HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-17 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot""' COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES R ecall a bazaar of bizarre T here's a lot of them. Big ones, sm all ones. sho rt one~. tall ones. boy1> and girls and women and men. New one~. old ones, smart ones. dumb one!>, rich ones. poor ones. that's about it. Oh. l>Orry. and two Indian chiefs. I las there ever beeo anything like the California recall? Not that 1 lmow of. lt''i hard to explain what an event like PETER BUFFA this meaw;. To a pohucal 1u1ooe. thio; '" like Demp'iey v-.. Tunney. the m oon landing, the O.J. Simpi.on trial, Ran Simpson, D-Day, Botox. USC vs. Notre Dame in '74. penicillin. SnackWells. the Miracle on Ice and the Miracle at Lourdes all rolled into one. There are I :ls candidates. 11·~ enough 10 m ake you ftnd a quiet place. look skyward, wipe a tear from your eye and say. "Thank. you.· As you well know. the news has been "AJI Recall, AH the Tim e," and believe me, you ain't seen nothing yet. I know, I know, it's confusing, frustrating. maddening and mystifying. Not to worry. I am here. as always. to illuminate, educate and pontificate, and what I lack in knowledge, which is a lot. I make up for in ignorance, which is near total. Thus, we begin. It might interest you to know that Issa is running after all, as are Michael Jackson, Rob Oole. and Richard Simmons. That'~ S. Issa, an engineer in Los An geles. and Michael Jackson. a satellite production manager. I don't know what it means either. Robe rt A. Dole is a businessman in the Bay Area and Richard Simmons is an attorney in Los Angeles County, and I'll bet he has never shouted, "Come on. people. move it and lose it!" There is a Kurt E. Rightmeyer on the ballot, who Usts his occupation as "middleweight sumo wrestler.· One, I suspect there just aren't a lot of sumo wrestlers named Kurt. let along Rightmeyer. And two, wouldn't "sumo wrestler" have been enough? If there really is som eone out there who thinks a sumo wrestler Is exactly what California needs. does the See COMMENTS, Pa1e M INSIDE THE Pl.OT IN SIGHT Backyard not quite a retreat? Need to spruce up that planter 7 Throw out the gnome and get tome helpful tipe from our e)(J*t. Karin Futton. on how to tum your garden into a domeltlc Mnctuary. ... ,...,.7 -FORUM leura Qff'lln ..... wt'9t Nawpon C.oelt ear.. hM In ... for ... veer'• Helo w•• CenWll. ........ -.. S UN D AY ED I TION a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 AUGUST 17, 2003 , SUNDAY STORY PHO TOS 81 K(NT 1Rff'l W DA11' ~l t Phyllis Moeller, left, and Lutie Lindeman look at a photograph of Lindeman m the 1940s when she was on the swim team at Newport Harbor High School. Bottom left. Moeller sees her yearbook photo. above her thumb, dunng the 60th high school reunion at the Amencan Legion bwldmg Wednesday Newport Union High School class of 1943 gathers for a 60th class reunion and find that, for many, not too much changed ALON COMING June Casagrande Daily Pilot T hey really were the be t of times. Though a war was on. though everyone ~ecmed to know everyone cl e's husine!>~. though Newport wa<i '>till a sleepv little town. classmates looking hack on tht•ir youths at their 60th high <;chool reunion say there wa~ no hettcr time or place co grow up. :·vou know huw thl'Y "~ 11 ldkc-, d vtllagt' to rct1M' a child? Well. 11 really ww, " village." rC'rnJled Betty Patch, Ont' ot tht• KJCldU<.1lc'> of the Nrwport Unum I ligh School\ t la\\ of I'M I who gathered al the Am erican I .egmn on ll1ul'.day Of the I 00 mt·mh~r., ot the -.chool\ graduaung cla'i.'>, dbout 60 arl' '>1111 alive .md more than 40 ot them made 11 tu the n•un11m ··one of the rea-.<m.., for g1.•11111g togt>thcr c, to congratulate each olhcr for '>tdying aJ1ve thi5 long." joked Allan Ht'<·k. a memher ot the graduaung class \-\<ho ht'l1x>d organv.e tlw reumon "A lot or u., go bat.k further rh,m high ..chuol t\ lot of the people here go hack to the third grade ·· Back m tho'><' daY', l'\cryone m the area went 10 Newport Bead1 C .mmnl.lr \<. hool Ix-fore entenng the high -.chool A hook of cla.'>.'> photo., datrng back. to 1933 gave the cl.i.~mat~ a chance to look back at themselve.. and their fnend., when they were 1w.t children. lk'ck dlld Jackie H11J-Smiley. who were known a' tlw ... man one'> back in their school days. pored ovc•r the da.-.s photo'> pointing out the face<; of children who would grow up to earn a place in their mrmori~ "There's Don Elder, he wa..'i on the City Council," Beek said. "Oh, and there's Hu1helyn Plumi;ner ... Smiley TOP STORY Joyce Cool, left, greets former classmate Carol Johnson during the reunion for the Newport Harbor High School class of 1943. said. pointed 10 a pretty brown-ham'CI girl who would grow up 10 be mayor of Ncwpon Reach. "And theres me.· she said. pomong 10 a blonde-haired girl who had changed swprisingty lirtle in the 70 years since. Because they graduated at the height of World War II recruiung. the IXl)"i went off to war No one present at Thursday's reunion could remember a single exception. "fveryone wanted to go." "3.ld Dick Durkee. who had brought the elementary 'iChool d~ photos from the 1930l>. ·11 was the war " The girls were part of the war effort. 100. Patch went to wort m San Diego in an aircraft-manufactunng plant, mstalling electncaJ wiring in the planes. "It's true that we really did get to grow up Ill the best of times," Patch said •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach. She may be readled al 1949) 574-4232 or by e-mail a1 june.casagrande~ la times.com. Second pride parade incident-free About 100 people attend Dyke·March at Lions Park Saturday. Paul Cllnton Oalty Pilot COSTA MBSA -A modestly· at.zed crowd of gays and lesbians stepped In unison ln Sa,turday's Orange County Dyke March ln a solidarity tMnt that alto featured a clear poUdcal mesaqe. Shoutinc tlopna auch u •Hey· hey, ho·bo. bomophobJa'I tot to ao· and carrytna s1p demand· tna NCOl"'fdon for ame·M:I mamqe. the group brilkty' ~ a dty block ln the tAer· noonhMt. Tb&l ,_.'I ewot. the tecond m cbe dlJ ... c:oncrov.ny when the city imposed a 21 -point rule book of regulations as an adden· dum to an event permit The city backed off when the American CMI Ubertles Union ffied a lst Amendment lawsuit alleging an infringement of frft..speech rights. Yet, the group kept up its conbontational stance, which Continued OD Saturday. "We want to thank the city," or· ganize.r Lori Hut.son said to the crowd gathered at Uon Park. '"They have gi~n us l ~ ol their 1uppon. The lawsuit t\Un't been dtOpped to lb their penftll tcheme." The Gay le Letblan Community ~ Cen&er of Oranp CO-ty orpnbed the lnddent~&ee ftmt, whkh ~ about lOO pardd· ._...,..,...M ... A2 Sunday, August 17, 2003 COSTA MESA City waives conditions to allow Dyke March F.arly in the we~ city leaders softened their bard-line stance toward organizers of the Orange County Dyke March, which took place Saturday. City staffers struclc a compromise deal with march organizers, which they announced Monday, that waived many of the 21 restrictions initially imposed. The Qty Council, earlier this month, imposed restrictions on the uses of the motorcycles, as well as a requirement that riders submit copies of their driver's licenses. 'IWelve restrictions remained in place. However, the Gay & Lesbian Community Services Center of Orange County, which is organizing the event, said they would persist with a lawsuit challenging the restrictions. The American Civil Liberties Union filed the suit the week. before. About 250 riders were expected lo participate in the Saturday event. • DBRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-m ail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com . BUSINESS Chimayo Grill out~ French food in It sounds odd for a city with so many highly rated eateries, but Newport Beach can only counl two notable locations for quality French food. A Laguna Beach restaurateur has annowtced he would replace his Olimayo Grill in Newport Center with Parisian cafe Rouge. Jl would join the ultra-hJgh-ticket Aubergine, on Balboa Peninsula, and the Provence-styled Pascal. Rouge. set to open in April, will be a more affordable bistro than David Wilhelm's Olat Noir or French 75, but will offer high-quality dining. Chimayo will close at the end of this year. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 7644330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Investigators search for answers in infant death An investigation has begun into why a 10-month-old died after he was left in a car for several hours at UC Irvine. The infant was found dead on Aug. 8 in a car in the UC! parking lot in the 400 blgck of Berkeley Court. All the windows were closed and the outdoor temperature neared 80 degrees. No arrest has been made, but Irvine police and campus police have . questioned the boy's father, who works at the university. Also. an empty gas tank ended a police chase that began in Costa Mesa and continued into Newport and Huntington beaches before ending on the Balboa Peninsula. Costa Mesa Police officers were just about to call off their 30-minute pursuit to avoid the dangers of a high-speed chase when the s wlen van came to a stop at the comer of 42nd Street and Seashore Drive, officials said. "Most of the chase was pretty weU controUed, but when he got down on the peninsula. of course, there was concern because of the congestion," Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Burt Santee said. Costa Mesa resident Felipe Arris, 39, was eventually arres ted on suspicion of felony evading arrest, auto theft, possession of a controUed substance (cocaine), drunken driving and driving on a suspended license, Santee said. Mlnere were probably a few misdemeanor charges thrown in there, too, but those are the big ones," he said. Arris was aJlegedJy riding his bike PHOTO OF THE WEEK WHEN FEET WON'T·DO' STEVE McCRANK I OAJLY PILOT I like people-watching. Really, the job of a photographer is to observe and chronicle people, in their day lives, and there is no better place to do just that than Balboa Peninsula in the summertime. No, not just because of the beautiful bodies in bikinis. You could take one in the nose for snapping a frame of their frame. Rather, I think the beach is a good place to people-watch because they seem to become carefree. Like these two fellows in the picture who attempted to race toward the water on their hands. The race lasted not even two seconds and ended with a nongraceful crash into the sand. A slice of life, no matter how small, is always something worth a thousand words in a picture. -Steve McCrank, photo editor NEWPORT BEACH Governor's Cup sets sail with new boat The 37th annual Governor's Cup k:iclced off Thursday. The yow1g racers are using Governor's Cup 21 s, new boats designed by the Balboa Yacht Oub specifically for the race. They replace the Santana 20s. The 4-year-old TulesofBalboa.com Web site announced it will stop publishing amid a controversy over the site's link to the more controversial FreeNewpon..com. Webmaster Jim Fournier would not say whether his decision was a result of disagreements with the Balboa Business Improvement Oib'trict He said only that he would cease publication for personal reasons. The Corona del Mar improvement plan has dropped the 2004 from its name, saying that they won't be able to complete work as soon as they had hoped Proponents of the improvements say they hope the city will taJce over a stretch of Coast Highway from Caltrans because that would maJce improvements easier to implement. The question of how to improve aJong Harbor Boulevard when he saw a silver Oievy Astro van in an auto lot in the 2400 block with keys left in the ignition, Santee said. The man ditched his bicycle, jumped in the car and drove off, he said. Owners of the lot reported the stolen van at 4:10·p.m. Thal wasn't the only chase that kept Costa Mesa Police busy. A 36-year-old Costa Mesa man died early Sunday morning after leading police on a 10-mile chase that ended SlEVE McCRANK I OAJLY PILOT Three boats open their sails as they head for the finish line of the Governor's Cup in the waters off the Balboa Peninsula on Thursday. Castaways Park continues 10 divide the community between those who want an area of rurl grass and those who want it kept aU natural. A compromise has been proposed by city staff. A native California gras!> might be used at the site and mowed in a way that provides an tragically on the San Diego Freeway. where his car lost control and skidded off the MacArthur Boulevard offramp and into a tree, officials said. Ayurelio Leyva djed early Sunday at Western Medical Center in Santa Ana as a result of a fractured skuU and severe injuries, county coroner's officials said Monday. A Costa Mesa Police officer was on routine patrol at Valencia Avenue and Mendoza Street when he saw Leyva's area for picnicking and similar activities while keep the plant life there I 00% native. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpon Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@lfatimes.oom car driving without headlights and running numerous stop signs, Costa Mesa Police Lt Dale Birney said. Leyva refused to pull over and instead accelerated., beginning the IO-mile chase through the streets of northern Costa Mesa and onto the Bristol Street ooramp of the San Diego Freeway, Birney said. Police continued the chase to MacArthur, where Leyva tried to exit. but lost control and ran off the road. Daily Pilot NOTABLE QUOTABLES "It mnged from 0 to 8 out of the west. We cmainly are hoping for more bretze." -lm Boee, part of the Governor's Q.Jp staff and deet captain of Balboa Yacht Oub, on the disappointing wind that greeted the first-day of the four-day event "Peter has incredible cralentials. Unfortunately. he is facing a canclidate /in Arnold Schwarzenegger} who has rucb!d the axn:en out of this race. H -Bude Johns. a GOP fund-raiser, on Peter Ueberrorh '7hJs UM2S a t.ery to1Wi decision for us beaw.se of Peurr Ueberroth He's known by the New Majority." -IJUT)'Hlgby. chairman of the New Majority in Newport Beach, on the group's decision co endorse actor Arnold Schwannegger for governor during the recall campaign 'We will still have our day in court. The lawsuit is design«l to seaJ.e d1is matter once and for aJL " -1i1da Aynes, spokeswoman for the Gay & Lesbian Community Services Center of Orange County, on the ongoing lawsuit against the city of Costa Mesa alleging the city hampered the group's 1st Amendment rights to gather publidy and express its views "/fear that by giving power aver this park to an agency in Sacmmento for 20 years that we're doing ourselves a big t:lisservia. " -Debra ADen. a Newport Beach parlcs commissioner, on a deal with the state Coastal Conservancy that would require the city to preserve sedge grass at Castaways P'arlc: instead of her preferred option, to have turf grass "No parents intentionally harm their chi/dri!n. or kilJ them, but the result is the satne." -Selly Kamrek. director and founder of Parent Help USA in Costa Mesa. on a baby's death that occurred at UC Irvine last week when the infant was left in a car for several hours · DailyA Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiiier, Don Leadl, t<ent Treptow Copyright: No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. 229 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOERO Editor JUDY OETTING Adverti•ing Director LANA JOHNSON · Promotions Director NewsEdlton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevem NEWS STAFF Crime~ ~rter. (949) 57""'226 deepa.bharathelatima.oom "'-=·· Newport reporter, (949) 57""'232 June.~,..,.•IMln'Nn.oom ,., CIRieaft PolltJct, buti.,.. and tNW!roniMnt reporter, tM> 714-433() PllU#.ollnfotl•ledm&com L.ollll ..... Cofumnlll. C&ilbH'I reporter, (M)574-4271 lollt&ltMper•,..,,,..oom .,... ....... eo.ta MeM reponer, (M) 574-422l dfl/n:Jre,,,._,..,. •l11tJtnf/IUJOm c..iWlllOft NMa ........ (M)57~ ecn1...-.,,e,.,,,_com READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Record your comments about the Dally Pilot or news tips. Addresa Our address is 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627. Office hours are Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. CofT9CtJona It Is the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errors of aubata nee. Please call (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newport BeadllCotta Mau Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) It published daily. In N.wport Beach and Coste Meaa, aubtcflptione are avallable only by aubecriblng to The nmes Orange County (800) 252·9141. In 1ren outtlde of Newport Beach and Cotta M .... aubecrlptlona to the Delly Pilot are available only by first dl8f mall for S30 per month. (Prices Include all 9Pf,>licable atate Ind local ti)( ... ) POSTMASTER: Send lddr ... d\angea to The Newport ~Meat Dally Piiot. P.O. b 1l!e0, Cotta Mela, CA 82826. HOW TO REACH US Circulation The Times Orange County (8001252·9141 Advertising Clanffled (949) 642-5678 Olsplly (949) 642-4321 Editorial Newt (949) 642-5680 Spot1s (949) 574-4223 News ... (949) ~170 Spot1s ... (949) 650-0170 E·mell: d111/ypllotf1/11tlmn.com MalnOfl'lce ...... Office (949) 642-4321 .. ,.,... ... (9'9) 831-7126 Published by Timea Community Newt. a divillon of the Lot Angeles Times. C2003 Tl.,,.. CN. All rlght1 w-o'fd. WEATHER FORECAST Our wea1her wll siay In 1 holding pdem for today Md the mejorfty of 1hil ~ wllh high 19mperltUrel ~ around 80 degrees et the C08lt and up to the low 90l lnlend. Overnight lows wll be between 64 end 70 degrHa. WDnMlloti: www.nws.nou.oov BOATING FORECAST Cloee to lt10t'8, wlndl wll come from the Milt .r 5 to 16 knots with W8Yll It 2 flet. The wee1em IW9fts wll be at 2 lllllC and the IOUdlwelt lwell wll be between eround 2 feet. wel. Much of the Mme with ... fog tonight. Out fifth«, wlndl wll be • tilde rough -from the wm .. 20 to 30 lcraa wih Wl\tW from 3 to 5 flMC end I Wl lU m -.I bltwMrt 'end ..... &p.:th tame COtdllol• "*> Mond9y. SURF South-facing breaks, and dual exposure bfeeb. lf9 the best wtlY to get IOf1'le decent W8V89 today. South-facing ll'8IS have wlilt-higt: 1eta; dlelt-highs on the beaer tetl It stanc:Jouta. There le • toudl of wind awell from the nofthw81t gtvlng wm4aclng breeb 80me me. to w.i.t-high .... The next IMiel It due Tu.my. ,...,~ WM>W~OtV TIDES 11mt 7:ot a.m. 1'37p.m. 8:05p.m.' 1:A2a.m. ........ t.A3"911ow 4..•lllllehWt 2.0t"911ow Mllllllehigh WATER TEMPERATURE . ... -. ----_:-"'_.._ Dally Pilot LOOKING BACK COURTESY Of COSTA MESA HISTOR1CAL SOCIETY Newport Beac)l's Buffalo Ranch was once home to the world's largest privately-owned buffalo herd. Where the buffalo roamed Kris O'Donnell Daily Pilot I n 1954, the community of Newport Beach was the home to an organized buffalo ranch. The Newpon I !arbor Buffalo Ranch was located a mile north of Coast Highway and bordered MacArthur Boulevard and Ford Road. The buffalo ranch, comprised of about I 00 head of buffalo on 11 5 acres, had been leased by rancher Gene Oarlc from the Irvine Co. -Clarie maintained the world's largest privately-owned buffalo herd. The herd was brought from Independence. Kan .. to M!rvc a-. a tourist anraction by providing a glimpse into the colorful days of the old west with i1., authenul buildings. animal\, c~. chuck wagons and lnd1am. According to the Irvine Historical Sooety, the artracoons included: the Gold Rush Mw.eum, a trading post. an Indian vtllage. Poner's Western Wear store. Nancy's; a general store. the New Ranch Caf~. picnic grounds. hay rides and barbecues. Paren'-'> would drive their children for miles to see the buffalo and feast on buffalo burgers that sold for $1. In the 1950s, severd! Native American families, including Oller Kuthle Geronim o Ill, grandson of the famed Apache <...hieftain, were relocated Crom Kansas 10 the buffalo ranch to entertain vi~itors with tribal dances. The buffalo ranch was great run for the entire family. as Newport Beach provided the perfect setting fo r the boon to roam amid the beautiful surroundings. Unfortunately. the Ruffalo Ranch was c,hon -IJVed After five ye31' or providtng western-style entertainment to youngi.<ers or all ages. according to the Costa Mesa I listorical Society, the Newport I larbor Buffalo Ranch WdS forced to dose i'-'> gates by the lrvine Co. In il'. heyday. according to the historical society, the buffalo ranch ~ite served as the set for the ·1v '!Cries "Hin Tm Tm" and the movie "White Buffalo." In 1961. architect Wtlliam L Pereira . a self-proclaimed "barn freak." acquired the land lease. 'lhe ranch was sold and next purchased in 1981 by William I .ange. founder and president or the Lange FmanciaJ Corporaoon. When the IJ'Vine Co. announced plaru to develop the adjacent property into condominiwm and apartments. a contingent of Orange County residents took action. Anempting to bloclc. the development. they started a grass-roots orga.na.ation called *Friends of the Buffalo Ranch." The development ultimately received approv-ct.I from the planning commission. The bison herd was thereafter donated to the Discovery Museum of Orange Cqunty and auctioned. The old bison ranch is a part of Newport Beach'~ heritage and the only reminder of the fact that they were once part of the great Irvine llanch. lhe only remaining ~tructure of the buffalo ranch. which had been declared a h1Stonc c,ite, is the silo that ll> on cfuplay at the Orange County faugrounds. Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks• Seafood'• Cocktails •••Quality Serna••• •••Nighdy Enwuinmeo1••• I u• u,_.,., 1•,llUHlf ' ''" <'>·f9) (,,H,. 7'>44 l(,•1°' lr\1t1" \H . ( tt'-IJ \1t,,t 11 1.. .. , ' \.: •• ',. I ••• " • .• , , r-•• , 11(1 Sunday, August I 7, 2003 A3 -~"'":"""'._ ______ _..._.,.._,._....,..._....~~-----------·-- M Sunday, August 17, 2003 COMMENTS Continued from Al weight class reall matter? ere us essman . t.ogan Darrow Oements." The best I can fi(llle out is that llttle.D was born in Boston, and his parents were southern lawyers who read a lot of Marlc lWain. The there's Ivan Alexander Hall 111, a custom denture manufacturer In Shasta County. Tulk about entrepreneurship. Shasta County is a breathtaking place with about eight people and one really pretty mountain in it, yet Ivan Alexander Hall Ill has managE;d to bang out a living banging out custom dentures. I am totally impressed. Some of the most interesting n ews, to me anyway, comes from Kem County-as in, who did me and who did not. The only person on the ballot from Kern County is David Laughing Horse Robinson of Bakersfield. Not only is David the chief of the KawaUsu tribe. he's .t.fle only Native American ever to run for statewide office in California. Frankly, I can think of a lot worse credentials for being governor than Lribal chief. In the "not running" category I think a petroleum engineer with the fascinating name of Patrick Mbaba should be given the "Eternally Optimistic in Bakersfield" Award. PaLrick said he opted out because it would cost too much to compete against a candidate like Arnold Schwarzen egger. "We've been watching the news." Mbaba said. "We don't believe the publicity we've received so far is enough to win." Good call, Pat. One question. though - exactly how much publicity do you think you've received so far? Speaking of names, there are two on the ballot that use that "nickname" thing, Redefining Floor care Products Since 1927 PALS(949)645.7257 2299 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa witness PauJ "(]UpH Mailander, a San Diego golf pro, and John ~Jack" Mortensen, a contractor. Why do le do that -Robert t1on, o n a ac Pershing, etc., etc. I don't get il . If you have a nlclcname and you like it, use it. lf you don't like it, don't use it. Why burden us with it? Some people call me Peter and some people call me Pete. Do I sign my name Peter "Pete" Buffa? No I do not. Get over it, for heaven's sake. Where were we? Oh yeah, the recall. Sorry. Our own linle county, which is Orange, produced two odd names and one really, really big one. Reva Renee Renz is a small business owner who is obviously rrrrrrready to rrrrrrrumbJe. Van Vo i.s a Vietnam rndio producer who should immediately make his campaign sJogan "V's for Victory.• And the one big name is something that is very hard to find on that long, long ballot -an actual, bona fide candidate with the credentials and the resources, I mean money, to win ... Peter V. Ueberroth. And here you thought we were never going to get to the big dogs! We will, but ever so briefly. When we turn to the file under "Dogs, Big, California Recall" we will find just six names -Arnold Schwart.enegger. Cruz M. Bustamante, Peter Ueberroth. Bill Simon, Tom McOintock, and one thoroughly gray Davis. Reme mber, if 499,999 people vote "yes" on the recall and 500,000 vote "no" ... Gray Davis remains in office by one vote, Gumby hair and all. So what's going to happen and who's going 10 win? All in good time, my little pretty, all in good time. I gotta go. • PETER BUFFA is a former Costa Mesa mayor. His column runs Sundays, He may be reached by e-mail al ptrb4Cti'aol.com. 230 Eost l 7t St. •Cosio Mesa (949) 722-7224 www.ru~wndcorpels.c.om Mon-Fri I 0-6 • Sal I 0-5 SOL 1~ IT:\' VESTJ\~E:\''TS & REALTY KRI STIN M. Sous• Lic.ensed Real f.state ~nt •Specializing in Newport Mesa Rmdmtiil Real Estate Eruc A. Sous, CFP • 17 ft.an &perimce • Stocks & Bonds • Mutual Funds • Annuities • Estate & &timnmt Planning • Investment Banking • Small MitU/k Marita Companies PRINTING • We Print on the Premises • Heidelberg Presses • 1-3 Colon or more • Foll • fmbos5ing • Full Color BWEPRINTING • Large Vellums • Did P\octJng • 41. 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' • Dally Pilot - PHOTOS BY STEVE Mc CRANK I DAILY PIL 0 1 Lisa Giffi, of Cost.a Mesa, debates with Bruce Douglas on the issue of homosexuality Saturday at the Orange County Dyke March held at Lions Park in Costa Mesa. Despite heated words from people on both sides of the issue, the march was a peaceful-event. PARADE Continued from Al pants. About six lesbians riding motorcycles led the one-hour march, which was preceded by a rally that featured informa· tjonal booths and a boisterous dose gay advocacy. Marchers started by heading wesc on 18th Street, tlien turn- ing north on Pomona Avenue, east on 19th Street and south on Harbor before returning to the park via a shopping center. Prior to the march, the lesbi- ans clashed with Ouistian pro- testers who denounced their sexual lifestyle. "Celebrating your addiction to sin? Jesus can set you free," one sign declared. Rod Warner, who decljned 10 give his age or city of residence, shouted taunts at the marchers, but said he doesn't hate lesbi- ans. "Somebody's got to teU them," Warner said. "If I really hated them, I'd be home watch· inga game." Warner shouted d own one couple, asking them if they ever "talk to God," as they wallced by. "I talk to him all the time, when I'm having awesome les- bian sex. 'Oh God. oh God.'" said a girl who would only iden· tify herself as Jen M. "There are still some places in the U.S. that need Dyke march· es," 31 ·year-old Bixi Craig said. "The most conservative areas. This is one of them." After the march, partici pants cheered the effort a~ an act of Acknowledging support from bystanders on 19th Street. marchers cheer back in ttie Orange County Dyke March on Saturday. solidarity. mantha Tierno, who lives in "It makes you feel good about Newport Heach. "It make'> you yourself." said 21-year-old Sa-feel proud." SENIOR CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.oom; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY To honor Katherine Hepburn, Oasis Senior Center will present "Pat and Mike; the third of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Rim Fest, at BOO Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-3244. MONDAY Mature driven can sherpen thw driving skills in two four-hour AARP driver safety classes held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian Churdl of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students. The cost is $10. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340. • FRIDAY The Costa Mese Senior c.n. presents a Hawaiian luau featuring authentic Hawaiian food, entertainment and more from 4 to 7 p.m. Ttdtets are on sale at the center's front desk. Reservations are a must. Admission for members is $5, $11 for nonmembers. lnfonnatlon: (949) 645--2356. SATURDAY The Com Met. Senior c.n. will be dipping Ice cream at an ice cream social at the martcetplace from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. EV9f'Y009 ia weklome. All proceeds will benefit the Center. lnfonnation: (949) 645-2366. AUG.24 To honor K.9thMne ........,_. Onft Senior Centerwtll preMnt "&....Who .. Coming to Olnntr:" the fou"" of..,. free ICrMl'lingt ln Augutt. at 1 p.m. All .,. invtt.d to tr'lioY ... mcMea and free popcorn at the center• Hepbum Alm,..... ft800~Jwe. in Cotone del M.r. For more lnforrrt9don ... (948)~44. AUG.31 lb ......................... 0.-. s.t*>rC..wlll ~ '"On Golden Pond;' the ... of ftw .............. lnAilgull. .. , p.m. NJ .,. lrwllld to -tor tt. movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at BOO Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. . SEPT.12 The Costa Mesa Senior Center, in celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary, presents the CostAmazing Senior Hoedown, featuring live western music by the Travis Partcer Band, dancing and barbecue, from 4 to 7 p.m. The Costa Mesa Senior Center is at 695 W. 19th St. The cost is $5 for members, $11 for nonmembers, $5 for kids. Tidtets go on sale Aug. 15 at the center's front desk and at Costa Mesa City Hall, on the third floor in the Recreation department Information: (949) 64fr2356. ONGOING Ouia Senior Cent8r hotels • pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes. sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for ctiildren. The center is at BOO Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Women 50 and older can join• discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistretion required. (714) 445-4960. The .... lnsdtuteaffllnfrM computer classes to people With fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer ecreen. The Oaais Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, o1fers abc sessions. Call to sign up for daa.. (714) 821-5000. TheC.O... Mela SenlorC.-, hat belroom denclng with live mueic hom the BeaY's T"rio from 7:30 to 10'.30 p.m. wery Tunc:tay night et a w. 19'h st., Cotta Meu. ... (948) 6438IM. ...... Femly ...... ofO... County IPCMllOr9 en ongoing hNlng IUppOfl group for the ctironk:ely Ill. The purpoee It to ptOlo4de ~ wtlt\ emodottlf end tpfrttual MAPPOrt to meNIQ9 ._end Its oonMqUtnOIL The 8'"0UP.,,.... 11 7 p.m. ~ath.Mwllh ~S.W.ollce,210E. ... St.. Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. The Coin end Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no fees required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Femity Serlice often ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group metits at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in ' ~llu.1a Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. There's no cost to attend, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Ouis Senior Centet often assistance, counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. The Costa Mesa Senior Cittnr1 Square and Round Dance Club seeks experienced dancers to join its groop from 9 to 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Costa Mesa Senior Center, 19th Street and Pomona Avenue, Costa Mesa. (714) 546-6669. ArttMftis f"ooundation lnttructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise dass at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. a.. Senior Centet c6n. cWy telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They ai.o ofhlr computer a-that teecti the beak:a of Word, Oulc*tn, Print Shop end Internet usage. (949) ~ The o.11snorc....r..,.. el'Mde to take members to eppofntmellta end grocery thopplne. The ehuale •Ito"*- members to .. center. Call to malt• en appointment. (Mt) &M32A4 o.11 ..... Ctllllr ....... tld .... .,.. wllh ..... lnedlullt,. ... llMhtt,.,., -.:ipoifllliiWll (.., ... DM.. '~ PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Newport loulewrd: A man WH arrested on an outside W11Tant in the 2000 bfodc at 4:40 p.m. Thursday. •Dogwood Street A min was arrested on suspicion of threat with Intent to terrori~ in the 900 blodc at 9:08 p.m. Thurtday. • Bristol StrMt: A man was arrested on suspicion of forgery in the 3000 bfodc at 5: 10 p.m. Thursday. • Bltstol S1Net: A. woman was arTested on suspicion of patsing • fictitlou.s d'ledt end ahowing a false ID to e peece offk:er in 1he 3000 blodt at 6:10 p.m. Thursday. Nl'WPORT BEACH Alwocedo-.....: Forgery waa reported In the 1400 bloc* at 1:37p,m. Thu'1day. 1>1811tond~ BoettMftMa rtpOftecl In the 300 btodc at 9:63 p.m. ThUl'8dey. PIERCE lllOTHllll · IBL llROADWAY Mort'*)' • a.,.. C.emation 110 BmedWey, Coeta Me9a 842-9180 -------~~~-..... ·-------·~-----------...------------..-:.i~~-·---~ ---~-----·-. ----------------. --~ ----·--·~-·-·~--·-·--·---··----·---- Dally Pilot CHECK IT OUT in Native Americans By Melissa Adams H eading for the 35th annual Pow Wow at the Orange County FairgroW1ds next weekend? You can get a sneak preview of the colorful culture and traditions of Native " Americans at Ne,wport Beach Public Libraries. The voices of 23 American lndia,n elders, artislS, teachers and community leaders are woven together in "All Roads are Good." ln this stunning volume published by the Smithsonian Institution Pres.s, a Crow storyteller recalls encounters with thunderbirds. A Seneca museum director explores stereotypes and how they're perpetuated. A Navajo multimedia artist share~ his passion for preserving an ancient culture through modem technology. If memories are the back.bone of the N~·ajo culture. "Enduring Traditions: Art of the Navajo" helps preserve them through art. With a resounding chorus of"I remember," 194 contempornry Navajo artisans share their pottery, jewelry, sculpture, rugs and paintingi., along with the dreams that inspired them, in this lavish work. Hundreds of color photographs testify to the diversity of Native American arts and crci.lh in "Native Arts of North America." With descriptions of tribal and regional styl~. Oavid Penney takes readers beyond dkhei. in his comprehensive survey of archeology, costume, weaving. potlery, b<l!>ket making. pajnting and sculpture. To view some of these art forrni. in yo~r own living room. check out "Beyond TradJtlon," i.l video showcasing contempon1ry Indian art and ill> evolution. More than JOO example!. of American Indian art are pre~enled again'it a background of hauntingly beautiful Native American mui.ic in thi.'> 45-minute vi.,ual owrview. ( lther -.ongi. of Indian people'> are recorded on "Honor the Earth Powwow" i.lnd "American lnd1an Ceremonial and War Dances," which ill'e in the C D collection al both tlw U.-ntml Ubr.try and Mariner-. Hranch. A semipreciou:-:-tone providl"> a springboard for stories about rituals, daily life, powwows. rodeoi. and ruiru. of the Southwest in "The Turquoise Trail." By tracing turquoise trade routes between ancient Mexican civilizations and today's American Southwest. Carol Kamsik paints a portrait of pre,Columbian peoples. More than 140 color phuto~ph~ by Jeffrey Foxx show how 1ur4uobe jewelry j!, worn and used today. You need not venture 10 a powwow 10 sample Native American cuisine. Check out "Enduring Harvests" for 150 tempting recipe~ that have been adapted fnr the modem kitchen. In addition tO m~Lruction~ for making o;ud1 delic-<1c1t'l. ai. Strnwhcrry Moon rea and Fned Creen <:om. there's lore abou1 dance:-, fo!,Livals and ceremonial llre!> in Barrie Kavlli>Ch's culini.lry collection. If you're ready to head for the fairgroum.b, you may want to crdfl some appropriate regalia with help from •4 f>t:Jw'wow. '' With StUllrtlnR photography . and cornmcniary by Nalivc Am erit:an dancer'>, fk11 11 ll \\ \\ II \\ \1 .... ~ ;iJ' _ ... .,,, . ·.,;.( e.:· 'I J'1J I ·-:':Ji.~ Marra raptun·' tlw mlor i.lnd spirit of l t'remornal I ratlition\ that will bt• rt-\Nt1·d lornlly, Aug. 22 through 2 1 •CHECK IT OUT 1i. wnni::n by lhP. staff of the NPwpon Beach Public; Library Th1i. wpe~., r.olumn ,., by Melissa Adan 15 111 tolle1b<.mJ11on w11h Susie Lamli All 1111.,., may bP. ieserved frcm1 home c;r o ff1c1: computeri. ~'Y JLC.P.'>'>•ng the cataloy at www 11Pwpon/.J1•.:i1 hlrlJrdty ory Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned Siuce 18 7 9 ~ ~ .. g,,((_PlJ .. :.!li(llJ I~. < '"'·'' lli!lhtr11.tt· ..,ui11· :.wi1 • < ,,ri,,,,, rid '"'' 9119-721-11 161 aorox "•"''''""a,,.,..,.,. oi Alittf,. "" ~ RO LEX bella bella JOHN BLOESER CARPET/&,. ONE Karastan • Lees • Mannington Mohawk • Liz Clairborne (7/fil ,._ .. ~ yster Perpetual Subm ariner Date SALON """ 4'' , ( And Mu ch More P.tfl • ; l l ,..,. •' •'. OffE~ING ,-_,,Mr 1.ef'grr, hr;1r ~·t1Pf ~1{V.s, Al!Plro() Lile Sl•01Qt••(,on1r•4 ,,,,"f" 2927 S. Bristol Street, Cost a Mesa BLACKMAN LTD .. ·cf3 ·J EWELERS SALON HOVl!S I li4-"<ol')l"t .,:JU»; '<I 'O"I' • •c-,.,. • ~1 '1•)! (714) 751-2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long. Beach and Los Angeles ]'1(18 · Vic Qper'<:, r 11 .. ,.,,..,,. ~. • • 941'67 ~j.4 2721 E Coost H·g• ""'' 5<.. ,.., /!'-'4 C0<ono 001 Mo• r-A Q')t,)' 949 723 4048 The classic film is now a FUN-FILLED INTERACTIVE EVENT where you can cheer for Julie, hiss at the Baroness and, of course, sing along! So dress as one of your favorite things -or come as you are -and enjoy the festivitiet free Aucience Fun Pack. including Edelweiss and Invitation to the Captain's Ball! THIS WE EKEN D O N LY~ AUCJUSt 22-24 . ~IAU. THE HEAVENLY MUSICAL COMEDY HIT! Featuring classic rendttions of Catch a Falling Star -Doy-0 4 Heart and Soul Love is a Many Splendored Thing "" Papa Loves Mambo 4 and many more ... '7HE LAUGHTER DOESN'T STOP. Delightful, original and funn y." luo~"--• ptember 2 -21 FOUNOHS HAU $A9-$A6 I ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER SEGERSTROM HALL FOUNDERS HALL (714) 740 ··-7878 If 'I IE ••l•r (71'1 755-023, GaOUP SAl.fS IOX OPflCl 10AM-6PM www.~oeo (71't ~m NOaMA110H (71'1556-274' m M Sooday, August l ?, 2003 HOME AND GARDEN By Dave WOng Everyone's idea of what a garden should look lik:e differs. of course. Some of us love the romantic English fantasy of pathways and bowers and bounteous nowers. Others believe that there can never be loo much pavement poured around our houses. One idea that is becoming more and more important 10 a growing number of Americans. though. is that our front yards and, particularly, our back yards aren 't just ornaments we maintain for the cosmetic beauty of our homes. They are living spaces. and tl}ey can provide-to state it plainly- vacation opportunities throughout the year. The back yard. in other words. is losing much of its lawn. M ore gardens are going in. for those who enjoy vegetable and flower gardening. And entertainment spaces are being created-for barbecues, for parties. for quiet days. Small pools and lap pools arc gaining in popularity. We aren 't relying as much on packing our cars and heading out for a getaway. We 're relying more on our own homes lo provide us the opportunities foc rehualion and fun-more economically and safely. And since this is a growing trend, it's a way of making improvement~ to your home that will doubtless increase its eventual selling price. Need help? Just call me at 949-533-1200 or visil my websites at davewong4.com or onefordroad.com. Dave ~mg has bem uJJing homn i11 Newport Beach 1ince 1989anduwithCoastNewport f>ropmies!ColdweU &niter. ADVERTISEMENT r vi n 9 AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN items to the Dally Pilot 330 W. Bay St., to mlke.swanson<!Jlafimes.co'm; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calllng (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete llsting is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY To honor KathariM Hepbum, Oaais Senior Center will present "Pat and Mike," the third of five free screenings in August, 'at 1 p.m. All are Invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center 's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. .• A sunset cruise in Newport Harbor including a gourmet dinner, live music and dancing, Arthur Murray dancers and a live auction Will be held by Adventures at Sea to benefit Parent Help, U.SA Reservations person or two for $125. For more information, ca ll (949) 65()..3461. MONDAY MatuN drivers can sharpen their driving skllls in two four-hour AARP driver safety classes held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and Aug. 19 at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes are limited to 30 students. The cost is $10. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call (714) 557-3340. TUESDAY The Orange County chapter of Wine Brats, a national nonprofit organization, is holding its monthly wine tasting event at Grand Opening Sale 500/o-750/o Off featuring ... Brandee Danielle Signature Bedding lbe Baby Bedding Outlet 767 W. 19th Street, #()7, Costa Mesa ....... ._ __ ft OFF (949> 650-4907 With Ad THE BOWERS KIDSEUM Explore the worU 's fascinating cultures! Experience our summer art classes and camps! July-August 1802 N. Main St., Santa Ana 714.480.1520 DRAPERY CLEANll\I& AND MORE I No TAKE DOWl\I DR REMOVll\16 NECES!iAR\' I Certified To Clean All Hunter Dougla!i Fabric Window Covering& Including: • luminette Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette• window shadings • Vignette• window shadings • Duette' honeycomb shades • Millenia ™ Collection • Jubilance ™ roman shades • Applause' honeycomb shades • Serenette ™ Softfold™ shadings World's Best ON-sl'l'E"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND D RAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 71 4-968-8180 /l111l1/ll1t/ \ f t'•'/HlftffllJU / 111 IJ1111/lfl/ .tllll ~l'I \It 1• '-11111 I' 1'/'1/ 'B r taff..fast, L u ncfi & 'D nner ILocels Favorite! Since 1995 j Gustaf Anders Restaurant In South Coast Village from 7 to 9 p.m. The Wine Brats will be tasting several wines from Australia. Information and .. A free aeminat •fene Shui for a Healing Home,• will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY The Newport hach ~ Clutl general meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Oasis Senior - Center parking lot in Corona del Mar. Attendees w ill then carpool to Crystal Cove State Park for a hike and lunch. 1nforrilation: (949) 645-S922or newcomers-newportbeach.org THURSDAY A free bone density SCNening will be held by appointment only from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport S..ch Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Retail Merchants Sales Seminar sponsored by the Bayside branch of Union Bank of California from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Yacht Club. The cost to attend is $15, which includes a continental breakfast. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400. Teddy Bears end Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave., will host "Spa Day for Girls" at 2:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204. FRIDAY The Costa M esa Senior Center presents a Hawaiian luau featuring authentic Hawaiian food, entertainment and more from 4 to 7 p.m. Tidcets are on sale at the center's front desk. Reservations are a must. Admission for members is $5, $11 for nonmembers. Information: (949) 645-2356. SATURDAY The UC Irvine Arboretum is hosting its annual Summer Bulb Sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gardeners will have the chance to buy winter species as dormant bulbs and select summer and evergreen species in containers. Expert advice and landscaping ideas will be available. The Arboretum is located just south of the corner of Campus Dr. and Jamboree Rd. on the north campus. Admission is $2 and children under 12 are free. For more information, send e-mail to ldlyons@uci.edu. Triangle Square in Costa Mesa invites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor maricetplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Newport Harbor High School cheer squad will host Junior Cheer Camp from 1 to 3 p.m . Aug. 23, 26 and 27 in front of the high school's anchor. The cost is $95. which covers a T-shirt, snacks, pom-poms, photo, extra fall practice and performance at a high school football game on Aug. 28. Students in grades K through eight are welcome. For more infqrmation, call (949) 673-1989. The Newport Harbor CRA will have its annual wine and cheese reception with Congressman Chris Cox from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the home of Debbie Allen, 1021 White Sails Way. Corona del Mar. For information and reservations, call (949) 645-9127. The Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club will hold its annual fund-raiser, "As Time Goes By," at the Village Crean. The event will lndude dinner, music. allent and live auctions and the chance to win a dl.amond end emerald bracelet. For more Information, T"'-~Mela Senior CenW wlll be dipping Ice qream at an loe cream social at the marketptace from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is · welcome. All proceeds will benefit the center. Information: (949) 645-2356. AUG.24 A~ to mark the opening of the first phase of Bonita Canyo~ Sports Park in Newport Beach will begin with a dedication of the sports fields at 3 , p.m. Sports clinics, contests and door prizes will run throughout the day. The first 1,000 children to arrive will receive a free opening day souvenir. Information: (949) 644-3151. The 0 Nnge County M arbt Plac:. in Costa Mesa will host the fourth annual Endless Summer Class Car Show and Elvis Fest, celebrating the life and music of Elvis Presley, from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m. General admission is $2, and parking is free. For more information, call (949) 723-6663. To honor Katf\ertne Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "Gues$ Who's Coming to Dinner," the fourth of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m . All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. The ~ Community Center of Orange County w ill host the "Three Centuries of Music" concert at 2 p.m. The Three Centuries of Music Quartet includes Russian-trained musicians Sergei Kossiak, Tatiana Kossiak. Arshak Hayrikyan. and louri Adidltchev, all members of the Oueretaro Philharmonic Orchestra of Mexico. The ensemble has played for President Fox of Mexico and for the king and queen of Spain. Proceeds will benefit construction of the Jeremiah House. Tidcets are $15 general admission or $100 for patrons. Information and reservations: (714) 755--0340, ext. 134. • The second Walk for t..ibtni will take place from noon to 4 p.m . at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa. Donations will go toward an electric wheelchair that Leilani Gutierrez, a 5-year-old who was paralyzed from the chin down in a car accident a little more than a year ago, can control with her mouth. Information: www.ourleilani.com. AUG. 28 A free seminar, •'*1ormanc:e Nutrition for Strength and l ongevity; will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at M other's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport BMch Chamber of Commerce will host its Newport Sunset Networking Mixer from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican. 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance is free for chamber members, $10 for potential members. Reservations aren't required. For more information, call (949) 729-4400. AUG.29 Teddy S..ra and TN Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave., will host "Pajama Night" from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204. AUG.31 To honor Katherine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present "On Golden Pond," the last of five free sereenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are Invited to enjoy the SUNMIST 50%0FF 1st Session $15 Value Daily Pilot movlet and free popcorn et the center'• Hepbum Alm Feet, at 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mer. For more Information, cell (949) 644-3244. SEPT.12 T"'-Coeta Meu Senlore.... In celebration of Costa Meta's · 60th anniversary, pretents the CoatAmazlng Senior HoedoWn. featuring live western music by the Travis Parker Band, dancing and barbecue, from 4 to 7 p.m . The Costa Mesa Senior Center is at 695 W. 19th St. The cost Is $5 for members, $11 for nonmembers, $5 for kids. Tldcets go on sale Aug. 16 at the center's front desk and at Costa Mesa City Hall, on the third floor in the Recreation department. Information: (949) 645-2.356. SEPT.19 The 15th T..-of Newport, featuring food sam plings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment, more than 15 wineries, codrtails and beers, will run today to Sept. 21 at Fashion Island. Today's hours are 6 to 11 p.m. Information: (949) 729-4400. SEPT. 20 •Celebntil99 the Pllst ... end Rebuilding for the Future" is a two-day fund-raiser to benefit education, interpretation and restoration efforts at the Crystal Cove State Park Historic District. The events, from 4 to 9 p.m. Sept. 20 and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 21, will celebrate four years of preservation efforts and the beginning of restoration scheduled for October under the park's direct.ion. For more information, call (949) 640-5220. The 15th Taste of Newport, featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment. more than 15 wineries. codttails and beers, will continue today at Fashion Island. Tgday's hours 4 to 11 p.m. and noon to 8 p.m. Sept. 21. Information: (949) 729-4400. SEPT. 21 The 15th Taste of Newport, featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment, more than 15 wineries, codrtails and beers, will conclude today at Fashion Island. Today's hours noon to 8 p.m. Information: (949) 729-4400. SEPT. 25 The Onlnge County~ of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation will pay tribute to the sponsors of its 12th annual Komen Orange County Race for the Cure on Sept 28 in Fashion Island with a VIP sponsors reception from 6 to 9 p.m . at the Turnip Rose In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 957-9157. OCT.6 The Plldfic Community of Sec:ubtr Humanistic Jews presents a Yorn Kippur observance at 1 p.m. at the Unitarian Church of Costa Mesa. The event will consist of a Yom Kippur program and discussions on medical ethics, Jewish history through music and the roadmap to peace, and then a full-course dinner. Information: (949) 262-5850. OCT.18 The Jr. l..Ngue of Orange County's Christmas Company Shopping Extravaganza at the Orange Couaty Fair and Exposition Center will begin with an opening night gala from 7 to 11 p.m. Shopping dates will be Oct. 19 to 22. General admission is $7. Information: www.jlocc.cxg ONGOtNG The Newport c.nw Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and badcgrounds. The group meets every M onday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated pelting is availabfe In the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitneu. Guests are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 721-6732. JewWl Ftmlr s.w. .. offering a support end diacusalon group for women 60 · and older the eecond end fourth · Monday of every month from 10 to 11:30 e.m. et 260 E. Baker St., Suite G In Costa Mesa. PrH'egistratlon la required. For Information or to register, call (714) 446-4960. JeWllh Fernly 8efvlce la off9ring e women'• divorce and eeperetlon aupport group at 7 p.m . Wedheadeys It the Jewlah F«terltlon C.mpua In Costa MMe, 260 E. Baker St. For more tnformatJon, cell (714) 44M9SO, ext. 114. The ACLU fA ONnfe County m.-It 1 p.m. the third Tueedly of 9Yet'Y month 1t the Unitarian Unfvwull9t Churdt, 1259 Vlc:toN It. ... Coeta M.ee. Eadt mou""9 mMdttg wll fMtuN • cl"'"'1t •••k• on ...... ,..,.to!Mdof Nghla. lnforWNdon: (714} •um i ........... Oally Pilot Sunday August I 7. 2003 A7 11 there• topic you'd like to ... explored on this ~1 Contact Jose J. Santos with questions, comments or ideas. He can be reached at (949) 574-4224 or jose.santos aJ/a11mes com Gr(.' n for th e hr wn thumb Shade or 5un?"l11at\ the fir<.t lhing to consider when choo.,rng plant!"> for your new easy to mamtain garden Al'>o. avoid blooming plant\ which require pruning and special care. ruhon -.ay'> TI1cse plants require little to make your garden lu::.h PITTOSPORUM Pi11mpon.im an• cwrgn·cn 'hrubs that have I turk. glo..sy. dark ~n·t·n leave~. They are very tolt•rant of '>ah and c;trong w1mh that are t omrnon 111 con .. tal region ... The'>e '>hnih ... likl• 1tw ... hadc. but will tolerare full \llll NANOtNA Don't th1nl.. a Im k of hlo ...... umc; equab an dll green gardl·n. I lw Nandma 'hruh has lacy foliage• that j, oflen bron11• or ro;,y when tht• h•,1vt•., art• nc·w. turn., ween with agt' ,mcl then ta kt•" on bnlhant red, orange. bronze.• and pink h11t''> in the foll ,ind winter I-or mon• vihra111 color .... plant in full ... un. but 1t will al<.o do 'wll 111 tht• '>hade LOROPETALUM Loropet.1htm 'hnih-. haw deep burgundy foliage. Ukc the Nandma. the Vibrancy dl•pc•nd'> on tht· \Un More sun means bettrr color fh1., '>hnib al!.o ha<. unw.ual fuch ... 1a OowC'r'> that <.how up in late c;pnng lRISH MOSS Ground covers are a good aJtemative to tradauonaJ gras...c'> becauM! there's no need to mow lnsh mo-... .... for example, look!. great around '>tatucs and hctwccn '>tepping ston~. It ic; a hardy plant that thrh'cc; in sunny or 'ihady location<;, and it .. rays green all year. In midsummer. expect tmy white blooms fVY Ivy provides a ttUck. green gro~nd covec: but also looks nice In a planter. Like moss. u does well in either sun or shade and is very resistant 10 disease and pests. PUT rr IN A POT lf you lnalst on bloesoms In the garden. put them in pots ror euy maintenance. Also conUder" pots for mou and herbe. Place poca oo the ground, on bencbet and hanging from an arl:>or to pt the green pngatllllewk. .e .-e Green thunzbs aren't necessary to create an ill\'iting outdoor retreat Gine Alexander Daily P~ot ' E V<'l)'illll' wan1-. lhl'lr ()\\II '>anC'luJr. " K<tnn I ulton ..... y ... \ .... 1 d~agner for Color ... r<1 1w. 1ht• landscape dtVl,aon of Hoger' Gardens in Corona dd ~far. ;,ht· should know. (,arden., malt.1• people happy and arl' '-lfl''''" reducing retreat), C!>pccaaJly now, she said, a!> fewer people are traveling and more are pulling money into their gardens ro some tllough. the laoor m•cdcd IO ma1111ajn d beautiful garden makes 11 ..eem far from a relaxing vacation Ilic thought of spending long weekend hour.. pruning. Lnmmang and watering kl.'cps man} mdoor., But for thoSt' who an• ready w break out. ruJton ha'> c,ome "P' on how to create a dramatic landscape that need-. m1111mal maintenance. GO Wint THE FlOW Planning a garden •~ a big project Where to stan1 hahon suggests looking indoor<, for the answer. "People want an extension of their in1craor," c;he ....0 tlNT NO. 1 .,,ud. If the indoor det or'" rl'm uu,n·nt of d 1-rt•nrh ro11..ig1•. for example ron ... 1dl'r wrough1 arrm patio furn11urt· or .1 trrlll' complete \\1th crt>epmg \111l"> Another good '>Ian mg pomt I'> to march lhc gardt•n 111 1lw home\ arch11ectun: .\ ~.1rd1·n full of ~ledi1erranean-1n<,ptred po11t:ry. '>lat uaf') dnd toun1a111 ... would complement a \.lcditerranean c;tyle home. THE ARlfUL GARDEN "Garden an enhances the garden." Fulton c;ay., In the lcm -maintenanrr garden. anwork and '>tatuary can hccome focuw-; or he U'>ed 3'> aCl'ents to make Lhe gard<'n more colorfuJ. lu'>h dnd anviling < .arden art come ... 111 many different vanetie.,, from large item., such a'> fountain ... and arbors. to 5malJ acce' ..orics such as flowerboxe'>. urnc;, waJI plaque1> and wind chimes. Marking garden pathways with 'itcpping c;to11e\ or gravel is also pleasing to the eye whale creating a relaxmg sense of movement Iron chairs, trellises, and even old metal CalOel add texture and ambience to the garden. especially if there ls an euy-growing vine laced throu8b them. Th e good, the bad and th ugly Can't pan with your gard n gnome? Is that pink Oamlngo a family heirloom? No worries. Fulton says that though she tries to steer her dleota away from such thlnp. there is always room for a ipf!dal piece. no matter how tacky it may be. She does have her Umlts, though. ·We don't want plastic In the garden." shuaid. Thac means no pludc pota and no plasttc wtnd splnnen. For wbimsk:.a ~try I spinner m8de of metlil. a l*dho..-chat mMChet your theme. or a daley wind dtkne. Be lift to..., dt!m of trendy ilieml ..... rtlec- the .... Mlt, whid\ ~ 11J1 we on cheif -.y °"'- PRO tEf NO. 2 The sound of outdoor water fearures and fountains is very soothing and can drown out trat!ic noise for a more relaxing garden experience. but FuJton warns that they are not low-maintenance. Electricity IS needed to c:yde the water through the fountain' pump. and if there isn't an outlet in the yard. a professional electrician needs to install one. U ing an extension cord to bring electricity from inside the house is not recommended. It will be worthwhile to do it right. \ Al Sunday, August 17, 2003 Daily PilOt HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -~: Mell to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • ~ Hodlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-meir:Send to dailypilot@latimtts.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIALS Don't skate out • of park issue . c wall.Oower. osta Mesa's newest cow1cil member, Mike Scheafer. ~ proving to be anything but a Scheafer has raised the specter of a fireworks-free Costa Mesa, even though hes a member of the Lions Oub, one of the groups that raises money by selling the safe-and-sane variety of fireworks. And he is pushing hard for a resolution to one of the city's most ridiculous, lingering issues: construction of a skate park. Once again, here are the facts upon which this debate should begin and end: The Newpon-Mesa commwlity needs a skate park (Jast year. the Costa Mesa parks commission called a skate park the No. l recreationaJ need in the city). A I~ of kids skateboard. II isn't a crime (and can be even less of a nuisance if there's a place for skaters to go). Other cities -Huntington Beach and Laguna Hills in the immediate area -have successfuJ parks. Those facts have yet to produce a park. however. Now Scheafer, who has long had a hand in the decade-long debate, has set Labor Day as a deadline for having a site for the park chosen. A firm timetable is a tep toward a resolution, and Scheafer deserves applause for establishing it TeWmJde Memorial Part. where there is plenty of room. seems the most logical choice at this point, as previous sites -Olarte Street, Davis Elementary and Costa Mesa High -have all been ruled out. The trouble is. skateboarders aren't the only ones who want the piece of land east of Junipero Drive along Arlington Avenue. Members of the Costa Mesa Bark Parle Foundation say adding that land to the Bark P-ark would allow them to rotate areas so gras.s wouJd have time to recover from use. However, if it comes down to a choice between our children and our dogs, we have to side with our children. They deserve a skate park more than Costa Mesa's do& deserve more running room. Bark Parle officials do make a good point when they worry about skateboarders frightening nearby dogs. But that concern is one that can be dealt with as construction and planning for the park gets underway. There is no reason for Newport-Mesa to wait any longer on building a skate parlc. Scheafer sh ould hold fast to his Labor Day deadline and end the delay. Others involved in the debate need to follow him. It's time to play I I has been a long time coming, but next weekend -finally -the Bonita Canyon Sports Park will open for play. The 33.5-acre park. Newpon Beach's largest, wiU provide needed relief for baseball and soccer leagues'that have so many players and too few fields. Looking across those wide swatches of grass might even ease some of the discontent that grew as the park's opening dragged further and further on. The first and greatest delay cam e when the building conuactor. CasteUo Inc., pulled out of the $7-million project because of financial problems. • An April 200 I scheduled opening (Jew by. A July 2002 deadline foUowed. Then there was a battle earlier this year over the grass being put in at the park. Youth sports league officials challenged the city's conviction that the turf needed to take full root before taking the brunt of kids' racing feet Next Sunday's opening wiU include all those fields. When its opening is finished in the fall. the park will have four baseball fields. two fuU·size and three peewee soccer fields, two children's playgrounds, two tennis courts. a basketball court, three restroom buildings. 300 parking sp aces and pedestrian walkways. In a community ~o dedicated to youth sports. that lineup is impressive. There will be much reason to join the grand opening ceremony at 3 p.m. at the park. which is along Bonita Canyon Road between Prairie Road and MacArthur Boulevard. The celebration will run through 6:30 p.m ., with a free concert by the Rockit Scientists set 10 begin at 5 p.m . And then the games can begin. THE LAST WORD It's show time in Newport 0 n "Beverly I Ills, 90210,r the characters attended West Beverly High_ School. The school. of course, didn't exist. since producers didn't want to take the risk of offending the people at an acrua1 school The exteriors were 6lmed at Thrrance HighSchooL So now It's time for "The 0.C, • me new RJx show thats supposed to take place in Newport Beach, to send its teens to another fictional school. Exteriors can be fi1rood at Newpon Harbor or Corona dcl Mar hiRbs. but the name will have to 6e dHliesent 'law about ~ Newport High? Ocon.is Rodman can ll!8d'l physical educadon and 80fDe spor1& Hmmm. shodd be., wkb ~or ahould beak* to rheolMoult It hes to be 90ll'M!Wbll di8kUt ror the wdler5 to mme i.., wtdl l ( realistic plots for such a show, especially when it's filmed and most likely written in LA County. The writers couJd tap into a cheerieading controversy. All they have do is kick one of the main female characters off the team and have her attorney parents speak up. Prom there, drama ensues. Or maybe have a ba.~ pla)ter's father sue the baseball c::oach ber;a,tv: rus son doesn't play enough. And ttJrow in some Ritalin abule for aood ~wt\ too. It'd be a lol more aeadYe tban O()! a•ne. the drug ol dM>k:e that viewers have seen in lhe first two epaodes. Thefe's plenty of dramadc fOdder ifrhe ~ creatc:n would only Jump on a couple ol heways and hMd aoulh -and ol cowee. .... the local paper. BOLTON Castaway s Park plan sound right at home The Cas1aways Park plan. whll'h includes a meadow planted with California native plants and a gms'>y area created by mowed natjve groundcover sounds like a winner. When we add more lhan $I 00,000 in grants and the fact that a rc:.ident\ committee and Newpon Beach planning staff 111embers collaborated to make a "community-friendly" park. we find the plan impo~ible to pas:-up. On top of all lhat, we welcome the native birds and insects, which look for a place to caJI home. We didn't even mention the fact that the city wiU save future money by reducing warer use and lawn mowing What a win, win. win propo!.al. We look forward to visiting a um4ue and inreresHng colJection of plant~. birds and inl>ecls that truly belong to our beautiful coastal community. CARRIE AND PAUL SLAYBACK Newpon Heach Recall election isn't a right-wing conspiracy In regards to Joseph N. Bell's Thursday column critiquing the California recall election process. I find I must once again lake offense to the always "learned.· but perennia.lly misinformed, professor Bell ("No way to argue with thi'> craziness"). Bell would have us buy into the new Democratic mantra thut "Republican" are just trying 10 stcaJ another election." 1 logwash. professor. Republican!> won it fair and square m Florida and everyone knowi. 11; and the Ca.lifornia recall is every Californian's right by law. As to Bell's contention that the recall is just a bunch of sore-loser Republicans trying to reverse elections in which Republicans lost (and poor Gray Davis did nothing WTong to gel recalled). I again have to say for the Jack of a better descriptive-noun, "hogwash!" Davis got recalled because he lied his rear-end off to the Ca.lifornia electora te about the looming deficit during the election campaign: and then only 10 days after the election, in true Ointonian ty1e. proclaimed with amazement. "Shan.am. the deficit hai. MAILBAG now ~omt!how miraculou:-ly ballooned 10 $38 billion.· Gray Davis is a liar jus1 like Bdl\ hero. Clin1un. Davis lied 10 every Californian: Hepublican. Demoual and im.lt'pendent aJike. Anti just for your information, 41 % of the rccalJ signer'> were Democrat~. So much for your. "the Hcpublicans stole another election" line. The recall happen'> lo be a part or rhe California S1ate Cons1i1ut1on. and when people lie they can. among other thing~. be reca.lletl (or impeached). So now we'U all wait around for Bell's tired, whining recon, "I usually don't rc~pond to readeri.' letters. I get my sho1, they get theiri.. <but whc11 Williams re-.ponds) blah. blah, blah. blah .. • TOMWIWAMS Newpon Beach Two wrongs won 't make a right in Costa Mesa I agree with Allan Mansour "condo project· communicy commentary ("Condo project is about what residents want."' Thursday). The general plan has 10 be the guiding document regarding how decisioni; should be made fur development projects anti related density If the residents of Costa Mesa need to change ~uch a document and they have the right to do so, then the changes should be made through 1he normal proce:>:. uf public input to 1he plan . The general plan ~hould serves all the people interest via the democratic process and no t rhc special intere5t of the developerc; nor income to city through collection uf fee~. What I find amazing is how the condo project was and is currently managed. Let's take a moment and go back to the original application and the associated staff report. What did the city Maff originally recommend? The project as was designed for higher density and :.hould not pass the original step. Because, the project plan densicy was in excess of what is allowed in the general plan. The end. If the deve loper did not agree, the n the projec t rehearing should be made on appea.1 basis. i\lJ actions shouJd be made in relation to the general plan. and the City Council members shouJd vote 'like <i mumc.ipal 1udgc to verify if t!w project mce1 or CXlCed the general plan. It appear,, at le.i,1 w me, that the city staffs like to approve the merits of project on '>everal fronts. I.el mt· -;ay why? A few years back, the city got involved with the Triangle S4uare development. They U!>ed eminent domain tu ac4u1re the propertiei. and later sold 11 to the de\ eloper Now years later. 1he Trian~le S4uare t:enter is failing. So ii appear~. the wisdom of the Maff. If there is high density near by. the lriangh.• Square center may have more people, more traffic and hopefully re-energize!'. the whole downrown area. which <iupposedly is 1he future entertainnil'llt drea of Cosrn Mesa? '!Wu wrong!> du not make a right. rhe ci ty fail ed the first time and should not fail again by using the wrong ai.i.umpHon aJI over again. We need to re!'lludy history, Let's reva.luatc pas1 performance. Then hoperully our City Council -11ot the -.taff -will make the right choice, which is what is best for Costa Mesa. AJ..MOREW Costa Mesa Not being welcomed in Costa Me a quite a shock If I were aware that my property rights would be affected, I would never have moved to Newport. Time and again al civic meetings and in the editoriaJ 5ec1ion of the Daily Pilot, Westside industriaJ property owners who do not live in Costa Mesa are informed that they should be swept out and replaced with high-end housing. The fact that I Jived in Costa Mesa for 20 years or that my business has been in Costa Mesa fo r 34 years is irrelevant 10 a portion of the group known as the "improvers." Had I only known when we bought a house Jn Newpo rt Beach, one block south of the Costa Mesa border, that my business and I wouJd be cast as unwanted in Costa Mesa. JOHH T. HAWLEY Newport Beach COMMUNITY COMMENTARY This is how we do it in 'the O.C' By MlchHI Arnold Glueck M ost all the locaJ newspapers are having a fleJd day making fun of "The O.C," Fox's new 1V serte.. which In rum pokes fun at Newport Beach. Wea, let' look at some of the thlnp that are uue and poke a littJc fun at ounelves. These are not meant to be oft'~ to anyone. The Newport 1bp 10 10. On Tuesday njght'a epbode the Mom Realtor / deftloper a8b. ·uow can a contr1dor Just dl8appear1" Well. ld}OOC! who Ml ever built or remodeled here will tdl you contnM:tora vanish daily-~ after~ ripped up your pt.ce. L 9. Some homes do have imponed ceramic curtain holders. 8. There are two families lri Newpon that don't have large killerdop. 7. Half the wiws ~ in real estate and u i ............ ·~ decorating. ""'-'...:t "'""" 6. And many do ~ look lib or are ex·btauty quoms. 5. Thc ont-door father ls a •ftnaoc:W ~who '8 In •ftnandal trouble~ and n.s.10 bonowSIOO,OOOto pay bilk Many mklentt ~..., cbftr ........ blel chet much per ditnL per yeai--or per month. fl J_.-~r-- 1 0 4. ll\e Newport Police Department does have~ minority officers, making lb.IA a culturally-ttlverse communhy. 3. 80dnls plus blouses are draa attlre for many~ and edult FaAh.loo Island aboppm. 2. The eating good guy father Is a J.awyer. Well. eome partl are flcdon. 1. In the end thtte AR people and CamWes In Newpon 8eadl that truly CIR and pe fn>m thdr he&rtl lO bdp out che i..1onunate. So maybe we're ptetty aood aAer ... And ln IUOI rtmcmba I.bat tbele ct.ya any pubUdty-ewr'I prevtously lhoulb• bed-.. deemed good. Oail)'Pdot Newport Cqast resident Laura Giffin helps raise money for an orphanage in Mexico through Newport Coast Cares. N =':n~~= two years ago when residents Laura Glftln and Brigitte Tehranch.i decided they wanted to heJp children. Together, they came up (und-raising ideas and a beneficiary /talled C:Orawn de Vida. an orphanage in Mexico. FORUM Sunday August I/, 7003 At The two are working with other volunteers now to create the third annual Newport C.oast Cares Halloween Carnival that takes place in the parking lot of the Paviljons Shopping Center off Newport C:Oast Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road. JJWW cor az.ondev1da or g BIO Age:48 Residence: Newpon Coast EdUC11tion: Badielor's degree m business and adven1smg from the University of Flonda F-amity: Husband of nine years Shawn. sons Jake, 6, and Kyle 4 Hobbies: Photography, gym; travel; reading COMMUNITY SUPPORT 'We realized that th e community here is so astonishingly generous that all we have to do is take a leading role and people will h elp us. We ,re just stunned at h ow much this has grown and how many p eople want to serve and help and do good for no other reason than to help oth er p eople.· City Editor James Meier met Giffin at the PaviJjons shortly after she took her picture at the Fiore Hower shop in the center that also helps the group out They discwsed Newport C:Oast Cares and orphanage that has received about $75.000 since the group's inception two years ago. How did Newport Coaa Cares come about? It was the brainchild of my friend Brigine Tehrctnehi. She and I decided together about three years ago to throw a local benefit 10 heJp a cau....e, bu1 weren\ sure which tall!.e to heJp. Really feeling that the communny L'> so fortunate here and that there's'>() much extra wealth and that we're all !>O very lutly. we were ju.st '>i1ung at the pool one day and both of U'> were ..aying we could pinch ourselves that ~ had ..a much to be thankful for. So we decided 10 throw a l lallOWt't.'11 party. Our initial goal ~ w hall\? I 00 people come and pay S5 eat:h and wt: could give a whopping $500 IO wme charity. We U1ough1 that would be ~uper. We also thought we'd a.sic for some extra clothes 10 donate. So that was our first ~ion Uuee }'('arr. ago. Both of us are stay-at-home morra right now who used to work. I used 10 work in advertising. selling advertising. all the way until I got mamed and had kids. We're both commined 10 staying at home right now with our young children. but al the same ume. we've got some extra rime to put 1oward it, so that's why we're doing it. We're not making any money per.>0nally. How did you oome up with the benefidaryf I had a friend. Karen Miller, who wa"> a hired baby iner that I used a couplt' of years ago and the baby-sitting job developed in10 a very close friendship. She is one of the many voluniecrs wh o go down on a once a monU1 bus trip to play with the orphans (in Mexico). She was telling me about the work she does. I heard a.bout it and I resisted getting invotved because I thought it would have to be depres.~g. I said, ·1 don' know how you do it, Karen. but why don't you take these clothes next time and ~ve them w '>Orne cif lht· lic.h." What I started findmg OUI wa.-. tllJI ~he wo uld come hat.k with pictul'l"o of the.e children wecmng Jake\ and Kyle" old shins with a big smile on 1he1r fare c,o glad to haw -.ornething cool and n~ I '>tarted noticing that lhert'\ an lll"Wnl graufication 10 thi!> work. tha1 tlw ~ooc.h got to the peopl e who nl't>dt'<.l thc.·m and that the lo ch Wt' I'{' reaJI) t.'U le flll'V 'rt' not JW>t depreo....,111g hard ludc w.'*"' TI1ey're really imponant. '>penal h11lt• trea.,urc<,.. They're being provided for lllt; h.1\l' a good roof over thdr heado; and ">quan· meal .... llll'} havl' .JI tht· poll'llllal 1h.11 had \o\11en I v.~..i., a lntlt' d11ld and I would llkt• to help 1uM nurture them Jlong When did planning begln un the li1't 1 lalloween Carnival? Wt· \o\t'rt' planrnng Lo du 11 JI 1 lw Coa...,1<11 c .. myon dubhmL'>l' and thl')' have a ... inn polity lha1 yi111 <:a11·1rt·11111 out for tund -raio;111g. which 1<; fair. \Vl' belon~ to the chi;JhlllL'>t' ht'1.<1u~· v,,e live m tht.' area and a lot of people do, too. ln ey felt that if e\eryone brought all of thetr fund-~r-to 11. 11 would be booked up all the timl'. So Brigitte and I thought Wl' could do th~ and it wa.\n l really a fund r.u-.er \·Ve ~re hoping lo gt•t SSOO dnd -.omt' gift<.. And we had M>me conversano~ with the people at the clubhouse and we thought we could do it legitimate!)~ !hough tha!'s not the in1en1 of that cJubhouse. Whal happem'<.I was. a 1.-Vt'C~ before the event, we Knt the plu~ pulled. So at the lru.t mi11ult'. we movt'd 11 10 \it'\,1lOr1 C.oa'>t l·Jement~ <X·hool\ mul11purp<N.' room ac.TO:.s the s1n.·et lllt.>} ~vt>re nice enough to let U'> go there. "'1 that ~a11 the fir.I. It wa' full of challengt .... be<:alL'>'' of the move. When did planning begin for the group's Halloween CamiwJ? We're almost constantly plannmg from one l'Vl'nt 10 the next. \Ve fim.Jied the spring c-.amival and tho<;e of uo; who an.> mvolved hall\? regular conver.auon-. We had our first actual offioal nm.•tmg rrhur..day rughll with mo'>I of tlw l lhltr FROM THE NEWSROOM pt..'Ople and we ..at down and n·dll) got "Jlt.'t.'ltic From ~ point up until the event 11 to 7 p.m Satunlay, On 2.11. u'U he in h1i;1 gear lhere's also going to be a mobilt' hJunted ho~ m the parlong lot on that 1-nday through Sunday. A rnmpany t-alkd Bloo<lJme Production~ ~ gomg to donc11e tha1 for u:.. It'll be open for three dJy-. ;md ockeL-. will be S5 \\ere lookmg lor -.omt'(me who '""dnl' to be the 'f><>n'>Or of that llla1 would bt-about a S2.000 '>p<>mol'>lup Are there any other events on the way? I lc.·n,., what wt: '"''1Ilt 10 d1i. We've rc.·.tl11.t.'tl th.11 tlm, 1' really growmg bigger th,m Wl' lil'\t had Ull.Jgjned. We realized th.ii the tomrnuruty here 15 '>() ;c.,to11i..,h111W, gent'fOll'> that c1JI we havt 111 do • .., tal..l' a ll'.1di11g role and people '"111 lwlp u-.. \\l·'n: JU'>t ~1unned at h\J\' mut h tlm ha.' gr11wn <111d how many pt..•ople wam to c;erve and help and do good for no other rl'a.'>On than to help other peopll'. ~. witl1 that, wt• would like to lake Ntwpon C.oaM C~ and. by the middle pan ol next year. go through the proper pro<.c.>dun.., 10 ht.'\.ome incorporated in10 •1 nonpmfit flight nuw. that's our name, but ~ don't have a bank account or any of tJ1.1t l\talll.). We don't realJy need one. IRutl Once we do that. we'd like to ht'tome more or our own entity and we would like 10 conunue 10 suppon u>nV{)ll de Vida with th~ camrvals rwice a yt>ar. forever Otu hearts are very alla<:hed to the children there and we know lhl' wo rt L'> good and that the money gc.>e'> where 11 needs to go. I rnuld never ~ee u.c; curtmg them off a.<; tl1t· '>iwi.i1ure event Hut wtwn Wl' get 1hL'> nonprofit St't up. where \H'n· nmning ai, a fully functional t'llllly. Wl''rt• thmkrng we'U be open 10 doing other lcX'al charitit"> throughout lhe yt:ar We're th111king if other people 10111 • t'\vpC>n Coas1 ~ and have a '.llrOng desire to help. for example. heanng· 1111pa1.red children m Ch.>ia Mc<-a or ..ometJung. that we're already r..cl up and tcm do that. We couJd set up other fund mt*" to suppon those partllUlctr ldU.._. • ._, We're t">J'.>li'li!llV gt•.1H·d 111\,,11 l chdd~n\ <:Jll"-"" ,md ,, 1111 ul 11-. ,111 '>tay·at·huml' mtllll' who .111· It., 111 )'I~. we re really bt•nt-liung lr11111 11·.11 t1 ,~ 11 duldren thJt ~1JU hJw 111 ~l\t' h.1• l "' our lad' an-H'I'\ 111\;of\·1"\.I 111 1111 '' •II nw1-... ill111thl·r p.1n fll '\t'\\ JW I I I, ... Cares '' 1..h;11. a' mw h ,,, p• '"1lil• I t taken rn~ Im.I ... Hi \ll'\H u .111d 11!1•, anend the c.Jnll\<11 ;,.irtd .,..,. tlw P• r 11 or the orph.m .... md 111ldl·r-.t.111cl ,\ h \ .. 'l'·re doing th1-. ...,., \\l' II'\ l•I gJ\t Ill• II that good ex..impll' How i.s the mont"\ u...ed at< or.vm1 de Vida? • \\ielJ ll t,tJ,., .... .11)!1111 ..... ,10 '1 1 I II J run an urpliJJt.1>-:t ol II Ml d11ldlf'11 It ... nm mut h ...,. , 1' lwn w1· p11lt 111 '• 1 ~' 1ha1 ft'\.•tb 1(111 d11ld11·11 l11r ''" 1n•111 I Not Jll'I fornJ , h111.1ll1h111 111!111"' .1111! all tl1eir IWl'tk The l)C'.t \\J\ to hrd tli•·111 th11 1 1 with C<bh pur1 h,1-... ..... ti 1h1 "·"l'I , 1;,i '>IOre... dcr\\11 Ill \lt•\I\ II f't'tiplt• ll111 1i tht.'} c,;an ~H' ~110 all of tltc.·11 old .111 •1 pumpkin p1l' filling and tl1Jt' K' ll I.' feed all of Ull~· orphan .... but \\Ill 11 \1 ha\e 100 c.:tuldn.>n "!Ung tf,,,,11.,1 tlu same nme for a nk.J 11 h.1 .. t• Ii. .1 ma.o.s qudJlOI) of tJ1t· ..anw ,tun So the' director of ( Or..VJJO dt '· llL O\·ef'See'> that ca.sh btm~ 'l''lt'nt ''' purcha.'>t' foo<l do\>\-11then'111 liull 111111 then 11-, deb\ ert.'t.i Any final thouldttsf Thc.-'Se .lil' JUSt 111111· tn•.t..,lln't.I P''''"'' who de<.ef\'l' bl'ltl'r lht'\ n<'f'tl "lflh~•lll to look out for thl'm I lt't'I h~1· 111 "111\t <>mall \'\u\"> that lh1' Jl1tMll\ p.i\' 1111 Lf .mynrw "n·.1c.l111g .1hrn11 1111, 111d feelc, hke lh1, 1, ..iinw1l1111g 1h1·\ \\ 1111 1 • get mvolv('() 111, "''' .m• n•.dh 11111•11 .... 1111 m corpur.1ll' 1mdl•f\.,nt111g. '''flt'\ ,111\ rorpora11on., or fu11nd.t1111n' th.11 \\1111ld like to ha\/\.· their n.um·' cm tit" 1'\••111 We're lookmg for thJt \\1·d le •\t f• 11 lc·h JUSt !>a). '>Ollll'ftlH' lll 10\l' ';.~1,IMl<l c ,,,)1 lllal would realh lwlp u' '-ol 111 gruvd 100 much. but 1f '>Offil'{)fll'' 11111 1l11·n• and they \'e got that bunung 111 th1•11 pocket. \Wd lmv 111 hear lrnn 1111111 \\t'd al<.0 kl\t' 111 lwar fn1rn \C1h11ll•"'' Like it or not, mistakes will happen N othing makes me cringe more than 10 rrad an edition of the Daily Pilot fresh off the presses and stumble across an error -a big glaring boondoggle that causes me lo reach for my jug of antacids. Sometimes the enor is big. like a mmpelling ln a headline and sometimes it's u small a,, a comma being out or place. Sometlmel ft'• an error of amiss.ion, done by a young writer and edited by a young editor, neither of whom bas much tnsdtutional knowl«tge of Newport-Mesa. Sometimes It' a matter or not double-cheddng facts. My favorite was when one of OW' wrlta1 wrote an environmental ltory on how the Upper Newport ~empties Into the Santa Ana Rlvef. a aeotraPhlc lmpoMibWty. -Then there wu the tUne we had a photo c:apdon that bid the IUD leC'ting ln the non.h. which cawed one crafty reader to call In Md MY we Just broke the ~ 1UMY ot II time. \lilry 6ann~ but l'ro telling you. lcdrt¥ilme~ laJ I liiiali lt ..... cu ...... cma, .. n•••dla\_.. .... b r 11 I do ilbd bliw llld wll r TONY DODE RO continue to. readers belier unden.land the edilor i1. really an assign men! The worst I process we go through each and editor. I le or ~he supervises the ever made every day to put out what we repon eri. and gives 1hem It's a lime-consuming and difficult job. had to do fondly call in the newspaper direction on stories. Often this TliE COPY DESK with getting business ·the daily miracle.~ person io; known as the content TI1is is the last line of the wrong editor. defense. Beyond spelling. city in a TltE REPORTw.G DESK If a crash happens at John grammar and punctuation. the headline As you all know, the fir.it line Wayne Airport or fire is copy editors aJso check the about a major of defense in a newsroom is the crackling at Thibert Park. the stories for balance and university, reporting staff. city editor is the one who objectivity and for libel. whose They llr1' the ones who gather usually send the reporter out These editors ~ ma.inly football team. the lnformadon. make the to cover the acdon. concerned with mating sure alumni and tough phone cal.ls. sit through This editor wW mad the the story adheres to newspaper rans were in long council or school board reporters' stories first &nc:I uk if style and doesn't contain any town l'or the Roee Bowl. meetings and ail\ through there are qu dons that the Jtory major grammadcal errors. I won't get into detaik. but let mounds of documents written doesn't answu or if the story b And this may swprise tome me just say t got caDs from as by bureauaats or poUce fair to the subject matter of you, but the copy edJton an far bKk u Ann Arbor. MJch., In o~rs. invoMd and l'i balanced. the ona who write most ot the which at leut one penon The reporter'• job ls to make This editor usually hu a £alrty bftadliot9. acaised me ol either being enough aenae out of a subject intimate knowledp or the topic Them la a common be.low average intelligeoce or that they may bave no interest the reporte1 ts writing on and m~ tMI the rq>Ortm brain deed. Great chokes. eht or knowledge In and then wrtre may tit the reporter lf he or write beldllnea or tbal l. as Che But the me 11 p la that ow the equivalent ol a two·page she tw missed an angle or • edhot wdte al ot them. rader1 expect m to be better repon on ft. every day. Maybe downplayed the llgnillcanoe of Reporters write oooe ol the than we are aomed.mes. And I do twice or thne timet a day. a certain point ln the atory. headlines and I wrtte ~ rtw. too. We eotrult the ttporters lo do nm cdJtor Ibo u ually help• Modvr ft.lncdon ol the copy Oflm when the niada'S catch their best to giec a fa.Lr and duo up the tory In ~ to desk It the dellgll and &:.yout of a mltWre we've made, l'D pc a balanced report, to keep their grammar. language ancf style. the ptge. Mer the JCory ls note that reldt aometblng lib: biUH out ot atorla and 10 1be dty tdltor also the one copy-ecMted, tc .. tent to ·0oo' J'O'I people beWl make awe no atone t unturned. who u~ coordJnat with another editor lo layout. pmo6eeden ewer tbm'er Al 10'l can l.rntglne, that the photo ckputmenl to And aAer the ..,.,._. ii donit, U. weet. I Wanl to fltle domn\ always ~pm. Which <ktmnlne whJcb orleis wUI be &tit....,, dOf pdnlS out a ,..... the-to tbll 11 wtw.l'I edltan come In. And KCOmpenled by a pbotopaph. Piii pnd 8Dd a copy...-,, f?dllCI. ... ID a ... ....._ bere 11 IM Plol. we~ IWO He or sM le the one...,., lllbl Ihm .. .,_ .. praaf to Tbi ....... 11.._bi" r' b4'll .._.,...... c6 from ..... Ind pabk dtdllr ..... al• __ ,._.,,,.. MCllY-~,_il••-.Y-===<-=,._.._ .. ,.. .. .. --· • •t~help~-=.c=--:111i11 ........ "' .......... = ... --~= ..... __ n.e~c:tty~-------dly_ • pa all• ........... TEU. rr TO TliE EDITOR Tony Dodero 1s the editor He weloomes yoor comments on news coverage, photography or other newspaper-related issues. If you have • message ()( • letter to tho editor. call his direct line et (Mt) 5""4258 Of the RI I .... HotlM 81 142.-.. lend It by .mall to tof'l\ldodlfoe ......_com Of ...,plc.4 ............. ()( eend it b'f mail to 330 W Bay St., C09ta M.u, CA. 92627 c:omcted. the d.escr> edito r RDds the~ olJ to the printing Pft:Slft ana then It prln1ed, lo.dtd ot1 a trU and delNved 10 you1 doo tep. And despite all or our hard woJt. ii possible that )'OU may pld up that pept-r off your doorelep. ... UM-p_ap and tee • lMI gtarlng error. l hatt fa. tboutlb chat jusl human natwr l pea and lt lirill prob.bty M'ftf go ... ~ ~ U bmMni put CM ~ IUl ~heft llaiU!d a l1lll!W ~·C)I• ... __. ... ..... ........ , ...... .. .... _ _. ....... . --~--palcy. 1 DOVIR SHORES $2, I 50,000 IS I 8 Galaxy Dr • Open House 1-Spm Private 5 bd. 4 ba. Otd world charm. Forever Back Bay view. 949.717.4764 a LUFFI $720,000 SOS Pfuya •Open House l-4pm Desirable .. F. Plan in The Bluffs. Close to everything. Morphy & Butft..Stroner 949.759.373 I ONE FORD ROAD $1,950,000 Exceptional custom Summerhouse Plan 3. Beautiful upcrades. Sue Youns 949.759.3708 CORONA DEL MAR $I ,US,000 W:wldriA a.corn ,-enc:Mldo!i in ... COf1'lllU1ic)t 4 bd. 2.5 ba. Gourmet kttchen, courtyard, larie yard. 949.644.9060 LIDO ISL! $1 ,'91,000 33S Plazza Udo• Open House l...fpm 4 bd. 4 ba. witti prden patio. Marilyn Read 949.711.17)) THI a LUfl,. $712,000 416 Ondo • Open House l-4pm Valuable one story model on a prime cul-de- sac in the Bluffs. Coby Ward 949.759.3724 NEWPORT a l ACH $1 ,949,000 4 bd. 4.5 ba. elegant Mediterranean villa in Corona del Mar. Formal livl0£ view decks, courtyards. 949.644. 9060 . HUNTINGTON •I ACH t I ,2H,llt Exquisite upended 2 story, 4 bd. 4.5 ba. Pool, spa. l car pr1p. Walk to beach. 94t.U4.to60 atG CANYON $1,075,000 3 Rue de Pore • Open House I -4pm Hain IM master. Quiet culde-sac on eoff course. 949.759.)7)9 LIDO PI NINI ULA UH,000 23 Channel Rood • Open House l-4pm Waterview property. Private beach. dubhouse. Walk to shops. 2 bd. 2.5 ba. Leasehold land. Elaine Gordon 949.711.2729 Kim Bibb 949.711.2747 CORONA OIL MAR $fH,fft Ub MW ) bd. l .5 ba. custOm condo. Wafklo& distance to shops and resouranu. Newer home with a bri&ht future. Tom 1'hom9on 949.t2l.72Jl HARBOR RIDGI $741,Ht 2 4 Co¥entty • Open House 12-fpm Mountain and dty view. Sin&M le¥el 2 bd. 2 ba. in pted community. 949. 7 II. I 7l I NI W,ORT a l ACH U ,6H,Ht Estate sale Newport Hei&hts. C1Vel' 314 acre unobstrucUd ocean. hatt>or and Catalina views. . 949.644.9060 NEW,ORT COAST f I ,4H,Ht Originally a model home witti $220k in upcrades. 4bd. 3.5 ba. witti ofllcelden, 3 car prap. 949.644.9060 NIWPOllT •IACH ........ Golf course view.~ condo, de.._ details. 2 bd. 2 ba., OM down, ) pldol. "~­.. QUOTE OF TIE DAY "/ran every day of the week for 40 years before quitting anym ore." Bob VanSlckle, runner turned cyclist Sports Editor Rlch•rd DuM: (949) 574-4223 • Sports hx: (949) 650-0170 PRO BEACH VOLLEYBALL PHOTOS BY MARK C DUST ,N Misty May returns a ball Saturday m the women's final of the Huntmgton Beach Open on the AVP Tour. May and Walsh won to stay undefeated m 2003. One swell May in August Newport Ha rbo r produc t a nd partne r Wals h triumph on familia r san d to s tay unbeaten. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot llU ~I JM.ION REAC:ll -fhey began tr.Uning on tlw. '>clnd two years ago. on d court not far from the om· 1hcy 1ook. Sarunlay afternoon. M1St} May. a graduate of Newport Harbor High and .WOO Olympian. and partner Kerri Walsh. a four- llml' fir.1-te.im All Amencan while at Stanford, have wmc qu11e a lung way since they first began hitting hall'-In one another. l11e I lunlington Beach Open of thl' A'-1\0t 1c111on of Volleyball Profe~ronaJs Pro Beach Vo lleyball four was their latest triumph in a sLrealc rl'at:hmg dominating proportion~ M.1y <1nd Walsh, ranked No. I in the world, came hack ciflcr losing the first ..et. 24·22, to HoUy McPeak and I.I.tine Youngs. the ~econd-seeded duo. to cap- turl' the final two game., (2 1-17, 15-7) and im prove tlw11 .,lll'a.k of undl'featcd matches on the AVP Tour Lhi.. i.e;L..,011 to JI, daiming lheir fiflh Litle on Lhe tour in 2003. "IWin11111gJ never gl'ls µId," said a delighted May with a 'm11<· thar gleaned acros.., her face as slle took a much deserved rel.I after a grueling 80-m inute maH.h under an intense '>Ull on the south side of the l lunt111gton Beach Pier. "You have to come out finng or el~ you go home." '><lid May. who led all playe~ with 25 kills. "We played a' a team throughou t the whole match." " l11ey arc a very good volleyball learn,· said Mcl'eak. who teamed with May to claim fifth place in the 2000 Olympics .. • 11ley made some nice saves, big digs and converted them. That is what it comes See MAY, Pace 83 ·Bob Van Sickle -Newport Harbor alumnus now logs miles on his bike and steers motorized boats. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot . one t,ype of raclng for not B ob VanSlclde has traded in one, but two outlets. Mesa Fire Department captain nine years ago, returned from the national championships ln remote·control boats with first-, second-and third-place finishes in separate divisions. He and brother Gary Blockburger, who lfves a block away, often work together on the boats. VanSickle builds the motor and set up a Global Positioning System on each boat he races. Tbey take the boat.a out to Whittier NamJWI in Montebe.Do to pracdce and wll competed In a dAetrlct race there dUa weekend. CATCHING UP WITH After a tough battle on Saturday, Misty May, the for mer Newport Harbor High sensation, celebrates a victory with partner Kem Walsh in the women's final at the Huntington Beach Open on the AVP Tour. The victory kept the May.Walsh team undefeated on the AVP Tour this season. EYEOPENER Daily~ Pik:l Sporu Hall ol PalDfl Aug 18 hOnofef DON BEATTY Sunday August I 7 2003 Bl THE BIG EASY He will always be Mr. CIF T he coming uf the laJJ ~ru.on alway .. rt:nC\'\-l'<l a ... -.ot.1at1on-. with mt: UI \lmLhern ~·cuon 111 the pa">t. hdurc tJw adve111 of the Weh. whit h ha., prett} rnurh deleted h'uman conrat t It wa., anything but imper.onal in tht• pa'' The late I Kenneth f-agan.,, who re\lded on BaJboa bland, wa.r, "Mr Clf" dunng h11. 21 -year reign (1954-75) and wa., a 'ielf-de-.cnhcd "rock." Lontrover">y ~emed alway' lfJ ht• 1us1 a phone rnJJ away. becau'>e of Im pobCIC'>, whlt.h included pumng tht' ROGER CARLSON football and ha.,i...cthaJI parnng-. togemer vtrtuall~ I?) hrm-.elf In the early pan of his tour the pamngs were very conden'>ed w11h each league given one entry for its champion. but a\ tlmt' \\llrl' on tht• playoff., hetdllll' t,1r rt'Jl h1ng . ..ind ... 1111 Fag~ would lni'>t h1m<oclf a ... the ..,olt· decision maxcr for produung tht· bracket!!>. He did 1hi... ma.inly, h1·c<1u ... 1· lw considered h1m.,elf the torPmo'>t authoncy. Anti wmeumt>\, I .,u'>pl·1 tt·d. to keep some coachc1>. <Hid \t'hool.,, under ht'> thumh ~take \OllH' nrnw Jnd you'd find out \ ery 4wck.h what would happen the next year when tilt' playoff., were determined. It Wa5 very obv10u'> Lomplam agarn and you were pretty much toast. Thus. as a ~ponswriter and untouchable m a way. I found It to be a respons1b1h1y to make Lhe noise other., could not. He would be on the phone. ranung, ... "and I go out to the dmcwav clJld pick up my own communll) newspaper and read tht">t' thing~ about me." ''WeU. Ken. we've looked O\er the ..... pairings and what we vc ..aid '-' true You've got the be-.t team in Orange County on the road in tht• fir;t round and m the '>l.lme bracket w11h the '\io I ~eed ... it would be po1111t-d 0111 Fagans would !.hoot huci.... "I know what I'm doing." and tht• ... rarlc., woultl continue tu fly. "Rut Ken. our team I!. 9-0 and you have them at a team which 1s 8-1. and 1f Lhey wm. the next te<rm will be I O·O ... On and on II would go. To put thl'> into per.,pecuve. 11 ... hould be understood that we loved Ken Fagans. I le built lhe CIJ. \outhern !>t'euun from a motley. loo'ioCI) woven '>}"lem into the ~late\ leader. b) far No other seolion came close to the innovauve and updated Southern Secoon. By 1970, however, he was becoming overwhelmed with self-inflicted See EASY, Pae• 83 The 49-year Costa Meta resident and former tnck and troll countty athlete and coech at Newport Harl>or HJgh geta hla chriDa tt.e daJI from remote-control boata and a bkyde that lop 200 mUel • wilt. 1be competition and the chance to mn /O/a.Y Pl.OT dnbtwtda lmd*.y-..S Ydlckle ·Bob YanSickle, a former distance nmet It~ HlrbOr .-.-~Coat~ ... dirt 'l'AI \\n.Sk:kle. who retired ... Colt& .... lllC*l.E, ""U raci11 ~ontroled bolts Ind restofit11 dlSlic m. Hi's...,•-= ni1nq _,, cyctw. f 82 Sunday, AiJiust 17, 2003 SPORTS Dally Pilot OUTDOORS little early to make a clear call as to just bow the remainder of the albacore season will finish up. where as, there is still cold water all around the inner banks and it's pretty putrid dirty green in 0 cean currents are mlxing with tropical storm fronts off the Southern California coastline creating warmer water temperatures in lhe channel and bringing a showing or exotic pelagic fish to within reach of the sport Peet and private. yachts. Ocean sea temps .__ ____ _, color. , Dorado are showing JIM up under floating kelp NIEMIEC patties along with some pretty big · schools of mid-size yellowtail. Boats getting on the right kelp can load up on tails runnlng anywhere from two-pound "firecrackers" up to tackle busting 35-pounders. Dorado are also being caught on the bright colored jigs while trolling for albacore and marlin in open water and they should begin schooling up and provide anglers with some pretty good action and lots of great eating mahi-mahi. moved up into the high 60s and there were a number or areas showing surface temperntures Wt!ll into the mid-70s. Winds howled rel entlessly over the outer waters making for difficult fishing conditions as tht' sport fleet recorded some the lowest albacore dock counts in over a month of Meady fishing. On the bright side of those •Heady wind!> blowing al 30 knots. with gusts up to 40-plus knot.,, the lir..t catche., of dorado, yellowfin tuna. giant ~quad and i.kip1ad. were made this week while the albacore all but dropped out of "ite during the full moon. fhose huge '>t'hools of alh1es that were holding in a 30 mile long chunk of ocean of Baja migrated to the northweM and now are bt'1ng fished. at least in part, ofT ~an Oemenle Island end out to the west. Albacore prefer cooler water .111d will mow along the coast \\.Ith bait <;chooli. and frontal houndarie'> and this could see longfin tuna lhhing rurn wide t>f'Jl'll for the Newport-ba1.ed -.port fleet any time. It \ '>till a Another indication that there b more to come this season was the re-appearance of giant squid off shore. This writer was aboard lhe deluxe sportfisher First String, (619) 222-1144, on Wednesday and scored on a dozen giant squid weighing in the 2 to 4 pound class. On previous nights anglers on board boats drifting on a sea am:hor reported hoolcing into monster squid weighing In double digi ts. With alJ the work done on Main Street in old town Balboa, one would think thal i.quid fishermen will have to rnme up with a sparkling clean way of getting their catch out to the ocean parking lot. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Model Year-End ~ After the mess left during the last run of giant squid off Newport, Lhis writer is pretry sure city officials are sitting down with landing operators and those in charge of keeping the piers clean and discussing how they will handJe all the black inJc and smeU, IF. these giants do move into fishable warers in huge ~chools. It's going to be a wait and see about other exolics moving up to within reach of Newport and most of the talk ii about the possibility of yelJowfin tuna moving up off Baja. A private yacht called in with a catch of 20 smalJ tuna about 120 miles south of San Diego and unJess A ·pecia1§.e~ ~!~P••~•~!!~lming football sea on fo r the high school in Huntington Beach. Costa Mesa, Newport Beach. Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach; also Goldenwest and Orange Coast Colleges. IN ADDITION TO REACHING 75,000 HOMES, WE WILL ALSO DISTRIBUTE THE SECTION AT ALL SEASON OPENERS. Space & Copy deadline: Friday, August 29, 2003, S p.m. Release date: Monday, September 8, 2003 Distribution dates: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 ·Daily Pilot Thursday, Sept~ber 11, 2003 -lndependent ·Friday, September 12, 2003 -Coastline Pilot For advertising info_rmation, c~ll: I HIU•A .&Al• Daily A Pilot COASTLINE PILOT 949.642.4121 949.494.432 t that streak of cold water keeps them south of the Mexican line, we could be fi shing yellowfin as close as the deep waler trench off Dana Point by Labor Day. Words from the marlin fi shing grounds is that the fish are stacked up between the lee of PyTamid Head and White Rock at San Oemente Island. Most of the private yachts are fishing this area and reports are that a couple of fish were caught and released on Friday. Stripers are being hooked on ra:st trolled jigs and greenback mackerel cast to feeders, sleepers and railers. Fishing along the coast still is being affected by coldwater Jim Niemiec. above and left, caught this tour-pound giant squid while fishing on board the deluxe sportfisher First String during a midweek trip to the outer bank. Squid could show up any day in channel waters for Newport's fleet of sport boats. currents with water temperarures holding in the 60\. Sand bas<>. bdrracuda. a few legal halibur and assom·d bottom feeder., arc making up the bulk of the fhh put in gunny sacks han~ing on IMll tanks of Y.1-and r.-da}' boatll running out of Davey's I .ocker and Newport I.anding Sport.fishing. The 37th Annua I DEEP SEA Saturday's counts Newport Lending -8 boat&. 25 anglers. 28 yellowtail, 109 albacore, 20 berracuda, 660 sand bass, 1 skip jade. ~overnor's Cup U.S . Junior Match Racing Championship Wiii be held August 14-17 At Balboa Yacht Club Corona del Mar The Daily Piiot is ple~ed to again be a Co -S ponsor of this Internationally recognized yachting event fcr the workj's best competitive sailors under the age of 20. For the past 36 yecrs, this event has been held right here In local waters. Again this y ea~ the Daily Pilot will be cringing It to yrur. breakfast table every morning from August 14 through the 17th. Coverage will include daily results and stories on the racers coming from Australia, New Zealand erid from across the Ulited States. A feature of this yecr's competitlcri is a fl eet of newly deslg'led and built boats, named the Governor's Cup 21 Class, wh ich will be used for the first time. Both hulls and sails were deslg1ed by BYC members, and the hulls were J:l"Od.Jced in the local a-ea. You ~e invited to come out on the water and enjoy watching these flne young sall<Ys become future . Ame-Ice's Cup skippers 5"1d crew. 1he 2003 Governor's Cup is co-sponsaed by BOATS WAIN 'tl LOCKER 'We mJl<R boatmg roore {ieasurable br }'O(.l'r YANMAR "'Oienll power for your sailboat"/ 8c THE DAILY PILOT "S6Mng the NftlpOrlMssa ccmrrunities sinca 1907". Supported by Quiksilver and west Marina. For more information, call Belboa Yad1: a ub (949) 673·3515 ot MAY qontinued from B 1 own to. • May and Walsh didn't let many balls touch the sand as the third set wore on. l.Aladblg 12-7 after McPeak and Youngs called a timeout, May dove head first and hit to Walsh, who then set up the Long Beach State alum for a commanding lcill that sent the crowd roaring and further lifted their spirits. A May stuff blod on McPeak and a resounding final kill gave the top-seeded duo a 70·4 match record this season in competidon on the AVP. Fed- • eration lnternationaJe de Vol- leyball and Beach Volleyball America tours. Saturday's win. which gave May and Walsh a check of $17,400 to split. marked the sixth consecutive Lime dating to last September that the two have defeated McPeak and Young.s. May and Walsh are 9-2 against them overaJL 'Ine win also denied McPeak: her 67th career win. which would lie Ka- rolyn Kirby for the all-time lead. ·we want to beat !May and Walsh! so bad ... every time we feel we have a shot." Youngs said. McPeak and Youngs got off to a solid start. erasing leads of 14-9 and 20-17 lo defeat May and Wals h in the first set. McPealc's lob over the net and a stuff block. by Youngs. who led all with five blocks. narrowed May and Walsh's lead to 20-19 and the set was lied when too- many-hits was called on the next poinL "My synapses weren't clicld.ng in that first set,· May said "(Youngs) is a tough blocker to g? against. I lacked tha! aggres· Neither team took. more than a two-point lead after McPeak and Youngs led, 5-3, In the sec- ond set A May kill put her an~ Walsh ahead, 16· 14. Emotion finally found its way out when Walsh threw a hand- ful of sand after Youngs blocked a shot to give her and McPeak a 9-8 lead. "Misty got lupsetJ and J re- acted improperly.'' Walsh said. "But emotion definitely helps. I felt we needed more energy and more fire.· "I was more mad at myself," May said. Whatever intensity booster was released, May, who stands 5-foot-10. and the 6·3 Walsh grabbed hold and didn't Jct go. McPe-ak and Youngs never re- gained a lead after 9-8 in the second set. "Kerry makes some incred- ible saves,• McPeak said. "She runs arou nd and makes some- thing out of nothing. I'm used lo my teams doing that." Walsh had four blocks and 16 digs to go with nine kills while May added two blocks and 16 digs, all after two prior matches Saturday to earn a spo t in the fi- nal. May and Walsh defeated the fourth -seeded team of Annett Davis and Jenny Johnson -Jor- dan. 17-21, 22-20, 15-9, to reach the semifi nals, where they tal- lied a 21-18, 21-18 win over the eighth -seeded duo of Jennifer Meredith and Wendy Stammer. "Defense wins matches." Walsh said. McPeak agreed. S PORT S Sunday, August 17. 2003 13 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Newport • • 1n semis Jennings leads Tars with 12 kills in victory over Clovis West in Ha waii. Newpon Harbor High's girls voJ.Jeyball team won its pGOI and advanced to the semifinals Sat- urday in the 20-team Ann Kang Invitational at lolani School in Waikiki. l lawaii. Scores of the semifinals or final were not available. but will likely appear IJl Monday's editions. Newpon began toumamem compelition Wednesday with a 25· J 2. 25-15 victory over Ka1aht:0 followed by a 25-12, 25· <!O defeat of host lolam. ~uth Torrance defealed Newport. 24·22. 25·9. i.n the third game of pool play. But Newpon responded with d 25-23. 25 19 defeat of KaJani m the final pool play match. Newpon defeated Oovis West. 20-25. 25·1!:1. 25-14, in the fiN round of the playoffs Friday. Corona del Mar fini~hed se<. ~ ond in lls pool. but loM m tht' fir~l round If> Punahou 10 tall mto the lo-.cr·.., bratket of the double-eliminauon tournament Alyson Jennings. a ~Jlor -.en ior-to-be, limshed with 12 laJI<. against Oovi~ West while AleXl~ Kerns and KLley I tctll each con tributed five. Youngs put down a kill and another stuff block to secure the first game. May though't Walsh and her played well enough to win the first game. but an overriding factor took over. "They played better defense and !their defense! is so consis· tent: McPeak. said. AnotJ1er trait could fall under the consistent category for Walsh and May: winning. MARK C DUSTIN /DAILYPILOT Misty May, left, stretched high above the net to block the shot of Holly McPeak, nght. in the women's final of the AVP Tour's Huntington Beach Open Saturday. May, a former Newport Harbor High standout, and partner Kern Walsh, won the Huntington Beach title in three games. Newpon faced Moanaleua in one semifinal of the wmner\ bracket while Mira Co~ta and Punahou squared off in the other match Saturday. VANSICKLE Continued from BI into motorized boat racing seven years ago. "It's competitive and fun." VanSidle said. "I like doing machine-type stuff-and making things go faster. "My brothers were kind of into (motorized boat racing] and Ouis Reed from the fire department and I went to watch and I said, 'I could do that,' • VanSickle said. "We started with one boat and had as many as four or five boats in tt. race. Now we usually race tbree at nationals." V-bottom ocean racing boats ceil hit speeds of 60 mph and are narrow with a pointed nose while VanSickle also races catamarans. Most boats are made with fiberglass and weigh about 14 pounds. Races c.over a mile. which equals six laps on the course. "Usually six boats are out &here. all trying to win the heal so it can get tight.· VanSickle said. "On average a race will take o ne minute, 30 seconds, but some boats are faster than others." More often than racing boats, VanSidle is on his bike. ~eping his 62-year-old frame ill top shape. Mondays. Wednesdays and etdays he rides with a group from Corona del Mar. Mondays they begin at Mac.Arthur Boulevard and hit Warner Avenue in Huntington Beach before turning back. That span covers about 30 miles. Wednesdays they climb hills of Newport Coast and Ridgellne in Irvine and Fridays the club includes a stretch of Laguna Canyon Road in its loop. which spans a total of 34 miles. MI ran every day of the week. for 40 years before quilting in 1994." VanSick.le said. "I couldn't take it anymore." Last year VanSickle placed first in the 60-plus age bracket in the California Police and Fire Games. He has also placed fo urth in his age group in the United States Cycling Federation state championships. Competing for championships is nothing new to VanSickle. He rnn the 1.600 and 3,200 meters while at Harbor. where he graduated from in 1959. He held the school record in the 1,600 for 15 years and later set the mark in the 3,200 while a1 Orange Coast College. where he also ran track and field and cross counlry. As a coach. he guided the Likes of Maggie Henson. a decorated UC Irvine distance runner. and Buffy Rabbit. VanSidle's daughter. Jodi Anthony. returned hom e from school one day and mentioned to her father that Eric lWeit, Newport Harbor's boys athletic director who coaches both girls track. and field and cross country. had said h e wouldn't mind having Bob coach on his days off. A coach was b orn. Jodi and VanSickle's son. Jim, ran track and cross country at Harbor but now live a bit further away. Jodi lives in Ventura while Jim lives in Sonoma. Nothing seems too far for VanSiclde. He might reach Ventura by nightfall if he leaves on his bike th1s morning. EASY Continued from BI responsibilities and he finally decided to close it out in 1975. Soon after the playoffs pairings system was overhauled. There was a retirement party of some 500 for Fagans and all five Daily Pilot scribes were presenL His license plate was "MR. CJF' and a huge banner for Mr. ClF. once known as "Tanglefoot." during his playing days al Huntington Park. High. bung behind the dais. As a basketball coach, his Compton High teams were 160-9 over five years. and his overall basketball coaching record was 291 wins, 25 losses. Once a three-year starter at Oregon State. he was a near-miss for a berth on the U.S. Olympic team for 1936, but was beaten out by one-time radio · sportscaster Sam Balter. We (Sports Editor Glenn White mostly), would always try lo work Baiter's name into various conversations, but our needles wt>re always with humorous intentions, knowing how bitter Fagans was over the sUghL My personal relation.ship with Fagans did not meUow out until after his retirement, when In 19n I went oo my parachute adventure. Help keep our city clean! Pagans suddenly became very friendly and remained a very good fttend for the balanoe or bll llfe. He passed away in 1994 at the• of84. l t.WD 'have two of his tnllMll'ed coffee mugs whJch be used at OF Free Battery Test VlluaHy lnlpect and teet battery using Aotutida M~90 teeter. •14es;:: Service lncludea up to five .quarts of Motorcrafte oH and new Motorcratte oil fttter. lnctudel hazardoua waste diapoaal. See SeMoe Adv'8or for detatla. on.r Wiid. coupon . .......... W31 meetings and other endeavors. An example of Fagans' ire is recalled when at the retirement party of Bill Schroeder, who had originated the All-CIF teams under the auspices of the Helms Athletic Foundadon. White and myself showed up in a roomful of CJF and high school dignitaries. "Well,~ Fagans said with a shout wblch must have bee n heard a block away. ~1 see you (White) brought your little stooge with you!" Others rushed to calm Pagans down, but his outburst pretty well described what be thought of me and my (well-deserved) criticism But following my brush with an adrenaline rush after parachuting 3,300 feet, his attitude changed 180 degrees. Fagans was a stickler for punctuality and doing things right, and had Uttle patience for the emergence of television. He enjoyed the at1endon. of course, but he hated it when television would disrupt his schedule. One of the funniest recollections was at a CIF basketball finals night-at the Sports Arena in Los Angeles involving one of his aU-ti.me best aides. Sports lnfonnation Director Mike Peck. Peck was standing near rnid--court and in front or the press table, where Whlte and myself were sitting. and Peck. wu chatting with the 1V annowioer, alto stancU,.- in front of the preu e.ble. Tune was wtncling down. the players wen1 rmdy to be introduced and Fagans, with a melodious voice, called out, "Oh Myy-eek. • There was no response. Again, ·oh Myy-eek/ with the pleasant, diplomatic tone for the benefit of nearby TY. Still nothing as the conversation continued. "PECK!" barked Fagans, from about six inches away and in the same decibel rating as he had when be called me a "stooge," and Mike Peck popped into the air, both feet about six inches off the floor. "Get this game going/ blared Fagans, and everyone began running in different directions. It was priceless. When Fagans finally retired one of his pet peeves for several years was the fact no one at CLF was calling him for advice on various matters. He saw it 4s a dear case of disrespect. There are probably not many of today's CJF who knew him during his heyday. A handful of commissioners and several aides have come and gone. The press guide now refers to Pagans as ·Mr. Southern Section," which surely would be the all-time putdown for Pagans. if be knew. Somehow, I have a feeling he does know, and he's really stewing over it. Hey, see you next Sunday! • ROGER CARLSON is the former apom editor for the Daily Pilot. Hi9 column ..,.,...... on Su~ He cen be rNd1ed by e-mail at rogerenddorothea e men.com XGAMES Double delight for Glitberg Costa Mesa resident and partner place second in skateboard ve rt doubles final at Staples Ce nter. Costa Mesa's Rune Gli.fberg and part- ner Mike Crum from Long Beach :.cored 89.33 points to place second in the skateboard vert doubles final Sarurday 1n X Games IX at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Carlsbad residents Bucky lasek and Bob Bumquinst earned 96.67 points to claim first in the event fin al, wtuch re- quires teams complete two 30-45-sec- ond runs. Judges grade on originality. tlow, use of ramp. combination tricks. interaction between partners and ampli· tude. Skaters picked their partners and create lines together. Glifberg scored 92.33 points to take third place in the skateboard vert final completed late Friday night. Also competing in the skateboard ven final was Costa Mesa resident Ouis Gen· try. He placed ninth with 83.67 points. Each of the l 0 athletes in the final took three 45-second runs with the best of three scores counting in the standings. Also Saturday. Costa Mesa resident fa. biola da Silva. who won the women's ag· gressive in-line park. title Thursday. scored 70.50 points to place 12th in the preliminary round of the aggressive in- line vert event, but missed qualifying for the finals by half a point The top I 0 competitors advanced to today's final Each skater performs tricks in a halfpipe. Glifberg is scheduled to compete in the skateboard ven best trick finai at 11:30 am. today at Staples Center whil.e Costa Mesa's RodO de Araujo will vie for the tide in the skateboard park final at 1 p.m. Policy How to Place A ----Deadlines--....... Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves lbe right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advenisement. Please repon any error that may be in 'your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which II may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. 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This n~w'\paper wrll "'ot lo.11ow1ngly attept •ny ad•l'rt1sement lor f eat e>tate which " rn }oolalton of the law Our .1eaders Me hereby "'11orrned lhal .ill dwell ~K\ 11dver tised in this jlewsp•pl'r are available on an equal oppo1 lun1ly C>u" To complain of dis "munation. call HUD loll tree at I 800 424 8590 Older Style Fumit!Jre PIANOS & Collectibl" •AQol.M(:_ .... ~ ·~~·....,....~,.,-rvl• WE BUY ESTAT£S · •-lne<dy-. ._ H.Y llOllE $ fASTDr ~~~~ I \ ' ;i64M9~ SO,FuJcr'f8~ST Z2t2kliWRlk. ..... AM.CAl2707 ~·lo .... C>•JIJI ~ 1489 LI] 2305-2490 Garage/ Yard Sales 1489 • Newpor1 8-t.. 18.ic.i> Bay ar~a) 4?0 V1~ld Gtl!Odt. 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SI 249,000 Agt Kmll Cousen~ Withers Really 949-677-SSS4 rlNINSUl.A II Open Sunday I 4 Sp1c1ous ''"1!11' family lont_ Great for !'flt~ 610 ClubhOUSI' Ave S889.500 ChHhlre ••ol htot• 949-723-6037 r•IU RIDUCID TO S710,00D S2121reo4 St NlWl"ORT HEIGHTS Jbr 7 !'lb• pvt h11ckyd S/10.000 949-646·0454 Ind ex RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SAU Desert Propef1y 5960 HIGH DlSlRl finlr;N C) ilC s;q, Jl!J dC. fg ll'l1ltl. lblcts & _., wdlff&!b.1Ni1'1't" U*liXb!Mr~ MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING MoblleJlbnufactured Homes 599.1 LONG BEACH SENIOR SPECIAL ON THE MARINA l ituretuus double wrde mubrle homrs ~cu11ty i:ated 'J slar park only S62~ \pact r enl Pet\ OK Wonl la\I Mnb1le home~ drrect ai.k' tor Joe. 7 14-311-7441 MISCB.1.ANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 .... X-119 M<ttter/bo S880m l or 2 • utol s & Oil> po.( '-'Pol w/d urJ)Of1. uth c~1I no/smk prt ••art 9 1 949 ~7818 Rooms for Rent 6040 (AST SID( Ce1to Muo shart Jbr Iba houv. w/lem. ~/mo_ Mu>I loke dcriis 949 631 7146 AESIDl:Nl IAI. RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island ,,.,., h-•• 2br lbe, new P•tnl/urp 7 bric~ patios. wd. no smk/pet S 111!>0 yr ly <j4!f 1>40·094!1 • [A•I 81y fr ont apt :i'br Iba, Ip, Sl800 •llor V.0. p , lldlt • ~ Sl4009 2br 2ba houlie yrly S2 IOO • f,.nished wtnt«Y 3br 2ba Slim 'ct 98-T.b ~ Balboa Plninlula * IAYFRONT ll.DG * Urlfl.rn ~ r!N bcllll!d ltir lbl. -· fp, nn cmd. Yrty 96!11"1·TT77 * OClAN r•ONT * •• 19th st 2br 2tM condo fum'd, Ip, clean, winter ·-949 911-1771 ·ocuN & IAY v11ws• 11th St 3br, 2be. yrty rent- el, fUlly remod. w/d. ~ Ip, bbq~~]'ffl CorwdllMlr IOOS-1510 ('&Hie 21r 1 le Ch~r ml'r fncd yd, 2 c 111 aar wd firs S1950/mq Incl &dlwb no/smk/pel 949 642 4940 8-ullf11I New H-• 2br 3 full ba. bonu~ r rn. wlk 1n closets. w/d hkup S1995m 949 413 6438 E Side RM.wo Tew ........ 3br 2 5ba ( U\IOrn re mod hvrm Ip \Unroum pool spa_ tennis nJ1I 9· 1 S?'l9~ mo aet Donald f'lafl Coldwell Banktr 949 /JJ 60/4 Und er the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Wiif~ 2br 2W Wida. Newpert Cr eal, 2br N•wp.r1 H • ....,, 38r Ip IMllu pool _... ,. lb.A. 2 < e11 w•I~ lo 2Ba. laree lamrly room Ocanft lbr lba ronoo neat ~z...fovaol 9 I SISOO brh IM/pool/~P•. Sl900 2 c~r earaite. avo11I 8/1 ~ P1tf. comm pool, '4M 714 S46 ~ 714 5"6 1"1> Av.11 now 949 107 4408 S2400/mo 949 7~9 3771 w Id rn uni t.fldttJlr d tJi1a. Agt SI~ ~/3-/llXl Laguna Beach lg• llr 1 l o unit on qu11'I l'l'ntn\ul• Po10f No/•m1k.'pet Sl5l0 incl ulrl 9'19 293 4bJ I Lu• •Pl bldg ---- :?b1 2ba ocean •1~w Nl"MOltl HEIGHTS Jbr S7200tmo CAii r P\ldPnt townhou-e fp \tnit i"' m11.r 949-494 8083 n~w t ar I>" I patio very YlAIU Y UASES FINO NIWPOltT HOMES Blt.l GRUl'C>Y REAL IORS 949-47S-4161 nv SI'>'!'> 949 617 &004 NtWrORT HEIGHTS Cottaen • 7br 7ba lamr rn hdwd fir\, Ip, 131 var d S77!>0 • 7br ?ba fp hdwd Ill\ &" lob Sl900 949 b4l ~ oaNC \ltlWI 2b 2 !11111 towrilorne. tn-leWll, 'l r:M a!k:h p . wd ~ SZl(Xl.I ~ AvM 9 I 1158 414-3777 NEWrORT HUGHTS 3mt ~2 IUXX TO lownhome lb< ? 5ba 7 mT l1ICtly lt.rn < .. aa. S2fiOOm 949 230 Ip wd J c • ~ 3290 or 949 689 4200 wrrtn Elkl 94') ~ 3br 2ba on Balboa Ptn1n hdwd fin. Ip. patio. 2 c it~r •••rl 8 I •Kl $2650 949 293 4631 TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Red Cross supply 7 Dwelling 12 Kind of duty 17 Frbe<glass bundle 21 renitlle 22 Black bird 23Keep-- to the ground 24 Shani of hims 25 Appetizer tray item 26 Secret 28 Type of wolf 29 Livy's hello 30 Comp1ete1v 32 Reporter s quesbOn 33 Power 35 Fax button 37 Yt&•dS territory 38Sense 39Cotls 40 Fragrant compound 42 Hamster, maybe 43 Encircle 4.4 Alpine gear (2 wds ) 45 Jumps away 47 New Me)(ICO town 48 Touche p<ovolcers 49 Yak 52 Coppef source 53 Soup dt.I - 54 PMSOO who stares 55Gatt 59 Second StlOwtngs 61 Brandish 62 Habeas corpus e g 63 Tilts 64 Develop 65 Woolen caps 66 Attllettc oompebtlOn 67 Craves 68 Gambler's cubes 89Longongs 70 Grst 72Cutlass 73 Deep water 7 4 Olden times 75 ReStgns 2 76 Etectncal dl5ctlllrge"I 77 Sweai 80 -up (1nfl11tl'<:I) 82 Ivan s dollat 83 Pocket lxead 84 Reed 85 Register 87Week da 88 Moon goddess 89 Bag or tote 90 Taken -!startled I 9 1 Novelrst -70M 92 Stnp 01 lemon peel 94Gl mp$ed 95 Ctotnes or spoce - 96 Pteytng card 97 Solemn proM1se 98 Plopped oown 99 Messy place 100 Studied intently IO t More tl'\1111 desl1ke I 02 Like some sl'lowers 104 Helps out 107 Expel 1 08 Stovetop rtem 109 Ignores socially 113 Poonces 114St>ed 115 Type ot eclipse 117 Pre~tly t 18 Mink or enn1ne 119 Ice-cream treat 120 Pats on 122Before. tn melodrama 123 No luture -- 124 WlthoU1 thinking 127 Hair goo 129 Ruminate 130 Large slipknot 131 Blues smger -Wastllngton 132 Sketdlef's need 133 Exceeded the hmrt 1 34Fence ~ 135 Starry prefix 136 Pry C>a1S DOWN 1 Put into wor::ls 2 Bakery goods 3 Impassioned 4 Hindu Mr 5 Alomtzer output 6 Single-purpose (2Wds) 7 Ga•tenes 8 rutv even• 9 E•1pses 10 Repudtale 11 Put a stop to 12 Reoeemeo a check 13 Pentium producer 14 Leat s no 15 Fleming ot spy0om 16 Wfllfdief 17 Spantsl'l daoce HI Neither good nor ba<l 19 Knot 20 Low cards 27 Big pitchers 31 Portable home 34 Pinches 36 -Mocnes, Iowa 38 Narrow inlet 39 Clay-target sport 41 Avignon s mrer 43 Franoe, IOng ago 44 Drvergence 461099 gp 47 Famillar Oigits 48 Snowy-wMe twd 49 Fortnef lef'IA()(S 50 Eagle's neS1 51 Knickknacks (hyph ) 53 NaboNl and Backus S4 Slf19ef Buck - 55 Fall fruit 56 AnteatefS 57 TV news source 58 Double curve 60Consume 61 T apet oft 63 Many August people 65Smal gutt 66 nny amoont 67 POOi IOC maybe 69 Calenwaul 70 BanOOIJlS / 1 Fox 11 9qUe8k 72 T JUan8 Ms 74 Egg yellow /5 0dd 76 ·-M1soeh11von· 78 Beginning 790Ytwgrown 81 Tress 82 Goe crowned tJ3 Sl'lOve 84 B•l~ard stJCk 85 Com 911Mng 66 Jordan s former org 87 ~es 88 Lo-<al 89 Townshend and Seeger 91 Skirt panets 9:? Crunctiy breed 93 Unit of power 94 Companion 96 Sl'lalung 98 Mideast desalt 100 Cone producer 101 Kau&1 dances 102 HtTtter s shoVI 103 Genetic letters 104 Coofide (2 wdl ) 105 Brown and simmer 106 In ttle phone bootc 107 Lots 1 oa Cottonwooo 110 MISQIYlng 111 Frontter 112 Derides 113 Keeps afloat 114 Timid one 11 5 F or11ed OIJt 116 Gross ouc 11SI Plaice 120 Hertz nval 121 Aching 125 C>sarichlilce bird 126 Actress -l..1.4Jino 128 Dallas C89fJf 1• F1ITllbn --------3435 Balboa Plninlula or1N SAT-SUN 1-S 23 COllMC>aANT <• 3br 2 Sb• detach home, tot•lly remod, hlle newt • a... 2-.-.peel.. Well to marltetlr Hhoon Isl-' 507 Hwbot Woods S 1850/mo 949 8J6 37-X> -------~ HI~'-htete W. Newp.rt lch. fr ench COIKhe, Wllllbadl cl\aks, Veaas PIM b•r. love sH ts, Ir br a. dr Tommy 8a'1•m• furn iture. druckn, bfonzes , TMlrly ~ ........ 11 o1 ,........*.~ o.lloJ&e ....... WMllUt na• tr ... dmllll Ml W/I ~&, 4 IMlcJ\onf blll 'tilOClh, anUque cllspNy ':'.::? /IU J?.()008 ., ......... ouu .. MATTUSS sn ~lnnd-ld " pllMjt .,_, Sc Jl(JS Qti dllt.<w 9&B«87 CHaaYlll16Mllt Scllcl ~ brRI llfW " bolt 11'19 --Wclrth ~-m>•&OT :cmNWiiii South ESTATt on one ol the lar~t lob °""SAT-SUM I ·S UIOl..40.-. ~I JI>•, MfdltllH• nean Pllf 9diH Gra c._.; al\11P'fd pool & Sc>• fountain•& P1lm TreH 8yOwn• Acceplln• Bkh 81 twun Jt.•'9.000-St~,ID) 9&160-0t62 r• WI SY OW•H c..-Shor• S.111tyt lao· ~ ..... Ltt1t COflMr lol f"rlnc"41tt Ollly !Mt 7&0 0110 S939,000 Karen Ersen~c Bhr Encore Prop 949 721-0783 SUN 1-S 201 nnTift AVI Sp.ctacul1< view, u tr1 ta lot a. room for up1nslon.Jo1n Allison Bkt 949-646-2011 Of 949-683·891 l HADOIWOOOS 2bf ~ •• 2 c p ra1•. bedroom/offka. Art $1.IOO ~29J.-4631 'A'2tr 1511+ .. 'C' Welbar. w/d hooll·ups. $1900/mo 949 640-IOJS •••-tlfef J br 2b1 rental, cute CDM duplex. ••raaa, w/d hoolcuin Art $2650 949 29H630 Ck-Ylew l ovety I 1tory 2IH ti.a • den fp, tlta<ll 2 Uf I•' COllfty•rcl tnby, comm pool SM•ll pet . ok UtSOmo Kle1t1 M&ml 881 704 8&49 •9204 ••&• ...... 1 M to i.dl. \lld Clilll. *""' Ir& all' fll1, men ~ I~ I Sll10m Zt1!' 133 C 16th St Asll for Sc>ec .. t M9-$48 2421 Lw.lr e-.4 ( • ,,Ir ... ¥ 'wtpvt pi, ,.._OU S!W ffW.-Riii to Tri S.-• ... -. Jtt5/MO W•lt1/ttatll __ .. __ n_,,.,_,_,.___ ,.... KWn ........ t:n 10l.at9 Cat 9200 1 ........ .. 1wae....-,-... . :c =.::; ;.-,.: l Daily Piiot .. ._. • ., 1'/•h ..... PflYate Cul·de aac lllee_ rttd • .,.., lontlon 1291§0/mo 949 47S 0027 ........ .._b 2111 .-. 2 Cir .... -~~JWd S2B) llll Gk ~Sl?l IAY .. ONT ., .. snoo1-~ •26-111·17" . •t6-lt7 .. 2'2 fAMTASTK YllWll Jbr 2ba for the ......... ,. ...... For IHM 1 yor or more. ""5 ~n lo offe" SUM l·S IOI TUSTIN AVI '-All•-lkr 95646-201~11 HYflONT WINQlllNTAl "' 41r, l'/1h, 2~ wz.~ •.. ,.y .. , .. ,,_,.., QOVAH 2br 21>• 2 c 1•r, 1.at<1d community pool 11.t S2300 949 293-46~ SUMMIT · St An1ou 2br 2ba 2 car 1.1• pool a•t•d comm snoo m<> All 949-759 9341 S-erre Jlr 2' /1la ,.n&le lam hm no• patnt & carpet 7< p s;im,i gt .,, 968)1 ~ VACATION RENTALS OeleftRentals 7'15 VACA'IDI BTW SAUS UDITALS lfalm Sp'111cslfalm DM-t Cootact MK:haet Anlei ~259-14~00.333 7'iJ7 &Olf destrtvaa!Jon~ rom VIClllon Rentals Eldllnge 7930 M..i Merriott f<in I u•.f' our llmnh&1e 0t I • Ill can you, O~ranftu11t ....,. • S31SO 949 719~ -- - 8500 lolboa h land A-;1 Gollory t I 1 rom0ut•r ~' ·•J•t11• & t PL••I al~' ! •II •,1 •. ., '14 • I/ c 1100 w-•·d boot dod. ,;-.; t I t I ll1•1·ly '" t>"•~on l.liUll 8Jy• 1dt (Ir ., .. , ... 1ldM.•r Wt1I t1 101 :Ip ........ "F' P(l lor ~ '"''' .u t;: vc....th~ f.l'l' & i.r.::4• hAl.11 •••t.to ... iu 1 ,,,, t~ I 1 • 1)4'} f.47 Ull'iO CROWN COVE SENIOR CARE • ',UP,_11"•·• I I • Wut,.r I I • llo1 I •tU«ll"I l•ity •ff rt• itt111rt ,t 'H'J 760 ~Kl•U \t>ll \nur ( ur .!!!. ( la" rjird ' c •• ,..... l•ecwthr• Secrotwy Sttt·motlVll td w/sl1on1 or1anlrt· honal ski"' .,l)afltn«, P•tfarable W/MCurilln pultt Ulilts • mutt Mon F" 9 3:00 Call lor Interview 949-721 9238 OllVfas wuno Newl>ol1 ' Hun~ 8dl Set yow own sciMcklle! Part or fulMIMt avebb .. S75+/d•y h1JH.lme C1ll 881H>OMWORK or~@ -GO-lam AT-IASI Women's SICHI 11 Fnhlon Island Is now hortna up'd rT tnd PT iale~ ISSOC f'IMM conlllCt lee fwl at 96~~ fl.ORAL OISIGNll 2S hrs a week Musi b• lufly ' upenenced COM 949·6'4-1413 NU.SIS IMMIDIATElYI <>+Ws.~'s &~ needed for love-on/Hourly Actl_H ....... <•• (~~3 P'UT llMl fOR PACIFIC VII W MfMORlAl PARK on Corona del Mu . CA I wo po~1t1ons av•1lable I uner•I Servic.e 011ec IOI\ tu uvtr~ee ch•pel o1nd gnvesodc! \ervoce>. n••ded wee-days & ~ome weellend\ SIOhr Mu~t have p1ofen1onal dppear an' f be com po1H1un•le and fri.,ndly f dll 949 644 2700 and wu~ wolh Mile~ Wu<>d Port "'-a.a.t M.....,. Sil 111 La ~t oro1at '•••lily Mon. lhur~ I 11 01111 • and Ille m.1rntf"ll3nlt l •V n hma 114 !141 4466 ••ANNOUNCEMENT•• 11111-.i h• /OOll f'o<.IAll r,......,,,.. r edlY a1 lwe Sl>W•th I.A S..."""1.'PdtCl Tr¥•11: Mid v.-11 ...... Noi (.o.p ~ ..,.. y I RI/ 09 ""611 c,. t It'll) Sandwich Shop •n Costa I M~~· 11~eci. htlll C.tll t1elw••n 8<1m IO•m.949 f;.4'> 1100 ask for Maraot TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS "NOllCC lO RCAOCRS Calofornoa la w 111 qu11•\ that conl••c t01s takona f(lb\ th•t tot.ti $500 1)1 mote (labor or malern1ls) b• hon\t!d by the Contractors SUI• licen" Board Stale llw el~ r.,q111u•s that contr<1CIOI\ include their lrcense number on all .. dvert~c You can checll lht' •1.ttus ol youo locenud con tra r t or al www c.lb Cl 1.nv or 800 3?1 CSl B Unh censed cnntr actor\ takona 1ob' th•I total leu than S500 must sl1fe 111 lh•or advert1umenh that they are not h! en,ed by th• Con Ir actors Slate licens11 Board · Qvl~. tr11mn11 .. wpporVtrouble 'hoohna ~ .. -buwwm or per son•I 94 9 !>48 ?!>38 .~ .. , Allnl~llbl ,,...... DIVIUIPMOfT ~ fal th•"CdlvelclpfMnl com '81117.> ll!i.M: .,..,9325 ~C.••11141111 AUi.ii HVAC A" ConditJon•nc a Heat ifll $ar'i1Cl ll88 ~ UQ&a)~!Km C.,an•y A· I IWlllYMM tn1t•ll, ref tu ~·~11a1t ~ ...... DDl.ll 7l~m9 c.,.IAl'l~­ ..._.,~..,.•on ........ -~ ......, ~.Cf&* ...... ,..... Clrpet Repair/Sales CA.IU'(T CARPlT Rtp1111r\. f'oltt htrt-.• ln•t.'11 (nut 1,-nu\ 4ny t/ti> tnb"J. Wh"'~'dl( • '14'1 19/ 0/0"i Cleaning Touch of KJass l·uropt•Jll I 'I'"" on House Cleaning !O) CiJJ' '" HU'lllC'' LKcn~ A. lfondcd l)rnfl''''IHIJI h:.im' ·"''~04:,f t"'""' llumc <949) 548-0097 l ~.-1 ,11matn Retcn.·1k.C' "rnn~ Clo:.•non)! '\fl\.'\ 131- C IUSMfSS ltlr~S Uf)ff a des, R•pa1u of Compulott . NelwOf'h £ vtn111(\/WHktncb Compelih~ prices fOf Qlllftlf WIYIC ..... ., ..... 7S 714-tl .. 4121 QulckKletln Renew. don't replace ltleforout fk>oi'to oountifa. thoMfl. ~-= ue..m www.qkllle.oom • CGmPuter SefVlces COMPUTER HELP! • ,..... ,,, ~ 'lltDltlll • M ya.._,,, olftcll •l'Clll-·~ • -.Pige 9tnil• llill ·......m.ou.~ Ob~ ·av--Pui.-·lll#6~"'-.... UC llerUl9y 0.--. IOYr1c_...C. 714-612-2786 l ritk ll•d• St-Tl'9 Conaete PalN> Orrveway f11ei>1< BBQ R•I'• 25Yr~ Lap Terry 714 557 7">94 "'• , ......... M ... Cemenlworll, B11ck Tile & More Reh1bte No 1ob tno \mAll 714·61~ 906? 0 YOUtt ltOMI tM,•OVIMINT PltOJICT? Catt • ptumbt!f, parnlH handyman. cw any of the 1rul services ltsled II«• on 0111 -voce dwectoryr TH£S[ LOCAL SVC PEOf>lE CAN HUP YOOTOOAYI IMW ~7 !211 c-v met•lllC dark blue/erey lthr ~uperb <ond th1ouchoul Sl4.99"i v-s72421 61.t ~ 5fl> l888 www.ecpoltl.co"' IMW '16 3111 2 dr bl.ck '> lP lUn roof lull pwr SI !>Oil 114-914-1166 IMW '90 JUI hilt nrw Bllo./tan 4 do auto at \unrl lull pwr tint C1 ~mo11 S 16~ 714 4!>A 1698 IMW 5211'99 S11orl W1aon alnt '"nd warranty loaded sv m 949 887 4644 IMW '98 Z3 Cot.v. auto wholtil~n ltho CO be4uhlul hlle new co11d. SI l 49'> v~9/?4 ton & WiYl ........ 6lu <)119.'B) I~ www.o cpal.com IMW '99 Z3 Cenv, 2.l V6, 3'>~ mo. '>wd CD 7 tone bl' & '"" 11111 0111 be•uhlul, '''~ new u.>rid $19 99'> v'iC,')771 lo nanunii & wa111111ty ~•ail B'r 949 '>86 I 8R!l -.at bl.com Cadillac '90 llCletwCHHI \1lve1 /fll'Y •dr sunro"t llhr auto J8k m1 $4800 lltW l11 n 949 76() 0144 CJwyWr '94 New Y-*• )!> Yb I own•r 4 lk ae..t uAI m1 booti \ reicruc1•, m~tall11 tut QUllO\C l•n tthr fully lu.iel'd hk• n•w S49'J'> ~ma 01u 949 !)If, 1888 www.ocpabl.com . Corv•ll• '89 Ceup>• dUlh 6()1. • mo m Pldlh rrd t•n lthr •uo•r b 'r>nd lhr 11u1houl S9 99'> Bi.r 949 "i86 1888 www.or,bf.c~ Oodfe 'H ....,..,.., ..ulu 6';yl A. C lllw fuR POW"' am Im ca-,., " twit ~"''Y Whl<. ~ /14 'i9181i'9 ferd '6S Mustang Cnnv•rlobl!' 011ginal uw nt'O \Ol"I c di s 19 99~ obo 949 719 l943 ford '86 M""'-9 (...,,. 6<yl duln A. C ~ pw tx am Im n whl ,.,_., UXX)ooo 714 96214117 loncl aover '96 •-t• Rever Whit t fully loaded. •II maintenance If.<'. Sl6 900 949 887 0779 MHdo '01 Trlbvto ES \olvt!f /C••v lthr 2111 mo V6 •wd 6 CO ••rr anly pp Sl4,999 949 6/!> 8/!>J Drywall SeMces WITTltOln ORYWAU 1111 pha'e' \m tr v 1ob' CllANI ?Oy" fair Irr• ""' L4<Xnll 714 6.l9 14117 DUNCAN IUCTlltC l ocal. Qu1do. Ropun'e Horne Yard a Dot~ [Itel 20 Yrs Eap lte 1nsu1ed L'27!1870 949 650 7042 DUTCHMAN lllCHIC Commercial. lndu\11111 ~U:JbCon~ R*5 't((1':ll1JJ 96 l4Sal21 U<INSIO CONTIACTOa No lob too 5ITI M w voces• Repa11 remodel. f1M. • 5');11 MW !M !M!J..64~~ WSTOMOIATMTU ~--4*-. 111111*. Roni &Mio 197 s lll6121M4 aft 714 612 9961 LIMY..._.~ Aq>"CMllWI a lnstaollallon Tll.E DEM M9 673 lie 7~714..al2031 -_AMD_molM ____ I004_ MOTOR HOMES MllCIOIS INI 'ti 190 2.6 bled\. .. """. awoo1. a ,,.., °""" -.'89Cl>~I M•rca4•• 'OJ SIOI 20k n11. pewter. pert.ct COlld, fletcher Jones SVC & u.lended warrt11l)' 144.500 949·644-2342 MllCIOIS HOSl •a• Blue/veen new top •nd upho~tery Pvt Party $9850949 673·1095 Merca4•• 'ti 560 SL whole/l1n, 1mm1c ~ "" w-. ,_ d qi. cmmm. $llJ'Jl n4-~t·.ali4 MlRCU•Y TOP'AZ '19 Champan11e/111ey, AT. 4 dr .'tow m1, art car i1500 Movona 114·878·94!>!> ........ l*MAHYl '92 7Slr. "'· matvr~. SI.Ill!. A 1 6 C}I. loildl!d' C. snq. $'400 714-914-81~ Olftetet>lle '9' Aworo 60k mo blacll/arey llhr. mnrf CO fabulous cond lhrouahout $599!> vrnU~7219 Bko 949-Sl6-1111 -.ocftoltl.c..,. P'Hlllff'S AUTO 01 ~ A4 Ou.fttw Blue w/Blue. only I 4K mo \l)OrtsJ*a ( 194/8C) $74,9111 OOIMW32JI S•lv~ w /bladl llhf. Steptrontt 1193871) $21,9111 99E310s.don Whitt w•saddlt leat/1 t!f rnuornuof ( I 9'\4J) S28. 9!lJ 01 Jogt... S TYJHI Se" Cr~n w wddle llhf 28K mo mor,.yool 1191171 S?'J.980 99/IA~WC '130 Bl~ w bl..U. grey 'P(l<h pllfl !1~11)1 S27 980 991/IAWJ'Ja/S Ro..i .,. bl.t<.k 11hr Sspd c 194701 Sl8.9111 01 l'on.dw , .... T1111tomc ooly 181. m~ n•vagation 1193941 INQUIR( 91 t..JRJO GS 300 Cold w ~le te .. lhf!i chrome whtt~ (1 94 181 $71.980 0'1 l'ondt. GT'J Bia. k w l>IM_ll only I 00 mile\ ( 1~9/C) INQUIR[ 01 M•rc•dH CLSOO Solve• w 11• ey n.ivo a.itoun. only ISK mo (I 9'.>4">C I INQUIRE 00 l'tw•cM ..... ,.,. Silver w bide' prfmoum .,nund ( 194763) $71! 980 949-574-7777 l'Hl1'S AllJO ;'S; ... c. s-.,.., ... -Up C•l your yard loot.ma It!> be'>I b the ...,,,..,...,. 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I I t •• ,.,., Jill • ~'' Slot'/t, ~I.I'" I.-?< OUffY IUCTRIC 1993, n•w L.1Lt•rn 1 "UJ UhJol "t Sil 000 •1' I J4 &II 4'!>44 Sailboats 9520 CAL 20 SWOAT, ~ wal S149S f'f 44'1 '>4~ j•l'4 BOAT REPAIRS/ I SERVICES I BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ 1 LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 .•1, i1 1 ,11 M~ 11 ,, u • i II I ~ p \ t I t 11', 1 1 1 • ' \llPS AVAii.ABU from JS 9Sf• '" Hewpot t 8eoth,. l•o•• 9•9 SOO IOOS CLEA OUT YOUR HOUSE Wanted 9045 I WITHA GARAGE SALE! CALL 949-642-5678 r-.ly Operotod ~ 0-40 I'™'\ ".,~ ... "'" 4 vtt"y fol µOI.• h" it•". C.at' VMl tJ tJurt-. µ.tttl lc1 ~ O!'l c...t 0. k l<pv o••o lcnli!IO l\utn • .. ~ /14 437 1931 ,.. 114 i,'M (''!' CASH fOR CARS Wl HUD YOUll CAii PAID ro• o• NOT PHILUPS AUTO ASK FOR MALCOLM 949·S7•-7777 Handyman/ 'I House Cleaning Home Repair H ...... 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Doon.. fristlc.rptilr:.9&~ N11C TO ntl DUMPlll 714·961·1182 AVAll.ABLE TOOAYI 949 673 5566 949-645-4545 H ST MOVlRS SSS/Hr. Sf'•v1or All c 1f•t· tr '"""rt 1\6 ~ ROO '"'1 '118 l?l 61tl 'l'l/I ••II PUBUC NOTICE lh., C.dlol 1'111JIH Ullllto~' l "mm1\\lnn r•c11111"' that Ali •n~d h••U\thnlrt 11nod\ movto \ p11nt lh~11 P U (, C~I 1 numh~•. l11no' and d1•ulltu" p11nt lht11 1 ( P number 1n all ~dvtr tl\en1enl\ II you h••~ any QUf \lt0n• ,.llnut th• ,., .. 111' 01 • movl'r f1m n nr cllaufl1ur ult PUtU< UTIUTllS COMMISSION IOO 177-t .. 7 ~Cart A""1 (We ... t. .._ ...... c..,,_~ 8.ttlq delwq. '"9llk. Or * ,. ff/11, anAld 714-.llHilll la •m•llll l\ORTH • K ()J 7 6J .\ 7 !"~.I • \b Wt:.\'T • 6 2 K J 112 K9 •JlU7 .n SOI I If I.\' I • s 10"4 ()J IOU •CJ~H !\ ~.August 17, 2003 • w rnal.t aoucha 1.-uc htd •uua.lc6 lli.:rc h.id 14• Ill • I< ~r '4.'110.:""hc~ !ti.: pall ,..w, •Uf'llt'fll lo ~ ID • 'rrw.fl oJlUTI \\"'' l"J the J"" ~ "' duti-. 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