HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-28 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 ' THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 2003 Ska~e park stays on Te Winkle plan Despite efforts by bark park fans, commission recommends leaving the option of skateboarding at TeWinkle Park in place. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Four-legged crea- tures lost out to four-wheeled contrap- tions in a territorial battle for a piece of TeWinkJe Park. On Wednesday, 1he Parh and Re· crea1ion Cornrnission opted 10 keep the site east of Junipero Drive aJong Arli11g- ton Dnve as an alternative <.,kate park instead of de'>ignaLing it as an exten- sion of the Bark Park in the leWinkJe Park MaMer Plan. This part of the plan still needs 10 gel lhe approval of lhe Planning Commission and City Coun- cil. · Bark park i.upporter& and '>kale park fans raJHed 1he1r 1roops for the meeung Wednesday. Outside, ska1eboard com- panies gave away T-shirt•,, hats and Videos 10 get young '>kateboarders 10 come to the meeting. The commission voted 4 to 0 to keep lhe site as an alternative for a <,kate park. Skate park supporters argued ada- mantly for keeping lhe TeWinkJe '>Ile as an alternative site. "Costa Mesa easily ha3 as many skateboarders per capita as any other city." David Westbrook sajd, "No1 hav- ing la '>Kale park) pu1s llhe c11yl a1 a di!>- advantage 10 potential homeowners." Thi'> 1'> lhe second time C.osta Mesa Bark Park fans have failed to gel more space 111 a Clly park. In November 2002. the City Council vo1ed 10 dele1e a sec ond bark park from the Fairview Park Master Plan. Bark park supporters expre'>'>ed d1., appointmen1 a1 !heir lates1 defeat ~1r 1ha1 1s lhe pnmary '>lie for the skate park. !hat's asking for trouhle \~ 11h inlermingling skateboarders anti dog-. in the parkjng 101," Patricia AJlen -.aid "The parking 101 is not adequa1e nu\.\ .. The baule for lhb site ha'> heen going on :.ince the Co:.ta Me'>a H;uk Parl Founda1ion expressed m1ert'.,I ui 1t11· s11e 1n June. The area was eamlilrkt·d "'' an ahernauve ska1e park '>lit' \\hen 1lw lOlllllll">'>lllll llr'>I I Cllhldl'ft'd l)Jl' 111,f">ll'I pl.in 111 'Cl\ l'llllwr ~00~ r 111< ll.11 ~ p.1rk dlrt•.ith t"l\l">h .ti \ll111gt1111 I >11.t .11 ! :\1•\, pr 1r1 B1 Hiit'\ .ml (In J11111 'l lht l'i<l 111111~' I •Ill Ill .1p111•1\1·d 11.1rh 111 1111· fp\\ 11nll I' 1 f \l,l">lt•r l'l.lll .i r11.11t 111.1p ,, I Iii• • 11 ii• ol lllt' ! II\' lllll">I 111 .i\ .h 11· ··d JI 1d II 11 !Ill' I IHlllllh\Jllfl tllflfllllll'rl d cft,1 ll' I •I 11(1 flw ,i...11dl•Mrd p.11~ I I I \ .11 II 1. ii fl'<"''ll' 1111 lutl111g ).:I\ II.' 1.111' Ill I h,lf~ fl·ll k ,1 l h,llH I II \\ • t> '11" ll'i,11111 See SKATE Page A4 Review of Fourth policing favorable Police lh1Pf tt·ll .... < it\ Council that it \\1J11ld Iii· wi">e to e>..tend 1111-. \ t·.11 , re~triction" to lut tlll' l·ou rt h..., 1 n \ \'c-.t '\ l'\\ pr ir 1 June Casagrande Ga • F • '\I \\!'OH I HI \I II l 1• 1 Jgrt•t•d !Ill J Jlfl'">lrlpll<lll I ti !I•\' \• •' I ourth 111 hth 'l''1·!11.1111 11 11 \\1·•1 • •• ' pon ""I\ lilt'' nL 1-..1· I h.11 \\.I' 11.t' I 'llll lll,1• 1 I I' I t ( J 11. Hoh \h I l1111l'll r11 111 "·'' 1· I 11111..i gn1·11t'<l1t \\Ill!• r1·d I 1• PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PIL ')T A man who identified himself only as Larry the painter paints the inside of a classroom at Newport Heights Elementary School. .111d 1h,ml.. c 1111 I \h 111 1wll '• I' I p.trllllt'll I 11 ld lht· ( II\ ( lllllll 11 lor 111.11..mg 1h1' Jrgu,1h(\ 111w 1 I ilw hl·'1 I c11m h ol Jul\' 1n rt n·111 h1-.111n QUESTION Should thP Parents urge delaying school CJJrl,1111 'illcl Police Department use the same tactic for the Fourth of July'" West Newport in the Worried about safety during th e construction, parents of Newport Heights Elementary students ask that the start of school be put ?ff. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NF.WPORT BEACH -Some parents at Newport Heights Elemen1ary School have asked lhe district to delay the opening of their school because they are concerned that the campus Isn't safe and that teachers won't have enough time to set up their classrooms. The request comes on the heels of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District's announcemen1 last week lha1 the opening of Harbor View Elementary School . FYI The Measure A site comminee meeting will take place at the school at 4 p.m. today. Newport Heighls 1s at 300 E. 15th St will be delayed a week. Problems uncovered during construction at the school pushed the opening to SepL 8. Th.is afternoon. a site committee monitoring the construction al Newpon Heights will hold a meeting to discuss lhe See SCHOOL. Pa1e A4 light poles and other construction materials lie in front of the school THE BELL CURVE I Ul'">c.lJ\ 111gh1 I n·1 't'" port 1 om h.1cl opp11,c·d ... 11m1• of th1 1ouglwr re-.1r111111n' 1111 \\t•\I "'l'\'Jll•rl 1-ourth ul Jul\ lt'lt-hr.111011' 111 dutl111g lht• pro future " 1 .,. o• r uru St-•c. n.J._ h1h111on ol lt4uor t11')1\1 r11' .111d 11•1 lri pl111g of line' lor " tlll o'!t 11,1•, "t11pp111,.: .,hort ol anu.tll~ <,upp11r1111g tho'r nilt·' <Jark.,on none1hl'le" 1011wd th1 1horu<.111 offic1JI.., ''hu prai'>t'U 1ht•1r 11111111m1 ,, calmt>r l·ourih ul luh \.\Ith rtll'J\ur,1hl\ fe,,er arn.•;,t<, -a mow < 0111111lman Tod Ridgl'\\3)-pra1<,ed c1.-. da"\ The d1-.c11'-.1on look pl,tl l ,1, pJn ol the annual Pohn Depannwnt prl''>l'l11allon on f.our}h-ol Jul\ celehr.111011., 111 \\e"I Ne'yp~ and 1hroughout lhl· l It\ A nine mi~ute video prese111a11on a1rt•d in the council chambers and broa1k,1't on loeal See FOURTl( Pa1e A4 Horizons can be broadened in Newport Beach Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlltEWEB: www.~com administration In Los Angeles and Orange County for the past 30 years. •t felt the council took a coU1"88eous stand o n the Nichols' lssue and aald so." Craig told me. ·ll was also heartening to me to see the compassion that was expressed. But I was appalled to hear the ~om and racial hostility that came out of 10 many local people who embraced what Nichols wu uying. It wu almost a minor lmlp of the 1'9dst exampl I uttd In my distenadon on human reladonl. • Sa. owr <.'O&e one ruem ~ I Mk.eel CIWaand bit wtflt-Whio .. ,...._ howdle Ncboll .. llt ........ Into lift dllcOnilan wlda NNpoat lwh. "Wt hid• ~COJlllltliwnl ,..... Qllialilkl. ..... ...,.. •• kind of human mix. We were embraced there. along with everyone else. When we all had to leave Crystal Cove, lt was a bit of a culture shock to u to move into Newport Beach. where the lack of diversity WU almost IOW. • They made a attong poln1 up front. ~of sue.Ing how~ they havt been accepted in their Newpon Coast nefghborbood, but ta.id it doesn't cart>1 Oftf nearly u well into Newport Beach. 1Me WU. for mrilplf. the lmi* dub that Maddy aplClftd 8ril. Sht got • quite di&Ttoc receplioa when lhe ttltplKW'td Mth t. ~ :o:n.ey looked It UI M if M _... hm ftuito. • thesakl WQIM. ..... M WEATHER It's limply beautiful. No ne.d to go to wottt today S.Plc•A2. SPORTS n,. ~ UnMnli'\v women'a 80CIC9f ,...,., ii W.b:mln1fll~ bir...-u1Me1MY ~. ......... THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE PHOTO COURTESY Of PETER UEBERROTH Peter Ueberroth is running for governor in the California recall election. A virtual win for Ueberroth S.J . C1hn Daily Pilot Though the polling numbers say Peter Ueberroth won't win the gubernatorial recall election. he can claim an early virtual victory. Information Week.com this week named his-campaign Web site the best among th~ recall candidates. The Laguna Beach resident. best known as the head of the 1984 LA. Olympics and for his reign as baseball commissioner, has his campaign headquaners in Costa Mesa. "The message is clear: He cleaned up the Olympics mess. and he'U clean up the state's, w the review said. The site, http://www.petnforgovemor.com. includes linlcs for contributions, audio and video clips and information about the recall. De Vore devours cash at fund-raiser 10th District Assembly candidate Clluck DeVore added to his coffers at a fund-raiser last week. Devore said the event. at the home of Tom and Randall PbJlllpt in Corona del Mar, raised more than $25,000. During the first half of the year, De Vore raised $145,250, according to campaign finance statements. DeVore's main rival, Anaheim businesswoman and Corona del Mar resident Crktt CrktJch raised $331 ,819 during the same period. Former Newport POLITICAL CALENDAR AUGUST 10dey: The Republican Leadership Forum of the Repybllcan Party of Orange County will hold a breakfast et 7:30 a.m. et the o1fices of the Inland Group Inc. In Newport Beecti. The tpedal guest will be former Rep. Bill McCollum of Aorida. Information: (714) 666-8555 SEPTEMBER 11: The Republican Party of Orange County KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Assemblyman Ken Maddox (R-Costa Mesa) makes a point during a town hall meeting on Wednesday, and Costa Mesa City Councilman Allan Mansoor listens. Beach City Council candidate Marianne ZJppl raised $70,658. About 75 people auended the Hawaiian luau· themed event. Among them were Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and will hold its second Sept 11th Memorial Prayer Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. et the Hihon Costa Mesa. The special guest will be Bruce Hersctiensohn. The cost is $26 per person or $250 for a table of 10. Reservations are essential. This is not a fund-raising event Information: (714) 656-8665 15: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admission is free, end ell Republlcans are welcome. (714) 656-8555 22: The last day to register to vote for the Oct. 7 recall election. 30: The last day to request an absentee his wife, Rhonda, who brought along their surfboard, the WGeorge W." Tom Phillips is the publisher of Regnery Gateway, America's premier conservative book publisher. Udall alive and well , j ust not running Corona del Mar urologist Don Udall toyed with the idea of running in the recall election. but chose to sit It out. It was his choice, however, and not the choice of fate, despite what some of his patients think. The confusion, Udall said, came after a paid obituary ran in the Aug. 19 Daily Pilot about his brother. John Alfred Udall, also a doctor. The obituary referred throughout to "Or. Udall." the obvious point of confusion. Don Udall is alive. weU and supporting Ueberroth in the election. Udall, who has worked with Ueberroth on nonprofit efforts, said he sent a letter of support to doctors at Hoag Hospital. Udall is related to former Rep. Morris Udall and former lnrerior Secretary Stewart Udall. Like many, Udall sees Arnold Schwarzenegger's chances as the best among the Republicans. "I think Schwarzenegger will have to come out with some statements" about his policies, Udall said. And, if Schwarzenegger wins, Udall said, he hopes Ueberroth will stlU have some influence. ballot for the Oct 7 recall election. OCTOBER 7: Recall vote of Gov. Gray Davis scheduled. 14: Cristi Cristicti. candidate for the 70th Aaaembly District, will hold a meet ... nd-greet et 5:30 p.m. in Newport Beadl. Information: Kelly Hillmen at (949) 278-9661 20: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel. at 686 Anton Blvd .• Coste Mesa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8555. DailyAPilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Copyright: No news stories, Martt C. Ouatin, Don L.eacti, illustrations, editorial matter or Kent Treptow advertisements herein can be READERS HOTLINE reproduced without written (949) &42-6086 permlsaion of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 240 Record vaur comment• about the HOW TO REACH US Daily Pilot or news tips. Cifcui.tlon THOMAS H. JOHNSON NewsEdlton Addf9n The Times Orange County Publt.h« Gina Alexander, Lori Andert0n, Our address 11 330 W. Bay St.. Costa lONYDOOaO Denlel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz. 1800) 252·9141 Editor Daniel Stevens Mesa, CA 92627. Office hours are Act\1911181119 ~OITllNO NEWS STAR" Monday · Frid.y, 8:30 1.m. -5 p.m. C' u'fted (949) &42·6678 ~ Crime '=9~rter, Con9'1'oN l>llPeY (9'9) &42~1 Ptomotlot. DlrKtor It i. the Pilot's policy to promptly Edhoriat (949) 574.-4 correct •II errors of sui.tanoe. News d«l/».bh•mti•l•ti,,,.com PINM call (949) 764-4324. (949) 842-5680 DTING ITAff' --=-· Sports (949) 574--023 l.J.Ceflft Newport reporter, FYI News Fu (949) 848-4170 ~a='· (948) 57""4232 The Newport Beac:h/Costa M ... 8pofb Fu (949) 850-0170 •J.cMine ,.,,,,_,com /llM~·'-tl,,,.._com Dally Piiot (USPS-1""'800) t. E,...... tMll~Jotel•tlm ... com ,,.,_..., ,..'*"'°" publl•hed dellv. In Newport Beedl Mlllft om.. ~Editor, Poflta, bu91neee end environment end Coete Mele, IUblcrlptlon1 ere ... ,,.... Olloe (949) 842-.4321 , .. ~ repottllr, (Ml)~ avell.ole only by tubecriblng to The ...... ,..(949)831-7128 ~mMr·llJlllm-.com l*/l.clltffOflelMl,,_.com Time. Cringe County (800) ....... 0... Lollll ..... 2111·11'1. In .,... outside of lpof'9~ Columnllc, cultuN reporter. NMport 8eaoh end Coete MeN. ~.~ (9481 51+4275 1ubeorlpdon1 to the Oeltv Pilot .,.. /ollta,,...,,..W""-c:om 1v1lt.ble only by first dell meff for ........ ._ M Dlttcltor 1-... o.11 O\lef, ~Nam:• l30 I* month. (~Include all Pubfi.tled by TlmM Community (MtPM224 Coela Mell~. (M) 571M221 lpplicebte ltat8 Ind loeel i.x ... ) ~•,.,,..com ~,,..,,.,.,.,,....com POSTMASTtR: Send addfMI Hewe, • dlv191on of the Loe Angetee ---=-c....-. ~,..to The Newpon Ttmeie. .... EdlloJ. ~7"M91 ....... h•:c.•1~ lleedVCoet8 MeN Deity Piiot. P.O • C2003 Tif'MI CN. Alt righ'9 .... ,,.,.,. • ...._oom oinl...,._,•...,,_com lox 15IO, CON Mele. CA e:zmt. ·-~. It ~ POLITICS ASIDE Wh at do y ou want · in a Republican? Amongthe e-mails that have come into the Pilot in recent weeks was an interesting one from Conner ~tyman Gll Fergmon. over the past twenty years, deserves our vote,w he said. I tried but falled to get ahold of Ferguson to aslc a few more questiom. including: Why should Ferguson, despite being out of office nearly a decade, is still as Newport-Mesa residents support S.J. CAHN Mdlintock Cmainly./\ over Arnold)? Are hard-charging a conservative Republican as there is in Newport-Mesa. He leads a group. Principles over Politics, that consists of lllce-minded GOPers who don't believe the party needs to swing to the middle to get new votes. In an article on the group's Web site, written after the last stateWide election (again, I feel compeUed to mention that was just last year), Ferguson says: "'The major problem confronting the GOP is ltse!f. The party has a total lack of political leadership. and its continuing war with itself is slowty killing it and the volunteer dubs so vital to lts SU~ Our last three Republican presidents. beginning with Reagan. won with the conservative message, as did most of the Republicans in the other 49 states, in the most recent election. But that doesn't satisfy the moderates who want the message to become more like the Democrats. They apparently feel that if we can't beat them. we should join them." nus is not the New Majority, in other words. Ferguson's e-mail to the Pilot came after BID Simon dropped out of the recall election. In Lt. be writes: "Bill Simon's withdrawal from the election has suddenly made it much ~for voters, espedaDy Republicans, in choosing who should be our next governor. Those mesmerized by celebrities and famous follcs can more easily choose Arnold. Our county's 'Country Oub Republicans' in the Lincoln Oub and the moderate. rich man's clubs, such as the New Majority, can now more easily solidify their vote for Schwarzenegger. Those Republicans who long for a victory at any price. can now join them and our stalwart GOP 'conservative' congressmen, in voting for Arnold" In contrast are the WRepublicans of principle." he continues. They "understand that this election is about the future of this once great state," Ferguson said "There is now but one known conservative Republican candidate, Sen. Tum McOlntodt, who, by his leadership and devotion to the principles of our party there local is.sues he's involved in or stands for that they should know .about? I haven't heard bac:Jc. though I hope he still might respond. In the e-rnaU, Ferguson - who notes he's McClintock's county chairman -does describe McOintoclc as "the state's most kn~le person on the budget and state finances," which would seem to de&aibe a good part of the debate team Arnold has put together, though perhaps not the actor himself. Conservative parts of Orange County certainly seem a place McO.intodt would need if he entertains real hopes of winning. NO VOTES IN SAN FRANaSCO A possible piece of good news for Newport-Mesa Republlcam. Including-If not especially-members of Ferguson's Principles OYer Politics. As they certalnly lcn~ the buft'er of votes Orange County has provided for Republicans has been shrinking In recent elections. Ronald ....... puDed In 425,000 more votes in county than Walter Mondale in 1964. That number dropped to 119,000 for Bob Dole in 1996 and roee only lligbdy, to 128.000. for Pt..-llnt 8Ulh ln2000. That bt.dfer Is important in statewide me.es to oftset similar wins for Democrats in places such as Los Angeles and the Bay Area. But. according to a friend of mine who lives in San Francisco, that city's rush of elections this fall is turning the voters off. Not only are they facing the Oct. 7 recall, but a month later the city has mayor and district attorney races to decide. And. my friend says. with the real possibility that no one will win the mayor's race outright. there could be a runoff in December. the third election in three months. Rather than psyching voters up. he claims, the series of elections has them n.ming aD the races out And that could mean bad news for Cruz Bultamante. • S.J. CAHN Is the managing editor. He can be reached et (949) 574-4233 or by e-mail et •.j.cahn@latimn.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be yet 1nother gorgeou. The southwest swell peaks Newport-MMe day, wtth today. eo we'll ltlll '"tome 83-degree highs In ea.ta Mesa walct-to c:n.t-hlghs In the end lnl1nd N9wport 8eedl end morning. By lftemoon, the nNr the mld-70. 1long the cNlt-Nght wlll dluppear. cout Lows will be In the On Friday. Wlllst-hight will mid.ea.. ClOl'ltinue. Mud'I of the aame can be On 5mltdey. W8WI should eJCp9Cted for fridev. build bec:t towlfd the Not undl Sundly wtll It cool d"9t-Ngh,..... the off • lltlle. IOUlhwMt -UV bulldl. lnfonawlloaa: Nttle. WWW.IMS.noN.go.t Sunde(l lootdng ft81 egeln. to ai.y high end dry. BOATING FORECAST W...qullty: www.IUrlrltl#.org The 'Hlllefty winds wtll blow 10 to 15 knoll, wtd'I 2· to TIDES 3-foot MWI on• weet IW9lt of TIMI ........ 3 .... end • IOUth twell of 2 to 4:381.m. .OA,_low 4fMC. Out t.fther, the 10'.311.m. 4.71,_hlgh no'1htu l*"V wlr1dl wMI blow 4:20p.m. U7tMtlow 10 to 11 ltrMJll ..tyj end wtl 10:29p.m. .., ..... high buld to 20 to 21 --...... with 2· to 4.foot~ on a WATD TIMPEIATURE ncdMM ... of J to .... end 1IOUlhIWllof2to4tlllt. lldlg- Dady Pilot Costa Mesa Police Traffic Investigator Floyd Waldron retires after 30 years, but he'll stick around to train his replacement. ~ DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot COS!}. MESA -For 30 yeari.. he has held a reputation in the Police Department ill> "011e or Lhc 11icest guyi.." Today. Traffic Investigator f1oyd Waldron will officially re- tire from a position he has held for most of hii. career -welJ, mostly retire. I le will continue a!> a reserve officer and help out traffic offi· cers with the expertise that tJiey have come to value greatJy over the years. Waldron, 54!, '>tarted hi!> career a'i a patrol officer in 1973. Within a year and a hair. he had become a traffic offiLer and, in three years. a traffic 1nve!>tigator. "Except ror three year. after Lhat, I've been a traffic inve:.uga- tor mol>l of my career." he ..aid. Waldron enjoyed doing whlil he did because he "Liked to help people," he ..aid. "I liked everythmg about the job." he -.aid. "Taking accident report'>, doing invc~1igatio11..,. I h'Ucs:. I rwwr got tired of it." BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Pacifi Care gives $45,000 to charilics 01e P·actfiC..irr I ounda11on. l''>· tabli.,hed by P..tdfiCare I lraJth '>)"tt'nt'> Im . ha-. rnntnbutc•d $2..5,000 to threl' UJ'>lJ ~le-.a nonprufii.. (,1rh Inc .. Annie\ I lou'>t.' .ind •;omeone C .cifl"> '>Oup lc.mhcn. (,1rl., Inc n:cc1ved SS.000. while An111e\ I lou'>C and ~1111('­ onl' Care-. got SI 0,000 each. nit' foundation alMl donawd $10.000 each to Newport Beach ba'>t'tl I luman Op11om Inc.. to fund lhe salary or an cldt'r ahu-.e prevention rnordinator, and to The case th;u stands out in his memory. Waldron said, is one in which a man driving a Molen van from Santa Ana sped Lhrough 19Lh Street, broadsided and killed two Estancia I ligh School students who were i.ki pping school to go surfing. "That was one case I remem· ber well because I foUowed it right through to Lhe trial sLage." he said. "I got the opportunity Lo work with the disllict attorney on that one. It was interesting.· The biggest chaJJenge:. he faced during his career were tJie ones that made him mo-.t fru!>- trdled, Waldron !.aid. "I've worked on many hit-and run cases where I'll know a per wn was involved.· he !.aid. "But I wouldn't have evidence or wit nesses to actuaHy prove Lhat Lhey did iL lhat Wd.'> extremely rrw.- traling for me bccaw.e you really Wcint to help 'iOmeone by ')(}lving the ca-;e, but your hand:. are tied " But Waltlron'i. persbtcncc, ht'> quc'>I for perfection and his ahil 11y to mamtain an even temperJ ment at any time werl' hie, Wl'at l''>t c,trengths, his colleahll.ll''> c,ay. HSI 1-1 larbor Area Im. to help ... ubsid1ze Lhe CO'>I for meal-. dl'hv crcd to low-income. homebound elderly. ill and di..abled people Costa Mesa need~ lo fi ll cily committee spols The < .0 .. 1.i Me'><t L11y Cou1H 1l '>C'l'k." rl111enc, ir11ere ... 1ed 111 c,1•rv111g on '>f'VeraJ 1.:omm1ttt.-l''> The counuJ will bl' ftlhn~ po ">itions 1n commlltt·c'> for Child and You1h '>erv1t.e<.. Cultural Artc-,, Fairview Park I nend and rund-ra1!>111g, I h'itorn al Prl''>C'f vation. I luman Fkl<1t1on'>. In vec;1men1 Over.,1gh1. and He development and He.,1dt>r1t1JI Hehabili tat 1011 Application fornt'> an' .1v.11I able at the lity clerk\ offin• or the city\ Web '1tl', l111v11 ·In 1.he 20 plus years thal I've wort-.ed with him, I've never ever l>een him mad," Lt. DaJe Birney said. "lie·:. very thorough with his inv~Ligations and, when he interviews people, he':. low ltey and doe'>n't put anyone in the defcni.ive." LL l.t•c, Cugerty, who :.uper· vised Waldron when he wru. a traflk ht·utenJnt. called him "a very cun-.ncntiou~ and respect· ful officer." ''I le wa~ a wonderful person to 'iupcrvii.<-," Gogerty said. "Hls work i., impeccable. and he was alwayi. there when needed. He w.c, very po!>ilive and had an o ul'>tanding work ethic." Waldron :.aye, he plans to '>pend more time with his family -wife Karen, i.cven :.ons and five dauWitc". "We -.11JJ have half of our kid'> with U'> at home." he '>aid. "I still have a few bo)" involved in 'ipom Jnd I look forward to helping out wherever po'>!>ible." ~aldru11 wtll. however, return on MondJy a.-. J re-.erve officer amJ will '>pend another month or '>II lramlng Offitcr Carlo!> Diaz, who will rl'placc him ac, tralpc in vt.·-.11ga1or . 'Tw hct·n doing 1h1'> for -.o long. 11 would've hcl'n hard for nw w qu11 -.uddenly," hl• '><lid. 11111•m1 t. t mto · 1111'\fl Cll. tt,\. I he ck<1dl11w "' "l'pl 24 Thl' mun l ii will m.1kt· tlw ,1ppo11111m:nh Ill ( lt 1nlH'r Fire Department rccci\ c~ $4.000 grant (.o,t.1 \fr,J H'l l'l\t'd J $4,000 grant Imm \t:ite I arm ln-.ur .tllll' Co It \-.111gu111 thl' <.o ... ta \1c-.a I ire· l>ep<trtllll'll l to pur· t ha'il' -.uppht''> ror tilt' Ill'\\ pub Ill edut <Ilio n tra1lt·r I he pubht 111lurnwt111n trail rr ~a-. purcha'><-d w11h grant fu1Hh lrorn I I MA a' part of the .!OIL! A'>'>l'tance to I ire hghter'> gr.mt program A lht•tlc. pre<,t:ntat1on cer- t•111t1n)' will tttkC' place at I 0 a.m )t•pt ,I ill I 1rt• '>tJt1011 5 at City 1 IJll. Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks• Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Scrviu• • • •••Nightly Enu~n.ainm~o1•• • /-or R,,..,,.,,,;,,,,, c.,11 (949) 646-7944 I 6•1'i lrviur ""'·• (Aht.> M•""' I •lunu ,., ~ M..-a ,,., fn.e 4, Mt• lhi1 •• '"V'" .. 1 \() The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPHOUIERY •Custom-Made furniture •Slip Covers • Patio f umitur~ • Draperies, Shades. & Bedspreads Tal<e an extra 10°/o off already reduced prices! Lexin ton Ho rands Through Tuesday, September 16, 2003 H.J. GARRETT FURNITURE .. A family tradition of prov1d1ng seN1ce and value -nee 1 =16C 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)646-0275 Full Design Consulting Service Available M ON -SAT l 0 -6 • SUNDAY 12 -5 I , I M Thursday, AUgu$t 28, 2003 • [!]~Dunn-Well . . 1820 MonrOVI& Ave. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 CalµeL~ & Uphols/.ery ':': ~ °':,,~ Robert Dunn Wiii&' ~Drying Tel: 940.648.9373 C.alp6' Repairs 714.540..3434 Wlltn h 0.--11111 ii 11 Done . Slnc:t f #5 CaJJ Us ... 1..et Your Business Be Our Business Rabbitt lnsur:ince Agency Al l I 0 • llOMH lWNI KS • Hl:J\l 1'11 ,1,i/11!11r '"'" / •15 ~ ~· & ~Sr"J_, ,.. ~ 949-631 -77 40 441 Old Newpon 81.d. • Newport &.di (N<"ar Hoag Hospital) YOUR DENTAL HEALTH by Decdree Ric.b, D.D.S. PROTECT YO URSELF .\ "' 1 ·1 old1·r 11Julr <.J~lli<• 1end !II nu ur 1n ,111 u .. 1{\ ut cu·r11 \\~urn u~\Ul' '"'e.tn. '" dt """' .1w '''f""""' l 'nlik<' tt1t· hiUJ l'H.tlnd '11.1i 'PH" du t("\1 •>f 1ht 1o~1rh rh, 11•11 '' uHeltll'I~ .cn"uv~ ICI ·'""' ~ IH 11.1. 11 '"'' pl.iqut .irn! h tturn u·u·"1ot1 ft"\LlJ, mur\· mot \llrfM.f 11 drJ11l;l11.1lh ttl<tl.1\1 tit• 1it,t1ttl' ut J.-.dilj'111>'. '"'Ilk\ I lt1 flf\t l1nf Of 1f('fi fl\.1, I\ (!) rft'\l''H •'lifll tt·t<'\\!Ull \11lr .. 1llJ\UHl f tOll•ALHh.l·d tu1c 111d fl'tl-'.t\ "" ot f'll" ·d"or ~1 J1« A•< • 1.11111 .incl h1Jnr utfncu•n "J" llohl I•• r\·,t .. ,1on 1Jf chc.: gu111 H~ •,111.u .111d 1hurfH1\1h drr1c.1I rl.Hnt11.1t1011-. '111-.I ulmr • htdt111! vour hm • l Ul ,Jul·, I ..1th \lr:t1 .,, fl'U."'\\IUfl. \''""I p1 H 111.u• .in.I 1tr.umu11 opt1""' ""'' uut '·u' .1-.,11hhli)! .,, 1nd1\1Joo1I h<.'t.,j, 'Ullf d< U(1q • Afl Jf\tf JHU'tHlr VUU v.nh tlunrul1 i'"•d•i•h "' •pplv 10 dtr rnrnh ''"'" 1" •II 11v.1h.i1 the in li;.111111 dt'\.t\ I .u}, m11 n1mu111 '' Jlv.11~'\ bc't~ \u .. I ot ~our proln\1011.tl ,trru .. I h~ivc..n~ l '41' '' l..'" 111ul. rt w< nl I\ fK" of hrlp "' vnu , ill ''HI 'thl!rl JI f ~41 Av111 .1d11 !l;,-wl"'" Br"'" tor 111 •f'fXllllllfl~lll 100'6 !!llon 4 8 0 11. Cut JSerber N';i:.~~l.:.'b m-at Berber Loop PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN ·THE NEWS Man pleads not guilty in auto theft f:. 26-year·old Costa Mesa man on Wednes· day pleaded not guilty to two felony ch arg.es in connecti.on with stehll.qg a woman's 1986 Toyota Corolla when she was visiting her disabled child in the hospital, offi- cials said. The Orange County district anorney has charged Pedro Meraz with one count of unlaw- fully taking a vehicle and one count of receiving stolen propeny. Meraz was arrested by Huntington Beach police when be was driving into a strip mall at the inter- section of Golden West Street and Garfield Av- enue on Monday, Deputy District Atty. Susan Schroeder said. uofficers fo und the ig- nitio n punched and a screwdriver in the igni- tion," she said. The car was stolen Aug. 18 after the owner had parked it at Olil- dren's Hospital of Orange County and gone in to visit her child. Meraz wa-; arraigned on Wednesday at the West Justice Center in Westminster. He is being held in Orange County jail in lieu of$10,000 bail. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anton Boulevard: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 block at 12:09 p.m. Tuesday. • Bristol Street: A traffic accident involving injuries w as reported in the 3000 blod< at 12:58 p.m. Tuesday. • Harbor Boulevard: Embe.zzlement was reported in the 2600 blod< at 12:32 p.m. Tuesday. •Hyland Avenue: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 3300 blod< at 2:45 p.m . Tuesday. •M aple Street: Vandalism was reported in the 2200 blod< at 11:25 a.m . Tuesday. • Meyer Place: Vandalism was reported in the 2000 block at 3:32 p.m . Tuesday. • Newport Boulevard: Grand theft was reported in the 2:300 bloc* at 8:56 a.m. Tuesday. • Orange Avenue: A hom e burglary was reported in the 1500 blod< at 6:28 p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Port Banno uth Place: Petty theft was reported in the 1800 block at 3:12 p.m. Tuesday. • East Bey Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 600 block at 10:56 p.m. Tuesday. • West Coast Highway: Battery was reported in the 3100 blodc at 11:16 a.m. Tuesday. ··Santana Dmle: Vandalism wasreported in the700 block at 9:18 a.m. Tuesday. • Santa Rosa ~ and Newport Centet Drive East: A traffic accident involving inil!ries was reported at 2:21 p.m. Tuesday. . • j .. .. Continued from Al eradon of skateboarders to re- inforce their case. •1 think lt would be cool to The master plan originally have a park," Bric MJc;Aaelson, proposed a 20,000-square-foot 12, said. "1 usually skate a t &- skateboarp park at Davis El-tancia High School, but I get ementary School But installing kicked out because there's no- it there raised red flags among where to go." some commissioners, sta1f at Companies such as Volcom Davis and Newport-Mesa Uni· and ABC Board Supply had o f- fied school board members. fered giveaways to endce the leading city staff to consider the · younger skateboarders to come other site. to the meeting, but the kids who People who have been trying did show up did not do so be- ' SCHOOL· Continued from Al status of the school. The elementary schools are two of seven schools under construction as part of Measure A. the districtwide facility improvement program. Palents are mainJy concerned about the lack of electricity in classrooms. making it difficult for teach ers to set up their learning environments. Part of the reason Harbor View's opening~ delayed was to provide time for setup. "From what I've heard as of the status today, it doesn't sound to me, because there's not elecaicity on, that they're ready," parent Wendy Thompson said Wednesday. "If things don't improve between today and Friday. then I wouJd say, 'No they're not ready.' On FOURTH Continued from Al cable TV portrayed a far more se· rene holiday than did the footage of volatile incidents last year. McDonell also reviewed the statistics for the holiday: 2003 ar· rests were down to l 03 from last CURVE Continued from Al There are too many . restaurants where they are left to wait while later comers are seated. Tradesmen who encounter Jess and ask if the man of the house is around. Visitors who are startled when Maddy introduces Jess as "my husband." A constant and repeated sense of being inspected disapprovingly in public places around town. ·we encounter prejudice here all the time," Craig said, "but it's not o ur issue. It's their issue. I feel sorry for them. Where there is no diversity, people live in a vacuum. It's sad and unfortunate, but we can't let this dictate our lives." Shortly after he spoke to the City Council, Craig visited the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles and came home so deeply moved that he wrote a letter to Nichols saying, in part: "In an effort to promote AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to milce.swsnson@latlmes.'oom; byfax to(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complate listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY · A,.,_ MmiMr, •P9tfonnanc:e Nutrition for Strength and l.Ongevity;" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Maricet, 225 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newpoft ..... Chamber"' Commerce will host ita Newport Sunset NetworicJng Mixer from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican, 2735 W. Coast Highwey. Attendance Is free for chamber members, $10 for potential members. Reeetvations aren't · n.quired. For more informetion, call (949) 729-4400. FRIDAY Teddy ............ c...,. °" Betboe lalend, 226 Mattne ~ .. will ho8t .. ,,_Jama N~" from 6 to 8:30 p.m. lnfonndoo: (9'9) 873-7204. SUNDAY ........ """-•·~ Ollil s.nicN' Cer1lW w111.,....... the other h and, the district is supposedly ~wing us that they would not open the school _ without those thin~ being in place." Assistant Supt Paul Reed said there is no reason to delay the opening of tho school because teachers there are under the same kind of pressure as at the other schools under construction, except for Harbor View. "It's no different at Newport Helghts than anywhere else, although I understand Newport Heights wants to believe it is," Reed said. "We're asking all teachers in the (modernization) sites that have to move in to put out an extra effort for the good of the rehabilitation of the school and for the [entire modernization program)." Reed emphasized that the district is trying to provide as m uch su pport to the teachers as possible. year's 162 and a staggering 193 in 2001. The total number of cita· tions was 1.224. Despite the in- crease of some fines, the cost of policing the area during the holi- day continues to outweigh the income. Conrracting extra police personnel shipped in from many other jurisdictions, added to overtime for Newport Beach offi- cers, brought the total cost to tolerance, sensitivity and the un derstanding of the power of words, I would like to personally invite you to visit the Museum of Tolerance ... with me. I sincerely hope you will accept my invitation to more fully discover the rewards of diversity." He sent copies of this letter to all the council members. Tha t was five weeks ago. So far. there has been no response. In the same letter, he encouraged the Newport Beach council to deal frontally with local racism by forming a human relations cornminee with the help of the Orange County Human Relations Commission. As noted in an earlier column, I offered the same suggestion to City Manager Hom er Bludau, who-told me that the city had no need for such a committee. Meanwhile. a network TV soap opera is using Newport Beach as the locale for an orgy of mindless rich people, and the state board of the nation's largest Latino civil rights organization, in a show of seminar at 7 p.m. P.K. Odle, a worldwide Instructor for the American Feng Shui Institute, will explain how elemental remedies are implemented as elegant accessories that complement decor to improve health, relationshipc and prosperity. Visions and Dreams la at 2482 Newport Blvd. Reservations are required: (626) 288-1669. SEPT. 4 Sh.....,_ fans.,. lnvtt.d 1o join performing artist Dorene Ludwig for ·shakespeare's Ladles .. at 7 p.m. at the Newport 8eadl Central Library. Co-.ponsored with the California Canter for the Book. the free program will include dra matic readings featuring the dialogue of witches, wenches, virgins and queen1 In Shakespeare's playa. The library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Information! (949) 71 7-381 6. SEPT.5 The YMCA In Newpoft Bwih, 2300 University Drive, will start offering eeuions of Hetha yoga and medit.atk>n Frldaye from 9:30 to 11 a.m. end s.turdayl from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. The cxm It $80 for eight .... ion.. Ditcounted rat" will be offered to fuH·facl llty . YMCA membeta. lnformatloo: (949) 413-9642. SEPT.I Mecy'tloutta COMt ...... s.v.m..n meoezt,,. end actors from the eoep Ol*'I •PlllJona• will team up to help gft1I edlleve the petf9ct look for the new tcftool veer It 2 p.m. In the Mecy'e Women'I "°"· ~ cen Mlopi<* up• Supply. "Hopefully, we made their day, and they'll come next time," Gray said . . The master pl'1\ designs the primary use of the site as open space. Commissioner Byron de Arakai made a motion to change the priority to make the primary use a skate park. b ut that mo· don was not seconded, and it died. He then made a substitute motion to keep the primary use Voters overwhelmingly approved the $1 lO•miliioo Measure A construction bond in JWle 2000. The funds have been spread out and applied to the neediest areas at the schools. Construction on the first schools broke ground in April, but the bulk of the work could not be done until the students cleared out in June. Some parents are also concerned that the fue alann system hasn't been tested yet, parent Robert Shaw said. He is also worried that the eight port-a-potties that will be available when school starts won't be enough for all the students and sta1f. Reed said there will be as many bathroom units available as there were when school closed in June and there will be more when the renovation is finished. He urged parents to look at the big p icture and be patient $142.758. Revenue from fines is estimated to be no more than $120,000. Though McDoneU called the Founh of July outcome a sue· cess, he cautioned that the po- tential for someone to get seri· ously hurt remains high. To prevent that, he said, the city must use the same strategy next year and continue to get the support for its locaJ members after Nichols' remarks. held its annual meeting in Newport Beach because, according to ill> spokesman, it is ·one of the m ost controversial communities in CaliJomfa today." So how, I asked Craig, can a human relations committee do anything about such perceptions? ·First of all." he said, "it could be used as a resource. The Nichols matter couJd have been played out in such a comminee, with a recommendatio n to the City Council for action. And it could always be used as a mechanism to promote diversity. Even if economio; limit those who can live in Newport Beach , the residents still have to get along with other people. "We can't change prejudice or legislate feelings," he said , "bur we can attempt to enlighten those who carry prejudke -to show them that differences among people are minor, and that we must stop focusing on Commerce will host a breakfast buffet at the Daily Grill in Fashion Island from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. as its Newport Networicing event tor September. The cost is $17 for Chamber members with a reservati on and $21 atthe door for members and potential members. Information: (949) 729-4400. SEPT.11 Four of~·· .,,...minent sports autho rs will make up a panel that will discus s "Sports Literature: Bringing the Game to Life" at 7 p.m. at Borders South eo,st Plaza. Los Angeles Timea columnist Bill Plasdlke, Orange County RegiSter columnist Steve Biaheff, and authors David Ferrell and Don Wallace will make up the panel. Information: (714) 279-8933. SEPT.12 Daily Pilot as open space and dle altem a- proval for this use was unani- mous, wtth Commissioner Wendy Leece absent. "This city nee~s to get off the dime," de AraJcal said. "There has been a t least a half-genera- tion of kids that has not had the opportunity to skate In thls city .• • DEIAORE NEWMAN oovers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@larimes.com. until the entre modernization effon at the school is complete. "We had eight weeks to do Herculean labor and. for the most part, we have," Reed said. "If people's expectations were (that) it would be absolutely perfect the third week. in August so it could open the way it normally would, those expectations are unreal. Anyone who's ever moved into a new house knows that it's not perfect on day one. and Measure A will continue on all those sites until November. 111 the end, it will all be worth it." Bonnie Martin, a project director for McCarthy Building Co .. which is handling the renovation effort. could not be reached for comment Wednesday. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 5744221 or by e·mail at deirdre.newman•?!larimes.com .. word out that Newport Beat:h is no longer a place to ma.Ice trou- ble on the Fourth. "We're getting there,· Mayo r Steve Bromberg said. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She mav be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrandeltiJ far1mes.com. those differences and concentrate on the ways we are alik.e. "In Newport Beach, too oft en, we have no clue about the magnitude of difficulties in the world while we worry about people sitting on the grass or palm trees blocking our view ... Craig said. ·we have everything , one could want here except enough of the ability to have compassion fo r those less fo rtunate -and that has put us in to the national news. "Unless this community starts dealing with racism and prejudice against people who are no n·white, it is going to get worse," he said "It's time to acknowledge this and tum it around, and the formation of a human relations committee would be a first step in that direction." If that ever happens, I have a great Idea for 1he guy who should be put in charge. • JOSEPH N. BEU 1s a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column app ears Thursdays. 588-2429. William F. Schulz. exacutive director of Amnesty International USA. will be Che featured speaker at Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Churdl, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa, at 5 p.m. Reserved tid<ets to the lecture See TOWN, Pace A5 NORl<Ams, Suzanne Suzanne Norttaitla, 60, of · Laguna Beach, fonnerly of . Newpon Beach died August 21, 2003 after a year rong courageous battle wlttl cancer. Her memorial wvtce wtll be Sunday. ~t 81 at at 8 pm at M.-in1t1 Chwch 1 In Irvine. In lieu of ftowera, ' · donation• may be made to Marinlra Globtil OuWMch. The Coet8 Me.a Senior c.nt.r, In celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th anniversary, presen11 the CostAmazlng Senior Hoedown, featuring live western music by the Travis Parker Band, dancing end bali>ecue, from 4 to 7 p.m. The Costa Mesa Senior Center It at 696 W. 19th St. The cost is $5 forrnernben,$11for nonmemben, S6 for kids. Tldteta go on Mle Aug. 16 at the center'• front detk and 8t ea.ta M8M Chy Hall, on the third floor In the RectHtlon deplrtm«rt. lnfonnltlon: (M~ 846-2366. 88't ,, Suzanne, beloved wife, motherf mentor and frtend. .. MnMd by hulb9nd lllilln, eon Mlltt 9"d wtfe Belli, _ daughtw K,.yten, moth« ' VMM Grochow and bfother and ...... ln..faw 8t9w and ti1ey Oroohow. The*tla _.. .......... StrNglte eom.r.nc. for Women wll run from 8 e.m. to 4:30 p.m. It the Hltton In Colt& MMe, 3080 Brtttot St. The ·0n Golden Pond.* ..... of ftw ..... acn11l1ng1InAuguec,M1 S).tn. NA.,.. lrMeld to_.,, 11'9 moNI end free popcorn .... ....... , Hepburn flm r.. •800 ~/we. In COf'Onl dll Mer. For more lnfon'Nlon, Cll (MltM4~ ..-... gift wtttt anv puf'd\eM of m or '1">'9· ph'8 • ""oHt beg ~"9ofS.....t11n · oonfereta wttt lddr'llt penonal ftnence. budaet .,..,,...., .,,. .... ~ ............ pnpee1ng ,.... ~-~IRC... M.-Wll ,__.hi~ nj j mag Finl, All I FYllloi• {7MJ -..,,,-.cr.n -~ ....... -. lnlunnoe ..... more. Thi OOll 11 m11~...-~-·­• ~ ... &. llnbTMllcMK.., • Daily Piiot Jett Sharen is closing h er ballet studio after 12 years. Stude nts say she was a mom to them, as well. ~ DHpa Bharath • Daily Pilot T he alr wdS heavy in that hall with hardwood floors thal is normally filled witb laughter and the happy shuffie of feel At Olorusline Ballet Studio in Corona del Mar, there were rears and hu~ Wednesday evening as srudents bade a sad farewell to Jen Sharen. the woman who they say had been a teacher, friend and mom to them. Sharen, 72, will move oul of the building on Friday lo make way for a new tenant. "The fear or not danong or teaching again kepi me from crying all week.· she said, visibly overwhelmed by the farewell party srudenlS an d parents had put together for her. II was hard for her lo hold back the rears when a student gave her a toast "A couple of yean. ago when I strolled into th!!. 'itudio, Jett told me, 'I want you to be one of my daughters.'" !>he said. "Now, I know I have become a daughter lo her. ro Jett -the mother and friend everybody benefile<l from knowmg. • Another :.1uden1. Damelle Weiner, ~ been rnmjng 10 Sharen's srudio for the la'>I eight years. Ille 17-year-old is pan of Corona del Mar I hgh School\ MAR~ t ; > N 'Ai • ;- After being in business for 12 years, Jett Sharen 1s closmg the doors of Chorushne Ballet Studio 1n Corona del Mar and moving on. dance team. "I don't want to go anywhere else." Danielle said, tears rolling duwn her face. "I love her. She i'> like a mother figure." Sharen was there for her students always. she said. "When my father had cancer. '>he prayed for rum everyday ... Danielle said "She's not jw.1 a dance teacher. She's part of m y family." Danielle's mother, ffdflene Weiner, called Sharen ·an incredible blend of strength and beauty" who iru.pired her stud en~ Bryan Huchert, another student. received a three-week ~holan.hip at the American Ballet Theater''> \Ummer prohrram at UC Irvine. "She care:. about her studenLs. • the 12-year-old '>aid. ''I'm going to mi!.s the aLmo'>pherc and the people. I u<,ed 10 be able 10 ride my rcv.or (M.·001erl down here. Hut now my parenL<> are going 10 have 10 dnve me 10 another ~hool. • Sharen <>a.td '>he ha-. denved a lot of plea.!>ure '>t'emg her '>tuden~ WfM "rney comt' to ll1l' d' littll• gtrl.s," she '>aid ... And 17 of Ill\' students have mmk 11 111 1lw Corona del Mar I h~1 \(hool dance team. I've dont' a 101 ol work profes.c,mnall), ,111d th,11 g.i\ot• me happine..-. "But Uu~ t~ a tl10t'n•n1 kmd 1JI Joy, .. i.he xud. Sharen -.aid '>he wtll ino\I' 10 Nortltt'rn C.ahforn1J \\hl•rt· lwr son l:ve-.. hut that '>hl· dl'lirnll'l'. hope; to conunul· to ll'dl"h " nu_, is m} hll' 'ht· -..ml 11 I don't teach 111 <lw llt.11, hrJ\\ much I low \-.hilt I do NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are ~me dt'Cl'>ion'i coming out ofTuesday niWit \ City Counnl mee1111g. FRIENDS OF OASIS The second time was a charm fo r a plan to create a commjuee to evaluate the ci ty'!> relationship wtth the Fnends or Oasis. The item was voted down last week when onJy four council m ember; were present and one, Dick Nichol!., voted agamst the item. On Tuesday. a ma1ority of the six councaJ members present ~TOWN Conbnued from A4 and reception are $20 for preferred seating and $1 5 otherwise. A few tidtets will be sold at the door Information: (562) 6464652. SEPT.16 Gen KefNng Tut>p. of the Vajrarupini Buddhist Center in San Diego will give a free talk, ·Guide to the Bodhisattva;" at 7 p.m. at Borde rs South Coast Plaza. The talk will be based on ·The New Meditation Handbook;" the latest book by Buddhist scholar, teacher and author Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Information: (714) 27s-8933. SEPT.17 Newport Beech recreation aenrices will present a new series of drawing and painting workshops featuring individual instruction for students of all skill levels In mixed media. The aeulons, led by artist and lecture r Mim i Sharon Stein, will run eight consecutive Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Vince Jorgenaen Center, 2006 Dover Drive In Newport Beach. The fee for the aeries Is $66. Information: (949) 644-3151. SEPT.19 1M 15d1 Tastll of Newport. featuring food samplings from more than 30 local '9ttauranta, tpeetacular llve entertainment. approved the plan. WHAT IT MEANS A commj11ee of two, fod Ridgeway and Don Webb, will begin drafting a cooperative agreement between lhe city and the Friends of the Oasis. Until now, the volumecr fund-raising group':. relationship.with the city wa., governed only by a coundl policy. BACK BAY SCIENCE CENTER A ')]am-dunk agenda 11em for a $J6J.000 conlract with arcrutect Ron Yeo was blocked by ( .ouncilrnan Tod RJdgeway. --more than 15 winenes. codcta1ls and beers, will run today to Sept. 21 at Fashion Island. Today's hours are 6 to 11 p.m. Information: (949) 729-4400 SEPT. 20 ·c.lebnrting the Past ... and Rebuilding for the Futurew is a two-day fund-raiser to benefit education, interpretation and restoration efforts at the Crystal Cove State Park Historic District. The events, from 4 to 9 p.m. Sept. 20 and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 21, will celebrate four years of preservation efforts and the beginning of restoration sctieduled for October under the paric's direction. For more information, call (949) 640-5220 The 15th Taste of Newpof'f~ featuring food samplingf rr1.. - more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment, more than 15 wineries, codctails and beers, will continue today at Fashion Island. Today's hours 4 to 11 p.m. and noon to 8 p.m. Sept. 21. Information: (949) 729-4400. Bo.rd a Homblow9r yacht In Newport Harbor and relive the fun of summer camp -for grown-ups only -with elegant food and harbor views. The $100 tidtet includes dinner, live music and dancing. Proceeds will benefit underaerved gins. For more information, call Gir1 Scout Council of Orange County at (714) 97~ 7900, ext. 315 or 397. SEPT.21 The 15th,.__ of Newpolt. \'\TIO quesuoned the amount of the contract and the quality of Sel'Vlce Lhe City could expect from Yeo. Ridgeway pulJed the item off the conc;ent calendar. :.aymg that the co'it of the contract was high compared to the co"' of the project. lne rouW'tly S3 million center will be part of a Mate-of the-art water quality laboratory and educauon center at Shellmaker bland. llidgew.iy offered an .ihemativc mouon 10 bnn~ the 11em back for clo'>er '>IUd) WHAT THEY SAID "I thank thal. arch11ec1need!>10 featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants. spectacular hve entertainment. more than 15 wmenes, cocktails and beers. will conclude today at Fashion Island. Today's hours noon to 8 p.m. lnformatwn: (949) 729-4400 Chef Sumiko Matsumoto will discuss and sign her book, "Japanese Healthy, High-Style Cooking;" at noon at Borders South Coast Plaza. Matsumoto's approacn to cooking has brought her an exclusive clientele m select settings sucn as Lake Forest. Illinois, La Jolla, Palm Springs and Boca Raton, Fla. Information: (714) 27~8933. Anton.tlo Ristor9nte in South Coast Plaza Village will host the 11th annual "La Dolce Vrta• at 6 p.m. to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The evening includes an exquisite four-course meal prepared by Franco Barone, who was reoognized as "Chef of the Year· by the Southern California Restaurant Writers. Tidtets cost $150 or $1 ,500 for a table of 10. Information: (714) 938-1393. SEPT. 22 Dr. KhoMow Mahdwl wAI pNNnt ·chemotherapy of Gastrointestinal Cancers· as pert of Hoag Hospital's Gastrointestinal Cancer Patient Education Series from 6:30 to 9 p.m. In the Hoag Cancer Center. Admlak>n Is free, but registration Is required by Sept. 16. Information: (949) 7-CANCER. ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE FWH-"-~~6~ r~· ..f,. <Att"f' Gifo-' ~Oft-. ...... LJ# ,,,,J DJWr,. . ~ Crfr c;..M,.... ~,,,...,,,.,.. ,_. r .. -' ""Urn-a.. .CAFE HOU1tS: M....S-••• c-... ~ u.16.., ..... C-lhn ~,.,..,.,,, ... , .. ,. """ ... _, Jl(Jff IJO(/jS; n...s.1a-..- NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 7 p.m Sept 9 The study session begins at 4 p m •WHERE: City Council chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd •INFORMATION: 19491644 3000 put a '>httrpC'r pt.>nul 10 tlw. 11 I 111 go111g w approH· 11," H1dgt0\\,t\ '><lid WHAT IT MEANS C11y !>lafl wtll bnng hat~ a more detailed cxplanauon of 1lw architect\ propowd fet..,, .ind the lounnl ma} rnn..,.Llc·r linLlmg another archllell -Comp1/ed IT\· /111w UL\llgrwu/1 t., . .,tt,.. •.-.-t tr I r '' ors.t ,. ....,.. .. .,I FITS 1N... Daily Pt lot I lllJl'~ay. Aueust 28, 2003 A5 W'!il~"Proudly Servin& Cotta Meu Since 1974" r----EVERYTuESDAY ----, .. L~f!Y~t ~.!!.t .. m~:cJ 1420 Baker Street #B, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (Costa Mesa Square -f argcc Center) (949) 548-5523 or (714) '545-8328 ALDEN'S I ·l~==9 ii =I DRAPERY CLEANll\l6 AND MORE I No TAKE OOWl\I OR REMOVll\l6 l\IECE!i!iARY I Certified To Clean All Hunt:er Dougla!i Fabric Window Covering!i Including: • luminette Pman heers • Silhouellt ~indo\\ hadings • ~lgnette \\ indo\\ ~had in~" • Duette hone~comb shades • Millenia 1 \I Collection • lubilance '1 roman shades • Applau~e huneHomb 'had~ • Serenette·"' Soft Fold · \l ~hadings World's Best ON·SITE'" Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET AND D RA PERIES 1663 Placentia, Co ta Me a 949-646-4838 • 714-968-8180 Building A Reput6tlan FOT Oual1ty l!lnd §en It e fi.r11111• 19">/ fl ouls r., orlt~ SUzce 1995 M l'huf'SClay, August 28, 2003 • Frlvndty Servlwl [!]~Dunn-Well ' ' ' <Ali Us ... t.et Your Bminess Be Our Business Rabbitt Insurance Agency AU"IO • llOMHlWNl'llS • HEALTll \1,,f,,/1r-, \111.r I <J'i ~ ~ Id ~s r;-' 949-631-7f 40; 44 I Old Nt"WpOn Blvd. • r-kwpon Bei<li 1Ncar Hoag Hospiw ) YOUR DENTAL HEALTH by Deedree Rich, 0 .0 .S. PROTECT YOURSELF ,\, "'r ,. 1 11ltJt·f .tduh \-1\.lfin t<"Otl lo ,.,,._ur 1r1 rt1l '-..l\ 11t 11.c.ih \ .. p:!llrn t1~u1. 11,r<fc,.,. 11·,d1 ••Mm .1r1 "IM'"'t Unli~' dir h.1hl ·1uuu I 1'1.u 1 •H• '' dir r-t•\I ot lht tuwh d1t ,..,,, ,, t .\UL n11.·lv ..cn\1t1\t' UI Ill• ~ h1 it1.c111 Ii rl~qllr Jlld \> ~111n t('H'\\IOU rt"\'(",J 'llilN rO()t \llrt.,lr 11 Ji.111A11<Jlh ""'"'" ti. """" ,,, clr•HI01•1n1: ••'"".' I h• '"'' lit>• ot ,frl( ""' '' "' I'"'' nr ~lllU 11.lt\'-•un \f .,l1~.Juti11H1 t101l1,j tu"·tf lHI« u11t fl'll!'\lfl\ 11f pi.•r111ti••11< ti d1\t.1 t 'PltH .rnd luuu.· '"''"" (llUI \JU '" ;,d fu htr.t .. \100 "' the p1m 1\1 1ul..r 1m' d111to11)1J (lrn c.tl C'\,UOlll.Ht\HI\ rml•.d "' la.-lllt): \Ollf hit,. I t. Hi d-. (t' t t ,tih \h;h 11J lti.t°'\Hll\, ( u)f.eJ P' ,, nt.11 ~ ··~t rrr.Hn•cm nruum. c·"~' .mil \Jr~ ·", 11hhnfi to md1\iJual 11(-i"lh \out ti• 11tf\I ~ .tl1 •'"' P'"' ulr vou 1•nl1 1111011.!1 1••••11111' '" .1pplv 111 tlir 1u .. 1h t<• '" '" '""n1t1h,n tl"·m JJ(•""' •I<'<~• I •rl• 11111'"1111nn " ;lw~v• ""''' -\11d uf 'o°'" prnko.\1011~1 druc;al h1,t11 ht ..1w" t"M·1111.1I II wt m.n ht ol he I' '" VllU .•• 111 rdf) '")(I) JI 1441 Avood11 "'"'I~'" llt••h f111 Jn Jt1JKll0tllW11t 100"' ~to11 •8 oa. Cut Berber 100'4-C..~ .... ~ Nylon Ptun Berber Loop BRIEFlY IN THE NEWS Man pleads not guilty in auto theft A 26-year-old Costa Mesa man on Wednes- day pleaded not guilty to two felony charges in connection with stealing a woman's 1986 Toyota Corolla wh'en ·she was vis1nng · her disabled child in the hospiLal, offi- cials said. The Orange County district attorney bas charged Pedro Meraz with one count of unlaw- fully ta.king a vehicle and one count of receiving stolen property. Meraz was arrested by I luntington Beach police when he was driving into a s trip maJ.J at the inter· section of Golden ·West Street and Garfield Av· enue on Monday, Deputy District Atty. Susan Schroeder said. "Officers found the ig- nition punched and a screwdriver in the ignj- tion," she said. The ·car wa'i stolen Aug. 18 after the owner had parked ii al Oiil· dren·~ HospitaJ of Orange County and gone in to visit her child. Meraz was arraigned on Wednesday at the West Justice Center in Westminster. He is being held in Orange County jail in lieu of $10,000 bail. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anton Boulevard: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 block at 12:09 p.m. Tuesday. • Bristol Street: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 3000 block at 12:58 p.m. Tuesday. • Harbor Boolevard: Embezzlement was reported in the 2600 block at 12:32 p.m. Tuesday. • Hyland Avenue: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 3300 block at 2:45 p.m . Tuesday. • Maple Street: Vandalism was reported in the 2200 block at 11 :25 a.m. Tuesday. • Meyer Place: Vandalism was reported in the 2000 block at 3:32 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Boulevard: Grand theft was reported in the 2300 blodc at 8:56 a.m. Tuesday. • Orange Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 1500 block at 6:28 p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Port Bannouth Place: Petty theftwasreportedin the 1800 block at 3:12 p.m. Tuesday. • East Bay Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 600 block at 10:56 p.m. Tuesday. • West Coast Highway: Battery was reported in the 3100 block at 11.16 a.m . Tuesday. ··Santana Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 700 block at 9:18 a.m. Tuesday. • Santa Rosa ~and Newport Center Drive East: A traffic accident involving inju.ries was reported at 2:21 p.m. Tuesday. ... ,. SKATE Continued from Al to get a skate park for yean tried to brtng out the younger gen· era on o e ers o "'~ lnforoe their cue. "I think It would be cool to The ina.ster plan originti)y have a park.• Eric Michaelson, proposed a 20,000-square·foot 12, said. "I usually skate at Es- skateboa.rd park at Davis m-tancia ffigh School, but I get ement.ary School. But in.stalUng ldcked out because there's no- it there raised red Oags among where to go.• some commissioners, staff at Companies such as Volcom Davis and Newport-Mesa Uni-and ABC Boa.rd Supply had of- fied school boa.rd members. fered giveaways to entice the leading city staff to consider the · younger skateboarders to come other site. to the meeting, but the kids who People who have been trying did show up did not do so be- SCHOOL Continued from Al status of the school. The elementary schools are two of seven schools under construction as part of Measure A. the districtwide facility improvement program. Paren ts are mainly concerned about the lack of electricity in classrooms, making it difficult for teachers to set up their learning environments. Part of the reason Harbor View's opening was delayed was to provide time for setup. "From what I've heard as of the status today, it doesn't sound to me, because there's.not electricity on, that they're ready.'' parent Wendy Thompson said Wednesday. "If things don't improve between today and Friday, then I would say, 'No they're not ready.' On FOURTH Continued from Al cable 1V portrayed a far more se- rene holiday than did the footage of volatile incidents last year. McDoneU also reviewed the statistics for the holiday: 2003 ar- rests were down to 103 from last CURVE Continued from Al There are too many restaurants where they are left to wait while later comers are seated . Tradesmen who encounter Jess and ask if the man of the house is around. Visitors who are startled when Maddy introduces Jess as "my husband.· A constant and repeated sense of being inspected disapprovingly in public places around town. "We encounter prejudice here all the time," Craig said, "but it's not our issue. It's their issue. r feel sorry for them. Where there is no diversity. people live in a vacuum. It's sad and unfortunate, but we can't let this dictate our lives." Shortly after he spoke to the City Council, Craig visited the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles and came home so deeply moved that he wrote a letter to Nichols saying, in part: "In an effort to promote AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swsnson@lstimn.eom; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing la available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY · A frM Mminar, •P.fonnance Nutrition for Strength and Longevity," will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martet. 225 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Bw:h a.nber of Commerce will host its Newport Sunset Networtlng Mixer from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Rusty Pelican, 2735 W. Coast Highway. Attendance la free for chamber members, $10 for potenti•I members. AetefVatlona antn't required. For more Information, call (949) 729-4400. FM>AY ...,._.and ..... a..,. .. Balboa Island, 2.26 Meftne Jwe., win hoat "Pllemt Maht. from e to 8:30 p.m. lnfonMtion: (949) 873-7204. SUNDAY _...._ .................... OMla s.ntoe' C..-wftl .,.._.. ·0n Golditn ftond. ........ of~ ,,... ........ .,,~ .. , p.m..NA ere~tuMjov._ moiAel end,._ popcum .... oenl9r'I Hlptunflm Fell. 81800 ......... Jwe. In COf'Oftt die Mer. Formot9 ~.· (Ml) .. 4 3244. 1'IWW' ~----•c... Mm ....... he fang *II t. the other hand, the district is supposedly assuring us that they would not open the school without those things being in place." Assistant Supt Paul Reed said there is no reason to delay the opening of the school because teachers there are under the same kind of pressure as at the other schools under construction, except for Harbor View. Mlt's no different at Newport Heights than anywhere else. although I understand Newport Heights wants to believe it is,· Reed said. "We're as.king all teachers in the !modernization) sites that have to move in to put out an extra effort for the good of the rehabilitation of the schMI and for the (entire modernization program]." Reed emphasized that the district is trying to provide as much support to the teachers as possible. year's 162 and a staggering 193 in 2001. The total number of cita· tions was 1,224. Despite the in· crease of some fines, the cost of policing the area during the holi- day continues to outweigh the income. Contracting extra police personnel shipped in from many other jurisdictions, added to overtime for Newport Beach offi· cers. brought the total cost to tolerance. sensitivity and the understanding of the power of words, I would like to personally invite you to visit the Museum of Tolerance ... with me. I sincerely hope you will accept my invitation to more fully discover the rewards of diversity." He sent copies of this letter to all the council members. That was five weeks ago. So far, there has been no response. In the same letter. he encouraged the Newport Beach council to deaJ frontally with local racism by forming a human relations committee with the help of the Orange Gounty Human Relations Commission. As noted in an earlier column, I offered the same suggestion to City Manager Homer Bludau. who told me that the city had no need for such a comm.ittee. Meanwhile, a network 1V soap opera is using Newport Beach as the locale for an orgy of mindiess rich people, and the state board of the nation's largest Latino civil rights organization. in a show of seminar at 7 p.m. P.K. Odle, a worldwide instructor for the American Feng Shui Institute. will explain how elemental remedies are implemented as elegant accessories that complement d9cor to improve health, relationships and prosperity. Visions and Dreams is at 2482 Newport Blvd. Reservations are required: (626) 288-1669. SEPT.4 Sh•irMpeue fllna are lnvtt.d to join performing artist Dorene Ludwig for "Shakespeare's Ladies" at 7 p.m. at the Newpon Beach Central Library. Co-sponsored with the California Center for the Book, the free program will include dramatic readings featuring the dlelogue of witches, wenches, virgins end queen• in Shakespeare"& plays. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Information: (949) 717·3816. SEPT. 5 The YMCA In Newport a..ctt, 2300 University Drive, will start offering MMk>n• of Hatha voga and meditation Fridays from 9:30 to 11 a.m. end Saturdays from 10 to 11:30 e.m. The C09t is $80 for eight aeeafons. DilCOUnted rates will be offered to full-faciltty . YMCA members. Information: (949) 413-9642. SEPT. e ....,..louthCOMt ...... Seventeen fNIOIZlne end ectora from the eoep opere .. .....,,.. wlU teem up to.,..., glt1t ldlieve tM S*f9ct look for the new edM>OI yMf at 2 p.m. in the Meqi'I Women• ttore. OJllOf'Mf'S can .e.o pk* up• epedee otft wtth «fV pun:f\aM of $76 or 'l)Ot'e• pfu. I fnle gift beg ounipllMnlil of S..•-.n '"41 d -. Ar I I Mlllo.• ('7'4t -.nrlld.4211. 9f.·IO • ,.. ... ..,.._.Clas ... fl cause of the giveaway, said Jltn Gray, president of ABC Board pp y. "Hope.fully, we made their day, and they'll come next time," G.ray said. The master· plan designs the primary use of the site as open space. Commissioner Byron de Arabi made a motlon'to change the priority to make the primary use a skate park. but that mo- tion was not seconded, and it died. He then made a substitute motion to keep the primary use Voters overwhelmingly approved the $110-million Measure A construction bond in June 2000. The funds have been spread out and applied to the neediest areas at the schools. Construction on the first schools broke ground in April. but the bulk of the work could not be done until the students cleared out in June. Some parents are also concerned that the fire alarm system hasn't been tested yet, parent Robert Shaw said. He is also worried that the eight port-a-potties that will be available when school starts won't be enough for all the students and staff. Reed said there will be as many bathroom units available as there were when school closed in June and there will be more when the renovation is finished. He urged parents to look at the big picture and be patient $142. 758. Revenue from fines is estimated to be no more than $120,000. Though McDoneU called the Fourth of July outcome a sue· cess, he cautioned that the po· tential for someone to get seri- ously hurt remains high. To prevent that, he said, the city must use the same strategy next year and continue to get the support for its local me mbers after Nichols' remarks. held i~ annual meeting in Newport Beach because. according to its spokesman, it is "one of the most controversial communities in California today." So how, I asked Craig, can a human relations committee do anything about such perceptions? *First of all.· he said. "it could be used as a resource. The Nichols matter could have been played out in such a committee, with a recommendation to the City Council for action. And it could always be used as a mechanism to promote diversity. Eve n if economics limit those who can live in Newport Beach, the residents still have to get aJong wi th other people. ·we can't change prejucUce or legislate feelings." he said, -but we can attempt to enlighten those who carry prejudice -to show them that differences among people are minor, and that we must stop focusing on Commerce will host a breakfast buffet at the Daily Grill in Fashion Island from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. as its Newpon Networ1cing event for September. The cost is $17 for Chamber members with a reservation and $21 at the door for members and potential members. Information: (949) 729-4400. SEPT.11 Four of CallfonU'• .,,.....,1nent sports authors will make up a panel that will discuss "Spons Literature: Bringing the Game to Life# at 7 p.m. at Borders South co,at Plaza. Los Angeles Times columnist Bill Plasdike, Orange County Register columnist Steve Bisheff, and authors David Ferrell and Don Wallace will make up the panel. Information: (7141 279--8933. SEPT.12 Daily Pilot as open space and the altema· live use as a skate p81t. ~ mous. with Commlas.loner Wendy Leece absent. "This cJty needs. to get off the dime," de Arabi said. "There has been at least a half-genera· tion otldds that has not had the opportunity to skate in this city." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at 1949) 574-4221 or by e..111ail at deirdre.newman@latlmes.com. until the entre modemiz.ation effort at \)le school is complete. t-We had eight weeks to do Herculean labor and. for the most part. we have,• Reed said. "If people's expectations were (thatJ it would be absolutely perfect the third week in August so it could open the way it normally would, those expectations are urueaJ. Anyone who's ever moved into a new house lcnows that it's not perfect on day one, and Measure A will continue on all those sites until November. Jn the end, it will aJ.J be worth it." Bonnie Martin, a project director for McCarthy BuilcUng Co .. which is handling the renovation effort, could not be reached for comment Wednesday. • OEJRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readied at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. word out that Newport Beach is no longer a place to make trou- ble on the Fourth. "We're getting there," Mayor Steve Bromberg said. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers New port Beadl and John Wayne Airport. She may be reacned at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail a1 june.C8sagrandel"'lat1mes.com those differences and concentrate on the ways we are aJike. "In Newport Beach, 100 often, we have no clue about the magnitude of difficul~ies in the world while we worry about people sitting on the grass or palm trees bloclcing our view." Craig said. ·we have everything . one could want here except enough of the ability to have compassion for those less fortunate -and that ha5 put U!> into the nati onal news. "Unless this community starts dealing with racism a nd prejudice against people who are non-white, it is going to get worse." he said. ·1t's time to aclcnowledge this and tum it around. and the fonnatioo of a human relations committee would be a first step in that direction." If that ever happens, I have a great idea for the guy who should be put in charge. • JOSEPH N. BEU is a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thursdays 588-2429. WlllMlm F. Schutz. executive director of Amnesty International USA. will be the featured speaker at Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa, at 5 p.m. Reserved ticbts to the lecture See TOWN, Pace A5 NORKAms, Suzanne Suzanne No rkaJtla, 60, of Laguna Beach, fonn8f1y of Newport Beach died Auaust 21, 2003 after a year !Ong courageou1 battle wttfl cancer. Her memorial Mfvlce wttl be Sunday. ~t S1 •t at 8 pm at M ...... ChUtch I In Irvine. In lieu of ftowera, • • dooatlont may be med• to • Mnwl Qlobjl oun.oh. The Coeta ~ Senior c.nt.r, In celebretion of Costa Mesa'• 50th anniversary, presents the CostAmezing Senior Hoedown. featuring live western music by the Trevis Parter Band, dancing end bal'becuo. from 4 to 7 p.m. The Costa Meta Senior Center ia at 696 W. 19th St. The cost is $6 for membera, $11 for nonmembera, $5 for kids. Tic:kets go on Nie Aug. 16 et the center'• front detk end It Cotta Mesa City Hell. on the tNt9 floor It'\ the Recfeetion departn *1t. lnformdon; (Ml) M5-23tie. 8EPT. 11 • Suzanne, beloved wtte, • mother. mentor Ind ........ 8'ntwd by hueMnd 8Mr\ IOn Matt and wife Belle, _ da~hter K,.yten, mother VM.n Grochow Ind btottW Ind ai'et .... ln..._w Stew Ind 9twtey Grochow. The .................. . Sb1twg1n.Conferenoe tor Women wfll run from 8 e.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Hilton in eo.ta Mele. 3060 8riltol St. The *"'•Oct Witt .odrMa l*IOftl9 ...... budgie~ ht .... N691'Mftl; pnpll1ng '°' ............ .... ........ lftdmcn.. ,,,.~ .. 111tf,... ......... ~ AMo. ..... •a.vs..,..1.~c-. . •···----... ------'"'---------------..... --,-....---~~-----~~~~-~---- Jett Sharen is closing her ballet studio after 12 years. Students say she was a mom to them, as well. • Deepa Bharath • Daily Pilot T he air w.as heavy in thal hall with hardwood Ooors that l'> normally filled with laughter and the happy shuffle of feet At Oiorusllne Ballet Studio in Corona del Mar, there were tears and hugs Wednesday evening as students bade a sad farewell to Jett Sharen. the woman who they say had been a teacher. friend and mom 10 them. Sharen, 72, wiJJ move OUI or the building on Friday 10 make way for a new tenant. "The fear or not dancing or teaching again kept me from crying all week.· she said. visibly overwhelmed by the farewell pany students and parents had pul 1ogether for her. It was hard for her 10 hold back the tears when a '>ludent gave her a toast. ·A couple of yean. ago when I strolled into this studio, Jen 1old me, 'J want you 10 ~one or my daughters,'" she )aid ... NO'N, I know I have become a daughter to her. ro Jen -the mother and friend everybody benefited from knowing." Another !>tudent, Danielle Weiner, has been l'.oming 10 Sharen's srudio for the la'>I eight yean.. The 17·year·old is pan of Corona def Mar 11.Jgh School's MAAll After being m business for 12 years. Jett Sharen 1s c losing the doors of Chorushne Ballet Studio in Corona def Mar and ~ng on. dance team. .. I don't want to go anywhere el-;e," Danielle said. tean. rolling down her face ... I love her. She is like a mother figure." Sharen wa'> 1here for her s1udents always, she '>aid. "When my father had cancer, ~he prayed for him everyday," Danielle said. "She's not jusl d dance teacher. She\ pan or my family." Danielle's mother, Darlene Weiner. calJed Sharen "an mcredible blend of strength and beauty" who inspired her srudenLS. Bryan Huchen, ano1hcr srudenl, rl't:ciw<l a three-week. scholar..hip al the Amencan Ballet ·111catcr·., ... umrner proi:,rram at UC Irvine. "She c.:are!> abou1 her students," the 12-year-old '>aid. 'Tm going to miss the atmo..,pherc and the people. I u'>Cd lo be able 10 ride my razor 1-.cooterl down here. But now my parenL.., are gmng to have to dnve me to ;mother -.chool." Sharen ..aid ">he ha.., derived a 101 of pleru.ure '>t'<'tng her c,rudem~ W"OW· "They come lo 111t• a-. ltllll· girls." she c,.11d. "And 17 of r ny 5rudents have madt• 11 to lhl' Corona def Mar I ltgh :Xhool dance team. I've done a IOI ol work profes .... 1onall}. a11d .thill gaw me happu1~ "But llu.c, I\ a d11Teren1 I.ind ol joy." \he ..aid. Sharen \Cud -.he will mow 10 Northern (AJ1fom1J \\h1•a· lwr 'iOn lhes. hut that ,1w ddi111tl'I~ hope<> to contmue 10 ll'.it h "llus i.<. ffi}' IJle,' ..,he \did If I don't teach. I II Wt' lh.it' ho\\ much I lo\'C '' h.it I do NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some decbioni. coming ou1 ofTuc'>day nighf~ City Council meeting. FRIENDS OF OASIS The second ttme was a charm for a plan to create a committee to evaluate the city'!. relationship with the Friends of ~ Oasis. The item wa<i voted down last week when only four council members were present and one. Dick Nichob, voted agami.t the item. On Tuesday. a majority of the six council members pre..ent 4: TOWN Conbnued from A4 and reception are $20 for preferred sealing and $15 otherwise. A few tidle1S will be sold at the door. Information: (562) 646-4652. SEPT.16 Gen K .. Nng Tubpa of the Vajrarupini Buddhist Center in San Diego will give a free talk, ·Guide to the Bodhisattva; at 7 p.m. at Borders South Coast Plaza. The talk will be based on ·The New Meditation Handbook; the latest book by Buddhist scholar, teacher and author Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Information: (714) 279-8933. SEPT.17 Newport Beec:h recrNtk>n services will present a new series of drawing and painting w orkshops featuring individual instruction fo r students of all skill levels in mixed media. The sessions, led by artist and lecturer Mimi Sharon Stein, will run eight consecutive Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Vince Jorgensen Center, 2005 Dover Drive In Newport Beach. The fee for the aeries la $66. Information: (949) 644-3161. SEPT.19 The 15th Tam of Newport. featuring food samplings from more than 30 local restaurants, spectacular live entertainment. approved the plan. who que<iuoned the amount of the contract and the quality of WHAT IT MEANS '>elVlc.:e the c11y A commitlee of 1wo. lod ~ could e>pco from Ridgeway and Don Webb, will Yeo. Ridgeway hcgin drafting a c.:ooperative pulled the 11em off agreement between the city and the consent the Friends o f 1he Oasis. Until calendar. '><lying thar the l'.OM of now. the volunteer fund-raising the conlracl was high compared group's relationship with the city lo lhe co111 of the project The wru. govemc•d only by a council roughly S:l·milhon cen1er wlll be po hey. pan or a ... tale·of-the·<lr'l water-quality laboratory and BACK BAY SCIENCE educauon center at Shellmaker CENTER bland. Ridgeway offered an ct.lternauve mouon to bnng the A 5fam-dunk age nda 11em for 11em back for cln<>e r <itudy a S36J.OOO rnntracl with architect Ron Yeo was blocked WHAT THEY SAID by Councilman fod Ridgeway. "I Ihm~ tht'i archi1ect needs to more than 15 wmenes. codcta1ls featuring food samplings from and beers, will run today to Sept. more than 30 local restaurants. 21 at Fashion Island. Today's spectacular hve entertainment. hours are 6 to 11 p.m. more than 15 wineries. codcta1ls Information: (949) 7294400. and beers, will conclude today at Fashion Island. Today's ho urs SEPT. 20 noon to 8 p.m. Information: (949) ·c.1ebntting the Past ... and 729-4400. Rebuilding for the Future· is a two-day fund-raiser to benefit Chef Sumiko Matsumoto will education, interpretation and discuss and sign her book. restoration efforts at the Crystal "Japanese Healthy, High-Style Cove State Partc Historic District. Cooking,H at noon at Borders The events. from 4 to 9 p.m. Sept. South Coast Plaza. Matsumoto's 20 and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. approach to cooking has brought Sept .. 21. will celebrate four years her an exclusive clientele m select of preservation efforts and the settings such as Lake Forest. beginning of restoration Illinois, La Jolla. Palm Springs scheduled for October under the and Boca Raton. Fla. Information: partc's direction. For more (714) 279-8933. information, call (949) 640·5220. The 151h Taste of Newport., AntoM!lo Ristorante in South Coast Plaza Village will host the featuring food samplingF rn ... • 11th annual ·La Dolce v11a· at 6 more than 30 local restaurants, p.m. to benefit the Cystic Rbrosis spectacular live entertainment. Foundation. The evening includes more than 15 wineries, cocktails and beers, will continue today at an exquisite four-<:aurse meal Fashion Island. Today's houn1 4 to prepared by Franco Barone, who 11 p.m. and noon to 8 p.m. Sept. was recognized as •chef of the 21. Information: (949) 729-4400. Year· by the Southern California Restaurant Writers. Tidlets cost Board • Homblower VKht In $150 or Sl,500 for a table of 10. Newport Harbor and relive the Information: (714) 938-1393. fun of summer camp -for SEPT. 22 grown-ups only -with elegant food and harbor view5. The $100 Dr. Khosrow Mehd11VI win pteMnt tldlet includes dinner, live music ·chemotherapy of and dancing. Proceeds will Gastrointestinal Cancers• as part benefit underseNed gir1s. For of Hoag Hospital's more information, call Girl Scout Gastrointestinal Cancer Patient Cooncil of Orange County at (714) Education Serles from 6:30 to 9 979-7900, ext. 315 or 397. p.m. In the Hoag Cancer Center. Admission is free. but registration SEPT. 21 is required by Sept. 16. The 15th Test. of~ Information: (949) 7-CANCER. ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE FwH-~A.df-6'~ T~• CMt.trr Gifo °' GmW. Dmr. ..... u. .-~ . Gmtn ('Ajr G.r*ll r.;. Di..,.....,~ 1..-d. T1t1 Ai ""&fm# &w. CtFEHOURS: M.,,..S,,. ~ .... ~. 0-Jrlim. IJIJ "'RMr .. C..... l'klwr ~ ,.,,,,._,.. ............ _, llOff HOU.s: T...S.1 .... 5'- NEXT MEETING • WHEN: 7 p.m Sept 9 The study session begms at 4 p m •WHERE: City Council chambers at City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd • INFORMATION: (949) 644 3000 put a -.harpl'r pt'nctl tn 1111., ii I 111 go mg to approw 11." IUdgrwa\ ..a1tl WHAT IT MEANS Lil} Mafl will hnng bc1t ~ J more detailed expl<mauon of lht• architect\ propo-.t:d fee,, a11d the council ma\ wn...idcr f111dtng another ardlllect -ClJlnptll'cl Ir. /1111P < JL"llgrwuit' FfTS 1N... Daily Pilot lhursdcty, August 28, 2003 A5 .. ProucUJ Seninc Cotta Meu liace 1'74" 1 r----EVERYTuESoAY ____ 1 RILS.9.Y '! ~ ~~!,! ... '!!!!!;J 1420 Baker Street #8, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (Costa Mesa Square -Target Center) (949) 548-5523 or (714) 545-6328 t::ift.hl' GOLD EN OPP ORTUNITY Model Year-End Sale Exceptio11 c.1l Va lues on Every Lexus 71 41 544 4800 ---- ALDEN'S I ·l~fllhj ii =I DRAPERY CLEANl!\16 AND MORE I No TAKE ooWN OR REMDVll\i6 l\iECE!i!iAR\' I Certified To Clean All Hunt:er Douglas Fabric Window Coverings Including: • luminetle Pri\an Sheers • Silhouette wmdo\\ shadings • \lgnette "indo" shading • Duette hone~rnmb shadf' • Millenia 1\1 Collec.tion • lubilan(e:'1 roman hades • Applau e hum·~comb 'had~ • erenelle \l Softfold''1 shadings World's Best ON·SITE"' Drapery Cleaning System ~ALDEN'S CARPET Ai'\/ D D RAPERJ ES 1663 Placentia, Costa Me a 949-6.t6-4838 • 714-968-8180 Building A Reputation Far OualltlJ and 5Pn lee 51111 r ICJC,/ [f ouls fA\'orltC1) S ince 1995 r M Thursday, August 28, 2003 Daily Pilot HOW TO GET PU8USHED -t..a.rs: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • RMderl Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (9491 646:41 70 E-m81:Send to dailypilot@latimttS.com • All colT8Spondence mus1 include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clanty and leng1h. EDITORIAL A tough attorney to replace I t may sound strange, but every time a plane from John Wayne Airport fil es over their heads, Newport Beach residents should thank City Atty. Bob Burnham. Why? Because without his expert legal advice and hours, if not years, of hard work. the skies above the city would be far m ore crowded. Burnham, who has been working for the city since 1980 and anno unced last week his plan to retire next spring, was instrumen tal in establishing the original John Wayne Settleme nt Agreement of 1985. ln the last several years, he was again central to preserving flight restrictions at the airport, restrictions that nowadays a re impossible to establish because fed eral regulations. During his tenure, he also has played leading legal roles as the city developed s tricter water.quality and other environmental standards. He has frequently been the mediator between the city and the state on a host of issues, most notably those involving the Back Bay and harbor. or course, two d ecades with a city cannot be free of controversial issues, and Burnham has had to handle hjs share, most notably the investigation into former Police Chief Arb Campbell and the aftermath of the embezzlement of city fWldS by former utilities director Bob Dixon . And Burnham was unafraid 10 wade into other touchy territory, whether it be the city's Ubrary Foundation or its Greenlight law. But through those issues, as well as the grand successes, Burnham has managed to build relationships with other city staff members and the public. He has consistently found ways to bring people together 10 find solutions to the city's biggest problems. City leaders will have a difficult task in replacing him. Not onJy b the role of city attorney a critical one, but tl1is city attorney has been a model for how the job should be done. READERS RESPOND From City Hall to the halls of Orange County AT ISSUE: Would Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan m ake a good county supervisor? I think that Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan would make a wonderful supervisor. I'm a retired employee of 2 1 years and le.now and have observed how the Board of Supervisors works. I've also had the opportunity to work directly with Monahan on some issues here in Costa Mesa, and I think he's a very smart, honest, reliable person. I think he would make a wonderful supervisor. DIANE OORRIEN Costa Mesa Yes. Gary Monahan c;eems to see a bigger picture than most locals. He does protect righ~ of property owners. but he also listens to and considers the effects on individuals involved and the community in making his independent decisions. IRENE SHANNON Co ta Mesa I think Gary Monahan has to first show his expertise tn running our city concerning Centerl..ine, El Toro (and) eviction of people before he looks to the county seat. ANNE HOGAN-SHERESHVSKY Costa Mesa Gary Monahan would male a good counry supervisor from hi!> bu!>iness experience plus his community activities. I le'd be a lot beller than those that are only politically motivated. HAZEL FULLER Costa Mesa We are calling 10 encourage Gary Monahan to run for county supervisor and think that he would male an incredible supervisor. All the luck. JOHN AND DEBBIE CL.ARK C..osta Mesa Based on his leadership and councilman tenure in Costa Mesa alone, I would say yes, he would. J think he's very fair to business. to industry and to corrunerce and to the residential area<> of Costa Mesa Still, a lot of work has to be done. but I think hes done more and helped more and assisted more than most any other single councilman to date. Therefore, based on his councilman and mayoral leadership in Costa Mesa. I do support him as a good county supervisor and think he'd be a good leader. BILL NYHOLM Costa Mesa .. u MAILBAG fll C PHOTO I DAILY Pll OT A reader argues that a skateboard park should have priority over an expansion of the Bark Park. Skaters shoul d win o ut over pooches I helieve that the \katehoard park is mo re important than extending the Bark Park in Lo'>ta Mesa. The dog" have had a pl<tce for many year<> now. and our chiktren who are our future have recently lost a bowling alley. an ice skating rink and a movie theater. I bl'lieve most of us in Costa Mesa are in favor of finding some good clean outdoor fun for our future residents of this city. BETH DU BOISE Costa Mc-.a KOCE may not have so much support I'm starting my 27th year a., a professor al Orange Coa~t College, and I read with concern recent articles about Coast Community College District and the sale of KOCI:.-lV. They made it seem as if there were a lo t of people al a board meeting -300 to 400 were esumates -oppo ... ing the sale of the station. Did anyone else wonder how many of tho~c were friend'> and relative .. of people cmplnycd at tht• ..,tatmn? It\ alw worth no1ing that thc meeting wa.., held the week bdore o;chool wa .. in ::.e,<,1on lt:adll'r\ ~eren't around 111 '>1g111firan1 number'>. In any tJ'>l'. there have been longer, deeper d1't.U<,\iom of 1hi .. IS'>ue imolv1ng many hundreds more. Our Academic ~enate -legally appointed reprc<,entative' of local teacher opinion -has pas.,cd 1notion., ..tslting that thl' .. 1at1011 t·ithcr lw made .. ulvent or dive.,ted by the di..,trh.t. One !ouch motion wai, presented during my sccortd tt·rm a1> senate pre!>ident, thrcl' year.., ago. The Golden We'>t C<1llt'gC' farnlty made a l>irnilar molion. Yet tht• <;talion's recent capital campaign netted les!. than half of the $8 million required for digital retrofit. let alone the probable $3 million ..tn11ual cost. Where was lhi., "ground1>well" of public <,upporl when the basket got pa!>sed around? The faculty JI r>ec alone.., about 800, ~ .... w,• al'>o are memhers of the community. Our ch1Jdren attc•nd rnllc:ge in thi'> di .. trict. Mo5t imponantly, we're the per.,onc; charged with the primary mi-."on of the district: to educate. fhb .,hould be thl· key mattN We're in dn educational cn\I'> fhl' '>tUdl'ntl> we're tealh1ng arc le..,.., and leS!> prepared. Even baste literacy h an 1\SUl' now. The Cal '\tall' '>)''item won't handle remediation anymore and I'> 1urn111g large numbers of freshmen back to the commun11y colleges. Some 60% of our '>tudent!. were remedial, even before. I sul>pect that the percentage is much higher now. Recent bond tl>'>UC'i will help the fact that we can't offer promptly repai red or clean restrooms for our students -this a'> we continually bold KOCF. the jewel in our ~lraw hat -but recent state cutbacks a re causing a ma ... .,ive reduction of ections. pred..,ely at the time that they are most needed. and bond issues won't cover that. Doei. anyone reaJly think that televts1on, educational or otherwise, is the be<>t solutton? MICHAEL GLOVER LEIGH Costa Mesa COMMUNITY COMMENTARY KOCE-1V must remain the public voice of Orange County W hat would you do if our Orange Counry quality of life were threatened? What if the threat negatively impacted our homeland security by eliminating real-time news and emergency Information about our local neighborhoods, towns and cities? What lf that threat included a reduction in local educational tools for Orange C.Dunty kindergarten lh.rougti 12th-grade students, ~ teacher training, an eliminadon of aa;es., to timely local information about ~ community goYel'rtlllellt. JocaJ ans and our important JocaJ nonprofit causes? What if that threat would mnove from us the ability to see the faces o( local elected olida1s and hear their lssues7 What if the threat aft:ected the very Identity of Orange C.Dunty and Its dlstlncdon as a ~ dtffermt from Los Angeles? n.p:aoy, the thn!et exists. Amid the poltda of ttate budget de6cita and ecooomlc a1l'e8. one tntgic outcome could be tbe 1oM to <nnee County of lta P8S 11.adon. ICOCE-Tv. The station' ownc che eo.t CommunJty CoUese Dlm1ct. -put the mtadofl up fOT .. lier men rt.n mree decade ol aeMc.e • 9QUlbiirn ~The hW*t bldl ..... bililD ......... by .... rellPu bi Ji SIR• IW0... ~ lhe tmpld could t r be devastating. KOCE is Orange County's only television voice. JI is the only station that. aJthough also viewed in Los Angeles, focuses on Orange Counry. Jl regularly provides education services for kindergarten through I 2th-grade classrooms and higher educatiooal for-credit COW'SeS used by many thousands of students and teachers. ln recent years, ICOCE has emerged as the only broadcast television station covering Orange County news, issues. people and events ignored by Los Angeles' oonunerdaJ television station& KOCF.. through lts production or "Real Orange." Orange CoWlty election speda.ls. "Boobnark." "Help Me Grow," "Sound FJrects." "Mendez vs. Wtstminster" and its broadcast of other locally produced shows such as Boy Monk and the Uttle Saigon lunar New Year Fesdva1. has helped provide fnd voice and an ideodty for~ County. As a n!SUlt. KOCE'a audJence hu been growing. md its operating budset bu lnc:reMed. Oetplte , .. growth and 9Uccetl, the eJ!Pel~ but federdy mandakd requin!mmt that II lt&doOI corM!r1 to dWtal ~ bM pllced ((()CB In debt........,. the dllok't CM't dord durtns .... dllk:ult llec* dma The IOCE fOundldoo. a prt.me nonprofit corporation, has for many years helped sustain and support the station through various fundraising activities. Its efforts have been focused on helping to fund the digital conversion and sustain Its annual fund. It is limited in its abiliry to place a si7..able bid before the Coast District Trustees. As the directors of the KOCE Foundation, we know the importance of KOCE to our communities, ind uding our older dtluns who, without Orange C.Dunty public television would lose the only stadon that uses a portion of Its broadcast week meeting the needs of those not served by youth-oriented commerciaJ television. The solution Is two-fold FU"St. local d tt7.ent must remind the Coast District trusteea that, aa holders of a broadcast UceNe. their responsibility extends throughout the atadon's viewing area and does not &op at the Coast Di.stdct border& Tbc trustees mtwt be enc:ounged to consider the impact of their decisk>n on Orange C.ounty bullnea. eduauion, the a.rta and homeland leCUlity. ~that on 9/ 11, Loi Medel 1V news reporten did noc W!nb.n Into ~ C.0Un'¥ Only 1(1)('.:E told UI the irnJ*I of ewnca on our~ airpon and &eew.ys end pw • Y06ce to lhe local Arnerai Muslim communily, helping maintain an even keel during the crisis.) And whlle kindergarten through 12th·grade education is not the mission of a community college district, the trustees should be encouraged to consider that KOCE has helped teach millions of rudents over the years and has provided er.lining to thousands of our teachers. To abandon all that in deference to the ttighest bidder seems less than respon,.ible. lb contact the Coast District lhlstees and express your oplnion, write to: Board of nustees. C.OOst C.Dmmuniry College District. 1370 Adams Ave, Costa Mesa, C.A 92626. Secondty, any place with the public and private wealth that exists in Orange County shoukl be able to rlse up and help ln5ure the statJon's long term existence here. The people and bwd~ or Orange County must do what they can to wist those bidden who would ausulln the tatJon's local publlclet'Vloe mlt8ion. If~ can bdp. ple8lle contJct the 1COCR Foundation. Prl!lt!'ndy. we have merged our btd wtth ICO!T to ronn a new venture co better compete wtth the mooey o&fed by ~~Weeeedu.•• politM! IOludon beclllle h ....... chat bocti ICOCE and OT wtD be public ( television stations charged with serving their respective communJties. 1lils partnershlp would maintain KOCE's focus on education and Orange County • news and infonnatlon. It also offers many collaborative operation effid~cies. • KOCE needs the people and leaders of Orange County to step up and support us. We believe our con tinued success. OUT quality of life, and our Identity as a populace distinct rrom Los Angeles : depends on our success In saving • KOCe-Tv. lfyou can help. contact the : KOCE Foundadon: 15751 Gothard St., • Huntington Beach. CA 92647. • IOlllOWI( KOCE-'IV IWndatiol( Board ~ 06rect0f9 Huntincton ee.qi . ' • EDnOft'I NOTE: The KOCE Found9tJon 8oet'd of OitectoB Inductee: Dte ...... .., MINn 8-geeon, Bob BfO'M\ a.... • Brown, PtQcw ~ a.y, John o..n, Jtny cw..ni.. Dwight o.dliw, the Aw. ~,..,,..~. s.m....Oold I 1n. I Todd E tWendlr, Citot Jon., Mll9)9 Ruot, "* ~.Jedi: UndQuilt. M9'y lyonl. .. Mower,~ Ray, Mllllelt. Geotge, JeQullne Shir. Joel &May, --l 9'roUd Ind Din Wirt*\ • J S 0 C I f: ·1 Y THE CROWD Jo ining in the fight aga in st cystic fibrosis ' 'I magine knowing that every '>inglc day. you arc in a race for your life," lhe C;yt.tk Fihrosis Foundation sar-. "What doei> it take to wln7" The scien1bts, adrnini<.tmtor'> aml volunteers re.pond. "It tA1kc~ delermina1iun. enduranct• and a <,pint of optimism." Newport Reach CF at 1ivlM~ Sue and Dave Hook mu!.ter<.-d a major '>Upply uf determination , cndurnnct· and optimism to ra11y community <,11ppo rt for the 20th anrnveNU)' gala pn...enle<l by lhe Cy!>tic Hhro'i' <.;uild of Orangl' County. lne hlack-11e t·wning. held at the (, r JJl d Ca!Jfo rn t<m I lotl'I. Anaheim. a11ramxl 375 gur..1~ and neut'd mon· than $JOO,IJOO in LO year. .• 1 net amount of more than S4 c; million ha.'> ht"t.·n ra1'>t'd hy 1lw Orange Coun1y Cl G111ld for 8. W. COOK re~art h lor ,1 nm: It hm, het•n lhe tradition of fund rni-,cr. to honor a distingui'>hcd local cili/A.'ll for lill'ir c;ontrihulion to lha1 c:ure. Sim:c I !:18.1, honorees have indudl'd Roger Stanton, Red Patterson . Ralph and Eva Mann. Marshall Fant, Ed Arnold . Cart and Margaret Kllrcher. Boomer and Oleryl Esiason. 1hr Motenko fa1111lv. thl' lsen family and tht• Mount f,unily llw .. yt•ar''> honorc-e wa<, 10'1 A rad to pt•N111al11y Shawn Pan "Shawn ha.' un'>t·lfhhl} giwn of hi'> time and 1alrn1 111 help ra1-..t' hundrt'<I' of lhou'Wm<h of dollar., for !"\'\Ill fibro'>I'>." !'lul' I look '><ltd "Wt• .1n· 'o happy thal \h,1wn '" parl of tht' wonderful fanuly" Newport's Dave and Sue Hook 1oin Karen Hall and honoree Shawn Parr at a Cystic F1bros1s Guild gala that raised$ 300.000 And II I.!> sndt't•d J fanuly. nol Jll'>I a chantahle group t\Jo ... 1of1ho'>l' mrnlved arc m nm't·tl'<l hy the horror. of< I Many are battling the• d1-..ea.'t' w1tJ1 ,, cluld or olht•r '1~n1fi< Jill rl'la11011 ( >1lwr' have lo-.1 a child A' m 01her y<.•.tr\, lilt• l'\t'llt11g wa' J e<licaw<l to thl' 111cn10ry of om• '"l h chiJd. Sarah Kanofsky. dauglllt•r of Myron and Carol Kanofslcy ,md ,i ... 1n ol Megan. Sarah fought <.I her t'rll irl' young life. pa..,.,mg away JI agt' 12 111 1997. Sarah and lwr family an• i.ymbol<, ofthe '!truggk and lht• 'Pini hcld by many others. '>llth a'> \m<:man AirluH·'· BJ\ R<">taur.m1 .md Bre"el"}. John and Uonna Crean, k'rry and O.erl llennesi.-y and Pat lfitchcoc.k O'ConneU /\llendmg lht· gaJa 10 honor l .. arr ,mcl ... upporl <.I wt•rt• :'\t•\ .. port\ Patrick and Lonnie Anderson. Mary fli'l,abet.h Boren. Roland Dextrauder. Shelly flam. PauJ GaJc. David and Corrie GranofT. Carn Hunter. Mike llurwil7, Roh Walto~ .md Mary and Mike Zollman. I he h1gl1lig)11 of 1he t·venmg w;.., an in!>pirauona.I addre .. s hy l li vcar old Stacy Motenko. llw 1t•1:11ager 'pokt· al la">I year ... gaJa abu111 Ii" 1ng wnh ""'Ill fihro""· and 'ht• re111rnl'd 1111., yt•ar 10 11pda1e the cro\Vll on her progrt"' f il'r appearance \\'i.1<, an uphc:ai '1gi1 of hop<.· for 1he many \\ho '"rrl•r w11h lwr Some of 1ho<,t.• 11111111a1dy 111volwd .ur Olariale Goetz and Debbie Hambright. Diane Stovall. Karen tlall, Dean Gerrie. Gail lsen. Catherine Griffin. Myra Ross and Anne Butcher Major undeiwnllng fur llll' affair< amc from corporaw .md 1nd1\1dual donor. •THE CROWD app('ars fhursdJys <md Saturdays CF patient Randy Twarte wrth CF gala chair Sue Hook of Newport Beach, radio talk host Michael Reagan. and Helen Johnson -----'----- 20% OFF ~ ~~I TN.~ llient flll'IMr • 5tii (Mt PlodllC1S. Not widl ""I othtr o~ «'*item. •• 111 .... 11 ....... c. ...... ,..~,. Op.on Y Days I.,...,., I , • ..a~ -I "" I .., • • FotoART '~~I 111 · I , Fun, Feminine St yles for All Shapes I & Sizes of Beautiful Women . j 369 E. 17th St., #21, Costa Mesa (949) 642·5459 .To The Recycling Center and receive a FREE drainer container! CGI l 1806G0Mlt •wllltwww~m,,.. ..... ......... ,... U CTCl.I um> OIL Contain used oil I filter securely befora transporting. Call drop-off site beforehand to confirm hours and acceptance of oil I fitters. Limit one giveaway per household. WhHe supplies iasl ... C ys •re '1br0 ' uuild's ''rt-.,·t · Award rec.1p1H • •·• ;t1 Ru f·Jrr1 ) Unique Personalized Gifts for every ocassion Choose from- Personalized Mugs Laser f ngraved Frame ~ PhotoSculptures Sports Awards and rn uch muc.h rriore .,. Bring this ad with you for $10. 00 off your order. • I .I • Classifted ads work for youl ---II • Daily Pilot THE , • ··-~ ............ ··-... _ _._,_. __ ....,.. ____ .. ~----·----~ - M Thursday, Auaust 28. 2003 LIFE & LEISUR E BEST BUYS qua zty uggage at enc a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 759-9101. DECORATE WITH ANTHROPOLOGIE B enchJey LutaPtge Ltd., established in 1977, features the best in luggage, games, travel accessories, small leather goods and more. It has a Tumi shop-in-a-shop-a top-quality business case. travel bag, handbag and accessories company. Exclusive nYton fabric, GREER WYLDER Philadelphia-based Anthtopologle, a popular upscale sister store to Urban Outfttten, offers one-stop shopping for stylish apparel, home nearly indestructible wheels and patented handles and closure systems are some ofTumi's innovations. Oassic games to choose from include chess, dominos, backgammon, bridge and Monopoly. Globes, handmade pens, desk accessories and IGpling bags are a few of BenchJey's great finds. Benchley-1...uggage is open from 10 am. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 d~cor and gifts. Even though it's a national chain retailer, it feels lilce a Parisian flea market the enormous rusted, weathered tin-tiled ceiling from a Philadelphia mansion and the living room, bedroom, bathroom and garden vignettes add to its charm Anthropologie offers travel-inspired clothing. an eclectic feminine take on the Bohemian look; reproduction furnishings and one-of-a kind objects from Asia and Europe: BLOODY MARY DAYS! STOLICHNAYA IMPORTED$15ee RUSSIAN VODKA 1 LTit + Ta>e n • Joamlly Choice Award Winner for Best Private f~lement.ary .'tchool! A brand new campus w ith 95 years of experience. Summtt *1Jd F•ll Ellrollment DOW Jn l'ro#l'estll Scbool Mgln.'t A.,.u.ct I Ith. •PC & Mac Computer Labo; *Sllltc-of-the-art·Library *Science Latb •Small C lass Si~.es •Private Swimming Pool •stronR Curriculum •Individual Attention •Alter School Programs •Field Trips 1111 l'IDllADD JNSUMNCZ COMPANllS' I Congratulations! Federatcd's WESTERN NIGHTS incentive challenge was successful because of the passion in finding cljem solution' and sales achievcmcncs of marketers like JOSEPH JONES. We take sped~ pride in recognizing J~ph foe this accompli1hmcnt and we al.Jo thank >."OU, his business wociatcs a.nd friends, for your pan in hiJ succm. -'-"' M. }Ha 707 f lV.,.,, Aw .. IP.716 Hu~ 8-:b. CA '1647 P 6 CI .LJ/P l.k. IOD06499 FEDEllATED INSURANCEr.J* TN FEDEMTED Jw-. C1 ....... u-.~u1•Pw1LS.-.·o.....iM.MH~'*·-'' r·-.- t I and personal Items such as soaps, boob, candles and gifts. All dkor can be bought: tables, beds, sofas, linens, mim>rs. lighting, and ru~. Anthropologie is open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 720-9946. www.anthropologie.com. GET TOUGH JEWELRY SoHo-based Stuart Moon showcases 35 European jewelry designers, including its own Stuart Moore line, which specializes in hand-fabricated platinum and 18-karat gold jewelry. Designs are minimalist; many are Bauhaus-inspired. Highest quality engagement rings are their specialty. Stuart Moore has copyrighted designs and says that its platinum or gold is twice as hard and has twice the tensile strength as almost all competitors Moore says that 99% of jewelers cast their rings. "This is the best quality produce on the market, bar none," Moore said. "G.IA-certified diamonds are AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. MUSIC SPYRO GYRA CONCERT Contemporary jazz legends Spyro Gyra will perform at the Hyatt Newporter at 8 p.m. Sept. 5. Tickets cost $32.50 to $57.50 and are available at any Ticketmas1er location. The Hyatt Newporter is at 1107 Jamboree Road in Newport Beaen. Information: (949) 729·6013 or www.summerjazzseries.com. K.D. LANG IN CONCERT Three-time Grammy winner k.d . Ieng will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept. 6. Tickets cost $40 to $70. The center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-AATS or online at www.ocpac.org. TCHAJKOVSKY'S GREATEST HITS Conductor Carl St. Clair leads the Pacific Symphony in "Tenaikovsky's Greates1 Hits," an all Tchaikovsky program, at 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Special guest pianist Vardan Mamikonian will perform the Piano Concerto No. 1. The evening starts with the Polonaise from "Eugene Onegin" and the suite from "Swan Lake;' and ends with the rousing "1812" Overture, with cannons and fireworks. Tickets cost $75 to $375. The concert is at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine. Information: (714) 755-5799, www.pacificsymphony.org. CHRIS ISAAK Chris Isaak will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center' Segerstrom Hall at 7 p.m. Sept. 14. Tickets cost $40 to $82. The center Is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 656-AATS or online at www.oopac.org. 'NEXT UP!' The "Next Upl" concert will kick-off the Eclectic Orange Festival from 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 4 at Town Center Part< In Costa Mesa. The 88, Bedroom Walls and Tom Brosseau will perform. "Next Upl; formerly Unsigned Indies, ls a showcase of Independent local artists presented by KCRW FM (89.9). The free, all·ages concert is at Town Center Parle In Costa Meaa, ecron the street from South Coast Plaza. Information: (949) 553-2422 or priced at least 35CJli less than retail.· The store bas an annual sale in April. Selected styles are reduced up to 50%. Stuart Moore ls open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m . Monday through Friday. from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 644·0501 www.stl«irtmoore.com. HUNGRY MUCH? Stone Creek Cal~ is a gourmet deli that features Boar's Head meats, deli salads, a salad and omelet bar, and homemade hot foods. It's in the Atrium Court. (949) 760-0403. LEARNING AT LA TABLE In 1972, the original Stu La Table opened at Seattle's famous Pike Place Farmers' Market The store was created as a source of high-quality cookware and unique tools for home chefs and culinary pros. Its experienced staff can help solve ldtchen-relaced problems and offers expert advice. It also offers a range of cooking classes for beginners to accomplished chefs through its culinary www.EclecticOrange.org. JA1.Z TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beaen presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Besen. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718·0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardis1s and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beaen. Free. (949) 675-7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rock, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant Is at 630 lido Parle Drive, Newport Beaen. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coas1 Highway, Newport Besen. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant Is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5616. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beaen presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunen. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is et 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, e funk. rock and Motown act. perform• et 9 p.m. Saturday• at Carmelo's Rl1torante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Senders co•1111•T1 •• ShtrHA·MA·Alot 949-857-22?& program. Oasses are taught by local and'traveling instructors - includlng chooolate, Asian cooking, baldng, fundamentals, Italian cooking, comfort food and more. Hands-on and demonstration classes are for ildults and children. Sur La Table is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. (949) 640-0200. w.vw.surlatable.com. POLITE PATIO Looking for quality patio furnishings? Stop by Padftc Coast Patio in Costa Mesa. The owner:, Ana, goes out of her way to be helpful and offers a nice selection. There are hundreds of fabrics to choose from for the perfect patio look. Pacific Coast Patio is open from 10 am. to 5 p .m. Monday through Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at 845 W. Baker St. in Costa Mesa. (7 l4) 979-1336. PERFECT ASSORTMENT Neiman Marais carries the new Infinity collection of luxury intimate apparel by Cosabella The new Line features performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. free. (94.9) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Besen. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'CHICAGO' Kander and Ebb's hugely popular *ChicagoH will be performed at 8 p.m. today and Friday, a1 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tickets cos1 $28.75 to $65.75. They can be purenased at the Cen.ter box office or at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (71 4) 556-AATS. 'THE LAST NIGHT OF BALLYHOO' South CoaS1 Repertory will present "The Last Night of BallyhooH at Segerstrom Stage from Friday through Oct. 5. The performance is set in 1939 in Atlanta, when the war on the minds of the locals is the Civil War, as depicted in "Gone with the Wind:' But for Lala and her family, nothing could be more important than her debut at Ballyhoo, a dance thrown by the elite Jewish Society. Tickets are $19 to $55. Call for curtain times. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information or tickets: (714) 708-5555. 'FOREVER PLAID' "Forever Plaid" will be presented at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founders Hall Tuesday through Sept. 14. Shows will be at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Fridays, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturdays and at 2 and 7 p.m. Sundays. A four-man harmony group on the way to their first professional gig In 1964 are killed in a car crash. But the squeaky-clean crooners get a second chance o n earth. Tickets cost $46 to $49. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 556-AATS or www.ocpac.org. 'SHAKESPEARE'S LADIES' Fans of the Bard are invited to join pe{forming artist Dorene Ludwig for "Shakespeare's Ladles; at 7 p.m. Sept. 4 at the Newport Beach Central Library. Co-sponsored by the California Center for the Book, the free program will include dramatic reading• featuring the dialogue of witdlea, wenches, virgins end queen• In Shakespeare'• play1. The Newport Beach Central ' .. Daily P~ot ey cutting-edge Ughl mesh fabric, with seamless edges at the top and fine side seams. The comfortable, sexy line has a variety of styles: a low rider thong. low rider bikini, hot pants, molded bra and camisole. Expected to arrive soon are a push-up bra and sleeveless top. Colors include black, nude, powder blue, powder pink and white. Cosabella is known for its innovative (abrics. In the early 1980s, it was the first company to use elastic tulle fabric in lingerie. It was originally used exclusively for hosiery. The elastic tulle was used to create Cosabella's famous Soire collection. It's currently available in 30 colors and 15 styles. Neiman Marcus is open from l O a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 759-1900. • BEST BUYS appears Thursdays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder@yahoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. Library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. 'AN EVENING WITH BETH HANSEN' Critically acclaimed actress. singer and director Beth Hansen will present her popular one-woman show, "An Evening with Beth Hansen; at Orange Coas1 College at 8 p.m. Sept. 6 and 7. The show will feature a collage of Broadway show tunes. Tickets cost $20 for adults or $10 for students. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432-5880. DENNIS MILLER LIVE Comedian, author and five-time Emmy Award winner Dennis Miller will make his enter debut ii\ Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Sept. • 13. Tickets cost $36 to S66. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information. (714) 556-ARTS. 'SOME MEN NEED HELP' Orange Coast College's Theatre department opens with John Ford Noonan's two-person play "Some Men Need Help.# The play, about a young alcoholic. will be produced and direcied by the college's Repertory Theatre Company. The production will run Sept. 13 and 14 and 20 and 21 In the Orama lab Studio. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road In Costa Mesa. Show times and tidcets: (714) 432-5640. 'JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR' "Jesus Christ Superstar" Is coming to Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall Sept 16 through Sept. 21. It was the first ' masterpiece from the legendary team of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. This lendmarle s how, which premiered in 1971, enronicles the last seven days in the life of Jesus of Nazareth as seen through the eyes of his disciple, Judas Iscariot, who has become disillusioned with the movement. Tidcets are from $27.76 to $64.75. Tickets can be purchased at the center box office or at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive In Costa Mesa. In formation: (714) 556-AITTS. 'ANNA IN THE TROPICS' South Coast Repertory wlll present "Anna in the Tropics" Sept. 18 through Oct. 19 on the v Julianne Argyros 1tage. The Pulitzer Plite·winning play it ·~~ about the last of the Cuban " • American cigar makers clinging; : to their way of life In the midst of ; the Oepre .. lon. Molt • performance• are et 7:45 p .m., • exc:ePt for Saturday end Sundrf.: matinees at 2 p.m . Tidtet1 are S1C• to $56. South Cout Repertory It •1 . -=· • •• See HOURS, P .. •"' ' Daily Pilot I 'm sitting at the computer trying to think of something clever to write about, but I'm a little preoccupied. We just got back from ta.ldng Annie to Berkeley, as in University of California ... Cal, lfyou want to use the vernacular. op ace Wow. It was colorful. And l think It was incense that I smelled as we drove down the street, but I was feeling rather relaxed afterward ... so maybe not. And just to get the superficial question out of che way, yes, her KAREN WIGHT The street vendors crammed the sidewalks on both sides of the street. My mission was to take a picture documentary to show the other kids when we dorm room was way cute. Very colorful, cheerful and, ahem, well thought out. The only extra she needed was a fridge, which was easy to get, and the only thing we brought back home with us was an orange beanbag chair that was too big for the room -wishful thinking on our part. Ben and I took her solo. sans siblings. It just seemed right to end this chapter the way we began: just the three of us. Eighteen years ago. struggling with the novelty of a newborn, and now struggling with the newness of the changing family dynamics. They rock your world coming; they rock your world going. We drove up last Sunday. Is there anything more boring than the freeway? Good for conversation. Or not. Good for reflection. Or not. We decided to take the scenic route, which turns into Tunnel Road and runs right through Berkeley. I love the beach, but I have to say. the view from the Berkeley hills is magnificeni. We drove past the Oaremont Hotel, a grand old lady. and drove into town. On the map, the fastest way to Annie's dorm was down Telegraph Avenue. Y~. that Telegraph Avenue. And being rhc Southern Californian that I am, I didn't even think about Telegraph on a Sunday afternoon. HOURS Continued from AB at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information or tidtets: (714) 708-5555. 'TEN OR LESS FESTIVAL' Orange C6ast College's Repertory ¥Viii offer its #Ten or Less Festival H on Oct. 4, 5, 11 and 12 in the Orama lab Studio. The festival will feature a plays that are 10 minutes long or shorter. The plays will be selected, directed and performed by students. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Tidcets and information: (714) 432-5640. ART 'PAINTINGS OF MEXJCO AND JAPAN' #Paintings of Mexico and Japan# by art professor Howard Hitdlcodc will be on display in the Newport Beach Central Library foyerfrom Monday to Oct. 31 . Created after visits south of the border and to the Far East, the paintings depict colorful cityscapes of life in foreign lands. The Newport Beach Central Library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Information: (949) 717-3870. ANDRE MIRIPOJ.SKY Bayside Gallery Restaurant, at 900 Bayside Drive in Newport Beach, is offering a solo exhibition showcasing the works of artist Andre Miripolsky now through September. Information: (949) 851-9181. .... • Snrti-Prit111U for M111 0- • Ot11r 80 Pi1u1 of EIJ•I ~ Pri1111u Pi°L.w ShlJi1 got home, so J hung out of the side of the car, which had a bike strapped on top, and clicked away like a tourist. I got a picture of the Campanile (the tall clock tower) and a lew pi ctures of some interesting street characters before the daughter pulled me back m because I was embarrassing he r. I loney. there's no such thing as being an embarra!>Sment on Telegraph Avenue. Ille dorm scene was a 1.00, a.., you wouJtl expect. \\-ith thousands of kidi. and their parents struggling with a year\ wonh of college -.urv1val iwar. Lots of computers. printer" and ~crate patls for rock-hard dorm beds were being 1ockc'yed irn.1de. We unceremonioui,ly put all of Annie's possessions 111 trai.h bag .. -we weren't g01ng for the -.tyle award. Luckily, we had the room. to ourselves whiJe we unloaded. I can't imagine having rwo families in the sam e .. maJJ dorm room trying to get '>ettled. The rooms weren't a-. bad a.., I expected aJthough. on another shallow note .. rhe cuna1rn; and carpet were h1deous. We ju'>t ignored them. and after we \\crt done, the ug.lines"> d1~appeart'd amid the sea of color. Annie got luck}. getting a room on tht:' '>econd floor although 11 wru.n't reallv the -.crnnd floor counted three ll1gtw. of -.1a1r-.. .t' DANCE 'SUPPER AT TIFFANY' GALA South Coast Repertory's USupper at Tiffany' Gala is from 6:30 p.m. to midnight Sept. 20 at the Tiffany & Co. at South Coast Plaza. The gala will celebrate the landmark 40th season and the 15th anniversary of Tiffany's South Coast Plaza store. The evening will begin with a reception inside the newly refurbished store and continue with dinner and dancing in an adjoining tent. Information: (714) 708-5504. SWING Lessons are given from 2 to 6 p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newpon Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. Information: ocswing .com, (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, Z980 McClintodt Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS AND BOOKS A children's story time is • SPINNING Tlw•ur wltll N,. St11U·•ftll1-Art C1cl11. • I 6 F11U-ti,,.1 P1r101111/ Tr11i111N • ClllUI C.rt a.,,,_,,,.,, M • S111. • c.,, .. ,,,,,,, P11rltl111 • r.,.. r.; c11;, Smull CJ.un •St,,. hwr P.1111. C.""11 • SHwn, Su.,,. 0-utH/, •O., S,• • ~m1rw/M1111•~IC•l"9r•• L I FE & L F I S l 'H fhursday August 28, 2003 A9 NO PLACE LIKE HOME omeaway rom home at 1he tlorm. We decided that breakfast would be the scene of the final farewell. one.last "goodp meal before the parental unlts went back to thetr reality. And behevt· 11 CJr nor. there wen: no tear~ on etther \Ide <JI l our<.e. I hud cned a nver during tht: wee~ leading up to tlit• rnp. but rhe new situauon 'ol't'Oled 111 fit lil<.t:' d glove. so nn 1l'grt't"o, 1u!>t wi'>hes for a '>afe and '>ctnt' nr .. 1 '>eme .. ter. rh1'> week 1'> '>Oronty ru'>h \\-et:k. f·.xnr>t:' mt•; 11\ now called "recruitment." I gue~-. that word "more poh11caUy correct. So 11\ nor PC to '><!} rush, hut there drt' \l){ns alJ uver campw. to join the C)lll'l'r Bears. You heard mt' 'lrw Lan chi:d:: 11 out on the Berk.de\ \\l'b ... 11e a lot eas1t'r to find rh~n lhl' ( 1ft't'I.. fMge I hl' r 1111\ thmg that left me 11n...c11leJ "'a_" the coed bathroom '\'cH flN c 111·tl fluor,, hut coed h,1Ll1rr111111' .i.., ""dl Ye,, tht:'rf' aw The storP sign on re1e~raph Aveni...e 111 Berkeley says 1t :ill 't.u1d111g "ol.tll-. Jt>...,gnatt>d I hu\t' l>l'en 111.trnt'd for 21 ~ eaP. .u1tl I'm '-llll tr.111~ to fii.,1tm• nut )\IJ\\ tu gel Ill\ IJ\\11 h.tthr<JIJJ1J, 'I I rn -,tupdit:d thdt Ll1t•\ 1\anl 111 J 'othkppl'd 111111~' up .111<1 d '''11 '\tHlt:llwlt·..,., Lht t lt'\ii[Oh l'.<'Tt il\!Jll.kd dlld lfl.11 '''"' .i glttlll 1h111g A1111w Ila .... 111, .1\' ht•t•n " pu d prpl'I 'II '-tlCJl1 lhl' lllfllll \\.I°' h1IJ ol l..1d' l..111ll\ n .wit 1111~ 1111\\' .int.I I 1\.p, n·l1·v.11, 1111 11.111; 11 1 t llltlll'-, l\hilL jtl 11, ' • <t I ,1t!I' for d111r11·r rtw l1r~1 J.1111. 11111111 :\()\\ lo>r 11111'1 • \1111 \\II 1 h,11,, bn•11lllllrHtl)ll.ttt•t 11•1L1gl1 (I)\\ Jll)L'"o"o ·\llflll' I 111111-; h.tllfh ..tft:' \C!ll \\,Jllll1~'. ,ti \JIHI,\ 11 I lilt' Jond 1C'por11 11 rl1rl111 ~·1·1 ll 1111d1 11p. "ilw "'Jloilc·d. ,111cl I 11 l'I hl.111H· Bui 1\h•·r1 11 H•1111 ) It{• l,l!t•r ICJt' ,;?IJ th• 11 till ,tit• tilt• 11111\ llt'f'I' \\I'll th\'..,, d nl .q1prm.d "Ill' 111c1\ ,.,, 1u11,illl lll'I 01111' llltlfl' ll1ollllfl \\ lit J11 I "of'lt 1 111111' fillt 11 IH1I 1.t1 \\l•IJ \11 c ,1,,1 -.11·111· 11! 'l11r J,,..,t '\t\\111111 presented ar 7 p m Mondi.IVS end at 10 30 a m Saturrjays di thf! Newport Beach Central L1briH'\ 1000 Avo~ado Av" Chlldri:n rr av wear pa1arnas to th .. evening sessions Free 19491 717 3801 WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children s story time 1s hPld at 10 45 a m Wedn•;vfays a1 B,;rnt's & Noble Booksl'llt::rs c1t M,.t,, Pointe 901 B Sc.urh Coast DrivP Costa Me~c 17141 444-0226 STORY TIME A d11ldren s story time 1s held di 10 a.m Wedne<;davs and 10 1 S a.m Fridays at Borders Books & f\1 us1c ar South Coast Plaza 3333 Bear St . Costa ME>sa Free (714) 432·7854 DI NING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Peltcan offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5 15 µ m Monday through Frida\ ai 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newpon Beach. S10 S15 1949).642 3431 SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pellr 1ri ':>fh:rs Su11d..iy brunch from 10 a m 10 3·30 µ m every Sunday at i735 \\ Coast Highway, Newport BPct.h SS 515. 1949) 642-3431 TWILIGHT DINING A tw1ltght dining menu fE:aturing dishes such as chicken parmigiana and calamari pi~te at reduced prices. is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. .upr1·r. '' \\.ittlllg tor 111·1 ''lwn 'hv grl' h.1• ~ "ihl· d1"ollll"o'ot·d I' 1111111 111 r d1uv, and lkfl .ind I 1-.1·111 up to lht: \Jaremnnl 1111 .r II' ii chr111t·• .ind prL·pctrt•d uur ... 1•11 ' lor I • 1\ f1\C1 d1•..,1g11.itt·d 1111 f•ll~'••t t I •(t•;rt"t '\t1\\ ,l"oldf' flt I I 'I,• ll!d ,1 it1•,1 \\l•rf:' 1111! :I I j.,r '1(11'(1 111·11h It 't:t'lll' 11. 11 \111111 !11r,.:11t .di d1· ... ~ 'UJlJllll', p.1:1 pt Ii... fl\11111' 'tl··"ll' ltpt II~ \<Ill ~ll•l\\ !ht 11111,,.···1 1,1 ·111·, ll••d .1h1·11\r111g11,l\\.1, I ilf1g1 I l1mn1n "'t:'rn' 1Jw lc11 11-. ,, .. .., t l"·"llt'rt I dlll l1.q1p'. '"It P••rt 1h.11 1h1· lwll)>t d l.11g1·t , .... dn • .11111 '""'II 111 1lw H.1\ .\r1 •;1 .1ml ,di lll'lt''><. tf\ 111·111.., l\l'fl' 1\l1i...l..vd !i.11 ~ t1 the• IHllH ,.,.,Ill ht:1 '11\\l'I \11d p1·,Lk111g 1,f llwn• ,.., .1 WINE TASTINGS H1 Time Wine Cellars ott•--rc Wint: la~l1riqs from 4 30 10 Sp m Frida~ s a1 ,c..J fron1 ' 30 10 8 p m :.)dr rJ.iy!> 1949 650-84b.3 SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring 1nt1)rna11onal seatood and salad b1iffe1:; rollsts carved :0 order and breakfast frtvoriles 1s held tr om 10 30 a m to 2 p rn di Surton Place Hotel 4500 MdcArthur Blvd . Newport Beach 530, S40 with champagne 1949, 476-2001 CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8 30 p m Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Co Hee House. 506 31st St .. Newport Beach (949) 675·0233 ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live mui.1c is presented daily at T11e Atrium's A1rrorter Club 18700 MacArthur Blvd . Irvine 19491 833 2770 BISTRO 201 Jazz is play~c1 iii 8 pm Fridays antl Saturdays and at 11 am Sundays at Bistro 201 . 3333 W Coast Highway Newport Beach (9491631 1551 DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music 1s performed after 9 p m Thursdays, and pop and rod 1s presented after 9 p m Fridays and Saturdays at Din Om at the Bamboo Terrace, 1773 Newpon Blvd Costa Mesa 1949) 645-5550. he<1u11t11l liqu1d amh1·1 111·1 1J111,11k ht>r w1ndo"' ;;nd .i \It'\\ Ill tlw r .1mp.111d1· '\•11 h.1d )1111 d11 hd\ t· 11i oq•rlo "'~ .i 11·1, 11111111.ill' 1lelll' ol t l111hir1g th,11 tfl' h,111g111g 111 Jill' 11pper 111,1111 ht''o ul dw lil'I' I ""lllrlt ifu•, It• Ill Uflft•,H hdh11 Hi , .. ur ""1" pu1p11 ... d 11ll, lt·l1 ,.,..,,. ,, II 1pl111·'· \\r 11,,d .t ;.:rt .11 d1111 t'I ,1( I ro1Jc•1\11-, 1•·m1111" 1·111 11 111\ tJ,n-, ttl lJ< I.\ \\lil'n \\l' ,,,., • '"ii" lrttrlt·r\11' 111l1·\•·rl1 1 td,, inJ dP1Jll1"t.l 11< r !.., ~ ·.11 LOW•LOW PRICES & VERY FAST KENNY 1;,,. PRINTER I •>,. .• ', • .. I " ~ ' '949'25().3212 ... 1.in lhl'> ''111·11 the\ rt· Pl <>h \\di ll'o t ollt:ge '\u 1\ Herkt'ft•\' <J.t.,,l., h1,g1n 1h1' '"ed. 1'..i11·1 pul1J l\Orl..ou••. 'IJfl. ft'LfUlllll1'11 1 • 11<.h .111d d 11<•1\ mood "'Ille' 1111 111 .. \\ 1ght h•H•'l' '\111 Ol'llt•r 11111 '""" hut df'l11111el} ii 1111 rnon· 1,1J11·t • KAREN WIGHT ·~ a •.ewi;o11 8"" 11 r-:s•dent l-IPr ,OIJmn rt.J'1~ r~ •''>•1af" Reoe~r "IJ F' ""Car~ o,oduc1s 5 nee 19.' • PAL$(949)645.7257 2t=l9 Har:ior 81-.<l Costa Mesa White Front Pharmacy -Serving Orange County for 32 years - Convenient, fall service phannacy with low p rices Diabetes Awareness Free blood sugar testing and consulting fearuring Dave Taylor The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 1 O:OOam u.nriJ 3:00pm Cards • Books • Sundn'es AU Insurance Pl.ans Accepted 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa Between Bear & Bnstol (714) 540-2882 CLASSICAL DANCE CENTER I 2016 Quad Strut · Nro1Jort Beach l(<JUl<t for J .11 ( I•\\« FJ1ubcth Hueb ner. ~r/lJll• /.hrr. ror /IJl//r,,.W I f ti• /,ffn'I /J.i, ; 949.752.9400 Specializing in Children s Classes B.tllc-r • Tap • j.m '\t!<' 2-Adult fkxinnl't lf•rou~J, r~rilr•11t1n.al N ou' ()gm11g f~ e ?l1f> lier Taught bf •Huggy• Ford \ I 1 I II., 1, , /,,,,, f !.1 ,, '·· '·' ' ' . ' LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY r .. -DINNER SPEGIA15 Sanclq ~ime Rib Mo~ All You Can Bu ~pagbccti ~ Grenadine of 8ccf .... clay Baby Bade Ribs Tia~ Homemade Meador.a{ Friday at Sebard.y Chtrs Spccw I .. AlO nMxsday, Au&ust 28, 2003 L I FE & LEISURE PHOTO COURTESY Of TOM JACKSON Tom and Sharon Jackson on the beach in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. An adventure among exotic animals By Tom Jackson W e have just had one of the most exciting and interesting trips of our lives. We visited the Galapagos lsJands. Our adventure staned in Quito. the capitaJ of Ecuador, for two nights. On the third day, we Oew via Guayaquil, on the Pacific coast of Ecuador, to the Island of BaJtra, some 600 miles nonh by jet aircraf1. Upon collecting our luggage, our next move was to a nearby harbor for zodiac transfer to our home for the next eight days, the exploration ship Eclipse. The Eclipse is more than 200 feet long and accommodates 48 passengers in 24 cabins. On this voyage. there were 38 of us, inclurung seven children The Jacksons saw more than just the turtles th at gave the Galapagos Islands their name ages 8 to 17. We thought the weather wouJd be some what humid, but it was rniJd and in the low 70s for our stay. This adventure included nightly presentations by the four naruraJists on board about our day's activities and what was ahead of us on the next day. A nonnaJ day wouJd include both a morning and afternoon visit to an island and/or a dive to enjoy the underwater world. There were so many sea creatures that we swam and dove with. The sharkS included white lipped and hammerheads. and the birds included blue, red and marked boobies as well as pelicans. We cruised underwater with sea tunJes and watched water iguanas harvest vegetation from the moss beds attached to large rock outcroppings. Our island landing!. included wet, water up to our knees, and dry from our wruacs caJJed Pangas by the Ecuadorians. On land, we were given the history of the islands plus a review of the current and previous flora and fauna. It was very speciaJ to enjoy the many animals, sea life and birds. especiaJly through the eyes of the youngsters who were with us. Several famjjje , including chiJdren and grandchiJdren were full of energy and exclaimed wonderment of that which was seen. Birds nesting, iguanas sunning. pelicans and boobies laser diving into the sea, sea lions relaxing on tree roots in mangroves, plus the legendary land tortoises at the Charles Darwin preserve. Here, the government has helped to regenerate the population of the almost extinct rortoises. F.ach day also gave us the opportunity for a siesta, which wa.., most welcomed. We cant wait to go back !.Orne day with our grandchildren to enjoy this exceptionaJ destination. • TOM JACKSON 1s a Newpon Beacti resident. Momma John Jennifer Gus Brenda We belong t<? tbe UIOf'ld's lllrgat jloorlng retail-group -co-op. 1fi are tbe biggest floorMI..,. lndtvkl""'1y ocun«l and operated. Llfetl•• Warranty Carpet •1•• Ufetl•• Warranty ......... •2•• Lifetime Warranty Ceramic • 1•• llfetl•• Warranty Wood •2•• 100% FREE No 0 ... 11 ••• AllW fULl 1ERV1CE Ce11ter Tep• • S~wen • Cer1aic • SttH • 8n1it1 • WN4 R1f11in ONE STO' SHO' Wliffw C.ria t • CIH1i1 C & U ~tine • P1i1ti1 -l1t1ritr & Exterier Co•ttl M••• ( ... , .... ., . .,. , •••• t7tll llM-fll t -s •-Fii tt-6 • SATIHAY t0·4 SATUHMI I llltAYt tt-4 CLOSU SllltAY lftllltl IY MPOtlTIHT : Dai1y Piiot I ON VACATION Emily Haupert and Nathan and Nickie frank enjoy camping and boating in Lake Havasu. Ariz. Devin McNulty, 5. of Corona def Mar at the Grand Canyon on his very first driving vacation. He took the trip wrth his grandparents John and Nma Townsend. Pictured left to right Lenard Davis, Linda Burleigh and Paul Sowerby m Paso Robles, Calif. Greg, Rosanna, Daniella, Amanda and Tommy Chila of Corona det Mar are at the Running of the BuUs during the San Fermin Festival in Pamplona, Spain. .. _. I • I I LIFE & L E I SURE Ttusday, Au&ust 28, 2003 All l ON VACATION Former Mayor of Costa Mesa Jay Humphrey Ill and his wife, Sally, were among the guests at the marriage of Eloise Brown, daughter of local attorney Douglas Brown, and his wife, Helen, of Corona del Mar, to Kevm Petrone, son of Thomas and Catherine Petrone of Scottsdale, Am. Enjoying more than 50 years of fr1endsh1p aboard Holland America's Statendam on a rouncHnp cruise from San Diego to the Hawa11an Islands are. from left, Wick1 McDonald, Betty Keefe. Kay ~e and Jo Mclain . . ......__ .. SENIOR CALENDAR • Send CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa 92627; bye mail to mike.swanson a1/at1mes.com; by fax to (949) 64&4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date a11d location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailyp1lot.com. SUNDAY To honor Katharine Hepbum, Oasis Senior Center will present ·on Golden Pond," the last of five free screenings in August. at 1 p,m. All are invited to enjoy the movies and free popcorn at the center's Hepburn Film Fest, at 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mer. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. SEPT.12 The Com Mesa Senior Center, in celebration of Costa Mesa's 50th aonlversary, presents the CostAmazing Senior Hoedown, feeturing live western music by t~ Travis Paricer Band, dancing and barbecue, from 4 to 7 p.m. 1}\e Costa Mesa Senior Center is al 895 W. 19th St. The cost is $5 f~ "'embers, $11 for nonmembers, $5 for kids. Tic:hts are for sale at the center's front delk and at Costa Mesa City Hall. Information: (949) 645-2356. SEPT. 26 The Oesls Senior Center wil hold 1 pntView rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission costs $3. The center, at 800 Marguerite Jwe. in Corona del Mar, will be eccepting donation• from 9 a.m . ~ p.m. weekdays from Sept. 8 d . lnformatlon: (949) 646-4131. Jean and Larry Hams of Newport Beach celebrated their 50th wedding annrversary at Tamarack Lodge on Mammoth's Twm Lakes. Their son Lee, his wrte. Esther. and grandchildren Allison . Steve and Kevin of Turlock, Cahf .. and their son Mark and his Wife, Jessica, of Costa Mesa }Omed them. Blake Walchh of Newport Beach en1oys a v1s1t to NASA m Texas with his dad. Tom t '• '1 •• I I : ' I ! ' ' .. I ' ' I 1. -Jaguar's #1 Retailer In Custonier Satisfaction (CSI) In California -A Pride of Jaguar Excellence Award Winner For Guest Satisfaction And Operational Excellence (Only 1 In Southern California) -Coillplinientary Flat Bed Pick-Up And Delivery by Appointment -Coillplirnentary Jaguar Loaner Vehicles With Service by Appointnient -Coillplinientary Car Wash With Service UNLEASH A JAGUAR ' • The all-new 2004 XJ. Stronger. Faster. Safer. Smarter. From first-to-second-to-third-to-fourth-to-fifth-to-sixth, with a new state-of-the-art, six-speed ZF electronic automatic transmission, your body won't feel the gears change. Your ears won't hear the gears change. But your soul will certainly notice a change. To discover the silky wonders of the XJB's six-speed ZF automatic transmission, visit Penske Jaguar today. I I ,. I I ' '• QUOTE OF THE DAY "Half our team is new and they don 't know any e er. Kerry McGrettt.Crook1, Vlfnguard women's soccer coach SporU Editor Richard Dunn: 1949) 574-4223 • SporU Fax: !949) 650-0170 WOMEN'S SOCCER Ignorance. is bliss for Lions With 12 underclassmen on 18-p layer roster, Vanguard wom en unfazed by daunting GSAC challenge. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot Much i~ unknown about this year's Vanguard University women's soccer team, for which the 18-player roster includes 12 underclassmen. But, ac- cording to fourth-year coach Kerry McGrath-Crooks. what the Lions don't know may be among their leading assets. ·Half our team is new and they don't know any better.· McGrath-Crooks said. "They don't know they're sup- posed to be afraid of (perennial Gol- den State Athletic Conference and NAIA power! Westmont. Our girls just want to compete, which is kind of nice. They're showing me they're not afraid to go in and compete.· Competition will remain rugged in the GSAC which McGrath-Crooks terms the NAIA's toughest conference. And, having lost its top three scorers, as weU as All-GSAC goalie Jordan Fre- drilcsen. from last year's 8-7-3 squad. the Lions may be as untested as they are unbowed. "The experience factor with our de- fense could be a concern, especially with the teams we play in confer- ence,• McGrath-Crooks said. "But we're a lot faster than last year and, overall, our depth is a lot better than previous years." Seniors Amber WaddJe and Bryan- na Gonzalez spearhead the returners and represent virtually all of the ex- perience at McGrath-Crooks' disposal. WaddJe, who scored seven points last year (three goals and one assist), tops among returners, will start at center midfield, while Gonzalez. re- covered from ACL surgery. is another midfielder. Both are co-captains. Sophomore forward Ashley De- Loach. who scored three goals last season despite playing at about 50% due to a knee problem. will help key the attack. She tuned up for the season by playing with Athletes in Action in Ire- land, McGrath-Crooks said. Jennifer Zipprich, a freshman out of Salt Lake City. scored two goals in the Lions' 3-0 win over the alumni Satur- day (Waddle scored the other) and McGrath-Crooks believes her speed will maker her a dangerous scoring threaL The Lions' scoring punch took a hit when senior Janae Welch. who led the team in scoring the last two seasons, transferred to Loyola Marymount. Katie Dynice, a freshman from Ven - tura, is a midfielder with polished passing skills and freshmen Heather Hutton and Stacia Hoover. both of whom played for McGrath-Crooks at Edison High. could also contribute right away. Hoover will start at sweep- er and looks to be surrounded on the back Line by Lauren Walker, a fresh- See SOCCER, Pa1e 82 GOLF I Sept 1 honoree JUNIOR TAGALOA Thursday, August 28, 2003 81 Vanguard University senior Amber Waddle. above and No. 2. and VU senior Bryanna Gonzales, left and No-: 3, are two of main cogs this season for the Lions' women's soccer team, coached by Kerry McGrath-Crooks. PHOTOS COURTESY Of VANGUARD UNMRSITY Another summertime bash at Mesa Verde Mesa Verde Country Club, which opened Its new clubhouse this year after a $7-million renovation,,has been busy this StJnmer hosting several golf tournaments, includina this week's Southern Celfomia MicMmatew ct.npk>nship, which WIS won by • Eric Wang of Cypress. A two-shot lead ~eading lnto the final 18 boles Tuesday didn't deter Eric Wang's oomeback attempt in the Southern California Golf Association's Mid-Amateur golf championship held at Costa Mesa's Mesa Verde Country Oub. Wang. of Cypress. saved his best for last. shooting a l-under-par69 to tlnish the 54-hole BRYCE ALDERTON ' I .. I ' I I : l .. . I 12 Tlusday, Aucust 28, 2003 SPORTS FROM THE SIDELINES ' Newport arbor's re-union nQt far off T be~ of 1948, which · came to help Newport Harbor High captwe the only baaebell cbamplombip in lta history. wW eel~ Ua SStb reunion on the afternoon of Sept. 20 at the little park near the foot of Balboa Pier. Four of the '48 playaa are expected to attend. lnduding All-SUnset League catcher Bill Weatherwax. Boyd Hotrell, who was the top hJtter, and reserve pitchers Pete Nourse and BOb Nettles. 1Wo stars who have passed on include legendary left-banded pitcher Frank Hamilton and outfielder Paul Robertson. Reunion spokesman Don Dickey indicated a golf tournament will be held the previous day. followed by a cocktail party. 4-7 p.m., by the Dickeys. Oassmates seeking more information are invited to phone Dickey at (949) 642-6393. The afternoon picnic will feature a BBQ briquet and chicken picnic starting at l p.m. The event will be catered and a ~lion The '47 'Jars blanked Bonita. booth~ be 20-0. wbac.ked Downey. 28-7 and aet up {~e defeated Anaheim. 38~ 19. ~\ Four gloomy loeses came ~ ~ through: Santa~ 32-6, games will bt,_ Ri'Yel"Side, 6-0, Orange, 13-6, and set up, Huntington Beach. 25-6. • including a \ Weatherwax returned to croquet baseball to start bJs career. He challenge. spent five Years as ll catcher with DON Dickey said t:t,e Idaho farm club for the St. his main LqJis Cardinals. He later joined CANTRELL message to dM\ c.osta Mesa Police the gang is Department to finish his career. "come early, stay late." IUmilton, the 6-foot-4 pitcher It has also been disclosed that who was offered a $50.000 check one of the party's featured guests ilbe would sign with the New will be Don "Muk" Mc:Callwn. Yolk Yankees, declined the otter the · 48 student body president. so~wuld advance to college. who was also a noted low hurdler OIJunately. Hamilton on a winning track team for three inj 1'is pitching arm in college years. and retired from the game. He The Sailors outfoxed the went on to estab&h a fine Fullerton visitors that night by reputation as a nationally known stacking their tackles against the water ~rist, mainly of the Old Indian ends. The tackles were West One gallery in Phoenix took Dave Patterson, Diclc Balch, Bob charge of his wort for years. Killefer and Weatherwax. Horrell went on to achieve The prized central linemen high mar~ in both loot ball and were center Nourse and guard· baseball at Orange Coast Bill Clark. College for two years. BRIEFLY UCI's Merlo hits game-winning shot He leads U.S. men's water polo team past Russia at World University Games. UC Irvine junior Rick Merlo scored the game-winning goal with five seconds remaining to lift the U.S. men's water polo team past Russia. 7-6, at the World Uni· versity Games in Daegu, South Korea. on Wednesday. Merlo's shot into the left comer of the cage capped the American's comeback from a 6-3 deficit with less than six minutes left in the game. Michael Hausmann scored with 5:27 left to cut the Russians' lead to 6-4, Will Quist scored an extra-man goal at 4:26, then Matt Aesher scored off a steal with 3:33 remaining to tie the game at 6-6, leading to Merlo's heroics. "I knew there was only about five seconds left in the game,· Merlo said on the USOC Web site. "l had the idea that I would take a foul and then shoot it because I couldn't get the ball to the two- meter man and I got luclcy. "The team played awesome in the fourth quarter. 'The emphasis Should be on the team and Menill [Moses, the U.S. goalie!." The United States continues second-roWld play against Serbia and Montenegro on Thursday. Orange Coast drops season opener •GOLF: The Orange Coast College women's golf team lost Its season opener to the state defending champion Mount San Antonio College, 306-361 , at Costa Mesa Golf & Country Oub's Mesa Linda course Wednesday. Lorraine Fernando shot 80 fo r the Pirates, followed by Laura Sumpter (86), Joanne De- roucher (89) and AshJee Kendall (106). ML SACS Erin Kato col- lected medalist honors with a 73. Flag football league begins in Costa Mesa • P~ An adult fl ag football league, which features a five-man, all-passlng play scheme, will begin in Costa Mesa Sept. 28. Registration for Top Gun flag football is also being conducted for evening and weekend leagues opening in Garden Grove, Laguna Hills, Orange and Westminster. The Oag football leagues also offer lnterleague playoffs with four neighboriRg counties. Players must be 18 years or older. For more information call (714 l 773-4829 or on the Inter- net visit http://www.lopgunjlag- football.com. GOLF Continued from B 1 tournament when It was held at Big Canyon Country Oub last year, finished in a tie for 29th place, shooting a 15-over 225 for the three days. tRAnrrrs>~Ali Golfers, who must be at least 25 years old to enter, played 36 holes Monday. The field of 84 was trimmed in half after the first 36 holes. Newport Beach's Ed Susolik and David Franey both failed to make the cut. Franey had glimpses of glory "••"l•n l eleft•N-1t•rt ••••It N917at•H t e .,....~ .... -...._._ .. ~,..... Free · • 14es :'.:-' Battery Test · ...... Vllualtv Inspect and test battefY u8'ng Rotunda M~90 tester. Service lncludii up to tlYe quMa of Motoraafte ol lf1d new Motoraafte otl fitter. lncludee ~waste dllpoeal. See Service~ for dNHa. °"' .... wtCh coupon, ....... SOCCER Continued from 81 man out of Aliso Niguel High. and Natalie Severson, a junior transfer from Fresno City Col- lege. Heather Tape. a junior trans- fer from Bakersfield CoUege. is another newcomer who has impressed her coach with her aggressiveness. "Heather clocked a girl in the alumni game and we all just cracked up on the side- line." McGrath-Crooks said. Sophomore Stacy Britton takes over in goal for Fredrik- sen, who received honorable mention All-American status last season. "Stacy has been thrown in10 the starting role, but she's tak- ing it on strong and working her butt off," McGrath·Crooks said.· "She should get stronger as the season progresses." The season opens Friday with the first of two games in the Westmont Tournament in Santa Barbara. VU faces Do- minican University of Califor- when he birdied the 383-yard par-4 sixth hole and followed up with a 2 on th e 222-yard par-3 seventh. Craig Steinberg birdied 12 holes to lead the field in that category. ••• Big Canyon will host its men's club championship next mortth. The first of four days of the 72-hole, stroke-play event will be Sept 18. The men's club champion will jo,in Dave Irwin as title bolder for the coming year at one of Newport-Mesa's four private courses. Irwin won the men's Daily Pilot . PHOTOS COURTESY or VANGUARD UNtVU~SITY VU sophomore Ashley Deloach (No. 101 and VU senior Amber Waddle (white 1ersey No. 21 are expected to shine this year. nia in the opener, then meets "We should gel a good mea- Trinity Univers ily of lllinois suring stick righ t out of the Saturd ay. gale," McGrath-Crooks said. Litle at Mesa Verde two weeks ago. Each cl ub champion earns a spot in the annual Jones Cup. a better-ball of partners format which pairs the men's title holder with a member of that course's golf staff. usually the head professional. ••• Work is going smoothJy on Hoag Hospital's Women's Pavilion, whJch bas received substantial proceeds from Toshiba Senior Oassi<; funds in the last several years. The skeleton of the seven-story facility should be completed by Septmiber. A 423-foot tall crane \\<eighing 1.4 million tons is responsible for th e steel lifting. The crane can lift 84,000 pounds up 10 230 feet in the.air. The pavilion. which is scheduled to open in late 2005, will include a breast care and Imaging center and continence center along will) osteoporosis . and perimenopausal clinics. Forty-two private rooms will be reserved for birthing needs and tbe pavilion will also Include 82 patient rooms each · equipped with day beds and a dining area for family members, an Internet outlet and an Interactive television. SPORTS Thursday, Aueust 28. 2003 U TENNIS DEEP SEA e sey s 10 Wedneaday's counts Open debut CdM grad loses women's doubles match; Dent advances in men's singles but loses in doubles at Flushing Meadows. lWo months removed from Corona del Mar High and less than one m o nth before she s tarts classes at Stanford University. Anne Yelsey and her d o ubles partner. Riza 7..aJameda o f Los Angeles, put up quite a fight against the No. 8 s eed in the first round of women's d oubles Wedn esday at the U.S. Open at the U .S. National Tennis Center in New York. Yelsey, playing in her fir..t U.S. Open, and 7..aJameda los t to Llezel H uber of Rus- sia and Magdalena M aleeva of BuJgaria. 6-4, 6-2. to drop out o r the main draw competition. Yelsey and 7..alameda are still expected t o compe te in 1he junior p o rtion o f the event, whkh takes place during the second week of the grand slam t o urnament. While Yelsey remain!> an amateur, an- o the r former standout from Corona de! Mar High. Taylo r Dent, continued his pro- fessionaJ career this week at the Open, winning his first-ro und singles matc h ear- lie r in the week, but losing in the first round of men's doubles Wednesday. Dent advanced In the singles competi- tion with-a 7-6 (7-1), 6 -3, 3-6, 6-4 victory over Sw ed e n's Robin Soderling. Despite 40 unforced errors, Dent prevailed by way of 64 winners, compared to 40 for SoderliAg. ln the second round, Dent will match up against Nikolay Oavydenko of Russia He needs two more victories to advance to a fourth-round matchup against Andre Agassi. ln the first round o f men's doubles, Dent ·and partner Jeff Morrison fell, 6-4, 6-4. to Karol Kucera of Slovakia and Boh- dan Ulihrach o f the Czech Republic. Dent and Morrison con verted just 53% of their first serves in the match. Yelsey and Zalameda kept things com- petitive in the first set of their m atch, which took 39 minutes. But the duo couJdn't keep up with the No. 8 team in the 32-minute second s et. Yelsey and Zalameda qualified for the U .S. Open as a wild card by winning the girls 18s Supe r National hardcourt ch am- p ionship s in Sa.n Jose this month. DONlEAtrl C.AIL· P11 .• Corona del Mar High product Anne Yelsey, headed for Stanford next month, lost in the U.S. Open women's doubles on Wednesday at Flushing Meadows in New York YOUTH BASK ETBALL NJB sign-ups available now Nanonal Junio r Basketball ts ac- cepting appl.tcanons in grcides 3 through 8 for fall leagues. Players may sign up for the Youth team diV1.S1on. for players who want to develop their skilb before the wtnter season, or the All-Net D1v1s1on, a league for ad· \'"dflced player., who will play for a chapter and a coach. Youth de\-el· opment. where players go through a weelcly skill dune and play a fuU -coun game with refer· ees. ~ also being offered for information. phone (714) 541 -4450 or VlSit the NJB Web !.lte di l1rtp:llwwuw1blorg. Legal Notices 2640 a..1 Notlcts 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices Lepl Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 I Leval Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Leval Notices ====== llOTKI Of PUIUC WI lhr mon1 \IOraae l•llhtt ••<urd1na to the pr ov1\10n\ of D1v1s1on 8 of the eu .. ness •nd Pr o fr\\IOnl Code Chapter 10. Section 21101 {•I herebt &Ives NOllC£ or PUBLIC SAL[ EXTRA STORAC[ NEWPORT MCSA Will conduct • publ1< ule of the <ontrnt• of the stor•ae IP••tl\) named below with the content\ bt1na sold to the h1ahe\t b1ddu for 11,.ful money of thr United St•tn of Ame,,c• lta\hl I hr \die " bt'•ne held to saltsly • landlords lorn •nd will be held 11 12!>0 Bmtot St Cost• Me\1, CA 92626 on Sept 10 2003 •I I JO p m Au r t1oneu s Name Dennis Avina Phone • 626 791 6261 Addrn\ PO Bo> 40785 Pn•dt n• CA 91114 Bond• 1~37301335 The publtc '' invited to attend Term\ ere Cl\h only Ownt•\ ruervu th~ r •&hi to bid A aener1t ducripho,, of tlie pr optt t y be1na \Old 1tona with the identity of the Occup1nt r entm11 lht SP3t• ,,,e n follnvn. SPACf NO OCCUPANT PROPERTY DCSCRIP TION 8146 P•ul W Miller Bo"' llousehold Item\ l u&&•i• B713 ~\\IC. Oav1d\on Bo•n 8237 Ker• McCoy Bo• u Huuuhold Items Couth C0?9 l ind1 S Cathe.rt P11no Che1<S Bo•n Publo\htd Newport Buth Co,ta Mna 011ly Pilot Au&u\t 28 Sep tember 4 2003 Th725 ISC IS414 llOTKI Of Pfl1l10ll TOAllmTll ISTlllOf: llAl~llllSOI lb llAl ll. llllSOI lb llAl llllSOI WI llO. l21"79 T 0 111 he1" benel1 c1111n. creditors. con hneent creditors. and persons who may oth· er "'1H be 1ntunt1d in the will or estate, or both. ol NE.Al HERBERT BRUTSCHE A~I NlAI. H BRUTSCH£ 1h NEAL BRUTSCH£ A PETlllON roR PRO· BATl hn bHn filed by Chrrst1ne lePl1ntt ek1 Chrlstrne Noel B1uuche 1n the Sul)tf IOt Court of C1hlo1n11. County of ORANGE THE PElHION FOR PROBATC rtQunh Christine l•Plent1 1111 Chmtlnt Noel Brutsch• be appointed u l)tf10n1I 1epres1ntellv1 to •d· minister the ntat1 of tfle decedent THE P£TITION requests the O.c1d1nt's Wlll end codlclls, 1f •ny, be 1dm11t.O to prob1t1. The W1H and eny codlclls tit enllablt f0t uam1na· lion 1n the hie kept by lht court TH£ PE T1TION requests euthOfrt)' to edm1nrster the Hlall 11ndef the Independent Admlnls· tntlOn of Est1tes Act. (lhls Allthotft)' wrll allow the p.rlOnaf r1t1reMn tatlv• to l•h m1ny Klk>n• w1t11011t obtain· Ina c:o11rt approver. tefOft ltkllla ctrteln YtfY Important ldloft•, ltowwvtr, the ~al r.-nt1tlw ""' be '~"" lo a •• notlct to lnterute4 p1111ons 11nlna ttltt llevt wlMd not1<1 or conwnt1411 to tl\I P'090Ud tctlOft ) Th• lndet>enffnl 1d· 111lnlttret1on 111tlloflt1 wllf lie 1r1nt9d untes1 tn 1111..-•sttd ,_Mft files 111 oltjKtlon to the jMlltloll tnd ...... tood c-wll)' the court tllOvld Mt ""'' die _._..., A HlNllNO tfl the pftltlolt .. " ..... Oft •rrtm<• 11. as •t l .S IUl. iii o.t l73 *'"" .. ,., n. ~ OrlM a.a. °'""'· CA ... ,, YOU Ol•CT .... arantina of the pet111on you should apour at the llearona iond state your ob,echons or tile w11t1en Obte<=llOR\ With the Cl)Url before the hea11na Yuur appur a nee may be on person or by your attorney If YOU AR[ A CREDITOR or contmeent creditor of the deceased. you must hie your lll 1m with the court and mail a CllPY lo the personal rep•e Hntallve appointed by the court w1th1n lour month\ fr om tlie date ot the first •nuance ol letters •s provided on Probate Code section 9100 lhe tome for folln& claims will not up1re beforr four months from the hea,,na d1le not1led above YOU MA'\' £XAMIN( the Irle kept by the courl II you are 1 person in terested 1n the ntatt you m•y file with the court a Request tor Spec11I ~ohct (form OE I 54> of the f1hnc ol 1n mventO<y ind 1ppra1ul of e\tate au~ts or of any pet•hon or 1ccounl n provided 1n Prob1te Codt uct1on I~ A Request for Special Notice form " av11teble from the court cler~ Att-y f., Pet116-rr Mlchoel It. lowtef, Jr., l1.41.SIN97111 90l o.,,., Dr., Ste 101 Newpett leocli, CA 92660 Published Newpo •t Buch Costa Moe 011ly Pilot Auaust 'l1 28. 19 2003 SSC 13414 fTh721 CITY Of COSTUWA OIM&t COlllTY, CllJOlllA ll011CI IM1W leS NOTICE IS HERCBY Gt\/£ N that seated pro po1.als for fur n1sh1na 111 l1bor m1tero1ls tQu1p ment, tunS!)OftltlOn and $UCh othes f1e1hhes u may be requ11ed lo< THI INSTAUATION OJ lNTIY MONUMENT ANO rou MOUNTID SIGNS -CITY ... OJlCT HO. 03 -20, "'111 be received by the City ol Cost• Meu et the Office of the City Cluk. 77 r 111 Drove. Costa Mt\I, Cahforn11, until the hour of 10100 ..... ., ..... tloy, SephMli•r I , 2003, 1t which hmt they will b• opened pubbcly and rod aloud 1n tht Council C~mben S111ed propouts shell bur the till• of the w0tk and name of the bidder but no other d1st1n1u1shrn1 merks Any bid rec11ved etlt1 the scheduled closln1 timt f0t the receipt ol bids shall bt returned to bidder unopened. It shall be tlle 10le r upooalOll1 t y of Ille bidder lo H I that Ills brd Is recerved on proper hme A set of Bid Oocu mints may bt obt•ined at the Office of the City Ellcineer, 77 F•lr Ofive. Cost.a ,.,..,., CtlifOfnle, 11pon •••r•f••tloltl• ,,.,_. of SI0.00. M ~ ........ SS.M must be Included if handled bt meil. Bid Oo<:uments and othtf co11tract •umenb may 1bo be u emlMd It tlle Off~ of the e1ty Cltfk ol Ult City of Cost• Miu. llld OocUIMllla win 1101 be melled 11nlea the 1ddtllo1111 H .00 cllttat Is lncl11dff with pey-t. (tell bid .. " '"'°' on the Propoul fonn, .,_..._ P-1 tlwo.cfl r-te PfO~ In lti. cOfttrlcl *»tWIMfltt. 1nd •Mil lilt eccoftlPOftled by I C:tlr• tlfitd or ~• c*k Of 1 bill ltond fOf not i.s tt\111 to" °' t11e -nt of the# llld, _. 11t1"" • n. c~ of Co•t• ••u. No ,,.,... *" " COii• '*" ... ICC-• ...., _,. Midi "*"'• cllecl, c_.., • ~·· ~. ............... etll• .. " ......... ... MI ..... ,,.,.... .. "' ......... ., .. cit, .. C.la .... .. i....-111-... ..... ,, ......... the Proposal requue men ts Rdltl.s ltBiiitu fldltiM a.i.tu l h" bus1 n es s is con cio 1 t n rr" c "-S....__. "-<~ ductedby a torporator" lld'"•"'\l•"•'ll "• fljrrr A, .. •~7'> •P• f; 1[f,1, [1th bidder must have • Class ·A· I Cener 11 Ena1nee11n&/ license and 1lso be prequal1hed u required by la"'. ,.... .,..,._.., ,._ .,,......-Have you ~tarted dotnll nu'.1n~. ,. .. , 1 ., ,., Ap,. Jt, '\ r.u ,,.,.~5. 1 "" A Con tr actor usme a l rah n• class1hcat1on not sho"'n on the Ctner•I Preva1l1na Wace Determinations may be rtQuortd to pay tile w111e rate of that craft or ct1ssd1cat1on most < tosely rerated to 1t n \hown m the Gener al Oeterm1natoon\ etfechve '' the ltme of the call tor bids lhe Contractor shall comply with the prov•· sions ot Sechon 1770 to 1780. 1nclus1vo of the Cal1for nia Labor Code the preva1hn& rate and scale ol waaes estab hshtd by the City ot Costa Me\I which are on hie "''th the City Clerk ot the Crty of Costa Meu. and shall forfeit penalton pre \Crobed therein tor noncompliance of u1d Code The City Council of lhe City of Costa Meu reserves the riaht to re1ect any and or alt b•ds JULI£ fOlCIK Deputy City Clerk City of Costa Mesa Dated Auaust 25 2003 Pubhshed Auaust 28 September 4 2003 Th726 Pursuant to Chapter 10 commenc•na with 21700 of the BusrnH\ and Professions Code, noire• 1s hereby 11ven that A• Storaae ot Costa Mn• aka Storaae Plus Mail Center will cause to be sold to the aener al public by compet1llve bod 11 2458 Newpor1 Blvd Cost• Mesa, C1htoM11 92627 on September 15 2003 at 10·00 AM the follow1n1 described prooerty Unit 2531. 409 2292 John Ashl0td, personal proper I y. hou sehotd aoods business records end/or inventory Unit 228 Jeu1ca Sandra Staley, p.,.sonal property, houHhotd 11oods, busineu records and/or Inventory Vmt 1090, 10900.401 Walworth, Constance p1r1on1t property household 1oods. busi ness records and/or 1nvent0<y Umt 406 .lttf Oily. personal prope r t y. houHhold &ooch. busr ntss records 1nd1or inve11t0fy Pu1chue must be medl with cesll only and II th• lime of ..... 'S•I• subJecl to cenc:ellallon in lh• event of settle· menl between owner ind obll1et1d party. Publ1 1hed Newpor t BHCh·Cost• Mesa D1ily Piiot Aucust 21, 28, 2003 Th714 ........ •• l , ...... ................ The tollow1na persons art do1na bu"nns u Me taler alteo \ lnteroors JV. 11161 Slater Ave rount11n V•tl•y CA 92708 GRMC lnl ICA1 11161 s1.1 .. Ave f!lunl.t1n Valley CA 92708 Sall & I u11n Model\ (Italy I \/1.t A Cran do 9 10095 C.rual1•s•o Toro no Italy Th" bus1neu 1s con ducted by 101nl vrnfure Have you started doina bus1ne•\ yet> Ye\ Auau\t 12 2003 CRMC Int Rubtn Calfoaho President lh1\ statement was hied with the Counly Cieri. of Oranite County on 08 18103 200369$5362 011ly P1lut Aua 28. Sept 4. 11 18 200J Th744 fldltiM~s ... s..... Tht follow1na persons are doina bu\rneu as Cal1ndo and Associates. 2192 Marlon St . Ste 160. 1rv1ne Cahforn11 9?612 Joree F C111ndo 219? Martin St Ste 160. Ir v1nr Cal1f0< n1a 92612 M111am J C•hndo 2192 Martrn St Ste 160 Ir vine CJhforn1a 92611 fh1s busone\\ " con dut led by hu\b1nd and wile H1vr you \tar led do•na bus1no\ yet' Yes 1 23 03 Jorae f C•hndo MA MfT This \tatrmenl wn filed with the County Clerk ot Or •"i' County on 08108 OJ 20036tSOU Daily Pilot Au~ 14. 21 28. Sept 4 2003 Th699 AdltlM a.i..u "-S...... Tht follow1n11 persons are do1nit bu•1ness IS Se11ous F 1tnen 241 Can1I St Newport Buch. CA 92663 Su1ous f 1tnns Inc (CA), 241 Canal St . Newport Beach. CA 92663 Th11 business 1s con ducted by a corporation Have you \tarted cloina business yel7 No Set10U\ r 1tnns. Inc B1lht R Powers CEO Thti sl1t1mtnt was hied with the County Clerk of Or •n11 County on 08 15/03 200369SSMO Oa1ty P1tot AUfl 2 1. 28, S8'11 4, 11 2003 Th723 The followln& per10n1 ire doina buli111u u : CZ destcns. 3481 Fuchsia SL, Coit1 Meu . CA 92626 ChtllnM Cltep•nond. The fottowina perion\ are doon& bus1nen a\ AmertCan I a• & r 1n•n c1at Ser vices, Inc . 11110 Warner Ave •IOI Fountain \/alley CA 92708 ,t.dvanced l U & f I nancial Servocts lnl CCAJ 11770 War nor Ave •101 Fount11n Valley CA 92708 This busonen " con dueled by 1 corpor.1t1on Have you \tar led d!l•ne business tel' Ye\ 08·01 03 Advanced I at & r I n1nt1al Servocu Inc Clyde B Dallon Vantt Cha or This statement "''' toled with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 08 05 03 20036953156 Oaoly Potol Aue 7 14 21 28 2003 Th660 Fittl6M tum .... s..... The lollow1na perion\ ire doina bu""'" n Cattoaho Rut ht•te P•rtnersh1p 11161 Slater Ave , f ount11n Valley, CA 92708 Georee Gaffoal10/ John Gaffoatoo 11161 Stater Ave . f ountaon Valley, CA 92708 Ruben G1Hoa11u 11161 Slater Ave r ounu1n \/alley CA 92708 Marc elo Calloallo 11161 Sliter Ave fountain llalle1 CA 92708 Th•\ businns I\ con due ted by a a en er al partner~h1p Hive you \tarted doina business yet> Yes tan 1. 1999 Ruben C1tloa1to This s tatement wo filed "'1th tht County Clerk of Oranae County on 08/11/03 200H9SUlS Oaoly Pilot Aua 28 Sept 4 11 18 2003 Th743 l.KMIOTKI PIOPOSll 200J..2004 IUKIT fOI COAST C.-TYCOUKf DISllCT The Coast Community Collea• Oist11ct's pro posed budaet for l003· 2004 wiN be 1va1lable lor public inspection at Coast Community Col teae District Otfoce Bu1ld1n1 A 1370 Adams Avenue Costa Mesa CA 92626 lrom Seotember 11 2003 to September 17. 2003 belwttn the houis of 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m the pubhc hearrn1 on the proposed budpt tor 2003·2004 wilt be held et Cont Community Colfea• District Office. Build1n1 A. 1370 Adams Avenue, Cost• Meu. CA 92626 on Septem.ber 17. 2003 1t 6:JOp m P ublished N1wport Buch-Coste Meu Deily Pilot Auaust 28, 2003 Th723 J.UI f 11Cllsia St., Cost1 Mesa, CA 9262S fie-.. ..... Th1t blnlneu Is con· ......... Mttd bJ. ell lndivict11el The tollowi~ ...,50ns H•v. rou st.led cloillt .. -· The foftow1111 p.rson business yet? No ere dol!ll bu nus as. h11 ab1.ncloMd Ute UM Chtllnff Chipanond •) Horizon Fjn111clal of Ille Fictitious Biiii· Tltll 1tlte111tnt WIS RHOUtCH , lllC . b) Hfll 11eu N•-; Yest•d•r flied with the County lnsuren ce Serwlcn , Alttlque a OttMlc Cat Clertl of Orenae County 18301 Yon K111111n Av• Co. 300 El Cemlno Rul, on 08/\2/03 #325, Irvine. CA 92612 Tuttln, CA 92790 Heh.,.... HfR, Ille (CA), 18301 The flttltlola l ialnea Oell) rnot AllJ. l .. 21, Von K11m1n Ave. '325. n•-refwred to .,,. 21, s..it. 4, 200l 0.101 lflvne, CA 112612 wn fli.d 111 ~lft(I TlltS IKlliMss " con· Co11nl)' 011 U•lt-OZ. ducted ttr· • t o<potetloll Fill NO. 2002l924250 ..... ..... Haft 1°" lt8'tecl ... D1nlel R. II•"'"· ._--.....:. busl-,elf v-. t2/ Tr11tl4e, 0tnW R. ... -lVltlll ,.,. 111d Merli f. TM followMi ""'°"' Hfft Inc., Slwl L. W . lllffWt TMt· ~ 10--............... H : Korn,~· s.tT1l1tJ 14 97, s,n VIie r•t A11cllou Aw11. JOU TINs 1t1i:--t w• Ot .. .....,.,, ltldl CA C... ...._ C4lr • Ootll 11"41 wltfl the t.vllt) t2'IO .... CA aut C..,_ of ~ ... Countr .. ., •• ( •• ,,.,.. I.Ill* • ~119di. ;;.~-TNttw ef the DeMt It 3011 C... ...._ Cir,. _..... .. l1trlfl 9"' llltfl (, CoMI ._.,CA f'aa o.-y r11ot .... !I. s.t lwr•• Ttust Q.ted 10· T1'tl ....._. la -· 4. U. ll. IOOJ lllUO 14-97, 332 ._ '* M t. .. ltJ. Ill ~ ... .... ~.......,t lledl. CA .::-,:,-~.~ ... ...... TIMI ..,... It a11t• OJ ,.._ .......___ -MW'1 T t LMftt l"'*._C,_. •----..---......... ~, ... n...._.._ ...... ...--•. ·-... -.-. -...... C....ty ~ ......... =:"or!;.~:..= ;;7.-1:,i':; c-e, =.. 21:._°'=-. °'TA •== mu •• = ..... -..u a ..,... ... ..., ... ~,.. ....... .!!, .,." 1118 ri.m ~· 2111 ..,. •• ..... .... Tlltm • -....... .,... C!& .. Z bu•1n•s• yet' Ye~ I 'J7'1 Ou1. ft 1 t•v ,.. "ut ""'' •l1t.1n Th~ tollow1na p~r \on\ 7 ·24 03 R· ~.n .... ,,. <J•• Ir vine Hill~ Really Inc I 11" ''•'~"" I ... , Ph1hp E Becker C£0 ld .. d w1lh !'tr • ""'• This statement was I C.lor~ 1 I Ur•"•'.' 1 .uni, filed With the County on (JI! ?l 0 j t1,.v ... 1 u \.'"'' ltod J1.1n£_ 1 •rt Oo1ng bus1nt~' a\ t.•l' •"•\' ;ti' r.~ rJ.' I IJwznro \ Sub~ ?Ill W ,4 l~ 1 lmper.~1 Hwy Ste A l• J Ii VI •1 .. •n & A~w Habra CA 906)1 ',,,,,... in "'"'' I H Apurva Mapard •"" Cieri. of Orange Cnunfy 200369SS904 H 10 J''' ,.,,,.,,.f'v At t1MilpiHa on 08 06 03 0dli~ P1I• I ""~ ,f< ... ~ t 200l69Sl968 4 11 If' ll J ·~71< •1 , _ \lal•"''nr .. ~, 167% ra .. n L1H1 Cl 11.~ ,. 11 I~• Cc.111 ly Chilo Holl• CA 9170'J I 011ly P1101 Aue 14 21 28 Sept 4 2003 ln68? r-~r-rllo f fJ, H1.:t 1~rt, ln1'\ busine"5 I\ C<>" ' .18 " O, Ju t•d t v hu\b•nO •110 200369SS901 .. 1r• Oa• 1" t A111. ,. Sr"t H.ht you •tartrd :J1;1n~ Tt.l t. ~· \ 4 J IP 700J r1l,A tu\1RU\ ;et'~o •It' J.,,,,., t. l' • j~ Apury4 Map•r• •nO Tne fottow1na per\on\ ~lump • H .. o.r\ ,., Ario Mapara Jire do1na bus•ne~\ a r1:-.t,on 101 ~ • .,ht,... fklttiMlsa.s;.u rri1,, \tatem~nt ,.,, Loane1cet In< JlJ92 Or N1 "'ll ·rl E!• • ,. r A "-S fol~d "'lh tht C:ountv S Pac1hc Co•st Hw1 ~tb6.l ........ Cl•r~ of (Jran11, C.ount1 •240 L•auna Beach CA lollord C.r H•I :;1,.p r1,. lnlll1w1na """""' "" 08 II Ol 926~1 'i h"'""'" ?IOI li•y~hnre ~,. Oo•ng bu\1nu\ "' : 200l 6 9S4S03 Loanu cel In< 1 Cfq 01 Nfwp1Ht tlu• n r.11 r,,,, lhao HtJd C~ller v Daily Pilot Au& )4 21 31392 S Parof1, C.'la.I I 97b6 ! ?(J 1:>1 R•mon.; I"" I ?8 Srpt 4 2003 Tn681 Hw y •740 l aauno I lh1• hu\1n .. ~·. I', , rl H11ot11'1lt11n Si-•t...h LA Buch CA 926~1 du• l•d by •" 111ol1>•d oa \j;>~.4" This bustne'S,. 1~ con H""' •'1~ .. ,.,,h·d J1 ~n~ mm • Md 20 j 21 duct~d by a corpor41t111n bu\1nfl yrt> N,; R~rr,.,,,~ Lant Hunttn~ Have you \tarted dnona r 1,11 •·I (, ·h•i>~••d Ion k~a•h C" '11b4ti bu\tneu yet, No \r.r f ~nn • Ma ' 1.-1 I<• loane•t el Inc Bryan fh,~ • t•t~ff\~nl .,ac l'iOnd l v1j0> Hunt•f"&tc n Part.~ W1l\On Pru1denl t11rd woth lh• 1 1,11•, ilea ~ CA 97b46 This \Utemenl W4\ Cl•,. uf Cl• •"i' u~t 1 -,,.\ t.us1no\ 1~ c~n filed .. 1th the Count, I un 08 I !i r J ilu• ltd br ••u,b•nd MtO Clerk of Oran11e Counl1 200369SSOl6 "'11• on 08 22 OJ I 01111 P1lol Aua ll z~ H•v• you \IArltd d~•"R 200J69SSl99 Seot 4 I\ ?OOJ '" ll 9 bu''"'" t't' ~' Daily Pilot Au& 28 Sfpt Jimmy M• 4 11. 18, 200J Th137 flctttious lullness Th1\ statt'mtnl '"'' lhnltS 111,d with thr Cuunt1 """*" Cler> o t Oranee C'ounly Th' lnllnw1n~ P'"""' I on 08 12.03 ar• do1na bu"""'' d\ 200369S462S The fotlow1na per~ons N4!1Jn•I M~·rt,n•"" Oa•I• Pilot Aue 14 11 are doona bus1neu •s M•n•i•m•nt ~·l Spr n0 ~e •ol • 1003 lh/01 Crisp N' Cleon Wondow T 1J~ Or NtWP•H l Bea " Wash1na 12482 Alm1 CA 9ZM:>I' Aldez •250 Ranctiu PdC•I l'Ul••JnA Man Santa Maraarota r A I t•n•n • M•n•°'tm.,11 9?688 1n, ICA I 901 Sr;H ng Brian Scott Peter son I •dr Or ~,,.port B•~ h 22482 Alma Aldea •250 CA 9.'660 • • l •1n11 bu,1nn\ '' Rancho Santa Mareanta Th1\ bu~'""' ,, . 1• W••IOar• Jtw•lr v ?6 "" 1<,11ow1nc per •o~\ •f• doma bu\1ne:~\ •• Mortaaii• Sc.lut•ons US F.i Mor aan St •12~ rv•nt CA 92618 T • T Mo1 t11it Lendon& ICA 1 3303 H•r bo• Blvd • I\ !i Cosu Me~ CA 92626 fh1\ t>us1nt\S. 1\ con due fed Dy a corpot1t1on Have you st•r led do•ni busonru yet' No T T M ort a•~• I encl1na loseoh Betche• s ....... ... 0'11" sutem.-nt -·~ IMd .. 1th the County r ter> ol O•ance Cnunty ..,n0815~3 200369SSU6 Daily P1tot ~ui 78 Sept 4 11 18 2003 Th7?9 CA 9?688 du< ltd by J tr>rpnr~t1•Jn Br•\bane W1r , .,n• A lhrs bu\lness rs ton ll1YP 1,,.. \tarl•O dn1nw 92611 ,.,..... ..... ducted by an onc:t1v1dual bu\1n'" it•' Y•, I MIChHI Stntl Zi.u• 16 "-s....t Have you \tart•d c:toona Ma••h l'l89 B11sbdn• Way Irvine CA The follow1na persons busmen yrt' Yes 6 ;>q P•t•f1< Na1ouna1 MAor1 926ll .,, cioina businen n 03 trnana Manat•m~nt O•ant lt'11aone M•llu\ B11an S Ptterslln Int Mok• Ba•ra1Tuan 26 B11\b•nt W1v lrv1nt 'Oawod Medina Attorney • CA 'J261' I Al Law 1043 C.1v1c Tiiis \latem.,nl W6\ I P"s•d•nl ' Center Drovt Wttt 2nd filed with the Ceourlly Tho~ \I H•menr wA• This busoneu " ton F 1001 Santa Ani CA Clerk of Oranae County liltd Wllh lht ( ,,,.r>'y dutted by • a•neral 97703 on 07/30'03 Clerk ot 011nae •u•ry par tn•rshop Davia Abot Mtdona 20036953178 un 08 2Z OJ ~a•• you star ltd do1na 1043 Co voe Centrr 0.1vf Deily Pilot Au& 29 Sept 200369SS901 bu\•n-'\ 1•1' No Wut 2ncl Floor Santa 5 12. 19. 2003 Th745 D11ly Pilot Aull 28 S~i:I Si·>!! M loot. Ant CA 92703 4 11 18 2003 '• 111 Tho• \l1temenl .,n The follow1n1 person\ .,e doin1 busine\\ IS M1lltnn1 um rotne\\ Products. 1690 Placentia Ave . flf Co\ta Mesa CA 92627 A & M Burrna LLC (CA) 1690 Pl1eent11 Ave . llf Co•ta Mn • CA 92fi27 Th•s buSlnesi '' con ducted by l1mttfd L1ab1lrty Co H1v1 you started dome business yet> Ho A ' M Bu11na. llC Keith R F 1ber, Maneae• Thrs statement wn ffled with the County Cieri\ of Oranee County on 08/18/03 toOJHSUU 011ly Piiot Aus 28, Sept 4, 11, 18, 2003 Th12/ Rclllm ..... ... s...... The folloWlnC ~sons 11• doitlc busoneu as Sp1 of Hewpotl, 1705 W11tc ltff. Newport BH<h. CA 92660 Coro111 0.1 Mat Ten, Inc (CA), 2101 l&ttl St , Ntwpo1t Buch, CA 92660 This business Is con dwctld br. • corpoution Htv• row 1twtec1 dolnc buslneQ pt? No CorOM Del Mat fen, Inc .. 1-el It. Cl1"1!11l\o, TrHs. Tllh at.tlmtnt ., .. ftW """ tM C-.ty CWk .. ~lflft Covnty Oft~ llUMI .. ~ Oelly Hot .._ 1. 1', 21 ... 2003 lMS6 ....... ........ ......... ...-n ............... •> •••t a hr!« .... , .. , ........... ..... , .._.,,, .J012 ,,._ A.. • _..,.,, --..ca.-....,,....,. .. ,m ...... ... ......... ...._CA_ l11r ltuft..i. lotl ...... _"!:.1...-......,. ....,ca..., "*--· 2 2 2 •• The follow1na pt!r "''" Mt dn1na businH• "' f'HC'1lldynam1c Study Ct nl•r 1 Cnrpnr•tt P11i. Ste 235 lrvmr C•hlorn11 92606 Jor ar r Cahnd,, 7 Corporatt Par~ Stt 135 Irvine C•hfnrn1 a 92606 R1cherd J Lrtt•er 1 Co1porate Park Ste 735 Ir vine C1hfor ni a 92606 This buSlnt\S rs con ducted by co p11rtn•" Have you started clo1n& bustneu yeP No 1ot1e f Calmdo Thlt \11tement wu filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 08/11/03 200S6tS4S46 Da1l1 Pilot AuJ 14 21 28 ~pt 4 2003 111700 ........ ... s...... Tht totlow1n1 person' tfe doin& bUM11e\S n F~h1nolf Chari•'· 9332 Darrow Or . Huntmrton Beach, CA 91646 St•pften Stewart Ralph QUNle 9332 Darrow Or. Hu11t'"C1on lie.ell. CA 92646 Olnttn Quetle. 42 V..ta dtl CMro, AllSO YlejO CA 926~ fllh IHnlnen Is con dllettd by • ..,.., •• peJ lnershlp Hnt ,eu at¥tect '°illl bnllllln yet? N9 St.,,_ S'-llft lttlpfl Qw.11 Tiiis tl•t.-nt •• , f!Md w1tll lhl CovntJ CtlB .. Or1q1 c:-ty 9110MJ\/Ol BNttUMt Olb .,. ... t A4lf 7, l4, tl, !I, tooJ 111863 .... .... ......... , ........... ..-___ .........__ ., .... ____ . ..._, •)...,.... n --.. ..... c.. 1•1 Voe ._._ ,.. ......_.CA lJ ,. ....... ..... ,, .. (W. .. . filed ., th the Countv Thrs bus1neu I\ con C.ler• 01 Orana• County ducted by an 1ndmdual n 08 05 Ol l11ve you st.rte<! do•na 200369 Sll•O bu\lnts\ yet• Yu 6· I Dally P1101 Aue I 14 03 21 ~P. 2003 Th654 Oavtd Ati.I Medine This \tattment wai Rdtt!M ..... ... s...... Tti• tollowona per~ns llf ~oona bu\1neu n ~ F ~ !> llC 4832 Atavte O• •• Buena Par ~ (' aht rn11 90621 N f !> ll C <Or11rnzed r ~"'"'"'" 4832 Ar1yt• Onvr Buena Park CA 90621 Th"' bu•1nus 1\ con ducted by l1m1ted l 11b1hty Co Have you stifled 0o1na businen yet> Yu. 04/ 23103 N f C 5 llC Clenn Moss P1n1d<tnt fh1s st1t1ment WH hied with the County Clu t. of Or1nre County on 08'111/03 tOOH9SU4S Di lly Pilot Au& 7 14 21 28 2003 Tl!665 -LJ! !. hied with the County Clerk of Or1n1t County on 08/15/03 20036'5SMS Deily Pilot Au1 21 28 Seiit 4, II 2003 fh720 Acm.. ..... ... s...... The lollowi111 P«SOns are 6Cllfll bUSUtHS H Con!Taclon W1reltouse. 60 I C 1'"90"111 Hwr . la Habra, CA 90631 JHO-WEN. Inc (Olt) 401 H«llof lsats, Kie meth Fells, OR, 97f0t This ~ la con dueled bJ • ~•tooft Han yCMI started doillC bus-.. t'flf Yea. 01/ Ol/1999 ICLD·WCN, Inc S.111 uel 0 PortM C.porett Secrelery This •l"'-nl •n fllM with the Collnty Cien of Or-. County on 01 rtt/Ol MH .. SUH Oa!IY .... ... 1. 14. 21, 28, 2003 T*1 .. I ---·· ... -----•...,..-~----,---,.....,.-..------.... ------------- 14 l'tvsday, Au&ust 28, 2003 Oalti Piiot --------------------........... 2MI ~..... 2141 ........... ... LllllNalcll .. .......... .. ........... -lltll..... -.......... UST 2I01 • 2t02 ..... ,.....,. k> 8tlctloll QJ1, IMMw Md TIMlllon Code TN Nilllllll ~ T•.ottd ~ 111 n war.,. ONIJ, a.o1~ 119 '-' cMlld ..i...,.,. IO....-,....._ ol """91 ......... Pl.dlNd Ill N ONllr Apclltgll ol N Ill_. llleedl ol lib,...,.... lllJll.-.i> OEUNQI IENT UST ~ Jolln M W Moollldl, °"'10' COUllly TIA Cdldor, SI-. ol c.on..., °""1 flfll ldclt 11 hnOy ghllll\ hi Ill ..... prGplltel llllled blliiw-dDdnd ID be Ill tall dela.i • 12 01 I 111 Oft July I, 2002. by oC*111an ol IM Thi dedlr-.in ol delalA -cMI IO~ ,__ol .. IOCll ~ cM lot ....... -·~"°'* c:twgee ""*'Ill 2001·2<m hll -I 11911 on flt llMld ,_. Pflll*IY. The°hlm9 ol .. -and Ille lallll Wlllkill -Mon .11.rle 30, 2002, II lhowl appOIM Ille l*Cll nun'blr. Tiil..., rlll propetty 1N1Y bl redeemocl by P11Y11*11 al II unplid WAii and __ ,_., logeltier ...., .. lddlllol)aj penlllial and lees, • pttlCribld by IN, 01 • n-.y be l9dwned l#1dltr .. ~ plwl d roclel~ "11\8 tu• t'llJWI Ulljllld."""' 30. 'l007. lht propelty 1111 bl Mjecl IO '* ill ~ llUCltion flllll*IY ~ '1IWdl a nuiHllce lblMfnlnl ilowl hM bMn l1ICOfdad lhll be subjea IO 9* K Ille laXn remain unpaid after July I, 2007 M lnlotmllon ~ ~ ol ta1~ propelty wl be fumllhed, upon NQl*I, by JcM MW Moorildl, 0rqe Counly Tu Coledot, 12 ~~Plaza Room G-58, S.U Ma. Celibnle 92702 (7t4) 834-5701 I c:etWy (OI Olelilrt) . ..-P'fMIY ol poNµy 111a1 the ~•true Ind cxmd. John 11..W. llooNtb 0.W. CO<mCy Tu~ .. ol Callomla E111Med II s.'111 Ana. 0rqe Counly on August 21 & 2tl 2003 PARCEL NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPl.ANATION The"'-'1 Pirail NIM!lbef IAPN) '°'*'IMC! ID delcri>e plop8l1y 111 r. tist. '*' '° h _.,map bock 11111 map bloc* on Ille map!'~) aid lhe ndMdull perel4 on Ille map P'Q1 OI In fie bloc* The -5 l!Wl)a aid IUlfler ~ ol lhe patC8I nun'blr ~ s.,.wn 1te .,lilllllt rt lllt -• oll'1c:e Al pt0!>8<ly e 11 Ille Townsl>lp South Ind Range Well ol San 8emardono Base and ~ IMPORTAHT NOTICE The name1 puOiillld 1111 OlOlt IPl>tiM!I on Ille la.< rol T~ ~ hlMI dolpc6ed 01 Pl'Ol>tl1Y 91nCt January t may find lllN Nlf11M ilsted lot !tie tea90l1 M pt1ISellt -11irve llllled ID pey taxes Tilt lollowtng tbbltvlltlont trt uHd lot 11\e ~ Mt oppo11ile IMm Adm -Admin4~1110f Adm.t fldnwlw~• AP -"-tc>(s Map Pli'Cff Numoer Hwy H'ljllway Hwys -Hignway, Inc lncorporaled Al)( Apatlmlln4 Aw• AlsoclalJon f\st« -A9'0Clates Bldu -Buold!ng 8"Je -~ CAICa'C.lll Calilotnia Co Company eor.t • Consl7udJon Coop -~ (.cwp Corpcnbon eons.. Conee<Vllor OePI ~ [le-, ~·I Diii ~ I>• ~ Eo Eooc-.on El'lllP'l E~ ~ ~ t1UI rd Oh<s k1s lllSU<llOOe lfl•-l!WeSlmenl Jt Ju<llOf LA LosA~ ltd -Lm!oed Mlg ~ Ml l.bn NA -N<lllOllal ASSOClllllOll Nall Nallonal ~ Numbet NI & ~ -NaltW TIU!! rd Saw'l}S..._ S &L -5aw'9' and loan SECY -Sectelal'r St -SenlOI St -~ USA · LIM@<! Stales of Amenta lfets -Vell!tans & -Md e..oc u-iuocuw &'Or -And'Or F & M F annm and Mefthanl\ • N\#l1llo< Gon Guatdlar1 PROPERTY 1H HOHTltlGTOH BEACH CITY TAX-RA Tt AREA °'401 OREi< JONfl THAN CHI TURNER.CHERYLA AP OZl-tlS.25 0100 St 107 82 525 '2HO ST HUNTINGTON WCH C.A AP 02:}. llS.25 Ill $681 00 525 22NO SI HUNTINGTON BEACH CA OOENTtW. RICHARD E APQ23.124 230300. S 1110 15 '°'1 20Tl1 ST HUNTINGTON BEACH CA AP023-124-230C00 S&87 at '°"120TH St HUtfllNGTON BEACH CA HE.AVEY BRYAN J AP 023-142·22 $3497 !>8 60111™ST. HUNTINGTON BEACH CA THOMPSON, SCOTT L flP02l-251-46 S2 714 20 19430 SANOPE88lE Cl HUNTINGTON BEACH CA CARTHEY, SCOTT f.P 024-027 ·24. SUll2 84. 32212TH Sl. HOOIHGTOH BEACH. CA \I~. Ai.Mo' RUlH, AP au-034-08, S2, 125 26 21911TH ST HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA GMR. RAEGAN L AP ~12.SU51l20 10101.MEST HUNTINGTON BEACH CA Ml't'f,H.tJV., SANORA J AP 025--061 2S SJ m ra 'lftJ717™ST HUNTINGTON WCH CA CASTAHOH RICMARO G AP ()2S.082 2e S 1 903 92 t0t6 CAl.JfOAAIA ST HUNTINGTON BEACH CA UC GAUGMEV MOiAEL H AP~13279 SllQO 40 1615 M.SUHf\ I.JI ~llNGTON BEACH CA CASTAHON RICHARD G AP02S-1'4-13 S227314 eoa OCEAHHU OR. ~OHBEACHCA BARHES, RICHARD M AP02S-1S212. SI 22275 Sta ASHl.AHO Ofl HUNTINGTON BEACH CA GARDNER. VER.\ M Ei Al. AP 111 140-23 S2. 179118, TR 2911 ll.K C LOT25 BORGARDT, LOIS. AP 1$024-13. S3tl 27, 9162 MPAA OR. HUH11NOTOH BEACH.CA MC CASE, S£AA AP 149 in 10 12,on 14 mn ~TIOHLH IUfTINGlON BEACH. CA OVORKOS JOHN w AP 14i-ln·ll 0200 SJ.) 29 9122 ltOKTllE DR HUNTINGTON llEACH CA COX. R08ER'T DENNIS AP 1•:111.12 SI 91S97 82 P£"'9(1REE DR. ium«JTOH BEACH CA rAltllEIJ.A .IOSEA4. AP 1-.J31 ~. 11 fll7 11 tlM1 l'OIU Q. YOE OR. HUNTNlTOH BEACH. CA 1'\.U Y. MICHA&. R TR. AP1~14, 174340, 9'12 PORT Cl\'tlE DR. HUNTNlTOH 8EA01. CA IOW.#,~V N' t4W72"1l te. m eo 9'7' FOIJCsTOHE Cl ~~CA IOUlA. aew.o J, ,,, 14N72'20. A.142.IO, 22'.llf~l/4. HUNTWOTON lfAOI. CA ~ JONU, AP 151· fOt·tJ. P. ... -· ~LN. .ufll«JTON lfACH.CA HUNTINGTON BEACH SELF SERVE CAR WASH f\P 151 282·31 S8 152 56 ~2BE.ACHBL HUNTINGTON BEACH C~ EGGFRT J THOMAS LEZAK. JENNIFER LINN AP 151·502-04 0100 1544 19 20181 CAPE COTIAGE l N HUNTING ION BEACH CA All MIKE. AP t!>3-011·25 SI 823 06 8181 OEAlNIUEOR HUNTINGTON 8£ACH CA AUISON RANDY AP 153-051 19 1317 72 19322 BEACH BL HUKTIHGTON BEACH CA WT NEWl.AHD ESTATE AP 15)-091 15 S 1 ~ 71 TWP 6 RGE II SEC t AP IS3-09t·29 115037 46 TWP 6 RGE 11 SEC 1 f\P tS3-091 30. $201 42 TWP 6 RGf 11 SfC I CORAi. CAY COMMUNITY ASSN f\PH~~ $81 02 TR 8040 lOT G Hill. DAMON W AP 897· 100-01. Sl.047 13 1418 ORANGE A\I, UNIT fl HUNTINGTON BEACH C-' LARRALDE STEPHEN AP Q:lO 794~7 S90t 61. 4()Q UTICA A\I UNll en HUNTlNGTON BEACH. CA COR8En. JUllE. AP 932 · 171 71 SU2914 1693? At.CIFIC COAST HY UNJT 171 HUNTINGTON BCACH CA R08ER1SON W.RY AP 933-522 !i6 S2 84772 20062 8.AYFROHT lN UNfT 201. ~INGION BCACH CA LARSON RICHARO J AP 933-5™7 $1 295"' SIJI RACEPOM OR UNll 204. tUITtfGTON 8EACH CA AP 933-~7 01(JO W. I 22. 8131 RACE P()jHT DR UNIT 204. H\ltlTINGTON BEAOi CA W"4KLE JEANNE M AP 9"lfr115-21 Sl.117 06 20302 llOEPOOI. Cl. UNIT 103 HUHTIHGTOH BCACH.CA CLARK. GIU:OORY W f\P 937152~ Ot<JO. S219 73. 2109? POOi.SiDE LH, UNIT 14, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA f\P 937· 152·54 0200, $487 95, '1092 POOlSIOE I.JI, UNfl 14. HUNTINGTON BEACH CA ~OONAl.DE. AP 937·164-01, S4.Jli6 76 19432 ~I.JI. ~T 502 HU'ITIHGTON BEACH CA MOAiEY. Kl.l8E'Rl Y L APIJ7.401-030100 sns .a 10052 OCf)H ~LN.UNITa HUNTINGTON eEAOi. CA Dit.ltAV1 tl()Mf,YOUN AP ~ S4617'6 '1541 SUAVEYOR Cl UNfT IA, HUNTINGTON 8£A04 CA STEN GARY, AP 9». 50i.e1. "·*°" 1400 FW:!FIC ~T HY UNIT 10I. HUNT'WOTON llEACM. CA ~.AU.EHR, AP ~"°· $1.18133. 1400 At.OFlC COUT HY, UNIT 31S, HIMTINGlOH IEAOi,CA fAX-4tA11MrAMa7 OVIAn, .00.. P, NJ 1!0- ~ 0t~ .,, .. t7212AWON~, llMT'NQTOli ICM)4. CA ' KRAMPE FAANK AP 142.J61.21 11 529 n 7042 STARUGHT Cl HUNTINGTON BEACH CA CARROU ENTERPfUSES INC AP 14S-50J.-09 S7 738 43. 5382 lfllOUS TPIAl OR HUNTINGION BEACH CA WllKINSON JAMES I n AL AP 146-06 I -09 S 1.302 12 5311 I MEA~ OWl.ARKOR t!l.INTINGTON BEACH CA MCCOMB MflOOY F AP 14&171 :l9 SlJO 63 6951 CARI.A Cl HU!fllNGTON BEACH CA DORSEY l<ENNE™ 0 TR AP 14? 2U27 5111 20 5791 HEl />V HUNTINGTON BEACH CA FISCUS Willi~ HM AP 146 333 '9 5181896 1665t BUSBY LN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA HARMON R08ERT P AP "&3nl4 S1.<l0932 1637? HOWi.ANO LH HUNTINGTON BEACl1. CA MATSON S T'EVE AP 146 521-01 SI 32917 t6'42 BRIMHALL LN HUNTING ION BEACH CA FIGUEROA. GABRIEL AP 14&523.()J. S1 360 36 1629t NORMANDY LH HUNTINGTON BEACH CA MC DIA.RMI() BRUCH AP 146-572-17 $661 24 6522 MARILYN OR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA LECONG TUYEN 0 AP 146-612-06 ss.~a' 1656 I W.VWOOO lH HUNTINGTON BEACM CA SC~EFER JAMES A AP 1~2-09 0100 $256 93 !1365 HA\/JlANO DA. HUNTING TON BEACli CA AP 1~52-09 0200 S259661 ~HAY\. LANO OR tll.INTINGION BEACH CA HU C~ISTOPHER R AP t59-011'55, SJ65 39 1811t CLEARWATER Cl HUHTINGTON BEACH. CA ALFANO STEVEN J ET & AP 163-061·1&, 1414 94 5331 HORDIHA DR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA LEWIS, ANOREW R, AP 163.()91·18. $1,57236. 5741 WHISTLER Cl. HUHTIHGTOH BEACH. CA PLUZNICI(. VICTOI! L. AP 163-m-08, "41 23. 5611 lUOlOWCI. HUNTINGTON BEAOi, CA IWJIJRA, l(ll(lJ() AP t~283-04 $'.336 38. 5361 BECK Cl. HUHTIHGTON BEACH. CA THUVE. MAmEW AP 16S-023-1l S2 383 93. &711 Vlf\ CAROHA DR. HlMTINGTON BEACH. CA VHTE. C>ftlSTIAH E. N' 1~02. nsesee lmll~lH HUHTIHOlON IEA01. CA KM BENJAM9i 8 AP 1~)41.lt, A.2Rf2. 1 n51 BAH LEAHDAO lJ4. HUNTINGTON 8EAC>i. CA SHIHOY. WASFf W. N> 1~. S6,71~f2. 1131& IMHTlC Cl. lfJNTfllOTON BeAOI. CA 111\A T\U, 8fl'C'HCO. AP 171-t1S.OS 0100, S2.VOtt 4*..ul Dfl. HUNl'MllON IEACH, CA WAn. i»W>, Iii' 111- 38)..Q. ..., ... .,,, IMILOOI. ~TON IEAO\CA llllta. "°'9T I\ .... ,, t1MIOM4 • .,.,,. ... •1ttOIMS~~ ~IWJ\CA CA KnOi. ~VIC ll\, AP t7M42>15, S1,4n01, -MONliOO DR. HUHTINOTOH 11£M)1, CA CUANUm. AICKW), AP 17M43-34 0200. Sl.M 7l 181,.,TOAT(). lA Cl. IQ(rlHOTON BfACH,CA RAU. BEVERLY J. AP 17&.70Me. $1,397 84. 3386 BAHDfT Cl, HUHTIHGTOH BEAOi, CA UOYO. TMOMAS. N' 176-J'05.M, 12,a11 32. lJee SPAAICLE.R OR, HVNTINGTON BEACH. CA BUflRQUGtiS, STE\IE AP 931-40(). 15 0100, '2.520 38, 18.ct2 HAR BOUR lH. UNIT 16. HUNllNGTON BEACW, CA llERGARfl STEVE, f.P 931"4ro74, $837 32 169EO f\lGOHOVIN ST. UNIT I 104 HUHTINGTOH BEACH CA KW.ER PNEJ.A E AP 932-2004l, 1827 27 4721 AR£HA Cl UNll 94C. HUHTINGTON BEACH CA NARAINE STEPHEN AP 937 ISS-92 0200. S 115 08 6600 WAAHER f\V UNfl 39 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA N' 9)7 1M-92 OJOO S239 62 6600 WARHER AV, UNll 30 HUNTINGTON 11£ACH CA BRIEF 8.ARRY TR % THOMAS 11081 A AP 937~3()..38 S764 96 t6089 SHERLOCK LN UNIT 38 HUNT ING TON WCH CA EVEN EPHRAIM TR AP 937-631·39. S3 376 66 16291 COUNlESS DR UNll 314 HU"1TINGTON BEACH CA 0UC EUGlNE G JR 'II.CURTIS. Cf.THERINE AP 9~a70.50 S 1 7t 7 08 16581 GRUNION LH UN11 10 HUNTIN<'>TON BEACH CA JOSEl'li 01.VIO f\P 939 541 no100 s1154' 5032 DORADO OR UNI I 207 HOHTINGTON BEACH CA J.P93~541 ??0700 '657 72 5032 DORADO Ofl UNIT 707 HUNllNGION ee.-CH CA POITfl/lN JCANNFTTf '"' 939 547 11 8t $209 10 5146 OOR>OO OR UNIT 20'4 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA MOAALE.5 NORMA f AP 939 54l-15 0100 SW ?7 5145 IORIUGA OR UNIT I 208 HUNllNGTON BEACH CA TAX-RATE AREA 04-010 Sll\li' JENNY AP 107 401 05 S2 010 ~ 16501 WAITE IN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA M()Rf\' 0£NNIS F AP 107-401 II SI 80090 1657 I WAlif L N HUN !ING I ON BEA CM CA l(fRKHOH MERLI[ P AP 107 -402 11 SH 18 04 16541 POnEP Cl HUNllNGTON BEACH CA AP 107-407·110100 $898 60 t654 t POnER Cl HUNTINGTON BEACH CA SlfWARO RANOAll l AP 107 ~2~3 St .l60 8J ll68t HASllNGS Ct HUNTINGTON SU.Qi CA RICHARDSON TAMli AP 107-001 37 SJ 726 08 a141 TERRY OR HUNTINGTON &ACH CA HINTL SUU.NNA AP t07-811 II SJ90 93 16711 ROOVELN HUNTINGTON BFACH CA DERRY GEORGE H JR TR AP 142 28!>-0I Ml52 56 7572 At.HflMBRA [lR HUNTINGTON 8[ACH CA Sl<ISTIMAS Al FRED AP 142~7U6 SJ 894 40 7561 CfNT(R OR UNIT 0 HUNTINGTON SU.CH C> CIRELLI ROBfRT J. Ii AP IS7 32609 SJ 137 32 &282 KINER AV HUNTINGTON BEACM CA SlfUENIES ALVARO A AP 157 352 20 MOS 23 18302 THOMAS r.1 HUtlflNGTON BfAOl CA AHOE.RSON IRA~V AP l~tO $153445 llll!ll CAAHABI' LN HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA CiRIEsw.N NORBERT L AP t&s.261~3 S4 467 07 I 7&82 SAMPSON LH HUNTINGTON 8€ACH CA CHARNAW llRJ.O W. AP 167·3M·17 SI 3'' 15 am AMSTER04M OR. Hl.MINGTON BEACH. CA DE LAS ALAS APOlONIO P f\P 167~-08 OtOO s10676. am~c1 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA F IH1<. JEROME A. AP IG1 • '83-24 0100, S947 l6, 1766 I \lf\N 8UR£N ST. HUNTINOT()(BEACH CA SEGURA. JOE. AP 93? I ll0-86 04-00. $361 56 I 7&66 BRITTANY lH UNIT 98 IUITIHGTON BEACH CA MEZA. VIRGINIA AP 832 lll1 12 S724 12 &t03 BE~ OR. UNIT 112. ~TON 8EA01 CA Ml.LEA. ROIW.O R AP 8l2111-31. Sllel 75 I 7643 NE\\\AtC> 6 I UNO 1A IUIT..aTOH 8EM>i CA TAX-M TE WA tM1J l UNO "°'1 ~ AP 148- 111>01, 164 I 02, 21111 SHAW lH. IQITINOTON ~CA ClAAI<. ROlle'T L. AP 1•1s1..,_ ..._ei IOOQ~()f\ HUlfftl(}T0'4 ~ CA lllU£JI, 8001'T J, AP t4W•~a. S2.*40. 211»1 MllOO OI, HLM'INGTOH ~.CA SONCl. ITMk N' 161· 071 to P.•• mz» om,vAl.[UC, 1Uf'JN1TON llEA01. CA BEACH. CA ~ 1'1--07MOO'J)O, ST.136 M, 20232 DEER> \IM.E LH. HUNTl«iTOH BEACH. CA HOWEU. MUAAEU O. N> m .141-09, 12.597 68. 21»11 8EA04WOOO l.H, tufTHJTON llfACH. CA lAMBERT. SHAWN PET flt, AP 151·1!12-100100. S1&8 (77, 9022 MfOOER. AANEAHDR, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA AP 151 192 10 0200, S486 81 9022 MEDITER· AANEANDR. HUNllNGTON BEf.CH. CA LEE. PETER H. AP 151· 433-15. $2,64 I ,., 942:2 H.ARCOURT Ct, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA AHCOG ROMULO S, TY· ANCOG. CONCEPCION. AP 151 524 11 S 1.143 88. 20391 MANSARD LN HUNTING TOH BEACtt, CA CASILLAS MARV LOUSIE AP 151-533-08 S117378 20tS2ASTOR LH. HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA LANE ~TRICK MIOW:L /IP 15t·54l-24 S2.070 39. 2004 I TRANOUIL LN HUHTINGTON BEACH, CA WT NEWl.A~ ESTATE. /IP 151-551 29 Sl.326 06. TR 7870 LOT IOt BAOGE.R JOHN J ROWAN-a.A.OGER t<AAEN A AP ISi 591 20 0100 StW 71 8S4~ KELSO OR HUNTINGTON BE.ACH. CA f\P 15t 59t·20 0200 S738 58. 8~2 KE.LSQ OR. HUNTINGTON Bf.6,CH. CA YEROUSHALMI EBRAHlfM YOM10\Je1AN. GUllY AP l!»lOl-15 S1 J0451. 20472 KE:NWORfH Cl HUNTINGTON BCACH CA HEPBURN OAVIO BRADl.E'!' AP I~ 19J.19. 54 93' 9? 10111 JON DAY DR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA Ma.A MICHELE S ,lP 151~11.12 s1 gn to 1~12GREGORY u; HUNTINGTON BFACH CA OU6AR r HClJMS COUPTNfV TR AP 159- 393560300 rORMERLt AP t ~ 39J. 20 S45 61 IR 245l01 J I.I' 1~39).56 ()IOO FOR MERtY AP t!>9-J113-10 S\W 70 TR 245 LOT J LA BAU ROBERT JOHN AP!/32~96 SI 60904 11644 PORTOLA CT UNll t)F HUNTINGTON BEACH CA HOlDRIOGE. SCOI M AP 933-870·33 S2 277 10 18591 EOGEBROOI< LN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA SI llWEl.L WIUIAM JR •P 933-87S.10 SI 467 72 rm OUIET COVE Cl HUNTINGTON BEACH CA \llGIL CAT HY LEE TR BERNARD• JfTTlf IRUSI VELOWIN rtucr AP 937.40? to S6JO 70 18900 Ofl>WARE ST u•n ' HUHTlt~TON BEACM CA IW.St SWo\HEEt AP t4~~"° \A 07• 17 21231 001/E 'Nf.lllllC.10« BE•Ct< r'/o TAX-RA TE AREA 04-41' KIRBY SHAWN ~p 145 10)-04 Sl 01310 t!.911 WIU.ETT l N HUNTINGTON BEACH CA AP 145 1031)4 ()300 $4() ~ 15911 WlllfTI LN HVNllNGTON BEACH Cf\ MERWIN MELWI O IR f\P 14f>. 112·30 $790 42 1[)93i 80..FAST lN HUNTINGTON BEACH CJi. AANOALL GEORGE PET Al. AP 14>352-02 S3JO 06 6162 ALBION DR HUHTINGTON BEACH CA MC COY JAMES I AP 1•>'33-07 SI 22911\ 6791 SKYVIEW DR HUNTINGTON W CH CA BIVENS llC AP 933-97(). 01 0100 1433 22 15564 PROOUCER LN UNIT t HUNTINGTON BEAC>1 ca TAX-RA TI: AREA OU19 YOUNG CHUNG CHE UHG AP .. ~174-23 SI 491 40 64'!1 RUTGERS Cl HUNTINGTON BEACH CA FUNSTONE KflTH T AP 14s.2'3t 11 S2 717 ra 686 I OlCF ORO DR, HUNTINGTON BEACH CA KYSOTH, CASEY ~l KYSOTH.TEl/Y AP14> JOl-09, Sl.265 33. 0022 MEOFORODR. HUNflNGTON BEACH. CA CULP OAVIO WARREN HUNTER CVJ>. JENNIFER l AP 14~302·14. S!I09 14 6181 MEOfORO DR HUllTINOT()N BEACH. CA Rf.HO, VICI(! X>.N. AP 145-322-00. St.091 17 6141 CORNEll. OR. HUNllNGfON BEACH, CA SHIW<I JC AP 1~ 05).12.0tOO. Sl,38340 141111 9"8RE lH, HUNT ING TON llEJ.CH CA ERO<SOH KEH AP 196- 0S \.15. 1272.29 638 I MAR VISTA OR. HUHTIHGTOH 8EAOi CA f1JRNER, ~ R. AP 1~221.20, $207'21, Sl5 I HflOIEHDA °"- HOHlmTOH BEAC>I CA f A!WtATt A1IEA MC2 FASHIOH IOC!S INC. IJ> 142~14, Sl85110, TR41.alOTA MC HA, JU~. AP 142· -.oeo100. mut. IM42 tw.ll A l.H, IUITINGTQN 8E.AOl4, CA N' !U•-.. O'JlO. 1211 70. 15341 SHASTA LH.~llJO\ CA N' 1'2.a<le "· a-IQ. IS)q~ ""' HtMfllGT()t lfAOi CA • TAIWIATI ME>.....,., ~ KNllllJ(E, AP 83U71..22. '5RM, ltm llAAkVI[# ~ UNIT2'.~ llEACH, CA TAX.AA~ Nl/iU. M4l4 ~GNfVVel AL AP$15).()7. '70,989 50, 117 liWN ST, HUNTWGTOH BE>.()1. CA TAX-RAT! AREA M-035 FCRIW«>E2. RAMIRO. AP ()24..1116-11.0100, $2,919 43, 2" 3RO ST. 111.lt{TlNGTOH BEACH. CA AZZAAA. HORMAN. AP 024-171-34, '2.082.22. 621 L.A)(E ST, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA STONEBAAKER, ~ J.l..D. AP G-602 .82, Sl.1!87 96. 410 LAKE ST UNIT 107, HUHTlfGTON BEACH CA T U«ATt AltEJ. ~ FOS~ StiAAON K. AP ISl-143-15 Sl0066 9872 INNSBROCK DR. HUKTJfGTON 11EAC>i CA YORK, OIARLES YANCEY-YORK, CRYSTAL. AP IS3-~. $3.22614 19792 TRllENT LH. HUNTINGTON BEACH CA AP tSl-~0200. SllllllO. 19782 TRIDENT LN HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA AP 153-223--00JOO S38J S2 19782 TRClENT LN HUf(llNGTON l!E.ACH CA SAllOO ANTHONY M AP 153 242 I•. $606 'l1 19901 ISfHMUS lH HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA HERMAN ANl HONY S AP ISl-281-01 $1 139 15 9011 GETTVS8URG OR. HUtffiNGTON BEACH CA LAMS EARi. A VRY BROOKS /IP t53-~-03 5t 031 7J 11442 RONNEY DR HUNTINGTON BEACH CA VALDEZ ROBERTO MER CAOO AP1~1~ $568 85 19857 INVfR NESS LN HUNTtNGIOt4 BOCH CA $HOUGH SI El'tlt.N 0 AP 1~3-416-57 5759 ll 19882 CLARfMONT lN HUNTINGTON Bfl>CH CA SIEMMER MARK S AP 1~94 21 S2.0S2 50 196111 TOPEKA LH HUNTINGION BEACH CA JOHNSON KENNEiH S SR flP 153-591 59 S1 994 7a 8882 BAY WOODOR HUNTINGTON WCHCI< PHAM COO L TR AP lS~!fll-01 S4 600 18 8771 BAVWOOD OR HUNTING TON BEACH CA "lARAYf\NSWAMI A N f\P 15!>-093-01 St 227 12 1985HHINGHJN lN lill'ITINGIOO BfACH CA PROPERTY II NEWl'OAT BEACHCIT'I TAX-RATE AREA 07.001 CARSON Ml(Xt.El I AP Ol505f>.2S S2 ISi 16 lJI <:.ANAL ST NEWPORT BE>Ctt CA Yf r JASON F G AP 04 7 201 20 St 407 90 1722 W OC€,4N FRONT N£W POR 1 BEACH CA rfRTIG. V IRGINtA C TR AP °'"72 13 S1 594 72 13H IW.BOA Bl NEW POPl BEACH CA MESSERSCHMITT JOHN AP048-074 29 S1111'20 1220CFAN FRONT NEWPORT BEACH.CA AP~74 290300 $6t09 M 1220CEAN rRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA AP 048-074 29 81 SI 709 40 1" 0C(AN FRONT NEWPORT BEACH CA STEVENS GEORGE M AP 048. II 5-C2 S2 523 &a 503 E 8.A Y AV NE'M'ORT BE>CH.CA A~ RIOWUl DAVIS IR AP ()48 122 07 ~ 679 6' Ill ""1.M ST '~wPOllT BEACH CA CASTANON RIC>'AAO G APOl9-IZ2J3 SI 32200 755 OCEAN VEW AV NE'M'ORT BEACH CA ADAMS .w.ES SHAR- L.ANO AP 049-222· 58 0100, S IO!l &8 1611 KINGS RO. NEWPORI BEA~ CA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACli flP (15()..212•10 S98 00 82 BEflCOH BAV NEWPOl'IT BEACH. CA SIClW.l 0... & GAS CO f\P 114 170--09, $11349, TWP 11 ROE 10 SEC 19 AP 114-170.70, $7860 TWP 11 RGE 10 SEC 29 WORREU.. TROY P TR, AP 423-072-09. S'.* 75, 3812 MARCUS. NEWl'ORT BEACH CA CTG PR0PamES U.C AP4~2'.2. SIO 862 38 109 32HO ST NEWPORT BEAOi CA GAU.AHT OOHNAAOEl.f m F80 DONNA. ~ REUUST APMTMENTB U.C. AP4'5-~10. S5.0I& 52. 1801 15™ ST NEWPORT BEACH. CA IWC>4, 1(9MTW 0 TR. AP~1. '11189' 608 IRIS AV NEWPORT 8EAQi, CA ASMUSSEH. ~J AP -.OU.22. 91.143 21. 1'21 MAAIOOU>AV, NEW· PORT llEA01, CA l<AVOUSSI. PRISCIUA. ~932·10Nl 1$.010 .. 1800 w 141.aOA Ill.. NEW- "°"T RACH. CA 1o1>m1ooa~. '557A ilOOW ~ 9L, lf:WPOAT BEACH, ClA WIC>. OAVIO, N' W. ~ st.ma. 370 w IAl.Pa.~T ICAQi.CA WEStCOiUl ~ AP~•1••. 11.l 3(04 st I.NT 2. ~llAOl.CA &WlE)(. MEMlJ.. _, WATFORD, WALTER T JR. ~.FOAMEAl.:~Y,_i.~~~~t.OiQ~_;;~~~ . .m-oi~-fo~~~~~-r~ AP ~:5, 12:i19 91, )025 COOLIXlE AV 111 1'2 )ml ST. NEW-008TA MESA. CA l'OIU lfACK CA N' M1· 141-62 81, HU. TEVIS. N' aJl.1~ at710. 3025 COC:UlOE ~ SU'17.47, 445 VIA AV, COSlOESA. CA lJ)() SOUO, UNIT A. HfW.. TAUA'T!l MfJ. 11_.,• GAA0A. IUCtWI> ET AL PORT BEACH, CA AP .. t.141.el. S81l 20 THOMAS,°"VIOA. AP Ot.MR.LvtllETT£P'ES-~COOUOGEAV, '36411·tUI, $43130. OUEAA AP45MS2-41, COSTOESA. CA 401 SEAWARD RD, UNIT I, '2,99UO 2029 PORT NEWPORT BEACH. CA CAAOff PL~ STEEU!ERO, Ct1AO E. BEACH. CA AP~ 0100, AP 466-082-01 0300, '7.120 44, 82 8EACOH $218.55, 2029 PORT BAY. NEWPORT BEACH CAAOIFF PL NE'l't'f!ORT CA BEACH.CA TAX4l4T£MfA07.ooe BAY/GATEWAY 4 INC. AP ~1-06. S3J M. Bl< 176 PG 42 PAR 5 TAX-MT£ AAf.A 07.011 JPf \11 llC, AP 47!>-044 06. Sl&,3112 28, 4e21 GORHf\M Oft !EWP(,)RT BEACH.CA AP 47s.o44-08 OtOO Sl.464 II 4821 ~ OR NE\WORT BEA01. CA AP 4 7$.044-0G 0200 13 29381 4821 ~ OR NEWPORT BEACH CA OORANT. VALERIE. AP 049-271 .-07 l5 975 52 731 SAlf'IT JAMES RO NEWPORT BCACH CA TAX-RAIE AREA 07-4>4 JOHNSON RA'!' H TR, AP 45&-t3t·l7 UtOO. Sl ,S37 68 1733 PORT BARMOUTH PL. NEW PORT BEACH CA LUTTON MICHAEL TRAVIS AP 4!>8-t9HlS SH 14 5.$ 1100 PORT ASHLEY Pl NfWl'OFT BEACH CA AmAH ROBERHI AP 4~33-02 54 ()17 ~ 1806 PORT STANHOPC Pl NEWPORT BEACH CA T~-RATE AA!A 07~1 I ()fl I !ER RtCAR00 AP 441111 I~ $1067& 70 46 BAAEBORN lN NEW PORT BEAC>i CA TAX-AA TE AREA 07-642 EKGART ROSS£ AP U0.11&. 10 S7 Oft:> 05 2408 VISIA HOGAR NEW POflT WCH CA MAYS scan 0 AP 440 231~3 S7.!>33 95. 401 \llSTA Pf.RADA NEW POflT Bt:ACH CA TAX-AATE flllEA 07'°45 NfWMAN CHRISTINA ,,,, 117 ~~1 $4873 56 2006 SHIPWAY LN NEW ~TBCACH CA WRIGHl LUCIA 1,p' 111 '-'2-09 $68 I 4~. 20S7 COMMOOORF RO NEW POflT BEACH CA OICl\SON GFORGIANA AP 934 180 13 $1969 l2 t228P\/TlAAORO UNIT 13 NfWP()QT 8£.&CH CA TAX-RATE AREA 07.os2 BORCOMAN I([ L VIN OOUGl.AS AP 4 2& 111 11 SH72 32 221' PRl\IATE RO N~WP()RI BEACH CA TAX-RA TE AREA 07.ot7 l UJAN [)AVIOS, AP~ 042 OI S4 JllO 12. 118 GARNEI f\V NEWPORT WCH.CA ~LEY PETER ADI.CR f\P 000.071 I 2, S2 681 el:) 201 TOPAZ A\I NfWPOOT BEACH, CA Y()CAM LOTIA AGNES TR f\P()5().()!jt 21 SI 7119 07 217 RU8Y AV NEWPOffi BEACH CA DAV OEBOIWi TR FOR MARJORIE L EOWAROS AP®1211S S73679 205 COIW AV N£'M>OR'T BEACH CA °"y DE90fW1 TR MAR JORELEOW~ REVOC TR M' Q50. I 52 22. S817 4e 305 MAA1t1E AV NEWPORT BEACH CA COQftt.N ""LIL. AP 060-tn.07 S2 92483 112 ONYXA\I NEWPORT Bf.M:H. CA TAX-RA TE ..t.ltfA '7.o70 WOO STEVEYK, EWING. JOl.YNNE E. AP 4A2~ll Ill, SI0,237 10 11S OlO COURSE DR. NEWPOAl 8EACH. CA AP 4A2-43t·l9 OtOO. Sll.61213, 11~ OLD COIMSE DR. NEWPORT BEACH.CA AP442-0l 19al. '2,lm50, 1t50LO COURSE Ofl. NEWPORT BEACH, CA 00MEZ. CYNTMlf,. AP 4$M82 .o8 SI 870 8ll 11:19 OOlD9IAOO AV. NEWf'ORT BEA01, CA T AJt.«A Tl /111/fA 17.f72 AEED. ~MELA K. N' 930-174-700100. '211•. 240 NICE lH, UNIT 20t HE.WPORT 8EACH. CA AP D-174-7011. $29710, ~HICE U4. UNIT 204, NEWPORT 8EloQ4.CA ~ OOlOAH, '1P D-17W3. $2. 113 • 200 PAltlS I.JI UNIT>D'l.~ 8EACH,CA OUICIC. RICHAAO ICJNIH, ~~I.SI.I .... 5 8TWl8H t:l, UNIT :JI, ~KACH.CA OOMf.f1EUXlUlf, JAHeT, AP~I. 12,16l10. 41 llA# .. Cf.~ llCACH CA ~ .... (UlA. IP41"' N'•7'1>t2, W. Ol 900 CAGNEY IJ\ UNIT 112, lflllWIORT lrAOf.CA AP 45&-082-01 0400. Sl.161l.49. 2029 PORT CAROlfF Pl, NEWPORT BEACH.CA TAX-MTt AllEA 07.oal IOIMN. SHERREU K. • AP 932-611·12. 1617 59 19 KJAl.Ofl CT UNIT 112. ~TBEACH.CA TA.l-AATE AREA 07-0ll TRHIY CHRISTIAN C£N TE'R SAH MARCOS AP 461 101-21 $21227 50 I Y~tEWPORT BEACH CA AfSHAA ABOlGHASEM MAYEl. APiJ&.460.49 S9 766 40 5 CHER· BOURG UNn 49 HEW PORT BEACH CA AP~90100 S53721 5 CHfRBOURG UNIT 49 NE'M'ORT BEACH CA CARLILE. LESTER C AP 93&-47~. $5~ 10 39 MONT PELLIER UNIT 9. NfWPORTBEACH CA COON TY OF ORANGE AP 119-161·21 SI 246 fA 2301 UNl\IEPSflY OR NE'WPMT BEACH CA TAX.flATt AREA 07-101 CARlll.E LESTER C AP 9ll 80& 72 $2 261 20 68 CORSICA OR UNli !lS NEWPORT 8EACM CA IOOCWPO ROIWOC AP 458-122 200700 sa 4-08 35 t I W.P8LE SA'«IS Nf WPOPT BEACH CA PROPERTY IN SEAi. BEACH CITY llAR1 WANDA I AP 933 fj(,0.)1 ()100 s 100 7t 12400 MONTECITO RO UNIT 303 SE Al BEACH CA •P9~310200 519l7t 12400 MON TFCITO RO UNIT JOJ SEAi.BEACH CA WHITE SIH'HENE AP 1111·o;..n S~1839e '617 E.LOER AV SEAL ~CH CA SCHEUER Ol/>NNE AP 717 14!1 22 SJ 'Ill 10 3~1 1'11.NSY Cl Sf Al BUO'D TAX-AA Tt AREA 12~7 SCARSROVGH WR JR AP 04}.1 ™l2 S7 '9741 1244 Pi\ClftC COAST HY SEAi BEACH CA BROOl(IN AUJj l AP 1~1-07 OIC)Q S4 lll!l 72 230 6TH ST SEAL BEACH CA ROSENMAN OA\llO E AP ti5-0!ll-15 $8 518 66 209 8TH ST. SEAl BEl>CH CA MAGANA MIGUEL AP 1~1-03 S2.939 24 309 SEAi. BCACH Bl SEAL BEACH CA AP l'»-061-038 I S403 10 309 SEAL Bf/.CH Bl SEAL BEACH CA RUSSU ROBER! AP 199-07S-08 $401 05 111 IJTH ST SEAL BEAOl CA FRfE[)MAN.ttARVEY GARY flt AP I !J9.-0M.-07 S6 167 go 1518 MARJE AV SEAl BEACH CA ROWE RICHARD AUfH fl AL AP 065-612·15 SI OM 64 I llO HARVAAO LH S£Al BEACH CA ZUNINO ADAM HOWARD AP~l4-14 SH5988 229 COU£GE Pi\RI( Ofl SEAL BEACH. CA TAX-RA Tt AREA 12.011 KENNEDY, SAM R. AP 178-471·21, $4,566 71 87 SUf!FSlOE A\I, UNfl B SEAL BEACH CA FOOR GIRLS HOlOING UC. AP 178-472-19. 16,00281 16179 SURF- SIOE AV. SEAi. BEACH. CA PlllOl'aTY II COIT A llOAClTY TAX<AATE NfEA 1MM ASH8AOOI<. TERRI LYNN NJ 422.012-ll Sl,41P45. !* 11/ENXNf VIEW lH COSTA "!fESA. CA TAX-AA'T!l Nl/U. IS..- l'Tl f! (:I (.N.E~ N' 1»431.el. $861 50. 1W' 5 AGE 10 SEC 33 WISEH9\, ERIC RIOK. 1" 13" I 2-22 0t00. mt 53, 1871 NEW ~~coglA MESA.CA ., 13"ti.22_Q200, $2.8$6M, 1171~ ~~COOTA MESA.CA .-m.~ l. ,,,, .... ,'°"' w,a1 '°· '206~ ll.com~CA l40U?. NtU t I# Mt- 02).16, ••»4• aw. l..liENCI( ut 00.TA ~CA TAX<llATE Ml/4 IMOI REOLIE SElf ST~ LLC. AP 422.o91·26. $17 570 90. 2'XT1 HARBOR Bl, COSTA MESA. CA OE lA TORRE, JESUS AP 422·132·28, S4t5 39. 560 W BAY ST COSTA MESf\, CA MC OEHEE. MILDRED SHELTON l'R, AP '22· 134 04. S2.024 98. ~ YORK· SHIRE ST COSTA ME5". CA Mi HUNG tKJ AP 422· t~5 $970 30. !503 SAA l.llCHEL OR NORTH COSTA MESA CA WATKINS HOLJIOYD W M AP 4'l1·271 21 $'32 84 7S6 W 19Th ST COSTA ME5" CA IMCl.\S ~EllPE AP 422- 42l-230100 Sll6 78 960 OOVERNOA ST COSTA MESA CA SOUTHWICK. BRIAN AP 422~3309 0100 S262 7tl Ml GOVERNOR ST COSTfl MESA CA GEORGE. JERRY I YNN AP 422~63-I 8 0100 S507 74 851 VICTORIA ST COSTA MESA CA AP 4Z7~S3-lll 0200 $1 487 31 851 VICTORIA Sl COSTA MESA. CA FLSlfN THOMAS f\P 422 ~. $t 1)4Q 15 2063 CONTINfNlAL A\I COSIA MESf\ CA 4NOREAS .JERR'!' fT Al AP 422 511 IY.> SlAO 72 1970 FFOERAL AY COST.A MESA 0 t.A()()NfY l(loTf<l(fN 0 AP9lS 19010 Sl'll\2 39 317 SYDNI. Y ~ UNIT )17 COSTA MESA CA STUHR fRIC AP 9.Ja. 2~02 $I 739 00 l!txl IK'/EP Pl UNIT 1 COSIAMESA CA w.H.tH E Y ROB'!~' L AP 117·~1J 52348 l\I J.CH 1qTH SI C.OS1A '.IESA 0 CROCKER wt.LIAM I Fl Al AP 117 'l92 :la s199249 365 BRO...!} W4V C.OSTJ. MESA ('A SCHAFFER WllltJ.M AP 117 321 t 7 52 370 3' 477 CABRttlO SI COSTA MESA CA JOHNSTON OSCAR LEROY EI A!. AP 42S m-Oe s1 &8895 ni Y.NO• SI CQST!o MtSA CA AP •2S HJ-Oe 0100 St ~1'91 nu NO• SI COSIA~SA 0 W.CHflONr \l~GINIA W.'!' rR ARCH\JlE. l.t ARTHUll MM' TR AP 4'6- 1112 IJ $\2U 10 tn E BA'!' ST COSIA l.lfS> CA DORISH GA!to .i.P 47!). 20'1 22 s l l97 12 2()81) MAP~N WY COSU l.IESA CA Hl!fl()N WlJ !AM AP ·~ ro 19 S3 221110 21lCOSTA MfSA SI COSIAl.lESA CA MC AOOO Pti'l111S 1o1 £ r AL AP 421> 28) 21 $9!>1 ~ 264 WAlN\JT ST COSTAME.SA r A CIABERTOH BPfJ.N t<EllH El AL ~ •26 31? 090100 $6~'6 •12 COSIAMESASI ~TA MESA CA AP 4~312 09 81 U.770 412 COSTA ME.SA sr COSTA MESA CA SHUYlfR Cliff ORO W .l\P 426 312 31 S&61 &6 40HSTHER ST COSTA MESA CA GARRISON DONAi 0 l SR AP 9U 781> 14 $23'&38 1741 TllSTlN AV UNJT 14 COSTA MESA CA ~T EHGl'«.[RfNG SEIMCE CO AP IJU61 02 S2 938 ti2 3605 CA0UAC AY UHrt F3 COSTA MESA CA ST BARNf\BAS ORT HO- DOK~ flPI» 661-07 SS 180 22. 3505 CAOILU.C AY \llill 03 COSTA MESA CA MURAKAMI DONN KEAl.()Hf,, AP 418-021 .04 S1 .506 23, see TRf\VERSE Ofl COSTA MESA. CA PENTROOE COVE CT AL. f.P 4t8-131 13, S63 82. TR 121 BU( E LOT 4 TAX-AA TE All.f.A 1 MU AlV.REZ. JOSE El AL AP 424-202 12 0300 S411 87. 738 CEHTER Sl COSTA MESA. CA r AX4lA Tl /1111>. tw:n ~.ROY AP 141-«it-31, '2 722 82 102' CONCOAO ST COSTA MESA. CA TAUi.Ti ..... 1Mll VIOEJiW4. JASON l lAOAS,JIM. AP4»-111· •0100. '3$9'. 204CAI.. lolJ/IOA 01, COCTA MEaA, CA WN<l.l, Cl-MTCPIQ, ~4Jl.Jtl-02. S).8179'. Ito ml> IT, COCfA IE8'CA HOUD. ~w. ltP 4»lllMI '2.0291' tto~ctCOCTA Ml~CA WURS. C:: TOOO. N' .a..17.$1*Ul ~ fUD IT. OOITA '°"CA f.AMIAJl/IMA .... TAUi.ti "11/fA 1SOI PIUOE JfffREY C AP 412.oiu 1e. S4811•. 10fl4 llAl.LEJO Cl. 006T A MESA.CA ~.FRANCES N' 412-081·20. Sl.5i4 88 1082 SANTA CRUZ Cl COSTA UESfl. CA ESl~\IER MAAH4 M AP412.11a.12 s1 no!l& 984 CAR~TION AV COSTA l,IESA. CA TAX.AATE AREA tMJ9 ROSHAN. LAUAA S()AAYA AP •22 271 150100 S(.050 1933 WALi.ACE f\V COSTA ME5" CA HOllANO CECl AP 422·3S2·1J SI m 4? 906 JOAAA ST COSIA MESA CA M' 422 ~ 13 0300 S17a 33 005 JOANN ST COSTA MESA CA RE'tNOSA. MICH.\EL R AP4nJa1.150100 S21247 1138 CAPllAl SI COSTA MESA CA AP 422 Jel 1sa1 $74540 938 CAPITfll ST COSTAMESA CA ~IENTOS VERA MONT£1RO AP 424 311 oe 12 930 98 t1167 PAAl<CRE S l Ofl COS r A ME.SA. C> ANORfONI rOWARO W Al' 424 361 03 54 198 3/ 171lo W111TT1(R AV COSIA MESA CA l IANG WfN YING FENG fl SAVI AP 41• ~11 OS S2 319 92 181& F'ENINSUL) Pl COS TA MESA CA I.Al V(R.A ANG(l llZOC. EIAL !oP9lO-ll14 11ftl S20' l!O 936 W 18TH Sl UNIT 4 t.:OSTA Mt.5.A CA Pit.CtNI LARRY W Af' '<llHIJV }4 S2 160 28 711 N 1TTk ST U1oj1T ~ COSIA Mf:SA CA 1,1\. ILL MOiAI.l P IP 41\,~ lJt.. st 118,,, I~~ Allll:Fll Pl (OSIA Mf•.A CA W()( r lt!ol>fN k 41'4jllj 08114 S3M108 ;'!>8E 1}N0 ... T COS TA Mrs.& CA K>Rl 41 l.AN r AP 4 .... 2'it~ SJ40t82 ~ AllSOAV COSTA MCSA CA HfSION 10N CHFllS'O !'HEP •P 4~ 324 09 S1~1lllt> 489€ ~!HST COSIA Mt:.A CA TAX.f!ATI:AREA 1~5 NOPVll.U C',E-()Rr,( Al' 1 )9-0t,h l I $~1l91 31'!1 IOAHO LN IC I• M!SA CA MARllUU LYOtJ. l t Al AP 1~ t l' 18 Ot() S41'9 11)3C~S1 £R•1 COS1A MESA CA BURRIS Al VA G Al • r< 1~ 16 "16 24 17.J LABAAl>OR Oil COS'• MES. CA ~PA\.IO<I Cl<ARl£S • IP AP tl\1181 l1 S9e0 7'> lOOO SAMOA l'I COSIA MESA (.A ROTH ro~APO AP 1~ 1813' SH6&74 )04~ SAMOA Pl COSTA VfSA CA •PANKfWtCl MAR G4REI 1,1 AP 1»1a3os $1 163 ;>!) 1686 U.BRAOOR Ofl COSTA MESA. CA POTl:E I GARt o AP 13'). 204--06 ~ 96 29 J9 PfPPER TRH lN C.OSTfl ME.SA CA Al.OW.fl ABOEL J AP 139 211 II SJftll 20 29J6 A~OS'iT COSTA MESA CA ST ONf ( SPE R> NL\ TR •P llll 2!>3 28 S:> 202 QS ta7) SAMAP Ofl COS I A MESA CA MAl.EC-8URHSU SUSAN K 8URHSU R08£RT W AP I;»~ lO Sl.!i.SI 08 2913 JACAfW40AAV COSIA 1.1£5>. CA ARNOLD STEPH£H L Al' 139-421 06 S2 225 18 1862 Et&. Cl COSTA MESA CA SCHAU.MO Wl.LIAM AP 1~52-05 S2.010 11 2025 LEMto!OS OR COS 1 A MESA CA \/EACH, .IOSEPH P AP 1~n-03. ise1 31 ml Al.BA TROSS OR COSIA MESA.CA GEAAIE. CINOY TR. AP 13M24-06 W O !IO. 77'17 CANARY [)ft. COSTA M£SA.CA THOMA WUlAM L. f.P 1»-632 -01 S2.S81145 1a11 !~GER DR COSTAWSA CA awo.ER. JAMES S AP 141-ISWlOIOO '81808 1293CONWAY AV UNIT E COSTA MESA CA N> 14 I· I S6-l3 0200 11,420 73 1213 CCHWAY AV VNtT E. COSTA MESA. CA °"VDION IAAIOJN MICHAEL AAY, AP 141· lit 11. IM)'. >r2 HAHCMA Of\ C05TA ME&\CA T~T1 ~1.-.. AYN.A. OQCAA ~ff. NOUC2. ""141.m.11. u...,--.*~ 00 6't_ COITA KIA. CA M' 141.32317 It, UUJO.fQJt~ ~ COITA ME~ CA T~TIMIA I .. NalWI. *M 0 f1' N'411.¥D .. , IU1ttl, a1ti llfl>HLL/IN, ~ WSA,CA ' ,, Dally Pilot ..... LtplNallcel l L: AP 427-184-01 SUl6 e& 3113AIRWAY AV IJl'llT8 COSTA MESA CA KAAI. AU.>oN F AP 427 19'-30 S2 5' 22 )183 ARNAY AV UNIT G COSTA MESA CA STATE CY C.Al.lfORNIA AP 1~1-70 SJOJ 06 81< 115 PG 48 Pl\R 1 TAX-AATE AAEA 1~112 WIGGINS SEAN S ET AL AP 42?-041~ 0100 S,.01 n 2176 PACtnc AV COSTAMESA CA WREN JLll.lA 8 AP 931 170. 11 S3 276 36 2m ~Clf IC AV UNll J OOSTAMESA <:.4 COEl!ACA URSULA E AP 93().MO. 18 $1 199 5t 2236 PAClflC AV UN'! 8 COSTA MESA 'CA ZUELOW PAUi. AP 93~ 92().-02 $24$1 )~ 1105 MESA BLUFF DI! U•l I 1 COSTAMESA CA ZUELON PiloJI l &P 93S.9~ I St S7• 4-4 1089 MESA BlUH i'.J? UNIT 10 COS II. VE 5.4 0 GA.RIEF'\' JA1,1£S F .r.P 937-490-09 $242", •4 2231 PiloC.FIC AV U•• T 9 COSIU•E~ A AAT2 STACf1 l AP IJ}I) ~2 s2 lA~ a. mo PAC.FICA/ U'<ffM' COSTA ME .A~;. TAX-AA TE AREA 1!>-161 ARN')lO StotFOW()O(J AP 937 68'.>8' $11"8 ·~ 14~ GRA<l1~<(; BAl Ul><IT es cos lA I.IE ,/. CA TAX-RATE AREA 1S.111 SWANSON (4PJlYN C~"ISl•N~ AP Ut ~. • "" $11~· 'lJ '"} PPO>JP~•Of ,.0.'A VESA r1. PROl'ERTY IN FOUNIAI~ VAlLEY CITY ... 0£1,1• •t; ~1~ C' St ·~"" 1 t~ii· 5.-~"'• •trr(;"i fOt,t, T:. ,, .. ,41...f. • ,.: SPAS:< J. ~ f :.&; AP t4 )II•• ~· • • l>AV e ""El», ' • rCJiJ~ftit.1~• "" ...... ~, ; T()PRFS JV..•1 • •;, •P 1y,x:r, s~ &. '8'8»1.1JA A'Y..t Fl),Jti'•''• • .:uE' c. l.tl"N•ur.><·~ ,rF>>..•, fHI AP"')il<(. S1 ntO.O :.<:" S'LF llt4 J ., ~ .,.lo., IA. f • :• "~J.:a. '· E~ AL~~ A.Pi~'"·'>• t SA,. .. •~ ·~;i;· yr'" S' '•· . 'G\~.". •, ,, .E' :,. • ,.,, ··p· ., "" -•. G iP·~"?tit< S:'""-'&.~ 1~'-~ M' SC .. fl •• c ~(XJ'JTA ft 1A.,.t"' C~ T'1fll O•I • Lf\ ,,. 3•7 '4? ~ J.4' ........ I.II V')P~4N C fOVNTA 'I JA,Lf' \Jo .,mq,5.''IQ l•"A IJ, AP 157 -021 2· $} 19( l' 116)3 tot( 1f ll r fQl,iljfAIN VALLE• A CUllER 'll.Oll•• 8 •P 157-04221 S'118•J 1n11 L'Xvsr st <()UNTAIN •••lfY CA Rf.lr>iEP' JI t>;l<:ll'l l AP 1671"41.ll S7S168 1~ ()A~ SI rOUN'At., \IAllfV CJ. AP!'\.E.8V oee t.NNE J.P 161-W-08 S'8987 ~3~ L> ""lOMAA~ r()JNT/.~• /AllE'Y CJ. WELLS SALLY J AP 15' !>4' 39 s91311 Hoa& SAt.lA ELEM ST FOUSU k VAU(Y 0 STE JE•.S RIC/jA.RD P 2NO AP1~ S 1 l59 0 171589 l OS JARDll<f S ... ts T FOUNTAIN <All.EV 0 vtENNA RO'<AlD C AP Ul\l-061-45 $86 00 TP 569LOT 2jj NGUYEN T\J V"N AP 159-071 51 $412 90 TR 569 LOT 86 LUNA JOE AP 169-()1!2 15 $1 081 6i 10391 Al/f CINCO DE MAYO FOUNTAIN V/.UEY CA AP 169--062 31 S26i 06 10<M0 A\1£ CtNCO OE l.IAYO rc>UNT/.IN VALLEY CA SOt.ORZANO OA\l10 J ET AL AP 169-()82~1 S2 999 24 HXl51 CALLE fHOfl'ENOENCIA fOIMTAJff VALLEY CA SOLOftl.AHO OAV10 C AP 15482.Q SJn 14 103'7 CAI.LE H>EPE~ OENCIA FOUNTAIN 'M.LEY CA F<11 Ml8EJIT T AP 190- 741-11. S1 71910 17147 SAN ClEMENTE 9T F()JHTAIH WLEY CA Fl$>t. OENll C ET Al AP15m·1SOIOO • 1.270 )t 17711 M()M. 1"E.ZUMA Cl. FOUNTAIN VAi.LEY CA TAX~TI MfA 21.- MC EUiEHY. ~'­ AP 1~1221. 11,MOOtl. 107115 El~ AV, rOUNTAll \W..LEY, CA T~TIAMA21• !WlUINDIH. ~. ,., 10MTUJ~ $27t01, 1a.t1 OOCIWIN CT, '°'-'ffAIN W1fY. CA IUI, l/IMr Ol.w«I N' ,.........., 11.1'0'2. 1tt00 MT llOIPT CT fOUlfTMN \N1IY. CA TAX-AATE AREA 21-G07 SAHOOVAl PEDRO AP 144-041-18 SI 922 70 11114 MC CASE RIVER AV FOUNTAIN \IAllEY CA llOWKE.R ~L ~ AP 144-124-12 $307882 11157 FLOWER AV FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA ATONOO OSCAR F AP 144.174-12 $1 126 98 16'67 SIERRA sr· FOIJNfAIN V"-1.tfV CA ~H.ALll !!ASSAM ET Al AP 144 222-01 0100 $1 531 06 16383 SAN JACllHO ST fOUllTAIN vAunc.A H~SSE Tl MICHAEL B AP 144 386 07 S!l98 11 11il84 SAN GABRIEL ST fOUNfAIN VALLEY CA VAN MYRNA HUE AP 14-4-482·18 SI •91 6J 1&338 Ml DANA Ct FOUNTAIN '1'-llEY CA <) At,[)P( .-. 00 "'hE'• !, AP 1ua~21 06 S• ~r. 1 J"I \IAP r>4R -A•, fOU>HAl'I ,4 lf' CA BPi:JER O/oAR• L • "'' 4>' tJ!>...71 1201\AI s·~~ o4 1~,i: W.RGAP T, '' f0UNTA N ,1U[1 .r>. if!.>,71 ,, 0<'00 S~2 '.Ill 1CM1$ MARGAR~ 'A&/ ~r•,N'V• 1'tl.ff u. 4 lf'• ROBERT N AP "~. J' I) $)1H',t] ''~'oLOSALTOS Sl r l.IN1A "< /ALI f' 0 TAX RA TE A.REA 21~12 <u',tot GfMAC.to11 •f,400 "' 14J S42 ·~ SB~ 7& 1•~· Cl.1 ~(tluYJ.1 ir .J~'•·~ 1•~~E f :• T.U·RAIE AREA 21 011 ·~l 'll-.. tJ •• ••• TU ltATEAREA 21-420 ~ .. .l.•j J r :.r: 't4 ,~ .. l r • t 1'1.,. I • , 1 .... , ;:: "'f. .. C '•"" "".r LL .. , •~ '""'~r~ ')I • r ::;;•KP • ,;> •,,. ,, • ..t• \,cc .. C'"..J a-.. .. ~ :· ;;.;:. .... • Alf ,OE> -r:i S, ,f'1 .,, rl'> T?1.." AP ~.18 5<4•" 'r S2904\ ~;·~G $f ,.:.N ~ ,(~ .,t. • t~ ~~~" r:. N 11.1.lE r J.. l All·RA TE AREA 26-005 ~C'/I.:> Eu'• ~NA AP 44~~· F; S3066~ • 'cP'·)'SE s.-e l R' '>E C-' AC: Ufj.441.QV vJOO $'JJ" ••"'''-"SE SH'U 'RJ •if CA APU4~•-0\<9QC' SA. • 1~ • 'oP•o sr S><ElL RN.E ';A c;.t.TRM S CHARtLAOS J AP9&&2911;5 •OO $1 445 lb 9 BART~ Cl 1RV1>fE CA TAX.it.ATE AREA 2M07 WEST ELIZ-'BETH C TR AP 447-063-01 $951 57 17481 WAYNE AV IRVINE CA SIMON JOSE AP 449 09'-12 Sl40178. S152 '!'EARLING A.V, IRVINE CA loPEZ OAVIO W AP +4il02 20 HS3445 4331 ~OOl<SIOE sr IRVINE CA Ke..RNEV PET£R T AP ... 111 19 S2S2 24 1 '582 HIOHCREST Cl IRVINE CA ARANT All! T AE AP 44._ 162-33 "43 81 3872 FAtJLl<HER Cl !RWE. CA SUDO.I™ STEPHEN l AP44112-470100 M371. 317111US CT tRVM: CA AP..._152~70200 1110~ 3871 IMISCT. tlMHE. CA RIOS~~ AP .... 22$.41. s 1258 '2. 14&51 SSIONAV IRVN, CA DEOUZMAH, FlOIWnt 0 SR ET AL AP44W31· 11. 12.4M.71. 14712 M VEALY t..N IRWIE. CA ,_, 4*23Ht 0100. $1,34131. 14782 WAVl:f\. LY Uf, lf!YM. CA IAM!M .AJAH. AP ~i.o-oeoo. am 20. 1*2WA...a.LYLN lfv'llf CA l>DWt>. JOHN I l1', N'~ l2312ll. *' OillllWIQI a #1111,CA M~27J.02 SI • 17 62 "22 LOMA ST 1RV1NE CA l.IORELAHO JOHN 0 AP 44~29~12 SI aJ3 !le 4l'2 MARGA!lfTA SI IRVINE CA CONRAD OE.HISE AP 44~)1~ SM390 14581 SEPON Av IR\llNE CA BOESEN SOMA El Al AP'4~)2~ $4 03846 3'192 EBOE ST •RVtNE CA HABERMFHl JEFf PfV P AP 451-052 1) ~20 74 511' BOODE:AU1 AV IRVINE U GAV$HQN Of ~EV AP 4H-081 27 S11b9 57 4655 GREEN TREE l N IRVINE 0 L>Vfllf Alt€+< E AP 4~J.103 3~ S21'1>6 76 4842 PO•CE pr 1R·11Nt CA AP 45) H.)) J5 01{)1', S312 "8 4347 RO•cr RD IR l'•E ".:A AP4S).1.}j~ .I'~• SI 157 -~ 4-'>42 P'J•CE qo Rnir C• h "'TER .>;> E., AP 4S '17 JS SW. 4-' '\, SEIJV".' A !PE~ _•.i J>1..,E ".:• BONO ;.•JES::> ~P 45). ·~~~ ,. 56" ~~ ? "'CXl> $1 ;;, '•t C.A Yll.liR WR• Ir ~P •S) 152 •7 St 2o9 n S:l'l2~N 'Rff R1"•E CA SHM4J(S t~.i.RV61,.., "' AP4S).153.41 s· "!6 18 1'321 POC>< •A, N( CA OUIER1 JOSEPH AP 45'.I-174 P 020u S24~ 25 s tEl.lc;'. ~PEE IP' ••E :;. l>.P4S3 ••4 •~l)JOci SS716€ ~ LEMO'l I "'EE Pi Nf CA AP 4S3 • '4 17 '1901 S'!Jll 1~ 5 ,f'-'Of>I TREE P.l"<E c;;. ......... ~ F°'f'A" ') lr, rt. .,:_.:. .... ;; .. :.~ "131. 1c..f 1Q ~ \, ..... u' '1 ~ ... ~~ o: ;. ' •, . 2 p ·.~ .. :-.: ,~ ., 1 4~ s, ;;, .. ' .. "'C}-4 ~ '• • ;.P1,A;,• ..... .j .. :. ..... ~ Q ·.r-;. T.U·R>TE AREA 16-4•6 ·.r '• '' e;·""" , .. l• j •J ' $.4 • •• •• ,~·., :·~·,.t.,\ ~ c, '•E T A.)(.11,\ TE AREA 16-02• • E -~ A '8ER' 4P J_t· 1c .. -4 s; ~rt~ ,..'JL._, ' P.1t.1E -~ T AA·AA TE AREA 26·Clll ,.::,·• -,.fAES~ A •P .!'. ~' i ~ St ...... , : "', ... I. ~, ~,~ .. .. ... .:.~~t~ •• t,.t.., £~ •• ~~.::· ~' • SA "' •..: s_ e.,:., D, '•t Hl,~" ·~')•JJ.S ,_p .tC.t Jt2 I) Y.>(' '~ '4 JJ).. • o-P, ••• C· .. i:.> : "· !.; ....... v. -~ !~· J."'···" rEt·"' ''1 ·19•,.r; ... ·-.\.\if ~, ··t _; J~~ 3,• •• ~« SiJ66')ol I~ '• ~i-t'Wi!.IJ, P/.tt~ i(. .. ,,.•P"': 4R.,.'"'4U? l A~ 4<• -4"' j2 I' I' j 57 •"' l~OP'llNG OOiE '", r<E CJ. 'Ai.C BElr< JC><••"' AF A<t S3t-04 S91~ >I 8 AP90RC.LEN \RWIE CA SI.I Tl< THQM.&S APlAN El AL AP 466 042 .t5 S 2 003 98 4 TA'<GF R '4e PN<E 0. ()STQ/ANY •H•SHAV•I> •P 93C 'l5 51 St AF)' V 4?; I APA"')T JN • A;/''' ,;;iNIE CA :;ovr1;. GlCRIA lP <)J ,2'[>~0200 $41• ., ' :'Jl.ulJS•"4E uo; • 5 R,t1E CJ. BP:1oo•1 .~I,'; W.P• AP ~3'.w~n s.&~80 ·~ ')t.O ... 'SEPR1 v .. • 1& P'i'lE 0 < ••H'-""' ~RE.DER..,,,._,. AP93' -~,~ SH21'16 15 D" rrwooo .,N•T •9 R:/~ C> .AP93' '"(.190200 S33' 06 • 5 [)R:f'TWOO() \/'l'T 19 RV•NE CJ. 'KJTEN SHA.Pl.llN AP 934 n(} 33 SW •3 q SAGE UNIT 38 RVINE CA l YNCH OAN1El JOl1N AP9J4.&S0-02 S17M90 21 STONE CREEK NORTH UNIT 2. IRVINE. CA AP 9)l.650.02 0200 S503 53 21 STONE CREEK NORTH UNIT 2 IRVINE. CA AP 934-660-02 IXlOO Sl.~99 21 STONE CREE1C NORlli lMll 2 IRVINE. CA RIOS. GASRlfL ET Al A/>~530100 SIS I 73. 480 ORANGE ll.OSSOM. flWj( CA AP~81 S 151 90 480 01W1GE ll.OSSOM. !RWE. CA KHARAZM1 MNfft.M AP tloLteG.35 SU71 n. 30 lMEVIEW UNfT 41 ~CA Oi\VISON w OWllES ETAL.AP~ 040100 Sl0819 52 WEST YALE LOOP IJHIT 4 IRYIE. CA 1"~02.00 mt1~. 52WESTYALE LOOP. \MIT 4. llMHE. CA TAX"""TI MIA »m l,CNTAJO, fUDIW40 I AP837·1»el. 11,171.M. 22XI MARTlt IT UNIT 12t..llM*. CA "9EC, ~ liT Al. ~111·1'5-tl 11"4111. Z2il3 W«Tlf. UNIT '\&. lllYM CA TAX ... TEAltf.4~ PERl<IN ELJolER UC AP •J0-141.o& sa 545 ee 1751 llETTERING ST !RWE CA AP 430-141-060100 SS 208 02 1151 KETTER ING ST IRVINE CA AP •30-141 ~ 0]00 115653 36 1751 fl.ETTER ING ST IRVlN(, CA WINKLER GAR1 AP 4)() 147-02 $10 0700 168] KETTE.Rl"lG ST IRVINE CA AP •» 1•2-02 0200 $51347 168HEPf:PING SI IR\llNE CA AP •10-1•2 02 OlUO sm 30 1687 ~fn£PING ST ll!VINE CA AP 4)(). 142-07 Q.400 $96916 1682 ~E lfEPJ,G ST HNINE 0 TAX-AATE AREA~ ~STA~AJ fAPC>'I AP ~9'-074 14 S17 •St 88 •4 CH~V$1£P "· >;f ':A TAX·RATE AREA ~71 ORANGE CO\iNTT TR,.1, Sil DIST J.P 104 ~· • • S:l&O b2 141 l6 ~A»D CANYON AV lfN "E ".;A TAX-AAfE AREA 26-087 HIRJ.0 EuGENf 'r ,..p 44718207 S26U ~7 " POSA ['A, IRV llf r i COofVA"< JE.Fff:RS ,1, A AP ,6f, 1';1 13 '.>I (! $474' 7 GlENOAf'; 1P/INE CA NGUYEN 111.JNG CAO ~ T Al AP~24LY,~ $4'.'648 6~ OO;EC.RH• Pi,'lr c~ T A)(·RA TE AREA 16-088 6Uflt't ~ '' • .:.~ ,J' ~rt ,,2 ,,,~.y-·~ s,.~,, :_M ),, •if• o, .._"E ;.. SE"..f, DA••f ""''°' ~· J4 s·s.1 ,. 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CA A8RAMS l'EOOY AP .W• 171-28 SS 103 90 • OUET MOON IMNE, CA Hl.L nt0MAS W AP .w.z11.J1. 13.* eo 3o& Wl.D'MEAT IMNE. CA Q4ASE M S1'EPtEH AP 937~7U7 Int 6' 31 GRWfflD. UNT 32. IMNE.CA 9CHWMM. Oi\Vll OMN, IAIO<U SQ4WWil LIS.\, AP 131- llCMZ 0100 '112 24. 22 CWIET IHT '2. llllVM. CA ~~2.0200 • ll. 22 Ct.MET UNIT '2.IME.CA l(H(WY, L<WTTA. ,., ..... ,), l1,t61.24, 140 Q.IMMOOl(. IHT 1>.«M.CA Tl'AV\.°"-~I, AP llMOOa, 11 Gal '2, tt WEfPNJWOOO IHT '9 IMIE.CA Tu.MftMIA .. 1JI COAAAl.ES El.£NA AP m 111-01 oHio $1 830 S6 9 1.10141TOR RV,.,.E CA ,ap ~~111.()1 81 S324 00 & ~llOR RV•>fE CA GRAl'r,!:11 RtCl\ARO H JR AP •63 501 11 S~ 8A9 10 2Q "40RN•NG SU>f IR 11~4t CA TAX-RATE AREA 2 .. 1S7 vAN tlOTE .,.,, v •P 529~11 •s s~1• n i1 A, GUSTA AN.~ 0 TAX·AATE AREA 21-169 SJ'-'<. ':,U;TfP r,r $0tJTHER" {;.L < A>- ;lit-4 • i:. sr•lGZ • .,.~ ~:.~ .. rl'/t,f ~' :.::t S~.4 1 2' r:iX) S1 fj;') I ' 'P , ....... P/"< CJ. 'P52'.•4 ',~ eY. So d:f !""J!i ' .... JA;.,'-, 0, • .. f-/.. TAX-RATE AAEA 21-172 CH.•W \!ONG ~P <,s• m -08 SA n a6 •Jt., IP llN[ &L R ,'INE -· AP 591 1; • -0a 0100 S• ~1·;,~ 936' IR\ •,r Bl. ?, •iE 0 ~p ~g· •21-06 81 S80o1 1 il61 IP /lll:O !3. RVINE ':A '4AJJ/IR -1CIF AP•~· !]' '4 s' •'ill lti IRdtE Bl ?, '•t ':.~ R? •1-",.rl. ~~ ......... i,,. S' "'A '"'1 ~·•r ~ S.F .•i. '~ • A' •,J: •' 4P{r""" .,,1':1)) s· ... ,. ... ,1:.._ .. ~,,"'E. ;. .t '· ' '«" ~,'IE !~4·~ .... , :.e ... irt:. ~ .. u 'Q ·~~ !., (M,•t = '• • ~ .s--~' ·,E:. J. ,•, .. s;~r· •. QSl=t" .. :: E' •" .:.:: .... ._. .. c•J. "' ---:.. ., ~·.c; .. E o. ·,= T AX·AATE ARE.A 16 !"4 •4f ... E!; AR1,. t~ Ci ,_ "::. AP~~}).:~~~ S~~'Y: •}S,•8E""' RV''<£:~ 5"'· ~ .. ?r ~ .. r:c--w·.· .. ;:-·~ ~' ......... ,, SJ'!!$'~· ' c 'I':""' •. -l-5•:.;; o.,. •1r. CA ,..r:-4t,.p• )1 •XJ \.''"' ,... "'c 'A .. ~ 'IGS 'AP P 11t,.f: -~ 4P 4".i..4~' 3J 1X'J s, ~,;~ '~ ' ' ~All•hG'; "AP 'l 1INE :4 •E'IR !:Lt~••~ V<.P,<. AP9~ •1 S• nt •· )I P'VECIS. ~•lE "'T ') RI ,..r _;, TEA c.a..{ ='4'4u J,P ;X i."i>"3 S•l.'64 3Z~ OEERr E.:::. ~". p Rv 'lf 0 t.Al'i\i A'I .\Pt;\~ •'.X>2'i"'X sn• r. "'6 ·iL.... •/:;s· ... ::. ~ r ., P;"-E 0 •F ,30 1'));6 0200 12\o<' ~· .w~ fa L IJr,$ •aR u>; T " •Pli .,E 0 l• 00'11: S dJ SHEU r: AP 9Y. '20-"I 0100 S ,,,. '.14 S7 GRfEN- j,1()()11 I.ill T 26 IP\o-.NE 1..• C>ilN YUAN >iUANG MIN HlJEI totl.JANG-U AP 5.)j-432 16 $10 46132 38 P\.lJMERIA tRVINE CA ARBOR CREST II COM· M\JNITY ASSOCIATION AP 530-611,Q $61 87 TR IS719 LOT E El\A GLEN HAUN SUW\ AP 53().~7 81 $12000 TR 361 llU(66 LOI 378 ~AR~ APSJO. m-s moo see& 54 1& VAlEHTE IRWolE Clo AHOOES AAHm C AP SJ(). 744-1 s S7 594 ell 29 \IALENTE lffVlNE CA AP SJ0.744-15 Ol(XI, SI 807 7J 21 ""LENTE fMN(CA FOO~ T'AANSPORTA TlON COR- A1>0fl AGENCV AP 53(). l'tM7 1212 '2. m 15171 lOTI lllW>SHAW, STEVEN T Al' W.012~1. S1,254 '8 9'AUTVMN tflV!tE. CA _, '31.012 .. 10100. 11 Q'l1Af7, MAUTUMN, llMNl.CA w.MTlMIA-.,,t NIOiiV$. l(OUllQIM. I# DWl2-310101, •111. 11 ~ B.1Bl IMHt. CA ,,.,,.~ 11.ott ,. ,, Gl8I e:ue..~ CA Thursday, Auaust 28. 2003 15 2640 1 let•l Notices 2640 ' legal Notices 2MO l-Lep-1 N-otlces--2MI---llpl ..._ 2141 ....... ~ FktitlM aw.u f'ktltiM....... Re-.. ..... P91()P(llTY IN NEW· ~ 4ESA UHJflED SCHOOl OISTltlCl OAANGE COIJNU OEVElOl'ME>fl AGE"«;• AP 11~361-0' S37' ~ 1621 ot<OVS Sl 5A"'A ANA (.A TAX.ft.t.fE AREA SS-019 RASTE~fAP >>•APf~ AP 42f>.O'JI 2H \J ~~· 41 386 Mc:AOOW l'I •ir ,\ POAT BEACH ':~ TAX·RAfE AREA SS-011 'WOOO Ettl.ABE r ... -~ 8\18-726-)t 8' l ' 'R !~~· BV 1 '\7' u••G72 rlJ.l~'~ ~4A'M,..•, C: ~p 6"8 .,. ~ie· s~~ 'XJ ·c •!_-..... ,, ' r;,r :io:2, •, P •.·~ ~~r •"· .s""~ "l ¥ s..s: •..:c c ~ rf"',J.•... '• .... -rz~cc • •1: ... &~ .,.+.! !' . •, ,. 4~.,4F-l'I ~ s .. 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E 1:: ~).; '.12·""' SJ33~ •• ;. -~..,. ·o JO •'4f-.\"D':C:r 9£ "-~.., PROPERTY Jll HUNTINGTON BEACH SCHOOL DISTRICT T AX-AATE AREA 6'-404 SAfolATl<R• SvRES"1 G AP 178-~lb-IJ 113491 '8 16~1 PACtf. IC COAST M'I' SUNSET BEACH CA STE\/£ NS STE VE 8089Y AP 11&-571-02 S2 ~ 30 16575 PACIFIC COAST HV S~SET 9E,4CH CA M4l( SINGER lTO PllPT NERSH P AP 178-511 O• 0100 S 1 41682 15635 CQtiS T foO SONSE T BEACH CA AP 17$.5Z)..()1 0200 $100946; 1~~T lf1 ~SET !!EACH CA MJ.GU RE MIC>iAEL AP 17&-563-01 S2 ~ .. 16722 CQ4ST lf1 ~ llEAOI CA AP 1'8-5001 0100 S 1 S2433 1'722 COo\ST tfY~~CA CAOWNC>VER WAYffE AP9:)6.13C).1' l 75't40 16«!& 2•Tli ST SlMSEl BEACH CA Al't34-130o14 0100 1181094 1~24TlilT stMSET BEA()I CA lhl fOlf()Wtn~ J>t'f\ fl\ 1' • 'tll 1WH•" 'HU\UO'-lh t ·llu'"'"I 11••M1n) The lollow1n1 personi •rt dl>tnt' lrn.,1n•'\\ •":. _,,,. 1 .1n~ t u ~,. iit\ ,., • d '"II bu.,no\ u ••• do1n1 bu!IMU •\ ~M0{;'4 rH lf.H 7191 Yrsl••dly Antique & M•ttt G.11d••••I\ 184'> "" I~·" 1 I 1 Sv• An•htttn A,• • ?Uli ''''' K4'.0 All•nl• A•~ !luuto1 ~ I 11CI• C.oiti CIO\K Cir Co JOO [I to\I• Ml'u I A '17h"'/1 •II ll•mt.np h " tA M'"" d'·' 'Jlfi16 C•m.oo Ruf T USIN'l t. 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SSI .. Oa11r P11o1 Auii n Srpt 4 I 18 200J lhl l~ ~t•wr t • "'"'' t .. rt 1om~ l lhl\ l>u'\10e\\ " LOn l' 1\lflr\ t"I 1 N i.1Vt. led l.ly •II 10dtw1du•I I ~· .. n ..,t-11 h t'4•Yt ,.uu \tirtfd Ooma fi' '\l.tl•Ol .. ht W•> l>U\111t'\.~ t•t7 N<.1 ,,, .. ,. h llti u., lJUflt~ (J4mf'I R a.,,..,, .. , 1 ... ~~ f Httrl;!.-I flUfltt lh1' ~U1tlntf'Ot WI~ •I• •1H1 / 1)1< I • ltl•d wt11t lh• C.ounl y 1 .... 1~ nl If Ho , 'U>-1 ti' ,,, .. 7003b9S3S30 1 '•'~ ,,f ll••na• C.uunt~ • • I I ' "' • I 14 "" Oil I/ 0 l 200369SJ8S8 .,, ·~. ,,,,,,, 200369$4634 I tit J·,1, t 16 I~ 'I /~ l)IJ • ,, "''• , .. , ' • I '• '• 2003695)861 0dttv f'ilol Aua 14 l I I~ \•µI 4, ?00] lh/04 f1<11tiws htMtls .... ~ fht f•1ll11w1n1 p~t\un\ .,, 1111n~ liU\lttf\\ ·~ llo """"• \ 1: .. 10 1':111 11~11 .. ,.. 1911 ,. t;~ '"',."'· f' .... , I It' l Ntff ltlf' l unt.,. .. lo 1 1 '' i,. ( V"tt f .)I'. ' 200369SS017 200369S4247 t ~ ~ I t I; I I I Au, 7 l~ . 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I 1 t I A , I~ ., ' • , 7 1~ ft",. t 11f11tlf'lfl,_ fJt'I' 0~ 200lb'ISS897 2003b9S3S31> ... • ., l 700369 S SOI 2 , I A " ~ ~ 1 d ¥1 i J1 111 11 ,, ~ 1· "' t111\ ,,.,.. ' t\p • I I Wini Pff •,1Hl\ \,t,1,_ ... Ill'~ R•h!h," Ht t 11• tu\mf'\\ 41\ .\~t 1 t li4 ~~'d • A full( oi1 1 Pr •nlma 19!>• 'l!t.n .-,,, ,., 11. •JOii Co\1• <,1~1•, I ~~'" 111 11 '< "'"·' LA 4?hl7 ll•l•o1 h Av• C ,,,, 1111; )1111 In• CCAl M••, I A 4'(,)/ l'l~4 J'IA1 •n1•·l •106 ""' l1u\11H ... \ 1•. , on t;nq.i Mt\d CA ~16?1 du< !rd llv ~n md1v1liu•I lt•I\ t.u"n•\• 1\ tun H1.1vP v•>U \lArtttd dom~ Jul t .. rt l•v -t 'n• Jlm A hon bt1\ff'" '.,. t" ~.. H•~· 1uv \IAtt~d dotnt ')1r~tty ~;iihnn bu-.,n_,. yet' Nr lt11". ,,,.,,., u-••t "°'' IA(, 108 Int Ahn tilt•' w U1 Hu (1,untv Yruu• ( F'O ' If''" •f Orc10~,. I 1•11nh I Tru" '''''mrnt w•\ ••1111"' 'l Ol fll•d with lh" f•·unty 20036955906 '.r~ 111 Oren&~ rou11ly OA11y P11 •• 1 .. ,., ?8 S•t:>l '"Oil ~ O"I 4 11 l~ ?00.l Tti1 J9 toOS .. SJl5 I ~.11ly P1t.>I Aloi 1 I' 11 18 :>001 Th6!>!> RcMila ..... ... s...... lht totlowm1 ~''°"' ,., • doin1 t>u>mn~ n fhe ob~1 COflsull•ncr 19)()2 Sletp1111 01k, Tr1buco ca,.yoll", CA 91619 Hed•r ltw, 19102 SIHplf\C Ottll Tr•~• C•nyon CA 1?67t T1lk IHJ'llMU Is COii dtKltO by an .,.vtdV•I H.lv• rw 11111.s doifl« bUllflftt yttf YnO&/Oll'OOl HNerZtv 'f11it tl.atallllllll WU f1i.d WI ,.. C...lf Ctelk of Ot911P Covnty Oft Oll'Oll'Ol iou.t5047 Oettt l'•lol A .. , J&, 11. 21, s..r• 4 2'0llJ ,.,..., •• ,. 1 '' ~· ~ unh, " l' ~ 70031>9SS088 ' ~ "t~ • ! , I , .,. ..... • , L , .. , • '" ''a 1111' I uC.,\J • ,,.~,-CA ', ... w ,, ,.,,. ·~·.. f c ,, """~"' r 8 !'> 1l 2003USSOl4 llAdy F I I A1 h , 1·1 4 l 1 ''~ Rc1itiws IWMss "-S"'-1 rh.-lt1lt1JWlni (>fol \On~ ,, .. rt· ina L 11 '"'". \ ~­ ' ''" '' M•'"•\USA 11~ ( •·• • • l\ifwP.,•I 11•• " r A 'lo ...S>AJ A,,d,,. li\ir1..: l ~~ Cor ·•~ t<j.,., ot B•.tch t- ;">t..t,CI f t.t bu\1nt ' ., con J1H. t,.j hy '' 1n0,.._1dua1 ~~ ",_ -r I \f vt.-d f)ntng: hv'"'""' ""'' 'ff'• 6 ft Ari tr•" , Th , .hit ,.,,,, ""'' I IPJ w•llf Utt C"unh ''°• ~ ot O• •ntt ( ~unty ~·· 08 Oii 03 200369U2SI C111ly P1101 Aue 14 11 28 Sepl • .'003 Th61P ~ ..... --.s...... r "' fnllnw•n1 Pl'l\OM "t do1ne bu\1neu n Cubby ryk, Outen' 1'11 Ou111ue1 01 Ln1 nn~ li•t Mat CA 9~}'> CMotyn r ykt 14Zl Oul•IClllf Or. COfon1 ~ Mat CA92615 Thi\ bu•lnen " COfl dUCl•d by •n 1nd1wldual Hawe '°" •I•• 19<1 do•nc bu""'" YtH No C.••otyn rykt Tit" \l1tement wn ltl•d wtlh the Covnl1 Clerk ol Or •nee Covnty Oft Oii ~'03 200J .. SH42 Oaoty Pilo1 Aue 7 14 21, 21 2003 Tle7 II Thursday, August 28, 2003 ....... --.. -.... --.-Upl ... Mlepl..._ ~ ...... ... s....... are dol11& bu,lntu u . rlton Ena•-1111. 425 30tll SI., Suite 17, Hewport 8eac:ll. CA 92663 Ool\ald S. Cr1ham. 42S 30th St., Suit• \ 7. N1wp4rl Beach, CA 92663 Thi\ buslnesi 1, .con ductld by. 1n lndlvldu1I ttne you started dotn1 buslnes1 yet? Ho Donald S. Creham This •t•l•menl wu hied with the County Clerk of Of'anae County on08/22/0J 2003 6955905 Daily Piiot Aue. 28. Sept 4, 11, 18. 2003 Th736 fic*'-llldMss "-S....... The lohowme per sons are dome bus1nns es' Honublu, 1848 lllmo1s St . Costa Mui, CA "92626 Carlos Pr 1m1an1, 1848 lll1no1s SL. Cost4 MeH. CA92626 This business 1s con ducted by: an 1nd1vldual Haveyou ~ne busmes~ ye~o Carlos Pnm1•n1 This slalement wu hied With lh~ County Cieri. of Oranee Cuunly on 08/08/03 20036954234 Dally Pilot Aue. 14, 21, 28,Sept.4,2003 Th692 "' dolnc business as: NewpMI Miu Mortuery S«v'", 535A Bernard Street, Costa Mua, C1l1for me 92627 Stephen Michael Ohuy, 535A 8ern.,d StrMt, Costa Men. Cellfornla 92627 This bu,lnen Is con ductttd by: en mdMduel Have you sUir ted cloln1 busmen yetl !'lo Stephen M1chatl Dhuy This stelement wes tiled with the County Clerk of Or•nl• County on 08/12/03 20036954699 Dally Pilot Aue 14, 21, 28, Sept. 4. 2003 Th709 FlctillM w.u "-S..... The lollow1111 persons •te clom1 business as J1cquehne K, 319 Mar1ne Av• • Newport Boch, CA 92663 Jacquehn4 K1n1wat1, 19541 Vasile Cr .. Hun t111aton Buch, CA 92646 Th ts businen 15 con· ducted by an 1nd1v1du•I H•ve you $IM led dolna business yet? No Jacqueline Kanawatl Thi'.\ statemenl w1s ltled with the County Clerk ol Oranee County on 08/01/03 200S69U S47 Dally Pilot Aue. 2l. 28. 2003 PoJi rv . ere 6oln& bllSIMu H : Soclal/91havlo11I Sc:I· enus Colltte [HCUll¥•, 1262 ~ TrM ln, Santa A11a, Ca 92705 Didi E M.,sh, 1262 Smolle Tr .. lan.. S11tta Ane, CA 92705 • This business Is con· ducted by: an lndMdu•I Have you started cloln& bus1new yet? Yes 'uly \, 2003 DldiM¥sh This statement was filed with the Coun1y Clert. of Orena• County on08/l2/03 200UU4Ut Oa1ly Pilot Aua 14. 21. 28, Sept. 4, 2003 Th702 AcffM ... "-*'-' The lollowlna per5ons •re doma business as: Al's Auto a. Tru1t.s, 1980 I C, Plo1centl•. Cost• Mesa, CA 92629 Alan G. Clev1n1er. 36726 Beech St., Win· chester, CA 92596 This business •~ con dueled by: an mdlv1dual Have you started dome bus1nen yet? No Alan G. Clevenaer This statement wes filed with the County Clert. of Oran1• County onOS/22/03 200J69SSHJ Daily Pilot Aua. 28. Sept. 4, 11. 18, 2003 Th740 -· 6olna bu• MIS H : Checkpoint Security S«vk;e1. 909 N. Bey· front fC, Biibo• blend, CA.92662 Gre1ory M erli. Oonehue, 909 N Bey· front IC, Balboa tslend, CA92662 This b1.1slneu Is con· ducted by: an lndlvldual Have you 1t11 led dolnc buslneu yell Ho Greaory M. Donahue This st1tement WIS filed with th• County Clerk of Onna• County on08/12/03 200Hts4U7 D•ilY Piiot Aua 14, 21, 28. Sept. 4, 2003 Th703 RdltlM .... "-*'-' fhe lollowlna persons are doma business es· Roct.·lt, 431 Cost• Meu St . Coste Mn•. CA 92627 Keith W. McClellan, 431 Costa Mes. St .. Costa Mtu, CA 92627 This business Is con· ducted by: an md1vldu1I Have you stlrt1d doine business yet 1 No Keith W. Mc:Clell1n This statement WIS filed with the County Clerk of Orane• County on08/08/03 200J695424t Dally Piiot Aue. 14, 21, 28,Sept.4,2003 Th689 .. ....., ... are doln& builn Blaclr. f' oot Dlstrlbutlofl, 440 0. Sol• Tarrec:e. Coro~ 0.1 MM, CA 92625 Steve Alen Mclllbb4n, 440 Ot Sol• Terr1c:e, Coron• Oel Mer, CA 92625 Thi' business ts con· dlKted by: 1n lndlvldu1I Hive you abrtld clolna buslneu yetf Ho Stne Al1n lkK1bben Tiiis 1t1tement WIS 11led with the County Clerk of Oren&• County on 08/08/03 200JHS4241 O•lly Pilot Aua 14, 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2003 Th695 fidllMllllilltS1 ... s...... The followinc per soM er• dolna buslnus as· Rhino Computer Sys· tems, S C1meron Cir., f'oolf\111 Rench, CA 92610 Vern Hupp, S Cameron Cir., f oothill R1nch. CA 92610 This buslnen 1s con dueled by: an indlvtduel Hive you st.rtad do•ne business yet? Ho Vern Hupp This statement wu filed with th• County Clri of Or•na• County on08/01/03 200J69SJS44 Daily Piiot Au1. 7. 14, 21. 28, 2003 Th666 dol.nc bus n .. s as: •) .... CIHn 114ald S.vlce, b) Maa Clun, 920 Darrell St., Coste Mesa, CA 92fZ7 Merlllo Yuml, 920 Darrell St .. Costa Mau, CA92627 This business Is con· ducted by: en lndlvldu1I Have yOll started dolrtt buslnen yeU No MwlkoViaml This statement w-s filed with lf\e County Clef'k of Oun&• Covnty on 08/22/03 200S69SH07 <>•"r p11ot Aua. 21. Se\:lt. 4, I , 18, 2003 Th742 .......... .......... The follow1n& persons er• dOln1 business as: Photo's By Mlesh, 401 Newport-Centw Ot1n, H1wport 8Hch, CA 92660 loll Mlchelle 811der. 9312 Resldencla, New· port Be1ch, CA 92660 lhls bu,lness Is con· duct1d by: 1n lndlv1du1I Hive you started dolna business yell Ko Joll Miehelle Bleder This 'tatement was tiled wlth the County Clerk of Or 1n1e County ono7n3/03 200J6'52SU Delly Piiot Aua. 14, 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2003 Th698 How to Place A ......., ..... M l do fl& business 1$: RNlty Aswt Solutiolts, l 7Z91 hint Blvd. '409, Tustin. CA 92780 Thom .. Leo114, 13406 Hetltqe W1y Apt 312. TustNI, CA 92712 This business Is con· ducted by: en lndlvdual Have you sterted doln1 business yet? Yes 4·1·03 Thomes Ledn11 This 1t1tement was flied with the County Cleft. of Orance County on 08/0l,I03 200JHS4248 Dally Pilot Aue. 14, 21, 28,S.pt.4,2003 Th685 ........... ...s....... The f9llowln1 persons .,. doinc buslneu as: Mc:CreeM's Marine De· 'llllln1. 10052 Bonser Avt, Gerden Crove. CA 92840 Sllawn Mc:Cr11or, 10052 Bonur Ave. Garden Grove, CA 92840 This but.inn-. 15 con· ducted by: en Individual Heve you stl'led doina busineu yetl Ho Shewn Mc:Gre1or This stetement was filed with the County Clerll of Oren1e County on 08/08/03 200JHS42Jt 01ily Piiot Aua. 14, 21, 28,Sept.4,2003 Th691 ... 6oln1 bus ness H : u1 An111s ,hotor•phy, 2104 ContiMnt• Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 ShHnl De Hoyos. 2104 Continent.I Ave .. Coste~ ... CA 92627 This buslneu Is con· duct•d by: 1n Individual Have you alerted doln& business y1t7 No Sh .. na De Hoyos This stetemenl was filed Mth Jhe County Clerti of l>t•n1• County 01\ 08/11/03 200J6t54SCM Dally Piiot Aue. 14. 21. 28. ~pt. 4, 2003 Th696 nc... ...... ........... The lollowlne persons are dolna business .s: Stelnl>era Jenltorlel, 41 3 Beywood Or.. Newport Bnch. CA 92660 Troy LlmMlowe Hall. 413 B1ywood Drive, Newport Buch, CA 92660 lh!S bu\tness Is con· ducted by· an lndlvldual Have you started cloln& business yet7 Yes. 2/24/ 03 Troy l•merlowe Hall Thrs statement was flied with the County Clert. of Of'ane• County on 08/01/03 200SHSJS4S Dally Pilot Aue. 21, 28. 2003 --------- IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. N£'M'OHJ tllA• H •(()SIA ~\A Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace ___ Dead linrH -- Rate~ and dcadlme~ arc :-UbJCCt 10 change w11hou1 notice. The publisher re:.ervc' the right to t't'O!>Or. rcda'"fy. revsi,e or rc1ect any cla!>Mfied advert1:.cmcn1. Plca'c report any error that may be m your cla:.:.1ficd ad 1mmedia1ely. The Datly Pilot accepts no liahtlll) for any error m an advertl\cmcnt Im which ll may be re~pons1blc C).Lept for the <.:O\t of the 'pac:c actuall) occ:up1ed h) Lhe error. Credit can uni} be allowed Im Lhc fin,t inser11on. CLASS IFIEIAD Monday ...................... Friday 5 :OOpm Tue..dJy ................... Monday S·OOpm By Fax (949) 631 -6594 d'k•"'· 1nduJe ~·1ur nam~ J.ntl f\11P11<• numhcr a11d "'< II <-•JI \•1oUl1 11t,.L "'llh..trntC'IUOh.·' By Phone (949) 642-5678 H our By Mail/In Per son: 330 Wc:.t Bay Street Costa Mesa.CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St Wednec.day ............. Tue-.day 5:00pm Thurc,duy ............ Wednl'~day 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturda)' ................... F-r1day ~:OOpm Tl'lcphonc 8 30arn-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Walk-ln 8:30am-5.00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Frida) 5:00pm ANNOUNCfMENTS N: & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1489 [$] 230~2490 Garage/ '"cine v11w 2 ~1d~ YardSales 1489 by •tde. ereat oct•n -H-.--,.,.-,-..,-1-.-...,-e-W.- v1ew, SI0,000 for bolh [¥eryfhtnl mu$I eo! Sat obo 520 299·4700 only hom 7:30am 3pm Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TOf' SS 4 H CO«DS OC .8u. ~Ee !O\ & 9:h Jll Nt«:. 5Plr It.tie ~ Mille 949 64!> 7~05 ENTERT AJNMENT Calendar of Events 1310 J62 Esther St, Costa~ hto1e Mevlftt S•• Set 7-4,S-7-12.11 20 Ceostflne Drlv•, s..I ...... 90740 cw ... , •• "H ond Moln, f.0.w •l.-n. Found 1510 'OUND ADULT CAT GARY'S MEN STOR( r ASHION IS c.11 Anim•I Nelworlt. 949 697 663? m<llAIDISI ~ ral WI 301 0-3940 lfAl ESTATE ~ FOR SALE soos-saso JEWELRY/ 34iJ ~FOASAL.E. DIAMONDS/ ORANGE 5400 PRECIOUS METALS COUNTY c-n Coln N .. d• Old Cotns• Cold, s1tv~r, iewet y, watmt1., tn\J®n collect1bles 949 64? 9448 Cats 3610 20C>+ ICJT18fS, CA TS, DOCS --~ ... ~ Fashion lsl.llndlh•1t Sea tnm I-EAL TH CUNWffll: 94'J.644 lZJ9 <;c>ay mcmma ~. hOme5. lor luttll!nl ~7 6632 Corona del Mat owc.-w .. 316 Hnel I block to buch Loulion, loution, r1x up 1949 Coll•&• or build new home. $1.595.000 A£1 949 759 9070 fOIW HOOSltG orPOITUllTY General ---. ---Amouncemena 1610 Pet Adoptions 3660 O,IN SUNDAY 1-4 Fabulous beyfr ont <.on do 2br, 2ba, La terrace view' 1223 Beysldt Or Ollered 1t I ,,19!,,000 Ai! Linda Taeahent1tt1 949-718 2369 All real estat~ adver l1s1ne 1n this riewspaper 15 sub1ecl to the I edet Al rair Hous•n& Act of 1968 a s amended wh1th malr.es 11 Hl~1al to advertise "any preler ence. llm1Ut1on or d1Knmmat1on baud un race. color, reh&H>n. \f'& hand1C,1fl, lam1l1al \t•IU\ or nel1onal 01111n. or an 1ntent1on to make any ~uch preference, l1m1ta tlon or dlK rim1nahon • fhls new~paper will not know•nclY ac:c.ept .. ny 1dver hsement l<H real estate wh1eh 1~ m v1olallon ol the l1w Our readers are hereby lntormed that all dwell 1n1s •dnrtlsed 1n lhlS new19aper •re an1~ble on en equal opportunity b•SAS. To complain of di$ cr1m1n1t10n, caM HOO toff fr•• at 1·800·424 8590 ,rlvo1• Duc.k "-'htt Clulo appro• I/hr from Newpolrt Beach E.•cel· lent hunt1n1 ad1acent to state waterfowl retuc•. ownership interest a. •PPfO• 375 ec.res ol lend & improvements • your own c•mp compound w structure and 2 trailers. Wonderful f'n ri•&hl BBQ's a. wine tasllne dur1n1 duck &enon • nuny eatras! Idol IOI 2 fr lends or lather & son. C1ll M1lr.e at 310·541·0854. CASIO O. ,onQIY Bauer, Catall11a, Root.· wood, Lukens 1tc •• , ~3"223 ~i.ru - a.lll'ERS FOR tmUSE = - ' G-ott ~•phe .. 4a 111 colors. all \llts for adoption to qu•lllied homes WWW flV8S(.Ue ore Of C<lll 714 773·5915 Pet Supplla/ SeMces F..aaus I'll ~ • Exper11nc;ed Artist • Photo reakstlC or whim- 1cal art. t4t-7St-7721 MISCWAllEOUS MERCHANDISE NEED A COMf'UTER7 Bad credit? B1nt.r uptey OK. Ho Cred1I Check. Guarante1d Approval. Checkln1 account · Hom. Phone Required 1 ·800 418 4680 , www pc4sure com (CAL •SCAN) ComMlll NIWl'OtlT HllGHTS 3Br. 2.5Ba, Co• aeou~ Medlterranun Slyle Ho me o ffered at S679 000 Catallst Homes. Inc Contee! Ms. fo'.\ter 949 722 2400. lAS SI 3br 2.5ba townhome, 2 c attach eer, 2606 E.lden o. ~ 714-813·2225 H77V-"-Dr Sbr 3ba J020sf., llK home. By Owner Creat Buy $699,900 Call W 714-650 1680 1116 H 714-650-1052 ~ ... f AaUlOUt 4 Nl Beech Clos.al Owntn 38r 2.58• a. 38• 28r Units $899,000 Alt S1n1 L1tby ('49)$46-~ Ind ex 12us-..... ,~ Pt1ce reduchon Sl.995,000 7br drum hotM 18,000sl., pool/ \Pit on nearly l/'2 acre Sba, 3 fp's, Shown by Appl Sieve Pattinson 949 466-S688 th Gw,.-.t 2br 2ba w/ltbrery New windows. doors. new appl$, tu· ured wells/ce1l\. crown mould1ne. des11ners tile. p.,quet floorine iilfld more. •rt 949 !>3' 5811 3br 2ba p., k Lido townhouse, nr Hoae pato. 2 c eer ac. pool $1995 949.293 4630 Jbr 2ba Ptrk ltdo townhouse, nr Hoee pato, 2 C I" I C pool S1995 'i49 293 46JO NewpottCollt ,RIMllSTAllS ,ATllK« TINottf NATICMtWIM USA t4t-8J6..t70S www.patrlclltenore.com MISCEUMEOUS RENTALS Renlal To Sha -~·~--1 + 1 util's + dip, pool. ~ •Id. cspor1. catll ce1I, no/smlV£•t M 'ff 91! M8 ff' J'' Roomatllf' .... .. 1'-W.lmrm°"'"i.. lu1d. -IM ~. '*> ~ end ""' tim tfm' 19ll • m..:m..m RESIOENTlAL RENT AL.S ORANGE 1• cotlfTY ......... ,,.,,, '"'· .... , rooftop deck w/360 wlew1 W/O. 11500/mo evail 9/lS, 949-673-3023 A -It. .......... AtC. w/d. .__ Miao, d/W. ,..~~ $11!llVIM" ---•a.. ........ ~.-. ..... IWft~---·~ 1315 .... ~II I 0 ...... 19TA&So ...... 2 •••• twit. tfld pt w/d, Awell now • "°"ts~·-.......... ~ --·:t.•ltl!ldl =.!~a:.:' a ~ Jiiil 74'2-7466 l 'ndcr the ScrYicc Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Wee k Eor Only $32 per week (4weck min imum ) Call Lorraine a t (949) 57 4-4245 * IAY,.ONT llH * l'al4e Tr1folea Jtw, 2 ... , l9e llr lie unit on ~ f'p, d/w. laundry room, quiet Peninsula Poml CD'l1 fenced 1'9rd, no pets. No/\mk/pet S 1510 incl 7 S2200/mo 949 646 7363 ulll 949 293 4631 !Km~ llT. u.. -. :A. nn S1195rn Yrf'f 'R2..·m ~ View H.;;;; JBr, 2Ba, C•rmel M<HHI, SJOOO mo A .. tl1bl@ 9/1 Alli <W9 759 3726 ..................... 2 Lr1. Br'\, 21>•. 2 ~ HudJngtan Bead! patios, 2 &••· ~ ~ lbr lt. CAlllOO next .... crtf ... _, HB l'lllr. comm PODl !O&. w/d in .nt, __..,.d Pl&. ~ ~ $17!!0 9&Q3 'flm ~sami,~ ..... ~ 2br, 2b•. Bay/ocn n views. 2bllr.s to ocHn v~i.ae. Pool. 2 c p«t. & Newport 8eadl Secure bide r urn/Uftlur n ...., ........ ....n Commute i.u $2,450/mo 949-42?~1 ~ 9WDB~ and enjoy Iii• more Beylront Condo. 2br 2b a we dose to~ you c want. r or convtnlent 2 cerport. panoreml bo & ocean view Ure apartment choices call 1-H6-400-2't1 """ S2!IMnl. ~ 721l l96! Coronadetlllr •... ,, ..... lbr 2ba rental, cute COM duple•. 1ar11e. w/d hoollups. ~·· $2650 949.293,4630 ••e•wtlrwl 3br 2b• rent1I. cute COM duplex, aanae. w/d hool>.ups. Art $2650 949 293·46JO 0cHfl Ill•• Lovely I stOl'y. 28r 281 + cl.Jn, Ip, ettac:h 2 CM 11r, courtye<d entry. comm pool. Smell pet t* $3450 I mo. Klel"e:Jml. 887. 704. 9 119204 4br 3.SOa 1ore1ou1 sine flm llouu, a~pro1, 5200sf, 4 lp'1, pOOI, tlQ· quiet cul·de·sac. 17 I mo. •11 M9·1S7 1660 C...11111 Lovely G1ted Community lBr IB1 Apt. w/pvt 1er. ~ welk lo Trl·Squer• /mo. W1ter/trn h paid. l<lsin Men1&•ment 877·704 8649 Cat 9200 28r. 28•. lo-unit, patio, l•11:J• \ cit l"'C9· Aaent I I 7S/MO. 949-293-4'30 -~~"" (163 Irvine atu•lo $&50, lbl' 11\00 ...... _.. (198 T111ip IC) 2llf l b• $1250. ":.r.:· Call llndwy M9-·3'32. ...... ZIN' 2be oolldo hr~, 11 t' llttac pr. 11 ..... Aatoe ~ ... U'M l.ecJ0.741· 100 Hiit .... .._ • u.. -.au1n2-c ..... ~~ l lr, 1.11 •••••• V•da Col'4lo etiMM r:: a JK. z., ~ ..... ott 1\900/• 14-'"l 41'2 .......... , ....... Af Z.5'1 cwt• r• "*'· llwwl. "· --· r.r·~ ........... l S I /Jiit. oat .. ~,..... c...... ..... -7llto74 YUJll Y l.IASU ,_ NIWP'OU HOMU lti-Y llAlT<MtS •••-475-6161 COMMUTE Outstanding a Visit renla.1-hvin COMMUTE Outstanding Visit rentaJ-lj --------1200.f, 21f' 2h '" ~ PINIC5lU f'lmff Beacon 0.y, hA kit. LR, b*. sh!» to bdV~ SI~ .,.-1y 94!1566-!JB •C •nut1v. home• tlose lo bur h 5br lbB S3500mo 619 934 3451 ,._ 2M 1 /2 ILOOI TO llST llAdt ,..,,,., 11.m. ..__.... ,. ....... IP. wd, l c + ~ """'P"'. ""9M Wll'llllr ~ 95~ 1aov-.. -,--- Ne..,...-t Hel9lth 38r. 281, l811e lem1ly room, 2 car 1ar •ae. nail 81 I S'2400/mo 949 759 377 l 3br 2ba on Balboa Pemn. hdwd fir~. fp. patio, 2 C llf. 1Va1I 8 I •rt $2650 949 293 4631 2br 2ba 2 t 1a•. &•led, community pool, •et $2300 949 293 4611 HOVAal 2bf 2b• 2 c ,,., • aated, community pool, •el $2300 949 ?93 4631 F" l.-e J~ 11 / .. • S,.-_,...,_ ""-' tt-e private cul de ~ lb< 2 501 ht.e MW, w/d. ni<:e yMd, areal localH>n reh11. S2900/mo Tron<• $2950/mo 949 47S-0027 Condo 949 233 6146 PLAY MORE. COMOO o<lAM VllW, locations. 3br 2.5ba, .1pph1ncn. 2 c a•r ...,., ln"'1ld S2!li()no 714-544(JD 96ZIM;;'01 MORE. locations. JOBSWMTED ,,.11 c:..,i., he/bond/ 1nsuud. to m•ne1e your Hewpor t Bch home and or boat. Ce he'd GeMrel Contt ecl0t & c:wtifled Pr0c> MOl1. 949 642·3939 fmp~ -I~ c.11.. Clow '-' 4edL er-......,. to rorest 196.SOO. f'T/PT. Apply in P«SOll Cal for he bnldue. 1*11 Beysidt Or .. Corona ~ II( 866 58S-67JO. det Mir. Wed-s.t. 10.1$). t Daily Pilot HVAC/R JOBS. EX· PERICNCEO People Only· Sain, Service or In· stellahon To apply. e sumu@IWtc•t•nt.com or tu It: 1·800 446 9634 HVAC A111nt (CAL •SCAN) tone blk & 'tin 1ihr 1~1. beaulilul Ilk~ new cond, $18 995 v55b7 21 11 · n•nctna & w1rr.inly aVdll Bkr 949 586 1888 www.ocpoltl.com '03 Fully lo1dod. black on black. Perfect cond. 3000 ml, $64.500 9&~ar~ MercetlH '14 SIO Sl, Clanic wMktnder, two 2dr hate , dlesel, 5spd, 60mpa. fabulous, hl!e MW cond, much aouaht after r1re vehl<M $899!i 11872951 8kr 9$5116-1888 -1d'- e Bv CHARlES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TAHNAH HIRSCH NO GUESS )l)lides was ll trifle aure~ivc. bot ,_ " ,.. des1en/ -of holiWy C<lflh ;;d'l,;Ltions, C00'1I ~ .. req P ... 96-721 !>733 C4D 4UTANH '1992 I owner cor1vt black top, whole body, 66krn1 very de4nl $12.500 949 644·7949 tops, ~ou'll look areal for ··~ff only $7500 949·376·3633 ,.,,~, MllCEl1MfOUS Boch vulllCltlblc:. NDnh deal~ NORTH • KJ 51 73 Wf411 j~tified by tho! pl;ay. t We~• ,tarted with lhe ace of hellU and oontinu<d with lhc teo. Wt over- took to ri:cum at.padc. Declarer won with dummy's Jack and clcucd omc1 MANAGIR Position f /Pl. personal lr alnlne canter COM Call LISI 949·675·3287 ,, .. ,., c.,.,, •• ,. & ho111eke•p•n needed for OC area flu1ble his c.rSShr.3105419823 · ChevyC-OC-.'61 fr a~ up rt:stcnd. l"iO le<r11lter1 Wanted. V 8, dlllD, aN re Mc: g1lfg A&&rcss1ve, motiv.iled ON! y and outeoing PT 1rr Call S29 !>CO •164/84 310-614-0025. NEWPOAT AUTOSPOAT restaurant SlRVlRS NHDIO Lido Om~r 2 yr~ uper Apply al l4bl V•• Lido, Newport Buch l.elCllt S*t Sc>ace .tva• alile lor Pl Ii&. Dresser & Manlcwat Call for detail~ 949-631-1194 lst 30yrs lner9otlc, motlva1ed, tum player\ need to help clean newly bu•ll homn No experieno required 20 40/hrs per week 949·515 4758 949-574-S600 OwyMer '94 New Yor\er 3 S V6 1 owner 43~ adual m1. bnok~ retord\ m~lalitc tur- QU01se1tan lthr fully loaded, hke new $4795 vlf667218 8"t 94!1 ~ 1888 www.ocpabl.com c-o '94 221 Conv. 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AT. 4 dr. low mi, art car. $1500 Mov1ne 714·878·9455 "',.......... DMMANTl '92 7511 1111, dw/'6111. sunrl, A I. 6 cy( loaded! Ca Sliq. $4400 71.4-914-8166 'HllU,S AUTO 0 I DoJge VlpN GTS ACf!. red on black, low m11e$. eor~UJ1 094051) $'57.!8> OOIMWJ231 S1lvei w/blaclo. lthr. Steptromc (193871) $21.980 99U20S.-. White w/saddle leath· er. "'°°"' ool ( 19443) $27.980. 01"9-S T~ St?• Green w/saddle llhr 28K in•. moonroof 119112) $29.980. 99 Merc..JH SI.I( 230 Blue w/blacl1. ruey !lllOrlS pl\g ( l9416) $27.980 99 BMW 321/S Hed w black llhr. 5spd ( 19470> $18.980 01 ""'""' , .... T1pll l)n1t only 18" nule\. nav•earmn \193941 INQUIRE 91 t.xin GS 300 Cold w ""ddle leather. t hrnme wheels ( 194181 Sll.91JJ 02 l'onc#o. 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'03 SLSOO •ulo whit• tan lthr CO SP•Jlt blH ~ bide~ tu\I b.,<1ut1ful like ntw '-1HH1 wt-irrl• fHl'ft l•-,1ded 116 995 vS9724 loh & 1 •0481>56 $115 500 wrn 8val 81.t ~ 1888 NEWPORT AUTOSl'OltT www.ocpal.co m 949-S74-5600 Saah '00 93 Conv 39k m,, fuH tJtlor 11 Yrdrf I metallfl ~•Iver ~,.~,. oatmeal lthr •ul~ C 0 hedled seals. superb i1kp new <Ond S l6 99~ '1#861926 Btu 949-~ 1888 -.ocpaill.com ,... ~ 0.- 0ver ~ ~ eip! VII pay a ~ fff price far ~ car. van or lrudl paid for or not Cal Dick Rey (i:i) T ormto Auto Sale$ 7 ~ 437 1931 or 7t4-328-322B CASH fOlt CARS Wl NHD YOUlt CAR 'AID fOlt Olt NOT 'HIW'5AUTO ASk FOlt MAl.COLM 949-S74-7777 MOTOR HOMES Motor Homa· Rent 9355 OTOlt HOME ,OR 1t1 NT lOOO 30ft . & 2003 2211. 1mmac. sleeps 6 & 8 optional lent. p1nic lbl. bbq 1 oy trailer & tent trailer 949·2'¥->·0356 or 949-500·1266 BOATS Power Boats 9515 DUffY CWSK l lfT fulv rts1ortd, btst off« ii.~\ 949. 348 9424 • 3 DUffYWCTRK ?OH 1989u•m 17 $97!>0 714·648 201'> . AH WEST •73 .• KQ6J EAST A 106 Qll76 J • J 108 • 98 KQJ84 2 •A9752 SOUTH • AQ !064 952 K !095 •4 Tho: b1ddmg '\ORTH , Fe.AST· I• I 2• ··-f'IL"' P11» SOUTH \VEbl .. ~ 4• ,,_ Opening leuJ. Ace ol · bpcrt.' will go to grcar length~ 10 avo1J ha•mg LO take a finc\..C Once in a while. 11 canlkJI be d\u1dcd. Stn111gd) enough. 1f u is a tv.o-v.a) line'..: •I \Ometim~' ea\c, rhe e~pen·, Jor. a' Uu\ deal illu\tratcs. Wc>I \ 1ailure ru t>od two ht: am v. J' \l.>rTit:\\ har cr.iven. Nute that. u' tho: 'ard' he. Ii ve heart.' can be: ddeatc:J t>nl> t~o tnck.' South·, le.ap I.Cl four ltum~ with a sec.:ond round. ending in hand. A low club was led and. had Wc~t bcld Ille acc. the conltllet wuuld huve been -ccure. l.Jnfonun.ately. Ea.\I capt urc<l the 4ueen w 1 lh the ace and rcrumcd a cluh to che king. declarer discardin~ a diamond. The r.:onrmc1 no" lunged oo locat· 1ng lhe 4uo:.:n uf diamond,, and 11 might ~em likely on the aucuon that l::.a.\t held rhur card But rather than guc\\ 1m111ed1<1tely. declarer i.ct aboot learning J' mu'h .. ~ pt:M1blc: ;ibour thc i.ll\tnhu1ton T"u dub run, m hand "t'l'I.' '>andwiched .iround a heart ruff on the table Jnd tho: count uf the hJnd "a' rnmplt!lc The pluy 1n heart\ confirmed chat Wc,t. who hlj(j ovcrcalkd 111 1hc \Urt. hnd \mncd With li»c hcJ.1'1' and had 'ho" n up wnh l"-u crump' \\'c,t' 1a.1lure tu folh•" m the lourth round ol duh' mnrl.c:J EJ.,1 v.11h fl\e card' in lhc \Ull. hence l:..'r' J1,mbuu1111 v.:1.' 1 S-1-5 Ded.ilt>r ,,.,hed the ~mg uf Jiamond!. • .nJ. 11vho:n F.<i.'I l•>llo"cd lol'o. _.1nliJc:n1h Lt-<.! .. d1am11nd 111 the kn.,\c "1ak10j,'.ftnJr-<>Jd 2000 17~ Clas"L electoc w tea~/holly deck var~ n•~hed wood inter ~urrey lop & full cover $5000. 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Daily L Pilot HOME, HEALTH AND BuSINEss· Service Directory ---- ERVICE Carpel Repair/Sales "'CARPlT •CARPET "r R•patr' Palth1n~ 111,tall Co11r leou' dOY \Ile 1ob\ Wholua1~• 949 49? 070~ Computer Servtm COMPUTER HELP! • ""* ar Cl'll9,..,... • Atyw...,orOflb..1111 •Kor Ila< Cleaning ·~ ==~===::; . •11«;"'9~·-;: ·-ta<'.--Touch of Klass Europt:Jn L\pcn 111 House Cleaning 20 ) car-. m Bu"nc:" I i.cn~1l &. Bnntkd Pruk'"""jl l~"m' a"t!?ncd ro Your ltnm.: (949) 548-0097 ·Ollce~ I~~ l'tob, 14.ec I le)Aol.5~1'1111-.i., UC ~~. 10 y,. eomp..-bp. 714-612-2786 Concme & Masonry Irick llod1 St..,e Tiie Concrete, Patt0 Driveway rwepl1.. B8Q'Reh 25Yrs (;p Terry 71 4·5S7-7594 Drywall Services w1nH0En DltYWAU. All phases sm1lo11 1obs. CllANI 20yrs. 1111. free fst L 4<XXl30 714-639-1447 Electrical Services DUNCAN fUCTRJC l ocal. 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Imelda 949-548-4~ 949--278.Ql37 Interior Design In Home Cons\lltln9 Affordable Style 949.644 4640 A-Home 714·962· 1877 lttferl•r• Moving & Storage ~ .•. ,; I • H ;-:~ , • ' I • '. T •, ... ~,:,. l E Open 1 Days Low Rates Stonage Specials Since 1981 949-645-4545 Thursday, August 28 2003 87 TODAY'S 32 Kiter Wl'la~ 33 Naval""'°"' 3-4 CO'Jl. bogg .e• 3 5 Or9anlles 37 Ch1mot11~ s Mont •1 -oolaa, 43~flower 44 Gllid& .&6 D'9 ll'llCithel ~ 47 They may t <. ""'"*' 41:1 Dvwinolo«i 49AeQut<-1$ 51.> ko.t.rr·• around ~' 6twv • .,,, ........ S:> Th.n'J S3 Moo) Do s :;,i.1'Siii,H:< A Cllange "°'11MB ""°'·-~ .. Emp/n)f'P .. , "Emplnlflo. ·· "A rbeit rwh f//l'r ... NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, ClASSlflED CAN FIND n. "Empfo.)e ... PUBLIC NOTICE The Ca ltf Public Ullht1es Comm1ss1on requtres thal 111 used household e oo ds movers print their PU C Cal T number, ltmos ~nd chaufl~urs print thetr T C P numbtr 1n all adver- hsements If you have any questions about the leaallty of a mover , ltmo or chauffeur. tall 'UIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSK>N ·~ t77-U47 Painting ' t /11."iji,.,f • f•l:!-.)ft:H Painting Pool Service ltl'S CUSTOM 'AIHTING Mooolc Pool & Sp• Svt Prof! clean qualrty work Weekly SPrvtt• l·~111p lnter•0<1eat anddoc.ks menl Rep~1r• 1n.,,ui t d l•703468 949-631-4610 can t49-2'2-7173 Joy•..,'• '•lnll"t Top Quahty. Compet1t1ve lnte11or l•t l •648228 Call Jay 949·650·5066 UINIOW CllCU MAINT Pa1nt1r11-tntle•t Housa/Acil Qu•llty ,ob' f1ee eshmate L#569897 714 636 8888 SEW9 NIJDUllO.U. (94') 645-2'52 Roofing/Gutters T111Servict TREES ·mncE 10 READERS Calif or n•• law 1 e quirts th al <On tr a< ton taking 1ob~ that total S500 or more (lab<>< or malertals) bo tKensed by the Con tr ac lor s Sh le LicenH Board State law also rtqurru lhat c.ontr acto" include th.eir license nwmber o" all adver1ts1ng You can chec~ the status of your locenHd contrac t o r at l#ww cslb ca itov or 800·321 ·CSLB Unh censed con fr M lors takine 1obs that total Ins I han SSOO must slate in lheir advertisemtnls Iha! they 1re not licensed by the' Contractors State licens1 Board." hce b11m.11e' Refcn:ncc' Spnng Cleaning Sp«Ull' The Ce"'ottt MM Cementwork, 811ck, Tile & More Rthable No job too small 714-61!>-9062 Linoleum, Sub Floor Repair, Molding 141-682.-8881 714·125--3241 Troo Sonic•, Yud Cle.nup, Maintenance, Spr'"kler Repair. Haul> nit (949) 6504711 COll't Do tt? Oott't w-t t• tlo It? We can & we will 2417 4 •• Y'1IJI home repain 71 4·348-8430 Strip & ............... HST MOVlRS $SS/Hr. Custom Hand Painted Se~ine An Cities Insured Mnls & faii. ~ Tl6~ 323-997· I 193 MJs11o-twe mat.6ffit 323-630-9971 cell lee a OivlslQI\ o1 Miil J llangert SEWER JEmNG ELECTRONIC StA8 LEAK OETtCTION f nendly Service bl.•IMf. RnwNf sv.n1cw..,. Qvlddl.elit tra1n1na & suppott/lrouble shoolmR ~-tasleSll Of Pfl"~•l 94g..548-2S38 Air~ AlUMNVAC Air Cond1Uon111a a Hut Ill& Stfvlce 888 AclslrO'lld l"80lli60 g&50).9Cm & IUSllllSS lt,,AMS Up1r1des. R1p1lrs of Comput11, Networ~s E ven1111JJW .. ktnds Competitive Pl l~H fot qu•llty sarvlc. t4t .. S•·t ITS 714-9H~2H YOUIHOMI IM,•OVIMINT ,.OJICT? Call • plumber. palntlf. handyman, or any of the CT Ht •tr11lcu ltsted here In our Hr vice drrectotyl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HE;LP YOUTOOAYI HAIDWOOO flOOIS Repairs Installation & Relinish (949) 351 ~ &IMY .,_... R.,.,.nd Rearoutifl & lnstellahon TIU OEAH 949-673-8065 714-M&a521 714-&'J.2031 = Rl ST ORI • Hl Po\IR Ii. HlMOOfl IN(, nx "' SP'lCIAUST. All typos of repairs. Elec trical. pklmblna. doors. water heat~. tin & more 24hr/7days 714-366-1881 6-'llc..1dlll '~ Carpentry • Plumt>ln& Drywall • Stucco P1lnbnc. Tile & more 20+ Ynrs Elptrit<lctl •714469-$77• .. , .... ,..._._ .. .._. • .,. s,..dllllft Interior & £ 1 terior Repairs 714-501·6466 THI HANDYllM All WOf"k 111ar ante.cl ""'"'*11. [ladncll, Ooori. fll-. Cll"P c. --- Haml ..... Anl11R .... llllt Speclallzlng In Additions & Ouality RlmOdlling Sll!Ct 1'70 714-SGl-07~ ............ 1!JN IJJtlJ e.. ~Professional Painting lJc '4!MS50 llltedar/lltedar Decmdft......, u. ...... Rob 1s1:>en -Owner Costa Mesa. Ca (949) 6'6-3006 Cell 949-887·1480 94t-•7S -9104 -~,CJOm l •7:52ffl lnSu...a 714.435.17 State L't. TNIS~I Spec1.ttm111 In W1llpapr Rernowal L'581t•l ~9·360 Ull I 2005 .letta GL •• tld tl*~ 66 month closed end lease. Total drive off $3947 includes $3304.12 cap cost reduction. First payment, tax, license and fees and $0 security deposit and $595 bank fee 12k miles per year. 15e per mile excess. Charges for excess wear and tear may apply Next payment due 30 days after inception. 200! Beetle GL "' . I ' . : I 2 yrs. • 24,000 mlles fUll warranty Included see dealer for complete written copy Of warranty. '88 VW JETTA CL C6801U/237583) Used, 1 At This Price '01 VW BEETLE GLX <601 0U/409950> Used, 1 At This Price '00 VW BEETLE CLS (6534U/458605) Used, 1 At This Price '88 VW JETTA GLS · <66270/032744> Auto, Used, 1 At This Price '01 VW JETIA OLS <66460/005451 > Auto, Used, 1 At This Price '00 VW BEETLE OLS l6628U/465959> Auto, Used, 1 ~t This Prtce • '01 VW BEETLE OLS (6626U/406530) Auto, Used, 1 At This Price '01 JETIA GLS <6433Ul210&54> used, 1 At This Price '00 VW PASSAT GLS (66150/205027) Auto, Used, 1 At This Price 'OS 20TH ANNIVIRSARY GTI C6673U/4074987) Used, 1 At This Price $7,999 $12,988 $1 2,999 $12,999 $13,988 $13,988 $13,988 $14,988 $17,999 $22,288 . . ,. LIClle fol II Montlll plUI tax I fHl/1110. Oii lppl'OllCI LWlef CNdlt 66 month closed end lease Total dnve off $3825 includes $3080.38 cap cost reduction. First payment, tax, license and fees and $0 secunty deposit and $595 bank fee 12k miles per year. 15e per mite excess. Charges for excess wear and tear may apply Next payment due 30 days after Inception. 1004 Toua,eg ' -----~ (40002743) ., .. LICIM fOI' II Montlll 11. --............ plllltax I fHl/mo .. ~UUUWUll-Oii IPDfO•ld ........ CNclt 66 month closed end tease. Total dnve off $45621ncludes $3576.76 cap cost reducbon. First payment, tax. license and fees and SO security deposit and $595 bank fee 12k miles per year. 15e per mile excess Charges for excess wear and tear may apply Next payment due 30 days after inception. , __ '98 KIA $PORTAGE 4X4 <6662U/576508> Used, 1 At This Prtce '01 JEEP WRANGLER (416HZ/3557fi0) Used, 1 At This Prtce '01 HONDA CRV <45IHZl008088> Auto, Used, 1 At This Prtee '02 CHIYSLIR PT CRUISIR SI <65810/281887) \Jnder 10K Ml.. Ulld, 1 At This Pr1Ce $5,999 $6,999 $7,988 $10,988 $10,999 $11 ,988 $22,988 $5,999 $12,999 $14,988 $15,988