HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-09 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS & CURIOSITIES The Duke would be proud L et's bear it for John Wayne! Hip, hJp ... wait, stop. Not him. The other John Wayne. The one with the airplanes. Th.is week. the Federal AViation Admin- istration gave the air traffic controllers at John Wayne Airport two thumbs up. Way up. Since January 2001, the JWA controllers nave handled PETER over a million BUFFA takeoffs itlld landings without a single error. That's a lot. Doing anythlng a million times without ma.king a mistake is impressive. But when It comes to making airplanes go up and down. It's awesome. according to Donn Wallcer with the FA/\s Western-Pacific region, "They've not made a mistake in the tower in three years. That's very significant,• he said. You hJt the head rlgtlt on the nail, Donn. But It's more than significant. It's personal I spend a lot of time tnslde airships. I have brought my seat and tray table back to thelr upright position more times than I can count On many of those trips. I leave from -and eventually return to -John Wayne Airport. I don't mind if a waitress or a plumber makes a mistake. I can deal with that But I have a higher standard for air traffic controllers, especially when they are controlling the plane I'm in. Exactly what does the FM mean when they say "mistaker There are the obvious ones that most of us could conjure up, like trying to land two planes on the same runaway at the same time. That's a mistake. And It lowers your score considerably. But Ln reality there are very precise standards that have to be followed -minimum distances separating aircraft in 01ght and minimum intervals belng takeoffs and landings, etc. That reminds me of the first lesson ln pUot's school: Make sure the number of takeoffs you make matches the number of landings exactly. Are a million takeoffs and landings a lot or a little, by the way'/ It's always ha.rd to get a handJe'on these things. Airports are usually ranked by the See COMMENTS , Pqe M INSIDE THE PILOT IN SIGHT For some, headech91 can be severe and tomient th• bnvest of people. These severe eventl are known at migreinea end etthough aspirin alone fMV not help, yourdoctorhaswaytto take th• p.ln away. S..P819AB FORUM Got congestion 7 M traffic gee. worM, City Councitwoman UbbY Cowan iavs Cott. MHlnt need to bit• the buli.t and mek• tome tough declliorle to Im~ It. ... ,..,, .. If. SUNDAY . ~ EDITION Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 NOVEMBER 9, 2003 SUNDAY STORY 'I started r~alizing a couple years' ago that when I'm dead and gone all these stories are forgotten history. So I realized th e only way to preserve it was to put it in a little book.' Jim Jennln11, Balboa Island resident PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pl.OT Jim Jennings has seen a lot in his time on Balboa Island and the re sident and businessman has written a book chronicling the enclave's fascinating history. SPORTS ISLAND TALES Longtime Balboa Island resident puts his memories to paper and publishes a book in order to make sure t~ey aren't lost Jun• CHa1rande Da1lyP1lot J Im Jennings heard a lot of stories in his 30 years of running a service station on Balboa Island -5tories of the people and the events that helped make a former sandbar into the thriving LsJand it is today. But by the time he retired in 1989, clearing way for what would eventually become the site of the flre station, he wasn't just an expert on local history. He had become part of it. "Most of the things I know about local history I know because I lived them,· Jennin~ said. About three years ago. he began writing history pieces for the Island Breeze, documenting some of the most fascinating and colorful moments of the Island's past But as he saw the past come to llfe in the Breeze pages. he was suddenly hit with the Idea that they should be written down someplace more. permanent "I started realizing a couple years ago that when I'm dead and gone all these stories are forgotten history.• he said. "So I reall7.cd the only way to preserve lt was to put .11 In a little book." About three weeks ago, this dream took form in "Old Balboa Island Stories: Prom 1907 to the Millennium,· a collage of some of Jennings' favorite tales of tJ1e island's early years. Jennings· all-lime favorite is tJ1e story of Ray Reeves and Lhe first Oat·bottomed tennis shoe. According to Jennings' book. Reeves was a Balboa I lander and a foot doctor who invented the first "wedgee" tennis shoe for a patient. "So when you slip on your flat-bottomed tennis shoes in the morning. remember that a Balboa l'ilander invented them!" Jennings wrote. The 89-page book is fillet! with !.uch stories. Jennings' aC'counts of the past that, while not always vcnfiable, are consistently entenaining: the history of Lhe Village Inn, the beginnings of Hershey's Market. the old Flre Station No. 4, the closing of the 76 gas station. Dozens of historical photos round out the picture of a Balboa Island of yesteryear Lhat laid the groundwork for the heartbeat of the island SN TALES, Pase M TOP ·STORY Great time, place to sing the blues Crisp autwnn air and picture~que setting sun frame the second Waterfront Blue Festival at the Dunes just right Saturday. Lollta Harper Daily Pilot NE!WPORT BBACH -The aun aulked behind the horlzon Saturday nlght ln perfect tlme w1th the smooth, melodic tunes bring belted from the Waterfront Blues FeallvaJ at the Newport Dunet. n doesn't get much better than lhJs. agreed a group of friends titting outside the main stage area. •The blu are here to stay," aaJd Gilbert Lozano from Per- ri. Newport Harbor High'• flefd hocUy tHm wina the Tourn.ment of Champlone wfth • 2-0 vk:tOry over Harvard-W_..t. Notes from the Uvety festival Ooated ln the cool night air, u the sun made tta final curtain call. Blues enthusiast• tapped • thelr feet and nodded thelr beads to the rhythm, whUe watchinl lhe y turn a Oery shade of pink. It wu th• accond year of the Waterfront Blues Festlval and aucb noted bJuea ard ta as Coco Montoya, Blu Toba.ko, Guitar Shorty, the Johnny Tucker Band anU Elnora & SUmpthln'• Cookin' were on the playbill. The event wu aponaored by m:w; ~/DM.Y Pl.OT The JohnnY Tucker Band performs at the Waterfront Blues Festival at the NewPort Dunes Resort on Sltwdey In Newport Beach. This w~s the second year of the al-day roosic ..._ ... ,...., S..ILUEl,P•M t f A2 Sunday,~ 9, 2003 .. NEWPORT BEACH Senior housing project wins O>astal Commission support The Lower Bayview Landing tenlor aft'ordable housing project bu been approved and Is expected to be buJlt by mld-2005. The c.allfomia Coastal Commisston approved the project Wednesday after the city and envtronmentallst.s reached a compromise on several environmental issues. •A resJdenUal drug and alcohol treatment center on Balboa Penllllu.la has come under Ore u nelghbol'I report a number of nolle problems at the site. The City Council will look at Its opUons forassuringthatlhebusinesscompU.. whh nolse and zoning codes. • The Airport Working Group ecored a ~in In the form of a settlement with the Navy over environmental l.ssues at the closed El Toro Marine A1r Base. The Navy has agreed to conduct expanded environmental studles of the 6ite before It is parceled out and sold to d~lopers and for parldand. • Safety at John Wayne Airport ls at a high after federal authorttJea reported that air traffic controllers there had guided a mWJon fUghu without a single controller error. A controller error occurs whenever an air traffic controller guides a plane to someplace It shouldn't be. usually near other planes. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covert Newport S.9di end John Wayne Alrpc>ft. She may be reedled et (949) 57-M232 or by •mail It JU,,..caugrende l1t1mn.com COSTA MESA Police working toward community involvement City leaders last week heart.Uy embraced Police Chief John Hensley's desire to implement a comprehensive community poUcing style. The Oty Council voted unanimously to adopt a resolution upponlng community poUcing -a partnership between the poUce dep4rtment and other dty departments to ta.clde any number of problems. The plan should be In place early next yetil'. • During a Planning Comml.ssJon study session, Deputy City Atty. Marianne Milligan suggested the city enter Into a binding legal agJttment with Joe Brown. owner of Sn~ Hatbor and El Nido. irutead or pursuing an interim ordinance the commission was alttady con ldering. The a.greement would serve the same purpose a.a the interim ordinance -to set a procedure for clo Ing a mobUe home park -and deftn.e exactly what kind of parks Snug Harbor and El Nido att, Milligan &a.Id. The commis-slon wUJ consider the agreement option Monday. • DEJAORE NEWMAN cover1 Cotta Meu and mav be read\ed at (9491674-4221 or by e-mail et dt11rdro.newman "lat1me1.com EDUCATION Special ed studenLS protest classroom conditions at CdM Fourteen of 16 speclal education students at Corona del Mar I Ugh School stayed home this week as part of a walkout parents staged to bring attention lo what one parent called the ~controlled chaos~ of loo rew teacher aides and a classroom Infested with rats and cockroaches. A district spokesperson saJd that the carpets would be cleaned Friday and they would teU janitors about the rodent Issue. • Corona del Mar senior Matthew Ramiriz. 17, died Oct. 31 while riding an aU-terrain vehicle In the GWn.1.9 desert after an Arizona man In a dune buggy struclt his vehicle from behind. Ramirez wu thrown from the vehicle and died Of a broken nee.It. Harry Lane -------~--------~- • ~EKIN ~VIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'GREAT ART: JUST ADD WATER' When J was told we needed a weather plctwe late In the day, I rushed out and headed dawn Harbor Boulevard. When It rains there ls more actMry and action there than almost any other street In Newport-~ The rain stopped and I was a little worried since, u usual, time was abort. OOH LEACH I DAllY PILOT could get a reflection shot there. I pulled over and composed the shot. I turned right on Harbor frOm Victoria and began looking. While wa1dng for a person to enter the picture a woman struck up a conversation from her car. While talking, I interrupted her, crouched, got the shot and continued talking to the woman about cameras. Apparently her Climera was brokm and she was hoping I could fix It. I dldn' have to look far. I saw a masstw puddle on the black surface and knew I PUBLIC SAFETY Local firefighters help wage a hard-fought battle Newpott·Meea 8.rdlgbtm have returned from helping battle the wildfirel that have ravaged pa.rta or Southern Oillfom1a. "You hear about the devastation and bow everything is totally destroyed.. said Fred Segwtn, a Costa Mesa fire captain. "It's different when you actually see It and a.re a part of It It's hard to put Into words. It's as if a huge bomb exploded In the area.. The Newport-Mesa striJce teams worked almost round-the-clock. stopping to rest only for minutes. All members returned home safety. • A 38-year-old Newport Beach man pleaded guilty on Monday to one count of attempting to receive a videotape that contained child pornography. officials &a.Id. Daniel T. Aynn worked as a Poster, 53, Oed the scene after the accident, but turned himself in the next morning and faces felony hit-and-run charges. A memol1al service will be held In R.am.irex's honor 7 p.m. Monday at the school. • MARISA O'NEIL coven education end may be read\ed 9t (949} 67'-'268 or by e-mail at m1riu.onei/Oletlme1.com. POLITICS Clndidates for local races set. ready for March teacher for the Irvine Unified School District at UC lrvt(le's Oilld Development Center, whkh houses the program for children suffering from attendon deficit hyperactivity disorder. Rynn ls scheduled lo be sentenced on March 15, when he can get as much as 15 years In federal prison Prosecutors said the Investigation began In March when f1ynn sent an e-mail to an undercover U.S. postal Inspector seeking to purchase a 30-minute videotape of minors engaging In sexually explicit acts. Flynn was placed on ad.mln.lstradve leave In May and denied access to the center when the investigation began. He resigned shortly afterward. • ~ BHARATH cover• public safety end COl.Jrtl. She may be readled at (949) 674-4226 or by .-mall at dHpe.bhareth@latimn.com. was the deadline. The fields are set in the 68th Aasembly district, which Includes Cost.a Mesa. the candidates are self·descrlbed businessmen Lany D. AIU5on, a Ubertarian; Al Snook. a Democrat; al')d Yan Tran, a Garden Grove city coundlman and a RepubUcan.. Also running ls Republican Marlt Leyes, who Is also on the Garden Grove City Council. in the 10th Assembly district. six RepubUcans, one Democrat and one Uberta.rlan are trying to get on the NDVmlber ballot. The Republican candldates are Cristi Crlsticb; businessman and Anny Major OlUck DeVore; Oloncbol 0. Gupta; engineer and buslnesaman Long K. Piwn, South No more wooderins If a Wt·mlnute entty alter the St.ale political raca. ~ are set for March prlmarles. Last week . Orange CQmmunity College Dlstt1ct lh.tstee Donald P. Wagner; and -Don 1.1.ach, stajfphotograpMr MARKC OUSTIN/DAILYPILOT Costa Mesa Fire Department Capt. Fred Seguin was part of a team sent to help baWe the wildfires in Southern California. Marianne 1Jppl. Uberta.rlan and voice systems specialist Mark BaJdwln and Democrat Carl L Martz are also seeking the seat The 35th Senate district will be the battle between two whQ have proven they can win: John Caripbell and Ken Maddox. Republicans who now hold the 70th and 68th AMembly district seata. respectfvely. Others seeking the senate seat are businessman Tunothy Johnson. a libertarian; legal secretary Rita Siebert, a Democrat; and retired U.S. Marine Col. Joe Snyder, a Republican. •ALICIA A<MMNSON cover• bu1ineu, politlc9 end the environment. She can be ruc:hed •t (949) 784-<tlJO or by 9'mall at •lkll':robfnM)n latl,,,.1.com. Oeit; Piiot • ·NOTABLE QUOTABLES • "This somewhat puts 11'4 city In a /Jifflcalt relattonshlp with tl1• county, wtth whom we work on a variety of different things. So part of my padng on this has been to work wtth them rather than be more aggressl 11t1 and confrontational." -Dave JWf, assistant city manager of Newport Beach, on trying to figure out where missing Newport Coast tax money may have gone and the task of working with the county. "It's staggering to see so many homes on fire. Tiiis is tlze most firefighting I've ever done In my 27 years 4S a firefighter." -Ron Sutherland, Newport Beach battalion chief, who was among Newport-Mesa firefighters who battled the Southern California wildfires. "/ think we mtuh inroadrtoday. Maybt· we got their attention. I rhink the district ts surprised at our level ,g frustration. ·• -Meg Hant.on, who was among parents at a meeting to discuss with the school district construcdon delays at Harbor View Elementary. "In this case, we haven't released the name of the victim or any information that can identify her. We rheply respect the public's rig/it to know, but felt It was outweigMd by tlze 11icti m's riglzt to privacy. " -Suaan Schroeder, deputy district attorney. on a decision not to show a video that is part of the Gregory HaldJ and Kyle Nachreiner rape trial. 'We police It as best we can, but tlzere are 1,500 sellers out there, and sometimes they'11e got tlzlngs that look very authentic." -Stuart Suchman, attorney for Market Place president JeffTeUer, after a Westminster couple pleaded not guilty to charges of manufacturing and possessing for aale counterfeit designer purses that they allegedly sold at the Orange County Market Place. .•'" -·" ; .. " . . . . ' .. .. ·. . -. . . ~ ' • . . . . .. .. :: .. .. • , .. ' Daily A Pilot PHOT'OORAPHEM Mart C. Duetln, Don !Md\, Copyright: No newt atoriu, llluatratlont, edltoriel metter 'Or edva('l1H!'Qenta herein can be reproduced without written perml11lon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. 118 TltOMAI H. JOHNSON Pllblleher TONYDOOIAO Edttor JUDY OErT1NO ~~~ flromoUON Dl'9CtOr New. Edlttoft Olne Ahticende<. l.oti Andenon, Denlel Hunt. Paul SeltoWlti. ~lelYerw NIWSITNIP 0-.. ...... Critne and OOl"'9 "PO!*. (Ml) l74-4Z2t -...~•,.,,,,_com JuMCrr a ... a Newpott...,.. ~. (14811?4-U32 Ju~•*'"*·oom Lelelt...,., Columnlat. cultv,. ~. (Ml) 17""'171 /ollr..~IMl"*.oom .,..... ....... CON Meet repott1t, IMl 17'"'221 ~ntwmen•...,.,oom ....... O'Nll !Ouoadon repcM1er, (1481 ~ INriN.OMll•...,,,,..,oom L.-Mll ~....,,.,, ... )~ 1uJe.,,.,,.•1«1,,,.oom Kent TNptow flllADfRI HOT'UHf (Ml) 142-eo&e f*lotd vour commem1 •bout th• Delly Piiot Of newt tlpe. ~ Our add,.... It 330 w. l•v St.. Coett Meal, CA t2e27. C>mc. hourt are MondeV • Fridly, IUO a.m. • I p.m. c~ It le tM fl'llot'a Polley to prompdy OOl\'9Ct 111 tn'Ort of tubltance. Pleaee call (Mil~ • m The Newport 8-tVCottl M4IN Delly ,llot (UPl-1"4-IOO) le publltMCI d411ty. In Newport hlctl •nd Cottt Mete. tubac:ttptlone .,. evellable ontv bv eubectlblno to The Tlrnee Orenoe County (IOOI 2SW141. In lftlM OU1llde of Newport hlctl Ind COltl Mela, eubeortpdone to ttMr Oeltv PMot .,. avaltlble only by flrwc clall mell tor ao per month. (f'rtoel lnolude ell appllelbl• Mll!t Ind looial ..... , POITMAST!": lend~ dllngtt tlO The H9wpol1 ~Meet Delly '11ot, '-0. lox tteO. eo.ta Mell, CA t212t. HOW TO REACH ut ~ The Tlmea Orange County (IOOl 2&2-9141 AllMIM• Ctmlfled (Ml) 142.ae78 ~ (IC8) 841"'321 ........ Nlwt (M8) 842-5e80 ....... (141) 174-4.223 ,....,., .... ~170 .,.. ,.. , .... , "°'°170 ...,... dflllypl1ot•1MJ,,,.,oom Mlll\Ollte ..._0.. (IMI) 142-4321 ..... ,..(IMl)831·7128 ~lthed bv Tim. CommunltY ~. 1 dMllon of ttMr Loe AnQMe Tlrnee. CQ003 Tlr'I• CN. All lighti ~· .. WEATHER FORECAST SURF Expect mo,.. clouda todly The wect-northwest will wtth • 30% d\tnc. of lhowera lncreete but by the looks of throughout the day. Oeydmea things, thla won't happen until hlgha wtll hover around~ late In ttM day. deg ...... For morning Mal0nt, In tfM twntng, doude expect only waist-to oontJnue whh .... of. d\8nCe chest-high Mtl at welt·faclng of rain. l.Owt In the lower to breab and 9V9fl smalt.r Hta at m~ aoutMadng apota. Mondly into V.W.n'a Dey, Wind twella could brlng In expect Itel then. 20% d\tnge befttr wav• Monday, but the of rein • rain could alao flCtor In. Expect ............,.: ttM ~ ~lvttyto WWW.,,...ncMMl.p continue on Into Thursday . BOATING FORECAST W...qualty: www.turfrlt»r.oro Ctoee to the ahOtt look for a TIDES light Vln.bie wtnd. cNnolng to tht Witt In the afternoon Time Htllht end d\tnofne """to tht 2:17a.m. 1.93fMtloW noi1hweet In tht evening. 8:301.m. 5.12 fMt high . W.W. at 2 fMt on• Mlttfn 3:33p.m. O.OOfMtlow ·.· ..., beewMn sand I fwt. 8:63p.m. a.at-.thloh OUt ...,.,.,, .... tht wtnde frOmtheMltat 10~· WATER TEMPERATURE 2~ WIV9I end. w.tllm Mtl Mfttlllen 4 end. Ml eecteg,... ~ , LOOKING BACK ·Firefighters have long history protecting Newport Beach Vlr1lnl1 E. Lopez Dally Pilot N ewport Beach residents knew they had someone to count on· to keep them safe in case of~ or other safety situations from t:M very begjnnlng. An all-voluntter fire brigade was tpe first group to watch over the dty. back before August 1910. Then, when a fire broke out that year causing damage to the meeting area of the Oty Council, the city decided it needed a full-time crew and plans were put into motion for a new fire department. WA Cornelius, Newport's first chief, had everything ready to go by December of that year. The council approved a 15-member Ore department. Newport, Incorporated in 1906, also needed to consider the safety of those who lived, played and visited the area beaches. The responsibility of the beach and the safety of Its vls,itors was an addition to the fire departments' duty. In 1923 the city created the first City Ufeguard Service. In 1927 the department was reorganized and a new fire chief, Frank Crocker, was appointed. The fire and beach lifeguard dudes were under the fire chief's direction for the next 30 years. During Crocker's term the city saw Its fire defenses improved by the Implementation of fire codes, the addition of fire prevention programs and a new communication system. in 1956, with a growing demand from people on the beaches. a separate lifeguard department was created. The lifeguard department concentrated on beach and ocean-related activities but also kept some ties with the fire AFTER HOURS • Submit AFnR HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fa>< to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College is offering a nine-part film history on Alfred Hitchcock. The series will be modereted by retired OCC profeuor H. Arthur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The events will be held at OCC's Fine Arts Hall 118. Admission Is S6 for adults and $5 for seniors and OCC etudenta. For more lnforma.tlon, call (714) 432-6880. 'A CHOCOLATE AFFAJR' The Young Professionals Agam1t The Balboa Island fire station and police station as it was when it opened in the early 1900s. department. The first lifeguard headquarters was located on Newport Boulevard in an old fire station. It was where the lifeguards and firefighters practiced joint training activities. The fire department ah.o worked with the lifeguard department whenever an ocean rescue reached the beach. Before 1958 lifeguards average eight rescues per lifeguard each year. That number has risen to more than 40 restues per lifeguard each year. In the late 1960s the Marine Safety Department came into being when the lifeguards were renamed and their focus turned to all areas of the marine environment. This included beach parking and tidelands operations, as well as beach rescues and first aid. Cancer and the Orange County Foundation for Oncology Children & Families will host e fund·railing event from 7 p.m. to midnight Saturday at Newport Dunes Weterfront Resort. Tidtets cost $75 in advance and $85 at the door. Information (949) 440-9873. RING OF LIGHTS The Commodores Club if the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Ring of Lights home decorating competition in December. All home. business, and yacht clubs lining the harbor are invited to participate. Decorations must be In place by Dec. 8. Information (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beautifully decorated yachts, boata, kayaks and canoes will sail along the harbor in the 95th Newport Beach grew to five stations and 40 full-time personnel by 1957. As the city grew in population, size of buildings and area, so did the fire department. Throughout the '60s '70s, firefighters spe.i:ialized in prevention and suppression of fires. They worked on advanced emergency medical aid responses, high-rise fire response, brushJand and marine firefighting. cliff rescue a11d other specialized assistance need~. Newport Beach pioneered the u~ of two-way radio wmmunication, becoming the first depanment in Orange County to use It. What is now known as the Emergency Medical Services was brought about in the mid· l 970's. This Included the 911 system, annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade Dec. 17 through 21. Each night, the parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Collins Island and last two and a half hours. The parade la hoated by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Information: (949) 729-4400, http://www.chrlstmss bostpsrsda.com. MUSIC SALUTE TO AMERICAN COMPOSERS Orange Coast College's Wind Ensemble will offer a salute to American composers at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16, In the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tid<ets cost S7. Information: (714) 432-5880. THE GREAT LEONARD BERNSTEIN Carl St. Clair and the Paci~ Symphony give a tribute oncert fi~fighter-paramedlc units and specially trained hospital persoruvl. The paramedic program began in 1975 with eight firefighte;s receiving t.raming Today. Newport runs three, two-person paramedic units around the clock. In the 1990s, city leaders brought the fire and marine departments back together. Today, eight st.at.Ions throughout Newport Beach provide safety both on land and in the ocean. • LOOKING BACK run1 Sundays Do you know of a person, plaoe or event that deserve1 a hlatorical Look Bade? Let u1 know. Contact us by fax at (949) 646-4170; e mail at dailyplfot@lstimes.com; or mail her at c/o Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. to St Clair's longtime friend and mentor Leonard Bemlteln at the Orange County Performing Art Center on Nov. 19 and 20. For Information, call (71 4) 755-5789. DAVID CASSIDY David Ca11idy will be performing some of his greatest hits, such ea "I Think I Love you" and •Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted," at 8 p.m. Nov. 21 and 22 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tldtets cost $25 to $105. Information: (714) 755-5799, http://www.pacificsymphony. orp. ST. LAWRENCE STRING QUARm The St. Lawrence String Quartet will perform at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 25 In Founders Hall at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tickets coat $42. Information: (714) 556-ARTS, http://www.ocpac.org. Sunday,~ 9, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday e!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • eocttralls ... Quality Service .. • •••NightJy Entcrtalnmco1..,• I"' 1<,., •. , ,.,,,;,,n, ('",.1/I (949) ,,4().7~J44 I <•'>S In in\ j\ii.e., <.:..,, .. !\1C'.'~• o .... ~,....~.._" ... 1. .. ,,.. ... ,, • rr---------------~ ~fl:..f,Ef ;:1 I !fiJw ~ CORNER OF NEWPORT BLVD & FAIRVIEW I EvtrydayC°"°" 6'' I 10!~.!!!1!!• lh~t s.Mors, Mltmy, law Enforc...m 5 99 ~!~1~~t!~~~-03 lh~t COMPLETE (Mt) 651-lllt EXPRESS DETAIL 22ss Newport 11vd HAND WISH Tim Taschler Costa Mesa Are you a futures trader? For quotes, research, and trading discipline ciilll: 19800 MacAflhur Blvd Su11e 1400 lrvtne CA 92612 949. 758.0353 f"utur•• er~•• l)nly for tnOM<f,..,, w.1h 'Pf"""_.. oroul who ar• _.~ ... tn acce,t •.,.,._.......,of"" .. for ~ "P90"(Vnt(y -t·• r-••'-' fYtu•N _.._1><-<offlo·-~ s-V<"°"""""""'t<""~..-.-..... Jo<t•.,.,_.,.. -.-lOO<fr<r..,- (7 14) 740-7878 tlolcet__,. aox OFFICE 10AM-6PM DAILY ~ORANGE COUNTY W ..JI PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (714) 755·0236 GROUP SALES (714) 556·2787 INFORMATION I BANQUET ROOMS \ . . . Avallable ~or h;·r,, festive P~rtie$f MEXICAN BUFFETS • F9Jltll• • Carnlt•• • Guacamole • lnchllaae and much mONI SEGERSTROM HALL (714) 556-2746 TTY • WWW OCPAC.OllG M Sooday, Novembet 9, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES . CosTA..U •AllllM~Grlnd dWft w,...,.. In the 1IOO bled M ~""'" WidlleldeV. ...... .._.A comnWdll~w "'**'In 1N 8300 blodt ... ,0 P.,M. Wednesday. " • N1r o.tW9: A hitW-run Wit ~In ihi 90 blodt et 8:19 p.m. Wedneiday. ...... ~A tobbtrf Wit rtpOf'9d In the 3000 blodt .. 8:38 p.m. Wtidl liledlY· ................ ... ,..,.DIM: Po11111lon of mtrliuane WU niported et 9:38 p.m. Wednee$y. • ~ W9y: A \iehlde burglary waa l'epon.d In the 3000 blodc It 2:19 p.m. Wedneeday. • VlctoM ..._Grind theft wea reporu.ct In the 600 blodt •t 2:05 p.m. Wednelday. •Whltder~A vthlcle burglary WJI reported In the 1800 blodt at 6:36 p.m w.cme.ctey. NEWPORT BEACH • Anade-.nu.: An attempted petty theft was reported In the 300 blodt et 12:42 ... m. F1ideY· • w.t ~ Boulev.d: A loud party was reported In the 1100 blodt at 11 :44 p.m. Thurtday. •East eo.t Hlghw.y: A physk:aJ fight wn reported in the 3500 blo<t at 1"!20 a.m. Friday. • Deborah lAIM: An auto ttleft wn reported In the 2000 blodc at 7:17 a.m. Frlday. • Udo """ Ottve: 1"11paalng waa reported In the 700 blodc et 7:55 p.m. Thurtday. • Pait! Newport DIM: An •Vto theft wtt reported In the 3000 blodc 114!37 a.m. Frlday/ • 21et Strwt and w.t Balboa Boulevwd: A hlt-anckun was~ et 2:17 a.m. Friday. TALES Continued from Al today u a close-knit community whete everybody knows everybo,dy'I name and bust.nm Jenn.ing1 paid out of his own pocket to have be little book printed. a OO$t that averaged out to about $6 a copy on the first round of printing. Working with a professional book consultant. be took It to several printing houses, where he WU dismayed to learn that the m.lnlmum number of books they would print was 1,000. Finally, be found a printer that would agree to bang out just 200 copies. . ·r was hoplng l wouldn't die of old age before r got rid of them," be said with a Ufe.a.ffirmlng laugh. •Mucb to surpiUe. in the first two weeks, all 200 were gone. And now I'm ordering another 200." Coples have gone on sale for $12 at the Balboa Island Museum and Historical Society, Hershey's Market. Martha'i. Boole. Store and Sandplpcri. gift shop. Balboa Peninsula resident and Balboa Beacon publisher Gay WaMall-Kelly, who also publishes Jennings' history pieces, bought a dozen. "I'm so excited about them, I wanted copies for gifts, to hare with others," Kelly said. But despite the book's initial success. the chances are slim Jennings will ever recoup his losses: he figures he would have to sell about l ,000 copies to · break· even. "The sole reason I dJd it at my expense is J wanted some of these stories to carry on after I'm COMMENTS Continued from A 1 number of passengers they serve. How many passengers do you think went through John Wayne Airport last year1 Because JWA i1. one of our all-time favorite topi~ around here. this Is child's play for manx_ of you. Last year, some 8 million passengers passed beneath the gaze of the big bronze Duke at TWA. on their way to or from the great wherever. rs that a lot? Ali June Allyson would say, "depends." What's the busiest airport in the country? New York's JFK? Daily Pdot Jim Jennings, author of the book •01d Balboa Island Stories: From 1907 to the Millennium." was the owner of the Union 76 s~tion at the comer of Park and Marine on Balboa Island. The station, shown here in 1989, is now the site of a Newport Beach fire station. dead and gone, .. Jennings said. Luckily, Balboa Island has been good to him. "In 1936 I bought my home 011 Marine Avenue ~ I could be near my business for $49,000," said Jennings. noting thal at th~ time it was riclicl,llously overpriced. "Now the lot value is $1 million." Chicago's O'l lare? Nope. l'U give you a hint "Rhett, if you go. where shall I ·go? What shall I do?" "Franlc.ly, my dear. I don't give a-" yep, Atlanta lt'i. called Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. and m addition to Brett, Scarlell and ~hley Wilkes, almost 80 million pasi.engers pass through it a year. That's 20 million passengers a year more than Chicago-O'Hare. So we might not get much attention in Atlanta or Olicago. but 8 million passengers is a nice brisk pace around these parts, thank you. And it's nice to know that they're coming and going safe and sound thanks to the keen eyes Land values aside, Jennings i.aid it's the people who made Balboa lsJand what it was 50 years ago, just as they do now. ~About six years ago, a lady named Mrs. Dicltey had a little apartment on the back of a lot. She was 97 years old. She was trying to clean up the front yard and she fell and broke tier hip so· and ears in the tower of power at TWA. ... There's another development in the flying biz that I for one am glad to see. Airlines are getting a sense of humor. i.omething that would have been unheard of just a few years ago. Maybe they're trying to relax the customers in these tumultuous times. Southwest Airlines was the first operation to add some levity to the levitating that I noticed, and funny boarding announcements have become a trademark of theirs. Ironically, just thi$ week., someone sent me a list comments heard on Southwest and other airlines that are definitely worth sharing. During a pre-Oight safety announcement on Southwest: ·· fhere may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 wayi. out of this airplane." From another pre-light announcement: "Your seat cushion can be used for flotation. In the event of an WHATS AFLOAT • WHAT'S AF-LDAT It published penodlcally. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the Information to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by faxto(949)646-4170;or bye·mellto dailypilot@latime11.com. SPECIAL EVENT The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum will have an e>chibit openlng for "Hooked: The Lure a nd Lore of Sport Flahlng," at the Grand Salon from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Feb. 29. The mu .. um laet 161 e. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach. lnformltlon: (949) 873--7883, . http://www.nhnm.org. t I decided to clean it up for her. I worked a whole day and clidn't even make a dent in it," he recalled. "I wrote a lener and made some photocopies put it on each house on the block saying I was going to clean her years the following Sun.day and I .could use some help. r was ' hoping two or three people emergency, please take it with you with our compliments." A lancling announcement on Delta: "Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride." Another landing announcement: "As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be disLributed among the flight attendants. Do not leave children or spouses." As the frequent flyers out there know, hard landings are usually followed by a long. tense pause and can produce some of the best announcements. From a harried flight attendant after a rough descent through a thunderstorm and a hard lancling in Memphis: "Ladies and gentlemen, please be careful when you open the overhead compartments. After that landing everything has shifted sure as hell." BLUES Continued from Al the American Motorcycle Group and in addition to top rate music. impressive chop- pers were on display. Lozano said he read about the Waterfront Blues Festival from a blue& newsletter he sub- scribes to. He spread the word and rounded up a group of friends to attend the festival with him. "Man, Guitar Shorty stole the show," Lozano said. "But then again. Coco is about to come on. Coco is a notorious guitar slinger." "By far, my money is on Gui- tar Shorty, l 00%." added Dan Lewis. Lozano nodded and smiled, then turned his attention back to the music. Lozano, Lewis and his wife, Jacqueline Harper, and Ernie Solorzano were making a night out of the all day event by would show up to help me. 20 people showed up. That kind of tells you how people help one another." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.cassgrande@latimes.com. On American. after a hard landing in Dallas: "Welcome to Dallas, ladies and gentlemen. Please remain in your seats with your seatbelts fastened while the captain taxis what's left of our aircraft to the gate." And from an angry senior light anendant after a very hard landing in Phoenix: •Ladies and • Gentlemen, please remain in • • your seats with your seatbelts ·: fastened until Captain Crash and the crew have brought the aircraft to a screeching halt at the gate and the smoke from the tires has cleared." So that's the news from the relatively friendly sides. The next time you Oy past the tower at John Wayne -wave, smile and give them a big thumbs up. They deserve It. Just don't expect them to wave back.. They're busy. I gona go. • PETER BUFFA 1s a former Costa Mesa mayor. His column runs Sundays. He may be reached by e-mail at prrb4@sol.com. camping at the dunes after the tunes were finished. "We came down here spe- cially for this," said Lewis, who is from Olerry Valley near Yu - caipa. "And we'IJ do it again next year for sure.· It was too bad more people couldn't make it down to the Newport Dunes, Lozano said. "They are missing out on some really good music," he said. The friends drank cocktails, Harper cracked jokes and they all laughed. They poked loving fun at Solorzano, who threat- ened to walk the few blocks to his/Newport Beach home. and talked about how good the ta- males were going to taste once they got back to the campsite. Guitar Shorty let loose a few riffs, announcing it was time for his set and the group took the cue and headed inside. "See, this is what the blues is all about," Lozano said. "Friends getting together with good music and good times. CAROOMPAS, Dorothy Lletta Sophia Dorothy Ll•tta Sophia Caroompae, ag• 83, paaaed away Wednetday morning on November 6, 2003: She wu born on D•cember 7, 1818 In P•t•raburg, Ill. Aft., -h• met and married Or. John Caroompaa, DOrothy moved to N•wpoit 8Mch, wh•re •he wu a realdent for over 60 yMr8. Alwaya acttv• In th• community, the waa a proud member of the ea.tern Star, Zonta Club, and th• Uona Club. Exu.m.ly Independent, Ootothy'a core mlctweetem valu" of honHty and compa11lon w•re valued by h., numeroua friend• throughout the community. H., love of fife and cMdlcatlon to family and frlenda wtM be Joyful mem<>r1• w• win all cMtleh fofevw. Dorothy atao loved mueto, .'*'clng, ~mutating converutlon. God bleM her, becw 1M w al Dorothy la IUfVfved by her~ ClrOle .net Dr. John CaroompH, Jr. and grtndohlldren Dylan Ann c.roompu and John Caroorno.i hi. VltttatJon le 4:00-7:00 PM, Monday, November 10 2003 at P8Cltlo Vl.w MemoNI Pn tn N4tWp0rt 8MOh M.monat ..,... ti 12:00 PM, '1\IMdliY, NoYlmber 11 , 2003 °at N9wport ~~In NeWport leech.~ to folOw at the Dally Piiot Sunday, November 9, 2003 A5 INSIGHT It th.,.• t«>pk you'd fllwto ... explof'ad on 1hlt ~•7 Contact Jose J . Santos with questions. comments or Ideas. He·can be reached at (949) 5744224 Qr }OBB,santos@lstfmes.com. lt can 1.Jst for ho~ days even. T be pain can be overwbelmlng. It can grow so bttmlse that one sufferer. former Los ~es Lakef3 star lCareem Abdul-Jabbar, said, "It felt like the Alien was inside my head.~ . Close to one in ten Amedcans knows exactly what he means. Migraine headaches can leave people so sl<ik, they can barely function. Ught and sound com.bine to attack their brain11, and puts them in a state where even a pin dropplng C4ll be as loud as a buzz saw. ~e headache sufferers seek peace and q\.llet and often a dark room. Thesesuperheadachesare throbblng, nauseating and debili- tating. They can make a person 'Shun all interaction with the world and sometimes leave people bedridden. Some migraines are so severe that people find comfort in a heavy-duty pain killer found at the emergency room. Others tlnd that sleep is the only way to fight off lts debilitating effects. Headaches that occur frequently and build up over time could be migrainous. And more than half of all migraine sufferers, or migraineurs, have not been diagnosed, said Dr. Jeffrey I. Barke. a physician and co-owner of Newport Medical Consultants in Newport Beach. "Most people don't get frequent, recuning, severe headaches like a migraineur does," he said. As with all medical advice, consultation with your physician is the best way to find out. Barke, who's also an associate clinical professor and frequent lecturer to primary care physkians, said that the majority of migraines are often misdiag- nosed as a nasal headache or infection. No one knows exactly what causes migraines but there are a lot of theories. Barke said that many theories have FAST FACTS ABOUT MIGRAINES • AA estimated 28 million Americans suffer from migraines, thaf s about 1 in 4 households. • It's estimated that slightly more than half of those suffering have had no formal diagnosis from a doctor. • Women are three times more likely to have migraines than men. Doctors believe this because women have more hormonal changes than men. • A 2001 study stated that migraines cost U.S. employers about $1 7 billion in decreased or lost productivity and medical costs. • People who suffer from depression have a higher likelihood of getting migraines. • Migraines can start as early as childhood, becoming most evident in teens and young adults. • Migraines are more unease than disease because there is no definitive diagnostic procedure. Doc- tors frequently misdiagnose it as sinus headaches. • Migraines run the family and on average it takes a patient about 3 years before being properly diagnosed and treated. • Roughly 1 7 million people who suffer migraines use only over- the-counter remedies. • Migraines don't happen abruptly. An episode often builds up over hours and increases in intensity. MIGRAINES SYMPTOMS Depending on the person, migraines can manifest into more than a throbbing in the head. Here's a breakdown of what patients described having in addition to a headache in a study of 12,339 migraine sufferers: • • 81 % reported nausea • 80% reported photopho- bia, the fear and irrita- tion caused by light • 68% reported phono- phobia, the fear and irri- tation or sound • 55% reported vomiting Many describe having an •aura" before a getting a ful~ blown migraine. Most often an aura is a visual distur· bance -seeing outiines of lights or jagged light images. been •usgested but the c:ausec ~ .-.. particular as the The he4dache:s are often triggered by foods, penon wbo sutJets from tJwn. drlnb. sttess, llghta and weather. One or the tnOit ~t theories is called irritable "l bad a patient In my ofllce who gets mJgra.lne brain syndrome, on lncteaaed $er1Sldvtty the ~dent headachet whenever he drinks red wine," hesa.ld. has to the world.Many <loctoft bellevethat ~e Other food triggers included pickled or C8Jllled central pain generator for mtgral.rtes is the trigeminal meats, beer and cheese; however, Barke says that nerve, a latge nervotn ~ QlWdle of Ute brain thal some patients who have tracked their eating habits branches out to ditrerent tesJot)S. of tbe face and have trouble findlng such triggers. head. This is one of the reason, Barke said, why "Some people say. "Whenever I drink red wine J do mi~es often go misdlegnosed. • get headaches. 'Others have no clue after journalize The trigeminal n~ goes around your nose and their eating habits,· he sald. forehead." B~ Atd. ~rt goes to all parts of the head Women are three times as likely to have a and doctors often thlnkit's just a nasa1 headache or migraine than men and teens and young adults are lnfecdon.1bat'a the No.. l.n\isdlagnosls ofmlgra.ines." the largest age group who suffer from migraines. Once a~ comes-on, One study noted that most sufferers becomesen.stttve to llght 'Migraines almost migraines happen between 4 and 9 andsoundandgeteaallynauseated a.m .. Barke said. The bestwayo{ftgudngoutifa always run in the family. Whatever the trigger and patient suffers.from mlgralnesls by It's rare that you won't whomever gets them. migraines can looking at the peiwn's histoey, Barke be handled by being proactive and said. Stressandapattem Qfrecuning be la/king to someone working with your doctor, Barke said. headaches Is one factor, but beredJty with a migraine that you An old standard for treating the also plays a role. pain was to wait until the headache •Migraines almc>st always run in won't find someone else was ~evere. Doctors now encourage the family,• Ba.eke said. •it's rare that in the family that doesn't. patients to take triptan-type medica· you won't be talklng to someone with lions. like lmitrex. at 1he onset of the a migraine that you won't find have migraines. ' headache. someone else In the family that Such medicines can be taken doesn't have migraines." · orally, through a nasal spray or by A migraine is different from the ~ ~ ::oo= Injection, depending on how fast it no.rmal tension-stress headache needs to work. because of its severity. It Is a throbbing Barke said that many of his pain, much different from the constant pain from a patients who have started t.aking medications taclcle headache caused be tension, stress or an illness. Also, the pain faster and return to lhelr normal routine. different is that migraines build up In a person over a He sald that doctors are more willing to give out period of several hours and are not immediately the medication because it's not habit-forming and it severe. targets the blood vessels and nerves in the brain to MigraJnes are episodic and happen frequently to a reduce the pain. person suffering from them. For some. over-the-counter medicine like Advil, However severe migraines are, they are not life-Tylenol or Excedrin is just as effective. threatening. If properly diagnosed, a patient can Alternative treatments are also used Exercising. receive medication or work to change their diet or eating healthy and getting atfequate sleep also prevents lifestyle to ward off the pain. such attacks. • Migraines happen commonJy in association with Obviously. migraines aren't the only kind of other illnesses, Barke said. headache. Stress, fatigue, eye strain, fever and dental •1t ls isolated, but It's common with people who conditions can also trigger heads. have other illnesses like depression, fibromyalgia and What's important Is that if you believe you're chronic fatigue syndrome," he said." (Migraines I suffering from migraines. visiting your doctor Is the and other illness will best way to find out, cluster together." Barke said. MIGRAINE SOLUTIONS Treatment for someone suffering from migraines are as varied as the cause of them, some include: ACTMrY AND EATING • Avoid foods that bring on headaches. These could include alcohol, soft drinks, foods with carbohydrates, certain types of canned meat and even cheese. • Get adequate sleep. If you're suffering a migraine, try to rest in a quiet, dark room. • Relieve tension by exercising and trying relaxation routines like yoga. Too much stress can cause not only migraines but the more-common ter'lsion headaches. SEE YOUR DOCTOR • If your headaches appear fre.. quenUy and are severe, this could be an indictlon you have migraines or something more serious like cancer. Your doctor can run tests to find out if there is a specific cause . • Your physician can also prescribe medications called triptans that work to stop the pain at the onset of a migraine. These types of nonhabit-forming medicines include lmitrex, Amerge, Maxalt, Relpax and Zomig and are available as tablets, nasal sprays and injections. • Other medications to prevent migraines include antidepres- sants, beta-blocking agents (alSOu"sed to treat high blood pressure), Vitamin 8-2 and your everyday over-the- counter medication. • Working with a doctor is the best way to find a solution. I M ~. NcM!mber 9, 2003 GETTING 96198. Micn>eoft Word t nd I will ngneee to !Mm the edeptlvt INVOLVED equipment uaed by Its student• to pattldpete In v1rlou.1Ctlvttt.1t the Ottf• 5-nlor Center In Corona • G!l1lNQ INWt.VED NM ~ Mtr. VoluntMrl wlll tvtor poriodlatlly In the 0 Uy Pilot on • legelly bflnd 9dult atudenta using totltlng ba1 For lnfermttlon on c:omputere and other adaptive lidding your orgenlz•tlon to th 1 ttdlnology. Mary Johnton, f71•> 1111, call 1949157..,.298, 821-a>OO. ein. 2113. BEST BUODllS CAW LAUR£l FOUNDATION The nonprofit orgtnlU11on le Camp Laurel la IMklng volunteer looking for voluntMn 18 end counee&ora end medical IUff for older to provide oompenlonlhlp Summer Camp and Teen for adut~ with dovetopmentll Advtnturt C.mp. The diubUltl ... Ae a "Cltllen Budd'(,' otganlutfon •• dtdlceted to voluntHra wlll vf11twlth •buddy providing edueltlon11I c:amplng twice a month and call or e-mall program• frff of cherga to them one. • wetk. llle .. d'llldrtr1 living with HIV and AIDS. organization aleo ha• an (323) 863-6006. e·BuddlH progrem that form1 CENTIHNIAL EVENT friendthlpe entirety over the Internet. Volunteer• for that COMUtt t EE progn1m must be tt lealt 12 y .. re VoluntMl'I ere needed to eerve old (714) 6"48-1128 or on a Centennial Event Commltt" www bntbuddlAorp. to oelabrate the 100th annlverury of Corona del Mar In BIG BROntERS, ING samRs 2004. Community Input on the The local chapter la lootdng for final form of tMt committee la men and women older than 20 alto sought. Information· who have llved In Or1nge County (949)875-0501. for at least abc month• and heve been on the Job for 1t INlt th'" COMPANION HOSPICE month• to .. rve •• big brother• or big slaters for ctilldren lg .. 8 The Ho1plca 11 now recruiting to 18 from alngl•parent hom ... voluntHra to become a friend for 11141644-m3. aomeone who need• that extra 1peclal c:aring et the end-of-11'9. BOY SCOOTS OF AMERfCA INC. Become a member of 1 team Volunteer opportunltlH for the whoM goal la to promote quality Orange County Councll lndude of life and comfort measure•. fund·ralalng, program Each eppllctnt wll .. recelve 18 development and training to hour1 of orientation and training. exiatlng troop• 1nd paGb. (714) Information: (714) 680-8177, 648-4990. voluntHr11f1Companlon Ho1plce.oom. BRAILLE INSTTTUTE'S ORANGE COUNTY CENTER COMMUNITY The nonprofit organization 11 ANIMAL NETWORK looking for volunteere with a The network need• volunteer1 to basic knowledge of Wlndowt help contro: the rising population TILC'S EUROPEAN AUTO HAUS r - . - !llV J 1€1 ;W ~ I • * • l :J ~ ~ 11 ~ t~ lilo'a Illa A l.1111 l111ctio1 Of lulity, Pre·Ow11d 1ilo Certified And Filly hrwiced V.lliclu .... , ........... ,.,... ....... 1-r~ c ... bJtritaca I~ Wlf h llf I Prt-lwid &,.,..1 AmM•U. 200 W. Coast HW)' & Obver • Newport Beach, CA 949.650.2222 www.tilocars.com of W11d ctta In Ioctl nelghborhooda. VoluntMn would trap end ~Iver .cata to local wterfnarfan1for1J>9Ylng or neutering, and Ul9n ,..,. ... them bedt to th• properfy Where they were found. The goal of the program Is to uve the lives of 1tr1y c:m. (149) 759-3648 COSTAMEM CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouM need• voluntMfa for u1hering, bedtlt199 wol'tl. malllngt, typing, oontrolllng llghta end many other dutl11. 1149) 860-6289, COSTA MESA tUTORICAL "'OCltTY Th• met.;> p,...rv .. ind promote• the hlatory of Colla Meu and the harbor aru. Volunteere are needed for the a,U,lv ... llbrery. mu1eum. docent and public outread'I progrwma. (949) 831-5918. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNC1L The CoN Meu U1erecy Center needs volunteer Mora to teac:tl Engllah 11 a second language. P9ople who w.nt to team Englllh ... MOOnd languege .,.. atao encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) "36-3310 or (714) 546-3446. UTEAACY PROGRAM The program la alw1y1 In need of volunteer tutor1. No profe11lonal teaching experience la required. To attain certification, a aeriea of training cl11M1 muat be completed. For more Information, contact Literary Servloea at the Newport Beach Ubrery, ~949) 717-3874. COSTA MESA MS SELF -HELP GROUP The Orange County ctiapter of the Read Newport-Mesa Arc you concerned about rhe low test scores ac our schools in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach? During the past four years. the efforu of che Daily Pilot and che Rotary Clubs of Newport· Balboa, Newport Irvine and Newport Beach Sunriae m support of che Los Angeles Tunes Reading by 9 program has ra,ised more chan $24,000, including $I 0,000 from Daily Pilot rcader9 co deliver 16,500 books co kindergarten through rhird grade scudencs at Pomona, Whittier and Wilson Elementary Schools. These schools have the highest per~nragc of limiced-EngJish speaking srudcncs and lowest tc~c score~. The Daily Pil~t and the chrec Rorary Clubs arc launchijig a campajgn this fall with $6,800 commmed by dubs, to be matched by an equal amount from Daily Piloc readers ch.it combined, will purchase an additional 7,800 books for the three dement.uy schools. The real difference in improving reading skills is you, your employees, or members! Join che Daily Pilot in a new program, JWuJ Nnvport-Mua by giving one bow of your time, once or rwice a mooch during the school day, reading co students at e1rher Pomona. Whittier or Wilson Elementary Schools. Make a company, club, communiry group or congrcgarion commitment co &aJ Nftll/>ort:-M#ll and encourage intercsrcd employees and members co cake an how once or twice a monch to read co students ac one of che chrcc elementary ~chook They can do icon their lunch hour, coffee break time or during work hours. Companies, clubs, communiry groups and congregations that make a commitment to &Ml Nft111ort-M.,11 will be recogniud in chc Daily Pilot during the school year. Students arc available for /UaJ Nnvport·MUA beginning at 8: 15 a.m. uncil 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. h's easy. it's.fun and it's very important if we arc co help studentj master reading by the age of 9 and become productive citizens of our community. It's easy for you, your employees or members to participate. Jun call one of me chree schools lisced below and identify yourself as a RIMI Newport:-Mu11 volunteer, identify the day and time you have available and you will be scheduJcd with a cl:wroom ccachcr at che school you a.Jlcd. The teacher will help you get started and provide Rcadlng by 9 books co use wirh the scudcnts. Pomona -(949) 516-6980 Whittier · (949) 515-6990 WU.On · (949) 515-6995 _Yes, count on -----------to support /UM/ Nn!p0rt·Ma11. j Yourname......, _ __. __________ .._Phone ____________ _ FAX £.mail, ____ ....;..__.;..;.__....;..__ PAX this form to (714) 921·86S5. For more infonnarion, call Jim de Boom*' (714) 92l·866S. ReaJinS DailyAPilot 9 ... , .... .. ' 4.'~. ~ ~· .. " ..... , ntllontl Multiple Scleroem Society haa staf1td 1 new Mlf·Mlp group In Cotta Mttt for peop&. nftlly dl19noaed or with mJnimtl tvmP'Ol'M of multiple Id totls, Ot both. ll\9 group meeta at 11 a.m. the MCOnd ~of every month. (9'9) ~7659. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Senlora 65 and older ere Invited to help Nn the West1lde eubttatl~n. Volunieer1 are elked to wortc two four-hour daytime lhlfta per week. They would be tMpOl'lllble for 1n1werlng phonea, blcycie reglatretion, fingerprinting, data entry end 11tl1tlng With other citywide pro)ect•. Seniors who can 1pe1k Sp1nl1h ehd English ire eleo needed. Call for an eppllcatlon. Fred Gaedcler, (71 4) 764-5208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multlpurpoae aenlor Hrvlcea feclllty at the comer of 19th Street ind Pomona Avenue aeeka volunt"r• who can greet membera and the public at the front desk and volunteera for the Reaource Department with Excel computer experience and sharp telephone akllla. The Senior Meala program alao need• people to deliver meal• to homea. (9491 846-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Costa Meta Senior Center 11 lboklng for new board members. The fund-ralalng and policymaking board needs volunteers who will participate In monthly meetings, occasional committee meetings and epeclal projects. Candidates should have connections in Costa Meaa and surrounding oommunlties and an lnterut In .. rv1ng the community by h lplng .. nio,... (949) S45-236Cl, ext. 18 COUftr·APPOIHTEO SPECW. ADVOOAltS Volunt .. ra ere n""*1 to MNe u edvOctttt for abuted. neglected end abandoned ctilldten VoluntMre wortc one on one with • d'llld for U\ree hours a week. (714) 863-9034. DISPUTE RESOUITION SERVICES Volunt"r meidlatore, case 1peclall1t1 and outreach aulatanta ere needed to help In • variety of m,c.ilatlon c1111. Biltn1JUal language akllla ere netded for office volunteer• end for medl1tora. (9491 260-0488. EASTER SEALS EeNr Seale need• volunteera for ongoing clerical work, program• for cnlldren with dlaabllltlea and 1pecl1l event1. (714) 834-1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER The Environmental Nature Center provide• quality education through handa-on experience with nature In a 3.6-acre outdoor cl11uroom. Adult volunt"r trail guld" are needed to In the afternoon during the week to lead children'• tours in the Center. Several other volunteer opportunitlea are 1110 11vall1ble. (949) 845-8489. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA Thia team of community-baaed organlzatlona, which worb to provide youth and famlll" with CQunaellng, family aupport, health education. mentoring, tutoring, aftel'ldlool actlviti" end klnahlp service•. needa volunteers In all areas. (949) 574-3976. 1.ocolNer's 1l.n!lm.l!!d lntemel access 9. "s M&:...1 No Cn'1I '-' . ..... Ate SETUP sonwARE ~ makes connecting lost & easy! FIVE email boxes, Webmail, Instant Messoging and more! lmmedlot1 Access • Sign Up Onlhie www .localnet.com ~· FISH-MOUE MEALS Call (949) S42-80e0 to help Frlendt In Sarvlc. to Humanity ••• -. . ' .. with the Mobll• MHll program .. .. • and provide ongoing emergency • 1 _ • e11lstance to thoM In need. Both ~ • , alway• eeek volunt"r , , , .. i.tence In •variety of trHI. • , : • (949) &46-806(). , , • , FRIENDS OF THE IALLET MONTMARTRE The Friend• need voluntMr• .... . '• who went to help talenbld local .. , .... dencera perform In prof911lonel theatera. For SO YHrl, the •• , . • organization haa provided the .. , , community with quality Ru .. lan · ballet trelnlng, helping youth • . develop 11rong dleclpllne 1klll1, . , .. build ~lgh .. 1f.e1teem end echleve dream• of being • profe11lonal dancer. (714) 241-74241 FRIENDS OF THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friend• la a aupport group for the three llbrarle1 In Cotta M .. a. Help with fund-ralalng events end help promote library program• and Hrvlcet In our communlty.1714) 656-4398. FRIENDS OF TME NEWPORT BEACH UBRARY The bookstore needa donation• for book ulea. Good quality children'• end nonfiction book• are etpeclelly needed. They may be left at any of the branch llbrarlet -Balboa. Merlnere or Corona del Mer -or In the apeclal book cloaet next to the Friend• Book Store, et 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteere are needed to staff the used book atore, which l1 ln1lde the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers mutt be member• of the Friend• of the Library and are asked to work one three-hour shift per month. 1949) 759-9687. GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteer• are needed to offer educational and enrfchment opportunltlea for girts and boya. 19491646-7181. HOSptCE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteera are needed to help make 1 difference In the llvea of terminally ill persona and their famlllea. Volunteera would a11l1t • , them with nonmedlcal needa au ch aa providing reaplte for the • primary caregiver, running errands. reading to the patients and weekly social vialta. The organization Is alao looking for clerical and bereavement volunteers to assist with office duties. Training la provided. (714) 980-0900. .. ' . A Special Edition of the Lookout /IJ~'tiPliJe tn dJ {3//ic1a/CCb,;;l/Jiu~ JJoat PJJ~ I I I ,. g ~Uip o/:£?&; @~/ Q / h: Christmas Boal P~r~de is almost here! Now in che 95ch year, che parade t./ will draw thousands of v1Stcors co che harbor area to view chis ~day spectacle from Deennber 17-21. This year's rheme is '!4 Holitldy Bueh Ul.tlmition. "One way your business can parcicipace in chis rich tradition is by advertising in the OJfieUd Newport Harbor Clwi1tm41 Boat Part:Uh d-/ljng of Ligbt1 Program. The program wilJ be mai led to all Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce - members and will also be delivered to more chan 40,000 hot1.11ho/,J, with che D11ily Pilot on Saturday, Decnnb.,. ~ 2003. Additional bonus distribution will be available ac numerous si cc during the parade including waterfro nt restaurants. ' DEADLINES AdYUtiJing •pace &. copy deadll.oe -Monday, NOfttll~r 2', S p.m. Camera ready deadline • Wedoada)\ Noftmbu 26, nooo. Full f>l.F1 1/2 page, 1/4 page and 1/8 page ad ma an an.ilable in tabloid aiu only. For information on advg-tising, call • 949.642.4321 . Daily A Pilot ~ .. .... • . • ·- • . . ,, .. I .. . ·- AROUND TOWN • S.nd AllCXINO 10WN ltemt to tM Ollly Piiot, 330 W B-v St., Cotb M ... , CA 92827; by e-mtll ta lul1.,,.n•tllatlmn.com; by ftx to (9'9) ~170; or by ctlllng (~) 67~ lncludetM time, dttt and l~tlon of th• ewnt, 11 well 111 COf'lttct pt\oM number. TODAY A woodwoftclng thow wlll be glwn from 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. et the Orange County F1lrgroundt, In bulldlng1 No. 10 end No. 12 and along the Parade of Products. Th• colt la $9 for edultl. Information: (310) 4n.8&21, The O,.nge County Muaeum of Art will prwNnt Kld1 Day Out to e,><plore Nlf-portrelture end other ways of making Image• through v1riou1 h1nd1"0n art project• from noon to 4 p.m. ar860 San Clemente Drive. Information: (.949) 769-1122. MONDAY The fifth annual TM Off for T~nology will be held to benefit Newport Harbor High at 11 a.m. at the Santt Ana Country Club. Information: (949)794-3832. TUESDAY ThtAmet'tcanLAta~nNewport Harbor Pott 291 will have a Veteran• Day memorial service and luncheon In honor of tho1e who have fallen In the line of duty 11 11 a.m. et 21616th St. The coat wfll be $6 for nonveterans. Information: (949) 674-6070 WEDNESDAY Tiie F91rvlew Parfl Frl1nd1' fund-ral1ing committee wlll holt their quarterly public meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. at Color Me Mine at Triangle Square. 1876 Newport Blvd. Information: (714) 754-5698, http://Www.cmfalrviewpark.org. The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation's Manuscripts Book Dlacuaaion Group will meet to dlacu11 "Atonement• by Ian McEwen at 9:15 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library Information: (949) 717-3890. THURSDAY Mother'• Marbt w lll hive a free womef"l'I support group workshop led by Cheri Schatz, health educator, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Patio Cafe at the Costa Mase store, 226 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 695-6667. FRIDAY The Costa MH • Senior Center will present a benefit performance of "Late Nite Catechism; an Interactive comedy by VI<*! Quade and Maripat Donovan, at 8 p.m. ln the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coalt College Tidcets are $35 or $76 for preferred seating. Information: (949) 645-5080 The SuNn G. Komen Foundation's Three-Day Walk will begin today at the Orange County Fair & E>eposltion Center in Costa Mesa. The walk wlll end In Los Angeles at the Home Depot Center Athletic Facillty. Information: (800) 825-1000 SATURDAY The Costa Me .. Senior Center wlll present a benefit performance of "Late Nite Catechism," an Interactive comedy by Vicki Quade and _ Maripat Donovan at 8 p.m. In the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tidcets are $35 or $75 for preferred seating. Information: (949) 645-6080 Tht Costa M ... Hlttorical Society will conduct a docent training cla11 to train tour guides for the Diego Sepulveda Adobe in Estancia Part from 1 to 4 p.m. Information: (949) 631-5918. a.m. to 4 p.m. llt 2875 !Nine Avt., Suit. A. Cottt M--. lnfonnatJon: (Ml) 831-6687. . http:AWww...bect.t»yfiwu.c:om. NOV.11 ,_rent Help USA.• nonproftt d'tlld abYM prevention center, wUI have• beneftt and cluaic:el gulur concert by W.rtln from 4 to 7 p.m. llt Carmelo's Rlttorante lttliano, 3620 E. Coast HlghWly, Corona del Mar. There will be dinner, prlztt and en auction. Information: (949) 650-3461. NOV.17 The Founders Guild of Ctn Terese will have Its annual hollday luncheon at 11 a.m. at the Ritz, 880 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The coat will be $50 per peraon. Send chedts payable to Caaa Teresa to Marguerite DIStanlalao, 1430 Lincoln Lane, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Information: (949) 648-2515. Und1 Bi.hi, co-founder of the Amy Biehl Foundation, who wlll 1peak about her foundation's woric to support a democratic and peaceful South Africa at 7 p.m. at the Argyros Family Lecture Hall at Sage Hill School. Tldceta wlll coat $10 per person or $25 for a family of three or more. Information: (949) 219-1396. NOV.18 Cardiac surgeon Aldin Rane will dlacuas heart valve repair versus replacement at 6 p.m. at the Hoag Hospital Conference Center. There it no coat to attend. Reservations: (800) 614-4624. Mother'• M1rbt will have a free seminar, "Is There Life After Pumpkin Pie" by Judith Todaro from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The maricet is at 225 E. 17th St. Information end reservations: (949) 631-4741 , (800) 595-6667. NOV.19 Mother's Merflet will host "Let Food Be Your Medicine; a free seminar by Charles Holmes, from 6'.30 to 7:30 p.m . In the Patio Cafe. The market is at 225 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 595-6867. NOV. 24 The Orange County Chapter of Childhelp USA will have e fund-raiser from 4 to 9:30 p.m. for dine in and from 10 a.m . to 9:30 p.m. for take out, Nov. 24 at the Newport Rib Company, 2196 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The Newport Rib Company will donate 20% of your bill to Childhelp USA. Reservations: Nancy Whitlodc, (949) 548-4228. NOV. 28 There w ill be 1 day-after- Thanksgiving sale at the Orange County Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be artisans' and crafters' corner, photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. NOV. 30 The Orange County Chapter of the Swedish Women's Educational Assn. will have its annual Swedish Christmas event, which promotes Swedish traditions at 11 a.m. in the Costa Mesa Neighborhood community center, 1845 Park Ave. The cost will be $2 for children younger than 15 and $5 for adults and older teenagers. Information: (949) 786-2734, http://Wwwchspters·swes.org/ orangecounty DEC. l South Cout PlaZI will have Its 21st annual Tree-Lighting Ceremony at 6 p.m. at Town Center Park, adjacent to the Westin South Coast Plaza. DEC.4 Bede Bey Fitness w nt hold lta The Orange County Chap1er of first Olympic Charity event from 6 Childhelp USA will have a holiday t>ouUQu. and luncnton It 10 e.m. In the Hyatt ~. 17900 JemborM Boulevard. ll'\llnt. Fof ,....rvat!Oni contact Nancy Whltloc*. It (949) 54S-4228. ~c.s TM Cotte Meta M.n'a Ctub wlll aponaor the Fairview o.wlopmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center today end Dec. 7 et the Costt M ... Golf & Country Club. Entrance fH will be S70 today end $135 for both dey1. Information: (949) 646-2886,(949) 903-9090 DEC.7 The ONngt County Marbt Place wlll hold lta fourth 1nnu1I Holiday Car Show and Pedal Cer lnvlt1tlon1I at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Thtrt wlll be Cle11lc cert, motorcyclea and trucks decorated for the holldeya. There wlll alao be pedal ctra end children'• pedal ctr r1c.1. There will alao be hollday entertainment and outdoor ahopplng. TM Cost.a M ... M.n'a Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Com Meu Golf & Country Club. Entrance fee will be $76. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903-9090 The MVenth annuel Balboa Island Walking Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Balboa laland. Tickets cost $20. Information: (949) 673-4280. DEC.22 The Orange County M1rbt Place will hold Its Holiday Market Piece from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admlulon will be free. There will be artisans' and craftera' corner, photo• with Santa Cla11$ and seasonal entertainment ONGOING The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club can help you Improve your public speaking skills or polish your buslneSI presentations. Members come from a variety of profes11onal disciplines and badcgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking is available In the parking structure ne><t to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome For more information, call (949) 721-5732. The Newport-M esa crlbbage club meets on the second and fourth THANKSGIVING • Award Wlnnln~ PREMIERE Seafood Restaurant in Orange County at Our extended menu will Include a Traclltional Roast Tom n 1rkC"y Dlnncrl 12 Noon, Thursday November 27th 2 100 w. Oceanfront, Newpon Beach, CA Reserve Now (949) 673-2 loo www .21 oceaofront.coo1 Zagat ra ted •the beSt CRAB LEGS' and ·ever-elusive ABALONE~ w ith a GORGEOUS OCEAN VIEW BACKDROP. uve Ent rtalnment • Mooday'Nlght Football• Valet Parking • WblC Cellar For Private Panics Now Booking Holiday Banquets And 2 1 occanfronrs Annual Now Year~ Ball Wtdnetd-v• of ~•rv month from 6:46 to 8 p.m. et O..la S.nlor Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona <Ml Mar. The cost i. $2. lnfonnatlon: (949) 048-5293. P9teor .Wn Auttif1 l4lada a BJ~ study on •How to B~me 1 Contagious Chrlltlan" from e to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays 11 377 W. Wiison St.. No. 15 In Costa Meu. All are welcome to come and meet new frtenda. Information: (949) 722-7498. The ACLU of 0 111ngt County meet• at 7 p.m. the third Tueadey of every mo11t~ at the Unitarian Unlversllllat Church, 1259 Victoria St. In Costa Me111. Each month'• meeting will feature a dlfferfnt apeakeron lasuea reletlng to the Biii of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. Macy'• In Coate M ... Invites Orange County nonprofit org1nizatlona that provide services and program• to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This year'• event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate. call (714) 656-0611 , e><t. 4231. Yoga cl11111 wm bt otm.d Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine week.a al West Newport Community Center. Registration la $64 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach resident•. Others pay an additional $5. For more Information, call (949) 644·31 51 Costa Meu'a Rtcl'9t tlon Dlviaion will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Balearic Community Center weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m .. Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m Parties for children 5 to 12 w ill consist of lunch/dinner, games. crafts. prizes. cake with ice craam and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300 For more information, call (714) 754-5158. Five n.-w winH will be 11rvtd on Bayside Restauranrs terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost Is $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. A variety of private, Hml-prlvata and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High Sdlool. Options lncludt one-on-ont lnltNc:tlon on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all tg end levtlt. For ae11lon det11. ttm .. end costa, call (949) 644-3161, or register In person et Newport Buch Recrtetlon end Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd Chlkt'9n, tMM 9nd edults can now register for 1ummer recteatlonel boating clauea offered through Newpcrt Beech Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Feea vary. Call (949) 644-3161, or vl1lt the Newport Beech Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information. ProfMalonel i nd llcenstd 1oocer trainers with the All-England SoCc:er Academy are available for one-on·one, small group and large group training. For more Information, call (949) 396·5103. Jewl1h Family Service Is sponsoring a teen aupport group Sundly, November 9, 2003 A1 for high ad\ool ltudenll that meet• Mondays from 3:30 10 6 p.m. at Ttrbul V'Torah Upper S<;hool In Cotta MP•. For Information or to regi.ter, cell (714) 4454950. Pr•r19lstreflon It • required, The Ant Page -Ant ChHdl9f't't Books, et 270 E. 17th St., No 10 In Costa Me111, offer1 free story time Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m .. Tuesdays and Thursday• from 4 to 6 p.m . For more Information, cell (949) 646 5437. 81y11de Restaurant In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5;30 to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person, featunng five new wine• each week. For more Information, call (949) 721-1222. If your orchid 11 too big for lta pot, G1een Systems International See TOWN, Paa• A9 PRINTING Open Monday-Saturdny 435 N Coast Htghwdy Laguna Beach l11gunapr1nt .cceHy.com Pick up & Delivery Fut Quality Servlc4> • Wt Print on tht Pnmllsn • He\delbeTg P~ • I J Colon or murt • FoU • EmboHlng • Full lolC>t BLUEPRINTING • l..argt Vellunu • Cad Plonlng ·Lg.Bond e~ E·moll your plot /II~• to U\ at lagunaprlnl(l~anhl111i. 11~1 COPYING • U•lng ltw Late.1 Copying Ttchnology • 600dpl Xero• Digital Output • B&W Cople' Small and Large Volumt1 • lamlnfttlng • Folding • CuUlng • S1apllng •Binding • Color Cupt~• .39C W~ Also Hcllle WEDDING IHVITATIONS and acce,,orlr•. pet'lonallzed HOIJDAV CARDS ond PARTY INVITATIONS! •elect vour Hollday Card• onllne at ... t"ww holldaycardwebslte.com/lagunoprlnl TAKE CONTROL • Weight Loss •Smoking •Stress • Pain Contro l • Performance Linda Rider • Anxiety Clinical Hypnotherap1st • Confidence •Fear o9f Yf;~~)f.( ·n? o~rz Jf-<Xu~ ~ Y!/h-rvnfl.e 1000 Quall St. Suite 190 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Ph: 949.752.7990 ~ 1'~G ~OOMS lMNG ~OOMS $0f'A$. ~ lAm &. Mttm0ftS AN Af'lt4~ HAllOvm'N 'nwT $At1! so eooo lii SOAftY! ' SCOTT'S· S OUTH C OA ST PLA Z A PROUD SPONSORS OFA BENEFIT DINNER Monday ,-oJ November 10th ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TO THE FAMILIES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES .. BENEFIT DINNER MENU Glass of Wj ne/EOS Estate W inery ~ .. FIRST C O URSE ( CHOOS°E ONEI C reamy New EnQ:land Clam Chowder FINISHEh' WITH SHERRY Manhattan Chowder ROMA TOMATOES, SEA CLAMS AND GARDEN VEGETABLES Scott's House Salad MIXED BABY GREENS, WITH FRESH CUCUMBER AND TOMATO WITH ·A BASIL VINAIGRETTE ~ MAIN ENTREE I CHOOSE ONEI C hicken with Wild Mushrooms SLOW COOKED CHICKEN SERVED WITH GARLIC MASHED POTATOES, AND BABY VEGETA BLES Alaskan Halibut SERVED WITH A SWEET TOMATO GLAZE, C HIPOLTE MASHED POTATOES, GRILLED CORN AND BA BY VEGETABLES Prime Rib SLOW ROAST.ED, SERVED W ITH AU JUS, HO RSE RADISH, MASHED .POTATOES AND SEASONAL VEGETAB LES ~ D ESSE RT Apple Cobbler with Caramel tE~VED W ITH FRENC H VANILLA ICE C REA M ~ Coffee or Tea $ 5 0 per person !NOT INCLUDI NG TAX OR G RATUITY! , • -. .. . . ... . ,. . " . ., . • r •' ~ . I \ .. tbWN Mecv'• South eo.t Pta.11 Pf'9Nntt •Wofbhop • 'Nedneld1yr. A Hands-<>n uedfromA7 Cooldng Clue Program• hotted Will show you how to re-pot your by <Nf .Alexx GIW<lara. The cleu piant during their free It held from 8 to 7:90 p.m. O(Chld-pottlng temlner et 2 p.m. Wedneldaya at 3333 8r11tof St .. every Saturday. A. plant ufe 11 Costa Mesa. The cost. Including ~from 9 • m. to 4 p.m. tt the meterlals, 11 $30, To reserve a ~ Bird\ St. faclllty. Cell (949) apot, call (8181 994-5075. 7$8-1211 for lnfonnatlon. D&acov.r d\e MCNb of C.tfbon 'tbta and rhyUtm, •vogarhythmlc:s• combinn yoga, ~Regional Pertt as you dance and fun. The ctaas 11 held -MSlk through groves of beautiful from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tueldays CO.SUI Redwood trees every at 2850 Mesa Verde Olive East, s,turday et 8:30 am. Parting 11 Suite 111, Costa Meq. For n10re $4. Call (714) 996-6252 for more information, cell (714176'-7399. l"iom'\atlon. TNm SurvtYO'r, a nonRfOfit TM Newport Harbor~ Mueeum offers the exhibit "Joe otgan1zatlon encouraging woman Duncan Gleason: Redtecoverlng 't'llho have been through cencer California's Marine Art Malter:' trhatment to exerclee, hosts through Sept. 30. The museum Is '1"alk and Talk .. at 10 a.m. the at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, second and fourth Friday of the Newport Beach. Free admlulon. month In front of Nlkegoddeu For more information, cell (949) store In Fashion Island. Members 673-7803. meet for lunch a~er at Atrium court. It is tree, and all fitness Interfaith couplM with one levels are welcome. For more Jewish partner are invited to information, cell (949) 275-3888 participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of N.wport Communhy Counaell"9 Orange County office. Call to Center offers a way to s1op the -schedule date and time. The cycle of domestic violence office is at 250 E. Baker St, Suite dirough the support group In G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. SAF.E. Handa. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awareness, faith and Women 50 and okter can join a e"1poWerment. The group meets discussion group coordinated by Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Jewish Family Services to Free. For more information, call address issues such as anxiety, (949) 721-8079. depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group TMM In MYenth through ninth meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . grades are invited to drop by the Mondays at the agency offices. city of Costa Mesa Recreation 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday Mesa. Preregistration required. through Friday for sports and (714) 445-4950. other activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more Friends ot the Newport 8Md'I information, call (714) 327-7560 Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate The Newport Baadl Walkl"9 Club books to replenish the dwindling meet.a at the corner of Superior stock. Books may be left at any of a(ld Hospital Road in Newport the three branch libraries - Beach at 9:16 a.m. and 7 p.m. Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del everyday. For more information. Mar -or in the book closet next c.ell (949) 650-1332. to the Friends Book Store. at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. The Newport Beach Cab All hardoover and paperbadc Decorating Club meets from 7 to donations, with the exception of 9 p.m . Thursday nights at magazines and law book.s, will be Superior and Hospital Road in accepted and are tax deductible. Newport Beach. For more (949) 759-9667. information, call (949) 650-1332 The Braille Institute offwt he The Spanlah $peaking Club computer classes to people with "1eet• to leam Spanish quidc and fading vision who have difficulty easy. For more information. call seeing the computer screen. The IS49) 650-1332. Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six I sessions. Call to sign up for The Aun. ot Busin ... ~ices host• a networlcing meeting that classes. (7141821-5000. d•als with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second A spiritual care claH mNb at Tyesday of every month at the 7:16 p.m . Wednesdays at 3400 Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St .• Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Costa Meaa. For more Beach. Call to reserve a seat (949) 1nf&rmation, call (949) 805-0011. 263-1462 •f,>fvorc.: A New S.Vlnnlng,' The Colt• MeM Chamber of a workshop for men and women Commerce hosts networlting divorced or getting divorced, is luncheon meetings Wednesdays held from 10 a.m. to t 2:30 p.m. at from 11 ·45 a.m. to t p.m. at the 18o Newpon Center Drive on the Costa Mesa Country Club. The tt1ird Saturday of every month. cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Cost la $40. For more infonnation, Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa ca11 644-0435. (714) 885-9090 fN. toure of th• Orange County A brain tumor support group Performing Arts Center take meets the first and third gvests to the dressing rooms. Thursdays of each month from 7 performer's lounge, bac:kstage to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer and on stage at 10:30 a.m every Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Drive. Newport Beach. Free. Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa Registration not required. The ~oup tours can be held by group is designed to help sPec:ial arrangement. For more patients and their families lrtformation, call (714) 556 ARTS, understand and cope with the ext. 833. illness. (949) 574-6232. The Newport Beach Newcomers St. Anchww's P~n Church club holds a general meeting on hos1s a mental Illness support ttje third Wednesday of wvery group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. month. The organization 11 open Sundava m Dierenfield Hall C at td ell women residents in 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Newport Beach who have hved in Boacti. (949) 574-2236 ttie area fewer than five years. For tT1ore Information, call (949) The Jewish Femlly Service of 845-9922, or v11it Orange County sponsors a hffp:/..WWW.nttwcomers· discussion group for adult newpo~b&tdl.org ctilldren and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdaya e month Ouh Senior c.nt.r holds • at the Jewish Family Service ptncake bnMlkfast from 7:30 to 10 office at 250 E Baker St .• Suite G, a,m. on the second Saturday of Costa MMa. $10 per person, per every month. Breakfast Includes session. Preregistration required. Pin<:akes, sauaage, coffee and (714144S-4950. dt•nge juice for $3, $1 for iJdNq~ The centor is at 800 The Jewish F9mlly S8'Vtc. of ~arguerite, Corona dol Mar. For Orange County has a weekly ~Information, call (9491 parenting support group. Parenu 244. learn atrategiea for succeuful OPPOSE IRVINE ANNEXATION ~ (IAND-GRAB) MCAS EL TORO! : Irvine's P,romise to build a "Great Park" is reallY : a real-estate development and land grab. : To oppose, attend the IAFCO meeting · ••• , .-.12, 2003 9:00 L& ~ 1111 of Ad I imatloa, s.ta Aa PRE MEETING RAU.Y 8:30 A.M. &press~ oppostdon at the meeting and write the LocaJ Agency Formation Conutmsion 12 Cl\t Center P\aza. Room 235 SmD Ana, Callfomia 92701 ' N-fur11wrlnDwtJlj\ call «~ mli'f ~ \~ Qwp p11rwnt'"G and for de•llng with St., Suite G, Costa Mea. (7141 thl fMfl11g9 and behavior of thefr ~. d'llldNn. The group meelS from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Monday. at the TheS.. s.out.1 IMp Del M.711 Jew!~ Family Sef'Vlce office tt of Orange Coulltv offera • Z50 E. Baker St., Suite G. ea.ta program for boVI end young mon ~. Tlle group will CC/tier age. 14 to 18 lntof'Uted In 11lllno. man1t9lng engor, anxiety and eqmanshlp, piloting, navfgetlon P"" J)fet&Ure d'llldren and crulstng. Meeting• are from 8 experience. Preregistration to 9 p.m. Wedneldeyt at the See required. (7141445-4950. Scouta See Baee, 1931 W. Coast The Cotta MM. Senlot c.n.r Hlghwrf, Newport Beed'I. (9491 642~ or (949) 661-8591. ha• ballroom dancing with live mu1ic from tho Costa Mesa 0..-Senior Cent.r .... Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 ongoing aaslstance, counseling p.m. every Tunday night at 695 and refel'T81 1e~ for eenlore. W. 19th St .. Costa Mese. $4. (949) (9491644-3244. 648-3884. A.rthtftla Foundetlon lns'1Uc1or ~ foamlty s..vice of Orange Hiiiary Stone leada an exerclae County sponsors an ongoing claaa at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the healing eupport group for the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. d'lronlcally Ill. The purpose la to Baker St, Coeta Mesa. (714) provide participants with 513-5641. emotional and spiritual support to manage lllneu and it• The ~rt BMch tHwcomen consequences. The group meets Club meets at 10 a.m. the third · at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Wednelday of each month. Tho Family Service office at 250 E. organization 11 open to all women Baker St., Costa Mesa. residents of Newport Beach who Attendance is free, but have lived In the area tor fewer registration ls required. (714) than five years. For more 445-4950. information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site Scrabble Club No. 350 meeta http://Www.newcomers· from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays al newportboM:h.org. Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St. TM Thul'9dey Momlng Women's in Costa Mesa. $3. New players Club, a 40-yeal'Old friendship are welcome. (949) 206-9822. club, la seeking new members. The club, which Includes golf, The Coln and Stamp Club mNts bridge. walking and gourmet from 1 (o 3 p.m. Mondays at the sections, meets at 11 a.m. on the Oasis Senior Center. New second Thursday of every month members interested in trading, at the Radisson Hotel in Newport buying and selling stamps and Beach.Thelul)dleonls$23and coin• are being sought to join Includes entertainment. The hotel these informal meetings. There 11 at 4645 MacArthur Blvd (714) are no fees required. (949) 842-6863. 644-3244. The N9WPOrf BMc:h Waltdng Club Jewish Family SetVice otr.ra meets at 9 a.m . and 7 p.m. ongoing bereavement support Monday through Saturday, and at groups for adults at all stages of 7 p.m Suhdey. Walkers should loss. Group membefs share meet at the Intersection of experiences. hear how others Hospital Road and Superior deal with grief, receive support Avenue Free. (949) 650-1332. and leam ways lo cope with sadness and I04is. One group The ~n t..glon mNta at 7 meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth p.m. the third Tuesday of every Jacob in lrv1ne. The second group month The meetings, whlcti deal meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at with veteran Issue& and Temple Judea in Laguna Hills community service, will be held The third group meets at t p.m at the Costa Mesa Air National Thursdays at the Ezra Center In Guard. The national guard Is al Anaheim. Free. but advance 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary registration 1s required (714) Holler, (7141546--2777; or Bill 445-4950. Mimiaga, (949) 650-0894. Jewish Family Service of Orange Nightly meetings for those who County provides a support and want to overcome nicotine discussion group for persons addiction are offered m Costa recovering from childhood or Mesa and Newport Beach. (714) teenage sexu9I abuse. The group 774-9106 or (800) 642-0666 meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., The ~rt Spcm. MuMUm, a Costa Mesa Advance registration nonprofit organization, operates is required. (714) 445-4950. a free museum at 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The Two-hour kayak tours wtth • museum, whicti has one of the trained naturalist guide are world's largest collections of offered at 10 a.m Sundays from sports memorabilia, is open from the Newport Dunes Waterfront 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 10 Resort. The resort 1s at 1131 Bac:k a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday (949) Bay Onve, Newport Beach. S20. 721·9333 or www.newportsport:s or S10 for California Wildlife museum.org. Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends The E.iancie Hi9h School Parent members (949) 729-1150 Teacher Student Assn. hosts a monthly paper drive every A yoga and denc. claH 11 held Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon m from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays the school's northwest par\Jng at the Center for Spiritual lot, on the comer of Estancia Diaoovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Onve North and Placentia. Newspapers East, Suite 111. Costa Mesa (714) that a"' bound. loose or bagged 754-7399. are accepted. Cardboard and bound material such as phone TM Rev. Connift Ryd(man INdtl • books and thidc magazines are discussion group using the book not. Alto, bins are available for ·conversations with God• from drop off every day of the month noon to 1 p.m . Tuesday• et the All funds raised go to the Centur for Spiritual Discovery, aasoclatJon. Free The school is at 2850 Mesa Verde Dnvo East, 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Bring a (949) 515-0500. lunch (7141754-7399. Oatis Seniof Cent9r offwa •deity Marshall'• Tff Kwon Do In Costa telephone contact program for Mesa offers free self-defense seniors who have a limited local classes to airline pilots and flight support system. They also offer attendants. Classes are taught by ongoing computer classes that three-time U.S. National teach the basics of Word, Champion Tom Marshall. Ouidcen. Print Shop and Internet Marahall't la at 333 E. 17th St., ueage (949) 644-3244. Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. The eo ... M... Communketof't Toastmastere Club meets from A 0..Ung wh:h Dtvotee support noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at group ~red by Jewish Family the Orange County Department Service of Orange County. The of Educa1ion, 200 Kalmus Drive, group It led by an e><perienCl8d Costa Mesa. Meetings are open counselor and meets at 8 p.m. to anyone who wanta to Improve Tuesd8VI at the Jewi1h his or her public speaking tldlla. Federation campus. 250 E. BakM (7141444-8783. MUNICIPAL BONDS ONE OF • calif ornia 's leading underwriters • New offerings available •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds RBC · Dain Rauscher 1b sa an Appointment. Please call LANTZ E. BEU Birlndl MIDt460' d 10 Nt:W/JOIT Cmtir DrlW. Sul~ goo :NatPm 8ttJrda. c. n660 (H9) 720-8901 lalttz.bdlftrbi:d4tn.com The N9wpott Beech ~!shed Toartmattt,. Cksb 1800 meet• from 7 to 8 p.m. Toeldav-In Sgt. PeppefOnt .. meetJng room. 2300 Brl.iof St, .Newport Be8c:h. Call to make reservations. (9(9) 648-1274. The Jewf9h fllmlly Strvlce of Orange County hokta group meetings for younger women to dlecu11 llfe pauages and d\anges. body images. family, relatlon1hlpa, communication, lntJmacy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness. The group meeta at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. Th• office Is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mttt1a. Preregistration I• requited. Marcy Middler. (714) 445-4950, ext 114. TheM...~ Toastmasters Club 691 m Costa Mesa meets at 7 p:m. Tuesdays a1 Mesa Verde United Methodist Churcti, 1701 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. Th• Newport Beach 01atingui1hed Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Platt College, 3901 MacArthur Blvd • Newport Beach Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Zing.rs Toaatm•aten Club 615F meets for breakfast on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 3851 S. Bear #B 17 The meeting la free for flrsM1me visitors. For more information. call (714) 241-1109. The Newport Cant« Toastmasters Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondavs at the lrvlne Co., 610 Newport Center Drive, NewPort Beach (949) 756-1025. The Hart>orttte Toastmasters Club meets at 7 a.m Thursdays at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar_ (949) 293-4630 Udo Isle Toastmasters meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at Fletctier Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road. Newport Besen. (714) 964-5314. The Oesia 5-nlor CentM ohn a shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the center Call to make an appointment. (9491 644-3244 Tutoring 11 evallable for persona who could use help reading English. Hourly rates and times are negotiable (949) 851·1739 Slmy, November 9, 2003 A9 WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO BUY A HOME? By D11w Wc>nt When you need to and WOU'll to and c.in afforJ to ~nou~ly - 1hat'~ lhe pnm11ry wos1d1m11100 Your pcri.onal need.-. .tOd w1~hcs We hJve all heard Jg.un and again thal 11 home 1, one of th.: b1gge,t tnVC\lrrn:nt\ "c'll ever make:. and that ~on1, ''mvc\lm~:n1." m.ilc:\ u' think \1.1. hJVI.' to trral II II.\ If II ~•II \Urcly be \Old to \OlnCllllt' cl\C IO time . wKl th.ii "t' onh j!C:t 11 mcl~ or ic~~ <in loan in the.-mi:an11mc. Thi' lead' U\ to ~On) .1bout making 1mpr11vemcnh to the l1<1u'4· thal "ill hnni;: billk the moxt money al ..Wt· flue "'·'") -dun I JlUI ma poot 1r yuu )Clt.lr1'C'll don'1 wanl one Don't pu1 m 'fll'Cl.lcd Berber carpc:ung 1f vnu n:.ill> want blue ,h;i~ Your houw "· al>lwc all, ~here you h~e. 001 a ploace you're prep.inng for 'nmt•unc v. ho~ 1a.\lc hle' .1lld dl\hl.c: .ire J1rfe~nt from you" An: \Omc 11mc' hcucr fv1 home purch.i._~' 1han ollll'"., Ttchn1calh. )t'~. Aul nxcnt hl\1111')' h.l.\ \hov. n th.it (lt'<lplc "h111l1Jo'1 lll.c the letd/l\ uf one <,ea,1111 can refinanu wuh loans m J mtlfC favc,rattle ~iL\00 'TllC horwm lin.: '' 1ha1 most people "'ho v.ant ,,, ,,"' n tlll.'.ir own twmc and <'Ml .iffllrd Lo do w will pwhahly ln-.c morl.' than 1hoy mii.thl j!.tin hy v.a1ung. noe ooly bccau~ pm:c' gc:ncrnlly l.eep n,111g. but ti..-c.iu-.e 1here re.ill) 11\n I .i good rea'on to put off the plc.l\UI\! of ltvm!C 111 your own lwmt' ()uc,tlun' 1 Ju,t t .ill me at 941) 'if\· 120() 01 Vl~ll Ill)' v.clNIC' .ii d.ivev. 011114 1 om Of onefor..tro.a.tl m m I'"''' W<m.< h1u bun ,,um, h11mt'I 111 Nn11p11n Hrm /, 1111rt• I 'JH'l and 11 u•uh C 'otur Nro.'f>Orr l'>11pm1r1/( u/Juifll &mkrr SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray an your tan in sec ndS! 50% OFF: 1st Session $15 Value • ' I ' Expires 12/05/03 I .. ______________ ... CJJ toUJ "' sthtJ,J, ""'~ (949.) 719-2896 2744 F.ast GJat Highway, 17 • .a...d ... Con.i dCI Mar, CA 9262S ~tnTs 102 --u;CAllfORHIA & ~Dlffl!RAHEAN CU~IHES Thanksgiving Day Feast November 27, 2003, 10:30 am -4:00 pm $29.95 Adults $14.95 Children Under 14 Yean BufltmUt Squash Bisque St-uonaJ fruit Oispl.ty 8~ MetdUn Ml" Salad At11~ Brtadt .wMt hstrift Spinach Salad with ShHtab Routed Tom Turll~ Mushrooms Bfff 8ourgulll"OftM C\usk <Ms.Jr Sal.id Grilltd Albntic S. lmon Sushi Sage Stuffing Smobd S;aJmon with MUhed PoC..toet Tracfrtlonaf Gamttvre Bfut Lale Creen k.ant with S.artd Ahl O~y Roamd ~llotl Orpnk Tomato S'alad with Routed s-ect PotatOft · C\lantro Vinalpdte 0...,,. Crankny aflilh OatertBuffet T~I "'"'-*Jn~ ~tc ~ 1~ ~Crumble, White Chocolate llupbttf)' CMetecal• ., • AlO FORUM ... .... .... ,. .... HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -LAttiers; Mall to Editorlel Page Editor s.J. Cahn at 1he Oaltv Piiot. 330 W. Bey St, Costa Mea, CA 92827 •.....,.. ~ Cetl (949) 642-6086 fa: Send to (949) 64&-4170 ; E-maU:S.nd to dnllypllotOlatJmnoom •All corretpOndence must Include tun NrN, homatown and phone number (for verification purpoeee). The Pilot~ the right to edit al aubmistloN fot darity and length. EDITORIALS All too familiar bully can be seen from 19th Street M ore than 1wu yean ugo, In July 2001, we wrote ln m1 editorial: •11'tt rirnt-for Newpon &•m h 10 uo Ulce a good m·1ghbor Offidali and rcsldenis In Co-.tu Ml~ Wld I tw1U11gtun JJeru:h want thl• wunry to re1t1(1VC a planned bridge ullt'r lht• Santa Ann River betwet:11 19th 5ttcel In Custa Mesa and Bwmh •tc Avenue In llUt Hington Beach, "'-wt•fl a.s 011t: at c ilsler Avenul•." The t't11totiuJ continued "And Newprn 1 lie.1th ll·adt>rs huVC11' budged on 1hc1r lnstsrrnu~ thal the brfdg(" n•maln a.s a Jllllt•ntml solution, 111 thdr rnlnds, to the crowtlt'<I c ~><l't I ltghway ... It ls t1me t1ll'y tin It 1 .. dear that thC' bridge is nol \\anlt•tl, aml 11 .,hnuld nol be IOl\t'(I on C •.>'ot.1 Mt"-1 .md I hu1tmgt11n lk;ic h n ·,1dt'11I' • SI Ill t' tJ wn, Ii t llt• had l ha11gcd. latt· l•L't rnonth. Nt'\\lX>n Beach di} ll'.tdl'r'> rl'.illimwd their '>Uppon fur a tlrid~l' uwr thr 11wr Wt> need that hnd~t·.· ( m111c. il111.111 I >ll k ~1chol' t;;\id. ~rwrythlng wt> have look.NI at would 'U!O¢t'$1 t11Jt no other viahlr allt·111.1tiw n•;tlly C'lCl'ilS. • f\ewpC1r1 J\(•,11 h ~ 1itp1r \tt•w Bro111hc1K .11Jd1-il \\ 11y 1., that? 111,trny \ll~t"l' ii few pt•'>'>thlt· .111,\\f'I" (hit• I., 1111' 1>honerw1l C o,t,\ l\h·"• I rt"t•way, which 1•11tl' .11 1111h "trt't't iw.tr.ul of crn1111111ln)( .1ll 1lw way 10 < oa'' HJK11wa) A1w1h1•1 I'< 1111' 11011l'l(l~tt·nt "t•oaJ>tal lrt·t•wny" th.II W<t'I lo 11111 alonK t nt'I I lil()1w:1y Wl1\ l' our frc't'W:I) 1111lt" <;hort ol planm'tl .uul anutllt'r j11\t .1 phantom memory'? 11t .. 1ury 1.crtalnJy pomh to l'l"'ldl'tll' uf N1wpm1 llmd1. who fought .1~u,..'1wly 11~11n,1 both plan'i and won both those fights. Newport's support of the bridge am'5S the ~ta Ana River Is an obvious C'Ontlnuation of this haltJe. And 11 is a shameful bank-, for Nt>wpon residents art' ~yiug. quite clearly. t1iat iliey don' Wt.lilt excess non Newpon lJ'affic on their streets but do ft.el fine dbout ~ bam-Ung through Co'ita Mesa and Huntington Beach neighhorhoo<ls. More than feeling fine about It. they l'Ven think iliat's rhe best plan It ls not. lt is w1fuir Am.I ii is an example of wi1y Newpon Bt'ach has earned a repulation for being a 'lt'lfl..c;h bully. (That reputation was uSf'd masterfully by opponent'! of an El Thro airport, who were able ro brand Newpon Beach ilie bad guy in ilie debate). Still. a bridge ac. ro~ the Sanla Ana River will ruin nei~borhoods on the Westside and In parts or ffuntington Beach. also with trnfflc llOI from tho<;e communitlet.. And thal bridge will loom over those residents until Newpon pulls llS suppon and enables the w unty to remtM' the bridges from its plans for handling future transportation need There is a note of hope. huwewr rhe city's resolution supponing me bridge allows for a change of heart If "a reasonable and prl)(:tkal alternative can be ec;tablished t1la1 is fair and balanced for all jurisdlctions. • Newpon Beach leadt•r. rnuld help lose their bully image if iliPy honestly and Intently worlt townrd 5ud1 a .,oltninn and. 111 this c..-ase al lf.>'<L'll, th.Ink about the n~ of others In the wider community of Orange County. They will not be helping their own ron'ititumts by doing anything el'le Community policing a promising change C m1,1 t.11•-..11 11y lt'ttdt•f'i la'it Wt·1·~ 111.11ft•11 ._ITl.lrl dt0l l,i1111 i11 lllllUlllllOWlly 11111 k111g ,1 propo'ktl fmm new Pohn· <J1lt>f h1hn I lt•n\lt•y to alter 1111' 1'111!11 I lppar1111e11t '~ uinw l1w11111)( 111 111 l•dures from the 1radl111111al 111111111.11111 nntl1 ontrol" 'tylr 111 \\hii Ii o tn11•1c; rem t to 111div11l11.1I irn 1111·11111 to onr locw.t•il 1111111111111111111y p11ll1 111g 111 wh1d1 111li1 ''" au• "'"Knrd l>t>nt\ '° thl') 1.111 ht·1 llltll' r.1111ihar with the art"'' .u11l p1•11plt· 1h1•v ~crve II 11·11.1111lv \\,.., 1111p111taut to \Upp1111 I lt•11,lt·y'c; fir,I 11rnjm poliry 1111t1c111w .111<1 cl<•mon,lralt' that the dep.1r1111t•n1 \ m·w lt•ader ha." City I !all t 011hd1·11t l'. C'IJ't'dally wtu.>n mtrodunn)( :.111 Ii a dlange. But even more su, .ind t>v< 11 more important!~. thl., \11und~ like an excellent icfo.1 I len'll<'Y deserves c~t.llt for 11111 tu.•.,ltating to punue new 'ltratc.'glcs 1f he thlnkll they are better. Under a c111\1111u11lty policing IX>llcy, oOkcrs will become expcrta in their part!! or thf' city and will know the nooks and crannies where crime might occur or crtmlnnls might hide. They nl'IO wlll get to know thP r~ldentjij of tht•lr ttSSlgrlC'd bent and th~'ie re l<.lc:uts wtU get 10 know them. ll1c polJcy wfll build on ilie minor amount of such policing now being done. wit11 just a single officer assigned to different beat. The benefits are obvious. Wiln(.'<;Ses to a crime would be more likely to 1alk 10 an officer they know 1han one who just appears because a cnme has been committed. As I lcnsley said, "You don't want stran~ers coming to your house when you have a problem ·An officer who knows the territory will be better able to react. and react ljUtl kJy, than one who is unfamiliar with the landscape <>ffict'" a.re expected to be in their be>at'I beginning early next year The change should also help foster better relationships among city cmployttS. as the police will worlt more closely with other departments to handle problems. It tllso will enable expcrta -whether code enforcement offidah. planners or others -to be called to a scene when their skills are needed. much as expert police officers will be called to the scene In their territory. As good 88 the policy sounds. city leaders still should enswe that the change Is reviewed systematJcally to demonstrate whether It Is effective. But me proof most llktly wUJ come from the residents who are deaJlng wlili the officers. THE LAST WORD An eye-catching story S t'vcral ilcrn tn 1 tory rt'ported In the rllot on 'J\J <J y were y catrhl11g. The Affit nod mo 1 ohvtou was that a n·uwcry tr ·.um nt ntcr h m. n gt'J to m.1ln1Rfn Its prime location ut lOlO W. Octru1fro11t d pltf' ti lnR pni1x-1ty prtcl' N<'lghoora of thu 32·bcd NatuutOrl f• ( lllty ar •n't ttn1bly plense<t that It'.' I.ill thtrc, o( couno, 11nd uie agllarlr~ for h Ip Crum C !Cy Hall to d~ I with 11roblern1 that, they My, tnrludt 1101 y dtllwry 111d rvk true to t·11~ldt cfg11"Ue buu-. moke ~mell and vomllln noises. Or,~ ~bor Unda Oro1.co put h, ·0ur major 1ssUee 11'! the den.1hy of that property and ell the problem that ft involves - nolle, crank." The other eye-popptnc piece or lnfonnatlon •~ on that maybe aomo folks knew and maybe wu new to other folb. Narca.non wu founded by• former ,,rboo Inmate who baled the proaram on pnnc.:lpltt tauaht by <.hurch olSdentolOl(Y found"' and • Otanttlcl• author L. Ron tlubbaid. Whoo! Ma~ 1 I lc>llywood tar or two mJitit twn up aoon. BOLTON READERS RESPOND Elders deserve ·compassion and a respectable home AT ISSUE: Owner of Snug Harbor and El Nido mobile home parks wants to move out residents and build medical offices at the two sites. Responding to Wednesday's article, •Mobile home tenanta balk at proJ>OAl;" Thank goodness they did balk. . The &tUdy *5ion was heavily attended by lawyers and repraeotadves or Joe Brown. the owner of Snug Harbor and El Nido mobOe home paib, and an association for mobOe home~ owners. every resident of a mobile home in Costa Mesa oeeds to beware. Your homea. your communJties and your llfestyle are.Jn grave danger of being erased from Cost.a Mesa. The article on Wednesday, was completely written from the viewpoint of a city worried about lawsulta and an owner wanting to bulld another med.lcaJ buildlog. Nolhlng in the article mentioned ~neighborhoods. This means real residents Joslng t.belr homea; long time Costa Mesa resident.I losing thetr homes. These are ~dents who paid mortgage for an owner who now feels the need to fedMJop hli property. Coralee Newmart, wlth Go\remment Solutions -the consulting ftrm hired by Brown - taya the pro1>91ed agreement ·ww alleviate the ~uea the tenanta are concerned abOut" The word "laua" b a wonderful euphemism for ugly but lnlthlul t>bruet such as. •kicking people out o( theft hou.ea. • Don't you th.lnk the residents bave a ~t to be concerned? How could the pain of lOalng your home be lllevtatedl GIVe me break. Alrordable houalng In Costa Meta II an oxymoron. Fo~ It just doe.n~ exist. The closwe of these two mobile home parka wlll wipe out 117 bOmet, with 53 eha In Snug Harbor Ind 64 ln fJ Nido. Sonw infriiben of the audience ._...a aown haD meidl\g. JM ~,.......Joe 8towo dkt noc wana thAe.....,.,. They were In laYor of u ell hoc conunm.e. I btUew .... town ball~ .. the oal)'way b ..... ti.to pt lbelr • concen1I Mlnl The retldenta WtD be~md OMlwhelmed In .... tonnadOn ~ ut ad hoc c:iominlnlll lnil ... out. 'lbMllaot•llalstecl ..... !wry ................. be lucallid. ......... lnaWead ..... ,.. ........... ,.. .-......-... Oa,o.D.il 11111 ,...•110omadrftoem1g ---··llDN Ollellilill LGlll..~----dllid ..................... . .................. = .... ....... ,.... ...... --. ...,lbd .... wllh .. In recent months I have watched Shannon speak at Planning Commisalon and City Council meettngs, Calmly pJeadin8 her case for better treatment as ahe and her fdloW res.ldents or the two mobile bome patb in question face eviction. and when I read Harper's account It reminded me of a recent event my wife and I experienced that probably involved one of Shannon's netgbbora. I first oodced her aa I wu crul51ng through the Vons parting lot, looking for a parking spot near The Omelette Parlor. She came out of the market scooting her battered. collapsible aluminum walker ahead of her. I did a double take, 'because something about the walker seemed a Uttle strange. Al I looked more cJotely I reallz.ed there were eeve.ral plastic bigs o( groceries ded to the walker. I cowd make out various hems -a carton of dp.ret.tes, a quart of rtiUk. a round gallon contalner or Ice cream, among others. Hu load might have 61Jed one paper grocery bag-but this m.n. slightly 1tooped. woman couldn\ haw anfed It. I pa&.iltd, uaumlng she wu on her way to her c:ar W1th the groceries. to l waited to let her paq ln fiont of me. lrutead, lho made a right tum and began to ehuftle up the patting lot. beading for <mnge Avmue. She took one or two atepe. then llid the waUc.tr ahead, pioceedlna that way at a snail's pace. one. two -.Ude. One, two - allde. After every eecond or third eet ahe woukl pause to catCh her breath. Her pace pw me a chanct to pt a closer look at her u the paued me. Oearly. t.his trtp wu a ra1 workout for her. Her weathered~ bore theWrlnkl• ~at INlt .._. decadee of life.~ Olwhk:b ... UUly llpelll u a~· Hif White hairwu lbon and .,,_C...Wlnd twr dolhil wtrt c:lllim batbp no meana IMW. Her lboel WIN illdlnl troA U'lloln. ........ fDr codoil and balanee-WeU·tuhed for cMI journey. I pub!l 111f armd ~ ~. wlicblltl•lblcondDUld ~=-.... ,....-before ·-191-11111• ...... z;z:,, IM;ll• .... _afdlltwb .............. blbindthe ......... Ali;tt,..., ......... ol~ ................ .,.,......, ....................... ...... ,,... ......... .. ..... fll•.-.n••• •«• ......... dim"n •••Ill•..-~ llound:s• 1tr•IMiir_ ... w-.a ~rt·-! .. .... .,... -·~ ,, .. .... . .. ....... . ,. . . . . FORUM St.may, NcM!tnbef 9, 2003 All Over the river and tlifough South Coast Metro !~proving transportation is one of the biggest issues on the mind of Costa Mesa Councilwoman Libby Cowan BIO Name: Libby Cowan / Ctty of ....actenc:.: Costa Mesa Age:50 Education: Masters In Public Administration, 1992 from Cal State Long Beach; Master of Science In Recreation Administration, 1982 from Cal State Long Beach; Bachelor of Arts in SOciology, 1976 from Drake University. Femlfy: Domestic Partner Rebecca Chadwict; 2 adult stepdaughters; two cats Hobbiee: Hiking, camping, gardening, house project.I, and, some days, golf. GRIDLOCK REALITY 'Improving traffic is something we all dream about, yet how many of us walk or ride our bikes to the grocery store? ... I am guilty of creating traffic and, on sorne days, lo ts of trips. Traffic is a by-product of our society, our desire to Live and work here and our slow acceptance of Orange County's move from suburban to urban. And, of course, hy our county's very slow acceptance of alternative transportation.' B umper-to-bwnper traflic,horns.6ashing brake lights. grid lock and cold dinners have been on the minds of Newport-Mesa poUddans and residents In recent weeks as monumental projects such as •the bridges" and Centerline have made headlines again. From Newport Beach's official stance to endorse the controversial bridges over the Santa Ana River to yet another cut to the proposed Centerline route, city leaders like Costa Mesa Councilwoman Ubby Cowan have continued to evaluate the pros and cons of each. Cowan bas been a long time opponent of the bridges at 19th Street and Gisler Avenue and a longtime opponent of the county wide CenterUne light rail system. Each are designed by the Orange County Transportation Authority to alleviate some of the traffic choking local arterials. While the plans call for county cooperation, both projects have splintered political lines and pit neighboring cities on opposing sides. Columnist LoUta Harper spoke with Cowan about major these major trans portation issues to see what ~e reputed straight-talking councilwoman had to say. What was your lnltlal reaction when you heard that Newport Beach made a ronnaJ reeolutlon to support a bridge at 19th Street. which would Cl'Ol8 the Santa Ana Rlwr, connecting f.osta Mesa to Huntington Beechf I was certainly disappointed, but not surprised. Newport has often taJcen lone action that Impacts other cities, such as stopping the CoMa Mesa Freeway before It ente~wpon Beach lit was originally planned to connect to Coast Highway), removing the once existing Pacific Cout Freeway from the Master Plan of Arterial Highways and even the John Wayne Airpon Settlement Agreement. As an aside, during the recent JWA extension talks, it ~ only the iruistence of Costa Mesa that brought in the political powers of the corridor cities to help keep the extenMon plan as small as it is. The Santa Ana River Crossing (SARX) study has been underway for many years and I was asked to take a position in the 1994 City Council election. Costa Mesa's official poslllon has always been to remove the bridges from the master plan. Newport was one of the four cities working together to find solutions to traffic flow that wouJd facilitate removing the bridge. II was Costa Mesa's understanding the recent SARX study and recommendations were satisfactory to all four parties. What about the other re10ludon that endoned Fountain v.Deya effort.I to buUd another bridge owr the rtwr at G1aler Avm.uef While Costa Mesa does not suppon a bndge at Gisler Avenue, we think that an environmental study, as requested by Fountain Valley, is a compromise posJtlon, which will show all the environmental impacts to buildlng a bridge and will further our position of no bridges. Are we happy about It, no. But we are interested in working with all parties toward a solution that works for the benennent of Costa Mesa and the region. II Newport Beach continues to call for a bridge at 19th Street wlD Costa Mesa tab a harder •ta.nee In demanding that Coast HJgbway being widened, wldc.h II allo called for on the county transportation tDMter planT That recommendation is not a cure-all for traffic, but it acknowledges that there are other options, which are also on the master plan, such as the widening of Coast Highway, that can be taken care of first. In a sense, we are saying. let's test out the other required mJtlgation before we build the bridges. for which there is no money and the environmental lssues are powerful. Do )'OU think theft ls 8 need for all the dtJa lmolved, Cotta Meu. Newport Beach. Huntington.Beach and Pountaln Valley to bite the bullet and rallz.e that eomethlng w1IJ eventually need to be done to lmprow traflk; whether It be one or two brldget and the expanakm or Cout Highway! lmproving traffic ls something we all dream about, yet how many of us walk or ride our bikes to the grocery store? How many of us carpool to work? How many of us have more than two cars per famllyT Do the kids all have their own caJ1 I low many of us drive behemoth sized cars and sport utility vehicles? How many of us take the bus, or have even figured out if It Is possible? How many of us take the side streets to avoid the major ones -creating traffic FROM THE NEWSROOM in neighborhoods? I am guilty of creating traffic and, on some days, lots of trips. Traffic Is a by-product of our society, our desire to live and work here and our slow acceptance of Orange County's move from suburban 10 wban. And, of courc;e, by our county's very i.low accepiance of altemauve trJnsponation. Speaking of regional lra.naportatJon lsauet, what do you think or the latest of the ewr-ahrlnldng CenterUne propoealsT The bullet we need to bite Is mas.'> translL When Orange County voters approved Measure M, we truced ourselves. in pan, for mass transit - the light raU called CenterUne. The voters have better long tenn vision than the poUtidans. We. the voters, know that the only way to ease some of the traffic on the no longer infi.nJte capacity freeways and major roads ls 10 create a system or rapid Lransit that can moves masses or pt.'<>ple throughout the county. 'fllj~ system needs to Include bellcr bus and rail service. It is a shame that Mnot-ln-my-backyardM -also known as NIMBY -and faint-hearted politicians have demollshed a syslcm designed for county-wide movemcnl of people to a -1hort hop, conneclinK JWA to the Santa Ana Civic Center through a corner of Costa Mesa. I had hoped to be able to talce the CenterUne to my Job In Irvine. Maybe someday. As you can 1eU, I am a Unle disillusioned by .the CenterUne process. But we must start somewhere. Let's go back to the l 960'a when a family named Segerstrom pursued the crazy notion to extend the 405 Freeway down to Costa Mesa -to the •mJddle of nowhere.• They obviously dreamed bener and convinced the powers that be to buJJd it. It was their vision that has created one of the most successful tommerclal and retail complexes ln the world, which, of FIL£ PHOTO I DAILY PILOT course. is a driver in Costa Mesa'c; fine quality of life. The proposed shorter segment of the Centerline is the first of many and will be the catalyst to show the rest of the county what a valuable piece of the transportation pw.zle it will be. A lot or emphasis was placed on maJclng au.re the proposed Centerline route flt wltl) Costa Mean mating development and lnfrMtructwe, and thus the rawred option wu born. Why la the Lalla Pavilion de'ftlopment teanlngty mpendabJeT You know, I don't beUeve anythinR i11 ·expendable.• Read the Environmental Impact Report for Centerline. There are options for the alignment on Anton Boulevard and Avenue of the Arts, lncluding an option that does not displace the Lakes Pavilion or the businesses located there. There Is also an option that wouJd involve the Orange County ltamportation Authority purcha~mg the entire site and possibly redeveloping It to include current businesses and residenual -a possible mixed-use project. To this point, the buslnes.">eS have only focused on the option that wouJd Involve full acquisition of 1he i.ite and not the other choices. They need to look at the whole picture. You have been a longtime proponent or a light ralJ system, what do you look forward to mott about CenterUne coming to Costa MesaT Belng part of something exciung. bringing the future here, now. I believe. if you build II. It will grow I look forward to my grandki~ being able to get from Costa Mesa to you name It, without having to drive. nw Centerline and other mass tramit efforts must come to Orange County We cannot remain the powerful economic engine we are or hai.k 111 our quality of life without It. Journalist's drive doesn't 'break ' for babies I 'd like to start off with a always some wife. tipster now and then. Athens, Ohio. heartfelt thanb to all of you son of I d!aled my cell phone (J The martini la $650 a drink She was been a reporter for TELL fT TO THE EDrTOR readers who sent me connection to know, you're not supposed to and the reason it'• so expensive the Subwban News 10NY DOOEAO 11 the editor. congratUla.doN on the blrth or Newport-UM them In a hospital) and II becauae of tbe cognac or PubUcations, a group or He~your = cbild. Nathan Antonio Mesa. called Manl8lnl l!dltor S.J. eomethlng like that, ahe aaid. commwlity week.Ila ln central comnMnt. on newt Dodero. It Cahn. So ap1n l called the Ohio, and the Delaware Gazette. ~.photography or Uttte Nate, u we call hlm, ls a happened the "We're on It." be told me. newsroom. a alx-day dally In Ol9b'1 other newspepeM'91ated t.ltby yoq boy and a!teady very day after "Oh. OK. glad to bear It.· I ~on It." Cahn ,:r-ted. Cutat·growlllJ county. f--.lfyouti.....a thlnklnc of wa)'I to torment b.11 mytonwu aald. Boy WU It good to 'Tm m:ited to lelm m01'9 mMNge or• lehf'to the two oldfr mtera I'm sure; bom. h WU good lO know my 1talf needed. about the Newpe>rt·Mesa edltc)r, c.a hit dfttet llne at _, .,.....Ofd'9...,. So aft.er oearty three weeb .TONY Mywtte, wu on top of th1np even ln my commun1~ and J eq>ect to find ............... tend h otr. a plrtod ol time In whlch It 8etb, and I ablenoe. but tt Wll no fun being ••• a wealth o lntereetlnl and byj..m.llto Itemed the end1t 1tato of DODERO we.re llttlnl tn a dpater tO eomething 9m')'One Theda~ returned WU allo OIWIWOrthy ltodlt here." ahe ....... ......_oomor CaUIOmJa WU~ ln berioom at WU already &Wlll9 of. the ftnt .of wort for our new aa1d on her Ont week abolid. .. ,,. ...... , 1.....-n,or ~In aoOd to be back St. JOlepb4u Holpltal In~ Then lbe Mil dq my wtte bualneu, environment and Fln.IDy, I have ctua noce 10 Mild ti bv ~to DJW. Bay bent 1n ch• newaroom. where tho receJved top-not called me on tlJl:t wno cell poUdcl reporter Alida lhal9 ftom former Dally pf}ot 51.. C'*8 M .... CA. 82927. Sdll. it's .alwayt tough to pt cant I mlgtlt add, when a news phone trom her hotel bed. hobtnaon. Manqlng BdJtor Owc:k Looi, bt.ct lri the Mddlo etter a bah:= on the 'IV screen. She WU watchina "Oprah" RobtNon wlU be a great who reportl that former Dally VICadon. mpedally one that wu 1be then went to a Ml A.Id. (lometblns I WU addf don to the at.aft' and ll eorely Pilot niporter and now ftcdon Grit broke onto the myllery epenc not so much In a 1t1te or helicopter lhot of the Back Bay. uoubled to leam la a very, very needed u the replacement to wrlterT. Je«enon Puke!' wrldnl aoene wtth hll nCMl ._ IDd ttloation but with late repordnc tha& & IUlpect WU common oc:cumince while l'ln Plul Olnton, who covmd that garnered the top tlction honon "Laguna Helf." Which WU bl.s ntpt ~ dJ .. per ch&nlins barricaded tn a home on GIJuy othtwork), and m .. bowwu *t for MmBI years before he It~~ Soutbem Cdlomia tn 0.... Councyl.Dd htwed Ind houri an houn of twayln& OrM In:: Beach. The about the moat~ and left to wolt at the Daily BreM.e BoobeJkn Alan. awuda. many 8cdcioll c:hamctln who ::tr bllck toit.h tn • roddnc home wu and pollce atraYlpl'lt UdnP tn the world. tn1bmnce. Parbr'I aWard camo fonn h1J bell' iU'Ol1I ftllemblanct to reel Mrt ~tor the tnauder, ~lbcMld me moat RobbMoo Mile tom Ohio, DCMll ·Cold Pursuit. .. written dw• lat It.a 1W met and One ... nodc4ld whOe I che 1V report iald. martini la Che wodd same• our mw educadon about a SID °"Ii> homldde loCiMIMd tn my )W.1111. _..., 11 lhH I can be mllel •1 ~ m.Jcean the paper IDd It's at lhe VIiia NM.. UIJd reporter M&riM O'Ne&, and la a ofllc:er. repoa•..Swn. .., .. °"'pa but lhere'I knoM "bout thJI;• I told my Beth. who aJtb rnjoyl btlna • .,UU.te of Ohio tJnheruftY bi Somt ~~may 1cnow om be Coagratuladona to~. "' > .. <.. • .. ~COAST $1,nt,IOO Model l*f9ct deslpr home. Ocean 1M dty "'9ws. ALISO YlelO $ll o\tlt u,ht. brliht end chennlni 2 bedroom end unit ~endear.. ,,, t f.ff.7st.J7J2 .I • "QUOlE OF THE DAY "We just made history.,, • • .............. Newport c Harbor field hockey &oalie t Sports Editor Rtchard Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 EYEOPENER .Daily.IPik>t. SporCI tlaJI ol MM ~- Nov. lOhonofH JOE URBAN ~. NcMmbet 9. 2003 Bl THE BIG EASY Playing it with a straight face Second of two parts. but with some help from Art Perry. another W hen you In the long IUle or consider Eagles, here are some the observations from subject, Hassay, now 11 retired Bob Hassay, the teacher, but i.lill very longtime game active when it comes to announcer for Estancia Friday Night Ughts. He High's football games, 1......:.-.1.1.l.__ _ __.J wraps up this season you might believe he's a Thursday night at rather neutral sort ROGER Newport l larbor when considering the balance CARLSON the Eagles cloM! out he has developed over their season ag-c11nst 39 years of getting out the Pacifica in a nonicague venture. information. · TI1e first is easy, it is the only Nothing could be further from game he has seen in that i.pan the truth. which was on the road und he ln all that time he's been an was not announcing. fhe 27-25 Eagle. It's just that when he doei. victory at San Oementc after his gig. he does it right. and that c'9tancia. coached by John includes an equal measure of Lawry, tmiled by three respect for all. • Time has a way of blurring. See EASY, Pa&e 82 WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL PHOTOS BYS~ McCRNt< I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Tiffany Vandersloot (9) takes charge in front of Harvard-Westlake's Jena Johnson in Saturday's title game . . • [Hockey town USA MARK C DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT UC Irvine's Sarni Cash prepares for a klll attempt Saturday night m the Anteaters' showdown against nemesis Long Beach State. Newport Harbor records its 18th shutout in winning Tournament of Champions. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot • ning the Los Angeles Field Hockey A!lsocia- tion Tournament of .. HUNTINGTON Champions Satwday at 'Eaters strike gold against Long Beach IP.AOI -'Jrends Edison High. ~e au.hing, a mon-Senior Jillianne \er came off a back Whitfield. a four-year iod Newport Harbor High won varsity player. was awarded the LJleJd hock.ey tournament titJe tournament's Most Valuable uiarch It bad lost for the past Player honor, while senior Ker- iuee yea.rs. rl G6tes and junior Jenny Tay- • In the final 12 minutes. lor received all·toumament ephomore Lara Schilling team recognition. UC Irvine earns season sweep over the 49ers for first time since 1982 . Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot ~red Just her second goal of "We've waited so long for the season, and senior Krlaten this," Whitfield said. "Three Jendrusina added a goal to years in a row we lost. Last year lead the Sailors to a 2-0 victory Newport Harbor High's Jillianne Whitfield (21) pushes the ball over Harvard-Westlake. win-s.. HOCKEY, Pa11 83 forward Saturday against Harvard-Westlake's Joanna Davis. CRAWFORD COURT -Tur- brie Taytor Is back and UC Irvine Is winning volleyball matches agaJn. The Anteaters are also re-- DAILY PILOT COMMUNITY COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH Amber ~cCarthy Orange Coast College's sophomore setter enjoying her return to the team after redshirting last season. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot A mber McCarthy knows no other way than to So all out all the dme. Perhapt that la why the 10phomore setter leads the Orange Coast College women's wlleyball team with 495 asslsts through 14 matches thb season and ls fourth on the aquad with 88dlp. With 36 Ullsts In 00:. $weeJ> of Irvine ValleyOct.31, McCarthy moved Into MCOnd place on the team's all· time asilst list wfth l,ll2. She°'°' Heather Ruhl (1993-9') by 169 a..ilci for the top spot The Huntington Beach High pad believes she can get to any ball. no matter the tp<>t on the court. •rm a real compedtlve pel'IOO." McCarthy, 21, aakl. •I'd rather go for a ball than ever see Jt drop. A lot of that has to do with playing on the beafh and l\te been pl.aylna for 14 years. so I thtnlt (volleyball] gets ~ler every year that goes by." M~wu one of Collch O:nd Cuteoe1e'I mo.t consistent players in 200 l, when she amaaed 617 asalsts- afxtb moat in a aeaon for a Coast player -durlni her freshman year. She iedshl.rted la.st~ to l't her academlca back on b'8Ck and didn't wan .to loee malting -.chool h1Story. as well. Coach Olarlie Brande said his !.quad \urned in Its best match of the sea· son, as his Anteaters earned a 30 .!4. 26-30, 30-28, 30-25 Big West Conference victory over visiting Long Beach State. It was the firc.1 time the 'P.aters defeated the 49er-. at UCI since 1985 and the fir;t ume they swept Long Beach State in a sea· See 'EATERS, Pa1e 82 • I IZ &rdry, ~ 9. 2003 ' 'EATERS Continued from B 1 son slnce 1982. "It's a credit to these girl and their hard work." Brande said. Taylor, who sat out 4 ~ matches because of a shoulder injury, played in her second match since the ~tback and was insttwnental ln UCl's win. She delivered 18 kills. three aces and m block assists. taylot, a sophomore outside hitter, lnjured her moulder when UCI last defeated· Long Beach Seate. a five-game thriller Oct. 11. SI.nee then. the Ant· eaters have gone l ·4, u she sat out four matches and played sparingly In UCI's loss to Utah State. That was the 'Baters' fourth itralght loss, but they won their second straight Sarur· day night. while ending the 49erl three-match winning atreU. "'Them eomethlng about Long Beach State that makes us want to play as bard as we can," Thylor said. ·And that's the ru· '°n we came out so hard.· UCl'a victory proved espe- cially sweet to the team's junior core of four and senior Brenda Waterman. a former Newpon Harbor High standout. Juniors Kelly Wing, Sarni Cash. Dana Kurz.bard and setter Ashlle Hain, along with Water- man were struck hard emotion- ally two years ago when the 49ers beat UCI, 30-8, 30-19, 30· 13 at Long Beach State. ·1.ong Beach ~at us very badly,• Brande said. "We talked about what we had to do make It a game with'them and win. They worked very hard to get to this point" Wing, who Is fast bec-0ming known u one of the top players ln the BJg West. recorded 21 lcills and 14 digs. while <:ash had 12 kills and eight block as- sists. ICurzb:ud contn'buted 12 kills and Ove block assists. and Halo amassed a match-high 59 assists. Waterman produced 17 digs. The Anteaters (14-7, 9·5 In conference) nea.rty swept the 49ers (18-8, 9-5). as they moved ahead of them to take third In the Big West standlnp with four conference matches re- maining. ' Above, UCl's Dana Kurzbard, left, and Amanda Vazqaez, center, team up to block the kill attempt of long Beach State's Erika Chidester in the second game of Saturday night's Big West match. Photo at left, UCl's Sarni Cash (14) powers the ball through the block of long Beach's Liz Hudson (6). Below left, UC l's Kelly Wing ( 10) · goes for a point, and below right, UCI Coach Charlie Brande offers a calming hand. WATER POLO • • • ' UCLA tops ~ Anteaters Bruins build 7-3 halftime lead before defeating host UC, Irvin~, 10-7, tn· MPSF action Saturday. Junior Brett Ormsby scored five goal• to lead No. 4 UCLA past eighth-ranked UC Irvine, 10· 7, In Mountain Pacific Sports Federation men's water polo at the Anteater Aquatlca Complex Saturday. Junior Joah Hewko and freshman Clu'la Pulido added tWo goals each as the Bruins improved to 16·5 overall and 5· l ln the MPSF. UCLA has won 10 of Its last 11 games, ln· eluding four straight. The Bruins built a 7-3 half- time lead on the strength of two first-half goal• each Crom Pulido, Ormsby and Hewko. UCLA led 9·5 after three pe- riods before UCI staged a brief rally with back-to-back, power-play goals In the fourth quarter by junior Cameron Bll8$elt and freshman Tim Hutten to "cut the margin to 9·7. Ormsby closed out the scor- ing with an extra-man goal with 52 seconds remaining. Junior goalie Joe Axelrad had nine saves for UCLA, while sophomore Joe Wynne had six stops for the Anteaters (10-13. 2-4 in the MPSP}. Hutten led UCI with two goals. UCLA improved to 16·5, 5·1. The Anteaters boat No. 5 Pepperdine today at noon. Mour'llllln Pldlc $tMlrtl ,..,..... UCl.A 10, UC lrvlM 7 8ooN by °'*1llf1I UClA ••21.110 UCI 2122,,1 UCl.A-OrmsbV 8, Pulldo 2. HMtco 2, Blanchette t.S......-Axelred9. UQ-Huu.n 2. Garde 1, Whb 1;; Noon 1, M..-to 1. 8....u 1. ~ ... Wynne& Sea Kings win tourney •The Corona del Mu High frosh-soph boys water polo team defeated University, 13· 7, in overtime, to go undefeated In the Paclflc Coast League Wednesday. The Sea Kings outscored.. the 1\-ojans, 6-0, in the overtim~pe· dod. Mike Berry led CdM with five goals. Erle Cox. Scott San· ford, Nick Jones, lievor Gla- dych, Jeff Lee and Adrian Nie- henb also scored. Sea King goalkeeper Jamie Kline re- corded three saves in overtime for a total of seven saves. Philip DiGlacomo added three saves. 'fyler .Kent produced four steals, while teaming with Matt Walters to shut down Uni's top player. ln addltJon to winning the league championship, the Sea Kings triumphed in the Cllarger Cup, a prestigious tournament, earlier this season. Padflc Coast Lee1ue Coron• del M•r 13. Unlvenltv 7. OT Score by Periods CdM 1 2 3 1 11 • 13 Uni 1 2 3 1 o -1 CdM -Berry 6, Sanford 2, Niehenke 2, Lee 1, CoK 1, Gladych 1, Jones 1. aves -Kllne 7, OIGlecomo 3. MEN'S BASKETBALL Vanguard edges.: foe in overtime : . . Lions win second of third game at Westminster tournament with 95-93 win over Bulldogs. The Vanguard Umversiry men's basketball team needed overtime Satuiday to defeat Montana-Western, 95-93, in the final round of the Westminster tournament at Payne Gymna- sium In Salt Lake Ciry, Utah. Forward Brett McGee led VU (2· 1) w:lth 20 points, six re· bounds and two assists, while the Lions dodged a 37-point ef· fort by Montana-Western'• Ja· son Buell (11 of 20 from beyond the three·polnt line). After It was tied, 80·80, in regulation, the Uons outscored Bulldop, 15· 13, In overtime. Brian Kim (18 points), Horace Wormely (17) and K.evin DaJafu (17) also scored in double fig- ures for Vanguard, which will host Its Blue-Gold lntrasquad game at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, then play host to Cal State.:Los Angeles Nov. 15. ~ After trailing by nine polnts at halftlme, the Uons rallied against Montana-Western to force extra time. Wescmlnmr tournament Fln•I round Vanguard ts, Montana·Wntem t3, OT V•nguard-McGH 20. Wormely 17, D11l11fu 17. Roaborough 8, Kim 181 Seekln• 4, Burnette 2, Watson ~. 3-pt. goal• -Oalafu 5. Wormely 2. McGae 1, Kim 1, Waiaon 1. · Fouled out -None. Tectinlcal• -None. Monten•Westem -Fletow 2, Ri~dle 7. Buell 37. Chrl1tlHn1 18, Keller 10, Hibbert 3, Dey 9, Feenstra 7. " 3-pl. goal• -Buell 11, Keller 2, • ChrlttiHnt 2. Riddle 1. Fouled oul -Fletow. Tectinicel1 -None. Halftime -Montan•·W..tern, • • 48-39. Regulatlon -80·80. SAILING o·cc cruising in fourth UCI displayed rhythm and took advantage of Its momen· tum by winning the ftnt game rather easily. The Anteaters then opened Game 2 with an 11 ·3 lead, and Long Beach State appeared to have ff!!W answetS. But the 49en turned to ~dom· used outside hitter Rosie Lewis, who came up with five kills to lead her team to the 1eCOnd game victory. 3. Wlng collected seven kills and Taylor added five to help lead the 'Eatera to the win. Anteaters ended the game when Wing finished off an as- sist from Hain. The Orange Coast College sailing team la ln fourth place after four races ln the second day (and eight total races) In the three-day Intercollegiate Sailing Alsoclatlon Sloop North American champion· ship at SUNY Maritime Col· lege ln Throggs Neck, New York. first day Friday. The Pirates earned a third-place flnls.b In one of the four races Satur(jay. Kings Point remains in first with 17 points, while the.. Pi- rates have 42 points. Lewis finished with a career· high l4 kilh. The 49era ~re led by Uz Hudson and btt 22 kills. ua responded to lta losa with a pivotal victory in Game In the third game, Cub re· corded a kill, on an overpass to give UCI a 29·27 lead, but the 49era won back serve and cut the deficit to one. However, the UCI returns to action Friday at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The Mustanga are the only team the Anteaters have not beaten In Brande's four years with UCI. OCC was In fourth after the OCC aophomores PaYJion lnfellse, Nathaniel Campbell and Carson Reynolds will close out competition today with two races. EASY Continued.from Bl touchdowna u halftime. "1be entire ream cut lhetr ba.lr to 'bUtchee,' and we won. Chuck Peny wu the quanerblck and bit b1I dsht end. JoM ~on several~" Mid Huay. The 1968-72 era under Phil Brown brirlp forth the foOowlng: "He wu a piofesSlonal. orpnlr.ed. ~ i piy'cboloilllt and. pndeman. ADct bl bed an elCeDent ltd wtth Jl9ul Ndtp, ftolrr Olltc. Art ~and o.w knott." 1be 9·2 1970 team Iott to eventual CIF S-A c:hainpfon Bdilon. 14· 12, and In the MCGrid rOmld ol lhe playoffs to USC·bomld Allen Carter, who led me Bearcaca to• 15·1• vk:tOrJ. • ' ·1 really enjoyed our heated rivalry with P..dlson,"aaid Hassay. "The~ was always a seme of excitement and the games were hard·hJtUnf with big plays and a Jot of athletlclJm. P..dlson ~d P.stancla went to the mat nine tinffS from 1969 to •eo and the P.aglet won juat onu, a 16-13 vlcto:ry lil um. F.dlson escaped In 1972, 7·6. "Wttcblnt the brUlJant running of dJmlnutlve Dan Prtnceotto was always • highlight game for me.• Mid Hassay or the '72· 73 tta. ·and I i'ecall In 1975 when we *t Marina at Davidson Field on the 'lonesome man fugjble' trlck pt.y In the tut mlnute of pla~" It wu the teuon opener and F.standa pnM11ed. 1 s-t '· ln ttt'TN of tndMduaJa. lt't I long list, but Hauay ~ lt to the rriJnlmum and heri:i eome of thoee wtiO ltill occupy a ptec;e of the memory bank: From '69 to '73, Mtai:. Sbauatm-f, ( Lee Friedmdorf, c.a1 Sho~. Curt Thomas, John Dixon, Lee Joyce. Vlnai Klees and Pr1nceotto. Klees, a center, went on to Notte Dame. In 1976 and '77, the conch, Jim Bratten, the one-lime MagnoUa High quarterback who left after just two years for Colorado, along with Mike Camp. Dave Jemnko and Steve Cunllf. Riversfde Poly ended lt With a 23-14 Grst·round CrF victory m ·n. The memorable 1979 campaign under ColCh orthe Year Ed Blanton when the Eiglea ~nt 9~3, won the league championship anctfinally eXited with a 3J. J 5 lou to F.iperan.u ln lb aecond round of the pl&yotrs. "Jeff n-acy wu the le.ague's Defensive Pla)"r of the Year anti we had (aophornore) Jim McCahill, who went on to the Vnivet'llty of the Pacflc," .ukt Hueay. A year later the f..a&let ftnlahed In a three-way tie for the league title and lost lglll.n In the second round of the playoffs~ Eaperanza. 42·32. It wu another solid~ In 1981 when the Eagles were 8-2-1 wtth McCehW at quarterback. blcbd up by tackle Mike &mth. dabt end JaJmle Alken, and running b-* Xurt Wen7Ja1f. "We had • total ol.10 ~ WhO made first· or l«ond·temn aD·te,aUe. • eald H.auey. Huuy retDe:nlben 1988 .. the emergence of John 1JebenFOd u coach (the~ Mnilllld that )WI with an 0-10 reconO, aad la 1989 dM)' turned lt irOUnd wnb I ICM> record through the ftljular .-on bei>re bOwtns In the 8nt l'O\DI ~~ lolb1I to t..a Mirada. 15-12. •QUia eoo... • ..-.-· ICholanhlp pr.,. ind wt hid...,... like lmn 1J'homM. Dinny tJtc:Mr. Din Ntrone Ind Joeh Wojddlwta.. aaMt 4 twsay. - The euence of the acme boOa dotn to "watcblng pt.yen grow and devttop as they learn the nuances and • fundamental mOYementa of their ~ poaltlon. • And. c:alllng pmee In derfe fog at Newport Hlrbor HJgh atwaya • aeerns to hold water. It'1 Americana. Announcing the Homecoming lrillP and queem. and the canianlderle ot once aplD Mdoa the return of pat footba.il hero. lnlking an appeannce, al the thinp tb&t teem ao corny In fMt mcMee. but bi reality. ftJl one'• heart and Wla that famfliar thoupt ~ thlile are "The Bat of nm.t• Heyt See you next Sundlyl • M>a. CM.ION i. the former IPOf'I edttor for the otlty PMOt Hie colUmn "' ~on Sunct.ya .. He cen bt rMdMil bv .-nMllf It ·~·m.n.ootre • Sunday, November 9, 2003 83 HOCKEY HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL HOCKEY we vOWt:d we would win it lhjj year and when you tlnalty. win Lt. It (eel liU reliet lt'a '° exclung. And. wowf W dld it flnallY. It's ovet.• Lut year, Newport loat to H.arvatd, 1-0, ln a ahootout in the season·end.lng tournament title game, as the Wolverines celebrated ln the rain. This year, It was the Sailors' turn and they piled on one another near midfield aftet the final whistle. Sage given A for effort " Newport Harbor (20· l) reached Its goals set before the season. winning the Orange County.ln\iitational, the Sunset League and the LAPHA Thumament of Cllamplons. · ' • ·u·s complete satisfaction." said Newport goalie Amanda Wittman, a four-year varsity player. "I've been waiting four years for this. l'w gone through losing the past three years. lt'1 such a great finish. It's been worth lt for 'the three years because It makes you so • 'much more excited for the one time we did • ·win. We just made history. We definitely dominated." ' ' Wlt1man earned her 18th shutout of the aeuon and recorded seven saves Saturday. There have been only two teams that have scored on Wittman and the Sailors this sea- son -Harvard and Edison. Wittman collected perhaps her best save with 2:10 remalnlng when sh e booted a shot away on the Wolverines' final attempt on a to mer. Newport, which won five games in seven · days to close out the season. did not score •On any of Its eight corners, but found fbe back of the cage on a counterattaclc, in the "48th minute. Jendruslna sent a picture-per- ' · feet cross toward Harvard's cage where Schil- ling was waiting. When Schilling's shot went in, she held back celebrating. as the game's two referees ' had a brief discussion to judge lf it was offi- cially a g~al. ne of the referees said she was not sure e shot had hit the side of the <:age or ent in. But the other referee con- firmed It had went In and the Sailors cheered loudly. "J wus completely concentrating on the ball and saw It coming toward me and I just kind of let it deflect off my stlck," Schilling said. •1 saw It go in the cage. l was just')>ray- lng It would be a goal (called by the offi- . dalsl.~ ' Schilling's goal gave Newport the momen- tum, wtule draining the life out of the Wol- verines. Just six minutes after Schilling's score, the Sailors received their insurance goal when Jendrusina put away a Shot, fin. lshing an assist from feUow senior Ashley Harrison. The Sailors also received contributions from seniors Danielle Phatf, Dana Owad, Lauren C.urtls and Victoria Swigart. The quartet each made a few key defensive plays. McCARTHY ,Continued from Bl ' .. ~ ·any step from the one-year hiatus. ' "In my 20 years of coaching. Amber is by ' •far the most competitive female volleyball player who has ever played for me,· Cutenese said. "Her competitiveness is what drives players around her.· McCarthy began playing volleyball when she was 7 years old, following her mother, Rosemary, around and asking others to "pepper" with her. McCarthy played basketball during middle school and then threw the hotput her senior year in high school . She spent seven years on the Orange County VoUeybalJ Oub and has also honed her game on the beach volleyball ctrcult, where she has won three medals in junior Olympic competition. "I try to mot.lvate others by my actions on the court," McCarthy said. "Playing setter, I bave to be aware of where everyone is (on the Ooorl." McCarthy has helped Coast to a 14-1 record as of Thursday and a No. 2 ranldng in the state. Last season Coast started 14-0, but had a disappointing finish in the playoffs, PHOTOS BY STEVE McCAANK I DAil Y PILOT Newport Harbor's Kerne Gates (3) makes a move to steal the ball from Harvard- Westlake's Christiana Burrows (24) m Saturday's title game. Newport won, 2-0. Ne~ort's Jenny Taylor, right, moves the ball downfield past the defense of Harvard-Westlake's Gop1 Shah ( 15) m Saturday's tournament final. buUding success within the Newport Harbor field hockey program. The Sailors have won Sunset League titles the pa.st two years, and three Ol\l of the past four. In addition, the junior varsity team also won the Tuurna- mem of Champions, defeating Harvard- Westlake, 3-0, in the final, as Rachel Foster, Sasha Grumman and Ally Ramser !>Cored goals and goalie Qara Lawrence had IO saves. "It's good for the girls." Wolfe said as her Ydfsity team players posed for pictures. "Right now I can't say I'm that excited. There was more excitement getting through Glen- dora and Edison." The Sailors defeated Glendora, 4-0, and then Edison, 2-0, ro reach their revenge game against Harvard (15-2-IJ, which has ~ufTered just two losses thl~ ~eal>on, both to Newport. ·we have played our beM hockey t.hJ.s week.· Wolfe said. "I don't want to say we've peaked ·yet, but we've gonen better here, And. the bonding the gills have done has been great." For their big game against Harvard, each Newport player dyed their hair green and the girls had playful statements written on the back of each thigh, such as, "Get Low!" Or, Newport's momentous victory also proved "Go Newpon!" to be a bit of a going·away present for Coach The Sailors had green hair just one other Sharon Wolfe. She said she plans to resign time this season, when they won the Orange from her position and perhap, take on, "a County Invitational. different challenge." Wolfe would coach at "This is realty exciting." fendrusina said. Newport again if t.he school could not find "Last year was such a setback and It was sad. another field hockey coach, she said. We wanted to win and we came out and did Wolfe has been greally re.,ponsible for it." losing to 10-time defending state champion Golden West and San Joaquin Delta In the state tournament. In 200 I, McCarthy played with Katja Muller, Krystle Davis, Casey Petersen and Janelle Jeremiah, players synonymous with Coast's recent ascen\lon to the elite ranks of the state. OCC fimshed 24 -3 that year to win ti!> seventh conference title and first since 1986. McCarthy ranks fiftJ1 on the school's all-time list for assists In one match with 58 in 2001. "I think the 2001 team had a lot of experience and, looking at this team, we have two girls who have dub experience." McCarthy sald. "It ·~ loncJ of scattered, but we have a lot Qf heart and work well lo practice." McCarthy's tenacity on the court was evident in a match against rvc a three-game sweep for Coast. McCarthy regularly dove BRIEFLY toward the middle of the court to dig balls Inches above the floor, which kept possession on Coast's side. McCarthy wants to play at a four-year university and ls interested m studying criminal justice and psychology. But if that doesn't work out. she Is interested in joining the police academy. "Jt would be an awesome job becauJ>e not many people get to inleract with their community." McCarthy said. Cutenese believei. McCarthy is primed to play at the next level. "She is focused on going to the next level, whereas two years ago she was set on the police academy,· he said. "She wanl.l. to continue to play and I think that L'> what !)he needs to do." "You never know what will happen,· McCarthy 'laid. t-Orange Coast falls to Mt. San Antonio College, 75-55 • • The Orange Coast CoUege son poll. while Mt. SAC is No. 6. Coast will face Solano in the third· place game today at I p.m. Fresno, while the VU women took sixth behind the ninth- place effort of Jenny Thune (18:42). men's soccer team, 5-4, in Big West Conference action. Capo Valley Christian dominates Academy League game, but Lightning get small victories. Roser Carlson Daily Piiot NEWPORT COAST -There is a program within the California Interscholastic Federation called "Winning with honor.• Saturday a band of Sage Hill School football players took It to a new level -•ptaying with honor.· A heavy underdog in the Acad- emy League struggle with invad- ing Capistrano Valley Olristian, the Light- ning indeed SCOREBOARD were unable to stem the tide and ab- sorbed a 34-0 lo& to faJJ to 1·7, 0-2 in eve 34 league. S•ge Hiii 0 It was dif- ficult, how- ever, to de- termine the winners and losers ln the aftermath as Sage Hill Coach Tom Monarch wa5 all smiles, while the Eagles (6-3, 2-0) were being heavily criticized by their coach as he informed them or what lay ahead for them in Monday's prat-tlce. His team had little to celebrate despite posting the shutout victory. "If we had played like we did today in our first game of the year we'd have won five games by this time." said Monarch, whose team gave him a nose-to- nose effort from start to finish. ·rme Eaglesl are a much more talented team than we are, and it was probably our best effort of the season. Our freshmen and sophomores played like men. ·we gave away two touch- downs, It was really a three- touchdawn game." Sage Hill made a statement right away, using 5:03 of playing time on its ftrSt drive as it maidled from Its 27 before giv- ing up possession at the Eagles' 38, and on the first series of the second half, responded with a 51-yard march which toolc a stunning 8: 11 off the clod. "That first drive realty set the tone for us," said Monarch. The big moment of the sec- ond-half march was a 13-yard completion on fourth down from freshman quarterback Braden Ro~ to freshman receiver Don Ayers, which set the Ughtning up at their 43. Seven plays later Sage Hill would give It up at the Capo Val Icy Christian 43. The key to the Lightning's of- fense, as usual, was tailback Ed- die Huang. who took a beating from start to finish, as he lmi- Lated the famous bunny. "Game-in and game-out, pound-for-pound, he's one of the toughest lcids I've ever coached,· said Monarch. ·He's just a special kid with a great at- tltude. • Even on the game's last play, the 5-foot-8, 165-pound senior. running a keeper out of the quarterback position, lateraled off ll! he went down to Keya SCORE IV QOARTEftS CVChnatlen SegeHlll 72070 34 0000 ·0 ARST QUARTt1t CVC -NtelMn 29 run (H.tuldlkll kl<*l, 6•31 SECOND QUARTER CVC -Ntelaeo 5 run (Heuldlke kldc). 10:26. CVC -81ehk 1 run (kidt fe1i.ctl, 6 67. C\IC -Hodel 4 1>891 from W1rd (H1uldlk1 kldtl, 2:63 THIRO QUARTER CVC • N1,lsen 5 run (Hauld'lka ktdll. 0:41. A -120 lest1matedl INOMDUAl RUSHING eve -Nielsen, 8 70. 3 TOt; Bielik, 5-44, 1 TO; St John, 4-42. Vardakost11, 7-10; Hodel, 2-6; W1rd, J.3; Calvert, 1-3, Fleming, 1·3 SH· Huang, 19-48, Ltm, 12 38, Rodt. 4-17, Rosa. 3·m1nu118 INOMDUAL ~SSING eve Werd, s 5-0. S4, 1 TD SH Rost, 5 5-0, 2 INOMDUAL RECEIVING eve Hodel. 3 38. 1 TD. Eri<:bon, 2-16 SH -Ayera. 1 13. Huang, 3-minua 7, Rodt. 1 mloua-4 GAME STATlS ncs eve SH F1..idownl 11 • R""'*-v••ctaoe ,,, .. 38-17 P-..g y9fdag<I ~ 2 ,._"II M-o & &-0 Ne1 relum v•r<M • 40 0 S.C..yarelag• I 7 0-0 Net yardage 111'> .. Punta 00 3-T.I 0 Fumbl<ts-fumbla lo11 1.() 3-1 Fl-u•·net v••deo<t 4.)() HI Time of PO•H .. lon 1829 2931 Manshadi, who turned a lo!>S into a 9-yard gain. Huang finished with 48 yards on l9 carries, and teammate Ray Lim munched out 38 yards on 12 carries, each chewing out extra yardage under heavy duress. Ev- ery fust down was a victory. lndeed, the Ughtnlng played the game with the lcind of effort that isn't often seen for a team destined to play it out on Thurs- day afternoon against Invading Brethren Ouisllan, once again in an underdog role. Capo Valley Chrisdan was paced by senior running back Kory Nielsen, a solid 19()-pound back who scored three touch- downs on runi. of 29, 5 and 5 yards. The P.agles had a big advan - tage ln field position, taking over on the Sage Hill 38, 27 and 9 In the first half en route lo a 20· ;::..imt sccon<l quarter. In the fourth quarter the Eagles took over on the Sage Hill 29 and 30, only to be turned back by the likes of tackles Mor· gan Brief and Kurt Gummennan, ends Michael Morgan and Bryan Forrest, linebackers Marcel Sohl, Peter Haderlem and Ayers, and a secondary which Included Mi- chael Solomon, Nlclc Sohl. Huang and Manshadl. "Our young linemen, sopho- mores, really came out aggres- sively,· added Monarch. What's left? Another role as the underdog. One more opportu· nity. women's basketball team, the " defending stale champion. lost . (u first game since wlnn.Ulg the " Atate dtle, falllng lo tournament •""host Mt. San Antonio, 75-55, in a -: • semlflnal Saturday. Larsson, Thune pace VU •CROSS COUNTRY: The Vanguard men's team placed fifth Saturday ln the Golden State Athletic Conference flnats behind Mikael Larsson (15th in 25:54) at Woodward Park ln UCI loses in overtime Sebastian Galmarinl and Brad Evans each scored two goals for the Anteaters (6-9-3, 3-2-3 in the Big Weal). Galmarl· ni scored off a free kick on an assist from Anthony Vizcarra In the 84th minute to cut UCl's deficit to 4-3. He also scored ln the 88th minute. SCHEDULE Freshman Rhondi Na.fl' led OCC •. (1-1) with 10 point& The Pirates • • ··entered the game ranked No. 5 ln ;1 •the state ln the coaches' presea-, , . .,. •SOCCER: Cal State North- ridge's Alec de Mattos scored In the 107th minute Saturday In the second overtime as the host Motadors edged the UC Irvine Free s14es:~d lllattery Test Se!vlce1nc1udesup1011ve~~":9 VlsuallY Inspect and test battery ualng MotorcraMD oll and new Motorcraft® oll Aotunda Mlcro-490 tester. filter. Includes hazardous waste disposal. See Service Advisor for details. Offtr valid wrtl'l QOUpon, TflXM ext,_, ,.. 11 /30/2003 TOCW .......... Community college WOrNn - Orenge Coeit It Mount Sen •2995:;:::. A/C Check Includes a perfonnance test, leak Inspection . and a check of belta and hoses. Act now and get a free battery test. Refrigerant and taxes extra. See Service Advisor tor details. Offer 11alld wltl'l coupon. Taxeeextra. 11/30/2003 .. How to Place A --Deadlines--Policy RA and ckadlincs arc ubjcct to change without nQdc.c. The publi ·her re-.crve the rllht to censor, reclu 1fy, revise or teJOCt any clus1fied advmiscmcnr.• Please repon ony mor that may be in your cJ ificd ad immcd11rely. The Dady Pilot accepts no tiabillty for any error in an advcni~mcnt ror which It may be rupon 1ble c"eept ror the cost of the sptice actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the ftrst in~rtion CLASSIFIEIAD • -Monday ...................... Friday .S:OOpm Tuesday ................... Mooday .S:OOpm .. . By Fax (949) 631-6594 !PltaK lritludci YOlll 11111111 and phont '*'!btr llncl w'll Qall )IN bli.L """ha pncc qu<*.I By Phone (949) 642·5678 I lours By MaiJ/ln Person: 330 We t Bay Strecr Co ta Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3 :OOpm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Wlllk·ln 8.30-.im-5:00pm Monday·f'nday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNWAINTS & MISC. 1010--1110 GARAGE SAll BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ENTERTAINMENT 2SOS·2490 HOME FURNISHINGS Calendar of Events 1310 Fumltu11 d ~-f-M~UI"""~.....,------~~--,__ nuv-Hl9h-lln• '"'°'• Sel• OPPOlt\lllTY H•:h._" l ch. French All r ul e.C1t1 •dv•r II• couc •. winabacll """' IOYt l!Ah. Ir br & dr '"I in lh1s n1w\p1>per ll lomm1 81h1ma furnr ubt•<I lo Iha ftdff-1 ture dr!lci.n brontn, r tK Hou~1na Ad of I 9bll fll!,ny ....,._ 91m. dnlfta. •• "'"'nd"d .,h1ch !I ol ge m•"n 11 1ller1I to ~ * •d•ar liu • •ny pr •I•< ~ •n1.e llm1tallon or dl'4:•lm1nation butd on ,,,. c 1tnf , ..... ,," \el h•n•l<•P l1m11111 \lalu\ ot n•l1<1nal 0<111n "' en onlenhon lo m•"• trlY wch prelerente hmlla lion ur d1u:,.n11n•lron I h" lltW'l>•IM• will not know1n11ly 11.t•PI any •dverllsemenl lot rul t alalo Whtth I\ 1n .iolal1<.1n ot the ,.,., Ou• re.~.,. .,. htrtby 1nlor m•d 11111 all dwell '"l' .tdntll~ad 1n thli n~W\P•POI .,. •v•ol•bN no .,. e11u1\ oppn.tunily bHa MOVING MUST SIU· IKEA olf1u ••I. sota b!d b•r stool•. boo~c•H endlbh fole ub. lnr 8•1bo~ Is 94'1 290-9190 QUHN MATTillSS SIT ~. brand .... ti. " platJc wf'#r«. Soc Slal '"" c-. 9'19 l:6tl:1J1 CoNfUY SlllGH HD SClld wood. br...i .... In bo• nut -Wi7th tlUl -$25() 9& 'B;,-tl111 Whitt twin BeU1n1 Btd w/naw matt<nl 1970 1orls Sl1r,1ray both 1n sin! cond 949 646 5054 ESTATI RSAU 2 llOCl(S TO llACMI 329 Poinsettia Vin tare COM :.>br • den. owner bou&hl another SI 399.000 the Sanford Croup 714 412 89S5 UClUSfVI UUING COMOUp>UJ( 4br 2bl hOUH + 2bt Iba unit $l 275,000 Pnnc only The Sanfotd Group 714 412 ~ ....... ...... •(..WW bedlt.y ' ~ op al IN. remod ;lit' :hi hdwd fh. .,.... en t.n'll prad ID W flM $1.2l6Jll) -..~11~ s-111 •• HWY JOa 111 R 2 dupi.1 CrHl 09 porlunity to build Hew ~rt 949 929 3 785 0,... s. 12-4 Incredible v-Ofl 8tuff> 28t I 758' 1W1 ..,a & ah IUm Poot. eatlld comml $379,900 Ron 'l'ouna Gold Crown 714-4J2-717J To camplo11n ol d11 t rim1nation. ~d HUD toH 1r •• '' 1 soo 424 asqo JEWELRY/ 3460 OfTIIE~:HOTU DIAMONDS/ OPEN SUN I 5 TICKET CENTER PRECIOUS METALS 3792 Humboldt 1475 4bf 5 SBA 4'000SF wrth -----c-•t C•h• N••dt boet doc" MIGHTY DUCKS Old Coln\! Gold. \llvei S2 999.000 Jim Kidder TICICITS p>LAZA UVll ftWtlrY wotclltS. 1'1llQ11ts 714 454 S<l!><I or mo\I r•mei •v.11 collecllblco 949 642 9443 Act D1nyy Dona Huynh h <• value 949 171 1841 714 878 2916 Audlons 1483 Cits 3610 ltvlne WANTED 200+-~ CAn, -T-Ull_n_l _ll_OC_k_CA-M-,.U-S- www anm~orc VIEW HOADMOtU ANTIQUES 1 a>lllOn t.Und/tWll Spec-3 llomea 3 & 4br trurn lf'.111. IH GUARAMU S549.000 $61 !1.000 95644-709 $624.000 OIOef Style Fumit~ Si>tt mD!m1I Clll. mm. °""'"' Asent ~ 6 Collediblts M ~ Ma17-6632 800 MO 6i61 ............ , ... ... _·-·o-,,y • Done 3116 NewpOltBadl tt CASH PAID tt _ .. ________ _ -.-.-...... wt IWV !STATU MISCEUAHEOUS MERCHANDISE AU snu llOGS. 28130 Wal 18.900. Jtll IJ,890 38•44 Wat Sl4.900 "" $5 9!>0 411106 wn W 916 wit $12 916 hi Come ht S.ve! Tom 800 392 7806 COSTA MfSA SUN 7·1, 3101 Maderl• Au Busl (MISA VlROI) A11ttqun n..~w... plcturu, lamp1, mile v1'1""••- ll011Mhold Bullnlllll and lolt 1505 ffandtlses ---------'-' laclll c1111 G4*11 A SIB + vtM 9ilYw wetdl Ill CosU "'-Ealablnlled, fun Busl ot Hrwporf e..dt .,.. n•u Onl1 $9.995 Atwwd-.548 l IOO 400 71Sl 1510 ..... .W.amen111110 OU<W Sl,tJON ,,.,,, ... Owl! lt1Mth19 a.It •11p1oa I/hr from N•wpOtt 8H(ll (I Ctl l•M Clun tu-1 ad,. nt to al•t• w•t•fo"I 1ah1••· own.,"1lp l11terf\t a tj.lpfoa 175 act ta or ltnd & "11Pf0Ytrn!nla + )'out own Utrlp COnl«IOUnd •/1tr4'cl11re end 2 vaiW.. WMI M f<I nllhl 880°t A Wint t1tt1nt durina dutli Noon• many ulrHI 14ttl Int 2 lrllfldt or tathtr I IOf\ CeN M•flt 1UIOMI Ob4 AISOlUTI OOlDMl"ll eo vend1n11nKh1net with ocelltnl locallont llforllCl.e~ ! SAT-SUN t-4 .,. Wl5l...ma INl ~..aHJS Remod Zbr lba houl!. on f& fot w/lbr Iba Hp IUHt house Ip, 11 \'trds. Gar $909 000 '4•-H0..071 I Oo•'I fat I to h11tllt Lut reMtlnlna opp0rt11nll~ Buch Cothc•s Mt·SJ1 2391 llACltflXD l ttlSTOIY S17S,MO Aet t 4t-ttt-tSH 3010--3940 nml soos-saso Oj.en House ul >un 12 S 33 Ren•t• 4br 2' ba 1.784\I, Ip 01.n Vu, 1,569,000 949 497·2969 MJSCB.1.ANEOUS REHTALS RenlllToShm 60.10 Ml/Oc-Vl•W ll- Oc .. nfront/22nd Pri vatt rm unfurn share b• uur, paid n '"'" llitchenette, lndry lblli lo Newport pie<, $730m Call Sim 949 278 7905 (t>.l'lletn 9am !ic>m> N•""'1Nrl SllwH 11- ln 4Br Houu Share beth, noll>tt/P'•&e W6111 lo beech, nice ., .. ~75m • S400 deli & 1/4 uUb Call 949 50).9!a Nl'l/CM nica quiet .lb< 21>41 home prof lam HIS I m1 to buc11. laund. p1rll1"1. AvaM 12 I $800+ 112 utll 949 331-JJll Rooms 1or Ritt eo40 NN an lmrld i-.-.. pvt tlllr lbr w/pyt 1111. Ill', llrdDd<, clille & uU pd no -~~ AESIOENTLALRE.NT ALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island Balboa Peninsula ~· ~-lk+.fc, new eppVupVP"I deck w/bar v•w quiet brClll '"1· strt!t iwi.1, Crt loc, $1650 M M/Yfly, lhe<td ulllllndry 949·933 6916 COfOM del Mar CJ .. ,. & Newl 406 H!hotrope (frool Col llllt). COM. 2bd Iba new kltch!n & bath fp, htd.wl fir tn IR 1/c rar Shered W/D 949 63.1 0400 Index ef!l!l!t Jili1 U11clcr lhl' Sen icl' Directory Ba1111c.1 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week mr-.m& IUlllOllllON 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Buu ne,.,ly remod 3br 2b• 2 c 11r new hdwd fin. 11 an1h1 ttn. appt ' Ip, no lmk patio l3~/ mo • dep 562 493 6126 2111 21A1 COHOO, Ip UDO tSU 4br lbo1 home lr11 dw illo IJllb pool SJ50()no yrly OTllN< Open 1111 loc Sl'>001mo A••tl Suu I JG.4 224 '111 llhllC;.t Now 949 b!>O 6/lO Ag,nt 949-718-2/42 "•nlnsufa lb/ I b• patio. Sh.rt hn" ,_, .. 3b1 h<tplace &h•••d w d 3b• hou~e 2 ur a•r ,,..ups. I car a•raa• Aet wd ll~11p1. Sl500/mo $1500/M() 949 193 '630 t49·71S-U46 Costa Mesa Studl• ~t., lurn d, nr lrl Sq co:y. quiet, nl • M•wport Htl9hh • 2bd, 2ba. 1ar w/d/f"ll 11111 Incl $11001 mo 949 650 7625 2Jr I._, .... l*ltlairJlft 7 car Piii t.l\r;trd. 112 bb:k lo CQMI nalR -St8Xllmo 9'19 m 79Cll ca1 ~!Mm 5pm only dlr:lc. .,... 1111-..., 2br 2ba nr NP pier cloH tVP<!C $71!Jmo 96647 2Bl8 to shops I. 1 nluilr anlJ llr $870/-I molt to beldt VIUI ~eds \fOYt Ip I c 1~r wd hkups Sl8001mo 949 29J 4630 ln1. ce~ fen & mo<• IJ3 Nr buch/bay 2br I.Sb• l 16tll SI 949·548-2421 upper unit, 1 car parkin& Mep>I• Apltl lovely space. yrly tu $1850m Gated Comn1 nur A•at1How9097936611 Tu1n1te Squ.,e 2br lba W ..... i...t., 2 Masts w11er & f11r $1095, lbr 111 2Ba Condo. i-t ocean lb• w/plho. c .. port. -· ~y lmlde, fp, TIOr11e '81'.) ...... Plfl $)!Qllmo 714 80t-07Ql paid Kleon ,_.,..1•• fl1~ E.tm> I SfOI CHAJIMIHG, Ilka naw 2br I 5ba town houu •tyl• 2522 Elden Sl37S/mo949 642 ~88 Jltr Jlta heuH, qulel 1rea, 111wly rrlurt11shed H....tr r-1d1l1d 1'1.. 2 car r•r wd llkups, l'tlf (ba 111>&\ffs !MhO S2'>00 mu 949 7'>9 0874 JOBSWAHTBJ D4T A INT1IY FT Cdllct I COT'6t ,... ..... lood dltl for riia ' twrd ccpy food databme.Fat ra..me ID P.t 949-6-t2·11900 or emaU pat@Calortek1n1 com OlllVEU p>AU-TIMI Mon F" Dute nice UIS and set paid for 11 Ctlf Dan 949·862·7474 ISTHITICIAN uperl· enced tlC!lltnlNeWl>Oft S.1ch location clients war\lnt 94~~ 5818 FLORAL OISIGNlll 2S hrs a w .. k. Must be fully uperlenced COM 949 644·1413 Fr•• de.to rec:epbomsV Adm'" $9hr PT phone, 'ompuler Input. Backbay rrtness, Costa Mesa 949·631 5588 EOE GIMlUl OHICI H Ms.-~ proc.i, U'Rll booll ordn. ... ' manace office supplies. $kills, orpnlzed quldi. ~tar art.ii.. Heed w.i r*-o.non ._._,. lab stlOlflll' Fat -lof'.i~ 8900 or a mail pat®Calor1tl11n1 com pr. lr!Gy hlwp$ Sl«IOm THI IWfJS 4br lba 949-Q2' 1404 "-'Im 'l •Jt l piltkft. ( fide, badl bey 4br 2 !)C..., "'d ~ ? c p corm> townllome cli>' p . till yd p<ld. $2!al'rm ~J1..42Jt.> wf'lttc wd Ip deck. ~<' Employment Wanted MEDICAL ASST/lVN Aller(Y 80 ollll8 P/I om Mm. eap iw•f•red 8200 Fh raume 949-6-t4 ~l de-. $2150 949 701-04!:6 C11•• Jbr lb• ""l' f1m rnldenc• paho \ltp\ lo b1 y I c car ~I S2500949 ?93 4611 ()(JAlffllONT 3br ,... ~ IJVt...,,...... 2 c .... piollo. dim. lfta)I'() .-.1.ll~:lll• Newport Beach b ~ ,...,. to bU1 wd. ... lh, "' 2 ""' \IM(:C$, 122 441h SI "1'1.in 2 ~ puiMt orn ~ Winter $??00 rn Yrly WX!r'm 9119-!i.ll l'.f)J lbr 211• upper leval bayfronl unit pe11od 1tyl!, Sfl YU I c &If, •Ill S2800 949 293 4631 Uf S H ... , ••• 2400.1 larca E Pl1n. up~raded . upandtd S2895 Ownei 949 632 6489 Y1Aa1YWSIS llor , ....... 1iWt no. f1Nt H~ HOMIS condo. hbha ~ Ill CMIUHOY lllMTC>aS -tnt.11A1 flwn -•4' .. 7M161 5' S2!lOO 949 2!n 46."l> llDO ISll STUDIO Ou. V11, Clu t• IKh, lar1• clo"'' belh lrr Jbd. Jba w/retrHI lap CHA.. Ref COM, NP & HO Bch area In horM ure Day slutt p<ef.,red WnlKt B• 949 b46 2318 Employment 8500 A ... Wonolive Anktant M1t~1nlO\h co1nputer \k1ll1 Mtdlul Ollie~ Newpnrt Beach Sl?/hr lea•~ rnsa 949 280 8352 ......... '1231n 111J ...... ~ btl. fMU5, ,.,.....,. Q.o. b:do.\ ~ ;r. ,. .. nut. ' .. ,..,,. ., Pit 91&642-&m a .,... pat@C1lori•k1n1 com ~ASMIH f /n flta hrs, Ger;1 Men• clothlna store In t1hlon Island NPB To ut up an 1n lerv1ew call Ro b Cl111borne 949· 1!>9 1622 '/T, Ufllt typl109, will wor~ eround •chedule 11l1ry based on e.p 1)949 752 01861) '..a.Mc p>~ In NI Mells p1rt lune R/N. l \IN, or MA f u r91oume to 949·644 5904 Sales ........,,_ "'" twq b _,. 1111 cent.rs ... llW!e, '"""' ' Ntwport --Wt ,..., -""' & hippy l)9CJple tor ful or 1*1 tJmt polillons Em ployee discounu, full ....... ' nu.. td-.1 .... Cal ll(X).541-6176 ,_1or .... ~. Auk>moblles 9000 Automoaft -IMWU 2002 Sport Packa1e. 21 OOOm1lu 949 760 93!>1 COVE MOTOllNG IMW74011 '01 Blue arey Inter IV2843 Musi Sell IMW 140ll'Ol Wllote. rrey onter •V3951 Must Seti IMW 74011 '0 1 Silver. er •r Inter •'19942 Must Sell IMWMS'" Silver black inter •112897 Dw:ounted IMW MS'02 Silver. 1rey inter 1113962 Orscounted IMW •••so '03 414 Red. 11#7649 Must Sell IMWZS'96 Blac~ tan Inter 1111309 Creal Buy JAGUAa I TYPI ' 14 yellO'll #\l<I024 Creal Buy JAGUAa S-T1'1 '00 Green. tan Inter #V778J Musi Self JAGUAA lt.16 '97 Blick, ten inter 1V3548 Grt1I Buy 01~counted 'fS IMW US CO#· VT Wltrta/Tan. Auto, CO . Hice (038194) $17 900 'O I Merc•h• CLKSS AAIG Blfl/8111. Only 1811 ITlllH (18006, $49 900 '9S MHn4.• StSOO Comrl RMe Red. BoH, low Mtlas, Mus t Sell (107291) $26.900 "OOM~U.tO u. loaded, Nevi, low Milts (073237) $41,900 ., 'O I M,,_,,.laltl Id ... Auto. AC. low M1 lllleNe'll (221430) $13,900 '01 l//lltsulJ/olol M.m..-. s,,.r-t S1l~t1. Auto, l'ower Ever1lh1111 (013108) $17,900 'OZ Nia.-AHi'"" SL Auto, CO, Allo~. lthr (202551) Sl8900 ,,, MHa<Mt U20 W111te/T1n, CO Sharp (684789) Sl9.900 '99 T•pto 4illnfltr ""''" Loaded. Must Sau1 • rice • (094nJ) $16.900 : 'ff ,.,..ch lu1ffN : ,_,,, . Stiver >-111. CO. low • m1ln. creat pnce • (623482) $23 900 : 'OJ ,.,., ,~., : JCLT " lOk Ml, Like Hew, Loaded (A 18204) S23.ll00 '4t-6SO.m2 ~· ...... ....... •unny .. po1ure. SlOOOm •n MB. 2 dech . 'I.It 1ar. C-.Mttliy r........ Aa1 941).675 6161 $JOOO/ri>O 949 645 5972 I br Iba unit avatl now SIMn 609 llU•Ct\SUS Pllllt 949· 725·8535 SEll your stuff through classified! JAGUU XJI '00 CrHn. Ian Inter •1280 Discounted C4Hllllec 'U OeVlll. - (Hy Cett ... 2"4> I~. wd, Avell Dec 1 ulll incl Sl300+ dep 949 158 1254 IM9 235 4152 tltf. tlHt ~t, So of Hwy ov•t Incl r (II ,., • wd llkupt, d1sh10rr. no peh. Sl750/mo949 863 1390 OceeA wtewl Sunny COlltyd lnlry S. I stDry air + din a.. fii, 1ttall 2 c .. Comm pool S2Al50 Sm ptt o11. KIMI ~ 877 704 8649 ll204 www~lernpro com , JAGUAll XJI 'tt Wllltt/oetnMll ltlw, low,.. Rtd, tan Inter ml. beautiful or~nal COnd - •l/0859 Musi Sell ln11da & out. cli<m wt~ S•ll Y''"' Car 111 C/.iullfl•d I $3495 Bkr. 949 586 1111111 : JAOUU lJI 'tt .._ . ..-.-• p==:===m=i=m===m .. _;;;;;iii;iii;iiiiiiiiiim;mi.~iiiii::B:lu:'·~':'n~1:n:lu~i;ii.l.. .......... r;;;::=;:: STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • T"'-ltt4/ DtJHU'1'1M111 •I tht D.ti/y PiJ,1 b p'ftAmi to •nn01'Mt 1 """ strvitt l'tQW 1t11t1i"1/Jfl 10 MW busJMSn. ~ will now SF.ARCH tht n.cm.t for )01' itt no MN charir. •"" uw JOU tht tirnt 11,,J tbt trip "' tht <Avrt Ho"I# '" S.nt4 AM. Thnt. of eo11ru, •for tht l(t11'(h IJ complnN wt will fik J"fl" fiaitilfU businm ,,..~ Mtnnmt with tht C.unt] Ckt~ piJ?lish '""' ~ wtt• for four wtth Al ~uilff;, l.111 •M thm ftil JO"' prr10f of publk.tJ:i1n wilh tht Cn111y CM. P!Last stop bf "'fill JOlll' fi(t/doUt bu.ti111u 1t.1tmL 11Aummt., the Dllil] PJ/41, J30 W. 8111 St, ~MM. lf J'* tVfllldt 114/ ... p/.tAlt e1U"' •t (949) 6-12-1321 •""wt U'IU moth .,,.,,,,,,,,,,.11 for JO*,. ,..,.JJ, tltU //Wtdll.f'f"' ,,,.;J, If 1'1" shou/J httt1t ""l fon/IW tptstUN, pk1.1t MJJ "'11tJ Wt wiJJ k ''"'" tlwn tlaJ IO dllist J'" Ci#tJ ffd in JO*' Miii Hsin.tlJ! ... ~ Pilot , r;ODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE Bridge Bv CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF aid TANNAH HIRSCH ACROla I WtllMI QUt ol Ult of holly 11 ltflon nf l<Mlt 1& Stop,*> p~ 21 Allin CIPbl 22 Ml. Vetaugo 23 Comedian -KoYla 24 Thlinl<1, to MIU!b 25 c.r.nionln 2e Type ol blockade 27 Curly-1lilild poooti 28 Print:lple 29 Slit Lake City athlete .30 Locatlone 32 Mustcal "'*9 34-vildet 38 lndl81'1 title of respect 37 Plllnt gold 39Fury 40 RorMn gatmentS 42 Drtll agt. A3 Matt<et 44 Pizarro roe 48 Chiquita prodUct • 48 Slefeo system (hyph.) 50 Kind ol daisy . 53 PfOde 54 Week-ending Cheer 56 Butterllles·to-be 60 Thumb a ride 81 Simmer 82 - -unto hlmtelf 84Mltgivlng 85 Slngi.s 88881hot 88LDpslded 70Wlld plum 71 Nlbokov novel 72 Too big a hurry 73 Roadie geat 7(5 Common Cause founder n Bed-end-breakt89t 78Wad<bs 80Badmark 83 Burned with steam 85 Gemian conn.etor ., Bret!UIY Pllflo< • 87 P9dro'• unc:l4t 88 Pompeii ., 02 Let go r 941.eelot 98Bllss 89 R811.11\ 101 Atwltfl, In Y11'89 102 lnqun ~ 10. MO employer 105 "G""91d" ~ 107 Watc:hbllnd8 108 Coolc1 In wi. 111 Bvbble - 112 Teare to piec. 114 M11. Teeedlle 115~ 118 Sediment 117 Tenedous 119 Scelllon kW'! 121 Tablet 122 Shoftltop -RffN 123 F'tl)'llc:i9t'• ltudy 125Tango~ 127 Orab colors 128~1rip 131 Oebate llde 133 Herma n'• Hefmits lead 134 Caveman trom Moo 135 OVerllow 139 Leather-working tool 140 "Bottoms upr• 142 What RN1 dl$pen98 143 Flan tinder 145 MA suggetdon 146l.oosen 146Pereh 150 Mont.na neighbor 152 Kauai greeting 1541mpudence 16S Behave theatrically 158Pubbrew 157 Premier -Castro 159 Cafeteria amenltlea 159 Had supper 160 Outbufldlngs 161 Aowi of seats C111fornl1 l1w re· quirts that contr1c· tors t•~lna Job• th1t tot1I $500 or more (lebor or m1tlrl1ls) be lk:ll\lld by tlll Contrectors St1t1 llctnH Boerd St1t1 lew 1tso r1qulru t111t contrectora lnclud1 their llc1n11 number on •II 1dvertislna. You cen check thl stltus 'of your llc1nud contr1ctor 1t www.calb.ee.aov or 800·32J.CSl8. Unll· cen11d contrectora t•ltln1 lobs th1t tol•I leas then '500 muat 1t1t1 In their 1dv11t111m1nll t111t th•~ •re not llc11111d by th1 Contttctors n1t1 l lc1n11 Boerd." C.,..lltp*1'1tea A-.1 ,.. ... ~CAJt,IT(tCMl'no Repalrt, P1lchin1, 11111111 Coutt1ou1. 1ny ala lobs. Whollultl 949-492·0205 DOWN 18houldef~ 2 Weet lndlel republo 3 PC cNp melcer 4C~tcpper 5Smooch 6 Lady ftom Madnd 7 Batter'• piece 8 ~the englnt 9 -Ray Hutk:ln 10 Cider unlit 11 Serl ' 12 Sitcom planet 1 ~ T ennyeon h«olne 14Glant 151ntpeet 16'Mernset11>'1 nanny 17 Irritate 18Stend up 19 Look down on 20Buhful 31 Blgger than elite 33 Ottoman official SS E..n onete" 38 Brake pal1a "° Kind of wine 41 °Coamoe• host 43 Computer menace 45 Extreme ~ree 46 U88d a parachute 47 Completely 81111 49 Onlfne Info 50RNI 51 Swami Of guru 52 Vatllty (hyph.) 53Shake up 55 Type of bean 57 Not yet expired 58Solo 59 Flx a manu1Crlpt 81 Porgy'• love 63 Unites 88Forglvea 67 Mexican fare 68Dlna 69 Fruh juices 72And so 74Frecas .76Wet 79 Mu.until Yllhlcle 81 Capt. .. hliading 82El~wtmen 84 Hawaii .. Ma\h - 88Vlklng't~ 89 BtJll..rlding event 901nepec1ing 91 Ot'oop-noMd flleta 92Nul1ured 93Addl up to 9'4 lntull 951.obbed 981.lkeneee 970tove tOOEuraelanr.ige 103 Mo. t>IP'"M 108 Psydllc -Cayce 108 Song Of tr1t.mpn 110L11<eahoute- 111 Seize forclbly 113Harden 118 Lion'• quartera , 18 Pier 120GIW!ed 121 Sketching tools 122 Immature butterfly 124 At anchor 126 Promoted m.i. 127 Contributors 128.Jeef 129 Proprietor 130 Prefix for violet 132Wynonna's mom 134 -and aahed 136 Crumble ttWay 137 Surgeon's need , 38 Lunch end brunch 140Catches a gtlmpeeof 141 I.alee bird 143 POIJtry herb 144 Finn'• trenaport 147 Doon ooverlng 149 Sault -Mane 151 Not a dlt "'- 1~ &2, to Livy Bestplaca In ttte world to adnrtlMI Cell tod8J to place yo.r ad Cl .. lfled 142-187. TRUST 11w. AUCTION <.. Neithct vulnenlblc. Wat deals. Wc)t'• wtak 1wu-~ opcnin& bil.I did whnl any rood p(Cempl of\on does-pme • dilTICUll biddin& prob-lem for South. P1ve clublt wa~ 11 prac. llCAI retlt.'tioo IO West's incmpc. and It wnuld have been pu\lllanlmous for Nonh 1)()1 to l'llse 10 the club slam. WIST e KQJ 1076 <::1 64 I EAST •4 Occlaret won lbe 1ee or~~ on11 bllntyed hU:G0>pec16. The O IOY •984 ~ Q8J.2 o KQ!4 J2 •73 allOOlllll.'ed Wt· p8(k Ml.it al hi\ Jen ~ll"tSle<l '*1 aka. Tiie hc1111s :IN a p®!nli:al soutte or di'IC1ll'd~. but dummy entries are al 1 ~mi um. Yet, if the all(lC)on is to be bcllcvcd, there is a virtual sure-Irick Une !hat wilJ 'UCS:CCd agai~r anything bl.It a 5-0 club dbtritiulion. SOUTH • A985J <:? K! o Vold •AKJlO.Sl 'Ruff a \pade in du'mmy \\cllh the queen (lhc auc11<111 warn\ )'OU tlull ruffing low will prove (uulc). Return 10 hand with a trump and draw the oolWUKling llllfllP.'· dilll:W\Jing dia· monds from dummy Now cash the king of hell!b 11nJ take the hcan fincSM:. F.a,t c11n win bul, since the !kfendcr h~ OOlhmg ld1 hul red cord<., any rc1urn will bring the table bad to lift, allnwing yoo 1n p11ch yl)Ur spade losm on tilt board'~ red· Wll WIMCl'S! ~dd~ 2• .... ..... 6• .... Opening lead: Kin& of • Study tbe diagram above •hen decide: Would you rather pluy 11f defend siA clubs afier the lead "' 1hc kingof~fl 9004 Automotive 9004 Automotive 9004 COVE IOToutG AUDIA4 '00 Black, w/1r1y inler #110802 Discounted IMWSUl'OO Black. w/lan tntpr #\12813 Discounted IMW 32810 '99 Black. tan lnler •V9978 Must Sell IMWS211 '98 Brontz. tan Inter fl\15497 Must Sell IMW S211a 'OO Green, tan inter #110567 Oiscounl"d IMW 5401 '99 Blue, arey Inter #112111 Must Sell IMW 74010 '00 Blick, Ian Inter #119435 D1scourited I MW 74010 '00 Brontz, tan Inter #119158 G1eat Buy IMW 74011 '01 Silver. p 1y #118605 Great Buy IMW 74011 '99 Anth11c1t. erey #115063 Grut Buy IMW14011'01 Blue. erey lnler #112843 Gr Ht Buy IMW 74011 '01 While, crey Inter •113951 Discounted IMW74011 '01 Silver. a• ey Inter 11119942 D11counl1d JAGUAll lUI '00 Green, l•n inter # 1280 Gre•I Buy JAGUAll XJI '99 Rod, Ian mter #1/0SS'l 01scounled JAGUAR XJI '99 Blu~ tan mter #\1]'147 Great Buy LAND ROVEii 'O I 4 6 Br ontz, tan Inter #V8822 MU\I Sell MlllCIDES C230 '02 Bl"'k. black Inter •V9?// Greil Buy MEACIOIS C240 '02 Bu111~ndy, 11rey mt~r #V0365 D1:.count1d MfRCIDfS CLK·SOO '03 While. blat k 1nler #\16781 D1\COUnltd MfllCIDIS El20 '01 Blatk, black Inter #VS4S8 Mu~I Sell MERCEDES U20 WA '01 G1on, t•n 1nt~1 #V4">8 I Mu•I Sell MIRCfDU Ml'20 '01 Black #V9llll Oiscnunterl MlllUDU Mlll20 '01 Black. black 1"'" #V3467 Dlscn11nt,.d MlllCfDES SSS '02 Silver black 1nlPr #\13447 Gr,.•I Buy MlllCID'S S 1500 '00 White, Ian ln\e1 #110580 Grnal Buy PORSCHE 996 '99 IMW M3 '91 Buraundy Ian ml•r Sllvllf, black inter •V2">92 C1 ul Buy 1\12897 GrHI Buy IMW Ml ,02 POllSHE CARRERA '99 lllut' ar•y 1nl~1 Sliver. &rey Inter #\16049 ll1'c<111nted #\13962 Mu51 Sell COVI MOTOlllG I.AND AOVIR 'O 1 4.6 Brontz, tan lnler #118822 Great Deal MlttCIDIS C230 '02 Black, bl•ck lnler #V9277 Discounted MIRCIDIS C240 '02 Buraandy, arey mter #\10365 Musi Sell MUtCIDES CLK-SOO '03 While, black 1nler 1V6783 Great Oul MIRCIDIS U20 '01 Black. black 1nl~r #V5•">8 Groat Dul MUtCIDIS U20 WA ·01 Grun Ian inter #114581 Mu\I Sell MERCEDES MIS20 '01 Black #V9t 18 Mu1t Sell MERCEDES Ml320 '01 Black. black 1nlt1 #\13467 Di.counted MERCEDES SSS '02 Sliver. black lnlor #VJ.«7 D1scounl•d MERCEDES S 1500 '00 White. t~n mtor •110!>80 Gr eat OeJI PORSCHE 996 '99 Buraundy Ian 1nler •V2">92 Musi Sell POllSHECARllEllA'99 Blue, arey inter #V6()4q O"wunted PORSCHECARllERA'99 Black. blatk mte< 11111068 Discounted OUAU MANGUST '01 Silver, black mler #110139 Must Sell VW PASSAf'02 Silver. 11rey mte1 IMW Rl ISO '03 414 Red. POllSCHl CAlllllllA •99 •113655 Musi Sell 949-6~S91S Blnrk hlit• k IOI" •111068 Must Sell 1117649 Must Sell IMWU'96 Black. ta111nt•r QUALi MANGUST '01 Ford '65 Mu1ton9 S1lv•1 bl~· k fnl~r Conv e1 l1ble 011alnal 1\11309 Dl\counled JAGUAR l fYPE ' 14 yellow •v•024 Musi S•ll JAGUAR 5-TYPE '00 Green. Ian inle1 #V7783 Great Buy JAGUAR XJ6 '97 Black. Ian inter #113548 D1Scounted 1\10139 Mu•! Sell owner. $Ol1d • ., . nust VW PASSAT'02 Silver lf~Y 1nler #1136">5 D1scounled 949·6~S91S CORVETTE '16 CPl Auto. ec all power. white/red Inter, beau. runs strone. S8600 obo 949 244 3324 w S1&!m OOo ~ 71~29ll Joguor '00 XICI Convt black/tin 33k ml. n~w 18" f1ctory chrome/ tires •lnl cond S41 000 obo 562 412 8801 MERCEDES 400E '9 2 118. Po-. clftan, weft lfllllMhld. dasK, 179< "" tiJ5() obo 96673-1655 Aoor1ng/Til1 Handyma,Y LWY ._, Repeired Home Repair Hoose Cleanlng WITTHO .. Y HYWAll All phaSH am/Ira Jobs. <UANI 20yra, fair, free est. L4'XXllO 714-639-1447 Electrtcll Servlca SMALL JOI rx,.llf locel. Quick'ttHpon11 Home, Yerd a. Doell EhKt Z> Yrs bp 1M1c1m Ellc1rlc ll2'J5810 ~7042 I .l.C. llectrlc low prices locll contJ teto. no job too vr111. no job too Illa. Ma upon~ UCl~U111lt (714)142-1410 U<INSIO CONTaACTOtt No job too vn. M w\lbll Aep1lr, remoo.t. fins, ..,a, new JVC !M!Mi6-36!'16 flttwood R1arout1n a. Installation TIU 0£AN !M9·67J.8065 GFJCEIALIEPJ\lll 714-84M526 714-88.l-3)31 ' MAINll'.NANCE YrH Servl<o, Yard Cl11nup, M1lnltnance. Sprinkler R.ip1lr, H1ulln1 (949) H0-1711 ·~•Commdal olob 7bo Small At.AN THI HANDYMAN All work 1u1rant11d ~ Eilctrlcll, Doors. finish Clf'p .. -~ c .. 111--. &¥1 Clfpenlry • Plumblnl Of"ywail • Stucco P11ntln&. Tilt a. more 20+ Ytlfl bpttltncll ,II 11.-..ff~S71' lwfl_.... • .., ..... yowr h11110. Scr1p1 celllnp, TutUft wills, Cllfpentry, Tilt & Appoxy floort ,lty 949-4\2·5518 20, ..... ~. n. ...... ""' ...... ,_ utreodln•lrt. loc11l1 Owned&. Ooet1t1d S111c1 1983 049 306 51175. 111111111 JUN• TO THI OllMPlll 71081·1882 AVAll.A8~E TOOAYI t4.f.67a.55M • ....... C..tal a-.i.. Svc SerVlnll D C. for 2!lyrs ra.dlnlial/sm bus Free est 949 ~ 949'637 4113 HovH <1-ln .. hp'd W~ly/Bl·Wkly/Monl111y Reh. Greil 11tHI l1Nld1 1149-548-4285 949-~ Moving & storage --~ - .'i I · ... I\ f, ~ , 0 1 I •, ' I ' " ,/ 115' MOVllltS $SS/Hf. Slrvln1 All Cities ln1u11d Tl63844 323.997.1193 323-630·9971 cell PUBL C NOTICE Th• Calif. Public Ullllllu Commi11lon requlr11 that 10 uaed houuhold aooda movera print their P.U.C. Ctl T numbtr; llmo1 •nd Chtulltura prlnl their T.O.P' numbtt' In 111 •dv11 lls.rnenh If you htv• •ny qu.,llon1 1boul lh• l111llty of • mover, llrno or chtulltur, ull, l'VIUCUTIJTID COMMISSICHI 111..-.1 Chun9'1 .... 'llYr1 aiip GrHI Prlcel Qua11nletd work Fr11 nL l#37S602 714-538·1534 7·390·2!M5 .. 'S CUtToM rAINTING Profl, cl11n, quaHty w()fk lnterlor/ut ind dochs. U703468 949·.tOO-l 054 ,.,....,,. '•lt1tl119 Top Qutllly. Comptlltlve lnt11 lof IE x t L "648228 Call J•y 949·650·5066 IWNIOW CllC1I MAlfT Palnt1n1""11xt. HouM/Apt Qu11lty Jobi FrM esllmat1 L#569897714 636 8888 ____ Sond __ ay-....• Nov~ 9, 2003 15 AlllGnNJllW -AllDmGIW - lANDIOVll NIWPOIY llA(H 'Nl-'ltww ~w VI Only 4lk mllt1, 7 PHt. du11 sunroof <~SV.995 "Ot •MW IZSd P11mium sj)Ol1 1>111. N1viset1on S~tern, 28h ml. (42J!IVNj8'D)) 129,995 ""'-' ....... ..... ow Ettt.rt.tment. ( 420tl,/404li07) S23.99S 111a-y~tr .... ()ad -is. IM>. mnrf &mor~ (CV~lll619) $29.& ""'-' ........ ._HSI l~ mnrf. CXl. lo nl. (41541413716) V9 99!i '01 MW S1SI lf-1 PrlriAm~~ wheel!. (4251,Ql4073) Sll:Y, w.,,_..._ MUOO Only l6k mi. ~lion rOM stweo & more (427!i{32.loe!i) $.ll,995 'VllMWJCS4K.f Only 32)\ miles. Nev • (~~$41,995 1U.._._SUO Only 6K milla. ctwome (~) S62,995 ,,,~ 118, Tow pl\&. etc (292259) $?1.99& ,,, ,.,.,,...._ 46. Now. n (448488) 949-6404445 1.ANDROVll NIWPOrflUOI l111z11 '99 Amigo 3 2 Ill. IUIO. loaded, 2 mnrl, •lnl cond $6999 v4L DG">40 GMC '99 5-, pewter. Sspd, •Int 1st ow~ truck. Ol'if 46 mo. $5999 115W469113 ford '92 AerHtar, auto, •II pwr must see lo beheve $3199 v3BHJ036 Morcwy '99 ~ W"8Pf1 IJeerl only fillll m4, xlnt lamly car. xlnt l.Ond, $5999 v41 OC347 o..,y "()1 ~LS Ol'if ~lk ml K88 1!UiO wiUI wt1olc .,. prrce. sail prlte Slim~ Do4eo '98 Coravon LE \16, 3 8Ur aulo, I pass, loaded. 1 Int shape $6999 •OC 12 Md! '98 "-val CS, 116, 3.lltr 11418!.lw&e. lop of lhe line must -w believe S89'J3 lnCI ONN tee.s. ffOC l?345 Chevy '99 lloaor V8 4 Jltr hl&h output LS series. loadod, mu•I see, $8440 •">376 Morawy '95 s.i.ol Sedln. x~ 'JtWll8 I .-y ~ ~t. must -$3499 l!.M:l2 ~ ,,, l2300, red. ~ Ol'if SI.JI Ill. x~ wall lruck ex 1st ~ whde $9799 ~157 TOMATO AUJO SAUS 714-37~2115 714-437 -1931 LAND ROVU 2000 D•stovery II S07, dual moonrh. rear )ump seats, heated scat fat war1 36.000 ml S21.900 11289539# Performance l TO 949 650 ">860 'lltlCISI PWMllNO Repelrs & Remodelln1 FREE ESTIMATE Ll687398 714-!Y>9·1090 uxui sc.oo •• , Tr•cUon control. l111ltd •ub, overdrive, mnrf, cltrom• wllls, ntw llrt1. N1ktm clll sound 111. )2 china• td, spollw blue/ t•n h!ah ml, very d1&11 $9750 949·244·3324 Nleu1r1 'ti c ... ,,. Xl 2dr, Slpd, 1old, A/C, •m fm cus. oda l1dy owner booh, records, suptrb cond throught, $1900 '1R56nl 8kt 9&5116 UBI www.o~oltl.com RANGI ttOVER '2000 4.0 SE like n1w, 17,000 mi, cd cli1n1er n.vla• lion system. full facloty w.,r, bl1ck/tan. 131,500 11443121 Petform•nce L TO 9"49·650·5860 Sovtli c ... t Svltorv ,,,,.., Sale Price .. $21,995 F eclor y Rebale .. S2.000 NE1 COST $19,995 '03t.,...cy~ $3500 Off MSRP (Modlls 3BU, 38T. 38P, 38Q) 'O.f #..,,, ,,,,.,...,., XS UlOO Off MSRP (Modll 4CG) '04 INw WU' w...-.,. UlOO Off MSRP (Model .,_C) '99 °""-' w...,... Sl5,988 (7!00435) '02 WU Hclarl S20.888 (523706) ·oo .. rs..-. l">.988 (12114!>1) '011-Wav-,. 13,988 (105219) '02WIU'Wopn 19,888 (820576) P\a eo-vnent lees end taxes. 111PJ l'nlwa dw11115 and 1llPJ emrMlf1 tm1i11 dw&e. M ~ sqect lo pro ... ~ expns do5e ID bu5ress. dtrf al pi)lc:abor1 86&-764-1111 seutt. Cam s.l.v AUTOMOBILES, MISCBJ.ANEOUS Wanted 9045 IUY...,_, ruYW11 ex rd. TnJdG. Viii'&. Pl)' Cash. Fnr T~ We oorna to )(kl w/al!JH Pay $50.SIOOJ!iOO 949-221-5641 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 loot Sllp 12 beam 40• lenath Bay f1land Cove aru. W•l•r/power In • !uded 949 922 1777 SOft Prlvote Dodi fn Rhtne Chan11el avail 11/15 weter & ele<.. on :slle S900/mo Tod 949 nl·9490 lofboo hlond allp for up to 5011 boat, uil or lower pr of1le powerboat preferred 949·675·4847 Crodentlole4 T 1echtr avlll lor lutorln1 1n 111 1ubjects lt·8 R1fe11ncts 1vail Ol•n• 9-49-689· 719'1 SELL your stuff through classified! ... •, ... PILICAN CREST 949.644.9060