HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-02 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS& CURIOSITIES Nothing to lose but your ties Its a lie. Actually, it's not. lltese days, I'd say, it's "Ties: 3. Men: 44." But don't tell the people al Hermes that Hermes Pari'I, a\ if you didn't know, is one of the grandes dames (notire the French spelling) of luxury re1ail and haute couture, which is hench for "you can't afford 11. • lllere is a Hennes store in South Coast Plaza. as if it could be anywhere .----------. else, and the prufowully fashionable people there have erected a monument to something which is seldom, if ever, viewed as monumental -the necktie. PETER BUFFA But these are not just any ties. They are Hermes silk ties. which are one of the building blocks of the 166-yearold company, along with silk scarves and leather goods. Thieny Hennes started It ol.l In Paris in 1837, iped.all71ng In saddles and fine leather goods, which, lf you've ever wondered, Is why horsy stuff is a common theme in Hennes designs. lbe ·ne Temple" at South Coast Pl<Wl is a llvlng. breathing testament to the Jong silk ribbons that males have pulled tight around their neck.., nearly as long as there have been necks. which is long. The very clever exhibit '" the creation of Italian artist Alessandro Mendinl, who fashioned his aesthetic nod 10 neclcwear from more than 500 I lermes ties. It's hard to explain. Its one of those things you have to see for yourself. But I can tell you that you will never look at lies the same way again. So what is the deal with ties, and yes, I know it's a guy thing. but we can't ad~ everybody\ needs every Sunday morning. now can we? Are ties in or out, here or gone, ~. d~~ or je ru> sais quofl It depenps. Some of the old rules still apply. Corporate environment, de; small busln~'>. no tJe. But the exceptions are becoming the rule. Do you know a lot of companies bigger than Mlaosoft? How many people do you thin.It wear ties at Microsoft? Probably j~ the security guard. West of the Mississippi, ties are definltely In remission. What started as "casual Fridays• out here became "Califomia casual"; SM COMMENTS, P111 M INSIDE THE PILOT IN SIGHT ()(a <#lo• MuertOI. The Day of the Deed. And QUt whet It 11 end how you can cefebrlte It. ,...Al EDITOWS NOTEBOOK Mtneglng Editor S.J. Cthn'1 wmee how hi• hometown got •The O.C.'" tfeltn'lent ,_.M ,.. t. SUNDAY EDITION • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 NOVEMBER 2, 2003 SUNDAY ·'STORY 'The interest he exhibits in spite of what he deals with physically and what he deals with every day -it's amazing. It 's inspiring.' BIG Lux, Costa Mesa High football Quarterbacks coach PHOTOS BY MARK C OUSTlN I DAILY PILOT Max Ortiz, 13, suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and a learning disability, finds enjoyment along the sidelines as the wate rboy for the Costa Mesa High School football team. Max got involved with the team when his brother, Joseph Ortiz, started playing tn his freshman year. An integral part Max Ortiz overcomes the pain of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis each week to help on the Mustangs sidelines Dttp1 Bharath Daily Pilot P aln has been Max Ortiz's constant companion. I.Ike a whole other person who refuses to leave. The JJ.year-old wakes up to Its pangs every morning. It goes with him to school It sits right next to him in class and nudges him every time he tries to ignore its menacing presence. It even runs aJon~lde the teenager on the football Oeld. But that's the one time Mu. the water boy, refuses to adcnowtedge his arthritis. That's when his dazzling smile and radiant spirit weaken II and render it Incapable of inflicting distress and discomfort. . • Under the bright lights, with his team winning, SM PART, P111 M TOP STORY Max, center, shares a laugh with fellow sideline assistants Garrett Williams, 14, left, and Ben Fallas, 18, right, as they fill the water botttes and place them in carrying racks before Thursday's Battle for the Bell game against Estancia Hi&h School. Small homes go on auction block SPORTS Coron. del Mar High'a footbell team dropped Its first Plctftc Coast l.Ngut geme of the Mtaon Satut'day nlgtrt, loelng to h09t NonhwOod, S-7. ..... M Playhouses are sold to raise money to build temporary residences for the homeless. Lollt• H1rp1r OailyP~ot Cmon nl8hn. Come tnalde, prop . up your feet and don\ WOIT)', be happy in the 1bmmy Bahama c.artbbean Hldeaway. on display Securday al Puhfon II· land for the Project Playhouse annual beoeftL Cares melt away u you climb up the small ateps leading into the elaborate playhOuse. The •trte• palni fronds and delicate ~opt on the roof of the pa.std home transport your lfrilll.nation to Where the ocean I! crys1AI blue, the bi'erie Is cool and the nlghts ate hot. The dainty )'ellow house was not only daicned to the auw ol Its owner. Lt wu made to - help th05e In Orange County with no place to rest the Wet. The playhoute was one of nine elaborate bunplowl. designed for thOM 4 feet and amallei'. F.ach small home wu auctioned -go· lng for $1,800 to $40,000 -to beneRt Home Aid Oran County, an organl7.atfon that builds and rcn<Mlt temporary resldencet for homeless men, women and chlklten. 1 lomeAld was formed by building lndusuy leaders ln Oran County tn 1969 and has since completed 34 lhelter projects. thoae aerved by HomeAJd lndude women lo af. sil pregnandel, vtctims ol do- mestic ~ the mmtaDy challenged. aduks ~ wt1h HIV and AIDS, homellfiM ,,,..... and those who iUDPIY ltiid~iblol­ aelves on the atreet becauee of a lost job or cawtropbk iDn or- gan17.adon apobswoman Delene Garboaald. 1be bomea are •one of a kind,• - -----. . ------------ I( A2 &nily, ~ 2. 2003 NEWPORT BEACH City Council wants bridge across Santa Ana River The City Council voted to IWld 8rm)y in favor Of I 19th Street bridge last week. OWosh>B Colt.a Maa'lt plan to remove tho 19th Street and Gialef brtdge planl from a tejlonal cransportadooplan,NewpdltBeacb dfectivety wtdermlned the ddghborlfl8 dty's hopes because rqlonal transportation autbodde1 won't make any chanp unleu the affected dtlea are unanJmous. • Fire codes ln the harbor w01 be more atrlctly enforced tn the ruture, despite pleas Crom business owners who have long operated their bus1oeae. bued on loote enforcement o!the ru1el. The rulea require that It must be poeatble to move a boet on ftre without bavtnc to move another boet out of the wsy flnt or untying It from another boat. · • 1\vo lmllll dforu to hdp out a.re vicdml crew quic::ldy u community membera brought large quantftiel of donalio111 to Newport Beach City Hall and to the Aaslstance Lague of Newport-Meaa. The City Hall donation drive is an ongoing drive to co1Ject gooda and monetary donations for fire victlma in Sen Diego County. Residenta can drop otf dona.dons at City Hall until further notice. •JUNE CASAGRANDE oowr1 Newport BNc:tl and John Wayne Airport. She nwv be reactiad It (949167~2 or bv ..mall It Jun#l.t:aNfl,.~•t•tlfMtl.oom. PUBLIC SAFETY Police arrest suspect in 'Give Me More, robberies Newport Beach police and tederal agent.a on Oct. 26 ~ a 34-yea.r-okJ man they suspect of being the •Gtve Me More Bandit,: who robbed four· Newport-Mesa banb owr the last two months. officials said. Oflkiala arrested Moundir KamD It long Buch Allport U be WIS tetuming from New York. Kamll ii suspected of robbing a Wells Fargo branch In Costa Mesa on Aug. 6, two Bank of America branches on Sepl 30, and another u ~ntlyuOct. 7. in alf.tobbertes. the man threatened the teller with a weapon but did not exhibit IL Also during acb of the beistl, KamO reportedly demanded more after Jnldally taking money from the tellen. a repeated action that gave h1m hJa nickname, oftldaJs said He was am.lgned last week at the Harbor Justice C.enter and handed over to feden.I agents for prosecution in federal court. • Costa Mesa and Newport Beach 8re departments sent strike teams to help battle the wildfires that raged through Southern California lalt week. Newpon Beach sent 12 firelighters and two battalion chiefs, and Coat.a Me$8 sent eight tlreflghters In two engine& Local firefighters were reportedly uninjured. • DEEM BttARATli COV9f'I public ufety and c:ourta. She mey be rNC:had at (949) 67.-...226 or by •mall at ~.bh•r•rhfll•tlmn.com. COSTA MESA Scheer wi II get steep attorney's fee from city The city will have to pony up $750,000 to settle the lawlult filed by Oty Attorney Jerry Scheer. Scheer, 64, wtll retire once the agreement becomes final. The sealement caps more than two tumultuous years for Scheer, who was first cleared of accusations launched by SaUor Deputy City Atty. Ma11anne Milligan, then Marianne Reger; was then placed on *'1m1nistratfve leave; WU rein5tated; and then took lick leave. • Four businesses in north Costa ..... EKINREVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN'. CoYedng the Grand Prix fire &tarted on Friday. Oct. 2.4. The Inland Valley photogrlpbers had left for a conference, leaving no one out there to ~r the tire. On my wsy in to . the ofl'lce that day. Managing Editor SJ. Cahn called me and asked tf I would be interested in g()lng to the tlrel. Knowing that this oouJd be a bfg deal, I jumped at the opportlmity. I spent the felt of Priday in Rancho Qacamonga. trying to get dOle to the tlre lines wbete the action was. Unfortunately, J wu st:dldng out. Without a San Bernardino County press paaa. my accesa waa limited. By nJ.ghtfaU. the fire appeared to be controlled from Rancho Cucamonga. A few bot apota glowed ln the hills u I left the area around 8:30 p.m.. Ovemlgbt, the wtnda picked up and helped the fire grow .. By the neJ:t afternoon. Sb1k.e teams Were being assembled ~Orange County and being sent out to help. Aa Saturday nf8bt came upon, the Grand Prix fire was rqlng toward the west Scenea of homes and brush catching llril ftDed the newlCUt. By that time, the Old fire bad started lts destJUctioo In the San Bernardino area. J told myRlf I wu deftnltely going back out Sunday morning. EDUCATION Newport·Mesa schools get a reaoon to celebrate 1he worb or more than 60 studentl were on display at Marinen Elementary School on Wednesday for the national PTA Reflectlona contest for student art. musJc and literature. It's the kind of program that leads to announcement.a by county Supt. of Schools Wllllam Habermehl that Orange County schools generally outperfonned state averages on test scores la.st year, which he made during hla State of Education Address on the same day. With the Grand Prix 8re rippfnl through Claremont and heading toward La Verne, J knew my beat lbot wu going to be In the hills of the La Veme/Clamnont border. After a couple of hours of trying to get to the Cront lines. a La Verne police captafn came through for me and let me in to an area that had been evacuated. Lucky for me, It wu an area the fire wu heading into, next to 10me multtmillloo-dollar homes the fire department didn't want to loose. Fire aews from La Verne, Monrovia and Lot Angeles County went on the offensive there In Manball Canyon. The crewa set up their lines. lighted successful bacldl.res. and made vtfal water drops. kiWng the fire's progress ln that area. . lb.ls shot wu from early on In the attacill from the enttance into Ma.raha1l Canyon. The flreflgtltm are walkihg along a hlklng trail in the canyon wblle a wall or names bums qext to them. In lea than two boura. the firefighters had knOcked down the blaz.e and sawd the area. Unfortunately, fireflgbters couldn't save all the homes, but In that area. they did. -Mark C Dustin. staff photographer Despite having a 31 % Engt.lsb-leamer population, higher than the atate average of 25%, IQCal schools dJd better than others In Southern California In many categories. Including IChool safety and SAT acores. Habermehl credited, in part. an Increased emphasis on character education for Orange County'• strong DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Fourth-graders look for their work, including Molly Manser's •camping,• right, at a pizza party and art sj)owatMariners Elementary School. / ~ls starting to wind down on the &rat group of IChoola undagoln8 Meuwe A construcdon fuat a bld.t are going out for the next group. Meta found out they are In the way of the city'a preferred route for the CentedJno Usbt ran system. The city Monte Vista and Back Ba_i in February. Wodc on the second Alternative Education HJgfi Schools group of schools w01 start shonly and Whittier, Woodland, Newport after bids are awarded In November. Hetghta, Mariners and Harbor View The Meuure A bond passed In elementary IClhoola are all 2000, freeing S 11 O million to ICheduJed to be completed by the Improve local schools. end or the year, Aid program manager Bonnie Martin of McCarthy Construction. Kaiser PJementary ia expected to be done prefers a route with a short underground aec:tion. The COWlty wUJ lelect 11:1 preferred route In December. • MARISA O'NBl covers education and may be reached et (949) 674-4268 or by e-mail at m11rlu.0Mllfll11tlm•1.com. • DEIAOAI NEWMAN covert Cotta Mesa and mey be readied at (949) 67.-...221 or by •mail et d.Jrdre.MWm•ntllMJmet.com. NOTABLE QUOTABLES •We have a really warped aenae of humor. We make It fun for adulta and kid.I and try to get some mesaages out when we can." -Colleen Hemon, on h4r Hallou.wn-d«:ora"" Cmta Mesa houu ·rm always surprised with the amount of diveraity In our achoola. And seeing the atatistica for the rest of the county and how well the students are achieving and learning, to me, lt'a an affirmation that~ on the right track.• -DawBroob, Newport-Mesa Unt/f«J School District Board of Trustees ~mber, at a 111ttt1ng tM stat. of education In thB county ·1 don't understand why they have to have such a huge concrete capacity in the Santa Ana River aa it goes through Orange County and why they can't do things like create a aoft river bottom so that water has a chance to seep into the river." -Jan Vandenloot. Newport &tlch environmental activist, on a plan to dredgt thB Santa Ana Rlvu ·11's hard to get people Involved. This ia your government in action. Government Is people. So when the bulldor.ers come to plow over the daisies, (people) can't compla.ln. • -Randy Garen, of the Grant Boys store, on a poorly attended mnttng on plans to wttkn Newport Boulevard ·1 don't believe It will happen. I don't understand what they're doing. I don't thln.k they would destroy this beauty.• -Aw IClllcanlan, owner of Avo's Btstro, on polllbly losing hts bwlne.ss to thB CenterLJne rail "We need that bridge.· -Dick Nlcboll, Newport Btach City Councilman, on a brldgt at 19th Stmt In Cmta Maa. a position shared by th. othsr council nwnbers, who vot.ed unanlmowly to k#p th. bridge plan allu. Daily~PilOt · PHOIOORAl'HERI Copyright No new9 ltOr!M, SURF AND SUN Mart c. Duldn, Don Leed!, lllutrtrttlonl. adltorlal mltt9f or K,er,t~ advel'tlMment9 herein can be AEADER8 HOTUHE NJPl"oducad without written WEATHER FORECAST wfth Vll'fable Wfndl 9t 10 knotl (Ml) "2-8088 permlaslon of copyright OWMf. or Qghtw, The wevee wtll {191 VOL97,NO. 308 Aacotd your comment9 •bout the ~TOREACHUI There'• not mud\ to uy up to 3fMtduring1he di'(, end 0.lly Piiot Ot newt tip&. ~ •bout the WMther for the next drop beet down to 2 fMt or 'ntOMAI H. JOtMON Neweldllof9 Adcll9l9 The TlmM Orange Countv ooupi. of deys. Today It'll be amali.r 9t night. The~ Publlttl« Glne Alexander, l.ot1 Arldelton, Our addrMt 11 330 W. Bay Sl, Co..-pertly cloudy wltti aome patdly TONYDOOIRO (800) 262·9141 awet1 w111 atart'-' .. to e,... enc:1 Editor o.ni.. Hunt. Paul t!laitowlti. Mela, CA 82927. Ofllce hourt ,,.. Ad\orili!Ts fog In the morning. grow to 6 to 7 fMt 8t night. 0eni..6bMIM Mondev -Fridey, 8:30 1 m. -5 p.m. JtRfOETI'INO NEWllTAllF COiHDdoi• C1111Med IMI) 8'l-M78 The hight wltl be hm 82 to ~l-Jcl Dlrect.ot DllpMy (N9) "2-4321 68 degrMa. The lowt wll be LANA lf•ort o..,.-. It .. the Piton policy to~ EdllofW fn>m•toM. SURF Ptomotiooe Dll'9Ct0t Cl1ma and cou"' report9r, COfTaCt ell 9"'0t"t of Mlbstlnce. ,_,. (IMllPM228 ,..... cell (IMI) ?&M324. (IMI) 842-eelO ...... ldon: The .. of the IOUthWMt EDmNOITAFP dMp#l.blNr•th•IMlrrw oom lports(Ml)S74-4223 WWW.IMS.noN.(l<W Mell from Seturdty wtl o"9t l.J. Cetw'I JuneC1u1 •• flYI News,.<9'9)~170 cilelt4'1gh Mt99t ~ Ma:f Ing Editor, ~a..dl~. The NMport Beac:M:oN ~ ...... ,.. (948l 810-0170 BOATING FORECAST brMb. and eome rtelduel (IMI 17.w233 (i48)57<Mm Oelly Pilot (lJSPS. 1'4-800) II ' l-4MI: rMltypllot•1"tl,.,,..,oom I /.OllM. 6-timM«>m furw.~•~com publllhed dally. In NMpon hid\ MllftO.. The dly wtll begin wleh ~energywlll O.....oo..t ..... Ollie (M8) 8'l..W1 c:ontribut9 I ftw weilt-Nghl. ~Edllor. ~ ..... and CoMa MtM,IU~.,.. ......... ,.. (148) 131-7129 , vlrilblewtnde 9t 10 ~or W...qllllty: CM '1'&M324 Colum1141t, cui.ure repc>tt«, evallable only bv aubeeriblnO 10 The lfghter on the fnner Wllllra. WWW..Urfrldlt.Olfl dMtM#::;::_•::;:--oom (Mii 574-427& Timee Otanq9 County llOOI WiMt wlnde 9t 10 ""°" wtlt Mt .... Edltof. IOllU.,.,.,.,,.,./fld,,_.oom 212-1141. ln.,...outlldeof 11\tJ In thll tftemoof 1, end the TlDEI IMIPMm ~ ............ ~ IMd't end COltll Meu, Vlrilble wtnde wtl ,_,,,,_It rldwd dllnn • ....,,.. oom c-. Mela repoftl9r, ,..., J74<&221 ~-.-Delly Nottre ntghc. The--• be2 .... llMe ............. OMdN.'*"Nn•,.,,,._oom ~only by ..... m.11 '°' or lmlller on• IC>UlhWWt 6:A3e.m. Alt Olt9CllOf I Nliwe Oelilc Chief, MlilllliiO'Nell .., per tnondl. ,,,_. Include .. Pubflttled bV Time. Community IWtl oueog,_ _ 3to4fMt 11:0le.m. Ml5~4 Eduoliilon "'P<lf*, (Ml S,....._ ~--andlOCM-.>• ltntght. 4:37p.m. "*'..,,..~ ,,,.,,...ottfl/l.,.,__oom POSTMAST'lR: ~ addr.a NM. • dMIAon Of !tie Lot Angelta Fanher ouc. welt .. wtlt 11:2tp.m. "'"Moe•.• ... ,... d*'"9to'The~ Time.. blow 1t 10 to 11 ~tor moec ~EdftOr. Newa ......... 1 .. )1? ...... . ...,.,...... ..,,,,.,,..~ ~Mall Dllllf flloc. PO Cl2003 Tifnea CN All right8 of .. dey.ln ... = WATER TiMPuATURE ~•,,.,,_com lcl9t 1MO, C.oll8 U.., CAt2al. ~. ~ .. no.11n... .. • ~In, end"-dev• end ' • Dally Pilot LOOKING BACK • Running in circles for 35 years Vlralnla Lopez QallyPilot I ' • Professional Speedway ~otorcycle Racing marked its ~th consecutive year at the ~ta Mesa Speedway this year. • J.nitlally, the speedway site bad ~en a champlonahtp rodeo ring f~ed to the Orange County ~lS'Vunds. ·: Then, Harry and Marilynn qxley came along. Harry Oxley bad opened a motorcycle shop lfl the early 1960s, but despite ~ passion for it, lt failed. • So Harry Oxley moved to $>uthem California and went to ~ode for a man nadled Jack Milne. A fomutous move. : Milne had been a World ~pion Speedway Racer j.n 1837, owned a motorcycle shop . GETTING .INVOLVED I .:C,ETTING INVOLVED runs deriodlcally in the Dally Pilot on a rotating baala. For information on Adding your organization to this ll)rt, call (949) 6744298. ' SIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local ct.apter is looking for men and women older than 20 '<'fho have lived In Orange County for at least she months and have tieen on the job for at least three months to serve as big brothers ciit big sisters for ctilldren ages 6 t(> 16 from single-parent homes. (714) 544-7n3. . BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Qrange County Councll Include hmd-raislng, program development and training to e?<lsting troops and padts. (714) 646-4990. BOYS l GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA l}le three area clubs need volunteer coacties and aru and crafts workshop teactiers. Call for locations. (949) 642-2246. BRAILLE INSTITUTE'$ QRANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization la looking for volunteers with a = knowled~e of Windows , Microsoft Word and a ngneu to learn the adaptive eRulpment used by its students to pSrtlclpate In various activities at tl)e Oasis Senior Center in Corona del Mar. Volunteers will tutor ltkJally blind adult students using computers and other adaptive tecnnology. Mary Johnson. (714) 8~1-5000, ext. 2113. CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel la seetcing volunteer counselors and medical staff for Summer Camp and Teen ~enture Camp. The organization la dedicated to pl-ovidlng educational camping . and, to Harry Oxley's benefit, had a great mind for buslnesa and wanted to help bJm develop his ideas. Harry Oxley decided to open his first Speedway track after listening to Milne's memories of speedway. The venture was made a bit easier through Millle'a ftnanclal help. In his seatth for the perfect locadon1 Harry Oxley came upon the Orange County Fairgrounds, where he foun~ the bullrlng oval There were a few obstacles for him to overcome -money, time, egos and, of course, dirt. The dirt at the bullring was not adequate for motorcycle racing. He needed to find a special kind of dirt that could support the wear and tear of programs free of ctiarge to ctilldren llvlng with HIV and AIDS. (323) 653-5005. 'CENTENNIAL EVENT COMMITTEE Volunteers are needed to serve on a Centennial Event Committee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Corona del Mar In 2004. Con;imunity input on the final form of that committee is also sought. Information: (949)675-0501. COMPANION HOSPICE The Hospice is now recruiting volunteers to become a friend for someone who needs that extra special caring at the end of life. Become a member of a team whose goal is to promote quality of life and comfort measures. Eacti applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation end training. Information: (714) 660-81n, volunteers@companion hospice.com. COMMUNfTY ANIMAL NETWORK The network needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats In local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering. and then release them bad< to the property where they were found. The goal of the program is to save the lives of stray cats. (949) 769-3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for ushering, bacbtage work, mailings, typing, controlling lights and many other duties. (949) 650-5269. COSTA MESA HISTORtCAL SOCIETY The society preserves and promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the arctiives, library, museum, docent and P.ubllc outraacti programs. tires and heavy racing machines. Dirt that could provide speed, performance and safety. the oval wu at first graded out of the hard Southern California adobe clay. Eventually. decomposed granite wu mixed in to allow fQJ better racing conditions. The Costa Mesa Speedway oftldally opened' on June 13, 1968, with a crOwd of 1,500. The speedway continued to tab off, and ln the 1970s the crowds grew at dmes to more than 6,000 as speedway had found Us niche. Costa Mesa was a jumping off point for other venues and eventa, including the first modem United States National Ownpionship, held at the speedway in 1969. (949) 631-6918. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to teacti English as a second language. People who want to learn English as a second language are also encouraged to call. Call to . register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 545-3446. UTERACV PROGRAM The program Is always In need of volunteer tutors. No profeuional teactiing experience is required. To attain certification, a series of training classes must be completed. For more information, contact Literary Services at the Newport Beacti Library, (949) 717-3874. COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County ct.apter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a new self-help group In Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with mlnimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month. (949) 650-7659. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose senior services facility at the corner of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeks DON'T FORGET THIS DEDUCTION! By Daw Wong The "points" you pay in order 10 origiMtc the mongagc loan with which you buy a home arc fully deductible on the income tax mum for lhe year of purdlase. (Only loan fees for a loan Iha! is SI million or smaller qualify. The points paid for the portion of.a loan ~cceding SI million arc not deductible.) If you are at all uncenain about bow much of a loan fee you paid (uclusive of various extra fees for specific &ervices Like documentation fea) for your mort&tit IOll'I, your lender can clarify tlw for you. Remember too tlw all interest paid with your monthly mortgtge payment.s in lhe year ol puzchase are deductible as. well, and remain so for the Ute of the loan. Amazingly, many people foriet these larae tax benefits ol pun:lwing a home with 1 purthase·money mortwe. On the other side of the same issue, many people 1m1me that the points paid for• n:financ:ina mortgage loan are deductible in the samtway as ltC points paid for 1 pufclwe..mooey mortgaae. They are noc. Points paid IO ori&ioate I "ftnanclng loan must be deducted over the life •of the loan. (But do rtmember thal. If you rdilllnOl!d a IOln with which you had previously rcf llllllCed your home, the belance of lbl poinl.1 not yet dlductcd is entirely deductible oo this year's tttum.) Tlke me. m.tetcn 10 your tu ldviaor ... and fl\lb UR get all the ~that arc due to you. Pot help with yout real eatlle needs c.11 me it 949-533-12.00or visit my webt*' at davtWOC114M>m Ol ooef ordroad.C(ltll. °*"" Wil"f ""' Nm 1tlli111 homn 111 N""r,n BNth 1intt 1989 •""ii ""'th <Atut N~ ~~IJ &,,,,,,, Nowadays, the track oontinues to operate, running races on Saturday nights that bring lo drivers from all over the OOWltry. In October, the speedway held the 35th United States National Speedway Ou.mplonships won by 2003 points champion Scott Brant of Riverside. Of oowse, the track hasn't forgotten its beglm.Ungs. Rodeos are atlll held at the site during the Orange County Fair. •LOOKING BACK runs Sundays. Do you know of a person, place or event that deserves a historical Look Bad<? Let us know. Contact us by fax et (949) 646-4170; by e·mall at deilypllot@lstimes.com; or by mail at Clo Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, ~ 92627. volunteers who can greet members and the public at the front desk and volunteers for the Resource Department with Excel computer experience and sharp telephone skills. The Senior Meals program also needs people to deliver meals to homes. (949) 645-2366. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofi1 organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center is looking for new board members. The fund·ralslng and policymakinQ board needs volunteers to take part in monthly meetings. oocasional committee meetings and special projects. Candidates should have connections in Costa Mesa and nearby communities. (949) 645-2366, ext. 16. COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned ctilldren. Volunteers work one on one with a ctilld forthree hours a week. (714) 663-9034. FISH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-6060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645-8050. LUXURY HAS ARRIVED ........................ • VOLUME SElECTION • OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE •GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED Sunday. November 2, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Ttusday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails • ••Quallry Service• .. ... Nightly Entertainment" .. ' .... ,,.,..,,.,.,,, ;.,,. (.'.11/ (949) ,,.,.6. 79-i4 tc,•>~ I nine A,c., (",..·"'"'Mc" .. Otfllltl M ,__.ti "'-~ S..t ,.,.,.. \..,_\cl • .......... •• •.:..\cl Tll...0'5. EUROPEAN AUTOl-tAUS Tilo's Has A Large Selection Of Duality, Pre-Owned Tilo Certified And Fully Serviced Vehicles We specialize in Mercedes, Porsche, BMWs & Other Luxury Vehicles Came Experience 1 Friendly Way to Buy •-•ICCl'J a Pre-Owned European Automobile 200 W. Coast Hwy & Dover Newport Beach, CA 949.650.2222 Al~.~ 2. 2003 ........ EKINREVIE NEWPORT BEACH City Council wants bridge across Santa Ana River • The Ory Council voted to stand flrmJy ln Cavor of a 19th Street bridge last week. Oppoan, Cotta Meu'I plan to ~0\19 the 19th sum and GisJer bridge plans from a regional tranaportatloo plan, Newport Beach • eftect1Yely undennlned the netghbortns city's hopes because regional ttansportadon authorttiea won't make any changes unJeu the aff'ected dtiea are unanlmoul. • F1te codes ln the harbor will be more atrlcdy enforced ln the tu~ despite pleu from bulinell ownm who have long operated their bustneu. beied on lOOle enforcement of tbe Nies. The rules require that lt must be pollible to DlOYe a hoer on Gre without~ 10 IDOYe another oo.t out ol the way tint or untying ft from anotbuboat • 1\vo anaD df oru to help out ft.re vtctimt grew quk:kJy .. conununfty memben brought ~quantities of donadona to Newpc>rt Beach Oty Hall and to the Aai5tance t..ngue of Newport-Mesa. 1be Oty Kall donation drive is an ongoing drive to collect good.a and monetary donadon.t for Ore victims tn San Diego County. Residents can drop off donations at Oty Hall undl further notice. •JUNE CASAGRANDE OOV9r1 Newport Beach and John W.Vne Airport. She may be 1'9ached et (949) 57~ or bv MNll et ju~.caNQ~•1•tlma.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Police arrest suspect in 'Give Me More' robberies Newport Beach police and federal agenta on Oct. 26 arrnted a 34-year-old man they suspect of being the •GM Me More Bandit.• who robbed four Newport-Mesa banb over the last two months, offic:iala said. Ofndals arrested Mound.Jr KamD at Long Beach Airport as be wu retumlng from New Yolk. ICamII Is auspected of robbing a Wells Fargo branch In Cotta Mesa on Aug. 6, two Bank of America branches on Sept 30, and another u recently u Oct. 7. to atlitobbertea, the man threatened the teller wt th a weapon but dld not exhibit It Also dwtng each pf the beista, Ka.mil reportedly demanded more after lnJtiaDy taking money from the tellers. a repeated actJon that gave him his nickname, omdaJs aid He was arraigned last week at the Harbor Justice C.enter and handed over 10 federal agents for prosecution ln federal court. • Costa Mesa and Newport Beach fire departments sent strike teams to help battJe the wlldtl"" that raged through Southern Callfomla ~t week. Newport Beach sent 12 firefighters and two battalion chiefs, and Costa Mesa sent eight llreftghters ln two eJ18lnea. Local ftreftghters were reportedly uninjured. • DEEM BHARATH covers publlc aafety and courts. She may be r...,ed at (949) 574-4226 or by a-mall at dffpa.bh1r1thOl•tlmM.com COSTA MESA Scheer will get steep attorney's fee from city The city will have to pony up $750,000 to settle the lawsuit ftJed by Oty Attorney Jerry Scheer. Scheer, 64, will retire oooe the agrffll'lent becomes final. The settlement capt more than two tumultuous years for Scheer, who wu first cleattd of accusations launched by Senior Deputy ary Atty. MarlanneMilligan,thenMarlanne Reger; was then placed on admtnistradve le.~ WU reiNtated; and then took sick leave. • Four bwinesses ln north Costa RHOTO OF THE WEEK 'FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN'. Covering the Grand Prix fire atarted on Friday, Oct. 2A. The Inland Valley pbotograpben had left for a conference. leaving no one o\lt there to cover the fire. On my way In to the otftce that day. Managing EdJtor S.J. C.ahn caJled me and ubd lf I would be Interested In going to the fttel. Knowing that th1a could be a big deal. I jumped at the opportunJty. r apeot the"* of Friday in Rancho Cucamonga. trying to get cloee to the 6re lines where the acdon wu. Unfortunately. I was sttDdng out Without a San Bemardlno County prell pua. my aocea WU l.lm.lted. By nightfall, the fire appeared to be controlled from Rancho Cucamonp. A few bot spota gl<JMd In the hJlls as I left the area around 8:30 p.m. Omnlght. the winds picked up and helped the Ore grow •• By the next afternoon. strike teams Were beJng assembled throughout Orange County and being tent out to help. N Satwday night came upon, the Grand Prix ft.re was rag1ng toward the west. Scenes of homes and brush catching. Ore filled the lleWICUt. By that time, the Old 6re had started Its destruction In the San Bemardlno area. I told myself I wu deft.nlte}y going back out Sunday morning. EDUCATION Newport-Mesa schools get a reason to celebrate The wotb of more than 60 students were on display at Mari.nm Elementary School on Wednesday for tlie national PTA Reftections contest for student art, music and literature. It's the kind of program that leads to announcements by county Supt. of Schools William Habermehl that Orange County schools generally outperformed state averages on test scores laat year, whkh he made during his Swe of P.ducation Address on the same day. With the Grand Prix fire ripping through Oamnont and heading toward la Verne, I knew my beet abot WU going to be ln the bllla of the la Verne I Claremont border. Aft.er a couple of hours or trying to get to the front Una. a La Verne police capCaln came through for me and let me ln to an area that had been evacuated. Lucky for me, It wu an area the Ore wu heeding Into. next to 10me multimillion-dollar homes the 6re department dldn't want to lOOle. Fire aews from La Verne. MonrCJYta and Los Angeles c.ounty went OD the offmstw there In Manhal1 Canyon. The aews aet up their linea. lighted 11ac:cieedul bectft.rel. and made aerial water drops. kiWns the ftre'a piogJae In that area. . Thia &hot was from early on in the att8dli from the entrance into Marahail c:anyon. 'Ibe flrdlgbten are walking along a bildng trail in the c:anyon while a wall of flames bums qat to them. In less than two boun. the ft.rdlghters had knc>cked dowh the blaze and aawd the area. Unfortunately, ftreftgbtera couldn't save all the homes, but ln that area. they dld -Mark C Dustin, staff photographer Despite having a 31 % Engllsb-learner population, higher than the state average of 25%, local schools dld better than others ln Southern CalifomJa ln manr categoriea, lncluding achoo safety and SAT acores. Habermehl credited. ln part, an Increased emphasis on character education for Orange County'• strong &bowing. DON L£ACH I OAllY PILOT Fourth-graders look for their work, including Molly Manser's ·camping,• right, at a pizza party and art show at Mariners Elementary School. • Wolk ls ltardng to wlnd down on the first group of ICboola undergoing Measure A constructJon jUlt u blda are going out for the next group. Meu found out they are in the way of the clty'a prefemd route for the - CenterUne light rail system. The dty Monte Vista and Back Bay Alternative P.ducation High Schools and WbJttier, Woodland, Newport HetgbtJ. Mariners and Harbor View elementary achooll are all acbeduled to be completed by the end of the year, laid program manager BoonJe Martin of McCarthy Consttuction. Kaiser Elementary II expected to be done pmen a route! with a short underground aection. The county will select lta preferred route lo December. tn February. Wort on the second group of school.a wUl start shortly after bids are awarded ln November. The Measure A bond pa.saed ln 2000, freeing SlIO million to improve local schools. • MAASSA O'NEIL COYers educetlon and may be reached It (9491 574-4268 or by a-mall at marlN.on.ll•l•tlmn.com. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covert eo.ta M ... and may be reached et (949) 574-4221 or bv a-mall at d•lrd,..MWman•1-t1mn.oom. NOTABLE QUOTABLES "We have a really warped seme of bumor. We make lt tun for adulta and klda and try to get some meaaaget out when we can.• -C.oOeen Hamon, on her Hallow#n-d""'1rat«I Costa Mesa how. •I'm always aurprtaed with the amount of diversity in our ac:hooll. And aee1ng the atadadca for the rest of the county and bow well the students are achie'Ylng and leamlng, to me, it'• an affirmation that we're on the right track.• -Dave Broob, Newport-Mesa Unlft«l School District Board of 7hutft.f m8mbu; at a meeting the stau of education In the county •1 don't understand why they have to have such a huge concrete capacity lo the Santa Ana River aa It goes through Orange County and why they can't do thinga like create a eott river bottom ao that water bas a chance to seep Into the river.• -Jan Vandenloot. Newport &ach environmental activist, on a plan to~ the Santa A1uJ RIL¥r "It's hard to get people involved. Thia la your government in actJon. Government la people. So when the bulldozen come to plow over the da.laies, (people) can't complain.• -Bandy Guell, of th. Grant Boylston, on a poorly attendMI mattng on plans to wltkn Newport Boukvard ·1 don't believe It will happen. I don't understand what they're doing. I don't think they would destroy th1a beauty: -AYO ICllk:anlan, owner of AJJO's Bistro, on possibly losing his bustnas to the CenkrUMrall ·we need that bridge." -Dick NkhoJa, Newport &ach Oty Councilman, on a brta,w at 19th Strwt In CMta Mao. a position 1hatwd by the other council TMmben. who &10t«I unantmoruty to leap the bridge plan allw ... Daily APilot PHOIOORAPHERa Copyright No newt stories, SURF AND SUN MIN1c c. °'*In. Don Lead\ lllustratlone, editorial mau.r or ~~ 1dvertl1ement1 hel'9in cen be AfADERS HC1TUNE ,.-oducad wttl'lout wrttran WEATHER FORECAST with vartable wtnde et 10 tnota (949)842-«*I permlMlon of oopyright owner. or I~. The wewe wtU 991 VOL 17, NO. 308 Record vour oomment1 •bout the tfOW 10 REACH UI TMre'I not mud'I to NY up to 3 feet durfng tM dly, end Dally Pllot Of newt tip.. ~ about tM WNther for tM next drop beet down to 2 feet or TltoMA8 H. JOHNIOH N9w'I Edlllotl Addl'8aa The Tlmee Orange County couP. of days. Todey lt'U be amener et night The nol1hwMt PublleMr Gina Aleonder, Lol'I Andetlon, Our addr9le le 330 W. Bey St., c.o.ta 18001262·9141 petdy doudy with aome pn:hy .... wttl ltlft .. 4 to 8,... end TONYDOOERO Daniel Hunc. Ptul Seltowltr. MeM. CA t262'l Oftlca houri a.. Adlieollall4 fog In h momlng. grow to 6 to 7 fMt • f!l9ht. EdttOf' Deniel~ ~·Friday, UO e.m. • 5 p.m. Miit Ol1TINO ce Wed (9491 842-M?t The hlghi wlll bt "°"' 12 to SURF~ ~Ill.a~ .. '-:' NIWllTAlfl ... 0...-, (949) 842-4321 • _.....The lowtW.be 0..,. ...... It la the Pllot'e policy to prornpcty w..w from41to88. ~Director Crlmeand~~. ~all 8"0f't of eubstanoa. Newa ............ .: The !all of the eouthMlt (141)~ ,.,.... cafl (M81 '1&MJ24, IM) 842..&eeO EDnWOITAFF .... bhM••,,.,,_oom .... (948167~ WWWJMl&noN.fPV .... from SetlHdeV ... .,,,... l.J Calln .... 0 I 1111 m N9w'l Fmi <Ml 84M170 cn.t~ ...... ~ Manag ng tdttor, Newpoftleed1~. TMNewpof1 ~ Meea "°"',_(Ml el50-0170 BOATltG FORECAST brMb. end eome rMdutl (IM8117«233 (IM81 574-4232 Deity Piiot (UIPS-1.....001 le ...... "-"YPi~""'"*"'°"' ~tlf*V'(~ •JWin• IMlnw.com jun&,...,...llitinw oom pubfllhed dlily. In Newpof1 8eed1 MllltOlloe The dly. begin .. ~·-welst~ o.....~ ........... and Co«a Meea. ~.,.. ..... 0...(Ml)f42..U21 ~--.. 10 llnclllot WllWCIYlltr. Cllyfdlmr, ..... ,.. 1948) 831-7121 • CMJ~ ~ oultu,. ,..,,.,, av~ only by IUbecttbinO to The ~onhlnnerWllllft. WWW.IUrltfder.OfV .,._.c::.•c:--oom T1mei Or9noe CoUf'lty (IOOI "'-'.,. .. 10 kr'°'9 wlll Mt (MllPM27& '°""' ,,.,,_.,,,,,,,_oom m .. m. 1n ----oWlldl of -In .. dilmoon, end ... TIDES "'°"' lclitof, .,..... ........... NMpoft leedl and co. Mele. ""'*'~wll ~ .. ,..,.JM.223 c.o..a M-. f'8CIOIW, , .. , ~, ~~IO the OMfv t-9'ot 8f'9 night. The ~-be 2 ..... ,... ........ ridtfNd dam•..,,,__oom &:A3 .. m. A.11 ....... ..... " ...... ~,,._,,.,.,,•~oom MRable only bV ..... melt for oremell.-on • ~ M Olr11C*>r / NMI De.t Qtl9f, ...... O'Neil AO per month. (f'ncel Include Ill MelloU tolfMt-Sto4fMt t1:08a.m. 2.12teellcM ( .. > IJ4.<U24 EdUclltion ~. ( .. lJ74.4281 epplloeble wand local ta ... 1 ~blleheef by Thnet Community •night 4:37 p.m. A.7tt.ethlgh ...,.,.•"""'*-oom irwlrl#.Otlilll•,.,,,,._oom flOSlMASTlft; lend~ NeM, a dMilon of the lot~ Ferther ouc. watlt wlnda wlll t1:21 p.m. 0.11teellow ..... MIDMll L.9 .... Tlml9 . btow. 10 to 11 laM* for moat PtlOCO ldleof, cN""9 IO The Ntwpof1 ( .. 171iM311 ............. (Ml)874-<4211 ~ M.-Dlly ~P.O. C200) Tlmea CN. All riitit. of "'9 dlry. lri ... = WATER TEllPERA'IUIE ~·~oom lb'OnOlf~ ~ ..,_..,trMiennt • ....,,.._com low 1teO. c-.-. CA t~ l'Melwd. • mow'"-Md ttte cteyWll end ' . • • .. . LOOKING BACK Running in circles/or 35 years Vlralnl• Lopez • QailyPllot ' I • Professional Speedway t;lotorcycle.Raclngmarbdlta ~th cooaectitlve ~at the . &sta Mesa SpeedwaY Chia year. : Initially. thupeedway lite bad 11een a ch.ampioDSh.ip rodeo ting ct>nnected to the Orange County Halrgrounds. ·: Then, Harry and Marilynn ~ey came along. HanyQxley Had opened a motorcycle ahop t'1 the early 1960s, but despite ~ paaslon for it. it failed. 1 So Harry Oxley moved to *uthem California and went to ~orlc for a man nadled Jack Milne. A fortlJJtous move. : Milne had been a World <Jwnplon Speedway Racer in 1~37, owned a motorcycle shop ~ETTING INVOLVED I ·~EmNO INVOLVED rune periodically In the Dally Piiot on a rptatlng baaia. For informatlpn on attding your organization to thia ~. call (949) 674-4298. I 8IG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS 1"e local chapter is looking for men and women older than 20 ..;ho have lived In Orange County for at least six months and have tieen on the job for at least three n:ionths to serve as big brothers or big aisters for children ages 6 t~ 16 from single-parent homea. 1?14) 644-7n3. . BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Orange County Council Include fand·raising, program development and training to e~istlng troops and pacl<s. (714) 546-4990. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA l'Jle three area clubs need volunteer coachea and arta and cl'afta worbhop teach era. Call for locations. (949) 642·2245. BRAILLE INSTITUTE'$ QRANGE COUNTY CEmR The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers with a ! knowtl'dge of Windows , Microsoft Word and a gnen to team the adaptive equipment used by its students to P,,rticlpate in various activities at t~e Oasis Senior Center In Corona del Mar. Volunteers will tutor lltgally blind adult studente using computers and other adaptive t9chnology. Mary Johnson, (714) 8~1-5000, ext. 2113. CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer ~unselors and medical staff for Summer Camp and Teen ~enture Camp. The organization is dedicated to piovlding educational camping and. to Harry Oxley's beneftt, bad a great mind for buaineaa and wanted to help him develop bit l.deu. Hany Oxley decided to open hia first Speedway track after listening to Milne's memories of speedway. The venture was made a blt easier thro\llh Milne'• flnancial help: In his sW-cb for the perfect location, Harry Oxley came upon the Orange Countr Fairgrounds, where he founsf the bullri.ng oval. There were a few obstacles for him to overcome -money, time, egos and, of course, dirt. The dirt at the bullring was not adequate for motorcycle racing. He needed to find a special kind of dlrt that could support the wear and tear of programs free of charge to childr9n living with HIV and AIDS. (323) 653-5006. 'CENTENNIAL EVENT COMMrTTEE Volunteers are needed to aerve on a Centennial Event Committee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Corona del Mar in 2004. Community Input on the final form of that committee Is also sought. Information: (949)675-0501. COMPANION HOSPICE The Hospice Is now recruiting volunteers to become a friend for someone who needs that extra apeciel caring at the end of life. Become a member of a team whose goal is to promote quality of life and comfort measure.. Each applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation and training. Information: (714) 660-8177, voluntesrs@companlon hospice.com. COMMUNITY ANIMAL NETWORK The network needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats In local neighborhooda. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them ba<* to the property where they were found. The goal of the program Is to save the lives of stray cata. (949) 759-3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouae needs volunteers for ushering, bacbtage work, mailings, typing, controlling lights and many other duties. (949) 650·5269. COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The society preaervea and promote• the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the archivea, library, muaeum, docent and public outreach programs. tires and heavy racing macblnea. Dlrt that could provide speed. performance and safety. The oval wu at flnt graded out of the hard Southern Califomia adobe clay. Eventually, decomposed granite was mixed in to allow for better racing conditions. The Costa Mesa Speedway ofllcially opened on June 13, 1968, whh a crowd of l,500. The speedway continued to take oJf, and ln the 1970s the crowds grew at times to more than.6,000 as speedway bad found its niche. Costa Mesa was a jumping off point for other venues and events, Including the flrst modem United States National Ouunpionship, held at the speedway in 1969. (949) 631-6918. Nowadays. the track continues to operate, running racea on Saturday nlght.s that bring in drivers from all over the country. In Octobet the speedway held th" 35th United States National Speedway <llampionshJps won by 2003 points champion Scott Brant of Rlveral.de. • or course. the track hasn't forgotten lts beglnnlngs. Rodeos are still held at the site during the Orange County Fair. • LOOKING BACK rune Sundays. Do you know of a peraon, place or event that deserves a historical Look Back? Let ua know. Contact us by fax at (9491 646-4170; bye·mail at d11ilypllor@/11tfme1.com; or by mall at c/o Daily Plldt. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meaa, CA 92627. volunteers who can greet members and the public at the COSTA MESA front desk and volunteers for the LITERACY COUNCIL • • Reaource Department with Excel The Costa Mesa Literacy Center computer experience and sharp needs volunteer tutors to teach telephone skills. The Senior English as a second language. Meals program also needs People who want to leam English people to deliver meals to homes. as a second language are also (949) 645-2356. encouraged to call. Call to regiater. (714) 435-3310 or (714) !)46.3446. UT£RACY PROGRAM The program is always In need of volunteer tutors. No professional teaching experience is required. To attain certification, a series of training classes mttst be completed. For more Information, 'contact Literary Servicea at the Newport ~eadl Library, (949) 717-3874. COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a new self·help group In Coata Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with . minima I symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meeta at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month. (949) 650-7659. COSTA MESA SENIOR CEmR The multipurpose senior services faclllty at the comer of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeks DON'T FORGET THIS DEDUCTION! By D11ve WOnt The "points" you pay in order to originate the mongage loan with which you buy a home are fully deductible on the income taJt return for the year of purchase. (Only loan fees for a loin that is SI million or mlaller qualify. The points paid for the portion of a loan exceeding SI million are not deductible.) If you are at all uncertain about how much of a loan fee you paid (uclusive of various exlll fees for specific serviCC$ lilce documentarloo fees) for your mortgaac loln. your lender can clarify that for you. Remember too thal all interest ptid with your monrhly monwe payments in the year or purchase are dedllctible IS. well, and remain so for Che life of the loin. Amazlntly, many people forget tbeae large tax benefits of ~basing I home with a (JW'Chase·money mortgqe. On the other side of tho Sl1ne issue, many people a.uume that the points paid for 1 refinancina mortP&t loin are deductible in the same-way u are points paid for a pul'Cbase-money mort&aJe. They ~ not. PoiJlq paid IO origin.ale 1 refinancing IOlll must be deducted ovtr the life Of the loan. (But do remember that. if you ref1nlnCCld a loen with which you had previously rcfllWICOd your homo, the balance of tbo poini,. noc yet deducied is entirely deductible on this yw's ccrum.) Tac die* manm to your w ldvisor ... llld makuure act all Che deductions dial we due IO you. For help with your tu! estale needs call me at 949-533-llOOor visit my websi1e111 davtw~4.«lm or one!Mlroad.c:om. JMw ~"I htlJ Nm 111/Jnt "°""' ,,. 'N""!!'!. &uh lintt 1989 UiJ ii with CMut NtwfO" ~~II~ COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Mesa Senior Center is looking for new board members. The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers to take part In monthly meetings, occasional committee meetings and special projects. Candidates should have connections In Costa Mesa and nearby communities. (949) 64f>.2356, ext. 16. COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned children. Volunteers work one on one with a child for three hours a week. (714) 663-9034. FISH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642·6060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency aulstance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645-8050. . Sunday, November 2. 2003 A3 WXURY HAS ARRIVED ,..... ... '* ...... • VOLUME SELECTION •OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE •GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Quality Service ... •••Nightly Eoterta.iomeot• .. -- . -~ -· ~. Tll...0'5 EUROPEAN AUTOHAUS Tilo's Has A large Selection Of Duality, Pre-Owned Tilo Certified And Fully Serviced Vehicles We specialize in Mercedes, Porsche, BMWs & Other luxury Vehicles Come Experience a Friendly Way to Buy •••ic:G~ a Pre-Owned European Automobile ·-~·!• " -~ ·/Cl J 200 W. Coast Hwy & Dover Newport Beach, CA 949. 650. 2222 www.tilocars.com M~.~2.~ COMMENTS Continued from Al and now. we don't even have a name for It Back east. the ties have It dwtng the workday. but you do see mott and more men OUI for dinner Wl·tied, wh1dl would have been a &bow-11opper not long ago. Where did the modem nedctte come from, by the way'1 I'm glad you~ Did It come from Pllris or London or Veolce1 It did not It came from Croatia of aJJ places. During Europe's Thirty Year AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN ltema to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay SL, Costa Meaa. CA 92827; by •mall to lul1.,,.nafll•tlmn.com; by faxto(949)~170;orby calling (949) 57~. Include the time, date and location of the event. •• well aa a contact phone number. TODAY Th• '""annual Gf'Mt CNfa of Omlge County event wlll be from 1 to• p.m. at the Balboa e.v C1Ub 8t R .. ort. nc: .. tl coa1 $160forthe VIP rwcep11on and main event, and $150 for the main event only. tnfonnatlon: (310) 841-8152, htfp://www.kldn.y•ocal.org. TheUQ~Wll~ "A Rainbow of Otd\lda" ®ling ita annual FaH Ord\kf F.tlvaf from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UC lrvlnt M:loretum. The coet $2. Information: (948) 824-6833. A home f'M'IOCfelt'8 and decorating show wMI be htld from 10 e.m. to 8 p.m. at the Orange CoUnty Falrgrounda. In bulldlOQI No. 10 end No; 12 Ind along the Parade of Produda. The ooet It $3 to $6.75. lnformdon: (818) &67•28&0. Kim Phuchmtt..lllRow "The Girt In the Plc:tu ... ;"-.... In South vi.tNm In tm white• ren ~ ftOmhet bufftMI~. wtM IP9et 1t 10;30 a.m. end I p.m. It llbtfty 8epdet Chutd\, 1000 Bt90n -.. Neii.,n .... lnfot'TNdOn: ,..,,....... ~'~· °"' ~ Dr.DlillllNt ........ ~ ~T,...,.,.d..._. c.nc..• from U0 ID I,...._. Hoeg c.nc.rc..... ....... ~ Ubrlry .......... .. ~~--1'011Uo 'Max has definiltly bttn an inspiration and a role model for me. Ht always shows up no matter what, no mfllttr how bad ht /tels.' ~ .,,....., Costa Mesa HIP fooU>al player Mai He Walbd up to him Md shoot hit heln that day when be iboMd up ' band. Right away, he WU linpflUed. acn.l&bt ftoio lbe bolpftal. • Joe Orti% aid. ·Ma hu been a wotld Of "I wu about to cry that d«y. It wu great ~ Cor me,• me coach Mid. What bel do&nc ta ..oy COOL• "The interat be emlblta lri aplte of what 1Mm member Gumt Wl.hera qreed. PART Continued from Al MP hurt e'Yel' .pill.• hll body loptlded from carrying a heavy crate o( Gatorade bottla. lt't u fl he can't be bothered by hit tormtntor. He Jumpe up and down lot every touchdown bis tam -tM Coat.a Meta Hlgtl School Mu!Manp-acoret. I& happy eye. meet tbat of hll bfother Joe, wbQ pJaya for the team. They bolh wtl8r th& tnm'll No. 67\..~· he deals whb phyllcaJty and What be ·Mu bu deftnfteJy been en dealt wic.b every day-it'I una.rblg. lt't lil.aptradon and a role model for me." be lnapiriDg." ea.Id. •tte ~ abowa up oo matter Max bu modvated him to do his job what. no matter bow bad he feeJs. l love betttt, Lux llyt. hiDl IO mUc:b. • , "He mabs me happy to be out there Mu ts one of a kind, Jasper Seewat everyday doing what I do,• Lux aaJd. laid. Receo~ Mu and bll familY watched the movie ·Radio· tolethcir. 1be mm Js the story of the ciecadea-Jong relatlooshiJ> between a mentally challenged inan. n.lcbwned Radio, and the coach of a prominent high achool football team. • "I thought the movie WU crazy,• Max:: said, with a lauab-"I loved It--. It WU. :~ kiod of. like my atory. • • But Mal doeGJ't see hhnlelf &ta.yins • with the team forever. He bu dreaml and uplrationa. such u golng to college or becomlhg a viollnJst. •He'I a walkUlg o:arople of strength and "He'• alwaya there for us: be u.Jd. c:owage. • , "What he doing ts great Not everybody Mu was dlagnoeed wtth Juvenile rheumatoid U1ht1dl at .,e 3. The ~. which a.fretted a1x jointa In h.is body, C&UJea pa.in and .wdling. 'JWicie. be hu bad to be admitted to the hoapUal beCauae th~ tWeD.tng aft'ected h1I heart. The coach is "like a brother· to him, would do It" Mu said. Being part of the team hu also "I'll miss it a lot, though." be said. :. •we talk about ttuff all the time." be elevated hit stature among his peen. sald. •l!arlJer, be faced quite a bit of ridicule Neither Lux oor the team can forget from the ldds." bk father, Martin Ortiz. that day a.Lmost a yar l80 when Max l&ld. -ibere were aome days Max bad to Max was allo p1cked u an I lo pops about 14 pills a day- o.ntJ.lnflnmmatory m.edJca.tion. steroids and medicines 10 prevent an upset stomach Crom all the other pUJa he takes. came to a big game sttalgbt from the use crutches. And kids can be cruel." h01pltal. But naw, Max Is "cool" Then, last year, he WllB diagnosed with Ke high-fives every member of the a tumor ln hl5 groin. Doctors; at thal football team and la perpetually point. didn't know lf it was cancerous. awrounded by green and white jeneya. •am bused or" (or the Arthritis Foundadon. In November, he'll make tu. Ont public speech about bis esperlence wic.b the disease. lt'1 ldll not easy for Max to talk about lL .. It's been really bard, bavtng tbis since I WU 3," be said, wiping away tean. .. It's something that I can't change. lt'a something that won't go away. So I have to learn to live with lL • Mu hu accepted IL He has learned to Uvewlth ft But Mu had to go through surgery and "The other day someone told me. 'So spent about 10 days lD Olildttn's you know a lot of people, huh?"' Mu And he won't let It stop him &om doing wh4t be Java to do the most - help out the team. Bvery day after school, Max goes to football practlce. where be helps the 1eam set up their equipment and supplies their water during breaks. Hospital of Orange County. said with a amlle. "And I said, 'Yeah. I He was d.lscbarged the n.lgbt of the big know a lot of people.'" game. ft has wor::ked miracles for his It's even harder to be 13 and have to deal with lt. Martin Ortiz aald. "I had to go to the game," Max said self~esteem, Max's mother, Tummy Ortiz. wU.b the smile. said. Lux bad visited him at the hospital the "He bas so many friends and sodallz.es "Max loves football," bls Cather said. "He loves sport& But he's also realistic. He's wise beyond bis years." ft started with Max accompanying his big brother to practice two years ago. previous day, and that made him want to a lot more,• ahe 84id. go even more. The team bas come through for him. The games are painful for Mu, he said. "But he pushes bimaelf," Martin Ortiz said. "Because when he's on that football lleld. there ls a sense of nonnaJcy about his life. He's just another teenager . ~ging put with the team." ·1 saw aJJ these &weaty. th!nty guys," Mu says. ·And I was just watching. l just started Oiling up bottles and passlog them around. That'• how Jt all started. l knew I couldn't play. I thought I might as well be Involved. .. "It gave me courage,· Mu said. time and time agaln, lncludlng last So, d.r1'laed in his hospital gown and Halloween during an unfortunate wrapped ln several blankets, Max sat on loddent when Max got beaten by a boy the sidelines cheering his team to victory. on the street. He came home hurt and Lw: broke dawn. Tham members were limping. ecatatic. "The team went after the boy," Tummy 11 wu the beglnnlng of 'fmethlng •pe<:lal Quarterback Coach Bill Lux noticed "I still choke up when I think about Ortiz says. "They didn't beat him up or tJw night," Lux said. anything. But they just swanned around "I think my brother showed a lot of him and let him lcnow they didn't want • DEEPA BHARATH cove,. public safety and courts. She m-v be rNChed at (949) 57.,_.22.e or by e-mail at deepa.bh•rathtllatima.com. HOMES Continued from Al oflkials said, as they are designed and built by some of the most touted archltects and builders in the industry. Some of the plot· size homes Included such amen- War, which lasted from 1618 to 1648 -which is why they called lt the Thtrty Year Wat-an army or Qoadan soJdlers soldiered their way into Paris. The Croall' uniforms locluded colorful scarves that MR knotted at the neck and nm down the front of tbeahln. The French took one look at the Croats. said .Sacre bJeU!• and dubbed the new f'ashlon •a la C.roa1e/ which was aoon shortened to *aavate.~ When Louis XIV started sporting the new aavate, the die wu cast. the seed was sown, and the de was tied. From that moment on. men who dressed to lmpras had to Center, 1845 Park Ave. leam about the Sierra Club and the many ectMtlea that are .vallable. Information: (714) 506-2404. TUESDAY Hoag Hoepbl .. RldMlrd Aeltty wlll preaent •Heart-healthy Cooldng: Holiday Cul1lne• Reilly will demon at rate how to make healthy holiday favorftH without fat and salt. The coat 11 free. R ... Natlone: (800) 514-HOAG. Th• Costa ~Senior Ctfttw wlll preeent a health fair from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 645 W. 19th SL There wlll be flu ahott, health education, reeourcet, health MnficN and health IClt'Mnlnga. Information: (M9) 845-2358. WEDNESDAY Felfv~ o.v.lopment Center win hold ltl 12th annual Ho Ho Ho-llday Boutique from 8 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. at the Fairview auditorium, 2601 Harbor Blvd .. Cotta Mffa. There wlll be homemade crafta, Jtwl4ry, fto11l1. and tl)edal holiday dtcor and gift hemt. lnformatlOf'll (714) 967-6181. 0...,.. eountytor DMn Wll ""'a Meet-up ln 8UPC)Ort of pttejct.ntlal hopeful HoWtrd Dean at 7 p.m. at Kart Strauae B~. 901A South toelt Ortve. lnfonnetion: hrtp:l~.OCforr:JHn.org. 1HURIOAY An=deOM_.M ...... ha oa Card througtt the 10 11 SoUth Coelt '9ue. 'nae card ellowa buyert IO ..,,. 20 l*1*lt at owr 100 South CoHt Plue "°'"·The card ooet 11 $50. Cardt cen be purdtaeed wllh lh• oonc:lerge et South Coat '9ua or onllne. Information (Mt) M2al3. ~.bl~ ... ,...,..,.,,,,,,.,°' Mtti:ll • ..... ~Of9. .... As4'11•a1 ........... froln llOOft ID 7 p.m. M tN -,..,..,..,...,. l.ndHo.UIM ~ °'"'*-,.. ..... ......... ll1n:Ct10t~ lties as electricity, telephone and cable hookups, open-beam ceU- mg,. a big screen television. an lee cream bar, copper roofing and room-to-room lotercoms.. Anwlda Ponnes of Hunting- ton Beach and her two boys eyed the structures. with the oohs and abs llke the other shoppers. Ponnes saJd she could on.ty !mag- tie ooe on. Undl after \\brid 'Ml! n. men would sooner be seen in public with no pants than with no de. Seriously. Find a magazine or some Cam.lly pictures from the 19408 or earlier. Working, playins, eating. napping -It didn't matter. Men wore t1a Period. If you were chang1ng a tire, you'd tuck the tie Inside your shirt or toss It over your shoulder, but never take It off. 8'.u For men my age. and ~are very few of us left. learning to make a tie knot wu a rfte of piwage. Bvery male person learns to de one or four knots: the four-in-hand. the Pratt. the The VoluntMr Aun. of &hennan Library and Gardena will have !ta annual Holiday Open House from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the gift shop, whlctt II at 2647 E. Coast Highway. Information: (949) 873-2261. Th• Fttendl of Th• fWwport Beach Library will have a preview used-book ule for members only from 1 to 6 p.m. In UM Friend• Meeting Room at the Newport Beach library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beactt. Information: (949) 769-9687. SATIJROAY De Anu leplde V"'8ge wtl hew lta annual boutique from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the South Clubhouae, 300 E. Coalt Highway, Newport Beach. The colt la S10 for a &-foot tabte to dl1pliy creftt for 11le.. The dudllne to reglater to tell la In Oc:tober. Information: (949) 873-4084. The,...,. of The N9wpol't 8Mctt Ubr1ry wlll heve a uMd bOOk 11i. from t a.m. to 4 p.m. In the Friendt MMt.lng Room at the N.wport 8HClh Ub11ry, 1000 Avooedo ""-·· N4Mport a..ctt. Information: (Ml) 711-ten nee.-..._ .... ,.. SodMy wffl Conduct a docent trelnl= tlO tr•ln tour ouldee for the &epulwda Adobe In E9t:en0ia Pert from 1 to' p.m. lnform9tk>n: ('48) 131.U1t. A .. ,,_ • ..._..__. ... ~ ftOm 10 a.m. toe p.m. at the Ortnee COunty Felrgroundt, In buldlnge No. 10 and NO. 12 and'*'° the Plrede of ProdUcta. Tht oott ft. for adulla. lnformetton: (310) 4n .. 21. -........ _..,Upper NadPOft he* Bey ftom tlD 10:11 a.m ... h Ui:IPlr N9wpoft ... Mr It ... .,,..,of hit .. OrM Ind Id Illy ..... lnfon'Mdon: ( .. , .,....,., NOV.I Aw11tuit1 ..... _. .. ............... 4p.m.ll e.o...a~,..,.,..,. ...... 3 •• ••N0.12 ·' ................. °' ine what it would be I.Ike to grow up with one of tha.e play houses ln the backyard. The kids who would receiYe them were very lucky. she said, and their parents are very generous. "It's nice that they are doing this to help people." she said. A party and auction was underway at Fashion Island Sat- full-Windsor and the half-Windsor. Which one? Whichever one your father used, of course. Most men use a half Windsor, by the way. lt also depends on the fabric. Ever try to tie a knit tie into a fuD-Windsor'f You'll end up with a knot the size of a grapefruit Th me, the finJahJng toudl on the perfect knot ls the dimple. If I can get a deep dimple perfectly centered. I am weJJ pleased. How wide and bow long ties are ls another social phenomenon. lo the 1930s and · 40s. ties were atunningty wide -6 inches, 8 Product.a. The coat la $9 for adult.a. Information: (310) 4n-as2t NOV.10 The ftfth annual TM Off for Technology wlll be held to benefit Newport Harbor High at 11 a.m. at the Santa Ana Country Club. Information: (949)794-3832. NOV.12 The Felrvlew Padl ftlenda' tund-ralalng committee wlll host their quarterly public meeting from 8 to 8 p.m. at Color Me Mine at Triangle Square. 1876 Newport Blvd. Information: (71•) 754-5698, hap:l/www.cmf•irvlew Pllrk.OrQ. The Nfttpof't ..... PubClo Library Foundation'• M•nuacript• Book Olacuulon Group wlll meet to placuaa •Atonement" by Ian McEwen at 9:16 a.m. at the Newport 8HClh Central Library. Information: (949) 717-3890. NOV.14 TM Cotta,.._ 8enfor Center Wiii ptMent a beneftt perfonnance of •Late Nit• Cat9Cttltm;" an Interactive comedy by Vk:tl Quade Ind Maripat Oonoven, at I p.m. tn the Robert 8. Moo ... Theatre at Orange Coalt Coflege. Ticbtl .... $36 or $75 for preferred •eating. Information: (949) 845-6080. urday evening, as area home- owners bid big money to add a little piece of playhouse heaven to their own castle and help a good cause wbile they were at It. 'lbtals were not available at press time. Last year's event raised $367 ,000. The Tummy Bahama house was built by Rancho Mlssfon Vi- loches. eYell wider. You barely needed a sblrt If you kept your Jacket on. Unfortuoatdy, they were as abort as they were wide, and bardy made it past the second button. which made everyone look like Sidney Greenstreet. By the time I started tying things around my neck. circa 1960, lt was the other mtteme. Your tie and your belt were about the same width I had a tie that was 1 \4 inches wide. I only know that becaU1e I measured ll to win a bet. These days, I must admit. I am usually un-tled. Thett was a time when I was one of those who The Coeta Meu Ha.torical Society will conduct a docent training clua to train tour guides for the Diego Sepulveda Adobe In Estancia Park from 1 to 4 p.m. Information: (949) 631-5918. Bade Bay Rtnea wlll hold lta fl rat Olympic Charity .... ent from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2875 lrvlne Ave., Suite A. Costa Mna. Information: (949) 631-5687. http://www.bldbayfltn .... com. NOV.le P9rent Help USA. a nonptoftt child a bu" prevention center, wlll have a benefit and daaalcal guitar concert by Wertln from • to 7 p.m. et C.rmato'a Rlttor1nte ltallano, 3620 E. CoNt Highway. Corona del Mar. There wlll be dinner, prize• and auction. Information: (949) SM).3481. NOV.17 TM foundM Quid of C... T.,... Wiii have Its annual holJdey tunc:tteon It 11 a.m. at the Ritz, l80 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beactt. The OOtt will be $60 per pereon. Send cttec::b peyabl• to Ceu ,..,.... to Marguertte OIStanltJao, 1430 Llnootn Lane, Newport a..dt, CA 12eeo.1nformation: (IMI) 84211&. Linde ....... 00 fDunderofthe A.my 81ehl Foundation, who will apeek 1boUt her foundetlon'I wort to 14.1pport a dlmOorl1lc •nd peeoefut South Afrtoe at 7 _ p.m. 9t the Arrrroa Femlly L.ec:ture Hell at Sege HHI Scftool, Tk*8'a Wtl ODIC 110 per peraon or $11 for• flmly of three or mote. lnfonnltton: (Ml) 2M•. Thel.-.0 ....... Foundatton'• ThreeoO•v. Wal' will begin tOday 11 the Oran~ County Felr • bpoehlon Cantet In Coata M .... The welk will end In Loe Angele• at the Home 0.Pot Center Alht.tlo Facility. Information: (IOO) 1»1000. MW.11 n.c.... ......... c...-.. .,,....,.,. . .,.... ~of."-Nti tet.c:ihlem: in 1nltrlClllw oomedV by Vldd a.di end .... l>aneMl\111 p.m. ln ... ....... Maof9n.er." ONllfl Coell Ciil 111 nca. ..... ..,. .. ~ ... =lftfartnllloft: Mt _ ....... , .. ejo with Grant Construction and was designed by aJdrltect Wil- liam Hezmalhach. • LOUTA HAfl'ER writes columns Mondays. Wedneeday9 and Fridays and covert culture and the arta. She mey be reacNd at (949) 57~276 or by e-mall at lollta.harp41rll latfme&com. refused to let their neck be eeen in public, but I'm over that I sdD have them. I like them, and I wear them, just not as much. for me to fold lt and pull it and cinch lt up today. it has to be a special occasion. for a speda1 person. who la, on oc:caslon, deceued. So Thierry littmes, OD behalf of tie wearers everywhere, we salute you and your ties. Just not everyday. I gotta go. • P£TER BUffA ii a former Costa Mea meyor. Hla column runs Sundays. He IN'( be reedled by e-mail et ptrb4tlaol.oom. Harbor Blvd., Costa Meaa. The Newport Rib Company will donate 20% of your blll to Chlldhelp USA. Reaervatlon1: Nancy Whltl~ (949) 648-42.28. NOV.28 Therewlll be a~ Thanksgiving aale at the Orange County Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Falrground9. Admlatlon will be free. There will be artiaane' and creftera' comer, photot with Santa Claua and aeeaonal entertainment. DEC.l South CoMt Plau wll have lta 21at annual T,...Ughtlng Ceremony at 8 p.m. at Town Center Partc. adjacent to the Westin South Coast Plaza. - ~ :l ,.., ~ f'i I I I i ~ -~ t~ \,,;;.,J r~ ~ ---, r.n _z ~-= 1 ~ ~ i .§ ..!! @) ~ c: I l .. 0 ~ ~ 0) e 1ii 'i 1 f .! c: 3 • ::r .. • ~ :s E • E E 8 ti c: 0 i ;, r:r £ l • 0 c ~ ; : ~ ~ 8 l ..!! ~ g I i I s ,. ,, l I • ! JI ~ ~ ~ • flt Cfi)·· .. of the c L E B R A T I 0 N ··-·~- D£a de Los Muertos ·· is a time for reflectipn and revelry Jose J. Santos Daily Pilot T oday is a bine.rsweet day for some families. The day can be a jarring mix of emotions: One minute. the room could be filled with laugtuer, and the next. somber and silent as people dry tears welling up in their eyes. Dfa de los Muerros. or Day of the Dead, is a traditional Mexican celebration that many Latino families celebrate locally. The purpose of the day is to remember loved ones who have died For some, this celebration actually continues for a few days. There are meals. trips to the cemetery and m~ importantly. many moments of reflection. The roots of the Day of the Dead are in pre-conquest Mexico The celebration has groo.yn and evolved for hundreds of years, mixing elements of Catholicism and pre-Columbian tradition, to become widely celebrated in the Latino world. The spirit of the celebration has remained constant: Death is nothing to be afraid of and a natural part of bfo Ibe faJthfuJ bl'lie\e those who have died are JUSt in another land. one they journey from everv yt>ar on ~ov. 2. Young and old One fampy's traditon P aty Madueno has been looking furwanl to D£a ck los Muen:os this year. The Costa Mesa community leader celebrates the occasion every year with her fanuly, but this one is especially poignant for P'aty. A year has passed since her father died. losing a long battle with cancer. On the altar in the Madueno family home. remem· brances will be ~ up for her father, Oscar Larriva. who Madueno says enjoyed a good jolce more than anything. "He used to tell my mother. 'You know you're married to a very important man. You're no1 an actress, but you've got an Oscar,"" Madueno remembers. Pictwes of her father will sit on the altarcilo, ttanslared as "bttle altar," aside pictures of the mother of her husband, Leo. and the family's grandparents. The altar will also have images or d.iJferent saints. the VJIEM ~ Gulldalupe and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. all reminders of the familys Catholic faith and dedk:ation to prayer. The ofrmdas. or offers. for P'aty Madueno's father will include two cigarettes -because he IOYed to smoke - a nice piece of steak and, of course. a glass of beer. Paty Madueno appreciates the mix of the day's emotions. an aspect of the celebration th.at bas been around since its birth In the Aziec and Mayan culwres. "We ha~ great~ for the dead; we laugh with the dead. There are picnics at the cemetel'y where people laugh and cry. There are guitars; people sing; we celebrate.. Paty Madueno sa1d. "We see death~ another qde In life.• "J(s an important holiday. a way to goet together with the iat of the f'amtly. • Leo Madueno said That's a lot of people for Leo Madueno. who grew up in a family of 11. "Every year we sing and dance. I eat a lot which I'm loolci:ng forwanl to.· Leo Madueno said Ir's a way for the lcids to keep the aadition." P'aty Madueno remembers her father every time she thin.ks of a Day of the Dead j>oem about la muerte, death. The poem trans- lates as "I laugh about death because he doesn't do anything to me." P'aty Madueno said her father lived his life this way, until he was actually getting dose to slipping way. During that difficult time. P'aty Madueno comforted him. reminding him of the lesson he had taught her as a child. She spent a lot of time with her father in those final days. lhe last four years of his life. l knew him better than any time." Paty Madueno said She intends to pass, these memories on to her 7-year-old granddaughter, Melania. who will help celebrate the day with her family this year. "Yk do these traditions to remind the kids where they came from,• P'aty Madueno said. "It's really good to know where you come from, so it will influence where you are going." • The young in the Madueno house. such as Mdania. will help build the altar with their older relatives, who will recount stories for Jhem about the family memben; that have died. "The memory of who these people were, we pass on,• Paty Madueno said. "And at the same time we laugh about some memories, we ay because we miss them." ~ ·~ ~ • • G1 An offering for loved ones A n important part of the Day of the Dead celebration is the altar. The memorial honors family memben; or friends that have passed. It is meant to remind the living of all the things that made their loved ones special The faithful believe the altars will hetp spirits who are traveling from the other side by providing them with things they loved tn life. If you'd like to understand and experience this honored Mexican tradition. take time to remember someone tn your life by assembling an altar. After including the basic alter items listed below, make your own personalized items to complete your tribute . ·--------.. .. ________ .. Dnw • floww. ' © 1. 11£ BASICS The altar should have three tienl. Where you pl«e things is up to you. 2. LIGHT MY WAY Ptace candles of Ill shapes end lizes 111 <Mlf the altar. The light It believed to guide the dead bid to the land of the living. Colw .... ~ w.-~-... ....-............ or ... _..._..._ .. --------.. ·--------· Drew • flower. ~ 3. SWEET SCENT FloweB ant u'8d to provide I sweet fragl'WlC9, pleesing to the tnrYeling tpirit. Yellow marigolds -ndltionalty used. Somedn-. fwniliea crNtll I~ with flower petals, believing this is addi- tional help for the returning loved one. Colw .... ttow...U.the ...... ........ Y"IMW_ ...... t){l ~ {l ~ {l ~ J} ~ J} ~ J} ~ L Q-¢r 1l£PICTURE The m09t important ~of. Dev of the Deed llltar is the portrWt of the f8miy member or friend. Colw .... ...... ..._ ......... . picture., ..... ------- 1© 4. 1l£ MAIN COURSE ~ J} food and beo.enges .. In impof1ant ~ of the eltar. Pan de muertm. or brwd of the deed •• the tr9ditiorlll food provided. It is belieY9d that the IPirits mey be hungry 8'tw their long journey end may need nourishment. T.,,,.,... I pastry mede with com dough, or mole. a thick sauce mede of~ ilv&- dients. ... .., ~..,. families lndude .... It'll -belo-1 by .... fsnly member in. Vftledw It be beer or a lirtoin ...._ C-. 1hefood ....... u. .. ........... ._,... _....., ...... @ S. A a.EM SARIT Solp. ..-r. • trJWlt 8'ld .,.,......,._perfume« cologne ii ~ inc=-e .,... ~., """*' lllP ..... long~. ~ .. loWdone ~ Ulingto groorll .,_,..._ duririg ...... C8ft be put on 0. alla Celer .. ...... . -----·---·· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·-----.---.. ~-~ ....... ·---------· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·--------·· Dr.. a food ....... ® s; FESTNE FEELING ,..,.,~«~ ....... cu .... Pl!Plf', ii .... .., ~OlebCiaand.e· .... c...-.. ...-........ - ~·eoy .: ..... ... ~ ........... .. .......... c.1er .. .., -.... ............. ,.. ..... -... . - UlJSTRIQ¥lle rtr .JllSI[ J. SllllfllJS /DMY Pl.DI"" • i I i -~.~2.2003 AFTER ·HOURS • Submit AFr'ER HOURS ltem1 to the Delly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meaa, CA 92627; by fa>e to (949) 648-<4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HrTCHCOCK Orange Coaat College 11 offering a nine-part film hl1tory on Alfred Hltchcodc. The aerlaa wlll be moderated by retired OCC profeuor H. Arthur Tauulg. Each ae11lon will be held at 8:30 p.m. one Friday Heh month. The event• will be held at OCC'a Fine Arte Hell 118. Adrrilulon 11 $6 for adults end $5 for 1enlor1 and OCC 1tudenta. For more Information, call (714) 432·5880. 'A CHOCOLATt NFNW Th• Young Profeulonal1 Agaln1t Cancer end the Orange County Foundation tor Oncology Chlldren & Famlll•• will ho1t a fun~ralelng event from 7 p.m. to midnight Nov. 15 at Newport Dunee Waterfront RHort. Tiet.ta COit $75 In advance and $85 at the door. Information (949) «0-9873. .u.G OF LIGHTS Th• Comrnodoru Club If the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce wlll host tht Ring of Ught1 home decorating competition In December. All home, butfneae. and yacht cJub1 tining the harbor are lnvhed to participate. Decorations must be In pf ace by Dec. 8. Information (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR cttRISl1MS BOAT PMADE Beautifully decorated yadrtl, TAKE CONTROL Linda Rider Clinbl tfypnotherapist • Weight Loa •Smoking •Stress •Anxiety • Pain Control •Performance • Confidence •Fear cd<(f~~ d3<(f~ 1000 Quall St. Suite 190 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Ph: 949.752.7990· lagunaprtnc.cc.uy.com Pk:ll up A Dellwry FutQualtyS... PRIN11NG • We Mil on the Pr.-. • tWdll»rt fl.-• 1-8 Colon or more •Fed•~• FUI Colof BUJEPRINTING • Llr9e Vtllmt • Cad Plocdr!I • Lo. Bond Copl9I &mall JIOC" ploc fl,,. to ... at /4flunoprln~lillnt.n« COPYING • Uiq the U.. C.os¥a1 T~ • 600dP x.w ~ Oulpul • a.w Copl9I s...a ..i t.wa "*- • ~ ·~·Olalrte • Sc11P1n9 • Blndk'8 • Colof <:op191.Ste IMIAltoffGN nDDDIQ DMTAnOM ad~ ,,.,.,,..,...,, llOUDiQ' CAIDe boatl, kayalca and cano .. wtll .. 11 elong the harbor In the 95th annual Newport Harbor Chrletmaa Boet Pereda Dec. 17 through 21. Each night, the pared• will begin at 8:30 p.m. at Colllne tslend and last two and e half hours. The parade la hosted by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Information: (949) 729-<4400, http://www.chri.tmH boatparade.com. MUSIC 'QUINTESSENTIAL SCHUBERT The Pacific Symphony will perform a chamber concert, •auint .... ntlal Schubert; at 3 p.m. today In Founder's Hall at the Orange County Ptrformlng Arte Center. Audience membere can enjoy a festive afternoon of muelc by Schubert, Including the Sonatina In D major for vlolln end piano. Tl<:bta cost $38 end $48 at the door. Information: (714) 766-5799, http:llwww.pacl"c.ymphony. org. UCI CONCfRT CHOlt The UC Irvine Concert Choir will give a free concert at Winifred Smith Hall at 8 p .m. todey. Tldcet1 are required. Information: (949) 824-2787. ctW«> ~SEXTET The eccfalmed Chano Dominquez Sextet will perform at 8 p.m. Thursdey at et the Irvin• Barclay Theatre. Tidceta co1t $30 and $35. Information and tlc:bta: (714) 740-7478, http://www.thebarcl•y.org. UCI ctWllER SERtES The concert •Prokofiev: A Remembrance 60 Years After Hie Death• will be performed at 8 p.m. Sat.urday at Winifred Smith Hell In UC Irvine. Tldcetl co1t $12, $10 and $8. Information: (IMS) 824-4269. GUITAR aaa.u Orange Coasta Coti.ge'• Guitar Enaemble. a chamber group of more than 20 playera, wilt offer It• annual fall concert at 8 p.m . Saturday In OCC'• Ane Atta X' RedtelHall. SALUTE TO AMERICAN COWOSERS Orange Coest'College'a Wind Enaemble will offer a salute to Amertcan compoHrt et 3 p.m. Nov. 18 In the Robert 8. Moore 'Theatre. Tld:4't• cost S7. ondPMTY~ NI.cl )'CM.Ir Holldoy Corr& onllne «t. .. ....... holldaJ1COrd1DCb.lt&com/lapnaprfnt \ Information: (714) 432-6880. SUN MIS SPRAY TAN ,,,,,, II t 1st Session $15 Value TM! GRIAT LEONARD llRN8TEIN Car1 St. Clelr end the Peclftc Symphony give e tribute cone.rt to St. Clalr'e longtlme friend and rMntor Leonard Bern1teln at the Orange County Performing Art Center on Nov. 18 end 20. The orchestra will perform Symphonic Denc.e frOm "w..t Side Story• end exc.rpta from •Candide" and "On The Town." The ooncert1 start at I p.m. Tidctt• ere $20 to S35. For Information, cell (714) 75M799. DAVID CMllDY Devld C...tdV wtH be pefformfng tome of hi• greetest hlti, lucti ea •t Think I LOW you" and •0oetn•t Somebody W.nt Toh Wenllct." 4't I p.m. Nov. 21 end 22 • ttte Orene-eoumv '9rformlng Ma Center. Tldtltl OOM S2S to $10I. tnfonnatlon: (714) 711-17tt, 1"1p:/AwwW. ptH:lfbympltony,0t9- VIVM.Dl'l AUt llAIMI ThePldtlc~wUI P9ffofm VMkh •TM Four S.110.ie:' loodwtnl'l 8'ntonla lnD-ieor.11'1 ConOirto GroilO ~...-.. I ....... 0...18ftd 4 .. CJr8llie COuftly :Ml c... .,...... _____ Info: f?Mt~tt-~ ... ,.. ............... • FESTA NAYIDAD CONCERT JoM Fellclano will join mar1echl bandleader Natl Cano H part of the 10th annuel Aeste Navlded concert at 8 p.m . Dec. 9 at the Orenge County Performing Arte Center. Tldteta coat $20 to $69. Information: (949) 553-2422, http://www.phlh•rmonlc.oclety. org. JA12.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant In Newport Beach prHenta a Jan tr1o Sunday through Wednetday aa regular ente,..,.lnment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Houre are 5 to 9 p.m. Sundey and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednelday. (949) 718-0188. WEE<l.Y JAM The Studio Caf6 prHenta Monday Night Jame from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted• mualdana Include guitar playere, bH• players, 1lngers, drummera. keyboardiate and othere at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 875-neo. MAMMA GINA WESCE.ND JA12 Walter Lakota and Devld Alcantar, the New York Jezz Connection Duo, play at Memma Gina et 261 E. CoHt Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Friday• end Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sunday• and Monday1. Diana Ditri joint the duo on vocal• on Monday1. It'• free. Information: (949) 673-9500. r.aJSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers llve mu1lc Friday and Saturday night•. Greg Morgan, Nldt Peper end KellyGordlen (known H MPG) perform claHIC rode, R&B and ewlng at 8:30 p.m. Frlday1. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform clHtlc rode, ewlng end R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturday•. The reataurant 11 at 830 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (IMS) 675-3474. ~AT THE PEUCAN The Rusty Pelle.an offers the mu1lc of Common Ground from Wednelday through Sunday. The band perform• from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thurlday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Frtday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant I• at 2736 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 942-3431. ~AT Pl.AYERS P1ayers reataurent 11 now offering llve muelc from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Ptayera 11at1112 W. 19th St., Coate M .... No cover cherge. (948) Me-6815. WEEKEND~ .Anthonv'I RMtboat Rectaurent In Newport 8eec:h preeema JMM on the MX on Fftd9v and Saturday ... .. and Sunday for bn.lnch. The ptOgrMI ~ .. your ~on the ulCOphone. Mchon(l 11at161 E. COMt . H'9'1MV· (948) 873-3425. fl(JP.«OQ( NtD FlMENCO T9te I, a fuM. ro« end Motown ~. Ptfformt 4'l t p.m. Saturdave .. carm.lo'• Alltotlntll, 3IZO E. Coelt Hlghwey, Corona def Mer. Solo """8"9t 1Cen ....... ptffonne d111fciel ftemenoo tunte at 7:30 p.m.~end~ ,.,.., (941) 171-1122. ~tan'UI Qerlld.........,. •nd tM S10M lrtdge lend play rOdl ind MB at I p.m. lleurdayia • SullOn ,._ ...... TMnon lounge. aoG MecMhur lhd., N.wport ...... Fnie. (Ml)4,..2001. °"'"_.,..., ...... ............ ....,,. "'* .......... .., ....... ldli ............................. ---·Dllllf"llM~· ltll!lm~~ Tuelday Ulrough Friday, at 2:30 and 8 p.m. Saturday, and at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. It will be performed at South CoHt Repertory Segerstrom Stage. •Terra Nova• I• Mt In the winter of 1911-12 aa ftve Engllahmen end five Norwegian• raced each other to tfle South Pole. The center 11 at 600 Town Center Drive In Cotta Meaa. Tldcet1 are available at the center'• bo>e office, by calling (714) 556-ARTS • oronline at http://www.ocpac.Or(J. • 'THE EMPEROR'S NEW ClOntES' South Coalt Repertory will present •The Emperor'• New Clothes: a youth theater production, through Nov. 16 on the Julianne Argyroe Stage. The musical WH created the Tony Award-winning team behind •Ragtime,• •s.u11lcal the Muslcat• end "Once on Thi• !eland• from Oct. 31 through Nov. 18 on the Julianne Argyro1 Stage. Tldceta will cost $10 to $21. Information: (714) 708-5555. ~LITTLE INDIANS' The Costa Meaa CMc PlayhouH will present Agatha Christle'• 'Ten Little lndlan1' through 23 at the Costa Meu Civic Playhouse, 661 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa. Tk:keta wlll cost $10 to $15. lnformatlon: (949) 650-6269, http:llwww.coltameuplay hou.e.org. 'TWELFTH NIGHT' Orange Coast College'• Theatre Department will stage Shakupear•'• gender-bending comedy "Twelfth Night• for three weelca starting Friday. Show tlmea are 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdaya end 2 p.m. Sundaye. The run will end Sunday, Nov. 23. All performancee will be In the Drema lab Theatre on the OCC campu1, 2701 Fairview Roed In CoataM .. e. 'MACBETH' Vanguard University'• theater department wiU pre1ent Sheke1peere'' "Macbeth• Nov. 14 through 18 and 20 through 23 at the college'• Ly«*'m Theater. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Thurtday1 end Fr1daye and at 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdaya and Sundays. There will be no 2 p.m. matJnee Nov. 16. information: (714) 668-3e10, http:l!Www. vanguard.edul thNtrtNft& 'THE IMPORTANCE OF 8EftG EARNEST Oecar Wllde'a comedy of mannera will be perlormed Nov. 14 through Dec. 14. P9tformancee wHI be et 8 p.m. Thurtdaya, Fridayl end Saturdays end Sundaye at 2:30 p.m. Tlc*ete COit S17 opening night otMrwiM $13. Information: (148) $31-0281 • THE~WOMER E•nde High SdM>ot'• drama department Wiit pttMnt •The Mlrtde Wof'ller" at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 to 8 Ind 12 and 13 at the Betblra V.n Hott ThMtre at E•ncta H~ ~.2323 P1aclnda Jwe., Coata MeM. Tldt.ta coat SI. lnformadon: (IM9)11WU1 DANCE 'LORD OF THI DMC1' The 0,... County '9rfonnlng MCentlrwtll~~ Ftdey"i "Lord of the Denoi" .t I p.m. Nov. 21, 29; 21end214'l the c..w. ~oo.cttom *23.n tD 111.21. lnfOrmadon: (7141 Ill-MTS, h~.ocp.c. OfV. -L n 111• .. 8'Wft from 2 to I p..ln. ... ~ ... ---0.... lll:oom In Ne'b4*! Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ag" are welcome, end no partners are needed. Information: http://ocswing.com, (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing I• offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Danecene Stud4o, 2980 McCllntode Way, Costa Mesa. lnformetlon: (714) 641-8688. ART 'TREASURES OF TRAVEL' An exhibition of Capistrano Beech artllt Timothy J . C1ert'a latest watercolor and oil painting• will continue through Nov. 16 at Nottingham Ane Art, 4229 Birch St., Newport Beach. The gallery la open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays through Frldaye and from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays. Information: (949)833-1no. KIDS HARRY POTTER The Pacific Symphony will perform muelc from the •Harry Potter" films and cJHtlcal mualc from Duk••' •n.e Sorcerer'• Apprentice• and Mueaorg1ky'1 •Night on Bald Mountain" at 10 and 11:30 a.m. Nov. 22 at the Orange County Performing Alta Center. Tldceta cost $12 and $26. Information: (714) 766-5799, http:/!Www.paclfic.ymphony. org. STARLIGHT STORES Children 3 to 7 years old are Invited to participate In aong1 and finger-puppet playe at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Meaa Library, 1855 Park Ave. (949) &468846. PJS ANO BOOKS A c:hlldren'• story time 11 preaented at 7 p.m. Monday• end at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Ubrary, 1000 Avocado Ave . Children may wear pejama• to the evening .... 1on1. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEll.ER A children'• story time la held at 10:45 a.m. Wedneadaya at . Bame• It Noble Boolcaellere at Matro Pointe, 901·8 South Coaet' Drfve, Cotta M .... (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children'• 11ory time la held at-• 10 a.m. Wedn•ld•Y• and 10:16 ;, a.m. Frtdaye at Bo"*"9 Boolca If Muelc at South Coaet P1ua, ~ a..r St., Costa M .... Ffee. (714 432·78M. • . • DINING/TASTING • -. BAYll>E NtlWf1ttNtt : Bayside Milt.iurent wlll have a , 1 fourth aMlvenary cefebrstlon • ! and Induction Into the Confrerie : du S.bre d'Or from 5 to 10 p.m. • w.dneect.y at 800 Bayside : Drive, Newport BMch. Coet S4« : per per80n. lnformatk>n: (148) • I 72M222, http:!Mlww.l>IY9i<M : rHtauntntcom. ~ ... ·' .. ... M INl.l GOUMET • The Single Gourmet wfll have e:! dining .vent for u-... •: butlneee1nd ~· tlnglee at 7 p.m. Stturdly .t AColnte at the Suaon Ptaoe Ho .... Newport Beech lrid It 1 • !>:!"· Nov. 18 at the Pfnot flrov9no9. COltl Meee. ..... ,...... .... ~. lnfo:melton: ( .. ,.. 1112. .. EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK More a ver-sion of here than home I t was talked about thls seems to summer. Jt was lambasted. have Qidciud. maintained But for producers of the Fox. something 1V show ·The O.C. • what akin to the mattered was that lt was down- watcbed. home feel That show SWted back up you last week. and it seems sure to encounter enrage Newport Beach throughout residents anew with Its take the dty. I on life ln Orange County. S.J. attribute During the summer, as CAHN that to the people -including quite a harbor and few ln the Pilot newsroom -boatfn8 litestyle. which I think watched "The O.C," I wrestled Is the unifyl.ng character of the with a similar fictionalizing of town, more than to, aay, the my hometown: Manhattan beach -which might seem Beach. the usual suspect. A high school friend of For that reason, while l was mine, Michael Scott Moore, reading the book, I thought it published bis first novel set ln might paint a more picture the early 1980s in a flctional familiar to Newport Beach beach town called Calaveras , residents than to those ln Beach. More than a few of the Manhattan Beach. And it may characters ln "Too Much of aay a little something about Nothing" are familiar, as Is the where Newport Beach has locale and the feel of place. been and what is has become, Where I grew up ln the '80s especially for those of us who reminds me much of Newport grew up during the 1980s. W Beach today (as I've written the least. our former h1gh about a few times in these school teacher who lives on pages). While Manhattan Balboil Island should be Beach has become "Beverly interested.) Hills by the Beach" (my title It tells the story of a hesitant for it), Newport -with the high school boy -by any exception of the gated com· account one who would be munities in Newport Coast -thought of as a •good" kid - AFTER Continued from A6 between $10 $15. (949) 642·3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach. Meals typically coat between $8 and $16. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twlllght dining menu, featuring dishH such as chicken parmigiana and a.1amari plcante at reduced prices, Is offered from 6 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642·7880. WINE TASTINGS HI· Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring International seafood and aalad buffets, roasts carved to order and Qreakfast favorites Is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Meals typically cost $30 -S40 wtth champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTACOFFtE ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music Is presented dally at the Atrium's Alrportar Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2nO. BISTR0201 ~ Jazz Is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1561. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO nRRACE Instrumental music Is performed after 9 p.m. Thurtdav-. aNtj pop and rode Is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1n3 Newport Blvd., Costa M..a. (949) 645-6560. DUKFSPLACE Jazz and cocktails flow dally from noon to midnight Sundays through Thursdays and from noon to 2 1.m. Fridays and Saturdays at the Balboa Bay Club & Resort, at 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. For more Information, call (949) 645-5000. DURTY NEUY'S Live music Is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, 2915 Red Hiii Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 957·1961. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL live music la performed Mondaya through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 who goes slightly off ln the wrong dJrection. largely drawn by a friend. This friend. and this gives away nothing, ends up murdering him (the wages. of even a little lin. and am. The story of how this boy falls is played against a background of false ideal.lsm, false lmpmsions and misguided adolescent hopes set ln a pastiche or sorts of a bygone Southern Call!omia At. least that's certainly how Mike sees the past versus the present. ·1t'a a totally d.Uferent place,• be told me when comparing the area of 20 years ago to today. •DeveJopen have managed to make it even denser and more artificial than it was ln the '80s. Out of lazinesa, I never got around to changing a few place names ln the boOk. and when I was in L.A. for a reading two weeks ago I reallzed lt didn't matter, because thoae placel were gone. I had no idea I was writing a historical novel.• Why the difference?,. ·u looks to me like pure bloat." he said. "Everything that's happened to Southern California ln the last 20 years ls the result of unlntenupted Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 769-0808. HARD ROCK cAFt Liva music It performed Sundays at Hard Rode Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN live music Is performed Thuradays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8866. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Uva music Is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at BarmlchHl'a, 3950 C.mpus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via lido, Suite D, Newport Beach. (949) 723--0596. MARGARrTAVIU.E live music it performed at Margarltaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing 11 offered at 6 p.m. dally at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Maaa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music Is performed Mondays through Saturdays at prosperity. But that also makes the area fuclnadng to wrire about. Prolpertty and its clmwt>acb are the national trend/' Without prompting, Mike also mendoned Newport Beach's own fictional self when I asked what he'd want readen to take away from the novel •A sense of how the shallowness or Southern California ls not restricted to rich people -it infects the opposidon. too," be said. "I think Rage Against the Machine ls hopelessly shallow, for example. The fact that their so-called rebellion sounds eloquent to the producers of 'The O.c' speaks volumes." Maybe if I'd grown up ln Newport, I'd be more a fan - grudgingly or not -of "The QC" After spending some da)'9 reading someone's vision of my own world, I only can lmagtne what it might be like seeing it mtdered ln bright Fox color. Not that I'm advocating that frightening thought • s.J, CAHN Is the managing editor. He can be reached at (949) 574-4233 or by •mail 111 s.j.cahntll11t/mN.com. the Marriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. For more lnfomatlon, call (949) 640-<4000. MULDOON'S Muldoon'• la an Irish pub at 202 Newport Canter Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and llght rode acts perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landing's Oyster Bar lounge at the Balboa Ferry landing, 603 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 676-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room present• lta two.piece bend every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 lrvlne Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 766-0121. TOTALLY COFFtE Open mike night Is held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Thursdays at Totally Cbffee, 1626 Maaa Verde Drive East, Cotta Mesa. lnformetion: (714) 436-9367. VILLA NOVA Rich Fauno plays at the piano bar at 9 p.m. Sundays through Wednesdays and the three-piece jazz and blues band Mlsbehavln' plays at 9 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Villa Nova, 3131 W. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 642-7880. W.Plm•• hitml .. 1Fl-(one topping) Happ9 Hour Speciale Monda,-f rida9 '-6 pm $1.00 -Draft &eet • $2.50 -Cocktails • $1.00-Tacas LIVE MUSIC f caturing Rockin' 51uc& r rida.!I & Saturda.Y 'J pm -1 2 5unda_y "h'O pm -a pm Restnctions Apply ~~~/'\tnTS 1 0 2 ~CALIFORNIA 8. "EDIJERRAHEAH CUISINES ~~-Served In An Eclectic Atmo'iphere Join Ou r Dueli ng Chefs ... Chef Bill and Chef David fo r an Extrao rdinary Culinary Adventure Featuring: A Showcase Of Pacific And Mtditerrantan Seafood Strvtd Buffet Style, Complimented With A Delectable Chocolate Fantasy Deuert Display $1 9. 9 5 ~:;,= (,rJIUllY Andra~ Served Thursday, Spm·Bpm :'-.UY °"-e Entree And Get Oile Of E'.qluil Or usser Yalue FREE Valid Unttl 11/JOA)) The Marti ni and Wine Bar is a perfect location for a P~Dlning Beverage of Choice. live Enteminment, SusonaJ Martinis, Variety of World Class Winn and Delightful Culinary Appetizer Flights Complimenta~et Parking IJ 102 Rttliurant & ~rnott Tue Mar11n1 m1 WiM br art loattd in the l~IM Marriott Holtl 18000 Von Karman A\.toot, lrvint, CA 92612 For Rtwrv.itlonl, Call (949) 798·2321 lltVINI New Shipment 1n J=Rom lReland Fine Antique Country Pine from Ireland lrtt ShJpmt"'nt• to l >r.Jn..:r f n·unh L<» -\ -.. ~ ( n..ml'\ I \ n {) t~n < '"mt. ~{enmoR e AnLl ue lR 1s h l ne (9It9) 497 6938 1178 Nouh Co.ui-histiw.MJ. ~l.\ lk<\Ch ('1\ 92651 'Lurw-SundAy 11-5 pm('( by •\f>llOlnnntnt I.LC "!"1 ••r n <t ,.. lo·~ tll.wo l'l<'. 1 /'<" •wn> \hWJJtr& Nl<l 1.-r..,..,. Musical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 608 31st St., Newport Beach. (949) 675--0233. The 2004 Duffys Have Arrived! Ckar tbt dfdts, we bave taJt1n Mllwry of tbl MW moM/i for your tnsp«llOn. Du6Y bas $OrM fe.alum for lbU )Wll"1 flMt we *' IMVf a /fW and~ '1Vallable JM hnmfdtat1 Mlt""'1 at great /JI'**. SkJJJ '1J1 Ibis WHIWrU4 Ii* " ~ crulSll. Qeslgn yow' MW DuJ/J Of' cboo# from SOrM grwil ~ modfll. UNTMS • SALES • SERVICE ioQI W. Plldlc CoMt ~ ·~ Beadt ('49) 64"'8U •WWW~ I f • ..,.,..., 2, 2003 " FORUM EDITORIALS Ce·nter.Line plan· raises questions S lowty but SureJy, plans tor a Ught·rail system in Orange County have shrunk over the years. First Imagined a. a 28-mlle alternative to the county's jam-packed freeways 10 years ago. CenterUne eventually became an Idea 11 miles long. But even that was too lengthy for Irvine residents, who earlier this year voted against having it run through their town. After that rejection. the Orange County 'Ihmsportation Authority decided to go with an 8.5-mile route from the transportation depot ln Santa Ana. through the South Coast Metro area to John Wayne Airport. The cost of this shortened route ls less than SI billion, or less than half the ortgl.nal eost. 1n other words, there does not seem to be overwhelming support for th1s plan. And that Ls why the latest twist involving the rail golng underground by Soud1 Coast Plau is especially troubling. This plan. belng pushed by Costa Mesa city leaders. would force the ~oval of the Lakes Pavilion business center. home to four businesses -Avo's Bistro, Ocean Park Oeaners. Digital Hearing 'Thchnology and the Comer Office. That Is stgniflcant news that raises a crldcaJ question: Is CenterUne worth the removal of four businesses? We've supported the CenterUne idea ln the past: •eosta Mesa made the right choice ln volunteering to be a stop along the line," we wrote two years ago. •its leaders are on the right track when It comes to the area's transportation woes and know it's best to start sooner than later.• llult track appears all but run out at this point Its usefulnes.1 to the county at 8.5 miles is questionable. Others ways to spel111 the $1 billion -on better buses, for one -are being discussed. In that environment. again this question: ls CenterUne worth the removal of four businesses? There will be a public hearing on Nov. 24 for property owners, business owners and others to comment on the project. Proponents and opponents of the plan should make that meeting mandatory and work to answer that question and one more general: ls CenterUne the best solution to the county's transportation problems? When the transportation authority's board of directors votes on the final route in December, after completion of an environmental report still golng through a public comment period, members should be certain they have answered those questions. as well. The right codes, the right place A s wildfires ravnge Southern CaJlfomla, we are paJnfully reminded of the damage fires can do. We are reminded that fire prevention is not a nuisance. but a lifesaver. And so the decision of the Newport Beach City Council 10 begin entorcemenl of fire codes in the harbor is not only wise but crucial. Such codes are pul in place not to be a hindrance to businesses, but to prolect and save Uves. 'Ihe codes require that. In case of fitt, all boats should be able to be moved quickly and without having to move other boats out of their way first There are boats bl violation of that law at more than half the commercial docks In the lwbor. The codes have not been enforced tor eo long that rnany busln are depeodent on tbciee lDegal berthing practices for their IW'Vival. And therein lia the dilemma. No one wants to eee these bw1lnea.'M!I auff er, but the possible consequence of Ignoring fire codes is unthlnk.able. Perhaps that Is why the plan came from their own. It is the Harbor Commission's plan that the council approved. 'Ibat plan is to give businesses violating the fire codes notice that they have six months to come up with a plan to correct the problem. In some cases. this will mean reconstn.lcting or reconfiguring their docks. But this gives business owners a chance to adapt. Once the dty approves the plan, the buslnea owner will have another six months to implement iL The city ts belng more than falr. By approving the commission's plan. the city la allowing harbor buslneu owners to fix the problem rather than demanding an lmmedlate fix to the problem. This plan takel ltept to ftx a potentially dangerotd problem thar has been~ for years without Crulhlog the harbor bUJine11e1 that are IO vital to Newport Beach along tho way. THE LAST WORD A tour we can live with W e M1ouJdn't adnih th.ls. Weetpedaµy houlCin't be ualng the td.ltortal •we• to admh It (which com• ~ the way. with • r.oora .. oppo.ed to the royal wit crown). But we IOYO lht hJatl echoOlw home toun. ~we don\ ewn mind the~ boodel. LUt w.k'l 30dl .......a C.arana del Mlt .. Scboal a Midcle#IDll PrA..._ ,., .......... , ... f. home.. You blow, the kinds with Wand ataircaMI. multiple patios and breath·takin1._, And we're not alone. Abouc 2.000 P'OpM tralpeed throuah lhe eatet of horn-. ooh1nl anc:t ahhtns and maYM ~ arew....,dpt. It helps that the toun are fOr r=:' cauea-lducadrij our Thet'D. caWnly need IOIDe bow-hawlftbeyw.alto .....1nco dMlle home.. BOLTON • COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Burned into the memory forever By Geoff Welt Sensory overload. That's what I've been experlendng for the past 1 O days. As an avid channel hopper and news jwU:ie, I should have been having a great old time. Almost every dwmel WU providing wall-to-wall coverage or the horrendous fires, which have affected every Southern California county except OW'L The oovmge bas been mesmerizJng, as I watched each news outJet jump from fire to fire with their coverage -each attempting to give us more lnformadon that we can ~use. 1 should have been euphoric, but I wasn't. It's been like sitting on the front porch of Hades, watching everything around you bum I planned my day around the television and radio coverage and skipped from cbaMd to channel. hoping to see something new. I hoped to eee and hear tales of success. but most of what I saw wu just the opposite. I watched Channel 4 'a O:wck Henry as he tearfully recounted the story of bow he and his cameraman were almost killed when they delayed too long leaving a danger area. All his smugness I had obeerved earlier when be sparred with law enforcement oftk:en as they told him to cut off hJs broadcut and leave another danger r.ooe WU long gone. There• nothing like a near-death experience to change your attitude. They lost their news van. Which was reduced to a smolderlng hulk. I then watched Olannel 2• Rldt Ownben stw us bis version of the event. wbk:h be caught on tape. The ICleOUio Wll diftemlt. but the result WU the aame -one indnelated news WO and a couple very rrtgbtened news people. I watched u a &lencfl home In Stevenson Ranch was threatened Tuesday even.lo& lt survtwd the night. only to be threetened once apln the nm momlng by ab1ftlng wind& This double dole call ended well. though. as heroic ardghtm saved the day. I watched brave ftreflgbters along Route 18. near Lake Arrowbe8d. all day 1Uelday using strategk:ally placed backftrea to bad off the tlama. The Santa Ana winds helped them by forcing the fire back on itself. Unfortunately. Wednesday momlng. the winds shifted. brtoglng cooler onshore winds. Tbete should have helped all the firefighters, but It was disastrous for the Arrowhead crews. Late In the week. many more homes ln the area weie lost, but Arrowhead Vlllage, Running Sprinp and Big Bear appear to have been spared~ for the moment So broad Is the niach of tbe9e ft:rea that the city of Hesperia. an eady slte of evacuation centm. Is now being threatened. I watched the~ of the San Diego fires-the worst ln tbJa ltate'I history-and WU very aaddened to hear of the demlae of a flreflgbter as he and his aew tried to defend Julian. 1b.roughout all of tbJs I've learned aome new deftoldons for a few old. familiar words. The nearly 12,000 fire ftghten atrugllng to defend Uwt and property. woating aroWld the dock with vtrtually DO lleep for cMyl at. time. have re-~ bra~ There la no way one can OYerltate the c:onlJibudon theM men and women make to our dvllizadon and no adequate way to ay thank you. I alto learned a new delnldon ol ~ 1bat ==~~.:: cboee to ~ to lelve tbilr ~ wbm ordered to evacuate.~ IOIDe ol these people lost their lives In the DlOlt horrible of ways. Otherl have, through their stubbornness, caused ftreftghtera to abl,ft their focus from ftghtfng the ftr"8 around them to trying to protect these foolhardy tndividuals. AB I watched this coverage.. I found m}'ldf feeling the full range of emodons. I have frlenda with homes ln several of the threatened locations and feel tm:nendous sadneu for them and their potendal Joss. I, of COW'le, feel aadoe8a for the lives Which haw been lost -20 as I type tbil -and for the families left behind. I also feel tremendous anger at those individuals who purportedly ltalted at least a couple of these fires, and hope that they wOl be identified and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Burning at the stake seems appropriate. A sfmllar fate would be in order for the hunter who started the deadly Cedar n.re in San Diego when he lighted a signal ft.re becau,,e he was lost. The numbers which make up the nomeodature or tbele events have long left the realm of undentanding. Haw does one come to grips with the fact that we are measw1og the damage not In aaes, but tn the hundnm of square miles? How do we a>mprehend that an area peater tn 111.e than the atate of Rhode Island baa been reduc:ed to uh and u:nolderiog tree stumps? How can we poslibly grasp the lmp8ct of more than 100,000 people forced from tbetr bomel. and the tact that more tbu 2,100 bomel have alrefidy been~ How wll ow new gD'Ymlor cope with tbie ~that la .&ready hmnl tallied In the tJmlol» of dollan-wtth DO endlrulpcT How do we beglo to understand the scope of the damage when. as was reported on one media oudet, there ts - short of dMne lnterwntion -a good chance that the San Diego 6ree might 6um uninterrupted to the Arlz.ona bordet? Haw do you explaln to the cblldren that much of this devutatfon was caused intentionally by men apparently foolcing fur a thrfD1 1 How do we rontemplate the fact that those cbl.ldren will be grandparents before they have a ch.mce to know the beauty or the plne-cxwered mountains around Arrowhead. BJg Bear and Julian? When we think of the loss from these fires we think ln tenns of human loss -lives • and property. ln a community that rallies to protect a part-time resident burrowing owt In Falrvtew Park, bow do we• contemplate the toes of wildlife • , and habitat ln over l ,000 equare miles of fire area? Whal lessons can we draw from this tragedy? One might be that. : despite the bravery and skill • ' shown by the thdlghtera and the remarkable technology and " equipment available to them, • :! atmple shift In the wind can qulckly undo all their efforts. Mother Nature worb In strange ways. Another mlgbt be that. even though aome of the ft.res were caused by the stupidity and maliciousness of a few people, tbla lr.1nd of tragedy hu once apin lhown us the true character of the people or this region. =~ Story after ltOl)' bu ernesge4 .. about neJghbora helping ~ nef&hbon. bmay in the face of unbelievable peril and the ",,,.. genetollty ot auangen. 1bete • • are the memon. we lhoUld ~from the lalt two Weeki " 'Z of October 2003. • EDf1'0R'I NOTE: Geoff Welt... "" eo.ta ~ l'Wlldent. "' •• ' ~ ~ COMMUNITY FORUM HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REP.RESENTATIVES Environmental. extremes are dangerous cnYOICOITAmM COiia Mll8 atv Hiit, n Felr Drtw, Cotta M ... , CA 82Gt, (714) 7M6223 Ml¥or: Gery Mon.hlln Cou:tMll: Llbbv Cowan, Allen Mensoor, Mike SdMilfw Ind Chrfa $1MI ctTY OF NEWPORT llACH Newport 8MCh 0ty Hell, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport BMC:h, CA 92983, (949) 844-3309 M9wor: St9Vt Bromberg Councl: Gery Adlmt, John Heffernen, Dldt Nk:hola, SWven Rountky, Tod Ridgeway and Donw.bb COAST co.ut'IY cou.EGI DISTRICT Oittric:t Oftlct: 1370 Adema Ave., Cotta Mete, CA taGt, (714) '32-IM ChlrlUllN. WlltllmM. Vege held: PrMldtnt Paul Berger, Viet PreeJdtnt Annlndo Aull. Geotgt Brown, Jeny Pdenon and w.lt9t O. How.Id; student trutiM Mtdtllne Levy NEWPORT.-.A a.IED SCHOOL DISTRICT Olltrlet Offtot: 2986-A Bter St, COlta MeN, CA 82828, (714) 424-6000 ~ll1•Mttnt Robert B11t>ot Board: President Marthe Fluor, Vice Pre1ldent Dane Bled(. Clertt Serene Stokn, David Brooka, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Undl SnMn MESA CONSOUDATED WATER DISTRICT 1966 Placentia Ave., COIQ Mna, CA 92827, (949) 831-1200 Boent ~Jim Adclnaon, Vice Prealdent Mike Hteley, Trudy Ohllg-Hall, Fred Bodcmlller end PIUl e. Shoenberger COSTA •SA UNITMV DISTRICT P.O. Bax 1200, Cotta M ... , CA 82828-1200, (71 4) 764-6CM3 8oerd: Prtlident Ar1ene Schafer, Jim Ferryman, Art Peny, Greg Woodtlde and Dan Worthington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmu1 Dl1ve, P.O. Box 9060, Cotta M ... , CA 9262N060, (714) 98MOOO Ellubd'I D. Parker, member, Tn.iatff Area 5, Cotta M ... , NMPQJt Beach ORANGE COUNTY IOMD OF SUPEJMSORS Hall of Admlnlttrltlon, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 •Jim Sliva, 2nd Dlltrlct (Cotta Mesa, Newport Bead\), (714) 834-3220 •Thoma Wiiton, 6th Dlatrlct (Newport Coalt), (714) 834-3660 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Cotta Mesa, CA 92626, 1714) 708-FAIR ' 8oerd: ~nt Ruben A. Smith, Vice President Patrlcla Velaequez. Emily Sanford, Peggy Haldi, Jamee Barfcti, Deborah C.rona, Leslie A Ray and Frank Barbaro ITATEllMTE ROie Johnlon (A), 3ldt Ohstrtet. 18662 Mec:Arthur Blvd., 8uht 3M, Irvine, CA 8271&, (Ml) 833-0'llO; fix: (Ml) 83S-088e; Prttt s.cr.tary Pat J<lvoe, (918) 323-1200 STATEAll08Y John C.mpW (A), 70lh Dlttt1ct. Stlt9 Cephol, Sten~. CA M114, (918) 319-2070 E-m.U: d#trlct'10•..-.mbly.a..QOV KM'I Medcbc (R), -. D11trtc:t. State Capito!, s.cr.m.111o, CA Ml14, (918) (118) 319-2088; Or loolt oMot It 1 &03 South Cout Orlvt, Suite 206, Co.ta,..... 92828; {714) eee..2100; Fax: (714) ... 2104 E-mail: l<Mt.M«ldt»t•am.e&QOV STATE COMTAL COl•IHION 4& FftmOnt St., 8ultit 2000, Sin Frandtco, CA 94106,(411)9()6.IZ()O; regloNI ofllce In Long Belcti, (310) 580-l071 GOVERNOR Gray Davta (0), Swi. C.pltol, Slc:nmento, CA 9&814,(t18)~2841;fax:(918)~ U.S. HOUSE OF ltEPRUENrATNES • Chrta Cox (R), 471h Dlatrlct, 1 Newport Pltce, Suite 420, NfWS)Oft BMC:h, CA 92880, (948) 768-2244; or 2402 Rayburn Building, Wethington, D.C. 2061&, (202) 225-6811; fax (949) 261-9309 (repreMnts moct of NfWS)Oft Beach) E·mell: dtrlltopMr.OOK•m•ll.hou..QOV • Dant Rohrabidw (R), 4&th District. 101 Mein St., Suite 3C, Huntington BMC:h, CA 92848, (714) 980-&483; or 2338 Rayburn Bulldlng, Wethington, o.c. 2061&, (202) 226-241&; fax: (714) 980-7808 (~ Cocta Mete and West Newport) E-mail: daMetNll.houN.QOV U.S. SENATE •Barbara Boxer (D), 112 Hirt Slnltt Bulldlng, Suite 112, Wethington, D.C. 20&10, (202) 224-3663; or 312 N. Spring St., Suite 1748, Lot Angel .. , CA 90012, (213) 894-6000; fax (213) ~; E-mall: box9r.Mnate.gov~bfonn. • Dlenne Feinstein (0), 331 Hart Bul~lng, Washington, D.C. 20610, (202) 224-3841 ; or 1111 Santa Monlce Blvd., Suite 916, Los Angel ... CA 90026, (310) 914-7300 E-mail: •netor0'91n.r.ln.#nMe.gov PRESIDENT George W. Buth (R), White House, 1800 Pennsylvania Ave., Wahington, O.C. 20600 Hotline: (8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 466-1111 E-mall: p,..lchlnttlwhltehouH.QOV Fax: (202) 466-2481 VICE PRESIDENT Olde Cheney (R), C.pltol Bulldlng, Suite 212, Washington, O.C. 20600 E-mall: vloe.ptWldentOwhlt.tlouH.QOV Fax: (202) 4&8-2481 There ve three natural ' dangen in Callf omta: wildfires, earthquakes, and Ooodlng. We know they will occur, but we live here anyway. flgurlng the benefits outweigh the ri4b. We mitigate the risks, with lnlurance, building and fire codes, wlld land abatement programs, and flood control Channels. Every person wants a pri4tine environment, but lt takes balance. The environmental extremlam view that Jan Vandersloot pushes forward leads to unreuonable rtab. We need look no farther than the current wlldflres to see how poor wlldemess management and the unreallsdc protectaon oJ various creatures has led to overgrown wlld lands. Now, Vandersloot would Ii.Jee to protect the nesting and feeding area for the least Bell's vireo, an endangered bird, at the expense of clean beaches and the danger of dangerous flooding. This clog in the river at Adams Avenue Is a snag that catches debris and sediment that washes down the watershed. The sediment. or urban runoff, bullds up in the river until It block.a the channel or explodes out into the ocean when a large winter storm hits. The Army Corps of Engineers and the country ls trying to take the corrective steps necessary to prevent" flooding and control the debris that will end up on the beach. They do this by maintaining the flood control channels. The Santa Ana RJver Is lined with concrete from the Coast Highway Bridge to the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim. Most of OrfOlge County, and large secdons of Riverside and San Bernardino counties, rely on this channel to effectively evacuate rainwaters during storms. In the event flooding takes place, not only does It jeopa.rdize lives, but sends sewage and various contaminants into the river and Into the ocean. It is interesting how Vandersloot interjects himself and his group of the Clay, such as the Ocean Out Fall Group, into various improvement MAILBAG projects that have been planned tor yean, only to cause conf'u.alon and delay. The next thing you ,know, bis aave-the·Balboa·ftCUJ·tree group, which delayed another well-planned project, will want to plant ficus trees in the river bottom. WW VandenJoot be forming the clean·the-crap·off·the-beach group when a winter storm cauaes ftooding and depoaits all the treet. bushes, sludge and trash that la now clogging the river bottom on to the beach? We live in Newport Beach to be near clean beaches, enjoy views of the Paclf1c and enjoy ,the harbor. We live in Newport Beach to be safe. Tbe residents here generally care about the environment and want the city and county to take reuonable steps to protect It. However, we do not live here to look at overgrown trees that bloclc views or to have unruly Ocus trees tear apan our plumbing. And we certainly do not expect to jeopardize public safety and the potential contaminadon of the ocean and harbor over a vocal group's unreasonable concerns. To quote Vandersloot, "I don't understand why they have to have such a huge concrete capacity in the Santa Ana River as It goes through Orange County and why they can't do things like create a soft river bottom so that water bas a chance to seep lnto the river.• That's right you do not understand. So until you understand, maybe you and your over vocal activist groups should take a seat. The river Is lined from the Orange Crush down to the ocean to keep urban runoff from seeping into the Miter table and to maintain the flow of storm runoff during large winter-storms. I suggest you go look at the river during Strlday. Howmber 2, 2003 At f a heavy r&tn or look at the historical photos of the Jut few Ooodl. The Army Corps of Engineers, the county and various Orange County cltJes have been looking at thll problem a long time and determined that the n,k outweighs the concerns. BRENT JACOBSEN Newport Beach What's Newport's stake in a bridge? A bridge over the Santa Ana River at 19th Street Is not an luue for Newport ~ch · because it goes directly into Go•ta Mesa a.nd Huntington Beach. The city of Newport Beech 1hould have absolutely no say in this matter as very few of Its residents are affected • · compared with Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. Victoria StJeet almost never hu any significant traffic on lt - I can easUy get where I need to go with no wait with the only excepdon peing in the mornlng around 7:30 to 8 a.m. and I must use Victoria betweep the Costa Mesa Freeway and Huntington Beach daily. The rest of the day, traffic is fairly light. I see absolutely no reason to create a bridge at 19th Street, which will significantly and negatively lmpact nearby residential neighborhoods, wlldllfe in the protected areas and the environment. Since Costa Mesa is interested in revitalization of that area, the city of Costa Mesa should vehemently oppose any bridge in that location, as well as oppose any Involvement of Newport Beach, upon whom the existence or non-existence of a bridge will have little relative impact. LISE F. SLACK Costa Mesa FROM TIE NEWSROOM Editor Tony Oodero la cell hie direct line at on vacetlon; hie column (Ml) PM2ll or the will NUn nlllCt Sundly. ........ Hodlne at, ... He Weloomee "°"" ...... tend It by commlnl9 on MW1 9'fnelto~ coverage.~....., elliltlauumor or ott. Wuplatellldmie. ~111d -.or..,;cs ltby mall lauet. ff you tww a ......::::.;....::i..-.::L..J to llO W. lly St., Costa m1111ge or 1 ~thelillor, Mw. CA.; llGl ' f I I 1 l I 1 .......................... ~ ., Ii QUOTE OF 1HE DAY ''We're really going to find out wliat we're mtule of nut we_ek." Nov, 3 honor•• JOHNMELBON 5poftl Ecltw Rlclwd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Spot1s Fax: C949t 650-0170 Sonday, Novembef 2, 2003 81 MEN'S BASKETBALL UCipasses opening test t\flteaters rally for exhibition win over sharpshooting all-star unit. Bury Faulkner Daily Pilot BREN EVENTS CENTER Though, technically. the victory doesn't count. the UC Irvine men's basketball team may have taken something even more noteworthy from its 94·91 exhibition home win over the P.A Sports Southwest All· Stars Saturday n.lgbt at the Bren Events Center: a supreme challenge. "You want to play 'a team that stretches you and they stretched us," UCJ Coach Pat Douglass said of the collection of former college players, who sank 9 of 13 first-half three- pointers and led, 47-38, al intennis- sion. The visitors hit another three ball to open the second half, spurring a 7-2 run. before the Anteaters began their long climb back. But UO, paced by sopho- more Mike Fievberha, who scored 23 of Ii.ls game-high 28 points In the second half, pulled even at 63, then again at 72, before taking Its ftrst lead. 74-72, on a Greg Ethington fol- low dunk with 7-.57 left. The two teams then traded leads before Efevberha. a 6-foot-5 swing- man who averaged 5.0 points as a freshman with a high game of 17, ftn. ished the visitors off by scoring Ua's final nine points in the last 68 sec- onds. Efevberha drove the lane for a buck.et to give UCI an 87-86 lead with 1 :28 remaining. then answered an EA Sports putback with a three-point play, on which he backed Into the Jane and sank an eight-foot Callaway jumper while being fouled. MMike Is pretty tough to guard when be gets [in ~pl." Oougtass said. "We went to him [down the stretch ). He was impressive." See UCI, Pa1e 83 COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOOTBALL STEVE McCRANK /DAILY PILOT ~range Coast College's Justin Humalon (89) pulls down a pass CJVer Palomar's Josh Hargis (32) in Saturday night's Mission Conference game. Comets strike B ucs Palomar, short on practice time, stops OCC's offense in Mission Conference win. the only points it would score as Palomtr methodi· cally moved the ball on of- fense and forced four Bucs' turnovers to earn a 21-3 victory in a Mission Con- ference American Division game. Bryce Alderton Dady Pilot Palomar 21 occ 3 The Comets (6-2, 2-1 in the American Division) practiced only three hours COSTA MESA -Try as It mlgllt. the Orange Coast College foot· ball team could not get its offense out of neutral Saturday night and another loss was the result Host OCC led, 3-0, but those were the weelc leading up to the game due to the fires that ravaged San Diego County and other parts of Southern Ollifomla. but won their See OCC, Pa1e 82 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL MARK C. DUSTIN /OM.Y PILOT Corona del Mar High's Wes Presson (4) picks up yardage on the Sea Kmgs' first offensive play of the game against host Northwood Saturday night. Presson injured his right leg on the play and was taken to a local hospital for examinations. T-wolves push CdM Sea Kings will press on without Presson (possible broken leg) after losing to Northwood Saturday. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot rRVJNE -After losing. 35-7, to Pacific Coast League favorite Northwood High, Corona del Mar football coach Dick Freeman was concerned with what he said was the turning point of the game. I le also appeared to be just as interested in what figures to be the turning point of the season for CdM. Saturday night's PCL battJe for first place at Irvine High was tough for the Sea Kings, as they lost their top running back. Wess Presson. to a leg injury. The situation is not any easier for them as they will face Tesoro on a short week on Friday. CdM was supposed to play Northwood Thursday, but be· cause of the poor air quality due 10 the Southland fires, the game was rescheduled to Saturday night. ·we're really going to find out what we're made of next week.· Freeman sald. CdM N'wood What the Sea Kings came to realize against the runberwolves (7-1, J.-0 in league), ranked No. 3 in CIF Southern Section Division IX. W'clS rather hum- bling. "We're just not as physical as North- wood," saJd Freeman, who mentioned his team took an emotional hit when Presson went down after his first carry of the game, midway through the first 7 35 quarter. "When Presson went down, it definitely put a dent in things.. It's possible his leg is broken. It's tough when you lose a starting running back.· Without Presson, the Sea Kings tried to attack North- wood through the air, and CdM nmning back Austin Brawner also had a few key gains. Hut. with frequent blittes and stunts, the nm- berwolves' defense continuously turned away the Sea Kings (5·3, 2-1). •()Ur offensive llne was the turning point and they set thetone on that flfSt drive of the game.• said Northwood Coach Rick Curtis. who added the vic- tory was a bit of revenge. "It feels good. In our first year we were outmanned See CdM, Pa1e 83 CATCHING UP WITH THE BIG EASY Paul Kos Costa Mesa High graduate and former Orange Coast basketball standout ls now hooked on Ironman triathlons. •11.c• Alderton Daffy Pilot P aul Kot It not a sprinter. He prefers long-distance NnDJoc any day to. a 100-mcter dash. M~ that la why be was dettlned to compete in m&iathOOi Uld triathlons f.nstead of aprindntl around • track: . And the c.o.ta Meta Higb pduate, who ~ basketball at Orange Coast College before eemlng a hoopa echolaJ:ship to Western State CoUep in Colorado. exerted his body to the brink In the touaflest race of them all In June: the l.rOoman. Kot, 33, bettled 95~ hut In Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to ftn1lb the 2.4·milie IWlm. 112-mDe bkyde rlde and 262-rnile mancbon In 12 hoUn. teYal leCOridt. • ..... couldn't baYe been bapp6er lince my pl for the race WKOl,, ... 12 Has say always classy first of tum parts W =~ memor- able game announcers. not broadcast announcers, but announcers at ~aa'.o.. ~~r ROGER ln me pr-. baxo how CARLSON many can you name? -Lee me end che IMenC:e Ind lritnject wkh .... Juw-b)WI .. lobt-..;wwm,.. ...... IOt I .. QUU1I OF 1IE DAY Nov. 3 honorte JOHN MELSON . $poftl Editor Rlctwd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Spot1s Fax: (949t 650-0170 Stmay. November 2. 2003 81 MEN'S BASKETBALL UCipasses opening test Anteaters rally for exhibition win over sharpshooting all-star unit. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot BREN EVENTS CENTER Though, technically. the victory doesn't count. the UC Irvine men's basketball team may have taken something even more noteworthy from Its 94-91 emibltlon home win over the P.A Sports Southwest All- Stars Saturday night at the Bren Events Omter: a supreme challenge. "You want to play a team that stretches you and they stretched us," UCI Coach Pat Douglass said of the collection of former college players. who sank 9 of 13 first-half three- pointers and led, 47-38, at intennis- sion. The visitors bit another three ball to open the second half, spurring a 7-2 run, before the Anteaters began their long climb back. But UCI, paced by SQpho- more Mike Plevberha. who scored 23 of His game-high 28 points in the second half. pulled eveo at 63, then again at 72, before taking Its first lead. 74-72, on a Greg Ethington fol- low dunk with 7:57 left. The two teams then traded leads before Efevberha.. a 6-foot-5 swing- man who averaged 5.0 points as a freshman with a high game of 17, fin- ished the visitors off by scoring UCI's final nine polnt.s in the last 88 sec- onds. Plevberba drove the lane for a bucket to give UCI an 87-86 lead with l :28 remalnlng. then answered an EA Sports putback with a three-point play. on which he backed into the Jane and sank an eight-foot fallaway jumper while being fouled. "Mike Is pretty tough to guard when he gets [in deep)," Douglass saJd. "We went to him ldown the stretch). He was impressive." See UCI, Pa1e 83 COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOOTBALL STEVE McCAANI< I DAILY PILOT "'Orange Coast College's Justin Humalon (89) pulls down a pass over Palomar's Josh Hargis (32Hn Saturday night's Mission Conference game. Comets strike Bucs Palomar, short on practice time, stops OCC's offense in Mission Conference win. the only poims it would score as Palomar methodi- cally moved the ball on of- f eru;e and forced four Bucs' turnovers to earn a 21 -3 victory in a Mission Con- ference American Division game. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Palomar 21 occ 3 The Comets (6·2, 2-l in the American Division) practiced only three hows COSTA MESA-'fry as It might, the Orange Coast College foot- ball team could not get Its offense out of neutral Saturday night and another loss was the result Host OCC led, 3-0, but those were the week leading up to the game due to the fires that ravaged San Diego County and other parts of Southern California. but won their See OCC, Pase B2 MARl<C. OUS~/OMVPILOT Corona del Mar High's Wes Presson (4) picks up yardage on the Sea Kings' first offenStve play of the game against host Northwood Saturday night. Presson injured his right leg on the play and was taken to a local hospital for examinations. T-wolves~ push CdM Sea Kings will press on without Presson (possible broken leg) after losing to Northwood Saturday. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot IUVINE -After losing. 35-7, to Pacific Coast League favorite Northwood High. Corona del Mar football coach Dick Freeman was concerned with what he said was the turning point of the game. 1 le also appeared to be just as Interested In what figures to be the turnlng point of the season for CdM. Saturday night's PCL banJe for first place at lrvlne High was tough for the Sea Kings, as they lost their top running baclc, Wess Presson, to a leg injury. The Sltuauon is not any easier for them as they wiU face Tesoro on a short week on Friday. CdM was supposed to play Northwood Thursday, but be- cause of the poor air quality due to the Southland fires, the game was rescheduled to Saturday night. "We're really going 10 find out what we're made of next week." Freeman said. CdM N'wood What the Sea Kings came to reali7,e against the Tunberwolves (7-l, 3-0 ln league), ranked No. 3 in CIF Southern Section Division lX, was rather hum- bling. "We're just not as physical as North- wood." said Freeman. who mendoned his team took an emotional hit when Presson went down after his first carry of the game, mjdway through the first 7 35 quarter. HWhen Presson went down, it definitely put a dent in things. It's possible his leg Is broken. It's tough when you lose a starting running back. H Without Presson. the Sea Kings tried to attaclc North· wood through the air, and CdM runnjng back Austm Brawner also had a few key gains. But, with frequent blitzes and stunts. the run berwolves' defense continuously tumed away the Sea ICillg$ (5-3, 2-1). "Our offensive Une was the tumlng point and they set the tone on that fir..t drive of the game," said Northwood Coach Rlck Curtis, who added the vic- tory was a bit of revenge. "It feels good ln our first year we were outmanned See CdM, Pa&e 83 CATCHING UP WITH THE BIG EASY Paul Kos Costa Mesa High graduate and former Orange Coast basketball standout is now hooked on Ironman triathlons. l?,ce Alderton OaityPtk>t P aul Kot ls not a aptinter. He prefers lofl8-dlsto.nce niaoing any day to a 100-meter dash. Maybe that la why be was datined to compete in rnarmbona and triathlons l.Dstead of sprinting around a track. And the ea.ta Mela Hiib gJaduate, who played basketball at Orange Cout College before earning a hoops ICbolarsbJp to W.tem State CoDep In Colorado, exerted bis body to the br1nlt tn the toughest race of them all in June: the lronman. Koe. 33, 1-ttled 95·degree beat ln Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to flnlsb the 2.4~mile IWirQ, U2·m0e bJc:ytle ride and 26.2-mlle mantbori In 12 houn. MMn eecondt. I couldn't haw been happier tfnc:e my pl for the race Has say always classy Ftnt of two parts W =~ memor- able game announcers. not broadcast announcers. but announcers at ~!..~r ROGER 1n the preu box. how CARLSON many can you name? ... Let me end the silence and interject wtth the Jow·kcyed wk:e ot Bob HUMY. whlch you may wry~ SM EASY, ,_.12 t ' I I j 11 ~. No¥lmbel 2, 2003 BOYS WATER POlO . Tar,s are champs Prosh-soph team outscores opposition, 34-14, to win Gray Lunde tourney. ltev•Vlra•n DlllyPitot CORONA DEi. MAA -Playing wtth lnteNe lnsplra.tion lo a boy's honor and ~ng the modvadon to simply wt~ the Newport Harbor t{lgb frosh· llOPh boys water polo team ~ to be too much ror the com~don. winning the Gray l.unde.:Memorial tournament at Corona deJ Mar HJgh Saturday. an honor to win. (Lunde's) parents were In the stands for the cham- plonshJp pme and It wu aucb an honor to see them and for us to have a connection with them.· Newport broke away from a 2·2 ft.m·quarter tie by JCOMa a goal ln the MC<>nd. 'and two more In the Jourth; wl\ile keep· Ing Esperan7.& KO~ lo w second and thUd quanen. Bl• Hockthbu_ry IComi three goals for tbt Sli.l.ora, while Daniel Fur· mAn and Pl.rUr Gregory added one goel each. Goalies Evan McLain (five saves) and Bryce McLain (two saves) also conlrib· uted to Newport's sdngy de(erue. To reach the championship match, Newport defeated Santa Margarita. 10-2, and Tustin, 11-4. Friday. CdM finished third, de· feating Laguna Beach, 5-4, Satur- day afternoon. SP 0 RT SCORE BY QUMTtRS P1lom1r CCC 7 8 3 3 • 21 3 0 0 0 • 3 F1RST QUARTER OCC-Detlart 29 FG. 10:20 '91-Spence144 ~ from Paoli ILux kl<*l, 4:53. SECOND QUMTER Pal -Pl .. h 13 PHI from Peoll (kklk f1lledl, 2:21.' Pal -Sefetv on Illegal kldc from end ione 1tt.r bed punt 1nap, 0:48. THIRD QUARTER Pal -Lux 31 FG, 8:17. FOURnt QUARTER Pal -Lux 48 FG, 5:14. A -375 (estimated I IHDMDUAL RUSHING Pal -Brownell, 5-38; Anthony, 11-28; Smith, 2~; AtoMmena, 1-3; Burke, 1·2: Paoli, 6-mlnua-22. CCC -Vega, 10-34; Bleclc, 11-14; Foreman, 3-3; Villanueva, 1-0; Higa, 10-mlnua-39. The Sli.lons defeated Etpe · ram.a. 5-3. for the clwnpJonshf p. And. petha~ just u important. Newport alao earned im 8·5 vic- tory OYt!r Back Bay rlva.I CdM In the taniftnals of the tourna- ment. which ls In honor or a for- mer Newport Harl>or player who died on the school's pool deck of a heart defect ln October of 1995 La Cutler, who coaches the S&ilon along with Brfan Mel- strom. told the Newport playeri1 the meaning of the tournament and how 1peclaJ It would be lf they could win. "'JUmwork definitely put ua over the bump,· Melstrom said. ·And lt was nice beating CdM. • Gny ._... Mlmodll TN'\'lll'nlllt ttw"Plon•rilP PHOTO.S BY STEVE McCRANK I OAllY PILOT Above, Pirate-quarterback Kelika Higa (10) scrambles away from Palomar's Nick Badin on Saturday at Orange Coast. Below, Chris Vega (21) pushes his way through the Palomar defense for a gain. INOMDUAL PASSING Pal -Paoli, 18-32-0, 230, 2 TDs. OCC -Higa, 17·32·2, 185 "We've always seemed to ~1st" to the occasion in this 1ouma- ment. • Cutler 'Mild ·11 wns su1.:h KOS Continued fr~ Bl wu to Hniah In 12 hour.;· ..aid K.ot. who llves In Huntington Beach with his wife Oirisu ne and 2-year-old son P.than. "I like keeping a pace for two or three boW"l lnstead of killing yourr.elf for 16 or 17 minutes · Newport H1rbor 5, &per.nu 3 Seo,. by Ouamn Eaperanza 2 o o 1 -l Newpo11 i 1 o 2 -a &peranu Ro111 1, Vriens 1, Greiner 1 NewpOrt Harbor Hocbnbury 3 Furman 1 Gregory 1 Sevea -E Mclain 5 B Mcleon 2 !11 a 1nathlon. v.<1' the hardest part for Km b1•1 au!!c of thu conge'>tlun at 1hc 'tarting line 'TI\ere are 1,800 people in the water .. o for the fir..t three-quarttr. of a mile you are gemng hamnll'rf"d, • Kos said. "People are gelling punched and goggle!\ are kicked off. The fir.,t 1urn IR les<i than a half-mi.le from the start. so people are all bunched up." occ Continued from B 1 third maigbt over the Pirates (4·4. 1-2), outseoring them. 108· 11. m that span. I think in ..ome ways ii hrough1 us clo.,er together,· Palomiu-Coath Joe Early said. "Guy., responded to the chal- lenge." ·we need bt>tter blocldng up front,• C:X.£ Coach Mike Taylor wd or the l>!alled offense. which came into the game ranked 10th of 1 'I. teams in the rnnference. "Rut we have to play with what Wl' have." · INOMDUAL RECEIVING Pal -Spencer, 6-109, 1 to; Burtte, 8-63; Bau, 1-18; Plash. 2·17. 1 TD; Carter, 1-14; CardenH, 2·9. OCC -Humalon, 7· 101; LoW9, 2·32; Garcia, 2-24; Menke, 1-11 ; Johnson, 1-10; Blide •• 2-3; Vega, 1-2; Kuni, 1·2. GAME STATISTICS Flmdown• AutllH-Vlldflg• '•Ming v•<cleG• ,_,ng Net returnv....,_• Secb-yerdege Necy•rdege l'unlll Fum~la.1 Fl.ge-n« ylltdage T>meof~n ... I occ 11 13 21 78 2lM1 230 18!1 1 S.32.() 11·32·2 90 25 &-2tl M9 XI 222 6-08 7·32-7 &-2 ).2 ... 5--39 28 34 33:2tl • Pun1 retur"•· lnterceptJon1, fumble returns six carches. Kot ran cro'5 country fw, fresh.man year at Mesa. but he didn't care for the sprints auodated with tlle port aml focused on b k.etball tmtll graduating from We3tern Statt• ln 1992. He dedd~ three years ugo 111 begln l.ntemive training for tht• Ironman. Once contestants hegin to spread out, pacing becomes the must important element. Ji:..os said Ko!>, who ·..,pcnt '>IX hour" 011 1lw hilt• 111 1lw lrunm,111. kepi hydrate·d 111 th1 i1111·nw hl.11111 '"" hy dr 111~111g < .. 11orndc cJntl ,t.1\ ~ d u111I Ii) dumping a ('UP 111 kc down h1' ~111r1 Alter getting 10 the 9 yurd line to '>Cl up Mike Dellart.. lfi·yard field goal In the first quant•r, the clow .. 1 the Pirate~ would ~<'I a whrO nf payd1rt \, ... , tlw I 111 ht·· gin 1h1• fourth qu.1rtcr l1idomar le<l, 18 .\, alln three qu.1rtt·f\, but the Buci; had a firr.1 and-goal at the 4. A 5-yard penalty for an illegal man down field moved the ball back to the 9. After a 4-yard run by Josh Black. who g{!ned 14 yards on 11 carries. Palomar sophomore safety Ron Rockett came around the left side unblocked and ~eked Coast quarterback Kelika lllga for a 7-yard lo~ and the Pi- rates had third down at the 12. 'This is a humbling game every week. The film won't be kind, but the players need to be resilient.' Coast's longest drive after the U-play, 73-yatd poueajon that resulted ln OeHart'a fteld goal on the games f1nt oJferisive leties was 54 yards. which culrnlnated lLf H8.rgll' Interception. The ~ yard drive wu set up when Coast linebacker Joe Mitchell recovered one of c.oast's two fwnblet - free safety Nick Domlnelli grabbed the other. ·1 mnembered that rncl' growlns up am.I told myself r would do that one day," l(os llfd. •r did my first duathlon In college and that is what got me staned. It's e good healthy way to keep ln shape.· It helped to have a uov.J cheerio~ 111 the fim h hne "It was great going through the crowd and having people celebrate that I had ftnJshed," Ko11 said. "It was a huge sense of accomplishment." Mike Taylor. Oranae Coast head tootba• coach Coast used two ditlerent snap- pers on the punts, a start change from last year when OC.C had Brian Cristol, who is ted5hlning this fall at UC Berkeley. Coast's defense, rated second in the conference, kept hopes alive with five sacks, locluding linebacker Bryan Meers drop- ping Paoli for e 9·yard loss. Chris C&ssldy, Ryan Davis and Ryan Miller were also ln on sades. The course in Idaho was one of five qualifying sites m North America for the lronman world championship. held each October In Hawaii. There are 28 quallfylng sites worldwidt> for the championship. The top four finishers from each age division eu1omatkally qualify for Hawaii, with an addJdonaJ 200 c;paces left to be drawn at random. Kos srud. Kos' finish just whet his appetite even more for triathJons. I le' will race m an Iron man again next Septe.-iber. but before that there ic; Man:h's f.o, Angeles Marathon. Kos will train for the lronman by running his second LA. Marathon with isters Val Schepens (Costa Mesa) and Kathy (Newpon Beach). along with brother Phil. Sophomore comerback Josh I l<1rgi'> leaped 111 front of C .oasr'!> Anthony E.c;calera in the corner of the end zone Ill record PaJo- mar's c,econd interception against I liga and end Coa.,t's push ro get back m the game. saw two snaps sail over his head and one resulted in a safety for Palomar la te ln the second quar- ter when the former Costa Mesa High kicker booted the baU as It sat on the grass in the end zone, a penalty ruled as an illegal kick. The Comets led, 15-3, after two quaneri.. Sheridan miraculously was able to punt Lhe ball after an- other snap 5ailed over his head, forcing him to pick the ball off the ground and ge1 off a 19-yard kick. to put Palomar on the Coast 46 with MA mlnutes. 40 seconds left in the game. Six plays later, Palomar kicker Lux booted a 48- yard field goal to go with a make from 37 yards in the third quar- ter. •1 feel bad for the kid and the other kid was sick." lltylor said. "You can't play on a short field against a good team like Palo- mar: The Comets used crossing routes over the middJe to con- tribute to quarterback Tony Pao- Ii 's 230 yards on 18 of 32 passing for two touchdowns. Paoli hJt Palomar's leading receiver Caleb Spencer on a post pattern for a 44-yard touchdown on the first play from scrimmage after Coast committed one of its two furn. bJ~s. Spencer tallied I 09 yards on OCC was again forced to the air as Palomar held the hosts to just 61 yards on the ground and sacked Higa six times for 49 yards. Higa finished 18 of 32 for 185 yards. finding Justin Humalon seven times for 101 yards and twice hitting Aaron Lowe for 32 yards. Jon Garcia made two catches for 24 yards. The commitment 10 train for an lrooman. let alone the world championship race, is lmmense, he said. Kos completed the Long Beach Marathon In 2002. ( oa\l Started six or ilS 14 dnvc!> at its own 20 or worse. a cred11 to Palomar's Ryan Lux, who averaged 42.8 yards on six kicks. For the second week m a row. punt !!napping proved an adven- ture for Coast. Bryce Sheridan "Thls ls a humbllng game ev- ery week," Taylor said. "The film won't be kind, but the players need to be resilient." "My wife gave me perm.I Ion to do thJs." Kos said. ·rm wortcing out before and after work. ln a long week I will spend about 16 hours training. whereas ln e short week that will drop to about nine. Hair of my time is 1pent on the bike ... "It is deftnllely doable for the common person." Kos said of the triathJon. "It's all about how much ume you put into it." JET SKIING SCHEDULE DEEP SEA Saturday's counts NMport LMclng -2 bolt.a. 22 ang~ 32 yellowtall. 14 yellowftn, 41 c:tlico beM, 14 Nnd but, 21 •Ip jtd, 65 bonito. Messenger finishes ninth in Arizona TODAY Soc:cer Kos handles marketing and Illes for a Newport Beach lnveatment co~r. close enougtt to the Bac~ay for a little run after work. The swimming. the first stage EASY Continued from B 1 ~ve heard, but were unaware, probably because you weren't irritated, you were infonned, and, llke the lack of controversy, you never really had to give It a second thought. Home football games for F..stancla HJsh haw been blessed with the prete'noe oC Hassay. an OhJo State UnJvertJty product. since the school opened Its doors In the fRJI of 1965, nnd he's till going 1t.rong. Al the Qge of 71, the 1Uver voiced Husay wraps up hls 39th )'f'ar In I.he e.nnoun~ booth Nov. 13 when the S..-host J>1cJOca fn their l'flUlar·JNSOn finale •t Ntwp<>rt Hllbor, and lf anyone I~ ent('rtnlnln~ tboushta of 6Qmed3y IUCCt dlt1l( h.lm, well. here are wmc of his rctt: "You haWt to be obJeC1ive (Ind glvt equal dme to th opposin1 lt' m,, • said tbs Fowlt&ln Valley 1"c.1lden1. •vou want to can out many pl Y'f'' nam &om bocb Letml u often u po ihlf-. bec:aiale they work ha.rd And their ~ts and famity sboiJJJ haw the pride and Joy or hcarln8 their lll\11) announced. "lbu t.w to maintain the IMt CDllUOled emodon fOi bath !tarn and ~be canful orarcun • ., the conec:t pronundldori of playm on baidi ...-JI .. a pmonaJ ahow or , vasu, Ariz. Coc;ta Mesa resident L1sa Mes- senger placed ninth overall re- cently in the Pro Women's Stand Up Sid Division at the 22nd an- nual World Finals or personal watercraft racing near Lake Ha- More than 1,500 entrants from 34 countries competed in vari- ous classes. Messenger com- peted against 20 racers In the di- vision. She juggles traJnlng around two jobs while attending classes at Cal State Fullerton. She is a trainer at the Spa In Costa Mesa and rides jet sJcis and boats for shows at Sea World ln San Diego. College women -UC Irvine at Cal State Ft.lllerton. 1 p.m. W.,.,polo College men -UC Irvine at USC.noon. respect and courtesy they have a right fO expect. ·And. make sure you're bleMed with attentive. knowledgeable, and ras1 spotters.· In a nutshell that's the basics. but when you delve further lnto the subj<.'Ct or Bob Ho.ssay, well, It's obvious not many know mough about hlm. From the ground up, It begins with radJo days. u ln BW Stem and Harry Gilmer, thoM aolden d8YI oft.he '40I ~n a mdon offootbab fanaticj 11 tened With thilr re81' ends on the edges of thelr ldtcheri cbaln to every word uttered u ArmY'l Glenn OaVi.a and Felix "IJoc" Blaiich.ard trlggen!d the Ill c ~ KnilJita of she Uud$0n 10 v1ct9!)'. He !11 mnembm in vtvid dt!t4il II ttnbtg fn th e:iploit'I of Atmv'I famoua duets wtth N•Y)' and of the Notl'f Dom d tl as Miil 11 Ont! of the grratr$t upset.a In cotltgt foothill hl8tOl)'I when unherilldtd CA>h11nbia upse:t the Cadets. 21·20, 1napplng Annyi overwh ltnlrig 32·pmc uni t.cn.MieUtn whlCh meya~gr<t •O point per 1tan. No one had -.cored on Arm)' In fow gamea In UH? and Colwnl* wu coming OJI• :W· 14 pqdng hy Pcn~Ja. "'I ttJt h!mcmbtre\'1)'thl01J did thal day: Id llassiy. A ~c.wt joumall\t md l tt Oh o State. tie ren mbtis Woody H • 6nt )'Mr the coach or th Bu~ and ltW belieYea the greatest player to ever suit up was Ohio State All-American Vic Janowicz In 1950. And, although he Is one of the mo t loving and dedicated husbands one can imagine, his wife, Dorothy, stiJl •gets out of the house" when Ohio State, the reigning national champion, ls on the tube, leaving hlm to his own devices as the Buckeye. usually rumble, and ocau Jonally stumble. Hway'a EngUsh-orfented teaching ~r. after seven years ln Ohio and a brief stint 1t C-oita Mesa. culminated two yean "BO when he retired from F.atancla. endlng a 47 ·year teach.Ing ca.reer, bur the residuals of his "Thll\k Politive" attitude remain vcty evident An1on1 those very awue of Ht.slay': think tank att lo~e and rcapccted South.land sporuc::outer F..d Arnold i.nd the re.nownt'd Dr. Robtn Schull r. "Goals, modvatlon and po.I~ thinktni(' l h<1W he dSICribeS hi flhlltJt<>Jlltlo and they lfave nitd him well He and I ruthy. Who aptnd a good deal of thdr time with dwUtMe woflc,. !ft. dauahcer. Rennee, whO n.ldet ln l.QfW Gnd\. Ind A IOJ\i Rob. who ii In lpOrtl ~In Ohio. Md~ have one~. MclCenna. OnlY once hU he venturld beYoctd borne rurr lrld •ICtied ihe s..- atrl tly ... "fin," wher1 lht ~ tni td to Sen Oemtnte lri 1966; W wtre down by three touchdowns at IWftimt. but the kid all hived th& htad at halftime and we aune ~ f out and won," Hassay recalled of the 27-25 victory. Unfortunately, the momentum did nol cont.inue. The P.agtes went 0·2· l lo the next three games and finished 3-5-1. Apart from that one trek to San Oemente, all of his attention to Estancia football has been geared toward announcing the home games. and except for three occasions when he was Ul, and h~ can't recall when, he'a been the man with the silver voice. Hassay performs from anciquated broadcuting fadlitiet> at Newport He.rbor and Orange Coast College, and among hla ChrllCmas wish tllt are two newatate-of-the-an microphones and ltandl to~ the tired current gysteml. ~ whh some decent chairs for po«en and othm In the press box.es at Haibor and Coast. From p&tt experience ln those pl'CS$ botes. my recommendation II not to hOld ono'• breath until It lmprovi A diac jockey It helllt wlthln the ~ of ht& blnda. )a.a and IWlng, he's • waUdna enc:yclope<lJa on the subject. and haa a Ubivy ot 78s that would mock dW aoc:b ~any would be ran. \1lc jun• ht doli With announcing foCMbll ~ die emphult 11 on th MUllt,, ...,_with lhc gift ot ~ bm o(HUAy'11UCCe11 It two•fGld, flnlt. ~and I lft'IWne lncerelt. ~Ind probtbly more tmpOrtant Thefe' no eeo lnwlwd. He'I not there to project ' himself, but the performers. He draws from the saying. ·Act your part. therein all the honor Iles.• It's that ability to allow the performer the stage while explaining the basics that makes Bob Hassay truly one of the ortglnals. He was at Jt again at OCC as Santa Ana Invaded for a Golden West League game with &tanda Oct. 24, and If you listened closely, and closed your eyes as the fog rolled lo, well. It wouldn't have been too hard to put yoW'ldf Into a time warp and envision any number of seasons lo the Eagles' great adwnture. Wbat'1 more. don't look for anything different lo the future. He's announced games for all 10 varsity football coaches et Estancia-Lowry. Phil Brown, Jim Hemsley, Km Kiefer, Jim Bratten. F.d Blanton. John Uebengood. Dave Perkins, Jay Noonan and now Craig Ferttg. And chances are he'll outlNt Fertig, and more. A •ge.nulne lntereat lo every player and ~coach• pu 1 luaay lo a apedal cattgOry. "I 'U llwayt be here." llJd Huaa)4 • AJ long as they want me." Nell week: Hlgtillghtt from 39 ~ be.hln<I the mlke. • tliYf See ~u next Sunday! • M>OIR CM.ION Ii tht formti' IP0'1I lktttor tor the Oeitv f"INot. Hie eotumn eppeti,. on SYndtyt. He r»n ht ~ bv t-tnall M rot19"1hddorothM•mM1.oom, I . , ' .. .. S PORT S &.nday, ~ 2, 2003 N • • .. .. IL .. • CoroNt ct.I Mar 0 7 0 0 1 Northwood 7 14 7 7 35 FtRST QUARTER NW -B. Curtia 1 run (Klucsar klctl, 6:16. SECOND QUARTER NW -B Curt11 1 run IKlucaar k1dd. 10:59. CdM -Colhn11 73 pass from T. Welch (Del Fante kldl), 10:17. NW -Keller 3 run (Klucaar kldl), ·33. lltlRD QUARTER NW -Kazyek 26 pass from Selway (Klucsar klctl. 25. FOURTH QUARTER NW -Kazyak 16 pa11 from Selway (Klucsar kick), 7 08. A -350 (eStimatedl INDMOUAl. RUSHING CdM -Brawner, 9 35; T. Welch. 8 6. Preston, 1~; Crowley, 2-4, Shanahan 1-3; Wiahengred, 1 3. NW-Keller, 24 126, 1 TD; Nlkolenko, 13 117; Rotcher, J..32; Kashima, 2· 13. B Cunis, 3-5, 2 TDs INDMDUAL PASSING CdM-TWek:h, 7-12· 1, 162, 1 TD NW -B Curti1, 5 7-0, 60; Selway, 3-3-0, 48, 2 TDs INDMDUAL RECEMNG CdM -Collins, 2 76, 1 TO; Brawner, 2-32; Ornguze, 1 17, Crowley, 1 10, K Weleh, 1 7 NW -Ka1yak. 3 60, 2 TDs; Rife. 1-20; Ubl, 1 11, Selway, 1-10, S. Curtis, 1 6; Rotd1er, 1 1 GAME S'f'ATISTICS ftr11 down• ~-v••d4Q• Pusmgv••dJOge "-nv Net retum y•tch • Sacb-v.......,. Nel yatdag• 1'1Jn19 Fumbles·lumble1 l"-1 Flegs nel v•rd.ge Tune of pouea11on CdM NW 9 20 20-08 45-293 162 108 112 1 11-10-0 0 15 3 19 0-0 2n •n 4]65 231 2-1 00 5-50 6 !i6 22 14 25 '48 •P\mt returns. 1nterc "Pt1nr11 tumb4tt re1Urn1 CdM Continued from B 1 agamst them. TI1ey scored 56 points on us (a 56-23 CdM vic- tory ln 2000). and so we were able to get back at them a bit. But they are a good young team and we know they are definitely going lo be stronger next year." The 11mberwolves opened the game wiLh a 12-play. 79-yard drive that took up nearly half of the first quarter. Nonhwood had just one In complete pass and gained all its yards on the ground ai. Max Nikolen ko and JetT Keller took turns moving their way through Shane Collins CdM's de- fense. After CdM went three and out, Northwood scored on its second possession, with quarterback Bryan Curtis, the coach's <;on, leaning into the end wne from I yard out to help give the Timber- wolves a 14-0 lead. I fowever. the Sea Kings quickly responded on a big play from junior quarterback Tom Welch and junior receiver Shane Col- lins. Just 42 $CCOnd'I after North- wood scored, Welch went deep to Collins, who caught the ball at Northwood's 40 and outrnn de- fenders for a 73-yard TD play. Yet that turned out to be the Sea Kings' lone bright spot. Northwood extended its lead to 21·7 when Keller scored from 3 yards out with 33 seconds left ln the first half. The Tunberwolves scored two touchdowns In the second half. ~th coming on play-action passes to the tight end. $ggss &UP ~ lleltinclnf a t1111111tt1. PHOTOSBYMARK C OUSflN/OM.'t'PILOI Corona del Mar quarterback Tom Welch ( 15) gets a pass off with Northwood's John Hammeras (41) closing in on him Saturday Corona del Mar's Mordy Ornguze (8) stops Northwood's Jeff Keller (32) in Saturday's game at Irvine. The T-wolves won, 35-7 . Corona del Mar head coach Dick Freeman yells at the officials in Saturday night's game against Northwood, which won, 35-7. 4TIAES OfftrflNon Mttothl 115/7IR13 11S/70A13 1H/70A14 Motorcratt- 011 and Fiiter Change s .. Dealertt,lp for pnct & <Mi.lit on tire •lret. on.r vllld wltt\ coupon. Expns 11/30I03. . Up to flv• quattt Of Mot~ oll. TaxH and dl•PQMI f ... llttra. S.. ~Ip fOf dttlllt. on.r valid wtth coupon. fX'*'8 1113<W3. BRIEFLY Newpgrt Rowing Festi:val toda~ Mom than 1,300 compedtors will ra~ ln the annual Newport Autumn Rowing Festive.I from 8 a.in. to 11:30 a.m. today. Participants Include athletes of all ages and skill levels that In- clude Olympians, masters, jun- iors and those from UC Irvine, Orange Coast College. UCLA. Stanford, USC. UC San Diego, San Diego State and others. Competitors will be racin.g for medals and perpetual trophies. The 2.7-mile course begins under the Via Udo bridge and continues around the south side of Udo Island, crosses under the Pacific CoaM I lighway bridge and finishes at the Newpon Aquatic Center. Sai I ors sweep twice •VOLLEYBALL: Newport Harbor I hgh\ girls vo lleyball team swept Bishop Montgom- ery, 25 18, 25-lJ. 28-26. the n handled San Marcos. 25-15, 25- 2 1, 25-14, 1u win the consola· tion championship of the pres· Ugious San1 a Barbara Tourna- ment of Champio ns on Saturday. I !arbor \enior Alyson Jen- nings. an all tournament selec- tion. had l2 kills and 18 assists against B1i.hop Montgomery, while teammates Kiley Hall (10 le.ills) and Kellie King (25 assists) were -.olid. l.auren Miller (16 kills), Jenning!'> 114 J. llall (I OJ and hnily 1\1rner leightJ did mo'it of the \1.:onng for Newport in the l0n.,ol.111on title match against San Marco.,, in which Jennings 1211 Jss1~tsJ and King (26) shared ..,cuing duties. UC I runners fare well •CROSS COUNTRY: The UC, Irvine men'<, l m.,., country team finished third and the women' team was fourth at the Big West Confercm·c championships Saturday al the 1-'airbanks Me- morial course• in San Luis Obispo. UCI '>Ophomore lllclcy Barnes placed 131h an 26:07.4 in 1he 8.000-metcr men's race. Sopho- more 1 om Whelan was 17th (26:20.7), junior Andrew Garratt was 30th. (26:51.5) and junior Thiv'ld Santos was 31st (26:54). Rounding oul the Anteaters' top seven were sophomore Brandon Lucero in 38th (27:15 7), '>Ophomore John Kluve In 52nd (28:06.2) and sophomore Silvestre Uribe in 63rd (28:52.5). For the women, UCI junior Kaleena Yee earned all-confer- ence honorc, wuh a fifth-place finish (22 ·54 2 over 6.000 me- UCI Continued from B 1 FJevbt.•rhd made a layup ln transatum . while the UCI coach- es were shouting from the bench to "1 lold 111" with 23 seconds left for a 92 8H < rn.hion. But Om.., McMillian netted EA Sports' I ·llh three pointer with 16 c,ccoml'> left to pull within one. Hevhnha. who made 10 of 11 from the fouJ line, was fouJed on the ensuing inbounds play and convened both free throws with 15 tick... lt•f1 P.A Sport<;' desperation three pointer !>Wied out of bounds with two bcconds left and UCJ, with eight returning players from last year'!. 20-9 unll, including three '!tarter;, mildly celebrated what could be the first of many feel-good outcomes. In addi1ion to PJcverha, who came off the bench to finish 8 of 15 from the field. OougltiS had praise for reserves Ross Schraed- er (13 points) and Ethington (12 points and a team-high nine re- bounds). "Ross picked us up in the first half ( 11 points, including three three-pointers(, Efevberha played well down low and Eth- ters). Kim Ra.m1rez was 22nd (23:52.n. Tesea Cendejas was 23rd (23:45.0) and Otelsey Tray- lor finished 27th In 23:57.4. Janelle Del SoJdato was 28th (23:59.0). Kelli Vanderburg was 32nd (24:06.4) and Kirn Handel placed 39th In 24:20.3 to com- plete UCl's top seven. Menlo edges Sea Kings •WATER POW: Thomas Pearson's four goals weren't enough as the Corona del Mar High boys water polo team lost to Menlo, 9-8, in overtime, In the consolation bracket of the Tru-West Memorial Cup invita - tional Saturday at Lynbrook High. Spencer Plrdy, Tom Money, Travis Hersh and Daniel Nie- henke each scored once for the. Sea Kings (5-17). Gaston San- ford made 10 saves in goal for CdM. Pearson aJso scored four goals, but the Sea Kings lost to Jesuit, 12-10, In tournament play Friday. Hersh and Plrdy each scored two goals while Jacob Murphy and Niehen.ke both added sin - gle scores for the Sea Kings. who tied Jesuit three times, the last at 5-5. with five minutes left in the second quarter. UCI defeats Gauchos •WATER POW: Juniors Dan Noon and Rick Merlo scored four goals each to lead No. 8 UC, Irvine pcu.t nmth-ranked UC Santa Barbara, 10-6, in Moun· tain Pacific Sports Federation men's water polo al Santa Bar- bara Saturday. Merlo's goal with 1:55 left in the fourth quarter gave the Ant- eaters (10-11 , 2-2 in the MPSF) the lead for good at 8-7. Senior Phil Garcia, who had two goals in the game, scored with I: 10 left for a 9-7 lead before the Gauchos' Brian Alexander scored with 51 seconds remain- ing to cut the UCI lead lo 9-8. Noon then completed the scor- ing on a goal with 21 seconds left in the game. VU pushes Fresno •VOLLEYBALL: Vanguard's women's volleyball team lost to NAIA No. 2 ranked Fresno Pa- cific in four games Saturday night,30-23,30-25,28-30,30-24 in Golden State Athletic Confer- ence action In Costa Mesa. Sonrisa Peace sparked the U - ons with 13 Id.Us and four serv- ice aces, while Uvia Peace addQd nine lcilJs, and Keri De- Haas knocked down 11. ington came ln and gave uc; some good defense," said Doug lass, who also lauded the oppo- nent. "They came out making their threes in the firsl half," Douglass said. "They had some guys with a lot of talent It was hard lo tell if It was us not playing well, or just them· shooting well in the first half. We had a problem stopping them." Douglass, however, said defen- sive intensity improved from his team, which has developed a reputation In recent years for de- vouring deficitj in the final 20 minutes, particularly at home. EA Sports shot 48.5% In the second half, Including just 5 of 13 from threedom, to 6.nish 32 of 62 (51.6%) for the game. UO shot 50% from lhe field after halftime ,.and 45.6% for the game. but sank 26 of 31 free throws (83.9%) and won the turnover battle, 18-10, commit- ting just two In the second half. Adam Parada, a 7-a. senior center, bad 14 polnta and five re- bounds and f eUaw senior starter Stan.istaus ZUzak was just 1 of 8 from the field. en route to six points and five boards. Sophomore point guard Jeff Gloger had slx points, but led the team with five assists and three steals, while senior starting for- Marissa Cothran had 41 a • slsts and Undsay Kaiser pro· vided a 12-dig effort defen- sively. Vanguard drops to !3-9, 7-9 In the GSAC 'Eaters take fourth •SWIMMING AND DMNG: Host UC Irvine finished fourth In both the men and women's meets Saturday in the second two of the two-day Bi& West Shootout atthe Anteater Aquat- ics Complex. The Washlng100 Huskies won both the men and women titles and finished 3-0 in dual meets. Hawaii was second in both. VU shuts out Biola •SOCCER: In the 23rd min- ute, Vanguard's Amber Waddle sent a pass lo I leath er Tape, who scored from 20 yards out for the game's only goal Satur- day as the Lions edged host Biola, 1-0, in Golden State Ath- letic Conference women's soc- ter action. It was the season finale for VU (10-8. 5-5 in tht• GSACJ. while B1ola fell to 12-4 I, 6-J I. Eagles blank Li ons • SOCCER: Ho~t Biola knocked off Vanguard, 3-0, an Golden State Athle11c: Confer- ence men's soccer actmn Satur- day. After Bio la ( 11 -6. 4 5 in the GSA(.,') held a 1-0 halftune edge. the Eagles scored twice in the sewnd half to pull away from the Lions (13-6-l. 6-3-1). Van- guard has completed the regular season and must wait for the re- suJts of Monday's GSAC games to know its playoff status. Rossi helps 'Eaten> tie •SOCCER: The UC Irvine men's soccer team taed host Cal State Fullerton, 0-0, Saturday night in Big West action. FuUerlon goalie Sam Reyn- olds (I 5 saves) and UU keeper Cameron Rossi (nine) each made point-blank '>lop'> to re- cord a shutout. UC Irvine tops Idaho •VOLLEYBALL: 111e UC Ir- vine women's volleyball team defeated visiting Idaho, 30-28, 30-21, 30-32, 32 30, in Big West Conference action Saturday night at Crawford C,ourt. Kelly Wing led UC! with 20 lcills. while Dana Kurzbard (I 5 lcilJs) and Sarni Cash ( 14) also pro- duced offensively. Senior Brenda Waterman sparked UCI (17 R. n 5 in the Bag Wei.t) with 25 dig'> ward Matt Okoro chipped in mne points. Former Utal1 standout Tony I larvey led five All-Saar-; ln dou- ble figures with 23 points. Wl'S The I A !>poru South we'>t AJJ-Star team is one of five representing the computer game company and playing exhibi- tions against college teams. On the EA Sports SouLhe~t roster is Conner UCI standout Jordan Harris, as well as Estancia High product Kevin Byrne, who played collegiately at Idaho. The Southeast team debuts today at Penn State . . . UCI Coach Pat DouglllSI was very familiar with P.A Southwest Coach Pete Cassi- dy. When Casc;idy coached at Cal Stale Northndge and Douglass at CaJ State Bakersfield. both schools were memhers of the California Collegiate Athletic As- sociation. FREE 100 POINT SAFETY INSPECTION If rou would rully Ilk• to know what ""'oar need• oome visit ue for thle proftllelonal examination. IQPtml V•lued .t S88.81. See oMl•rthlP for d~la. Otter Ylllid with coupon. E>cplM 11flOI03 . f ' l -----~------~ .. Policy How to Place A Rates and deldllnes arc ubject to change without oodce. The publilber 1, reserves &be rigl:tt to ceolOf, reclwify, [I revise or reject any cl.usified advrrti~menl. Please ~ any e"°1 CLASSIFIE AD -Monday ...................... Friday S:OOpm Tuesday .: ................. 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CA 12675 .lwue Ctrvenl•. ,._ Ave 0. l l Viste, S.n J11t11 C1p11tre110, CA 92175 lh19 bUSllMH II COii· J .nan IUIUUNOS Up to 70S olfl lOa 50. 40•60, 80a 100 Ctn Oelivwl Roy aoo.a Z760 ....... .......... ....... ~ AAAVOIOtN•toun 40 Btst I MPln& n1t chines 19 950 25S down WK. 800-396-9311 LM .. ,,....., .... 60 mecllinu JocetJon. lllc:lllde4 all lor 110,996 IOO-JM..7tot AISOWTI SCKOMINtl 60 YM41na lllKlune& Wltlt Hcdent loctUOM II tar SIQ.9115 l»ZM!m .... .._ .. duded by. en lndMdu1I ,,._. Ofc s.tte Aclpro.. H.tvt you started'°'"' Ulif & 112311 et SU0. l>utlMll yttf Ho Sl.... ,_ Ntwpcwt JM111 Cwnntes C.. Av'li VJ.7*6300 Tiits stal.-nt Wit ••••••-flit• Wttlt tlle County HCt.ES Cltrt. of Oren11 Covnty FORSAL.E on '1tl l 2/03 ORANGE 5480 200UtH202 OtUy l"llot Oct. 12. 19. COUNTY ze. Ho~ 2. ZOOJ Su021 ~ .... -CASM fOl P0"1lY C.l•llna, H1t11¥, llNtf, llooola •ood etc ... ...,J.QZJ ..0-1313 WUSflNOS C031:, • !Hn & .u b• front br•nd 11tw S@. of tllt hwy. 11.450,000 lMetlMI 4::0C,:'/.te, ~ Vetde I, 3 car sw llOOVIP•. srut park YW cul dl·MC SIM!l,000 Hurryl Act Pet 011¥11 ~ ..... 91M&l 'BO TUlru •oa CAMl"US VllW llOAOMOU J ltomes 3& 4br SS4t.OOO 161!>,000 $624.000 Ownet/"&ent IOO 640 '661 ;;;o;t8adl OflM SUNDAY 1-4 ""' u ......... c...,-VIU. In M•~ •-ti 2 Ls bf ? 1 "2 b1 wond floM• """" u1pet GOH COURSE \/It.Wiii $699 000 405 B•y H•ll betw1en JemborH ' Mu Atthur olf r Old Rd (ell T ffry .,._.,..,,. ....... . «P ......... ............. t4t-71M60Chll4 Of'8I SAT 1-4 i.oaADID INCOMI UNm S20W~aVD (Qims °' e.... Blwl & 6ttt SI ) ~ lbr 2be '" IJCn vu ~-2lr 2be bell "" from !Mm ip, ...a..-~ '1225.ak> ,,.. c.tll ,,,,.,. Coldwtl .... 9571&-Z3711 Oonoe dP\ii IO'.ts SAT-SUN 12-S .. wm... .... ..wclflmH'S 2M lbl ltou1e Ip 11 1••••·1•r, new kite, ••mo "'"r cunt It I l/llc:,600' '''I t4t ... J0-071J ortNSUM l ·S 2177VISTUNlUOA llLUHS VICW E l't.AH J8fl + 2 SllA+f1m rm, lll(hty UPS tdHI 2 Pl hos, 2 lplcs A 1lunn1t1 1998.000 Oouc llulley hr949 no 1704 Index ' • ·"'f -~ Rlfllll To Shan 6030 Ml/Oc-Vlew •-Oceanfront/22nd, Prl v1t1 rm, unlurn, ll\1t1 bl, ullls peHI, n/smk, katcltenett• lnd<y, I blll to l'ltWl>Oll p..,., 1730m CeH S.m 949-278 7905 (belwHn 91m-5pm). ... ...,.. ~ .. ·-1n '8r House Share bltlt.~ .. 1&~ mo + $G> dip ' 1/4 ulAI ~ ~ 91m- !lptn M-F 949-574-424S. Rooms larRlft - CMl.._w~ own b1th, lellllle pref 1 It ubl. $S85/mo, 1wM now 714-429-1847 A _.,,. I llr U• It «*I. A,lr.. w/d, -._ rnk:ro, d/W, nu~dd,c.port Sl51J!!mo yrty 960-Di9 Balf>ol Plnflall I HOUSI TO 11.Aatl 3l>t 2b• apt UPP« unit •/Gr.n V\I llf P"""I wd lt~ups. 1011 Nov Isl SllOO 949 67!1-50l59 O<lAHflONl IH HA on Ille sand annual luae $4400/mo Asent "" 714 ~ 1908 Maflf ~ • ...., entry, ,.. ti.:11, ~ -· no Plb. SlrJ()n &no tA. _. now 9&713.al43 ............ llD>sf, F p, w/d, la. P9flo, twne -.._ SJ.200m 9it9-78).2!i70 ~ fll...._ ..... (t with 11l1w, 2 car I*'.•&•, Sl650/mo 949 422 2'89 Oce-wlewl Sunny tt.u1Yd ny ~ I my 2lr .. din 21», "' lttldl 2 c .., Camm poal s;M!iQ. Sm peit .. IQi9I Miit(. 877 704 1649 xt204 www•t1111,ro com le11t1ilelet1 Lars• 3tw, 11:11, I 1/2 blkl to beldl, no/•IM/peu $2500/mo + MC dep 949 175 7591 BHu newly•1emod 3tlf Zb1, 2 C Ctr, MW hfwd fin aran1t1 ctr., 111191'•. Ip, no unk. pttlo $3250/ mo + dip !162·493-6126 YIM.YUMIS ,.._,on_ -~---­...... , ...... I 411 VIie l".i.t Orlv. Sl925m 2b<, no atelta, coif courM view, ,., .... Act Berber• Swlnd1ll Ht-S00-1 .. 1 JOI ~ Ht" He, Fp, new cllrpeVptlnt 2-c pr. pool/tennr., lndry S2100m 619·850·3328 4W. lk. t:2G> °' ... .. $1795. "' Ille MAI' bd '675. 453 Coete -. ....... w.tielff -126-443-8252 ~ stir SIMI i..we, quiet .,.,, ne•IY refurbished 2 "" Cat. wd ltkupa. $2500/mo 949-759-0874 c.te 3br Zba 1ln1 tam tHHlenca, P•Uo, attjll to ur. 1 c ..,, •at S2:500 9'9·293-4631 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week ruy $32 per week (4week minimum) Cil Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 f>fttt«/a-ffwr -w recosnlud luxury lrtMl)Ol'Utlc>n company ... kt Clteul1ew1 with 0<1np County oe>«•tlon. Our client. conilder our driven, "prMHaloneb". I need 1n '1)91lcent wllo Is driven end M"·moU111l· eel Blue Cr-. 4011(. Dent.II, Vlalon. Industry l..w we expect 1n M'tPloYM to ltevt In· ....,rty, ltcHle9ty. courte- 1y Cfleulftur Ul*iencl not required. HMcl Cllsa II, C. Cutt--vice up1rlence _ preferted Must be 25 Colltl• Studenb considefecl Pt/ n . c.t1 IQ0.266 25n al70S for eppllcellon ln1ltucbons. - C ... lllec 'U D•Vtn• whlte/otllTIMI lthr, low ml. bNutlful °'"""' cond Inside & out. dWm whb, 13495 Bllr. 948-586-11118 --·····-COVEIOTOll& MIDIA4'00 lltedl w/1111 lnler IVOI02 $17,995 IMWSUl'OO Blick, •/l•n Inter IV281l $22,995 flOUI. DISIONll 25 IMW Ulle 'tt hrt • week. Mllat IHI fully Bleck, ten lnl.,. .. ,,., ..,,_,, IV99?8 $24, 995 COM 949 144 1413 FIONT OISI ,_.,..,_ ~$11'1r --AINtilc CUI In H"8 Fu rtU!lltDMMl52·1137 IMWJHl 'tl Bronll, ten ontw IV5497 _ $22,995 IMW J lale '00 OrHn, tin Inter IV0567 S2l.995 $23.995 JAGUAI XJI '00 CtMn. ten inter 11280 $26,995 MllUDIS CUO '02 Black, black Inter • •V9277 12(),995 MEICIOIS <240 '02 Butpndy, 1r1y Inter IV0365 S27,995 MllCIDIS WC-JOO '03 White, black inter •V6783 $54,995 MIJCIOIS U20 '01 Black, bl1Ck Inter IV5458 MUClOIS 1120 WA ·01 Crffn. ten lnt1t •V4581 128,995 llQCtolS MIUO '0 I ' Blee• fV9118 MllCIOIS MIJ20 '01 81Kk, black tnler IV3467 $27,995 MQCIOIS US '02 Sltv1t, bltcll Inter IV3447 $79,995 MllCIDIS S 1 JOO '00 White. tan inlet •VD!l80 $48,995 POISCHI tt• 'tt Bur1undy. ten Inter l\'2592 145,995 l"OISHI CAlllU 'tt Blue, erey Inter 1\/6049 145.995 1\/0365 $27,995 MllCIOH CUl·SOO '03 Wltit1, bled! Inter •\16783 $54, 9915 MllCIOH UH '01 Bltcll, blKk Int., t V!14SI MllCIOIS U20 WA '01 Cr een, tin Inlet 1\14581 $28,995 MllCIDIS MIHO '01 Bled! Miii $26,995 MlRCIDIS MISIO '01 llltck, bleck Inter 1\13467 $27,9915 MllCIDIS SH '02 Sliver. black Inter IV3447 $79,9911 MllCIDH SI SOO '00 White, t.nlnler •V0580 148.995 POttKHI tt6 'tt Blll'1undy, ten Inter •vm2 '45,995 f'OUMt CAnDA ••• Blue. sr•r Inter IW049 '45.996 QUAU MANOUSf '01 Sllvar. bladl Int• fV0139 152,9915 VW 'AHAf'02 Silver • .,,, Inter •V3655 Sl0,995 '4Mst.5'1S 'tM.UPS AUlO .... .-.~ Bled! SUf'llnAll ONLY The 11 stllln1 l11dtpen· denlly owned RHf Ea· l•t• comp1ny In C1lll01· nl1. la 1nnouncln1 • unique, hlatily t1werdln1 IMWJ401'tt Blut, srey Inter IV211 I $25,995 POl.SCHI CAIJlllA 'ft Blick, black '"tar (l96~) $1 1.980 opportunity for 1 '" SOiied .. ,.s profeulonel We are Helllns I lop qu1llty nits person with • proven tre<k tlCOfd You must be ulr•mtly c111tomtr oriented , , ..... to • llroad """ of clltnt IMllflll entl needs 111• c-mufllc•te witlt pltrclnc Pf'llli• alvenns. If 1ou ll111e • 11Ion1 -..ire to sue· cMCI, Is • aupent« who flu the 1>111, 1114 enjoys Mlhnc. 1et1entn1 t11• closln1 Olve us • call (OY• 30 11ln •-' •In ltave Hr!Md In ucaa of $250 000 In 2002) l -4$4.0593 ut9'5 IMW 7401e 'OO Bleck, ten Inter •V94JS $38,995 IMW740fe 'OO Bronb, ten Inter Ml!ll 34.995 ••w 740ll'01 Slher, rt9l' IVl605 $40,995 IMW740ll"tt Anllw eclt, 11'.•Y. IV5063 138.995 tMW740tl'OI llllt, rr•1 Inter IY2843 '37.99!1 IMW 74011 '0I Wlt1te, 1r9Y tni. IV3961 137.995 IMW740fl'01 Smrtt • .,., Inter IWIM2 $43,995 IMWMl 'tl su-. bleck Inter l'VU87 128,995 IMWMl '02 Sliver, ll'•Y Inter IV3962 $50,995 IMWJl ISO'OI 414 Rad, Vf76'9 $12,995 IMWZl'H lll•cll, tan Int• IV1309 , Sl7.99!1 .IAOUAI I TYPI ' 74 1911ow IV4024 $39.995 IAeU.U J. fYPI '00 GrMll, 1111 Int• N171J $Z2,9'5 , 1\11068 145,995 QUAU MANGUST '01 Sliver. bl•ck int1t •VOl39 $52,995 VW l"ASSAT'02 811Yet, 11•Y Inter 1Vl655 $30,995 Mf.450.StlS COVllOTa.& IMW 740tt '01 Blue, lr•Y lnllt' fV2843 $37 ,995 lllW 74CHI '01 Wlllte, rr•Y Inlet IV3951 $37,995 IMW740d '01 Silv•, pey lntlt' tJV9942 $43,995 IMWMl'tl Sliver, bllck Int., •V'llJ97 $28,995 IMWMJ'02 Sliver, rr1y Inter •V3912 $50,995 lllW II UCVOS 414 Reel, Vf7649 112,995 lllWU't• Blecll. tan Inter 1Vl309 117,995 JAOUU I TYPI ' 74 yellow ttV4024 139.995 IMUM ,._TYPI '90 Grtt11, I.In Inter ffl18'J m..• MOUMlc.M"t7 lll.lclt, t111 lnler ~ 123.9115 JM4WllJl'OO Grttft, ttn Inter 11no Ut,tlS • ~IJl'tt JM, t.111 Inter IVOl5t ~4.115 JM4WllUl'tt Ill.le, tan 1111• IV/941 W,115 ........ ,2., Bled! (19623) Sl7.9IO '02 J.,_ I f)tMI .,,,. A .-teal! (191114) $27,980 fT'-UfOO Slf¥er w/rr•Y lthr CO, pwr-001 ..... fKt condl (lMSll) $11,tm '02•--'" cuuo c ... ""'- fbwlels (I~) '42.910. ..,._...SLSOO• ..._ SmoM SllY• c1wm m.• 'O, ,_,,_ ,,_ ..... "' Loeded (\9744) 22,980 . .,,.,..,.c... c-..wnw. _,,. ~•nclf'unl (194711) f7,9IO .,,v .. ..... # ...... ... Allto Cl97211l) Sll.9IO _,..,..,..,,, '-· Sliver (19441) ..... .,,c..-.. ..... ,_I ~ (19791) '"·* HMWUIO .... (11128) --.... $7 .. 7717 ..is• .... If - fer• '•I ••••••t Co11nrlllll•, orlt lol OWMf, MM ..i"...t.. ~ .. ...,. __ 9HO-ll5 -------IMU.U 'tS JUI COllY\, (OW--• S•-hlre lll111/0tC11111I Vl•UU11,41G u.9 llOYll '01 ..... I II lf9 • I lfOflU. ten Inter t4M,._ .... IVIC2 .... •.aMS cuo"" llld,llltdlllltW rm71 GO.ti& • . .__ ... ~-...... llillll,7 (lli;IJI,, .... 111• '91MWHU ,. .......... ,:::; ••Ill"-s "' •mt. <......,sa.. WI-'._ .... ._ a.o Clllnlli-ll. (~) 123.911& •• °""" ........ " .. ~ ..... O'tO. rtwf ,,... (4Z'1~9) '29,81115 '"'-' ........ ~-t=u, fM1. CX>. ID flt ( i.) S29.tll5 .. , ,.., 1111..,, ""'*" "'7: "*' .... {07~ w.-........... --~·""~ ,_.,.,"'" (~) 111.M 91MWA'.J411if a.yllK ...... Nw. ( .... -=t"s.t>• ........... ~·,,....~ (~ '62.9!15 '01~ ~fowl*I. • ~ Sll.B .......... ·~o Mt"'40-4MS WlllO'lll llWPOIT llAOI ft 3 2 ltr, 111to, ~adtd. 2 mnrl, lint cond -v4U>C540 MC "" s-. ...... 5lpd. 1l'11 ht CW/;lld ~ fll'lt 4tl ,,.. .. ~ ,_, 'tt .. '"'·· tGlo, Ill cwr, lftUlt ... to bel eve $3199 v38HJ036 ~""Wile "9111 .-Ollly • ni. Dlt f"'"'1 car, aw oond.115899*CE347 ::ii. "01 ... LS = ,,.. 1<118 .., .... .. orb. N.-~ 'tlC.- LE, . 3 8ltr. auto, 7 pesa. ~•Int Wiit S6ll9ll 12 ... "' ... cs. ~ :,-.. :en:. -"'~ h:I !;Ni-. 0:12345 di.wy '" .... ., V& Ultr, 111111 ovtpvt, LS ·";..~ded7e mutl .... 153 .._., 'tS ...... Sidi!\ icrit ... 1· -· llMx*a..= llUll -. $J4ll8 12 .... n:D, .... 5lpd, Oft/ a "' '" --~·lit ... wftda _.. IMD57 ftJIWO Min> MID f1..st•211S 1f4-417·1tsl LAND •OVH 2000 Discovery M $07, duel moonrf1, ,.., lump Mils, llHlad HI fte warr 36,000 ml, $22,995 V289539lf PlrlMm1ne1 L TO 949·550-5860 Ctllfornla l1w ,.. qulrn tt11t contr1c· ton t= Job• tt11t tolll Of mor• (labor or mattrlel•) • be llcenMd by tlM Contractors SUt1 Llc11111 Boerd Slat• ltw tlso rtQUlres th1t contr1ctora lnctud1 their Honse numbtf on 1Q advwlltlna, You can clltcll Ille 1t1tu1 of your llcenHd c,o n t ra c t o r 1 t www nib.Cl lov or 800·321 CSL Unll · ctnHd contrutora tak1111 Joh that tot•I len than S500 111u1t ttate In their •dnrtlttment1 that t111, •rt not llce111e4 "[ tllt Conluotou S •t• l lcenM 801rd • ...... 11¥UM9ff ~ =-~16opmeftt COlll c.,..., A·IMMDYMM ~ ~Daus 114o641-l"ZA 1125 IMel IOYll .... •o • • -· 11.000 """"''*"" ....... -·~tec=i ••r. .UI, VMJU'l ,.,._,_"" llO M-«IO·SllO ..._ rtl c ..... XI Z•. -.. IOW. A/C., -~ tftt, ftll lady ·-IMoQ. records, ~b totl4 U.~1900 ~721• ... -. ...-..-, .............. ~ 'OOMWIJ# S4Mr t1tladl, Auto, low MiltS (1123157) m..io ~IMW.14M •• $t>ol1 Whit, Navl,lo.ded (,15'54) '36.900 WIMWZ"" 1111118", Sscl. CO, Ptr-f9ct C.r (F91472) $23,900 .,,,~,....,._ ""' UV'811. Convt, 2 ';f;s. Of\ly "' milts (l ) S2t.900 wi-os-JOO Wlll/Tt11. Jl't.tnum ..... loaded (0992UI) S25.900 111 lhft ... CU· SIAlllO llMll.l..o.d.CO, ~llllm11M (l ) $49,900 w • .,. ... 1-4111 8111/Ttrt, Pllolle, CO, PQVt,LOwmlln (07'237) $41,.x> '91 MwcH.. l...fto Smob Sitv.,, VS, CO, loaded (444967) 119,900 ,,, ,..,.,. '" CAI 811\18111/8111, llt>tron· le, co (342986) $36,900 'ff,..,.. ... .,,., Shver, 5-ap. CO. low miles. STiit fhlu (623482) • 900 Mt-650-2222 Tlt'•C..-...... AUTOlllll.ES, mce.wEOlJS WnM -f>:1\, o,...I 0-. o...r It:'! upl • ~ I lliSY prD ':.r: car, Yin or Well tor Of nol. c.11 Didi A.f m. Tomllo ~ Slla. '11·1931 or 7J.4.32&.l22B MOTOR HOMES MoeorHoma· Rn -.__...,,......,.,."* hornl far ,m, Now ~ fur .. HolcllA -* ,.... SUJIVciry ~ BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ lAUNCtMI STINGE 9680 I0~1~ellD.c ,., '/mo Cofllmet cial IOCI "°"· 949 675 3101 UDO ISLI DO<• fM up to &Oft bolt EZ ICCHI, w1ta.r & elect Included 949-500-6714 ..... ,.._.. 1llfo for up to SOit boat. sail or lowtt profile pow1rboat l>f•ferrld. 949-675·4847 PLAY OR mnND? Bodi V\llfletlble,~ dtab, NOltT1I • ~iou 0 l(f70 •JU Best place In the world to advertise! Call todaJ to place four 1d Classlfled M2·5&78 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MESA Daily Pilot Cl.issifaed Community M arke tplace 0-. Plbflllllng FloorblWTilt ~CAJPIT-o<A.Wtt1" QISTOM CMATM. lU Repairs, P1tc1N"J, IMllll YOU•HOMI lnllalMlon, .... cs.-. Cowteoua. 1nJ a jobs marbll. ADM.. ~ lt75 WlloleNlel 94 492 0205 IM,•OVIMINT 1.16l2DM .tiff 714-61M1161 ,.OJIClt C1ll 1 ~lumber, p1lnt1r, 1ndyman, LWYsa.-..~ or any of Ille r.11t RLfovun & lnll1l 1tlon ser vk:es hated ere In Tll DEAN 949 673-8065 our nrvlc• dtrect0tyl THESE LOCAL SVC 714.IMMl525 714.521!31 PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Gantenl~ l.andap ng ~erttt.•••C.. Drynll SIMca Sp lira~ WITIHOlfT D.VWAll Repeln, Tr All pll••U 1m/lr! Job•. CIMnups, Tr11 s.Vlc:el. CLIA~ra. far. frH Pltn~'! SrAces a morel COMPUTER ,.. Qi Ycu= Mb*' .t. 714-639-1447 HELP! 714-11S.. Ela1ca1Semca ._. ........ ~t~':~~..: ............. IMAU JOI IX,.H • l'C•llC ........ "°"*' locel, Quiel\ Rtspc>llH ""1tl "'° M, hi M. .... ,. ........ Homt. Verd a Dock El.ct hlllll iPriWt. ~ •"'-aaAllllt ... »~~oak Cira~ MMeG-7042 Tr" Senke, Ytrd ..... ,...."'* Clla1111j1, Me1nten1nce. --~"-'--I .LC. U.C:trlc low prttea Sprlnklaf It~ H1U1inc ~""t.tif"' b:ll CCW#cWr. llO lrJb '°° <•••>• 711 71Ul 2786 111191. llO Ji* too ~ ""' ~ f9qlllll UCI ~ ... ..,., (714)842-9'10 CODCllllllmwy UCHIHD CONTU(TO. .... _. ~kll IMeck .... , ... Nolrlbb>M\M~ 1 ............ Concr"8, Pillo, Drrwway lt..,U,r:;:'~3:Ae ....... '"'9ie· 9~. Refs 25Vra 11111.--n-.•-11raet hp T1rty 14·557·7594 ~ SEU IMAT ..WOOO Ttmllc lwdWooll mil~ Fr• ~ 1/2 cord, '150 full M9·439-l1MJ. ACROU 1 Po.onen haw Otl9 8 CJO'#Mlg point 10....,... 18 lif:lgy l\IYof 21 Mullllude 22 Red Sea ueSMI ~~Gwedenll 24 In the big (2 wd8.) 25 Nldwll lllmutant 27Clalfty 29a.rvecS 30 Beet eounclly 31 Lady't no..ortftc 32 Conllca' Miaa Kett 33 Heltet'a .tnOUthfUI 34 Tren<tv 35 •Femlndo• group SS f:ragrent ftf 38 Teen•. Often 40 OUlbtld< bird 41Cw ..... "2 Senoltta'a aunt 4' BNol -Of lcung tu '*5 ZigZllg COUl'N 48 F .. ls eony et>out 49Nohng 51 BrOlld v.lleys 55 Oouge units 56~ 57 Single (2 wds.) 59 Louvre'• Mona -eo H&Wl9 th9 11c111 81 Strllll Calllfa 62Golft9!~ 63 Noted lithograph« 85Atlaaabbr lie Whllkey grain 07 INhat rtllnbows 11re 88Pari1~ 89 NASA IPuhdowne 71 African plain 73 Part at Batman's garb 7 4 Wheel• tor the fielda 75~yGene - 78 Typee n Sfrdhoute oocupont 78 tlueket pronoun FIND an apartment through classified 79 Mount -ol Sdy 80 ,,. °' benetit 82o.ct.. 83 ednoa action 84 Blow ltofmlly 87~ 89Thing 90 FttehWlller llh e 1 "Thl• - -ti0cupr 82 •A FoolSuoh --· 93 Without, to PiMe 94 Tr" to J>trl\Jlldt 85 Oal* propa 96 E1Cp8f1M 87 Bagpip.e ptayer 98 Repair hestlly (2 Wj:fl.) 101 Blocka, al • atr98fTI . 102 •Jotin Brown'• Body" author 103Remedy 10& Mr Puteur 106 Epic 107 Eleglnt 108 Dlsftg1Jf8 110 Table-tenn!t d!Yider 111 Gobi 112 sister of Hellos 113 Mathematteal 117 RIAltff 11 a "T'*9 oogtU be -_,. 121 Noth« 124 Kimono uth 125 Lot llzl, often 127 CtUllled grapes 128 Bridal attire 129 Restaurant handout 130 M.it source (2 wds) 133 Employeea' concem (2 wdl.) 135 Aaigpolt lopper 136 Gwng at 137 Goller _,.Dutra 138 TrH 1pnta 158 F6otfallll 140Dlpper9 141 Mo1111tel"t loch 142 Bad·temptfed CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN JUNIC TO THI OUM,.11 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949873 ~ 11 Yrs Exp • G,.. Alf's M Ptlases ~ Cclnsttuctlon House Cleantng ~Almodll EXl*1S tJSn982 .....,, '-"" a-.. S¥c Sninc O C. Ill' 75yrs rllldlnlJeVim bvs Fr11 tet 949548-oaw ~ ... 113 ,. SUoday, Noveinber 2, 2003 .,. OOWH 1 F"mure 2 Wild Wea ahow 3Sllppadup "PanidrM 5 Ct.b S«M.119'°'4> 6 Bob Hope tpeCaelty (2 wde.) 7 Girt from Baja 8 l.ama or friar 9 Fleece giver 1 O Copper and lead 11 Fe.Int pa 12 Play wrtter 13 Debate side 14 Baalllca part 15 Trappera' oommodlty 16 Found 17, Na\ligator s dir 18 Cut into small pieces 19HIPP9f' 20 Lacks 26 Phonograph record 28 Elec or gu 31 Tangles 35 Cookie m111 36 Honey producers 37 Treadmt" unit 39 Greenish-Clue 40 FaahtOn INlg&Z•ne 41 Groan cause!'S 43 Succeed tn 45 Tr11ns for boXlllg ~ Qacidafl's country 47 Relief 48 Sales agems 49 Novelist -Grey 50 Busy places 52 RtmncllOOS 53 Fragrant compound 54 Smart-mouthed 56Gym org 57 Knot of wool 58 Dectmal base 6 I Vases with feet 62 Rough-cut 64 Marble figure 67 Wrls1 oppos11es 68 FrOS1 or Poe Plumbing 89Hwy9. 10 BaMbel tcOtet 72 FOl.M I perctl 73 Rugged c1df 1 .. Tivo.t-dearing tound n Chureh1l'1 name 78Wll day 79 North Woodtl roamers 80 Maki --buCk 81 Explor" -da Gama 82 Sem.tter tndlf 83 Hiit M Grllln holdora 85 Snal!e Ghepee tl6 Tattoied 88 Forty winks 89Chl1S 90 Catemount ~ Type of doer 95Jokes 98 Average gradea 98 Microwave bullOn 100Fed 1 ~ne 101 Pope 102 For1head 104 Wine holders 106GIVI an e>p•nlOn 107 Batgaina 109 "Mtamt Vice. cop 111 T reett bltdty 113 F.Oal INturn 11• Sub (hyph ) 115Gnat 116 Hardhearted I l8S1a water 119Auspecn 120 Dlbt securtrs 121 Shtpt' tJlle<1 t22Clum1y 123 Sentimental 126 New Age singei 128Hollow 129 Emp11e builder 131 Swisi peak 132 Koppel of Nightl1ne· 133 Finished first 134 Cable chaooel ~-7699 GF.NF.IAl. D'.PAlll ilWNl'EN.W2 Moving l Smge l ... 'J1l1 I!• 1•4! I (hWftt'l ..... 'Dmllllp Gr11f Prleel Gu1rantHd w0tk. FrM est. Ll375&02 7l4 538-1534 7-390 2945 <rell•11tleletl Teed.er natl 101 tutorln1 In ell •ubflcts K 8 Reler1nce~ av.11 Diane 949 6119·7194 * ~ •Oimmadal o Job 1bo Small Dav.Bmnlltoa 949·3.22-8292 ALAN THI HANDYMAN All wOfll tutr an teed ~~~ Allltl QrP * - ............ .., .... r••r ~•••· Scrape '""'"· r .. t111• waits, C.Wpentry, Tiie a ~~l Floon. Illy 949 41 ~~I 20r-w • .,......e rJ _1 '. •• , ~ • 1 Open 7 O•y. l.ow"9t• Stoniige~ 8lnoe 1H1 949-845-4645 HST MOVHS SU/Hr. Servina All Cltlet lnwred Tl63M4 32.3-997 1193 323 &:.> 9971 c .. PUBLIC NOTIC 1 ht Cellf rubllc UlthtlH CoP1m1sslon req111r11 that an llVd houuh•l4 aood1 moven rrlnl lll11r ,. UC. C1 T 11umbt1, 1trno1 end ,11111lltut1 f'rlnt their T C , numb« 111 111 1dver t'""""'' II you ll•v• •ny q11u1tnn1 bout tht fl.lllt}' of I mour, limo or ,11,uneu1. ceh ..UIU< UTIUTIIJ COMMtlllCHI IOO 177 .... 7 lkl'S <USTOM ,AINTINO Prori. ci.n, quality work lnl•IOf/ul end docks. U703468 949 '°°" 1054 MONIST & UASOMAIU PLUM&R lf5065116 fr11 Eltl Sin r~" OCtTW Oilc. 714-~9150 ,.IQSI ,LUMllNO Reptlfs & Remoclellna FREE ESTIMAlt Ll687391714 969 1090 S,,.& ..... ~ Custom Hand P1ln1;d Miia & raut, ,...._ Artht tor "" 90'.Ml!Jl .(166(" THISTltHRI Spec:lalmnc 1n W•llpal>f Rtmool U581241 949·36CM21l / Wlndow Clllnlnl OOU>IMWIST WtflOOW SltvKI SattsftdlOn Gu.,entMd ' •94963\.1662• • SELL your stuff through classitledl NEWPORT COAST tAlBOA lSLAND •