HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-16 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotai Serving th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY,AUGUST16~2003 Mormo.ri Temple construCtion begins The 17,575-square-foot building on Bonita Canyon Drive could open in earl y 2005. original plans. Thro ugh a series of public.: meetings and d iscus - '>IOns, the church ultimately agreed to a steeple sho rtened to !Kl feet. rhc ou1side ligh11n g and the colo r of the building were also wncd down to ble nd in heller wi1h the area. are especially holy place~ and the only places where certain rites can be perfonned. I-or now, the· county's 40,000 Mormons must travel tu Los Angele!> or San Diego counues for "uch cer- emonie~. June Casaarande Daily Pilot OONITA CANYON -The first Mormon Te mple in Orange County broke ground Friday, nine months after the City Council approved the construc- tion. Weatherford Uayton, presi- dent of the Newport Beach stake center of the Olurch o f Jc· !>U!> Oirist of Latter-day Saints. ~id the process of getting per- mi11, through the city wid ap- proving details thro ugh the 1 hurch's Salt Lake City head· quarter.. took longer than ex pected. "The permits are aJmost com- plete, and we ho pe to have everything in place very shortly, so this was the right time to break gro und," Clayton said. Work could be complete in about a year anti a half on the 17,575-!>quare -foot project, which is next to the stake center, at 2300 Bonita Canyon Orive. ll1e temple was the center of a long and heated communily debate after some neighbors ob1ec1ed to 1he 124-foot s1eeplc and other visual elements of the I he new butlding on the 8.5- acrc c,11e will include public gar- den'> and water treatment!>. Once c.:onstruc.:t1on i!> complete, lhe church, wilJ hold an o pen housl' wi1h tour' of lhe facility. After the temple'~ ded1calion, however, !.Orn e areas win be open only to chun;h members. The gardens and o ther area.c; will continue to be open to the pub- lic: In the Mormon fai th, tem ple1> THE ARMS RACE "This 1emple came about through what was really a I ter cuJean effort by both parties," said Mayor Steve Bromberg, who helped broker d rnmpro- mise for 1he -.teeple "1'111 really proud of the pcopll-on ho1h sides." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead'l and John Wayne Airport. She may be reacned a1 (949) 574-4232 or by<' mail al 1une.casagrande "/a11mes com STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Two beachgoers race each other on their hands in the sand near ~0th Street on Balboa Peninsula on Thursday. Calm on the water, edgy on the boats Light winds slow down the second day of the Governor's Cup. At this ra te, there won't b e time for final round, official says. Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot For the second day, Mother Nature bare ly released enough wind to nu the sails of this year's participants In the 37th Governor's Cup OlaUenge tak- ing place off Newport Beach. ww e had a slow start this morning because we had to finish !Thursday's) ponion of the round-robin competi - tion,· Salling Administrator Ben Benjamin said. "Conse- quently. the competitors are staying out later today to try to complete today's portion of it. "If we don't get some co- operation lfrom Mother Na- rurel. we won't have time for the finaJs aspect of the race, and that m eans a winner will be decided solely on round- robin standings." he said. The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy a l Kings Point, N.Y .. with helmsman Peeter Must, Ryan Mulvania-Middle and Todd Kulkiewicz-Bow, has the le!ld. One t>f the team's prime fea- tures must be former Balboa Yacht Oub junior sailor and Governor's Cup competitor Ryan Mulvania. Many concur that his local .knowledge and ablllty In "light aJr," coupled with his skilled crew, have helped them to the early lead. "Ught-alr experts excel in these condition'>,· B('l1Jamm said. ·They'IJ probably <;tay out as lo ng as possible today to try to finish the round- robin. • Kings Point moved into first place when Newport Harbo r Yacht Oub lost in round-robin elimination. Benjamin said that the one- o n -one competirion generally talc.es between 30 and 40 min- utes per race. "h's the down time that's the most frustrating -aJI they do See BOAT, Pase M Rendering ofthe Mormon Temple being built in Newport Beach Flight makes emergency landing at JWA Southwest Airlines plane safely returns to the airport after pilot sees s moke in the cockpit. James Meier Daily Pilot IOI It\ WAYNL AIRPORT -A ~uthM~'' Aulmes p lane made .tfl emt'rKt'ncy lam.ling -,hortJy af. ter taking off 1-riday morning af- ter 1L'> pilot reponed seemg '>rnoke, airport officiah said. 'x.Juthwe'>l Airline~ Flight 186 wa_-, about 20 mmute<> into 1~ inp to Oaklwid at about 8:20 a.m. when the pilot reported 'moke in the rnckp1t, said Ann Mct .arley. -.pokes woman for /WA. r'hc Boe111g i li then he<idt•d bdck ICI tht· a1rpon, landed with out incident dlld Mnved JI the gate al .ihout R·27 a .m., '>he -..ud Oien', Orange Count} I in· Au thonty paranwd1c'> trt'dled '>lX p~-.enger.. who wmplaincd of either r~puatol") problem<, or anxiety, Capt Stepht•n Miller -..ud. rive were rell'a<,t>d wht.le another. a woman in her 60 ... w~ 1aken to Anaheim :-..temonctl I to-;p11aJ. he ...ud • [ veryonc wa-. 1n nuld wnd1 uon: Miller ..aid lit• V.<h umure what Wd.'> wrong witJ1 Ult' woman v.ho wa.c, taken to th(' ho .. p11d1 rhere wert.' iR pa ... c,enger~ and five crew m('mber-. dh<JMd the p lane .... ud Fd ~wwan. 'poke'> man for !xlulhWt''>t A1rhne-. Tho'>t-pa'>-wnger-. who ... uu See JWA, Pace A4 Taste of Newport a little Sugar Ray Music group Sugar Ray will return to its hometown for this year's Taste of Newport festival. June Caaa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.AC! I -Sugar Ray, the chart-topping quintet that hails from Newpon, will headline this year'~te of New- port festival. "We're very excited that they're coming." said Richard Luehrs. president of the Newport Beach FAMILY TIME Otamber of Commerce. pre- senter of the annual food, dnnk aJld hve music rc<.uval l ne "grung of a contract with the uitemauonally renowned music group has been a dream of Taste of Newport promoters 'iince last year, Luehrs said. "This started last year when we were talJdng with some of the band members trying to make it happen. We wanted to maJc.e it happen, but logistically, it wam'l possible last year," Luehrs said. "Th.is year, they'll be here.• The band, described as a mix of metal. pop. punk and hip hop. See SUGAR RAY, P .. e M Woman remembered with tears, laughter Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: ~.~com A recall even a kid can understand Hundreds attend funeral of Mesa Verde resident who died unexpectedly Sunday. Loltta Harper OaityPifot NEWPORT Bl!ACH -One. Four. Three. John Ro~ lhared the .. crec code with the hundncM ol ~ wbo attet*d .. wtte'a "-91 Prtd9y aftemooa at Padlc ~ Mlmadll ~ and MDnUlry. II WM boW ,_. --~, ............ ............. -,.... wllhoUt any words. One letter in ·1,· four In ·1ove· and three in •you.· The signal would ftasb from the sidelines of Jhe buebalJ dia- mood, the back of their motor- cycle or in a dark movie thea- ter, he said. ·11 any ol )'OU want to com- municate with my baby.· he· Mid, his ~ braking with emodon, •just hold up your ftneers ln • one, four, three." Love lowed dvo... the chtpll G( the Newport ee.ch memorW pa and people lhlred cbelr pNdow ~ del ol 32.,_.:0ld ..... RacbA-, ...... ~y tn .. ..... ,_M WEATHER It'• •till hot. 5HP••A2 SPORTS The Ortnge CoHt College women'• t thletlc department, whlcta won three ettte tum tltln Int tMIOft ••• IPOCl'9Med In IN ett.cklng Out ...... ..,....1 STEVE SMmt l) It is nearly irnpouible to do any woneajob than Go\t Grayo.w baa; 2) lttbe new . .. A2 Slewdly, qust 16, 2003 MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Betty Blakeney is the assistant volunteer coordinator at the Costa Mesa Senior Center. Keep your money Suzie Harrison Da~yP1lot While most of us demand a steady paycheclc for oUHteady work and often head off to the job site grudgingly . .Betty Blakeney has been showing up 10 work at the Costa Mesa Senior Center with a smile and without a paycheck in sight since 1995. Blakeney, assistant volunteer coordi- nator for the center. says she will con- tinue the work as long as she is able. "I recruit volunteers, assign them as needed, process their applications -we get many: Blakeney said. ·we usually ask new members if they're interested in volunteering. and sometimes we put ii in the Olronicle !the center's newslener) -we do it at the end of the fiscaJ year, In July." She said they have about 200 volun· teers. They just had a celebration recog· nizing the volunteers who worked more than 40 hours in 2002. "The seniors are a terrific and sup- portive group." Blalceney said. "I never Betty Blakeney says she'll volunteer at the Costa Mesa Senior Center for as Jong as she's able get tired. Everyone is so grateful and willing to help. There are 24 or so dilfer- ent volunteering opportunities through- out the year. We do different things. fund-raisers and parties: One of their biggest events is called Showcase -it's a juried art show for everyone 50 and older who has pro- duced a piece of originaJ art. "Every medium is welcome. It's a juried show and has an awards dinner," Blakeney said. "It's a really big program, so we don't do it every year." She said it's ~ry labor intensive and is a great way to raise funds for the center. "It's just a dynamo. with people in their IOOs participating." Blakeney said. "We welcome everyone in the commu- nity to show their an work..· Other big events that require the.help of volunteers indude Monte Cado N'ight -a casino-themed fund-raiser -a luau. the Ho ~ lo the Cal, their Fourth of July cdebration, the Valentine's evmt. Thanks- giving and other holiday parties. •Right now, we're in desperate need of drivers to deliver to the homebound In Costa Mesa, to d~r home meals,· Blakeney said. "That only takes an hour of the penon's time once a week.,. The a1ao have a full IChedule of activ· ities every day that require volunteers. So the opport:Ullllles are available for peo· pie to do what, they enjoy. The senior center accepu people of any age as vol- unteers. "My favorite part is just talking to peo· pie and just gettmg gieat cooperative re- sponse from everyone. It malces it a lot of fun," Blakeney said. "I'll continue to do it as long as I can. ·1 hope I've made a dliference," she said. "Ir's very rewarding to me. The main goal tn life is to do something re- warding that belpa the community." For more information, call Blakeney at (949) 646-2313. BOOMER CALENDAR THE OLDER CROWD They can still get around with travel service 1banlcs to their efforts, thousands of local seniors have seen things they might never have seen, done things they might never have done, and satisfied wanderlust that might have lingered unfulfilled. With no previous experience in the travel industry, they've organaed adventures throughout Resort in Escondido for a production of "Annie Get Your Gun" and Oak Glen In apple country for shopping and lunch. In October, buses will bead Cor the Barona Valley Ranch Resort and CaSino, Callaway Wtnery and the San Diego Wlld Animal Park. For overnight MELISSA ADAMS travelers, fall and winter vacations are available in the Hudson River Valley, New York City. Palm Springs. Memphis and Nashville. F.xtended trips now in the planning st.ages for 2004 include a trip to San Francisco to celebrate the Chinese New Year. a Mayan Riviera Wtnter Escape. and a Great Canadian Cities trip that will take in Montreal, Quebec and Niagara Falls. the U.S. and beyond, including jaunts to Europe, Canada and the F.ast Coast, all through the Oasis navel Office. They're a highly organized volunteer corps of 12, headed by Janet Poor and~ <Me. Under the guidance of these co-chairs, Lomalne Mutlmon. Muy 1.amora. Cathy Murphy. Melody Orr, Wanda Taylor, C.arol Rds, BartNlra Ully, Marje Uoderwoocl. Marje Boee and LoulM Peat have organized a d<n.en extended trips this year to date. In addition, mature travelers have enjoyed 26 daytrips and nine gambling trips in 2003 -to casinos in las Vegas, Laughlin and San Diego County. ·it's very rewarding to take 40 people to a museum. a show, a winery or a city they might not be able to visit on their own. .. said Poor, who volunteers two days a week at the office. in add1tioo to time esconing day trips. "'We haw a lot of fun and we meet wooderful people.• Bus trips. Poor Mid. ue especially enjoylb&e. thanks to comfortable tranlpOrtation provided by Coach USA and California Charter. "Everyone lOYeS Frank and Don, our favorite driven,· ahe said. ·we play Bingo and eat cookies on the way dMR, and see movies coming home.• The luxwy coaches are air-conditioned, with bathroo~ and adjust.able 1eating. Upcoming excursions include daytrips to the Lawrmce Welk Many trips sell out soon after details are published in the monthly Oasis newsletter. All begin and end at the Corona del Mar center, making them espedally convenient Cor members. Travel office profits are turned over to the Friends of Oasis, the fund-raising and support ann of the center. The real profit. however, goes to seniors who are able to expand their horiz.ons in the company of others long after independent travel becomes 100 difficult or 100 soUtary. The navel Office a.t Oasis is open Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m to 2 p.m. For more information, call (949} 718-1810. OASJS Senior Cent.er is a hub for older adults social and information services. at 5th Street and N~us Avenue in Corona deJ Mar. For more information about the center and Its activities. please call (949) 644-3244. • WI 'SSA ADAMS manages communtattiona for the city of Newport Beach Recreation & Senior SeMciea. • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627; by e--mall to miktuwanson@latimes.com; by fa)( to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is avallable at www.dailypilotcom. SUNDAY today and Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian Church oflhe Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students. The cost is $10. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340 .. FRJDAY The Coste MeM S.-dor c.nter preMnta a Hawaiian luau featuring authentic Hawaiian food, entertainment and more from 4 to 7 p.m. Ttdcets are on sale at the center's front desk. Reservations are a must Admission for members Is $5, $11 for nonmembers. Information: (949) 645-2356. AUG.24 To ~r Katherine H.pbum, Ouis Senior Center will present •Guess Who's Coming to Dinner:' the fourth of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's HepbtJm Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more infonnation, call (949) 644-3244. anniversary, presents the CostAmazlng Senior Hoedown, featuring live western music by the Travis P&rtter Band, dancing and barbecue, from 4 to 7 p.m. The Colta Mes.a Senior Center ia at 696 W. 19th St The cost ia S5 for members, $11 for nonmembers, S5 for kids. Tldteta go on sale Aug. 15 at the center's front desk and at Costa Mesa City Hall, on the third floor in the Recreation depertment Information: (949) 645-2356. share experiences. hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with aedness and lou. One group meeta at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob In Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets et 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezre Center In Anaheim. There's no coat to attend. but advance registration Is required. (714) 445-4950. AUG. 31 AUG. 23 ONGOING a.. s.Mcw Cerltw..... 1'1 tance. counseling and refen'al services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. To honor Katharine H.pbum, Oaab Senior Center will present •pat and Mike,• the third of five tree screenings in August. at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorQ at the center's Hepburn Alm F-est, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 644-3244. MONDAY Miian ctrtv.. can ah..,,.n their driving atdlla In two four-hour AARP driver safety cleuea held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. The Coste Mele Senior c..rt.r wtl be dipping ice cream at an Ice cream social at the martcetpface from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. All proceeds will benefitthe Center. Information: (949) 645-2356. To honor tc.therine H9pbum, Ouis Senior Center will present •on Golden Pond; the last of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Alm Fest. at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. for more information, call (949) 644-3244. SEPT.12 The CostAI MMe Senior c..rt.r, In celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th The Coln end St.mp Club mMtl from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oula Senior Center. New memben lntenmed in trading, buying and Mfllng stamps end coins are being sought to join ttl8M informal meetings. There ere no fees required. (949) 644-3244. JewWt ~ SeMce ..... Ol9*tg bereavement support groups for adult.a at all stages of loss. Group membera The Cost.,... Senlor.Qdan 8quar9 and Round Dence Oub Meta experienced dancers to join itl group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thur8CMys et the ea.ta Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Cotta Mesa. (714) 54&5669. Daily A Pilot PHC1TOORAPttERS Copyright No new1 stories, SURF AND SUN Seen Hiller, Don Leech. ibUW.tlona, editorial ~Of Kent Treptow ldvertilementa herein an be READERS H01UNE reproduced without -m.n WEATHER FORECAST SURF permluion of COPVright owner. (949) 642-6086 tt'H be 8nothef wenn one .. The latest 80UthW9lt swell VOL 17, NO. 228 Recof'"d your comments about the HOW 10 REACH US Co.ta Meta end Newport .mv. todey, with"*'• to Deity Piiot or news tlpe. CINullltion ntoMAS H. JOtMoN NewsEdlbwa ~ 1M Times Or8fl99 County Coat apptOld\ 80. Coe.tel ~~--Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Ander90n, Our eddreN le 330 W. Bey St., Co9ta (800) 252-9141 Newport wll eleo be w.rm, OCCMionel hwt-Ngh. tt TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunt, Paul Saltowltz. Mesa, CA 82627. Office hour1 .,. with higt'9 In 1he mld-70e. deftw*-ly ---worth. trtp Edilor AlhlMllll• O.niel Stewne Mondey • Ffldey, 8:30 1.m. -5 p.m. lows wit be In the upper'°'·. lnto1he ....... _,, JUl1't OETTINO a ••d (IMI) M2-M78 ~.a=,or NEWS .... Cenac11aoN Dllpl9y (949) 142~1 Sunday~ be cooler, OnSund9y ........... Crime-=r~. It la the Pllo«'I policy to PfOm9dV YIDeW but not by much. litlle "'9fW, but tt.. lhould Ptomodone Direc:tot (948) OOfT9Ct ell em>r'I of IU~. News On iu.ct.y, .... .., geaing .. be plenty of d.-hlgtw t»epl.MM.rlt • ...,,,...Q)tn ,.,.... c.aft (!M8) 7&M324. IM9IM2·a.G wwmegeln. end.,...~ mmNQflTAff .... =···· ....... ($48) 574--t223 ~ .... Standout ......... LlC-. N9wpon ,...,,..., m ......... ( .. )84M170 ..... ,..,,...."°" hweeon'9~ ~E'~. (MIPMm The Newport IMdVCosta Meee .......... (94l)llO-Ot70 On Mondmy, ... ..., 574-<U33 June.~•...,,,._com Deiy flllot (~1~) le 1....a~•......_oom BOATING FORECAST ~-...... wllooi'llllue. t.,J.t»hn• llldmM.oom ,...Clllllml ~ dllly. In N9wpolt ...... ...... --Wlllr..-r. .,.,._...., Polltlce, bull! ..... end environment end ColtAI MMl.1Ubecr1fltlol•.,. The w1111ity wtra wtl ~=:a.. • ..,_._(M)M2~1 ~°" '9PC>f*', (M8) 794..Q30 ' 41Yeiteble ontv bv'Mlblcftbino to The ···-,..(Ml) 131-712' blow '°to 11 llncJll In the Inner jllma,,..,.Wltna.oom ptHJl.c11nton•IM"'*-00tn T1me9 0...,. County (IOO) wNrl todly, wtlt 2..fooe JIDES ........ .,... ............ 2&2-1141. In .... CM..ida of 1111 W9"'8I end. n*9d Wiil ~ lpcJltt £cllrlr, CotumnM. cutNf9 reporw. Nliwpoft IMdt end ea... Meee, of J ....... IDUlh ... of 2" ,.... ~~ (M)5H-42'71 ..._....,..eo.,.~Nac.,. ...................... 1:9a.m.· ~"'*'--com ........ ontf hr ..... friillt IDr , ..... ..... "' ..... ............ Ait ~, ... Delle a.t. ....... ... .., ... moftlh. C"10ll lrdUd8 .. Gill ....... NI~ .... .,.... eo... Me. NPOfW. CMll PM221 lllPlcebli -.Md ... ._., ....... .._. ........ u. ... P.• -••• com .,,._,,..,,., • ...,.com ~:lend ...... .... Mi'C1J1 cNl'l'l tD lhe ~ ............ !-..... .... E.-. ee... .... ... ........... _ .... .. ,. •• ii ,..... •••l•nc.CMtDMm ~---Delly Plot. P!O. OI003Tlm9I CN. NA,..... ,,,., ................. ,,, .. ,-.eo.T.CAma ---.............. .. ....,.-...com , .... -------------------~~~-0------------------------ Daily Pilot Soturday, August 16. 2003 A3 • OCC will offer new speech course in fall Blplortng in~ercultuntl c:ommwucatfon, Orange Cout College's Speech De- partment will offer a new three-unit course this fall. Aspen to Newport Ski and golf store wilJ open a t an add ress where another ski store used to be. to · Newpon Beach. We have a fairly active population iliat takes in golf and skiing avidly." Offer lur n.-.. c '"'""'<" uni~ pk .uc Rt'l;ub• I"'« SI (J '"'"'Ii t• >till dtccJp11 Uated as Speech 155, the course meets from 12:45 to ·2:10 p.m. Tuesday and Paul Clinton Daily Pilot 'Jbunday afternoons and MARINER'S MJLE -A fom1er tocuses .on effective inter-Swiss Olympian has said he will cukuraL interethnic and open a new s.ki equipment ant.I interracial communication rentaJ shop here by Oct. I to re- designed to assist students place a longtime retaiJer. in increasing their aware-• • Stefan Kaelin Ski & Golf is set neaa. acceptance and sen -to open in the place of Peter sJtJvlty of people from Glenrl of Vennon t, which closed other cultures. in March. The shop is at 2700 W. The community college Coast I lighway. begins its 56th academic "We are presenUy remodeling year on Aug. 25. About the :.pace," the company said in 21,000 students are en-. a press release on its Web site. rolled. More than 25,000 '"n1e remodel will bring the loca- are expected. lion up to our standards and be The first classes at the able 10 accommodate full ski and school began Monday, golf merchandise and service~ ... Sept. 13, 1948. It will be the only retailer spe - cializing in skiing in Newpon Beach. The shop will reflect the new- est tends in ski. snowboard and golf equipment, ilie Aspen. Colo.-based company sait.I. It will also offer apparel and extensive rentals. The store will also feature a golf cage with a computerized swing and performance ana- lyzer. A Professional Golfers· Assn. expert will be on hand for professional service, custom fit- ting and advice. 11)e Newport Sid Co. opened at 'the locution in 1976. after a fire leveled the entire block.. Jn 1998, chair retailer Peter Clt:nn took over and ran it ill> a !>ki !>hop for five years. In the 1!:!60!>, Kacti1i w~ a two- time Olympian wiili the vaunwd Swiss team. In 1969. he Jert hi!> native land for a sale~ jnb at a !>ki apparel company in U1e U.S. Dirw Dos Wash 714-960-7002 • 504 Main Strut. H8 • OPen Tll 7:00PM LocaJ business leaders wel- comed ilie new retailer to a loca- tion that ha'i existed as a ski shop since the 1970s. By 1972. Kaelin Wi.L!> ilic ge11- eral manager of Haichle-Molitor USA, a divbion of Raichlt• of Switzerland. llm·e year ... later, hl· and wife Sta.,cha founded Kaelin Enterprbe., anti K.1eli11 < :orpora tion Inc. to open 'Id '>lore., in A" pe11. Featuring A Live Tribute To "I think it's a terrific addition," said Richard Luehrs. president of the Newport Beach (}1ambe r of Commerce. "'Jhis enterprise wiU continue to provide a much :.ought after recreational amenity In allditio11 to the t·4u1pnwn1 ant.I rentals. Kaelin\ '>hop will also oner da ... .,t' ... tot hildren who want to learn how to ..,kj 111 ... now hoard. Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesda,y 6-9pm A DR. ATKIN'S ThJ Original Low Carb Lifestyle LOW CARB SNACKS Cnmchers ·~inaJ $~49 • BBQ • Nacho . • Sour Cream/Onion 1 oz. SUGG . '2.39 each Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Scrvic-c' .. For &st'rv,11iu11s c.,u (949) 646-7944 1695 lncin ... A.-e .• Co"" !\In" Uttuwt' •• "'-1'•"4 Mo• \_.., ''"'"' Iii,~ )11 • ft,,, • PJ»tl ct 1 '4.J ... Nightly Entcrtainmc:nt .. ' 100% Organic OPrlMUM CERFAIS Meets Weight W~ & Heart Assi>ciation Cri1l!ria • Slim -1 polnJ per serving • Power Brealcfatt Sr! =per REG. 14 s4_75 oz. ~~~!f • PineappleA::oconut • Cranberry Delight • Papaya Delight SE • Black Cheny REG. '2.29 32 oz. DR.ATKIN'$ 1hr OriPaal LOW rARB ~~·. ENDULGE ~ Ice Cream •Vanilla ~ • Oaocolate s3Qft REG . '4.89 4 az~ Natural' Choice Fat Free Dessert Organic Sorbet • Mango • BludJeny • Lemon • StnndJeny 29 REG . SJ.29 pint Potato Chip& • Salt I Pepper ~Organic ~YellOWCom Tortilla Chips SJ!! ~l ;\.( r-~ !\ rl ~i .. ~L~~~ • Mild • Medium •Hot •Chili •Roasted Glaceau Vitamin Water ·~.55 SI'!! SUGG. '39.95 10oz. FARM FRESH PRODUCE Garlic REG. '4.29 FOUC ACID -800 MCC ~ ~SZ49 SUGG. •4.89 1oo eaps Mountain Ocean Lip'lrip 100%~Lip/Wm UJilJI SPF 15 ti lid In Moirbn MtlProl«t fronts... -'WW • t.t.11 DR. SINGHA'S Mustard Bath SlinUalinf, CJarrmbag""" ~PeM::tluT = $49" l&.'2.• A_....z;. Potato 'Theos 2 com tortillas filled with seasoned mashed potatoes and cheese, tOPOed with a usty papaya~ StMd · with cilantro n ee., avocado slica and black beans. ...... ..., ·. .. . • . I • I I I ~ I I ' I t I . M Satmtay, Aueust 16. 2003 COiia .. •Wllit-.-• ,,....._,. ..... _ =:.::.-::-......:. ........... ~ ·----• Illaµ &laths £Am. wlfnlllldon~ of drhlng under .. ........... 2:30a.m. 111und9v. •Mllll-Arnenw. ••••don •llPldon of vlollldng .. perole Jn the JWA Continued from Al wished to fty to Oakland were rebooked on another llight. McCarley said. The unscheduled landlng did not affect other airport op- erations, she said. By about 9:18 a.m., the plane was towed from Its gate to another area of the airport, where it was in· spected. Officials determined that a blown seal over the auxiliary BOAT Continued from Al is roU up their sails. eat lunch ........ ,,.~°" n.a ..... ............... Am •. ,. __ .... d ... 1'1 11111\of ___ .. lc10p.m. ~ ......... .............. * CINnd-wNPCN'ld In _____ ,,.p.m. ~ •0.-...... BUlglllyw NPOltld In .__,.,...,. 118:41 a.m. ~ power unit created the smoke, Stewart said. "Jr's sort of like a gasket on your car," he said. ~It's sort of meaningless. but since it's a plane, everybody gets excited. ... It's as much a nonevent as a nonevent can be.• The plane was later cleared for use and returned to duty. Stewart said. • JAMES MEIER is the city editor. He can be reached at (949) 764-4324 or at james.meier@latimes.com. and making them· wait frustrations build. All they want to do is their job -sail- ing." and wait for their n ext turn," • KR.IS O'DONNELL is a Daily Benjamin said. wit's lilce pun-Pilot intern. He can be reactied at ing race horses into the gates kris odonnell@lat1mes.com. WOMAN Continued from Al her Costa Mesa home. The cause of death has not been determined. Officials must wait six to eight weeks for test results. People waded through a standing-room-only crowd for a chance to share publicly how Rothfuss had touched their lives. Her friends d escribed her as loyal. Her family illustrated her loving nature. Her co- work.ers said she was ch eerful. Her husband called her his soul mate. ~we were true love," he said . A voice crackling with grief would suddenly erupt im o laughter as the storyteUer would recall the funny things Jessica Rothfuss would do. The sanctuary burst with amuse- ment. proving the happiness Rothfuss spread during her life was still potent even after her death. Dozens of pictures of the strilcing black-haired woman decorated the lobby, each cap- turing her carefree d em eanor. distinctive style and radiant smile. Jessica Rothfuss struck poses in he r m oto rcycle gear, her wedding dress, costumes and childhood portraits. Her arms were draped around her husband's broad shoulders. She bugged his waist as he sat on the bad of his motorcycle. Each happy moment was cap· tured in a still frame and dis· played for attendants to re· member. M Baby. I know you don't want me to hurt,~ John Rothfuss said during a tearful tribute. MI will never forget you. You are al- ways in my heart, and the memories make me smile. You are ~y angel, and I love you, boo. MBo o bear." That was the nickname the young couple had for each other. Members of the American Thunder bilcing club rode their motorcycles to the service, in cribute to the gorgeous girl John Rothfuss had introduced them to. When he rode up with the spirited brunet on the baclc of his bilce fo r the first time, me mbers of the club said they lc:new Jessica Rothfuss was "a keeper." Loved ones said they would indeed keep her in their hearts and take to heart the lessons she taught them. Live, love and laugh ferociously -was Jes- sica Rothfuss' approach to life. At the end of the service, he r fat.her, Bill Owen. pleaded with the audlence to grant his daughter one wish. Mlf Jess would have you do on e thing, it would be to love your brothers and sisters a lit- tle bit more today because we do no t know what the road will hold ahead of us," Owen said. 1 LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reactied at l949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harper@latimes.com. Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. F1tmily Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET~ONE Karastan • Lees • Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairbome And Much More SUGAR RAY will take the Tlaste of Newpon stage for the Saturday n.lsht show as part of a three-day lineup from Sept 19 to 21. Frtday'1 act Is ·Forever Diamond.• a Nell Dia- mond tribute band, and Sun- day's musical act will be the Beach Boys. The festival, now in its 15th year. ls also introducing a new way to pay for food and driJ1k. lnste;td of the "scrip• that bas been used in past years and that works Uke tickets for food and drinks, this year, patrons will purchase a usmart card" for a p~ amount Merchant.s at the event will swipe the card like a credit card, and the cost of each purchase will be automadcally deducted. "We hope this will be even more convenient," Luehrs said. More than 30 restawants and 15 wineries will take part in this year's fesdval, offering a wide sampling of local restaurants' cuisine, wines and beers. The volunteer-driven event helps raise funds for a number of area charities. Last year, the chamber gave out $15,000 in grants from money raised at the Taste of Newport. Recipients included Human Options Inc .. Leadership Tomorrow, the Newport Mesa Schools Foundation and Youth Employment Service. About 70,000 people attended last year's Taste of Newport. For details, including show times. tickets and directions. visit www.tasreofnewport.com or call the chamber at (949) 729-4400. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beacti and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactied at 1949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. FAMILY Continued from Al the rest of the counay and most of the media has a huge problem with the concept. Read the papers or listen to the radlo and what you'll gather is that our recall proces.5 is a circus. Read and listen and you're likely to get the impression that no one should really be surprised at all of this recall frenzy because it is typical of us wacky Californians. (I'll assume. since I don't watch television, that the tube's • coverage is at least as bad, if no t worse.) So if it's no surprise, why is everyone so surprised? The Californians who suppon the recall are fed up with political bungling. economic miscalculation, general stupidity, lack of common sense and disdain for the wishes of the people. Most of all. we're fed up AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike . .wanson@latimn.com: by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 57 .... 298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TOOAY The frienda of the Newport Beech Library wlll hold a used book aale In the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., from 9 e.m. to 4 p.m. with books priced at •a budt a bag:' A memberH>nly prevfew will be held Aug. 16 with hardcover booka priced at two for $1 end papert>acb at six for $1. All prooeeda are donated to the library aystem. lnfonnatlon: (949) 769-9667. •Olworce:A~ ........... ia • worbhoP for men and women divorced or getting divorced. The COit .. $40. It will be hefd 1019.m. to 12 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 644 6436. SUNDAY lb honor l(MhlflM Hepbum. o..19 Senk>t c.nt.' wUI preeent •Pat and Mike;" the third of ftYe free .aw lings In August, It 1 p.m. All .,. kwh8d to er1joy the moviel end free popcorn It the °"*"• Hepburn Alm Feait. .. 800 MetgUtf'lte .,._ In Cofone de4 Mer. lnformedon: (Ml) &M 32iM.. A.-.... lnNa ... Haft)or Inducing • "°""'* dinner, ltw '""*and dendng. Anhur Muny cMncett and a lfvl "'°"°" wtl bl held b>f 1 ~•S..to bend\ Plr9"t Help, u.&A P111YYldonl .............. Tic:t-. .. 111.,., pereon °'two tor 11& For men lnb"mllllcM .. OJI~ --t ... ........... _ ...... ....................... M#ditvil'...., .......... =--------------- COURTESV Of ATLANTIC R(CORDS Sugar Ray's members are. from left. Murphy Karges. Rodney Sheppard, Craig "DJ Homicide~ Bullock, Mark McGrath and Stan Frazier. with having our inleUigence insulted by a group of politicians who wouldn't survive a week in a real job. So 135 citizens, all of them certified by the state controller to nm for governor. have decided to take matters into their own hands in the bloodJess exchange of power known as an election. Rega.¢1.ess of how one feels about tAe candldates, you have to embrace the power of the people to exercise their righl to recall But instead of focusing on lhe glory of this process. on the reaffirmation of a basic principle upon which this country was founded. the media has created a canoon. Instead of the mess that Davis and the rest of the lazy l~latol'li in Sacramento have made of our budget. you're going to hear about how Cruz Bustamante wanlS to return California to Mexico (not [TUe). you're going to hear about Arnold from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. tod ay and Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian Churcti of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students. The cost is $10. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340. TUESDAY The <mnge County chapter of Wine Brats, a national nonprofit organization. is holding its monthly wine tasting event at Gustaf Anders Restaurant in South Coast Village from 7 to 9 p.m. The Wine Brats will be tasting several wines from Australia. Information and registration: oc.winebrats.ora A free Nfftinat ·~ Shul for• Healing Home; will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 226 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. WEDNESDAY The Newport 8-d'I N9wcornen Oub general meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Oasis Senior Center partdng lot In Corona del Mar. Attendees will then carpool to crvu-1 Cove State Part tor a hike end lunch.. Information: (949) 646-9922 or MWOOmflnt-nBWpOrtbeach.org ntURSOAY A frM bone denllty w•11 will be held by appointment ontv from 11 •.m . to 3 p.m. at Mother'• M.rtet, 225 E. 17th St.. Co.11 Mtea. For '9Mf'Vatlont, call (800) 596-M()MS, ,,.. Nliwpoft ...... a.Mir"' eooun.n.-. .. hotting ........ ~S....Semkw IPQtleONd b>f the~ tnncti of Union'-* of c.ttfoml• from 7:30tol'.301.m. .... N9wpoft ~ Vadtt Club. The co.t to ........ , ... whktl lndudle. oonlllntil• ....,_ f"OI NllM1llone, eel (Ml) 729-4400. Schwan.enegger's drug use (he's clean and has been for many years). and you're going to hear about the porn actress who wants 10 be the state's chief execu tive (her name'!> Mary Carey. and it's hard to believe she'd do a worse job than Davis). That's what you're going to get because that is what the media thinks you wan t lo read, see and hear. And maybe they're right, but I'm not buying it. I don't thin.le that\ what people m this state want to read and hear. Calif omians are recalling DaW. because they want to be reassured that ours is truly a government of lhe people, by the JX'O ple and for the people. just ~ we leame<l 11 wa.' when we were kids. I am thrilled lhat 135 Joh n and Jane Does have <Jecided to run. and 1 ·m telling my kids and anyone el..e who will listen that this is one of the great m omenti. in California'!> hislory. FRIDAY The Costa M ... Senior Center presents a Hawaiian luau featuring authentic Hawaiian food, entertain~ent and more from 4 to 7 p.m. Tidtets are on sale at the center's front desk. Reservations are a must. Admission for members is $5, $11 for nonmembers. Inform ation: (949) 645-2356. AUG.23 Th• UC Irvine Arbomum Is hosting its annual Summer Bulb Sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gardeners will have the ctiance to buy winter species as dormant bulbs and select summer and evergreen species in containers. Expert advice and landscaping ideas will be available. The Arboret\Jm is located just south of the comer of Campus Dr. and Jamboree Rd. on the north campus. Admission is $2 and children under 12 are free. For more Information, send e-mail to ldlyons@uci.edu. lKangte Squ ... In Cotta Mesa invites the community to attend •A Fair at the Square• for the 1ight1, aound1 and great deals in the outdoor martetplace while taking advantage of storefront apedal1 from 11 e.m. to 4 p.m. The Newport Helbor High Sc:hoot cheer squad will host Junior Cheer Camp from 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 23, 28 end 27 in front of the high ld\ool'• enmor. The cost is $96, which COV8(1 a l-st\irt, tnec*l,pom-.poma,photo,extra fall prectice and performance et a hlgtt ~football g9me on Aug. 28. S1udef1ta In~ K through elgt1t .,. wetoome. For men lnfonnltlon, mil (948) en-1•. . ......... ..... ...,.,°1 ...... ..... The recall i.., invigomtmg. II has given me hope that we an.- not the channel -surfing drone., that many in power beli£.ove we arc, and even if Davis remain'> in office, you can ht-sure that the message will have been received Get to work doing the people'~ business and la.Ice responsibiliry for the meMe~ you make or get out of Sacramento. This ~ not a recall paid for hy DarreU !......a or anyone cl.,c. l11a1 \ a co nw nient excuse to diven anention Crom the rage of the average Caltfum tdn Californians are not votmg IU't to get rid of Davi~. they're let1111~ everyone in Sacramento ltnov. that lhey're mad~ heU and they're nu t goin~ to tale 11 am more. F.ven a bd knu~ that 1 STEVE SMITH 1s a Costa Mesa resident and freelance wrrter Readers may leave a message 10 1 him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (9491642-6086. fund-raiser, "As Time Goes By;' at the Village Crean. The event will include dinner, music, silent and live auctions and the ctiance to win a diamond and emerald bracelet For more info rmation, call (562) 743-4906. The Costa Mesa Senior Cent9' will be dipping ice cream at an ice cream social at the martcetplace from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. All proceeds will benefit the center Information: (949) 645-2356. AUG.24 A ~n to mart th• opening of the first phase of Bonita Canyon Sports Part in Newport Beach will begin with a dedication of the sports fields at 3 p.m. Sports clinics, contests and door prizes will run throughout the day. The first 1,000 ctilldren to arrive will receive a free opening day souvenir. Information: (949) 644-3151. The 0...,. County M..-. Pl9ce In Costa Mesa will hott the fourth annual Endless Summer 0811 Car Show end EMs Feet. celebrating the life and music of Elvis Presley, from 9 a.m. t.o 3 ~.,.--.' .. - PIEia~ IBl•DADWAY Mot1\Mry • Chllpel Cf••l9tb• 110 Broedwwy, Coeta Meea M2·9tl0 t Daily Pilot Co ote si htin s cone.em pet owners in Mesa Verde Afew residents, having lost their cats, are trying to get word to other neighbors to be on the lookout. Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot MESA VERDE -After losing her cat. resident ~,iuline Thomas became proactive in hopes of iL<; safe return. U11le did she know. she wasn"t alone. "I lost my cat and put up llicrs offering a reward. Suddenly, I wa.~ inundated with calli. from other local res.idents who abo loht ca~." the 23·year Mesa Verde resident said. "Prior to their call'>, I wa!> not aware of tJ1e coyote intn1Sion." Longtime M~ Verde re<.idtlll Sally Humphrey wa-. among thoM> who faced that "'1111L' situation. "I have rwo cats. Aftl'r one ol my cats disappeared, I lwcarnt• very worried for lhe -.alety ol llw otJ1er,'' Humphrey 'X!ld. "On Julv 31, I was awakened at 'i a.rn. by a commotion in my backyard mid <,aw a coyote 1here. I cha'>ed JI oil. and my ne1ghbor·i. cal ju111pt'tl w the !Op of the waU !Jlak.mg." 111e state Deparunent of Fi!>h and Game Senior Volunteer fmrn l4 'llna Wood!> invc"'>tigated 1he incident after l lumphrl'y made numemuh caU-. lO the Co-.1a Me'><t Police J)t>partment arnJ < .. O'>la Me<>a Animal Conrrol. Nc11lwr group· claimed juril.dk-11011 11vl'r i.uch incident!>. "TI1t!re Wdh no furmal aVt'nue for filing an offitial coyo1t· sighting repon." h<lid Dianl' Majerski of the Cmlil Me'><! Anin1al Control otlict'. ··1 lowe\t·r. plans are in the work.-. 111 addrc--.., Lhi~ concern." Jaruce Norgaard. ~111or volunteer for Fish and t.amc, '><LIU tha1 her depanmrn1 could 0111~ give recommendalion., 011 v. hat 10 do to lessen the ch.mcc ol coyote.' mlrudmg 11110 one\ Vilfd. "We are not a full -1imc offict>, we're only open J l('v. hour. <1 sectional was $2490 now $149 4 bed was· $16 35 now $981 SAFETY TIPS There are steps that can be taken to protect you and your pets from coyotes and similar animals. • Fence off animal enclosures (fully enclose if possible). • Keep cats and small dogs indoors or in the close presence of an adult. • Feed pets indoors. • Store trash in covered heavy·duty containers. • Keep yards free from potential shelter such as thick brush and weeds. •Enclose the bottom s of porches and decks. •Eliminate potential food and water sources, such as fallen fruit and standing water. NUMBERS TO CALL • For Animal Control, call the Police Department communications at (71 4) 754-5252 any time of the day. • To report coyote sightings, call Diane Majerski at (7 14) 754·5188 • For information about animal control and enforcement, call Animal Control Officer Art Beames at (71 4) 754·5163 or Animal Control Officer Anna Rodnguez at (714) 754·5309 dav. l.n-depth inquines should be d 1 renc'tl lo our 011110 office," Norgaard -.aid ··we gel dozenh of phorw rnll., a we<'k wilh cnyote ... 1ghu11g, .... ·· llw l'ohlt' Dl'partment ha'> i'>Mtcc.l J bullerin addre">mg rc~1dt11t...' 1 onrem., about coyote O.,l).~ht111g~ nw dl'partment is aware tha1 '>t'Ver.U restdenb havl' lo-.t pt'L'> and offt'r a number of ~tcp'> t.hat re'>idenL<; can take to dl0ll·r auad•!> and imm-.ion-.. "Wht'n toyort'l> lo~ tJ1eir tear ol h111mm .... tht're are hound to he prohh·ni..,'" Animal t:ontrol Sgt. Clay I .ppcr;on ~1id .. This year. h1Mt'Vl'r. doe. nnl appear to be \Vllr'>l' than any other year. 'fnis Le; 'impl}' J ndtur..il condition that Wl' li.t\'l' ((J ltVl' ~"llh.'" l.ppl'NHl .,;11<.l re.idenls should 1:all l) 11 if approached by a coyo11• bed was: $2220 now: $1332 TOWN p.m. General admission is $2, and parking ls free. For more information, call (949) 72~. To honor Kathwine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will P,resent •Guess Who's Coming to Dinner;' the fourth of five free screenings in August. at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest. at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del M ar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. ~ The ~h Community c.m.r· of Orange County will host the #Three Centuries Qf Music• concert at 2 p.m. The Three Centuries of Music Quartet includes Russian·trained musicians Sergei Kossiak, Tatiana Kossiak, Arshak Hayrikyan, and louri Adichtchev, all members of the Oueretaro Philharmonic Orchestra of Mexico. The ensemble has played for President Fox of Mexico and for the king and queen of Spain. . Proceeds will benefit construction of the Jeremiah House. Tickets are $15 general admission or $100 for patrons. Information and reservations: (714) 755-0340, ext. 134. The second Walk for Leilani will take place from noon to 4 p.m. at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa. Donations will go toward an electric wheelchair that Leilani Gutierrez, a 5-year-old who was paralyzed from the chin down in a car accident a little m ore than a year ago, can control with her mouth. Information: www.ourleilani.com. AUG.28 A free seminar, •Peffonnance Nutrition for Strength and Longevity; will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host its Newport Sunset Networking Mixer from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican. 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance is free for chamber members, $10 for potential members. Reservations aren't required. For more information. call (949) 729-4400. AUG.29 Teddy BMrs end T .. CuP8 on Balboa Island, 225 Marine '".id!UIOdf Augusl 1 b, ?.003 A5 ve .• will host •pajama N1ghtH from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204. AUG.31 '" . ~ -. . - You have the right to choose your repair fa cility lnsist on the Best To honor tc.tharine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present #On Golden Pond,H the last of five free screenings In August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free j:>opcom at the center's Hepburn Film ~st, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. LIFETIME WARRANTY SEPT.12 The Costa Mesa Senior Center, in celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary, presents the CostAmazing Senior Hoedown, featuring live western music by the Travis Parker Band, dancing and barbecue, from 4 to 7 p.m. The Costa Mesa Senior Center is at 695 W. 19th St. The cost is $5 for members, $11 for nonmembers, $5 for kids. Tickets go on sale Aug. 15 al the center's front desk and at Costa M esa City Hall, on the third floor in the Recreation department. Information: (949) 645-2356. Full Service Collision Center Insurance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 ROSEY'S AUTOJ()OY~;: • • • 121 Industrial Woy . Costa Mesa 20% OFF .,.=:. b dudts Tonv • r ina. Sebastian. Rene hlf1ef!r & Sklii Catt Products. Not with 1f1Y other offer. "' sale 11111\. ..... t1'1.111111•111 ...... C... m~•l 1-"31.C Open 70oy• C ')-4'> I (>~2· 1717 E .. (. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DINNER SPECIAi S Sunday Pri m e Ri b $11 Monday All You Can E.ar Spa~hw1 $5 Tuesday Grenadine of Bed $5 Wednesday Baby Back Rib~ $8 Thursday H o m em ad e Meacloaf $10 Friday & Saturday Chef's ~pccial ... '-!!111111111!9!1~~~- ·. " , .. M S.turday, Aueust 16, '2003 Daily Pilot HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -l.d9rs: Maii to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Readen Hotline: Call (949) 642..fl086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mall:S.nd to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. . ' . MAILBAG The fair.was agreat time Dear Becky· Bailey-Findley and other Orange County Fair officials: Congratulations and thank you for another wonderful and well-planned fair. We enjoyed the reopening of the Pacific Amphitheatre celebration, Diana Krall, Steely Dan and the Doobie Brothers concerts. Our adult children, their friends and severcll cousins had fun at the Devo concert (a flashback to their high school days). In today's troubled times, it was heartwanning to see people singing and dancing to the music. The Fab Four were also entertaining -in the past we've been lucky enough to dance to their fun music at a private party. We dropped in (two nights) at the · . Baja Bluei. and totally loved the Bay Area blues band performing. We also liked last year's blues band. Again, thank you. RACHEL PER~Z-HAMILTON Costa Mesa Cllurch supports march 's goals To the city of Costa Mesa: We join with the Center Orange County and the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California in voicing our concern over the permit requirements that have been imposed upon this year's Orange County Dyke March. We are concerned because: SEAN DUFRENE I DAILY PILOT Dan Wiles juggles his knives while riding a unicycle at the Orange County Fair this year. Wiles has been juggling for 28 years. 1. of the difficulties being raised to the exprei.l>ion of free speech and activities. To squelch and/or restrict the freedom of speech undermines the very foundations of our country's heritage a nd traditions. 2. of the un-Christian nature of these restrictions. The great imperative of Chris tianity is to buiJd an inclusive community; not to pull com munities apart, not to put them down. 3. once again, we see m embers of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community being treated unfairly. These restrictions are imposed at the expense of a minority of your constituents, and to what purpose? Certainly they are not an expression of Christ's command to love one's neighbor as oneself. Therefore, we ask you to reconsider the denial of equal faith and freedom these restrictions represent. Last year's Orange County r;· -,""',.-,-r- ----I'. Fine Quality Antiques & Antique Reproduction New Pieces Designer Accessories European Furniture Old World Style Designs from Eng!And, France analtaly Dyke March was an important and peacefu.I event in the life of our community. It was an event that gave hope'lo many, a nd was a great credit to the entire community of Costa Mesa and Orange County. ChriM Chapel Metropolitan Community Church has served all of Orange County for over 33 years, providing an affirming Christ-centered ministry to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and allied communities. Thls resolution was adopted by action of the board of directors on Aug. 10. ROBIN YIHITE Pastor, Christ Chapel Metropolitan Community Church Santa Ana Are biker parades coming next? Costa Mesa should have stood firm on their restrictions for this parade. In fact, what Costa Mesa should have done is said "no" to the parade. There should be no rolling street clos ures or a parade on a summer week~nd afternoon anywhere near Newport Boulevard. Traffic is simply miserable at this time of day, and then to impose any street closures is ridiculous. This group is only interested in an "in your face" confrontation, which is quite obvious from the group's name. Leave it to the ACLU, which lacks not only integrity but common sense, to get involved. When can we expect the Hell's Angels parade? A.M.GRANT Newport Beach Same permit rules should apply to all Why should the city make exceptions fo r the Dyke March just because they are threatened the ACLU? Someone somewhere, someday needs to stand up to the ACLU or we are alJ 'in trouble, as special interest groups push others aside so they can exercise their "rights." What about the rights of the rest of the community? It's a sad day when one group can't accept realjty and abide by the same rules everyone else has to follow. I am sorry the city backed down. WENDYLEECE Costa Mesa LETTER TO THE EDITOR Lawsuit protects everyone Tilis letter is written in response to your editorial ("Drop the lawsuit against the city,· Thursday) asking why Orange County Dyke March and the Center Orange County need to go forward with the lawsuit against Costa Mesa when the city has withdrawn many of the conditions. While we are pleased to have reached an agreement with the city to let the march go forward without most of the burdensome conditions the city wanted to impose. the lawsuit is still necessary to protect our constitutional rights. Costa Mesa's permit process gives city officials far too much discretion to impose arbitrary and burdensome conditions on events that they view as unpopular or controversial. That threatens everyone's right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. We are figh.ting not only on our own behalf, hut on behalf of other groups who may come after us. While, of ~qurse. it 's a ~ood idea f?r any event organt7ftr to carry insurance, 1t should be their own decision whether or no1 to do so, not the city's. What if the city imposed a million-dollar insurance requirement on a group who wanted to do a protest. but had no money to buy insurance? Having money should never be a condition for exercising our rights. The whole point of the lawsuit is that the city's pennit process needs a complete overhaul so it can no longer imperil the rights guaranteed to all of us by the U.S. Constirution. TERRY STONE Executive director. the Gay & Lesbian Community Services Center of Orange County Garden Grove AFTER HOURS the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meaa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 648-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list Is available at www.dailypilotcom. MUSIC NEW WORLD FUMENCO FESTIVAL The Barclay's third annual New Worid Ramenco Featlval will be two full weeks, through Sunday, offering performanoea, workshops and outreadl actlvitlea. From the traditional to the contemporary, the festival showcases the best of flamenco mualc, dance and song. For more information, ticket prices and dates, call (949) 854-4646 or visit www.thebarclay.org. 'A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Ric:tiard Kaufman will conduct "A Night at the Oscars" at 8 p.m. Aug. 23. It's an evening of legendary fllm classics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtrack live. The concert is produced by nine-time Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tickets cost $75 to $375. For information, call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. 'SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out audiences around the worid, "Sing-a-long Sound of.Music• is coming to Orange County Performing Arta Center's Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Ftiday and Aug. 23 and at 1 p.m. Aug. 24. Tickets cost $12 to $22 and can be purc:tiased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d. lang will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept 6. Tickets cost $46 to $70. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa M esa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at 'www.ocpac.org. CHRISISAAK Chris Isaak will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segeratrom Hall at 7 p.m. Sept. 14. Ticket& coat $46 to $82. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tlckets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at www.ocpac.org. TCHAIKOVSKY'S GREATEST HITS Conductor Carl St. Clair leads the Jtff Ewing & Lylttn Ewing TAX DEFERMENTS ON INVESTMENT PROPERTY Tax-dcfcrTed exchanges are • 0shtlter,. vehicles offered by the lRS. They allow the inVCSIOf freedom from taxalion on real est.ale profits if the money is rolled over inlo the purchase o( other .. like kind'. property. By i.mmedialcly reinvatiog. the government views the tran.w:tion as .. a continuity of inveeunent" lhcrcby allaying taution on capital gains earned by lhc ule o( lhc relinquished property. There are m1ny ditfermt types of exd\lngcs that qualify wlder lhc tax defcnncnt plan. The Delayed Ex:chlnge allow1 lhc 1eller to locale up IO dne desired rcpi.icment properties within 45 days from lhc cloee of acrow. Upon expinllion of lhc 4.5 day period, 1hc invest.or is allowed SI additioml 13.5 days IO complete the new p.dwe ~The Sirnult.mleous ~ ia appliclbk when 1hc leJler hM alre8dy loc*<l a desired pnipa1.y Ind ii rad)' IO ocbloF it for exiltina boldinp prior IO die clclle of acrow. An In~ ~ii uted by ICllcn wtlo tuM tMde imp'oYanelU on their imemna• property Ind .-e lookinl IO inc1ilde lhe raultinl COlal In Ibo ~valueofdlc~ praperty. We will be hippy IO dilam the mmy f'imncial ~in theee ,_.deftimd cnditl. They provide a m.w(Ot~ ....... .,Qpmd • ....,, ..... _pldalio. Lylem Ind le« llillve l 1 OOllMC ... ,_"',..._ ......... Newpclll Beedl. Pwpid»I F ....... . ....... J*l!r ... ..... ........ 8--.. Cllll ... ,.,.....cc,,:• ....... -m..m6. Paclfk: Symphony In •Tc:tialkovaltv'• Greatest Hita; an ali.Tc:tiai r ram ate p.m. 13. Special guest pianist Vardan Mamlkonian will perform "Plano Concerto No.1. The evening atarta with the Polonaise from Eugene Onegin and the Suite from •swan Lake: and enda with the rousing "1812 Overture" with cannons and fireworb. Tickets coat $75 to $376. The concert la at the Verizon Wlreleas Amphitheater In Irvine. Information: (714) 755-6799, www.pacificsymphony.orp. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Rest,aurant in Newport Beac:ti presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted# musicians include guitar players, baas players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beac:ti. Free. (949) 675-n60. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT 1ltE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live mulic Frida and Saturda nlgbta. Greg Morgan, NI<* Peper and Kelly Gordlen (known aa MPG) perform claaaic rock, R&B and awing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform claulc rock, awing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant ia at 630 Udo Part Drive, Newport Beac:ti. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the . muaie of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The reatalKant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beac:ti. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover c:tiarge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beac:ti presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunc:ti. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rock and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coaat Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo uitariat Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. STAGE 'THE HAUNTING OF . Wll. SHAKESPEARE' The city of Newport Beadl and the Newport Beadl Repertory Theatre will present "The Haunting ofWlll Shakespeare# at 1 :30 p.m. today and at 1 :30 and 8 .p.m. Sunday. The play will be performed at the Newport Theatre Art Center at 2501 Cliff Drive. Information: (949) 633-1580 or (949) 64+3151. 1"HE SNOW QUEEN' South Coast Repertory is featuring "The Snow Queen# by Hans Christian Andersen Aug. 23 and 24 with performances at 1 and 4 p.m. both days in the Nic:tiolas Studio. Tickets are $5. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. For tickets o r information, call (714) 7~5555. 'CHICAGO' Kander and Ebb's hugely popular #Chicago# will be performed at 8 p.m. Aug. 26 through 29, at 2 and 8 p.m. Aug. 30, and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Aug. 3 1 at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tickets cost $28.75 to $65.75. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. Saturday, August 16, 2003 A7 • Custom Wood Fence Installation • Custom Wood Gates • Chain Link Fence In stallations • Chain Link Fence Repairs ~rfliniJ Or«n9e Count11 • 8e«ch Communities Since 1955 (949) 548-4422 {949) 548-9662 License #3 13311 White Front Pharmacy ,,,r. I JI J• Jrl!Jf• CCJ.i!Jt~ r 1' ' '', ! Cards • Books • Sundries AU l nsuranu Plans Acupud 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 HENREDON UJPHOL§TERY E\rE ,JT 14 Truckloads Of The Finest Upholstery Have Just Arrived From North Carolina At Our Irvine Showroom For This Rare Event. Come see an overwhelming selection of Henredon's freshest, most exquisite and beautifully made upholstery ready for immediate delivery, or even special orders with your own choice of fabrics, with four weeks delivery.* This rare event is exclusively at our showroom, and nowhere else. OUR DAZZLING SELECTION IS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS EVENT ONLY. Factory-Trained ASID-CID Designers Will Help You Realize Your Dreams l ( l _, HENREIJON/RALPH LAUREN ' l-io~e fur~ts~tll\;gs c;tll\;~ ~11\;teYLoY c«estgll\; (9-19) '150·1112 81 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, IRVINR (f:HI ofl-5 ol!Alton P.t II ' Al Saturday, August 16, 2003 SO C I E TY THE CROWD A perfect story line for '.The 0. C. ' C ar dealer superstar Pletcher Jones. or Newport Beach, is in the society news this week spreadiftg financial support coupled with media awareness in support of two very diver;gent causes: AIDS .--------, and the Orange Cow:uy Museum of 'Art children's Art Education Foundation. Jones, namesake of Fletcher Jones 8 . W. COOK Motorcars, sponsored a swnmer gala at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel that attracted more than 800 locals. The wild and crazy summer bash was titled "Decadence: l11e Ultimate 0.C Indulgence." Given recent TV buzz over the new drama "The O.C" on the Fox network. the "decadence" and "indulgence" description may be getting more play than desired. Nevertheless, let's face the truth. We live in a very special place, and along with all the good deeds and many blessings, there is also plenty of high living. Enough philosophizing. The important connection is that out of the high living often comes giving. The more than 800 people enioying this evening under the stars raised six-figure sums for two worthy causes. On hand to help host the evening was Garth BlwnenthaJ, Fletcher Jones general manager. "This inaugural fund-raising event will help two important community organiz.ations," Bluf?le nthal said. "We are delighted to lend our support." It's all abou t business working with the community to assist charity. Maybe that would (llake a good story line on "TI1e O.C ·· OK, if that's not enough, Fletcher Jones Motorcars provided the use of a new Mercedes Benz to prize winner Claudia Shaw, right, shown with her sister Adriana Steinle at a benefit at the Newport Marriott. Prank Groff, publicist for Fletcher Jones. said that in keeping wi th the "best of the best in life" style that is the Newport image. Jones is teaming up with Wahoo's to host the "Ultimate Mercedes Benz ·Weekend." Actually, it's a contest for the end of summer. Folks may enter, with no purchase required, at all 14 Orange County Wahoo's Fish Taco locations from Costa Mesa to San Oemente. The entry deadline is Se pt. 14. I lere's what the ultimate weekend includes: the use of a new supercharged Mercedes Benz SU< Roadster, accommodations for two at the new Balboa Bay Oub Hotel and $1,000 spendjng cash. Wing Lam of Wahoos and Fletcher Jones team up to host the MUltimate Mercedes Benz Weekend" in Newport Beach. "lhis is a definite "O.C'' story line. • THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN C AFE Fini Hom1 Fumisbings. AntU,un & u/Jmib/n, Tr1Uiitio1t11/ to U ttagt' Gifts and Garrkn Dtror. Wish list and D1/iwry. Gartlm Gift Gartlm Patio Dining Strtting BrtaJr/llSt. lunch, Tt!a and 11n Espm:so Bar. CAFE HOURS: Mon-Sun 9am-4pm Gandlrs to 011111&/im, Ustd 6 R11rt &olu. Custom Pirturt Fr11mint,. Furniturt Rrstqr11tion and much m°" ! ROW HOURS: T~·Sat 10am-5pm FIGGE 'i' P H 0 T 0 G R t\~~~ MIKE'I ~~e°cARPETI Smith-Moore . Mr. and Mrs. Brad SmJth of Newport Beach announce the engagement or thelr daughter C'.arly Smith of Newport Beach to Matthew Moore of Newport Beach. · The bride-elect gbduated from the University of Southe rn CaJifomia. The future bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore of Durham, N.C., also graduated from the University of Southern California. A Sept. 28 wedding Daily Pilot is planned in Matthew Moore and Carty Smith Newport Beach at the family residence. New-Dishon David and Jan New of Newport Beach announce the engagem ent of their daughter, Nicole New of Newport Beach, to Jon Dishon of Newport Beach. The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Mar High School and Olapman University .. The future bridegroom, son of Hazel and Larry Dishon of Newport Beach, graduated from Newport I !arbor High School and the Jon Dishon and Nicole New University of California, Los Angeles. A Sept. 6 wedding is planned. The couple plans to live in Newport Beach after a wedding trip to Bora Bora and Tahiti. • WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, please call Coral Wilson at (9491 574-4298. We focus on fomiry and fan.1 O ur Swnmer Family Special Augu~1 rhrnugh Sep tember < AU far tbtatls OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA L_,, 240 Newport Cc:ntct Drive, Suite 110, Newport Beach * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Flooring Featuring ALLOC No Glue lnstalldtion Wood Flooring Refinishing & N e w Texture-Plush Carpet f~0~s2os s q ft Installed Berber Carpet y\l--0~ s 1 es Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic y~0~s1 so sq ft , Vinyl Flooring 0~•1n t-v-' aq ft CALL NOW 642.-8400 ~S 1lte44 ~ ........ o ~ DESIGN CENTER ;;For All Your Decorating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furnitu re Draperies. Shades, & Bedspreads l , l l t ( ) r r ~\ ~ ti 1 '\\. r < H ' n 1 • I I " ' ' q ·~" ~ () 4 2 -~ ~4 ( ) ( ) 949.644.6933 -.Sggatudio.com --------------~----·--·-·- Dally Pilot THE MORAL OF THE STORY Beyond the call of duty 'Work is the tllltul'U/ eurclsi' and fthu;twn of mim. Work ls 1101 primnrily a thing one does to live, bill the thing one lives to do. It ts, or should be, tlw full expmsum of the worker's faculties, tlu> thing in w/1id1 he finds spirittwl. mental and bodily satisfactum. and the medium in whi.ch he offers l1im.wlf to Cod." -DOROTHY L. SAYERS I deally, everybody would love hh. or her job, but this is not an ideal world. l:ven tf you enjoy your work. there are da)"> when you'd rather be doing somethtng else. Many people go heyond the call of dury in their jobs. We have a wondl'rful mailman named Mile. Mike faithfully CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON deliver-. our mail c•ven when the address i'> incorrect. Many of the houses look alil e in our neighborhood. hut Mike gets tlw mail to the right home. Mike alway., a .. ~ about our family and '>CCm'> IU know everybody on our '>lreet by nanw I IC' talk.!. to young and old ahke and wave' M he pa,<.e<>. I'm -.ure there are ume., Mike v.ould rather he somewhere el!.e. but l'w never he;ml him complain. I watched firemen make a l111le girl\ day recentJy when I drove to J fr.idrr Joe's otalteL There w~ an extJa·long fire truck parked out~ide and when I went in, I spoued three firemen '>hoppinl{ for groceries. Whe n I fi111~hed and walled a1 the checkout Mand. I .. pokt· w11h a woman at the !.land next to me. ~he IMd a baby boy <;trapped in fronl or IWr, and LI litllt' girl sat in the cart. lne young girl hud long hlond hrur. piercing hlue l'Yt''> .ind a grrn that stretched from ear to ear. The little girl held a can of corn. "You're daughter must like com," I said. "Yes, she does, but she's l>miling like that because of the firemen.~ the woman !>aid. The three firemen were paying at the stand just beyond the mother and children. The Linle girl looked over at them and looked back with an even bigger '>mile. lne mother turned lO tJ1e u111fom1ed men and said. "My daughter love-. firemen." fhey l>miled back. "When we bouj.Q11 her .1 'big Kiri' hed. she wouldn't have anything lo do with anything frilly," the mother l·on11nued. "No. '>he would only go for cl little lirt• 1rud.. hed, c;o that's what ~he hai, " '!lien One Of the fi rellll'O Willked Ovt'r and offered the girl a !>licker of a fi1t• trm k You would have thouw11 he had giVl'11 hl'r a million cookie~ or a mill10n ntll'> of 1 om. Ile r eye-. and \milt' grew l'Vl'll largt•r. "Can I give one to yow l111lc· hrother, too?" Ilic t,'lrl wa.'> '>peclhlei,., hu1 nodded "yl''>." Inc firemJn placed a''" k1·1 011 thr girl and her brother. r.vcrybody within car.ho! or l'}l''l~hl c;milcd. "I love little an!. of l111dne'>'> and ble~ing.'>. • my -.alee; derk <xud ·c .od hit'' you firemen.~ ·111ey lomilt.'d and waved a' tJ1cy ll'ft .111d headed tow-ard tht•1r trnck. n1e mother foUowcd .,o that the little gul tmild we tlw trnck and wove goodhye to the nw11 It 1c; heart·w-.irming to ..ce pcoplC' e111oy their work. go ahovc and heyund llw tall of duty, and go out of 1hc1r way IO lwlp or encournge otJicrs. And you can quoit' nw on that • CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is ii Newparl Beach resident who speaks frequently lo parenting groups She may l>iJ reached via e mail at cmdy a 0111t1egruw com or through the mail at 537 Newporl Centf!r Drive # 505, Newpon Beach, CA 92660 i A UTHflH1C laa:ll CUISl •f Sunday Special~ 1/2 Prkt· Tut·~d a \·~ l'a ~ta \ i~ht i-o I 'l I 0 (.;orkage 1Wedne dayH s 1 :J.49 • Sn ni Private for Men & Womt'11 • 0 11er 80 Piun of Equipmt'ffl • Priv11u Pi/nus '1111dio •S PINNING' 7 ht'aur w11h Nt'w S111u-of 1/u.A rt Cydn • 16 F11/l-1ime Personal Tra int'rs • Child Cart' 811m-11oon M • S11t. • Convt'nient P11rlting • Yoga, Tai Chi, Strt'tch Clasus • Step, Power Pump, C11rdio • Showt'rs, Su am d-To wt'ls • D1t1 SJ• • Ae•1••ct"re/M11ss11ge/Chiropr11e Wholesale prtclng •nd 3 year/38,000 mlle nationwide factory warranty on all gas powered engines and transmissions! Call Our Wbalesale 119111•TIMl•I Saturday, Augu~t I b 100 3 A9 IN THEORY Religious leaders divided on appointmen~ of openly gay bishop QUESTION: The Episcopal Church confirmed its fi rst o penly ga y b ishop last week. What a re your thou ghts on this? I lr11n11.,exual1 t}' .., .1 lit•\ Miion from the natural u1ur'l' th.ii < 1ocl ck'>1gned for human1I}' I lw .ippuintmenl of a gay b .... twp 111 'llth a holy and .. 11hlin11· po ... 111011 111 lhe church r ontratlu 1 .. \\llh thl' ethirnl aml ... pu1tu.1I rult• 111.11 SPECIAL EVENTS IMMIGRATION LAWS Attorney Greg Berk will spP.ak about immigration laws 1mm1grant and other visas at 8 n m Friday at Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach al 2401 Irvine Ave Information· (9491 548 6900 HISTORICAL IMPRESSIONIST Historical 1mpress1onist Peter Small is coming to Temple lsa1.ih of Newport as Thomas Edison from 2 to 5 p m Aug 24 Adm1ss1on 1s free and dona11onc; are welcome Temple Isaiah of Newpo11 Beach 1s at 2401 lrvint• Ave Information 19491 548 6900 SHABBAT ALIVE ''Shabbat Alive," a n1:w c;tyle of 1azz and pop services fir st created 1n South America, will be held at 8 p m Frtday, Aug. 29, at Un1vers1ty <.od a'>'>lgned to rrl1giou., lt·adt·,... I urrlwrmorc, thl\ appo1111n1L·n1 w1 ll rnntributl' IO a furthl•r dt•tf:'norauon of the rult· ul n·hg111n and ckrgynwn 111 tht' '\Jlll'I y IMAM MOSTAFA AL·QAZWINI l'>l;rn11t I dut at11111.tl C entl'r ,,f < >rnnge < 1,u111~ I ,1111 ple.1.,ed thJt 1h1· I p1,r 11p.il < l111n Ii hu'> 1nd1t .ilt•d «I'> .1pprm.il ,111d -.u ppon of g.t} pt-opll' In tht' 111nlirm.111c111 of Jll llJlt'lll\ g.i\ 111' .. hop ln l't·11 . HudJh1'>111 pn·11•p1-. .1hou1 lo\ 111g r1·la111111,h1p-. <1pply c·qu.ill\ 111 .ill FAITH CALENDAR Synagogue Rabbi Arnold Rachhs · focus will be on sµmtuahty and Cantor Bra1er will be accompanied by a combo of mus1c1ans and the University Synagogue choir The services are sponsored by the Roslyn and Joseph Baim Family Foundation University Synagogue 1s at 491 5 Afton Parkway The public is cordially invi ted 10 anend at any 11me Ch1l<l care is provided free of charge For more 1nformat1 on call 19491 553 3535 WO RK SHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Oranye County is form111g a parent1119 group to help parents to understand and deal with the fi>ehngs and behavior of their chddren The group meets from 10 to 11 .30 a m the first and third r1·gMtlh·-.' 1,I ..,1·\ual or1t•111.t111111 I d( h p1·r-.011-. pr.u I II t· ol 111t'dt1a1ic111 g111dl'' hh 11r lit·1 llt'h.1v1or 111 rt·l.111011'>l11p' I lw trt'J"llrl' t1f ('JI h fll'r'>llll .., IHlllJUt' hll· 1-. ,1ll1nm·d \11.ht·tlwr gJ\ or -.1 r.11gh1 c lt·rg\ or nut nldll· •ir It malt -.111gh· or fllJrrll'tl I ht·ri· ,iri• llJll'lll\ g.I\ prll''h JIHJ 1t·.td1l'r.. 111 1lw lt·n Uuddt11-.t 1r.1d111011 111 1111' I J11111·lf "il.11C·-.. ,md 'c11111 'l'\ lt·n Hu<.ldh l'>I r11,irn.1gl' c l'rt·mu111t·.., IM\t' h1•c•11 pnlomwtl l11r 111.tn~ }t'<H'> REV. OR. DEBORAH BARRETI "i1·r11t1r P .. -.1or .11 /t·11 < t·111t r 111 C >r.111g1· C 1111rll\ Mondays of the month di the center 250 E Bd~er St Su11e G in Costa Mesa Inform ation 714 445 4950 Pre-reg1st1dt1on is required THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RE COVERY Jewish Family Service is ottering c1 suµpon and d1scuss1or gro1Jp le r adults whose children or spouse~ suffer from dlCCJhol and <1rug c1dd1c.11on The qroup ml'l~ts from 7 to 8·30 p m TuesrJc1ys at 250 E Baker St Su1tP G 1n Costd Mt·sa Information 17 141445 4950 Pre·re91stra11or1 is rF-qt11retl BAHAI FIRESIDES Members JI thf' Brlhd1 I i1th hold 111formal µubl1c. discussions 1,n spmtuill lopu .. s al 7 30 pm •·11•·f¥ Friday dnd di 11 30 the lc1s1 SuPddv See FAITH. Page Al 0 1727 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach • 949-642-FEET H.J. Garrett Furniture FuJl Design Consulting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A huni~y foLdition o/Pro11idin,'l, Serni e c111d \ ;i/111 s,,_,_~alu1ma ! f/llU JI .11 .. 1/lu 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 O pen Mon. thru at. I 0 tu 6. un. 12 to 'i Quality Service Value .. AlO Satwday, August 16, 2003 PA I T H Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT FREE ESTIMATES 500/o Off: ENERGY SAVING : GIA"'-" I ~-I W11.h roupan only I 5t'c dt-.iler Of delai1s Exp.81231()31 C.OmlOI be combtlft'll uloibfr o&r. I --. ------~-~ . LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT FIT? TEMPLE BAT YAHM IS YOUR ANSWER. We olrer spiritual educational and social actJvities ror families, singles, young couples and e mpty nesters. Come and worship at the most beautiful Temple ln Orange County with two sanctuaries ftlled with warmth, new class.rooms and renowned preschool and r eligious school programs. &-,le •• .,..,,,_ families eJ\loy ...... A Reform Congregation with tradtdonal services Two fall Ume Rabbis Pareat-Toddler cl&88es OutBtandhul pnedlool In a WU'J!lt aeea.re envlromaeat Where cb.lldren explore team.Ing Ardalmed Bellgloos School t.eachlng .Jewish values Pan-IUled Sammer Camp l»'naalc Youth Groups More than 25 exlsdng Cbavarot ~~ TBY Book. Club .__.of Adultectaeauon ~,~flJfP __ _.~-~ ...... _. .... iilllil.._• · of the month. The talks Include brunch or dinner. Also, Interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759--0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 3 to 8 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722-781~. A SPIRmJAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled "Journey to the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free "lectio divina" meditation group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a spec.ial reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of eai:h month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a diSCYssion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Parlcway. The service is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPIRJT\JAL The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sund•y Mrvices every week •t 10 •.m. •t '8 N rt Blvd. ColUI M .... Suite 3. A spiritual healing .. rv1ce starts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 681-2290. RE.MBeERftG GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-memberlng group at 6:16 p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The pariah center Is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 548-3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSllP St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds Its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m . on tt}e second, third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays in Dierenfield Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road. Newport Beach. All men of the church and community are welcome to anend. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631 -2880. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing wit h issues such as life passages and changes, body images, family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (71 4) 445-4950, ext. 114. HELPING THE HELPERS Jewish Family Services is sponsoring a discussion group focusing on the issues and concerns faced by adult children taking care of their elderly parents. The group will be offered Tuesday. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. INTERFAITH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service is forming a discussion group for interfaith couples where one partner is Jewish to speak about issues affecting an interfaith relationship. Call for times and dates. Jewish Family Service is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. (714) 445-4950. ANXIETY /DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support and discussion group for adults experiencing anxiety and or depression at 9 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement support group for people in all stages of loss at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4950. FRIDAY GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beacti holds weekly Friday night services at 8 p.m. with a fellowship hour and refreshments afterward at 2401 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949)~0. DM>RCE SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish F8mlty rv ce o Or•nge County offers • support •• •nd dlicuulon group for adults de•ling with the afterm•th of divorce at 7 p.m. WednHd•Y• at ., the agency office•, 260 E. Baker St.. Costa MeN. Call for prices. (714) 445-4960. ext. 114. ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP St Mark Presbyterian Church hosts a fahh-baaed, nonsectarian abuse support group from 7 to 8:30 p.m. .. Mondays at the church, 2100 Mar Vista Ave., Newport Beach. S6 or 'l donations. (949) 721-8079. PASSAGES SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County wlll hold a support and discussion group for people dealing with the Issues of anxiety, depression, relationships. communication, life changes, loneliness and family at 10 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. $15. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP GROUP Presbyterian Church of the Covenant's men's fellowship group meets from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednesdays at the VIiiage Farmer restaurant, across from South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. (714) 557-3340. ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people experiencing chronic illness. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at Jewish Family Service. 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. AT A CROSSROADS Presbyterian Church of the Covenant hosts "Crossroads" for sixth·, seventh· and eighth-graders from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. The program. includes dinner, games and Bible study. $2 donation is suggested. (714) 557-3340. HELP WITH HEALING Jewish Family Services of Orange County sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group at 7 p.m. Thursdays for people who suffer from chronic illness. The group's purpose is to , provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to help manage the effects illneues have on people's lives. Meetings are at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G., Costa Mesa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. WEEKLY KIDS PROGRAM Presbyterian Church of the Covenant presents "Children of Our Lord," a weekly Thursday evening program. for first· through fifth-graders. Games. a speaker and dinner are included for a $2 donation. The church is at 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. (714) 557-3340. • la your church or place of wor1hlp planning a special event? If IO, send the typed information st least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, attention: Paul Saitowitz, religion editor.: fax to (949) 646-4170 or send e-mail to d11ilyp1/ot /at/mes.com .. Showroom Consultation· • New Cabinets -Countcnop • Installation • Kitchen Design • Servic.c Available •In-Home Estimates.• 95 Different Cabinet Styles fdea1. (714) 965-1876 ~~~ (800) 433-2588 19142 Beach Blvd. (Beach & Gatfidd), Hunti"Pn Beach Hours: Mon., Wed, & Fri ., 9-5 Tua, &Thws. 9-8 • S&t • 9~ •Sun 12""4 I COMMUNITY & CLUBS ues on t ay again T he Sons or the American Legion, informally known as the SAL. invites you to attend its sixth a'nnuaJ Blues on the Bay Festival on Aug. 23. · For a $25 admission, groove to Anson Funderburgh & the Rockets reaturing Sam Myers. the Hollywood Blue Flames with AI·Blake. Rusty Zinn. Gary Primach and his Doghouse Blues. the Holland K Smith Band. Nathan James with Ben Hernandez, and the Griff Hamlin Band. The locale will be American Legion Post 291, at 215 15th St.. Newport Beach. The masters of ceremonies will be Phatt Cat of "Kaleidoscope of Blues" from IC>B R-FM (88.5) and Jeff Scott of "The Blues Disease" from KUCl-FM (88.9). Available will be a New Orleans Cajun feast cooked by SAL members and beverages to quench the thirst. Please do not bring chairs. coolers or pets. In addition. there wiU be drawings for prizes. Proceeds from the day's activities wiU be going to charity. The festival will run from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Visit the SAL Web site at www.salbliusontl1e1Jay.com. or caJJ (949) 675-SALS for more information. The ticket line is (949) 673-5070. 15THANNUAL TASTE Of NEWPORT Headliner entertainment for the 2003 Taste of Newport is ~et. with Super Diamond playing on Friday, Sept. 19, Sugar Ray on Saturday. Sept. 20 and the Beach Boys on Sunday. Sept. 21. "There will be .nusic for just about everyone's taste." said Richard Luehn, president and chief executive of the Newport Beach Olamber of Commerce. 'Ibirty-five top area restaurants have signed up for the three-day food. wine and COSTA MESA TRAINS ON TiiE TRACKS On the third weekend of each month, engineers climb aboard their trains and travel on three miles of tra<* at Fairview Partc to display their steam and diesel engines. The public is welcome to join them at the part at Placentia Avenue and Estancia North. The Orange County Model Engineer program started in 1989 when engineers wanted to display their engines and educate and entertain the community about the past. (949) 548-7240. MOBILE SKATE PARK The Recreation Division's Mobile Skate Park travels to various parks throughout the city three days a week to provide skateboarders and in-line skaters a state-of-the-art skate park. The mobile park consists of two quarter-pipes. three wedges, two spines, a fun box and a rail. Participants are required to have a signed waiver and release form to use the part. Appropriate safety equipment, including a helmet, elbow and kneepads, are required at'all times. Visi1 the city's Web site at www.ci.costs-mesa.ca.us to get a form. Call (714) 327-7560 for a sdledule of days, times and locations of the skate part. NEWPORT BEACH ~FUNZONE Children can ride the Ferris wh)el, the merry-go-round and the-bumper cars, as well as play vidio gemes. pose for 11 portrait an4browse through souvenir shz:.along the boardwalk at the 811 Fun lone, whidl hH ... JIM DE BOOM music festival being held at Newport Center/ Fashion Island. 'The Taste of Newport marks the end of the summer suciaJ season in Newport Beach and is lhe premiere food fest Iva.I in Southern California," Luehrs said. The event draws more than 70,000 people to Newport Center Orive. More than 900 volunteer"-help to make this a great event. The Los Angeles Times i~ the presenting sponsor. Other major sponsors are McKenna Mo tors, fiji Water, Hacardi, Micheloh, I loag HospitaJ, Pavilion'> Market, WeUs Pargo and Ware Disposal . There's aJ~o radio '>llpport from major market '>talion~. Ticket~ cost $15 is advance or $1 7 at the gate. Advance tickets can be purchased by phone at (949) 729-4400 or online at wwm tasteuf newport.com. A <,peciaJ weekend passport is availahle for $45 that includes three-day admi~~ion and $15 !>Crip. \ee you at the fa<,te of Newport AAlJW MEMBERSHIP TEA Inc American A~'in of Univcr~ity Women. Newport-Mesa-Irvine brnnch, is ho5ting it~ annual membership tea overlooking Newp on's Back Bay from 2 to 4 p.m. Aug. 24. This tea i!. for current and prospective memher~ to hear ahnut the AAlJW'~ activilie5 thi5 year, its interest groups and its fund-rai'iing projects for l ech Trek, EducatJonaJ Foundation and Legal Advocacy Fund. Directions to the event will be given when reservations are made with Kathy Wlc:br at (949) 733-2052 by Thursday. WELCOME TO ntE WORLD Of SERVICE CLUBS Patty Young-Muller of Costa Mesa and Marilyn Rehling of Huntington Beach were inducted into the Harbor Mesa Lions Oub by Vice District Gov. Barbara Hayward at the club's August meeting. WORTH REPEATING From Thought for the Day provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine lnterfaith Council: "Very few rich persons own their own property. The property owns them." -Robert G. lngersoU SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS nus WEEK MONll\Y 6 p.m . The Harbor Mesa Lions Oub wiJI meet at the Golden Drago n Restaurant. TUESDAY 7: 30 a.m .: The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at f'ive Crowns for a program by Lots Gottschalk on "World War II Neuropsychiatric CasuaJlies: Out of Sight, Out ofMtnd" (11ewportbeacll sunriserotary.org/index.htm). 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor lions Oub will meet at the Costa Mesa C,ountry Oub. WEDNESDAY 7:15 a.m.: The 10-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub wilJ meet at the Center Oub ( www.soutl1coastmetro FUN STUFF TO DO been attracting businesses since holidays, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . 1936. The fun zone offers many (714) 973-6820. eating choices. including Balboa Bars -chocolate-covered ice SHERMAN LIBRARY cream bars sprinkled with &GARDENS toppings. The Fun Zone is open More than 2,000 plant species, daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 400 from desert C<)ctus to tropical E. Bay St., Balboa Peninsula. flowers. can be found in the (949) 673-0408. www.Balboa gardens at this educational and NewportBeach.com. cultural resource center dedicated to the study of the UPPER NEWPORT BAY Pacific Southwest. The ECOLOGICAL PRESERVE conservatory on the two-acre AND NATURE PRESERVE parcel has tropical plants and a Canoe and kayak tours are koi pond, and the Discovery available to experience six Garden, specifically designed for diverse habitats for more than those with impaired vision, 200 bird species that either live appeals to the sense of touch and there or visit during the birds' is accessible to wheelchairs. Pacific flyway migration. Docent tours are available. The Campfire programs a re also gardens are open daily, and the offered, as are free two-hour library is open on weekdays. walking nature tours departing 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona from Shellmaker Island every del Mar. (949) 673-2261. first and third Saturday at 9 a.m. Call the Department of Fish and UDO MARINA VILLAGE Game at (949) 640-6740, or the Boutiques. gift shops. custom Friends of the Newport Bay at (949) 646-8009. jewelry stores, art galleries, boardwalk cafes and restaurants UPPER NEWPORT BAY featuring continental, Mexican, PETER AND MARV MU1lf Italian. Greek and California INTERPRETIVE CENTIR cuisine can be found on the Adults and children can explore tree-lined cobblestones paths of 15 hands-on interactive exhibits Via Oporto in Newport Beadl. and communicate with the 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beadl. Newport Bay Naturalists and (949) 675-8662. Friends through interpretive CANNERY VILLAGE educational opportunities or watch a •visual poem" of Upper A historic village tudced away on Newport Bay presented on five the upper Balboa Peninsula, monitors. showing suet. acts as Cannery Village offers an enclave birds in flight and the flow of of shops containing anything running water in an estuary. The from French provincial furniture 10,000-square-foot interpretive to ~nd sculptures and ster1ing cen1er offers hands-on silver Items. The village is opportunities to experience the bounded by Newport Boulevard, inner wortcinga of an estuary. 31st Street, Lafayette Avenue 2301 University Drive, Newport and 29th Street. Pa~ng is Beadl. The center is open dally, available on 30th Street between except Mondeys and major Villa and Newport Boulevard . ~l~I{ l l S~I ~ .J l J S~l~I (_~I~~ • ( Botched and incomplete trusts are fueling millions of doUars in UNEXPECTED : legal and accounting fees, court costs, and taxes Surviving spouses arc experiencing "shock and awe" with ongoing crust expenses and a.ucc RESTRICTIONS .. First-time crustccs have crcaced a booming busi_ncss for lawyers who scn:lc &may : trust disputes < <Ast-saving OP170NS arc nm being induded in crusts .. .. .. WHY? HOW? WHEN? Attend the ONLY workshop for trust holders and first-rime uustccs! Obtain a ~-wise" cducacion from an INDBPBNDBNTpcoMaionaJ mistcc! $ 300 per icrson (24 seaa available I 90 minute session) at National Univenicy in Com Mesa. Call 714'-s.47-03n (~how rape) for n:gi.stration information. 'ESTATECONSBRVA110N. INC. (sioa: 1981) \Ji 1m., .. "'"''*II# to ,..u rutary.org); and the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub wiU meet at the University AthJetic Oub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht O ub for .a program bY Babs Harland and Pat Broering on "Inside the Pageant of the Masters." 6 p.m.: The 50-me,mber , Rotary Oub of Newport -Balboa will meet at the Bahia• Corinthian Yacht Oub for a Craft Talk by retired U.S. Marine Maj. Gen. Bob Owens, a :}4-year member and past club president. who with his wife, Fran, will be moving to Colorado. ( www. new pore -ha/ holL orjp. THURSDAY 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Lions Oub will meet at Mimi's Caf~. Noon: The 50-member Costa Mesa Kiwanh Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn (urww.kiwanis.orgl clublcostamesa); the SO-member Kiwanis Oub of Newpo rt Beach-Corona del Mar wiJJ meet al the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub; the BO-member Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor wiU meet at the Newpon Harbor NauticaJ Museum for a program by Stephen Sutherland, developer of the BaJboa Peninsula Resorr; and the 100-member Newport-Irvine Rotary Oub wiJI meet at the Atrium Hotel to hear Wallace Walrod on Orange County'~ infrastnicture (www.nirotary.orjp. •COMMUNITY & ClUBS is published Saturdays In the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting informauon by fax to (949) 660·8667 or by e-mail to 1deboomra sol.com SUMMER CONCERTS AT FASHION ISLAND The summer concert series at Fashion Island will begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday and continue each week through August. offering a variety of music, including jazz, rode 'n' roll and country. Seating for the free concerts is available on a first-come. first-served basis, but preferred seating can be purchased from the concierge. (949) 721-2000. NEWPORT LANDING SPORmSHING Open party or private charter trips to local waters or Catalina Island are available, including harbor cruises aboard the Newport Landing Belle, an authentic stem-wheeler built in 1993. The vessel is available for special events, such as weddings, rehearsal dinners, bar mitzvahs, anniversaries, graduations, meetings and codctail parties. Open party summer fishing is available from 6:30 p.m. to midnight Boats depart from 6 a.m. to noon and 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. daily. Passage for a half-day costs $26 or $19 for children 12 and younger and people 60 and older. Newport Landing rents rods and tadcle padcs and sells fishing licenses. Padcages that include a ti<*et, rod, tadde and license are available. Charter boats have various occupancies: The Patriot can hold 76 passengers; the Nautilus, 72; the Amigo, 48; and the Ultra, 30. Prices vary for holidays, weekends and weekdays and according to length of trip. Newport Landing Sportfishing is at 309 Palm St, Suite F, Balboa Peninsula. (949) 675-0650 or www.newportlandlng.com. Saturday. August 16, 2003 Al 1 Coltte~\ Free weM, ttilJU 6l?~ o/j-•-up f'ee tlttu '--, Au.f lo. 2003! . "--/''-... -- 1)370 8 E. 17th St. Costa Nmllt· ~ In the Ralph'• Shoppt!'S 949.646.6789 .. Th: 8am-$pm Frl: 8am-epm_ . www . simplyshapelyfi CORPORATE EVENTS WEDDINGS BAR/BAT M ITZVAHS ,. CUSTOM EVENT C OORDINATION ALL O CCASIONS BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES SWEET 16 PROMS GRADUATION craycraft en~~itainment ... ,. ~~ 949 .644.1549 wv.rw croycrottenterto1nmen• com -DOGGIE DAY CAMP Is your do9 a PARTY ANIMAL? If 10 ttnd the,. to WAOOINO TAILS DAV CAMP re : ON and FROLIC. Give them the ' ~ · • opportunity to ·: ' · play with our other elienh. for more itt(ormation pleue eall -(9 49)- 677-SOOS Insured and Bo1uted E xperienea/Veterinarien TeohAiei•" ............ -1.11 ...... WAGG I NG TA I LS 949-677-5003 1 • , A12 Saturday, August 16, 2003 ALDEN'S llllAPBIY CLEAr\111\16 MID MORE I No TAKE DOWN OR REMOVIN& NECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: , • Luminette Privacy Sheers" • Silhouette' windQw shadings I • Vif.elte' window shadin~ • Duette• honeycomb shades • M1llenia ™ Collection • Jubilance ™ roman shades • Applause• honeycomb shades • Serenette™ Softfofd™ shadings . . World's &est ON-srn: .. Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDE·N'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 #1111/tlilltJ -l RPpllldllUll IDI Q11c1/llt/ <1ntJ ~PT\ ICE.> ~llll t• l'l":.l' LJ>I~< .< >J>t\I SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL ·A c_,,,,,,, o.bt.d ,, urilf -' s.m., Jtm Grist IS Utt ..J sm.r" The Rev Proveen Bunyan Rector 3209 v '° lido Newport Beoch 949/675-0210 • 7.30 om lrodrt1onol 9 om Contem(?O<ory 9om Church SchoOI l I om Chon)mollc ond Wednesday Noon 1'10 \BY I J RIA\: ST. MARK PRF.sBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms und Open Muui.I" Worship 9:30 Ja111bcwtt &. ~.aslblutf In \t14port lkatil (949) 644-134 l ~ 1. \'~tMidiael &All¥ Pacific Vie\\ ~t \farguwtc C oron• dd ~br • <.44-()4(,J A ( ort.('ry:,J/lnr >(ti 1ntft JI/ ( "111. "'"''" Bll/IJ/\GUI HM/f/I /IJ\/\l.C l/kf\I 1\'fl VRl/W, /JI HCU\Ht/ \Ill llwl~r,Jl'n<-rll ll~\nt\,IU'\111' \I -..;();\y \\Ill ill 11 ' .m lfoh l·u•h 1rl\I •) Jm \un.!•1 \cfi,.,(!>ulult 1111>!1 \11ulv 111 JOI l hor d I 11d1Jrt•I f\/ II\/ kl I.Aki nA/I Al# I \I~ IROPOl If\\ ( ll\l\ll \I I\ Resurrection Beach t2S9 Victoria Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Sunday evening service at 7:00 PM R•"· Bar~ara H1yn11 Telephotie (714) S39-n27 Em1il RBMCC@~i9foot.eoM "THE AUDIENCE OF ONE" Sl~'S Mr. T1nM1thy J. Ytt Pmrchm, f( olMSIJM l; I 1-, P•l'P It ••• _. C tit .. I \•turJ1y, AuKOH 16, 2003, S: l(I P.M. Sunday, Au11u.i 17, 1003, 8:30 & IO:U A.M. (Krof' from Ncwpon Harhor lligh ~hool 11 lmnf ind IS1h) 600 5'. Andtl'WI Ro..J, Ntov.pon Br:.~h. C 1hfom1a 91663-HH 194~) 6Jf.21J80 l MAIL 1nm.-st.indrCW1Pfn.<lfJ WrB wwwr.<afldrrwfpf'n.•lt& I WORSHIP DIRECTORY \fl· 11 It ll>l\ l Newport Center United Methodist Church Rl-v. Cuhlec:n Coot\, P;ut0r 1601 M.irgucmc Ave corner of Ma.rguerttc .;md San Jo.1qu1n Hill~ Rd (949) 644-0745 Bnm Quiet Worrhip Servut Inam ~'V'tmlup and 0111.dm1's Sunday School }'imth mutmg u•ultly ll .11 11 ({\'\. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (E.LC.A.) 798 Dover Dr .... wport Beach :rrad1U2n•I Luth~IHllD Pastor Charles Endter Worship Service w ith Hoty Communi on Sunday G: 15 am CMll.O CAM AYAA.Aa..8 MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worsh ip & Churc h School 8:30 and 10:00 a .m. (714} 979-8234 01 Rochar<I George Rev S"phanre Toon Senior Mm1ster YoU1h Min1Ste1 Christ Church By the Sea Ln11(.t M(1hod1\I 1400 W l\~lboi l\lv<l • Nrwpm1 lk.ich 8 4 J m !Wuh "•ndn .... hool ~ ~ 1' Ill 1 m lltor<i>•p .nd l.l11IJ1t"' 1o.r.1., l<bool Tb( Rn. Dr. George R Crup, Pa.tor (9~9)67 J.J80S y TryThis Key Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DlsclplH OI Chrlli) 2481 kYlne AH . Newl*t I nch, CA (949) 645·5781 Ml1lisw. Dr. Dellis ""' ~· . ~··•.J < 11 HI\ I I \ '\. \l 11 ...._ < I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3303 VIO I.Kio Newport Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150 Chwc:h 10 cnn & 5 pm SUnday ScOOol 10 am ~~7l0pm -...... ·~ SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3100 PIDtic VV3W Or Newport Becx:h 644-2617 or 675-4661 Cbwc:h lOam Sunday Sctm 10 am ~ MelCSlQI 7 lO pm ~·•~12noon I am Goel, even thy Goel. P1alm1 50:7 I om ----~~:i---... ···~ I·' \\I \.' ( \ ' I I ( l I f • ' .. . . ---~-···.._.--~ ... A parUh ty. IJutruacd by w Word of Cod and rm(Wtd by dtt Sacnmcnu" Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Beach, Califomia 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-I 349 Rtv. Monsignor William P. Mcl.aughJin P:utor LITURGlf.S: Saturday, 5 p.m .. (<Amor), Sunday, 7:00(Quiet),1:30 (<Anrcmpora.ry) 10:00 (O\otr), 11 :JO ua. (Gftcor) Md ~:00 p.m. (~) WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publisba Every Saturday in the DaityAPilot CALL 949.57 4.4249 • Send ONGOING Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; o r by calling (949) 57~298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well es a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. The Newport Centw Toastmaster's Club can help you Improve your public speaking skills or polish your business preserltatlons. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and ba<*grounds. The group meets every Monday morning from '7 to 8:30 a.m . at 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. Validated parking is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For m ore information, call (949) 721-5732. Jewish Femity Sef'Vice is offering a support and discussion group for women 50 and older the second and fourth Monday of every m onth from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. at 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G in Costa Mesa. Pre-registration is required. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Jewish Femlty Service is offering a women's divorce and separation support group at 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Jewish Federation Campus In Costa Mesa, 250 E. Baker St. For more information. call (714) 445-4950, ext. 114 TheAClUof 0,.ngeCounty meets at 7 p m. the third Tuesday of every monih at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa M esa. Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. "Beach Landscapes," en exhibit featuring digitally manipulated aerial photographs of the Hawaiian islands by Donna Ruzick.a, umbrella beach scenes by Carole Boller and Back Bay landscapes by Luke Spencer, will be on display through Sept 30 at Newport Beach City Hall. Information: (949) 717-3870. "Tennis in Art; en exhibit of paintings by longtime tennis instructor and coach Jose Mendoza, will be on display in the Newport Beach Central library foyer through Aug. 30. Mendoza's wor1< is known for 1ts manipulation of color and form as well as its concentration on tennis. Information: (949) 717-3870. Volunteer driven are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through ·Mobile Meals,H sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Swim 1 .. sons are 8Vllilable July 21 and run through Aug. 1 at Halecrest Park, 3107 Killybrook Lane in Costa M esa. Information: (714) 557-7234 Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization that offers safe and legal alternatives to girls who are considering abandoning their babies, is In need of ongoing volunteers. For more information, visit www.projectcuddle.org or call (714) 432-9681. MKV's tn Costa Meu invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in M acy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. Yop ..... wtlbe~ Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration l• $54 for one claaa each week or $100 for two dayt a week over nine WMka for Newport Beach · residents. Others pay an additional $5. For m ore information, call (949) 644-3151. Costa Mele'• Rea..tion DMlion will provide • three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests et the S.learic Community Center ~dayt from 5 to 8 p.m .. Saturdays from 11 a.m . to 2 p.m . or 4 to 7 p.m. •nd Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m . Parties for ctWtdren 5 to 12 wUI CX>Mitt o lund\ldinner, games, c:mta, f)f1ae, ~.with Jee cream end aupervltion by ltd. Partlel coet S2!IO or $300. For more lnfonNtion, cell (714) 764-6168. FMnewwen. .. be..wct on 8eytld9 ,_.,,_., t9n1ICJ9 ~ Newpoft Helt>or ~ Thuredly from 5;3010 7:30 p.m. The~ le S15 p.-peraon. For more lnbmltlon, c.et CM> 72Mm. r Daily Pilot Newport Duw RetcHt'• "M ovies on the a.adl" will run every Friday and Saturday Including • two-hour barbecue before the movies start at dusk. Guests are Invited to bring their favorite cuts of m eat. The resort will provide the rest for $7.95 per person. The films will t>e shown on a large screen In the sand on every Friday and Saturday evening In June and July except July 4. Parking Is $8 per car. For more Information, call (949) 729-0UNE. A Yllriety of prtvat., aemi-pfMrte and group swim leasons will be offered this summer at the Marian Be.rgeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mer High School. Options include one-on-one Instruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, teens end adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more mformation. Professional and licensed soccer trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one, small group and large group training. For m ore information. call (949) 395-5103. Jewish Family 59f'Vice is sponsoring a teen support group for high school st ents that me~s Mon~~f m . ~5 p.m . al Tarbut V'li ra pper School m Cos1a Mesa. For information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-reg1strat1on is required The First Page -Fine Children's Books. at 270 E. 17th St. No. 10 in Costa M esa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a m .. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Bayside Restaurant in Newport Beach offers wine tastmg every Thursday from 5:30 • to 7:30 pm for $1 5 per person, featuring five new wines each week For m ore mformation, call (949) 721 1222 If your orchid Is too big for Its pot, Green Systems lnlemational will show you how to re-pol your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar at 2 p .m . every Saturday. A plant sale is held fro1T1 9 a m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St fac11tty. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover th• secrets of C.tbon Canyon Regional Parle as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m . Pa ricing is S4 Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor. • nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts HWalk and TalkH at 10 a.m . the second and fourth Friday of the month m front of NIKEgodess store m Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It Is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community CounMllng Center o ffers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF£ Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety. awareness, faith and empowerment The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call (949) 72 1-8079. Teen1 •re Invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p .m . Monday through Friday for Indoor and outdoor sports and activities.. Th4r center is at 1860 Anaheim AVJ. For more infonnation, call {7f4) 327·7660. . The Newport 8Mdt Wlldna Club'. meeu at the comer of Superior • ' and Hospital Road In ~ewport : Beach at 9:15 a.m . and 7 p.m . everyday. For more information, • call (949) 650-1332. • The NewpMt 8Mdt c.u Decorating Oub meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thurwdey nights at • Superior and Holpltal Ro9d In : ~Beech. Formont lnfonnetlon, C9" (949) 660-1332. The lpe..W1 ....... Qub meeta to leam Spanish quk* and easy. For more tnfonnatJon, call (949) 660-1332. TheAIM.Gl ... 111 ....... ho"8. MtMMtdng m.-11 tNt .... wfttt tdualdon ...... from e to 8'.30 p.m. on iM MCOnd T...t.y GI WW'i month It the Holldlty Inn .. 3131 8riatot St., .... ~,...~ " --~----... ·----------~-.--.......----....-~ -.,,---..-· ~~ OailY Pilot ONGOING Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 805-0011. •otvorce: A N9w Beginning,• e worbhop for men end w omen divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 e.m. to 12:30 p.m. et 1eo' Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. · Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. ftM toun cl 1he Orenge County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, bacbtage end on stage et 10:30 a,m. every Wednesday end Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement:For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, e>Ct. 833. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general m eeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922. or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org. Oasis Senior Center holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage. coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (94.9) 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents ·workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Gooking Class Programtt hosted by chef Alexx Guevara The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa M esa. The cost. including materials. is $30. To reserve a spot. call (818) 994·5075. Voge end rhythm, ·vogarhythmics· combines yoga. dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information. call (714) 754-7399 The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhlbit •Joe Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Marine Art Master~ through Sept. 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, N ewport Beach. Free admission. For more information. call (949) 673-7863. lnt8f'fllittl couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a d iscussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays. symbols in the home and relationships with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join e discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression. relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of th• Newport Beach Public library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stock. Books m ay be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners. or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet ne>Ct to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. r over an pape a donations. with the exception of magazines and law books, w ill be accepted and are tax deductible. '(949) 759-9667. The Braille Institute of'htn free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spirituel care class mee1s at 7:15 p.m . Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Cost.a Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networldng luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa M esa Country Club. The cost is$ 14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive. Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. St Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m Sundays in Dierenfield Hall C at 600 St Andrews Road. Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult ct11ldren and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St. Suite G. Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 ·30 a.m Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St.. Suite G. Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Cost11 Mesa Senior Center has ballroom dancing with live music trom the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 191h St • Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Family Service of Or11nge County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants w ith emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St .. Costa Mesa. Attendance is free. but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Sera~ C1ub No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p.m . Thursdays at Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. in Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcom e. (949) 206-9822. The Coin end Stamp C1ub me.ts from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New m embers interested in. trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join s lJ M 1\1 I H ~ l 0 n R I r~ G s A L ~ these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Family Service ofrws ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share. experiences, hear how others deal with grief, reoeive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group m eets at 10 a.m . Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m . Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free. but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Jewish Family Service of Orange County provides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m . Tuesdays at w> E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. ~vance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Two-hour kayak tours with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 11 31 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20. or $10 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729-1150. A yoga end dance class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111 . Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. The Rev. Connie Ryckman leads a discussion group using the book ·conversations with God" from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111 . Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 754-7399. Marshall's Tee Kwon Do in Costa Mesa offers free self-defense classes to airline pilots and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St • Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. A Dealing with Divorce support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County The group is led by an experienced QJJ Ut ••. Let Your Business Be Our Business Rabbirt Insurance Agency Alrf'O • HOMF..OWNER.S • Hf..ALn-1 '11JJ/itf1t-1 \1•1Ct /'I\" ~~ ~s r;_, r , 949-631-77 40 +i I Old ~n Bhd. • Nrwpon Beach «Near Hoag Hospiu.I) The SN Scouts' ship Del Mer 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. M eetings are from 6 to 9 p.m . Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base. 1931 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. Oasis Senior Center offers ongoing assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Senior Citizen Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to JOin its group from 9 to 11 a.m Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue. Costa Mesa. (7141545-5669. Arthritis Foundation Instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center. 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. The Newport Beach Newcom ers Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The organization is open to all women residents of Newport Beach who have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For more information. call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site newcomers·newportbeach.org. The Thursday M orning W omen's Club. a 40-year·old friendship club. is seeking new members. The dub, which includes golf. bridge, walking and gourmet sections. meets at 11 a.m on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel 1n Newport Beach. The luncheon is $23 and includes entertainment. The hotel See ONGOING. Page Al4 Saturday August 16. 700 3 Al 3 I. 949-613-6083 . lstwindows.com I Major JI~ Brands • Lowest Price Up Front No Games _!~np w· ,ws • Replacement & New ummuction Real 11 'f me Pricing & Purchasing PJl: J/2-494-9069 Fax: 562-494-2069 ./' Co_!ftnctor Referrals • All Major Credit· Cards ~, w . s t w i n d o w s . c o Grand Opening Sale 500/o-75°/o Off Featuring ... Brandee Danielle Signature Bedding r., • .,.,. '""··· lbe Baby Bedding Outlet 767 W. 19th Street, # 107, Costa Mesa 10% OFF (949> 650-4907 With Ad KRISTIN M. SOI I~ • Licensed Real Estate ~nt , 'l • Specializing i11 Neurporr Mesa R.esidenria7 Real &wtt ERIC A. Sou~. CFP • 17 Yean Experima • Stocks & Bonds • Mutual Fu11d.1 •Annuities • &tare & Retirement Planning • lnvestmmt Banking • SmAU Middle Market Companies 811tS!U Did You Know? "That we are a full service nursery with qual ified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of you r gardening needs. Corne in today to ~ Nurseries and let us show you how.11 NURSERIES, INC.---• COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2 700 Bristol St. (714) 754-6661 2 600 "'· Tustin Ave. (714 ) 633-9200 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE II 308553 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Flowerdale Nursery -Costa~ Master Nursery Professional a; -•• --• -• --· --..__ .. ----.. - --- ----~----=-~-~--~-~~---~--~----. -~---'----- . ., 'I ~Mt Uv{.,/{"1 ~ ~~c.-/u, ~·AAA,J-lr!. )We,'" fw-"-"ft--'f f-M; f- AAA,~~ "'~-f f-utfr-i«Mutkts ~ ~lfll J\)l(liflt\or~ • l kX> lJif'-.• Mt»Ocw.,;:(11. • P_..:.r~ • f~ll'f lo••' tW.,..11.\d ,-,,.,. •ft.•:,"''¥ l•\J IMtbt· • •dW"l I"~ ~ll~r-f~tltl ·~•~-Wb.J"tl..1 (A'#ttf'lf V1.1 l lfk) Ort•]· • -·~.-JV\i (°\rllaf •; f\u11 ., ONGOING Continued from Al 3 is at 4545 MacArthur Bt.-d. (714) 842-5863. The Newport 8wh w.ldna ctub meets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.rrl. Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m: Sunday. Wl\lktrs should meet at the lntersectfOI) of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 600-1332. The Ametican Legion meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, which deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa M esa Air National Guard. The national g uard is at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. M ary Holler, (714) 546-27n; or Bill Mimlaga, (949) 650-0894. Nightty meetings for thoM who want to overcome nicotine The HoneyBaked Cafe is full of surprises, not ham. flow ~ou and 9our lunch budd w s can s tor b~ The tfone~Bal\.ed Cafe for a surpris\.n9l~ wLde a.rra~ of dellJ<!wus, made from scr atch, lunch tem_rtat\,ons. Tr~ Olli" +lone_yff~ed Clu.cKen C.Oraon Bleu, BcefWelli.n::tton, o Y• (3orlt 11\.Llet.s wt-th Fr>es h Btack~xwr~ ~Ca_ce. Or enjo~ a fres h, crl.sp~ ffiast;er Chef Salad. An~, f brealr:~ast' i.s to ~our l \.k(n8, we se r-.Ve l,t a ll da~ lon8. Wi,th c how <-'s Li.Ke our l~t and fluff~ tlone~BaKed Omelettata wt-th TUJ>Ke~, :Avocado a nd Sw\ss Cheese or serumrtu:>us Stuffed French Toast. So ne x t ti me ;'Jou do lunch, do Lt i.n s~le at'The +lone~BaJl\ed Cafe ... wher•e ~ou'll fi.nd o\/er si.xt~ d e li.ci.ous thi.n8"5-/lor> lunch, besl..aes our arnaii.n~ ham. C-ome see us t.oda~. We'r>e r~ht ne~ door to that famous hcUn store. Open Monday -Wednesday8am.-6Jopm THE HONEYBA Thursday · Saturday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin 13nl Newport Ave..# 13 Phone : 71~731~16 Fax :71~731-4907 tUltirjoo 8ea<h 19022 8ea<h BIYd. #( Phone: 714-963-6174 Fax 71~378-1216 Momma John We belong to tbe world's largest flooring retail group -co-op . We are the biggest flooring dealers Individually owned and operated. 4,000 STORE BlfYING POWER NOBODY anywhere can beat our selection, prices or service. You're paying 100 much If you 'te not buylngfrom w. Jennifer lifetime Warranty Carpet $1 '' Lifetime Warranty ......... s2•• Gus lifetime Warranty Ceramic $1 '' Lifetime Warranty Wood s2•• Brenda 100% FREE ~· Questions l1kM · 60 day excbonse. If )'QU don 'I 10. It, we will rvpl.aa It FULi. SERVICE Ce11ter Ttpt • S••••tt • Cer1•ic • SttH • 8ra1ite • Wtt4 R1fi1i1• ONE STOP SHOP Wl1~tW Ctnri1 t •·Cl111i1 Car et & U ••ltte '•i1 ti1 -l1terier & bttritr Ca.ta M••a lrvlnli , ... , •so-7•7• fM9> 818•01•1 t •• •· t 7tll 1777'1 .. In ••• •Ott·fll t ·S •OM-fll 10·6 • SATUltA~ 10'4 SATUHAVS & SUIDA1S IO·• CLOSH SUfftAY EYUUlftS IY PPOUf11un addiction are offered In Costa Mesa and Newport Beech. (714) n 4-9106 or (800) 642-0666. The Newport Sports MuMUm, a nonprofit organlution, operates a tree museum at 100 Newport Center Orive, Newport Beach. The museum, which has one of the w orld's largest collections of sports memorabilia. is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. c>n Saturday. (949) 721-9333 or www.newporlspotts- museum.org. The Estanda High School Pmwnt Te{lcher Student Assn. hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m . to noon in the school's northwest parting lot, on the comer of Estancia North and Placentia. Newspapers that are bound, loose or bagged are accepted. Cardboard and bound material such as phone books and thidt magazines are not. Also, bins are available for drop off every day of the month. All funds raised go to the association. Free. The sctiool is at 2323 Placentia Ave .• Costa Mesa. (949) 515--6500. Oasis Senior Center offers a daily telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also offer ongoing computer classes that teach the basics of Word, Ou1dten, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Communicators Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m . Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive. CoS1a M esa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The Newport Beacti Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m . Tuesdays in Sgt. Pepperoni's meeting room, 2300 Bristol St .. Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1 274. The Jewish F.mily Serva of Orange County holds group m eetings for younger women to discuss life passages and changes. body images, family, relationships, communication, intimacy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness. The group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration 1s required. Marcy Middler, (714) 445-4950. ext. 114. The Mesa Messengers Toastmasters Club 691 in CoS1a Mesa meets at 7 p .m . Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. The Newport Beach Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m . Tuesdays at Platt College, 3901 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 64&1274. The Zlngen Toastmasters Club 615F meets for breakfast on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 a.m . at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 3851 S. Bear #B17. The meeting is free for first·time v isitors. For m ore information. call (714) 241· 1109. The Newport Center Toastmasters Club 231 meets fTom 7 to 8:30 a.m . M ondays at the Irvine Co .• 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 756-1025. The Harbortite Toastma.-ten Ctub meets at 7 a.m . Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant. 3446 E. Coast Highway, Corona del M ar. (949) 293-4630. Udo Isle Toastmasten mMt fTOm 6:30 to 8 p.m . Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. (714) 964-5314. The Ouis Senior Cent9f o«ws a shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. 1he lhuttJe also takes members to the center. Ca ll to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Tutoring II ewillble for penona who could use help reading English. Hourty ratet and times are negotiable. (949) 851-1739. Dait1 Pilot 0.allSenlorc.ntw ....... aid 1Creening1 with a Braille Institute repretentatfve, bY EaMntW w.lght ...... ,."*" offers interactive and pro~ve weight Ion groups. Learn • behavior modification and other . tedmlques to control your weight. The cost la $20. Groups meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays at 369 San Miguel Drive. Suite 350, Newport Beach. (949) 718-9848. The Hope lnsthut9, • center for recovery and family education. offers a w omen's support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Tuesdays at 2900 Bristol St., C-206, Costa Mesa. (714) 432-0020. Oasis Senior c.nt.r has• walking group called Walkers Not Rodters. which meets onoe a week to enjoy scenic walks in and around the Newport Beach area. (949) 644-3244. Women Helping Women offets a free peer support group for women in transition from 3:15 to 4: 15 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 6:45 to 7:45 a.m . Monday through Friday in Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 M arguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Hoag Cancer Centw on.rs a yoga class at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday at 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-0237. Body Design and United Studios of Self-Defense offers kidt-boxing classes from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1000 W. Coast Highway, Suite C. Newport Beach. $8 per class. (949) 722-0526. The Al:zheimer's Assn. and Grief Suppo rt Group of Newport Villa WesWilla Rosa co-sponsors a free support group m eeting for caregivers at 7 p.m . the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted livrng, 393 Hospital Road, New port Beach. (949) 631-3555. The Alzheimer's Assn. and Mesa Terrace, a residential community for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, offers a free support group for caregivers at 6:30 p.m the first Tuesday of each m onth at Mesa Terrace, 350 W. Bay St .. Costa M esa. (7141 283 1111. Rebecca Lewis leads an animal bereavement group that specializes in the needs of people who have sidt or dying pets. It meets at 3 p.m. Tuesdays at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beach. The cost is a donation to an animal charity of the attendee's choice. Call to make a reservation (949) 721-5750. Oasis S4tnior <Anter conducts blood pressure screenings from 9 to 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month in Room 3 at 800 M arguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. (949) 644·3244. The Newport Beach Psychological Assn. offers a body image and moderate eating support group at 7 p.m. Wednesdays a1 3101 W. Coast Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beach. (949) 721·5750. Free t'ai chi da .... are °"9red every Friday from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m . and free qi gong clasSM are offered every Thursday from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center. 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-6237. A sbt·week educational series fot women newly diagnosed with breast cancer or for anyone interested Is being offered in two sessions with various speakers. The first ses$ion is underway. The second session will take place April 1. 8, 15, 22 and 29 and May 6. Sessions are from 10 to 11:30 a.m . at the Hoag Cancer Center. 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. Pre-registration 11 required. (949) 722-6237. The Feeing Fotwent ~ Group meeta from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Monday et the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. VISIT US ONLINE AT www.southcoasts Ullaru.com LANC£.AllMSTRONG --.. ... '~THE BEST SMALL SUV .WE'VE E·VER TESTED." -INSURANCE INSTITUTE FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY SUBARU DIMN BY WHAT'S INSIDE 2003 SUBARU FORESTER The world's highest scoring small SUV in crash tests. Sldelmpect 40 MPH From.I on.et &MPHC,...h Average Dam age C ...... Teat Retire Crash Test RatJn~ Test Rllttnc for 5 MPH Test 2003 Subaru Forester GOOd Good Good $364 2003 Honda CR-V Marginal Good Poor $1,652 2003 Ford Escape ~rbeCS> Poor Marginal Acceptable $661 2003 Toyota RAV4 Poor Acceptable Poor $1,995 ' I llHS president Brian O'Neil said, "the Subaru Forester demonstrates what can be accomplished when a manufacturer makes safety a priority.· The Forester is the only small SUV in the world to earn the highest possible scores in frontal offset crash tests, side impact crash tests and bumper tests from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. It's the SUV that's driven by a highly developed protectJve instinct. 1-800.WANT-AWD SUBARU · . subaru.com --• DRIVEN BY WHAT'S INSIDE Based on a rating of ·Good· In 40 mph frontal offset crash tests (7 /02), low-speed bumper tests (7 /02) and side impact crash tests (6/03) by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ALL SUBARU '03 BAJA'S Stwllr• Al-Wheel Drive. Fwl efficiency ti 20 dtJ/25 HWY. ....._.. roof t'llCk. moo11roof llld r....te _,.... entry. BEST SELLING ALL· WHEEL DRIVE CAR IN AMERICA ....... Rl Poll Co ................. stMlltlcl. of 12/31/01. 2003 LEGACY OUTBACK .. NEW 2004 FORESTER XT -....: ~ 210 HP 1963 Ampicar Red Full Restoration! $45,000 1999 lendey Arnage WMte/T• 14K Mies $119.SOO 2800 Fenari 456 GTA ~JKMlles $1]4,500 2000 fen'arl l60 Fl Modena ~1 ..... $167.SOI QUOTE OF THE DAY "N one of our coaches ,, F~ Hobnlon, OCC Athletic Director Deily Pilot Spof1s Editor Richard Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Sports F.x: (949) 650-0170 CHECKING OUT EYEOPENER Ddi~Pib· Ao~_ 18 llonoree DON BEATTY Saturday, August 16, 2003 Bl A women's .world at OCC Pirate women captured state titles in 2002-03 i~ cross country, basketball and swimming. Bryce Alderton OailyPilot W omen reigned at Orange Coas1 College last season. that is, as far as sports go. The cross country, basketball and swimming teams all won state championships and were part of Coast's seven finalis1 teams to compete for a California crown. Wrtb its lhree state titles, OCC piled up 30 points to build the foundation for Coast's 49.5 points in women's sports, the best in the state. Women's teams at Coast have now captured 33 state titles Combining the men's points, OCC scored a record 70 points to claim the year's California Community College All-Sports Thophy. the third time Coast has won the award. given out for the past l 0 years. Just a few weeks earlier, Coas1 won the conference Supremacy Award, which recognizes overall excellence in athletic achievemenl for the 22nd time in 26 years. Beginning with Athletic Director Fred Hokanson, Coast has an affinity for attract.Ing coaches to its campus. Once some get there, they don't want to leave. Hokanson considers both men's and women's sports under the same umbrella with one goal: winning. Hokanson, also the dean for physical education, has been at Coast as either a coach or administrator 34 years while assistant AD Barbara Bond, the coach of Coast's women's soccer learn, was hired in 1975. Women's basketball Coach Mike Thornton, who teaches at Marina High in Huntington Beach, has guided Coast fo r 14 years. including its first state-championship team last spring. ·None of our coaches are just coaches.· Hokanson said. ·They are hard workers who are really educated. Not all of our coaches are full time, but they are all equally concerned about recruiting and achievement "We pay our adjunct coaches part-time and expect full-time duty. They aU know that you can't come here, put in two hours and expect to have this state championship team. They are out there doing the reauiting, counseling and finding scholarships for these kids. Our coaches know people throughout the U.S." Seven Coach of the Year honors were bestowed on Coast coaches last yeai:, including Don Watson and Dave Salo earning state Co-Coach of the Year honors for guiding the men's and women's swimming programs. UANG HWANG I DAit Y Pll O' Orange Coast College's Jaycee Mahler, a former Corona del Mar High standout, gets bumped by Genevieve Nolte of San Otego Mesa in a women's soccer game last season at OCC. The determination on Mahler's fa ce seems to exemphfy the effort of the entire athlebc department. Freshman Sherry Tsai set six state records in winning four individual events and two relays while capturing three national records al lhe state championships. won by OCC. Bond earned National Regional Women's Soccer Coach of the Year honors alongside the Soulhern California regional award Thornton received. Women's tennis coach Janice Maran and John Knox for both women's track and field and cross country teams. along wilh Salo and Watson. earned conference Coach of lhe Year awards. Dave Fier assisted Knox on the cross country team, which won its eighth state crown. "'Maran is always at the top of her game."' Hokanson ~id. "They are always there." Maran led the Pirates 10 the OEC title with Ashley Becker and Leah Recker teaming up to advance to the round of 16 at the st.a te HONORS championships. Nelson also advanced that far in singles. When selecting a coach. a six-member comminee. which 1-lokan~on 1s a pan of. usually narrow-; the candidate pool. Then lhe co mmittee See OCC. Page 84 Newport voted top academic squad The Sailors' 3.371 GPA during 2002-03 school year was tops in CIF Southern Section. Luxury 'ImpQtts & Exotic Sports Cars "Cdme visit PBillips Auto ·and experience a leVel of service and ·Since 198~ we have sola over 20,000 of the finest automol>iles. I invite you to take a test ~&i.y!" ~'P~ * Consignments Welcome l * Cash Paid for Your Car * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Warranty Included (on Most Vehicles) * Competitive F~ance & Lease Rates + Tax Per Month for 51 Monlhs $3999 Drive Off, 11. 290les /Yea (194051) -----t 7 4 TRIUMPH TR6 c19617C) P.orel White, Oeon ............................. .$13, 980 6 7 PORSCHE SPEEDSTER (19422C) Replica, 9K Miies ........... $13, 980 97 MDZ E320 c1942:>) Low Miles, Chnn Whls, Mint .............. $19, 980 97 BMW 328i c194.l2> eonventble. Wh1te. aeon ............. $19, 980 98 LEXUS GS 300 {1941&)l.owMJles, Must~ ................. $21,,980 s1et1 93 MBZ 300SL (1960&)l.owMlles, aeon, Must Seel .......... $22,980 +Tax Per Month 99 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR c19419> Olk, Loaded, Low Miies ... $23, 980 ~75~~0ff. 99 MDZ CLK 320 (19:><m Dlk/Chrm Whls, Deoury ............. $25,980 11•429 Wies Neot 00 PORSCHE DOXSTER (194263) Sltver, Whls. Low Miies ... $28, 980 (696256) -----t 01 CHEVROLET TAHOE (194781> Loodect. Olk ................... $29,980 ----01 JAGUARS-TYPE (19112.)l.ooded. l.owMJles. Mint .......... $29,980 + Tax Per Month For 51 Monrhs S3499~off. 11,294 Mies/Yea. (19112) 00 PORSCHE BOX.STER s (19607) Sliver on~ 6-Speed, low Mllest .... $35, 980 00 BMW 7 40i (19616) Low Miies, Nov, Charcoal ................ $39, 980 99 911 CARRERA CPE c19~:>c»6 Spd. 24K Miies .............. $47,980 00 911 CARRERA CONVT. (19~1) Low Miies. Stvr, Mlnt .... $59, 980 + Tax Per Monrh For 51 Monrtu $4999 Dnve Off. 11.294 Mdes !Yeoi + Tax Per MoOrh For 51 Moolhs $3999 Drive Off, 11,294 Mies /Yeot (1951 3C) --_. _____ ,._...,. ___ ..... ______ ~ ---------~-__ .._...,..__t-' --------~--,--..,--,.--~....,....._.,..-------~ Daily Piot SPORTS Sdturda1 Aopus1 I :>OO 3 BJ PRO BEACH VOLLEYBALL ay, as ea 1ng for today's joy of si:X Undefeated AVP Tour team continues dominance at Huntington Beach; Fuerbringer loses. Seeking their sixth title 6n the Association of Volleyball Profes· sionals Tour this season, the top- seeded duo of Misty May and Kerri Walsh continued to shine on the beach Friday on the first day of the Huntington Beach Open, played on the south side of the Huntington Beach Pier. Walsh, who celebrated her 25th birthday Friday, and May, a Newport Harbor High product, WOMEN'S GOLF Lee leaves UC Irvine forLPGA Wanting 10 focus more on golf, Stella Lee, who finished ~nd in the Big West Conference as a sophomore for UC lrvine's women's team last season. con· firmed she wiU forego her junior year and attempt to qualify for the LPGA Tour. Lee. 19. will leave for Venice, Fla, lhursday and be- gin Q-school Aug. 26. lf she doesn't make the cut. Lee. an Ir- vine resident and two-time first - team All· Big West player. said she wiU then compete as an amateur. swept through Gracie Santana- Baeni and Paula Roca, 2 1-6, 21 - 13, in 32 minutes in the opening round and followed with a 21-17, 21 -10 victory over Jennifer Mer- edith and Wendy Stammer to ad- vance to the quanerfinals. where they will face the fourth-seeded team of Annen Davis and Jenny Johnson-Jordan. May and Walsh improved their streak of undefeated matches 10 28 with after play Friday. Man Fuerbringer. 29. a deco- rated two-sport star who gradu- ated from Estancia, and partner Casey Jennings weren't as fortu- nate on the men's side Friday. The top-seeded duo won a first -round match over Anthony Mihalic and Ryan Cronin, 21 -14, 21 -13, but was then upset by the 16th-seeded learn or Aaron Boss and Alika Williams, 21 -15, 21·19. To reach the finals for the fifth time in even events this season, Fuerbringer and Jennings, the No. 1 team on the AVP money list ~ year, will have lo win five straight matches just to reach the semifinals. Men's and women's maln drdw action bt.'gins at 9 am. today and continues until 1 :30 p.m., when the women's championship match ~ ~uled 10 begin. NBC will televise the match. ·me men's maln draw will continue a1 3 p.m. with the champion-.hip match scheduled for I :30 p.m. Sunday. YOUTH BASKETBALL Suns soa·r to title in championship Team holds off late rally by Lakers to win by five points. The Suns, a fifth-grade summer basketball team from Costa Mesa. deCeated the Lakers, 33-28, to claim the Boys & Girls O ub league championship at the Lou Yantom branch The Suns jumped to a 28-l 1 lead after three quaners and withstood a fourth-quaner comeback by the Lakecs to prevail. Half-court man-to-man defense, along with an effective press, helped the Suns to victory. Jaon CemJua led the Suns (9-0) with 12 points on 6-of·9 shooting while M.aJcolm Falgen and Ou1s Whllelegge each tallied six points. Alo Jo0y, Kellon Truxton, Cody Pet.en and Taylor Slim each made contributions with strong coring, Pebounding and derense. Davis Brown. C.Ole McCrea and Buzzy Yokoyama led the Lakers (7-Z) in scoring. FROM THE SIDELINES True war stories from Newports Muniz F ormer Newpon Harbor High foot.ball player Joe Muniz shared the worldly view spoken by Mayor ltcho Ito ot Nagasaki, Japan. relative to the atomic bombing of the city Aug. 9, 1945, by a U.S. B-29 bomber that marked the grim end or World War II. About 70,000 residents died. Hiroshima, Japan suffered a greater loss in the first atomic bombing earlier that week. Mayor Ito said the 58th anniversary prompted him to stress that the world's nudear powers had dealt dangerous setbacks 10 arms-c:cmt.rol efforts. Muniz. who observed the aftermath of the bombing days later clearly saw the massive Impact. He ls in total accord that arms-control efforts are vttal to world peace and harmony. The former gridder feels the U.S. has made some serious responsible efforts to help others talc.e actions to control arms. Prior to Nagasaki, his older brother, Manuel, a '42 CIF selection for the Harbor High_ football championship team, was wounded on the nearby island of Okinawa and earned the Purple Heart. Family and friends have uked Joe Muniz now and then lf he ever planned a return visit to Nagasaki. "I would have cooaidered many years ago," he Aid. "But nowt feel the wh<>le area bu built up and changed dramatically ... DON CANTRELL Mum1 said he fir<>I cru1-.ed by Nd~c1'>dk1 down a ri ver helping Marine\ aboard a landing barge aim for an inland locauon for occupauon du tie'>. "My navy buddies and I later went up the river in a small navy boat and we could see the devastation: Muniz said. ·11 wu strange to see CriendJy Japanese on the shoreline waving to us happily. I presume they were showing their pleasure to see that war was over. They had been at war for a long time, long before WWII." Muniz said he and his mates had Initial concerns and feared sniper attacks. "like tho<;e we have heard about in Iraq. Rut that did not happen in Nagasaki.~ "Looking back.· he said. "I never knew about Manuel's injury untiJ after lhe war, when I returned home. Then I learned that he had already left to enroll at Arizona Slate University.· Due lo the draft In WWII, a male could be drafted after he passed 18. Hence, Muniz and '« gridmate Dick Freeman had IO leave two weeb before the grid seuon ended. Freeman was aJdetracked for medJcal attentJon wbUe Muniz was hurried on to navaJ ttalning camp, then llUpped overseas to the South P-ciClfi C. Mun11, the father of three chLldren. recalls h1s prep day<> spamn~ Wlth athletic director Rdlph Reed in rhe upstairs gym. • lleedy and I were really good buddies. Muni/. said. "He liked to pul on lhe gloves and have me go a few rounds with him. Heedy wa'i quite a boxer.· Mun11 remembers that h1~ brother, Manuel, and the legendary fullback 1 larold SheOln were powerhouses in boxing and that Reed would never allow the two big men to ever collide during sports seasons. Reed was concerned for their safety in a wide-open match. Joe Mumz grew up with another love: riding and caring for hor~cs. I-le recalled from his teenage days a top favorite named, w·nny." With great amusement, he recalled how he invited younger brother AJ to ride Tiny if he wished. In time, AJ made it clear with the horse and subsequently came to calling the horse, "Killer.· not Tiny. Muniz. 77. still maintains a hobby of raising and racing horses, both quarter horses and thoroughbreds. But. "Ollclts Beduno.· which means unruty man in English, was retired after a leg Injury and now stands as a stallion In Hemet. MI was sky high about thal horse,· Joe Muniz saJd. "He won a lot of races and earned a half-million dollars. There were so many write-ups. He raced as a two-year-old and a three-year-old." Thu mm1-cundirian 2003 ML350 SlN IS hand-~d and waittl'\I( for you DVD. Ch~ ~. Bo~ R1x.1Ll trip! Ste N'1A' our unprecidcnttd buying cluuc tran.~lai.t."S ro a mumhh ~1ymcn1 in 'JOt'1" prW ~· We art t~ ne>ruu®k 1JT\ our huge array of new ~J C-3.f~ Sedan.t. H~ rn ~tock, tlie mmt an,..._he-re. Cuwu Oil a ~llL~ tr&Jtfe,m aLlc~ ---..:i Tlll'lt' =Money' ----. ·~ ...---. . . . ---··-·-----~ ..... ·-•Jll9r~ .....-....--,.... -·-- • M Saturday, August 16, 2003 S POR TS Oaity Piiot Above, Orange Coast College's Hanni Geider of Estancia High shows her winning form m the women's 400.meter hurdles. Top nght, OCC's Krystle Davi~ hammers one past Canyon's Heather Rod in Southern California regional volleyball playoff action. Below, Mike Thornton led his basketball team to the 2003 state title. DON l EACH I DAil Y PILOT The 37th Annua I Governor's Cup U.S . Junior Match Racing Championshi p Wiii be held August 14 -17 At Balboa Yacht Club Corona de I Mar The Dally Pilot is pleased to again be a Co-Spur 1so1 of this internationally recognized yachting event fur thP workfs best cornpet1t1ve sailors under the age uf ~O. For the past 36 years, this event has been held right here 1n local waters Again this year, the Dally Pilot will be bringing 1t to yrur breakfast table every morning from August 14 through the 17th. Coverage will include daily results and stories on the racers coming from Australia, New Zealand end from across the lhited States A feature of this yecr's competition is a fleet of newly desi91ed and built boats, named the Governor's Cup 21 Class, which will be used for the first time. Both hulls and sails were designed by BYC members, and the hulls were pro dJced in the local a-ea. You are invited to come out on the water arid enjoy watching these fine young sailors become future Ama-ica's Cup skippers a1d crew. The 2003 Governor's Cup1s co-sponsaed by BOATSWAIN •s LOCKER 'We make boating rrore peasurable br you"/ YANM AR "Diesel power for your sailboat"/ & THE DAILY p ILOT "Serving the NewportMesacornrrumt1essmCE 1907". Supported by Quiksilver and West Manne. For more information, call Balboa Yach: dub (949) 673-3515 Daily ~ Pilot YAN MAR nsarltae occ Continued from Bl chair, college prc~ident and vtcl' president make Lhe final hiring decision. "A crowning at.:hicvcment ,., the commiuee hiri ng coadtc~ that are here for 20 yea1 '·" I lokan!>on said. "We would like to get ru. many full -time faculty a., po~ible 10 make -.urc 1hat we are lhe leader of the Or(. ~ W(' have been." But lhe atten11on '>pent on encouraging Or..ingt• County alhletes tu cume to OC< fo'>ll'r'> a grea1er apprecia11011 fur 1lw '>ucc~ Coal>! ha!-. ach1cwcl Point guard Nanl y I hthU'>hl. lhe Most Valuable Player of the ~late basketball tournamen1, played four varsity '>ea.\011'> JI nearby C...o'>la MelM.I I l1gh, giving jus1 one example of I lokan'>on\ Ulsistence on recrutting talent from the immedia1c area. "Mike TI10mto11 .., an adjunct coach who works at Manna I ligh and focu'>C'> 011 brini..ring 111 lo<.:al athlete!>," 1 lokA.inMm -.aid. "It wasn'1 like he camt• m and brought a hunch ul ,11hll•ll'' from wherever." I le added that l11gh '>clwol' are giving girb more· opponuni1ie., lo pl.1y rl'na111 'port~. which bo<ll'., well tor -.chool'> lill' Loa'>t ''\VJtcr polo i'> gt•t11ng ht•lll'r and ht'lll·r hrct1t1'>I' the lugh '>t hooh ntl\\ hJ\t' tlH>'><' program'> (g1il' "-•ill'r polo \\J'> bt-t-d{Tll' .1 < II -.;i11111011l'tl -.port in I 9Y8J. I lol.;111-.on '>Jttl "\\l' H' alway'> hdtl '>trong \UllL·}h.111, ... ou:er. tralk and lil'ld. trO'>'> t·ountry anti ,.,omen' hJ.,lt•tbJll team'>.~ Track. took third whtll' volJeyball, under the lcadN\htp ORANGE COAST COLLEGE WOMEN'S COACHES Allan Hodgert-badminton Mike Thornton -basketball Linda Moeller -crew John Knox/Marco Ochoa - cross country Bany Wallace -golf Barbara Bond -soccer Sean Simpson -softball Don Watson/Dave Salo - swimming Janice Maran -tennis John Knox/Marco Ochoa - trade and field Chudc Cutenese -volleyball Don Watson -water polo u f tlluck Cutenese, who also to.1t he'> the men's leam, fini'ihed ... econd with '>OCCer anti water polo each coming in fiflh in the 'late ~ophomore Michelle Icban capped her two-year Coast rnrl'er hy repealing a!> l>tale dtampion m the 5.000 anti I 0,000 meters, meanwhile earning the Of:C Distance llunm•r ol the Year honor!>. I lukan~un also highlighted the wonwn·~ gulf team as a program on the rbe, dlong wilh sof1ball. which hru. tradilionally been a tl1ffin1l1 ~ron to keep players 111volwtl in at the -.chool. I tr'>t year Coach Sean ~tmp ... on ma1111ainl'tl a roster of 15 player.., whu:h impn•..sed I lolan-.on < .olf fim.,hed third in lhe OH' \\lull' '>Oft ball I 10· I 'i) made '>lnde~ \\orncn'l> golf can be tough Lo fill a team. but I lhmk more a1hlc•ll''> will be coming in since morl' of the high :.chools have it now," I lokanson said. "Three -.pon., on the rise with popularity l>hould be golf. softbaU and badminton. We staned badminton two year. ago and we now have larger numbers and better player. with Allen llodgert at lhc helm." Along wilh the perceivetl boom I lokan-.on hope-. the above mentioned spurt.., provide. ha.'> been the c;leady ascension of lhl' Coa'>l l'rl'W team. led by U11tla MocllC'r. <X.< is 1hc only community college i11 lhe na11on with a rowing progrnm that '>Utcc-.'>fully rnmpt>ll''> with the ht•-.1 un1ver ... 11y crt'W'> throughout till' Umtec.J ~tate'> Coa.,t\ to ed tlant l' .ind t hl'l'r c;quad'> haw datmt·d 11 1l.lt111n.1l Litle' Bond mum·y Imm Ml•J:.un· C on lhc November 2002 b,tJlot \\tlJ be u-.t.•d for fac1ltt1l''> unprovcment'> for ~uml'll '> '>ports venue!> -.ut h d'> the '>OU l'r field, tenrn., court'> and swimming pool Now in h1-. thmJ year a' athlellt director. I lola11 ... on spends mort· t 111w 111 rnet•11ng' and "uw~ a rcJ pen' mon• lh,111 in the pa.'>I, with tht• ~tale\ budget rri~i., 011 1hc !runt burner. "I got in on happy tlllll''> where lhey ..aul. 'Wl· will gt•I money for you to ... pt·ntl' lCl 1111v.. when ...iJam•!. an• ht'tnK cul," I lokan~m ..:11d "I go to m1111· mer1111g., now 1h,111 t·vt•r hdon· dnd lhey COfl'>l'>l of how tJ11 team' fund ·rat-.t• I ht•n• ,., Jll added ... ire'>.'> on the lOdChl''> .111d athlete<> to go out and rJI'><' money. Rut thC' high '><.liool' have been doing II for I 0 Yl'ar-.. so we are nol uJone .. Coac;t ha .... pmvided V'Jll'> for ~me team' to trawl to tournaments. but I lok.tn.,on added that l>Chetlultng lh<N' overnight event!> can pre">t.•nt problem~ becau'>t' prognunl> don't have lhl' money to c1fford for hotels, ga.,, food and olJ1er expenses. "If some of the wam!> want to do overnight tournarncn1', they have 10 fund-raiM" 1hem1>Clve!>," he said. Money or not. Coa.,t\ women's 'POrl'> team ... perfonnance on the fic·ld, in gyms or on lJ1e trdck through tlw years speak volume·<, or how 10 develop a -;ucce'>Sful athletic pmgram. &UDTUU Wt c;an chO/lge Ille way you play bosJce1boll by chMguig your body Br lncreOJ1ing your qutcknen Md vertical leopfng abmty. ,ou'll score more And Hokanwn doei.n't see I lhat changing anytime soon. ·Seems like everything hru. worked for u•,," he said. po#.nls and pull down more boards c.-/ WBO In /UIE Al Velocity SportJ Performance. our pro/easfonal/y cerff/fed coachu dellvet sclenlf/lcol/y proven trolnlng profP'ODll In stute-ol-the-art /octlllios. Wt wlll IDlp10ve your alhlelfc performance CALL NOW TO ENROLL 949-387-7333 YOUTH SOFTBALL Riptide tryouts The Newpon Beach RlptJde 18-and-under sofibaJJ club will be holding cryouts at Bonita Creek Park in Newport Beach from 10 a.m. to noon Sunday through Aug. 23. - ·--.. 4P".'!ll'V_..,_. ~ .. --~ --~~"":"'O+,...w .... 4 __ .. s_.0"'""'10 _ _.._..._... .. -w .. :-r--~----- Dally Piiot ...... Nalcll -llpl Notlca --------2640 Lepl Notices 2640 Legal Ndlces 'n hm,A.2001-1'11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N that tht City Covnc1I of th• City of Newpot t Btac:h will hold a p11bflc: hurina re 111d1n1 LCM.al Coastal Pro1ram, land Uu Amendment No 2003 003 on property lonled al 1150 Cranv1llu Drive Tha vacant property 1& located at llMt northwot corner of the inleraec. lion of Ct1nv1llu Drive and Newpur I Cun hr Drtve •nd ·~ within lhe Admln1itr•hve. rrof8' \tonal •lld r 111anc1al (APf) Ol\lr !cl Request tu •mend to Loni Co•it•I Pro1t1 <im Land Use Plan to ln crease the deolopment a11outton ot the \Ubtect proper I y l111n1 'l,000 sqoare feel to 8,000 sqltar e fut I ht: pur l><J'' of thrs 1n1•ndntent 1s to brlna the I ul al Ct>•\I Proaram land UH Pl.•n into con\1\tenq c with t he Newport Beac h General Plan and lom111 Cudt, Whlth ware amended rn 2002 lo Ye p 111unt tllocahon from 5.000 ~quare 1 .. 1 to 8 ,000 'quaru leet CPA200l 161) lhrs P•OJl>ll has been ••••owed. and 11 has bun duterm111ed lhat 11 ts ule1oriu1lly uempt und11 lhe requ.,em.,nts ol the l.•hlorn11 (ny1 runmenlal Quality Ad under Class 3 (New Cun\ Ir u1.llun or Cun Y"\lnn Ill Sm•fl Stru1. turn) NOllCl IS lflRlUV ruRIHER CIVLN thal \aid IJUblrt h•&lll\i Wilt be held un Au9uot 26, 200J, •t th• how ol 7100 p m 111 the Council Chambel\ of the New· p(l(I Bud1 Coty Hall. HOO Newp111 I Soule Yard, Newport 8enh. C1lrfor111a. »I Whllh time and pill• •ny ~nd •II pt:r \un11o 1nt~tt!\l~d "11y .ippe11r •nd be hurd I her ~u11 If vou 1.hallen1e ttll\ PfOl•'< I 1n r ""' t 'j(/U Pol it ·y . escr • n ~ no c• or 1n written co11• spondenc• dellwe1ed to the City et. or prtOt lo tll• publK llearm1 r or 1nl0tmallon ca" (949) 64.4 3200 /S/laV-eM. Hw•leH, City Ct.ti. (tty e f Newpof1 leoch Publi\htd Newport Beach Co~I• Mesa Oa1ty Piiot Aueust 16. 2003 So466 OIDIWKl ltO. 2003.-14 AN OHINANCl Of nu CITY COUNCIL Of nu cnv Of Nlw,ou ltACH A,,ROVING CODI AMENDMENT NO. 20DJ-OOS U - Q U l S Tl NG AN AMlNDMlNT TO THI ZO NING CO DI CHAN$1NG THI DIS- IGNATION Of I U IAST IALIOA IOULfVUD FROM RITAll AND SIRVICl COMMlaCtAl TO TWO fAMll y au- 1 DIN TIAL ('A2003- ----- was• • o d•y of Ausu\I, 2003 AYIS, COUNCIL MIMllHi alOGIWAY, Wiii, Nl(N()lS , MAYOll HOMHaG NOfS, COUIHfl MIMIHS1 NONi AISINT COUNCIL MIMIHSr ADAMS, ,.ouoa. HlffHNAN AISTAIN COUNCIL MIMllllt NONI MAYOa 1 Steveft lre,,.lter9 CITY CUalli LoVonfte M. Hott.leo lh!t Hll\11• le.I " ~va1ldblt ftJr rev1 .. w 111 the City t.:l•rk ' ufl•c• 1.1f th~ City uf N•w1>111t Bul h Publtshtd N• NPOI I lle.1.ll C.:u•.1.1 M~'A 0:,01ty P ifu t A11~11 I I 6 200 I \•46/ .\.:II vuur ( ur in t 'lun1f1ttd ' A) l u•n AdYOC •les Ntlwc><k II ) l o•n Advut•ln, 711241 J:.rown Valtsy Parkway 11492. Laaona N1auet C•hfurni• 92677 W1111.,n1 Ay•n Ash WOI th. 680 West Main Slreel, Ju,lm. Cahfornuo 92780 8'i00 L yman J Bishop. 7~601 ff u .. ,te, L aaun• N111uel. l..•ltlornoa 92617 I Ill\ bu\lfle\s I\ 'on •fueled by a eeneral 1>•rtr1er\h1p Hov~ you \tarted duintt bu\1110 \ yell Yn 0810 I /'100 l W11f1arn II Ashworth lh1•> \l.thsment was t.l~d with th~ Cou11ty l.l•rk of Orantt<' Cnunty "" 08/01/0) 200369S3S71 0 •1ly Pilot Aug "i 9 16, n lOO.l s.46? H~S<>ncs Sport'\ Bet Croll. 1880 Mon11n Costa -.Ce\a, CA 92627 A•ul (nterpri\U C111 poral.Jon, (CAJ. 1880 Mon11va. Cosl• Mu• CA 92627 This busme.,\ 1s i.on ducted by a <-Of ponllun Have you SIM led dotn& bus1ne~ y•tl Ye\. 07/ 05/2003 R•ul Enter pt O\e~. CU< po1al1on. Raul ( M01eno, Owner Thrs st•ternent w.t\ filed with the l.ounty Clerk of Or .ing• C•1un1y on 07/30/03 20036953317 Daily Pilot Autt 2, 9, I& 23.2003 Sa~bl RctffiM IN!Hs ,._s..._.. The foll11w1n11 11•1\011' are do10& bu--mt-\\ i.-. Muble M•ill Profn \oonal M.rble & Stone Care 1 IS95 Atale• Avenue, rou~~~ I low to Place A _______ _,, ___ _ Saturday, August If>. 20Qj 8! -----------------lepJ Nc*ls 2640 Lepl Noticel 2640 l.•hl0<nia 92708 Type of hcense(s) Thettt.a Motsan, 1159'.J Appl .. d fur 41 ON Atalu Awe f ount•111 SAll BUR ANO WINl Valley Calrfot nia 92708 EA llHC PlAC( du<.ted by •n 1nd1v1do•I H• .. you st .. 11d dc>•na bus111ess 1•1' Yu 6 '!() ·03 lh•r•'>ll Mc>< &•n lhos 1tatemenl wu filed with Ill• County Cl.,k of Or•n1te County un 07/24/0J 200JUS2614 Daily Pilot July lb, Ault 2,9, 16.2001 Sa457 ltOlKl Of ArfUCAnotl TO S8.l AlCOHOUC IMUGIS Dahtlfllt~ .i..17,l0o3 lo Whom II M•y Cunu1n lhe Name(s) ul !ht l\pplli.•nlC sJ •s/ •le 7Plllr\ CORP I he .oppli~••ll\ h\ted •buwc "' • dPlll11ne to the Oe1 ... rt111~11t of Al t ot1ol11 lh ver •it Cuntrul lo \ell •lcohuht beve,,ee• 11 7955 PA(;ff IC. CUAS I HWY N(WPORT 8lAC:1t CA 9265/ Beach Costa Meu D•lly Pilot Au1u't 9 16 13 2001 s.463 ,..... ..... ----!he lollow1n1t per~n• ••• do•nc bus•neu •s J()l I •Cllnutou, 11321 Milt Crrde, Huntmrton Such Cahforn1a 92647 J1mn Ounc.•11 C11ld well, 17J21 Molt C.ttd • Hunt1naton But h. C.•h f0tn•• 92~7 li'u~ bUSIOU\ I\ '°'" ducted by· an ond•••du•I Hne you ~t11tell du111t bus1ne\~ yet~ No l•n'"' C•IOw.,11 lh1s staten1ent .,.,. •. ftled with tht ( vunly I Clerk uf O••"~• c .. un11 on 07/18/0l 200J69S200• D11ly Pilot Au~ If 2 i J0.6.2003 >d4b!J Po\y Coutur~ 1/0 lnl 18th Slr.,et l>C, l..o\la Mn • l..•hfor 111• 91.f>l/ I •UI• lM Drc.ttO I /0 l ••t 181h Stre~I •r Cu~t• M•~• l •hlor o _. 92621 Thi~ bU\llH!'-\ I'-L ut du<f•d bf •n 1nd•••du•I H ... e yuu \tM ted 0.11n~ bU\lf'4t~S v~• 1 N o I dU'• ()ffJ/t" Hu-~ \l•temt"nt w•• t1ltCI With thl" lt.JUfl1V Cl•rk ,,, o •• ,,~. (,uu11ty on 08 IJb.iOJ 20036954016 D•lly P1lul Au& 9 I Ii 2 J j(), ?OOJ S.i4b'> Jtic t1,l11.1ifll111-. µet•,••'l eer~ d•.1111~ Ou 1r1r .. '.. •\ lht• • l•fi•ll• 4'1'>'4 Wir111• ..,.,, •RA Ah I ""'t'°' • ... •11forn1J'f.:fJ">ti A .hi• M"''f' '> trl1tJ I J'"J~! W nd• ,,,,~ •~A A11•)1, v •t-t•, t: 111 ft,, ru• Y'.'&';l:i fht""> bu',tnf'\' ,, «.un dml•d 111 •A 1nd1vtdu•I HjlVt ~OU \llltted dr>tn• llu\tnuu yul 1 Hu . l111s 'l•tem..n1 ., •' ll~d with U1• t•Ju•1t, Litt~ t CJr•n~• I ou111., un 0/ II OJ 200369SllJ4 lJ••ly P11 .. 1 Au~ lb /j j(J & LOO J s.•1.·~ Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSIFIED I• (949)642-5678 ---Ut•a dliru·s --~ Rate' and dcmll tnc ' JJC whJl'll 111 c h 311!(C \\ llhOUI lllllllC nil' puhJl\hCr rc:-cf"\'L'' the ngh1 10 ll'O\or. rel la"'')· n.'Vl\C or fC)Ct'I ,Ill\ c.1,L,\lficd Jdvcn1,cntl'lll l'k,t,l' rq1on Jll) l·rror 1ha1 ffiJ) ht: in ) 11ur d.1"1l 1l.·d .ul 1mm1.:d1Jlcl~ 111c l>J1h Ptl111 aueph nu llJhtflt\ 1111 ,UI\ l'trur 111 Jll .1tlvcn1..c1m:111 l11r '' l11d1 11 111.1~ Ix: rc,pon\lhl•.: l"o;u·p1 lor lhl· '-'"' nl lhl· 'P·lll' Jlluall) uuup1L·d h) thl' l·rr11r C'rct.lll l ,tn onl) Ix Jll11"1.:d l11r lhl· l1r'1 1n-.en1011 CLASSIFIE AD "'1 ondJ) .. \111nc.J.1\ "OClpm lh Fa, r <i41i 1 td I 1,<i•1~ It kph11nl " lt1.1m '\ OOpm \111111!.1\ I m.IJ\ B\' Phont· 11>4•11 M2 '\f.7'< II our~ Index lh· .\lail/ln P(·r~o n : ''() Wc,I 8.1~ ~lrc<'I C u'l.1 "'"'J (A 42h2"' 1\t 'l,c" pon Bl' ,J A. BJ~ ~I \.\.ill. 111 l\ 10.1111 '\ OOpn1 M unJ.i) l·mlJ) ~.!l urd.1) I r 11J.1\ l (M lprll Sund..1\ ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 ~· & MISC. 1010-1110 I ~ llAl.ESTAn lllTAlS , ~ llill11 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2 'rl"'• Allljelftl"I leh PA<:tr K. Vt( W 10,un V•«wl 16.'>00 ~ 1 obo 949 613 9201 Tor ss 4 a1CoaDs nc 1i1u. <.:MM. Cir. ~ & Sh Ill /41.fl(. Spkt hb M'1>\ Mike 949 64!> 750~ ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of Evenls IOUAl. llOUSllG "WPOrMm All rul ut•h• •dwer l1$1n& 1n 1111\ new\paper rs sub,.,ct tu the t edenl hir Hou.in1 Act of 1968 as •m•ndord ,.hlch malt.•> • t 111e11a1 to adv«l1u "tny pr~fer enc e. l1mtl•t1on or dbc11mm•lton bned o n r•c•. cOIOf, rell11on, su . handicap, famlhal \llltus °' nauonal or l&ln, or an 111ltntoon to m ake •ny \uch prtlerence. llmll• lion or dl1e11mina1ton.' Thi\ new\papar will not knowin11y acwpt any advertisement IOI rul tstal• which is In vlC>lellon o1 the law. OIH tt•dtrs an hereby lnf0<med that 111 dwell inp ltdYefliHd fft this newipac>tf art ev•il•bt. on an equal opportunity basis To compfeill of dis er lminatlOfl, c.it HUO toft.. "" •l 1·800 424 ~90 1413 1489 $ 2305-2490 MIR CHAN DI SE fOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I 3010-3940 ~ l!i!l soos-saso EMPLOYMENT OPPOITIMITlES Estate Sales Pet Adoptions 3660 Costa Mesa IAllOA l'lNINSULA S•h11d•y ll 12 Ill I w Ray AYe Newpor I lle•• h I 1n tiatll alley) leh ef l eyt & Gltit Ct.ttMa en4 fay•, pAho t.ble •rt ~IL . t Ul<llSIOl I< Llf l f UR VAN S£T 11r fOR A PACf Sfl 1f R l WH£ £L SCUUIF R llf I $1 700 SC 00 I £R S<lOO llOIH Sl',(10 Guld-.n ltch•11Jl•1g1~\ POWl R lff I & RH UN[ CllAIR S60fl TWIN lllCTRIC BlO s·ioo "B" MOUNT BC Nl BRAll[ HANO CO NTROi WAS USlD UN COL to CARI $250 Bl ST OHCR ON All 949 675 5985 ANTIQUES Antiques Wanted 3025 ...... ,_lty bt..t• w. f • .,ytll1na from A 11 S•I CASH fO• l'OTIHY & Son from Sam Jpm Bituer. Calahna ROOJ>. Ger"'o" Shepherd• •II 1dur • t' ''*' "'"•'' ll ft ,., ... ,,lfl"tf hunt~ WWW ¥'-f"' .. 4.U~ uta ... l Jll /14 //J '>91'> RealEslate Misc. Ofters 4245 l6? bth« SI Costa MKa wood. Lu~ens elt 9'&{)7J.6223 'M96JS.lll3 Ill Ivy or s.n v...,. COSTA MISA Hou•• on 1 D•Y' or l"\' Call 8h6 'Xll 6011 74/hr 1e<111d~d m-\H&e NeCH Cetto ··~· 9olf courH & 09un wollU"I trolls. 41w 31to 19 y4, petl•. Jocuul IHI offet over S66S,OOO 'ovfl__.,.. ,.,,111 ....... hlot• 949-290-1121 OPEN SAT-SUN 12-4 178flAY ST Pntt ''du<td 3br 2bA hOm• S!.79.000 Agt flu•tv {.u1nlller 944 'J7? 09fo5 l •77 Ve,.etloft Dr !tbr lbd "IOZO..f u t1. hum• By Own~r Cre•I Buy S699.900 Call W 11 4 Ir.><> I 61!fl 116 H 11 4 8SO 1051 Ol"lN SUN 1-S Jll32 Sliver L-teno Stuunine 180" while waler panOI O<n VlllW •t>r 2b.o 1ncl 1~st qo.01 lef\ Tropical Ian~ S/29.000 Tefl 8owPn Coldwell Banil9f 949 35!> 4391 7402-7466 aoos -as10 1 ~4) 9000--9750 NewpOft Beach Ol'IN SAT 1-t w--.. ~ l& 28a wilovdy Say v- opo:ti floor"plan IOI\ ul w1ndoW'>. '4'1KIOU5 kit. WlC Ids WJ1) SI 8HXXl obf1 MMy Wood. ~ 9"9 S84 '>811. 717 9816 220.I Vhto Nuer1o Ol'lN SAT 2-6 N~wpmt Buch lllulf\ r 'ec townhm. 3br •nd llllll. l'VI r>iltO, 2 l i dr lOUlt•'Y In brok•" S'>49.888 By Owner 114 :?99 1 !!2_ 7927 Cal•IP• mcrd •1<•w of ba< kb•v & "'Y h&llt\ 4b• lba l of\ •if up It'd~'· n~ .. land• 1 •P•na 3 l •ll•lh l•• SI 749.000 Ail 1111\li Cou\en\ Wither\ Rulty 949-6 77-SSH PlNINSUlA II O~n Sonday I 4 Sp•CtOU\ -.Oilf' '•"'"' homo Gredl lu ~ 610 ClubhOU\t An $889 500 cll .. hlre ••• , htotu 949-723-6037 SAT 1-3 , 01.-oc Yw4 Sole, "'-Y ~·•~urHff 317 '''••cete" Dr., HOME FURNISHINGS Olea b Lease 4540 Irvine ,.Kl HOudD TO $710,000 J212 lr-4 St NIWPOIT HEIGHTS Jbr 2.5ba pv1 backyd $710,000 949646 0454 .......... a...ti. (BO S.y UH) 420 Vl~l• Cr.ode. S.t·Si.11 7em ll ~~~­ beds., trte<tnlll, -- t•ST•Clom5 .. Mm• MST COi Allblps. home fwfllSll· .. ~ SAT MALllSC.Y ft.ft OfllTOlll MUC87PI S...,..lot Ji...7pm. 1661 s.r-Costa Mm a.l•Casll Furniture Hlth-litte blot• Sela N•wpwt Im. French couche. wm&b•clt. ~hairs, VtCH aame bar. love seats, If br & cir Tommy B•ha ma furniture. d1esden, bfonns, TllMy lln1J5, .... chttlt. 17 ol ,....,..~ ~. _.... w1lnul h•lf bff, dlmn1 ~et w/8 cilffs, 4 mat~1n1 I>« stooh. antique dl~ay r::'".::l 714-432 0008 ~-... - BlfJJfY/ -:'IEN..S AD AGOKY M\ wldnt 14"" do: 111f1er' « ac1.-ent lfJ(J ,1, w•I• w roll C011-... •~ 11 N 8. m.G'~ by ""1>0f1 free prkfll, ..ii.ect conf room Futn/unhwn from $450. 949 r.i6 ffiOI Offlco fw L-H Appro•lm1tel1 IOO<hf 170 C 17th Sheet Costa Mna 949-466 6623 fo4' lollofr-t Lec•tloft 31tr lite, 0-of o few ••e• lo come avail Wt I er front sunset voewst $859,000 rt.ti-'ropet'tl•• St•...,..•-..-ut-715-3156 sm ,..-. ........... OPIN SAT -SUN t -S 2J CO.MOllANT C• 3br l .'lba detatll llome, totally remod. like new! $939.000 KM en C1senber & Bkr [neon P1op949 721-0783 SUN t -S 201 TUST'IN AVI SpeclKul•r •18•, utra le lot & 1oom f0t up.onst0n Joan Altl$On Bkr 949 646 2011 °' 949 683·8911 IUYNOW AND SAVE 11611 (nfO:t t Hewpof1 .. Adi lift Jlyle at an •ff«clHte prk•I De AIU• 81yMdt Vtllalw Mlftlllactwect i.omo Co mmunil:t off•rt t he follOwfftl OCICKlf 111 nllia : Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $3 2 per week (4weck minimum ) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 HAHoawooDs Lill lb• 2 t ill •tte bedr <>om """' Attt Sl800949 l9l 46ll Newport Coast 5"0AOLUI OOC YllWS <:.mis Ont of the 11'11!>1 ·~~~tpollil w •4)el.l.oluliat-.. 'b' 4 5ba S2Pb.llXl ~MONTtO'IO <b 4~ l(l)}<. n ~.' PJM.llll l'U'IN.IM ..... ., ~ ...... M9-71S-31S6 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAL.£ MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mobl~ Homes 5993 LONG BEACH SENIOR SPECIAL ON THE MARINA 2 IOll eGU\ double wide mobile homes stcurlty &•llHI. 5 st., p.,._ only $625 soace 1enl. Pets Oft Wont la1t Mobile home$ dwect asll for Joe 7'4-Ul-7Ht ,..TollMD ... ...,. ...... Ae $8llOin I cw 2 • utlfa a. -Plld. ~ "It'll ~ ~ earl, rio/a"*,/pet .... 9(l ... 541 ?111 Balboa Peninsula Laguna Beath * IAYfRONT ILOG * Lu• •Pl Dldit \)lj\,n ~ •Phi 7br 7b• " -.n • ... bN-.d lbr lb.I ,,_ r~.1 S2.:'llU mo t all "''a• '' rTW'll un:t. Y~ 9692'2 1Tll m~r '<49 4<14 Rll8 l * O<IAN FaONT * .ti I 9ui Sl 2'br lb.I woo .. furn d Ip. t le•n. w111te1 olWew<Tie 949 922 7777 "OClAN & IAY Vtrws· 11 tti 5t .b ~. "1\' rent al ~ r Miod. W d, fre_ fp bbq $2WJ 986h 7979 Corona del Mar 21etlr-M, 21oth, a•1 •tte wa,ller & dr v~· 2 patm\ 949 bf J 1\400 949 7?4 £>410 2"' lite duoh •d IT 'i. ~·. petoo e•dtn SI 750 ~ S..t Son I ~ 431 Morne11t Cvn 94'H>U 7216 * lo••tlf•I 3br 2ba rrnt1I. cute COM duplea, 1•n(e w d hookup' A&I ~ 9"9 293 "6JO Oc-1Vfow Lovely I ~IOt y 2br 2ba • den tp. 11t1ch 2 c•r a•• Co111ty.,d entry. c.omm pool Small pet ok SJ.450mo. Kfttn Msmt. 887. 704 8649 19204 Newport Beach ~-pl"" .. r.,.Jt Lommott 1 .. ,., ""d ""tuy Mr mo," hve '~,.~ hJ '"V" y1tiw-e 'f,..,, oNilO( f Uf l 011vel'Ht"flt ctD'1' tmrnt c.hw' t' 'Afl 1-866-400· 269 I YlAJllY UASlS AND NCW'f'O«T lfOMlS Hill GRUNDY RtAl IUW 9"9-675-6161 Newport•••t•h ,.,.. ~-'dtc.h llet rental "'°' ~.,,. Ne.-pflrt., •-•d'nk r .. 01 .. l ltf'tit\. and l•ndhl.tt oc lt• I I r 1 l e ,..,,1 •n qu1t>I P .. n1n\ul• Point Nu \m> 1ttl Sl'>IO 11 ut11 ~9 .:.'91 •fdl C OM\1l'TL Ou~tandtn~ .irart \1)11 rcntal·h\ m lOMMllTL LE ______ __, HlWPOU HEIGHTS 1 '•''" '" 'LI ''' 11 t 1r'flllt ""fJ•t-f ('41 ,.. ... s .... ~ 't.4~ • .... ,, CUTl HBGffn COTTAGf lllJ'T.' 'br ~· '• ,. "" \ •J """ If· ~· >A:'l.•4'Wf $ ( lfj) 'M, I -it t "4_ "j; Newpoft Cre1t f .'ll• 't1 ~ J "' ... , #I .. 1ari tr ,., h 1... , "'' '"" Sl4'111 A>• """" '+-41t , ( 44111'! NlWPOI T IHIGHTS I nlt•i• e 11 r b tanHm hdw('I 11r f,, ~·' r"''" l ' • I t,, '-1ba Ip hdwO flt•, ~l1, '•" Sl~ll) •4J ••• l' ............ Ne_,_, ......... Jll• .. tJ1 llW 1• tam ... tot• ' • • ,., L•' •ar n• Ii 1 $l 41)1) mo '14~ l'l'< 3771 \!URI MORL locatmn~ TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ·a·n···d·9·.---.-.---------·Ami·.· .. · .. ·-.· a:-..:::. .... .:--. .. iii ...... • ~· ---·•o• ...... a -------mes•..,.. CHARLES GbREN .A k i11J1 -wtllt.;ten, IMIMC W -------. ...........,. .. --------NW .-, -d -. P....S AUTO •-OMAR SHARIF 1•w 't7 JUI c-.._ 11l1!1> JM.151..- NIWPOit Beach OCEAN WWI 217 2.50a {pwnhome, ln·level, 2 car llHdl p . wd I~ $2500! II«> Avall g.1 858-414 3777 IEWf'OltT HEIGHTS Townhome 3br 2.Sba, 2 ear 11.w. l2600m 949· 230 ~290 or 949·689·4200 ibr 2ba on Balbo~ l'enin. hdwd firs, fp, Qatio, 2 c gar. avail 8 l a&1$2650 949 293-4631 for UoH 31r 2' /180 B~• private cul·de-sac IMCe yard, &reat loc;1t1on '2950/mo 949-475 0027 Q.t.. View ...._ :b aie house. 2 car e;waee. llfd ~. front,.1ladl yard. Ji!950 pet ok 949-~5l2'l • IAYntONT Sk 2So $3200/-yrly • '26-282-f7U : 626-297-6262 SeMce Directory ~NO IC[ TO AO£RS· California law re quires that contrac tors takme jobs that total $500 or mo<e (labor or materials) be hcensed bv ttie Contractors State License Board. State law itlso requ11es thllt contractors include ttieir license number on ell ad11ert1sina. You can check the status of your licensed contrac tor at wwv..cslb ca .eov or 800-321 ·CSLB. Unh· censed con tr 1otors tak1ne 1obs that total less thin $500 must stale '" their adnrll"ments that they ere not llcens.ed by the Contractors Stat.a LlcenM Board.• , A -JllMrfaM =~~~~ ....... n.-.1251 ... A19UrtIIU PMVIOU8 PUZZLI IOLWO 32 Wades aclOss 34 Gnclifon coed1 Don- 35 V&llll8h ' ir\IJledfeol 38 Advcsea 42 Honk 43 Light IWOfda 45 New YOO! rM!f 46 Mettns· iOC 47 Put up 50 Airid SI WaQOfl part 52 JOies Verne caplaln 53 G1veu an1111emple 54~an &8llfllll 55 Nonie deity 66 Goldon !'Iulo word 57 Auto lmpc>f1 60 Ofange seed 12 13 WEEKLY BRIDGE QV1Z Q I . Bot.II vuloorablc, as South you bold: •'54 Q J o AKQlt87 •AQJ The biddlnit lw proceeded: SOUTH ~ NORTH t o .._ l • 't WMt do you bid now? F.AST .... Q 2 • Neither vulnernble. l1S Soulh you bold: •AK J II 4 ·• AK J 7 K 7J • ~ The bidding Nii. proceeded: SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST •• .... 2NT .,.. ? Whal do you bkl 00\\-'! Q 3 • Doth vuln(rable. llll South you hold: • 63 Q J 8 2 '·' Q 10 7 2 • J 9 J lllc bidding hll\ proceeded: NOR11t EAST SOUTH I• .._ I~ 2• ..,_ ! Whal do you bid oow? Vacldon Rentals WFST .._ Q 4 -As Soulh. wlnc:nbJc. you twld: •A75J2,Q AJ1t,62 o 2 •6 ~~~p~:soom 1• I• l o ' Whlll Jo you. biJ "°w? Q 5 • Neil.her vulnerable, as South you hold: • 7 6 5 2 1;> J 10 9 J o 7 5 • K 10 5 Theblddi~: NORTH ....,... SOlfl'H., 16 no. PltM ow Pa. ? Whal act.ion ao you t.ah:? WEST I• Q 6 -F..3.<J· WC$.I vulnmable, u.~ Soulh you hold: • K Q 10 7 6 3 :.; 8 o 5 • K Q II 5 l The bidding I~ proceeded: SOUTH WF.ST NORTH I• Dbl Rdbl '? What 114."tion <ki you take'! lo<>/.; fnr an.'rw<'r~ nn M tHlda)\ 8500 Exchange 7930 l•l .. oo hl•ttct Art M-' Manion Can't use Gellwy P{T computer our timeshare Oct 4-18 eraphlcs & retail sales. can you7 Oceenfront Call Steve 949-723-1100 f'AIT TIM( FOR PACIFIC VIEW MEMORLAL PARK In Corona del Mar, CA. Two po$1llons available. Funeral Service Otrec· tors lo oversee chepol and 11uvuldo se.rvacn, needed weekdays & some weekends, SlOllr. Must have profeuional appurance. be com· pusaonate and tnendly. Call 949-644·2700 and speak with Miles Wood. ~ 4 $3150 957~96 W..tod IM.t tied! O'OW ~ J•......ing 7990 n/PT. Apply 1n person nmn• UIUll 1801 Bayside Or., C«ona TUCltll tf PWIO Mary de Pascale, m.m. Now Aa:eptq Students for ra1 U.-olment 949-673-2174 949-813-2246 del Mar, Wed·S.t. 10a·2P. ( w SIN~CAJIE • Carea1ver fT • Waiter Pl • 01l!f Expenro!d <Wy •Receptionist 9•9· 760·2800 ....................... S12/h1 La s t o raae facility. Mon, Thurs, Fri's. Office and llte maintenance. Ellp. a + Irma 71 4·84 l ·U 66 Son<fwlch 5t.o. in Coste Mesa needs help. Call lthr. s 11perb c ond throu.a hout Sl4,995 ~ lllc1 949-5116-18 www.ocpo .. l.c•• IMW'ltJlll 2 di', bledl, 519. sun· roof, funrwr, 11500 714.9 .... , .. •W'tOHSI like new Bllv'tao, 4 ~. euto, ec, sunrt, full pwr. tint, C• smoe. 13650 714-454-1698 IMWS211 '99 S1>«t W111on x Int cond. w•rr 1nty. loaded S.27 .995 949·887..4644 IMW '91 ZJ c-. 1uto white/taq lthr. CO. beautlful like new eond. $17,495 v59724 fin & _,. -8kr 949-5116-1888 -w.ocpol.co111 IMW 'ff tJ (...,,, 2.3 V6, 3511 ml, Sspd, CO, 2 tone blk & tan, lthr Int, beautiful, like new cond. $19,995 v555721 fi· n~ncini & werranty evall Bkr 949-586-1888 -·"f"*l.c- C ..... c 'to '1ootw ... stlver/arey, 4dt, sunroof, lthr. auto, 3811 ml. $4800 new tires 949-760-0144 Co4llec 'to fle•tw-ct silvet/erey, 4dr, ~unroof, lthr. auto, 38k mi. '$4800 new tires 949·760·0144 Qrro6er '94 New Y..tcor 3.5 't'6 l ·owner. 4311 actual ml, books, records, met1lhc tur - quoise/tan lthr, fully loaded, like new $4995 V!ll667218 Biii 949-58& 1888 -.•<~obi.co,. Conr•tt• '19 Coup• auto 60k+ mt, metallic red/tan lthr. superb cond throuehout, $9,m Bkr 949-586-1888 -.oc,.i.l.<oM Doclp '91 """""' auto. 6cy\. A.IC. lttw. full power, Ml·fm cass. cc. tint, alloy Whls $5999 714-593·8129 ot•••llllle 'ff-.,.• 60k ml, bledl/ .. y ]ttw, mnrf, CO, faburou1 eond throuehout $5995 vln'457219 Bkr. 949·516-llU -·~ P .... SAUTO Ol~A4~ Blue w/l\lue, on!Y \AK ml, sports pl(&. (19478C) S24.980 OOIMWl1" S~ver wMICll lthr, Sleptronlc (193871) S21,980 HUMS.- Whit• w/saddle leath-er. moonr oof (19443) S28.980. o "•"" s rw-s.a GrMfl w/uddle ltbr, 28K mi, moonroof (19112) S29.980. HM.,_.. wt ZMJ Btoe w/black, IU•l' sports pk& (19416) $27,980. ff ... WJ2M Red w~ lthr, 5spd (19470) $l8,!B> 01 f'end. ,..,.. T iptronk., only Ullo. m1~. nava&aboo (19394) INQUIRE 9a ,_,,. GS :JOO Gold w/saddle leath"', chrome wlMots (19418) $21,980 02 f'orsdro G T:t Blacl\ w/bladl onl·y 100 miles (l 9597C) INQUIRE ...... ~.,, ACft reef Ofl bieck, low miles. aor..-1 (194051) $57,980 oo•WU• Sh w,lblldl llhr, s~ (1938'1 l) i;!l,980 fff.tJOS.- wtlftie w/$addle leetll- er, moooroof (19443) SV ,980. "'~sr,,_ S..Greenw/~ Ith', 28K ml, ~oof (19112) 129,980. " ....... HO Blue w/blldl.. ar•Y 9'>0fts '*II (19416) SV ,911). HMWJDIS Red w/blaldl lthf. 5spd (19470} $18,980 01 ,.,... ,..,.. 1'!tronic, ooty 1811 mills. navaption (19394) ~ fl Law GS .JOO Gold w/saddle le.UW, chrome wt1eels (19418) S21,980 02 hndwllr1 Bled! w/blacll only 100 miles (19597C) INQUIRE 0 I 11«-c.4.t 4SOO Sllvtr w/oey, n•Vi· &•lion. only 151( ml (l!b45C) INQUIR£ 00 fortdt• .. )(wt# Silver w/blKk, 6spd, tow miles (19607) $35,980 949-57 4-7777 Ptll1fS AUTO ~illpwlu• MOTOR HOE 1914 eMC Jin 6- Counlry RV, 2 I C unlt:s. 429 C!Mvy VS, 251( orallJ ,,-ii, Sll,500 BEST QFFER 714·840-7919 ' Mob'Hamel· .. 0 IU(T 2000 30ft_, I 2003 Wt., immac, slMPll 6 & 8 optional tent, pinlc tbl, bbq. Toy trailer & tent trailer 949-295-0356 Of 949-500-1266 BOATS 9615 DUFJY (llCTltC 'It CL ASSIC 18fT fully restored, best offer Rick 949·348·9424 , .. ~ ~hell.It ~lie. Duffy.~ boot. Im • eood dp ... ~SKl.!Hi~ DUffY WCTll( l99S, new batterieto, aood cond1toon $12,000/obo 714 612 4544 Sailboats CAl20SM*T,tllpM1 $14t5 pp 949·548·302• Corporate fxocutlvo Secretory Self-motivat· ed w/strona oraan1za· tlonal skills uperience. prefer able w/securltles knowledae and Com· puler sllllls a must Mon- f rt 9·3 .00 Call tor 1nterv1ew 949·721 9236 between 8am·l0am 949· Foret '6S Mu•t••t 645·llOOasllforMor11ot Cohverllble. orle1nal o 1 ,,..,~..,.. a.soo Stiver 'l'/grey, nav1· eat1on. only 15K m1 (19545C) !~QUIRE f'ondM '99 (..,.ero 46k mi. blll/blk llhe. CO. chrome whls. like new S•2.000 V•622057 Ii narw:in11 & warr avail Blo.1 949-516-llH -.oq>oiol.co. BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES ,IANTASTIC VUWll 3br 2ba for the fvule1t & petleu. For lease I year or more. $3995 open to otfer~ SUN 1-S 208 TUSTIN AVE Joon Alll1on lkr 94%46-2011~11 BAYHIONT WINTER HNT Ai 41r, 21/ilo, 2-<0I' gor, 1'Ay fwnhhecl $4000lfto Auodoted Realty 949-673-3663 Seldom ovoll Granville Co11do, gated. goll course loc, comm pool/ $pa 281, 2Ba, dell $4500/ mo Agt. Pa\JI 94$.644-7D Newport Coast TROVAlll 2br 2ba 2 c ear. gated, communitv pool. •21 $2300 949·293-4631 carpet Repalr~les ~CARf'fl t>CARf'fl'Ct Repairs, Patchone. Install Cour leous any $Ile jobs. Wholesale! 949-492-0205 Cleaning Touch of Kl~ European Expert in House Cleaning 20 yean in Business Licensed & Bonded Profe~s1ooal teams ~igncd 10 Your Hom( (949) 548-0097 Free fahmatcs Rcfc:reoccs Spring 0(.aning Specials & lllS#HSS •ir•s Uparedu, R1191lrs of COmputlt', Hotworlls. Evtnlnp/W18"ends Competitive prlcn fOf quality _.vie. 949-Ut-1175 71•-t2MHI SUMMIT -S9 AnjOu 2br 2ba 2 car ear. pool, eated comm, $2300/mo. Aet 949-759-9341 Son<•n• 31r 21/110 ""&le fam hm. new paint & carpet. 2< p , ti/IIDll ail .Im 9&851-83115 VACATION RENTALS Desert Rentals VACA TIOUOOAlS SALES & UNTAlS IPalm Spnngs9Palm Desert Contact Mdlaef Anter Ji0-2S9" 1'50fifi0.333-7JJ7 goff desertmabons.com Place your ad today! C949) 642-6678 Computer SlfYlces COMPUTER HELP! . ""*., Q'Olf,..,.. • M ,_._or alllce • l'CWllC ·~ • W!b Patge Sln'g al lll'l ·~·.._ ·Ob~ • OrolWWJoo ~ "'- • lO.WiC11!1118 ~ .. JOBS WANTED Employment Wamct 8200 f'rof'l c~•. he/bond/ Insured, to manaee your Newport Bch home and or boot; Ca he'd General Contractor & cert1hed Prop Mner. 949-642-3939 WITTHOln DRYWAU All phases sm/lr& jobs. CLEAN I 20yrs, fair, free esl LJllXXOO 714-639-1447 Bedr1cal Setvlces DUNCAN UlCTRlC Local, Quick Rupon~e Home. Yard & Dock Elec1 20 Yr~ E ~p. Lie/Insured L #275870 949 650-7042 DRIVlRS WANTID Newport & Huntincloo Sch Set your own schedule! Part or full-time available $7f>+/day hlll-llme Call 888·00!-WORK or ;qJlt @ -JH>.l.c;om AT-fASl Women's StOfe at Fashion Island rs now horme exp'd Fl and PT sales nsoc P"9De contact Lee Ann It 949-759-7'!B5 FLORAi. DISIGNa 25 hrs a week. Must be fully uperlenced. COM. 949-644· 1413 ,._.. "* ~ 11 Fash ...., m-9. kloll.i-e for exp'd ~ Ph'ne loc for wall-ns 949-212· 1629 Pn NURSES IMMlDIAUl YI ~·s,~'s &~ needed for Uve·tn/tlourty Actto.. Hoattt. C-o (~;rs~~' s-fltorS -Up Cat your yard loollana ltS best for the surmw. Y•d~..,.._ ~Ind~ weellend & ,.,. quotes Xtro H-4 Sorvl<•• 714-417..0 UC a.UMy~. 1f)Yro~~ 714-612-2786 Tr•• Sorvlco, Yard DUTCHMAN lUCTRIC Cle1nup, Maintenance, =~c~I~~:= Sprinkler Repair, H1ullna Concnlte&Masonry Rates W1'Btil 96-l!41MBll (90) 650-8711 lrtd1 llodl Stoe• THo UClllSID CONTUCTC>a Concrete, Patio, Orrwway I'*> ~ t.oo sm. AJ servlcesl Fweplc, BBQ. Rers. 25Yr~ Repaar, remodel, lens, Exp. Terry 714-557-7594 spe, new svc 949-645-3666 Tito c ........ M ... Cemenlworlo., Brick, Tiie & More. Reliable. No job too imall. 714-615-9062 IM 0 YOWMOMt IMf'llOVIMlllT NqJf<Tt Cell • plumbef". peinter. handyman. or 1ny of tho 11rHt servlcts listed here in our service directory! THESE l OCAL SVC PEOPLE CAH HELP YOUlOOAYI AoorlnWflle <US'fOM mATM TU "1staflatlon. slate. c.nmk:. rrw'bll, stool. &116 1975 Ltll61.3M4 Mt 714-611·91&1 UMY .._.,. Repated Reeroutln & lnst1ll1tion TILE DEAN 949-673-8066 7l~ 714-883-20.ll = -------~~~"'"'"---- RESTORE • REPAIR & R£MOO£l ING Handyman/ Home Repair GtM.IAJ. IFnll "IU.INl'F1iWJ: • ~ • !'.oounm:lal No Job 7bo Small Dawe Hamtlton 949-3224292 <•'t Do ttl 0-'t _. to do ltl We can & we will 24/7 • 4 all ~ home repairs 714·348·8430. FIX .. sn<IAUST. All types of repears. Elec- trical, p4umbirw. ctoMs. Wllllr hMbn, t*5 & more 24hr/7days 714·366-1881 c-... &a.p.h Corpentry o Plumbinll OrywaU • Stucco Palntlnc, Till & more 20+ YeMS hperiencel .,.....,_5776 , ... .., ..... _ .. H-• R.,.., S,..CWlst Interior & Exterior Rep1lrs 714-501·6466 JUNK TO TMI DUIU'IU 714·968· 1812 AVAILA8LE TOOAVI 949-673·5566 --..a. •a·• Wkly/Bl•wkly f(hfy. Refs. GrNt retest ..._.. 9&54M215 •m.oal ..... -............... SplCllJlzJng In NJd/llofll & OfMffY Rlmodlllnf .._,'"' 71 ...... -0711 .............. owner, solid car S19.995 obo949-719·2943. fwd '86 M ....... CMV. 6cy1, auto. IVC. pb, pw, ps, am fm, cc, whl covet"~ SJ(XX) obo 714-962 -144 7 Let.ct R•v•r '96 Rone• Rover Wh ite, fully loaded, •II maintenance rec, $16.900 949-887·0729 ••~do '01 Trlt.irto (S slh1er/1T•Y lthr, 2lk mt, V6, 4wd. 6 CO. warranty, pp s 14.999 949-675 8753 00 fend. .... ,., Silver w/blaek. premium w und 094263) $28,980 s.I yeur UllWlltM item .... llover '96 4.0 SE 281< actual m1, books , record~. I owntr white/ tan tthr. CO, r unn1n11 bo.r d~/br ush e•urds, hke new cond. v27Z348 Sl8.99!> fin & warnnty avail Bkr. 949 586· 1888 w-.oq>06>1.- BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 lMHsywtyl"oc" SlWSAVAILAaU I fl.J _J ...I-! fr-SS-tSFt ltt MAZDA TRllUTl 200 I ( llli ft'"' t.._J Newpw1 leodt, L ... o red uter Ian lthr inter. ('4t)M2-S671 Ut-500-lOOS am·fm CO, ~unrf, •<. :::-;;;~-~~~~~iiiii;~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiii~;;;~~ Sl3,4'Y.> 949 494-4652 i MHCIDlS INt '92 100 2.6 black, .. l>W'. SU1Yool, 49< mo. ori)'WI -' Sl'SXl 96 6'4 ?341 Morcedo '03 320l 20k ma. pewter. perf~ct cond, Fletche. lones we & ex tended warranty $44,500 949-644 23'2 MERCIDlS 560SL '86 Blue/ereen, new top and upholsler y Pvt Par ly $9850 9'9·673 1095 -·:. r. T~[r.C f' > I 6 1 ... -;.J\ ;[ Open7Daya LawRat• StC>nlg9 Spticlals Since 1981 949-645-4545 llST MOVllS SSS/Hr. Sefvtnc An Cittes Insured T163844 800-246-2378 323 63()..9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Public Ullhtie5 Commission requ1r1s that 111 used househo ld aoods moors print their P.U.C. Cal T number: limos ind chauffeurs print t heir T.C.P. number In all adver· tisements. If you have any questions about the leaalltr o f a mo ver , !Imo or chauffellf. call: PUIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSfON 177 ..... 7 -· .......... Custom Hllnd P1lnted ..... f .. ,,.... _,.. ...... ~ Lrn• rtf•I Da~hi~Pilot ,,, '""' .~"'1::: ...... Best place in the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classified 642·5678 Painting ~IJJdt~. ~Professional Painting Uc ~~3!>0 Rob Isbell -Owner Costa Mesa, Ca (949) 640-3006 Cell 949-887-1480 Stv<co Ropelr Text Coto r•,.W t4t-64S-29J2 De Hovett ~SOS62S Plumbing SlWll AMlDUaCllmt& (949) 645-2352 T ol.e< 8 <!IYISIQll nf MB~ J S.n!lert SEWER JETTING ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAA DETECTION r rlendty Servrce t4t-67S -tao• -.~.am L'752•9J tn~ol"@d a.-'• ...... '/JYrs lllP Gruf Price! Guaranteed work. Free est. 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