HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-21 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotiOt • -• • -15 .. lly lek r 2 J, 0 H:- :k, er, •er 1ul iO • • IO • = = ' I ' = S erving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,AUGUST21,2003 DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Asst. Supt. Steven Smith, far right, talks to parents about ongoing construction at Harbor View Elementary School. Parents concerned about Harbor View's delay Some have asked that the district transfer the students to another campus to ensure school starts on Sept. 2. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NEWPOITT BEACH -Some parents upset lhat Harbor View Elementary School will open a week late have asked lhat lhe distric1 move Lhe entire student body to another school site so lhey can start on lhe first day of school. Parent Dennis Gordon presented lhe request at an informal meeting of school district officiab. construction QUESTION Should the school district move Harbor View Eiementary students so that school mi~n time? Call our Readers 7 • Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dsilypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. representatives and parents in the cor- ner of I !arbor View's parking lot Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was punclua1ed by lhe sounds of con- struction equipment that prompted lhe meeting in the first place. District officials announced Tuesday lhat Harbor View would start Sept. 8 instead of Sept. 2 because of problems that only became apparent dunng renovation. The construction il> ex· pected to finish nex1 week, but officials wanted to make sure teachers had enough time to set ·up I.heir class- rooms. While parents expressed frustration wilh I.he delay, they are also concerned about lhe next two phases of con- struction. which will start at the school o nce classe~ have begun. "We are not willing to expose our children to Lhe possibilities of safety and securicy issues, or subject lhem 10 the dust, dirt. noise and the tools. equipment and workers as the con- struction continues while !>chool is in session," Go rdon said. District officials stressed that all See DELAY, Paee A4 KOCE-TV sale brings out some protesters Before and at the college districts' trustees meeting at OCC, students and teachers urge holding on to the public television station. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -In anticipa· tion of a community college dis- trict trustees meeting, more than 25 people demonstrated outside Orange Coast College Wednes· day afternoon against the dis- trict's selling KOCE-Tv, a public television channel. Coast Community College District officials are considering selling the station. which has been broadcasting educational programs from Golden West Col- lege in Huntington Beach for the last 30 years, because of state budget cuts. The station costs the district more than $2 million every year, officials said. fifth is a joint bid from lhe KOCE Foundation and LA-based pub- lic televisio n channel KCET. OCC student Binh Truong, who stood on lhe sidewalk hold- ing a sjgn, said he and his family have watched lhe channel for years. "We love it." he said. "It's Orange Councy's voice." Several others said the district must not sell to religious groups. "When you have special inter- est groups talting over local klter- ests, that's just wrong," Judy Courdy said. "This is about keep- ing local control." who teaches middle school sci· ence at Saddleback Unified School District, said teachers such as her count on KOCE to provide resources lhey lack. ·1 can get free instructional programs for my classes with teacher guides: she said "It's like bringing a guest speaker to the classroom.· More than 100 people. includ- ing the protesters, attended the college district's board meeting Wednesday night. At least 70 spoke, a majority in support of keeping KOCE. Board members were also di- Newport Beach city attorney says he'll retire , Bob Burnham, a city e mployee for 23 years, announces tha t he'll leave in spring 2004. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NEWPOlff Bl-AU I -Cit; leaders searched for '>uperla t1ves to de'>cribe Hob Burnham after he announced \'Vedne'>da} lhat he plan-. to reure next !>pnng. "What hl'0'> brought to the city b not even mea.,urable, .. \lavor ~teve Bromberg -.aJd. "They broke lhe mold w1lh this guy · · Humham dJd nor return call., for comment. but a releal>t' put out by the city noted h1., de<,ire to spend more time w1lh this family Burnham, who plan'> to retire he1,H·en March 1 I dJIU lune m. W04 hru. been ~1th Bob Burnham lhl' ell) '>lfll'e 1Y80 lie bt: l·ame lhe city attorne\ thret• yt·..ir'> latt'r Bromberg. also an attorne~ lauded Burnham for h1" exper ll'>t: on .urpon l\\Ut''> Hurnhani helped nego11a1e the unKJn.t.I '>ettlement agreemeni 1mpo.,mg nrn-.e n. .. ,1rict1CHh <Jn John Wayne Arrprm 111 1 •1HS -\ltt-r Burnham helped t rah the agrt'ement. the 1-ederal >\\'1a11u11 See RETIRE, Page A4 Support seen for community center Santa Ana Heights re sidents seem to be for it, city staff says. It's not clear that the YMCA will run it. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bl::ACH -Several community memheri. attended a town hall meeting on Tuesday night to express their opiniom about using Santa Ana Heigh1 &' redevelopment funds for a re· gional community center Newpon Beach City Manager Home' Bludau. who w~ one of lhe panelists at lhe forum or· ganized by lhe Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Com· mittee, a community commjt · tee. said a majonty of lhe peo- ple at Tuesday's meeting spoke QUESTION How should the redevelopment funds from thlt Santa Ana H9ights area be spent? Call ·7 l • our Readers Hotllne at (9491 642·6086 or send e-mail to dalfyp1/ot ~ lat1mes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only in 5uppon of building tht' S 11 5- milhon commun1t\ cenlt:'r. which the rnunt\ \~oukl tund \\llh redevelopme111 money. In question i-. whether lhe center will continue 10 he run by lhe YMCA, whJCh ha~ oper- ated in lhat locauon for more than 30 years. See CENTER. Paee A4 KENT TREPTOW /DM.Y Pl.OT On Fairview Road at Orange Coast College, Chns Minear and The protesters held signs that read "Save.,~" "Klep ICOCE in OC" and ·0on't sell KOCI!." The district is looking at five bids, four from televangelists, in- dtwllng C.OSta Mesa-based Trin- ity Broadcasting Network. The Among the protesters were several teachers. Lori Musick. See SALE, Paa• A5 others hold up signs protesting the sale of KOCE-TV. THE BELL CURVE There are more Democrats here than most would believe Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWEB: www.~com talk. quick movements and an edge of impadtnce. Sbe'a a quiclt read. anticipating quesdont before the questioner is through, and plunging into answers. She wu never at a loM for words. mott of · them aab.tandYe, and many of them '-"•.n::ndedto C':r bM\111\t.,::::. .. Boar dlllwred hlr lnlonDll me 11111 without.-from eq,.-. leefp beside the~ fnlllled ........ blddros> ol bobtJkls bom md .. water behl.nd • tallt wlDdGw; l didn't heir much tbml ......... rWldld ID be •therecoal.lflr ..... _I WEATHER tt'• just .. bMullfOt • i'l wn on Wldneed9y. S.PlpAJ. SPORTS H I A2 Th.fsdly, Auaust 21. 2003 Daily Pilot THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Conan gains another endorsement for governor P.ul Clinton Daily Pilot ' Assemblyman John Campbell ls the latest locally elected politico to toss rus endorsement for the state's top elected post to actor Arnold Schwaneneger. Campbell follows Reps. Dana Robrabacber and Ou1s Cox. as well as state Sen. Rosa Johmon, in lending his support to the "Govemator." John Campbell President Bush hasn't endorsed any candidates. but has said Schwarzenegger would make an effective governor. "I actually spent quite a bit of time talking to members of Mr. Schwarzenegger's team and .....----.. Arnold himself," Campbell said. "I became completely comfonable with him as a man and with his ability to Dana lead this state Rohrabacher out of its current doldrums and back to prosperity." Chris Cox On Wednesday, the Terminator appointed Campbell as one of three economic advisors. CampbelJ joins billionaire investor Warren Buffet and former secretary of State George Shultz. In the almost rwo weeks since announcing his candidacy, Schwarzenegger has said little about how he would address the state's $38-billion budget deficit. He held an economic summit in Los Angeles on Wednesday to air his views. Campbell heard one comment from the Running Man that held a nugget of truth for him. "He said, 'You shouldn't spend more than you bring in,'" Campbell said. "I am very comfortable knowing that Arnold will do the right thing for this state." Ross Johnson Campbell deemed Schwarzenegger "a bright man" and said he's impressed with the actor's ability to succeed in three arenas in life -sports, entertainment and business - as he looks toward a fourth in politics .. The election to recall Gov. Gray Davis is set for Oct. 7. Office space an easy find for Ueberroth Less that a week after announcing his campaign for governor, Emerald Bay resident Peter Ueberroth set up his campaign headquarters in Costa Mesa -oddly enough, at the same location used by Issa in his brief flirtation with a run. Ueberroth secured lssa's former offices in Costa Mesa on Aug. 14, having formally thrown his hat in the ring on Aug. 8. Ueberroth has also hired many from lssa's campaign team, including top strategist Scott Taylor. Tom Wilson Ken Maddox Tom Wilson endorses candidate for seat In other endorsement news, Tom Wilson, Orange County chairman and Newport Coast supervisor, has endorsed Van Tran for the 68th Assembly District seat. Tran. a Garden Grove councilman, is vying with council colleague Mark I.eyes for the seat. The winner would replace Assemblyman Ken Maddox, who is termed out and runnlrtg for the state . Senate agaJnst John Campbell. Newport· Mesa's supervisor, Jim SUva. has also endorsed Tran. Consultant keeps busy on another front Campaign consultant Chrh Wysocki popped up in the news this week and it wasn't in connection to any local candidates. Local politicos know Wysocki as the Sacramento campaign consultant for John Campbell, 70th Assembly District candidate Cristi Crlstlch and others. However, Wysocki is also the campaign spokesman for Rescue California, Recall Gray Davis. The group has led the effort to raise fun ds and gather the signatures needed to remove Davis. The group counts some 25,000 donors, including Rep. Darrel Issa (R-Vista), who gave Sl.7 million, and John Campbell. who gave $10,000. More than $2.8 million was raised overall. with $2.4 million spent 10 pay for the professional signature gatherers. ' Zippi works on expanding her reach A local Assembly candidate is kicking her fund-raising efforts up a notch by scheduling two events within the week. Marianne Zlppl, who is running for the GOP nomination in the 70th District, has scheduled private fund-raisers in Orange and Newport Marianne Zippi Beach. Zippi will hold events on Sunday in Orange and Tuesday in Newport Beach in her bid against Cristich. Otuck DeVore and Don Wagner leading up to FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks at UC Irvine on his after-school program initiative in October 2002. the March primary. Zlppi is most noted for ber run at the Newport Beach City Council in 2002. a race she lost to Cristi Cristich Council man Tod RJdgeway. Zippi says the Orange event is proof that she's more that just a one· town gal. She has held several events in Newport Bewh so-far. "You can't be a Newport Beach candidate in a race that covers seven cities," Zippi said. "But solidifying the base was the fi rst order of business." Sunday's event is set to take place from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the home of PriscilJa Yale. For more information, call (714} 368·0997. Tuesday's event is set for 6 to 8 p.m. at the home of Larry and Yvette Mandell at One Ford Road. For more information, call Anita Ferguson at (949} 644·7425. •POLITICAL LANDSCAPE appears Thursdays. If you have political tidbits for the column. please e-mail dailypilot a./at1mes com. POLITICAL Saturdlly; The Newport Harbor Newport Beach. Information: Kelly the Oct. 7 recall election. NOVEMBER Republican Assembly will hold Its Hiiiman at (949) 278-9661 CALENDAR annual wine and cheese reception 30: The last day to requeat an absentee 17: The Republican Party of Orange from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the home of SEPTEMBER ballot for the Oct. 7 recall electfon. County Central Committee will hold a Debbie and Bany Allen in Corona Del general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Mar. The special guest will be Rep. 11: The Republk:an Party of Orange Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton AUGUST Chris Cox. Information: (949) 644-9264 County will hold il8 second Sept 11th OCTOBER Blvd., Cott.a Mesa. Admlulon it free, Mef'l'10fW Pnryer Brealcfaat af 7:30 a.m. and all Republicans ere welcome. (714) 'Tod9y: A fund-raising reception for 1Ueedey: A fund-railing reception for at~ Httton eo.ta Mesa. The apecial 7: Recall vote of Gov. Gray Davia 666-8565. Chucl 0.Vore'a state Allembly Marianne Zippi'a Assembly campaign gueatwlll be Bruce Herschensohn. The scheduled. campaign wtU be held from 6:30 to 8 will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at One coat II 125 per person or $250 for a p.m. at 1he home of Tom Phittipl In Ford Road Ctubhouae In Newport table of 10. Reeervatlona are eaaential. 14: Cristi Cristich, candidate for the Coton& 0.. Mar. The tpeelef guest will Beach. Information: Anita (949) Thia ii not a fund-raising event. 10th Assembly District, will hold a POLITICS ASIDE •. be Alp. Dane Rohreblcner, Ind 644-7425 Information: (714) 556-8555 meet·and-greet at 6:30 p.m. In ndonej rlldio penoneltty Hugh Hewitt . Newport Beech. lnformetlon: Kelly wMI 98fW -~of Cll'emonies. 'IMeday: Newport Harbor Republican 15: The Republican Party of Orange Hiiiman at (949) 278-9661 S.J. Cahn is on lnfonnation: www.~.com Women will hew• dinner at 6 p.m. at County c.ntr.I Committee will hold a or (949) 472-6'14 the Pacific Qub. The gueat speaker will general meeting at 7 p.m. at the SotJ1h 20: The Republlcan Party of Orange vacation. His column be Rep. awta Cole. lnfannatlon: Coaet Plea w..tin Hotel, at 686 Anton County Central Committee wtll hofd a will return next week. Ml9r: CNd Criltich, ~for the Ooloree Oiiing •• , 759-3086 Blvd., C-. Mesa. Admiaalon Is free, general mMllng at 1 p.m. at the SotJ1h 70lh ~District, wtl hold I and an Republicans are welc0me. (714) Coast Plaza Waldn Hotea. at 888 Anton mMl~at5p.m.on891boe Wldll 11.,, ()lie Crllelch, candidate 566-8666 Blvd., Coeta Meta. Admiltion la free, Wend. lnfonnatlon; K.etv Hftlmln at for 1he 70lh ~ Dtatrict, will and all Republlcana are welcome. (714) (948)278-8861 hold a~ at 5:30 p.m. in 22: The last day to register to vote for 566-8666. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news stories. SURF AND SUN Mark C. Dustin, Don l.Ndl, Illustrations, editorial matter or Kent Treptow advertlsemenu herein can be READERS HOTLINE reproduced without written WEATHER FORECAST SURF permiuion of copyright owner. (9491642-6086 It'll be a beautiful day, with a Today's a great day for many Record Your comments about the HOW TO REACH US VOL. 97, NO. 233 Dally Pilot or news tips. Clrculetlon few clouds earty, but an things, Including woridng. THOMAS H. JOHNSON Newt Editors Addrns The Times Orange County otherwise sunny day. Highs hiking, eating and sunbathing, Publi$her Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Our eddreu i1 330 W. Bay SL. Cotta (800) 252·9141 will be In the mld-80a In Costa but it's a horrible day to surf. TONYDOOEAO Daniel Hunt. Paul S.itowitt, Meu and Inland Newport Swimming might be Editor M9N. CA 92627. Office hours are ~ JUDY OETTINO Daniel Stevens Monday · Frid1y, 8:30 I m. · 5 p.m. Clelelfled {9491642-5678 Beach and In the mld-70. along worthwhile. Advetti~or NEWS STAFF ConKtiof.a Newport's coast Lowa will be There will be anfde.hlgh Crime ~oo~rter, D6epley (949) 642-4321 LANA It la the Piiot'• policy t.o promptly Edttodel In the mid-eOa. waves and the occaaional Promotlona Dlr9Ctor (949157 correct 111 errors of 1uti.tance. NeW9 Friday should be very knee-high, but anything n'IOf9 d#pa,b/wl,.th./atim#IS.COm PINN Clll (949) 7M-4324. (949) 642-5680 atmilar. is out of the question. EDfT1NO STAF1 June~· lpofta (948) 57~23 Saturdey loob doudy earty Friday will tt1rt off small, but S.J. Cetwt Newport report9r, FYI ,.._.,.. (949) M&-4170 but sunny and a bit warmer pidc up by late eftemoon Into M.:fl~ Editor, (949) 57'""'232 The Newport BNc:h/Cotta M ... lpofta Fu (949) 650--0170 than toct.y In the lftemoon. the wellt-hlgh range. (949 67'""'233 ju,,..t:11~rw:J.•1at1,.,,...oom Dally Piiot (USPS-144-800) 11 E.ft'Nlll; dalfYpltot•tatlm•com ............... : Chest-highs might 1rrlve. a..).c.hn• l11tJma.com PaulClneon publltMd dally. In Newport Beech Melft Ollloe www.nwe.no..(IOV W.Wquelly: .--.Melet' Politk:t, b4J1lneea end environment end CostAI M .... 1ubecrlptlons are ~Editor, hllwOMoe (949) &42-4321 www.1Urfridtlr.oro (M~4 reporter, (948) 764--4330 ev1ll1ble only by 1Ubec:rlblng to The .......... ,.. (949) 831·7128 BOATIN~ FORECAST J«rw."'*'•lllff,.,,.,.oom f*Jl.cllmon•tat1tN1.com Times Orange County (800) TIDES ....... DuM Lolt8tt.per 252·1141. In .,... oWlde of l.uieJ The~wlndl wlll 8poftl E*>f. Columnlet. culture reponer, N.wport hedl •nd eo.t. Mell, blow 10 to 15 ltnota, with 2·foot nm. .... _, &1'""223 l148l 674-4276 1<1bec:ripdon1 to tM 0.lly Piiot .... 8:17a.m. 3.23 ,_.high tfdwJrd.duntt•~ WIYel Ind. welt .... , of 2 ,,...,,, ...... lt>ltu.hllrf#•,,,,,,.,,...com evtlllbte only by ftrlt ct.. melt for fwl. Not mud'I wilt cNnge this 10:3'a.m. 3.11fwllow An Olredor' Newt o..t Chief. .,..........,.. 930 per month. (Prloel lncfude .. , Pubfflhed by Tlmet Community ewrq. 6:2tp.m. U3Mchtgh IM)l1'M22A Cost. Meea repoftilt, (M) $7'M221 ~--endlocel-...) /otltl...,.,..,,..,...com t#lldre.,,..,,...,,.,,,,.,oom l"OSTMASTtft: s.nd ....... Newt, a dlvt.lon of IM Lot A,.._ Out "'"'*· the Wlllet1y 1:21a.m. 0.71Mclow ..... ..c ... ~IO TM N9wpoft nm.. wtrMtl wll blow 10 to 15 lcr)otl, ......... c...-.. With MDal WIV9 end .... Niwa ......... ..,.,...... INcM:olcl Mlee Dlttv ,...,..11'.0. --~ lox 1MO, C-. Mia CAtaea .... of 2to4 ..... Lftr, the ....,.... .... ..,..ciom OOtlt.......,,....,._oom ....... iboull ..... ,., .... ' I <> Dally Pilot De Vore takes another shot at Cristich Rival for Assembl seat accuses Corona econ~m1c stimulus money rrom del Mar reside n t of a small Tucson suburb to reJo- "Ordinarily, this stuff gets saved for the last minute," Pe- tracca said. ·(Sol your opponents don\ have any time to respond." h . . cate her business but backed out c eating an An zona Cristicb fired back in an open town OUt Of $100,000. letter, charging De.Vore with en- , gaging in "cheap political tricks" Dave Ellis, a longtime Newport Beach poUdcaJ consultant, agrees. He's seen other races that have been uglier, he said. Paul Clinton and mudslinging. DeVore,. in <l Daily Pilot press release, said Cristich ac- NE:WPORT BF.ACI I -With still more than six months until the primary election, an Assem- bly hopeful is using hardball tac- tics to tar his more moderate op- ponent. 010ck DeVore, a. Newport Beach aerospace executive and former Irvine City Council candi- date, has leveled a series of charges in the last five months to discredit Corona del Mar resi- dent and Anaheim business- woman Cristi Cristich. In April, DeVore took Cristich to task for endorsing Bill Uinton in 1996. LaLer, he accused her of waffling in her position on an ai rport a t the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, a charge ~ht! says has no merit. cepted "$100,000 of that Arizona town's econom1c development money and then got cold feet" Officials in Sierra Vista, a town of 15,000 people, disputed De- Vore's claim on Wednesday. "There wa<; never any money transacted between the city of Si- erra Vista and Cl'Ulti Cristich," sald Barry Albrecht, exeeutive ~i­ rector of the Sierra Vista Eco- nomic Development Founda- lion. Political experts here have been debating the V"dliclity of the charges but seem to agree on one thing. nus race, which in- cludes two other canclidates, has taken an ugly rum much earlier than most political rumbles. This tactic may be a miscalcu- lation, UC Irvine political science The 1988 congressional race between Rep. Ouis Cox, then a White House lawyer, and Irvine Councilman Dave Balcer was much worse, Ellis said. Cristich and Devore, both Re- publicans, are looking for ways to differentiate themseJvesfor voters, Ellis said. uw e have two candidates thal are phjJosophically fairly dose," Ellis said. "So they have 10 trump up these differences more than they are." Former Newport Beach City Council candidate Marianne Zip- pi and Irvine resident Don Wag- ner are also in the race to replace Assemblyman John Campbell, who is seeking a stale Senate seat against Assemblyman Ken Mad- dox. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Concert wi ll mark new sports park's opening Rocldt Scientist!. will prc!.cnl a free Concert in the Park on Sun· day to kick off the opening of the new Honita Canyon Sporti. P.dl'k.. The band is known for rendi- tions of dasi.ic rock tunes from the 1950s and '60s. including numbers made popular by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, the Heatle!> and the Rolling Stone~. lhe performance i!. being sponsored by the Newpun Reach City Aru. Commi<>sion. sup- ported in part by a donation by the Newport Beach Art!> foumla- tion. Festivitie'> will begin a t 3 p.m. and will include i.pons clin· ics, contests and door prize~ throughout the day. The park i'i along Bonita Canyon Road fmrn Prairie Road w MacAr thur Boulevani lnfonnation; Call (949) 644 3211, code 2156. 230 Eosl 171 St. • Cosio Mesa (949) 722-7224 www 1Y9sondcorpet$ com Mon-fn 10-6 • Sot 1 ().5 UCI summer enroll ment a record lJC Irvine had a record 11, l 09 students talce credit courses this summer. a university spokesman saJd. School officials auributed the high number of students, which was 1.726 more than in 2002. to rising tuition costs. "With tuition going up 30%, students are looking to finish college more quickly," UCI spokesman Tom Vasich said. "They go to summer classes to accelerate their credits. H lhc UC system has raised its fees to offset the state's budget ~ap. Vasich said. Passe nger traffic rises 9.3% atJWA Airline pas.senger traffic at John Wayne Airport has in- creased by 9.3% in July from I.he same time la.st year. Commercial carrier night op- erations, howevt!r, decreased by 3%, while air taxi operations rose by 3 1.2%. Costa Mesa cleanup will be held in Sept. 27 The city of Costa Mesa will host the 21st biannual Nt!igh - bors for Neighbor~ community cleanup event on Sept. 27. The event will focus on low-income senior-owned mobile homes. The city program wa'> crt!ated to help residents beautify their homes ~ weU as to help wilh lo· cal community improvements. The cicy seeks d onations to help fund the event. Those interested in malcing contributions are a'>ked to call the Neighbors for Neighbors hotline at (7 14) 754-4892. Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday Cr TiusJay 6-9pm Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails lu1 llr1e1 t•11flrlll\ ( 111/ (949) <>46-7944 •••Quality Semce• • • • .. Nightly Entutainmeo~· • J (t')'\ 11 ,IO'-" \\C." 0 ( U'll.t \tc.·'-~l n ,.,,, . .,,,.,•\.I.,, '•' 11 ~\~·Ila• 1••·1w-" ''•Ii(! ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE f;,., H1mu Fvmisbi11r;s. Alflil(vn 6 Co/Jmibl.a. TrllJiirmul to Coru11 Gifts 11NI G11nlm !Rcor. Wuh Li.st llNi !Rlivrry. 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Ht >\ti' AND OTHER l!NIQL'E SOURCES -AT fA:-.:TA~Tl<.AI.1.'i l.O~ fJHI< I ' YOL WON'T FIND A!,ffWHEJU' ELSI·. • Complimenlar_) 1111eriur design comu/Jation at•c11/.zblt /11 11111 111•!111111 t ' III MODBL FURNISHINGS ANO MORE ... 6 3002 Dow AVENUB, Surrs 138 TuSTtN, CAurottNlA 92780 71 4.66,.3322 PAX 714.66,.3323 • TuBSDAY TH.lU b JDAY 10 -6, SATURDAY 10 -4 \ -----~-.... ---~_...~------.----~---=---·------------------- M Thursday, August 21, 2003 POLICE FILES COSTA MESA ~ Bristol Street A commercial burglary was reported in the 3300 blodt at 4:30 p.m. Monday. • Fair Drive: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 100 blodc at 5:13 p.m. Monday. • londondeny Street: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 1200 block at 3:36 p.m. Monday. • Newport Boulevard: 'Petty theft was reported in the 2400 block at 6:12 P·IJl· Monday. • Santa Ana Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 1600 block at 10:10 p.m. Monday. • Trabuco Circle: Vandalism was reported in the 900 blodc at 6:23 p.m. Monday. Redefining Floor Gare Products Smee 1921 PALS (949)645 .7257 2299 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa <AD Us ... Let Your Bwincss Be Our Bwiness Rabbitt Insurance Agency AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • HEAl.fH ~tabiluy 'in" / 'J'i ~ -~}_, r , 949-631-77 40 4-4 t Old Newpon Blvd. • ~n Bea.ch (Near Hoag Ho~pital) NEWPORT BEACH • w..t Balboa Boulevard: Battery was reported in the 1900 blodc at 12:33 a.m. Tuesday. • Dover Drive: An assault was reported in the 700 block at 7:12 a.m. Tuesday. • Hoag Drive: Battery was reported in the 100 blodc at 1:22 p.m. Tuesday. • Narciasus Avenue: A burglary was reported in the 600 blodc at 5:44 p.m. Tuesday. • Via Udo Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3400 blodc at 11:39 a.m. Tuesday. • Windward lane: Vandalism was reported in the 2100 blodc at 7:33 a.m. Tuesday. • 39th Street: An auto theft was reported in the 200 blodc at 1:18 p.m. Tuesday. 949-673-6083 ~~""" Q'i;,_\)~ ' ~~ !:'ome To You [!]~Dunn-Well I l'ft ... • 'f-•' ' 'I' ' 1820 Monr0111a Ave C-06ta Mesa. CA 92627 ~rs & Upholstery ~cfcx,,°7::.,....~' Robert Dunn Wat<>< Dannge Dryw.g Tel: 949.548.9373 Catr>Rt f-lf>pa1~ 714.5.oM.3434 IMlen if Is Oi.m-llW, II is Oont • ..S/nm 1965 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY llDllel Jear-bd Sale .J Signanue Store to Open in Southern California • DELAY seven schools now under con· s.trucdon would remain so dur- ing the first few months of school and that no other parents were asking for their kids to be moved to another site. Supt. Robert Barl>ot said he didn't feel th~ situation at Harl>or View warranted moving students at this time. '"Is it perfect? No," Barbot said. "But !moving! is not good for the kids. I invite you to look at the data." ' Oaity Pilot Barbot suggested that,a small group of paren ts work with Asst. Supt. Susan Despenas to moni- tor the environment at the school as construction unfolds. Harbor View, ensconced in a residential Corona del Mar neighborhood, is one of seven schools being renovated this year as part of the Measure A mod- ernization program. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOl A ba ckhoe sits in front of tile art wall at Harbor View. which is still under construction. Voters overwhelmingly ap- proved the $ll0-million Measure A construction bond in June 2000. The funds have been spread out and applied to the neediest areas at the schools. Construction on the first schools began in April, but the bulk of the work could not be done until the students cleared out in June. Once the renovation started at Harbor View, work crews dis· covered termites, dry rot and higher quantities of asbestos and lead than had been expected, and so construction has taken longer than expected. At the m eeting, representa- tives from McCarthy Building Co. discussed a timeline that calls for the science lab and the com- puter lab/library to be open by the end of September. The third and final phase of construction is expected to end by Dec. 12, said Bonnie Martin, a project di- rector for McCarthy. Gordon said if the district did not acquiesce to his request, he would take it to the school board. Many other parents also adamantly voiced their desire to have their children moved to an· other campus. The district had two student bodies housed on the campus of l .incoln Elementary School from the fall of2000 to March of200l, during the construction of New- port Coast Elementary School. Harbor View kindergarten teacher Michele Creason said she was comfortable with the district's plans. ··1 feel good they delayed (the opening)." she said. "They won't open the school unless it's safe ... RETIRE Continued from Al Administration passed federal legislation so that such agree- ments would no longer fly. 'Personally, he's a wonderful friend to me, and I'm gt>ing to miss him both as a friend I deal with on a daily basis and as the city attorney.' Homere.udau City Manager "I think if Bob wanted to, he could go out tomorrow and be- come one of the top 10 airport lawyers in the U.S .. " Bromberg said. Dennis O'Neil. former New· port Beach city altorney and mayor, said Burnham was well· equipped to handle complex is- sues confronting the city over the las t two decades, such as air transportation, water quali- ty and the environment. "Burnham's been there and CENTER Continued from Al Bludau said the city believes that "the Y is a very viable op· ti on'' to operate the center. But he added that plans to include the YMCA still need to be firmed up. The city plans to purchase the property within two to three months, Bludau said. "But the question is, what kind of a community center do Santa Ana Heights residents want?" he said. He said that although several people support it, he said there is more outreach to be done. "We'll have at least one or two m ore community meet- CURVE Continued from Al the Bush administration. Her answer was an immediate and vigorous, ·No, no, that isn't true." When I then asked :"Whether or not it's true, are you aware of this widely held perception?" she repeated her denial and said firmly that the Democrats would unify under a common banner before next yef.lT's election. Then she was out the door, and I wandered back to my car. pleased at seeing all those home-grown Democrats in one place and wanting to believe that the good guys have a real shot after all. was the right guy at the right time in history to handJe all these complicated problems in a professional manner with ex- treme ethics and reliability." O'Neil · said. USo we were well served. I don't think many peo- ple would understand that or would le.now that because the city attorney's office does n't have, nor does Bob want it to have, a lot of public relations exposure." City Manager Homer Bludau ings to make sure we've heard from a majority of lhe resi· dents/ he said. But Santa Ana Heights resi- dent Russell Niewiarows ki said he and bis neighbors who live west of Irvine Avenue do not want the community center because they do not believe it is a good use of the redevelop- m ent funds. "What they're doing is taking half of our redevelopment funds and setting (them) aside for a lavish facility, which is nothing more than a glorified health club," he said. Niewiarowski said he and his neighbors would like to see the money used to address "seri- ous problems" such as blight· ed neighborhoods, a lack of code enforcement and build- ings taken over by slumlordi.. political coUateral damage -to Proposition 13 as a principal villain in California's financial crisis today, an assessment Schwarzenegger has been distancing himself from as rapidly as possible, along with most of the other major candidates. My wife and I are typical of the people who have greatly profited personally from Proposition 13. Because we have lived in the same house for 20 years. our property taxes have gone up a maximum of 2% per year, while the vaJue of our property has womed. Thus we have profited over the years at the expense of public services that have suffered because of this lost revenue and because of homeowners who have come along later and paid • • • taxes on the market vaJue of their Ooe of the major ironies -homes. and one of the few virtues -of So Buffett is right The ~ this recall fiasco is that it has of Proposition 13 eroded the tax exposed some deeply embedded base in California that is the political wounds that we have prlncipal source of revenue in inflicted on ourselves over the virtually every other state. fl was years and that have metast.asized a broadsword attack on a into the problems we are problem the state Legislature struggling with today. At the head should have addressed with a of the pack is Proposidon 13. scalpel-and didn't. It can still lt has come back into our lives be modified to protect people because Arnold Schwanenegger with fixed inc.omes without chose a Democratic billionaire undennining the tax base of the named Warren Buffett to advise state. him on economic matters. And But because it is cast in legal one of the mt things Buffett did concrete, Proposition l3 stands was polnt matte .... of-factty -and as Exhibit A In the gallery or apparently without weigh.Ing any . lnO.exible direct democracy PLUG IN noted Burnham·s skill at bring· ing people together to find so- lutions. "On a daily basis, Bob is good about working with staff." Blu· dau said. "He doesn't have any ego and is solution oriented." Current and former city lead- ers also said they developed deep friendships with Burn- ham that they will mbs. "Personally, he's a wonderful friend to me. and I'm going to miss him both as a friend I deal "This center would be far from where we are." he said. "It wouldn't work for us as a community center." But there are others, such as Costa Mesa res ident Julia Cross. who use the YMCA al· most every d ay and would like 10 see it developed and ex- panded. Cross. who heads the YMCA's running club, said she would be disappointed if the YMCA were to leave the community as a result of redevelopment. "They have a lot of great pro- grams. including an extensive aquatics program and physical therapy for seniors and k.ids, • she said. "They allow people to walk along the Back Bay, and their child care rates are very reasonable.· The YMCA is hoping to work initiatives that now tie up almost two-thirds of the state budget. says public policy professor John Elwood at UC Berkeley. Whoever succeeds Gray Davis will have to start with that problem. And somewhere down the line. some statesman who doesn't regard getting reelected as his main goal in office is going to have to teU the citizens of California that their beloved direct democracy is causing a lot more problems than it solves. .... I finally caught up with "The O.C," the Fox 1V soap opera that is almost as bad as Fox news coverage. It's connection with Orange County doesn't go very far beyond the dtle of the show and some periodic static baclcground shom of water reputed to be the Pacific Ocean. It is a ta1e of unpleasant and uninteresting people doing unpleasant and uninteresting things to one another. "The O.C" is supposed to take place in Newport Beach, and if this is how our city is seen by Hollywood and projected to the world at luge, we either need to mend our ways or hire the people who sold the Great Parle at El Thro to change our image. • J08EPH N. BELL i. a resident of Santa Ana Heights. Hit oolumn eppMl'I Thuradaya. Some students also expressed satisfaction with the delay. "lt'U be fun because we get an extra week of summer," said Parker Varner, 8, who is going into the thfrd grade. ln response to parents' con· cems, district officials are con- sidering other days to make up for the four lost school days in- stead of extending the school year a week. • DEJRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readied at (9491 574-4221 or by e·mail at deirdre.newmanla>/atimes.com. with bn a daily basis and as the city attorney,~ Bludau said. "I love my relationship with him. I know it's unique, and I'm defi· nitely going to miss it." Bromberg said he would like to set up a committee with fel - low Councilmen Tod Ridgeway and John Heffernan, also a law- yer, to discuss expectations for Burnham's replacement "I think we need to do that because we·re not going to find anther Bob Burnham. but at the same time, the re's a lot of talent out there," Bromberg srud. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491574·4221 or by e·mail at deirdre.newman '.a latimes.com. with the city to develop the building and expand its pro- grams. said Joyce Hyde, mem- bership director. ·o ur building is really old. and we're look.ing to get a new· roof," she said. "This would be really good for us because It would ma.Ice it a nicer facility and we can continue to service the community.· Hyde said the center will also serve as a "meeting place.· • "There's no community cen - ter in this area." she said. "It'll be a great place for people to meet and get together.· • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and couns. She may be reached at (949) 574·4226 or by e·mail at deepa.bharath a;/at1mes.com. OBITUARY Isabel Organist.a Visitatkm for Cosla Mesa resident Isabel Or- pnlsta will be held ~ noon today until noon Friday at the family rest· dence. A func1'al tDM1 will be belcl at I pm. Prl- dly at St. John tbe.BlptMt Catbollc a.utdl al 1015 Baker St. in eo.aa Mela. Ma. Orpnjata died Sunday. She WU 79. She ia IWVIYed by daughters Watd9; .... bml; Palrida -O..· cUa; ... ......... 2& pmdcYdrma; 41 llml· pldchldNn; -10 ............ llllc:bll. dren. • 'the Deily Plloc weklorw obhuerlee .,, ......... fOnNr-...... 1111 of a-........ ,. .... lfyou ... tD'-"• oblluilrY..,.. lrt ... ,..,.,...........,. ......... 1011 ..... . ..., ... na .... .. ftltMOOmll .. IU-4121. Dady Piiot AROUND TOWN the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by &-mail to mlke.swanson@Jatimes.com; byfax to(949)646-4170;orby ' c;alling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the ~ent, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dsilypilot.com. fOOAY A frM bone density screening wiH be held by appointment only from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mo1her's Market, 225 E. l71h St. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport BNch Chunber of Commerce is hosting a Retail Merchants Sales Seminar sponsored by the Bayside branch of Union Bank of California from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Newport Beach Yacht Club. The cost to attend is $15, which includes a continental breakfast. For reservations, call (949) 729-4400. Teddy Bean and Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave., will host "Spa Day for Girls" at 2:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204. FRIDAY The Costa Mesa Senior Cent.er presents a Hawaiian luau featuring authentic Hawaiian food, entertainment and m ore from 4to 1 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the center's front desk. Reservations are a must. Admission for members is SS, $11 for nonmembers. Information: (949) 645-2356. Macy's South Coast Plaza and Teen Vogue magazine will host a Chanel Chance fragrance and SALE Continued from Al v11led on the bsue. Tnistee George Brown '><I.id he 1>uppons the le.ind of programming K<X:I: hru. IO offer hut that he does not want w fw1d television wilh tax· payer m om·y. ··1 don't want to spend -.tudent 111on ey on 1t." he ~d. "The pub- lic need' to come forward with the funds. ·n1e school can't do it.· Hut trustee Jerry Patterson said he bellew<; the di1>trict must fund KO<:r .. cosmetics party from 6 to 8 p.m . in the Macy's South Coast Plaza Women's Store. Supermodel present summer makeup and nail color trends that complement the new fragrance. Appointments: (714) 556-0611 . ext. 2362. SATURDAY The UC Irvine Alboretum ft hosting its annual Summer Bulb Sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . Gardeners will have the chance to buy winter species as dormant bulbs and select summer and evergreen species in containers. Expert advice and landscaping • ideas will be available. The Arboretum Is located just south • of the corner of Campus Or. and Jamboree Rd, on the north campus. Admission is $2 and children under 12 are free. For more information, send e-mail to ldlyons@uci.edu. Triangle Square In Costa Mesa invites the community to attend "A Fair at the Square" for the sights, sounds and great deals in the outdoor marketplace while taking advantage of storefront specials from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m . The Newport Harbor High School cheer squad will host Junior Cheer Camp from 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 23, 26 and 27 in front of the high school's anchor. The cost is $95, which covers a T-shirt, snacks, pom-poms, photo, extra fall practice and performance at a high school football game on Aug. 28. Students in grades K through eight are welcome. For more information, call (949) 673-1989. The Newport Harbor CRA will have its annual wine and cheese reception with Congressman Chris Cox from 2 to 4:30 p.m . at the home of Debbie Allen, 1021 "Wt>'re not d1venmg fund-. by lunding KOCI-. -he '>aid, evolung thunderous applau!>e fro m the audience. "Ir's a trem endous as· set for Ul> and it 1s perform int-: educationaJ funcliom and pro· vithng learning experience-. ... Among the <,peaker'> wcrt' llmil Luna. :.pokec,man for l.ongn:-:.~­ woman Loretta Sanchez, and UL Irvine 01anrellor Halph Cic· erone. both of whom c,poke in suppor1 of the lli'>tnrt keeping K<>U-.. There wt•re J few in the Jud i· ence who !>aid thty hclieve the district mu!'>t '>t'll the slallon. "With the money crisis. we White Sails Way, Corona del Mar. For lnformatlon and reservations, call (949) 646-9127. The Newport Beach Sunrise Roterv Club will hold its annual fund-raiser, •As Time Goes By;' at the Village Crean. The event will Include dinner, music, silent and live auctions and the chance to win a diamond and emerald bracelet. For more information, call (562) 743-4906. The Costa Mesa Senior Center will be dipping ice cream at an ice cream social at the marketplace from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m . Everyone 1s welcome. Ail ptoceeds will benefrt the center. Information: (949) 645-2356 . SUNDAY . A celebration to mart< the opening of the first phase of Bonita Canyon Sports Park in Newport Beach will begin with a dedication of the sports fields at 3 p.m. Sports clinics, contests and door prizes will run throughout the day. The first 1,000 children to arrive will receive a free opening day souvenir. Information: (94.9) 644-3151. The Orange County Market Place in Costa Mesa will host the fourth annual Endless Summer Class Car Show and Elvis Fest, celebrating the life and music of Elvis Presley, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . General admission is $2, and parking 1s free. For more information, call (949) 723-6663. To honor Katharine Hepburn. Oasis Senior Center will present ~Guess Who's Coming to Dinner;· the fourth of five free screenings in August, at 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy the m ovies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more can't afford n anyninrl"" ..aid Ann I loll1<la\', .1 lt•.1d1l'r for Coa'\tluw < :ornmun11y t.ollege. "It need!> to he •,olu "" that wr can fu nd .1radl'lllll pwgran1' that Wt'r<' cut heraU'>l' of 1he Ii nannaJ rm,1'>. \1udt•11l'> ari· not gelling the edul·a1111n they -.o despcrntdy nn·d." ·1 rn:.tec!> drl' rxpec!l·d IO dl'· cide on the l'>Mle dunng the hoard\ Oct. I mt•etJng • DEEPA BHARATH cover!> (luhl1t ~afety and couns She mav be readied at 19491 574 4226 or by e-mail at deepa bharath a fat1mes CCJl!l information, call (949) 644-3244 "Three Centuries of Music" concert at 2 p.m. The Three Centuries of Music Quartet includes Russian-trained musicians Sergei Kossiak. Tatiana Kossiak, Arshak Hayrikyan, and louri Adlchtchev, all members of the Oueretaro Philharmonic Orchestra of Mexico. The ensemble has played for President Fox of Mexico and for the klng and queen of Spain. Proceeds will benefrt construction of the Jeremiah House. Tlcitets are $15 general admission or $100 for patrons. Information and reservations: (714) 755-0340, ext. 134. The Roddt Scientists will present a free concert in the park from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at Bonita Canyon Sports Park, along Bonita Canyon Road from Prairie Road to MacArthur Boulevard. The quartet, known for their renditions of classic rock tunes of the 1950s and '60s, will perform covers of songs by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Cream and Jim1 Hendrix. Information: (949) 644-3211. code No. 2156. DRAPERY CLEAf\111\16 MID MORE I NO TAKE OOWl\I OR REMOVINli l\IECESSARY I Certified To Clean All Hunter Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • lumineftt Privacy Sheers' • Silhouette' window shadings • Vignette• window shadings • Duette honeycomb shades • Millenia ™ Collection • JubilancefM roman shades • Appbuse• honeycomb shadl'S • Serenetteni SoftfoJdni shadings World's Best ON·SITETW Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET ANO DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 e 714-968-8180 l/111lclm11 4 Heµutdtion far Uuilllty dnd §pf\ It l' ~mt P l<J'./ LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY DINNER SPECIAi S Sunday Prime R.i h $11 Monday AJI You Crn Lat ~p.1~hu11 $5 Tuesday Grenadine uf Bn:t $5 Wednesday Baby Back Rih, $8 Thursday H o m em ade: Mc:acloJI $10 Friday & Saturday Chef's Spc:uaJ .... ~ ........ ~ .... 11'!.'11111191 ... The Orange County Museum of Art is delighted to offer a series of jazz concerts thi s su mmer. Participants are invited to enjoy live jaz z, the beautiful art on exhibition, and fin e foo d and drink . Come join us in our relaxing sc ulpture garden for so me ho t jazz and cool art. Tom Hynes, jazz musician and educator, is coordinating the arti sts an.d mu sic that will be presented on each eveni ng. Tom is an accom - pli she d jazz guitarist who has a Master of Arts in music from California State University, Los Angeles. Aug 22 The Tom Hynes Quintet Director of the OCMA Summer Jazz Series. Tom Hynes brings hi s own hot quintet to the museum , featuring a sax and trombone front line performing his delightful, eclectic compositions. Admission to the'individual jau performances is $15 for the general public and $10 for museum members, students, and seniors. Series tickets are available at $40 for the general public and $25 for members, students, and seniors. Prices include admission to the exhibitions on view at the museum . Jazz evenings at the museum are from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. For more information and to reserve tickets, please call Tim Tompkins at (949) 759-1122, ext. 206. The museum is located at 850 San Clemente Drive in Newport Beach. · M Thursday, August 21, 2003 Dally Pilot HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Letters: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNden Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 · E-malltSend to dailypilot@lstim,es.com •Alt correspondence must Include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the·rlght to edit all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIAL Balboa Yacht Club members come through T hough the Balboa Yacht Oub hosts the Governor's Cup every year, irs members go out of their way to keep the event fresh and relevant. This year. the club ensured an even playing field by creating a new fleet of sailboats: the Governor's Cup 2 1 s. The previo~ Santana 20s were wearing down, turning the event into a game of chance in which the lucky lads and lasses sailed the more shipshape boats. But the members wamed to change that so that everyone, including young sailors from as far away as Australia and New Zealand who made the trip to the annual U.S. Junfor Match Racing Olarnpionship would have a fair shot at the Governor's Cup trophy. So the members put their heads and wallets together to raise the necessary funds and then employed the talenlS of members Alan Andrews and Dave Ullman to create the Governor's Cup 21. Andrews and Bravura Yachts designed and built the 11 boalS, while Ullman designed and supplied the sales. It's devotion like that that keeps the Governor's Cup exciting and ·relevant for the 11 teams of youth that fly in from across the nation and around the world. Everyone involved in the event owes the yacht club's members a great deal of thanks. Otherwise. the Governor's Cup would lose its edge and. perhaps. become irrelevant. This year's feat will be a difficult one to top, but perhaps the members have another exciting coup in the works. LEITER TO THE EDITOR Why is the power industry stuck in the 19th century? E lectric power is being gen erared and delivered roday exactly the same way it was when the industry was created more than 120 years ago. There has been virtually no progress. Electricity is generated by burning coal, natural gas, fuel oil, etc., for a gigantic generator that sends its power over scores of wires to hundreds of cusromers. A breakdown. therefore. affects hundreds of households at a time. Compare that Lo the automobile industry. which has seen immense progress since it started more than I 00 years ago. The 2003 model Buick is light years heller than the 1903 model Buick. And each Buick is self-sufficient. so that a breakdown only affects one car at a time. So what happened? Why has the power industry remained primitive while the auto industry has modernized? Freedom. The auto industry was left pretty much alone by the government until the 1960s. But the power industry was seized almost immediately by the central planners, who took it over and began regulating it "for the benefit of the people," of course. Each supplier was given a governm ent-protected monopoly over a geographic area thus "saved" from the need to improve by pesky competitors. Consequently. electricity is still being produced and delivered the way it was JOO years ago. But a competitive free market has produced great improvements in comfort, quality and performance of automobiles. What better proof that freedom works; central planning and government oversight does not. We citizens need to demand that government get out of the power business and let the market work. Ambitious, profit -seeking e ntrepreneurs ~II build aJI th e power sources we need. and their competition will hold down prices whiJe quality, service and the variety of power sources goes up. DON HULL Costa Mesa MAILBAG STEVE Mr.CRANK I 01'1LY PILOT Ruben Israel makes his views on homosexuality known as the Dyke March .starts off from Lions Park m Costa Mesa. Letter writer set progress back 40 years Eureka! Ila John!>on (Community Commentary ... There's no good reason to march," Tuesday) hm• discovered a time machine that ha:. transported her back to the I 96Ch in the deep south. If you just substitute "Negro" for "homosexual" within her angry article. you wiU di .. cover Johmon\ !>~cret to time travel. DEVAN MULLINS Newport Beach Music was too loud for this reader's Taste I read with interest "Taste of Newport a little Sugar Ray ... in Saturday's Daily Pilot. My wife and I live o n El Modena Avenue in Newport Heights. at lea'>t two or three miles away from Newport Center. where the Taste of Newport is held. Last year. about 11 p.m., we were awakened by music that was so unbelievably loud that I thought our next door neighbor was bla'>ting his stereo. When I went to investigate. it sounded like the music \Vas coming from the next block. I got in my car. and finally found that the music was coming all the way from the Taste of Newport. I hate to be a spoil '>port. but music- should not even be heard two or three miles away, let alone be loud. J hope the volume will be turned down a bit thi .. year ALLEN DRUCKER Newporr Beach Eminent do mai n makes sense on the Westside Ocean bluff property, one-half to two miles from the beach. cluttered with boat yards, industrial strip b.uildings and run down shopping cenrers. This scenario just does nor make sense in 2003. Think of the difference in value between the bluffs on the Eastside versus the bluffs on the We5tside, which are maybe two mile~ apart. 1 think·eminent domain should be used to redevelop the Westside (Ooser Look, .. Westside plans concern residento;, too.·· Tuesday). Unfortunately, people's lives are rooted in the Westside, and thi~ cannot be dbregarded. However. the disruption on people"s lives can be minimized. Like redevelopment projects in (Jlicago and other ci11es. current residents should be given acce'>\ to affordable housing in th~ new development Clt is just the cost of redt>velopment.) Aho. like project& in other c11ie-.. strict rules for house/yard upkeep must be enforced. Whether a busine-.., can remain should depend o n the busincs&. Bu'\ine.,.,e!> that emir odor or other pollutants need to be relocated to an 1ndui.tnaJ pan of Orange County. Therefore. some of the business owners and employees will have to bite the bullet with a longer commute. However. even a displaced owner would have lo admit rhat the current use of Westside property is rid it ulous. The Westside reminds me of Huntington Beach I 5 years ago. Any truthful pers9n would admit that Huntington is better off today. ROBERT SOMERS Costa Mesa HOW TO ·coNTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES crrv OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall. 77 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 754-5223 M•yor: Gary M onahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Sdleafer and Chris Steel crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beacn, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Meyor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan. Did< Nicn?ls. Gary Proctor. Tod Ridgeway andOOnWebb COAST COMMUNfTY COUEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-6898 Ch•nc.ilor: William M. Vega Boerd: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Madeline Levy NEWPORT-MESA UNIF1EO SCHOOL DISTRICT . COMMUNITY COMMENTARY District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 42~ Supet..,wlldent: Robert Barbot Board: Prestdent Martha Auor, Vice President Dana Bia~ Cler1c Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 l(atmut Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Cotta Mesa. CA 92828-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Parker, member, TNlt• Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport BNCh <;osta Mesa must remove industrial past from Westside T he Costa Mesa City Redevelopment Agency met the evening of Aug. 10. The City Council, acting as the agency; postponed until October a decision on ·whether to grant the request of a group of and in need of new housing, it is an entirely inappropriate use of these highly desirable locations. Costa Mesa should not be held hostage today by decisions of the past. lndusttial property owners to have their property excluded from ILA JOHNSON the area designated for redevelopment. The tndustriallsu made the move in order to preclude not only the inclusion ol CheU' property In the redevelopment .,,., but alto to prevent my move by the City Cound1 to~ the arM re*fentitl Mayor Gery Monahan gave a glimpse of his position on'the industrials' request when he launched into a mini-d.Wertation on The lndlaatal use Is a boldoYer from earlier dlyl in eo.ta Mall when the uee could .,.ably be )usd6ed. But today, Wh.:t the city ii virtually built out • the redevelopment Cnow called •revttalization") of the area. Monahan cautioned that no one could expect a "quitk IX" and vtrtuaDy cUlcounted any poelibllity ol redevelopment, staring lhat there Just Im\ any money fot lt. ThAt appears to be the precunor of, and juadftc:adon for, hie PQeltie \'Ot.e in fpor-ol the induatriallla' rlqUe9t to ... tbefr property wJuded &om lbe redevelopment aree. ~ 1 have news for the mayor; no one expects a "quick fix.·· We are not stupid Where do the other council members stand on the matter1 Who knows? Councilman Mike Scheafer begged off. citing his newcomer status, but my guess is that he will follow Monahan's lead. Councilman Allan Mansoor recUsed himselC because he resides Within 500 feet of the area in question. Some of the industrialists and their supporten discowtted allepdona of toxic air pollution eYldenced by otrenalve <>don (and lnddentaDy, by reports by agillndel who QMIM.I~ pollution) by (Ol1lperlna the odors to thoee that cui be obeerved when ~by. ndllby sewqe a.anent plant in mo«her cl~ It la hxllcroul to cornpe,re ~ odors to tbow oonraintng tOldc Cbem&M pocentldy captblt o( C8Ulltnl cancer and • whole boet of other ailments. Yet another speaker alleged that air pollution can occur in Costa Mesa from areas located in other cities. such as Los Angeles, depending on how the wind blows. Hello, we have a predominant onshote breeze in Costa Mesa. It Is time to gee serious about Improvement In C.Osta Mesa. The bluffs are the. logical place to start. The industrial use needs to go. lf some just can't get behind redevelopment. simply rezoning the bluffs would accomplish the same thing. Over time, the industrlal sites would gradually be replaced by the dynamia1 ot free marht forces, wlthout the • need for redevelopment. Re7.0nina the bh.d& '9 the very least thal RWlt be dont If Im~ ls eYer to come to J>UI on C.-. ,.._... w..kle. I am a propaty ri&lm ~but propeny rfltlll are not &blolute Ind reeDy Cl9le FU PHOTO/OM.VflLOT Roaer MacGregor is the owner of Mecare1or YIChts, one of the businesses that might be ihcluded in the redevetopmtnt zone. • '· • '* • \ • . \ .. \ t . . . Dally Piiot '-<><II J't 'r urS<ldr A ... guSI 21 t003 A7 A wonderful summer night for SCR I t was a magical night IJ\ the canyon. South Coast Repenory Theatre, invited by generous sponsors Joann Leatherby and her husband, Gregory Batea. held a pall'On dinner on the grounds of a rural Orange County estate known as Batesby Farm. The Modje~ka Canyon setting offered a speciacuJar step bade In time to early California coastal canyon life. The party unfolded on a balmy swnmer Saturday nigh1. I he Lealherby-Batcs compound, <;Cl un some five horse-inhabited acre">. w11h a grandly undersrated, '>prawling contemporary mission-sryll' re'iidence ac, rhe cenwrpiete, welcomed tht' am\lng cru ... lt fn1111 Newport·i\fr,a t\ fountam "P''''-ht'd 111 the gravel· p<n•ed circulJr emn. dlld the sound ot .J \\hire glo" i.,,,;111d B.W. COOK piano 111uw111a111 -.alon 'enr 11111.,1c through open I rem h door' and 111111 ,1 lu~h counyanl whert' gut''>h 111111gll'd over fresh Sangrid \\ ine u11 lo..rml., garnished wnh large• ,Jin·., of or<111g1• and lime. It wcu. the vc·rv bt·,1 of 't111111wr, 111 lhC' Utliforma RJ\1t0rd r 10 .. 1e,, r t"J1lurh\ looking n><>I and th1c 111 ,, Ooral pnn1 '>Ullltner '>hill . .ind ht•r rna11 8.lll'' JOllled 1ht• dt'dllJll'd \( J! fund r.11'1 ·1 co·d1atr' ol tht· upnm1mg -t011t anntver'>c1ry laJI galJ, Dee and l.a.rry HJgby of Lido 1-.le. 10 grt:•t•I 1ht· g1·rn·ro1h crO\vd . ..,ome IOU '>Umm1·r lelt•hrJnh repre-.emed a rore of wvmg Tl:''Jl<lll,11>11' for raismg llt'Mh S'i00.000 1h" ,1 .• 1.,1111 111 contnbu1e 10 ..,( lh S.! I n11lhw1 .111n11.rl fund·ra1..,ing l(Oal Ille gift reprt:'>l'lll' 1lw lir'I .111d largc'>t c,ingle dona11on 10 ">< ft n·p11r1' Madeline Porter, a.,-,1.,1<1111 dtn•t wr ,,, public relc1tfon'> [or 1he 1l11•;11rn .1l orgJni1.auon "'We are clo,1ng 111 our S'.>IXl,ll(lll g11.il "Im h 1<. the h1ghe!>t 111 \( Jl, 111-.1111\ I >toe I ligby '><ml \pplau-.e filll·d 1h~ Lt'<lllll'rb\ B.~1··, courtyard. '"But we .,1111 h,1\t' .111°\\ 1.1f)l1·, to <,('ll.n I .aTT) Ill~ addN1 I It•''"' rPft•mng IO tht· 11pto111111g g.1IJ, -.et Im '-t·p1 .!I) .ti \l1111h < 11,1,1 Pl,1.1 . .a. ht-tng produ1..ecl IJ} ,ind p.1r11,1lh undcrwnuen by lilfany ~ < o. I lw p.11 I\ \\1ll cmnude .... 1th th e rl'·Of)t!rnng ot 1he nfl,my \(Ore dllt:r t'X1t'l1'>1\t' .. - redt-velopment. Organi7el'> are caUing the event ··supper at fiffany. • Insider'\ are whi'>pering that it promise'> to bl' 1he party of the year to O range County No expen'>e is being <iparPd All ueati\t~ \lop' are being pulled. Joining the I llgby\ and the l.eatherby·t3ate!'>e'> 111 the plc1.nniug and execution of tlte !."Vent are comrn11tee members U nda Hovee ,u1d Sue Stem, Unda Maganl. Jennifer Douderman. Bette Altken . Aletha Anderson and KJtty·SchuJer. 01lJ'llru1e and Paul Folino are '>erving ~ t"<l'Cuttvt• rn-rlta1r' with FJl7..abelh and Henry Segerstrom and Julianne and ~rge Argyro'> "i( It' aru'>ti< d1ret 1<1r. Martin Benson. '' ·" on h,111d w11 h a few k111d word<. of 1ha11b, and <;CH\ prm.luctnK aru ... tic d1rel 1or, David Enunes, renuncfrd lilt• I rowu U\dl I 1ffany had ho\tl'd ~( ll \ ltiHH Kttla, "' wdl "11,., the I.ind ol gt'11t'fll'-ll\' tlhll o.lllnw'> U'> 111 l1111ill 1ht· .. 1.,iun of our am...i' with 1he ht''>I production., po<..,1hle." l lllllll''> -.;ud ( 111 hand for 1lw c·elc•bra11nn wc•rt 1111 .11 ._,.1u1h < o,l,, l'IM<t I 1llarw d1rl·L1or Jeffrey Bennett .ind,,.., t'xqu1~1ll' tmdl'. Barbara. ''ho '' "' adomc·d 111 .1 wllo\\ ·gold nedd.u:e ,111d 1·.1mng 1·11-.t•111hlt• l'nt nl'led w11h muh1u1lured 'l'lllllHPt Hiii' 'llllll'\ I Ill' d;1-.hing George Rudenauer in froll\ I 111.111\ 't'\\ \cu~< ll\ 1ur1wd hl·t1d'> \\l',lflllg JH'f'llll11H111 111l1111·d ,i.1t1. .... pnnt1·d ''Hh 1rop11 .11 t·mlwlh,ftnH·nt'> and d d,1.,.,11 hlllt' hl.vt·r l>\'t•r ol vdlnw polo ... 11111 1 1111.11 11mwd up lh1• l 1tt,111> lrrn"tl cl1<1111·d w11h lmaJ, lre11e and BIU \fatthew'i Carl and Pal ''ei~'i<'r, John and leri Kenned} Marty and I leather Kleln Tom and Joyl·e 1 ucker .i11d \larti11 and !Jaine Welnhe~. \11 I'\( I p11011.1I dltllll'f t f1°.1ll'd ll\ c .rr1·n•r., '°lo1n·1· l11dud1·d l'•lll\ l .dil"rrno1 rt•t 1p1·-. 111 t•\1 t·pw111.1I h.1rhe't u1· I 111 up hl'el ... 1rrpp1·r .tu 11111p.1r11!'d tw JUtnbo l(rtllt·d ... 1tnr11p prou•c•dt"tl b\ .1 1 lulled 1 orn ... 1111p g.1rn,...hnl \\ frli 1 r.1h .111d 1 l11lt 1111 ( 1111g<'r tc •· l r1 .rrn ••fl 111.111go .111d '·"flht rn 1•1uh ... '' nh 1 111 •11Jl.11l· t 1 •H01t·tl 1"11111111, flrii..ht•d a 1wrftou 1111·,tl ,t•ned 11111 le ~'.II I< 1·l.rd•J1l ... ill doll! 1 m t'ft•tl ... qu.iri• 1.ihl1 '· 1\111< It.,,,, I.! ).'\II''" \II 11t rhr hm:i l\'1" "Cflllrt' hlnwn ¢.1-.,, Ill( Ji11fl!W list• '41l1p , ''llhtll'' \ '111.1 l I g 'llllllllt l'\I 11111).! .di t!lltl llld • THE CROWD c1µµ~ars T11urs11ety~ and Saturtlay~ Jcf' dr.d Barb,iro 8ennett with Gt"Grge RudenauPr at 8;:it;:.'>I , ~ arn David Emmes. left. and Martin Benson with Gala co Chair Dee Higby Gala patror PJ'i, r ~ .J .... r ... :• • •b, Y 1 .;r~., : ''" d~ • ::,..,., , back. and Mr f~1ven. named 'or Da\1d rJ ,.,r: bt-cause o1 1~e small mustache THE LARGEST EXTREME OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT STORE AT ITS FINEST LONG BEACH -ti AIRPORT ---....----5r.-+;~'r-'-l!@l'--~I .... .. ~ I~ ! IC 3200 E. 29th Stred, Long Beach, CA 90806 · ... 48 Thursday, August 21. 2003 . .. LIFE & LEISURE QailY Pilot I CLASSICAL DANCE CENTER 2026 QrutiJ Strut • Ntwport Buch Worth celebrating a one-year anniversary Sptcialir,ing in Chi/.drm's Classes Ballet .. Tap • Jan Age 2-Adult fktinner d1ro11t,h Professional L olaRoupis celebrating Its fifst·year arutlversary with a great sale through Sunday. (Oothing and acc~ries are reduced up to 60%.) This hip women's boutique carries top fashion brands. You'll find: Trina Turt. Nanette Lepore, 'Ihlcy Reese, Calyp~, Marc Vacho.n. frames, and it's one of the few authori7.ed <:artier dealers in the area Optica is open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. 'Monday to Friday: from 10 a m. to 8 p.rn. Saturday: and from 11 a.rn. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday on Level One in the carousel Court. (714) 556-7808. GREER WYLDER CHILDREN CAN GET CREATIVE AT nE FIRST PAGE And out why Congregation Shir Ha-Ma'alot Is one of the wannest, friendliest, and most innovative Refonn congregations in Orange County. Get to know us and our dynamic Rabbi Richard Steinberg and feel right at home. f ntertaith families welcome. ~~Me. 60+ Crowd 7:30pm Shabbat SErvlcu q .. ' T • •' i August Z3rd -S.tul'CMy: 500pm Alrnlu sea & Havdi1latl Sr.llcE August i!9th: E;;30pm WlnE & ChffsE ~on 7:30pm 'Friday ~ lM' 5e'llkE -· . ·~~ .. s.r-oo:;-~ Shclbbat Uidlr thE Stars. Sdln• 7'tl -~ IC).IBm Wl*DnE 5eEIDr'I • Bigas & eon. CO NGRE GA TIO N Sl1ir H..\-M..\'alot 949-857-2226 · · www shmtEmplE org · · · · · · · · SUMMER FLOOFllNG SALE I r deS • Materl11•1fl" &lb. Pad • Installation IC I • New Metals • Moving Furniture • Dispose Old Carpet ......__.. T'Aot1 ~ ... OI'!/~ ._._··-Ir. Tnbire Pluh ~IL! JOO~ ~Ion 48 oa. Cut Herber •~ c..1m ... naa.eat l'Jlon Plath Berber Loop and Pattem Laminate Floorini "-Wool ••••••••••••••••••••••••• $13.99 .... ,.. o-iraphlc ...................... $12.99 ,,..,.. aunerclal Carpet ............... $3.95 ... 14. et W-4. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 79C ..,. ft. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 89C: ... ft.. Ceram.tc Tl.le ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 99 c ... tt.. Cupet Remnants •••• Prom $2.00 ... 14. • ., Materials Onl • While Supplies last Jessie Della Femina; Milly, Llya Cynamone, Tom Nguyen, T-~, Alice & Trixie, Huzz.i, Diane von Furstenbwg, Eva Fortune, Billy , Blues, Michal Negrin, Petro Zillia and Tumara Catz. New fall merchandise arrives daily. The store has also received new, exciting lines. Lola Rouge is open from IO am. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday; and from 11 · a.m. to 6 p.m . Sunday at 270 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. (949) 646-5652 .. KEEP AN EYE ON THIS DEAL 'This weekend, Optk:a at South Coast Plaza is offering a special for Best Buys readers. The fine eyewear boutique will give readers a fre.e antiretlective coating with every prescription purchase. (Its a $100 value.) Ask for manager Peter Iacobucci. He's extrem ely helpful Optica carries some of fashion's best eyewear lines, including Gold and Wood, from Pcuis; Alain Mildi, Sama, and Beausoleil. This high-end optical shop specialires in custom shapes for rimless AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. The Ant f'll8e, a new specialty children's bookstore, offers a fun, free story time that's ideal for kids ages l to 7 at 10 am. and l p.m. weekdays. The taJented Lisa Cohen, who was with the Pacific School of Music and the Arts before opening her Creative Parties for Kids business, is a gifted storyteller. Children love her boudong story time, which ends with a fun "magic" alphabet box and face painting. Cohen's creative mind makes the event even more fun. Sometimes, she'll bring her newborn bunnies to share with the kids, and even gave out animal balloons to tlie kids. lf you're interested in having Cohen entertain at your child's l:>irthday party, or having her host a tea party in her tea room, you can find out more information at her Web site. creativepartiesforlcids.wm lne First Page is al 270 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. The First Page is open from 10 am. 10 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; and MUSIC 'A NIGKT AT THE OSCARS' The Pacific Symphony's Richard Kaufman will conduct "A Night at the Oscars~ at 8 p.m. Saturday. It's an evening of legendary film classics projected onto a large screen with the Pacific Symphony 20% An American nm l>uslness <tl1U't' 1953 011,. /mnlly St'''t•i1t[1. l'''"' /tm 1il)' ff'r SO l't''"' Momma John We bl!/ong to tbe • world's largest flooring retail group · c;o.op. ~ are the biggest flooring dealen lndlvldU4lly owned and operolwl. 4sOOOSTORE BUYING P.OWBR !J! . Jennifer ) lifetime Warranty Carpet S) 99 .. ; Lifetime Warranty la•l••I• $299 l• . Gus Lifetime Warranty Cera111ic S) 9~ "' ·~"' Lifetime Warranty Wood $299 .. FULL SERVICE C1Hter Ttpt • Shwert • Cer1•ic • St111 • Ore1it1 • Wtt4 Reli1I•~ ONE STOP SHOP Wi14ew Ctnrl1 1 • CltHil Ct et & U ~tllft • P1i1ti1 -l1terltr & Elteritr 4'05 Co•ta M .. a lrvlne , ... , •S0·7•7• , ... , •••• ,., , •••• 17th ,,,,., ••••••• •OM·fRI f.S •ON-fal I0·6 • IATUltAY t0-4 SATUltAYS & SUMtAYS t0·4 CLOIH SUNtAY EYHIMIS IY APNIMT•Elff .. from 10 am. to 5 p.m. Saturday. (949) 645-KJOS. ARE YOU READY FOR THE OTHER KJND Of FOOTBALL? 4Soccer. a Newport Beach soccer shop, is offering a spedal package for AYSO players. It includes shoes, shin guard and ball for $27.99. All m ajor brands of soccer equipment is available. And if you mention this Best Buys column, you'll receive 10% off on all equipment. 4Soccer iB open from 11 am. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday; and from 11 am. to 5 p.m. Sacurday at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 101, Newport Beach. (949) 476-2237. lrS A GOOD TIME FOR SLEEP Blue Sprtnga Home is having a great swnmer clearance sale. It needs more room for fall merchandise and has discounred wonderful bedding from House lnc. and Bella Notte. Now's the perfect ti.me 10 find beautiful baby bedding reduced 60%. Adult bedding is included. Upscale fabrics by the yard is reduced 70%. Blue Springs Home is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday; and from I p.m. lo 4 p.m. Sunday at 369 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. (949) 642-3632. GET DRESSE.D WITH WOLFORD Austria-based Wolford is one of the top brands of luxury l~ body and swimwear and imimate apparel. It has an exciting new line designed from Lagerfeld Gallery by Karl playing the soundtradc hve. The concert is produced by nine-time Emmy Award winner John Goberman. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Tidcets cost $75 to $375. For information, call (714) 755-5799 or visit www.pacificsymphony.org. 'SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC' Now playing to sold-out audiences around the world, ·sing-a-long Sound of Music~ is coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 1 p.m. Sunday. Tidcets cost $12 to $22 and can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. For information, call (714) 556-ARTS. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d. fang will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept 6. Tidcets cost $46 to $70. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or onli ne at www.ocpac.org. CHRISISAAK Chris Isaak will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m . Sept. 14. Tickets cost $46 to $82. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or onllne at www.ocpac.org. TCHAIKOVSKY'S GREATEST HrTS Conductor Carl St. Clair leads the Pacific Symphony in ·rctiaikovsky's Greatest Hits; an alt Tchaikovsky program, at 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Special guest pianist Vardan Mamikonian will perform "Piano Concerto No.1. The evening starts with the Polonaise from Eugene Onegin and the Suite from "Swan Lake," and ends with the rousing "1812 Overture" with cannons and fireworts. Tldcets cost $75 to $375. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine. Information: (714) 755-5799, www.~phony.org. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfatream Restaurant In Newport Beach present.a a jazz trio Sundey through Wednesday aa regular entertainment at 850 . t Lagerfeld and Vivienne Westwood for 'fall and winter 2003·04. On Friday and Saturday, there's a special showing of the coUections for special order only. It's one opportunity to see these incredible designs. You can also enter to win great gifts. Westwood's been considered a symbol of the British avant -garde since the late 1970s. Her coUeclion combines a mixture of check and traditional patt~ms in a modem way. Prices start at $58 and go up to $540 for detailed sweaters and dresses. Karl LagerfeJd's fashion philosophy is, "its all in the mix." He likes jeans worn with h.igh-quallty clothes. In Lagerfeld's coJJection, there are 20 styles. including dresses. skirts, T-shirts, rank. tops and textured hosiery. Prices are from $58 for leg wear lo $570 fQr dresses. Wolford has made some of the finest hosiery since 1950 and works with some of the fashion world's best artists and designers. ln the past. Wolford has collaborated with Jean Paul Gauhier, Phillipe Starck and Andre. Sarda. 10 name a few. Wolford is on Level lwo at South Coast Pla7.a. It's open from 10 am. 10 9 p.m'. Monday to Friday: from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 am. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. (7 14) 556-7900. www. wolf ord. corn •BEST BUYS appears Thursdays Send information to GreerWylder ar greerwylder a yahoo.com: al 330 w. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p .m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted~ musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760 MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZJ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yonc Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free Information: (949) 673-9500 MUSIC AT THE GRlU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is al 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The· band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m . to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant Is now offering liv~ music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19tt\ St .. Costa Mesa. No cover charge. • (949) 64&6616. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Bead\ presents Jesse : on the sax on Friday and • -· Saturday evenings and Sunday ~ for brundl. The program featur-. all your favorites on the _ : saxophone. Anthony'• it at 161 £..• • Cont Hlghwey. (9'9) 873-3425. • POP-ROCK MO FLAMENCO iate 5, a funk. rode and Motown ' ' -• I • ) Dally Pilot I. I F (· & L l: I ~ U f{ I: Thur!>d<1v Augu~t 71 ?003 A9 The first pages sta rt it all tJ.e. PIZZA "PNadlJ lenial c..ta ..... lillce 1974" r------------------, ''Whenyou read a book as a child, It becomes par1 or your identity in a way that no oLher reading in your whole life does." First. it reinforced the influence or the cla&ics such as "Aesop's Fables" and "Grimm's Fairy Talcs." Second, it reminded me of the pun~ joy of reading - nu1 the mandatory list of hooks 10 slog J love that line Crom the movie "You've C.ot MajJ," uttered Meg Ryan. as the owner of a boobtore, as she mu<;e ... over the profundi1y of children's literature. KAREN WIGHT through for a claM>, but hooks you chool.e to read Lhat do indeed hecomc pan of the way you in1erpret life. At UCIA I Look a da'>'> in children's literature. "Kidd1l· I Jl" as it was nicknamed I look 1h1· dass as a "Mick" (M1d .t·y Mou'>t' class. with the reputa11nn ol being an easy ·A") hut got f.ir more out or the <.la.'' thJn I expected. HOURS Conbnued from Af3 act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturd<1ys at Carmelo's R1storante. 3520 E Coast Highway, Corona dol Mar Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675 1922 SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the StonP Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sunon Plaw Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd • Newport Bectd1 Free. (9491476-2001 STAGE 'THE SNOW QUEEN' South Coast Repertory is featuring "The Snow Ouel'n .. by Hans Chnsttan Andersen Saturday and Sunday w11h performances at 1 and 4 p m both days in the Nicholas Studio Tidcets are $5 South Coast Repertory 1s at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa For t1dcets or information. call (714) 708 5555 'CHICAGO' Kander and Ebb's hugely popular "Chicago" will be performPd at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Aug 29. at 2 and 8 p.m. Aug 30 <ind at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Aug 31 at Orange County Performing Arts Centers Segerstro(J'l Hall. Tickets cosl $28.75 to $65 75 They can be purchased at the Center box office or at www ocpac org The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa Information (714)556-ARTS • 'THE LAST NIGHT OF BALLYHOO' South Coast Repertory will present ·The Last Night of Ballyhoo" at Segers1rom Stage Aug. 29 through Oct. 5 The performance is set 1n 1939 in l'w alway ... thought t.Jf book!. J'> ponable fnend~. While gro\o\ing up. I rarely took a long 1 .ir nde without one. They hdpt><l me heat the boredom and endure 1he !>iblings and madL· the frequent drivel> to I >odger Stadium more palatable. I he Dodger> and I J"rdnk Atlanta, when the war on the minds of the locals 1s the C1v1I War. as depicted m "Gone with lhe Wind" But for Lala and her family, nothing could be more important than her debut at Ballyhoo. a dance thrown by the elite Jewish Society. Tidcets are $19 10 $55 Call for curtain times. South Coast Repertory 1s at 655 Town C1mter Dr. in Costa Mesa lnfOfmatton or t1dcets· (714) 708 5555 AN EVENING WITH BETH HANSEN Cnttcally dcc.la1med actress, singer and director Beth Hansen will present her popular one woman show. "An Evening with Beth Hansen" at OrangP Coast College at 8 pm Sept. 6 and 7 ThP show will feature a collage of Broadway show tunes T 1dcts cost $20 for adults or $10 for students OCC is at 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road m Costa Mesa Information (7141432 5880 DENNIS MILLER LIVE Comedian. author and five-ume Emmy Award winner Dennis Miller will make his enter debut in Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m . Sept 13 Tidcets cost $36 to $66. The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive m Costa Mesa lnformation- (7141556 ARTS 'SOME MEN NEED HELP' Orange Coast College's Theatre department opens with John Ford Noonan's two-person play "Some Men Need Help ~ The play. about a young alcoholic. will be produced and directed by the college's Repertory Thealre Company The production will run Sept 13 and 14 and 20 and 21 in the Drama Lab S1ud10 OCC 1s at 2701 Fairview Road m Costa Mesa Show ttmes and ttdcets· 1714) 432 5640 'JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR' "Jesus Chnst Superstar" is coming to Orange County Feet Hurt? We have the Solution! A.rthricis Diabetes Geriatric Conditions Hammertoes Bunions ll Congenital Deformities ID Arch Problems ll Prolonged Standing ID Narrow/Wide Feet ll Foot Trauma Baum (of the "Oz' '>cn~) will forever be intertwined: Sandy Koufax, Don Dry-.dale, the Peanu1 Man and Dorothy. "Cone With the Wiml" will alwaY'> he a spring brt.'ak 111 Mex.irn. and "I tarry Potter" " lht• e ... wm t' of my children\ l hlldhood~. When my kid' w1·rt· hnlt-. I coukln't wait until llwy (rnayhe we?) could go 10 tlw Cluldrcn':-. l~ok Sh.uppc tn We ... tchfl C:oun for story hour. I alw<iy11 walk.cd out with more ur11.Jer my arm than ju!>! a d11ld. I luw t.111 anyone re-.bt huyin~ .i new hahy hi" or her own rnpy of "Goodni~hl 1\100111· N, I hu1h 1lw rnllcu mn ol book..., for my own tfoldrl'n, I ins1.,ted on lhl' h.1rdlMtk t·chtion, I alway., v. rott· thl' da1t· .tfld I tried tu \Hiie Jll trl'>ptn·d note w Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall Sept 16 through Sept. 21 It was the first masterpiece from the legendary team of Tim Rice <1nd Andrew Lloyd Webber This landmark show. which premiered tn 1971. chronicles the last seven days in the ltfe of Jesus of Na1arcth as seen through the eyes of his disciple, Judas Iscariot. who has become disillusioned with the movement. Tickets are from $27.75 to $64 75 T1dce1s c.an be purchased at !he center box ott1cP. or at www OCfJdC org The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa M escs lnforn1a1ton (7141 556 ARTS 'ANNA IN THE TROPICS' South Coast Repertory will the recipient on an inside page. J 'm sure my effom were lo.,t 011 the kids at the time. but I'm hoping that when they have chiJdren of their own tht!)' will find these hidden mesi.a~c' aml '>miJe. Time marchcs on. Gonc arl' the story hours at the Cht.ldren\ Book Shoppe. my father's pilgrimages to Dodger Stadium and the childhood of one of my children. but the love of book!. continues. "A good boo~ u the bes/ of frimds, the same todlly and forever." -MARTIN TUPPER. 1810-1889 • KAREN WIGHT os a Newpon Beach resident Her column runs Thursdays exh1b111on showcasing the works of artist Andre Mmpolsky now through September Information (949) 851·9181. DANCE 'SUPPER AT TIFFANY GALA South Coast Repertory's uSuppP,r at Tiffany' Gala is from 6·30 p.m to midnight Sept 20 at the Tiffany & Co. at South Coast Plaza The gala will celebrate the landmark 40th season and the 151h anniversary of Tiffany's South Coast Plaza store The evening will begin with a reception ms1de the newly refurb1shad store and continue wtth dinner and dancing tn an ad101rnng tent Information . 1714) 708-5504 . 1. . EVERY TUESDAY I .. ~~t!~!~"!!~!CJ 1420 Baker Street #B, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (Costa Mesa Square -Target u nter) (949) 548-5523 or (714) 545-6328 DESIGNER OUTLET 'We wou{d LU<? to o.:teruf tliis inz.titation to visist our 1Je.signer Ou tfit featuring 7500 square feet of fint furnitu re for your en tire liome or offia at 6efou1 aesigner prices. %e 'Designer Ou tut is open to tfie pu6[ic . '.'\fimday tfirougfi ~\a turrfay jrim1 10.00 a.m. ·.+.JO p.m -----, ----~. 7u1o O FF OFF, 'Barstools & I Jlrtimal Print I Otttmums I Piffow.s -----· -------· and mucfi nwre ! ----· 25%• I 0 F p: I JilnnoirJ & I I 'Duq ------· ----m ,.. . J . I present "Anna in tile Tropic.!>· SWING Sept 18 through Oct 19 on the Lessons are given from 2 to 6 Julianne Argyros stage The p m. every Sunday at the Avant Pulitzer Pme winning play 1c; Garde Ballroom in Newport about the last of the Cub<m Beach by the Orange County American cigar makers cl1119111g Swing Dance Club All ages are to their way of ltfe m the midst of • welcome. and no partners are the Depression Most needed lnforniauon performances are at 7·45 pm . ocswing.com. (909) 656-6119 ARGENTINE TANGO h1 n11I,' f'hoK't· .\~ard H innrr fur /U, ... 1 l'nrnlr ,. ,,.,,,,.,,,,,,_, 'rhool! except for Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2 pm T1dcets are $19 to $55. South Coast Repertory 1s at 655 Town Center Dnve in Costa Mesa. lnformatton or 11dcets· (7 14) 708·5555. 'TEN OR LESS FESTIVAL' Orange Coast College's Repenory will offer its "Ten or Less Festtval" on Oct 4, 5, 11 and 12 m the Drama Lab Studio The testtval will feature a plays that are 10 minutes long or shorter The plays will be selected directed and performed by Sludents Orange Coasi College 1s at 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road 1n Costa Mesd T1d<ets and information (714t432 5640 Tango dancing 1s offered from 8 p.m to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio. 2980 McClintodc Way. Costa Mesa. (714) 641 ·8688 A brand new campus with 95 years ART ANDRE MIRIPOLSKY Bayside Gallery Restaurant, al 900 Bayside Dnve 1n Newpon Beach, 1s offenng a solo KIDS of ex perience. STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are 1nv1ted to part1c1pate tn songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library. 1855 Park Ave (949) 646-8845. Summuand Fall EnrolltMnt now in Prognss! &boot begins A~ml II th. The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEA RS I N COSTA MESA +I>(' & l\lal'. ( omputt>r I.ah-. •sta1e-or-1he-:.ar1-Libra~ ·~denrc l.itb •'\mall ( ·1a,, ~l/..t." •Prhale "-"immini;? Pool •l\trong C urric-ulum .. lndi' id Wt I \ttt·ntion • \fil·r "-r hool ProJ?r.•m' •Fi<'ld TriJh • Now Owned & Operated by Mee.a Upholster\ • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY •Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperi • Shades. & &edspreads --------....... --~.._,..--------·----------- .. AlO Thursday, August 21, 2003 White Front Pharmacy Uinls • '.Boo/ts • SunJri,1 All lnmrANU Plmu Accepted 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bristol (714) 540-2882 BLOODY MARY DAYS! l'i l•l ! t3: I: t!\'l!i IMPORTED$1599 RUSSIAN VODKA 1 LTR. + Tauc now nvo locations with purchase of any sandwich. Must present coupon. Limit one per customer. Exp. 9/06/03 427 E. 17TH STREET COSTA MESA, CA 949.646.1440 MON-FRI 7:00 -6:00 SATURDAY 7:00-5:00 Closed Sunday 2950 GRACT LANE !Off Baker berwttn Fairview & Bear} CO~TA MESA, CA 714.424.0176 MON-FRJ 7:30-4:30 Closed Saturday & Sunday iW ROLEX wys ... ~~- Will! speclo/ li,,,../op» bezel with Hiploci cloip ofld UlllNion /in4 0y'1W htot:Mf. p~ lo 1, 000 lwt All'Olloble In Jloinle11 'llHI, 1lofnlus sJMI arid 184' 'f9llow gold or 1 Bkl ywl1ow gold. BLACKMAN LTD.{ffi:~JEWBLERS ' . . . . . . la· 1 VIO Opotio, N9wpoft 8eod\ 9,9-673·933' ---• • .. LIFE & LE I SURE Daitf Piiot; Ghysla1ne Martin-Castelliano, nght. presides over the cutting of vegetables by her "assistant chefs" at the cooking class in her home. The magic of Provence By Vicki Zimmerman' T here is something magical about a Lrip to the land of Van Gogh and Cezanne in Lhe soulh of France in late spring. Then again, lhere's ~omething magical about participating in a Lrip lhat is planned by one seasoned traveler for I 2 friends and acquaintances that includes two personal bilinguaJ guides who live in lhe area and joyfully drive us to the special little towns and favorite re!.taurantl> Lhey've come to enjoy by Living in lhe region. Picture-perfect open-air market!> lilied wi th beautiful fabrics and unique finds, cooking school in a French chef's home, garden vi~its, an<l lhen wine tasting and lunch - whal a plea~urable (and luxurious) week it was for our small group to discover the magic of Provence in a leisurely, unhurried fashion at lhe end of May. Having someone in our group arrange for our private tour and extracurricular acLlviLies gave U'> the freedom to simply pack and study up on lhe area. Additionally, when one's vacation time is limited, being driven in a private vehicle a nd lunching and dining in restaurants held in high regard by lhe local!-. makes experiencing foreign travel in lhis fashion so much nicer. After seeing a country this way, it is going to be hard to travel any other way. Could it get any better than lhis? Mais oui (But, of course). It was simply lhat after these lovely The Sunday mark et at lsle-sur~a-Sorgue. a place for antiques. daytrips. we would unwind in our own beautiful garden al I£ Moulin des Vignes Vieilles, our "home away from home," nestling in at our bed and breakfast inn that was at once rei;tful and regal. < >ur preparation for Provence st<trted early in the year. After two '>pring planning meetings - at wltich we discussed packing and travel tips over a filling meal Lhat began with a champagne aperitif (meant to stimuJate the appetite before a meal). quiche, ratatouiJJe, ~ad and meringue paslries -our plan was to rendezvous fo r this one-week trip at lhe Avignon TGV Lrain station (some of us enjoyed a few days in Paris earlier in the week). ln Avignon, we were met by Jim Sanders and Dominique Parisot. the two innkeepers of Lt· Moulin, a re.,tored. stately l8Lh -cen1ury manor huu~ aml lovely bed a11d breakfast inn. in Eyguiercs, France. This would be our home from Saturday to Saturday, and they would be our charming English-spealcing tour guid<'~. along wilh lheir equalJy charming golden rclrlevcr, Bud, who endeared himself to each one of us, including lhis cat lover. ln fact, Jim had originally lived in the northwestern United States. On arrivaJ at Le Moulin, we went from room to room viewing each of the seven designer-touched rooms. Beautiful waterfall showers, large windows with lovely breezes and down comforters welcomed us. By coincidence, the French r magwinc Mai-;on Decor (<;imilar to "A rchitectural Digest") had published a beautiful article on Lt· Moulin with extrnordinary photographs while we were in w~idence Lhere. We each bought the magazi11e to take home to share with our loved ones and friends. That fir-.1 t•veninv,. we !.trolled out onto the pa ti() and gazed aero!>., the pond and terraced garden. In the distance. we coulc.J hear the sound of running water from the canal that bordered lhl' l'statc. We learned that canals nm through the entire town. C11ampagne was served along wilh tapenade. a tasty olive spread, Lhat we enjoyed on hreadl>!ick.-. anc.J cracke rs. Very quickly now. we were immersing our!.elve., into the French culture. \A/hile Dominique Wit!> a day away leading a bike tour with another group. Jim prepared a wonderful meal Lhat we enjoyed on lhe patio under Lhcse 250-year-old giant !>hadc trees known as plane trees. As each morning arrived, we'd <,troll outside to a table set beauufully wilh pollery in lhe colors of Provence -the same purples. greens and yellows that we'd seen on Lhe shuners of · these srunning country homes. Fresh croissants, French press coffee, a variety of breads. fresh yogurt and fruit filled the table. Then we'd hop into two vans and be on our way for our daily excursions. Jim and Dominique would drive us -six to a van - See TRAVEL, Pace Al 1 ·: LIF E & L E I SU R E ON VACATION Thursday. August 21 2003 All l OU/:£~"60*'-~ ......... Style is not a size ..• It's an attitude! Fun, Feminine Styles for All Shapes & Sites of Beautiful Women. 369 E. 17th St., #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 •••••••• FotoART . •••••••• """-' -~ -~ ... ~ _.,_ Unique Personalized Gifts for every ocassion Vtt.rt our Web Srte a1 www fotoart oom Choose from- Personahzed Mugs Laser Engraved Frames PhotoSculptu res Sports Awards and much much more1 Bring this ad with you for $10.00 off your order. Juliana Stonis and Nick lly1n on Rustaveh Avenue in the Republic of Skip and Salty Kendrick of Newport Beach at Red Square in . _ . ._..,..,.. ... ~~~"' ......... ...:=...,. .... ,,...~. .)(-~/ J,it, •.-, • ,rj.i :0'/ I ~-.-. >oll.i'~ MJ .&P•J Georgia, which 1s south of Russia. Moscow, Russia. TRAVEL Continued from Al 0 so that we could t'llJO) thl· scenery. libati<lll'> a.r1<J phlll 11 op port, uni lie~. Highlight!> from our \\l'dJong itinerary include thl' ~ur11.J.1~ market at ble-~ur Id '>org111" tll1• antique capital of 1-rJllU' (perhap~ even l-.uropel \\1th more than 300 deall'r!>. I he Provencal mark.ct fiU., tlw t t'nter of town w111J midday .• 111d till' antique Oea market run., all afternoon. Driving through tht' I ubcron, site of author Pcwr t.1ayle·., "/\ Year in Provence." W<l!> anvthcr visual treat. Jun and I )()mmique capped off this morning dnve with a visit to Oiateau Val Joani\. where we walked through the lovely gardens. learned about thewinemakmg proce!>.'> and en1oyed lunch in their garden. One very spec1aJ touch wn., seeing the American flag fl}111g alongside the French flag O\'t:r the 01ateau garden\ We learned that the chateau ov.ner' fly the flag of visiting group'>, and each of w. was truJy touched by thi'>. Another market in Vaison-la-Romaine. one of thl' largest and most varied area.Ii. was delightful in t\\O ,..-ay'>. There was a choice of '>hopping the main pan of tovm with its narrow streets and plaza!> or climbing tlle picturesque. but steep cobblestone walkway to the upper town to explore the tiny medieval stree~ and the chateau at the top of the hill. Both parts of the town are joined by a single-arched Roman bridge over a river. Meeting the warm and friendly people of southern France will long be remembered. A cooking lesson one evening with Ghyslaine Martin-CasteUiano and her friendly host of a husband. Jacque, in the lovely town of Salon-de-Provence exceeded all expectation. Seeing this lovely couple in their 19th-century home with its 21st-century kitchen was extraordinarily rewarding. We were served a multilayered omelet cake-"gateau" in French-uslng market-fresh vegetables; a pistou soup with a multitude o( summer vegetables, beans and herbs; and pears .,Learned to perfec1ion in red wine. We learned about olive oils at < ;!1yslaine·., kitchen counter in .in informal olive oil ta..ting ""'"'"ion that was a new taste 5en<;ation for '>ome in the group. l h1'> gave each of us an <1pprecia11011 for the pure -and t:arl we '>ay "fresh" again - ingredient~ that go into fine Glanum, a Roman archeological site and, later. I.es Raux de Provence with its medieval ruins, gave us all a deeper appredation of the history around us. We enjoyed our farewell breakfast at Le Moulin and threw a finaJ '>tick tu Bud. the dog before leaving for the Avignon train stallon. Some in our group are aJready planning to join Dominique in !he spring to walk in l1aJy (Le Moulin Web site: www.lemoulin- inn-prouence.com). I'll keep dreaming of Provence as I take in the fragrance of !he dried lavender I bought at the market in lsle-.. ur-la-Sorgue. until I'm ready to go again. • VICKI ZIMMERMAN 1s a Newport Beach resident I rench cooking. We left v.ith gund memories and a very healthy night of eating. (,hy'>laine ~ at work on her 'ioon-.to-be-publi'>hed cookbook and v.ill leave in late summer for < h1cago 10 conduct a cooking das~ in the windy city. Saying "Au Revoir." we each departed with a longing to return and a subtle awarenes.-. that another trip to Provence would be in our future. New and seasoned travelers know there is so much more to explore in any locale: the delicious regional foods, beautiful scenery and breathtaking historical sites. • TRAVEL TALES runs on Thursdays. Have you. or someone you know, gone on an 1nteres11ng vacation? Tell us about your adventures in about 400 words, accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not have the Daily Pilot in them, and send them to Travel Tales, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or e-mail da1/yp1/or a /at1mes com; or fax to (949) 646-4170 THE BOWERS KIDSEUM Explore the worlds fascinating cultures.' A ~top in the town of St. Remy-de Provence and a visit to the asylum where Van Gogh spent a prolific last year ( 1889 to 1890) were spectacular. Looking at the same v1'>tas seen by Van Gogh. a<; well a'i the village of Besides. we've got a few more reasons to travel. Jim and Dominique enticed us when we learned they also offer waJking and biking tours in ltaJy. France. Ireland and other locations. Experience our summer art classes and camps! July-August Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Pl.H.T .\our hon1e finant·ing need~ in tht· hand" >f >ri' ate \lcartt!agt.1 Rani( Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our un surpassed service ensures the Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Bruch M....- Usa Hayes 949-251-4409 Privlle Mongage Banter complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties •Interest-only loans David Kravitz 949-lSl-4902 PrtvlleMC>ftpre Sanker Jay Kanklt 949-253-4"4 Privlle Monpae Banker . Deft•Js Lance 949-2.Sl-4467 Priv•~ Banker Mary Ann Maaee 949-2.Sl-4453 Priv• Monpec Banter Main Oflke (949) 251-'047 Chrbti11e M. Sanderson 949·251-44Sl Priv• Monpgt Banker 0 -· f . .. -------·------ -------. -~ --' -Complimentary Flat Bed Pick-Up And Delivery Anywhere in Southern Calif omia -Complimentary Jaguar Loaner Vehicles With Service by Appointment -Complimentary Car Wash With Service ~-----~-- ,,~;1 ,~, ASTON MARTIN An English Passion :!00] Aston \lartin l)IJ7 (~Clll(le . ' .. -------------------'--.--..:-...~.__,,_,,,__-:..~~~~------------~ ... ----.. ~.------6----~ I .. QUOTE OF THE DAY EYEOPENER enough to compete against the really strong players." Aua 2 5 honoree Mike Peck, SCGA publicist GOLF Mid-Am • coming to Mesa Verde M esaVerdeCountty Oub continues to be the hotbed of golf in the Newpon-Mesa area this sununer. Coming o ff hosting the Jones Cup and Tea Cup O assic event!> in the past month, the private Costa Mesa club now readies for the 84 players who will converge BRYCE ALDERTON on its fairways and greens for the Southern CaJifornia Golf~n.'s m en's mid· amateur champion- ship. Player!> will play 36 holes Monday and then the field will be cut in half for Tuesday's fin al round. ~ 1esa Verde head profes'lional Tom Sargent believes this 1s the fiN ume the club ha.' ho'ited the 54 hole tournament, though the cour.,e has '>erved as the track for numerouc; other high-profile toumJJTlents since opening m 1959. !'he club hosted four comt'Cutive Orange Counry (')pens -PGA Tour events -in the early 'G<h and has also been the '>ite of regional qualifying rounds for the U.S. Open, the I.PC.A rour's Kemper Open from 1979-81, the U.S. junior girlc; championship. the Tosh iba Senior CJassic and the Girls Junior Am erica'i. Cup matches in 200 1. The mid-am. which began in I ~184, is limited to golfers ages 25 and older, in conLraSt to the 5( 'GA amateur championsh1p. which 1'> open to a greater \'an ety of ages. ·· Ille idea ti. that collegia te golfers play all year long and will play more golf than a guy who 1s a computer programmer wuh a job and family:· said Mike Peck. an SCGA publicis t. "In theory there is less opportunity to be able to praccice enough to compete against the really 'itrong players.· Sargent said the course is in ideal hape and players can expect fast greens. The wealth of summer tournaments at the course is not abnormal. according to Sargent. -w e at least tty to host something," he said. The top five finishers receive ' pla tes and the winner takes home a trophy. The first tee time ls 7:30 a.m . on Monday. The Corona del Mar JUnior water polo team finished sec on~ recently in Hawaiian Invitational tournament. . Many of the pf ayers in the program go on topfay at CdMHigh, traditionaly one of the top Spof'1I Editor RJchwd Oum : 19491 574-4223 • Sports fax; (949) 650-0170 COLLEGES STEVE McCRAf\jK DAILY P1LO- UC Irvine outside hitter Jimmy Pelzel. an Al~Amencan for the Anteaters in 2003, will play for Team USA in the World University Games beginning today in Daegu, South Korea. Pelzel, who will be a senior next season, led UC Irvine to its first-ever No. 1 national ranking this year. JOHN GOLDMAN ThUfsday. All&ust 21, 2003 Bl OUTDOORS Sea fishing kicking into high gear First oj tW<J parts Jim Niemiec Daily Pilot D eep l>tJ fhl1111g ''J' turned up J nmt h IJr two th1, pd'' week d' warmer c:urrl'nt' brought up 1he WJter temperature and in LJmt' the exotic!> iind marlin CJ'> "a" anticipated with all tht' fish holding up uff H.11a tor the pa'>t rwo month'> Prt\ ate 'at h h dft' reportmg lot'> ,,r Jct1on m-.1de the lee of 5.in c Jt•nwnte l'>land and there IS a 1111Xture of tuna, yeUowtaiJ and dorado under Doattng kelp and on htgh spot~ tn mid channe.I \'.aters Twelve-year old Megan Rainwater of Newport Beac:h. landed her firc;t ever c;triped marlin last week while fishing on board the vacht loker captained b) het father Jack The marhn "'a" hooked on lt\e ball JU'>t ea<,t of Pyramid Poml and ''e1~hcd tn at the BaJboa Angling Uub '-t aling I 9J pound'>. The '>ponlhher \farltn !\Ian. captained b} Jim Valr·nllne. hdd a double jt~ '>tr 1ke on marlin just pa~t the 181 ">pot. durnptng one fhh and rcleastng the other with an ec;umated weight of 165 p ounds One fi,h ''as hooled on a !\.lean Joe (.reen lurl' and the second '>ptkebtll came up 111 a purple and black marhn 11g For an updatl' on mMhn fi'>htng contact the R..ilboa -\nghng Uub at l~~J 673-6316. \\-1th v.arm water LO the thannel the marlm season luok.'> ltke 11 could be a good one tor harbor area angiers. On .tW:rage b1llfish '>t.'em to be bigger th1' '>ea.,on, perhaps due wan abu11danct' of bait along the Patifit coa!>t. foumament director'>, captaim of private yacht' .rnd veteran big game angler-. are optimisuc abou t pro.,pect'> for marhn fishing off \ou1hern Caltforma based on tht' number' of marlm that -.hm .. t'd up o ff Ba1a "iur late la't n•ar .tnd current water rnnd11wns This outdoor column i:ontatn' a schedule ol nMrlm tournaments that will t.ike place off Southern Cahforn1a during August and ~cptember. The second haJf of th" '<-a,on\ calendar Mii be pubh.,hed next week. Tht> I Slh annual Oiurch \lOll'>l' \larhn lm11auonal tournament I' the first marhn 1ournamt·n1 ul the L003 sea.!>on .md " '\t't for \londay and rut· .. da\ I he l'\Cnt ,,,u be bJ'>l'd o ut of A\ aJon Harbor and J mandaton l·aptatn'> meeung \\Ill l<l~t' plan· 011 Sunday at 1he 1 andtng Re.,,tauram in Avalon I h1· l'ntry fee 1s S500 per boat .ind over the past few years the J\ er age number of yachts rnmpeung m the e'ent numbered around nmery 1 he Church Mouse tS a "tag and releai.e" tournament with See OUTDOORS, Pace 82 Trio to play for U.S. MEN'seAsKEreALL u c r s Pe1ze1, Me rl o to play ror usA in Parada he lps in m en's volleyb all , water polo, respecti ve ly; ·== N~~~:ts~i:~~~:;::~ ~:~a~ef~>~'.111r~:i:~ugh Group~.......... Mexico 's upset zel and junior Rick Merlo and Aug. 3. Newport Harbor High grad Merlo. who scored 15 goals Toct.v-va. Utnlrie Nicole Mackey will compete for for UCI last fall, 1s playing for :v~~ the USA this week at the World lhe USA men's water polo team MoncMy -vs. ~ University Garnes in Daegu. that opem against Greece· on T~-w. South ICof'M South Korea. Saturday. ""1tg 21 TIA Pelzel, a fi r t-team All· Mackey. who ts entering her · - American for the Anteaters freshman year at the University ....,,... last season, is a m ember o f of Hawaii. will compete ln the s.t.lrd9y-w. Gt..a. the 11 ·player U.S. men's vol· 200-meter individual medley m leyball team that will partici· the swimming competition. pate in Group B with Ukraine, which begins Aug. 24. Canada, Den mark, the The World Universicy Games, Netherlands a nd host South held every two years and or- Korea. -ganized by the International Pelz.eJ competed in the Ja· University Spons Federation. is pan·USA Men's Olallenge Cup a muJti-spon competition open to men and women be· tween the ages of 17 and 28 (born betwee n Jan. I. 1973. and Dec. 31, 1985) and who are. or have been wi thin the past year. a student at a coUege or univer· siry. UCI senio r scores eight point a team upsets Argentina in Olympic q ualifying 1 to urna ment. Adam Parada. a ..emor dl UC Irvine. <,cored eight pomh Wednesday as Mexico upset :\r· gentina. q I ·A9. m the opening game of the Americas Ol\1np1c qualifying tournament at the Robeno Oemente Coliseum iQ '>an Juan. Pueno Rico. MeXJco led Argenana. the stl• ver medalists at the World Otamp1on'lhtp' last veaJ throughout the game. tabitg j 45·4 I ad\'anta.ge into halftiml and extending the lead to I poum mJdway through th fourth quaner. 1 Lduardo Na1era of the Dallat ~1dvenclc." led Mexico with 20 See PARADA. Pqe 82 YOUTH WATER POLO ROWING Jorgensen joins _elite company Former OCC rowe r and coach merits prestigious Oarsman award. 1 r I l .. Continued from Bl points, including four three- pointers. .,, The tournament began Wednesday and runs through Oct. 31 with the lop three teamsrof 10, advancing to the 2004 Otympic Games in Ath- en~. Greece. In the opening phase of the tournament, the 10 teams are divided into two groups, with round-robin play occurring In each. Mex.ico is in Group A while 1he United Stales, which fea- 1ure!. a collection of NHA all- -~taN. is 1n Group B. Mexico will face Uruguay in • 1u. second game on Friday. Continued from Bl winners taking home tackle, accessories and fishing trips. Over the past 12 years the to~ent has raised In excess of $300,000 for Catalina Island yo'uth projects. This tournament is a non-profit, tax deductible tournament with all proceeds being used for pmes, tournament expenses and donadons to Catalina youth groups. A gala aWllrds night will be held on Tuesday at the Casino Ballroom. For more details call Bob and Carol Butte at (3 10) 820-4434. SPORTS I Roger Cadman at the Zane Grey Hotel (310) 510--0966 In Avalon. e u er r s ownamen will be boated by the BaJboa Angling Oub with a limit of 200 registered anglers competing, A pre-fournament party will be held on sept. 9 at the Village Crean Restaurant in Newport Beach. Competition will be on Sept. 12-13 with the awards banquet to be held at the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub on Sept 14. The Master Angler Tournament is a ~Catch and Release" format based on points for marlin releases made on 12·, 16-. 20-and 30-pound test lines. 111ere ls a broadblll division in the master's and also a yellowftn tuna category for tuna weighing over 40 pounds. Boats and anglers fish aa a team for one of the Southland's angling clubs and It has become a pretD" hlghly competldve event for local big game angl~. MEN'S GOLF Two locals eliminated at U.S. Amateur 'JWo Newport Beach resi- dents failed to advance in the U.S. Amateur Golf Otampionshlp aft er they completed match play on the 7,171-yard Oakmon t Country Club course in Oak· mont. Pa .. Wednesday. Parada. a 7-foot center, aver- aged 12.2 points and 6.2 re- boun~ for the Anteaters last ~t'a-.on wheo earning second- 1 f'am All-Big West Conference Avalon will also host Rosie's Marlin tournament and it will kick off with a captains' party on Sep1. 7. Fishing days are Sept. 8-9 with a tournament ending banquet to be held cit the Country O~b on Sept. 9. This tournament was started back: in 1975 and generates funds to help support Catalina Island based and other designated charities. Rosie's is limited to only 20 boats, which will compete in channel waters for rwo days of bill fishing. Last year the yacht ueorsario~ was the winning boat in the tournament with its crew talcing home a total of $78,880. The entry (ee is $150 per angler and, as is the case with most martin tournaments, the bulk or the money ls used to purchase big game tackle and accessories that will be presented to the top anglers. Nate Lai.hlcy." from Scotts- bluff. Neb .. defeated Steve Con<>.tay, who will 'enter his !>Cnior ~eason at UCLA this fall . 2 up. while Long Beach's Peter l omal>ulo beat New- port Beach's Don DuBois, I up. honors. • Tournament headquarters are located on the end of the Awa.Ion pier and registration information can be obtained by calllng For more details contact your local fishing club or call Dara Fry-Stotesbury, secretary of the BAC at (949) 673-6316. l'he :i2 winner~· Wednes- day advanced to the second day of match play today. Free Battery Test •14ss:~::d change Service includes up to five quarts of Motorcraft® oil and new Motorcraft® oil filter. Includes hazardous waste disposal. •29· 95 ::!t::. A/C Check Includes a performance test, leak Inspection Visually inspect and test battery using Rotunda Micro-490 tester. See Service Advisor for details. and a check of belts and hoses. Act now and get a free battery test. Refrigerant and taxes extra. See Service Advisor for details. Offer vahd with coupon Taxes extra. Offe< valid with coupon. Taxes extra. EXPtf8S 8131/2003 Ex ·res 8131 /2003 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices ~~~~~~~~ MOTICI TO COffTIACTOIS CAUllG FOi ll>S II)# 102-04 1.01 110 TIMl, DATl AND PLACE II Bid Op-.ung I 1mc a110 A10 Or.tdhne Sep 1~mu~1 4lh 7 p m Bid~ mu\I be r f.'C.~tved pt'°' 1, I OOr1 no B Pldlf' ot Bid Re r .. ,~,1 N•wpu1 I Mesa U11olt•d Sc hofJI Ot~lfll I 1'1111 h,"'"f ?98'> R Brar ~,,..,I r.u,I• M1 .,. CA Cj/t.'6 1; Pr IJfH l Name 11111 YHROlll<I & SONO llA llfMINlARY \I 110111 S I IHI HYDRANT ANll WAii RI INI IN ',IAllAllON fl Pt Ju Pl.111\ ,., 1• on tot•· Mo r .. 111y Bu1ldmt t ,u111Mn1e\ M,.tt,ure _A .. 11 11i, • 7'JH~ r Hear "'"•'I Cn''·' Me\• Ca 11/l:olb 1.02 SUMMARY Of WORIC: A Pr<iw< I D"~t11pholl 1111 111111ell wnso\I~ of It" flf f' hydr dlll dOd ,. •.oc 1.tf~d waltrllne 111 lall•lrnn .11 t>olh '-111uu.1 uuJ K1tlyl11uuii.e f h·o•rut.u y ~lhooh. H Pr~f1m1nMy f ... ft· "'"'" S80 000 ()() 1.03 NOTICE: NO llC:I IS Ill Rf RY I.IV[ N llt·•I Newpo1 l M, • .,,, Un.toed S<hool ll< l11e I dC lll!C by and ll110111th II \ Governing lf1o '"' will rrcl!1ve ~raled l 111\ f111 .. ward nf a 01111 dt I foe the ahnve 11.111~d Prnl("ll up to but 1 11 1,1111 lhdn the btd t1•· . .e111n• I\ kid• \holll be re (, IVf' ft lfl lhpt. pl~lf' 1df'nt1f1.,I •bnv~ WhHhtr 01 not bids are •111cn~d e1 ~· lly al the lm1_, ftal"d m th1\ notice. ll" btd will be •el ~•ved -11~1 lh" bid deadline II f'I AN\ /IN[) •wr c II II A llON\ ARI AVAii Aki ( NOW !hp dnw n1~n1•. ""'Y lie reY1ewed "' lhe PROJ£CI MAN Al.IR' tttlllf' C~f'to Mlrl1 "" tltm II below) OH I AN Bl PtJRCllASf 0 IROM INTUINlT llUl,RINT: 16372 Cen1tr11ctlon Center, lrvlne, CA. 92606, Tll (949) SS2- 7S61, fAX (949) S52- 1209 C £ aLh BIOOE R musl prHt 1 bid bond or olhe1 \l'tut1ly lo lht amouol "' 10'(. of lhe 3mount nt the b•d with the bid 0 ( 4fh BIOO(R, SI 11111fl•MOU\IV Wllh the ••ecullc10 ol thto Coo II Ad Atrcemeot """ be r l'QUll "d to lu1 nt\h 1 I ~bnr and Mat .. r1al P•rlntm~nte Bond 1n an ;11nount equal to 100 o••'9nl nl lhe Con tr act \um .aod 1 F althful Perform•nce Sood lo an "nounl equal to 1.00 percent ol the Contr•ct Som S11d Bonds shall bf' frnm •n •dmlttad C11tlotn11 Surety sells l~dOf y to the D.$l11ct and lt1h.•d m the r todtr at A .. ltlflt, IUUtd by the o.g.,1rn.n1 of Tre••urr •nd hCltflWd tn CallfOf . 1111 Id 80ftd Vlfi' 1•111•ln In hilt fotca and elltct lh• ou1h th• &11llfllfllH !*Mid C The 8100£R "''" bt • l1<.ot11Ud conl,.ctor punlfl'lt 111 th-811"nnt end ,rotcrnlomlh Code end be l~~d 111 thtt 1pplt!!~,. dHslficatlons fM lt'19 trf411t fOf wtlicll Ill• con If Kt« IS Sllb• 1111rtm11bld f, lllit ptOject llH 3~ ~ Yl!lflttfl 8-· l\ftJ l,nl•PflM C>ll'liCI ....... ""a o ... ,tlons "°"' Vt• l'f!O•CT ~ k 111•.:t"4 to ttN Pll0.1.Cf MAMCI" H. Co11l1ct , 424 89!>0 Ftrm McCu thy Bu1ldin& Co FAX 714/424 8951. Addres\ 298!> C Bear Sir eel, Co\ta Men. CA 9?61'6 I No Bod may be w1thdr.iwn unlit St•ly day~ .. 11er lhc Bed Oper11ng Oale J lhe 01\l11ct re•erve' the righl to 1 e~LI any and all bid• or to waive 1rregula111te~ 1n any bid K Newpor I Men Unified !>thoul 01\t11c.t " an -equal oppllllun11y- empl1•vec l No tPll'phune 01 lau1m1le machine will be ava1lab~ lo b1dcle1' on the OISTRICT premises al lhe lime of bid Publt\hed Nt w1101 t BuLh Co''" MP\d ll•tly Polo! Augu\I 14. 71. 7003 Th684 MOTICl TO ClfDfTOIS Of IWSAll is.a. •101-6111 u.c.q Noh<.e " hereby given to uedolOf\ ol the w1th1n named \efler(s) lhal a bulh s.tle 1s aboul lo be mad~ on per 'nnal properly hr1•u1aller described The namt and buso ness addrns ot the 1nl,ndPd "lier t\ BRIAN r ARCO, 1617 West chit Or Newrimt Buch. CA 97660 The ndm~ and bus• ness add1ess ol the 1olended buyer is ARCH NA PA HI SNf HAI PAl(I AMI ltANSll 27800 Bell lbv1\ W•y Yorba Linda Cll 92887 The properly lh•l 1s perl1nrnl httelo 1s d~'t rcbtd 111 i'"'' at n m•leroal' \upplles marh111e1y pi!!h. equ1pmrnl drtd 1nv•ntory dnd 1\ lot•lcd 1617 Wutcl11f Or . N•wpo1 I fl~ach !,/\ 9?660 I he hu~inei.\ name "'ed by lhe 'eller al ~did lnr n11011 1\ lllC QUl l N Bll pr op er I y, household &oods bo~ness records and/or invenlor y Un11 1090 10900,401 Walworth, Constance, personal property, household e<iods, bu>t ness records and/or onvenlory Uni I 406 Jeff Daly. personal propert y, houi.ehold aoocls. bus• nus records end/or inventory Purchase must be made w11h cash only and al lhe t1rM ot ~ate Sal• sub1ect to cancellation m the tvelll of setlte menl belwePO uwner 1nd obligated parly Published Ne wpor I Beach Custa Mes• Daily Pilot Au2ust /'I, 78, 7003 lh/14 s ......... .......... Use .. FictiliM llsiMss ... I he followm& oer \on has abandoned lhe us• of the r W:llllOUS Bu\• ness Namt' Yeslerday Antique & Clau1c C•r Co JOO [I c .,m1no Rul Tusltn. CA 92780 The F 1cl1hous Bu\1ness namr referred to above was hied in Or a nae County on 11 19 02. Fil E NO 20026924250 Daniel R Banera Trustee. Daniel R B.ir rera and Maria r Barrera lrust Doted 10 14 97 332 Villa P111nt 01 • Newporl Beach CA 92660 Marca E Barrer;, lruslee of lhe Daniel R Burera and Marni C Barrera Trust Dated 10 14 97 332 Villa Point Or Newport Beach CA 92660 This business ts con ducted by Trusl l1v1ne This sUtemenl was filed with lhe County Clerk of 01 a nae Couoly on 08/t2/03 \ 200369 S4633 Daily Pilot Aue 14 i.>I . 28.Sepl 4,?003 Th/O!I Said t;ulk '>alt '>hall be consummalf'd on or after 'if'plembe1 10. 2003 .. 1 lhe olf1cn of Sunbf'fl Bu\men Bro kers •I 111 Pattfw:a, The lollowmc penolls Sutle zso trvme. Cah are dome business a'\ fornia 92618 Thi$ built Gallndo and As\OC11tu. '><tie I\ 219? Maritn SI , Ste subjtC I to Seel ton 160, Irvine Caltforn1a 6106 I' ol lhe C3hforn13 92617 CommPrc ial Code . Jo•&e f Gahndo. 2192 Claims ol any creditor ~:.~!~ Ca~~~rn~~926 l~), of said 5elle1 may be ltled wllh uld buyer et M1111m J. G1flndo. th• addreu set forth 2197 Marlin St , Ste Ahove for buy~r Allen 160, lrvme, Cahfornla lion Art hna Patel the 92612 This bus1nns K con IHI day for lclena cl1trm ducted b•' husband and II S@lembef 8, 2003, ' '#111ch tt lhe last bust wife nns day before the Have you ll.trtff dom• consummation date business yet' Yes 19ec1hed above 7 n.l/03 So far as is 11nowt1 to Jorae F Galindo, MA, MFT uld intended b11yflf(,), Thi• statement wu said Intended setlef UHd ~ the followina eddltlof'lal filed witb the County busineu n•mH and Clerk of Of1nc• County addrenu within th• ;Oo~SS thrH yeers pest· None O•l•d Aucust 15, 2003 Dilly Pilot Aue 14. 21. JOHN r HOl.AH. Allor 28. ~pt. 4, 2003 Th699 ney lor Buyer CffS 575230 Tll715 .......... ... s....... T"1t lollowlnc Pf' sons ere do#lc llll'SlnHa IS Am.fl«tt Te,, ' flfl111 clll S.vku. Inc .. uno Wtrntr Ave 1101 , I ountaln ¥11111. CA 12708 Ad'f tnced TH a ,.. n1ncl•l S.vleu, ltte <CA>. uno ••-Aw. II~ fO..n\alft V11tty, CAiri70I TM\ Min.. K COit• ~tlHI by; I C4f'"'*" IWw .-•t.AM .... """-t,.crv .. QI.OJ 03 ~-Tu a n- 11ffldtl S.Wn. Ille, ~ 8. O...Ytnce, CNit Tllls ............ WH flW with .. c:.vtlty '-' pf 0r-CeMl!lf on 08tv.>/03 200369SJIS6 Daily Pilot Au& 7. 14. 21, 28, 2003 Th660 Rdt""51Mess ... s ..... The foltowme penons •re dome busmeu as. NAIFA Oranee County. 11684 Manti• D11ve Cypress, CA 90630 Oranee County Auo· llll!On of fllsur ance & F 1n1oc11I Advisors. Inc. AKA OCAIFA (CAJ. 11684 Manila 011ve Cypreu CA90630 I his bustness " con- ducted by a Nt>n·Pr of•I Ore Have you star ltd doong busmos yeP Yes Or a nee Cobnly As~o c oallon ol Insurance And I •nanc1al Advisors, Inc , l'hyll1s Brown Cucu l1ve 011ecto1 This slalemeol wn hied w1lh the County Clerk ot Or a nee County on 011'l9J03 20036953072 D<11ly Pilot July 31. Au&. 7 14.21 2003 Th635 AditiM lllilm ... s ....... I he follow1n11 persons are dome busmess as: Newport Hills Really, Inc ?197 Dupont Or111e, Su1le ?O!>, Irvine, CA 92612 h v•ne Hills Rtillty, Inc (CA) 219" Ouponl 011ve Suite 205. lrvme. CA92612 Thi\ buStness 1> con dueled by a c0fp0<alton Have ~ou started dome busmns yet1 Ves 7/24/03 Irvine Hills Realty. Inc Ph1hp E Becker. CEO This slatemenl w.u ftlf'd with the Counly Clerk of Orange County Oil 08/06/03 20036953'61 0d•ly P1lol 'Aue 14. 21. ?8 Sept 4 ?003 lh682 Adltllm ...... "-S..... The folloo;1ne persons 11 e doinc business a$': Spa of Newp0<I I /05 Wes lcl1fl, Newporl Beech, CA 97660 Corona Del Mar Tan, Inc (CA). 2101 15th St , Newport Buch, CA 92660 Thtl busmen 1s con dueled by· B corporation Have you started do4n& busmen yet? Ho CMon• Oe l Mat Tan. Inc . Jtck R Clant1ulio, Treas. this ~tatement was hied with th• County Clerk of Of1nce County on 08/0!>/03 2001 .. SJIH 011ly Pilot Au1. 7, t4, 21, 28, 2003 Th656 Offe< valid with coupon Taxes extra Ex . 8131/2003 Bla .... llDT•m Monday-Friday• 6:30AM -7:00PM Saturday • 8:00AM -4:00PM Closed On Sundays --2MO LeplMotices 2640 Legal Noticei 2640 I Legal Notices ~ ..... ... s...... The followln& persons are doinc bus1ons as. Stumpo$ Raiders Asso c1allon, 2701 Baysllou Or , Newport Buclt, CA 92663 Clifford Gr•nt Shep herdson, 7701 Baydlore Or . Newport Beach, CA 92663 Th•s business is con· ducted by .an md1v1dual Have you started do1011 bU\IReS\ yet? No Chlf0< d C Shepherd son Th" stalemenl was filed with lhe Counly Clerk ol Or a1111e County on 08/ I !>/03 200369SS016 0d1ly P1lol Au& 21. 28. Sepl 4, 11. 2003 fh719 fictltlM ...... "-S......, The follow1na per sons are do1n2 business a~ Psych11c1ynam1c Study Center. I Co1po1ate Park, Ste 235. Irvine Cahf01 n1.a 92606 Jorge F Gahodo. 7 Corporate Park. Sle 235, Irvine C1hlorma 92606 Richard J Let11er1. 1 Corporale Park, Ste 235, Irvine. Caltlorma 92606 This business 1s con ducted by co partners Have you started doln& bustneu yet1 No Jorge r Galindo This statement was foled w1lh the County Clerk ot 011n1e County on 08/11/()3 20036954546 Daily Pilot Au& 14 <'I 28.Sept 4.2003 lh700 Rc-..tans "-S...... The follow'ina: per sons ••e do1ne K.ustnes, as· r t~1noff Char ten . 9337 Darrow Or , lfant1n2to11 Beach. CA 97646 Stephan Siewert R1lph Queale. 9332 Darr ow Ot Hunlinelon Buch CA 92646 Ousltn Quule. 4? Vista det Cerro Af1w Vieio CA 92656 ThlS bu\lnus IS LOR dueled by a eeoeral p11rlnenh1p Haw. you slatted ~I buslnps yet? Ho Stephen Stewart Relph Queate Th11o slatemenl was flied w1lh the County Clerk of Of •n11 County on 08/01/03 200Ht5SS46 01111 Pilot Aue. 7, 14, 21.28.2003 111663 Taylor Cityscapes, Inc (CA). 778 W 20t.h St .. Costa Mes•. CA. 92627 nus bus1Mss is con ducted by: a corporat.100 Heve you surttd do1na buStntl$S yet? Yes. 1 9· 2003 Taylor C1~caj)H, Inc., R1clard hytor, Pres1· dent This statement was filed with the County Cl«k of Onnee County on 07fl5/()3 200JttS276 S Oaoly Pilot July JI llUR 1 14 21 2003 fh646 ,.... ..... "-S...... The follow1na person~ are dome bu\me\s .1s Gao H1ao· Hua Callery 20321 Raor1on.l I .mt Hunt1n11ton Beach CA 92646 Jimmy Ma . 20321 Ramona I ane ttuntma ton Buch, CA 9?646 I annoe Ma 203?1 Ra mnoa t ane lluo1me1011 Beach CA 92646 This business I\ lon dueled by. hu\band •nd wife Have you sl.lrted dotnR busoneu yet> No Jimmy Ma Thi> slalemeol wu Ir led w•l'1 the Counl y Clerk ot 01 anae County on 08/12/03 20036954625 Oaoly P1101 Aue 14, 71 , 28 Sept 4 ?003 Th/07 ,......., "-S...... Tile follo-m& prrsons ••e dome busmen ;n Westp1Fk Jewelty. 26 Brisbane Way, lrvloe CA 92617 Michael Scott Zook ?6 Brtsbane Way, Irvine. (.A 92617 Diane lorratne Mehus, 26 811sbane Way. t1v111e. C/197612 lh1s business 1s cot1 ducted by· a 11ener1t pa1toersh1p Have you st.tied dome busmess yet 7 No Scoll M Zook This statement was filed with lhr County Clerk of Oranee County 0 ll 08/05/()3 20036953160 Daily Pilot Aue 7, 14, 21, 28, 2003 Tll654 ......... ......... The lollowlnc peraons are dolne bush1ess u . Royal Academy, 2llOS McGaw Ave, lnlM. CA 92614. Loomworh Appar•I, Inc (CA), 2805 McC1w An,ln111t,CA92914 ......... Tillt bulintu IS con ... ---llluct.d II)': I C«~lllOO -Htvt yell...,.. .,... "" folle .... ,__. butlnas yet? are dcMn, ~ ... v ... 5/1/lOOJ Pacific T11dlwinds, 3991 loom-ks "°'*'•'· MteArlllut Blvd. 1150, Gety Help, Chief fl· Newport Buth, CA nenciatOfflc« 92660-3049 This 1l•'-nl w11 Pe clllc Tr1d1wlnd1, flied ~ th• County LLC (CA), 3991 MK Ct.rt of <11'11111 County Art hur Blvd •JSO, Oll 01/UIOJ Newport Buch , CA .....,Jl'7t 9!'fi60.3049 Olly Plot Jiiiy 31, Aua . This llllSIMU It COii· 7, 14, 21, Z003 Th637 ducted b1. lh11Utd -.... llabatty Co. -... " '°" lt•led...... ...-----bu.llM$8 yetf v... lOl -. 2611• fire'°'°"""''°"' l"ectflc: fr .. •wlttd•, tr• ~ ~ •a. ~~· MdrM N, ~. :,~¥~~ l.~·.::1-r.~ TMt •l•ltflllnl ." C.llfotllle _. tiled wltll the c-ty N f C $ UC~ ~"C,~1"8111t County =7::!.. ,.:~ MNMH7JI TMI ......... _. 0~ ,... M:r n~ '"a.' •r: L..,'" 7. l .2l.200J ~Ce. .............................. ......... =-,.er-M7 "" ......... ,. ... ,.rcsuc. .... -.. "" ... : ..... 11' ; ........... """ e1,....... ... • ftltt ..... 11 •• -.... •• 711 w 2'1111 St., c:.ta .... .. .. ~ •v CA, wz ca., ., praw eew• on 08/01/03 20036953S4S 011fy P1lol Aue. 7. 14, 21,28,2003 Th66S ~ ..... ... s...... The fofloo;in& persons ere doinc business as· C and P Anltque S..· v1cei.. I 067 Salvador. Coda Me'.a CA 92626 Arnold r Ch11sten"'" 1067 Salvador. Costa Mesa CA 92626 Pat11c1a l Christens f'n 106/ Salvador C.o,I• Meu CA 9?6;>6 lh1s busme» is con ducltd by husband •nd wile H•vt you slarled du111g bu\tne\\ yet' Vf'' 1973 Arnold f Ch11sten"n I his \l•tt'rnent wa' ftlrd Wtlh thP c .. ullly Clerk of Orange C11u11ly (/II 07/'l'J/OJ 20036953016 Daily Pilot July 31 Aue I 14 71 ;1()()3 fh6 IJ Adltl.tans ... s ....... I he following person\ •re dom& businns as fhe Soil Ca\tle, 318'> Allwdy Averiue. Su1lt A Cusl• Mes<i CA 92626 Tom Bebout. 3185 A11 w•y Avenue Sui le A. Cosl• Mesa. C:A 9267& farnls M Bell, lruslee, Bell r am1ly Tr u't dated 2 3 88. 415 H1lledee laeun• Boa~h CA 92651 Thi\ bu\meu os con clucttd by a 11tnf'r al par Iner "110 ttave you started lfomp bu\me" yet1 Yes 8 18 86 lum Beboul I h•s statPmenl w~s filed with lhe Count; Clerk of Orange Counly on 08/01/0l 200.369SJSSI Daily P1lol Aue 7. 14. 21,28 ,2003 Th668 Rc*-latss "-S..... Valley CA 92708 Sunco11.l Dtvelup menl, Inc (CA) 18384 Brookhur\t !>I I ounla1n Valley CA 9:?708 This busmen 15 con ducted by • corporahon H .. e you )larlt\d dome bUSIRe\\ yet I No SunG<>a~I OtvelOP· ment. Inc Jamt~ £~la khrian Pr t\tMnl lh1s ,1a1emenl was ltlt'd w1lh thr Counly Cl~rk ol 01<inee Coullly 110 0/ 29/03 20036953017 0-ltly P1l11I luly I I Au~ 1 14 71 lOOJ lh&U RdltiM ...... "-S....... fht lullowonR 11~1-.uM aie t1ou1R 1Ju\1ne~" a·. Conl1ac1111 ,. Wd1 •'1ouo,~ fiO I I lm11e11~I llwy I A lf•b14 CA 906JI IUD WEN In< (Of<J 40 I H~rbfl1 '''~' 1\1~ mdlh r all\ OR 9/601 f h1\ bu''""'' ,._ r on dur !Pd by • c nr pr11 ah"o llav~ you sli11 ted dnme l.iu\in.-s\ y~l 1 VI'\ 01 01 1999 J{LO W[N In• 5Jm uel 0 Po11e1 1.orporale Secrtl••Y fhl\ \lalf'rn~nl w•' toled wtlh lhe C.ounly Clerk ol 01 .. n&e Cuunly on 07/'l2/0J 20036952335 Daily Polol Aue I 14 ?I ?8 ?00 j I 11667 RdltlM ..... ... s....... I he follow1r1a P" ~on\ arr dn1n1 business .u •I K IOS l\U hi KIO!>KU COM 151 Old Newpmt Blvd Suite 'IOI , Ne wpo1 I Beac h C.A 97663 W1narlo Kusumo Ha h3rc110. 3!:>1 Old Newport Blvd Suite !>01. Newpo1 l Be"h· CA 91663 fhf\ bus1nes\ •s ton dueled by an 1rtd11r1dual H•ve you "arted doing bu\tneu yet' No Win1110 Kusumo R11 hardio Th1\ slatemeol was hied w1lh lht County Clerk ol Or•nce County on 08/01/()3 200S6'5JS2' O•ily Pilot Au& 7, 14. 21. 28. 2003 Th673 I ltled w1lh lhr l.vuuly Actitills ~ Cler .. nl fhJn•·~ I ou11lt "'--S on08 O'i ll] -i........ 20036953159 Iii. followina ~"on\ 0~1fy P1tro1 Auw I \ 4 .11 • ''""'~ bu\1ne>' d\ 21. 28 ltMJ l lhl>'l'l HB [ "'" y f lu1J1 Sy\ fidltiM~s ... s .... Th• lolluwlflK µer\ot11~ ace dnmg bu"ne\'\ '" The W*Y 011v1nl( "'' h•·nl uno 1. p., k11••' •f M1\~1t1n V•f'lfJ C' .-hlnr nt.t 926'!1 M.;r•tl'I• c .. 1.1110 111111 Mrlchtll Av• •l'I lwl11 I Mtfotnta 9:>/llO l..tr>ri(• t oynl• i'/IK w f lord s.111. 1\11• C•ltlo1n14 Yl7~ Ho\ bu\IOP\\ 1\ t t111 Judttl bt " "'"'""' l)dl IOt>f \fUp ftt"tv~ you ''·" t,.t1 dmnv tu1'\t11rCii'\ yf'I' Nn C;N"lfk!,. I ll'fHIA 1 ht\ '14tll'HwHt .,; t ,. ltl~d w1lh llw (.01111ly Clerk ol 01 .11~1 c •11•111 t nnO/ 07 Ol 200369S0334 Oaoty P1lnl luly JI Aul( 7 14 11 100 t lltll'il Rditi.s aw.sJ ... s ........ l ht1 fnllnwrnp ptr '\fHI' are do1nv. bu"nf\~ ~' Ch•1111rrl I 11~ C1~.1l1tt11'o 87 Plate.;" Ah•11 V1•1•• CA 976!>6 Wad~ R W1>11ld11d~• 8/ Platei\11 Ah.,.. V1•1n CA 9?656 K1mbe1fy 87 Plaltdll CA926~ W1.uldr1'1tf Ah•.u Vtf"fo Thi\ buor.1nr'' " 'un dUL ltd hy hll\hAOtl ~nd wtlf H ... e yuu 't111lrd dn1nu bu~in"s yel' Nu Wade R Wootd11d1t• Kimberly Woold11d&t This sldlemenl Wd\ hied wtlh tht Cnunly Clerk ol Orane~ f:ounly on 07/30/03 20036953112 Daily Pilot Au& I 14 ?I 28 2003 I hft'l l "'*"" lwilea "-S..... The fotlow1oe ltt'•snn' are doine busint\' ~\ /WC fOSUtlllCt Sf'1 VII,._ 26522 l• Alam~da Suilt 190, Misst0n Vt1JO, CA 9~1 Steve Frltdmen, J Ha.ti Hiii, Mlsalon Vit)o, CA92'92 John w.-i., mu LI Al1111tde Sult• 190, MkaiM Yillo, CA 92691 This buwneu Is con chlctd "'· • ""'1•t par~ ~ '°" .,.,., .... ~yet?No l{llOJ . s..wrr~ lllft •l411-t WH fited w1ttl U. Collnty CWlt of Clren .. County oe Olf'Ol/OS 200,..SHU 0Jtily Pilot Au1 7, 14, 21, 28, 2003 Tll669 lrm' 1\4')() All•nU Avr I .'/ th111t111vton e,.h CA '111>4'1 '""'~' l Collon' II IH'lll All•rtt• Avr •11 ll111111111:lu11 lhh CA 'l)t,<\j, t ht•. bu\tOf''\' ,._ .. on '1uc hut by All ind1v1du•I lt~v• you ''"'led dnonl? hu'lllt''' yr-t' No '•Oil'\ l Culhns II flu st.illemelll ,.~,. ltl•ll with lhf' County I 1., k ot 01 ange County •Ill 08. O'> 03 200369S31SI [/,11ly Polol Aut I 14 II lll /003 lhb/!> flctfflM~ ... s ....... flo1· lttlluwtng p.:•son' 01 t tlmn.: bu\tnes~ 4\ ff.ti\ ·••d'~"t Pu.>root1ons 916 w O<ean r1onl N•· wf•l'll I ft pa ch CA 'flt.hi l •Ill• V.•lll!ty 91b W 1)11 Jn f ronl f'k,.pilf I ftP•• h I.A 92&61 fhi\ bu!.UI~\\ I\ ltlO ""'led by An md1v1duat 11~ ... vou sla•t•d doone t;u,111t''1~ yt>t' Nn I Mii • Vdllf'ty lhl\ ,1atemcnl wo 111-.1 with th~ f.uunly l l•1 ~ .. 1 01 an2r (' <111111 y nn ()II 08 03 20036954242 ll~oly 1'1lol Aue 14 71 ?M !>t:pl 4 7003 Th686 ~""""5 ... s..... lhr lollowme persons •• f do•nt; bu•mess n Sluart . Interiors 893 Sandcdslle. C:<11 ooa Del Mat CA 9262!> 1111 S Stua1 I 893 SandV\ll• Or Coron~ Del Mat, tA 92625 fhts bus111e~~ '' con due led by an 1nd1V1dual H~v• you star led doinc bu<Htt'\S yefl No IArc S Stuar I I h" itatement W.t\ ftl~cl with the County Clerk of Oraoer Count1 01108/08/03 200369S42SO Daily Pilot Aue 14, .n . 28 Sept 4. 7003 lh688 ~ ....... "-S....... l he lollowm1 person• are dome busmen n Echelon S~ln Care. 2333 Vista Huerta, Newport 8t1ch, CA 926fi0 Keren Jun Caw1hra, 2333 Vtsta Huerlll Nhopor I Sch, CA 92660 Thii businus is coo ducted by an 1nd1w1duaf lltve yo41 started do•n1 bu1111<11ss yet? No Ker•11 INn C1wthr• Tl111 1ute11141nt wu hied •1111 th1> County Clerk of Oranae County on 08/08/03 200Hts4246 Dally Pilot Au1 14, 11 , 28. S@l 4, 2003 Th6~ Thursday, Auau.st 21, 2003 13 Liiii .... -Lip! .... -Llpl ... -l.1111 ..... 2MO Ltptltallal ... Llpllallcll -llllflalm -.....,.... 2141 Llpllallces .. Llplllallcll - NOTICE Of DM0ED PUIUCATION Of ntE PROflERTY TAX DE,AUL T (DIUNQUENT) UST 2001 • 2002 IMt ~ t; ltc1lon »71, ~IN Tlbllon Code flw l'ldlllld ~ T~~ P!Ol*IY In Ind lof ()qt County S111e al~ '* bMtl dMltd Ind dieVlbuled IO ¥wlous ~al~~~ In lilt county A poo1bi al lilt lilt lllP8ll'I '°' nch of tudl "'""'**' l'VBUSIED DEUNQUENT UST I John M W MaoNch °'W198 Courcy Tu Collec:lci, State of Caftlomia te<tt!y 11111 HoCICt II Nlf.tly gMln 111111 !ht IHI ptOl*1iet lltled below _. deCltfWd 10 be In 1&1 delaull a! 12 01 am on J,Jty 1, 2002. by operlllotl d lllW The dedara!lon d delauk -due to non-pay· """'ol llw '°'* lr"°"1I due lof Ille Intl, MSasmtnlt ll1d 04l>er CllWQM leY!td fl 2001-2002 11111 _.. a 11en on Ille lll1ed 1811 PfOl)el1y The nMne d Ille -Ind !ht llllaf whlcll -due on June :IO, 2002. It sno.n opposite tlle,paioel mMTlbet 1'u .. Nlld *' Pft.lC*1v may be redeemed by P9Ymllll ol 11 unpejd taaee sid -- IOgetlier will the .odlllollll s-itiet. Ind ...... pi.m.d Dy law, "' • may be ~ under 111 lnllilfmlnl plln al~ " ... IUta lernllirl ~ • June 30, 2007, ... Pl°'*1Y ... bl euli;ld IO Ille II pulllc lllCllOtl "'°llerlY upon wlllCl1 a nuoan:e .,...._.,. lien'* been r9COl'ded lllall be tUlljeci IO 1111W11>111.<et tll!lll1U!1')lld111W My 1. 2007 Al in~~~ al tax~l&Jfted ~ ... be IUmished, Upclfl '9qUelt. by John Iii W Mool1ldl, <nige ec.inty Tu Coleclor 12 CMC Cente< ~·Room G-53 Sa111a Ml. Calllomll 92702 f714) 83'-6701 . I aJf1l!y (OI dl!cln), Ulldtf petlllly al ~ t11• Ille lol'9C)ing 8 1N1! and OOITllCI John 111.W. liloof!Kh O!w\ge County Tu Coli.cw BIN of c.llfoml• El'OCUled II Sar!la Ma. 0rar>;ie County on Augvs1 21 & 28 200J PARCEL NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION The Auenoi s Parcel Nllmbef (APN) -used to de5cri>e plQllel1Y 111 tllis bl rftrl to 11>e -s map bool<. lht mllP block Oii the map (~ ~) and !he indMdual parcel on Ille mllP PIQe or 111 lht b«x:t The as~'°'' maps an<l ~ e•piaiabon ol 11-.e pwcel numbe<- "G tytte<n we a.llllble tn Ill!! asseuor s olflOe Al prtll)elty •fl the Townsllop Sou1l1 and Rtnge We11 o1 San BetnarOinO S-and Meno.an IMPORT ANT llOTICE Tne names publahecl n l1IClM appeenng °" Ille 181 ~ TaiiP"Y"" w!IO hMt do!ll)C)IMld ol prope'1y linCe Jrtwty I may llnc! tlle!t -hs1ed 10t !he 1e1S011 11\al l)(eten1 ~ have faMd 10 pey taxes 1"-lollowlnt 1bbtevildon1 lte UMd lo< tM wonlt NI QllPOe~• them Mtn-~lrllot" Admx • AOron- ~ -ttig'1Wey 11..ys -H!Qhway$ ll>C -lr>eorporated Int -Insurance In• • fnvesltrenl Jr -J""'°' AP -Ar,essor t Mao Plltle4 Numbel Ace-~ Aun-~ I.NOC -.\aoclltes Bldg-~ B<os -B- CAIClllClll -C"'10mlll Co -Corl\)any Cor4l -<Nlslrudlon Coop -Coopet1llYt Cotii -~ LA -Loa Al>geles Lid lJITlled Mtg • MlW>ufactumQ Ml -Mou<lt NA -NalloNI As5ooation Nall -NalJOnal ~W -N...W Contvr -~ Depl-~ Ot• -°"'9loOmenl °"1 -0.tne:t NT & S,t. -~TM! IY1li ~Alilcoa>'I S & L -Savrqs and Loan S£C y -S«ncwy °"' -OMso. E c -Educ:ICcJtl EnllVf -~ b1 -E1111te .. al -and oll'9B Sr -Senior St -SM!t/Stroet USA -UMe<I s-ol .. menca Vets -\le4e<all! & -And E•ec -E.iewtor/E.Jecut!D &/oi -Andi~ ~ & I.I -F 1mn tnd Me!tllintl Gc!n -Guardts1 t -NUIT'Oe< PROP£RTY IH HIJNTIHGTOH ~ CfTY TAX~TE AllfA 04-001 OREK ~>-fHAN CHI TURNER CHERYl A AP 02}.11>150100, SI 10782 525 22NO ST HuNTINGTON BEACH CA APQ2J.1152581 $681 00 525 22NO ST. liUNTINGTON &ACH CA ()()effi;AI. RICHARO E AP 02.l-124-23 0300 S18015 402 20TH ST HUNTINGTON &ACH CA AP 023-124-23 0-00. S887 81 402 20TH ST HUNTINGTON WCH CA HEAVEY BRYAN J, AP ou1•2-22 SH97 se 601 ITf)i ST HUHTINGTON BEACH CA THOMPSON scon L AP 023-251"46. S2 714 20 1~ SANOPEB8l£ Cl. HUNTINGTON BEACH CA CARThEY scon AP 024-027-24 S2 582 84 l22 12TH ST HUNTINGTON BEACH C>- VAJA, Al.MA RUTH AP 024-034-08. S2.125 26 219 11Tli ST HUNTINGTON BEACH CA GAAR. RAEGAN L AP 024--053-12 S2.&68 20 10101.AXE ST HUNTINGTON BE.ACH. CA MIYAHARA, SAHORA J APm-061·28. SJ,69376 2607 17™ ST, HUHTIHGTON BEACH. CA CASTANON, RICHARD G. AP 02!>482·26. S190392 1918 CALlfORHtA ST, HUHTIN01'0N llEACl1, CA MCGAUGHEY,~ H. AP 025-132-19. sa90 49, 1815ALSUNA LN. HOHTINGTON BEACH, CA CASTANON, RICt1ARO G. AP 026-144-13, S2.273 14, 608 OCEAHHtU DR. HUNTINGTON BEAai, CA BAANES. RJCHAAO M. AP025-1~·12. S1.2Z2.7S, 818ASHW«>OR HUNTM)TON l!IEACH, CA GARCHER, VERA M ET Al., AP 111-140-23, $2. l 7996. TR 298 ll.K C LOT2S ~.LOIS.AP 14~13. '313.27, 8162 K>S'M DR. HUHTIHGTON !!EACH. CA MC CA8E. SEAH. AP 149- ln·lO. S2.042.14. mn VACATION LH. ~TON llE.AQi, CA GYOAKOS. JOHN W, AP 14t-112·11.G2DO, S33 21, 9722 HIGHTU OR. HUlmNC1TON EACH. CA cox. ROIE"1' DElMS. AP t-.aM2, Sl,18U7, -flEPPERTI& OR. IUfTHJTON lfN.'lM. CA FW.W. JCaPH. I# ~1-,, ... 11. 9MI '°"' C1'11J! OI\ ~llM:H;CA lW.Y,..,....i.m_ ,,,...M.J?WO, •1• '°" Cl'WI OI\ HUNrllGTON l!ACH. CA ~.~V,1# 1-.m.11. ll.1ll7 ... m llOUCl1QNE a. tUfT1eG1CN IW:H. CA tOUZA. aawo '· "' 1-.m.a, IUG.tl .mt1~ll\ tUnMn*lllO\ CA ...,., '°"' J, ,, 111· ltt.tl llWA ~ ~ l-" tUfftlQ'ICN ~er. HVNilNGTON BEACH 1 SELF SERVE CAR W,lSH ,lP 151·282·31 S8 15156 20042 BE/ICM Bl. HUNilNGTON W CH CA EGGERT J THOMAS LElAJ< JENNIFER UNN AP 151-502-04 0100 , S544 19. 20181 CAPE COT1'AGE lN. HUNTINGTON BEACH CA ~I. MIKE AP 1SJ..011·?5 SI 82'306 8181 OEAUVtt.lE OR HUNTINGTON WCH, C.l -'l.USON. RANOY AP 153-051·19, S312 72 19'322 BEACH 1!L ttUl"TtNGTON WCH CA I WT NEWl.AHO ESTATE AP 15l-091·15 SI 567 22 TWP 6 RGE 11 SEC 1 AP1~1-29 S 15,037 .w! TWP 6 RGE 11 SEC 1 AP 153-091·30 S201 42. lWP 6 RGE 11 SEC 1 COIV,L CAY COMMUNfTY ASSN, AP17~ $81 02 TR 90&0 LOT G Hill DAMON W AP 8'11· 160-01 SI 04713 1418 ORANGE AV, UNIT fl.. HUHTIHGTON WCH CA LARRALDE., STEPl1€N, AP 9JD.194-87 S901 61, 409 UTICA AV. UNIT C27 HIJNTIOOTON BEACH CA CORBETT. JULIE AP 932· 171-71 $1,329 14, 16932 Pl'.CIAC COAST HY UNIT 171, HUNTINOTON BEACH.CA ROeerrSOH MARY. AP 933-522-66, 12.847 72. 200S2 BAYFROHT LN, UNIT 201. ~ON BEACH.CA LAASON. RICHARO J, AP 933-623-87, s 1.296 44, 8131 AACEPOINT OR UNIT 204. HUffTIHGTON BEACH.CA AP 93J.62U7 0100, $561.22, 8131 AACE· POINT DR. UNIT 204, HUHTIHGTON BEACH, CA WINIU. JEAHNE M. AP 936-175-21, Sl,117 OS, 2030'1 TlOEPOOl Cl, UNIT 103, HUNTINGTON BEACH.CA ClAAI<. ~GORY W. AP ll'7·152-64.0100. $118.73, 21092 POOlSllE LN, UNTT 14, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA AP '37-162-M.0200. '487 85, 210!kl POOlSIDE lH. UNIT 14, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA SCHROCK. DONAlO £. N't31-1...a7, 14,l66.79, 1M32 POl!fW«l lH, UNIT 502. HIMTJrjQTON lfAal,CA MOIUY, ICMEALY L.. AP 931 ~t-03..0100. 1215.AI. 19062 ()C(Nt. PORT l.H. UNIT I. HlMT1NGTON llEAOH. OA DAAAVI. HOIMYOUN. AP ~1. 14,t17.21. 211141 MMYOll Cl, \NTtA.~ If.to()\ CA mJN. fWff. ,, _ 801"7. 11 ...... '400 "°"'° ~H'f. \NT -~lQf ~CA ~A&L91R.AI' l3MIQWl.l\all' MOO~·COMT~ INJ)ll~ II.CM.CA TM.Mft_..._, CJMTT, JC&,, I#,,. me.-. •tt; rrm..o.ilK ~..a\~ KRAMPE FRANK .lP 142 361.21 $152972 70&7 STARllGHT Cl HUNTINGTON IDCH CA CARROLL ENTERPRISES INC •P145-~ $7738 43 !)382 INQUS. TR1Al. OR HUNllNGTON BEACH CA WILKINSON JAMES T ET i\l AP 1~1-09 S1,J0212, 6331 MEAO- O'MAAJ< OR ~INGTON BEACH CA MCCOMB MElOOY F AP 1'6-271-39 S3JO 63 ~1 CARLA Cl HUNTINGTON BE>-CH CA DORSEY KENNETH 0 TR AP 140-283-27 S 111 20 5791 !'!El. AV HUNTINGTON BE/ICH CA FISCUS WllllAM H II AP 146-333-29 s1a1e96 16651 BUSBY l1>I HUNTINGTON BE.ACH CA HARMON. RoeERT P AP 1'6-3n.14 $100932. 16322~lN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA MATSON. STEVE.. AP 14&.S21-01 Sl,329 17 16242 BRIMHAll lN HUN'T1NGTON BE.ACH CA FtGUERQ.t, GABRIEl AP 1.$6-62)-03, $1,360 36 162111 NOAMANOY lN HUNTINGTON WCH. CA MC OIAAMIO BRUCE A i\P 146-571·17, $661 24 8622 MAR1l YN OR HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA LECOHG. T\ffEH 0. AP 1~12-06, S5 530&2, 16561 MAYWOOO l.N, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA SCHAEFER. JAMES A. AP 146-662-09 0100. S256 93. S366 HAVll.AHO OR. HUNTINGTON BEACH CA AP 14"62-09 0200. S2.S98 8t, 5366 HAVI- LAND OR HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA HU, CHRISTOP1'£R R. AP 159..Q11·56. S366 39. 19111 Ct.EARWATER a. HUNTM>TON llEAOi, CA Al.FANO. STe\IEN J ET Al, AP 183-061·18 $o414 84. 583 I HOROINA OR. HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA LEWIS, ANOAEW R AP 18).081.ta, $1,522 38. 6W~CI, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA ~VICTOR L, AP 18).20J.48. 1441 23. 5811 LUOl.OWCI, HUf(l1NGTON BEACH, CA IMAMtA\ KIKUO. AP 113--.0C. 14.3J&.l8. 5381 llEO( Cl. HUNTINGTON llEACtl, CA lWVYE. llMTTHEW, AP le&.o'l3-13, 12.383,tl. m1 VIA CWlNA DR. ~IEACH.CA wtfTE, CHRISTWf l ,., 1~11,MM. 17782~U4, ~TQI IEAOt. CA -~ .. ,., ,.,., .. SUIU2. 11711 MH WNll'IO LH. ~llACH.CA ~VMFYW,1# ,.,......,t1ut 1"1S lllWfTIC Cl ~lfACM.CA 111\A~ "9«a. ,., 17'-f1MIJl100. tl,l:I0.11. -.....-r Olt. ~ew:t«. ~ .n. DMl1>. I#,,.. ........ ~ Dlli&O Cl. tUfTINCn'ON IMO\CA .._Nlml'f,_A '* tJNIMt. A.IMM. .., .. ~Olt. tun.a"°" Q \ AP 17M01~.0200 $830&4, 4181 DAVIS CUP DR. HUWTINGTON BEACH, CA KJRSCH. OAVIO TR, AP 17M42 16. S1,4n.04 3688 MONT!OO OR, MVNTINGTON BEACH. CA CURNVm. RICHARI), AP 17"43-34 0200. S1,849 78, 16130 TORTO. LA Cl. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA RAU BEVERLY J AP 17&-706-69 S1.387 64 3385 BANOIT Cl, HUNTINGTON BE/ICH 0 lloYD. THOMAS, AP 17g. 705-84. S2.a21 J2 3368 SPAAKLER OR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 8UAA9l1GHS STEVE AP !131-C00.16.0100. $2,52038. 16412HAR· BOUR LN. lJNIT 15. HUNTINGTON BEACH CA VERGARA, STEVE AP 931..t00-74. S837 32 1&960AlGOHO\JIN ST. UNIT ~10& HUNilNGTON BEACH.CA KELLER. PAMELA E. AP 932-260-43 se21 n m1 ARENA Cl, UNIT 94C HUNTINGTON BEACH CA , NARAINE. STEPHEN AP 937-1~920200 S115 08 6600 WARNER AV UNIT 39 HUNilNGTON BEACH CA AP 937·1~920300 1239 62 6600 WARNER AV UNIT 39 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA BRIEF BARRY Tfl '-THOMAS K081 A AP 937-6»38 S7&4 96 16089 SHERLOCK LN UNIT .la, HUNTINGTON BEACH CA EVEN EPHAAIM TR AP 937.e:ll 39 SJ 376 66 16291 COUNTESS OR UNIT 314 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA DI.JC. EUGENE G JR M:URTIS. Ci\Ti1ERINE AP 938-870-50 S l 717 08 16581 GRUNION lN UNIT 10 HUNTINGTON SEACtt CA JOSC~ OAlllO AP 939 541-22 0100 S125 42 5032 DORADO OR UNIT 207 11UNTINGlON BEACH CA AP 93~541.:iz 0200 '657 12 5032 ~ADO OR UNrT 207 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA POH EVIN JEAllNE TTE AP 939-542· 11 81 1209 10 5146 OOAADO OR lJNIT 204 HUNTINGTON WCH CA l.IORAlES NOflMA F AP 9~543.150100 S97 27 5145 TOfU~ OR UNIT 208 '1UNTING TON BE.ACM CJ. SIL/A JENNY AP 107 401-05 S20•046 1W)1 WAITE I); HUNTINGTON BEACH CA MOAEV DENNIS E AP 107~1-11 S180690 18571 W>-ITE l.N HUNTINGTON BEACH CA l(ERl(HOfF MERLIE P .+.P 107~2·11 S2.41804 16541 POTIER Cl HUNTINGTON BEACH CA AP 107-402-11 0100 S89860 165'1 POnEP Cl HUNTINGTON BEACI'< CA STEWARD RANDAU l ~p 107 .-482-03 s 1 360 83 8681 HASTINGS Ci HUNiJNGTON BEACH CA RICH.ARO$Olll TAMZI AP 101.(;()1.31 n 226 oe 9141 TERRY OR HUNTINGTON BEACH CJ. HINTZ SUEANNA AP 101-811·11 S390 93 16771 ROOUE lN HUNTINGTON WC~ CA DERRY GEORGE H JR TR AP 142-28S-OI 1652 56 7572 ALH>MSR.4 OR i'!UNTINGTON BEACH CA SKISTIMAS ALFRED .+.P 142-47M6 SJ,894 40 7561 CENTER OR, UNIT Q HUNTINGTON BEACH CA CIRELLI. RoeERT A II. AP 151.326-09, SJ 137 32 8282 KINER Al/ HUNTINGTON BEACH CA SIFUENTES Al VARO A. AP 157-352·20. S80S 23 18302 TMC:ltMS Cl. HUNTINGTON BEACH CA ANOERSOlt TRACEY AP 1~19, S1,664~. 18391 CA.RNABY LN HUN'TlNGTON BEACH. CA GRIESMAN, NORBfRT L AP 185-201-43, $.4,482.02. 17882 SAMPSON lN HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA CHAAHAW. 8AAO W, AP 167-361·17, Sl.342 15. 8311 AMSTERDAM OR, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA OE LAS ALAS, APOl.ONIO P AP 187~.0100, S105.76, 1121 ~Cl. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA FINI(. JE~ A. AP 167· 483-2'4.0100, $947 36, 119e1 VAN BUREN ST HUNTINGTON BEACk. CA SEGURA. JOE, AP 932- 1.,._ 0400, $351.56. me BAITTAHY LH. \HT 98. IUITIHGTON BEACk, CA MEZA,~APm 181·12. 172412. 8403 8ENJAMIH DA, I.HT 1I2. HUNTING'TOf! llEAOI. CA #Ml.LBt ~"-AP lm·lll-31, .,.7', 1~ NEW.NC> ST, UNT 1-.~ If.AO\ CA f Al(.MTI liMA _...,, LIH>, AOY I\ Al' , ... m.or. *1.ot 211t1 MW U4. tumil010H l(A()t,CA o..w.~~,,, Mt-111.q.1141.12, fOOQ~Olt. ·~~CA ~ ICQfT J. ,,, '4NIWI. a.on 40. 21Glt tDQO a. IUfTlilllTON "'°'-CA ICRl.~1#11~ Of1·t0. aa• -llll!NILI~ ~~CA AP 151~71-100100, $221 3 I 20232 DEER· VALE LN, liUNTINOTON BEACH.CA AP 161-071-10 0200. Sl,135.154 20232 OE!:R \IAL£ LN HUN'TINOTON BEACtl, Ci\ HOWELl MURREll 0 .+.? 151-141-09. S2,597 fl8 20911 8EAChW000 lN i'!UNllNGTON 8EACH CA LAMBERT SH.AWN P E1' Al AP 151 192 10 0100 $18607. 9022 M£01TER· RANEANDR HUNilNGTON BEACH CA AP 151-192-100200. S4a6 81 9022 MEOITER· RANEANOR HUNTINGTON WCH CA LEE. PETER H. i\P 151 433-15 S2,641 2A ~22 HARCOURT Cl HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA ANCOG ROMUlO S TY- ANCOG CONCEPCION AP 151-524-11 Sl,14388 20'391 MANSARD lN ttUNilNGTON BEACH CA CASILLAS MARY LOUSIE. AP 151-5.)3.()8, S 1 173 28 201 ~2 ASTOR lN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA lANE PATRIC~ MICHAEL AP 151·543-24 $2070 39 20()( 1 TR.4NOUIL LN. HUNTINGTOll BEACH. CA W T NEWLAND ESTATE AP 151 551-29 $1,32606 TR 7870 LOT 101 BAOGER JOHN J ROWi\N·BAOGER KAREN • AP 151·591-200100. Sl99 71 6542 KELSO OR HUNTINGTON BE/ICH 0 AP 151.591 20 0200 17)8 58 8!>42 KELSO DR HUN11NGTON BEACH CA YEROUSHALMI EBRAHIEM YOMTOUBIAN GUITY AP 155-103-25 s 1 JOol 51 ~72 KENWORTH Cl i'!UNTINGTON BEACH CA HEPBURN DAVID BRA~.EV AP 155·193-19 "4 934 92 10211 JON DAY OR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA MOLA MICHELE S AP 157-411·'2 SI 977 10 18812 GREGOflY lJ>I HUNTINGTON 8EAC.'1 CA CUBAR THOMAS couqTNEY TR AP 15ft. )93-!>6 0300 FORMERL V AP 159-393-20 "45 62 •? 245 lOT l AP 159-393-56 0400 FOA VERLY AP 159-393-20 194 70 TR 245 LOT j LA BAU ROBERT JO!#I AP 932-eoo.96 S 1 609 04 864-' PQ41TOLA CT UNIT '3f HUN'TINGTON 8€.ACM CA HOlORIOGE SCOT M AP 93~70-33 Si 227 IQ 15591 EOGEBROOK LN HUNilNGiON BEJ.CH CA STILWELL WILLIAM JR ,p 93~75-10 S1 467 71 '523 OOlfl COVE er HUNTINGTON BEACH CA vlGIL CAnfl LEE TR BERN.lRO A JETTIE TRUST 'FELDMAN rwe£. AP937~·10 $630 70 18900 DELAWARE ST UNIT • HUNTINGTON BEACH CA TAX.RA TE ARE.A 04-014 l(.t.LSI SWANEEl AP 14~3-20 SA 074 37 21231 DOVE '1UNTINGT~ BEACH CA KIRBY SHAWN >-P 14~ 10>04 SJ Oil '0, 159'1 I WILLETT lN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA .t,Pl4>1~0300 TAX-MTUllEA 04.olJ ~ KlNNOSUl<E AP 933-871 ·22, S612 S.C 18m PAAK\llEW LN. UNIT 24. HUN'TINGTON BEACH.CA TAX-AATt AllEA ~ MULLIGAN GARY v fl Al AP 024-153-07 $70999 50 117 MAIN ST HUNTINGTON 8f.,1.,CM CA T AX>AATE AREA 04-035 FERNANOU RAt.AAO AP024-1$>110100 t2.919 43, 2143RO St HUNTINGTON BEACH CA AUAAA NORMAN, AP 024-171·34 S2.082 22 621 I.AKE ST. HUNTINGTON BEACtt CA STOfiEBAAKER, DON ALO, AP 9J~fi02"82 S1,86796, 4101.AKE ST lJNIT 107 HUNTINGTON 8EA01 CA TAX-RATE AREA ~lf FOSTER. SHARON K ~P 15.l-143-15 S30065 &672 INNSSRUCI< DR HUNTINGTON WCH CA YORK CHARLES VANCEV-VORK CRvSTM AP 15).22~3 $3 226 ·~ 19782 TRIDENT lJ>I ttUNTINGTON 8EACM CA AP 15'!·2Zl-43 0200 S119 80 19782 TRIOl'NT lJ>I HUNTINGTON BU.(,H CA AP 153-223-'3 0300 $383 52 19782 TRl0£NT LN ttUNTINGTON BEACH CA SALIDO AN1HONY M ~p 15).242·14 S606 22 19901 ISTHMUS LN HUNilNGTON 8EACH CA ttERMAN ANTHONl S AP 153-281-01 SI 13915 9011 GETTYSBURG Oil ttUNilNGTON BEACH CA LAMS E>-RI. A VRV BROOl<S >-P 1 Sl-34,-03 SI 03 I n, 944 2 RONNEV OR HUNilNGTON BEACH CA VALOEl ROBERTO ME? CAOO Af> 153--4•5-80 S568 85 19852 INvE? NESS lN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA SHOIJGH STEPHEN 0 AP 153-416-57 $759 I) 19682 CLAREMONT LN HUNTINGTON BE>-CH CA STEIJl.IER MARK S AP 15l-'9'-21 S2 052 50 19681 TOPEK.A lN HUNTINGTON BEACH C• JOHNSON KENNE™ S SR AP 15~591 59 S2 994 78 8882 ~1. WOOO OR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA ~M COOL T~ AP ISl-592-01 SA 600 18 8n1 SAYWOOO OR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA NlRAYANSWAMI AN AP 155-003-01 SI 2Z7 72 19852 lfilNG'fON LN ><UNTINGl()N BEACH CA TAX-II.ATE AREA 07.001 CARSON MICHAEL T 4P 045--05>25 S2151 16 331 CANAL ST NEWPOAT BEA~ CA YEE JASON F G AP 1)47. 20120 $14079() ·1722 W OCEAN f'RONi NEW- PORT BE>Cl1 CA ~ERTi() VIRGINIA C TR .lP 048-072 13 $1 594 72 132 E BALBOA Bl NEW PORT BE>CH CA MESseRSCHMrn JOHN A P ()48.-0 7 4. 29 $11 122 20 122 OCEAN SAO 5a 15911 WlllETI LN HUNTINGTON WCH Ci\ l,IERWIN MElV1N 0 ffi AP 14!'>-112 30 S79042 15931 BELFAST l.N \.IUNilNGTON BEACH CA RANDAll. GEORGE P E1' I FRONi NEWPOf'T BEACH CA Al AP 145-352-01. UJO 06 6162 Al.BlON OR ttUNilNGTON BEACH CA I MC COY JAMES I. AP 145--433-07 $1,229 76 6791 Sl<YVIEW OR HUNilNGTON BE/ICH. CA BlVENS llC. AP 93).970- 01 0100. $483 22, 15664 PROOUCER LN UNrT I. HUNTINGTON WCH. CA TAX-AA TE AllEA OU1t YOUNG, OiUNG CHE· UNG, AP 146-174-23, S1 491 40. 6422 RUTGERS Cl, HUNTINGTON BEACH CA l'UNSTOHE. l<fmt T. AP 146-231·11 l 2 717 78 6851 OXFORO OR. HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA l<YSOTH, CASEY, PAL- l(YSO'f)l. TEVY. AP 14> 301~ $1,2116 33, 111)22 MEOfOROOR. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA CULP, DAVIO WAAAEH, ~.cuLP. JEl(NlfER L AP1~·14, S908.14 8181 MEOFORO DR. ~T'ON BEACH. CA RAND. VICl(J .*M. N' 1~11.~17, 8141 CORNEU. Oft ~ON 8£AQ4, CA SHllW(I. J C, AP 195- 0$).12.0100, 11.313.40. 141111 8MRE LH. HUNTHrnlH BEACH. CA ~-11'116- 081-1$, Wt2'. &311 *"'MTAOI\ HUNTNJl'OH ~CA ~·~"'"' 116-221~. 12.ml'I. M1~Dft IUCTlmOM IU04. CA ,...,..ft Ma\ .... ~IOC.llC. l>IM2»t4. .,.. 11UWIUJU MC~~l#to. ~., .... 16>12~1.Jt ~lllO\CA /#w.a41 .. '21l.1',1Ad~ I.It~~ CA I#~. --IDQ~ U4. IUmMGTail lllO\ CA AP 046-074-2'10300 $610964 1220CEAN F'R()NT NEWPORT BEACH 0. AP 048-074-29 81 $170940 122 QCE,l.N FRONT NEWl'Of!T BEACH CA STEVENS GEORGE M .+.P ~ 115-02 S2523 M 503 E BAY AV NEWPORT BEACH CA ASHOFF RICHARO 0-'"1S TR. AP 04&-122-07 S5679.&I. 111 PA~ ST. NE'M'ORT BEACH CA CAST'-NON. RICHARD G AP 04g.122.33 $1,322 00. 255 OCEAN VIEW Av • NEWPORT BlACH CA ADAMS. JAMES SHAR lANO AP 04ft.222· sa 0100. s109 aa. 1611 KINGS RO, NEWPORT BEACH. CA CfTY ~ NEWPOffT BEACH AP050-212-10. S91100 62 BEACON BAY, NEWPORT l!EAOI. CA SIGHAL Oil & GAS CO AP 114-170.Qll S113.49, TWP6RGE 10SEC19 -'P t14-111PO, S78 80. TWP 6 RGE 10 SEC 29 WORREll. TROV P TR. AP C23-07?-09. $','883 , 3812 MAACUS, NEWPORT 8EAC>1. CA CTG PflOPERTl:S llC. AP•~22. S1US2 J8. 10U2NO ST. NE~ IEAOI, CA GAl.WIT. llONH.4 AOELE TR FBO CIOHNA. MAU- RID«JRST AAWMEHTS u.c, ,., 425-2410. 1$.015 52. 18011511161, ~llEAQH.CA IWOtl. ICIHETH 0 TA. /tl~7.UUS. 809...SAV,~ lfACl'\CA ~ fllCPWll) J, N'~M.141• 121~AVNEW­ JIOltf .llA()t. CA ~M*:IJ>. .,~,... llmO.a ftGOW~ll.NIW-"°"'"'°'CA ,.,..,... ... •• ••llllD ... ~llAQl.(A ~DIWll l#e ... II.Ill». Int w IN.Dll.~ ..af.CA ~ .......... ,, .... Nit.a tlUIN It WU, ...-...at.CA BARDEN t.ERRIU. AP 933-940-49. FORMERLY AP 423-ll2-05, S2.986 98, 118 1/2 36™ ST, tif.W· POlfT BEACH. CA Hill. TEVIS AP 93$.140> 03. S422H7, 446 \11A U00 SOJO, UNIT A. Nf'W PORT !!EACH CA THOMAS. OAVIO.l AP 93&-011-95 81 "431 30 '()1 SEl<W>RO RO UNll 1 NEWPORT BEACH CJ. STEELBERC. CHAO E AP~30100 '7 12$ 4o4 62 BEACON BAY NEwPOffl BEACH CA TAX.RA TE AltEA 07 -008 8,AYIGATEWAY 4 INC AP 09..401-05 133 M Bl\ 176 P.G 42 PAR 5 TAX-RATE AREA 07.0H JPF VI lLC AP 47>(M4. 06 $16.382 28 4621 C.ORH.AM OR NEwPORl BEACH CA AP 47>()44.-06 0100 SI 464 11 4621 GORHAM OR NEWPORT WCH CJ. AP47~-060200 $a 293 88 4621 ~HAM DR NEWPORT BE>-CH CA TAX>AATE AREA 07.033 OURAtH VALERIE AP 04!l-271-07 SS 975 62 731 SAINT JAMES RO NEWPORT WCH CA Jc;.i..NSON F1.J.Y tt Ti> ~p 458-131 170100 SI 537 68 1733 PQfr B.lRMOIJTH P\. NEW· PORT BEACH CA Ll.ITTON MICHAEL TR>-llS AP 458-191~ SS 714 55 1700 PORT ASHLEY Pt NEWPORT BEACH CA A'TIAH ROBERT M AP 4!>8-433-02 S4 04 7 ~ '806 PO!H STANHOPE Pl NE NPORT WCH CA TAX-RATE AREA 07-041 'ORTIEP R1C>-ROO AP «2 ,,, 15 $10678 70 4? BP>EBURN LN NEW· ;>QIHWCH CA TAJ(.RATE AREA 07-042 E~GART ROSSE AP 4.4().116-10 S208205 2408 JISTA HQGAR NEW PORT BEACH CA IAAYS seen 0 A.P uo 231-43 S2 5J3 ~ 401 '/IST<. PAR>DA NEW PORT BUCH CA TAX-RATE AREA 07-445 NEWMAN CttRISTINA AP 117--438.Ql "4 873 56 2006 SHlf>W-'v LN NEW PORT BEACH CA WRIGH1' LUCI.A ~P 117 44 2-09 '66145. 2057 C~ERONEW· P041T BEACH CA DICKSON GEORGIAN/I &P934·1S0.13 SI 96912 1228 RIJTLANO RO UNIT 13 NEWPORT BEACH CJ. T AJ(.f!A TE AREA 07.0SZ BOOCOMAN KELVIN ~S AP42611117 S2 472 31 2217 PRIV~TE ?O NEWPORT 8EACH CA LUJAN 0.l>VIO S AP 050- 042-04 S4 390 n 118 GARNET AV NEWPORT SE.t>CH CA PALEV PETER .lOLER AP060..()71-12 S268160 lO I TQf'Al. .. v NEWPORT WCHC• YOCAM LOTIAAGNES 11'1 AP 050-091.21 SI 769 02 217 R\.IBYAV NEWPOIH 8EACM CA DA¥ OEllOAAH TR FOR MARJORIE L EOW .. ROS APQ50.12115 173619 205 C-OA>-l AV NEWPQIH BEACH CA 01\Y l>EBORAH TR MAR· JORIE L EOW>-ADS REVOC TR AP 05().152 22 $31H6. 305 MARINE AV NEWPOR,.BEACH CA COCHAAN PAUL AP Q50. 172-07 S2824 63 112 ONYXAV NEWPORT BEACH CA T>J(-AATE AREA 01..070 WOO. STEVE Y K EWING. JOl YNNE E. AP 442~31-19. $10.237 10 115 OU> COURSE OR NEwPORl BE/ICH, CA AP 447-431-19 O•OO $11,512 13, 11S OlO COURSE OR. NEWPORT BEAai CA AP 412-431-11181 $2.029.50. 115 OlO COURSE OR, NEWl'Ofn BEACH.CA GOMEZ. CYNnfl4. "" '5Ml2-0e. ll.81086 112600Ul£HR00~V. NEWPORT BEACH CA T AltM TE J;llV. W4Tl REED. FWilEl.A K. N1 •m-10.01Ql. '218M, ~Hai LH. UNrr 20'. NeWORT liEA04. CA ~9»1'4-10tl, S291 10. ~ NIOl IJl UNT 211'. NEWl'OM' 11111)1.CA ~ OOl.OllU, ,,, 1»""3l $2.11131. • flMll IJl \RT .. llfM'CJlt llAO\,Co\ QQ. NOWIQ ICE"9\ 1#~1.11 ..... S ftMn9t ct INT • ~-..o\Cl oc-.~-. ...rf.~ISMIM\ .a.a~ ., .,.,... CT • ...an~c:A ........... ..,,. "" ,, •• ,2. a.a•~ UllMT"l~ ~QA TABMI. SAOEGH FARAJ fA~llJ. SAOEGH FIJW. AP 93&-760-37 oeo1 maa1 soo CAGNEY lN UHrT 11 NEWF'Offl BEi-CH CA TAX-AA TE AllEA 01 "°1' GLOVER LVO!Ene PES- 0\JERA ._P 4~2-01 $2 {j(j4 JO ~ P()ql CARDIFF Pl NEM>OPT WCH CA .AP 456-082-01 0300 $216 5S 2029 POfH C>ROlff Pl NEWl'OP1 BEACH CA AP 458-082-01 0400 s I 168 49 2029 P()f>l CARDIFF Pt. NEW?ORT BEACH CA TAX.RATE AREA 117-082 TOMAN SHEAAEU IC AP932-511 ·12 S617 59 19 o';LALOA CT IJNIT 112 NEWPORT BEACH CA TAX-AATE AllEA 07.oe6 TRINITY CHRISTIAN CEN TER SAN MARCOS AP 4(j1. 101 21 S21 227 50 YQRKSl'<IRE NfwPQ?'f BEAC>i CA AFSHAR ABOLGHJ.SEl.I MAYEl AP9~9 S9 755 '() 5 CHER BOURG UNIT 49 Nf Ii PORT BEACH CA ~p 93&-460-49 0100 S587 21 5 CHEllBl)o,RG lJNli" 49 NE'M'Of'1 &>.CH CA C>-Rl1lE I.ESTER 1 •P 9)6..4 71).()3 S5 OS4 10 3~ MONTPELllER uN" ~ NEWPOl'll BE,t.CM r,~ TAX·AATE AREA 07~ COUNfll OF OR.l'lGE AP ll!l-261 .71 SI 2461>& 2301 UNtVERSITY DI' NEWPOPT BE>O• (.A TAX·RATE AREA 07-101 CARLILE LESTER C AF 931-SOtP/ $12':'' 20 68 CORSICA OP JN T 59 NE\WOllT B£J.:..; C> TAX.RATE AREA 07-116 '0UC"1J>.RO RONALD C ~ ~P 45lP22-20 C2'JC $8 408 l5 11 MARBLE SANOS NE'NPOR BEACH 0 ~OPElm' IN SEAL BEACH CfTY TAX·RATE AAEA 12-005 H,t.RT WANOA L lP 91) 66(,.31 0100 s •00 ,, '2400 MON'ECl'O oo J'l1· 303 5E,l 8EA :" :> ~p 93HIJ0.31 C20C Sl937' 1/.ioQMON TECITO RG UNll 301 SE>l se~c..; c~ TU ·RATE AREA 12.oo6 {>'HITE S"'EPHEN E H' 111115.21 SS 183S8 4617 EU>ER A/ SEAL BE.AC>i CA SCHEUER DIANNE AP 21' 148 22 SJ 933 I( ~ 1 Pl.NS'I C SE>L BEACI'< 0. TAX.RATE AREA 12.007 SCARBROUGrl W R TR 1.P CM:l-IJS..-02 S2 29' 81 124'1 PACIFIC co•s T o<Y SEAl BEACH CA BROOlllN AL.AN l AP 199-051-07 0100 S4 839 72 2)0 6TH ST SEAL W CI" CA ROSENW.N OA\110 E AP 199-()53.15 '651866 208 81"1; ST SEAL BEACH CA W>GANA MIGUEL ~P 199-061-03 S2 939 24 309 SEAl BEACH Bl SEAlBE/ICH CA AP 199-061.Cl 8t $403 70 309 SE.i.l BEACH I!.. S£Ai BEACH CA RUSSlU. ROBERT lP 199-07&()8 ~1 05 111 131'>1 ST SEAL llEACtt CA ~REEOMAN-HARVEY GARYTR AP 199-084-07 i6.167 90. 1518 ~INE AV SEAL BEACH CA TAX-AA TE AREA 12-014 I ROW£. RICHARD ALLEN E1' Al AP 086-612-15 S 1 084 64 180 HARVARD l1>I SEAl 9E>-CH. CA MINO ADAM HOWi\RO AP 08M14-14 S3,259 88 229 COUfGE PAAI< OR. SEAL BEACH CA TAX-MTE AAEA 12-011 IIDINEOY. SAM R N' 17&-4 71-21 S4,5G6 21 67 SllRFSIOE AV, UNIT 8 SEAi. BEACti. CA FOUR GIRl.S HOlOIHG UC. AP 118-472·19. S6 002&1, 18119~· SIDE All, SEAL 8E4CH CA TAX.-ATI UIE.A tMM AHIROC)I(. TSR L'MI .,. 422412-tt. ''·"· 4G. 201e tllE>lXJN VEW lH, COSTA MESA. CA TAl(.Ml'l llflA iw. ITAT£C#~ .,,, t»43l ...... ,. 111W 5 illQE tD ll!C 13 ~~llllQ(, Al' UNtt.21"00. szz, Q. !C7'1 liEW ..-.R~COSTA ....._CA I# llN'1N2.' ll81'Cttl!!W 1 ... •~cosi. ~CA M11L. ... .....,..,. l.1#....,. ....... *'-" a..con~CA IOJt• • ,, 141" ••fl••• ...... Ul~ ~ JIMENEZ .JUAH AP 141- 141 S20100 $146508 1026 OQCUlGE AV COSTA MESA C> AP 1'1·141-~ 81 $387 30. 3026 COOJOGE AY COSlA ME&& CA GARCIA RICH4RO ET Al AP 141·141'68 $913 2ll l045 COOUOOE A'I COST.l !KSA CA Fl<DWiE SEl.F S10RAGE ~'= ;;.P 422-091 21i s·• s10 II() 2001 HAA80R Bl COSTU.IESA CA DEV. 'ORRE JESUS AP 422 t)2.2fi SAIS 39 Wt w BM ST COST.A MESA 0 ' MC GEHEE MllDRE.O SHEL ION rp AP 422 1'.14- 04 S2 0~4 98 58~ YORI< S><1RE ST COSTA MESS. ,A OINi" '1UNG N>IU 1'P 422 183-4~ $970 )() 603 $Ml MICHEL ~ NORTH • :JSTJ. M£SA CA 11.Ali<INS '10LFIOvO W 1,1 AP 422 271 2' ~32 64 7~ h 19fM ST ·.JSTA MESS. CA IAAC11'S ~ELIPE AP 422 •2)-2J o•oo s1>S 1? WJ C.OVERNOR SI ~STA MESA 0. SQl.;1 H'NiC..; BRIA'< AP ·2243~ 0100 $2(); 7~ 853 GOVERNOP $' COSTA MESA 0. GEORGE JERFI• L'"'< AP 422-453-18 010:. S5G7 74 ~1 /IClQPIA ST i:.osn MESA CA ,1.,P 422 ~SJ.' 8 0200 S• 487 3• 851 ilC'Q'l.A ST Cl)ST,4 MESA C.4 El;-n. •,.,OM>s •P 422505-05 S104Cl5 .I06:J CONTINENTAL AV :OS'A MESA CA •NDPEAS JERFIV ET AL ;;: 42' 5' 1-05 S34C 22 ,ro FEO€RAL Av COST.I. '°'ES> C.> MOONE• AATHU:EN D AP~)5.19().l(i S1 '623~ l'' SY!:NE" i.N UN11 i" COST~ MES> C> :·.;"IF< ERIC .t.P 9311- 2,~.)2 s1 n9 oo 2000 ME •El' PL JNI' ,_, ::;s•i MESA :;,o l,l~r..li'~E• PQBYN •P "7 2S4 ·1 SI J;.48 ). )'5 E 19·,.. sr cos·• l.IES,+. C,+. c?OCl(EP >ll•L... MJ • ET ;, .AP 117-292·20 SI 992 49 'l& BROAC 11-. cos•• MESA :.1. SC.,AEHP W•L • .-.M AP "r 121 1' st ?'v ).C :27 O.BRl~LC 5-:..'.JS.b MES.& 0 J~NST~ OSCAI" ,f?O• E' t.L AP 4;>S 13l-Oe s · sae ~ 22• •'IGX s-GOSH MES> CA "" 42S.3lj~ . :x. $1 ~·H2 224 INC.I'. s· COSTAMES,t. :ll \.1ACHR~E VIRGIN!,+. M~f TR ~RCHUL.E"A ~P"HUP !Ml( fP AP 426 ~92-' 3 S52C •C 172 E ~v ST COSTA MESA ::<' ~ISk G>R,. AP 4(1). 202 22 SJ '397'2 2086 MARIAN Wo COST.I> l.IESA :A HINTON WIU.IAM AP •26-282 19 SJ 221 80 112 COSTA MESI> ST •:OSTA MESA C• MC AD00 PHYtLIS MET Al .t,P 426-283-21 l952 54 264 W,+.LNl.J i ST COS'AMESA 0 ~lJlBER<ON BRYAN l(EITM fl AL 4P 4{$.j'2· 09JIOO 1656'8 4'2 COSrA MES.& ST cos·· '4ES> CA AP 42(,1'2-09 81 no 10 "2 cosr. l.IESA ST COSU ~ESA C> SHU"lEP CL lffOl'ltl W AP 4~312-12 S861 a6 '()2 ESTHER ST COSTA t.IESA CA vARRISON OON.4LD l SR AP 933-28(}.l.t S2 3C8 38 1741 TUSTIN •v U'llT 1' COST>- '-'E:SA CA t AX.RA TE AAEA 1MOI FROS 1 ENGINEERING $ER/ICE CO AP I)~! 02 S2.93862 ~ CAOfUAC AV U"llT ~ 3 COSTA MESA CA ST UR>t48AS ORTHO· DOll CHURCH AP I~ 661-07 1518022 ~ CAOll..l.AC AV UNll G3 I COSTA MESA C> MIJRAl(AMI OCll>IN KEALOHA 4?41~1-04 S 1,506 23 586 TMVEftSE OR COSTi\ .-eSA. CA PENTR100E COVE ET AL AP 41&-131·13 S53 82 TR 12Ulll<.E LOT 4 TAX-MTt /ti/a, 1W15 Al. YARE2. JOSE ET 41.. ..,. Q4.202-12 03QO $41U7 7l8cantRST COSTA MESA CA Tu«Al'I _,, \MD ~.ROYN> ,., ... , .... 1172112. ~ CXlNOON) Sl cocrJ MESA, CA TA!Wllrl MIA 1.m ~_... .. ~ .. ,, . ..,_ ...... JMCA&.. AlllllA.Cl, OOITAlllUA. CA WlllQ.£ OtWIQl ea, lfP a1411.C. IUIFA WIR>ltCOltA ~(A ...-. lil09rtw. ,, ..... ll.1'. ,..,...et CClltl -...c. ....... c,,..,, --"·--... ..... COiia .... Cl --~-- W>-ff<>flO WAtfUll JR AP 419 183-07 1638114 11e lfXJNGTON LU COS TA MESA Cl- T AX..UTl AltEA IM)I PAIGE JEfFR.EY C AP 412..(152,18 "'6216 1Dea VALilJO Cl COSTA MESA CA HORNER ntu.c:n AP 4'2-061 20 S1 ~ b8 1062 SANT.I. CPUZ C.• C.OST.l MESA CA ES!RAOAVER W.R'1,+. 1,1 AP 412-176-12 $1 110 $8 9114 CARNATION i\I COST• ME.SA C.t PQSHAN LAUR/. SOR/.• .I. AP 422 -r. • 15 0100 "3050 1933 NALL.ACE AV COSTA MES~ CJ. HOLLAND CECtt. A.P 422·352 1'.I S1 757 A2 905 )()ANN ST COSTi. ME.SA C> ~p 422 JSi 13 0300 S'78 33 905 JOANN er COST ... IAES> C1' REYNOS> MICHAE. P AP 422·38•·15 0100 S2l2 4' 938 CAP••t... ST COSTA MESA C> AP 422 381 15 81 $24~ 4C 93B CAPIT•. $-cos·t. MESA ,._,,. S~?l>IE';TCS IEF'- MOf'<!EiFIO Af' •'4·~'' 'oe S2 930 'le '8l:- PARKCflfS• :;!' SOS'A o,tESA ~ £'l0REON E'.l"~Pt /\ ~ 124-l'll.::J S4 ·~ l< "86 w111-1E? &, ::~ • - MESA C.- .1.AN~ HEN flN(; 'E>;C. fa:.a •. •~ 1,1 5•1JJ5 S13•~ ;r,. '8" l'f;NNSUv ~. ::~-. l.tE>.A ~ -A, iEii> AN~EL • ; :. :;~ .c. .... ~p gx,.~·1,. ~ St(f. llC 9;;;; W It--. - J"'': COS',c. MES;. ,.,. "V N ._;.pp, o/i ,::. "~)' 12 '6C2f "•~ /t """').. So T ..... ~ j,l :~:,·~ME~ ':A M'=. $1L. M1CH.lf .. ;. ..: ~ i:~~~ si qt .. ": ~~~ ~LBE;p" ~ :-:.s-• I.IE~ GA NO.• '>PE"• AP 41",,. 08' 14 13 88t ~ ~ E :2NC s· :cs·' MES,. ~ -~ .... ••..>'"., r ~P •r ... i~ · :~ s,·· •r · !)-?J&i ~ES.T'}f\ _')~':_Mq S-: =»<E" "' 41'>-,,..., ~ S'11'J81: •~e ic·-• fU-11.ATE AREA 1>045 NoP •• E :;oi>:;F. £1>1~·· S9'jilG u"' ::;~ ... c ·"' cos-• "'ESJ 0 II.Al>. NEZ 1:'1i f" A, ,u:. ·~9 . ?• t8 ~'lJ S4149 !~3JGISlEP •• C?STA MES• C• BU9?1S AL ,A;; A:> ')~ ·~! 1€: S33! ,.. ..,..! V.BRAOOG DI'! C.Js•; l.IES.A :::. <RAU011 C>"AR.E.: A --o 4'-' 139 'S' r S98ii "! JOO:) SA.MOA "- COS'• MESA :• '10-H E()WARC i.r> 'l~ •813A $' ~·· w SA~ P\. COS!i VESA ·P>"11'£WICZ W.c ::>ARE'M t,P •~'8l-O!> s· 1c.:i ~ •686 L.ABRAOOR OR o:c$-• MESA CA r>CCfT GA~ C -~ • J9-20'-C6 $859 ~ ;s3; l>EPP£R ~EE ·" cos~• MESA CA A,CNAR ABOEL J AP '39 211 I' l3 8JO 2C 29'.lll AN()FIOS ST ccs·~ MES.l c,+. STONE ESPERA~ •q AP I~ 253-28 S2. 202 05 '87) SAW.R 04'i COSTA MESA 0 1.1At.EC-8URNSIOE $I.JS.AH K BURNSIOE. RoeERT W AP 1~2&4- lO s1 551 oe 291l J.&CARANOol Al/ COSTA MESA 0. .lRNOlO STEl>HEN 4P 139-421-06 S2 225 16 1962 EL.BA Cl COSTA MESA CA S01ALLMO WIU.IAM AP l~-C5 $2.010 71 20'2S LEMNOS OR. COSTA MESA C.A 'IEJ.01 JOSEP>1 P AP 1~n-03 S68137 2113 ~TROSS OR CosrA ~CA GERRIE. CINO'I' TR AP I~. $47090 r77 CANARY DR. cosu MESA CA Tl<JW.. MlJAM l. AP 1»Q2.()7, 12.5!18 45 1818 TANAOE'R OR COSTA MESi\. CA ~JAMESS, N> 141-1$Wl OHIO ta1t0l 1a3COIMAY AV U!CT E. COSTA.MESA. CA M'Ul-1~ J1 '20.Tl 129HlCfllMV II( UNIT t. COSTA~ <> ~~ CHfB. RAV. AP Mt· MHt Wl~aa ~DftC05TA NE1'<> T~tl-..,._ . ~ ... lllCIG.., ,., .... ,l. au11••~ OOClll ~---CA /#Wta-ITt\, --·~ •COl1\ ca QNlll---......... _ -------~-""~-­~Qa mtll!l ....... 11191!1111~.1!1111 .. 111111_..-:1~.~..,.,.!""-.,.•!"""_,..~ ......... --.......... ~-..-"'";"~~_,,_...~____.....,.~~.....-..--~-... --~.·~·~~---~ -· ~·--r ~ 1: 11 11 .I ' I ' 11 l I I ' r ' 1 I I l l II . . .. l'h&ndlJ, AlfU!t 2lr 2003 ...... .., ... lllll-....... -,. ,~ .. ~, l.1111 ..... •I lllll.... .. , Lllllllllll ~SW.0 1. N'42MM4t. se,a ee, • )11.)AllWl!lY AV, lHT I. COSTA MESA. CA l<AAl.. ALI.AH F, N' '21· 19'-30. ta.M22. 8183 l#IJNAY /.V. UNIT 0. (l()8TA fllESA. CA t AX-N.ll NV. 11-1• STAttOf ~ AP 1»<01-70, S38108, !It( 115PG48PAA 1 l'AJC.AATE MEA 15'112 WIGGINS, SEAN SET Al. N'422'441-k0100, '401.23, 2178 PACIFIC AV, COSTA MESA. CA WREN. JUU4 B. AP 931· 170-H. 13,279.35, 2223 '~IC AV, UNIT J. COSTA MESA. CA COEBACA, URSUlA E, AP93M40-18, $1,1118.!16, 2238 IW:IFIC AV, UNIT B, COSTA MESA. CA ZUEl..OW, PAUL, AP 93&- 920-02. S2. 451.38, 110!5 MESA BllJfF OR. UNIT 2. COSTA MESA, CA ZUElOW, PAUL L. AP ~m.10. $1.578.44, 1089 MESA BlUFf OR, UNIT 10, COSTA MESA, CA GARIEPY. JAMES F. AP 937~~. 12,A28.74, 2231 PM:IFIC AV, UNIT 9, COSTA MESA. CA KATZ, STACEY L, AP ala- ~ $2.34904, 2210 PACFIC All, lJHIT H 1. COSTA MESA. CA TAX-RATE AREA 1$-117 ARNOlO, SHERWOOO, AP937~. $1,7118.16. 745 GRAYLING BAY. UHIT 116, COSTA MES4, CA TAX-RA TE Nt£A 1 $-171 ~.CAROLYN CHRISTINE. AP 141-621· 68, $3,701.22. 3112 ~COSTA MESA.CA TAX-RA TE MlA 21"°°2 KITTllSON, THOMAS LEROY ET Al, AP 112- 782· 11. SU00.39. 18641 SANTA CRUZ Cl, FOUNTAIN V.w.E'f. CA OEMKO. STEVE R TR. AP 112-821-01, $1,358.83. 1&487 SAHTA ALBERTA Cl, FOUNTAIN VAU.EY, CA SPAAKS, LAUfllE RAE. AP 1'~1·10, $419.10, 1M05 BUTTERN\JT Cl. FOUNTAJH VAU.EY, CA TOIW:9:"JoHN II TR. AP 156-202-n. $94(),a), 18186 MUIR WOOOS CT. FOUNTAIN VAU.EY. CA MCNAUGHTON, VERNON F TR. AP 157--083-02. $1,204,0S, 952.6 STAR· UNG AV, FOUNTAIN VAU.EY. CA HOUSTON, EDWARD C, AP 157-165-01, $4,870 56, 18257 MT KRISTINA ST, FOUNTAIN VAU.EY, CA l<LAWITTER, l<Emi R. AP 157-212·14, Sl,688.n , 9107 SWAilOW AV, FOUNTAJH VAUEY, CA GARONER. TEO TR. AP 157-292-1&. $410.71, 18780 COROATA ST. FOUNTAJN VALLEY, CA BUYID«)Yl<E., ~Ul G. AP 157.J12-25. $2,544.88, 18789 MT SCHEUN Cl. FOUNTAIN VAi.LEY. CA Ml.. OAVIOA, AP 157· Sl2-46. $4,424 82, 111865 MT~CI, FOUNTAIN VAUEY, CA AHORISAHO. VTTA M. AP 167-021-21, S2, 190.31, 17833 HE'JER Cl. FOUNTAIN VAi.LEY. CA CUTTER, GLORIA B, AP 157"°'2-21. $1,21S63. 1n11 LOCUST ST, FOUNTAIN VAUEY. CA REICHERT. JUMOR L AP 1s1-114-01, s181 sa, f7256 ()Al( ST, F'OUNTAJN V1'LJ.EY, CA Al'Pl.E8Y, 0E£ AHNE. AP 167-391-0e, $788 82. 8935 l.A~OMAAV, FOUNTAIN VAU.EY,CA WEUS. SAUY J, AP 167- 541-39, $91311, 17688 SAHTA El.EMA ST. FOUNTAIN VAi.LEY, CA STEVEHS, RICHARD P 2HD, N' 189-024-06. $1,3&9.43, 17689 LOS JAAOfES WEST. FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA VleNNA.. AaW.D C, AP 15-081-45, S8G 00. TR 588 LOT415 HOV't'EH. TU VAN, AP 15071.51, '832.SIO, TR 688 LOT 88 LUNA. JOE. AP 15082· lS, $1,091.67, 103l2AVE CIHCO OE MAYO. ,OOt<TMI ~.CA AP 1111Ml82-31, 12811 Oii. fo.40AVf. ONX> DE IMYO, FQJNTAIN VAUEY, CA SOLORZNIO, DAVID J ET' AL. AP1eMIU1, ~.M. 10351 CALI.! IClEPeUHCIA. FOUNTAlfYAUEV.CA IOLORlAHO, DAVID C, "'1eec.c. sm. 14, 1G:M7 CALI.! N>EPEN- OSICll'. FOUNTMI w.&..eY,CA f<1f. AOIERT T, AP 1-. a.1-1.. 11.719.10. '7147 SAii (l.SllNTE ST, FOUHWf 'IN.LfY. CA AeH. otMN c rr AL. ,, .-110100. l',Z70.M. t171UION· TIUM Cl. FOUNTMI WJE(.CA TMMTIAM4JMM c ll'8'f, llC*N),, ,,,.....,,...,04. I " .. & lllMlll!f, flUfNIWJ.IY.C. ~ ..--..n.- t TAX-MTE ~ tt• ~P£DRO,AP l~M&. 11#22.70, 11114 MC CABE AMR AV, F()UNTAJN VNJ.£f, CA IOWl<St.~t<. N' 1 .... 1a.-t2. *3,0702, 11167 F\.OMRAV, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA ATONOO. 0SCAA F, AP 144-174-12. $1, 128.88, 1&1e7 SERRA ST, FOUNTAIN V~. CA Ktw..l, BASS.\M ET AL. AP 144-222-01.0100. $1,531 08. 18383 SAH ~ST. FOUNTAIN VAi.LEY, CA HASSETT, alCHAEl. B, AP 144.Jl8.07. SM 11, 16284 SAN GABRIEL. ST. • FOUNTAIN VAUEY, CA VAH, ~HUE. AP 144-462-18, $1,491.63. 183311 MT DANA Cl, FOlMTAIN VALLEY, CA TAX.ftATE AR!A 21oOGI 00. AHOREW, 00, HELEN N, AP 10M.21-0e, $1,350 29, 10311 MAR· GARITA AV, FOUNTUI VALLEY.CA BeIDER, OAARYl KIRK, AP 1~1-12.0100, 1156.64. 10'15MARGARi- TAAV, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA AP 108.a21·12..0200. $9208, 10415 MARGAR~ TAAi/, FOUNTAIN VAU.EY, CA AU.EN, R08£:R'T W, AP 10M31-13, $31460, 15918 LOS ALTOS ST, FOUNTAIN VN.J.£r. CA TAX-RATE AREA 21-t12 KUSHIGEMACHI, l<ENGO, AP 14l-642· 15. $2.539 78. 9197 CAlAOIUM AV. FOUNTAIN VAU.EY, CA TAX.RATE AREA 21-013 TRAN. 8INl1 DINH, AP 14).1~ sc.9n92. 9714 WEARE AV, FOUNTAIN VAU.EY, CA GIBBS, MICHAEL, AP 1~24-08, S3.576 30, 9966 OEBIOIS All. FOUNTAIN VAU.EY, CA ROURKE, EVB. YN M, AP 143-572-09. ~68. 16147 GAUATIN ST, FOUNTAIU VM.iP(, CA T AX.ftA TE AREA 21"°19 GREEN VAU.EY HOME· OMIERS ASSN 12, AP 1~. $32.08 TR 6108 LOT 36 TAX.ftATE AAEA 21.o20 HUANG, JULIE C. AP I~ 293-52. $3.091 82. 10716 El TIBURON AV FOUNT~IN VAUEY, CA T ~-AA TE AREA 21.cl.2 FOUNTAIN VAUEY Vil· LAGE U.CC. AP l&s.211- 60 10. FORMERLY AP 169- 111-41, S2:5,472.64, BK 308 PG 41PAA2 rMPERIUM PROPERTY MGflT INC. AP 9Ja. 782· 33, &a:M.IM, ln10 NEYt\i()PE ST. UHIT 1204, FOUWTAIN VAU.EY. CA FINOl.STER, JAMES, AP ~7u.66 81. $184 00. 17200 ~ ST, UNrT 335. FOUffTAIN VAllE'(, CA TAX-RA Tt A.REA 21-G t.IETCAlF, GREG TR Sil.- VER RIVER TROST, AP 9311-691. 71 0100, $290 '3, 12189 SYLVAN RIVER, UNIT li,.t, FOUNTAIN VJ.llEY, CA PROPERTY IN IRVINE CITY TAX-AA TE A.REA 2'-005 SONG. EUN ~A. AP 44M41-09, $3,086 54, 7 T()f{TOISE SHEU.. !RWE, CA AP 44M41-09 0300, S70 36, 7 T()f{TOISE SHEil. IRVINE, CA AP 44~1~ 9901. M07 25, 1 TORTOISE SHEU. lfMNE, CA TAX-MTE AREA.._ CATRAIOS, CHARILAOS J, AP a.291-05 0100, 11,445 3S, 9 BARTOK CT, llMHE.CA T AX-MTE "1tEA 2Mf1 WEST, EUZABETH C TR. AP 447-0ll)41, $861 57, 17481 WAYtE. AV, fMHE, CA SIMON, JOSE. AP 44t- 094-12. $1,402.78, 5152 YEML.INGAV, llMIE, CA LOPEZ. OAV1> W, AP •tOMO. S1.53otA6. 4331 8ROOKSIOE ST. IRVlNE. CA KfAANEY: PE1!R T, N' •111.19, ~24. 14682 ~ST Cl, IRVllE,CA AAN<r. N«TA E. AP 449- 1112.33, 1483 er. am FAl.UOER ct llME. CA SUJOU'l)t, S'fBltel L. N' 441'2-47,0100, tsi '11, 3'71 UM ct IMNE.CA ~-fllM1.o'JOO, •1o..so. 3'71 UM CT. ~CA• "908, ~ K. AP ~SUM12. 1*1 SERON AV, lftWE, CA DEGUZM\H, A.O!Wm G8R£TAL. AP•Ut· tt. ta.*1*. WJW *W!kY ut IME. CA #~1UICIO, 11,)IUI. 14112 WIW'ER- 1.Y Ut. ......... CA llW8A.AM I# ~-. '2'71.Zi ... --.v UI. ~CA lAOtW. JOHN 11"' ,, ...... Sl.* .. •tn:VDQ. IMe.CA J l!AMH, All». S ~ AP .... ~ 11,417.82, 4112 lOMA ST, IRVINE, CA MOIW.AND. JOHN O. AP .t4m12. S1.«13J4. 4'2~AST. IRVllE, CA OQHRAD, OEHl&E, AP ~1'44, seauo. 1.s81 SER0H AV, lfMJE, CA 90ESEH, SONIA ET Al. AP 44M32~. $4,0)8.48, S492 E80E ST, IRVINE. CA HABERMEHL. JEFFREY P. AP 451-052-13, $420 74, 5111 BOROEAUXAV. lfME,CA GAVSHOH, DEREK, AP 463-081-27. 13.1811.62. 4856 GREEN Tie LN. lfME.CA LAllELLE, ALLEN E. AR 453-, 03-35, $2.666. 76, 4842 ROYCE RO, IRVINE, CA AP 453-103-35.0100, $312.28, 4842 ROYCE RO, llMHE. CA AP 453-1~ 0200. $1,167.79, 4842ROYCE RO, IRVINE, CA W1HTER, JOYCE L, AP 453-132-36, $348.48. 70 SEOUOIA TREE LN, IRVINE. CA BONO. JAMES 0. AP 453- IS3-25, $1,587.56, 2 HOUY ST. lfMNE. CA Miu.ER. MARK W, AP 453-162·17, $1,289 22. 5292~TREE, IR\/N:, CA stW«S. MARYANN H. AP 453-1~1. SI 1'96.18, 17321 PEACH. llMNE. CA OLIVERI, JOSEPH, AP 453-174-17.0200, $249 2.5, 5 LEMON TREE. IRVINE. CA AP ~174-17 0300, SS79.66. 5 LEMON TREE. IRVIHE, CA AP 453-174-17 9901. $708.18, 5L9AOtHREE. IRVlNE, CA AHMED, 18RAHIM, ADEN. ZAHRA. AP 932·190- 900100, $2n.61, 53 ElKSFORO 1,V, UNIT 2. IRVINE. CA LEWIS l.EC>HAAO W, AP 932-40(),30, s, ,389 08. 103 OVAL RO. UNrT 2. IRVINE, CA T AX.ftATE AREA 2M11 BURl<E, l<EUY ~TRICIA. AP 43&-151-46, S3,687 57. 17S24 VON KARMAN AV, UNfl BLOG 3. IRV1NE. CA TAX-AA TE AlfEJ, 2'"°18 NB.SON, MIRTHA. AP ~3-014-03, $4.132 82. 18732 SAGINAW OR. IRVINE. CA TAJ(-AA tE Alt£A 2M2C LEITAO, ROBERT. AP '!>3-152-04. i l.565 64, 7. HOU V ST, fRVINE. CA TAX-AATt AREA 2Ul3 SCOTT, THERESAA, AP 451 213-06, $2..379 75, 12 FOXHU lRV!NE,CA CALDERON, MIGUEL N, AP451.J61-10, $4.008 54. 39 SONGSPAAROW. IR\/1NE. CA OIAMONO. JACK. AP 451· 361-23 0100, S&9 67, 22 BLUE.IA Y, IRVINE. CA HAHN, THOMAS. AP 451 • 382-13, $661 18. 14 MAL- 1.AAO. IRVlNE, CA LOUDON, WflllAM, AP 451-391-17, $7.'17714, 129 NIGHTHAWK. fRV1NE. CA AP 451-391-17 0600. S2.J68.04, 129 NIGl'ITHA'M<. IRVINE. CA SCHWARTZ, AIIDIUR L AP 451~1-32, $1,153 52. 29 MORNING DOVE. IRV1NE. CA MAC BETH. JOHN W, AP 451·531-04. $915 SC, 8 ~. IRVlNE. eA SMITH. THOMAS ARI.AN ET AL, AP 466-042~. S2..063 98, 4 TANGERINE. IRVINE, CA 0$TOVAH'< KHASHAYAR. AP 93().73S-51. S 1, 466 30. 4201 APRICOT, UNIT 4201 IRVlNE. CA GOYTIA. GLORIA AP 933-82().ll().0200, $471 71 4 COt.UM81HE. UNIT 5. • !RWE.CA BRQWt.I, l YNN MAR'f, AP ~29. $406 80, 16 SHOWBERRY, UNIT 28, IRVINE. CA FINEMAN, f'REOERICl(A, AP 934-700.19, 12,822 86, 15 ORlfTWOOO. UNrT 19, IRVINE. CA AP 934-700.19.0200, 133408, ISORIFTWOOO, UNIT 19, IRWE. CA MOTEN.~. AP 934-nG&, '888 43. 9 SAGE. UNrT 38. IAVIHE. CA l YNCl1, ClAHIE1. JOHH. AP 834-860-0'2. S1,78U O, 21 STOtE CRE.EI< NORTH, UNIT 2. lfME. CA AP 934-85CMl2.0200, J503 53. 21 STONE CREEK NORTH, \MIT 2. IRVIE.CA AP~0300. S 1,944.ie, 21 STONE CREEK NORTH, I.MIT 2. IME,CA fl!OS. GAl!Rl8. ET Al, AP 93Mfl0.630100. S'$f.73, 4800RANGE 81..0SSOM. lfMNE. CA AP~1, $151 $0, • OfWl(JE 8l06SOM, llMHE. CA IOWWMI, l/Nf'fAM. N' ~ Mt.12. 30 IMEVIEW. UNIT 41. llME.CA DAVl$0N. W OWU$ ETAL,N'~ 04 0100. UJl.71, 12 WEITYN.J LOO'. UNIT 4, llME,CA .,~~ ,_ 1$. GWUf VAl.£ lDOP. lHT ._ IMNf. CA t~ftNU._ l.Ql(WO. RNJIWIJ ~ ~117 ..... 11111.k ms ewrT1t n '-"' "4, llMll. CA ~ ..... ITAi... N't11-S11,t1 .... a. tJ43..,."" ., .. llVK.~ ,....,.."~ ... IRVINE co, AP 427,:i.og. 0$. SI0.2t2.02. 11901 MAC ARmJA ... IRVIHE. CA TAX-MTE AM.A_.. PERIOll WilEft U.C. AP 4»m~. sa.~ae. 175\ KEmRING ST, ~CA AP 431>141~.0100, $6,208.02, 1761 KETTER· ING ST. IRVINE, CA AP 4» 141-05.0200. $15,663.le. 1751 KETTER· ING ST, 1RV1NE. CA WINKl£R, GARY. AP 4~ 142.-02, S20,aT4.90. 18&2 KETTERING ST, IRVIHE, CA AP 43(). 14~.0200. 1.513 47, 1682 KETTERING ST. llMNE, CA AP 430-142-02.~. $298.30, 1682 KETTERING ST, IRVfE. CA AP 4» 142-02.0400. $i69.76, 1682 KETIERfNG ST, IRVINE, CA T AX.ftA TE AREA 26-09 MOSTAFAVI. FAROIN. AP 691-024-14. SH. 163.68. I 4 CHRYSlE.R, IRVINE, CA TAX.ftATE AREA 2M7t ORANGE COVHTY T"Rm- SIT DIST. AP !Gi-681~1. '380,82, 14736 SANO CANYON AV, IRVINE, CA TAX-AA TE AREA 2Ml7 HIRAO. EUGENE Y, AP 447-282-07, 12,644 57. 15 POSADA, IRVINE, CA OONAH. JEFF'EllSON A, AP 466-191-13.<MOO. $4741, 7 GLENOAKS, IRVINE. CA NGUYEN. HUNG CAO ET Al, AP 466-241-65 0200, $406 48, 63 OOVECREEX. IRVINE.CA AP 466-241-56 0300. Sl,419 42. 63 DOVE· CREE!<, IRVINE, CA AP 468-2'1-56 9901, S285."4, 83 OOVECREEK. IRVINE, CA THEODORA. DAWN S, AP 466-331-2:5. ic.m 94. 28 HIGHFIELD GLEN, IRVIHE. CA THOMS, JOEL. AP 935- 34~99.0400 S289 95. 508 BIRCH GROVE. IRVINE. CA wot.FE, JAMES E ET AL, AP 935-312~ 0100. SI ,018.19, 11 CARNA· nOH. IRVINE. CA AP 935-372~ 0200. $961 42. 11 CARNATION, IRVINE, CA T AX.ftA TE AREA 26-.eea BOESEN, SONIA. AP 935- 600-61 $2,1!>966, 16 SUNflSH. UNIT 51. IRWE, CA SlEGB., OANIEl, AP 9J8. 6@-04. $1,5"40 57. , SPRINGWOOO UNIT 4, IRWE,CA COOO, MICHAEl F JR. AP938-210.18, S1,0!5302 5 NOfmllAKE. UNIT 18. IFMNE CA FRElBERG. LINO.\ AP 9~1-06, "'218.28, 13 \/AU.EV VIEW, UNIT~. IRVllE CA l AX-RATE ARE.A 2'-104 CHEN DONG, AP 5JG. 084-06 S2.029 51, 8 REOOtl>A IRVINE CA TAX-AA TE AREA 2'-110 LOPEZ, OAVIO W. AP 935-161-46, 190006 19 OiEYENNE. UNIT 65, IRVINE. CA BRAVO VERONICA, AP 935-17~9. $1,786 74, 3 HERITAGE, IRVINE CA TAX-RATE AREA ~117 KIM. SIU Y. AP 5~72· 11, M,34986, 41 BUNKER HILL. llMNE. CA AP m-072-11 0100. sn 28, 41 BUNKER HILL, IRV1NE. CA TAX-RA TE AREA 2'-118 MC KKAY BUILDER INC, AP ~1~7. $4,7S4 84, 11 CROSSl<EY, lfMNE CA TAX-MTE AREA 29-121 OINARI, f'AAIO TR. AP ~222-17, $4,102.30, 61 Pl.YMOUTH, flMNE. CA TAX.RATE NllEA Jl.-124 PIRO, AHTHOHY 0, AP ~101-31. $2.52339, 1 SHERIDAN. ~CA TN>ER. 0 BRADFORD, AP 53-152-08, $1.178 18, 15 MUIR, 11M1E. CA T AX.flA Tl AREA 2'-111 EGAR, CAROLYN, AP 452·111-28. $1,08786, 14 PE~TW. llME. CA A8IWitS. PEGGY, AP 452-172-28, $6,70UO. 4 QUET MOON. WME. CA HU. THOMAS W, AP 452-211-38, S3,56UO, 34 WUJWHEAT, flME., CA CH48E. M SliPHEM. N' 931-4TNT, mu•. 31 ORffWIELD. UNIT 32. llMIE,CA 8CHWiWil. ~111> GIVEN, lloW<l.A- ~ U$A. AP t3t- 3»42.0100. 11euc. 12 CVMf, 1HT 42, IRVllE. CA AP~0200, ... llO. 22 OMIT. UNl'T 42, llWIE, CA IOGllY, LOllJETT\ AP --..a. 11.491~ 140~UNIT ti, llMi!, CA W'NJlll.~• N' .... 11.cmA ft 14ii1FJJIMOCX>, INT •9"tM.CA llOLLW), WILLIAM C>WU1. AP 5»1~ 12.~oo.»~ IMNE.CA TAX-MTtNV. •wt COMAi.ES. El.EK\ N' • sa.m-01.0100, $1,830.60, • ~ llMNE,CA APD171.0U1, $320 0, • MONITOR. IRVINE. CA T~TE AREA 8'141 GAANGER. RJOHARO H JR, AP~l-11, 16.&49.10, 20 MORNING SUN, IRVlNE. CA TU.Ult AltfA 21-1$7 VAN NOTE. ANH M, AP 529-312·15. $974.23, 37 AUGUSTA, IRVINE. CA T AX-MTE All'EA 21-1• ISlAMIC CENTER~ SOUTHERN CALIF, AP 52M01·25, $2.713~ 1 TRUMAN, lRVINE. CA AP 529-401·25,0100, $2,823.01, 1 mJMAN. IRVINE, CA AP~l-250200, $6,190.66, t TRUMAN. IRVINE, CA T AX.ftATE ME.A 21-172 CHIAW-MONG, AP 581- 121-08. $4,02286, 9361 IRV1NE BL IRVINE. CA AP Sll1-121-08.0100, $1.617 68, 9361 IRVINE BL IRVINE. CA AP 581-121-08 81, $804, 10, 9381 IRVINE BL IRVlNE, CA NAJJAR, SAIO F AP 591- 121·14, $3.,850 78, 9321 IRV1NE BL, IRVINE, CA TAX-RA TE AR£A 26-187 WONG, TE PEI TR, AP 434-151-39, $4.22640, 20 PARTHENIA. IRVIN£. CA WANG, 1-HSIAN ET Al, AP 1137-1»79. $4,267 12, l&ALMAOOR, IRVINE. CA KO, CHING, AP937-131· 05. S2.25H7, '8ALCO. BA, IRVlffE. CA EVERS. CAROL, AP 937 · 131-24, $4.446 32. 154 AGOSTINO, IRVINE. CA STICI(, JANICE H, AP 937-811-29.0100, 1149.58. 20 ALICANTE AISl.E, UNIT 118. lfMNE. CA AP 937-811-29 0200. $217 85, 20AUCAHT'E i'ISLE. UNIT 118, IRVlkE. CA LIBURDI, MATIHEW, AP 937-811-58. Sl,73071, 112 AUCAHTE AISLE, UNIT 14? IRVINE. CA AP 937-811-68.0100. $129n. 112AUCAHTE AISLE. UNIT 147. IRVINE. CA AP 931-811-68,0200, S244 32. 112 ~TE AISLE, UNIT 147, IRVINE, CA F"SEHUN. GBEMISOLA 0 AP 937-812-74.C]OO, $169.79. 208ALJCANTE AISLE. UNrT 213, IRVINE, CA WARREN. JOSEPti RIEL· LY Ill, AP 937-814-58. SI. 790 76. 15 VENEZIA AISLE. IRV1NE. CA TAX-AATE Nt£A ~194 NESER. ARLIN ~Ul TR.. AP 452-341-45, $2.055.86, 32 SU<BERA"t', IRVINE. CA 8AYSHORE INVESTMENT LP. AP 452~71·33, $3,387 48, 205 FAU.fNGSTAR. 1RV1NE. CA AP 452-471-33 0100, $45957, 206 FAWNGSTAR, IRVIHE, CA AP 452~71-33 0200, $1,008 16, 205 FALLINGSTAR, llMNE, CA KEAA. ELENIA MARIA. AP 93().()!M.83, S 1 ,220 S7, 31 RfVERSTt1NE. UNIT 13, .IRVINE, CA TEA. OAV1Cl ~. AP 9~73. $900.64, 3'2.5 OEERFIEl.O. IMfT 13, IRVINE, CA WANG, JUAN, AP G- 100.28 0100. S221 05. 448 FAU.JNGSTAA, UNIT 11. IRVINE. CA AP~ 100.26.0200. $298.91, 448 FAU.INGSTAR. UNIT 11, IRVINE. CA W, DON C S, LU, SHEflA C, AP 93a-720-44.0100. 1164 34, 52GRE£N- MOOR. UNIT 26. IRV1NE. CA Ctt~YlJAN.~. MWIUEl, HIJANG.U, AP 530-$32·18. $10,46U2, 38 Pl.UMERIA. fMHE. CA AR80R CREST M <X*- Ml./HITV ASSOCIATIOf4, AP 530-611.ea, 181.82, TA 16719LOT E TAX-Ml'E Ml.A »-211 B<A. GI.EH, HAIM, SVWI. AP 5»65M7 ,ti, S120.00, TR 381 IU 98 LOT 378 KUMAR. ANKUR. N' 631).. 74140300, -.s4. 11 VAl.OOE. IRVM. CA RHOOE8. fW"1f C. AP 0).744-11, .., •• ~ VALEHlt. IMNE. CA AP Q0.1 ... !5.0300. I 1,'1117.2&, • VALlH'lt, IMNE.CA ,OOM..IA.AITSIH ~TIOHOOl'­ ~Ml!llt:t. 1# QO. 7tM7, 121U2. "' 18171 I.Of I ~. 81"E\91 't N'"'7.o1MI. 11.-... 88AUMik1N'NE. CA N'ISr-01Mt-ttGQ. lt,attA?, •MmMt, IMNE.CA t~TIN9Aawtf NICIMFI.~~ --.sr.owt, •ur. tta8l 8J.8t.--. CA ,, ......... ,,...,.. .... 8.L81.IMW.M .. l.1111 .... .. lllll .... .. ""'..... .. 1.11111.... .. T~T! NI/IA...,_ MAHOE OOUNTY OEVEl.OPMEHT AOOC<. AP 119-381'44, $321.$4, 1821 1HOUS 8T, SANTA ANA.CA TAUATE MIA 9M1t RASTEOEAA, SAY~, AP426-09148, $3.59UI, 388 llENXIN LN, NEw. PORT BEACH, CA TAUA'Tt MIA 9&.il WOOO, ElJlA8£TW A. AP 9ll&-m.3U1. mo.oo. TR 158117 BU< 2 LOT 3821 UN G-22 RAZON. NATHANIEl S, AP898-n.M281, $120.00. TR 15697 BU< 2 l OT 3822 UN P.33 TAX-RA Tt: AllfA 5Mll MC GEE, JAMES F, AP 473-061-36. W .19444, 6 PELICAN Hill Cl. HC. CA TAlt«ATt Nf£A §431 KOTZEFF, P.\MEl.A J, BA~. ~TOOE. AP ~. S3.a7560, 2fi AUVERGHE, HC, CA AP~OIOO, $692.83, 2.5 AUVERGNE. NC,CA TAX..flATt AREA 6M MAHOERINO. ~UL Al.AN, AP 4~1-17, S3,0S7.68, 20081 ORCHIO ST, SANTA ANA. CA WESTERVELT, OEREl< JOHN AP 439-034-19, $3,602.56. 20292 SW SPRUCE AV, SAHTAANA. CA TAX-AA TE AREA 56-047 KISNER. EOWAAO J. AP 4Ji..341-0I, 1967.78, 2173 ORCHAAO OR. SAl>ITA ANA.CA CALVIN, CALVIN, AP~ 371-09. $3,52360. 20381 SW CYPRESS ST, SANTA ANA.. CA CHUACH. L'fNNE E. AP 4~~. S1,Sl9.90. 2181 MESA OR, SANTA ANA.CA SANTA LUCIA eot.NJNl- TY ASSN. AP•73-021-10, S47 84, TR 14103 lOTK MONTECITO COAST Hai'. AP 4 73-032-08. $2.325 73, TR 14070 LOT 98 ABM WORUlWIOE INC. AP 47:MJSl-08 $31,309 00, 11 CAHYOH RIM, NEWPORT BEACH. CA AP 473-051-0S 0100, S24.5!!0.l0, 11 CAHYOH RM NlWPORT BEACH, CA OCf.AH Rl'.>GE II COMMU- NITY ASSK. AP4n-051- 71, $35 62, TR 14037 LOT c NEWf'9RT COAST CQM.. MUNff~SSH AP 478- 081-08. $49 18. TR 14721 LOT2 AP 478--081-07, S83 04, TR 14721 lOT B FULMER. WARREN. AP 478-tn-37. FORMERl.V AP 478-tn-11, $3,915.54, 16 VIA 0WAAHTE. NC. CA AP 478-172-37.0'lOO. fOR· MERLY AP478-17Z-11, $3.534 89. 16 VIA DIA· MANTE, HC, CA AP 478-tn-37 0200. FOR- MERLY AP478-172·20. $3, 191.ClSI, 16 VIA DIA· MANTE. NC. CA NAM, Y~. AP 478- 172-38.0200, FORMER!. Y AP47a.1n.21. $3,69980, 18 VIA DIAMAHTE. NC, CA Hill. PETEJI JOHN, AP 478-tn-39, FORMERLY AP 4~172-09. $3,831 40, 20 VIA OWrWiTE. HC, CA OCEAN HEIGHTS MAIN- TEHANCE ASSH. AP 478- 191.30, SS1 94, TR 15401 LOTE 1'9iRAHCHI, HOUMAN, WlJ..IAMS. Ta4RAHCHI, BRIGITTE, AP 936-342-80. $3.333.17, 22 TRAN'TO OR. NEWPORT BEACH. CA SAAA™RA. SUR£SH G, AP 17M1&.13, $13,491.78, 111541 flACF.. IC °°"ST HY. SONSET BEAC>l.CA STE'IE>IS. STEVE 8088Y, AP 178-621~ U.20UO. 1957S PACFIC COAST HY, $JNSET BEACH, CA MAX Slt.c:lER LTD PART• lilMI*. AP 178-6»- 01.D100, $1,418.82, 18S:l6 COAST HY, SlHIET flEACli. CA AP 17"2).01.IXIOO, $1,018-48. 1D°°"8T HY, 8eM88 llEAOH. CA MMJUR:. Ml()4A£l. I# I~. '2.305.44, fm2 OOAST lfY. SUNi9ET 8EACH,CA 1#1~.0100. $1.e.MA ltn2 OOMT HY, 8UNIET WA0t. CA ~wm!E. N't:M-130-14, 17 .... .AO. ... 2(1li st SUllET ~CA Al IM-f31>14.0IGO, s1im.tt. 1 .. itTIUT, &Mf!TIEMJ4,CA --..rlliQ. CDlfA- MLYNOT .... It··-- Clossifi«I is CONVENIENT wltdlltr JOU 'rt buying, uUing, or ju.st lookilfg, clludjihl lw """' JOIUlttd ! CUSSIFIED (949) 6'2·5018 --A ... s...... 1'h• followlnc person' 11 • dolnfl b11skltU .a. KMOCH/REICH. 2797 811nt1na Cite••. Co.st• Mesa. Ce11f 92626 1:.con Reich , 2797 B11nllna Cffele, Co$la Men , CA 9262& l hl1 butlneu 11 con· chicl ed b~: an indM d11a1 lttv• you st•rt•d dolna bu1lnt u y•U No E&Ofl Reich This sletement WH filed with 1he County Clerk of Onn11e County on 08/01/03 JOOMHSSSO Daily Pilot Aua. 7. 14, 21,28,2003 Th672 ,..... ..... "-S...... The followlna persons are doloa business n : G1bba11e Consultin11 . 1101 W McArlhur #183, S11nt<1 Ana, CA 92707 llevln Miller. 1101 W. McArthur OBJ, Santa Ana, CA9V07 lh1s bus.lnen " con duel ed by· an 1nl(1v1<luAI Have you stir led do11111 business yet? No Kevin Miller This s.l.alement win filed wlU• the County Clerk of Orange County on 07/25/03 20036952766 Daily Prtot July 31, Au11. 7, 14, 21. 2003 Th645 Rdltle.~ "-S....... The lollowina ptrsons are doing bus1neu as. The obtel1 Consollancy. 19302 Sleep1na Oak, frabuco Canyon, CA 91679 Hadar 71v, 19302 Slt"Pma Oak, Tr•bvco C.tnyon, CA 92679 lh1) business 1s con du{ted by ~n mdivldu•I ltavl! you startl!d doing bus1neu yel? Yes 06/01/2003 Hadar Z,v This statement wn filed with tho Co11111y Clerk of Oranet County on 08/08/03 20036t54241 Daily Pilot Aui 14, 21. 28,Sept 4,2003 Th690 SELL your stuff through cla ssified! ... ~ The followina penons ,,. doln, bu11~ u ; Circuit Intercon nect Systems., 3151 Alf'wty Av. C·l . Co•I• Mffe. CA 92Sztl -T10·8r u, h1c .(CA ), 3151 Alrw•Y. Av. C·l , Costa Men, CA 92626 Thlt bualneu Is con- ducted by: • COfpor1tlon Have you sterttcl dolna business yetf No Tro-Bru. Inc. M1rvln J Bain, Pre.sldent Thrs st1t1menl was f1i.d with the County Cltrk ol Orene• County on 08/05/00 200S69SJ .. I Dally Pilot A11e. 7. 14. 21,28,2003 Th658 fktlllM ..... •*'-' The foflowliie persons are dolna business as: Candela Sales, 117 G Slreet, Newport 8Hch, CA 92661 Matthew flshrnan, 117 G Street. Newport Beach, CA 92661 Jhls business 1s con dueled by. an Individual Han you sl.arted doin& business yet? No Matthew Fishman This statement was tiled with the County Clerk of Orange County on 07125/03 200369S275t Daily Pilot July 31, Aue. 7, 14, 21, 2003 Th6" Rdlllm ...... ... -.... lh• tollow11111 persons are do1n1 busmen as: Mark Jones Co.. 17192 Elm SI.. HunllO&l dn Beach. CA 92647 Maril lay Jones, 17192 Elm Sl •3. Huntm11toll Beach CA 92647 lhts husmeu is con- ducted by: an Individual Have you sto11 led doing busin•.n yet' Yes. 11/ 25/02 Mark I lontis fh1s ~talement wn lile<l w1lh the County Clerk of Onmae County on 08/12/03 200S6tS4624 01Hy P1lol Au1 I 4, ?I, 28. Sept 4, 2003 fh708 Rdllll9s ..... ... s...... lhe lollowong ptrsons are dome business as· On I 1me Meuenrtr Se1v1ce. 2346 Newport Blvd .. Sutl • B·2. co,ta Mei.a, Ca hf Of n1a 92627 Mma Cellchyan. 2775 Mua Ve1de Dr £ IJ203 Cost~ Mesa, Cahlorn1a 92626 fhrs busmeu ~ con d~led by an mdrv1du•I Hne you star led d01n2 busmen yel1 No Mar11 Gtkllhyan This st;otemenl was filed wtlh the County Cle1k ol Or•11ee County on 07/24/03 200J6952721 Dally Prlot July 31. Aua I, 14, 71, 2003 Th638 ,... ..... ----lhe tollow1ne persons are dorna busoneu H · M•tt hm1ker Boat 1nd RV SIOI age. I Hllwk Hill. M1n 1on Vieio. CA 92692 Steven r riedman, I llitW'k Hill. M1ss1on Vieio. CA92692 fh" hu~rness 1s con · due ltd by. an 1ndivtdual Have you sta• led dome business yet? No 9/1/03 Steve f' "edman fh1s statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 08/01/03 20036t53U6 Daily Pilot Aue 7. 14, 2 1.28.2003 fh670 ..... .... ----Tl'I• followlna penons .are dome business n Newporl E.nvironmenlal l Khnoloey. 177 Rive<· side Or ·r·, Newport Beacn. Cl\ 92663 Caston Knl&hton, 177 R1vers1de Or 1ve •r •. Newport Buch , CA 92663 Thts blnlnns ts c:on· ducted by. en individual Have you started dorna business yet? No C.nton llmetiton lhrs statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Or anae County on 08/15/03 200Hts.sot 2 Daily Pilot Aue. 21. 28 . Sepl A, 11,2003 Th722 ...... ,_ ··-·~ ~·· business yen No Daniel Buckley Thia •ta--ment wn IUed with th• C911ntr Cltrk of Of1n1• County on 08/01/00 100M9SJSH Dally Pllol A111. 7. a, 21. 28.1003 fh671 ........... .......... The followlna persons are dolnt busln•u n . Stelnber11 '•nllOfltl, 413 Beywood Or .. Newport Beech. CA 92660 Troy l 1merlowe Hill, 413 Baywood Drive. Newport Beach, CA 92660 This buslfleu Is Gon- ducted by: an lncllvld111I He~• you st.arted dorn& business yet? Yes, 2/24/ 03 Troy L•m•rlowe Hall f his statement wu filed with lhe Counly Clerk of 01 anee County on 08/01/03 200JHS3543 Dally. Pilot Au11. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2003 Th667 .......... ... -.... The followm11 persons are dolna bus.Inns as: Yesterday Anl1que C. Clank C11 Co .. 300 El Camino Reel, Tustin, C1 92780 Oiniel Raul Barren. 332 Vrlla Point Or , Newport Buch. Cl\ 92660 This business Is con dueled by an ind1v1dual liave you started dome business yet' No 01nlel R. Barrera This statement was filed wllh the County Clerk of Oranee County on 08/12/03 20036954',. Daily Piiot Aue 14, ?I, 28.~pt 4,2~3 Th/Gt Rtff. ..... "-S...... The folld'Wine persons are do1na bustneu as MdCenna·s Cold. 1911 East Bay Ave . Balboa, CA9266l Paula J. Medley. 1911 £ B.ty Ave B•lboa, CA 92661 Thr\ bu"nen 1s con dueled by an md1v1dual 1~1ve you started doona busineu ye17 No Paulot J Medley This sl alemen1 wo tiled wrth lhe C11unly Clerk ot Oranee County 011 08/15/0J 200JH SSOl7 Daily Pilot Aua 21. ?8 Sept.4, 11. 2003 Th718 ,.... ..... ... s...... The lollowina persoris are do1n2 busmeu u Jennifer's Place, 3848 Campus Or •IOI. N ewport Beach CA 92660 .lennofer Holey Austin 338 BayWood. Newp0<t Beach, CA 92660 Thrs business 1s con ducted by an lndMdu1I Have you ~,.,led dou11 bu"nen yeP Ye1. )/1/ 03 l4!nn1ler tiaylev Au\lur This Uatemenl wn hied with the C111111l y Clerk o1 01anee County on 08/l~/03 2003'tSSOU Daily P•lot Au& 21, 28. Sept 4, 11. 2003 Th 716 ~ ..... ...-.... I he followrna persons are do1na bus1neu n . l1k1 hma. 3378 Fuch\11 SI . Costa Mua CA 92626 Gree E. Poties, 3378 FUchs11 St CMta Mtta. CA92626 This bustneu rs con· ducted by· an rnd1v1du11 Have you st .. rted dorne buslnen yet' No C1e11 E. Potjet This st1ternent wn filed with the County Clerll of Orange County on 08/15/03 2003'tSSOM O•ily Pllol Aua. 21. 28. Sept 4.ll.2003 Thnl Re-.. ..... .......... The lollowina peuons "' doln11 buslneu n . B1noco, 3104 Barbados Place, Cost1 Mes•. CA 92626 Wiiiiam T. Nov•ll. 3104 Berb1dos Pl.tee, Co''' Meu. CA 92626 This busineu ts con- ducted by: en 1ndlvldu1I Have you stlrt.ed doln1 business yel7 No W111i1m T. !tonk This statement wu llled with I.be County Clerll of Oun&"• County on 07/25/03 JOOS69S27M Dally Pilot july 31, Aua. 1, 14, 21, 2003 Th642 The foflowln& persons ire clolnt busineu as, Virtual M.tdnen ·USA, 13!» C0tslc1, Newpon BHch, CA 92660 M1h Kina. 135 Cof- slu , "9wpor1 Beach. CA 92MO This business I• con ductlld by: •n l11dlvldu11 Heft yov slerted dotnt buslneu yet? Yes, t./5/ 03 A.ndr• Kina Thil atalemtfll WH flied with the Covnty Clerk Of Ottfllt C~nty 01t08/Gli0l MHffMHI Deily ,llot AAlf. 14, 214 n. s.t. 4. 2003 Tll68, ~ ---------------------'---~-----"---------------------....... ----~....;.----....... ---. ___ _..., .... ._ __ ..... _~ • tr• doln1 bullfless as Mc:Cr1101'1 M1r1ne De- t1llln1, 10052 Bonser Ave. G1rden Grove. Cf. 92840 Shawn McGre1or. IOOSZ Bonser Ave, G11den Grove, CA 92840 Thts business 1s con ducttd by: •n 1ndtv1du1I Have you st1t1ed doon11 buslneu yet? No Sh1wn McCre10< This atalemenl wo fo .. d with th• Counly Clerk of Or •ntte Counly on08/08/03 200SHS42U 011ly P1101 Aua. 14. 21. 28,Sepl.4,2003 Th691 Ac-. ..... ... s...... The followona pe<son\ .,. dome buslnHs ., Honublu, 1848 lllonoos St , Cosl• Mua. CA 91626 c .. 1o, i'romoano 1848 ltlonots St Costa Meuo, CA 92626 Thi\ busmtu ts con ducted by 111 ondovodual Have you stat led do111g business yet? No Carlos Pnm11no fhos Uatemenl Wd\ loled wolh the Courlly Clerk ol Oranee County 01108/08/03 200Hts42S4 Oerly Pilot Aue 14. ?I 28 Sept 4 2003 fh69i.> • o ow1n1 persons •re do1n1 busmen as Rhino Compultt Sys· l•m•, !t. Cameron C11 , f ooth1U Ranch, CA 92610 Vern Hupp, 5 C1rneron Cu . r oothllt Ranch, CA 92610 flus bul!neu '' con ducted by a11 1nd1v1du11 Have you \lM led doon1 bu\meu yel> Nu Vern Hupp Thos statement wn llled ,.,11h the County Clert. of o,.na• County on 08/01/03 200lHUS44 Daily Piiot Aue /, 14. 21 28. 2003 Th666 fktlllMa.sa-s ie-s...... the following persons •• e doonc bu"""' .ts. Rutk It 431 Cost.; Mesa St , Cusl• Mn• CA 9'1671 lle1lh W McC lellan. 431 Co\I" Mesa St Cosl• Mes•. f.A 92627 !hrs business os ton ducted by <1n 1ndov1dual Hne yuu sldr ltd do on& bomne" yrt> N11 lle1th W Md 'l•ll•n lhl\ \l•len .. nl was hied w1lh Ille l.uunly Clerk ol 01 dO&e County on 08/08/0) 200369S424' D•oly Pilot Aue 14 ?I 28 Stpl 4 7001 I h689 Polky .......... .......... e o ow na penons .,. doine business as Jacquelone K, 319 M•pne Ave , Newport Beach, CA 92663 Jacquelin• Kanawatl, 195-41 Vulle Cr., Hun tln1ton Buch, CA 92646 This bus1nus 11 con ducted by an 1nd1vtdua Have you started ~•& busoneu yell No Jacqueline K<1n<1w1ll Thos sl•tement wn hied with the County Clerk of Of a nee County on 08/01/03 200'69SlS'47 Dally P1lol Au11 7, 14, 21.28.2003 Th661 FldllM ...... Mmes...... I he followme persons are dolne busoneu as Newpotl M~~ Mortuary Service. 535A Bernard Street, Costa Men California 92627 Stephen Mich.el Ohuy. 53~A Bernard Strut Cost~ Meu C<1hlorn1a 92627 T'11s busmen IS cun ducted by an 1ndov1dual Han you started doing bu\oness yet? No Stephen MtchHI Dhuy fhlS Statement WI$ toled with lhe County Cletk ol Onn&t' County on 08/12/03 200'6954699 Oa1ly P1101 Aua 78. Sept 4. 2003 o w1n1 petfQna ire doin1 businns as So<:cer C apreu, 125 46th St . Newport BHch, CA92663 Liah Rivka Amalia Melin, 125 46th St.: ~ort Buch, CA ·nus buslnus 1s con· ducted by· en 1ncl1vldual Heve you stetted doinc business yet? Ho Llah ·Rivka Amalia a.t.llas This 1t1tement wn hied w1tl) the County Clef• of Onn1e County on 07129/03 20014'5307 I Deily Pilot July 31. A111 7, 14,21 , 2001 Th6'l5 Rctlll-....., ... s...... The lollow1n1 penoM tre db1n1 bu>oness •• Phot.o's By Moesh, 401 Newport Center Drove Ne wport Beach. CA 91660 Joh Michelle Breder 9312 Res1denc•a. New pOft Beach, CA 92660 This busmen ,. wn dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you star led doing b1mnen yet? No Joh Michelle B1eder !hos slatemenl wa' loled with the Cuunly Cle•k of Oran&e County on 01/23/()3 200lHS2Sl3 Daily Pilot Aue 28. Sept 4. 2003 • o w n1 penons •11 do1n1 busonen n Cubby I ykt On11ns. 1421 Dutt 1uer Or , Corona del Mar. CA 9262S Carolyn Pyke, 1421 Outnuer Dr . Corona det Mar . CA 92625 I hts bus1neu IS con ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I Hawe you slMted dome business yet? Ho Carolyn f yt.e Tho\ statement wa\ hied woth the County Cl•rk of Ortn&e County on 08/05/03 200369SH62 D•1ly Pilot Aua /, 14. 21, 28, 2003 Th6!>7 Fk*'-llsillu ..... s....... The lqllowon& person\ are doon& bus1Ress .s Realty Asu.t Solutions 17291 lrnne Blvd #409. T ii.ton. CA 92780 Thom;as Leona 13'06 Herotaa:e Way Apt 312. l ul11n. CA 92182 Th" business '' con ducted by an ondovdu•I H•ve vou \ta1 l•d doon11 bu\1111\' yet> Yn 4 t 03 lhornas I eona this s lalemenl was llled wolh the County Clerk ul 014n&e Coutlly on 08/08/0J 200S69S4241 Daily P1101 Aue 28 Sept 4 2003 e o owtnfl persons are do1n1 busineu n SeflOUS r 1tnus, ?41 Canel St , Ntwpor I Bt1ch CA 92663 Set1du1 F otneu In<. (CA), 241 Can•I St . Newport Buch CA 92.663 Tho• bus111 .. s " 1 un dueled by 1 ct;tpor•toon Have you stat It'd dome business yet' No Serious f 1lnos lrol Btlhe R Powers LCO This stat•m~nl w.,\ fried woth th~ County Clerk of Or an11e County on08/15/03 200J69SSOIO Daily Pilot Aue 11 l fl Sept. 4, 11, 200J lh/i'l RctlliM~s ... s..... The followrn& pu \un\ are dOine bu>ont:\\ ., C2 destans 3481 f ur h'.1• St Costa M•\d r.A 92626 Chalonee Ch~l>d"'"'d 3481 r uc;h$1a St !.o\I• Mesa. CA 92626 Thos bu\lnt". o' LUii ducted by an urtlovodu•I Have you ''~' '"' 11'.111~ busoneu yel' Nu Chalonee Cha11annnd This s tatem,nt w .•• filed wrth th• 1 1111nly Clerk of 0. •ni!• 1 ••Uni y on 08/12/03 20036'54631 Daily Pilot Au& 28, Sept 4 lOOJ I-l ow to Place A t o w n are doon& busmen .s Soc111/Bthn1or al St! enc" Colle&• [a oiutove l?ti2 Smoke lree In. Sant• An~ c~ 92705 Dock C M•r sh. 126? Smuke Ir~· l •ne s.nt• All•. CA 9270!i I '11\ bu~one.s is con dulled by •n 1nd1v1dual H .. , you •lar l•d llu1n1t bu\lflOl yet' Yes July I l003 f>u ~M•r\ll I hi\ \ldltnoent ... , lllcll with th• l ounty t 1.,r" ol Ur dnae C.Ounl y nn 08117 OJ 200H9S4639 Ddoly Pilot Auii 14 II i'!l Sept 4, ?003 lh/O.i' fldiW l4lsilns .... s ....... f h~ lollowonlf per W fl\ ar ' doone bu•ont~\ <l\ V1u1ocum 1549 f'lo 1 enloa •118 Newpuo t HedCh CA 9?661 t o dd Mc Monomenl 1~49 Pl.ot e11lo• •Ill! New11c11 t Be•< h I.A 9?6b3 ltus bU!.lnf'~S IS I on Ou1 led by "" 1nd1V1du•I ltdve you •tarted doing hu<1110" yet? No ludd McM1n1mcnt Hu\ ~ldlemeul w,,, tiled w1lh the l,vvuty Clerk of flr4ng• I 11u11ly un 0 / /7'J10J 200369S27S3 D•oly Prtol July )l /lug I 14 ll 2003 lh~ ThurSday, Aucust 21. 2003 IS -------.................. - a•e do•"I businns n 111 An&•h PholOltf •PhY ?104 Con11nenlal Awe (;o\tl Mna. CA 9:>6'17 Sheen1 De Huy<a, 2104 Continent~! Aw• Co\IA Me<>f"CA 926l7 This busontu " c<in ducted try an ond1vodu•f Have you ''"led dome bu)oneu yet' No Sheen• De Hoyu• lh1\ sl•lemenl ""' loi.d wtth the Cuuroly Clerk ut O<•n11• County on 08/J I OJ 200369S4S04 Oa1ly Pilot Auii 14 11 28 Stpl 4, 200J lhb96 ..... .... ... ....... •r• d01n1 busoneu n lom's Yuh! M1rnt1 n•nu 81 I 5 N Bay lronl. Newpott 8u1h CA 92662 Thoma\ Du1le Neli.on 811S N B•ylront N•wp<ir I Bue h CA 97667 fhl\ bu"™''' '' con dulled b7 •n 1ncl1vodu•I Hil•e you •l.t l•d 11<>1n1 bu!aine~~ 1'tl l Nu lh"m" Dutlo-Nt l\un I h f\ \I •tt'ntf"nt ••~ lrled wllt• "'" tuunty lier~ ''' IJr•lltlt (..,unty "" 01 ?9 0 ! 20036953013 D•oly hl>Jt July ll Au& I l4 71 :>00$ ltt61;> L ond.i N•m< hook Thi·. ,1 .. 1rme111 w•s toled "''" lhr Lounty 1 lt•k "' Ur •n&t County ronl)J! 1~103 200369SS090 O;i1ly Pilot Au11 71 78 S~pt 4 II lOOJ lh/1 1 .,. dotf1C busmen as Unroue l11ms 4341 B11ch St #201 Newport BHCh CA 92660 C111a Stern, 1 Moio Ct Newport Be.tth . CA 92663 I ho\ busmess o\ con due: led by en 1nd1v1dual 11•>« you surted d01nc bu~n~s feP No C1n.o Stern fh•• shtement wu fried woth the County t '"' ~ of Or •nii• County un 0/ ;>',103 200JHS2767 1Jao17 Ptlot July 31 Au& 1 14. 21 l003 ThM3 ,.... ...... ... s...... lh• follow1n1 person\ •r • do1n1t busmus o ~pet1•1ty Autu S•lr• 1~33 Biker St •10 Costa Mesa CA 92'6?ti Sal•m About h•k• • ?000 ""i'arson St •19 lust .. Mes• CA 92627 Thr• bu\oness " cun due led by •n ondmduill H•ve you st11ted durnt bu\ln•n yel' No Salam Abouchakr • 1 his statement ... , toled with the Cvunty t:'le1k ot Oranee l.uunly un 07 29'03 20036953073 Oaoly Pilot luly JI Aue I 14 ?I 2003 Th6l6 Ra1es and deadline~ arc ,uh1ec1 10 change without n o111.:c. The publi~hcr re!>crve!> the nght IO ccn~or. rcdasi.1fy, revise or reject any cl~s1fied advcrt1-.ement. Plea.'(! report any e rro r that may be in }'uur c l:h!ltfo:d ·act immediately. The Daily P1lo1 accept!. no hab1li1y for any error tn .rn advertisement for which 11 m:iy be rc'pon,1ble cxccpl for lhc lO'I of lhe 'pace aclually ocl.'.up1cd by the error. Cred11 can only be allowed for lhe fin.t insertion. CLASSIFI EJAD Mond.ty ...... l--r1da1 5.00pm Tue-.day ............... Monday 5:00pm Bv Fax (94916~1 6'i~ l'k•"' "" tuJc ''"" rwmc .....i pt>...,. num!>o'r .anJ ,. < 11 , •II ,.,~hr.a.~ v.1\hJ J'fh ... ~ ~Utli(' t By Phone 19°49f 6-H-'i67 II ours By J\Jai l/ln Pt'r~on : 3 ~O wc ... 1 Bay Strcl'I Co~ta Mesa.CA 9~o:7 At Ncwpon lihJ Ii !iJ \ \1 Wedne ... da) .......... Tuesday 5·f)(Jpm We<lne-.da) 5:00pm Fm.ta) . Thur::.dJ~ 5·00pm Sa1urday FndJ) 1:0Upm Tdt:phonc X:30am 'i OOpm Monday-Fnda)' W.il~ Ink '0am 'i·OOpm MondJ} Frida) Sunday rnda) 5:00pm AHNOUIKOAENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANOAL •lt-3940 soos-saso 2305-2490 Colltdlblel,' . MemcnlMlla 11li0 AMctiol\I 1483 ""*'1 MISCEUMEOUS ;;:===::==::==:;;;; Announcem1nb 1110 MERCHANDISE Ame11can Motorcycle S-ttr (o.t.llnd ~) Late 4Ch, 6 ~~ al ~pns,()'-.&. btldl c.omes wliJhr*v~ of member we1rrn1 ~ lclll'&ed SDX> tJlit 0(X) 71C S31 .ID> WANTED rrtvet• o .. dl H_, .... l\UES (...., IPPfO• I/hr from '!l Newpou I Beach C.ctt lent hunlon& ad1acenl lo \tale waterfowl reluee ownership rnleresl &. .tp()(OI 37~ acres of land &. improvements • your own came> compound w s ltucture •ncl 2 tr a•leo Won def ful f 11 noeht BBQ s &. wone tast•ne dutrn& duck su son • m•nr u trn1 Ideal for 2 lrien~ or lather & son C<tll M•ke al 310-S41 08S4 TOf' SS 4 llCO«DS nc Ma. Clllllc.. E.tc. 5as & Sh a Nia.. ~. hAJe ~ Mike 949 645 -750S OOERTAINMENT Clltndarof Olde< Style F11miturt PIANOS i Colle<bblft -~ ... t......_... . ~---. ....,. . ~ .. •_,,-.,,... $$-CASH PAID $$ .......... ....,.. ..... W£ BUY ESTATES • ~·· fr«dy MA'ICit AITlll'" Ewnll 1310 EQCIMaSllG OfPOITillll ANTlQUES ~~ ~W...3825 SOUTHC8AST AUCTI N DGS.. .. 11. .._AM.CAtntl ........,,,_u. .... CASH FOil L"OOllY Bauer. Cataline Rook wood. luloef'ls etc 9o&m.6223 9494JS.1313 ... Alt rut est1te aclver hsma m lh•s newsp~r IS subiect to the f ecletat Few Hous1n1 Act of 1968 as 1mendtd which mikes 11 1lleaat to ad'iethse •any Pfefet· ence. 1tmrtat1on or d1scrom1nahon b1sed on rece, colo<, r•haion. sex. h1ndoc:1p. f1m1loat status or n•t1on1t or11ln, or 10 tnltnhoo to mike 1ny such Pftfutnce. llm•t•· tton or discrimin1llon • 1• FURflSHINGS This ne1np1per writ not knowln1ty eccept •nr advttltHment for rtal estett whldl 1s 1n violation of the lew Ow reaclus 1r1 hereby informed that alt clwtJI '"" edvet hwd tn thrs newspll>lf at• natlable Ofl en equal oppc>ftumty b•m. To complain of dis: crlmlnabon, cell HOO tolt- fr M et l.aoo-424-8590. ....... w.,,.,... .. "'--. aiw-. flmiU•. sport 1ea1 t ic. Sil 9·2 717 Poppy CdM (In afley) Sill your stuff through classJffed! PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Clas.sifted sectJOn to ffnd setvtces from electronics and plumbef'S. to i.ndsalp«s and pet,lters. Detin. ....... walnut hd tree. dln(nc set w/8 c;ti1irs, C match1na b•1 stools. lflbque dospl•y s:1'.:J 714-432·0008 <1P_, ..... ) Mllctltnoui Menmndlse AU snn llOGS. Up lo 60"-otf' 30r4'0 50•8070a150 C<tlt Now' l•I Come hi Ser•e' Can Deliver' Roy 800 499 2760 Malltlettome Pllb Ne..,...t Cett .. • 21tr 21te, 2001 Silntcrest Minutes to beach Cor net lot, Fp deck. w/d hkup Atfordable space rent r 1n1nc1n1 avall1bte /14-212-0213 ~ .. m5C Offktf•l-• App1oa1m1tely 400sl 170 C 17th Street Costa Mesa 949-466-6!>23 1-tOMESFOA SALE ORMGE 5408 COtlfJY Index _.....,.,.. - I .. ' -· fAIUlOUS. rux Buch Close' Ownel\ 3Br 2.5Ba & 3Ba 2Br Un rts S899,000 A&t Susy l uby (°1)49) 646 '>892 f .. ~ .... _t Lec.ti- 3~ Site, 0-•••••• ever to come avail Watertront 'unuit .. ewsl $8~9 000 , .. ,,_ 'rlfl«1le• Stet-le •-w 949-71 S-l JS6 ~ N:OM1. lHTS !liD W~Bl'f'O (Cooe ol 8alJoe 8l\ld &. 6th St.)~ ;b 2be Ip, ocn w l-2llr 21» bdl '1111 hm Nm. Ip ....... ~ ~ $)Z15(D} ~ Came Mir! Coldwo!!I Biri« 94S71S..ZJ78 Oonot dU\b lsW'lts 2201 Vkt• tt-n. Of'IN SAT 2-6 Newport Buch Bluffs C aec. townh111. 3bt end unol, p\11 patlO, 2 c &Ir. courtesy to brokers SM9,888 By Ownet 714 299 7373 <Wat SAT·SVM 2-S 2J CMJIOUJl'T OI 3br 2.Sb• clellch l\ome. totally rtmocl, till• newl S939.000 K1ren E osenbef I Btu lfK0< • Prop949 721·0783 ' sutl 1-S JOI TVSlWf AYI SpectKUlll view, talre ta lot 6 room lot tapHSlonJotn All!Mn B kr 949-646•2011 Of 949 683 8911 ... ,,50 P'tttMI ISTATIS ,ATIKK TENO'( NA TIONWIDI USA 949-I S6·970S WWW pat11c~IMDll' <Ont Tustin VllW CHAl lAU IOSOI l rler l- Loc:•t~d on N 1 u'lln Hiii\ I Sarr e holllo1> •slalf' 6br 7ba Call tor PrH" Aft lohn I 011n 714 731 lllOll RESORT/. VM.ATION PftOPERTY FOR SAl.f Desert Prot*tY 5960 MIGtt OlSlaT ~ Cl ;ii: Sl!l> ps &.. fir Wms. ""° &. -....... -..,. 1t' Cdnlt:> IM' 96Q4R) MICE I MEOUS REJfTALS Rental To StlMI a ... X-lr, -t•/lte $820m • I 3 ut1r, • dip. pool. 5P1, w/d. cwport. cath ce1I, no/smk/pet eva~ 9 l 949 !>48 7818 ....... c:11m1-~ 2• 2 home. l blk to b•1/ mar 1nt Yd Ip pool S69S • utot/dtp td-67.lPi&S Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Far Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Corona def Mar I. ult a~• l l>r 'b·J fp hdwd fir•, ~M ~r •<11 Pl••" S 19()() m•; 949 f.42 '>488 Cot109e Studio I bloo k tu b~ath B11~hl dun up\l,111~ q111r.I nu peh •mil 11!25m 949 67S 6808 New,ert Crut, 2br -----l b" 2 • i•I "'~I~ lu Oat ,,...., hume ,pet lb bt h l~n 11<0,,1 W • Sl'l(l(l llM wd p,oi.r, nu llli\'pel Av.to! now <!49 JO/ 4'0fl I l p S2Z:() 11!1N1ndn --'~ AoJK •~ 'lol')./ro-8711 I .. 211A 1/2 aooc To ---ll'ST llAdf ~ ftrn •l•e.,,llf,.t l Or ?i,,. Ip #cl 1 • ~~· r~nl•I cul• lOM dupl•• wwlln l!llt 9't'H:600941 r•r.ttt w d ht><l~up• -- Atcl $26!>0 949 ;>9J 46 30 CostaMesa ,. & 29r ........ n'll tn brA.11 v.)llf ,.., <tnw tt11 eel fan mort SlfQn lbr & Sii 70m l br 133 [ 16th SI A\~ fl)t Spet oa1 949 $-48 24?1 GllOUND fLOOI 2br 1300 •Qfl,,. mll e•• new carpet Sl250 and up, 949 515 4881 21011~su• Jbr ~ ~rear aw 1p r...._ p no pet sum ... ~<.W>~ FtWit iw.-0--l\y Iba. Ired yd. 2< aU ... wd lh Sl'.B)n Ind td/wtr no/~mk/pel 949 642 49o'O l -'lful New H-• 2b•. 3 full b•. bonus rm wll< rn tloseh, .,, 'd hit up Sl~m 949 413 6438 I Sl4e IMen T....._, Jbr 2 !>ba c11stom re mod hvrm Ip sunroom pool, ~·· lenn•s avail 9 I S229S/mo act Donald Pf11t. Coldwell Bini.er 949>-733-6074 s,-i...• Jh ... drnoncroom. fenced y11d 2-<: 1M . $2300/mo (949) S48 2861 am.tit 1W 1111 ~ .,, te .... CIOIMI ...... ::19)~~ ... .......... Ne.....,r1 Helfhh )Br lBa IMgt f•mol~ '""m l car &•••11e •vool 8 I S740!1 mu 'M9 7.'J9 J77 I NI' 111 lh1 ? ~b• <u\tnm h11m~ ntw • ~· ptl 7 '"v ;> , Alt aar 1n11 ~Md•nt'o wAl•r Sl49't IM'I 6!1 761 7 OCl.AH ...w;-?tor /'.obit ......... "" ....... .. I-In~ 7 ""I 2J>a "°""" 2 UI VJ11¥ ilt1d't i'A' WO N'1.-r S?fil wd 11'!.CJ\ !tori\,~ ,..ct Kl Av.W 9 I 858 41• 1m I ~ Pl'I ~ ~7"> Sil<' ......... -,.,.... I I~ I Hwlow VI•• H_ .. to bdl 2lll It.. lu-111111 l l:h ZBa L•rm~I Model, ~· @ 471h '' h~c S iOOO mo Av .. •l•b•~ 9 I w ~\ """' "'l)<WI A~I 949 7~9 H26 "* """~t Aw>4 9 t s:'fnJ m(o fl• il'> .~/ NfWf'OtlT HUGHlS r ..... ,nnnm• lb• 7 ~b• l .,r 1t•• 1&• Sl&OO m1o 949-68' 4200 Jbr lb~ un 8•11h1A P•11111 nd .. d II•• Ip p,>lo•' 7 ' ii' dVAll 8 I .. ~t Sl6~ .µ9 191 46JI ff)¥ i.-.. ,,, ,.,, •• H ..... 1»1.att <VI de ""t note y•rd 11rul lo< a Iron S29SO mr• 949 47't 0027 PLl\'l MORl great l~afloo~ l\.10RI I f.t.NUSTIC VlfWll !I>• l b• to• th• f.,,.1 .. 1&pett.o. t f'tf '"•',. } yrar ..-moo· s ~ vp~ tr• on ... SUN 1-S 20I lUSTIM AV( J-All.-lllt ~ 20119'f.Hi838911 IAYntONT WINTO HNl Ai 4 .... 2'/•la,2~ ""I.~ ·-•'Y 949-611-HU ...-.COYi e•~ 3br '1 !m fl"'t .... torml Pod. ..., So6Xl Pl'udnlll Ce Riiy BJ 9& nt -Oll2 TIOVMI ?bf :>ba 2 c c•r a•ted community pool .. , $2300 949 293 t6JI ,,_...a.._, •.• Con6o -,,_ JIN '1 sea .,,.,. .. nc.. .... ormad s:JB)ft ~ • ......... h ..... ...... ••••• fr••t .... ~ ........ ttw , ............ . .... .._ ... ....... ................... .... -= 11-..11 , ..... ,. SllASISMll Ii I ! I I I . 38 Spin 311 Ru,.,,,lng water 41 Popular Ct ul&C 5!Qp _..,~,.rn 47 Chrl>r'lc:lcs '8 Velcll llCIY9"g8fS 50 lJI Dolce Vil.I. ldre8S 52 t>op JP 'l'l App1111.1 54 Co.".)1-·1 he>trt 55 l>,le•tly 66 Cla11> . 57 F!eael rapcdy 59 POO! bOlt dona oo1111 60 'llaSl'v le 's Mcfrd1e 61 LoOgt s:> ·'llova· rietwcn •·f,'mp/t>\111', .. ··1:.·m11/1111il11. ·· "1rl1eitnt'hllll'f" ""f;mplo11:. ·· Daify'Pilot NOllAITTR HOW YIU SAY IT, CLASSIRED CU mmrr. Semce Dlrtctory 'NOTICE 10 Rf RS Calo I or noa law rt qu1<es that ton Ir ac tor~ ta~1n11 tob\ tl><t lotal ~ or more (labor <>< materialsi be licenied by lhr Contractor\ S l,te l icen" Board Stat• l•w also require< that contractors one lude their h<.tn\fl numbf'r c>n all atlv~lo\1ne Vnu .. tn <hr<~ rhr ·'"'" l)f yn11r locen,Pd tontrte l nr a l WWW t 11b t A j.Ulf' t 800 321 CSL B Unlo censed 1 nnl1A1 IOI\ tak1na t"b' thAI toh l less than S!>OO must 1Ult on lheor advertosement• lhat they are not licensed by tht Contuctor1 Sl•I• llconie Board Ovfcklto.it• tr t1n•oe & suppoi Vtrouble shootona ~-tuno!lg or fl1!1WnAI 949 ~ ~18 A · l HANDYMAN lnstaQ. •tl•ct c•b•n•t• klltlwlit.ev~ °"" 714-~72511 Carpet Repair/Sales > CARf'lT.._ CARf'lT Repans Patchona. Install Cuur teous al\y·soze 1obs Whnleulel 949 49;> 0205 Cleaning Touch of Kl ass rur .. pc.tn F'prn 111 Hou..e Cleaning ~ti '~~r,.,n Hu""~'~ I ••cn~d 4.. Bonded l'r.1fc,,1onal 1c:o1111' B\\IJ,ll'l<'d 10 Ynur Home (CJ49) 548-0097 I rce h11mates Rclercn.:e• 'lpr.ng ~·1..-un•n11 Specials & IUSllllSI MrAMI Upcrades,Repalrsof Computtr Ntl'wofkt E 'ttnlllC'/Wffktnds Competitive pr ices for QUallly MfVK •o.-u.1175 7'4-tH-4121 Quick Kleen Renew, don't 19Pi8Ct ,, ... ~ llOOfa. coon~,... ehowM, ci..anf~ Meling. VSIMC~i.d -.m..e144 www.qtctne.com • Computer Servtces COMPUTER HELP! . ,.....,,, ~ "*"" • MJWllOllllllOlllcl • PC or Ille ·~ ·-l'l!le~·· ·-~­·Olb~ ·~_,~­·-.S~P.-..., UC ~ Onoduno. 10 Yrs CompuW ~ 7 14-612-2786 Concrete & Masonry lrlck llock St~• Tile Concfete Paho. Dr1-.reway F11eplc BBQ Refs 2SYrs Eap rerry 714·557-759' Thee...,-••• Cementwork. Brick. Tile & More ~li11ble. No lob too small 714-615·9062 YOUlHOMI IMNOVIMltfT NO Jim Call • plumber. pttnl•, ha11dym111, or any of UM arut services llsled hert 111 our serme ditectoryl THESE LOCAL S'IC PEOf'll CAlll HU P YOUlOOAYI THE 011IEI CRANCE Bodi vulnenble. South deal.I. play. NORTH • J5 1:1 AQ94 () 87 J • IUJ WF.BT •AQ84 \I 72 EAST West led the king ol cha and dfclaru pimed 10 take llOCL Whh an ..,.,... bet in elCb nWior. the fa.e or the contnlCt teemed 10 hinae Oii bold.in& lbe ~ loien 10 ooe. That woWdbe a~ matter ifl!Mlheld the ace. ~ WIS a second opportu• nity, bowcYCt. If West held the queen ot spldel, a alow 1J1!11ie trick could be developed to provide a peridoa place for the diamood lotcr. • 109 7 2 Q 'S 0 10 4 2 • KQJ9 o OJ95 • 11 7 2 SOUTH • K6J 'V K J 10 I J ~ AIC6 • A4 The bidding: SOIJl'H WF.ST NORTH EAbT Tu lat both potsibilities, it WU eS5Clldal to keeo a move ahead of the Cl(ll!OSidoo, 50 &.clarcr won the first tnck with the ace of clubc ud drew tnlmps in two rouods., coding in hand. Now a low -lplClt: was led towlll'd the jack. West did as wdl as possible by winnin& with the queen. Ctihing the queen of clubs and 5hln· i..Q& to a diamood, but declaru was a tempo ahead. Declarer w6o the dia· mood in band. forced our the aoc of spidcs. cashed I.be king of sp.dcs f<>< a diamond diJcard from dummy, then ruffed the lo5e:r on I.be table. Declarer lost only two spades mt a club. 1:-,_ l7 .... ·-=-............ ()peruna lead: Kina of • Don '1 comm11 yourself to the obvl· oos 100 early 1n the play. Before fol· lowin• to the openin& lead, take ~ umc 10 lind out whether there is • secondary chance. With 18 points, 1 ruffi~ value IJld the ten of UUlllJX to solidify the suit. 11 would have been churli$b ot Soudl ooc 10 jump to game after the ~ he:an openm& hid been raised b,Y panner Note llW. despite Norths minimum raise. four ~ hid aood Wb&1 if IJ'ULDPS arc 3-1? Declarct can still play West for the queen of spedes or the aoc to be ooside, to take c,arc of !be diamolld loser, but only two rounds of lnllflpi can be dntwn 1.o auure a dummy entry to lead up IO the king of spldcs in !be event lb.at Wt hb both spade hooors. lUOlltf PWIO Miry di PescMI, m.m. Now Ac.olpCq Studlrlb for Fa• Enrolment Employmtlt Wal'Ud 8200 f'rof'l cevpk, he/bond/ insured. to mao•&• your Newport Bch home 1nd 01 boat, Ca he'd General Contractor & ctrttfied Pr~ Mner 949-642-3939 WtTTHOIFT DRYWAll Alt phues 1m/1r1 jobs. CUANI 20yrs, fair, free est L4000:Jl 714 639-1447 Bedl1cll8'Mca DUNCAN IUCRIC Local, Quick Rnponst Home, Yard & Dock Elect 20 Y" Exp L1c/1nsurtd L'275870 949 650 7042 UCCHUD CONTUCTOI Ho ,lh too am M __ , Rep11or. remod41. fans. SC>ll. MW Siie 94!MiilS-31lJ6 UMY U...... R41!*f9d Rqroutln & lnstelletion TILE D£AN 9'19-673-8065 71~71~2031 = Tr.e Senk•, Yard Cleanup, Maintenance, Sprlr*let ltepalt' lta11llrt1 (Mt) ..... ,.. -lelltee lale•4 Art ~ P/T computer lrlrhlcs &. rtlell Hits. Cal Stevt949·723·1100 ....... _ ...... -' FT/'PT. Apply ln pe<son 1801 B1yslde Or., Coron• del M¥. Wed-Sit. 10.·2p. SIMKMt CAal • Car111vtr FT • Wa1ttr PT • Olll E~ 0ntt • RtctpUon1st !M9-760·2800 Cer,•r•t• la.cvtlve Se a etwy S.lf·mol1Yll· td w/sltooa ora1n1za llonal slulls operienct. prefeuble w/securilles knowledee and Com· puttr Mulls 1 must. Mon· f"ro 9-3·00 C•ll for lnlerYoew 949·721 9236 DRrVIRS WANTED MU.SIS IMMUNATUYI ~" C*'s • Carrprin needed for LiYt·ln/HoU<ly ~.._...c .... c~:;Ts~~s AVAILABLE HOWi Fedtr1I Jobs Forestry/ P.rks/Cler 1cal/Pos ta I/ F "ef •ah ter s/P o toe e SJ~+ S1enup Bonus C1ll M·F 9am 9pm/EST 1·800·464·8991 eat 23 (CAL •SCAN) rAllT TIME FOR PACtrlC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK on Corona del Mar, CA Two positions ava1l•ble Funeral Se<v1u Dorec tors to oversee chapel and iuavnode se•Y•tes needed weekdayi & some weekends. SIOhr Must have professoonal appnnonce , be com· passionate a nd lnendly Call !M9·644-2700 and speah with M1ln Wood Newport' Huntinp>n Bch ...., .... ....., ......... S.t your own schedule! s 12/h r L 1 st 011 a e Part or full-tlmt avaol.able facility. Sun's.Mon's S7$+/day full·lime Otloce and Ille main C•ll 1188-DDl·WORK tenance. Eaperience • c.~@ -D-O<l:om • lrma714·841 ·4466 AT·lASI Women's Store at Fashjon lsl1nd Is now huona up'd FT and PT sales assoc Pluse aintact lee Am II 9&~19115 111 ... 111111 • Iii, ... ,,, & IH '.1ll(1t l ,l\01, CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN llY11&p•GNll~ M Plm9 cl Coiwlr\ICllorl ~,...... .. 1.1577812 948 3CJl.7188 c..... .. 1n ......... .. • llt Wt e-. I " WI Ml7 • I .. 1""' .... ratieln 7U·Ml·t.u0. •••A~OUNCEMENT••• Hodo& for 2003/Postal posit.ans. federal h11e Sl5.00·S39.00+/hr F ult b1nelits/p11d tr a on one and vacal:lOns. Ho u p nectsury 1-877 .329 5268 .. , 131 (CAl •SCAN) CEND.U. U1lUI •1WNIF1tANCE * Rtsidmii . UmJvrml No Job 1bo Small One Bamlltoa 949-322-1292 FIX "' Sff OAUST. All types of repMS. Eltc· tricltl, ~ cloon, .,.. !..wt.. lies &. more 24tt{74ays 714-366-1881 ~ &~ c.tpentry • Plumlltn& Or-yw1M • Stucco P•intinc. r11e &. more ~ Yelfs bperitnetl .11714-tH-5776 JeaeeyAAtr-·. H-• .,. S,.CMll-1 Interior &. Eatttlor Rtp1lu 714·501·6466 THI HANDYMAN All work au1r111teed ~ Elaleat. Docn. fHltlcwp&~ ...... Dirt, C-.te & T~ .... GttMfal Cleenup, Trecl0t Stfvk t Available. Celt A.nytlmt 714-SI0-6449. NIM TO TMI ...,Ill 714-961-1112 AVAll..A8l.E TOOAYI MM73-S5e6 Aldomoblles 9000 Jaguar JAGUAl 'IS JU6 S.oes 3, s»v., real beauty, dream to 111'"'9, N:., CO, d new Int SEliOO 949-673-8755 AulGmative 9004 IMW 'l6 Jiii 2 df, black, 5 sp sun root. lull pwr S 1 fl()() 714-914-816' IMW'tD S2SI lolt.e new Bll>./tin, 4 d1, auto, 1c. sunrf, full pwr tint. C• 'moe S36!>0 714·4!'>4· 1698 IMW S2.1'99 Sport Waaon 1 lnl cond wa111nty. load4!d $25,995 949·887·4644 ••w •91 u c-v. auto wh1te/t•n ltho. CO, bH ullful hk• new cond, $16,996 v59724 l1n &. wwr 1W11 Biii' 941}$ UBI www.oc,al.co,. IMW '99 U {.onv, 2.S V6, 35k m1, 5apd. CD. 2 tont blk & t.n. lth1 1nl, bHutolul. hkt new cood $18,995 ..,555721 ,, nanclna a. w.,ianty avtol Bkr 949-586·1888 -w.ecrol>l.c- Cadillac '92 Allant• Conv 54k actual m1 bonlt.s r t <or ds 0111 ownei vr" I wht 1 ed llh1 blk lop wperb lokt new <ond \1111 •mtll' new musl '"e to ap pre ••It thl\ 1 ue 1 di that will 4pproc1a1t 1n Yalu~ $14 994 v•B91656 Blt.1 949 586 1888 www.ocpalol.c..,. ~'94tMwY.d« J 5 Vb 1 ownei 4Jh a c tu•I n11 book\ reco1 ds. met41hl lur quo•'° l•n llho fully loaded, toke oew $4195 ..-667718 8111 949--~ 1888 www.ocpobl.com c-o '94 128 Conv. Wirt 6211 mo new tw C$ & 111ter10t no d1n1r1 SIO 000 949 645 9145 allt·r Spm Corvette '19 Coup• aulo 60~ • mo mttall1c red/Ian lth1 •01,.1 b cond lhrouahoul, f9 995 Bkr 949 S86 1888 www.ocpalol.com Corvette '19 Coupe auto 60il • m1 met•lloc red It an Ith• \UP~• b cond th1ou'atoout. $9 99'> Bl>.r 949 !>86 1888 www.ocpoill.cem House Cleaning Heu•• OeMl...-fxr 'd Wlt.ly/Bo wlt.l y/Monthly Rel's Crul rate.I Imelda 949 ~ 949 278-0137 . ,', I .d • o '', •, I,', ' Open7 Oeys LowRltt• SloraQe Speclal9 Sine. 1981 949--645-4545 llST MOVHS SSS/Hr. Sefvlna All C•hes Insured Tl63844 800 246 2378 323 6JO 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Cel1f Public Utillllts Commission ltQUlrH lh•t All UUd household aoods movers print their P.U.C Cal l number; limos ancl cneufftur1 print their T.C P numbtr '" •II •dvtr• tlsements If you have any qutsllon1 eboul the l111hty of • mover , limo or chauffeur, ceH· P'UIUC UTIJTllS COllMlHIOM 117 ..... , ,.,.& ............ Cu~tom Hand Painted ,._.. & Fau•, ......... #till tar ...... ~ -------~~-------~------ •• ,11 '•J •111•••1 Convtrliblt, orlalnal O'lll!Mr, solid elf Sl9,995 obo 949 719·2943. l-4 lever 't6 ..... ••••• Whit e , funy loeded, tit m1lntenanc:t flC, $16,900 949-MJ .f1129 Mu4e '0 1 Tr .... • IS stlver/any lthr. 2111 m1, V6, 4wd, 6 CD. warranty, pp SlU99 94~75·8753 Mtrce4H 'OS s2J 20k mo, pewter, perfect cond. Flelcher Jones svc &. uttnded warr1nty $44,500 949-644-2342 MIRCUllY TOrAZ 'It Chtmpana•fCJ•Y· AT. 4 dr lowm1,artct1,Sl500 MoYona 714-878-9455 ......... DWUNTI "t2 ~ 0-. tSrs/ffW'/, surri, AT. 6 cyl. tiJededl Ca smae. $4400 714-91Ulfi6 f'oruhe 't9 C...-ere 46h mo, bll1/blk lthe, CO. chrome whls, like new SJ9.99!> Vf 622057 II· nancin1 &. wtrr 1v1ll Bkr t4t-S16-1HI -.ecpeltl.c.. ...... Revw 't• 1 .0 SE 2811 actual mi, books. records. l·owntr while/ t~n lthr, CD. runnona boa1ds/brush aaurd1, hk1 new c:ond, v2728A8 $18,995 tin & warr1nly av••I Bkr !M9·586· 1888 -·~-<.- sll<llll ·oo ts Cenv stk t. lull factory w•n, melalhC \llYtr &run oalmul llhr auto, CO. heated sols superb lohe new cond. $16.995 ""'8619l6 8kt 949-~llllS w-.•<roel>t.ceM Toyet• 'ti Tacoma 4a4 Ntw ott rd 111u 3 f .7 · iltl kit. pl w alarm mini cond $7900 949-675--5744 Toyota Terc•I DX '96 4 door •" options worhs perfectly. 56K mo 1d .. 1 lo.id 2 coll•ee car $3900949 645 1418 """8'S AUTO ., .... ""9rfJ'J ACR f'l(f Oft bliidl, low rnill9,pf1CMA! (194a51) $57,980 OOMWllM ~ W/1llllCll ltlv, Steptronlc (193871) S'Z l .980 JfU10S.- Whde w/saddle INlh· er. moonroof (19443) S27 .980. or-.-srw-s .. Grett1 w/AMldlt lthr, 281( ml, moonroof (19112) $29,980, HM~SUC 2"1 Blue w/bllcll, erey lj)Or ts pl\& (19416) $27.980. • HMWUM Red W/bllch ltlw, 5$l)d (19470) Sl8,980 01 ,,._,. rcn. Ttpttonic. only Jiik miles. n•Vl&lltlon (19394) INQOIRE H t.iw as "'° Cold w/wOdle leather. dvoma wtMets (19418) $21,980 02,..,..012 Blad< w/bladl only 100 nules {19597C) INQUIRE 01 Merced.• CLSOO Solve< w/ifey, nav1 1•toon. only I SK mo (I~) INQUIRE 00 ,,end. hut• Silver w/bl•ch, 6spd, •ow mllu (19607) $35, 980 949-574-7177 rHlll'S AUTO pllt ··- TelUslbout YOUR GWGESALE! In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 Dally Pilot MOTOR HOMES Moeor Homes • Rlllt 9355 • •ENT 2000 3011 , & 2003 22tt .. lmmac. sleepi 6 & 8 opllon1I tent puWc lbl, bbq Toy Ir aller a. tent ,,,,1., 949.m 0356 or 949 flOO 1266 BOATS Power Boats 9515 DUHY EUCTlllC '16 CLASSIC 18Ff fully rutnred but otter Roe~ 949 l48 9474 • l '71 COIAlT 1an Tro hcul opf'n br>w Merturv VS w lr•1lt1 SJ800 (949) 646 1162 &' er..ui w. ~ Sent lS 70\I Y .wr.n. ro .... MlOit ~ t'ial) wcril 96 7.M-1810 919&'3 J'Jll DUfFY EUCTRIC 1993, new b1tler1es, enod condition SI 2.000 'obo 71 4·612·4!>44 2000 17" CIHSl< tlec lrtc w/tuh holly <llch v"ntshtd wood 111te<. surrey top & full cower isooo Ne~ds TLC but runs creat1 949 500 3250 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 s urs AVAtlAILl From 3 S·9Sft Ir• Newpor1 l•och, l•••• 949.s oo. IOOS D ~Pilot Best place in the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classified 642·5678 Pllrtlng ptallring & Stucco RoofinglGutters Stvue a.,.1r ~'Mittie.. Teat Cete re:;lr 949-615-2 u ~Professional De HllV-l'50562S Painting Al T Tr.' .r 11.ael. ac 1tt:poiin lJC M!MJ50 Plumbing • a.-r.aJ. c.........i IDterior/Eztm 5IWll (949)~769 A19DUllCW. W'WYt ~.. <oul "Ult• Dtc«idiw Natmc ('49) 64S-2U2 T'"SeMc:e UmeMllC • TREES Rob Isbell • Owner Lee •di• lion of Costa Mesa. Ca M81J8angen • SEWER JETTING (949) 640-3006 ELECTRONIC SLAB Trf11,.d119. 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