HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-26 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. . ~.· .. ....... -. . . .. . . . . ....... ·.·.·. ... . . . . . (··-·.· ....... ...... "' . :·:·: .. :,. . .}- • ., W":• ··•···. .... -·. ......... ....... .• ..... ........ . . . . ~ ... . . . . . . . . -..... .... ······ ······· ....... · .... · .. . . . . ······· ........ ······· .... .. . · . .. . . ' ..... . ' . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ · ........ .. . . .. . . . "'.• .... :·: :·: . . .... . . . . .. . . .. . . . -... . . . ~-:·:·. . . . . . . . ., Serving the N e wpo rt-Mesa community sin ce 1907 TUESDAY,AUGUST26,2003 A CLOSER LOOK !IYL&& Schools movi~g to the ri.ext stage Except at Harbor View Elementary, the first phase of Measure A construction should wrap up within the week, officials say. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NEWPORT·MESA -While renovations have delayed Harbor View Elementary's school year a week. construction at six other schools is on track. officials say. Hohom said the delays at Har- bor View would not affect Mea- sure A funding at any other sites since each site has its own back· up fund. There is also an overall district contingency program. he said. batting average.· The first group is comprised of si.x elementary schools -New· pon Heights. Mariners. Harbor View. Kaber, Woodland. \Alhittier -and the alternative hjgh school. Monte Vasta/Back Bay. Work il. performed according to priorities. with health and safety being the fin;t. The fin.t ph~e of coni.lruc· lion, which b about to wrap up for all the ..chooll> except I ~arbor View. included lOni.lmction on cla-.sroom., and the administra- tive areas and electrical work.. those room'> have been moved into temporary hou~mg. Delays al Harbor View staned early in the year when the d1s- uict only received two bads on the pro1ect. Both were deemed too expensive, Ml the dis1nct de- cided to ask for more bids. With- out changmg the spec1fica1ion"> in Lhe design. the distract ended up saving half a million dollar., Holtom .'>aid. Once conMructiun '>laned, major stmcturaJ damage wa., found, mainly from tcrmitci.. -----....!.... A '.I Si.x of the seven schools in the first group under construction are expected to be done by early November, said Tom I loltom. the district's representative for Mea · sure A conslm ction. "The other projects are in no way jeopardized whatsoever," Hohom said. "We're very com- fortable with our contingencies and somewhat relieved that only one of the seven schools was a problem. That's a preny good '111e next phast' involves mod· emi1Jn~ other cla'-!>rooms o n the school i.ite., after the .. 1udents in "Unfortw1a1ely, 50 year., of nice. moi~t onshore breezes A backhoe sits in front of a tile art wall at Harbor Vie"" Elementary See SCHOOLS. Paee A4 School. which 1s still under construction. OONLEACH OAllYPllOT Students Lacey Navarette, center, and Tram-Anh Nguyen, nght, ask for directions on the first day of class at OCC . Bittersweet opening ace begins its fall semester with 11 % fe wer s tude nts and 22% fewer courses, but students make the m ost o f the dilemmas. Tom Forquer Daily Pilot A giant pair of scissors cuts through a mound of shredded course booklets. . The glass casing around the display at Orange Coast CoUege's art building reads •s ud.get Cuts Shred Your Future.· Students' reactions were mixed on the first day of OCCs fall semester. Some students were glad 10 be out of high school, some were happy 10 be progressing in college, but many were concerned about course availability. selection and cost. Compared to Wt year, enroUment dropped 11.4% and total course offerings are down 22.2%, problems precip itated by the state's budget cutbacks, said Jim Ca.men. OCCs community relations spokesman. "It's preny tight out there for high-demand classes,• he said. Janet Mar, a 21-year·old philosophy major. competed with about 40 students to get into a Philosophy I 00 course. "I'm really stressed out nght now:· she said with a hand on her forehead. ·AU of the philosophy classes are panially religious studies. -c;he said to explain the high demand for the course. To get into a class that they are not registered for. students can arrive at the dass on the first day to petition -the act of convincing the teacher to allow them into a class. David Feliciano, a 20-year-old biology major, used to forego the See OPENING, P•ee A4 THE VERDICT FAA gives JWA $6.9-million grant Federal funding will go toward building a new fir e station and improving the commercial nmway. Deepa Bhar ath Daily Pilot JOllN \\AY:'l:I· All<l'<H<I - l11e federal Avaauon .\dn11111,1rn- uon will hand Sb 9 mallmn tu thl' LOunry\ airport 10 build J Ill'\\ fire \lataon. offit aJ.h a nnounct'd Monday lJ "· ',ecrt>tarv nf lran,pona- uon :\orman ' 1111cta ..a.ad the money will also help ren<1\Jll' th<' aarpon·., commC'rual rum'J) -rn... grant v.ill hl'lp John \-Vaynt' Alrport ma1111<1an thr h1¢lt>'>I ll'\l'I\ or •,afety Ill lht' PHILANTHROPY \t•,af', .1h1".t1! \1 lll'lot "-Hd HI J prt·..,., n lt-.l't ,,..,lit ti \1r1111J.a\ 1111 II•''' \1n r.111 1<1·'l 111 .111ll I m•ligh11ng h111ldmg. 111 n·pl 111 < 1r.111g1• < 1111111\ Im· \u1hnrt1\' 'l.tllOll ~I I' l'\f't'I (1·d llJ 111 l'Ulllplt•lt•d Ill \t "11111111'1 J\\ \ ... p11l t•''""'llotll \1111 \It 1 .. 111t•\ .... 11d 1 lw Jlrpnra .1pplwd 111 1!11 I \ \ 111 11JYY Im gr.1111 11111111·\ 1n l1md lhl' prC1Jt•11 .,1w ;rnl "\\t'\l' ht•t•n n·11·111n>! '1'\1·r.1I gr.1111., trnm 1h1 I \ \ "1111• till' pr•iJt'C I.., t11·"1h'll ... 1.11.:1 \ 1l I .irh·\ "-11<.1 1111, % •1 11111111111 gr .1111 .... ,11 lidp II' \\ llh l'la.1..,t· I \\I 111 h t' lht• lllll\lf'lll llt>ll ph,L't' 111 lh1 prt l!l'I I . I h1· • <1Ufll\ Bo.trd ol "UJWf\l 'Ill". \\111 ,tf,11 !i11t• •I llt'\\ l"llll '>lru1111111 lin11 t•• • 11111plt'1t· 1h1 See .JWA. Paee A4 For 10 years, she's made a di ff ere nee Amy Bie hl died in a rioc in South Africa in 1993. Her family has been helping others in her name. Oeepa Bharath Daily Paot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Ten year.. ago. the Biehls made a choice. Peter and l.inda Biehl lost 26- year-old daughter Amy to an an· gry mob in South Africa. The Fulbright scholar and Stanford University srudent was helping people register to vote in the ra- cially tom country when she was FYI Those interested may con1;,c.t the Amy Biehl Foun 1at1on P 0 Box 2926 Newport BE'ach CA 92663 INFORMATION:(949t 6SO 5356 <,toned and ... 1ahlx'<i 10 dt'.1tla Aut thl' Raehl., cho<,e nor 111 law an b11temt"-' rllev not onh Im gave the four men tonvH rt'\J nt k!Umg their daughter. h111 tht•\ embraced I.hem and W<'lc(lml-<l them to come and won. for IJ1e Amy Biehl f-oundauun I rul>t headquanered 111 Cape lown, South Afnca A l'Ornn11~s1on granted the men amnc'>I)' an See DIFFERENCE. Paee A4 Call me Bobby and have a cookie Dail y Pilot AT A GLANCE W e live a pretty quiet life, my dog and I. I putter around in my yard until I'm tired and then atretdi out on the couch for a little nap. My dog sleeps IO much that I occasionally prod her just to detegnlne that she ls ltiJl unong the Uving.. All this quiet la &Mdded when I am vilited by my 4·year-old great.grandsons Judge and 7.ack Wuher. 'Ibey lhow up. and IUddenly. my dog ROBERT GARDNER "You're going for a walk?" the dog seems to be thlnking. "Wake me when you get back -but only if you've brought a treat.• And that la the secret. The boys haw cookies ln their band. Food. The one thins that stirl any emodons ln that dog's heart. c.an her from 3 feet IWllf, and ehe~ deaf. Open me reltlgerator, Uld eYen ll she\ outside the house. abe heart It and atreab lnto the kitchen like 1e>me fa1 c8n.lne auper hero. I probabty should explain the Bobby. I grew up being called Bobby. and I hated It It seemed to summarize all my problems -I was small. I was short. The best thing about my pose-high school growth spurt was thal I went from Uobby lo Bob. and I staunchly avoided any attempl by anyone to tum Bob t.ck into Bobby. ·No. She can call me what everyone else calls me,· I replied. ·Judge?" my lnaedulous daughter asked. .No. Bob.. My daugbtrr rolled her eyes, shruged her shoulders. then pointed a.t me. •Bob,· she said to Samantha. Samantha grinned at me. ·Bobby.· she gurgled. 'No,• I corrected her .• Bob.• -~· It\ dimcuJt lO argue with an ln.fanL ON THE WEB: ~.~com WEATHER c.; lt'a 8Unny, but thent ere some of thotle ~v doud&. E>epec:t highs just 9bow80. S..PlceA2. SPORTS la teulng around the lMng room like a greyhound after the~ rebblL : Gnnted. two little boys are allo tearing around. but nonmlty the dog Calta a blind e,e to human acdvtf) When die boys Witt. u eoon u they walk In the bcM.-they ... ·0an ~ hlw. coolde. ~ Theo my granddaughter Samantha WU born. Aa she got to speaking age, she needed 1 way to addreu me. I announced that I did not want to be called Grandpa. Onndpu were pay-haired and~. l WU S6. I mere ltl'lf>Unl, "What't ehe ._ppoeect to do foe the next 50 years -~to ,et your arumdoor my daughter powted. After about 8ve mimlt• of thll. I IUIT'ftMlerecl I b8w heal Bobby to my famltynel'~ 8..:k to the preeent. Aa I *Pl'"*'-the ... 'JLil!ACT ...... M J .• r A2 Tuesday, August 26, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK It's all a matter of taste for . . children The Daily Pilot asked children, 'What is your favorite food and why?' "My favorite food is salad because the taste is so od" ~CIE MATHIEU,8 Costa Mesa "Pretzels. because of the sprinkle things." NATALIE NICHOLS, 5 Costa Mesa "Bagel dogs, because the taste is good." MICHAEL PARKER,6 Costa Mesa "My favorite food is pizza because it's tasty." ANDY NICHOLS, 7 Costa Mesa HMacaroni and cheese." KAMRYN PARKER,5 Costa Mesa HSour worms, because I like the sour." LAUREN COCROFT, 6 Costa Mesa HI like macaroni and cheese." JENNA RtnlEOGE, 5 Costa Mesa -Interviews and photos compiled by Tom ForqtJer Daily Pilot SUMMER LEARNING Budding tastes At Kids in the Kitchen in Costa Mesa, children get lessons in cleanliness and safety while they cook Tom Forquer Daily Pilot S ometimes it takes a sweet trick to teach a child. The ingredients for one such ruse -'pretzels, graham crackers, shortening, sprinkles and Ghirardelli chocolate. "We always stress how to do it, and how to do il safe," said Debbie Dickens, instructor for Kids in the Kitchen, a class taught every Wednesday at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center. Each week, children 5 to 11 tackle a new dish. learning basic cooking techniques and safety in the SO-minute class. Last week's I :30 group, the 5· to 8-year-olds. were working on a recipe called Fancy Dipped Pretzels .. "By making it fun, when they go home, they are safer doing it," Dickens said of her students. As the 13 students filed into the classroom, almost every one voluntarily walked to the sink and washed his or her hands, a part of cooking that was ingrained in the previous three lessons. "We repeat a lot," Dickens said. The materials were dis tributed to the groups of four, and the first task was assigned - opening the bag of chocolate chips. The chips were then placed in a Tupperware container wilh a teaspoon of shortening measured by another group member. "He keeps eating them," a student complained of one member of her group. Before the groups approached the microwave fo r the melting procedure, Dickens quizzed the class on an aspect of microwave safety the average adult might not consider. "What do we not put in the microwave," she asked. "Anything that breathes," one girl replied. The chips were heated in 30-second bursts. "Sugar bums faster, so we always cook it slow," Dickens said . Though policing was required to keep the children 3 feet from the microwave, a radius prescribed by Dickens to keep the children SUMMER CAMPS COSTA MESA •A $5 fee will be added to each program for nonresidents. MOBILE RECREATION Children age 6 and older can participate in a little mobile recreation thl11t.1mmer. When the tralktr roffa into their neighborhood, they can join In on •'19 and crafts and other orgenlzed ec:tivftJes. Younger children are welcome when accompanied by en adult. The eervk:e laftee. For more infonnetlon on time and loc.tlons, call (714) 764-5168. KIDS IN THE KITCHEN Children ages 6 to 11 will have a chance to pr9pare foods and leam the b8lk:a In cooking so they can help mom and dad In the kitchen. The five week class will teech students how to meeaure. mix, spread, cut, ltlr and, ma.t Importantly, taste. The class Is $30 for five W1!9b. A $10 m.terial fee wlll MARK C DUSTIN I DAil Y PILOT Lauren Cocroft, left, and Chanel Tanuvasa, right, take turns dipping pretzels in melted chocolate during a "Kids in the Kitchen" class at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center. away from the radiation, the chip-shortening mixtures melted. Then came the fun part. dipping and sprinkling the pretzels and graham crackers. As one would imagine, things got pretty messy. Slcills adults take for granted can be totaJJy new to some kids, she said. "When we say chopping, it does not look like an ax." Dickens said, making a hacking motion with her arm. Dickens said the greatest challenge is keeping eleo epply. Claael began July 30. For more lntonnetion, can (714) 327-7625. BOYS MD GIRLS CUJ8 8oy9 end girt. eg.-8 to 18 can head av• to Eastslde Cotta Meu for the dub'• summer program. The program Nns Mondey through Fridey from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Alide from befng able to partldpate In a val1ety of the ac:tMtiM it the dub, participants also haw the opdon of going on two fteld trips a week. Plrtidpanta need to be members of the organWrtion, a S60 annu.I fwe. The summer program COlb $75 per week, and .tdttlonal feel may apply for field trips. For more Information, call (948) 642-9372. GIUftC. Girts ages 6 through 12 can partldpete In a aummer progrM'I thM lncc>rpor9tel fun end learning. The progrwn wll lndude WOfbhope end actfvitin such • photogrephy, cooedng end nutridon, economic lherecv, eport1 end venous fleld irtpe. The program continues through this week. It Wiii Nn from 7:30 a.m. toe p.m. MondlV to Fndey. RegiWetion "$40, end WMldy ....... S80 to $100. For mOre lnfonndon. cell, .. , 84&-718t. the children's short attention captivated, a challenge s he addresses with a "watch fo r two m inutes, do for two minutes" strategy. Aside from safety and skills. Dickens '>aid, the children expand their tastes through cooking. "When they make something, they are more likely to rry something new," she said. •SUMMER LEARNING is a weekly feature in which the Daily Pilot visits a camp in the Newpo rt·M esa area and writes about the experience. NEWPORT BEACH • A $10 fee will be added per class $75 and over and $6 per class $74 and under for non-residenta. KIDS PADDLE CAI* . Children 8 to 12 can learn the basic kayaking and outrigger canoeing skills as they paddle to destinations around Newport Harbor. They wlll also enjoy c.rafta and a potludt barbecue at the Newport Aquatic Center on Fridays. Life jackets will be provided. Sessions run from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. The fee is $155 per week. For more lnfonnation, call the center at (949) 646-n25. SALING CNlfJ Children ages 8 through 12 can participate in an eight-day sailing camp that will give them experience sailing in eight-foot sabots. Participants must bring a Coast Guard-approved life Jac*8t eech dey, as well as a dally 1nadt. A $10 material fee will be due on the first day. The camp, which ccms $185 per teaion, runa from 9 a.m. to noon or from 1 to 4 p.m . For more Information, call (949) 644-3161. DailyA Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Marti C. Dustin, Don Leadl, Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949)642~ Copyright: No news stories, illuatratlona, editorial matter or advertlsementt herein can be reproduced without written permlsalon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST There will be continued partly sunny skies today, with highs in the lower 80s in Costa Mesa and inland Newport Beach and in the mid-709 along the coast. lows will be in the mid-t>Os. SURF Size will drop a bit today, so expect waist-to ctiest·highs. By the end of.the day, there could be a slight bump in size as the next southwest swell prepares to roll In. VOL. 97, NO. 238 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDODERO Editor JUDY 0£TT1NG Adverti1ing Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director EDITING STAFF &J.C.hn Managing Editor. (949) 574-4233 1./.c.ahntl latim81.com Jernet Me* City Editor, (949) 7644324 jame&meitlflllatlrrw.com RWwnl Dunn Spo111 Editor, (949) 57""'223 rldwd.dvnn•i.tJ,,,..,com JOM J. Sentios Alt Oll'9Ct0r I Newt Deslc Chief, (IMS) 574-4224 jOM.-nto.Ol•timn.com ...... ~ Photo Editor, (941)764-4358 ~ 1.ttiltllM.oom ' News Editors Gina Alexander. Lori Anderton, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevena NEWS STAFF Crime ~co~porter, (949) 574-4226 deepa.bharath@latfrnes.com JuneC......,. Newport Beach reporter, (9491 574-4232 june.c.asagrandetllatimn.oom PeulCMmon Politics, butirlea and environment reporter, (9491 764-4330 paul.cllntonlllatime..com Lolta ...... Columnlet. culture reporter, (948) 574-4275 lolita.harperfllatlm..oom Deirdre NeW'l'Mft Cotta Mesa reporter, (949) 57.._.221 delrdra.fMhiWn4tn•l11tlnw.oom Corll WlecN'I Newt ..-.i.nt. UMll 57~ conl.wll«>n .,.,,,,..,,oom Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. AddNsl Our add rest is 330 W. Bay St., Cotta Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. Corrections It is the Pilot's policy to promptly correct 111 errors of substance. Please call (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newport Beac:hlCosta Meu Daily Pilot (USPS-144-800) It published ~ily. In Newport Beacti and Cotta Mele, 1ubecrlptlona are avaJlable only by tubacriblng to The Tlmee Ol'ange County (800) 252·9141. In,,.... out'8ide of NeWpoft 8eactt and Coeta Meaa, aubecrlpdona to the Detly Pilot ere evaileble only by flf'9l clel8 meH fot $30 pet month. (Prices Include Ill IJ)Pllceble stna and locel tax•.) POSTMASTER: Send addfel8 d'tanges to The N9wport llMchlCoeta Mela Delly fl'Hot, P.O. Box 1580, eo.ta MtN. CA 12128. HOW TO REACH US Clrcui.tlon The Timet Orange County (8001252-9141 ~. a...thd (949) 642-5678 Diepl9y (9491642-4321 Edttoftel News (949) 8'2·5880 lporta(949)57 .... 223 News ,.. (9491646-4170 8por'8 Fu (949) 650-0170 £..mall: dal/ypllotOlatlmucom Melft Oftloe ........ <>Moe (949) 8'2-4321 .......... Fu (949) 631-7126 Publlehed by Tlmee CommunJty Hewe. a dlvilion of the Lot Angeln Tlmee. &?2003 Tlmea CN. All rights 1.....-ved. Wednesday should be very similar, with highs just topping . 80. lnfonnation: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST The westerly wfndl Wfll blow 10 to 16 lcnota In the Inner . waters today, wfth 2·f001 waves and • mixed west twell of 2 to 4 feet and a south swell of 1 to 3 feet. Out farther, the westerly winds w1n blow 10 to 115 knots, wfth 2·foot waves and a mixed northwest awett of 3 to 5 feet and 1 south M911of8 feet. The Mme wlll be found thlt ewnang. ·. l A new swell will arrive Wednesday and shollld provide chest-highs, though the better locations wlll see shoulder-highs and the occasional head-high. The swell will peak on Thursday. w.tw queltty: www.surlrider.org TIDES Time 3:36e.m. 1~01 a.m. 2:69p.m. 9:07p.m. twght -0.64 feet low 4.30fMthlgh 1.96 feet low 8.42ftethlgh WATER TEMPERATURE Mdegreea Oatly Pilot o rooting or tree policy Recommendations for changes to Newport regulations could allow for more tree removals, which has activists concerned. June C11a1r•nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -A City Council study session today on city trees could be proof of the old adage be careful what you wish for. The counciJ wtlJ hear tonight recommendallons for changing the city's tree, or G· l, policy - changes that were initiated by the Balboa Arbor Society but that have taken a form the society can't suppon. "The proposed change to the G-I policy have the potential to lead to large numbers of unmiti- gated tree removals,· arbor soci- ety o;pokesman Jan Vandersloot said in a written statement on the tree policy. Ciry Manager I lomer Bludau agreed that the policy change~ could allow for more tree remov- als but disagreed that that's nec- essarily a problem. "I think there's the possibility that it could result in more tree removals, and that Is true," Blu- dau said. "But when you look at our urban forest and how well the dry manages Its trees, I think anyone can see that fltaff do a good job of managing bur urban forest." Tonight's discussion, which could appear again on an agen- da if the council decides that some action needs to be taken, evolved out of last year's widely reponed fight over 25 ficus trees in Balboa Vallage. Society mem- ber. had fiJed suit lawsuit against the city to stop the removal of the trees lining Main Street. City officiah. said they wanted to remove the trees becau~e the NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FYI I !ere are ~ome item~ to be considered by the Newpon Beach City Council tonight. CITY ATTORNEY 'S ROLE In the wake of Cary Atty. Bob Bumham's announcement that he will retire sometime an the spnng. the council wiJI take the opponunity to reVlew the city\ legal needs and con..,ider what should happen when he\ gone WHAT TO EXPECT As with many things m city government, this proces.., will begin with the creation of a committee. Assuming the council approves the agenda item before them tonight. an ad hoc group will he formed tu delve into these que.,tions. FOURTH OF JULY SAFETY The council will hear a presentauon Crom the Police Department and watch a shon video on tha'> year's Fourth of July celebrauon an We<,1 Newpon . Though the ughtened rul~ are opposed by some. official'> say that they're making a difference. lOtal arrests were down 10 103 thi.., year from 162 last year. Citations were down to 1,224 from 1,344. flle repon WllJ aJso include an analysis of the costs of the stepped-up law enforcement and other elements of the ciry's effon 10 reduce crime and nui!><lm·e behaviors 011 the holiday. WHAT TO EXPECT Free Newport. a local group opposed to Lightened restrictions on Fourth of July, has broadcast the upcoming Fourth of JuJy meeting on its Web site. FrttNewport.com. So chances are that the council will hear a spectrum of opinion. OASIS COMMITTEE An item that failed in a 3-1 vote at the last council meeting has come for another round. ~YOU CAN ~BECOME ENLIGHTENED 1~ Read about what's going on in your hometown. Read the Daily Pilot •WHAT: Meeting of the Newport Beach City Council •WHEN: Study session begins at 4 p.m. today. Council reconvenes for regular meeting at 7 pm •WHERE: City Council chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd •INFORMATION: Agendas are available online at www.c1ty.newpor1-beach.ca.us; for information, call {949) 644-3000 The 11em 1s 10 create an ad hoc comm111ee tu help clarify the role of the Fnends of the Oasis fund-ra1s1ng group at the center. which the cary largely runs. Dick Nichols voted no on the item after re4ue-.t111g that he be put on the committee. Nichols, who!>t' Lorona del Mar district 111dude., the Oa.r,is Senior Center, voted aKainst creating the committee after Mayor Steve Bromherg told him that he would not change hi<. t1ppu1ntments to tJw committee. WHAT TO EXPECT This one~ too difficult to call. The 11em could pai.., with ea.'>e and very lmle daM:u~ion. or 11 could open up a can of worm~. -r.omp1led by June CasagranrlR 100 ... ~··-· Cat Berber ~=rc:s- Berber Loop r rooLS were causing damage. And they were under pressure be- cause plans for Balboa Village renowtions hinged on removal of the irees. The parties decided to i.ettJe, with the arbor society's require- ment that the ciry conduct a thorough review of its existing tree policy. In line with that pro· vision, the dty created an ad hoc tree committee to review the policy in a series of five public meetings. Their recommenda· tions will come before the coun- cil tonight. The changci. deal mainly wath the trees owned by the city on municipal land. The comm11tee is recommending. among other things. broadening the powc•r of the Parks, Beaches ..uld Rt .. creation Cornmi~1011 tu .idd trees to or remove them from tlw list of "special" city tree~ . .i dc•.,1g nation that i.ome SJy .,huuld have protected some Main ~trl'et tic us. The committee has al'>o rec ommended adding a section to the tree policy to det1.I with "problem tree<;," a lahl'I ttJJt 111 eludes trees that hlock ocean view~. ·. FOR THE RECORD A story in Saturday's paper correctly descrihed her ace 1 ("Walk for accident victim set dent. L.eilani was not ejectw for Sunday') about a wal.ka-from her car '>eat during the thon for Leilani Gutierrez in-crash that pa.raJy1cd her. Last Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. 50-75°/o OFF "We've Raided the Best Closets in Orange County." Quality Consignment Apparel CE . ~the style= 369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph's) M -F 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 949 642-1844 .. - Tue~~. August 26, 2003 Al ~_,,~~+' H ("s t aura nt . · --stao11sti a 1n 1 2 --, Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails __ ...,. • "Qu.ilio \cn1~c:"' "• "log,htlJ 1 nh:rl,jonmc:ni' .. All fypes of Window lreatmenl\ • \ d.inll'' & ( cirnlll Ko'-l ' • Koman \hJJn • Hl1nd, • \trlll.lh • "ihultl'r\ • Bc:d,prlJd, lomplimentary Comultation in Your Home 20°/o * Labor & Selelted Fabrics C=> FF "ith thi~ ad til ~epirmber ! , 2003 ~L~ DESIGN CENTER A4 Tuesda , Au ust 26 200 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Brtttol StrHt Petty theft was reported in the 3000 blade at 1:02 a.m. Sunday. • James StJeet: Grand theft was reported in the 700 blade at 12:44 p.r'n. Sunday. • Magnolia Street: Petty theft was reported in the 200 blodc at 8:39 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard: Possession of drugs was reported in the 1800 blod< at 6:38 a.rn. Sunday. • Pinecreek Drive: 'A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2800 blodc at 3:52 p.m. Sunday. • Superior Avenue: A hit-and· run was reported in the 1700 blod< at 5:12 p.m. Sunday. •West 19th Street and Newport Boulevard: A traffic accident involving injuries 'Was reported at 9:02 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Balboa Boulevard: A traffic accident involving Injuries W8S reported in the 3100 blodc at 12:41 a.m. Sunday. • North Bay Front: Battery was reported in the 500 · blade at 11 :43 p.m. Sunday. • Hoag Drive: Battery was reported in the 100 blade at 1:41 a .m. Sunday. • Neptune Avenue: A hit·and-run was reported in the 5100 block at 3:10 a.m. Sunday. • East Ocean Front and Washington Street: A vehicle burglary was reported at 6:26 p.m. Sunday. • West Ocean Front: Vandalism was reported in the 3100 blod< at 4:44 a.m. Sunday. • Sea Gull Lane: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 800 blodc at 9:06 a.m. Sunday. • Via Udo Soud: A commercial burglary was reported in the 700 blod< at 8:33 a.m. Sunday. Skosh Monahan's 5 -ceakb oase & IRi s b P a b SPECIALTIES : 6oz. Bacon Wrapped Petite Fi let only S 17. 9 5 • 8oz. Top Sirloin • 16oz. Ribeye • 1 _0oz. ~con Wrapped • 12oz. N. Y. Steak l& shnmpl F1let Mignon • 24oz. Porterhouse • 1 Ooz. lamb Culotte Steak • Rack of Lamb • Pork Rack Chop All Entrees Include Potatoes & Veggies I DRAPERY CLEAJ\111\16 Al\IO MORE I No TA.KE DOWN DR R EMDVll\16 l\IECES!iAR\' I Certified To Clean All Hunt:er Douglas FabTic W i ndow Coverings Including: • Luminette Privacy Sheers ' • Silhouette' window shadings • Vignette window shadings • Duette' honeycomb shades • Millenia T\I Collection • JubilanceN roman shades • Applause honeycomb shades • Serenetter'1 SoftfoldT'1 shadings World's Best ON·S ITEnc Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S C ARPET AND DRAPERIES 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 11111/1 /11111 .\ R1•1111t <1ll1111 I 11r IJ11dl1t 11 r111tl '"'fl Irr '711111• I 'I',/ Pitch • In! 11w) Help k ee p our city clean! • Over 80 PitetS of Equipmt wt • Priv11rt Pil11us Stutfio •SPINNING Tlwzttr with N'111 S1'11t·oftlu-Art Cyclts. • 16 Full-timt Ptrsot10! Traintrt -. • ChiU Cttrt Sam-noon M · S11t. • Convtni,,11 Parltint • Yot •• Tiri Chi, Strtuh CIA1u1 • Strp, Powtr />ump, C11rJio • Shot11<r11 S1t11m ff Tow1u • Dir1 Sp11 • Anp•,,U•rtlM11.111111IC/,iropfl1etor 949760·5054 www • .hope-up com • www.RtrieitCOl'ICllllU 2 l 0 l Ed Pacific Cooat Hwy, Con:wio 0.1 l*i, CA SCHOOLS Continued from Al made it a wonderful vacation spot for termites, H HoJtom said. "They get up into the structure and were eating for how many decades?" When it was discovered that termites caused a lot of damage in the windows of the adminis· trative area, officials had to get approval from the state archi· teer for new windows. Again, they expected it to come through faster than it did. It ended up taking two weeks to JWA Continued from Al project. she said. The airport is now in litigation with the firm that the board hired April 2002. McCarley said. She declined to comment further because of the ongoing case. Rep. Dana Rohrabach er. who represents Costa Mesa. said the money will help JWA improve its facili lies. "John Wayne Airport is a srnalJ and limited airport." he said. "We have to make sure that it's put to maximum and best use and make sllre we have slate-of- the·art faciUties and capabil· ities." The grant comes from the Air· port Improvement Program of the FAA. which is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation. • OEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath a /atimes.com. OPENING Continued from Al registration proet.•!t'> completely and petition alJ of his classes. "You can't do tha1 anymore, .. he :.aid. Though he had no problems this semester, Feliciano has contended with a scheduling dilemma many !>tudenls face, holding a job while going to school. He had to 4uit his job al VERDICT Continued from Al cookie jar. there are three pairs of covetous eyes. Two belong to 4-year-old boy-;. the third to a very fat beagle. I hand the boys their cookies. obtain th e approval, Holtom said. Because of the delays with the construction, Harbor View will start Sept. 8 Instead of Tuesday. Problems were discovered during construction at the other schools, though not as vexing as those at Harbor View. At New· p ort HP.ights and Mariners, crews found that back when the schools were built, plumbers had install~d their pipes horl· zontally by cutting out some of the wood in the wall, Holtom said. "We looked at that, and your shoulders slump, and we say, ·we didn't expect that,"' Holtom DIFFERENCE Continued from Al 1998. Monday marked the 10th anniversary of Amy's death. And in these 10 years, the family has lived Amy's dream. her brother Zach Biehl said. "We've tTied to m ake sure Amy's legacy is one of inspira· ti on. not tragedy," the 26-year· old said. Zach Biehl, who lives in New- port Beach, is following the lead of his late father, Peter Biehl. who died suddenly last year at age 59 after complications from colon surgery. His mother runs the foundation in South Africa six months a year. The founda- tion provides about 1,000 chil- dren with daily after-school programs. including in sports, music and art. The foundation also runs a bakery in Cape Town tha1 makes Amy's brand of bread and provides jobs in an area that has a 60% unemployment a day care las1 spring to gel a math class only offered in the morning. Adding to scheduling problems. the amount student!> pay per unit has risen from $11 to $18 this year. 'Tm still managing to do it. but it isn't fun.'' said 18-year-old Megan McCaJ. who is working at Oaim Jumper to pay for her l 7 units. Despite the financiaJ chalJenges, McCaJ ~aid she liked her first day of college much and the chase i~ on. Cassie doing her best to snag a cookie out of their hands. the boys trying 10 run and chew and swdllow before she succeeds. They go 'round and 'round the room and up and down the halJ at a furious pace. and I can follow their path by the boys' shriek5 of laughter. And then there is a loud howl. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.com; byfaxto (949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. WEDNESDAY The UC Irvine Observatory will host Visitor Night fro m 9 to 11 p.m., offering views of Mars, which will be at its closest point to Earth in 60,000 years. Amateur astronomers are encouraged to bring their own telescopes. The event, whidl may be canceled if it rains, is free. Information: (94S) 824-6455. THURSDAY A free seminer, •Perfonnance .. Nutrition for Strength and longevity,# will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host its Newport Sunset Networking Mixer from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican. 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance is free for chamber members, $10 for potential members. For more information. call (94S) 729-4400. FRIDAY Teddy Bears and Tea Cups on Balboa Island, 225 Marine Ave., will host #Pajama Night# from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7204 . SUNDAY To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present Hon Golden Pond,H the last of five free screenings In August, at 1 p.m. All are Invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn et the center's Hepburn Film Fest, et 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644-3244. SEPT. 2 Visions and OtNma ln Cotta Mesa will host a free feng shu1 seminar at 7 p.m. P.K. Odle, a worldwide inatructor for the American Feng Shui lnatiMe, will explain how elemental remedies are implemented as elegant acc:enori" that compleme nt ~r to improve health, relatlon1hlpa and proaperlty. Vi1lona and Dreama is 81 2482 Newport Blvd. Reservations are required: (826) 288-1669. SEPT.4 &e\1111...,. ...... irwtt.d '° Jotn perfonnlng artist Dorene f..udwtg for "Shaketptare't l.Aldles" at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beedl Centrtl Ubrefy. Co4pc)ntortd wtth the Califomla c.nter for the 8ool(. the free program wlll lncluctt dramatic l'Mdlngt fHturtng the chlogw of wttdwl, wtndtet, v'lrgln1 and CfUMn• In Sheltetpeera'• plays. The,llbrtry Is ft 1000 A~ lwe. lnfonnftlon: (948) 717"'3118. said . In case the Measure A budg· ets for each school are stretched thin, each site has two Gontin· gency funds -one for horizon - tal issues such as roofing and one for vertical issues such as termites. Six of the schools re- mained within their original budget, but Harbor View had to d ip into its con tingency fund. That won't affect the other schools, Holtom said. While construction on the first seven schools was sup· posed to be completed in July, delays in approval of designs by th e division of state architect pushed everything back, Ho!- 'When something happens that's happy, there's still some sadness because Amy's not there.' ra te. Zach Biehl Amy Biehl's brother Amy's death dramatically changed lives. including his own. Zach said. "Every day when I wake up. it's the first thing I think about." he said. He still feels nervous when the phone rings because he re - members the phone call he an- swered when his sister died. ''When something happens thar's happy. there's still some sadness because Amy·~ not there," Zach said. 'Tm engaged. and J'lJ be married next year. But Amy won't be there." Zach said he and his fiam:ee. Denise White. wanted to cele· bra1e Arny's life. "So on Sunday. we had dinner more than i.he did her entire high school experience because her classmates Wdnled to be there. "It make5 class a lot more enjoyable. she !>aid. With 546 classes le<>s than las1 year. course selection has been another concern. "Our divic;ion deam h<1\le labored over their schedulf''> to offer a comprehensive cour'>e schedule.'' Carnett said. Director.;, of Film. Coa!>tal Oceanography and I lemp Ul!>!>ie has succeeded in grabbing a cookie. Tears follow the howl. pathetic nvers cascadlng from piteous eyes until the cookie is replaced. at v.ihich point the chase resume). It seems like an hour. II\ probably five minute'i, and finalJy. the cookie"> are ccmsumed. ·n1e boyo; rampage a OBITUARIES Joel H. Manchester Services were held Monday for Joel H. Manchester. a director of cardiology at Hoag Hospital for more than 20 years who was widely credited with helping to bring world-class cardiac care to Orange County. Dr. Manchester died Saturday. He was 62. Dr. Manchester's career. with Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian began in 1974 and included a number of ae<:ornpUshments in cardiology. He helped establish the Hoag Hearth and Vascu1ar Institute, d eveloped numerous i.nitiatives and patient-care procedures that helped earn widespread acclaim for the hospital$ cardiovascular programs. A Newport Beach resident, Ot. Manchester was active in the hospital's fund-raising group and served on the conunJttet> for lts annual SweetHeart Ball. He was awarded the heart instltute's first Vm Jorgensen Award In J 992 for his volunteer work. Ot. M4nchester is survived by wilt Colleen; their lour cJV.ld.ren; and two arandcbildren. In lieu of Dowm. the family requesa chat comribudont be made 10 Hoag Heart and Vucular Put a few worsts to work for you. Call the Daily Pilot QASSIFIEDS 642-5678 tom said. The district originally hoped co have the designs ap · proved in 10 to 14 weelcs, bu t It turned into fo ur to·five months. Th e only schools that were thrown off schedule were those In the first group, Holton said. AU the designs for the elemen · tary schools in the second group have already been approved. Temporary classrooms and offi· ces will be placed on these cam· puses n eXI month, and con- struction will start late this year. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa end may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail et deirdre.newman@latimes.com. at Mi Casa -h er favorite res· taurant." he said. Ski Harrison. a friend of the Biehl family who helped set up the foundation in 1994. said he credits the Biehl family for tl1eir hard work. "It's just incredible to me that It's been JO years," he said. '"It's enlightening. interesting and exciting to see how much the foundation h as done in 10 years." Amy may be gone, but she is still "our teacher." Zach Biehl said. "She was published a lot and she made her thoughts very clear:· he said. The family seeh to fulfill her goals and desires. Zach said. "Th ere's one thing we don't want. and that's closure," he said. '"We want to contmue to celebrate n er ... • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (9491 5 74-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath ii /a times.com. Effects on Civilization were some of the classes students noticed missing tl1ir. year. Rosemary Torres. 25. another one of the students petitioning Philosophy 100. said after making a long list of complalnts that "it's all wonh it." adding that she was happy to be back in <>chool .. giving my brain some food." • TOM FORQUER 1s a Daily Pilot inlern He can be reached at tom. forquer a la11mes.com 011 more, t\en their mother takes them off. Silence descend!> on the houM". The dog and I look at each other. and then both of us lie down and talce a nap. • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona del Mer res1dem and a former 1udge. His column runs Tuesdays lnstirute o r Hoag Cancer Center. Marvin T. Pursell Services for 50-year Costa Mesa resident Marvin T. Pursell will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Pacific View Mo rtuary Olapel. Dr. Pursell d ied Saturday of natural causes. He was 83. He is survived by sons Marvin Jr .. John and James Pursell; daughters Mary Pursell, Kathleen Pursell-Monson and Yvette Pursell-Rudensld; and nine grandchildren. Richard IAlvid Human Services for 15-year Newport Beach resident Rich ard David Human will be held a t lJ a.m. Wednesday at St. Andrew's Pre8byterian Olurch in Newport Bee.ch. ¥r. Human died Aug. 18. He was 73. Ke ls survived by companion Rote Marie ~bn. • The Deily Piiot w.lc:omee obltuarlee for t••ldtnta or former resldeni. of Cotta Mete tnd Newport a.~. If you wtnt to fleve en obituary primed In the Piiot. fflc your 1T10ttu1ry to fax ua the lnformatton It (149) 848-41?0 o r o.ll the newtr00m It IM) 842-4321. .. a SS iueSdaY. AUltOS'I 26, 200~ A9 FORUM HOW TO GET PU8USHED -l.ettwl: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •React.rs Hottine. Cail (949) 642 6086 Fu: Send 10 19491 646-4170 e-m.M:Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the right to edit all subm1ss1ons for clarity and leng1h COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Westside ~attling abuse of eminent domain By Paul Johnson P eople aren't i.t up1d: th1c; i~ not about improvement, it"s about the fight against the abuse of eminent domain. few would argue that eminent d omain has no place in our ~odety. Whal is at issue here. rhough. boiJs down to taking land from one privare party and I urning it over to another private party of the local government's own lilting. Lei's be more specific tu the issue at hand. This gn:at communiry of our'> wa.' incorporated in 1953. Al that rime, part of the Westside already had homes on the ex1<,ting parcels. From that time. some people, amving later, reah7ed that tJ1e Westside, being near the ocean, should be a highly desirable place 10 live. At that rime, rhe ocean could be seen from ground level in some locatmn•., now, the few areas that wo uld s11ll have a View of the ocean will cenamJy be blocked by homt"> or other structurei. once the thin 'itnp of Newport Beach leading up to Newport Terrace and the unincorporared area just 10 i1c; north arc developed. The view from virtually all of the weM bluffi. will be history. At lt'a.'it on<' person. knowing the area is an intrinsicaJly desirable location to live, developed ~1 home to be fi t Ling of such an area. rhere wru. one problem: the oil fields. The city. a t that lime, made the decision to lei many parcels be developed for light industrial use. nearest the ocean. Cui 10 today. Now the c11y (or at least some members of the C11y CouncLI) wouJd like to correct the error the city oriF,,ttnally made at the expense of all the propeny owneri. on the We~t 1de. be they residential or indus trial. Now. that. 1f we all sit back and let 1t happen, will lead ul11ma1ely to the abuM! of eminent domain. One might ask ir there is any gain to be had for those who knew this, from almost day one, shouJd be developed ~ a nice area. ShouJd the city now make the proposed added territory part of the original redevelopment area and allow the use of eminent domain for anything o ther than pubhc use (such ai. park!. or to widen a 'itrect), all the property owners on the We!.tside will most certainly lose. What a great injustice it would be if those whom came to lhe area early on now had their property bought to be sold to a developer. If even they were to buy one of the homes (though this is doubtful) it would in all likelihood be less for more, but thjs is bes ide the point. They already live and would like to continue to Jive right where they are. I fear the city officials may decide to pass the added territory to pacify those few people who would love nothing more than to have a home on the bluffs at others' expense. The truth is. if the bluffs are to be developed with homes, it wiU be the housing m arket that will cause it; eminent domaln has no place In that Issue and should not be abused for that end result. In closing, let's aJI be vigilant and defeat the attempt to add territory to the proposed redevelopmen t area. Improvement can be done without eminent domain. There are a number of areas around the councry where thls has happened and all were winners. We can make our already great d ty even better, but It ls easJer when we don't have to fight our loql government. I would like to make a challenge to all Involved: l.et'1 lmprove without eminent do main, We can do this. Unfortunately, It loob to me like It will be quite a battle of a still larger war agaJnat the abule of emlnent domain, though I hope I'm wrong about that. For more lnformadon on the abule ot eminent domain and to aee what ocher communJdel haw done to ftebt It. go to the Web lite ~rt.Off. • ..,..... .. NOT!; Plul Johneon ... c.-. MeM,......,.. ? Programming chapge may be in order for KOCE After reading about the many enthusiastit supporters who came out on Wednesday to stand up for KOCE. I decided to click o n channel 50 10 see what vital community <>ervice the i.tation i'> serving. At 9 a.m. on lllursday. I found SwJe Onnand expounding her investment gospel. At 9 p.m .. there was Tennessee Ernie Ford fon"t he dead?) singing about that old-time religion. If that's what passes for programming on Orange County's public television station Cbci.1d~ the vaunted but boring Real Ornnge nightly newscast). any change has go1 to tw an improvement. BARBARA DE GROOT < .orona del Mar Parents are part of the educatio nal process Steve Smith, as usual, is right on tht mont'~ Cu Parents can help where '>latt• money cannot." Sa1urday). As a retired high :-.chuol tead1cr presently training future teacher'> al Cdl ~late fullerton, I put my hand~ togl·tht'r for 11101 am.I clap. So oflen. when Cdlling home'> to ('X prec,, concern about a failing or m1,bchav1ng l11gh schooler. I would hear the 1elev1,1on '>Cl blaring in the background Al,o. n11>re oftt·11 than no r. the parent., weren't t•ven home \ad. sad. '>ad. Some '>pecific'> for parenti. ldlk with your k1d'> every day ahout school. Read wuh them or encourage them to read for fun and d1'>CU'>' what lhey read. Turn off the 1ek·v1<,1on 'ch during the week. (My hu'>band rigged our'> wt th a lod and key and. believe me. 1ha1 set '>tayed off all wt'ck long.) Be affectionate with your k.Jd ., and e>.pre.,, intere!>t in their school progre'>'> and 1hc1r development ai. individual\. Superv1'>t' homework. making !>Ure 1ha1 the kid' havt' ,1 place to work and that a~'>ignment'> an· completed. Encourage play o u1d mJr' and good 11ulnllon. l:ncourage your kid'> to wrice, '>Urh ..i~ earth or letters or even a diary. Provide learning expenente., ou1.,1de of '>Chool -parks. museums. libraric'>. 100,. hi'>torn:al i.ites and board game., are all great Communic.ite Lhat education 1<, 1m ponant and encourage your kid~ when they do well. Promote good d1sc1phne Kid' d on"1 know intuitively how to hchave. parents mu'>I teach them. FLO MARTIN < o<,ta Me<,a Let's create an ad hoc committee of common sense on th e Westside In response to Sunday\" He.1der'> ne,pond" column, ic appears we have a 1ww comm111ec Oiuck Cassity, Douglac, Tem pli n and Ruben Dickson's voices rang true to th" m•1ghbor. I would like IO nominate Ca .. sity a~ honorary common-sense mayor of the Wcst'>ldl'. hut Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan. you still havl' a voice here, 100. In response 1t1 property advocate Ila Johnson\ column. I'm a property rights advocate, too. and c;he and the ci ty can keep their mitts off all of it. We live just outside the propo,cd redevelopment area. and I find 1ho-.c businesses affordable and convenient. fhere " no denying there are blighted proper11e,, but the majority of the busine~<; offer'> much 10 th<' community in the form of Job<:. and revt'nuc. The only thing 600 high end home'> would MAILBAG On Fa1rv1ew Road at Orange Coast College. Chns Minear and otrers liold ur. s ~ns rir:.>testing it P sale of KOCE·TV. The protesters later attended the community college l'.l1t:;'r1r:. ~ r JStµ"'S n.Pf< 1rg bri ng wo uld be mort" 1r.1tht Jnd 1wd1gn·1·tl barkmg dog'> A<i far a<i 1mprov1ng clw We't"de l 'Hh 'i1n·1·1 1, looking be11er l'H'r) da~. Plat t'n11.1"111 .ti.,., improve latc·r thi' yl'ar Propt'rl)' 1111 th•· \\ol''h1d1· "'>elhng hke hutcakl",, .u1d l'.ho l1111w' l'.h;11 awaic' the I !lth !-itru·t 'hopping n·11t1•r :"-.1·\l·r mind that the city dm·, 1101 '-l'l'lll 111 11.iw 1h1· morwy; 1f the re.,.de11b 111 thl' are,1 rt'.tlly \'o.111t1·d it. \Orne developer would have .1ln·ath t.lorw 11 So let marker freedom r111g, 11 will h<1ppt·11 w11h time. pa11enrc and 1n\1gh1 I Jll'I hope there an: mort· ""( hu1 I..-. th.in "'Ila·;· uut there. KATHI NELSON What to do with that SJO mill1nn for Santa Ana He ight~ In re.,pon-.c to the que .. 11on ..ibriuc ho\\ '>.1111.1 Ana I le1ghh rl'developme111 fund' 'ho11ld tw .,pent. There i., apparl'ntl} a .. urplt" ol . 10 1111111011 111 rcdevelnpment fund" de.,.g11.1ll'd tor 1111' l..,,1111.1 Ana I !eight~ redc\dopnll'lll ..in·a Of u1mo1>t 1mpnr1ante" 1111 1lw nt} ol Newport Bearh to 'l'cUrt• thu,t· l1111d' fro111 clw county Jnd to de.,.g11<1tt· lht· fu11d ' rl"'>J>Oll'>lhlv tll a manner that belll·fir, the 111mn111n1t\ l hi.. determination ran only lw .11111111ph'>lwd through a thorough outn·drh progr.1111 111 the tommunny; a,r...ing .di the rt•\ldt·rll ' \\II hrn tlw redevelopment .irea ~'hat 1., 1mp111t.1nt en tlwm and what additHHI' to rhl' u1m111u11111 th1·1 ..,,.,. as improving cheir q11al11v 111 lift· A '>pec1fit ··v1,ton111g pmlt""' for ..,,1111.1 \11.1 Heights '>hould ht' <''tahll'ht'd 11 • ..,t·d on 1h1• majority rule. Project.. I 'el'"' cn•<111ng thl' gre.111•..,1 h1•11t•f11, to the cornmunitv 1\ould ht' I. Oeaning up ~trt'd'> of hh){ht "•'l llrtllg .1 fulJ -time Code I nforn•me111 olfit t•r 111 1d1·1111f\ blight. 2. Beau11fic..i11on of 'i.1111a t\na I k1gh1' READERS RESPOND 11111irnu1111\ p1·111111·11·r .. I .111d .. , 1p111g .u d '1dt•1,,tl~ 1111111t111•1111•11t' 1111.tll11 .q111 111111111111. 1wr11111·11·r' '"' h ,,., Hri .. 1111 ,.,,.,.1 "·" 1,1 \11.i \11•11ut \k,,1 I tr 111· ( !r h.ircl I Jr 11 ,. 11111 lJ '11•·1'1 I \ JHt'" '>lr1TI .111d In 1111· \1 .. 11111 \ lnt11rpor.11111~: r1"111 .111 111 11.1111111p11111 1111·111 1\1111111 llw pt·r11111·t1·r 1rnpr• 11·r111·111-.. pl.111 ( n1l'•t rut 1111g 1111' ""111.1 \n,. I ll'lgl!!' 1 r.111 I >.-1111 <J1.11111l'l1 lhdt 1•111111·11'1'11 '..1111.1 \11.1 I 111111lr\ < .lub 10 1111· I Jppt r \.1·11 p1111 II.I\ 11.111' ( 1111..,ln111111g .1r••11•,1111111.tl 1r.1d fn1111 1111' p111 k•·I p.tr~ dl tlw l'nd 111 t l1t h.11d I >1111 t1111111111" t t11 1111' IJppt r \1 \\p•11I ll,11lr,111-.11.1 .1 '"llJll• l111d~·1 11\l·r 1111' ll1·ll11 1 J1.1111wl I 11111p!1·1111g tht" 111111t"lllt111111 11111111•·' 1111d1·rgr111111d 1111 r 'JI''"'' "tn t"I .111J t1111-,1ruct111g .11r.nl 1111 tit.-.. 1111th1\.1''I ,1J1· ot \lt•'J I Jrl\t· I \ld11l1,11r11ng 1h1 11111q111· 1·qu1•.,tr1.111 11l.irJ111·r 111 ..,,1111.1 \111 I l1·1gt11 .. h\ in1 tirp111.11111t.: 'Piii rJ1l km 111g ;1l1111g .ill r1·1 n·.mo11.1I ir.111• 1~ .1 111111\11Jt: !lll'lll\' '1111tl,Jf (11 \\h,11 I''' t'll 111 I .1g1111.1 \. ~111•1 I l<t-11111111~ 1h1· prop1·1111•, 1111 t\1111• I lr1\1 l>.11 l..111g to 1111° \.1°1\ p11rl 111•.11hI111111 lllH'• .ill••'' 111i.: rw.irh J d1111·11 ht111,,., t•1hn11111• t'ljllt''lfl.Jll c''l.llt' hollllt"' \\1111 d111•1 I ,111 "'' '' llll .... 1111.1 \11.1Ilt·1gl11'Ir111 h l!t-d1·,1g11. llllg ..... 1111.1 \11.1 I l1•1g'1h \1•\\ jltll I B.11 Halgt• .111tl n•tlt-..ig11.11111g llH .._,1111.1 \11,1 < 1111111n Uuh \:e1, p11rt H.11 H1dgi • t 11111111\ I luh ·· Jncorp1irJ1111g J1,111a I 1111111111111 111 '1g11.1g1 ,11,tJf1111lHlllllll l\ fWflllll'lt"I 1·1111.1111 ,., 111 .ttlllg ,f high 1 Id'' un1q111· • 11111111111111\ ft·1 J I .11111 .... .i111ng lltt• John \\a\ lit· \irp11r1 ,[11p1 1111 ll1 l\1t1I 'lr1•1·1 \\llh tlw ... 11111· \.1·1,rJ1irt 11." H1dg1· l.111d .. 1.q11· I ht'llll" 7 lr1uirp11r.111ng 'IJ1J11d ,.,.,111, .il1111g fln,1111 l..,11t•1·1 \II 11111..,· g1·111·r.t11'<I h\ fl11,111I "llt .. , .111d lhl' l'\l'r gro\\lllt: loll ro.ul 1•111 rn.tt It 111111 1111 lll\'\-C'r l'lt•\,llfllll fl' .. 1d1·1111.1l 1 1111111111111111· ... II •\ ltrc• -..1,1111111 4 l',I\ 1ng < ilJ 11.lim· I >rn 1• Ill t 011J1·n111.i111111111 hl1gh1t·d JH'•fll"ll\ 11 \ 1 11mnrn11111 1 t nit r RUSSELL NIEW1AROWSKI "'111lJ \nJ I lt•1gh" Deconstructing Measure A work AT ISSUE: Parents are concerned about delays in construction at Harbor View Elementary. H art>o1 View elementary School bu had u lb motto the "Three R'a• f'or years. All awdeotl U't requlred to mow these and to 1M by meee whenewr pouil>le: retpect. reepanlibillty and reedlneea. I ch ..... tbe Newpor1-Meta Unlled ScboOI DllUtct llMI lta '8ldenblp (In the ftlhft) to rwpect the npt ol Harbor \1ew pannD to be • lnfnrined In a dmllj mumer to bt lhelr poilldM ~In a pGllible ICboCJI clo..:ire or dlla¥ cm •-...t. l ........ dMtmtocab ,.......,for .. =-~.:9~~.::=.,.. 1CbDa1 arta) M ldloal wtl be dtl.,lill a wiMl ... ..., ... Cl .............. , ltpd.• ..... I H' ..... IDbl-.d;•-_, HlllMlr\4llw1u 11·-.. ..... -.. I • wwwlWf•ssR ,_...,< ,.i,S1tta1n• .................. ...,_. ,.., .... _ ... $ 2.'1 ............. . .................. ·-.......... eiii•lillL ... l after-school tutoring ts necessary. then they should act ready to accommodate that, as well These are examples of the •Th.fee R's• as taught to my kids sJnce day one. I hope the ICbooJ district and leadersnip can, in the future, practice what they preach. Tb get a voicemail from the principal two ~ before school staru and have to make arrangements for a one.wed. delay that quickly has to be hard on any good pamtt. Had we been informed in June or July, It would have been much easier from a problem 10lvlng and parUd pedon standpolnt, u wcU as to plan ror Che one-Week delay. m.EMJTZ Corona on Mar I haft ~=with tntlfttl yourvddes I I cllal lbe ........ o{Har1>or YleW ........., •-eurtoua lbcMllWhM .. ... on 11 c11e..-tc110o111a Che..._ I drM WMltrt•....,..l'IW"• ••1 •••• ...,., ... .., .. .-Ylaftl• ___ _,....,,..., ........ .. 1 I, .. ~., ........ ...., ............ .. ..... ....,..\1 ............ 1 ... ,..,.., ............. . aaa•••• ,.,.,..~ Measure A renovation wort is just like any other construction pro1ec1. subject to changes in the schedule in spite or carefuJJy made plans. Moving students to another school for onty four days would be much more dL ruptive than Imply delaying the start as the prindpal and district have chosen to do. As • member or the Kaiser Elementary Slte Based Committee, I can say M. too. are in t.M hectic. &ln$Slul process or renovation, and f wane lO emphub'.C that the df orU Of all ~med. prtnc:t.,.i. staff and Meuutt A acd, baw been to work u a team tn e~ te the wot\ n a tlmety manoer. A& lo the safety of the ca.ff and at\tden t , there i no que5elon that chi ls a to p P" orltJ our •he.. We've all worked u a tnm to mate tough ded.lion.s and ere con.fldeGt tbac all ibe ett'ON ind MrdshlJM wtU bmii lbout tM desired effect, a ~novatild KbaOI that prcMclet our 1tudnti aa opttiDlll IMmMlc tftWONMnt. ¥Jllt1R .......... ift".ndcaeld 1t dllil ••• ,.. .. btp.v..d ol ....... bwa .,.,~ a --~---------~· ......... ·--- "If we are healthy, we can play with anybody.,, Dan Glenn, Newport Harbor girls volleyball coach A6 Tuesday, August 26, 2003 Harbor ' . seeks to replace, repeat Sailors attempt to fill the hole left by Kristin McClune's graduation while defending their CIF championship. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BfACH - That imposing shadow • cast by a certain middle blocker won't be cast on the coun for the New- port Harbor High girls volleyball team thls fall , but not to fear, said Dan Glenn. The coach, who will emer his 18th year at Harbor, still has a slew of return- ers from a team what went 28-7, won a CIF Southern Section Division U-M championship and reached the Division n Southern California Regional final, largely on the heels of 6-foot-3 middle blocker Kristin McOune, who will con - tinue her volleyball career at Pepper- dine University. McOune ended an ac- complished prep career with CIF Co-Player of the Year honors for Divi- sion II. "We lost 30 kills a match," Glenn said of McOune's departure. "Last year we would rally with people, get the ball to (McOuneJ for a kill and the rally would be over. This year we are better ball- control wise. All the kids have improved. Overall, we are a better team." The onus during preseason practices and the first matches of the season will be finding consistency in the middle. Shelly Langford, a 5-11 middle blocker, graduated last spring along with McOune and teammates Jordan Car- mack. Olristina Fulce and Whitney George. Glenn will count on 6-foot sopho- more Bryana Carey and 5-8 senior Eliza· beth Gayton, both returners, to supply help in the middle. Senior Holland Osadche, who stands 5-9. along with Hadley Burnham, a 5-10 junior, may work into the varsity rotation from jun- ior varsity, Glenn added. Surrounding the middle will be a for- midable, experienced cast. Four-year varsity starter Alyson Jen- nings returns for her final Sailor season as the Harbor's main hitting threat. The 5-9 Jennings earned first-team All-CIF Division II accolades a year ago and will play for the University of Texas next year. Depending on the size of New- ----.. ------------.... _ _..~---· · --·--·--· . Sports Editor Rlch.-d Dunn: (94915744223 • Sports Fa~ (949) 650-0170 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL FIL[ PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Alyson Jennings, committed to the University of Texas, will help Harbor defend its CIF championship. port's opponent, Glenn may use Jen- nings as a setter. MFor us to do well against some teams, we have to get bigger on the right side block," Glenn said. "Kellie !King] is not always in the Eront row to help us match up better. If it doesn't work out, Kellie will set the whole time and that has worked out well." King re- turns for her senior season and is a three-year varsity player and captain. Three-year varsity player and captain Emily Turner played the back row dur- ing Newport's second-place finish in the Ann Kang Invitational in Hawaii in mid- August. despite chronic tendinitis in her CHECKING OUT knee.'>. When healthy. she plays outside hitter and earned second-team All-Sea View League honors la.st year. Senjor outside hitter Lauren Miller enters her second varsity season and is a threat when healthy. Uke Turner, See VOLLEYBALL, Paee A7 111 Daily .41 Pik>t II - Sports Hiii ol Fame Cr ... •Lf'alltij! Lhll nti1W1111lu1~ September l honoree JUNIOR TAGALOA Daily Pilot •• BOYS WATER POLO CdM- hires Evans Former UC Irvine AU -Am erican, Olympian, takes Sea Kings' boys water polo helm. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR • -Mike Evans, a former UC Irvine All-American who played for three United States Olympic teams, has been named boys water polo coach at Corona del Mar High. Evans. 43, a walk-on who hopes to fi- nalize work on a teaching credential next spring. ran his first practice with the Sea Kings Monday. He replaces Tun Salvino. who resigned earlier this month after one season at the helm "They've got a great tradition, they've won CIF a number of times and they place a lot of emphasis on their water polo.• Evans said of the Sea Kmgs. "I'm a water polo enthusiast and I'm realty looking forward to working with kids who have the same interest level I do. There were close to 50 boys there !Mon- day! a1 5:45 am. and they were very eager." Evans. a 1984 graduate of UCI, was a four-year starter for the Anteaters. He led the nation in scoring as a senior two-me- ter man. then shifted to driver as a mem- ber of the 1988, '92 and '96 Olympic teams. He also played on the Newport Water Polo Foundation club team for 20 years and has some knowledge of CdM players, having worked with Salvino and longtime former CdM coach John VaJ&llS as an assistant. before becoming the men's and women's water polo coach at Saddleback College last fall Evans said he regrets the timing of leaving Saddleback so dose to the start of the season, but he couldn't pass up an opportunity to head up such a distin· guished program. "I'm looking forward to being able to work with high school ldds for four years. as opposed to two years at the commu- nity college level· Evans said. ·And I think (water polo! is a higher priority for high school kids." Evans, who played alongside VaJ&llS at UCI and on the national team. said he See COM • Paee A8 Mustangs ri se to the top stAN HILLER I OM.Y PILOT The Costa Mesa High School girts athletics cdaching staff, which captured six Golden West League tittes lastyear. '11 \.-s.._._ __ Costa Mesa gfrls became a powerhouse in Golden West League debut. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot A sCosta Mesa ., lligh girls athletic 'i director Sharon Uhl reeled off what she thought would be the most competitive progrdJTls for the upcoming school year, one word kept reappearing. "I think soccer can win league again. I think volleyball can win league again, 1 think softball can win league again ... " Uhl said. Not only can nearly every sport win a Golden West League tltJe this year, almost all of them can do It "again." Uhl, who took over the girls athletic director posidon this summer after Pat Leahy retired. Is at the helm of what bas become a powerhouse ln just one season. After movtrlg from the Pacific Coast League into the Golden West League, the girls athletic program at Costa Meta simply dominated its competition last year. "lt was wonderful," Uhl said. -we were coming from a tough l~, playing trebools that enrollment•wise were way over our head and competition wise, it was hard. "We weot from not winning a league title (in 2001 -02 in the Pacific Coast League) to winning almost every single girls league title." Costa Mesa won league championships in softball, soccer, volleyball. tennis, water polo and track and 6eld. They added a CIF Southern Section Division 111 championship in soccer. The success was a new experience for a school that had not traditionally been an athletic power. It was the first league title ln school history in softball, soccer, volleyball and tennis. . One sport that didn't win a league title was basketball. but that squad still reached the playoffs for the 14th consecutive year. Improvement was expected with the switch ln leagues. but the success that resulted was mnarka.ble. "I don't know lf it was expected, but I think the kids felt a little bit better about their chances of competing better," Vb1 said. Now Uhl, in her ftrst year as athletic director, la in charge of keeping the momentum going forward. The Muata.np have one year of suooeaa In tbe Ooklen West t.eque under their belts, but the remainder of Dady Pilot S P O R T S PHOTOS BY SEAr~ H LL(f( 'OAILf PILOT Emily Turner returns for Newport Harbor's volleyball team after earning second team AJ~Sea View League honors last year. VOLLEYBALL Continued from A6 Miller, a first-team all-league honoree as a junior, t!> suffering from tendinitis in her knees and Glenn is unsure when !lhe wiU be . ready for competition. "Emily took awhile oO before playing in I lawai1, but Lauren liac; done nothing at aJI tlm '>Um· mer." Glenn !>aid 111 referenre to competitive volleyball "I hopt' ~he can play in the middle Our first match is Sept l.l, but I don't have her penciled 111 unul the 15th or 16th "Erruly can plcl) Ill the b.1ck row, the quesuon '' whether '>he ran play in the front row. I've dealt with th.ts on the (boy-.) '>ide with Jamie ID1efenbach1 commg back at the end of the year and Are11 Pemn'° rn1....,mg the enure year · · D1efenbath m1~ ... ed the "A weeb. of the boy'> volkybdll !lea· '>On last spring afler recownng from a tom anterior l'nic1a1e hgcl· mem. Pemne missed the ennre volleyball se(l)on after ... uffenng the same injury duri11g a Sailor bac;ketball game la.-.1 wmter "I hate to \ee 11 happen when 11's a player's ..,enior year," c.len11 '>aid. AleJOs Kern'>, a 5·9 '>l'111or out side hitter. returns for her third varsity season, prOVldmg a '>trong '>erve. Kiley I lall, a 5-9 1un1or out '>tde tuner. enter.. her *cond \at ' s1ty season. Glenn ..aid ~he had a solid tournament tn I law·d11 Seruor Hannah LindqUL-.t, a 5-6 outside tuner. played the bar k row and staned many of :-.:ew· port's ma1ches m the Ann Kang lnvitauonal. Junior out.side hitter Stephani<' Tnnen makes her \'lll'>llY debut and Taryn Tamut7er. cl 6-foot Junior opposite. adds to the Sail - ors' depth. For the player., malong their varsity debuts, Glenn '>aid the most important element w learn is U1e speed of the game, which '>hould inteni.ify wi th the advent of rally scoring th1'> sea.,un "If they can adjust and be ready (for the increa~l'd ~peed of gamesl , then we wlll 1m· prove." Glenn said MUSTANGS Co.ntinued from A6 the league is sure to be looking to knock them off their lofty perch this season. "!The success! is expected to continue,· Uhl said. "The caliber of alh1e1e is sciU there. Not a lot has changed. We still have really good alhletes and we Slill have really good coaches." Uhl will be a coach herself. retum!ng to the helm of the softball program, which she guided in 2001. In her sixth year at Costa Mesa and 17th in the Newport-Mesa UnJfied School District. Uhl knows the Mustangs well. She has also MoJu•Nl• .. •tweatra. Newport Coach Dan Glenn returns for his 18th season. THE SAILORS 1 Hannah Lindquist 5-6 Sr 2 Hadley Burnham 5-10 Jr 3 Emtly Turner 5-8 Sr 4 Kellie King 5-7 Sr. 7 Alyson Jennings 5-9 Sr. 8 Alexis Kerns 5·9 Sr. 9 Stephanie Trinen 5-10 Jr. 10 Lauren Miller 5-10 Sr. 11 Kiley Hall 5-9 Jr. 12 Bryana Carey 6-0 So. 13 Elizabeth Clayton 5-8 Sr. Taryn Tamutzer 6-0 Jr. Holland Osadche 5-9 Sr. Coach: Dan Glenn (18th year) Add1t111nal rule change'> 111 dude let serves counung and player; receiving '>erves with their hands, \\h1ch CJenn dispute'> ·one of the key things we teach b foot movement," Glenn said. "Thi.., ruJe enable-; player<; to he la7y.· No maller the changes 10 1he book\, Glenn knows th1~ year., team \-vill have lO produce point'> e1 b11 dif1erenL1y than la'>I '>eason. "\Ve are not as strong 111 the middle 'o we will have to ... erve tough 10 manufacture points this year ... Glenn ~aid. "These kid!. understand how to be sue· te.'>..,ful and that i!> to win long rallie'> and keep the ball in play." Newpon will get its chance to te'>t 11s proficiency agamst not uni} the volleyball powerhou<,es coached softball and volleyball at Estancia and softball and basketball at Corona del Mar. She 1s among four on-campu~ coaches of the nine coaches in the girls alhletic program, a number that would make many schools cringe. but hasn't caused problems at Costa Mesa. "I know it's a concern at other schools." Uhl said. "But our coaches, this is a thing a lot of people don't get. they're doing it for free. Preseason and postseason, it's on their own time. They only get paid for their season." Yet the walk-on coaches that the Mustangs possess have shown the year-round dedication needed to field competitive teams. They've also 4TIAES OftwWllclon Mot'"'= 1Ml'711'13 11817°"11 1Ml1°"14 Senior outside hitter Lauren Miller might miss the beginning of Newport Harbor's season because of chronic knee tend1n1t1s. of Orange < ounty. but tho'>e of the en11re 'tall' The ~ilor" face Mall'r De1 and Los Alam1to'>, the D1v1'1on I-AA champ la.,t yeclr, 1n nonl~ague action. along Wlth trip'> to take on St. Franci!> I hgh of Moun tam View, the defending '>late r ham- p1on in Division I. dnd Arch - bi<ihop M111y from '>an Jo.,e, a state-title holder t\~o )C<tr'> ago c;hown -.1ay111g power. e1 ranty among walk on coache., Soccer coach Dan John'iton t'i entenng hi'> 12th year with the program. Volleyball coach Alhson Saladin will begin her thJid season with the team thi~ fall. "We haven't had much rumover. we've been very fortunate,· Uhl said. Other coaches at the school include basketball'~ Jim Weeks. cross-country coach Joe Busi, golf coach Todd Kolber, tennis coach I .ance Wallace and swimming and water polo coach Tim Postlff. PostilT is forced to deal with one of the school's biggest deficiencies, that being a pool that is highly inadequate for water polo games because one Motorcratt- 011 and Fiiter Change Glenn 1c;n'1 '>hv about J-.c;ev, mg the Sailor.,· ·Lhance-. of re· turning to charnpmrv,h1p form "We won't rm.11th up phrc,1 cally with ..,omc: team'>. but we have experience 111 the state playoffs la!>t ye,ir and many g1rlc; arc three-and two·yl'ar var<,1ty player'>." he -.aid "If we an• healthy. \\e rnn play with any· body.· end is shallo"' I-or the pa<,t fev. years. Co'>ta ~le<>a ha'> been attemptmg to build an Olympic-sue pool on campu~. According to Uhl. plans had been drawn up and 11 looked hke a done deal. but it has not gone further than that. Other improvements have been made on the campus. The Mustangs added a second softball field pnor 10 the 2003 season and improved ill> existi ng field. including the addition of an outfield fence. Uhl also expects lights to be added to the softball field. as well as the football field, which includes the track. The light., would be donated from an outside organi1,ation that wishe" to use the fields. s.. Otalerahlp for prtc. l 4.•-111 cmJ lre ala s. oner valid with coupon. Explrel 8fJ 1 /00. Up to five quart• of Motorcr.-~ oll. Tax•• and dltpoaal '"' extra. S.. Ot,lef9hlp .tor dltalla. Offer valid with coupc>n. t:.xpne 8131/03. Tuesda , ~ ust 26. 2003 A7 MEN'S SOCCER > Lions .. seeking consistency Vanguard hoping to avoid streaky play that was a problem in 2002. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA Vanguard University men's soccer coach Randy Dodge didn't so much ex- perience his ftr~I season as ride It out. Losing streaks of four and seven games were followed by winning four of live, then finishing the sea· son with four straight tn· umphs. "With such a young team ( 15 underclassmen on a 19- player roster! streaks hke that are going to happen ... Dodge said. "We want to nullify tho'>e '>treaks this '>eai.on and try 10 be mure con.,1Men1 with our play ·· Con!l1S1ency begm~ with havmg a system 1n plate and Dodge. a Vanguard alumnus. '>aid having an en· lire off season to firm up that c;y.,tem should produce dl\1· dl'nd'> on the field th1<> fall "fhere v.ere a 101 of ad· JU'>tments last year.·· Dodge '><lid "This year. guys under· '>land whe11 I want and what I'm lookmg for De'>plle 11 returners 111 tov., Dodge went loolung tor new talent in his first full re- lTU111ng year I le came back with nine newcomers. m· eluding two transfers he ex- pect'> will make an immedi- ate impact. ::,ophomore David McAulay come!> aboard from Fresno State, while jumor Jo:c.e Hernande1 relocates from Los Angeles I !arbor Community College. "Hernandez 1s a mid· fielder who could help lead th1~ team and ~tcAula}' 1s coming back home. haVlrlg played at Foothill High m Tusun," Dodge said. "I got a lot of kids at the l~t second last year. and I w~ behind the eight ball. But th1 year. we have some great assist· ants who recruited very hard. I think we have a good crew coming in. The newcomers will look to veterans Matthew Hess and Armarldo Oniz to lead the way. Dodge said. He:c.s, a 6-foot -3 junior. is a two- time All-Golden State Ath- letic Conference performer, who hared the conference lead Jcu.1 season with 21 goal'>. f-11.-. 45 points -two uma Mesa puts the fields 10 heavy ~e as well, fielding three teams m o;pons Wte volleyball and soccer even though the Golden West League offers competioon at only the varsity and jumor varsity level. It makes scheduling difficult for the fre hman teams. which play a free-lance schedule, but opens opportunities for more participation. ·we don't want to get rid of the thfrd level because we have so many kids corning out," Uhl said. Those numbers could increase due to the success that the Mustangs experienced last year. "I guess we'll find out th.is year," Uhl said. The Must~ will also find THE LIONS O Ch~r Swift So. GK 1 Tommeto Blenc:ttl !R>. GK 2 Ricley WMfe Sr. 0 3 Alron Rc>Mi Fr. 0 5 David McAuley So. F 6 Armando On1i Jr. MF 7 Jamee GrioM So. MF 8 Nathaniel Rramer Jr. F 9 MM.h-H111 Jr. F 10 Sean Ganey Sr. D 11 Mathew Ian ~Iller So. F 12 Mart Babel So. MF 13 Joshua McCall So. Off 14 Jamltl Borrego So. MF 15 Darin Del/ore Fr. 0 17 JON Hernandez Jr. MF 20 Christian Marston Fr MF RS Andrew Ma_y . So Coec:ih: Randy Dodge (second year) points for a goal and one for an assist -were second most among C...\A( players and he posted three hat trH.:k'> la'>l '>td'>On Ornz. a iurnor midfielder out of l:.stanncl I hgh. led the team wnh e1gh1 .i,.,1,ts last '>eai,on dnd hh five goah ranked \;o .! .11nong Lion'> .. fho'>~ l\\Ci ufl• >\II (,'>A( plaver<,,'" .. e11d Dodge. who al-.o uin-,1dt:r-.. g<1c1lkt-t·p1ng a strength Christopher )\\1ft ...ianed all lO game'> <1' d lrl''>hman, filling a hole leh \\hen 2001 ...iarter fomma'>o B1anch1 brokt h1-, am1 m the pre'>e<l .,on <,u1mmage and wa'> sidelined for tht· ,ea!>on Dodge -.aid B1anch1 hai. the early edge but both figure 10 see 11mt 1n goaJ th1'> '>ea'>on Other-. who <.W.pl<1yed tal ent la-.t '>ea'>on include '>Ophomore m1dfil'lder Jarrett Borrego, 'enior delender '>ean <...aney and 1un1or forward Nate Kramer. Dodge ...aid "lie.,., and Mu\ulcl) <ohoukl be our me11or '>tarm~ threah, along \\1th Kraml'r and whatever tht· nudfield can give u-. .. Oodgc '>aid Dodge al'>o hke.., the po 1en11a1 of '>ophomore mid fielder ~lark Habel. a tran.., fer from Cal C.,tatl' '>an Bernardino "We have 16 guv'> on the roster and 13 or 14 are sLrong playerc;, • Dodge -.aid "The le\ el of pl<1} in the GSAC 1s realh '>trong right now Concordia and 1-re'>no Pacific are up there, but. af ter that. I really think thing'> are up m the air I think a .. man} as eight team'> are ba11ltng for four playoff c;pot'> from our rnnference We want 10 build o n the foundauon we laid last year The L1onc; open the 'ea· son with three games in three days 111 Utah. begin- ning Thur day "1th a date against Westm1no.1er COSTA MESA GIRLS COACHES Jim Weeks -banetbelt Joe Busl • croa country Todd Kolber · goff Dan Johnston • IOCCW Sharon Uhl • softbell Tim Postiff -IWimmlng Lance W.11.c:e • ~ Glenn Mltd'*I • tndt and field Alli9on S.lledin • ~ Tim Po.tiff -wnar poto out whether they can become a perennial contender or whether last year's success will go down as a one-year wonder. M Tuesday, August 26, 2003 SPO R TS CDM BRIEFLY Continued from A6 plalls to continut1 much of the system Implemented by Va.rga8 u.nd maintained by SaMno. NFL Vikings make Johnson their starting punter Par ada to battle the NBA' s best "I'll do some t.hinp differently. buc. for the ~ part, there a.re no secrets to having success ln water polo. You have to play smart and you have to be ln shape .• Evans said The Corona del Mar resident said he will also place an empha· sis on having fun and he hopes to belp his players advance to play at the collegiate level. "Th.ls morning. I kind of wa.Uted the kids through my life in . the sport and the opportunities ·water polo has created for me.• Davis said "If my players could have the same ride I did in the sport. that would be great· The Sea Kings, who finished 20 -8 last season and lost to Long Beach Wilson in the CIF Southern Section Division I ti tJe game. capped Vargas' 19· year tenure with CIF Division I I crowns in 2001. 2000 and 1999. Vargas, who left CdM to be· come men's coach at Stanford. led CdM to seven of its 12 CIF championships. Eddie Johnson, a fonner New· port Harbor High and Orange Coast College standout, has be- come the M111neso1a Vikings' starting punter after the team made l l cuts Monday. The Vildngs cut Nici: Murphy. who had been battling Johnson for the Vtkings' starting punter position. Johnson is now the lone punter on the team. I le was the VLldngs' sixth-round selection in the 2003 NFL Draft Minnesota will end its presea· son by playing host to Ari7,ona Thursday al 5 p.m. Johnson and the Vikings will open the regular season at Green Bay, Sept. 7, a game scheduled to be aired lo- cally at 10 a.m. Johnson wears jersey No. 4. -by Sieve Virgen . UC Irvine senior will face some of basketball's biggest names when Mexico plays U.S. Wed nesday. At 7-feet, Adam P..uadq will possibly gel a shot at the NBA after tus senior sea· son this ~ar at UC Irvine. But he'll get an early glirt1pse of what lies ahead Wednesday at the Americas Olympic Qualifying Tournament in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Playing for tJ1e Mexican national team, Parada will battle it out with some of the NBA'~ best when Mexico faces the United States Wednesday in the second round of the tournament. The U.S. learn includes such super- stars as Tim Duncan , Jason Kidd, Allen lverion and Vince Caner. Mexico has just one NBA player on its roster, Eduardo Najera of the Dallas Mavericks. Najera did not play in Mexico's I 00·9 I victory over the Dominican Republic Monday as he served a one-game s~­ pension after being ejected for fighting in Sunday's loss to Canada. Parada. who averagect 12.2 points and 6.2 rebounds for the Anteaters mt year, scored four points on 2-of·S shooting in 20 min· utes apin.st the lbnlrucan Republic. In Sunday's loss to Canada, Parada scored six points and grabbed six re· bounds in 26 minutes. His highest out- put of the tournament came In Mexico's opening-game upset of Argentina, when Parada scored eight points. Merlo plays.for U:S. UC Irvine's Rick Merlo is playing with the U.S. men's water polo team al the World University Games in Daegu, Korea The U.S. lost its opening game. 6-2. to Greece, then feU, 14·6, to Hungary on Sunday. Merlo scored the U.S.'s first goal in its opening match, but the team added just one more against Greece. "Ou r offense just wasn't there,• Mer- lo tuld usawaterpolo.com. "I haven't seen us play that flat eve r. I think. we are just a little tight because this was our first game." Against Hungary. the U.S. trailed. 5·4, at halftim e before I lungary opened I a larger margin In the second half . Mackey swims 200 IM Newport Harbor High graduate Nic- ole Maclcey Is also in Korea. swimming fo r the U.S. contingen t. The University o f H1twail bound swimmer competed Monday in the 200 individual medley. She qualified for the 8 final, finishing fourth with a time of 2:23.90. 2:58 be- hind the winner. In h er heat Mackey finished fifth. aJso with a time of 2:23.90. Pelzel aJso in Korea UC Irvine's James Pelzel Is the third and finaJ local competing at the World ufijversity Games. The volleyball standout has helped the U.S. team gel off to a 3-l start in pool play including a straight-set vie· tory over The Netherlands Monday. The U.S. is tied with Canada atop the pool A s tandings and will conclude pool play today agains t North Korea. The top two team~ from each pool ad· vance to the quarterfinals. lepl Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 L99al Notices 2640 lepl Nodces 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 Legal Notices -----------~--fktitlwl ~ ,._s......., RdttiMllsintss .._s..._., fldltiM.....,s ..... s ...... Nollet IS hereby &iven lhal the unders1ened will be 5old al public AucUon on Sept 2. 2003 Srarvine Scholar's M1111 Stouee 1957 Newport 91vd . Costa Mes.a CA 92627 (949)631·3379 The lollowine persons a•" dome business as Pro St~r Mech•n•C<tl Service• 2031 [ Ce1 ritos Avenue. •IA Anaheim. CA 97806 flctttlM lllsilMs • .... s ....... !he lolluw111~ person\ are doing bus1nrs• A\ Roeers Business !ie1 vic6. 101 S Kra~m,r Blvd Su1le # lOO l'l• cento• CA 92870 I he lollowing pet sons Mt d11ing bu sine~~ o Maple le.ir nine Center 1981 Maple Ave Apt A Costa Meu CA 9?6?7 fhc lullow1n¥ 1iel\ons are do•n1t bu\mes\ H B1ule1 o,p<il 1440 s St•lr t..olleiie Blvd 14 1, Anaht11n !"II 97806 Kaai 111a l'Ao 1111 t I< "141 Clara Chavar11a Per M>nal Items •4085 Mike Cami.er Household Items 4002b Mark B11one Electronic Equip •33 T •n•er a Nuce Personal Items Kutm• Pat1hc LLC. (CA). 1440 S Slate Colleae Blvd •4 C Anaheim. CA 92806 C•lvary Church New pur I Mesa IC.A). 190 f 23rd Sir eel Cos la Me~a CA 926'!7 (I A) 1440 S Sl.ilc DOfolhy Irene Rogtr\ 1120 Powell Or IH Placentia, Cl\ 9?810 Cull~Q~ Blvd 14 C An•hum l'A 9{80(, Thi~ ltu!.ines~ '~ uJtt duct'n by •corporation I lave ynu \lat led <10111g btm11e\' y~t I Ye' 09, 08/1988 lh•~ bu\111es\ " ,.,11 I hi' business 1s cnn duc ted by l 1n11ted l 11b1hty Co lh•~ business 1~ L1111 ducted by an 1nd1v1tlu~I Have you started du1n~ bu~one$s yet? Yes 08/27/1990 duo l~d hv I 11111l~d t 1;1f11hly Cn I andlord reserves the right to bid nt \ale, Cash 11nly. Sale is sub1ect tu c<1nceOa1ton in the event of settlement between l•ndlord and ubl1ealed p•rly Have ynu stao l•d doing business yet' No fl••• you · 1.111eo1 d111ng bll\H1"!i.\. Vlit' Nn CdlVdlV Chor~h New por I Mcsn. Tun Celek 1'1e~icl•11I Kd•lll'ld f'•ctlll I LC Kur n1a Patil IL LLC, Dorothy t Roeer~ Ad ti Y K or .o ni 4 II V Adil Y Karamally. Pr~\1de11t Starv1nl( Scholar s Mint Stnraee President lh1s statem•nt was hied with the County Clerk of 01 an11e County on 07/21/03 200369$2206 This statement WA\ roted with the County Clerk of Orange r.uunty on07/2l/01 200369S220a I hi\ sl~trment was liltd with the r.ounlv t..1~rk nr 01a111te Cou11 ty un08/~/03 200369S384S llll\ ,1.temr.111 Wd"• "'"d with II•• I nunly (ltrk 111 01dnt1• l.nu111y 1Jn 07 21 103 2003t9 S2203 Published Ne wport Buch Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Aueusl 19. 26 l003 Til8 Daily Pilot Aue 19 26 Sept 2, 9 2003 1113 D•1ly Pilot Au11 19 26 Sept 2 9. 2003 J 11 / Daily Pilot Aujl 12 t 9 2b Sept 2 lOOJ TI06 Daily P1lul Aue 19 lti ~ept ? '! XlUJ Ill'; Sub1etl to cond1t1on' p1ucribed by the University of Ce llfornlo, lntlne, re\ponse\ t<i th£• Ur11v.·1 .. 1fy ' Prt•11u•ltl1cal1uu Questionnaire for a Oes1an Build conh at! a1e 'ought from Des1an Builder\ for th11 lollowin11 p1oreL1 STUDINT CINTEa IXPANSION PHASl 4 Projed N11mloer1 9 9 1393 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVI N[ Du1an Builder PrcQuallf1c•l1on Quut1onn•11u 0 11e1nally Due by 4:00 PM, TUISDAY, AUGUST 26, 2003 hu been delerr-d to 4:00 PM, WlDNISDAY, SIPTlMlla 10, 2003 PalQUALlflCATION Of PttOSPICTIVl DISION I UILDHS Tht Un1vers1ty's primary ob1ecltve on ultlmna the design build a1.1proath ·~ 111 h11ng the best dva•l,.ble 1nt~grAl•d d"•Rn and construction e~pe<1enet to th1\ Protect The Un1vers1ty has det"mon~d th~t Or~oan Builder'!. who \nbmil prupo,•ls nn this Pro1ect must be prequahfled Prequalthed Design Builders will be requ11rd to have the follow1n2 t..ahlrumA rnntrartor' license GlN(Ul IUILDING,•r GlNll.Al DlSCAll'TION Of WOllC Th" pr1Jposed proiect cons1sh of e.pans1on and rennval1nn ul lhf' e11stonr <.t11r1•nf I rnter r.omplr• "" th• m"'" 1 ampu' of the Un1vers1ty ol Cdhlo1n11, Ir vin• The \Cope of wor~ 1nrlude• otw bu1ld1n~ adl111tun\ 101alo11g apprn11m~l~ly 168.000 arou square feet an addition to the Cron Cultural Cenleo of •11prorn11~trly '> 000 gm\•, 'qua•• l•el maj()r 1'1111utoon to port1011s ol the main cornple. totahnw approc1malely 2!>,500 gro's squ•ro• Itel and alluwantt" for m111or ·11·n11val1<.10 to u1stin2 area~ lnlahng appruc1nllltely 35.000 gros' 'iquare feet In add1lton lher~ " ••te11s1ve \tit-wnrk 1nduded on the pro1eLI scope Th~ structural s ystem for the new 3 'tory main bu1ld1ne addilltlll wtll be a \l1ud1t1•I \leel lrd11H' w1t11 fTtt•tal Jt•k" and l1Rhlwe1eht 'oncrete toppintt Sprayed l11eproof1na to all sleelwnrk will be ••q111r•d tnr the new IVP• II IR »dd1too11 Alsn inrluded are re1nforud concret" reta1n1n& walls, re111forced con• rel• \lab on II• •II• mec han11 al •'Ju•pment p~d\. ''"m" 101nls •nd miscellaneous metals and wpport tr amine C•letlOf cladding for thos portoon ot lhe bu1ldin& will ~e ul Lon• rrlr rna'.11nry ulllf\ with m~lal s lu1f s11111111rl It.mun~ Olh" t'Ale11or finishes include pre CllSt concrete base and t11m. alum111u111 P•t1tls aluminun1 h am!"d '""IJl•ted r,IJlln~ luuv~I flitnrh 111'1ed entry doors and a continuous metal roof lasc1a element Tht bu1ldin& systems tor the Cron Cultural Center Addition art r.•nerallv lh• \~m• as ind11 aleol above rro •pt tor II t""'ll •Type V NR wood framed structure with 1n o terior plule< f1n1sh Vtrlttal transportalton oncludes steps and 'h°'' stair lloght\ mtlal pan •tau' w1lh 11ainted m~l•I ra11tn~\ "nd M1 hydr.1uhr Pl\•,enger elevators Interior components of the eapanded lacohty will 1ndude me,.ltnti .. no curikrtn<t' ,,,, .• l1nclod1na twu l•rll" r11ull1 purpo\e room~ ul approaomately 6,000 and 9.000 eros\ \quare lee!) Fuud 5.rv1v A1 .. 1.1p1110Hmately lJ 900 GSI n•w q 900 csr renovated) to ucommodale food preparalton areas, k1tch~11 a11d ~ernry \IMCe d11111111 lat1hl1e~ and \upport la11hll•'. Ret11I AIU (approttmately 6 .000 CSF new/.a.000 CSf renovated) and Studrnt /\1 l1v1ty /\dm1mstraltvt Oft1te Are.t (111Wr•u1ma1 .. 1y 15.000 csr new/19.000 csr renovated) S1tework includes the demolllton ot an e.1sting bu1td111g npprowMlely I/ CXXl G'>I and lhe remov.11 ot uth•r m1\lrll•neous structures. aene<al site ctearlna and substantial cul and loll earthwork /\l'.rt mdudo•d in \If~ <1ev•l11prnt11I '' 011 wr~d~ pl31a 1re1 with hard and sofbcape lo rema1noni ~•It aren DH ll" ...t C-.trvctlOfl '"' H fh,.ote o S43,SOO.OOO.OO PIOCIDUttlS The prequalrf1ntoon process will bt conducted '" two p.rts .tnn will "'"" on IJ1P "let lion 'll pie4uahl.,d Dr"an Bu1lde" wh<J will be •ssu'd proposal documents for lhos Prnff!cl Pert I wilt be the subm111.,1 ol • Prequahlic<1t1on Quesl101111.t11e Allrr ll'LPIPI ul the Prequahfl••llOn (Jout1u1111•11e the Un1v~rs1ty will review and delermme a poinl score fur each \ubmillal Slormg IJI O•\l&n Buolde" lu1 P•rl I will be detrrm1ned by the apphcahon ot an established rating system Desi11n Builder\ wh<i me•t llw requnemenh on P•rt I will b" interviewed 1n P•rl 2 ol this Prequahhuhon pro<e\s Pert 2 will be the Interview Des1en Builders will be nohl•td 111 w11ll11P. whPlh•• 111 nut they have be~n \tlerted tu1 flit Part ? Interview The Interview will addrns the items desc11bed on ""' l'r•1111altlitation (Jue.,t11111n~11• lh• re~11lh nl th~ ontervoew will be uparately sc.ored build on an establtshed "''nil syst~m lhr lle\1Rn B111ld~" whQ ~·~ 'tlf!1 l•d by thP Un1vf!rs1ty 1n P1rt 2 will be piequahf1e(J to 5Ubm1t Proposals for this Pr111ei t P•IQUAUJK ATION SCHlJ>UU On T1tHdoy, ,..,.,,, 12, 200S, Prequal11tcatoon Quesllonna1rei will be issued lo 1nlerPstPd Oe\1g11 Bu1ld,.,, .it Des1an & Con•trucl1on Servotes. Un1v~rs1ty Ill Col1h1rn1a ltV•M !>201 C11tlorn1a /\venue, Suite 7'10, It vuie C/\ 9?69/ 74')() (Corner or Bison a11d C:a1tf1H111~ l'nnue) f0< 1nrmmahon c.11 thtt hotline (949) 814 8117 or (949) 874 8034 Ott Tlwn4ay. A"9"st 21, 2003, o 0 .. 1., l 1tll4er Pre ...... lflca11oft COflference will b~ conduct•d be1111111111p prnrnptlv at SrOO P.M. On We4ees ....,, Sopt-'ter S, 2003 o S.c...d 0 .. 1., l1tll4er Pr.,...ollflca110fl C'"'ference will b~ conducted be11in111na promptly at 3.ob P.M. ATTl NDANCI AT ON( Of THl TWO PttlQUAUflCATION CONflttlNCIS IS MANDAToaY ro• AU DISfGN IUUHS. Participants 5hall meet at Desian & Construclton Services Un1vers1ty ol Cahforn1a. lrv1ni. 5201 Cahlorn11 Avenue Suite 250, UCt E•tenston Classroom 200C. Irvin~ r A 9769/ ?4'1() (Corner ot Cahfornla Avenue and Bison Avenue) Fol further 1nlormahon, contact Lynn llVlel •I t949) 824 7CXYJ Only Oes111n Bu11de1s who partoc19ate 1n -of IM two Conferences on ots enlorety will be ltllowtd to \ubmot Prrqualth~•ltnt1 Quesllonnaores Pai hcopanh must arnve at 01 belore the designated time fhe meet1n11 will be du~ed al l O'I P M on Autu\t 28. 2003 and on September 3, 2003 Design Bu1lden a111v1na lhe~ tomu will not be allowed to submll Pt 'Quahliu1tou11 Queshonnft1res The .......... le re<e lve c_,,.a.te4 Pr..,...ilflcotl'"' 011 .. 11-lres will be We4-~oy. S~te,,,loer 10, 200S at 4 r00 P.M.at: Oes111n & CoMlrucltun Services, Attention Lynn Javier Univer11ty 01 Cahfornla, lrvine,5201 Calilorn1a Avenue. Sult' 250. Irvine. CA 92697 2450 O.s•an Builder Prequallf1c1hon Quntlonnalrn, 1n~ludin1t any requited attachmenh, shall be iubm1tted on \Uled envelopes mulled with the nol1tion on the outside. •0 1StGN IUtLDll ,HQUAUfKATtoN QUISTIONNAlll f., STUDENT CINTll IXPANStOft PMASl 4, PttOJICT lllO. tt1JtJ• end ad<ll'esHd to the othce dH 1gn1ted above MCl.UOf OM OllGtMAl AND T ... I (Of'tlS Of THI PllQUAUIKAYION QUISTIONNA•I (WllH ATT.l(HMINTS). Ou1an Bu11cS.r &hill n.sume 11111 respons1b1llty for timely delivery at the loe1t10n des1cnated for rPceopl ol Prt>Qu1hhc1hon (Junhonnalfes Oral, telephonic. l1c.s.mrle, or letea1aphic PrequllllhullOn Qwationnaores a1e mvahd and will not be ucepled No "''quahlication documents ••II be accepted after 4 00 PM Wednesday. Septfmber 10. 2003 Howeve< the Umver~oty rl"l"fVn tht 11eht to '"quest, receive. and t ¥1luate w ppl<!menlat 1nform1t10n alter the •hove tome And dat~ Sucuulul Dh1gn R111lo1er\ will be notif,.d of the date, lune and tocatlOft of thu 1nterv1tw• llQUIST rot NOPOSAl Oei te" Builders will be notrhed Whelhllf 0< not they h;ov1 bffn p1equthf~d alter th, Un1v111s1ty evftu1ln the ruulll of the 1nttn1t•. An •Adverhst1ment l o Prequalrhed P1opours· will follow 5e>ecolylna the euct d1tu , tomes, nnd location conctfnlnc the tv.lllabilily of Propoql l)o(umenb 81d (l'ropout) Security In the t/Tl(lunl of 10., of th• Lump Sum Bau Price Proposal, e•clud1n1 •ltcrnatH . •hi ll IH1>mp1ny n ch Proposal. fht surety 11su1n1 lht Bid Bond 1h1ll .,., on the Propou l Dudllne. an 1dm1t1111 wr~ty insure1 H defh'llld In the Callfof nt. Code of Civil Proetdllft Sttellon 9'J!> 120. All lnsunnct pollci.t req11hd to bt obtained by the 0t$1&n 8uoldff sh•ll bt iubtect to 1pprov1t by Unovertlly tor IOI m ind t~sltnet An poflc,.s for Commetd at Foim CenwaJ Ltablllty, h cen l 11b1i1ty, Ousir•en llutomob1l11 I 1Ablllty •nd l'rofeulonal Ullbll1I) lntur ante •hall IN f1nued by comi>anita with • Best r tlln1 of A 0< better, •M a hnanc111 clau lflu tlott ot Viti or b91ttt (or an equivalent rel nt by Sttnd.,d a. Poor Of Moody's) All pollclt• 1equ11ed for WOflm•' ComiHtnwlK>n end (mplo)'ers' Llllblllt)' lnwr•nct tflall be luutcl b)' comc>•n1t1 (I) ·th1I hnt 1 But retina of 8• Of btlltr, and • lln1nc1•f r ia.ilflctllon of Ylll or !Ntttf (or an equlnttnt r•tln1 by Standlfd & Poor or Moody'a) 0t (lo) that are acceoul)t. to llM! Unlvtnlty Tiie Certlflc.at• of ltlt41Unct "'811 be lnued on IN Unl¥9taity'' form Pr~''"' 0nicn Buikko lntendlftl to bt J>rtQ\llhf,.d are Informed that they will be •nbftCI to and mu•I tu111 ~'"91Y wtth all of the Pfopoul condtUofta -lvdfnt t~ payment and I~ pe1f0tm•nt• bonds All lftlotmtllori wbmltltd for llfeQUahflutlon 1Y1l1t1llon wltt be coiuklertd oltkl•I lnlnrm1hon .cqund tn conl~• ind tht U11!'11nlty Will lflalntaln it1 conhdtntl.tt!y to the ulent pttmltttd by law • Tiit Unl...,ilty rn.rve' llM 11Pt to ttltel •ny or 111 responJn lo P1equellflc:atlon Quutton...Wn •nd any ot 111 ptopo~ and to welvt .,,,. non·111.11twltl lr1•avf•rtlea "'eny '*li!IOll" or propoul '~~·•~d Tiff ftCCCHlS Of THC UNIYCllSllY Of CAl..trORNIA un::.:;:, of C111fornt1, lfVint I'll a.•1t.COS11 Mtu Olif ,llol s your stuff ltrouaft classified! SELL your stuff lfroueh classlfledl SEU your stuff 'h0Uif1 cl1ssifiedl SELL your stuff Uw'ough classified! SELL your stuff ttrcqh classified! r aTYOf COSTAIESA oaAM6f COOlfTY, CA1IOIMA NOTICI IMTlt6 .S NO llCE I~ HEREBY r.tV(N th<tl •Ul'o.I pro po\ 111' loo tor n"h'"" ~II labnr niateroal~ ~QUIP 1ntnt lr~n•p0<tatton and \111 II nther laL1l1t1es d\ llldy bt' required fur THI SlURRY SIAl o r '"' CIVlC ClNTll PAl lUNG LOT (2003-200 4) • CITY PROJECT NO. Ol · 26, will be re1t1ved by the City nl rosld Mes.; "' the Ollie•• ol th~ City CINk 77 r dll 011v• Cu~la Mna 1.~htr>rn•• unlll the how ol 10:00 o ..... , M ... cloy, Sep- le,..ber 1 S, 2003, ~• wh1th tome th~y will br opened pubhlly .tnd rud aloud 1n the Cuuno 11 Chamber\ Se~led pr n po\al~ •hall hf'AI lltr 1111~ of the w111 k ann narne ol the bidder 11111 110 olhtH d1~ltnltlll.)lllU'' mark\ A11v bid rt"IV••d dlte1 floe Hh~duled t losing tune lflr th& recr 1pt of bid~ s hall br ••lurnrd lo b1ddPr 1lllopened II Sh•ll be lhe sole re.p<>ns1b1hty ol 1111, b1dde1 to \et th•I h1\ bid I\ received 1n p1 uver tome A set ol Rid Out u fn•llh m1y be obff•Mo:I 41 thl' Oltoct of lhc tolv E ne1neet 71 r 111 D11ve Costa Mesa. C•hlor no•. upon nenr efvnclolote pcry,,,.nl of SI0.00. Alt acldltlonol ct.or,. of SS.00 must be 111ade 11 h•ndled by m•1I ll1d Documents •nd ulh~r (Onlt act do• umenh "'"Y also be u a mined •I thr Ulhu· nl th• (.1ty Cltrk ot the r •It ol Cu\lll Men Bid Oouirnenh will nut tit rnd1led u11le•' !he add1l1011dl $!'> 00 rh.uge " 1111ludtd with P•vmeut I a1 h but ~hall flt madt on the l'ropo\AI loom. \h•et\ P la thruuah P 9o pr uvoded 111 I hf.' um tr All tJot.urr1l1nh . ~nd ~11•11 be auomiianoM hy a t.er I •lied or t •~h1er ' •heck or a bid bond 1111 nut le\s than 10"1. "' lhe •mount ot the11 bid 111.ide 11~v•blt lo the Coty 111 C:o~t• Mtu No pruposal ~hall lit 1 un -.idttt!d uni~\\ 'tt nm IMnt~d by "" h I ~'h•rr \ • heo k l ll•,h nr h1dr1er ' bond Nu hid shall b" <on ildtred unleu 11 1\ m•lle un • blA11il 111 nousal In• m lurnl\htd by the C11v 111 Cnsta Mo~ '"d ·~ m4dc 111 At.I.Of da11t.e w1lh flle l/rUVl~IOll\ llf the l'roposal re!lu11 e men I\ I ..rh bidder nlll\t h~ve a Ct&\~ ·11• lotenu I Gtner •I l n1111u11nl) or ·c3r (P•11k•nK •nd H1ghw<ty Improvement Con tr <1l101 > •nd •ISO be p1rqu1hloed 1s required by law A Contrartno U\•n1 a 1 1 •ft 01 clns1h1 a1t11n not s hnwn on t ht Cene11I Prev•lllne Wai• Oetern11nat11111~ "'•Y be iequ11 ed to pay the w1aa rate nl that If Alt or clHstf1cat1on mo\! closely related tu 11 n \hown 1n the Ctn er •I Oeler ro111•t11in\ ellechve et lht1 t11nr ol lht u ll lor bid• Th~ C<mtrtt tor ltl1ll compl'1 with th• JJornv1 sicins ,,, Sl!chon I 10 to 1180 ln<tu,lve of th41 C•hlur "'" l •bo• Code, the prev1111na rat• t ftd \talt1 of ••au nl•b llshtd by th• City of Coat• Meu. which 1111 on flte with the City Cieri.. of the Cily ol Costa Mesa, and thtll lotlt lt pt n•llln P" scribed therein 10 1 noncomoll•~• nf ""' Code. The Ctly ~~•I of the City of Costa Meu rewwu th• rlahl lo ltfllKI any end/or ell bldt JUUIPOl( .. • ....,,, <rty °'"" Cltyeif(M .. M- 0..ted. Aucu.t 21. 200J l'ul>lltlled Newport Guch Co••• Mt-sa 0.111 Piio t Au1u•I 26. 1003 fl19 SEll yoll' stuff ~qh tlassifiedf ActltiM lusileu "-S...... The lullowin11 pe"un\ are do111g bu~111es~ •\ BRC ENl£RPRIS£S 3400 Avr ul the Ath #1309 1;osta Men Cal1lornia 9?6?6 Oavoll lellrev Kendall 3400 Ave ul 111t! Alt\ IJJll9 Cn~I~ MeH C•hto1111• 9?6?6 'h1\ bUSlllt!S~ '' • on !.1111 l1:d bV •n 111d1v1dual ft.iv~ ytm \lao leo1 cirnnii bu"""\' yeti No (l.,v1d J••ttrey 1<~1111•11 Tl1" \ldler11e•1f w.,~ hied with the County l,terk of Or•nge r.n1111ty "" 08108/0J 200369S4214 Daily Pilot Aue ll l'.1 l6 Sep 2 1003 1105 AND NOTICE OF PETTTION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: CHARLESM. SAMPSON AXA CHARLES MARTIN SAMPSON CA.SE NO. A220871 To al tien. t>enefic)arles, aedilol$, oontlugeut c:n!01ora. and persons who may OlheOvise be interested 111 the wtU or estate. or boCll of CHARLES M SAMPSON AK.A CHARLES MARTIN SAMPSON A PETrTION F~ PAOBA TE ha5 been filed by ALEX VEUANOI 111 the Supenor Court ot ca1otomoa. County o1 ORANGE THE PETITION F~ PROBATE requests INI ALEX VEUANDI be appolllled as personal repf9Sell(a!M IO adrnnst8' the estate of ttle d80edenl THE PETITION requ&sts the deceOOol's w;11 and oodlcils, rf any, be admitted to probate The wtA and any codlclls are available tor ell81Tll0ilb0n Ill tile hie kept by lhe court THE PETITION requests aulhofity to ~ lhe estate l.l'O!r lhe lrldepel ldei ~ AdmlMtrallOn of Estates ACI (Tl1b avttiooty Mii alloW lt1e personal repreeeotative to take many ICtl«l8 \lllithout obtain•ng court approval 8etor'fl taJOng certalfl very Important actions. however. the perlOllal repreMntalive \!Iliff be required to give nobce IO ritnSted persons unless tney have waived notice Of ooneeored IO ~~~ lldl'nlnlahlion authOrily wil be~ unlesl an intefesled pel'IOl'I files fktitiws t.slilm ... s ....... fhe lollowine per\<ins are duon11 busin~\\ ~\ Che1 "''" & Mll\ell1p~ LlP 10101 Slalrr Ave nu• c;o1te I 07 f n11nta1n Vall~y. C1l1lotn11 9?/08 jun '> Chern1la 4197 Ducwrt<ld Avtnue. Seil Be.ich c.1i10:1t 111• 90740 Oa11 yl t MLl\elltp~ 10'>1 Nat•I Ome •101 Wt\lllllO\lrt (.Altlor1>1a 9?681 I hi' hu\1"""'' '' r.on dull rd by ll P ll•vc ynu '''" tetl du1n1t t11"111e " Y•I 1 No 0Aro yt I Mt Kelhp\ lht\ \blement "'"' fllert wolh th~ l ounty tltrk ul Or Jntt1 Cuullly un 07 J010l 200369SJ292 Dd1fy Pilot Aui: L6 ~ept 7 9 16 700l I t70 l'IMC .. )'OU r Md lod•)! 1v.&v1 6-U-~67H Ml obJect>on to 11'18 petit>On and ahOwS good ca use wtry the court Should not grant ttl8 !~RING on ltle petition will be tleld on 09l25I03 at 1 45PM 111 OepC L·73 IOC:lted at 3-e I THE CITY DRIVE. ORANGE, CA 92883 IF VOU OBJECT to ltle ~lnhng of 11'18 pemion, ~ atoOuid appear al ltle '1M11119 Ind stale 'fJ'J' = or hie wnnen with the COUii heanng V 04JI appearance may be 1n person or by )'OIJr attorney IF VOU ARE A CREDITOR or a c:ootJngent credrtor of the dee.used, you must Ne )O\Jf daJm With ltle court ard ma~ a copy IO 1tle peoonai representative ~ by ltle court Within tour monlhl from the dale ot fir11 ls&UanCe of letlefl as PfCMded in Probate Code eection 9100 The time tor filing d1Jm1 wtll not e.q>ire before tou1 mon1hs from the hearing date nolioed above VOU MAV EXAMINE the file kept by the court " ~ .,. • pet100 inCel'esled Ill ltle estale. you may file With the court a Request lor SpeaaJ No4lc:e <torm oe- 1 S4 I of ltle filing of an ~ and appralS&I of ntata llMtS Of of any petition or aocoun1 as PfOVlded 111 Probate Code~ 1250 A ~ for Special Notice loon ls 1vailable trom 11'18 COUit derk Attorney for PebbOner COLE. MELOOV K 26895 ALISO CREEK AD , 18401 AUSO VIEJO, CA 92.666 ~ 0&'27.<13, Ollt'Q2m a..'111171 NEWPORT 8EloCK.cosT A lllESADM.Y"'-OT llWPOIT IUOI CJTYCOIMCI AGOeA SUUMY ..,.,,,,200J Slll)Y SlSSOI • 4:00 p.a ti I POLICY REVl£Wl4 tO P M > Atltnn l'rnv1dr •I.lit woth d11e1 t1un ~llt• 1.011\lder 1nw 1; I l'nhry k•v1\inn~ Ad llot Ir" Cumm1lle~ rt1.t11tlft1~n d<ll•Ufl\ dnd publl• comment• llCONVUU AT 7.00 P.M. FOi llGULAR MUTING R£SOI UTION'i ~OR ADOPTION U>TABll')HM(NT or A LIT Y COUNr:tl AD HOC rOMMlllll Ill <Al I VAl UArt 1111 II CAI SI RVlf.I S r•ROVlf)I f) 8 V THl CITY AllORNEV'i <B1 MAJl.F RECD MM£N OA TIONS R[ CARDIN(; 1 Hf StOPC Ill DI SIRf n SfRVl(.I ~ ANO fill PROCI 'iS 01 1111 INr. fill l'O~.ITIUN (ti lllY ATIORNEY ANO 1<.1 DISCUSS MOIJIFICATIUNS l)r THE CUR RE N I l\CiRI I Ml NI Bl IWf I N IHI C.llY ANO rn1 C.ll Y Al IOR NI Y Adopt RP~ olut1on u ul•nc th~ C.1ty C11unc1I Ad Hu, Le~•I Ser vtee\ Cornm1ller anrl de\l&nal• M•yor Brum ber2 M•yut Pru lem R1deew•y •nd f"n11nc11 Member lleller11An tn the cumm•lltt" PUtlllC' llLARING IOCAl COAS IAl PROGRAM I l'Nl> O'il PIAN /\Ml NOMI NI NO 2003003 tUk ltSO l>R ANVllll AV INUI 1rA700I lfil I Ar I 1011 I 1 f' undu• I pubt1l h«•1111~ •nd }) Adnpl ll~\111011.,n to •PP•otvt l Ot •I (uf,IAI P1o&•<tn1 Anl<!ndnoenl Nn 2003 003 CONTINUED BU~IN( SS ESIABLISHM(NT 01 A CITY COUNCIL AO HOC COMMtffCC 10 <;R£Af£ A COOl'LRAllVI ACRHMCNI Bl IW(tN THE CITY ANO THC rRtENOS Of IJASIS WIHI fHE APPOtNIMf NI 01 TWO 171 fO ll N(;lt Ml Mill RS RY IHI MAVOR Aclton I> Adopl Ro nlut1on crultnR the Ad lioc OASIS Cuoperat1vt Aer.eement Committee •nd 2> Conform lht M•yor s appo1111ment nl two Counnl Member\ to servt on tht comm1tler CURRCNT BUSIN(SS ANALYSIS or POUCC OP[RATIONS JULY 4. 2003 Ar llnn Review the < •>nlenh ol th, \l.ttl repur I dnd ft ~hor t v1deotapt rrcopp1na the day's evenh •1111 111nv1de st;ilt dtr~ction on thole M U \ of loru\, 11 any r.nunc11 wnuld like brourtit bock tni pon• hie 11npleme11t1f"ln ll'IOf to M y 4. 200.a Pubhshed Newport Beach Cosh Mesa D.,ly P11n1 Auaust ?6. 2003 1124 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • RctlllM"8tess "-S...... The lulluwona prr$On) are doinQ. business a\ Cadreps IOI S K1HnH!r Blvd Suite •~ Pl• centoa C:A 9211/0 Dnrnthy Irene Roatrs 1120 Pu well Or ove Pl<t<e11tia CA 92870 Thi\ business 1\ con du< ltd by an 1nd1v1dual H•v• you started doint ~11\111e~' yet1 Yes. 01 0911999 Dorothy t Rogers fh1~ \(atement IOU 111•11 with the County Cl~ri. or Orane.e County on 0//?1/0J :Z00369S2209 Daily Pilot Aue 19 ?6 Sept 2 9 2003 T 116 fidiliMlmtu "-S...... lht lollow1ne personi •rt do•ne bus1neu as P"'plot R1slls 2!>24 Wotm1n)tfl Ave. Co\I• Meu (,A 9262/ D•ru•I 1totl111ann, 2!>24 WeUmonstei Avr Costa M••A CA 92627 I hi\ bus1neu 1~ con tlu• led by •n 111d1v1du4f Have you \tarted do1nt bu\lnts' yeP Yn I l!>t 7001 Oan•el lfnllnunn '"'' \lalement wn ftled with the County Cieri. ul Or •nae Co11nty nn 08101/03 200HtS4 1S7 Daily P11nt Aua 12 l 9 ?S Sept 2 7003 1103 RctlllM ..... "-*'-' I he lollow1ne per ">(!Ml "~ do•ntt busin•u o OCIAKASS I Suite 4 ) 2"8 V•< toria St Cost• Meu CA 92627 I •ur a Bishop ?6151 V11 California (Uno1 A) Dan• Pooni CA 92679 lh1\ bus•nO\ ·~ ton dut ted bv "" md1v1du1I H•ve you st11ted dotnl bus1ncs• yet? No I 1ura Bishop lh1\ \Ulement w1s hied with th4' County Cttrk of Or •nee County on 08108!03 200369 54290 Daily Pilot Aue 26 Sept ? 9 16. 7003 1121 ~ ..... ... s....... lhr tnlFnw1nc perS<>n~ are dome. bu\lneu u lh•ltht.a11 Net work AHnc11te s IOI S Krumer Blvd Su•te t 100. Platent11 CA 92870 Ororortiy lren' Ror ers I t70 Powall 011ve , Platenll•. CA 9 2870 This bus1noss is con du,ted by an codrv1dual Have you star led doon& business yet? Ito Dorothy I Roaers lf11s slateme,,t WH hied with the County Cieri. of Or~n1e County on 01n1;o3 200J6tS2210 D••I' Pilot Aua 19, 26 S.pt 2 9 2003 Tl l • ~ l.rglll !Hpartmnrt 111 tht Datly f1il.ot i1pkA.J"JUJ11'1/f011nrr 11 ~ ~ "0W lllJtliUbfL "1 n~ hsiM:Ut1. ~ wiU"""' SEARCH tht Ml'M for JOU 111 no txt1"11 dNtrrr. 11rul 111w J'lf' ~ ri"" anti the trip to ilN °'""Ho'°'"' 5"1t111 AM. Thm. of tnN, llfln-tlN sr11rrh is complmtl wt wiU fik JO'" fiairi""1 busi11ns 111UfU 1""""1fnf1 with ~ °""" Clnt. p11hluh """ 11 wttk for ~r W«ln IU rtY(tlirrd bJ lllw •Ni thni fil.t JOllr prrx1f ofp11blir11ri4n with ilN °''"''1 Cini Pkllll stop by to fi~l'"" fimtiollS lnuinm s1'1lmfm( 1:1 1JN D.f1'1) l'iUt. 330 W. &1 St, CA1u Mt111. lj,ou nnnot stop b)I pkll.ll r.U NI llt (H9) 6'124321 111111 tut wlU 1'Wltt """"t""mts for J'I" 1q INtnJk this poaiUm by 1"'1iL . If!"" shmJU httvt ""J fartJxr fwttio111. p/,m ctJJ"" ,,,,4'" wiU /,, ""'" '"'"' tfM 141 AStUt JOU GooJ kit iA ,.#r 1lt"fll /nuinos/ DailyAPilot \ .. .. -.,. . . £ g_ JS .. Tuesday, August 26, 2003 Al -leplMoaca 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices ----------------2640 l.agaJ Nodca 2MO up Nadca - llOOO Of PmT10M TO~ man Of: 1uthllf1fy to edrmnllter 111" t\t•lt under the Independent Admonl\ h •llun of ( \l•te\ At t (tin\ Aulhuflly will •llow lht µttr~q.u•f re pre\en ••h•c t .. l•t.e n1111y ••loon\ .. 1thuul obt.un you \hould a1>9ea1 at the hurm1 and state your obtetllons or hit written u biedion' wolh IM lour I belo1e 111., hearm1 Your •wuranl r may be 111 per sun or by your •Horney n p<ov•d•d 111 Prob~I• Co«H \&Cflon I ?..0 A Requnl for SP•<•~I Nohu lurm o) •v•1l•bll' h um lh" <u•HI tl~r~ Attorney fut Pet1hu""' Gre 1•ry N. S•911ln, (~. u ller I\ AllOVt SAM£ AS I ~/2003 •I lhe oltw. • ol APfll r scrmw l'l!>/b BrookhUf\t Str~et "" U Wn lmori.trr LA 92b8J A' h\tett by 111• -.11.,, •II o ther lH1\tnth n•n>r\ otnd dddrl'\"'\ U\l'd !Jy 1111' '~"•' wolhoo tl•r•« y••I\ btlmt' Ill" ddlt' \UL h h\l w~\ '"nt ur tteltv•r ed lo lhe buyer SUPUIOI COUil Of CAllomA. CGUmOfOr ... 100 CMt c .... Or., Wm, P.O.k 1lll, s...a.,CA '1701 mTT10ll Of GIOIGl l SAlllAI ~ FUMIO ... , "'"• '"• ""'"""' '"' ~ ...... • 11 .. u~• uf "-'"l" .tmultt .... ......__.... not t1t• .i1Atttf'tt ,..._: NII Ill I fll Hf AklNI, rti. f"llowonr ""' ~"" dU< led b y • cen•U P•' Iner h•S> II.in inu '''"''" do•fll llU""~' f<'I' 1t OJ MCl&eSOll WllO.A220742 lo all h•ot• b•nt h ci.arln, ctedtlor\ ""' tm1ent cred1t1H' •nd persons who m•y ullo etwru be mternled 111 the woll ur n l•t• ur both of IANICI GIUSUN A Pl 11 llON I Ok t•klJ BA TE "•' been lot .. .i lly LINDA BAKCR 111 lho SupernH Cuurl ul l..th fornoa. County 111 Ok ANGL fH[ Pl I II ION I llH PROBATE reque\fo. LIN DA BAKE R be dµl·"""'"d .n per,onal repre\elll<t lo•e to adrn111°'te1 lhit estate of the dut.<!d~111 fllf Pl Tl !ION r•r1u•\h the decedent'., Woll •nd codoul~. of a nv br •dmrtted lo pr ob•lt! 1111 Will •nd •ny 111<11u l\ ,,,, .1•1llabl~ for u dnou1 1 toon 1n lht fol• ~•111 hy the court fH£ Pl If lfON re'l\!.e-.1, Ill~ "'"'' •ppro••I H«lor• h ll.ont1 u rl•on vtry rnopur l&nl actions htJwtv.1 the personal tcµrnt ott•ll•e will b~ rttiu11t-c1 1h ~,._., nOhc::e ''' llll•r•\l~d persons uni•\\ llo~y ha•~ w11ved 11ot11,. •JI 1 ,111,t-nl,.d tr1 lhto 1)1 fllJU'.l'(J Jl httll , flu uult ~.u·1uh·11t itd 1111111 .t1 .-two •ulh•>Ht~ will ,,.. v• .mt.-o uolt'\\ •tll lflff'lj ,.\t.-d tH•f \(HI t1l,.i Ml ut;1tc t1u11 tu Ultt pt'ltlion .uut ,h,,w\ ~uud l tt11'\t\ wltv 111~ t uur t •,luouht hut l!l <11\I lht <tlltll•Jt 1ty A II[ AfllN(; 1111 tht IH•t1ltu11 wilt bf' ht!h1 qn '11 I' I I MHf H Ill /llO J •I I ~~ 1• 111 on fJ~µI I 7 I lu1,1led •I Ml 1111' t,oly U11vt-Shutt, ,,,ttr1~r· CA 'l?Rloll II VIJii 1111111 I '" !he w.r 111t111)1! 11f tht' JJ"'l•ftun If YOU ARI A CRCOI IOR o r contrncent u echlor ot the dece•sed you must hie your da1m· with the c.ourt and mail • lOPY lo the personal rt"j)rei.entatove .ippoonted by the court w11tun tou1 month\ lrono tlor date ot the '"'' l\'>uanle ul 1.11.... d' vrovuJed on P rubdlt' ( ude 'e' t1u11 9 l 00 I he tome tor lohn& t la1m~ will oot ~Aivir• btl1•1 r four rnonth\ fr nm lloe h"d""2 ddle noticed dbuve YUU MAY lXAMINl the loh> kept by the courl If you dte a per '>011 on '"'t''l"d 111 the u lale you may file with the ••rnrl " Requu t tor !.p~cr•I Notoce tlorm OE I '>4 > of the ltlor11 ot an 111vcntur y dnd dPiH df\.iJI 11! ~slat@ nsel\ 01 of any petot1on o• dUnunt SEGUIN & rAUl 41601rvU.ellv ... , St• 203 , ""'"•· CA 92620-ltOO Published Newport Beach Co•ta Me\• 0~1ly Polol Aua 19 ?11. ?6 7003 IMI 11 &cnw ..._ 0002557 m NOOO TO CIOOOIS Of IWSAU (SKS. 6104, 6 IOS U.C.t) Nolu e I\ here by "' .. " lo u edolor\ ul the w1th111 ndmed \elhn tl1•t " bul~ !.<tit 1s .tboul tu IJ" 111~11!• uf th~ d\\~h dc\lllli"d below rtn~ nnm~ .. rlrHJ bU\llHt\\ d<ldr tl\'••' 1tf t~e s,.11., u e l'llONc. lllN (..llll M 11\14 N(WPURl BLVD t O')IA MESA CA 9"/b// I ht> n•me\ •nil bu\r nn\ •ddrtlsse' o l the buyer •rr I UV( l I HINll 1111 lkAN •nd IUAN VAN IRAN Rl l !> I flAK J(JIJGI (..11111 1 llNAltt IM 1111 l S I" A 9?S!OI! lhl' •"Pl• lo lw \Old t1f t' dt''« '1Ut-tt 111 ~t!fH!f e1I ., A llllSINI ',S IN I I llOIN(, I Uk NI 1 Ukl f 1)( I llHf ANO I 0Ull' Ml N l CUOOWll l lkAIJE NAM! I £ AS£ ANU If ASfHOI 0 IM f'ROVtMCNT dnd Mr. l<>•dl~tl "' 1"144 Nl W l'OH I lllVf) C.O!>I A Ml \A <.II '17611 rtH l.Ju•.111ltt~·, ndOH! 11\••d l>y ti..-wllcr "' lh.ol 1,,, dlocm " PHU HAI VAN II(•; I AU RAN I "" Olltll If• ··~·j 11~•· "' fht' •.ttlt' h Afl\lf'I I'\ 09A Th" bul~ \•I• I'> ),Ult Jet. I tu f •lth 11 flld Un.tut m <..ommf!r l Id) Code Sutoun 6106 I II iU !.ub1•H. t lht" n•tMt= and •ddr"ss ol thr per \On w1t11 w hvm cl•1nos m•y b• 111«0 1· 1 elf f T t • n Ap~ • l ' I SAIUlAI, f-OI awtGf Of crow l '>!>/6 8 rt .. ,khur t MAM( Street no ll w~''""" \ler CA 9768"! a1111 1111 OIDfl TO SHOW CAllS( fOI la•I dale IOI lohng • '""" CHANGf Of ICAMf \hall be 09 17 Oi who• h I\ th.. bu•.onc .1 .. f CASI 11111£1: A120806 btllJlf• 1111! \"h •t.111 I r1 Ill I IN It t<I , I I Ii 'P"• 1l1ec1 ahu•~ 1·1 I< .(IN' D.ittd 81l60i I ' t',t1t111w·• c,.,.,,_,. I UYf I IRINll 1111 lllM; !'-.. 1kur " 111•1 I"""~'' •S/ TOAN llAN ll<AN •• ~ ... ·II Ioli d I ,.. ''''"" PublP.-h cd Nl'WI"" I oN1tt1 tin 11uut t111 .1 Bttolh Co\ld M t-"':uJ o.uly n,.. I f'l' I fl.ffl)'lll. H<Ulltl' Pilot Augu>I 71> lOIH ,,. t111luw , · 1,,.,.,1,~ ~ CNS 51671 l IL i ·, 1k111 "' •v ""'"'" tu1• 1. ----f lfllll~'· 1!-i1111t1 ,,, s.I ywr un1111ttd ite1111 the easy w1y! P\0<• a Clossifid 14 todoy! (949)U2 -S678 f Uflll ... 11 ll1jl I ltll I IJIJHI f1IH1f w. tit.JI 111 tnt·.1111 1111• r t'\t~rl m Tiu n1.•tl• t • h ,11 .. ,.,, l>tt• ,, tO Oi f1n1t· I nfl .. ,~ t.ltilfll( hU\UU'\" ... µ111IJ1 111 I/ l APO•lu11~" l'~•tn_.\ lft'I Jh..-.Jd1 .... , ,,, 111t', 11u1 t s.11 M1Ku.-1 t"'"f" \uit.., •~ •uuht ,..~ milt J 41,,uwit JUcJ N• WV<.•r I th A<1. h t A I A <t>IJ't 1Jt !111, fJr tJ4tr 9/WJ '" ~-... ""' c.u, .. '"A" b4e 1:u .. k .. Y~t tt..4 ;()11 s.11 11uhll,ht-cJ •t •~-~t 111u t M1,u.:I l>n'l"t' ',u1l• KJU .. ~'ft ..... , .._ tur I •iUf N t ""JH.1r 1 Ei• ••I l A •u• '• \"" .,.~h po"'' 97660 lo thf' dntt \t>f f,J, Alf'• 40d.-, th•th·• if1';f hfll,Jt '"" •If• lh,. ~,,.tttu.n ~ct/1 '"•6::ud [Jt fl;f" • u•h: 111 rh..-t 1llffwu1g ne«· 1rJ1 "ct wv•·• t ffr, t1 t A ,t.tflt'f If ~•tofh!f ..ti I U t 0 'J/t_AAJ l.1t11 1\ J1#tut .. 1t IH lfU"' 6~/ ~t't1t • it)t+ \"It 'uut1ly Nt•wv•Jlt fsi-dlh M1_. ,.,, IJ11.-• cur,.. t.0(1 f11 tA Mt.'\.tlJ.t1l,f't1,,t N .. ,.,1•1tt Ii• ••tt '" Date: AUG t 4 2003 11;..,!1 M ARJOlllf lAlllO I 11,1., 11 .. 1. I I·• 11,. CARUR, JUDGf Of THf H1I• h1 rl• • ,, 1 ,, '°" ~urt RIOll COURY p, .. ,,. "' " .. I I•··· .... f'uLll'l1t·d N• w"''' t M•;+Ut-1 IJ1t1• .1h \r;1 li•'At 11 f.f1 In M• • ''"''' Nt-ti91• t I ~ , .~ ti I f\ f'1li1t .l\u~· J1i .'f. ',1 pt t 'f.t,q 1 '• 1r><J i r 1111 .. '"''' '", ,.,,,,11 "' H 111lt 1-1 -'>' f'h1ll1i1 I t111 U•I • ) IJ/ I 111~ FIND •U,1 P'' 'A 'J i'11 I +• ft.. • ,.,. r1 I t l />': t·;i 11111• I tllf" II ,,. llJ' ll l'Nll Alt• uolkr li•rtu Thi\ !ilAft·fltt.:tlf '#4 ttff'd w1tt1 lht' (uuflty r 1-rh uf lk•llllt ( o>Unly ''" Oii OB 0 I 200~ .. S4J3S O•oly Poto.It Au'-11 19 lb StµI I lOO f 1101 SEll your stuH through cla sslf 1ed! SEll your stu ff through cla ss1f1ed' I .u1t J.tft 1, It lt1ll I 111 (Ot 1H11•• 1 • .. _______ _. I .4fll Pol k v I lo\\' to J->la<·(~ A Dc·a dlinc·~ --~ . Rate<. and dcadl11w' :m· '>Uh Jl'd 111 changc '.1.llhout 111111,c I Ill' puhlt,hc1 rc,crvn lhl' rt!!hl 111 Ll'll'11r. fl'L l.1-.-.11 ~. fCVl\C llf rl"ll"d .Ill) ll,t"tl ll'd ,JlJvcnl\cmcnl l'k.hl" rqinn .11t} 1'1ftlr that ITlj} tx• Ill ~ 11uf l l.t"tl ll0d .td 1mmcd1ah:I~ I hl' 1>.111\ 1'11111 .tLll'flh no ltahtht) l11r .111\ error 111 an advcnN.'mcnt l11r \"lll It 11 111.1) Ix: rc..,pon,thk l'\lcpl lo1r till '"'"l 111 1hc 'pace juu.tll\ 11H11p1cd ...,, till' arnr Cred11 L.tn 11nl) Ix· jll11v.l·J tor lhl' 111,1 IO'>er1HIO CLASSIFIEAD '\lunJ.i, .... h 1J.1" s.11orm Bv Fa x B\' Phoru• lh \la il /ln l'c·r~ou : 11J4l)1 <i 11 tlW4 l'I .1' llk.luJc \••Ur n.m~ n u.I ,,t .. ·n..· n11111t-..·r JnJ .,. ,. II , 111 '-UU t,-., ~ •t1t1 J lffh\' l4t11t4(" !1l41J I M :! 'i6 7X I lour~ ~Ill \\< •I H.1\ 'otr<•·t C '"'·' '1 ,1, ( \ I 'fo ,~ \t ,,."I'"'' HI I A ltj 'ii J·nJ..1\ I rtlb\ ~.Ollpm Telephone II W.m1 'i IM~1111 \l11nd.11r I rrdJ~ \1.,111. '"' 111,1111 'll11p111 \ lu11d,I\ I r 1d.1~ Index ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE ~ SALE 1419 BUSINESS & I $ FINANCIAL 230S-2490 Collectlbla/ Memorabilia General 1160 Announcements 1610 YC>r SS 4 IUCOROS U C rrlv ate D11<lt Hwntlng m<IWIDISE FOi SAU ~J 3010-3940 llAL ESTATE fOR SALE 3460. JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS (ml soos-saso AAA VI NOt~G kOll II JI() ti'-lhn~ unit Pt1mt I •td11un' $'¥.>'>CJ mv•·\t 7~ du"n NAC 800 1'16 'HI I r I Al •<.1 AN Aa. ~ J b 'IJ, & ~o Club •~P' • I•• h um II. MK sp.,r tubt ttn(I' Nll'wC' 11t f k"'"' f' l 1 i.. t i Mrke 9•9 6•'> /'>0'> l•nr hunton, •di• tnl t CoOll Coln Ne•ch I AISOlUH GOLOMIN(I I • t it• ,.,,..,., wl • •lu~• Old Coon\1 G11ld \>lvtr &O ••ndon~ m•l hmn nrTrDTAJNMENT 11wn•1-.1.,, "'"'"'' & iewe~y watt he\ anto~ with ~"ellent IOl•lonn\ ---------& '"''" ... t ntf'nl\ • tour mftOYMENT lfPOl11llTIS RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Mountain Property 5965 Ln 11:n I •pµ•o, l/'J ,., , ., .. 1 •atld I r oll•ct•blt \ 949 64:? 9448 _.In Sl09Cb !0>?34 f1W ~arof 1310 ~w: t I .. ·,~~ .. : u•:·~·;r·~ OFFICE Business Opportunity ::.::A~~t~:N~..'~!-~M 1ra1I•" w.111d•rl111 '" FURNITURE/ Services 3910 m•d••lc HI• t.um no~hl lllll) •. & wine $49 'l9Q Prome la~• v•ew (QUAlHOUSlfG IHI Ho~ du1111ir tlutk BUSINESS AIU YOU AI NORMAl? PM r ~I '" J at<•\ OfPOITUlllY 1 ··• '"'" · m•nv ~'Ira\' If yrou really h uly w•nt P•mnr•m11 Yt•w• over All rut t\late •d~··· hl•.tl f,., / 111 .. na .. 01 EQUIPMENT lo do •omelh•ne ,, lonktOR r .nynn fe11 v ll\1111 on tho\ neW~Pdllf' '•'"~· & '"" r .11 Mike ,,.O<d1n1tv Wllh vou• l ah t A I (. \ \ '" I\ \Ub1ell IC• th• I •d•• ,, ~1110 '>41 011'>4 Medlcaln:>ental life ~··' U> d <•II ,, I 000 000 at'"' o! fan tlou""R At 1 111 1961! not don I I 800 788 ll•leM Nalltlnal I 11<t'I u i m t nd•d whrr h Equipment 3565 162~ or I 801 319 7268 JO minute\ 10 oi•lena m 1 t.u 11 111•.tal t•1 HOME A I O UT lllC TRI C !CAI •S<..ANJ P~v•O 1na o undr• adverto\• any p<•ttr WHlllCHAIRS New no ernund utohtoe\ Call for e nc~ lomll •loon 111 IMPROVEMENT LO'>I lo you d ~ I onlurm11oon & brochur~ 01~c11mrn1tron b.t\td on SERVICES 2600 Med1cdft •<ltpteo LOn'ACREAGE www~IClflUndoom race col0< reto111on U > Whedt.llM> and PoWt!r hlf• Ow n" I 866 !>26 34 20 l>and•c•P lem1ha1 \t1tu\ ltwtr\ ('l(.uoter st~1 ~ Mlallaneous 4730 tCAl •scAN i or natoonal o"ll'" or '" Miscellaneous 1ru1 you roetit' r.ae 7 1ntentron lo m•k• any Servi 2605 d•~\ c 8001 83~ l 1 !IS such preterenc. l1m1h ___ ca _______ rCAI •S(Nj1 loon or d ourntun•llun • I JSC:A,ttSS tmn•edlit• Tho> new\1,.per '"'" 1 oh t nr \lrui.lurtl! cats not knowonaly 1ccepl vltl•me nh .tnnu•lt•' 3610 any ad vertow mi'nl lor ,,.,1 ~\lite nolt> _20C)o. ___ ICITTM. ___ CA_TS_,_ re.ti tslal• which 1\ on vool11ton of the law Our Pfl•.tlf' mu• 1t6i' not•' DOCS ruder\ are l1treby ~~~~~·;~c e<o,,~~uu•tn,d F~~~ 1nt0<med that all d well ' ... ...,.. ,_,.. ... ..,.,...,.. ones 1dvertoud on tho\ 1 II O 0 I rl 9 4 I ! I 0 trum 1£>llli GUARAN1Il new\p•per are av11lahl1 <CAI •<;C AN! ~2279 S(My morrwna Y1. l>omm on an equal oppnrtunoty tnr k~ 90').697.Qi.32 b111s IMMI DIA tr CASH'" US To tomplaon nf dos Pen\lon f und1n11 pays cromonetJon, call HUD loll 1 O h now lnr 8 year\ ot lree at I 800 424 8'>90 your tu lure pe n\oun paym•nh c.11 800 !>86 1483 132!> lo• a FREf. no n bh111t1on estimate www 11\pens1nnfund1n11 com (CAL •S<..AN) WANTED ANTIQUES ANTIQUES Pet Adoptions G•,.,.-Sh•,.t..n h •II tolor~. all srus tor adoptoon lo quahf1ed homes WWW fiS<UCUe ora or c•ll 714.773 5915. MJSCEU.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE Olct.r Style Furniture PIANOS • Coll.ctibl" •"""'.llf'IC.••1'~ ·-·-·(lll .... •..- .. CA9HPAto .. ............... -.... Antlqua Wanted 3025 Mllceltnoa B~~:~ ~~rir?.~1~!! Mlldlllldtle 3155 WE BUY DITATlS .~.......-,.- .. AllUI" COrJSIGfJMENTS 1 I ' 1511 fOUND ADULT CAT GA"V'S MEN STOA£ f ASHION IS Cati ~111m~ Net-II 949~97 ·6632 SELL your stuff th'ough classified! wood Lukens etc -V-IA_G_R_A ___ l_O_W_E_S_T ~J.6223 966 1313 PRICE Refolls Guatan = llM l., t., lnt•n•t rttdy motem b1tVAC •d•PlOf it 79 obo Call 7U ·74A-J714 pp tetd "60 per 100 ma Why pay more1 We have the 1nswerf V1o~a. Celebru. l'f)tlor morel Presc rrplion Buyen Gro up 1·866-887 7283 (CAl •SCAN) -NEED VISITORS to your Smaff Business websrl•' www 'f'arfelblast com (CAL •SCAN) HOME INSPECTION TRAINING. Comprehen sl'lft 5 day hands on COUl'M Also IESO Mold •••••••••I 1r11p1ctor Tralnl111. Appfovtd A.SHI MftC'a • NAHi CEU's • CRCIA CU's 8uikllQ' Specs aoo n 1919 www l>ulld~com (CAl.e $CAN) CLOS{ OUl SP! CIAI SAVE UP TO S8000 Off TH( PURCHASE PRICE Mountaon V1sU Ranches $695 Acre .a Atro This arHt of1er won t last and n11ther woll the property rRCC S?SO U S Su 1n1• Bono wolh tour Brooll\ Really 861; 300 S263 (CAl 0 SCAN1 3br 7b1 Par k l10o townho u\e nr Ho •& pato, 2 c aar ac pool s 1995 949 293 46JO J br 2ba P•r k L 100 townhouse, nr 110111 pato. 2 c &•• •C pool $1995 949-293 4630 .... Ml ISYATIS rATat<IC TINOltl NA TIONW101 USA '4t4H-t 70S www.patrrct.tenore com RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE MOBILE HOMES/ MANUFACTURED HOUSING Mobllt Manutactured Home Sites 5995 30 Rf PO MANUf AC IURCD HOMl S Save lhOu\lnd' of dollars• Ron I SJO 226 5SOO •760 Rodeer I 360 225 7840 Vrsrt our website •d takf' • vortual lour http./ /photo\ yahoo com/ repo\lle (CAL "SCAN) MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS RmlloShln a eNI l -lrt 11t••l•f /IM S820ni • 113 utol ~ • dep, pool ,.._ w1d QrllOf1_ catll cell no/smk/pet ••••I 9/1 949 ~ 7818 RESIDENT !Al RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY ............ 'A'WW..Tla llNTMSo dtluat i ' Jbr•i lu•n. Ind 18f w/.d, Avail now No pets 949-4145 4815 lfil' 7402-7466 ~ IOOS·IS10 ~ tOOCH7SO ,,.,.. "'*' u. ~ "" (JJlt ...... l1lllifl 1 b'>> .. bNcti & tioy ~ ~ Ja, ~mi 9667'> 21'lfj ........................ 2 l•i 8t s lb6 l "'' P•I~ 2 &ilf•i~ chatm•ie '116il. <rit stl{.t'> "' bt9.t> fl~ s:zc:o,, ~ 91.,f; ~ SPAOlllJS 8ayhonl Conde. lb• ltM 2 t dtpofl ponor.urn bay & '"•an ..... I ~ iwm Sl'9I> rm ro rt1S JCf~ Corona del Mar OwMng }ht lb• """t unrt.. Ip II"' w<t krtcl' .tlJllf\ C~ In t> h Av~• 99 SI~ 94G /f'ft 71!'0 * leowllfwl it" 'b• rental cute COM dupl., ear a.:e w d hoo• u•• Atit S..'6'>0 949 29 l ~1,jl) * l eoutlful Jbr lb• r ent•I cu\e COM dui>'• • i •' ~II• • d lloo~ ""' Aat $7650 949 79 l 4r 10 Oc~•n '""' l o••l1 I 'to•y 2Br 2B• • O•n Ip alld< h 1 <•• K•• courlydrd tntry tomm pool Sm•ll pet ok S.3450 mo Klem Mimi 887 704 8649 •9204 4br 3 Sb• eo• •&OU\ \on~ lam houH a ppr" !>200sf 4 Ip <. pool SP~ quiet <UI de u c SIOOO mo aat 949 857 1660 Costa Mesa l ovely Gated Community !Br IBa Apt w/p•I 111 Irie. w1lk to fro Square S8~/mo Water lrn}I paid t(te1n M~naeement 871 704.8649 let 9?00 Z8r. 28•. lower unol pallo. l.tundty. I <11 e•111e Aaenl $117!.tmo 949 29J 4630 r ....... 2~. 1 ~ •• quiet toe. l9und1y 1oom son1le 11•ap Sl200/mo 376 £ 16th St 949 ~-1 !;11 l St4e Rivi«• r • ...-... Jbr 1 Sba custom re mod lrvrm. Ip s unooom pool spa tennis ••••• 9 I $2195/mo aat Doneld Pf1tf Coldwell Banker 949 733 607• I'• .. Tn.ka •.th. Fp, d/w, leund<y rCH>"' tenced yefd no pelJ . S2200/mo 949 646 7363 ~a-.urn.4-. d•non&Y oorrt, fenced yer d, 2 c Cll, $2300/mo (949) !148 2861 Under the Se rvice Directory Banner Reach 80,000 H omes Each Weck For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Huntington Beach r~ '"*'" lr• H,... --> .. •' He p_.. 10'" ,... " • lt'.1 1111 JrVt lW""·.,'··· At" SI "' 14 +"1 '!if Newport 'Beach YLAlll Y UASlS n NI N£WPOllY HOMI~ llU GRUNDY RW TORS 949 67S 6 161 lg• 1 Ir 1 Ba un11 ,, lUt\d f't f1H' ,ql,f f , I No '" • µ•I SI' I IJ 11 ' 11111 Cj4'f '-r 41, I 7 8r 210 ~lt19I• l ... el U"lt, ~·-''"'" I ~I p 1 ~ I l 1 ~"'' I '111 I ,.,_. 1 ,.. t n tritt, 111,~ t .it. tr·~ tit S/0011 m ot' '*'' ,. 1w Newport Helghh '~' 78.1 IAr..:t '•n 1-. r n l car aar .... ,. '• "1 X $!400 mr 44 • ,., .• !//I OClAH Vfl'WI 'IY {' """ tl,......,,.. il'llll' lt t.-·w• l • dtlt/l VJ' ""J ,.. .. , S."111 MO Av-M ~ I ltil'· 4 4 I• NlW,OU HllGHYS to .. nhvm• It" l '>t·• , • .,,..,,.~, S"bnOrn 949 619 4200 lb• lh• f:lol~ • P•non hOwd fir\ Ip p1ho l i" ••• 8 I ~I Slf:>'>O 449 l'I I 41> H f•r le01e 31r 2'/•I• Hovt• Dfl".ttr t ul ,,, \ 11 met t itrd i:f ft'1t ln1 .tt•nn S?9~ mo 949 4/'l ()(l?I Harbor View HomH ~· ... • .. ,. ••• ,., 1 ... JI' A.,.. ,,.l t-' • A,, •-l 1 .-.. .:._f. IMJIOr\ P99SU POM •l H f .-1 ,__. 11•.t-t l1t~d '>l t.• S '1(ll•ru !>Ill H·I !4~1 1.AYrRONT WINHR lllNYAl 48r, 21/110, 2 <or gar, Mly t.....i.t..d S4000mo Auodated Realty I 90 613 3663 Newport Coast TllOVAlll lb• 'D•. < iM ~dl<d ommun1tv pn ]'' ·•¥t S '100 '~49 ?9 1 ~6 II YllOVAIU t,, lb A 'l < ~·r ~-t•d "'"1mun1ty ru')nl l it s. 100 94'1 l9 f 4(,J, Sp•< 0<n/horbo< view• lbr '')t; • Mot 'P'" w J ''*''• Sffll m 1, """._ t q,sq ;.> H bl4h Private Tutoring 7990 1UOBtfNMO M.w,<IO P~w mm 111o .... ""• "f'!~ Shrd@nl'. ,,. , .. , ... , ,_, '+4'1 b7' ll 14 ~9 813 D.46 Employment 8500 OltlVOI c-,,_ ,.,, '"' ... , """' I ( Joi 'Hf D A ·i; ...... f f ,. " ... , • ' T ,. t a ll'W t ,..~ t • ¥ 1n-\u,.,n tt fl-t, I t.t .. ,.,,t G••ll• w., rr• W 41)(). l17A fll( • Al .,, A"' 1!~•·1 " .,.,,,,,., '""' r·· E.h ., )U' "''' ti ,,.,. 01 m _,,;,.. Sl !IH .. l •I HI II " .. l~-60<1. crew -;;;;;t.-;i Al-fASl w m., 1 111•t • f • Ac..1r•1 , "~'' .i f ~ h \ ttn "" 8. l j.,j ., ... 1... ,, LA •11t•l'l& r ... r i .,.., f-T 11,. M..Jr \\!,.:"'! \.'t 10.. ' ~1,.\ ('\.\ ( ~ ,,_A_Kl ~ l'vr-•• ~ /'fl l'llb --oilv1as WANTED ~ """l••t & Ht.lrhn.:t 8 ~ rt.., ""' tt~ 1 ... t "'' ,, tuU i.rr .. ihl f.Jt•u SIS· o., 1 •• 11 r ~ •1113811 001 Wl}Rr "' n.., @"' ..,_ [l~t .,,.. SELL ~ u• un11;antt't! 1t,.m•. thr ''it\ t l'l\'tl111"<1 ,_ rr ..... ,,.) •''' .. _..,.,,,..,,., ' "'*"" .. ~. "'° .,...,...... ..,. ... 'P<I """'" ~ 'I '>7j.j OJJl<l MANAGH P •. toon f Pl "'"""" It"'"'" .. (. fnfl'f ro~ ( .. 11 l•\I ... ,. 6 /C, 1~87 Wee! cling c:Sho Our Wedding Show~ase PdUa1tlt1 o ... : Sept 2~. 2003 lpact DtNAlt: Sept 17. 2003 Full Page ............ $700* Haff Page ........... $375 * OUll'llt eaae ...... $250* w.111 Page ... : ...... $135 ..••.....••.•.• ~ ~· a Alo Toesday, August 26, 2003 '>Cl ~1 TODAY'S "f;,,,,,/,,r11>. ·· .. ;.;Ill pl l'f/(lo ... .. lrlw1t1111hmN. ·· "t.'m11/o_, ,:. " &-11-G11 'C ~l .... _ F-.9 S.0-et "" J3 Rains Ch1v11z IC• pe~et~ 49 Froth 3-4 WO!il 51 Zeny MaMo 3S P06llnle S2 Mo!of parts 37 Mexican Nt\del "3 Oeor 1n Venco 39 vii.nun. oolOt • s.. Amount 4 1 Handy swab DOffOWtld thypll , 5!i ~ lotth 42 &09008!11 no 56 C4'G\l~'IOf .. ..., 44 PlaVlflU marOle 59 ZOCl•K "!In 45 EngUh r-*1llck 46 ~"'Y-f 47 R~Ot Dail}[Pilot 10 1f NO MATIIR ..,. YOU SAY IT CWSIREO CAH FlllD IT. Bridge , WHJCH ACE:? Both w lnc111ble. North deals. whore the king of l(U1ll(>S counl5 as 1111 ace: An unusual jump m a ~uh to the four or five level which cannoc be natural asks fOf the number of con- trols partner holds Olltsidl.I the bid !tUh. Ibis example ls from 11 touma· mcnt in Me'lK'O City NO Rm •A 72 J 103 o AJ WEST •97643 EAST A\ IS dlC modtm ~l)'lc. IWO club\ by Nonh. a pas~ 114nd, w&'I the Drury Coo' ention. proml!tln$ a better thllfl minimum hell.ft nme, unll South\ 1wo diamond~ guaranteed a \Ol.lnd opening bid. When NMll con- unued with a spade cue-bid, South wiu oo ~ufr ground tu .:on.firm a real diuniond 81111 -the agreed tn.1mp suit on th1\ auccion wa.' hcans. Havi11g dl>ne the hand full ju>llce, Nottll n:ltc.ited tu three hcaru. South now lauochl.'\I into e.1.du;ion 81..c",v.ood Since four dubs "oulll h:i~e Ileen na1ur.1L lhe Jump ihled !Of key c11rd' 1lllti.11k the dub ..u1l onh \llci'hro ™o .llld. with either un ill.'C or thc I.Jn~ of lt\lmP' m1~ing. South ~lllcd m ~·~ hcu.n:. • 10 84 J 9 4 8762 • J65 K72 4J • AQS • K J 10 8 2 OUTH • KQ9 AQ86S K Q IO ~S •Vold The buhlintt· NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST PlL'IS Pass I PIL\S 2• p~ 2 Pa.~ 2• Pass 3 Pu<. 3 Piw S• Pa.ss 5 • Pass 6 Pass PtID Pass Opening lead Ace ul • Tiiere are several ways 10 ~how 11 \Oid when n:~ponding to Blad.wood Bui how l:llll the !11.:C·U)l.er rcque,1 re,p<lfl<ler to suppre'' the occ m 11 ~u11 in which the ru.kcr holds a void'! Th<' 11w~1 pc•pular mclhod l!t known u, e~du,111n Ke}·Canl Bl11ck"ou<.I. Wc\I ted the oce ol dub' and the hand w11' ..oiin o~er. Declnrer rutted. cr~d 10 the ucc of d1arno~ and r.m the J<llk ofhcan,. Whc:n th.it w1m. dc.:lurcr repealed the fine\-.e und d1umcd ull the trick~ "hen the king of hcani. wlb pro' ed co he wtlti EH\t and nothing b:td rutppt·neJ 1n the trump 'u11 S ALCS S5 500 Weekly aoill polenllal' If some one did ot so can you' 2-3 confirmed appoint· ments da11y1 888-5-43· 1788 lhe•apeutoc Sleep Ptududs !CAL "SCANJ lMcDI Salon Spau1o~at1 allle tor PT Hair Dresser & Ma1111.unst C ~II for del ails 949·6 l I l 194 L st :!Oyrs Energetic, motivated, ledm pf•yer s nerd to h'IP dt•n newly burll home> No upi:roen<e 1 equu ~d 20 40. h1 ~ pe1 weelo 949-~I!> 4758 Automobiles 9000 Jaguar 9004 Automotive ....,Ama,_'00 Real~ ~ than 2 Ul "" blue/tohwold ltlw $146 250 •X0482l N(Wp()llT AUTOSl'ORT 949.574.56()0 BMW '9032SI like new Blk/lan. 4 d• auto at. \Unr t !1111 pwr lint. C.i smoci $36!>0 714 454 lq98 BMW S281 '99 Spot I w.~on •lnl '""d wd11 antv 1114.J~d' $25 995 949 881 41>44 BMW '91 Z3 Conv. ChryUer '94 New YOfilw 3!> \,1) I owner 431o .Hluaf m1 b ooks r tcor ds metalhc lur quo1s~ tah llht fully loo1di:d lt~e nPw $4 79S ""667218 Blv 949 586 1888 www.ocpabl.com Comcwo '94 Z28 Com.. Wht 62k nu new ltre~ & 1nte110< no din&~ SlO 000 949 645 934!'> Jfle• 5pm Corv•ll• '19 Ce11p1 •ulo 60t. • m1 m'lalfK red Ian ltllr \UPP•b <und lhruu.;h•,ul $9 'l9!> H~r 949 '>86 I !IA8 1 www.o<pabl.corn illltO Whitt 1.\0 lth1 l.0 -- beaolllUI hlie new ,nnd Corvette '19 Coupe I $16 99!> v!>9/.?4 Im & dUIO 60~ • "11 mf'IAlhr I w111 .iva4 Siu ~58; IB!f! r td t~n 111•1 '<•P" b www.ocpal.com 1 cond lhrou~houl $9 99S Bk• 949 S86 I tl8R BMW '99 ZJ Conv, 2.3 www.acpabl.<orn Vb , l5k m1 '>wd CD l tont blk & t.\n 11111 '"' beautrlul l1h new n>nd Sl8 99!> v!>'>!>12l I• nantine & wM1 Jnly ~ ,,.,1 8k1 949 !>86 ISRR w-.ocpabl.com CAO All ANH '1992 I owne• con.r b•a<k lop wh•lt body 66"-m• ve1 y '1Pdn1 S 12 '>00 949 644 7949 O..W°'8t Bel·Alt 'Sil ec....~~r ... sll:n ·•111.1 7 t.ne part. '-• #)(1)48ll $100.ffi MWPOR1 MITOSPORT 949-574-5600 Ferrari '90 f40 Ont 11t 6 kind 165" m1. S4SO 000 •08b840 NEWPORT AUTOSPOIU 949.574 S600 f.,..ori '89 328 GTS 6 m RmC. .. m l"WI lq> S47 '>00 •0/9039 HEWPORT AUTOSPOllT 949-574 -S•OO '--' '00 456M GlA 311 mo Sot•"' Bordeau• .llllO K 4 seat"' RJear '''' t~ lamilv I Sl34~J •119blf( NEWPORT AUTOSl'OtlT 949-S74-S600 ford '&6 M111tc..g COftY . Chevy(--.. Cami ,67 Gcyt auto A C pb pw fumt LIP re\IOttd M ps am Im tL wh1 LO•'" v 8 alllo a~ r~ ~ l:O'I> SJOOOobu /14 96? 144/ JAGUAA 'IS XJ; Ser~ 3 OK V Sl!lll!f •tal be.tuty, ~um $29...,,,.. 0164184 fard '6S M u•la"ll JUY Cun"~' t1ble "' ~e,ttt•I to di....e N:. CO •D new NEWJ>Oltl AUTOSl'OllT ownr< sohd ar Sl9 99'J .,t l6500 94%/J.87!>5 949-574-5600 obo 949 119 :>".63 ,,,._~ ~ --.-HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS ........ Service Directory Accounting NOTICE TO READERS r:~ltf1,rnll 1..aw rt llJ•,,..\ tti.lt t.:Onh a f(H~ J.-~1'1i t b'-H lt tu111 \'>00 • "'0•• 1 ti11t ', or rn ... t .. ri.al~ t • ' I n\e•l t.,. tt•t I utltt,, t "'tlt .. I ",.n fl' fj ..,,d Stalfi' I• ... Al'" IPl)Ulf p• th•I 1,.n"tr.,1 ''''' 1n1 l1Jrlt lhl•u '"' n'-P numb~r l)rt 1111 .. ,l~f"t h'..tng '111U l <111 h,.f t., the 'JldtW:\ ,If t '"' ,., rnse" ( n n tr Al t " t .J t WWW lb ;J ~l>V 01 !t1111 '•I t >l B Unh lt"n•; S c ntrat.L,t' I•~"'' l b lhdl lo l.t I~' ti 1r $500 mu .. I 'f tlf' r theu ld-.•r' 1 ,.l""'\ .. n•-th.lit lh~y drt n I h •ns•d lly the I, •ntr aL to" SI.tit lllf"ll\e Bo~rd Oulckb~s t1a1n1ne & \UPP•Jll lroublf' \hl>OllO& blUli<f~ ,,,_ ~ f>I PCl\11n.1I 949 548 25J8 Additions & Remodeling fA.lt1llNG Dl'VUOPMEHT Mtllrr1\.~~9.lll t.iw lhonitde•Plopm•nt com ~ '&"' 9f'J61S.!1JZ> Air CondltiOOW'feat AUfN HVAC A11 Cnnd1t1nn1na & lle"t 1na SPr v1v B88 AAJtol/ed l #lDl660 949 500 !XXl5 A • Z NANDYAllAN lnst1n relau ub1neh lvld*l'W\I~~ ~ Oous 714-546 ~ Carpet Repair/Sales rCAltPET CAllPET Rtpa1" P~I< htrli: ln\1all l.OIJI t~OU\ dny '11' !Ob\ Whult\dlr1 949 492 020'> Cleaning Touch of Kl~ r 1ir11pc.11• r '"",, 111 Hou<1e Cleaning ~II)""'' 111 Bu'rn"" I llL'n-.·d & llnnd1:d Pr1 •h:,,u,nal lcJm' J'\lj,!OL'il ''' '"ur Jf,.rm {949) 548-0097 f re~ f-,ll01JIC'.\ ~ch:r~DLC' \pnn>? 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Home Yard & Doc~ Elect 20 Yrs bp Lie Insured l •27S870 949 650 1042 UCINSfO CONTRACTOlt Nn fOb too ..,,., All !ll'<YIC4!!>' Repdtr. remodel. fans, Sj.ld, new SVC 949-645-36[)6 Floor1niVfjle R-luace Oeilr & OISTOM ClllATM TU Const 100'\. l>f!rlecbon I lnslM!abon slate c;en1mic, ,clb ~t a tme Steve M¥11n marble. ~tone ~ 1975 l#82Z214 949-582 3972 l 116121)4.f Jeff /14-612-9961 Desldop Publishing TIME TO llGIN 'fOUlHOMl IMPltOVfMENT PltOJECT? Call• plumber Pil•nt., h1ndyman or any of the areal services ltsted here tn our service d11ectoryl THCSE LOCAL SVC P[Of>l( CAN Hf.LP YOU TOOAY' HAllDWOOD HOOltS Repairs lnstalfahon & Ref1n1sh (949) 35 l ·2646 UMY ~ Rei-fld Re11ouhn & lnst•llallon TIU DEAN 949 673-8065 11~ 71'-883-2031 l-Terr•• i.-cluope We/fMy !Tllint. tree ~ & lnstatlahon 25 Yrs up ltt/1ns11rtd 949·5'48·4363 LANDSCAPE SERVICE Qualtcy .I""• J9Yn ~· F..a s.n;.,., ............. Yanl 0...11p. T...., Trimm• ... Spnalo:kr C'..om.muUR.ooWct...a. en..~ 7 14.436.1518 SEU yoUf unw1nted ''"'" Ulroup clnsifled Gardenlna/ landscaplnQ Oir1yW..ti:t.-ds<..-.Carn Sp•inkler\ up2rades R~~on llCiu~ltne Cle~ Tree ~ .... es Pl.intone S«vtces & mure' 114·115·2828 Summer S ape -Up Get your yard loo~tn& ti!. best lo ttW' 'IUfTW118 Y.wd dieM IV> S(lrrilliY h.rne-ups lllld ~ we.ekend & eve quotes Xtra Hand S.rvl<H 714-427-0040 Handyman/ Home Repair W'.U i1 nv ~ clo11c!! Sot toough umt! ()on I havt cht righ1 1ooli' l'U itan U>morrow Yoda. \ada, \'ada Xin Ha.od ~et 714.427.0040 M.ak.t ti-. H•m GENERAL REPAIR &MAINTENANCE • Rcsidrni.il • C om.'00\w No :Job Too Small Dave Hamilton 949-322·8292 Tree Servi<•, Ya•d Cleanup Maonlen8nce Sprtn-ler RPPll" Haulm~ (94t) 650-8711 Can't Do It? 00f'l't wont to de It? We c"n & we Handyman/ Home Repair RCS TORE • REPAIR & REMODEi iNG CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN • 1 !YtS Elq> • Grlll IW'S Al~ of Cntrucbon ~~~ lJ577982 949-305-7698 ~. ' ,. wl'4 24,, 4 .. yllUI home •epa11s 714 348 8430 FIX UP SPECIALIST. All typts of repair\ lf" tr.ca I, plumbona doon. ~er healo's. bin:!. & mvre 24h1 '7day!o 714 366 1881 C..mctiell '~ C..peolry • Plumbtfll Drywall • Stucco Painton1. f 1le & mo< e ~ Ye11s hpenenc;e• Ja 714-96'-577• Jessey Altr-'1 "-· 11.,.1, ~·<l•lltt lnteuor & Ecteuor Rei>ahs 714 501 6466 THl HANDYMAN All WOii\ a11a1 anl1td l'1urrlbq. E1eetnC.81, OooR. Finnh carp <*. 9&~ 1'111ng Dirt, C.,,c:rete & Troth, General Cle1nup Tractor Sef°'fKt Avail1bt. can Anytime 71' 580 64A9 IUNK TO THI DUMPlll 714·968 1882 AVAILABLE TOO~Yl 949-673-5566 ---... '03 suoo Sport, bl11:k/bl1ck. cuat wheels, navy, loaded 1°"8056 $47.SOO NEWPOU AUTOSPOlT 949-574-5600 MEltCEOES INZ S.UO 'OJ Fully loaded, blaci. 011 black Perfect cond 3000 m1, $64.500 9&5!ml a ~ M•rc•dH '03 3 20l 20ll mt. pewter, perfect cond. fletcher Jones sw: & exltnded warranty $44,500 949-644-2342 MEltCURY TOPAZ '19 Ch~mp~naeterey, AT 4 d1 low mr. ert nr Sl500 Movina 714 878 9455 ~OWMNn"92 7Slt ltlt dw/'if~ Sl.n1 AT. 6 cyt. IOaded! Ca vnoe. $44CXl 7 I 4.914-8Hi6 PHILLIPS AUTO 01 DoOge Viper G TS ACR 1ed un black. low mile!. iOllle<>Ul>1 (1940511 l57.91J.l 006MWJ131 Solvl!f w b~i:k lltv, Sll!lll•on•' (1938/IJ QI 980 99 1320 s.don While w saddle teath e• ml')t.Jntunf Cl94411 $71980 0 1 Jogu« s ryp• Se., Gr"~" w ""ddlt> ltt.1 28K •ni moomwl ll'llll 1 $29 980 99 M•rc.d.s SU( 130 Bio• .,. bl•< k ei ev J""hP~R 11941 f, SU 980 996MW 3281S Red w bl,., k l!ht ~ 119410• Sl8 980 0 I PonclN 1 wbo l1p1rnmc only I& nul~,. nd1i1d'gjhon 1191941 IN()UIR£ Ila Luut GS 3(10 Gold w \<Jddle leather t.hrom1 Whttl\ 1194181 $21 9IJ) 01 f'ondt. GT1 Bl•<~ w bla<~ ooty 100 "'~ ll'bQ1C 1 l"IQUIR( 0 I M.,ceJH CLSOO S11vrr w ~r~y nav1 ~dltnn only I'" m• I l 9'>4!>r I tNQUtRr 00 Porsc,,. lo1ufer 5,1 •• " w til•t~ 6~d l.1tN mile' 1 I %071 U5 980 949-574-7777 M!PSAUTO ,,.. ___ _ House Cleaning HouH Cleo"l~hp'd Wkly 81 w~ly1Month1y ket \ Great r ~tes1 lmeld• 9'19 !>411 4285 949 278-08.37 Interior Design In Ho"t• Co""'ltln9 Alfo«1abte Style 'l49 644 4640 A-Home 714 962 1877 lnte~lon Moving & Storage ------- TV/(; flROTHERS Mt 1VltJ(, ~ Sl(JRAt_,F Open 7 Daya low Rates Storage Speciale Smce 1981 949--645-4545 chrorN whls, Hh MW $39,995 Vt6220S7 fl· n1n<:1n1 & warr 1v11l B~r t4t~S16-1Ua w_ . .c,...1.c- ,.....,_,~­ ml wllltelt;an, sunroof, 6 speed, OtU 162,500 #621223 NIWPO«f AUTOSPOIT Mt-57 ... 5600 s-lio 'Oo N c_,, 3tk mo. lull factory' warr, met•fllc: silver areen. oalmHI llhr auto, CO. healed se1ts. superb hli.• new cond $1 6 .995 Y4il 9216 ~ 9&5llS-11188 --............ ... Tey•f• •ta tacom1 4a4 New off rd ln!o. 3 l(Z' lttt kit. pl w/elarm mint cond $7900 949 675-S74A AUTOM08tlfS, MISCELLANEOUS Wanted 9045 ~ o,..r...d 0.- 0...-40 ~ up' Ml pay a YflY 1811 pra lo-'/04# us """ or truO. 1)111:1 tor or not. CAI Did< Rey @ TOINlo Auto S.. m Cl 1931 or 714-328-.1228 PMIHCMl Ga NOT l'tMUWS AUTO All fe>a MAl(OtM ••t -514-7177 AUTOMOTIVE PAR11/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES $$CASH NOWS$ fOf Ille Nolt. Owner Carryb1ci. O"d ol Truat you c:arry We P•Y top dollerl Call NoteN1hon toll free 877 596-7889. (CAL •SCAN) MOTOR HOMES M Ol HO HNT 2000 301t . & 2003 22tt , 1mm1c, sleepi 6 & 8 optional lent. poftoc tbl bbq Toy trailer lo tent lr11le1 949.295 0356 or 949· 500 1266 -....-------~ DUffYELIO* 20FT, 1989auC.12, $9750 714·648·2015 illllO I,_ Cl•ssic electric w/1•111/hOlly !Mc.k, VII n!Shed wood onter. slHrty lop & lull c:over $5000 Needs m1no1 TlC but runs &rHI' 949-S00-3250 • BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 SUPSAVAUIU 'fr-SS·•Sft "' New,.n 1-1t, ~· t4t-SOO.. l 005 Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. NEWPORT BE.ACH •COSTA MESA Daily Pilot Cla ssifi e d Community Marketpla ce Moving & Storage PUBLIC NOTICE l he C•llf Pubhc Ut1lt:1t\ Comm1u1on •equ11e\ that All u\ed hou&ehold ~oods mov11r \ pr mt their P U C Cal I number hmn\ and ~haulteur~ p11nl tht1t I C P number 1n •II adver t1umtnl\ II you have •ny quul1on\ about the leQ•l•ty of a move• limo or 1 hAulltur c~ll Puauc UTIUTllS COM MISSION 800 8774167 Painting Painting IKl'l CUSTOM PAINTING Profl clun qo1lt1y w0<lo. tn teuor e1 t and docks l •703468 949 631 4610 ,..,~ ... •• Pelootl ... Top Quahty Compelohve lntttfet t. t l •648228 Call lay 949 6!>0 S066 UINIOW Clt<U MMfT Pamtma-Wt•t. Hotne/~ Qualtty j0b1 r ree estimate L •56989 7 714 636 8888 Plumbing SIWtl •~ClWllG {949) 64S-2SS2 ---------·· Pool Service -· ..... .._.. _ ..... MHolc P•el & Spa Sv<. • ~ Weel.ly Service, [quip· •-• mtnl Rep111s. Insured ,.., 949·292-7111 :-:-:.:; T'"Servlte TREES --· --· .. ----. ~ & ...... ,.,.., HST MOVllS SSS/Hr. Cullom ll•nd Painted Strv1n1 All Cities 1n\ured "'6ats & F11Ut, p~ 1163844 323·991 l 193 ArW let hte 'l1Mi81 ~ 323 630 9911 cell ,... .. ,,.,. RftlWNf &Yul.CW•• 714.435.1 Landscaping Home lmprowement Avalon Remodtll111 Specializing in Additions & Ouality Remodeling Smee 1970 714·309-0783 Jamn RnseH Join SELL your stuff through classified! ~ llJtJJ, e,.. ~Professional Painting LC ... 94360 Rob Isbell • Owner Costa Mesa, Ca (949) 646-3006 Cell 949-887·1480 0-.'a ...... ~ t11p PllaH PLUM .... Gruf Prlcel Guattntffd R~tlrt I Remodtllna WDfk. free ut Ltl75e02 FREE ESTIMATE 714-538 153' 7-390-2945 U687391714'969-1090 • Sta~Uc. Upholstlly THISTl ..... 1 1 Sc>oc11lmna In Wellpapr Remonl l •.5882• l 949-360-1211 TllDltlltlMlcll . .............. .