HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-01 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. • •• 1· 0 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2003 Ralphs picket ends, lock-out· kept up Grocery workers' union lets up on chain as a favor to shoppers after disruption of fires. DHpa Bharath Marisa O'N•ll Darly Prlot NEWPORT-MESA -Ralphs supermartet will continue to lock out its empk>yees despite lhe union's announcement on Friday that it would pull pickets from all Ralphs stores, a spokes- man for the chain said The United Food and Com- me~al . Workers lntemadonal Union, representing 70.000 strik- Ing grocery store clerics. wants to thank consumers who supported the trlke and to make things easier for hoppers after the dis- ruptions Crom this week's raging wild.fltts, union spokeswoman Ellen Anreder said. ·This ls a gesture of gratitude f.rom us to our customers who have shown unbelievable loyalty by not crossing picket llnes: she said. About 70,000 employees re-tions, Anreder said. But the fires and lhe length of presentetl by lhe union are on ·we believe that II we had tc> the strike are going to make It strike or being locked out. A key negotiate only with Ralphs, this han:ler for customers to main rain is.sue in the dispute ~ a demand strike would be over by now/ that loyalty, Anreder 98.id. by the supermarket companies she said. The strike began Oct 11 that the employees contribute Friday's move by the union is against Vons stores. prompting more to cover their health care merety a tactic to diVlde the the other chains to loq out their costs three chains that have been bar· union employees. Ot!fk.s at all Albertson~ and Von~ -not · gaining as one unJt. said Terry three chains have been prote~t· Ralphs -are causing the real Ing. problems with contract negotia-S.. PtCKET, Pa11 M THE GIRL IN THE PHOTO SPEAKS Search still One of 1he worst moments in Kim Phuc's life is among the best-Mown images in the world. Phuc: is "The Girt in the Photo," the ~~ South Vietnamese gir1 seen screaming as she runs (laked from a napalm attack in a Purrtzer Prize-wioning photo by journalist N"ick ut. On Sunday, Phuc win speak of hef journey since that lif e-<:hanging day during 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday services at Liberty Baptist Church. The church 1s at 1000 Bison Ave. In Newport Beach. Phuc will also hold a 9:30 a.m. book signing. For information, call (949) 760-5444. on for way· to clean up drairi Newport Beach has been ordered to reduce pollution from storm outlet at Seashore Drive. June Caaa1rande Daily Pilot WP.ST NEWPOR'l -A prob· lem MOrm drain contJnuei. to bedeviJ the coastline, but the re1u1ons are murky as to why the Seashore Drive outlet is being singled out by regional water au- thorities. The Santa Ana Regional Water QuaJJty Control board sent a let· ter U> city officials last month to ask for an update on the city's ef- forts to reduce pollution coming from the c;lorm drain. The Seashore Dnve storm drain, which empti~ into lhe Santa Ana River. is thought to have been a source of the pollu- tion that clowd Huntington lieach tn 1999 It got a little fa. mous afrer a 2001 ~tudy by a UC PUBLIC SAFETY QUESTION Whst lt8pt should Newport 8Mc:tl tab todNnupthe storm d,.Jn7 Call our Reader's Hotline at ? • (949) 642-6086 or send an e-mall to dailypilot@l11tim111.com. Ple111e spell your name er1d tell us your hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. Irvine researcher sh~g con- sistently high levels of bacteria in river waters near the storm drain. The storm drain is owned by Caltrans, but much of the pollution that gets Into the drain runs off the Newport Beach roads, through the storm drain and ultimately into the ocean. Oty officials responded to the water board's concerns last sum- mer by drafting an action plan to reduce pollution in the area. On Oct. 15. the city got a nudge from rhe board in the fonn or. le11er asking the city to give a re· S.. DRAIN, Pa1eM Police chase ends with guns drawn COURTESY Of THE ASSOCIATED PllE SS A DUI stop in Riverside leads to a pursuit and an armed arrest outside Triangle Square. ties cried to srop 46 year-old Scot Alexander Breithaupt of Murietta on suspicion of driving under the influence, she said. Chief asks council to endorse police beats Detpa Bharath But he drove awdy in his green 1993 Honda Del Sol on the west- bound Riverside Freeway, she said. "The pursuit then moved into Orange County, and we became involved," Wlllita said The chase continued onto the southbound Costa Mesa Freeway. Costa Mesa's police chief wants to emphasize relations with the community, the first major policy change of his tenure. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MP.SA -Police Ollef John HenaJey wanu the de· partment to be more aggres- sive ln solving problems by us· Ing a community policing approach. On Monday, he will ask the City Council to endorse the philosophy of community po- licing, which would create a partnership between the police FAMILY TIME department and other depart- ments -such as publlc works and code enforcement -to solve problems. It Is the first significant pol- icy change from the depart- ment since Hensley took office In June. If the resolution in favor of communlf.¥ . policing Is ap- proved, It would be the first In the country, as far as he knows, Put.the magazines on the rack L ast Sunday, lot Angelee Tuna colwnnllt Steve Lopez expioued hh concern that Images and aoundt over which he h Uttle control rnay teer hl.t baby lf.rl to unhH.lthy behavior when 1ho old r. Ont exam&)te ts the nearly lmpe>Mtblo wit of hldln1 a provocative bWboa.rd from a child'• eyea. If you have chlldrtn ln your Uf e, flnd tho column and rnd IL • That sentiment 11 wetly why C..y and J have ltf'tred our kids away from teievtllon and video pmea for the pat f'our years. But as Lopez notes, there are many other Influences. not all of which can be monitored ...._ ____ _, all the time. One of thosc,uJ have STEVE SMITH 'mentioned before, I.a the aeemtng)y lilhocuous ap~nce or mapzfnet at tho checbtand of .. • your local supermarket. Right \Ybere lddt can ltare at them. the magazines contaln teaser copy for storfee such as th from lhe November ue of Cosmopolitan: •Read HIJ Dirty M1nd; Secreta He's Dying For You Tu Grant," ~e Kinky New Sex Trend t!ven Nice Glrl Ate Trylng" and "Sexy New Hair and Make·UR Trlcb. • In all, the word "teX" or "sexy" appean OVee times on this cover, wh~ your k1dt can It. Then there the t)'l)lca_l SMFN&Y,P ... M Hensley said. •What I'm told is there's no other city In the country that has a resolution from the City Council that this Is how we're going to do this,~ Hensley said. ·A lot of them have policy statemenrs, but they're not adopted ln a resolution.~ The council's .support for a Sit CHIEF, Pa11 A4 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTMEWEB: www.~ccm WEATHER ~ Rain fall• thro\Jghout the dlr'(. S..P•1•A2. AWARDS Daily Prlot CO~"TA MESA -A pursuit that began in Riverside ended almost two hours later outside Tuangle Square on Friday afternoon, bacldng up tmfftc for miles on the southbound· Co1>ta Mesa Freeway, officials said. The chase began at about 2:10 p.m. ln Riverside, California I lighwoy Patrol Officer Stacy Wil- lits said. Riverside sheriff's depu- SPORTS "The pwsult, for lhe most part, was not high-speed, and the driving was not reckless.• Wlllits saJd. But that changed when It reached Costa Mesa, she said. The driver of the Honda side- SH CHASE, Pa11 M Thrff Newport-M"' re1ldent1 win Red Croq awards for their communfty wol1c. SMP111A1 Newport Hatbof blttlel hard, but IOMI to lrvlnt t-llgh, 22·20. See hat Bl I . ' ».~. HIMwnblf 1. 2003 . , • . BOOMERS & BEYOND An eventful journey -stan Hauxhurst's not just a . . . volunteer at the Oasis ~ Senior Center; he don'i\ted · • • a .boat and ihe money· for a storage building. t rt R ea.cblng the ripe old age of 89 ; hasn't been easy ror Stan • Haulburat. but It hun't &topped • him from bef.ne an acdve and ' giving lellior. ; Tho Corona deJ Mar m.ident since • l 972 has had a my colorful and fulfilling ; Ufe even though It had a ~ start ln ; Mllwat'kee, where be.grew up. · Hauxhurst was W u a child, whJch ' caused him to &tart ICbool late. He bated belng older than his cluamates. he confided. • He was later expetJed from boarding school In Colorado Springs.. Colo.. not because of his grades but 6ecause he was caught llXlOklng cigarettes. Mer being expelled from h.1gb school, he set b1J a1ght1 on the Naval Academy at Annapolis. Md. because be wanted to Oy naval aircraft. To prepare for the entrance exam. he moved ln with a former college profeuor, wbo tutored him. After re<ieiving the. tutorfn8, the exam wasn't a problem, but he wiu over · their age limit by a month. The rejection devutated h1m so much that he qult achoo! completely. Hauxhurst then became a jouma.U.st at the Milwaukee Sentinel but only for a few years. He partied and drank too much, be said, dam•ging hil health. Plying was one of bJs favorite things to do. He took hil flnt airplane trip when he was 11 with b1J famous godfather, avtator and World Wv I Oytng ace Ge.neral Billy Mitchell, who~ coun-martia.led for being.an outspoken proponent ofaftpower.Hawchurst ldeaJU.ed his godfather for h.ls heroic exploits. • • • Send CALEHDM Item• to the Deity Piiot. ~ 330 VI. Bay St., Com M.a 92627; bv •mell to 1u1 .. ,,.,,ao 1at1,,,..,conr, by fax to (949) M&--t170; or by calling (949) 67-M298. lndude the time, date and 'loc:.tton of the event. u well aa • contact phone number. WEDNESDAY n. o..a. ~ wtl be petfonnlng their newest cqmedv, •The Senior Gang Ga. Touring~ at 1 p.m. at the Dula Senl()f Center, 800 Marguerite Ave .. Coron. del Mar. Information: (949) ~ THURSOAY 1"'90.-. ..... c.mtwll oll9' a daM on Meotal Atnea Ptu1, whld\ UM 1lmple Breln Gym movementa to ecceaa th• who .. brain, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. lnfonmtlon: (949) 844-324'. ROV.14 n. CoJta .... ..-c...- preMnt a beMftt~of "Late Nile CatedVarn: an lnterKtlve comedy by VfdcJ Quade and Mttfpet Donovan, at 8 p.m. In the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coat College. Tkttt9 coat $36,-or $76 for ~eMd Mating. Information: (949)~. • HOV.15 . OONl.£ACH/OM.YPl.OT Oasis center volunteer Stan Hauxhurst stands by the storage building he paid for. When World War II came along, Haux:hurst decided to use hia lOY"e of Oying to defend his country apd joined • the Army as a pilot He volunteered to be part of the glider program. He went OY"erseas after 0 -day. and he 8ew in Southern France, Holland and the Rhine Crossing. After the war, he joined the OviJ Air Patrol In the Glendale squadron and Oew as a search pUot. He took hia last solo Olght when he was 82 years old. He sdll files occasionally with his friends. After the war, he became a succeuful real-estate agent and contractor in the La Cresenta and la canada area. The second World War wasn't the only lime that he decided to volunteer hit servtoea. Hauxhurst was a California State humane otllcer ror ftve yeara. Rescuing anima1I wu one area in which Haux:hurst like to volunteer. He donated his time to the Friends or the Sea Uon. One year, he saved 15 sea Ilona after a huge s~orm. He also plays bas$ in the Oasis Senlor Center ukulele group. He can't play ula.tJele because he lost the use of his ftngera lo 1983 because of rheumatoid arthrida. but he learned bow to play the bass by placing It on his lap and playing It with bis thumbs. "I'm probably the only thumb bass player ln Southern Cal1fomla. • Hauxhurst &a.Id. Tune hasn't been the only thing that Hauxhurat bas been generous with. ln 1988, he donated a Catalina 27 to the Fr:lenda of the Ouia. The outside storage bulldlng wu named after him because he donated the ft.Inda for it. He donated the bencha that are outside of the entrance to Outs and one of the pool tables. 1be list goet on and on. •1 like to feel useful." Hau:xhumt aald. ·1w always been busy with trying to do aornetblng to reer needed.· Scan will be 90 years old In March. · BOOMER CALENDAR ONGOING a.. Senior CenW holdlt. pencalri9 bfealcffft from 7:30 to 10 e.m. on the eec:ond s.turdey of every month. Breetfast lndudel pencalea, aauaage, coffM end orange juice for $3, $1 fa< children. The center i. et 800 Marguerite. Corona del Mar. lnfonnatlon: (949) 644-3244. Women 50 and older cen )om a discus.ion group coordinated by Jewilh Femlty Servlon to addreta laues such 11 aruclety, depfeufon, ralatlon1hq:,., loneUneu end family. The group meets from 10 to n :30 a.m. Mondays at the :v~~~~!:~~,:.~14) 44M950. The Brdle lnatttut. ........ computer c1 ..... to people wfth fading vision who have dffliculty ... 1ng the computer ICIMn. The Oaait Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, of'f9ft lbc teuionl. Call to lfgn up for dasaes. (714) 821-6000. The Costa Mela Senior c......r haa ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuadey night et 695 W. 19th St.,· Com M--. $4. (949) 648-3884.. eo.taMeu. ~ ,, frM, but reglatnrtlon 11 required. (714) 445-4960. Jewish Ftrnlly ...... .,.,. ongoing berNvement support groupe for edulta at en mga of Iola. Group members share experienc:et, hear how others deal wtth gr1ef, receive support and INrn W8Y9 to cope with aadnefl end ION. One group meeta at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob In Irvine. The aecond group meetl at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Tempfe • Judea In Laguna Hilla. The third group meeta at 1 p.m. Thuradeyt at the Ezra <Anter in Anaheim. There'• no COit to attend, but edvance 1'9glltration la required. (714) 445-4960. Mhrltll Founddon Instructor Hiiiary Stone leadt an exercise clan al 11 a.m. Thtlt"ldaY9 at the Jewtlh Senior Center, 260 E. Baker St., Cotta Mesa. (714) 613-6641. o.11 s.nlof c.nw .... a dally telephone contact program for seniors who heve a llmlt9d local support system. They also offer computer clauea that tNdl the belic:a of Word, Ouk*en, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. The 0..-Senkw CenW ..... n.eo...Mett .... c.n.wll ~ Ftrnlly ...... of<Mnge preaent a benefit petfom\ence of •Late County aponaore en ongoing hMtlng lhuttle to like members to appolntmenta and grocery shopping. The lhuate also tak• membera to the center. Call to make an appolncme~ (949) ~244. NM c.t.ch1am:' en lm.ncttve comedy by support group for the chronically 111.1'9 Vicki~ and Marts>M Donovan, at 8 pt/l'pOee it to provfde pettlclpentt with p.m. In the Aobeft 8. Moor. TheetN et emotional end aplr'ttual support to manage o.lllenlorC......,. ...... Orenge Coast ~lege. Tlc*ea coat S36, or • lloeu end ltt conaequenc:a The group $78 for prefetred -:tJno. Information! mMtl .i 7 p.m. Thtlredeya It the Jewtah aid ecnenlngs with • Braille lnsthute ~ve. by appointment. (949) 844-3244. CMS) M&-6080. Family Service .office, 260 E. Baker ~t., nai~y.A P.ilot PHOlOQllWHER8 Copvright No news .ion.. • Matt c. Dultln, Don Leed1. lllllltTetiOn9, editorlel mder or K.entT~ ldwnlaemena herein cen bf repn>duaed without wrtu.n MADDI HONHI! ~of copvright owner. (N)M2..,_ Aeootd your oommen111 ~me HOW 10 REACH UI Deltv ftlloe or newt dps. Ql'ailedon .......... ........ The Tlmee Orange County .G1n1~•11••· Loti~. Our~ Ill l30 W. &.., St., Cotta (8001262-91'1 Denltf'Hut1C..'-~ MtM. CA t2t27. Offloe houre are ........ Ts Dentel ..... Monday • Ftlday, 8:JO a.m. * 6 p.m. Nlwtf'WIJ Coli Sl'llDftl Cl11 _.. 9491 042-M71 ~(148) 042-4321 .,..... ...... It Iii the Pllot'a pollcy to prompdy ...... 01rN end c:Outtl ,.,,,.,, OOftld all en"Ot'I ot eutllUnoe. ..... (Ml)~ Pt... ~I (N8) 7&M32A. (M)tca-lelO -...blwMll•"'1tlrtw.oom =(Ml)57~. .-.c ....... FVI Alc (•I MM170' • NeWPOft leedl ~. The~~Meea "°"',.. (N8)al0.o170 , .. ,~ Delly Piiot (USPS-14'-IOO) II lofNllt ~l«•IMlmea.oom ~•,..,_,,oom pubOthed deity. In NeWpott 8eed'b ....... Leab ..... Ind Cotta Mele. eubecl'lpdona ere • .... 0..(941)042-4321 ~ cuMln,.,.., Mlllabte Orttv bv aubec:tlblnQ llO ~ ...,_,.., .... 831-7129 ... ~ rim. Onlnge c;ouncy ltOO) lit! WC&,..,,. •• .,, 212 .,., In ... OOlllde Of .,..... ....... ~ INdl ind COllll .-.; eo.ca Mele...,..,,, .. , PM221 ~tohlWyll'IOe• ~'*""'*•'-"'-oom _.....~bvhcmamellfor f ..... O'Nll .. .,., mortttt. ,,,,_ lnak.ICle aft l"ubfleNd bV nm.~ (~ repoMr, , .. , f74..t2tl .,,...,.. ..... and 1oo.1 ...... 1 NfWt. e dMllon of IN lot~ . ,,,.,._or.1•""'"-oom ~lend ...... Tlmle. ........ .,....,The,..... ,_........,IMIPMZll ~ ...... Deity flfloc. ''°· CQOOJ ~CN. Al,.,_ ,.,,.,..~ lox 1llO, COiia .._,CA nae; ,,.,.,. r ' •' . THE 01.J>ER CROWD A turning .of seasons N ~backalwaya memodesof Uvtng back east. up our travel departmehl Our dedicated vohmteers aerveas • watch.Ing the leaves on the trees tum from green to a rainbow of reds and ambers and oi-anges. November and the leaves turning always made me reali1.e that It was time to say AVIVA administrators. Asid1: from pJarutlng trips 1 o c:aalnos and theatea, they're planning aojouma to Olin.a aud Russia and an upcoming trek to Fl1L If you would like mom Information on uavellng with the goodbye to another GOELMAN summer and welcome the chilled aft, the rainy days and the episodes of rmow and sleet. A writer whose name is unknown to me once wrote •that the leaves are the messengen of a new season, a new beglnning, of new hope, new dreame and being together with thole we love. as lf Mother Nature's wrapping her arms around and whispering, 'Wake up. look around, I've put on a new diesa for you.'" The Costa Mesa Senior Center. like Mother Nature, Is putting on a new dress as the seuons change. We are gearing up foJ the holidays. begtnnlng with 'thanksgiving. There a.re so many things we have to be~ for at the C:OSta Mesa SenTor Center: new ca.rpetl courtesy of the dty of Costa Mesa; and new furniture. wbJch is on the way thanks to our amazing board of d.l,n,ctors. For me. the meaning of 'Ibanbgtvlng ls spending quality time with family and enjoying the bounty of a satisfying supper on turkey day! lo that splrlt. I encourage you to stuff yourself here at the aenJor cen&er wheii we once again host a wood.etful 1'banbgivtng lunch on t#Jv. 26. The holiday lu.ncbeon Is spomored by the ever· faithful Angels Auto Spa. Reservations are a must. Please caIJ the senJor center at (949) 645-2356 for more Information. M part of your holiday celebration, you might consider boolclng travel anangements through the senior center's travel department. Our treks to different places are wildly popular, and we always travel first class. Space is sdll available on a few of our upcoming trips. For lnltance, on Thur&day. Nov. 20, we are off to experience A Welk Mu.steal Ouistmas. The excursion Is $68 per person and Includes lunch and transportation, On Thunday. Dec. 4, and Friday, Dec. 5, we are taking.an overnight trip lo Palm Sprlnp Follies, which Includes a stop at Agua Caliente c.asino. We will be enjoying an evening Street Fair, staying overnJght at the Holiday Inn and seeing the Follies. The cost ls $139 for a doubfe room and $183 fora single. PlnaDy, on Priday, Dec. 19, you can join UI to lee the Glory O( Oll1stmas arCrystal Cathedral ln Garden Grove and then have dlnner at Hometown Buffet. The prlce, tncludJng transportation. ts $63 per pmon. Pbyllll Dmchtery, a member or our board of direct.ors. heads senJor centet. please call (94!1) 645-1032. Thinking further ahead, to Ouistmas and Hanukkah, WI! will once again have a SenJor Gift CllesL This program - begun last year-brlnp gifts to many aehlors who nonnal.JY. do not receive presents during the holidays. There are many worth gift collection programs for kids, such u Toys for Tut& But few, If any, for aenlont Our gift drive last year was a resoWJdlng success thanks to tlle generous donations of the communJty and the tremendous effort of our volunteers. The smiles jl.Od tears that it brought to our senlors made It even more meaningful. One aenJor ln particular · stands out ln my mind. This senior approached me after receiving a gilt and confided ln me that she had not receiwd a gift ln 15 yean. I'm ~ that th.is year she wtD be equally touched, and there will be plenty of smiles and learL We hope to reach many more senions this • year with the gift of gMng. If you are Interested lo donating to this wortbwblle program. we are always in need of blankets, gloves, wnbrellas, stationery and stamps, dispoea.ble cameras. cand1ea, videos and any other items senJora mJght al)predate. All Items must be packaged and new. 1ltJs year, we are fortunate to have the participadon of the student body of Orange Coast College. They, too, will be collecting gifts for our seniors. In add1tlon to serving the seniors who visit the center, we serve more than 80 homebound senJors who also need gifts. In closing, I would I.Ike to remind everyone that our fund-raiser event, a special productlon of "Late Nite Catechlam • -the uproarious interactive bit comedy-will be presented Friday, Nov. J4, and Saturday. Nov. 15, at the Robert 8. Moore Theater at Orange Coast College, 2701 Fairview Road. Join us for a.laugh-filled evening. Good seata are still available. Please contact Darryl Kim at (94'9) 645-2356, ext. 15 .. Even though this ls a busy rime of year, remember: "Wherever there ls a human being there ls an opportunJty for kindness." . • AVfVA GOEl.MAN 11 the executive director of the Cotta M ... Senior Center end wlll write occalo.1111 columns about the centar, Its member• end eenlor laauea. · SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST weetem awell betw9en 4 a.nd e feet. Todly, uneuaonably oool SURF W'Ntherwill ltk* •round. Expect rnotttv ctoudy ekJea wM • ~ cf\ance of rein. Expect. burtt of IOUth IMll. Thfe loob Ilk• It might However, relnfall lhould be bf'lng In dl9et-hlgt\ Mta. light. Hight Will be In the eo.: Alto, a w.t-nonhwnt swell Ovemigtlt wlll be mo.tty could creep In from aome doucfv, wtU\ lows dipping Into tn. 40I, but moetty In H 80S; '9lldlAll typhoon ac:Uvity origlnetlnQ In the Wllt8ffl TMre wll be .. ~ dWtng P.aftc Oceln. Sundty. 8ectllna ttvtta Wiii iikeiy be ~: hlgMr If the tlln ,, heM www.nws.nou.p enough. BOATING FORECAST ~~ ~.IUl1Wdtr.~ Th. wtrlde wll be~ at TIDES 10 ki"Otl or~ on tt'9 lnrier Time Hllfht wMef'I todey. Thi..,.. ... btM2'-"ona3-toMoot 1:021.m. 4.1tfllet~ w ...... Mel. Wlndl ~ t:4Za.m. 3.1 ..... low l:Mp.rn. Ulfa.ithlgh H to IN eoudM9llt In the ~bul--to 1o:Jlp.m •• 0.07tMtlOw ..... ~ddonl-. Out farther, ...... be WATER 1DllEIWUE from IN nonh::s• Ill '9 lanofa. Theww.wllbe9l2,...one . ..,... :i -• " ,. -I • s.twday. ~ l, 2003 Al t . Middle schools pass out Palm :Pilots Select students at Te Winkle and En.sign will be assigned their own hand-held co~puters. Teachers have already been trained on them. M1rtsa O'N1ll Dally Pilot NEWPORT·MFSA When someone asks Ensign and Tu· Wlnkle mJddle school studenta when the next home baseball game, three-day weekend or math quiz Is, they'll soon be able to say: "Let me check my Palm Pilot." Thanks lo a $700,000 rechnol· ogy grant, each student in the sixth grade at TeWmk:le and sev· enth grade at Ensign will get his or her very own stale-of-the-art Palm Tun~ten E and .keyboard In January. Teachers at the school, who already have the hand-held computers. started their training on Prlday at each of the schools. "We wanted something that every kid could have access to all the time," Steven Glyer, director of educadonaJ technology for Newport Mesa Unified School District, said "For about $200, . we oould start gettin_g every kid in the target group bts own indi· vidual unit to have and use and take home.• Tulchers got a Ml day of train· iog on the hand-held units. wfik:b come loaded with c:alen· dars. schedulers, calculators and software for ptodudng Microsoft Office spreadsheets and Wont d~ents that they can load onto a desktop computer. They can aJao mate lesson plans, track grades or nearly anything else they would nonnally do on a regular computer, GJyer said. When the students receive their Palms. the teachers will show them bow to keep track of assignments. write papers and even lalte quizzes with them The units use wireless technology that will let students beam an- swers to the teacher's computer or to a large projection screen, Glyersald. They can also add a UttJe fun to test-taking by using technology t•Am• SIMPLY ONE MENORWOMEN ilmllar to t>anoom trim games. Thachen can use so(twam to ere· ate test.s that will'~ it\Klents a qu don on a study topic that ls inldally worth a certain nwnber of points. The longer students ponder their answers, the more point vahfes drop. and ema h.lnu pop up on the screen until they send their responses.. Used the Palms with clu.ssroom computers, students can down- load books. create PowerPolnt presentations or film projects. •• quallfted fut the ·grant, which GJyer said Js strictly tatgeting mJddle schools. The dist.rlct de- ~ that the hand·held com· po'ters were the easiest and dleapest wiy to give the most people access to technology. "The possibilities are endless." Ensign PrlnQ.pal &!ward Wong said "The a.lee thJng ls that It kind of levels the playing OeJd. Every kid will have one -the haves and have nots! If th~ program 1s successful. TIL0 .'5 EUPIOF'EAN AUTOHAUS "We want kids to make some- thing with real content." Glyer said. "They can start plannlrig It on the Palm. When they're ready for the project, they can go to the computer to produce it and show the ~ Then they can load It to their band-held !computer) and take It home to show their par- ents." Gtyer Wd that he would IJke to see the technology expand into other grades and other schools. Though some teenagers might tend to n¥aY personal belong· logs. Karen Fasimpaur from Kl2 Haodbelcl.s. which Is coordinat- ing the ttai.ning. said 6he's found that students in other districts she works with take extra care with the Palms. 1ila'1 H11 A larglf Selection Of luality, Pre-Ownell lila Certifie• And Fully Servicell Vehicle• We 1119ci1lize in Mercnn, Porsche, IMW1 I Other lu1u11 Vehicle• 1be grant comes from federal money dispensed by the state for school technology, Glyer said. The amount paid over two years ls $700,000, whlcb will go to 1,100 units, laptops. training and sup- pon. "The kids do a good job of k.eeplng track of them," Faslm· paur said. MWe do a lot to re- inforce that lt's a big responsibU- lty and they really enjoy using them. They know if they lose them they won't get to use them.~ Come E.,.rienc• 1 FriHlllJ Way t8 lq ---~ 1 ,,... ... .., Eure,..11 lut1Nndile TeWinkle and Ensign were the only two district schools that 200 W. Coast Hwy & Dover Newport Beach. CA 949.650.2222 • Unblached White • Whole Wheat • Pasby SUGG. '4.49 HAI M Pure Foods S11gar • Powdered OrguUc • Brown Organic • 1\abinado REG. '2.99 •Whole "Organic Milk • 2% low Flt sz ·1%1..owl'it M • Fat Free REG. '2.69 1fl Gii HAI "I PUre Foods Saftlower Margarine =~ $1'29 REG. '1.89 & 1111. www.tilocars.com Organic INSTANT HOT OA1MFAL • Apple Or•'*'NJll ·Flu·~s 99 •M..,leNut ;4S1 •V..td.Y REG. '2.69~ lpt •.. ~ • C.-.. ....,..., • 0.. • t' I tit• ........ ....,...,. 1.-d•a.nw :E.eS1'I9 ................ & 15crz. • 1'1111....,,,, ltu not,,....,,.,,,.,.., u. FDA. Thu pobd h not 1....-to"'"'°''' 11wt, ""'°"•an.,,, di#a1. BOMr.OPJU'lllC -1~ NmJRAL ·NO SIDE anx.TSr Teetlliq GeJ = NIM~ ~~:e Re!lllftlrTllting Sena == ~ Reflel Sleep Aid .._ W.0Z.. 125TMS lOOIMS lOOTABS suoo.SA99 suoo.~ suoo.~49 suoo.Sl!'49 '7.39 ... '4.79 • ~ -· '7.19 -~ '7.19 ":JI' Vdamin E 400 LU. 100% Natural Mixed Tocophero/s s SUGG. '10.99 One Per Day, IDgli &leagy, Heart He.althy Multi-Vitamin and Multi-Mineral . /loot/&.( ltpG rl swzlc:. a.rt I Im No,. "'-~ ~JWaO.,,or&Jw' ,, •-NoMl&...Al'ti• ~Sft99 1 =1~ ~ .~ 71 .. ~ TABS · 3mcnb1 SUGG. '12.45 .._ SUGG. '21. 75 llJppfy FARM FRESH PRODUCE \ I KISSM!FACE\ oasmMl.Y ORGANIC SKIN CARE ilotanbl .AmeGel Nowmber 4 -~ "BRFAS'l'H&tD'lr Nowmber6-~ "uhalantf g/18n ,,. bolting"+ 14* Demo &30 to 7:30 pm FREE Seminar (CM Pdtio) -- D~Nll-5~ ) M sati..d:rJ, ~ l, 2003 PUBLIC SNETY . POLICE FIL.ES · COITAIEIA .............. ~ ............... ~kWGMng ~ .... ~ .. 17.:42 •.m. Thundey. • .,..,.. 9tN9t: Peay tfMift from e Wlhldi WM tepc>tted In tht 800 bloc* •t 12;52 p.m. Thuncttv. • .. ...,.._..Wfd: Pway th9ftWM ~ • In the 2100bfodtat10:18 a.m. Thur.drf. ,....,,.._Ann<>Yfnv phone calla W9f'9 f~ Jn the 200 blodc II 11:139.m ThU1'11day. •Newport~: A commercial burglary WH reponed In the 1700 bfodtet 8;16 a.m. Thurtday. • NtwtOn W9¥: Ah auto thoft WU reported In the 700 bk>dt at 9:67 e.m. Thurtday. • Rote a.:...: A whlc:fe buraf•ry WM reported In ,,,. 200block8t11:13 a.m. Thureday. ·w.a.-~A c:ommercl1I burglary WM tepol1ed lh ~ 1900 bk>dt at 4.'06 un. Thuiilday. NEWPORT BEACH • bit Coat ltlgtu~ A hlt•fld.run wu reported In the 3500 bloclt at 11:41 a.m. Thursday. • ~ °""'9: A tratftc eecidont Involving lnjuriet wet ntpofted In the 3700 block et 5:36 p.m. Thursday. • eyp..t StrNt: Battery Wat niponod In tho 20200 l>lodt et 10:22 e.m . Thurlday. • JembcNM Road: Freud wee rtpOrttd In ihe 1100 blodt tt 3:07 p.m. Thuradey. •Le Vldll wf U~ OIM: Vandaltsm wat reported It 9:14 a.m. Thursday. • 41tt StrMt: A vehlcte burglary waa reponed In th• 100 block et 4:37 p.m Thul'lday. CHASE Conbnued from Al 'IWfped a tar and a pole north of 191.h S1r~·1 and Lhen rammed Into a van th.at was parked out· side lhung)t1 Square near the ln1crn•t 1lon of Newpnrt BouJe vard and Hro.1dway, Willits said. ( .o'ita Me~ police arrested Brl'itha11p1 on \U'ipicion of dnv· Ing undrr the influence of drugs and for hemg in possession of rock < omlne, Sgt Scott May said I le v.~.i~ aho wanted for a parole violation, he said. BrelLhaupt was taken to Hoag I l1,1sp11aJ for a medical clearance and lacer hoolcl'd in Costa Mesa c11y jail. C..O~ta Mesa police helped CHP officers with the felony -nop, WiJ. liu \aid "Any time they malc.e a stop like that. the guns are drawn.· he 'ltlld ·11 W3$ a scary lght." wd Rod • Jehcber, n C.osta Mesa resident who wall '!luck in traffic on New port Boulevard. "There was a helicopter and ~irens blaring. Some of the officers had rifles In their hands • Cl IP omcers carry assault rl· Oc..'1, but Costa Mesa police offi· cers uruo.lly carry either hand· guns or <1ho1guns. May said. Jeheber said he and many oth- en1 felt trapped in that ituation. "AU I could do stay down: he said. "We ("Oul n't move. It was all jnmmcd. • • DHM Bt4ARAnt COiien public Mfety end courta. She may ~ re~ed at (948) 674-4226 or bv e-mellet •,,a bh•,.ttt•tat1m..com. FAMILY Continued from Al Col.mo photo. On tho CC1Vet ot Glamour this month. you will tlnd ·20 Waya to Ofot tho Sexy Body Qmfl~ Ue C&n't Resist.• Allure map:nne offers·~ evcrW:ip. and nen ~Je. a magazine almed at kklt from mktdle echool up to age 2-0 hu Just ltlcased its ·Say lJsue.. Week after week. lhJI tn.ab la placed be(ore the eyea ol our ch_lJd_ren, falling under the radar of pare.nca. After all, who would t!XpCCt IUCh m ges tn the supermarket, \he place whero we buy milk. bread and Oteosl What kids learn as ~ loiter with parent.I in line is that the world rewlveuround 1e1 and loold.q aexy. and If you're a woman, It revolves ll'OUnd doing wharever it takes to pt or please a man. And that's just the words. KJds too young to read? Don't worry, th.ere are plenty of 1exy photos for your little ones to · ogle. 111 were a woman. I wouJd be Insulted beyond words. AA a fath~. I'm furious. But let's not underestimate the Impact on boys. I, for one, don't want my son growing up believtng that women are objects, not people. There's nothing on the covers about women mating themselves smarter or any stories about women heroes. just superfidal, meanlngtess DRAIN . Continued from Al port on the. efforts it has made there so far and a schedule for Implementing the remainder or lt"i action plan. •The city had i.aid that a lot uf the measures would be Im· plemented this summer, but an inspection ~howed that not all had been," said Kurt Berchtold, a spokesman for the regional boanl "We're asking the city lo give us a schedule for their plMs to i.mp~ment these niea· \UCC'l" The city's plan for the area in· dude!t additional street and al· ley !\'Weeping. puning bacteria· fighUng filters ir1 catch basins. WHATS AFLOAT • WHArS AROAT is published periodlW,_ly. If yoo are planning a nautical e~t, submit the Information to the Delly Pilot. 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627;byfaxto(9491646-4170;or bye·mallt.o dailypllot@latimea.com. SPECIAL EVENT TM Newport Halbor Nautical Museum will have en exhibit opening for •Hooked: The Lura and Lore of Sport Ashing; at the Grand Salon from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Feb. 29. The museum Is at 161 E.. Coaat Highway. Newport Beadl. Information: (949) 673-7863. http://Www.nhnm.org. Newport Atmtmn Rowing Festival & Dash for Cash wlll be from 8 to 11 a.m. Sunday In Newport Harbor. The event draws mOf"e than 1,300 compltito,. from the West Coast Supervisor Tom Wilton wllf be speaking. Information: (949) 646-n26. alicla ~n•wportaquatlc centtJr.com. The Bahia Coffnthlan 't'Mtlt Club wlll pretent a show-and-tell seminar called .. MMt the Doty Aaherman• from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thuraday et 1801 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar. lnfonnation: (949) 644--9630. SAIUNG CLUSES ONnge Coelt College. offering new credit and noncredit Nillng cla .... this summer. Molt ctaSHa are five W9eb In length, and boeta range from Lido 14 inghlea to large ocean racers, even kealboatl. Cruising Mmlnara are also being taught The OCC Sailing Center la at 1801 gvbogt. lf there'• an audience Cor1hla pap, let them buy It -Just don'I lhOYe lt in lront of my kid& Some ttoret have taken half measures co ftaht the .magadnes by covutng up the serious adult Issues and keeping them beblnd • counter. But lwttng in the racb in front an: cawm with photo and copy that are just as bad. IOmedmel worse. U'a not mough. And lt'I no loriger enough for you and me and Steve Lo~ to juat complain to each other -lt'a dme to let the store mucbty-mucb know how we feel f called the ma1n ofDcm of Ralph's, Albertson's and \Uls. At Vons and Albertson ... I asked ror the media contact. was connected. and left volce mad messagra. At Ralph's, I got put on hold ror a seriously long time. so I bung up. I have not yet heard bac.k from either Alberuon's or Vona, even though I thought they'd be thrilled to hear from a writer who was not interested In the strike. Now It& your rum. Thke as much interest in this as you did with the recall and tell the purveyors or these messages that they are not appropriate in a family setting such as a supermarket. I want you to call the following numbers and ask for the merchandise manager or the vice president of installing signs informing resf· dents about water-quality rules for 1..he area. and making more dog waste disposal bags avail· able. Though the city has begun lmplementing some of these measures. the board has asked for a report submitted by Nov. 14 on completing the plan. City officials say that the re· duclng pollution at the site Is Important. though it's unclear why this site is any more or a priority that storm drains throughout the city. all or which contribute varying amounts of pollution to the ocean. "I don't know that there's anything inherently different about this storm drain from other urban draiN, but ln this ' men:bandfslna. 'niD him Ot ~that you wouJd lib to lee just one or dldr checkout ablel In ~ store dellgna~ u ·mqaz1ne free." I( they hem and haw. tell them that the 'DLrpt ttOrot already hAM a "candy tree• cbeckout aJsle. 0 don't care about the candy In the aWee- 1\ie got no problem aytng •no• OYet and CMlt tp1n.> no them that when they create th1a magazfne-t':nte alale. )'OU will tdl your friendi. Here are lhe nu.mbcnl: Rllpbs ts (310) 884-9000, Albertaona la (71,)-300-6000 and Von.$ la (626) 821-7000. Call them 6nt thfug Monday momtng. lf you don't call, It you leave It to someone e1M. Wt!U tell our kids chat maybe the magazine pubUshen and 1V producers that perhaps they are right Maybe lt ls all about 1ex aft.er all 18ke five minutes on Monday morning and make the calls. This should be a good time to get the ears of the 1U,penruuket dedslon·mak.e.rs because many customers won't croa picket lines. Some positive p~ will be welcome. And who knows, your aJgnitlcant other may find your activism kinda say. •STEVE SMITH Is a Cotta Meta reeldent and freehfnce writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Dally Pilot hotline at (9491642.aoe6. c.-se we have data that confirm that there's a problem there: Berchtold said. Assistant City Manager Dave Kill' said he wouJd prepare an agenda item for an upcoming City Council meeting to satisfy the board's request. "We respect the board's in- tent In· issuing us this lener," KJ(f said. "We take It very seri- ously. However, we hope It's re· Oecdve of the board's wider in· teresting in going after all polluted storm drains county- wtde. • •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail 81 juns.casa9r11nde@/11times.com. W. Padflc Coaat Highway, OCC'a Salling Center in Newport Newport Beedl. (949) 846-9412 or Beadl. Registration ia $65. visit http://occsalling.com. Information: (949) 645-9412. Salting Fudndon ..... ct... In boating aatety and sailing year-round for persona with dlMbilltlea. Free. (949) 84().1878. On~ County employwa CM bring their employees out to Newport Beedl on week.days to enjoy a day of aalling courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Salling and Seamanship now offe,. a ctience for grouJ>9 to wort with ttle on-board Instructor on different selling tedmiquea whlle they get advk:e on how to perform well In bo1lnesa. No aalllng experience necessary. One-day clauea coat from $100 to $126. (949) 645-9412. Orange Cout Coltege .. offering a noncredit Intermediate Lldos seillng ct ... In November. The daaa should be taken after completion of a beginning selling dau. The dua will meet from 1 :46 to 6:30 p.m. Sunday afternoons In November et the OCC Salllng Center, et 1801 W. Peclftc: Coast Highway In Newpon Bead\. ReglatratJon la $116. Information: (949) 646-9412 Orange Cout.College'a 8Clhool ol Salling and Seamanahfp will offer a flv.-day. live-aboard, tNlreboet crulalng excuraion. The data wlll run today end Su~ and Nov. 7 to 9. The bareboat crulslng excuraton wllJ let atudenta um U.S. Salling Bareboet Certiftc:etlon. The fee for the five-day trip It $736. Information; (949) &45-9412. Orange Co.at College'• 8Clhool of Salling and S..manahtp wtll offer a marine electrical Mmlner from 7 to 10 p.m . Thol"lday end Nov. 1hnd 20 •t occ. Selling Center In Newport Beed\. The cost la S86. lntonn.tlon: (IM9) 84&-Ml2. 0.....,. CoMt Col111'• ldtool of Salling and S..mantttlp wm o1fw keelboat~ on S\indtys, Nov. 9 through Dec. 21. l'Mre Wilt be no daaa on Nov. 30. The d,.. wtll meet from 10 a.m. to I p.m. at OCC'a Wtng c.ntw In Newport Beed\. RtQiltf•don .. $415. tnfomlatlon: (Ml) &46-1412. o....c....cat11'lldloel of 9'lllng end 5-nentNp well oft9r. w. .... Mled ooeltll "91!4-'on _,,. hm 7 to 10 p.m: New. !1• 11end21 • • Orange Coat College's School of Sailing end Seamanship wlll offer e Radar for Yachtsmen WOfbhop from 7 to 10 p.m. Nov. 13 and 20 and Dec. 4 and 11 at OCC'a Salling Center in Newport Beadl. The cost la $126. lnformatJon: (949) 645-9412. Orange Cout College'• School of Salling and Seamanship will offer a marine radio operator'• permit class from 1 to 5 p.m. Nov. 13 et OCC's Sailing Center in Newport Bead\. Cost la $66 for the due and $60 for the exam. Information: (949) 640.-9412. Orange Coat College's School of Saili!l9 and Seamanship will ofter a ttirea-weetc advanced coastal navigation dau from 7 to 10 p.m .. Nov. 11, 18 and 26 at OCC'a Salling Center In Newport Beadl. The coct 11 $65. Information: (949) 645-9412. Orange Cout College'• School of Sailing and Seamanship wlll offer a four-weett Lidos cleu from 1to6 p.m. Nov. 14, 21endDec.6 end 12 at OCC'a Salling Center In Newport Bead\. The cost 11 $115. Information: (949) 645-9412. Oran.,. Coelt Cohee'• School of Sa.fllng and Seamanahip Wiii offer a three week sailing COUrM In batlc CNl--'ng certJflc8tlon from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 16 and 23 end Dec. 7 et OCC'a Salling Center In Newport Beacti. The colt la $216. Information: (949) 645-9412. BOAr RENTALS With M..tna Wltriporb It • the Balboa Fun Zone, you cen en}ov neudcal •)(J>tfiencea from mlld to Wiid. Take a aelf11Uldtd tour of the bay In your dl<Hoe of poww end NII watercraft, Jump the ocean t\Wilt In a SN-doc> j9tboet, put you sport.fishing ~· to the ... In • fully tqUipped Bolton whaler. (Jr IOtr tbov9 It all on a pataNll fllght •long the Newport cout Complimentary Ice and beveteQef are lnduded wtth all efectfic bolt rantlll. ................. putyou on the weter In menv weys: Wlih ~Ind doublekeV*, ~ bolts, 14'holder Nllbolta. pedal tao.ta ri NNbout8 forufMIOt9 UM or~ the bey, a.tboi Boat~ eileO hokM twc>hour ~ hUnts aboen:t the ~ bly ~. PriMdlriO lll'0'4Pdvttv -~ bl~. nonProftt ~ ~llfoupoutlilQt, n.. hunt~ lndude boltt. 1riWI quedoN,='iri ~ ........ -~ Ttt.CIOltOf • hunl ........ $221 per bo"ilt I and OM9f.t 18 II ..._...,..It In CHIEF Continued from Al conu:nunlly·based approach would illustrate a dffp level or comniltment to this phllosopby, Henaley said. •As an eumple. lhlt just demoostratet to other depart· ment heacb that if we'tt trying to clean up an alley where there'• mrtgeratort dumped, and maybe couches, they can rest assured that what vmre do· Ing is supported by the policy makers, because (the policy makers) pay the bills,• Hensley said . This style alttady bas propo- nents ln the community. ·1 (hJ.nk Ir's phenomenal." said Btu Turplt, a WestsJde activ· 1st •1 think It's a radical change, and I would certainly expect ft to improve the relationship be- tween residents and their offi- cers and also improve the role that community plays In assist- ing the police department, which wQUld improve the level of public safety." The department uses a tradi· tional "command and control" style In whkh officers react to incidents one-by-one. Commu· nity policing assigns officers to specific beats so they can be· come more familiar with the area they serve. It also involves 11slng data to determine where most crimes are occuning and dedicating resources to those areas to prevent them. PICKET Continued from Al O'Neil. spokesman for Ralphs. ·Tue employers remain united in our belief that we have made a very good contrah offer, which includes some or the best health benefits in the country for our CUJT'ent employees," he said. "Thls is an attempt by the union to divert the attention from the real issues.· O'Neil said the chains are well· prepared to handle the long strike. "Our contingency plans did ta.lee into account a lengthy labor dispute: he said. Pickets left Ralphs on East 17th Street at about noon Friday. and less than an hour later, the additional rete. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electrlc boat~ .,. evallable by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport BN<!h. All boats are equipped with window , enclosures end CO players. Ice and cops are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental ls $75. (949) 646--6812. P9da( boats • .i.ctrlc boats. boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans. beach fumiture and wetsolts are available for rent at Resort Water Sporu at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours are o"-9d bv the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102·8. The $76 cost includes a basket of bread. cheese, salami, Ice. gfaaae1, a blanket, mualc and a Polaroid picture. Wine fa also avalfable. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adventiu-.1"9wport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offel'$ one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne It $70. A two-hour tour wi1h dinner and dlampegne la $180. Plc*up 11 available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. INtlM Coast Charten In Udo Marina Village off era two-hour electric boat crultet with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance oe.r. dely tours of Newport Harbor during luncti and dinner. Call (949) 676-4730. Th• tours go out of Udo M1rlna Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newpon Beach. CRUISES Join Cept. Don Mo1e1-v on the beeudful ultlng yacht Dulcinea for a narnted Newport Harbor orulM of the fabulout waterfront homes end boats of the rid\ and f1mous, ... the aea lion colony, end ult~ tpeCteculer cool-<tUmmer, wenn·f•ll Southern C411fomla couttlne to Ugunt htlCh or Dant Pofnt. Aa a prtvate blf'lhday, ennlvetMry or tp9del 9Vtlnt? Sell, awlm, ~ ... kaylk, aunbdM, '4ll8td\ dotphlne, and dine et~ for the d~ygull'ftfe vecltJon It CetaNN llland on tNa we1 epPolni.d. u.s:tout Gulf'd lnepected 'llWtl.ASA aelNng lnttrucdon end~ .. Butlneeecon~ facilfty. Information~ htrp:llwww~ciom. -'tMll>«Adott•yahoo.com. (948) 832-3738. .................... IWO-hoUr ONiMI of~ Hetbot cm perONfel> • Under lh1I approach. of- tlcen would be spread =out the city, Hen- 1loy taid. In the put. lf problems Oared up on John Hensley the WCIUlde. for example. officers would be sent there to deal with It and then go back to patrolling the city. Then things would subside for a while. When something happened again, the officers would go back. Community policing would allaw officers assigned to the Westside to wort that beat day In and day out. Hensley said. ·we would take care or prob- lems on a consistent basls and solve I the problem) then." Hen- sley said. "We wouldn't wait un- til we start getting complaints or some crime occurs." Mayor Gary Monahan said the resoluUon confirms the atti- tude the city already has toward policing. "Being more proactive Is defi· nitely now, and always has been, a good idea. and I think we've been proactive in the past.• Monahan said. "This is a little more emphasis on community.· •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached et (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newmanl§latimes.com. lot was about two·thlrds full, with more customers arriving. A few customers said they had heard about the union's decision in the news, and a few others said they were shopping anyway. Costa Mesa resident Debon Haskell said she was happy to see the plclcets gone. -rm not their biggest sup- porter," she said. "M y husband is a fireman, and we pay through the nose for health care.· • DEEPA SHARA™ covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bhsr•tht!i latimes.com. MARISA O'NEA. covers education. She may be reirched at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at m11rf1s.oneil@ /slimes.com. Round-trip hotel or off-th&--water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pic*-up from resi.uranta with docU Is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291· 1953 or hap:l!Www. wattsonthe harbor.com. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers Fall Bus Tours to the San Diego Maritime Museum. The bus leaves at 9 a.m. and returns at approximately 4 p.m. Enjoy a no-host lunch at the Fish Martet. The cost i1 $20 per person. Information: info@nhnm or(J. The Newport landing Balle i1 available for weddings and receptions, cocktail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $600 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361·3640. Fun Zona Boet Co. rum a 45-mlnute cruise (adults, $6; ctiildren, $1) and a 90-minute cruise (adults, $8; dllldren, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutu from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 60-mlnute showboat aunaet cruise (adults, $8; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. dally. Private dlarters are available. (949) 873--0240. c.talna Puaenger S.Vicia runs 45-mlnute harbor cruls• (adults, $6; ctilldren, S1) and 90-minute cn.aiaes (adults, $8; ctiildran, Sl ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. dally' and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 873-5246. Crulae the Mfbor aboard the Electra, a 100-foo1 CtaNlc Fantail veuet. Charters With catering ere avarleble for up to 148 paaaengera. (949) 723-1069. A th~dlnnerand dancing white crulling the harbor are avellable at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Seturdaya et Hornblower CrulMa & Evem., 2431 W. Coast Hl~hwty, Newport Beadl. The fM la $69.86 per l*'t<>n on Fridays and S64 on Sttutdaya. Brunet. CNI ... alee> are •vtllfbla. (949) 631·24e9. The c.blnt Ay. depefb fron'I 8\fboa Pavilion at 8 a.m. da ty and retuma from Cltaflna ltland et 4:30 p.m. S38 round-oip for adultl; $29 round-tt1p for dlftdten. Rtlefv9don1 .... tecommended. ( .. ) 873-6248. .. , FU PHOTO I DM.Y Pl.OT The Red Cross gave Hayden Hutchison, 16, a Clara Barton award for her work with cane.er patients. _ Three win Red Cro·ss awards A Corona del Mar teen, a soup ki~chen founder and a Costa Mesa resident are honored for their community involvement. Deirdre Newman OailyPitot NEWPORT-MESA -A tragic family experience insrAred 16- year-old Hayden Hutchison to help others. After her father succumbed to skin cancer, Hayden began volunteering to help out with cancer patients and the chil· dren of cancer patients. On Thursday, the Orange County Red Cross honored Hayden with a Oara Barton Spectrum Award for Outstand· ing Wome.n In the youth cat· egory. An $1,000 scholarship ac- companied the honor, provided by Ford Motor Co. "She's a remarkable young girl with a lot of courage and somebody who's really doing a lot for other kids who have gone through the same t~gedy BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Sand will be thrown in the sea for fire victims Tibetan monks, who spent 14 days creating a colored sand painting ~oted to fire victims at Bowers ... Museum in Santa Ana, will bring it to Corona del Mar tQday to deposit the sand from .J,he painting in the ocean "to heal the victims." The sand painting was made In conjunction with the mu· seum's exhibit "Tibet: 'n'easures from the Roof of the World." Sand Is cautiously poured from a traditional copper funnel. The monks hold the funnel while moving a metal rod over it, and a vibration causes the sa.ria to flow lilc:e a liquid. The sand will be dispersed af- ter a traditional 30-mJnute cer- emony at the museum, 2002 North Main St, at ?.3-0 p.m. The and will be released at the cor- ner of Poppy Avenue and Ocean Boulevard. Meeting set to discuss community center The Newport Coast Advisory Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday at the Newport Coast Elementary School in the multlpurpose room, 6655 J\ldge Park Road. The comminee is charged with bringing a recommenda- tJon to the aty Council on how to spend about $7 mlJJlon to bulld a community center that some realdentl hope will serve as -town square for residents that she bas," said Robert Tarle- ton, manager of Western Re· gion Community Affairs for Ford. Also honored was Merle Hat· leberg of Costa Mesa, founder of Someone Ca.res Soup Kitch- en. Hatleberg, 80, started the soup kitchen in 1986 with a sin- gle pot of soup. Her organiza- tion has evolved to feed about 250 people a day. Hatleberg received the Hu- manitarian Award for improv- ing the quality of life in the community. The warmhearted Hatleberg, who has eight chU- dren and 15 grandchildren, fos· ters a family atmosphere at the soup kitchen. "The most rewarding part Is seeing the smiling faces on these people, especially when ·kidj come in hungry and leave with a full tummy,· Hatleberg of the various Newport Coast subdivisions. Among the ltems for discus- sion are assessment district tax rebates, fuel modification zone~ and the Issue of whether to build a community center for Newport Coast. For more lnfor· mation, vi.sit the city's Web site at http:llwww.city.newport- beach.ca.us or call (949) 644· 3000. Costa Mesa achieves destination status ' Costa Mesa was a popular tourist destination from April through September, thanks to a promotion by the Costa Mesa Conference & Visitor Bureau. ln all, 2,810 room nights, re- presenting 11early $300,000 In gross revenue, were booked as a result of the "Drive and Dine On UsH promotion. The Costa Mesa Conference & Visitor Bu· reau created the promotJon, which ran from April 10 through Sept. 7. The promotion highlighted Costa Mesa's convenient loca- tion in Orange County and em- phasized Its world-class shop· ping venues, internationally acclaimed visual and perform· ing arts and award-winning dining. The city's closeness to beaches, Disneyland and Dis· ney's California Adventure was also promoted. Upon check-lo, guests re- ceived $40 dinner certificates for each nlght of thelr two- night minimum stay. Al a spe- claJ incentive, guesta were sent $25 to offset the cost of gaso- line, along with a gift certificate pacbge worth approximately $250. These Items were mailed within a few weeks of their visit said, adding that she also start- ed a tutoring program a few years ago for children at Po· mona Elementary School. Hatleberg tries to help others as much as she can, even when it requires spending her own money. Just recently, she put up a family of seven at a hotel. She bemoaned the dwindling of do- nations in the past year. "Money Is not coming in," Hatleberg said. "h's been bad for a while. I'm not rich by any means, but I try to do as much as l can.• Costa Mesa resident Layla Abdul received the Peri.onal Achievement award, given to someone who has overcome "extraordinary obstacles in Im- proving the quality of her own life or that of others in the com- munity.· Abdul could not be reached for comment. • DEIR.DRE NEWMAN covers Co1ta Me1e and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail et delrdre.newman@/st1me•.com. to Costa Mesa. The promotion drew visitors most heavily from Los Angeles County, whJch accounted for 32% of the totaJ. Park to be named for fallen officers Costa Mesa will dedicate its newest park on Nov. 21 to two police officers who died in the line of duty. Ketchum-Llbolt Park will honor Dave Ketchum and Mike Llbolt, who died In a helicopter r.rash on March 10, 1976, dur- ing the pursuit of a stolen vchi· cle. They were both IS-year vet· erans of the city's police force. The dedication ceremony wiU include city council members, families of the fallen officers and city staff. The 15,000· square-foot park Is at 2150 Ma· pie St. It contains a tot lot, a memorial plaque and a pad for the Mobile Recreation Program. For more information, caJI (714) 327-7527. Registrati~n will begin for teen camp Nov. 24 Costa Mesa will host a two· week Winter Teen Camp from Dec. 22 to Jan. 2 for ldds in the seventh, eighth and nmth grades. Campers will enjoy daily excursions to places such as Magic MountaJn, Knott's Berry Farm and the Aquarium of the Pacific. as well as local malls. There are only 13 spaces available. Registration will start Nov. 24 and continue until the camp is full. For more lnfonnation, call the Downt6wn RecreatJon Ccn· ter at (7.14) 327-7560. MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Leal BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT .\ Saturday. November 1, 2003. A5 We'll Be Open Forever! <JQstorante· :Mamma (jina's 7di Anniversary Celebration and Lease Renewal W. Irwit.e All Of Ow LoyJ PrimJs To 0,,,,. fa.in TIH Fativilio For TIN Ho/;Up Featuring Delicious New Menu Selections Lunch, Brunch, and Dinn~r l..Gse Renewal Party . Nov. 12th 5·8pm in Bayside Lounge-• Sunset Jazz Parties {Lounge) M-Fri 5-7 Complimentary Buffet, Cockta1l Specials Reserve Your Holiday Special Events Today (949) 673-9500 . www.mammagtna.com Monday-Friday: 4:30-6:15 • 25 1 East Coast Highway• Newpon Beach H.J. Garrett Furniture Full Design Consulting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. thru Sat. I 0 to 6, Sun. 12 to 5 now 11va1"1.bk Quality Service Value FAMILY IS WHY YOU DO ITALL. WHERE \YOU LIVE. We all fed chc lllJIC commitment to ca.re for our families. ~ your good neighbor ag<nt, I an help you mett your lnwl"tll« and fina.ncial necJ... Call me 1oday. \ Sufta HiU, A nc 1 ... *ll0611 ~·~9\9) UICE A GOOD NfJCHIOl ( 41 STATE FAlM lS 1lfEllf."' 2003 marks a milestone for Newpon .Florist Ind ft is our 40ch annivCl'Sal)'. as a premium tloriJt and Ao~r warchowc snving the grntcr Orangt County area. Wt arc proud to oclebracc this occasion and would li~ to Wee the opportunity to thank our community and loval dicntdc for their concinuous su~. As part of 1hc top 300 fforists in the nation, Newport Florist loc. lw connnue<I to supply the freshest merchandise combined with top,q~iry service. Our floral scrviccs extend from C"VCOI planning for wcddLng. parucs and ncrychy occasions such a.s birthchys, annivcrwics, b1nlu, ere Our warcholJS( in N~rt Beach dOcs include a frcjh tlowcr sccuon where our ulcntc<l customers ClJ1 P.artah m purch.uing and c.rcaung their own special floral designs at a cfucowu pnoc. In order 10 th.-tnk our c:xuuog mcmbcn of the communuy, w.: arc ofrcnng a special promouon fur che ncxr several montlu of a dozen &mdcirian roses ;arranged in a bubble bowl in more clun ten diff(rcot colors for only $35.00. Ar this .hhulom price there is no cxcusc not to send your 10\'cd one flowers. We carry an cncnsive variay of bratht.ak.ing rose colors as peach, lavenda, rustic brown, magcna, in addiuon to many iwo ronc types of roses as wh11c with pi~ or 1cUow w11h oran~. Pleuc rd"cren« ncm I I 000 for this s~al offer. To wdcomc our new members of the communny. we encourage you .to visn our warchowc ac 88.2 West 16th Street in Ncwpon Beach. For every new accounc o_pcned in the month of Scpcembcr and Oaobcr. we m offering a frtt fmh flower bouquet. Hdp w concinuc to grow and serve the Ncwpon Beach aJQ. For a fnc floral broc:hUR of our ~ dajp call 111 toll &ec at f00.669-0U6 Or )'OU~ vWt U1 OD die wd) to new Oftr 100 don.I ca at ~R'l'FLOBJST.COM. .. .. COMMUNITY & CLUBS A day to Cele~rate diVeJ:sity r Faire Polac:. Departinent and South near ~ Uabu4t d1ICUU , 'B eyond Peace: Breaking Through pro mot C'.oMt Plaza contrtbuted to the •NM from Cinematography" • Q.iltUraJ and Rdlglout reaped, eveht. (http;/lllllAlp0"""'4ch Barrien• ls the theme for the unMr· •rt truly wu a conununlty sunrlmotary.org/lnda.hmt1. 10th annual RellgloWI Divertlty llCAndln8 and tffon. with ...... ftmywu'cl 6:30 p.m.: The c.osta Maa Alltt, at UC lrvtne atudent apptedation and MattaMe ~teMng Newport Hatbor IJona Oub will center Crom 10 o.m. to 6 p.m. among the as co·cha.lrs or the successful meet at the Costa Mesa Country today. many faith fund-raiser," Carol Van Holt Oub. The keynote spea.Ur will be traditions of said. Robert Mulln, Cormtr asshtant Orange PROUD OF THEIR MEMBERS WBDNBSD\Y secretary-general of the United County 7:15 a.m.: The 10-member Nation&. Ourtng bis 40 years ~ · communities. A special photo supplement South Coast Metro Rotary Oub behind the scenes at the United It b was acided to' last we.e~s will meet at the Center Oub Nations, Muller was known as sponsofed by Splndrtff, which ls published for ( h1rp:l/wwwsouthooas11mtro the •phiJQsopher" and the the OO:ice or Equal Opportunity the members of the Hxchange rotary.ol"B); and the Newpon "prophet or hope." From his and Diversity of UC lrvlne. the Ouh or Newport 'Harbor, listing Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet vaotage or a top-level globaJ Alliance for Spiritual the six club memhers who made at the University Athledc Oub. stat8$m&n, be bas seen a strong Community and the National the Dally Pilot's I I or 103 most Noon: The~ Oub of coMection between aplrltuallty C-onfetence for Community and ln.Ouentfal Newport Harbor the Orange Coast will meet at the and the poUticaJ and cultural JustJce. residents In 2003. Bahia Corinth.Ian Yacht Oub. scene. Muller ls author or "New Balboa lsland Feny owner 6 p.m. the Rotary Oub of Genesis, Sharing A Global MEET 11£ DORY FISHERMAN Seymour Beek was No. 15, auto Newport Balboa will meet at the Spirituality." Stew llM:obar, a Dory deaJer Theodore "'Bob" Robins Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to Morning eventJ will loclude fisherman. will tell how he was No. 16, attorney Rick 1aylor h~ Sara Cullen with an update concurrent religious spends bis day fishing for was No. 49, Nautical Museum on the new tax laws and other observances of elgllt falth lobster, crab and other marine CEO Glenn 7.agoreo was No. 95, year-end considerations. groups and an ongolng viewing crustacean.s from 7:30 to 8:30 benefactor John Crean was on of the film ·0o Common p.m. on Thursday at the Bahia the all·hme list, and developer TIIURSD\Y Ground,• which la a Corinthian Vache Oub. Steve Sutherland made 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member documentary about three F.scobar will be bringing live honorable mention. Costa Mesa·Orange Costa Orange County congregations lobster and crabs and even.a ·' Congratulations! Thal is an Breakfast Uons Oub will meet -one Muslim, one Jewish and few live octopus fot-sbow. tell inOuential club! at Mimi's Caf~. one OuistJall -that go1 and touch. If you or your ·Noon: The 50-member Costa together and built a house ln children haven't ever met or WORTH REPEATING Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at Mexico. couched a live octopus. one of From Thought for the Day the Holiday Inn A mulllcultural lunch will be the smartest marine animals, provided by Greg Kelley of the (http://www.kiwanis. served at noon. with food from this is a time to remember! Newport Mesa Irvine lnterfajth orglclublcostamesa); the the Sikh, Muslim, Baha'l and Guests will also learn how to Council: 50-member Kiwanis Oub of Monnon communities. The prepare lobster and crab for HUntil you make peace 1qifh Newport Bead:l-Corona del Mar opening ceremooy will include cooking and will receive recipes who you are, you will never be · will meet at the Bahia Corinthian drummlntand Oute by Healing fro~e head chef of Bahla content w~u IUlve." Yacht Oub to hear Orange C.ountf Rhythms and tonK-' by the Co nthian Yacht Oub. -DORIS Register reporter Gonion DWow Tushmal Singers. from the Reservations are not required. disa.ts.5 hJs experience as an Achajeman Ttibe. SERVICE CLUB •f.mbedded Reporter in Iraq with To keep the.Faire open to as SUCCESSFUL FUND-RAISER MEETINGS THIS WEEK U.S. Marines"; the Exchange Oub many people as possible, the The Harbor Mesa Uons Oub of Newport Harbor will meet at cost has been kept to a had a very successful casino MONll\Y the Nautical Museum for a suggested donatJon of at least night last week. raising mor 6:30 p.rn.: The 1 larbor Mesa b~es.s meeting and the Rotary $15. The 5tijdcnc fee ls onJY$5. than $6,700 for local charities, Uons will meet at the Co~ta Oub of Newport IIvine will meet For more information on the member Carol Van Holt said. Mesa Country Oub. Disttjct at the Atrium Hotel program, visit the Web site: ·11 was the biggest fund-raiser 4-lA Gov. Jim North will be (lmp:llwww.nirotary.oriD. MW1.rellglousdiwrsityf aire.org. we have ever had," she added. visiting the club with several The student center is on Pereira Thegrandpriz.eofa$300 members or hjs cablnel • COMMUMTY a ewes ii Drive just off West Peltason South Coast Plaza shopping published Saturdays In the Daily Drive. Parking ls in the structure spree was won by her TUFSOAY Pilot Send your service club'• right across the street at the cost sister-in-Jaw, Oaudla Van Holt. 7: JO a.m.: The 40·member meeting information by fax to (7141 of$5. The Costa Mesa Police Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary 921-8655 or by e-mail to jdeboom@ The yearly R~ligious Diversity Department. the Newport Beach Oub will meet at Five Crowns to sol.com. GETTING promotes the spcial welfare by Tuesday nights for fo~r-part WEllNESS COMMUNITY educating the public and harmony, or Barbershop-style OF ORANGE COUNTY INVOLVED improving local government In singing. (949) 495-5685. The Wellness Community needs Newport Beach holds monthly volunteers to help at the ~ meetings the second Wednesday TEU-A.fRtENO reception desk during the day. • GETTING INWlVED runs of each month at the Newport Orange County cancer groups (714) 258-1210. periodically in the Daily Pilot on a Besen Tennis Oub. A reception seek volunteers to encourage rotating balls. For information on begins at 5:30 p.m~ and meetings women to have mammograms. WEST SIDE BOYS adding your organization to this begin at 6 p.m. Free. Annual Participants will take part in a &. GIRlS CLUB list, call (949) 574-4298. membership dues are $20. Send one-oo-one program of Volunteers are needed from 2:30 cfledt to "Speak Up Newport;" education and encouragement to 5:30 p.m. Mondays and SOMEONE CARES P.O. Box 2594, Newport Beactt, CA specffically related to Thursdays to tutor students in SOUP KITCHEN 92663. (949) 673-1191. mammograms and ear1y breast first through sixth grades In Someone Cares Soup Kitchen cancer detection. The Susan G. reading. (9491631-n24. needs food servers and STTI'CHES FROM ntE HEART Kamen Breast Cancer volunteers for kJtcflen duties. The Made up of a group of women Foundation, (714) 957·9157. WOMEN HELPING WOMEN organization is at 720 W. 19th St, from Southern California who The Costa Mesa-based Costa M .... (949) 548-8861. love to knit and crochet, the UNDERGROUND organization provides support for ' nonprofit corporation is looking The Underground program, a needy women to become SOUTH COAST for volunteers to knic and crochet function of Child's Pace, provides self-sufficient by gaining L:ITERACY COUNCIL hats, booties and blankets for toelal activities and interaction employment Volunteers are Volunteer tutors are needed to premature' babies and babies in for adoleacen ... Volunteers are needed In the organization's meet a greater demand for need. Kathy Silverton. (310) needed in many areas. (949) Professional Clothes Closet to literacy end English 11111 second 472-6903. 648-8849. assists clients and sort clothing. language classes. Students are SUSAN G. KOMEN BREAST The organization is at 711 W. 17th taught English reading, writing VISIONS FOR PRISONS St, Suite A· 10, Costa Mesa. and speaking skills at their own CANCER FOUNDATION Visions for Prisons, a nonprofrt Information: (949) 631-2333, level In small groupt or one on Volunteers are needed for a program chat teacflea attitudinal http://www.whw.org. ~.There are centers all over variety of positions to help the healing and meditation in prison, Orange County. Once trained. Foundation with the 12th annual needs typists to transcribe letters WYLAND FOUNDATION tutors may choose the center ~ Komen Orange ~nty Race for from Inmates to troubled kids. The Wyland Foundation, wtilcn which they want tote~. Mary the Cura. The raoa Is Sept. 28 at Weekday houri, Mesa del Mar. encourages greater awarene11 of Fitzgerald, (949) 468-8664 Fashion Island in Newport Beacn. (714) 666-8000. ocean conservation, Is seeking SOUTH COAST More than 30,000 participants are volunteers for clerical and expected, and 2,000 volunteers VOLUNTEER CENTER OF computer help and grant writing. REPERTORY TMEATER are needed. lnfonnatlon: (714) GREATER ORANGE COUNTY (949) 497-6723. The Sooth Cout Repertory 967-9167. With more then 1,600 volunteer Theater needs volunteers to help hrtp.:l!Www.octomen.com. opportunities, the Volunteer YMCA with ushering (He plays free) and Center will matcfl ~e and The YMCA's Building Life Options other functions. (714) 708-5600. SWEET ADEUNES groupe wishing to volunteer with Mentor Program is looking for OF ORANGE COUNTY nonprofit agencies In thalr area. volunteers to mentor and tutor SPEAK UP NEWPORT Thnlnglng group lnvlt• women Volunteer tonnectJon Una, (714) teens in Co.ia Mesa. Information; A oonproflt organization that who Ilka to sing to join them 953-571\7. ext. 106. (714) 838--0181, ext. 110 . . \ L ... lle11•oRI A Cl1al1P · -···- •a1t111•om m Ill••• ii!MV •1H1111•" en•I •MetlelOlllV . '· llAUll • • Saturday, November l, 2003 A7 Le11t:e11 ••e•lonal ""'*" Cllal11e ••nv . ... 11111•• •• ••i••• ...... 0 -· .... aCllal• -.eonllAL ----Wllllll 111 - Ellis St . Al Slb.tdaY. NoYembet 1. 2003 FORUM. HOW TO GET PUIUIHED -1AU11n: Mell to Editorial ,,. Editor S.J. Clhh .t the [)ejly Pilot. 330 W. hy St, Costa ~. CA 92827 • ,......_ Hot1nt: Cell (949) &42..f084 Fex: Send to (949) 84M170 E<fMll:SMd to "-6/ypllot latim..oom •All ~must lndude full name, hometown and l)Mne number (for ve~on purpotee). The Piiot NHMll the tfght to edit ell eubmluions for derlty and length. MAILBAG All's fair at Fairview Parle though, because 95"' o( th.ls ~ or except sports fieJds habitat has been paved over. e landscape you Ond more pleasing ls this ls ln reaponJe to the Readm the ~ult or the bUJ'lWl need to Re5pond on Fairv\ew Part that was In control nature -the result of people lbunday's Forum lediob. like Wllllam MulhoDAnd, who usurped So, let me try to understand thJa. · natural water 1upplles to populate a Rlirvlew Pa.tk Is now a Nad\'e American desert for proOt and pow(r. cemetery, and thJs lnfonnadon goes I enjoy Fairview Park because I •tlll back to 1935. That's 68 years ego. :;t> why have the chance to see a gopher was this not brought up when they built snake, a coyote, a red-tailed hawk all dlOM homea on that part of town? I and, yes. even a wiJ:Uer burrowing owl.· guess Its OK to build homes, IChools. The park sf ts adjacent to lalbert roads. and goH COW'lel on sacred spots, Just not sporu fields. Nature Preserve, and both provide needed open apace 1n this othe.rwt.e The writer compares Pal.rvtew Park wtth the local cemeterle.. but the last dismal landscape. Those who keep anacldng Fairview Park in actJon and time I looked, there was not a small attltude walk through the landscape train driving children over the graves at and see dust and weeds. I walk Pad& View or a dog show going on at through Fairview Park and see a story Harbor Lawn. • -the tracb, the teat. the sounds. the l don't undmtand why anything is • welcomed at Fairview Part except spOrts battles. The biggest battle la being waged by humanJcind in an effort to Delds. If the Segmtroms wanted to dominate that which we ought to bu11d yet another petformlng arts center protect. on the spot. lhls mue of Native At the Costa Mesa City Council Americans, small owls and native plants meeting on Oct. 20, an older would ~ulckly disappear. gentleman showed a plctUre of a ' I don live In the city Clf Costa Mesa. U·Haul and saJd we would tee ·more but this must be what the residents orthese· lfwe did not develop want. because they have the power to FalJ'vlew Park. The day.after we change it CHARLES MASSINGIU develop Fairview Park, my house wiU be on the maiket. and I will leave the ~nBeach state I have called home for over 4-0 years. Until then, I will fight for that Fairview is representative of "patch of weeds" and that "tiny Uttle Gllifomia landscape hooter,· because, as usuaJ, the opponent -humankind -ls Re: "The owl outsmarts everyone.· formJdable. by LolHa Harper, whlch ran Oct. 22: J.B. "I DON'T NEED Costa Mesa is a microcosm of TREES TO BE. A northern Orange County and a perfect TREE-HUGGER" UTVAK example of wt1an 1prawl that result6 Costa Mesa from -poor or no -planning. Falrvtew Park ls the last bastion of Alternative to 19th Street •naturar landscape in Costa Mesa. bridge causes problems and even It has been consistently auauhed: model trains and tracks. According to the Santa.Ana River encroaching neighbors, those who Crossing Study, the alternative to illegally cover vemaJ pools with fill extending 19th Street via a bridge to din. and those who just can't leave it Brookhurst Street in Huntington a.lone. Beach ls to build Bluff Rood th.rough What Is It about Fairview Park? Do Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. you find it ugly? Well, if yo CJ do, then Bluff Road will connect Victoria you find the Coastal Sage Scrub Street, just east or the Santa Ana RJ~r. habitat or CaJlfornla ugly. Don't worry. to the west end or 19th Street. It will LIMITED TIME ONLY ONE-HOUR SPA TREATMENT SPECIAL $60 rouow the base or the bluff directly below the Marina High.land.I homes In Costa Mesa. go past the Se.abluff Canyon town homes and continue, adjaoent to the Newport Terrace condom.lnJuma, to 19th Street. Bluff Road ls projected to carry 21,000 can per day past these homes lf the 19th Street Bridge ls oot buUt With the Blutl'Road altemadve. 19th Sueet from Bluff Road to Placentia Avenue la also projected to carry 19,000 cars per day. Bluff Road will continue south, on the view alde of the Marina View homes and California Seabreeze homes in Costa Mesa. to 17th Street and wiU carry 7 ,000 can per day on this section of road. It will then connect with 15th Street and ultimately end at Pacific Coast Highway. Bluff Road for Its entire length will be through actual or potential parkland. Questions need to be uked if I.his option la selected. How Is West 19th Street going to fiCCOmmodate 19,000 can per day1 Could mending 19th Street to Brookhurst Street In Huntington Beach allow for the elimination of Bluff Road and its adverse etfects on a major park and many residentlaJ areas? Would extending 19th Street be paJd for with Cederal, atate and county money because It connects a freeway with a state beach? Would buUdlng Bluff Road, a local road, require local funding? Why didn't the study include projecting dally traffic increases that would occur on Victoria Street and Adams Avenue If both the 19th Sueet extension and Bluff Road were not bullt7 Why haven't east side Costa Mesa residents been informed that. based on the Santa Ana River Crossings Study, mending 19th Street or building Bluff Road wtlJ result in the same traffic-volume on east 19th Street regardless of which one is chosen. Why don't mitigation cost estimates for removing the extension of 19th Street from the County Master- Plan of Highways Include the cost of building Bluff Road7 The key question however. is what is best for the majority or Costa Mesa's SPO"TS/Oee, THEAAPUETIC MASSAGE • Hor STONE THEAA,Y MASSAGE SWEOm-4 RELAXATION MASSAGE • MATERNITY MASSAGE • kULEXOLOGY FACIALS GAYLEE SIGNAlVl'I F~w. • Cou.>GEN Noul\tSHING FACW.. Har STONE THONY FACIAL• G~"S fACW; "'""'' · .. ~ TREATMENTS '~MY PA.'>lftN 800( Ww • GMIN TIA Dr1aanNI loar\YW \ MAAGAAITA ~T Glow.~ P-.aTwmlNT's Glvc:ouc TMATf'91TS • CHa1lc:AL Ms . HOW TO CONTACT YOUR Westilde te$ldences and businesses REPRESENTATIVES and what would be least Intrusive to the environment? The extension of 19th Street over a bridge to CtTY OF COSTA MESA Brookhurst Street in Huotington Costa Meu ~Halt, n Feir Drive, Beach or Bluff Road? Both are Costa Meu, CA 92626, (714) 754-6223 presently on the County Master Plan ~Gary Monahan oftUghways. Counclt Ubby Cowan, Allan Manaoor, ROBERT GRAHAM Mike Scheafer and Chrt. Steel Costa Me~ CtTY OF NEWPORT BEACH .C.Osta Mesa, Newport Newport Beflc:h City Hall, 3300 Beach: let's make a deal Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663,(949)644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg I th.Ink c.osta Mesa should make a deal Council: Gary Adema, John with Newport. We. will consider 19th Heffernan. Olde Nichols, Steven Street bridge if Newport will allow the Rolansky, Tod R~ ~Don Costa Mesa Freeway to go from 19th Webb Street to Padflc Coast Highway. That's what should have been done all along, COAST COMMUNfTY COWGE but they blocked IL DISTRICT ARDYHURST District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) In short, bring on 432·5898 Chanc:.llor: Wiiiiam M. Vega the 19th Street bridge Board: Preaktent Paul Berger, VIOe President Armando Ruiz,.George 1 am a C.OSta Mesa business owner and Brown, Jerry Patteraon and Walter G .. residenr for 18 years. and yes, I want the Hawald; student trustee Madeline bridse built aaoss 19th Slreet. Levy LESLIE A. MCCARTHY. NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED Cosra Mesa SCHOOL DISTRICT Bridge wilJ destroy District Office: 2986-A Bear St., last bits of nature Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-6000 ln reference to the 19th Street · Superintendent: Robert Barbot bridge. I live In Newpon Beach. I drive Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blac:lc, Cleric Serene . 19th Street everyday, sometimes from Stokes. David Brooka, Tom Egan, one end to the other. I do not think Judy Franco and Linda Sneen Newport Beach needs another bridge. lf we must, let's utilize what we have MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER already in existence and widen it to DISTRtcT accommodate more traffic. 1966 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa, CA To place a bridge across 19th Street 92627, (949) 631-1200 to Banning ln Huhtlngton Beach is as Board: President Jim Atkinson. VICI much as saying, "Let's-develop what President Mike Healey, Trudy little open space there is lefti-We aJJ Ohllg-H•ll, Fred Boc*mlller and Paul E. know that If.the brid&e ls bullt it wtJI Shoenberger bring with it more housing and business developments. COSTA MESA SANrrARY DISTRICT 1 prefer a quiet ruraJ type area P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa, CA where I can still observe narure. 92628-1200, (714) 764-5043 No bridge at 19th Street! Board: Preaident Arlene Schafer, KAREN HANNERS Jim Ferryman, Art Perry, Greg Newport Beach Woodside and Dan Worthington r--I . • .. .. SOCIETY Saturday, NoY8mber 1, 2003 Al THE CROWD Eating and drinking . to .. the DP 103 WEDDINGS Allen-Smith ''You are here because youmaba difference. It doesn't mean that you did anythl.n3 good.• Newport Mayor Stew Bromberg laid to a near-capacity crowd corning together for a luncheon In celebration of the 2003 Daily Pilot's 103 Most lnfluendal 0"1.ens of Newport-Mesa. Hosted by the Balboa BayOub& Resort. represented by cl\11> Presi<fent Hauy .8chJeletn. No. 1l2 on the DP l 03 list. the dJverse 8.W. COOK· giubering proved once again to be a combination roast, toast and rally. Led by Daily Pilot Publisher Tum Johmon, and supported by Daily Pilot and Times Community News F.dltorial Director Tuny Dodero and Pilot Managing F.d1tor S.J. Cahn, the Bay Oub event brought laughter over golfing foibles a.s a putting tee was set up in the dining room. LA nmes executive Jeff Johmon was plned against Newport golf champ Marianne Tuweney, No. 36 on the DP 103. Johnson held his own and · cheers rose from the luncheon audience as he sunk his putt. Golf frustrations became the thread of the afternoon speakers. Rabbi Mark MJ.Der, giving the traditional final benediction at the conclusion of the event. used the golfer's mullisa!' to iJ41strate, •Real life has no mUwgans." "We can not retract yesterday or reronn the past," he said "We mU.st strive to live by our good word and deed because we do not get a mulligan when we go olJ the path." It was a fitting conclusion to a ceremony that shared barb and sentiment. From poldng fun at <:osta Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan over the drawn-out debate over-a city skate board palk to forcing retlrtng Newport Beach City Atty. 80b Burnham to sf.n8-speak the words to the Sinatra standard "My Way" and forcing Jim Gray to actually perfonn a skat~boarding move after Cahris remark that "not every skate boarder 1.$ a criminaJ ... unlike politicians," It was a day to honor "the few. the proud: • Setting the tone or irreverence, Johmon began the.luncheon ceremony by speakjng in Spanlsb. referring to the firestorm or public response to Oty Councilman Dick Nkboll' remarks earlier this year about "Mexicans" at Corona del Mar State Beach. Pilot editors named •Mexicans" as No. 6 on the DP 103 list. Thbutes were made to many In the crowd for their community service, including retired Costa Mesa Police Chief Deft Snowden. F.stancia High School coach Q1dg Ftrdg 8J1d the late Ou1a Pre:mtt, Hoag Hospital adwcate and media rep working with the 1bshiba Senior Oassic. Premer was lc:illed in a recent small plane downing en route from Orange County to Northern California Also honored was <:osta Mesa's Joee Garibay. a Marine lcilled in service during the war ln Iraq. The Irvine Co.'s Mike MclCIJe, No. 11 on the DP 103, shared statistics on the Hoag Hospital Woman's Pavilion expansion effort, lening it be known that $52 million has been raised in a $200-million effort. WWe are still seeking a name sponsor," ht; said. A $20-million donation will secure that title position. Spotted In the crowd were 103 honorees Lula HaJ&c:re of Traditional Jewelers; Tod ~Carol Hoffman; Mllce Schearer and Thn Riley, who shared an update on the firefighting effort in California; Dan Man:heano of the Arches Restaurant; Bob McDonnell; and David Emmes and Martin BeNon from South Coast Repertory Theatre. Also in the crowd were Craig Fertig Mike McKee Dave Snowden Vanguard Unjversity president Murray Dempster, Newport I lamor High School Principal MJchael Voeem. BW Mountford, Brett Hanphlll, John Blom and Avtva Goelman. NOTICE OF VACANCY . THE crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS TO FILL THE FOLLOWING UNSCHEDULED VACANCY (ONESFA1): . PARKS, BF.ACHF.S & RECREATION COMMISSION (TERM EXPIRES 6/30/07) THE DEADLINE FOR FILING APPLICATIONS IS 4;QQ P.M. ON TIIURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 2003. THE APPLICATION BLANK AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMMISSION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE Cl'IY CLERK'S OFFICE, 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD, OR WILL BE MAILED OR FAXED TO YOU BY Ct\U..ING 949-644-3005. THE APPLICATION AND INFORMATION ABOtrr THE COMMISSION CAN ALSO BE ACCESSED THROUGH THE <;JlY'S WEB SITE AT: www.c:ity.newpon·beach.ca.w [ Geoaal lnfo/Citiuo Participation Info I FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE cm CLF.RK'S OFFICE AT 949-644.3005. \ I I • Gary Monahan Henry S~hielein Marianne Towersey Kobe Bryant and...Karl Malone, sharing position No. I 02 on lhe list, were conspicuously absent. • ntE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. Oui.eina Suzanne Allen of Newport Beach and Wilbur Holmes SmJth m of StOckton euhanged vows at St. James ~opal Qiurch In Newport Beach on May lO. · ~ bride, the daughttr of Patrick and suan Allen of Newport Beach. wore a white eilk organza~ Ouistoa. The ml.Id of honor was Sandra 2.a(cades. The br1de1111l.lck were Jenny Johnson, Melissa Christina Suzanne Allen and Estabrook. £rln Collins, Wiibur Holmes Smith Ill Monica Spohr, Amy Smith and Amanda Smith. The bridegroom Is the son of Wilbur Smith n IUld SuHn dePolo or Stockton. The best man was Joseph Paper. The ushers were John Tumm.lnello, Robert Derck. Mark Wolf, Joteph Fleiscbaker, Kevin Lane, Milian Thomas, Robert Mitchell, Bill Murphy and Michael Mulvihill Jr. 'Ibe reception took place at the Newport Harbor Yacht Oub with 270 guests In attendance. The couple toolc a honeymoon trlp to HawaJJ. Weidberg-Klein Suzanne Molly Weldberg and Devon Andrew x:Jeln exchanged VOWS al Temple Bat Yahm In Newport Beach on Aug. 31. The brlde la the daughter of Sharoat and Bertrand Weldberg of IrVlne.· _ The maid of honor was Jill Hatton. The brldesmaJda were Ell.zJbeth Maciag, Lynn Morgan, Melissa Klein, Bonnie Altman, Janine Rethy, 5'rl Colin, Joanne Noble, Gina Gilmore, Jeanneue Scberzfnger and Devon Andrew Klein and Rochelle Ironstone. Suzanne Maly Weidberg The bridegroom is the sori or Annie and Rabbi MJchael Klein of Howell, New Jersey. The best man was Michael Schwartz. The ushers were Andrew Hollender, Dani~l Rosenberg. Brian Wechter, Brtan Sugar, Ross Goldstein, Neil Schwartz. Jeffrey Palker and John Pollack. The couple took a honeymoon trip to French Polynesla. • WEDDfNGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, please call Luis Pefta at (949) 574--4298. • --Did You Know? *That we ~re a full service nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape designers. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to~ Nurseries and let us show you how." ---• NURSERIES, INC.---• COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 2 700 Bristol St. (71 4) 754-6661 2600 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 633-9200 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO Manager Flowerdale Nunery • Costa Mesa Master Nursery Prof esslonal COMPLETE LANDSCAPING • 45 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSE # 308553 CYCLING OUR WORKOUT IN ro YOUR SCHEDULE FOR GREAT RESULTS • ~. \ AlO ~. NoW111•" 1, 2003 ... FAITH .. THE MORAL OF THE STORY Everyday is a specitltone "11w 11/tttt of staying 10""'8 II to Uve honestly. etU slowly and Jk about your 41& • -LUCUBAU. "I thlnlc /(t wond4rfW you could all bf lwrw for IM "3rd annlwnt1ry of my S91h . birthday. ~ dldd«I not lo 11.ght tM awJJa this year- UAI Wlm afra/dl'an Am would ml.stab It fora~· -BOB HOPE "I am In IM prlma of senillt):" . -JOEL CHANDLER HARASS . '71ie harr.la1 yMn In lif• arw tho# bttwtien JO and 70." -HE.Elf HAYES "My mother Is going to have to stop lying about Mr age btcause p~tty soon rm going to ~ oltkr than slie ls." -TRIPP EVANS "Birthdays all whm a man takes a day off and a woman takes a year off." -UNt<NOWN T here were ao many fun quotesti>out birthdays that I decided to use a larger selection than normal I thought about blrthdaya and experienced one of my own In the month or October. It Sttmed like October flew by more qulc.kty this year than ever before. I probably aaJd that last.year, and lt'1 likely J'U eay It apln, poaslbly every month. My father'• birthday was the day before mJne, and my mother'• wu CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON two days afterward. Many f'rlends Uo celebrated October btrthdaya. I enjoyed my preten I.I, but lJlY ~rite thing of all was the pramce or loved ones. Obviously I wasn't physically praent wtth everyone I love, but I heard from many by phone, e-mails and cards. I re-read or re-listened to many of those ~gs and amJled when I did so. I was fortunate to gather with extended 6unUy and friends CJ1Yer a busy weekend of celebrations. I ate deUdous meals. eang wonderful ao~gs u part of an iltsplring church aervtce and much ~ore. It waa a treat to spend time with ourdaughter Kelly and her husband, Ryan, and I WU thrilled that t1ur daughter Arny and her ftan~. 'fyaon, flew down from Northern California to join ln exdtl.ng evente. too. Some or the birthday cards had funny meaqea or clever captions. Others had lweet quotee or though.ta. and I loved how the peraon'a peraonalJty wu reflected In what he or ahe chose. One card's greeting wu: ·1t'1 Yow Birthday!~ On the front was a pastor who .id, "'The Lord neYer tendl us more than we can bear.• When yo\J open the card, it eaya, "'Ibousb tomedmee He lends UI more candles than we can bkJw out!" Another card said, • Prtenda celebrate the things they have ln common and delight ln the thlnp that make them dilferent." My friend wrote a thougb:tful message lnslde. My lister· in· law Kelly eent • wry colorful blnhday card. On the front. there are 13 bright and whimsical coffee mugs. The message ln.alde ts •Sending you birthday wt.shes via espresso mail." I could practically smell the coffee when I opened It. If you think about It.--.. coundess people have birthdays every day of every month of every year. More important than the blrthday Is the fact that God offers uncond1dooal love to each and every one of us. I thank God for the treasured glft or each new day. and for the gift of humor to enjoy each one. God can help make everyday as special and algnificant u a birthday, no matter what our 1ge. And you can quote me on that • CWD'f TRANE CHRl8TE80N It • Newport Beech r•kMnt who epeekl frequ•ntly to perentlng groupe. SM mey b9 rNChed via •m•ll at clndyOonthttgrow.com or through the mall et 537 N9WP0rt Center Drive, Suit. !505. N9WJ)Ort ee.cti, CA 928e0. NOW OPEN UNDER Nf:W OWNERS! - Wonderful rrench f')istro Cuisine Prix Fixe Menu ' Courses t o r $18 & A La Carte M e n u }}~Newport~, Newport r>cadi ~) 67'~ • 6-IOpm Thea-Sun ~\~~~ MIKE'I ~~~°cARPETI OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Pluah Ploorlng Featurinfn ALLOC _No Clue nstallatlon ~·rpet tly..O •2H aq ft /nt:tal/ed Wood .... Floorlng Refinishing & New BertHtrC•rpet . -rv..olA ~ 1 D , Installed aq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls ce·ramics • Wood·• Laminates Ceramic f~~,,.$1 H ft . 'S?llua ~ESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating f¥eeds!'' IN THEORY · Revenge iS best not served : QUESTION: According t<;> your fai th, is revenge ever a justified response to a quarrel? 1bil \'ene teaches not hanh legallsm or~ but that; we ahould respond In proportional degree when attacbd. I n the laWillc faith. ~ts dilc:ourapd. and Co~ Is~ "emphasized and encouraged. If thevlcdm l.nsisU on not fos:gtvlng, then justice bas to be sought tJuougb a legitimate Judiciary l)'ltem. Rewenge leads to more hatred • and eacalates the tension and the anJmosity between the parties. IMAM MOUSTAFA AL-oAZWll l5lam.lc Educadonal Center or Orange County CostaMesa ' -ean exacting retribu~on by _ lnflk:ting punishment ever &trVe to vtndlcate a person after a hostile alten:adon with another1" Th.is question is a mlc:roc:osm or profound questions wt th which all Christians wn:st.le, sudl as ·under what drcurnstances can violence have d.Mne aanctidnr On such questions, good people or faith come to very di.trerent conclusions. Ouistians who tab to heart (St) Pauls COW1Sel 1n Romans 12:19, which quotes , • .Deuteronomy 32:35, would like to beliew that vengeance Is God's prerogadYe. not OWi. and eay that revenge Is never a jmt1fiable respome. But Ibis pdmaty quesdon raises so many secondary ones: Was the original compl&lnt righteous and/or reuonable? Was FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS CAPPEUA CANTORUM tlie quaml vabal and.Joe pb)U:aI1 Did hosdle teeJinp t.ndJ or actions lead to physical and/ or p&yChologlc:a1 andLor em0dooaJ and/ or sptrttual lnjwy, harm or wroogf The old axiom "Never ray never" may be appropriate here. With regard to people who disagree with me or even wbh me ill, Jesus coun.9els not revenge but "C.Onfuse and dlsanntbem with love!. (See Matthew 5:38ft and Luke 6:271[, among many possibilities.) Our Book or Common Prayer (page 816) tw us pray for such penons: -Lead them and us from prejudice to truth; deliver them and us from hatred. auelty, and revenge; and In God's good time enable us all to stand reconciled before God." As with alJ good questions. the best aJlsweT Is God. THE VERY REV. CANON PETER D. HAYNES St Mkhael & All Angels F.plscopal ,Orurch C.Orona del Mar The punlahmeot had to ftt the atme. An •eye for ao eye" meant only an Q'e fol' an eye. not two eyes for~ not a tile for a tooeh. not a ttibe for a life. not a genendional blood feud. Further, ln Jewtsll jurisprudence.. thJI law was DeYer followed literally but, rather, taken to mean suitable monetary punitive damages for lost eyes or Umbe.. Judaism never knew OlutiladOn or torture as lepJ punJshment& Tu the uneducated reader, this passage IOWlds bat6h and punttM. proda1ming the auel doctrine of the barbaric ethic or retrlbutlon. When property understood. this passage Is seen as representing a considerable • ethicaJ improvement What Moses was really teaching was that the punishment must be commensurate with the offense. not WU'eSOictedly severe. measured justice instead or wild revenge. Our responses must be proporUonal to the assault The most persistently Though nMnge must be • misunderstood passage 1n forsworn, evil must be aNwered. Saipnue ls "you ahall give life for · Th.is vme does not refer to the • life, eye for eye. tooth for tooth.• thlnt for vmgeance. but to the Rather 1han commanding auel hunger for justice. revenge. this law was actually a RABBI MARK WUER great advance O'm' the mandates lmtple Bal Yahm of contemporaneous cMltzations. Newport Beach Cappella Cantorum, the young adult choir of St John Vlenney Chapel, 11 beginning Its fifth year. The choir I• open to ltUdenta In gredet six to 12. It providet ICtlve faith participation for teen• during their high echool yea re. Partlclpetlon Includes singing at maaa regulerty and at ipedal events. Reheereal1 ere from 11 SM FAITH, Pase Al 1 Noveniber 7 & 8 Friday &·Saturday 10 am to 4 pm Pu.blic Invited LAGUNA DESIGN. CENTBR ·23s11 Aliso Creek Rd, Laguna Nlguel, CA 926n- At the· corner of Aliso Creek Rd and Alicia PKWY · Tel 949.643,7147 or www.lagunadeslgncenter.com ... FAITH · Continued from Al 0 m. to 1 p.m. s.tUt'dllyt m the l pelet3MM"1neAve., r )()8 llland. Younger c:Nkhn &1• nvtted io Joln. for mo~ Int ITlstioo, cootac:t Nency ICefly, director et (9'9~ ENYIROMEn'Al SCHOlAR~ St Mitt Presbyterian Churcti In Newport Is offering an emlfronm ·nt ·~arship fund for two students. The echol..-.hipa wllJ only be offered through Ch•Pf11an Unlvenity and lJC lrvtn.. lntenmed .iudents lhould contact their flnanclal aid offtce. The edloearahi~ will be awarded In the 1pring of 2004. lnfonnatlon: (949) 644-1341, http:/l.rmarlcpn¥byterl11n.orp. SPIUTUAL HOUR OF PRAYER The Second Churcti of Christ, Scientist will haw a tplritu1I hoor of prayer and thanksgiving, from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday at 3100 Pacific View Drive, Corona delM1r. HOLIDAY BOU11QUE The Cathotlc Oaughtert of The Americas will have their annuat Hotlday Boutlque, baked goods and white elephant sale from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, and from P a.m. tc 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9, at St Joac:f'llm'a Parish Halt, 1964 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 646-2876, (714) 546-5833. CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE The Mothers of Preschoolers program at Mariners Churcti will host its Annual Christmas boutique from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, at Mariners Church Community Center building, 5001 Newport Coast Drive. Information (949) 864-7600, http:/...WWW.marinersdlurch.org IHTERNAllONAL DAY OF PRAYER The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church will be from 5:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. " Sunday at St. James Churcti, 3209 Via Udo, Newport Beach. Information: (949) 675-0210. WORKSHOPS PAREHTlNG GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County Is forming a parenting group to help parents to under1tand and deal with \he feeling• and behavior of \heir dllldren. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4960. Pre-registration Is required. SP1RrT OF ADOPTION St Andrew's Presbyterian Church at 600 St. Andrews Road in Newport Beach will host guest speaker Jeff Canson, director of Bethany Christian Services, to discuss and wort through some of the luues unique to foster and adopted children. The presentation will be held Saturday from 11 :45 a.m. to 2 p.m. Information: Patti (949) 674-2222 THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service la offering 11 support and diacussion group fOf adult.I whose children or epousea suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays et ""250 E. Baker St., Suite G In ~osta .. .. . r----- 1 wlthtis ccqlOfl I not Vlld Wfth I I llPf other dftf, .~ .. I (ft products. I ftlCCCP(ll : :· off I ~WMl I "----------" kc Us For All Your Color Quations. Senior Citizen· DIKcMllt an 5'lldrtl. . Mea.~(7") 4415 •aeo. PrHeg~ is • rtQUlred. .INW F1RUl>U Memben of 1M Bahal t.fth hold lnform.i public dilcUta1ona on spfrhuel toplce 8t 7:30 p.tn. wvery Fridey end at 11:30 tht leat Sundty of the month.. The taJb Include bru~ or dinner. Altc>, lnt9tf1ith dt\lotJonal meetJngt will be hekt the Int Saturday eventng of the month. C.U tor locationa. (9'9) 759-0999 for Ft1dav meeting, (949) 780-6360 for Sunday meeting. and (949) 846-632.8 for Setutday devotional. ZEN 101 The 1.en Center of Orange County otfert an Introduction to Zen Wortahop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St, Costa Meta. $50. (949) 722-7818. A SPWTUAL JOURHEY A 2&-fesaon study on the life of Jesus Christ titled "Journey to the Cron" Is taught at 9:46 a.m. Sundays during the Homebolkler'• Blbfe Clau at Liberty Baptist Churcti. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The dlurch 11 et 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-6444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Churdl In Newport Beach holds a dream analysl1 group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, . Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDrrATION LESSONS A free "lectlo divine" meditation group meietfng Is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2048 Mar Vista Drive. Newport Beach. Lec:tio la a atyte of meditation \hat Includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Chri1tlan Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and 'hlrd Wednesdays of each month Jt the center. The format Includes two periods of meditation with some Instruction on how to me<fttate. a talk and a discuuion. (949) 21g.1408. TliE NEWPORT-MESA HMNE INTERFAITH COUNCIL 11 sponsoring the "Visions of \he Ecumenical Movement" from 10 a.m. tu 2 p.m .. Nov. 4 at the "'lier Theological Seminary in Pasadena. Reserve b'( Oct. 30. Information: (949) 660-8665. IS TliERE LIFE AFTER DEATH ·1s There Ufe After Death? Jewish Reflections on What Happens After We Die," will be held at 7:15 p.m. at Temple Bat Yahm. Presen\atlon will be by Rabbi Martt Miiier. Information: (949) 644-1999. CASINO NIGHT Casino night and decadent deaserU will take place from 7 to lJ p.m .• Nov. 1 at Temple Bat V'ahm. The event is sponsored by TBY Sisterhood. Information: 1949) 644-1999. DIVERSrTY FAIR •The 10th annual fWlgiou. Dtv.rsfty Fair will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Nov. 1 at the UC Irvine Student Center. The cost will be a $15 donation. and a $5 donation from students. Information: (949) 661-3087, http://www.rellgious diversltyfaire.org. TALMUbtc ETHICS The Jewish Leaming \nsti~te will present •Talmudic Eft\ica: Tlmeles1 Wlsdom.fprTimely PA ITH Oii.mtnu•f •7:115to8:45p.m. Chrough Doc J at the Hyett Nt\\l'P)rter, 1 hJ7 Jambof'M Roed. lnformatkHr (M9) 72,.-00. W EKLY EVENTS ~T FOR OU>ER WOMEN The Jewlth FamJly Setvice offers a luppOtt group fot \NOmef'I older 1han 60 to lddmt luu .. tud\ 1a lhidety and depf wlon 1110 ..m. on the aecof'd •nd fourth Monday of udl month 112{;0 e. Bak• S\., Suite G In Coste Mesa. Preregistration required (714) ~. NEWGROW-S JewWi Fwnlty SeMce of Orange ~nty hes formed. bereevement IUppOft group that meeb at 10 a.m. n.dllvl and 1 Challenge of °'8nge auppon group that mecn. at 10 a.m Thortdayl. 8olt'I groups meet at Temple Judea In Laguna Hilla, 24612 Mout1on Parttway. The MMc:e Is alao bmlng a parenting IUPPOt1 group to meet the ftrat and third Mondays of eed'I month et 10 e.m. et the Jewith Fedenstion Campus, 250 E. BaJter St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4960. GAY/lESSIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a diacusslon group for parents of Jewish ga-ys end lesbians if enough peopJe are Interested. (714) 446-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPfRm.IAL The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a.m. (949) 681·2290. RE·MEMBERING GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:15 p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The pariah center is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 548-3844. BREAKFAST FELLOWSHIP St Midlael and All Angela Episcopal Churdl holds its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on \he aecond, third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Paclfic View Drive. Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men'• 'Fellowship Breakfast of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church meet.I from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays In Dierenfield Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Bead\. $2.60 at the door. (949) 631·2880. SEPARATION SUPPORT Jewiah Family Service of Orange County hold1 a women's divorce and separation support group at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the Jewish Family Service's office at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. For dates and fees, call (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. YOUHG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with iMues such aa life passages and change1. body Images, famlly. relatlonshipa and lom1lineu at 7 p.m. Tuesday• at the agency office, 250 E. Baker St , Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. HE1.ANG THE HELP£RS JtW19h Fami:fv S..W:. lt tpe>naorinQ • dlecueelon group tocu.ing on the~ and concefn8 fllCed bv 8dult ctiild1*\ taJdt'IQ Clf9 of their eldef1y petents. The o1"cet ere at 260 E. 8aker St., SUit• G, Costa Meta. Pref9gl1tnatfon It required. $10. (714)44~. ANXETYMO DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewtah FamllY S.rvtce of Onmgo County offers • suppofl and dl~uion group fbr adult.I experiencing enxflty and or dep1'9Ulon from 10a.m. to noon on Monda'(S et~ egency offloet. 250 E. Baker St, Costa Meu. FTM. (714) 446-4950. INT'ERFNTH COUPLES GROUP Jewish Family Service la fonning a diacuuion group for Interfaith couplee where one pertner la Jewish to tp8ek about 198Uel affecting an lntetfaidl re&awtk>f,.,,..,.,..'llptn. Jewish FemllV servtce 1s at 250 e. BaUI' St., St.lite G. eo.t. Mau. (714) 446-4960. . BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing bereavement 1upport group for people in all stages of 1011 at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Coate Meaa. Free. (714) 445-4950. FRIOAf GROUP Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach holds weekly Friday night l8Mces at 8 p.m. with a fellowship hour and refreshments afterward et 2401 Irvine Ave .. Nev.'port Beach. (949) 548-6900. DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support end d1scuss1on group for adults qealing with the aftermath of • divorce at 7 p.m. Wednesda9s at the agency offices. 260 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Call for prices. (714) 44s-49SO, ext. 114. PASSAGES SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family SeNioe of Orange County will hold a support and discussion group for people dealing with the isauea of anxiety, depression, relationships, communication, life changes, loneliness and family at 10 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 260 E. Baker St.Suite G, Costa Mesa. $15. Preregistration required. (714) 4454950. PASSAGES 50-PLUS SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a support group for women 50 and older dealing with the luuet of anxiety. d• presslon. relationships, <.0mmunlc.atlon, llfa changes, loneliness and family from 10 to 11 :30 a m. at 260 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Costa Mete. Registration is required. lnlormatlon: (714) 445-4950. MEN'S FELlOWSHJP GROUP PresbY1erian Church of the Covenant's men's fellowship group meets from 8 to 9 a.m. Wednesdays at tha Village Farmer reataurant, acro11 ffom South' Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. (714) 557·3340. • Is your church or place of worahip planning •special event? If so, aend the typed lnformetlon at laHt two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot, 330 W, Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627. attention: Paul Saltowltz, ieliglon editor.; fax to (9491646 4170; or send e·mall to dailypilot la11mes.com. ~. HoYemOtt 1, 2003 . Al 1 . . Come Hear These Outstanding Authors • 'Sunday, Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m. Keynote speaker. Rabbi JosePl TeltJsnUi. The Ten Commandments d Character • Tuesday, Nov. '· 7:30 p.m. Jane Leavy. Sandy Koufax: A Lefty's Legacy. • Wtdneldly, Nov. 5, 10 a.m. Yitta HalbeBtam, SmaM Wrades fOf F,,.,,ilies • Thursday, Nov. s, 1 p.m. Paula Marantz Cohen, Jane Austen In SoCa. • Tuesday, Nov. 11 , 10 Lm. Ind 2:30p.m. ChlJdren's Book Programs with dlldren's ~ author~ Start. storytel)er 8att>ara 1Qeln ~~· aucta..nustrator Jane 8reslOn Zatben. • TUlldly, Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m. Jonathan Wilsoo , A Palestine Mair. • Thursday, Nov. 13, 10 1.m. Alexandra Zapruder, edrtor, Salvaged ~s: Children's Dlanes Qf the Holocaus1 • Monday. Nov. 17, 1 p.m. Rabb Thzah F1mtone, The RecefVl(Jg' Redavning JeWISh ~·s ~ • Wednesday, Nov.19i 7:30 p.m. Gregg HllWltz. The KJR Clause. JCC FESTIVAL OF BOOKS JEWISH Co.tUNITY CEHTER Of ORANGE COUNTY 250 E. Baker Sl, Ste 0, Costa llHe CA 92826 For~ & lnfonnltlon: 714-7SS.o3AG, aJlllnlarts@px> org Too · Early for the Holidays? Not really ... to enjoy tbe boal parade or make sure your new Duffy ts ready for lbe bolldays, It's time to order now! Tbe new 2004 line offers great wlnm' features like ~ted seal3, gfass.. ltke enclosures. lnterltw ~atlng and a tremendous selectlon of colon and /abrlcs.)ofn lbl parade, stop by our sbQwroom tbU wnlitmd. · and bat• our pro~ sta1/~·~ of Dulfy bf>atlng. ~·,.. also tJC.aPtlng mrtal ~OM In our popular jlMt ft* tlNt "°"""' boa/~· I o f a Stone a Travertine a Granite Tops a·Ceramlc a Porcelain a Glass Tiies a Metal Accents A °"'frrt1111n ef 0t Ailt(Ku C-m1t11#11 NIU>ING Olli fAIT11: LOVING OIRJST AND SUV1NG OUJ COMMUNITY. T1lf R.cv'd Pna 0 . H1yno, R.a.«>r SUNDAY 5CHl:DULE 8 am -Holy Eudwil( 9 am · Sunday Sc.hool/Adult Blbk Srudy I 0 am • Olofsl Eucharist NURSFKY CARE AVAJWl.E ST. MARK PmBYTERIAN ClluRCH Worship 9:30 K-W~r Y°"' IHliwf-• tctlta oa ~ AflC*la' Crud I •JESUS CHRIST RJSEN•· •A Godo<• ..t ~ ~ ...... bt mc Word t/God ...... hr dW Semmmcl Our Lady Queen of Angels *6 Mir V• Drift ....,.. I-c.lifOmia 92660 (M'>A+l200 Fax (949) 644-1349 ~Jl\ii!m Wlilai P. MchUlhlia Putor llS: ....,, s p.at. CC--). ~ 7:00(Qm).NO((la11 apUy) 10:00 (a.air), I J:JO ~ (ra.t) Ind S:OO p.a (C.. ..... p) I WORSHIP DIRE€TORY \ 11 I I I I l I II\ I Newpon Centa United Metbodist Chwdi Rn-. Cachkeo Coots, Pastor 1601 Marguerite Ave. corner or Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 &zm Quitt Wonhip Strvict /Oam Wmhip •ntl Chi/Jrmi SutUltty S<hoq/ ~uth mrttint ~tltly I I I I 11 Ji \ ', Newport Harbor Lutheran Ch'&lrch . (LL..C.A.) 1M .,__ Dr. NewtMNt ....,._ Tndltlon.llLutbHan Putor awtee Endler Wonhlp ~with Holy Communion ~tht8em FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST MllSA VIERD& UNITED METI400tST CHURCH 1101 BaUr, C.M. Wonhlp & Chwch Schoof 8:30 mMt 10:00 a.m. (714) 97e-8234 Or Rlctlard Geofgt Rtv SleOIWlll Toon Selllot M1111stef Youth Mlnilltr OllUt Ouuch By the Sea Unil«I MtthodiJt 1400 W. 8a1hoa Blvd .. Newport lkxh Iii S a.m. • Adule Swidoy Sct..al •JO le 10..... Wonh.p nl 0.W-So.wiclay ~ 'The Rn. Or. Georae ~ C.Up. PulM ~>'7J.3805 I I I J.'. J . I I \ ·, '.~ ••'lfT'T&., .... ,,.. .. ~ . . ' --·+~ ' ... -V Expected l. Here. WonN,10:•A.M. HAUOR CttRtlTWf CHURCH (Dltclttfff of Clwtst) l4111MIMM. ...._ ..... ,CA (941)145-6711 ................. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Wo 3 lOO Ptdk: Vle\t Dr. Newpcit Becxtl Newpcrt Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150 644-2617 or 675:4661 o..udl JO CIJ\ l 5 pn. Owrdl 10 om ~ Scbool 10 om ~ Sdv:d 10 am ~.....,.1111111 Wlldwday~1~pm a 111 \lllllchimt 12 nmi ••• Lord be IMfdful unto IM: Mil "'Y MUI; Puts••t .. a.-eteo ._..,n;...,a...nr Fw.O..tl · Sc-.· WQRSHIP DIRECTORY · PUtillma Ewry SMmday io the Ddily~Pilot • CALL 949.S74.4249 AFTER HOURS SPECIAL EVENTS HllTOIW Of tlTCHCOQ( Orange Coeet College Is~ 1 nine-ptrt ftlm hiltoiy on Alf'9d Hltc:hcodt. The MOel wUI be • moo.ietect t>v retired occ~ pro1"1or H. Arthur Taussig. Each ....ion win be t*<f at 8:30 p.m. one Friday eech month. Thf events will be held at OCC'I Fine Mt Hell 1HJ. Admfsllon la $8 for edulta end S6 for tenlort end OCC ltUdentl. For mont Information. c:eJI (714) '32-5880 . . 'A CHOCOLATt AffMr The Yoong Profeeslonal1 Against Cancer end the Orange County Foundltlon for Oncology Children • flmlllel will host • fund-relllng event from 7 p.m. to midnight Nov. 16 at Newport Dunes Watef'front Retort. T1c:teta COit $75 In ectv.nce and $86 at the door. Information (949) 440-9873. RING OF LIGHTS The Commodores Club if the Newport Beach Chamber of Commeroe will hoct the Ring of Ughte home decorating competition In December. AJI home, buslne .. , and yacht c;fub& lining the harbor are invited to participate. Oeconl1lon1 must be In place by Dec. 8. lnformatJon (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beautifully decorated yachts, boate, kayab andamoea will sail along the harbor In the 96th annual Newport Harbor Christmae Boat Parade Dec. 17 through 21. Each night, the "' parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Collins Island and Int two and a half hours. The parade la hosted t>v the CommodolN Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Information: (9491 729-4400, http://www.dufstmH boatpar~.com. MUSIC. SUSAN EGAN OPENS CABARET SERIES Susan Egan opan1 the 2003-04 EMn and Marjorie Shane Klein Cabaret Serles at the Orange County Performing Atta Center with performances at 7:30 p.m. throogh today. Tldteta are $46. Tldtm may be pun:haeed at the Center Box Office, onllne at the Center'• Web aha, at http://www.ocpac.org, t>v phone through Tlcbtmaster at (714) 740-7878 or (213) 365-3500, and at all Tldcetmaster outktte. The Center's number la (714) 556-2746. TCHAIKOVSKY, BARBER AHDWAlKER The UC Irvine Symphony Orchestra will give a concert, •From Russia to America: • Tchaikovsky, Barber and Walker:' ~t 8 p.m. today. Atyua Park. CHMO DOl91QIE sum The ecc:talmed Chario ~ s..... wtlf perform at. p.m; Thuitdsy 9t 1he Wine ..... ThNtre. TkMt9 c:o9t S30 end $36. tnf()f'mdon end dc:Mta: (71 .. ) 740-7478, htrp:/JWww.~orp. UC1 awtmER SERIES The conceft •Prokofiev. A Remembrlnce 60 V..... After Hit Death" will be perfonned 9t 8 p.m. Nov. 8 .i Winifred Smith Half In UC Irvine. Tidceb CCMt $12, $10 and SS. Information: (949) 824-4259 •• GOO"M ENSE-.E t Orange Coaets College'• Guft.lr Ensemble, a chamber group of more than 20 pleyera, will off9r 1111 annuel fall concert et 8 p.m. Nov. 8 In OCC'a Ane Atta RecltaJ Hall. SAW1'E TO AMERICAN COWOSERS • Orange Coast College'• Wind Ensemble will offer a salute to American compotera .i 3 p.m. Nov. 18 In the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tlc*8ta cost S7. Information: (714) 432-6880. THE GREAT 1SNAAD-www...-_..,1 EIN cart St. Clair and the Pedfic Symphony give a tribute concert to St. Clair'• longtime friend end mentor Leonard Bemstefn at the Orange County PerfOrmlng Art Center on Nov. 19 and 20. The orchestra will perform Symphonic Dances from •w..t Side Story• and excerpts from "Candide" and "On The Town." The concerts start at 8 p.m. Tldteb are $20 to $35. For Information, call (714) 75~5789. DAVID CASSIDY David tauidy will be performing some of his greatest hlu, audl aa ·1 Think I Love you• and •Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted; at 8 p.m. Nov. 21 and 22 at the Orange County Performing Atta Center. Tldtets cost $25 to $105. Information: (714) 755-5799, http://www.pacificsymphony.orp. VIVALDI'S FOUR SEASONS The Pacific Symphony will perform Vivaldi'• "The Four Seasons; Boccherlnl'• Sinfonia In· O minor No. 4, and Corelli'• Concerto Grosso In F major at 8 p.m. Dec. 3 and 4 at the Orange County Performing Atta Center. Tldtets cost$20 to $65. Information: (714) 756-5799, http://www.pacificaymphony.or~ AESTA NAVIDAD CONCERT Jose Feliciano will join mariachi bandleader Natl tano at part of the 10th annual Reita Nevlded concert at 8 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Orange County Performing Atta Center. Tlcbts COit $20 to $89. lnfonnation: (949) 563-2 .. 22, http://www.phlharmonlc society.org. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant In Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Suhday throogh Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Bead\. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 8 to 10 p.m: Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. wlnneroftheTchalkovlky WEEKLY JAM International Competition, will be . The Studio Cafj presents the guest vlollnlll The Monday Night Jama from 7 to 11 performance will take place at the p.m. flVery week. •wanted" Irvine Barciay Theatre. Tlcbt musicians Include guhar players, prlcet are $12,$10 and $8. Tldteb bass players, singers, drummert, and Information: (949) 824-2787. keyboardists and othe• at 100 STEVE TYRELL Steve Tyrell will launch the Orange County Performing Atta Center'• Spotlight Seriee at 8 p.m . today et Segerstrom Htll Tldcett COit 136 to $82. lnfonnatlon: (714) 666-ARTS, http://www.ocpac.orp. 'QtlHTtSSE.N1'W setUEln"-- The Peclfic Symphony will perlonn •chamber concert, •0u1"*'8ntlel Schubert.• 9t 3 p.m. Sunday In Founder'• Htll at the Orange County Pef'fonnfng Arte Center. Audience members can enjoy • fM1tve •ftemoon of mualo t>v Schubert. Including the Sonatina In D major forvlolln Ind piano. Tldc9tl cost $38 Ind $48 et the doot. lntormetlon: (714) 766-6788, http://wwW.paclflcsymphony.org. UCt CONCERT CHOIR The UC lrvfne Cone.rt Choir will give the concert at Wlnttr.d Smith Hall .i 8 p.m. Sunday. Tlc:bU ere required. Information: (948) q4.-2717. Main St, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 67&-nso. MAMMA GINA ___ _, .. _L JAZZ. Walter Lakota a~~iltar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway In Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m.Sundey9 and Mondays. Diana Oitrl joins the duo on vocals on Mondayl. It'• free. Information: (949) 873-9600 • MUSfC AT TtE GRILL The Bluewster Grill offere llve muaic Friday end Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nldt Peper end Kelty Gordian (known" MPG) perform daslc rodt. Rate end awing at 8:30 p.m. Fridayt. Marvin Gregoty11nd MPG. will perfonri clteelc rodc. IWlng and A&B at 8'.30 p .m. Slturdaya. The restaurant 11 at 830 Udo Part Drive, Newport Beech. Free. (949) 676-3474. • ·-Tour!: Chef Your Jleticc (),Cf is a uniguc scrvicd Wc'U prepare deliciO'J' and healthy cuiaine in tht comfort of zow own hOmd , HOURS Continued from Al 2 MUSIC AT lH£ PELICAN The Ru.ty Pellcln oftert the mualc of Common Grcwnd from Wedneedtv through Sut1day. The band perform• from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednetdey and Thurad•y. from • 8:30 p.m. to 12;30 e.m . Frid•y end Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. S11ndey. The rttt•urant I• •t 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Ptayere restaurant It now offering live muale from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday end S.turdey. Pl1yera 11 at 512 W. 19th St., Coste M eaa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony'• Riverboat Rest.11uran1 In Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's 11 at 151 E. Coa11 Highway. (949) ~73-3425. POP-ROCK ANO FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rod< and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturday• at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders perform• classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays end Sundays. Free. (949) 676-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place ' Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MaCArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (94,9) 476-2001 STAGE 'TERRA NCNA' "Terra Nova" by Ted Talley will be performed through Nov. 16 with performances at 8 p.m Tuesday through Friday, at 2:30 and 8 p.m. Saturday, and at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. It will be performed at South Coast Repertory Segerstrom Sta~e. "Terra NovaH 11 set in the winter of 1911-12 as five Englishmen and five Norwegians raced each other to th)l.South Pole. The center is at 660 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tickets are available at the center's box office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS or online at http://www.ocpac.org. 'THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES' South Coast Repertory will . preaent "The Emperor's New Clothea," a youth theater prpduction, lhrough Nov. 16 on the Julianne Argyros Stage. The mu1lcal was created the Tony Award-winning team behind #Ragtime; "Seusslcal the Musical" and "Once on This lslandH from Oct. 31 through Nov. 16 on the Julianne Argyros Stage. Tickets will cost $10 to $21. Information: (714) 708-5555. 'TEN UTTL£ INOIANS' The Costa M esa Civic Playhouse will present Agatha Christie's 'Teri Little Indians' today through 23 at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. 661 Hamilton St, Costa Mesa. Tickets will coat $10 to $16. Information: (949) 650·5269, http://www.costarnesa pfayhouse.org. 'TWELFTH NIGHT' Orange CoaS1 College'• Theatre Department will stage Shakespeare'• gender-bending comedy HTwelfth NlghtH for three weeka starting Friday. Show times are 8 p.m. Thursdays • through Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sunday1. The run will end Sunday, Nov. 23. Aft performance• will be in the Orama Lab Theatre on the OCC campus, 2701 Fairview Road In Costa Meaa. 'MACBETH' Vanguard Unfveralty's theater department will present Shakespeare'• "Macbeth" Nov. 14 through 18 •nd 20 through 23 at the college's Lyceum Theater. Performancet will be at 8 p.m. Thuradays and Friday• and at 2 •nd 8 p.m . Saturdays and Sunday1. There will be no 2 p.m. m.Unee Nov. 16. Information: (714) 666-3610, http://www. Vllnguard.edul ,theatrnru. THE MIRACLE WORKER Ett•ncl• High School's dr•m. department will pretent "The Mlftde Worter" at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 to 8 ._nd 12 •nd 13 at the Bert>ara Van Hott Theatre et Estancia High School, 2323 Ptacenti1 Ave., Cott• Mesa. Tlclcet1 cost $8. Information: (949) 61~7. ART 'TREASURES OF TRAVEL'. An exhibition of Caplatrano Beach artflt Tlmothy J. Clark'a l1test watercolor and oil paintings will continue through Nov. 15 at Nottingham Ane Art, 4229 Blrdi St., Newport Bead'I. The gallery i1 open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Friday• and from 1 to 5 p.m, Saturdays. Information: (949)833-1770. DANCE / FACULTY DANCE CONCERT Orange Coatt Coll~e will present Its annual Faculty Dance Concert at 8 p.m. today at the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tldceta will cost $9. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432-5880 'LORD OF THE DANCE' The Orange County Performing Art Center will present Michael Flatley's "Lord of the OanceH at 8 p.m. Nov. 25, 26, 28 and 29 at the Center. Tickets cost from $23.25 to $53.25. lnformalion: (714) 556-ARTS, http://www.ocpac.org. SWING Lesaons are given from 2 to 6 p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. Information· http://ocswing.com, (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE 1ANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m to 12:30 am. the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio. 2980 McClintock Way, Costa Mesa Information: (714) 641 -8688 KIDS HARRY POTTER ' The Pacific Symphony will perform music from the #Harry Potter" films and classical music from Dukas' "The Sorcerer's Apprentice· and Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald M ountainH at 10 and 11 :30 a.m Nov. 22 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tldcets cost $12 and $26. Information: (714) 756-57Q9, http://www.pscificsymphony.org. STARLIGHT STORIES Children 310 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m M ondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) 646-8845. P JS AND BOOKS A children's story ttme 1s presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and et 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newpart Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801 WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901 B South Coast Drive, Costa M esa. (71 4) 444-0226 STORY TIME A chlldren'1 story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:16 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., CoS1a Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7864. DINING/TASTING BAYSIDE ANNIVERSARY Bayside Restaurant will have a fourth annlveraary celebretfon and Induction Into the Confrerie du Sabre d'Or from 6 to 10 p.m. Wednesday at 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. Cost $48 per person. lnformatlon: (949) 721-1222. http://www.bays1de restaurant.com. THE SINGLE GOURMET The Single Gourmet will have a dining event for upteale buslne11 and profeulon1f alngles et 7 p.m. Nov. 8 at Accentl at the Sutton White Front Pharmacy . ' I • C.l'fll • Boob • Sfl1!Ulriu AJJ INllll'WIK• Plmu Attqutl 801 Baker Street, Costa Mesa a.tWMl'l 8Mr A &1stol 71• MO·a&82 • Piece Hottl. Newport Beacn and •• 7 p.m . Nov. 15 at the Plnol Provence, Costa Mesa. ReservetJon1 ere required. Information: (949)854-66!i2. SUNSET DINNERS • The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dlnner1from4 to 6:16 p.m. Monday through Frid-V at 2736 • W. Coelt Hfghwey, Newport Beacn. M eals ~flv eott between $10 $16. (949) 842-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday bruncti ~om 10 a.m. to 3·30 p.m . every Sunday at 2735 W. Coalt Highway, Newpon Beach. Meal• typically tost between $8 and $15. (949) 642-3431. lWIUGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chichn parmiylana and calamari plcante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekday• and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W CoaS1 Highwoy, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880 WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m . Frlday1 and from 1:30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (9491650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brurtch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel. 4500 MacAnhur Blvd., Newport Beach Meals typlcally'cost $30 -$40 with champagne 1949) 476-2001 CLUBS ALTA COFFEE Musical acts perform at 8 30 p m Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House. 506 31st St , Newport Beach. (9491675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of five music is presented daily at the Atrium's Atrponer Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine (949) 833-2770. BISTRO 201 Jazz Is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a m Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rock 18 presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays et Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1773 Newpart Blvd .. Costa Mesa (949) 645-5550. DUKE'S PLACE Jazz and codctaifs flow daily from noon to midnight Sundays through Thursdays and from noon to 2 a.m. Frld•YI and Saturdays at the Balboa B•y Club & Retort. et 1221 W. Coeat Highway, Newport Beacn. lnfotmatloo: (949) &C&-6000 OORTY NEU.Y'S Live music I• performed at 9 R.m. Frld-V• and Saturday• at Nelly'•. 1915 Red Hiii Ave., Costa Mesa (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live mualc 11 performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newpart Beach. (949) 769-0808 HARD ROCK CAFE Live music la performed Sundays at Hard Rock Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music Is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Coats Mesa. (949) 646-8855. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music fa performed Wednesday• through Saturdays at Barmlchael's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newpart Beach (949) 261-6270. LIDO CIGAR ROOM Enioy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room. 3441 Via Lido, Suite D. Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595. MARGARrTAVILLE Live music is performed at Margaritavllle, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220 MARRAKESH Authentic M oroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p .m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTI HOTEL Live music 11 performed M ondays through Saturdays at the Marrion Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. 1949) 640-4000. MULDOON'S Mufdoon's 11 an Irish pub at 202 Newpart Center Drive, fashion Island. Newpart Beach. (949) 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Loe.el pop and light rode acts perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newpart Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (9491675-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents Its two-piece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 766-0121. WHY PAY RETAIL? WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC 1,;~. y;_i/IQ/U'hr/ .Yil'-0t~~('WI •GIA & EGL Certified Diamonds ~~._ • Customized Orders • Engagement & Wedding Rings • Repairs While You Walt • 16 Independent Merchants Saturday, ~ l, 2003 AU RosEY's AumBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY ROSIY'S AUTOIQOY 121 lndudrial Woy COltaMNO "Car Accident Victims Get A Crash Course On Their Rights!!' Co.ta Men, ~ -If you have rc:cendy been in .l car accident, don't call or speak to anyone' Not an Anorncyl Not .iny msurancc company! Nor even a doctor~ Unul you get a copy of a nffl frtt reJX>n that has recently been rdeased due rcvcalJ secretly guarded information that insurance comp.inies don'r want to you to know .ind the I 7 biggest m1sukes c.11 accident v1cums make and how you can :avoid them, To get a copy of rhu free consumer awareness rcpon. call rhe roll-free 24 hour recorded m~agc at 1 ·800-897- .,4 I 8. The all anJ report arc free. """11# -~,... ~ iw ..... . ,.,,~,, \VATCH FOR OUR MON11m' SNOW.I •l>inu • DiiJITnm • Prep Classes Wttttht~· Ask A11J011tl Get re:idy for Sp~Tryoutsl STARTNOW-DoN'TWAJ11 SIGN-UP TODAY ~ FecEx a'#..&· a ~ EXPifl:-SS MJJ/L UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE MAILBOX RENTAL B/W & COLOR COPIES FAX SERVICES NOTARY PUBLIC ~~~Am.;.~~ Newport Coast Shoppln9 Center 21163 Newport Coast Drive at San Joaqu111 Hills Roed 949.844.88411 Mon.-8.t. 10·8 HARDWOOD SPECIAL 'h• ''"°' • Steft .. lenco, Owurt 137 4 Lol(an Ave., Suite F COliTA MESA . (888) MESA-777 Monday-Friday l 0 to 5 Saturcla_y 10 to 8 ••• CA. LIC. #820350 5 fl'ly, IN Curd with Aluminum Olldt l'l"lsh, Av.Ulablt In r'4 OA!i, Ntunl ~ a.k Clm'(otk Of IMlle lllllll'll INSTALL!Dl ·&~! BEUllLOOP ::a~s1ss cot.:m Sq. Ft • ' .. ' .~ ' tBIClnllD ::..~·•1•• H ft. l'WM m Sq Ft. DAI COlmll • 1\vo Agents Are Better Than One!! November is the Month of Gratitude ... Patti and Lu-An Will Be Forever Gratefur For Your Business!!! So Call Us!!! Patti Delahanty Berkeley Grad 949-574-3542 Office 949-933-7526 Cell Lu-An Cohen use Gnid 949-57 4-35800ffice 949-500-9114 Cell .. AROUND TOWN •send AROUND TOWN itemt ro the QeilY Pilot, 330 W. Bly St., Costa Mtla. CA 92627; by HMll tQ lul•.,,.,,.•latlrnaC(>ln; bv fu to (9491646-4170; or by calllog (9'9) 67'-4298. Include the time, ~end l~tion of the event. .. well .. • COMICt phone number. , TOOAY TM ua AlbcM9eum wil PfM9nt "A Rainbow of Orc:tiida" during ltl annual FaJI Orchid Ffftival fr9m 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UC Irvine Arboretum. The cott $2. Information: (949) 824-5833. A home remodeling Md decorating ahow will be held from 10 1.m. to 8 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds, In building• No. 10 end No. 12 and elong the Parade of Produc:ta. The c:ott Is $3 to $6.75. Information: (8181657-2960. HowM>ilys wll mum to "'' Coste Meu Bartl Peril from 10 1.m. to 3 p.m. at the southeast comer of TeWlnk~ Pert. at Arlington Drive and Newport Boulevard. Thero will be many unique doggy ltem11 and Items for humans There will be a canine costume contest. Information: (949) 733-4101. SUNDAY The 18th annual G...at Chet. of Orange County event. will be from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Balboa Bay Club & Resort. Tkbt1 coat $150 for the VIP reception and main event, and $150 for tho main event only. Information: (3101641-8152, http:llwww.lcldneysocal.org. The ua Arborwtum wlll present "A Rainbow of Orchids# during Us annual Fall Orchid Feslival from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UC Irvine Arboretum. The cost $2. lnformallon. (949) 824-5833. A home remodelinv and decorating show will be held from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. at the Orange County Felrgrounds, in buildings No. 10 and No. 12 and along the Parade of Products. The cost 11 $3 to $5.75. Information: (818) 657 2950. Kim Phuc from the famous -The Girl in the Picture,-taken In Sou1h Vietnam in 1972 while she ran naked from her burning village, will speak at 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. at Liberty Baptist Church, 1000 Bison Ave .. Newport Beach. Information: (949) 760-5444, http:lllftlww.libertybaprisr dlurdl.org MONDAY Dr. De.n~ Ng will dlscuas •The Surgical Treatment of Rectal Cancers· from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Hoag Cancer Center Radiation Oncology Library. Registration is required. Information: (949) 760-5542. ·. ar.,.eowwty ........ wlll haVe a newcomer end membef inform.van meeting •t 8:30 p.m. et the eo.i. ~ COmmunity Center, 1M6 Part //we. Leem ebout the Sie1T1 Club and the many ec:tMtlel thlt .,. evailabl._ ln~tlon; 1714) 606-2404. TUESDAY ""'Hotpbldwl~ Relltywlll preeent •HNrt-he91thy Cooking: Holiday Cuisine" ~lly will demonstrate how 10 make healthy holiday favorites without fat and salt. The cost la free. JWservatlona: (8001514-HOAG. Th• Costa Meta Senior c.nw will present a health fafr from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 645 W. 19th St. There will be flu ahott, health education, resources, hO!ltt.J services and health screenings. lnfonnation: (949) 64&-2356. WEDNESDAY F1UI •iew O.Velopment c.nt.r will hold Its 12th annual Ho Ho Ho-liday Boutique from 8 a.m . to 1 :30 p.m. at the Feirview auditorium, 2501 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. There will be homemade crafts, jewelry, florals, and special holiday decor and gift items. Information: (714) 957-5188. Orange County for Dean win host a Meet-up In auppof1 of presidential hopeful Howard Dean at 7 p.m. at Kart Strauss Brewery, 901A South Coast Drive. Information: http:l!Www.ocfordt111n.org. THURSDAY Angelltot de Oro will be Mlllng its Angelitos Card through the 10 at South Coast Plaza. The card allows buyers to save 20 peroent at over 100 South Coast Plaza stores. The card cost is $50. Cards can be purchased with the concierge at South Coast Plaza or online. Information (949) 642-9883, http://WwW.bigbrooc.org/ fundrs1s"rs.html, http://www.angelitosdeoro.org. FRIDAY A woodwotiling show will be from noon lo 7 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds, in buildings No. 10 and No. 12 and along the Parade of Products. The cost is $9 for adults. Information: (31014n-852t The Volum.er Assn. of Sherman Library and Gardens will have its annual Holiday Open House from 10:30 a.m . to 4 p.m. in the gift shop, which is at 2647 E. Coast Highway. Information: (949) 673-2261. The Friends of The Newport Beach Library will have a preview used~k sale for members only from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Friends Meeting Room at the Newport Beach Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Information: (949) 759-9667. Ati Amerl~an nm buslmm stnu 1953. Oi" family swvtng your family for 50 years ...... ~---------------- We IJelong to UN world's largeft flooring retall grol#),0 • co-op. We. are tbe biggest ~ngtkalws f ridf v/d"'1JI)' C>ff"ed thul OJ>e1t!ted. Jennifer lifetime Warranty ·Carpet $J99 lifetime 'lrarranty Ltiml•••• $2'' ,_ Gus . Ufetlme Warranty Ceramic ~.I''- llfetl•e W•rranty Wootl . •2••. Brenda 100~ 1111 60 lli!Y adNI ..... lf yq_u don't 10. II, UMwl/l~lt MOMal f ·S MOM·fRI 10·6 •SATURDAY 10·4 SATUltAYS & SUMOAYS 10·4 ClOSlO SUMOAY EWINIHS IY A"'l•J•EMT • ' , · . HICN.I O.Ana ~ V-...Wll heYe .. annuli boUtiqut from 9 a.m.. ., 3 p.m. •the South Oubholm. 300 e. COlllt Highw9v. ~ BNd1. The 009I ii S10fot • 8-foOC table'° dilpley cnb for .._TM duclllie to r.gia11arto lien la In Oc:tober. lnfomlation: (949) 873-04. TM...._. of TM Newport ~ Ubrary will hew a uted boot Ale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the Frieridt Meeting Room at the Newport Beach Library, 1000 Avoc:ado Ave., Newport Beach. lnform811on: (949) 769-9657. The eo.ta Meu Hiatorical Society will conduct • doc:en1 training dau to treln tour guides for the Diego Sepulveda Adobe in Estancia Peril from 1 to 4 p.m. Information: (949) 631-6918. A woodWOftcJng lhow wtl be given from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at tho Orange County Fatrgroundt, in buildings No. 10 and No. 12 and elong the Parade of Products. The cost It $9 for adutt.. Information: (310) 4n-8521. Walle.Ing Nnn Tour ol Upper Newport Bedt Bay from 9 to 10: 15 a.m. at the Upper Newport Bedt bay at the corner of East Bluff Drive and Bade Bay Road. lnformation:1(949) 786-8878. NOV.9 A woodwot1dng show will be given from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds, in buildings No. 10 and No. 12 and along the Parade of Products. The oost 11 $9 for adults. Information: (310) 477-8521. NOV.10 The fifth annual Tee Off for Technology will be held to benefit Newport Harbor High at 11 a.m. at the Santa Ana Country Club. Information: (949)794-3832. NOV. 12 Th• F91rview Paltc Frienda' fund-raising committee will host their quarterly public meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. at Color Me Mine at Triangle Square, 1675 Newport Blvd. Information: (714) 754-5698, http:llwww.cmfsirviewpsrlc.org. The Newport Beec:h Public Library Foundation's Manuscripts Book Discussion Group will meet to discust "Atonement# by Ian McEwan at 9:15 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Information: (949) 717-3890. NOV.14 The Costa Me.a Senior Center will present a benefit performance of "Late Nile Catechism,-an interactive comedy by Vtdcl Quade and Marlpat Donovan, at 8 p.m. in the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. TI<:tleta are S35 or $76 for preferred seating. Information: (949) 645-5080. The Susan G. Komen Foundation's Three-Day 'Miik will begin today at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center in Costa Mesa. The walk will end In Los Angeles at the Home Depot Center Athletic Facility. Information: (800) 825-1000. NOV.15 The Costa Me.a Senlof Center wlM present a benefit performance of "Late Nlte Catechism; an lntorac:1ive comedy by Vidcl Quade and Maripat Donovan at 8 p.m. in the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tldtets are S35 or $75 for preferred seating. Information: (949) 645-5080. The Costa.Meta Hlttodcal Society will conduct a docent training clau to train tour guides for the Diego Sepulveda Adobe in Estancia Peril from 1 to 4 p.m. Information: (949) 631-6918. Bade B.y Rtnees wll hold lb firat Olympic Charttv event from 8 •. m. to 4 p.m. at 2175 lrvlne Ave., Suite A, Costa Meta. Information: (949) 631-6687, . http.;//www.badcbayfitMU.com. NOV.18 h1911t Help USA. e nonptOftt child abUse prevention center, will have a benefit and claaslcal guitar concert by Wertln from 4 to 7 p.m. at C.rrneto'a Rlstorante · ltallano, 3520 E. Coast HlghWly, Corona del Mar. Thero wtn be. dinner, priz.ea and auction. Information: (9491650-3481. NOV.17 The Founderi Quid ol c.e T.,... will twve hi annual ho_tidrf lu~ .. 11 a.m. et the Rtu. 880 Newpon c.nter Drive, Newport 8eac:ti. The c:o.t will be S60 per plf'IOn. Send cNdcl peye~ to Cue T...._ to Margueftte OISwnleleo, 1430 Uncoln Lane, Newpon a.ac:ti, CA 92680. lnfonnltlon: (IM9) '548-2515. H/CN.18 • ~ ....... ~Ren9 wll diacun heln valve repilr verau repl~ .. Sp.m ... the H0eg Hospital Conference Center. 'There la no cott to attend. Roeefvatk>ns: (800151'-"624 • NOV.24 The 0.... County ChepW of Childhelp USA will haw 1 fund-f"tlaer from 4 to 9;30 p.m. for dine In and from 10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. for teko out, Nov. 24 st the Newport Rib Company, 2196 Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mesa. The Newport Rib Company will dorfate 20% of your bill to Chlldhelp USA. RoHrvatlona: Nancy Whltlodc. (949) 5484228. NOV.28 Therewta be a~ Thanbglvlng aalo at the Orange County Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Falrgroundt. Admission will be free. There will be artlsa'n1' and crafters' comer, photo• with Santa Claus and aeasonal entertainment. -.~1nhave its 21st annua "'Lighting Ceremo 6 p.m . at Town Center Pert. adjacent to the Westln South Coast Plaza. OEC.4 The Orange County Chapt9f of Chlldhelp USA will have a holiday boU1ique and lunc:tieon at 10 a.m. in the Hyatt Regency. 17900 Jamboree Boulevard, Irvine. Ft>r reservations contact Nancy Whitlodc at (949) 548-4228. .OEC.6 The Costa Mesa Men's Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center today and Dec. 7 at the Costa M8$a Golf & Country Club. Entrance fee will be $70 today and $135 for both days. Information: (949) 64&-2886,(949) 903-9090 DEC. 7 The Orange County Marbt f'tac. will hold its fourth annual Holiday Car Show and Pedal Car Invitational at the Orange County Fairgrounds. There will be Classlc cars, motorcycles and trudct decorated for the holidays. There will also be pedal cars and children's pedal car races. There will also be holiday entertainment and outdoor shopping. The Costa M ... Men'• Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. Entrance fee will be $75. Information: (949) 64&-2886,(949) 903-9090 The MWnth •nnu•I Batboe laland Walking Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Balboa Island. TI<:tlets cost $20 Information: (949) 673-4280. DEC.22 The Onnge County Marbt Ptitee will hold Its Holiday Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be artisans' and crafters' comer, photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. ONGOING The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of profe&tlonal disciplines and badcgrounda. The group meeta every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beac:ti. Validated parting is availa~ in the part.Ing structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (949) 721-5732 . The rMwport-MeN atbtNlge dub meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m. st Oasla Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar. The coat Is $2. Information: (949) 648-5293. PaAof Hein Auatln leadt e Bible study on "How to Become a Contagious Chrlatlan" from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wedneadays at 3n W. Wlleon St., No. 15 In Com Mesa.· All are welcome to come and meet new friend.a. Information: (949) 722-7498. Jewleh ~hMce .. offering a support and dlscuNion group for women 60 and older the MCOnd end fourth Monday of every month from 10to 11~30 a.m. et 250 E. Beker St, Sutt. G In Cotti MeN. Pr.reglatretlon la rtqutred. For infC>n'Ntlon or to reglttet, call (714) 446-491SO. Jewleh femly...;. le off9ring a womenfa divorce end MPtmlon euppon group at 1 Linde leeN • .....,...., of tt.e • p.m. Wedneedaya et the Jewtltl Amy 81ehl FoUndedon, who will F.def'atiOn C.mput In Coet8 apMk eboUt her foun<Mtlon'a Mfte, 250 E. Biter St. For m0111 work to *IPPO" •~end lnfonnltfon. c:all (714) 446-4990, Pttceful South AfftCI et 7 p.m. .t ext. 114. ,.,. ~roe Ftmlly LtctuN H.n .t Seoe Hiil SdlOOf. TlcMta Will COit $10 per P9f1IO" or $11 fof • t.milY of three Of more. lnfonnadon: (SMl)2M• --~ ----------'--~-~-~------------- TOWN DIMG'IWtt.e--ol~ c.nyOf'I ~ Pwk •you ContinUed from Al4 well!~~ of bMUClfuf COMtaf RtdWoodtrw.,,,.., of 9V9tY month at the Unh.lrlan Satutd9y mt 8:30 a.m. '9lidnQ le Unlveraaffat Churdt 12U ~ .... C.11 (714) ~for mote St In Cotta Meta. Eedt monih't fnfOnnetJOn. meeting wm '91ture • different apuker on l•ues relet1ng to the Tiilm .......... 8111 of Rlghtt. lnfo~lon; (714) organiUUon encou1'11g!ng women 957-et07. ~haw been through cenoer treetment to e!CereiM, hQaa •a.ct\ l..Mdic...:' ..... "Wel/IJ. end Teat: tt 1C 1.m. the featuring dlgltally manipulated second er,d fourth Friday of the aerial photographs ohhe month In front of Nll<EgodMI t4ewallan l1l1nds by Donna store In Fashion llland. Membert Aulidta, umbrella beach seen.. meet for lunch after et Atrium by C.role Boller and 9~ Bay court. tt Is free. end all fttnae l1ndlcapes by l4ke Spencer, will levels are wek:ome. For more be on display through Sept. 30 at lnfortnation, call (949) 276--3888. Newport Buch City H.11. lnfonnatlon: (9491717..J870. N9wport ~ Cowelng Cent11 Offers 1 W8V to stop the' Macy'• In Costa M..,. ovcte of domestic: violence Invites Orange County through the support group In organizations that provld SAF.E. Hende.. SAF.£. stan<M for servlcea end program• Jo safety, awareness, faith end t:llVIAIDS community to ap empowerment. The group meet• participation in Macy's South MondlV* from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Coast Plaz.e'• Passport In Stor F-ree. For more Information, call fund-raiser. This year .. went wi (949) 721-«>79. be held on Oct. 4. To Neeive an eppllcatlon to P«Jrtldpate, tall ,.._.In...,..... tlwougtt ...... (714) 656-0611, ext. ~1. • grade9 ere liwtted to drop by the city of Cotta Meu Rectutlon ~ d ..... w1u beofhnd Center from 2 to 8 p.m. Mondrf Tuesdays and Thuradaya from through Friday for aporta and noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine r other actlvitlet. The center Is at at West Newport Commun 1860 Anaheim Ave. for more Center. Registration la $54 for one information, call (714) 327·7660. class eadi week or S100 for two days a week over nine weela for ""Newport a.ch W.lk.lng Club Newport Beach 1"81identt. Others meets at the comer of Supertor pay an additional $6. For more and Hoapltal Road In Newport information, call (949) 644--3151. Beadl It 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. evet')'day. For more Information, Costa M.e'• Aec:Netion DMt11on· call (949) 65().1332. will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests The NewpotJ Beech Cab at the Balear1c CqmmunitY Center Decorating Club meets from 7 to weekdayt from 5 to 8 p.m., 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Saturdayt from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Superior and Hospttal Road In or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 Newport Beadi. for more to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 to Information, call (949) 650-1332. 12 wfll consist of lunch/dinner. games, crafts, prizes, cake with The Spanlah Spealdng Club ice cream and supervision by meets to leam Spanish quldc and staff. Parties colt $260 or $300. easy. For more information, call For more lnforma1ion, call (7141 (949) 650-1332. 764-5158. The Aan. of eu...... Senicee Five new wtn.. wlll be MrV9d hosts a netwo~ng meeting that on Bayside Restaurant:• terr&<l8 deals with education connections over1ootclng Newport Harbor from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second every Thuniday from 6:30 to 7;30 Tuesday of every month at the p.m. The cost Is $15 per person. Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., For more Information, call (949) Costa Mesa. For more 721·1222. information, call (949) 805-0011. A van.ty of pt'tvata, aem~ •Dfvon:e: A New a.ginning; and groop swim leuona will be a worbhop for men and women offered tfll• summer af the divorced or getting divorced, la Marian Bergeson Aquatic <;enter held from 10 a.m, to 12:30 p.m. at et Corona del Mar High School. 180 Newport Center Drive on the Options lnctude Ol'\&'Ofl-one third Saturday of awry month. Instruction on Saturdays and a Cost la $40. For more information, Monday through Thursday call 644-6435. program for all ages and levels. For session dates, times and FNe tours of th• Orange County coata, call (949) 644-3151, or Performing Ans ,Center take register In person at Newport guest.a to the dressing rooma, Beach Recreation and Senior performer's lounge, badc.ltage Services at 331>o Newport Blvd. and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Children, teen• and adults Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. can now register for summer Group tours can be held by recreational boating classes special arrangement for more offenJ<t through Newport Beactl information, call (7141556-ARTS, Recreation Services. Classes ext. 833. begin July 12. ~es vary. Call (9491644-3151. or visir the Th• Newport Beed\~ Newpbrt Beach Recreation and Club holds a general meeting on Senior S6rvices a 3300 Newport 1he third Wednesday of erJery Blvd. for more information. month. The organization Is open · to all women resident.a in ProfMaional and llc:9nHd SOCC*' Newport Beacn who have hved In trainers with the All-England the area fewer than five years. For Soccer Academy are available for more Information, call (949) one-on-one, small groop and 645-9922, or visit large group training. For more http:llwww.newc:omers- Information, call (949) 395-5103. newportbHctl.org. J.with Family Serv~ It OaJt Senior c.nw hoadt a sponsoring.a teen support group pancake bntakfaat from 7:30 to 10 for high school studenU that a.m. on the aecond Saturday of meeta Mondays from 3:30 to 5 every month. Brealcfaat includes p.m. at Tar'but V'Torah Upper pancakea,sausage.coffeeand School in Costa Mesa. for orange juice for $3, $1 for Information or to register, call d'lildren. The center la at 800 (7141445-4950. Pre-reglatratlonJs Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For required. more Information, call (949) 644-3244. The f1nt Page -Fine Chldl'M'I Boob, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 In Macy'• South Cout Pia.a Cotta Meta, offert free story time presenta "Wort.hop Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays WedneadaYt: A Hands-on and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 Cooklng Class Program" hosted a.m., TuMdays and Thuradayt by chef AleX>C Guevara. The clau from 4 to 5 p.m . For more Is held from 8 to 7:30 p.m. Information, call (949) 645-6437. Wednetdays at 3333 Bristol St, Cotta Mesa. The COit. induding ~ Relltaurant In materials, Is $30. To ,....rve a Newport Beach offers wine apot, cell (818) 994-6076. tutlng flVery Thursday from 5:30 'fbga end rhythm. to 7:30 p.m. for S15 per person, featuring five new wfnet each "Yogarhythmica• oombinet voga, weok. For more Information, call dance Ind f\ln. The dua le held (949) 721-1222. from 4:30 to 5:46 p.m. Tundaye It 2850 M ... Verde Drive Eut, w your onNd te wo big tot tta . Sulte 111, Costa Mesa. For more pot, Grwn Svltitm• lntematlonal Information, call (7141 764-7389. will 1how you how to na-pot your plant during Chetr ,,.. TheN9wpclft ..... ,....... ~ eemlnaret2p.m. Muleuri1 otrw.1he l)(hfbtt • Jcje ev•rv ~.A plant .... ie held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. •t the DUncen GeMton: ~ C.llfomft' Mtttne Alt M~ 20382 Blrd1 St fac(llty, Call (949) through Sept. 30. The~ la 768-1211 for information st 161 E. Paclftc CoMt Highway, MEPHISIOM l11-.n fllST IMDIG SllOIS Our Bi e.t Event of the Year! • \ Newport BNdl. Fnie tldmi..lon. Fot tnOf9 \nformatJon. otll (949) 973-7183. ............. ~OM ~ P1ftMt Int lnvhed to partidPete '" • dllCtJNlon grovp IC the Jewlatt Famity SeMc:e of Or.,. County otflce. C.11 to ~le date end time. The o1fice It •t 250 E. Baker Sr.. Suite G, ~Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Wi»fNn 50 end older Qin Join. dltcu..Son group coordinated by Jewish Femlly s.~ to addrea ltsuf8 sudl aa anxiety. depfeafon, relationshlpt, loneliness and family. The group meeta from io to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays et the agency offices, 260 E. 8eker St, Suite G, Costa Meu. Preregistration required. (714) 446-4950. ,....... tAthe N9wpoft 8Mdt Public Library Used Book Store are esklng for patrons to donate boob to repfenlah the dwindling ttodc. Boob may be left et eny of the three branch llbntrfes - e.lboa, Mar1nert, or Corona del Mer -or In the boolt ctoaet ne!Ct to the FMnds Book Store, et 1000 A~ Ave., Newport Beadl. All hardcoYet and paperbedl donations, with the exceptiOl'l of megezlnee and law boolc.a, will be accepted and are taK deductible. (949) 759-9687. The Bralle lnettluta off9tw,.... computer da .... to people with fading vt.iorl who-have diftlculty teeing the computer acreen. The Oasis Center et 800 Marouerite Ave.. Corona del Mar, offert six MtSfona. Cell to sign up for daaes. (714) 821-6000. A tpbtlual ewe due mMta llt 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Cell to reserve a seat. (9491 263-1462. The Costa M.sa Chamber of Commerce hosta networking luncheon meetings Wedn~sd•Y• from 11 :45 a.m. 10 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The colt Is $14. The club Is at 1701 Golf CourM Drive, Costa Mesa. (71 4) BSS-9090. A bnaln 1Umor IUppcwt group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancel' Center at Hoeg Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Reg\strstlon not required. The group It designed to help patJenta and their famlllet understand and cope with the Illness. (949) 674-6232. St. Andrww's ~n Church hosta a mental Illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. SundaYt in Dierenfield Hall C at 600 St, Andrewa Road. Newport Beach. (949) 674-2236. The Jewish Family SeNk:e of Orange County sponsors a discuuion group for adult children and their paren'ts from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family SeNlce offioa at 260 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per seulon. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Serv~ of Orange C~nty has a weekly parenting pport group. Parents loam streteglea for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meeu from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office st 260 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Meaa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer p1'815Ure d'llldren experience. Pteregiatration required. (7141445-4950. The Cotta Mesa Senior c.nt.r ha• ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. f/Very Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (9491 648-3884. J9wtah Femlly Setvlce of Oranp Cotlnty tpOnsora an ongoing healing .upport group for the dlronlcally Ill. The porpose la to provide participants wfth -·emotional and splritual aupport to manage lllnett and its conaequ4'0CH. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursday• et the Jewfah Family Service office at 260 E. Baker St, Costa M .... A~ letrw, but ,.glttmlOn It required. (714) 446 4860. ....... aubNo. l60 me.ca from e to 10 p.m. Thurtdays at BordtnJ Boob. Muaic • c.f6 at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St. In Cotta Mea. $3. New pl~ ,,. wek:ome. (949) 208-9822. Theeor.t Ind--. aub,... from 1 \OS p.m.. Mondays at the Oasis Sen or Center. New m9mberw In~ In trading, buying and selling ttampe and colna ere being .ought to join t.heee Informal meetings. The.-. •re no fee• required. (949) 644-3244. Jewittl r.ntly s.rWie..,. ongoing bereavem~t support groups for edulta et •II •taoea of loss. Group members ahare experienc:et, heaf how others deal with grief, recelve support and' ieam ways to cope with 1adness and loss. One group meet.a at 7 P·fJ'· Tueedays et Beth Jacob In Irvine. The second group meeta at 10 a.m . Tuet&tYt at Temple Judea In Laguna Hiiis. The third group meets et 1 p.m. ThursdaYt at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free, but advance regfstratlon It required. (7141 445-4950. .Mwtet1 Femly .,.,,._of Orange County provides• aupport end discussion group for persona recovering from dllldhood or teenage M1Cual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 260 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Advanc:. registration is required. (714) 446-4960. 'IWo-houJ Uyatc toura with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort The resort lsat 1131 Badt ~y Drive, Newport Beach. $20, Of' $10 for California Wildlif9 Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and friend• members. (949172&-1150. A yoge and danc. deal .. held from 4:30 to 6:45 p.m. Tuesday• at the Qinter for Splrttual Oiacovery, 2860 Meaa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Cotta Mesa. (714) 754-7399. The Rev. Connie Rydcman ..... diacuulon group using the book ·convereationa with God" from noon to 1 p.m. TuesdaYt at the Center for Spiritual Oiacovery, 2850 Meta Verde Drive Eatt. Soite 1", COlta Meu. Bring a lunCh. (714) 754-7399. Manhd'a TM Kwon Do In Com Mesa. offera free self-defense classes to alr1ine pilots and flight attendant.a. Classes are taught by th,.....time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall'a ls at 333 E. 17th St, Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. A 0..llng with Div~ support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group Is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish federation campus. 260 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 44&-4950. Th• Sea Scouta' ahlp Def Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boya and young men ages 14 to 18 interested In aaillng, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meellngs are from 6 to 9 p.m. WednesdaYt at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 561-8591. Ouia Senior Center on.. ongoing asaiatance, counseling and referral services for aenlors. (949) 644--3244. Arthritla Foundation Instructor Hillary Stone leads an exercise class 1Jt 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mna. (7141 513-5641. The Newport BMCh Newcomen Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of eadi month. The organization It open to 111 women residents of Newport Beach who have lived In the area for fewer than five yeara. For more Information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site http~lwww.newcomort· Mwporfbuch.org. The Thund8y Momlng Women'• Club,• 40-yeal'Old frfendahlp · club, ia seeking new membera. .. The club, which Includes golf, bridge, walking and gourmet sect.ions, meets et 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month attn. Radlaon Hotol In Newport Bold\. The luncheon 1a S23 end lncludet "'tertalnm9fll The hotel la et 4646 Mecluthur BIVd. (7~) • 842-6863 . Th9Nnlpolt ~ Wllffdng ~ moete at 9 a.m. end 7 p.m. ',f'fC:IAl IZING IN NEWPORT'S l\RC HITE CTURA LLV DISTINC TIVE ES TATES lo WATERFRONT HOME ~ STDtmllL a&ITHDLAm • CONSULTING REALTOR n,... . . . ' '. 9-19·21U-3052 Monday throogh s.turday, •nd et 7 p.m. &.!l'.'deY. Wiikers shot.ltd mete et the lntet'Mction of Hotpft.el Road 9nd Supenor Avenue.. Fnie. (9'9) 860--1332. Th. ArMitc.n leitlon meeca at 7 p.m. the third Tueadly of wary month. The meeting•, which dea1 with veteran iteu• end . community 18Nk:e, wfll be held at the Coate Mesa Air National Gu.rd. The natJonat guard r. at 2661 Newport Bl'vd. ~. Mery Holler, (714) 64e-2777: or 8111 Mlmlaga, (949) 660-0894. Nigtrtty m..tlng. fw u.o.. who went to overcome nicotine addiction are offered In Costa Meaa and Newport Beach. (7141 n.i.9106 or (800) 842--0666. Th• Newport Spotts Mueeurn, a nonprofit organlutlon, operates a free muaeum at 100 ~rt Center Drive, Newport Beach. The mueeum, which haa one of the wottd'a largett collec:tJont of sports memorebllla, ls open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays end 10 1.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721-9333 or www.newpoltsport:s-- mll#Um.org. The Emnde High Sdtool ~ Teacher Student Aun. hotta a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m, to noon In the achool'I northwest parting lot, on the comer of Eatancla North and Pleoentla. Newspapers that al"e bound, loo .. or begged .,.. eocepted. Cardboard •nd bound material auch at phone boou and thlct magezfnn are not All funds raised go to the asaodltion. Mee. The school ls at 2323 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa. (949) 516-6500. a.. Senior c.m. oflwt a dilly telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local suPP9rt system. They also offer ongoing computer classes that teach the baaict of Word, ' Qulc:bn, Print Shop and Internet usage. (9491644--3244. The Cotu M.u Communicators Toastmasters Club meets from noo" to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 K.almua Drive, Coste Mesa. Meeting.a ere open to anyone who wants to Improve his or her public apeaking skills. (714) 444-8783. . . Sah#'day, NoYetrlber 1, 2003 AH I Jtff Ewing & Lylttn Ewing 8(JVJNG A HOME ASA SINGLE In kldlry '1 unprediclnble tnn:my. 1eaJ cstme adJWL'S IO be Ill ~ imes.tina\I. Ra:ud low . llllCn:8t rtllCi w-d llalisf)'U18 retunl'I h11ve lnspmld amumcn; to pun:ha-.c tcaniand~ lhud ~Now more nt more mp~ ft plrlJ inlo Ille ICt. When )'OU buy property a.~ • &n¥k'. )'OU need all the 5UpPOf1 llllll '' lvatbllk IO SCI through the~ ~llfld olicn ~Ill& jllUX5.'I of I ttOi ~ llWl.'ialXlon Without U llpOUllC to dcpmd on. yow real CSl.atc ... will be an invaluable palde who will aiMare )'OUr ncedl llld toncerm If you tM1ll\l.lfliatl 'NW\ \tlem ~)',&'I )'OU wtUtJ to I~ i-toef. Tllb 11 lip from Ille Boy Scouts unt.I "be prepared"! Spdld time ~yow~lrJ delemilllC )\11' prdcned ~ llflJR foocagc. and pnce. lb1 ·1 nlle out coodOo\llliunw and rowmou.es. ~ .t.ronlabdity, easy uplwq> and axas to c:omu1iey f8Cllub m:U..c lbem. cbiniblr ~ f<W TlWI)' hinglr& Whdhcf )IOU docide Oil II home ''° ,, l:OOdo. you. u tlrlCd • mor1pF llUll " ~wutiyowr~ Mll.llllim. f'nxlual.tfying for n loon gives yoo lhc dL..unct lld>lwagc o4 clmi{yulft w~ you~ li~tall}' and~ ywrlwp111n1it f)llbilKK\. lf Y.,lU ruld ll propctt)' )t IU k M, be n:ady lo act 41uckly m 1oday ·' IU.'Clcraltxl rnarL:1 v.h.11 ·' hen: 1uday I\ likely td'he l!<n' IOllltlllUW, Lylcm 11od Jeff have ] I t:Oll'«Ullvc >._... or roll C\IJllC c~rmeooe Ill Ncwpor1 Bcaclt h• profcs.,Kioal '<TVIOC or a..tv11.'t! w11h .ill your real eo.uue rlCIC(h call \he F.wmit' at c~ Ncwpin.('oklv.;:11 Basu.er JI (~'I) 7~.\°N(\ The Ewings Are Coasl Newport Property's #t Team For 2001 _.,,,.,,..,,, stwindows.com WMI'*' Brands • lowest Price Up Front No Games ~eplacement & New Construction . me Pricing & Purchasing 2-494-9069 Fax: 562-494-2069 t41iltMiiftor Referrals •Alf MaJor Credit Cards ---~ ... ·---~MN ___ ,_ tnoo v.. .._ ~-•IOO ~C..,16U --~ .... ,,,,W'/l"""I .... .-err<'~-- window s.com ltfE 1.0WUT POSSIBU RATES ANO FEES FROM 'lliE WHOLlSAl.£ DMSIONS Of BANK Of AMERICA, CHASE MANHATTAN, WELL FARGO ~ Wt\SHtNClON MUTUAl AND WOfU.O SAVINGS. N.1 W()IOUNC 'nAlffttt.• l 0 C".rT n llllQf I '"' 111111 1-Jl " rROVfN Tltl\CK RfCO"D C.Ul\RANTUO ro GCT RI SUL TS ~· • CAHTOtiSE CUISN • SlonlhimJ/,~·10/• Starting at $5.95 7 Days a Week t 1-4 Includes soup, salad, appetizer & rice 11/I '' ,., rrl//:/\ i//11\ I I II! Startino at $7. 95 FREE DESSERT HONEY WALNUT SHRIMP $7.99 JUGHIN , 1111 IN PR/(£ BIG IN POKnON, GOOD IN SFJYICE Heauh Conscious Menu Avail.able ( ~) 4 9 ) 7 5 9 -3 3 8 8 FREE EST l '.\1:\TE DC MAllU I GIANITI USTOIAftON YOUR NATURAL 8TONB CA.RB PROPESSIONALt 800.828.7118 ~J .. • * ..IA&UAR * MINI * PROWLER ~ LEXUS * lllPER * !!iUll'li * • LEXU!!i E!!i3DD .JAGUAR XKB . COUPE 5 •· [•Above rates based on 30 day rental. Add $20 per day for weekly.] * Exotic &. Luxury Cars Available * Daily, We~kly, Monthly Rentals * §hart Ter111 Leases .. * lilft Certificates· * We Pick Up & Dellver * [orporate Accounts ·~ ~OFntED;AY "Evtry time we play Ntwport, our playtrs. stolf. fans and parents know it's • going to bt a battle. .. Terry tMnt1u. lniine f ootb3N coach Spottl Yeor ltJchlrd Dann.: (949> 57 ... 223 • Spof:tl fax: (949) 6500170 WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALi.; A sweet sw~ep OCC maintains pace. in the OEC with 13th win in 14 matches. Bryce Alderton Dalt/ Pilot COSTA MESA -SWeepe &19 becoming commonplace ror the Orange Coast<Col· lege womeds wlleyball team thLs fall. The Pl.rates tallied their 12th three-game victory in 14 matches this season with a COMMUNITY COLLEGES . OCC'S Drozd . caught on quick D onlca Orozd's ' mother Oarina Sho-.. " mahkostoVa ,,. will bt in the crowd , N<N J 2 when the Orange~ College women's wlleyball team takes on Riverside. letting. She has been in the United States for five years after leaving communist-led 8u1garla and seems to ba've Inherited her mother's volleyball gmes. Drozd, who graduated from the F'mtng since it was Siromahkostova, who play,<! under the last BRYCE Univexslty of Wodd and National EconomJca in ALDERTON Sofia. married husband name PaviOVil as an outside bitter for the Bulgarian national team, from whom Drotd; an outside h.itter for 0CC I~ the game. Orozd'a play this year would make rnO(ll proud. The &-foot-1 native ofSo.6a. Bulga1'a~ capftaJ, leads the team in kill$ with 144 through 12 matches while tying for the team lead with 14 solo blocks. The remarbble feat for Drozd, 29, is that prior to this season, she had never played volleyball for a coach in an organizel- Kevin nearly four years ago. The two live in U:snon Heights. an unJru:orpora.ted area of Orange Country near Tustin. She hu played recreationally the Jast three yean for the Saddleback Valley Volleyball , Oub. where she met Amber McCarthy. one of her OCC teammates. "Amber saw me playing and said rlhould try out. "'Droz.d said. "I didn't think I had the abillry to GIRLS VOLLEYBALL ~. S0.22, 30-22. 35-33 triumph owr visiting Orange Empire Confemtce foe Irvine v~ Friday n!gbt. Orange Coast defeated NC (11-3, 6-3 in the OEC} lo four games in d:>.e teams' prlor meeting this sea- son and It looked like Friday's match would go a s1mllar length. But 0CC (13-1, 8-1), tanked second lo the at.ate, fought back from a 29·27 deficit in Game 3 with three ~ &om sopho· Ste SWEEP, Paa• 84 .. s.ti.rdly, November 1, 2003 11 Orange Coast ·College's Christine woner, left, httS a shot by the block of Irvine Valley Colleae's · Katie Martinez, ·center, and Tiffany Tfiovac in Friday night's Orange Empire Conference match. MARK C. DUSTIN I OM.YltOT FOOTBALL Henigan relishes rivalry A fter the latest in a long line of c1usic lbowdown.t with Newport Harbor Jiigb. Irvine football coach Terry Henigan lbook band.a with Sailor coaches, then congratulated u many S&Uor playen u he could on their .supmne eft'on. Then, aoon after he began walld.ng toward his victorious team ln the eut end r.one at Newport Harbor's Davidson ,--...,.......~~ Fleld Friday nfght, be thought quickly of his wlfe. He turned sharply . toward the vtsfd.ng .stands to ftnd her among the V&qllero supporters still streaming onto the field atter the 22-20 BARRY Sea View League thriller. FAULKNER ~ He quf~kJy spotted . her and they shared a abort celebratory • kiss. Mesa in top form But if Henigan baa a football soul mate. It very well may be Newport STEVE McCRANK I OAA.Y PILOT ' Harbor Coach Jeff Brinkley. with whom Mustangs rally from 12-3 deficit in third game to sweep past rival Estancia High. SteveYlr1en Daily Piiot COSTA MESA -The Costa Mesa High W.rls volleyball team ts much dlff erent from the squad that won the Golden West League title wt year. But when the Mustangs faced crosstown rival Estancia they definitely had the stuft'-ot champions Friday at Costa Mesa. Mesa used atrong aervtng to battle past the fet!ty F.qles Ln three game$. 25·11, 25·17, 25·21, main_taining Its Vi.ible chances for the C1F playoffs With a 7·3 ~- cord lp league. With two games remainlng, Costa Mesa ls in third in the Golden West The Mustanp gradu· ated five senJors from la.st year'• championship team, which Included Golden West League MVP Sharon Day. Also.. sophomore Jumln Day and senior Stacy Krfkor. Ian opted to compete in aosa country, leaving only .fun· lors JeMy Spa.rks and Jaclde Ha· vens u key retumen for th.la tea· son. .Havens stepped up aplnst the Ea8let. as did junior Undaey Na· varrette, who dellvered a match· hJgb 11 kills and three service aces. Havens added 10 kills and four aces. all coming in the sec- Newport's Matt Encinias (1) looks to evad& Irvine's Bobby Hatfield (21) In Friday's game. he shares vut mutual respect. an intense and competitive rivalry,.and · ftve ot the last 11 ClF Southern Section dtles in the two ICbools' divlslon. Tars sttimble Newport drops third straight league game by total of 13 points. Patrick Lavtrty Daily Pilot r Newport Harbor had dropped its third consecutive game. 22·20, keeping Itself at the bottom of the Sea View I.ague. The Sailors (S.3, 0-3 tn league) now trail the league-leadlnl Va· queros (7-1, 3-0) by three prMI and their most credible chance of NEWPORT 8P.ACH -Lut week fog, thlt week rain and the future forecast for the Newport Hubor High football team doesn't . Irvine 22 a ClF Southern Section playoff Newpott 20 spot are attached to an at·large berth. get much brighter: .. On·and-off ahowen Friday began once again u the s.Dors' 6nal drtYe stalled and, tl\er three succeuive In1ne kneel downs, "'Ibat'a our only chance now," Sailors Coach Jetf Brinkley said. ~got to win twO gamea and try t~ be the at-large There's a special confidence when the Sailors' two seniors play on the court together .. W hen the Newport Hatbot "'8h girls . tennis team took on Woodbridge Ln a by See View League matchup Oct. 21, the Sd6n were obviously emotionally charged. Yet. for Newport Mrdon Oiana IChowy .net AJ, <*10a there wma a~ about tbim; '"-knew what dwy wre capable of and~ Mio-mew the teemlltltY llmltlesl &mount Of cOilldence the)' Mil In each other. ~~then, dOnethat. When~ and Ol.ocl l*f t~. ttM!y lctioW d*'1 cen ·S..TARS.,P ... M "We beat a great football program tonight." Henigan Mid ~er Newport's valiant fowth·quarter comeback attempt fell af>Ort.. •Bvery time we play Newport, our playua, std, fads and parent. know it's going to be a battle. We love playing t\lem, we really do. Win. lQse. or draw, lt'a just fun." While Henigan Uld Brfn.kley may dlft'er when lt comes to ICbemes, they ab.are many of the game's buJc pbilosoph.les. Both demand respect for the opponent, a 1elftea devotion to teaip and a hearty contempt for any tnd.tvid'uaJ who draws attention to h.lmself on the field, no matter how great hla performance. They alto share the aame intense. detennlned sideline ICOWI; the one oftidals dread and p~ seem to a f . 2925 Harbor Blvd! • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ' (714) 979-2500 ....... PIA (800) 96ACURA •_Fax (7.14) ~5· 1521 . . . ~ .. .. SPORTS .. COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOOTBALL OCC, Palomar lneet ~uring trying times Comets practiced just three hours this week due to regional fires pear campus. Bryce Alderton ~Pilot .. 1be pme wm go on. Aayen on the Palomar Col- lege football team -faced to etther forfeit or compete aa planned -unanimously de- cided Wednesday to condnue • with~ sched- ule: travel to face host Orange c.out in a MJJaion Con- ference Amert- . can Otvtsion gamo at 6 p.m. today. Fires that have ravagec1 San Diego c.ouiity thi.I week bave forced schools auch u Palomar to dole, while the football team didn't practioe Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. "The kids are ~qt," Palo- mar Coach Joe Barty wd. "One plajer lost his 'home while an- othu had bis partly burned down. There la quite a bit of ad- vmtty goi,ng on, but the kids wanted to play. We practiced an hour and half both (ThuradayJ ·and £Fri<JayJ •. "ff I had my say, J would have liked to play Monday, but that was not an option. But I am proud of the deciston my players made." OCC Coach MJb Taylor sym-· pathir.ed with Palomar, but Jf the game was moved, It would make for a diorter week Of preparation fbr Cout (4-3, 1-1), which hostl Cmitoe Frida~ ·u wouldn't have been Cair to our klda to come oft a game M~ and have another one Friday, ~or said. 91bla Is not the NFL where teams come back on a ahort week after Monday Night Football. "I empathize with (Pa)Omar). All of ua have been affected since the ftrel started lut week- end. Tb.ls whole week has been atreasful. People are loalng homes. ao lt putt football Into perapectfvi!." 'D&ylor jokingly l&id that Palo- mar (5-2, 1-1) didn't need u much practice time to prepare for today'• game as Coast did. "They are one of the best teams in Southern CallfomJa." 'Dlylor said. Palomar came Into the season ranked No. 4 in the country and 111 two loaee9 have come in or to Mt San Antonio and Can- yon.a, two teams nuiUd in the top-ftve nationally • Coast and Palomar are both one game behind Mt ~ (7-0, ..... ML M. .,,,,_ • "°"'"'· m »Mii Miit "' n .................. ~ .. •Cllllllilli..... .. .... -............. , .... .. ...... n• "'-Tl • =.-::.a ii"' ... L7 ==* .. ,i l . ,.....,...... a "· "' 2-0) tn the American Division. • Orange Cout Comet otf a '3- 1• defeat to Mt. SAC where ape- did teaml proYed to be the pt. rates' down.Call. 1Wo bad punt an.ape Jed to 12 Mt SAC point.a. Mt SAC a1ao capJt:allud with a toudldown after an intercep- don. . "You can't take the whole quarter to make up the tleld po· sltion.. nytor aald. ~tight end Jon Garcia will snap If OCC gets into a punting tJtuation to- night, a change from last week. Pirates' practlcet were toned down earlier in the week in .-e- sponse to the poor aJr quality from other Southern c.al.lfomJa ft.res. "We cut down a bit on condi- tioning and were sensitive be- cause some of our kids have asthma, N Tuylor said. Palomar leads the series. 10-9. The Comets won. 43-6, last sea- son when Coast committed ftve turnovers. 'Dlylor aaJd there would be a moment of silence and prayer before today's game to honor the fire victims. CROSS COUNTRY Diaz, Jones sweep for .Coast Art Diaz and Ava Jones were e•ghth consecutive confmence qcb aowned Orange Empire aown. ~ Montoya placed Conference champions and both eecond 1n 18:27 with Lud1 Valdez led the Orange Coast College (fourth, 18:58), AnnJe Gerton men's and women's aoa coun-(sixth, 19'.22) and Jane Alder try teams to conferenoe tides Fri-(10th. 19:43) finishing for Coast day at Laguna Niguel Regional Riverside tlnbhed aecond with Put. 40 points. Dtaz ran the four-mile course Irwin Salas placed eighth on in 19:23 to lead the Coast men the men's side 1n 19:58 while (15 points) to their third straight Frandlco Guerra placed 10th 1n OEC tide. Santiago Canyon came 20:01. Kobyar Naderi placed 11th In second with 55 points. Coast In 20:06. took the top five spots with 1be Coast women took spots Humberto Rojas (19:35), David 12-15 beginning with Sarah De- Ojeda (19:38), Jose Casillas · Jano (19:55) followed by Jessica (19:41) and Vidal Ba.rragon Huerta (19:56), P.mllle Vo (20:93) (19:50) leading the way. ' and F.lleen Bello (20:03.3). They Jones finJshed the 3.1-mlle were followed by Jenny SUwa course In 17:48 to lead the Coast (17th, 20:16), Jasmine Gelder women (23 points) to their (18th, 20:40), Hanni Geider (19th, 20:41), Oaudia Sanchez (22nd. 20:56) and Lucia Peiez (35th, 23:17). Juan Altamirano placed 16th for the Coast men in 2&.28.1 fol- lowed by Pedro Nambo (17th, 20:28.8), Jason Valenzuela (19th, 20:37), Matt Staggs (24th, 20:51), Andre Brown (30th, 21:22.1), Clu1s Durst (32nd, 21:25), Igna- do Perez (37th, 21:39), Pranclaco Morales (38th, 21 :43.6), Josh Ger- ard (39th. 21:43.9), Jason Thomas (4lst. 21 :59), Artie Moreno (44th, 22:20), c.arloa Leon (46th, 22:34), Mario Cruz (55th, 23:26) and Scott Cole (64th, 29:34). Both Pirate teams will com- pete In the Southern California regional championships Nov. 8 at ML San Antonio CoDege. BOYS WATER POLO Newport Harbor.·knoc k·s off Foothill Goalie Robinson stops outside snot to pi:eserve .. big win for Newport Harbor. 1be Newport Harbor H1gb bo)'I water polo team defeated Sea View League rival foothill. 9-8i flklfy to advance to today'• aemiftnak,ot the nu-~ Me· modal ~ lrMtadooal lo San 5:35 left.~ the game put the Safl- 01"1 thead for good. The victory avenged an 11-10 Q\lmime loss to Foothill In an Oct. 8 league game at Corona del Marfflgb. Newport Harbor ls tanked No. 5 in CJF Southern Section DM- aion I and FootbJD Is No. 3 1be Sailors C14·8), who also de- fl!ated Mlmmonte, 11-10, Friday. play a aeml.6nal opponent to be determined today at l :40 p.rn. at Bellannlne HJajl. Reynoldl2, KNmpholtt 1, BenjMnin 1. Sewe -Hohner 20. Newpoft ~. Gentry 3, Jorth 2, Hiil 1, AAJfK 1, Bury 1, Laldlew 1. S8Y9I • Roblneon e. Sea Kings lose a pair 11 The Corona del Mar Rlgh boyB water polo team dropped two games, lo&lng to Bellarm.ine and Jesuit In the Tiu-West Me- morial Cup lnvftatJonaJ in San Jose Friday. ~ 6runn Gentry aaxed three rll dlle Saflora' llx teeond· halt ~ and Junior goalie Ml-chief Robtmon (llx 11.ws) stopped an outalde shot oo the Knlah1-' 6nal polleUion to p~ """' the win. 'lbe Sea Kingt (5-16) lost to Bel.larmlne, S.-f, and Jesuit 11-8. Thomu Peanon led CdM wfth three goall In tbe Joas to Bellar· ml.rte. Results of the losa to Jeauit were not provided. • Corona will continue play in 1 the 18--team tournament In Morpn Laldlaw'a got! with conaolatJon action. -· 0 ··--__ , .'im ................... ~~ . ........ I I n,wu,_., ":".: .,_...,. .:::t:::' RIXlbPCIMf': -·---:= =r-'18975 Count on a gmttOWS tradt-in allowance. (BBB) 2 71 -7 s 90 ,, . , , '.'··~ ... " '".~'' ,,., .. , ... , ... ~-- • SIUday, Nowil1>ef l, 2003 II --------:----:--:·----.... -.--r •••• ------.-~-------.....-----'----:"'----' . · . .. 2925 Harbor Blvd~ • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 979-2500 AA (800) 96ACURA • Fax (7.1~) 435-1521 . . I • SPORTS .. ·COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOO OCC, ·Palomar lneet during trying times I • . • fou.eho(tefweeko!preparadon for Coast (4-3, 1-t), which hosts CmftOI Frida): Comets practiced just three hoilrs this week due to regional fires near c~pus. !'le• Alderton Dally Pilot • The pme will go on. Playen oo tbe Palomar Col· lege football team -faced to elther fo.deit or compete u planned -unanimously de- cided Wednesday to tondnue r. wtth the ached· ule: travel to face host Orange Coast ln a Mlsalon Con· ference Ameri- . can Olvlslon game at 6 p.m. today. Ams that have ravaged San Diego County tbia week have fon:ed schools such u Palomar to doee, while the football team didn't practice Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. "The kids are resilient," Palo- mar C.oach Joe llarty said. "One player lost bis home while an- othu had his partly burned down. There ls quite a bit of ad- wrsity go~ on, but the kids wanted to play. We practiced an hour and half both (Thursday) and !Friday!. •u J bad my say. I would ha...e liked to play Monday, but that WU not an option. But I am proud of the decision my players made.• OCC Coach Mike Tuylor sym- pathized with Palomar, but lf the pme was moved. it would make "It wouldn't have been fair to our lids to come off a game Monday and have another oo.e Friday, ~ylor said. "1hla ls not the NFL wh~ teams come back on a short week after Monday N1f!rt Football. I empathize with [Palomar}. All or ua have been affetted If.nee the fires started lut week· end. This whole week hu been streuful. People are losing homes, eo It puta football into penped!W.· Tllylor jokingly said that Palo· mar (5-2, 1-1) didn't need as much practice time to prepare for today's game u Coast did. "They are one of the best tea.ma In Southern Califomta. • 'Dlylor aaJd. Palomar came lnto the season ranked No. 4 In the country and Its two loeees haw come in or to Mt San Antonio and Can- yons, two teams ranked in the top· five nationally. Cout and Palomar are both one game behind Ml SAC (7-0, 2-0) In the American Dlvtston. Oruige Cout comes off 1 43- 14 defeat to Mt. SAC where ape- dat tam& provecl to be the Pi- rates' downfall. 1Wo bad punt wp1 led to 12 Mt SAC points. Ml SAC also capltallz.ed with a touchdown after an intercep- don. . "You can't take the whole quarter to make up the fteJd po- &ldon. • 1ay1or said. Sttrttng tight end Jon Garcia wiD uiap il OCC gets into a punting situation to- night. a change from last week. Pirates' pnictlces were toned down earlier In the week In re- sponse to the poor air quality from other Southern California .fires. "We cut down a bit on condl- donlng and were sensidve be- cause aome of our kids have uth.ma. • Taylor said. Palomar leads the aeries, 10·9. The Comets won. 43-6, Jut sea- eon when Cout committed five turnovers. Thylor said there would be a moment of silence and prayer before today's. game to l)onor the fire victims. CROSS COUNTRY Diaz, Jones sweep for .Coast Art Diaz and Ava Jones were eighth consecutive conference ~ch crowned Orange Empire crown. 5-pdra Montoya placed Conference cbamptOos and both second in 18:27 with Ludi Valdei. Jed the Orange Coast College (fourth. 18:58), Annie Garton men'• and women's aoes coun-(sixth. 19'.22) and Jane Alder try team.a to conference t1tJea Fri· (10th. 19:43) ftnlshlng for C.oast. day at Laguna N"aguel Regional Rlvmlde fi.nisbed second with Pait. 40 point& Diaz ran the £our-mile coww Irwin Salas placed dgbth on ln 19'.23 to lead the Coast men the men's side In 19'.58 while (15 points) to their third atralght Prandaco Guerra placed 10th in OEC dtle. Santiago Canyon came 20:01. Kobyar Naderi placed 11th in second with 55 points. Cout In 20:06. • took the top five spots with· The Cout women took spou Hwnberto Rojas (19:35), David 12-15 beglnnlng with Sarah De· Ojeda (19:38), Jose Casillas · tano (19:55) followed by Jessica (19:41) and Vidal Barragon HJJerta (19'.56), F.milie Vo (20:03) (19:50) leading the Way. and Eileen Bello (20:03.3). They Jone. 6nisbed,.. the 3.1-m.ile were · followed by Jenny SUwa coone In 17:48 to lead the Coast (17th, 20:16), Jasmine Gelder women (23 points) to their (18th. 20:40), Hanni Geider (19th, 20:41). Oaudia Sanchez <Zlpd. 20-.56) and Lucia Perez (35th, 23:17). . Juan Altamirano placed 16th for the Coast men in 20-.28.1 fol- lowed by Pedro Narnbo (17th. 20:28.8), Juon Valenzuela (19th, 20'.37), Matt Staggs (24th, 20:51), Andre Brown (30th, 21:22.1), Outs Durst (32nd, 21:25), lgna· cto ~rez (37th, 21:39), Franctaco Morales (38th, 21:43.6), Josh Ger· ant (39th. 21:43.9), Jason Thomas (4lst, 21:59), Artle Moreno (44th. 22:20), c.arlos Leon (46th, 22:34); Mario Quz (55th, 23:26) and Scott Cole (64th. 29:34). Both Pirate teams will com· pete In the Southern California regional championships Nov. 8 at Mt San Antonio College. BOYS WATE.R POLO , Newport Harbor knocks off Foothill Goalie Robinson stops outside shot to preserve big win for Newport Harbor. . 5:35 left In the game put the Sail- on ahead foe: good. The victory avenged an 11-10 <Wertlme loss to Foothill In an Oct. 8 league game at Corona del MarHlgb. Newport Harbor ls ranked No. The Newport Harbor High 5 In CIP Southern ~on OM- boyl water polo team ddeated lion I and Foothill is No. 3 Sea View League rival Foothi8. The Sailors (14-8), who also de· 9-8, Prtday to advance to today'• feated Miramonte, 11-10, Friday, aemUlnaJs of the 'Du·Weat ~ play 1 aemi6naJ opponent to be modal Olp lnvftadonal in San '<letennlned today at 1:40 p.m. at }pie. Bellannlne ffi8b. . ~ 6rtmn Gentry ICOl'ed . • fhnoJe of the Sallon' six teeond· ..• ,.." bait pJ,t and j\1nJor goalie Mf... w.......,a.111A111111111 cbad, RobtnaOn (llx l&Yel) QJUriiW 1toppe4 an outipde shot on the ~ ft.bor t. foodim I Kntahta' final ~on to pni-Foothill 8cof9 ~ ~ ' • • aerve the win. ~ , 2 4 2 • 1 Morpn Lmdlaw'a goal with ~ • Willlnger 2. Sevmour 2. ·-...... =~·189'75 -~ ,. Aeynoldl 2. ICromphottz 1, Benja'mln 1. $ewe • Hohner 20. Newport Hnot. Gentry 3. Jorth 2. Hlll 1, Auer 1, Bury 1. Leldlew 1. 5ewe • Roblneon 6. Sea Kings lose a pair ,. The Corona de) M.ar ~lgh boys water polo team dropped twogames,JosingtoBellarn\lne and Jesuit in the 'Du-West Me- morial Cup Invitational in San Jose Frida~ • The Sea Kingt (5-16) lost tO- Bel.larmlne, 8·6, and Jesuit 11-8. Thoma.a Peanon led CdM wfth thtM goals in the loA to Bellar· mine. Results of the loaa to Jea~t were not provf~ed. corona will continue play in the · l(>-team tournament in consoladon action. ·..--~< I · 1 I I . -~, -._ , I W J ~ ._ ' 2 71 7590 '• .• t ' ''•··•• h Olvrl ,1., •. ,. .• 1•.••'-{BBB} -· · " · · . ....... -------• 'Satl.rday, ~ 1, '°°3 u __ ... D_U -O"!'O# ... P_OS_O_.'P'P_P ... D .... OS-~-·U':?_U ... U_U __ .,_....w.-,-----w: -• -F P2 VU• _. . . . S?ORlS ' 'l;atets'rilaKe their . competitive debut tonight . ... . . agairi$t·EA SpQrt · · ... Southwest Alf-Stars. · ... rrt ,auHln•f OailyPffot ·· · • HONORS Orange Coast Colese's Marti Merriott, above, attempts a kin While her teammates watch in Frfday·nighfs match agailst lrvioe Valley Belden earns Player of the Week College. At right, Irvine Valey assistant coach Misty May yells out instructions to her players while head • coach Tom Pestotesi Peter Belden. a former New· port Halbor Hlgb atandout. IOOred the pme·wii)ning goal tor Va.A tn .omttme uptett1ng top-ranked USC Sunday, earning Mountain PadJlc Sports Peden· don_ Mlbaa ~ of the Week and UCLAlMBl'-Rx SCUdent·Ath· le1e ot the Week honon. Belden Jed the No. 5 Brufna men'• wata' polo team to a 6-5 OYatlme . wlb over rtva1 use when be ICOred in the flnt QYtf· time period. He also IOOred two --MESA . COntinued from 81 ·ood ga.me. Sparb, ~ team'1 eet- ter, aina.aecf 27.wlttl. "They are our rlvall md we Just trled to play with lnteosity and show them that th1I la our house," uJd Navanene, • junJor \'.IU1lty player last year. "We have a totally new ltuting ltneup thla seuon. 10 lt'a been hard to. ad· Just. But I th1nk we haw been doing good." Navarrette recorded thfte )dlla, an ace and a block to lead Mesa to the victory in the ftnt pine. However, Eltancla CS·8. •· 7) came back ln the teeond pme COLLEGES Continued ftom Bl ' ( goals in a 12-6 yictory over UC Santa Barbara~ The team captain, Belden baa a teun·high 17 stem and 12 goalt on "the eeasoo. as tbe Bru· tm extended their winning streak to alx. games, 4--0 1n the conference. Lut week. Mkhael March. a former C.Orona de1 Mar High standout, earned MPSP Mlbsa Player of the Week lawell for Ud.A. March and Belden are roommates. looks CNer at his bench players at Orange Coast College. PHOTOS BY ~C.OUSTlN/ OAILYPll..OT and etayed with the Mustanp. 12-3 iim. Its biggest lead of the The Bl&les led. 15·13, but Ha· matr;,b. Lanen produced two vent led the rally for Mesa. aces in the spurt. Junior 1etter Sophomore nacy Bjelland, Hilary Ocby conafbuted 11 U · who bad three ldJle and an ace, IUtt. c:Ollected a kill to gtve servk:e Howeve(, Costa Mesa an· back to Costa Mela. Then Ha· IWered with a 12·3 run of lti vena took over, eervtng for nine own. u Navarrette bad two aces. stra1gbt polntl, inducting' four ~ Mustangs later broke aces. For four other pointl, &· away from an 18· 18 de to win, tan?& could not JetUm Havens' 25·21. Pltttngly, Havens ended serve because of efrora. the match on a kill off an assist . "Jadde bu always been one of. ·from Spatb. our atrongest playen," Costa · •'Ibat was one of our better Mea C.Oach Alliaon Sallad1n matcbea of the season." said Jim eak! "On the cotut abe'1 very de· . Huffman, Estancia'1 first-year pendable and lhe played well to· coach. "lt was geat for ua to night." . . ~ve Joy Prebyt back. our only Bltanda. which wuled byHil· senloi: She Jnjwed her foot tn lary Lanen and her aeven k1lla, the 8-match of the &e8IOD, but opened the th1rd game with a shew'-able to play toalgbt." ••• ....... _ .... -····~- v -• « •• -------~--~__... - SWEER ContiJ.led from Bl more QWdne ~ alding ~ lriarch to c.o.st't fourth stnllbt win. •• think It wU .• fetdowD by \.II and they pkbd It up." II.Id \\bller, who ftn.llhed wldl a much·# 19 ldlk IDd bit at a AGO clil>! 1'heft we aot ~ up. Each pOiftt Wll adtement.,, lVC sophomore letter JCade King, a teammate of Woller'a when tbe two pi.,ed at Newport Harbor Hlgh. aerved eight consecutive potnts to give the Lasere a 26-23 lead tn the third game. OCC ltesh· OWl outside b,ltter Oonb. Drozd quickly IDtwered with two of her 14 killa to tie the pme at 27 and lVC ~ u high as fourth in the state tb1s season, bad three pme polnts after tl\at. 'Ibe Lasers led, 31 • 30, but a two·band pus that fell wide pve the setve back to Coast. ~ middle blocbr Brenda Bailey Ceeven kills} eent down a block that Jave Coast match point and Woller IWnmed a ball d)e La· em ret:uined into the net to seal the matdl. Coast'• nm deficit of the .match came at 1--0 In the third game and wu never really threatened in the ftrst two garnet. · Sophomore Marti Meaiott II~ eight kills while Ball.ey added three. Sophomore eettet Amber McCarthy tal· W 36 assists and 20 dip. several of the diving varieW as Coast also kept posses· lion with 12 dlg9 from freshman Jennifer Rucker and ll from sophomore Melissa Sherman. . "We scrambled well on defense, didn't miss maiiy serves and everyone got In· wived, this wae one of our best matches d1il !le8$0n, • OCC C.Oa.ch Otuck a.itenese said. "Mard had one of her better per· formancea of the year and that was key, W~ are rldlng Cluistjne more now." UnliP the teams' pre\tlous ipeetlng, • Cuteneae serised less IUlXiety Friday. Wollet attributed the relax.ed feel to knowing what to expect fxom the Lasers. "We' practiced what they' run (Thurs· day), so we were prepared," Woller said. "A lot of itwas mental. We took au:e of the ball." Tum Pestolesi, who cqached at F.standa and Newport Harl>or before beginning his adnt as IVCs coaCh five years ago, said Fri· day'.s match would come down to ball control Woller's familiarity with IClng's game ..:.. the two played three seasons together at N~rt-also proved beneficial for the Pirates Friday. King led IVC with 22 as· slats. ~Unow what she la going to do," Woller said "U I think she will dlln\J>I she dumps. Other players might not be able to see that... . • <:oast began last season 15· l and fin .. I.shed 21:5, falling to lO·f.!me defendfhg state champ,ion Golden West and San Joa· qutn Delta in 1he state tournament. "ThlB was a big step for us." Woller said. FRESHMEN .FOOTBALL . Sai~ors shu~ out Vaqu~ros; record now 8-0 :=::;:~~ .•. ~~!~ League victory over visiting Irvine on a 25-yard run Thursday with running back Ja· with blocb from sen ' Ruiz scoring four touch-an offensive line downs. of James Skaben, Ruiz returned the opening kick· Ian Fowler, Prank Muscatello, off .for a touchdown and Newport Brian Lawter and Bryce Jardine. (8-0) then scored on its first offen-WUllama completed J>8S1eS to sive play. DanJeJ for each of the tint three Quarterback K.evtn WUliama hit two-point conversions. Jarrett Daniel aaoss the mJddle Ruiz scored from 5 yards to be- and Oanlel sprinted untouched . gln the second half and Newport's for the ftnal 60 of the 80-yaid next score .was set up when Nick ATHLETES Continued from B 1 win, and win they did. The Sailor senJor duo, playing at No. 1 doubles, ewept their 1ets over the Warriore, including a S. l victory over Uly ca.o, Samantha Reeve wblch set the tone for Newport. The Sailors defeated Woodbridge, 10·8, to climb back into the Sea View t:eague dtle race. · said the reason they also play ao well is becaust they get along with each othei off the court, too. A.J., which standl for Adrienne Jean, la the outgoing, funny type, . whll~ Khoury seemJ to be the more laJd·back pe1110n. "They bad a lot ol momentum after they won their ftnt set, and they kept everyone into the match," Newport C.Oach Fletcher Ollon said. "They ue very confident in ea.ch other and they know where each other~ be at all timet." Fletcher Olson had a 1trons ffflln& the tandem would be compadble when lbe pabed mem up lut year. h noticed A.J. Ollon'16cdw pme at the net wo\114tme.h well wkh' Khoury'a powmut ground ' tti'oUI. • "It jua klnd of hlppened lh4lt M clkbd.." Mid A.J. ~who II not~ to Che Newport CQldt.:Dlana hM ~l Sn?unct ltrOUI. and tbn ...... ..., C:onlUtent. She j\.lll bill It hlrdi mUinl lt more cUlkidt for lbe other..,. to hit blck." Kho~WhOll~ allows h«tD.., ........ u Ml.•lilil•hlab~for AJ, Ollcil'l.JllDI. "Shi nidy-IDIO Che ..... llMNIY _ilkl •••• Che ........... pd .,..._•eome•lhl ~~-..,both Thia year, they also abate two cluses together tor the fl.rat time in thelr four yean at Newport. taking Advance P1acetnentgovenunentand AP calcuJus. "She's funny." Khoury 18.ld. -We have our tnalde jolcea on the court and off the court, too." Said A.J. Olson: "She'1 just a really friendly person and she smiles • lot. She's just fun to be around." ~ Warrlor1 would · probably have to dJaaaree about the Newport duo .. ftleodJy pmobllldel. A.J. Olton and JChoury. the Dally Pilot At.hletel of chi~ djd not bold blct aplDlt ~. After theti victory over c.o and Rerie. the Newport tandem Allo ilC:Ocded 6· l and8·3~Mlbey ~~ "* ftve ~In ...,.,..,. thiU ......... whkb helPtd lied the Sdoil ID lhe lM ~ oww tbeli sea vw ~ mu. ..,,.... ...... tbbilaboul puftlna ihllD ii NO; l daublei.-PIMdiet ~ Mkl. •pa ibM) yau'lt wry c:on8dliat lbat ~can ~ up Chi-. or ac ._.two .. ...,--.n..li• ......... ,,., ......... llldlll.1111¥•.rlDOd , Frazier intercepted a pass on Ir· vine's fake pwll attempt and re· turned it to the lS·yard line. Ruiz's fourth TD came on the nexl play. Dan Winkle returned an inter- ception 15 yarda for the Sailors' fi. na1 touchdown. 8en Buttolph, Brett Houten, Frazier and Ruiz led the llnebaclc· Ing ooq>8 while the defensive line of ~n Morrell, Josh Kelleher, Mike C.alabrese and Brian Beau· dette prevented 1xvtne from mounting any substandal oJien- slve drive. -------------~-------.:--~----------- .. SPORTS ~Saturday, November l, 2003 .. { ·vOUTH SOCCER SCHEDULE Crush finish season undefeated ............. a.. 8edl eccrild two pit to • Blue QUlb !. .......... 2: a.d the a..l Gotllb1' 9lmt Oi 2 9 ....... ICIDd IWtait ... Red Slann.; • • aod Ha· a 1 WG ... idded a . <lolt ~WI crook.~ mwe pl to leild 1be llueQUllh ~ • ...... JoetGrlmarY (6-2). • 8Jld A;f W ...... ftxMd the - SWeeperi--. Sdlllin and blD wee~---... anc1 ,.._. , ... .._ cootded the 'tJ. 'Dliwe ICOOIJUMr ~ mld8eld Wbh...-.....,...,. .Stonil ~ ... ~~·-· ~ • Ala .... 8rtlmly9hii9' • . • Dw • • • llEtlliiiiait t.oln9 In Pk undd-7 plsy: anm. and n..~ 'lblll I ..... lcored two goals ~~rt. , for the Blue Planiea In Nb.artb 1be Hlghligbt.en ~ Quart« In tbelr ~ aplNt the short-banded. meaning all eight f'becracbn. glrtl played the endle game. The~ ftnt 8Qal Otter...._ and Jr.me came in the third quarter when Ommll acored.,.. loc the UbbJ ~ took 111 lnbounda HlghHshms with help on O&n8e pw from llllJ A..._ •• and &om ltlldl........ .· 6red the thot Into the nf!l wtth --~ ,....,. • .._ her dgbt loo4. • YOUTH FOOTBALL Gildart .hits mark .-for Jr. Seahawks In girls under-12 play:. • B1ue Attitude 2, Breaker& O: M8cXeJma 1.om scored both goals for the Blue Attitude oh assists from ~ 7Jmmermann and BmDy RoAle9. F.rtb ... Nlchole Vento and s.nh Biodctngbnn applied preswk on the 8reakea. Kmtdln ~and Nlcbole Vieira controlled cJie midfield while BrtanDa Tnalan and Morpn Moody turned away numerous Breabn' chanas. 1abttba Gott 8fdney a.yton, Semantha Pllrlll and Caldtn Ganaway al.so added to keep the Blue Attitude wxiefeated In g1rl.s wider-10 acdon: • Fireballs 1, Green Gobllna 0: The Ft.reballs Improved to 8-0 with the shutout. a.:bel Vamnd ecoifd the lone goal with offensive support ~by forwardsAo.nt ~ . Molly Andenon and Klntm • Rohan. . Mldfielders Morpn Loos and my.a Barnett moved the ball through the nUdfiek1 Qmna LWtt and IClde Bautone turned beck nwnerous GobHn offensive chances while Sona MlwatelJo (two saws) and Outsdne JMques Cone save) split u.an.b .._.a,.., Ala aDd The BIUe Flames bad many 1n gjiis Under-6 play: Olwla lbll led. the Hlgt>Hgbtett' cbaoc:ea to ICOl1I early but were rally from a S-0 de&:ft. • stopped tJY plbeper Siena • Edka IDl ecored two goals while Pm8y Goltz added a third for the Flreftles against the SilYer In boys under· 10 play: • SMl' ~ s, Tuxic Puma 2.: 01ieb a.1 I z1a and Robmt ......... each -=ored two pis to lead the SD\oer ~ . 8ouJlon acored twice in the ftnt quarter and Cmet' .... added the fina) goal for the \\blws. The~ began the game strong with forward Olly Smyth. rnkl.flelder 81 Golilez and defender~ Muller. Pullbacks Cody Uppma and N8lban ~ alongwftb forward~ \\Vocllng. led the Wolves attadca in the second quarter. • .,., Swain and FJe Adi each made Dy 5aY'eS in goal fOT the Wolws. • A.C Milan 7, Greell Hurricanes 1: Landon Gyulll1 scored du1'e goals with sir>P tallles coming from._ 1blnl, Im Bmgb. Rya Cemito and CJwle Pena for A.CMllan. Baugh played goal for the 11.rst half and Cerrato took over for the final two quarteJL ~ Nkk Mc:Carcn. along with dt!enders Wiiie Pyle. Pena. 'Ihle 'lmnpBn and andmi Pnnco, ancborl1* the defense. • Kyle ..... s.m 8ybe and Ma Johmon led the. midfield for A.C Milan ('N>-1). •A.C Milan 3, Hot Ice 0: A.C Milan took <Mr first place with lta third shl\ldllt of the seuon. • · Baugh. Oyulay and Torres soored for Milan with strong ddmte played by Franco. ThmpHn, McCann. Pyle and Pena Jobnaon. 9jbs and Regan controlled the mkffteld in front of goalk.eepers Baugh and Cerrato. in boys under-8 action: ..... Mlrmda Hmt and Rlllpn ....... anc:bored. soong ftast.balf dlleme. . &gende Brown. Jtym MonaW and Dra Wmdrocb all contributed to the ofleme. Moncrtet took the ball t'rom end-to-end. dlsplaying Improved be.11-baodling slcilla. Star$. • • la.n M•tiende dribbled the blD the len.gdl of the 8eld teYel'I.) times and oa.rrowtymisaed the pl with a shot. a.totte Moab also dribbled well and keyed the Fireflies' defense. Heather Roberta added strong 2 • ball lMuldllng. • JklnA&ewider shined on defense, where abe made~ stope lo the aeco~ half. : . In boys under-6 play: Siem ICllllnpworth-and •The Green Dragons were led Sierra Stump defended d:li! Blue by the scoring or Meo&.. Petalel Flames' goal.well lo the ~t and defepse by Riiey Sdmpek quarter, aJ.ong wltb help from and Richie Simoni tn their game )fc:ICrmte SC ..... JuJ1a ('aney ap1nst the Yellow Jadet.s. made two saves lo the aecond Kym SllDCJOI, Cole quarter while An.. Rodcwell, ~ 8nd ~ Dr8yton fWly Burg and n.r. Hurtey led ··al.so. played well OD defense and the defense lo the third quarter. Angm amtone added a Julleae ShpiMk made two bteakaway. strong saves, aDowtng Sophia · •The Blue Sharks offense D'AnP,i\o to pass the ball to showed up again$t the wa.niors. HolJand fur bier two goals. c.de Oemml &iCOred two goals •Abbey PldlleU ICOn!d two with ... Vial HenwMl'deii goals, both eet up by Samentha adding a single goal [or the l..adM and Im Pll*tn. foe the Sbaib. - Swftr GI.tis against the Hula Girts. Jid McOlntock and Kevon )tallory Gyui.y scored her Andoimm each had a few shots 9e(X)lld goal fur the Hula Ghia In · OD goat with &I.an lJndh the game'• final aeconds. ICate mqving the ball and providing \Wco added a goal in the second several a.Mist& quarter with~~ and •Each member of the Men in DentyJi Yardley adding to the ·Blad &cOn!d a goal. Including Hula Girl offense. CmoUne a. . Jab~ and Klnpton aided on defense. McCarthy. who each tallied their Goalkeeper Bdttmy ~ first goals of lhe season. made ,ewral saves. )ermdah Shddon, Andrew 1bicbel Whltelei8e had some IAldlliw, s.n Freeman and strong kfcb for the Surfer Girts Dmd Fllher' added multiple while Miiey o.y husded. goals. c...tee te..,... ~ her first •The Chill Peppers' offense game as goaJbeper with ICelle)t shined against the Green Hornets Prater stopping a few shots on with goals from Jm:tr. Comub, defense. &un Sldnnei; WDaon Lubeck.and • The Chlcb That Kick played Reed Rutt& again.9t their parents when the The Chili Pepper defense was opposing team dldnl show. equally strong with shots stopped every Chlcb' pla)w 500red by Peter Honno and }Id including Solle 8eralw, Oaldla ~ YOUTH VOLLEYBALL Ensign's record improves.to 4-0 . YOUTH SOF I BALL Riptide allow just one run in victory The Emign eigllth-pde boys volleyball team Improved to 4-0 wl~ a 25-8, 25-17 victory over C.OSta Mesa Oct. 22. F.nslgn fell behind. 6-3. but acored the next 14 points to claim the~ Cory ffmJley bad a block and kill whfle l!rtk Bonn let up IJle Cllldwell and Dully . Cmnphell for kills. Mark Uebmmnn and Andrew IC.Imo made passed well R.J. D'Oruzserved 11 straight points. Including a feW aces, to gtve llnsign the first-game victory: Ensign battled back in the eeoond 9et with strong ee.rviog from Jimmy Burpr and Murphy fDld•ock. Gmrdt Heller tallied several digs to save pc>ints. John P\lppo added a few saves and made a key pass to put P.nstgn ahead WID RelrhaiMeln had several aetJ while Bnndon lblwley tallied several blodcs and kills. Ensign has defeated Sowers. Corona de1 Mar and Harbor Day. YOUTH FOOTBALL Offense dominates for Costa Mesa aecond touchdown. M.lcbael 'bonnina scored the thJ.rd touchdown on a quarterback keeper from 7 yards. ,.,._. NortOo carried the ball wen and added an Interception to atop Long Beach'I 6na1 drive. Norton alto provided a by block to he Thormina oo h1a 7-yard score. Jacob Glldar1 scored three rushJng touchd<JWM to ~d the Newpon-Mea Jr. Midget Seahawks (12-13-year·olds) to a 28-12 victory over boss. Hwitlngton Beach in a Jr. All·Am~can Fbotball game Oct. 25 to fiiiish the sea.80n undefeated GUdart scored on runs of 55, 47 and 39 yards to go with a 10-yard touchdown by Erik RMk. Justin Flboum, Frankie RWllO, Ewn IJvadu, C.O.rbln McNutt. iwbble Boyer, Steyen Deverlan )o9bua DID, Mu s~. Amtln Ralger and J.P. .Cormlyled the Seahawks'' - of!enslve line. Malt Garza and Taylor McSu.nu each added strong runs for Newpon While quarterback Matt Bartdey completed a 35-yard pa.ss to c.arlo Valdes 10 key che drive capped by Rask's touchdown. Barkley kicked three PATs. John Heard and 1yter Harmon intercepted Huntington passes. Brett Hanrahan. Kevin Mo1 gemtem, Morgan Brombal, Alex Vollal:re, Rask. GUdart, Pat.rldt Marln·Plnn, Hannon and Heard led the defense. Scott Olene, Ttavla Ptickett. Kevin Haak. Ryan t.wler and Jamee M~n added·strong play. ln Jr. Oln!c (7-8-year-olds) play: •Newport 20, lluntlngton Beach 0: The Seahawks set a tr. Olnic record'with their fifth victory this season. The Seahawb (5-3) limited - the Dolphins to two first downs, lnduding one on the game's last play. Jeff c..rtyle and J.C Genova led the rushing attaclc with Aaron ero.by, Levi Stillman and Korey Cablay all playing quarterback. Cablay completed passes to . Jollh Rtwra with the line orTaro D'oone, James Oi.rllda:n. Daniel Albert, C.Olbe Kocte and Rocky Petnberg providing prote<.'tion. Seahawk defender Chrll Johnstone tackled a Dolphin rusher on a reverse for the game's final play and was helped by Rlvera, Garret flarthlng. kyle Renter and Cameron Davia. Crosby added several unassisted tackles. Jama Barret. Marqube Broward, Stephen Keenan and NJc Landstrom stopped the Dolphin offense all game. Cablay played well at safety while Levi Swoger had (WO tackles for a loss with 1yter Rios adding an inLerceprion. In Oinlc (8-10-year-olds) play: • Long Beach Poly 13, Seahawb 12: A quarterback nealt fell slx inches short for the Seahawb tn their bid to lcnock off the first-place Jackrabbits. 8bd.r Luma hit MJdulel The Colla Mesa Jr. Pee Wee Black Mustangs extended their undefeated aeaaon with a 24-6 win ovu the Long Beach Rama Oct. 25. The Black Mustep' oft'enae wu on the field for 29 of the game'• 40 mJnutes. ~ Ooutli&M scored bla 11th toucbdowo.olthoeuon·to cap• 70-yard drive. He th°dthrew toJ'Adt Porteoua on a halfback pus on fourtb·U'\('1· 13 (or the Jack Jem1ee. 'DUota Gabert. Norton, C.Ootnlraa, Thoanlne. ~ Kaay, 'l)'ler, Henry, Gnml ~·and DJDon Miiier mad6 awannlng tackles. Pruer converted all three ofbla es:tta polnt and aha.red Player of the Game honors wtth C.Ontreru "' Hyden for a 65·yard touchdown .receptJon with less than a minute to go before the aforementJoned extra·potnt attempt. and 'lllormlna. . A 30-yard touchdown run by John Bartoo capped a 60-yard drtve by the ~wb as they took a ftrst·quarter lead. Stephen Vayda ran the ball 'M!l1 for the Seahawb ln the. second quarter. Long Beach Poty ti~ the game late in the aecond quarter or< a 60--yaid ID catch on a w thin>and-15 play. Long Beach would score Qle game-winning touchdown in the third quarter, capltalirlng on a Seaha'wlt turnover. The Seahawlc.s, who tlnisbed 3-2, good for third place ln the Central dlvision, were led on defense by Zeck 8eaudlne, JCelJon Truxton, Jeffrey C.Oild.lno, J......m Gtldart. Aaron White, Matt'Cartyle, 0... • Favftau, Luchs and Barton. A.J. Swles. Marlo RoMlel, lftnt Andenon, leaden Start. Lou.la Sheldon, Joe Scrivner, Ian Klug, White. Hwuer Molnm, Spem:ier Schmkltt, Jake HaO and Caden Stark anchored -Ole offensive line. Newport plays host Compton 10 open the playoffs today. In Pee Wee (11-12-year-olds) play: •The Seahawb lost their last game of the regular season against Huntington Beach di;splte two touchdowns from MiChael Helfrtch on nms of 46 and 50 yards. Helfrich took a handofl' from quarterback Adrian Lucha and received a blocl from recelveT Jack Robl8cm OD the 35-yard touchdown to cut the Dolphin lead to 13·6 late tn the second quarter. The Dolphins scored t.twe unanswered touchdowns LO put the game out or reach. W1lllam Ham returned a kiclcotr 35 yards before ~Ing tackled at the 50. A few plays later, Helfrich took a handotr from Luch.s and got a block from Nick~ to score his second touchdown, Se9n Bretlln. John Qvtsdan, SCeYm a.pp, Mal Morrl9, ~HJcb and Mkbael ~led the Seahawks' offensive line. Helfrlch, Hieb, Scott Pnzier, Svendsen and J.D. Abbott. the team's Defensive Player of the Week. led the defense. The Seahawlcs will play Long Beach tn t.he first round of the playoffs. tn Aag (6-year-olds) play: •Mona Park Pathflnden 20, Newport 7: Quest 'lh.cc:ton scored a 50-yard rushing touchdown to lead the Seahawb.. <lint HendeJIOn completed two passes with blocldng from ~Branca, Davia Hamcom, wm Eary, OMMI SbeJdon and Beau Roth. Branca prevented a Pathfinder runner from scorlng while Sheldon added a JO-yard sack.~ Mldulel Reeee and Colin Bnmdenberpr provided additional dc;femive""-1pport. Cole C.OWnt ran in the extra-polnt conversion and Davia Hmucom made h1s first appearance at running back. Keeton c.blay and I lenderson, along with running bacb Ala Scbwanenb.cb and Collins. tafned valuable yardap. .. - -........... 'W"' ... ~---• .-- SCOR£ 8Y QOMTDI l"(!Mt 0 13 3 8 • 22 Newpolt H1rbof 1 0 8 7 • 20 . NH -Young 21 peee from J«bon (Clmpoe kQ), 3 51 SECOM> QUMTER Irv-MdCH t Piii from Trecy IMc:Lauohlln kl<*), e:a arv-trecv I run lldc* f1 ltd), 0:411. Newport Harbor High's Taytor Youna, above, tries to · . shake off lrvine's·Justln Baker (12) as he lunges for·· • mor~ yards In f' rtday's game. Bek>w, Irvine • • quarterback luke Tracy (11) makes a c;tivingJeap past ntlRDQUARTEft NH -Theriot 1 r11n. lkldl fallldl, 7-;27. Irv -Mc:llughlln •7 FG, t.07. Newwrt Harbor defenders into the ea.d1one. Foumt QUARTER Irv-~.""'~ fellld), l:M. NH -Young 3 ptee from Jecbon (Campoe kk*I, 3':M. TARS . ' Continued from B 1 team." .. The <Ufference between U'yl.ng for an at-large berth and tirlt place ln the league has been mJ. nuscule. Once again. • yard here or J penalty there prevented the Sallora from holding off a strong league opponent. Newpor't Harbor has I05l Its three league games by a com· blned 13 points. The decisive points In each of those games have been scored ln the fourth quarter .. •eetJeve me. we've ta.lked about It as a team.· Brlnkley sald. ·1n the Jut tWo games (against Foothill and Aliso Nlguell. there were at least 10 plays that could have wmed thinp around. I'm SltVE MtCRANK I DM.Y Pl.OT Harbor quarterback Tom Jackson (16) uncor1<s a pass Friday as the Irvine defense swarms with a heavy rush. . . sure We11 take a· tobk 'Q1 ~ (ilm fense enough.· Brin.k.ley said. . vine 16~yard line. An offside pen· of thll game and ~robably-"9 10 . "We backed them •Up at the 4· alty on third down pushed Har· plays that,wc;>uJdJia~e-ntmed th«: ' yard line and we let them out of bor back and the Sailors turned tide. And that's the dtfference be· lfle bole/' · • the ball over on downa. tween 3·0." · · ·.Newport Harbor's. offense The drlve-ldlllng penalties The one play that Will ~Jy ftoppjld itselfvia penaJd~ sq~ Newport Harbor's suck out in the minds or1h~Sa11· . f.>tior to-<:arnpos' fourth-quar· donilnation in the second half. ors ls Mike McKee's 00.yard ter punt., the Sailors had driven to The Sailors conttoUed the ball for touchdown run wi'th. 8:4' re· lrvin~sJ9·yard line after an 18· morethanl7mlnutesoverthe6· ma.lning in lhe game. yard run·~ senior tailback Malt nal two quarters and gained 12 Thllling, ·1&13, the s&ilors had Encinias. But a holding call, a ftrst downs, but only came up pinned Irvine back at its 4·yard block in the back and an offside with 13 point& line after a Brian Campos punt. penalty took the Sailors out or Encinias put forth another The Vaqueros loaded the back· scoring position and fon:ed the quality effort, gaining 166 yards field with three backs. But &hey punL on a ~n-high 35 canies. dJdn't go to Jamaal VUla. the only P.arlier in the second half, a Sophqmore quarterback Tum running back they had used up run of more than 20 )'8!d.s by full. Jackson, rilaking hJs first start in to that point Instead, they ran a bade Trevor Theriot was called place of tbe lrtjured Kuey Peters, counter play to McKee, who bac~becaWJe of holding, putting also played a stron3 game. Jack· broke through the line o( scrim· Haibor in a first·aod·long situa· son completed 11 of2t; passes for mage and outran the Newport don that It couldn't overcome. 161 yards and two touchd~ Harbor defense. increa.sing lr· In the second quarter, an ~ l · His favorite target was junior vlne's lead to 22· 13. yard run by Encinias set up the Thylor Young,_ who caught both · "We. just dJdn't 6top their of· Sailors with a first down at the lr· to~downs and Jotaled' 88 yards with Newport sweep1ng the '99 meetings, 12·10and 19·18. . , Irvine returned the favor ln.20001 FOOTBALL Continued from Bl with a 19·14 league win and ai4·0 conlistentJy atrlve to transform to a dtJe-game triumph. grin. Both are relatively old-school After Friday's win, Irvine leact. conservative and both d.emand and · the all-time series, 11-9. but inspire the type of toughflesa and Henigan, tn·hJs 24th season at hard work best recognized by those lrvine. ls 9~ aplnst who have savored the game's brutal Brlnkley·coac;hed Sailor units. · beauty ftrsthand. · Newport has outScored the It~. Henlgan said in 1992, Vaqueros, 404·385. when the Vaqueros entered the Sea ·eoach Brinkley and Newport View League after a long run in the Harbor ls a real class act," Henigan South Coast League, culminated by said. ·Tonight, it was two teams, a CJF Divlslon II crown in l 991. poundJng on each other and you lrvlne beat the Tars twice that knew It would be four qullrters. It's year, including the first of their footbalJ the way it should be "' on six catches. Harbor grabbed \Ill early lead ln the first quarter on a 26-yard pass from ~n to Young. But Irvine tied the score earty· in the second quarter when quarterback Luke 1\-acy hit McKee on a 6-yard sconng pass. The Vaqueros go-ahead score came after a play that typifies how dose the Sailors have been in the last three games. With just over twq minutes ~­ malning in the first half, Encinias brok&.off a 12·yard run 'that was near the first down inlu1cer al' the Sailors' 20·yard line. A first qown likely would have allowed Harl>Or to rnaiotaip posSessaon for the remalrlder of the half. But the spot by the otfidal came up a ball ·length short of the first down. forcing the Sa.Hors to punL A 26-yard run by Villa set up an ' ·, three meetings in a OE' played, without the (refuse]. championship game to win the ·Jeff and l have so much. respect · the referee, and go about the battle.· Divialon IV title. for each other. We know we have to Irvine won the Division IV Lille in play absolutely great football and '93, but Harbor captured the thlnp have to go our way for us to A-1, 100 (Mllmit9dl ~RUSHNi• Irv-VIiie, 11-121; McKM, 3-89, 1 TD; Tr.CV. 7· 18. · • rilti-~nelnlH, 36-16$; Jt(Mon, 1·9; Mlftln, 1-3; Theriot. 3·3, 1 TD. INDMDUAL PASSfiG lrv -Tr.q<,1-11-2. m, 1 TO. NH -Jedmoo. 12·2M. 181. 2 TDa. INDMDUAL RECEIVING Irv -Mc!KM, s-«>, 1 TO; S.m.ne, 1-13; Ville, 1-10. Edwerdt, 1-I . ,_... -Young, 8-88, 2 TDt: Link. 4-58; Orlh, 1.9;'Therlo«, , .... GAME STATISTICS w • NH Rrwtdow!le '12 20 AulhM-yardege 17-231 ~181 "-novw~ .. ,~~ ,12 . .:J, ."--no ,.._. ,.,um ywdl• S 9 Secb-y.,.,.,. 0-0 0-0 Ntlt Y•<NQe ·353 3111 Punta J..4' 0 4.35 5 Fu<nbaM•'lumcilee lo.I 2-0 1-0 ~ yatdllge 4-60 7-511 Tlmeof~-ion 11~17 2143 •f>unl 1erume. l,,..1e91>1ion., 1Vmb4oll return• 6·yard sc:<>rlns run by Tracy, ,giv· lng lrvlne a 13· 7 halftime lead. The game of Inches conttnued lit the third quarti;r, after Harl>or had tied the score, 13·13. Irvine kicker Andrew McLaughlin booted ·a 47·yard lietd goal with 6:07 remaining ln the third quat· ter that just dJd clear the cross· bar. Newport .. Harbor's Matt Eoclnias (1) .. tries (o break .ttiroogh .a hole in the lrvllle defense in Friday night's game. , Newport Harbor's Taylor Young (23) is congratulated by teammate Nick Watkins (77) after a touchdown Friday against Irvine, which edged the Tars, 22-20. Division V crown ln '94, holding on be in the ballgame. for a dramad~ 9-7 league win over •tt's just two very classy Irvine en route to a 14·0 campaign. programs. 11l.e kids help each other They met twice In 1999 and 2000, up. we both just hand the ball to 'JYpicaDy self-efTaFing. Henigan downplayed his role in Friday's win, dlrectlng credit to his players and as5lstant coaches. •Tum Ricci calb the offense, J.C OUk calls the defense and I talk to the reporters." he said, Even more often, Henigan converses with Brinkley, typically when league business brings them together. And, .someday, when both finally walk away from coaching.· tbey'D probably visit regularly about the duels their programs waged for more than a decade. · 1\.vo old footbalJ souls united. BRIEFLY· , Anteaters win in· overtime against UC Riverside, 1-0 . . Sophomore Undsay Duke scored the game-winning goaJ ln the lxth minute of overtime to lead the UC Irvine women's soc· cer team to a l·O Big West Con· ference victory over host UC Rivera.Ide Friday. Duke acored off an ~st from fre hman Britney Webster. Freshman goalie Marissa Welliv· er recorded five saves and earned her eighth shutout of the season for the Anteaters 00·3·5, 4·1·3 In conference). Rlveratd dropped to (J0-6-3. 4·3·1). Th~ top four teams ln the standings at the end of play on Sunday will advance to next week'I Big W t Conlermce O\isriplonshlpe in Pullerton. UCI ls ln second. Cal Poly Sui Lilla Obltp0, which features for- mer Costa Mea Hlgh standout Sharon O.y. la In fttst place. The Ante.ters will cloie out the regular N&tOn SUnday ac J p.m. et Fullerton. UCI J fourth straight • VOLl.EY'MLL: th UC Ir· vll"e women'• volleyball ttam rufftred I~ founh aua.latu Joa, falllnr to 8'8 W..t Conlnwnce vtsJtor UtAh SCate 30-17, 30·24. 20..30, 30·28 Frid&y ll ~rd Couru Kttlly Wing led the Ante.ten (16·8, 7·5 ln conference) wltb 1 mMC:h·hlsh 30 kill and 17 di•. Dena kurzbiril added 12 ldUa ...,_ Mtter ~ Hain N- corited 55 ..... and 12 -. Ubtri» Brenda Wltt'flMll .... W12dllL The Agjes improved 'to J 4·8. 6·5 behJnd Zuzana Cemlanska's 23 ldlls. UC lrvtne hosts Idaho Satur· day at 7 p.m. at Crawford Court. Santa Ana defeats Bucs •SOCCER: Joel Sotolongo scored the Orange Gout Col- lege men's soccer team's lone goaf, but It wasn't enough u hoat Santa Ana found th• back of the net seconds before half- time and held on for a 2·1 Orange Empire Conference vic- tory Friday. Bil SoliB wisted on Sotolon· go'e goal In the 35tb minute to tJe the Dons. Gout goalkeeper OulatJan Lopez made etght aavea. Coast t 11to10-5-1,.7·3· 1 ln the OEC. Tars plit in tourney •VOUJ!YMUa The N~o~ Harbor Hlgh llrla volJeybell team wUI play ln the contola· Uon aemiftnalt today after 1pUt- tln1 two matchea In the Santa Barbara Tournament of O\a.m· plom Friday. ' ..... The Sailors lost the ftm match to Stockdale (23·2), which won, 23·25, 29·27, 27•25, 25·17. A.Uyaon Jennlnp.led the Sallon (16·5) With 11 kdla. while BmUy Tuiner idded .12 kWa and Laumi Miller provtded ff\'91\, Jtnntnp alto provided '24 ualtta abd Kellie J.1na bad 20aMiitt. "We Jus& rDlde too many un· foiced erron to beet • ceun of lbat qualit)" Newpon eo.m Den Glenn Mid. .._ add have won that match. We had swings to wtn the game. but we just couldn't dolt." Newpott closed ou( the day with a 25-1,3, 25·17. 23·25, 25· 27, 15·4 victory over Oxnard. Jennings recorded · 22 kJU. and 26 assists. Turner chipped In with 16 kills and 1llryn Tarnutz· er had 11 kills. King produced 28 a11lBti. The SaiJon will (ace Blshop Montgomery today at l 1 a.m. Newport teams in third • CJlOSS COUNl'RYt The Newport Harbor High tioYa and girls crou country telllN are both In third place In the Sea View League after they went 3·2 In the Jeasue'a six-way meet er Woodbridge Fr1day. Tho Newport t>oyt, led by Kenny Jlaktttra'f. and Nick Miller, defeated ~Jlso NtaUet; 28·29, Irvine, 22·33 and Wood· bridge, 23·32, but loat to Foot· hUl, 2'·31, and WU edged by Laguna Hilla. 27·28. Rakeatraw ftnl hed txth (18:09) to lead the Sailor• (8·4), wbUe Miller came In elthth (18:27). Nkt Si. Andre contrlb· ut~ to Newport; comm, In 13th (18:47). Mike l>Onald and Cameron McLuen IUftmd tn)uriet t· .... lbi nee, but Mttdn • Mrd and AdMl MSJfteld lttpptd Up, Ntwp0rt CoaCh NoMll Kajtaid. OOilald had hit .... m\lidei CIP .. · ~ no. Mc1.artn ~ *'CCMf lloitnidef. Id lnllb.d .... ( 171I0), , and Mayfield came In 23rd received J 7 kills from Breanne season ranking ln the NAIA poll U 7:13). Ogden and 16 from Jordan released this week. Kay and his squad are excited Smith. Lauren Snell had four Coach Russ Davis' Uons·were abouttheleaguefinals·frldayat ace sezyea for the winners (7·1· No. 7 (n the final poll last sea- lrvlne Regional Par.k. in leagueJ, who play Calv.ary son, when they ftnlshed 28· 10. ~we definitely haven't ran our Qiapel Tuesday, before meeting The Uona, who lost six sen· best ra.ce of the season," Kay league-leading Northwood on Ion and do not have a senior on sa.ld. ~ovr best race ls still to Thunday at home. this year's roster, will try to be· come.· " 1Wo league wtns next week gin justifyinc their ranking On the girls sldt, Whitney would give CdM at least a share when they open the ab.son etue Jed Newport (7·3) wffh. a ·of their second slraJght PCL tl· Nqv. 11 at Sen Diego State. fourth.·place ftnieb (1~:47), and' .tJe. · Duester ~ares well fmhman Wy Dierkes made the nc · · L. f l• difference for the Sailors •. Coach naµ. ion 0 Week • TBNNJS: Bob Duesler of Hric 1Welt saJd. · • HOl'tt>8S; Vanguard Uni· Newport Beach helped lead the Oletkea waa supposed to NIJ veralty sophoJllore 'Vplleyball U.S. men's 65 tennlt team to a for the frosh·soph team, ,but pJayer Stept\eple Pfau, who led fourth-place 6nl1h lo the lhter· be<:Jlu~ or lnjur1e1 sbe ·Com-the Uons to a pair of Colden national Tennis Federation's peted in varsity and certaJnJy State AthletJc,Conlerence wins team champlonahJpe held at contributed. · · lut .week. was named Uon of Antalya'a All Bey Delek Tennis • •she wu the real dltrerence . the Week; :. ' . •· Cub ln Antalya, 1\.uby S.tut· ln beating the three team1 we }>tau, a 5-foot·ll outtid~ hit· day. did," 1\mt said. ter. had a seuon·t\lgh 9 kil.lB The U.S. team lost to Aus· Newpon . eked put Lagll~ and added to di .In a four· tralla. 2·1, 1n the tournament's Hilla, 27·28, defeated Foothill, game win over Concordia Oct. third·place playoff. In the sln· 27-2$, and earned • 25·20 Win 21. She had alt ldlle. five digs glea competition agalnst Aut· over Irvine: COuttney Marahall, and an ace terve in VU'• Oct. 25 tralJa, Ouesler gave the Amerl· who had been tnjil,rid, ran ln ~ctory over Hope lntema· c&n1 a tingles spilt b)'. defeating her ftnt raj:e of the seuon, ftn -tf onaJ. • Jin King. 6-1, 8-1. f bing 11th (19:21), Whllt Catt· The two wlnt lrnproved W to The U.S. m~n·a 65 team de· Un Mal etme fn 16th (19:46), l3·7, 1·1 l.n tho GSAC and fnted The Netherlandi, Spa.Jn. Dim• foUoWed in 24th (20:28) upped the Uona from No. 8 to SlovenJa and Sweden, and then and Amy Penner roUDded out No. 6 ln th• Regfon 11 rank.lnp. 1ott to Mmco Iii the semiftnals. m. team'• peiformanc. lo 32nd The top tb *""at t.be end of 2·1, to enter the \htrd·place (21: 13). • tbe ,..UW 1t110n will ma.kt playofhplnat the Au.MAM; Sea KiDas ~Uni ~~~ ~. 9Cbool CdM cOacb aoupt • WIU.lnlU.l.i nae <Mom ,i'tc:GH. • IOPl'MU.I Tbe CoiOna del :mM:!r~J:lnaW: V.UNo.4inNAIA .~~~;::-===~ tlty. 25-10, 27 ·25. ZS:.12, In a Pa· • MSICl'l'MLl.I The Van· aJty aoftball cOICb • dftc COut i.npe match IWd 'Unlftrtlty womea'I QMMled lppi6Clm• lhc$ild 1barlday. 6aUtblU t.n. whlCb laWMd coa..a ......, hild COtldl NI· ~ ColiCMf bad 11 ddid In iht NAIA 1burnlmeDI dMale '11MMDpMn • (141) S~ klll co-.. me S. llflll. ..-111C 1111on; .-a No.•,... ••· •·-. ' .---T-..,,-----.-:---~~ ,. 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No NIW 1483 CO<KATlll SANTA ANA appliullon of Lawrence Restor Phy11c11 lher· ii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii:ii COUNTltY ClUI and l•na Tabak for apy, lac .. · John R WANTED 714-54t-UH Variance No, 2003-005 Horsely, f"resodent · --.._I and Amendment to This stalemeot was ANTinuES Ulr!IVJll MddlfiUtion No 2002 filed with the County 'ti Ahnounctmentl 1610 049 .on r•operty located Clerk of Oranee County at 343 Oce1n Boule· oo 10/28/03 vard. Tiie IJ'rop81ty Is 100S696UH l<X'•led In thl Son&Je-daoly Piiot Nov. ,I . 8, 15. fimoly Resodentlal ~R·•) 22. 2003 Sa495 District. Requdt for ivarlance to uce'ed lhe maximum pu1ld1n1r b11Chl -and an. ,._S......... amendmtnt to .>. p1ev1· , The· rollowinc parsons ously·apP(Ovtd Modlfl-. 'are. dplna buJlne» u : cation Permit to allow a EDB INSPECTION. 161 .portion ot the stnictllre !I roadway, Costa Me11 lo encroach )llto the CA 92627 ' front yard ~lllaclr' In · Edward David Blanco, order to constroct~ new. 161 Broadway Coal• 1lniJt·famM resld~nce • 'Men. CA 92627 · This pr'!lect hu been Thi~ busineu 11 con· revl•*•d. •nd it '1•$ dueled by· an Individual been det1rml11ed thel It Have you started do1nc Is cateaoric1lly. uempt buslness/cel] under lh1 r6qll)rements Yes 9/16 (J'J of the CallforAia Envl Edward David Blanco ronmental Quahtf Act This stetement wes undef Class 3. (New ftlad w1lll the County Constr'\Jction or Con· Clerk of Orance County versoon or S"'all Struc on 10/06/03 tu~~~itE JS HEltEBY 20016960179 fURTHf.R GIVEN tbat Dally Pilot Nov I, 8 15. nld public hearone Wiii n. 2003 Sa497 be held on Wedneallay, N..,-i...,. T2, 200!, at Older $t¥1t Furniture PIANOS l Collac1lblat ·~·.....,...... ·St~·~·Olk.'~ $$ CASH PAID $$ --~·...,._.. ....... WE BUY UTATE8 •lfl'l'rl.dlow.~-· PA iCONSIGN, I I ' ·~, '" ~ I '-1 "" 1•,·· I .. ,,, ,.,,.,. I 1,., ,., ... , '1-' .. · 2a021a.M.i.lt. ... -.CAt2707 -•L-.CAll!M Estate Sales 1486 DUCK SlASOH '''"°'• Dud! Huntlnt Club approx l/hr from · fj1~port Beach E~ctl· ltnfhuntlne ad1.cen1 to state waterfowl rtfuae. ownership 1oterest & approx 375 acre~ of land & llJll>rovements ~ •your own cemp compound w/slruc ture and. 2 tr1llers. Wonderful F-rl n1aht. BBQ's • & wine te~llnc . durina duck season • m•ny otrasl •deal lor 2 f11end1 or father ' son. Call Mike It 310·541·0854. DIANI GUIHlltO Did Jose C. Guerrero. Its been 21 years. We nted to c•t a hold of you. Slblinas looklne for ou 562-n7-9746 f11te llnant, chlftO & ANTIQUES sliver, stunn1ne diamond rina. La cryst.I bowls. --------Lexus car 94g.854 5575 Antlqun Wanted 3025 the-hour of 7100 p.m. ENTERTAINMENT In the Councll l:fiJ1mbers• G1rar1i of th.e Ne.wport Beact1 taf-••af CASH fOlt 'OTTlltY Catalina, Natzler, Bauer, · Roookwood etc. Index JEWRRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/, PRECIOUS METALS Coaot Coln N-d• ,::r FIXU ,::r Old Colna! Gold, s~ver, B~t [Ulude ,strott, iewelry, watches. anllQues b I bl " l 1 collectibles 949 642 9448 es oc · arc• bl. Jbf. Iba, Act IMg.584-5482 3610 lrvtne -...... --... -............ ---.,-.'rt-.-.....,,.------~ -....... u -·~ TUltTll ltOCll CAM,US DOGS VllW lltOAOMORl www~or1 j homu 3 & 4br Fashion~ Sc>ec· $549.000 $615,000 !rum ~lli GUNWfil( $624,000 96-644 2279 Owner /Aeent Spay n)On"flll cat. hOmes 800-640-6661 for ~ ~.Qi.12 MISCEU.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE Mbcellaneous Merdlandlse 3855 AU STiil IU>GS. SUf'fR SAU 24x28 was SS,200, sell $3.990 28x46 was $13.600, sell $5,480 48a 100 wn $25.800. sell,$12.850 Ctll now! Tom 800-392 7806.1 ,rime Ofc Suite App1 ox 681sf & 122.lsf at SI 8l st 98tsa nee• Nawport Centi!< A.vad 213 /~ HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Newport Beach O"H SUNDAY I -4 Jutt l11tell·ll1 Ccmyon VIiia lft Newper1 laach 2 La br. 2 112 b•. wood floors. newer carpet, GOLF COURSL VIEWl!I $699,000 40!> Bay Holl between Jambo•H & Mac Artllur off r ord Rd Call Terry~ ....... @ Armo..-.~ 949-711-4600al14 Of'Of SAT 1-4 ~INCOMf UNITS 520 W IAlaoA llVD (Corner ol 8alloa Blvd & 6th SI.) l.\lps h 2ba Ip. UCll w w-2br 2ba bch vu from llv!m, Ip wttbll 'lll~t $l ,22S,00l ~ Ca-ne Ml!f1 Coldwell 8NMr 949-/18 2318 Oonot datrub tenanb 0 0 City Hall, 3300 Na't!'port lllllUCll 1310 Ylrd 181 1489 BouJeva<d Newport Evtnb Buch, Cehtornlft, al --------lSTATI & IOtmOUI SM.I ~ 949-6.11>1313 Corona del Mar SAT-SUN 12-5 42'~AVI whJcll time an'd pjace lGUAlHOUSIMG c&,t• 't.t.sa /AT 8 3 any and all persons nMftMlllftY HI Lenwoo Or An Interested' may appeal" '"._,...,.,, toque furn, beds, china, and be heard thereon. If All •HI eetate advertrs· Buyer's Choice Caroleu, )"OU challenae this Ina In thos newspaper os dept ~ houses. holiday proje<:t tn court. you subject to the Federal florals end much morel may be llm1ted to r a1s1n1 F 11r Houslna Act of 1968 CASH ONLY only those Issues you or as l'mended which -------- someone else raised at maku rt llteaal lo Uptcale lte111s, Misc the public hearlna 1dvert11e "any prefer· f16nlbn, 2 1ntlque Ible, dlscrlbed In this notice ente, lom1tat1on or lw/cheirl. lelther IOfa, etc. or In written corr•· dlscr1m1nallon based on 2474 NljlOll CM IH2 Sat spondence delovered to race, color. rellaJon, su, the City at. or proor to. h1ndocap, famlll1I 1t1tu1 the public hearlna. Fo .. or n1t1onal orialn, or an Information~ £.all (949) Intention to mah any 644 3200. such prelertnct, lim1t1· /S/ LoV-• M. lion or dlscr1rnln1hon • Horlile11, City cterli, Tt111 newspaper will not City af Newpof'f laadt knowlnaly accept any ffvee Ne-n-t 1-h S20'0.000 eslal• ule, lllcludir18 Tommy Bahama dimn& room Ml. cnh odf. c,. for info 714-751-8040 ~ ... Ganip~ Sat , Nov l , 71m·noon, 1018 Bucknlah•m Lane Newport 8Hch. Published Newport adv11t1Hmanl for 1111 Beach Costa Mes. 01tly esl1te which Is 1n Pllol November 1, vrolallbn of the law Our 2003 Si496 readers are hereby Informed that all dwell· Lost fldliM ..... •s...... The tollowln1 persona are doln1 butlneas as: -Moreland Mtdlcel Inter· n1t10111I, 17272 Newhope Sl.1 fountain Veller, CA 1ncs 1dvertl11d 1n th11 -------- newspaper are 1v1ilable LHt Devltle Yallow- on an equ1I opportunity haollall Amuon In basis. vicinity ol H1tbor & To complain of dis· Gisler CM, seml·t•med etimlnatkln, call HUO toll· ' ta~~Uve Name Archie fret1t 1·800·424-8590 PleH cell 714·434·7500 Ive m11. APPLIANCES 3050 lllNMOttl WASHllt 100 & KINMORI GAS DltYllt$125 Call 714-751-43'0 HOME FURNISHINGS Fumlbn QUHN MATHISS sn ()1hopedc, tnnd ,_ stAI In pWc wt-r. Sec Sl<f> Cll1 dlMr 949-&8J97 CHIRRY SLEIGH llD Sold --1. brand .. In box must move. Worth S8X) AC $250 9&356-81J7 NIWUSTINGS CONDO 3br • den & 3 !> b• front brand new So of the hwy $1 450,000 DUPUX 3br 3ba & 2br 2ba Corner No of hwy. Sl,450 000 Owner/Aaent 800-640 6661 2 ltlacli• te lteochl Vmta1e COM 2br .. den, owner bou11h1 1nother. Sl.399.000 The Sanford Group 714;,412·8955 JUST LISTED DU,UX 4br 2ba house .. 2br Iba unit Sl.275.000 Prine only. lh1 Sanford Group 714·412·89!1S Costa Mesa t.aurtlot1I 41r, !1 /,I•, Maa Verde 34<Xkt. 3 elf pr. pool/sp1, areal park view, cul·dt"IK 1845.000 Hurryl Act Pat Davis CctiMit BarM ~1·2!ll7 NnWCm t9Gllft'S 2br Iba house, fp, la yardJ, ear. new kite, Remod Hpar aunt h••/um/offlce $909,000 949·6S0..(17U OPIN SUN 1-5 2117 VISTA INTltAOA BLUFFS VIEW E PLAN 38R • 2.S8A • farn rm, h111hly uparadedl 2 P• Uos, 2 fplcs. A stunner I $998,000 Oouc Bulley Bkr 949 720-1704 2201 Whtclworll l.Altte, almost 2800sf 4br, 3b1, 3 c aar, pool & spa, lot over H .OOOsf fruit treu New paint/carpet/ stucco Open House Sun ~(DJ 8l<r 949-4811-SOlD O'IN SAT~SUN 1-4 2642 2642 Vista del Oro Oe.sluble 38r end unit w/1Br I Ba on main level $545,000 Sally Shipley Prudential Calif. 949 219 2414 U ndcr the Service D i rectory Ban ncr Reach so,oqo Homes Each Week Far O.nly $32 per week (4week minimum) Call lorrai~e at.{94') 574 .. 4245 R•e Harbo< Vtew ~ b 2 5ba -t°""1m. ljrl n.x. ):>WI Canyon Vtrrw, COfM1 pool, ll>ll -E•c.lwve lisNna p1 Mic only · Avt S6H.OOO.M9..S1-1 lf1 Newport Coast • OH GltUNllLT CONDO 3br lb• aated cnmm, new carpet/paint Owner/Aaent 800 640·6661 ST RAO A 21 CAS1DJJ'iA ()! 3br dwn m'lr, 3.5ba 3500\1. flyer Vutual Tour rplOc com $1.670,000 A(t/owner 949-637 0300 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 l Side Cotto MHa sllare w/prof, rnstr suite w/ba Comm pool/spa, gated Garaee S750/mo 949 642 !>620 HI/Ocean View Reom Oceanfront/22nd, Pre vale rm. unlurn, share ba. ultls paid, n/•mk, kitchenette. lndly, lblk lo Newpor I p[er. S730m. Call Sam 949-278 7905 (between 9am·!>prn) STUD I 0 , a pp 1 ox '•ftlnwlo lbr Iba pa too. 31., 3ba houu, quoel $680rnl> All utll mlludes loroplate, shared W/d uru. newly relurboshed • ca!!ltr No 'moke/peb hkups, I car 2araee A.ti 2 r11 1ar. wd hkups 'lli9-640-7U4 $1500/MO 949·293 4630 $2~001mC> 949·7!>9-0874 l• Ila Gr.....y Wiit lid,. liq........, View, J<XX>si, fp, w/d. La patJo, Vil1I f>ori. wall to Bah» ~ ocean vMiw $1200111 Is, p, w/4"Jr'e, rv'pli. •lnl 949 760 2570 969-645-6478 cond. $1660 lie 9&856-31.a> Cute 3br 2b1 •one lam ruldente. patio, step• to bay I c 1ar, •if $2500 949 293 4631 1'11 bedroomhovH'l"r with Vll!W, 2 car a•••(I•. $1650/mo 949 422·2889 S..,. ID..,,, 2U 2bi l.Qllf, 3br 2ba uppe1 level I cp, Fp. ,_ r.tpl beylronl unit. pe11od ~ J)lll $IJ".nl1 ~ RMI style. art vu, I t war. 2br I 5ba upper unrt vsy Ave, Unit B 949 645 9913 aat S2800 949 293 4631 na, I i;1r • 1 ~ par11tie, fp, .vllll ••med. SIEElb/mo 9$64().!>.3?4 Ocean vlewl Sunny cw1yd enlly ~ I story 2br • den 2ba. Ip, attlch 2 c ear Comm iioo1 S2450 .Sm pet Ilk Klein Mllrnt 811 /04 8649 x9i04 wwwkleonpro com 2W, 2loa c.c..lo ·2Jc II"'. llw Iba ...... high rite outside pebO. pool New ble. condo, fabulou5 ocearv1>ay w/d/rfw •lCI 103 Harbor -. ~ lwn, mnac. Wood\ sum 114. :!93-t !12!> aat S2JXl 94'J.293-46:l> 2b• 2ba nr NP p1e1 clo\e lo •hop\ & 1e\lu..ranh Ip I l 1ar wd hkup• Sl800/mo 949 793-4630 NewportCoast . f"eft"'°41H lbr lbo/if-Remodelecl Larae 3br. Harbor & Ocean v•ew\. 2ba I I /2 btkl to beach, ,0r ner unit. s 1800/mo '10/•mk/pets $2500/mo 949 929 4720 A. •sec dep 949·67!1-7591 ..,.t SUMMIT -$ 1900/- Beau newly r1mod lbr 2b•. 2 c aar. new hdwd lin. 2r an1lo ctr•. appl's. Ip, no >mk. patio $3250/ mo • dep 562 493 6126 Costa Mesa 1• $870/me I mile to beach, vaul celb, slove. w• ta i.-ti, 2 Mister 2br, 2ba, 2 car ear. pool Br. 28• Condo, part ~ aated comm. 59 Aniou ,,,.,.. ~ .. -... ..._..._ F Atf. 949.759.934 I i~ .. y 114iii4-0;&; 41 t VIiia hint Orlve $I 925m, 2br. no stair$, jlOlf COU"e VitW, Clraae, Aat Barbara Swindall 949-500-1161 frlfl, cell fan ' mOle lU 301 Cedar Hr 2h, I l6fll St 949·5.4S-2421 rp, new tarpel/p11n1 2·c PUTAHW WORDS TO WORK FOR Newfy r.....W l'slde 2br fba. upslan. 1>4llo. pr. lndr y hllups $1400m 949 642 7404 aar. pool/tennis, lndry S2100m 619-850·3328 Newport Shore• R .. m 1n 4Br lloute Share b•lh. 110/peVpraee. $575/ mo • $400 dep & 1/4 utols Call between 9am !>pm M·F 949 !l/4-424!> l Side xtra IR 4bl 2.SOO Rooms for Rent 6040 ™"""· 2 c P • bkyd w/,,c. wd. fp, decli. ru-de- 4bd, 3bo, S2400 or 3bd, 2t.a $ 1795, OI Biii Msll bd 11675, 4S3 Costa Musa slteel Westclrtt area 626 443-87'.>2 cett626-824-03n YOUI (949) 642-5678 CMB .. oomw/bok-t own bath, female PJel 111 ulll, $585/mo. avail now 714·4?9 1847 RESIDENTIAL RENT Al.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island w; $2150 9'19-701 0456 IACICIAY TOWNHOMl b 2.5bA yard, Ip, rlll p . SZlOO/mo Cial& AV11A ear1y Nov 714 624-Gal7 Otminlnt l'olde 4br 2ba home !JUI ~oriented cul de·aac new.,. appls. "illltte tile cir Iopa S28!lQon Ail-Nalalie 949 n1 so 16 Newport Beach A "'°"'"' lbr Iba ho ceil, YlAltL Y LIASIS A/C. w/d. Ifie. mlCIO. d/W. Fl"( NIWl'CMIT HOMIS nu apt/pWrt. dedl, c.port $1~ vr1Y 9$673-lli9 llU. GltUHOY RWTOltS , .. , 949-675-6" 1 Balboa Ptnlnsuta I HOUSlTO llACHI 3br tba apt upper unol w/ocn vu aar park•na wd hkups, 1V1i1 Nov 1st $2100 949 67~ 5069 OClANfltONT Slit HA on the sand, 1nnual NewportRentalt.cem Se.ch free rMtM ads from Newport's ludma renlal •c•nh and landloerds * Cannery VIiiage * La Studio Apt. w/11reae below $900/mo. Please call (949) 673·0346 lease $4400/mo Aaent IBR llA "' Holii f\rn, cell 714·264·1908 sllJdlo w/rrurtrf ~ pllid Corona del Mar ~~' !J>I ~ ~ Aftt. pied Can"''Y Vlllaaa Larae entry. ,_ '-11. C"'8l I Br with a•rece below ••.no pets,~ 6m& $1100/mo. Call for be, avllil now 94'J..723-0UI dtlllil 949 673 0346 ' e Int place In thewortd to adVerttsel Call today to piece your 1d · Clnslfted 6'2·5671 ............. -.. J I' .. .. TtlUsAMat YOUR GAIAGESAU! In ClASSIFUD (949) 642-5671 SELL your stuff through classified I r.u. ,opc:lll lhe blddin, w.lh In 'Jllde~ Wbll dO ~ iapald? • Q .5. ~ Soulb. ~ 10" IK>ld. • •.ICltJ ~u o ACH •ltJU • / '°"'* ... '" lur111ncty. tan 11tt•. IV2S92 • $45,995 HH•CMatlA'ff allUMS Ult 'ti lleck, ll'Kk 1111.tf ·~ The biddlnl bu on>cCcdcd: •• -, 80U'llt 1Vt:ST· NORl'H nlOD , • • llue, l'•Y Int« •WO.t ' ... ~.995 Mat<IMS ruo W• 'Ol Grffll, tan lntw 'l• .... 1. ... . . ' What do yoo-bid now? Q 6 • BOtb vulnmblt. IS South )'Oii bOld: . • iAK7l OAJ14 '1 J.173 •S ~~ 10 ,_ l o f Whit do )'OU bid 00*? ' f.AST .... loo4 /or tJlllw.':' on MorttJa,. P'Olll<HI <Milla.A'" Bltdl, blecl! lntar IVlOl8 ""'5,995 ouAUM~f·o1 S1111«, black Inter tYOl39 m .995 VW 'ASSAT'02 U-,tJ•ylntw tV~ $30,'95 ~5915 IV45'1• ' 121.• MllUOH MJUO '01 1111<11 IY9118 m.995 . Mta(IOIS JlllJ20 "tl ltacll. bllck lnlw IVJ.M7 • '27.9M flHa<lMS HS '02 Silvw. lllk~ l11ter 1¥3447 $79,995 . JllUClotS S \ 500 '00 While. tall lnllf IVOSIO loQ,995 IMW 740tf '01 POaS<HI H6 '9t Blue, 11•Y lnttr BllfJuncly, ta11 Inter _. ma-43 $37,996 ·.v2.592 1'5,995 IMW 740Jt '01 ,OU .. I UUIU 'tf JlOU1 OIS!Gftta 25 Ill• • we• Must IMI f\llly Upttlencff. coJiit ,.,91:'4· 14LJ IMW740tf'01 Slfver.cr•i tvl606 '40,"5 IMW 740ll'ff Anttwte•t. v•1~ ~ . '31,995 IMW74"'0\ Biii•, IJ•J lnl•. MM3 $37,995 IMW740tl'O\ Whitt, lf•Y Inter tV3951 $37,995 IMW 740tl '01 Sliver, IJ•Y lnttr tV9942 $43.995 ••w•~·ta .Silv«. bl1dl lnttf IV1B97 s~ ••w•a•o1 Silvtt, I' •y Inter IV3962 $50,995 •10tn OISI ,_.-. • ._. - ...... $711rb--. AINltlc Clle In lf'B: ~. IMWl11SO W 414 Red, Vt7649 $12,995 • r-..me to -.ZZ·ll37 IMWU'H . Bltcl\, tin Inter -crcAllU9CAIPIT~ Aep1ln. P1tchln11 t111tall Courteous. 111y 1\a jobl. Wholts11el IM9·492·0205 • S""IH AU OM\ Y. Tht II Hllin1Jndeoen· dtntly owned Attl Ea· ' t1l• company 1(1 C11tro .. IVl309 $11,995 JAGUAR 11\'H I 74 ytllow IV.02' • $39,995 nla. It 1nnouncln1 • unlqut, hlahly rewwdlni -• opj)Oflun1ty for• M•· · ____ ....._ __ JAOUAll S·TYPl '00 GfMn, ten Inter llOMd Min professiooal C9'1llec 'fl DeVlttt w. .... ..-inc • top wl!IW~ 1ttw. 1ow qu1nty Hitt l*IOll with .w. ~ 91"clnel COftd 1 provtfl lfllCll rec0td lnllde £ out. dVm wflb, You mu1t bt 11uemely $3495 •· Mt-9-llD IV7783 m.995 JAGUAI XJ6 't 7 Bladl. tin lnt11 tVJSU $23,995 c111tomer oriented, _...,.._ r•llt• to • broad renu JAOUAI XJI '00 of client fttlmss and (OV( IOTOllG n~d ~onimunlcat11 with pliil.cln1 parsua· slvenen. IJ you hen a alr on& desire to 4UC· cMd,< ls • auperallr wllo Illa the blll, Ind tnlo>"' ,.111n1. acrffnlna and closlna Olve 111 • ull. (Over 30 Mies tuocl· 1111 hnt llfned rn ucen ol .azso,ooo 1n 2002) 1·111 454.0593 Cf Mn, tan lllt• #12!0 $26,995 11! IMS • SSSSALU/OAUl l.Y, Blllboi llllnd. lltherma· '*" UplcMI . • licutltte pereon Must M¥e -~tap SeWy. COlllll'I tM9-f7.}.(QJj) AUotA4 '.00 Black; w/1rey Inter •v91192 $17,995 JAGUAI XJI 'tt Red. tan Inter •V0859 S24,995 IMW JUI '00 JAGUAI JUI 'tt Black, w/t•n Inter Blue, tan lntar •vzau &22.995 •V7M7 • $24,995 .JMWSH i.'tt Black, tin Inter •V9978 $24,995 JMWU ll'tl 8rontz, tan Inter •¥5ot97 $22 .995 I.ANO IOvtl '01 4 6 Brontz, tin Inter •V8822 $31,995 MllClflS CU O '02 Black, blKk Inter •V9277 $20,995 'MW S211e •oo MlaCIOIS C240 'OI Green. ten Inter Bur11ndy, 1f•Y Inter !VOM7 $23,995 IV0365 $27,995 .. MW S401 •tt MllCIOIS CUt-SOO Blue, arey Inter '03 tV211l $25,995 White, bltdllnter IV6783 S54.99S I MW 740i.'OO Blad. tin inter MllQOIS U 20 '0\ •\19435 $38.995 Blacll, black Inter *¥5458 MRCU)IS U 20 WA '01 White, &r•Y Int., Blue. l'•Y lnttf WJ951 137,995 1¥6049 $45,995 IMW 14041 'O t POttS<MI CMlllA '"' SU.w, v•1 lnt•r BIKll, blKll Niter i fY9M2 $43,995 fVJOl8 $45,995 IMWMS'91 OIWIMAM4WST'Of Sllvtr. b!Kll lnlef ~.,, bi.ti! lnttf llV'll97 Ul.995 #VOUSI 152,995 IMWMJ '02 Silver, cr•y Int« •V3962 SS0,995 IMWl1\SO'OJ 414 Red, V'7649 112,995 IMWU't6 Bleck, tan Inter tVl309 Sl7,995 JAOUAI I TYPI ' 74 yellow 1V4024 '39.995 JAOUAI S-TYPI '00 OrHn. tin mter r/7183 S22,995 JAOUAI XJ6 't7 Black, tan Inter tV3548 S23,995 JAOUAIUl 'OO Gr""· tin Inter 112!0 $26,995 JAOUAll XJI 'tt Red, tan lnltr •V08S9 S24.995 JAGUAIXJl'ft Blue, lln Int« •V7947 $24.995 ~15 ,.,, .. , ....... . Converllbi,. orl1ln1I owner, aol1d car. mlll ... $18,!m d1o S.719>29Cl JAGUAR 'ts JUS convt, Sephlrt blue/o•tmHI Vl99933 $16,450 , .... -.no •••·•so.s .. o ,..,_ '00 ••• (...t bllck/tln 3311 ml, new 11" f1ctoty cbrome/ llftt lint cond $41,000 obo 562·412·1110l LANO IOVll 2000 Olacovery It S07. du•J moonrfa, reer lump Mats, heated 11at f" warr 36.000 ml, $22,995 V289539t Performanu l TO 049 650·5"0 HI•-'t 1 Cetttr• XI Zdr, Ssc>d. eokl, A/C, •m· Im uu. ofia lady owner boolla, records, SUf>efb cond throulht. $1900 \lf!IW2l • ~UIB8 -.-.. .. - VW 'ASSAf'02 Slllltr, lrtY Int., #V~ $30,995 t4HSO.st1S Tt\e'elw.-Avtthwt 'OtUMW 6111 Slwer/Bt.dt, Auto low Milla (BZ3157) $24.900 '00 •MW T40ll. White, Sport Wtlb, N•vl. loaded (1'15454) $36.900 'OOIMWl ·J Blll/Blk, Ssp, co. ,..,. feet Car (f'91472) $23,900 'OJ'--' ,,_.,._ ~ Blll/Blk, Convt, 2 tops, only Ill miles (IZ2758) $29,90!! 'DOLtJrWG~ Wirt/Ten, Plltn11111 -i.s. loaded (O!ml 6) $25, 900 '01 .__..CU(. JS AMO Blk/8111, loedtd, CO, Only 1811. mllea (1800&4) lo'UOO 'DO • .,.~ .... ,. Blll/T en, Phone, CO. I Navl. Low mlln ( 073237) $41,toO 'JT Mttt.._ l-4H Smoke Stiver, VI. CO, LoeOed (4'4917) SlUOO 'f S ,.ndN , II CAI Blv1Jlll,l9lk, Tlptron· le. co ( 3429116) $36.!lllp ,,,,.,..m Sll'ltr, 5-sp, CO, lo milt•, ar11t pr!ct (623482) $2.3, t4t~S0.2222 ., ....... ....... '"Vlf'SAllTO .,,..,.n.1.f. IJlllC.11 (19625) $17,tllO 'J•IMWSUI 8lldl (19623) $17.980 '111 .,,_, s 1w-_,.,. ' AllHll (}9614) $27,980 f T t.11.w UfOO Stiver wfpey lthr CO, pwr moon<oof. Per· feet cond1 (194531) $11,980 'OIMtrc•• CLK4M» c_,.. Slfvw Fllwltu (I 9S54) $42 '980 ,,, .... , ... suoo . ....._ SmokaSdvtl' (19717) S35.9IO 'O 1 ,..,,,,« r~ ..,,. .. , Loadtd (19744) 22.980 'fS T.ym, Ctlln ,_,.,.,,. WWte Otpendable and F uni (194781) $7.980 'ffV~ "-,..,,. ,,_ Auto (19728l) Sil .980 '00'-dt.fll , __ Stiver (19441) 154.980 '" C«IJloc Otvllt Purl Whit• (19791) Sl5,980 OZNIWJZSQ Red (J 1826) S29.910 Mf.514-1111 rtll1fS AUTO ;19; ·- a.ANGE IOVla '2000 4.0 SE Ilk• new, 17,000 ml, ~d chtn.aer. navla•· tlon ayatem. full factory w1rr, bl1ck/t1n, $31.995 V443121 PerfOfmance L TO 9'49·650·5860 f'll(tsll'W ..... llep11ra & Aetn04t~n1 FA£E ESTIMAlt U687J'8 714-169-1080 ··~ ........ " .. ().i lllllb, IM), rrnt & morel (q7~1S619) sa.e ..,,....__ .... ..... ,,,, Lo.dlcl. nwf. co ........ (415414JJ116) S29Jl9& 'OllMW~~ l"rwnllill ~-.rt 'f . .....- {4251,illGJ) 111 /HJ -~-­. --· ar.-ia nt~ "*....,"mar• 14m.'32l<M&) D.995 "OllMWXSOf Ol"1 321( rnilll. Nlv .. (~~.$41/#J ., .,,_,_ sao °"" II( rnilll. c:hrC11111 (~...- "'~ ~Tow~lk. (2Sl1..Y) m.995 ............ 4..&.Nw,D (4*88) Ht~ WIDIOVll llWPOIT lfAClf MOTOR HOMES Molorttoma· Rent BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 IOft "'-•Hll Otc lat $2IOO/mo Coml!*claJ loutlon IM9·675·3101 ..._ h'-4 all' for 11p to 50tt boat, nll Of lower prohl• powerbo1t preferred. 9'49·675·4847 SELL ·your stuff through classified! . . Based on RL Polk Co. Retall Rectstratlon statistics as of · · year End 2002. \ NEW 2004 FORESTER XS "AN ALTERNATIVE TO YOUR AVERAGE MINI SUV • EDMUNDS.COM "A CONSUMER DIGEST BEST BUY"' ' . . SUBA~U • .-.%.aPR : ... ... .,, . "' , .. SHORT .TERM i . . . . . FINANC.ING · l . 2003 BAJA ; THE WORLD'S FIRST M LTICHOICE VEHICLE ! -~ AUTOMATIC! - FACTOBY Bebate ... S2000 • • • • • -• • • • .. • SALE .................. $21,995 •19 991 NET COST •••••••••• $19,995 . . ' i Model #3PB ! ALL REMAINING INVENTORY • .. ,.. . • ~~~~~~~~~~~~-: NEW 2004 WRX WAGON i "10 BEST" CarAndDrlver.com ; "AUTOMOBILE } OF THE ·YEAR" i .. Automotive Magazine "' ' ' .> -aooos"' · (Includes Factory Rebate) On Modela 4LC __ ..._.,......_......_._..__,.._,........_...._.,,.......... __ ~,...-------;----.-----·---· --. ,, .. --·---------~;------1 • • . .. . . --"-'"-""----=---~...:-.:.~ .............. ~ -------.-. ---6--__ ,___..._di. -..........~-~------....£._---~-1......---------..__ -.... - --__ •..._ ! - ----· --.a.. - _ _... -• ' ·' ~ .. RANGE ROVER TAX DEPRECIATION COMPARISON · $72,000 Ra~ge Rover vs. $72,00Q tuxury. Car . . . Note: Luxury Cat depreciation can continue at S1 ,775 per year for each succeeding year until the vahicle la fullY. deP.reoiated or aold. ·~ . ,, ... . ~ . -. REWARDING· ON MANY LEVEtS . Land Rover offers many rewards, emotional as well as financ.ial. What's more, a Range Rover or Discovery · can offer significaqt advantages in tax. deductibility for business owners.* . • · Because all Range Royer. and Discovery models have a Gross Vehi'cle Weight)** of over 6,000 pounds, they can· be deprecia):ed -when used for business;. much more rapietly than .luxur;y, cars.. · The charts below illustrate the dramatic differences the maximum aHowable annu·a1 tax deP.reciation for a .Range Rover or Discovery va. a comparably priced luxury car:*** While these Land Rover; models qualify for ~an accelerated depreciation schedule -allowing then to be fulfy depreci.ated in Year: One ... rules fori luxuf:Yi cars limlt tax depreciation to fixed annuel .amoeJnts. . · . . • Individual • ~atlonl m1V very. For more dtttllla, plHM conault your tax edvlaor. • • GroM Vehicle Weight CGVW> •The manufacturer'• rating of the . vehicle'• m1xlmum *lght when fulty.foed«t. ••• Ch1rt1 •l'.ld t1bln reflect jlguret for taxpayers who elect IO% bonus depreciation. ' . . i I .. I I I • • ' • • I • l I ' PLUS Q% LIMITED TERM FINANCING GE: T .irw ON ~PPROVED CREDIT OR Q% LONG TERM FINANCING GET >l!'R IN lffU (JF f;lCJORY RERATE (I\' .ll'l'RO~EO ,'RED/T I t•st llllVt.' Out I ull l 111t.• of I'll! Ow111·tl Vt•f11clt·s 011 l lllt''f~) Na bersAutoMa 11. com 1 m.E Sllrlll OF !Im 4m FREIWAY www.nabersautomall.com ......... Mon.-Sa&. ,_to 9pm • Sun. 1oam to 6pm .............. Mon.-Pri. 7am to,6pm • Sat Sam to Spm Exceeding Ex~atlons Since 1967 • ... , .. - 2 -j f Daily~Pilot Proudly tming Newpi>rt Beach, ea.ta Maa, c.otoaa dd ~ ~ c:o.n. Shady can~ ....... 8cachf Laguna ipd. Dana Point, Monuch Beach. Upimano-Beach, San Juan CapUuano &nd S.n Clemmte. · Newport Coast ~Newport~ -ColdwdJ Benker 9i9.6ff.1600 ~ Civic Plaza. Sutie 260 Newport Btach, CA 92660 ' I J I - § • ••• 4 tr) ~ -!· f • i "" ! • i ~ I J i 8 w " \ • I • • ~ • ~ -j f • ! J • i ! 1 J I 8 w ii ... I ,., ~ ..; I I • I J .. i ! - AUIO VDJO. u.i11t roma wWs V9Ulud ~ &qilli:c and *-bllcDay ol( ~ room. Loa 1rinClowl arid &ah . . SJ14,000 (152020) ~ (IOl)M'l-1..0 GSBAT DKX>MB OPPOtTt1N11T COITA 11111,A. l ~ l IMlb lllllb, -I Cola Mca a:iplG ia ~ locaDoa and iilwmc pocacW • hiili' "99,960 . • ( 152271) (IOO) 111·7630 ¥•- . .... i - 8 w . .. ~ . . ' . .,.. ,. ,. . ~ ... •I• ~'.,.!.•. •• • tg .. ---,. . . .. ,,, ~ I f • § J • ~ ~ - • I f u J I Jl>t. .... - 8 w • :::0 ~ ,..., ~ j ~ .. .. ... M "" ~ -I I • I J • ,, i :f 22 AQcb Tree I.et S"'1Mrii9C!¥12.l 2DI) ~ 1.f LA8lllA BEACH 5949,116 Set,51111 1-5 $S98,876 Sil/Sun 1-5 8 w • . .l '• 11 ,.., ~ ...: I f • ~ J • i t 17 ~ J i , • II ~ -! f • ~ J • I ! 11 J I :- N § ~ ,. ~ ,..., !fr nr • j ~ - ,,I" D J I 8 w ... I f . ~ J • 21 j i 8 w . EAC " IXEK' ... • ..., ~ • ..: ! I i J -. I ! ~ classic Victorian home is located on a rocky promontory overlooking the Victoria Beach sho1dine. The beach, one of Laguna's oiost deSirable, is aa:Csscd by a private stairway. The home enjoys views both to the south and to the nonh with ia exc.eptional night light vistas. (Jlhc interior of the home is intricately firilihed. Hand-rubbed and stained panding is complemented by extensive wt of moldings, korbels and many unique built-in features. Beautiful a.cccnt windows of vintage stained glass add color and druiia throughout the home. ~ house fcarurca rwo bcdrooma, a billiard room, office, and ~o and one-half baths. In addition there is a one-bedroom guest apartment separated from the house by the delightfully unique glassed-in solarium. $3,900,0()9-$4,500,876 For further information, please contact Rick Balzer 949-497-3339 at. 306 .,, 8 w - • ~ -L f . 2t J J N 8 -w . Competitive.Mortgages Tailored to Your Needs At Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, you can expect unmatched speed and choice with a vast array of loan solutions-assuring your financial stability well into the future. • Specializing in .~umbo financing • Wells Fargo SmartPay Home FinancinfM and Wells Fargo StnarlPay Home F~ P~ accounts with line amounts from $200,000 to $3 million • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Flexible term ana interest-only options • Adjustable Rate Mortgages • Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit """' 9rows"I 714-241-1251 ColtlMesa Mo ·st people VACATION TWO WEEKS A YEAR. WHY LEAVE .OUT the other fifty? I At Turtle Ridge, you can enjoy a resort • lifestyle every day. Herc, abundant recreation is everywhere you look. Foothill ncighborh~ have private pools and more. Walking trails wind from the community into nearby Bommer Canyon. And within the gated enclave of The Summit at Turtle Ridge, residents enjoy the arand resort-style Summit Park, boasting truly world-class amenities. Discover Turtle Ridge. THE DESTINATlON This is one getaway that won't require a travel agent. TURTLE RIDGE ™ A N1w Hills/at V1tla11 In fri,lne Slnuted between Tuttle Rock and the pnvate rcs1dent1al and golf preserve of Shady unyon• 1n lrvtne, the vlllage of Turtle R.lcfse offers an 1dcal IO<Ation and Is served by the acclaimed Irvine Unified School Distnct. Choose Crom ten diverse nelahborhoods startlna Crorn the $400,000s to over $1 ,000,000. irvlneranch.com/turtlerldgc TH! HOMEFINDINO CENT£fl:'M • 1,888.615.6210 From the 73 Toll Rd., exit Bonita ($\yon Drive and head cast. Look for nelghborhoOd dittctional s1ans as you approach :furtlc Rld,c Drive. From the 405 fwy., exit Culver and hnd sooth. Culver tiicomcs Bonita Canyon Dnvc LOOk for~urtle Rldic neaahbcirhOod diteCt!Onal siant on the nant. .. 1 11 I I I I ~ ii ~ ... :- N 8 w ::0 C'I> !l!. ,.., ~ 0 9! -< ~ ~ ... IZ ,., ~ -I f • i J • i ! II j i N 8 w M I f • i J • I ~ Do you believe that agents should earn almost I TWICE I as . much commission just because your home went ·up in value? AVERAGE PRICE 6o/o COMMISSION PAID .... 3 °/o CATALIST FEE $400,000 $24,000 . $700,000 ($42 ,0001 $21,000 • Do they now provide twice the service? • Have their costs doubled? If you are not ready to give away your home equity, contact CataList Homes today. All of the muscle· and none of the ($21,000) fat. ·II CA'FALIST,. HOMES INC. I · \ ~ l ! : : I ( l \ ! . ' I I ' ', I • I . ..... OFFICES IN HERMOSA BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH AND NEWPORT BEACH Call u1 at 888.CATALIST (228.~547) Take a 1limp1e at the future of real eatate at WWW.catalisthomes.com , . • Oreet C>Dtw>n11nlry to Bur W.. Comet Lot. S1ntfi ScorY H-In Colfece hrk •) Bedlooau • ~n. l )/4 &i:ht- • J..t!21 SF (A) of Livln1SpaceOft1 7,7w SF (A) Lo<• FIAplacc s... .. Lt"IJ\f Room & 01!1ln1 Att1 • Seoerat1 1.-undfy Room • 2 C.r Auac.lwid O.r11• .... ...,,.. Ha-. ..... 7Jl.UOO 316 I.5th StrMt fO . $679,000 • J Bedroomo1t 2.S &lhl • IM2 SF (A) • V1111'911 C.111~.• Oo1J1CM Medlmn~ :sqle Ho-• Two fjrtpl.acet • LoltJClffice Atfta • Blllh In 1992 • Llllh ~ OVl'LEX, CLOSI TO BIACH • UJl'calrt Unit: l Bedrooma, 2 &throoma • Dowruulra Unlu I Bedroom, I S.throo111 • 2 C.r o.,..sc w/2 bm Spec", Toul of 4 Car P11rk11>1 • fjrtpl.u In Both Unlu • Po<enclal rnc-of $l,SOO a -th Ma. ,.,.,/Mr. HanMO. 949.122.2400 ... • j f • f7 J I - § . l ,.., ~ . ... • ....: ! f • I J • I ! ... • • ... • ~ ...: j f • . I J • ~ ! , I 41 Don Abr--. BroUr J ~BRAMS COASTAL PA<>PeATIES 315 Mlrtrie Awnue i Belboe lelMd, CA Ofc. ..., 875-4822 C.tl (114) 32&-8055 :- "' 8 w ;;o ~ ~ ,.., ifr ti!" 0 !¥ -< :y !a Call Don Abrams at (714) 325-9055 for additional details 15 Encore Court, Ncwpor1 Cr est , NB I( 0 10 ... ....; 7 ~ Royolc -Ocean front condornlniwn beaUt.ltully remodeled from top to ~ V&o. -Er\joy Catalina aunaeu from this l~ custom home. Wake up ln bottom SurroWld sound, custom cablneta and jaccuzz1 tub are just eome or the the morning to ocean views ln almost every room. Home features 3 bdrml / 3.6 features of this toveJ,y 2 ~ / 2 bath condo. Comptex olfm a pool, 24 bath; masw-suite With walk-lil closet, spa tub, it.earn shower arid two aided hour eecurity, a JlW\lger on premises and direct beach access. Please contact AO ENT, KErm FERENCE 949.637.5236 !>t295.CXX) Permit read)' for a 4149 ~. ft. home. Perm.It ruey plans toi a 4049 sq. ft. home. • •.•• W:IJ.(XXJ , Permit ready plant tor a 3600 IQ. ft. home. . •..• !>765,CXXJ Mark 8lnler ~ 4 bedl'J blth hOme. 3,800 IQ. A. • •••• ~2.20(),(X)O Mart SU\ler 3 bedl3 bath home. 3,000 IQ. ft; Panoramic view •. !>2250,CXX) For ack:lifonai informalion, ee call or ~l~ OU( wd>site a lpgunoseOside:com 1045 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, California • Office: 949.494.2124 • tagunaSeaslde.com a J I 8 w • ••• =nuow open the doors frOm your livtng room to 1~ in the aoft breaa of the ocean from th1I two bedroom and two and oJie..half bath condo in s.n Clemmte. LOc*d Oil the coutal blufl', enjoy ltl down '.tewl of the ocan aiid CafaljN llJaQd floln . tlUJ beautifully mDodeled homl. sauated am to •ca.a Romamtca. • tbll1oeattaa hM .n the lllM"dtliel ttUat San Clemente has to offer. The beach, Nd and pier await you from yoUT own prtvate beach acceu. Reminilcent of a MedltemneanVllla, the home wu remodeled With a ~we of gtilntte, traverttiie, wanil-hued ~vu Ula and aown moldm&. A lnbrored wall in the living room rcllecu the ocean Yiew from the balcony. The gourmet kitchen ofl'en new white catiineuy, granite slab counten and new GE Profile applianca. The large floor plan mo tncludet. den With. 1llder door to the balcony .. • Well u a half-bath for guests. The muter suite futures a beautiful bathroom done in travertine. Additional amenitie• mctude an Indoor Jau¢ry room, community pool and ~·pme room. men and women'• auna room.a, ae.rdle room and outdoor mower to wUh away beach land. . . 11111 home ii offered at $199,000. IW_,., ,~, CMl KM'tlf Lk/Uy o/Flnt Tumi Rul BslMes Ill (949) Jlo-6928. Banllof America. ~ embraci ng ingenuity, .r. Perched in the demable lowei Mytdc Hil1I area of ~Belch, th1I three bedroom and three bath bOme IDaka one feel part of ttie majestic acenery wttlUn • leCbaded lpOt. Comptetely rebuilt earlier th1I ye.ar, no detld1 WU f~en ~ Milglrd WfndoWI, opm beamed cdlinp, CUltolll cabtnetl, tbree-quartez:a inch maple floon, lmpon.ed ltODeWOrk (tmulled);; the ame cootmctor frOm the M~ Raoit and Sp.) aDd wUtng for IOUDd, ilaml arid camera u Well u for brOadbiDd ~· MOit ~!IY due to the dty'1 Im~ underground utilitiet project, the le.Der pre-plumbed the wtrJng for ea1e of converaioil. SWting with the great room, it featuret a ~Jaee oUtllned bY crema nW61 muble. 1k gourmet kJtchm hU been appoUited with Brazilian~ counters and Peruvian travertine tlooa and bacbpWh. Stalnlea irteel ICitc:henAid appliances, refrigerated Wine cellar and a walk-tn pantry provide profellional qUality mat preparation'. u~ a muter retreat futures • walk-to cio.et with. tale. lbe travertine appointed bath Offen h1I and hen .mb and a 1pa tub with a view of the Pad.6c. All patio areaa have ~ 1ald with Kanjian ~e paven &Om Indil. Additkmal amen!Ua include dual a1r oondtUOnm& tanklea ~ bot water.,.. llid profelllonaDy landlc2~ groundl. 'Ihtl home II offered at S 1,349 ,000. For~~, oill Rm TMM .Re"1.Bsl4*'1 ~ O'Ndll Id (949) 246-6211. ... .. 44 ~ ..; I i I "" 15 ! • ~ ~ Views from within a gated communtfy Throw open the do6ts from your living room to Jet ln me toft breesa of the ocean from thia twO bedroom and two and ofie-ha1f t>ath condo ln SiJi Clemente. Located on the couta1 bJWJ, enjoy lit down news of the ocan and c.awm.. llland fram · ttu. beaut:tfu.Dy remodeled home. SlhWed Dal to •c.aa Romamtra. • tfdl 1oca1lall Jw all the MHnllln that San Clemente has to offer. The beach, rurf and pier await you from your own prlvate beach access. RemJ.Dilcent of a M~ Villa, the home wu remodeled With a diSatminlttng use of granite, travertine, Wll'lll~ued paver dJa mid crown mot~ A mirrored wall in the living room idlecu the ocean~ from the balcony. The gourmet kitchen offers new white cabinetry, gmute slab counters and new GJ! Proffie appJJaiica. . The )age doOr plan also incllides a den With a .Uder door to the balcony as well u a half'·bath for guests. lbe master SUlte featwa a beautiful bathroom ~ dOne tn travertine. Additional amenttte1 include an indoor laundry room, community pool and ,.._ pme room, men and women'• uwia room1, aerdte room and out.doOr mower to WMh away bW:h Nnd. 11dl hoaiO ii offered at $799,000. For~ I~, cdllJc.rrn Lkllly of First TUl#I RtAl BstMls M (949) JJ<U928. Perched in the desirable lower .M}'ltic HJlls Ilea of ~Beach, th1s t.b.tee bedroom aru11hree oath hoine Diaka one feel~ of the majeltic 1CaU!fY Within a leduCSed lpC?t. COmplelely rebuilt emfjer thil year, no dNilwuf~ mCJudlD& Milgard windows, open beamed~. a.lllOID cabtnetl, ~tnchmaple &on, lmpgited itonework (tmtalled by the Mme contmctor from the Moo~ RaOrt and Spa) md wtztna for IOUDd, aJ.um arid camera u Well u for broadband~· Mott ~tly due to the· dty'• impending underground uUlities project, the leller pre-plumbed the wirtn8 for ea1e of convasion. S1a1tin3 wtth the great room, it featwa a &repllCe OUtJmed by aema marfll marble. 1be ~ kitdJal hU been appointed with Bimltan granite counters and PeruviAn travertine tloon and blcbpluh. Statnlea steel Kttchen:Aid g>pll.ances, ~wine cellar and a walk-in pantry P.fOvide profeuiODal quality ma! ~on: U~ a muter retreat featUm a walk-tn cloeet with a safe. 1bC traVertine appomted bath off en Im aD.d hen linb and a 1pa tub with a View of the Padftc. ~~mu have been laid with Kanjian bef&e paven fri>in Inc:&. Mdttkinal amemua tndude duaJ air ooncltt,ionJn& tankless ~ bat water .,....ad ~landlcaped grounds. Thia bOme II offered at Sl,349,000. F<w.~ ~, c-illPlnt Teas RMI llstMe's ~ O'Nnll M (949) Z46-621T. . • J i 8 w .. .. ,., ~ ...; ! f • i w J • . f ! • Over '° banks and lending institution& to choo&efrom • Loane to $10 million; all credit prof1IC6, including cas.Y-doc and intercat-onl.Y • Our goal is to provide the best rat.ea and loweat c9st -all with our bt price guarantee TRY FIXED !·YEAR TO $1.5 MILLION• 4.15'6 •ZERO POINTS• INTEREST-ONLY OPTION• NO PREPAYMENT PENALTYlll The view from Spyglass Hiii Imagine practid.ng on your own putting green overlooking the hills and dty Ugbts from this excqrtional Spyglass H1ll residence. 1bJ.s home features open beamed cathedral ceilings, walls of windows framing the vieWll and ~er touches throughout. 'Ibis single level, three bedroom and two bath home stands on an approximately 29,~foot lot. Hardwood floors grace the entry that leads to the expansive formal Uvtng room with plush carpetiDg, stately rock ftreplace 1nd walls of windows and glass doors that open to the covered patio. NW'by, the formal dining room offers hardwood floors and a wall of French windows opening to the courtyard. . The spadous family room features a built-in media center, large windows framing the views and remote, battery~ window blinds. It~ to an .lnfOimal dining area and a remodeled kitchen wtth desf&ner tile bacJ!.spWh., top-of-the-line a~, granite counten and a.a.tom cabinetry Ind shelves that frame 1he garden Window ovez: the iink. ~ch doors open to a aide pati~ with a custom built-in barbecue center. Double doors 9pe11 to the master bedroom that offers ~cy and comfort within a be.aUtifully appointed space. Pwned with eustom window treatments, the French doorl and windoWs overlook the view. Additloilal amenities Include a stereo system With ~ers in the &mil:y room, Uvtng room, muter bedroom and office. There is also a new heating and ah' condttkmtng ~em as well u alarm and hot water dradaUng systems. This home Is offered at $2,395,000. . ForJMfe lnf"""4tlon, C4ll M11ry FtytrtiJltli First Team Est4tes Ill (949) 159-5747. Also, tour tlu /tome 011llne Ill W#nlJ.FlrslTMm.com/mfrytr. Pelican Point address ~ An .exceptional neighborhood deserves exceptional service. As a seasoned home loan consultant serving Orange County for over 28 years, I'm proud to bring my considerable experience to your neighborhood. I also have the technology, resources and innovative loan products from one of America's leading lenders to make your next home buying experience fast, convenient and virtually hassle-free. A vast selection of home financing options, including: ~ PayOption ARMS :::.! Fixed Period ARMs 3/1, 511, 7/1, 10/1 ~ Interest Only Loan Pr~ms ~ Home Equity loan Programs ~ Fast & ~asfM loans :::.! Purchase & Refinance ~ Stated Income Available ~ Primary Residence, Second Homes, High Rise Condominiums ~ New Construction (Rate Cap Prosram offers Interest rate protection for up to 14 months) Kevin Budde Branch MaNlllJ Cell 949-422-2075 kwln_buddeOcounttywlde.com Mission Viejo Branch 27101 Puerta Ruf, Suite 100 Mtsaion Vttjo, CA 92691 Toll F...e 866-551·2008 Irvine Branch 1804-4 Culwr om. IMnt, CA 92612 PhOnt 94g.552.2n1 ext.224 Fax 949-552·2770 41 J I 8 w ... • I f ' N 8 w ... ... • \. to) ~ -j f • .. I Sl,52',000 Lee ;; Sl,799.000 Sell~ ~ • Sun 1..+pm ,..,... l 31llllwllft SlM9,000 5111-tpm ~ ! Sl,225.000 Sir l;'fpm Aa. Sl,'199,000 Sun12 ....... ~ llGCANVON 3 Rue SI. ar.d Sl,,27'.000 s.us.m 1....,. • IOHrrA CNo0M Sun 1'"'4pm COSTA MESA 2113 c.olan. VIica $719.000 SlalSun 1..-tpm Sa.9!100 SaDl~ { mt.cm s.r&lill~ McCnWa S790,000 S.t l:.;4pm 812 Via Udo Nord M,995.000 119Vla Vella Sl.395,000 ~BoleroWay $109,000 2~7 E. 16th St $639,000 1131 GrlnvtDC Sl,200,(XX) 'Ridgeline S6,m.ooo s.112~ .,,v-. .... $489,000 Sunl~ 910 \T( .... Bl\ld Sl,199.c>QO Swil~ NEWPORT COAST Sl,749,000 • .,111.1-9 Sl.,2'.000 Slll-4pil .... Sill ...... Sl,'42',000 Sunl~ Rad Rad Biollman 3812 Charind Pl NEWPORT SHORES NORTHPAJJ( 30 LeuC:adia PELICAN CREST 20 Channel Vista nJllTLI JUDG! a J ' 8 w Sat 1.-fpm Beuon S.tl~ MdClnnoil $849,000 S&t9,900 UDO~ ... .... c:.., ..................... ... ... W.lA•ltioWW ........... t00 JSU OFFICE 949.723.8800 ... .., ...... ~rw1111da:.~ocwt ... 2W.21ia.Llrjl .... ............ ' a j I --\ 949.759.3759 •I LIStJNCi AOfNT JARROD FREY 949.759.3760 MICHAELA MCCL0SKEY 949.717.4720 • l !HUI 'l l IJ ,\ N t\( fl , . II J I :- N . 8 w ::0 ~ 9!. ,..., ~ .,. 0 91 '< ~ " J I - 8 w . #I COLDWELL IANKI~ TEAM lN OlANGE COUNTY FOil 2000 6 .2002 -SOCIETY Of UCILLIMCI 949.718.1735 #1 COLDWELL BANKER TEAM IN ORANGE COUNTY' FOR. lOOO & 2002 '-'.1 l I._ IJ.J \'LL ls '\Nl't'I' .. H J f N 8 w • I f • CHRIS • VALLI 949. 759 .3738 714.883.4397 )HADY CANYON IROKElt. OF THE Y£Alt. 2002 ... •" p ,n CHRIS VALLI 949.759.3738 714.883.4397 RICK LANGEVIN 949.759.3759. , I i't LdJ( 'l l f( 'N ~ I '' .' • 11 . I L 8 w • 949.759.3771 949.759.3726 . .. '> .•. •• ·.•· .. MARILYN READ 949. 718.2733 www.lldolsle.net IN UCllOW 115 VIA COllDOVA 116 VIA ITHACA 1t0 VIA GENOA 115 VIA JUCAll 126 VIA LOllCA 124 VIA TRllSTE 530 VIA llDO NORD 517 VIA LIDO SOUD 336 VIA LI DO NOllD fJS VIA O~VIETO 140 VIA WAZIEllS lll VIA .HOLi '426 ALISO llll W. IAY Ill VIA ~VlNNA 104 VIA ITHACA SO RUE FONTAJNEILlAU '(Jl fJIJH •1 l I '\Nll_<'I• a r i -. (.. N 8 w :0 m. ,., ~ .,, . ~·· ~ ~ .. .. ~ -j .. f • I J ...,. . I ~ JEFF EWIN-G 949.759.3796 HALI.; Of FAME . LYLEEN EWING 949. 759 .3786 HAU Of FAME IN ASSOCIATION WITH r • l r JIJJ r "I l 1:11><1"• .,, • i J i :- 8 w ::c ~ rTI "' &r-tD 0 ~ '< ~ • f • ! I ., . ... ~ -J f • ~ ~ • I ! 108 "'- WEGLAIU KAREN BETSON 949.759.3741 949.718.1738 '' c filJJ( 'I l ' .... ,,., '• ' . ti j i ..r- 8 w :0 ~ Ill • ,..., ~ ..... , j l •' ...... .. . . "' , • i • ,. ii .. .. 1 f • • 4 • • f I • • 4 • 1 • • l ~~ ..: , j -• '-t.-1~ ·1 • I I • l ~ J 1.-.... § ,1: • l i . • i l .... .. • f!I l ·1 1~ 1' 11 'f ~'r; ~l\i .. -- ' ~ rn f.1! •11 l.r.z If '~' 11f J • ~ ... 1ni t! l f; ~ Oliy Pilot • ~ EstlCe • ~. Norttll11bet 1, 2003 ;i . . .,_ -- .. r -" ' " ··-~ ---.---------·------------ l(~i it! !ti rt ,If· Jf 1 i ...... ~··. I ·~-~· -~j ~ 1.·: ~:>fi ·." .. ~• ) ·_j, ...... :~ :.:_ .. lOlld~ • alSlSJ~~ • £00l 't ~ ·~ ;::t . !.. \. .J - ••• L n i - 16~ I f • I 'J • I ! ROBERT TAYLOR 949.338.8885 . , • n J r :- N 8 w ~ ~ .> ri la ... 0 ~ :p ~ CAROL ALLISON 949. 718.1526 SENIOll ACCOUllJT f)([CUTIVE CALL CAllOL POil MOIU INFOP.MATION Oil A PRIVATE SHOWING AT 949:711.IS26 .... . ARCHITECTURAL PROPU.TIES DIVISION 949.718.1547 tthomson@coldwellbanker. com "18ROKER Tom ls an~ prof9ssionaJ WhO 1s an wee In any 1"111 tstatt transaction. Call him today to discover what a dlfrer.nc• dM rf&ht ialeS counMlor can inlU for you. 41 • 71 , J I. :- 8 w '° "' ~ ~ ~. j ~ I' .. ... .-, 11 i -j -. -I • I J • i t .. ..... 949.574.3520 949.412.369, CELL 949.718.tSJS DllltCT • , \ . ' 949.733.6330 DIRECT 949.673.8700 OFFlCt DORIS LEE 949.733.6330 DIRECT .. 949.673.1700 OFFICE , • 11 r i -... 8 w :::0 ~ • ,., "' Iii ii 0 ~ i .,. -· 11 - ~ ~ -I f • j J ... . ... I ! RAY McAFOOSE 949.499.8957 ~--- .. INGE BUNN 949.499.8763 BEV. P.AVLOMIChl 949.499;.l?.23 • _, ' . ~ . ' , 8 w • '-.!..: .. I· I ... ~ ..: J f • i \41 .c-& • ~ ~ > • DAVID MCCULLOCH 949.718.1549 • SJ, I L . :- 8 w . ~ Qt. i i;-. , j l • ... a ,.,, ~ -r ·f • j .J «i ! •• ' a " j L :- § if llt. ,,, ~"' j ~ .. .. • • " .,,/ .· '" • \ ..... o-...... ~ IAYSt!OR@S JtGV...DrM '2.0fS.oao I09.5 Nil I 1.-.... 7llM~1•1~ ............ tl.17'.000 ....... ~I~ Sit .... s... 1-4 ._M .., ... Olrild ...,,., ,..,_~ ... ...., -~111 -... . .,,.. • • I J l b !'"" 8 w ::0 19 II!. "' ~ At Apttt OsWIJd j $750,000 Suri 1-4 ~ I SUS0.000 Sun 1-4 .......... -· . ··• 1 • • ~ - ._.. I lot sizes ran,. from 13,000 to 16,000 square fiMt. ,,.. J I 8 w ... ....... I f •lot I IA • l.Dt 12A& 13A •Lot 19A lot 2A ··Lat ISA !J'oU 8 lot 18A 8 lot IOA 8 Lot 14A 8 Lot IC-2E• 8 Lot SA 8 Lot4A 8 Lot IA • Lot 46 • Lot '42 • Lot41 •LottA LOt 16A lot 17A I I Avalori V.sta l 5 & 17 Avalon Vista 27 Avalon Vrsta 9 Avalon VISQ 19 Avalon Vista PIUCAW ce11T M~ $4,675.000 $12.500.000 $4.350.000 $3,960.000 $4.290.000 $2.900.000 I Pelican Hill Road NOr1h $5.100,000 I Pelicans Drive $2.650,000 3 PellCIOS DriVe $~750,000 9 f>ellC<l'IS Drive $5,000.000 3 Pelican Crest Drive SS.000.000 I I Pelrcan <:rest Drive $3,680.000 IS Pelican Gmt Drive $3:495,000 S Avalon Vista $3.520,000 23~VISti $2;900,000 25 Avalon Vrsta Sl.995.000 _.,.,~lot..,_ ... '\bl. IC 2f ll not• l*t«Ncin'p,& ----~ . , 19,745 sq. 1t 27,908 sq. ft.. 24,250 ~.ft. 1247 acre$ 21666 sq. ft. 23,7-47 sq.ft. 24,932 sq; ft. 19.645 sq. ft. l~.962 sq.ft. 17.534 sq. ft. 35,250 sq. ft. 17,IJS sq.ft 19.279 ft. , .) - Your cust.om rmidence In Pelkan Crest wttt convnarld tome °'the molt ~ vlMI In SOudMiT\ Cdforril lirid the worid. From N9wpot"t ~ U) Cat.h Wind and .... scudded, Cl!ftr'DIW U) ~ mounalns. d'4t b9lt"' dM ClllbM ~ 11 llld CM bilb"e ~ Wkh orly a let.ct f9w CUICIClm '*-\ Cnit II a pllce lb n0 ochlr ••• a llnCt .,.i. Lot priaii ..... hm IJ,95,000 -f/J;StJ0,00() • ft. • • .. 'f j l I t t I :-' 8 w ~ t~ • i l • ~. .. •. ' . ' . •' •' dlk.-&>'"'! Wtch wm. wine c.1111-and ~. Pool. ape. outdoor ~~~and6-8car.....,.,~~~P'~ to world-dus Pf, dlnlnl.~ Ind~ ·J I 8 w I d l ~ mrw loadaltwldl ..... . ,, .... ..._.. ......... ....... GGa:M&..-..... '1illllil-.w. 1~195,0()() ' ~ ' --~..______ ___ -- • J I 8 w . ' -, Cr»oM Jd ~ · J4,{f9S,OOO ltallr'l/i¥e halM lnlUlrad by die Oww's ¥tll an .. s;omo. ~.,..,.. ~ ~·~~ s ld.5.S .. c..-. Ccid .......... ___ ._. ................. -.; J I :- N 8 w ;Ill ;. :' ,.., ~ ' ~ i! .. ,. ,. ~·Jl""9""-----~ ------- - Sina ...... Splrllih. ""' ... a.. .... Ind C:Olllliil --~ _....,..... ._.. .. wldt OUllldl ...... Ind..._ on.d •kind. nMr on dw,.,. .,.,._ ) • J I - 8 w • I Ill • i l ' - . -, .. - ~~ • 1.iSMbfJO ~ ................ :S..Ju!ln c.,11 *'° .._ , . ... ,. ~a... blrfral• horiii on .... ~ btid'l Ind bOIC moonw. If I¢ 18 IW' ..... c:*il. ~room, ... Md b•lll'lllllt 4*' J i .§ --.... , a s;;z 1c ~ J.li/1 • ~JSIJ,()()() Sedltded Frft:t\ style -Wldt ~ ,,_.. ... ~ Ind Kol pondl. •J4NIJ11-J.fi/t • l/J,(Jo,~ s..-. alllDftt ... Oft ...... ~ ...... s ....... pCMil; .... alllnlL " 12,196,000 1~1951000. /hliM • llfJ.!J,000 Great c:ondomlntum In pted community d O>elDrd Court. 2 l*rooms and 2 baths plus loft:. § • . j l ' ] I f • J I 8 w ... . 4 ' I __ lii-i ____ -~------• -·------------ --...h lltiM In ...... al Ind ... flO deck Ind ~ ...... which llows fot wy •..ulnment. ~In .,.,.., ~ °"' hOme .. perfKity aibd. .t .. ldy .... Md lriw'dy -.cuc.d. ---•1 .. J i ~ 8 w l ,.., .. J • j l • I I ,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. , ....... , .. , .. , .. ,., ... ~,,,,,,,,,,. • 111 J I :- 8 w li ,...JI!. ,., ~ i i ~· ,. • k...:. - . ' w Upgrades ~ throughout -There are up~ throUghout this four bedroom, three bath split level home. Features include a fmmij room or dm, two ftreplaca, air condiUoning, security ~.recently ~ted, newer muter bath. There ts a loftfy . fountain in the mtry, newer~ doon and built-in blrbecuC on the patio. The bOat dock wtth side tie will accommodate a 43-fOOt boat. nm hOme ts offered at $2,550,000. For.,,.~, "'° M.tliV Nl,.,P.Sorlt "'(949) 640-3600. StrtlM ~' 140 New(Jorl enter DrlH, SU. 100r Ni:wporl BtAcli. Dover Shores 'view home nu. pdv&te home fcatura unobltruc:ted Badt Bay views from dl.m.ii& livU1g and fml1ly rooms. lbe gounnet ldtcben opens to the tmuly room and includes grarute counters, C:heiry C&btneay, ll&lnless lbermador and Sub-Zeto appliances. Other features of this Wge five bedroom, four and one-half bath home include a~ entry, pool and spa. three flreplacei, wet bar, four car wa&e, newer roof, marble floor;tng. category 5 wtrtng and air condidoning. Tbii home ii offeml at $2,295,000. For ""1f¥ '"'°"""/km, "'1l T'1n °"" (949) 640-3600. Slrtidli Proptrlks, 140 NftllfKlrt <:niter Drlflt, Ste. 100, Newport Budl. Great curb appeal Set on a beautiful . corner location is this Plan 2, three bedroom, two and one-half bath home. Features include wood Ooors and statrcale,fonnal dining room, two 6ttp~, large fmilly room with ltOlle ftreplace, counyatd, balcony OT\. the second level with ou1'kle sWrcase. ---~--~ The home ii in move-in condition. nu; tiOme ii offered at S 1,249 ,000. For #I/Wt #1/rmNdf!nt, t:4ll Nttldil Mltdu!U Ill (949) 640-3600. Str""'4 ~, 140 NelllfK'rl Cnter Drive, ste. J 00, Netfiporl BeM:ll. Gorgeous Tuscan~le home Located tn ~gious Shady Canyon with golf course and canyon views, tlils home includes five bedrooms and five and one-half baths with separate guest quaners with kitchenette. The gowmtt kitchen with adjoining family room loob out onto the rear y.i!'d with outdoor 6ttpl.ce, two barl>ecues, a pool, spa and outdoor entertainment area with teleVisioii, dishwasher and miao. C.Overed lanais and balconies makes th.la tiome ideal for entertaining. nm home ts offered at $6,295,000. Fc1r ""'re'"'"""""°"' t"1l Ride Muney Ill (949) 640-3600. Sir/Ida ProperHes, 140 Newp<>rl enter Drl11e, Ste. I 00, Newport Buch. /' . . BALBOA PENJNSULA 2019 E Ocean Blvd 48r 2.58a Sun 12-4 Cannery VlllaOe Realty Vince Mayell 714-264-1908 $1,400,000 CORONA DEL MAR 1400 San Mlguel 58r 8Ba Sat-Sun 1-5 Patrick Tenore Nationwide USA 949-856-9705 2830 seavtew 48r 4.Sba Sun 1-4 Michael Brinkman Coastline Realty 948-759-01 n 414 Narcissus 38r 2 3/4Ba Sat1-4 Michael Brinkman Coastline Realty 949-759-0177 IRVINE 27 Ascension 5/8Br 3Ba Sat-Sun 1-5 Patrick Tenore 949-868-9705 $3,995,000 $3,100,000 $1,095,000 $1,299,000 LAGUNA BEACH 549 Mystic Way 38r38a Sat-Sun 1-4 '$1,349,900 Wynn O'nelll First TNm Nolan 948-248-8217 NEWPORT BEACH 48 N Hampto_rl 2Br 2.&Ba Sat-Sun 1 ·5 Patrick Tenore 948·898-9705 520 W Balboa Blvd 38r.. Sat-1-4 Cante Allen ColdWell Benker 148-71~2378 $949,500 $1,225,000 NEWPORT BEACH 82 Ocean Vista 38r 3.5Ba Sat-Sun 1-5 Maria Harper Harbor Realty . 949-929-2015 2177 Vista Entrada 3Br 2.5Ba Sun 1-5 Doug Bulley, Broker 949-720-1704 1518 Anita Lane 4Br 2.5Ba Sun 1-5 Jon Cobain, Broker 949-642-7211 424 Weatrnlnlster Ave 2Br 1Ba Sat 12-5 OWner/ Agent 948-850-0713 200 McNell #110 • 2Br 2Ba Sat-Sun 1-4 Cathi Denton.Jones First Team Real Estate 949-422-9484 for gate code 2842 Vista del Oro $1,049,500 $998,000 $1,195,000 $909,000 -$439,000 3Br End Unit w/1 Ba + 1 Ba on main level Sat·Sun 1-4 $545,000 Sally Shipley PNdentlal Catffomla 948-219-2414 406 Bay Hiii Big Canyon Vlllu 28r 21/'a>a-Sun 1-4 Teri tt.rdke ~Properties 948-71&;4800 $899,000 NEWPORT COAST 9 Premiere Point Pelllcan Hiii Sat 1 ·6 Jim WelMnbach & Jane Polley Prudentlel CA R•ltY 948 422-8811 or 800-ett111414-4-a88.,_-34M $8,495,000 § • l j • j l I do..·. ..... • -1 It I ·1 I ... ' -I J • I ...., I MAIN FL.OOf' MAITIR NE!MtOflT COMT .... 000 AA1fZZA a.II~--.......... f.as*nl.--_.. ... .., "*. 3 bahGms. 2.S .... " 2 IM dlll Acr1112.Gl eql views•_,.~ ..,.__,.. .... applld~ ~ Wood--n1 b!A· ln•*""h11 l**' lMgl lq •GUiid yard Wiii iu.111 bort.:ut Moit lnlo hi lllMJU ... l.NCa FOfBT teee,880 THE W000. ._tin troe11:mtaiarl.SID>aqtrllUld""OihllOQisinla fCllSt In tis ~111 MJAI--4bell'ocms1112.5 bib. 3 cs page ~ m plNqlnled by tUlcil Aloodllld~ iu,adldlw111 w11n11 blnlllles Am:illlxlni.dlsllllldlnllms~Ol .. l.AcW• ............. ' -'* 1 ..W n•111• .. •• 8Pt!c'rAc!.AAA OCEAN Viawa NEwPoAT' COAsf $2.885,000 GR&> C0MtiM NTY CM8ll Oalcllll .. CllllllUIMI limy .. .__ .......... " .. 11t•a.i.-.• .. -•s .. --...u .... t111)Q,.. HllToNc SNITA Lof"rt PLAN 3 teeo,900 _.,., ...... Ul.llltllClt.UilS!mlDClllall.11 .... Dlllll ............ _ 0 -'* dlitll IUJI ' 1 • PlM4 $510,990 HM ,a. fay 11-. DnStai1s. nl lhe In f1ls ~ lol in h Miit Otsl7k1 Coll inn!•* 11 llA*Wv ilSd#Mca..t ............... -a SI ....... f 2 s o NJ 0 th 11 l < ; I-' P I~ I< . F RLl>l < ·11(>\ CORONA DEL MU 2 BLOCKS TO BEACH!! Viiltap COM cottap w/ bardwoiOd noon, brick Citq>tace, "1p mum swte R.BOUCED FOR IMMEOIATB SALB. OWNER BOUGHT AN01llBJl. LoWClt prico ., cloec to I.be beach. &p.nded. upsnded • ranodelodll 2bd plua den, 1·3/4bl. arwy backyard $1,399,000 mE SANFORD GROUP Ilea.I ...... •roter.ae Suvlca (714)41~5 flllWJl.9~1.oc.nlM ·~·1111#1' .... n ~ ~ ~ i. 3 bec>a:rnl rc:J 3 bll:tll rc:J ..woOtlllWf 200:> IQ ft "'4tl., ~ 2 ca gsage cn d 11 foN ~ IO 0()'"9 ...... ht,_ been llClS'Oed lion 18 Of'9'W u. ~~ ...,..Wlflnllhlmenser so.ran ..., ~ 19 ~(NI....,, 50 pocia rd ps1<a rd JIW1( ..... ClDU'll b. YflllY ~fee . . ~ LIJcM 11,111#1' ~co.wr FllbtJol.e 001S1 S1d...,... ~ tam hll one l8llol homl. 3 ~. 3 bllt18 rd. 3 cs grwage QMorT1.,,.. ~ Lsgo °'*114lct'ef\ lemlv roan ret tm....,.,.. d flll twtxr S1d ril1l ~ Mo.19 ""'*,., h8-.garll tonel ........ .. Isa ¢ 9 ..., ............... Jh1a P'lt ·Topt%0fAp...!!:..,~ Stefanie Meurer ~~mtoMobileHoma" (949) 715-3156 Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 The Look o£ the Bellagio Hotel 4 bedroom, 6.5 bath., 4000 eqft. Walerlront palace with pvt. boat dock. Jim Kidder 714.454.5459 Reduced to $2,550,000 ~ Danny Dong Huynh ~~ 714.878.2916 ~vi.ta del Oro ee.tnblit 3 BK ind Unit with 1BR + lBA on main lftiet Many upgr.da plut a priv•te encJOMd ~tio. Loeated near COM High and BadtS.y $545,000 I '1 •I ! . I'. I I I I ) 1 . Sally Shipley . . 949-219-241• t Ii • '1 I •, la y id .nd .. NEW LISTINGS CDM · St,450,000 CONDO 3 BD + Den & 3.5 BA FRONT-Brand New South of Hwy CDM St,450,000 DUPI.EX 3 BD & 3 BA and 2BD&2BA CORNER-North of Hwy NEWPORT COASf $695,000 CONDO 3BD3BA ON GREENBELT Gated Community New carpet/paint 1URI1.E ROCK CAMPUS VIEW BROAD MORE Irvine 3 Homes 3 .&4BR $549,000, $615,000 $624,000 . 1~~~661 2 Large bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, wood floors, newer carpet, and GOLF COURSE VIEW!!! 405 Bay Hill, between Jamboree & Macarthur, off of Ford Road Priced to sell at $699,000 r ARMSTRONG OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4 PROPERTIES TERI ARMSTRONG HARDKE CHAMBER OF CoMMERC1! Bu lLDING J::J~EA~~g~~mo 949. 718.4600 X 114 TUITLllOCl • SfECTACTVW !STATE YALUE Larst s ()( 6 bedroom. ),200 tq.fi. daipt pafm cswe with lldh uopial ra fills. Ko1 pond and c:omplcu privacy an guvd ptcd c:ommuniry. Abeolur Value· Only Sl.299,000 Call P1rridt T tn0rc fur privm &bowing 414 WUTlllNSTlll AVI CMm'tlng, clUllc home on large lot with Iota of room for expansion. Light 6 bright 2 BA. 1 BA updated main hOUM wlthF~ACnew«~tchtn&Hardwood floorl. Remodeled eeparate 1 BR, 1 BA guest ~office with pnvat• alley entry & hidden patio. Latgt Gruay Landlclped yards With huge patio, gatlgt. gated plli(lng (boaVRV). Move In radyl Newport Beach .. .', f·'. .'I",,: p,,1'.l Du~lex OpenSat 1-4 Large upper owner'• unit 3br, 2ba, fp. Ocean views. Lower unit -2br, 2ba, beach view from llvrm, fp, wetbar, skylight $1,225,000 Agent Carrie Allen Coldwell Banker 949. 718.2378 Corona del Mar Duplex Exclusive Listing Principals Only! Just Listed Very Clean Duplex. 4bd, 2ba house plus 2bd Iba unit hardwood floors, fireplace quiet street, extra wide lot. open beam ceilings, remodeled house. Priced for quick sale! $1,275,000 PRINCIP~ ONLY PLEASE THE SANFORD GROUP Real ER.ate Brokerage Services (714) 412-8955 - 2201 Windward Lane $869,ooo · 4BR, 3BA home w/2 cozy woodburning fireplaces, 3 car gar~e, pool & spa, Cruit trees. OVer 11,000 SF lot. Broker Jeff Hill • ~ J I :- § if Qt. ,.., rrl . ., • j l • .. .... ooo Owner/Agent (Me) uo.o11a DRIVE BY ONLY 949.488.SOLD ~ DO NOT DISTURB THlANTS www.HlllRealty.org Prudential California Realty recently announced Steve Rodgers as President of Orange County division I f • His goals for the company Include Increasing customer service !! Steve Rodgers began Jn management with ~ Prudential almost 10 yean ago, although the past :! ftve years have been particularly tn:strumental. He ex ~ tw aslimd tn luding Prudential to be No. I tn the • San Diego market abate, u well u the largest reaJ l est.ate company tn San Diego with more than 35· "' offices and 1,450 agents. With aspirations to gl'OW c3 even funher tn the company, Rodgers is apandJng into Orange County and focusing on duplicating the same level of succ.ess. According to Rodgers, "This ts fueled by my and the company's desire to grow. By btanching into Orange County, I am anticipating a cohesive leadership between the vmous ttgkms." Rodgers will continue to be in San · Diego, as the Vice President, asstsung when necessary. Rodgers has numerous goals for his new career RodgeIS is ta.king all the tools he teamed in move. First of all, he wants to Ultegr.tte Southern building a large organization over the yea.rs to California to a more cohesive gl'OUp. He wants to benefit the clients in Orange County. He ts stepping increase market share by doubling his closest into a much ltl'Ollger ladersh.tp role.and will be competitor. And he wants to tnause the CUltomet responsible for the Wion and management of attVtce expettence of reaJ eswe transactions. lead.tng the gl'Owtb of that organization. Having such an experttse in real estate, Rodgers CWrently as the Plaidebt of Orange County, realJzes th.at real estate transactions can be stressful Rodgers bu numerous duties from hirtng agents to and ch.alJenging. 'nlrough training, customer oveneeing custom service. Rodgers also assistS service and technology, he wants to make that With developing business plans focurtng on goal.I process u stress free as possible for the oonsumer and objectives and helping Prudend.al to continue as well as the agent. to conform to real estate policy, rules and Rodgen believes that technology will continue to ttgulations by staying focused and directed. lead the industry and become more instrumental by Rodgers chose to be a pan of the real estate enhancing the overall experience for the con.sumer, Industry because "you can follow your along with the guidance and directlon of the a&ent. entttpreneurtal 1pl.l1t in this industry." He was Additionally, he looks forward to integrating and looking for a career whete he directed his own increasing networking opportunJty through destlny, and would not have a glass ceiling. He networking events, nwteting programs and deftnitely found what he was looking for. Rodgers communication system1. Orange County being the also h.u a genuine concern for helping others. In sophiltiated community that Jt is, Rodgers' vision addition to mutmtz:tng his own earn.tng poteod.al, of integration will be nothing short of accepted and Rodgers uses his position in real estate to utWzed. encourage other agents to achieve professional Dramatic Ocean V1ew Estate Emerald Ridge Gem gl'Owth. He underswids the tmportanee of reaJ estate transactions and strives to help everyone make the best possible decisions. lbe best advice Rodgers could give an aspbing professional in the ttal estate business Is "Quit getting ready to get ready; just do it, as Nike wou put it." He believes it is atremely important tO follow your dreams and surround yowself With a ruccessful organization and people to model yow career after. "Have a clean and spedftc written pla th.at you follow daily and find someone you rcspe to hold you accountable to your plans and goals.• Orange County spans over 700 square miles of some of the best known and exdting sJ&hts In Calif omla. Its location leaves nothing to be destre Ranging from some of Southern California's most beautiful beaches to just minutes from the mountains, Orange County ls a pd.me locale to no only visit, but as a place to call home. Rodgers is excited about the opportuntty to take on the challenge of this new temtory. Prudential Califomta Realty currently dominates as one of th top real estate companies tn Orange County. Orange County ls a welJ.-respected market in thf residential reaJ estate arena. Rodgers has oondnually been a leader and an Jnspiration to Prudential With his drive, aperttse and passion, Rodgers looks forward to joining the outstanding tum of professionals in Orange County md helping to make a successful operation even bettel -"helping people achieve the American dream of homeownership." SttVt Rodgm can be ruched at (949) 794-5700. Prudentud C4Hfom'4 RMlly Is proud to be a mem/11 ofHomeSmtiees of Amerk4, a Bel'ltshire Ha/Mway alftlWe. Prudential califom14 Realty Is ranlud mrwng the llJp fWe rtal estate companies in the Miion, Ulith more tluin $17 bflllon In sales volume i 2002 according to N'""1nal RelocilHon and Real Estate Ma(IUIM, Aprll2003. Prlldent"'1 califom'4 Really 1u&s more titan 4()()() sales llSSOC'4tes In nMriJi BO oj/ial In San Dktp, Orange, Los Allgeks, Ventura, 5'fnta Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. Visit Prudential Ctllifom14 RMlty's Web st1 at: www.prudmtlalul.com. nus dramatic ocean view estate, nestled behind private entry gates at the '"'"' end of a 10113 drive, otren unobttructed ocean views that may be en~yed from nearly eveey room. .Amenlties tndUde a formal Ubtary paneled in cherry wood, an artilt'• studio, With vleWs of the ocean and Catalina sunsets, this home ts tn the private oommtinJty of Emerald Ridge. 'Ihe four bedroom. three bath residenCe features a gourmet's kitchen With ocean views, master Rtreat With doors~ to a prtvate patio, apadous tamUy room with ~)a(:e, a~ ' front )'aid arid a tbrmal ~room that opem to an ocean view deck. music room, and a true gouimet'1 ldtchen With granite countcn and a temperatu.re-eontrolled wtne cabinet. The JJWter IUfte containl a sitting room With lireplace, private spa, sauna, gym. and an tm.mmse cloeet arid d:ttssing mu. ThU ~ii Offered at S2,750,000. Fof ""1rt ~ "'1l Bob 51'11111 of~~ Relllly'J M01111ri:ll Baiela lmm&A lfl (949) 2~ 199. Yo.1 en Ill.so ""'11"I Wtb 1'le O'f Wu /1 mtNllJ tnrofdti ~ lfl tnM.~.t:tml. Hb ~It , , 1t~N 2 Rtt; Oltil<IA~ J11 MOMl"(lt lltlldl. • 1b1s property, ~ rot enteNinlfl& ii ..uhin proximity to the white sand beach.ea, the Moriardl Unb Golf alib, St. Regll 111d Ritz Cadton reaortl, and the Dana Point Mlitn&'. 1bil home ii offemi It s 1,550,000. -For~"'~' orllJwly Blosso#l llnd A.srocl4tes of PrwknNAI ~ Rt.lllly's 77wN Aidt Afy lmMdJ Ill (949) 793-5068. Yo.1am"1so11Uil tlldr Web Ilk Ill """"1.Jd~.COM. '11ldr oJlb ts llJCtllM lfl 32356 Sb#lli OW Ht~y, St>lflli~ • u• •lllflll I . •• i.:11o c • ~ .. real one ming uJt !Would ttO rtth a )your ~plan respect ;oaJs.• lesof In :Jestred. most to not ft is of the in the to rion, ding bettu m of Vtbsite I .d the I ll I ...._ • ., Ocdoblr a._,, I KEY LENDERS AND RATES 3~ftxed IHnMST .,. flOIN'Ta lllAJl MAltOIN ADJ. J'AT'f OWN <!I A.fl.A. LOAN "'1 INOO FMQ. K (800) 344-2739 5.250% 5 2.000 30 5.560 4.000% 5 1.000 4.232 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y A (800) 591~6 5.500% _..;;.5_.....:1·..;;.000:...=.....--=30:..:..._--=.5:..:..6.....:70:_ NA NA NA NA NA NA N.A NA -------------------AcUon l!odlng A (888) &41-6900 5.875% 5 0 000 30 5. 920 2. 950% 10 0.000 5.440 500,000 2.950 110 1M --------------~ Almlollri.com R {888) 411-4246 5.500% 5 0.375 30 5.637 NA , NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ---Amerlc8n Flflt C U. B (800)458-4617 5.~ 20 2.000 45 5.n6 3.375% 20 0.500 4 066 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y Amertc8n First Rate Mtg. R (800) 887-9108 5.750% 5 0.000 __ 30 __ 5._81_0_ 3.750% 5 0.000 3 980 322,700 2.760 ITS 1Y 1.950% 20 1.000 3.680 800,000 2.150 ITS 1 M ----------~ ;;;.De.....:trldt;..:;_.....:Moc't...;......;;Q!Q!=-Groo__;__.P;..._ __ R__;("-800.;..;.!...) _47_8-.....:5...;..995.;...;__.....:5.....:.3.....:7.....:5%;.:__ 6 1.33_9 __ 30 __ 5_.5_17_ DIVeralfed Funding Group A (877) 644-9920 6.~ 10 1.260 30 5.632 1.250% 20 0.000 3.961 800,000 2.500 ITA 1M _C?owrwy ___ Sa_Vlng!--=·-----S_(.._800_,,,.-.>_34&_·5e3_1 __ 5_.3_7_6%_..~20 1. 760 60 5.570 1..250% 20 1.000 4.636 322, 700 2.600 11 D 1 M --------------.;;:E.....:inefy.;;.;..t..,.....:Flnanclal;;.;;;:;.='--------'-R-(""'94.....:9;.:.,) .....:729-9200;;..;.....:;..;;:.;;..;:___5.....:.1.....:2...;..5%.....:___;10.:..... 2.260 15 5.328 1 .250% 20 1.000 3.«2 650,000 2.150 6LB 1 Y _ltn0!1q_ .... llQ!O!OOf>......,.,__...._·oom _____ R_(.._800__,_)_400-_1_8_11 __ 5.600% 10 1.000 30 5.628 1.500% 20 0.000 3.691 1,000,000 2.500 1TA 1M lnd)'Mec Bank s (886) 236-0546 5.375% 20 1.500 45 5.660 1.950% 20 1.376 3.7'42 322,700 2.225 1TA 1M PFF Bank" Trust s (800) ]33..4638 5.825% . .:___::;20:__.....:2;.;.;.ooo~_..:;.30;:...__5:;.;..8::..;7.....:1 _ 2.875~. 20 0.000 3.769 322,700 2.450 1TA 1M Provident Bank Moc'tgage S (800) 250-1713 6.250% 20 2.500 45 5.602 2.950% 20 1.000 8.471 322,700 2.350 1TA 1M --------6LB 1Y Rancho Sante Fe MtQ.. A (858) 756-1344 5.750% 20 0.000 30 5.788 4.125% 20 0.000 3.688 322.700 2.250 -------Union Bank of CA B (800) 828-2000 5.875% 20 1.500 60 6.050 3.125% 20 1.000 3.920 322,700 2.750 ITS 1Y ----------------3..250% 20 0.000 3.399 322.700 2.000 6LB 6M -----Unlvetaal American Mtg. K (800) 871-7345 5.875% 5 0.000 30 5.91 8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ------U.S. Mo!\gllge c.m. A (800) 867·9813 5 825% 10 1.000 30 5.531 Wella Fatge> Home ~· S (866) 713-4387 S 875% 20 1.000 60 5.967 3.750% 20 1.000 ..... 1_.1_09 __ 3_22_._100 __ 2_. 1_50 __ n_s __ 1_v _ Wortd SaY1ng8 S (800) 914·8166 S 750% 20 1 000 30 5.889 NA NA NA NA 800.000 2.900 110 1 M 8Glll 11119d I ...... P'OO'W -»30 0Dftt9im.m ~ ~al Lendlr 11 8 •...,.., I<•~~ R • mcarlgllge blalWW; 8 •~I tc.t\ Mongiloe ..,._and tnMrll.,. .__,bl' IW c.llotTM ~cl ,....~•.._. brall9r or~ For lrllorTNllon ClllC:. OAE .. (911) 227-0831 ......,.. ,.... lor..........,.... le.,~ .-1or IW ... ...-neni peftod Down...._ II -al cWI (~ al ... p1ce) p1iO 10 ..._.prior 111 t9*1o ~ ~ ........ °"al IOWI belela '*° Ill lender .. lr!W ol loen ~ Lod141 i. IW tunt. al dlly9 lellder ..,_ rlM pflDr Ill dolllng A.PA II IW _,.... ...-.oe ,_ w111c11t a .n _.,..,......, caet al ... loen 111 fie~ NA AP R.1 .. i.6ed on• '300.700 ..... -..., ... ~._end l700 111111 ...... The AP A.e -lncludled ii,_ chll1 IOr ~· ot'fly. WI*> ~ IDr • loen. F.....i TIUfHl.IAtdlQ .... ~ lendlwa Ill mbAllle en A.PR .... Ill ..,, .... ollw. ....._ ....... ,,.......,, ......... IOWI 1#-* gl¥etl --NA ...., .... ~ '-• murnum OI '300.1'00 ........ (In~) II lenders pooflt nwgln • ildell • _,., .... .._ "'91 ..,._ lftd9ll II IW ~ b -*'I! In ..... ,_ (Mmglrl • lnde• •New~) 110 • 1 lfl rllel. Coel ol Funde, I TS• I Y-T._-, 8'I LIM. t-monlh U80R. fTB . ~ T-.ry Bil. ITA. 1 v-r.-.y A¥0 ~ '....-Y le,.. per1ocl .._, ..-. IM. 1-Monlll, eM. &-Monfle. IY-1 v-Al -... Ill cMnge VeNtr r• Ind ..,_prior 111 ~ 1or e 1oen. NA ..... prOVIOe io.. """difllnnc -and -lat clllelM IDen _...... The lrllormallon .,,_..., II llOC WI al* Ill ,,,.... a loetl K rou """9 """ ptotlleme -.. 111bo<oe *lClln eel (800) ~ a-rilormellon -.. -nlnuom .. COPVFllOHT 02003 The NaliafW Flnanael ,._ SeMc.e -Prudential California Realty celebrates the achievements of Laguna Beach's Truman Home buyers and sellers benefit from her market knowledge and experience personal involvement in investing, buying. and selling her own properties. Known Cor her warm, personal service, this amJcable agent •suits up, shows up, and does the highest and best for the client.• "Most of my clients become my friends,• slie said, Patdda Tmmaa, a top producer at Prudential •and that Is the way that I like Jt. Real estate may be CaliforoJa Realty's Laguna Beach branch, ls the commodity, but people are my business. It ts well-known for her dvic activities, as well as for her my obligation to express the hlgbest and best that I tta1 estate succea. As a result, Truman hA5 can on behalf' of myself and others.• establiahed an admirable reputation In Laguna "The higbllgbts of my consistently successful 25 Beach. year ca.tter have been the multiple opportunities to Truman Is a proven winner who enjoys helping help people fotward in theft Uves. I have, and people take their next tndicated itep in life; continue to meet, wonderful people. 1 seem to whether ft is buying a new home or sellins an old attract, for the most part, genuinely lovely people Patty Truman one, the la well Udlled and knowledgeable in the Into my busmess and personal world. Por this lam process of ~ery upect of real estate. grateful.• Truman enjoys gardening, serving as staff minister Prior to real tit.ate, Truman was a certified CICI'OW Over the years, Truman has devoted huncheds of · at church, spending time at home, and the lovely ofticer and opened and ran an independent esaow hours as a member on the Board of Trustees for the dty iri which she lives, Laguna. She also enjoys the company for a large local corporation. She was also Laguna School of Art andtl>estgn and on both the company of her three children, ten grandchJldren, a professional model and Is an avid traveler. board for the American Paralyai.tMiodation and and four great-grandch11drcn. "Travel u my pusion and on-going education," the Ebell Club. A nwnbet of years ago she wu on Patty Trum11n has the experience, servta and ahe admitted. "It deepens my knowledge and the board of ~ors for what was then called the multr to serw her clienlr •ell. For mqre lnfonnatton underswuimg of people and gives me a heightened Boy's Club. rtfl'rding tlu 1«A1 real estate ,,,,,,'Itel, &41l 1ur at aente of the beauty of our wondedul part of the For numerous years, TNman was also the LagWla (949) 491-3331, ext. 317 or (949) 230.3446. You pland.• Buch Board of Oim:tors' chair for the Scholarship can "1so vlrtt 1ur Wtb S'lte 41 ""'1W.pattytruman.cmn· Specfaltang in induau1.al, land, homes, Committee. AJ such, she granted acholanhips to '"'" e-tMll her aJ pditytrtmlan0pru«."1m. commerdal untu, aDd even businesses, Trumm both Laguna and Dana Point High School ttudenu ~ Ctlllfoml4 Rulty (J rou4 lo be a member driws from her pat expmence u an esaow omca who acielled in community service. . o/H~ of Amerlctl, Inc., • &rltshlre and blnket; plus, ahe la able to beneftt from be:r When not traveJin& -or lellln8 real est.ate -HAtMMWJI Affll'4U. • d 4 • ... ... ~ . •• - J f • LAGUNA Calendar of Events • Nov~mber --------- Nmmhr a -Monday Government Affairs Committee -4 p.m. Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m. Nmmbtr 4-Tandly Community Events Committee -4 p.m. Deadline for Thursday LN Preview -5 p.m. Novtmlttr 5 -Wtdnlldly MarUtlng Meeting/Wells Fargo Bank-8:15 a.m. Board Guest Speaker LB Broker Preview -9 am. • 1 p.m. Nmmllar 1-THrldlY Marketing Meeting/Ball Park Pizza -8:15 a.m. LN Broker Preview -9 a.m. • 1 p.m. New Member Orientation -9 a.m. • 1 p.m. Nmmlltr 7 -Frlay C.E.: Ethics -9 a.m. • Noon C.E.: Agency -1 • 4 p.m. Nmmlltr I -ltndlY November 10 -Monday Nmmlltr 11-TlltldlY Nmmbtr 12 -W1dntld1Y NMmMr 17 -MoMly NoVtmMI 11-TM..ay Hm"'Ht 11-Wtdfttldty Nmmblr 21 -F~ay NOVlfnMr U-..__ . NovHINr 21-,...., Happy Birthday President Dave Schaarl Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m. MLS Committee -1 p.m. Deadline for Thursday LN Preview-5 p.m. Marketing Meetlng,Wells Fargo Bank -8:15 a.m. Affiliate Guest Speaker LB Broker Preview -9 a.m. • 1 p.m. C.E.: Trost Fund Handling -9 a.m. • Noon C.E.: Fair Housing -1 • 4 p.m. Realtor of the Year Nominations Deadline Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m. Deadline for Thursday LN Preview -5 p.m. MarQtlng Meeting/Wells Fargo Bank-8:15 a.m. Govemment Affairs Guest Speaker LB Broker Prevtew -9 a.m. • 1 p..m. MarUtlng Metting/Ball Park Pizza-8:15 a.m . LB Broker Preview -9 a.m. • 1 p.m. Board of Directors meeting -8:30 a.m. Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m . OeadUne for Thursday LN Preview -5 p.m. N0vtmlltr 21-Wffnnday Mamtlng Meeting/Wells Fargo Bank -8:15 a.m. Education Guest Speaker LB Brok'er Preview -9 a.m. • 1 p.m. ThanksgMng Day BOARD OFFICE CLOSED ThanksgMng Day Holiday BOARD Off ICE CLOSED Laguna Board of Realtors, 939 Glenneyre Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949)497-2474 • Fax(949)494-3887 www.lagunaboardofrealtors.com November Classes ·& Events Tuesday, November 4 8:45 a.m ., A,fftliates m~ting Wednesday, November 5 9 a.m., HTrust Fund" CE class 1 -4 p.m., "Fair Housing" CE class 2 • 4 p.m., "Valet MLS• class Thursday, November 6 9 a.m., GPA Committee meeting 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 9, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, November 7 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Mondax, November 10 8:30 a.m., New Member Orientation Wednesday, November 12 9 a.m., MLS Committee meeting 9 a.m. -noon, "Ethics• CE class 1 -4 p.m., "Agency" CE class 2 -4 p.m., "Valet MLS" class Thursday, November 13 1·1a.m.·2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 9, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, November 14 • 11 a.m. • 2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Wednesday, November 19 9 a.m. • noon, "California Paper Trail" CE class 1 • 4 p.m., "Forvclosure" CE class 2 -4 p.m., "Valet MLS" class Thursday, November 20 9 a.m., Board of Directors meeting 11 a.m. • 2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 9, 11, 12, 25, 26, i.1 Friday, November, 21 11 a.m. • 2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Day • Association office closed Friday, November 28 Association office closed Orange Coast Association of Realtors 401 North Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 722·2300 • (949) 642·4105, fax www.ocaor.com • ..•....•• . - Live on the canal In Newport Shores Single-story end unit In Sea Island · Located on the most popular side of the canal is this three bed.room, two A great floor plan in this ho~. Remodeled two years ago, It is located within a bathroom home with a new Trcx deck perfect fer enjoying the scenery. guard gated communtty. There are two bedrooms, plus den, two bathrooms, Features include new bathrooms and a refurbished kitchen. All windows and designer wood floors, new carptt and limestone. Stainless steel appliances Ul the doon.h.ave been replaced. kitchen include rdifgerator. Additional amenJtics include ~ed closets and nu. home is ready to move in and add your own decorator touches. marble baths wtth new fixtun:s, Plantation shutters, and high ceilin~. nu. home is offered at $960,000. nus home is offered at $849,000. For more informatf.tm, call Kennie Jo Rizzo of c:oast Newport For more informalton, call Linda Brehm or Dmtne Kems of Coast Newport Properlfes-COldwell Banlter at (949) 723-8800. c:oast Newport Properlfes ts PropertUs-Coldwea BanJur at (949) 644-1600. Coast Newport Properl1es Is locakd located at )377 Via Udo, Newport &ad. ColdweU Banker Reslde1'ttal at 4Cfvk1'£aA, Ste. 260, Newport Beach. c.oldwell Banlter Rmdentidl Brolcerage is Brolterage is a member of the NRT famay of companks. NRT 111COrporaled, the a member of the NRT famay of amrpanks. NRT Incorporated, the nation's leading nation's leading residential real estate brokerage company, is a subsidiary of residentfAl rul estate brolterage company, is a subsidiary of Cendant Corporatl<m Cendant Corporation (NYSE:CD). (NYSE:CD). Model perfect, cape Cod-style Thia beautiful two bedroom, two bathroom, upgraded end unit is situated on the Bhdfs with 180 degree ocean, sunset and city Ughts vtews. The kitchen Wtthga,rden window futures 1&-inch Italian tile floors, new cablneu, a dishwasher and hot water heater. • The master bedroom has a view and new master bath. Pitched cetllng, architectural mood lighting, Berber carpet, crown molding and marble 6.replace with mmtle are featured in the living room. Thia home is offered at $3851000. For WttM ~-ull SAlly Pltallps of Collit Newport Properlles-COldwell Bnlin Ill (9-49) 118-1100. Collit Nt#lpDfl Proplrffa Is located lfl 21157 Newp<m Co.al Drl'1t!, Nntlf'Orl eo.st. Coldwell Ba"lter Resldn«Htll Brolter11g Is " tWMber of IM NRT fa#illy of ctmlfNl11la. NRT ~, the """°"'s 1e4fttrNlfMldUl 1W--11iOlter91 """"'""' Is" ~ry of C#ul4tll CO.JI'!'.,_ (lrlSIJ:CDJ. Premiere gated Newport Ridge Vistas community nus gorgeous two bedroom plus loft (third bedroom option) features custom two tone painting, window treatments, built-ins and hardwood flooring in neutral tones. A Ubraty/dcn features gorgeous custom built-ins. crown moJdlng and plantation shutters. In the fonnal living room there ls a travertine faced fireplace complete with gas logs. · The gourmet kitchen with dual ovens, built-in refttgerator and breakfast nook leadt out to a pieturesque patio wtth custom lighting, fountain and built-in speakers. The formal dining room wtth cathedral cdling also accesses the patio. A 6.repJace, private balcony and dual walk-in closets With custom built-ins are features of the gracious master rulte. Stq>s to COIDJllunity pool and spa. Th.ls home ls offered at $849 ,900. For""'"' '"formation, call Gng Lombdrrll or Ginni Jolmso" of Coast Newport ~-ColJi«ll S.nlter Ill (949) 644-1600. Coast Newport Properties Is loutNI at 4 Clt!k PIAu, Ste. 260, Newport BeAch. Coldititll Banlter Resldnttull B~ Is" memlier of the NRT f11;,,ay oJ CO#lfJ"nlis. NRT lncorpor11ted, the "4tltm's ludln& mtdtntUll roil ntatt broltera&e company, Is 11 subsfdiaty of eouM,,t~ (NYSP.:CD). -.:' • 111 i ::< J ... :- N 8 w ::0 ~ ~ "' "' i j l :,,;.. .... ,