HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-03 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilott • 1 o . Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2003 IN BUSINESS Pilates .an ever-growing trend Once associated with the New Age movement, Pilates and yoga are marketed to those who simply want gain without pain. M•rlsa O'Nell Daily Pilot· you're likely to find yoga clothes at Old Navy and Pilates videos al the Discovery Channel Store. INSIDE For more bu.lneas new8, see Page A2. out." DOOGlAS ZltoW£RMAN I DALY PllOT nz1ana Trovati performs a yoga position during a class at the Yoga Place at the Costa Mesa Courtyards. I ryou're tired or sweating to the oldies and feel like you've Tue'd your last Bo. you're not alone. More people are turning to kinder, gentler ways to get fit, as evidenced by the number of yoga and Pilates 4tudios opening and expanding ln Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. The methods, which used to be associated by man~with new-age philosophies or super-wealthy Hollywood types, have gone so mairutream iliat "People, physically and mentally, have been ready for a more gentJe way of working out, a more mind-body way of worlcing out," said Rael Lsacowitz. owner of On Center Conditioning in Costa Mesa. "They want a more sophisticated way than the 'no pain, no gain' mentality. TI1ey want a more introspective way of working lsacowitz opened his studio. originally in Newport Beach, 13 years ago -before anyone had heard of Winsor Pilates videos and maybe even Daisy Fuentes, their famous pitch-woman. He See PILATES, Pa&• M Leaving • an1mage .behind At a Newport church, the subject of a famous Vietnam War photo tells of her horror and salvation. Mike Sciacca Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Kim Phuc's eyes filled with warmth as she spoke about how her life's journey brought her to New- port Beach. For many years. however, Phuc lived in fear and pain, she said, burdened with emotions difficult to overcome. since her image had been famously photographed for all the world to see. ln 1972, Phuc was a 9-year-old gjrl living with her family ln the village of ·rrang Bang in South Vietnam, a village that had been overtaken by the Viet Cong army during the Vietnam conflict. On June 8 of that year, a deadiy napalm strike hit Trang Bang and sent villagers fleeing for their lives. During the chaotJc aftermath. photo- joumallst Nk:lc Ut snapped what went on to become a Pulitur Pri7,e-winmng photo of young children fleeing in horror down a village road. ln the photo, Phuc Is seen screaming as she runs naked. Fire from the attack had burned 65% of her body and Incinerated her clothes. PttOTOS BY DOUGl.AS ZIMMERMAN I OAl.Y PLOT Marta Eisele (49), Kathleen Andrews (4), Elmer Noonan (361) and Nicole Chase (24), from left, run between the wooden steps and the boardwalk during the 1 OK portion of the inaugural Newport Coast Adventure Run on Sunday morning at Crystal Cove State Park. I ler brothers can also be seen fleeing in the photo. Shore at the shoulder Prom that photograph. Phuc became Internationally recognized as ·the girl In the picrure." •A lot of people know of the linJe girl in that photograph. but no one knows what became of that girl,· Phuc saJd. Now, Newport-Mesa does. Phuc, along with her husband of 11 years. Tuan, and sons Thomas, 9, and Stephen, 6. spoke of her journey since that life-changing day during 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday serv- ices at Liberty Baptist Olurch. "She's pere to share her amazing story, and through that story. offer hope to oth· ers," said Pastor Dwight TomUmon, who served two terms with the 15th Ranger Di- vision during the Vietnam War. "Wf!re so honored to have Kim and her family with us. She ls a model of lmplradon who has triumphed through all of this." Runners whose races were canceled by wildfires take solace in the first Newport Coast Adventure Run Luis Pefta Daily Pilot M ore than 1,000 runners, walkers and well-wishC1'11 gathered in perfect weather to celebrate the Inaugural runnm, of the Newport Coast Adventure Run. Elementary. The proceeds of the event are designated for art and athletic programs at the three schools, said Ed F.scano, dlrector of the event. The event also benefits the historic Crystal Cove State Park. f.lwlo d The event took: three years to plan with co-director Monique Van Zeebroeck. principal or Newport Coast Elementary. The event only took five months to get lnto place after the When Tomlinson finished peaking, Phuc asked lf she could share her secret forswvival *I had nearly given up hope from all of Near the starting line for the 1 OK race, Gene Rascon of Huntington Beach keeps Eva Kapusi of Los Feliz warm. The Newport Coast Adventure Run was formed to bring the Newport Coast community together and to raise funds for Sage Hill School, Newport Coaqt Elementary and El Morro See SHORE, P•1• M SM IMAGE, Pase M THINKING ALLOWED Even clouds of ash have .a silver lining Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE Tho" d<>ude aren't Just for lhow. It might rein, SMPlpA2 SPORTS 0 nc 81?0d thing has come from the heartbreak of the recent ftre.: They have pnMded me the perfect excuse not to tram outdoors. The au bu been 10 bad. I actuaDy convinced my tralnel"i to jJulh back the start of my lonc·cMrdue •ftgt)t wpe• wortcout. which lndudee Nnillna two mOee a day. I llUCceec1ed In lddlnl one more week ro the ClozeN before In wt*=ti I Md not atepped foot In thing, because the 8rea are no peopJe over to thelr mak h1ft donatJon joking matter, and netthu ls booth. AU they wanted was to help out the serious whetting that those residents of Los Angeles, San resuJts in my feeble attempts to tkmardlno and San Diego countJ who get back lo shape. were evacuated or Jef't hornet from As I ventured outdoors the b&a1.es. Safurday for a nice, alow Jog, J I warited to top, but I knew that if I nouced another gOOd thlna as did. I wowd never start up .pn. a n.wt of thete hlleoric ln between pants, I thoµght about In""'°" Ni I WllUd, er, ran their act.ions. How great was It that these ~ Palivfew ~ dUa girtl understood that we are au LOLITA ~ r MW a tld'I AYSO conntcted, and that even thOugh tho HARPER IOClCer team~ 1 fOod and .... ~ poeed no direct d4n8er to the ~drift b the W:tim1 of nllklenta to dW!9e girls. they ltW felt a NnillnslhOe.. -Of c:oune. thit Ii not reiDY a goOd fht h "1¥ were ~:Fd rdc .,aponitblicy to help. .._. deed llld w.wd Then I ~t lbout the reeent e·mail in my tnbox from Martlee Jackson. the Newport Beach public lnfonnatioo omcer. She wrote of the random acta of kindn by area residents. tndud1ng one by a 6-year·okl Who ldfleslly donated what very wdl could have been his •life savings• to the fire victims. "One cash donadon was Jett at Qty Hall by a little boy,• Jacbon wrote in the e-Q'lait *It lwasJ a plastic 1111'\dWkh ~ 6lled With penniea, rriaybe one quarter and a dline or two. He left It wt1h this d!tecdon: that It wu for the flre vlctima SM AU.OWED. PIP M ) A2 ~. ~ 3, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY Pl.OT J.T. Eger, left, and Mike Graham, right, work out with instructor Lucas Ridinger, center, during a class at Iron Oarsman. Health club is on a row June Ca1a1rande Daily Pilot . I (you're looking for a good workout. to bul)d strength and endurance and to · bum a high number of calories, Olymptc Gold Medalist Xeno Muller bu a solullon: Row, row, row your butt down to the lron Oarsman. The Costa Mesa health cbJb speclaJius In the wortou1 MulJer knOWJ and loves best. ·Arguably, it'• the best cardJovascular woiiout there I , • sald Muller, who opened his 17th Street dub In February. The club offers 50-m.inute workouts on rowing machines that calculate the distance and caJories bumed for each workout Expert rowers such as Muller can bum up to 1.200 calories In le than a hour. • Send BUSINESS CALENDAR Item• to the Deily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .. Costa M"8, CA 92627; bye-mall to lu/1.penaiatatimn.corrr, by fax to (949) 648-4170; or by celling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, dtte and location of the event. N well as a contact phone num~. THURSDAY Vlot.t P. WoodhoUM wJ11 prtMnt "Prenuptial Agreemems .. Rowing was good for Olympic Gold Medalist Xeno Muller, and he thinks it's good for Costa Mesa And that's just the beginning or the benefits of rowing th.al Muller is always excited to tout "High school kids who do a dtff erent sport but who cross-train on rowing machines can sometimes get rowing scholllnlhlps at unlvera.ltiea without ever touching an oar on the water,• Muller said. A rower's strength, as measured by the rowing machines, can be enough to convince recrulters of thelr abilldes, he said. It's also a good low-impact workout for some people wtth bone and joint problems, Muller points out, and despite a common misperceptlon that only the upper body ls Involved. It's actually a full-body wo~out It's not Just for Olympians such as MulleL MuJJer won a gold medal In the m~n'a single scuJllng at the 1996 Atlanta Olymplct. He also won a sliver In Sydney, AustraUa, In 2000, also In the men's single rowing event. He has woo numerous world championshlps and many other rowthg honors. The Swiss native, who grew up speaking German but is also Ouent ln French. Spanish and English, moved to Southern California in 1996 based largely on a poster that was In the shop of his boat bullder in Switzerland BUSINESS CALENDAR Go Mainstream; et 7 p.m. In the Frlendt Meetlng Room et the Newport Beach Public Library, 1000 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beech. Information: (949) 717-3800, http:/lwww.city. N.wport·beach.ca.ul/npV. NOV.11 The Ortnoe Country Multlmedla Ann. Digital Vldeol'JO Interest Group Will host 1 round table dltc:ualon on everything video et 7 p.m. at Possibilities AV, Video & Gr1phlca Studio, 711 W. Pilot 17th St, E2. In Costa Mesa. The cost Is $10 for nonmembera and $6 for students. lnfonnatlon: (714) ns-5336, http://www.ocmma.org. NOV.12 Body o..lgn Women'• Athr.tlc, Rehtbllltatlon •nd Pilate• Center wlO offer 1 free semlner end (demonstration of txerclM1 to atrtngthen your kl-. from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport 8each. Information: (949) 722-3666. t PHOTOOfWtt£RS Mtrtc C. Dutt.In, Don 1..Ncti, Kent~ AEAD£RI H01\JNIE (948) 8'2«188 VOL 97, NO. 307 Record your commentl •bout the Deity Pilot or newt tfPI News....,,. Oln1 Aluander, Lol1 Anderton, 0.nlel Hunt. Paul S.hOll!lltl. Daniel Stewna NIWllTAFF Deepe"'-eeh • Crime end couna ~er. (IM81S7~28 d#pa. bNr-.th •tMlm# oom .haNCw1p• Newport 8-dl reporwr, (Mt) 61+4232 /Une.c.aM(l,.ftde•,.._. oom Loll8..,. ~ cvltu,. repo,,.,, 11411&~ lollta.,.,.,.,.IM/nw.com ~....,.,.. C:O.. Mel9 ,.,_,CM) 57...Wt ~""·'*"'*'•.,..com ...... O'Nll Education ,..,,_,( ... I 174-4M marl#.OMH•,_,_,oom LllllMe Newt .......... (14t) PM2ll _.,,.,...~ Addr.-Our tdd,_ la 330 W. a.y St., C:O.ta M ... CA 82Q7. Ofr10I hourt ere Moo<ley -Fridey, UO 1.m. · S p.m. Comlatlof• It It the Piiot'• policy to promptly correct Ill errora of eubtt1noe. • PINN cell CIMll ?&M324. FYI The Newport~ M ... Daily Piiot (U~ 144-IOO) le publltMd deity. In Newport 8-dl and Cotta Meee,111~.,. ~ oNy by Mllcribinfil to The Tlmel Or.Inge Councy llOOI 212.f14t. In 1'911 OUClldt of Newpott a..ctl Ind co. Mele, IU~ t0 N Dlity l'llot.,. IYefflble only ~ ftrtc a.. melt for .,., per rnonch. (fllicile Include all eppliOllble ... Ind 1oo11 ...... , POITMASTIR: Send addf'lw d*'lll to ,.,. NllWpo(t ~ MllllDlly ""°" '-0. IOll 11m. COiia Mell. CA tmt. FYI • WHAl! Iron Oereman gym, which offera expert ln1tructlon In rowing-m.cftlne workouts •WHERE: 440 E. 17th St., Coste Meu • JNFORMATION: Ct ... lchtdul .. and rates are onllne at http:/lwww.gorow.com; for more Information, call (949) 400-7830. "He had this poster or Newport Harbor in his shop, and when one day I told him I wanted to live someplace where I could row and train all year-round, he said Newport Beach was the only pl.ace to be." Muller said. He now rows~ at the Newport Aquatic Center, just a hop, a skip and a Jump from the Costa Mesa home be sharea wtth his wife, Erin, and their three young children. "It's the place to be," he said. http://www.bodyd•i(Jn.tv. The Newport Beech Chamber of Commerce will hold a Newport Networking event, to promote bu1lne11et mini-expo style, from 7:30 to 9:30 1.m. at the Dally Grill In F11hlon l1land, 957 Newport Center Drive. The cost wm be $'t7'for ch1mber membe,.. with a reservttlon end $21 at the door for membe,.. end for nonmembers. lnfonn1tlon: (949)72~. Copyright Non.wt lloMI, lllU1trltlon1, ldltoriel melter or ldvertlMmemt herein cen be 1'9pfodUCld without wrfa.n penniulon of copyright owner. HOW 10 MACH U8 ~ The Timee Onnge CountY (800) 252-9141 Adweitilll .. M 1111ed (IM8I M2-6f71 .,..,..,.,., M2~t ....... News (949)842.-.0 lpofta(IMlll74-42D ..... ,.. (941) ••-4f70 .... ,.. ,.., llG-0110 1-.1: _...,.,.,..,,..oom MlllftOllle ...... Ollle(MltlG-4121 ....... ,...,.,.,,. • Nlillltltd~nm.~ ~I dlvfllon of IN Lot~ TifNI, CGOOI ...... . THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE. The cost of being right Longatory lhi>rt, I flaked T hlallUlo Bualneuof Language column Is usuaDy Mlvyonthe 1anguag'C and light on the bushless. So for a change of pace. I'd like to start off by teaching you the most important pbm.se In my business Here'stbeAP rule, which I knew and forgot •Spell QUI a numeral at the beginning of a sentence. If necessary. recast the sentence. There Is one JUNE exception - a CASAGRANDE oumeraJ that vocabulary: "expense report.• That's how I paid for this handy~dandy tome in front of me that you may have heard of titled "The Olicago Manual of Style." Those of yo\I raised on and thus prejudiced In favor of &sociated Pres.. style, please join me In a loud hiss. Those of you who don't Jcnow the difference should be his.sing even more loudly, because though you don't know It, we've just waded into the UkeJy source of much of your language confusion. c.ase In point, this from the AP style book: "entitled -Use lt to mean a right to do or have something. Do not use it to mean titled.• Now chew on this little ddblt Page 124 of the 01.ic:ago style book contains a sample document wtth the sentence. "The University of Olic:ago Press is pleased to undertake the publication of your cootrfbutioh, entitled .... " So I turned to the Index of thls rather voluminous text to look for information about the difference between "titled" and •entitled." Apparently, those 01.ic:ago types aren't particularly interested in the matter, becau~ I can't find any such entry. . I have to qualify that with "apparently" because I'm not aure even how to wortc this crazy book. The index doesn't give page numbers. Instead, this book has a chapter-and-verse kind of thing going on that I think holds a due to the authors' opinions or their own work. And here's a delicious Utd.e irony: Last week. a copy editor removed a paragraph from my column because it contaJned an error. I bad written that whenever you write out a year, for example 1976, you write it In numerals unless it's at the beglnnlng of a sentence. ln that case, t lOCC>JreCtly reported, you spell it out identities a calendar year • 1976 was a very good year." So I was still eating crow OY"er that when I flipped to Olapter9, Verse31 of the 01.icago Style scriptures: "Years are expres,,ed In numerals unless they stand at the beginning of a sentence . 1\veoty ~ty-one should be . •n lnteresting year." ArrghJ Adding insult to lnjW). when the copy editor chopped out my mistake, he also bad to chop out some other stuff that didn't make sense once the mistake was removed, including the sentence. "But I digress." Unfortunately, this sentence helped set up a little joke a few sentences later In which I repeated a variation on that phrase. •But I di,gest • A lot or people got the reference to food. but lbree who e-mailed me and one who phoned just thought l was stupid My prejudice against Olicago Style has a lot to do with the fact that I learned AP Style first But there are a lot of objective reasons to hate this book. too. It's snooty, it's hard to navigate and, according to AP style, sometimes It's just plain wrong. OK. perhaps that Is a little prejudiced. So consider the source when I tell you that, In buslneM, It's best to stick with AP style. At least. that was the authority when I edited press releases for Business Wire. Besides, the hot-off-the-presses 15th edidon of the Olicago manual -all 956 pages of it -costs close to $60 wtth sales tax. LucldJy, I didn't pay a dime because I put ft on my (say It wtth me, class; that's right) "expense report." • JUNE CASAGRANDE cover• Newport Beech Ind John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 674-4232 or by e-mail It /Un&Cllla(Jr-.ncM •lltJmw..oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST tt'U be mo.tty doudy today with a 30% dtanc. of ahowtra, un .... you're one of thOM compulllve typet who tak• OM Wf/rY day. Highe wtll be from M to 70 degrMt. l.oWs wtll be from 48 to&I~ lnfolmllllon; ~nwf.nolta.(IOV BOATING FORECAST The winds on the Inner ..... Wll bt et 10 lcnotl; from the nonhelet In the moming, from the welt In the ea.moon, from.,.~ In the ..... end from the notttn.-..... m6dnlght. Dltly? The.,,..~ be 2 fMt Of llftller one loultwwe.t Mlllof3tolfwt. ,...,., out, the *'"di wit be et tO llnoel: from 1he toUthMlit In.,. momll .. hm ... welt In the~ Ind Wining. .... "°"' .. ,....,,. ., midnight They'll pkt up by •bout 6 lcnota then, too. The wavee will be 2 feet or amaller on a IOUthwest swell of3 to 6 feet. At night. the swell wtll be from the notthwMt at 5 to 7 fMl SURF TIDES 11IM ~111.m. 12:02p.m. 1:42p.m. 12:201.m. WATER TEllPllATiltl ..... .. -Monday. November 3, 2003 AJ Fire sends dream up in smoke Newport Beach residents are among those who might have lost property in the fires. And their luck gets worse. DHp• Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A cabin ln the woods was Yana Bridle's dream. That vision crystall.lud less than two months ago. Bridle and her hUBband, Marlc, closed es- crow on a home ln Running Sprmg., ln San Bernardino in September -what she calls a three-bedroom beauty sur- rounded by lush greenery, with a scenic view of the kJ slopes. But now, the cabin may have gone back to being that elusive dream. The Newport Beach resi- dents haw no Idea if the fire that Is still wrealcing havoc in the San Bernardino mountains spared it or not. And the uncertainty is killing them. •1t was not just my dream to be dose to nature," said Bridle, previously a resident of the for- mer Czechoslovakia, who sought political a.'i)'lum in the United States ln 1969 with her husband after fleeing the Communist country. "I wanted to give that home to my children some day,• she said. Her neighbors ln the moun- tains, who were evacuated las1 Sonday, told her there was little chance her home bad survived, BrldJe sald. "My neighbor told me when she left. the fire was a few feet away from my home.• she said. ·1 don't know how it could have not burned. I'm hoping we can salvage it somehow. But it's really, really hard when you don't know." She can't set foot in the area for weeks or maybe even months. The fire is still burning. and It will be long before it's all cleared and the freeways. road- ways and the affected areas are re-opened, she said. "It's just bad luck." she said. •it's terrible.• The siluatJon ls worsened by their having paJd $200,000. wbJch was the total value of that house, in cub. The lnswance company tnronned her on Fri- day that they could not cover her because of her •history: sl\e said. And that, Bridle said, ls be- cause of a *situation· with her ne1ghbor Louis Ballas •that has escalated over the ye&n1." Ballas sued the Bridles ln May demanding more than $50,000 in damages because the roots of the trees on their yard dug into his proj>erty, distorting bis side of the fenoe. breaking his walk- ways and causing his driveway to crack. 1Wo years ago. Ballas took his neighbors to Small Oaims Coun but withdrew his suit after the Bridles' insurance company told hun he couldn't get more than $5,000. Bridle said her insurance com- pany rejected her because of the pending claims relating to Ballas. "And my cabin probably burned on Sunday," she said. "How's that for bad timingf' Ballas said ii Is unfair that he should be beld responsible for an unfortunate incident "I'm not to blame for that; he said. "The lnswance company declined her because of her atti- tude. This has been going on for so long. and It's caused me a lot of problems.• But Bridle said It's her neigh- bor who created the so-called problems. Ballas hated trees, she said. "It's an animosity that be cre- ated that has risen to this level and Is affecting our lives so deeply and tragically," she said. The Bridles bought the San Bernardino home alter a visit to the Czech Republic a year ago. she said. "I became so nostalgic after seeing all that natural beauty,· she said. ·I wanted something like thal again -after all these years.. Sometimes, she feels hopeless, and other times, optimistic.. she said. "I try to stay positive," she said. "We'll have to wall and see.· s..n, .....,, .... w.u .... 100" HlllD WISH Reg. $7.. 99 I ShoW I> I &pitet 11-16-03 COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ~s -=~CHIT() ON THE AGENDA Here are some of the ilems the council will consider tonight: OFFICE OF MAYOR PRO TEMPO RE The council will give a ~ond reading to an ordinance that changes rertaJn secdoru. of the municipal code dealing with the office of mayor pro tempore. which is currently filled by 01m. Steel. The council had the fin.I reading of lhe ordinance on Oct. 20. The proposed ordinance 1s necessary to remove some left-over wording in the city's code that was inadvertently left in 1995 when the code was changed to delete the council position of vice mayor, City Atty. Tom Wood said. 'Jbe language is confusing now, Wood said, because the city used to have a mayor, a vice mayor and a mayor pro tempore. When the code was changed to eliminate Ule vice GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOlYED runs periodically In the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to th11 list, call (949) 574-4298. COMMUNITY ANIMAL NETWORK The networ1c needs volunteers to help control the rising populauon of wild cats in local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them badt to the property where they were found. The goal of the program is to save tho lives of stray cats. (949) 759-3646. COSTA MESA CIVIC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for ushering. badcstage wortt, mailinga, typing, controlling lights and many other duties. (949) 650-5269. COSTA MESA HISTORtCAL SOCIETY The aoclety preserves and promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteer• are needed for the ardllvea, library, museum, docent and public outreach programa. (949) 631·5918. COSTA MESA UTE.RACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa Ute',.cy Center need• volunteer Mora to teadl Engllah •• • aeoond language. mayor position, the mayor pro tempore position automaticaUy moved up a notch. This ordinance would delete all references to the vice mayor WHAT TO EXPECT Wood suggests approvaJ of the ordinance, as it would clear up the confusion. LOCAL VENDOR PREFERENCES The council will give a second reading to an ordinance thal changes a section of the mlinicipaJ code that regulates city purchases. The ordinance allows the city to grant a preference to Costa Mesa vendors when it purchases supplies. equipment or services. If this ordinance is approved, it means that, in certain cases, the city wouJd not be purchasing i.upplies, equipment or services at the lowest cost available. But the difference in price will not exceed $5,000 for any single purchac;e order or contract. People who want to learn English as a second language are also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 545-3445. COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the WXURY HAS ARRIVED ................. w. • VOtUME SELECTION •OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE •GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED WHAT TO EXPECT The council Is expected to approve the ordinance. "It's important to keep buslnesses in town as much as we can,• Mayor Gary Monahan ..aid. "If you've got a guy who i.ells cars or paints buildings in town that's bidding on a contract, it's nice to give them a break becaUM: they are in town. H REQUEST FOR TRI· TUNNEL EXPRESS CORRIDOR The council will consider a request from the Orange County RegionaJ Airport Authority to adopt a resolution supporting construction of a transportation tunnel, known as the "Tri-Tunnel Express," which would have three parallel tunneli. run from out of Irvine, under the Oeveland Nallonal i:orei.t and Santa Ana MountaJns to the 1-15 Freeway in Riverside County. The tunnels would be built and operated from revenue national Multiple Sclerosis Society has staned a new self-help group in Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m the second Tuesday of every month. (949) 650-7659. Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday 0-Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ···QaaUcr Serri~ ···~tty Eata1111amcnt• .. , ,. /{,.,' ,.,,,,,,,,, , ,,// l'>-1'> I (,:1(,. 7 C)ti•t I i1'f • I 1 • 1111 \, • ( It'll I \It"•' ~ I • t " , ., • I •11 FYI •WHAT: neX1 City Council meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Monday •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5221 bondl. and fee'> paid by usen.. not taxpayen.. Since Measure W eliminated the former El Toro property from becoming a civilian airport. the authority has p~ued other idea'> that meet its goals of improving air transportation access and services for the cow1ty. The tunnel is the brainchild of Irvine City Councilman William Vardoulis. a civil engineer. 111e authority adopted a resolution supporting the tunnel concept in May. Now the authority is asking each member city to adopt a similar resolution. WHAT TO EXPECT ·111e city is a member of the authority and will be listcnjng to a pitch for support from Executive Director Jaclc: Wagner. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The senior services facility at the comer of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeks volunteers who can greet members and the public and volunteers for the Resource Oepanment with computer experience and telephone skills. (949) 645-2356. • Ovtr 80 Piuts of Equipmt11t • Priv111t PiLttts Studio •SPINNING Tht11ta with New S111te-of tht-Art Cyrlt1. • 16 Full-timt Ptrso1111/ Tr111ntr1 • Chi/J Ctirt 811m-11oon M Sat. • Co11vtnitn1 P11rltint • Yo:•. T11i Chi, Strttch C'411ts • Sttp, Power Pump. Cardio • Showtr1, S1t11m & Towels • D11y Sp11 I BANQUET ROOMS Available for I fu.ri~ fe5tive Pu.rtie5~ MEXICAN BUFFETS • • Fajitas • Camltaa • Guacamole • Enchiladas and much morel Cervezas • Margaritas ~~~ Live Mexican Music ~ B~~~ ~¢~r Ho'i4<A~ fiest<A Now! Costa u ... (949)642-11 42 Huntington Beach {714)960-9696 Newport Beach (949)675-6855 • A.cup1mct"rtlM111111:tlCbiroprat1or 949760-5054 www.shope-up.com • www.fi~sconceptl 2101 East Pacific Cocnt Hwy, Corona Del Mor,~ ------------..--~----.----------.-~---~·~""'!""'--~---~----------------..--------- .. PlrATES Continued from Al • came from a background of dance. yop and physiology and combined them all into hll own Pilatea method, which he ca.I.la "body an and tdtnce.. • Now, more and more people -rtom~ l"eCOY'el1ng from Slqay to elite at.hJete. -are doing Pilate.. named for Jotei>h Pilate.. who dew-loped the method ln the early 20th century. Ute of the name *Pllates" was restricted by a trademark until courts deddcd In 2000 that the name can be used to d~ IM exerdse method. Slnce then. more Pilates studiol flaw opened. and 1arp mun IYD" such .. Bally"t and 24 ·Hour Filrless now oft'er Pilate.. yqga and even hybrid •yoga1ates" clas1es. "If a teacher ts a good teache{, It doesn\ matter if called ft'I Pllates or not: said Usa Sd11aeger, who baa taugtu Pilate. for ftve yeam. "IC it's not a good teacher. people are going to ftgu.re lt out doesn't feel right• Sdliiallr Inn lnstructout ... _ .. _tn Costa __ ..,,..._. expanded and chrlsteried Its new Ptlates room on Saturday. The ltUdio wOl have tradJlionaJ Pllates equipment uch as "tef'ormers" and ·c.adillat." and oO'en private and ,pivate leaons. ~ .PUaies in addition to "'~a.I yoga claMes will -* .. '• workouts more JSC19flble to more people, she pie who have Injuries can Pllates because t4ey don't have to tand on their feet,· Schlaeger said. "The machine. l\elp people, give thqn the resistance to worit without having 10 use their own weight [like in yoga!." Tulk to yogis and Pllu enthustuu, and yodll bear about ·gp~ and. "mind-bodY"connec:tion: but that doean\ ~ lbat everybody CQnlC!I out or a yoga ~chanting or medltatd ro the wa.ftlnga.roma of Nq ~pa incense at home, $he d. "Ata gym. there's loud musJc, ~on IClftnl, so many blibacdons. .. Jsacowitz said ~concentration is elsewhere. You're on a treadmill looking at the news or reading a book. You can'l do that with yoga or Pilates. You have to concentrate on what your body It doing. lt'a like a meditation in motion." Three thousand have signed up at Blbam'• Yoga College of lndlutnce It opened at the Camp In C.OSta Mesa last year, owner Patrice Simon said. The Blkram method Involves postures done in a room heated to more than 105 degrees to help loosm muscles and flush out lrnpw1tles. The college's location next to a vegan restaurant In the edecdc shopping mall has helped foster a community environment and reinforce the healthy methods It teachea. she saJd. "It's your body, and it is a birthright to be healthy," Simon II.id "Ill things we do to It that ab.lft that .. But In a fltnea-a>mdous county, people aJao want IOmething that will make them look good and giet the bodies that ceJebrttles haw, It just IO happens that lots of celebrities do yoga and Pilate& "ln Orange County. the initial reason people work out is to look better.• Schlaeger said. "You're in a blkini all year round. Btft peo e tea.Im that It does make you feel better." • MARISA O'NEJl. covers education Ind m-v be rNC:hed It (949) 674-4288 or by •mill et rNriu.on.ilOl.rimn.oom. Put a few words to work for you. Call the Daily Pilot QASSIREDS PHOTOS BY OOUGlAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOT David Greenwald (62) and Keith Moore U 19) run along the bluff at Crystal Cove State Park. NEWPORT CO"ST ADVENTURE RUN RESULTS 10KMEN 1 .hJff Atkinson 2. Jon Cler1t 3 Steven Gattreau 10KWOMEN 1. Undlay Buwalda l . Dana Ct1W1ev 3. 8tY Aridrew &KMEN 1. Jeff Howterv 2. lfn Pvott , 3. M1ric Steyvers IK WOMEN Age 40 29 37 24 41 47 23 21 33 Catogory Male40..w Male 25-29 Mlle35 39 Female 19-24 Female 40-44 Female 45-49 Mate 19 24 Mile 19-24 Matel0-34 Time Rinking OWrall 35:38 1 35'.39 2 35;48 3 44:30 21 44:34 23 46;21 28 16:10 16:41 17:19 1 2 3 1. Ren1 e<.utJainen 11 Female 11 and under 21:42 11 13 18 2. J .. nne Alga 30 Female 30-34 22:20 3. Josie Ruatte 12 Female 12-14 22;40 SHORE Continued from Al city and the stale park approved it The event was meant not only for runners and walkers but for families, with a lr:id'a fun zone and a plein air art exhibit in addJdon to the 5Ks and JOKs. "Its been extremely gratifying to see the fabulous response of the teachers parents, students and of Newport Coast residents ln general to support the event." Escano said. •rm absolutely blown away." IMAGE Continued from Al said Jade Butefish, a member of the Newport Coast Advisory Committee. Janina Pietsch of Newport Coast came to the event to support the schools and Crystal Cove and to have a fun day with her family. Rebecca Anderson of Newport Coast said that she came to the event because she had never participated In a running event before and because she wanted to suppon the local area schools. The recent fires caused the cancellations of severaJ other races ln Southern California, which brought runners such as this but one day, I placed my faith and hope In Jesus Ouist." she said on Friday at Liberty Baptist's offices. "I was going through so much pain, but then I found healing ln Jesus O:uist "I started reading the BibJe, and the word of God changed my attitude. he said. "I went from a person filled with sorrow, hatred and bltt.emea to one who is Joyful everyday. I have come a long way from that photo· graph. and I want to share with people that they can overcome whatever burdens them, too.· After the napalm attack. UI rushed Ptiuc to a local hospital, where she was treated for thJrd-degree bums. She said she ,was hospitall7,ed for 14 months and underwent 17 operalions 10 re- pair her damaged akin. Richard Barrett (8) takes a cup of water from volunteer Peter Saliba of Irvine while running the lOK race. Jeff Howtey of San Diego to the Newport Coat Adventure Run. I lowley found the event online- and dr~r more than an hour to rdn the competitive 51<. The hard worit that went into the planning of the event paid off because of the friendly volunteers, said f lowley, who came in first with a time of 16:10. The event went smoothly, he ..aid. There wasn't a two-hour wait for awards, and the volunteers working at the event knew what they were doing, unlike other inaugural events he has been to. "II was one of the nicest out-and-back SK&thal I have ever done right a1ong the ocean," I lowley said. ul wasn't too happy wilb my time of 16:10, but yov can never really complain when you win the whole thing and set a course record." Benneu Meltzer of Newport Coast said that he was impressed to see such strong suppon for the event from the community and he is looking forward to the event next year. • LUIS PENA is tha news assistant and may be reached at (949) ,574-4298 or by e ·mail al /uis.pena@latimes.com. "l had akin grafted to 35Cfri of the bum ar- eas." she said, lifting up her left arm to show ·some of the grafting. She became notoriou~ famous from Ul's photograph in her own country and with· drew from achool -and life -from ages 9 to 19, she 8aid. 00N LEACH I DM.Y Pit.OT Kim Phuc has been sharing her story of how the •1rttte girl in the pictlJre" survived the V~tnam War and escaped to freedom. She spoke Sunday in Newport Beach. "'11lat photograph almost destroyed my life," ahe saJd. "I couldn't go to school, and I always asked the question, 'Why mer she said. Phuc yearned to get out or ber country and try to resume some 10rt of"normal" life. 'she said, but her government, "5tlll wanting to control me." sent her to Cuba. She continued on with her education, and It 1s In Cuba whe~ he met and married her hbsband, Toan, who al.so wu sent to Qaba but from North Vietnam, an enemy of South Vietnam, where Phuc was from. •rve learned that love Is no1 the enemy,• Phucl&fd The (WO honeymooned In Moacow, and on Al.lOWED Continued from Al their flight back to Cuba. the 'Plane had a one-hour stop in Newfoundland. • "There's a lot you can do in one hour,• Phuc said. She and her husband left behind their luggage and the p!Me. They defected to Canada wtth only tier camera -which she ldD carries with her - and her puf'5t. •eut we had our freedom and each other, and nothlrig coilld replace that,• Aid Phuc, wilO lives with her family -IJ\duCtlng her pattnta -in the town of AJ~ oear TorofltO, ·rust like the pho~ph, I Will never forget that day 11 ~ ago, when we had our free- dom." Prom dill f*y. -.aw aky that served u a tJacWrop to a vtBlge bealeged by war 32 y ~ Pbuc hu em~ triumphant "There may be scars oo my body, but my heart ts not scarred," he saJd. She and ,her (anilly are scheduled to vi.sit DlsneylMd for the first time today. "I know we will feel joy on that day; ahe &aid, beaming. •My mission now i.s to say to people that when they eee my presence In that photo· graph. a girl crying out, I will k of them, 'don't see her,'" Phuc saJd "lriStead. I want them to see a girl that is crylng out for peace. one who now mows the power of Jove, hope aoo rorgJveness." • MICE 8QACCA It 1 reporter for Tlmes Community News. He can be reached 1t (7141 ae&-7171 orbye-m1ll1t mldlHl.M:i~•tatimM.oom. • PUBLIC .SAFETY POLIC E FILES COSTA MESA • .._. StrMt: A person WM reported driving under the Influence of alcohol and drugs In the 700 bfodt at 6:44 p.m. Saturday. • a.ch StrMt: No health permit displayed waa reported In the 600 blade at3:20 p.m. Saturday. • Pomona Avenue end W.. DIM; Resisting an off'ICer wu reported at '4:25p.m. • South Coat DIM: A burglary was reported In the 900 blade et 8:22 p.m. Saturday. • Victotia Strwt: A person was reported drunk In public in the 200 block at 1 :20 p.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Acacia StrMt: Trespasalng was reported In the 20300 blade at 4:01 p.m. Sunday . • Blytkle Drive: A burglar alarm was reported in the 700 block at 7:43 p.m. Sunday. • Colton Strwt: A party was reported as a disturbance in the 300 block at 3:56 a.m. Sunday. • East Newport Centet Drive: A burglar alarm was reported In the 600 block at 3:56 p.m. Sunday. • Holmwood Drive: A stolen vehicle was recovered in the 300 block at 12:41 p.m. Sund~ • Macarthur Boulevard: Police were called In to keep the peace In the 4500 block at 10:54 a.m. Sunday. • Main StrMt: A boat burglary was reported in the 400 blade at 1 :40 p.m. Sunday. • Vistl Del Oro: A water and sewer problem was reported in the 2600 block at 3:23 p.m. Sunday. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pltot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by •mail to luis.Pflna@lstimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. TODAY Or. Denfel Ng wlll discuu •The Surgical Treatment of Rectal Cancers" from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Hoag Cancer Center Radiation Oncology Library. Registration is required. Information: (949) 760-5542. 0n,. County S6ern Singles wm have a newcomer and member information meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Costa Meaa Community Center, 1845 Paric Ave. Learn about the Sierra Club and the many activities that are available. Information: (714) 605-2404. TUESDAY Hoag Ho.pita! chef Rk:h1rd Reilly will present "Heart-healthy Cooking: Holiday CulsJne• Reilly will demonstrate how to make healthy holiday favorites without fat and aalt. The coat Is free. Reservation•: (800) 614-HOAG. The Cost.IM ... s.nlor Cer1W will preaent a health fair from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 645 W. 19th St There wlll be flu lhota, hnlth education, reaoorcea, health ~ •nd health acreenings. Information: (949) 645-2356. QUOTE OF THE DAY ''We don't [replace Wess Presson]. ''The draft is over and the trading de,adline has passed." Daly Pilot Dick Freeman, Corona del Mar footbaft coach Sports Editor Rlch..-d Dunn: 1949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOO[ FOOTBALL EYEOPENER Ill Daily~POOt Spofta HaD ol FUle t.o< ....... ,,--......... Nov. 10 honoree JOE URBAN Monday, November 3, 2003 A5 Mustangs create ··gold standard· Costa Mesa wins in gold pants, which may now have superstitious value. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot Estancia High football coach and for- mer USC quarterbaclc Craig Fertig had talked last week about approaching the P.agles' rivalry game against Costa Mesa. the same way he would a USC-UCLA game. Mustangs Coach Dave Perkins at- tempted to further that association by having his team wear gold pants for the first time, an ode to UCLA that came off looking like another 'Iiojans rival. "That was my secret," Perkins said. "It was kind of a funny thing. I was thin.k- ing that was the closest thing we could get to UCIA going against Fertig. But we came out looking like Notre Dame. I'm just happy we didn't play like Notre Dame did .against USC" No, Costa Mesa played much more like the Trojans of late. The only down- side to the Mustangs lopsided victory was the injury to junior linebaclcer Issac Tsavahidls, which caused a 25-minute delay early in the fourth quarter. Tsavahidis suffered a compound frac- ture to the tibia and fibula The swelling had not subsided enough for surgery Fridaynr Saturday, but Perldns said Tsa- vahiclis would be operated on late Sun- day or today. Perkins added that it was a clean break and a full recovery is ex- pected. The Mustangs will need to recover quickly to avoid a hangover after its win over Estancia. Costa Mesa (5-3, 2-2 in the Golden West League) faces -West- minster (7-1, 4-0) Friday at Newport Harbor High. It is a game the Mustangs will need to win to maintain realistic hopes of an automatic playoff berth. Mesa trails co-leaders Westminster and 6range by two games and is tied with Saddlebaclc (3-5, 2-2) for third place. Westmlnster closes the season against Orange (7-1, 4-0). Saddieback has games remaining against Santa Ana (4-4, 1-3) and Ocean View (2-6, 1-4). There ls the possibility that Westmin- ster, Costa Mesa and Saddieback could tie for second place. In that scenario - which includes Costa Mesa and Saddie- baclc winning its final two games and Wes~ster losing its final two contests -a coin filp would decide the second and third playoff berths from the league. Needing two more victories for that scenario to take place, its possible the Mustangs could break out the gold pants again against either Wesuninster or Santa Ana. "You just might see them again," Per- kins saJd. "You never lcnow. When you play well in something. the kids seem to get attached to ;t" • NEWPORI' HARBOR: Tom Jackson became the first sophomore quarter- back to start a game in Coach Jeff Brin- kley's 18 seasons at the school in Fri- day's loss to Irvine. Jackson, replacing lnjured junior Ka- sey Peters, completed 12 of26 passes for 161 yards and two touchdowns. He did not throw an interception and the Sail- ors didn't 'tum the ball over lo the game. "He did a good job," Brinkley said. "He played within the system If he does that. he'll continue to be successful" ..._/ KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa High Coach Dave Perkins, left, addresses his team after a 41-0 victory over crosstown rival Estancia in the Battle for the Bell lhlJrsday night at OCC. Jackson's confidence appeared to grow as he tried to rally the Sailors In the second half. Prior to Newport Har- bor's final drive, a desperation attempt to march 76 yards for the winning score, Jackson completed 8 of 12 passes in the second half for 107 yards and a touch- down. He also seemed to piclc up the confi- dence of his teammates, particularly af. ter a 9-yard run that gained a first down late in the third quarter. Jackson broke one tackle on the play and showed a good deal of toughness charging ·up- field. HI think If you go out and perfonn well, they will have a lot of confidence in you," Brinkley said. Jackson also showed a lot of confi- dence in junior wide receiver Tuylor Young. who had his best offensive game of the season, catching six passes for 88 yards and two touchdowns. Brinkley said a lot of the Jackson-to-Young combo was by design and it was also a result of the coverage Irvine was playing against junior receiver Spencer Unk. who caught four balls for 56 yards. Maybe more Important than any- thing statistically, Jackson stayed heal- thy. a necessity since the Sailors were without a true backup quarterback. Senior Michael Green, who has missed two weeks because of a concussion, Is MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACKS expected to return to practice today. But Brinkley said Jackson will remain the starter this week. Another sturdy performance will be needed to get the Sailors back on track against Laguna Hills (5-3, 0-3 ln the Sea r View League). Among the favorites to knock off defending league champion Foothill going into the season, either La- guna Hills or Newport Harbor (5-3, 0-3) would be knoclced out of playoff con- tention with a loss Friday. •CORONA DEL MAR: Wess Presson's leg injury, suffered in Saturday's loss to Northwood, is not as serious as inJt1ally feared. Presson, who does a little bit of every- thing for the Sea Kings (5-3, 2-1 in Pa- cific Coast League play), went down on his first carry of the game and it was feared his leg was broken. But Corona del Mar Coach Dlclc Freeman said Sun- day, it ls only a bad sprain to the lower leg area. Still, Presson isn't expected to play Friday when CdM battles Tesoro (6-2, 3-0) in a crucial league game. If the Sea Kings Jose to the Titans, they'll likely face an elimination-type game in the fi- nal week of the regular season against University (5-3, l-2), with the league's third automatic playoff berth on the line. Others will need to step up with the absence of Presson, a start~ at running back and comerback.. "We don't (replace hlmJ,~ Freeman said. "The draft ls over and the trading deadline has passed." Attempting to fill the void, though, will be running backs Austin Brawner and Brett Crowley, as well as comerbaclc David Del Fante. The former have split carries equally with Presson this season. Del Fante, who also is the Sea Kings' kicker, has played well in the secondary the last few weeks. "We're at the point where we can't re- place [Presson I, but they're doing pretty well," Freeman said. The only other injury of concern coming out of Saturday's game~ a thlgb contusion sustained by junior wide re- ceiver Kevin Welch. It did not seem seri- ous, but Freeman won't know the full extent of the injury until he meets with his players today for the first time since Saturday's loss. • ESfANCIA: Coming off another lop- sided defeat to Costa Mesa and Its fourth consecutive loss after beginning the season 3-1. Estancia finds itself fac- ing an uphill task with possibly its toughest opponent to date, Orange, on the docket for Friday. The Panthers (7-1, 4-0 in Golden West League play) are tied for first place, the • Eagles are tied for last (3-5, 1-3). More frightening than the discrepancy in the standings ls Orange's rushing attack. See FOOTBAU., P11e A6 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Jim Calderwood Former UCI professor continues to compete on the tennis court, with help from his artificial knee and pacemaker. Steve Vlr11n DaUyPilot T here were two choices for Jim Calderwood while he was playtng football at the University of Qreson: be the quarterback for one moq yeu or concentrate solely on academlci. All he had to do was listen to John Mclely'• quesdon and the rest was hiatory. Or, in Calderwood'• cue, you could say lt WU £ngl1ah literature. McKay, a former ~rand ...Utant coac:b for the Ducbt asked Calderwood, "You like broken bones?" Clldetwood plbbed (or 1be pen; He went on to bec:Ome m Bnlllb professor al UC Irvine and now. at 73, he ls retired, writing a memoir and still playing the sport be came to love while at UCJ. Yes, despite an u:tifidal lcnee and a pacemaker, Calderwood cot1tinues to play tennis. "I just love the game,• said Calderwood, a longtime member at the Palisades ThnnlS Club. •r enjoy the compedtlon and, here at the club, there ate a number of older pJayers who • • know one another and play here. There ls a pleasant social quality to the play as well a.s the competition.• Calderwood, originally from Qreson. competed in football. basketball, traclc and field and buebaD In high echoo1. before beoomlng a quarterback for the Ducks. In the late 1940s, Oregon bad a · freshmen team and he wu the aignal-~er. During that eeaon; Norm Van Brodclln WU the qll!lttero.ck of th• varsitY team. Calderwood started a few pmet lbr " ......................... lii;;oor. ................................. ~ --------~ -----------·-- - -~-- -------------------------------______ _._ _______ ---- SPORTS BRIEFLY ace dominates novice race Pirates place five in top 11 of novice eight event at Newport rowing festival. Orange Coast College had a atro"g ~ltowtng at the Newport Autumn Rowing Festival Sun- day, Including o 011t·pl e fin I h In the men.. novice eight event OCC act\JaUy had five teams among the top I I in that t'VC?nl, Lncluding the wlnning boat, which finlshed the 2.5-mlle coune ln 15:20. There were 40 cteWI In the competition and the Pirates also took fourth, sixth, ninth and 11th. In the men's open eight. Orange Cout nnJshed fifth wilh a lime or 15: 11, four spots be· hJnd winner UC Davis (14:51). In the men'l IJ&htwelght elght. nn cwm the Pirate don't ordl· nariJy compete In, OCC finillhed second (15:04) behind UC Da· vts. • In the men's open four, OCC wu ninth (16:44). USC won that race {15:53) ahead of UC Davis and lhe San Diego Rowing Oub. Orange Coast wiJI compete again Sunday at the San Diego Pall OllbSlc In Mls.sJon Bay. UCl falls. plays on Luis Obllpo Friday In the seml- (lnal of the Big We t 'J'buma· ment at 5:30 p.m. at Cal State Fullerton's Titan Stadium. Kandace Wilson tc0red for CaJ State Fullenon (9·8·2, 3· 5· l) lo the third minute Sunday, but the Anteaters had a .quick comeback u freshman Britney Webster launched a 25-yard shot past ntan goalkeeper Laura Janke off a cross from senJor Caroline Kabe In the 10th minute. Erica Pryor knocked in a cor ner kick ln the 60th minute to break the tie and Lauryn Welch added an lnsurance goal ln the 72nd minute. UCI goalie Marissa Welliver had thf'ff saves, u did Janke. UCI had not lost 1lnce a 2· I conference setback. Oct. 3 to CaJ Poly. The Titans' victory also ended a se~n-long Sunday unbeaten streak for the Ant· eaters. who had gone 3-0-4 ln previous Sunday games this fall. UCI's Burkhardt lauded •HONORS: UC Irvine's Eric Burkhardt has been recognized as an eUte strength and condl· tlonJng coacb through the Na· \Jona! Strength and Condition· Ing Association's new coach practJtloner program. Barnes. NSCA educatJon dlrec· tor and • former trength coach for the San Fraodsco 49cra. •1t Is only appropriate that the most credjbfe orpnlution ln the proresslon oO'er thh type or ~gnltlon to experienced strength coaches." Through this program, coaches will not only be hon· ored ror theJr achievements and contributions to the profess.Ion, but will also be available to partner with aspiring students wishing to joln the profession through the NSCA's student as- &fatantshlp program. The NSCA has sought to edu· cate Its members and lncrease respect tor the strength and conditJonlng profession. Jt pro· vides a variety of resources such u: exceptJonaJ professional journals; cutting-edge confer· ences; scholarship and grant opportunities; educational text and videos; and career services to its 26,000 members. For lnformatlon, visit the NSCA Web site: www.nsca· llft.org. Trojans handle 'Eaters of five slralght home games to end me regular season. Mol.IUln P.c.Mc ~ Federldon u::!'1...~• UC lrvfne -~ t 2 3 • e use • 2 • i 1s UC INfne • Garcia 3. R. Merlo 3. Noon 1, C Merlo 1. Sav" ·Wynne ·1. USC · Clarie•· Shin 2. l.atovlo 2, 0.ml•nov 2. Het. 1, R.ynolda 1, O.lgadlllo 1, Hadar 1, Healy 1. S.vea ·Ricci 12. Sailors finish fourth • WATBR POLO: The New· port Harbor High boys water polo team fell to Long Beach Wilson, 7·6, In the thltd·place game of the Tru·West Memorial Cup MtatJonaJ Saturday at Bellarmlne Prep High ln San Jose. Michael Bury scored Cow goals for the Sailors, who felJ to 14-10. Oay Jorth and 'Bryan Auer aJso scored for the Turs and MJchael Robinson had nine saves. Newport was defeated, 10-6, by Harvard-Westlake ln a semi· Onal earlier Saturday. Jorlh scored five goaJs against Harvard-Westlake, whJJe Robin· son collected nine saves. lhl-West Memorial ~ lnY!tat!OMI Thlrd-pt.ce a.me LS Wilson 7. Newport I Sco'9 by Ouartet"S Ill DailyA Pilot Ill , Hallof am nniw11 JOHN MELBON Corona del Mar Football, basketball were his favorites back in the day, but now wife, daughter come first.· Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot I n John Melbon's life, family Is bb top priority. His work. which also lnvolves chariry endeavors, Is important. as well. However, while Melbon was growing up ln the Newport Beach area, sports consumed his life. He played football, baseball or basketball just about e'Veryday throughout his childhood. Yet, the competition, the camaraderie and the lessons he learned through sports were simply the end to the means. an all-around athlete," said a modest Melbon. • 1 wasn't the bestatanythlng.butlwasgood at a lot of thin~· With the Sea Kings. Melbon earned first-team all-league. honors ln baseball, as a second baseman, and football, as a defensive back. He was also a team captain In both sports his senior year. Melbon also competed ln wreslllng In his first two years at the school. He was the frosh·soph league 141 -pound champion as a sophomore and had promise. "But It was just too brutal going into one sport after the other," he said. "I wanted to focus on •SOCCER: A seven-match unbeaten streak came to an end Sunday for the UC lrvtne women's socn•r team, ai, host Ca.I State Fullenon earned a 3· l Big West Conferenre lrfumph In the regular-seru.or1 finale for both teams. Burt.hardr joins 17 other eUte coaches from around the world selected into this Inaugural pro· gram that honora seasoned practitJoners and educators who make sJgnlficant cootribu· lion~ to the strength and condl· Uonlng profession. Each practl· tloner elected la responsible for the physlcaJ advancement of lndlvfdual athletes and ath- letic teams at lhe professional, collegiate, or high tchool level. •WATER POW: Freahman lfevor Oark scored four goals to lead No. 1-ranked USC past eighth-ranked UC lrvine, 15·8, ln a Mountain Pacific Sports Federaaon menl water polo game at McDonald's Swim Sta· dium In Los Angeles Sunday. Senior PhU Garcia and junior RJck Merlo scored three goals each for UCI (I 0· 12, 2·3 In the MPSF). Sophomore goalie Joe Wynne recorded six saves. LB Wilson 2 1 3 1 Newpol\ 1 1 2 2 ·1 am most proud to be a good father lo my ; daugbter, DelanJe. and a good husband to my wife, Jaclde, • Mellion said. "Nothing is more Important to me.• two sports. .. After CdM. Melbon The Anteater" (10·4·5, 4·2-3 in the Big West Conference> fell inlo a fourth-place tie with Long Beach Statr. But, due to the Anteaters' 3·2 overtime win over the 49ers Tuesday, ua ad· vances 10 the fou,..team Big We•t Conference ToumamenL The 'Eaters face CaJ Poly San FOOTBALL Continued from AS which b among lhe besr in the CIP Southern Se<.11on. Omnge 1s avcragint.: 331 yardi. rushing and 375 point'i per game. not good nrw. for thl' Eagles' dercnse. wh1t.h has ~lrug· gled again!>! opponents' ru!Jiing anach dunng 1h1• 1.1Jrren1 lo.,ing streak. fatanda ha' ,\llowe<.I ib lru.t four op~nenL' to nt'ih for B52 yarcJo,. Jn lhoM' ga11w~ the f.Jtgles have allowt•<l JI 5 point~ per game I ligh i.rnnng afla1r. don't suit Estancta'i. ofTeru.c and often take the F.agles our of their runrllng game PuUback Bubba Kapko, coming off a 127·yard. three· touchdown performance, had just three carries against Co~ta SCHEDULE TODAY Tennis High school girls • Laguna Hilla at Newport Harbor, 3 p.m.; Northwood at Corona del Mar, 3 p.m., Estancia, Costa Mesa at Golden West League finals at Ocean View, 1 p.m. FWdhoc:by High &dlool • Edl1<>n at Newpolt Harbor, at Harper Community Centef, 3 p.m. ero.. country High school boya end glr1s · Sage Hill ., Academy Loague finals, at Irvine Per1c. glr11 3 p.m .. boyl 3:46 p.m. W.wpolo High ld\ool boys • COS1a Mesa at Tustin tournament, TBA Golf Communky college women · Orange Coat at Oranve Emp(re Conference tournament. at El ffNever before In the strength and conditioning profession has a distinction of this caliber been offered,· saJd Michael Mesa. Mike Cahill, Estancia's other 225-pound back. carried the ball just four times. Olhill was also limited by an ankle lnjury that occurred the week prior against Santa Ana. Ungering injuries also bothered offensive and defensive lineman Gary Strawn, who had his shouJ- der retaped just prior to kickoff. bur came out of the game in pain with jw.1 more than five minutes remaming m lhe first quarter. 0nl' new wrinkle for the l:agles' offense was the addition of juruor f..eo Macias to the taiJ- baclc mix. Macias had five carries, including one after a direct snap from center Yousif Muradian. • SAGB HILL: The Ughtnlng continued to be outmanned in Academy League play, Calling in the 2003 'lCaSOn opener to St. Margaret' . 53-0, Thursday. Last season. Sage HUJ ( l ·6, O· I Prado Golf Course, 11 a.m. TUESDAY Wlltllr polo High IChool boys · Caplstrano Valley et Newport Harbor, 3:16 p.m.; Santa Ana at Costa Mesa, 3 p.m.; Estancia at Pacifica, 3:15 p.m. Yo8eybel High school glr1s · Laguna Hilla at Newport Harbor, 6:16 p.m.; Calvary Chapel at Corona del Mar, 5:15p.m. Tennis High school glr11 · Costa Mesa, Estancia at Golden West league flnala. at Ocean Vi&N, TBA. Soccer Community college men • Fullerton at Orange Coelt, 3 p.m. Community college women· ~f:~ et Santa An1, 3 p.m. High tehool • Newport Harbor In Tournament of Ct\Mnplona, TBA. Sulflng t 3.39°/°Ar11·~ 0 up to 66Mns. on approved credit ~ -~ I . I I I ~ ...:-.. l'l -~ .... James Shin, Juraj Zatovic and Predrag Oamjanov had a pair of goals each to help the Trojans Improve to 16·3, 6·1. Don Ried had 12 saves for use. which led. 7.3, at halftime and 13·5 after three quarters. The Anteaters host No. 4 UCL.A Saturday in a MPSF con· test at noon to begin a stretch tn league) lost Its three league games by a combined score of 95-6. Wlth Capistrano Valley Ouistian and Brethttn Ouistian remaining on the schedule, not much is expected to change in the finaJ weeks this season. • "The challenge we have is you ta1te yow Sr. Margaret's and your Capistrano Valley Christian and they get 15 lo 20 incoming fresh. men football players and, of those. a substantial amount have played youth football," Sage Hill Coach Tum Monarch said. "When you gel five or six. it's jmt dl!fi~t 10 pair up. numbers wide. Monarch is campaigning for a move lo a freelance schedule as early as next season because of the Lightning's dlfficuhy in keep- ing up with their league competi· tors. "I think reasonable people need 10 put their heacli together High school · Newport Harbor et Santa Margarita, TBA WEDNESDAY V.Wpolo High scl\ool boys • Newport Harbor et Woodbridge, et University, 3 p.m.; Corona del Mar at University, 3:15 p.m. Mater Del et Estancia, 3:16 p.m. ..... High school glr1a • Newport Harbor at See View League finals, TBA; Corooa def Mar at Peclfic Coast Leegue finals, TBA 'A>"9ybel Community college women • Orange Coast at Saddlebedc. 7 p.m. High adlool gltis • eo.ta M.u at Westmlrmer, 6:15 p.m.; Orange at Estancia. 3:16 p.m. Ool Community oollege women · Orange Coast et~ Empinl Conference tournament at El Prado Golf CourM, TqA. •4900 on •4000 on • on long Beech Wllaon ·Sagehorn 2, Shen'in 2, Piercy 1, Arturovlch 1, Swtnt0n 1. Newport Harbor· Bury 4, Jorth 1, Auer 1. Savet · Robinson 9. hmlfln1I Herv1rd-W..U.ke 10. Newport I Scotw by <WefW'I Harvard '3 I • 2 • 10 Newport 1 • I 0 • I Harwrd-Westteke • Vr"land 3, Rappel 3, Hlndle·Katel 2, Weintraub 1, Fllldt.l 1. Newport Hatbof • Jorth 5, Gentry 1. Savet · Roblnaon 9 and come p with a reasonable conclusion1 • Monarch said. "Football• a unique SPQrt, just with the emotions and the safety. I just ~you need to put more thought process lnto where you put the kid.'>.• Though Monarch remains im· pressed ~ U1e growth of his predomina(ely freshmen and sophomore roster, he doesn'I know that they will be able 10 compete with Academy League foes in the corning years. "The lighl at the end of the runnel is not there unJ~ I see a 101 more numbers al Sage I lilJ as far as football players," Monarch aa.id. While the 2004 football sched· ule Is already set. Monarch said he wouJd not have difficuJry find· Ing opponenta for lhe final three weeks of the season if the Ught · ning were to leave the Academy League. CALDERWOOD Continued from A5 the Ducks later in college. but. before his senior season, he decided to focus on bis studies rather than get beat up by linebackers and defensive linemen. He graduated from Oregon with a degree ln psychology. then served two years in the Army, stadoned on lhe East Coast. After lhe Anny, he was a technical writer for a corporation. He then went to graduate achooJ at the Unlveraity or Wa.shlngton, where be eamed a doctorate In English Utemture. That's when he found hls nJche. He became lfttoualy lntetaled ln lhe wort. of WIJUam Sbakapw-e. fl a!so continued played baseball for Melbon is also proud --~J ~~ Orange Coast College. He was a starter on the Pirates' 1980 state championship team. of hJs wodc. He started an employee benefits firm. Benefit Partners, ln 1997. He Is al5o lnvotved with OUve ~ "I was just happy to be with them and being able to win was special." MeJbon sald. •Playing ln the stale tournament was a lot of fun and, of course. Crest, an organization John Melbon which bas been aiding underprivileged children for the past 30 years. To get lo the point of beJping others, MeJbon developed hbnself through sports, gaining a competitive spirit and an appred.ation for the value or teamwork. "From the lime I could remember. l was playing sports; taclcJe football, baseball and baslcetball, from the firsr thing in the morning till the sun went down,* Melbon said. "That's all I really wanted to do. It wasn't really about organized spons back then. Jt was just going down to the end of the street, getting gloves and bats and playing baseball. J really loved ii. I look back on those times as great times." When Melbon later become heavily involved In organized sports al Corona del Marl ligh, where he starred in football and baseball ln his senior year, 1978-79, he was named Sea King of lhe Year, the school's best male athlete. "That was more because I was to write short stories and poems. "Writing has always come easy to me,• saJd CaJderwood, who hold<> a great deal of ~pect for Shakespeare. Calderwood wrote books, mainJy textbooks. about Shakespeare and he was a professor at Mlchlgan State and at UCLA before moving on 10 UCI, which was founded tn 1965. The Anteaters welcomed CaJderwood in 1966 and he helped develop the Engtish department there. He also built o friendship with UCI men's tennis coach Myron McNamara. who led the Anlcaten to alx NCM OMalon D dllet ln the 1970S. McNamara helped Calderwood learn mate about tennis and Calderwood tudled ~game on his own, reading boob on tennis and continually playing with ~ wiJ)ning the state championship was a definite h.lghllgllt. • Melbon said he came to a realization while al OCC. that, as much as he loved sports, focusing on academics and a business career would be a better route 10 pursue. "I was fast, but not major-league fast,· Melbon said. "You hh a level where you realize that It takes a lot of talent and some breaks to break through to the pro level. I thought my odds would be better with business and academics and I was proven right.. Melbon went on to graduate from UCLA in 1983 and entered the corporate benefits business which he continues to work In. I-le Is a season ticket holder for Bruins football, as well. "I still love spons." Melbon said. Melbon, 42, who lives in Newport Beach with hJs wife and 8-year-old daughter, is the latest honoree of the Daily Pilot Sports Hall or Fame. McNamara. C.alderwood aJso learned by watching the talented UCJ players. . CaJderwood continued to develop his love for the game through his time at UCI. After he retired in 1994, he kept on playing and, while competing in the UnJted States Thnnis Association 65s division, he was ranked as high as No. 10 in doubles with teammate John Peterson. However, rankings are oot all that Important to Calderwood. "It's just fun to get out there,• he said. "Jt's fun just to play the game and to enjoy yourself as much u you c.an." Calderwood, who llvtt in t.e.guna Beach with his wife. Oeo, also cnjoyt the time be q>enda with h1I fam1J)t He and bis wife have two '°"' and three gnmdchildreo. i ·- ~ ...... l.1111 ..... .. ""' .... ............ ..... ....... .. .. -· -LUtita ·-.. ••• CA!lam1• To II Mira, Mlltfl· cltttet. credtton, WO· ~t "Mllots. and '"'™"'' wllo may Cith · WWIM be inter11tad In the Wiii OI tltata, Of •otll, of HELEN E. WEWOt.INO 911• HELEN ELAINE WE.INOl.IHG A f>ETITIOH FOR PRO- IAl! Ml NM llltd by MOltlSE W£1PC>llNC In tlM Superior Court of Callfornla, County of ORANGE. THE PETITION FOR l'ROSATE raquuta MORISE W£1NOt.IHC be eppolnttd 11 P«SOn•I rtpr ... nletlve to ad· mfnlsttr the •tat• of the decedent. THE PETrrtON requ11b th• decedent'• Wiit and codlclla, II eny, be •dmltted to Pfobate. TIM Wiii end eny codlcilt 111 evalleble fof' ••emf.._. tlon In ttlt file kept by ttie court. ntE PETIT10N requests 1uthorlty to edmlnlster th• ut11t1 under the Independent Admlnl•· trellOll of E1tetH Act. (This Authority wl" eltow tlle penonal rtl>'asen· tellvt to tell• many ectlons without obtain· ln1 ourt •f'Provel. Belote taklna certein very lmportent actions, however, lh• person1I reprnantetlvt will be requw ed to 11v• notice to interested pertOnS unless Iller he•te welvtd notice 01 consented to the propo1ed 1ctlon.) The Independent 1d· mlnlslretlon authority wiU be sr•nttd unlus an Interested person files an ob!Ktlon to the petition end shows IQOd cause whr the court should not cunt the 1uthority. A HEARING on the petition wlll be held on 0£CEM8ER 4. 2003 at 1·'5 p.m In Oapt l73 locatad at 341 The City Drive South, O..enc•. CA 92868. IF YOU OBJECT to the 1rantln1 of the petition, you should aPj)e1t et the hurin1 and state your oblKtlona Of file written objlct.lons With the Court IMfof I the ha!rinc. Y OUI it>PtlflNKt mey lie in ll•non 01 Illy y111t •llOflltf' IF YOU ARE A CtltOI TOR er cutllttUI tttclitof Of lhe deetavd YOV muat hie your tt.1m with the ~ourl •nd m•H a cot1y to the Pllf'IA)nal , ... tsantatNt IPJObtttd II)' the COii! I wltttln fo.11 Moctths lfom Ille cltl1 ot the fht lu111"'' or ltt'-'t H PI0¥1ded In ft1~1te Coclt Melton I l 00 The time tor ftlln1 clllma Wiii not .. pl11 lllfott tour montlta from Ille lllarlnt dlt• notktd lbove. YOU MAY EJWl9NE tile hie kll!I Illy the court If you aA 1 PtnOn In terfft1d in Ille utata, you may flit with tht cour I • R1quut for Soecl1I Notice (fOfm 0£ 1$4) of the tilln1 of en Mlvtntory 1nd •ppr1lul of estate ttseb ot of 1ny petllion Of account u ptovkttd in l'rob1t1 Codt aactlon 1250 A Requnt for Special Notice form Ii evall1bl1 ff om the court clerk. Atte...y fw P.ttti-1 ,.,,,JI. T~. Wle- -· w-.i;. & Wel.-.... ur '-e.LWl ..... ,IMt. (CSll 41715), 2'01 Mehl St., Ste. UOO, ltvhM, CA t2614 Publlsh1d Newport Beach Costa Mesa Delly Pilot November 3, 7, 10, 2003 M835 IS("'" MOTla Of PnTllOtl TO ADlllSTll ' lSTAnOfi JOtUISlPll ••lPll lbJOllAmS l PYU WHO. A2ll016 To all heirs, btn1fl cl1rl11, crtdilora, con tin11nl credltou, ind persons who may olh l<WIH bl 111t1rul1d In the "1111 Of estate. or both. ot. JOHANNES E Pill 11lt JOHN E. Pill ah lOHANNES E. PYLE A PETlllON FOR PRO BATE has b11n filed by MARIAN Pill in lh1 Super10r Court of Cth fornl• County of OR ANGE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requeah MARIAN PIJL be ap· pointed n pe!lon1I r1pr1S1nl1llve to ad· minister th• est.le of ttt1 decedent. THE PE!fJ!ON regvetts Policy tltt .. ce6eftl'a W1• .,.. ce••clla, If any. Ill Mln•ttlcl to ptoMbt Tiie Will 1n4I 1111 cOdici.it e1 • enll1~ fOt ta•"*'•· t1011 In Ull fill -ept by the ~Ollll. THt: t£TlflON ra~t1 1utlloitty to adMln'11tr the utat• llndtr Illa lndtp-endent Adm.lnll• trtlicln of bt1tu Act, (Thrt A11tltot1ty wlU e1ow th• penontl ttptaMn· t1Uvt te lt-e 111tny ectlont wtthout obt1ln• ln1 court 1ppro11a1. Btfore taklna certain Vlf'/ lmpOftaflt Ktlona, however, IM p1uon1I rlpt' ... ntabve will lie 19C1111tltd lo 1111• nouu t1 klterat1d P•ftont uni.as tlley llev1 w1lvtd notice Of consented lo the prop0std •cllon.) Th• independent •d· mlnlslrellon 1ulhorlty will Ill o•nlld untau an 1nt1r .. ttd penon hies 111 oblectJon to the petition ind shows 1ood cauM why the court should not trant lh• 1uthorlly. A HEARING on tile petition will b1 held on DECEMBER 4, 2003 11 1 45 p m. In Oapt L73 locetld 1t 341 The City Onve South, 0..tn ... CA 92861 IF YOU OBJECT to the 1rantl111 of the petition, you should •Pc>Ur 1t th• h11rln1 and ital• r.our obt1Cl10ns 0< hie written 6b11tlion1 with the court blf011 the h11fln1. Your 1ppearance mey b1 In p911on or by rour attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDI· TOR or cont ln11nl cred1t0< of th• decused, you must hie your clelm with thl court 1nd mall • copy to the penonal reprnentatov1 1ppolnl1d br lh• court within four months from 1111 d1t1 of the ftrsl luu1nc1 of letters as provided In Prob1t1 Codt section 9100 The tome for fllln1 clalms wlll not uplt1 before lour months lrom the hurona d1t1 not1c1d above YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kept by the court If you ar• 1 person 111· ter1>ted in the est1t1. you may file with th• cour I • Request tor Spec11I Notice (form OE l!i4) of the f111n1 of an Inventory ind 1ppu111I of es11te essets or of 1ny petition or 1ccounl H provided In Probate Code section 1250 A R1quut for Sp1c;l1I llotlce f0t11 la ..... fro111 tlla c-t c~. ~-···· lfl =, ................ 1..-&hlar ... I07••.T_..Aw., s....-.<AH7el P11•llahed Newport BeaA:lt•Colte Meu O•NY l'llot Ho_,..,~. 7, 10. 2003 JM34 ..... ........ 10M I M ISIAWOft •Wlll--••Wllll.IOlllOll CA9aAm11t To eJt lltn, llMtfJ. eleri.., crecllton. -· tlnetnt c.radlt0t1, and persona llfho m1y oth· erwlll bt lnt1111ted 111 the win Of Htete, °" both, of: MEL VILLE MORRISON •Ill MEL W.U M MOftRISOH A PETITION FOlt l'RO· SATE 1111 1>etn filed by l YHN ANH ASH In the Superior Court of Call· fornl1, County of OR· AHCE. THE l'ETlTION FOR PROBATE req-ta LYNN AHN ASH be appointed as person•I rtpftstnt1· tlv• to edmhllster the ntate of th• dtcecll11t. THE PETITION requests the *•d•nt'a Will and codlcll1, If eny, b1 tdmltted to probatt. The Will ind 1ny coctlclls are aYaileble IOI 111mlne· tlon In th• flit _..,t by the court. THE PETITION raquesb authority to 1dmlnlst11 th• 11tet1 under lite lnd1p1ndent Admlnl•· tr1Uon of Est1tu Act. {This Authority wlll allow the personal reornan· llllv1 to t1k1 m1ny actions without obt1ln· Ina court epprovel. Before taklna c1rt1ln very Important actions, however, the penonal 11pruentetlV1 will be tlQUlfld lo l lYI notic1 to Interested persons unllu they have waived notice or con1111tld to the proposed action.) The lnd1p1nd1nt 1d· m1nlstrahon authority will bl 111ntld unless 1n lnler11t1d person fil1s an obiectlon to th• petition end ahowa 1ood c1uM why the court should not cr•nl the authority. A HEARING on the petition wlll b1 held on DECEMBER 4, 2003 at 1.45 p.m. lnDlot. l73 lpcaltd ti 31Uht C1ty -. 0..lft Sollth, On"ll. CA C1lllorn1e, Courity of t2*11 ORANG( IF YOU 08.f"CT t• tl1t fH( l'ETlllON FOR p MlMlt tf tlte pelltlOll, "'°9A TE requ11h VIR rou lhould..,,,.., •1 IM QINIA OOUClASS b• hlarq ind at1te yollf •PC>Olnttd n penonal GeeCtlona Of flit wtltttn rtPfthntatlWI lo Id Oil tioM with the covrt mlnllter th• Ht•lt uf lie ore lite h•wtna Your lh• dectcl•11t '"411tanca may be Ill THt' PC fTTION rtq11a1u 11tuon or by 10Ut 111thwity to 1dmln1st11 1ttot11ay. the 11l1t1 undet the If YOU AM A CllCOI lndep1nd1nt Admin1a · TOR or cont1n11nt trttlon or Felet11 A't. crlclltor of ttie dacfftecl, (Tltl• Autho!lty will allow you m111t fill your cl1lm the personal repru111 with the court 1nd mell t•tlve to tab nieuy • COl)y to 1111 p1non1I 1ctlons wltllout obt1in· rt11t-ntatlve appo ntld Ins c.ourt epprov•I by the court wltllllt lou1 81fot1 talllnl certain monU\I ff-tM d41te or very important action' tfle f•st lullanc• of how1vw. tti• per$0n1I lett.,. " provided In 11pt1.11nt1Uvt will b• l'ro•tt.-COd1 Mellon rtQUlrtd to tive notice tlOO. Th• time fOI ftlln1 lo lnte.1esltd p1non' cl•lma will not uplre unless they h1V1 waived lltfOfe four ll'IOftths from . notk• or consented to tile he1tln1 d1t1 noticed the prQCM>ted utlon ) •bov1 flt• 1ndep1nd1nt •d YOU MAY EXAMINE the ministration authority file k111t by the c:oiwt. H will be sr 1nttd unleu you tr• • peraon In 1n Interested penon tw11t1d In the 1stal1. 11111 1n objtclh>n lo the you m1y me with the petition 111d ahowa 1ood court • Request for c1u11 why th• court Spaclel Notk:t (form DE· should not 1t1nl th• 1$4) 'o( ttt. flffn1 of 1n euth0<ity lnv1ntoty and 1ppreis1I A HtARING on the of 11tal1 -ta ot of petiliOn will b• held on •n1 pehtlon 01 1CC911nt NOVEMBER 20 2003 al 11 provided In Probate 1 45 p.m. In 0.pl l/J Codi section 1250 A louted 1t J4l The City Rtquut for Sptelal Drive South. 011n11 CA Notice form Is ev11f1bl1 92868. from the court clerk. IF YOU OBJECT lo the A"'""Y fw Pett~ cr1nhn11 of the petition '-9 A. Jcti.lffl.... you should appe•r 11 the 1-. HN 11640 h1111n1 1nd •lllt your Jcli.•ltel111 Ill•" obt1c:l1011s or Ille wnllen Ste4Wert&M9ck1y, oblectlons with the •ourl 1 t71 2 lllhcArtlii11r before the h111m1 Your llv ... , Ste, 210, appear an.a llldy bt 111 lrvlM, CA t2612 per son or by your Publlsh1d Newpor I 11torn1y Bteclt-Coste Mt5' 011ly IF YOU ARl A CRlOI· Pilot November 3, 9 10, TOR or cont 1n111nt 2003 M836 creditor ol th• deuned, IS( 13631 llOT1CI Of PmllOll TOADlllSTB mAnOF: WAlTal.ESa lbWMTalAllmssa • WAlTa mssa WI lltU221142 To 111 heirs. b1n•li· c11rtes, creditors, con t1n11nl creditors. ind pe1aons who m1y olh lfWlll b1 Interested 1n the wlll or estate. or both, of WALTER M BRESSEL tkl WAL l ER MARK DRESSEL 1k1 WAL lER &RESSEL A PETITION FOR PRO BATE hes been fifed by VIRGINIA OOUGlASS In the Sup!!!o! Court of you must file yo111 c 111m with the court •nd m•1I 1 •OPY to the personal r1presenta11ve 1ppo1nled by the court within four months from lhl dllt ol the 111 st 1nuance of letllrl 81 l)f0Vldld 1n Probill• Code ud1on 9100 The lime lor fllm11 claim' will not op11e before four months from the hur1na dAlt not11 ad 1bove. YOU MAV Ex.AMIN[ th~ file kepi by the cour I II you •re • per-.on on tereated in the ''IAI• you m1y lo11 with the 'ourt 1 Request lor Special Nohu (form Ol· l!i4) of the fihna of An inventory ind ap111a,.•I of estate aanh or of 1ny petition or tccount as provided 1n Probate How to Place A -. -•• -cc Code seclton 12tl0 A R1qunl 101 S~e.clal Nollet f11<m .. n•lf•bl• from th• court cletk. Attenlly f., P•tll'-n Jeha I'. Dilly, I~ HN t>H7 Cptltle V. •••*if, It~. SINtltOU HSll ft•H• .. e y.,. t..lcl• TefMIMt Sto.1U 1.te1Me Kllh, CA tt'51 fullllshed Newport Bu(l\·Cost.t Meu Dally Ptlol Ottoblf 28, No-~•mber 3. 4, 2003 rM&3l IOTKI Of MUC llAllG NOTICE IS HERESY CIVEN lhtt 1 public hur1n1 ,.,II be held by I~· Coste Miii City Council on Novembe.r 17, 2003. 11 6.30 p.m , In the Council Ch1n1b~11 of City Hell, 77 r •It Orive, on the fonowin1111m MA STlR PLAN AME NOME NT PA·03 37 ANO SPECIFIC PLAN AMENOMENf SP 03·02 for Pit Merwin, 1utho rlied •a•nl for IKEA Property lnc0<porel1d, to wmond r ln1I Mut11 Plan 111d lhl North Co\I• M.1• SpecoflCI Plan lo •lluw (OnstrudlOn of • new park1n1 lot with • minor cond1tlonal UH permit 10 allow compact park1n1 (101' mu1mum allowed, l"' propo,.1d) I0~41ed 11 1475 South Coad Drive 111 • PDC zune Envtrunm111t•I delerm1n1Uon Prn1ou1 lin1I EIR 100 If THC AfOfflMlN· TIONED ACTIO N IS CHALLENGED IN COUIH, the chall1n11e may bt limll1d tu only those ISSUU t•Ulld II tht pul>llL hurin& dnet1bed 1n lh• onho, or 1n wnllen torrnpondence dehvertd to the City Cuuncll 11. or proor to, the public h1111n1 NOllC[ IS fURTHCR GIVlN th1I ftl lhe abowe l1m1 •nd plu1 111 1nl111\l1d ptnons may •11P~•• •nd b1 hurd by the Coty Cuun"I on lh~ above 1l1m JULI( fOlCllC, D•puty Clly Clerla PublUhed Newpor I Broch Co••·• M••a Daily Pool Nuvt111b•1 1 2003 M8J7 NOTICE llM'lltGIDS • Mond;y, November 3. 2003 A7 -----------------UfllNolcrea -lltlf Noaca - ltcelnd •t ocso·. Aclmlniltratlon lobby 01 jtu1ch11ln1 Olvlafon Offlct, by the ti.at• and ltmt °hat•ln 1bClve 111 for th, 1t which bme tit•)' wtll bl publlcf)' orn•d end e11mln1d 1 th• OCSO Purch11ln1 Office, tOIU Elh1 Aven11t, Fount11n Vtllty, Cell fotnlt ~7011 for the follow1n1 • AS/400 NAltDWAlll l'IMCHASI SPICWKATION NO. 1-200l-1'4 s .. led bldt mu1t bl 111bmltted on lhl form supplied by OCSO In ICCOldtne• with •II ptov1iion1 of the apecl· licetlona Spec1fle1Uon1, bid blinks, ind lurttter Information m1y b1 obtained 11 th• 1bove 1ddf1u, telephone (714) 962 2411. Publlah1d Newport B11c:h Coste Miu Dilly ~t Nov1mb•M,Jg I flctltlM .... MmtS....... The followln1 persona "' doln1 buslneu es Metal F•b Service 111 d1.t1bles, 719 W Collins Ave., Or an11. C1hfotn11 92867 Carlo' RoncH Mon· draaon. 11181 Crosby Ave , Carden Grove, C1hlornl1 92843 Thomes Michael Ma· honey. 3444 Autumn Ave Chino Hiiis, Ctll· lornlt 91709 This business 11 COfl dueled by 1 a1n11 al perlnershlp Hn• you st11 led dOln1 busineu y111 No Carlos Roncn Mon du a on Th" 1t1temenl wH filed with lh• County Cltrk ol Orenae County on 10/14/0J 200369'1642 Daily Pilot Ckt 20, 27 Nov 3. 10. 2003 M832 Rdlt.....-.U ... s...... The followln1 p11 sons are do1na buslnen u Costa Mn1 Custom,, 939 W 19th St Unit C2 Co,ta Miu CA 92627 Michael Rocco Ciam broteo 939 W 19th St Unil C2. Co~h Me11 CA 91617 Jennller Jean Glim· brocco 939 W 19th St. Unit C1 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 . This business 11 con dueled by husband and w1f1 Have you Jllr led doll!& fllltlll*t J-'7 Ho MKJIHI Roc'o Ci.in· brocco Thia statement wH filed wltlt th• County Clerk of Ora111• County on IO/OS/03 IOOJ6t60707 01lly 1'1lot Oct 13, 20, 27. Nov. 3, 2003 M92e .......... "-S...... The followlnt p11aons trl doln& buslo1u u ; Hofmann l'roptrlles. 350 Rocllesllt Str111, Costa Mew. Cahl0tnla 92627· 3114 Cherlet H Hofma11n. 350 Roch11tei ShHI. Coate Miu. C1ltf0fn11 92827-3114 • L11nn1 C. Hofmann, 350 Rochester StrMt, Costa "'811. Cll1for nl• 92t27·3114 This business Is con ducted by· husband 1nd wtf1 Hive you alerted doln1 business yet? YH. 1973 Ohatles H. Hofmann This st1t1ment w11 tried with lhl County Clerk of Oren11 Countr on 10/07/03 200Ht609S4 011ly Pilot Oc:t. 13, 20, 27,Nov.3,2003 M822 Rc:tM....., Mmts......, The lollow1n1 peraons ire dOlna busln1u 11· KMC Mort11 .. Corpo· ration, 3300 lnlna Ave #255. Newport B11ch, CA92660 Key Morta••• Corpo· retlon, (Al), 3300 Irvine Ave. •25!1, Newport B .. ch, CA 92660 This bus1nna Is con· ducted by· a corpor 1tlon Hn1 you stetted do1n1 business yet? No Key Mort1111 Corpo· ratmn. Michael C11dwell, President Thi~ sl1t1m1nt was flle(f with the County Clerk of Ortna• County on 10/09/03 200169'1S07 Dally Pilot Oct 13. 20. 27, Nov J, 2003 M825 Hdltlous lvslless ... s ..... lhe follow1n1 person' 111 do1n1 bu11nen H Gerl1nd Dr1k1, 1001 W. 17th Street IS, co,11 Men, CA 92627 Roy Garland Weslleke, 1800 Park Newport •202. N1wp1nt Buch CA92660 Clt1rlott1 J11n1 Dr1k1. 1800 Pull Nsweor l 1202, Nt•P«l 911c1t CAtzeeo lltts bu\ln1u rs con· d11eted lly a &lnetal partn•sll p Hev• you stetted dn na l>utlrieu yet7 No Roy G Wull1kt Thi• 1tatam1nt win filed with the COUl\ly Clert. ol 011n11 Co<in11 on 10/30/03 tOOHt6Hlt Dtlly Ptlot Nov. 3. 10, 17. 2•. 2003 MA38 Fie*'-.... •s...... Thi follow1n1 peraona are dolnl business n Hofmtnn Man1.1•m1nt Co , MO Roch11hr Street, Co1t1 Men, Californl192627·3114 • Chtrles .H Hofmann, 350 lfothesttr Street. Coale MUI Calif01n1t 92627 3114 Lt1nn1 C Hofmann, 350 Aochnler SJrHI Costa Me5', Cahlornl• 92627-3114 This business Is con ducted by husband •nd wife Ha"' you •l•rllcl doln1 busineu y1t1 No Charles H Holmanri This statement WH f111d with the County Clerk of Or11n1• County on 10/07/03 200Ht609S7 Dilly Piiot Ocl 13. 20. 27,Nov 3. 2003 M821 Rctl'-INtlts MmtS....., The lollowin1 perlon1 are doln1 buslnus as LC Autom1tlons, & Tour11nt l'ttca f' ooth11f Rench CA 92610 Leslie 01an1 Cook 6 foura1n1 Pl1u r ooth1ll Ranch CA 92610 This busmen os con dueled by 1n ind1v1du11 Have you \tarted doin1 bus1nn' yet> Yes 9/l / 10J Lnlle Cook Th11 \llt1m1nt wn filed with Ille County Cl•1k ol 0111111 Cc.unty on 09122103 200'695910.S Deily Piiot Oct 20. 21. Nov J. 10. 2003 M830 SELL your stuff through classified! .----Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines arc subject Lo change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no LiabiJjty for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEAD --Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 (Please include your name ..Id i"'°""' number Ind we ·u call you btck With a pn« qUOlC ) Telephone 8:30am·S:00pm Monday-Friday By Phone (949) 642 S678 Hour~ Index By Muil/ln Person: .llO Wc\I Bay Street (o".1 Mc'a. CA 9:!627 At Newport Blvd & Bay S1 \1.,11~ 1111< JOam-'i OOpm Monday-Fnday Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUtKllENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANOAL BfTERTAINMENT Cllllllllr "' £..-1S10 IOUM-CIPPOINITY All '"' eatelt •dVlftlt· In• _In this n•WJPllP« It subject to tile Fedlrel Ftlr Hou.t1111 Act of 1161 U 811llftded whlCll m•llH It 11111•1 lo advartlM 'eny prefer· 1nce, llmlt1t1on 01 dlac:rlmln•tlon be-.d on tlCt, '°'°'I relitlon, MA. handicap, 1ml1Jal atetus Of n•tlonel 0t1tln, or an lfttentton to mella any ~ Pf•flrert«. hlnit•· lion Of 4ilcrlmln1hon." Thia "'wtf>IP'' win not llnowlflClr accept anr edver11aem111t for 11111 •aht• which 11 In ¥1otetlOll of lite law Our lttdar• .,. "'::.'/. lrtrOtrnad tllat .. lfto ..._.__ In ttua .. ...., .... v ....... • 1111 .,. ...,, .... tunltt •nl• To co111t1laln of dis• ...... a.,ulHUDW- ft• et lolll0-424.atO. . ' .. soos-saso 2305-2490 IOOHS10 Under till' Sl'n icl' Dirl'rtrn\ Hanner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lonalne at (949) 57 4-4245 =TE Aue!: ~"t.. E#BJY/ 3480 Olea a• 4540 RURAL PROPERTY Rtnta1To8hart emo Ocee11 vl1wl Sunny ~ entry Spec 1 ltlDty 2br + din 21>1. ~. 11.tadl .,.. .. _.arhi..-. 1 C'tllf Fp, -trpl. hltt jll'll $175011 5QZ3 ... M, Untl 8 949 64S-9913 <-•c.1 ...... Sll~vlew Motil. 5 5 .. / -1~--.. -•• -,..-,.,-._.-- aait. Hwy 101, S1ntt I ,000 tst•t• 11i., 81tb1r1 County, CA lndudlnc Tommy 9tN1na Commercl•I, Dec. 11th. dirn rocm Mt. c.-°"'1 l l:OO•m., 1·310-798 ca1fiirInfo714-751.a>oeo 7~4. Edmond Jim11 Bisaon. RE Brof\ar, 3810 1 -W Pacific Coast Hwy, .._ 1115 111111111•1 .... - Old Coins! Cold, 1ilv111, jawtlry, Wltdlll, antiques -A-COOl--T-R_A_VE_l_Jo-bl cotltctlblea 949-642·~ ~ Torrence. CA -le-,-,-DMM--1-y-,-.._--_ MM~ Cr~1 lte•4•" Amuon In ~· ~·AuctlOfl • vicinity of Hwl>Or 6 • ... ., Gitter CM, A«!l·lemed Inc .• l ''''" Ale• & t11lhtln. Name Archie T. T:ctd, LP~7 1'1111 call 114 434-)$00 (CAL SCAN) Iv• m11, --------- Entry level, 11 or older, No Hpetlell« Htcn· ur=Travtl USA es-ll Htw e«ounta. Unllm1 IMOIM and Growth. Toll FrH 177· 846·5050 (CAL •SCAN) OW.SMIF~ f'IAHOI ' c ••• ctllMI hind 1111 CAIN POI NTT1U --------Cetellfl•, NtQler, ltuer, . ....,.... .......... ·--·-·°"--fCMIND R~wood etc ... 3110 .. CMM MJD .. -------•IMIY IST'ATD. ........... ~ .... COCUTllUMIYAAMA 94H7MZD--.UU S111l111111 -.. '"'' COUltTIY cwt ,, ........... -• ... L.. Lll'J'.",11,1:· 'frJIS • -·-(>-... ,. ... ,... .... 8-11 -._ .... -----.-AIMUl-- --111 .. 1111 11 .. ur w••• ...,..111 DUCIMAMNI r C4111714-111 ... IM ..................... CW. eppto• l"" "°"' ....,_t'-Kh heel• Im ~\:U:~:,=~~ A11•1•• 0--lnterwt' ..,.,., "7f Krn llf l9M 6 ....-ov•~•• ... yOUf o"n n111t COtnllOUnd 111/atructure end 2 tr..,_1 WotMllWf11I Fri 111Pt 110'• • • .... 1u11111 dur1111 duell -+ ._, """' ..... ,., '2 """* If f..,..,' -Cati .. at llO·IMI ... l...ntal ....... I u11 to 70Jt off! 30.&0. 40al0, IOxlOO Can o.-1 "°" 81)().499.1760 ..... ...... 1121111• ft fl II Prl-Ofc Suite Approir. FOR f'lll: 61hf & l2Zltf at SUlO \)N.&; Sl .98ftc ,_ Newport r..ntw Avfl/I 21 J.7~ HOMESF-OA SAU. ORANGE 6400 COUNTY COlllMal :et rtJClR 0 ARIZONA am IAllGAlf, 315 1cru 124,900 Bordera State l end 8eautlful renc.h In \........,. Ftept1H trN perfect 6,100' drnlll Sptctecut. mount--Alfor ... finendna M.R 1 Ul·'IJJ2.· 5263 (CAI. -$CAN) 1111 tuhldt t1111l, bls.t l>IOCll. _ ltrlt lot, •. lt. ...... ~ '412 Moinlln your stuff hcqh classified I """" .... Nl/Oc-View•- Ocunfront/22nd, Prl vale rm, unfurn, alt111 bt ullls p1ld, n/smk. k1tch1nelte, lndty, I bill to Nlwoort pier, S730m Call Sem 949-278·7905 (b1tw11n 9am·5pm). ... ~si... .. a- 1n 'B• House Shere bllh, no(plV .... S57'!( "'° + $400 ... & 1/4 utlll c.I ...._ 9am· 6pm M F 949-574-42'5 t HOUSI TO llA<KI ~I 2bl l~t Ujlptf 11nlt w/ocn v11 cat Plf"lnt wd Ilk~. IVlll Nov hi S2100 949 67$-5069 OCIA .... ONT HR HA on the nnd, ennual luae. $4400/mo. A&tnt otfl 714 26t·l908 2 c ... Comm pOOI $3451. Sm ... ... Kitll Msnt- 177·704·8649 a9204 wwwkl1lnpro com .,,..,,.,,,.. L111t 3bf, 2ba, l 1/2 blka to b11ch. no/1mll/peu l2500/mo + MC dtp ~9-675-7591 811u newly ttmod 3bf 2ba, 2 c I"· new hdwd ftra, 1t1nlt1 ctra, appra, fp, no sn*. p1bo $3250/ mo + dip 512-493 6129 2W. 2ilt ~ 'lie ,,, outlldt ptlJo. pool. ........ W/~ J1d. 1Q3 Hartlar Woods IUD> 714-J!ll.1!1'25 2br 2ba nr NP pier CloH lo slt09a & realutrtntt fp, l c 111 Wd hkup. S1800/mo 94g.293.4630 w• .. ~ 2 MDW 8r, 28ii Condo. pert OCMI -· lluncty ~ $1900,lmo 71 41 a VIiie r.i,.1 Drive SI 925m. 2bt, no ala n lolf COUl'll V-. Pf:r· Act 911h1a Swlf\6t I t4t~soo-' .. , Cwte 3bf 2b• tln1 f•m 1oldanc1, p1tlo, 111,,_ I• .Ill)' l t 11r. a•t '2!iOO 149 293 4631 l .....,....,,.A•Al•- M1ck1ntosh computer •ll•lfs M1d1c1I Of11c1 He#potl 8Hch, $12/llf le..,, ""I 949 l80 8JS2. w.-v.-.~ Q.,,. 11 Ut.t Forllt Gr.-m 1or --penon ma 0443 CASH AOVANCU •OR Claim\, 1ltuctured ,.t tltmellls Annulltts, lllherlltnces Trusts, C"'• r und1n1 Croup 800-836 0479 (CAI. "SCAN) ~/o-M-wefili rec ocn•t•d lu•ury ti 1nsport1hon comp1ny ~eells Ch1ulltut1 with Ollll&t County Opetllloll Olit dlenls consider ow ctrr....s. "profeiaionet1°. I ~ 1n ICll>kctnt wtio is driven end Hlf molov1t Id Blue Crou, 401K, Oent1t. VISOOI' Industry 11.-we ••pec;t en •1'1Plor" to have In t'"l'lty honesty co .. t•· tY Chauffe111 t•P«lenCt not requlfed. Need Clan II. C. Customer Mtvke Olltrltnct prtftrltd Mu1t be 25 Colle .. 1tudlnls conlitMttd ,.T/ fl CaU 800-2Y· 2!171 • 1106 for 1pphutoon 1nsttuct10n' OfllVERS TEAMS1 SOLOS Run C•hf0tn1• lo ..-111. wul We II http 1ou mov1n• & eel you home 800-247 1010 1)1 WWW Gf l ltllCk t om (C4l "SCAHl HIVlU PAIT-TIME Mnn f ti Drive n1u ca" and J•I p11d IO< 1t Call Oan 949 1162 /474 R1t11ll Atl• Hen,. Cellecllen now acaptiflll .tpploutit>O\ 10< f IT Sales PftlOO. upe1 ~Ke requud l601 ~1111bot• •16 Hewptl<t llHch 94911619'°1 111 949 116J.9Cl2 Callfornl1 law ,. quires llut tOt•lt• tort tell:& jllb> lhlt total S 01 m01a (llt>ot or m•ter .. 1$) l>t llCttlwd by th• Conlrectors Stele l1tt11M Boa1d Stale llw tllO requites lh:' co11tr1cton 111clu • their ~nst n1•mM! on 111 edvttl lnl YOll t•n clHICk the 1t1tlil of your llcenu,d co11t1act o1 et www cslb ca ~v or '°°·l2l·CSlB Unll· cenH.t cutrt,lor• talll111 JO• thet tot1I ius than S500 must 1l1te In their dvert11tme1111 thet they att llOl lictnHd by the Cont11ctoo St•I• lktt111 Bolfd " AddNoltll ~ JAll'TMllG~ ~ l•tll~ ~~ c.., - 'OOIMWJIJI s.i-/Slld. Auto. low Mola (823157) $24,900 '00 IMW 1'0H. .While. $pol I Wills. H1v1. lo1dtd (Pl54S4) Sl&.900 WIMWZ·J Blv'B .. Ssp, co , •• lect Cv (f!ll472) S2J.900 '01 fW'tl ,....,... ~ Blll,'1511\l convt. 2 top_s, onry 811 mllM (122751) $21,IOO W&..-OS·I# Wllt/T.n, l'tltJtum -ltt,LN4td (099216) 125.900 "01 ._...cut- SSAJAO 8111/811, Loedtd, CO. ~18kt!lllM (1 ) lot9,900 'OOM~S-..JO BllVTtn, PllOM. CO, N•vt Low mtles (073237) 141.900 '9T Me«HH f-4f0 Smob Sll'ftr VI CO. loaded (444967) SJ!l.900 -.s~•''' CA.I Bll</8""81k. Tiptron IC CO (3-41986) $36,900 ..,, ,...,,. ,_,,., Sltve< 5·'1> CO l OW m11H cr••t p11c1 (623482) S2l 900 Ht-650-2222 Tlt'1E..,.. w.i- ,,,°""" ...... " ... ()8d .... CM>, flW1 & mcnl • (427411811619) S2lll!ilb .,,,_._...,. ----1..odd. IM'f. CO. ID ll'i. (41W4ll718) sa,9115 'Ot..Wsnl ... "'~ *J.: lpCWt """'* (4257 Ml«)'3) 1'11.'116 .......... --~1611~~. nm.._&mcn (~°'6) s:B,!11115 .,_.,, w.r-.-..e1c. (292'5) SZI ,5lli ,,,A.,.. .... 4.6, Mw. D. (4-llfl) ~5 WlllOVll llWPOIT lfAOI .....SAU'O '99 ..... ru..f .... k (ltuS) 111• W MWst• Black (ltsn) 117.tllO fl~tr,,,. .,.,. Attufl (196J4) S27.• ,, &•.ww l.UOO Slhw •/11*1 lttv co. pwr-o0t.Pw feet COl'Cll (194S3l) 111.• 'VIM~• QX'10 C...,. Sllwr fllwlaa (l95S4) ~2,980 'HM--'"SUOO ... ,., SmobSilvw (19711) $35,llllD "', ,.,,,,_ ,,... .._.H loaded (19744) Z2.980 'fS ,.,..,. C.tJt• C~witlN ~•1ndfu111 (194781) 17,tao 'HV .... _,.,. ,,_,_,,....., Auto (19721l) Sll,lllO w,..,..,,, ,_..,, Silver (19441) $54,980 ,., """"-o.v• P..-IWhile (19191) SIS.980 011•wnsa Rtd (19826) $29,980 Ht-574-7777 PHUSAllTO ;'S; ..... COVI IOTOlllG IMW 74011 '01 Blue, arey U'lltr IY2843 $37,995 IMW 74011 '01 Whole, 1111 Inlet IY3951 Sl/,995 IMW 740tl'OI S1tvw. IJ•Y '"'" •'19942 143 '9!Y.> IMWMl'tl Silver bt1ck inter •'12897 m .995 IMWMJ '02 Solver. arey Inter IV3962 $50.995 Bridge · ~~ ..,~ltAICH ·wus TO Wu.KLV BJUDCE QlllZ Q l ·1~YU )'O'!· holcJ • Soa1h jump~'° tbrO! Unonda.. • A Q U "A IU O AH J • U ~'\~~ IO l•" Obi.. ~ ' . ••eat. "oepb~. fur takeout A·~ )'out 19 bi,ii<ltd poinla.. po oft'aue you rully ha\-e no obviolA 'iOUl'Ce of lnCu Dcf ~\l't'Cly, your lwwJ h st~ wcWned by lhe '-" t.lwl your holdifl1 l1 In front of declW. I °"'evn, 11 I& doubd\il that dedattl'~Ul tvtr be Ible tu ~ lhe !able 10 lad • irvmp throu&b yow holdlng. Ccxi~rt the double to pcnal- lltt by pessln1. You arc nn yoor way to • hai&e pl us Q 1 • Bodi YUlnuat>le, &I Soulh )OU bold: •Al :i AJll 11.J 7 •Kl72 The biddi na hti l)ruCt!C(lcd· NORTH EAS1' soum WEST l •• 1 Wb.11 do you bul oow1 A • This dqlalda un yuur mcthoch 11 )«i !)lay ncg¥tivc doubb, go ahetd. 'Yoo Clll dlow YOU/ ~aoni hand Illa ln the &UC\100. If lhal Ii not one of the ~ ui your quhcr, with I CUC·bid of the O\Cr· ler's suit and see whal develops Bid two spede~ Q). As South, 't'Uln.:rabk. )'<IU holJ: • 76 AKQ954 KQJ9J • \IQld The b1ddin2 II.Iii proc:cedcd· soum WEST NORTH EAST I, P• l• PHI 7 Whal do you bid oow" A • Nunnally. Y\IU 'lh<111kl he w.nc· •hat wary when )OU ~\C a \otd in partner's suu Herc. howe't'cr. you can l'ClUOllably O~I W 11'\.ilc pmc lo a red su11 ruid, unle\11 panncr ~ hand •• totally unsuuahle, ~lam •~ a real poi.~ibillty. Tell ~ thi~ by l'lrtntr QJIC'" the biddina with cw ~ Wb.11 do )'00 ruponcn A·~~ is comet. but be airtf ul ~ baDJ C*ll be • pertW rilUtit Miould ~hold r.ubmntial valljCj ll\ hcarU Tnc die auction lowly If rtnm retilds IWO heatu. ~'OmlCt 10 two spades; if thh ii llO( fomna In your methods. bid three ,us. Then wait to hear hQw port· ner~ Q 5 • As South. vulntnble, )'OU hNd: •KIOJ ~95 OAK75 •1'JU The bk1dl11.11 lw oroceeded. SOlml w .. s 1 NOMTH EAST l• .... 1• ,_ ' Whac 00 )OU bid now? A. Don't quibble about the opemna bid Yuu would be facina lhe .. me problem 1f you opened die bidditl& wuh one dlilnood becaute to bid two clubt then v.oukl $\l&iest an unballlllCCd hand. The comet rebid Is two sl)Cl(le~ Yes, pun.net might ha\'c only four spadc:S (altbou&h In llaht of your one club operuna five ~ more liktly>. bot thal is hls problem Q 6 • 80<h \'Ulnrl1ble. L\ South )OU hllld. t AK7l AJ84 ,Jl73 4 5 The biddin11 bas proccedcd, SOlml WES1' NORTH RAST lo P.. l ,_ 7 What do you btd now? A If yuu play that partntr\ r.u~ of your nuno< i' a onc-mund force and dema a map. your only btd 1s to show 11 nurumum by way of a re- mii.c 10 llvcc dilarn<>n<b. lf you play ~tandard nti'IC\, p11M. C.411!.c 'ti DeVllle wtlrtl/oalme.el ltlw '°"' ml, buubful Of~ cond 111sldt & out. clw m whh. $.3"495 ~ 949 S86 1888 llve, tteY 1•1411' •V2141 SJ7,9tS LANO ROVH '01 wwwAcpall..c- COYE IOTOllG IMW 74011 '0 1 White, t'•Y Inter 1VJ9SI SJ7,9tS IMW74011 '01 Sl!Ver. pey lllter 4 ............... ,.,.,. •Vll22 SH,ttS MlRClOlS CUO '02 llack, ltlodt Inter llV927( S20,9ts IMW 111 SO 'OJ AUDI A4 '00 414 Red, Bl1cli, w/crey inter 1Vtt42 $41,tts IMWMl'tl snv.,.. ltledi "'1er MUCfOU C240 '0 2 ·~·••Yl-tV0'6S $27,ttS V17649 Sl2.~ IVOll02 117 995 IMW U '" IMW 1211 '00 811ck, tan rnltf Black w/ta11 Inter 1VIJ09 $17,911!> IVZ813 122.995 JAGUAR I TYPI • 74 IMW Jiii• 't9 yellow Bl1ek. tan lnt11 #Y4024 $39,995 #'19979 $24.995 JAGUAll S-TYrl '00 IMW SHI 'ti GrMn, tin Inter Brontz. Ian Inter rn193 s22 995 •V5497 sn 995 JAGUAl XJ6 't7 Blacll tin rnter IYlMa S23 995 JAGUAll XII '00 Green, l•n Inter 11280 S:>6,99b IMW S211e'OO GrMn tan 1nler •VOS67 $23,995 IMWS40f '99 Blue, &r•Y tnler IY211 I $2!>.~ IVHt7 SH,ttS IMWMl'02 Sllv.,, l'ey Inter 1vatu sso,tts IMWR1U0 '03 414 Re4, V17'4t $12,ttS HIWIJ''6 llecft, .... '"'" •VIJOt $17,ttS JAGUAR I TY" ' 7 4 y.U.w •V4024 SH ,ttS JAGUAR S· TYPl '00 o ... ell, '°" ,,.,., #V778S $22,995 JAGUAll XJI •tt IMW 74010 '00 Red tin tnltr Bl1ek. l1n inter JAGUAa XU 't7 IY0859 $24 995 •V943S Sl8 995 llac.k, '°" lnt•r Mnaors <Ul-soo 'OS Wlthe,w.dilmer 1¥6713 SS4,ffS MDtCIOIS 1120 '01 lled1, Wedi l"ter IVJ4SI Mllt<IDIS 1120 WA 'Ot Gr_t ... l11ter IV4SI I $21,ttS MHCIDIS Ml.J20 '01 11.c1i tV91 11 $26,9tS MEllCIOIS MIJ20 '01 lladi, ltl•tk Inter IV34'7 $27,995 MERCIOlS SSS '02 Sllv.,., ltlack Inlet TODAY'S Oat;P'llotl CBQSSWORP PUZZLE 9004 Automotive ,.ORSCHl CAUIU '99 llodt, black Inter •V1061 $45,995 QUAU MANGUST '01 Sliver, ltlad1 Inter #VOIS9 $S2,99S VW PASSAT'02 Sllwr,pey lftter #VUSS $30,ttS Ht-650-5915 COVI IOTOllllG MHC£DlS SSS '02 Solver. black Inter •Vl44l $79.995 MERCEDES S 1500 '00 White. tan Inter llV0580 • 148,995 POllSCHI tH 'tt 8uraundy, tan inter •V2!>92 14!>.995 f'CMtSHl C.AHDA 'tt lllue, crey Inter •V6049 145.995 LANO ROVlR ·o I PORSCHE CARiili ... 4.6 Bronlz, tin Inter Black, bl1ck Inter 11~22 $38,995 IVI068 S4U95 VW rASSAT'0 2 S•l•e< 1rey inter JAGUAll '95 XJS con•I S1phtre blue/01tm11I Vl999JJ Sl6.4SO hrfer-• LTD 949 ... SO-SHO AUTOMOBtLES, • MlSCW.MEOUS 9355 MlllUDIS C240 '02 Burpndy cr•Y mter •YOJ65 $21,99!> IV3655 Sl0.995 a.-t.t ......... J6ft mtr MHCIDES CUC-500 ·03 While, black Inter •V6783 $54 99!> MIRCIDIS U20 '01 81acll black Inter •V5458 949-650-Stl s llOfne tor tnl How ~ tor the ~ Wll1l1 re• Sl651day /14-!eHl282 hr4 ··s Mutle•1 JAGUAll XJI ., • Conver lib le ot111n1l Blue. tin inter IMW7401e 'OO Bronlz tan 1nl" •VJ541 $U,tts JAGUAll XII '00 1VJ447 S7t,t9S MHCIDIS SI SOO '00 Wltlle, ten Inter MlRClDIS U20 WA 01 Ninon '91 Centro XI 2dr, 5$pd, cord, A/C. 1m Im cus. 0111 l1dy owner boolls. rl!Cords superb cond throuchl $1900 v#956nl • 9&5flS.IB88 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ v STORAGE 9680 owne< • sotl4 '" • nut •V7947 S24 .995 -S!&!D> ~ 9&119-29'1 LANO ROVER 2000 011cove1y II S07, dual moonr Is, re11 jump Htb, hutad s11t lie w11r 36,000 ml sn .995 YZ89539f Perform1nc1 l TO 949 650 5860 Ja9uar '00 XKI Ce11vt black/tan 33k ml, new 18" l1ctory chrome/ t11es alnl cond $41 000 obo 562-412·9801 •V9 I 58 l4 995 IMW 740tl '01 Solver. 1r ey ll/8605 $40,995 IMW 74011 '99 o\nthrac1t, crey • Y5063 $38. 9!Y.> IMWZ4011 '01 o ............ ., 11210 s2•·"' JAGUAR XJl'99 Re4, Ian Inter 1VOIS9 $24,995 JAGUAllXJl'99 llue, t ...... ,., •V7t47 $24,995 #VOSIO $41,ttS Green. l1n ml11 •V4581 $28.995 MHClDES Ml320 '01 Black ,.ORSCHl9 .. 'tt lurgvtt4y, t-Inter #V2Sf2 $45,ttS IY9l lS S26.995 ,.OUHI CAHIU •tt MHCIDU Mtl20 '0 I 1a...,.,.ylnter •V6049 $45,ttS Black, bled Inter IVJ.467 127,995 w-.ecpat.t.ce111 RANGl ROVER '2000 4 0 st l1h1 new, 17,000 mi. cd cll1nae1 n1YIC8 lion system. lull lsclory w111. black/tan. Sll.99!> V44312? Perform1nce l TO 949 650 5860 10 ft tllp evall Dec h i $2800/mo Commercial lot allon 949·67!> 3101 UDO ISU DOCK lor up lo 60ft boil ll 1ccen . waler & elect Included 949 500·6714 Holl£, ffEAL.JH AND flusnESS ~ .... omaa,Plblbtllng Aoortnt'fHI HlndymalV Hiiiing wC.A.ltHT~O-o CUSTC* CllAlM YU HomlRepall IUNK TO TMJ OUMPlll Ilg Mite's Repair•, P1tdtln1. tnstan YOUSHOMI lnltlllboll. llllt ~ 714-968-1882 Courteous •nl site jobs mwbll, Aone. .... tt7S CONTRACTOR AVAILABLE T004YI WholHalet 94 -U2..0205 IMPltOVIMfNT U613* Jaff 71Wl.2-BI 949·873-5566 Tree Service ,ROJICH HANDYMAN :=L.a.M.• Cell a ~lumber, LWY saw-. =Id 18 Yrs Exp• G11i11 Rel~ HOUll CJeanlng pe1n1.... andym1n, R~ovUn ' lost•I tlon Al~ d Constlvcllon =o..:ri= or eny of the ll'NI TIL OCAN 949-673-8065 ......,.c.....ia...e wrvleu hsled l'tlf't In 11~ 71A.8&).2031 ~ IWnCldtl £.,ta hlC....~ he s.r.q 0 c . f« 25yri our service dorKtOfyl =. U$179l2 ~ .... ,,.. ... 949 2 7 TH£$( LOCAL SVC 949-305-7699 ~ 94HJ7-'ll3 f'£0PLE CAM HElP YOO TOOAYI ........ ~=+c•C.. Q:NEUl. IEPAll Crt4Mtlele4 THcher Sprnlltert~ 'IWN'l'f1iVtC! av1ll for tul0tln1 In 111 Dlynfl lefvtca R~ Tr sub~ts K 8 fleleranc11 Cltlln""-r,.. ~ ·~•Omddll IU'S <USTOM PA.INTINO ave I Oien• 949 689 719'1 w1nH01n HYWAU Pllllt~ SWYI* .. l!IOral °'*1709ya Prort, cteian, qutlity worlo. COMPUTER AU pl'llMI ll'll/lfJ,jobl ,.. Q) )bl=...,.. o Job 1bo S'""11 LowAatee l11twlotl••I end doclla 71.WIS-, HELP! (llAN~a, I • trtt Daye Baalltoa s~ Sc>eclel• l•703469 949.4()().1()5.4 Stttp & ..... ....... • l 7l"6»1'47 ==. ~..:=":..! .............. 949-322-1292 Since'°'' MONIST & llASOMUU Custom Hind ,.11nltd ,..,._,. , ... , ... PlllMBU L~ .. ,.. ....... eatc11snc. w/llt mo -. hi ~ ~ T.., Qull~. co;;l~~t'" Fr•Eit!Sm~ JoU• & Feu~. P= •fC•• .,.. ,min n400lllJ MAN Tttt HANDYMAN lflte11ot at l 21 OCTf'CU-OIK 714 91~ Md tor "" Sl»al •I I ieo.v Aa wo.11111ar1nttt4 c.11 Jly 949 650-SaM ............ 5aAU JOI P"IT """"'-Elicwla( Doon.. llST MOvtH SU/Mr, PltlCtH PlUM~INO TMISR ..... Dt .~ ..... Lota!, Qulc:ll R•'POn,. fi'IWI Cll'll *-••• Ser wil'lt All Cit ... INuracl R119a111 & R•~o llna SCM1Ct1llrln1 In Home. Yard It Dock Elect Tl~ J23 WI ll9l lAMOW°'7= W•llpaPf Remov1I ·Olllt~ ~JM&~ £llclJ 323-630 91111 cell P mttnt...,..•t. fltEtESTI 4TE U58824l 049 360 1211 '-111111."'-... c...... ~~bf FrM a !mt L'687»17l4 169 1090 •NI:,""'-• ~JOQ 7714UI1181 Window a.Ing ~YN.m-=-ClrpM~~~. CE 714 I ·2786 •.•. (. Uemk low ,,, h Cellf Pultllc •ot.01 .. w1n kal C*'*ICb. ,. Ii* too Df1l"• • Stuu:o Ubhtles Comm._11 W•OWSDVKI c.-.1-, 111111, ,.. • ~ ""'' PM1l1n&,T•&mort rtQll~H that •II 11t1d $111 ltctlOll Cu11•nlttd """ NIJllll I. Ol'l9 ~t•llfJIWI 20+ Y~tillC-el houullold 1 000 ., '* 149 lllo\562 .. lrlcl .... S.-TI•• (714)142·1••• f'rilh~ 1171 _,,,. "'°"'• r.'"' thtor i:~°' c.ia•. ,...,, Of"""'9y =::r-tlCIOt; P.U C Ca T 111111\bfr, llJ~ SELL JfWfR A: Tll'~Cl r ""*· ~ lttft 25Yrt LKINHO COMTUCtO. IHllO• and eha11tft1H lU CTROMC SlAll I y ltt1r 14-5$7-7b04 No --Ill\.,.~ -~ ...... I wtl 1t ,,.htefy ...... print lltelr T,C.,, LtAK DtTECf~ your stuff R'fltlt, ttmodtt, 1•111, -.boll'dt& r:v r••r II•••· Ser•:: nwlnOtt 111 aN advw .. MlllMWte .. .... ~ llMmenb.. If ~Oil have Frfefld~ s.tvlct nlllnp, roturt w• . •••·• •-tio4 through --CllJaM Cftptfllr~. Tott t. ~-, tny f.!'ll°"• •bovt 714·~ -~oom noon Jey 049 41 Sl the tltlllJ of I classified! .,_.. ••• .,, 111110 01 ............ , ...... _ dl1ufhllt,e.ll PWU< UTIUT'a t1lr•od1n1111. t eulJ COllM•IH °""*' ,. °Lt ....... .,, 1113 a.Mll