Jey, MVI 11al1un, only 1~ m1 (l'J',.45{:) INQUIRE 00 l'ond+. 1 .. ,,., S1lvt1 w 'bl"<~. pt em1um Wtlnd 1194?61> S78980 '49-S74-1777 M1'SAUTO ;'S,11tcm Pli- S4J1t & ....... ......... Cu\lom Hand Painted M.s• & f.au p ...... Mr;! b twe !ll!Milll ~ ~'JJdt,e.. ~Professional Pa1n11ng l.c. M9'31SO IDtakr/Eltaior ~PliatitC U.MbrC Rob tsben ·Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887·1480 a-.'•,.... 'OYfl .. Greaf Pricet GuanntMd WOfll Free est LU75602 714 5J8 15.34 7 390 2945 lrl"5 CUITOM l>Mn"M Pro'1. clNn, quality wull lntel'lor /eU encl docks Ll703468 949-631-4610 ...,_,.~ T~ Q11allt_y, ~1Uve Interior/hi L'641US Call Jay 949.650-SOfi6 llAIM90W c:.11 .-T Pelnth'l~~I. HtM.'~ Quality )obi FrM estimate l~7714.U·- MOTOR HOMES 1914 GMC SIFT Ceo" Country RV 'l a• unots 429 Chevy V8. lSK or ~·n nu. Sll.500 B£ST OHER 714·840~ 7919 Wanted 4511 M<>«onr around Balbu" l•l•nd top S 760 72J 9444 Cell 71 4 4 12 1068 ___ _ SUl>S AVAllAJU ,,_ llS-9Sft In Now,...rt •-•"· l•o .. 949-SOO TOOS FIND an apartment through classified PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and -painters •"I .I· Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Community Ma rketplace Plumbing SlWll • DUii Q.lmlG (949) 64S-2JS2 • 0.\'•)IOn "' MlllJllltn9M Sl WC R Jf. TTING ElfCTRONIC SlAB l (AK OlllCllON r rrendly Service 94t -•75-9 J 04 -~QllTI l • 7S2A9 ''""""" "'*'5T & lllASCMIMll PlUMBCR l'506686 free Est! Sm ,...,.. OCTTClJ Oltt. 714-ZJS 91 !iO PaEOSI P'WMltNG Repairs & Rernodelln1 f REE £STIMA T£ l'6873987l• 969-1090 "-""N*a-11 CAUGHT IN TH E ACT Pool Service M11alc P'ool & s,.. Svc . Wtehly SetvKt (QUIP menl Rr11•1r• lnwotd Coll 949-292-717 S R~uftlrs Al :.:J:.."""""" It ..,,... • .w • r.-..w (949) 548-0769 ~ttvtuin .li.-.m '"'" ...... ' Speci•tmnc rn Wallplljlf Rtmoval LIW241 949·J60.12 1 I W...a.1111 9«.DQtWIST WMOOWSUVKI Sattsl.ctlon Ouetantoecl • 949 631 1562 * SELL your stuff through cla ssified! I, t • t l ' I I i