HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-15 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot\ I. ! I • ! • I • .a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 2003 City Council OKs housing element State might not approve overdue housing plan if the Lower Bayv iew project fa lls through. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot \It.'\.. l.andmg pm)t'll But tht• ..,tatt' < oa .. ral Cornrnl'> ... 11in re- Je<wd the 1nrtJal proJe< 1 Je,l\ 1ng lOunc1I m ember., to wonder whether the ... tale depJrtmt·111 Luuld w1thdrav. 11' apr'H11\i.1.I ''I'm not conv1med that 111>11'> 1ng and Lommunit) D t•\ t'lop ment \>\ould be tha1 1011glt •111 U'>.· A">'>I <:.1r, \.lc1nagt·r \h.inin \\ood told the l1JUr1t I · lht'·, under.tand hem hilrd \\ •· \"' med to male 1h<.1t prc11n 1 l1<1p pen ·· fhe hou ... mg elt'nwnt 1~ part 11! the gerwraJ plan. \\hH h tlw tll\ I'> IHJ\'\ upda11ng hur 11-. rtw unh pJrt 1ha1 '>t'I'\ e'> tht· Liu.ii pur- pow of ,1cuJUnt111).' 111 -.1a1t- hou'>tng aulhont1l'' STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Three boats open their sails as they head for the finish line of the Governor's Cup in the waters off the Balboa Peninsula. NEWPORT HI.AC II -fhe Clry Council ha'> findlly formal- ized the ciry\ hou..,mg element, a laboriou!> and long-Jwa11ed document lO -.a11..,tv tederal. state and regional hou~mg re quirements. But the umenamt~ hanging over Lhe lo\\ er Ba}'\1ew Landing senior allordable hou:,- ing project threaten., to undo state approval of the crucial document. "I hope we get our senior housing proiect," Councilman Tod Ridgeway said during a presentation by c11y Senior Plan- ner Tamara Campbell at Tue'>· day's Ory Council meeting. 1 lw, ues 111 lllleh \\llh \\hat we'rt' doing wllh tht· gt•nc:ral plan updJte. L1111pbl'll <,;.ud fue'>dd). Among the det..ul.., 111 tht' \olu- mmou'> document ill't' tilt' l11V., goah tor nt'\' hou ... rng in Lhl' CH\ that are bcc,ed on pro]l'( it'd h(Ju<.·- mg need.., throughout tJw dfea. ;'l;ewpon Bt:achl. goal L'> 11J add 1.421 nt'\\ unil'> \>\1th Hh of them tor verv-low-111uJmt' rt:'>ldent:.. 148 for · lc:M mcornt' Jlld ttJ for moderate-income hou..chold .... -1-1'.Sails-s@t-and slack The first day of the 31th annual Governor's Cup, hosted by the Balboa Yacht Club, is cut short, lacking wind. Tom Forquer Daily Pilot was met unfavorably by Mother Narure. who did not even provide enough wind to complete the racing schedule onThwsday. more breeze." Nicky Souter. skipper for Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Oub of ~tra.lia. said the winds proved challenging. "The wind conctmoos were quite difficult, especially with waves. the slop.· he said "There wasn't much match racing out there.· said Trey Wattson. Newport Harbor Yacht Oub crew member. "Everyone was looking for speed" The housing element is a de- tailed look. at the city's hoU'.ing needs in the coming years a~ well as an accounung of effon'> to provide affordable housmg The city 1s about rwo years late in completing the document and earning the approval of the state Department of Housing and Communiry Development. I he fe\\ area~ m 10\\ n that could a ccommod<1tl' ne\>\ homt''> mrludt' the ~et ·to he annexed poruom of Banning Ram h , the area near Macarthur Bnulc•\·ard al Avocado t\venut' and the Lower Rayvaew site ' 'D rifting backward.. said Steven Natvig of King Harbor Yacht Oub. describing pan of his sailing experience. "It ranged from 0 to 8 out of the west.· said Len Bose. pan of the Cup's staff and fleet captain of Balboa Yacht Oub. the host of the four-day event "We certai.nJy are hoping for Unlilce traditional sailboat racing. where ~u simply want to cross the finish line as quicldy as posstble. match racing focuses on keeping your competitor at a tactical disadvantage through the use of right·Of·way rules. "It was a challenge to keep your head in the game mentally.· said Phil Stemler. skipper for the Newport Hamor Yacht Oub team. H's important that the state certify the document because otherwise the ciry 1s left vulner- able to lawsuits. UI) officials were pleased 10 learn 10 Ma} that the state Departmenr of 1-{ousing and Community Devel- opment had given initial ap· proval of the housing element based Largely on the city's work toward buiJdang the I ower Ba\ Redevelopment 1-. Jl.,11 an op· tmn. male.mg aln·ad\ de,eloped a.reai, more den't' 10 dl l om mo date more home.., Despite the lad of match racing QJl the course, some took place In the pre-start The first day of the 37th annual Governor's Cup Junior Match Racing Championship See SAILS, Pa1e M •JUNE CASAGRANDE c ovPrs Newport Beach and John Wayne A irport She may bf' read1Pr1 at 19491 574 4232 or bye mail~' 1une casagranae a la11me:. ,om Ueberroth campaign has Newport Beach touch Former baseball commissioner and Laguna Beach resident is running campaign for governor from Newport Beach. By Mi ke Swanson and Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Let the games begin. Peter Ueberroth. leading orga.nlzer of the 1984 Olympics, Conner baseball commissioner and an Orange County resident, is among l35 candidates seeking to replace Gov. Gray Davis if c.allfornians vote for a recall Oct. 7. Ueberroth, a registered Republican, will run for governor as an independ· ent candidate with a bipartisan cam· palgn team. He ls using a Newport Beach address a,,s a campaign head- quarters. He Uvea in Laguna Beach. He said he's committed to serve only the remaining three years of Davis'. term •to .... c n ..... cbm~ ing economic death spiral while It is still possible. reverse It, and put Cali· fomia back on track.· He won't run in 2006, he said. "California's problems need to be 6xed and they need to be 6xed now,· Ueberroth said in a statement released Aug. 8. "But l have learned from ex- perience that there are no solutions that are not bipartisan." Ueberroth has been widely em · braced as a serious candidate for the state's top elected post. Newport-Mesa political experts agree. "J think anyone with $40 million Is a serious candidate," said Costa Mesa· based GOP pollster Adam Probolsky. "He's decidedly moderate, when you have more than enough moderates m d liberals in the race.· Ueberroth faces long odds against Arnold Schwarzenegger. who has drawn on his star appeal in the week since announcing his candidacy. Presi- dent George W. Bush, Reps. Dana Rohrabacher and Chris Cox. billionaire financier Warren Buffet and others have endorsed him. "Peter has incredible credentials," said GOP fund-raiser Buck Johns. "Un- fortunately, has Is facing a candidate (in Arnold Schwarzenegger! who has sucked the oxygen out or this race." Ueberroth. 65. received widespread praise for organizing the l984 Olym- pics in Los Angeles, which turned a $215-million profit rhrough corporate sponsorships and media contracts during an event many feared would fail Ueberroth then started his te.rm as commissioner of Major League Base· ball in October of 1984. He stepped SM UEBERROTH, P .. e M THINKING ALLOWED New Majority backs Arnold Moderate Republican group with ties to Newport-Mesa agrees to support gubernatorial front -runner. Pa ul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Members of a moderate wing of the Republican Party based locally have thrown their growing political clout bellind the Running Man. Citing its two-year political relation· ship with actor and gubernatorial hopeful Arnold Schwanenegger, the New Majority decided Wednesday to '>Uppon the candidate with the mo!>t ')lar power The coahuon of f™:aJlv minded bus1 ne~ leaders, who founded lhe1r group 10 1999 to abolish ·wc1al htmus test" is- sue-, for Republican candidates, also <;a.ad they are ptulo optucally aligned with the former Mr. UruveNe ·Arnold has the best chance to win,· said cha.Jrman Larry Higby. who laves in Newport Beach. "He also lines up with our view'> on broaderung the Republi- can Party. He's basically m hne with our philosophy.· During a conference call the day Schwarzenegger announced he would run. the actor called the group at New- pon Beach's Pacific Oub to ask if he See MAJORITY, Pac• M Refusing to take credit where it's due Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com addition to tbe$75 ~ ., bale to bepaldrll ....... more and more IDOllly, '° I --..... --la &11111. ..,.,... ............ ..... ~ ............ --sM .. lbla Natrll 1 mhllr an WEATHER • "dotln't gee much.,...., ....... S."'9A2 DATEIOOK ,,._..&die 1bm TIM lllllliln••··-· ...................... ... tpll~ .... --......... SPORTS The CofW del Met High """ . ...,~ .. undlrh~OA --Id ,.. ..... ... 09Mt ......... .. • ... •DlfllnHQ 114 a.. ..... ...,... . t I•• PERMISSION TO COME ABOARD ASSUMED MARK C. DUSTIN I ON..Y Pl.OT A seal sunbathes and snoozes on the dive step of a boat moored in Newport Harbor on a recent afternoon. Fishing gets the ki d s' angle Organizers of ch ildren's ing, ·Peters said. The contest was new this summer, but tournament at Davey's produced exciting results from participants bass. halibut, tuna, bonito, dorado and mar- lin. Fish must be weighed by a Davey's Locker crew member and official entry cards must be submitted. I DaiyPiot TER Locker hope participants will and sponsors from the fishing industry. catch a love for the sport. Davey's Locker has been handing out 18 ___ /l<!nzes=· ="'-"'-'er month,_resulting in big_grins and .Mackerel. sharks, .mys. em ~b._. __ _ Lolita Harper Daily Pilot There is no such thing as "the one that got away" in the Kids Fishing Tournament at Davey's Locker Sportfi.shing. Children who enter the summer contest can learn the joys, strategies and intricacies of fishing while competing for great prizes, contest organizer Tiffany Peters said. "We thought it was a good idea for fami- lies and lcids to get interested in fish.Ing, and the prizes just make ii a little more interest- WHAT S AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the lnfonnation to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa M esa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES ~ Coe9t College Is otr.ring new credit and noncredit sailing classes this summer. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers. even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highw ay, Newport Beach. (9491645-9412 or visit occsai/ing.oom. Selling Fudnation or.. eta.... In ~ safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. ~County employw8 can bring th.w employees out to Newport Beach oo weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing end Seamanship now offers a chanoe for groups to wortc with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well In business. No sailing experience necessary. On&-day happy future sportfishermen. "You should see their little faces when they come in to get their prize,· Peters said. "It is so cute." Organizers hope the contest, in its last month, will entice one more wave of chil- dren who want to spend their last days of summer on the water. Oilldren compete in two separate age groups: 10-year-old and younger and 11 to 15. Prizes are awarded for the three heaviest fish in each of three categories: Bass (sand. calico or spotted bay), Barracuda, and Other, which includes yeUowtail, white sea classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS Wfth Merine w.t.rsports .t the IWboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a sett-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-<k>o jetboat, put you sport-fishing ski\ls to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newpon coast. Complimentary ioe and beverages are included with au electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rentals C9n put you on the waw in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt padcages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric boet ~ ... wellble by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are cod and rod fish are not eUgible, Peters said, During the hot summer months, when children are out of school and loolcing for something to do, fishing is a wonderful, tra· ditional pastime. Peters said. Participants are given the opportunity to take pride in the fish they catch, she said. And it's free. -we are most concerned with making it accessible, -Peters said. For more information, log on to www.daveyslocker.com. or call (949) 673· 1434. equipped with window enclosures and CD player&. loe and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. P9del boats, electric boeta, boogie bcNuds, kayak.a, Inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1160. Gondola toun.,. olered by the Gondola Co. of Newport. 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-6. The $75 cost includea a basltet of bread, cheese, salami, Ice, glasses, a blanket. music and a Polaroid picture. Wine Is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola~3101 w. eo..t Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne Is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and cttampagne Is $180. Paup ls available at weterfront restauranta. (949) 676-4984. Irvine eo..t Ch..-. In Udo~ Vllege offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persona. (949) 675-4704. Gondol9 Romence ... dely tours of NeoNpoct Harbor during lunch .-ld <Inner. Call (949) 67M730. The toort go out of Udo Marina VIilage, 3400 Via Oporto, Newpor:t ee.ctt. Daily A Pilot PHOTOORAPHEA8 Copyright No newt stories, Seen Hiller, Don l.eectl. lllustmJona, 41dftorial m.u.er Of Kent Treptow ~herelncanbe reprodoced without written READERS HOTUNE permi.lon of copyright ownet. (IMS) 642-eoe6 VOL 17, NO. 227 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACff US Deity Pilot or news tipt. ~ TMOMAI H. JOHNION News EdMiot'9 Addr'lle9 The Time. Orange County Publleher Gina Ale>Cander, Lori Andel'IOn, Our add,.... It 330 W. Bay St., ea.ta TONY OODlllO (800) 252-9141 Daniel Hunt. Peul S.ltowltz, Edleor Mesa, CA 92Q7. Office hours.,.. Ach ..... 0.nief SWV9M Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. JUl1f OITlWQ a rn'ned 19491 &42-6678 ~~ NlWSSTAff Co11ecdot• cnme°:.:r~. Dllpl9y (949) 642-4321 It la the Piiot'• policy to prompdy Pl'omodonl onctor YtlMW (9oe8)5' corr.ct all errors of tut.&enc:e. ..... deel»· ,,,,.,_,, • 1«1m..com P1MM call (Mt)~ (9'9) M2-MIO BXTWGITAff ..... = ... lp0fta(9'9)57f-4223 Ll.C.. FYI NMpoft ,.,,orwr. ,._. fea (!Ml) MM170 '1:rs1Editof, (Mt)57~ The NMpoft ~ Meea ..... ,_ , .. , llC>-0110 <M233 jurw~•ldmacom Delly Pltot (lJSPS-144-«)()) .. E....-~•,.,,,,__com t J.cahne latl,.,,.._com ......... ,..CIMellt pubtlehed dlHty. In N9wport leld'I MllllO.. ~Edhor, Polltlct, butine.a end .nWonment endCOIW Meu,~.,. .... _a.. (9'9} 142-4321 (M~ NPC>fW, (9411 """4330 ewJlable only by eublortblng to The ..... _,_, .. , .,,.,,. ~ellJtlrrwa.oom peul,Cfinfonellldme&com Tlmee Ofange County (IOO) ......... 0.... Lollll...,. 212.f141. In ..... CMAllde of Spcwtl Ecllor. ~cue.u,.~ ~....,and eo.e. Mele, CM}PMZD CM)IM-427a ~-to the Delly"°' .. ~~ .-..1. ...... ~•,_,,_.com ~ ontv byh a..""'..,, Mone.or,..._ o.l Chief. o.e... ........ $10 per monlh. (Ml9a ....... (MtPM22' eo. MeM rwpoNr, CMll ~, ..,... ....... and ... IW.) ~.,,Tim. Commuftlly ~•,.,,_,_com ~nirwrNn.,.,.,_,oom POSTMASmt lend eddl9I ....... ~--Loi~ .._MIC_. ~to n.,...... 1lma ,...,fcltor, c....-.... CMt •4-..... • ., .... _, 514-4218 ~ Miii o.IV ""'°"' P!(). CllmOl Tim. CN. NA rigMI ....,,...... ....... .,,, ................ .., b 11eo,Colelt..._CA .... ,..., SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF • . • • The dey wffl gt"99t us with The.,.. wtl pldc up ....... • pertly doudy condftions, but •• IOUthwM M*VV todev In ... : ~ UIWll, we'lt get to lbout 86 In. 1ndclpldon of Selurdey'I new • Costa Mela~ inland l\WM.Molt~ . •• NewpOft. white cioeNI brMb wtl ----to .; , N9wpol't wlll hover In the cNlt-higN, with the =· mld-70a. All in ell, It'll be a OCCllionel ahouldef.hlgh. •• .• beeudful~. The~ on Seturdlry wilt . .. .• ~wMlbt ...... prcMde .-. bump, with .. ~a: molt bt9d'9a ~lg dwlt· : ...WW.nM.noN.flOV to~endeome ~ .. • BOATING FORECAST The ........... •• oomptt on Sundey. Thew•••rtv--• --...-: btow 5 to 11 INll In the Inner www . .urlHdlr.CHU wRr'llOdlry .......... W91198end .............. TIDES of 2tMtend IOUlh ... of2 ..... ..... etlla.m. Out .......... ncdluu 1 nrity _. w4I bloW n•a.m. lcZlp.m. 1ll020 ...... .._ *°' .. .--~I05-tDot-ft:Mp.m • 8nd ......... IWll olf JIO 4 .............. o12-. ..... _ ...... • •• ~ . Dady Pilot Fire Chief Jim Ellis, right, places the badge on the jacket of Father Joe Robillard of St. Joachim Catholic Church, left, making Robillard the new chaplain of the Costa Mesa Fire Department. MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY Pll.01 NEW ADDITION Sharing for the classroom Costa Mesa ch arity will hold annua l back-to-school donation drive. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot Fendi bags and Gucci win purses are not on their back-to· school lists. The 1.000 studen~ who will participate in the Share Our Selves Bade to School Day on Saturday just need the basic., to get through the school year. Terri Madden and &rbarn Pender, volunteers in charge of the program. are asking the com- munity for backpacks. binder;, markers. calculators, paper - any basic suppLies to be donated to the children of famili~ who have more pressing provision'> to purchase. Backpacks can be -gently used-but still in good condition, they said. w A positive Stan to the 5ChOOl year can baVe an important Im- pact on each student's ~uccess: Pender said. Orange County children have enough to worry about without trying to struggle through math cl&S without a calculator. or worse yet, explain in front of the whole class th.at the family can- not afford one. Madden, Pender and an army of volunteers have stocked the building with materials that will be divided into packs for the stu- dents to take home Sarurday. Or- ganizers estimate the pack.!. will .:;ave woricing-das.s families about SSO. leaving perhap~ a liule wig- gle room in some very light budgelS. In some yean>, tht: l'venl gar· nered so much commumtl{ !>Up- pon that Share Our Sclvc:. accu- mulated supplies io ~ for a couple of years. With the down- turn of the economy and I.he in- creasing number of children be· ing helped, I.he i.urplw; t<, dim mishing. Despite the conunual a11aclc!. that Share Our Selves and otl1er neighborhood chariuec, haw come under by thoi.e who believe they attract poor and immigrant famiHes to the area, progrdm leaders are not backing down. Education l!> a tool to combat poverty and help overcome dis- mal living :.ituations. they said. Costa M~ Councilman Chris Steel said he believe.. in the or- gani7..aLion-.. charitable intentions but feeb the burden falls too heavy on the city of Co.,ta Mesa The supplies will be distributed to children from all over the county. yet the nexu.., of that sup· pon ii. only in one city, he said. Madden, Bender and other vol- unteers ~d they are happy th.at their commun11y can help so many in need and hope r<.~idents of Newpon-Mcsa wall continue to give. O'.>nalioru. can be delivered to SOS at 1550 Supenor Ave. in Costa Mesa. For information. call Madden or Pender at (949) 642-3451. SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! With the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 Solidus Trunk Sale Saturday, August 16th Solidus comfort shoes from Germany. Meet the Solidus rep, one day only, Saturday, August 16 and get 20% Off all Solidus shoes and sandals in stock. Experience real, natural comfort in lots of great styles. r ---------~ 1us11twportllv4,CISla .... : 20°k> Off : FOOT t (cnslf...._& 1...,_ .. UPSS...) I All SOLI DUS SHOES SOLUTI•Ns (949)734-2020 : s~~=.: : -0,. ... Slf. ... ... L !-~ ~'!: ~· ~~·) _ f "'-.Ntl4d<r~ ~ .... "" -t ..... 0-W., 8*rf'1, -",..,..,. ,.,.,.. .... .,.. 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THE SHOE CELLAR EPHISTO FINEST WALKING SHOES TRUNK SHOW Saturd ay, August 16th 9 a.m . -5 p.m. MEfT THE MEPHISTO SALES REPRESENTATIVE COME CHECK OUT SOME OF THE FINEST WALKING SHOES AROUNDI GIFT WITQ P .URCHASE SPECIAL ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN 1HE SHOE CEllAR at 245 fi>rcst Avenue in Laguna Beadi (949) 376-0563 Stott Houn: Mon-Thun. 1 Oa-9p. Fri I Oa-lOp, Sat 9a-l Op. Swa ~ • M Friday, Aua\lst l~. 2003 SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Auldn ~Two men were anwated on euapkion of poaeesion of peraphemslia cnarges in the t100 blodc st 6:30 p.m. Wednetday. • loglin ~end McCllntDck Wily: A woman was arretted on suspicion of driving under the lnftueooe st 12:02 a.m. on W8dnesday. • IMrM~ A man was arrested on suspicion of driving under the inftueoce in the 1600blodco(at 12:12 a.m. on Wednesday. • MecAlthur 8oul9uent A man was arrested on an outside warrant in the 2100 blodc at 3:15 a.m. Wednesday. • H#bor BouleYllrd: A woman was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy in the 3000 blodc at 4:55 p.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH Bllypointe Drive: Grand theft was reported in the 400 blodc at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday. Dorothy lane: Grand theft was reported in the 1500 blodc at 1 :59 p.m. Thursday. Bristol Street Vehicle theft was reported in the 2200 blodc at 12:29 p.m. Thursday. R• 1 dieocia: Vehide theft was reported in the 7100 blodc at 10:45 a.m. Thursday. Sussex Lane: Vehicle burglary was reported in the 1300 blodc at 1 :25 p.m. Thursday. when the boats were confined lo a small area. Stemler ae1d. Though the local teams might have bad more years of experience with conditions de8cribed by one competitor u wtypicaJ Balboa. .. everyone had an equal amount of time racing the Governor's Q.rp 21 -zero.. The new 21 -foot. three-person boats were designed and built spedflcaDy for this event and location, replacing the Santana 20s that the Balboa Yacht Oub members had loaned for the eveot in other years. .Reviews from the sailors were m1xed. Ml like it a lot better than a Santana. lt's more maneuverable,• said Whitney Loufelt of the Newport Halbor Yacht Oub team. King Harbor Yadtt Oub skipper Scon DeOutis disagreed. ~ou really have no maneuverability with the rudder," he said. Increased wind would gjve the rudder power, while less wind would make it useless. he said. His teammate Marte Spector added. "They don'1 track very weU." Stemler found them w dean. easy to use. H Differences of opinion aside, most would have agreed with DanieUe Richards of San Diego when she said that wit's good to have standardized boats.· MAJORITY Continued from Al could count on their suppon. They announced they would back him after a fierce debate OBITUARY Frances Evelyn Kimmel Visitation for Costa Mesa resident Frances Evelyn Kimmel will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Rose Hills Mortuary in Costa Mesa. Services will be held at 9:30 o..m. Monday. Ms.. Kimmel died Tuesday. She was 85. She is survived by sons James. Thomas and Bruce; daughter Lynette Guarino; brother Vaughn James: sister Corin Hyat1; o.ipe grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. • The Dally Pilot welcomes obitu1rlee for residents or former residents of Cost• Mesa and Newport Beach. If you want to have an obituary printed in the Pilot. ask your mortuary to fax us the information 1t (949) 646-4170 or call the newsroom at (949) 764-4324. So l.~s Jrx\·EsTMENTs & REALTY KRISTIN M. So. us • Licensed Real F..stak ~nt • Sp«ialiUng in Newpm Mts11 &sidmtiil Real Estau ERIC A Sous, CFP • 17 Yean &pnimct • $welts <f &mJs • Mutual Funds •Annuities • F.st4k 0-Retimnmt Plmining • Investment &mltint • Sm"1J Mil/JU Mll1'lta Umpania I HI I Hnidl·111i.d \1.trkt I \11.il1 ,j, 1111 \Olli I !om.- I H I I ", , • l I, \ 1.1 rl.t 1 H, , 1 . 11 , Ii H q w rr 1)+1>--2 ~I ll1- .__...~ ............... ----. ._.... .....-. .. --.9' ALDEN'S ---------- - --.. DN-!ilTE DRAPERY CLEANIN6 AND MORE I NO TAKE DOWN .. lllMDVIN6 M!CEHAln' I Certlfted Ta Dean All Hunter Daugla• Fabric Window Caw!rlng• lnclmllng: • l&lnindtt Privacy Sheen' • Shuettet window ... • Viptttet window shacings • Oudtet honeycomb thadel t Mlienq'llf Coltdion t fubianceTM roman shades t AppialR' honeycomb sflades t SermetteTM Softfold"' ...., World'• Beat ON•1a• Drape1~ Ciani .. ~ ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 94964.6 4838 • 714-96&:-8180 Some of the boats from the Santana 20 fleet bad an age difference of more than two decades, making it diffirult for race organizers to maintain their equa.Uty. Desplte the nwnerous challenges. the spirit of racing was still present at the event "There's good teams out there. Its a lot of fun," Wattson said. Races will continue today and Saturday and conclude Sunday, when the winners of the Governor's Cup will be decided. •TOM FORQUER is a Daily Piiot intern. He can be readled at rom.forquer@latimes.com. about whether to throw their lot In with Peter Uebenoth. "This was a very tough deci- sion for us because of Peter Ue- berroth, • Higby said. "He's known by the New Majority." The group's Oirtation with Schwarzenegger began in 200 I, when New Majority board mem- ber Paul Folino, chief executive officer of Costa Mesa-based Emulex Corp .. headed to the ac- tor's Pacific Palisades home for dinner. The cwo found common ground in support for Proposi- tion 49 as weU as for a film and television srudio a Olapman University. Schwarzenegger has visi1ed Orange County to speak at events organil.ed by the group. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (9491 7644330 or by e-mail at paul.c/inron~larimes.oom. ALLOWED Continued from Al Horlick sees it as a donation. Bergum sees it as payment for enrichment of the community. The cwo agree on one thing: the value of sports. "It is such a great thing." said Horlick. whose daughter will play keeper for the newly formed team. "It keeps them out of trouble a nd teaches them so much." Bergum echoed his thoughts and added benefits of well-being to the list "It is something that is very healthy," she said. wwe live in such an emotional society. We all have so much on our plates, and these parents and children gel out and participate in spons and spend time together." Horlick can be found on the soccer field with his daughter nearly every day. For two hours. the father-daughter duo practice goaltending at the park on 23rd Street and Orange Avenue. Nichole, who Is quickly approaching 5-foot-10 at the age of l2, learns 10 dive to her weak side, cut off the angles and punt like a pro. Horlick gladly blasts far-post shots, challengjng his daughter's abilities. In a few weeks, when soccer season starts, Horlkk will do the same with about I 4 other girls for no payment other than the thrill of watching his team improve throughout the season. MThe discipline involved with coaching and all the things be deals with, such as the parents and politics," Bergum said, without finJshing her sentence. ·1 truly mean this &om the bottom of my heart. It ls the very least I can do." • U>UTA H.AAPER wrtte. column• Mondey1, w.dneed-VS and Fridays and OOY4trl cultu,.. 1nd tM an.. She may be rached et (9481 57'"4275 or by .-m.11 et lol/U.Mf'l*'•~com. Put a bug In someone's ear Call the Daily Pilot Wiiiie Mayt. who bad been banned from buebaJl for alleg- ed)y woddng for an Atlantic Oty caaioQ. A poJJ releued early this week ah~ Ueberrotl\ among the top five candidates In the recall race, but h1B 8<i(, back.Jng trailed front-runner Arnold Schwan- enegger by 239't. • ~E SWAH80H I• a reporter for Times Community News. He can be readied a1 494-4321 or mikfuwan.ontllatlmu.com. PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or bye-mall at p11ul.clinton@l11timas.com. SENIOR CALENDAR • Send CAl.ENIMR Items to the Deity Pilot. 330 W. Bev St, Costa MeN 92827; by eom.11 to milce.~llt.tlmt#l.oom; by fax to (949) 64&4170; or bt calling (949) 574-4298. lndude the time, date and location of the event, as well as a oontect phone number. A complete listing Is avatlable at www."61/ypilotoom. SUNDAY 10 honor~ Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present .. Pet and Mike; the third of five free stteenlngs In August, at 1 p.m. All are 1.nvi1ed to enjoy the movies and free popcorn st the center'• Hepburn Rim Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mer. For more information, call (949) 644-,3244. MONDAY M.ture drivers can sh8fPM'I tlMir driving skills in two four-hour AARP driver safety classes held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and Aug. 19 st the Presbyterian Churdl of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students. The cost is $10. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340. AUG.22 The CosU Meu Senior c..rt.r presents a Hawaiian luau featuring authentic Hawaiian food, entertainment and more from 4 to 7 p.m . Ttdcets are on sale at the center's front desk. Reservations are a must. Admission for members is $5, $11 for nonmembers. Information: (949) 645-2356. AUG.23 The CosU Mesa Senior c.n. will be dipping ice cream at an ice cream &Oclal at the marbtpla<:e from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. All proceeds will benefit the Center. Information: (949) 645-2356. AUG. 24 To honOt Katharine Hepbum. Oasis Senior Center will present .. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner:' the fourth of five free screenings in August, at i p.m . All are invited to enjoy the movies and tree popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest. at 800 Margueri1e Ave. in Corona del Mar. f.or more information, call (949) 644-3244. AUG. 31 To honor KAllhMne Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present .. On Golden Pond; the last of five free screenings in August, at l p.m. All are Invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Alm Fest, et 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. SEPT.12 The CosU Meu Senior c..rt.r. in celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary, presenta the CostAmazing Senior Hoedown, featuring live western muslc by the Travis Parter Band, dancing and barbecue, from 4 to 7 p.m. The Co8ta Mesa Senior Center is at 695 W. 19th St. The coat Is $6 for members, $11 for nonmembers, $6 for kids. Tldtets go on aele Aug. 15 at the center's front destc and at Costa Mesa City Hall, on the third floor In the Recreation department. Information: (949) 645-2356. ONGOING OMle Senior Center hoede. pancake breelcfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m . on the eecond Saturday of f1\18ry month. BrukfMt Includes pancakes, sausage, coffee end orange jua for $3, $1 for c:Nldrttn. The center Is et 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more infonnetion, cell (948) &64-3244. -.. ............ _Join. diea..ion gtoup coonlNltad by Jewtth Ferntv SeMcle to eddf-.ta •--~ • an1dety, del:M'e•lon. ~. ~end t.nltv-The group ,,,.... from 10 to n:30 a.m. Monda.,. at the agency CJfllbs, 250 E. Baker St.. Suit9 G, C.O... Meet. Prwtgllblldon requiNd. (71') 448 ••• .... "' ......... ... compuW .... topeoplewfth fading vision who have difficulty seefng tfle computer ec:reen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offer& six session&. Call to sign up for ciauea. (1141821--5000. The to.ta,... s..llor c....r has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 1o:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St, Costa Meta. $4. (949) 548-3884. J9wieh F8mly s.mc. of arw. County sponsors an ongoing healing support g roup for the chronically ill. The pyrpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and Its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. The Coin and St.mp Club mNb from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Family~ off9rs ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a .m . Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. There's no cost to attend, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. 0..-Seniof c.nter °"*"' asaistance, counseling and referral services for seniors.. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mesi Senior Citinn Square and Roond Dance Club seetcs experienced dancers to join its group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center. 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 545-5669. Atthrttil Foundation insiNctor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St. Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. 0.. s..llor <Anter°"""'. daily telephone contact program for seniors who have a limit!Kf local support system. They also offer computer classes that teach the basics of Word, Oulc:ken, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. The 0..-5-*>r c.nter ofllrs. shuttle to take members to appointments and grooery shopping. The •hutde also takes members to the center. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. o.61 s.r'6or c..,w ~ vtsual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative, by appointment. (949) 644-3244. Oaieie s.lior Center has a walking group called Walkers Not Rodcers, which meets once •week to enjoy llCl8nlc walb In end around the Newport Beech area. (949) 644-3244. The~~.andGNf Support Group of Newport Villa West/Vitia Roea OC>41p()n90f"I a free tuppOft group meeting for caregivers at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted Living, 393 ~al Road, Newport Beach. (949) 631-3555. - The Ab:hetmer'a Alisn. and M.a · Terraoe, a residential community for peopJe with Alzheimer's disease and relat.ed dementia, offers a free support group for caregivers at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Mesa Temtce, 350 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. (714) 283-1111. Oasis Senior c..,w conducts blood pressure screenings from 9 to 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month in Room 3 at 800 Margueri1e Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Ouis Senior Center oh-a 1 Braille class to help with sight loss from 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays in Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave •. Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Jewish Senior Center °'*'9 card games from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m every third Tuesday. A kosher lunch is offered at noon for $3 per person. (714) 513-5641. ReviM your lhtime documents for advance health care directives al the Oasis Senior Center for $3 each. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Oasis Seniof Center ,,,,,... preventive healthcare services for seniors on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the center's Room HS-3, 900 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar. Call to make an appointment (949) 644-3244. Senion and &ow-income famYM. in the Costa Mesa·Newport Beach area can obtain free U.S. Department of Agriculture surplus food from 11 a.m. lo 3 p.m. the second Friday of each month in the rear parting lot at the Church of Christ, 740 W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa. Picture identification is required. (9491650-8236. Oasis Senior Center ofhws • counselor to assist with questions about Medicare, HMOs and supplemental and long-term care insurance. Call 'o make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Oatis Senior c.ntiw ofhws 1 m .. 1 program for members. Lunch is served daily from 11 :45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the multipyrpose room at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar. Home-<lelivered meals are available for homebound seniors. Reservations are required. (949) 644-3244. The AINnce for the Mentaly "' of Orange County provides education and emotional support for families with loved onas who are mentally ill. A free support group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a .m. every other Saturday at the Orange County Mental Health Clinic, 3116 Red Hill Ave .• Costa Mesa. (714) 850-8463. a.sis s.... c.,,., ..... rental of medical equipment - wheelchairs, walkers and more. 1949) 644-3244. The c-. Meu Senior c.ntiw offers preventive health care servicet for seniors from 91.m . to 2 p.m. Wednetdays and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. every other Tueeday, at 696 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. Call to make an appointment. (949) 64&-2356. The eo.c. Meu Senior c.n.. oner. couneellng, aafstance and referral services for Mniors, 696 W. 19th St., Cott. M818. (M9) 645-2356. fnday August 15, 200'3 A5 . HOW TO .G~ ~ -~: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMdws Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mel.5'tnd to dai/ypilot@lar1'"-.COm • All corrupondenoe must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves lhe right to edit all submi1S10ns for darny and length. READERS RESPOND· Marching to more than one beat· AT ISSUE: How Costa Mesa should have hand.Jed restrictions to a lesbian pride parade and a lawsuit fil ed by organizers. If the goal of lesbians is to persuade society to like and accept them, they got about it in a very strange way. Right now, I am furious with them and the American Civil Uberties Union for suing my city over legitimate, common-sense r~trictions placed on them for this Saturday's "Dyke March." The money required to address any lawsuit is significant, and that money should go for more important civic matters instead. MARIA SANCHEZ Cnsla Mesa Need a linJe incredulity tc> -.tart your day? How about the Gay & 1.esbian Community ~rvices Center of Orange County's plan 10 continue pressing Hs la~uit against Costa Mesa? This. despite the fal.'t the city backed off several of the permitting requirements for the group's OrMlge County Dyke March evenl. Aut hey, we've learned this much at lea'>t: Idiocy, spite, mean·spiritednrt., and an utter lack of grnce arc not exdusive lo the heterosexual rommunity. BYRON DE ARAKAL Co.-.ta M~ • EDfTOR'S NOTE: Byron de Arakal 1s a Costa Mesa Parks and Recreation comm1ss1oner and a former Daily Pilot columnist The city need') 10 adopt a comprehensive policy that i~ applicable 10 all marrhes. parades and rally's. The ciry of ( .osta Mesa should not bt> intimidated by Ute threac of a lawsuit when the safety of the taxpaying citizens is in question. STEPHEN 8. MADER Costa Mesa What is a "lesbian pride· parade all about? To many like myself, it is a distasteful display of ones sexual preference, which is not a reason to gather a group of exhibitionists and parade themselves in public. Unless. of course. they have a deeper agenda: ln this case to shock the mainstream family community of Costa Mesa and Newpon Beach. I would suspect that by using the ACLU 's muscle in obtaining their ·nghts,-the agenda is more to gather momencum and proselyti.7.e a lifesryle, rather than about "gay pride.· In the past, we have witnessed an attitude and dress of a lascivioui. nature accompanied with a dic;play of angry Jeering usually a.ssociared with these parades. "Gay pride" simply meam standing out and thumbing their nose at the !>ociety they live in, instead of joining in and becoming producuve members of a community. I think a.ny "..cxual prefereme· parade is inappropriate. So in answer to your question: No. the city ctid not malc.e the right dec1~ion in dropping re<1triction'I on th1c; Saturday's march. LIZ BROEDl.OW Newpon Beach I began my day angry early thi'i morning as I read the banner headline in The Daily Pilot, M ACW sues city on behalf or march" and the accompanying article about how the organizeN of the Orange County Dyk.e Man:h ace not happy with the terms the city has imposed on them for their march this month. r was really ticked off, with phrases such ~ ·Just who do they lhmk they are?" and "How dare they?" running through my head. My blood was boiling. Then it hit me. This is 1us1 what they want. If Lhey had not threatened d lawsuit at t.hc most recent Ci1y Council meeting, and if the ACLU had not followed up by filing one, this ·event·· would be ~cuing no puhl1ci1y at all. I low clever of them, ju:.1 a'> they did a year ago, to credte tht• provcrhial ·much ado about nothing" to whip up intere'>t in 1hb ·event" which otherWI~ would have very limited appeal in the community I low else could they generate intere .. 1 in an "event" thar , 1f memory serves, was '>parsely attended last year? How else could they expect to aruact people to thb "evenl" intended to ·promore visibility. empowermenc and equalny for lesbian, bisexual and tranSgender women in the county"? Without this free publicity. I s~pect the "Nehi Bottle Cap GoUectors of Orange County" would draw a larger crowd. So. I guess we can thank the news media -and those of us who react to it -for providing them the notoriety they need to pull this thing off. What a gullible bunch we are. GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa The 37th Annual Governor's Cup U.S . Junior Match Racing Championship Wiii be held August 14 -17 At Balboa Yacht Club Corona de I Mar The Daily Pilot is pleased to again be a Co-Sponsor of this internationally recognized yachting event fey the work:J's best competitive sailors under the age of 20. For the past 36 ye«s, this event has been held right here in local waters. Again this year, the Dally Pilot will be bringing It to yrur breakfast table every morning from August 14 thrrugh the 17th. Coverage will include daily results and stories on the racers coming from Australia, New Zealand crid from across the Ltlited States. A feature of this yeer's ccmpetltlO"l Is a fleet of newly deslQted and built boats, named the Governa's Cup 21 Class, which wlll be used for the first time. Both hulls and sells were destgied by BYC members, and the hulls were ~od.Jced In the local a""ea. You ~e Invited to come out on the water and enjoy watching these flne young sallas become future AmErlca's Cup skippers md crew. 'The 2 003 Gowrnor's Cup is c:o-1ponsaad by 80ATSWAJN'8 LOCKER 'We mh bt»ting m:Jffl l*•Ufllble,,,. )QJ"'/ YANMAR "OietNJ power frr your ••ilboat" I & THE DA I l Y P I LOT "'Servin g ths NwlportMlls• oanrrunities linca 1907H. Supported by Quiksilver and West Mi rlne. For more information, call Balboe Yectt Oub (949) 673-3515 ~E'l I ER ro THE EDITOR Marchers asking for equal rights I 'A fter reaclJ.ng Sharon WUliarnson's letter to the editor ("'Marth organiurs should think of community," Tuesday) r felt obllged 10 clarify why the Dyb March Organ.Wng Committee, the Center Orange CoWlty and the American Civil Liberties. Union continue to pursue JegaJ action against the city of Costa Mesa It is not, as Williamson suggests, for publicity or to pwh an agenda. Rather. h is for the protection of the rights of all community members and any organization which hopes to hold an event in the fine city of Costa Mesa I appreciate that Williamson has been through the permitting process with the city and l wish her much success with her event While it is true that the four conditions attached to her permjt are similar to four of the conctidons attached to the Dyke March permit, the march organizers and I feel I.bat the additional 17 condJtfons attached to the Dyke March permit are burdensome and unreasonable. The lesbian. gay. bibexual and transgender community has often been accused of • asking for special rights or. in Williamson's words. .. shoving our Interests down the throats or the public .• But the fact is, we are not asking to be treated any differently tlwl any other group which applies for a special events permit from the dty of Costa Mesa. We are ju.st ask:ing that aJJ groups be treated the same and be held to the same condJtions -condioons that do not interfere with any group's constituuonal right to free speech and peaceful assembly. We believe the city's permit scheme vests unbridled discretion in city officials ~ places unconstituuonaJ restnctions on I st Amendment nghts. we are fighting not only on our own behalf. but on behalf ol other groups who may foUow. Whether Williamson reali7.es it or not, we are fighting for her righu. as weU. As for Wllliamson'i admonition of the permit appttcam.s, I take no shame in drawing attention to the inequities and injustices of life when r see them and doing all I can to eliminate them. My parents, who raised me in Costa Mesa. taught me to stand up for not only my rights. but the rights or all people when they are trod upon. PAULBlANK Corona del Mar • EDITOR'S NOTE: Paul Blank •• the chairman of the board of the Gay, Lesbian. Bisexual and Transgender Communrty Services Center of 018nge County, the fourth largest suet\ communrty center in the United States HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Board: President Paul Berger. Vice President Armando Ruiz George Brown Jerry Panerson and Walter G How.aid, student trustee Madeline Levy Newport Beadl City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd Newport Beacn, CA 92663. (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Counal: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Distnct Office: 2985-A Bear St , Costa Mesa CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 COAST COMMUNJTY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 Superinteodem-Robert Barbot Board· President M artha Fluor, Vice Pres1den1 Dana Blad<, Clerk Serene Stokes, David Brooks Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Lmda Sneen Ch•ncellor. William M. Vega .----------• • • We've been doing great things for the past 1 0 years. Just ask Dr. Kim. • Wesley Kim M D • • • CHOC al M ISSIOn Chief of Stoff 1999-2000 "CHOC at Mission has been a major benefit to the f amihes of South Orange County. Since we opened our doors in • • l-993, we have greatly upgraded the care of Orange County kids. Over the past ten years we hove built up a full team of professionals with expertise in various areas o f pediatrics including our intensivists and other specialists. This has increased the quality of c are at the hospital and decreased the length of patient stays. Now, if children have to be hospitalized, they c an stay close to home instead of being far away from their families and friends." • • • • • • • .. 72 FRIDAY Puailt' on the-. Anttionv'I RIYef'boat ~estaurant in Newport Beech preMl'lts J..-8 on the aax on Friday end Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunc:tt. The program features all your favorites on the aaxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. . • SAT\JRDAY Remenco. The Barctey'a third annual New World Aamenco Festival contlnues through Sunday, offering perlormanc:es, worlcshops end outread'I activhiel From the traditional to the contemporary, the festival 1howc8aea the best of flamenco music, dance and song. For more lntormetlon. tidtet • prices and dates, c:,all (949) 854-4646 or visit www.(hebafC/ay.org. SUNDAY To boo°' not to boo. The city of Newport 8eadl and Newport 8Nd'I Repertory Theatre wlll present •The Haunting of Will Shllkespeere• et 1:30 and 8 p.m. on Saturday and at 1:30 p.m Su~. The play will be performed at the Newport. T}lealle Art Center et 2501 Cliff Drive. Tidtets are $9 for adults and S7 for student. and seniors. Information: (949) 633-1580 or (949) 644-3151. HOURS A6 Friday, August 15, 2003 MARK C. DUSTIN/DAILY PILOT Dady Pilot THEATER Taking her a c t on the road IJBBY. MonL -Shortly after earning thil. columni. accolade as the Daily Pilot's woman of the year in the<ller, Mary Sullivclfl Slade decided II wa:. time for a change. The actress and direclor. who'd amassetl a plethora of stage credits at the Newpon Theater Arts Center and surrounding playhouse.. took her al1 10 Montana. where she proceeded to enrich the lives of theater lover. in the nonhwestem comer of that state. She changed 1101 onty her venue, hut her name. TOM TITUS After a divorce and a remarriage. she's now billed as Mary Sullivan Reck.in Sarah Vure is the organizer of the photo exhibit "Woman: A Celebration" at the Orange County Museum of Art. Thw. far, she's performed and directed in three Montana communities -Bigfork from 1994 to 1999, Kali.spell from 1999 to 200 I, where she founded the Kalispell Repertory Theater, and Libby for the last two years. Now she'~ had in Kalispcn. having ju.st relocated with her husband of three months. Jerry. Doing women justice On the occasion of her finale m ubhy. 1 happened to be in t.hc audience, having flown 10 Montana Oil vctcation with my lady friend. who was born and raised m that UttJe comer of the world. Since 1 jbby was just a two-hour drive from her home town of Whitefish. we couldn't resist. Peter Fetterman's collection of portraits from the 19th and 20th Centuries is featured at the Orange County Museum of Art The show -in which Mary both directed and perfomied -was "Jerry':> Girls," a compilation of musicaJ number. from Broadway composer Jerry l lerman. whose creations include "Mame" and "Hello, Dolly." Mary enacted both thC>l>t! heroines with her usual professional polish. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T hey are smiling, aying, loving and mowning. They nurrure, excite. infuriate and toil. They are women, and their beauty has been captured, one frame at a time, in a breath raking exhibit of photographs on display at the Orange County Museum of Art. Adorning the walls of the Newpon Beach museum is "Woman: A Celebration: Photographs from the CoUection of Peter Fenerman. • It is a survey of some of the most memorable portraits of women famous and unknown from the mid-19th century through the ZOth. museum spokesman Brian Langston said ·Everybody knows women." · museum curator Sarah Vure said "I think the emotion that is captured in these photos is something everyone can 11?late to.· There are those who are unfamiliar with the arts. with exhibits and with museums. but nobody is i.mfamillar with women. Anyone who knows a woman. has ever loved a woman or is a woman can find something moving at this exhibit. Vu.re said People are sunounded by phocographs all the time, Vu.re said - in magazines, on the Internet and on bUlboards. But Fettermans coUection introduces people to a world of photography before digital enhancement The exhibit has images of Mother Thresa. Helen KeUer, Billie Holiday. Katharine Hepburn and other women. unknown but equally radiant ~men are shown with their children. hald at work. in times of war and times of jubilation. Some photographs follow women through their Uves. Shots of gi$ with cherub faces framed by flowing loclcs lead up to shots of mature, knowing women with lines that represent experience. ·The Women depicted embody the human experience and are portrayed in various roles," Lan&'ton said. "There are traditional porttalts and nudes, compositions of women at FYI The collection is on display now until Jan. 4 in the Pick/Laudati Gallery in the main museum at 850 Sao Clemente Drive, Newport Beacti. For more information, call (949) 759-1122. woric and at play, icons of timeless beauty. and picture, of powerful individuals who have changed the world." All photographs in the exhibit are reproduced in the accompanying book of the same title, published by Ouonide Booh San Francisco. TI1e volume is edited by k?tterman. who single-handedly collected the more than 100 photographs in the exhibit "I .have known Peter Fetterman and have been to his gallery in Santa Monica and be has shown me these wonderful photographs in the past." Vure said. "When he told me he was working on a book on them and we had an opportunity to show them as a collection, it was just too good to pass up." BEST BITES LISETTE MODEL Lisette Model's ·cafe Metropolr, New York, c .1946 • is one of the wol1<s on disptay in the photo exhibit "Woman: A Celebration.· At the curtain call there were terus and flowers to spare. since the Libby audience was aware that this w.l.'> Mary's farewell appearance. Libby's los.-. will be KalispelJ'o; ~· Audiences in Newpon-Mesa an<l the surrounding area have been treated to Mary's talent for more than three decade5 -as Margo Channing in "Applause." Madame Hortense in "Zorba .. and in the tide role of "Mame." She also directed the critically acclaimed premiere of ·A • Distance From Calcuna" at the Newport Theater Ans Center in 1996 during a return visit lO Newport. During her stint in Libby, Mary treated audiences lo such productions as "Steel Magnolias." ·The Octette Bridge Oub" af\d -rhe White Am7N' -a mu.sical version of the Robin Hood legend written by local director and playwright Kent Johnson, which had premiered in Newport. She also brought another locally born piece to Sff ntEATER, P•1• A8 Zinc makes a great addition to diet . .,. E uropean comer caf& are sometimes called •te zinc," which refers to their zinc-covered tables and counters. John Secretan, Zinc: CaM • Marbt'I owner, borrowed the expression for his three popular vegetarian cafH. John's first caf ~ Is on Ocean Avenue ln Laguna Beach. There's another on South Cedros in Solana Beach. The third ls on Coast Highway In Corona de1 Mar. He wanted 1 relaxing environment for nefgbbon to feel comfortable. A8 ln Europe, be Uaet onJy the finest in-season frultJ and vegetables. (He'• a third-generation vegetarian.) 7Jnc serwt breakfut. lunch and dessert dalty and, new to Laguna onty, diMen 1bunday throucb S.turdq. Corona del Man Zinc Calf• FYI At Zinc C.t• & Martet. breakfast la Mrved undl 11 a.m. Monday through Friday. and until 11 :46 a.m. an Saturday and Sund-v. Lunch Is Mrved from · 11:15p.m. Monct.ythrough Friday and from noon Saturdey end Sonday. Zinc Ca1' la open from 7 a.m.'to 4 p.m. Mondwf through ffidey; and from 7 1.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sonday. Ztnc Market la open from ? a.m. to 6 p.m, MoncNv through Friday; Ind from e a.m. to 5 p.m. S..Urdtv Ind Sunday. 3222 E. Co.c Hlgtwny, Coron• cW Mer. (Mt) 71 .. 9482. www~.com. M&ltel opened In November. The large calf hll tndoor and outdoor -ans. The cWc:or i. ln calm aaupe IDd belie IOMt with vaulted ceWnp ... and. of course, zinc-covered tables and counters. Zinc's casual, relaxed almosphere has so much appeal to those who have leisure time. as well as busy residents who rush in for coffee, gifts and gourmet foods 10 go. The caf~ and market are separate. The market aide has self-serve lunches to go. (Soon It will have more refrigerated foods.) The coffee bar serves premium Peet's coffee and stx of the hlgbeat quality who.le Jeaf teas -never tea hap. The market apeci.all7.es 1n hand-telected home acceaoriet and takeout foods for tmall end la.rje groups. The selection lncludet lmponed floe portt&aln, pUloWa, coot.boc>b, vuet Ind beeudful c:andlel. Cont.alnttl an tlDad with dfffereat (eoclt dally. 1beie could tie anything from dellcloUJ routed tomato salsa to unforgettable Tuscan white bean soup. It's well known for Its Zinc vinaigrette and homemade granola (a mixture of oata, pecans, almonds, wheat germ aesame teedJ. coconut, orange rind, butter, brown sugar and vanilla). Customers can order food at the counter and then plckup drinb. Food la brought to a.blea by Mlftn. Prepared foodt caa be:::•• rrd at one of the re .... In -of the ca.ft, menu boardl bMI abcwe than. and Unet form b9llind Ille~ door. FreeNlltfllf .... MtVe,.._ .. offered on the fir llde o1.-tm. Por the breakfut ud lunch IUllb. lhere" a qulck-tene drink .• J*ICl'Y bit. nae ... ,........-. heavy on clliryproducta. ..... ~ I aelectJon. There are appetizers, : mu_ffins,.scones and put.rles. soups.: sandwiches, salada, entrees and desaerts. Most restaurants wtth extenlive menus have a hard time : aucceeding at every dlsh, but Zinc : manages fine. Even people who aren't vegetarians love ll 1 AU llema offer an original twist. Even the fruit saJad bas been marinated ln honey, ctnnamon, ormp rat and mint. , . Alfde fr'om the .. dlahet, 7Jnc'a I other protetn·dde fOodiftnttu• : bMed ... -Cano( •dr·fry (S8 pe( ....->:'°'bean with ahallou Pd • thjme (S8 per pound): Zinc bwpt l With oruona. mUlltroo-. celery, oa .. Wl.lnull, f111. l'llOaarela dlleM fDJ ._lllT,.._M • .,.. . '*' .- . , ..... ---- Daily Piiot HAPP EN I NGS Friday, August 15, 2003 A7 'S .W.A.T.,' 'Castle' work, and then don't Realism sets 'S.W.A.T.' apart at ti mes Oark )ohnMm hai. directed :.everal t'p boucs of IV's best crimt: drarnai., including "I.aw and Order: "NYl'D Blue." JOHN DEPKO "l lomicide" and "Th e Wire." Clark brings the same gritty realism found in these shows to hit. big screen effort in "S.W.A. r: which seti. 11 apart from the m ind numbing demolition derby a1 Lhe center of m ost blockbu'>tt'r police LhriUers. The cop ... seem to be real people, not cartoon superheroes. We see a thoughtful prei.entallon of the actual training that S. W.A."I. team members must comple te Most of the hoMage situatwn .. they tmcounter could come from today's headline'>, aJthoui.;h event-. tum a lillle preposterous by the end. Thal said, there\ 110 douht this cop/buddy m ovie ha., been done many time., beforr. fheir plots are \O sirmlar. 11\ ama1.ing that any 'itudio will pay a '>creenwriter to churn 0111 yet ,m o ther version of th1 '> same old story. We have an old gni'.:dl'd veteran mentoring younger 1deaJ1s11c cop'>. They're hard, they're mean and they're the l>est on Lhe force. Of course, their boss think..:, they're JW>I cowboys who need to be disciplined and controlled Samuel I .. Jack.son 1s excellent a'> tht: legendary veteran. Cohn rarrell and Mk helle HodriKtJez are well caM as the iunior members of the team. fhcy bring some depth and humanity to the characters. but they all must operate within the narrow rnnf111e1> of the predictable plot. I heir tough job-; cau'>e AFTER HOURS ~ Submrt AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744295. A complete list is available at www.dailypifot.com. MUSIC NEW WORLD FLAMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New World Flamenco Festival will be two full weeks, through Sunday. offering performances. workshops and outreach activities. From the traditional to the contemporary, the festival showcases the best of flamenco music, dance and song. For more information, tidcet prices and dates. call (949) 854-4646 or visit www.theNrclay.orp. 'A NfGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Padfic Symphony's Richard Kaufman will conduct "A Night at the Oscars" at 8 p.m. Aug. 2i It's an evening of legendary film dusics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony · playing the aoundtradt five. The concert is produced by nine-tlme problem:. in their person al live\, bringing more mtense bonding with their ':>.W.A I. team member'>. Thcrt' are life and death deci!>iom. to be made. r here are evil villains who need to be captured or killed. There are bone-crunching fight .. cene .. l here are car chases that net·d to happen accompanied by very loud music. They <)o Lh1s all in "S.W.A."1.." and they do it pretty well, if you like thi!> sort of thing. It's a money-making big !>Creen version of the old 1V show with big-budget i.peciaJ effects. A com petent and amusi ng d1 ver~iun , but only for fan'> of the genre . Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert 1s at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Tidcets cost $75 to $375. For information, call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. 'SING-~LONG SOUND OF MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out audiences around the wor1d, "Sing-a·long Sound of Music· 1s coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 1 p.m. Aug. 22 and 23 and at 1 p.m. Aug. 24. Tidcets cost $1 2 to $22 and can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information. call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d. lang will perform at the Orange Co~mty Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall a1 8 p.m. Sept 6. Tidcets cost $46 to $70. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tidcets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at www.ocpac.org. CHRISISAAK Chris Isaak will perform at the NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA WBY IOTTIY ... 11•1•1~1 lnllll'1, Pr• M, P111~ 1111111, 1111 ·u.1:rt;· 1111'1 -I ' 'r A I l . llmlllllllmel blcll~•· D.-c1 II '-•lllli • JOHN DEPKO 1s a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator for the Orange County public defender's office ·ai ti e· ri~c~ and Lhen deflates On a lovt'ly '>Umnwr'c; day. an cl·centnc Hnt1\h family 1.omi!>ting of two girls. one buy. a mother and a falher are motoring through the English coun1 ry.,ide when they come aero'>'> an abandoned castle topped with a turret -if no t a complctt.• roof. 1 he lhildren love 11. of courw. and a re dl'lii.;h1ed when the fattier agrt'e'> to tht.>1r Wt\h to claim Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m . Sept. 14 Tidcets cost S46 to $82 The Cilnter 1s at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tidcets are available at the center's box offieil, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at www.ocpac.org. TCHAJKOVSKY'S GREATEST HITS Conductor Carl St. Clair leads the Pacific Symphony in "Tchaikovsky's Greatest Hits:· an all Tchaikovsky program. at 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Special guest pianist Vardan Mamikonian will perform "Piano Concerto No.1. The evening starts with the Polonaise from Eugene Onegin and the Suite from ·swan Lake," and ends with the rousing "1812 Overture· with cannons and fireworks. Tidtets cost $75 to $375. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphilheater in Irvine. Information: (714) 755-5799, www.pacificsymphony.org. JAZZTRto Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and COMING SOON JUNE FENNER the l"J\tle J'> I hl'I r llWll "I C<1pturt· tht· CJstle What thl' duldren don't rl'.:ih1e "thdt thl' falhl'r hd\ no uthl'r lllt.'Jll\ tu put J roof OYN their he<1d'>. What hdd hl'l.'ll ,1 .. u ccessful caret·r as J wntt.·r ha'> crumbled unt.kr that wor'>t tJI crcau vt.• fl'ar... vHlll"r\ blulk It i'>n't thu1 ht.' c.111 no longl'r wntt.' great book ... I It.• l .111·1 even generute a rt•.tdahle \l'n tence. 6 to 10 p.m Monday through Wednesday (949) 718-0188 WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m every week. #Wanted" musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers , drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newpart Beach. Free (9491675-n60. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newpart at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 1 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free Information: (949) 673-9500 MUSIC AT TME GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET~ONE Karastan • Lees • Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairborne And Much More AJJ ... thl· fJther.., bd1l'f thal lift: in a t umblt.-<l <luwn t.a.,tle will help h1111 dl'>lmer h1., lu.,t gift., for v.n11ng pro1.e., fuule Yt.•Jr" roll b>-. the children grow up and thl• ne>.1 th1ng we know. the two .,1.,ter., .:ire young l,ulie.,, ht.•out1ful to look al. if a 1111 l't. centn c d\ J re!>ull of their yeJr.. of 1 .. olatwn. l.ntcr the herue'>. ·1wo young llll'n dnvmg a handwme m .id'>tt.'r appl'ar al the Cd'>tle one day fhey dft:' 1m111ed1ately charmed by lhe two lovely lad1c•., who havt-been living 1n tlwir ta'>tlc. It appear., the two broth er.,· famtl) own., Jll'l about .ill the '>llrrounding area I he -.iage " \l'l. We have luvl'ly. MUSIC AT TliE PELICAN The Rusty ~ehcan offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m to 12:30 a m. Fnday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 w. Coast Highway. Newport Beach Free (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offeri ng live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players 1s at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa No cover charge (94.9) 646-5615 WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday a nd Saturday evenings and Sunday for brundl. The program features all your favo"tes on the saxophone. Anthony's 1s at 151 E Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante. 3520 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco Jackie Chan stars as Inspector Eddie Yang in the Tnstar Picture s action comedy "The Medalhon • but 1mpovt'rt'>ht:'d ht-rn1m·-. dnd d1drm111g dnd \' t•dhh) lu:rot•., Hoth brutht:r'> f111d hoth '"tcr'> dppeaJmg '>o far. '>O good IJp until nm". the c,tor-,1 and 11'> t hdrdt. tC:'r\ hd\t' bet.'n delightfully quirk) .. chJrmmg and lun At th1., point, \Onwone mu.,t have felt that the '>tory nt:edt'd a noblt' re.,olu11on. I lelt a:. though someone had lei all tht' air out of cJ bt'au11ful halloon In all fa1rnt''"· I will repon that not everyone in tlw aud1emt' 'ihart'd my rl·act1011 • JUNE FENNER. a Costd M esa resident. 1s vice president of a wor~ force training company tunes at 7:30 p .m Tuesdays and Sundays Free (94.9) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT Ra..B Gerald lsh1bash1 and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m Saturdays at Sunon Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd , Newport Beach Free (949) 476-2001 STAGE 'THE SNOW QUEEN' South Coast Repertory 1s featuring "The Snow Queen· by Hans Christian Andersen Aug 23 and 24 with perfo rmances at 1 and 4 p.m. both days in the Nicholas Studio. Tidcets are $5 South Coast Repertory 1s at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa For t1dcets o r information. call (714) 708-5555 'CHICAGO' Kander and Ebb's hugely popular ·chicago" will be performed at 8 p.m. Aug 26 through 29, at 2 and 8 p .m. Aug 30, and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Aug 31 at Orange County Performing AIU Center's SegerS1rom Hall. Tldtets cost $28. 75 to $65. 75. They can be See HOURS, Pqe A8 ...., .... ..... , ..... ---' . . - 1 . .. M F'ndly, Aujust 15, 2003 HAPP EN INGS Montanans -the children'.s play "The Pale Pink Dragon." written by the late Costa Mesa Ovic Playhouse founder Pati l8mbe1lini. "I was bom and raised in Orange Cowtty, and it wdS home througl\ l994," she remarked. Mary began performing while attending Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana and continued in Santa Ana C.Ollege. playing the lead.Ing role of Fiona in "Brigadoon." She began her career as a musical theater performer in Gilben and Sullivan and Victor Herbert operettas. Costa Mesa Ovic Playhouse audiences will recall her headlining stints in such 011.Wcals as "Somet.hing's Afoot" and "CalJ Me Madam_• And while life in Montana suits her quite nicely. it's doubtful that local audiences have seen lfle lru.'t ·of Mary Sullivan Red:in. As one of our gubernatorial candidates once remarlced. "l'll be back.• A production of the two-character dramatic comedy "lettice and Lavage" with local lwninary Teri Ciranna has been mentioned as a possibility for the arts center. 'Tm all for it," she declared. "Tull (arts center President! Rae C.Ohen if she wanis me to do it, I'll be there." •TOM TITUS writes about and reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His stories appear Fridays. Mary Sullivan Reckin, once The Daily Pilot's woman of the year in theater. has been directing and performing in productions in cities in Montana for the last nine years .. BEST Continued from A6 herbs are Sl.95 per patty; and seitan, a firm, flavorless wheat gluten food, sometimes caJled wheat meat, with mushroom-;, green onions. fresh ginger. olive oil and lemon zest ($8 per pound) Favorite breakfast items are the huevos rancheros with papaya-mango saJsa ($6.95); Zinc's muesli with oats, yogurt and berries/seasonal fruit ($4.95 to $5.95). Other choice~ are the-poaehed eggs orHoa<tt ($4.50) single, ($4.95) double and heaJLhy breakfast plate (low fat and high protein) scrambled egg whites served with black beans and brown rice ($6.50). All egg dishes can substitute egg whites for an additionaJ charge. Try a treat from the extensive breakfas t pastries. There are breakfast oak cakes ($1.95). scones in sour cherry. almond. and currant scones ($1.95). mini-scones ($1.50). and caneUa (cinnamon twists) ($2.25). At lunch, the cafe has entrees such as the eggplant parmesan. vegetable lasagna with bechamel sau ce, or the twice baked potato. Or try the black bean chili. or the rotating selection of Moroccan pasta or mushroom nut loaf. polenta. served with a side of mixed greens and feta cheese ($7.25). There are eight pizzettes, personal pizzas ($6.95); and seven wonderful sandwiches, including the Zinc burger and the mixed vegetable w hich is pain rustique bread fiJled with thinly sliced fennel, celery, radish, red and green bell peppers, aioli, olive tapenadc, arugula. hard boiled egg and vinaigrette ($6. 75). Best selling in-season prepared foods include m y favorite, baJsamic roasted vegetables, a mixture of Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, squas h and beets; and a gourmet version of macaroni c.1.nd tht·ese with rosemary. parmesan , fonuna and white cheddar cheese ($5.25); or eggplant parmesan with low-fat ricotta, parmesan a nd fresh tomato sauce ($5.25). or stuffed bell pepper with wild and brown rice in a creamy blend of Swiss chard, c urry, mus hrooms, onion. jaJapeno and fresh herbs ($6.95). All are great selections. Th e delicious cakes are baked in Laguna. They're available by the ~lice or whole. There are 23 cakes to choose from. There·~ an almond pound ettke \"lith citrus neam chet>i.t' and coconut fro:-.ting ($25). JtaJian Mandorlatta cake ($25). Oour-les:. chocolate cake with creme Anglaise ($35), German ch ocolate cake ($:i5), fresh ginger cake with creamed lemon curd ($25) and sponge cake with whipp ed cream and ricotta cheese frosting ($35 to $45). Popular treats for kid'> and adults are the rich chocolate brownies and large pecan cookies with citrus frol>ting. Cafe foods can be ordered in any quantity for take out. Private catering food~ are served on Apilco while porcelain dishel>. Zinc offers deliveries for breakfast and lunch items. The cafe even has a wonderful prearranged takeout menu for Thanksgiving and Ouistmas. RIBBJN' FOR 20 YEARS The Newport Rjb Co. is celebrating 20 years of sNving great barbecued ribs. Th e locals' favorite rib resraurant serve:-tasty dinners daiJy. and lunches. 100, on weekendl>. lt also has popular takeout party packs, i<leaJ for summer entertainin g. The convenient dinners include baby back rib-.. barbecued chicken, Lo uisiana hot sausage, sliced brisket. cornbread . two sides and all utensils. A Pig Pack can feed six to eight hungry people for $59 95; and a Hog Pack can feed nine to 12 for $74.95. The DOGGIE DAY CAMP 11 fHr 409 1 PARTY AMIMAl? If,. 11114 tho• to WAOllllO TAILS DAY CAMP for FUM 1114 FROLIC. Olva th1111 the tpptrt. .. ity to play •Ith ,., ..... , .11 .... . For •tr• l1fo,.1tiH , ......... -(t4t)- 617-SOOI .... ,. ....... l-414 side dishes include barbecued beans. coleslaw, potato salad, chili, dirty rice and garlic mashed potatoc~. Its latest party packs are the ¥U-Que Pak" and "U-Remote-Q." ·m ese new takeout meals can be grilled at h ome, on fishing trips. while camping, at the beach and at a picnic. Both packs offer the same great food, but only the "U-Remote-Q" comes wilh grilling, serving and eating utensils. napkins and cleanup item:.. The packs include savory meats cooked, cold and ready to grill, its famous barbec:ue sauce. tasty side dishes and easy to follow cooking instructions. Prices start at $59.95. The Newport Rib Co. is open from 4 to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday; and from noon to JO p.m. Saturday and Sunday at 2196 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 631-211 O. www.newportribcompany.com. 1rs BLUES TIME Some of Costa Mec;a's top-rated restaurants are participating in 1hc annual "Hot Blues on a Cool Summer Night" event from 5 w 9 p.m. Wednei.day at South Coast Plaza Village. The annual alfresco fund-raiser will b enefi1 the Center Stage Olapter of lhe Guild . ., of the Orange County Performing Arts Centet. The entertainment will be provided by Steve Cop eland & Raging Sun, and dining will be provided by Antonello rustorante, the Bluewater Grill. Maggiano's Little llaJy. Nello Cucina, Z'Tejas, Pinot Provence, Quanro Cafe. Royal Kyhber. the Oubhouse and Vie de France. Sweets and drinks will come from the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and Haagen -Dazs. Tickets are $40 per person in advance or $50 at the door. ww1u.cen1erstage.org. •BEST BrTES runs every Friday. Greer Wylder can be reached at greerwylder@yahoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. purdlased et the Center box office or et ~.ocpac.orp. The Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive In Costa Meta. Information: (714) 55&-ARTS. 'THE LAST NIGHT OF BALLYHOO' South Coast Repertory will present "The Last Night of Ballyhoo" at Segerstrom Stage Aug. 29 through Oct. 5. The performance Is set In 1939 in Atlanta, when the war on the minds of the locals is the Civil War, as depicted In "Gone with the Wind: But for Lala and her familv. aothin,g could be more· important than her debut at Ballyhoo, a dance thrown by the e lite Jewish Society. Ti<*ets are $19 to $55. Call for curtain tlmes. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Or. in Costa Mesa. Information or ti<*ets: (714) 708~5555. DENNIS MILLER LIVE Comedian, author and five-time Emmy Award winner Dennis Miller will make his enter debut in Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept 13. Ti<*ets cost $36 to $66. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. 'SOME MEN NEED HELP' Orange Coast College's Theatre department opens with John f-ord Noonan's two-person play "Some Men Need Help:' The play, about a young alcoholic, will be produced and directed by the college's Repertory Theatre Company. The production will run Sept 13 and 14 and 20 and 21 in the Orama Lab Studio. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Show times and ti<*ets: (714) 432-5640. 'JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR' "Jesus Christ Superstar~ is coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall Sept. 16 through Sept 21. It was the first masterpiece from the legendary team of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. This landmark show, which premiered in 1971, chronicles the last seven days in the life of Jesus of Nazareth as seen through the Byes of his disciple, Judas Iscariot, who has become disillusioned with the movement. Ti<*ets are from $27.75 to $64.75. Tidcets can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-AATS. 'ANNA IN THE TROPICS' South Coast Repertory will present "Anna in the Tropics" Sept 18 through Oct. 19 on the Julianne Argyros stage. The Pulitzer Prize-winning play is about the laS1 of the Cuban American cigar makers dinging to their way of life in the midS1 of the Depression. Most performances are at 7:45 p.m .. except for Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Ti<*ets are $19 to $55. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information or tidcets: (714) 7()8..5555. 'TEN OR LESS FESTIVAL' Orange Coast College's Repertory will offer its "Ten or Less Festival" on Oct. 4, 5, 11and12 in the Drama Lab Studio. The festival will feature a plays that are 10 minutes long or shorter. The plays will be selected, directed and performed by students. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Ti<*ets and infonnation: (714) 432-5640. ART ANDRE MtRIPOLSKY Bayside Gallery Restaurant, at 900 81y1lde Drive In Newport ea , 1 0 ermga exhibition showcasing the worlca of artist Andre Miripolsky now through September. Information: (949) 851-9181. DANCE OCCSUMMER JAZZ DANCE CLASS Orange Coast College is offering a sl><·part, noncredit dance class for high beginner and intermediate dancers. Designed for dancers 15 years old and older. the class will focus on technique, progressions, tums, jumps and a repertoire of combinations. To register, go to the bursar's office, ne>C1 to the Student Center Building. The fee is $75. Class meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays through this week in OCC's Dance Studio C. 'SUPPER AT TIFFANY GALA South Coast Repertory's "Supper at Tiffany' Gala is from 6:30 p.m. to midnight Sept 20 at the Tiffany & Co. at South Coast Plaza. The gala will celebrate the landmark 40th season and the 15th anniversary of Tiffany's South Coast Plaza store. The evening will begin with a reception inside the newly refurbished store and continue with dinner and dancing in an adjoining tent Information: (714) 708-5504. SWING Lessons are given from 2 to 6 p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. Information: ocswing.com, (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClinto<* Way. Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. P JS AND BOOKS A children's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Dri ve, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m . Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432·7~54. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m . Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport. Beach, $10-$15. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Dail'/ Piiot Beach. $8•$16. (949) 642-3431. 1WIUGHT DHNG A twilight dining menu. fe•turing dishes such H chl<*en parmigiana and calamari plcante at reduced prioes. Is offered from 6 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINI TASTINGS HI-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. $30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTACOFf£E Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St., Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2770. BISTR0 201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201 , 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is perfonned after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rod< is presented after 9 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1n3 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5550. DURTY NEUY'S Live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hill Ave .• Costa Mesa. (714, 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 759-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Live music is performed Sundays at Hard Ro<* Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live musk is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmichael's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UOO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with yoor drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Vi• Lido, Suite 0 , Newport Beach. (949)7~95. MARGARITAV1UE Live music is performed at Margaritavflle, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Mo('occan cuisine end belly dancing la offered at 5 p.m. dally at Memitelh, 1976 Newport Btvd .. Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. PRINllNG O,...N ........ 435 N. COlll ~ U..-8-:.h hgta ptlll.~com Pkll..,ao•s•r , ... ~~ •W.'*tOD .. ,...... • ....... ,._ • 1-3 0.... or_,,. • Fol • ~-... • M CGlar BUJEP8IN1'ING ·lArll~·Oiid ...... •t+'8olldC°'*9 &.II~~,,.. ... ., ....... ~ .... .... COPYING •U.. ........ ~., .• • 600dpl x...,....,c,.... •MWO.-= ....... ~ •'---•.Nil •a... ..... ·~. C'Alw°""99* .Mia .... -•••w _ _... ,...,. ,... n ·-new -'_,_,_ ---~ ~ '--------~-----------------------------~---------'-'--- QUOTE OF THE DAY "/think it's awesome. There are three televised N events: Manhattan ' Huntington and Chicago." Dally Pilot Mitty aby, pro beach volleyban standout Sports Editor Rlchwd Dunn; (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-01 70 PRO BEACH VOLLEYBALL Aue 18 honoree DON BEATTY Friday, August 15. 2003 A9 Zooll)ing in on perfection Newport Ha rbor High product Misty May and teammate Kerri Walsh have yet to lose a match on the A VP Tour this season. Patrick Laverty Da1tyP1lot 0 n the Assoc1a11on of Volleyball Profe~ional!. Pro Beach Volleyball To.ur Web s11e. the current poll question asks whclher Misty May and Kerri Walsh will go undefeated Lhis !.ea'>on. The three multiple choice am.were; are rather simple: Ye~. no and no, but they will win every title. Bui in answering Lhe que~lion herself, May wasn't as straightforward. "I would like 10 !Kly·yci.. but I don't want to jinx time I'm 30." May said. anything," May said. fhe fact Lhat 'iOmelhing might be jinxed afier five tournaments is quite unbelievable in itself. May. a Newpon I !arbor I ligh graduate. and Walsh have played in five tournaments this season going into Lhis weekend's Hunti ngton Beach Open and Lhey've won .ill five. They've played 26 matches in those five tournaments and won all 26. In just three of those 26 matches have they even gone Lhree sets. "I'm 26. I told Kerri if we play three sets it'<; going 10 give me a coronary by the It's easy to joke when a team is as dominant as May and Walsh have been this season, but opponents can't be laughing. especially when May insists that the duo still has a 101 to learn. "We're young." May sa.id. "We're still learning a lot and growing together as a team. This is just our third year together. We're not halfway there, especially in this game. I think you can't learn GERT £GGENBERG£R ASSOCIArED f>RE SS Kerri Walsh. left, and Misty May, back row, combine to form the top women's pro beach volleyball team on the AVP Tour, winning all 26 matches this season. May, a former prep All-American and CIF Player of the Year out of Newport Harbor High, and Wal sh play this week m Huntington Beach. enough." ·n1a1 has to be a t.eary though for opponents considering May and Walsh finished fi rst or ~ond in 19 of 29 1oumamen~ in their first two years together. But this is their first '>Cason playing on the AVP Tour afier playing wlely on the international beach circuit last year. They had thought about playing on the Amencan to ur last season. but May was still recovering from recbns tructive surgery on her Jenee. a result of a lorn posterior cruciate ligament she suffered while at Long Beach Stale in 1996 and couldn't handle a heavy schedule that CHECKING OUT would have had her playing nearly every weekend. The wail proved forruitou as May has capitalized on the recent convergence of television and pro beach volleyball She wa'> a pan of the first AVP women's final to be televised live two weeks ago al Manhattan Beach Lilce the proceeding four AVP tournaments this season. May and Walsh were crowned champion!>. The Huntington Beach Open women's final is set lo be televised live Saturday at I ;JO p.m. and May and Walsh are expected 10 be competing in that final "I think it'i. awe'iOme." May ..aid. "There fare! three televised NBC events· Manhattan. Huntington and Chicago. That definitely helps. not only with individual spon..or5h1ps. but 11 help'> the tour too." Having competed against each other c;ince high school, May and Wahh bolh moved on to the beach from the indoor game m Lhe pa'>t few yecw., another factor in their conunued de,elopment At 6-foot-3. Walsh combinl'<> well ,,,th the 5-foot -10 May. "She's a great athlete e.,pec1aJI~ for .,omeone See MAY, Paee AlO COLLEGE SOCCER Anteater men third in Big West coach poll The UC lrvtne men's soccer team has been pided third in the Big West Con- ference in this year's preseason coaches' poU. The Anteaters picked up one 6rst- place vote and edged CaJ late FUllerton by a half poin t in the poll for third. UC Santa Barbara was selected 10 three-peat as champions. The Gauchos received four of the six first-place votes. Cal State North.ridge, who finished sec- ond ln the Big West last season, was picked to finish second and received one first-place vote. UCI finished 8-8_. last season overall with a 3-4-3 record in the Big West for fourth place. The Anteaters return sec- ond-team All-Big West selection An- thony V'll.C8ml. a senior mldfielda They also return All-Big West honorable mention honorees senior defender Chris Ruiz. junior mJd.fielder Dardo Acuna and junior goalkeeper Cameron Rossi. SEAN HUER I OM.Y Pl.OT Dawn Payne, who believes success motivates athletes and coaches, is beginning her second 'fe• as pts athletiC director at Corona ~ Mar High. The Anteaters open the lft900 host- ing the ua College aa.ic Aug. 30 and Sept. l ..,..m.st Fresno State and Ala- bama MM. ~ayne primed to make impact at CdM After learning the ropes, she has big plans for her second year as girls athletic director. tmplemeat ~ii"* rorur. up her edmlNIUalM ~ ..................... oppartliiiilly IO JU'llll ID my mreer. • Mkl..,... wbo ~ID CdM Weft tbl 2001 "°2 tdlool JW ... ~ one 1W • lntne .... A..,... UC Irvine women fourth in~ rankings lbe UC Irvine women'• eoccer team bu been pkked fourth ln th.ii ~ .. praeuon Bae West Confermce co.dl· et' poll. The Anteaten tdled OUl ~ 8ellCb State .. fourth ..... br -pOIDL UC SMca lllit.a bell• Oil NJ -..... <*'fO .,, .............. lrit plKe. ad IWD 19Clt&W fDlir .. pMcli --Oil Sim p I --~ ................ . f AlO Fridaiy, Au1U$t 15, 2003 XGAMES Costa Mesa's da Silva winsfirst competition Sh~ win s women• s aggressive ·-li ne park title at Staples Center on Thursday. • Fabiola da Silva. a Costa Mesa resident. won the women's ~ive in·lin"-"park title in X Games DC a~ the~pl~ Center in Los Angeles olMihursday. Competing in ... first event of ilie X Games,:E, a arw:ruan na red 60.50 points. edging Jenny Logue, who scored 59.75. Logue is from Great Britain. . street-oriented obstacles. Each athlete takes two 60-second runs and Is judged on a point system fo r their performances. The greater score of the two runs is given as the competitor's best score. Da Silva is one of the most recognizable athletes of the X Games. She will also compete in the aggressive in-line vert final Sunday at I :30, also at the Staples Center. MARKC. DUSTIN/OAILYPiLOT The Corona del Mar High girls coaching s1aff includes, from left, Mike Starkweather (golf), Scott Feichter (tennis), Doug Voiding (swimming), Bill Christiansen (volleyball), James Barkalow (basketball) and Bill Sumner (track and field and cross country). The aggresslvt;<ln-line park co~petition features a course that is comprised of ledges, handrails, wedge ramps. quarter pip~s. spine ramps and The X Games continue today with the skateboard vert doubles final, which will include Costa Mesa's Rune Glliberg and Olris Gentry. In the skateboard vert doubles skaters piclc their own panners and try to create unique lines togeLher. Partners get a greater number of points for teamwork.. CHECKING Continued from A9 be in a po-;lllon ofleaderstup and is also keenly aware 1hat her title help~ position her as a role model for her athle1e~. "It's important for girli. to have role models,· sajd P·ayne. who believes athletics i!i. a cruciaJ pan of the educational experience. "'I thinlc athletics are invaluable," she said. "What we're crying to do in the schools is teach students how to contribute to society. All the skills that are functional in life can be represented in athletics. Athletics teaches kids to set goals, overcome defeat and work hard." Hard work is something that comes in handy for Payne, who said it took her until about midway through the school year before sh e was fully versed on her various responsibilities. "It's a huge learning curve," she said. Those duties include coordinating transportation. officials, scheduling. hiring coaches and trying to emphasize with her coachei.. athletes and parents, the ideals she values. "'This was the first year all of our coaches went through the Victory with Honor program and it has been good for everyone," Payne said. CORONA DEL MAR GIRLS COACHES James Barttalow -basketball BIH Sumner -crosa country Mike Starttweather -gotf Bryan Middleton -socoer Racte Giffin, Ed Mejia -softball Payne said she benefill'd greatly from the experience of boys athletic director Jerry Jelnick, as well as the valuable assistance of athletic secretary Ri.ldd Cox. She is also generous with praise for her coaches. ·our coaches are great. amazing,· she said. "Just by definition, coaches have to be special people, because they are in this for the love of the kids. I really admire the leadership qualities I see in our coaches." One of her biggest challenges is to help hire coaches. "The hardest part about hiring coaches is that you can't always see on paper the type of attributes you want in a coach," she said. ·A lot of it comes down 10 the feel you get from a person during the interview process." Payne said s he can occasionally feel overwhelmed by the job. particularly with the time constraint<, involved, having to balance teaching four classes a day wi1h her administrative role. · But, having settled in during the spring. she appears anxious to begin implementing some of her id eas, beginning in the fall. "One of the things I want to 5 TO IET COST TO YOU =s18,980 VIN. I'S 3A93083, 3816831, 3C17751,3C17809,3815117 Doug Voiding -swimming SQott F-eic:ttter -tennis Bill Sumner -track and fteld Bill Christianeen -votleybell Aaron Chaney -water polo do more of is hold meetings for all athletes and bring in guest speakers," Payne said "This could be especially valuable for girls to get exposure to future opportunities ln athletics and female role models." Another area she wants to focus on is using athletics as a catalyst to build school spirit, both on campus and within the community. "I think we have very little lies with the community itself," she :.aid. "It's a problem and it's sad. The school pirit here is terrible. When I was going to school. everyone wenl to the footbalJ game. I'd like 10 see if we can make attending athletic events more of a social event" Whether apathy does or does not exist in the stands. Payne believes there is no such problem among the competitors at CdM. "There is a h1~1ory of success here." said Payne. who believes proof positive exists in the stream ofCLF Southern Section. CIF State and mythical national championship banners that hang in the school gymnasium. ''I think li.uccessl motivate!> people to continue on with that legacy," she said "When the standards are set high. there's an expectation of success. Kids come in as freshmen, they see the varsity level of play and they want that I don't trunk we have kids who are that much more athletically gifted than other' schools. But our kids have high expectations and they have a strong work ethic.· Those qualities have helped produce 24 ClF Southern Sectio n titles and seven Cl~ State crowns. The fall sports of volleyball (six section and four slate titles), cross country (five sec1ion, three state) and tenni-; (seven section titles) clearly set 1he pace. Track and fil'ld (three). watN polo (section 111les the 1~1 lwo seasons}, and basketball Cone) round out the CIF championship honor roU. Even more impressive, mo!>t of these spoils have come with walk-on coaches. Of the I 0 girls programs now in place. only three. Mike Starkweather (golf). Bryan Middleton (soccer) and Doug Voiding (swimming) are led by coachei. who are full tinw teachers or counselor'> at LdM. Despite no1 having more on-campus coachec;, Payne "-"lid she experience' grea1 cooperation with her rnacht·'· "An athletic department i.., like a family.· she :.aid. "Coaches know they can rnunt on other coaches for c;uppon and -,o do I." Selling Prfce .............. $17,980 Factory Rebate ............ -$2,500 Ford Credit Rebate ........ ·f 1 ,ooo· IET COST TO YOU nos14 480 C: V11t1·slmm.325ZM. SOCCER Continued from A9 maining two first-place vo1es. CaJ Poly, UC Santa Uarbara and Ca.I State Fuller- ton finished first, second and third last season, respec- 1ively. Last year. UCI went 8-I 0-I overaJI and 5-J-I in the Big MAY Continued from A9 her si7..e" May said. "You don't find many playe~ that big 1ha1 can pass and set· The partnership led to Lhe championship 011 the FfVB Tour last season, where they earned $97,000. Through five AVP tournaments this year. they've notched another SJ9. I 50. That's S15,000 more thau the leading money winner on the men's Mdt'. l hcy·ve also taken a large lead in the race to be one of the two American teanl.!> to quaJify for the 2004 Olympic Games. May lost in the quarterfinals of the 2000 Olympic Games while playing with I lolly McPeak. She West 10 finish founh in the conference. The Anteater' rel\Jm second-team All-Big West members senior Hayley McNallan, senior \,aroline Kabe and junior Tara Wei don. AJHJig Wesl honorable mention players i.cnior Leah Da~n and junior Lachelle Manzano also return for UCI. The Anteaten. open the sea1>0n Aug. 29 against Pep perdine in Malibu. and Walsh currently hold an 800-point advan1age over second-place McPealt and FJaine Young.c; in Olympic qualifying. Misty May which is determined by a team·~ eight -best finish~ on the FIVB Tour over a two-year period. "'J hat's our No. I goaJ: May said. "We want 10 medal in the Olympics.# They'll get there by continuing to beat up on thetr competition on both the /\VP and FIVB tours. They might ju'>I go undefeate<l in doing so Selling Price .............. $15,499 Factory Re bate ............ ·$3,000 111 IET COIT T1 YOU '=s12,499 vue. 1·11113411 11Uat llplNotices 2640 Lega1 Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 lepl Notices 2141 l.elll ..... -~ ..... --------bow ._-<0-1 S46Hf tlOOO TO CllDITOIS Of IWSALl (SICS. 6104, 6105 U.C.c.) Notice " hereby a1ven lo cred1t0<\ ot the w1lh111 n1med '"Urr that a bulk sale is about to bt ma<k of the anth dP\cr1bed below fhe nam"' and bu\1· neu addrenu nt the Seller are Betty Lou Cllbeit, 213 Marine Avenue. B1tbua Island CA92662 The locetton In Call for nt• of the chief eaecultve llfftee of IM sellef ts· Same H above Al fisted by the seller. all oth111 bu11neu n•mes end tdd1eu es used by tN sailer within lhre<1 years bef0<e I~ d•I~ eudl ltsl was sent OI dtllttrtd lo the buy•r ere. 11one The n1me~ and bus• neu addresses of tht buyt:f' ere: lOl •I CJH. Inc . 209 Cmereld Ave Balboa Island. CA 92662 The HMU to be M>lt:I .,. described In 1e11e11I n : All ruANITUAE, r!XTURES, EQUIPMENT. TAAOE NAM!::, 0000 ~I Al'lO l£ASI" and ere louted 11. ZIJ Me.Int A"'"'9, Balboa ltjMd, CA 92662 The b11slnt u n•m~ llMt i.y tM ult« 11 ..... loatJon h · The s.i.n:::c.., ....... of .... ...,._,. .. '-" J, 100J tt tttt otta of WHt CoHI Cscrow, 11!1 £. C•t t Hwy. ~~OM Del Met, Tl!lt hlll Ult It •JKt t• CttlfOfn • U11lttflll Co'"111trcitl CM1Sectlt4'1108 t II so subfl'Cl. lht nam• ~nd .lddic-s o f lhc prr \fin w•lh whnn1 daun\ m.iy bP ltllltt I\ l t\~ M fvaM W~\I Co.i'I [\unw, 2121 E Co,nt Hwy •t208 Curona Del M~• r.A 916?!> Md the Inf 11H~ for lthnR Lliilm& shell h~ ~epl '), 7003 Whl<.h I\ th~ bU\tne~s day bfofnre the \itll' dale speltf1e11 above Published Newpor I B"&rh Costa Me\ll 08tly Pilot lluaust 15. ?003 CNS !17<'982 r ~2!1 __,.COUITOf WomM. coum Of OUillGf U I 1t. Oty DrM, 711t "-•hp, CA t2'6I PfmaOf WT D. fOWUI• VK- TOll A._, Oii •· UUOfSMM• fowua,A-fOI ~·­... JO SIOW CMst fOI OUMIClllAll Wl-A2*n 10 All INTERESIED PtRSONS I f'elrtion.r: ~RY D FOWl(R 6 VICTORIA A RU8tNO ON B(HALr Ot SARAH ANNE f OWl[lt, A MINOR hied 1 ptlrllOll wllll lllls c~ t f« • decf" ,.._...., ~ • totiowt: S.1111 Anne f-ltf to Sllf all MM RIHllM 2 T .. COl.IAT <*lf!U t"9t .. "'sons Int• "tad In ttlll •ttet tlloll .,,,,,._ btf« • tllls c_.t tt .-,..,..... indlc:etM lltilow lo lhow c•UM if .,, .., ... petition for < hdn&" nl name ~huuld nol be vranlcd NO TICI or H[ ARfNC o~r~ •) ·16 Ol I 1mP 2 ""'Dept 111 The .Jdd• en ol the cuurt t' \._1mf' •~ uoled above J A tupy of this 01de1 In Shflw t:ftuSP '<hall be puhlt•hed at tent once ~dch week for lou1 \U• '-e,."~• weeks pnor t" lh" d3tt tel fQI "' arina on lht pehlron m lhe lollowlnc news paper of 1ene1al circ:u· latmn. printed 1n this county THE DAILY Pit.OT Dotes AUG OS, 2003 MAllJOatl UlaD CAaTllt, JUOel Of THI SU,lRtCHI CC>UaT Publl,hed Newpor I Beach Co\11 Mesa Dally Ptlnl Au1ust 8. I !I. 22. 29 2003 FSl7 SWMICMTOf ~ COUlfTYCIOIM&I U I n. a.,...,., PO IOX H171, .... ,CA'261S. 1s10, umrux Ml'ICI <11111 """°'Of unua SM---fOl~Of- .. TO-CMstfOI OIAMICIM Wl-amMt TO ALL IN1UUT£0 f'fRSONS I l'ehUCIMr; l(AfHl..U N SHAHNOfil MOtfWI ftltd • petlt.lon wtttl tNs cowt f0t I dtcfM t~nalnl n•11111 •• follow• KATHU H SHANNON MOlfWI 4*1 llATHltCN SttANN ON MOHAN DAVI( S lo llATHlCCN SHANTY MOL.NM 2 ttt coyu OftPCRS lhal all peoons inter u ted 111 lhrs matter shall •ppear befo1e this court al the hea1 ma 1nd1cated below to \how c1use 11 any, why the pel1hon for ch1n1e of name should nol bt aranted NOTIC( or fi(ARING Date· Sept 16. OJ Time 9 AM, Dept · L73 The 1ddress of the court " ume 1s noted above 3 A copy of lh1s Order to Show C•use shaH be published 11 lust once u ch week for four SUCC:HSIVI weeks prior to Lii• d•I• set fM hurtn1 on the petition In the followmc news· paper of 11neul circu lahon, pilnted in tllis county· D11ly Pilot, 330 W Bay SlrHI, Cost1 Mesa. CA 92627 Deto1 AU8 04, 2001 MAIJ Oatl lAtaD CAITEI, JUDGl Of fMI SU'llKMI COUtlT Published Newport 8t!8'h Cost• Mes. Dally P11<1t Aucust II 15. 22. 29, 2003 FSl8 TtlUsAholt Yotl 6AIA6lWEI .. CWSRD (949)642-5671 fldlllm .... "-eS...... The followlne persons are do1nc b!Alness n . Reltable f1Sllir11 P1od· uch. 28071 C1lltn1. Mission V11io. CelrfMot• 9?692 Paul Robbins, 28071 Calltna, M1ulon Vielo. Cal1forn11 92692 Robert Plcke11n1. 2624 t h111sa, M1ut0n Vleto. Calrtornla 92691 l his business 11 con- ducted by: a 1eneral plrlnership Have you SI.tried do•n1 bu11MSs yet? Ho Robert Plclltfinc Th11 s tatement wts hied wilh the County Clttk of Oreoae County on 07I03/0J 200HtsOSM Dei11 Pitot Aue. 1, II, JS. 22. 2003 f 508 IOna Cf NUC WI Oftl8~ Hobet is hereby Cl'Vtll 111a1 • clowd bid l)Vblic 1uctloll will bt held on A111u11 29, ZOOJ •I 10 o'clock A.~. 1t t.flnf U Stor1p. 11 71 Cemtl· beck Street, Newport Bt<Kh, County ol Of anc•. Ca1tfc>f111a Mtnl U Storti• will 11H to n llsry the lien on the followlnc rnlscell1MOus household 111d pnw1I P'otM• t1 1tored •t 117 / C1n1elb1cll Strut. N.1wport 8uch, CA 92'60. bf the followint P9f ons. TM lnv1t1t0t1" 116ted Mlow •w• no ltt'4 by tM ttftlftft It Ult tlint tf rtfltlll lilllllll U Stor• ....... no rtPfutfttllion CJ( WW rtnt)' that lM wllftl eot1laill uld lnventorln, A 1046 • T"tlfOOll by D1111iet ....... <""*- HouHhold. Bus1neu Records. Busmen Furn./ Equip l UV t 6 tony Petersen (MISC Houullold. Per sonal E fleets. Olhe1 Fu1n1lu1e) Pu1chues must be made with cu.h tnd P••d for a I the tlmt of pUfchne Ho one undet Utti •t• of 18 ts allowed to allend tti. sale lht landlofd resenn the rltlll lo bid al lht ult. All purchased coods a1• sold •es 1s• 1nd must be removed by S·OO p m on Ute day foltowlft1 the ui.. Bwyers must pro vtdt • currant, or1&1r111 °' • ~holocopy of thtir orlcinal resale r.rm1t at the time of u e In lltu of Hitt tu. This Hit is •ub,.ct lo prior canc.41allon 1n Ute tvwnl of stltlement btlween l1ndlofd end obll11ttd p•rty. Published Newport Bttch·Cost1 Mtst Dilly Pilot Stpl l !I. 2? 2003 Fi24 I01ICI Cf PWUC WI ClllfltPIDflln Nollet ,, htieby ''"'"' lh•t • doMcC bid pullhc 1uct10n w1H be held on A~I 29UI, 200. <11 11 o'c'°'k AM at Mtnt U SlOf 1111 II,' 111 • r,•met· N t k Slr"t. Newport IHCh, C-ly Of Or Mtf, Clfifofni• Mini U Sl•• • will ...i lo utttf) ttit 111111 tt1 UM ....... "' ......... " hotlMtlol4 lfl4I •-•I iw..,ty atord et 1111 CIMlllttell Street, Newpqrt IHch, C~ ~. bp tM followl!IJ ,_~ Tiit Mwf'lt9f ...... .._ -· ro· ...... Illy tM ltMt!bi .. tN flM! of rllltal MMw 0 Slorat• II ma~es no reprei.entation or war renty lh•I lhe un1ls contain said tnventorln. 84615 Mart0 Albe<lo Alblar Misc Houwhotd 84602 Mt1l1 A Z. h•rson Misc. House hold PurchHH must bt mlde with ctsh and paid for el the time of purchase No one under lhe _,. ol 18 is allowed lo 1ttend lh• ult. Tiit landlord ltSM•ltl the rrpl to bid •l the ult. All 1>11rcllased IOOds ttt sold"» 1t• ind must be removed by S..00 p.111. on the day lollowine tk nit. lwyws must ptO· vide • current, or laln1f or 1 photocopy of lhtir orlelflel restlt ~unit 1t lht ltme of Hie In lieu of ules tu. nus salt Is sublec t lo prior c1ncen111011 tn the event of setllemtnt bttwffn landl0<d end obll11ttd p11ty Publlthed New port BHc:h Cost• Mtu D11t1 Prlot Au1u1t 15. U , 2003 FS23 FlcllM ..... ... *'-' ~ t0Howln1 peuorn trt dolftl bllilMU et t) Ytllow C.b of New po.-l 8uch, 21 Ytflow Ctb of S.fltt An•, S) Yellow Clb of Tustin, 4) Yellow C.0 ef Wut ..,t.,, $) Yellow Clb of Cott• -.. •> Ytlow C1b of ,_ttln V•llty, 1) YtllOw C.lt of Cl loro. I) V eltow C.b of ttvn tiqlon e.tdl. t) Yellow Cafl of lnrlM, JO> Yellow Cd of Minion ~11jo, t 1) Yellow· CM O{ lacvnt Htlll. 12) L..-ina SltVtr Calt C-01t1,. 13) Tul c,....,, 1 ) fuiceb Company, IS) C1b Company, 16) South County Yellow Ctb, 17) South Of1np County Yellow Cab. 18) Ah County Yello• CM, 19) All Oran&• Ct>u11ty Yellow C1b. 20) E·Z Ylltow CM, 21) Eny Yellow Clb, 16'9 E. Lklcoln Ave., An1hlim, CA 92'06 Yellow Clb of Creal• Onn1• COll!'l1. Inc. (CA). 1'19 E. Lincoln Ave., Anehtlftl, CA 92805 This bus~•• 11 con- ducted b!I'! • corpontlon Have you st~ doint bu11ntu ytl1 Y• ~ 16, 19'5 Yellow Clb of Crater Or•llC• Cownty, Inc., Diani Slqtt, S.C./ V1Ce President This •t•t-nt WIS hied with tfle County Cltftl of Or 1nct Cou,,ty on08JOS/Ol 200H tSINt D1ily Piiot Au1. 8. I 5, 22. 29, 2003 FS12 .......... ........ The followlltt per_., •r• dolllt bu•1n-a : I) A C1b. 2) A & A Ctb, 3) Amerlun Tlllctb. '> Amer1ctn Yellow C1b, 5) Alt't C1b, I) An1 Tul, 7) AtltllenUc Yellow C•b. I) Authorfttd Yellow Ctb, t ) rnt Vetlow C1b, 10) Ctnuiftl Ytllow C.b, JI) Offlc.'-4 Yttlow Ctb. 12) Or ..... y...,, c.. 13) Rell Y.._ CM, I•) Yellow Ct41 of ~k•. l&)Y141owc.tl~y of Allltrlca. II) Yellow ~of ......... Cer _.. 17) ,..._ CM of ~.-.. ll)Tul SlM!d. lf) I Yellow Ct411, 20) f l Y.ao. Cti., 2l) II YtllowCeb, 12) I Yellow Cell, 1619 l ti..coMA"9 .. ~ . .... CA9~ Yellow Cab of Crutw Or•nl• County. Inc:. (CA.). 1619 E Lincoln Aw .. Alltl'te1m. CA 92805 TIWs bullntu II COii ducted by. • corpOfthon Hive .,ou stwted doirlc business yet? Yu. Dec. 16. l!MS Ytltow C1b of Cr11tw Dfenc• County, Inc., Olene S&llclt. VP ts.c Thie lt•temenl •• , fltH with tM CovntJ Cltrll of Oritnp County on~ ,..,....., Delp f'iloC A4lt-.. 15, 22. 29, 2003 fSl I ..... .... ........ Tllofoltowtnt~ Wt doint ...,,._. H l •) 4 ·~t Mwllttlftl Inc .. b) Impact Mail.ti· lne, c) C.M. CONSULT IHC. l~l S. Wrtctil St, Sant• Ana. Cl!.fornia 92105 4 ll!l!Nlcl M.wtr.ttlflS. Inc , (CA), 1263 S Wrll!lt St., Stnll Ana, C11lfof111a 92705 Tlllt busint.ss Is COii· ducted by. t c0<porallon Have 'tOU lllrttd dolnl busl11tu ,.u Yes. 01/ 01/2001 4 Impact Mlfkellnc, Inc., Cyndi• Morrla/ Stattllt)' Tres. • Oita si.t.-.nt •H f ttlHI with the Cownly Clet'll of Or •fllt C~ tt10'l/lllUJ IMMtHlt7 Diiiy f'ht July 2!, A4c. 1, I, lS, 200J f..., Tht lollow1111 l>'ftons trt 6otnt IHI~• "· Sk)'lynn l rudttnc. 311• S Syo1mor• St., Senu An•, Caltlornie 92707 Alberto J HtfH, 3114 S. Syc11110re St • Santa Ane. C11ttornll 92701 Irina Hetu. 311' S Sycamore St., S1nt1 Ana, Cel1for11•• 92707 Tht. bualness Is con- ducttcl ~y. llu.tbM4 "'41 wife ..... Y" .... _..,..., ......_, • .,"'° Trin1Htf• TMt ttf*'*'I w• 18" ....,. ... c-ity Cleftl of Or 11119 eo-ty tfl Oll25.4J 1:;,;1.'1)HI ~::~ 26. r4:A l f'Ulc;e o Bid Rece1~1 .ott10 of 01rector of l'utthas1n1. Co8't Community CO ..... Oistllet, Blq, 0 • 1370 Adams Avenue. Co1ta Meu , CA 92626 Project ldentificallo11 N•mt Ol•troct lransportellon M1tnten•nce r acollt•· Bid Ho, 1880 ,. Pleet 8 1dt are. on file and awa1l1blt at Ollln of Ute Phyt•cal F acllllles Coorclin•tor, !"d1th Richey, Coa\I Ctunrnunoty Colleae ()1~trtct 13/0 Ad•ms Ave., •••• ·o .. Co~· ... SI. CA (/ 14) 438-4673 • w• Sit•: www.c:ccd edu/f1c1l1ti.s • NOllCf IS HEREBY GIVlN that the above narn•d School OistrltL ot Oraroae County, CaUlor~la, actlro' by •nd throuah •h Govunine Board, he1e1n1Her referred lo H DISTRICT • Woll rcuovt up lo, but not later th•n the above staled time. stiled bids for the award of • contract lor the proiect dnc1tbed n . N.w CoMlruchon of 8,794 squ•" loot M1onten•nu f•uhty end PMluna l ots There 111111 be a Su ty <S60) dolla1 non refundabl• P•Ymenl r'eQutted for each stl ol brd documenh Chech ~hould be m•d« P•Y•ble tu Coa>I Community Coll~e 01slr tel 81d1 $11111 be received on lhe placo 1dclll1f1ed •hove, and fhoH bod~ shall be opened and publicly read aluud .ii the above ~Idled tom• and vlace In accordance wtlh the pr<.oVl\tUll\ ul C•l1furnt• Pubht Contr.i~I Code Section 3300, the 01strn:I requite\ lh•I the bidder µo~sus the follow1nr clusrhcatlon ol 'ontractor'\ ht en'~''' lho t1111t thal th~ conlrdll I\ awardPd Conlrtctor: 8 License The followin& per,ons •r• doln1 buslntu n Retttr & Company, 30!>8 Club Houu Rotd, Costa Mtu. Cellforoi1 92626 K1thleen Reiser, 30'!>8 Club Hovw Road, Coste ,,...,., California 92626 fhn busineu 1s con ducted by an 1nd1vHluat Hne ycx,r started dom~ buslntu yet? No Kathleen Reo!>er Thts statement wn hied with the County Clerk ot Oranae County on 01/'12/03 200S .. 52S4S 011ly Ptlol Aur I!>, rl, 29,Sepl.5,2003 FS28 lhe lollowlna persons ••• do1n1 buslM n u Advanced Vu 1btllt y Contepb , 916 W Ocean front, New1>Qrl Beach. CA 9~661 l1nce YaUtry, 916 W. O~un rronl, Newport Beach CA 92661 ""' bUSIMU " con ducted by, an u1d1vHlual H1111 you st.ir led do1na busmen yet' No l•nce Vallery Thts statement was !tied with the County Clerk of Or 1n1i• County on 08/01/03 200S'9SUll Daily Pilot Au& 8, I!>, 22 29 2003 f'513 PUBLISH. Aucust I!>. 2003 •nd Au&u•I 2'J .!OOJ NOTICE OF PE'fl. ~ h l4l#1ol1ly WALK THROUGH W•IH hrouih '' not Mond•lury Oale Au&u ... 28 2003 T10N TO ADMINIS-A HEARING on the 11 9•00 1 "', Coast Communoty Collt11.t !Jl\tr r<t 11/0 Allam• Avenue t.o•I• TER ESTATE OF pellllon wtl be held on MeH CA 9 2626 Please meet ouhrd• Ku1ld1ng O Plu.e lall /14 438 4646 VIRGINA KNOTT ~ 11, 2003 at 1~tO~AT£. September 23 100J at 2 00 p "' ; BE.HOER 'I 4i PM In Dept. ~ 80 AJIO OATC October I 100) Cale No. A220670 ~ =' ~. CA No payment shall be m•de lor wur~ "' m•ler••I u11de1 the w nlfact unleu To .. ,._.., benefl-92813-1571 end unhl the Rearslrar of Cunh •llur\ ~~"""' 1r1 th• OISTRlt f' lh•I the ~. ~. oonlln-IF YOU OBJECT to COHTAACTOR wn properly httn\ed •I lht 11111~ ""' <Un Ir atl wu •warded Qllfll crecMora. Ind per-Ille gtal'lling al the 1>9tt- Any CONTRAC TOR not so ht ensed '' •11b1t <I lo 1i.n•tt1e, u11dtr tht l•w It IOlll whO may Olhefw!Je lion-~~ appeat Ill• hcense class1lrcat1on speu l1t'd h~r e1n•bnv• ,, Iha I of • ·spettAhly be lnlel9S1ed in the wlll 11 th. '-tlf'll and llla'9 contractor· u deltned on Sf'tt•vn 10'>8 ol lh~ Cd1tlorr114 R1J,1nen ..,,0 Of MUtte, Of bo#'t, al ~ objlc:tiotll Of file Professions Code, the 'pec.,ltly <1t1•tr•<lur dwaidtd lh• Conlr~<t fcir thi' VIRGINIA KNOTT wntten objec:liolie Wi1fl Work shall itself construd " ""'lultly ol lh1: Wur~ 1n acu11d•n<t wrlh the BENDER the court before the p1ov1s1ons ol Callforma Busme\~ and P1111t•\\1ons Codr 'lee lion 7()'jq A PETITION FOA he ring y appee All Worli must be compltled w1th1n iOO <On\.cut1~e ddn lune I\ ot the PROSATE hU been ,,.;. may :r,n ~ eswnce f arlure to complete thp W11rl. w1thon th• 11m• '"' '"'th h~• •m will filed by Jolln C. Fossum Of by~ attorney ruult 1n the 1mpos11ton of ltq111d,11~d d~m•~t\ l<•r ••<h d•y of d•l•v '" lht Ind Teny Hadleft In the IF YOU ARE A •mount ~et forth on the "lnlnrm14l1on fror f!odl1Pr< Supertof· Court Of Call-CAEOrTOA Of 1 contin- [ach bid muil conl<irm .ind b~ r•'l'""\•v< 111 111• rnntr•ll dotun1r11h lomla. County ol OA-gent Cl'edttol al the ["h bidder $hilll ,ubm1L on Ill• h11n1 lut111•lt•d "''h th• •••nlrdll d•1tumtnh ANGE oec:easecs ~must file • hsl of lhe propo~ed \Ubt untr •<I•" 111 lh10. pro"'' I '" r1<<1otred by th• THE PETITION .,o.JI c:lalni with the CXlUlt Sublettrnc and Subconh a<t1n2 t,rn l't1 tur· 11.t '""••nm•nt I.•><!• 'i•<h<•n FOA PROBATE re-and mall a copy to the 4100 et seq q1»91s 11'111 Jom C per10flal representa11Ye C at h Brd shall be ac<o>t11P••1t•d ht • •to t1t1•fl "' , ,1\h••r •, 1 h•< i. "' tHd ~ lllid Teny IPl)Olnled by the court bond on an amount not ""' lh•u l•n ,,.r• •nl 1 HJ 1 ,t th~ total btd p111 r Hldl.ltl be lj)pOll'1led u Wllttn tour montnl from pay•ble lo the Orsh1cl d\ 4 ~udt 1nl1 • 111.,1 lhl' lucldo-1 ol 11· ll"•IHl\dl " petlOnll ~ h date of first lsauance atcepted. \hall promptly rHtuh "" AK• "emF11t 1111111• 11 , \Al1• l•tl1o1 y to ldmlniater the estate al lett9'1 111 ptOlllOed in f11lhlul Performance Bond 111 .. n """""I ""' I•·' lhdn 11111 h11111h•d 11r••"nt al the decedent Probate Code section (IOOS) of the tolat btd p111 • l111111•1t ' l',1ymrnl 11 .. 11d rn ,.,, dmounl 11111 THE PETITION 9100 The time lor filtng leu than nne hundr ~d 11e1<••ll 'IOCJ· / .,f lh• t1•l•I hod 11111 • and fu1111\h ~ the decldent't dams """" not eJO?re cerllftcate~ ev1dencma lh•I lhl' 1•111111.1111•~11• '"' r""' rllr1 I 111 tll• ln1n1111t' wiU Ind oodlc:h, II any, befofe lo\K mof1lhe from \Ill forth on lhe 11ene1 al '011d1t1 .. 11\ h1 111" ev1111 ul I 11lu1" lo 1·11l~r rnlu llt<· be admitted lo probate lhe heerinn date nollCed conlr•t l and 1uelule the r•11u11•d <.1 .. ,urr1o·nh """ hod ,., 1111ly wtll !Je The will and any oodlclls llboYe . .,, lorlerted The ra1thlul P1•d orm•111 • B•md •h•ll 11 lfldlO Ill lull l111u '""' ellrtl -evlilable for exami-YOU MAY EXAM- lhrou11h the au•r.rntee 11errod •• ~"" tltrll 111 !Ito K•O•• JI toJ1111tli1111•. nabon 11'1 the Ille kepi by INE tile file kept by the The OISl RIC f re~••v•s It•• "~"' Ir. ,.I•• I Iffy "' All htll• ... "' ... 11 ... my the court ooun " ....... ,.a,_.,,,., 11reaularrt1es or mlormahlt•·· m '''Y huh"' 111 lh• h1r1r11r>1 THE PETrTION Interested-Ill tile Mia"te: As requ.,ed by Sec.hon 1 // ~ ,,t lltf" I •hf11u11,, I,,,,,,, f oth• thf' lhtf"r tnr ol lhe ~P••lment al lndu· lrtAI R•I•••· , -.I "" \I.ti• ,, l.•hh1tuA 11.n ~ autrlonty to ~ may file wi1t'1 the dete1m1ned lhe &enetally l)tnA1hne r•lr• ol "'~' ~ 111 Ith l"l•hty tn whtlh ldmilliSlet lhe eslale OOUf1 a Request for lhe Wurk I~ lu be perlurm~d I I"" .. 1 l•n \1 "'Ai' r•I• drlrt111111•tt1>11\ tTdef the k~e.s:::: Speaal Nobce (form OE- •"t1tlect PRfVAlllNC WACl <.c flt I At• "'uni 11n•J .11 !hr IJt'.IHll t """ r ~ 154) al Ille lllong al an lo(ated at 1370 Adant\ Av• I ,,•,t, Mr 1 t A 'l?tilh l'hy'1• ii I 1111t11~, /lot;1. (TIWs ::::::I will ""'9tllofY and ~aJSal Plannon11 and ate ~•a•lahl• tr 111y 1111•,.,l•d l'MI• ,,1,.111 ,.,111.-1 lhr alow lhe 191>" al estate aseetl Of ~ Contr.ctor \hitll post a U'PY .. 1 1111-. 11 .. , um• .. t .11,.,It 11111 "'' 11,. t nntr ,, 1111 ~llYe IO take ITIW'Y any petition Of ICQOUnt •nd any 1ubcont1 aclo• undrr ti '"''II I•·• v nul '"' th,•n 111•· ""'"' 111.,J 1,, •v.11111111, actlOt1ll 'Mlt10llt Ol:Jtaining aa provided '" PrOl>lte ••lo uf wa11n to .tll Wt.lf ~PI\ •11111l•o 111t "' ..... "" ulu111' I"" '·'"'''•'I OOU(1 approval Before Code IMICllon 1250 A Nu blddt!r may w1thdr•w ""V hill '''' • µ1•111><1 ol ~'"' 1111)1 •l<1V" ""''' taklng oettaln very Im· ~I fOf Sj)ec&al the dalt S<it for the optn1n~ 11111111' portant acllone, haw· NOtioe form I& avtlllabte A payment b<.ond \hltll be rP11111t•l1 1•ru•1 tu i'• •11111<111 »t 11•• , ""'' "t 111d -·the perMJnal 199'9-from the ooun cf«ll \h.tlf bt on th .. fo•m \el forth 111tt"111111tAr 11111111111•1•1\ IM!fUIM! Wiii be requited Attotney fOf petlllofw: J>u"uant to s .. ctton ??lllO nt II•• l'111ll1t r ""''••I I u1I• Ill• '''""" t ... 11 ID grve nobce to Inter-PAUL N FRIMME.A ESQ tonl•m PIOVl).t(ln\ p,.rmttttnR .,, .. \U 'l"\'\lul t.otrtH t11 ub·•1tof1 •.t•f tHltW\ esle<J penona ~ IRE.LL. MA.NELLA tOf any monn~\ w1U1held b1 lht IJ1~.1111 .. t t11 ,·O\un-JJ•·tl.;0ttu1t11r • 1m,h, lh,. they Nve WI.Ned nobC:e L.l.P tontu ct or C>Of-'ted to the 1800AVEOFTHE I •<h btd \ublfllll•d on <t<.pon'• t .. 1111\ Nu111 r "" 111 ••llt 011 4\ ' hut propo9ed ICdon ) The STARS 11~m aMQu•lf! s.h~ettnR,. $hOr1n1 f'lfh1 t.r -tLIOi ._,, ,.qwvttl111tul n1,.th •• tt I ,, 11"'9Pf"w:lef• ~•a STE 900 the p<otectton or ltff' and hmb '" 11 •n h•' •ntl up•n • , ••·•hon "'"" 11 ,,..,11 llOn aUltlonly ...-be LOS ANGELES CA •onlorm to apphc.tble u lety o•d~" j granled un1eM an 1'11191 90087 Cenrftt"9 a-rd llSl8d peraon 6ln 11'1 Newpof1 ~ ly W IKlo"' M. Y•t"· ld. D., Ct.-ellor, otljeclx>tl ID h pfttioll Mesa Dally c~1 c-""'""Y Colle9• Dlttrl<t and anows good cause CN885932 BENDER Publtshf'd Newpoll Bur h Co•ld M•~~ Oatly Prlot Augu~t l'r 71 X~I I why the court liholJld not Aug 15, 18,22, 2003 The lollow1111 pet,on• ant doml! busmen as The Calaly&t , 1300 Adams Avenue, 1A, Costa Mtu, Ctllfornta 92626 Nancy M Anllel\on. 1300 Adams Avenue, 2A, Costa MeMt, C1l1lorn•• 92626 This bu•tn•u 1s '°" dueled by •n 1nd1v1du4I Ha ve you slatted domtt busmen yet' v.~ 03/01/03 Na"cy M Ande"on This •lalemenl "'"' ltted with the Cr1un1y Clerk of O"nae Couuty on 07/30/03 2003 .. SS222 01111~ PllOI Aur I. 8, I!> 22. 2003 r ~07 PUT AfEW WORDS TO WORKfOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 The lollow1n1 per son' ••• dom11 buuntu u Chaya, 2072 Orcherd Onve, Newpo<t BH ch. Cahlorma 9?660 lnlerProareu Corp<> r•lton (C•l1f), 1700 Caluy Duve. Newport Buch, Caltl<irnr• 9·~ lhrs busmns ~ con du~tttd by a ">fpoulron Havf' you started doonc busmen yet• Nu lnte1Pr<.oeru• Corpo r4ltu11 Sh1tcru h k•d• Pr•\ldent lht\ ~latemenl was filed with the County t.ler~ ol Orane.e Cciunty on 07/10/03 20036951 110 Daily P1to1 Au& I. 8 I';, n 7003 r'>06 PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORKfOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 lndrx Ilow to Place A ~ »1•"441 SERVICE DIRECTORY -For All Your Home and Business Needs - I 11d1 1 thl Sci\ hL' D1ro·1.tr•n lt111m·1 c.....,~ Gnat/ 2 ~r1-A.+W-. ... ,. YM'd Sales PAClflC VIEW -c----..--o..p---W.- (Oc11n v .. w) $6.500/ea Sal Sun s.m h.wnrture. oho t4t-47S-9201 Trldlt ~,.,.,__TY 1489 ANTIQUES ~Watad302S 1180 ~ ""'-Coll balls p dtn, ~ ti.rnm.e & more' tlS2 E Yh8 off inr- CASH fO« l'OTlHY Bauet Calahna RoOI< ...,ood I uhln\ "'' 9&673-03 94<M;J6. l31 J CLASS IFrn iAD 11,· Fax B\· Phone BY Mai I/In Pf>r!'Oo n: Q,i<I ,, q ti~·JJ tll-ll/ tH2-~h-. I lll ~N R.i~ Su-eel pt<'« 11111. ........ ( l"LI \k...._ { \ '1~{1~- -~~~ At \r,.~"1 Rhd & RJ~ 'II .. .a IJt.I• • ~'""'* I lours: ldqih••ll<'' 1,(1Jlll.'i l(lpm ~n [ VISA ) [ii• \lolfidJ~ htdJ\ \\Jll.. In I( V~11T1 'mpm \loinJJ~ ~nJJ\ All AGOKY '-tndlV '"""* '~ or Mlpunl lfiO 'If wote wlRO'f lDUfW \MW\ 1f'I NB maee by .., port r, ee P'lu1&. \l\iW eel cont room F111n/unlu10 tr om $450 949 i'!l& 850 I Office ,.,. l-•e ApPtou metely l~I 170 C I 7th Street CO\l8 MHa 949·466-~23 34 77 Ve .. etl-Dr !>br Jba lO~I e•eC: homP Ry Ownu Cteal Ruy $699 900 C•ll W 114 8!>0 1680 a 16 11 II• 8!>0 I IY.>2 Ol'lN SAT-SUN 1 S 23 COllMOllANT Clll Jbr "l '.Iba dftarh hnmf tnUlly remnd hl.e nt,.• $939.000 l\aren C•senl>er& Bkr I nc1>1P Prop 949 121 078\ SUN 1-S 201 TUSTIN AYl Sp~rlatul•r v1•w u tn 11101 & r<i0m In• e&P•n\lon Joan All1•on Bk• 949 646 2011 01 949 683 8911 I MISCEll.ANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 _.., X-llt ..,..1er ~ SllAOm 1 ur 2 • ultl s & ltti pitj ...... w d t6txn t.alll c .. 1. no1sm~1ptl av11I 9, I 949 ~ 7818 RfSlDFNTW RfN'T ALS Friday. Au&ust J 5, 2003 All ----------------2141 llpl..... 2141 lApl..... - The lollowln1 pef\on~ .,, dolna busonen u lol1tes S11v., Jewelry 2237 M•plrr St Cost• Mew CA 9262 / Oolo1n Perei Pelayo 2237 Maple St Cus. Mesa CA92627 fh1s bu~meu rs t<in ducted by •n ond1Y1du•I He11e you started dornc bu\1neu y•I, No Ooloro P P1tl•yo Thi\ \l•lerrn:nt was hied with the C<.ounly Clerk ol Or.nee County on 01/l!l/OJ 2001 .. SIUI Daily Pilot Au& I 8 I'> Z2, 200J FS03 Th11 follow•nc penon' .,e do1n1 bu"n•u H VICKI Kl I IN DfSIGN. I Weybrod1• Ct Newpoll Beat h CA 92660 Vtl kt luu1u Kl~1n, 7 W11yb11dee Ct Newport Bnc'1 CA 92660 Th1s bu\men t\ rnn duLled by •n tnd1wldu•I Have you •IM 1,.d '"""• bu~""" y~t 1 Nu Vi< ~rlll•tn 1111\ >l•lr menl wa~ !tied •tlh lhe Ct1unl1 (.l~rli ot IJ•.,,lt,. C11un1y ""08 01 01 200lHSS644 Da11y 1'11111 i\1111 It I~ a "l'i XXH rs21 STARTING ANEW B USINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • The fol\owtn1 pert.On\ are doon1 busmen n I he Heellll Connection I 7!1<> Whither Ave , '67 Co\la Mesa CA 9167 / o .. ne M.i11e l dl• I/')() Wtlllher Awe •62 Gu\lw Meu CA92627 Thi\ bll$1"US " lUn d,..; l•O by an 1n6Jv10u•I Hav• 100 starl•d ~rnr bU\trlt\\ yet, Nu 01•11•1 .... Th• \l•lement •n !tied woth lh<' Cuunty r if,r ~ 11 Q,.nl!P County .. n IJ!lr!>'l()J 200369SS6SO 0 •• 1, t'1lot Aue I~ II ~-Sf'PI ~ 200J f ~4"1 Tnr f .fful ! Jrp .. mmr11: .JI the: Jt1;:1 111/oi I! plt.ud 111 .znnoul!(r .i ~(II ,rma rwu Jl'rltW&k ti nr .. llll!llltM ~( 1<1~ lfOli .. 1kf H tli< llllllU for 11111 i.11 11/J rx:r.z ·11.irr,t al!d ,a11 "-'" :N nmt tir:d :iit :r:; w 1rr r..o"r. Hll'.u m \ulllJ ir..; ~ t'(7I 01 rour( .:fr.!' tr< I • r 1t.irir •• C"l~J'.ta ~~ :n .. ~" lllll' 1u111:~kf ~:r.r. •.Jll'.f 1J!tl':r11::. ·:r :r.. (0'111'10 ( ~ j•"J·~ 011((,; -;.'((£'II', l~T Hff. "' •1.iwrd ~ .ol~ :l'J: :1 I"; ~./ Wiii' p111111 G' ~kc.:unon 11.1:r :M ("1'1'1.'\ .(Tl · /'.a< Wf rr, :o 6il ic11r ~mn()W ~:~r :Jll'l!f'llt Jt 11'( lJJ:.1, ':ll't { i1111 B.r. \/ ( OlliJ \fr.: if '1'.111 uWWI •Wrtr~.pll.Z.I( .. .e" 111 9. 'I r~t.1 ... \~I J/14 "" 111U m.m Jf"Jn~n11rnr 1o• )'(111 UJ ~aruilt t~l! Pri>irdu't M nw:. If 1~11 ,hcuiiJ r,;1 ur.1 'llnNr q11trno1C pitrl!l .al It) .rlllJ ~n ,,.· ()( trlli'T :r,J11 gwa 111.u.11<111 (JQ/Jd ,:;., ·n w11r lll?I /Jl4J1T11 Daily A Pilot Poli<·"------. R.ltC\ .i.nd dl.'adlme~ are \UhJCl"t 10 change w11hou1 nom l' Tht• puhlt'hcr re,crve\ tllc nght rn .. en,or. reda"1f}. fl"\1-.e nr re)Ccl .iny d .i"1ficd adveni~emenl Plt'a,t· report an~ error th.11 ffiJ\ tit: in )'Our cla,<;1fied ad 1mmed1a1eh The OaJI~ P1l111 d'-'<'Ph no lt.ibtltty for any em>r in an Jd11er11 -.cmen1 for ,. hK h II OIJ\ bl: re'pon,1bk e'cepc for the co't of the 'Pa•<' a ... 'tuaJI) 1-x ... up1c.t by the error Crcdu can onl) be Jllo~i:d for the ftN in~rt1t•n Dradlin rs -------. \.t11n1f,I\ Tu<'-..1•1 \\.1:dnt·,,i.., f11UNIJI I ndJ' ~ ll(lp111 I 1111.f\ \.lnnJJ~ ~ IM)J1111 \,11urtlJ\ l U<'"l.s~ ~ IOprn \u111IJ\ \\.i:.!nt·..d..1 ~ l!Opm I ( Sltk lllvlero Towni...., I ...._,.,.Badl \br l '.>b~ Cll\lnn• rr ._ .. .,..., mnd It.rm Ip wmnonr YU.Illy llASIS IH)nl SPd ttnn1, dva1I fWD NIWPOtll MOMIS 9 I S??9'.I m" ~et Rll CRIJN()YHt AI ICIW Oon•ld PtaH Coldwell 94t-67S-61.i Bank'' 949 llJ 6074 ---- Oamll lb: It» «:UW neat fe Pw comm pool ~ W/d n t.nl. tnilrgrd ~ ~ SI~ 9&673-78)) lorte llr l l o unit un 11ut~t Pt n1n.,,11la Pomt Sing!~ ~'"'" No 'ml>. !><!"-SI l90 ~'l 791 4631 lllur-.IJ• ~ rupm I rtdJ\ l U lpm f r11t..1 ~ 1• 111111 I Newpert Cre•t. :'tit ?b• ? < il•• .. alk Ir l><h len pool "1'.>A Sl900 1\011 now 949 /0/ U()ll MfWl'Olll HflGMTS Coll•att • 21H .lb• larmm hdwd fir \ Ip r~r yArd Sl~ • 7bf 711A tp hdwd llf \ K •r lab SI 900 <)49 6C2 !14811 ...... ,_,ty btote s• E wet ythin& (rom A l! Sal & Sun lrom S.m 3pm 362 hlhtt St, !Ania Me\a V-........ IV 1~ rJ the ht Rlln* w,U.O ,,.,.. Im Uw, ~ llpe dedl S2J5 lie NW 9&718«117 MIN SUN 1-S SJIS2 s11v., t..t ... ., Stunnine 180' whrte water p~nor CM:n view 4br Zba tncl cuest quar lets froprc•l landsc $729,000 Tero Boweo Coldweh 8anller HUIOllWOODS 2b• 2ba. 2 c ear•&" bedroom/olhu A11 $1800949 293 4631 ORANGE 7400 l.Jflna Bndl COSTA MISA SAT t-l. CU,...ttc Y•ll S•. •..Y lr-••ll J 17 l'rlMetett Dr., • ........, ..... (80 8ey area) 420 VIII• (lundt, Sal S&lrt 7..,.12 dedls.~~ !>oc*s. trtedml. -- OIMrll 1310~1&10 --------hlYete hdi ........... ---C ... •r>PfO• I/Iv from Kewpolrl &each E •eel CIPOIMIY All real ntate adllw · hsill& In ltlr. MW$PBC* ts tub)ect to the r ••• , Faw HovMn& Act of 1968 as amended which rneltts It 1111111 to adverltw •any pref•· tni:e, llmllallon or dltcrlnllftehon beNCI on rac., colori r~. Ml, h1ndlcap, 1Mlli•I tutus 0t national or l(ln, or an Intention to t11•ll.e eny •uell pref"'"''· tlmita tMHt Of dlKtlmlMtlofl • Thftl MW'PIP'f wlll not kl'IO~ Kctf)I any ldvw'....,._t fot rHI ntM wllktl It Ill ¥tc*tlon of ttM llw. Our r11d11t lfl lltrtby lillfor!Nd tMt .. dwttl· ... ...,,_, ... ..... 11t••••t1•,. .... ....... °" lft ..... °"'°''-"' ..... Je c ....... ot dts• u ........ c .. HUD toll• "•••1~. ... c:l::teOilr .. '/ lel'll huntlna ad,ac:ent to stile wattffowt rel1119, ownerslllcl lnteust ' 8"PfOl 3~ acres of land & 1mprovemenh + ycx.rr own camp compound w/1truc t u1• and 2 tra1lera Wond«ful Fri nltht 8BQ'1 & wine l ulln1 durlnc duclt HHOll + m1ny utrasl Idell IOI 2 friends Of fetllet & aon Call Mille 11 310 Ml-o854. tlM.THIBMIB :::u·• Eq. 1• CURISIOf.R Llfl fOtt VNf, S(T Uf' fOft A PACUCmR 3 ~ll S(;C)()Tl'.lt lltT:$1200 SCOOT'CR MIO IOntll&OO HOME RJRllSHINGS Fw .... H'91t-llote btete We Ne...,.. l di. r 1ench couc:he. wln&b•ck chaw\. Ve1as aame bet, love \Ul.s, Ir br & dr lommy B•hamt lurn1tur1 , Oresclen. bronres. ffllny ~ Ila, tfnlllla. 11 ~ Plll4rcl. • !M!Mm&Bl HOMESFOA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY MJaQOSIOVTl Pm BIC8 fCI CMICI W•Y1lBT OP£N SAT I .t 491 ~River Av• Jbf 3b• Wu $82!1,000 Now $799,000 The S1yw1tz Co 949·930-7528 -eon.• .. ADiAUWAill 1111 NHJZ -............ c ............... ............... --··=114'!'1 •ail714-" ScKllh ESTATt on one of lhe llf cat lots. Of'l•SAT~suet 1-S ISMlMfDr. !>bf lb•, Medlterre nun paradise. Cre· clan shaped pool a Spa fountains & Prim Trees. 8y OWn.r Aceeplin& Bid$ S. twun $1.499.000 ll~~ •19>-01&» .. w.-11.- 1n1Mtn l'Ytcer....,.•• ··=:10:-. ....... 9"49 ~~ 4391 ntne felt lelitefr...t ~•1'­ J.., li.., Ow• ••• ·-•Vet to come avatl Waterfront sunHt vlf!ws•~.000 ,....,_,.,.....,, ... Stef-leM-er t4t-7aS-l1 56 220' Yhte MMfcM Of'DSATl-6 Newport 6etch 8hltfr C IK townhm, 3bf •nd unit. ollt p•tlo. 2c1.r. courtuy to broltK\ SSU,818 Br Owner 714 299 7373 m7 Catalpa, llla4 - of ~bly I city llctlla. ••Lotaot_. r .... "'9 ...... , .. ," Ci a t h c;ll ,.,, ll.Z4t ,000 ~ Krhtl c-s W.U...RolllJ ...... 77-5114 ... _.. .. ., ..... ....... ···---·:rr:" SPKTAQIM 00. WWS c-Ont al lht Miiiot QlrYWl'U'lba Htdiost "°" -~-5br 4.5ba RIH>Jm ~MONliCJfO 4-~ 10Dt n LCV-W $2JHltXX) PttlMllSTAUS PATWCI RMCMtl •ATION-l USA .,.,_.s..,.1os -• palr1c\lenor1 com RESORT/ VACA'OON PROftRIY FOR WE --.Etmlr' ...:nRD • 111111 COUNTY Balboa Penlnlllla * IAYRONT ILDG * Unbn ~ ~ b6Y!d lb:. 1119. -Ip ....,. an1. Yr1y 91&<.JO.m 1 * OClAN fllONT • al 19th St 2br 2be oondo turn'd. Ip clean Winier awe10me 949-927 nn ·oclAH & IAY VllWs· 11 lh St. :..-. 2!M. 'ff'1 ""' al. ""1 rermd. w/d. '""-"-bbq S'tfj(X) ~ 1979 ·~2-.-.,..a. w.. to nwMVJ llSIMwl bjancl '!Al '*arbor Woods S\850,fmo 949-6 3'730 ~Ull+ .. o Wetb•r. w/d hoOIMJPS, $1900/mo 949 640 103~ II H M ' 2 II ~ • ..,.:-::_ 1 •1tM :J. ..... -._ _. " Tri-S.-18!/!N *•ter/tfllM LnAM" ~&l'U -11111111 • ... • unu ~ an.-... l••-SEflOR SPECW. ONMMMllA ,..,..... .......... ............... = .... ,.,_ .... ..,..,....,... ............. ............... " ... ,., .. I ...... _ .., ...... '-"' ...... -. .... ----~ ..... l UI apt bldC 2b• ?ba ocean vlf!w snoo mo l all 1n1dent mar <)49 494 8083 am HDGHTS conAGI,. \O'.Dsf 1b" I bit llnlN w .. yd ~ "' p lqn!d SllroMl 96647 ":M ~ 111 $111> rim e u.. "" DR> ro tAI .. )be IClll ... CO'! ~ 9')64? 7/Zl~llil ()• PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers ttnd painters. 1 t All fndly. Al.pst l 5. 2003 TODAY'S "Employee." "Empleado." "'Arbeitne hmer." "Employe. ,, "NC>Tlct TO RC~RS. C1hforn11 law re· qurres that contr ac· tors takma iobs that total $500 or more (lib« or maleflats) be l!CleMtd by lhe Contractors Sla te license Bo1rd State law also requirn that contractors include lhei1 lk:enA number on an ldv111 tisme. You can checl\ lhe status of your licensed contractor 11 www cslb ca aov or 800-321 ·CSL8 Unh cenud cont11ctors h kinc jobs lh1t total less thin SSOO must stile tn their 1dvertlsements that they are not licensed by the Contractors Slat.e License Boerd. • ~ tr11nlnc & SUIJ90f Vtrouble shoolof11 ~·--­or person1I !M9-s.8-2S38 M-.1 Rlmollelilg ·~~ ~ flrttlintde~lcom ~~~92i ASCanMrn-41111 AUOlfVA< Nr Condrllonln1 & Hnt· i~~ ea, • ., A·lMMeYllM IMbl, r•f•u ubifttts. ............ ~ ...... OOlll 714-545-72511 c.,.IAIJ ';law Cleaning Touch of Klus European Ellpcr1 in House Cleaning 20 ycan. m Busmen Licensed & Bonded Profei\1onal 1cams lbsigncd lO Your Home (949) 548-0097 Free F..s11ma1e' Refen:nce~ Spring Cleaning Specials NORTH •A6l '\? AK865 o KQ S4 •S AVOID nt.E CALAMITY WESr • 1087 Q 93 EAST • 54 North's bidcUna clearly described a J,. ~ 1 ilililribution and I beticr ltuin rninimuro opening bid -with a min- hnum Nonh would simply have raised tO two ~ Oil die teeond round, or paued two no tnimp. Since the club stopper WIS virtually DOOeA· i tenl, SoU1h wisely chose four sPlldeti as the final cooc:rac1 rat.btt than three no trump. 0 J 10 •AQ973 'V QJ lt4 0 97 3 1 • K 10 6 NORTif I'\? 20 3• ,_ sount • KQJ3 '1:'72 o AU • J 842 SOl11'D WEST .. .... 1NT ,_ ... .... Opening lead: Ten of • Thrte no tnlmp would have been defeated quickly after a oonnal fourth-bcsc club. Against four spailcs, West led a ttump lo cu1 down on pos- sible tuft's in dummy. Tu preserve a laler entry to band. dee lacer carefuU_Y won the O(*llng lead with dummy s ICC. Tben: were nine fut tricb to be had -fodr soadcs. two hearts and Ihm: dWnoods -so one club ntff would suff"lCC. At tnck two decllll'Cf 1mmedialely led a club rrom dummy. West woo and revcr1ed 10 ipadH, bot decll/'Cf" was in cootrol. A bridge player·~ paradise i~ a lond when: thecc will be a 4-4 °' bcner majOf-~uit fit on every deal. Unfortunately. real lire is oot like that and. while the 4-3 Moysian fit might be k:sl> than ideal. ii often proVldcs a sound enough haven. The spade wa~ taken in hand with Lhe jack and a club ww; ruffed on the table. II wa~ a simple matter '°" declarer 10 come 10 hand with the ace of diamoods. druw the outstanding ll\lmps anJ ca)h the n:IT\llini ng red- u11 winner.. 10 bnng the IOOIJ to 10 tnck.s. Newpen Helehta 3Br. 2Ba, Iara• f1mlly room, 2 car a11raae. avail 8/1 $2400/mo 9-49· 759-3771 TaOVAH 2br 2b1 2 c; aar. aaled. community pool, aet $23009-49 293 4631 OCIAH WWI 2h 2.Sba towmome. 11i lellel. 2 car lttch pr. wd ~ s:2Sln' MO~ ~I 858..tl4-3777 s-en• Jlr 21/tl• sinale lam hm, new NIW,Oal HllGHlS paint I. carpel, 2.:: p . Townhome 3br 2~a. 2· $3IDTI ~ h 9685J.8)ti car lllf. S2600m 9-49-230· 3290 or 9-49·689-4200 Renllls Wanlld 7880 3br 2ba on Balboa Wiii lie a , • .,..._,.,., Pcnm. hdwd firs, Ip, drover. Pf1vate ~relanal patio, 2 c a•r. avail 8-l wort<. udlanae loi room/ aat $26509-49 293 4631 bath 909-791 ·1932 ...... vi-...... .h 2ba hou'le. 2 car Plllll!. wd l*l4JS, trllf1C/bld( yard $2!l:ol) pet '* ~51Zl uvrao1n WINHll aENTAl 41r, 21/tlo, 2~ ""I.~ ..... ty 94t-673-J6U VACATION RENTALS Oesett Renllls 7915 VACA TIOll ISfTALS SAllS & ISfTALS ef>alm Sjw aim OMt ContJd MKNel AntlJ B-259-1450/7W-3lHll7 golf desemacabons.com VACA TIOll ISfTALS SAllS &IBfTALS ef>ilm Sjw aim OMt Conbd Michael Anlfl B-259-16V]S).J33. 7JJ7 golldesfltvacabons.com VIClllon Rentals Exchlnge 7930 M-iM ..... ten Can't u~ our timeshare Oct • 18 c1n lou' Ocnnlronl ... S3l!i0 949-719-9'86 W..te4"-t"°°u- rT /PT Apply in per SOf1 1801 81yside Or • Corona del Mat. Wed Sat. 10.-2.p. co SENIOtl CAl.l mum• SELL ~ Cere11ver FT •Waiter PT •OldE~CW, • Rtceptoonisl 949 760 2800 HOW YOU SAY rT, Cl...AlllFIED CAN Am il. I I & •USl#ESS •Ef'AMS Uparades. Repairs ol Computer, Networks E venln~/Weekends Compellltve prices for qua hi y ""vie ...... ,,_1175 714-926_.221 Concr9tl & ....., WlnHOln HYWAU All phases sm/lra jobs CUANI 20yrs. fair, free est L~ 714-639 1447 DUNCAN lUCTltK Locel, Quick Response Home, Y1rd & Dock Elect 20 Yrs E ap locftnsured ll'275870 9-49 650· 7<M2 DUfCHMAN W CTltC lrldi Ii.di S~ llle Commerc11I. Industrial. Coocrete. PellO, Or1veway .~ ~ ~ ftreplc, BBQ Refs. 25Yrs RllBI tlfl'H!Jl g&~ C.p Terry 71 4 557·759'4 The Ce-t ·-UCINSID CONTIAClOI Cementwork, Bridl, Tde No JOb too 1111 M wW:es.! & More Reliable. No job Repair, remodel, fans, loo small 714·615 9062 •· -SYC ~3656 YGUaNOMI 1 .... 0VIMUfl NOJl<n CUSTOM mAlM lll C1ll • plumber. hWltiofl ..... ceramic. p1inter, h1nd1m•n. ~---...... 1975 or 1ny of the 1rHt L#6121* Jeff 714-612-9961 1ervlces hated here in LIMY~ Rtplrld our iervk• directory I THESE LOCAL SVC R..,outJn & lnstallatloll PCOPLE CAN HCLP T1LE DEAN ,.9-673-8065 YOOTOOAYI 71~ 71A-Ml-2ml C• •uf,M•a ::::=. ._....1w&.1w .. ..., !Awn wort\. =. ~ ,.,....lnl ~ ~7144 ma ._,.._, ... ...,. ~,,..... .. _,,,.... & IMtMlltlcMI 2S Yr'I ••it l le.llMwecl Mf.S..·'363 your stuff through classified! s-s -u, Gel your yard loolune tis best b the SWTmlr Y•d c:1!9t ~ ~n,u bJne..141$ and ~ weekend I. eve quotes XtH H...t Sentk M 714-427-0040 lree Servi~•. Y1rd Cle1nup, M1lnlen1nce. Sprinkler Rep111. Heuhna (t4t) 650-1711 Ill" TOil! • Rf PAIR S. RlMOOll l~G Ctwiltiln~ RWic..i--. in.. drywlll IUX:o, llb floarl. ~--....... ~, Sll'ior~ .... C.WJDM 11~ CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yr, EJq) • Grell !W'S M flt-. Of COnstnldlon ~ Almadel E.wpens l1577912 Ml-709-5&42 Wll k::,:,...,. ,,.. ..., o.· ................ 1"11.-c--........... ..... ~ ...... 714.417.0liO M-. .. GFM'.IAl. IFIAll •IWNTF1WD • ~. Cornmrrcial No Job 1bo Smoll Daft llam.lltoa 949-322-1292 <•'• o. "' .._., -• t• 4e It? We can & we wtll 2Cfl . 4 •• yo..-home rep3l1s 71 •·348·8430. FIX UP SPICWIST. All types of rep11<s. Elec· trocal, plumbtne. doors, "'* ~ liea I. more 2~/7dlys 714-366-1881 ~c-... '~ Cwpentry • Plumblna Drywall • Stucco Palfllir'C. Tilt & more 20+ Y urs Experience! JI 714-t6t-Sn6 , ... ..,aw-·. "-•...-s.-...... lnterlot & E•terior Rtp1in 714 501 6466 lHI HANDYMAN All work 1uarenteed ~ E1ectrlall. Doon. f!Nh carp*' S&Malfi ..... .MellOf .. DUM"ll 71 • 968· 11112 AYAILMILE TOOAYI 9-49 673-5566 ............ ................. Sl'fCllllz/nQ ,,, Additions & ~~ 714-111-1711 ............ , ........ ~.::· ~·=::t~ a~t1~·~·!·~·~·C:~·~· -Aa-.-.-.-,-ss---.-Alll •ss Ollt.I ed w/tll'Olll OflllllUI· tlon1I 1111111 npwlel'tc•, efeuble w/aecurit"r• jMIW .. 1 lftllSt • ...._. Fri 9•3:00 C•ll for lfltlf'Ylew !M9·n l-92JI Al-IASI W-n·a Store 1l FNhlon lallnd Is now hlrll'll up'd fT a,nd PJ Sllu I UOC ,... c:orDd la Afwl .. -~.,. llOUl DHMHHI 2S lira • week. Must IHI fully experienced. COM. 949-644-1•13 ... .._11 Flllh 11111. loolq b IP.f{d Prime loc b ... _ 949-2.12·16'29 Pwt. NIHtSIS IMMllHAllLYI ~'s. ~'$ & Cclrpwb1s Medtd for llve-in/Houtly Actt.NMMtc .. °' .... <-'Y • (71.4)SS7-227S ...., ................. $12/hr La stor11e f1c1hty Mon, Thurs, Fri's. Office 1nd Ille riialnlenance. E.Kp. a + Leon 71•·437·9200 rr u les '" upscale baby I ch1lderns store m H8 TH m pl1yer who hkes to dulan & sell. Salary + bonus + medical. t4t-4t ... 454 I SalMIWlcll ,... In Costa Men nMds help. Call between S.111·l~m 9'49· 645>1100uk for M1raot -IMW 't7 3211 C.- melalloc d•rk blue/arey lthr. $uperb cond throu1houl Sl4,995 ~1 8llt 9&$18118 ........... ,, ..... (_ IMW 'ti U CeftV. aulo wh1te/t1n llhr. CO, beaulllul like new cond, Sl7.495 v59724 Im & wan llYM Biii 9&511& 1llll8 www.ec,el.c•• IMW 't9 U C.-, 2.J V6. l!>k mo ~pd. CO, 2 tone b"' & ten. Ith< Int, beautiful hilt new cond, S19.99S vS55721 11· n1ncona a. w1rranty an1I Bkr 949-586-1888 ___ ..,,... ... _ Co4t"°c 'to n..tw-4 sllver/17ey, •dt. sunroof. tlttr. IUIO J8k m1. S4800 new 11<0 949 76()..()1« Open 1Dllys Law Rlltee Stoqige Specilla Since 1981 949-645""'545 HSY MOVUS SH/Hr. Ser~ ~C1lln lnswed Tl ~246-2378 32J.6lO. 9971 eel PUBLIC NOTICE The C1llf Public Ut1hlln Commission requires th•t 111 uied h ouuhold 1ood1 movers print lhelr P.U.C C1I T number; hmos ind chtuffeurs print their T C.P. numtMlr in 111 edller- tJsementa. If you have eny qvnlt()fls 1bo•I th• le1•llly of • m ove r , limo or ch1ulfeur. c1ll. l'U8UC UTIUT•S CCNIMtlSION .,, ..... , Cervette 'It c_,. 1uto 60tl+ ml, metalllc red/ten lttir, superb cond lhrouanout, $9,995 Bkr !M9·586·1888 -.ecpeltl.c- ...... , sllvlf'/l'tY lthr, 21 V6, 4wd', 6 CO. w11r pp $14,999 949-675-87 MAIDA Y•Ull 2001 red u ter t•n lthr Inter. 1m·fm CO. sunrf, 1c, SIS.•95 949-4!M-4652 MHCIDH INZ 't2 I~ 2.4 bMdl. II J#llf' Nroof, -ml. orP -. ..,~2341 MercHH 'OJ 1201 20lo. ml, ,...,., , ptrfect cond. fletcher Jones svc & n tended w1rr1 nty $14,500 !MS-644-23-42 fer .. '65 Muto•t MllCIOU 5a$l 'N Converllble , orialn1I Blue/crMn, new top i nd owl\lf, aollol ur Sl9.995 obo s.49-719·2943. uphols1ery Pvt P•rty $9850 949-673-1095 f-4 ......... c-. • ... , ...... 560 Sl 6cyl, 111110, A/C. pb. pw, whlll/ten. immec ~ pi, 11111'-fm. c:c. whl covers nn .,.._ ,.. d • um o0o 11 .. 962-1 .. 1 dm-... Sl3J'.l> ™-751-* ow..-wte ... .__ l-" a.ever 't6 ..... 60k ml, t>lac:ll/1fey ltlv. •••er While . fully mnrt, CO, flbulous cond loaded, 1U m1inlen1nce th rQu&llout $5995 rec, $16,900M9.,.(11'29 vlnf457219 BM. ,HIUWSAUlO 01.,..u~ Blue w~. only 141< • mi, sports ... ( l 9C78C) $24,980 oo•wn• Sliver W/bladl IUv, Stee>ltonic (193871) S21.!8> HUIO_.... WMe w/:iaddle lealh· et. moontool (194-43) 0 .980 or..,.sr.,,.. Sea Green w/uddle lttw. 28K mo, moonroof (1911 2) S'29.!8> HMerc.-.su uo Blue w/black. IU"Y \l)OrlSl*a (19416) SZJ,!8> HfffWUMS Red w/black ltlv, 5spd ( 19'70) Sl8.!8> or,....r..._ T11>tron11:, ooly 1811 m!IM. navacation (1939') IHQUIR[ •• t.JrW GS .JOO Gold w/saddle leather. chrome wheel5 (l!M18) $21,!8> 01 f'end. GT1 Blldt w/bllet. only 100 ~ ( 19!197C) INQUH 0, • .,, ... cuoo Silver w/vey, navi· aation, only 151< ml (1~5C) INQ4JIRE OOf'..ulte .. 11nw Slinr w/bladl, 1>1em1um wund (194263) $28.980 fft..574-7717 PllllSMITO ;'I\ If Ila ~'JJtlt~. ~Professional Painting UC.~ latUr/lltedar Decmllw JW.tlM u.~ Rob Isbell -Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887-1'80 a...-• .-....~.., Or11f Prlcel Guwtnteed wortl. frtt at. l•3~ 714-531-1~ 7---2M5 ICl'I cmmlll ,..,... Pron. dtlll. q1A1ty ~ "'tMiof/lllt ..... 4ods. U70J461 Mt-631 ·•610 Ht-516-1118 --.ecpo1.1.c- ,lff&.UPS AUTO 01 .... ~GJS N:Jt red on l>lilod., low moles, IOI aeous! (194001) $57,980 OOIMWU,, Stiver w{blacll llhr, Stecitronte (193871) $21.!8> HU:IO_,... White w/saddle leath- er moorvoof ( 19443) $27.980 OJ J..-S r.,,.. Su Cteeti w/sadcle lttv. 28K mi. moorvool (19112) S'29.!8>. ,, ""'°"'" SI.It 2MJ Blue w/bl<lck, ~ey Sj)Of1S pile (19'16) SV.911> HlllAW3nlS Red W/b&Kk lthr, 5spd (l9C70) $18.980 "',...,...., .... Tt1>lton1e, only 18" miles, navaphon (1939') INQlH ,. t.JtW GS .JOO Cold \Ir/saddle luther. chrome wheeb (19'18) $21,9111 01,._,.GT? 81ac:k w/btack only 100 mMs (I 9!>97C) INQUllE 01 ,._,_.. asoo Sil .. ., w/.ey, nlYi- pliOn, only 151< mi (19M5C) IHQtME 00,..,...._... Stiver w /bladt. &spd, low miles (19607) SJS.980 Mt-S14-Tm .-SMO ·-; q t - 1dvblon0f M9TJllnlll<t SE.WER JE.mNC ELECTRONIC SlA8 LE.AK OE.TECTION Friendly Sen ice t49 -67S-tl04 -.~.mm U 7S2A91 ll>Wrod r..~111.Hl l'l THE ~rT -f . ' ...,.. ...... llCtUlll ml. "°"· ch, 1-owlltf.......,, tin ttllf, CO, ru11114N bo1rd1/brMsh ,,., .... I.Ille 11ew cond, v27~ $18,995 fin & warr•nty .viii Blr. !Mt-586-1188 , _....,._ Teyete 'ta TKOllll ••4 New off rd brn, 3 112" hft kit, pl w/•IMm nliftt cond $7900 9&675·5744 ., .... c 11n Ctr• Counlr y RV, 2 1c urqts, 429 Chevy VB. 2S1< or;aln mi, $11,fiOO BE.ST OHE.R 714-M0•7919 I alNT 2000 JOit.. & 2003 22tt.. lmmac:, sleeps 6 I. 8 opltonal tent. pm1c lbl. bb-. T oy Ir atler & tut tr a1ler ~9 295·0356 or 949.500 1266 BOATS DUffY IUCl'llK ... CL ASSIC 18fl ll(lty restored, best offer ~ 9-49-~ 9-424 Slllbolts 9521 CAl 20 SAUOAT,., ... $1495 PP949 ~ 3024 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVUS Wanted "5ft Moor;! around Balbol l~t top s 760-723-9444 714 •12·7068 ' ' , t > I -I ISUZ·U G 0 F A R T H e· R .............. ., • L9te Pawm••ld • 4 ' .... ' ®HYUnDRI ' . . 9lWE I: i'l!J: I 11!1 I ~~[!)(!\ ·.; A14 f nday, Auiust 15, 2003 .L.INCOLN • c:twa-. Ill)' .. ,..._,. c~. llld my emiu1on tesllna dwge. SlOOO REBATE IN LIEU or ()'\ FINANCl"IG UP TO 60 MOS. SIOOO FMCC BONUS CASH IS APPi ICABLE WITH FMCC FINANCING ONLY. 1 At This Savings (3ZJ32396) Plu• govemlll<'nl (~ and 1a~e•. any finance charge•. any dealer document pn:paruuon char@e. "'1d "'1)' c.-m""on ll"\llng charge RElMTh 10\I LIEU 01 O« FINANCING UPTO 60 MOS 1 At This Savings tJU078071 1 At This Net Cost (677S091 finance c~ .., deal« dOcumtnc pttparauon clwJe. llld any emission ICliUOS chatJe $)()()() REBATI! IN LIEU OF~ FINANCING UP TO 60 MOS. 2 At This Net Cost (Jl9202. Jl99)9) ~ dlqc. ~ MY muuicll ICfilrng charae S3000 REBATI! IN LIEU OF SPl-Cl/\L LOW RATE FlNANCI G. Mt:ST H"IANC'E TIIRU FMCC TO OBTAl"I BONL'S REBATE OF Sl,000 1 At This Savings 16071'1) prcplf1ltion dwp. end Illy emiMioo 1~1rn1 chaJie REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE 1-llllAt-.CING 1 At This Savings (7098.S4J •