HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-19 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY,AUGUST19,2003 CLOSER LOOK Westside plans concern residents, too Not only business owners, but those who live in a proposed redevelopment zone say the area will improve without the city going the extra 443 acres. QUESTION 7 What ere your thoughts on the city of Coste Mne using eminent domain to improve • eluding a bustling downtown '>hopping area with upscale bouliqm·-. and " n..i tionaJ-chain grocery store ol \lonrm IJ r\wnut· 1 lu-dt•IJ\ Jl-.<1 gJIW lhl' lily' ( .Wlllllllllll~ f((•df'\d(lp llll'lll 1\t 11011 ( ,(Jrlllllllfl•(• d I ht1llC I' l•J IJll'\1'111 lh JHOp ll't'd \ l'>Hll1 ltH tftt• 'At•..i \Ilk 1 ..... 1 \•.t•t•l the w.stside7 Call our THE HISTORY Lolit a Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA -Much of I.he opposi- tion to redevelopment has come from owners of lucrative industrial business· es on the Westside. bu1 a handful of residents have joined the resistance, saying I.hey refuse to be displaced from thciI lifelong homes. to let go of her home of 38 years to '>UP port a vain effort to "improve" her t 11y of64 years. MMy husband died 33 years ago, and I had to work hard to pay for my hou..,c and support my two children,· Sullivan said, crying. "I worked three-pan lllnl' jobs and went to coUege at night 111 or der to train for a job in secretarial '>t I ence. ll wasn't easy. but I kept my hoU'>t'. and my children grew up here." Readers Hotline al (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypilottcvtatimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. In February, I.he PlanrunJ< Corn1111-. '>Jon adopted prelimmary houmlam·-. ror an odd·shaped redeveloprnl'nt <trt·.1 -roughly bordered by I 5th 'lt11·1·t. Whjttier Avenue and r.a'>t I Yth \1ret'I that may be added to the 1om· \l1111h1•r' ol 1h1 1111111lllllt<t' u11\l·1lt·d 1lwir limg JwaJlt·d ll'pon lor tlw \\1 " "•dt'. portion' of .... hu:h dlt' 11ldrkt:d (<,. rt•d1•v1·l11prnc111. -.tu.h a" • 111 < 1•1111•1 \111•1•1 fhe at 111111 plJ11 h1ghl1gl1tt>d :!H g11.1J.,, .11 the top 11l 1he h'I \\•L' <1llrdlltng •I ll<.1t1111ld.l-tJ1,1111 '>llflt:fnlOJf~t I ,111d l •llTI nwn 1.il n·nH·r 111 l'fth \1w1·1 Sarah Sullivan said she is not willing <,ulh v-.u1 J!> JUSt one of a growing ~roup of Centt>r 5treel resident.!> who talc t'X tl'ptiun lo bt-ing included in an arcJ marked fur dra!>Lic change5, possibly in fhe Ory Council. at:11nt{ J' lht' Ht development Agency, granlt·d d ''' month po-.1ponement of the l'>\\H: II• begin an economic study of u l umna·1 dal area that run~ along IYth \111·1·1, ,,,, l!t-port'> lrorn 1h.11 m1·t·t111g '>prt•.111 See WESTSIDE, Page A4 MARTIAL ART IN THE PARK KENT fREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Chuck Pittman, center, teaches Lee Grecian, left, some moves from the Chinese martial art of Tso1 L1 Ho Fut Hung, or the Frve Family Art. while James Garner takes a breather at Estancia Park on Wednesday afternoon. Marines honor the man behind the bottles Retired Marine Dan Marcheano sent cigars and whiskey to troops in Iraq. He's given an Iraqi flag at the 2 lst anniversary of his restaurant, the Arches. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot WFSl'CUFF -It stood framed and proudly displayed Sunday ln I.he backyard of patriot and retired Marine Dan Marcheano: his coveted lraql Oag. C.Osta Mesa Marine Staff Sgt Qw Spence and members of his battalion presented Lhe tough-talking. New Jer- sey-born restaurant owner wir.h a little souvenir from the war. A '!how of gratitude fo r I.he do1,ens of care pack· ages Marcheano sent to troops over- seas. • •As we were storming Baghdad, we grabbed a little memento." Spence said, as he presented Marcheano with the flag. "Thank you for sending us a bit of heaven." r11e Oag was signed by member. of Golf Company and presented at I.he 2 lst anniversary party of the Arches, Marcheano's popular Coast 1 lighway res1auran1. Never settling for second best -whether it be at the re.taurant or in file -the 63-year-old sent sup- plies designed to make sandstonns, sleepless nights and reconstituted meals a U1lle more palatable. Rules and restrictions Im posed by military officials meant nothing to I.he veteran. Marcheano knew what those men wanted to open. ·rught here," Spence said. point111K to Marrheano. "This is the man. • rhere was nothing bener than get· ling a package from Dan. We didn't get mail until I.he very end. but man. when we did, we had some quality ci gars and qualiry whiskey." ·That's my brother. M sister Colette Spence said. The audience, which included Newport Beach Mayor Sieve Brom· berg. Newport Beach City Manager Homer Bludau, Asst. City Manager See MARINES, Paa• M THE VERDICT Council • fCJCCtS Eastside overlay Zoning would havl' restricted home remotkJ.., in a Cos ta \k ..,a tract. I \\.n o t hrr resi d ential de<,ign item-, were on the agenda. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot < 11\1.\ \It-\\ I ht ( II\ ( •11111 11 "' \l1111d,I\ \nlt:d ·W-1111'1 ..i 111111111-: t1H•rl..t\ 1h,11 would h.l\e n·,tm Inf h•llllt' rt·11111d1•I' 111 ;111 I .L,hllfr rw1ghhorh1111tl I h.11 111·111 wa" •Hit' ol thrn· 1111· 111ur1nl pf;1111wd to l011'ldl r \fon<l.1\ 111.:ht lhJI "uuld ..iflen Lill' pmlt''>'> antl tlll' 1111w 11 t.1l..1·' for re.,1dt·nL' 10 .idd 1111 10 their hotnL''>. I ht.' ntlwr' v.ert d1.mg1' 111 lhl' re.,1den11.l1 dc'•l!n g111dd111l''" .1rnl l hJrl).(L'" lo till' /IJlllllg l •Hh· thJI .1lft'l I ll'\llkn11.1I dt'\t•lopntl'lll ,1,111d,1nJ ... .sml rt•\ 1t·\' pro I l'dllrt '> 1 lw go.ii '' Ill mal..c-lhr prlll t'" l'.1,1t·r ;md t,1,ll'r A" of prL'" llllll'. tht• 1 ounul had nu1 \OIL·d 011 1he11llll'r tlt.'m' lh t· rnum 11 ort~111.dh d1 rectl-<l tlw l'ldn ntng ( omn11...,11>n Ill '1mphl) tht• ~land .1rd' .111d requ1n·mt'nh homem" m·r. mu.,1 J l11d1· hy m bualdmg on 1he1r prnp<'rt.•e' 11w l'>.l\tlng pnH ''" h..l.'> re.,Ultl'd 111 ,1 .,,e..., of Jppt•ab. ,u1tl lhl' 111unnl "·lilted to rn.1l..t• II It''-'> '>llhll'l llH' llw u1unul \ llll"<f ~ 10 .! .tgdtn'I thl' m1•rl,n b.ise<l on the rt'l.11n11nenddl1Cm of tlw Planning C ,omm1!.s1on C mmnlman 0 1m \t('el amt < oundlwoman I Jhhy Co· \Vi.Ill dl"l'OIC'd ··1 dn believe 1h1" drea ha' a lot of char· .u 1t•r, \layor c,an Monahan '411d ·eut I lwl1t·H· the (overl.1yl will d~tl"O) 11 hecause 11 \ .. 111 take out of the handl> of architect'> Jnll property ownt'r. the ahility 10 build till' ht•'I hOU'>t' lhl'\ l an." llw .1rea that \,, • ., ron'1dered for the 01,1·rlJ\ tone '' roughly bounded hy l-,a<;t I <+th ~lft't'l 10 thc-nort.h. Irvine Avenue to thl· l'.t.,I, I.a!>! llilh ~treet to the our.hand l\J.,1111 Avenue to lhe west. Tiw tract was t"'>tahh.,hed in the late 1940s wir.h four 20· Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: www.~COOl The day I sat at boss Bry Williams ' desk WEATHER ~ Not mud'! c:hengM other than the dey of the week. Ira TUMdey, by the wey. S..PllpA2 SPORTS The~ Out aeries tuma ... •ntlon to N~ Hefbor High ;:;cJ'°'""'· confederation of large landownen and wealthy men wbo. by dint of their position In the conununlty, exerted a great deal of lnftuence ln various puU or the county. Many of the names are 6unOiar today. evet1 lf people don't know the connecdon. A bout the closest thing to a polldcaJ boss I can recall ln Orange C.Ounty was W.8. MBry" Williams. From the 1920s through the • 40s, he exerd9ed enormous lnftueoce over poUdcaJ affalrs as the quiet but ~ged bead of the county's power auucrure. Pew were elected or appointed to lmporunt poUtk:aJ o~ wttbout hk approval. n. WU not a ~.:ir medme with ward ROBERT GARDNER There were the Spurgeons and the Jeroma In Santa Ana. die DIChek and McRlddena tn Anlhelm. the a.pmam in PUkton. the Knenwrl ln pndnct QPWns and r1gecl eledJon& wuu.m. w the pttlllldent of the Ant NadoMI ..... of Slnta Ana. and he opeqred M lbe .... ol a loc>ee PIKenda, the Uta In n.ttn. thr MwVdl In~. Honlce HMd ln Gudietl ~ 1bm nlben ID whit II now IWillalft V..., end Pbl bllOn In the west end of I.he counry. This list Is not comprehensive, JU t representative. You notice there are no coastal town lbted. That's because the coat dJdn' count Seal Beach and Newport Beadi were summer resorts. Huntington Beech wu an oU Oek1. t.A«uoa 8-dl WU an an1' ' colony. Dana Point WU nothJng but miles of paved atreeu meendering through acres ofwc.nt aoc.. San Oemeote wu a Kaltering ol white ~ with ml tile roofs. the mnQantl ol Ole Hmlof1 drMm. wma.N .net b6t Menda ran the counay M benevolent delpocl. Ub moa dltii • ttwy tboulbt chetr dedl6onl ~for ltie iOOd ol dw county A ~mocratic system lt was not Women were not represented. nor minorities. and there were virtually no Democrats. W&lliam., Wl\.'> a todcy. erect man wtth • ~Jaw .• thatch or white hair and • peculiar. mlliwy~Uke -6acb day hr I marched from h home-• lrMIL while-frame~ on the comer ol 15th and Main~ Jo Senta AM. to the bank at •th ~ and Miiin. There ~ held court. AppecanC:a befoft ha weft .. ~ u an orienCal ~. Hll dllt '*,_..,..the ............. R>r conunon peOfJlt. ht•• 1111111 dlll .._ .• W.:1.PllillM I I A2. Tuesday, August 19, 2003 Daily Pilot KIDS TALK BACK People they look up to The Daily Pilot went to the DiscoveryARTS Camp at the Pacific School of Music and ... Art in Costa Mesa on Wednesday to ask campers, 'Who is your hero?' "My aunt, because she's re.ally nice aOd she always plays with me." VfCTORIA LEW, 7 Orange "1Actres5J Amanda Bynes. because she's funny and c;he's on a 101 of shows." JENNA MARSHALL, 10 Irvine "My hero is l>oc Emmett Brown (of the "Back to the Future" trilogy! because he's a good scientist and he made the DeLorean." JACK TALBOTT, 10 Newport Beach "Jimmy Neutron (of the1Vshow and movie of the same name!." MICHAEL FERRIS, 4 Coronadel Mar "My hero is rllY grandma because she's really nice ru1d she takes care of me a lot." ROBBIE HILTON, 7 Huntington Beach "My mom is my hero because she was always there for me." LYRIC HINOJOZA,8 :n.1stin -Jntervrews and photos compiled by Tom Forquer SUMMER LEARNING STEVE McCRANK I DAILY Pl.OT Adam Ruzak from Tustin and Breanna Callihan of Fountain Valley rehearse lines for the play ·spy Kids" at the Pacific School of Music and Art. Tapping into their inner talents Tom Forquer Daily Pilot H arry Potter, SpongeBob Squarepants, Rugrats - these are some of the many characters DiscoveryARTS Camp uses to bring arts to life for its campers. The Costa Mesa camp runs fi ve-day sessions weekly for children ages 3 to I 0. Each week ends wilh a JO-minute theatrical adaptation of a popular play or movie that the campers perform for their parents. ·Everything is geared toward Friday's performance," said Cindy Lai of Pacific School of Music and the Arts, the organization that runs the camp. In addition to practicing lines and blocking for the weekly performances, the campers learn SUMMER CAMPS COSTA MESA Those participating in the DiscoveryARTS camp in Costa Mesa do more than act every week music and make crafts related to the week's theatrical production. "I try to focus on a different artist each week." said Anna Badua, a crafts instructor at the camp. Last week's 3 to 5 and 5 to 7 age groups, which were practicing for their production of .. Annie,• were learning about and imitating the skyscraper and Central Park paiptings of Georgia O'Keefe. The 8 to 10 group, rehearsing for the play "Spy Kids," were working on abstract sculptures inspired by the 20th-century artist Marcel Duchamp. Some kids come back week after week. "I come here, like, a lot," said 9-year-old Breanna Callihan of Fountain Valley, who is attending her third summer at the camp. ·1 lllce it because It really helps me express my emotions." Callihan said dramatically with one hand on her chest. Tustin resident Adam Ruzak. I 0, a five-year DiscoveryARTS participant, said, "ft helps me learn more about the acting slcills that I need to learn.• For aspiring film stars, the camp also offers on-camera workshops for the 8 to l 0 age group. using the FYI In addition to the camps, the Pacific School of Music and the Arts runs a variety of arts classes year-round. For more Information, visit www.artsforkids.com. week's production as material for learning slcills such as character development and editing. "They work on how to audition for Hollywood.· Lai said. The camp's motto is "because a kid's vacation should be fun.• DiscoveryARTS also runs camps for the youths during winter and spring breaks. • SUMMER LEARNING is a weekly feature In which the Daily Pilot visits a summer camp in the Newport·Mesa area and writes about It. program is $76 per week and additional fees may apply for field trips. For more Information, call (949) 642-9372. class. A $3 material fee is payable to the lnltructor at first clau. The sessions, which cost $63, run from 7:30 to 9 a.m. or from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Monday to Friday. For more infonnation, call (949) 644-3151. •A $6 fee will be added to each program for nonresidents. NEWPORT BEACH • A $10 fee will be added per Clan $75 and over and $5 per cla• $74 and under for non-residents. BftONNIAY FUNK-MUSICAL THEATER~ Leaming a little more about Broadway, children ·ag• 8 to 15 can spend 1 week during their summer learning jazz, funk and contemporary st~ from audl ahowtunet aa "Annie;' "Gree•" and "The Sound of Mu11c.• Thia dau la deaigned for boyl 8()d girts.Interested In mutkal theater and lootdng to gain poiM and aelf-<lOnftdence. A $3 INteriat fee II payable to the Instructor on the first day of c:talL The aenions run from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. The fee la $95. For more information, call (949) 644-3161. BOYS AHO GIRLS CLUB Bova and girls ages 6 to 18 can head over to Eastslde Costa Mesa for the club'• summer progra'm. The program runa Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m . Aside from being able to participate In a variety of the activities at the club, participants aleo have the option of going on two field trips a week. Participants need to be members of the organization, a $60 annual fee. The summer SURFCNll' Weetdong surf camp aeaions for people age 8 and okter will begin June 30. The claues will teadl partk:tpantt the besic lldlls of aurfiag and water aafety. Wet suits are strongly recommended. Surfboarda are provided. Pltrtk:tp11nta ahould be capable of handling themHfvM calmly In the water. An ocean swim will be conducted on the first day of Daily A Pilot PHOTOORAPtiERS Sean Hiller, Don Leacti, Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (949; 642-6086 Copyright No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be another hot one, so the only the thing to complain about today will be the heat E><pect highs in the mid-809 in Costa Mesa and Inland Newport Beach and the SURF The latest southwest swefl anives today, with the best bets being waist-to dlest-hlghs. Standout spou can e><pect some shouldel"hlghs. VOL. 97, NO. 231 Tl40MAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYOOOERO Editor J4Jll1I( OETTING A~~r Promotions Director ' l NewsEdtton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saltowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Crime ~oo~porter, (949) 574-4226 dffpe.bharathOlatimes.com June CWl81'11nde Newport M reporter, · (949) 5744232 /une.C11Mf1,..nde•lat1mn.oom ,.,.Clneaft Politlc9, buslneee end environment reporter, (949) ~ pau/.dlntonfJlatl,,,.,,oom Lolta ...... Columnist. cultunt reporter, (949) 574M275 lollta.haf'PK•IMl,,,.,.com Delil9e NMmM Cotta Meu ntpOftllf, (948) 67....W1 t»lrdra,,....,,,.,,•IMl,,,.,.oom Cclr8' Wlloft N9wl _...nt. IM> 57~ ocnl.wH.on•1et1rrw.com Record your comments abou1 the Daily Piiot or news tips. Addt9es Our addreu Is 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office hourt are Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m .• 6 p.m. ComK1lons It is the Pilot'• Policy to promptly correct all errors of substance. PleaH call (949) 7644324. FYI The Newport Beach/Costa Meg Dally Pilot (USPS-144-800) Is published dally. In N.wport Bead't and Cotta Mesa, aubecriptlone ere available only by subecriblng to The Times Otenge County (800) 252..S141. In lrNS outalde of Newport kMti Ind Cotta Mesa, subecriptlont to the Dally Pilot are av1llabl1 onty by flret cl811 mall for S30 P9" month. (Prices Include 111 eppficlbfe _..Ind local tax•.) POSTMASltA: Send ldd1'911 d\a~ to~ N41wport, Beec:.hlC°"8 MIN 0.lty Pilot, P.O. Box 1580, Coeta MIN. CA 92626. f HOW TO REACH US Cln:ul1tlon The Times Orange County (800) 252·9141 ~ C1a..m.d (949) 642-5678 . Dhpley 1949) 642-4321 Edltoflel News (949) &42·5680 Spoftl(949)57U223 News Fex (949) &48-4170 Spoftl Fu (949) 650--0170 E-melt. d•ll'(Pl/ot ti latlmn.oom MelnOMoe ...... Olloe (948) 142""321 ...... Fu (Ml) 131·7129 P\.lbllt'*f by Tlmes Community News, 1 division of the Los Ang.IN Times. C2003 Tlmet CN. All t1ght1 AIMl'Ved. mid-70s along the coast. Lows will be In the mld-608. Wednesday ahould be similar. Hect. so should the entire week. Enjoy it, because winter's just four months away. lnfomurtion: www.nws.noa•.gov BOATING FORECAST The WMterly wtnds wtll blow 6to16 knots In the inner w.tera today, with 2-foot W9Vel on aw.st IWell of 2 to 4 feet and a south IWelt of 2 feet. Out farther, the northwelterty wtnds wtH blow 10 to 20 knots, wtth 1-to 3.foot W1W1 on t no'1hwMt tweft of 6to7fMt. On Wednesday, the swefl will already be loting steam, so we won't see much better than waist-highs along south-facing beaches and the occasional dlest-hlgh. Thurtday'a flat. but Saturday's looking decent. W.....-ltY: www.alffrldtw.org TIDES 11me 7:49a.m. 3:10p.m. 11:24p.m. 8:64e.m. Hlllht 2A8feettow 4.611"thtgt1 1.87 feet low 2.81 feet high WATER TEMPERATURE . .., ... r.-...... -.. Daily Pilot Newport-Mesa Unified officials want to find out if one of Costa Mesa High's teachers li ed on a job application. Detpa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT· MESA The school district last week filed a lawsuit against a state commis- sion tha1 licenses teachers to find out if one of its teachers lied on his job application by withholding that he had been accused of moles ting female students a t a previous job. Craig Kinder, who 1aught in- dustrial atts a t Costa Mesa High School fo r 1wo years. was fo und not guilty of Lhe charges in Mis- souri about seven yea.ri. ago. But the Newpon-Mesa Uni- fied School District wants de- tailit of an investigation into the charges conducted by the CaJi- fornJa Commission of Teacher CredentiaJing. said Steven Montanez. the allorney re· presenting the school distrlcl. Kinder was specifically asked In his job application if he had ever quit or been forced to re- sign from a previous job, and he answered no, Montanez sajd. "The school district has an obligation to students and rheir parents to find out the truth," he said. Montanez said Kinder wa.i. acc~ed of inappropriately touching underage girls a11d cleared of rhe charges. Kinder had also entered into a settle - ment agreement with that school district, h e said. "The commission has a copy or that agreeme nt, and that's the information we need ,· Montane-L. said. Those documents can only be obtained through a court or- der, which spurred this lawsuit, he said. Kinder, who h as had a clean record with Newport-Mesa Unified, was placed on unpaid leave in 200 l after the comm.is· sio n withdrew his teaching cre- dentiaJ. "That was when the school district got wind of the earlier charges.• Montanez said. But Kinder is fighting the commission to gel his license back. A three-member panel will decide his fate when it hears the case on Sept. 29. Montanez '>aid. Neither Kinder nor his auor- ney, Mark Primo, could be reached for comment on Mon- day. Comm1~wn offidaJs. based in Sacramento, did nor rerurn phone calls. Montanez said the main I'>· sue is whether Kinder "pos'>1bly lied to us." "We believe he .. huuld be ter minated," he said But 1f the panel determine!> that Kinder should continue. the school district will have to comply. Montar1ei' 1>aid The chool d1.,tm:1 11> mort• concernt.'d about the <.aJ1b-er ol teacher& 11 hire'>, '>illd Lorn McCune, asi.istant '>Uperinten dent or human rC'>Uurccs. ~It\ imporrant we have high quality tedcher., 111 our clas-. rooms." she said "l he lu nd ol teacher'> we want ll'Jd11ng our own children." BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Labor Qiy block party applications avai lable The city of Co1>1a Mesa is accepting street closure requ~t:. for Labor Oay block par- ties. Residents can request the cloi.ing of streets for up to six hour'>. They muM com- plete an applicauon package and '>how proor of liabihry JO<,urance covera~e for the evenr. rhe deadline lo .,UbJTill an applJcatJOn IS Thursday. Applications arc available by request or through the city\ Web site. for phone re- que .. is. contact the city manager's office al (714) 754-5327. Hequcsts may b<' made in person at the ct1y manager's office. City 1 laJI, n Fafr DnVl'. lo download an applica- tion package, v ... 11 the city's Web site at wwmci.costll-me.sa.c<4.u..s. Mail completed requests to: Costa Mesa City I lall, PO. IJox 1200. Cosla Me'><t, <.A 92628. UC Irvine name. new admissions director Marguerite Bonow. I lammarth has been named UL Irvine\ d1reuor of adrn1ss1ons and rela11ons with '>chools. She bnng., 16 years of profess1onJI Jnd scholarly experi- cnce with rhe Universiry of California sys- tem. Aonous-llammarth, whose po'>it1on will become effective Aug. 25, now '>erves as a pro1ec1 director at the UCLA ln'>tllute for SoL1al Science Rei.earch. where .. hl' has de- signt•d and implemented a student rt'cruit- ment <,um mer mstitute program. Before joining UUA. she <>pent 11 year'> al UU. where for part of the llrnl' '>ht' was program director uf research and public policy in the admissions officl'. At lJCI. she also assisted in tht' dl's1gn and implem enta11on of the faculty-ap- proved guidelines for freshmen admis- ..,ions. These guidelines were among the far<,t to be establi'>hed in the UC.. '>Y'>lem, leading to the tho rough. comprehensive review of every !>ludent's application. "I look forward to working with UU\ faculty and admi~1ons team 10 rurther re- fine our adm1ss1on practice.,,· Bonou'>- 1 lammarth '>aid Ill a presi. relea .. e. "My most tmponant goal will be attracung highly qualified students who will take full advantage uf the engaging. 1nv1gorating learning commurnty at UCL - Ronous-Hamrnarth earned her bach clor\ m English from ~tate Un1vers1ry of New York at Srony Brook. a master's tn lit - erature from UC San Diego and a doctoratt> in education from UCIA. She replacei. ~usan Wilhu1. Y.ho wa-. ap pointed director of undergr.1du.11e adm1.,- <;1ons for the Ut W'>lem m January Costa Mesa resident reappointed to county housing commi ~sion Coc;ta Mesa. re'>1dent Jaml''> \\,1hner ha'> been reappointed tu .. er\.e a '>t'tond I\' o year term on the I lou,mg and C ommunll\ Development Cornnw • .,ion. rhe comm1s<,ion '>Cne., 1n .111 adv1 .. ory ca pacity to the Orange County Board of ~u­ perv1sors. It adv"e" the board on the feder ally funded Scuwn 8 Rental A'""tanLl' Program; all hou'>lng-rt'IJtt·d necth of the county's low-income popul,11 mn; 1 he nt·igh borhood pre'.>erva11011 nced., of tht' unincorporated wrgt'I arl'a'>, and ad\ •'>t''> the Board of Supervisor., on the be~I ml· o l a\aJlable funding tu anumph<,h tht' county's hou'iing and lommu1111y dc\elop mcnt goaJi.. Supervhor Jame~ Sliva fir'>t Jppuintt·d Wahner to thl' rumnw;sinn 111 I cbrual"\ 1999. Before h1' appu1n1men1, Wahner spent several )ear<, on the Or • .tngl' ( ount)' 1 lousmg Authority Comml'>\1011 AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN items to. the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson '!ilat1mes.com; by faxlo(949)646-4170,orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypifot.com. monthly wine tasting event at Gustaf Anders Restaurant in South Coast Village from 7 to 9 p.m. The Wine Brats will be tasting several wines from Australia. Information and registration: oc. winebrats.org at 9:30 a.m at the Oasis Senior Center parking lot in Corona del Mar. Attendees will then carpool to Crystal Cove State Park for a hike and lunch Information: (949) 645-9922 or newcomers·newportbeach org THURSDAY A tree bone density screening will be held by appointment only from 11 a m. to 3 p m at Moiher's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS . TODAY A free seminar. ·r:.ng Shui for a Healing Home; will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The o,.nge County c:tiapUr of Wine Brats, a national nonprofit organization. is holding its WEDNESDAY The Newport Bead! Newcomctf'I Club general meeting will begin ALDEN'S ~-------- : DN-!ilTE ) '------- DRAPERY CLEANll\I& Al\ID MORE I ND TAKE DOWN DR REMOVINli NECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Dougla• Fabric Window Co\ll!rlng• Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers• • Silhouette• window shadin~ • Yptte' window shadings • Duette• honeycomb shades • Ml11enia TM Collection • lubilance n1 roman shades • Applause' honeycomb shades • Serenette TM SoftfolcfTM shadings World's Best ON-SITE"' Drape~ Clean•nc System ~ALDEN'S CARPET ANO DRAPERIF.S 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 ,, , 1 , 1 \ 1,, ,,,• ol I , 'r r r 1 ~ , , , ~"", 1•/', The C.nw Stage Chap19r of the Guilds of the Orange Counry Performing Arts Center presents its annual alfresco fund-raiser. "Hot Blues on a Cool Summer Night.# from 5 to 9 p.m. at South Coast Plaza Village. T1dtets are $40 in advance and $50 at the door. Information: (714) 284-5464. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Retail Merchants Sales Seminar sponsored by the Bayside branch of Union Bank of California from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Yacht Club. The cost to attend is $15. which includes a continental breakfast. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400 "Otler 50 Yt ars of Fint Quality" All Types of Window Treatments • VaJances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Sb.ides • Blinds • Vcnica.ls • Sbuners • Bedspreads Compu1JU11111ry Co1U11hlltion ;,, Yollr Home 1/11ee4a~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~ (949)642-8400 ;;;.n;~u:. ut'>Cld1 Augu~t I 9 2003 A3 GOLDE N OPPORTUNITY llodel Year-End Sale· ~~~l I { ...... t ; I I A •• ; I '\ t ;, ---t.lollsneo In ' 2 -- Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Mo1lday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Quality \cniu ... "'Nightly Entcruinmcnl ... "• ~ \ F.1· lfl,nT•tinn1 CAU . 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ExpnaatJ~. --iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir M Tuesday, ~ust 19, 2003 Daily Pilot COSTAIESA • lllllDI atr.M: A m~n was •r'1'91ted on suspicion of petty and grand theft In the 3300 blodc •t 8:12 p..m. Sunday. · • W..0.-S1:rMt A man was arrested on suspicion of possessing an open container of alcohol in a public parlc in the 300 block at 11 :50 a.m. on Sunday. • West 19th StnMlt A man was arrested on suspicion of presenting false identification to a peace officer in the 600 block at 4 a.m. on Sunday • Harbor Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of possession of paraphernalia and suspicion of selling a controlled substance in the 2200 block at 2 p.m. Sunday. • West 20th Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence in the 700 block at 3:45 p.m. Sunday. • West 20th Stieet and Stetiing Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public at 6:18 p.m. Sunday. • Pomona Avenue and Senate Street A man was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence at 11 : 10 p.m. Sunday. • Pinecreel< Drive: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk fn public in the 2800 bloc* at 11:15 p.m. Sunday • South Coast Drive: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public in the 1400 bloc* at 2:55 a m Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Clubhouse Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported in the 500 block at 2·46 a m. Sunday • Neptune Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 4900 block at 1: 14 a.m. Sunday • Newport Center Drive West; Petty theft was reported 1n the 700 block at 11 58 a.m. Sunday •East Ocean Front: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2100 block at 8·56 am. Sunday. • Pali< and Topaz avenues: A hit-and-run was reported at 8:08 p.m. Sunday. • Sherington Place: A vehicle burglary was reported 1n the 1900 block at 10:39 a.m. Sunday. • Via lido: Petty theft was reported in the 3400 blod< at 7:21 p.m. Sunday. • 59th Street and Seashore Drive: An auto theft was reported at 8:20 a m Sunday 949-673-6083 -£, \..: \{~ rt'(:,_\;.& ~· uvc;;~ ~ .µa We Come To You 19'4 ~ G:r' cV~ ~\] fast and Connnlentl E Continued from Al rapidly among the tight-knit Center Street neighbors. and they have vowed to fight it - even !:hough they are not sure ex- actly what they are fighting. ~This has been going on for a while." said Center Street resi- dent Monica Havens. whose home was spared from the pro- posed area Her business wasn't "!City officiaJsJ send these let- ters out to everyone and scare us and th ey still don't know what they are going to do,~ she said. Hlf they are going to do something, then figure it out and let ll'i put up a real fight." JUST SUGGESTIONS Mike Robinson. lhe city's di- rector of redevelopment, said the committee's suggestions for lhe area are just that: suggestions. The report does not dictate policy and is only intended a!> an advisory document to help com- municate a widely ht'ld vision for that portion of the city. The re- port fell well short of any 1ype of detailed plan. making it nearly impossible for lhe Redevelop- ment Agency to act on the ideas. A". far as the proposed 44:1- ai re <.,ec tion IO be added 10 the l'ity-... redevelopment area. the City Council has yet to approve it -a move that resident" a nd busim·~~ owners will fight hil- terly. If the preliminary boundaries are approved, independent cun- sullcml!> will ht•gin a n in depth ass~sment of blight iil the a rea, gauging propi:rties on physical and economic comlitio11s. Some COUNCIL Continued from Al fout wide .tllt•y-. providing acces!'t to !he n:ar ()f each luL I lis tori- cally. lhe model of development i'l a single-<.,tory hou~e in the fro nl of lhe 10 1 with a single-story gardge to the rear. off the alley. A group of residents in the trdct proposed limiting new cono;truc- Lion in the rear 40% of lob Lo only one-,tory '>tructurec; Lhal are no taller than 14 feet with vertical wc1.lb that do nut exceed 9 feet in height. th e intent w<L'> mainly to prevent the "oppression" of ncighbonng propert1h Staff sug- VERDICT Continued from Al while tlH' common pl'r.,on leaned against the railing to talk lo him. Important people stayed behind the railing, but \.villiams 1>tood up and talked to them eyeball to eyeball. For really important people, Williams not only stood, he invited them in'>ide the railing 10 sil at the desk. l know about thi)o becau)oe I went lhrough Lhe chafrs, so to speak. As a young, struggling and normally ambitious lawyer. I rcguJa rly sloud at the railing to speak. to him while he o,at at his SUMMER FLOORING S AL E I 'udeS • Material • 1/2" &lb. Pad • Installation DC • New Metals• Moving fumiture • Dispose Old Carpet ... "~'°-­Thick future Plath 100% ~Ion 48 oa. Cut Berber 1M" c-dM1• Wll•=..a N.Jl•Plilih Berber Loop and Pattern IA•liate l'lierlq . of the economic criteria relate to d e redation or s don in 'I don't have the strength to look for another value of the property. The city hires its own appraisal company. propetty ues, ut ere are no guidelines in tllese areas. so it's basically up to the consultants to d etennine, Robinson said. And those determinations can always be challenged in court. Homes in Costa Mesa are over $500,000, and you hardly see any for sale. I need to be close to the stores and the bus.' amount. they may have their own appr-.Usal done and try to negotiate with the city. lf a com- promise cannot be reached, the Item goes to court. If the area is declared a re- development zone, propeny taxes will be frozen at the rate of the current ftscal year and 70% of future tax increases are redi- rected to the redevelopment agency. Entities such as the school district and the city's gen- eral fund will still receive their same port.ion of the baSe rate, but will have to share the other 30% of the increases. SarMt Sullivan Appraisal numbers never Center Street resident amount to market value. Havens argued, leaving her neighbors ·• · wilh few options after all is said and done. The money set ·aside will be used to spruce up the neighbor- hood, spur economic growth and transform the Westside from a largely concrete jungle of manu- facturing buildings and apart- ments into a thriving downtown, redevelopment supporters said. A number of residents. many of whom are Wests ide residents, has long pushed for drastic changes in the area. claiming the city needs to take a heavy hand in revitalization. A large number su pports using eminent domain, which gives the city rights to the land for the benefit of Costa Mesa. BETTER THAN BEFORE Center Street residents said they don't need a radical solu- tion. Their home-grown version of community improvement, combined wilh sound mainte- nance projects from lhe city, will suffice. Residents admit the street was once run down and dangerous. Drugs. gangs and speeding cars gt•.sted three ot11er options, rwo of them that would establish set- h<:1ck requiiemenis greater than what is now on lhe books. St>venteen people spoke on the overlay issue. The majority of t11em were against the overlay in this residential area. "Our community is diverse in ii'> homes and people," Steven Dewan said. W'fhis !overlay pro- posal) is ill -conceived in limiting our p roperty and our rights. "Let us keep !he ability to re- flect what we can do with our dreams. not with someone else's dreams," he said. Proponents of t11e overlay ar- gued that !heir area deserved protection. de1>k. lnen. when I was <ippointed to the Superior Court. I moved up a notch. I le stood to speak. 10 me. But when I won my first t>lection. wow! Williams was a political animal. Success was measu-red at the baJlot box. and I had passed lhe litmus test. I can even remember what he ~id: "Every precinctl Three to one! liob, that's a record!" 'lbat was when Williams invited me inside the railing to o;it at his desk. That was when I knew I had arrived. • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona del Mar resident and a former 1udge. His column runs Tuesdays. MARINES Continued from Al were just some of the problems the neighbors faced, but they banded together as a commu- nity, Havens said. "Everybody is making this place nicer," Havens said. wwe fought really bald to get rid of those cJrug dealers and gang bangers. I had to call the police every single day until finally. We got bike patrol officers out here. We would sit out and watch our street and make sure f>eople knew they couldn't get away with certain things in our neighbor- hood. Things were just starting to get better and look better, and now this." SulHvan agreed. saying the continuous hikes in propeny v-d.1- ues create a built-in improve- ment strategy .. "I don't feel that the neighbor- hood is blighted." Sullivan said. "The people who have bought here lately spent a lot of money. And now all these people on the street have spent money on their homes to improve them. We don't have the problems we had 15 years ago. I feel safe here." ln addition to uprooting her neighbors, Havens said the city will unintentionally undo all the worlc !hat has been done lhus far to eradicate crime. "You put up a shopping center over there and you are going to have my house facing a giant "The city of Costa Mesa ha!> recogniz.ed the importance of open space and privacy." Michael Hutchinson said. "Setbacks pro- tect you not only from lhe house 10 the rear. but from the second· story additions of homes on !he sides." The second issue involved changes to lhe resideniial design guidelines. One of the most con- troversial aspects of lhe changes involved establishing view pres- ervation guidelines. '!he Planning Commission suggested two components for view p reservation guidelines. The first includes three guideli nes to reduce the negative effects of new second-srory construction AFTER HOURS •Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295-A complete list is available at www.dai/ypilotcom. MUSIC 'A NtGHT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Aidlard Kaufman will conduct "A Night at the Oscars" at 8 p.m. Saturday It's an evening of legendary film classics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtradc live. The concert is produced by nin&-time Emmy Award winner John Goberman_ The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidtets cost $75 to $375. For information, call (7 14) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. 'SING-A-LONG Sharon Wood. Fire Olief Tim Ri-SOUND OF MUSIC' ley. the Spence family and doz· Now playing to sold-o ut ens more, audiences around .the world, dragged itself "Sing-a-long Sound of Music" is away from the coming to Orange County plentiful spread Performing Arts Center's of gourmet eats Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Friday and gathered and Saturday and at 1 p.m. around the pool Sunday. Tlc*ets cost $12 to $22 for the official and can be purdlased at the presentation. center box office or at People oooh -www.ocpsc.org. For information, Dan Marcheano ed and aaah-ed call (714) 556-ARTS. The Cente r is when the llag at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa was unveiled and nodded in Mesa. agreement wiU1 the acknowledg- ment. "Speech, speech," the crQwd shouted. Marcheano took the micro· phone a nd thanked the Marines for their service and their gift ·wen. we did something. we stood up,· Marcheano said. "We couldn't do as much as these guys here, but we sure as hell tried to put a smUe on their fa~s.· "Dan for governor." dad Otuck Spence boUered. the audience (ottawtng in laughter. • t.OUTA ~writ" columns Mondaya, Wtd~ •nd Fridev• and COYert culture •nd IN •n.. She may be reached 8l (949) 57-.275 or by&-m.all8' lolita.hitrptNtllatimd.oom. No miUM What you're doing, your hometown~ ~ Daily Pilot -i --- K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d. lang will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept. 6. Ti<*ets cost $46 to $70. The center la at 800 lOwn Center Drive in Cotta Mela. Ti<*ets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or onllne at www.ocpec.Otg. CHRISJSAAK Chrf1 Isaak wtll perfonn at the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segeratrom Hill et 7 p.m. Sept. 14. ~-cost '46 to $82. the center Is et 600 TO'Nl"I Cienter Ori've in Costa Mesa. Tidteta are brick wall," sh e said. ·All the gang bangers will be back to write all over it, and more and more stuff can happen because it will all be hidden behind the wall." WARY OF REDEVELOPMENT Havens said city officials make a case for redevelopment to im- prove the quality of life for resi- dents, yet they ignore what resi- dents of the immediate area have to say. Instead, they listen to the political rhetoric from people across town who haven't both- ered to take a closer look at the Center Street neighborhood. "I think that most of them don't even know what. they are saying," Havens said. "They live over In Melia Verde or some- where and have never even waJked on our street. "Our community will get bet- ter if we get together and make it better," she said. "We can make it better ourselves. the way we want to make it be tt('r. We don't need them coming in here and telling us what wiJl make us happy." Some owners are worried t11aL they will not be fairly compen· sated for !heir property if the l'ity exercises eminent domain. Redevelopment laws mandate !hat lhe city pay relocation costs in addition to tlu• apprd.i~ed on views from nearby propertie-; in areas that have been identified as having views worth protecting. These areas include bluff homt.'l. within the Marina Highlands, Marina View. California Sea- breeze and Freedom I lomes neighborhoods. lne guidelines would not completely prevent a view from being blocked. l ne !'tecond component deVl'l- ops a process to require n·view and approv-dl by !he mning ad- ministrator of <uiy M'rond -~t<>ry construction in the identified view pre-;erv-dtion area'. Changes to lhe zoning code in d ude establishing new lhre<>h olds for detennjning the appro- priate level 11f review and available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or onl ine at www.ocpac.org. TCHAIKOVSKY'S GREATEST HrTS Conductor Carl St. Clair leads the Pacific Symphony tn HTdlaikovsky's Greatest Hits." an all Tdlaikovsky program, at 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Special guest pianist Vardan Mamikonian will perform "Piano Concerto No.1. The evening starts with the Po lonaise from Eugene Onegin and the Suite from "Swan Lake;· and ends with the rousing ·1a12 OvertureH with cannons and firewortts. Tick:ets cost $7~ to $375. The coocert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine. Information: (714) 755-5799, www.pacificsymphony.org. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Besen presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment a1 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beadl. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and "Those people have Lived there their whole entire ljves. iUld they don't have [ariywhereJ to go." Ha- vens sald. Those who support redevelop- ment know the issue is far from simpJe. Many hard declsions must be made, and sometimeS' a small minority is inconvenienced for the greater good of the entire city. SuJJiv-m is an older woman who is n ot so concerned about maJcing a personal sacrifice for the good of her city as she is about going about her daily life. "I don't have the strength to look for another home," Sullivan said. ·Besides. what are they go- ing to give us? Homes in Costa Mesa are over $500,000, and you hardly see any for sale. I need to be close to the stores and the bus. "I love !he city. It is m y home." she said. "But to jus t be uprooted like thtS? I am in good health. I am over 80 years old and have all my teeth, but I couldn't sleep last night thinking about t.hb. II ls making rne -.ick." • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (9491574-4275 or bye-mail al lolita.harper" 1a11mes.com. approval for new residential con- struction and additions. One of the major changes is lhe elinunation of !he notifica- tion requirement for neighbors for certain re!>identiaJ remodels. 'lhe new process would establish a thre:.hold for floor-area r.Hio and a percrntage of second 'itory over tlH• fiN story. If this thresh old wac; met. plannin~ depan ment c;tatT could approve a pmj ccl without notifying neighbors within 500 feet. .1s. i:. now re quired. • DEJRORE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reacned at 19491 5744221 or bye-mall at detrdre newman a lat1mes.com 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. HWantedH musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 675-7760_ MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAU. Walter Lakota and David Alcaotar. the New Yortt J azz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Oitri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday_ Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa_ No cover dlarge. (949) 646·5615. John Alfred Udall, M.D • Los Alamlto~~.EA • Dr. John Alfred Udall, 73, former Associate Prof"9()( at U\; Irvine and UC Los AnQelet MedlcaJ Schools, and practttloner and researcher in the flek:f of Cardiology, hU paesed away, due to compUcatlons from Alzheimer's DiMaH. Or. Udall, of COrona del ~ CA. died oeacetunv~ ar:nong famtfy, In 1he Loe Alamito1 baaed John Douglas French Center, on August 14, 2003. Or. Udall was a leader In Cardiology research, and wu wtdefy publlthed In medical foumals, owr a 25 year period, prinwtty on tf'le topics of antlcoagutant therapy, cardiac pacemak..t cathttertzatlona, thrombolytlo therapy and cholHterot ~. Or. Udall won many award• during his medlc8I education, and hla career, lncfudlng acoftng rn the top 10 • • ~ on tht N8tionat Bo9'd &ams. btina honored by lfte La • Roche Drug Co. as outstMdlng student In 1~1.t!'d ~the ~~ -a..t T..cher of tM Ytar" award at UCLA Mealcaf SchoOt In •• 1887~1988. Hfa orof...aonat JNll found him wvtng aa Director of the Dept. • of ~ctn. at orange County Hosptt.81 tfvou9hout 1he 1870'• and from 1981 through 1994, John ttrYed u the chlief of MedtolM ~~at Pioneer ~tc.n Medt¢al ' •' C..-In ar.. eoumy, .• Dr. Udalf WU rWMd In Mz.ona, alono wMh hla 1-ve Monnon '-""Y, lncludtng hll cowln9, fomMr U:S. Alp'I 11 "811ve Monie • .. • Udaf.mct tonMr Sea~ Of"*"°"· e.w.t Udll. Dr. Udll la ~ ~:, -'fe, Cethy; thtM c:hildNli, ~ '==...... ., ,• Ucllllnd n.om.;=e·..... . ..... Q11•9dottl&lw•• ... ttatrt ~ Ind ....... FUMNI ..mo. wTU be held Auguet 19, 2003 .. -• I 11 :OOmn. ~ wt@ be ~ to the .... Ill 10:00Mt .. ,... *-=io_ ~ 3IOO....., View or .. ~ c111 ... =-~:t:: danatlonaJ nwy be ... lo ~ Am!IMlllllllarl., ~ ll40 ......... ~ ~ --------~~ • Tuesday, August 19, 2003 A5 E-mal· Se= ~i~e;; PU~HED -t...tt.r.: Mail to Editorial Page Ecfltor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMden Ho1fine: Call (949) 642-6066 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 · YP ot@ltmmes.com •All COITespondence must indude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for cfamy and length. MAILBAG Bluffs of a C.Osta Mesa emigre called John T. Hawley writes in the Daily Pilot r Not being welcomed in Costa Mesa quJte a shock.~ Mailbag, Aug. 17) that he has moved himself and his family from Costa Mesa to Newport Beach but contlnues to have hit. industrial business on Costa Mesa's bluffs, and that he's shocled !hat citizens of Costa Mei.a are now trying to build on our bluffs what Newpon Beach has on its bluffs - homes with ocean breezes ·and views. Perhaps Hawley should have tried to move his business to the bluff-, in Newport Beach. Then he really wouJd have been shocked. as people 1n that city would probably have risen up en ma5se to tell him that such locations aren't appropriate for mduMrial buslnessei. in the year 2003. I haven't seen any industrial buildingi. in Newport Beach's Eastbluff or Dover hores or up in Corona del Mar. Most of these areas aren't even a8 intrinsically desirable as Costa Mesa's Westside bluffs. So, why must Costa Mesa be burdened with buggy-whip businesses from a bygone e ra that are helping drive down property values and the quality of life of our city. while Newporr Bcalh ha~ home' where ho11w'> -.houltJ be? CouJd it he thar Lo,1a Me,ans rolerate this because they've been made i.tupid by breathing in pollution from the Westside industrial area? For a quick look at what some of the businesses on the Westside bJuffs are putting into our air, soil, and water. readers may want to go to the following Web site. www.scorecard.org. Perhaps Hawley understands something about pollution, and maybe that's why he has moved his family to Newport Beach, one block up wind of Costa Mesa's industrial area. M.H.-.LARD Costa Mesa Something about Mary SuJlivan Slack My thanks to rhe Pilot and to Tom Titus for a delightful reminiscen ce and updating of our dear friend Mary Sullivan Slack. Tl was in April 1988 that Mary and Pati TllmbelUni cast me as Slack's co-lead and love Interest in the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse production of NCaJJ Me Madam" -my second show. Thal show earned rave reviews from firus in the Pilot and from the reviewer for lhe RegiMer, and for me an obsession was born. Prolific in her theater activities, Mary was producing "HMS Pinafore" (Kent Johnson and Tim Nelson directing) at Newport Theatre Arts Center while starring in "Call Me Madam" at Costa Mesa. So, as we were completing •Madam,· Slack p ersuaded Johnson to insert me into the role of Sir Joseph in "Pinafore," just rwo weeks before ii opened. Slack subsequentJy got me cast in other shows she was involved with and prompted m e to do ~hows at other theaters - including lhe Laguna Playhouse -and to serve a rerm on the board of directors of the National Theatre Arts Commission . There will always be a warm and affectionate spot In my heart for Slack and what she opened me up 10. I look forward to her visiting our theater community again. GORDON MARHOEFER Costa Mesa F.mergency landing argues for El Toro Southwest Airlines makes an emergency landing on Aug. 15 a t tiny John Wayne Airport while a much berter facility at F.I Toro is '>till unused. Wirh IWO 10,000·foot runway.,, two 8,000-foot runway'> and no one in the noise zone at El Toro, it is unlikely Irvine can keep this fine airport closed. Los Angeles has entered the fray. and I love L.A. Oearly, JWA is an accident waiting to happen . yet Irvine's anti-El Toro, pro-JWA strategy has always been to dominate local control. meaning local control for !he housing developers. El Toro is a great national asset -too big for lrvine and the Irvine Co. and too important for overruling eminent domain. The airport is very much needed in the regio rttifhe how.e5 Irvine wanr-; to build are nol. I suggest Irvine study the h b tory of Ontario Airport in San Bernardino County More recently. it should review the steps to the mammoth expansion of 0'1 lare Airport in lllinoil., run by Olicago in Cook County. Local conrrollers fought valiantly in DuPage County but lost. In the long run, I believe it wilJ be better for Irvine to welcome the planned El Toro International Airport. Then everybody wins and no more accidents at JWA. DONALONYRE Newpon Beach READERS RESPOND 'lfVf <,!( The Orange County Dyke March wound through the Westside to advocate eQUal nghts for gays and lesbians. March lawsuit makes important strides AT ISSUE: The second Orange Co unty Dyke March in Costa Mesa T here ha'i been a lor of t·mo110n expended in the klll'r' to lhl' ed11or abour the Dyke M.ird1 Jnd thl'ir lawsuit, wh1d1 ha' bel:'n 1111nl·J hy the American C.1vil ljbeme'> lJ111011. Mo'>t ol what.I have read "inrnrrl·11, .,howing rhat most reader. mMmder.rand both the ACLU and the purpo'>I:' of 1h1'> la~'un Thi.. lawsuit isn't really ahour thl· Dyke M .. mh. it's abour equal acce.,., in rtw 'Pl'Clal evenr .. permirting .,y .. rem. Costa Me.,a, likl' mam lllll''>. ha' m'ver really co<l1fied ll'> perm1i prot'e'' To .. orm· extent. !hey mal.e up rhe ntle' J'> rhey go aJong. llm 1-. a had prtKl'.,, both for community group~ re4ut•..,11ng perm11:-. .rnd for the safely and well bc•m>: of the ellin·n-. or Cosra Me<,a. If a rule I'> n•quirl'd to assure our '>afoty. 11 '>houltl he applied 111 every group reque,ung a perm11. If a rulC' " applied only bemuse of J p<"rrt'plion of the group retjUl"il111g the 1wrm11 . then thi., I'> discriminarion and doe' not '>ervC' anyone\ best interc .. t. The ACLU perfonn' one of the mo'>I conservauve funcuom in our nallon-It ·protects and defend'> the C.on'illlulio11 of the United State!> and Lhe Bill o f Righi'>. Most ACLU ca,e., invotw l'it Amendmenr rights to frt·ed om of religion, '>peech. assembly and the pr~'>. Popular speech does not need defending. It 1' usually Lhe rights of IJ1e far left and far right !hat are d.i.saimlnau.•d again:.t by government or society. and the-;t' are the eases the ACl.ll joins. 1bis causes many in rhe public to see the ACLU as a radicaJ organ17,ation, bur ir l'I not the con ten I of lhe 'lpeech that the AO.U is defending, ii is the right 10 speak which is at 'ltale. If laws can be made 10 prevent even one group from speaking freely in our sociery. then !hat case law can be used to deprive more and more group of their civil liberties, until IJ1e onJy right we wi.IJ have left is Lhe right to conform. So don't anack the ACLU because !hey are !here to d efend your righL.,, too RICHARD ~UOCK Costa Mesa We rerumed from a brief trip our of IOW11 tlm pa-.t "-l'ekend anticipaung reading rcpon'> uf "-hJI d rou~mg .,uctt•<,.c; Lhe Orange County Dyke March turned 0111 ro hr on Saturday. De~p11l' all lhe free publinry provided by their law;u11. 11 seem<; Lhe "t:venr" wa'> an even bigger fa1Jure and even more spar..et) Jltended than la'>I year. \Vhar a .. hame So. 11 wa'i up ro me 10 ~arch rhrough my accumulared new;pape" for information on the "fe.,11v1 11c-. ·· AJrhough rhe Daily Pilot providt:d CO\erage in an anide by Paul Clinron. I wa., very di<;appo1111ed to read J direct quote de.,cnbmg le..,h1an love-making in this family nc.•w-,papcr. Thdl w;L, much more infonnaunn than I. and I -.u.,pecr many othe~. needed. Lei\ hope the foundmg mother. of th1<; t'\ enr finallv ger the me,....agl' 1ha1 they Vl' picked the wrong \en u<' and w11J make Lh1'> rhe last llme Co.,ta Mf"a ""honored" h~ their preo;enc.·e I et\ abn hope our c11y leader' wilt hold rheir ground on Lhe legal 1-. ... ue'> involved here, and nor ler another group bully rhem 1n10 acqrne'>Cence with rheir demand' GEOFF WEST Cosra Me..:.1 After readmg 1-nday\ l'iSue under !he !leader. Reo;pond ..ecllon. 111 which Li7 Broedlow from Newpon Reach asked Lhe 4ueo;tion, "Whal " a le<ib1an pride parade all abour?" I believe the belier question i-; "\o\o'hy have a ll-'l>bian pride march "? II is no m ort' rhan it5 name !-.uggests: a . pnde march o r pnde parade. h i5 no different than a Founh of July parade. h relebrares independence and communiry. and it bring~ people from within the community (and most often outside Lhe community) rogether. Th~ public di~plays. parades and marches are 1mponan1 pan of every commumty because they are a reminder IO everyone in the co1nmunity that there arc individuals within who have overcome diversity and will not accept pre1udice or discrimination. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY The) leep tht•'e 1~ul .... al till' -.urfan .. and pro ... 1de rhl' ground work f1ir .UI v.ho foll11" to hve and enjoy .tn e>.1'>lt'l1l 1· th.ti " tolerant and Jl ce1H1ng. I hu,, 1he "\'o hv" " beLau.,e. hkc.• 11 or not. ewn-1 mt' ha., a ba'>ll nghr ro a-.-.cmhle and for th.it hnd mumenr rem111d o.,odt't~ ot thl'ir pre<.t'l1ll'' and pnde that t nmt"> from bemg a conlnbu11n~ member of 1he1r uimmunll\ (,emng had 10 Broedlo"" \letter - -.adJv. mo<,1 uf which 1~ drmomtrative of feM ·from the unknov. n -tJw one po1111 tha1 cannot be left unchallengt'd ,., her a'>..ert1on that "ga) pnde "rhumbing of the nose ... Ir i-. not. It " in"l:'ad u ... 1mmng together 10 remmd people thar we are productive member, of th" rnmmunll\ I want 10 bt• very dear and ... hc1rt' 011e VCI) <..a.hen! po1111 Lhar hopeful!\ "'111 1mpr1ct all who read th•'> lener \\1th a wry real and positive 1mpre-...,,on: tht' gay-.. le-.tnan~. h1!-exuaJ, and tran'>gendero; who re:>ide hen! 111 Newport Hc•c1ch. Corun.i dl'I \far and aJJ of Orange ( OUlll) have In fal I been vt'f) producm t• member. of rhew t11mmun1t1e<. for many, man\ \ e.tr.. fu,1 loo~ MOund rhe b~ ... t•xampll' on lht• lop of my head would be the ( 1dY and 1.t>-.hian B1-.exuaJ and Tran'>gender l.ommunll\ "'el'1ce. < enter of< >ran~e <.oun~ The t·enter 1.., chaired hy Paul Blank and orher hard work.mg peoplr !most ol ~'horn are volunreer;l, who are prod\Jl 11ve member'> and rt">idenr<, nl th1r, commu111tv Why? For rht• peNinal ....atisfactinn and pnde thar rnme .. from the wvmg or their own tune Ill help other; around W\ m net'd Thes.e member; and the cenrer provide a rang<· of serv1ce!. to all withm our community to foo;rer communit) TeSJl<"CI. und<'r..tanding, and acceprance n.>gardJe'l' ol race. creed. color. "'exuaJ preference. etc One la'>t LhouWit: If one real.Iv wanted 10 know "why.· !hen drop by !he pride march or The GI .HT Center of Orange County and ask anyo ne of the people there why they are doing th.lo; and what d~ pride mean to them Ul11mately. your quesuon will be answered and hopefully help enlighten you of olher pnxlucllVt' and proud members of our community. BRAD BICKLE t .orona del Mar There S no good reason to march ILA JOHNSON objecting is automatically labeled and condemned as a homophobic bigol akin to a Nazi. What we have here, fol.ks, Is a totalJrarlan movement (the •gay agenda. not the "Dykes on Bikes•) that, according to World Nee Dally, a U.N. recognlz.ed group known as UNGLOBE (U.N. Gay, Lesbtan Or BbauaJ Hmployees). has declattd a •showclown wtth reUgton." Eaentially. It II a dub of worid views that tteDy cannot coemt. One must ewntull)y ~lilt be~ •py• ldiYltt inOdel C-py" ts. potlddad mm that cll«ettndlltet 1be homoeaual who fuec wanu 10 ltw hi9 tire from d)()M wtM> .... IQ ilnpGM tbetr life 1tyle on oeben), then we wll hlw a aocaiiwtlmlm ~ rMll any ln ......,. nw .,, ........ • ._ ' undeniable fact that. historically. totaUWianism in~ resuJts in anarchy and ends In Yk>lence. le b time to lOYe the Mpless vicdms of th.la unnatunl anucuon enough to tcll them the tnlth. It Iii Md to see a ~of women (ex, for tbal matterln other IDllanca, men) IO lmecu:re and in need of aft'ec:don and attendon that they mu.t pande th*~ condhton dvoutb lbi pullk ..... AICJ'OOl•••• ..... CmlaMela dcy ...... add ...... ~ ~·--cmtei .. .,. A........._ • ..,. ... to lhe pilllndlfa Ml 111\W In doubt. And In r.c.. now Chat Che~ hlil bMW dawn. the oqiuUen Ol dw ~ lft ·..ay plem11d. • Ne•cnbthn, lhii ~ .... tldl ............... -· Ult l • • • # ... .-. • QUO'lt OF THE DAY "Where we're most fortunate is the core of coaches who have Eric lWelt, Newport Harbor boys athletic director EYE OPENER , ~a ' ·Daily~· ~lllltll'- M Tuesday, August 19, 2003 Sporta [ ....... RlcMrd Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Spof1I fax; (949) 650-0170 Daily Pilot CHECKING OUT Anchoring ·the Sailors Tweit, a veteran athleti~ director and coach, savors his special situation. 81rry Faulkner Daily Pilot Navigating the daily obstacle course that comes with his position of authority, there are inevitable i.n•. stances when Eric 'JWeit wishes buck stopped somewhere else. he said, those moments are qui submerged beneath the satisfacti and appreciation he has fo r teachers. coaches. staff membe parents and student-athletes be works with as boys athletic director at Newport Harbor High. ·At least once every day, there is a time when I wish I wasn't the athletic director." TWeit said. •Then, l think of all the people I'm fortunate enough to work with here and to be doing what l do. Even a bad day here is better than a day spent anywhere else." TWeit has worked elsewhere in a 30- year career as a teacher, coach and administrator. But, since arriving at Newport Harbor in February, 1980, he has been an enduring and tireless fix- ture, who has helped continue an even broaden the school's reputaf as one of the best all-around atb.l programs in Orange County and yond. lie will begin his 14 th year athletic director in the fall. K£NT TREPTOW /OM.YPtl~T The Sailors have a proud boys tra- dition in water polo (l I CIF Southern Section championships). voUeyba11 (three). tennis (three), footbaU (two), cross country (one, to go with a CIF State crown) and, in recent years, swimming (one) and baslc.etbaU. New-Newport Harbor High School has won CIF championships in seven different boys sports since opening its doors in 1930. port also has a CIF title to its credit in soccer. have had a lot of success." Bill Barnett spent more than 30 sea-lWeit also said the addition of sons as . the boys water polo coach Fletcher Olson as girls athletic direc- and is still heavily involved in the tor has helped him be more effective program, coached the last two years as both an administrator and a coach by Jason Lynch. Barnett, along with -he guides the girls cross county football coach Jeff Brinkley and vol-and track and field teams. leyball head man Dan Glenn. both "We overlap with boys and girls and with 17 years under their belt as head we try to do things that play to our coach of their respective programs. strong suits, which are different," Larry Hirst with eight years at the lWeit said of working with Olson. basketball helm, and Nowell Kay, a lWeit describes his AD duties as be- combined 29 seasons as an assistant ing ·1ilc.e the coach of a bigger team." in two sports before taking over cross though he does not consider himself country and track and field last fall, a coach of coaches. are the anchors of a s taff that also in-"We have too many coaches who eludes many longtime assistant a re better than good and I'm not as coaches. good as those guys," said TWeit, who Veteran assistants pervade .oot-s till relishes his coaching assign- ball, including Bill Brown (2 1 sea-ments. UJ always say that my job is sons), Mike Bargas (1 I), Tony Cia1elli whatever my coaches need me to do. (10) and BiU Calloway (10). • so they can be successful. For some. Les Cutler, now working on the that means just staying out of their lower levels, is another coach with a way." long association with the aquatics Still , TWeit's duties. in association programs, while athletic secretary with Ayers, Olson and his coaches, in- Judy Ayers. with more than 20 years elude fund raising. coordinating on the job, is universaJJy viewed as transportation and officials, as well as the glue to the entire athletic opera-dealing with inquiries and concerns tion. from parents and athletes. "Where we're most fortunate is the I He is grateful for the strong paren- core of coaches who have hung in t~ support that exists in all programs there. and you have to start with B~ !'ij1d cautious abo~vertaxing the fi - Barnett." lWelt said. "When I fil . cial resources.. those parents. came to Newport Harbor, I was in a; ose dollars sus programs woe- of the coaches who were here, r lly under-funded y the state. Barnett and lthen-baslcetbaU coa ·About 99% of our parents are fan- Jerry DeBusk. Then, you add D tastic," lWeit said. "We could not run Glenn and Jeff Brinkley, who ha athletics al Newport Harbor if our both done just a tremendous job and parents didn't buy in and support us ' financiaUy." A primary focus is maintammg quaJity and continuity among his coaching staff, a never-ending cru- sade. Of the Sailors' 12 boys programs, five are run by on-campus teachers, while baseball coach Joel Oesguin teaches at another school within the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dis- trict. Walk-ons. including Kay -who, like walk-on tennis coach Jeff Thom- sen and new soccer coach Ryan Her- nandez, is a Harbor aJumnus - 'are also in charge in wrestling (Dominic Bulone) and golf (co-coaches, tAar- ianne Towersey and Scott Tamow). Hernandez is the fo urth soccer coach in four seasons. a turnover rate lWeit hopes to rectify. The revolving door of coaches, however, is not un· common in high school sports. "I had one kid in our soccer pro- gram ask me during last season who was going to be the coach next year?" lWeit said. •This was before we knew the coach wouJdn't be back. But since there had been a different coach ev- ery year this kid was in the program, he thought you couJd only have the job fo r one season." lWeit said the struggles of the base- balf program (the lone league title came in the 1940s at a school that opened in 1930) have been a source of frustration for the school and the community, as well See SAILORS, Paa• A7 YOUTH BASEBALL MARK C. DUSTIN I OAIL'f T Eric Twelt win begin his 14th year as athletic director at Newport Harbor Hiitf~ . -··" .. I • • • ... • -. California places second in St. Lout~ Travel team with two players and a manager from Newport Beach reach final round of national championships. The 12-year·old califomia AU·Star travel baseball team went up against the beat the United States bad to offer and fln.labed second to lll.lnola ln the national championships in St. Louis ln play completed Aug. 10. CalifornJa, nlclcnamed the Cal Sta.rs, whJch lncludet Manager Mike Grlftla, his son , Ouia, and Genett GeUepe -all from Newport Beach -played nine games lo alx daya. The Stars, who represented the Western United Statet, reached the bett-of- thrM cbamplonahlp round aphut lUin•il, but couldn't IW'J>&ll the ftnal hurdJe. The Stan lo t to lllinoll, 3·1, lo the Ortt game after leeding by 1 run through the top of the fifth lnning. rlllnols tied the score ln the bottom of the fifth and added two more runs in the bottom of the sinb to take the lead. The Stan loaded the buea In the top of the seventh with two two- out bita by ICeaaedy Win.kier and Brett Adelman followed by a walk to Stne a.p, but Olinola stifled the rally, allowing no runs to score lo the Inning. Winola scored aeven runs ln the top of the ftrat innlna ln the tewnd pme and cruised to an 11 • l triumph to claJm the cbunplonahip. The Stan placed ftnt in thetr teed· Ing pool to open the tournament, de- feallng Wlnola, 9·8, and St. Loula, 6·3. Outs Griffin aqueezed ln H11r with the wtnnlng run lo the bottom of the seventh Inning aplntt Winoil. After the aeedioc pmet. the fteld WU placed ln winner'I ud loMt't bracbu wtlb MCb tMm plaJinl bell· of ·lhNe eUmlnadon ..n.. 1be SW. went 2-0 ln the el•mludoo ~ " winning 9-1 and 8-7 over a team ft. Fort Meyers, Fla. ; Olris Griffin went 4 for 6 ln the. o games whUe Gallegos cont:r1buti'd qn the mound. ~ To reach the championship sert6. the Sta.rs had to rebound from a fSiit- game defeat again.at Wlsconaln to·~ the final two games. '. In breakout fuhlon, the Stfg notched a 15·3 victory ln a m~­ abortened, three·innlng Game_ '§. Gellegot had two blta and two "RP.' while GrU'ftn a.dded an RBI blt. California held off Wilconaln; in Iba deciding third pme, &11 .... .irv11•• a llWnth·lnnlng rally. G.M H came on to •trike out all Uvee ~ he faced lo the teventh alter _.._ ... ptlcbed ft~ lnnlnp, aUoWt only one """· • ; Grtftln ftna.hed with two hilt. two RBll while Gallep alto _._...,. RBI hJL l •n Daily Pilot SPORTS Tuesdey, Auaust 19, 2003 A7 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 1ra osta denies Newport Sailors lose final two games, but still claim second place in Hawa ii tournament. Newport Harbor High's gltls voUeyball Learn wrapped up play with a second-place firush in the 20-team Ann Kang Invitational in Waik.i.ki, Hawaii, Saturday. Newport defeated MoanaJeua. 25-23. 25-17, to reach the final'> of the winner's bracket, where Mira Costa awaited. elirrunation townament, where II defeated Kalani. 25-19, 25·23. Jennin~ had 10 ldlls followed by eight from Tamuczer and five from Bryana Carey, who added three service aces. including the final two point.s. Newport needed to beat M1la Costa IWlce when the two '>quared off a second lime m the tournamen t Newport won the first game, 26-24 before suc- cumbing. 15·25. 18-25. Jennings produced 13 kills as Hall added '>IX. "Jennings played fantastic and Kellie King did a ruce job !ieltlng. • Glenn said. lennings has vert:>ally corrurut red to play at the Uruvers1ry of fexa.!> after she completes her up- corrung 'ienaor year at Newpon. "OveraJJ we did a nice job." SEAN HILLER DAil < Pll OT After dropping the flISl set, 25· 16, Newport, coming off a CIJ. Southern Section Division ll·M championship and a berth m the CIF Southern Cal1fom1a D1vas1on II regional final. won the second game, 25-16, before Mua Costa edged out a 25-23 win in the final Slan7A "We were ned at 23 and 11 could have gone either way.· Newpon Harbor Coach Dan Glenn said of the third game. Glenn said. "We had some peo· pie in new spot!>. We will need to improve on running the middle to beat (leam.!>I • Newport Harbor High has had a strong core of coaches throughoot the last 20 years, including Bill Barnett, Jett Brinkley, ~ Dan Glenn Larry Hirst and Nowell Kay. Veteran assistant coaches have also been the norm for the Sailors. Matches featured rally sconng and a IS-minute running d ock for each game. 'llte clock stop~ the ~t two minutes. f SAILORS Continued from A6 structlon, funded by a recent bond mea- sure, will exhaust funds needed to refur- bish deteriorating locker rooms and other facilities, including two rustic gym- nasiums that were originally part of the rebuiJding plan. but since appear to be squee'/.ed out due to lack of money. NEWPORT HARBOR Alyson Jenning~. who will be· gin her seruor -.eai.on next month. Jed Newport with I J loll' foUowed by rune from Kile) I lall and five apiece from AJeJC15 Kem-. and Taryn Tarnuv,er. "We've had good coacht>S, there, too,· Tweit !>a.id. "One parent asked me why baseball hasn't had the succcs..<, o f our other sports. I told him, if I knew the an· BOYS COACHES "(Rally sconngl speeds up the game.· Glenn said. "It as JUSt an other factor to be aware of It ., fun to coach under that format. more like a basketball-type of -.nuation toward the end uf game-; swer, I would have made those changes a long time ago. Right now, the No. I thing I • want to do i'> to have our hac;ebaU pro- • gram be succcs.,ful. lo win, you need to • get kids out and tt '!> tough to gel kid:, out • when you're not winning." Another challenge on Lhc 1mmed1ate : horvon is baJancang the u..~ of facilities, s pcc1fically field space dimmished the next four or five year .. to accommodate portable classroom!> used whiJe much of the campus is bemg rebuilt. Tweit i!t abo concemed that thi'> con- In generaJ, however. Tweit is thankful for the facilities tha1 exisl. includfog the dis1rict's onJy footbalJ stadium. A recurring presence at dozens of ath- letic contests in aU <;ports every year - home and away, boy11 and girls -Tweit wears the pride he has in his school with each of his dozen'> of 11weaL-.hirts and jackets that feature Lhe Newpon I !arbor logo ·1 <;ay o ur !>Chool is ~pecial, becau~ that'" where rm at every day." Twe11 ~id. "Bur we really do think we have some- thing ~pecial here, and a lot of our coach - e:. fcel the same way." Joel Desguin -baseball Larry Hirst -basketball Nowell Kay -cross country Jeff Brintdey -football Marianne Towersey. Scott Tamow -golf Ryan Hernandez -soccer Jnon Lyncti • swimming Jeff Thomsen · tennis Nowell Kay -tradt and field Dan Glenn ·volleyball Jason Lynch -water polo Dominic Bulone -wrestling With the loss tu Mira Co'>ta. Newport was bumped into the loser's bracket of the double BASEBALL Continued from A6 fhe StCITT fini.;,ht-d 12th in the Ma1or World ~nee,, compn~ed of teams from acroc;s the U.S .. whkh wru. played in Ch ino Hills prior to the national champ1on- '>lups Cahfom1a defeated the Lows1- dfld 1.Jghtmng. tJHc-top·ranked team in the tournament, on it~ way through the champmn<.h1p bracket The Star\ '>Cort'd 44 run' 1n thetr six game<. Next up for the Slar'i wtll be the !hple Crown c,tate champ1 oru;hip m San Diego over Labor Day weekend, an even1 tha1 will fearure 24 of Cal1forn1ac; be<.1 travel team'>. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiii2640iiiiiJ.1.-Leoaiiiiiii;;I Notices;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiii!ii!!!2640~~1.tga~l~Moti!iii!ces~~2640~~Lega~I Noll;;;;;;;;;;ces;;;;;;;;;;iiii2640iiiiiiiJ~lep;;;.I -~--iiiiiiiim2640;;;;;;;;ij Ltgal Notices 2640 lepl Notices 2640 I Legat Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 j le9al Notices DmUOOOfDESl&UUUB,.QUA&IKATD ISC lll71 '\ub~ct lo cond1t1on\ prr\l 11bed by th• Unl••nlfy of Collfornlo, In.I"•· respon\P' lo the Uo1v.,\1ty, PreQu•lofoc 111on NOOO Of PfTTT10ll Ount111nnaort lo< a Du1a:11 Build I nnlr.1LI ••e \OUKhl fr om D~111n Builder~ for the lollow•nK vro1•l l TOADlllSTB S IUUI N I Cf NH R f llPANSION PliASl 4 'SJ •Jt Of·. Proaect Number 991393 1 " UNIV( RSITY Of CAllfORNIA. IRVIN[ lllAI S, WYSOaJ On11n Bu1lde1 f'requ•lolo<•t"m Qu•\loonn•11e\ 011gm•Uy Due by 4:00 '"'· fUISDAT, AUGUST t6, 2003 y•.,Nn I". llH bten deferred In 4:00 ,,., WIDNISDAY, S.,TIMlll 10, 2003 JU.~ M NIQUAUFKA TION OF ,.OSl'fCTIVI DlSIGN IUllOHS CASE NO. A.2203'3 The Un1vers•ly., p11mMy ub1f'tl•v• '" u11l111nt lhe des11n build approach '' lo b11nr th• be.,r ••••••ble 1nte11ral•d dnorn To •II httr\ benth , fnd con1trucl10n tal)4'11enH tn lhl\ f'101l!t t lhf' 1Jn1ve,.1ty ha\ dele<m1ned !hat Oe\111n Builder\ whn wbmol propo\al\ nn tlalln u•d•tor~ <on thi\ Proaect mu$I be prequ~hloecJ f'requdloloed Oe\lgn Builder\ will be requ11ed lo h•ve the lnllow1n1 C•hlor no• cunh "'Im \ tongenl , r.,1,,.,., \ and locense GINllAl 8UllDING,•1• per\on\ whn Thay "'h GINlllAl DISCllf'TI0~4' WOfllt •rwo\e b• ont•r••l•d '" th~ wilt •.tr ,.\ldle ur • 0.. propo\ed pro .. ct ~on\l\I\ 111 ••11an ion aod r•nnv•hon nl lh• "'"'"'& Slud•nt l enter Comple• on lht main umpu\ both 01 MIRIAM s of lhe Un1ve1,.ty of C4hlo<n•a Crvm• lhf' .iope ul wor ~ lltLlud.-new bu1ld1n1 •dd1t1on1 totahnit appro11malely 168 000 WYSOCKI VA/QUE/ MD on lQU••e leel an add1t1un lu th" Cru\\ Cultural Center of appro;1mately ') 000 t•on square feet matof reno.,tion lo A Pl llllON f OR PRO pothOM of lite m••n 'olTlj)lt• 11.>l•hne •Pproaunalely 2') SOO cru\\ \Qu•re leel •nd allowance' tor mtn0< renovaloon to SAii ha' been tol•d by t11shn& are.t\ lolahn1 •PPll1A1maltly 35 000 l?IO\S square feet In •ddolton !ht're 1\ ealtn\1vt s ole work included 1n lhe Louis Al.,, Wysorho & ' ptojecl scope Lou Ann WY""'~' m !h• fhe 5lruc !ur.tl \ysl•m lu1 II•• no• J \!my main bu1ld1na arldollnn will be a \hutlural \teet hamt with metal decks ""d Superonr t.owl .,1 l.•h twe11hl lOncrelc toppmg !>pr1y•d lor•prooline lo all 1teelw111k will be r•quor•<I for the new type II f R •ddohon Also loinra C.ounty 111 OR f:ludMI •re 1eonfou •d runnel• r ... taonme wAll\ remlorced contrcl• slab on ar•de mcchanocal cquopmen! pad\ \t11m1c ANGE \end mo-.cellancou\ m•l•ls •nd >"9PUI I It amine t HI Pl I 11 lllN 1 CIR te110f cl.tdd1n1 for th" porllon oll the bu1ld1na: will be ol contrtlt masonry un1h w1lh mt'UI \lud \Upporl lr•m•ni Othu PR08Alf ••quest\ 1 '"'' erlOI f1n1she5 include PH c.nl lQOClelc b•><' •nd lruu alummum panels aluminum lr•med onsulaled &lutne. louver p•nels Alan Wysorki & 1 "~Ann &laHd entry doors and a cnnhnuous melal ronl fa\c1A elemenl Wy\OC~I b~ •PPll•nlcd '" The buoldm& \ystems lo1 the Cros\ Cultural Center Addohon Me a:enerally !ht \Ame a\ 1nd"aled abov• "cepl for 1! bema personal •tP•t,cnldloV~\ a Type V NR wood hametl \truo lure wolh an uter1or plA\ler lon"h lo adminl\l•i lhe estate llerltcal tranworlatoon 1nrlude< ''"P' and \hnrt \laor lloehh metAI pan \lau\ wolh pa1nlcd melal ra1hngs and 14) hydrauhc of thedecedenl p•uen11er elevators THE PETITION rtquc\I~ lnlert0< ~omponrnh ol lht t •panded tn1h!y will •ndude meelon& •nd conle1 tnct •re. (mcludma lwo luee mull• purpo1e the dectdenl , Woll ~nd rooms ol •PP•011malely 6 000 •nd 9 000 i!rOs\ \QU•re feel) food Ser voe.. Ana l•pproaomalely 23 900 CSf new/9 900 GSF codicil\ of An• bt renovaltdl lo accommodatt lood P"P•• a hon areas hotchen and \tr very spa< t' d1n1ni l•c1hhu and sllppo<t lacohhn Rela1t admo!ltd tu prub~t~ lhf' ~· (a~rollmate!y 6 000 C'll ntw'4 000 CSf rtnovaltdl and ';ludenl Al11v1!y/Adm1n1slrahve OHict A1ea {appro11m•lely Woll and dny <odolll •rt CSI new/19.000 GSI rt'nnva!edl availiblt ''" e•~m•n• lewor~ includes the demohllon nl on ol\long bu•ld•n~ apprn.1mel~ly 17 000 GSf and lht removal of other miscellaneous hon on !h~ lot~ kept tiy ~clures. 1eneral site clea1111e •nd \ubslanh•I t ul •fld loll urll1wu1~ Also included •n site developmenl is on 11r1de pl1ll tht court with hard end solhupt lo rema1ntn1t s1le .,.,., IHI pf llllON itqu•'·'' .... C-.trv~ coot .. 1i-1e: $43,S00,000.00 •utho11ty tn •d"'""''~r DUllJ lhe u tal" und., th .. l)ftQUehficat10n procPs' wtll br conducted 1n lwo part\ •nd will rnult on the selectoon of prequalthed ln~•&n Builders lndeprndenl Admonos tt•• bo n.~ued propoul drlf umtnh lor th" Proiecl tr a hon ot [ statts ALI 1 will be lhe wbnutt•I ol • Prequahl1c.lton Quesllonnaore Aile< receipt of lhe PreQU•l1l1uhon Qunl1onna11 e. lhe (Thi\ Authllfoty will Allow \lty w1ll 1ev1ew and dt!e•m•nr a poont Hnr~ 101 each \Ubmoll•I Sco11n11 ol Destin Builders lor Ptrl I will be delt1m1ned the personal repr .. en apphcalton of an nt•hhshed 1atm1 syslem Desoa:n Builders who meet lhe requnements on Parl I . will be 1nlerv11?wed tatoves In ta~e many ttl 2 of lh1s Prequal1f1<ahon procns •ctions wothoul obtain 2 will be the lnltt•••w Oe\lgn Buoldel\ will be nollfoed on w11l1ne whether 111 not they have bten selected !or the •n& cour 1 •opioval 2 lnlervotw The lnlervoew will addr«n lhe olems describ'd 1n the Prequ•hl1c1toon Questoonna11e The resulh of the Before ldk•ne nrlaon v .. w will be separ•l•ly uored bned on ~n estabh,hed retonc sy\lem The Ou1en Builders who are nlected by lhe very omporlant 1, loon' .,SAly on Perl 2 wltl be prcqu•ltloed to submit PrOPVul1 for lh1$ Proaect however lhc per,on•I NIQUAUflCATION SCHIDUU repre\entativn will be ,_..,, ~· 12, 2003, Prequalolocaloon Quuhonna11n Wiii be •nued to interested Oes1Rn Bu1tde11 al required lo e··~ notice Deiign & Con1truchon Ser•1cesUn1venlly ol C1hlorn1a. Irvine to mtere\ted pe"ons !>201 Caltlorn1a Avenue. Suitt 250. Irvine, CA 92697 2450 unless they hive waived (Corner of Bison end Caltfornia Avenue) notice or consented lo r or onformallon call the llotl111e (949) 824-8117 or (949) 824 8034 the propo•ed •t hon. 1 O. n.n4-y, • ...,,, ta, 200S, o D"IP 1 .. w.r Pr....Ufketi.. Coef.,._o will be conducted bea1nn1ne promptly at The indaptnderll ad· l.ctO P.M. On W ... 1...,, Sottt...-W J, 200S • S.c~ ....... hlW-Pr ....... ket'-c-t-.-o wilt be CO!lduclecl mon15tralton authority nine pro1n9lly •t 3,oC) l'.M. ATIINDANCI AT ONl Of THCTWO PllQUAUfKAYION CONflUNCIS IS llANOATOltY will be erant«d un~ss ' AU DISl&N lutU>llS. P•rloc1p1nts shall meet 1t an onleiuled penon ~"'" & Construction Services. University of Calif0<nla, Irvin. files •n obaectoon to the !>201 C11tfo1n1a Avenue, Suite~-UCI hten1lon Clnlfoom 200C. trvlna. CA 92ii97 2450 pehhon and ~how\ &ood (Corner of C1tllorn1a Avenue •nd Bison Avenue) cause why lhe court for further lnlormetlon, contacl Lynn Jn1tf at (949) 824 7009. should not iranl the Only 01sifn 8u1fde11 who p.trhc1pate m -ef ttlo twe C011ferences 1n ob entirety will bo allowed lo submit Prequelffocebon authority Quesllonn.wes P1rbc1panl$ must amve at or before Ille des11nalecl lime. The meetonc will be closed et 3 05 P.M Oii All(Ust A HCAAINC on the 28.• 2003 end on s.p1embe1 J . 2003 Oeslen Burldeu amv1n1 these hmes wlll not be •llowed to submit Prequaliflca!Joft petition will be held on u.stlonnalres AUGUST 28. 2003 el t 45 The....._ te recotvo c-.lot9<11 ,,....,.fie..._ O-.t6-wos will be w .... 114-y, S.,.t-a.w 10, 200J .. 4.00 pm on Dept. l73 ···el. loc.tt•d II 341 Ti.. City Dulan & Construction Services. Attention: L1nn J1vt.f Drive South. Oranae. CA Un1ver$lt1 Of Cthlornl.t, lrvlne,!1201 California Avenue. Suite 2!i0, lr\llnt, CA 92697 24!1() 92868. 1 Oesic11 81111dtf Prequellficehon Questionnaires. inckl6in1 any requltotd atttchmonts. stlall be sut1m1tted 1n sHlecl envelopes If YOO OBJECT to the m"11td with the not1U011 on thl outside, •DISMNI IUtlDO rtfOUAUfKATION OUISTIOteNAlll fw STU911eT CINfa ll'llllNll of the petition, UP~ f'MASI 4, NOJl<T NO. HUtJ" and addreued lo the office cleslC"•ted above yo.. shollld appe« at the M1UM OM~ a. THiii COPtlS Of TMI PlllOUA&.WKATIOM OUISno.A .. ~M AnAOtMllfn). Oniell heertfll end state your stiel ISMllM full re$!)0nMb1ltty for tlmoly delivery el the IOUbOll ctes.iplted for reca1pl Of f>Tequahflcatlon QwstlonMita obE!tOllS O< flle written Ohl, lelephonk:, fecs1mlle, Of tei..replllc P1equ11iflcatlon Questlonnawes .,.. invalid end wiH not be eccepted. Ho prequaliflullon ob ions with th• court focllmonb wlll bt accepled aftlf 4:00 P.M . Wednesday, September 10, 2003. Howe..-. tlle University •-vu the rlcJll lo be Ofe the heerinc Your t, receive, and e111tualt suPl)ltrn.nlal lnfoun1tlon titer lhe •hOvt time i nd d1t1. Succn1fuf O.Sicll Builden wrll be eppetranct may be In lf1e4 of tllt date, time and loullon of lheM' 1nt.,vle~ person or by your ••llffT fOI PIOPOSAl attOfM1 Onicil Buildeft wiH be notified whither or not tllty heve been praqualif1td aftw Ille Uftlveulty enlllala the resvtb of If YOO All( A CRtOI· tt,. lftfwvtew. An ·A.Nwtt-nl To Prequallhed PT090_,. wll lollow a.pec:ilyin1 the llltcl '8l1s. 1"'-. en4 ioc.tloft TOfl or cont 1111enl nln1 the na11.tbllily of ProPOHI Ooc11mo11lt creditor of the decea:sff, •atd (Ptoposal) Secw1ty In Ille tf'R0:1¥11 of 10~ of lite lump ~m 81tt Mee Propoaal. ucll.idionc •".,,..*-WI~"' ~ou ''""t file )'OU< ~tllll flroposal. The 111r1ty iuuln1 the Bid lond 11t1n be, on Ille 'r090sel OtedliM, 111 admitted wrety "'-• • 4eflM4 with tllt court 11ft<1 meil C.UtOfnla Coch of CMf Proctdvre Section 995.120. a copy to the pwt0tt:1l M inMll'~ polklH 11qulted to be oblllMd by the 0.1'1" lllildef th.tll bt subjKt to ..,,..ovtl by Unlvenfty fOf fef1111 f9"etafll•tlv• ecipointed Mtlance. All policlu tor Com-clel Fer"' GeMttl Lltbiit:y, hens llebtlti,. htlMte A\lt~ t.~y Md by the c-t wrllwl '°"' roteuloMI Llebihty lntuft flCe st\1111 lie '"'*' .,, COfl'ICMlnM wltfl ..... rttfll& of A Cit bettw, MNI • fWlllldel dnMfkatioll -~ ffOtll the clilte of YW or kit• (or tll .., .. .tent 1111111 by Steltderd I '* f' Moo4y't). Ai ~,....,..,for WotMitt' c..,.111Mt lM mt ~ of E,,.._,..,. LlebW.ty lnM#tnee ..._., k ltwed by c~ (I) tMt Mft a Best retiftc of I+ or Mttw, we ftMflc lltten " ,,..,... ill ... licttloft of VIII Of bettor (Ot an ~ • ...,. "'"" .. , Sttft4111ff a ,_ Of MoodY•) Of (II) tN\ "' ..,..... .. l"roNll Codt MCI~ .;ty. Tiie C.tlflcate of lnMlll'lftCe tlltll Ille iuuM Ofl die Unl'IWtfty't '°'"' 1100 TM •-tor fltiftc b-.,telM o......, Bulldefe lntetldlnl to be pr...-tlflff tt• Informed ltlet tlley wll lie ~ to Md Mnt Mly C-.., deilM will llOl uplre •• ef Ult pt .... condltloM lncludltll too•,.,_, aod 100• 11«tor--nce 11oMt. -...,. ,_ montM "~ lllfofNtloft t11bfllll!M tor prtqllleillaltioft .,, ......... wHI .,. COfltWef~ officlt4 ltlfor-IMUon K .. M Ill c~ .... llMrlftl .... llOlkM u.i..alt) •• -intlln Its confNelltilllty to U. ulellt psmlttld h ... ..., • • Tiiie ~ ,...,,,_ .,_ rlll't It reject 1111 Ot .. r....-ta f>r~Uooll Q\IMt.iOMWa "411 11111 Of II pr Y'OU MU UM9I[ t111 to wlllft 11111 "°"._...,.., ln..,..ltlH 111111y ,_,.....or pr°'"'l r.c.t"'-• ...,. '1 u.. co.t. " M lllGlNTS OI THl UNNUtSHY OI CM.lf'<MtMA ,_ . '" • ,__ ._ • .._ntyttfc.Morllill.lrVIM ~ ......... 111 1:t19 •Ute. thtell Colt•..... llt ,.. .., flit .. ... ~ ........ few ...... ~(f•MOl• tM) _, ._ ... .t t11 .........,, .... .... \ nl "Ult .t~\el• "' of 9100 lhe llmt fur I.Ion~ JOlf p .. t 1t1on ur actt1unt •~~m~ 'Wiit nnl ,.,pur ·•\ pr .. .,ded 1n Probate b~l0<• four mnnth\ hom l.•1d1· \l'Chon 12~ A !hr hearing da!P nototrd I RPQU•\I loo Speu•I •buve Nu!o<r !orm I\ ova1l.;blt VOU MAV CXAMINl lhe I hum lht court d~•k tole ~ept t.y tht lourt II Allr,,rity lor Pe!1t1on~1 you are a ptt\On 1n ••nftelh I. cot-•orlte ter t\ICd on tht' •\!ale CatOlluHll• low y<>u rnay fol• wolh lht Corporotl-. lourl a RtQul'\I lur ( .......... ,.1co~1 02Hl0642S Wllllo"' Schacht f'on ..... leiwnefllO tlv• ot rile btote (.Avery Crory Anorneyaf law Publ•\hed Nt wput I Btath Co,ta M"u O••'• P11n1 Au&ust I? 18 l'I 2331 W. line.In Avo· Special No!oce clorm DE nue, Anaheim, CA IS4J ol the lol1n11 ot an 92801 mvpntory and •PP••"•I l'uhll\he d Ntwr>nr I ol es!al• a\\tl\ or of l!•M h r:osla Mt'" D••ly anv pet111on nr actount f'olot Au~u\I 17 18 19 a' pro.;oded on Prllbale JCJO • l MIO? C.ode \f!Cloon 12'>0 A I he nam~ ~nd addr t\\ ol !he "iurt 1\ 1(1 nombre y du ecuon de la cortt C\I SUPERIOR COURI 01 CAUFORNl,t, COUNTY Of ORANG[ 4601 JAM80RI £ ROAD Newpon Benh c;,. 92660 H•r bO< Justot• Center Newpo< I Bead'I f.tc•lt•y I "-S..... lhe nam• adorn\ The lollowone P•"'""' and te&,.f>hone number o f ,., .. dOrnR bu'\in,.\\ 4t\ pla1n1ttl \ a1tnr11•y "' J BRl E NT(RPRISES 3-&00 plaonlolt without an Avr ,,, thf' Arh •JJOCI attorney I\ 1(1 nombr• l"u\14 Me-.. al.lu•no• la doreu1on 1 el numet< 9?6?f> ISCll* NOOO Of PfTTT10ll TOADUISTll mAnOf: Requesl lllr SPH•al Nuloce lorm 1\ ... rtablt frt1m th' cour I dtor"- A!IGrnty lror Pt!1t1on., Gre9ory N. Se9uln , de telrlono df'I •bogado D•••d letlr •Y II rno.111 d<!I demandantt " Del !4.00 Avr of the Ar 1 drmandante QUI! no • nog Ca\la M". loene abneadn "' C.1hlorn1a 92626 JA*lseSOM wuo.mom ..... SlGUIN & l'AUl 4860 1rv1 ... '"''·· Ste 203, lrvl.,., CA 9 2620-1900 JAM[ S I RUBEL IR . 1 Th" bu\one.-1\ 1 uro JAM[S l RUB£l JR a dulled b• an 1nd1v1du•I law corpuraloon 2660 Have vou \tarted OO•n1o. [AST COASl HIGHWAY bu\ln•'' y•t> No CORONA DH MAR CA D .. od l•ftrty llendal• 1,. all hetrs benelo Publo\hl!d Newporl Bearh Co\ta Meu Daily Pilot Aue 19 2!>. 26, 2003 TM!ll 9262'> Trm \latement ,.,_ ll•Htf'"> ued11ur\, 1.un lon~~nl uedolul\ •nd l)Pf\nn\ Wh•I may Olh •• wo'>t' be mlerntrd on 949 7?0 3810 tiled w•th the C11un!y DATE: (Fecho) DIC 26, Cler k ol Oranar Cuunh 2002 on 08 08 03 lh' will 01 e\!at• nr SUllC*S both nl JANICE GIBSON A Pl 11 llON f OR PRO (aJA(D llDKW) BA 1£ hu been l1lrd by NO TICE TO 0( H N ALAN SlATll. Clorli 20036954214 (A~I•), I Daily Pilot Aua 17 19 l.y C. ill'", D.,.-, ?6 St1> 7 2003 11~ (D ........ ) llNOA BAllCR on the DANf tA.,so a Acusa Supt1101 Court ol Cah do> l eosa lauer Sh•'k lorn111 Counly ol OR Uon I 10 2 Publ"hf'd Newport ,.._...-..S Buch ro\la Meu Oaoly --~. P1101 luly 29 Aueu'I 5 - - ANGI YOU AR[ Bf ING SU( D IHl P~ llllON I OR BY PlAINllH f'ROB All reoue.t\ I IN (A Ud le nt• demand DA BAKER bt appo1nttd ando) lames l Rubet " per\onal ttp<evnl• Jr a law corpo<•hon t1vt lo .1dm1nisl1?r !he UND£R SIO 000 t\IAlt nf the decedent You have 30 CAL£ N 1111 l'l lll!ON requl\t\ OAR DAYS alter tho\ th• McedMl's Will and \ummon\ tS \trved on c odt< •h 11 any be you lo hie • typew<otten •dn11lltd lo probale The response al th1\ court Woll •nd •ny lodoc ols •rt A letler or phone call <tv•olable for eumoi;ia will not protect yqu, hon on !he lote ~epl lSy your lyptw111l1n n the coull ~ponH mu SI b• otf IH( Pr llllON requuh proper le&•I torm 1f you· 12 19 2003 1093 ISC Imo llOTICl .. SAU .. llAl PIOftlTY If f'IV An SAU C.#A-215516 ~ ..... c.t .. ~-.. c...tr"hp "" ..... " .. Edllit .. ·fAYIWll.~ aulhoroly lo adm1mste1 want the court lo hear Notice •S hereby c•v•n the nlale under lhe your case that the undeoianecl will lndependenl Adm1n1s If you do nol Ille you1 sell •I P<•V•le ule to h•l111n ol Estates Acl response on lime you the htt:hut and but (lhf\ Authorrty will allow may lose the C•M! and bfdder \Ubfl!<l lo co11 lht penonal reprewn your waen monoy and f11m11oon of ~aid Supt latove to take many e><operty may be tektn nor Court on 0t after uhons w1thoul obl11n w1lhout furthef warn1n1 the 22nd day of AuflHI on1 cour I •Ppr oval from lhe court 2003 al Ille ott>ee of C Belort takon1 cerl•ln There are olhw te1al Aw ery Crary, Esq .. very omporl•nl achons. reQu11emenh You may Meserve Mumper & however the personal want to cell an attorney Hultifl llP 18881 Von reprnenllbve will be ricfll eway If rou do not Kum•n Ayt Suri• requlfed lo 1••• notice know en ett0tney, ,oti l!>OO lrvNM CA ell the lo mltfuled persons m•y cell en •ltorney rwflt lllle and Interest unten lhey have waived refwral serwk e Of a of S.tlcl decHHCI et Ille notice or c011unted to 1e1at aid oHlce (listed in time of dHlll 111d aM the prooosed action ) Ille phone book). r!pl. tttte •nd lnte1esl The Independent ad Oespun de que It the estate has te?quired moncstrallon authority entra1119n ttl• c1tec:1011 tn •ddlhon to tl'tat of will be 1r•nlecl unless flldtc™ 11~ted Ilene un said dec11Md 1n end to an 1ntarest1d pet~n plalo de JO DIAS CAl-all the cert11n rH I tlln an oblfCbOll to the CNOARIOS para pre'" property Mtveted 111 the pehhon •nd sho~ 1ood let 11n1 respvesle e. CJ\y ol Newport keel!, cauw wily tllt courl Cflte e maqulfle •" est.a C.Oty of Ont1,., Stele should not cunt the oorte. •f c.litMnia, pertlcllWI)' euthOf'fty Un. carte o 1111• ~nfono-· A HCARINC on lltt !Qmact. t ... fOl\ke ftt ta t.Ol 217 or TIIACT NO pel•tlon will be held on offece1a l)fotecclott, 'w ~..L~ 1'£1 ..,, ltC· SEPTUlll8CR 18.. 2003 et rnpuute u cr lta a COllVl.D lfil 1100K 21. I t5 '111 In Dept L73 1uq111ne 11e11e u t PAGES !!I MO 21 CW locetff at 341 Tiie City ,~ ff4I IM fwMlt-tmcll.LAN£0US MN'S • the tollow1n1 tl&l\on' Mt' dome bU\tntu n P.col oc Risk~ ?!>?• We~!mon\ltf Avt Cost• Meu CA 92f>17 Daniel Hoffmann 2')2& Wu!monste< Awe Costa Meu C,t, 92677 Tho\ bu"ness I\ con ducted by an 1nd1v1duac Hive you started clomr t111\1nen yet> YI!\ 7 I') 2003 Daniel Hottm•nn This statement wn filed wottl the County Clerk of Oran1e Counly on 08107/03 2oos .. uu1 D•oly Piiot Aue 12. 19 26 s.c>t 2, 200J Tl OJ The lollow1nc penon\ .,. do1111 bU\•neu ·~ Clldfaps IOI S Kraame1 8hld Suite 1100, Pia Catllt.t CA 92870 Oorothp Irene RoCft' 1120 Powell 011u Pltcenha, CA 92110 flus bu.-s Is c- ducted llJ .,. 1ndlvlduel i..ve ,ou started dotf1I busMess yeU Yu 07 ot/1999 Oorot111 I ltoeers Tith ster-1 win fried witll IN C-t't C"'1I ot Ore .... c_,, on 01 /21.iGl 299Mt.Snet o~ ,.ilot """" at, K S4tpt. l. t. 2'00l Tll6 ......... ........... Otlw South, OJ8flt9, CA ._., ....... •9'ie· IN THE OfflCC CW M 92811 ,., tJ 1ntM .... e .,_ COUNTY ltCCCMOElt Of T1-followill& ,_.._ IF YOU 08.IECl to the I• corte UCWM '" SM>COUNTY. tta tlOlfllt ---.. a 11antin41 of the petcU011. ceM> More '~ .._ Doll Hone • .tOl .._.,.., JOii tlMMllcl....., et Ille $j 11sted M prtteftl• b 111 VII t.• ..... Ct11let Of • NeQCMI heerlf\c '"4 tlate r-t11 r..-.u 1 ........ """'1 '-ti. hedl, CA tzMiO =tloM Of fita wrlttlfl ,,..... ,_.., e4 UM, J ,.,_ tf die .... •e ~ S ........ ~..th lflt cawt le ,.._.11 .-it.r 111 cna Ill i.wM _, et 2 T..-., ~ CA M °''tile...,.._ Y-uletil, w .... y t4t• ttle ~ St-. .. llZIOil ....., __ , bt 111 ,~Wflf..... ,,_,. ............. [lllM A ~ 2 ,erao11 or by '°"' tin a-..-.. .,_ ,.-1 cMll _. ...._. , ..... , llr'flM. U _. ettooMy. . ,_.. .. •cwta. ..,... e..llt .._. Md Tia ....._ II _.. If YOU Ml A Cft(DI· hllt.11 ttrM t ........ cenM6tM • •t te• MW W • ....._. _. l OI tt c ut1111ut ._ ....... ,_. .,_ ......... ti ........... ... owltefof ............. .., ................. m.• ..... ,.. ..... .... ,.. ..... "",.. d .. •••ta•• l111111e••·•·· .. .,. ...................... ...,. ..... _t ................ _ ...................... ...... • """ .... ..._.. 9111 ell••···· ,.... Wflt... ... .. .. .!!.!--,.-ta ............................................. -.... 0..-. ~ .. CIW1 ............................. ., -..... °"""' _...,_ .. .._ .... _ .................. ~ ..... -.............. ::r:< ............ ---~ .... ;,;,·c::--...: •) .... m.. • • • • '""'· Tl 19 .... 200_3 ___ .....,. ..... .. l.1111.... .. llplllallCll ......... ........ The f°"9"""' '"'""' ...._.um Ont S-111ees: 1'31 N. ltlatol SL Sl• BIO. Sente Alla, Celt '*•92706 lllilfco Fell.I, 1'31 N •1tl~ Sl. Sle. 810, SMb All•, C1lff0tw 92706 Edith Allwrt, 1631 N. 8ristol St. Ste 810, Sent• An•. CehftHIM 92706 This buslneu is con ducted by: • cener11 p1rtnerah111 Hne yo11 st.fled do•na bll5lneu yet? No M1tco Fehr This s t1temenl was fi~d with lhe County Clefk of Orana• County on 07/03/03 200'6tS04t1 Deily Pilot Jiiiy 29. A111. 5, 12, 19,2003 TOf.19 I011CI YO CBJOIS Of 1115'11 (Wll 61M-610S U.C.c.) ESC10W .o. ssm-ua Notice IS hereby &lven lo (lred1lun of Ille w1lhin nuned seller lhal a bull\ sale 1s about lo be made ol the assets docrtbed below The name( s) and busmus adduss(s) of the selle< are· CUN Af KANG. 1791 DEER£ AVC., IRVIHl, CA Th• loca!ton m Cfh· for•le ot tl1• elliel ueculive office of tll• M.liel Is 1791 DURE AVE., IRVINE, CA .. ottler bustMU n-s lftll addreues U* by U.. Mlw within three )'Mr• btftH• the date MoCll 11 t was sent Of ~eel 10 the buyer •e· NON[ Tll• ne111e(s) IAd °"""" Mdtess ol ttle llvyer are: KYEOHC HEE OH, 1791 0£.ERC AVC., IRVINC. CA lllt Hstls lo be sold .,, described in cenerat 11: furniture, fixtures. equipment, coodwlll, t1adeoame1 leasehold, Improvement and inter est, 1nd covenant not to compete and IS loceted es: 1791 DEERE AVE .. IRVINC, CA The Business name used by lhe seller a l that lonhon os: NCW· PORT CAHT£RIA· The anllc:lpated date of lh• bulk sale 1s Sep· lember 5, 2003 11 the office of United Escrow Co . 3440 Wtlshin Blvd., •600. Los Angeles. CA 90010 The bulli sale 1s sub- ,ecl lo Calrlornoa Uni IOfm Comml!ftcel Code Sectt0n 6106.2. If so sub,ect, lbe name and address of the person with whom cl11ms may be hied rs. EUNICE KIM SR ES· CROW OFFICER, United Policy Escro w Co .. • 3 440 Wlbhlr• Blvd,, '600, Los All&eles, CA 90010 end tM last day for hlme lemfler 4, 2003 which 11 the buSlllllS d•y befOJt tf\t sale date S911clloed llbove Dated Au1usl 4, 2003 IS/ KEOHC HEE Oii P11bJ11hed Newport BtlCll-Datly Pilot Ail&U\I 19.2003 CNS·574282 Tl09 ......... .... s...... The lollowlna ptt sons are doina business as Meta lcr afters lnte11or ~. 11161 Slale1 Ave , fount ain Valley. CA 92708 CaH01t10 Fen11ly Met· alcraller~. Inc (CA), 11161 Slate• Av• .. Fountain Valley. CA 9~708 This busmns os LOii • ducted by• a corporation Have you started do1n11 business ye11 Yl'$ 7/1/2003 Caffogho family Mel a lcr1fters, Inc.. M1~e Aleunder, Chief Oper• hons Officer lhts statement was filed wolh lhe Cuunly Clerk of 01anae Cuunty on 07/16/03 200S6tSt7t4 Daily Pilot Joly 29 AUii 5. 11. 19,2003 1090 Bo1MI Depot, 1440 S Stale Collep Blvd 14 C. Anahekn, CA 92806 KNtn\11 Pacific ~lC, (CA), 1440 S Stale Coll•&• Blvd 14 C, Anehetm, CA 92806 • Th1$ busl11eu 1$ c0f1 duc ted by Llm1ted l1;biltly Co Have you starled dorna busmus yelT Ho Kurma Pac1ltc UC, Adil Y K11•mally, Pres ident Thta statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Ora111e County on 07 /21/()3 2003HS220S Di11ly P1lol Aue. 19. 26. Sep! 2, 9, 1003 Tl15 fidltlM~ "-S....... file· 1ollowm1 persons •rt doln11 business as. Appaloosa Par lners, 369 San M1auel Drive, Suite 300, Newoor I B~ach, CA 92660 Blalle Berte., 369 San M11uel Drove. Suole 300, NtWPll< I Beach CA 92660 Ale a4nde• BerlH 369 San M1auel Dttve, Su1le 300, Newpor I Be<1ch, CA 92660 Bay Bertu 369 San M1gut1I Drove. Su1le JOO. Newport Beach. CA Newport Buch, CA 92660 Lonnie and Patricia Hood, 1428 Pbllltp$ l111e, Sutt• 102, Sin LUIS Obispo, CA 93401 l•nd dele Trust. Lon· nit Hood l1ustee, 1428 Ph1lhps line, Suite 102. San Lui~ Obl$po, CA 93401 This busl11ess os con- ducted by a aeneral p1rt1111n hlp Have you slMted doma business yel? Yes, 03/ 12/1998 Aletander Bmtu lh1s statement wlS hltd w11h the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/08/03 200HtsU'5 Daily Pilot Aua. 12. 19, :>fi.Sept.2.2003 Tt07 5'llBll COUil Of CAllOIMA, CMTY Of Or_,. 700 Chk C... DI-., West, P.O.luUI, S...All,CAt2101 PmmlOf GlOlG( l SMUUl • AlllO SAIUIAI. fOI owtGl Of -OBll TO SHOW CAW fOI QWIHOUM . • un an u111 o Sakurai fUtd • peltlton will\ this court fOf a deer" cllan&me nam.s IS follows. I . Geof&I I( Sakuul to Kaiuo Jo11. b fumll1 0 Sallural to Fumiko Jo~ 2. THE COURT OfIDERS that all penons lnltf'· ested 1n tttls matter ""-" eppear befote this court al the hu11n1 indicated below to show ceuse. 1f any. why the petition IOf chance ol name should not be 11anted. NOTICC OF HlARIHC Date: 9/30/03 Time: 2;00 pm Dept ; L73 Yhe addren ul th• court 1i. seme es noted llbovt. 3. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published •l least once each weell for four successive weeks pr IOI to the d1te set fl>f hearin& on the petition 1n the lollow1111 news· pape1 of een«•I CN'CU· latt0n, printed m this county· Newport Buch/ Costa Mesa DJtly P1lol D.te: AUG 14 2003 MAUOall lAlaD c.una. JUDGf OJ THI SUPHK>tt COU.T Published Newport Beach-Costa Mese Daily Pilot Aua. 19 26, Sept. 2. 9, 2003 Tl 10 IJo w to Place A 2141 Llllf 111111 -~\' This 1lltement wu MHa, C•h'fOfnla 92627 tlMd with the County Thi' business ts con Clefk of Oren,.. County dUcted by. 111 lndivlduel Re-. .... :;.~;t: .......... -- The follow1114 '*'°"~ on 07/21/03 H•ve you slMttd do4na The followi pe1so1f" ... ~• Pro St11 MtellMlcel Servlcu , 2031 E. Clf- r Ito l Avenue, 17A, An~. CA 92806 Kawma P8Cllk lLC, (C.A), 1440 S., Stale Coll•1• Blvd u c, Anaheim. CA 92806 l ll1t business Is con· ducted by: llrnlted l 11b11tty Co. Hawe you •~ltd dolllc business yet? No K11rm1 Pac:Jflc llC, Adil V l<•r•melly, President rh1s slttement was flied w1lh the County Clerk of Ounae County on07/21/03 200SHSHOf Delly Piiot Au11. 19, 26, Sept. 2, 9, 2003 flt3 Rem. ..... ... s...... The followln& persons ,,. dolne business u Roeers Business Ser vices. 101 S Kraeme1 Blvd. SUit• I 100, Pia cenlle, CA 92870 DOJothy Irene Roaeu , 1120 Powell Drive, Placentia. CA 92870 This busmess Is con dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you started c1otn1 business yet1 Yet. 08/27/1990 OOfottix I. Rosen Dally Pilot Au1 19, 26. Sept. 2, 9, 200J Tll7 Phlly CIOl'1Ji1nn1 Tiiis statement wH filed w1lh Ille County Clefll ot Oranp Count'f on 07/23/03 HOMtS2't7 01111 Pilot July 29, Aue !i, 12, 19, 2003 TO!M Notice Is "-ttby elven that the UnWM&oed Wiii be soW 11 p.1blic: Ali(bon °" Sepl. 2. 2003 Sl•vlnc Scholar's M1111· StOJaae. l957 Ntwpo<t Blvd .. Costa Mest, CA. fk9m ..... 92627 (949) 631 ·3379, f L2ClaraChav1nlll ... S...... Penonal llems l ht follow1n& persons 14005 Mille Carr•e1 are dome busmen as Household Items Healthcare Hetworll 4002b MarkB1rone Associates. 101 S. Electronic Equip, KrHmer Blvd Suite 03 Tamar.• Nuu 1100, Placentia. CA Personal Hems 92870 • l•ndlord reserves the Dorothy Irene Roaer~. richl lo bid tt sale. Cnh 1120 Powell Drive, only. Sale Is subiect to Pl1c:enti<1. CA 92a10 c1ncellallon in the e~enl This bus111ess is con ol settlement between ducted by, an Individual landlord •nit obtiaated Have vou stwttd dol111 p1rty • b11slness·yat? Ho Slat vine Scholar's Mino· Dorothy I. Roet1s Stora11e This st1tement wu Publis hed Newport f1ktd with the County Buch Costa Mesa Daily Cle1k of Orance County Pilot Aucust 19, 26, 'on 07/21/03 2003 Tl18 200'6tS2210 .......... Daily Pilot Au1 19, 26, Sept 2.9.1003 1114 MIPM Lttrn!At Cen • 1981 Mapte Ave ~t. ft Cost• Meta. CA 92t27 • Calvery Cllufcll New-"" port Mese (CA). t90 l... 23'd s1i .. i, Cotti Me~ ,-.· CA92627 -ThtS bUSlnt$' Is coo:, ducl•d by· • corpo1al111Q....- Have you st.,ted doitW,.. -.. business yell Yes. fl'f .... ; 08/1988 .,...,r. - C1lva1y Church Hew porl Men, Tim Ce~. -•. Prnldent !1111 slatemenl _, Wed with lhe Counfy • Clerk of Oranae Countr • on 08/06/03 • ••• ••·· 200'69SJl4S D•lly Pilot Aua. 11. l~ 26. Sept. 2, 2003 11~ •, ., .. -------.. 'J PUTAFIW WOIDSTO WOllFOR YOU! (949) 642-567& •' ,, <# . ... # .. .. r----Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserve-. the right 10 censor, reclassify, rCVl!>C or rCJCCI any cla!>sificd adver1i~ment. Plca!>e repon any error that may be in your classified ad tmmed1a1ely. lne Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the c9st of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the far!>! insertion. CLASSIFIEIAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ...._ GARAGE SALE • 1419 By Fax (949) 6" 6594 tPlc•'lol" tndl.k.k '1.Uf nJllM.: .mJ 1>1K""' ttwu~r lUld "' 11 <Jll )IMI h.1< ~ "'1lh" l'rtl~ ~U<H\ I Tclcphon~ 8:10am 5.00pm Monday-Friday ~ 3010-3940 . By Phone 1949) 642-5671! II ours By Mail/In Person: 'JO Wc'it Bay Sttcet Co,ta Me~ CA 92627 At Newport Blvd & Bay S I Walk In K.30-.tm·5:00pm Monduy-Friday Wednei.day .............. Tue~day 5:00pin Thursday ............ Wedne.;day 5:00pm Friday .................... Thuri.day 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00 pm mJ mtOYllBIT ~ aoos..as10 l '11ckr the SL'n ice Di l'L'l'ton· Ba 11 ner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week SOOS· SI SO . • .. BUSINESS & FINANCW Cl] ~ 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lonaine al (949) S74-424S ...... 230S·2490 .. ~;:::::;:::;::::;::::;::::;::::j":;:=:=:;::::;::::;::::;:::::-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill;:::============:i-:==============-;-==============-;::=:::::;:======:::=:=7=:-;-:;::::=:====::::::=;:::::;:::-:-====::~::;:::~===-;-;;::;::;~::::;;::---::!'~~ Collec:tiMes/ Gtnenl Pet u ..... 1oos 3660 Corona del M ....... -.......i 1 ttse '" a.-.. llr 21 /••• u naoNT SUMMIT -st An~•u • -Newport Beach ANTIQUES "'""'"'' ar lo bdl 2bt lb.I lower ltn4 ...... ptlnle cul de UC WINTE• l.INTAI. 2br 2b• 'l L•• 11•r uo~ 'I Memorabilia 11&0 n.icements 1610 --------German Shepherd• ,. .irleautiful Jbi l li. Se.nine @ 47th \I i..~c nice yatd, arul louhon 41r, 21/rle, 2..:..-,_,, eated tomm. S7.J00tmo• 3 II HAHOaWOODS ' Zbr 7b•, 2 l aara&e. bfdroom/ntfoui Agt --------a ..t1111-Wa ....... 3025 coluts all \Ile\ fo renllll cul• COM dupl•• wMarnle" ~\ tarport S2950/mo949 475 0027 hllot .............. S400Cllrtoe Aet 'M9 159 9341 '1 American Motor cycle l'rlvete Dud' Hu111tlnt "'"'..-"'"' .. nw • No """I: 1 A ai 9 1 A 1 d a ef SWeater (~ CIW!pt&-) Ch4 approA I/hr from adoption lo quahl1•d garage. w/d hnokup' pe • '"'et• • ty ../ g $1800949-?93 4631 late 1111r.. 6 yess of Newpoort Beach E .eel CASH fOa l'OTlfRY htHne\ www g~r~ue or l\gt S76!>0 949 793 4610 S2600/mo 114 ll> 2997 fANTASTK VllWll 949-673-3661 s-•rr• llr 2' /•.. # Or Bau•r C1lal1n• Roo• or call /14 111 !>91!> 3br 2 t ~psis. ll'Cll & lent hunting ad1acent lo ~ • •· " NEWroaT HEIGHTS b• 01 the \rn&le lam hm. nr!'o-.,. bladl. Comas w/~ ~late waterfowl refuee. wood, Luken~ elL Ocean view 1 ovely 1 Townhome Jbr 2.5ba. 2 fvolHt & l'•tlest. W--.Coast 11•h•I & '8rpel. 11 ~. • RURAL PROPERTY o f membtt wear Inc owneish1p interest & 948-673 6223 9"9.636 1313 MISCCI I aucous story ?br ?ba • den Cal jlial. $l6(X)fn 949 :?JO r or lease I year 01 more ..... ..,..... saf011 ut "" ')f}lfll IDtr., : ~. -ter ~~ UlX> apptoa 375 acres of land &;LUVU; Ip, atlath 2 ""' ear 3?90 or 949 689·4200 S399!> open lo otter\ flOVAJll FOR SALE .... $25(1) 714-531 DX> ' l MERcuauolSE Courtyard entry, comm SUN' s mprovemenh + your HOME """ pool Sm ~ll pet ok -lbr lba 'l c rar. galed, own camp compound lbr ?b• on Balboa 208 TUSTIN AVI community pool ael Ranchestf1nns/ TOPSS4a1cousnc w/struclure ;ind 2 FURNISHINGS M;.,..11•-.. Sl4!>0nio 111~111 Mamt Penon, hdwd firs Ip, '-All._lkl $2300 9492934631 .&a. ClimlC. Etc. 50s & fDs lr111efs Wonderful f11 ,_ .,.,..,.. 881 /0411649 a9?04 p.tllO. 'l c 11•. avail 8 I ~2011~11 Coonby Property 5915 Ill Mee. Siilv. bA>e ""41' n11h1 BBQ'' & wine Merchandise 3855 aal $2650 949 293 4631 Mike 949·645·7505 lut1n11 durtn& duck fwniture 3435 CostaMesa MIZC*A IUT IAltGMt, 1310 £0UMIOUSll5 onorNlll All rul ulale advtr h'>•ne m this newspape< 1'> wb1ect to lhll federal r "" Hou11ne Ac:I of 1968 as emended which mtkes 11 1llea11 10 advertise ·any prefM· enct. llm1tat1on or dl$Ct1m1nation based on race, colo1 . reh.lon, su , ha11d1np. lam1ltal status or naltontl orialn, or 1n tnlenUon to mah any •uch preference, hmll•· tlon or d1scrlm1nalion.· season • many utrn• ldul IOf 2 friends or lalh.,. &. son Ca11 Mo~e al 310 ~I 0854 A statewide d1spl.io1 ad on 118 participatona newspapers. I 5 m1llt0n• Cahlornla household' Cos I SI ,350 fl>f 4"xl 5" ad free 1nlormal1on (916)288 6010: (916)188 6019 'llllww cal·scan.com scroll to Cahforn1ll/ Nationw ide display (CAL•SCAH) HEALTH SERVICES 2535 CURBSIDU! LIFT FOR VAH, SET UP FOR A PACES£TTER 3 WH(El SCOOlER LIFT:$1200 SCOOTER $400 BOlH$1500 C-.. ~t«! w~ntre High-line htate Sefe &. e"'<.I. W(l(th Silk mallt' Ntwporl l ch. f r~n~h offer l RIC\ worth SJ600 Couche, wonebaLll ChdUS ........ SIED>9f9 JYJ 8171 Vegn ea mt bar. IOVI' seal\ Ir b1 & dr lommy Bahama fur ntlure druden bronns. T'""1y ~ lilho!.. dnetle. JI Cli ~etc.~ 3905 36 ICIO S:t'4 900 Borde" Sl•le land Bedullful '"""" to Wtlwrn./ r!agslaH <1re.a pe<fect 6.100' clwn.lle ~ mouotaon ~ Alb~ lonanune All R I 811 787 ')76.1 (CAI "SCAN) SO COlOUDO lug clll>tn wflh wd 40 « S89.900 Oubt""°"'C Roel\ y Mtn View\ llom the ded\ of Deluxe ... 11qtte walnul hell tree. dtnong set w/8 cha1t s 4 m<1lt h1n2 b.tr stools. antique drsplay M!Cretary 714 O'l 0008 r•"-lel@c--1.iwt All CASH CANDY Route Do you eat n S800 on d day> Your own lore 'andy r oule Include\ 30 machine~ and randy Al IOI S9,995 MulliVend llC 880 Gin Bfvd . OM P.t. NY 11119 1-11»9 'It I'() (CM ·~> tht\ be&utrfully foe cabin 1 c~ to !<XXTs of Bl.M QUUN MATIIUSS sn ()1hopedt brand new ~ to plastc w/Wwr Sac SICX> can deiwr 9&35f>.lm/ CHlalY SlHGH HD Sl*I WOOd, br M1d new 11 box rrust mow ~ SID> sat 0) 9&~7 JEWBJIY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METM.S I ret. land EnfO'f n•itl hooe unbelievable pr as C.111 • RCA loll flee I 866696 AAA VENDING ROUTE SO selling units P11me louhon~ $9550 lnvnl ~'lit <lown WAC 800 396 9311 (CAI "SCAN) AISOlUTl GOlOMINll 60 vend1111 machmos wllh u cellenl locatlons alb SIO.!H> !I»~ 5263 (CAL.•SCAN) RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAl.E Desert"°"""--HIGHDUlaT Mire «> • S1'J) ~ ... Ill ll'rmL IUclil ' -.. ' ft _. ~ 210 l lSthSu• h 2b4 l4l'llM• led!. dw Ip r...._ f(i!I no pet. $l11Xl one ~ 949-fl>.'1:b8 leovtlfttl New tt-e lbr i lull ba bonus rm, wlk m clo•~h. w/d hi.up SI 99!Jm 949 413 6438 I Side lllvlere To...,_, Jbr 'l !>ba cuslom re niod. hvrm Ip, wnroom pool SP• lennos •va1I 9 -1 S?29~/mo act , Donald Pt•ll. Coldwell Biu1ker 949 /33 6074 Oceistft lbr Iba contt> ~al H8 Pe. ult11111 pool, w.•. W/d to IJtlll. l#'ldtY~d llilit Ael SI 1!iO 949 6/1-l!Dl YlAlU Y UASlS f1NI NIWPORT HOMIS l&.I. CWIUNDY UALTCMtS '49-675-4161 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • • • • . ~ ...... .. .. This new'p~per will not knowlnely .ccept 1ny advertisement IOf ttal estate which is on violation of lhe l1w. Our 1e1d11 s ate hereby informed that 111 crwen ll1p advettiMd In this nurspllpef are •vtllable Of1 1n tQU1I oppo<tunity blSfS Golden Techno4o111s POWCR llf'T & R(CLIH£ CIWRS600 ~ELECTRIC BED '300 "8"MOUHT BENJ BRAKE llANO COHTROl WAS USED ON COi F CART mo ,_,, ........ ~IW~ lp llr II• un11 on q111el Peninsula PoHll Ho/smll/pel Sl510 incl Uhl 949 293 463 I Tht ltgal Dtpartmm1 at tht Dai~ Pi/Qt is pftastJ to announ« a ntW JtrVitt now 11111Zi'4blt lO 111111 INintJStr. . .,,. ... lo complain of elk etmtnahon. c;al HUD toll fr• at J ·IOO 424.-s90 ••. d.L~· ~ ~~ V I IJ5. <*-_..,..... NNOS&~ ................... ............. ~,.,...... .. CMllMID .. --.. --•9UYl8T ..... ................... ' BUT OFFER 0,, AA.I M9-875-591S -llCASIG$1_..t. c •• ~ for •ttucturef ........ 11ts; 111n111t111, u11 e1111e. 11otu , ,, ..... _....,.notes, I U lfent CHU. ell~ llU•tlllCe PIJO•ls, (t00)7 14·1J10 (CM •StAN) ' Old Coons• Cold, sitvm, iewefy, watches. an!Jques collectiblu 949 642 9448 M1lu:W1 •I ~·•11• - .,, ... ......,< ....... "'-· 2001 Solvercrul Mtnults to beach Cor ntr tot. F p, chlcll. w/d hkup AlfOfcltble space rent r 1n1nc11•1 •vatlabkt 114 1124'13 ......,. 1v mac Offk.J ... .._. ~011m11e1r 1000.f · 110£ 17th SllMI ~ta MIA M9 466 6523 1'H W Mf lllCO MOUffl AIH$ l 40 Ml Only M9,ll00. cor1eou' 11 ".tlenft, m11tvre lrff COiiet, t.,JOO ft e'-"• I wnlatn v11wa. y• nd roldt Pff feet lot hon• !oven Al!Jtunt to n•hon•I lorut f 1ut1e11t fl lllflt"'I C.ttll IM.lyl Th won I I• II SW l'ro,.. be el fllM, 1M l·-292.f71 t. (CM. •SCAfO mcB.LWOUS RBfTM.S ....... """ .. I.AST stef C"t• •-sllt<t 3br 1 b• house. w/ftm, $500/mo Must ltke dop 949 631 7146 AESIOENT\AL. f£NTALS ORMGE 1• CCUITY .... ..... I ....... "-..,. Above 1•. &OOll Quiet l~ty 112'0/mo No ~' t 9&175 1256 ,.. ........ tW ,...._ new 1MlnVcerp f bfk.11 ltllot, "d, no •mWpel ISO ytlt 949 ~ 0949 • c .. 1 e.r "°"' ei>t 21w Ill•. Ip, i IOO •1'r WO, ~· r . --$lc. .... "~ 12JCD .,, ............ _. ..., ---~JOM f am .-.m con-. l<Xnif 22Jr 11>'1 ..... Wl\t yd. palJI). Ip, ... ~ SJ85QIM) ~·2!li0 NIWPOaT H118HTS Cotttte 2ht 2ba Ip, hdwd flfS, llf &rHt plKe $1900/mo 949 642 S488 .... ,.,, ,,.,,, 2bl 2ba, 2 c 1•r. wtlil lo bch, len/pooVspa, $1900 Av11I now 949-707-4408 ~Ur SU6 ..un eJbr MllJahd• .. h lOa ID WI C12!:() 911MO~ )()4 .. ~ ........... 28•. l11ce f1rn1t1 room. 2 4:., 11r11e. •¥•11 8/1 S2eootmo 949 759·377 l fff> Ht ~r 2 Sba cus tom holne, ~w rwpet, 2 try, 2 c ... pt, Incl fatdtf\tr/••l•. 12•95 MU3l 2112 ... °"' -· no• ~ wiU now SF.ARCH tht Nlmt far you Ill no fXtrll dMrtt, anJ saw JO" tht timt and tht trip ti tht Coilrt HfJllSt in Sant4 A1l4. Then, of ro11nt, 11/tn tht starth is compftttJ aw will file JOI" JittitilW busiw """"lt4Jtmmt with tht Coilnty Clnt, ptlblish ona ll wtti for forr wtth llS rrqrirrJ b] '411111,,J thm flit J"'T proof of~ wifh tht UulJ CJnt. . ,., ... Pltmt st1p by IQ ft"!""' ftttitins busiw JtAttmtnJ Ill tht Dai~ Pi/41, 330 W. , &] St, CMu M& Jf yn canot st8p bJ plt11.St u1J iu Ill (949) 642-4321 anJ wt ·- will mdt '""'ft"""tl for"" If """" this~ "'mAil .. If r sW htlw ,,,, Jirthtr ~ "'"' tAIL IU ,,,; " wiU bt ""1rt 'f n • ""to ISSisl""' (,,,j bKk ;,, '''" 1ftlll brainas! Dail ~PilOt y, I r 7115 VltADBJMS SU & llYA&S ~·Dmt ~lbaelAnt. •ZSS14W79Hll·7l17 ~acabofts.allll .... ~ es•1n11 11.11 ..., ..,.,..... Can't u1e OUf lllneSllatt Oct 4 IB can ,.ou? Ocn nlront --~~1509&719-9& ;;;Qi Tllartng 78 OOVCRNMENT JOBS Wildhft/Postal. $13.21 to S48 per hour. Paid tr11n1n1 f ull benahu No H j1¥1tnce neces n r y. A pllc~llon & NUISIS IMMIDIATllYI OtWs.~s &~ llffded fOf Uve·1n/Hourly ~ ........ c •• ,~:;rs~~~J PUT YU.I r&R PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK In Corona del Mar, CA. l wo po11hons 1n1t1bte. F uner1I Service 0 1fec· tors to ovtn ee chapel and er ave11de services. nnded weellday$ & some weekends, SIOhr Must h•ve profess1on1I 1ppur1nc1, be com passionate ind friendly Call 949 6"·2700 and S9'1ak With Miles Wood ...................... S 12/h r l& st oraee fac1llty Sun"s,Mon-. Oll1ce and hie m11n tena nce £ 1perience a • Irma 11 4·841·4466 S600 S1520/WHKLYI Postal pos11tons/•n nooncement •NDBl C ntry Profen1onal leu l No u pe11rnce necn sar y P11d tn 11n1nt1/ vacations Call Monday S1lurd1y lur app/mfo 1 800 6 20 140J '703 (Monday Sat urday ) (CAL •SCAN) ••ACClPllNG CALLS DAYS•• Postal pos1 l 1ons/fedr1 at h111 $14 80•hr/PD lr11n1ntl/ benef1h 800 878 ~ Announcrment 'CA920 (CAt •SCANl s-htdl Sh ... 111 Cosu Mesa needs help C•ll left.11 hl1114 Art belwttn 8am LOam 949 G .. ...., P/1 computer 645 1100 n k tor Maraot gr apflics & rel 111 sales c.nstev~949 7?3 JlOO W_..., "-'ct.di cnw fl /Pl • Apply tn IH!UOn 1801 8aysido> Ot Co.ona del ~ Wed S.11 10.. 2P CltOWN COVE 'SINIOI CAJll • Cire&"er f T •Waiter Pl • ~ ( <PllelCAld ~ • Recept1on1SI 949 /60 ?800 Corporate l aocvtlve Settetory Sr ll mottv.I · ed •/strong org1n1n · lton•I \lulls ea per1ence preleubtr .. securilitt knowlt d&t •nd Com puter slutls • mu\! Mon r,, 9 -300 C•ll tor 1nterv1ew 949 n1 9236 DllVH S WANTlD Newpcr1 I HuntJnrton Bdi Set your own schedule• PM I or lull ltme •••tlable S1!>-d•y lull hme Calf 888 OOl WORK rr ~@ -().().lc:om AT-lASI Womens Store 11 f aJhton l\land '' now hirin1 op d fT •nd Pl S•les I UOC ,._.. aintlct l erlwt Ill 949-~l'B> "NOTICE l-0 Rr AO( s· Cahfornl• la w re· qurn-that contrec· tOf~ ta-inc tobs that tot.I S500 or mo.e (tabor Of materials) be lloenMd by the Contl"9ctors Stele L1cell0 Board State tew also requires that contractors Include thew licenw number on '1f ecl¥ef hs.nc You can ~ the status o f 11M1Ur hc tnud c o ~a c t or e t ww~~tb ca cov or 80().~l CSlB Unll- ceftt9ill contrac tors t ... ~ jo bs that tot•t> ss than S!>OO mu-r.ltatt In their ad.semenh that the e not lkensed by Contu ctors Sta l lctn" Board." ~ tr11nln& & suppcjVtroubll she>otlna ~·-m­Of peAOnaf 949 5'8-2Sl8 ·----~ .-......-...~ twt!Mi!C'* ......... lcc>m l!BJl5' V$4ll: 9CQ8CB'5 AlrCM•111141111 ALUNMVM • All t.nditlonlnc & HNI· ~·~ t&Sfll' A•tNMeYMM Intl •. teftet ~blntU. ~ ~ 00.C JlA.69.7211 &;&iR1• 1kl I ' Aubnoblles - AlllDmatiw - IMW 't1 >211 c-v met1t11c dark btue/cu y llhr super b cond ..... ouahou l s 14 99!> vt672C2.I Bllt 96 58f>. UBI www.ecpet.1 ..... a CAll'ITO C.UPna Repair\, P11ch1na. lnst1ll Courteous 1ny size 1obs Wholts1lt' 949-492·0205 Touch of Klass European Expert m House Cleaning 20 yeat'\ in Bus111cm LK'CllJC<i cl Bonded Profcu1onal teams HStgncd 10 Your Home (949) 548-0097 Free atimatcs Rcf ctcnce5 Spnn1 Ocaning Specials IMW 'toJUI llkt new Btl\/ten, 4 dr , auto. ac, sunrl, luft pwr. tint, Ca smo1 13650 7J4·4S4 1698 IMW SHl'tt SpOft Waaon atnt cond werranty, loaded $25.995 949·887-4644 IMW 'ti ZJ C--. auto white/Ian lthr. CO. bH ut1tut hkt new cond, $16.995 v59724 fin & wrn rntl 8llt 9IY.ifl6. Ul88 www.ecpel.c•• IMW 'tt U c-v, 2.J 116. 351' mt. Sspd. CO. 2 lone blk & Lan, lthr Int, btauhfi.tl, hke new cond. $18.995 vSSS721 It narw:1na & warranty tva1t Bkr 949·!>86 1888 WWW.M .... l,c- Ce4tlloc '92 Alla11t1 Conv 54k actual m1. books. r ecordi, 011a owner. purl wht/red lthr . btk top. superb hke new cond. still smells new must see to ap p1ec1ale this rare car thal will appr eciate in value. $14,994 v•8976S6 Bkr 949·586 L888 --~···- PH.U.S AUTO 01 ..... MO...-O Blue w /Blue. only 1411 m1. sports r>ll& (19478C) S24.980 OOIMWU'1 Stiver w/bla<ck fthr Sle(>lron" ( 193811) S21.91JO HU20~ White W/'-ldd~ teath f!f moonroot (194-U) S28 9IJO 01 J.,._ s ,..,.. Su c. _, .., \ootddte ltlv 28K mi. moonrool (19J 12) $29.980 ., • .,~.sue 2'0 Blue wlb!Kk, arey sports pit.a (19416) S27 911> HIMW3111S Red WI b1atJi lthr ~ (19470) $18.980 01,endte ,......, liptron" only 18k mdes navapt '°" ( 19394' INQUIRE " t.Jrw GS .JOO Cold w/~ lu thet chrome w!leel\ (19418) S21 980 02,eruJ.GrZ Blllcll w ~ only JOO '"41es ( t 9'>9/C J INQUIR1 0 I M9(<_.• CUOO Stiver W/ arey navt a•tion. only 1 !>II mt (19!>-&'JC) INQUIRl oo, ..... cJN , ••• ,., S1lvet w/bl~k 1><em1um ~und Cl 942'63 > S28 980 '49·S74-7777 PHlil'S AUTO ;!ti; ... (19 COfllll(9r SerYlca COMPlJfER HELP! . ,,,..... "GI-.---.. ,. ...... •flt•llC ·~ .,.,..... .. ·~llb:lro! ·Ob~ Dgltl1-.~ .... ·io.¥e~~ .. UC ....... ~ 1ov,.~r.. 71Ul2-2786 c.r...a-.y kldillediS'-Tla. Concttt., Patio. Orlw#ay Flrtpk, BBQ. Rers. 25Yrs Cap. Terry 714-557 7594 11MC-9M• Camentwork, Btkk. Tile & More. Reliabll. No iob too M!lall. 714-615-9062 Caaam,crmdia YOUIHOMI IMNOVl•INT PllOJl<Tt Call a ptumti.r, painter. h1111dyman, « an1 of tlM .,. .. 1 unticff liated httt In Ollf Mtwict difectoryl THESE LOCAL SVC P£0f'LE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI ta.cled, Uh new· $095 ""667218 Bkt 955B6-18811 ...... , ....... .. C•n•tt• 'It C•vpe auto &Oii• mt, met1lhc red/tan tlhr, luperb cond ttwoul(hc>ut. S9.995 Bkr 949·!>86· 1888 -~·.<-c.......... .•• c ... , . 1uto SOil • m1. metalhc red/tin lthr. superb cond throuahout S9.995 Bkr 9t!l·S86·1888 -· ···-Oe4p '9t ........... .uto. 6cyt. A/C, ltlv, full power. iim·fm ca5&. cc, bnt. alloy wnts 16999 714-593-8129 fOID IXPlOIEI '91 whrte. 1 owner, 6 CO player. 1r t cond 63k m1 $9850 949 644 8025 fertl '65 M111t1n9 Convertible. ortg1nal owner. sohd ci r $19,995 obo 949 719 2943 ,_ ..... .._,_,c-. 6cyl, auto, A/C pb pw ~. am Im,« whl ~overs UXXl obo 714 962 1447 l-4 l ever '96 10119• lever While . fully loaded. all mi11nl~nante rec. $16,900 949 88/-01?9 PHIWPS AUTO o 1 o..,.,. v,,_ G rs ACR rNI on bl¥h. low miles, &Of ll!OU\ 1 (l!MOSJ ) $57.980 OOIAIWJ1'1 S111rer w/bla<ll Uhl Step11onoc ( l9387 I) S21 980 99U10S.-. White W/UOdle lealh et. "'°°"' ool (19443) $11 980 01 J.,._ s ,..,.. SaCr~w ~ lttw 28K m1 moonr oor (1911 ?> S?<J 9IKJ "•"'"""sue 1JO Blue w lblaa. &re~ Sj>Ofb "'& (19416> S27 980 HIMW ,24/S Red w/bl<Kk lllv ~ (19470) $18.!llll 01 Pond..,..._ T111l!on1e only 1811 miles nav31tatl0fl (193'}4) IN()Ulft( Pl A Y OR DfSl-:1''1>! WFSJ • ~1"} 6 !i 3 NOR'nt •7 Q 1&9! A91172 • K (J 6 •A 10 S 2 SOlJTll •A K J 10 IC4 2 K .J 10 • J 7 4 Thl' hid.Jing '0IOll f.A'\T :-(It TII \H_._, I I _.. Dbl Pit\• ........ Pa... lt11wc~er. Wt" \U~C•IOO you •hciukl clc.:1 lo defend lllld, 111\leud of n\IO~ Wt th the &'e Of licaru, '1111111)' t'lll:UUf· lli!C ll hcan coo1.1nu1uoo If dccl.arcr win' lllld le•h &c ... '"ti ollld J<IC .. of truntP'. We,t •an ,.,n w11h tho: quet'n lcud the four nl hccatt, Iv the ..:c and a hcutl n:tum pnm1u1t:' ~ nine ul trump-. to the ..:Utng trn. lo.. '11\Cl" there.- " no wa)' o.b.1..rcr 1.un .ivohl ""'°!! the .KC IJf dub« Ii.\ "'Cll ( OffC\:I a\ far .i.\ 11 fUt"'. but ) vu "1.iuld hJ>l dClk.'tJ 111 di.-..1.in: JO) 14U) Altc:r '4ton1n11 thc .. lrl, 111 hc:Jn, anJ l:a.Jung the :X.C·lo.lrlg II tnlOIJ>" Ill n:\eal tilt-b;,d bn:ID... Jc.:l.ir.:r mu'' Jbundon trump\ for tht' momcnl l11'tlt'uU, ded.trl'r mu't '"""'tu tilt-Jl<' of d 1.inlOtttl' .inc.I kJ(J .inoch.:r d1a 1nond d1'i4..trdrn.: the rrmamtnt he.in 111,, ,,....,,on k.-.cr pw) .. u,, th<-t'lll'OI) ··•HlllllUrlll:.tltttn\ .rnJ Opt·ninv 1,,.....i '>c!\t'll 111 ,;rw;,,. \\c,t <Ym .. un, ""h J hcan and a drnlll•Jnd •" "<"II "°' lht· JI.I.' 11f dub-.. II tilt\ hand l•K>l ' fun11lt.tr. 11 aft.er 1q:uin111v 11-..: le.id dcddl.:r ha' \hould •~ •\hcHJt t\l11111onlh' .ig11 11.t 11111<: h• l11rt.: uut ttll: 4ui:.-11 111 ,pal.le' r.lll 1l 1n tlu' r.:uluntn .s11d pl1'Cd lhc .inc.I thi:n "h.:n OC:•t 11n k.iJ drJ"''"I! 'lu.:,111111 \I.wit.I )<II.I rJthcr pl.i) or the r.-m.uruor trump l>.:d.irer I""'' lkknd (11ur 'Jl.ldc.'' JouhlcJ Jllc:r tilt-uni\ """ 'P.itk uoc: d1.tmond ..nd Uf'lt: 1.:JJ "' till" "''t'" t1I ti.c .. n, 1 t luh' II )"U clclteJ 111 d<.'11.ml .t.nd l'JJl , Our thJ nl, 111 h cdcnd f nl ..cn 111 1ur.:d I.ht· t1pcruni: hc.111 ~ wuh the MUllJ). '-l'h. l11r p111n11nv •tUt rti.c· .,... tuur •PJtk' 'Jnno1 ho.• .t.-fc;1tl'tl "' "" ul our ~n.1ly '" 9004 j BOATS Automotive 9004 Automotive ----- MHdo '01 Trtbvte ES ~·l•.r Kr ty lthr } I k m1 V6 4wd b CO warranty pp $14,999 949 6/!J 81~3 MAZDA TRllUTf 2001 rl!d ,.,. ,,., t4n ltn1 1nl.-1 am lrt• CO •unrl a' S 1 J "19'> ':14'1 494 46~7 Seob •oo 93 c...,,, 391. m• full f.cto1 v w•rr met3llu \!Iver &,,.,.,, oatmeal lthr d1Jt11 (,[) h•al@d •@at•. \11p•r b like ntw cc.nd Sib 'J9'> vlilfj I !fL'6 8lu C;t9 'ill> I 1'8fi w-.•Cf'Ot.l.cotw Me r(e cle1 'OJ l20l I Toyota Tor<el OX '96 /()It. flu lJt>WfPf P'"''"' t 4 dour 411 •'11tun t6od ft. tlttf'r )t1m-,,,., twur~'91Jf"fttltly '~1ti\ rm & r •1Htth:d Wdft,..nty 111 .. 11 "•d '1 t~ 1 ,~,. '1r S-14 '>(lit 'Jil9 bM 114) SJ90094'11>4'> 14111 MlRClOlS S60Sl '86 Btu~ 1tr••n n•w tup •tld uphnl\I~• y f'vt f'ar ty S98'>0 949 613 109'> MIRCUIY l OPAZ '89 Ch•mp.1r1~e w~v AT 4 AUTOMOBILES, MSSCEUANEOUS Wanted 9045 dr low r111 ert ld• Sl'>OO ,_., Opwahd ~ Movm~ 114 878 9455 0-40 year~ e•1I Wiii IMY -a -v law Pf•• '"' ,, .. ~ DIAMAHTt '92 r.at van '• '"" k p...1 k • "1';. n1 t lldf l'Jf!Y '>Inf " no! c.,a I.Jot ~ HI'\' @ 111 6 cyt •""""'1 r..i vn~ r • .,,..to Aul<> .,. /14 S4«tJ /14 914 8166 4J7 J9Jl or 714 Q8 ~ PowerBoats 9515 DUHY lUCTIUC '86 CL A';SI( 18FT tullv re\tvr .. c1 lit" I utter R~~ ~<j 1411 94./'4 • I '78 COULT lllfT 111 hout llJ)~n L1Jw. Mer ur y VR w tr dtler S3800 I 'M'll f,4f, l l6./' 18' e.dri< No·wi"" P dd<f·I k~' ... ~ • Duffy BeatMul ...... , H.t<, ·' .,..,., ~ •• ~.ut Slll!ni 98&">61Jf! OUHY UICTRJC 1993. tlt.:w bdttt•ne'> g<.K>d r 1>nd1t1un S 12 000 ob<J /14 1,11 4!>44 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ l:AUNCHING/ lueSday, August 19 2003 A9 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE M f>notMo! ro.d INllJle \2 wde I 61 ,.._,tnlo lt.cWor SS Tregr"....,..,cf\ 59 f>l.llPY-<;now lnnd llO Nol tr.OW 61 llCf>e\ 82 HaJtJVS "'"" r"'"'° DOWN , tr .... i- i' 'lut• fhypll) 3 l<lUlie • L •..Y• s :na•99 ~ A""'4d 9 l')t 6 Stay .... av ,,,,,.. 7 A lf>erul ~ •avltf e Pan ot 1., 9 Fragr11n1 CA.st 1 O l>tnl'e C<lltet I I Mob llU><'IO• n uu ... 8i00rr ... •3~: •fl F-1 f.,. A"J'"' ~! t:.;a:;.S>n9 ""'"·'""' :>'I Cllnc" r 27 f>DS$ as a 0:11 2e a .. ,,.,.,~~ :>9 l'Mt·r "''°'''"' 30 Af1...,t ')ji(""Ot') 31 MaNx.l "C<' •ti Spolllng err"'~ ""~' 51~~~ !>2 T~ P'~"' -,.. Flev !°15 ~n:>.JS S(. " rt.ea by n11J11· IC 1;> I) " Loxw GS .JOO Gold w/\Mldle teat~ chrllm<! whcek (19418) s.21.980 Ol<h,..obllo '96 Auroro 60k n11 bla<.k grty llhr mnrl CU l;ibulou\ <.ond ltH uugt1r1 ul S '>79'> CASH FOi CARS Wl NEID YOUI CAR PAID FOR OR NOT PHILLIPS AUT O ASK fOI MALCOLM 949-574 -7777 STORAGE 9680 1 01 Pond.. G 11 Blicll w ~k only JOO m""" (1'Y.>97C l INQUIRE 01 •• ,..t1 .. cuoo Stiver w &•rr 11av1 ialton, 011ly 15K mt (l ~SC) INQUIRI 00,.,.. ....... , ... Stlvet w bl.ti k 6'-l>d tow mtle\ (19601) ~980 "9-S74-7777 PllUSAUTO ·-rt1 cm IG w1nH01n DIYWAU All phues sm 'Ir& tdbs ClU.NI 10yr \ l11r. free est. L 4Cllnl 714 6J9 144 7 EJedrtcalServlces DUNCAN lllCTIK lout. Quick Re'4)0nse Home. Yard & Ooch Elect 20 Yrs E•p L1c/lnsured l'275870 949 650-704b l.KINSID COMTIACTOI No rob too WT\. Al -' Rec>air. remodel. lens. .... -Sile ~l6156 81\ WO Linoleum. Sub Aoor Repair, Molding ... Mt-112-aee 114-121-3241 LIMY ...... Rec-9d Rqroutln & Installation TllE O£AH 949·673·~ 71~ 714-SJ.2D31 ~:::::r. v1n•4'>lll9 Bk• 949-SH -1881 •-·•cpobl.c..,. p.,•che '99 Correro 46k m1 blk blk llhP c;o < hrome whl\ ltkr n~w Sl9 99') V•67?0'>1 ft nant •nK & warr avail Bhr 949 S86· 11188 WWW .ocpoi>l .c .... 1-r lover '96 4.0 'i[ 211• .irtu•I m1 boo~\ rernrd\ I owner wh1tr tdn Ith• CO runn1n1t bnard\ bru~h aaurd~ ltkt n•w Cl)nd ~27?848 $18995 fin & warr.only ao1I Bkr 949 586 1888 www . .cpobl.c..., mer S .,.. -Up Cel your y•r d look in& lb ~ lo ltlO! wmmer V•d tie.Jn 146. 5"'"'8 tune·\.lll'l at>d ~ -~end & en quole"S Xtro He..., Service• 714-CV -0040 HomtRlplr RE<; TORE • REPAIR & RE MOO rt ING CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Vrs Eitp •a... Alt'$ M ~ ol CGnslrudion 10t1M111111 lllmodlt bpn l'577982 948-305-7699 .. MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes· Rent 9355 MOTOI HOMI fOI llNT 2000 JOit & 200J 2211 1mm1c sleeps 6 & 8 optwnal tent. ptntc lbl bbQ loy trailer & lent IJ a1ler 'M9 79'1 0356 or 949 500 1?66 Handyma!V Home Repair GfNEIAL Rf.PA.II •MAJNTFNANCE • ~ • <OllllllC!tW No Job Too Small DaYe Hamilton 949-322--8292 nx UP SPECIAUST. All types of repairs (lee t ric a I plumbtrl&, doon. Wiltn hNlln. l*:s & men 24twfidiys 714 J66 1881 c..... &a.,.i C..pentry • Ptumbinc Oryw1n • Stucco P1111t1nc. n1e & more 20+ Ynrs C.peueoce• .. 714-fft-5776 J.HtyAIH--'s "-·~ ,,., ..... , lnteflor & C. 111101 Repairs 714·!>01·6466 THI HANDYMAN All work au•ranteed l'U!1bq. Oectral Doon. Fnsh cwp «. 96 2IM-8lm Dirt, c_,..,. a ,,....,, Gener•I Cleanup. l ractor Service Av•olable CeH Anytune 71 • S80 6449 -"*• TO TIM OUaPI II 714 968 1882 ~VAILA8LE TOOAYI 949-6 73 5566 ............. Alllllftt•••All SPIC""1fno In Addltlom & Ow/Jty RMnodf/lng Sitlc:e 1970 714-IOl-l713 ............. 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