HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-20 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEONESOAY,AUGUST20,2003 School's start will be delayed a week Construction at Harbor View Elementary in Corona del Mar uncovered several woes that will push back the start of school to Sept. 8. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot Harbor View Elementary School will de- lay the opening of the school by four days. lnstead of the excited patter of 'itu· denrs reverberating through the halls on Sept 2. when the other dislrict '>chools open their doors, Harbor View wall he dormant until Sept. 8. The culprit? The discovery of termites, dry ro1 and higher quantities of asbestos and lead 1han expec1ed. FYI WHAT: Meeting about Ha rbor View Elementary School staning late WHEN: 4 p.m. Wednesday WHERE: Harbor View parking lot INFORMATION: (714) 424-8903 as part of the Measwe A modemi7,auon program. II is the onJy one whose open- ing is delayed. their elaborale learning enVJronmem~. said As.<,1~tan1 Supt. Paul Reed. Teacher~ can·1 get mlO their classrooms unul 1he con'ilruction 1s done. *It's a veritable fairyland teacheh lre~ are and 11 takes time," Reed -.aid 11<. not conducive 10 ..ay on l..:1hor l>a\ ~" IO IL" Voters overwhelnungly approved the $I IO-milJ1on Me~ure A comtructwn bond in June 2000. I he funds havt:' bt'en spread out aml appbed to lhe nt'edrt".t areas at lhe '>Chool'>. NEWPOHT BEACI I -Unexpected problems unearthed while renovating I !arbor View, ensconced in a re)iden- tial Corona del Mar neighborhood, i~ one of -;even schools renovated thi!> year The delay did not occur berause the use of jackhammers will continue dur· 111g that first week of school, but instead to give teachers ample time tu set up Construction on lht' fir-,1 '>l huol~ broke ground in Apnl. but the hulk CJf REPTILE RESCUE DON LE.ACH DAIL 't' PIL - Costa Mesa firefighters rescue a two-foot monitor hzard inside an aquarium from a mobile home in Hoosier Trailer Court. A fire broke out iust before dark. The mobile home occupant suffered burns to her feet and legs and the giant pet lizard and a snake in the aquarium survived the flames. THINKING ALLOWED Your chance to get a word in about KOCE T oday's column is being brought to you by the letter "U." As in you have the oppor\UJlity to have your voice heard regarding the impending sale of KOCE. OK, I stole the popular line from Sesame Street, which is no longe r broadcast on KOCE. but Is on other Public Broadcast Stations such as KCET -one of the bidders being considered. The Coast Community CoUege District will consider the sale of its KOCE license at llS meeting tonight at LOLITA HARPER 6:30 p.m. in the Rohen B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. If you·don't know where that ls, just look for the douns of people protesting outside of the venue, with homemade picket signs and banners designed to persuad~ the cash-strapped board of directors to keep the station. Coast Community CoUege District holds the ficense for the station. giving it ultimate responsibiUty to fund the station, although it onJy provides 25% of the budget In these financially uncertain times, oustees are looking at ways to cut district expenses. The ICOCE Foundation. a group dedicated to raising funds. gives about $6 million of the station's $8-millJon budget, leaving the district with about $2 million to cover. Because of the budget shortfall. the No end in sight at gas stations Average gas price in county is 24 cents higher than it was in 2002 and will most likely rise in near future. DHpl llh1r1th Daily Pilot NBWPORT-MESA -Gu prices ln the area were we.11 abow the $2 ~ on Tuesday. "There are problems with refineries ln Texas, California and Washington state.• Thorp said ·There was also a pipeline rupture ln Arimna that worsened the situation.· Although the problem ln Arlzona bu been fixed. the pipeline cannot be re- opened until lt gets federal approval, ahe said. • Summer rravel. which typk:alJy ends with Labor Day on Sept. l; haa ilso tu· eled the rtae ln gu prices. Thorp Mid. "With more traYel. there ls more de-mand,. ahe II.Id. district 111 looking to improve it!'.> own financial standing by selling the 30-year-old station. Not only wiU lhe district save $2 million a year. it win also receive a one-time lump sum or anywhere from $10 to $25 million - money that is badly needed And buyers. especially those connected to lucrative televangelist networks, are willing to sheU out some big bucks. Of the 10 bids to buy KOCE. four are connected to religious networks. SH ALLOWED, Pac• A4 the \-.Clrk rnuld not 1,,._, done until the )ludent-. clt·ared out 111 June llarbor V1ev. opl'ned in 1953. Heed -.aid the myriad problems plagumg the elemt:ntal) '>lhool were not discovered Ullllf thl' \\Jll'> dllc.J fOUf'> were opened. fht· a'>bl''>lo-. \\d'> tound intact so 11 did not pO'>l' .i ht•illth nc,L. to I !arbor \'1ev. -.111dent'>. Ht't·d .1dded ' II "'d'> 1111t d hl·alth l'>'>Ul' unul we \\l'nl Ill 10 th,turh 11 Beed ... a1d \nolhl'r d1allt·ngt-popped up when till' rlM111 11\Jlk.\\iJ\ \\•I' lorn OUI to pru See START, Pase A4 Council changes • expansion process Costa :Vte a leader\ labor for several hour\ to make the proce~ to expand homes more ~imple when possible. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot L0\ 1 ·\ \I I .... \ c II\ lt".1dt'r'• \h.ill..t'd I ughtrope \lone.la~ bl'C\Wt'l1 the nght'> nl propen~ owner' dlld the lOntem'> •1l lhe11 neighbor' a'> thev \\IOrl..ed to \trt'amhnf the prole...., tor homl' t'Xpan,11111., .\lier month'> of grnumlworl.. had bt•t•n laid b\ -.1aft .ind tht:' Pl,11111111g < omnw • ... ion thl· ( 11' Count:il m.idt· tindl thange-. to the n:-.1c.Jen11.il dt·,1~'l' ~11dt'l111e' Jild the re-.1denual c.lt·\dopn1t•r11 '1.indMd' 111 the 111111ng toe.le \\'hen all \\ il'> .... ud .mt.I c.Jont· .1ho111 I: ICJ TUt''>dd\ morn111g the re,ult ''a' .i ~rmpler, li!'>l!'r prolt''' thill ~'Ive ... propl'n\ m'ner-. the abihl\ to build the home' tlw\ de\lrt!, \\ nh -.omt' .,dft-);(U.ud~ .111,1c hed to prott•ct thl'tr ne1ghhor' .\' latt• a' 11 went and ,,., long .ind drawn out a., tht: prol"l''>'> ha'> heen, hugt ~tride-. have hel·ll m.1de," M,nor (,m \1onahan ..aid "Ami while thl'rt' may b<• '>Orne m111or tv.t>al..mg a.'> 11\l' go on wt got to a point ""ht•n• everyhody got 'ome thing they wanlt'd · One of the mo-.t '1grnfit ant lhan~W' "a' <;1mplifymg the de .. 1gn -.t,rndarch so thdt anvone wl10 '"ant<. to Jdd a <.l•tond· .,!Of\' Ooor area that doe-.n t l'Xl t'ed 50% OJ the fir<;l·StOf'\ Ooor arl'a c:an obtain an mer-the-couiuer approval AJ<;o whffr-a., hdore property owner'> within 500 feel \\t'l'l' nonfied or c;econd \tor;: addmons. the ne" rule<; only require that nouce be &'I' en to homeowner<; wi1h a common property lme. v.ith one extepuon The excepuon 1<, m the Aviemore Ter· racelf,len Eagle-. ferrace neighborhood. whllh evaded cl \'lew protectlon ordi- nance In this area, nottce will al-;o be gl\'en Ill the property owner across the street. The .. pecter of a View protection ordi- nance tn u11c, neighborhood had polarized residents. with those desinng protection arguing lhat they paid more for their hom~ becau<>e of the view and therefore See COUNCIL. Pase M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTitEWEB: www.~com WEATHER Highs win hcMlr In the mid-809 lnfand Md mld>-70. elong the cad. S..hpA2 SPORTS Sege HHt ScN>of'a bcJ¥s' ~...,,. .. aceeclfig ......... In ........ The pria!I are llJcely to climb M"n. higher ln the oexs· few da)'St ukl Carol Thorp. lpObewoman for the Auto Oub of Southern California. There are· a •number ol rellON" for the price tUte+ lbetlkl. Thorp said the price of unleaded (llUO- ltne the same dme IMt ye1r ln Oranle Coun.l:e WU $1.~. On 1\Jeeday, the Pa· • wuSJ.91. llMll( C. DUSTIN I DMY Pl.OT Gas prices n ri9ilW ii over Costa Miii end Newport Beith. Riclfdo Sousl, a 1M Ml, 'Ill M bnt from Portupl, fll up It Jwnbcne 5"'11" Nlwport BelCtt. ~°"'--­........ ' AZ Wednesday, August 20, 2003 Oatly Pilot LOCALS ONLY .. NEIGHBORS Ja~e Schwartz, left, was named Most Outstanding Junior Guard of 1he year in the Huntington Beach Junior Guards Program . .W. SdMWtz of Costa Mesa was honored by the Huntington Beach Junior Guards Program as Most Outstanding Junior Guard of the year, B division. The award recognizes the junior guard that demonstrates leadership, an outstanding attitude, respect and willingness to assist wherever needed. It also honors physical adlievement, as demonstrated by a simulated rescue and a pier swim ... Army Pvt. o.c.t VNwnont.., son of Jose and Celli Vivernontes of Costa Mesa, has graduated from the network SV4itchlng systems oq.erator-maintainer advanced individual training course at F-ort Gordon, Ga. He is a 2002 graduate of Estancia High School in Costa Mesa ... Navy Petty Officer 3td 0ass ~ D. a..•ld, a 1998 graduate of Costa Mesa High School, returned from deployment in the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Gulf while being aseigned to the Porter ... Lisa D. ~daughter of lni and .....,. G9rbutt of Newport Coast was awarded a doctor of medicine degree from Boston University School of Medicine ... AlffTy 2nd Lt em D. Boyd, son of Btllce H. Boyd and P9ggy L Doce o~ewport Beach, has graduated QUI ARRESTS These people have been a/T8St8d recently on suspicion of dt'fving under the influence of an intoxicant They have only been amtSttKJ on suspicion of a crime alfl/, as with all suspects, are considertKJ innocent until provtKJ guilty. . CQSTAMESA MOndey • Ronald Leroy Finne, 60, Costa Mesa ~ • Lee Peterson, 49, Costa Mesa • lisac PUiido-Gomez, 38, Costa Mesa Saturdey • Felipe Henrique Magana, 27, Cotta Mesa • !Celty Jamison Cunningham, l~umington Beach • f!yan Joseph Mauro, 19, AAaheim Hills Friday • • f¥rone Martin Condon, 31, Costa Mesa • Abel Ramirez-Reyes, 41, Costa Mesa • Halo Ooud Bontly, 24, Cq_fvallea, Ore. Ttlnd8y • 1'mothy Kelley McAJary, 21, from the Army Ranger Sdlool at F-ort Benning, Ga., with authorization to wear its distinctive Ranger Tab. He received a bachelor's degree in 2002 from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. ... Spencer and Casey Amonie of Costa Mesa won first and third place awards, respectively, in the tomatoes division of the farm and garden category competition at the Orange County Fair ... Winton Ashton of Newport Beach won first place honors in the miscellaneous collections division in the collections category competition at the fair ... Diane Angle of Costa Mesa won third place honors in the miscellaneous collections division in the collection's category competition at the fair ... Raymond Harper of Newport Beach has been accepted into the honors program at America University in Washington, D.C. for the fall term and has been awarded a Presidential Sdlolarship by the sdlool. • NEIGHBORS spotlights actiievements in the communrty. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 64&4170, or send e-mail to coral. wilson~latimes.com. Costa Mesa • Thi Anh Nguyen, 29, Costa Mesa • Leon Henry Galle, 42, Newport Beach Wednesday • Lester Zacarias-Leiva, 24, Costa Mesa • Stephen William Keyes, 53, Costa Mesa • Michael David Scales, 29, Newport Beach NEWPORT BEACH Monday • James Kenneth Bradnidc, 37. Hampton Bays, N.Y. Sunday •Robert Conrad Sainz, 18, Colton • Mary Ellen Nurmi, 79, Newport Beach Saturday • Al Edmundo Saavedra, 27, La Puente • Anthony James Santaniello, 28, Los Angeles • Eric John Grandia, 35, Newport Beach •Jamie Andrew Bryan, 19, Irvine Friday • Jeffrey Paul Due, 25, Costa Mesa • Kelly Diane Decicco, 30, Newport Beach • Bryan Patridc Harrington, 30, Newport Beach Daily A Pilot .. VOL 97, NO-232 ll40MAS H. JOHNSON New9&Mofs P\.ibll1hef Gina Alexander, Lorl Ander9on, TONYDOOEAO Daniel Hunt. Peul Seltowttz. Editor Denlel S-.. .IUfJ'( OETTING flaWllTNf ~.a.=or Crime~~. Promotiona Oi1'9Ctor (Ml) ~•,.,,,__com EDfTINQ STAff ..... u J l.J.Cehn ~ ,..,..,, M=l~r. IMl 574-G32 (949 51 /Ufl41~-·t.IJIJW&eotn a.j.e»hn• IMim#.oom ..... '**"' .......... Politlcl, .,.,,.._end 9nWonment ~Editor. (948~ ~.(M)~ Janw.,,..~ pwl.dltrtoft.,.,,,,,.,.,,,. ...... Dulwt Loltll .-... Sports Edleot, Columni9t. culture repoftlt, ~~ (Mtl) 574-4m • ..,,_,oom ,,...,,, ...... lol#U.,.,,,,_.. _,,,,..,com M Dkectot I NllWW o..lr Chief, .,..,...,....._ (141)~ Cotta MeN repottef, (Ml) 674-4221 p.. . .,..ltltl,,,.,oom <#lrdre.1'19W!'Nn•latlrrw.com .......... flhoco f dttOr, Corel WllcMt , .. ,~ Newt ...i.unt. (949157<M298 ..... lrttJCt'l#tk.W/""1UIOfft oor.l.wlltlontl~ FOR A GOOD CAUSE ST[V[ McCRANK /DAll.Y PILOT Mike Krasel A volunteer we ll recogn ized Anyone who has ever considered becoming a volunteer b ut can never seem to m uster up the energy should taJJc to Mike Krasel. "Th.is place cracks me up. I Jove it," said the 3 1-year-old volunteer for the Environmental Nature Center. Krase! fell In love with his volunteer job shortly after he began about a year ago, right about the time he discovered the thrill of working the wood chipper. · One of his main duties is to chip wood to line the wallcways of the center's environmen tal trails. ~It eats 'em up and spits 'em out and pulverizes them," Krase! said. He also acts as the center's recycling advi$or. overseeing recycling of differenl materials at the center. A graduate of Corona del Mar High School in 1994, Krase! wa'i in the special education program and ran track and cross country for the c;chool, winning a trophy for one of its cross-country meets. He also volunteers for tJ1e Boys and Girls Oub. His natural exuberdJlce helped earn him the titJe of Volunteer of the Year at the center. "Mike is a reaJ as.set here and he's a model for all 1he students and adults who come through here 10 give back to their community,· PETS OF THE WEEK Sassy and Pouchen Sassy and Pouchen are two 9-year-old sii.ter Lha-;a Apso dogs who may be our of a home. "The two sisters would be best separated into two quiet aduJt hom es," said OiAnna Pfaff-Martin, founder of the Newport Beach-based Community Animal Network. "TI1e two crave attcnlion and get jealo uo; when the other is being pelted." ln respon~ to the wamdog@animalrunwork.org p rogram. the network ha'> been receiving many requests for purebred puppies. ·People may lose sigh I of the goal of the program and what rescue is all about,· pfaff-Martin said. The network's mJss1on is to save lives, no matter the age. type or condition, he said. Temporary homes are provided until loving homes are found for animals with an otherwise poor chance of survival, she said. PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE ANIMAL NElWORK See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnetwork.org or Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m . on weekends. lnfonnation: (949) 759-3646 or Commun ity Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658. Sassy Poochen said Bo Glover. director of the center . Krasel usually volunteer.-. about three days a week at the center, usualJy for a couple hours per shift. In the cenlcr\ 2002-03 program year. Mike. who is mentally disabled. dedicated about 350 hours 10 the center. "He loves it," said Krru.cl'1> mom, Joie. who hve~ in U'.>'>la Mesa with her ~on "I le really enjoys what he'<, doing." -Story by June Casagrande PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news storiet. SURF AND SUN Marie C. Dustin, Don Leach, ilh1strations, editorial matter or Kent Treptow advertisements herein can be READERS HOTLINE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST SURF permission of copyright owner. (9491642-6086 Record your comments about the HOW TO REACH US There will be a few clouds Size will d rop off to the knee- this morning, but it'll still be a to w aist-high range today as 0.ily Pilot or newa tips. Cftul8tlon Addr'9la The Times Orange County sunny day, with highs ranging the southwest swell loses Our .cjdr .. 11 330 W. Bay St., Cotta from 85 In Costa Mesa and energy. Meu, CA 92627. Office houri are 1800) 252-9141 Inland Newport Beach to about Thursday will be even Mondey -Friday, 8:30 1.m. -5 p.m. ~ 75 along the coast-lows will weaker, so ltay dry or prepare Cl1111fted 19491642·58'78 COMCdoM I Oi9ptey (949) 642-4321 hover In the mid-608. to meet a,..._ to knee-highs. It It the Pllor1 Polley to promptly EdhDflel Not a thing will.change It's a good day to just ftoat on CIOn9Ct au errore of 1ut>etanCa. News Thursday and Friday, though your bade If you're Into that Pl ... Qfl (949) ~4. (949) 642-5680 there may be a bit more fog The latest southwest will 8porte(949)574-4223 thl1 weekend. arrive late Friday, so there FYI News Fu (9'9) 646..t 170 lnfonnetlon: should be a bump to the The Newport 8Mc:lllCoRa M ... lpott8 Fu (949) 650-0170 www.nws.noaa.f10V waist-high range by about Deily Pilot (USPS-144-800) It E-mel: dallypltotOlatlm.1.com noon. publltMd dally. In Newport Bead'I MMIOllce BOATING FORECAST W..quallty: end Cotta Mete. eubecflpllon1 ire ......... Offtce (949) 642-4321 www . .urlrider.org .vellebte ontv by eubecrlblng to The .... ._Fu (949) 831-7128 The we11erty winds will Tlmea Or•• County (800) blow 6 to 16 knots In the Inner TIDES 252-9141. In,,... outllde of wetera, with 2·foot wevea and Newport INdl Ind Cotti Mele, Time tWght IUbecriptlone to the 0.lty Pilot 1rt • mixed WMt awell of 3 feet 8:641.m. 2.91 feet high and IOUthwelt IW9fl of 2 feet. ~only by flret ct .. mell for The aame wtll be found later. 8:21 e.m. 2.89fMttow &10 .,., month. (PtlcN Include Ill Pllbllthed by Times Community Out fefther, the~ 4:17 p.tn. 4.82f..thlgh eppllcatQ etete and local tax•.1 POSTMASTER: Send lddf9n Newt, 1 dlvl1lon of the lot Angel" wlnde wMI blow 10 to 16 knots, 12:AOa.m . 1.22fwttow <Nnges to The Newpon Times. w'fth 2 .. foot wevee and a l"IOfthw.t swell of 4 to 6 feet. WATER TEMPERATURE 8eldllCcMU Mele Delly Pilot. P.O. C2003 TlmM CN All rights Not much wtll change thla Box 1!ie0, eo.ta Meu, CA 92828. reMrved. ~no. . 87dlgtw Dally Pilot COSTA MESA BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS CITY COUNCIL MEETING INSIDE CITY HALL Here are a few of the items the council considered Monday. TARGET GREATLANDS LIQUOR LICENSE Target Corp. ~ petitioned the city 4 -1 to be allowed to N't'll<MD sell beer and wine at its Target GreatJands store at 3030 Harbor Blvd. at the Costa Mesa Square shopping center. The alcoholic beverages would be sold for - off-site consumption. The council would need to transfer a license granted to Target by the state's AJcohol Beverage Control, so the retailer could sell beer and wine. If the council grants Target the license transfer, it would result in an "undue concentration" of alcohol Licensees in the immediate area. Henry's Marketplace, in the same center, also holds a license to sell beer and wine. Four other businesses in the immediate area off I !arbor and Fairview also hold similar licenses. Target officials say beer and wine sales would only account for between 3% and 5% of totc1.I store i.ales. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the transfer for the license. with Councilman Club ~teel dissenting. WHAT IT MEANS Target wiJJ be able to sell beer and wine. SHOPPING CART RETRIEVAL SERVICES This item was pulled off the consent calendar for discu!>sion. Th e contract wouJd authorize the city to execute a contract in the amount of $40.000 for shopping cart retrieval services from a special projects account within the general fund. The council approved a new law to regula te abandoned shopping carts in July. implementing the new cart retrieval program requires the collection of abandoned carts not retrieved by their owneri.. Based on the bid received. contract services appear to be Jess expensive. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the contract, with Councilmen Allan Mansoor and 01ris Steel dissenting. WHAT IT MEANS The city will spend $40.000 for the contract, alt.hough the money was not appropriated in the 2003-04 fiscal year budget. WHAT WAS SAID "I can't support thjs because I think business owners should be respo nsible and people who take (the cartsl should be held accountable,~ Mansoor said. RESIDENTIAL EXPANSION AROUND FAIRVIEW PARK The council was discuss allowing ~<? .. scheduled to ~ property owners ....,...,,,_., adjacent to Fairview Parle to extend their property lines. The city couJd sell, lease or authorize the use of the portion of Fairview Parle north of the Fairview storm channel, west of Placentia Avenue and soutft of Swan Drive. WHAT HAPPENED The council continued the item. NEXT MEETING WHAT: Costa Mesa City Council WHEN: 6:30 p.m .. Sept. 2 WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive INFORMATION: (71 4) 754-5221 WHAT IT MEANS The council will consider the residential expansion at a later date. HOME RANCH DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The - development ~ agreement was ,.~~ adopted by the ...,..,___. council in December 200 I. The purpose of this annual review is 10 determine if the applicant and the city have made good faith efforts to comply with the provisions and conditions of the development agreement. Typically. this review focuses on the community benefits provided by the owner. 1Wo changes have also been proposed. One deals with use of funds paid for circulation improvements and the other addresses use of funds o riginally designated for relocation and renovation of the I luscroft I fouse. WHAT HAPPENED The council continued the item. WHAT IT MEANS The council will consider the item at a later date. Orange Coast College to host surf reunion Orange Coast O>llege will host a reunion for its intercollegiate surf teams on Sunday on the Hunting· ton Beach side of lhe Santa Ana River jetties. The reunion will begin at 3 p.m. next to I luntington Beach State Park. Orange Coast fielded. a com- petitive surf team from 1977 through 1982. The Pirates cap- tured the state surfing champion- ship on three occasions: 1977, '7-8 and ·ao. 'Ille surf team, dropped as an intercollegiate i.port on campus in I 983, We.IS coached by Laird Hayes, who continues to. teach in the col· lege'i. physical education and ath· letics divisions. I layei. has served as OCC's head men's soccer coach for more than a decade. "We're trying to get as many of the guys from our surf teams out for the reunion as possible." he said. For more information about the surf reunion. contact I !ayes at (949) 645-7150. IKEA hosts fund-rai ser on holiday weekend IK.EA will host it!. Spare Change Evenr dunng the Labur Day weekend. when the '>tuft' will match tht' <;pare change people bnng in with store ned· it. Customer~ will also get a 10% GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Model Year-End Sale ~ RO LEX WY' .... ,..,_.,, $ubm:..i_ ,,;,,.· Wolf. specoal hme-lopui ~r.el woth R1plock clasp and «Ar&•ll•an /ml. Oysier brace/el Pr•ssurtt-proof IO I. 000 feet Avodoblcl m slOml•u 11H/ stoinkm slfHJ/ and 1841 yellow gold or I Bb r•llow gold BLACKMAN LTD.{ili:~ JEWELERS ... 3408-1 Via Opono, Newport Beach 949-673-9334 ~pricing and 3 yur/38,000 mile nationwide factory warnnty on all gas powered engines and transmlssk>ns1 c ............ . ...... hall \ discount on all their purchai.e:. for the day. AJso, IKEA will match the change brought. in and don~te and literacy program!>. The store i!. at 14 75 ~outh Coast Drive in Co!.ta Me~a. T-ht: special event will take place from I 0 a.m. tu 9 p.m. Aug. 30 to Sept. I OCC theater sea~on opens on Sept. 1 3 Orange Loa'>l Lulll'gn l11e;.i ter Department will il'a1urt' d varied i.ea<,on tlw. year from comedy and drama to rnu-.1cal-.. The collt'ge will pruduc:e mort: than 30 play' dw. year The '>ea~on wlll open Wlth John Purd '\1>1Hl<lrt\ tWtJ pt'r'>llll play "~onll· ~1l'n Need I lelp."" the '>lory of .; young allOlwl1t. The procluc11011 will run 'il'pt. I J to 14 ;rnd 'it'pt :w 111 ZI <it the Drnma I .. h ~1uu1u. Tht' college: l'> ill :!IOI I jJf ~ view Htidd In <.oqa ~1t'-.a. FOR THE RECORD In a lener to the editor that ran on the Forum section on Tuesday 1 "Something about Mary Sullivan Slae1<" 1 Costa Mesa resident Gordon Marhoefer rafr:irred to being a member of the board vi directors for 1h1;1 Newport Theatre Ans Center b'( using the abbrev1a11on. NTAC It was incorrectly edited to Sdv ht: wa~ a member of the board of National Theater An5 Comm1ss1on instead of thi; local center g - ... Wednesddy, August 20. 2003 A3 SUMMER FLOORIN G S AL E 100% Nylon 48 oz. Cut Berber 100% Cootiouou1 PllamHt Nylon Plush Berber 'Loop · and Pattern ·Laminate Flooring 100% Wool •.•.•..•.........••..•... $13.99 '4·1" Deco-graphic...................... $12. 99 .... 14. Commercial Carpet ............... $3.95 .... 1'- Parquet Wood ............................ 79<: aq. rt. Vinyl ........................................ 89<: .... rt. Ceramic Tile ............................. 99<: aq. 11. Carpet Remnants .... From S2.00 .,..1c1 ••• , 'ftJterials Only • 11 ntl•· \uppltt'~ /,A.I\( -'"' 1374 Logan Ave., Suite F COSTA MESA (888) MESA-777 Mon-Fri. 10 to 5 -Sat 10 to 3 Help keep our city clean! • Gayte Biibo, a fom)er o,.... Coast College psychology professor, ditd on Thursday of an lnopereble aneu:tyatft. She wais 70. Mrs. Bilbo taught at OCC from 197S co1983.Sbeusurvived START Continued from Al v\de handicapped access. Con- struction workers found that the . utilitiei. needed to be rerouted i'ecau .. e they were only put m l ne foul deep instead or six fer1. Reed said. As of late last week. the di<>trict \\octS i.qambling to open the '>chool on time. hut decided this ~.eek 10 pu'>h back the opening ttntil the following week. Prindpal Melli-.sia Olmten~n ft'verishly worked thl' phone., • uel>day calling all the teacher. .u let them know. Parente, were ~otifit•d h.11.">d.ty night. Chmten<>en saiu !.he tieldetl 11any que,lion., I rom cwioul> parent:. nvc1 the paM f't-w week.'> ."iOndering if lhl' -.chool would ~.e ready 011 tune. "It\ uot goin~ w ~urprbe a lot by husband Bill; Wtd daughter &th. • t t 0 obituaries for residents or former rnldents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beadl. If you want to have an obituary printed In the Piiot. ask your mortuary to fax u1 the Information at 1949) 646-4170 or call the newsroom at (949) ~24. of IJCOplt!," (hristensen said of the delay. "I think lparen11,J would rather the kids are safe and we get off to a poi.itive 'ltart." TI1e next phase of constnic Lion at Harbor View will start af lee the sch ool year i'> underway. But the rooms involved will bl· segmented off and temporary buildings have already been 'l'I up for the student., who wilJ be displaced, Reed ..aid. Because the c;tudenL'> will lo!.l' four days al the beginning of thl' year. they \viii most lill'ly lw added on at the end 111 the ye.ir. Heed :.aid. A meeting will tt1kl· pl.ll'l' at I p.m. today at thl' '>l'hunl 111 an <>wer 4uestiom, ttml t·om·t·rn' about the delay. •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costil Mesa and may be reached ill t949l 574-4221 or by e-mail at de1rdre.newman a latimes com Skosh Monahan's 5-ceakhoase & IRisb Pab Skosh's Daily Specials (only $6.99) Monday Tuesday Bangers & Mash Lamb Stew Wednesday Thursday 1*I Strogonoff Comecl 1*I & Cabbage Happy Hour Specials /Mon-Sot: 4-6pm I Sun: 10am-spmJ Fish N' Chips $7.50 Pirzas $2.00 Off DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 AND MORE I ND TAKE DOWN OR REMOVl!\16 l\IECE§SAR\' I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers • Silhouette window shadings • Vignette window shadings • Duette honeycomb shades • MilleniaN Collection • Jubilancer~ roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • SerenetfeN Softfoldnt shadings World's Best ON·SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 11,,1/1111111 \ U1•1111t.1t11111 I,,, IJ11dl1liJ .11ul "t1•t, 11 t• ..,,,,,, 1• 1'1'1/ ALLOWED Continued from Al . engineer at KOCE who has created a Web ire designed to save the station from falling into the hands of religious broadcast companies, has linked one of the potential buyers to a powerhouse religious network.. rapidJy expandmg its broadcast holdings. I !is opinions are not representative of KOCE as a whole but have been" formed through years of broadcast experience in Southern Califomia, he said. 1 tow can they take control of a station that is licensed for public broadcasting? The Federdl Communications Commission broadcasting stations to religious entities, as long as the stations remain-non-commercial and is dedicated to an educational purpose. ln the case of OayStar, the educational mission ls to continue spreading the word of the Lord, as owners Marcus and Joni Larnb set out to do in 1984 "under God 's specific gu.idance," the Web site reads. Since theo, the Daystar Television Network has emerged as America's second largest and • fasfest growing Christian Take the recent $20-million sale or a 'lexas-based PBS station, KDTN, to Daystar Tell'vision Network, as part of the religious networks aggre~ive l'.tmpaign to increase national exposure. Oaystar executives capitalized on the financial con:.trainl!> of the public station and acquired yet another outlet to .. pread the good word. "Day'>tar 1~ growing rapidly and i'> alway., adding new lelevi~ion '>talion~ in the United States," the network." official Web '-ill' '>late!>. KOCI 1<., another station DayM.1r -belier known on the f...O< .F ro!>ler of bidders as Community felevision 1 .. duc.ilori. of Orange County - i-. looking tu purchase, Smith 'aid. COUNCIL Continued from Al de:.erved protecuon. Opponents claimed Lhill any restrictions placed on their ability 10 build up would be illegal. "II l Ollll'' down to the fact that we h..ive. under the constitution. equaJ nght'> 10 buiJd as anyone el'>e." <;aid Jt>flrey Olilds. who liw., on Avie more Terrace, N And !forl the people above us on Gle- neagle\, there\ no right to a view under California law or U.S. law." l"he council rejected a view or- dinance for this area 3-2. with Councilmen Mike Scheafer and 01ri~ Steel dissenting. ·rm dilklppointed in the out- conH\" Steel i.aid. "h's a balance and you try to do the best you l ';in and I felt the !rights of thel pt•ople up above were a linle stro'.~gcr th<tn the onei. down be- low. The coundl abo made a con· GAS Continued from Al NWt· don't know ex;1ctJy what would happen," she !>illd. NBut it look.<. hke tt\ going lo go higher for the next few days.· Con~umer<. in Newport-Mesa -.aid they arc fru~trated with the "up and down" trend. "When I <we ~' jump up and down, I get really mad," said Natalie Dimayo, who commutes daily from Costa Mesa to Ana- heim. "It may nol seem Uke much of a commute. But it all add'> up. Ir kill!> you after a while." But l>imayo added that c;he h~ AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to m1ke.swanson a./atimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the t1me1 date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www dailypifotcom. TUESDAY The Orange County chap19r of Wine Brets, a national nonprofit organization, is holding its monthly wme tasting event at Gustaf Anders Restaurant in South Coast Village from 7 to 9 p.m. The Wine Brats will be tasting several wines from Australia. lnforma1ion arid registration: oc.wfnebrats.org I television network, operating 29 television stations across 1.he nation with the potential to reach more than 120-miltion people. Add another 11.7 millfon if they gain control or KOCE. The college board of directors. a group of five men who have taken a lot of heat in this fiasco, have been put in charge of an entity that has tiansformed greatJy from its initial goal 10 create an alternative venue for college courses more than 30 years ago. KOC E was originally established to broadc~t telecourses to students in Orange County. Since then. :.tudcn ts have chosen other avenues and ll'SS than JO% of certed effort to placate rei.idt·nls tn an Eastsidc neighborh<Jod who wanted a special zoning overlay to protect them from neighbors who built Noppre~­ sive" expansions. The council re- jected the overlay. but made IL <,o that any lot with alley acce~. in this neighborhood and beyond. wouJd have to go through minor design review, which the zonmg administrator performs. The council addetl thi' criteria on a 4-1 vote with Monahan d1'>· sen ting. The council aJso opted not to adopt any Ooor area rnlio stand· ards. A maximum r.itio of 651\1, had been approved by the Plan· ning Commjssion but Monal1an said that wouJd have bel!n the most restrictive in Or.t.n~e County. "If we would have approved it. it would have taken away up to 40% of a propeny owner's cur- rent building ability," Munah..in said. leame<l to "deal with 11.' "I try not to lakt' loo m..iny long road trip'>." '>he .,,ud Edwin Young. who wurl'> tor a Unocal 76 ga'> :.Latiun on ~1Mew Road. c;aid he ha.c, <,t•cn the prite'> go up and down for a long tirnt'. "I don't know why." he c;rud. "But I haven't heard loo many people complam <1hout 11 thi<, time." Bui Alexii. Schwan~ who driv~ more than 80 miles one way from C::o!:ota Me~ to I lesperia every day, said she is "trying not to think about it too much." NI 've totally given up trying to figure ii out." she said. "II'!> defi- nitely a concern for me becau<>e A free seminar, •feng Shui for a Healing Home,# will be held 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS WEDNESDAY The Newport Beach Newcomers aub general meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Oasis Senior Center parking lot in Corona del Mar. Attendees will then carpool to Crystal Cove State Park for a hike and lunch. Information: (949) 645-9922 or newcomers-newportbeadl.org The Center Stage Chapter of the Guilds of the Orange County Performing Arts Center presents its annual alfresco fund-raiser. uHot Blues on a Cool Summer Night; from 5 to 9 p.m. at South Coast Plaza Village. Ti<iets are $40 in advanoe and $50 at the telecourse students get their schooling from KOCF. district offida.ls saJd. Fwthennore, KOCE has status and Is now broadcast In five counties, with more than 50% of the pledges coming from out.side the county. The popuJar station has out.grown the modest financing avcliJable from a community college disuict facing its own financial crisis. A sale Is inevitable, seeing as how the KOCE Foundation was the only bidder until the board hired consultants to find others. with deeper offering plates. But it may not be all bad. ·n1e KOCF. Foundation is expected to combine its bid with Los Angeles-based KCl:.1 to keep the local station from divine acquisition. The other PBS bidder, run from the San Diego State University campus. has withdrawn. Ille good news: KCET officials have said their goal is to keep the KOCI: name and continue to focus coverage on Orange County. lne bad news: It may not have the financial resources to outshine the devout propo~s of 1elevangelb1 networks. ll10se who would like to see the 'ltation remain controlled by :.ecular. public organizationi. - or those who want an other televangelist channel -should 1nakc tJ1eir opinions lo1own. It all come'> down lO U. er. you. I hl' vote 10 rejert dny Ooor Jrea rn110 .,tandard., wac, 4 l. with Stel'l di<>.,enung. Co lUK il 111 ember'> abo d c ndt·d 10 eac.e p.trk1ng require- mt'nt., on remodt+ ... Under the new nilc.,, adding a bedroom won't require the crt·a11on of Jd dttmna.1 parkmg 'Jl..tl l''- Overall. tht.· lha11gl'' 111..11.k Monday rc-pre .. ent a "' mgmg ul the pendulum ,1way from rr;tm - tive c,tandardc, and <.ub1cctivi1y. Monahan ..aid. v lh1<, w..i.c, J retrncti1111 111 -.ome ol the reaction to l1htN~ .,t..ind· ard'l." Monah..in 'aid "At the 'HJlllC' 11me, 11 wa.,n't reaJJy a lum.- t.•rung up of anything. Ii\ ju.,t a rnrrerrion rhat a lot of llhe proc- l'~'>I i.,11·1 um1rover,ial and <>houJdn't have to go through thb l'OlltrOVl'r'>i..tl prUl:t•i. ... " • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574 422l or bye mail at do1rdre newman n /at1mes com of my lung tommute Hut \\hJl t·an vuu do ..ibout 1rr Ru.,ty (,rnvt:"t of n1 ... t111 ""d the pncc.., ~c·re ltMl'r 111 < o'IJ Mt."i<I lh<in 111 h.-. uty. ~rm nut grnng 111 dr1\e .ill oH'r for l\\.o tent'>." hl· .,;ud. "Rut I \\a., 1>a.,,ing by and -.aw ti WJ.' dll'..tp l'r. "x1 I .. wppt.·d." (.r11vt'l> .....Ud he fl'd' lwlpll-<;..,_ "Yuu can't do anything about it." he :.aid. "Su why ~et all mad abou1 it?" • DEEPA BHARATH covers pubhc safety and courts. She may be readied at (949) 574-4226 or by e·mail at deepJJ bharath "lat1mes.com. door. Information: (714) 284-5464. THURSDAY A free bone density screening will be held by appointment only from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E 17th St . Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Retail Merchants Sales Seminar sponsored by the Bayside branch of Union Bank of California from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Yacht Club. The cost to attend is $15, which includes a continental breakfast. For reservations, call (949) 7294400. Teddy Beal"I and Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave .. will host ·spa Day for Girls# at 2:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204. I Daily Pilot PUBLIC POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bro.ctw.y. Grand theft was reported In the 300 blodt at 1:04 p.m. Monday. · • Coronado and Mendon drivel: Vandalism wa1 reported at 7:34 a.m. Monday. ,. O.rNfl StrMt: A home burglary was reported in the 800 blodt at 11 :06 a.m. Monday. • Monrovia Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1800 blodt at 7:54 a.m. Monday. • Newport Boulewrd: Petty theft was reported In the 2300 block at 8:07 a.m. Monday. • New Hampshire Drive: Petty theft from a vehicle was reported In the 1700 block at 10:26 a.m. Monday. • Ramona Wey and Tustin Avenue: A hit-and -run was reported at 2:27 a.m. Monday. • Wallace Avenue: Petty theft was reported m the 2000 block at 12:02 p.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Balboa Boulevard: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1100 blo<i at 12:27 a.m. Monday. • Irvine Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 900 block at 8:30 a.m. Monday • Holiday Road: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 2400 block at 9 50 a .m. Monday • Lugonia Stntet end the beech: Indecent exposure was reported al 12 28 p.m Monday. • River Avenue: A hit·and·run was reported 1n the 5000 block at 6:04 p m Monday • San Bernardino Avenue: A home burglary was reported m the 500 block at 12·13 p.m. Monday • 38th Street and Balboa Boulevard: Petty theft was reported at 5:32 p.m. Monday. • 48th St1'98t and the beach: Petty theft was reported at 4·34 p.m Monday. BRIEFLY IN PUBLIC SAFETY Sus~t in molestation waives hearing r\ 7<f Vt'M·old man ..tr n•c,trd 111 Junt' on '>U!.ptnon of indpprupnatl'ly touch ing IWU { O\ta Me<,a girl!> 12 yearc, a~o watved ht., prr· liminary hearing on llll''>· day at I larhor IU!.llCe C.en · lt'r. ( J1arlc' Pauley will bear- raignc·d at the Cente r fu !>· lit!:' Lf'nler in Santa Ana on St•pl. 2. ·1 he girl\. '>i'>terc; who wen• 5 and 7 year'> old "'hen police :.ay the crime occurred hetween October 1991 and October 1993, complained to C.n~ta Mesa l'ohce in May that Olarle<> Jo<;eph Pauley engaged in lewd conduct with them, offinah '>aid. The Orange County Dis- trict Allorney's office has charged P·duley with four felony counts of perform- ing lewd acts upon chil- dren younger than 14. Pauley had pleaded not guilty to the charges. I . .. Daily Pilot Wednesday, Augus1 20, 2QP3 A5 . HOW ro.GET PUBU~HED -Utters: Mail to Editorial Page EditorS.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Ruders Hodine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 6464170 E-m.M.Send to dai/yp//ot@/atimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Free speech .is .a crucial right for all Americans T hank God -oh, perhaps I shouldn't say that. Thank goodness we have Paul Blank of Corona del Mar, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Comm unity Services Center of Orange County-the fourth largest such community center in the United States -and the ACLU to protect the people's rights. The city of Costa Mesa imposed 17 -I repeat conditions imposed o n other groups in the com munity. City bureaucrats, in response 10 a threatening lawsuit, have lowered this to 12. Do the math! lt is still eight more -yes, eight -than the city imposes on other groups tha t Blank, the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Services Center of Orange County-the fourth largest such community center in the United States -and the ACLU are trying to prot~t. Somebody bless 'em. (You ftll in the blank.) Just because the city backed down on some of its unreasonable restrictions is no reason to withdraw the lawsuit. The city's response? Quoting Paul Ointon in Wednesday's Daily Pilot, "Coun cilman Mike Scheafer. an insurance agent With the help of these freedom-loving citizens, the rights o r all Newport-Mesans and any organization that attempts the freedom to assemble in the city of Costa Mesa will be upheld. I'm surprii.ed they needed the ACLU lawsuit. Tony Rackauclcas, Bill Lockyer and John Ashcroft himself should be suing the city. all groups be rreated rhe i.ame and be held to 1he :-.arne conditions - condiuon!> !hat do not interfere with any group\ constirutionaJ right to free speech and peaceful a.sM:mbly. We believe 1he ciry's permit scheme vests unbridled dbcretion in ciry officials and place'> unconMitutional re5tric1mn .. on Firs! Amendmenr rights. We are fighting nor· only on our own behalf. but on behalf of other groups who may foUow." • 17 --burdensome and unreasonable conditions on the permit for the Dyke March Organizing Committee that are over and above four similar himself, said the restrictions were designed to protect the city from legal risk. He said the group is still required to present financial responsibiJity in the form or insurance coverage." As Blank says. "we are not asking 10 be treated any differently than any other group which applies for a special events permit from the city of Co1>1a Mesa. We are just ask.Ing that You can·r argue with that. Hey, maybe Scheafer could write the policy. ERIC CHRISTENSEN Costa Mesa MAILBAG Property taxes should increases. but the increases get mentione d as a part of enter recall debate would not be collected un til our m assive fiscal state the house sells. That way an problems. Warren Buffett certainly older couple could live out JOHN PATRJCK ORMSBEE did not do Arnold their years in the family Corona del Mar Schwarzenegger a favor by home without fear of being endorsing him and thus forced to sell to pay the Tune to give up the F.J bringing u p the most property tax and a younger Toro ghost powerful third rail in couple could buy a house CaJifomia politics. No one • they could afford today and Donald Nyre just won\ let go can mention Proposition 13 know they will be able to of Fl Thro. He continues to find as an issue and live. Buffett afford it tomorrow. Homes every reason to have an did. however, point out the might not increase in value as International airport at FJ 'Jbro obvious: California's property fast as they do today, and the and you folks keep printing his tax has no relation::.hip 10 kids might no t inherit as nonsense. reality. Two neighbors can much as they would According to the repom .. live side by side in homes otherwise. but it that so bad? Southwest was three miles out with an equal market value Of course no discussion of before deciding to tum around with one paying $2,500 a year property taxes can be made and no maner if we had I 0,000 in property tax and the other without looking at all of our foot runways it would not have paying $25,000 a year. Thar laxes. Maybe we would no r changed this situation. A more might make a lot of sense to need one of the nations concerning siruation is if the one of the neighbors. but not highest income tax and saJes plane had taken off in to the much sense 10 the other. tax if property taxes were wind and mountain terrain of El A solution would be to let based on reality. Maybe Toro. Could that have poc;sibly property taxes be based on Buffett will have done us all a created an even b igger problem? the market value a nd favor if the subject of According to the countie; nuw increase as marker value Proposition 13 could at least defunct plan. the plane would BEA PART OF COSTA MESA'S SOT" ANNIVERSARY Costa Mesa CostaM~ing Years - YOUR NAME HERE As part of the CostaMazing 50th Anniversary Celebra/Wn the City of Costa Mesa is seeking Costa Mesa businesses, organi'l.lltions or individuals who are interested in purchasing a street banner that will be displayed on some of the most highly traveled streets in our City. The 3 foot by 5 foot banner will feature the CostaMazing logo along wiJh your name (left) The first set of JOO banners are up and a waiting list has been started for the second set that will go up for six (6) months starting in December, 2003. After the CostaMazing Celebration banner is removed, it will be given to you! The cost of the banner is $200. This opportunity is available to the first SO respondents. If you art interested, please complete the information Nlow and return to: Amy Kuchta, CostaMazing Coordinator (714) 754-5065 City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive P.O. Box 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 r---------------~----------------------------• Banner Display Name:. __________________ _ Contact Name:._· ___________ litle .... · -------- Address~· __________ Thlepbone No.·._------- Number of Banners you arc interested in: ___________ _ • .., l#qlrlAI,, "-'Id to 3 lllws ~lat..,,, ...... 1$ ..... ,, ,_ ..... 0. N<n' ,_,,,. NwwL ·--------------------------------------------· \ have lifted off the runway and headed to Loma Ridge -a very scary situation in this case. Nyre. a member of the Newport Beach·bru.ed Airpon Working Group. continues to dream of what was a flawed planningprocesstodumpan international-sized airport at FJ Toro -with 824 operations per day. running 24-hours a day. seven days a week. The voters of Orange County ::.poke loudly after the last environmental repon W'1!> relea::.ed from the county and in that vote the county changed the wning of FJ Toro w it can no longer be used for aviation. I gu~ ii will take the final !>ale by the Navy this coming year to convince Nyre. the Daily Pilot and all the other pro airpon groups of Newport Beach thal they need to st.art thinking beyond El Toro or. the Department ofltansponation jtc>t might decide that it would be cheaper to increase the use of John Wayne Airport. if Orange County is really in such dire need the so called increase in passengers and caJ&O. DAVE KIRKEY Coto de Caza Castaways Park looks more like lci ndling I would like to ask anyone who is interested. to take a stroll a round the upper level of Ca::.taways Park. Thi!. weed patc h can only be enjoyed by an en vironmental e x1remist. If thec,e conditio ns were to exist in or around someone's h ome they would be ci ted by the Fire Depa rtment for a weed abatement problem. Corne to think of it. why has n't the Fire Department required the Parle::. Department to remove 1his fire ha1,ard? JAMES PECK Newport Beach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES COAST~ COLLEGE DtSTRICT District Otfic:le: 1370 Adami Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92826. (714) 432-5898 ~ William M . Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Madeline levy NEWPORT-MESA UNf1ED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 42.4-5000 Superintmndent: Robert Barbot Board: Presjdent Mal1ha Ruor. Vice President Dana Blact. Clert Serene Stokes, David Brooks. Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Lind.a Sneen A sp&ial§R~ ~!~pa~~!!~Joming football season for the high schools in Huntington Beach. Costa Mesa. Newport Beach. Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach: also Golden West and Orange Coast Colleges. IN ADDITION TO REACHING 75,000 HOMES, WE WILL ALSO DISTRIBUTE THE SECTION AT ALL SEASON OPENERS. Space & Copy deadline: Friday. August 29, 2003, 5 p.rn. Release elate: Monday, September 8. 2003 Distribution dates! Wednesday, September Io. 2003 -Daily Pilot Thursday, September I I , 2003 -Independent Friday, September 12, 2003 -Coastline Pilot For advertising information, call: Daily JI Pilot l ••··· ••• , • COAS1UNE PILOT 949.642.4321 949.642.4321 949.494.4121 • ' QU01E OF TIE DAY "Continuity in programs is key. It is difficult for the ki.ds to have to start from scratch eve N• Miiier, Sage Hill Athletic Director M Wednesday, August 20, 2003 MEN'S GOLF Conway begins match play Newport Beach resident shoots 3-over-par in opening two days at U.S. Amateur. Newpon Beach's Steve Conway, who wilJ begin his senior season at UCLA in the fall, carded a 4-over-par 74 at the Pitts- burgh Field Oub in Oak- mont, Pa, Tuesday to finish the first two days of stroke play in the U.S. Amateur Golf Olam- plonshlp at three-over-par (1 43), good enough to be moving on in the tourna- ment. ' .,. += Spotts Editor Rlc:twd Owln: (949) 574-4223 • 5portl Fu: (9491650-0170 CHECKING OUT EYEOPENER ·y~ SporW Hal olP .... (...._, ............... Conway. who placed sec- ond behind Bruin teammate Roy Moon at the Southern California Golf Association Amateur Olarnpionshlp in late June, finished stroke play in a lie for 13th place and be- gins match play today. UC Irvine sophomore Jay 010e followed up hls 6-over- par 76 at Pinsburgh Field Oub in the opening round Monday with a 79 at Oak- mont CC on Tuesday to finish the two days at 15-over-par (155). He failed to qualify for match play, which took the top 64 golfers after stroke play ended Tuesday. EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS YOUTH BASKETBALL Spurs ei1d on • • w1nn1ng streak Newport-Mesa team claims summer league title with five straight wins. The Spurs. a Newport-Mesa second-and third-grade Boys & Glrls Oub basketball team. won the summer league championship, ending the season, 5-0. The Spurs defeated top two seeded teams lo en route to the championship after beginning the season with four straight losses. wm Fortier, a.y Carr, Wyatt Muller, Chutle Welell, MMon <Mell, Stephen 'lmy, Ouitdan Abbey and WU Crook all contributed to the title. Lightning's boys teams blossomed in 2002-03; student enrollment increases. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot S econd-year athletic director at Sage Hill School Nate Miller links winning to continuity. And while he would like to have the assurance that each coach who comes to the school that sits on a hill overlooking Newpon Coast wilJ remain, he knows some wilJ leave for other opportunities. Bui Miller, a 33-year-old Corona del Mar resident. is happy right where he is: at a school that saw 33 of its 350 students graduate in early June, leaving much room for future students and athletes to make their mark for the Ughming. Tums out his head coaches are too. At of the beginning of June, none had resigned, giving Miller hope that winning traditions can be built in several, if oot all. boys sports. Take the boys basketball team, which has had three coaches in three years. Steve Keith, already an accomplished coach in the prep ranks, guided this year's team (10· l3) to the second round of the CJP Southern Section Division V playoffs, earning third place in the Academy League. Senior Michael Fitzhugh and junior Kevin Joyce each were first-team all-league selections. The boys tennis (8-7, 7-3 in league) and baseball teams (13-8, 9-6). headed by A.G. Longoria and Bert Emerson, · respectJvely, each weot 1 • l in the CIF playoffs while placing third in league, along with boys soccer (8-5-5, 3-3-4). Emerson, a first-year coach at Sage who taught English at the school, serves as a model for Miller's desire to get as many coaches teachtng classes on campus as possible. "As a teacher, he is well respected and poueaes put talent as a coach, as wen: Miller said of Emerson. "It is great to find a respec:tftd teacher who can also coach to be able to show more attention to the atudentJ throughout the day." Bmerson got the most out of the Lightning, who went just 1-14 the previo\.w MUOn. Senior Zade Friedrtclu and jwllor nm WUkina were both named ftrat-team ID-league while each pined recop.idon u members of the ~Mela DreaJJJ Tham. who played four vamity sports (football, baseball. soccer and basketball) during hls four years, was also honored with the school's and Academy League's Male Athlete of the Year awards. Of Sage's 18 varsity coaches, eigh1 are wallc-ons. NContinuity in programs is key, N Miller said. Mil Ls difficult for the kids to have to start from scratch every year. I would love to see (coaches! stay here as long as they are happy." Longoria has been at the helm of the school's boys and girls tennis teams from the beginning and Miller expects nothing but continued ascent for that program. &ic Burton and nistan Cordier each made first-team all-league while Greg Solodko earned second-team accolades. Spring also saw the rise of the Sage's boys volleyball team, which placed fourth in league (8·8, 6-8) and featured all-league first-team honoree in junior outs!de hitter Kevin Joyce. Juniors Macsun Frederick and Julian SmJth-Newman, co-captain of Sage along with Joyce. claimftd second-team all -leasue laurels for Merja Connelly-Preund's squad. Sage's shotput and dJscua standout Braden Barnett qualififtd for the CIF otvi.slon IV 8na1s in those events while being named the league's Most Valuable Player. He was a ftrat-team all-league selection for the team coached by Miller wbJch only had etght athletes. Sage placed fOW1h ln league. but WQ milllng one of Ill top runners ln 1.ach Chandy for etgbt weeb when he broke hls leg at the beginning of the season. N(O\andyl is our middl~distance guy, running the 400 and 800 (meters): Miller said. "He Is certainly someone you wilJ hear about in the future." Olandy and teammate Olris OlJboucas each earned second-team all-league honors for Sage's cross country team which ftni&hed fourth in the circuit (3-5, 2-3). Boys water polo went 7-11 while football wrapped up Its first varsity season with a fourth-place finish in league (3-7, 0-3). "It has taken football longer to develop, but we had a succesaful first varsity season," Miller Mid. "The 6ve senior leaden were the corps of the team with a Jot of freshmen and eophomores. The powth potendaJ Is there, but there will always be a challenge In the Academy te.gue." Aa for the fteJd. Miller Mld be wants to add more bleachen. but when lt came to lights, he Mid that might be stretching h. Sage Hill School Athletic Director Nate Miller, left, watches over all sports at Sage Hill, a private school in Newport Coast. The school's library in the main building on campus, above, features a fireplace. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANI( I DAILY PILOT ~Lights would help with practices in the winter. but they are not a priority." Miller sald. Nit may not ever be 'Friday night football' The clear priority is academics and that makes us dilferen1 than other schools.· Miller, who worked with Amy Ray and Steve Wishek In the athletic office this past season, also teaches a calculus cl~ Ray, a physical education Instructor, coached the girls soccer learn while W1Shek assisted Emerson with the baseball team. WIShek is leaving the school, however, to take a teaching position at Webb School "It was definitely helpful 10 have them,· Miller sald. Boys golf won all 6ve of its league matches to place fifth for Coach &ic Gnagy. Josh Olen earned second-team all-league honors while Alex Cochran was an honorable mention. Swtmming went 1-7. "We are going to continue to get a lot of talented players," Miller sald. Just don't expect a monumental surge in appUcantJ knoclcing at the admlaaJons office door. "We ue still In the st.age where a lot of people haven't beard about us because we a.re so new,· Miller aa.ld. But Miller expecta the tchool to pow. to as much u 500 in ftve years. Though at111 young, Sqe'a athletic teams will continue atrMng toward the peak and beyond. The path blazed eo far bu been a ll.lCCeMful one. M1Der Mid. "SeYen dUJerent team.a quaWled for the (OF) pllyofti lat~ IO that def1nltely ~ apeaationa.. Pilot .. ;;;~;.;;;;;..._;;;;;;;o ____ -.i.iii, llp;;;;;;.l Nliiiiiillllcel~~-~ L1pt Na11C11 2MO l.1111 Mca 2.l40 llpl NotJca TINo.OMmllDoo 10 oller OOl'llMOft .-a-. SUPmCOllTOf PllmOIOf:U. PERSONS . 2MO Lepl Nallces I une. 2:00 Pm Dept L73 The addren ot the court " ume u noted above 3 A copy ol this Order lo Show C1use shall be pubhthed al least once Cit.nee County on 07/'lfJ/03 200l69S2110 2MO legal Notices l•nuary l 2003 Wednesday, August 20. 2003 A7 2MO Legal Nati.a -Legal lklticea Ml filed with the Counly Cl•r~ of 011"1e County on 08/04/03 200JHS367' 200JHU74t -~ ............ -r t.lllllWll& I Pet1 t1oner O•n1et -·-·-· • lf'Y, lhown ---. PATICIPllllOZAFOI Patrick Pedroza filed a K•m~I •nd S1m1 Int Surat S1111h. Pres Daily Pilot Au& 6 I 3 20 'II 2003 Wl4(1 ~ in:: ~ of~ .~ COlllTYOfOUlll QIAMIOfUM( petition with th1$ court '°"'*"*' No. bllenol ....... .== SUP9JICN-.-·n -10-"wrU\A for • decree ch•n1tln11 Dally Pilot July 30, Aue 6, ll, 20 2003 Will Tiu' •latemenl wn hied wUh the County Clerh of Or•n&• County I D11ly Pilot Aue b ll. 20 21 2003 Wl42 -..... .,_ '""' "--_, .._ -JIWVftumx..--names as follows OOt-•• ...-N """· ttl9l'lon of tht 0 AN I [ L P I TftUIT'lE'I IA&.f YOU AM IN DE'AUU IJN. DER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED WD/'ll#l. UNI.EIS YOU lAKE ACTIOH TO ~CT YOUR PAOP£RTY, rr MAY BE SOU> AT A PU8UC SALE. If YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDtNO · AOAiNST YOU, YOU 8HOUU> CONTACT A LAWYER.• Nocice 11 ~ otwn ltlet CTC Aul Et.-s.Meet, .. duty eppolnllld ..... purtuent to the Deed ot Truet exec:IMd bY ..UTHER D. WAT· TEAS, AN UN¥ARRIED WOMAN, dlllld W'nl'JIX12 end ,. corded 04/0lilt'02, .. lnA'Ul'llent No. 20020297831, In 8ooll, P• I of~"-"" COlde In the ornc. ol tile County Recorder of <>renge County, S1atll of Clltton'U, wtH •II Of) W/7/2003 et 2:00PM, AT THE ~ FRONT EN-- TRANCE TO THE OOUHlY COURT· Hb!J.!15. 700 CIVIC CEN•~" DRIVE WEST, SANT A ANA, CA et pullllc euctlon, to tht highMt bidder tor c..n 0( ctwck • dncrlbed below, peye.ble In fuU 11 time ot Nie, 111 right, tide, end lntll'Ht con-~ to end now htld bY It under Mid Deed of Truet, In the PtOC*tY lltult9d In Miid CcM1tY end Sl* tlnll u mort fully dtlet1bed In tht abov9~0Md of Tn;,t. Thi atrtet tdchM end other common dMignltlon, If eny, t:K the ,.., prop-etty~bed •bow la pu to be: 111 Fl W8' 8mEET, COSTA• MESA. CA, t26Z7. ·~ The Ul'lc»r· 119neci:. Truetee di• $Ima eny 11.olltty for 1nY I~ ol the ltr9lt ~ Ind ptopwty to bl IOld (llut IWONblt Mti- ll'IMld eon, •q11n1M end ldYencee 11 tht llme of lhl 1n111e1 publl- Cdon of lhl NotSce of Salt la UIU42.S5. It 11 poulble that It lhl time of NII lhl Of*'- lng bid may bl IMe then lhl tot.i lndlbeld-.... dul. In lddltlon to cuh, tht TNI ... will ICCept cuhl9r'1 chec:ka drnn on I ai.te or l\ltlonel bMk, 1 checll drawn by 1 l1IUI or f9dlral credit union, or 1 check chwn by I lt919 Of '9dlrll llYll'IQI end loin IMOClttlon, NV· Inga lllOClltlon, ot ""'• benk lpeclflecl In Section 5102 of lhl Flnlnclll Code Ind lllttlorlnd to do bull· neea In tf'lla ltlfll. Slid Ille wlll bl rnadl, In 11n "AS IS" condition, but without COYlnlnt or waminty, llq)fMI Of lmpllld, reoerdl"ll Utll, poaM&lon or 1ncU111· bf'encM, to lllilfy lhl lndlbllldnlu llCUl'9d by llid OMd of TNSt, ~ lhlreundlr, with ln111'fft .. ~ vldld, Ind lhl unpeld princlpel of lhl No4ll llClnd by llld Deed of TNlt with tn•reet thereon 11 provldld In Uld Nole, plUI IMI, chltglt Ind 1xpe111e1 er! tht T l'Ultel Ind of tht INlta crui.cs by Nld OMd of Truel DA TED: 08IOSl2003 CTC RNI Eate• Sir· vtcea 5898 CONDOR DRIVE, MP.-MOOR· PARK, CA 93021 Phonl: (800) 281 8219, Sell Information (805) 578-6618 By: T ruatM'a Sall Ottlclr CTC RMI Eatn Slrvlcll It 1 dlbt collector 1111tmpl· 1"9 to collect I debt. Any Information ob- tained will be UMd tor tNt pwpoee. ASAP548065 811, 11113, MO Policy • Rates and deadline!. are subject to change without nouce. The publisher rei.ervei. Lhe right to ce~or, reclassify. revise or reject any classified adve rttSemenl Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediate!}. The Daily Pilot accepts no hab1ltty for any error m an advcrt1semen1 for wtuch ll ma y be responsible e~cept for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Crt:dn can only be allowed for the first in!)ertion. ANNOUNCEMENTS ["'l & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectiblnl Memcnl>llla 1160 Ame11can Motorcycle SW.ta (ewdand ~) Lite 40's. 6 yews of rrwmblrshp pons. ar-. & bllldi Comes w/P'IOID&! IJti of member wearina -'-· ~-' SDJ) .. $2500 714-531-DX> TOP$$ 4 fllCOGS nc .11112. C1m1:. Ek !Cs & Sh .BL Ntec. Spkt, llAle ~ Mike 949-64!> 750!> BmRTAINMENT Cltllllllr of Ewnll 1310 INL.,_ ~ ~II rnf eitatt adv., llsln1 tn thrs newspaper 1s sub,1tcl to Ult ftdtut F1il' Hou~na Act of 1968 u amended wlllch maku It 1111111 to advertiM •1ny prtltr· 1nc1, limlta1 to" or dliC:Tlml"•tlo" b1Md on 11c1, colOt. rtli.lon. M•. htndlcap. tamilltl attlua Of n1llo1111 0tltfn, « 1n inleMlon to make 1ny sucll Pftfer111ce. flmlla· tlo11 or dlKrfmlrl•llon." Thi• IMWtj)tj)tf wot not llnowlncly ac«11l 1n1 tdwlftiMintnl fot •HI nt1t1 wttlch i• le lllolttioft of Ult ltw. Our ructers .,, h1r1lly hlforlM4 tll•t 1n dW•ff• "'" NVetllMd In tflis "'""""* If• 1w.a.i1111 Ofl Ill ..... °"°"Ull1ty l>Mfs. To~ of 411· crlftllMtioft, ell IU> tot- "• 1.t l-IOCM24.-f&tt> • 1489 2305·2490 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Old.r StYle Furniture PIANOS A Collt<tlblft ·-·T ........ • St...ot. ~.()lie.,~ $$CA8HPAID$$ °"'-"'°' Ot ..,..,. JioM WI llUY QTATIB • 1.........-... lllendly -.. ..,.. ! CONSIGNMfrJTS 1 ' I ' Io AN 'ucceu1ve wuh prio< PA-TRICK lUAS to the date set fo< 2 HIE COURT ORDERS hea11r>& on the P•l1t1on The follow1n11 pe"ons that all penons inter 1n tht fottowina new\ are do1n1i1 bu\mess as lnlilr9lted ....,_ filll uted in this mllller shalt paper of gene• al ci"u· Crouµ Ver tic al .:mfJHOJO 111'1 ~-.; lbe appea< belo<1 th1$,court l6l1on. printed in thl~ Strate&'l Advert1s111&/ '' --.... .,.,,..._and.·-.-......,. •l the t1ur1na 1ndl(ated county Newport Beach Market1n& 3187 Red Hill ADMIEST ... ~OFR.. _.......,, .,..,... • .,.,.,.... below lo show t auu, 11 D11ty Pilot Ste I I'> Costa Mua. CA _.TE Of ~ ~ ~"' ~ any. why the pet1hori for Dot•• AUG 04, 2003 926?6 e C. .,........, ..,._.. chanae of name should MARJOllll LAIRD May l Lee (Sole AJ<A IUlhotfty. not be &ranted CARTH , JUDGE OJ "THE Cene1al Partne11 3187 AACIAL C. A HEARING on the NOTICE OF HEARING SUl'ERIOR COURT Red Hill, Stt 115. Cosld GALLARDO SR. petition will be held on Dale 9 16 03 Time 2 ()() Published Newpot l Moa CA 9?671> CASE NO. Al'2Gl18 09(11103 11 1.45PM In pm Dept 113 Buctl·Cosla Mesa Oa11y ln1s bu"noss is ton To aM heirs, ~· L·73 located at The add1eu of the cour t Pilot Au&ust 6. 13 20 dulled bv a hm1ted beneficlltlel, eteditofa, 34 THE CfTY DAIVE, 1s same as noted abo.e 27 2003 Wt 39 pa1tner\htp oontlngent etecitoti. and ORANGE, CA 92813 3 A topy of Htt\ Order H•ve you sl•tted riOlni persons wflo may IF YOU 08JECT IO the to Show Cdu~tt sh411 be fk1it1eus 1vsiiHs bu~1r1ess yet' No OlllllWIM be intefestec1 gtanting of the petition, published 11l lel\l unu .._ s~ M.iy L Lte In the wilt or estlte, Of )IOU atlould eppeer II the each wee~ 101 four -.,.,,_, lh" \t•tement wu bolh of MARCIAL C. ~I'! atlfilete your succ•s~1ve w~ehs j.l'IOr lhe follow1oi perso11\ f1~d w1tn the County ,.,., ' •"'DO • .,. .,. written to the date H I 101 are doong bus1ne\S ~' l'ler~ of (Iran•• Cnunly ~ c. OOie<:tiol1I with the oourt heann11 on the 11eltt1on Boomtown 'Amer ttdn on 08 06103 • GAL.LAAOO, SR beb'e the heering YOAJr 1n the fullow1n11 news Slicker Com11any, 1788 200369S36S4 A PETITION FOR appearance may be in' paper .of 11enerdl ClftU' MonroV1a, Cost• Me\d o.1ty P1101 Au~ 6. 13. PROeATE has been perlOO Of by your lat.on printed 111 this CA 9262/ 20 l7 2003 Wl41 filed SAA attorney county Daily Pilot Brad Thomp~ur1 UI GAL.LAA8b 1:E the IF YOO ARE A Dcrte: AUG 04, 200l Diamond Ave N~w"'" I fic11tiM ~s CREDITOR or a M AR J 0 R 1 l l A IR 0 Be.th CA 92662 Suoerlor Court of continQenlcreditorofthe CARTlR, JUDGE Of THE Juhn Mc;Ct•y. Jr 4JI NcntStat..m C1llfomia. Co.Joly of deceued, you must file SUPERIOR COURT E 20th Cro•la Me,.1 CA lnr follow1ne Pet,oru ORANGE. your claim with the oourt Published Newµ1>1 t 92627 ..,. oning bu\11le\s n THE PETITION FOR and mail a copy lo the Both Cust .. Mr~a D•1ly lh1s bus1n~s~ •\ • "" 1M•tJ1 • St•tlwa11· <'!173 PRoeATE requell8 that ,pertOlll.I ~tive Pilot Au11u,I 6 IJ, 20 dotted by • ~~n••JI H••h•>t Blvd •314 Co•la CESAR GAUAROO be appointed by the oourt 21 lOOI pa1 tn.t\h1p M"'" <•iltr,1n1o(J2626 lppoitlted IS personal within four monthS trom wt41 Ha-. Y•Ju >l.rtl«l .,..,,,,~ l111.1tt1 • llC rN1,.ad•J repreeenlltive to the date of liral issuance 1l11s111e" yeL' fr\ NC.It IOI Lll11v•nt1on adminiater the esllte of of letters as provided 1n SUPlRIOI COORT Of July t j 2003 t •nter Ur1<r !·uit• 100 the decedent Probate Code section Rt •td Thnmpsn11 ld' V•c•' NV 8\1109 THE PETITION requeslB 9100 The time for fittno CA1fOllllA. lh1\ \l•ten,.111 ... ., I Tt,,, '""""'\ 1\ UHi the de<:edent'a will and claims will not elfP!re COOtlTYOfOIAJtG( fllrd with th• t,1>11n1v dur ltd ~Y l11111ted COdicile, it any, be beforelourmonthafrom •.t)(ltv"'-'-·e,Or-r" <.t~1kofClrar1K•1 ... ,rnrv l••~1t1t1 Lu admitted to probate. the heartng date notJced '" "I llTIY --r "' "'" 07 28 OJ H•ve yn1t •,IMted dorng The wilt and anyoodloils above 92864 200369S2926 l•u,,n..,, v•t' Yes are 1v1ilable fO< YOU MAY EXAMINE the K'ITTll\ll Of· Oa1l1 P1lol July iO A11.: Augu\I I 701/J examination In the file file kepi by the oourt If "'""'" • 6 n lO ?003 ~2.." '"'"1"• 11 t lhoma\ ~~--oourt l\Al'UW'\ OtvtnAltx...,1t.L.... t"'''t!' M.H1i.1~ .. , u.., . ""'' are a ,.....,~·· v--, .,.....,OllS 11...i.-,, T E ETITION ....,,.,._ r-.-.--...... t I rKnn 1HD..... hi\ 't•le111ent Wd\ :-i--:---iflte,.,._, 1n tne "111 8• OIDIR TO SHOW CAUSE FOii i authority IO administer you may file with the Ncimt Stattmtnt t.lrd with rh~ C.:nunty the estate undef the oourt a Request for OIAHGE Of MAI( I 1111 '''"""'"& 11., ·''" '..;·~~ 'I~ ~·j•"R• 1.ounly Independent Speclat Notice {form DE· WINUMllR:A220601 '.,,. QUiii~ ~'"'n"" •" 2003695S 16S AdminislrationofEslates 154) of the filing of an 10 All INTfRfSll I) t<•flll•'.I (hhV!'!y RelJ•" fJ••lv P,1,t Aul( lO 27 Act. (This lu1hor'ity Wiii inventory and acptalsal PERSONS 't.rv1• ,. 111 /~04 NI••• ·,evt J JO tfJOJ Wl54 allow the personal ol~teassetsorofany I P~1it11011e1 ttl•<l d l1., r.,.,, M•··• •A RdfllM .... •s....... The followma per sons are dome b11'm1u n Rainbow Inn, 831 South Beach Bl . A.111he1m CA 92804 P1 Yu ha• 831 South Bea~h Bl . An1t1eim. CA 9<'804 ftus busrnesi 1\ con dulled by .in mdmdudl Have you sl•rled dom& bu~1ne'' yeP Ye-!. 07 01/03 Pt 'fo lu1 l "" statement was hied with the County Clerk of Orange County on 07/24/03 2003695 2619 Daily Pilot July 30 Aue 6. 13. 20, ?003 W(jJ FictttlM IWMss Mmlt SllttlMlll The follow1n11 pet \Ull> are doing bu\111~s> •~ I & T Investment Cruuv 811 S Beach Blvd Anaheim CA 91804 P1 Vu f\al 831 '· Beach Blvd Andh• "" CA 92804 Th1\ bu\tnf1~\ ·~ l ur• dulled by an 1nd1\11d1i..il Hdve you 'tart•d 11 .. ,n~ bu\men y~t, Ye\ 07 01 200 ! Pt Vu ha1 This statement .,., hied with 1t1t C•,unly Clerk of Or~nge Cr,unty on 07/16 03 20036951819 Daily Pilot July ~O A111 6 13 20 WO 3 w I J4 reoresentative to take P8tit\O" Of account as pelil1u11 with this <uur t 41t>:•1. many actions witnout provided ."' Probate fo1 • deute chane1n~ Wr•l•·tn Mr•1t••I I{,. OOtaJnlng oourt approval Code Section 12505 A namt" ,,\ 1,.11,,w\ o~v111 ~ "" • • 111• • r A, 1'>04 Belore taking certain Request f()( peoal Al•• •nd•1 U\b1111 lo MA•k t 11 I "I" 11.1 ..... fktitiws lvsittss M ... ,,, 11~· n""',..""".. 4\ fk11ti011S lusintss M-s~.---. •u" '.\'·•I 11 It I&!• ::.1 ,__ JUI....,..., l • .. I\ Mt•\ 1 tdlitu,011 hM StatllMl!I I The lollow1ng ~~· · '"" '11•,n lh,. fnll H•ni µer\onis ate doing bu~•nf!.-.~ _" l 11,. 1 u~ t WtF-0 ' ar,. d•Jlllr' t if 1nc'j a\ I H1Ud l U' 1' Clntn1n~ K.J") I 'J ii b .lftnf d An.t At., Af\r .. 1 ( f\ul .. ~M ?28S Orchard 011v~ ~~wp11f l r l'\"ltcJ Ml"\t'l I Alll '"'" i'f•wp<•ll P.I '" Costa lleact1. <;al1fm 111~ 9/(;f,0 ':l?fi/t M"'• CA <111,11 Oan P aim k f h~\ ?~? I f ti•• D•i\rn•· •. < '" Ii' Mn.it dftcJ '~mn tnr Or<.h,Jrd Drive N~Npor t 1 au<..t~d t.y .H' 1 U•.,.idu"I '' A 1 t ll:S'> Nr· 'ft i.irJt t BeJlh C<tl1f•1f fl•~ ~lbbO Hovi I •U .tarlt:d d111n'- Hlwd l1l".f.t Mr ... " ( ~ lh1\ bU\111• .. ., 1• lftll tiiJ"'-'''"" \ 1t:I ' N <Jlfil I ducted by •11 1t101v>dual , ;I• l• 11~1 .• · w .. don rh1• lu1\111Po•,•. t\ f\"'lf\ Have you \tar f,,d d .n..: f ht< c t~;t111rnent w~P~ d1H t~~ h1 ft• '''"M~1Jt1n bu!atne:s,\ yer' Nu f h~d v.1th the lounty Hdvt' yuu ,1,1rtttl d11111~ Dan Pal11ck [l1a\ Cltr ~ ul Or•net Cuunl 1 bus111u\ y•l' Th,. ~lat•mtnt l'ld~ u""n'-0&"""-·.._04--'-0"-3 ___ _ very imporUJ'll actions, Notice form ta avallat>te Oevm r vie• Al~, and•• r fl <J~•·!h however, the personal from tlle00\Jr1~eril I 'l. lHE COURT ORDEll'.> ltw t 11\ln•\\ '" "' rep1esentatille WIH be Attorney lOr Petitionef th•t all P•rwn\ onh r clt,. , .. ,1 t. 1 .1 ""'""'""" required to r¥ve noliCe to MCINTOSH. KIRK e\ted 111 1111" matter sh .. 11 11 , ... '"" <., '"" •t• "'' Wltemted persons 828 W. 19TH ST ·•l•P• 11 h•f• , e t11" , ''"' t bu\1111• , ,, 1 • unlesS tney haYe waived COSTA MESA. CA •I th• "' A1t1•K int11• At•d '"' notice or 0009el1l8d IO 92627 hrln"' 1.. ·"""' '"""• it I 1)/ UI ~00 ~ the proposed action.) ~· 06/UJ03, Mty Wiiy Hi< 1•~1111 .. 11 for W•'.lrt M .. .J .. •I II• The iodependeot CN~ 5712111 Lhcu-tgt '-'t odmt: ~'"'lJtd \.,11~ir ~ ... ~ 111~ kPti"'' 1 1 administration aUlhority NEWPORT 9EACK-COSTA nol b• l'r•nl~•I Mun.ti• f'rnodenl wi• be granted unless an ME.SA OM. y PLOT NO' It! UF fh1\ $ldltm,•nt ""'' 111 .. 11 -----------------Q4\c: l'l1lh the Cou111y Glrrk ul Tht follow1ne person' ~re do11111 bintnen 45 MWSPHOSHOP 2134 ? 114 Newport 8tvd Col ta Mes.. CA 9?6<'7 lrm• Muller 17176 Grand Ave., Lake [I•• rtor e CA 92'530 lh1' busm•s1 is con duct•d ~y an 1nd1v1du• Ha~c you •l•rted <1u111• t>usmns yet, Ne. Irma Mc.lie• Thi~ st1t~m~fll w~• tried w1tn tht Cuuttly Cl••~ ot Q•an11e County "" 08. 11103 200l69S4S49 D••ly P1101 Aua IJ. ?O 21 Sept 3 2003 Wl 51 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALf! In CLASS1FffD (949) 642-5678 Ho\\' to Place A ~--Deadlines----. BY Fax (949) 631-6594 l'k~..., 1ndu.k )<lUr Jl-'ltlt uiJ pll""" num~r olflJ "'"II ,.u \11u t\-..~ '-'llh .t P'f1\..t' 4uNt CLASS IFIEIAD lh· Phont· (<i..il/1 M.!-567X II our~ RY 'fail/In P<'rson: JJ() \\"i:\t Ba) Street CtNJ Mc:,a. CA 926.27 Al Nl'14pon Rl vd. & Ba)' St Tc:lephone k JOam -5.00pm Monday-FnJa) Wall..-In 8 lOam-5 OOpm Monda}-Fnda:o- Index m 7402·7466 ~ IUl.ESTAn lllTAlS 3010-3940 \'1ond3) ..................... Fndi.t) 5·00pm Tue ... da) .................. ~1onda1 5:00pm Wedne ... da) ............. Tue<.da] 5:00pm Thur'>day ............ Wedne ... da) 5:00pm Frida) ................... Thur ... d..t} 5 :OOprn S:.11urda) ..................... Fnda) J:OOpm Sunda:-.................... Fnda) 5:00pm mPLOYMOO' m CIPOl11llTIS ~ Under the Service Directory Banner l ESTATE R SALE soos-saso HOME JEWELRY I 3460 Business IMPROVEMENT DIAMONDS/ g:::~ SERVICES 2600 PRECIOUS METALS Franchises 3905 Mllcellantous "'*-2605 IMMEOIAT£ CASHl!I US Pension F urtdlna pays cuh now for 8 years of your future penllon payments Call 800-586· 132!> lo< a F RH no obli&at1on ultmah www.uspensionfundma .com (CAL •SCAN) c ... t (eln NHcft CAPPUCCINO ITALIAN Old Coins! Cold. silver COHH Company o ,ewelr:y. watches, antiques pan din a 01stribu lor s collect1bln 949 642-9448 wanted H1&h pr of 1t potential Anyone c1n do Cits 3610 th1sl [apreuo ltaha call --------800·813·662!> l"vest 21DO+ IUTJlNS, an. DOCS _ ...... telwork °'' f WtlOf1 ~ Sp!K:· !nm IViL. TH GUNWlT[£ ~'lZ79 Sj>ay momme eat. homlls for Mt.ens 949.Q17.E6J2 m~nt <tQulted (CAL •SCAN) AnlllflllW..... 3025 PeCAdopllonl -G•-Sh41f111«4h all AB SOLUTE COLO MINE 60 Vendinc Ma chinn w/ n c tocabon' All fo< SI0.995. All mator credit cuds ~ccepted r. 800 ·2 3 4 ·6982 (CAL •SCAN ) <ASM fOlt POTilaY colors. 111 slzu for 8eutt. Ctlellne, Rook· •doptlon to quallfled wood. Lukins etc... llomn w-.1srncue.ot1 9567~ ~1313 ot c•tl 714·773-5915. ......... ....... - DISCOVER THE LAT· EST. hottest, most profitable, home bust· ness In Amfftea Free 24 pa&n Writ• Zaktn, Oeol I 018A. 22055 Shermanway. Cano1• Pa i k CA 91303. (CAL•SCAN) M lOUl1190lDM*ll 60 velld•"I mechlnts with n celfent location• .. tor SIQ..9!1& ~ aoos-as 10 ~ 9000-9750 MoblleHome Partis 4530 Newport Cotto9e 21.r 21.o, 2001 S1l11ercrest M1nules lo beach C0t ner tot. Fp. deck. w/d hkup Affo<dabte space rent r111anc1n11 available 714-212-0213 Ptenl! IV msc Offlte,MlHH Appr oalmatety 400sf 170 E 17th Street Costa Mua 949-466-6523 LOTS/ACROOE 4740 COLORADO AT trs Best. 35 actes only $59,900 Creek frontae• & ~n. Newly •v•"•blt 35 acru 111 Wut Central Colorado adjacent to Grand Miu National Fores I Wide creek trontaee. 81& views. Ro•d & electr le F 1- "'"clne Call 1 ·888-638· ll 16, (CAL •SCAN) Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum ) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 CostaMesa MOBILE HOMES/ OPEN SUN l·S MAHUFACT\JRED 2069 c ... on ... tof A•e Canyon Par~ Jbr remod home hdwd firs e<trb HOUSING pa•km& for RV or bo•l Mobile Manufacturtd $469.900 Mary F ew&I Re/Mu 949~640·9670 HomtSltn 5995 3471 Venetian Or 30 REPO MANUFAC !>br 3ba 3020sf nee IURE.0 HOMES Sa~~ home By Owner C<ut thousand\ of dollenl Buy S699 900 Ron I 530 726·S!'>OO Call W 714·850-1680a16 •260 Rod&er 1·360-225-H 714·850 1052 7840 V1s1t our website ad take a vtrtual tour NnpoltBach hllp.//photos Y•hoo com/ Lf'Cf!AOOl NXM I.HTS tepoule (CAL •SCAN) Sal w IW.80A Bl~ MISCEWHEOUS (Come of a.. 8MI & 6Ch SL) ~ 3br a,. RENTALS Ip. ocn w l -2br 2be bdl w t om Mm.~ IMll· RmlTo Shirt 6030 be.-~ $1.ZZ,. ~. Cs1'il Min ~ a... .... l-~ MftlW/M 9&7J.8..2378 Danot clllrU) Woanb S820m • I 3 ullh + dtlp. pool. •• W/d. Clfpor\ Ol'lN SAi-SUN 2-S Cltth cell, no/smll/rl U <ottMoaMT <• ... 119/1 !M9-~7 18 3br 2.Stla &llac.h home, tott~mod, hllt newt RESIDeNTIAl F£NT AL.$ ,OOOll•tn ORMGE 1• El$e11btri 8kr Encore Prop~ ·121·0783 cotll1Y MADCMl wooos 2bt 2ba, 2 c &'llrtp, .......... bedfoom/oftk •.:ft 11eootcg..m. 1 t .......... ...,_ ..... CGlll Atlowe .., • IOOtf Quiet. 1111 .,-1y Sl~ino No ,_IU1Am ,,.,..,.,... ... ·2258 ,.,...,... -~ I 111 11A Tll*W• VIA ...... 56 ... ,.. M DI ...... ~ www,pt~• COfli llyfJOftl CoMo. • Z.• TWiii Z Cflff*I, ""°'..ic: . ... ,. _ ...... ~ VllWOMftM -..---.m .... , ........ c. ...... Loc-IM 111N Tus1111 Hth t 5 IClt llilt~ ..... ,. .......... ,., ,.. 6l>r 1bl. C4lll ortc• 1--.m.eo111._., r..tot:i~ •• =~~- OceOf'I view lovely l I Newpor1 Hel ... h 3Br story ?b• ?t>a • den ?Ba l•rtit family •O<)m fp attach 7 cat lllr 2 car &Araae avail 8 1 Courly1rd ent<y comm S2•00 m<i 949 759 3771 pool Small oet olo. S34!>0mo Klein Maml NP Ht 3b1 2 Sba custnm 887-704·8649 ,9204 hom~. new carptt ? Stty 2 c 1tl i11 ind Com Mesa CUd@ner W.lter $249!> 949631 2612 21011S1"St4 oaM VllWI 2br 2 5bA 3br 2be upstan rea d\lo . Ip ~ pr no ~ Stam ~ ~ 2 cw "' p:VWMlr 9&7$-8568 .um p wd ,......,., S25(ll Kl A• 91 lfi8.414-J777 •-tlfvl New "-2br, 3 tull b• bonus rm .... _,.....I~ w<IHn closets w d hk up to bdl 2.tw 11» --unit Sl995m 949 41 3·6438 ~ @ 47111 sl kite E SW. lM•o T ........ , wlstMnltss l(llf#s carport Ho sni\lp!lt. Nlfli 9-1 3br 2.5ba cu\lom re s;BXVmo. 11-.:m.-2991 mod. hvrm fp, sunroom pool. sfa, tennis. av111 NlWPCMIT Kllle4tTS 9· 1 S 295/mo •at • Townhome 3br. 2 Sba Donald Pfaff. Coldwell 2 cu 111111. 12'600/mo Banktt 949-73Hi074 f4•~•1t-4200 = ... Ill ,..... lJOl'ed lbf 2bt on Balboa wt': b 2hom9 Pen1n, hdwd firs. '9. f4l(IK. toe C8MOt be p,ttio, l c pr. nail 8· I abMlld ,_,. uum ~ •at $2.650 949-293~1 Shdl~- llillllllllllltllldl ·-.._,. 2'/• .. "-prrvete wl-drt·s• Ot.111 Ur u. corldl> ..., nice yerd. arut 1outl0n $2950/mo !M9 475 0027 le ""'. -pool. •• w/d ll-,~N ........ ¥'-.._. ._. ~190..,,. 38r, a.. C.rmet Modtt ......... SJOOO/tn0 Avellt~ t n ~ MJ..799-)726 YIMlYUAMS IA'nlOMT ........ .ws .-nalQllM _ _., __ ... ..... ,...,•rric· ....., ...... WZ.-:=1....., • •• • .. Witt Oii Mt .. H.aMJ qlll9t ,_,.,. ,...,, ~ - No1......-~s10 lftd ...... 11tll M-I HWNH 111 .. •11 ... , .. - Cottlfl 2ltt a. fp, Wwll ftta.tlcg , ~-~.~=· a• •1 l'=-a. ... .......... c, .... t~ ..,,_..,. ~ l c ....... t:-2.5'1 .. -~ lldl,~IHOO c:ll:'i:t.:.--· A_ .. .__ ..... , ( :'' ~..., ... ,.~;;~AY'S _ CROSSWORD PUZZLE l!(I 9o4.wJ(t11ig llWnt W7 • Al!yllllnjj blA r Ill Pll010'• 1101> ee Wf9fl •tom 10 Remlllb 71 Facikl DOWN l&llh 2 Sp.ac procedcr 3 Tay tllOok btlll>d .. "'' °"' 6 Mnnlf\NI C8fJ1Ull e Put larlh elbl 7 Potuloo ooo1J'ol org 8 I oog-gone blru 9 Good 10 INll 101Mst~ 1 ' Dry' ., bubbly 12 F-renct• I vwb• 's Oid East.et 21 ~~COiOr 23 Leaws ?5 SIUAQ 'l1 -Mon ca. Cal~ 29 Bedroom COITV1'11nly <!II Rudrnt111trtl Moteno 31 On.ic•u.sc 32 Goes°" al an angle 33 Majll61lc: w!ICJtlr 34 Throw<; a~ 30 Suit piece 40 l\1dled ceol•)Q 41 -. • 44 Siwl>k 47 l\cqU11>ng 49 WnlleSa1e 50~ 53 O.c ana vsis 54 - -llgood ll\1119 ~ Me1151ng 54S Je&ns p1t'lne<s 57 Madi I breaklll'S 511 Worsy than ll8CI • SOR11,ah's ~ 61 Arrogan1 ooo IJA I• umphant tlllool 10 II 12 13 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wtlh OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH 0 lS FOR DECEPTlON Neither vul11Cmble. S.>Ulh deal~. 17 ~ as lhe 1'11111!.C for an operuog bid" o( ooe no ll'Wllp Sussel lddccf a po(nr for lhe Ii~ 'u.1t and r™- to swt the prooceding.s wllh one no trump Now NOfth uli;o gave eJtlnl wei&11t to • n vc-<:ard Mlit aod cl'6llC to raise to game instead of issu.lng an luvitalion by raising lo two no 1rump. WEST • K94 . 0'3 NOJl'Jli •J 7J ~J62 <:>AJll74 •06 EAST 983 • 0 1065 2 v f{ lt8 5 0 52 Wilh any lead ud\cr lhlln a club. Sus.set would have had no play foc thc c.onlnlCI. But \twl was Wci.t"8 only fOIJI~ suit. and it was duly 11elect- cd (or the opening i.alvo. Dcc~r ployed low from durnmy, 1:.ast r06C w1lh the ace un<.I su~sel followed with the rout. Noong that the 1wo v.·as nus ing. and hence bel~v111~ West had led from a fivt:-Clll'd i.uu. wt returned lhe three. Sooth now hOO c1gh1 trick.JI. hut soil httle hop! f<• a iunth. All that changed when Su~I. followed tu Uie three with the jack! • K 107 S SOUTH •Al 1,. A 7 4 • K06 •J984 2 •AJ ·nic bitldin11: Wll111 WE.\,-NOlrTll EA~'T INT Paw JNT hw ~ .,_ Opening, lead: Five of• Two fabe-cards in I.he ..ame suit. on <.ooL-e_\•ive tncks i~ a nltity When !he ..econd ooc g1vc~ away 11 Irick but lan<h the "on~. ii i~ 11 real gem. ll1i~ deal i~ from !he rcccn1 l::u~n Open O\Umpioo~h1ps SiUtng Sooth w11' chc o(Himc mcmhc:r of thl' I rcnch nauooal team. Patnck Su~scl. Nunh-.Sour.h wc:o: employing 15· West had al.so nucc:d that 1hc llcU<..-c of clubs wru; 1111~111g. Pr.:<iurum~ panncr held that cnrd, lhc defender placed P..a.M wilh A Q R .' 2. t.'OO\istent w1lh Ea.'t"~ return ol the lhree at trick two. WC-\t confidently ca.med the ten of clubs, elf.peeling to mn the \uit 'lu h1~ 'urpn<.c aml cun,tenmuon. declarer nc•w claimed nine tnch - the nee in each majo<. five diamond~ nncl two clubs 1 ••DRIVERS•• MA Y 1 RUCK INC CO. "Is your road lo succe$s! •vans· 11 Western 80().~7. 9169 •3?17 •Reelers 48 states 800 S47 9169 x321 4 OedrLaled team runs. Owner opeulors wanted. www.maytruck1na.com (CAL •SCAN) ~'­port-Teams. Tums, T eM1lS-We r-' te.ns tor t~ Ion& haul Owne< operaton. experienced C)'rvers. solos. teams and 0"11duale students. Cal 1- 888 Ml)lf. PAY (1~7 3729) (CAL •SCAN) Al-lASl Women's Store al F asl11011 Island 1s now ""'"!! exp'd r I and PI sale~ aswc Please cantxt t~ Am at 98~ r.e; GET PAID TO SHOP Secret shoppers needed Pose as customers and eel p11d local 'loru. restaurants & theaters Flexible hours Emailed required I 877 366 4441 ut 6048 (CAL •SCAN) S~lcli Sllop m Costa Mesa needs help Call betw.ien 8dm IOam 949 645 1100 •sk lo• Maraot JOIN OUR TEAM and ma~e • d1fferen~e In the California Army Nallonal Guard you c~n eet mono for colleae and tare"' framing call I 800 CO GUARD (CAL •scAN) Automobiles 9000 Jaguar , ..... IMW 'ti U c-. auto wllltt/tan lthf, CO. b .. utllul Ill\• new cond, $16,995 v~9724 fin & WWT Mil a, ~ Ulll w..,w.•cpel.t•• V6, 3!111 mt Sspd, CO,• 2 tone II~ & tan, fthr int, beautiful, like new cond, Sl8,99~ v5SS721 Ii· n111C1n& & w1rr•nty •v•M Blir 949 586-1888 -........... ,_ C-4111•< 't2 Al'-t• Con• !>411 ac:tual m1 . bookr., recordi, a ria owner. pearl wht/red Ith<, bll! l()jl, SUPetb Ith new cond. still smells new, must ue to ap precl1te this rare car that will apj>ltctale 1n value, $14,994 v•8976!>6 Blu. 949 b8fH888 www . .c. ..... l.co. Cflrt* 't4 New Ycirbt 3 5 11'6 l owner. 4Jk actual mt. books records. met1lhc tu1 quotse/lan lthr. fully loaded, like new $4/95 yjlf,6n18 Bkt 9"9~1888 www.01pe1>1 ••• ,.. Corvette '89 Coup• aulo 60k+ "" metallic red/tin lthr. superb tond throughout. $9.995 Bkt 949·!>86-1888 www.ecpoltl.r°"' Corvette '19 Coupe auto 60k • ml. metallic red/Ian llhr, superb ~ond thrnu&houl, 59.995 Bkr 949 586 t888 www.ocpal>l.corn o-lp 'ti~ &Uto 6cyt, A/C. lthr. full ~' am-Im CM5. cc. tint. allov wills~ 714 !193 8129 FORD EXPlORH '91 while. I owner. 6 CO player. art co11d 6311 m1 $9850 949 644 8025 F•d '86 Mont~ Comt. 6cyl. auto AJC 1.11>. pw P~. am Im, cc whl tovtt • $JCXXl obo 114 !lb7 144/ Ford '6 S Mu•tong Conve1 l1bl~ '" •am•I owne<. svhd '"r Sl9.m obo 94!1 719 l941 land Rover '96 Range Rove• Wh it~. fully loaded. ~II mamlenant l' rec-. SIG 900 949 88/ 07?9 .. '• .. ........ -llMftDUftaiat ----.u1un"""9IYI lhrouchout vinl457219 Bkr t4t-5U·1•11 -w . ...-.i,c- l'HIUIPSAUTO 01_.M ....... Blue w/Blue, only 141< mi, sports 1*a. (19478C) $24.9fl0 OOIMWU• Sllvet w/blid IUv, Step1Iot11e (193871) S21.91KJ HEJ20S.- Whlle w/~ lealh et moorir ool ( 19443) $28,91JO 01...,,sr,.,.. Su Creen w/sad<le lthr. 28M m1 n100<Yoof (19112) $29.900 '9M.rc.._SUC 230 Blue w/blaLk, I!' ey 5p0fb t>ka (19416) Sl7.91Jl H•MW32alS Red w/bla<.k Ith/. 5s4)d (194/0) Sl8,9f!O 0, Pond.e ,......, ltptton11.. only 18k milM navagation (19194 ) IN()tJlfll 9• t.atn GS 300 Cold w s.oddlr lealht.1. ""°">!!~ ( 19418) S21,9fl) O' p_..cJ.e G'2 Bia<~ w/blark only 100 n11~ ( 19"19/C) IHQUIH\ Ot M•rcecles a500 S1Jve1 Wlg1 ~y nav1 ga!K>n '"''Y l'>K m1 (19'>4'>l) INQUIRI 00 PtHYcll• lout•• S1lvet wtbl~t k p•e•mum wund tl941bJ> Sl8,'J80 '49-S74-7777 '"'11'S AUTO ,,., .... (19 .......,,,..,,0 or~~·n ACR reef ori bladl, low (194051) '57.990 OOIMWUJt Sllvif w/bla<;ll ltlv, S\9'1l/ OlllC (19387 l) s;z l.!ll!O HfUOS..... White w/Sllddlit leath ., • moollf ool (l~) $27,980 or....,srwe Sea GI een w/saddle lttw, 28K ml. moorwoof (19112) $29,911> HM-. ... SUI ?JO Blue w/bhM.11, Jlrl!Y :si-ts r>k& (19416) $27.980 ''IMWJ2JIS Re<I w/1>1Q lthr. 5s4)d ( 19470) Sl8.980 Ot Pendte rwt. hptr0t11(.. only 18k mt!M, nav•abOn (19394) INQUIRf ••texwGs ~ Gold w/saddle leathet <ht orTW wheeb I 19418) $21.980 OZl'ondt.G'2 61.t<.ll w/black or1ly I 00 llllllJ~ I 19597C) INQUIRC 0 I MHc•"-• ClSOO Silver w/gr~y. nav1 ttallo11 nnly l')K m1 I 19'>4 51.i) IHQUll<( 00 '°"'"" louter Silver w bl.11 k 6wd low rmles (l 9"07) S3S ~ 949-574-7777 PtlllfSAUTO ;l.,..._am foyelo Terrel DX '96 4 <10111 •II opt1un~ worh perl~• lly, 561( 1111, 1de~I kid "/ 1 ull•2e t~r $3900949 &4'> 1418 AUTOMOBILES, MISCBlMEOUS Wanted 9045 .... ...... .... .. .• tR\ • ..... 6 & • otil IOftaf tent. plnic tbl, bbq. Toy tr11ller 6 tent tr•llef 949 295 0356 or 1M9-500 1266 BOATS .... IOill 1616 DUFFY IUCTRK 'It CLASSIC 18ff f."lly restored. best offer Rick 949 348·9424 KJ '1• COIAl7 1•n T11 houl. open bQw, Mercury VS, !#/trailer S3800 (949) 646 1162 fJ1 ec.i Vhllf so... SIDI lS JUl> Y~ no ntr, IWna IL QJ) wail 9') 7?4-l81D ~r.iB DUffY ILICTRK ltU, new batte1111S, 1ood cond1t1on $12 ,000/obo 714-61? 4544 2000 Int Clante elec- tuc w/leak holl)' deGk, varn1\hed wood mte1 sur•ey 109 & full cOlfet S5000 Needs llC but runs areiltl 949 500 3250 BOAT REPAl6S/ SERVK:ES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 SUPS AVAJl.AIU from JS-tSFt In Newport le9Ch, Le<ne 949-SOO-I 005 VACATION RENTALS 1-1 dock crew wont;;i Fl/Pf Avvly Ill IJCIWO 18()1 Bay~1de 1)1 Co1ona del M<K. Wed Sal, 103 2p MUSIC l'OSITION at pr rvate school, nwneciale OpefWlg 8 12..ll. s1rooe Pl3AO conducllflll YOCal 'llulls " must. c:oorcl!oate ye.-w I)' IT\IJ'iOUf productJO<l Cal /14-967-6145 I f!•ll'\ I S lll Bii/bi. tllril~ & 1 oc tnvn Le•cf\ lltw, •t~ wnd .. lie. 1171. .IAGtJAR .. s x.6 S....05 3 "' srru> ~ .liO '.ztl l'orsch• '99 Correro 4fll< Oii hlk blk Ith~ I() chro1111' whls. llke Mw S39.99!> V•67705/ II nanc 111~ & watt av<lrl Bk• ,..,.,,., ~ DMer °"'7 -«> ~ e•j)I Wll lWlf a .,,.,, y ,..,. pnc:e tor your ClWOUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GWGEWI! Beaut M...,1 l(a-ap.tl Beach ocean frent condo, •flt• Whaler" 2br 2 bo pentlieYU condo free toff, 1<®a, diving, fishlftt Ind. K•nl McN-.M- 7 14-6' 2-0006 TlAQBlf PWIO M.wy.,,.P~ mm Now Au..epl'"I( Studen!1 t<v I al l 1• '*""'11 9'1967J 2174 919-813 2246 Service Oiredofy Accounting "NOTICE TO HEAOCRS Cal1for n101 law re 11u111·~ lhdl contr .. , '"" talonr iohs lh•I ,,,,.1 '~ "' ",,,,. (la!Hll "' rn~leriAI') bf' ltr~n•~d by tl!i! Co1111 ·•• lot Sidi~ I 1vn\f' Rudrd Stair ldW dl•.o lf•11011•' Hwl c ontuu tnr.. 111c. ludta thtu ht en»e numbPt tln •II 11dverl1\lng Ynu l<lh th<•l k lhr ~talu\ o l yuur hl.,n\ed t •> n Ir d 1 I n1 a I WWW f \lti (~ KOV Uf 1!00 l?l < SJ H Unh < Pn\Pd • "'llr AClor ~ l ak1np; 1o b \ lh~I tnlaf '"" lhAn i5oo mu-.t ~ti11tt1 in lhMr ddvutr\emcnl~ ll1•t lh~y M• nnt lirenv tl by Ille Con It at.lo" Stale Llcenie Board Ovld1bools lra1nme & \UPI'"'' troubll' •h<>ot1111 ....... ~-,...~ '" pe1 w n.il 949 548 2538 Additions& Rtmodellno Aif~lt AWNHVAC Alf Cond1bonin1 & Heat '"'SM VIC.It 880 ApilrOW!d l lf0fl60 9'9 500'.IUI A -l HANDYMAN Install, rel.u tab4neh ~ ,.,..... Oq 1l4 S«i-7258 Employment 8500 l•lboa hland Art Galle.y P I compoler erapl11cs & rela1I sales Call Sieve 949 723 1100 CROWH COVI SINIORCAR( • Car e111ver f I •Waiter Pl • Otef ( •l)('fUlOl!!d ()'4y • Re,ept1on1sl 949 /60 2800 Corp orate taecutlve Secretary S,.11 motrvaf ed w/strong oiaan11a honal sl.111' upu1e11ce pr tlN abl~ w we l111fles k11owledp,P and Lorn put~• skill •. ,, mu~I Mnn fr • 9 l 00 Cdll for interview 94!1 121 9?.36 DRIVERS WANUD NURSlS IMMIDlATllYI ~ ~s & Corrprins needed lot L1ve·1n/Hourfy Adi-"""" c •• 0r-..c-ty (714) SS7-2273 PART TIMI (OR PACIFIC VICW MEMORIAL PARK m Corona del Mat. CA I wo positions available, r uneral Service 011ec- lnr ~ lo over ~e chapel and gravu1de servi<:es. ne~ded wf!ekdity~ & 'ume weekend,, SIOhr. Mu'I have pt0fe,s1ondl appea1 dOLf be com PdS"onate and frrPndly Call 949 644 ?700 and WPdh with Miles Wuud Newpoll & t11>nl•'&\on fkh Part time a.11.f ~ Set your uwn scheduk:! s ! 7 / h, I g , t or a 11 e Pail m full lime available faL•loly Sun s ,Mon's SIS• ddy full lime Office And hie main~ tall 888 llOI WOHi\ tenance [,per 1ence a <~ ·~@>wwwO-Olo..om • Irma 714 84t 4466 CLEAN OUT YOUR HOUSE WITHA GWG£SAL£! W1 (949)642-5678 ~, relll beauty, <team lo drive, AC. CO. aft new .. , S6500 94!Hi7J.8756 9004 IMW ''7 3281 Corrv metallic oark blue/gr ey llhr, superb 'ond th'roughoul $14 995 ¥11672421 Bkl S&!JB>.18!13 www.ocpal>l.••lft IMW '86 3181 2 d•, bl1rk. 5 •P \Un roof. lull pwr. Sl!>OO 114 -914-1166 aMW '9032SI hke new Blk/l•.n 4 dr auto at '""'I, lull pw1 11nl, Ca \moe 536~ 114 4>4 1698 IMW S211 '99 Spor I W•"on •Int t•Jnd w.irranlf loadrd $?5.99!> 949·881 4644 HOME, HEAL DI AND BUsftEss ---- n . , carpet Repalr~les CARPET• CARPlT Re11dll\, Patct11ng. ln\Ull C:n1Jrlrou\ •'"Y "'" fOI>\ Wholf'~alr' 949 492 0705 Cleanlno Touch of Klas.' l.UlflJ"'dll I \pcr1 Ill House Cleanin~ 211 "l"a" In liU\lllC\\ L1ccn-cd & llomkd l'r11fc"111nJI h:ani- "'~'1pn<'<l II• Yn ur llonw (949) 548-0097 l·n:e 1·,1rtnurc• Rcfen:uu:' ~pnni: ( lcJCllllfl Spc~1JI' I E C IUS#IESJ .,,A.S Uptr ede\ Rei>lll• s ol Compulflf, Helworh f venines/Weeklnd\ Competitive PlltU lor qu•f1tr 'etv1c t4t-U6-117S 7H~t26 ... 2U QulclcKlean Renew. don't reptaoe tilelorout noora. ooun6irl. lhowel'I. ~ ... llng VSIMC accepted 111-m~ www.qktUe.com 80, Computer Services COMPUTER HELP! •ll'ltrattor~Tlllllltllt •AtYNllomoroflb •llC«lllc ·~~ • Ylltl Pago Sln'l • sa1 ...... ~(Mbl<­ ·()llo~ ~....., • t>p~ f"ol• MU' • 'Cw-5~ """-~ UC .,.......,°'11dU11'9. 10Y.s~EAI). 7 11~12-2786 Concme & Masorwy lrlcli l lecli S•-• fife Cr•k 1ete, Patio. llnvPway I 11 rplc, BBQ Refs ?5Yrs ~ fmy 114 557 /594 lhe Cement Man ( rmentwn•~ Brl<'k, lilt! & Mme Rel1•ble No tob toosmBll 714 61!> 9062 R-1·-· Dultn & Coml 100'!0 pMectll)fl 1 pJb di a tnW! Steve M¥m l 41822214 949.58<' 'B12 • 0 YOURHOMI IMP•OVIMINT l'•OllCTl Call a plumber. palntef. h1ndyman. 01 1ny of the 1r11at setvtCH listed hete in our service d1tectoryl TH£SE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Drywall Services WITTHOtn DRYWAU All phasu \m/lra fOb~ CLIANI 10y,.,, fa11. lree esl L~ 114"'639 1447 EJedrlcll Semca DUNCAN UfC7RIC Locdl, Qui<~ Respur1se Home. Yard & Dock Elect 70 '1'1<, [ •P l 1C/ln,ured l #775870 949·650 7042 UCINSED CONTRACTOR No fob tno """ M servus' R~pau. remodel, fans, 54>i1 ,_ Slit 949 645 '16156 Aooring/Tlle ardwoo Linoleum. Sub Floor Repair. Molding 949-582·8861 714-925-3241 CUSTOM a.ATM TU lnslAllWon. strte <.«..-.-.:. marble. stun. ~ 197S l#6121* -"ti 714-612 9361 UMY~~ed Reroutin & 1nstall1hon TIL DEAN 949-673 8065 71~ 714-88J.alll ........ tw.lnn.,., lawn WOtll. y/JNJ a.i.ci, "-Ml\ ne nn. • ....., Comm/Res 714-436 1518 l-lwrH~c .... w.ly nlnt. he lnrmq 6 1Mlallahon 25 Yn up LIC./insured 949-!>48 4363 Olt~fl'•+ ... c- S-e. -Up Get your yerd looking rts be5l let the st.nml!r. Yird cle<wl l4l5. Sfll_... ~141' rrd l:ad5uprc weekend & eve quotes Xtra Hand ServltH 114-Ul-OIMO HomeRepalr RESTORE • RCPlllR & RCMOOELING CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN t 8Yrs EJip • Gnlill IWs M "'-9' Qinstndoo ~ llemodlll EJ!l)ll1S L1Sn 11112 949-305-7699 GJM.IAl. IEPAll lilWNTFJWll • ~. Coomrdal No Job 1bo Small Da•e HamJJtoa 949-322·8292 nx UP SPICWJST. All types ot reparn Eler t11c.al. ptuml>tne ~'· watw he<lltn. ~ & more 24trf/7d;,ys 714·366·1881 6-tle..nctM &¥s tar pen try • PfumbrnR Drywall • Stu<.co Parntina. l 1le & mote 2(). Years E •Pit' lent•' Je 714-t6t-S776 , ...... ...,_ .. H-e Re.,.fr S,..d ollet Interior & E•te1101 Repa1n 71-4 501 6466 fHI HANOYMA" All WOfk guaranteed Pa.mlq. O!dat. Doon. r ns11 ca-p ac. 96:aM41115 Ok1, C-,et• & Tr•, GenMll Cle11nup, T11cl0f Service Av11labi.. C1ll Anyhmt 714 580 6449_ JUHi TO THI DUMl'lll 714·968-1887 AVAILA8lE TOOAYI 949·673-SS66 Haml ...... .... RMMlllll Specilltlklg In Additions & OuallfY Rfmodlllng Sine. lf10 . 714-IOl-G713 ............... SB1 ro11t 11nw1nted It.mt tlwOllCfl ci.stffled Mondo '01 Tribute ES silver/e•ey lth1 21~ m1 V6 4wd 6 CO. w.irranly pp $14,999 949 61'> 81!>3 MAZDA TRtlUfl 200 I red e> ltr tan llh1 inlet 1m Im CO. ~unr I ac $13,495 949 494 4652 MlRCIOlS INZ '92 I~ 26 bladl. all pwt, wrwoof. 8 m , a<llll"I -• f6':n) 919~ 2341 M........ '03 320( ?or. 1111. p~wt., ~d~c l ,nnd. I ll'ILh~• 11111~' .,., & l!drnd•d w.i11,u111 S44 500 <j49 644 l l4l t49·SH -IH8 W-.•qo.bl.COfft R-e• Rover '96 4.0 S£ 78k "' Cuaf nu b .. nh ret.r1rr1'. 1 n wnf"r wh1lt' f,;n llht CO ru111111111 board~lbru~h ~du1d~ like new con<I v272848 Sl8.9o/.> Im & warunty Avail Bkr 949 '>86·18811 ~w.oqoobl~ s_. ·oo 93 ceev 3911 m1, lull lad or y warr mPtJtlu ~•Iv•' ~' t"'"rt ndtm~..tl ttht .rnlo t (J neat~tt '*''ilf-. "'IJ'"'' t• Ii._. ... new 1nnd Slf>'l'J '1 v f!J; I 91'6 IJl.J 9'19 9J; I IJO'I MlRClDfS S60Sl '16 Blue/er.,en new top ond ~ww.!.cpabl.co"' upholstery Pvl Pa• Ir f oyola '98 Id< um~ ~, 4 $9~949 613 I<~ ~w ntf id 111~• l I • ltft fut pf w .liar m nunc • ond S7900 94':1 61'> '>144 MHCURY TOf'A.Z '89 l:hAnipAnief8r~y Al 4 dr low rn1, gr I 'dr. $1500 Muv1n1: 714 878 9455 Heuu Cle_l ..... xp'd Wkly/81 wkl1/Monlhly Refs Crut rates• tmeldA 949-~ 4?a; 949 lJ8.(JIJ/ --- ~ . . .. . ; ' '.. . . ' ·. -. -~ : Open 7 Days lowRatM St0f'808 $p«;lats Sfnce 1981 949--645-4545 1£$7 MOVtlS SSS/H•. Servin& All Cltie1i lnsuted fl63844 800 246 2378 373 630-9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Public Ul11ihe\ Commission require\ that 111 used household rood s moven print their P U.C C•I T nurnbef; flmos and chaulleurs prcnt thel1 T C P numbei m all 1dvff ltsements II you hne 1ny queslfoM about the l1c1hty ol • mo•tr , limo or chauffeur. call. l'UIU< UTIUTllS CNMJSSM* 100 1774H7 Sl!tjJ & ..... ,.., Custom Hand Painted .. &hu•,P..._ Ml$t b lwe !m.at .Q1ii(: lit •mtllll "I \rll >'"",.('or --"' ~fird ! Palntino ~'JJdl,~. ~Professional Parnhng I CM9'~ Rob Isbell · Owne1 Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 646·3006 Cell 949-887-1480 0--,'• ,... Ufts tip Great Pr Ke1 Guar •nteed wo1k free est t-•375602 114 bJ8 1534 / 390·294!> IU'S CUSTOM PMfTING Profl. dean, quality work Inlet ior /u t end do<ks ll70344i8 949 &JI 4610 s.y.-·· ...... 11. Top Qu111ty. Competilive In I er lor IE at L 1648228 Call lay 949 650 5066 WNIOW c.Ql M/11111 P1inlln1.-.VUt I~ Qv~I frM ..tirNtl LI 7 71~636-8888 CAUGHT IN THE ACT ... ""'' 0 trudl p..:I b or ro:A G.11 Didi Rey @ I omalo Auto S9lt5. 7 ll 437 19.11 " 714 l2S 3Z2B CASH Foti CilS WI HUD YOUR CAa PAID fOR oa NOf l'HIWl'S AUTO ASK fOI MALCOlM 94t-S74·7717 ~Pilot W1 {949) 642-5678 Best place lntM..t4 to ahertbe! Call today to place ,. ad Cllssifted &42·5678 StucceRepolr h "I Cet• repolr 94t-64S-2U 2 De K.Ye11 USDS62S Plumbing SIMI .... ~ (t4t) 645-2JS2 T elec adlYl\l(Jtl Of M81J8af'<Jl!l1 SEWER 1£TTINC EtrCTRONIC SLAB 11 AK 01 fl C llOH r rcendly Se• vice 949 -67S -t304 -~ .. illl.oom l• 7!12491 Wl~•ffed MOltlST & MASOll ... PLUM8lR t t506$86 f r .. [~I Sm r1!plh. OClfCU 0... 714-~91~ NICtsl l'lUMl*O Rep11lrs & Remodtlifll I RH (STIMA TC l•617398 714 9G9 1090 Al Typo el 11-6 a ~ • ~rial. u..-.dll (949) 548-0769 _.ww _...1tn ruol wm Tree Service TREES 'M••l111. RtNNI &YarJCIHA• 714.435.1 StJte Wiii CCMltnp TMlSTIUffQll Spec.-1111na 1n Wallpapt ReMonl l#!>ll8241 949·360·121 l BACK TO SCHOO TUTOR Acceteratea Pnonlc:t ~~ er.. Llwll Iii 7 .,.,.. All agtS & Urll leYllS. (Mt) nJ-5241 TtlUsMolt YOUR GW&EWEI II CWSRD (949)642-5671