HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-08 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot:. • • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 2003 DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Nancy Dixon walks down a ramp at Larson's Shipyard. A walkway along the water's edge would be inconvenient, she says. Property owners divided over -Mariner~s walkway The Harbor Commission is considering a plan to build a walkway from the Arches Bridge to the Balboa Bay Club. Allofa Robinson Daily PUot MARINER'S MTLE -Busi· ness owners are divided over a proposal to build a water- front walkway from the Arcbea Bridge to the Balboa BayQub. The Newport Beach Harbor Commlsslon is exploring building the wooden walk.· wayas a tourist attraction and as a boost for waterfront busi- nesses. A consuhant studying the project has nearly finished collecting feedback ·from 23 property owners -mostly businesses -who would be affected by construction of a waterftont walk, and so far, responses are rnixed, New- port Beach City Engineer Uoyd Dalto'n uid. Nancy Dixon, owner of T "" son's Shipyard, is a critic ot the wal.lcway plan. "I just thought It was a bad idea," she said "I thought i1 could be a safety Issue." The city would have to In- stall a drawbridge at her ship· yard to allow boats In and out, Dixon said. Boats in need of repair can arrive at all hours, depending on the ddes, and the repair work can create chemical fumes and flying de- bris, she said. Theft from boat!> and litter- ing are issues in the harbor. a problem that could be exacer- bated by bringing more peo- pie to the area, OlXon said. "That's already an issue out here," she sald. "I think we're just inviting more people to come and pollute." Duffy Electric Boats Vice Prebld.ent Gary Crane had no such reservations ab"ut the wallcw v proposal. wiuch he swd w1 1ld be good for his business. "From a retail s1andpoint, we would like to see 1>0me- thlng like that,· Crane said. As to problems with theft. Crane said. "a boardwalk Is not gomg to decrease or ln- crea'ie that. llmt's always go· ing to be an element tha1 would happen " TI1e local chamber or com- merce and conference and vislront bureau wen> un- equivocally pos1Live about the proposed walkway "I think it would be ter- rine," Newport Beach Olam- ber of Commerce President Richard Luehrs said ... 1 think il would. In fact, benefit the business community down there.,,particuJarly the restau· rants. Bu mess suffered after Sept. 11, Luehrs said, but has steadily improved since then, and a waterfront walk could help the recovery. It would make a greal sell- ing point, said Marta 1 layden, executive director of the New- port Beach Conference and vi .. 1tors Bureau. "I lhink II would ~ an en- hancement.~ she said, clling the San Antonio River Walk's succc<;.s in revitalizing busl- ne~. II would give visilors more acc:e<>.'> to "one of our major aumctions." she said A harbor walkway has heen See MARINER'S, P11e A4 College district chancellor to retire Bill Vega announces his plan to leave in June, after 10 years at the helm of Orange County's community colleges. DHpa Bh1rath Daily Piiot Days after he completed 10 years 81 chancelJor or the coast Community College District, WUllam Vega has announced that he w1U retire ln June. Vega took over u the district'• fttth chlJ)ceUor on Nov. 1, 1993. He did not specify rea.sonJ for his retirement, but tlmply aa.ld ln a statement that lt was time Nto routeN my own future goals and con.sider the posstbU- lty of new professional cha.1- lenges.w Vega was not avaUable for comment on Friday, but he said in the ltatement that he Is proud to have seen changes to the "organlzatJon's culture~ during his years as chancellor of the district, whJch includes Orange Coast College, Golden West College and CoastlJne CommanJty College. H.15 goal u was to establlsh an environment in which open and honest communication fAMJLY TIME could lake place and he be lieve he accomplished that during his tenure, he said. Vega has been one of the best chanceUors In the district's his- tory for that very reason, said Jim Carnett, spokesman for Orange Coast College. one or the district's colJeges. "He's done a great job forging a bond between the dlfferent campuses.~ he said. "Before he took over, there was quite a bit of antagonism and suspicion among the dlff'erent colJeges. • But Vega changed all that with his brand, or management. Carnett sald. "He Is approachable." he said. H And he Is a genuinely nice guy. People re'lpect him and admire him." Another significant accom pllshment for Vega was the pas· '18ge of a historic $370-mllJlon bond In November 2002. That bond will fund facility Improve ments over 20 years at all three schools -Orange C..oast, Gol- den West and Coastline. It was Vega's Nleadership ge nlus" that made everyone in the district ·reel special and re- spected,• sald Paul Berger, president of the district's board. • "I have been Impressed with BlU's leaderahtp. particularly his abUlty to create consensus and See CHANCELLOR, Paa• A4 Time out. W~Y do kids need PDAs? Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com a ver the last 20 years. America bu been capd):ated by tho thought otbecomtn; orpniz.ed. So pt la our need to be organized that It hu tpawnod an entire ~COnta1ner llOl'I. M bya wona.rtul bunch Of peo~ ~Whom I bad the paeuure ot~ lil th• mkH 9801. ta a paracl1M for , an~ wtio wan ta to prt·sort ·their lawjdry. aJphabetiz.e thelr 1plc• and wne Ill thf cablet •that mt behind the computer or enterta.ln· ment center. Thil year, the Container · Storewtll do weUoverStOO million ln buain The ....._----~ orpnll.ldon ft'eniy apread directly to our, hom and helped boott the pread or cloeet OronWril comptnlft. 'lbday. we have the Ooset Factory, Closet World and r.atlfomia Ooseu. to name a few. My old lmport bualneu told product.I tt> these companJet. ill1 Of which a.rt very IUcceatfuL [ tried ln val1'I to get my own closeu orpnlzed, but they were no different &om the lt'll.f rau t In the plumbcn hOw.e. Apparent)y, thm Js no end to the Wl)'l ln which we can pc. organized or th ago at whkh we abould awt thfn.king about let FAMILY, P11• M WEATHER f&& Sprinklea are po .. lbte. heP•&tA2. Gov.-elect taps Newport mayor for task .force Schwarzenegger endorser Steve Bromberg could give Newport a say in water-quality policy. June C11a1r1nde Daily Pilot NFWPORT BF.ACH -A new task force created by Gov.-elect Arnold Schwanenegger to draft a statewide water policy mclud~ an appomtee familiar to locals. Newport Beach Mayor Steve Uromberg has been appointed to the new Water Policy Advisory lask l-orce. a group of local and regional water-quality advocates charged with drafting a compre- hensive statewide water plan for the new administration. ·I'm thrilled to be able 10 take part in something that could shape policy for decades 10 come.· Bromberg said. The 1ask force held its ftrSt mee1ing in Sacramento on Fri- day, with several members In· eluding Bromberg participating by conference call. The 2~·hour meeting laid the groundwork for the tw force. The group's main focus ~ drtnkmg water. Bromberg said, and most of Its Initial discussion cenlered around Nonhem Cali- fornia issues such as the c..ALFED Bay-Delta Profl'rt. Bui having a Newport Bea<.n ~ic.e on the task force has already made a differ· EDUCATION ence. In the first meeting, Bromberg was able to emphasize the impor- tance of rec- readonal wa· ter quality. Bob Caus- tin, founder Steve Bromberg of environ- mental group Defend the Bay, sald that Brom· berg's appointment will be a good thing for Newport and for all Orange County. "He will be influencing state policy to protect Newport Bay, for its future,· Caustin ..aid. "The problem has been In the past that we haven't had enough of that type of proactive involve- ment and we get left out when new rules are created . . . . You have to reach beyond Orange County to protect our bay and the ocean: Broffiberg said he's not sure why he was asked to participate In the taslc force. but sald It may be because of his support for Schwanenegger in the cam· paign. After a sit-dawn meeting with the then-candidate, Brom berg publicly endorsed Schwat7 enegger for governor. •JUNECASAGRANOE cove~ NewpOl1 Beech and John Wayne Airport She may be rceched at 19491 574-4232 or by e-mail at jun11.cauor•ndel§latimes.com. Housing may be in OCC's future Coll ege district offers a lease on land for apartments but the project would exceed city-allowed density. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -OfficiaJs with 1he Coast Commumty College District want to lease property It owns for development as apart· ments at a higher density than the city allows. The district board voted to so· licit proposals In September for the apartment project on the corner of Adams Avenue and · Plnecreek Drive near Orange Coaat College. The proposal calls for at least 304 units. The board received 13 pro- posals and was set to select a bidder on Wednesday. But board members had so ma.ny ques- tions that they decided to post- pone the Issue until Nov. 14, spokeswoman Erin Cohn said. FYI The dl1trlct will con1ider the proposal• at 2 p.m. Friday at it1 office at 1370 Adami Ave. For more Information, call (714) 438-4605. Cohn said the dl.'ltrict chose the project that would be the best Investment. The rent it receives would benefit students by providing funds to add more classes to schedules that have been deci· mated by state budget cuts, Cohn added. But the district's desire to ex- ceed allowable denslry bas aJ. ready riled at least one resident. Mike Beny cltt'tges the dis- trict is being hypocritical after promlslng to be a good neigh· bor when It violated Its permit to operate a weekend swap meet. He said higher density projects usually mean problems with parking. trafDc and over- crowding. Ste HOUSING, P11e A4 , • ... BOOMERS & ·BEYOND :: A proud , veter·an After his release from a German POW camp, Mike Hartunian returned to Newport-Mesa, where he had trained with the Army Air Corps. Lula Pefta DaltyPilot A . Veterana o.y approaches. Mike HanunJan 6nds himself dUnk1ng morw and more a.bout hJs dayl u • bombaldier during Wor1d Wu ll. 10 when the order to ball out of the plane came. he didn't hear the ca1l Luckily. the co-pUot pulled on hla leg, and he came down to aee what wu going on. Hartunlan pabbed his parachute and jumped. "l dJd • tum~raau.lt in the a.Ir, and then l pulled the ripcord and the chute opened -then my pain started." he said. Ha.rtunl.an had landed on a pole. ., The 82-year·old Newpon Beach readent joined the Anny N.r Corpe ln September 19.u to help ln the WV eft'ort. He was sent for traJ.n.tns to the s.nta Ana Anny AJr Bue. wbJc.h ls when9 Orange Coast College now stands. While be was oot injured. It wu a pa1nlul landing, he 18.ld, followed by a feeling of bopeleaneu. • KENT TREPTOW I OAl.Y PILOT Mike Hartunian sits with a portrait of himself and his feflow airmen in Wortd War II. Mike, who was a bombardier on a B-24, now sc>ends his time handcrafting bact(aammon boards as gifts for those who donate to Armenian charities. Although be dreamed of becoming a pUot. Hutunian WU cla.saUled U a bombardJer and became part of a 8-24 Liberator crew. The 8-24 was a beavy bomber that was known u the ·box "I'm loolcing at the Alpe Mountains down south of Vienna. and the anaw and ell that and lta cold. So I realized that I had to gfw up.. Hartun.lan said. He and his aew were captured and taken to an air6eJd. where they spenl a f~ nights. Ewty night. their captor1 would rake their shoes so they wouldn't try to escape. He wu later aabrl to Luckenwalde, a pdloner of war camp, where he feared death ai fMf1Y tum. who wue marclUni th.rougb on their way to Berlin. Hlttuntan uJd that the Soviets wouldn't let them go because they wanted Soviet prisoners of war back thal the Allies had liberated. He was finally released in late May 1945. area when stationed at the Santa Ana base. In his retirement. Hartunlan apends about 30 hours a week creating handmade backgammon boards, which he glves to people who donate a minimum of $30,000 to an Armenian based charity. car.· For Hartunl.an. Jan. 15. 1945, ls one day he'll never forget. Wh.IJe oo a bombing raid aver Vienna Austrll. his plane WU hit twk:e by enemy ft.re. The pilot told him to lab over the lop gun tumt to bdp ftgt)t olf the et>enl)t When Hartunlan rached the tumt. he couldn't get his headphones plugged in They were later taken to an lnterrogation center. where HartunJan sakl be got off easy. "I remember we went into (the showers). J saw an of these showerheads overhead. and I didn't know wha1 was going to come oUt of them." he said "I didn't tee any water. I thought ii was going to be some kind of gas. but after a wb.IJe. lt WU wa.tec • When Hartunlan returned home from war, he decided not to mab a career out of the mlllwy. Instead. he wenl back lo schoo~ to Santa 8ad>ara Slate College. He married and eventually moved back to Orange County. He had fallen ln love with the But he remains active in wteran's causes and is a member of the American ex-Prisoners of War. a support group for fonner prtsonera of wac. BOOMER CALENDAR • Send CAl.ENDAA Item• to the Deity Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa M ... 92827; by e-mell to lula.,,.,,a•JatJm..com; by fax to 1949) 646-4170; 0t by celhng UM8) 57~298. lndudt the time. date end loc:atSon of the event. .. well Ma comec:t phone number. FRIDAY TIM Com Meee Senior c.n. wlll Pf'9M"t • beneftt ~of •u.te Nita ~191n; an lrrteractlve comedV by Vldd Qu.cje and M.ripet Donovan. et 8 p.m. In the RobM B. Moore Thealre at Orange Cout College. Tidteta cost $36, or $76 for pmerred Mlltlng. Information: (949) M6-5080. NOV.15 n.eom Men Senior~ wlll preMnt a beneftt performance of .. late Nhe Catectilam; en lnterKt.lve oomectv by Vldd Quade and Meripat Oonoven, at I p.m. In the Robert 8. Moore Theatre at 0ranue Coa1t College. Tldceta cost $36, or $76 for prwfetred Meting. lnfonnatJon: (949) ~- ONGOING OMl9 .... c.1'lr holde. panclke brMkfut from 7:30 to 10 a.m . on the eecond s.turd8Y of ..,.,y month. Bf'Mldnt Includes penc:at•, Nuaage~ coffee end orange juioe for $3, $1 fof c:hflchn. The center It at 800 M~ttte. Corona del Mer. Information: (IM9) 844-32". Women IO Ind.._ an loln • d#lcutelon gn>Up COC>fdlnated by "1b them. J WU a small fry [beca.uae) I was only a aecond a aecond lieutenant." he aald. "What the beck dJd J knowf' Then suddenly, on April 21. 1945, all of the Germans soldiers guarding the camp were gone. replaced by Soviets . Jewlth Family Servlcea to eddren luu• ludl ••anxiety, depreuion, relationahlp9, lonellneea end f1mlly. The grOtJp meets from 10 to 11:30 e.m. Mondsya at the agency offtces, 260 E. Baker St, Suite G. Cott. MNa. Preregistration required. (71') 446--4960. The .... lnltltutit c6n free computer daps to people wtth fldlng vislon wt'O have dltftcuttv Mefng the computer ICt'Mf\. The Oaala Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar, ohn 1i>c ....ion.. C.11 to sign up for d ...... (714) 821-~. The Com Mau Senior c.m. hae ballroom dancing with live mutic from the Betty'• Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . .very Tueedey night at 696 W. 19th St, Costa M .... $4. 19'19) 548-3884.. JewWt Femlty 8eMce ot Orlnge County tpOMOrs an ongoing healing aupport groop for the ctlronlCllly Ill. The purpose 11 t.o provide pertlciperrtt with emotional end aplrltuel aupport to manage lllneu end ita conaequenc:es. The groop meeta et 7 p.m. Thurtdeya et the Jewish flmlly SeMoe of'Rce, 260 E. Baker St. Cost.a M .... Attendance it free, but reglstr1tion is required. (114) 446-4960. ..._... femly 84nlce ~ ongofng bereavement IUpport groupe for adults at ell 1t1g9e of lou. Group members that9 IXperiences, hear how ~rt deaf with grief, receive auppot1 end i..m weys to cope with aadneM Ind to... One group m..u et 1 p.m. Twedeys at Beth J900b In Irvine. The MCOnd grot.1p meetl It 10 a.m. Tueedayt et Temple Judea In Legune Hiiia. The third grot.1p meets at 1 p.m. Thuraday9 at the Ezra Center In Anehelm. There'• no coat to attend, but •dv•nce reglstrltlon 11 required. (714) ~- 0..-Sen'°' c.nw ..... anlmnce, coontellng end referral Nrvlcet for seniors. (949) 844-3244. Mtwtdl Found8doft ln"1Uctot Hillery Stone leedl en el(erdM dUI at 11 e.m. Thur9dsya et the Jewtsn Senior Cen•. 250 e. Baker St, Coste M .... {714) 613-6641. a.. Senlof Centw ...... dely telephone contact progrem for senlora who have• limited local auppon tyltem. They allO offer computer da .... that teed\ the bealca of Word, Quk*en, Print Shop end Internet uaege. (949) 844-3244. The 0..-8-*w~offw'I • 1huttJe to take membera to epPolntmenta and grocery shopping. The shuttle alto tek .. members to the center. Call to make en appointment. (949) 644-3244. 0.-.8ftofc.ntwoler9¥teual aid screening• wtth a Br1llle lnltltute reprnentatJve, by appointment. (949) 844-3244. a.. Senlorc..r ti... wtlldng group called Walkers Not Roc:bra, Whktl "'""onQe. ~to enjoy eoenlc walb In and eround the Newport 8e.cti ll"N. (949) &44-3244. The~1AaM.andO.W Support Group of Newport VIile WettMlle Rou CCHpONOt'a. free IUppc>ft group meeting for careglven et 7 p.m. the fourttl Thurtdey of eedl month through October at Newport Ville Welt Aaiated Living, 393 Hosphal Road, Newport Bead\. (949) 831-3555. TheAtzheimer'• ANn. •nd ~ Terrace, a residential community for people with Alzheimer'• dlaease end related dementle. offers e free ~rt group for careglvera at~ p.m. the first Tuesday of ead'I month at Mesa Terrace, 360 W. Bay St, Coste Mesa. (71,) 283-1111. Oetil Senior c.n.. conducta blood preaure screenings from 9 to 11 e.m. the first end third Tuesday of eed\ month In Room 3 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona def Mar. (949) 844-3244. The 0..-Seniof Center ofltn e Braille eta .. to help with light loaa from 10 e.m. to noon Thurtdaya In Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mer. (949) 644-3144. The Jewilh Senior c.m.r on.rs card games from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. '1Yery third Tuetday. A kosher lund'l 11 offered at noon for $3 per person. (714) 613-5641. ~ R9vfM your llltif'M documenta for advance health care directives at the Oatia Senior Canter for S3 eedl .. Call to make 1n appointment (949) 644-3244. O..-Senlorc.n..oler9 preventive healthca,.. Nrvlcet for tenlora on the foorttl Wednesday of each month In the center's Room Hs.3, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona def Mar. Call to make an eppolntment. (949) 644-3244. Senion Ind low tnc:om.fM1ilet In the ea.ta Meta-Newport Beach area can obtain free U.S. Department of Agrb.llture Daily I Pilot PHOTOOIWHIRS Mm c. Dl.iltll\ Don Leed\, IC.en! Tr..-,w Rf.ADeM HOTUNE (IMl)&U ... Copyrigtlt ~O nowt llOriee, lllUftl'lltlona, edltor1•1 mau.r or edVettilementa Mreln can be reproduced without W'ritt11n pennlulon of copyright owner. VOL 17, HO. 312 Newll,..,. Gina Miii• •. loft Andtt.on. -DelWil HUrc. ,.,. Seltowttz. o.1181 ...,.,. -ITM' ..._. __ Crtmt ...... """"· .. IJMm rt $ ......... ladmtuom ~c •=•• ,...... ..... nponar, ... IM-Gll ,.,,.. ........ ~ u.....,,.. Cc*~ CIUll#'e "'"'*· CMIPM271 ~,..,,. . ..........,,,,, .......... c:-.,...,.....,, ........ 221 ~-~ ..... O'llll EdliOMlon ,.,,,.,, .., ~ ,.,,.,,...OMll.,.,,,,_,com .... ,... Newt.....,,., , ... , l'1'"4Zll ~·lllflf'MUIOtn "->rd your commenm •bout the Delly Pilot Of MW1 tlpe. ~ Out eddr .. le 330 W. Bev St., eo.ca Meae. CA 82827. Offloe houn •re Mondly • f1tdly. l:30 a.m. • 15 p.m. c..-, d' 1lftl It .. the~ Polkyto ~ oomlCl all 9"0f9 of IU~ ....... Qlll (9'8) 1&Ma2A. m The Ntwpon IMc:WCoMa Meta Da;tv P'llot (USPl-1......00) le pubilahad daUy. In Newpoft ~ Ind CoMa Mele, IUt.cripdone ere ev.itetite only bY aut.rfblng to The Tlmee Orlngt County (IOO) 2$2 .. 1,1. In 8"9111 ~Of Newport IMdl end Cotti Mela, tublcftPdoN IO the Dllty l"llot lf'I ~ ontvbV ha.t mall for ao ,,.,. l'l'ICHICh. !P'rfolit lnc:tudt a11 applic.b69 ltMt Ind looal tua) POSTMASTE"· lend~ ~tol'he~ ~ MeieDeMv"°'-ftO. b 11eo, C.-~CA l2e2t.. I HOW TO A!ACH Utl Qrauledon The Tlmel Or•nge County (IOO) 262 .. 141 ~Ti 0 I I Med Ni) &Q-ef78 ~(8'8)~1 ......... ...... (M)l42-MIO lpoltalMl)S7~ ..... ,. .... ,~170 ....... ,_ llMt) eeo.ot?O &..a dltllypllot•IMJnwe..oom .. Ollae ...... Ollae(MI) 642~1 • ._ ... (9481 «J1·712t 1urplu1 food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the second Friday of eactl month In the rear pertcJng lot et the Church of Chrltt, 740 W. Wilton St, Cotta Mesa. PlctUre Identification 11 required. (949) 650-8.236. Ouia Senior Centw c6n • cou0telor to eulat with questions •bout Medicare, HMO. and supplemental af)d long-term care Insurance. CaK to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244.· 0.... Senior c.TtW ofttts • meel program for members. Lunctl 19 Nrved daily from 11:-46 a.m. to 12:16 p.m. in the muttlpurpoae room at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Home-delivered meai. are available for homeboond seni<>R. Reservations are required. (949) 644-3244. The Al&anc. fot the Mentely II ot Orenge County provides education and emotional support for famllles with loved ones who ere mentally Ill. A free 1upport group meet• from 10 to 11 :30 e.m. every other Saturday at the Orange County Mental Health Clinic, 3115 Red Hiii Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 85().8483. • 0..-Senior Centw ofttts rent.81 of medlcel equipment - wh"k:hafra, welters and more. (949) 644-3244. The CoeU Men Senior~ otfert prevendv• heehh care NNicn for eeniora from 9 a .. m. to 2 p.m. Wednesdays end from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ev1ry other Tuadey, at 696 W. 19th St, Coste Meu. C.11 to make 1n appointment (949) 645-2356. The Com Meea Sen6or c.nw of'fer• ooonaellng, easfltance and referral aervicea for aenl0t9, 696 W. 19th St, Cotta M .... (949) 845-2356. The Cotta Meu Hlstorbl Society holds• free open houM from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thurtdav• at 1870 Anehelm Ave., Costa Mesa. The event features memorebllla from the city of Costa Mesa and the Santa Ana Army AJr Base. (949) 631-5918. Ouia s.morc.nw ofrwa. PartcJNOn'• diteaN tupporl group from 7 to 9 p.m. the aecon4 Thursday of eacti month at 800 Marguerite Ave., Coron• del Mar_ (9491644-3244. The Costa,... Senlof Cen1*' offers transportation Mrvicea for medical-related appointments.. Call et least one weet In advance,.. All other tran1pottetlon needs - auctl a1 grocery shopping, library vlalts and ridM to end from the center -may be reserved between 8 and 8:30 e.m. the same day aervloe it needed. (949} 645-2356. Dial ext. 19 for medical-related appointments. • Oeaia Senior Cen1*' has an Adventurou1 Walkers Group, whidl trevel1 to point• of lnterelt locally and around the county. The group meets at 9 a.m. Frldev- et the oenler end walks at a leiturefy pace. The centlf 11 at 1800 Marguerite Ave., Newport Bead'I. (949) 644-3244. The J9wWI Community c..... Senior Servlcel Department of the Ruth M. Kahn Center of'fera oppof1Unltlea for game pleyen. A. poker group meets from 11 Lm. to 3:30 p.m. Mondayt, 1nd a m8h-jongg group meets ftt>m 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mondayt ind Thunidayl. G1me days for bingo., pen •nd dlMI wilt be fonned IOOl'I. {714) 76S-0340, •xt. 260. • . . • SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Today, there will be a alight chlnot of tpf1nldel In the forec:att -but lt'I ontv • slight c:Nnoa.OthetwlM,mo4tty doody. Hfgh9 In the 80-degree range. Thent win be• 20% ctlance of tMMUflbte ,..,, -- midnight. Ov9might *"Pl will be In the iso.. h w.et of r1ln wll ltnger on tmo Monc»v. ...... daft: www.nws.no.t.QIOV BOATING FORECAST CIOM to lt'°'9 and In OM BaCi Bey, ..... wtll bt vtrltbft It '° lrr'°'8 "' ..... beoofn6no no11twr1Wm ln ~ lftemoora. '""W8WI. be It 2fttt or ...,on•~ ... of3 ..... Out'"°'*' W8tln, wkldl wtl llMt out~.'°°· end dw'lg9 to us···· -...., on. TIMMY91wtlbelC2fMtont __,_ ... dltoltllC. SURF The wett-northwut energy wtll peralst wtth d\est turf. CondltJont ere questionable ~UM of the rain. No metter What. the wfndt are looldng to bt mtn1getble, but the tide wlll OfQ egafn be • flclor In the Ntty to mfd.momlng. w.t·fldng brMkaW>uldhM ~ NON; IOUfh.fldng lhor9' wtU be Nnhlng It the Wlilt. --qullty: WWW.fU~°'11 TIDES 11IM 1:Ma.m . l."Ola.m . 3~p.m. 9:1Sp.m. Hefsht UtfwtloW 5.89,..hfgh 0.08tNtlow 4.00fMtNgh WATER TEMPERATURE : r Only one ding against district State inspectors congratulate schools. OnJy ene program is not in compliance with regulations for government funding. tlarlH O'N•ll sure compliance wtth federal J>aily Pilot and state regulations.. • "It's a lot of work because : ' COSTA MESA -State lnspec· there are so many laws and regu-~tors complimented the Newport. latlons!' .Eatancla Principal 1bm esa Unified School District af. Antal said of p~ for lb& 1eJ' reviewing several of its gov-inspections. "But It's a great vall- .munent-funded programs this dation because these regulations ;week. · are wqtten to give the best : A learn from the California De· school pn5grarns pOssible for .pertmenl of Education found students." . the ites, the team of four found one program -the School Site Council at TeWlnJde MJddle School -was not in compliance because it had more tudenta than parents. The council must have an even number of stu- dents and parents said Bonnie Swann, dlrectoT for elementary education and curriculum for the district. The school has until Ott. 22 to propose ks resolution of the matter.. "It's almost unheard of to have only one noncompUant issue," Swann said. "Hard work really does pay off when the right group or people get together." 'This helps us stay focused and make sure we're on track, making sure our resources are used properly: Robert Bart>ot. superintendent program that came from the fed- eral No Oilld Left Behind Act or 2001. Becawe .the program started being Implemented In the 5tate tllls year, there is no precedent for Its evaluation, Swann said. The report Indicated that New- port-Mesa's progiam will be "set- ting the bar" that the inspector will use In other districts. Satltday, Novembet 8, 2003 AS • RING S ,only one progra.m not in compU-The "categorical funds" total· oahce after checking Estancia tng $13 million, including Title I, lpgh School, TuWlnJde Middle Title n and grant money -all ;school, Wilson £!leinenta.ry generally associated with a low- Q:hool and Harper OliJd Dewl-income student population -~ment Center to matce sure are at stake in the lnspecdons. ~ey are using the funds prop-Any noncompliance found m the !fly. A sampling of schools in sampling of schools would coun1 ~ch district In the state gets against the entire district. The review team wrote com· mendatJons for the district on Its review, complimenting ilS adult educatlon, child development and reading programs. The re- port also cited the district's self review of Tiile n Part A. a new "This helps us stay focused and make sure we're on track, making sure our resources are used properly," Supt Robert Bar- bot sald of the review . B L \ I \ I ~ \ Ii C) l R \ Judlted f!Vef'/ four yea.rs to en-After reviewing programs al •• • \\ 11 11 f • I 11 II t1 (I q ' .1 I ll r d .1 1 I I Ir i II II ' . --- 2043 Westcliff Drive Daily P~ot westcliff · 9T ewelera '1 ... -, ...... (t 1111 Slrttl ' trrltfl Mt.) • Ntrl I• lrf11ttll1 949.650.4595 949.548.5808 ·' WUISCW. NooDah)' Soy Beverage • Pltd -Plain or Vam7/o • Lite -Plain or VaniOa •Non::Va:Jt$1rI9 REG.,_, .49 & 32 Cll. '---~--HAIN PuteFoods OIGWC.IOINl'QIPOWr llftltG'-r ..,.a.w .... MSMMJIC. .. u SUGG. S.1r99 32 R.. oz. '38.95 -,..-~ 32 R.. oz - - FARM FRFSH PRODUCE ,, 1ii=t Sugar • Powdered Organic I ·White~ • Brown <>roiDc • 1\nbinado REG. '2.99 WF.snw NArum• Canneil Vegetables • Cut Green Beans • French Cut Green Beans •ColdenCom •Sweet Peas ~ •WhiteCom REG. '1.49 1uaz. FARMER'S MARKET ~c •Regular~ • Pmnpldn M« ·~~ • Sweet Potato ..,, REG. '3.19 1& Cll. l.$.1 ........... ~ ,..,.. suoo.~uo .. WIDTEWAVE Silk-~ Soylleve@ge • Chorolatl! .zi. •Pfain $ • Vani/lo REG. '3.19 • StrmdJenies • ~ ·~ SZ79 • Mttriotl &!tria • CamberltlS REG. '3.19 11oz. Alltloridal r~ SUGG.~.85 'Amrl Con IMhe A warmil'ljl bowlful ororizanic basrnati nett i:a!~na and lowf.lt milk t~d with om&N 'lie and sulitlowtr seeds. 5mtil with a side o( frt$h IWOOal fn.11 - M SIUdlr. ~ 8, 2003 Jq/Ewing & Lylttn Ewing VACATION HOMES You~ bea'l '°)'irll widl lhe klca d purdlMlrw a llllX.Cld home tu have>"' fO make~~ Wlw we JOU .......,, fot'l'Ibee nm.av fan in Che JIM few )all lhabaw~IO mite lhll • "Cr)' &OOd lime., buy. Here.,.)* dew. Rcoordlow~-­ baw c:ralld a buya'a m.tec lbi& makm ii ditfic:Wt llO jJdy lnacticn. Bd<n Che economy adfcred !rem exJwwion, we expaialObd one tithe~ nnq tltcal expcwium lo hislmy. raullina In finlwlcW alJlucince for IJWly people. This lfOW1h btoujfll 1n C:XbiOldiwy equity inacuo in pimary raidanca and aareaiVe ftlt1ms In lhe ltOck matkct. And ""' not roraec Che impact or lhe T~ycr'a Relief Ad cl 19'1'1, which prohibicl c:aptal pint 1U on pro(ltl up 10 hllf million doUlta on che ule cl indlvdJally owned homes. The arrmt lllpftdicu.ba.lty ol lhe *>ck nwr1tet hat invaun clanarina for lhe ~ abhdy o( che raJ eaa INrb:t, Vt'hrft vllealiai homca ooninnae oc be • iood llM:SllnaL Lyletn and Jetr havio 31 c:onleQ.CJ'IC ~ of real awe cxpalenoe In Newport lbch. Par ~ ICl'Yioeot adYjcc with all )'OUr real acme oocc:1a call the Ewinp at Coul Newpart- Coldwdl Blnkr:r IS (949) 7S9- 3796. Tht Ewtnga Are Coat N.wport Propetty'I f1 TMirn FCK 2001 RosEYs Amt>eooy You have the right to choose your repair f adlity lnaltt on the But LIF ET IME WARRANTY .. OUllAICM .... Ceiill ........... O....,.._ A oomnMl'dll ~ .. ....,... ue._m..,..,,... •W..C...t""nw· ,.,...,,.,,,. .. Np0ft9d In 1N ..00 btodc It 4.'.34 p.m.~. • hM Dlhil; Alt IUIO llMftW91,..... In the IOO bkM* .. 7:• 1.m. ThUndly. ............. ...... -...t:A. hll-anckun wee NPQtteid It tl:11 p.m. Thu~·.' • NlwPort~o.twe 1111: A vehk:le dMft WM ~ 1n 1M eoo blOc:t" 1 :3& p.m. Thul'ldey. • 0..... IHllUa* An -'O lheftWM ~In the UIOO blodr It 9:081.m. 'TJtundey. •la.I 0..... l'fonl: A. Wihlde burglary WU rtpCHted In the 1500 btoct at "2 p.m. Thuradey. ·- FAMILY Contiooed from Al cetdn8 orpnh:ed.. For the ~J1,Meta tcbool dJ.amc1. tbat • la about 11. That'• haw old my eon wm be wbeo be rec::eiwl a fn!e Palm Pilot cowtay of a $700,000 tec:hnolosY """' recetved by the dlsaid. In cue~ m.lued it, the money wi1J be uaed to buy Palm Pilou for alxtb· and ~th-graders at two IChoola. A Palm Pilot ls a hand-held, battery-operated deytce that ~tr.Ck of dates, acta u a telephone book and per{onn various other functiona we've determined we just can't live without. lnclUding a scratch pad that can accept notes written with the product's atytua. Of the ball-dozen or eo people I know who have pun:hued Palm Pilots In the past couple of years, only one of them ls using lt with any regularity. That guy happen.a to be a busy. successful salesman. But my aaJ.esman friend ls not the busiest of the bunch. That dtle belongs to a guy who Is an executive. husband and father. He'• probabJy the busiest penon I know. He bought one around Christmastime last year and tried to make a go or It, but quickly discovered that It was nothing more than a glorified date book. He dudfully entered all of his names, addresses and telephone numbers and prepared the calendar template to keep ttack of his deadlines and commitments. But far less than a year after HOUSING Continued from Al •tt's not that (the projectJ is such a terrible thing, but It comes from someone who has al.ready had problems in being a good neighbor," Berry saJd. •And a lot of people are thinJdng maybe (the district) doesn't re- spect their residency In Costa Mesa as much as i~ should. he bouF.t hll hlm PUot. tt ii c~ dull oo hll dak:At last. r think ln on tu. dett.. It mey be on hJa credenza woG;(ni U a j>aperweighL . My frtend foWM1 that maximum eftldency wu not found ln a gadget but In a simple date book that cost about $7 and can be foUnd lr .i.r y of!Jce IUppfy Or dn.\g store. The date book doein't require batteries; won't become unulable If It becomes wet and can accaa •toted Wormatjon much faster than a Palm PUot. It dOelO't crash. d0etni need to boot up and can be used on an airplane at any time. Accessing the information was the kicker. My friend found that U he had to enter or ftnd a phone number; enter or look up bis •to do" list; or see whJch day he wu aupposed to tee Simon & Garfunkel; he could do It in less than half the time by woddng with bis handwritten entries on the pages of bJs date book. In the back of his date book are blank pages for taking notes. his •saucb pad." I wondered about this Palm, Pilot experiment and whether this wu the best use of $700,000 in technology fund.lng. I wondered whether this was an attempt by the Palm Pilot people to get kids hooked on their product, but that thought came only because I had just finished "Runaway Jury" by John Grisham and there was mention of cigarette companies targeting teens. Then I just wondered whether this was an honest attempt to keep our local boys and girls ahead of the technology curve. ln the end, I came to the The district would like to see about 30% of the apartments re- aerved for facuJty, staff and stu- dents, Cohn said. M It's a problem that a lot of schools encounter ln areas with very h.lgh property values (in trying) to attract the beat staff and students," Cohn said. • dedilon that a.ny of theee • modwt Ja bad or. at the leut.. inbgulded. • Ilda 11, 12 and J 9 )'Md old )10 oot need and aboWd no<~ penooll cUslDJ udltaotJ. What. thef need are boob and mentors. but tboeo can't be • cooSidei'ed technolosy, eo • theyre note~ for tundlnt With $700,000 Int~ funding available, I would haw Ubd to aee the dlsaict buy moie / computers at schoola ror ldda who don't have accea to them at borne. My guess ls that mott 4f thole kids live on the Weltatde. I'll lave it to readers U> make any sort of coMecdon. fpn!dict that most of the PD\$ given to .kids l l ')'ears old will wind up unused, bro.ken or lost within 60 daya. Most parents · read.Ing t.b1s will think I'm being generoua. When they are UJed. these ldds will 6nd a way to play video games on them instead of keeping t:rack or their bomewodc assf8nrrumta. Lest you think I'm some aon of Luddite, you should know that I own and use a cell phone, personal computer, fu machine, scmner and printer. I embrace technology when It makes sense. POU for children don't make sense. And lfldds do need PCM the problem Is not getting them organlz.ed but getting some of the wodc off their bacb so they can be lc1ds. Sometimes the best solutions are the original ones -even a kid knows that • STEVE SMtnt 11 1 Cotta MHa resident and freelance writer. Reader. may liave 1 meuege for hlm on the Dally Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086 . the project. While It is ultimately up to the City Council to grant the changes and decide how much den.airy ls appropriate for this area, uking developers to Oout the city's rules could prove con- troversial, saJd Perry Valantlne, the city's assistant development services director. ....---------~ . They're not being the good neighbor that they claim they The maximum den.sJty lo the city's general plan for residential areas Is 20 units per acre. The number of unJta the district is requesting would equate to 25 units per acre or leas. ·since the density exceeds what might be available under the general plan, It creates some potential conOict or maybe an unreasonable expectation," Va- lantine said. OBITUARIES Stanley Dean Fuhr A memorlal eervioe for Mr. Stanley Dean Puhr. a 30-yNr Costa Mesa lllli- c:lent. Is ICheduled for 11 a.m. Nov. 15 at bis home, at 235 23rd St. In <:osta Mesa. Mr. Fuhr died on Nov. 1 of nacuraJ causes. He WM 56. Mr. Fuhr Is SW'\lfved by hb wife, Doreen Davis Puhr. sisters Shirley Jo Broughton and Carol Ann Puhr; brother Don Fuhr; and hb parents. Valerie Colenbaugh A service for Ma. Vale- rie Colenbaugh. a 12-year resident of Corona del Mar, Is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Monday at St An· drew's Presbyterian Oturch in Newport Beach. Ma. Colenbaugh died Nov. 3 of natural causes. She was n. Ma. Colenbaugh la sur- vived by aon Bruce Colenbaugb; daughter1 Ann Cyran and Nancy Colenbaugb: and five grandchildren. CHANCELLOR Continued from Al foatcr COOJ>MBtlon," be said. "He hu aJwaya been 1Uccea&ful in re- minding all that thit dJ.a. trlct II a atu- dent-cen· tered orpnJzadon and a11 a.re woddng toward & common g0a1.· Thac Yep had been Wlliam Vega wtth the d.ls- trlct for 18 yeen "1to pve him a go6d underitandLog ot how to run It when he took over, C'..trMtt aaJd. He Mid be bopee the pm.on wbO WW replace Vep le cboMn from wtdUn the dJ.a. t:r1(t. "We need tomeone wtio bu a dei!P~otour~ and our cuhure1" he Mid. • 0-. IHAllATM ~public ~end~.lhem-vbe rMCMd ..... , PM22I Ot bV ......... ................ oom. are.ff The proposal calls for the 304 units to be developed on a swath of about 13 acres. The district is seeking rent or saoo.ooo to $900,000 per year. MARINER'S Continued from Al talked about for years, but wasn't done before. Dalton said, be- . cause of other priorities for city spending. Those priorities included lm- provements to the Arches Int.er· change. Balboa Peninsula and Balboa Vlllage, Corona del Mar and Balboa Island, he said. "The city has been diligently AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS ltem1 to the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mua, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 84&-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS tlSTORY Of HITCHCOCK Orange Coalt College ls offerii,g • nine-part film history on Alfred Hit~ The Mri .. wlll be moderet9d by mired occ professor H. Atthtlr T1uMlg. Eec:h ....ion will be held at 8:30 p.m. one Frict.y Nd\ month. The eventt will be held at OCC'e Fine Mt Hill 118. Admlnlon 11 $8 for ldult. encl $5 for Mnlora and OCC students. For more Information, call (714) 432-6880. 'A CHOCOt.ATE AFFMr The Youl'lQ Profeealon1l1 Ag.Inst C.nc:ier and the Orange County Foundation for Oncology Children 8t Femlll" wlll hott e tunes.ratting event from 7 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Nov. 16, at NMs>ort Ounoa Waterfront ""°"' Tlcbtl COit $76 In .cfvanca and $86 It the door. Information (948) 440-9873. ftftG OF UGHTI Tht CommodorM Club If the Newport 8Md'I Chamber of Com~ wtU hott the Ring of lights horM decort1ing competftlon In ~.All home. butlneee, end vl<lht dube llnlng the twbot ... ln\ttllld '° ~. Decordc>ne mullt be In pllCI by Dec. I. lnformedon (Mt)~. NEWPORT tW90ft CIMTIMIWT PMA01 ~dlcorlMd V9drta. bOMi.. ay1111n01nOM w111.11 "°"" 1he hlftlor In lhe l9lh ennutf ,.._.,,. Hefbor °"""""'loll ........ Dec. 17 through 2l Eadt night,.,. PM'ldlwll blilln 11 UOp.m, It Collnlllllndn • ewo Ind, ""'hour-. n. .... " homd The property is wned lnstitu- tionaJ and recreational. The re- quest for proposals lets bidders know they will need to obtain a change to the city's general plan and a wnlng change to build pursuing Improvements to these ams, and it's now time to im- prove the Mariner'• Mlle area with something lf8nlftcant. ·Dal- ton 18.fd. Improvements might also in- clude a pedestrian bridge over Coast Hlghway to get to the waterfront walk or a parking structure for the 4rea. said coun- cilman Don Webb. whose district includes Mariner's Mile. A walkway might help ftll some of the vacant businesses along by the eornrn-odorea Club of the Newport Beactl Chamber of Commerce. Information: (949) 729-4400, http:/Nvww.chrl•tma• boatparadtl.com. MUSIC UCI CHAMBER SERIES The conQOrt "Prokoflev: A Remembranc. 60 Ye1ra After Hla Death" wlll be perfc>n'TI9d It 8 p.m. today at Winifred Smith Hall In UC lrvlne. Tldtata co11 $12, $10 and $8. lnform1tJon: (9491 ~269. CUTAR ENSO&.E Orange Couts Coflege't Guitar Entemble, e chamber group of more thin 20 pleyera, will offer ta annual faff conca111t 8 p.m. today In OCC'1 Ana AN R9ci1al Hall. SAL'UTE TO AMERICAN CowaosEltl Orange Coast College'• Wind Enaemble will offer 1 Nlut9 to Amerlctn compo•ra at 3 p.m. Sunday, NQIV. 1 e. In the Robelt 8. Moont ThMtre. 1'k*etl cott $7. lnformedon: (714) 432-6880. . THI GREAT LEONARD l8'NIT!IN Catt St. Clllr end the Ptdflc 9vfnphony gtw •tribute concert to St. Clelr'l longllme fMnd and mentor i..ontrd s.m.tein It the Orange County P.ttonnlng Art Center on Nov. 19 end 20. Tht on::Mltrl wtM Ptrlonn ~Oefa.trom~ Side Storf'" Ind excerpca from "Candide" end "On The Town~ Tht~ltlft 1t8 p.m. T1drla .... S20to136. For lnfoi'mttion, caM (114) 7SM789. ~VID CAlllDY OrM C...adv wttt be performll'lg '°""of .. g,.... hb, Ml\ .. "1 'TNN I LOYt you"' lttd "Ooe.\'t ~WtntTole~" tt8 p.m. Nov. 21 end Z2 It the ~County~·­c.ne.. Tlc*eitlooil"21tot10L lnfonNdon: (714a 11H111, -~·~ • DEJROAE NEWMAN covert Co.ta Mesa and mav be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail et d.Jrdrw.newman0/atlmH.con4 • the waterfront. he said. , A waterfront walkway ooUJd take three to five yean; to build. Webbsaid. A prelim1nary report inducting cost estimates for the waterfront walkway is expected In Decan- ber. • AUClA AoeaNSON cover1 businea, polltlca and the environment She c.n be readltHI et (949) ~or by e-mail at allele.robin.on §latime..com. ST. LAWRENCE STRING QUARTET The St. Lawrence String Ouart•t will perform at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 25 In Foundera Hall at the o,.nge County Performing Artt Center. Tldtota cost $42. lnformltlon: (714) 568-ARTS, http:/Nvww.ocp.c.0111. VIVAU>l"S FOUR SWONS The Pacfflc Symphony will perform Vlvaldl'1 'The Four Seatone: Boc:cNrinl'a Slnfonll In D mfnor No. 4, and Corelff'1 Concerto Grouo In F rntfor at 8 p.m. Dec. 3 llld 4 It the Orange County Perfomllnct Mt Center. Tldceta COit $20 to $&6. Information: (714) 766-6799, hap:/~pac{fbymphony.org. FIESTA NAVIOAD CONCERT • JoM Fellclano wlll Join m•rt.dtl bandleeder Natl C.no u pert Of th• 10th annual Rtlt.I ~avlded' concert It 8 p.m. Dec. 9 It the Ortnge County Perfonnlng Ma C.Oter. Tldcota coat S20 to $69. lnformetlon: (948) 663-2'22, http:llwww.phlharmon/c «>Cl«y. or;. .. ' JAZZTRIO :: Gulfalreem Reetau111nt In Newpott a.. preHntl •Jan tt1o Sundey thtough Wedi~ aa~uler~ateM Avocedo .,.., Newpott Beed\. Hour1 .... 15 to I p.m. Sundty Ind e to 10 p.m. ~ ttif'ough Wedneedly. (Me) 718"01• • WEDLY JAM , The Studio CaM ptlM(ltl t Mondey NIOht Jeme from 7 tO ., p.m. evetv wMk. ':°Weneed"' " mUiklena lndUde....., p&eylp. beat~.""""· drumm(irt. kfvbolrdleta tnd .... •·100 Mlfn St., Newport Beed\.~ (Mt)f7&..7780. .t ~--WllKINDJAiz W.tW Ulcoll 1nd Oeitld ~'· the N.w'tbttJea~ Duo, IJlllV .. ~"""" °"" .. 1 E. COlllt Hlghw9v In NtwpCMt 8 p.m. Mdiylind9eeurd1rt_.. •7 p.m. ...,.nMon .. a. lntonnlidon: (M, ~. f f .. DON LEACH I OAll..Y PILOT Dressed as Cleopatra, lily Gross shows off her Egyptian pyramid made of chocolate cubes. ·' , " .... .· .. , Kaiser kids learn like an Egyptian Students at Kaiser Elementary dress the part for their lesson on the ancient civilization. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot -s tudents in Beth Nowlin'~ sixth-grade class at Kaiser • • Elementary School ate •and dressed like Egyptians '~during their Egyptian Feast ··blass on Friday. • · Wearing Egyptian costumes, • • .me students sat amid brightly .. colored blankets and . ''Cushions. eating traditional Middle Eastern foods such as ·• grapes, dates and figs as they •listened to each others' .reports about ancient • Egyptian civilization. "I think It's a topic with a high Interest level for them," Nowlin said. ·And it has a certain pop culture allure, with mummies and things like that. which they're interested in." One mummy even made an appearance in the class. Evan Call, 11, wore stretchy Ace bandages wrapped around himself for a makeshift mummy costume. "My grandpa just got out of the hospital and brought home a bunch of bandages." he said. Other students draped themselves in sheets, made construction-paper belts and collars adorned with hieroglyphJcs and wore metallic scarves on their heads. Dalton Jalmes, 11, dressed as a pharaoh, and Kody Lawton, 11 , dressed as a slave -but he made it clear he wasn't Dalton's slave, just a general_ slave. Nick Markham, I I, went all out with a rented costume complete with a King Tut-style headdress. "I, like, how they mummified the bodies and how the whole process began," Nick !>aid. "It took 70 days to do." "They pulled the brains out through the nose," Stephanie Garcia, 11, offered. But some of the less morbid aspects of the civilization also appealed to the students. "They didn't have the technology we have today but stilJ built really big. high-tech thin~: 11 -year-old K.aitJyn Fischer said. Srudents also f~hioned a "tomb" in the back of the classroom with golden dies and scarab amul~ts. ln the middle sat a golden sarcophagus made from a cardboard box.. THANKSGIVING Award Winning PREMIEHE Seafood Restaurant in Orange C<>unty at Our extended menu will include et Traditional Rocisr Torn n1rkey Dinner! 12 Noon, Thursday November 27th 2 100 w. Oceanfro nt, Newport Beach , CA Reserve Now (949) 673-2 1 oo www.2 l occanfroo t.con1 Zag~ratc-tt "the besl CHAB LEGS" and ·ever-elusivt' ABALONE" w ith a GORGEOUS OCEAN VIEW BACKDHOP Livl' Entcndinmcnt • Monddy Night Football • Val et Parking Wtne CCllar For Private Parties Now Booking Holiday Banquets And 2 I OCcanfronrs Annual ' w Year's Ball America's.finest furniture maker has shipped their complete Highpoint, North Carolina · showcase showroom to Irvine for a one-time only, factory-to-the-public tent sale. EVERYTHING AT OR BELOW" DEALER'S· COST Showroom Slmpln COlll/lt Of SOFAS, DINING SETS, BEDROOMS, ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS, OCCASIONALS And MORE ••• PLUS EXOTIC RUOS .•• A// Al Bp1ct1cu/1r Savlng1 "~Ott~ TENT SALE: f"((A_ -,-In The Par1<Jng Lot At 101 Technology DrlVe (In lrvlM, Eut d 1-6 Off Mon Pmwwy) TENT SALE HOURS: Satutday 10A.M.-8 P.M SUf'>day 11 A M.~ PM. Mon.·Frl, 10 AM.-8 PM. RllMfCl#G AIMAIU o Ac • • • .. --.... • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . .. Starting at $5.95 7 Day_s a Week 11-4 lndudes ... talld, tppetizer & rice JOGHIN I J1)J IN PR/CF, BIG IN POK170N, GOOD IN SERVICE (949)759 -3388 17STREET BEAUTY CENTER '11tt fArgt.st, rw.st, ~rimtllitst 'lJtauty Supp(y t!I ~ulISeroictSalon In Orange County Open 7 0.)'11 • (949) 642-1717 20% OFF Op"" / Doy, 1040, 64?-1717 BEST PRICES • BEST SERVICE • BEST SELECTION NEW ARRIVALS OF Strttth& PmolllliuJ Brlltlds BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Total lunar eclipse will occur Saturday night A lunar ecliplle oo SatUrday will turn the fuD moon Into a dart; ruddy otb u the moon drifti throush F.arth'• lhadcMt The total lunar eclipee will be visible throughout North and South America. Europe and M· rica. weather condft1ona permit· ting. The m<>dh will be com· pletely covered by the -.rth'a ehadow durlng the ec.Upee. ~ "'' . Newport FJementary to show American pride Newport Elementary School will boat "Proud to be an American Day." which will be open to the public on Monday. The event will open with the 1812 Privateer Lynx tall ship un· furlltig Its aaUs and shooting its cannons at 9 a.m. Members or the military and the poll~ and fire departments will also ap- pear, as will a member of the Anaheim Angels. It will include patriotic musi- caJ performances by students and a sign-up for a blood drive ln the name of Newport £1. ementary parent and para- medic Brian Slater. who ls re- covering from a bodysurftng accident. Lt. Gen. John Rhodes will NOW OPEN UNDER NEW OWNERS! Wonderful French f>istro Cuisine Prix Fixe Menu ~ Courses tor $18 & A La Carte Menu »2' ~ r>ivd1 ~ ~ (9+9) 6?J-699() • 6-IOpm TUd-Sun ... speak wtth children abou( Dag e~ette, and Prirlctpal Oenlle Knutsen wW read from Lynn Clwmey't book •America. A Pa· triode Primer.• AU events will like place from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on the sand iJ't front of Newport Elementary, at 1327 W. Balboa Blvd. Mariners Ouistian Will honorveterans'l\JeSday The Oi'ange County Boa.rd or SupeMlora approved the agreement. whlch Includes a $3.S·mlWon grant from the county to operate the centers. The grant will alto prOvfde funding for a new satellite Joca· don lo the north part of the county. Coutllne wu the only opera· tor for the centers selected in the county, bued on its track record running the Coastal Mariners Ouistlao School Orange County One-Stop Cen- wW host Marine Lt. Col. John ter in Costa Mesa. O'Brien, who recently retume<l The One-Stop centers pro· from 1raq, at ita Veteran'• Day vide employment assistance, assembly on Tuesday. • including recruitment, ellglbil· Al Elby, an Anny veteran Crom ity document•tion, client as- the Battle of. the Bulge, who se m~nt, case i:nanagement, spent five montha as a prisoner vocational training referral, ca- of war after capture by the Nar reer center support, job search zia, will also speak. The event ualstance and Job placement. will include veterans from the ICorean and Vietnam W1ll'1, as well. Studenu from Boy Scout 'lh>op 90 will a,rve as the honor guard at the assembly. The program will take place at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday at Mari· ners Christian School, at 300 Fischer Ave. ln Costa Mesa. College will operate employment centers Coastline Community Col· lege will continue to operate Costa Mesa's One-Stop Center and will take over centers ln Garden Grove and Mission Vi- ejo as part of an agreement an- nounced last week. Rabbitt Insurance A2cncy AlTJ'O • HOMF.0Wtml$ • H'i.w-H . SlUwfJSllf« 1951 ~ td ... Sr)_, ,. , 949-631-7740 441 Old Ncwpon BM. • Newpan Sada (N.r Ho.s Hotpiul) .,-. ·~ . Linda Biehl will start Sage Hill speaker series N~ort !Jeach resident Unda Biehl, mother of a woman killed while doing hu- manitarian work in South Af- rica 10 years ago. will kick off Sage Hill School's Speaker Se- ries on Nov. 17. Blebl and her late husband created the Amy Biehl Founda- tion to further peace and racial equality ln South Africa. Her daughter, a Fulbright scholar and Stanford University stu· dent, was murdered while she was working against apartheid. Linda Biehl works with the foundation in South Africa about slx months a year on AIDS education and after- school and employment pro- grams. The lec ture will talce place at 7 p.m. a Sage Rill School, at 20402 Newport Coast Drive in Newport Beach. Tickets cost $10 per person or $25 per fam- ily. All proceeds will benefit the Amy Biehl Foundation. For more information and reservation. e-mail ha- dley926~Lcom or call (949) 219-1395. Fund-raiser nets $16,000 for Hoag A fund-railer 1ponaored by the 552 Oub and Sterling BMW last month for Hoag Hospital'• Women's J>avillon railed alinoit $16,000. Also at the event, Bruce Schwartz. a member of the board of d.lrectort of the Hoag Hospital Foundation, won a grand prize two·year lease on a 20045301 BMW. The seven·story pavilion ls scheduJed to be done In 2005. It will have a 42-room matemlty unit, a neonatal lntenslYe care unlt and three operating rooms dedicated for Cesarean sections. Open house will give update on freeway work There will be an open house on Nov. 18 to ahowcase prog· ress being made on the Sao Di· ego Freeway and Sao Joaquin Hills Thlnsportatlon Corridor improvement project. The open house will provide an opportunity to talk directly with Caltrans and Orange County lmn.sportation Author· ity representatives about the project, construction actfvides and construction plans. The agencies have been working to- gether to Improve the freeways between Bear Street and Hyland Avenue ln Costa Mesa. The project is scheduled to be done in mid-2004. It adds a separate offramp from the northbound toll road to Fair· view Road and Harbor Boule- vard; improves onrarnps and offramps at Harbor Boulevard and Fairview Road; adds an on- rarnp to the northbound San Diego Freeway at Hyland Av- enue; and adds sound walls throughout the project. The project is more than 85% com · p.ltte . The open house will run from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Nov. 18 at TeWin- kle lntennedlate School, 3224 California Ave .• in the multipur- pose room. Sawrday. November 8, 2003 A7 FORUM . • HOW 10 GET PU8USHED -L.-.: Mall to Edltoftel Page Editor S.J. c.hn et the Delly Plloi. 330. W;Bay St., Com Meu, CA 82627 • R .. ct.a HotlM: Cell (949) 642-6088 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E"INll:s.M to dal/ypllotfllatimea.oom •All con.pondence must lndude full name, hometown and phorw number tfor V9f1flcatJon purpo.-). The Piiot l'eservee the right to edit all aubmlalons for clarity and length. MAILBAG Round one of school upgrades offc;rs lessons ram responding to the artide 1itled •Paimta Wilt about school delays• as the cbalrwoman for the I Measure A Site C.Ommittee at . Kaiser PJementary School and as a member or the committee at \\OOdland Elementary. I know fitsthand. from both . schools, the level of frustration that the parents and teachers at Harbor View Elementary are experiencing. Our frustration level , has escalaled to the pofnt where we felt it necessary to set up a . meeting next week wlth AsQstant Supt Paul Reed, who Is In charge of the Measure A process. Our committees have wolked hard to cany out the duties set by the Otizens' Oversight Committee but feel that the lack of communication between our committee and the distdct bas 'l , not permitted us to successfully compJete our jobs and feel proud of the wotk at our achoob. Going back through all our quarterly believe that aD wodt aboWd \>e oompleted In a satisfactory manner. before a contractor starts worlc on another IChool I tnvtte thole Interested In Measure A WOik at their ICbool to attend meetinp. be~ In the procea and don't let any details drop. We want the best for our community. and being Involved and woiking together Is the most eft'ecdve way for this to oocur. A huge "thank you• to thoee volunteers cumndy wor:king at their schools and doing their best to make this a 5' aooessful project. given the fact that funds for Measure A are limited Perhaps It Is also time for the community to think about MeaSl.ft e. since the scope of wolk from Measure A will not be completely met due to costs. , NIKI PARKER C.OSta Mesa Center dividers are not centers of attention reports, there are records of the I have been driving up Irvine lad of foDow-tbrougb. resulting ~ Avenue for many years and in these~ -despite never paid much anention to having an exceptionally dedicated the center divider found just project manager at Kaiser. past 19th Street traveling north. We have followed what we About a month ago. traffic was thought was the appropdat.e suddenly diverted into one chain of command and requested lane. Bulldours, dump trucks, help directty from Reed and the back hoes and lots of Otizens' Overslght C.Ommittee. A manpower showed up to few issues have been~ remove the ice plant from the but many. many Issues remain center divider. unresolved. resulting In a learning Now, this is~ plant that environment that may be requires no.maintenance. detrimental to both students and Weeks have gone by. and the : teachers. work is still going on. The : r find it bard to believe that the plants are being removed, and district would be swprlsed at the It looks like water lines are problems being expres.1ed at going to be installed, which Harbor View. I would hope that. leads one to believe a costly, as the schools In the second ' high-maintenance sltuatlon · phase begin their construction will follow. ~ wocX. more care wl11 be given to My question is, what was the •these vay Important bsues so matter with the Ice plant In the : that something will have been middie of the center divider? It : gained by our experiences. I also appears that no effort was . . made to be conservatlve with taxpayer funds. And who marvels at the beauty of the center divtd_,r when they a.re driving down Irvine Avenue, · anyway'{ -.?MEEHAN Newport Beach Not all on peninsula oppose Regent Resort I am a longtime Balboa Peninsula resident responding to Thursday's letter from Adel and Mel Mann concerning the planned Regent Resort. ln preparation for th& Oct. 29 meetlng the Manns refer to, the city of Newport Beach mailed notlces of the meeting to 500 homes nearest to the Regent site. I attended that meeting with approximately 25 other residents. Of the 25, about 10 people were from Newport areas other than the tenual peninsula. where the planned Regent Resort is to be built. rn my opinion, this certainly does not represent much of an outcry of residents, as the Manns claim. I would like to say the Manns do not speak for me or for many of my friends and neighbors. Many residents I have spoken to are excited and supportive of this small resort that does so much for so many: It remodels the American Legion Post at Its current 15th Street location; builds a new, modem and secure Girl Scout House and Community Center; and Improves view corridors to the bay. There will be a posltlve effect on the water qualif): of the bay the utilization of a new, sta1e-of-the-art drainage systems that slcim oU, dirt and debris-laden runoff water from rainfall before It enters the bay. In addition, It ls likely that the future tidelands boundary will Invites you to experience THE DIAMOND AND JEWELRY EXTRAVAGANZA Celebrating our 28th anniversary , Exquisite luxury diamonds Designer jewelry and persOnal appearances lry world renowned designers .... f THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH 6PMT09PM FASHION ISLAND -NEWPOKI' BEACH • A percenUJge of the sales to ~t MARC0NI FOUNDATION FOR KIDS FM.E PHOTO/DAILY PILOT A man who identified himself only as Larry the painter paints the inside of a classroom at Newport Heights Elementary School during the summer as part of Measure A improvements. include the resort site and that will result, by stale law, in more than $1 million per year being placed in the city's Tidelands Trust Fund for use in improving our bay. To ailege that city staffers are in "partnership" with the developers Is patently false and absurd. Aside from the few who will always oppose a project such as this, I believe the majority of Newport Beach residents will favor the Regent Resort and will show that support at the bailot box in 2004. CHRISTINE DABBS Newport Beach Wildfires should prompt legislation I was disappointed to read on Friday that the Senate had rejected the Qima1e Stewardship Act of 2003 sponsored by Sen. John McCain and Sen. Joe Ueberman. The Environmental Protection Act article of September 1997, titled "Qimale Olange and California," Indicates thaL the Earth's climate Is changing as a resuh of human activities that are altering the aunosphere and "warming" the plane! - the greenhouse effect. The act also states that "holler, drier weather could increase the frequency and intensity of wildfires, threatening bath property and forests." Currently, one of the worst droughts recorded in Southern CaJtfornia history ha' weakened our pine fore">I<. to such an extenl that they haw become vulnerable to Infestations by colonie'> of voraclou<. native black heetlt•\ Las! week. these dry. JeJd and dying trees provided • substantial fuel 10 the ragmg wildfires that burned alr110 .. 1 I million acres in our 'llall.•, causing 20 deaths and $2 billion In damage. In llghl of this disas1t-r, which is considered the large'it 1n CaJifornia history, 1sn'1 11 about tame President Bush '>loppl'd dragging his feel and '>larll'd to comha1 global warminR in'>ll'ad of pandering to lhe pollutt'r<. who are causing th1i. environ mental calarmty'l JOAN IRVINE SMITH San Juan C.apl'>trano BASTIDEAUX HOME INTERIORS 2915 Redhill, Sui te 8 103, Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 540-5959 SHOWROOM SALE NOVEMBER 13, 14, 15 9am-5pm (Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only) StoneMill Design Center - Designer Showroom -Open co chc public Join us for our 3 day showroom sample sale and special 2 week . delivery sale on custom ordered entertainment centers, chests, buffets, antiques, plein air paintings and more . · StoneMill Deaign CCnter 291 5 Redhill, Suite E HM, COSra Mesa GA 92626 SOCIETX THE CROWD Panhellenic Assn .. hoiiors giver . A sentimental tribute was shared by all in attendance at the 39th aonuaJ Athena benefit IWlcheon of the Central Orange County Alumnae Panhellenic Assn. The tribute focused on Jan IAndltrom. a longtime Corona def Mar -----resldeot and social activist quietly orchestrating i:n8S$lve efforts of goodwill beneddng local • dl11.ens over decades ot service. Landstrom realved the prtud Athma Award at the luncheon gathering held at Tumlp Rose. Orange. presented to her by her B.W. COOK peersinthewoddof charity and social lel'Vice. She was joined in the honor by another dedicated volunteer, Maureen Holthe of Tustin. Nominated for the Alhena by the Orange County Salvation Anny, Landstrom len'ed the Anny as founder of the Women's Auxiliary and has bttn on its board Ince 1991. "Jan also founded the ARC Angels. a support group for women dependent on drugs and alcohol,· said Cathy O'Connell representing the Panhellenic Alm. "She wu a co-founder of the Paclftc Olorale and a rounding member or the Padlic OlOraJe Guild. S6Vlng as president for rwo yeara. Landatrom served on the Om board of the Orange County Performing Arts Center and Is currently a dlrectof emerilUS. • Lanchtrom's list of service qedits also features a prorrunenl role in the Imagination Celebrauon for children and recognition as the creator of Founders Plu... a support group of the Performing Arts Center. Attending the Athena event were PanheUemc Board President Kade Pu9ona, Mary Kane, <:anne-n Nunenek. A.nalea ~l. Jan Col1ler and Cathy O'Connell. In ndd1uon 10 paying tnbu1e 10 Landstrom and llolthe. the ladJes presented five $1.000 coUege i.t.·holarstups 10 deserving local women en1enng vanous uruversities. ALZHEIMER'S BENEm The Alllleimer's AMn. of Orange County cordially inv11es the Newport-Mesa • communily to share in a very special evening. "Memories in the MaJcing." A champagne reception will accompany an an auction featunng the work of local Alzheimer patient& Unfolding Friday at the Pa.de Tower Atrium in Costa Mesa. the evening will be fronted by popular mistreM of ceremonies Stephanie lldwardl with support from celebrity auctioneer Oiuck Dleyer. Olaired by Jo,a Wdla, with as.sistance from Donna Blanchl, Virginia Atherton. Electa Andenon. Sharon Brown. Jo,a GrUMun, ICmal Jobmon, Roulyn Wexler and La Dorla Helnly. proceeds will benefit Alzheimer's programs in Orange County. A donation of $75 per person Is requested. Please call (714) 283· I 1 I to maJce your reservatlon. FESTIVAL OF CMILDREN s.ncty Sc:p::wbom l>anieJI announced this week the formation of the Festival of Orlldren Foundadon. Daniels produced the Festival of Children, held at South Coast Plaza. with the Jan Landstrom, Athena Woman of the Year, 1s honored at a recent luncheon. purpose of fostering education, arts, health and community involvement specially targeted at improving the lives of community kids. To inaugurate the efforts of the new foundation. organizers will sponsor I 00 children represented by local charitieb al a performance on Nov. I I of "The Emperors New Oothes" al South Coast Repertory Theatre. ln a previous column, I erroneously reported that the Festival of Qiildren was an event 10 raise funds for children's charities when It was not a fund·raiser, but was rather about awareness of the need for the entire community 10 get involved with children. The celebration of children featured a variety of programs open to children and their families throughout September. • THE CROWD appears Thurldaya and Saturdays. ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN C AFE FiM H•-Frmusln"f'. AArifwr tf <AJ/«Nbla. TrtiJl1-li • Cotutr Gifts 4,J Gmlni DKw Wah Usl 41fi DJ,wry. Gmlni Clfr Gmlni P4M Di111111 ""1i111 Brukf .it, L.mch, Tu llM /flt E,,pn. &r. C.AFE HOURS: M111..,S,,11 9tmt-4pm C.nJJa u Ch.Nk/Urs, Um/ cf RArt Boo/ts, CllSUmr Piml,., Fr11111in1> nmrittm Rntortllion 11114 mwh mort I ROW HOURS: Tw.S.t JO.m·5pm (M9) 722-1177 ~~9d~~ MIKE'I · ~~~CARPET$ WEDDINGS Wescombe-Hoppe ~e o.wn Wetcombe of Santa An& and llUr RJdwd Hoppe of Corona del Mar ncbanged vows at C6mm&inity Qurcb, Congregational In Corona deJ Mar on July J2. The bride it the daughter or Patricia and Gary Wacombe of Santa Ana. The bride wore an ivory ducheu aiJt and aatln gown by Vera W&Jll. The maid of honor was Natalie Grl1Wold. The 1>ridelinaldl were: Usa Hoshek. Joy Stephens, Melilaa Powell, JW Cooper, Brooke Smith. Nicole Weacombe and Erica Melby. Jacqueline Wescorme and BlawHoppe Daily Pilot The bridegroom la the son of Carol and RJch Hoppe of Corona del Mar. The belt man )YU Broob Hoppe. The ushers were Jimmy Keane, Peter Wall, John Hoppe, Warner Griswold. John Stephens, Brett Fowler and Mau Foster. ' The reception took place ln the Oubhouse at Pelican Hill with 230 guest tn attendance. The couple spent lta honeymoon in the 1i.bitian l!IJanda, Bora Bora and Moorea. The two plan to Jive ln Corona del Mar. • The bride works at the Mlssfon Hospital Foundation. The groom works Jt Fremont General Corp. Burch-Rudrud Allson Burch of Los Altos, Calli. and Kevin Rudrud of Thousand Oaks exchanged vows at Our Savior's Lutheran Cliurch In Long Beach on Aug. 2. Tbe bride is the daughter of John Burch of Los Altos and Diane Slit of Thmecula. The bride wore a white corseted princess strapless dress by JeMy Packham. The maid of honor was Veronica Stw:.ka. Tbe brldesmaJds were Kelle Moore, Mandy Heagy. Kelly Myers, Kevin Rudrud and Anne-Elise Rudrud. Megan Sixt and Alison Burch McKenzle Sixt. The bridegroom II the son of Ron and Kathleen Rudrud of Thousand Oaks. The best man was Patrick &lclcson. The ushers were Mike Mariani, Brendan Brick.son, Brian Scheller and Brian Burch .. The reception took place at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. The couple spent its honeymoon In Kauai. . The bride is a store planner for Quicksilver . The groom Ls self-employed as a mortgage broker. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run S•turdaya. For a form, PIHM call Lui• Pel\• 1't UM9) 57~298. OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush Ceramic f(~o~s1 so CYCLING Flooring Featuring ALLOC No Glue lnstallat1on Wood Flooring Refinishing & New ~·rp•t ~~o •20 llCI ft lnsta//Hi Berber C•rpet ~~o~s1u Installed aq ft • Vlnyl Flooring ft 0~•1° ~\\! aq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls CALL NOW Ceramics• Wood• Laminates 642-8400 ~s'i1te44 ~ DESIGN CENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!'~ 7 s 7 ?St? P 5 OUR WORKOUT IN I 0 YOUR SCHEDULE FOR GREAT RESULTS , , -. Saturday. November 8. 2003 A9 FAITH. lHE MORAL OF THE STORY All we can do is pray ''Allwecando is~and hope, and pray aome more.• a friend sa1d. ~ eo need to see what we can do to help." My friend and I spoke last week about the lnaedible pain and destruction of the wDdJlres that raced through Southern cauromla. I went on a walk lhat Saturday morning when we woke to a da.dc smoky sky and eerie red sun. I didn't knowhow bad the fires were until I returned and turned on the news. but I knewtha1 It CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON had to be bad and that I needed to pray. As I walked. I began coughing, and so I headed home. Watching the news, I reelized how many people had no opdon of a morning waDc. or even a home to return to. I remember the d~ling L.aguna Beach fire 10 yean ago. and knew f.amllies who lost their homes. I also remember the inaedible attitude ol mony of them. One couple who Uved through that fire saJd that the only explanadon they had for their Inner peace during such outward twmoll was that people had been praying for them. I prayed for a quick end to the fires, and I prayed for protection for those lnwlved or affected. I also prayed that In the midst ot the chaos. people would tum to God and allow Hlm to fill them with His peece. I can\ Imagine what they must feel, but when they feel helpless. I pray they feel a new hope, the lqnd of hope that God o«ers. ObYiousJy. my prayers weren\ answeml the way I wanted; the fires grew and spread. and Uva and homes were lost. I will still continue lO pray that eomehow and In lome way, God will rlflN 6IODlething ~tM out ol the ashes. Many churches, schools and organizations have responded to meet the pracdcal needs of housing. food and clothing. I've seen bake sales and heard about children emptying their piggy banks to m19e funds for those who lost their homes.. The~ was a spec:ial offering at church last week, but I was especially IJlOYed by the wo.rds of a little girl on the dlurch pado. While eating a doughnut., she looked up at her father and said. "Daddy, I want to gtve my special teddy bea,r. It helps me sleep better, maybe it will help somebody else.· I smiled at them both. At her young age. she understands that we need to help each other. I'm saddened by the pain and devastation, but thankful for the practical responses and the change in weather. We can an do something practical for those who Ced be!~ because of ftn!s or whatever areas of 1heir lives are otit of control We can also pray for God to bdng hope and help whenever others or we ourselves f eeJ ~or helpless. And you can quote me on that • CJNl1'( TRANE aRSTESON ls1t 411ewport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be readied vie 4HT!ail at cindy@onthegrow.com or through the mall at 537 Newport Center Drive, Suite 605, Newport Beacti. CA 926e0. Costa Mesa Laguna Beach 345 North PCH (949) 494-6551 Mon-sat, t0a-6p .. t 695 Newpon Blvd. (949) 6-42-2050 Mon-sat. 9a-5:30p Sunday. l 2H5p Sunday, 12·5p \ IN THEORY The support for life support QUESTION: How does your faith view life support? Is it ever OJ( to talce a person off life support? Once life support Is installed and connected to a patient, then, according to many Ntuslim scholars, It would be unlawful to disconnect it and cause the death of the patient. However. it is not mandatory to connect the patient to the life support machine in the.first place. IMAM MOSTAFA AL-QAZWINI Islamic EducationaJ Center of Orange Co14nty christians consider the primary and greatest "life support" to be God's love exp~ through concern and care of family and friends with mutuality from the person whose life may be threatened. Second, we understand that medical science works wonderfully through doctors' and nurses' expertise and resources for the resolution of a person's life possibilities, ever mindful of the person's prospects for qualiry as weU as length of life in body. mind and i.oul. Third, recognizing the inequality of health care across social and economic lines nationally, Olri!>tians look at "life supportH as an issue of ethics and justice in our democratic sooety. FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS CAPPEUA CANTORUM Cappella Cantorum, the young adult choir of St. John Vianney Chapel, is · beginning its fifth year. The choir is open to students in grades six through 12. It provides active faith participation for teens during their high school years. Participation includes singing at mass regularly and at special events. Rehearsals are from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays in the Chapel at 314 Marine South Bay 23649 Hawthorne Blvd. (310) 373 .. 0442 Mon-sat. 9a-5:30p • Sunday, 12-Sp Taking a person off "life support" is a most serious decision. II ls always to be made ln conversation with God through prayer that -as always - God's will be done. The best medical advice and counsel and thorough appreciation of a person's life ln relationships among family and friends must inform any such decision. The quei.tionmg words "ever OK" should motivate individuals 10 rc'>pond hopefully and lovingly filled with the affirmation that life is God's eternal gift. THE VERY REV. CANON PETER 0. HAYNES St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal OlUrch Corona del Mar Judaism is cowltercultural. Amid an ethos that speah of "quality of life" issues, Judaism exalts the "sanctity of life." Man is created in the Divine image, and the preservation of hfo 1i. a Divine commandment. Further, '>ince the value of human life Is infinite, any pan of it, even a minute or a second, is of precisely the same worth as 70 years. Even residual Ave., Balboa Island. Younger children are invited to join. For more information, contact Nancy Kelly, director at (949) 673-4595. ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Newport Is offering an environmental scholarship fund for two students. The scholarshlps will only be offered through Chapman University and UC Irvine. Interested students should contact their financial aid office. The scholarships will be awarded in the spring of 2004. Information: (949) 644-1341. http://stmsrkpresbyterisn.org. life Is of inestimable vaJue. 1 luman life Is not a relative but an absolute good. And. yet, Judaism does not favor the prolonging of dying when one Is In the final stages of tile. When death ls imminent, Judaism acknowledges that preserving life at all costs Is no longer required. People have to die, and death Is not considered an enemy but a transition, not a defeat but a mearu. of entering into a new life. We are custodians of life, not masters over life. If efforts cannot bring about healing, certain artificiaJ impediment!> to death may~ withdrawn. Of course. a physician is not · allowed to engage in euthanasia. A medital education gives the doctor greater knowledge, not greater moral rights. We ought not glorify murder in the name of lc.indne~. Wot• to a society when physician!) bcrnnit• technicians of death. TI1cre b only one Angel of Death. and he doe~ not have a medical degree. Human life is sacred. II need not ht' unduly lengthened through our "'°"· hut it can never be ended by our wdl. We aclcnowledge with humility and JWl' tlw observation of Solomon thl' Wi'-C.'. that "there is a time to be bom ;mtl J llllll' 10 die." Tilat time il> up Lo (,od RABBI MARK MILLER Temple Bat Yahm Newport !leach HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE The Catholic Daughters of the Americas will have its annual Holiday Boutique, baked goods and white elephant sale from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday at St. Joachim's Parish Hall, 1964 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 546·2875, (714) 546-5833. CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE The Mothers of Preschoolers program at Mariners Church will host its Annual Christmas boutique from 9 a.m . to 2 p.m. today at Mariners Church See FAITH, Pase AlO AlO Slm'diy, ~ 8, 2003 FAITH MATTRESS OUTLET STOR E '"Bmn-Sl«p Throuth Siimtt. • ----~---...-"' fiEE; ~ Get the Best for Less/ BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT H .. J. Garrett Furniture Full Design ConsuJting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing Sn-vict and Valw 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. thru Sat. I 0 to 6, Sun. 12 to 5 Quality Service Value Senior Care Community 390 I E. CoaJt Highway, Corona Ml Mar, California 92625 Crown Cove u a national award winning community overlook.in~ chc Pacific • Ocean and a canyon preserve tn charming Corona del Mar. Crown Cove offers lndcpen<knt and Assisted Uving Prograrru as well u our unique Journeys C Program for Alzheimer's and dementia care where •lifti JflUnUJ tiotsn '1 mJ with Ab:J11imv's, a ntw thaptn btfins" C4RJNG i• about Rupect, Warmth, and Nurturing, Empathy and lndividuafu.ed Attcntfon; And to the naff at Crown (.ove, caring ia much more; it u our l.ik f'oau. C rown Cove stands out among other Communities for numuous tcal<>ns, but ~ bdjcvc one of our residents summarized it best in a reant map.zinc art¥:k: .. This is IM best'"" Ill liw. TIN JHOIU IU't "'frinuJJJ, thnY u "'UNIJ' IOrMOM "' """ "'· "" I """ ~ """" if I ""'"'" TM foot/;, tlJJdi,111 """ ~ th.I worla hnY ""' II ~ 11ttibiM ". 949-760-2800 Fax: 949-760-2839 email a.ddrcaa: infor@lcrowncovc.com Uccruc 1306001253 FAITH Continued from A9 Comrnl.dy Centw bulldl~. 6001 Newpon COMt Drtve. tnfOnnatJon (Mt)IM-7800. hlfp.:/,WWW,,,...ritW«IHJtdl.~ HNUOWf 8AZMR Temple BatYlhm SI~ 28ttl ennual CNnuk.th Bazur w111 be from 9 e.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 23 et 1011 Camelbedl St., Newport e..cte. There wut be mo.-. then 20 vendors end erti.ta Mlllng e vett.ty of ftema tuc:h e• handbege, jewelry, cryNt end other ltemt. Information: (949) &M-1999. 'WIU THERE BE ENOUGH WATERT "Will Then! Be Enough Water In Orange County In 20207" will be dlSCUMed dunng St Mertc PrelbvterienChurch~Adult forum, n 11 a.m. at 2100 Mar Vina Drive. Representatives from the Orenge County Water District and the Orange County Sanitation Dlstrlct will be present. lnfomiation: (949) 644-1341, http:/,WWW.nmartprnbytarlan. WORKSHOPS PARENT1NG GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County Is forming a parenting group to help perenta to · understand and deal with the feellnga and behavior of their children. The group meeta from 10 to 11:30 a.m. the first end third Mondays of the month at the center, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G In Coste Meta. Information: (714) 446--4960. Pr&-reglstratlon Is required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service Is offering e support end dlscuulon group for adulta whose children or spousea aoffer from alcohol end drug addiction. The group meett from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday• et 250 E. Baker St, Suite G In Coste Meta. Information: (714) 446-4950. Pre-registration Is required. 8NW FJRESIDES M.mbers of the Behal felth hold informal public disculllons on spiritual topica at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the lest Sunday of the month. The talkt Include brunch or dinner. Also, Interfaith devotional meetings wlll be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for location•. (949) 769-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) ~for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 fOf' Seturday devotlonel. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers en Introduction 'to Zen Workthop from 3 to 8 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St, Coste Mesa. $60. (949) 722-7818. A SPIRfT\JAL JOURNEY of ~thet lndudttullng Scriptu111 Of e ~ rNding .. e ldmulue. The Chrleden ~Group rMett from 7:30 to 8 p.m. on the first end third Wedneed.tYt t)f eed'I month et the center. The fonnet lndudel two peftods of meditation wtth eotne tMlNc:tlon on how to meditate, e tallc end e dlec:ueek>n. (9'9) 219-1408. . TAUU>te ETHICS The Jewish Leeming m.tltutt will preeent "Talmudic Ethlc9: Tlmelea Wledofn for Timety Dllemmea" from 7:16 to 8:46 p.m. through Dec. 18 nthe Hyltt Newporter, 1107 Jamboree Road. lnfonnatlon: (&a) 721·9800. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOIEN The Jewfah Femlty SeMce offer• e aupport group for women older than 60 to addreu luuea auch u anxiety and depreaalon at 10 e.m. on the aecond end fourth Monday of ead1 month 8t 260 E. Baker St. Suite G In Costa M .... Pl'8f'eglstratk>n requlr9d. (714) 446-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewith FemiJy Service of Orange County hat formed a bereavement 1upport group that meet• at 10 a.m. Tuesdaya and a Challenge of Chan;. support group that meeta at 10 a.m. Thurtdaya. Both groups meet at Temple Judee In l.eguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Partcwey. The eervlce Is elso forming e parenting aupport group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 e.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 446-4950. GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Femity Service of Orange County plens to present a dlscuulon group for parents of JeWtsh geya end lesblent If enough people ere Interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPIRfTUAL. The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday ....W:.. every week et 10 ~· at 248.2 Newport Blvd., Coste ~Suite 3. A splrttual healing service stertl at 9:3() a.m. (949) 681·2290. RE-MEMBERING GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6: 15 p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Viste Dnve, Newport Beac::tt. The perish center la at 2046 Mer Viste Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 648-3844. BREAKFAST FEUOWSHIP St Mk::hael end All Angela Episcopal Church holda lta Men's FellowshJp BrNkfest at 7 a.m. on the second, third end fourth Thurtdeya of each month at 3233 Peclflc View Drive, Corona del Mar. Free. (94~) 644-0463. MEN'S FEllOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship B,..akfut A 28-letton study on the life of Jesua Christ titled "Journey to the Crott" It taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder'• Bible Cle .. at Liberty Beptllt Church. The study parallels the four Gotpets to preaent the story of Christ. The c:fturch 11 at 1000 Blaon Ave .• Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-6444. • of St. Andrew'• Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 e.m. Wednoldeya in Olerenfleld Hell, 600 St Andrewa Road, Newport Be.ldl. All men of the church end community ere welcome to attend. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631·2880. DREAM ON The Adult Feith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angela Church In Newport Beach holdt a dreem enelyals group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundaya at 2046 Mer Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDfT~TION LESSONS A free "lectlo divine• meditation group meeting ''held 8t 7:10 a.m. Tutldaya et Our Lady Queen of Angela, 2048 Mer Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectlo la 1 style SEPARATION SUPPORT Jewish Femlly Service of Orange County holdt a women's divorce end aeparetion IUPPOrt group at 7 p.m. Wednetdaya et the Jewish F1mlty Service'• offtce at the Jewish F9deratlon Campus, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G. Cotta Meta. For detea end feet, call (714) 446-4960. e>ct. 114. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orenge For flllrMIM• Ind~~ .. ell 948.219.1385 S10 ~ '*'°" or 125 Plf' fllnly ,. ~t.wlthNtr/lllH ~hit ....................... Joftn lMno Hanm County offert 1 IUPPOft group for younger women dMllng wtth 1-.... auc:h •life piltagel end cf\engel, bodV Im ... famlty, \ relatlonthlps end lonellnea n t p.m. l\Mlldayl 8t the egeflCY ~. 250 E. Baktr St., Suite~ Com Men. Ptereglstntlon I' required. (714) 445 4960, -11* , HE1ANG THE HELP£RS .,71 Jewfth Ftlmlty ~II .rl1 tpont0rtng e dltcuaion grou~ ~ ~ foculing on the-... end , 1 concemt ~ by adult c:hlldre taking care of their efdefiV 1 1 perenta. The group wiH be offeffkll TIJMday. The ofllcN ere at 260 Po ' Baker St., Suite G. eo.ta Meea.";{' Preteglltnrtlon It required. $10.'1" (714) 446-496(). •tl~ • . ANXIETY NfO "'· DEPftESSION SUPPORT '''' The Jewish Femlty Service of 11)1 Or.nge County offera e suppoc:f I end di.coaalon group for edulta ,. experiencing an>cMty end or , ., depl"etllonfrom 10 e.m. to nOOfl/ on Mondaya at the agencv , ,, 1 offtcea, 260 E. Beker St., Coste , .. ;.. Meta. Free. (714) 446-496(). ·'' ; INTERFAITH COUPLES GR~11 Jtwlah Famlly Service 11 fonnln,g. a dlacuulon group for lnterfa!U),,, cooplee where one partner 11 , , J9wfsh to speek about lasuee : affecting an Interfaith ,,. relationship. Call for tlmet and."•· data. Jewish Family Service it~ , 250 E. Beker St, Suite G. Coste Meta. Prereglltrat.lon is requi~ (714)446--4960. • BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT • .,, Fe .11. Jewish mllY Service of Orang~ County will hold e new ongolnO' .. bereavement aupport group to?. people In ell steget of lou et 7 ' p.m . Tueldays at the Jewish · Family Service, 250 E. Baker St.,' Suite G, Coste Meta. Free. (714) ' 446-4960. • ,, .... FRIDAY GROUP Temple lseieh of Newport Bead1 hold• weekly Friday night ' servlcet 8l 8 p,m_ with 8 ••, I feflowshlp hour end ·• ,, refreshment& afterward at 2401 , Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. (!MQ~ 648-6900. I~ DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of .. , Orange County offera e tuppol\ and dlscuulon group for adults ' dealing with the eftenneth of · divorce at 7 p.m. Wednesdeya at the agency omce., 250 E. Beker St.. Cotta Mesa. Cell for prices. "·' (714) 446-4950, ext. 114. •. ''. ABUSE SUPPORT GROUP . 1' St. Merk Preabyterien Church ' '' hotll e falth-bned, nonaecterian- abuae support group from 7 to·•'! 8:30 p.m. Mondaya n the churdS, 2100 Mer Viste Ave., Newport , ,,, Beech. $5 or donations. (949) • 721-8079. rJ 1 . PASSAGES SUPPORT GROUP • Jewish Family Service of Orange County wlll hold e support and dlacuuion group for people dealing with the i11uea of anxiety. depression, relatlonshipa, ;t communication, life changea, 10,. lonellneu end family at 10 e.m.'t, Mondeya at the agency offlcea. r 250 E. Baker St, Suite G1 Costa ' Mese. $16. Preregistration 1.• required. (714) 446-4950. )~ MEN'S FEllOWStlP GROUP ' ~ Preabyterlan Church of the ;,. Covenant's men's fellowship ,. group meeta from 8 to 9 e.m. ·~ Wedneadaya n the Village 1 " Farmer resteurent .• ecrOM from J!\ South Coest Plue In eo.te M_,,;., (714) 657-3340. .~t ,J ... • It your church or place of wo~ planning a special event? If ao, send the typed Information at least two • weekt before the event to the Dai¥ Piiot, 330 W. Bay St, ea.ta M ... , CA 92627. attention: Paul Saitowilr religion editor.; fax to (9491 ~C 84&-4170;orsende-mallto J..i~ d•ilypllot•latlma.com. '"• ' ,,.. COMMUNITY & CLUBS {\. glob~[ vo!ce for women speak,s S oropt1mllt International Newport Harbor will host a noon JW'lcbeon on • ThW'lday at the Bmbauy SUJtea Hotel, 2120 Main St. in IMne, that featul9' u the 1pea,ker Zalnllb s.lbl. preaklent and founder of Women for Women JntematioO.al. • group that "rpvlde.a women survivors of Y$I' and civil strlfe the tools and resoun:es to move from cris1t and poverty to edf·suftldency and active dtlz.enshlp. •' "The SaJbl organization has Worked lo Croatt8. Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo. NJgerla. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Colombia and lsJntemationally known for her wort with Women Survivors of War,. said o.wn Mute lanondl, cha.Ir of the Soroptimiat International quadrenniaJ project. Salbl and SoroptimJst Iniemational have partnered to fotm Project Independence: ~en Survivors of War, Lemonds said. Tickets for the luncheon to bear thls outstanding speaker are available at $25 per person by calling (714) 957-5046. P05TER CONTEST WINNER The Harbor Mesa Uons participated In the Uona International Peace Poster Contest this year with entries frOm the Westside Boys & Girls Oub. 'IWelve children entered their version of ~Create A Brighter l'Qmorrow" posters; the winning entry came from Cindy Calderon. Her poster depicted the world with children's hands reaching out to each other. Presiden t Joan Parb presented Cindy a $50 cash award, and all children received a certificate of appreciation from tlons' International lb.is contest is held every year for mlddle·school-age children around the world. Local winners' posters are sent to compete wilh various levels until 24 finalist posters are selected, with one deemed the winner. The grand prize winner receives a trip to New York Oty with with a parent and the Uons' Oub president. Included in the trip are tours of the dty and the designation of special guest at the Uons Day with the Unlted NalJons. The grand prize \\inner also receives $2,500. The other 23 finalists receive $500. It ii esdmmd that more d:ml 135,(XX) ~ wil paatldpaae dUs ymr 6m1 ~the wodd. ~ IET The Computer Friends of OaslawUJ meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Oasis JIM SenJor Center DE BOOM 1n Corona del Mar for their monthly computer club program. Aaron Duddk wUJ be presenting •Exciting Things from Apple thJs Holiday Season." Dudzik ts the Mac spedalJ.at and bu.sine.a specialist at the Apple Store in Fashion Island. He wUJ be presenting the latest ln video conferencing. music and technology. Mark Adams, the store manager, wUJ join him. Whether you are a Macintosh or Windows user, there wUJ be lnfonnatJon that you wUJ find valuable as part of this presentation. Everyone la welcome, from beginners to experts. A $3 guest fee ls charged for visitors who are not members of Computer Friends. The Oasis Center i8 at 800 Marguerite Ave., at the corner of 5th Street, In Corona del Mar. MUlJ1.CHAMBER MIXER Lexus of Westminster wlU host members l'rom 13 chambers of commerce at a receptJon and mixer from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday. It wlU be a chance not only to network with members of other cham~rs, but to see the 2004 Lexus automobiles. Lexus of Westminster is at 13590 Beach BJvd In Westminster. INTERFAl'Tli If! CHINA As you read today's Dally Pilot. 34 people are on an eight·day Interfaith Council trip to O\lna, I being one of them. We have a diverse group of clergy and lay members: Lutherans, Presbyterians, Jews, Episcopalians. Disciples of Christ, Baptists, Catholics, Methodists and Unitarians. We are visiting the traditional tourist sites and a Catholic church, a Protestant church, a Jewish synagogue and a number of Buddhlst temples. And oo ~while I am in China. my wife, an.. wiD cUebmte her 8lth l*ttlday wlJh daughters smcy. and Joel by taking a trip 10 wine oountry In Napa. ~REPEATING From Thought for die Day provtded by Gns Ke11eJ of the Newport Meaa IMne Interfaith Council: "A positive attitulU may not iolw all your prob~ms. but It will annoy mougli pcopk to t1l4b It worth tM tffort." -ANONYMOUS SERVICE CLU8 MEETINGS TMJS WEEK TUESDi\Y 7: 30 a.m.: The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub wUJ meet at Five Crowns for a dub a.ssembty and craft talk by N-ay Ibrahim (http://MwponlJMch sunrlserotary.orgllndu.htm). 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Uons Oub will meet at the Costa Mesa Country Oub. WBDNESll\Y 7:15 a.m.: The 10-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub (lmp:llwww.routlicoastmetro rotary.ortJ; and the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Oub wlU meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon; The Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia CorinthJan Yacht Oub. 6 p.m.: The Rotary Oub of Newport Balboa wlU meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to hear an update on diabetes research. THURSD\Y 7 a.m.: The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Uons Oub will meet at Mimi's Caf~. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn (http://www. ldwanis. orglclublcostamesa); the SO-member Kiwanis Oub of Newport Beach-corona del Mar will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to hear Robert Miller of the Savanna High School Junior Navel R.O.'f.C program; the Exchange Oub of Newport liarl>or will meet at the Newport Harl>or Nautical Museum for a business meeting; and the Rotary Oub of Newport Irvine will meet at the Atrium Hotel (http://www.nlrotary.u~. • COMMUNITY • CLUBS 11 publlahed Saturd1y1 In the Dally Pilot Send your 1ervl~ club'• meeting information by fax to (714) 921-8655 or by e·mail to jdeboom@ eof.com. GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNG INYOUIED run1 periodically In the Dally Pilot on a rotating basia. For Information on adding your organization to thl1 list, call (949) 574-4298. ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Meta families can host a German student and eam up to $1 ,000 toward a number of travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophlc Lateral Sderoal1 Aaan .. whidi helps J*>ple who have the dlaetder that la alto known aa Lou Gehrig'• diaene, needa volunteers. (714) 376-1922. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. OF OftANGE COUNTY Support group INders, Villtlng Volunteers. family reaource FIGGE " consuhanta and office volunteers are needed. Volunteer• may wort on one-time project9 or ongoing programa. Training aeallona are available. (800) 660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIElY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society aeeb o1flce volunteers. The aoclety alto aeeb volunteera to anawer call1 for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER • SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancet' Society DilCOVefY Shop need• unwanted gooda auch n clothing, furniture, Jewelry, acceuorlea, antiques and collectlblea to fund the aoclety'a reaearch, education and patient Mf'Vlcea programa. The gooda may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coeat Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers are alto needed from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4771 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program need• volunteers to drive cancer petlenta to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment It a few hours each week or month. Drivers muat have a valid driver'• llcenae and Insurance and be at least 26. Volunteers may uae either their own vehidea or American Cancer Society vaN. (949) 261-9446 or 1COmer@cancer.org. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Aaan. it looking for volunt.eera to perform vanoua general omc. dutiet in See INVOLVED, Pase Al2 Wefocusqn family anJ fan! l'4> 'NCWJ*t c-. Drift. Saiw 110, NCwpOlt 9-dt 949.644.6933 SCHEDULE YOUR HOUDAY SrnlNG Now '""d• It .... Clem SIU~. ~ 8, 2003 All . Pamper Yourself With 11 ~' FlieWor Special T~"'1nmt >I Our special HoliJay Packages give you savings plus Spa Dollars for extra pampering ingredients ... FACIAL PACKAGES f "OH $160 FOA TWO 80 MIN. FACIALS TO $650 FOR TEN FACIALS SAVE UP TO $200 ON OUR FACIAL PACKAGES GIFT PACKAGE $300 -A $55 SAVINGS 3 SPA H OURS + $I 00 SPA D OLLARS* SUPER GIFT PACKAGE $5 I 0 -A $ / 00 SAVINGS 6 SPA HOURS + $I 00 SPA Dot.l>As* GRAND GIFT PACKAGE $900 -A $320 SAVINGS 12 SPA Hovf!,S + $200 SPA Dou.AAS* *GOOOTO'N.AAO GAYW ~SM ~ This offer ;, W1fd ~ Oecembtr 24, 2003 ofld Is noc Wllid Wiclt Ol'ff ~ dfftr. Gift Urtifo111n m llllllilMl.t with eompumnfllry tkliwry •t no chtirfe. at the Hyatt Newporter Newport Beach, California ............ , ... ,. FREE VALET PA RKING 1107 Jamboree Road , Su lu #2. Newport Beach. CA 92660 (949) M0-4093 www,pytee.com How~ CM totl#ty ~ ~ sptelll troplul dtcor wttlt this ntW Mlldcrtfttd blmboo aoott of Mt. • XLP2000 motor • Llfttlme wrr1nty on motor '5-4" blidt tpln • (JCCIU$Nt INC>'t blldts Included • 100 wftt lnttqrlttd hl'°9.n doWnffQM Included EVERY STYLE IMAGINABLE UNDER ONE ROOF! ~ ... Anmil l'rfmL. Oisdc ftdl Centlly ... Old lorfd .... ,,,,,.. a.m... WtloMI. .• fl lodlf'L ...... ..,.,,_of 1*1 ,..,. flo a..,_, > llADI• POST Fiii COlllNY e.2 Wimer Ave. 8t OoklllswNt • RilPft'I C.. 1•21a1101111AC11 • ''' •t Ma-aaa Jfl11 Open 7 0., ~ to-6 • &nlly 12-5 • M-F to.t ' .. • ., • • ' l .. • •• MEPHBRJM 111.USfllST ... sas Our Bl est Event of the Year! ·-Your !:Chef Your Pc rite Chef is a unigue servic:c! We'll prq>a.rc delicious aod ht.alihy cuisine in the comfort of your own home! Wh9 Neecb You Petite CbcB • Tim~strrssed ptmtit • Ntw Parma • Wtilai1111 • Sin.rk Parm11 • Anniwrsarits • HomtbnnJ iN1i11UluaJs • Birth"4p • Ntw hometnunm • WOrkm.r F11m1lits • &atn'S ~· Ma.lua a Grat Holiday Gifd W' n.. SIJU, 0--"' 0#' ,, !U!J,63.J,6761-Thuuc..M~tnt SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL •• r......,""""" .. """' .. Clolllf .. ,.,,., ... ,.. ....... n. 111'1 ~Bunyan, Rector 3209VIO Ldo =~ 7 JO om Traditional 9omC~ 9om Church Sc:hoOI ll:i, Choritll'IOlic ond U!~ .. ,_ __ tt ·~ l'IU <.,!\) 111~1 \'. ST. MARK PmBYTERIAN CHURCH Worship 9:30_ A C.nl'ri•"'"" of tlv AntlK"" C."'"'"""" llUIWING 01/1 FAITH LOVING CHA/ST AND ~1NG OUR CXlfltl~UNTTY. Tht Revel ~ict D. Haynes, Rtaor ~UNDAY SCHEDULE 8 am • Holy Eudwut 9 Jm • Suncby Sdw>c)VAdult Bibk Swdy IO Jm • Cbotal FAJCbarin NURSJ:.k>' CARE AVAIUILE "JESUS CHRIST ASCENDED, RETURNING, JtJOClNC" + •A God-unlettd ~h community. uua\1ctcd ht tht Word of God A And rcncwcJ by the ~(I Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vuu DriVt Newpon Beach, Califomia 92660 (949)644.0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Monsignor William P. Mcla~n Putor LITURGIES: Satiitday, 5 p.m. (Cantor), Sunday, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (Conrcmporary) lO:OO (Choir}, 11:30 a.m. (Clriror} and 5:00 p.m. (Conrcmporiry) ' -' INVOLVED Contiooed from Al 1 • . ASSISTANCE Lf.MllE OF NEWPORT-MESA !J J -• i¥SP¥0 •••• SS a 0 0 a 0 s 2 3 Bj lntemet. Vok.tntMrl for tMt program mutt be et !eat 12 ve-rs old (714)646-182eor www.b#tbuddiM.org. trwlnlng et..... mult be ~For mort lnfonnatk>n, contect l.herary SeMcN 8t the ~rt Bead\ Ubrery, (949) 711-387.t. COSTA MESA MS SEU'-HELP GROUP the IMln oMce anJ lmpi«nent edUcMJonel end fund.rell&ng aYelitl through Or•nge County. No experience necNAry. Training \Ntll be provided. (949) aM-3566. AMERtCAN HOME HEAlJlf HOSPICE PROGRAM Volumeer1 ~for var,ing leYela of lnwtwment .,. netded to hefp the orgenlzadon wtth lta goel of hefplng c:hlldl'WI In the communfty. (949) 646-6929. l8G IROTHDS, llG SISTEJtS The local ehept9r " lookJngfot men endwomenolderthian 20 who hlYa Hved In Onlnge County for Jt leatt lix month9 end h.w been on the Job for Jt '-est thtee monthe to eerw ••big bto1Mtl or big liater1 for dllfdren eges 8 to 1 CJ from llngi.p.rent hornet. (714) 644-m3. The~ County chepter of the natton.I Muldpte ~ Sodety hM started 8 MW Mlf·help group In Coltl MtN for people newly dlegnoted or wfth minimal symptom• 9f multiple lder01ls, or both. The group m..i. at 11 a.m. the HCOnd Tutlday of every month. (949) 860-7859. The Ametlcen Home Heahh Hoeplce Program needt volunteers to give emotional 1Upport to i.rmlnelly Ill patients and their famlll .. In the grNter Ore~ County area. Training 11 provided. (714) 650-0800 or (800) 640-2545. AMElttCAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needt volunteers lo eddf ... community groups. ebout Rid Croat Mrvloel end to ect e1 llal10n1 wfth the media In dlaamr and emergency 11tuetlon1. Lynn Hown. (714) 481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORk OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottl•feeder or take In • .. ASSN.RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Cotta Mesa group apont0rs and 1upports outreach community 1ervlce progrem1, 1Uch as the homelen Anctuary. Volunt""' are needed. (714) 640-6803. BEST BUOOIES The nonprofit organization 11 looldng fOf' votunteer1 18 end older to provide companlonthlp for adult• wfth developmental dlsabilitlel. Aa • •0t1zen Buddy," volunteers wtll visit with a buddy twice• month and c.11 or e-mail them once a week. The • Of'ganizatlon allO has en •Buddin program that form1 friendships entirely over the WORSHIP DIRECTORY '· 11 I I (( l I 1 I<., I Newpon Center United Method.i.t Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pascor 1601 Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 6'4-074S &Im Quitt Worship Service /011m Wonhip and Childrmi SN"'14y School ~uth mmin1 iwtJ/y I l I I 11 I< \ '\ Newport Harbor Lutheran Church ... LC.A.) 1• Dover Dr. Newpcwt .._.. TradltloMI Lutheran Putor Chart•• Endter WCM'9hlp a.Mee with Holy~ aun.r 8:'18 Mn FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Vk:J Udo NeWJ;XXt 8eo::h 673·1340 or 673-6150 O\urch 10 am & S pn. ~School IO am w~~,.,P'I M•SA VllRD• UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M . Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Or RICNrd Geofge Rev Stepl\ll\11 Toon SenlOf MiolSltr Youtn M1ntstrr Christ Church By the Sea Un11cd Methodist 1400 W. !bl~ Blvd .. Nt'WPC>n lk~Ji "4) u 1. ·We Sund.y School 8 }O & 10Lm. · Wonl11p...d Cluldrtfto Sund.tr 'lc.hool The Rn. Or. George R Crirp, Patt.or (949)673-3805 ........... ..-....._..-__ ? Try This Key Wonhlp 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRllTIAH CHURCH (Dlsclplea of Cflrtlt) 2401 ltvlH An. Newport hall!, CA (949) 845·5781 lllllilw. °'· 0.... "°" SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Pa::Ulc View Or Newport Beach 6442617 or 675-4661 O\wch lOam • ~ Scbool 10 am ~ •••dl'GI ?JO pn ... ,~ 12l'WXll For .. bv one men'• dleaMdlence meny..,. mlld9 alnnere, ao by Ifie obedience of one ftl meny b9 mede rtghtlloua • ........ ti ~ Oll'lie Mi*ra.d. n.,. ~•an..~. 8ollol. MMudlliltti WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publisha Eftry Sanirday in the Daily4Pilot CALL 949.S7 4.4249 • BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunt"r opportunltl .. for the Orenge County Council Include fund-1111.tng, program development and trelnlng to txlltlng troos>s and pac:b. (714) 6464990. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Senlore 65 end older art Invited to help staff the We1talde aublt.etlon. Voluntffrl ere asked to w ortc two four-hour daytime 1hlft1 per week. They would be r&1pon1ible for an1werlng phon81, blcycle registration, fingerprinting, det• entry end a11l1tlng with other citywide project1. Senior• who can 1peek Spanish and Engll1h are •llO needed. Cell for en appllcatlon. Fred Gaedcler, (714) 754-6208. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three aree dube need voluntter coachel end arts and crefta WOtlcahop teachers. Call tor locatlon1. (949) 842-2245. BRM.LE INSTITUTE•s ORANGE COUNT( CENTER The nonprofit organlz.atlon i1 looldng for volunteers with a basic knowtedge ofWlndOWI 95198, M icrosoft Word and a wfllingne.1 to learn the adaptive equipment used by Its students to participate In v1rlOU1 activities at the Oall1 Senior Center In Corona del Mar. Volunteer. will tutor legally blind adult students using computers and other adaptive technology. Mary Johnson, (714) 821·5000, ext. 2113 . CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp laurel i1 seeklng volunteer counselor• and medical stiff for Summer Camp and Teen Adventure C~mp. The organization is dedicated to providing educational camping programs free of charge to children living with HIV and AIDS. (323) 653-5005. CENTENNIAL EVENT COMMITTEE Volunteers are needed to serve on a Centennial Event Committee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Corona del Mar in 2004. Community Input on the final form of that committee is also sought lnfonnation: (949)675-0501. COMPANION HOSPICE The Hospice Is now recruiting volunteers to become a friend for someone who needs that extra special caring at the end-of-lite. Become a member of a team whose gdal ls to promote quality of life and comfort measures. Each applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation and training. Information: (714) 660-8177, volunttters@Companion Ho.,,ics.coln. COMMUNrTY ANIMAL NETWORK The network needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats In local nelghborttoode. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering. and then release them back to the property where they were found. The goal of the program i1 to save the lives of stray cat1. (949) 759-3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for u1hering, bac:btage work, malllng1, typing, controlling llghtl and many other duties. (949) 650-5269. COSTA MESA . HISTORICAL SOCIETY The IOclety preserves and promotM the history of Costa Mna and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the ardllv .. , library, museum. docent Ind public outreach program1. (949) 831-5918. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The COlta Mesa U1eracy Center need• volunteer tuton to teach English •• a aecond language. People who w.nt to team Engli1h 11 1 MCOnd language ere also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 646-3445. UTERACY PROGRAM The program Is alwaya In need of volunteer tutot1. No profeaalonal tNchlng exptt1tnct 11 required. To ettaln cet1fflcatjon, • Hriel of , COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose Mnlor 1ervlcel facility et the comer of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seekl volunteers who can greet members and the public et the front desk and volunteers for the Resource Department with Excel computer experien<ie and 1h1rp telephone aklll1. The Senior Meals program also needs people to deliver meals to homes. (949) 645-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Me11 Senior Center 11 looking for new board members. The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers Who will participate in monthly meetings, occasional committee meetings and special projects. Candidates should have connections In Costa Mesa and surrounding communltin and an interest In 1ervlng the community by helping seniors. (949) ~2356, ext. 16. COURT·APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned children. Volunteers work one on one with a child for three hours a week .. (714) 663-9034. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case speclaliltl and outreach assistants are needed to help in a variety of mediation ca1e1. Bilingual language skill1 are needed for office volunteer• and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. EASTER SEALS Easter Seals needs volunteers for ongoing clerical woric, programs for children with disabilities and special eventl. (714) 834-1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER The Environmental Nature Center provide• quality education through hands-on experience with nature In a 3.5-acre outdoor classroom. Adult volunteer tr all guides are needed to In the afternoon during the week to lead children's tours in the Center. Several other volunteer opportunities are also available. (949) 645-8489 . FAMILIES-COSTA MESA • This team of community-baled organizations, which worb to provide youth end famllle1 with ooun1ellng, family 1Upport, health education, mentoring, tutoring, after-school activities and kln1hlp services, need1 volunteers In 111 areas. (949) 574-3976. FRIENDS OF THE BAL1.£T MONTMARTRE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancer• perform In profe1alonal theaters. For 30 y .. ,., the organization has provided the community wfth quellty Ru11lan ballet training, htlplng vouth develop 8trong dllclpllne lklll11 build high Nlf-ftttem end ec::hlew dr1em1 of being a profeulonal denoer. (714) 241·742A.. l 4 " AROUND TOWN . • Send ANXJN> TOWN rtema to tt)e Deity PMot. DJ w. Bay St.. CoeQ Mete, CA 92827; by Mnafl JO AJ•,,.,,.•~com: by fax to (Me) 64&-t170; or by <*ting (949) ~Include the time, ' date end location of tht event, n ' well .. • oontact phone number. TODAY O.AnzaBaylldeV...,.wll h8Ye Its ennu-' boutique f1'0m 9 •·"!· ~ ~p.m. at the South CluDnOOM, 300 E. Coast FRIDAY Thtc.t.Meulenlot~ Wiii present • beneflt perfofTnence of •La~ Nlte c.tec:Nsm: an lntet8Ctiv. . comedy by Vldcl Quade and . Mariptt Oonoven, at 8 p.m. In the RO,bett B. Moor. TlwNrtnt at Orange Coast College. Tldt• .,. $35 or $76 for preftrred Mating. Information: (949) 646-6080. Highway, Newport Beadt. The cost la $10 fore 8-foot table to display crefta for ule. The The._,G, Komen foundatlon'I ThrM-Oey WaJk wl11 begin today at the Otange County Fair & ExposltJon Centef' In Cotta Meta. Th4t walk will end In Loe Angelel at the Home Depot Centar Athfetlc Fecillty. • ·Information; (800) 826-1000. 1 deedllne to register to Mii Is In October. Information: (9491 873-4084.. The frilndl of The N9wport Bach Ubrery Will have e uled book sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In ' 'the Friends Meeting Room at the Newport Beach Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beac:h. Information: (949) 7~9667. n.. C09b MeN Hlstlotbl Society will conduct a docent ,. training cless to train tour guides for tt\e Diego Sepulveda Adobe in ~Estancia Parle from 1 to 4 p.m. Information: (949) 831-5918. A woodwoftJng lhow wfl be given f1'0m 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. In burtdings No. 10 and No. 12 and along the Parade of Products. The cost la $9 for adults. Information: (310) 4n.SS21. Waldng Neturw Tour"' Upper Newport Bid Bay from 9to 10:15 a.m. at the Upper Newport Bid bay at the comer of East Bluff Drive end Bid Bay Road. Information: (949) 786-8878. SUNDAY A woodwortdng show wtn be given from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds, in buildings No. 10 and No. 12 and along the Parade of Products. The cost 11 S9 for adults. Information: (310) 4n-8621. The Orange County Muaeum of Art will present Kids Day Out to explore self-portraiture and other ways of making Images through various hands-on art projects from noon to 4 p.m. at 850 San Clemente Drive. Information: I (949) 759-1122. MONDAY The flfth ~,...Oft for Technology will be held to benefit Newport Harbor High at 11 a.m. at the Santa Ana Country Club. Information: (949)794-3832. TUESDAY The Amerlc:en Legion Newport Harbor Poat 291 will hawi a Veterans Day memorial service andlunc:heonlnhonorofthose who have fallen In the line of duty at 11 a.m. at 215 15th St The cost will be $5 for non-veterans. Information: (949) 674-5070 WEDNESDAY The fahiew Parle FMrlds' fund-railing committee will host " their quarterty public meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. at Color Me Mine at Triangle Square, 1875 Newport Blvd. Information: (714) 764-5698, http://www.cmfsirviewparlc.org. The Newport a..c:h Public Library Foundation's Manuscript.a Book Discuasion Group will meet to ditcUSS •Atonement• by Ian Mcfwan at 9:16 a.m. at the Newport Beadl Central Library. Information: (949) 717-3890. THURSDAY Mothef"s Marbt wfl hft9 a free women'• support group workshop led by Cheri Schatz. health educator. from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Patio Cafe at the Cotta Meta store, 2.26 E. 17th St Information and reaervatlon1: (949) 831-4741, (800) 696-6667. • Snt1i-Prlt1•t1 for M1" d' • 0.1r 80 Pi1t11 of e.11;1 NOV.15 n.. Com Meea Senior c.t'1lr will present • benefit pef'formance of •Late Nlte Ca1echlsm;" en Interactive comedy by Vdl Quade end Marlpat Donovan at 8 p.m. In the Robert B. Moolll Theatre at Ora~ Coast College. Tldcets are $35 or $76 for preferred seating. Information: (949) 645-5080. The Costa Meea Hlltoltcal Society will conduct a docent training class to train tour guides for the Diego Sepulveda Adobe in Estancia Parle f1'0m 1 to 4 p.m. Information: (949) 831-5918. Badl B.y Rtnels wll hold tta first Olympic Charity event from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2676 Irvine Ave .. Suite A, Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 831-6687, http://www.badcbayfitness.com. NOV.16 Parent Help USA. • nonproftt child abuse prevention center, will nave a benefit and classical guitar concert by Wertln from 4 to 7 p.m. at Carmelo's Riatorante Italiano, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. There will be dinner. prizes and auction. Information: (949) 650-3461. NOV.17 The Founders Guild of Casa Teresa will have ita annual hollday luncheon at 11"1!1.m . at the Ritz, 880 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The cost will be $50 per person. Send c:hecb payable to Casa Teresa to Marguerite DiStanlllao, 1430 Lincoln Lane, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Information: (949) 648-2515. Linda Biehl, co-founder of the Amy Biehl Foundation, who will speak about her foundation's work to support a democratic and peaceful South Africa at 7 p.m. at the Argyros Family Lecture Hall at Sage Hill School. Tk:ht1 will cost $10 per person or $26 for a family of three or more. Information: (949) 21~ 1395. NOV.18 C.rdlec: eurveon AJden R.ne wm dlacuu heart valve repair versus replacement at 6 p.m. at the Hoag Hospital Conference Center. There is no cost to attend. Reservations: (800) 514-4024. Mothers Mafbt will have a free seminar. ·is There Life After Pumpkin Pie• by Judith Todaro from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The martcat is at 225 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 695-6667. NOV.19 Moth.rs Mmbt wDt hem •1..9t Food Be Your Medicine;" a free seminar by Charles Holmes, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Patio Cafe. The market is at 226 E. 17th St. lnformetlon and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 696-6667. NQV.24 The Orenge County~ of Childhelp USA will have a fund-rallef from 4 to 9:30 p.m. for dine In and from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. for take out. Nov. 24 at the Newport Rib Company, 2196 Herbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The • Prl••11 Pll.u1 Stuio •$PINNING T'11~tr 1t1/1J, N• Sut1·•f 1ll1-Ar1 C1tu1. • 16 F11/l-ti"'' P1r10,,11/ Ti-11l11m • c.,..,,,,,,,, P11rkl"t • Yot"• 1ill Clll, Smu/, CIM111 .. • S111, Powr ,_,,,,, C.rJlo • $Hwr1. Sttnt d-Towu • Dt11 Sµ • An111•ct11NIM11.111111IC/ll,../tv1n# Newport Rib ComparlY wUI donate 20% of your blll to Chlldhelp USA. AewvatJona: Neney W'httlodt, (949) 64M228. NOV.21 TiweWllbe e dly....., ThankigMng .... at the Otange Coul\fY Mettee Pl.ct from 7 ,11.m. to 4 p.m. at the Of'lnge County Fairgrounds. AdmlaJon will be ftee. There wiff be artisans' and c:nhtl' comer, phot<>' with Santa aau. ancheuonel entertafnrTMOt. NOV.30 The Orenge County Ch..,- of the Swedish Women'• Educetfonal Aan. wlll tfave Its annual Swedish Christm .. event. which promotia Swedish traditions at 11 a.m. in the Costa Mesa Nelghborflood community center, 1846 Parle Ave. The cost will be $2 for chUdren younger than 16 and $6 for adults and older teenagers. Information: (949) 788-2734, http://www.chapte~.org/ orsnoecounty. DEC. l South Coast Ptau wll h.w tta 21st annual Tree-Lighting Ce1'9mony at 6 p.m. at Town Center Parle, adjacent to the Westin South Coast Plaza. DEC.4 Th• Orange County Chaptw"' Childhelp USA will have a holiday boutique and luncheon at 10 a.m. in the Hyatt~egency, 17900 Jamboree Boulevard, Irvine. For reservations contact Nancy Whltlodt at (949) 548-4228. OEC.6 The Costa Mesa Men's Club will sponsor the ~airvlew Development.al Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center today and Dec. 7 at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. Entrance fee will be $70 today and S135 for both days. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903-9090 DEC.7 The Orange County Marbt Place will hold its fourth annual Holiday Car Show and Pedal Car Invitational at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Th\re will be Claaic cars, motorcycles and trudts decorated for the holidays. There will also be pedal cars and children'• pedal car races. There will also be holiday entertainment and outdoor shopping. The Coste Mesa Men's Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. Entrence fee will be $75. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903-9090 The MYenth annual Balboa Island Walking Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Balboa Island. Tidcats cost $20. Information: (949) 673-4280. DEC.22 Th• <Mnge County Marbt Place will hold its Holiday Merlcet Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be artisans' and craftera' comer, photo• with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. ONGOING The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club can help you Improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and bldground1. The group meeu every Monday moming from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parting is avellable In the parting structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. • s.. TOWN, Paa• Al 4 AN A~ tft HAllOW1re'N 'nwT SAl~ '° eooo"' $0AftY! • : I : I • HoiMmbet 8. 200) OPPOSE llMNE ANNEXATION ~) MCAS Fl TORO! 1rv1ne•s ~ to build a 11Great Park" Is realY a ~~andland~b. To oppose, attend the IAFCO meeting Wedlndlp, Novtilbtr.12, 2003 9:00 a.& Co,iity 11111 of M• h lildol, Slllta Ana I J PRE MEETING RAllY 8:30 A.M. &press your opposition at the meeting am write the Lcical Agency FOrination Commission 12 Ovit Ceder PW.a, Room 235 Santa Ana, California 92701 f« further~ all 9l9-12~ or~U~" the Ail)Xlt lbking Group Momma John "" ,,,,.,,, lo * '*""" ~ /1!1-rint m.il,,.,,, -~. .. 111'1 ,,, ,,.,, j/Hrittf *"Im ~"""-'­.. ~ 4.00IJSTORE lllltiliG l'CJVfER Jenhlfer llfetl•• W•rr•11ty C•rpet s 1•• Life ti .. W•rr•nty ......... s2•• TOWN Continued from Al 3 Gu.ti ere W9fcome. Fot more lnformetlon. cell (948) 721-6732. The Nfwport ............ dub meeta on 1N ~end fourth w.dneldeys of fNery monih from 8:'5 to 9 p.m. et 0.Mt &M'llot Center, 800 Mergu.me Ave. In CoiON del Mir. The COit la $2.. lnforrnltlon: (949) 6'6-6293. PMtortttin Autdn ........ 9'Ud'f on "How to Become• Contagfoua CM1ti1n" from e to 8:30 p.m. Wednetdaya at 377 W. Wlleon St., rtb. 16 In Costl M .... All •re wejcome to come and meet new frlenda. Information: (949) 722·7498. The ACLU of 0,.,. County meeta et 7 p.m . the third Tueld•Y of fltlery month at the Unltari•n UnlverNlllt Church, 1269 Vlctorfa St. In Cotti Meu. Each month'• meeting wut feature • different ep .. ker on 1 .. ues reletlng to th• Biil of Rlghia. lnfonnatlon: (714) 967-6107. Mecv'• ~Costa M..a lmlltea Orange County nonprofit organlzetlon1 that provide eervicet •nd program• to the HIV/AIDS community to eppty for participation In Macy'a South Coe1t Plaza'a Pauport In Store fund·ralaer. Thia yeer'1 event will be held on Oct. 4. To reoelve en application to participate, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. ~ ..... will be °"9f'ld Tueadaya and Thurldaya from noon to 12:.0 p.m. for nine weekl et West Newport Community Center. Reglatrttion 11 $54 for one cl ... each week or $100 for two deys e week over nine week.a for Newport Beach retldentt. Other1 pay en eddltlonal $5. For more Information, call (949) 644--3161. Com Mesa'• Recndon DMtlon wtll provide a three-hour theme birthday patty for up to 20 guetta at the Baletric Community Center weekdaya from 6 to 8 p.m., Seturdaya from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundeys from 4 to 7 p.m. Plrtlet for chikhn 6 to 12 will~ of lunch/dinner, gamea, creftl, ptbm, cake with loe creim and aupervlak>n bv llBff. Partlee coat $250 or $300. FfJ' ITIOl'8 Information, call (714) 754-5158. Ave new wlfNe wUt be Mfved on BlysJde Reltlurant's tarnce ~Newport Hlft>cK every Thuredey from 6:30 to 7:ljr p.m. The cott lt $15 per penon. For rnor. lnfonnedon, cell (948) 721-1222. AwMlyof ...... ~ end group IWlm ltaona W'll be o~ th19 aumm« at"" Merien ~ ~atk Center et Coron11 ct.I Mer High Schoot Optionl Include OM-On-one lnstNCtlon on Satun:t.ya end • Monday througll ThurtefaV .. program for all ag• and levela. For Metk>n dat .. , tlmea and oostt., call (949) 844-3161. or regl ... ln peraon at Newpon Bead\ Recreation end Senior Servlcet It 3300 Newpon Blvd. Chllchn, .... end ...... can now regllter for aummer 1'9Cf'Ntlonel boating claues offered through Newport 8ead't Recrution Se~ a ..... begin July 12. Feet vary. Call (949) 644-3161, or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Se~• 3300 Newport Blvd. for more Information. "°'"81onal end llctnHd IOCC9I trainert with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for on.-on-one, 1mall group and lerge group training. For more Information, call (949) 395-6103. Jewlth Famlty S..W. It spon1oring a teen aupport group for high school atudents that meets Monday• from 3;30 to 6 p.m. atTa~VTorah Upper School In Costa Meta. For lnfonn1tlon or to reg later, call (714) 446-4950. Pre-registration Is required. The Rm Page -Ane ChlldNn't Book.a, 1t 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 In Costa Me.a, offers free ltOry time Mondeya, Wednesday, Fridaya and Saturdey1 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m ., Tuesdays and Thuradays from 4 to 6 p.m. For more information, call (949) 645-5437. Bayalde Restaurant In Newport Beech offers wine talting every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $1 6 per perlOn, featuring five new wines each week. For more Information, cell 1949) 721-1222. If ,your orchid fl'loo big for tt. pot, Green System1 International will show you how to re-pot your plent during their free orchid-potting aemlnar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. A plant sale Is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the ows.com I 1Jhl1ll-WiM Brands • Lowest Price Up Front No Games • Replacement & New Construction me Pricing & Purchasing PftJ&i'-2-i94-9069 fax: 562-494-2069 ofttMtor ReferraJs • AH Major Credit Cards tstwindows .com Ufetl•• W•rra11ty c., •••• s1•• Ufetl•• .. ,, .. ., . .... s2•• Brenda FULL SERVICE. C111ter T1pt • S~Mn • C1r1•i• • Stt11 • On1lt1 • W1t4 R1fl1ls~ ONE STOP SHOP Wi1~ew CMrl1 t • Cl111l1 C1 t & U 1l1t1 • P1l1ti1 -laterler & bterltr Co•ta .... lrvlne , ... , .... ,.,. , ... , .... ,., , •••• 17111 . ,,,,, ....... . •Olf ·111 f.J •Ol·fll tM • MTlllAY tM MflltM&llnM•-4 Miit .... lft•I ... IY AMlllTilllT , 20382 Birch St. fadlit(. Cell (!Mt) 759-1211 torlnformdon. Dlileoow1M...-of~ CWrvoft ~Pitt .. you w.ttt through Ol'OVM of beeutiful Coeattl~treM~ S.turdlY 9t 1:30 e.m. P...idng la M. cal (714) 89N262 for more lnfom'letlon. 'IMln 8urvMN; • nor.pfoftt otganlzatiOn encouraging women Who have been thtough cencer treatment to e>Cercln, hottt ·walk end TeHt• at 10 e .m. the MCOnd fnd fourth Fridey of the month In front of NIKEgoc:Jea •tore In Fathlon ltlend. Mtmbera mHt for lunch after at Atrium • court. It l•frM, end all flineu level• are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 276--3888. N9wport Community Count.iing Center offert • wsy to atop the cycle of domeatlc violence through the 1upport group ln SAF.E. Hands. SAF.E. ttanda for llfety, awereneaa, faith •nd empowerment. The group meets Mondtya from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more Information, call (949) 721-8079. TNN In MWnth thruugh ninth grades are Invited to drop by the city of Costa Meu Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for aporta and other activltlea. The center 11 at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, cell (714) 327-7660. The Newport BMdl W.lklng Club meatl at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:16 a.m . end 7 p.m. everydey. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. • Th• Newport BMCh C.ke Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday nightt at Superior and Hospital Road m Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The S~nl1h Speaking Club meets to learn Spanlih qulclt and easy. For more Information, call (949) 650:1332. The Ai.sn. of BulJness ~' hosts a networ1clng meet111\j u deals with education connect from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the aeco ..i Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 8rl1tol St, Cotta Men. For more Information, cell (949) 805-0011. •Divorce: A New Beglnnlngt a wor1cahop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Seturday of every month. Colt i1 $40. For more information, cell 644-6436. FtM toun of the Orange COunty Performing Arts Center take gue111 to the dressing rooma, performer's lounge, bacltatage and on atage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Cotta Mesa. Group tours can be held by 1peclel arrangement. For more Information, call (714) 656-ARTS. ext. 833. The Newport S.ach Pffwcomert Club holds e general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women re1ldent1 in Newport Beach who have llved in the 1rea fewer than five year1. For more Information, call 1949) 646-9922, or vl1lt http:l!Www.newcomers· newportbuch.org. Oaltt 8-nlor C4Nrtef hotda a pancake breakfalt from 7:30 to 10 e.m. on the second Saturday of W<1ery month. Breakfut lncfudea pancaket. 1au1ege, ooffM and orange juice for $3, $1 for · children. The center 11 et 800 M•l'Q\l•rfte, Corona del Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644--3244. Mecy'1 Soud'I Coast Plaa pruents -Worbhop Wectneadaya: A Handt-on Cooking Clan Program" hosted by chef Alt)OC Gueva,.. The dJa 11 held from e to 7:30 p.m. Wedneldaya at 3333 Briatol St, Cotti Meu. Th• oott, Including matarlet., la $30. To reMfV• • IPOt. cell (818) 994-6076. \'bee Ind rhyd'lm, "Yogarhythmlca" combine• yoge, dine. and fun. The d&M 1• held from 4:30 to 6:A5 p.m. Tuesdaya et 2860 M.u Vwde Oriw Eaat: Suite 111, Cotti Meet. For more Information, call (714) 764-7399. - The NewpottttnorNeudoel Mu..um otr.tt the exhi~ ·Joe Duncan Gteuon: Redl~ C.llfornle._ Merine Art Mtat~ • through Sept. 30. The mueeum l9 at 161 E. Pldflc eoe.t Hlghwey, Newport Beedl. Free adml .. lon. For more Information, cell (949) 873-7883. lm.wth couptee with one Jewlah partner are Invited to pal11cipetl In a dltcuaafon group at the Jewlth Family SeNice of Orange County office. Cell to aehedule ~ate end time. T}le office It at 260 E. Boker St., Suite G, Cotti Mea. (714) 445-4960. Womtn 60 and older can join• dlecuaalon group coordinated by Jewish Family Servicet to addret1l11uN1uch H anxiety, depreulon, relatlon1hjpt. lonelln"' and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a .m. Monday• at the agency offlca, 260 E. Baker St.. Suite G, Coate Me.a. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4960. FMndt of th• Newpot1 a..c:ti Public llbrerv Used Book Store are aaldng for patron• to donate boob to ~plenlsh the dwindling stodc. Boob mey be left at eny of the three branch librarlaa - Balboa, Merlnera, or Corona del Mar -or In the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperbaclt donations, with the exception of magazine• and lew books, will be accepted and are ta.x deductible. (949) 759-9667. . The Bnllle lnatitut9 off9ra frM computer classes to people with fadin~vlslon who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., C. rona del Mar, offers she 1eSSion,. Call to sign up for classe-;.1714) 821-5000. ' ual c;ere clau mHtl at ""'rdnesdays at 3400 U1IC 114, NP \/flt 1 to reserve a s1.oat. (949) ,.,i.. The Cotti M ... Chambef of Commerce hosts networ1cing luncheon meetings Wednesday• from 11 :45 1.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Me1a Country Club. The cos1 is $14. The club Is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Colta Mesa. 1714) BSS-9090. A bnln tumor IU.pport group meets the flrlt and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope wi1h the Illness. (949) 574-6232. St. Andrew'• PTnbyt9tian Churdl hosts a mental lllne11 support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday• in Dlerenfleld Hall C et 600 St Andrews Road. Newport Beach. (949) 674--2236. The Jewish Family S...Vlce of Orange County spon1ors a dlscuaalon group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuasday1 a month at the Jewl1h Family Service office et 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Cotta Meta. $10 per per10n, per aeaaion. Preregistration required . (714) 44S-4960. The Jewish Family s.vtce of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parenti learn atrateglea for 1ucc:e11ful parenting and for dealing with the fHllngs and behavior of their children. The group mfftl from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondaya at the Jewish Femlly Service office at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Cotta Mel8. The group will cover managing anger, 1mclety ind peer preaaure chlldr9n experience . Preregl1tratlon required. (714) 446-495(). The Com MMe Senior c..rtw hH ballroom dancing wtth live mualc from the Cotta M ... Mu1lc Matera from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . every Tuead1y night at 886 W. 19th St .. Cotta Me1a. "· (N9) 648-38&t. s.. TOWN, Pac• A15 J J TOWN ContinUed from Al 4 ...... femly ~of C>Nnge CC>unty IP0090n.,, ongoing healing IUpport group for the chronically Ill. The purpoee It to p<O\lfde pef'tldpaota wtth emotton•l .nd apll'lu.iel tupport to manege lllnea end l'9 con..quenc:e.. The group meets et 7 p.m. Thurtd•VI at the Jewish F11mlty Service office at 250 E. Baker St,~ M .... Attendance I• f""9, but reglttratlon 11 required. (714) 446-4950. . . . ~Club No. ll50 meeta from 6 to 10 p.m. Thurtda'(I at Borders Boob, Mualc & Caf6 at South Coatt Plaza, 3333 Bear St In Costa Mna. $3. New player• are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coln and Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.m. MondaVI at the Oa1l1 Senior Center. New members Interested In trading, buying and .. mng ttempe end coin• are being toughUo join theM Informal meeting•. There r are no feet required. (949) 644-3244. Jewlth Femlty a.me. c6rs ongoing bereavement aupport groupa for adults et all stagea of loaa. Group member• share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive 1upport and learn way1 to cope with sadneaa and loaa. One group flleet. at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth . Jacob In Irvine. The second group meet. at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea In Laguna Hiiia. The third group meets at 1 p.m. Thurtdaya at the Ezra Center In Anaheim. Free, but advance reglltratlon 11 required. (714) 445-4950. Jewiah Femlly s.vtc. of Orange County provides a support and dlacunlon group for persona recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group mtHftl from 8 to ~30 p.m. Tuelda'(I at 250 E. Baker St, Cotta Mesa. Advance registration ia required. (714) 445-4950. l'wo-hour kayak toun wtth • trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Suntiaya from the Newport Dynes Waterfront Resort. The resort la at 1131 Bad< Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for California Wlldllfe Campaign and Newport Bay Naturallltl end Friends members. (949) 729-115&. A yop and danc. da .. i. held from 4:30 to 6:46 p.m. Tueldaya at the Center for Spiritual Dlacovery, 2860 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. The Rev. Connie Rydunan leads a dlacuaalon groop using the book "Converaatlona wfth God" from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Canter for Spiritual Oiacovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive Ealt, Suite 111, Cotta Mesa. Bring e lunch. (714) 754-7399. M•~ll't Tae Kwon Do In Cotta Meta offers free aelf-defenae claaaet to alrflne pllott end flight ettendantt. Cleuea are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshell. Marshall'• la at 333 E. 17th St.. Suite 13, Costa Meaa. (949) 674-0122. A.,...,.. wfttt Divorce IUPPOft group la oflltrld by Jewish F•mlly SeMce of Ot-•noe County. The group la led by en experieftced C)()YntefoT and meett et 8 p.m. Tuetda'(I et the Jewish Federation C9mptn, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Cotta M .... (714) 445-4950. The SM lcout9' lhlp 0.. Mar 711 of Orange County offers e program for boys and young men ega 14 to 18 Interested In nlllng, 1&amanshlp, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings •re from 8 to 9 p.m. Wednesdl)'I at the Sea Scouta Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 651-8591. Oesla 8entot C*1t9r olfwt ongoing aaalitance, counseling and referral aervfoea for seniors. (949) 844-3244. Arttuttlt Foundation IMtJuctor Hiiiary Sione leada.an exercise clau at 11 a.rn. Thurldaya at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St, Costa Meaa. (714) 613-5641. The Newport Beach Newcoman Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The organlzatjon la open to all women residents of Newport Beach who have lived In the area for fewer than five years. For more Information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site http.1/\vww.newcomers- newportbeach.arp. The Thursday Momtng Women'• Club, a 40-year-old friendship club, Is seeking new members. The club, which Includes golf, bridge, walking and gourmet sections, meets at 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The luncheon 11 $23 and Includes entertainment The hotel Is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (71 4) 642-5863. The Newport Beech Walk.1119 Club meets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the Intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The Amertc.n Legion m..u n 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, which deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard Is at 2661 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 546-2m; or Bill Mlmlaga, (949) 650-0894. • Nightty meetlnp for those who want to overcome nlootine addiction are offered In Costa Meta and Newport Beach. (714) n4-9106 or (800) 642-0666. The Newport Spotta MuMUm, a nonprofit organization, operatea a free museum at 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The museum, which has one of the wor1d'1 lergest collections of sports memorabilia, is open frQm 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721·9333 or www.newportsports· munum.org. The Estancia High Schoof Parent Teacher Student Aaan. hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon In the achool'a northwest par1clng lot. on the comer of Estancia cAYJUR.S -=~CHITO I BANQUET ROOMS , . . . . . A~~l!•~I• ~or . • . fu.·~, &~tJve P"rtJe~! MEXICAN BUFFETS .......... Carnlt•• • Quao...,... • llnchla.daa and much lflONI North end Pteoentl•. ~rs that ,,.. bound, loose or bigged •re tcclep1ed. Cardboard and boond metaria41Uc:h u phone boob •ncl thldt magazlne1 are not Also, blna ere available for drop off wery d•y of the month. All funds raised go to the eaocl11ion. Frw. n..tchool 11 at 2323 Placantle Ave., Costa M..a. (949) &16-6600. Oa• Senior c.ntier olfwt • dally telephone contact program for .. n1or1 who have a llmltad local support 1V1tem. They alao offer ongoing computer classes that tea~ the baalca of Word, .Oulc:t<en, Print Shop and lntemet uaage. (949) 644-321'4 . The ea.ta Mete Communlcator1 Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education. 200 ~lmua Drive, Cotta Meta. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to Improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The Newport Beech Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 mfftl from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday• in Sgt. Pepperoni's meeting room, 2300 Bristol St .. Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Jewish Femlly Service of Orange County holds group meetings for younger women to dlscu11 life paasages and changes, body images. family. relatlonshlpa, communication, Intimacy and sexuality, anxiety end loneliness. The group meets at 7 p.m. Tueldaya at the agency office. The office Is at 250 E. Baker St.. Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. Marcy Middler, (714) 445-4950, ext 114. Th• Mesa Mffaengers Toastmasters Oub 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St. CoS1a Mesa. (714) 540-4446. The Newport Beach Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tueadays at Platt College. 3901 MacArthur Blvd .• Newport Beach. Call to make reaervationa. (949) 646-1274. The Zingers Toaatmesters Club 816F meeta for breakfast on Tuesday& from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 3851 S. Bear #B17. The meeting ia free for first-time visitors. For more information, call (714) 241-1109. The Newport Center To111tmasters Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondays at the Irvine Co., 610 Newpon Canter Drive. Newpon Beach. (949) 766-1025. The Herborilte Toaatmaaten Club meeta at 7 a.m. Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E. Coa11 Highway. Corona def Mar (949) 293-4630. ' Udo lale Toeatmasters meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at Fletcher Jone• Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. (714) ~5314. The Oaala Senior Centar off9r1 a shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the center. Call to make an appointment (949) $44-3244.. 'ftltoMt .. awiltblefof peraoN who COYkl uae hetp reading English. Hourty rat" and timea are negotiable. (949) 851-1739. 0..-s.n1or Center--. vi.u.1 aid screenings wfth • Brtllle lnstit\.lte representative, by eppolntmont. (949) 644-3244. . &Mndal w.lght Managemen\ offers Interactive and proactive weight !011 groups. Learn behavior modification end other techniques to control your weight. The cost la $20. Groups meet from 6:30to 8 p.m . Wednesdays and Thurldaya at 369 San Miguel Drive, Suite 350, Newpolt Beach. (949) 718-9848. The Hope lnathuw, e CWltaf' for recovery and family education, offers a women's support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at 2900 Bristol St., C-206, Cotta Mesa. (714) 432-0020. Oasis s .... 1or Center ha•. walking group called Walkers Not Roc:t<ers. which meets once a week to enjoy scenic walks In and around the Newport Beach area. (949) 644-3244. MAILBOX RENTAL BIW & COLOR COPIES FAX SERVICES NOTARY PUBUC Saturday. Noven1t_er 8. 1003 AJS Women Helping Women ohrl e free peer support group for women In transition from 3:16 to 4: 15 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 6:45 to 7:45 e.m. Monday through Friday in Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona def Mar. (949) 644-3244. Tl LE& STONE The Ho1g Cancer Canter otr.rs e yoga class at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday at 4000 W. Coast Highway. Newpart Beach. (949) 722·6237. Body Design and United Studios of Self-Defense offers kid:·boxmg classes from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1000 W. Coast Highway, Suite C, Nawpart Beach. $8 per class (949) 722-0526. The Alzheimer'• Aasn. and Grtef Suppart Group of Newpart Villa WestNilla Rosa co-sponsors a free support group meeting for caregivers at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted Living, 393 Hospital Road, Newport Beach. (949) 631-3555. The Alzheimer's Aa1n. end Mese Terrace, a residential community for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, offers a free support group for caregivers at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each m onth at Mesa Terrace, 350 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa. (714) 283-1111. Rebecc.t Lewi• INC11 an animal bereavement group that specializes in the needs of people who have side or dying pets It meets at 3 p.m. Tuesdays at 3101 W Coast Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beach. The cost is a donation to an animal charity of the attendee's choice. Call to make 8-reservation. (949) 721-5750. Oasis Senior Cantar conduct• blood pressure screenings from 9 to 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month In Room 3 See TOWN, Paae Al6 ,,_ II.JOO .. '-' IOO Kitchen, Bath ct Floor Sp«.lallst • Showroom ... Cuswm ~nTablt • lnstallot/On Aval/obit Dillvtffd To Your DOorl u Stone o Travertine u Granite Tops u Ceramic o Porcelain o Glass Tiles o Metal Accents CNr Customtn ttll us wt arr d1fftrtnl from othf'r 111, ii SIOl!r 11ort1 b«nuu-ol oor • GRf.AT Prke•I • HUGE Selectlonl • UNIQUE Deslgn1I • FREE Co" S•vlng Advlc•I • FREE ln·hofne Eulm1te• Otir pmftUIOl•..il dt'Sli)fl 1toH wdl 011111 )IOU m lf'll'Cltn9 showtn, floors and cour1ttr1 COME VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM! (949) 548-1868 · 170 L 17th s~ Suite 119 , ...... ~and HIWpolt llvd.) Costa Mesa CA 92627 Urban Gardener blooms at Crystal Cove Promenade J ust m time to brigJlten your home for the holulays a." well as gift ~iv111g, Urban Gardener has opened at Crystal Cove Promenade. Urban Gardent>r is a s pecialized florist that also carries unique merchandise for the home and garden. Gardener can provHlt• ncrn er.. for \Wdd111~.,, pq•rything from custom houquc>ts to floral dC's1gn for tJw c<•n•1110 ny and reception. lfrba11 Gardener also off Prs flowers for residential and corporate accounts, as wc•ll as holiday home M ror. "With the hoLidAys rwarly Holiday season fireplace decorations at the Urban Gardener. The Mcor wtd gifts fea- tured in Urbcin GaNhner reflect the owner's passion ' for hard to ftnd, distinctive product lines. Among the selection is topiaries, herb plantJ9, rustle urns, antique watertna cans and artifacts. Urban GaNhMr'11 array of superb, fresh flowers represent the ~ quall~ln blooms flown 1n from around the world. Own 1lff&l\Y and Duane Greenleaf have found growers that. produce eome of the most , spectacular flow<'rs used in evel')'thlna t'rom European arrangements to orehids and other popular loolcS. Url>an Gardener~ 8lgnatul'\' scyl~ la ~v'e a.mangementa that here, we have many cus- tomers asking for seasonal florals, WTeaths and other greenery for their homes," said ntrany Greenleaf. ~we can do any custom d~cor that a client desires, from centerpieces for holiday tables, to manUe garlands and more." Thi! is the second loca- tion for Urban Gat'fUnl'r, which has had another location in Newport &-ach for nine y 31'8. For more in!onnation, call thf' store at {9·19) 716-<9760. C171ta1 C~e Prom nade l<1 locaWd ot EMt Coast Hlatiway and Crymal Hf'IRht.<1 Drive tn Newport Beach. Th.~ uter f'••Mon l•l•ftd•flf•wport ••••It e481111·•010 The ~ •t l'llMho Mtr11g41 a l'NzoCatltofl ., 1.A9una H..,.. glv a compact, Intricate and unique look, allowing colon and Shipes of nowera to blend lnto .,.. arranse- ment ttW is sure to lmpreM. ln addition. UrfHut . '11!\0 ha• a 1Nuler Joe._, WUllatM·Sononto, 801tona R~publlc, The Gap, Ann Tft11lor 1.4/f, and 1.C other store and <'Afi ' • Daily5'= Pilot AND SCOTT'S S <> lJ T H C 0 A S T .p l A Z A . . PH.OUD SPONSORS OF A BENEFIT !)INNER Monday-November ioth ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TO THE FAMILIES OF ~'OUTHERN CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES BENEFIT DINNER MENU Glass of Wine 1£0 [srare Winery ("~ FIRST COURSE I UIOOSl ONEJ C reamy N ew England C lam Chowder ll~l')llllJ V.1111 <:.llfRK'r Manhattan Chowder IH >MA l<>MAh>I '> ')l A U AM') ANI> CAkl>EN VlLl I ABLES Scott's Ho use Salad \1 1Xll> fs.\RY <.RH "J\ Wll H FR[<;lt CUCUMBf R \Nii l<>MAlO \.\.1111 A BASii 'VINAl~Rllll MAl_N ENTJ_ttE I ( HOO'il ONEI <.:hicken with Wild Mushrooms 'dOW coo~ro C ltl( K[N SrRVflJ WITll <.l\Rtl<· MAStlll> POIAl0£" AND BAI!\' VIGfTABlf'i Al askan Halibut \IR\lf> Wllll \ 'IWfET TO MATO GIA7l. ClllPOlll MA<;tll I> l'l>IATOFS, CRILLfO C.ORN ANl> BABY \I Ll TABI ['> Prime Rib 'llOW ROA'>Tlll, \(RV[[) Willi AU JUS, 110RSLRAOISll, MA'lttr D l'OIAJO[<; AND SFASONAL VI Cf f/\BI I\ Apple C obbler with Caramel 'If RVI 0WI111 tRrNCtt VANILl A I Cl C.REAM Coffee or Tea $. 5 0 per pe~on f Nor INCi Ul>INC rAX O R GRArUITYI - TOWN Contnled from Al 5 at 800 Marguerite lwe .• Corona def Mar. (949) 844-32'4, The N9wpott IMdl ~IM9n.on.r.abody ffN9t and moderate Nting suppott gtOUp st 7 p.m. Wednetdaya .. 3101 w. Coat Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beadl. (949) ni-5760. heiet'alc:NcS.... ...... fNflfY Friday from 10:30 to 11:30 Lm. end fr9e qi gotig ct..... .. offered fNflfY Thtu·11dav from 10-.30 to 11:30 e.m. 8tthe Hoag~ Centet; «>00 w, Coal HlghWey, Newpott 8eec:.h. (949) 722-&31 A• 'JtJ .. k educa1tonal ..... for women newly diagnosed With breast cancer or for anyone lnterelt9d la being offer9d In two seak>na with various apeekera. The first semon Is undelWa'f. The seoond aenion will take place April 1, 8, 15. 22 end 29 and May 6. Sesak>n1 are from 10 to t1 :30 a.m. at the Hoeg Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast HighW1y, Newport Beach. Free. Pre-registration I• required. (949) 722.Q37. lhe hck'9 Fot wwd 8erMvement Group meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. f!Nery Monday at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coalt Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. A IUppot1 group for thole with brain tumors meei. from 7 to 8:30 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center, .000 W. Coan Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. A breast canc.r suppo11 group for young women meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. f!Nery third Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center i1 at 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beach. frff. (949) 722-6237. An evening breast cainc:.t alppOft group meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of eech month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center la at 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beech. Free. (949) 722-6237. A IUpport group for family and friends of cancer patients meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center ia at One Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6z:rl. A free IUppott group for women with gynecologic cancer, focusing on providing mutual 1upport end education. Is offered at Hoag Hospital from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. (949) 722-6237. A breast cancer aupport group meets from noon to 2 p.m. Tuesdays at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newpon Beach. FT-ee. 1949) 722-6237. The O..la Senior CenW 6n • Braille class to help with sight loss from 10 a .m. to noon Thursdays in Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corc:>na del Mar. (949) 644-3244. A free cenc« aupport group meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) 722-6237. The Jewfth Senior CenW orr.r. card game• from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every third Tuesday. A kosher lunch 11 offered at noon for $3 per person. (714) 613-5641. mm.NneMNewpoft~, 19800 ~ BIYd.':. Nev..,c>tt Beech.~m4) 66CM785. ....................... "*""6n.., ~to ... ~ ... two *nwv cl\lcilot, .. offet9d Che d'llrd Thurldlv of..,, month with lliOnWV Aide t>. T.ylorend~LMtl Soaow. SpaC8 • lmlld end l1llllfVdone .... rtQUhd. (949) 96&-2576. ...,_ yourllftime documenb for Advance Heatth Care OlrectJvet •t the Oetl• Senior Center for S3 Heh. C.tl to make an fppolntment. (949) 8'4-3244. TM N.doNll Dpeu• ....... - Foundation IPOf\IOl'9 WMlcJy adult anentlon deficit dltorder aupport groups at IU offtce, 833 Dover Drive, Sufte 27, Newport BMctt. $6 per seuk>n. (949) 842-7303. OeM &.nlor Cent9r ofJw1I preventJve health care Mrvlcea for tenlor• on the fourth Wednesday of each month In the center'• Room HS..S, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mer. Call to mah an appointment. (949) 844-3244. Fednt Fotwud,. auppoft group for thoae people that heve 1011 aomeone to cancer, meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondaya et the Hoag Cancer Center, .000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beech. Free. (949) 722~37. CosU Mesa Fn Department Explorers Post 400 meets 8t 6 p.m. Tueedaya 11t various 1Jre lt8tiona. MemberlNp le open to anyone between 16 and 21 years otd. {714) 754-6141 or(714)~106. Maxine Cohen, a mantege and family therapist, 1ponaora an anonymou1 help line for person• with relatlon1hlp problem•. She 11 available for free con1ultatlon from noon to 1 p.m. and from 7 to 8 p.m. Mondaya. (949) 769-0357. s.n1on and low-Income families In the Costa Mesa-Newport Beach area can obtain free U.S. Department of Agriculture 1urplu1 food from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the MCOnd Friday of each month In the rear park.Ing lot at the Church of Christ, 740 W. Wilson St., Costa Meu. Picture Identification la required. (949) 65().8236. A support group for~ with gynecologic cancer meets from 10 to 11 :30 e.m. the aecond and fourth w.dneaday of eecti month et the Hoag Cancer Center, .000 W. Coal1 Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. M.a Em8f'9MCY 8-rvlce Amateur Communication offers the opportunity for ham radio operatora to particip,te In Costa Mesa's Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service organization. Weekly nets are held at 7:20 p.m . on 147.060 MHz. Monthly meeting• are held at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Costa Mesa Police Department. (714) 754-7045. o .. Senior Cent9r orr.r. a counselor to aulst with question• about Medicare, HMO. and aupplemental and long-term care Insurance. Call to make an a,lpolntment. (949) 644-3244. lncMt Anonvmou•. fOr ftm.ee victim• of aexual abuse and rape, their friends and their relatlvea, meets from 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays at 760 Victoria St., Costa Mesa. Free. (949) 859-3918. ' The ....... 8Mu.t.d with tGi Chamber of Commeroe, ere profetslonala betwffn 21 and 39 TM Newport 8MCti Paychologicel Assn. offers a coed aupport group at 7 p.m. Thursdays at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beach. (949) 722-4688. The HHllng Connecdon on... coed relatlonahlp group et 7 p.m. Wednesdavt at 4426 Jamboree Roed, Suite 180-A. Newport Beach. (949) 261-8003. t years ~d who get together for community aervtc., bualn..a network.Ing and aoclallzlng. MMting1 are held the aecond and fourth Thu'9daya of each month. (949) 461-2178. TMeone...n...Bualneu~ meets at 7 a.m. Fridava In the The c..bral ~ Foundetlon will start a new dlapter In the area. 'The toundattc>n will ofter financiel and emotional aupport and other free aervk:et to --D i d You Know? c::owuTE ~ • 4' WAii DPIF I ta UCINll ti 111111 famm.. ""'°haw dWldren .. '**" .-.V. (IOO) MU34\ ............... c--. .. ., ettom.v ~ oeftffled~ ~wtH ptMtnt•frM oneo-hout~ ontMng trwta et your home or hie offtoe, 2eeO E. C049tt Hlgt1w9Y, CotOna dil Mar. (Me) &64-6801. TheO-lleCUaol~ ~a del Marm..ct et noon Thuredeya et 1he Bahia Cor1nthlan Yecht Club, 1001 Btvslde Drive, Coton• del .Mer. (9'9) 852-11& A suPPOft lfOUP for Yo4"'1 ...... patienta meett from 1 :30 to"S p.m. the MOOnd end fou(th Wedn.adaya of each month In Newpon Beedl. (714) 63&-1734. • A WOlbhop for people wttl\ lymphedema meets from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. the firat Tueaday of each month In the eudhorlum et Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coaat Highway, Newport Bead1. (949) 760-6542. a.. Senlorc.... .... m..a ... program for tMmbera. Lunch I• lef'Ved dally from 11~46 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. In the muttlpurpoM room st 800 Merguertt. Ave., COt'one del Mar. Home-deelvered • meel• a,. avallebfe for · homebound aenlora. ReMrvetfona are required. (949) 844-3244. Expanded Awwanw lemlnart presents a weekly meditation aeulon at 8 p.m. Wedl'lftdaya et the }tub of Newport Meu, 230 E. 11th St., Suhe 218. The auggested donation Is $10. (949) 646-1128. The Newport IMc:h Psyc::hologlcal Aun. preaenta a men's support group at 4 p.m. Fridays. $25 per aealon. (949) 722-4688. The Amllnce tor the Mal.., II of Orange County provides education and emotional 1upport for families whh loved ones who are mentally Ill. A free 1upport group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . every o1her Saturday at the Orange County Mental Health Clinic, 3116 Red Hiii Ave., Cotta Mesa. (714) 850-8483. § .. Oeala Senior Cent9r offws Nnt9I .. of medical equipment - wheek:halra, walkers and more. (949) 644-3244. .. • .. ct..... for matul9 adults In the Hema Method of Body Condttionlng are offered et 8:30 a.m. Monday, Wednetday and Friday at Chain Reection, 3928 Campua Drive, Newport Beach. Admiuiorfto the firat de• I• free end will cost $10 per ct1u or $80 for 10 claa1e1 thereafter. (949) 688-2427. TM CosU Mesa &.nlor Cent9r offers preventive health care 1erylcea for aenlort from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays end from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. every other Tuesday, at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Meu. Call to make an appointment. (9'9) 645-2366. TM eo.ta Meea Senior Cent9r offers counseling, aasistanc. and referral aervlces for aenlort, 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-235e. NlcotlneA.nonymoua t.llowahlp wanta to heCp men and women who smoke to quit and rem1fn 1moke-free through local evening meeting•. (949) 860-2713. The eo.t. Mee. Hlslottcel Society holds a free open houte from 11 e.m. to 3 p.m. Thut'11day11 et 1870 Anaheim Ave., Costa Meu. The event ftetu'" memorabilia from the city of Coste Mesa and the Santa Ana Army Air BeM. (949) 631-6918. II' ... • ~Anonymouam.­ from 7 to 9 p.m. Wedoeadaya et St. John'• EpllCOpal Church, 183 " E. Bay St., Costa Meu. (714) 963--0900. a.. SenlorCentir .... Partdnton'a dlMaae aupport group from 1to8 p.m. the ffCOnd Thu'8day of eadl month et 800 M•rouwtt. Ave., Corona de& Mar. (949) 844-3244.. . 1 ....... __ ~~~~~~~~:.-.~~-....!l.~-~~~--~~~~---~~~------....... -.....-..... ·----·--...-.--...-.--..-..·-·~--...·~·----·~---·---·~---------.....-----...-..------..;.... • .:-. •• ----~-..... -• ....:~-~= ....... -..._.. __ ....;....-.:-.. ...... 0-...;._J_ 200 ·w. COAST HWY SERVING ORANGE COUNTY SINCE 1 .986 EYEOPENER ~Qli!Y~.. I ~~~ Hew. 10 ....,,... • • JO£ URBAN Spora Eclllor RlchM'd Dunn: (949) 57-M223 • lportl Fax: (949) 650-0170 Sahwdly, November 8, 2003 11 . GIRL:S'VOLLEYBALL Newport Harbor senior middle blocker Hoitand Osadche, left, and Corona del Mar's Ashley Bin, right, meet high In the air as they battte for the ball in Friday nljht's Back Bay thowdown. ack Ba~ b~b~rne1 'lors rally to defeat · rona del Mar in J games in storied alry Friday night. .Rf BF.ACH -lt wasn't that Newport Harbor High r standout Alyson JeQnings ded the kills, dJgs and aces. capsulized the emotions with· Sailors' warm confines Fri· night In the Back Bay girls vol· COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOOTBALL Bucs dealt blow Orange Coast College falls to Certitos in Mission Conference action Friday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot • COSfA MESA -An Orange Coaat College tootball player de- livering a helmet-to-helmet hit on a Cerritos receiver In the fourth quarter laid modonless on the ground for a few SCOR£BOMD minutes be· fore getting back up Fri~ day nighL But that wasn't the only blow Cerritos 21 the Pirates OCC 7 suffered In thelr final home game of the ~ason. The host Bucs' playoff hopes appear dead after they dropped a 21 .. 7 Mission Conference Ameri· can Divisjon contest to Cerritos, which controls Its own destiny with one more week In the regu· lar~n. 'The Pirates (4-5, 1 ·3 In the American Division) lost to the Falc:ons (6~. 3· l) ft>r the seventh coq.secutive tlrne, a aitlcal loss for Coast. whJch could have moved into a tie with Cerritos and possibly Ml San Antonio and Palol'tl8J', depending on what th~ schools do ln their gam~ S.. OCC, Pase 84 } . . leyball showdown . •it gives me goose bumps just thinking about tt,• Jennings said of defeating rtva1 Corona del Mar, ln •• her teammates and yelled for them to take cover, because the Sea ICUtp (18·9) were send- whlcb the Texas-bound aetter and outside hitter helped Newport Harbor to a four-game nonleague victory. 17-25, 25-17, 25-17, 25·23. ing ft back over with some fancy dlgglng and thla thing wasn't over. After a rerna.rbble CdM mum to stay alive, Jennings 6.niahed the deal with ber match-high 13th kill and the Sailors (21-5) ltygged to no end. •niat was a great match," said In the plllsating fourth game, it was Jennings who rifted one across the net and landed so close to hit· ting the ground on the CdM side that some Newport pla~rs started to celebrate. Jennings pointed to S.. VOUEYBAU.. Pase 88 MARK C. DUSTIN I OM.YPll.OT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL ·Tars rally for victory MARKC. OUSllN/DAllY PILOT Costa Mesa High's Omar Ruiz (32) goes airborne after getting tackled by Westminster's Courtney Dunlap (9) in Friday night's Golden West league showdown, won by the Lions, 20-6. Newport Harbor overcomes 14-3 halftime deficit to keep CIF playoff hopes alive. Berry Faulkner Da1tyP1lot MISSION VIEJO -'fhe Newport Harbor High football team's postaeason hopes, al- ready wheezing after three straight tosses. went Code Blue alter Sea View League host Laguna Hills p~ its way to a 14·3 first-half lead Friday night at Mission Viejo HJgh. So, Sailors Coach Jeff Brin· ldey took emetBency mea· surea at halftime and the viii· tors responded for an 18·14 closer to a OF Southern Section Division VI at· large berth. Newport ,. .Coach Laguna 14 Brinkley gave us !l1l inspi- rational speech at halftime,· said Newport Harl>or aenior punter-comerback Brian Campos. who provided the Sailors (6-3, 'l ·3 ln leque) even moro impetus by boom· tng' 59-ytrd punt that pinned the Hawb (5·4, 0-4) at thelr own 13 early In the third quar· Ler. After ~ playa lost 10 yards, s botched punt soap SM NEWPORT, Pap 85 Mustangs beaten ~dwtputmemon•~ Aftert~ughlossto ~~~..:~~p-= 'T.;pe soared on Sea Kings let Westmmster, Costa sJtylntouoUdfini.sh. SCOREBOMD the ensuJng west-• Mesa needs help in "We've still got a minster drive as the one slip away · D' · · VII shot." said Costa Mustangs' defense Secunng lVlSIOn Mesa Coach Dave atuft'ed the Lions on playoff berth. Perkins In the after-their first two rushing Roser C1rl1on DailyP1lot NEWPORT BP.ACH -Costa Mesa High's reign as Golden West League football champion oftidally came to an end Friday night. the Mustangs coming up short, 20·6, as Westminster's LI· ODS improved to 8·1, 5-0 ln league, setting up a title show- down with Orange In next week's regular-season tlnale. It wasn't. however, an end to postaeason hopes for Coach Dave Perkins' unpredictable Mustangs, wbo still have the po- math of what be-playa. But with third· came a near-miss and-11 from the down the stretch. Wmlnster 20 Westminster 23, LI· "We can finish 6·4 M..a I ons quarterback and the lcids deserve Tummy Le lofted a IL weve just got to deep pass to receiver win Friday night (against Santa Uvingston Thutua. Ana) and hope for good things Thutua. who had scored with Corona del Mar takes first .:. place Tesoro to overtime, but five turnovers result in loss. to happen.• TD passes from 34 and 83 yards There was hope for good out. went high tnto the air, col· Patrick Laverty things to happen In the fourth jding wtth Mesa defender Tony Daily Pilot quarter when the Mustangs 1crikcirtan. Both players landed drove n yards and scored with and Krikorian had the ball as he LAS PLORF.S -Opportu- a pass from quarterback Bruce got up ln front of the Mesa nJty knocked. Corona de! Mar Willdnson to receiver Jeff Wal· bench. It was ruled that Tuutua High'• football team just never dron from 20 yards out to pare had possession when he answered the door. the de6dt to 13·6 with 6:40 re· Despite moving the ball at ma1n1ng at Newport Harbor SH MESA, P11• 84 will. the Sea ICUtgs let one DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Jordan · Smith Logging hours upon hours of volleyball training has been paying off for Corona del Mar junior outside hitter. SteveVlr1en OeilyPil~ V olleyball is deftnitely •high priority ln the Smith fi and It also consum~ = of Jordan's Ufe. • In Jordan Smith's life, volleyball n.evu ends. It'a yeaMound. lt'1 ln her mind U houri a day, teYeD daya a week. When her aeuon endl wlth the Sea Klnp she aoea back to work for the Orange County Volleyball Oub. Jordan Smith. the second of four children ln her famlJy, ts • junJor outaJde hitter (or the Cc>rona del Mar HJgb g1rb wlleyball team and led the See Kinp to three PacUlc CoMt Leegue vtctorlel lat Week. Her older .... Morgan, a tonner see JC1ng, plays at UClA while younpr brothel", Marn, II a WPri.ln at CAM and wlD UC> compete ln vo~. Tho "blby" of the tamlly, Madiloi\, la a llnh·gridef at HWor View PJelnentary IDd 1M It welJ on. her~to ~·and diilln8 tot.,..... .fl* ... her two oldlr ** Apparently, Srntth'I pusion for the game and the countleu boun she 1penda wtth It has paid oft and the Sea K1np are also reaping the rwwards. •pedally last week. Smith. the Dally Pilot Adllite Of the Week. -11C011-ded""' 38 kiDI Ind 38 dlli la dnt lllltChet, lfiidll'I the Sea Kqi to 'fO. w.todli OM ~ BeaCh. ni.om arid UnMntty. She'i wry bnportanl to our CMm." CdM Cold\ BID Chi1.tdaftlen lltd; •S1W1 ont ~the belt puter1 on the teem and keys our whole CdM 21 scortog Opportu· nJty after another a1lp throusb their bands, the lut Tetoro 28 one com· Overtlm• Ing lo overtime when the ball went through the handa of a Sea Kings receiver and SM CORONA. P .. e 85 • __.~-------- .. ual • Boss Is Gone Sales Event! -. Every year our boss challenges us to make this the biggest month .in our sales history. And _wete, gollna do .it! .· We don't need his permission, just his forgiveness. This is your best opportunity to take advantage of incredible savings and great selection! ·HURRY, THE BOSS WILL BE BACK SOQN ••• TIIESE GIANf SAVINGS END SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9rn. ~-~6,998 Bv.aBOOTYI RlJNSGREATI e BRIEFLY Cal Poly shuts out UC Irvine, 2-0 Costa Mesa High OCC tops Riverside Cal Poly San Lu1s Obispo. 1-1, d D h I ln a Big West Conference game pro UCt ay ~ ps • S0<?CBR: Nestor Flores Wednesday rught. Mustangs to Big West scored m the 16th 01lnute and JUnlorDardoAcunaputUO (&- • • Joel Sotolongo broke a l • 1 tie ln 8-3, 3-1-3 ln conference) e}le8d semifinal VlCtory. the aecond half with a goal ln with his first h'>ll1 of the season. the 68tb minute Friday as the but free kJc.k by Marie Jones Jn the Orange Coast College men's &4th mlnute gave the MustllngS soccer team edged visirJng (6-6-4 2-4-2) the equa.lb:er. Goals by freshman Kelsey CanoU and junior 13.rtn Manin lifted top-seeded Cal Poly San LuJs Obispo to a 2·0 win over UC Jrvtne In the opening game of the Big West Conference women's soccer tournament at Anteater St~dium Friday night. •With the win, the Mustangs advance to Sunday's I p.m. championship game against the winner of UC Santa Barbara/UC Riverside. Sundaffi final also will be played at Anteater Sta- dium. Carroll scored an unassisted goal at 13:14 from outside the box on a misplay by the Ant- ea1er defense. Martin's second- balf goal came at 74:08 on a cross from Sharon Day (Costa Mesa High) as Cal Poly sopho- more goalkeeper. Uz Hill re· corded her ninth shutout of the season. The Mustangs, ranked 20th m the nation by SGccer America, extended their undefealed streak to I 0 games as they im proved to 17-1-2 on the !>eason. I lilJ had five saves as Cal Poly re- corded its fifth straight shutout. The Mustangs outshot the Anl· ea1ers, 9 5. UCI. seeded fourth, received nine savei. from freshm,m goal keeper Marissa Welliver. The Anteaters ended their l'.eason with a record of I 0·5-5. OCC teams victorious •CROSS COUNTRY: The men and women's cross coun- try teams a1 Orange Coast Col lege both won Southern Cali- fornia regional titles Friday a1 Mount San Antonio College. OCCs An Diaz was crowned the Southern California men's individual champion with a Lime of 20:50 as he led the Pi- rates to the team Lille with 35 points. San Bernardino Valley was second with I 13 points. Jose Casillas (fourth in 20:55), Humberto Rojas (fifth In 21:03). David Ojeda (12th in 21:32). Ir- win Salas (13th in 21:33), Koy- har Naderi (24th in 21:57) and Vidal Barragan (42nd In 22:22) tcored for Orange Coast. which wm compete in the slate cham- pionships Nov. 22. With 76 points, the CXX: women captured the Southern California Lille with a team Lime of 1:.34:46, led by Ava Jones, who fin. bhed second overall In 17:53. Jones was followed by teammat~ Sandra Montoya (seventh In 8:35). Annie Garton (13th in ~:06), Ludi Valdez (16th in 19:12), Jennifer SUwa (39th in 20:00). Sarah Delan (45th m 20· 12) and fane Alder (59th In 20:38). Azusa beats VU in four • VOll..EYBAU.: Jenna Sage horn had 17 killi, to lead Azu<ia Pacific's women to a 30-20, 30· 10, 26 JO, 30-27 Golden Stale Athletic Conference .victory Thursday night over visiting Vanguard (14· IO. 8-10 m the GSAC). Sonrlsa Peace (nine ldUs) led Yu. along with Kelli Whittaker '(bighl), Kerl Del laas (seven) lhd Jaclyn Lee (seven). Azusa Tmproved 1016·12, 8-9. '!( ball Riverside, 2-1, ln Orange fun; UO enters Saturday's l p.m.. pl.re Conference actlor1. game at Cal Stale Northrldge ln a Sotolongo scored on a diving second-place de with UCSB. Both header on an assist from Eli So· are one point behind cooference- Us. OCC improved to 12-5-1, 9-leadlng c.ai State Nonhrldge. 3-1 ln the OEC while Riverside fell to4-14, 3-10. Anteaters finish 16th Apodaca h · k /IGOLF: The UC Irvine earns at tnc women's golf team ftnf.shed 16th •SOCCER! AllJ on Apodaca scored a hat trick In the flrs1 haJf Friday to lead the Orange Coast College women's soccer team to a 5-0 Orange Empire Conference victory over visiting Golden West (O 14-1, 0-13-0 In the OEC). ace (6-8-3, 5-6-3) added two s.econd-half goals by April Pate. Apodaca scored in the 14th, 21st and 26th minutes from various angles. OCC in fourth place • SAIUNG: The Orange Goast College sailing team Is in fourth place after four races Friday rn tAe opening day of the lhrce- day lntercollegiale Sailing Asso- ciation Sloop North American champion'>hip at SUNY Mari time College in Throggs Nvd-. New York. Kings Point leads the ev(•nt with 13 points, while Coach Jim Jorgensen's Pirntcs trail by only three points. OCC sophomores Payi.on ln- felli>e, Nathaniel Campbell and Carson Reynolds wiJI compete again loday in the l 0-race com petition. "The conditions (Fri- dayf were sunny and nice and the winds were pretty llgh1, ·be- tween eight and 12 knots, H Jor- gensen said. Pirates second in OEC • GOLP: The Orange (,oru,t CoUege womens golf learn fin- ished second at the two-day Orange Empire Conference cham pion.<Wps, completed Wednesday a1 'FJ Prado Golf Course rn Chino. llle performance earned the Pi- ratei. a berth in the Southern Cali- fornia champioruhips ~eduled Monday, also at FJ Prado. OCC posted a 36-hole team total of 725. trailing Saddleback (619) and besting Santiago Can- yon (746) and Golden West Col lege (793). Lorraine Fernando paced OCC (86-8$-171), fol- lowed by teammates Laura Sumpter (96-89 185). Joanne Durocher (96-BS-182), Megan Parkovich (98-102-200) and Ashlee Kendall (105·89-194). Sailors handle Hawks •GOLF: Sea View League In· dividuaJ champion Natalie Dra· ganza shared medaJJt;t honors with teammate Kayleigh Horn Wednesday to help lhe Newport Harbor I li~h girls golf team rap its league 'leason with a 246-2HO win over Laguna I hils at thl' Santa Ana Country Qub. Draganza and I lorn shot R- over-par 44, while Kalle McKay (48), Ashley Jacobs (52) and Carolyn Conway (59) rounded out the efforts for the Sailor!> (5-5 in league). Mustangs tie Antea~ers •SOCCER: The UC Irvine men's soccer team tied visiting SCHEDULE pm. at the Kent Youel Invitational Wednesdayat the Kapolei Golf Course In Honolulu. Hawaii. The Anteaters shot a flnal round of 321 to finish with a three-round total of 956 (3!4- 321-321). Sophomore Angela Won led UCI. finishing third af· ter shooting par 72 Wednesday and 221 (75-74-72) for the tour- nament. Freshman Mumle Oloi (78-80- 82-240) was 59th and sopho- more Reanna Yun (76-86-84- 248) was 15th. Junior SheUy Ra- worth (249) was 80th and senior Karlie Ward (256) was 86th. UC I duo seeded fourth •TENNIS: The doubles team of ~enior Jon Endrikat and jun- ior Brian Morton have been seeded fourth at the 2003 ITA National Intercollegiate Indoor Oiampionships. There are 16 doubles teams invited to play in thl' tournament. They open play Thursday against Jarmalne fenk.rn~ and Nathan Thompson of Oemson. Earlier this season at 1he JTA/AU -American Olam- pionshipi, in Cllauanooga. hn- drilrnt and Morton defeated Jenlons and Thompson, 8-5. VCI duo recognjzed •HONORS: UC Irvine sopho- more 7..ack Zucker was named Big West Conference Male Swimming and Diving Athlete of the Week after winning the I 00-yard breaststroke event against UC Santa Barbara, Cal Poly and UtJ Stale Northridge al the Big West Shootout. Zuck.er's time of 57.31 was fourth overall in the meel and topped his season-best mark of 59.01. lJCI freshman Ashley DePaul was named Big West Confer- ence Female Athlete of the Week. She broke the school re· cord in the 100 and 200 butter- Oy events with Limes of 56.81 and 2:06.73 al the Big West Shootout I fer time in the I 00 Oy placed first In the compell- tion against UCSB. Cal Poly and Lal State Northridge and was third overall an the Big Wei.t Shootout. lier time of 2:06.73 lopped her season-best mark of 2:08.23. Hess Lion of Week •HONORS: Vanguard Uni· vcrMty Junior men's soccer star Matt He% has been named the school\ Lion of the Week for the '>econd lime this foll I less 'lCored all four goals In a shoutout win over Westmont and fini'>hed with 29 goals thrs season I le also had six a&Slsts to total 64 points and scored in I I of the team\ 20 games. in- cludins nine multi-goal per- formances liege men -Vanguard v1. Montana We1tern at College woman -UC Irvine at Big West Conference tournament at UC Irvine e1tmin1ter tournament (Salt Lake City), 4 p.m. munitv colleoe women -Orange Coast at Mt n Antonio Cotleoe tourn1ment. Fleldhoc:My High tchoot -Newport Harbor vs Harvard-Westlake at Edison, 11 :30 a.m. Football High school -Capistrano Valley Chrl1ti1n at Sage Hiii, l p.m. Soccer .COiiege men -UC lrvlne at Cal State Northridge, 1 Voltey1Nlt College women -Long Beecti State at UC Irvine. 7 p.m. W•tetPolo Community college women Orange Coal! at Orange Empire Conference tournament third·place game at Golden West, 11 :30 a m. Community college men -Orange Coast et Orange Empire Conference tournament at Golden West. Cotrege men -UCLA at UC Irvine, noon High sctiool bov--Cotta Meta at Tustin tournament. . . Factor in the $sooo added oolue of our exdt4Jive Preferred Owne Program. ~. NoYember 8. 2003 13 Count on a gtntTOU.S trade-in allowance . Don't dela:y. Make 1our mow today J Neu '0 .3 E.\'f'flJITION .\l T : I J \ f 1 #fr ,,, I I\ j 1 , '11 1, I 'j' ''I 'I .., ~\I I 'I 22277 IM se.dlY. ~ 8, 2003 01' (; 7 0 1 0 0 llCONDQUMT'O Cet-~ ll n;n (J~mee lddt). 13:06. OClC -Vtga' n1n lo.Hart kldc), 9:11. . Cet-Dixon 7 nm (Jamee kid!), '=13. FOUlmt QUM10 c.-v.taqµez 2e n;n (J1rnee kid!), 1•:63. A -m (Mtlmet9dl INDMDUAL i.USHlfG c. -\oteCaquez. ,._ 1oe. 2 roe: Obion. 1•11. 1 TO; IC.tellng, 9-31; Low9n,3-14. OClC -Vega, 18-22, 1 TD; H'91, S-18. INDIVIDUAL PASSftG C.-l<Mllng, 13-19-0, 138. OCC-H'91, 20-30-2. 2A2. INDMDUAL RECEYING C.-1(1~ 4-88; Endemano, 4-38;'01xon, 2-18; 0~11, 2· 1; NldlOl1, 1 ... OCC -1..oM, 5-78; Hum1lon, 3-71; John.on, 5-32; v.ga, 2-27; Blldl. 2-17; Nlutapu1I, 2· 1'; Garcl1, 1-3. GAME STATISTICS c. occ ,.,.. dowf-. tt 12 ............... 44-lll 21..e7 ~ yeidege ,,. 2.U ~ '1).1t-0 20-30-2 Nettftll'fly•ld9" :M • HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL f>tiOTOS BY MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa High's Jeff Waldron (36), left, comes from behind to make a diving tackle on Westminster's Carlos Brooks in Friday night's Golden West League game at Newport Harbor. Sere Friday nig~t for Estancia High • ORANGE -In general, &tan· da HJgti Coach CraAs Fertig loves Friday nlghta because that't USU· ally when his Eagles play foot· ball. · "I've coached pro footbalL col· lege football, but there'• just iometbin8 dUJerent about Friday mgbts and high acbool football." Fertig said before bis team took on Orange, which Is ranked No. 2 in CIF Southern Section Di· vision VIL "There's just something special in the air be- cause you never know 0 48 what's going to happen.· Rest assured Fertig was nol feeling too pleased about this particular Friday night at FJ Mo· dena Htgh. Orange (8·1. 5-0 in the Golden West League) rolled up 365 yards rushing In the fust half, building a 48-0 Jead and went on to win by thal score, set- ting itself up for a matcbup for the league title against Westmin· ster next week. while also dealing the P.agles their second straight SCORE BY QUARTERS 000 0 -0 2820 0 0 ·48 FIRST QUARTER O -Penl 1 run (Wllllama kldt), 9:45. 0 -Chairez 74 run (Wllll11m1 kick), 6:38. 0 -J. Jonea 6 run (Will lame kid:), 2:14. O -Spencer 72 fumble return (Wllllamt klc:k), :17. SECOND QUARTER 0 -Chairez 32 run (Williams kidc), 10:62. 0 -J. Jones 74 run (Williams kiclc), 8:36. 0-Chairez 7 run (kid: failed), 4:04. A -500 (estimated) INDMDUAL RUSHING &t -Kapko, 13-60; Moreno, 13-33, Teo, 3-20; Macias, 1-mlnue-5; Young, 7·mlnue·24. O -Chairez. 6-175, 3 T01; J. Jonea, 13-151, 2 TO.; H. Jones, 4-33, Wilson. 2-29; Davis, S.20; Penl, 3-6, 1 TO, Martinez, 2-4; Santos. 1 2; Parrales, 2-0; Bon11by, l ·minu1·1. INDIVIDUAL PASSING ~~ CM> 1-7 l'Mly~ ., -"'-•»• ~a • shutout. Eat-Young, 5·18-1 , 61. SCORE BY QUARTERS Estancia has been outscored, 0 -Boniaby, l-3.0, 25. ~-CM> 1·1 ~-ywdege 12·11& f.41 Time of s-o<1 Jol23 ~ -f'unl ........ ltMlcepOot• ~ ,_,.. occ Continued from B 1 today, for the dMslon lead ·1t'a a tough loss. but we have another game to play.· OCC Coach Mike Thylor said The Buca will battle perennJal rival Golden West next Saturday at 6 p.m. ·ieemtotl runs a good ofl'ense that taka away everyth1ng w1th !tallow~· Weltm1n1ter CosteMeu o 1 6 1 • 20 89-0, in two weeks. o o o e -6 "We were embarrassed.: Fertig INDIVIDUAL RECEMNG SECOND QUARTER Wm -Tautua 34 pa11 from Le (Gonzalez kick), 10:37. NRO QUARTER Wm -Teutu1 83 pa .. from Le (kldc failed), 2:19 FOURTH QUARTER CM -W1ldron 20 pau from Wiikinson (kick failed), 6'40. Wm -Broolca 35 run (Gonzalez kick). 4:41. A -600 (ntlmatedl INDMOUAL RUSHING Wm-Broou , 20-108, 1 TO; Smith. 6-21; Bledcbum, 3-4; Le, '-1. CM· Ruiz, 18-e6; Epenesa, 8-25; Vergas, 6-16; Waldron, 3-9; Quiroz, 1-1; Wiikinson, 2-min-10. INOMDUAL PASSING said after bis 1eam's ftnaJ league Eat-Mel11ner, 3-32. Ma111nez, 1-15. game. "In the second half, I was Maci11, 1· 14. proud of them because they o -Doyle, 1-25. went out there with Intensity." Estancia (3-0, 1-5) lost its fifth GAME STATISTICS iame in a row and was domi· &t o nated by the Panthers in the fust ~00:-,.. 34-~ ~~~ half. Yet the Eagles somewhat re-,,_."G v.,11age e 1 2S deemed themselves In the sec-:::'.:.rnvatm' ~1~ 1~ ond half by shutting out Orange ~erdeele J. 1a o.o and holding the Panthers to just ~ VatdaQ• , ~~ J.~ 54 yards rushing. ~~= loel 3;~ 6-~ However, the Orange running Time of .--ion 28 33 19 27 back tandem of Justin Jones and •Punt returne. lnte<cept10n1. fumble returne Daniel Olairez proved to be too much for the Eagles. Chairez "When you win one game in gained 175 yards and scored the past two years. il's really hard three touchdowns on just six car-to get that winning attitude go· ries, while Jones bad 151 ~ lng and It's still hard," Fertig said. and two touchdowns on 13 "But there has been progress. My rushes. lclds, they'll be all right." The dangerous duo helped the . Estanda's offense crossed mid· The Falcons used the draw eftl. c!ently to amass 226 yards rush- ing on 44 ca:niea. Sophomore ta1Jback Carlos Velasquez Jed the way with 109 yards on 14 carries with touchdown runs or 18 and 26, the latter com.Ing on the first play from scrimmage in the fowth quarter. The PAT by Craig Costa Mesa's Qualic Vargas (25) breaks away from the diving James gave the Falcons a 21-7 tackle of Westminster's Jonathan Nguyen as he picks up yards. Wm-Le, 7-12·1, 207. 2 TO.. CM-Wilklnaon, S.14-1, 81, 1 TO, Gonzalez, 1-1-0, 39. INOMDUAl RECEMNG Panthers achieve their yards· per· field just twice during the game, game average and points-per-the laner toward the end of the game average by halftime. third quarter when the F.agles Orange enlered the game, aver-drove for 40 yards to reach !he aging 285.6 yards per game and Orange 35. But they gave the ball bad 390 before the half, and the up on downs. Fertig had a simple Panthers had been averaging explanation for his offense's 37.6 points per game and had 48. woes. lead. Veluqu~ was the confer- ence's second leading rusher MESA coming into the game, averaging 121 yards. Continued from B 1 Coast sophomore quarterback Kellb Higa completed 20 or 30 passes for a seaaon-hlgb 242 landed, but controversy rose on yards, but threw three lntertep· a potential offensive interference dons, the last call, which did not come. 'It is coming on Instead, the Uons were out of frustrating, thlrd-and-10 danger and responded on the b h , , at the c:mt· next play w1th a 35-yard scoring ut t ere tsn t tos' 31-yard burst from Carlos Brook& to put anything I line with one the game out of reach, 20-6, with can do about minute. 30 4:41 left. • seconds to go -rhey're a big play team and 1t now. I give in the game. they did that ton.18ht." said Per· credit to [the Hl.ga'a pus kins. "We stopped them, and Falcons]. went_~~ then ... " a 1a;c1V11:1 • Costa Mesa falls to 5-4, 2-3, They have hands and and ls still in the hWlt for an at· good right to cor-large berth. But It most llkety coaching and nerback Eric must find It• way to the playoffs good Frlenon. through a maze of other con- ' , Earlier in tenders such u Callf omia High, P ayera. the quarter FJ Rancho and La Serna. Keib Hfc•, OCC Hl.ga led Mesa strugled in the first half QUartefback Cout to the aa the offense wu atacked up at Cmitoa' 7 the line of saimr:nlge. The Mus· with a 38-tangs" netted Just 24 yards on the yard completion down the west ground and had but one ftrst lldellne to Aaron Lowe. who Jed down, a 39-yard pus from up- all rec:ctvera with five catches foe back Gery Gonzalez to Jorge Qui· 78 yards. But a anap at Hl.ga'a feet roz on a punting situation. led to a tumble and the Falcons Westminater, meanwhile, con- recoYeted. uoUed the clock. but bad-to set· •it la frustratlnl-but tbtn l.sn't tJe for a 7-0 halftUne lead with an anythlng J can do about It~· • 87-yard owth. It WU tridered Higa u1d. "I pe credit to (the Palcona). They have good cotcb- lna and good pla~" Cout'• defenae, rated 12th ln the state com.Ing 1n. was on the field for Just more than 19 or the llnal 30 minutea. and failed to reailter a aeck on the Palcoo.a' MJchriel ~ who completed 13of19 pa.a for 139 ywdl and no tntercepdons. 1be Fak:ont didn't commit a turnover. OOC ded the pme at 7 ln the aecond quarter wbeD tailback <luia Vega ran off Che left guard fOt I 4-yltd tOUcbdown. Higa compleced • 33-yatd pl8' to Jua· dn Hwnllon the pmloul play to -up the acore; tbnalon causbt three ~ for 71 yanla. Hip aleo found Brian Johneon ftw tfmel for 32 yank But Cenitot ~ Cout'I onJyacorawttha '3·~ 71-ya:rd ddYe tbit cOnlumed S!.30 and ended In a 7 -yard TD bt D1i1Nt1 Obon on I dntw up b ndddJe. ' by a 22-yard pass from Le to Al· fred Tau to the Mesa 34 and capped on the next· snap when Le wen1 deep to Tautua. who caugh1 the ball in traffic deep ln theendwne. Wm -Teutua, 3-159, 2 TDs; Tau, 2-32; Delahou11aye, 2-16. CM -Quiroz, 3-81; Waldron, 3-39, 1 TD. GAME STATISTICS Wlth ftve stralght losses, the "You lose two of your tacJcJes, P.aglea have also lost their flair It's really hard to pro1ect your and novelty !hey owned when quarterback.• he said. MWe have On Wesun.inste(s first series. whJch go1 as deep as the Mesa 9- yard line, the Uons were turned back when Junior Epenesa broke through to block a 31-yard fteld- they won three of their first four too many injuries. I looked games. However, Fertig remains around for another lineman 10 Wm ~ satisfied as to what F.stancia has get out there and there was no n.1~ 37 n& achieWd overall. thus far. one there." goal attempt 207 • 120 . 7·12·1 8-18-1 3& • 1 ·2 , ... 37$ ™ 3-3110 W 17 2.() 1.() NO :t-22 23 2S 2~ 31 The Uons struck on their sec- ond series of the third quarter when Le hit Tautua 10 yards ""'nc rwtume, lnc.-ptlonl, tumble,....,,.,,. deep and the latter split a pair of Mesa defenders and raced 10 the end zone to complete the 63· yard tc0ring play. run. The Mustanp responded with Perldn.s would no1 comment an-yard drive, helped along by on the non-call, but It seemed four major penalties again.st evident to most, fate was not Westminster, netting 55 yards. kind to the Mustanp. Mesa capped Lt with Wllldnson's Mesa's only other scortng pass to Waldron, who caught the threat came in the first quarter ball at the 10 and raced in to when Waldron intercepted and complete the 20-yard aooring returned the ball 9 yards to the play. Westmhuter 29. With 6:40 left, there was plenty · A major penalty took the Mus- of time for th1np lo happen. tangs oul of reach and they And with the defmte. led by wound up punting. Quiroz and Viugas on We5t:ml.n· Omar Ruiz was Costa Mesa's ster's ensuing serle • Mesa's sJde-workhorse, munching out 66 line turned into a whfrlwind. yards on 18 carries. only to aee It all come apart on Brooks was Westminster's that fateful, thlrd·and· 11 deep punch on the ground, netting p&5S to ~ up the final scoring 108 yards on 2D carries. Costa Mesa's Jeff Waldron (36), right, looks for room to run as Westminster's Mike BreMer gets ready to make th;r- play. COLLEGE BASKETBALL occ·women open with wip Defending state champions start 2003-04 season with win over L.A. Valley. Sophomore center Alisa Carrillo llCOred 22 points and sophomore au.a.rd Amy Shaw added 12 pofuts and three aa· atsu u the defending state champion Orange Coast Col· lege women's basbtba1J team opened the seuon with a 60· 44 victory over LA Valley on Friday In the ftrat round of the Mount San Antonio C.Ollege tournament Jetllca Owlet chi~ in with three ..... and six pointl for OCC wbk:h plays the wtnner ot Mt. SACSOUth· western at 7 .p.m. tonlgbt. Vanguard falls to host in Utah.tournament The Vanguard University men's team lost to tourna- ment boat Westminster, 79-71, Friday night at Payne Gymna· stwn In Salt Lake City, where the Uons (l-1) will face Mon· tana Western at 4 p.m. today In their final contMt. Ad.am tuatt led Wesun.inster with 20 points, four assislS and two steals, whlle VU's Brlan ICim led all scorers with 21 points. Leon Rosborough added 16 polnta and two bfocked ahota fort.MUona : ~ Horace Wonnely had• 13 points. three assists and. two steals. ........ towNmerlt Saturday, November 8, 2003 85 HIGH SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY Newp~rt Harbor boys edge Wolverines Tars finish third, surging past Aliso by one point; Harbor girls take second at league finals. SteveVlr1en DailyPil<U • ORANGE -There are no buzzer-beaters ln cross country. no last-second touchdowns. But what the Newport Harbor HJgh boys aoss country team accom- plished at the Sea View League finals I:riday was quite dra· matic. The Sailors knew they had to finish ahead of Aliso Niguel to grab third place In the league standings ahd automaticaDy qualify for the OF Southern Section Division a preliminar- les. They did '° by one poinL Sophomore Adam Mayfield wasn't the Sailors' top finisher. but he proved to be the differ- ence-maker, i'asslng two Aliso Niguel runners aver the last half mile. That helped Newport edge Aliso Niguel, 74·75, to finish third and automatically advance to the ClF Division U prelims Nov. 15 at Mt. San Antonlo Col· lege. 1be Newpon gbta team allo 14:451 o aecOnda futeJ' than che advaooed. GnJshing eecot>d to MCODd-place ftnJaber. Woodbridge and ~ led by PoothlD won the Sea View eenlor Lauren Paul. who fin· League boys tide because lta isbed fourth (17:56), and aopho-llxth rwuter ftnlsb.ed three spota more Whitney Blue, who ftn. hiaber than Laguna Hllla' lixlh. lahed fifth (18:01). u both learnt were tied, 56-56. Running ln just her eeoond 1n addition to Rabstraw'I race of the season becau8e of petformance, the Sailor1 wen1 foot · and blp lnJurtes. junior • ~le to ftnlah third because of Courtney Marab.all allo contrfb· jui)jor Nick St Andre, who lln- uted to the Sa.flora' team per· labed 11th (16:15) and senior formance, by ftn.l.sbJ.ng 10th Nick Miller, who llnlabed 14th (18:38). (16:26). Mayfteld ftnJ.shed 19th "The biggest thing for us wu (16:41), whUe senior Martin Ber· how well Adam Mayfield did," o.ard (26th lo 16:56), aenior Mike said Nowell Kay, the Newport Donald (29th lo 17:16) and }Wl· boys coach. -ibat was just de· lor c.ameron Mac1Juen (30th lo sire (shown in paaing the rwo 17:18) also contributed. Aliso runners with a half mUe On the glrls Bide, Woodbridge remaini.ng). He's really comped· won the Sea View League tide, dve in races. He's just been the as the Warrio11 bad a 1·2·3 fin. biggest._ most pleasant surprise lsh. led by sophomore Jesse for us. I was proud of him." Babcock (17:42). Paul said the ICay was ba.sk:aIJy pleased Sailon1 did their beet In trying to with all his nmners, and he re-defeat Woodbridge. so to help mains hopeful that they can ad· them perform at their best. vance to the OF finals. With Newport girls roach Eric sophomore Kenny Rakestraw 1Welt was impressed wiai his aboard. the Sailors definitely team's race, but has al5o carried have a chance to achieve their the same reaction for his gi.rla goal. off the course. Rakestraw led the Sailors with "This Is -from top to bottom a fourth-place fin.I.sh (15:31). -the best bunch of young la· Woodbridge senior Michael dies to be around," TWeit said. Haddan won the race, his third "As far as overall teams go, chJs straight Sea View League title, In is one of the best groups we've SCORE BY QUAR'TtRS Newport Harbor 0 3 9 6 · 18 Lllgun11 Hiiie 7 7 0 0 -14 LH • Suvlr1n 17 peu from Lamkin (PrllUH kldt), 5:08. SECOND QUARTER NH • C.mpo1 25 FG, 3:62. LH • Suvlren 30 peu from Lemlcin (Pr11u1e klctc), 0:29. TtlRD QUARTER had all-time. They just listen real well and they are great peo· ple." Next year. Newport will only lose Paul, who will graduate next spring. so TWelt knows he has much of the same group back next season. "I'm really excltedifor the fu· CORONA Continued from Bl was intercepted to seaJ a 26·21 Thsoro victory ln front of a ca- pacity crowd on the litans cam· pus. "Mistakes lcilled us," Sea Kings Coach Dick Freeman said. "You can't do that against a good fool· ball team." The loss, which came in spite of nearly 400 yards of offense. puts Corona del Mar (5-4, 2-2 in Pacific Coast League play) In a must-win situation In next week's regular season finale against University. A victory would earn tureJ," TWeit said. Freshman Lauren Maddox finJshed 17th (19: I I), junior Cahlln Mal followed In 20th (19:24), while freshman Lily Dlerlc.es (26th In 19:57) and freshman Taylor Bryson (38th in 21 :09) also pleased their coach and provided great promise for .. On their third possession of the game, after a 16-yard punt re1um by Shane Collins put them In excellent lield position. the Sea Kings drove Lo the Tesoro 17 · yard line, but rumed the ball over on downs. Driving late In the third quar- ter, Corona del Mar had marched into Thsoro territory, but a furn. bled center exchanged resulted In no gain on third-and-5 and it was forced to punt. After Tesoro tied the score. 2 I· 2 I, with 11 :54 remaining, the Sea Kings fumbled on their first play of the ensuing drive. Corona del Mar's defense pre· vented Tesoro from scoring, just like It did on the Titans' final drive of regu-FU PHOTO /OM.Y PILOT Newport Harbor 's Taylor Young (23) is congratulated by teammate Nick Watkins after a touchdown last week against Aliso Niguel. NH • Safety, punt 1nep fumbled out of end zone, 7:58. NH • link 13 pe11 from Jecbon (C.mpoe kldll. 4:08. the Sea Kings third place and an auto· matic entry into the ClF Southern Section Divi- sion IX play· offs. 'Mistakes killed lation. But the missed opportunities NEWPORT Continued from Bl rolled out of the end zone for a Newport Harl>or safety, pulling the Tars within 14·5 with 7:56 left in the third quarter. The visitors went 55 yards on eight plays with the ensuing free kick. with Spencer Unk fielding a 13·yard touchdown pass from Tom Jackson with 4:08 left in the third. Campos' conversion kick made It 1.4·12 Laguna Hill& Laguna Hills. also facing play· off elimination with a loss, then drove to the SaJJors' I 0, before eventually mL'lSlng a 28-yard field-goal try. "Mle hosts, how· ever, re<:overed a Newport furn. ble two plays later at the Sailors' 7-yard line, needing a score to widen its lead. Instead, Newport's defense. keyed by junior outside line· backer Tuyior Young who was In on three stops. including a fourth-and-goal stuff along with end Peter Hoyt and fellow 'back· er lrevor Theriot, helped keep the Sailors alive. Tuking over at Its own I with 7:38 left, the Sailors went the dis· tance, on 12 plays. to snatch vie· tory and vindicate Brinkley's halftime plea. "He tpld us about all the play· ers who have played at Newport In the past and all the hard work and accompllshmenta they'd achieved," Young recalled of the halftlme speech. "It was very motivational.• Motivation, even mystique, seemed to come Into play on the winning drive. which was ldck· started when Laguna Hills roughed Campos as be tried to punt from his end zone. giving the Sailors a first down. Jackson. a sophomore making hia second start after junior Ka· sey Peters went down for the season with a broken collarbone. then hit Unk on a sideline streak for 36 yards to the Hawb' 42. 1Wo plays and rwo procedure penalties then brought up third· and· 16, but Jackson calmly Wpped to Unit at the l.Jlguna Hills 38. Unk sidestepped one tackler, ran through another and pulled another beyond the first· down marker to the 25 with around four minutes left. A holding penalty forced more Jack.son heroics, which he pro· vlded by hitting fellow sopho· more James Coder on a 22-yard post for a first down at the 12. Senior tailback Man Endniu, who found tough going all night (20 carries for a aea.soo-low 51 yards. well below his average of I 34 per game) then bounced around the right aide to the 3. Jackson then rolled right on a bootleg and, well. ~·s what he saw. "The booty was a designed pass,• Jackson said. "No one wu open. so I just turned on the jeta and dove for the pylon.• Jacbon outraced a defender to the end zone for the lead. whJch stayed at four points when a conversion pass came up abort Newport's defense then held, with Theriot snuffing a potential hook and la~y for a I ·yard gain on fourth-and-14, and Jack· son ran out the ftnal 56 aeconda FOURnt QUARTER NH JllCbon 3 run (peu felled). 1:49. A -2,200 (Mtlmated) Tesoro (7-2, 4--0) will play for the league cham- pionship against us. You can't do that against a good footba I I team.' hurt what was other- wise a splen- did perfonn· ance by the Sea Kings' of· fense, which was playing without run· NH· Encinias. 20-61; Theriot, 2·21, Jedclon, &-17. 1 TO; Unk. HI. LH • Mak1kauf11cl, 1&-55; A. Cheng, 6-H5; Corley, 2-8; Lamkin, 8-mlnus-7 Dick Freeman, Corona del Mar footbaU coach mng back Wess ~- INDMDUAl PA$5'HG NH · Jlldclon, 9-18 1. 138, 1 TO LH Lamkin, 16-26--0, 180, 2 TOs. INDMDUAl. RECEMNG NH • Link, 6-99, 1 TO; Coder, 1-22; Erlcbon, 1·9; M iner, 1-8. LH • Suvlran, 4-71, 2 TO; Walsh. 3-38; Co!Wy, 3-20; 0 . Cheng, 2-8; Ur1at, 2-6; Wllllema, 1-1; M11kak.11uf1kl, 1-mlnua-1 Northwood, but the Titans were luclcy to e~· cape with a victory against Co· rona del Mar. The ~ Kings turned the balJ over five times and whUe the in· terception in overtime ended the game, a much costlier miscue came when a fumbled center ex· change by CdM was recovered by Tesoro's Ouis Penhall at the litans' 5-yard line with 3:41 re· maining and the score tied. 21 21. Corona del Mar had driven 69 GAME STATISTICS NH lH yards, chewing up more than six A,.. dottot9w 12 11 minutes of the dock. It had re· ~= v;: ";: ceived big third down plays .....,,. •1•1 1•2" when quarterback Tum Welch H.cnllUmyllfdl• 7 M bled I 7 .,...,A., .....,..,delle 1-1• ._17 scram aor 1 , ... ""' on a N91vlltde0e 212 * thlrd-and-12 and later lofted a ""'* 3-50 7 3-33 ~fumtilee io.. 2-1 1-0 perfect paM to twin brother ~ ~ ~ ri~ Kevin for a 24-yard gain on third· •"""',..._Int«~ 1umb1. """'"-and-23. "" from the Sailors' victory fonna· don. • "lb.at second half was a great effort," Brlnk:ley aald. "We made the_playa on offense, our defense really got going and Campos' (59-yardJ punt was huge. This was a must win.· But the fumble prevented the Sea King from retaking the lead In a game that they had never trailed. It wasn't the only lost opportu nlty for Corona del Mar. After Mordy Omguz.e recov- ered a fumble on the opening kickoff, the Sea Kings lost a furn. ble on thlrd·and-3 on the Titans' 15-yard line. Injury. son who is out with a leg "Our offensive line did a heck of a job," Freeman said. That was particularly evidenl on the opening drive of the sec· ond half. when the Sea Kings ran seven consecutive running plays, marchinR 66 yards before Austin Brawner scored on a I ·yard run to put Corona del Mar up, 21·I4 Brawner led the Sea Kings with 128 yards on 22 carriec;. Seven of those carries went for more than 10 yards. but none were more than 19. Tom Welch. who added 49 yards rushing. passed fo r 180 yards. including two 1ouch· downs to his rwin brother. The first of those was the longest scoring pass play in Corona del Mar history. a 92-yarder thal put the Sea Keings ahead, 7-0. But every time the Sea Kings scored, Thsoro had an answer. When the Tilans finally took their first lead, In overtime, after an I I ·yard strike from Niclc Nel· son to Erik I lamren, Corona del Mar couldn't come up with Its own retort. The Sea Kings gained four yards on an end around to Kevin Welch on their first play of the --...J>.~ ................ _tiioil' ............... 11111 .................................... _ ..... -.......... ~ ............ -.... ·-·--·-· ... ·-·~·---............................ .;.,.~ .................. _.....;; __ ..:.;,.~------- Newport Harbor sophomore 'Mlltney Blue, running in earlier competition in the Orange County Championships, finished frfth overall Friday in the Sea View League finals at Irvine Park in 18:01. nu PHOTO / DAILY Pit.OT the future. The Sailors appear to be dos- ing the gap between Wood· bridge and the Sea View League's second-place team, and might actually coniend with the Warriors ncxl year. "I like our chances," ·rweit said . SCORE BY PERIODS Corona del Mer 7 7 7 O O 21 Tesoro O 14 O 7 7 28 ARST QUARTtR CdM K. Welch 92 pan from T Welch (Del Fante k1ctcl. 3·40 SECOND QUARTER Tes -Nel.on 3 run (McOuoen kiclcl. 6 16. CdM K. Wolcil 14 pa11 from T Welch (Del Fento klclcl, 2.44 TM -McKnight 40 PHI from Nelson tMcOueen klclc), 1·1J. THIRD .QUARTER CdM -Brawner 1 run (Del Fente kick), 9:26 FOURTH QUARTER -r. -McKnight 8 pau from Nelson (McO.uoen klck), 11 ·64 OVERTIME r. -Hamren 11 peas from Nelson (McOueen kldtl A -4.000 lest1m1tod) INDMOUAL RUSHING CdM -8r11wner, 22 128, 1 TO, T Welch, 12 49. Crowley, 9 26; K. Welch, 2·7. -r. Catalano, 22 131, Handa, 12-68; Nelson, 1 3. • INDMDUAL. PASSING CdM -t Welch, 6 12-2, 180, 2 TDa TM . Nnl11on 18 33 2, 213, 3 TDs INDMOUAL RECEMNG CdM -K. Welch, 5 164, 2 TDs, Lance. 1 16 Tee -McKnight, 8-129, 2 TOs. Mrtchell. 540. Hamren, J 27. 1 TD. Catalano, 1 10, Hand11. 1 7 GAME STATISTICS For01 downo ~y~ P-ngy8t~ P-ng N9' '9N1n ylltll' s.m.y.,~ ,..,,..,.,. Puni. """'°'" lumble9 lotll A-net yetdeg41 T""" ol -'°" CdM -17 " 43-217 )!,. ,., ,., 213 S.12 ' 1~33-2 20 19 p ~ •10 414 3JOI 4-:Ml 4-l I I 7~ 7411 2SOll 21 !11 overtime possession. but the In· terceptlon came on second· and-6 from the Tesoro 21 ·yard line. Sean a.Jcagnie made the l~terceptlon Inside the 10-yard line. , • .. ,blU,, ~ 8, 2003 Newport Harbor's Emily Turner spikes the ball in front of a Back Bay crowd in Friday's game against Corona del Mar at Newport. GIRLS TENNIS / VOLLEYBALL :f:~ ~tinued Its momentum in Continued from B 1 Newport Harbor Coach Dan Glenn, whose team is ranJced No. 2 In CIF Southern Section Divi- sion 11-M. "In the first game, they came out and kicked our buns. We were ready. We just got beat. They outdug us, outserved us and outhustled us. But we dldn't panic and then we got in a groove. SenJor Kellie King's sustained stints at the ln the fourth, however, CdM rallied from an 18-14 deficit to tie the game and It remained dead- locked on five more occasions, the last coming at 22-22 when Jennings dellvered the goods on a King set Newport junior Kiley Hail followed with a kill on Jen- nings' set to give the hosts a 23- 22 lead, then a CdM spike into the net ·provided the Tars with a two-point cushion. A net violation oo Harl:>Or made ii a one-point game again. before Je~' final lcilJ avwned service Une lg- nJted the Har- bor auack with energy. 'This m atch is like a playoff another chap- ter In the long match. We had a good and storied ri- Glenn said, while faryn Tumul7.er ( 11 kills) provlded many key blows. King c rowd tonight and it was playoff atmosphere. It a lways is when you play Corona [del Mar).' valry. Lauren Miller (eight kills, three aces), f.mily Turner (seven and Jennings each had 23 BSlii.sts for the Sailors, who Dan GleM, Newport Harbor girls kills), Hall volleyball coach (seven) and will likely open the CIF playoffs next week as a No. 2 seed follow- ing the release of Sunday's pair· lngs. "Thii. match is hke a playoff match." ..Wd Glenn. "We had a good crowd tonight and it was playoff almosphere It always ts when you play Corona fdel Marl. Nobody digs hall., like they do. and I think that will help us later on m the playoffs • The Sea Klnw-. ranJced second In CIF Division Ill A. came out fired up on the heels ofThu.r;day night's se1back against North· wood In the Pacific Coast League title match. then Newport found another gear in the second game Alexis Kerns (three aces) lifted Sea View League champion Newport on several plays. while I lannah Undquist's i.erving sparked the Tars. They also re- ceived contributions from Eliza- beth Oayton, Bryana Carey, Stephanie Trinen, Holland Osadche and I ladley Burnham. Jordan Smith led the Sea Kings with 12 ldlb, while Breanne Od- gen, Lauren Snell, Lindsey En- sign. Ashley Rill and Victoria Rice accounted for many of the CdM highlights. "'fhis wru. a great way to end the regular season and it helps us get ready for the Clf playoffs," Glenn said. SMITH Continued from B 1 Dunlap, Adams win Sea View doubles offense. She's been hitting the ball much harder this season. She Is one of the top dlggers in (CIF Southern Section Division lll·AI and just one of the best players In our dMslon." Newport Harbor tandem upsets teammates in league title match on Friday in Irvine. Un<ittded Vana<>a Dunlap ana Khoury. 6-0. 6-1. Friday to and Ronnie Adams upset top-clalm the Sea View League dou· <;eedC'd Newport Harbor High bles championship at Heritage teammates A.J Olson and Di· Park In Irvine. YOUTH SPORTS Dunlap and Adams. both sen- iors. advanced to the title match by defeating a team from Laguna Hills, 6-0, 6· I, in one semifinal. Olson and Khoury, also sen- iors, earned a 6-0, 6-I semifinal triumph over a team from Foot- hill. CdM under-I I boys soccer team shuts out all nine opponents en route to its 9-0 record Qark Cashion ran his shutout creak to a divi Ion record nine games to lead the Corona del Mar Select under· 11 boys soccer team 10 a 6-0 vlctory over Costa Mesa In AYSO Region 57 action Nov. I. Mc:k CUrd paced the offerue with two goal while Hector Marino headed a ball into the net from a Maton Cue comer kick:. Bren.nan Andenon'I cro Ing pass round Tlylor Roa. who capf tallzed wt th a goal Crom 20 yardJ OUL Jer»en Rh1ndwt and Wll Morrow rounded out the or1ng. both on ~ sl11ts t'rOm JQeU Woaer. 90als In the nrst period and held off o late OillJ Pepper rally to cl.aim the victory. Paulina Le9cb scored two goals while Caroline Grant added another for the Peppers. Skylar Dllpp ted on Inch'• flrat goal Leach's second goaJ came on a rebound after a shot by Jenna Johnlon. Olloe Dllpp and Jenna P\.aNten led the offense whOe Rachel c.hlon and Lexte Shaw anchored the defense. NHBA signups Tuesday • MSBMLL: Newport lnformatlon. CMNLL signups online • MSBllAU.: OoJJne reglstratJon ls available for the first time for the 2004 Costa Mesa NatJona'\ UttJe League aeason. Slgnups can be made by accessing www.cmnll.org. P.atly registratJon, wbJch Ls $75 per player ($195 maximum per family), conUnues until Nov. 28. After that date, the fee increases to $85. The T·ball fee ls $65. Much of SmJth's piwing has come from her digs. Her ability to find the right spot before the ball Is hit by the opponent has been beneficial for the Sea Kings. Smith developed more strength over the past off·8eb.son and has sometimes been impo ing wblle gaining ldlls on the outside, and providing momentum for her teammates. It's hard to tell wbJch the enjoys most the kill or the dJg. If she had her choice tr she could have a key ldJI or an important dlg. Smith wouldn't think twi~. "I think a dig ls better," SmJth aa.ld. "lt'a better for the team because it contributes to the set and to the hJt Diga have always been more relevant to me than hJttlng.. When Smith wu 10 yeara oJd PlUG IN PHOTOS BY MARK Cf,PIJSTIN I DAILY PILOT Above, Newport Harbor players celebrate after.winning their second game of the match against Corona del Mar. Left photo, Corona del Mar's Lauren Snell, left, blocks the spike attempt of Newport Harbor's Alyson Jennings, right. she started to play voUeybal.I. She used to play basketball. but saw the fun her older sister was having and decided to take up the sport, too. The game eventually grew on her and she grew Into a fanatic for the sport. "When I'm not playing it. I mlss it.· she said. "It's become a part of me." SI.nee her freshman season, Smith has been playing club volleyball and the extra time put into the port has helped her gain experience and she also created a constant desire to do better than the previous day. But volleyball and traJning Is not always great "There are sometimes when It gets really hard, but It always evens out," Smith said. "Sometimes you'll miss It and sometimes you'll hate It Oub volleyball keeps me focused. It has taught me a 1ol about respomlbillty and time manllfement It keeps you on track. \tllleyball hu mo helped her maintain a do&encss with her older sister, who Smith Joob up to. "She always has hope during MJ-Ove,Newport Harbor's Alyson Jennings registers a kill. Left photo, the Sailors' Lauren Miller, left, watches her spike fly past the block of - Corona del Mar's Victona Rice in Friday's match. hard dmes. • Smith said. "She had some trou9es at Mater Dei (before tr~sfen1ng to CdMI, but she never gave up and she fought to get into UCLA.• Smith said she has aJso been inspired by Andrea Collins, a former Mater Del setter who dJed of cancer two montht ago. When Smith waa a &e.hman she played with Collins in club volleybalJ. ,_.. Gorab, Bmlt Gny and Wolker covered th cntJre Oeld to h Ip CdM lmprove to 9·0. I l&tbor Ba.seball Anex:latJon will hold It• OnaJ slanupa for the 2004 uon from 5 to 9 p.m. Tuelday In tho F.n lgn School caleterla. The league strvea boys and girls agea 5· 12 who Uve ln the area roughly bounded by tho Santa Ana River, MacArthu1 Boulevard, Fatrvlew Road, Harbor BouleVard, along with I Sth and 16th Strt(ta. Play beglnt ln March. PbJ mo~~· met out v.tlat's going 00 Wl yotJI dfy, Daily Pilot pm, dlurches, sdlools, entertainment and sports. Read the.:. In girt5 under 10 action; •Qu n ~ 7. Red Hot OUU p p~r13: The Queen 8Ha scored three ' Players agea 5 to 14f are •ncourqed to rqlater. 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No RUIOl Phy\letl Tht1 •PY, Inc John R Hotuly, Ptnldeul Thrs st1temen1 wn 1""4 with th• County Clerll of Oran&• Cwnly Oii IOnt/03 t00Ht6U'• 0111)1 Pl.IOI Nov I •• I!), 22,l!OOJ S149'> ........... "-*'-' rlH1 fo1Jow1n1 pet "'n~ .,. cio.,,. b"""'" e\ £DB INSPECTION, 1111 Bro•dw•y. Co•I• Mn• CA92627 [dw11 d Dold ftl•r11 u, 161 Br111dway, . C:o,la Mn•. CA9262/ This businon " ~on dueled b1 •11 1ndMdu•I ttawe you .1111 led du11111 bus1111ny•t' Yet. 9/16,/01 fdward ll..wrd Ultnco Th11 statement was hltd wrlll Ur~ Coun r Cltrk eif Or~1111t Couol~ 01110/06/01 200H .. Ot7t D•1l1 f'1lot Nov l. I . l!> 22. 2003 St4!11 Se your unwanted Items the eHywayl Place a Clonlfled ad today I 9 642-5678 ---Deadlines--~ CLASSIFIEAD· -ii Monday ...................... F-nday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00p111 By Phone• Wedne:-.day. .. ........ Tuc,duy 5 :OOp111 By Mail/In Person: Thur.day ....... Wcdnc:-.day 5.00p111 By Fax (949) 631-6594 t l'IU\C 111cll><k )OOt NlmC' anJ f'llo-ouml><r and ... r U '•II >"" t>.w k "'"" • f'JllC \jU•~C I (949) b42·5678 If ours 330 We\I Bay Street Co,ta Mc~a. CA 92627 Al Newpon Blvd. & R.iy SI Fnday .................... Thursday ') OOp111 Saturday ..................... Friday H>Opm Telephoo~ 8 'Oam·5:00pn1 Monday·Fnday Wal~ In X 30am-'i.Cl0pm Monday-Friday Sunday.. . ................. h1day ):OOpm matANDISE [({bl •sw 3010-3940 l ESTATE 1llit I RSAU soos-saso General 1489 Announcements 1610 t..f l~ [bo!l ~ sliver watdl 111 Cos~ ~ 0# Newport Bea<ll llle.t Rewlrd 949 548 3638 1510 DUCK SlASON p,.1,,. •• 0-k Hwttlng Cl..t. •PP'O• l/lu hom Newport Beach C ttel lent hunhnc •d1•~enl lo i tate waterfowl relu2e OWMrsh1p 1nle<ft~I' ~ppro& JlS •Cre• ol l•nO & 1rnp1ov~menl\ • your own ump 'ompound w/sltuclu1e and 2 trailers Wonderful F11 nr&hl BBQ'• & wrnt I ailln& durrnc duLk Sfllit!l'On .. many tt• It A\I ldul 101 2 hre11d\ or lather & \On C•ll Mike al 310 541 08S4 Index IWESTAR lllJALS Fumlture 3435 CHERIY SlllGlt llD ~wood. llldlld -ll tllU mAI n-.M" W.•lh sao sac 0J 949 H;fJ'IJ7 While h••n flclhnr Red W/llCW m1ll1~•,\ 1970 &"I• Sltnar ay bolh rn x lnl Lond 949 646 '>()',4 3480 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coo•I Ceh• N .... • Old Curn'' C.old \llWU jt'welry. w1tcht-\ •ollQoll·\ roll~cl1blP\ 'M'l 647 9448 m 7402-7466 , ~ aoos-as10 2 BLOCKS TO llACHI 329 POtn\llllA V1nla~e COM 7b• • lien. owner bou&hl •unlhfr Sl.399.000 The Sinfo1d r.1uup 114 41 7 89'1'> EX<lUSIVI LISTING CDM DUPllX 4b1 2b• h'""" • 7bt I bd unrl S l,l /S 000 Prine only 1hr Sanlord GtOup /14 417 ll'l'>'> s-th of HW't' 30a 1 II lOO ING, APPUANCES 3050 Cats 3610 R 2 duµlc• C.r e41 011 µor•unrty 11> h11lld NPw Aiit 949 979 'Hll~ DIANI GUEHERO Oad Jose C. Cue11110 Its been 21 1HIS We need to c•t a hold ol 1ou Srbhnas look1n1 for ou 567 777 9746 ICENMORf WASHER Huvy du11 IM&t cap1t1ty 3/Hr\ old S l2S Call II 7!>1 4110 •A '"94 ,,._...Le¥ .. HOME 200+ KITTIHS. CA TS, DOCS www~k,,,R F Waori blrln4"-o Sew trum tfJt Ill C'.lWW(f( c 9t9.(,44. ?219 Spay momrm r.M hooW"' lnr lult811S 96691 m:p Costa Mesa Open Sat '2-4 lnuf'd~ -on Bkitt• 28' I 758a pvt S4MI & altlum Pool &aled comm• SJ79 900 .n woya .• An1 lrtenck FURNISHINGS of B11b11a £ derrholm/ Dogs r ettMee cau 209 7!14 OW> Fumltuf1 3435 ----'---3615 Ron YOUfll Guld C.own 714-432-7'73 TtUUsAbout YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSlflED (949) 642-5678 --------I.AB Aoslreliil<• ~wd Hlp4f,.. htot• Solo Ne...,..... lch. lrench couche, wrnab•ck chttri. love seat\. 11 b1 & dr Tommy Bah1m1 l111nl tur1 d1esden, bronLes TWtany ~ ... ~ drwtle. ~ail~·­~ MOVING MUST Slll- lllEA olflCfl iel, wf# bed. bar stools, bookc1se, endlbb. hit c1b, l11a. Balboa ~ 949 290 9190 mra. froerdy t.rn till ' wtrt. ~ ., )n old. SZ> owns mowd 114-!l>6~ llACIC STANDARD POODUS, NIJ;, ~ ~. 9 wto.1. nlille fem S2JlXl 71 .. 921 '1561 MISCEU.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE Huntington Hart>our ntllOOI Of TII 18!A6'0 MOm OPEN SUN I S 3792 Humboldt 41>< S SBA 4000Sf ,w1lh bn•I dod $2 m .ooo Jrm t<1dde< /14 454 5459111 Aal Dann Oon111tuynll 714 878 2916 TURTU ROCIC CAMPUS VllW HOADMOH lhomn 1 & 4br $549.000 S61'>.000 $674 000 Owner /-'lent 800 640·6661 Und er the Service Directory Banner · Reach 80,000 Homes Each Weck For Only $32 per week (4weck minimum) CaU Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Nwprt Helpll und~1 wr1'lr ICI< kit 48r ~. 7400<f • l • Oto II·"""" t;afl 4 inh1 t\.~ '>'ll 'Ji"I IM1 01o11'I 1•111" b•nrftl l n'\t ff"nldHllflj( oppn11t1111ly Bradr r:ou~aes 949 61/ 7 1'J/ llACH FIXER llG 2 STOIY S77S,OOO AGT949·219 2SS9 OH GRllNHlT CONDO Jbr Jbe aal•d tomm new c11pel/pa1nl Owne1/Aaen1 800 640 6661 STUDA 21 r.>Sllli.M ~ lb• d.,.n m•h I '>be J'JOO\f firer Vwlutl lour rpl()(. <om SI 610000 Ari/owner 949 6)1 OlOO Open Hou•• \di \Un 12 S 33 Renata 4b1 71/ b~ 2,784sl. Ip, Oto Vu, 1.569 .000 949 491 ?96'l MISCEl.UNEOUS RENTALS Rental To Shate 6030 A '"""-" llir lloa h1 c~. ivc. w/d. hre, n..10. d'w nu cri>VPHll deck, <Mpcrt SI 595mo '1''1919 613 ntl Balboa Peninsula Duoploa fi<, 1 bo+-eh, new appl/crpl 'pnl de~k w/b•y vl<'w QU,.I, b<11lhl/ •~y. ihe•I J.lfke Crt Im, $1650 M M/yrly. ~ll~ted ulrl/lndr y 949 933 6916 Cleon & Newt 406 Hefrolrope <r ronl Cot t~) COM lbd lb1 new krtrhen & bath Ip hrdwd tit "' LR l/t e••. Sha10!d Wit> 949 63J 0400 Completalliy remod.l•cl I br Iba unrl •••II rruw Sl250m bO'l N"'' """ Plufl 949 I?<. 8'il'i UDO ISU STUDIO I arg,. tl11vl & b·lltl '\Unny f'>i pu'\tlfft $1000tu Ail 949 I.ti'> bllil 2H 21A CONDO, Iµ lnK dw nu p~h pool art lot Sl'>OO mu Avarl Now 949 6'>0 6 / iO PenlMut. lbr lb<1 P•lro. fnepl•le. •hJtt·d w/d hkuµ~ I t••• ~di •'K~ Aul $1500/MO 949 l<)j 4b'l0 •Newport Helglth • lbd 2b•· II"' w 'd/hriL. ulrl incl $1100 mo 949 liSO 767'> 2lr ..... ·-J)Mll . •t~ '1 uw 11111.v b.'lt.y•d I/? llk>tt. In ~•• n..-•I ..., sum. ".,, <14'J 111!, ff1i 4..tl ~~i'ii_n ... >ly 7br ?b& nr Nf' 11111 rlo~e lo •llnp• & •••luar•nh 111 I r v..i• wd hkup• St8001mu 94'1 l'H 46)0 Ceay CeltOf• 71>r 1 l>o wd Avail De< I 11111 incl N1 tie.ch boty lbr I 'lb~ $1300• dep '.149 858 upper unrl I 1a1 park1n1 1254 949 215 41~2 spare y1l1 l'l• SIR'>Om Av••I Now 909 191 661 / 21>r 11•• Af>t, Sn ul llwr owcr rntl I ur K••. wd hkup\, d1ihw1. 1111 peh SI /!>Ol mo 949 Kli1 IJ'l() Brau newly rtmlld Jbr 1t1• 7 • 111 nt., hdwtl lln a• 1nrt• ch• appl'• Ip no smk patk> SJ~/ mo • dop S62 493 6126 • IAYTIIONT wmt IOAI DO()(. ··~... lhlrt .. _.., h ilJol Iv Ml w.rtt<k••ll <kk. iv• t*ilt• •U"1id UW !M'J'>IOW JOBSWAHTED Employment Wanted 8200 Ma,klnlosll • .. m1111I•• skill\ Mtthral rJlfh • N~wpnrl A•.u Ir SI J '" leave m•a 949 180 HIV ICXW9C PT Jlm1•• _., l'h.mr. lit. fM • r ~ ()aJ. b•~ '"" at,,. 1 nut fa• ,...,,.,... ID Pat 9196t'aal <J ...,.... p1t@C1lurrrlo.1n1 com STARTING Newport Beach 3905 Nl/Oc•-View R- Ocunfront/27nd, Pr 1 wale '"'· unfu•n. aha,, ba. ulll' pard. n/,mk. k1tchenelle, lndry I blk lo N1twpo<I p~r. $/lOm Call S•m 949 ?18 190!> (betwun 9am '>i!m) .b 2be \Ill"> Ill br~I wd, Ille lh , Iµ. 'l p \P'llCM. 122 44lh SI ~1!!10. l dr!cll>. pOdtet ocn .,... Winier $??00/m Ytly s:i!Bn'm 9'9 ~ ZflJ Jbr 7bt upper ltnl b1ylront unit p•11od st1le. Jrl •u I ' I" ••• $2800 949 293 4631 CiiiiiiR F /PT lie• hi\ 0MY• Mt11s t lnlhrt1K \lore In r .1h1011 l•l•nd NPB Tu •rl up .. n rnltrvlew ••II Rob Cl11rbmno 94'l 1'>9 16?7 ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Daily Pilot ' Tr~le ........ 1ou1 business star led 01 uttnded? All11ntl1we Bullneu 11 l~ M>lulloo C•ll 966 27J 7210 ,,._. Ofc kit• Appro• 681'1 .. 127311 ti $111). SI Bte ntlf Ntwpo. I ~ AWll Z137~ HOt.ESf-OA SALf ORANGE 5400 COUNTY NIWUSTINGS CONDO 3br ~den I J 5 b• front b11ncl ,,.. So of the hwy. St,•S0.000 OUPUl :lhr lb• & 2bf 2b1 Corner No of hw1 Sl.•50,000 Own•r/Aa•nl 800 6.-o 6641 SAT-SUN 1-4 0.~AVf. Nl'WPClll 1-.m Remod 2bf Iba houst.onlclot w/lbr lbt HP IUHI houu Ip, I& yardt G11 $909,000 t4t-H0..0712 T__.,•y 211W t'"' In pociulff N41wporl Shortt art1 Ntwly P•lllttd & utpeled, lt rnailtt, 2 dttka St29.900 Call Judy Mutl I lull• Schmltsln• •I Anchm PrOj)tfll«• 949 7'10 3900 Newpert s._, .. R .. rn m 481 Hou" Sh111 bath, no/l)eVc-AP W•• lo betcll, nlCt ., .. S!>r.im + $400 de!> ' 1/4 """ Cttl 949 SCX)..99(XI NPl/CM nice qulel Jbr 2ba home. P<OI fem. N/S 1 ml lo bNch ltund Plf~'"I Awlil I? I '800• 1n uhf 949 331 3311 Rooms for Rent 6040 ... on lllllnd ~ pvt .. lbr w~ ....... -~~no RESIOENlW. RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Best.place In Ille world to 1dw1rtlUI Cell today to place ,,,,, ad Clllllfletl 142·5178 ., CostaMm S"'41o Apt., lurn'd. nr I rl Sq, ro11. quiet, Id ~ m., "' ..... r\fpel ~ 9f.}642 2818 llr SUO/-I mrlt to be..c:h wllll c:eiK. \IOYe, lrtt. cell 1.., & more 112 E 1MhSt949-~1U1 Me,le Aptsl lovely Cahd Comm near T rranele S11u11 a. Zbt I b• w/111 & 1111. $109!>, I b1 lb1 w/pallo. cerporl, \IOr11e 911!1 ldtl, nl'll pt_ld. l(l•V> ~ 817·10M6411 hi 9200 I Uff OWNH .,.,roa 24-00sl 11110 E Plan, up111dtd, ••pandtd $289!> Owner 949 632 ~ ..... p/l '--1 ..... SSS? 0...ny@ rt) Im<* Sl~'IY J0.15 '""" 11 .. tdd, Ill QJrl1) ~ "" ' ()jr;ti 01xA. I ap+ """"""" 96 713-0JlJ ,. Pftl~OSll DATA arrav 11 Cokl &. ~ ,......., lnnrf IWA fer riw & lwl! u~ lord ~a.re:unwlof'lll 949 642 8900 "' ..... ~ P•l@C1lorrek1np tnm .... 1 ........ ....-. .... aird>.~~ -. ......... lllnnm.c ... S2!IX) 9'&29J..46..'i> - 0 <1t y11, o .. te l>dr, DRIVERS PART-TIMI Mon Fri 011¥• nle• ta1• Lt& Jbd. 3ba, w/relre1t and l•I paid lnr 11 Cill In MB, 2 decks, 2/c 111 0111 949 862 1414 $3000/mo 949 64!> 5972 l : .. r-· -;~~AY'S l CRQSSWORP PUZZLE - PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace ~NOTIC( 0 C1ltlorn1a law re qullt\ that conhK tors takm1 1(111• that total $!>00 °' 111llfe (labor or mal If 1111) be lkenH:d by the Conll actors Stale lttenw Bo.rd Stale i.w alw 11qu11u thtt c:ontrtclors ••elude thttr k~.,,,. number °" 1111 ad¥81"'"1 YOll Lan chic!\ the 1t1tus ol your tlttnud ,onl1t c to1 111 wVlw nib r 1 1nv or 100 J11 C$l8 Untl cenHd con tr ac:lort lak1n1 1oba thet lolat 1-.~ tll1n $50Q muit •late In llltlf edvtrllMmenb tlllil the1 111 no1 t1c11ued by Ille r.ofltrl(\OfS Slet1 lkfnM lot1d • Wealthcome ~~ Granite Inc. .Ciiis.. .. .... ............. ........... ...... c..... .. ..... c. .. ...., .. ................ : Clrplntly A IHANOtMMt t11•latl, ref1ca ob 11•1• Ww~ .,,..... Oouc ~,. flO«Alils1GN'ii'25 hn • week Musi be lully upttlenced COM 949 644 14ll ,._ ..._. rec-.>tionisV Admln S9tw PT pho!W. COfnll"llf lf\Pl.ll Bl>Ckbty litMaS, Cotta Mna 949 631 SSl8 COE GINfUl OfflCI ff ~ phof-. prOQJIS ,,,,... lied DI~ fie. nwnap olftte ~. Mith. urpnlled quicll. ~ ...... ...i "-' r•t!!Cca °'"10ll s1r1l1e JOb stabMy f •• r-.me to P.C 9t9 ~ 8900 or •'""" pat @Calo11ekln11 cum MIOICAl ASST/l VN A lh!I IY Bai.. '*9 PIT. Cul&a Mi=ia. HP ptefwred F .. ,_,.,. 949 644~1 P"61trk rr.tke i. NI Miiks part 111118 R/N. LYN «MA f•1rtM11118 to94964A ~ WAalHOUSI POSl1lOff Busy company 1n H8 .-s r.... RIMdual eqi·d.,~r......._ stoctutc. inc k1f F fT pos Colr4>otl't lkih a must Se.rt ASN' f •• ,....,. & smry tflQ lu 9'19-261-0139 Bridge ~~ ... and TAHNAH HIRSCH Wlill.KLV BRIDG ()VlZ Q I · \\1t!W'llblc. • South ,• IU1J 0 K4 Otll •KltU )'OU bold: o9'()4 V A IUUJ AJ oll Tho bidlJi . has m>oecded: =~ ~ P.AST ............ ' NOmt '.Alf IQU11f WIST 10. ,_ 10 ,_ WllAI do you bid now? Jo ,_ f Whal ~ you bid aaw't Q S • 8'Wh YVIJlcnblc. U Sooth you i.ild Q l · ~JCh ~11lonhk, '"South )(11,1 bold· o AKQH ti 11 o QUJJ o11 ~llWt~~ ROOJ1l o AU llUJ ' 71 •QJ,ttl Tlla blddi1 .. ·'* ~ WJSI' N0811t MSr soum •• Jo J~ t .. . ... ·'" ' Whal ICtlOf\ ~ )'OU toke? Q 6 • ~ Sou(b. YVlncnbli. )'llU l!Okl: • Whit ICtJon do yuu ~f I Q 3 • Ncitm ~uliltrtble, n Solidi ynu holJ• oAKltU •A o KO •AltJJ • Q AKOU o 015 •J10 n. biddi.11.1 bit ~· Wt:llf MAt'nt IA.'tT .SOlmf l:'~~ WFSI' ... ... •• 3Q• lo ,_ IO 'l Whlli 11:00it do yc1111Jke? ...... 'l IMW XS 2002 S1>ort P1cka1t 2l.0001111les 949 160 93SJ Ce41Uec 'ti OeVtfte Wlwte/oallllNI lthr, low ,... belllhful ot1tNI cond lnSHlt .. out, cfw"' whb, 1349!1 S-r 949w.18118 -...-.-coav1n 1 ... err Auto, •c, all pow11, 'lft11te/red 1111er b .. u. runs 1llon1 S8600 obo 949 l 44 l324 COVllOTOllG AUOIM 'OO 811<.k w/vey l11te1 #\l0802 Discounted I MW 1211'00 Bla<.k. w/lan lntt1 •V2813 Dtw:ouni.d IMW S211e'tt Blad. l•n 111ter 4"19971 Mu.I Sell IMW S211'tl Bronll, tin Inter IV5497 Mu1I Sell IMW S211e'OO Green. tan l"ter llV06*J7 Dl1'0Unttd I MW S40l 'tt Slue, atty 1nt11 IV2111 M11slS.ll IMW 7401w 'OO Black ten 1nte1 •V9435 Dla<ounled IMW 7401e'OO Bronlz, lln mitt wmHOCn ORYWA.U. All pl\IMS 1m/lf1 IObs C\IAMI 20yn, flllr, frH a L«XmO 71«..lt-1447 BtclrtcaJServlcll SMAU JOI IX,.U Local, Quick ReoUH>nH Ho!M, YMd & Dock [lrtcl 20 'I'!-$ Cap~ Olen: lRJ5SllO 9'98 1042 I .I.(. Dectrk Low prk:a lac:lll ~. no,,._ llOo '"111. no II* eoo 1111. IWs upon,...,.... UCl().8\(UQI (714)141-1410 U<INSID (ONTUCToa HoJObtoolll\M.-w:ml R..,..,, remodfl, fens, -. ,.... ave 9&6tS-3&fl6 Rnwood j 1.' I I I ' l<;I ;, 11,\1 I 1, •' 1i 't, t I •weak What ICtlon do )'('JU tab? Look/or anJY<·u1 on Munday. C1ul811y IMW740tt'01 Sliver, V•Y IV8605 Cr11t Buy IMW740tl'tt Anlhftcll. srey 1"5063 Crtal Buy IMW 740ll'Ol Blue. p111nltr "'2843 Crut Buy IMW74on•o1 White. 1tey Inter #VJ951 01scounted IMW74011 '01 Sliver, cr•y inter 1'19942 01SCount1d IMWMl 'tl StNet blacll 1nlH llV'/:B.91 Crut Buy IMWMl'02 SiN11. crey Inter 1V3962 Mu1t Sell ••w•11so·o1 414 Red. V#7649 Must Sell .. WU '" er.ck. Ian inter •V1J09 Dtse:ounl•d JAGUAll l TYPI ' 74 11llow fY4024 Must Sell JAGUU S-fYl'l '00 Green, tan lnt1r •V7783 Creal Buy JA5UUXJ6't7 Black l•n inter •v3S48 Discounted JAGUAll XJa '00 Gr .. n, l•n Inter •1280 Crut Buy JAGUAaXJI 'ft Red. tan inter •V0859 D1Kounted JAGUAll lUI 'tt Btu. l•n inter IV194J Creal Buy LAND aov1a •0 1 4 6 8fonll. tan inter lrV8822 Musi Sett MUCIOIS CUO '02 Bluk, bl•ck Inter IV9277 GrHI Buy MUICIOIS C240 '02 Bur11ndy, cr•Y inter IVO~ 01scounted MOCIOIS Cl.11-SOO 'OJ White. bleck 1nl11 IV6783 Olscounled MIRCIOIS 1120 'O I Black, bla~k luler •'15458 Musi Sell Floaltlt1Ue LIMY..._..,_... ~ & lnstabllofl T DCAH !MU73 806~ n~114-llJ.20J1 = ~ ....... c..-C.- Sp ltrs~ ~Tr ~Tr• S.W.. Pllnt.inc s.w. & motwl ,..~fb ~Mb*' ,...,, ~~..::,""' Glrditq.. _, w/lJt mo -. lrw -.. ... ~ ...... 7l46230EI TrM .... l<t, Y1rd Cleanup, Malnle11•nc:t, S,,llllller It~ Havtinc .(t4t)• 711 ....,_ti .... ...,.,, c:twtatilft ... ~ Mill~ =::-lam, ~------·~ ll'wtlllllllllft.Ft91 .....c. ... 11 ......... .. Mlt<Dll IHO WA '01 Crten, l•n lnl11 #V4581 M11sl Se.II Ml.RClDIS •tno ·o I Bleck Ml 18 Discounted MOClOlS MIUO '01 Bl.ck, bl.ell 1nl1t IVJ.t67 Discounted MlltCIOIS SSS '02 Silver, bl.ck Inter •V.1447 CrHI Buy MlaClOIS SI SOO '00 White, tan ml1r •V0580 • Cr11IBu1 f'OttSCHI ff6 'ft Bursundy. t•n inter 1'12592 Crul Buy ~fCAUIJIA 'tt Bhle, 811Y tnlllf •V6049 Discounted PGaSCHICAaRIJIA 'tt Black, l!l•ck Inter '" 1068 Mull S.11 QUW MANGUST '01 Stlve1. bltdl mler l\IOIJ9 Mu"t S.11 VW l'ASSAT'02 'Sliver. lllY Inter •v36S5 Discounted Mt4~St1S COVllOToal& IMW740ft '01 Blue, lflY Inlet •V284l Mull S.11 IMW 740ll'OI Whit•. crey mter •V3951 Musi Sell IMW 74011 '01 Sliver. arey Inter •V9942 Mu1t Sell IMWMl'tl Silver black 111l1r •V'UJ97 Oiw:ounltd IMWMS'02 Silver, lfeY inter •V3962 OIKOUnled IMWUIS0'03 414 Red, Vl7649 Musi S.U IMW Zl'H Black tan inter ,Vll09 Cre11Buy JAGUAR I TYPI' 74 yellow •V4024 Crut Buy JAGUAll S-TYPI '00 Green, Ian 1nler 11VJ783 Musi S.11 HallllynwJ Harne ... Cf.NFDl. IDIJUI AIWNIF.NMD • Rtsidmlal * ~ o Job 1bo Small Dave Bamlltoe 949-3224292 c-... &~ C.l*ltry . ~ Ofyw1N • Stucco P1111llnt. T ... a mDft 2.0+ Yt~i.nctt •n .,,.,, ld4 ............ Y••r ll••e. Scnpt ,..._, future w.111. Carptfttty, llll • ~·1 floor"' J11 949-4li· I 20y.-.•.,.._ ............... ,,._ ntraod1n111e Locellr OW.-d I <t;•W SW. lllS U08S975 ...... JUMll TO THI tu.,111 71• 961·1112 AVAii.Mil[ 100AYI Mt en &W .... a.Ill ~ ... ., llecll, l•n int• t¥3Mt GrMl luy JA.eUAa I.It .. er-. 1111 lnl• •ll:IO • 0.-1-- JA...aa Ul 'ff ""· t ... tnttt IYOet. ' ....... JMUMaJt'ff Biiie. l•n "''" fV7M7 Ollcounted r aMIOnml LMttOVU'OI • S 8'ontz. l111 Int• fVl822 Gr1tl Dul MDCIDU C:UO 'Of 8t8Ck, blacll lnler IV9'l71 Oltcounted . aaaao11 cm '01 B11111ndy, pey lnle4 IVQJ65 Mlllt Soll MllCDll CU-IOO 'OJ Wlllte, bllldl 1n·1., IV8783 Gre11o..t MUClDIS Uto '01 Black, black Inter IVS4S8 OreetO..t MDCIOH 1120 WA '01 CrHn, tin 1nttr IV4581 Must Sett MQtClOH MIU O '01 Bl1dl fV9lll Musts.II MDCIOIS Ml120 '01 Blick, bt1ck Inter IV3467 Ola<ounted IHllQOIS SSS '02 S1tller, black Inter 1V3441 Discounted MOClOU SI SOO '00 WM•. tin lnltr 1\/0580 Crtal Dul PGaSCHlff6 'tt Bursundy, Ian lnler •V2592 Musi S.11 PoaSHI CAUDA 't• Blue, &r•Y Inter tV6049 Dti<Dllnled POl.S<Hf CAO.DIA 'tt Black, blac:ll tn ter 1VI068 Otscounled QUAU MANGUST '01 Sliver. black inter •VOl39 Musi Sell VWPASUT'02 Sliver. v•1 lnte1 1Vl6S5 Musi Sell MM~StlS ,,,,. ·•s •111••••1 Convertible. 0111in1l owner, soAd c11 . rrul 111 Sl8500 00o ge.ng.29«1 .i...., '00 Xltt c-"" black/l•n 3311 mt, new 18" factory chrome/ Ures atnl cond $41.000 obo 562 412 8801 lANO IOVH 2000 011<over1 II S07, dull moonrl1. 111r 1ump uats, heeled '"' l.c Wart 36,()()() ml, Sn,900 V289S391 Performance l TO 949 650 !>860 U.XUS SC400 't S Tra<:tlOn <:ontrol, heated 111ll. overcktn , mnrl ctwome whls, new l11es. H8k1mk:lll so11nd sys, 12 chan1e ed. Jpotler. blue/ tan h~ ml. 'tlfy clun S97SO !M9·244·3324 MHCIOIS 400C 't 2 V8. po.-, dliltn .... nw-.i, dllllc. I~ mi. sim> o11o 9&6n 1e Ni.-'ti c-ff• XI 2dr. Sspd. aold, A/C, 1m Im c:en, orlt lady owner boob, records, \Uperb cond lhrouaht, $1900 v"95672J Btu 949 581Hlll8 ·-·-'fHI····- Hoaea.MI ......a.-~., WklJ/BI wkly oE!::J. Refs Gaat ••teal 9&54M211S 9&2JS.Om Open7 Dey9 l.owfW9e 8ftnolt..,.... 8llioe 1 llt1 949-845-4645 HST MOVIU SH/Hr • S..~ All ClllH lnsincl Tl 32J.t'JM l93 32J.4»997l~ PUBLIC NOTICE Tiit C•tlf l'ubtlc u1111ti.s comm1uto11 ftq11lrt1 lhtl •" uwl J!ouuhold 1ood1 mover• rrtnl lllelr P.U.C. C• l 11umw. limo. end chtuff•w• prh1I t heir 'c ,. numbtf Ill ell •dv• · '*"""'* If yeu IMtft 1111 quHtMllls elMHll the te1a11t1 or • mover , tllno er elltufleur. call· PUIUCUTtUnlS COM .. HIOM .... ,, .... ., ...... -....... .. '9S IMW US CO#-vr Wlwte/Ttn. Auto, ro, Ntee (038191) Sll.900 '01 Mer"*'-QllSS AMt; Blk/Blll, Only 11111 milts ( 18006) $49,900 'f S M.n.J.e SLSOO C-1 R1te Rtd, Bow, Low M!les,Mu"ISe~ (107291) $26,900 '00 Mere ... S4'0 Wt loeded, Nevi, Low Miles (073231) $41 900 ·or Ml,...,.>tl lt/ltl•• Auto, AC, Low Ml, l •e New (221430) $13,900 '02 .,,..,.,.., SI~~., Ever vt11m1 (OlllOB) SI 7,900 '02 #lu-Ahlmo SI. Auto, CO, Alloy, llhr (2025!>1) $11,900 ,,,,.., .... ,uo Wt!rte/Tan, CO, Sharp (684789) Sl9,900 ..,,.,_ .. _ l..tttH Lo•ded, Musi SKfl lice (094773) Sl6,900 .,, ,..,..di. .... ,_ '-"" Sllvet, 5-sp, CO, Low miles, peat Pftc:e (623482) $23,900 ""' lwJ,.,.,., X'1 !Ok Mr, like Hew, loaded (Al8204) $2,3,900 t4M~2222 ., . ..,... ........ RND .:;-~ ICl"S CUSTOM PAINTIMO f'rort. c:IMn, qliality wo<ll lnt1tlor/e1I •nd docks. lf703468 949 400-1054 ~··'·::n TU,Q\181~,Co~ lnllf'lcw It l Ca" Jay M9 650 5066 IAMOW emu MMIT f'llfttlnt ........ t.~ Qulltt&tt:t frM estimate lf56 7 714 6J8 11111 edMllOnof ""'"~ SLWfltI ING ELECTROHIC SLA8 LlM OETtCTIOH fllendl/ Service • .. ,_. •-•104 .com -•-aumt {!4!2MS-t1St w.r:!~1.e f"lor1 IWllbl 12.000 M.TCOST '''·'" w...=r~· (Molllla 38U, lBT, llW.'8Q) 'Of ,,_ ,.,.,..,.. u UlOO Off MSRI' (Modll 4CG) ,..,,_WU'W,.. -lJOOOOffMW (Model4lC) .,,~w.-~> wwus..-$20-(Wl'OI) ... .,,.... 15.• (nll451) . "Ol~W ... 13.• 006219) wwuw.-19.1118 (aim76) .... <ic-nnwt .... inl'-MS.q"- dwplnd .. tmllbl ...... nr..,. wftill u,.ctmprv•M tlrjlhs ct. ID tur1m. dly " PIAlbllon &764-1111 5-'C...S.W. &.ANOaOVH NlWPOaT HACH 'fll--'•- 1>1-.wySU V8 Only 4 lk miles, 7 pan. duet WllfOOI ( 4225l78i'588) S17.9B5 "O llMWUSd , Premium spor1 Pkt 1Uvt1•llon System, 2811 ml (~) 129.985 '"'-"' .......... ..... (M) r nt11rbi•n•tl ( C2W40«i()/) $2'3,99!) 1'r a-y~tr .... ().ad .-b. CM>, nnf & morel (4274/1.619) 129.985 '"'-' .......... ._HSI u.ded. nni. CD. lo tri. (4154,1413716) 129,!H) 1n MW SZSI s,..t Prwnlnl ~ IPOlt ..... ( 07 Alll«J13) S2'J .!O!> ,,, ........... AllSOO Onlyl6k1111.~ ,_.,_.,,more (CZJ!V.)21045) s:ll,!IEii 1'1 MW XS 4Jf'4 Only 3211 mlm. ...., .• (~~$419!1> '01 ....... SUO Only Q( ...... °"°'"' (~ '62.9!l> 11ra...-y VII, Tow pk&. de (29Z'l!iO) S2l,99S ,,, .......... o .Haiv,n (449Clll) Mt.+4M44S WIDIOVll llWPOIT IUCJI f'lllCKI PWIHIMO R19.n & Remoclellnc fR£E ESllMAft lf617311714 969 1090 ~ ltAHIMWla .... 4.0 SE ... new, 11,000 411~ cf ~II~. 11n111 tlOll •Y•l•!"i fllH taetort wan , bll<IVl.1111 Sll.IOO V4431ll l'encwmenu LTI>M~NeO AUTilflm fl, p ms•_.. ... - IOATFffB/ SERVICES '"' ~ 12' boem 40+' l•rialh Sey l•l•nd Cove 1r11. w1ter/oower ln- ClucNd 949·9ll-n77. UDO ISU 0&1 for up lo 60ft boat El access, '"ltr a. elect IMluded 94g.50D-67J4 SOft~Oedi WI ~ChaMel.evll ll/15 water a. alee. on alte $900/mo Tod 949 nt 9490 ............... ,,()<' up to SOii boat, stR or lowet proflle 110Wetbo1I Pfeferrtd 949-4i75-4847 CLASSIFIED It's the solution you're searching for-whether you're seeking a home, apartmen~ pet or new occupation! Tlllllmg SeMca Cre4"tl•J.4 Teedoer •nil for tutDl'lnc In all sub tee: ts K I Refet •nces •nlf 0.•ne 94~ 7194 Wiii Cowlt1np ~ ............. Custom Hand P•mltd ""* & f IU), = MllbtnDC THI ITillPPltl S9eciehzlnc In Wallp1pr Remonl U581241949·360 1211 Wlndawaanilg OOUIMWIST WIMDOWHIVKI S.lislac:tlon Cuaunteed * 949 631-1562 * TtlUsAltMI YOll GW&EWll II CLASSlnED (949) 642-5671 • INSURANCE INSTITUTE FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY 2003 SUBARU FORESTER · · · The world's hi~.-: scoring small SUV In crash tests. r ......... ............... • .... c.... ............. C:..-1Nt .... c..... ........ .,... .... .. ......... 2003 SUbaru ForMW Good Good Good $384 ~ -.. 2003 Honda CR-V Marginal Good Poor· . $1,652 2003 Ford Escape =----.Poor Marginal Acceptable $661 2003 Toyota RA~4 Poor Acceptable Poor $1,995 Based on a ratJng of "Good" In 40 mph frontal offset crash tests (7 /02), low-speed bumper tests (7 /02) and side Impact crash tests (6/03) by the Insurance lnstJtute for Highway Safety , 2003 LEGACY OUTBACKS . "#1 SELLING WAGON IN AMERICA" Based on Rl Polk Co. Retall Registration statistics as of Year End 2002. (Includes Factory Rebate) On Models (3BU, 3BT, 3BP, 3BQ) - NEW 2004 FORESTER XS "AN ALTERNATIVE TO YOUR AVERAGE MINI SUV" • EDMUNDS.COM "A CONSUMER DIGEST BEST BUY" .. SUBARU -+: ·.'· DlllVIN IY WHAT'S WSIOI %··APR SHORT TERM FINANCING ON SELECTED '03 MODELS ON APPROVED CREDIT THAU SUBARU FINANCIALS 2003 BAJA THE WORLD'S FIRST .M LTICHOICE VEHICLE : AUTOMATIC! ..... SALE •••••••••• : ••••••• $21,995 •:i9 991 fACTORY Rebate ... $2000 NET COST •••••••••• $19,995 ' Model #3PB · ALL REMAINING INVENTORY NEW 2004 WRX WAGON "10 BEST" . "AUTOMOBILE CarAndDrlver.com OF THE YEAR" Automotive Magazine ·*3000:. (Includes Factory Rebate) on Models 4LC .. • 2925 Harbor··Blvd. • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • (714) 979-2500 ACURA (800) 96ACURA •.Fax (71'4) 435·1~21 . . -~---------~----·-·-·---------·-------·-·---·-------·---·~------------·-·-·-----~ r~, ,1 ·n "' ,n . -~ -.. ...... . ' ~., ... • r 111• (~,I· 'rils , l1 , '-\ I -*• ·~ .RANGE ROVE6 TAX DEPRECIATION COMPARISON $72,000 Range Rover vs. $72,000 Luxury Car • DISCOVERY TAX DEPRECIATION COMPARISON $39,000 Discovery vs. $39,000 Luxury Car · Note: Luxury Car depreciation can continue at $1,775 per year for each succeeding year until the vehicle la fully depreciated or sold. REWARDING ON MANY LEVELS. · Land Rover offers many rewards, emotional as well as financial. What's more, a Range Rover or Discovery can offer significant advantages in tax deductibility for business owners.* Because all Range Rover and Discovery models have a Gross Vehicle Weight)** of over 6,000 pounds, they can be depreciated -when used for business -much more rapidly than luxury cars. The charts below illustrate the dramatic differences the maximum allowable annual tax depreciation for a Range Rover or Discovery vs. a comparably priced luxury car*** While these Land Rover models qualify for an accelerated depreciation schedule -allowing then to be fully depreciated in Year One -rules for luxury cars limit tax depreciation to fixed annual amounts. . * Individual tax situations may vary. For more details, please conault your tax advisor. •• Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) •The manufacturer's rating of the vehicle'• maximum weight wheh fu~ly loaded. ••• Chlfta and ta~les reflect figures for taxpayers who elect 50% bonus depreciation. SIGNIFICANT ADVANTAGES This Tax depreciation comparison is for individuals who purchase a Range Rover or Discovery and use· their vehicles 100% for business. Rules for lessees also oompare favorably.* Under. current law, owners of vehicles with GVW ratinps over 6,000 pounds are eligible to expense up to $100,000 in Year One. Bonus depreciation is generally available for purch\ses made before 12/31/04. Consult your tax advisor for complete details on rules applicable to your transaction. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' . ~ " " .. .. • . . • . . . .. l . . .. ~ .. . . . . .. . ,. . .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. : .. ~ .. • • . . . .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. ~ ~ ~ .. "" " . "' "" .. c .. .. II .. .. - - EVERY NEW 2003 CADILLAC ESCALADE EXT •• • 01sco.!Jr FROM M.SJl~P. 6 -8' ,/J' ~AT 1HIS DISCOUNT PLUS rr:'/o LIMITED TERM FINANCING GET II APR ON APPROVED CREDIT PLUS rr:'/o LIMITED TERM FINANCING GET II APR ON APPROVED CREDIT aooaawc SAMlll •1111 VAN · 2002 .. c •NVOY 8 Pasen{lef, SL~--­Rear Air. CO Dutch voors •16Y7o SLT, Mufti CD Leather, ~if1fti5 2001. CMVY ftlrt'llO UI . :::'~o~::.~~ ..... ,. ............... •8980 2000 CllSVY .. sou ~r::o:sc:>~.~ .. ~:.~~ ........ •a110 s ... c..vr 111AUa1 u CD. 1...u-. Poww s..r. Moon Roof, •8980 AIJo)'9 (47W13187fl) .................. -.......... . 2000 CHrW ao l'ICIWI' DtDDID CA.I ~1~~.~: .. ~~:.~:~~.~.~10,940 .tOft N#f'IAC MAJID l'lllJC .. Poww WTndows, Poww Door Loda, •10 980 111t, OUlae (4813/102e31) ................. , Mia N#f'IAC WNO "'1Jt Power Gnx,f>, »aetJott Control & •10 970 IWJ-Spo/W(~lt 1~.............. , 2000 CH8VY ....... "' Poww Group, CD, Alloys, & Low M~ (470712/J6415) ......................... ~ ••..•..•• 10,190 .HOS N#f'IAC WNO AM "1 \.Le, Moon Roof, CD, Mo)'t I •10 990 Low IMtJtJ (470712/J6415)... .............. , I.Hf •UICIC lll'ML a W 3.«. ~ Otrtd Tocrilo Pf<Q. co,11 a•o PrwlUlt Soc.rtd. l.Mthr. Moon 1tod (41"/GQT). ' u S ... l'O#'llAC......., \.1t S.t Uter, CD, T-s.t /fool, •11 1•"' PrerMJ/11 ~ (42$1/21800t)........ f UV Min l'O#JIAC MAMD l'lllJC .. Power Windows, Power Door Loc:kl, • TJlf, ONIN, RNtSpcller(4MW116834).. 11,988 . 1 MILB SOUTH OF THI! 409 FREEWAY www.nabersautomall.com .... HOuras Mon. -Sat. 9am to 9pln • Sun. lOain to 6pfn Paitll 6 l•rvloe HouN: 2000 N#f'IAC f!IMTAllA flll#IVltN 20N 8UICIC U U... CUROM Power SI/ding 0oct; Poww s..t. •12 190 Auto, AJr. Ful Poww; CD & Morw! t 4 m~G~'•""' (47391110025) .............................. 1 ,980 W 3.at.., Premium Sound, L•tlw. •12 l40 W Hlft'IAC WWIA D1IMJll>.,,,, MU :U, 715 Ml'-(47531291476)............... f 7 Pim S..ting, RMI Air. Single CD, •1a 870 20N9UICICC~-OAN 0Ad~~131610J..... , ~:;~:,~ ....................... •12,981 !:!!A;; FulFW-. ~:!n."' •1e 110 StH CAN I AC NY&U.,. CD I Ptwfillm wr.11141321111532).. .... , FWt1 Whh9, CD, Premlurrl' Sound, •13 770 S ... CAM.UC Dnl&J.a 0 ' .... MNC• IMdw, ~ ~ (4!21~..... , FIJI Pow-. CD, LM1tw. Premium Whit. t 2000 a.a JlfllftlY 'CWy 38K MfJetl ('8141700821)............ 17 ,880 VI 4.31... Hl(ll Q/OXlt. 2WD, SLE, CD, •13 885 UH CAM.I.AC CONCOUW Poltw Seit. 34,255 MIMI (45P2/347"3,I.. ••• f t..tlw. Power GIOU(J, CD & t 2000 m 8MI. a 19 940 Gtrirtd Touttng Pf<Q. lMt:hef; CD 7 •13 940 Low JA''-1 (~P/709228)................ ' .. ,.__, l .HO~ c..vr MVDA.00 01 CM U Low --,'4lJ55Pl15'269). ............... ~ :'Ar.~~..!"':-'11..,"1 ~;-cz<;~oo:~, .......... •11,eeo Roof I,,,.,,,.,,,.....,. fCIJ212f 749f.l,......... , 2001. CAOM.LAC a NM400 ..C HOO a.raa ...... JJCI CCM1v. ~FulPoww. O'ISw, ~ t Auto. Nr. Poww Gtoup, CD. •13 980 CMme ..,,,._I Mini f475a'JQS950J. •.. 23, 780 t..tller a Moya/ (4808/255433)......... ' IOOS CAOIUAC UWU •rs 1fN CMWaa --· AtJftJ co. PremlvmSound, ~Uon t Auto, Air. Poww Group, tMthet; CD, •14 810 Systam, Moon Roof (47611230444).... 24,810 Moon Rod' Low MilMI ~75)...... ' 2001. alfC YUKON Ar .., m •w u MIMll Power~ Power Door L.odla, t Auto, Rew Ai; CD, lMtJw. 3td s.t. a..~· 980 2000 CAIHUAC OllVM.li DJS Ful Pbww. CD Smclllr, LMtlw, NIN Sya.. Moon Root. a 1.ow MilNI <~n ..... •27 ,850 20nCHWT~U Auto, RMI Air, 3rd Seat. CD, Alloys f Showroom F/Wht ('53811~), ... ~7 ,980 :lOOS aMC YlllCON XJ. ODIAU .Auto, Rw Ai; Full Pow-. CD sra::Mr, ensr-. LJtr. Moon Roof. {47l9/288456) .. •a2,9so :l002 CADIUAC llM:Al.AIM .Auto, Rw Air, Full Poww, CO sma.w, Moon Rool & Tow Pfco. (e1110fl0a!S). •... •41,881 MANAGER'S SPECIAL Full~ LMthet. Moon Roof. Premium Wheiiis & Moiii (48031615817) •11950 . I Tii11. a,-. Powers.. "''°'13SIS1J..... 14, 7IO Moon Root a M<wt t483611'48401 .... -••• Mia CHDY _, ... UOO Cl:JffJO W MM.LAC OOIU.I W (c.illlk#IJ ...__~---:----:-~~----' K.f 4.31..., Auto, Air. Power~. • F~ Pww. CD StaoMr, OnSw. /'#v Sya., ..... II FWY I IOUTH TO FAIR • GO RIGHT Pric«J ~ti (4524Rl240034) ........... 14,~70 LM'y. Mttrl & Low IA/ (4758131~ ..... ~ • ,881 THIN RIGHT ON HARIOR Exceeding Expectations Since 1967 N ---------.-..-.. . ... ... I I • COVER ••• COIDWEIL BANKER 2. Map/lndei 3. Laguna Seuide Realty 4. Abrama Couta1 Propeniet 5, Cinneiy Village Realty 6. Metro Realty 7. Co~ Realty Group 8.-9. COudine Laity l 0.-43. Strada Propeniu «. Welli Fargo Private Mo~ 45. Brenexw 46. Kolar &: Co. Monica~eri Marinen <Apital 47. Annsttong Properties 48.-49. Catalist Homu 1913 East Bay Ave Balboa Peninsula Point Traditional an~ timdess Balboa home with incredible wide open main channel vlews of Ncwpon Harbor, city Ughts and the mountains. Located ln the historical community of Peninsula point, this Bayfront Home ts truly a unique experience. from the moment you enter the pted counyani into this immaculate Ktting. you will kriow you are in your dream home . Thls home features four bedrooms, each with a private bath and balcony. Fonnal Uvtng room and dining room, both enjoy the bay views .. Large gounnet kitchen adjoined by a cozy family room with brick fireplace, butlt-in entenainm~nt center · and wet bar. The master suite overlooks the bay and allows for a rettut with buUt- i.ns and wet bar. Other features include two staircases. cxtenstve use of crown moulding, French doors and windows, three fireplaces and two half baths, perfect ~~~ . You Will love the expansive brick patio, jac:uul, manicured lawn and garden. offertng fabulous outdoor mtenainJng on the bayfront. The brand new boat doclc can accommodate a 70' plus yacht and side de. All of this in walking distance to beaches, shopptng, restaurants and private tennis courts. This is tfuly a rare find in one of Newport's best bayfront view l~dons. Offered at $6,399,000 for more information contact: 50.·78. COldWdl Banlcft/ Gout N~n Pro~ 79.-83 •. F'111t Team &tata 84. Wella Fugo Bank 85.-112. Prudeot:W California Realty 113. Cowifriwicle Mortgage 114.-115. te Services 116. 117. Mortgage Rita 119. John Owiclee PortfOlio Financial 121. Open Home Guide . 122.-123. The Homa of the Week 127.-128. Roger'• Realty Daily A Pilot Proudly ICtVing Newpon Bach, Co.ta Me.at Corona ckl MM, ~" Coan, Shady wyon, LtgUna Beac.h, ~ Nigud, Dana Point, Monarch Beich, Cij>urrano lkadl, San Juan Capismno and San OCmcn~. ------~ ---=""--~· _,, __ .._~& - ./ Ocean view home site. u~ Pike !>550.000 50tD · September, 2003 Ocean view. 3 bed/l bath. Wling Pike !>999.000 Laguna Niguel Condo. 2/'l.6 UJlins Pncc: '.)'369.900 Dana Point. Home &: back unlt. Wting Pnc:~ ~99.CXXJ John Stanalana Direct: 949.49~.2804 Cell: 949.689.9047· John@LagunaSeaside.com EASICll FIEAL. TV 3 t>ed/2.6 bath home. Views, Li&g Pncc: !>1.095.000 SOLD • August, 2003 Oceanfront. 4 bed/6 bath usting Pnc:c: !>6.595.000 SOLD • June, 2003 Laguna Ni,uel. 412.6 & Pool uJtins Pnc:c: !>739.816 Views! 3 bed/Z.6 bath. ~ Pncc: !>1.495.000 SOLD • September, 2003 Canyon view. 3 bedf2.6 bath uJlins Pnc:c: !>1350.000 SOLD . August, 2003 Upgraded Office Condo. UJtins Pnc:c: !>31.5.000 SOLD ·June, 2003 Ocean View. 3 bedl3 bath. usling Pike ~5~CXXJ Residential Income. 8 Unlt.s UJtins Pncc: !>t 900.CXXJ Only Gne firm I IA ~ Laguna ~ach "' brings you lhe wisdom of four generalions of real eslale experience. f'l\ore lnsighl Mta Rcsulb for addilional inf ormalion, please call or visil our websile al lagunaseasick.com 1045 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, California * Offiee: 949.494.2124 * LagunaSeaslde.com . . s J i po 8 w . ... 15 Encore Court. rJr~v11)ort Cr0st NB VC1cat1on on BrilboCJ lsl;:ind NB ' I I I !JO 8 w . - - 8 w .. ~••••••••••••••••••••••••••rt11e11111111ai1a1111, ~ ... : ~ ... I i o4 j f • J J • I ! L t ~ ~ £ f ~ !:» N 8 w . rl· :0 I'll ~ ...., "' ii ti . E .,, .... 5a .... . --~ . .. -·. -... 11 i ~ f 3 i !¥' "' 8 w f· ::0 .,. !!!. ,.,.., s ~ 0 ~ ~ J, ·"'· ,r. ,.., ~ oO ~ J.:lvl(Je '!:»~~ I ~ f IALIOA PENINSULA • 1410w.t Oc-*ont . § SUn 1-4 Iii H• J • IAYSHOUS i ! aGVllllDrM $2.095.000 s. 1-4" DoD~ Sun 1-4 H..,_ Al c c1l1111• IONITA CANW>N tHnleS.. Sl.195.000 Sun 1-4 "on fWot C09'0NA DIL HM 1417ic...or... SI Mt.000 s. 1-4 c...n, .... Sl.191.000 Sic 2-5 ),Id! Urlr Sun 1-4 Jennifer .. ...., 711 •'II• cal1 AlllMll .......... s. 1-4 Sue1'hcllNI Sun 1-4 Suen.om. COSTA MESA JOtlw.n..t... $510,900 Sun 1-4 Gnyu Talilfem> Sit l.14. ........ IMllW.D AIDGI J2492 VII Mei•• Sl.t1'.000 s. , ... ~~ ~ HUNTINGTON llACH ~ S..t-4 --~ 0 b A ....... Iii ..... .............. ....... ............ :..lli&J~ S. l-4 7t2 ..... DIM lt.Mt.000 Sun·~ Nlnc1 ...... u ~ J..lv#Je _ ?.:»~ J I SX' 8 w ,. ::0 l ,.., ·. ~ S52T-Hma Sun 1-4 g 7'7~W., Sl.l29.000 Sun 1-4 Tnucl~ l 2535TempleHllb $1.250.000 Swi 1-4 ...... Mc.Ew.n IOJt Gtw..,._ • $9Jt,000 s.t 9.11 April Oswald s.t 12~ Brad Upton ,. Sun 10-1 April Oswald 31507 &cte P.ock w., $160,000 Sun l:..f MaryCICnno UDOISU .. 28 Via Udo NOrd $3,295,000 $yri , ... Sandy Plcbns NEWPOllT BEACH 11 n Gt'llWlh om. $900,000 Sun 1-4 ,. 1228 fludand "*· Unit 6 $365.ooo Sat , .... MepnVup $899,000 Sun 1-4 29 AValon Vlsca $3,595,000 • $1 uoo.ooo Sat 1-4 Kathryn wtwc. ,, l Shorettdce $4,595,000 Sat lo.4 john McMonrp SHADY: CANYON 30 Blue Heron $6.295,000 Sat , ... Sun 1-4 59 c;.opp.-v..k, loca ... & .. , $2.lts,000 Sat 1-4 MkhMI MldCallu' SHOUCUFFS 'f' m "°"*W e..,an SIMO.OOO s. , ... ~~ Sun, ... ,.....,,.... SOUTH LAGUNA JIS251kMDrf¥e $1,200,000 S.t 1-4 Mauhin. Miu Evins ~ ~. /5,995,000 QM of the malt ......... " C101••+cWWY bwti6ull holnm ~In Or-. c;o..,q,. Ed ~ lr'Chlllaure.,..,,.mdn_.. 6.500 ...,._foot home Wtd'I Sl' d ~ trol .... c\'W·~ ·A504M1 0-4M.4J ...... 11ail••....._ "t-.......... eo.. ... ..,.., ..... ·.. ---~ 15 i ~ '< ~ ~ i ~~ ~ 8 w ::.:> II> ~ ,..., "' iii nr 0 ~ ~ ~ :• :• :• :• '" - . -~ . -• ...:.,....lo..& ,;;, =-.1-... • i !¥' 8 w . I r, ~ l I I ••••ft ~ '° I f • ....._.. GCmf\ vttw • 1n • c'-. . 21 ~ ~ ~ I po i N 8 ·I w :ti ~ ~ (Tl ~ 0 " ~ a) J f ; t'.$•c -- : i" I ' J{f,j()O,()()() , ' ~ ~. $9J9,()()0 Oc.n vl9t# home wllh tpllCbll ~ room,~ -.w deck. Op_erl ldtc:Mn ~ .,...._ bw. Din olf ldcdMin prcMdes a cmy rw ..._. U> a privlla 21 ~ ~ ~ ~ I po N 8 w ;;o .-:· "' 9!. rTI ~ Iii 0 QI ~ ~ 27 J i po 8 w • f1/S I f • dlc:b off d bt ..... roo111 liil,,_. ..... 11,6 50,000 -IJ.,ttJ0,000 ,__..,_.~coqft141lce lftCI '-'dwiDod loon. Pkian windows ~ the CMllllloorl lrilD the~ lpla. 8-illful1 21 ~ j f ~ ... !» N 8 w "'' :io ~ tT'I ~ . j ~ Cf/Z»ivt · li.904oa? Mlfor' pr.ice reduC:don on ihll 16,000 • • • ~ otS j f • .. u ~ i ':" 5 < ~ ~ ~ N 8 w :• ~ 21.. ,.,., "' Iii (i° 0 C>I ~ :31 g •• ,. ,. ,. • j J • "1*pJ I R a.n "°"" cllr'I the finest ... ~ ............. twdwood b9hlncl prMD ..... ~ ........... fn&rlnt loMr'l nl Kol paMI encon.- ·' }JeNfDl't ~ • Jt,995,000 aatom ·s bedroom. '4.5 bech Ta.an style home on an cMnized comer tot..,._ chlldrln's ~ wtd'I a playroom. C11111c C.-Cod..,.. Will\ EM o.t .,~ loClll9d an 1he p1•nllr MNdl al ..,.... DrM. D1 '"'*'own home;1he a.. d 1he bllC ~ Cll fDr ....._ . 8 w . .. ... • ,,, ~ OS I ·I • i I • I ! ... • I f • J.Ju.>'°li ~ • Jgoo,ooo Perfect k>c:adon on the aoM coune In Grwwk Upper IM, l bedroom. l bid\ untt wtdl OMCe, l Cir,.,..... llrJI lllk.ony Md ~ tanaf. ~~()}& • lt,}/5,000 ~~Yl&Jbd~lclcdwt~...--.......... ... IC*. OownlClln den. IMJ9 lot wtdt pool lrid ... J ,. ....... 00 "' 8 w m llW9 Oft N ~ 'n. home CIONila d 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, I h&c-IW bedroom Wlitl .,. Ind Her doiea and one ol the mOlt .._,.. rw bllhoanw ID be 8 w J -i 8 w I • ~ oO I f • j I • ~ ! • f • I . I ! f • I I.I.I ! • Do you believe that agents should earn almost I TWICE I as much commission just because your home went up in value? AVERAGE PRICE 6o/o COMMISSION PAID 3°/o C .ATALiST FEE $400,000 $24,000 $700,000 1$42,0001 $21,000 •Note: Data on Ota ... , Coalt Commwnhlu for flhucracwe pwrpou• onl, ·All commiuLcms are ne1odabk. • Do they now provide twice the service? • Have their costs doubled? If you are not ready to give away your home equity, contact CataList Homes today. All of the muscle and none of .the ($21,000) fat. II CATALIST,. HOMES INC . I· \ I I· I\ I I l . I ) \ 1 \ 1 I ' ' I ( ) '\. ·- . OFFICES IN HERMOSA BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH AND NEWPORT BEACH Call us at 888.CATALIST (228.2547) ·- Take a 1limpse at the future of real estate at www.catalisthomes.co'm DUPL!X, CLOS! TO B EACH • Upttaln Unn. } Bedroom•, 2 Bathroonu • Oownir.ln Un.it I ~droom, I 8.throom • 2 Ca1 Ga.~ •12 Eaira Srt-t. Taul o( 4 C.. r1rlun' • Ftrq.lac:t In Both Unlu • Potuiual lncoai« of Sl.SOO • inonth • } RedrtlOftU, 2 S S.tlu • I .342 SF (A) • Vaulted Lc1llnp • 0cwseoua Medltttrannn S<yle H.- • T"" Ftrcplaceo • l..oftJOfflu A,_ • &1h In 1992 • l.wh ~ • I ~droom, I B11h • 82&SF (A) o( Llvln1 Spac:e • Do!Wnto•n Huntlnawn Beech l.tKatlon In 1he He1rt e>( Down10't"n • M•1niflctn1 Top Floor Ovulookln• • Park • Condo H .. Scr1ped Ccillnp, Ou Fireplace, ind an Open li•ln1 Roo .. Mr. M.,en/Ma. Meycn • 714.S9J.J))9 • Bauuful H°"'"' S1tu9ted on • HIAS'f l..t1C w/Swttrlna Canyon Vlewt • 4 8edrooftll. J a..thn ... • 2 .604 SF (A) olu·ona~ • e.i11i 1n 1989 • ) Cu au. • ICCf'C on r..iuw Cond111on • QIMt & S.Cludaf Ntithhorhood tt Jw Muwcw bun Shop and Resouranu Mr.~ 1'olur. f.49.722.2400 • C.rtM Opronun1ty to Boy L..11c Ce>mtr Lot, Sof\llf' S1ory H<>mt In Collqt P1rlt • ) Be.Ir~ • Den, I l/4 llethr()(>IN • 1,521 SF (Alo( l 1•1n1 Sr-c• on 1 7 .700 SF (A) lot • Fortpl1cc ~rn1 l.mn1 RAW>m & Dlnlnt ArH • Strt1rolt L..undry Roe>m • 2 Car A111ched Garop W.. Poetn/Mr. Ha-• 949.722.2400 • 4 8cdmomt, Z &du • 2,106 SP (A) oo 6,000 SF Loi • Ore1u Flo."lllm • H .,ti CclllJllP In Uvlnt1 Rmm, Khchen • Renodcled Kitdlcn w/Ccnrn bl nJ 1nJ Foneat AJ'P)lnrmmtt Thr~ • Dmint1 Room O..nkwlk1,,. Tmrocal kkyiud • Main Flor• M.Mtn Suite •,CU.C.im Clowu Mr. Meycrt/M .. Meyen • 714.59J.)ll9 23256 At.la.ode Wey • $76S ,000 • J e.nor-(All no.rr-m) 2.S l!ocN • 1.878 SF (A) UVU11 An111 • ~I T-.1.nd Towntio-wllh Stunnint~ v-. no. A1-Eva, RMca • Dnubled ~ Win.bn ~ • Con~rl, Loaiod Ne. Beech. Shc:wlfll. Ool( ea... & Hocelt • J ~drooau, Z 1/2 Ba1ht • I ,SH SF (A) o( l.1•11\J Arn • Prtmlfrt Locauon Overl0<tk1nc Pool Arn • T-nhomt• Srylc Un11 • "Pride of Ownttthlp Ne11hbnrhooJ" • 2 Cat Auached with Nurcr Roll.Up Gar.,• • L..rtc Peuo off o( Kltchtn/Eac1n1 Ar" Ma. McycnJM.r. Mcyen • 714.59J.Jll9 • Oct the Ambiance e>( Nirw Mealcf! In 1h1J Oc•n Polntc, D<n•ntown llun11n1um Buch Home • ) BeJroo11u, ) 1/2 B1tht • 2,639 SF (A) • &llt In 1993, Thia H11hly Porulu Del M~r Model Boem NuJMrOtU UrsraJu Mc. M.eycn/Mr. M.ycn • 114.S9).)J)9 Jl4St Sa Bricbt Drive • SS89,000 • Sil-cle Smry Howe • 4 8edman., I .J,14 Baltwoma• 1,741 Sf(A)al'u~~on• &m SP (A) Loe • ~ lndudt; lnrntcdiq Brtdi Diwway; MAlllinum T.i. Rod: )6" (.,Jr) Da:k In Iles a( He.a • lllliilrt 1\J.I Floon • 2 Cw Arached 0.. • Uuntif\ctm 1-bttiour Tt.....nhomc • J Bedmnma, I J/4 O.W • ~ ROOtll In Unit • 0-t PrtV11lt P1lln otf al Kucheo • Prwn1cte Lac.11M "''u" the l'llol. G~lt-.1 ~I c:oun • O.....J Cc.mun•fy, Cc,.. tn 8cah • T•fl Car Dmched 0.. Mr. M.eyent/Mt. Mcycn1 • 7l4.59J.)JJ9 EnJ<>y 1he aml-lmc:e rl ~tf Md ~ 1n 1h!I ,,...nilkmt downrooon H11nnf\IU'll Be.di hor!w. It le loated In chc "heart cl II all" 11r1th ptt4I. morv to ,.._ hmrchr.I\, t.e.h. and J,...,,_ ~· Thlt C\lltQm ho!!le If on • rmnltr o tma" kit wtth wall• al ••ndow. tn cnhanu the iiftemoon tun~ Ma. ~r. M.yen • 71•U9),)})9 41 ~ ~ a. Ill ':< I i I !» "' I 8 w I ;:o C"I> !!:!. ..., i ~ ii i I -< :y I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... • ~ oO j f • IALIOA ISLAND 1205 N. ..,...,.,t $l.S25.000 116 Oilmond $1,799,000 116 Diamond $1,799,000 IALBOA PENINSULA 520 W. llJboa llG CANYON J Rue St. Ooud J Rue St. OOud IONITA CANYON • Mldilol'I $1;225,000 $1,275,000 $1.275,000 $1 ,+49,000 COllONA DEL MAR Sun.I_. Sat/Sun , ... Sat/Sun 1:-4 Suri 1-4 • SatJSun , ... Sat/Sun 1-4 Sun, ... •. Dorta Lee Dorta LM Scan~ $2.800 plmonth Sat/Sun 1.5 $975,000 COSTA MESA $&49,900 2261 SarDAnaAw $759,000 2068 HmidoW Vi9w Lane $'490,000 214 Oalit »f Ode COWAN HEIGHTS 24231 la er.sea 10502V.d11Cerro 10502 VWa .. Cerro DANA POINT JH42NoAko IRVINE 10 NortDn , ... $875.000 $5.299.000 SS.299,000 • $639.000 9'°5.000 SHS.000 JlmWmon . Oavtd McCullOCh Sat/Sun 1-4:30 ~ uu.n· sun 1-4 u.n Cohen Sun , ... ..... 0 .... lt)' o.Mt MC:Nllmlra -~Clflord jln-Mlrte w.11 11 ~ ~ ~ ... i !" "' 8 w LAGUNA BEACH NEWPORT COAST ::0 .. !!!. 21S42Anns Ln $799,000 . satJSun 1-S Cheri Roml1 II OMllOn $1;525.000 Sat/Sun I ... ·Gall Curdn ,.., &t ti c..-on $1Jl5.000 Sic/Sun , .... joy Gnboer ii 21S42Anns Ln $799.000 Sat/SUn 1-S ~McM>cee l6 l.a Hu. $1J85.000 Sun I .... Galt Curtin j '48~Vlew $3,500,000 s.clSurt 1,i; ._.Mc.ta. l 36 l.a M.w $1,425,000 Sun 1 .... J01 Grabner 520 Oft' Or #104 .. $995,000 Sat II ... CMstopher-Beck J7Vistal.ud ~100,000 Sun, .... FnnkGr'Wen '461~ $1,750,000 Sat/Sun 12 .... 1,,,. Bunn 31562 Scenic Or $1,037,000 Sun, .... ~v.11 NEWPOllT HEIGHTS 429 Panorama $1,835,000 Sun, .... Carol Menconl 2507 E I 6c:h St $639,000 Sat/Sun, .... GronGrubba LAGUNA NIGUEL NEWPOllT.ISLAND 23882 Pueo cW ~ $1,699,000 Sun 12-3 Robin Chesnle 3812 a.nn.I pt $2.175,000 Sun 1 .... David Prince 2..an~Vlm $639,999 Sun l2 .... BrianThomu NEWPORT SHORES 330 62nd St $960,000 Sat I .... K.lnie Jo Rizio LIDO ISLE 328 Colton St $869,000 SUn , .... t<.lnle Jo P.iJzO 104Via Hawe $1.695,000 Sun 1-4 Marityn Read 812 Via Udo Nonf $-f,995,000 Sun, .... Marilyn Rad RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA I 19VlaYell $1~5.000 Sun 1 .... Mantrn l'eld 62~ $359,900 Sat 1 .... jan.Lq ll4Vlald-. Sl.SOO p/monch Sun I :30-4 a.a..-ld MESAVEJlDE SAN CLEMENTE 511 Ave. Del Mar $1.100,000 Sat 1-S Caro1e SUzukJ 2709 Stait>lrd $845,000 Sun, .... Pat Davis 1207Via Presa $449,900 Sat 12"4 Todd Sc:hledow , NEWPORT BEACH .. ~ . 1 tll GrvMle $1.200.000 Sun, .... Carof Beri 3°'01~ Sat 1-5 Frank Dlkldes 5 RldpllM $6,495,000 Sat 2-Spm ~w.o. $2J9',000 S.t 1-S Fnnk Oalddel 5 Rldpllne '6;495,000 Sun 1-Spm 4me\tlnhl SHADY CANYON --liillt 1-5 .... H!Pn . MllueHlron $6.750,000 5'IR 1-4 s.ra • hd Hlnmln 410...\ta ..,., s..i 1-4 o.t.Kanw »t4lad*t ,,.,., ut-4 MalfWf SPYGLASS HILi; ...... MW S.S., l..S .... MWwri 55 Montedco $2.799.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 jos.tSzipci ...... ls • a j f • I N8WPOllT HACH .. H .... 3 lid.2.S bl.rw1.ocw.d ~NIW ldldw\ ~hndl doorl.~ .......... GlroftGnMI AUIO ¥1110 tH••'" ........ _ ctwn.:l W.l bl.lif!lind ~-lllkwWl~nl I°' ..... 1\otlha ......... -~ ....................... -............ _ ......... --.-................ _... ............. ,,~ ........ -.... _. .. ..._,.. .......... ._. ............. ...... COSTA MESA $149,MO Top loc:ldorl. Exira ci.n auto ,.....,. fldky. .... ) .. .. COITA MESA S7st,OOO 200J rwnocW on a i...,. lex. J bd. l ba. CiAnlta CGWIWl Ind~ loon.. 0-WMcedoch IRVINI fJtt,000 lowlr end"'*-LMrW room trtpia. P'1M111 fllllo. ~ ..odldaf•.,,,......, Uria CMunno.chen1 NEWPORT COAST $2,JtS,000 Dramatic cuscom 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath home wtih I~ and &rut room. Ocean PJdp &ace locac.d on a cul.ft.sac. LoliAnW» MCITlm RhotM DANA POINT Sl,995,000 Awesome Mediterranean custom vllla. European Influence with the finest In deslsn and finishes. New,otrr 81ACH SI ,llS,000 4 bedroom, 3 t.dt pb den Of' offtce. Central mr. Remodehtd. Just a short atroll co North lllyfront. - LAGUNA llACH '21•.-..... ._ .._ ...,~ .._.. hanle.ec.t Md hllldl-. J bd. JJ a.. wllh 2 ar.,... · ~Ll169l $791,IH ,._... __ .,, '3' d '1t,4bd.Ua 1 ........ .,~ ......... f"U#LlltOt LAGUNA 81ACH $7H,OOO ~ ttytl ~new U..-\An '-cM1.1 bd. ...... lcifl.1 ... 2 Qr ..... P1LS#Lll..,l --·--~- NIWPOllT HACH ft4t,tOO ......... ......,,,a.di 2 ,..., "'*· .... MLS# SJJ 1924 LAGUNA MACH '474, ... ~ ...... pwaa.s,.n.a• S I' a ct '1ounllM -~ .._ MLM Ll2015 LAGUNA 81ACH $l, 995,000 ~ OOiil•onc hoinl wtd'l lncredtble panoramic ~ ..... J bedraoms. .. bad\$. MLS# LI0695 MLS# Llll78 II J I !JO N 8 w .... • • £NDOlSCD IY FORMER COMMISSIONER OF REAL l:>TATE or CALIFORNfA ... ::· MAXINE & GEORGE Mc GAFFIGAN 949.290.5050 www.maxlneandgeorge.com VIRTUAL HOME TOURS PRESIDENT'S PRCMIEll 2002 TOP I,, WORLDWIDE LOCAL EXPERTS INTER.NATIONAL IUACH 64 SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE YEARS "THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE• COMPLIMENTARY MARKET EVALUATION - ~ N 8 w CHERIE HARTMAN &JILL HANNA 949.606.1770 FRANK DAKlDES 949.678.5300 CELL frank@fdakldes.com • ... CAROL MEN CON I 949.464.3011 .. JANE LANG 949.632.5869 DIRECT DAVID PRINCE 949.718.1520 JENNIFER PRITCHETT TOP It. NATIONWIOl 714.506.8882 PAGER 949.718.1579 DIRECT - • i ai ! f • ~ J • ~ ~ (~-. 714.342.4040 CELL 949.726.4712 DIRECT 714.325.1436 CELL 949.726.4763 DIRECT 714.342.4 40 CELL 949.726.4712 DIRECT --- . ' • ---- • I 13 f ':c ~ I ~ N 8 w ;;o <1) !!!. tT1 ifr it 0 C» ~ J1 §: ' TUSTIN tl,600,000 COWln HeWo tlllN -on Jl4 acre; 6 bd. 5.5 ba. Pool and .... I J • ROB GIEM 949.718 .1718 HALL OF FAME OlllfCTOR. ARCH ITECTUllAL DIVISION --._......-~__.~--~ --. - I j. I ctisocal.com NEW LISTINGS AVAILABtE UDOal tl,6H,HI V"4I .... ...., .. .,,., home Wiit\ ..... OCllftl ... " ....... ,,... ..... UNDA llU 11,Jfl,Ht L...-pi1Clld home en Udo Isle wtdl kMly counywd. Jmn'od,,.., NEWPORT BEACH 949.644.1600 MYITIC HILU tt,1•1 ~ iMw,lomdcMt ....... Ind* lrton ~....-~. LJ DO ISL£ lJ49,723.880 • "l , \Ir' 'l l . .. """" \ ~. -........ ........_ ....................... ________ ._....._ .. _ ..... ..._..._. • .,_.., ..... " .... .-.... ,.. ................... 4 ................. -.. ...... ......_. , --- • • ,._ J f i po 8 w :::c II> lit. ,.,, ~ 0 .t ~ . ROB GIEM 94'9.718.1711 HALL Of FAM£ DIUCTOll. ARCHITECTURAL DIVISION --· ·--. . - ......... --.,-.._..-........ ~-..-.--· ............. __ ,___ ____ ....._,.... ...... _.._..._....._.__.,.,_,.. __ _ ·' UNal tl,6fl .... ·~Udo .. ...,., tiom. ...... belllOClllll.., J.S ...... ,,.,..,. .... ¥1&.&.AMLW ...... lw: 't_...,....,IW...__.., Ml ..... Jln'od,,.., UDO Ill.a e1,11e,Mt Udo .. peiilcdonl Comer loailon wldl rod top~ UNOA Ill.I t I ,JH, ... L:ow. primd llClfM en Udo Isle wldl lo¥ll)' ~ NEWPOllT BEACH 9-49.6-44.1600 llAINA ll,14t,OOO Oceir'l lfld Clf'1'0" NWI ~ ~ 4 bedroom. 4.5 bid! tiom.. Guard ..... ..,, & Lyte.n 1wtn1 LIDO ISL£ CJ49,723.880 ' \ , l I I •: l I .. ....,,., ' . _._.____._ .... _._ ........... ..,_ ...... _.._ .... -:.---...... -~.----,.....,....4'.~• ........... -. .................. __ .. ..... J '---'~~~~ .......... ~-------~~·~ ~ • • ,_ i r .$» 8 w • ~ II!. ,.., ~ . j l 1-1• M ~ otS .r f • j I • ~ ~ I [ I I .. • • • ~ otS I f • i ...., J • I ! . ,, ..,_COITAMIM Pi..- ~ ......... home.Ur loc wtdl .. ~--MdJm-MWlwf .. ...... LIDO ISLE OFFICE 949.723.8800 ~ .................... .., __ ... .. -... .................... ......._. ...... -___ ,__....-........................ _ . ._.... ........... " .. ._ • • UDO .... 14.tts.- Southem .net ol Udo .... wktt «> -of fronttee.f .. bedroom, •.s bMt'I hom• wtch dock. UDO ISU SJ,4ts.- Landmarit .... on double wide lot. 4 bedroom pfus oflke and al car.,.. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 949.644.1600 .... -l ~ ' • ' • LI 'IN'°''-' f. ... ... ..., ......... ---·--~ .......... ---..................... . ............ ~ . .,._, ..................... -.... ..-....................................................... ~ ..... -. .......... ~ ~--..,,, • ~ .. 17 j i .po 8 "" • ~ a!. i j i 1-----. ~ .: -... • ~ oO oO I j f i f .. • I ' ! I J • • I l I ! • ., J I SX' "' 8 '-"' • ,l m ~ • ' i ~ ROD DALEY 949 .494.6208 - 11 . . .., -~ oS • I . r. tti I f I • j • ;; I ,,. • I I t • I -. ~· DEBBIE SCLAFANI &RON MILLAR ~ 949.933.7393 949.718.1741 #1 COLDWELL IANKlll TEAM JN ORANGE COUNTY FOl. 2000 C. 2002 SOCIETY Of UCULUfCl ... IN ASSOCIATION WITH -. 94'9.718.1735 '· DEBBIE SCLAFANI & RON MltLAR 949. 933.7393 949.718.1741 #1 COLDWELL &ANKER TEAM IN ORANGE COUNTY FOR 2000 k 2002 SOCIETY OF EXCELLENCE TIM SMITH - 949.718.1735 CHRISTI BELL 949.718 .173• COl UllJC.'l l Ul\N~C I~ , ' -• ... 1l i ~ f ~ po N 8 w ::0 ... Q!. fT'I ~ 0 ! ~ .. .t ....... ..., ~ otS I f • I J . ~ :t _.,. 72 ~ otS j f • I "" J • I :t CHRIS VALLI 949. 759 .3738 714.883.4397 SHADY CANYON UOKEJl OF TH£ YEO. 2002 RICK LANGEVIN 949. 759 .3759 1 I ut.JJt 'l L lJ,~~1·•:. SHADY CANYON~ VILLA . CHRIS VALLI 949.759.3738 714.883.4397 SHADY CANYON BROKER. Of THE YEAP. 2002 RICK LANGEVIN 949.759.3759 n ., ~ J I ?' N 8 w :a "' 91. l'TI a fD ' j ~ ... --· ~ oO I f • I J • ~ ~ -... , .. --- .,. r . I: - • -... , 14 ,., ~ oO I f ~ J • I ! RICK · LANGEVIN 949.7S9.37S9 #I llSTINCi ACiENT •I SALES TRANSACTIONS #2 COLDWELL IANkEll •GENT IN OlANCiE COUNTY FOil 2002 IN ASSOCIATION WITH JARROD FREY 949.759.3760 MICHAELA M\;C lOSKEY 949.717.-4720 '-OlOlUl?LL a 1u-.uv: r ~ • · -............. _.. ..... ., ... c....t ...... ..._ .. ~----...... -._-------·-...-..-. ........................ __ ..... _________ ... .._. MARILYN READ 949.718.2733 www.lldolsle.net IN ESCROW 122 VIA ITHACA 3'16 CHANNEL PLACE 2003 SALES 110 VIA COA.OOVA 214 VIA GRAZlANA 116 VIA ITHACA 110 VIA GENOA IU VIA JUCAll 126 VlA LORCA 124 VlA TRIESTE 530 VIA LI 00 NOl.D 517 VIA UDO SOUD 336 VIA LIDO NORD 125 VIA OA.VIETO 140 VIA WAZIEILS 212 VIA E~OLI <626 ALISO 1821 W. BAY ttl VIA RAVENNA 104 VlA ITHACA 30 llUE FONTArNEllEAU COLDlUCLL 81\N~CH •. 11 J I .SXJ 8 w jll> ••• o6 ; I I • ! J • i i n ~ o6 ·1 f • I L.tJ J • ~ t 949~759.3739 INT£1lNATIONAL PllESIOENT'S ELIT SENIOR. SA.US EXECUTIVE lllOKEll ASSOCIATE 949.717.4764 ' JENNIFER NORMINTON 949.759.3790 .... 77 j I s» N 8 w • • i oO I I • I J • ~ i .. ~ . oO j f. • I J • ~ ~ CONNIE MAXSE~TI 949.718.1730 714.745.0027 IHTUHATJQNAL f'11,UID!NT's EUTI ~ HALL OF .fAMI TOM QIJHH AWAJD 2001 ----·· • 1t ., j I .!IJ N 8 w :io ~ ~ ,.., i ~ " j ~ j • .. ... • , '" 14 ~ ~ . oO oO j I f I • • ~ I I • J ~ • ~ t ~ ll It t f J I .£» N 8 w :::t> ;_ ,..., "' 6r ti • j :y ~ ... ~ 4 «I J oO I f I· • i • ~ ... J • ;; ~ • ! f ~- -·--·-·· ······························'I······················ •· a I I -!"' ~ w X1 19 llt. i • • i ~ ,, "'· ... -.. f f'I') ~ "° I J I f • • j ~' j J ! • • ~ i i ! • J I ·$» • ... I I • ~ oO oO j I f I • I ..... • J 4 ) • ~ r ! .. - 17 J i !'J 8 w . T .~ • ; ~ • J I ... .~ $" N 8 w ::0 "' Q!. ,., ~ ii • 0 ~ ~ r • "" ~ «i I J I f t I t t I • j ' J I llr1 r • . \_ ~ J I ! LA8lllA BUCH m MCllilPt l\7i\lll ,.~··C..~77 S.14 ... ~ a..r.,..,.. Ml919llO DvstJ f1KmMlmml9'9"95-l~tal u..s SflllSllll 12·5 --~12·5 .,....... ~ .... ., ..... .....,,. $1)49. 51111 lM $1M9,900 Std/Srn112-$ SM.a Sfll Sliil 12-5 $1.995.LGI ... ... SIOf 12·5 ' . •1 ' 11 I I ·!» 8 w • if Ill m i • ·j ~ \. d I i ---: N J ~ ~ ... po N 8 w :c l "" ifr ft • j l I .. . • • > ~ ~ i ?' N 8 w ;:o ~ ITI ~ • j :::s> ~ oO I I • ! J • f ! Romero Is known • f7 J I po 8 "' • r. ,,, ~ .. • ·j l I ------- ' . • ~ • J I 90 8 c,.., • i i .. • j l .... ~ • ~ o6 oO l . J t I i f I i • M I :-..... i J .. I ! J i ..,. . . \: ... • ~ .s J f • § ... J • I ! J i ... • • ... «S J . I • ... § ;; • ~ ! .. • Ill J I ?> N '8 w ~ .. !ill. ~ 6T ii • j ~ " e l 117 !G' J .• z ~ i 90 N § @' SI!. ,.,, i 111 • j l ..... • --11anl; ,. --~fl 1 l!lk,;na · JFi(!F '' . I w1t1r .. ·f r•' Jt.1.1 ,i rntltI" 11•11tJI l.r~Rll ' Jffnlf. tHtl, 1·. r111 _ f;--·r•·r11 ~. ·l:r I l•jui~;I r( .... 1.1li Jr1-1rf' tli ~ t., .. ll [1·1:f1'l ,ria:a:I Ftl ~FJ ia . • JJh . l-r1nf tfi11r l[lll~ ··l1l1 1l5' l lflJ : ~ ·"I ll t~s ~ri~l I • • . . . ,. ·--• ,, " I . ' ··t: . ' • FABul.ous PRIVATE OCEAN VIEW LOT The ultimate i~ privacy. this estate. lot is AppCOL 6 acres with beautiful ocean and mountain views, Located in the c:Xcluaivc guard gated c.ommunity of Bear Brand Ranch. 11W cwtom multi million dollar estate c.ommu- nity offers spaciow, private living, fantastic cqumrian UaiJa along the mountain side and just minutes &om the beach. One of the few lou available!!! Seller will cntert2in offers between $1,09S,OOO ud 1;294,176 • BUIW YOUR DREAM HOME Spacio~Jot located agajnst the Saddlcbaclc moun- tains, Coto de Caza in a gumi:-gatcd, golf c.ourse and cqucsuian community. Featuring two 18-holc golf a>urse1, Widd~ tennis and cqucsuian ficilitics, plus spo" and rcc::rearion parka. 6 plw la'CS, 3 aaa flat. horse property situated within the 11Enclave" at the end of a cul-de-ac. One Of rbe best Jou with views of Coto Valley. the golf course and hillside views. Ofl'md at $2,'659,000 • Cf1sToM BSTAD SITla FaDtlltic 20 acre home site in the gated c.ommuniry of Juliana MP. ~ zone umiL Views of the entire Valley of San Juan Capistrano. ~lite~ are available for hOmc. Owner is motivated and will Ulde or~· ar $2;200,000 • lt&JGE I.Of, HUGE VIE\V1 Build your dream home. one of the few lots available in this beautifill eicluaivc guud gated eu1tom estate c.ommunity with multi-million dollar homes. Prcstigioua community with large estate lots and ocean and mountain views. The ultimate in privacy. Offered at $2,000,000 .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ... ... ,. -- • w ·'' ~ ~ ~ J go .. N 8 w • a' k. ,., I .. • j l .... I , .. ~ oO j f ~-. II 1' I 111 'i )1 J, ' I ' Nov1mHr 7 -Fri., Calendar of Events Government AffaJrs Committee -4 p.m. Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m. Communlfy Events Committee -4 p.m. Deadline for Thursday LN Preview -5 p.m. Marbtlng MeetiOQfNells Fargo Bank -8:15 a.m. Board Guest Speaker LB Br<*er Preview -9 a.m. -1 p.m. Marketing Meeting/Ball Park Pizza -8:15 a.m. LN Broker Prevltw -9 a.m. -1 p.m. New Member Orientation -9 a.m. -1 p.m. C.E.: Ethics -9 a.m. -Noon C.E.: Agency -1 -4 p.m. Happy Birthday President Dave Schaar! Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m. NovimMr 11 -T111Uy MLS Committee -1 p.m. Deadline for Thtlrsday LN Preview-5 p.m. November U -W"nadlY Marketing MeetfngfNells Fargo Bank -8:15 a.m. Novemfler 14 -Friday Nov1mMI' 17 -MondlY NovtmHr fl-Tuliday Nmmlllr 11-WHnlday • NmmMr 20 -l'lMlrlfty Novemfler 21 -Friday November 2A -Monday November 21-Tllnday NOVI .... Zl-WH"'8ay Affiliate Guest Speaker LB Broker Preview -9 a.m. • 1 p.m. C.E-.: Trust Fund Handllng -9 a.m. -Noon C.E.: Fair Housing -1 -4 p.m. Realtor of the Year Nominations Deadline Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m. Deadline for Thursday LN Preview -5 p.m. Marketing MeetingfNells Fargo Bank -8:15 a.m. Government Affairs Guest Speaker LB Broker Preview -9 a.m. -1 p.m. MarkBtlno Me'eting/Ball Park Pizza-8:15 a.m. LB Broker Preview -9 a.m. • 1 p.m. Board of Directors meeting -8:30 a.m. Deadline for Wednesday LB Preview -5 p.m. Deadline for Thursday LN Preview -5 p.m. Marketing MeetfngfNells Fargo Bank-8:15 a.m. Education Guest Speaker LB Broker Preview -9 a.m. -1 p.m. Thanksgiving Day BOARD OfflCE CLOSED ThanksglYtng Day Holiday BOARD OfFICE CLOSED Laguna Board of Realtors, 939 Glenneyr:e Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949)497-2474 • Fax(949)494-3887 www.lagunaboardofreattors.com ~ An exceptional neighborhood deserves exceptional service. As a seasoned home loan consultant serving Orange County for (Ne( 28 years, I'm proud to bring my considerable experience to your neighborhood. I also have the technology, resources and innovative loan products from one of America's leading lenders to make your next home buying experience fast, convenient and virtually hassle-free . ) A vast selection of home financing options, Including: ~ PayOption ARMs ~ Fixed Period ARMs 3/1, 511, 7/1, 10/1 ~ Interest Only Loan Programs ~ Home Equity Loan Programs ~ Fast & Easysa' Loans ~ Purchase & Refinance ~ Stated Income Available ~ Primary Residence, Second Homes, High Rise Condominiums ~ New Construction (Rate Cap Program offers interest rate protection for.up to 14 months) Kevin Budde Stanch Manaew Cell 949-422-2075 kevin_budde0coontryw1de.com M11S10n Vieio Branch 27101 Puerta Real, Suite 100 MISSIOO Viejo, CA 92691 Toll Free 866-551-2008 Irvine Branch 18044 Culver Drive Irvine, CA 92612 Phone 949-552-2777 m.224 F• 949-552·2770 ·~· HOME LOANS Easy. Realty.• ·-. • w j i !» N 8 "" • ~ ~ ii . j ~ ... - . ) r • 111 I I !JO 8 w i ,.., i • j l ...• [ /J:u. """\ ~· aO ~ J oS I I I • I J • I ~ -- So, if you'd like more informatiQn, call today. Betsy Bariker Account Executive 949.347.1729 949.212.4744 cell Bank of America. ~ embracing ingenuity ••· Not all.,,....,,. Will q.i_illfy lW ..-.. plpCl'WOrt • eH 8'1-AD credit it IUbject to approval. normal cred.lt 1ta11danll apply. Bank Of America, N.A. M•u 111>1~ st-I ffove?'iLmdilrQ02003 a.Bk olAmaica C.Orporation BOAA·l 102 REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS LAW ALL MAJOR &MINOR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS LITIGATION • lllSIESS UOOATDf ·~RN\TDf~ PMnERffS. ETC.) • SlllOMHT lAW I l.JTkiATPt • tQESSAl.E&ftlDW&lM I UOOATDf • ~DEffCTDISPUTES • ~W!Wa I PBllTPfDl.BIS • RHQ.OSlR PfOl.BE • CC&R lfTEffRETATm I Bf'<R8ENT • 9MDllNTAL lAW "La Us Put Our ~trimct To Work For You» Clii•illr L« dt d To M Of Orlngl COU1ty 500 N. a. CGllgl EM., Slt 1200 • 500Orlngl1-. Orlngl, CA • .. :a, SU ethe WO 'ld a so :late KEY LENDERS AND RATES .. 30ywftxed ao.v ... ..,. ...... INT'IM.ST ,. flOM'I LOCK· INT'IM9T ,. l'09fTI MAX. flllNQN NU. TYN ...... ,_.,.. OWN ~2 .. It.IA MT9 OWN ~l ,.,A L2!!! t!!.I INDIX ffWO. K 800) 3-44-2739 5.250% 5 2000 30 5.660 4.125% 5 1.000 4.237 322,700 2.750 1TS 1V R (800)591~ 5.825% s 1.000 30 5.810 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA R (888) 841-6900 5.875% 5 0.000 30 5.920 2.950% 10 0.000 5.~ 500.000 2.950 110 1M R • (8&8) 411-4246 5.825% 5 0.125 30 6.740 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B (800 458-4617 5.375% 20 2.000 45 5.&50 3.250% 20 0.500 4.055 322,700 2.750 1TS 1V R (800) 887-9106 5.750% 5 0.000 30 5.880 4.()()()% 5 0.000 4.980 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y R (888 618-3883 5.375% 5 1.000 30 6.524 NA NA NA NA 322,700 2.500 110 1V A (800) 478·5995 5.375% 5 2.000 30• 5.578 1.280% 20 1.000 3.540 800,000 2.150 1TS 1M R (an~ &M-9920 6.500% 10 1.125 30 5.812 1.250% 20 0.000 3JM7 800,000 2.500 1TA 1M s (800) 348-5931 5375% 20 2250 60 5.817 1.250% 20 1.000 4.613 322,700 2.600 110 1M R (948) 729-9200 5.376% 10 1.750 30 5.534 1.250% 20 1.000 3.442 860,000 2.150 8LB 1V .com R 800) 400·1811 5.500% 10 1.000 30 5.628 1.500% 20 0.000 3.891 1,000,000 2.500 1TA 1M tndyM.c Benk s (8&8) 23&-0548 5.500% 20 1.500 45 5.738 1.950% 20 1.125 3.750 322,700 2.325 1TA 1M PFF Bank & Trust s (800~ 733-4638 5.625% 20 2000 30 5.871 2.875% 20 0.000 3.759 322.700 2.450 1TA 1M Provident Bank s (800) 250-1713 5.375% 20 2.250 45 5.606 2.950% 20 1.000 6.471 322,700 2.350 1TA 1M R (858) 756-1344 5.750% 20 0000 30 5.788 4.125% 20 0.000 3.868 322,700 2.250 6LB 1Y B (800) 828·2000 5.875% 20 1.500 60 8.050 3.125% 20 1.000 3.920 322,700 2.750 1TS 1V Unlv81'aal American Mtg. K (800) 871·7345 5.875% 5 0.000 30 5.918 3.250% 20 0.000 3.399 322,700 2.000 6LB SM U <; M";rti!§!.! Center R (800) 867·9813 5.375% 10 1.000 30 5.531 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA · Wells Fargo Home Mtg. s (86&) 713-4387 5.825% 20 2000 30 5.861 2.750% 20 2.000 4165 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y WOOd Savings s (800) 914-8186 5.800% 20 1.000 30 5.920 NA NA NA NA 800,000 2.900 110 1M Boeri IMC! & ....,._ poot111'111-llCll30 --· ~· 1yPe ol Ulncltl II. 8 • &Ml; K • mo11C111011 bllnilet; A • ~ bnlMr; I• .....,. & lolit>. Motlgllg9 ~ end~ -lloeneed IJy lw Cellomlll ~Of Aell e... • .... blolllr Ol'oorpotallon. FOi' l!!la!mellon Olll Call. DAE• (918) 227.()931. tmerMt ..... forldllllllDIM II en lnOoduolofy rate IOI' lhl Int edjullment petlocl. OoWl'l '-IWIC II -ol '*'1 ~ al ..... pllo9) peld 1D lll1dft Piiot 1D liOr*lo ~ oonlraCI. ~ we% ol loen ....,_ pMj ID..,_, M llme ol loen aloeino· ~II lw NMnbef OI d9)'S....., ~ rme prior 1D ClloelnQ. It.IA la lw IMUll pe-*CJI '1lt wtlldl la WI 9lllrnliled IMUll ODii ol lw loan ID lw ~ MAJ> A.a we lllMd Oii I l300,700 loan_..... .. Ill*'*.,_ end •700 lllMI.... The A.PAI -~., .. dW1 IOI' ~1 ottt;. Wl*I ~IOI' a loin,~ T~ i..; ~-....... ID~ an A.PA"*'* ID ..:ill loan Ollw .............. II lw fllUMlum lelldlt ... loan undlr ~ -Al lll9d ,_ Pl'OGl'MW ,_ 1 lllUirnl.Wtl o1 $300,700 .......... ")la..,..._ profit~+ lro. • __, rw .._hi ......... .,._ ii 1w ...-1or -*10 an ...... ,_ (MllQln + lndlll • .... Rite) 110 • 11111OllLC09IOIFurldl,1T8 • l·Y-T-.y - I.Al• l-mOlltl U80A, 8T8 • 9-fl*lll Twiry .. ITA • l·Y-T-V AWO .. *1ef'll ,,.._.,la IN ,,.tod ~ ....-. 1M • 1.....,_ 1M • .. MonlW. 1Y• 1 Y-M -a.-:i 1D dwlQ9 Vtlty ,_end . ....,. Pf\Ot • ~ ,_ e loM. NA lelldlre .,...-._.. ... cllllrn ,_and.,_ IOI' clllerwC 10an '"'°"'*' The lnlclnNllon ~ 11no4anon.1D 1111M e loen. W you hew any prOOl9me '°""Ille...,.......,.,.,. c:.11 (IOO) DH*NS °'**~~ •-"*"- Bring an unwrappiJ toy (minimum valia $10) orpay$10 at the door COPYRIGHT 0 2003 The Ne11one1 F1Nnc:M1 Newt 8«w. Orange Coast Association of Realtors and Affiliates invite members to our annual Charity Ho/iJay Mixer -----benefiting ToytJ for TottJ d SaLvatWn Army Wednesday, .November 19 5 -7 p .m. Ristorante Mamma Gina 251 Ea.st Coast Highway, (at Bayside Drive) in N ewport Beach, (949) 673-9600 Complimentary appetizers N o host bar Live band Raffle prize drawings Please RSVP to Jan at Orange Coast Association of Realtors, (949) 722-2300 • • 117 J I !" I\.) 8 (,.) XI l fT1 i j l • - So, if you'd like more information, call today. Betsy Banker Account Executive 949.347.1729 949.212.47 44 cell BankofAmerica. ~ embracing ingenuity .... ?. Not all lippllcaDtl WW qmllfy for redaced 1MPft work bcnefttl. All credit la aubject to approval, normal credit ttandarda apply. Bank Of Amaica. N.A. Maner PDIC, f.quaJ Houalnj Lender Q02003 Bult of Amaka C.Orporation BOAA-1102 REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS LAW ALL MAJOR &MINOR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS LITIGATION • BUSt£SS UTIGAOON • BUSt£SS FORMAOOH (INCORPa\4TKWS, PMTNERSHIPS, ETC.) • Bfl.OYMEHT LAW & UTlGATlON • ..:lMES~lAW & l!OOATION • ~DEFECT DISPUTES • l(M«), VARIANCE & PERMIT Pm.EMS • FORECLOSURE~ • CC&R INTERPRETAOON & ~EHT • ENVIAOHMOOAL LAW ''Ltt Us Put Our &ptrienct To ~rk For You" (1:14) 834-8001 Vlltt Our Web Site: www.wildishlndnialis.com The views from campobello nlfJ Campobello home within Newport Cout offai you and your guests aaption.al vieW1 of the ocean, hubor and dty lighu. Marble 1loon grace the main 1evt1 of tlUI 3,081-tquare·.foot Oooi plan with three bedroom.I and two uid one-half baths. Peatum include a formal liVinj room, dlnini room and flmdy room thai ~to the gounnet kttchm. A gorgeoua budt-m media center, walll of windows ovedoolringthe ocean Ind a ft1ep11ce aeate a ~ elegmt ambiance in tlUI area. Deatped wtdl pmate (X)UDten, alltOID abmei:rj and center illand with a built-bi cooktOp, the kitchm also indudes an tnlorma1 dintng ua. Outdoors, apu fmce provtda ~wlOblcured 'ftewl. The home Ibo includes a Ubruy on the second level and muter suite. • Located on a cul-de-sac wtthtn a pted community, tt.tidentl Will appreciate the tedUllon of this residence. · 'Ibll hoine ii offaed at S 1,545,000. Fo1' #IOrt ""°"""""# c"1l Mlduul PniC of Pml Tt#S Bstllla Ill (949) -...... _____ ... ______ _. .................. 922-1162, r - • .. ts the ¥0 d 0 ate KEY LENDERS AND RATES • . , ......... 30-y_. ....... INftN9T ,. fl!C*T9 LOQ(• INTUIU1' ,. '°""" MAX. MMQIN AD.I. '"" ,...,.. Mft OWN C!I .. A.PA MTI OWN ~ Al.fl. LOAN llY fllMX PMQ. K (800 344-2738 5 250% 5 2.000 30 5.660 4.125% 5 1.000 4.237 322.700 2.750 1TS 1Y R (800 591~ 5.625% 6 1.000 30 5.810 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA R (888) 641-6800 5.875"' 5 0.000 30 5.920 2.950% 10 0.000 5.440 500,000 2.950 110 1M R (888 411-4246 5.825% 5 0.125 30 6.740 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B (800) 4'58-4617 5.375% 20 2.000 45 5.650 3.250% 20. 0.500 4.065 322,700 2.760 1TS 1Y R (800) 887·9106 5.760% 5 0.000 30 5.880 4'.000% 5 0.000 4.980 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y R (888) 518.s&63 5.375% 5 1.000 30 5.524 NA NA NA N.A 322,700 2.500 110 1Y R (~4'78-5995 5.376% 6 2.000 30 5.578 1.260% 20 1.000 3.540 800.000 2.160 1TS 1M Olveralfed Funding Group R <Bm 644-9920 5.500% 10 1.125 30 5.612 . 1.250% 20 0.000 3.947 800,000 2.500 1TA 1M Downey SaWlgl s (800) 348-5931 5.3751% 20 2.250 80 5.817 1.250% 20 1.000 4.813 322,700 2.800 110 1M E"*Y Anenci9I R (949) 729-9200 5.375% 10 1.750 30 5.634' 1.250% 20 1.000 3."42 eso,ooo 2150 61.B 1Y ~ R i8001400-1811 5.500% 10 1.000 30 5.628 1.50()% 20 0.000 3,691 1,000,000 2.500 1TA 1M IndyMac Bank s (866! 236-05"6 5.500% 20 1.500 4'5 5.738 1.950% 20 1.125 3.750 322.700 2.325 1TA 1M PFF Bank & Trust 6 (800!7~ 5.825% 20 2.000 30 5.871 2.875% 20 0.000 3.759 322,700 2.450 1TA tM Provident Bailit Mol1gage s (800) 250-1713 5.375% 20 2.250 4'5 5.606 2.950% 20 1.000 8.471 322,700 2.350 1TA 1M Ranc:hO Sant. Fe ~· R (858) 75&-1344 5.750% 20 0.000 30 5.788 4.125% 20 0.000 3.866 322,700 2.250 6LB 1Y UnlOl'I Bank of CA B (800) 828·2000 5.875% 20 1.500 80 6.050 3.125% 20 1.000 3.920 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y Unlv4NUI American Mtg. K (800! 871·73"5 5.875% 5 0.000 30 5.918 3.250% 20 0.000 3.399 322,700 2.000 6LB 6M U <; M·)(fgage Center R (8001867·9813 5.375% 10 1.000 30 5.531 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Wells F~ Home Mtg. s (866! 713-4'387 5.625% 20 2.000 30 5.881 2.750% 20 2.000 4.165 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y World Savings s (800) 914'-8166 5.800% 20 1.000 30 5.920 NA NA NA NA 800,000 2.900 110 1M Bo111tb«<l6 ..,.......,.._ _ »30 00JW•llloo• ~ 'ry,e ol ~la: 8 • ....._ K • ~ benMr; A• mongi1g9 bfdW: I•.....,._ 6 io.! ~ ...... tlndbrololf9 ---..0 br .. Cellonlll 2 I la.,~,_ lor .. 11r1C ...._,. peitod. °""""' ...,_. 11-ol c:mh ~ ~ ol AMI &ml a.._ a tlloMr or OOIPOI ... • Fol~ Giii C.W 0A£ • (tll) ZZ7.0llCJI ....... -.1or .. ol ... !Jdoe) •to,.,,., PflOr to~ mar1gli09 ~ ......... ,. af loan b*I09 palO IO lalldlW •Ima af IDan do9lnO. ~la .. number of_....,~,_ prlof IO '*-'g A.PA la .. .,,... ~ ,. wtlldl la an_,...,.,,,.,.. coat ot .. roan to .. bon-. Al A..P A9 .. ~ on• '300.700 ICl8n ---. .. polr.-.,_ and •700 IOlel ._ The AP~ .. lnduded In .. Cll.n tor compaltlol1 orff. 'MW! ~ tor a loall, Fadanll T~ .... ,..._ ,..,. to~ en A.P.A. 1P8C111e IO .-:tl loel\ oll9r ............ taM la ltl9 mutmum lanOllf .... folln unc:W ~ -Al bed,_ P1oar-hew a maximum af S300,700. lllllW9lf\ (In") la landef9 ~ nw'Qln + "* • .... ra18 ellel tlrM ~ lndea la ....... tor NlllnO en.....,._ .... (Me!Qln • lndaa • N9w Rate) 110 • 1111'1 Diil Co91af Fundl. ITS• 1·V-T-..y M . l&M • 6-molWI U80A, 8T9 • lloftlOllll r_,,,, 8il. 1TA • 1·Vw Twy """" ---· f',...ncy la .. period~ .....,__ 1M. 1-Monlh, ... 6-Monlle. 1 v-I v-M -llAljecll to dWlge Vlfl)I ,. end -prlof to~ 1or a ta.L Al landn jll'OOll4de ..... .-i ~ -end -lor clllerwil folln -The lrlb"'9llofl ~la no!.,°'* IO melle e loan II you,_...,, pralllwN wlll ....... ..,.. emf (800) 11:)11.NfNS °** ?nlonnallon dalllo • -"""-- Bri.ng an unwrapped toy (minimum va!Lu $10) orpay$10 at the door COPYRIGHT 0 2003 The ,..,,_ RrWldlil N1w1 11arw. Orange Coast Association of Realtors and Affiliates invite members to our annual Charity Ho/iJay Mixer benefiting ToyJ for TotJ e3 Salvati.on Army Wednesday, November 19 5 -7 p .m. Ristorante Mamma Gina 251 East Coast ldighway, (at Bayside Drive) in Newport Beach, (949) 673-9500 Complimentary appetizers No host bar Live band Raffle prize drawings Please RSVP to Jan at Orange Coast Association of Realtors, (949) 722.2300 -• • 117 J I !JO N 8 w • ::0 19 Q!. ,.., I 0 ~ l ... I i •• 111 Turn relocation jitters Into a ~ smooth move I f • Follow these steps before you begin searching for a new neighborhood and home R.elocattng, whether for a job transfer or your own initiative, can be daunting because you are going t~ unfamiliar territory. You are faced with the challenge of 8nding a Iiew home in a new aunmunity and havblg to accomplish it mnotcly. Here are eome ttrateglc steps that wfJl help you achieve a smooth home search, and alleviate ~ of your relocatJon jttten. · 1'knHfy JUl tSt4te 1""'fessiMlllJs hi II 'f"'llJly aml/'f#IY· Since you may need to select I01Dee>ne sight unseen, make Nre he or she ii backed 1'y a reputable and pro~ orpnjzadon. To help you evaluate the company, ask if they have a Web lite and reteardl their company on the lritemet. Worldng with a quality networlt tnaeases your chances of being refmed to a Barry Marks quality .reaJ estate professtonal. AJ you talk wtth potential real estate professionals, make ~they have experience woddng with ieJocation cltents, as well aa spedalJze in the typeS of homes and attat that you are Interested in. Fmn014rlu yourself ""'1i t1te rtAl esl4le marltd In your "'1'fP llf'tA. Is the new city you are movtng to in a buyer'• or aeller'• market? Are the home prices compuable to where you Uve now? nte answen to these types of questions will gtve you a buds up on what to expect when you begin your home seaidl. One wa.y to familiarize younclf w1th the new market ts to scan the real estate section of back issues of the newspapers drculated In your target area. Most major JXWSPlPCll are available at local Ubmlcs, and major reaeardl libmtes ma!nlain ardtives of even wider selections of ncwspapm. You can further familiarize yourself wtth the mark.ct by revtewtng listing.t online. Some major .reaJ estate networb also post Jistin&s online. For a.ample, Prudential Rat E.!tate Network members llst properties at www.prudential.com. Ddemd,,e your price rimp. Working with your real estate professional, estimate the price range to which you will confine your search. Many advisors recommend that your debt raUo be no greater than 36 percent of your groa monthly Income. In other wonts, when combined, a car loan, tuition loan, ~card debt, property ta.es, insurance, monsa&e and other debts ahould not exceed 36 percent of your gross monthly income. One way to dctcnnine your prtce ~ ii to obtain pre-approval from a home mortpge lender. AJ madded benefit, buyers may take you more saiously with this wrttten cpmmitment from a lender. EUlllU11te your #ew community. Start by developing a list of attcrla to evaluate communities and nC'f&h.botbooda. C.Onsid.er tndudtnl such factors as commuting; school systems; parb; libraries and community f'adltties; property tu rates and other tuet; atme rates; cost of llving -..,- current and htstodcalJ>rope!Xy ~.W.; age and d'wacta of ndghbodloods; 'tt<mlfton; outdoor acttvtties and arts; community organlz.ations such as chwdtes, charities and sports dubs; shopping; health ca.re; and other amenttles, ICJ'Vica and costs. Check your local lJbrary~ {or "Places Rated Almanac" or research your new comm\Dllty on the Internet. Web lites such aa www .MSN.com allow you to compare your community wtth mother. And don't forget about your ttal at.ate professional. He or she can send you a reloation pa4ct 6.l1ed with tnfomD.tlon about your new area. ~II Mme faztu1'a dJdllft. Undoubtedly, you wOl be uran&tng one or more howH\unttng tttps. Make Nre your ttal estate professional knows euctly what you need and want so that your trlpt ~productive. Take photographs of your cunatt home or clip ptctwa from magazines to illuma.te the kinds of features you'd like In a new home. Develop a home featuret cheddJst. Include ran.ldop for the f.ac:ts ~ consider most important - prtce, squan! footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, other 1tft:1g amu, garage space and other features. ntese may include laundry W:ruttes, appliances, ftreplaces, decorator featwa, Jandsci~ etc. You imy alto want to include other fxton that may be of lmponance to you IUCh aa tttes, age of the home, comm\Dllty pool and proxfm1ty to employment, schools,~ bospitall, etc. Btmy Mllrla rqwtmd.J sillm """bNym"' tM °""'II:~ awtlll ~of Newport awt, Newport BeMll. Ommll tlel MJlr ad llie 1""1u Rl#lt:JJ. He am l>e rtMNd di (949) 552·1 l l l. ~~HMWS.&OM ~'(t:ld lo Ids Websi/4 di C}'bm'ilki-HOflfa.amJfar ""4""'*1 ~· ~ Rully is 1111 l~OWMIJ llllll opmded ~of71te ~RllllEslllle Aj/lllllla, 1~. Exquisite contemporary-style home This is a contemporary-style home with dramatic archJtecture and ocean views. Located tn the prestigious guard gated community of Monarch Bay, this single level, three bedroom, three and on~half be home features a great room with floor-to-ceiling glass doors that opt to the counyards and ocean-view patios. Other luxurtes include media room, spacious master retttat, and a gourmet kitchen with dining patio and ocean views. This home ii offered at $3,000,000. For more U.jim"'1Htm, CAil The Blossom Tum of~ Califom Rulty's Three Anh Bay branch at (949) 793·5068. You"'" 11lso visit thdr Web site at """"1.3arclib4ylwmes.com. Thdr ojfke Is 1«4ted at 32356 Stndh Coast H't)c11JaJ, South 1.aglma. PrudenlW Califom14 ReAlty is proud to be a member of HomeSmllas of Alnerl&ll, Inc., a Berlcsltlre HatMtOllJI AlflJiAU. Visit Prudmti"1 CalifomlA Really's Web site at: """"'-~.com. Great bluffs opportunity Located in the desirable Blu1Ps neighborhood ii a dtamatic "U Plan" end unit. This home offers three bedrooms and two and one-half baths, with one bedroom and bath on the main level. Great location near shops, parks, Back Bay nature trails and acellent schools. It ls also situated near the largest community pool. Thia condo has been upgraded with French doon, newer applJancet, tile Ooor and a lovely enclosed patio. nm home ii.offered at $545,000. F<w "'°" l".{onutkm, CAil s.1ly Slilpley of Pruden/W Califoml4 Rully 11' Ntwporl Buc1J Ill (949) 219-2414. Y ot1 ''"' "1so MUil Mr Ill Sllllyslilp~.CO#I. Her oJ!ke Is lot:4IU Ill 23 ~ PIA:a, Ntfl1110rl Bud. ~ a.ltfumU. Re.lly Is f"O"'l to be" 1'1afber of H~ of Alflerlu, Inc., "BerlulUrt H""""-,y AJ!ilu.te. Visit PrNden""1 CA/lfomU. Rully's Wtb st# Ill: _,.,~.t:Om. re and :yof ialfbath at open and a !liforn~ vtstl rat ~ a 'sWtb JD Is nccs1 TJ-IE PORTFOLIO DIFFERENCE 05e.ar ~tamante Ptc5idcnt • Over 50 banks and lending in&titutions to choose from • Loans to $10 million ; all credit profiles, induding ea&9-doc and int.crcst-onl9 • Our goal is to provide the best ratc6 and lowest cost -all with o ur b~t price guarantee TRY FIXED !S·YEAR TO $1 .5 MILLION • 4 .9!5% • ZERO POINTS• INTEREST·ONLY OPTION • NO PREPAYMENT PENALTYlll aguna Beach oods Cove ~-i;r.-;2m11l'Jll"""'---------, Unlock the magic of Scenic Drive Enjoy panoramlc Set amidst the , sunset and ambiance of South cataUna views from Laguna Beach, which is almost evuy room in this remtn.iscent of a home! Walle to the European village, the beach, shops and town. home is wi1htn proximity nus home was parU4lly to the beach, restaurants remodeled in 1998 and Laguna Village. including new roof, Offerlng two bedrooms stucco, fireproof lktiJl8 and two recently and Andene:n windows remodeled baths, this and doors. solid lath and plaster Entertain from your residence features a new customized cheta living room with views ki:tcheJl Wfth to~f.,-the--Une appliances and granite countertops. The adjoining and a fteldstone ftreplace. Other amenJties include wood ceilings, hardwood great room opens onto an ~ve BraziHan hardwood deck overlooking the floors and a kitchen with an open greenhouse window and glass front ocean and north Coutline. · cabinets. The property ii~ of the Clutvfew Diamond Expansion plan with the The luxuries continue with a collector'• piece intricately hand-carved front possibility to enlarge the footpf#lt and square footage of the home. The home door and a gated entty with lead accent, which accents the arched door. Plus, sits nestled among mature trees, lush hillsfdes and landscaped grounds a secluded patio wtth Matcan tiles, eating area and numerous flowers. affording wondeifu) privacy on a meet-to-street lot. 1he home currently is This home ts offered at $7 49 ,000. three bedrooms, two baths with a venat.tle floor plan. The first Door bedrooms For more Inf"""'"'°"' caU Patrlda Tru"'4n at (949} 497-3331, ext. 317 or have a secondary aCCe11-works great for home office/ nanny or guest. (949) 23()..3446. You can also visit lln' Web site at WWfO.pa#ytnmr4n.ann and Permitted un.6.nimed 35<Hquate-foot room on the 8.rst Ooor also provides ~""'a lln' at tillln'paltytrumanOpruoc.ann or pattytrufturthllnlt.Mt. Her ocean views. The home J:W a two car garage with off~ parking. ojfke Is located 11t 1 J JO Glen~, LllpM Buch. Prudentlld Ciliforn'4 Really Buy this home Jn Woods cove and live the buch lifestyle. Our motivated Is proud to he" member of HomeSmllas of Ammcll, I11e., "Berluhlre HatMway aellers ha~ found another and have priced this home to sell. Affiliate. Pruden""1 c:allfornla Realty is ranleed """"'&the tpp five real esf4te This home ii offered at Sl,195,000. companla '11 the ""tton, with mart tJuin $171"11"'11 tn saks tJOIUrM In 2002 For more bl/orr#Mt<m, C41llCArdll MAStm mtd Cindy T~ ttl (949) 338-8818 aceomlng to Nt"t°""l RelocatWn and Rul Bstate M•&Cine, A,ira 2003. """ (949) 212-2532, tDJJA"1twly. YDM ain fllso e-111110tMm11t l'nldetlttal Ciliforn"' Rully 1uu man titan 4()()() saks llSSOdllla In 11Urly 80 ~·'°"' llifd tMi1 #ietr Web~ at tn1#1.Niuters4rul:I'~.<»m oJftas In S.11 DleNJ, Or11nge, Los A11gtles, Vmlu,.,._ S.nlll &sriart111nd S.n Luis for photos IUlll ""1ft DO:•lde tletllas. TlldT oJftce Is loc.dte.d Iii 32356 Soulia OM.rt Obispo cmmtla. VUU Prtuloi""1 o.Jifomld Really's Web~ •I: Hlt)JIOlly, 1A/}4M BMdt. "1WIO.pruden""1CIU.ann. ~ . • • w J I s» 8 w '° l l'T'I ' ~ ti' • ~"' ~ ... / ··"' .,,/ ... UI • .,., . , r ""'. Contemporary-style oceanfront home Enjoy breathtaking vtsw from th.ls soft contemporary-flyle oceanfront residence that Is steps to the sand Enjoy the best of indoor/outdoor living and enta1alntng in Laguna beach. This iaidence features walls of glass which provide unobstructed white water views, spectacular sutUets and sandy beach. Rdu and JJJten to the aashing mves. Well appointed, this ftve bedroom, ftve and one--halfbath home features a main Ooor master suite with ftreplace, sauna, Jacuzzi tub and walk-in closet. The oceanfront family room has a built-in beverage refr.igerator, mJcrowave and dispwasber whkh can be used from the apanstve beachfront patio. 1'bis restdence offers the ultimate Southern c.alifomla Ufestyle. 1111s home ii offered at SS,195,000. For mort Inf°""""""' Cllll Otrlsttu FG:.OM di (949) 640-3600. Stradll Properltes, 140 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 100, Newport Buch. cannery VIiiage llve/work loft Cannery Village live/work loft located in the heart of Newport Beach'• legendary Cannery Village, the Monarch Building offers a rare residential loft opportunity . Modem tngenutty meeu IUllJl}' warmth in th.ii spadow approximately 2,2()().square-foot loft with dual Uve/wotk functionality. Its two level Ooor plan includes two generously proportioned bed.rooms, one bath, a great room, dlnlng room and open air deck with decorative t:reDistng. Ita state-of·the-art architec:tUre futures approximately 14-foot hlgb volume cet1ingl and dramatic two story arched wtndowl with a view of ltfe and wodt below. Surfaces of glass, concrete, steel, brtck, resin and wood communlate the tngenuJty of the building's dertgn and residents. A one.car detached garage accompanies the loft. . Nestled in an emerglng auttve and commerdal hub, the Monarch Building ts Ideally attuated to allow restdenu quJdt accesa to the flnest of Newport Beach's wOrld claSI shopptQg, beaches, golf, dtntng and boatfn8. Thil home II offered St ,695,000. For MOre "''°""""""'' CAU Joli11 McMonl&U al (949) 640-3600. Str4"" Properltes, 140 NetepOrt Ce1tkr t>Hoe, Ste. l 00, Newpqrl Bt«h. Desirable Plan 3 now available This ls the largest and most desirable single stOJY Plan 3 with three bedrooms and two baths. Features includes vaulted ceiling. formal dining. family room, huge yard and secluded patio otfthe master. Upgrades include leaded glass front doors, four skylights, newer sliders ar. custom Ubrary and stereo cabinetry. This home ls offered at $915,000. For more'"""""'"""· call JoAnne Perltlns (949) 641J-3600. Str4'111 Properlic 140 Newport Center Drlrt, Ste. 100, Newport &adi. Great curb appeal This Is a charmJng three bedroom, two bath home in great neighborhood and on a great street. Amenities includes newer copper plumbing. hardwood noon, pavers in kitchen, tile countertops and a ftreplace in the dining area. There are 1prin.klers in the front and backyard wtth a patio off of the dtninglfamil7 area. The two car garage has a built-in desk and lots and lots of built~ cabtneu. RV access. Enclosed washer/dryer. 'Ibis home is offered at $510,000. For more ln/"""'41Um, caU Grayce TalU.ferro at (949) 640-3600. Strada Properties, 140 Newport Center Drlt1t, Ste. 100, Newport BtM:lt. Fabulous canyon and city lights view 11111 Coronado model is on a large lot with room for a pool. Meticulously kept, the five bedroom, three bath home has newer paint ouutde. Peatum include French doon in the~ room, vaulted~. decorator colors in bed.rooms, large master bathr6o;m With dual siJW, wet bar, atdum under the staircase and Iota of windows tn av~ open O.oor plan. Abo, then! iJ a newer wood fence in side yards and nice landtaptng. This home is offered at St,395,000. For morr '"'°"""'*"'· "'11 N•"'Y S.rjkld Ill (949) 640-3600. StrilM J>roperlia, 140 Nnqpon Centtr Drlw, Ste. 100, Newport Buell. Jng, ers ansf ood vood :-ea. Jts of tly es 'Sin the wer CORONA DEL MAR 1400 San Miguel 58r 8Ba Sat-Sun 1-5 Patrick Tenore Nationwide USA 949-858-97.05 2630 Seavtew 48r 4.6Ba Sun 1-4 Mlehael Brinkman Coastline Realty 949-759-0177 414 Narcissus 3Br 2 3/4Ba Sat 1-4 Michael Brinkman Coastline Realty 949-759-01n COSTA MESA 2175 Pacific #F-2 2Br 1. 76Ba Sat 12-4 Ron Young Gold Crown 714 432· 7873 $3,995,000 $3,100,000 $1,095,000 $379,900 HUNTINGTON HARBOUR 3792 Humboldt Dr 48r 5.588 Sun1 ·5 Jim Kidder 714 454-5459 Danny Huynh 714-878-2916 IRVINE 27 Aacenaion _ 51881' 388 Sat-Sun 1-5 Petrtck Tenore · · · I 948 888-9705 $2,550,000 $1,299,000 NEWPORT BEACH 4~ N Hampton 2Br 2.5Ba Sat-Sun 1-5 Patrick Tenore 949-858-9705 520 W Balboa Blvd 3Br 2Ba Sun-1-4 Carrie Allen Coldwell Banker 949-718-2378 Cell 714-423-1652 562 Glorietta 3Br + Den 3Ba Sun 1-4 Michelle Brown Prudential Calif Realty 949-212-2576 1518 Anita Lane 4Br 2.5Ba Sat-Sun 1-5 Jon Cobain Broker 949-642-7211 424 Westminister Ave $949,500 $1,225,000 $719,900 Reduced $1,149,000 2Br 1 Ba w/1 Br 1 Ba Guest House Sat .. Sun 1-4 $909,000 Owner/ Agent 949-850-0713 37 Montpelller Harbor Ridge 5Br Sun 1-4 $1,690,000 Ann, Biii, Suzanne Prudential Calffomla Realty 949·422-2889 200 McNeil #110 2Br 2Ba Sat-Sun 1-4 $439,000 Cathi Denton-Jones First Team Real Estate 949-422-9484 for gate code NEWPORT COAST 33 Renata 4Br 2.5Ba Sun 12-5 $1,589,000 Owner 949 497-2989 m J I 90 8 w . • .. . .. •I • • •i l \. I I • j I • = - MAIN Fl.00'! MAsm. Nl.wPoRrCoMT ... -000 ~ Gllld~lll!Ollg:ll~dolla'~ &clpWlll~ nl llyll 111 ... nl ~ wlll 3actooms, 2 5 blllll Ot 2 plus din Al/IOt 2.400 sq I VIM ol lultl ~ _,. rMrlR IOon nl 11P01* Ka'islln c.i-. Wood Clbirllll.., tull· ~ ···-~ '**' Lagt..,. arlllllCI Jlld 111111 built " i.tmi1. MM illlo lhis muCll hatrll lN<E FOMST S888,990 THE WOODS tqe ki Ind 1rOt heme..,.. 3.m> IQ I ndd nrlgll lht wocxts 111 Ule k1111111N.,.lndmpl9111i1114~nl25bn.3r.;w~ . ()lginal lloor plMI ~ ~ tlildK fftJdllld liinn, lllgll dlli • • d DI Ind rm ~ iddls Bleln ln'll CU>onh '-*·°'* • ............ Ice ' LWS4'*°1m.....,.,.,.._lu1tr ll;al A SPEcTACUt.AA OCEAN VIEW8 FMWJUS~l.oc.OI 115LNCllHOM·1111,000 """ SNfa ~ 11 ,118,000 f8loollT eo.sr NEWPOflT ~ $2,895,000 GATED COMMuNrTv C..... ()!lfl .. ~allll!Ullill 16llluylaraltpil... ..... _,., h 111r1111aiy~11m1m11111Ww11sn111tmrant4Slll'tdl13-«DAOl ttsTOflC SNn1. Loni ~ ~ l.Akattorc ~ rm J bet70<.m1 IW'd 3 b.#\5 O'ld llJlOl(ll(ITdely 2(XX> 9q 11 \l't'lfl #\ <MW&:l80 ;:: l.111 girage Oie cl II low .... 10 a:rre ll\lll1allle ht t'(l8 been lllCl:o'Old from il'S CYl>'.}'llll 6IZ8 ~ &lail -~ lrli3 trlJt llio&rOlr CJ().l"d !he lalca WOOdbi1dgl has appro1omnliil'( 60 pools dlCl parka • .ro many Fal:lt.b.8 oce9l a'10 lln9lllt \19WS flan hs one ..... home 3 oaaooms. 3 baltW in:t a 3 CllT (page Cuatan II.one ttiomo L;Y'l' OP1J11otc:t$'1, brr+/ IOC1ll hll iw ~a .. t.txir .m nrr ~ MoY9 rv-r1IO Illa elegln hom&I ............ AAnm WMJ< lOfTt Mooa. • P\M 31.AST PHAlf • 1575,990 ,. ....... kxml c1r--~Sl5.IDl•bmldrwm•• """' COJ1a b 8 ""Y .nis loo ••• t •• ...., ... .......,...., ,,. * ,.m *-111111r11-Pndb 6*y • lb!I ora. ARTil'T8 WAU< LoFTa MooEl. PlAN -4 • $510,990 M1wT'1 WAU< l.OfT PlAH 3 MQDe. FOtt SALE . $&50,990 MdsWa'«LcisModllf'lll4 ·S.S10.900.lb~vriler91anremB>I ~ llllllllWl~ollrnu~im mnd•~ Pllll •1crcainoimmen1d'9 Pm'I M1n!lnld~Wlflciy¥1tWS Pra iddls~ 11~~11 lm\n lltUlld 4S2 ~1111 • Pia mm ~.OX> 11llnlrI.WadeswillCM11pewmeiem12' <*lllWJ M l*led b Galleryot lb!l<*t, 1.784 IQ I lltin lqnon IWd IM. ca.e.. ~ PR:tbGalllryor lbre ara. ca.e •.,.'""' 1m • Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 ............. -t I rr-=a'•sle ..... Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 Newport Beach I ' • • ) , I ' ' J t 0 / , • , l JI j l J . Duplex Large upper owner'• unit 3br, 2ba, fp. Ocean views. Lower unit · 2br, 2ba, beach view from llvrm, fp $1,225,000· Agent Carrie Allen Coldwell Banker 949. 718.2378 Cell 714.423.1652 OPEN HOUSE SUN 1 ·4 208 Walnut 12 -llHcr:v 3BR. 2BA rondo in popular Ncwpon SlllllllRI area. Newly painted and carpeted. Two spacious master suite, large 2 car page. ~tion dues! Steps to beach! $629,900 Corona del Mar Duplex Exclusive Listing Principals Only! Just Listed Very Clean Duplex. 4bd, 2ba house plus 2bd Iba unit hardwood floors, fireplace quiet street. extra wide lot, open beam ceilings, remodeled house. ~ced for quick sale! $1,275,000 PRINCIPALS ONLY PLEASE THE SANFORD GROUP Real Estate Broktrace Services (714) 41:Z..8955 OPEN SAT 12·3 INCREDIBLE VIEW ON BLUFFS OVERLOOKING HUNTINGTON BEACH 2 Bedroom, 1.75 bath, cathedral ceilings, private spa in atrium, pool, gated community! $379,900 Prlncl1>11I• Only 714-432-7873 Ron Young WN The Look of the Bellagio Hotel OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 4M WUTlllNSTER AVE Charming, classic home on large lot with lots of room for expansion. Light & bright 2 BR, 1 BA remodeled main house with FP, AC, newer kitchen & Hardwood floofS. Cute and updated 4 bedroom, 5.5 bath., 4000 tqft. Waterfront palace with pvt. boat dock. separate 1 BR, 1 BA guest house/gym/office with private alley entty & hidden patio. Large Grassy Landscaped yards with huge pabo, Reduced to $2,550,000 Jim Kidder 714.454.5459 nn......_ Danny Dong Huynh ~~ 714.878.2916 . PALM SPlINGS-PALM DESBiT VACATION PllOPBlTIBS Offering both Sales and Scaaona1 or Annual Rentals ANNUAL RENT~: Pum. ot Unf. from $1,lOOfMo. VACATION RENT~ Sl,000/MO and up Hldi SealOO $1,100/MO and up Olf Sealon GllBAT INVESTMENT PllOPB.llTIES FllOM $200,000! .., ;' ... Contact MICHAEL ANTER. 760-333-7307 golfdcscrtvacationa.com e-mail VacationwatcM994ka.com garage, gated parldng (boat/RV). Move In readyl '909,000 Owner/Agent (949) U0.0713 11 l '( ; E PI~ I < . E I{ E I > l < .. r I < > \ CORONA DEL MAR 2 BWCKS TO BEACH!! 329 Polnsettia Vintage COM cottage w/ hardwood floors, brick fireplace, large master suite. RIIDUCIID FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. OWNER BOUGHT ANOTHER. Lowest price so close to the beach. Expanded, upgraded &: remodeled!! 2bd plus den, l-3/4ba. grassy backyard $1,399,000 THE SANFORD GROUP Real Est.ate Brokerage Servtces (714) 41.U955 enata 1, In Tesoro Vlllas lledrooaa. 2 m Bllh. 2.714111 a., 4IOO sq 11. tot lid 1 Out 6repl.d. Id Ollt SUrroalld SoaDd COftnd SpC11ts Bir wD eo· HD TY, BBQ 6 1CegcfilOf PUORlllk CltlliDa a. OcMll ~. lioall Oftlci Model Home, Pn'A..ioo.llf DeligDed IDllriof Olellloll £M1: ~ . Nt 41'1·2Ml Ttl Mt ffJ.2117 fa .. NEW LISTINGS COM s 1,450,000 # CONDO 3 BD + Den & 3.S BA FRONT-Brand New South of Hwy CDM s ·1,450,ooo DUPLEX 3 BD& 3 BA and 2BD&2BA CORNER-North of Hwy NEWPORT COAST $695,000 CONDO 3BD3 BA ON GREENBELT Gated Community New carpet/paint 1UKILEROCK CAMPUS VIEW BROAD MORE Irvine 3 Homes 3&4BR $549,000, $615,000 $624,000 1-800-640-6661 -• , • m I ~ i !;" N 8 w '° l -"" i , j ~ ,. UI i o6 I f • "II,."' • I ~ w "II cl! • ~ ~ • \ .. ...l, November Classes & • > ~ Events a ~· q>~on o Tuesday, November 4 8:45 a.m., Affiliates meeting Wednesday, November 5 9 a.m., "Trust Fund• CE class 1 -4 p.m., "Fair Housing• CE class 2 -4 p.m., "Valet MLS" class Thursday, November 6 9 a.m., GPA Committee meeting 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 9, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, November 7 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Monday, November 10 8:30 a.m., New Member Orientation Wednesday, November 12 9 a.m., MLS Committee meeting 9 a.m. -noon, •ethics" CE class 1 -4 p.m., "Agency" CE class 2 • 4 p.m., "Valet MLS" class Thursday, November 13 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 9, 11 , 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, November 14 11a.m.·2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Wednesday, November 19 9 a.m. • noon, "Califomla Paper Trail" CE class 1 • 4 p.m., "Foreclosure" CE class 2 • 4 p.m., "Valet MLS" class / Thursday, November 20 9 a.m., Board of Directors meeting 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 9, 11 , 12, 25, 26, 27 Friday, November, 21 11 a.m. -2 p.m., Brokers Preview Areas 1-8, 10, 14-17 Thursday, November Tl Thanksgiving Day • Association office closed Friday, November 28 Association office closed Orange Coast Association of Realtors 401 North Newport Blwl. Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 722-2300 • (949) 642·4105, fax --- Newport Coast, almost new, upgraded home Welcome to this beautiful French Nonnandy-ttyle Newport Coast residence. Thia tastdully designed home ts hfghly upgraded and in prfltine condition. There are four bedrooma plus a spadOUI master retreat. The ground floor off en beauUful atme marftJ flooring. set on the diagonal with a beautiful nwble inlet medallion at the entry. There 11 a gourmet kitchen with neutral granite countertops and island, GE appllances and a Viking gas range. Lovely custom wooden built-tm are throughout the home. CUstom wtndowuutmenu include plantation shutters, Hunter Douglas Silhouette blinds and gorgeous silk drapetles. The master suite offm a dual ti.replace with marble IUil'Ound, a view balcony and oozy retreat. The luxurlous master bath displays ftne aaftamanship in the custom marble countertops, tumbled travertine flooring and shower and customized walk-in closet. Enjoy indoor/outdoor living from the buutiful back patio with lush 1andscaptng, waterfall, spa, fire pit, built-in bar and refrigerator. The community amenities include pool, spa, tennll and child play area. Located close to shopping. schools and easy freeway access. nu. home ii offered at $1,525,000. For 1""ft '"f"""""""' c"1l a.a Grlllmer •nd Joy CNrtl" of Cold""1l 1Jlmker Newport Buds di (949) 644--9060. ColdfClell 114,,Jeer R~ B~ Is a 1Mmber of tM NRT f(lmll,y of """TN'nla. NRT IncQrporatU, tM """"".'s kMlln& rtSldml"'1 rul estAte brolterage company, Is a subsidiary of Ce11d4#1 ~ (NYSE:<:D). Oranqe Coast Association of Realtors 2004 Installation Brealifast \Vednesday,Decernber3,2003 8:30 .. 1 o a.rn. at the The Pacific Club 411 O MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach Ing l s • r Remodeled In 2001 A large open floor plan is featured in this four bedrooms, two and on~ bathroom home. There are vaulted~ in most rooms. Wood floors downstairs; carpet upmirs. The apanded muter unit hu a wallc-tn closet. Two car garage plus storage. Walle to beach, tennis, pool and children's play area, or put your canoe in the canal for a reluiDg paddle around the •Shores.• This home ii offered at $869,000. For mort '"f°""""""', c"1l ]{m"le Jo Rl.zzo of Coast Newport Propertles-Co1""1ell &Inker dt (949) 123~8800. Coast Newport Properties Is located at 3317 Vl4 L""1, Newport BeadJ. Coldwell Banlter Restdenttal Broma&e Is" tneMber of the NRT fttmfly of cqmpanles. NRT 111COfPOt'atd, the nation's ludmg resldmJlal rt4l estAte hrolt.erage company, ts a substd'4ry of Cendant CorporaHqn (NYSB.aJ). Designer touches throughout Stunning Plan 5 Madison Lane home With a guest sutte and bonus room, this home oou1d be tlve or m bedrooms. The beautifully landscaped rear yard has a built-to baxbecue. Upgrades are atenstve and tndude UH.nch coliseum stone Ooortng, upgraded maple cabtneby, encased windows with shutten, upgraded catpet and pad, built-in G.E. refdgerator, aown mold.in& built-to entertainment center, stacked stone fireplace in the family room and coliseum faced fireplace in the ltvtng room. This home ls offered at S 1,449,000. For more mfomuttkm, C4ll CA.-ol P'Hf> or Ride~ of Co4st Newport Properlies-Coldwell BaMer tit (9~) 644-1600. c:oast Newport Properties (s kx:#ted at 4 CJtlk PllaA, Ste. 260, Newporl Belldl. O>ld1«1l Baldter RestdmtfAl Bl"OltmJ&e Is a monber of the NRT flllnlJy of companl4s. NRT I~ the natkm's leadtng rtsfdenJtal rtal estate hrolctrage company, Is" subsidlmy of Cendant Corponrtkm (NYSE.al). Recent remodel highlights single story home Fantastic rental with new paint, new carpet, granite kitchen. New owners Priced to sell, beautiful and newly remodeled single story home. Bamboo have redone thll untt wtth destgner touches. Two bedrooms and two hardwood Ooon th.roushollt. Upgraded bathroom with custom sink, tile and batluooma with lou ohrindows, this unit ts brtght and airy. New sinks and Bxturet. Second largest lot in the ndghborhood, allghtly under 10,000 square fixtures, granite and motalc tile in master bath. feet. New roof, concrete drlveway, dual pane vinyl windows. Two car garage Located in the Newport Cout gated community oflbe Summit. and tnstde laundry. This home ta for leae at $2,400 per month. 1hta home ts offered at $539,000. For ""1rt '"'°""""""' t"1l Dent11e I<enu of Coast Newport Properltes-Coldwell For more '"ftJmlldl<m, call Ttm Smith or Ron Mftl.r of Coast Newport Banker Id (949) tJU.1600. CoMt Newport Properlles Is located at 4 Civic Plau, Proptrltes-Coldwdl &lnlrer Ill (949) 118-1800. Coast Newpqrl Properltes ts SU. 260, Newport .... c:o1dtoell &mJur RestdnltW Brolreragr Is" member of located 21151 Newport CoMt Drlpe, Newport Codst. ColdtOell &Inker the NRT famfly of~· NRT lffCOrPDrllted, Ille Mlion's ludtng resUJ.enffal ResUk111"'1 Brokerage u a member of the NBT fMNlly of ctmlfl4"les. NRT "41 est.le bro~ co,._,., ts• n"1sttlt.ry of Cetldil"t CorporaHqn lneorpordtd, the """'1ts's ludllf& ~ rtdl m.te broJrml&t '°"'Pd">'• ts fNYSE.aJ). "substd'4ry of Cendant OJrporatfMI (NYSB:CD). I i ... • • .. - • . .. ..... ... • UI \, ~ otS I I • j J • °'" ~ ! Provence living at Its finest Located on• quJet tree llped cul-de-sac wlthln the Provence enclave of Newport Coast, th1J three bedroom, two and one-half ba1h plus den home ls imbued wtth Old World luxwiet yet off en the very inodA!Jn wtrtng for broadband networking and security. The sellers have purchased another home and need to sell quickly. Beautiful Brazilian exduslVe HomeB Enjoys the views from Las Verdes Standing on a large cuklHac parcel wtth views of the hills and city lights, this 3,0S~oot family home has been beautifully upgraded wttb designer touches. Comprtsed of ftve bedrooms and two and tJlree.<tuarters baths, amenities Include French doors, cathedral ceilings, aown moldfnp, CUltOD1 paint ftnlshes, arched hardWOod Ooon throughout with travertine, ~ JWllt and luxurtous window cov~ md a charmJ.itg center couitflrd a calm retttat from the outside world. doonvays and towering windows, outing a distinctive E~ ambiance. home The formal living room has a f!eplace, French doors 1adtnj to a courtyard and a uniqUe tile 600.r rem.tn.lscent of a French country bOl:ne. 'Ibe elepnt fonilal dtn.tng room connect1 the living room to the fami]y room and kitchen. An open, tpadom floor plan off en two ~taeet each in the fOrmi1 lMng room and family room. There ls also a Comal diiling room with PrenC:h doon that lets in the lavender scented breezes &om the~· There ls a chets kitchen wlth honey grmtte counten, center islahd and Walk-in pantry. An informal dinlrig aru stanch to the side and thm are doots tHat open tO the professionally daigned backyud wtth French country hardscape, a bu.lit-in barbeeue and hut lamp. The master bedroom lJ a retreat untO itsdf' wtth a loft area that could be used u a fourth b(droom, omce or gym. The bath ts appointed wtth aJaami tub, dual vanities, wallt..f.n closet and custom linen 1torage. Additional amenities include an indoor laundry room, two car att&cbed garage, and privileges for the assodatJon ~. pool, tennis and barbecue f'adlidet. This home ts offered at S 1,249 ,000. ]:qr ""1rt ,,,.fot1Nl""", c"1J Rm TUtn R~ EsWe's Mamu "J{{wl" Gw:rlhr 11t (949) 402.()()10. - In a spacious gut room desi&Jl, the gourmet kitchen f.lOws into 1he family room and lm!akf'ast nook, featuring rich granite counters, Statnlesa steel appliances and custom cabtnet:ry, W:lud!ng two full pantt.tet. The family room features a di.sttiiCtive marble Bref>Lice and comer built-tn enterW.nment center. 'The en suite master bedroom offers a rpadous II~ area and a short hallway area that leads to the maible appointeCi Nth as well u a rttreAt area that could be \lied u a home gym or srudy. RdU tn the ,Jaa.iZ%i tuo dramatically st.aged in an arched nook wtth wtndoWs o&:edng vtnn. Additional upgrades include dual m conditioniilg l)'llernl, a two car attached garage wtth an q>olied flOQr and indoor Jaundiy ~ PimilJes w1l.l • appredate the aaodation ¢.61 and walk to elemenf:UY and middle ichools. 'IbiS home ts offered at S879 ,SOO. For"'°" '"'°"""""'' rAll First Tt111"''s Jeff~ lit (949) 49S.1218. Visit =~·com for" flirllllll k>Mr""" • list of <>IMr """'° JeJ!luls ly <>m ltet. ill sit 127 J I • - . .. ..... .0 .j f • M -J • ~ !